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Mape. pfatea. charta. etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Those too large to bo entirely included In one exposure are filmed beginning in tha upper left hend comer, left to right and top to bottom, aa many framea aa required. The following diagrama illuatrate the method: Lea cartea. planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre fllmte i dee taux de rMuction difftrenta. Lorsque le document eat trop grand pour ttre reproduit en un aeui clleht. il eat film4 i partir de Tangle aup4riaur gauche, de gauche i droite. et de haut an baa, an prenant la nombre d'imagea nAcaaaaira. Lea diagrammea auivanta illuatrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 iMcaocatf msoujTioN mi chart (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ^PLIED IIVHGE I 165J tost Moin SIrMI (716) 288 -5989 -Fax BULLETIN 191.] [JUNE. 1911. Ontario Departmrat of Agricultuie FRUIT BRANCH Bee-Keeping in Ontario. ABRANOED BY HOBLBT PBTTIT, PBOVINCUL APIABI8T. DETAILED BEPOBT ON TEE HONEY PROSPECTS IN THE VABIOUS COUNTIES. For the purpose- of reporting on the condition of bees in Ontario, and the Honey Crop prospects for 1911, blanks were sent to five thousand beekeepers last month by the Fruit Branch of the Department of Am- culture. Six hundred replies were received, from which this report has been summarized. The total number of colonies reported for the Pall of 1910 was 23,730. For May, 1911, it is 20,414. This represents a winter loss of fourteen per cent, whicfli is five per cent, more than that reported a year ago. This also means ^t the remaining colonies are weaker in proportion, and are less fit tor the work of Mthering honey which the clover fields, weather per- mitting, wiU provide. On the other hand, the condition of clover is reported almost uniformly good. A few counties report "poor" and below the average," and some " extra good." 4 * J"^® * Vring report is of value in determining the present prospect of the honqr crop, there is no other farm crop so entirely dependent on weather conditions from day to day during harvest time. Any sudden change from hot to cold will often check the secretion of nectar in the flowers and reduce the expected honey crop by hundreds of thousands of pounds. The following is the detailed report arranged by counties : COUNTY. Algonw . Brut... Bruce.. . Carleton. Durham . Dufferin. a I I 6.S 35- DundM. . . Elgin .... Essex Frontensc Glengarrjr GreDTille . , Grey Haliburton Uaiton .... Haldtuand. Hastings .. Huron Kent Lennox and dington... Leeds Lanark Ad 'Mon .sex aitoolin Muskoka Nipissing Nortiiumlwriand. Norfolk. Ontario. Oxford . Peel.. Perth 14 80 202 100 88 61 61 123 196 41 129 58 215 12 66| 96! 120; 163 70 52 154 78 187 70 322 18 28 16 169 309 155 180 t t Crop prospects. id as* i £. Genera] condition of Bees. 2Good 12|Fair to good 20;Fair to ftrj good OOood 5 4 Poor to good , Fairly good.. 6iGood to excellent. 19iGood 10 Poor to good 6 Fair to very good 15 Good to very good . ll'Poor to good , 32Fkir]ygood 9 16 20 2 Fair to good 21 8 22 9 29 12 33 3 3 2 16 18 13 Fair to very good Good to Tecy good Poor to fair and good Fair Poor to good , 15 8 11 Fair to good Fair to rery good Good if it rains . . Good to rery good Not good to rery good Fairly good Arerage togood... Fair to very good.. Very good Poor to fairly good, Good Not good to fair and good Not good to fairly good Good Ordinary to good. 56 3/9 669 842 266 228 298 407 325 194 1.422 306 1.186 18 810 811 711 1.197 307 412 844 224 786 452 1.853 178 40 4 868 576 642 419 681 481 49 888 668 290 282 200 249 350 248 176 1.345 283 911 16 259 718 627 1.048 394 713 203 701 18lGood. lllFair to yery good. 16 Fair to good. 16 Fairly weak to good. 13 Fair to extra good. 12iNot rery good to i rery good. IKFair to good. UlFkir to good. 24lWeak to good. 10 Weak to rery good. 5 Fair to rery good. 8~ 23 11 16 11 t 12 12 22 4 16 9 10 400 1,403 138 29 3 306 490 471 626 412 Fair to good. Weak to fair rery good. Good Poor to good. Generally good. Weak to fair rery good. Weak to good. Weak to good. to and Fair to excellent lUr to extra good. Not good to fair and strong. Good to oould not be better. Fair to strong. Weak to rery good. Only fairly good. Arerage to good. Good. Weak to fine and strong. Below Arerage. Weak to good. 13 Fairly good to first class. Fair to good. Fair to good. Fair to rery good. COUNTY, Peterboruugh ., Presoott Prince E