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If '-^-.^w.- " ^ i. mQuEEH Victoria - - ,-*' flnin MiNiNf fniuiPDNv w*''' • ■, r ■; uUyU iTIininu uUlflrRplY liability V ROSSLflHD, % - i(A ... ■ ■ .■'■\- ■■■ - ' - 4> '!'■■ Capitalization,' Par Value; $t.00 ger share. ,- $t 6(H) 000 Fully Paid and Non-assessable ^ .■ \ • ^• ,1 ''" . ■- ■ Directors and Officers k ROBERT DIXON, Esq., Rossland. . JOHN F. RACE, fesQ.. Toronto. "■■ * ALEX. McCARTER, Esq., Rossland. - JOHN S. CLUTE. Jr., Esq., Rossland. . ■■ y ' M 1 . *' STANTON FERGUSON, Esq., Toronto. ■ • 4 ''' Trustee and Treasurer ^ ^ Consulting Engineer ' / / JOHN S. CLtJTE, J;r., Esq., Rossland. ERNEST W. LILJEGRAN ' 1 HEAD OFFICE, - ROSSLAND :x:" ^■, ■ ' ^ ' '' . "... .. :" MINE • * * ^wAtixran Cw^t^h- TH^'L CRBBK MININQ DIVISION. Sullivan UreeK, oistHa of west Kooteaay. . f ■ ' ■ ■ ' , ■ . ,' \ - .'.**' t. *, Prospectus ' QUEEN VICTORIA GOLD MINING CO. ' Limited LiaMHty . - OF ROSSLAND, B.C. and Qencral; Plan for the Development of the "BEAVEft" and "DENMARK" HINERAL CLAIilS Situate on Sullivan Creek, In thfc TRAIL CREEK HININQ DIVISION, ' ^ f District of West Kootenay. >■ ' ^• INCORPORATION Tliu " Queen Victoria (joM Mining Company, Limited Liability,'\is incorporated under^the laws of British Columbia (Act of 1800' and 4mendin<,' Aets),. with Head Office intlie town of " Rossland, B.C. ' ' CAPITAL STOCK .. The, capital stock of said Company is One Million (*l,0()0,00()) Dollars, divided into one niiihon shares of a par value of One (iJI.OO) Dollar each, fully |;aid and non-assessable. TRUSTEE 'Mr. John S. Clute, Jr., Es.].,, Barrister, Rdasiand, has consented to 'act as Trustee for the "Queen Victoria GolJ^ Mining Company, Limited Liahilit}'." ' TREASURY STOCK ' Out of the capital stock of the Company .')00,000 shares have l.ecn placed in the TrcaSui-j- of the "Queen Victoria Cold Mining Company" to he .sold and the procee.ds. applied to the development of the Compa.ny's projjertji ' i ' • • " 'TITLE " ' The title to the "Queen Victoria Cold Mining Company's "property is perfect, their claims the " Beaver "and " Denmark," being original locations by sotne of the Company'.s shareholders. A survey will shortly be ordered, and a Crown tirant secured. • POQIINO OF STOCK Owing to the high value oC the "Queen Victoria Gold Mining Company's" claims and projjerties only a portion o^ the ^hareljoJders' stock has been solij, the principal owners retaining nearly all the stoqk themselves (and have entered jpto a pooling arrangement for a period of six months from date), only fillowing the part set aside as treasury stock to be sold, and only suflScient of that to provide funds for placing the mine on a paying basis. . ■ , ' <■ '' ■* DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY The "Beaver" and "Denmark" are full sized cjaims comprising one hundi-ed aiid four (104) acres of well wooded 4nd watered land. There is an abundance o£^ the, tiest timber for all mining, milling and building purposes on the projiertv. i\e water of .Sullivan ^Creek could be utilized for " milling purposes. . ^ The claims are situate on Sullivs^n Creek, about oneand one-half miles west from the Columbia Jliver and adjoin the " Skillagalee," " May Ftower,;' " Lftst €hance." "Bendigo," "Shandon Bell," "Bon ^ Accord," "Neptune" and other weir-Rjiown "claims, and ahe abbut 3,000 yar4$ easterly from the celebrated " Heather Bell " group.' ■ < By consulting the map appended it will be seen t^at the property of the "Quepn Victorla^Gold Mining Co." is situated amongst the very bejrt; mineral propertfes in Sullivan Creek District, in the Trail Creek Mining Division. , There is an enormous ledge of heavy minftralized quart* rutaning in a direct easterly line „»« which can be distinctly traced through both claiwrtrfdr. throtf t'htftt8IKnd(8,0Qfli) feet, varvUMr-hi"'width ~ from twe(ity-4o forty' feet on tlie surface, antl it tn more than prpbablo that this U-A^a is the roiitinu- •tion of the now famous " Hfeathor Bell " lead. The property is specially w(|ll adaptwi for tunnelling p(>i|)oso.s, Which is the most satisfactory- and economical plan of developnieni. ^ TRAl^SPOR TA TION i . Transportatiwiof qre is now available Ky way of steamer at the mouth of Sullivan Oreek on tHe (^^umbia RijftL-''. to the Trail Smelter, Which can be reiiehed within an hoUr's sail, bei^g only about seven miles distont. • Like facilities by steaUier now (anjl by railway iri abou^ three months' .time) Ve available up thfcC.'olumbia Iliver for transportation to the Hull Mines Smelter at Nelson which IS al)0)it thirty hve miles distant. , .,,. ^^ , MANAGEMENT Mr. John Henderson, of Trail, an expencnce(t-njiner of many years' standing, who located' the "Heather Bell" claim, is al80» the locator of the "Bt^avor" and ".Dirimiirk," aild Being largely ' intor,e.st<;d in the property of the Queen Victoria (Jold Mining (.'ompany, has consented to^uperintend thp work of development. Necessary buildings have U^en erected on the property and supplies are • alreaily providee; that nQ liabilities are to be incurred unless funds for such are already in the Treasurer's hands. There wilt be no salaried officers to pay. The Report hereto^ appended of Mr. J. L. Parker, Mitiing Kxpert, so well known in Rossland will speak tor itself. REPORT OF"^. U PARKER - R0.SSLANI), B.C., Nov. 20th, 189«». "BEAVER" AND "DENMARK" MINERAL CLAIMS. -1 examined the above claims yesterday, and tind that they are on Sullivan Creek, in the Trai