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With the larger fruits thinning should be practised, since the rot often starts where two fruits touch Spraying is also necessary. Use winter strength lime-sulphur before growth begins. Other sprayings are given when the shuc!:s have bet- pushed off the developing fruit, and about a month before the frii ■t-ti Brown-rot in plums Not." the nuniprous massos of sporos. (f^rom Bull 24, IJoni. Exp Farms ) is ripe, with an intermediate one if necessary. Ordinary lime-sulphi cannot be used for these sprayings, being too injurious to the foliaj>. for some plums, 4-4-40 Bordeaux mixture may be used. For cherri. and sensitive varieties of plums, 2-3-40 Bordeaux, whilst for peacl,, only the self-boiled lime-sulphur is safe. It is to be feared, howev, that the grower of the Lower Mainland, where the disease is wor cannot afford to adopt all the measures necessary, since the growers in the Interior do not have to fight brown-rot, thus having a great advantage in stone fruit production from the standpoint of commercial r< impetition. Shot-hole. Various causes may result in "shot-hole," among them, spraying with a badly made or too strong fungicide. The form here referred to. however, is due to a fungus which kills small areas in the leaf. These fall out, pr dicing a " shot-hole." If these are numerous, much nf the value of ihe leaf is lost. Usually the disease is not severe enough to call for special treatment. If it is, give a dormant spray of linic-sulphur, and follow by sprayings of 2-3-40 Bordeaux mixture. If the fruit matures early it may be sufficient to do this after picking. If not, spray also after the fruit is set, as for brown-rot. Shot-hole of chprry. Some of the attaeUJ gpotn nave fallen out; others are alioiit to do so. (Fruui Bull. 24, Doni. Kjp. B'arms.) Gummosis. The cell-wa"s of stone-fruit trees are very liable to undergo a change "iio a gummy substance which exudes at the surface. formation '■: gun? is known as ummosis. It may be the result of mechanical '.jury, of insect punctures or boiings, of winter injury, or, more I -Illy, of fungus or bacterial infection. Gumming often follows brown- y' t infection of the twigs. It may, however, be spontaneous, especially 1: trees that have made a forced growth, due to too much water or nitrogenou. fertilizer, or both. Such trees are also more liable i„ extensive gumming as a consequence of any of the injuries abrne mentioned. ' Sweet-cherry trees, specially in wet or other unfavourable siti, v tions, are particularly liable to guinmosis. although the virtilent bacter, .1 formof the disease, so destructive in some rf the Pacific States Iv.s not been observed here. It is very important that sweet ci,erries 'ha^ . „» JlC'^'r''*. '"' *'?'"'* chprrlM. The lower figure ghowa a lerlea a well-drained r subsoil. Gumming very often follows win <■ cherry-trees have been winter-injured. The proper cultural methu U and the growing of adaptable varieties for the section is of the great. 4 importance. Where cherry-trees have become winter-injured on t c trunks, a good practice is to slit open the bulged part with a kni: ; this will allow the air and sunlight to enter and prevent fermentaf n takmg place. Where the bark on the trunk has cracked or the b.k heaved away from the wood, a few small nails should be driven in o brmg It back and hold it in place. 6 Urge cankers should be cleaned out, cutting away all diseased tissue until a sound surface is exposed. Disinfect the wound with corrosive sublimate, i to .,000 of water, to prevent infection with fungi or l.ictena, and paint over with a lead paint free from turpentine. I ..How those cultural practices that will lead to a firm stocky growth, of moderate amount, rather a forced growth of soft wgod. Victoria, B.C., issued May, 1918. This circular has been prepared by , W. Eastham, B.Sc, Provincial Plant rathologist. at the request of the Horticultural Branch t opies of this circular may be obtained free of charge on application to 0 Horticultural Branch, Department of AgricultureT Victoria, B C. or local branch offices of the Department. «, o.v,.. or VICTORIA, BC. : Printed *y William II. Ci'lli.<«. Printer to tlic KIngV umi Excllwit MiiJ*»tr V !8.