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Laa caitaa, planchaa. tableaux, etc.. pauvant 4tra fllm4a « daa taux da rMuetion diff«ranta. Loraqua la document eat trap grand pour «tra reproduit en un seui ciichA. ii set film* A partir do I angle sup4riaur gauche, de gauche A droite. et do haut en baa. an pranant la nombre d Imagee n^ceaaaira. Laa diagrammee suivanta illuatrant la mithoda. 32 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 cnnni/lf BULLETIN XCl "'""""" "7" — »,,, „, .„,,„„„„„, Torotito, r/ov^mbKf t8, 1H03. WKEDS OF ONTARIO. Bv J. H. Pantok, M. a., F.G.S.. Prok*.ssoh ok Natcral H..Tn For some time past the writer h '^'''"'*'''"^°«'^^^"«««^-v. reg»rdia« the weedf of Ontarfo " hh T^'^""* information bution in the province r1^ ^^°'*'/®^^''®nce to their distri- thousand persoL to whom drcull''^''""^ ''"P^^' ^~« over one of the Bu^^au of IndTstrres ^ *"^^^^^^^ thr.,,h the medium weeds in the district he is ab1« ff • ?® °.*'"®* °' '^^^ ten worst of the information received. ^^' *'"'" '" *^^« ^'^"^"^ » "u^nma^y from^'i^i'Sf^bl"; t^^^^^^^^^ --!^«r e attention not only which indicates that farmers arefH P««t>cal agricuJturists, a faci ing from careless meSrof eXS* *"d that they are'depart which cleanliness of the field f™' ""• *^°P''"« «y«'«'"« '*" fact they are now convinced that ISn ^J^^T""' J''''''' ^^ as parasitic plants and inslcte °'*'''^ ^^"^ «"«»» of 1 'rbtt faltTha^f^^^^^^^^ -demned as sources be sustained by growing weeds Ho^:;""tli^** """'^ i°»» ^'^"'d mvolve extra labor, smother nBe(al7Ct^' ukl fZ'^r ^^""^ ''^'^^ add impurities to the grain mh f k' ^ •, ',, '*''® ^o=^ ^^om the soil aad food to injurious fnsel and ^L'fi i? '"°'''"'"^' ^^^'^ ^^el^er I" Bulletin Lxxxv he VrLoin f ^^ warfare against weeds we'e tCouSt dS''*^ ""^^''^j' * ««''«««'f»l J?ade to the best methods for destrfv^L r^f "^"^ ''^"''"°" ^'^^ ties : Canada Thistle. Sow iLtTe W M ^p °'''"« «^«^«° ^^'io- Couch Grass, Ox-eye Daisy. BuldockR^,' ^J^'^^"'^' ^^g'^^^d. Oat. In this bulletin we a vp a T^ ' • ^ "«^®«<^. Mustard and Wild « T ,;'"" "° 'Tccds, a tabulated stAfAm^ni- : • '.' * F'ants *~*'~**Bi^ So varied are the names given to some weeds that the writer in several cases had to spcure the seed and grow the p'ant or get the plant itself before the local name reported could be understood. , Taking the names given in the 1,015 replies we find the 25 following weeds are ranked as the worst, the figures jBfiven indicating the num- ber of persons who gave the above in their list of the 10 worst weeds : Canada Thistle 1,015 Mustard 6f?6 Wild Oat 472 Ox-eye Da'sy 463 Burdock 439 Couch Grass 401 Raffweed 303 Wild Peas 288 Cocklo 241 Dock 232 Redroot 217 Bur 212 Wild Flax 178 I Foxtail . 182 I PiRwe«d 126 Black Bindweed 112 Milkweed 9g Sorrel 92 Purslane 82 Bluewefd 79 Mullein gg Mayweed 60 Lamb's Qubrters 55 Sow Thistle so Bindweed 45 Tu mi In. ma It she It bee tiva Penny Cress. Penny Crcfs {Thlaapi Arvenae) is not yet a common weed in our province, but we may reaEouably expect to find it get a firm foothold if its approach is not carefully guarded. It is very common in the Red River valley of Manitoba where it is called the French weed, and as much wheat is being imported from that country this plant will certainly come in the seed. Already it has been found in several parts of Ontario. It belongs to the mus- tard family and like the other members of it, produces many seeds which are endowed with much vitality The pods of this plant are very characteristic, being somewhat circular and flat with a distinct notch at the top. The leaves are oblong, arrow shaped at the base, toothed and smooth. It bears verj small white flowers. It is an annual, about one foot high and emits a strong some- what offensive odor when bruised. The method followed in destroying mustard may be adopted to get rid of this pest and exercise vigilance to keep it from getting a foocLpld. The accompanying vVLZ will pruvc uouiui i& lupntiiying inis new-comer. Pessy CRtaa (TMaspi Art>mH). feethii sort of :i ^ TumhHng WieJ, mu.tard faoiily. It7sr„tTrTA^^^^^ a n.ea.ber of the Indian Head, N. W. T. Thia annnn^T;: V®*^''®'^ *« common around many pods, each well fill^ w?th "mJ,^ *^°"' '^^ '«et high, bears It matures its seed about thlsLTf '°"''^ brown-colored seeds, should be taken to prevent tho 0^. ^T *' T ''*'^- ^reat care It i. not a native Sf the North w ^^T °? * ^^'^"^^ ^'^ Ontario, been introduced there. uTstnireorEu^^^^^^^^ "^™^ '^ ^-« W^»W Carrot. feat M»l, -« J u ^"■'^ °*'"'°^ ^^'«'"' ^«'^to). cannot survive long where thorough cultivation is carried on, and hence la moat frequently found along roadsides, railwoy tracks, etc. Hand pulling and destroying as fast as it reaches flower will be eoective Spudding a few inches below the surface will kill it, but cutting It at the surface has a tendency to make it increase the num- ber of Its branches. "^ Clot-bur. Clot-bur {Xanthium Canadenae) is a largo coar«o annual ™Iki . *?u^ r'*i™. P*""' °^ *^« province. Tt bears some resemblance to the burdock in having large coarse leaves and the seed in a bur. The bur is oval, about an inch long and covered Olot-biir {Xanthiuvi Canadcme). with stiff hooked prickles. Like Ragweed it has two kinds of flowers — staminate at the summit in spike clusters and pistillate below. The plant u about three feet hich. Xanthium .«fn/«/>«j»i a v«,» thorny form, is found in the vicinity of Dundas, bu^ it is more con- fined to the Southern States where it is a very obnoxious weed. I wh we see the wh tha wei as it I which site. remov plant smalle injuri< , and 1, etc. 11 be r \ but num- f. 1 inual some I the irered 'ers ow. acv lon- JJodder, were received for identifacation from the vicinity of Drav^ni. » ,Thl jeedB of the dodder are sometime, found amongclover sS Whe^ wh?chTherr- '^«y8«rn.inate and reach the ^clover p a^t arlnd DODDKR (Cuseuta Trifolii). whioh'1u!.rlS^°!?,?ii'''°'.°7' breakaway from th, ,eed from Zlfu a"""^' ,^o<^«er seeds though similar to clo r seed 'are Zionr'^ tT^ ^^ •"''""'^^- I" Europe this parasite Toften mjunous. The specimens which have come under the wiS n'e^'f^tm^f would .pp.„.. .,.t CweSI, tL ? :'t"i°' »~y«^» .nd ° OnJer. Scientific name. Qomm on name. acriH . Oruciferw . «»nunoalu8 aoleratus lo"*'*"'"P . P Came ina ..tiva .....■■• ' " • • 1 2","«^.Butteroup. '."a " Sa;^«;j^!^p'«toriV:::;:::;:ili^2^^^^^ Buttercut (fef'«''>'n VirgiSioum" g*»«Pheni'. pu^; ; ^ •• ™"P»»PvenBe. 'PePPerwort.... f I Braasioa Sinapintrum , WM^y*"^ •• - i ." A SiHymbrium officinale W """t^rd . . ^ Oapyo^hyllaoetB ;: g»P»veraoe» Ohff "?» ohe'wnthoides wv^* mujtard ....... a Hyperioaoe« Slil*'?'""" ™»i«« • pL?"i?««* n»«tard A Lyolinis GitQo " ^'- ''°>'» wort ? Lychnis veepertina ^P? Oockle ....." jT Silene inflate.... ^^ite Cockle. r • • . . Oeraatium arvenw.".' f?^'^" 0«»P'on S •...Saponanaofficinalia. S**'** P^okw^ . ' £ Malvaceie . * &"?"'*» oleraoea . . ghickweed f Anacardiace* ST''* «>'"ndifolia £*?'"« " " " A «• »pu8 venenata 2*»"ow.... ^ " ^/^0"a'n»rvenfie. S"'?"^"* Ivy . . . p ?f*?.l««Wo lupuUna ^•'<* Tare ^ te^'.'M"" »lba |J*«kMediok..,.V-'f /]?»«.««■ oarota.... SS??«1 Melilot a Oonium ibjcuUtum wUd Carrot r ona«nce«.::.\;:::te--.«^^^^^^^^ oEnptherabienni;;::.:;::: ■; -ffi^^ .B .B SSSitr' • ; • • • ■ &«t™ "'^'*"^««» Willow-herb Ierac«u« .... SonchiiK arvciiiii ...."" ErechthitJi hieracifolia Arctium Lappa. Cichorium Intybui! . . .,,' Taraxacum ufticinale. '. ' Erijftron Canadense ..'..' Antbemia Cotula ." Anthemis arveneia .!!.**" Onicus arvensis ' ' Onicua lanceolatua ...'.'.," Bidena frondoia Tnula Helenium ...'.'.'.'.," JCanthium Canadenie. VerbMcum Thapann ... Veronica aivenaia. . . Veronica'peregrina. .'.'.'.'.'.' Linaria vnlgaria . Verbeno haatata. . . . !! " Leonurua Cardiaea NepetaO«t»ria..... ■.;;■*■ Brunella vulgaria Echinoapermam Lappitia Cynoglooaum officinale . . £to«ella ! S^i Rumex crispua .... "*' Ramex obtuaifoliua Urtica dioica Allium tricoceum.!! Bromua secaUnua . . . Setaria glanca Panioum Crus-galli . Panicnm capillare . . Urticaceete . . Liliao«ie Graminee .. 28 Ordera. ««w icrtiua. Agropymm repena .... 78 genera. Common name. Tanay p Oolden Rod....' p Cone- Flower n Bluebottle ? SowThiatJe a CornThiatle '".'"p Fireweed . a Burdock ...".".".■ n Chicory..... ' \ \ 5 Dandelion ..." p Fleabane f Mavweed .'."" A Field Chamomile .... A Canada Thiatle .' v BnllThiatle b Bur Marigold .... ""•p Elecampane p Clot bur f Mullein ...,'. n SDeedwell ...'..,.' \ Neckweed , 1 Toad Flax..::::: p Vervain " p Motherwort. . . p Catnit) f Self. ileal....: P Stiokieed p Honnd'a Tongue '.'.'.'." 'b Blueweed ...... * n PjgeoDweed V "x Thorn-Apple a Ground Cherry. . p Bindweed.. p Dodder. ... f Milkweed... p PlanUin ....'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.',' ^ Rib-graag : p Lamb's Quartera. ..'.■.' .".'a Strawberry Blite. ... a Pigweed "a GooaeGraaa :"""a Black Bindweed ... "a I*dy'8 Thumb .... ■■"a Sorrel ; p Common Dock p Bitter Dock '.'.'.'.. ..¥ Nettle p Wild Leek , p Cheea f Poxuil A Barnyard Oraaa . : a Witch Graaa A Wild uat . ..:.::::: "a Couch Grass : : p 92 speciea.