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1125 nu

|£5 1.8



1653 East Main StrnI

Roch«t«r. New York !4609 USA

(?16) 4«2 - 0300 - Phoo.

(7tg) 28S - 5989 - FOK


TREES SHPiiBo*®* °" *^® Growing of ===^— 1"'^^°'^ for planting in Manitoba


■•■ilrta AiriraHaral MUff

««oh l..,d in good co„drt^^Tw""'T'°" '°'- '*"»'"''Se««Z^L "'>'"* f'""'*^ »«

damaged^ whae'it A^/SlI;^* fc rheTui^"^ ^ I ""^ '^^^^^^^^^^^ "VBRGRBBNS AND CONIFERS

gprnn- White ■pnm (Ptowi OuiMiMMhi). hUek •pru« (Hc«i mariaiui, ColorMlo or Rockv MoaDtein bine •prvce (Piowt Pangmt).

White oadai or arhor rite; (Thai* oooid«iiti«li»).

Ureb or temarMk (Uris Urioina). KaropMn Uroh. (l*rix decidua). 8ib*ri*n Lwoh.

8«rM»l of tho trM* in th« above liat are iiniUhle iiIm> (or ortmnMntel parpoM*. wpwially tl.. Uaral and goMan willowa, and all tha uonlfam. Tha temaraok, tliough a conilar. ia a daoiduon- trM. Grown whara it ia not orowdad, it maliaa a hatMlaoma traa, iUi -oft, allkv foliage giving tt ,i very handaome appearance. The American elm. the ManitoU maple, ami (where it will tbriv. ) the bMawood are abo uaeful (or atreet tree*. The poptara are Uie(ul mainly on account ol thou haidinaaaand ra|rfd growth. In other reepeoU they are not, aa a cUiw, deairable treea to \Aau\ very extenaively.

In planting tn«ea, regard ahooW be had to the nature of the noil. Aab, elm. oottoiiwoo.1, willowa and temaraok will grow on moist land. Tamarack ia particularly valnaWe (or thia cli.^ of land. The RnaaiM po^plara, white spruce, and pine will thrive on Randy or gravelly aoll.


Aaiatio ma|4e (Acer tertarticum Oinnala). AI«o known as the Oinnalian maple, a beautitnl shrub, valued (or the beaatKul tiute o( iU (oliage and seeda. Alder— Commim or European alder (Alnus Ulutinoaa).

Northwaatern June Berry— Commonly known as Saskatoon (AmeUnohier alnKblia). Artemisia— Old roan or southernwood (Artemisia abrotauum). Russian artemisia (Artemi-m abrotenum tubolskianum).

Barberries— Thunberg'a borberry (Berberis thunbergii). Purple-leaved barberry {Berberi. vulgaris purpurea). Common barberry (Berberia vulgaris). Amur barberry (Berberw AwurenMs' Birobee— Cut-leaved birch (BetuU alba laoiniate penduU). Low or dwar( black biirli (Betula piimila).

Buflalo berry (Shepherdia Argentea), native.

Caraganas— also called the Siberian pea-tree. Practically all varieties o( oaraganas tlmi huve been introduced into the Canadian Northwest have proved per(ectly hardy.

Comns or Dogwood, Red Osier Dogwood, native (Comua atoloiiWera), Siberian Dogwood (Comns alba Siberioa), Variegated Siberian Dogwood, (or favored locations only (Coruus allw Silierioa variegate.)

Cotoneaster— The sharivleaved variety (Cotoneaster acutKolia), common variety (Cotonea»ter tomentosa), are all hardy.

Hawthorns— Soariet thomor H^w (Crat«gusooociuoa). Siberian thorn (Cratjegus oxyacantlw Siberioa).

Russian Olive— Oilberry (Vlnagnas angnati(olia). For Eastern Manitoba. Native Silver Berry or WoW Willow (ElKOgnus argentea).

Honeysucklea— Albert Regel's (Lonicera Spinosa, var. Albertii). Also all varieties of tht | Tartarian honeysuckle, Lonicera terterica, (bnshforms). BUck or Canada idum— (Prunus nigra), native. Sand or dwarf cherry— <Pmnus pumila), native. Wild Refl, Pin or Pigeon cherry- (Prnnus Pennsylvanies) Choke Cherry— (Prunus Virginiana), native. Siberian or berried cr»b-(Pyru8 baccate). .Tapaneae Quince— Half hardy.

American monntein ash or dogberry (Sorbus Americana), native Missouri, Flowering, Golden or Buflalo currant— (Ribes aurenm).

Buckthorns Common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica). Alder leaved buckthorn (Rhainno!| .ilnifolia). Siberian buckthorn (Rhamnus dahurica). Sumac— Smooth sumac (Rhus glabra), native.

Rose— .Japanese Rose (Roea Rugosa). Several (orms of the June or early (lowering osesj

including tlie yellow rose. I

Spirwas— (Spiru-a Billardi), (Spiriea Argute), Van Houette's spiraw (Spine Van Ho itrtii

hito-flowered, meadow sweet, native (8pir«« salicifolia); Sorbns-leaved spiriva (Spirsa sorb toli»):l

'en spirea (Spint>a opufolia aurea). F

|nowberry or wolfberry— Notive varieties. (Symphoricarpus occidentalis and Sympb iricirj


e (Syringa)— All varieties on their own roots, or on stock o( the common lilac (S.-rin As many as thirty varities of both doultle and single liUcs have been tested it t

in Eastern and Norilierol

B«n.lon .ndlmUaii HMd uperiiMiiUI Imtm; iwarlj all of which h«ve bwD f.. Imrdv Bv jadi. .ooi Nlwtioii. ofl. m»y b«v« .u«c«Miion of hhx^. for four or Hve wwki '' *

\ ibumam (Viburnum UnUna). (Vibarn.m opolui.), or high bu.h omnb^rry.

■VIRORBBN SHRUBS •lanlp«r»-Common iuvin (Janipern* Sabin*). (Juniptruii Mbina vwi«c»U'. I iM-Dwarf mountain pin* (Piuua MonUna muifhua).


Virginia eree|ier (Ampelopais quioquefolia), native variety.

Climbing Bitter Sweet -(Cela»tnmcandeni), native.

iirape— (Vltua vulpina)— Froet grape, native.

RuMian Honeyeuoklee-Climbing varietiee. introduced from 8il«ria.


III umKinif and pUnting a border it la most important to plant ihoRe kindn which will iHv« » «>„ Le »^inV:'""'"/";Sjr'^ iu the spring until \.tc in theLturnHnd to TrrangT hfm sS tZ' remrttoi^irh.Sd\- ^' •*"* of blooming, bights of the plants an'l Tl?^ of t^elwerl Z natariLw^v 1, **"■"" ^•7~«'"' c-onsi«fer«tion by those who desire to nialie the most of

j1„„7 ^y ^*^' "' T^ «^^- '" "•■«» *^"^«" »»>• »««t effects areobtainedbvmassinff^rer^

.h^. .„j .? ''•'* *••" """•'*•• of ?•<"«*• limited it is often not thouirht Dossible to fflt

hr;,.r?l.''°T"K""^-.°.!L\P''*. "' ^•'" *~'^«' *•'» ^ *<*»'<'»* »'>«'"'. During t^rK^nis^to*

UhP„ r. „^ . staking, as fine specimens are liable to be broken by storms if this is nJilecterf

thaH^MMLtee^K^ *^^"'"« fu" '" "' *''*' •*"»"" *»' »*»• y^*"" "^cn so much

•^?Bl2S^t Jl*" " * "^"^ material in the spring the shorter



^o^"^l!^^rT:o'}^^^^^^^ «»--'«- of showy double white

Alth«»rose%^Co|jmon Hollyhock, an old-fanhioned hardy perennial «asilv Brown from r^arietr' ^'^^^■"'.'^f^' '^'^'«^' flowen, white to alm^os^bUck ShoK7hin^

^^o^'^X^ni^iiril:7i. ^«S^ ^te-Howering ..rennial of a gi,at variety of •-.n:r™^er;':t?«?:;ve'rb;.H:«."^ ^"""'" '" ^•"•'' ""»••« •"" -»"»*• "loomingdunngmid. 'nd ! aslly g';^wn'^''^''*"'''' "' '^""P'^**^' * '""^y "■«« """••"tive ,«,ennial suiuble for larder

' i



IMoratra •pMtabllb or BlMding HMrt, an old fMhkmail hardy peminiitl Moominir •luriw •lull* and July mud |>roduf!iiqr quantitiM of orintMNi ami white Howen.

Oaillardla ArirtaU or Blanket riowor. a hardy nhowy iwrennlal in nhadax ..» <'rim«.ii itn.1 yaiMw, blooming ilurlng inidvummer. (irown frwm M«d or plant division.

Oy|»»|>»iila PanlciilaU or Oialk Plant. A hardy, flnely branched. lUlioatoly flowered tnnn niai. nowera white, miitehle for planting in mixed kortlern. ftoweni very dei<irnl>k- for tiuu<|u*i».

Hempn).;ttllli, or IViy Lillieo. Hanly ihowy perennials whic!. do » ell under a great variety U Romlltious, in mixed borders, (lowering during .fuiie. (Jrown from plant division.

Iris or Flag, a short showy perennini in shailes of yellow and iturple. Uennan and MiUriin forms uarticularly desirable. Does well in a variety of sitoalions. In many nam««i vmi.ii«.. Should bu in every collection.

Lychnis, Chaloedonioa or Malt«M Cross. RrilliantU llowerwl iierenninl. im)

duciny ma»«M of Hcarlet bloimi which appears during midmimraer. I)oe« well in a varieiv oi


Myosotls Alfwstri* or Forget me not. Dwarf (lerennial iMwIuoing iiiiisoeo nf deliml. Iilur flowers. Hurdy ami a persistent M.Kimer. I Jrown from plant liivision.

Pi»eouia or Pneon V. One of Hit- best known ami most hardy lierlmoeous iierenniHls, "liich

I .Li " V'^'y collection. Bloom Urge and showy, ap|ieaHng during midMunmer. Sh 1

planted in de..p. well propare<l «oil. and in a som.whttt protecr^d .ituiition. Many de^mhle sort« which should be planted extenxively. < irown from roots.

IWveror Perennial Poiipy. Hardy, early blooming (lerenniaU. loclami and Oriei .1 |K>|,|>i«. uest known form-.. Oriental |Mrticulurly attractive, in shadeM of ^-arlH and .•riinson. Miiv grown from seed or plant division.

Perennial Phlox. Very attractive late blooming iwrenniaN. Should Iw grown in im..Mt attractive displays of color. Many ultructive iiamwl varieties which shonl.l W planted extensively.

Rudbeckia lacinata or llolden (ilow. One of the I. I growing, late flowering iiennniaN. I'm dues, masses of showy yellow flowers. Does well in a variety of situations and should be i.UnttA fairly extensively. '

. ^•T!'*- _,^'ne of th« lierlMiceoHs spini«« do well ami make attractive iwrenniaU. I'ht ira-o Hlipendiila, palmate and almaria are particularly girati forms.


particularly giKMi I HARDY FRUITS

Slrawlierries -Bederwood. Senator Duohip, Clyde, I.,ovett, Knchanco.

Raspberries, Red— Turner, Loudon, King. Shipiwr's Pride. Minnetonka

Raspljerries. Black— Older.

Raspberries, Purple and golden -Caroline.

Currants, Red— Raby Castle. Stewart's, f>jndoM Market. Red Dutch.

Currants. Black— Naples. Lees Prolific.

Currants, White- White Ora|ie, White Dutch.

Oooselierries— Houghton, Hmith's Improved. Downing. *

(ira|ie--Beta, for Southeastern Manitolja.

'• Plums— KJheney, Aitkin.

Cherry— ComtM«/eherry, for .Southeastern Manitoba.

Crab Applas nrfd Qy^brids -^Transcendent. Hyslop. Virginia.

Whitney Xo. 2<l. Vir^nia,\Karly .Strawberry— secomi degree }£hai.,

Standard apples for TestiiiK-iHihernal. Duchess. Pattens tireeninir Hlushecl Colviile, v ' -


Professor Horticulture ana Forestry
