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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour itre reproduit en un seul clich6. il est film4 i partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'imagas nAcessaire. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY REJOlUriON TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TESi CHART No. 2) ^ APPLIED IIVHGE 165J East Moin Street Rochester, New York 14609 USA (716) 482 - OJOO- Phone (716) 288 - 5989 ~ Fax a' RETURit^4>;;-j« SHVWI.VU THE NUMBER OF LIMITS, OR LICENCES, OR APPLICATIONS, GRANTED OR PENDING TO CUT TIMBER ON THE OTTAWA AND ITS TRIBUTARIES, 1848 TO 1852. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. QUEBEC: PRINTED BY JOHN LOVELI., AT HIS STEAM PIlINTlNG ESTABLISHMENT: 1853. /O k(=^ EETURN In part—To an Address of the Legislative Assembly, dated 27th September, 1852, for Statement of the number of limits, or licences, or applications, which have been granted or pending to cut Timber or Saw Logs on the River Ottawa and its Tri- butaries, or in any other part of the Province, for the years 1848, 1849, 1860, 1851, and 1852, &c. By command, A. N. MORIN, Secretary. Secretary's Office, Quebec, 13th June, 1853. lU Woods and Forests, Return of Licenses granted, tlOENSBS OB ANTED DUBINO THE TEAB 1882. QVANTITT AND DESCBIPTIOM ^AMES. Date. No. g) a '^ Locality, River, Township or Seigniory. White Pine. Red Pieces. Feet Pieces. John Evum, Per Return for 1862. George Benson Hall Do do Do do Po do 1862.' June 16 January 2 . , . February 16. 1 80 Ireland, Inverness, Ha- lifax, Somerset, Nelson River Batisoan Townaliin Gosford Amablb Boohet, Per Eetum for 1862. Antoine St Cyr Joseph 0. M^thot 80 S6 74 280 120 120 86 16 24 200 864 WilDam Price ■••.• . . . . 108o' , , ." ■ • • • ■ • « . . . . B ; i I; ; i UOBmt» GBANTED DURING TUB ,EAE 1862. NAMES. H. W. McCann, (Continued.) ■I. and D. Campbell Amoi BisBett \[[" Hubert Carney A. J. Campbell OeorgeG. Dunning..."!"" •foseph Stcene Peter McMartin George Ferris Henry Hethrington. .."..'."' Andrew Alexander ... Jamos Brownell and Brother." A. McCaul and Biotuers Jacob Dixon Jamos Franklin Stephen Tucker. Shane and Byrne Michael Stewart Henry Franklin J. W. Cook an<1 Brothers George 0. Dunning ."iDecembe, PlEBEE GaUVRKAU, ■vtr-iv K^y Return for 1852, WilLam Priw Etienne Pineau Samuel Bradley, Jr Wtto ..."■' Lemesurier, Tilstone & Co Henry Page Etienne Pmeau ......" William Price . . Ditto ....'.■ Samuel Bradley, jr. '.'..'.' Lemesurier, Tilstone . 12, West 60 RatIw,No.l,NS Z r"^t2P«'8. No. 1, Noi'th., ^° 2, North. L Do 2, South., Croche, No. 1, North. . L""^ 1, South... Trenche,No.], South.. ^" 2, North.. 5'' 2, South.. S° 3. North.. vi ,. »r 3, South.. Flamand, No. 1. NorU,. fin Tj r^° . I' South. 50 Bo8tonais,No6,South.. p, ^° . 6, North.. Flamand, No. 2, North. S° 2, South ^° 8, North fin lp. u xr 3' South 50 Croche, No. S, South fn v?° • *' South 60 Matawu,, • 4, South 50 t>t. Maunce, 7, West ^^ V Do 9, E„gt Vermillion 1, South Kt. Maurice, 13, West 4U 60 61 62 j 63 Do Do Do Do - , Do 50 jMatatri! 60 Do 60 Do 60 Do 60 . Do 60 Do 14, West. ' 8, East . 10, East 18, East . 14, Ea.t . 6, South 5, North 6, Nortli 6, South *l. North f, South Re- OF T Pin( P. IS OD8 AND Forests ANTITV AMD DKSCntPTloN Retuhn. — ( Continued. ) OV TIUBEB ON WHICH DUTIES HAVK ACCRUED IN 1852. White Pine. Red ^ces. Feet Pieces, Pine. Feet. i KUn, Aih, &e. Pes. Feet. Onk, &e. Pes. Feet. Saw Logs. Spruce Pine. 6816 25780 AMOUNT OF BEVENUE. Ground Rents on Licences granted £ B. d. 3 2 3 2 6 3 2 6 11 0 0 87 0 87 0 87 0 87 0 71 0 87 0 87 0 87 0 66 0 37 0 37 'I 40 0 87 0 87 0 44 0 71 0 12 0 54 0 60 0 14 0 13 0 7 0 11 0 13 0 11 0 13 0 14 0 84 0 7 10 6 6 10 0 30 6 15 0 20 0 80 0 25 0 87 0 87 0 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 10 0 102 0 0 180 0 0 90 0 0 100 0 0 160 0 0 100 0 0 87 37 35 25 27 10 89 0 22 10 Duties accrued on Timber out. Totals. REMARKS. £ s. d. 121 3 6 530 8 9 £ s. d 3 2 6 3 2 6 8 2 6 183 3 6 530 8 87 0 37 0 37 0 37 0 71 0 37 0 37 0 37 0 66 0 37 0 37 0 40 0 37 0 37 0 44 0 71 0 12 0 64 0 60 0 14 0 13 0 7 0 11 0 13 0 11 0 13 0 14 0 34 0 7 10 6 6 10 0 80 0 15 0 20 0 80 0 25 0 37 0 37 0 87 0 37 0 87 0 86 0 25 0 27 10 39 0 22 10 12 10 0 102 0 0 180 0 0 90 0 0 100 0 0 160 0 0 100 0 0 166 14 S.J.Estntes 37 0 0 do 22 4 0 do 18 10 0 d^ 22 4 0 do 37 0 0 do 29 12 0 do 7 Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Woods and Fohestb ^1 ^o^nslHporawgniory. Matawin, No. 8, North VermillioD, No. 2, Nortlil White Pine. Red Pi eco». F«et Pieces, 111 OF Pin 1 Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do 2, South 8, North 4. N-rth 6, North C. South 6, North 6> South '. North Au lac Clair, No. 8, West „ . D» 8, East Mcmnuac. No. 1, North, ist. Afaunce, No. 2, East H. Eostll V, East 12, East 8, East 6, Eastjl 9, W. 5, W. 10, w. Mequ.uuc,.No.8,8outh. J'o 8, North u , P\ 4, Head Matawm, No. 4, North 5" 3, North , •D . n?" 8- South . Kat River, No. 2, South Do 2, North n , ^o 3, So.tth iJostonaiB, No. 3, North. 3, South. 4. North. 1, South. C, North, li 8, South. 4, South. I Oroohe, No. 2, South Do 2, North Do 8, North V ^?,. 4. North... Vermill,on,No.3,South 4, South I 1, South j 8, North I 8, South I 9, North; A . ■:;r '^. South Au lac Clair, No. 1, West Do 1, East Do 2, West >n„„„ , Do 2, East X_Venche, No. 1, Norti Shawinigaii 16 OOD9 AND Forests QUANTITY AND BMORIPTION White Pine. Re,! leocs. Feet Piece*. Return. — (Continued.) or TIHBEa ON WHICH DUTIKS IIAVK AUCUUKD l^f 1852. I AMOUNT or UEVKNUli. Pine. Klra, Aah.iSic. Oak, <5§ ? QUANTITT AND nMCRlrnoN Lociility, River, TowiigLip or Seigniory. White Piue. Red Of Wn Piece*. Feet. I>i,o A. J. RURNKM., Pt;i' Return for 1882 I hoi„ag Liitiiinir James Dmific'ld CO. K.'lly '.'.'.'.'.'.. Joshua Hniith !.'.*.*."' Alexander Sneddon. ... 1852 September 14 I : 24, R. Scott Auitin Russell . . Joseph Aumoud. Do B. W. Leamud . . 20 i October 1 John Egnn Roderick Ryan . . . Do ' :;• R. W. Cruoe Do .■;;; Thotnai McKiiy McKay and MeKlunou . Do do Alexander MoOaul A Urothei"! Do do Do do Do do Jl'. do Alexander McCniil Wood, Pctry, and Oo.l Do Do Jokn Dunlop A. H. Dunlop John Browne Do do do Duncan McFarlaue Do J. and D.Bell 6 I 7 8 I '^ I ^^ 11 I 12 l.'i It 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2.S 24 2.5 20 27 28 29 30 31 32 8,3 84 40 40 1«^ n 8 7 8 25 37, 25 lla 8 ' 14 24 24 7 60 60 60 60 40 60 60 60 22f 8 20 H 20 i ITownsliip (if Mosimm . . 3* j''""wnHliin(.fl'ukeuliuni. Indiati River I '^^ ■.'.".".'.".*.'.".' Darliuff, Pakeniiam 'and Kunmay Bfckwith mid Mouti'iguc Township of Oso "ownahip of (>s>,r„„Je* ' owushipof (Jloucestorl Luke Teiniscnuiing, Ot- tawa Deep River, Oisa Creek River Ottawa , River Dumoiue Do Black River . . . River Gatimuu" TowuBhip of Wnkcfieiti.' Do do York River, .Madawask'a Do do Kgan'g Creek . . . York River Do River Mnganacippi . , River Ottawa and do. John Bell '. J. and D Bell '.. Samuel Grimes '. G. B. Lyon H. L. Routh ' * Do ; Anderson and Paradis Do do Do do Do do Louis Briaard Anthony Cullen ' Do ...::;: 0. and D. McDonell.. Do Do Do J. Deacon, Senior S. A. HuntiL. Jon 36 36 87 88 .39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 61 62 63 26 13 'if 10 28^ 18 16 50 ■m 12J 16 10 16 50 SO 40 85 17i I Do do Do do Township of Stafford Indian River and do. . . Township of Pukenlmm . jBlithefield and Mada-j waska 'Township of Bag'ot Do o ... Do ... ■■' »o ...::: Do ; Do ,,,'■' Do .. ■•' S» .••..■.':: Do Do ...■■■■ Do . , ■ ■ ■ ■ Do ....■■■ Do .....■." Hugglea "Wright...'.', John £ffaD Do John Mitchell... '.'.'.'.' Thomas MoOoey ...', Do Do . . ; ■ Allan Oihnour. Do .;;;;; John Gilmour.. ..',\\ James Gilmour . .',',,, H. Oarniichael Do ..,,!." Samuel Dickson. Do ,..;;• Patrick Egan ..!!.'.'|| Hamilton Brothers Do James Skead . . Do ..,,."■■ John Thompson !.!.'" Alexander Caldwell Do Do J. and J. Hawley Allan Gilmour Do James Gilmour. Do Do A. Gilmour. , Do . . . ; Do Do Do ... Do .:::; Do Do ... Dn ■ James Gilmour Do •Allan Gilmour. .* Woods aud Fosksts «0B!fSK8 OEA«TKD DtmiNO mt THAE 1862. \\ Qo^x^T" "' j - VBUntTT AMn MgOWPTIOS J« L, ^«»%. River, ^ I Township or Seigniory. [Black Sea Creek . , Do do . Kiver Desert Do Gee BoQ Creek, GaVi^ „ Do do Eagla RiTOr ^o '.'.'. Do Do Bo Do ...■;;.■:'• Eiver Pickanock . . Grand Lake . . River St. Sire. .'.' Do .. Township of BafiuVst!.' lurUe Creek, Gatineau. Uomasme River Do ; ; Lake St Mary Biver Desert Do ■■■■ 10 Eiver St. Joseph 8 Township of iitchfieid 4*1 Un Xir ^ ii Ri OK Pin I Westmoatlii McNabb . . do . Huntley . Masham. do . Dalhousio Bago» Wakefield Oso ., Lavant Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Dalhoutie Township of Darling „ Do FitzrovJ 99 In- *"'^^*^ '^^ Huntfy 22 Biver Contecagama, Ga^' tineau River Piokanook ' Do Do I . Do. ::: [RiTar Kazabacua Do - , I>o 41? Rirer QatiiMBn "" Do Do ::.: Do Do Do , Do [" ..... • •[,•.•.•,•,• m Woods awd FoaBaTs Rbidrn— (Cow^tnticd.) QOAirnxT A»D MgOBIFTIOIl White Pine. Pieocg. I Ja«t. '! " 1 or miBKR OM viiiOH inrm» iiavb aookusd in 1862. AHOUNT or KKVENUE. Pine. Elm, Ath, Ac Oak, Ac. Saw Logs. Ground Rents ou Licenses granted. Duties accrued on Timber cut. Totals. REMARKS. Feet Pes. Feet Pee. Feet Spruce Pino. « £ » d. 5 16 5 16 6 5 0 6 5 0 3 2 6 6 5 0 6 5 0 8 15 0 6 5 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 4 10 0 8 2 6 1 0 0 6 11 6 6 6 0 6 5 0 1 0 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 6 0 3 2 6 2 10 0 10 6 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 2 6 3 2 10 0 2 6 3 2 16 10 0 2 11 6 2 12 6 1 0 0 1 0 0 5 10 0 4 16 0 1 15 0 6 6 0 6 5 0 3 16 0 6 5 0 8 10 0 10 1 8 12 10 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 12 10 0 6 5 0 1 6 0 12 10 0 £ a. d. £ s. i. 6 10 6 16 6 5 0 6 5 0 3 2 6 6 6 0 6 6 0 8 16 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 4 10 0 8 2 6 1 0 0 6 11 6 6 6 0 6 6 0 10 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 5 0 8 2 6 2 10 0 10 6 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 10 0 3 2 6 1 0 0 2 6 3 3 10 0 2 6 8 3 16 1 0 0 2 11 6 2 12 6 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 10 0 4 16 0 1 16 0 6 6 0 6 8 0 8 16 0 6 5 0 8 10 0 10 1 6 13 10 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 0 6 0 12 10 0 6 6 0 1 6 0 12 10 0 it .... i ;. ;i i i :::::::: 'r* 1 i ' ( i 1 1 '* * .... .... "'■" "" ■ * ... *••.•.•«•■« . .... S 'I I hi :,i NAMES. ■^l/' ^"8**^''i'' (Continued.) Allan Gilmour John Gilmour James Gilmour." .' , '. ' " David Gilmqur. Do ..,.."■ Messrs. Gilmour & Co . ■Allan Gilmour . Do ...'.'.■.■* Joseph Smith . . ' * B. W. Cruce '." Joseph Smith. Do ..;; Do Allan Gilmour. Do Gilmour • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * * • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .f^ lilli JolmEgan.. Pocembcr20.|281 I i /t " " . 1282 ] fl ^?^"«1'>"P of Onslow. . I Do . " ''.983 iW^'""*'*'!* •.. ' ^° ..■.■.■.■;::: ;; ".m i.n ''n^''>''^cawv, ,Do « ".285/ in L ^° do Jolm Egan & Co. . " " . 280 I i ^ P^'i* ^'^er Ottawa ' r, Do ., " ".287 4, „. D° do ." ' " John Egan .... " " . ogg *7 R„rer Ottawa. , . ' John Egan & Co. .' .' " " . 289 4, Jff !'"""'« Creek ..;;•"• Join Egan " " . og^ ^f ^ /.^^-f Ottawa. . . " " " •Do ...;; " ".291 o? P>"'Ri^er..: ^0 " ".293 OQ L. ^° do Do . " ".on? -8 (RiTerSweyo ,,^0 ..:::::; : ".290- J jS^^Kiver.. •:::;• Joiin Egan A Co. . " . 296 o,, r"'*'"Bounech(}re ' Jolm Egan " ".297 ov ^^ Do . I " " . oQs ,"; I Do ■ ■ ■ ■ Do : " "S 15 Do Do " " qnn ^ Do Do .... i " " . 302 oq L^f/^fr^-^nnech^re ." .' " ' , .303 30 ^•"''^^"^«'" (1 ^° .. ^^ rT' *^f J-^^aaka and" Do " " . 304 0= L.^ODuecbLVe, . . , "" Do " . 30G 60 "■ *^'"'wa8ka " Do . _ _ _ " . I30I7 In/ Do Do " " Una I "'' M^Usko Crept m„„7"n'.' *l ■n ,, • <308 / isi|ni„ , ,r. '''•''> -"Jack RiV Do j " ".309 fin*u- ^'^<''' Do " ".311 9s D-"''^'^'^*''-... Do ; ; ;; « . 312 5^ ^;^«'- ^adawaska , Do ".813 29 K-^*''^"''^"---. , Do ".314 50 R'^""5°°^«ch6re. James Davidson . ".315 f « . ir *''" O'^wa , W. H. Tilstone " ".816 ^^fl^'ack Riv„ . I John Egan .* .' ; " " . 31 7 j vll'p^'^iip "f AliumeVte * Do ;: ".318 2ote-,,"''°'''=<'Wre " Do . " " . 31B 1 n^Gfillvray'gPt T>, •• , Do :::;::;;; :; -.K 25M^^'-^«a John Egan A Co. . . . " .321 Jo P""^' ^oiQechtVe . " Do ... ".322 BO p ^. do Do " ".323 n, 5?'"'^'^e'-... Do :;;;; ;; «.324 lar^'^^'^dma,]^:: Do . " ".825 9s Do Do ; ;■ ".326 fnj Do Do '• ".327 }JL Do Do .: ;; ".1328 og^p'^^ilPetewawe." , g ^■■^^^::-- : ^|? ffes^SsI Do " ".332 ^° Do *^ •• Do :;: ;; ".333 05 K'?^^'™""*"-" Do I " ".|336( U Do 387 21 Do .■r:-:^ 27 Woods AifD FoREsTisi IRetcrn — ( Continued.) lory. J ■ ''^^SCBrPTIO.N «0F TIMDEa ON WUICII DUTIES IIAVK ACCRUED IN 1852. Elm, Ash, ic. P^'^oe"-! Feet. |piece«, | Feet. Pes. Feet. Oak, . Allumette. " (River Petewawo . Do Do River Madawaska" Do Do Do River Ottawa River Madawaska Do Black River River Petewawe" ." Do .Do ;; River Matawin...'.' River Ottawa. Do ..;;■ Blaek River . . Do ...;;; River Amable du'ponds Deep River, Ottawa iRiver Ottawa. Do .;;;; • itiver Madawaska . River Ottawa . .' " ' River Petewawe . ." ." .' " I River Ottawa and Town ship of Chichester 29 30DS AND FoREflTS *KTITV and DEgcmPTiox Return — ( Continued. ) OF TIMBKn OK WHICH DUTIES HAVE ACCRUED IN 1862. Knc. Feet. Elm, Asb, Ac. Peg. Feet. Oak, (Sic. Pes. Feet. Saw Logs. Spruce Piue. AMOUNT or REVENUE. Oround Rents ou Litenaes granted. £ t. d. 5 6 3 0 6 0 6 6 2 0 0 6 5 o 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 0 7 0 1 0 2 10 5 0 2 10 6 5 4 7 2 9 1 0 1 17 6 5 6 5 10 16 6 0 "• 0 10 t, 0 7 10 7 10 12 10 3 2 1 0 10 0 2 5 6 5 6 5 3 2 12 10 9 0 2 10 1 0 Duties accrued on Timbor cut 2 10 0 4 10 0 10 0 6 0 0 3 6 0 £ 8 d, Totals. £ 8. d 6 6 3 0 5 0 0 6 3 6 5 0 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 0 0 1 1 1 8 1 1 2 5 2 0 4 2 1 1 6 6 10 6 6 1 6 7 7 12 3 1 10 2 6 6 3 12 9 2 1 5 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 7 6 0 0 7 0 0 7 6 10 0 0 0 10 0 6 0 7 6 9 0 0 0 17 6 5 0 5 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 2 6 0 0 0 0 5 0 6 0 6 6 2 6 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 2 10 0 4 10 0 10 0 6 0 0 3 6 0 REMARKS. I -^IfiMnderJIcCuuIojr i Do Do Andergourf?p,^,,„,,( • AlexnndorAIoDoudl. Do "onnld McDonoIl ' ' Alexander iloUoucli." Do Dune„nJr,.Donell..:;, ^- «. Bellows Do D. Moore, Jv Do itinnl.lolIoConu;fr*'" i' iJi'iorson . ^pRR-Lyon;:;;;--- -J'PJayteraudW.Lees." J. leavens ... "iliiam Moffutt Do John Thomson Do Stephen Burritt.".' Willijun Forbes . Peter Aylen, Jr. ;■;;;; p. O'Meara. . ■^rohibaldJIcDonaid"" Arthur McArthur..;;; Do ' • • • • , Do Do Do James HubbeU... Wilham Pctry. . Wood and Petry Alexander McCaul James Skead Do William Morris* Do William McLachiiiii."" Do Do Do Do WiUiamHamilton..'.'"" Do '"'•or Ottawa and Town. 8 «''^'oft'hiehestcr^ SO River^AIaganjJpi . 2^- "ivor Petewawo . " I Do Do Do Do Do Do ' Do , Do ■i||TowgipofW,,t„-— , .tfKe?Sttawa'.° 3o j)„ 2f Township of T;,;b;it„n . a" n G"ulbourn" 60 reiver nff„ ^"''^"''"'i ■ CO, Lo^'"^" II g itiverretowa;;-;:;;;;! , BonneehOro . °", -^ Indian River , _ 9» Stag Creek, Gatineau * " 'rnrfe^/^'ot'^nd''' I Do do 5g Township of Larant fo tefc;.^-vabb :: 60 River Slada,;;^;^-;--.. ;jTownsh.p„f^ ;•..! shv^tSrr'^oio;, "•' I Do jRiver Keepawa . ' 1 Do Do Do jj|i^i-ionge:;: 81 Retu r V— ( Con/iu ucd. ) OF TIMnm O.V WIIKii puTIEg HAVB ACCllUEP IX 1852. Pine. Feet F.Im, A«h, Ao, Pes. Feet. Oak, ito. Pes. Feet. Saw Log8. Spruce Pine. AJIOf.NT OK nKVK.M,!;. Qrotiml ou Lict'iicci granted. Diitiea ucorucd (iM Timber cut, £ ». d 2 0 0 2 0 0 7 10 0 6 0 0 8 8 9 8 10 0 2 10 0 12 10 0 0 8 0 6 8 0 2 10 0 2 10 0 4 10 0 6 12 c 4 2 6 1 0 0 1 0 0 12 0 0 8 0 0 4 1 6 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 6 0 6 8 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 10 0 2 16 0 2 10 0 1 8 9 1 0 0 6 3 1 6 1 6 12 10 6 6 2 2 4 15 0 5 10 0 2 10 0 4 17 6 6 6 0 6 6 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 sec £ 8. (1 Total*. £ B. d, 2 0 0 2 0 0 7 10 0 6 0 0 3 8 9 8 10 0 2 10 0 12 10 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 2 10 0 2 10 0 4 10 0 6 12 6 4 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 12 0 0 8 0 0 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 1 6 6 4 4 1 1 10 0 2 15 0 2 10 0 13 9 1 0 0 6 6 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 1 6 6 12 10 0 6 6 0 2 2 6 4 15 0 6 10 0 2 10 0 4 17 6 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 !WP UEMARKS. tICKNHKH OHA.VTtD DURINO TUK r«An ISflJ, ~n;ii — Date. MoLiAN Stewabt, Per Ituturn for 1862, Collection 0/ Duties accr,,^ D. Itilloiu aud J. Wn.lsworth , , ^o do Andrew Loamy . . j William McLachliil.'; i .' | Bonjamin Gordon , ••••• John MoMillan , A. II. MuDoiioll John Egan A- Co, .' .' .' .* ,' .*.'."* Samuel Grimes . . .' .'.' ' * ," " Samuel IJiokson. ..'.'.' Arthur Mc Arthur ." ' '. '. ." ' ." ,* " C. C, Svmnica ,[ J. & J. Hawley and Egon A Co". Jamofl Grimes.. .. John MoCrea and John Stevens ." " ' " John Stevens and JohuMcCreal. . ' " VVilliam McLachlin. Robert Kenuoy .... James Uubblo ...,.".. p. McLaren and J. ilarshal'l' John Egan A Co... Samuel Grimes ,..'.[ John Egan i«cefc WooD)i AM) Forest., qPAKTITY A-^D BMCBIPTIOI* 21 420 10403 10870 2O08 3S0OO 14853 1608 2100 04243 44940 080 21426 loJ66 20460 6200 8080 19266 9310 17073 63298 2890 2620 8060 29105 16470 2240 490 7910 87800 11690 11060 31600 11 2 22 1943 9341 4 14859 19 2363 14533 9 30546 .. 6,3076 e 1498 ... 70449 220* 1488 8 8008 2 9037 37 6120 2 14580 ... 52828 28 29078 12 8488 10 6S17 4 1238 1 3819 8 71264 34 83 Woods avh Forkhtj MTU gOAWTITY AKO PMCBIPTION 300 281 181 88 600 8^3 28 80 1-160 «t2 24 863 27(1 378 100 124 291 133 89;i 10-12 87 SO 113 667 2U20 16408 10670 2008 86000 11863 1098 2100 04213 44940 080 21428 10455 20400 6200 8080 19200 9310 17073 63298 2890 2620 8060 29106 11 2 22 221 16470 82 I 2240 7 118 540 107 :58 :60 2 27 70 80 38 14 32 i3 17 0 4 5 8 7 I i 490 7910 37800 11090 11060 31500 1943 9341 14859 2303 14533 00646 6,3076 1498 70449 1488 8008 9037 6120 14680 52823 29078 8488 6S17 1233 3819 T1264 i 19 6 220 8 2 37 2 28 12 12 i 1 8 34 Rkti «s — {Continued RAVI A or luiBxa ON wiuoH ouTin OOBUKD IN 1862. AMOt'.iT or BEVKNUi:. Piuo, Kim, Aih,u LicvUHUt (fruDtuJ. Dill its ni'd-Moil oil rimlier cut. TotftU. REMARKS. F«t't. Pm. Feet Vc Fcot. Spruce Pine. • £ e. (1. £ a. •!. 43 11 8 82 4 4 22 0 5 4 0 2 72 18 4 33 10 9 5 11 8 4 7 6 197 6 0 93 12 6 3 10 0 46 10 2 84 12 1 60 9 0 9 15 10 21 10 9 40 2 9 19 7 11 36 11 4 113 18 0 5 7 11 6 6 0 10 15 6 00 12 9 32 4 7 4 18 4 1 0 5 16 9 7 81 0 6 20 3 11 23 0 10 06 12 6 962 6 8 4 8 4 21 15 11 86 11 10 4 18 6 84 17 0 63 12 9 138 8 11 3 2 6 178 7 1 4 6 3 6 14 2 26 7 6 11 8 0 SO 16 0 118 4 8 62 9 7 20 is n 12 19 7 4 9 7 10 11 11 153 16 7 £ B. ll. 45 11 8 82 4 4 22 0 6 4 6 2 72 18 4 33 10 9 6 11 8 4 7 6 197 6 0 93 12 6 8 10 0 46 10 2 84 12 1 60 9 0 9 16 10 21 10 9 40 2 9 19 7 11 86 U 4 113 18 0 5 7 11 6 5 0 10 16 6 00 12 9 Sv •: 7 4( i8 4 1 0 6 10 9 7 81 0 6 20 8 11 23 0 10 IJ 12 6 962 0 8 4 8 4 21 16 11 36 11 10 4 18 6 84 17 0 63 12 9 138 8 11 8 2 6 178 7 1 4 6 8 6 14 2 26 7 6 11 3 0 30 16 0 118 4 8 62 9 •? 20 13 11 12 19 7 4 9 7 10 11 11 163 15 1 210 17 14 662 180 US 3 102 419 1 20 78 836 13 442 19 034 2 no 17 674 1 9 342 4 136 13 442 45711 8 12 88 388 .... 172 1112 878 6 100 10 372 206 22 817 8 246 7691 293 92 1 2 14 47 1878 6 97 116 « 4 102 1921 1 22 466 634 1 36 i 1 1 4 o4 25 26 176 169 44 9 376 371 1275 • • • ■ E NAMES. McLean Stkwaht, (Conrt««ft/V James M..Ku.lnno """""'h josopiiAunuuKi... ::::::••■, V. 1. iJrowuo .. Do JoLn MoN-iuij-ht,m\" ' W.mid J.Toolford.. Jolm Egaii & Co. Bo ,;'■' Kti!!ort Ronney. . Jolm Domiolly ." " " ' Jolml'4,'nii & Co.'.'.'."' 0. C. Symraos...!."" H.Cnrmiolinol.. Do ..."■■ JohnEgnn A- Co.' Do AloxnmlorSueddou'.'; D. McLollftn James Oncraou'.' Samuel McCoimell."" il. Ounniehnel . Kobort Conrou .' A. McAitkon. John Gopfhian ...'.' Robert llowo . . Ale.TOndcrMec'omi'eil'." D. MoFnrlnno , . . John Supple ...".'.' Tliomiis Bi-ysoii Jamoa Skoad . J. H. Wylie . 0-S. Bellows ' K. JloCoimell . . . .' JobuGriersou...!'."!"'" R- Ruuiihnn James Wilson. Edmund Heath .'." AlexnndcrMcAuIay'."" JohnEganACo. ■" Do James Early. . . | ' A. Dunlup...."'"m John Dnggnn William Mo Vie'a'r'.* Alexander McCinekin'.';* i». Moorhoad . JohnEffandiCo.'.'; Alexander McLaren' ■,"" U. h. MoDougoll . John Dunlop' . William Gibson".' Do Alexander McMillan Alexander MoConnell." " " Do Do Do Do Do Woods and Forests Date. No — a 420 .... • • a a \ "CENSES OIUNTED Drarxo Woods and Forests TUB YEAH 1882. QVMTTn AND DESCHIPTIOJ. Reti OF TIM James Davidson Do Arunah Dunlop ■VVilliani Cobb Do .;;;■ M. E. Downey. . . . .\' Do Alexander McLaren* Gerrard McCrca Do Do KobertSkend. James Cahill.... '".'*' Eobert Feshry .' White and Rice James Oabill.. A. W. Powell,;,' ■■■' Do P MoNnlly, Do \. A. B. Caldwell." Do John Lynch ,,..",'.""' Joliu Supple. .,'," Alexander McLaren James Dunfield , John Egan »t Co G. L. LeRoy ." .".■;■ S. Jones M. Mnguire. ..., JohnEgan&Co. '"'"■ John McConnell . ,' David Moore ...,','."*" Foster Aimstrong H. Chamberlain , John Egan & Co. M. Coghlan .".■ George Morris & Co' Do do Do do C. 0. Kelly , , , . M. O'Meara Thomas Caswell Do .;;■•■ C. and R. MeConneil." Do John Pouporo.., Do .,,,.',';;■ John Carry H. Hamilton,, . .' John Egan A Co Do Do Do Do Roderick Ryan D. F.BroTO .. Locality, River, ^ g I iownship or Seigniory. Sr I I Pieces. | Feet. Ipieceg. 43115 6077 32644 48284 73728 19022 32385 7190* 1703 63963 60294 83548 10063 6065 11396 13135 61835 17173 488* 75990 90290 85222 19753 415 , 20810 ^e-l I 24080 t I 366 52 I 3576 75517 , 39681 J557 121079 1008 I 69664 24229 38966 56078 52051 59944 69836 J. 10 108 1 153 25* 9 144 5 1 8 64 10 '42' 1 4 40 185* 33 81 67 72 66 1625 68098 38 81157 64381 68323 64873 96849 22409 61 82139 90844 1 Jano 42890 89276 27929 65132 41498 1 76 73 17 2 8* 80 141 81 4 ^ 1 2 14 1 C 39 I 1£ S 1 t. 65 1 2' 4: 4: *i' 4i I 57 [oODSANDFoRESTa QUANTm- AND DESCBIPTION White Pine. I R^d Pieces. Feet. Pieces. 621 99 660 752 976 374 615 43115 6077 32644 48284 73728 19022 82385 108 I 7190 897 63963 W4 60294 080 83648 165 I 10063 7 14 39 8 55 60 224 107 912 289 6066 11396 13136 61836 17173 6 162 87 41 06 7 37 488 75990 90290 86222 19753 416 20810 10 108 1 153 ''*- I 24080 366 8576 76517 39681 121079 69664 24229 25 9 144 5 1 8 64 10 56078 62051 69944 59886 56 68098 81157 64881 68323 64873 96849 22409 " 61 82139 90844 llgoo 42890 89276 27929 65132 41498 42 1 4 40 185 ' 83 81 67 72 1625 86 6 1 76 73 17 2 8 80 141 81 4 Retitrn- — {Continued.) OF TIMBEE ON WnlCH DUTIES HAVB ACCRUED IN 1852. AMOUNT OF KEVBNUE. Pino. Elm, Ash, Ac. Oak, Ac. Saw Logs. <5f"f'l Duties ^^?"*' accrued on TotalB. REMARKS. Feet. Pes. Feet. Pes. Feet. Spruce c Pine. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. 89 16 6 12 19 10 68 14 4 101 18 1 153 12 0 41 13 8 67 9 10 0 0 0 16 0 9 6 4 5 138 17 10 127 2 9 186 12 8 21 7 5 2 2 7 11 5 5 23 14 10 29 10 7 125 6 9 36 17 0 8 12 2 1 4 10 164 6 6 217 4 6 82 17 7 41 18 6 2 6 11 44 18 2 58 7 4 2 7 8 8 1 7 164 2 1 82 18 5 262 17 4 148 3 8 72 14 11 98 13 4 122 3 8 116 7 10 131 3 2 132 1 9 157 11 C 124 8 7 170 8 7 134 2 *■ 121 13 4 148 11 J 217 18 ; 1 10 ' 46 19 1 0 8 ! . 68 8 196 9 a 23 5 a 89 7 . 189 12 a 73 10 1 a 142 8 £ 8. d. 89 16 6 12 19 10 68 14 4 101 18 1 153 12 0 41 13 8 67 9 10 0 0 0 16 0 9 6 4 5 138 17 10 127 2 9 165 12 3 21 7 5 2 2 7 11 6 5 23 14 10 29 10 7 125 6 9 85 17 0 8 12 2 1 4 10 164 6 6 217 4 6 82 17 7 41 18 6 2 6 11 44 18 2 68 7 4 2 7 8 8 1 7 164 2 1 82 18 5 252 17 4 148 3 8 72 14 11 98 13 4 122 3 8 116 7 IC 181 3 2 132 1 J 167 11 ( 124 8 *■ 170 8 '■ 134 2 '■ [ 121 13 -: i 148 11 i i 217 18 . r 1 10 ) 46 19 i 0 8 3 68 8 5 196 9 3 25 5 I 89 7 4 189 12 1 73 10 1 6 142 8 79 165 340 283 2 102 3 72 254 * ' ■ ■ 641 * • . . 1852 366 ■ • • . 2735 2 2 11 1 38 97 511 28 14.Q a . a a ■" 519 . . . . 4163 . . . . 86 ■ " ' 4132 • ■ • ■ 2 54 1443 .... 297 4560 172 6616 6 117 18fi . . . . 28 S4S 8 1 262 25 2 85 1968 aa. 889 • • ■ • a a a a • • 4 1 102 19 1 88 "'ieos' 60 ..a. 148 ■ • • • 1464 • • • • 6 170 145 8460 8390 1 Ifift ■ ' * ■ 6 180 8816 * * " * 8012 .... 3503 75567 1627 1 31 ■■■■ .... 296 1 80 88 S218 .... 3489 734 1 51 10 223 72 .... 1 80 1 28 3 362 B 8468 i 122 3 a • a • 1 21 670 4 6862 1 3232 . • a ... 6 167 a • • 1 24 a 87 6 Ol 87 6 0 QUANTIXy AND DESCRlrnoN Red Do F. B. Hyde Do Peter White... 'i. '.■.'.■.■ J. S. Johnston "" John Curry ' " " Simon Hill.'*'.' Henry McPenkc.'.* J. and D.Bell. r>o ..;!.'"" Samuel McConneli Louis Centre . . Do ....','.'■■■ John Poupore. . .'.'.'."" Samuel McConneli John Thomson . Do Do ..'.'.'.""■ C. and R. McConneli .' * ." '. Do Do John Supple... Do Paul McJfally . * .' * | " Samuel McConneli W. and J. Moffatt. . .' Do John Supple (J; Co.* Do Do John Egan & Co. . Do Do Do Do . Do L. Mackie James Skead Qeo.AW.Aird Do Do Dam'el McLachlifl Do Do Do Do Do Do Alexander McAuIey James Wadsworth John Egnn A Co. . " Ira Mason ' Jamea Ro„an.!!'.'. John Supple... * James Skcad .."!!.*.]""" J. Smith .',' Oilmour&Co.'.'' oo ,. Locality, River. " ^T^''" ^ine. ^ g j lownship or Seigniory. Pieces. I Feet. Pieces. __ 521 lOIO 995 776 918 1284 398 1212 307 1154 919 805 679 1 1483 1814 825 447 42080 72405 C5995 53450 63459 90186 25207 79513 18048 91087 59929 54469 52115 60 68527 88758 71756 88175 57 642 307 923 387 1851 1080 962 958 100 992 100 77 766 4856 28350 16899 58465 19715 59228 62984 62891 8225 85707 7375 6414 , 61670 1596 114509 1492 j 102812 93877 76292 66733 77694 86100 258 428 768 84085 70288 286 1620 48846 I 60 303 205 6 219 199 47 7 44 67 49 42 6 6 989 6 64 8 685 1513 1586 1701 1625 7 150 229 508 48 22 60 49 38 839 16 910 838 968 131 92 85 4 298 36 110 1709 1680 1494 149 75 90537 68175 88185 24026 66798 718 28 681 4 64 1776 I 2816 1361 115502 8'76 I 64941 165 80 39 Woods and Forests Return — (Continued.) QUANTITY AND BESCRIPTIOJf Ectl ■VVlito Pine. Pieces. Feet Pieces. 621 1010 995 776 918 1284 398 1212 307 1154 919 805 679 1 1483 1314 825 447 42080 72465 C5995 63450 63459 90136 25207 79513 18048 91087 59929 54469 52115 66 68527 86758 71756 88175 57 4856 542 28350 m 16899 m 58465 i37 19715 51 95808 80 69228 62 62984 68 62891 00 8225 n 85707 JO 7375 7 6414 6 61670 6 114509 2 102812 2 93877 9 76292 / 66783 1 77694 ' 86100 258 1709 428 1630 768 1494 84086 1 149 303 205 6 219 199 47 1 44 57 49 42 6 6 089 6 64 8 585 1513 1586 1701 1625 7 150 229 508 48 22 60 49 88 839 16 910 838 968 181 92 85 4 296 36 110 70288 236 48845 90537 I 63175 88185 I 24025 I 66798 i 75 1520 60 718 28 581 4. 64 1176 2816 116602 I 165 80 64941 OF TIMBEa ON WHICH DUTIES HAVE ACCRUED I.N 1852. AMOUNT OF BEVENUf:. Piue. Elm, Ash, Ac. Oak, &o. Saw Logs. ^^■°"f'l Duties ??"t9 „,er«ed on ''"I"'=f"r Timber cut. granted. Totals. REMARKS. Feet. Pes. Feet. Pes. Feet. Spruce Pino. 12279 8304 £ 8. d. £ B. d. 113 5 0 168 6 3 138 7 0 131 7 4 151 1 10 191 17 0 55 4 8 169 18 11 42 18 0 192 18 9 130 9 6 114 0 8 109 15 7 98 7 6 143 8 2 190 11 8 151 9 3 128 13 2 128 16 10 115 11 1 130 11 11 117 10 4 11 7 1 69 8 8 63 11 10 166 18 2 44 9 7 201 11 2 127 9 8 138 0 8 134 7 3 107 13 3 180 3 6 95 10 9 106 12 8 215 13 5 250 16 0 221 12 9 203 11 5 159 14 5 147 12 6 164 17 4 187 15 7 159 13 11 153 1 0 167 4 2 187 16 4 153 10 4 170 1 IC 106 1 7 253 1 1 134 11 •■ 131 14 4 61 -7 i 148 6 ( 264 8 ' 254 13 1 142 8 £ s. d. 113 5 0 168 0 3 138 7 0 131 7 4 151 1 10 191 17 0 55 4 8 169 18 11 42 18 0 192 18 9 130 9 6 114 0 8 109 15 1 98 7 6 143 8 2 190 11 8 151 9 8 128 13 2 128 16 10 115 11 1 130 11 11 117 10 4 11 7 1 69 8 8 53 11 10 166 18 2 44 9 7 201 11 2 127 9 8 138 0 8 134 7 3 107 18 3 180 8 6 96 10 9 106 12 8 215 13 6 250 16 0 221 12 9 203 11 5 169 14 5 147 12 6 104 17 4 187 15 7 169 13 11 158 1 C 167 4 2 187 16 4 153 10 4 170 1 U 106 1 ' 253 1 : 134 11 ' t 131 14 . , 31 7 ) 148 6 r 264 8 3 264 13 5 142 8 206 • > • .... 9599 9064 1962 313 2059 "136 * ■ * • 6 264 2 50 1 • • • • 4 136 1500 " " 1883 . . . . 10 271 ogo . . . . "89 " ■ ■ . . . . 417155 . ■ a . 154 2721 473 . . . . . . . . ■ " ■ . . . . . . . . • . . . "Sfi79 • • • > . . . . R1844 " ■ ■ . . . . Kfii(ifi • t ■ • . . . . 6"G85 ■ « . . 56407 "97 • 1 . • .... • * ■ . .... 4839 88"4 1 46 . • ■ • 21650 . . . . 1C33 940 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1863 . . . . .... 0071 .... .... 1602 ■ " ■ .... 43452 .... 176 .... 88396 46766 .... 1 70 ■ '■ 41852 * • ■ ■ 4 5873 * * * * 3483 1 10 • ■ • • 8837 187 • * * ■ .... ■ ■ • • 14126 .... • • • • 1443 . . • . ' * * * 4033 .... * * * * 16895 18041 19492 6065 2119 81405 2071 80929 1421 .... • • • ■ .... • ■ • • .... • • • • .... * • • • .... 10 227 I .... ) .... I .... • • • ■ I .... • • • • 1 24971 162 1 84 * • ■ t 3 28 108 601 J 2684 .... 3 126161 7 6748 1 U 8422 .... * • ■ 5 40 Woods and Forests LIOBNSES OEANTED DUKING THE i NAMES, Robert Con rov "" Do •';;;■; Samuel Grimes .,.'. Clmi'Ies McAuley. .' John Egau tfe Co. Do Robert Oonroy. ....*" John Poiipore ,',\\[ Elins Moore ' JohuEgnn ACo..'! Do McMillnu and TurnVr John Es[au a AMD FoBESTa li-ANTrry and bmobiptiow White Pino. 1 Bed feces. Feet. riece». Retcrn — {Continufd.) 6000 5000 27996 20000 1200 or TIMBER ON WUICII DVlIKS HAVE ACOEUED IN 1852. AMOUNT OF BEVENUE. I'ine. F.lm, A«h, lice Ou^, o:c. Saw Logs. 0 round Rents on Lioenccs grunted. Duties nccnicd on Timber cut. Totals. REMARKS. Feet. PC8 Feet. Pes Feet. Spruce Pine. £ s. d 17 0 C £ 9. d £ a. A 17 0 ( 12 10 0 12 10 0 1893 6959 59 10 0 144 19 7 204 9 7 1000 983 1192 810 810 500 157 85 6 10 49 12 1 60 3 4 11 18 6 24 13 1 72 18 4 11 6 1 85 6 10 49 12 1 60 3 4 11 18 0 24 13 1 72 18 4 11 6 1 3 2 6 3 2 6 6990 Tamarack feet. .... 8392 645 747 5000 488 .... j- Clergy. .... 833 .... 3 2 6 3 2 6 ■' 833 11615 5862 6 5 0 205 18 3 272 3 3 223 8008 6702 1828 800 150 110 400 68746 51882 7800 4 12 11 62 13 4 139 12 6 27 11 3 16 13 4 3 2 6 2 6 10 8 6 8 1223 17 6 1079 16 8 162 10 0 4 12 11 62 13 4 189 12 6 27 11 3 16 13 4 3 2 6 2 5 10 8 6 ' 1223 17 0 1079 16 8 162 10 0 «*•••••• .... , 131094 2781 2 6 2731 2 6 68 6 6 41 13 4 2 10 0 4 7 11 68 6 6 41 13 4 2 10 0 4 7 11 1 0 0 16 2 6 13 16 0 4 2 6 12 10 0 9 1 2 9 1 2 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 0 0 . . . . ... 211 10 0 16 2 6 13 16 0 4 2 6 12 10 0 9 1 2 9 12 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 6 6 0 0 6 0 « 6 0 ■ . • - . . ■■•••••••• .... t • • • 44 m 11CBVW8 OBANTED Wtllm TflS TEAE 1862. Woods and Fore»t» I Rbi " 20 . October 1 " 6 , " 1 . November 1, AlKXAiVDER DaLT. OoU McDonnell J. H. Dorwin Do :: Do Dugar Trusdell [[[[ M. Coglan • A. Cameron Peter Leach ." Geo. W. Cameron . . J. A. Cameron ..,.', Donald Cameron . . .' 8. J, Dawson .' J. A. Cameron . . . . ' William Hamilton..' O. MoEwon .*. Peter Leach ..... .A. Robs. -, Per Return for 1862 George B. Hall... Do Do ;.'.■.';;;■ John Armstrong ..',.', Hans D. Breaker Do •. Do August 1 . George B. Hall.. !'.!*.* .'I John Armstrong. ... William Ray \" ' Stephen Hafey. . . . i .' ." j j H. D. Breakey .' ' .' Locality, River, Township or Seigniory. River Petite Nation. Do do Do do Do do |RiTer Blaucho River Petite Nation! , QUANTITY AND DKSCBmTOj. White Pine. RoJ Pieces. Feet. Pieces ■10100 Of Tl Pine Fc JOSi 39:. Do D.) Do Vo do do do do JTownshipofMarl'ow." Do Liuuiero . Do liuckUnd & C'ranbomc Do Marlow. Do do Do do ... Do Marlow (fe Jersey 49196 111 14000 River Laoourrean. Do Do Do Do Do Do Do 200 14000 45 0OD9 AND FOHEBTS AN TITy AND DESCRlnrO.H WLito PiDc. Ked Boes. Feet. Pieccu. 40106 ...... .... • • . ••••■.:::;:i:::::: 49196 14000 14000 Return — {Continued.) OF TIMBKR ON WHICH DUTIK8 HAVE AOOBUBD W 1862. AMOCNT or HKVENt'E. Pine. •',\m, Aih,&o. Oak, TITV AND DMCBIITIOII or Ti: I>ine. Fo< 47 )8 AND FoRRSTa riTV AND DMCnilTIoH lite Pino. Ked 1. Feel • Piecoi. . ._ ■•••| J."'" :... "\ 860 .... • • • 2600 ., • • • ...... • * • Ketu RN — ( Continued. ) or TiMiia u.-« wuioii dutich iiavie aockuid in 1862. AMODMT Of aCVCIfUl'. Pine. Elm, Aih, Jte. Oak, Ac. Saw Logs. Ground HunU on Licences giuuted. Duties ftccruod on Timber out. Totals. REMARKS. Foet. Pci. Feet. 1 I'c. Foet. Spruce Pino. 14 BO 12 80 130 246 47 £ t. ± £ 8. d. 0 6 7 1 0 0 0 4 10 1 16 7 2 12 0 4 18 6 0 18 10 £ ■. d. 0 6 7 1 0 0 0 4 10 1 16 7 2 12 0 4 18 6 0 18 10 8 0 0 1 11 8 1 11 3 Clergy. Do. Do. 8 0 0 1 11 8 1 11 8 1828 4141 6 2 6 129 16 4 136 18 10 60 2 6 0 2 6 0 1600 1626 8174 9350 38128 9016 83 0 8 33 17 1 66 2 6 194 15 10 CU8 14 0 187 16 8 636 13 7 79 3 4 414 1 4 69 : 2 4 3 4 c- 0 6 85 16 0 42 8 9 4 13 9 70 e 8 81 6 8 0 12 6 6 0 10 8 4 7 10 8 1 6 6 0 18 16 0 1 11 8 16 12 6 15 12 6 82 8 9 164 1 8 3 2 6 li 2 J 88 6 8 33 17 1 66 2 6 194 16 :o 698 11 0 187 16 8 .... 400 logs exported .... * * ' * 8060' 3800 19616 8368 200 65 1668 1360 160 2280 10C2 "0 79 8 4 414 18 4 69 19 2 4 8 4 6 0 5 35 16 0 42 8 9 4 13 9 70 6 8 81 6 3 0 12 6 6 0 10 8 4 7 10 8 1 6 6 0 18 16 0 1 11 8 16 12 6 15 1'. 6 82 8 g 164 1 8 8 2 6 11 2 4 300 cords Pino. Clergy. Do 8 floats a lOi. Int. 48. Id Interest 208. Clergy £3 lie. 8d. School 88 68. Id. Clergy 0 1 38. 6d. School 4 08. 4d. Cleigy. Do. SchooL Do. ») £7 Is. Id. Clergy 1 8a. 6d. Do 8 9a. 3d. Do. Do. School. Do. £13 78. lOd. Clergy 2 48. 8A School 18 78. lOd. Clergy 2 4s. 8d, School 27 168. Od. Clergy 4 128. 9d. School 140 128. 6d. Clergy 23 88. 94. Do. Do 1 lis. 9d, School 0 lo». 7d. Interest 14a. '.^60 " .... icii R95 826 200 6W 60 600 600 908 ■ '■ 66 fl oats. 100 600 ■ M 48 Woods and Forests NAMES. LICENSES GBA.\ I) DUEINO THE YEAtt 1862. Date. A. MoPherson, (Cnntifiued.) James Sharmau David King Bernard Levy WiUiam FrizcU Blood, Bond D9 AND Forests mr AND DE80BIPTION bito Pino. Red M Foot Pieces. •• 6040 1600 • 1500 60890 49 Rktvhs— {Continued.) 0» TIMBER ON WHICH DUTIKS HAVK ACCRUED IN 1862. AMOUNT or RGVENUB. Pine. i;im, Ath, 4c. Oak, Ac. Saw Logs. 0 found Rents an Licences , granted. Duties accrued on rimber cut. Totals. REMARKS. Feet. PC8. Feet. Pes. Feet. S Jpruce Pine. 450 84 102 4650 433J 476 8074 60 400 92 108 1441 £ s. d. £ 8. d. 14 1 8 1 1 3 3 3 9 116 0 a 13 10 10 14 16 10 96 16 8 1 11 3 12 10 0 2 17 6 3 7 6 45 0 7 40 5 0 17 3 9 21 1 10 82 8 9 65 12 6 1 17 6 72 7 6 36 18 9 2 3 9 7 4 4 6 6 0 26 11 4 193 15 0 0 3 9 48 16 6 1 11 8 £ 8. d. 14 1 8 ) Cirrir £1 111. (M. }• Sihoiil £g 10.. 7d. ) tntercit Ui. 1 1 3 School. 8 3 9 Clergy. 145 6 3 01er«y £20 16». 7d. Sebool £124 lOs. 8d. 13 10 10 Clergy. 14 16 10 Clergy £2 28. 6d. 96 16 8 1 11 3 12 10 0 2 17 0 3 7 6 45 0 7 40 6 0 17 3 9 21 1 10 82 8 9 66 12 6 1 17 6 72 7 6 85 18 9 2 3 9 7 4 4 6 6 0 26 11 4 198 16 0 0 3 9 48 16 6 1 11 8 10 0 4 12 6 5 12 6 1 0 0 6 0 0 4 5 0 2 0 0 8 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 School £12 148. 6d. Clergy £6 148. 3d. School £74 48. 8d. Do. Do £10 14s. 4d. Clergy £1 I6a. 8d. . . . . Do. . ... 392 FlonU »*■ Is. 3d. 200 626 1038 2100 60 2166 1150 70 180 200 850^ 6200 6 1662| 60 Clergy £2 10s. 6d., 175 Floats at Is. 3d School. Clergv. Clergy £32 ICs. 3d. School £32 168. 8d. Do. . . . . Do £65 Os. 9d. Clergy £7 68. 9d. Do. .... .... School. « 170 Do. " " Clergy. .... Out on Indian Lands .... Cle;'gy£27 IDs. 7d. Scluol £166 Is. id. .... Clergy £7. School £41 16e. 5d. .... .... 1 0 0 4 12 6 5 12 6 10 0 5 0 0 4 6 0 2 0 0 8 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 C 1 0 C .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ■■ .... .... > .... 91)0 170 153681V\, 35 10 C 3828 18 8 8864 8 8 640 Floats. 3806 68 17 6 46 2 e 115 17 i 88 6 IC 7 10 ( 12 10 ( 68 17 8 46 2 e 115 17 i. ) 88 6 IC ) 7 10 ( ) 12 10 C ... 4428 5362 847e 860 ) 120( I 9228 UIO^ . 839 8 < 1 339 8 4 h 1l John Stabrs. Per Return for John A. Perkins George W. Eaton... ^ ■D._ Davidson \[' William Dniining." .*.'.'" Samuel J. Qrecn ..,..[, D- Davidson ... Do Do ... Do ... Do . Do . Do .::::::;•• 5" ....:: Do Do Do :;; Do Do .:::::;;:;:: Do Do ;:::::;•••• Do George W.Eaton!." Do .. Oo ...■■■' Do .. Do Do Do , Do ...:;:;:; Do Do S^ : Do ...■;;;."■ Baxter Bowman. Do Do Do Do Do ;::::::::;• Do Do Do Do ;;;;• John Thomson Do Do :;:;.:* Andrew Thomson Do Do John Thomson .'" William 'Wilson, Per Kfturn for 1852 AFery Barns John McLaren [" John Oullen Rei'i or TIM Pine. Feel December 33 50 50 34 26 36 25 1 36 60 87 50 38 50 39 50 40 60 41 50 f? 50 43 60 44 50 46 60 46 50 47 50 48 50 49 50 60 60 61 no 60 51 3DS AND Forests INTITY AND DESCBIPTIOJf __1600 12800 23500 640 REaURN — (Continued.) OF TIMBEa ON WHICH DUTIES HAVE ACCRUED IN 1852. AMOUNT OF EEVENUB. Pine. Rim, Ash, Ac. Oak, Ac. Saw Logs. Ground ^ ; ?i«n«« Hoeruedon Totals. REMARKS. Feet Pes. Feet Pes. Feet 5 Spruce Pine. 2550 30176 29105 £ 8. d. £ 8. d. 51 0 10 628 13 4 606 7 1 8 2 6 19 10 0 £ B. d. 51 0 10 628 13 4 606 7 1 3 2 6 19 10 0 6 8 9 6 6 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 6 0 6 5 0 8 15 0 2 10 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 0 0 6 6 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 8 2 6 6 5 0 6 6 0 6 5 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 . .. • . ... . . .. . . . . 6 3 9 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 3 16 0 2 10 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 0 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 3 2 6 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 5 0 6 6 0 6 5 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 6 0 3 2 6 8 2 6 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 5 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 5 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 • • • ■ . .. . . . . • ■ «.. • . • • • • ■ • « • • • • " " * • . • .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . • ■ • • . . • • « • « • • " " • ■ • ■ • • • • • • • . ■ • ■ . . . • 6 5 ... 6 6 • • . • 6 6 0 8 2 6 8 2 6 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 6 0 6 6 C 6 6 C 6 6 C 6 6 C 6 6 { 6 6 ( 6 6 ( 6 6 ( 6 6 ! 6 6 ( 6 6 ( • • • • • • • • .... • • t • ■ • a ( * • • . • * • * .... . ■ * • .... * • • • .... 1 .... .... • • • • .... • • • • .... • • • • .... ■ • « • '*'■.... ... * .... 61831 273 1 3 1308 13 ( )1681 16 1) . 26 13 ' . 48 19 1 6 1 26 13 iCUrirr £\1 '0.. • • • • 2 48 19 2 bo' £3 129. 6d ... t *• •••••• i 10 8 Thomas Kennedy. . , John Coyne [[\ Andrew Lenrny" John Perkins ...."" -Anthony Cullen.'"" John L. Campbell Hiram Dunning. James Wads worth.'" Michael Cullen . John McLaren . . George Dicie . . King and Wallace.'" ■ John Wilson.. John A.Perkins.';"" John A. Perkins,.,." John McLaren . Anthony Cullen .'.""■ Re or ■ Pin F Hbnet Loe, Per Return for 18621 George B.Hall °^^ -Edward Quinn "* James MoCounell Do Erapion and Parker.' '." Thomas Gordon '" lAwrence Prout. Veilleuxand Larose.'"" * rancis Newcombe . " ' Edward Quinn. "" 2" •.••.■.■.':." Do Do • • R. A. Seymour, G. B. .' ,* .' .' ', William Bogue . George B.Hall Do ^ Do William Parker. Do Do Do Do Do Do Do A. J. RussBii, ^"■SPP^5«2™«'>tory Return Hugh Carmichael L ■'®''^- Do [January 7 T.M. Adams ' " " J.toMUlanand'RTi^n;;;;; 1 20 25 , -o of Ross' ....I TofsfrrTP'---- • •••• •••!>••».» » 53 JODS AND FoBE«T» ANTITT AND BESCaiPTIOr Return — ( Continued. ) «^hite Pine. Red ««»• Feet. Pieoei, 1000 600 • • . 66000 ••• 84000 . ... S'^'iOO . vO uiJOO 9248 4000 96S0 10000 321238 64180 524 i 27' 10216 611 63383 10838 4501 49539 41759 3166 2 2 » 2 45400 j lis 1630 834 J25158 766 or riuBBH OK WHICH DUTIKS HAVB ACCEUKD IN 1852. AMOUNT OF BKVENUE. Pine. Elm, Ash, Ac. Oak, dec. Saw Logs. Ground Rents on Licences granted. tics ai tied en Timber cut. Totals. REMARKS. Feet. Pc«. Feet Pes. Feet. Spruce Pine. £ s. d. £ 8. d. 2 1 8 £ 8. d. 2 1 8 Clergy. ■ •••••••••I 1 0 10 116 13 4 196 16 8 73 19 £ 91 13 4 82 1 8 1 0 10 116 13 4 195 16 8 73 19 2 91 18 4 32 1 8 Do. Do X90 lis. 8d. 10 8 4 10 8 4 70 20 ""1617"' "i""6**6" 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 19 12 10 8 6 8 20 2 2 20 16 8 21 3 9 19 12 10 8 6 8 20 2 2 20 16 8 21 3 9 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 70 1 20 1017 8 0 0 690 16 8 698 16 8 8686 76 15 10 76 15 10 • • • > 112 17 6 112 17 6 11*20 > . * ■ 8 8 6 3 8 6 20360 'io" .... 16 "458" "419" "lies' "ioie '" 1797 33 11 0 86 12 Si 87 8 9 133 19 2 22 12 6 11 2 6 63 14 0 30 12 Si 37 8 9 133 19 2 22 12 6 H 2 6 91 .... 103 11 9 103 11 9 86 . . . 87 7 1 87 7 1 202 .... 83 9 6 83 9 6 57 1 74 7 0 6 7 0 6 8918 . . • • •>•••• 102 14 11 102 14 11 26 • . • . '"6""6"'6" 6 6 0 6 6 0 8 9 0 0 18 11 3 9 0 0 13 11 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 5 0 4 10 0 8 2 6 6 0 0 6 6 0 ft 6 0 7 15 0 .... 6 6 0 . . . . 6 6 0 . • •• 4 10 0 .... 3 2 6 ... * 5 0 0 .... 6 6 0 .... 6 6 0 • • • k 7 15 0 25869 27 951 1485 6498 64 2 6 886 17 li 951 0 IJ .... 10 0 2 7 6 3 2 6 •.....•••. 10 0 2 7 6 3 2 6 1 0 0 2 0 0 • . • • 1 0 0 2 0 0 • • • ^ooDs AND Fore 8TS •' January ^ Robert Conroy Retu Pine. Feet Oso and Do Do Do William Hamilton" Do Do Do Do Do John McMillan .'.' Donald Cameron nml Charles Me Auley Joseph Lusk. ....'.' 1 *.' Alexander MoifFa'tt.' Louis M. Coutlie Wood, Petry, Poitras i" Co!.' ' ^^ do ., Do do . . Do Do Do Do Do Archibald Mc Vicar... Matthew Henry Morris John Morris James Traverg. 22, 20, 22 . 20, 22, 26, 454 465 466 457 458 459 460 461 462 4ti,S 464 465| 466 467 468 469 470 471 50 50 42 60 3 8^ 1 0 21 1 do do do do do February 2. Peter AylenACo. Holmes Mair . 47 4731 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 ■ January 31 , ■ February 3. John Campbell N. Burwash ...!.'.'.'" Daniel McLachlin Do Do Elliott Johnston.... William McLachlin.".'. J. L. McDougall ...,.'.' Do Do Henry Merrifield' .".".' Stafford Merrifield." ."."."' James Wodsworth." i a Robert Kernaghan ^"""«* ^8 D. Cameron ,? A, Mcki'nz;;.".^'^.'"'"'^ ^1 16. D,i Do S. A. Huntington, do 481 482 488 484 485 486 487 488 489 490, 491 492 493 494 496 496 457 498 499 600| 14 20 60 50 80 15 2 19 25 20 I * 8 I 60 SO 60 60 i Townships of Sherbrooke . . Pnpinoau's Creek/ilj^erl Juadawaaka Kiver Madawaska, Fork Branch Township of Westmeathll ^o of Beokwith Do of Huntly . . Do ofGoulbournei Do of do and Huntly. . . Township of 'Ross'.' ■■ Do Huntly....^ 25 Riyer Ottawa. . Upowushipof Eardley" Do of Westmeathll Do Horton .. River Madawaska . . Do Coulonge .... I Do do andBlaekll I Kiyer River Coulon'ge" Black Riyer ' Do Do Do .;;;; River Coulonge' " Township of Vvkicefieid Do do Ma?:h..'':*"°^ H| Rivers Madawaska "and Bonnechi^re River Madawa'sictt andl| ilT.i°'?'''"P."''^''thfieId| %?^''«t'P,<'f Litehfield. 'River Madawaska Do Do Do River Bonnechfire " " Township of Bristol" , Do of Bromley i I Admaston . I Township of Adma'ston." Do Onslow. . Allumette Ishind . River Ottav Do Do Do 2 21 50 50 30 85 50 50 60 60 60 i i 3 awa. . •Keepawa . do . do Allumette Island s AND Forests ITV AND DE8CaiPTI0» 55 Return — ( Continued.) Of TIMBER ON WIIIOII DUTIES HAVE ACCRUED IN 1852. Pine. Feet. Elm, Ash, He, Pes. Feet. Oak, (tc. P08. Feet. Saw Logs. Spruce Pine. AMOUNT OF REVEN.) Ground Kviits on Licouceg grnuted. Duties accrued on Timber cut. £ «. d. 1 16 8 12 10 0 12 10 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 12 6 1 0 0 3 n 6 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 12 6 6 6 0 6 6 0 3 15 0 8 15 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 8 15 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Totals. 2 0 0 1 15 0 1 0 0 2 10 0 6 5 0 0 5 0 3 15 0 8 15 0 10 0 2 '7 6 3 2 6 2 10 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 10 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 10 0 £ 8. d. REMARKS. £ 8. d. 1 16 8 12 10 0 12 10 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 12 6 1 0 0 ;! 2 6 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 12 6 6 5 0 6 5 0 8 15 0 8 15 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 12 10 0 8 15 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 15 0 1 0 0 e 10 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 8 15 0 3 15 0 10 0 2 7 6 3 2 3 2 10 0 10 0 1 0 0 10 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 6 0 6 5 0 1 0 0 T' NAMES. tlOMSKS OBANTED bURWQ TH« TKAE 1862. Date. J. A. RmatiL.~(Continued. Geoi-ge Diifault "Wm. McKay and U. Skcad' ." , Do do Andrew Leamr . . . Do Do ::::; Do Robert Bell .".'.'.'.".*.* James Skead . . Do William McD. Dawson James McFarlane .... Hugh Carmichael .... Gilmour A Co Do Do Do ::; Do Join Mitchell. . .. G.B.Hall ■.'.'; S. A. Huntington John fjgnn Allan Gilmour Da ...."■ Do ... ■• Do Amounts preceding Waltke Crawford, Per Return for 1852, James Cummini's . . . Do ....;;, Terence Mor'abe A. Gunn J. W. Ston. '.'; Daniel Sii'ivnn Murphy ai; i Beatty A. C, Thorapaon Jonathan Tnpp Thomas Buck Morton and Baker. , . D.Allen •."" E. W.Meyers .'.'.' Williajit Meyers Ira Cook j.L.Roy ;; John Gilchriat a ■■ 340 4 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 1 10 0 2 10 0 4 0 0 1 12 6 2 10 0 3 10 0 1 6 0 2 10 0 4 10 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 3 12 6 ' 14212 llPO 1760 46 10 0 613 6 5 i>.-)9 16 5 414 46 8 12 6 2 16 8 6 0 0 1 6 0 6 5 0 3 6 0 0 16 0 28 11 0 7 10 0 7 10 0 13 10 0 8 12 5 2 16 8 6 0 0 1 6 0 lOd. per log acd BO per cent. 1200 300 Olergy. Do 28 11 0 7 '3 0 7 10 0 13 10 0 Do • Do. Do Do. 800 1614 £ 1500 459 84 19 8 84 19 8 800 669 29 3 4 30 11 3 29 8 4 30 11 S 1 17 : 1 0 G .... 1 17 6 10 0 2414 1460 2 17 6 59 14 7 62 12 1 on Amount. Name*. KuAKors MoAmannt, A.O,TlH,m.on. ^''"' ««"™ '<"• I882.| J«m«fl Morton. . UilJa Flint Jamo» Duimniiif^ William H. i[cycr» I>. liogcrt J. MoDoyolU . . A. J, Rl'SHBLt, W. II. Lcamieed . . , Roderiok Ryan . . A W.Orince .'.' Alex. McCanl tura f ^ 1852. 8 1 0 17 fi 5 i 10 4 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 2 8 2 8 2 6 6 6 6 0 6 1 17 2 0 6 0 8 0 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 Do Do a 10 0 David Davidson D„ Do 8 0 0 James Bird 0 10 0 Allfin rUlmoiir *..• A. Gilmour & Co , 10 0 W Stfiwnrt Do 2 0 0 T*fltnr TiAiu^h . ... * Robert AL C. Dlutc 16 0 W Unrrv BBUAPITULATIOV. A. J. Russell Wm. Ilamiltoa £13 10 0 Allan Uilmour S J DaWBun James Gilmour • • O W Cameron 462 10 7 F. MoAnnany •15 16 0 Donald McLean 108 14 11 Allan MacpborsoB 5 0 0 Walter Crawford 13 10 0 Total S. G. Dawson £6;t5 10 S NoTK.— Thii aygtem haa been but one yeir in operation, and m the nround Rcnti coDtinuo doubting every year, the bertlu rcmaim unoccupied, ita effects, as a cbeeli ui>on monopoly, are as yet but partially >leveli>|i«l. 62 KECAPI Woods and Fouksts nF.cxmi-LATwx I'cr licturn for 1M2. ' Amablc Iliichct, .. llciiry Lot, AVilllam Morrison,... iMIviT Wdls William Wilson, ... .Win Stori* 2oJ Donald Jrcl.can, ... 7j W. II. yuinn, ... 261 Alcjtandtr Daly, Ocorgu DuU-rger, ... John Kane, A. J. Hiisscll Mcl.cnn Stowart, ... Jamt's Stevenson, ... 27J John fdton, 21 John Hume, 3I CjTricn Ulanchet,... 25J I. . 70 1 20 1017 fi7ii 0 0 lit 10 3 090 10 3 C98 ii; t ••• ■•• GlH;iI 13US 13 0 130H 13 0 1681 15 0 211 103 17 » ... ... ... 103 17 0 329 10 1 *■■ ••• BSUI 121 3 0 121 3 0 133 3 0 41)20 1.19 1 3 139 1 3 188 18 a 11104 922S 330 3 4 , ... n:i9 3 I 3,1» 3 4 '•• •>• 443H1 02a B 11 U2S 8 U 103S 11 B 3300 IB SI 123 lied I'Uio l.ogii. 4.18 Clli a337K 40K 10,s5:; 1H2.S 131U;I4 4141 24SS7 0 0 2731 2 0 100 12 U 20 S B 24,',,'*7 9 0 2-;ii 2 0 129 10 4 24887 9 0 27;ll 2 n 13S 18 10 3907 8M 0 U 88 0 11 88 0 11 1 8 0 833 . 11016 6S62 12067 205 IH 3 13rt IS 8 206 18 3 i:lH IB B 272 3 3 151 12 11 40009 470 18 2 479 18 2 482 8 2 (400,000 Shiuglw. £20 ( iiicluiktl. . ••• •.. 132H(i 280 0 2J ... 230 0 2 J 1 231 0 2i • ••• 270s;i 1090H 834 H « 034 8 0 1 uso 8 0 ■ ,,^ . 34332 H030 624 19 3 ... ... 624 19 3 639 11 9 1 1 soiies 2719 8 4 ^ 2719 8 4 2798 0 10 ,,, 8 12 0 ... lOOH 32 13 4 32 13 4 37 B 10 3 16 0 • ■• l.'iOD 469 17 13 H 07 0 0 84 10 8 84 19 8 ... I 4312 llllO ... ... liUO 013 0 B 013 0 B 669 10 B s i7r. 1 • .. 771 0 11 771 0 U 900 13 B (040 IliMitu, nf thl« £20 000 1 1 1 ... 170 loantii 490 1080 2589 4 4 10 6 H 01 8 0 607 17 4 445 9 2 824 5 3 3828 18 8 10 0 8 01 6 0 597 17 4 3804 8 8 10 0 8 81 B « 013 17 4 < 119 4d. is from In- (. Han Lands. • 1 2114 1460 69 14 7 BO 14 7 02 13 1 ••• **t I ... 50 3 C 0 3 8 0 2 8 0 «48 39 X!r-mr-r 40» i;i7l:i 120KUU 001132 41078 a 0 058 14 » 824 6 3 108 14 2 4432S 10 6 B3013 7 3 64 Woo«s AND FouEST, Retuk..--( Con//«t,«rf.) Shewing the amount of deductions on Red Pine in 1852. Jaincs Skead Alexander McDoneil Do do J. WadswortL. . . . Do do JoLa Supple ....*," P. Armstrong JoLii Kj,'auiS:Co..".'." M. Ooghlan George Morris & Co, Do do Do do 0. OKelly Do do .' John Poupore John Egan ife Co...*.' Do do Roderick Rj-an Gilmour U, HenrySmJth I' 2 s n SamuelHart .'!!!.".". !.".*|| 61 6 6 Ottawa.— (OontiQactL) A. J. Russell, Licences granted ! 2360 16 9 iT '^'*^'"'*' ^y^Z'^ Agency Colleolions . l|24587 9 6 4841 6 1 6«08 15 » Do do Red Pine deducted m befow Jas. Steyenson, Collection on Saw Logs ™^.„. •™-., '^*'**' Bytown Agency William Wilson John Starrs .*!!.','! Donald McLean W. H. Quinn H. W. MoCann. Eaet of Montreal (and North of the St Lawrence.) East of Montreal (and South of the St Lawrence.^ Amable Bochet Henry Lor «r?,° do deductions on RedPJne' as below William Morrison .... Oliyer Wells !.".'!.".'!!!!!!!'"' Alexander Daly .',".'! George Duberger .....!...'... John Kane ' 2731 2 6 34620 13 10 698 16 3 1681 16 326 10 132 3 612 17 John Felton John Hume Cyprien Blanchet Louis Richard . . , Andrew Ross. . . . Francis Tetu Florence Deguise . L. N. Oauyreau . . , Pierre Gauyreau . , John A. Torney . . , JohnEv'en C. C. Shcppard . . , Ottawa per St Maurice per 636 9 6 961 0 1| 63 0 7 204 9 7 6664 8 9 188 18 9 339 3 4 1036 11 6 37872 16 0> 8978 a 0|. Deduction on Red Pine as per Statement McLean Stewart .... Henry Lor ..',',. I Total Revenue for 1862. 138 18 10 92 1 11 1 8 9 272 3 8 162 12 11 482 8 2 231 0 2i 660 8 a 639 11 9 2798 0 10 8 12 6 62 12 1 ^j 6426 19 0| £67907 IS 11 4841 6 1 63 0 7 I — ■ ; 4384 6 8 £168018 7 S C6 Woods a:,-d Forkst.^ Rkturn.-(«;«//«««/.) COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF DUTIES FROM 1 818 TO 1851 INCLUSIVE. Names of A-'cnts. i J. Alexnnder J. 13. Willi„,ns,... .'.'.'.'.,[', Auilrow Oeildes .','."." Jolin Olai kc ."...'!!'. D. Caiii|il)('ll '.'.'.'.'. Joseph Wilson .,., Walter t nnvford, ...'.'.'..".'.' Francis Mo A nnaiiy, ......'. Allan Mol'liorson, . . W. J. Scott, '.'.'.'.'.". Siiiniiol Hart,. Stevenson i Stuart.VB^to;^ Ti„;i;eV Di;t,^ct")" Aniliiiuy Leslie,. ... ' William Wilson ''/.]] Donald McLean • Owci. Qninn, (now* W. H. Quin'n,).' '..'. H. VV. ' A. liochet, _■_'_■ Henry Lor, Will iam Morrison, ■',.......... Alexander Daly. ,..!!.'"'*,' Geoi'ge Duberger." .."!.".".'!."!!!!.' John Kane John Felton, '.'.'.'.'. William Hargrave, (now John HumV) .'.'.' O. J. K'i.ip '' Cyprion Blanchet, ....'.'." 11*. Louis Richard .' .* a. A. Bourgeois, (pju't oYa, d.'m.iVio.V.)."." " ■ ■ Andrew Ross ^ R. Rourdages, (now Prns.'Teti'i) .' .' J. B. Martin, (now F. DeOuisc,) 18^8. 1849. :J8 IS II 217 12 10 8 15 0 2 0 10 I80;i2 8 4 8 6 8 12S9 3 4 2H5 9 "2 ".1 17 6 25 15 C 7 14 7 10 1 4 143 15 8 137 4 7 446 17 2 1 2 0 0 6 8 19171 7 3 1850. 1851. 12 10 10 6 32 9 7 1 8 2 e 8 3 2 10 0 HI 10 0 494 16 4 37o 0 0 17 19 1 07 14 2 63 C 7 927 6 3 62 10 0 641 10 8 8; 10 8 502 4 0 40 6 9 133 8 2 71 13 0 399 17 1 1230 0 0 18001 10 10 359 7 0 10 19 4 "70 6 3 49 0 0 1229 14 7 52 18 9 285 0 10 237 17 5 218 11 2 52 1 8 72 18 4 45 11 9 100 0 0 105 \1 0 587 16 2 1537 18 1 24 19 1 22(43 11 c L. N. OauvrcHu Pierre Oauvrean .*. .' G. L. Marler, (now C. C." SheppaiHlV. '. ! '. '.." i!i. Alartelle Total 20 10 i) 8 11 212 200 10 10 39 6 5 297 15 3 085 14 7 365 18 0 5 9 4 0.1 IS 4 287 0 1 359 19 0 82 16 8 133 13 8 11 9 2 6 10 2 8 19 2 220 3 9 217 15 9 220 18 9 84 1 0 540 16 2 17l2 12 230 3 260 19 272 4 379 13 235 11 113 10 0 IS 11 8 174 18 a 558 2 6 14 4 2 3 15 0 6 5 4 15 197 0 31 4 22 3 191 8 187 12 464 18 283 18 0 0 6 2 2 1 6 9 1 Total amount of Duties nrrrninc ;^ .1, ■ ^ i^uiics accruing in the several Localities from 1848 to 1352 inclu.< Total. Exempt. Dutiable. Total. Exempt. Dutiable. Total. Exempt. Dut'ble. 1848 1849 1860 1851 1852 4,460,040 7,970,235 9,4ii8,370 9,639,582 16,928,547 2,991,007 6,551,242 5,774,066 6,704,242 8,285,865 1,469,033 2,418,990 3,694,304 3,935,260 8,642,682 4,123,534 3,726,301 ' 2,110 852 3,148,657 2,496,903 507,696 982,777 554,112 680,031 78,467 3,615,838 2,743,524 1,556,740 2,468,626 2,418,436 425,437 113,137 405,110 405,544 532,450 422,445 104,773 896,304 473,576 499,219 2,992 8,364 8,806 11,968 33,231 97,876 77,281 85,961 113,919 187,782 « Note — The above has rcferenoe only to the Section of Country wliero the system of collection had here- tofore been most perfected, and shews the quantity of White Pine exempted from duty in that Section in the four preceding years to liavo been about two thirds of the whole, or twenty millions exempted against eleven millions dutiable, while by the system adopted in 1852 the quantity exempted has been less than a half of the whole, or eight millions two hundred thousand exempted, against eight milliom six hundred thousand dutiable ; of Red Pine, tlic cjunntity exempted in the four preceding years was more than u fifth of the whole, nnd iu 1852 less tlian a tiiirticth. In the smaller agencies where the system of collection was still more imperfect, there ia no means of pro- curing (lata for a comparative Statement of quantities, but the following will give a condensed view of the ■whole Timber Revenue (Bytown excepted,) for the same period : — £ a. d. 1848, amount as per Returns of Agents 4238 7 0 1849, do do do 5027 0 0 1 i50, do do do 6126 3 4 1861, do do do 7575 2 10 1862, do do at reduced rate on Red Pine 23333 19 6 KEMORANDUM. This Return, although very voluminous, is rendered in the most abreviated form practicable, but does not contain a sixth part, in volume, of what lias bceu required. It is composed, however, of the most useful part of the information sought, while, from tliu defective data of past years, there is a great pai't of what has been asked for which tliere is no means ol supjilying. JOHN ROLPH. * The Raws Logs arc given to sbev the total frcm Bytowa, though not measured in Quebec, and consequently not coming 6tricUr under the above beading. to 1352, 1852. 126 0 6 '508 15 8 aT-J io 0 973 2 01 426 19 8i 907 13 11 m>m QUEBEC : i'.. * .IN LO\.^.LL, AT HIS STEAM VOUirrAIN SXRBBT. PBINTING ESTABLISHMENT,