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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmds en commenpant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ♦► signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds A des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seui cliche, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 2Zt 1 2 3 4 5 6 # ^l^i^HHH 1. LIST OF THE FISHES OF NOVA SCOTIA. (Corrected to date, 1879.) By J. Matthew Jones. The following list comprises all the Fishes recorded to date as occurnng m our waters. A few other fluviatile species doubtless exist m the more remote lakes and streams of the interior, and we may look forward to the occasional occurrence of additional boreal marine forms on our northern fishing banks, bix)usht there under the influence of the cold arctic current which bear« annually Its burden of icebergs from Davis' Strait; while the number of southern marine forms may also be augmented at in- tervals, by errant examples, thrown off during their northerly course, along the heated waters of the Gulf Stream In the preparation of this list the author has received the generous assistance of his much esteemed friend. Prof. G Brown GOODE, of the Smithsonian Institution, Assistant U. States Fish Commission, who has kindly furnished a list of hitherto un- known species, procured from our fishing banks by the Commis- sion during the past three years, and revised in part the nomen- 1. 3. Fam. <]}ASTER0STEID^, Gasterosteus aculeatus, L. Two-spined Stickleback. Common. Fam. PERCID^. Perca fluviatilis, 4 Perch. Perca flavescena, Stor. Lomn^on m most lakes and streams Roccus LiNEATus {Schn) Gill Striped Bass. Lahrax Uneatiis, Gunth. Common. Morone AMERICANA (GthcL) Gill. White Perch. Lahrax i-itfua, Gunth. Comimon. • .il \^ G. 7. H. 9. 10. 11. 12; 13. ]4. 15. * Fam. TRIGLIDiE. Sebastes marinus (L.) LiUh'u; S. Forwegicus. Gunth. Common ; taken on the banks while fishing for cod CoTTUS scoRPius, L. Sculpin. Very connnon. C. ocTODECiM-spixosus, uMUc/,. Not common. Centridermichthys uncinatus, lieinh. Fishin^r banks off the coast (U. S. F. 0.) " Triglops pingeiji, Relnh. Fishing banks off the coast (U. S. F. C.) AspiDOPHORoiDES MoNoPTEUYGius, Block, Stovev. Ob- tained from fish stomachs. Fam. SCOMBRIDyE. ScoMDER scoMBRUS. L. Mackerel. Scomber acomhev Gunth. As on othoi- coasts this fish is more abund- ant some seasons than others; attributable no doubt to the ample food supply, or scarcity, as th. case may be. It generally consists of the minute fry of other fishes ; but when that particular food fails, they appear to resort to the minute Crustacea. Dr.' Gilpin carefully describes this species in Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Science, vol. I., Pt. 4 p 11 Orc^-nus thynnus (Z.) Gooile. 'Albicore. Tkynmi. thynnus, Gunth. Common in the bays and harbours during the months of July and August 0. ALATUNGA, (Z.) GUI. Thipmus alalonga, Gunth. Ac- cording to Messrs. Goodo & Bean's admirable List of Fishes of Massachusetts Bay, (1879) a specimen was obtained by Capt. William Thompson, of the schooner " Magic " of Gloucester, in the Summer of 1878, on Banquereau, at a depth of 300 fathoms. Sarda pelamys (Z.) Gunth, Cm. Bonito. Pelamys aarda, Not common. A young example captured at the mouth of Halifax Harbour is now in the Museum collection. Echeneis ? Suck-fish. A specimen in the Hall- fax Museum not yet determined. O IG. 17, 18, 19. 20. . •SG. sr. •"38. •39. iE. nm. PEDICULATI. LoPHius PiscATORius. X. Devil-fish. Common. Fam. BLENNID^. AnarrhicjHAS lupus L Cat fiok r> lEPT0CLINUSACULEATUS(i2ein;0 ^i// rca;t^«. Stor. Taken off H«'f. w" /''^'' tbe-Speedwe." ExpedJ^cC F C f "'^"^ '^ Smithsonian Ir.tit«tiorCGo'rr r'- ''^ Fishes of Mass. Bay ""^^ ^^^^^ & Bean's List of MUR^KOIDES GUNNELLUS (Z.) G^.^^ & ^.^^ ^^^^ . shore waters. Describe,! W. ^i !? ^^'^'^^^^nin ^ Inst. Nat. Sc. volTp'l '^ 50^ "•^'^''' ^^^^^ ^- «' Crvptacanthode^ maoulatus. ^0^: Wrymouth O s^onally taken. Th. variety C. inornTslm I uncommon. *' Uli— is not ZOARCES ANGUiLLARis (Peck.) Storer. Common. Fam. ATHEiEmiDvE. ChiROSTOMA NOIATUM r^iM ■) /?,77 A*l • - 7 . ;Girnth: '^ ^therimchthys notata, Fam. FISTULARIID^ Fistularia tabaccaria, X. Occasion^] «n • 1.1. xsi,.., ,viiieh«kad bejj^ taken at Portu- # T 44. 4.5. 4G. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. X S. F. C.) ks off the aculeatua, F. C.) Pholia arbour by 'tcBU8 uni- led by Mr. ;i to the IS List of mnion in ns. N. S. • Occa- — is not notata, .taken ^ specir ionally a fine lI fila- Porfcu- # T 40. 41. 42. 43. L 44. 45. 40. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. guese Cove, Halifax Harbour. A small specimen is in the Halifax Museum. There can be hardly a doubt as to the distinctness of these two species. Fam. LABRIDiE. Tautogolabrus adspersus (Walb.) Gill. Sea Perch. Ctenolabrus burgall, Gunth. Very common during the summer months in harbours and bays. The variety uninotatm, having a black spot at the base of the two anterior soft dorsals rays, mentioned by Gunther, Cat. Fishes, vol. iv., p. 90, is found in com- pany with it. Fam. LYCODID^, Lycodes vahlii, Reinh. Fishing banks off the coast (U. S. F. C.) L. Verrillii, Goode & Bean. Fishing banks off the coast, (U. S. F. C.) PAxiLLUS, Goode & Bean. A single specimen obtained between La Have and Sable Island Banks, recorded in Messrs. Goode and Bean's List of N. E. Am. Fishes (1879) p. 9. Fam. GADIDiE. Gadus MORRHUA, X. Cod. . v comuion. G. TOMCODUS, 3Iit6h. Frost-fish. Very common. G. ^GLEFJNUS, L. Haddock. Very common. G. POLLACHius, L. Pollack, Very common. Large schools come into Halifax Harbour about the latter end of June or beginning of July, to feed upon the fry of the common hake. Merlucius bilinearis (Mitch.) GUI. Whiting. Merluc- cms vulgaris, Gunth. Not common. Phycis chuss (Walh.) Gill. P. tenuis {Mitch) De Kay. Hake. Phycia americanus, Gunth. Very common. P. REGIUS (Walk) Jord. & Glib. Phycis regalis, Gunth. Sir John Richardson gives Halifax as a locality for yjthis species. Faun. Bor. Am. .i2. 53. 54. 55. 50. 57. 58. 59. GO. CI. G2. G3. Very coimnon Arctic Floun- HALoroiH'Hvuus VIOLA. GoocU k Bean. Fishing bank.s off the coast (U. S. F. C.) Onos (RniNONKMii.s) ciMuuius (L) Goode & Bern. Mo- tdla chnbrla, Gunth. Fishing banks off the coast (U. S. F. (J.) Brosmius BiiosME (Mull.) W/ute. Cusk. Common. Ammodytes amehicanus, De Kay. SanJ Eel. Common ; bmying in the .sand at ebb of tide, and going in schools at liigh water. Fam. PLEURONECTIDiE. HiPPOGLOSSUS VULGARIS, Flcm. Halibut, on the fishing banks off the coast. HiPPOGLOSSOIDES PLATE,SS()IDES (Fab):) Gill. der. Hipjwglossoulea tlmandoides, Gunth. Not un- common. Of two specimens forwarder! by the Rev. J. Ambrose from St. Margaret's Bay. the largest measured twenty-two inches in length. PSEUDOPLEURONECTES AMERICANUS (Walh!) GUI. Floun.ler. Platessa plana, Stor. Yary common in shore waters. Described by the author, Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc Vol. I, Pt. L, p. 51. LiMANDA FERRUGixVEA (Stovev.) Goode & Bean. Pleuro- nectesferritgineus, Gunth. Platysomatichthys hippoglossoides (Walk) Goode & Bean. Turbot. If ipjwylossus gwenlandicm, Gnnth. Occasional specimens are brought in from the northern fishing banks, but it is more common off Newfound- land. It is a very oily fish M-hen cooked. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (L.) Gill. Pleuronectes cynoglossus, Gunth. La Have fishing bank (U.S.F.C.) Fam. SILURIDiE. Amiurus catus (L.) Gill. Not common. This fish is very tenacious of life, for a specimen survived being carried wrapped up in paper in a pocket for two hours. Fam. SALMONIDiE. Salmo salar, L. Salmon. More abundant ^ome years 04. G-. CG. G7. G8. 09, ^ 70 ng banks off Bean. Mo- )ff tlic coast imon. Conunon ; id going in ry conunon rctic Floun- h. Not un- •y the Rev. the largest Flounder, lore waters. St. Nat. Sc, 11. Pleiivo- Goode & 'cu8, Gunth. he northern Newfouncl- Heurovcctes i (U.S.F.C.) fish is very iing carried hours. lome years G4. GO. m than others. Describetl by Dr. Gilpin, Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, Vol. I., Pt. 4, p> 7G. S. CANADENSIS, Hamilton Smith. Sea Trout. Very com- mon at the mouths of rivers, May to August. Dr. Gilpin has described the species, Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, Vol. I., Pt. 4, p. 84. S. GLOVERii, Gir. This fish under the name of '' Grayling " is I nown in most rivers and lakes. It is probably from its light colour that it obtained the name, for it does not belong to the genus Thymallus. Describ- ed by Dr. Gilpin, Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, Vol. I., Pt. 4,p. 8G. Cristivomer namaycush {Penn) Gill & Jordan. Lake; Trout. Salmo mimaycuah, Gunth. Common in the farger lakes where it is known to the countrymen as the " pickerel." It is well described by Dr. Gilpin in Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, Vol. L, Pt. 4, p. 88. Satlvelmus fontinalis (Mitch.) Gill & Jordan. Brook Trout. Salmo fontinalis, Gnnth. Very common in all lakes and streams. Described by Dr. Gilpin, Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, Vol. I., Pt. 4, p. 81. OsMERUS MORDAX, Mitck Smelt. Oamei-us viridescens, Gunth. Very abundant in January and February, when they are- taken tlia-ougb hoies. in the ice in great quantities. Mallotus villosus, Cuv. & Val. Capelin. Occurs as far south as Halifax only occasionally, when the tempera- ture of the shore waters is lower than usual. Its proper habitat is further north, on the coasts of New- foundland and Labi-ador. Described by the author, Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, Vol. I., Pt. 2, p. 5. Fam. SCOMBRESOCID^. 70. ScoMBRESOX SAURUS, Flem. Bill Fish. Not uncommon during the .summer niontlis. A specimen preserved in the Halifax Museum jumped out of the water into a fishing-boat. The fishermen say it couies with G7. G8. 09. 72. FUNDULUS 73. 74. 75. 6 moirow that it is seen on tlm coast of fflnp « * m schules during the month of 11 st ^" '''''°" at Sable Island in 8 j'^iUhe ''"'""" "" ^'•^" tenainei ^ P'"'"' ^*« »ot do- Fani. CYPRINODONTID^ Fam. CYPRINID^ Fam. CLUPEID.E. Clupea Habexous, Z. Herring. More nlenfifnl « Gilpin, Trans. N. •« Inst. Nat. Sc Vol I Vt^ ! m^ Fam. MURJSNID^ Nemichthys SCOLOPACEU.S. Rick. Ne.ucktkys scolopacea Svv.p^ ^''^'''^ ^^""^^ ^ff <^h« coast. (U S F C - banks off the coast (U.SFC) """ Anquilla VULGARIS, Z. Eel. Very common. Fam. SYNGNATHID^ 7A 80. 81. S2. 83. 84. 85. 8C. > 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. «a. 84. 85. 8G. MoLA 87. 88. 89. mon in 90. 91. Hippocampus antiquorum, Leach. Occasionally taken dur- ing tho aummor months ; a Gulf-stream migiant no doubt. ■ Fam. SCLERODERMI. Balistes CAPRISCU8, Qm. A specimen taken at St. Mar- garet's Bay, is in tho Halifax Museum. Stephanolepis 8ETIFER, Bean. Monocanthua aetifer. Ounth. Occasional specimens are taken in shore waters. The Rev. John Ambrose kindly foi-warded one to the author about twelve years ago which was secured at St. Margaret's Bay. It is described in Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, Vol. I., Pt. 1, p. 53. Fam. OYMNODOl^ES. ROTUNDA, Cuv. Sun-fish. Ch'thagoriacua mola, Gunth. Rare. A specimen five feet six inches in length taken in Halifax Harbour, October, 1873. Described by Dr. Gilpin, Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, Vol. III., p. 343. Fam. AOIPENSERID^. AciPENSER STURio, L. Sturgeon. Occasionally taken. Fam. LAMNID^. Alopias vulpes (Z.) Bon. Alopecias vvlpea, Gunth. Thresher. Occasionally taken in fishing nets, to their great detriment. A fine specimen in the collection of King's College, Windsor, N. S. Cetorhinus maximus (L.) Blainv. Basking Shark. Sel- ache maacima, Gunth. From descriptions given by different observers we have no doubt as to the occur- rence of this species on the coast. Fam. SPINACID^. Squalus acanthias, L. Dog-fish. Acanthias vulgaris, Gunth. Common on the fishing grounds. Centroscyllium Fabriqii {Rein) Mull. & Henle. Fishing- banks off the CO (U. '.) 10 »1 '''^''^'^^:^"l^<^^^.^. Boca,e fe «„rffo. Abundant on tho fishing banks off tlio coast (U. S F C 1 n o on y specimen of this varo nbithcrn form the authoi WMiad the opportunity of examining, Zs taken off Halifax Harbour in Febn.ar)-, 1803 ami -«orut to can- st part, a aperture, Jisal 1 ft. i«al 8i in.; h osseous series of Jhes from •like fluid yes, 1 ft. llary ap- 1 in., and orifices, and dis- >t l.| in. ; nber, the •rals, and in. long : situate ; extent, ^1 gape, of first 'ectorals I'anchial ft. 4 in. base of . First ; width xtremi- 51 in. ; m f. 94. 95. 9G. 97. loose, flapper-like extreme of fin extends 7 in. beyond the posterior base, and lies close upon the back. Second dorsal commences 2 ft. 2 in. from posterior base of first dorsal ; height at posterior base, 4 in. ; length, 14 in. ; width at base, 7 in. ; loose flapper- like extreme extends G^ in. beyond the posterior base, and lies close upon the back, as the first Caudal commences 12 in. from posterior base of second dorsal ; extreme span, 2 ft. 7 in. ; upper lobe, extent, 28 in. ; lower lobe, 1G\ in. Lower lobe commences 3 in. in advance of upper ; carinated at base • '^arinal ridge, two inches from lower surface, and . .r inches from the upper surface. Fam. RAIIDiE, Rata radiata, Don. R. GRANULATA, Gill. M. S. This new species is given in Messrs. Goode & Bean's List of N. E. American Fishes (1879) as occurring on LaHave fishing-bank. R. L.EVIS, Mitch. Barn-door skate. Dr. Gilpin informs us that this species occurs on the west coast , Bay of Fundy. Fam. PETR0MYZ0NTID.1?. Petromyzon marinus, L. Lamprey. Not uncommon ; generally found as ■& parasite on the gadoids. « jl