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Las diagrammas suivants illustrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MKtOCOPV MSOWTION TBT CHAIT (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) lit 12^ 1 4.0 1^ ■ 20 1.8 ^HJ^ ^ S /1PPLIED IM/IGE Inc 165:) East Uoin Strett Rochester, New York 14609 uSA (716) *82 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 - 5989 - Fom soxmov OP (uurioA DEV'AmTMEHT OF AO&I0I7X.TnRE IXPUIMIHTAL FABMS DIVISION OF ENTOMC:.OGY Bulletin No. 1 THE DESTRUCTIVE INSECT AND PEST ACT AND REGULATIONS ISSUED THEREUNDER BV C. (iOBDON HEWITT, D.S(. nominiiiii Enlomohnist. BVIXETin No. 7— SEOONB SERIES Bulli-tiiis of the Second Series of tlie Bulletins of the Exiferimt-nti . i'anii* treat of *uch subjects as are of interest to a limited class of readers and are mailed c.n'.v to those to whom the information is likely to he useful. Published by direction of the Hon. SYDNE' A. FISHER, Minister -" Aoriculture, Ottawa 58(»— 1 OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1311 T(p the Honourable The Minister of Agriculture. Ottawa. .t i. the objec, -f this legislation to avoid '"' '^"^ ''"•"^^ ''»"■«''' I have the honour to be, sir. Your obedient servant, J- n. ORISDALE. Ottawa. May 2.1. 1J)11. i>"-€ctor. Dominion Experimental Farms. I iHi Dunnomn nmcr in put act, in iieuiAnom mun THminmim. In May. mO P.rli«n.*nt pa.Mx] ' A.. A.t to pn^v..,.. the intrcluction o, .p»«i. ...K of I„«H.u Pe.„ «„,, n,V.«^ d«HtrM.tive to ve«et«ti«n.' Tho .l.nge, o/ tb.„ „( injurious i„«K^, pe,u «n,| ..Unt .|.M..«e. i. prob-Wy g«.tef i» th.„ .„ .„y other oountry. Thi- U .lue to the fn-t th-t. owinK to the r.p>d .Lvetopment .n.l opening up n{ the countr.v. „ larR,. amount of vep-t ' m of .11 kind. *7^L "m Tn'T* '"■• '* '""^"•'' """ '■•""•'*' ^^ "i- " '•riou. parti of the word. All thw ve^tation. oolle-tivoly trrnHnl '.n.r^ry M.k*.' . H.ble to b. ... e.t«l ...^ot. and other pe,t. a.,d di..««.. w h d t o...M.r in r.nad. Intr.Kluoed .n th.s „,„„ner. however, they »«.on.e ..»t«bli.he.l in many in.tanee.. 1 he Her.ou. effeot. o the ptahli.hment of i„,n«.u..e.l in^.., ,. « ...w rJryZ enormoMHly .n.-n-a-e,! by tl.e fa.-r that their chief mean, of control in their « "w | namely, their natural paranit.... are not „„,ally bro-.^ht with them. Tbei, the I „.ted State. I,. Canada a«r of introduced in«K.t. have already eat. ' 1. h«i them..lve. and. ,n certain c«.. have been the ca«« of very great lo.«.. ThTs^ ....t 1894; the Brown-tail Afoth. int^ ^ info th. S, „f Ma b ,t- ..,;.' 1S90 from *:„ro,. was d..' in Nova Scotia in 1907; the N.rci«„. Fly. which would appear to be a native of Kurope. ha, been introduce,! into Briti.h Columbia and Ontar.o on bulb, from Ho d. Xu..„.ro„, other instances of the introduction of ...junons ,nsect. into (>ana,l,. „nd th. r ..,twe,,uent spread miRb. I* adduced, indicnting; this danger to which w,. -.n,. exinrnd. Th..,.i„,.tion „f the San ,„-. S™1.. .) ^.o „ .i..,.« oxperie,.™ of it* dr,- powers ,n the T'nited ^ „e. were ..pon.fe f„r tl„ pMaage of the San Jose Scale Act in 189N whi.-h prohibited the impo tion of nurwry .toc't from .......trM.s n. «hich th.. s,.ah. .K-cnrrcl. In 1!M)1. 1. u. M«ler i„ Council, fumigation stations establishc.l at six Custo.ns .mrts fhrot«^ 4,iH. at,, k «a- allowed to c.ter at certain .K-riods of the year .-fto. having I. • 1 with hydro-cyanic r...l Kas Certain classes „f st.K-k. not to U- ,.. San .IcM Scale, were exempt from fumigation. Beyond this power to fumigate certain classes of n„ , stock at six of the porta Of entrj-. the Federal Government had no authority to take -nher a,-tion witha view M preven'^ing the introduction of further insect pests and tb reading of these or of l;,>«ts already m Canada. In 1909. winter webs of the Br., -ail Utoth were found .n shipments of nnrsenv stock from France and as this i.,*c, ^ .Ire,*. .stabK-hed -tself ,„ Nora Scotia, it was Important that the Minister shu. „ *«e tk. nece^^m powers to prevent the introduction of the pest into those parts , r -, nU infested. Accordingly, the Destructive Insect and Pest A,t w«- ^, hich regulations could be made providi.ig for the prohibition of entry. . -^ S or liupccMon «ubMqu«nl to i>ntr,v. of nunerjr *tiick, or dfAiiing olh^r nmilitioiiii uiulfr which nunvry utook and oth»r T(«»tation might be intru(iu<«() into ('aiiada, IWtila- tiona wef« paated bj Onler in i uuncii in virtue of provitiont nf Hection •'! »* tli«> Act on the tit.', of May and :t7lh of July. IRIO. Thrae miiulationit w)>n> ivxhkIi'I b; raffulationi patted by Order in Council on 87th February, 1911. The lest of the Act and the Reirulationt iiaued thereunil«r are as f<>il<>wR:— I M^ 9-10 EDWARb Vif. CHAP. 31. An Act to p- vcut the introduction or spreading of Inaect«,P , ««nd Diseaaes destructive to vegetation. [Annenfed to 4lh May, 19 to.) IJI8 Majesty, by and with the advice and conwnt of the foHo •- °^ ConiiiM)ii8 of CanaiJtt, enacU as ^M. This Act may be cited aa The Destructive Inject and I'e^l «h„„ ,w. a. In tKis Act unlesa the wmtext otherwise equirw. "the •Mini.t^ • Minister means "the Minister of Agriculture." tting forth a reasonable belief of the existence of any such insect, pest or disease in any area defined in such report, may prohibit the removal from such area or the movement therein of any vegetation, vegetable or other matter which, in his opinion, is likely to result in the spread of such insect, pest or disease. 8. Every peraon who contravenes any provision of this Act, or any regulation made thereunder, shall be liable, upon summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundrwl dollars, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to both fine and imprisonment. Any vegetable or other matter imported or brought into Canada contrary to this Act, or to any regulation made thereunder, shall be forfeited to the Crown. J^uiSCo , ^'^'^:^Fy order in council and regulation made under this be nubiWirH Act Shall be published in The Canada Gazette, and shall he laid •»<"•«' by the Minister, before Parliament within fifteen days after Ppnalty for contraven- tion of Art and rcKulations. le pi and laid Pariiameni the Commencement of the then next session. K.H., c. 127 ■cpraled. lO. The San Jos6 Scale Ad is repealed. REOTTLATIONS. ^2« l.NDEH TIIK DKSTnUTIVK IXSKCT AXI) PKST .U T. (P". ««"• o5 throi the nlT ""S'-r ".'«'*-; «*""Pt«>- ''■■t''""*^ <'«"«Ha. shall be in,porte'"-<' "' tl'« f"n.igatio„ ont wh^i^'i.!:;: :;: ir{z„'::U;tr" "^ ^"•"'''="'- ^^'" "^ --'■ -'^'■ Im,.,Hationsl.y mail shall be snl,je..t to the same re.M.Iati-.ns. \W M T-'' "'"'^^^'^."'•"^'""KnK in Japan or in any on.. „f th,. Stot.s nf Vermont .,uJr'"^i- ^r^r'- ^''f •'«' f<'"'"vin^' vegetation and rtori-ts' st.vk shall Ih- ex- .rJ''^- ®'^".''°"*'^ Kf «" l'l«"t^. inWndinK roses in foliape whi.-h have been ^rown m pote up to three inches in dian.eter bnt not larger A certificated .e si^j^fh t'h ^"•^"" ""'''^"" *-''"^^ ""•'• H.-..".p..My',hc invoice and shal •>e si);ne(i by the consignor. (b) Herbaceous perennials (the stems of which die do«n in winter). s„ch as perennial phlox, peonies, sunflowers. &c. ""ler;, sum as (c) Herbaceous bcl.lin^ plants (such as goraninn.s. verbenas, pansies, A:c.) (d) Bulb8 and tubers (such as hyacinths. lilies, narcissi and other true bulbs and also the tubers of dahlias, irises. &c.) ' (e) (^ttonw,HMl or Xecklace Poplar (Popu^un deUoi,h'») when shipped from and Brown in Dakota or Minnesota, two of the Tnitd States of aScT clct' ^w ?°" *>>' "hH-h it is intended that the nursery st.H-k shall enter shall be ':^:Z:S!:^S^.;'^^. -^ ♦^^ '^'-- - -"-•-' ^-^ government T; 0 10 8. All persons importing nursery stock, ex., -,t siioh 9to.-k as is exempt from fumi- Wtion and inspection under section 3 of these regulations, shall KTvenoti^ t„Th« Dominion Entomologist. Experimental Farm. On.Z withi.^ five df;i of deltehit iJ^iv-afo'f r JhipT^tTn'^C^irar ""''' ^''^ ''' "'""^»'"" eIJoI^^^TZ ada nursery stock that is subject to inspection as hereinafter prov ded fmmediatelv «uch a consigTiment is received by them. S„ch notice shall the nZe of the consignor and the consignee, the point, of origin and destination the name of ho company carrying the nursery stock, as well as the nature, quantity and orl^n of Jhe 6. Nursery stock, not including such stock as is exempt under section 3 nf these to J'infest^'!!^r;!r";y';r''' "'"^ '" "*'■" ""'^*'"'°" »' ^^^^^^^ ""»««' ^^ fo"n.i bu.h. crop or other vegetation or vegetable matter or the containers therwf whTch m^v' shall be deemed by the inspector to have l.een exterminated. tnr ^ f/""!^"^"*'."" »°t exceeding two-thirds of the value as assessed by the inspec- tor, of the vr^^ct«t.on or vegetable matter or .ontainen, thereof desl.>vt^ bv tlfll structions of an inspector, shall be granted by the Governor in (tS Ion £e Z commendation of the Alinister. " upon tne re i, JV^u^^^^ *^J"^''f' **• '^"' °^^' ^"' -"'^ <" i" «ny ^-y •'••-"pose of or receive anv Mnuster, and shall also send to him s,x.cimen. of such insects. .K-sts or diiases .ha./?nSet;'S!::ii^^- "^^^^^ "■" "'^^-^'-^ ♦» ^''--'' *"^ -'^ ^^^ «»>«» ^pp-y The San Jose Scale (Aspidiotiis ijcwiioiosus). The Brown-tail Moth CEiiprocti, .liiyv^rrliocaV The Woolly Aphis (Srhizoneuni lanifjera). 11 The V\\..t Imlian IVa.h Scale (Aulncn.pU r^-ntaKon.) The (.ypgy Moth (Porthetria dispar). "Koiia>. Potat.. ( anker (('ho>ophl.vra»8aih»- «etts, Connectiput and Rhode iHland. (Regulationx .J nnanied l.y a certificate), herbaceous perennials, herbai-eous bedding plants, bulbs and tubers uud cottonwoo«l grown in Dakota or Minnesota, (see Regulation .J), all of which »to<-k is admit: ! at any time without inspection. The following are the Ports of Kntry for »t«H-k re<|uiring in«ix><-tion, with periods during which stock may be importol:— Halifax, N.S. St. .John, N.B. Sherl.rooke, P.Q. St. Johns, P.Q. ifontreal. P.Q. Niagara Falls, Ont. Windsor. Ont. Winnipeg, Man. Vancouver, B.C. Stix'k nHiiiirinjr i the Doniinion Kiitoni ITalifax. N.S. St. .Toliii. \.H. Sept. 1.5 to Alay l.'< Mar. 1,") to May l.'> nnil Oct. 7 to r>cc. T Sept. 15 to May l.'i .Mar. 15 to May l.'i nnd Sept. 26 t ""*• «-t. portation of ..u-h .L-k I? „!!!"'!an "'^'^"'>" ""'I "« notification of the im- ••«. through which ports .uch ^,J! IZ "«"^ "f entry .pec.fied under section year only a. defined ' " '""""■""' ''"""" '•«"»'"'' ^«^o><' of the FunSiS'Salt^'""""'"" •" '^''"""'''•" "- '--' ^>- ♦•>« officer. i» charge of the Island, .ix of the i'ni.ed Sta^^^ Tf H rica Th^'"'* "*■ ^»""'^*'''"' "d R^ode port of entry, as for examnle in the ."^T f 3 ""'•^•*""' '« »•*>« either at the Brunawick or ■. ,.t of WiLCi etc- IHtl 7T"*' ''""V*^'^ ^'^ P*"'"*^ '« New th. dec..on of the Hon.^rZ^hTMrn^r'orAXhr' ''' '''^'' "^'^'"^^"- *"^v;:i ;:. tTrirnHf^nt';;;;::'-"--''" '- '--"- ^^ -. not he aad iTrn'atr oriS' a^'d ttrof tt:f* t"' ''' 7"' "' ''' --^'^- and a second notification i^rl^r'S tt ti^of It^^hX^r."'''''^ "*'' "«'-• brinS; .tkTnt"c::«dr'The"rd-""'r:H'™"^'^r"'"" ^-'^'""•- -'^ other. troubJe.^« a dnplTcatecopv can he Sl^af /he\ "''"7!,"'' "T? ""' ''"'«'' "»-»' n-ailed. p<.ta.e "^ree. to the ZlZ^Lt^'lZ' "' '"^'^"'"'^ *•"" "'"*'' "'"' which the fall and .pring importation ^asolcl^ or o^.! o'twlise L^cl " '""" n...v be caused by the refusal to admit the stock not ar^nrwTthin'the ^""112^ periu«*. Importers may obtain copie* of thi« \ct to send the «»,T !^ prescribed to the Domini.-, Entomo!og.t. to^vhom all innnlVriouM tTddr^JIe!;!'^''"'""