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Thoiw too larga to ba antiraly incHidad in ana aapoaura ara fNmad baginning in tha uppar iaft hand eomar. laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa raquirad. Tha following diagrama iNuatrata tha Laa eartaa. planehaa. tabiaaux. ate., pauvant 4tra fHmda A daa taux da rOduetion diff Aranta. Loraqua la documant aat trap grand pour 4tra raproduit an un aaui eliehO. 11 aat filmO A partir da I'angia aupdriaur gaueha. da gaueha i droito. at da haut an baa. an pranant la nombra dimagaa ndcaaaaira. L^a diagrammaa auivanta iNuatrant la mMieda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 •«e»ocopr mowTioN tbt chart (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ""^ Li |2£ Hi IM iti 14.0 12.0 ^SjS I®*^ Eost Mom StrMi ^ ^^ ("6) 2M - S989 - Fo. DOMINION OF CANADA DEPARTMENT Oi?' AGRICULTURE ENTOMOLOGICAL BRANCH C. OoBooN HawiTT, roMiNioN Binoir REGULATIONS UNDBK THB DESTRUCTIVE INSECT AND PEST ACT WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS OF TREES. PLANTS AND OTHER NURSERY STOCK BY C. GORDON HEWITT Dominion Entomoloifitt CIRCULAR No. 10 PublUhtd by dirtctlon of Hon. MARTIN BURRELL, Minister of Agriculturo, Ottawa, Ont. OTTAWA J. DC L.ABROQUBRIE: TACHfi P«INTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 19X7 632.704 C212 WE SHALL BE PLEASED to haar from anyono cencarning damaga or troubia of any kind dua to inaact paata. No poataga la rai|ulrad en auch lattara of inquiry whan addrasaad: DOMINION ENTOMOLOQiST, Dapartmant of Agricultura, OTTAWA, ONT. Such anqulrlas ahould ba aeeennpaniad In all cuaa whara it ii posalbla by apaclmana of tha Inaacta. Tha insaeta ahould ba aant packad with thair food plant in a atrong woodan or tin box to pravant loaa in tranait. Packagat up to 12 uncaa in waight may ba mailad fraa and avary packaga ahould baar or contain tha aandar'a nama and addraia and ba accompanlad by a lattar. ZX>MINION OF CANADA DEPARTMENT OP AQRICULl ENTOMOLOGICAL BRANCH. RE Supphment No. J to Entomological Circular A'o. tO. AMENDMENT TO THE REGULATIONS UNDER THE DESTRUCTIVE INSECT AND PEST ACT. MPOElAnOH OP PIHEAPP1E8 AHD BAHAVAS FBOK THE HAWAIIAH ISLANDS. By an Order in Council passed on February 11, 1918. .ubsection (b) of section 7. which reads as follows: — The importation into Canada of the following ig prohibited :— (b) All non-canned fruits, plants or portions of plants or veKetaWe matter from the Hawaiian Islands has been amended to reed: — f ^5 ^^ '»*»?:°"^«* fraif. plants or portions of plants or vegetable matter from the Hawaiian Lilands. except pineapples (Ananasia saiiva) and bananas (Musa spp.). which may be imported provided they have been inspected by the ♦u '^^***** Deportment of Agriculture, certified free from infestation by the Mediterranean fruit fly. and that the boxes, crates, bales or other containew shall be marked with the name and address of the conmKnor and the name and addrtt^s of the consignee and shall bear the oriRiiinl ,.r a dupli<.ule copy of the certificate of inspection. Impv r I : raents »ri Islands. h< Vised to instruct their shippers fully with regard to the require- .a importation of pineapples and bananas from the Hawaiian Nation of all other fresh fruits, plants, etc., is prohibited. C. GORDON HEWITT, Dominion Entomologist. Ottawa. February 15, 1918. Published by authority of Hon. T. A. Cr.rar, Minister of Agriculture. Ottawa, Ont. 35773 To tlic Iloiiuurable The Miiiixtpr of AKriculturc, Ottawa. Ottawa, Augutt 16, 11)17. Rm, — I havi.' the honour tu nubmit for your approval KntomoloKicul Circular No. 10, oiititlnl " Kpffulatiotm under the Destructive IiiMm-t antl I'ent Act, with IiiHtruftionii to Importers and Exportcrit of Trees, IMantx and other Nurwry Stock." OwinK to the recent amendment by Order in Council on July 17. 1917, of the former re((ulatioiiit a revi-.ion of our former Circular No. 4 him Ih-cu made nifciutary. The n-Kutation* liave been couMilidateil and a numlier of new rtK|uirenientM have been included, such as the labellinK of Nhipments of nursery stock with a statement of the contents. The quarantine provisions have been consolidated into one reinilation, Xo. 7, and a new quarantine has been established prohibitintr the importation of cuirnnt and nooseberry plants into Canada. The Kuro|ieau pine-shoot moth, Hretria huoliann, has been scheduled as a destructive insect. This circular is intended to guide persons iniportiiiK platitx and other nurr'ery stock into Canada. Aci-ordinjtly, a brief explanation of the rc<|uirements precede* the remilations. The Destructive Insect and Pest Ai't is ulso uiveii. For the information of persons dcitirinir to eximrt trees, plants or other nursery stock, to the T'nited States, i statement of the conditions under which nursery stock may be shipped to the United States is given. I have the honour to be, sir. Your obedient servant, C. GORDON HKWITT. Dominion Eiifomologist. 2.')9>...— U REGOLATIONS UNDER THE DESTRDCTIVE INSECT AND PEST ACT. SZPLAllAnOir OF BZCUIAnOMS FOR PXBMHI IVFOBTXIO VVMIST ITOOX INTO OASAD. The term " Nunery Mtock " include! tree*, ihrub*, vine*, Km'tx, m-iniii, inittiiigii and budt (H. EXKMPTCII P1.ANTII. Plants which are exempt, at prcaent, from the importation reitulation* and which may bo impnrtod into Canada at any time and through any port are: Herbaceoui pemmniaU, hcrbaceoua beddinft plant*, bulba, Cottonwood from North and South Dnkota and Minneitota and, whtn accompanin *•/ a curiifirali! , (rroenhouao plants. (K4<(nila- tion 3, Bubitet-tinns a to e.) No notice ■. the importation of those exempted oIai>M>i< of stock is required. RCQI IRBMKNT8 TO BB OiaBRVeD BY ALL ImPOBTKRN or NlIRMBHY Stiitk. Imporiation Seasons. — ^Nursery stock may be imported into Cnnndn during eortnin seasons of the year only and throuirh certain ilpocified p< rts (soo fioirulntion 3.) At these ports all nursery stock, except that of Eunpean (includiiiK Britinh) origin, is fumigated. Nunery Stock Subject to Inspection. — Nurnery stock from the following countries and statot is inspected: Europe, Asia, and the State* of Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachtisetts, Connecticut, and Rhode laland. Notification of Importation. — /.ll persons, except residents in nritis' Columbia, importing nursery stock from the aforementioned placos, that in, atoi 'hjecl to inspection, must notify the Dominion Entomologist, Departmo'it of ' iculture. Ottawa. This notice must give the following details (Regulati. n S) :— 1. Nature of Stock; for example: apple seedlings, roses. .. iiliiiK, etc. 2. Quantity; stating quantity of each kind. 3. Origin; stating country and place from vi'. ■ .: the stn<-k i" being imported; for example: London, England. 4. Destination. The final destination in Canada must be given ; in tho cnse of firms or nurserymen importing stock for distribution or snlo, tho premises of the firm or nurserymen is considered to be the destination. 5. Name of Consignor. 6. Name of Consignee. 7. Names of the transportation company or com panic's carryinq the stock. The sending of this notice need not entail much trouUle, as an additional (dupli- cate or trip1i<'nte) copy of the original order can be made at the time of the despatch- ing of the same, and sent, postage free, to the Dominion Entoi lologibi,. Notification on receiving impcHaiions of Nuriery Stock.— When n ghipment reaches its destination the importer shall send a second notice to that effect i" order that, if necessary, the inspection may be made. If the shipment bears a cert.hcato showing that the plants have been inspected at the port of entry Lj an officer of the department, this second notice may be omitted. Consignors are required to state clearly on each container of nursery stock the contents and the name of the port by which it is intended that the shipment shall enter Canada (Regulation 4). j • ti Nursery stock subject to inspection or fumigation may not be shipped m tne same containers as nursery stodc that is exempt (Resulation 3). Transportation companies are required to send to the Dominion Entomologist notification of shipments transported by them. Custom House brokers are required to notify tlie Dominion E.itom ilogist of ship- ments of nursery stock received by them (Regulation 5.) Inspection at Destination.— la some cases shipments of nursery stock arc inspected at the port of entry and a certificate of inspection is then issued. In other cases, where it can be conveniently arranged, nursery stock is al owed to go to its destination for inspection; in such cases it must not be unpacked except in the presence of an inspector, who is sent to inspect the stock immediately notice of its arrival is received by the Dominion Entomologist (Regulation 6). AdvUing Shippers. -Tot«>ixs importing nursery stock requiring inspection or fumigation should advise the shippers of the dates upon which the fall and spring importation seasons open and close, and of ports of entry through which stock is to be shipped (consult Regulation 3). If this is not done inconvenience and loss may be caused by the refusal to admit shipments not arriving within the prescribed period. Importers may obtain copies of these regulations to send to shippers on applica- tion to the Dominion Entomologist, to whom all inquiries should be addressed. Letters nddressed to the Dominion Entomologist. Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, may be mailed " Free." Prohibited Importations. The importation of nursery stock, except certain classes of florists stock duly certified, through the mails is prohibited (Regulation 8). The importation of the following plants is also prohibited (see Regulation 7) :— 1 Coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, hemlock, pine, juniper (cedar) and urbor- vit« (white cedar) or foliage thereof, and decorative plants such ns holly and laurel from the states of Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Rhode Island. . 2. Plants, portions of plants and non-canned fruits or other vegetation from the Hawaiian Islands. . ,„ . i \ j- „, ♦!,„ 3. Chestnut (Caxtanea dentata) and Chinquapin {Castanea pwmda) from the T'nited States. 4 The following species of the genus Pinus and their horticultural varieties, viz White pine (Pinm strohus L.) ; Western white pine iPmm monttcola Dougl.); sugar pine (Pinus Iamh>-rthna Dougl.) ; Stone or Cembnan pine (Pinus cembra L.). and all other five-leaved species of the genus 5 All speci'es and varieties of currants and gooseberries (Rihos and Grossularia). e". Nursery stock infested with any of the insect pests or diseases specified under Nurse^^tocirrmported in contravention to tho regulations will be either exported o.- destroyed. KEGVLATIONS. 1 "InB«K!tor" means a pereoii appointed for carrying out the provisions of th.. Destructive Insect and Pest Act and regulations made thereunder 2. No tree, plant or other vegetable matter infested any of the .ns^Jte, pests or diseas^ to which this Act applies, shall be imported into Canada except as '^"rS«s^:;ll. including an trees, shrubs, plants vi„.. ^-Jts «do.«^^^^^^^ or buds which are not hereinafter exempted, entering Canada shall be i™Ported only through The ports and during the periods respectively hereinafter mentioned, that .s to say: — , ,, , Vancouver. B.C., from October 1 to May 1. ^£5u'*„n'.rp»,:f^*rs'i^oh„. n.b., ... M..h » » fumigation and inspection at that port ^^ Vermont. port without inspection : — be siened by the consignor. . (ft) Ilerbn.eouB perennials (the stems of which die down n. winter), such as perennial phlox, peonies, sunflowcrf . etc. • „.^ 1 (0) Herbaceous bedding plants (such a- geraniums, verbenas P~^*;-J (d) Bulbs and tubers (such as hyacinths lilies,, nnd other true bulbs. and also tubers of dahlias, irises, etc.\ , ■_, («) Cottonwood or necklace poplar (PopuJu. -^""^^ ^^^^ ;;^^/';,t;,^f from and grown in Dakota or Muinesotn, two ot the Lnited States ot America. Nursery stock subject to fumigation or inspection shall not be included in cars boxes balcT oTother containers with plants that are exempt from fumigation or inspection hut shall be shipped in separate containers. Entomoogiet by the importer immediately on the arrival of the gtook nt JtT « ^ htrb?oLsrr:tht"L'^ ''-/'' 'i! -«lfcom;ti:vis tW ;. . I" * f • persons importing or bringing into Canada nurserr stock ;nt\'rrS*edVrm'°"' "' '"•"""**^' '^'''^' -'-^'«»<'^^ «uc"h TL'sS 6. Nnrseiy stock, not including such stock as is exempt under section 3 of H,»« regulations, originating in Europe shall be imported onfy throirthe Ports anS^ fofsiSlf '^*°" f ^.*- •^'*^"' ^•^- •'"'■"'^ *^ periods sSed under sSion 3 sJLl u"*'^ ^"* fumigation, with the addition of the ports of HalifarN S itto^'Nl-'tirF ''•"''^"'; l^-' *'™"'^*' "'^'"^ Ports'^a^d llsJ tie liort of Ht John, N.B., such European stock may enter from September 16 to Mav 15 Snrh European nursery stock, and such other imported vegetation as the Minister ,^„v fffe'^tr"'''^.^"""'"' '^'" '»*' ^^"•P* '"«» fumfSon? but Jail be inSeS bm fn tL iX °L'-t "^ ''/* its destination to which it ma^ be allowed t^^^ T ?hVii^:r irraJ: ^fXtiS irptis-"^ - ^"'-^'• ''' fora^ tl^StatTcaSotr-"'' "^ ^^'""^« °^ «*• ^^^^ ^"^ ^-- (e) Coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, hemlock, pine, juniper (cedar) and holly and laurel known and described as "Christmas greens or greenerv" Erde'i:Cr °' '"'"^' Massachusetts. New Hampsh^. ConnecSTud ^^^ SmJ!v!°S?* species of the genus Pinus and their horticultural varieties tieoia JJougl.) ; Sugar pine (Pinu.? lamhertiana Dougl ) • Ston^ or r^rn br^n^pine (A„u. e...m K) ; and all other five-leav JsU^iS^^rth: ^Zs ^'^ faLr"'' ""^ '"'"*''' °' '""""*'- '^"'^ gooseberries (iJiS., and Grossu- 9. Forest plant produots, including logs, tan bark, posts, poles, railway ties, cord- wood, lumber and stone and quarry products, originating in any one of the states of Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, five of the United States of America, shall not be admitted into Canada unless such forest plant products or stone and quarry products shall be accompanied by a certificate showing that they have been inspected by the United States Department of Agriculture and found free from gipsy moth. Each shipment shall be accompanied by such an inspec- tion certificate, and the certificate shall accompany the bill of lading, way-bills or other memoranda pertaining to such shipments. 10. If on inspection, nursery stock or other vegetation or vegetable matter is found to be infested with any of the insects, pests or diseases hereinafter specified, it shall be destroyed to the extent deemed necessary by the inspector and in his presence. All cases, packages and packing in which such stock has been contained shall also be destroyed in the same manner. 11. An inspector shall have power to enter any lands, nursery or other premises where there is reason to believe that any of the insects, pests or diseases hereinafter specified are or may be present, or where there exist trees, shrubs, or other vegeta- tion which prevent the successful control of the said insects, pests or diseases. An inspector shall give such instructions as may be necessary for the treatment or destruction of any tree, bush, crop or other vegetation or vegetable matter or the containers thereof, which may be found or suspected to be infected with, or constitute an obstacle to the successful control of any of the insects, pests or diseases herein- after specified, and such instructions shall be carried out by the owner, or lessee of the infected, suspected or menacing vegetation, vegetable matter or containers thereof, and such remedial treatment shall be carried out and continued until the insect, pest or disease shall be deemed by the inspector to have been exterminated or the menace removed. The insp^tor shall have power to carry out the required treatment or destruction, if necessary. 12. It shall be illegal to sell, offer for sale or in any way dispose of or receive any trees, shrubs or other plants, vegetable matter or portions of the same, if the same are infested with any of the insects, pests or diseases hereinafter specified. 13. Potatoes offered for export to the United States must be free from injurious diseases and insect pests. 14. The owner, occupier or lessee of any premises or place where any of the insects, pests or diseases specified herein shall be found, shall imm^ • "-ely notify the Minister and shall also send to him specimens of such insects, pests or diseases. 16. The Minister may authorize the importation into Canada of any insect, pest or disease herein specified or any nursery stock, vegetation plant products, the impor- tation of which is prohibited, but for scientific purposes only. 16. Compensation not exceeding two-thirds of the value as assessed by the inspector, of the vegetation or vegetable matter, or containers thereof, destroyed by the instructions of an inspector, may be granted by the Governor in Council upon the recommendation of the Minister, except in cases where these regulations are carried out under the direction of the Government of a province not granting compensation and in the case of potatoes or potato crops. 17. The regulations and amendments thereto made previously under the Destruc- tive Insect and Pest Act are hereby repealed. 18. The destructive insects, pests and diseases to which the said Act shall apply shall include the following: — Ran Jos6 Scale (Aspidiotus perniciostis) . Brown-tail Moth (Euproetts chrifsorrhoea). Woolly Aphis (Eriosoma lanigerd). West Indian Peach Scale (Aulacaspis pentagona). 10 Gipsy Moth (Porthetria dUpar). Mediterranean Fruit Fly (CeratitU eapiiata). Potato Tuber Moth (Pthorima opereulella). Apple and Cherry Ermine Moths (Yponomeuta malineUut and Ypono- meuta padellus). European Pine Shoot Moth (Evetria buoliana). Potato Canker (ChrysopMyctig endohiotiea). Chestnut Bark Disease (Diaporihe partuitica). White Pine Blister Rust (Peridermium strobi). European Rust of Ribes and Oroisularia spp. {Cronartium ribicola). THE DESTBUCTIYE IH8ECT AND PEST ACT. 0-10 EDWARD VII. Chap. 31. Short title. An Act to Prevent the Introduction or Spreading of Insects, Pests and Diseases Destructpe to Vegetation. (Assented to May 4, 1910.) His Majesty, by "nd with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:— Act. 1. This Act may be cited as The Destructive Insect and Pest " Minister ' deflned. Regulations. Scope of Reeulations. 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, « the Min- ister means " the Minister of Agriculture." 3. The Governor in Council may make such regulations as are deemed expedient to prevent the introduction or admission into Canada, or the spreading therein, of any insect, pest or disease destructive to vegetation. 4. Such regulations may provide, — (o) for the prohibition generally, or from any particular country or place, of the introduction or admission into Canada of any vege- table or other matter likely to introduce any such insect, pest or disease; (6) the terms or conditions upon, and the places at which any such vegetable or other matter may be introduced or admitted into Canada ; (c) for the treatment and manner of treatment to be given to any vegetation, vegetable matter or premises in order to prevent the spreading of any such insect, pest or disease, and may prescribe whether such treatment shall be given by the owner or by a person appointed for such purpose; 11 to e infected with „„, .u.h^rr^ell'rkra'r.*^ *" """'^''^ bush ;, „tht%^^S„"' "•'"'r'"""" '"' ""^ -'''• -l>. tree destroyed and" to be ^ra^.^ JZ tt tt n"'" '"'"" °' »'"' """»-' the recommendation of ?he Mi".£„?^ ""' ""'"'""' '" ^""""iJ -^PO" infi£/:it?:„nStLr^ -11 - ^--"« — tain^A£;e: ^rattrpL?-f -etah. ^atte/rriho ..,. any re,,ulation mado theremE U ' •" ^T'''' "' *^'* ^.t, or any other purpose which mavtH *^T"""!f «"<1 ffonfirnlly for this Act. whether sS oth'r'^iulaZ!^ expedient for carrvin^ out in this section or not. '^"'"*'°"» are of the kind enumerated car^MrLr^riScJE"^^^^ ^- izt^^. counc^":?th^thCr;;Jf^rda^fhr^ '^^ ;,'t "—- >"co„«™..„„ to be valid. ^ ^^ *""** **'^'«of' shall lapse and cease <" Appointment. such inse'ct p^t o dtase ^ IT? ^ '"""^l'^ *»'"•" --*« «"' '"'"'^"°"- also of any vegetable "/ if-.tT ^ ^''^'jn'ens thereof and therewith. "*^' "' ■'*'^*' "' ""M'eoted of bein^ infested 7. The Minister, unon thp mnn^t . -• a reasonable belief of ?he exiXn r""'' '"''^*'*"'' ^''«''"-' ^"^1' ''"-'-o' disease in any area defined ;..r ""-^ '"^'' '""'''*' l'««t or ^'"'"ter. from such ar'ea or t mt' 'mrt\S; 7^ ""'""* ^•'.•' ''"""-' table or other matter which .•nM • " f "-^ vegetation. vcRe- spread of such iS, p'est'o'dtal'"'""' '^ '""^^ *" ''^'''' '" *•"• any*;rS^i^'^:^^;:-X"'^:h:;rnt;:i'" -^ *'>'^ ^-- - ^-^ - conviction, to a fine not onZlAi ^e liable, upon summary ^"""■"'"'"""n imprisonment for a term Lre^inrsL monthf '^1'"^ T. *" "-•-'"- " and imprisonment. Any x(^^ei«hU Z fi ' ""■ *" ^""^^ ^ne brought into CanndneoXayTo this wtT """" 7^'*-'^ "' thereunder, shall be forfeited to the (Wr '' '''''"'"" '"'"'^ shall be published in The Ca,mr}^ rJ.t 7* . , " "'"*^'" ♦*"'« •'^^t r'^T """ "• • " "'\' "'"'^ Gtt«p«e, and sha be laid bv tbo ^*f"'»""nsto rlinment within fifteen dnr. .,ff„, ..,„ . '^ *'"' ?!/.>"?i'«hei 10. n. ,c„„ Jo,,: .^,„;, 4^^ ;^ ^^p^^j^ ('"mmeiioe- and laid before Parliament. RS-. c. ],?- Repelled. nWTBUCnOM fob EXPOBTEM Of TBZE8, PLAHT8 AHS OTHEB HUBSEBT STOCK TO TEE UHITED STATES. OONWTIONB UNDER WHICH NUMBBV STOCK MAY BB SHIPPKD TO THE UNITED STATES. 8t- J''pi''"f' J^'"" ''^•" "^.'''P*'/ "^ """'^'y *^^ " *'*"«1 1° the fact that the United Lw,f / *^".'""'f\°«' ^''t °f August 20. 1M2. imposes cerUin duties both on the exporter or foreign shipper as well as on the importer of nursery stock iniJA^ f^T' ""*' "^.^fr """^ *""*• ^'' "' »'•'«" container of nursery stock ntended for shipment to the United State, is plainly and correctly marked to .now the number of th^ permit, the general nature and quantity of the contents, the province and locality where grown, t^ name and address of the exporter, and the name and address of the consignee. ddition, each case. box. container or covering must bear a copy certificate of ins, m issued by a duly authorized official of the Dominion Government. An original certificate of inspection must accompany the mvrice. The services of an inspector and the required certificates can be secured on application to the Dominion Entomologist. Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. rhe permit is issued to the person in the United States making the importation, and It 18 his duty to notify the foreign shipper of the number of the permit, in order that It may be placed upon the container cs required by the regulations. Permits are to be taken out in advance of placing the order, and no nursery stock should be shipped to the United States until the consignor has been advised of the number of the permit authorizing the importation in question. A United States Post Office Order prohibits the importation into that country, by mail, of all growing or living plants, seeds, bulbs, and other plant products for propagation, except field, vegetable, and flower seeds. This prohibition is absolute, even though *he package should be marked and certified, as indicated above, for freight or express shipments. ^rr^:^!K^',VMs^^^f^j^^