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Tlie Ontario Department of Agriooltare haa had ezteniive investigation as to the distribution of the insect, and the Minister submitted a Bill at the recent session of the Legislature which was passed and is now in force. This Act appears elsewhere in this bulletin. The hearty co- operation of all fruitgrowers is asked in the enforcement of this Act Legisla- tion as to this scale has been pused in most of the eastern and northern States. When and Whbnok it Oamb. The general consensus of opinion after much investigation is, that it came originaiiy from Oalifomia, where it was noticed as a pest in the San Joa^ Valley as far back as 1873. In 1880 Prof. Oomstock described it, and named the innect Atpidiotut pemiciostis, on account of its serious character as a scale. It is believed to have been introduced into the East in 1886-7 by twc New Jersey nurseries, one at Burlington, the other at Little Silver. These firms imported from the San Joe^ Valley a variety of Japanese plum, the Kelsey, which was claimed to be ourculio proof. In 1889 or 18^0 the first scaly stock from this importation began to be distributed, and in August of 1893 the San Joei Scale was first obsenred on the eastern aide of the Rocky Mountains. It was located in an orchard of Charlottesville, Virginia, and since then each season has extended the Hat of infested districts. WuT THE Insect Causes Alarm. 1. It possesses marvellous powers of reproduction. A single female that has wintered over may be the progenitor of millions in a single season ; some have computed that her progeny many reach the incredible number of 3,000,- 000,000. Iliere may be four generations in a season, the adult females of each giving birth to living young for five or six weeks, the progeny of these bearing young when about thirty days old. Each female brings into exiatence 100 to 600 msnots during her lifetime. Thus it will be seen that a great confusion of gen- erations will soon exist, as there may be upon a plant at one time the young of several generations. 2. Infested young trees perish in two or three yean. 8. The range of food plants is extensive, and ^1 parts of the plant may be attacked— leaf, stem, twig and fruit. The scale has been found upon the peach, pear, plum, apple, cherry, apricot, quince, currant, gooseberry, raspberry, rose, hawthorn and even plm. 4. The insect and scale are exceedingly mirite. The scale is often much the same color as the bark of the infested trees. Most are less than one- aixteenth of an inch in diameter, and are thus almost invisible to the naked eye. 6. It ia readily introduced by nursery stock and fruit from infested trees. How IT HAT BE DISTRIBUTED. In iiie work of dintribution, the inseot itself can do but little, as it is quite helpless to move from place to place. Its life of active movement is very brief— a few ho place, thi remains i beoominj The male wingle»s. get upon toother 4 often moi they pre* may have that app« Thus bird all he imp Then< About Jun like yellow: most a da; heoome atti ■edentary Ij wings. Th adult oondil oentrei Th and may be the bark ; The scale of distinguiahet and does not shell and set the six week The ma about five V winged, fly-ii sion of genei remaing fixed for life, and beriM m«rfn«^« ' . "» the oMe of the fnnale becoming fixed, it liVe. by S«7he ±forS."« ^/^ ?**"' '^^"^ ^J*- AftS Tho male, have win«, and my fl/a^arfk !»" •?"i' "^f" ''"«*» ** '• iooated. ^Hngle... Daring ife'fe^ ho/rsYr day, the d^X^' *"*' ***". ''""•^^- •" '^^» get upon bird, and auch in-eot. a. Ini^J^S VS 1^^ '"°!.'"i? '5"»'' '^'^^ »•/ to other tree.. One obwrver ha. noti^d th" J L^n^S '^i^J^'' ^ ^^ often more «»mmon near a bird', nit As tret Tn i f *^** ^^'^'^ *»>« «*»• *• maj have the wale upon it : even win^ m— v*!' . ""« from infeated trees •U be important factor, in the dLtributlrn ot thr;o3L *"' "^ '^ "^^ Female .c»K with » m.le »dnlt to the left, g««tly ealMged. Th« Lifb History of thi Insect. like yellowi.h specks, motfiVabJSrC.^r^'"^^/"*^^^ rix-legged inwots. mort; a day or two. then Mttie hnt l 7 *''?*? ''^?' o^'j 'or a few hour., a* become attiched to he si^jt^i^m tllu/^^"', '°°?'* ^'•°" ''»«*' birthplace, and ■edentery life SelemaWsS^hoiTKe ilnTr'"" °«T.'"°"*- ^'»^°8 ^»»«*' winga The males, howVver hav«^«a- #1 . /^T* ""1 ''•^® »»«^'»>«' ^7^ nor •duft condition. The 8cIleVth« fci *^ "? ^^^^^^ tb» oentre. This scale is f^m • twelSi to nlT^'^^ T'^. * •""*" "'PP"^ *» tb* and may be of a liUt or7arklT!v!S»W '^''V*" Vf**i °^ ""^ **»«»» in diameter, the bark; the n ?ple L the S^ ' '"i °"^^^^^ The scale of the Sis obW^trthT^- ^, * P*'* y*'"°'' «>' ^ackish color, distinguished from hat cf Zflmale ^ISf f' °T ^^ '''^' *"** " *^°- '^^'li'T tbe ^l^^MZiZ-lJ^^^^^^ ^ll 1- ^^0^- 500 young du^ ^o^:?'SuiTobsf/;:^ ^-- -"^--^ ^"^"^-^ a^;;s:;:ronsuru:-- The Bcale of them inaects ia formed from a waxy aecretion which oommeneea •oon after they come into ezlBtence, and forma a protective covering aa develop- ment proceeda. In the earlier atagee of gr(>wth the acale preaenta a aomewhat grayiah-yellow color, and gradually becomea darker. The general appearance upon affected twigs is that of a grayish, slightly roughened acurfy deposit. This hides the natural reddish color of the young limbs of the peach, pear and apple. They sometimes even look as if sprinkled with aahes. If the scalfs are crushed, a yellowish oily liquid will appear from the crushed soft yellow insects beneath the scales Examined in summer, many show orange-colored larvae, snowy-white young scales, mingled with old brown or blackened matured scales. This insect produces a peculiar reddening effect upon the skin of the fruit and of tender twigg. An encircling band of reddish dificoloration around the margin of each female acale ia very marked on the fruit of pears. The cambium layer of young twigs where scales are massed is usually stained deep red or purplish. Where the scales are few the purplish ring sur- rounding each is quite distinguishable. Olban Nubsery Stock. It is certain that the scale was introduced on infested nursery stock. The flame danger is to be feared again. Every person who buys stock should have it thoroughly examined before setting it out. The examination ehould be thorough, as the scales are minute and are easily overlooked. There is one method of treating stock that is sure to destroy all kinds of insect life,— but it is applicable only in nurseries and not by the farmer or fruit grower— it ia the treatment with hydrocyanic acid gas. Nurserymen will do well to consider the advisability of treating all stock handled by them in this way. We give the following for their benolit: warm Htdrcovanic Acid O^ Tbiatmr«t or Nurskrv Stock. generator iB placed belo^ T pi^^^'^o, t Jee? i' 'U^r f':.'" T^ "^''^^ *' ^^ would be to make a rack a little egathaT/i,^-.!^**^''- ^ convenient w.j high. The bottom of the rak could tZJe ol\loT f ? '^?* ^•*'''' '°" '"^'^ above the ground to allow room to place the^a»lnrf "'**!. "*T*^ * '"'^ '"c^*" the rack i. filled with trees, a vieceVtt^ZJT^^' .?'**'' ^^'^ "'=•'• '^ »>en and fa.tened down at the sidesTrth oSTnl'^^^t on Z '*"° • " ''^".;»>« ''^°1« the apparatus. One aide could be left ojen uit 1 ?hi "«'"' 7°"'** complete placed in the dish and the dieh slipped breath thl, 7*"!^.*.°^ chemical.*^ are pojon and great care ahould be Sit To te.Vhrit wKn*"" ^ " V'^^''*^^ under the rack. wreaine it while placing the diih ware^Iietrtt'ilXne'St;^^^^ -t-/- 8l-ec. earthen- and then add one ounce by w" ght orfu«Jd *?Zw^ P'^ ^''^'' ''>« *««•• inake gas enough to fill a .pace of 160 c^bicX/'' / Vo'^^«>]^^' This will likely kill all the scale insects. '**'• ^^^ ^O"""* wposnro will Orchard Rkmbdiks. reconrer;;7th*:feVlS*1^^^^^^^^^ one treatment to b. once. Even when only J lightly iXt^ ^hl^Ll^ # ""^ V'?" •°** ^'^^^ *»'«°» •' not be done thoroughly enowh to d«!?ri, ''' of washing and sprayin? may plies so rapidly the Ut^ ^are^mutt'tire? ^ot V^n " *'^ ^""'' "^ remain. The advice given is to thorougWv dwtrov »nV ^ TV^ *'"^' *« to be infested. During the winter and'^eirlyTpriLblK "if *" "^' '°"'»'* some may desire to treat the trees ht.rm-aihL^ i^ ^' ^'*"* ***® ^""c'* appear, the Act."^ In that case the two^em^^e^or Lffi ^I f ""'" *° destroy ffi wash and with kerosene. "^^^e^^'M or methods of treatment are with soap of fiste sl^p t so '<^td Tharofl fo? i^n^nTtlf/nr' t*^ ^° ^^^^^ rrtr2e^Ca^-aJe^:j^%arH should be required to guaranLe his soa^te m JS ^ '°'"°'.""- '^*'« "'•nufacturer and solubilit;. This Jash should be uLw«^ S'n^.?M '°''".** ".*° '''^»8*^ warm day." **" ^"""t " possible, and preferably on a out the '^r Is nl't" °al? p^X^'lurrf S'T '' ''' ^'^^'"'^ ^^ ^'-^ing been seriously injured, tfe attom'pt FslorthlZ" "tII^":^^^^^^^ oiously pruned, but large wounds avoided fh! I J*'*^ »*»ould first be judi- cleared of rough bark. Ld especiaUrthe sirouta an^J' •"^rajiches should be around the base of the ti-ee Then for Kn^ T^ 'V^y.''**^ """oved from cherry, spray with pure kerosene. uJ^^^ S^af J!'/ "^z ^''"^* '^*^P' ^^'^ »°d tree mnat h« -ooi.^^i .. 7 ' "**-"y ^^^ <'<*^« to only moistgn tJut hn^i, tu- " " ~ •" "^^^^ "^"8 ^""^ '^•^•-h. but do not put on enough oifto I rw» down the item and ooUeot aboat the bMe. If • band of any sort ii olaoed IlSL tJ '^H *^ °" '°"**'*' '*~"' *••• *** "' ***• '^^^ dYm^ie i;£':°~ " When k( fMene ii used it ihoald be purchaMd by the barrel, and of a h^rfiS'l *~*? ^i'-'^y «*"r °' ''•"^'»« ^"' "P^y »*»'«• handred tJ foor uandred treee. depending on aiie, and ought not to ooet orer ten oenta a nllon to barr^ qaantitiei. Thie doea not make it yery expensive treatment It is. JlnT? ^ ""^^ °.^* *"!«*'*• ''^ ^*y' ^*'''» *»»• ?'•»*■ •" dry. and j.«t •auttle applied aa oan be made to wet properly every part of the plant." Appe»i»««, o' wale on bark ; a, infcBted twig-natural size ; 6, bark as it ai^pears nnd«r h.n,i lens, Bhowing scale, in various stages of development and young larva *""* Insect Enemies. to aiJt«It*r.f ''^ ,?'!"'? *** ^^^ ''*^® ^'"''"S ^"««°*«' ^°th of which are repotted LLSlbirf^ ffJir"^ *?. '^^fP'^S <>^e scale in check. One, the " Twice-stlbbed faSL.nn«l ft T *:rH'^).' " ''^•^ common on infested trees, apparently feeding upon the scale; the ciher is a chalcid parasite (Aphelinus /uJ^i/E ) AN AOT TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF THE SAN JOSE SCALB. P^e"««ation the Miniater may Sdeotiflcto. from time to time, by wntmg given under hia hand, except anct ▼••««•««»: persons aa he may deem proper from the operation of the two pro- ceding sections, and while acting under such permission, such peraona abaU not be subject to the penalties imposed by this Act. 6. Any person having reason to suspect that any plant in huNoticto possession or in his charge, or keeping, is infested iith the «5alo, ffiiStJ? on ahall forthwith communicate with the Minister in regard to the I?'*®'"' <»' aame and shall furnish the Minister with all such information in '^*^- regard to the source or origin of the said infestation and the extent and nature of the same as he may be able to give. niZ; ^i^M- ^'^'^ 8''*J« «iBts, or la supposed to exist on any InT..ti«tioii plant, the Minuter mav diw.«f a <>nm»«f«.» t. * a«^- ' ZZWZz^Jr^ ammation and inspection, and may order that any plant so infested or such part as he may deem advisable, aliu be mmlSStei; I dtl?'"""' f^^roj^ by bunHn«. rlther by the p^n,on appointed to m.Ice the pUat .n«pect.on. or by the per«>n owning or h.vinK poM.„ion of ?!,« ii3 pUnt, or «,».« other pen on m> directed in writing, .nd the LZu JO directed .hall m.ko • full report to the >fi„i,t.r in writiL^M to the n»turo and extent of the work so pf.tfjrinod. together with •fair Mtinmte of the value of the plant deatroyed. SHrit.?/. .n. „ 8 ^'°' *»•" P"fP««« «f enforcing thi. Acf. it »hall bo the duty of R.v.8ut. to make careful oxan.mation and inHpection for th., occurrence of the icUe within the municipality for which he i. appointed and to neglect to make .uch report ahail render the in.pector liable to the penalties impoied under aectioo 1 1 of this Act. .n.?; ^°X T"^" appointed by the Miniater under thia Act to in- h.v«M. Act .hall, upon producfng hi. authority in writing. 5r^ T '*'*^ff ^^ '"^^ °"'"'y' °'''=*'*«'' •^"'. -torerim, or othf; place where it la known, or .u.pected, that any plant i« kept forS^c*""' ^J^:,^^ *^?. >;econi™«ndation of the Mini.ter, there may be paid uonof punu. out of the Oon.ol.dated Revenue Fund of the Province to the otJJer of any plant .o de.troyed a Kum not exceeding one-fourth of the value thereof (not including fruit) a. reported upon by .uch officer or other competent peraci, appointed a. aforeaaid, but nothing in th . .ection .hal apply to any plant imported into the Pro"?rce Tfo^id.^" ^"^ ^^' ''"°'" ^ *^^ examination by the officer ev. 8ut 0.980. Kight of •006M to C» where ia Penalty. Bxteniion of Act to other ■oale iiiMota. 11. Any person neglecting to carry out the provision, of this Act. or any person offerirg any hindrance to the carrying out of th a th.n ion ' "P^'^ -ummary conviction. IH, liable to a fine of not Sa than $20. nor more than 8100, together with coats, and in defa^ of payment thereof shall .k, subject to iniprisonmen^ fnthl common gaol for a period of not less then ten dayn nor more than thirtyTy^ ih \^\u^^ Lieutenant-Governor in Oouncil mav by order .lirect that other acale insects than the San Jose Scale may bo includedTn the provisions of this Act, a^d thereafter during the continuant^ of such Order-in-Oounoil the word "scale" in this ActshanlcTudran such other scale insects. Public notice of such Order inOounc sh^ be given by publication in two successive issues of The Ontario