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Tha following diagrams iltustrata the mathod: Las axamplairaa originaux dont la couvartura en papiar ast imprimia sont filmAs an commancant par la pramiar plat at an terminant soit par la darniira paga qui compona una empreinta d'imprassion ou d'illustration, soit par la second plat, salon la cas. Tous las autras axemplaires originaux sont filmAs an commandant par la pramiAra paga qui comporta una empreinta d'imprassion ou d'illustration at en terminant par la derniAra paga qui comporta una telle empreinta. Un das symboles suivants apparaitra sur la darniAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE '. le symbole ▼ signifie "FIN". Les cartea. planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent itre filmAs A des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etra reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film* A partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche A droite. at de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOfY RISOIUTION TKT CMA»T lANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 7) M ^^PPLIED IM.'IGE I ^^ ("6) 288^ 5989 -Fo. REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME VIII: MOLLUSKS. ECHINODERMS. COELENTE RATES. ETC. PART E: KOTATORIA By H K HAPRTG SOUTHERN PARTY 1913-1916 G (c,7o b 6 70 1913 V . 008 p t . E OTTAWA i-. A. MLANU FBINTEK TO 1111. kl\(,> MOST .'..XCEILENT MAJliSTV I'v J 1 Issi. IVirl A. N(>l;l |ll,l!\ l'\l! M , • ■' ■- 'iv \ iil,j,,iTiHir Stofim— i, /.,,„,,,„.«'..... I'ari H M'l 1 111 H\ ; \i; i '1 ^M.'. li, i;,,,l,.||,i, M-,,i,., \,, i- r-.t- /.; j.../,,!,-.,',,,,,,! VOI.IMi: II: MAMMALS \M> RIKDM r,.ii \ \I.\MM\!- <<]■ Ui:,-.ll.|;\ \I{(TI( AMKRKA. I!y Hu l..!/,!, Mariiii An.|.T-..n. I'.rt i; UIIill>! ( r|(»\-. h^ I-. i„.:l , II, .wilt (/»-i|.,.' />..,,„/„,• ;i;, /■/?i/) I'.iit \: <'i>l,l,l \1H(>1. \. Itv ,l,i- I- V. I ,|,,,in (/.y ir, l)i|il.T;l ■.■xrliliiMlu rii,u,;.|.i. ( ';lll' |.l;pi. lU I , U \I ii,.,.ii , . , I ■ ■ ,■ d .1 ul; I ',. tStt'J < I'mti I> MAM.IH'irACiA AM) A\OIM.ll!\ .M:,ll..pliM;-;i. Hy \. V. [VaI t Aij j;il'ir;i. lU ( .. r. i I'vri^ i:M C. I(. !•'. S'uitill . . . . i l-<.i:ii I ■•<■ ]'l>ml" r I .'. I^illij IVri I, " itI.l:(H'li:i!A. r.iri-l In-, t ■. iiiilii.lin; I,', l.r, (■•r.iiiiliyi'j.liu. aii'l Hu|.i'-ihl*. Hy .( M.-u:iin.'. (•.ir;d.i,l;l-:ni,l .~i l|)liitla-. I!y II. ('. l;.ll. < 'M.' i.-.fUi Uv l'.I:i(i'ri(lii'. ( 'lirv-. "ii.'liil;p iinti Uliviii'li(i|iliui:t. i i;x(.luiiiiiK I|i..l!i..> Hy C. U. Ix-nit. I '\ M-. ll.... IJv .1. I). --!l .IHi.iri, .Ir (Ins i'4 I): r, nlf-r I?. l:i!!l\. I'l.ri I , lirMil'l :;({A. Ilv i: Iv.arl l-. WmDii,... ' 1^^ ■■■i .hJi/ 11 i::iHj. i:,n <■■ IM MINOITIHA AND I'l.VNI' <; M.I.S >..>v,li,-<. iT,.r!ti.r.'.l,ii,,l,l..,,,. Uy Al.'i. I ), Ma. ; ;illiv::i> . I'aiajin.. iI\'iii.Mi.ipl..ra. U\- * 'tmrl.'- 'IV IIiij.m. Uai;US. Mines AM> MVHIM' >1>S. S|,i, Hy .1. H. I'.hi.Tt .... Min-s. Hy Xaih'in Hanl>-. Mvriap".!-. Hv Haipli V. Cham!.. rl;ii ./....uu/ Julii II,. i:>!H). I" ri I: I,I-'.I'II)I)!'TK1{A. Hv Artliir (ll!)-.)n (liisHid Jniiwtnj li). IHSm, I'nii.I: OKTIKU'TIIHA. Hv !■:. M '.Valki- (/is/W .S. ;.'.m'..- 4, /.■':'"!. I'ari K; I\>l.'.(r JM-E ON THK WKSIl.KN AIICTK; COAST OF AMKRICA. Uy I riU .l.iliaiH'.n {In p'-'s-i) VOUMK IV: IIOTAXY Pan A: 1 Ui..-l!\\ AI.CV. \NM 1 H1;( U.VH P!.\NT.- Hv .(ajn.-^ M. Ma>-..un anil 'l'hi'(.. llaini . v/.,.,, .;'. Xll.lAIf VII: t Kl STAC i: A l':irtA; i )!.'<' \ Pol) i I! ! > !M 1..V \ -. lU Marv .1. If ilil.iirn . .(l.tsi,. ,1 AM/iial Is, IDIH) . Part H; >:( 'lllZora il ) t li 1 STACI. VNS P.\ ", I. S..Iiipitt (/*«'i'rf .S. /... m.Vr 2.', /,9;,''i. Part C: Cl'M.M T: \. Hv W. T. ( alt . ..; (/.v.v. ./ (hi,Mr 15. i:r> Parti; P'l CNOI ;('N"!I)A. Hv 1. •. t- I. ' '.il.- ,. {Issn.d .huiwr:, ^,. n^.l'. Part <;; i;i Pin M.ol'oDA. Hv 1 . ,l..lia'.>. i. . ( /;i /..', ;,.,,.■/..)«). Par! H; t'I..\I)l>t'i;HA. Hv fh:,ii....v .ludtii . .''■■ ■',! June JS. IH!0). Purt 1 ()STH.\<'()P-\. Hv U. W. Sl);irp- : In i,r,p'in,iion). Part . I l.Ui;sll\V.\li;i! cilPl l'iH>.\ Hvl . !)«iKlit Mar
  • PI.;p01 1.\ Hv tii'irl..< U. Wilson {Ii.<'ied Auyu^l 6. W!Oi. Part M: ('IHHII'i:i:I \. Hv 11 .\. Pi'-t-irv i7ti ,.rf;.,irn'i..i). r REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME VIII: MOLLUSKS, ECHINODERMS, COELENTERATES, ETC. PART E: ROTATORIA By H K HARRINO SOUTHERN PARTY-1913-1916 OTTA A F. A. ACLAND PRINTER To TllK KINOS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY t«»lt;i D.-. ?nb. Xitliiiniil Mii'iiitn. \\ lifii llif ( aiiaili.'iM Arctir i Apulii imi ua-' iiiuaiii 'i il witli Mr, .lanw?* Milli':iy if* iici'iiiiiiKraplirr and inariiii' liioluui-l. all 'tii ■lit-' iil the rolifcrx Idiiknl lunvanl In a cuii-iilrraliif iiictta^f ui uiir know Iciluc nl' tlic Kri>ii|» and lii(|Mcl lur a rrpi liliiiii III \t'\* siii'(i>-. ill llic Aiitarclic as liidjciui-f ol' the Sliarklr- tiiu |i\|i(i|ilidii Till -. I \pi'('tatiiiii-< were Iril-I rated (liruimti |ii« dralli tnlluwiliK tin- U»s lit till Kiirhii. aiiil tlif canir nl all iiilliii»ia-li(' iialiirali-t and tirili>f wnrki r wa^* lirmiulit to an tiiitiiiiil\ ctid. Nn dtlur iiu riilitr nl the cxiicditinii wa-i alilf tn iiiak'' >|>i(ial cnlli clii.iiv nf rntilVr*. liiit llif irciural plaliktuii cnllct'- tinii- mailt' liv llif marine liinlnni-t nl' the sniitliern party, Mr. l'rit« .Inhaiiscn, ('niitallled a enn^idirali ■ nillnliet nl rntiler-, wliirli were a->iKIied tn the writer fnr a report. Snnie CI lei'tinii!' mad 'ly Mr. .1. M. .le«^^lp wliiie .ncrviiiK mi the Alaskan Uniiiiilary Survey have n included, as they lielnnn tn the same laiiiial area ami add somewhat In niir> knowledge of the ilistrilmtinn of the Hotat.iria in the Arctic. Niiinally all that we kimw nn this subject is to lie fniiiid ill Hc-'ienilal's Znr linlalnrienfaiina (ironlands ;|K'.l2i, ami the value of thi- i> somewhat miiiimi/ed hy hi- unfamiliaril\ with the nmup prinr to his visit to (ireenlaiid. ^\'hill the species reported on here ;ire not very numerous, ((I in !ill, they turni-h ;iildilinnal, even if su|)i rilou-, evidence that clunate is not directly u factor in rntiler distrilnitinn. I'nur new species are de-eiilied, amnnu which a pelaii'C Si, Ill-lull If is ui -.pecial inlire»t. as it is an addilinn tn the istremely .small iiuml>er nf rntifer- known to e\i-t in the open ocean in water oi normal salinity. The total al'sence of the neuu- linnhiiiiiHs, s,, aluiuoant elsewhere, is notewiirlhy ; I5er(ieiidal mention- two -pecies of this neniis from (!"eenland, liut his notes nn ihese fnrilKs inal-.e it somewhat dolllitful whether n .illy foimil any Hrachinnids. I am indelited to Mr. Frank J. Myers, if the .\merican M i-eum i atural History, A'ew York ("ity, for drawini; the plates accompanying t!i'- njiort. Wi OUDKIl Pl,olM.\. FAMILY NOTOMMAT . t. Notommata copeus lihrenlieni. A few specimens of this s|i,.ci,.s were collected liy .lessup in lakes nn ( .Id Crow river flats, .V) n.ile> imrth of New Rampart Hnu-e. nn .July 10, 1(111. Notommata cyrtopus (losse. Several specimens iiciirreil in a collection frnii'. a jjniid near mw Hampart House, at the Internatinnal I?niindarv and I'orcuiiiiie river, made Ky[) on June IL'. KUI. Proales sordida Crosse. .K few sp< ciniens in a collection made hy .Iihansen amnnp; mof^ses and alfSSP frnm a pond .".t Chantry islai.d, 1% rrard luiltur, I i Ij liin ; nd I'l.icn strait, on June 17, I'JIO. 4e Canadian Arctic Expedition, 191S-1S Diaschiza forficata CEhrcnhore). Diasrhizd rniry Johanscn frcjni a pond on tlir ridge at Bernard harbour, on July 3, 101(>. Diaschiza gracilis fFlhrenherfij. Common among alfiae growinn on stones in river hed at Hernard harbour, Auttust l(i. KM'); aliundant in ponds on the ridge at Bernard harbour, July 3, 19H). Both collections were made by Johansen. Diascliiza gibba (IChrenberg). In a collection made by Johansen from ponds on the ridge at Bernard harbour, July 3, I'.tK), rare. In Jessup's collections from a nm.skog lake. 28 miles north of New Hami)art House, Jime 2'^, I'Jll, rare: lakes on Old Crow river flats, 40 miles north of New Rampart House, Jul;- 3, I'.UI, few; lakes along the International Bound;uy, }S miles north of New Bam])art, July 7, 1011, few; pools at Fort Yukon, .Ma.' 24, 1912, rare. Dicranophorus forcipatus (.Muller). Diglrtin Jdriiiinta Hunsox and C.osse, Rotifera, 1880, vol. 2, p. .')(), pi. It), fig. 2. Collected by .bihansen among algae growing on stones in the river bed at Bernard harbour, August Hi, KM"), few; bv Jessuj) from lakes on Old Crow ri flats, 40 miles north of New Rampart House, July 3, 1011, few. The tioj/iii of these Arctic specimens have oidy fiv<' large, relatively blunt, teeth in .'ibdii.iiin. from which it is separated l)y a slight constriction at th(> level of the gastric glatxls. Th(> ;ibdomeii is eylindric nearly its entire length; ])os- teriorly it is slightly reduced at its junction with the foot, which has two joints of nearly e(]uai length. The toes are short, about one twentieth of the entire length, bl:ule-sh.Mi)ed and slightly decurved, with slender, acute i)oints. The corona is terminal; the lateral, marginal cilia are longer than the rest and form rudimentary auricles. The dorsal anteinia is a small, ciliated pit in the normal position; the lateral antennae are on the i)osterior fourth of the abdomen. The trophi are forcii);tte and of a rather umisual type. The rami are of the normal lyrate form, terminating in a strong, pointed tooth; on the inner etlge, about mid-length, there is an additional fairly large, pointed tooth. The fulcrum is unusually well (h'veloi)ed, its h'Ugth being fully cpial to the length ot t!u- rami. Till' linci are .'ibcrrant; a sinpir, sliort and robust tooth, hinged to the ranms at mid-length on a knob-like ei)iphysis, ai)i)ears to represent th(> uncus i)roper; it is connected to the manubrium through a rather slender bar, enlargeil at the i)osterior end, and nearly as long as the tooth itself. The h'tri)iii:l\- curved, su that tliiir posterior ends meet in the median line. The liar interveninji hetween the uncus and manulirium is proh- al)ly only a local siierificatioii ol the walls of the mastax. developeici nlnim rifciiu Ilarrini;; coiniiarison may he made with Kmen- triiiii ( = iJifili nil) liofsli III de I'leaucliatnp, which shows a simpler static of the same develoiJtnent. The unci and the sU|)|)lemeiitar\' piece are no dotlht closely joined to the rami, the several pii ce> moving tonether \iitu.'illy as a unit. The oesophagus is loufi and -lender, 'j'he jiastric uland- are eloniiatc oval and fairly lai'tic; they open into the stomach very close to the junction with the oesophagus. There is no con-tricliou lietween the stomach and intestine. The ovary is f.iirly larjic and of somewhat irregular (jutline. \ small bladder is present. The foot tilanld ('row river tiiits, iifl miles north of New Hamiiart Hotis(>, visited by ,l(-sii|) on .lul\' 1 1, 1911. Keratella quadrata (Muller). Ainiriicd (iruleitto Htu.soN and riossK, Hotifera. ISMl, vol. 2. p. 12:5, pl.2!l This species is widely distributed in the Arctic; it was tound in the follow- f inp; localities; amonn alpiae in a brackish lattoon west of Martin point, arctic Alaska, July 2S, 11)14; in freshw;iter plaidvton from the lake s<>uth of Bernard harbour, November 2H. lOlo; May 0 an; hy .lis-iiip in a piml .it White Ilnrsc, ^'llk(ln 'I'crrituiy. Jiinr II, l".M I : pcmil near New Haiiipart House. International ]?(iiMHlai\' and I'diciipine river. June 12. 1011: lakes on < )|(l Crow ri\(r flats, Pt miles north of New Hanipart IIoiist>. .Inly :i, P.lll; lakes (in Old Crow river Hats, .")."> miles north of New liainpart House, .hily 1(1, lUI I : lakes on Old (row river Hats, till miles north of New Hainjiart House, ,hiiy II, lUI 1 ; small mu, lUil; lake 4N miles north of New Kampart House, .July 7. I'.tl 1. Mytilina mucronata (Miiller). Sdljiiiiit iinicriiiKild HriisDN and (h)S!Si;. Hotifera. ISStl, vol, 2, ji. s;{, |)l. 22 fi^^ I. .\ few specimens ciilleclecl liy .le^sup in lakes on Old Crow ri\er Hats. 10 miles north of New Hampart House, ,luly ;{, 191 1. Kuchlanis dilatata lihrcnliersi. This s])ecies does not appear to he common in the .Vrctic; it was collected hy .lohanscn amoufr aluae ^rowin.n on stones in the river at i5einard harhour. on .Vufiu^t lt>, I'.M.'). and in a pond at ('har.try Island. Hernard harhour, on .iune 17. I'.Mli; in .lessup's material it occurred in fair numliers in a colhction fioin lakes on Old Crow river Hats. tiO miles north of New Hampart House, on .lul\ II, IIMI. Euchlanis pellucida, new spe( i( s. Plate 2. fills. 1-."). The corona aureis with that of other s|)eeies of the nenus. The body is Irnadiate m cross section and has a hifih dorsal keel and hroad. lateral, wiufi- I ke expansions. The ventral |)late is ne.irly circular, slightly constricted ant( riorly at the openiiifr for the head: it is joined directly to the lateral jilates withi ut the ii''ervention of a lonnitutac project from the dorsal side of the first foot joint. The toes are lonjr, slender and nearly straifiht. slijihtly enlarged |»)steriorly. and end in rather hlunt points; th(>ir h'Ufith is more than one fifth of the length of the hody. Il'lltllllll III k7 Till' (liirs;il antciiiiM is very 1,'uar in liiaiiiciir anil iililii|iii'i\ truncate; it hear.-, a small Hill 4ii'^iiiy --itac in a shalluw. cintial ilii>n~~i(in, Tlir lateral antennae are in the imnnal jxisitiDii. TIk' iiiastax, stuniaeti, intestine, (ivaiy ami Maililer are iiiiriiiai. The larjie retreceri'hral sac is sliiihliv (i|)ai|Ue at the pd-tei inr enil anil without any inediaii liotcli. The niilth (p|' the nieilian ami laleia' rili> nr keel> i^ variahle, as >hiiwii in tijis. ;5-."), plate 2. The lateral rilis u>uali\- innjeet >lraiuhl (Hit I'rnni the hmly or sliirhtly downwards: the t'oriii with ^troimly iipeiirved rilis is not conmioii. Total length .")()( )-S()()j,; length of luiira. olMi-lMV: width ol loriea. _'7ll- 4:Wfi: length oi too <.tii-| K)^. This species has lieeii known to the wiiter tor some time Iroiii iiiaii\' locali- ties ill ||,|. I'liited States; it was collected hy President Hiriie, of the I'liiversity of Wisconsin, ami Mr. .Iiiday, of the Wi-cnn^in (leoloifical and Natural History Survey, in ponds and liayons of the Mississippi river in southern l.ouisi,uia; liy Mr. I'raiik .1. Myers, around Atlantic ('ity. New .lersey, ;ind in I'olk county, Florida; l>y Mr. Myers and the writer in sphagnum Imjrs .-ind ponds thronuhoiit \ilas and Oneida counties. Wisconsin. It was common in a colli'ction made by Jessiip in lakes on Old Crow river flats. 10 miles north of New Kam|);irt House, on July -i. 1!H 1. The iirt'sence of this species in the Arctic is of no special sifinificance, as the collections listed ahove show it is widely disiril iled; it seems, however, to lie limited to regions with very sufi, nun-ealeareous waters, where it often occurs in jireat aliundanee. Kiitliliinis iiilliirldii Untk' sui)erfi<'i:tlly verv much like K. (rii/iiilni, Imt it is consiik'ralily larger and re.-idily distinguished from the latter hy the alisence of the sulcus. Euchlanis dcflexii Cosse. 'I'his >pecies, which is ordinarily considered (|uitr rare, wa- coinnion in .Iessui)'s collections: from a poml neai' \ukon river. Yukon Territory, May 'iti, Ktll; pool at \\ liite Horse, Yukon Territory, .lune 7, 1111 1; lakes on Ol."> miles north of New Hampait liou-i-, .luly 10, lilll: poolsat lort Yiikon.May24. l',ir_'. Iviichlanis triqiietra lihn nlieiu. Collectecl in aliundanee liy Ji s^ui) in laki s on Old ('row river 1(1 miles north of New Hampart House, .hily :i Ulll: two l,'ikr> on Old Crow ii\rr Hals, ")■") miles north of New Rampart Hoii-i . .luly 10, Kill: pools at I'mi ^ iikon, May 21. Kirj. and in a slounh of idd ( luw riser, mar Ni w Hainpait House, Aujiust 7. KM'.'. Euchlanis eontplia Oosse. A few specimens of this coni)iaratively rare species were collected by Jessu]) in lakes on Old (row river flats. III miles north of New Hamp.iit House, Julv 8. K.lll. and in a small muddv pow l{ain]iait House, July 17, Kin. Lecane ephestra, mw spc i ies. Plate :i, flKs. 1,2. The outline of the loriea is slightly ovate; the anterior mari;ins of the dorsal and ventral plate.s are coincident and straight. The anterior spines are very short and rather stout. The dorsal plate is broadly elliptic and rounded posteriorly; it is without markings. The ventral i)late is considerablv narrower 8 k I iiiiiiiliini A rttic Kxjifditiiiii, IHLl-lS than tlic (lorsjil and nearly parallcl-.'^idcd: tlif niarjiins arc ill-di'lincd and no loiiKitudinal sulci arc jircscnt. The iiiMrkintis arc confined to the ccntial area of the ventral plate; (lie transverse fold is well n:arked. The posterior scjinicnt of the l)ody is ronndeil and i)rojects very slinhlly heyoiid the dorsal plate. The first foot joint is narrowest at the i)osterior end; tlic second foot joint is larce ami iliscinarc; it i)rojects heyond the lorica. The coxal i)iates arc ohtilsely tnaiijjtilar. with their ai)ic( s close to the scconil foot joint. The toes are lonn and slender: the outer edjio are very slijihtly cnrviil: a -mall claw is |>resent, excavate v Mr. Mvers .iml the writer in Vilas and i Mieida counties. Wisconsin. Lecane niira Murray. Ciitlnjiiiiii mini Mikkav, .lourn. Koyal Micr. Soc, 1913, i). .")."):i. pi. 22, fig. 3. Abundant in a collection made by Jessup in lakes on Old Crow river flats, 40 miles north of New Hami)art House, July :?. 191 1 ; also in lakes 48 miles north of New l{ami)art House, July 7, 1911, and '.v.> lakes on Old Crow river flats, .i5 miles north of New liampart House, July 10, 1911. Lecane ligona (I)unlop). Catlnjima lujuiui DiNi.oi', Jo\ui). tiuckitt Micr. Club, ser. 2, vol. 8, 1901, p. 29, pi. 2. figs. 4-(). A few specimens of this rare species were collected by Jessup in lakes on Old Crow river tiats. 40 niil' s north (i New Hampart House. July '.i, 1911, and in two lakes on Ohl Crow river Hats, ")."> miles north of New Hampart House, July 10, 1911. l.ecane hornemanni (I'hienberg). Cathiipiiu liniiiniiiniiii MruK.VY, Journ. Hoyal Micr. Soc., 1913, p, 349, pi. 10, fig. 20. Collected b.\ iohansen among algae growing on stones in the river bed at Beriiard harbour, .Vugust 10, 191."); by Je.ssup in lakes on Old Crow river flats, 40 miles north of New Hampart, July 3. 1911. Lecane jessupi, new species. I'late, 3 Hgs. 3. 1. The of the lorica is slightly ovate, truncate posteriorly and the anterior margin cuspidate. The dorsal plate is ovate, rounded posteriorly and slightly narrower than the ventral plate, which is somewhat elliptic. The anterior margin of the dorsal plate 's nearly straight; it is slightly convex for the greater portion of its width and excavate at the lateral cusps; the anterior margin of the ventral plate is lunate. There are no markings on either dorsal or ventral plate; the lateral stilci are dee)). The lorica is strongly compressed dorso-vent rally. liiiliiliiriii r. '.' Till' posterior sijniifiit of tlic Ixxlv is roiisihiy trMprzoidiil in oiiltliiii' iiiul iiisi)i(luti' at tile pi.sttrior aimlcs: the iiiartriri is coiima in tlic iiniliaii i)ortioii and has ;i siiiilit idiicavity at tlii' anulis. I'licri' is a well niaikcMJ const rii'tioii at tlie juiK'tioli of the v. iitral plate and tlie posterior setinent. 'I'lie coxal plates arc seiui-ovate. The tirst foot joint is well marked aiel widest pi -lerioily: ihi second foot joint is nearly Sipiare. 'I lie t us ari' short, cylindric I't.i one hall then leiiiith and end in acute, conical points. Total lenctii, leimth .-.f loriea KISa/; IcmkiIi of dor~:il pl:ile HHm: width it:? (u; width (if ventral pl;ite it() /ii width of antiMiur point- .'iN h: li'iiiith of tnes 27 M. /„r('(;;/c ,/r.-.-.s7(/)/' had siiiie reseinhlaiice t,i /,. Iirncliiiiliiiliiln iStenroosi, whii'h is shown on plate '.i, fijis, .">, (>. for comparis m. I'lc dilleniices ari' fairly evident: L. hnnliiiddctiild has anterior spines ;ind a >traiuht, soinewhat tlexihle dorsal inaifiin. a donlile-curved ventral marsiin and the posterior segment is very simple in outline. L. Jcsxu pi was collected hy Jessup in l;:kes on (lid Crow river flats, M) miles north of New IJainpart Mouse, on .Iniy '.i, \\)\\: ij; was not ahundant. I.ecane luna , Miilleri. Cuthiijiiiti limit Hi nsoN and (liissK. Hotifera, isstl. \ul. _'. p. <.il, pi. 21, fijz. I. Apparently not common in the Arctic; it was collected hy ,lessup from two lakes on Old Crow river flats, ,').") miles north of New Itampait House, on July 10, 11)11, and pomls on Old I'row river flats. (iU niili s north o^ New I'i,;un])art, on .luly 11, I'.Ul. Lecane unguluta (Cosse). ('iitliijj)ini niiiiiK ■•'iilriisis Mviiu.vv. Joiirn. lioval .Micr. Soc., I'.tlii. p. Hlo, pi. i;s, fie. IN. A few specimens in a collection made hy .lessup from two lakes on ( )ld ( row river flats, .">.') miles north of New Itampart House, on ,(uly Id. lUll Lecane clara (Hrycei. Di^lijln dura JiRVt k. Science ( iussip, vol, 2S, 1S'.I2, p. 271. text ti^. Collected hy .Irssup from lakis on Old (row river flats, 40 miles north of New liampart House, on .luly 15. 1011. and in a sloujrh of Old Crow riv miles north of New Itampart House, on June 2:5, 1011; inuskeu: lake, 28 miles north of New Kampart House, on June 2.'5. 1011 ; lakes on <_>lil Cmw river flats. U) inihs north of New Hampart House, on July 3. 1011; lakes on Old Cmw river flats, 00 miles north of New Hampart House, on July 11, 1011; small muddy pool, 2.") miles north of New Rampart House, on July 17, 1011. Lecane flexilis (Gosse). Lecan- f"xili>' H.\i{i{iN(:, Proe. U. S, Nat, Mus.. vol. 47. 101 1. p. .VJS, pi. 10, figs. 1-3. t<)K Citiiitil Hill .\ I'ctir ll.ijiiililiiin . l!il3-tS ( 'iilliili (1 liy ,l(ili:insi'ii aiiKinu nlit.'ic (irdwiiij; nil stniics in the viver lied at Ui riianl liailimii-. nii Aii^iust 1(1. I'.M."); in .IcsMip's (•(illicticiiis iV' us lakis nil ( )|cl ( r.iw riv.r Hats. Id nulls narl llnii>r. on .liilv 11, I'.Hl. Monostyla hanintu .'^inlvcs. A \i-w >|iiTiiiLi II-- in .lr~sn|):- 1 I'lli ' I ii.ns fi-'in lakes mi (lid (rnw ii\ii ll.-il>. 10 iiiilr- iiuilli of New iianipait IImu-i'. mi ,lul\' '■'>. IMl I ; twn lakes on ()|<| ( 'rov\ livi'i- llat^. ."i."! miles iimlli of New liou^e, on .Inly 10. I'.tl!; |)oiiil.- on Olil < r.iw rivi r ll.-il-, tU) miles north of \eu l!aMi|.ai! I:iii>e. on .Inly I 1. I'.Ml. Monostyla bulla Oo-m. Tliis .-i.-cies \v;is found m small niiiiiliers in .le>>u|)'s colleetioiis fidiii lakes on ( »lil ( 'row river Hals, 10 milev norlli of New Kanipart House, mi .Inly ;{. I!tl I. Monostyla closterocerca Selin.itila. MniiiisliiJii clii.-^lniii; III MriiHW .loiirn. l!o\al Micr. Soc. I'.IK?. \>. -I'lT . pi. i:,. liL'. :?!•. A few speciini'lis in .losii])'- .-olIi ctions from lakes on Old (row river Mats, (■)(» miles nortli of New liamp.nt House, .hilv II. lOII. Monostyla crenata Ilarrm;;. (olleeted liy .les-iip ill two lakes (in Olil Crow river Uals. .").') miles north of New liampait llmi-.e, .hilv 10. lUll; not common. Monostyla liinaris lilnnlieru. Alnindaiil and widely distrilmteil in the Aretie. It wa> eollected liy .loiiaiiseii amonu: .aljiae ;;id\\iii^ on sione> in the river lied at Ueniard harhoiir, on .Vuuiist Hi, MM.'): hv .hssup in a laiiskeL' lake, 2.S iiiiks north of New Ham- part II. use. on June -.'S. IIHI; lak( s on Old (row river Hats, 10 miles north of Xi'W JSampart Mouse, on .Inly :?. I!U1; lakes IS mil; s noiili of New liampait House, on .lulv 7, I'.UI; l«o lakes on Old (row river Hats. .V) mih'S north (if New llamiiart II(.u>e. on July 10. \'M 1 ; iionds on Old Cidw river flats. (tO mih'S north of New {{amjiart House, mi Julv II. iHII: small muddy pnol. '-'.') miles north of New liamiiart llri\>.-. on ,)nly 17 I'.Hl; slou;;h of Old Criw river near \i\v Kaniiait H( use, uii Aujiust 7. I'.MJ. Monostyla comuta (Miiller). A few specimens (dUected liv Johaiiseii in the lake south of Hernard hariimir. (Ill May 21. lOKi; by Jessup ina t)<>U'l near Xew Hamiiart House, at tlu! Inter- national Mound.iry and I'onaipiiie Hiver. on June 12. I'.Hl. Lepadella ovalis (Miillori. LcptHhUa onitis Hahkinc. I'me. l'. S. Nat. Mus., vol. ol, l(»l(j, !>. ."):?7. pi. Sn, tisis. 4-10. Collected in small numlicrs liv Jcssuj) from lakes on Old Crow river flats, 40 miles north of New Hampart House, on July 3. l'.)ll; two lakes on Old Crow river flats, .").') miles north of New Rampart Houye. on July 10, 1911; pools at Fori Yukon. May 24, 1912. liittirtin'iii Lvpailclla patella Mullii t: 11 I., Iiilflilla i„ll,lhl JlMtlUM.. I'l.'r. \ . >. Nil. Mil-., vl. Til. l'"|l'., |l. .'>:'.!•. |.l. '.HI. til!-. 1-l-J; III. '.n. lis:-. 1. -'. 'I'lii- >|Mi ii> i- widflv ilistiiliiit' i| III till- .\i\t:". ImiI .■i|i|iali-i'l !.■•. in sliL'll iiilinliirs; it \v;i- i-nUcct rcl liv .luli.-ii:-''ii Miii'mii :\',^:\i- in llir ii\ri hiil :it llrriianl llarliiiur. mi Auiiii.-t ICi. \'.H't: p 'inl :il tliiuiliy l-hiinl. I".iii;ii.l liarl"Hir, nii .liiiif 17, I'.Mii; li>' Ji-s.-iiiii ill a |i .imI iir.'ir N'lW l!,'iMi|)ait Hon-' . .-it the Inti'T- ii.'ii ii'iiai liiiiiiiilarv ami l*iiii'ii|iinr rivtr. nii .liitii IJ, I'Ml; lak.s nii oM ('pnw livr Hal-. 10 iiiiiis iK.rlh •■i New KtiiiipaH II.'ii-'\ mi .liil\ :'.. I'.tll; lak.s 'S mil' - iimlli uf Niw l!ami>ait Ilmi-r. (,ii .lui.\ 7. I'.M I : pmiil- mi i Mil ( 'niw |-ivri Hat-, fid mil,- iim-th of New liamp.ut II ii--. ••ii .lillv II. I'.MI: p^"il- :,t |',,rt \ukmi, mi .May _M. IIM.'. I.epadella acuminata 1 1 In nl.i liii. I.I jiiiilillii luininiKilii ll\i>ui\i;. I'iim . I'. S. Nat. .Mn-.. \.il. .'i I . I'.Mii. p. .".m. pi. ".12, tisr.s. l-S. A I'lW spi'ciiiiflis of till- >p(rirs Wife ciillicl fcl liy ,ll•^^up ill a pmal lii'ar \c\v IJaiiiparl Ilmisc, at tlic liitrniatimial I'umul.aix- ami I'uniipiiir iivi r un .hiiic VI. i'.'l 1. f.cpadella ehrtnberftii I'lity). LipdiliUit I Ill-Ill hi nj 1 1 I1.\,,1(!m;. I'nic. I'. S. Nat. .Mur-.. vul. al, I'.Mfi, p. 'iXi, pi. ttt, t'iis. 1-1. In Jcssiip's (•(lUcctimis fnnn laki's mi » ild ( fuw livir Hats, 10 iiiilis iimtli nf \i'\v ]i:mipart llmisc mi .Inly X, HUl. Colurella colurus dllm iihcrni. t'liliini.-i iiiiihlyfilii.'i lliDsoN ami (lossK, l!(itifi'f:i. issti, vol. "2, ]). Mil, |il. 2l>, tin. ■>• ('ollcclcd \>y .loliaiiscii in ahnnilamr fi-mii a lirackisli lajjumi \vr>t nt Martin point, Alaska, on July '«'S. lUl 1; aiiionii alirac iirnwinfi mi stones in tls- rivn- lied at Hcinanl liarhour, on An};(ist ICi, I'.U."); liy Jcssiip in lakes in I'M Ci,.\^ river Hats, -10 miles north of New l!aiiii)ait House, on July 8, I'.Ml. Trichotria pocillum ! Miilleri. Trivliiitna fi.-llluw Hauuinc;, lUiU. SI I. S. Nat. Miis., lUKi, p. KMi. A few speii.t.i ns collected liy .Jessup in lakes on Old ('row river Hats, 40 miles north of New l!aini)art Hmise, on .Inly :{, 1911. Trichotria tetractis dilirenlierj;). Trichotria Wmd/.s lI.\uuiN(i, Hull. SI U. S. Nat. Mns., I'.tm, p. IOC>. Common in .Jessiip's collections; potid near New Kampart Hmi^e, at the International Hmmdary and Porcupine river, on June 12, 1!)11: lakes on Old Crow river Hats, 40 niiles north of New llamaprt House, on July '^, 1911; hikes 48 niiles north of New Kampart House, oi> July 7. 1911; two lakes on Old (low river f^ats, .">,"» niiiis north of N'ew liampart n(>usi , on .luiy 10, 1911; ponds on old Crow river flats tiO miles north of New IJampiirt House, on July 11, 1911; slough of Old Crow river, mar New Kampart House, on August 7, 1912. 12*, CtUKuliitii Aiclir K.ri>iililii(l ( fow river flats, 10 miles north ol Wew i;aini)art Mouse, on , Inly :i. I'Jl 1 ; two lakes on < »1(1 (row ri\'i fl.its. .'i."! miles north of New Kanipikrt House, on .Inly 10. I'.lll, Trichocerca mucosa iStokcs). ItntliiUis iininisiis .Ikwincs, hull. r. S. I'ish Cointn., vol. 22 (lor l!t02). I'.KW. p. :{:n, i)l. i(i, liiis. sti-iti. A few specimens in .Icssup's colleftions from a slouch of Old (row river, near New l.'ampart House, on .\u(iust 7, l'.M2. Trichocerca rattns iMiiilen. HiMidii.^ nittii.^ ,Jk\mn«;s, liull. l". S. Fish Coniin.. vol. 22 ifor 11)02), IHO:!, p. ;}:«, pi. 11, fins. 100. 101. Collecteil liy .lessup from Lakes IS miles north of New Uampart, on July 7, 1!M1; ponds on Old (row river flats, (10 miles north of New liampart House, on July 11, I'Ul: small muddy pool, 2."> miles north of New Ilampart House, on .Inly 17, lUll; it was rare in all of these eolleetioiis. Trichocerca cristata Harrin^. li'dllidiis ciiniiiitiis Jknmnos, Hull. 1'. S. I'ish Comm., vol. 22 (for 1902), 1<)(«, p. :W2, pi. 11. fijis. 0:i-!»7. A few speeiniins weri' eoUeeted liv .lessup from pools at I'oVt \'ukon, on May 21, 1".H2. Trichocerca bicuspes ilMl.). Ratddiiy biviisjica Jknm\';s. Hull. U. S. I'ish Comm., vol. 22 (for l',)02), i. :i22. pi. .-), li^s. ,-)0-.V2, pi. 115. fisjs. HI. 112. Colli ctcd l)y .lessup from a muskeg lake, 3S miles north of New Kampart Hotise, (Ml June 2."), 1911. Diurella porcellus (Ciossc). (Jollected t)y Johansen anions algat" growin;; on stones in the river bed at Bt-rnard harbour, on August l(i, 191."); by Je.ssup from lakes on Old Crow river flats, 40 miles north of New Uampart House, on July 3, 1911; two lakes on Old Crow river flats, o.j miles north of New Han\part House, on July 10, 191 1. Diurella tenuior (Gosse). In Jessup's collections from- lakes on Old Crow river fiats, 40 miles liorth of New Rampart House, on July 3, 1911. Uiihlli' K I." Diuri'lla ccilluris i Umu-, 1. 1 < 'iillcrlnl hy .!( >Ml|) friilli lakf.x uii Old ('i<<\\ ii\.l ll:it-, Hi liiili-. inMtli ol a'i'W liatiipart llcnix', uii .Inly '.i. I'.Ml. Diuri'lla cavla ;(;u.s(;. A ft'W j-pt'c-illiitis ill .Iissiip's fipllrrtii)IIM flMlll ;i pnlnl NiW l;:illl|i,ii I House. ;it the I lit i IlKit ioll.'il I'.dlintliUy Mtlil I'dl rll|iillt' livcr, nil .llllH' IJ, IMII. FAMILY SYNCII/ETfD/E. Sjtichat'ta oblonga lilinnln n; Atiiiiichllit ill inllrcthlis TllMili' fliilli the l;iki' ill HitiimkI liiiliMiiU t>y .I-pIkiIimIi Mil .Mm\ fi .iml 7. lOHi; KMiiic hike sniiili 111" I5( iiKinl IliiImhii. M:iy 21. I'.Ud. Synchaeta johanseni. m u -pii n -. I'hitr I. tii:. :;. Tlir liiMJy is fairly slciidi r. lic'll-^liapi'd iiiid vriy tiaii^panni . It:- uicatcst vviiltli, al>init niiil-lrntitli, is oiu- tliird ot the total Irmrtli. 'I'lir foot is ui II niarkrd olT fiotii the txidy, l.aruc at the Kasc and tapns irradiialiy to tlif viry small toes; its Icii^itli is one foiiitli of the liiiirtli of tin- h'idy. 'I'lic head is Iri- anniilai- and the aiiridis i)o\v,rfiil; on tlic incdiaii linr, lictwccii tin- antnior pair of taitilc liristlrs, then' is a tulnilar sciisoiy ortraii as in >'. mnir HoiissrI.'t. Tlic dorsal antriina is in the normal po>itioii; tlif lati-ral aiitciinar arr near tin- posterior end of the liody and well towards tlie ventral sidi: tliev are slender tiilmles, armed with u minute tuft of setae. The foot glands are very small The form and position of the eyespot eould not lie iii.idi- out from the preserved material. Total leiijrth :!.">() n; width of hody at mid-1, lurtli 12(1 m: leiisith of foot 70 ^i; length of toes 7 ;l;. This specie s oeciirieil in large numliers in a surface collection made l>y 1''. .!< hanseii on Au^iust 2.i. I'.Ut, at station :r(i.r Itoiisselet, from which it ditTers in tlie more sh'iider body, lousier and stnitei' foot. \ery small fiot filands and minute toes, as well as in the position of the lateral aiiteniuie. Its presence ill Amundsen Ciulf is of the urc'atest interest. a> up to tlie present only Iwn species of rotifers, Stinchiictn ntldnlini and Trirhnci rni [ = h'lill'hi.-i) funsf/il, are known from oceanic waters; these were lioth found liv Zeliiika in tin Ilectioiis of the (iermaii Plankton ilxpeditioii from the Atlanlii' ocean, south of Iceland. While it vvould perhaps he incorrect to call .Vmuiulseii (iiilf an ocean, the eohditioiis where the collection was made are oceanic, at least as far as salinity and aliseiice of admixture of fresh water are concerned; there are no rivers of aii> coiisider- alile Volume discb.arjiiny: near Cape Lyon, ami Mr. .lohanseii infoins me that few of the rivers Howiic; into the Arctic ocean carry much w liter in the summer. How to account for the iiresence of this rotifer a» a sinjile station and its ahseiice everywhere else is a iirohlem for which no soliitVui can lie otTered; it may he noted that the collection contained virtually no other zooplaiiktoii, and it is possible that the ahseiice of enemies may he an important factor in the main- tenance of this rotifer in such a circuinscrihed area. Filinia lonjliseta (Khrenberiii. Triurthrir lomiisda IIiusoN and tiossE, Uotifera, lSS(i, vnl. ■-', p. ti, pi. 13,fin.O. Collected hy Johaiiseii in a brackish lagoon west of Martin point, Alaska, on July 28, 1914; lake soulh of Bernard harbour, November 2S, 191.'); on May a, 7, and June 12, 191ti. 14 k < niiiiiliiin .\iiliil:.riiiihhi>ii. lfil.!-IS FAMILY I'KESOM.MID.K. IMofHonia K>nticulure lliimk \ |i « >|iiiiiiiiii^ ill ,li -~ii|> > riilli(|ii)ris I'lDiii laki- Mil 'Mil ('iiiw livii tl:it,-, 10 milts iii'itli 111' N'l'w l!:iiiiii:iit IIiiusi', cm .hil>- :>. I'.MI; twn l.iki- i,n < >M (iiiw nvcf ll:it<. .">."> mills imitli nf Niw |{;tm|>:iit Hinisc, in .liiK Id. IMII. FAMILY TFSllDINKIIID.K. 'restiiili]u>!la Pitinii i Id iin.imn. ill . I. -slip- ri'lliitii.Ii> IliiIIl I- lis at \\ llilr lliil-r. \llk(ill 'I'l llil ■ •! V . nli .liiiH 7 aiiil II, I'.ill; laki- .11 (till < r.iw rivir li.its. till mile .s north iif Niu llam- pait lloiivr. ..II .liiiy II. I'.ni puiils at I'uit Viiki.ii, 1.11 .\f;iy 21, HUJ. Testudinella parva 'liin.i/i. ( ullcc'tril li\- .li s-iip ffiiii laki s 1.11 (till <',i.\v livi r li.ats. ID imli s mnlli nl Ni.\v i!!imp:iit liiiiisi'. oil July :'., P.lll; two lakr- mi < »lil ( r.iw liv r Hats. ,",.■, iiiilfs iimtli 111' Nl w liamp.ari llmi^". .m .Inly Ut. \'.H\. ( )UII|.I( li.ilSI 1 l.\l!l MIA FAMILY (:()\()CII1LII)/E. Conochiius hippocrepis (Si lirmki. Caiiocliiln.-^ ,,,li,i.,- Ill l>si)\ ami < lo.sSK. iiutifrni. ISM'i. vnl. 1, p. S1(1 Crow river flats, 1(1 miles north of New liampart House, mi .liilv :', I'.Ul. ActiKiinis III j)t pi. 10, fin. (). Colleeteil liv House, on ,Iul'. OUDKH HdKI.I.'MDA. FAMILY PIIILODIMD/E. Rotaria neptiinia (lihn nheini. HiDsuN ami (Iossk, llotifera, ISStl, vol. 1. p. 108, II) in a small, niuildv pool, 2.') niile.s north of New K-.impart '.111. . Rotaria rot, :a ll'allas). Rotifer viiUjaris Hid.xix ami ( Wissk. .lotifera, ISSd, vol. 1, p. 104, pi. 10,tit?.2. Colleeteil in great iiumhers by Joliansen in a poiul sit Ikrnard harbour, ■ ■11 June It), lOl.-). Rotaria macrura (KhrcnberR). Holifer macmnis Hi dson anil Gosse, Rotifera, 188G, vol. 1 , p. 107, pi. lO.fig.4. Verv abundant in Johanseii's collections from a tundra-swamp at Bernard harbo'-r,' on July 15, I'.U."), and May !>. 1916. h'nl.llnl t. i: lUHi loi.i,' \nis . )(< Mlir|,:,lli|'. I>. A< Hil.i. Iiul;riri>, |i|i. |(0-l!ti, iiM liii- . in: I»(ii\' • \|«'c|iriiiri nil irr lii|u.' lr.iip,-.ii«i , >rlriir. |;,,iiiin-. Iii. i'an-. I hi im' . '• I'l- . ' in'l' Krrmh.lMl. 1>. ! V.'l. Kur/i r llrnclit uIkt run' iiii Sniitni-r .1. .1 IVNI iiiiliriiMiniM.iii- I;, i-c n.,. Ii I ;i..iil ml Kih.ilin Sviii-k \iirii-k. Akii.1 ll.ii.ll , \i.|. 17, Al.l. I. \i. I, jn |i|. I>!r.'. Ilriiiiiur /iir I .■iiiii;i ( ii-iihlMiiil" I /-ii {.'..iilnriri Ma t iron! .I'i- \' i ■ I iii\ I.iiii'li ii-i.-, v(,|. i'>.. .(.ft J. No. I. l^ip |i|i , I, pl.s. Hr. Iiiii, V. I'.ilii l)i.- Kill roll. I! i|i-s >;iri kill Imii^, \iili fir-, ItiMiivli. NiHiit ii \ir/'i', vi.' ■»!. pt. .'. I, iiuiiii', p|>. I'.tii-nti. liryn. I) IVIJ. t )|l >lillll- Mill 'l»rlllllU < ';il||\ |i1|;|.I:m-; » nil i|i- 111' IiM 11' >v -|iii|i- Si |i II' I" iii'-Mp. Lofnliiii, Mil. .'>. pp. :;7l-J7.'>. tixt tin- 1VI7. ' i.iitriliiMiiiii- to 111!' iiiinniiiiiin- f;iiiii:i nl SpiL-lnr;.'!!!. I'mii II l.'p'Ht mi tlir lii.lif.r:i. I'liH . Sill I.iiii'li.ii, pp. T!i:i-7'.i'.l, I Irvi- \ IVi','. Nito nn llic pLiiiktiiii of .-nine hiki ^ in l-.Ii l.:ippiii:iik, S«i.liii iiimi-. Svrii.-k. Vrtrll>k. Ak.lil. 1 iil|i;ili'll., Vol. .'ili, pp ^.'.■l-•^;l.■l. liAl Uii-. |)i.\nii-Niiti ill. I'. I{.. :iiiil 1 rriinaii, H r.ill.J. 1 III' liiitatiii'Kin tri iiii:< Ihnsrl.izn- n iiioiiiii.'i:ipliir -iiiilv, Willi ill -1 I ipMun nl' a fii'« ^p<(l.-. .liiir . |!,,\al Mill'. Sill , pp Ml, I." Ill, pi-. 1-1. I»miliip, M. 1. MH)I On ii iii'w iiiiiU'r, ('iHli'ijiiiii liijaiHi. ,liiian. .^lurkrll Mirr (I'll. -■ r J, vnl. ^, pp •_"»-: i-J. pi. J. (iiicrni', .1, ill', anil Hulianl, .1. iNV. ,'«iii' la faiinr ilr> raiix iln H'c- ilu ( .rniilMul. ( 'utiipl. liiml. .Via'l. Si,. I'ari.-, vul. lOS, pp, til'.IMi:!'.'. lyrj. \i,y.'ii;i' ill' M. ('liaili'> lialint in Siir 'a taiilii' ili'- 'auv '|i i'-. IJilU. ,-iiji-, Ziiiil. l''r,''Tnr, vol. 17, pp. 7"i-MI. lyii;. Sur la faiini- in'laiiiqiii' ili-- .'auN ilnun- ili' I'l-lalnlr. rmnpt. I;, nl, \. nl, Si'i , Tails, vol. Ill, pp. :ilo-:ii:i, • ifnrrinir, II, K. l!li:). Syniip-i.- iif till' Hulatoria. Hull, si 1'. S. Nat. Mn-i'ilin. -."Jti pp Kill, idpnrt nil Uiil.'iiiin.'i fr I','ininia Willi ili'srripli"ii- ul nr'.v >pirii> I'lm', \' . S. .\a1, .MiiM'iini, Mil, 47. pp, 'i'.',')-.'!!;!, pis. Hi-'Jl. 1','iii. A rrvisiiiii i)f l!'c liotntiiiiau unirra /.i;«ii/.//ii ami Ln/./nH-hiii i- ui'li ili-i ripiioiis nf livi' ni'W .-pii'li's. I'riii T. S. Nal, .Mn-riiin, Mil. .'il, pp. .'iJ7-.'iii'>, |il-. Vi-i,i7. llllllsDtl, <■. T Ill C.ISM', I'. II. IS.SIi. 'I'll!' Hdtil'i'ia or wlu'il-.'iniin.'ilciilrs, linili Hriti.-li ami fun i(>;i. Vnl I. \ I • US pp. 1.') pis., vol. 2, U I pp.. pl.s. llUid. ISSil, Till' lintUcra iir wtiirl-aninialciilrs. Imtli Hrllisli ami ftiiiiuii Snppli imul. (il pp., pis. MSi. Jiiininns. II. S. U«i;;. lintatnria (if fill' rnit.'il Stat.-, II. \ ninmiiira)ili nl ilii' UaHu: il.n Itnll. L'. S. 1 isii ( 'oiiitii., vol. 22. pp. 2''.'>-'.]'i2. |il-. 1-1,"). I.i'vamlir, K. M. I'.IOl. Hiitraco ziir laiina uiul AlKriiflnra ili-r snsscn (Icwas^cr an il'-r Muniiaiikii^ir Ada Sni'. I'auiia ct I'lora Fcniiica. vnl. 2U, Nn. S, ;i.") pp., trxt Im-, I'JD.'i. Ziir Ki'iinliiis ilis Tlanktnns I'initii'r Hininnsiiu in HussJMrli-Lapplaii'l 1 i -tsilirilt ffir raimrii, vni I, .Vn. 11, HI iip., :> pis. Lcvinsin, O. M, H. ISVJ. Sniaa Hiilrau til ildi crnnlai.ilskr Fauna. \iil. Miilil. Natiirli. 1 nr.. Kjuhrnhuvn, .SIT. 4, vol. )i, pp. 127-i;iii, pi. 2. ti'xt fins. 1014. Kiiiatoria. MiiM. mn lironlninl, Kjolxnliavn, vol. 2,1, So. Ii, pp. lio.'i-ii.js. Murray, J. VMS. Arctic rotifers, ciiUcctnl by Dr. \\ iUiain S. liriicc. I'roc. Koyul l'liv>. Sm . Kiiinburgh, vol. 17, pp. 121-127. lOOS. Note on microscopic life in CIoiikIi I.slaml, South Atlantic Ocean. I'rnc. Uoyal Phys. .S()c. Kdinburgh, v .1. 17, pp. i27-12'.i. 1910. Antarctic Uotifcra. British Antarctic Kxpwl. 1907-1',KH). Uep. Sci. Invi'st,, vol. 1, pp. 41-C,-), pis. 9-13. 1013. South AniericaJi Uotifera. Part II. .lourn. Koval Mier. '^ '11-362, pis. 13-15. 1913. Notes on the family Cathypnidae. Joum. Uoyal Micr. tioc., i A, pis. 22, 23. in»; I'-Mii'lii'i. i; l.yr.'. IMl.i Ulrlllir.1. .1 Hirlilif. I- UK 17. ."•korikov, l'.H>l. V'lirotikiiv mil. t'liniiiliiin Airhr h'.riHfilUutn. I!>l:i-I> ."•iir III (uiiiii- |»'liiKiiiiH' ilii I>\rifj'i.| hl.irhli'i ('iiiii|it. I(. ml .\im.I. .»c'i , I'lri^. Vnl. lit, |i|> l<)|-h>'.>. Siir li iil.irii iDii .li' 111 hiKiini- iiunl ilc lun-Miiviii <'(iiii|ii KiimI Acini, S. i I' in-, vnl I Mi, p|>, l-'07-r.'0,s. Siir hi fiiiiiir cli'« ciiiix i|iiiiir'« i'\|i|iiri'iH in ISItS |» ii>l:iiit 111 r.iinpiiKlii' 'li Mi'lit '■IVimi-.-c .Mill." (I.iifiitiii. f»|nt/lM.rg, IIi'm Uifrcn. IIiiim, ili Hiiri'iit^ it I miumt. i Mi'iri. Sii'. Zuiil. Iriiiiir, \iil It, |i|i. ;f.'i'i-;t:ts, tiAt liu- Dif I'aiina ilrr MiHisrii.- I'ri i|i-< ( l:iii— Imtiis mii'I imihui r siiillirliir IiihiIii. Diiii-dir Suilinihir-i'.xihHiitiiiii l<.Ni|-l<.M):t U' Villi DryR^tl-ki mI.i, vol. ti, /.mil , vol I ipi t pp. j;ii)-:tiu, plH. itwio. .\. s. Iliiirair zur riitnklcinritiiiiii arklisi'lnr ."(ti-n. Zi«(l. Anx., vol. 27, pp. JfCPJlJ N \ riaiikliin vi.iliHtiiDV [inliiiistrova Ii-tiialu. (Matirialy, privrzinnyi la-:n:il."kiii •■kspiilitnlii H. M. /,' ilkiiva I'' Bulla. Kuluvr.ilki i iitiiliihaia kliaraklrristika plailktona.) (Slir Ir plaril'tnn ill'H llltlMrH i|i' la pril«|u' tir ilr >alll:il, llnllfiTr'* I'l (■■irali'riii niiii'raiix ilu iilaMton.) (Huwian trxt; Ann Mii« /mil. .Vcail. Sii . «t.-lVtpr»biiiirK, vol. I'i, pp. 1S()-2I I, :i maps, text tinn. I' I. Kig. 1. Kncenlrum algerite, lateral vifw. xl70 2. Knrentnim algentc, trophi, ventral view 3. Syttchai lit John nsrtii, i|iii>il view. xl7(t Untaturia H I? I'l Ml I ^ 7 IS K Catiadidii Arclic K.i imhlmn, lUIS-IS I'l.ATI. II. . 1. KnihliDiiK jtilturnld, i\ij^:i] vii'W. \\:iU. 2. Kiirhliiiiin inlliiriilii, Literal view. :i. Kiirhliiiii.'i jiilliii-itlii, variety A, cross scrtimi. 4. Euvhluiiis piUiiiitlii. varii ly li, crciss scctinn. .'i. EuchUmits iHltuciilii, varifly (', miss sci-tidn. Iidliitiinn I'l ATI. II. K lit 20 K (inintliiiri Arrlir Kxpedltiiin, IHl.S-IH I'l.\te 111. I'ig. 1. Leranc ephedra, i\oT!ti\) vifvt. s.iiM). 2. Lecane rphestra, ventral view. 3. icfanrjosupj, dorsal view. \'M)'). 4. Lectinc jissupi, ventral view. o. Lecane brachydttclyUt, dorsal view, t). Lirnne hmrhydaclyla, ventral view. .\30(f Rotatoria Plate IH, k21 22 k <(iiil»: VIM: MOM.I SHS. I ( lll\OI>KKMS, 4 OKI.KM'KKAi'KX r:T« . I'i.itA. MoIl.lSKS. Ill.i INI AMI ri I IVliii INI Hj '.". Piirt I'art I 'art I'lirt Tail l';.r. Tail I'art I'a.t I'lirt I'ari I'art I'art I'art I'art I'art I'iirl I'art I'art I'art I'art I'art I'art I'art I'lirt I'art Part n CKI'II AI'I'OIiA AM) 11 i;ii01'f.|'\ trl)h:il.iiK.(|a. Hv S. >. Hrriy. rtcr..i>..:la. liv W. \ ( la|,i. (■; l;l\ nUtlA. Hv II. K. Il^arii.- I ( 11 M.l'K.N.N I HA, Hv A. i;. 1 lin'-iuaii I \l < Ai>\ \HI \ AMI A'l I.N.MII \ Hv \ i; \, irili II: MIDI >.\r. AM) ( TKNOI'lloi; V. liv 11 il li ■ i .v I: 111 l)l{i>II)^. Hv '•. M -( Ira-i-. " I. l'i>l!l!i:!!A 11. lhu\. '.'..,-%, ;*/,■(). In lift jtttnttiou '. v/s,-,,../ .!;>/ I'!. III!" . ' /'( fit intniti''n . ,/„,„•.... . I" /"■'■•--. \ i-M V', ft: n. VOI.IMK IX: \\\KI,I»S. I'.VHASITSr HOitM-., l*H<»i (»/().\\s. Ki-( A: (i1.I.IO(HA|:TA. Hv 1 tai.k Smith, Hv I'.imI S. U-I. Ii H; r<>I.M'll.\l'l.\. Hv Kalph \-. i haiul.iTh.i C: iniH DINKA. Hv .1. I*. M ■■ I): (.i;!'ini{i:A Hy Kalph \'. ( 'l;a.iii„-i lau. K .\(\.\r!i')Ci:!'ii.\i,.\. Hv 11. ^ \:.iiii.- 1': M.v VIODA. Hv .\'. ,'., ' nl.l. (Ml '1 1!i:m vmnA ,\M> ci^'it.iiA lu- I: rriilUI.I.Mil A, Hv .\. I!'.— I, .1: (.(>1!1>| \( i: \. iv. NKMlKl IM. r,v Hal;.!. \ . ' h-ml., ,1., I,: .-l'(»lti>Zo.\. Hv.l \ . .\1 r,<,r M; !(>H.\Ml\ll'i:H.\. H\- .! A. C:,-'!!-, .i. I.-iukI St/.ii ,1,' ",'/, /tf/,'' 'lny,',! .V."-. mhir S'J. /.'/.'■' ..{hsml t;:.ri;.-u ',, i:t.'t \I»smI I:;- :■>. i:,2''- ■./.•■s'i../ .1;...' \ ;.■;;"'■ I In jh-t p'U'if'it" 'I 'Hill F'I'rutI:'; -J. ;." •/ ■ /.....' / . , afi'.ll'. • ■■.Iliiu). V;H.I .MK X: I'l \\;vTON. IIYI>r.4H;i(AIMI Y, THILS KTI. A; I'l.ANKTON. Ii\ .Uinri Mau. H: M.\H1NK I)I.\ri)\l.s. Hv 1,, W , H.uav (•; TIDAI. (>H.-i:U\All(>N'S AM) i;i:>l I/I: 1) MVDlUXilt \i'i;v Hull l)l'.«.^.Ml (/.. • hi I'rt i'ir,itU'ri I ./ 'hinhir 1, i:iil ' I 'i ftrt ;GY \M> (ittMilt IIMI Y A: THE (IKdI.IX.V OK TllK Al{i IH (•()A.--r <)1 CAX.MiA. UK.Sl i>i l Hi; Wl.SV I'KNIN.SII.A. Hv .l..l.(>'.\fill ,,i;-i ,./f;«m',.,ri;. H: .\fAI'< AM) in;()(;U\l'IIU'AI. \'1TIC«. Hy K.Mr.-'i 'i ' hiptaaii aii'l .r.lin H. Con. 1 1 u jTi j«iratii''i ). VUM .mi: XII: I.IH; ok TIIK < OI'PKK KSKIMOX Tin; i.ii K or Till'; cDi'i'iiK i:>Ki.\i(>s. \\. n '.■.»,.. i/»sui ;j. I'art I'art Part I'art I'art Part Part VOI.l'Mi: XIII: rilY'SU .11, CIIVKACTKKl.sTit S AM> TKt lIXUI.OIiY Ol Till: UKSTKKX A\l> CKNTKAI. ICSklMOS A: Till-; PIIV.SICAI.CHAKACIKUI.sTK SorTUHUK.siKK.N A.NDi iiPPKll K.sKlMo.s. Hv I ) . .k'nni's..* , , . . tin priixtiiitium. B: THi;"uSTK(;I.O(;V ol"Illi;n!:.-,ii;KN.^.\I)('i;.NTKAI/i;sKIMoS. HyJolin Cameron. ' In preimrattun). (•• Ti'f'uxor.ociv oi' ' : coi'i'i^ii i;> (/.»,. j,rfi,„rr4>. VOMMC XIV: KSKIMO FOI.K-LOKK A.MI I.A.VfilAliK A: K01.K-U)Ri;, WITH TIC.VI S. KUOM ALASKA, IHi; .\1 \t Kli.VZlK DKI.IA, AND t.'OUON'ATION" <;l I.l". Hv D. .lran,-^,< ,, . ,ln /ir. imnitiwtl . H Ct.MPAKATlVK ( I UAM.M A It AM) \ i »< AHIT.AR V Ol' THK KSKI.MO 1)1 Al.Kt T.S OK J'OINT HAHUOW, TIIK \1 At :KKN/11-; DKI.IA, AM) COKONAITON OKl-K. Hy I)..lenaf>s , , ihi j r> f-.inifiiri}, VOLL'.YIF. XV: KSKIMO STRING FIUl KES A\l» HO\(;S A: STUIXCi Klfil'IlKft OK THK KSKKMOS. By U. ,Ienne,« {litady '.r /'rwj.. H SONCS OK THK COPPKU KSKI.MOS By Hol.-n H !{..(. Tt^ ml D. Joniuss. */fi l>rt itiritiii't). VULI i.Mi: XVT: AB( IIAKOLOG V <(.)NTRIHirK)NS lO Till'. AUCMAKOI.O' ; V <'I .KSIKIIX AH( TH' A\lKHU-.\. . . . ' T" ''*- ijre[ia''>'i)< /■"i'i-.i.; 'f i..^if"^"'s^*» '