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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction retios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure •"re filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre filmis i das taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour ixre reproduit en un seul clichi. il est film^ i partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche d droite. et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammas suivants illustrent la mithode. 12 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 LABORATORY OF TH2 INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA. 4 . t ll 1 I i r BULLETIN No 375 EVAPORATED FRUIT 20096- m LABORATORY OF THE INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA. BULLETIN No 375 EVAPORATED FRUIT Ottawa June 11. 1917 J. U. VINCENT, Esq., K. C, B. A.. L. Ph. Deputy Minister of Inland Revenue, Sir, I beg to hand you a report upon the examination of 289 samples of evap- orated or dried fruits. The samples in question were vai-iously collected by our inspectors m Jan- uary, February and M • ch of this year, and were put in hand for analysis within a few weeks of their v • ■-^hed to the laboratories, meantime being kept in cold storage, in order . any important change in character. This inspection . '..crnded to have special regard to the content of sul- phurous acid, which r* understood to be extensively used for bleaching purposes, in such fruite as are desired to be light in colour, as well as for preservative pur- poses, the antiseptic properties of free suphurous acid being well known. ' In July, 1907, the Department of Agriculture at Washington established conditional regulations respecting the amount of sulphurous acid permiMible m foods and food products containing acetaldehyde, sugars, etc, with which sul- phurous acid may combine; and decided to institute no prosecution if the total amount of sulphur dioxide in the finished product did not exceed 350 parts per million, of which not more than 70 parts was free sulphur dioxide. Later (March 1908) Food Inspection Decision No. 89 decreed as follows : "No objection will be made to foo.ds which conuin the ordinary quantities of sulphur dioxide, if the fact that such foods have been so prepared is plainly sta- ted upon the label of each package. An abnormal quantity of sulphur dioxide pUced in food for the purpose of marketing an excessive moUture content, will be regarded as fraudulent adul- teration under the Food & Drugs Act of June 30, 1906 and will be proceeded against accordingly" „ • « u i" In the absence of definite statement rcirnrding ordmary and abnormal quantities of sulphur dioxide, it would naturally be difficult to make the above reguUtions effective and useful; and I am not aware that any prosecutions have been undertaken by the United States Federal Authorities m the matter. Individual States have however taken definite grounc*; and the follwing letter to the trade, by Commissioner £. F. Udd of North Dakota (Am. Food Journ. February 1914) shows the attitude of that Sute in the matter. Dear Sir : I beg to call your attention to the fart that at the present time consider- able quantities of dried fruit, which are not permissible under the provisions of our law, are being shipped into the State of North DakoU. Sulphur dioxide is prohibited in food prod-cts in North Dakota, and yet I have not strirtly enforced this feature of the law where dried fruit contained only a slight amount of sulf.hur dioxide The tentative standard of 350 mg». per kilogram of fruit, as announced by the Bureau of Chemistry under the National Law, is certainly being exceeded at the present time in that some of the samples recently analyzed have been found to contain from 600 to 750 m^.., or more than double the standard referred to. Such dried fruit must be removed from the The Department does not recognize as legal, in the State, raisins, silver prunes or figs bleached with sulphur dioxide as we have not been convinced that there is any necessity, in a good article, for the use of sulphur dioxide in either one of thes- Currants Peaches ApricoU Apples Pears Figs Prunes Found genuine . . . Found to contain sulphurous acid in excess, but other- wise of good qua- lity Found to contain sulphurous acid in excess, but other- wise of fair qua- lity •■ Found to contain sulphurous acid in excess, and other- wise of doubtful quality Of doubtful quali- ty without excess sulphurous acid. . . Unfit for food, by reason of dirt or decomposition .... Adulterated by ex- cess water Total samples. . — 81 — ao 23 70 9 — 9 40 18 1 10 69 53 12 6 4 91 4 — 16 46 14 While it would be proper to describe as adulterated all samples containing more than 1 part of sulphurous acid per 2000 parts by vvcl^t of material. I would respectfully suggest the publication of this report as being the first systematic inspection, in this regard, under the Order in Council of 4 April 1914, with a war- ning to the effect that declaration of bleaching by sulphurous acid wiU hereafter be exacted. Most of the fruits thus coming under criticism are apparently of foreign origin; and it is noteworthy that no free sulphurous acid is found in any of the samples of evaporated apples, essentially of Canadian origin exammed. An Order in Coundl of 16 March. 1916 (published as G. 1238) fixes the hmit for water in Evaporated Apples at 25 per cent. Under earlier order (17 Oct. 1912. published as G. 1044) fixed the limit at 27 «r cent, which further investigation proved to be inconsistent with good keeping quality. Four samples of evaporated apples are found to contain excess wat«; and three of these are distinctly fermented, as was lo be expected. All must be condemned as adulterated under the Act. Eighteen samples of fruit are found IMS to be unfit for food, and aduherated under Kction 8e. of the Act: which dcacribct aa adulterated any food consisting wholly or in part of a diseatcd Or decompoacd or putrid or rotten animal or vegeuble subaunce. Dirt ia rot specially mentio- ned as constituting adulteration; but mouldineaa. the pretence of worn*, and excrementttious matter, must hi held to juatify condemnation under the tub- icction referred to. The samples now indicated comprise : Pe»chea 2 samples ApricoU fi Apples fi Pear* 3 Fig* I Prunes l Currants l It is of course quite possible that the packer is not responsible for the cha- racter of this fruit as sold. I beg to recommend publication of this report aa Bulletin No. 376. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant. McGILL, Cbi^f Analyst ribn IMcd and lub- h«. BULLETIN No 375— 1 TS Cost Nims and Address of Mtmifacturer or Furninher 1 Nature of Name and addrosi 0,1 given of the Vendor o Sample of Veadar »> % 1 ^ 1 1 n Ltd, Halifax 2H 50 North Ontario Pa- cking Co. California) ,^ ' '* *' 45 Unknown J.L. WUw>n Co Halifax •' 0 " 76440 Cork urn ft RItcey. HaUfkx. •• 80 Forsyth Bros. Greenwich. N. 8. Uaknown ■■ 9 '* 76441 R. N. McDonald. Halifax . . . 3 75 J. K. Armsby Co. California R. B. See- ton Ualifkx 76442 8. Thomson. Dartmouth.. . 2H 38 Graham Co., Ltd BeUeviUe Unknown " 13 " 78443 Forsyth Jr., Dartmouth ■• • • Cal. Ass. Rnirin Co R. B. Ool- •* IS 76444 B G. Oxner, Lunenburg. . . . ■ • California J. K. Armsby Co. weUHallfaz A.AW.8mitb •' 19 " 76445 Wm Law & Co. Halifax ■■ 35 California Lakeview Evap. Co Meaford. HaUAu. Smith Bro- kerage Co Feb. 10 Prunes 78410 J. a. Jenkins. New Glasgow. 2 36 J. K. Armsby Co St. John Mtn " 8 Aprlcota 78411 N. S. Jai. Cavanagh, New Glasgow N S. •• 40 California C. W. Dut- thit HaUfkx " 8 Prunes 78412 .. ■ • .. E. N. Richard Co, .. " 8 Evaporated Peaches 78413 •• •• San Jose, Calif. J. K. Armsby Co. SanFrandscoCal. •• •• 9 Evap. apple 78414 Munro Bros. Stellarton ■. .. Graham Co, Ltd.. Unknown •' 9 Prunes 7841S F. W. Curry. Stellarton •■ " Ontario Guggenhime Fresno. CaUfornia *' 10 •• 78416 Jas. McArthur. New-Glas- 36 ,, gow, DISTRICT OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND — Marcta 5 Evaporated 60002 Sinclair & Stewart. Sununcr- side, P. E. I. 3 lbs 48 Cal. Fruit Co Assoc. . ■' S " 60608 Brace McKay & Co. Ltd. Summerside, P. E. I. 36 •• " S " 60B12 R. T. Homan Ltd. Summersi- slde. P. E. I. 64 Griffin &. Skelly, California lb IS 16 ■• 60632 00636 60641 Beer & Golf. Charlottetown C. A. McDonald, Charlotte- town .renklns & Sons. Charlotte- town • 48 15 48 J K. Armsby Co California Griffin & SkeUy, California J. K. Armsby Oo CaUfornia •• " 16 6 Evaporated Apples 60645 60001 Stewart & Son. Charlotte- town Sinclair * Stewart. Summer- side ■ 54 46 CaUfornia Forsyth Bros. Green- wich, N. 8. 6 60607 Brace McKay & Oo. Ltd. Summerside ' 42 li COGII K. T. Holuiaii Ltd. Summer^de SO O. £. Robertson Co. lA 16 •• 60630 60635 Beer & OolT. Charlottetown . . O. A. McDonald. Charlotte- town , 43 3« Graham Co.. Ltd BeUeviUe. Ont. Forsyth Bros. Greenwich, N. 8. " 9 75— iher or Iher POR, EVAPORATED KRUIT Uaon liraz See- lifkx Ool- lifax mltta rmx. Bro- Co Dnt- llfkz Impector'a Report (Is not an expree- •ionoroiilnlon) ReuilU of Analysis ^ 6 1 W. A. PETITPAS, TEMPORARY INSPECTOR Prune* Peaches Aprioota Apples Apples Pears Apples Peaches Apples 21.73 12.90 19.53 24.57 24.97 19.01 23.29 20.15 23.88 17.59 20.53 24.17 24.43 23.15 19.21 33.45 22.87 None 2.6 0.9 None 0.6 None 1.6 0.7 Trace None 3.7 None 5.8 None Prunes Pea- ches Apric. Apples Peus Apples PBi- ches Apples Prunes Apri- cot* Prunes Pea- ches Apples Prunes Oood Fair Oood Fair Poor Oood Pair Oood Fair Oood Pair Oood Sound Doub- tful Ferm- ented Sound Clein Dirty Clean SUght. tlydir a 'lean Hard & Dry Cares & seed.4 abundant, mot- tled broim de- cayed fruit Poor colour Seeds cores & skins in ex- cras J. F. AR3BNAULT. INSPECTOR 14.53 11.60 14.30 12.50 16.08 16.91 13.22 12.94 9.74 17.96 12.13 3.2 2.7 1.7 0.4 0.7 2.0 1.1 None Pea- ches Fair Oood Fair Apples Oood Fair Sound Clean 76436 76437 76438 76439 76440 76441 76442 76613 76444 76445 78410 78411 78412 78413 78414 78415 78416 Oenuine Sulphurousjadd in excess. Other- wise doubtful. Oenuine Doubtful DoubtfiU Genuine Doubtful Oenuine Oenuine Genuine Oenuine Sulphurous add in excess. Otherwise, good quality. Genuine Sulphurous add in excess. Otherwise fair quality. Oenidne Oeoulae Qeoaine 60602 6060S '10612 ti0633 60636 60641 60645 60601 60607 60611 60630 6003.'^ Sulphurous acid in excess. Otherwise fair quality. Sulphurous acid in excess. Otherwise ;ood quality ienuine Genuine Genuine Sulphurous add lo excess. Otherwise fair quality Oenuine Oenuine Oenuine Genuine Oenuine Genuine 10 ! :^ I BFLLBTIN No. 875- 1 Nkture of Sample 1 •s z Name and Addrav of Veador Oo«t of Manufkcttirer or Purnlaher M given by the Vendor 1 f 9 ett. Manufacturer. FumlAar iilSTRIOT OF PBINOE BDWARO ISLAND — 1017 MarchlS 6 8 8 18 '■ 18 18 15 8 18 Evaporated Apples Evaporated) Pean Evaporated) Apricots Enporated) 60039 60603 60613 60614 60631 60637 60640 60643 60633 00644 Jenldna It ?nu, Charlotte- town Sinclair * Stewart, Summeralde R. T. Holman Ltd, Summrr- ■ida. Beer & Ooff, Oharlottetown O. A. McDonald, Oharlotte- town Jenldn * Son, Oharlottetown Steitart A Son. Oharlotte- town Beer ft Ooff, Oharlottetown Stewart town & Sao. Oharlotte- Slbt 72 60 Oraham Oo. Ltd BellevlUe Qusgenhime & Oo CaUfomia Orlffln ft SkaUv OaUfomia J. K. Amuby & Co OaUfomia Loo* & Oomplee Malaca Oumennlme ft Co, lo, OaUfomia DISTRICT OF NEW BRUNSWICK 1916 Dec. 1917 Jan. 28 28 28 20 20 29 8 8 21 28 37 Evaporated) Peaches Evaporated apricots Apples >orat< fi'lgs Evaporated Tl Peachea ApricotK Figs Apricots Apples ADiicot Peaches Apples 60601 60602 60603 69A04 6960.^ 00606 69607 69608 Walter Gilbert, St. John, N. B. Klrkpatrick ft Cowan, St. John, N. B. M. E. Onus. St John. N. B. 3. Barken Ltd. St. John, P. Naae ft Son, St. John. N. B. J. W. Phlllpps, St. John N.B. 2 lbs 69600 Yerza Grocery Co., St. John N. B. 89610 W. H. Vanwart, Fredericton. N. B. 6061 IH. E. Gray, ft Son, Woods- tock, N. B. 60612 J. L. White, Grand FaUs, N. B. 60613 Carl. Hueatis. Sussex, N.B. 606KOaasldy ft BelUveau. Mono- tared with Sul- phur Dioxide B. K. Sulphur Ueacfaed Easter. Prepared with Sulphur Dio- xlda. Choice Evap. Ap' pies 10. M 19.23 23.18 25.99 20.90 21.73 21.67 22.76 22.63 21.11 31.29 22.42 23.44 IS. 63 22.66 4.6 4.S None 0.0 2.7 2.4 0.4 1.0 Pea- r-hes -vpri- cots Apples Figs 4.2 Nme 0.4 1.6 0.4 Pea- ches Apri- cots Figs Apri- cots Apples Good Fah- Good Sound Fair Good Fair Clean t; (Jla One fly, bits of leave, sticiiy Poor colour Apri- ools Pea- ches Apples Good SUgh Uyfer- moitd Sound 69601 69602 69603 60604 69605 60606 Sulphurous add la excess. Otbenriac good quality ulphurous avid' in excess. Otlierwla* Rood quality Genuine Genuine Sulphurous add ia excess. Otharwin good quality. Sulphurous add ia excess. Otherwise fair quality. 69607 Oenuina 69608 Genuine Sligh tlydh^ dlean Poor colour 60609 60610 09611 Sulphurous add la excess. Otberwlaa good quaUty, Genuine DoubtlU 09612 69614 69615 DoubtAa Genuine Genuine Genuine 12 BULLETIN No. 376— Nature of Sample Name and Address of Vendor Coat. ■a Name and Address of Manufacturer or Furnisher as (Iven by the Vendor Manufacturer Fum'sber DISTRICT OF QUEBEC CITY— 19 Tai \ 17 12 12 12 Evaporated) Pommes Figues Pommes 56842 56»I3 50S44 Canttn & Friiv, 271 3t-Jo- seph. Qufibec C. R. Rlverin. 55 de la Cou- ronne, Quebec IJilb 38 45 44 Unknown Laporte Martin. Montreal Patenaude Carlgnau Turcotte FrSrea 12 12 Peaches S6845 56840 Myrand ft Poullot. 70 de la _ Oouronne Quebec 23 38 '■ Unknown 12 Pears 56847 30 •• •• 12 Aprioots 56848 33 •• •• 12 12 Figues Pommes 56S37 55838 Arthur Drolet, 714 St-Valier, Quffbec 2Mlb 45 40 .. Whitehead ft Turner 12 ■ I It 56839 Arthur Thivlerge. 368 8t-Jo- sepb. Quebec IH 23 " Turcotte Frftre 12 Figues 56840 .. 2H S3 •• Unknown " 12 '* *' 50841 Cantin Fri>re, 271 St-Joseph QuSbec IH 38 ■• DISTRICT OF QUEBEC PROVINCE. O. BROCHU Jan lo'ponmies 43B7 4384 4388 5761 5763 5776 5777 .5785 5787 5788 5700 .5791 4991 5004 5010 5014 .5018 .5019 7303 7305 T. Bernard, StrRaphael A. Fradet, Armagh C. Beiudoin. Armagh J. W. Boyd ft Co.. Shaw- bridge Alexandre ViUeneuve. St-Je- rorae Vonant Ethler. St-Jerome Charlemagne Huot. St-Jero- me R. Toucliette, 8te-Agathe des Monts Mde F. Hall, Ste-Agathe des Monts J, N, DoajanUns, St-J«rome. . C. E. Laflamme, 8t-J?rome. . erge, St EeleuthPre Jean Emond, Rivi^re Bleu .Toaeph Hemux. RiviSre Bleu. . J. P. Foumler. St. Francois. . J. H. Beaumont. Montm ignjr IHlb 93 Turcotte 20 20 4 8 8 8 23 22 23 23 23 29 31 3 3 5 5 28 29 sSches Apricots Pommes sSches Apricots Pommes sSches Pomme Evapor.-»ted) Pommes seches Apricots jO F. C. WUtcomb Ontario frOre Cie .. 2 3 2 2" 21 30 75 25 50 30 36 30 20 30 28 30 40 Turcotte .. Frfre Laporte ft Martin ' Uudon .. „ OraaU Hudon .. Hebert .. ' .. .. Joa. Du- ^freme .. Orsali HudcHi .. Hebert N. Rioux ., Quebec J. B. Re- Feb. naud Que. Drouin ft FrSre F jndof ft ,, Son Bdm. N. B. loie nee, Lumber Co St. Malach. Rundlf ft Raknr. Fr». dericton. Aaae. Oenersl, San. Franclsro. frtre. Qu« mVAPOBATBD FRUIT 13 Inipaetor's Report (la not an expres- non of opinion) F, X. W. E. BELAND. INSPECTOR 22.50 15.45 12.27 18.26 20.23 14.74 22.05 S7.2S 23.74 30.37 21.03 22.04 None 1.0 None 1.4 0.3 1.0 1.4 Trace None Applm Pigs Apples Pea- ches Pears Apri- cots Pigs Apples Pigs Fair Good Poor Fair Poor Fair Good Fair Poor Good siSiht- fer mentd Sound Doubt- ful Sound SUght- ly fer- mentd &'ound Clean 8Mght. ly dir- Clean Dirty Clean Clean Stlclcy S6842 56843 56844 Seeds cores in excess Moisture high 56840 56846 56847 56848 56837 56338 56830 56840 Genuine Genuine Doubtful Genuine Genuine Doubtftat Doubtful Genuine Doubtful Excess Adulterated, Genuine 66841 Genuine [U A. PELLETIER tc T. GENDREAU, TEMPORARY INSPECTOR — k 12.28 19.43 14.92 20.25 None 0.043 0.200 0.115 0.769 Apples Fair Good 21.13 22.76 13.72 21.36 34.21 29.24 Apri- cots 0.145 Apples " """ Apri- (X>tS Apples 0 282 0.094 0.171 0.079 0.179 None 0.062 20.80 0.204 Prepared with Sulphur Dioxide 22.25 23.77 18.60 Fair Good Poor Good Fair Good Sound Wor- my Sound 0.099 0.164 0.071 2.342 Apples Apri- cots Clean SUght- ly dlr- Clean Dirty Clean Slight- ly dlr- a 'lean 4367 4384 4388 6761 5763 5777 6785 578' 5788 6790 Genuine Genuine Genuine Gmuine Genuine 6776 Genuine Good Poor Sound Clean Moul- SUgh- dy tly dlr- Ity 6791 .4991 5004 SO 10 5014 5018 60I9 7303 7305 Genuine Genuine Unflt for food. Adulterate!* Genuine Gor line Genuine Genuine Genuine Excess water _ Adulterated Genuine Genuine OenuiTe Genuine Sulphurdus add in excma. Otherwise doubtftil. 14 BULLETIN No. 376- Q Nature of Sample a Name and Address of Vendor Cost. Name and addrea of Manufacturer or Furnisher as gt'en by the Vendor Manufkcturo' Fumlahar ■1 i DI8TBIOT OF QUEBEC PROVINCE 1917 Jan. 2 3 Ponunessi- chn 7300 7311 Jos. Labadle. Berthier A. lifitoumeau. St-Plerre. . . . 2 lbs 50 30 J. A. Broudet. Quebec Turcotte & frSre. Que. N. Rloux ft Cla •• 4 •• 7315 Pierre Morln, Cap 8t-Ignace. •■ 40 •• S 18 PechessS- chos Ponunes sficbes 7318 7322 J. B. C. Londreau, Montma- raagny V. Michel Thlbeau. St. Tho- mas, P. Q. •• 30 J. B. ilenaud Quebec Langlols ft Paradlt. Quebec DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS— l91tS Dec. 20 .. 21 Pommes ^vapor^s Apricots 6801 6802 L. J. Poulette, St-Thomas de JoUette J. A. Bolsvert, JoUette 2 lbs 3 26 60 J. Dufresne JoUette Laporte ft Martin, Montreal J. Dufresne JoUette .. 22 Pommes Svaporfis 6803 J. E. Duford. JoUette 2 30 •• 21 Pftches " 0804 J. A. Bolsvert, JoUette ■• Chevalier ftPou- Uot , J ollette Couvrette ft Saurlol, Montreal Hudon ftOrsaU Montreal •• 23 •■ 26 •■ 27 Pommes " 6805 6806 6807 J. H. Longprf, St. Gabriel de Br-ndon E. Laurlon, L'Eplphanie J. E. Boulard, St-Jacques, L'Achlgan 3lbs 2 •' 39 45 24 28 *' 6808 Dame L. A. Calsse, Berthler- vllle " 25 Laporte ft Martin. Montreal Hudon ft OraaU, Montreal L. It. Magnao Jollette Wm. Galbraltli, Monueal L. Z. Magnan. JoUette '• 28 28 •• 28 •■ 6809 6811 6812 L. A. TelUer. Berthlerviile. . . Simten Bayeur, Berthlerviile. O. Paquettc, Berthlerviile . . . •• 30 22 24 29 0847 Wilfrid Brlssette, St. FfiUx de Valols '■ 28 DISTRICT OF EASTERN TOWNSHIPS 1917 Jan. ,5 ft 10 10 10 17 17 bI2 12 12 Evaporated) Apples Prunes Apricot Peaches CookUig Figs Aprlcou Peaches Apricots Peaches Apples 74166 74167 74168 74169 74170 74171 74172 74173 74174 74175 B. J. PUmm, Magog F. X. Oagnon, Magox Uebert ft Fortler. Sherbrooke Woodman ft McKee, Coa- tlo^->k T. Bouchard ft FUs. Drum- mondvUle Ginn ft ElUott, Richmond, P. Q. A. N Button. Richmond. P. J. GArard. Richmond. P. Q. 21b 28 20 40 36 25 36 32 34 25 30 • ■ •• .. .. ■• •• Mar " ___ J6- aher ihar «OB dat. Que. Cle c Id ■. boe KVAPORATBD FBDIT 15 laqMctor'i Report (!■ not an expre*. rion of opinion) 6? £ 3 I a Ooncluded Dr. V. P. LAVALLEK, INSPECTOR, «te >1. •1 rsaU •I lal aaU, >lth. 19.37 20.62 19.70 21. 4S 20.02 20.48 19.41 23.57 17.07 25.83 0.135 1.409 0.102 0.470 0.094 0.068 0.082 0.173 0.079 0.026 0.043 0.023 Applet Apri- cot* Applei Pea- ches Apple Poor Fair Poor Good Talr Good Ferm- ented Sound Slight- ly fer- mentd Wor- my Sound SURht- ly fer- mentd Sound Dirty Clean Slight- ly dip- Clean Wor- my slight- ly dlr- C^aan J. J. OOSTIOAN, ACTING INSPECTOR 16.30 16.94 0.106 0.076 0.467 1.65 0.100 0.881 3.14 1.59 1.89 0.10 Apple* Prunes Apri- cot» Pea- ches Figs Apri- cots Pea- ches Apri- cot* roa- ches Apples Good Very _poor rkir Good Poor Fab- Poor Good Sound Wor- my Motu- dy Sound Wor- my Sound Clean Dirty Clean Dirty Slight- ly dlr- Clean Dirty Clean 6801 6802 6803 6804 6805 6806 6807 6808 6809 6811 6812 6847 Unfit for food. Adulterated. Genuine Doubtnil Unfit for fbod. Adulterated. Genuine Genuine Doubtful o«nulne Genuine Genuine Gmuine Genuine 74166 74167 74168 74169 74170 74171 74172 74173 74174 74176 Genuine Unfit for food. Adulterated Doubtful Genuine Unfit fbr food. Adulterated. Doubtful Sulphurous add hi excess. Otberwto nir quality Geniuna DoubtfU Genuine 11 16 BULLETIN No. 375— Nature of Sample Name and Addreu of Vendor Oat. 3 Name and addreto of Manufacturer or Fumliher aa given by the Vendor Manufacturer Fumtsber DISTRICT OF MONTRKAL :— 1917 Mareh 8 Evaporated Fruit 74fl01 74602 74603 74004 74605 74606 74007 74608 74609 74610 74011 74612 W. J. Roberu. 94U Welling- ton St.. Verdun N. B. Perklnn. 1220 V.elUng- ton. St., Verdun. Beaudoin & Couture, 497 La.Salle Rd. Verdun. E. Smith. 509 La.iiUlu Rd. Verdun M. Emard. 72 Rlelle. Ave.. Veruun R. W. Had ley, 09 Gordon Ave Verditn R. J. Milne. U-M Wellington St.. Verdun Mde A. Beaudln. 1149 Ger- trude St . Verdim L. Lebianc. 143 Cburrh Ave. Verdun F. Dumonchel, 244 Church Ave.. Verdun W. U. Nosewortby, .138 Cbuich Ave., Verdun E.Menard, 487 Gait Ave... Verdun 3 lbs 2 45 63 60 30 44 30 40 8 Broa 8 Carlgnan 8 Wm Oal- 8 braltb Laporte * Martin 9 9 „ 9 „ 0 L. Chaput & Flfi Bergeron WbbKU L. Chaput &Flla Fudon 9 9 9 Hebtft DISTRICT OF VALLEYFIELD— Jan. 31 7 7 14 23 23 23 1 7 7 7 F.vaporated Fruit 07780 67781 07782 67783 07784 67785 67786 677S7 67788 67789 W. J. McPheraon, VaUeyfleld F. A. Trlckey, Huntingdon . . Pringle Stark Co, Hunting- dor L. P. Pattee. Hawkesbury. . . L. H. Lamarre, Longueuil . . . L. Fuvr. Flls. Longuell Chaa. Lord, Longuell O. Marehand, Beauhamoia. . . J. L. Guimond, Beauhanioin. J. Denault, Beauhamols. . . . 2 lbs 30 25 24 30 40 30 Feb. .. •■ F. J. Oaa- UeCo " •■ Marct •• DISTRICT OF OTTAWA IU16 Dec. 20 Figs 7370.1 Miss Wilson, ShawviUc 3pks 60 Qiwgenliime & Co.. Fresno, Cal. F. J. Caatia Co. OtMwa •■ 20 " 21 Evaporated Peaches Evaporated) Apples 73709 73770 73783 a. F. Hodglns Co, ShawvlUo ville H. Richardmn. 1087 Welling- luii. St.. Ottaw.i Lorn Tanney. Pembroke . . . IMlb 30 20 22 . .. H. N. Bate Sons. " 20 The Graham Co Belleville Ottawa Hunter Co. Pembroke. " 20 " Apricots 73784 .. •• •• •• 28 73792 McNally Bros, Slater & Lyon St., Ottawa •* 26 Unknown Bate & Sons. Ott»w» EVAPORATED FROIT 17 Inapaetor'i Raport (I* not an exmtm- ttoo of oplmon). Rcniit* of Analyiii s 9 D. J. K2ARNEY. INSPECTOR. Peacba Paacben Aprtcnts Ainicot* Applet Peaches Applu Apricots Apple* Apricots Aprlcois 17.40 13.60 17.43 0.173 3.S4 1.930 3.08 0.808 0.478 0.962 0.1S6 1.39 0.007 1.15 3.05 Figs Pea- ches Apri- cots Apples Pea- ches Apples Apri- cots Apples Apri- cots Good Very good Oood Fair Oood Fair Good Poor Good Poor Fair Sound Moul- dy Sound Moul- dy Sound Clean Slight- ly dir- Clean Slight- ly dlr- Clean Slight- ly dir- ty J. J. COSTIGAN. AOTINO INSPECTOR Figs Apples Peaches. Prep, red with Sulphur Dio- xide Apricots Peaches Apples Apples Apples Apples 17.53 17.53 20.16 25.12 22.04 0.109 0.132 1.026 3.421 0.130 1.115 0.142 0.263 0.103 0.171 Figs Apples Pea- ches Apri- cots Pea- ches Apples Good Fair Good Poor Good Sound Moul- dy Sound Clean Slight, ly dlr- Clean Dirty Clean J. A. RICKEY. INSPECTOR Fez Brand. Pre- pared with S o 2 Daphne Brand Prmared with 8 o Slah "2 Mikado Brand Jubilee. Prepared with S.Q 2 California Prepa- red with S o 2 f 19.79 0.075 0.332 1.77 0.139 0.347 2.19 Figs Pea- ches Apples Apri- cots Fair Very poor Good SUght- ly mouldy Sound Sligh- tly mo uldy Wor- my Sound Dirty Clean Dirty Clean 74001 74603 74603 74604 74605 74606 74607 74608 74609 74610 74611 74612 Gennlaa Sulphurous add hi excess. Otbeiwisa good quality. Genuine Sulphurous add la excess. Otberwii* hiruuaUty Doubtful Genuine Genuina Ganuln* Doubt fU Oeoulna Doubtful Sulphurous add la excess. OtberwiM fair quality 67780 67781 67782 67783 87784 6778£ 67786 67787 67788 67780 Genuine Genuine Genuine Sulphurous add In ixces*. Otherwise rood quality. Jnflt for food. Adulterated. Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine 73765 73769 7X783 73784 73792 Doubtful Doubtful DouWrul Doub'.fUI Unfit for food. Adulterated. Sulphurous add «mta or Aaaljnti 1 Jl fl I I j 1 Mob Mm wt- o. •ton s ft •ton taon Oo. ■ton rt. nto. taon ■ton Co. le Oonehided. Bom Brand ■Mtar Ulr Brand IVeparwl with 8 o 2 33. IS 33.38 o.oog 0.137 1.17 0.403 Apploa _L Aprl- ChOT Fair Good rair silch- tlyhr- nMnt. Sound Oten SUfbt- lydii^ t» JAMBS ROOAX. INSPBCTOB 0.047 nci fc nto C3a 0.000 0.040 3.03 0.037 0.61 0.043 0.';74 3.83 3.83 Otoae Paa- chaa na Psa- cbaa Pru- nna Apri- cot* Pru- Pva- ChM Pru- Good Poor Good Fair Good Sound Clean Dirty Clean 'clean Pea- cbe* Pair Slteht- lydlr- ty B. J. OAOBR. INSPECTOR Golden Brand 18.88 14.90 14.03 24.03 o.os: 0.131 o.ieo o.4:e 0.931 0.110 0.001 0.194 0.179 0.149 0.14fi 0.112 Pigs Apples Prunea FI«a Pea- ches Fi«a Applea Fah- Poor Fair Good Sound Slight lydlr- Dlrty Wor- my Sound Figs Apple* Prunea Pair Good Fair Clean manbMl Sound I 737*4 78707 7SM8 Exeaaa water. Adulteralod. Genuine Genuine 731100 Genuine 73801 73803 72803 73804 72808 73806 73807 73808 Oeouine Doubtful Genuine Sulphuroua arid la ecuaa. Otbemla* fair quality. Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine 72809 72S10 72811 Sulphurous add ia nceaa. Otherwta* -ood quality. ulpliuroua add ia exccaa. Otherwiaa Dod quality. eouine 72812 Genuine 78839 78640 78841 78842 78843 78644 7M46 Genuine Unfit for rood. Adulterated Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine 76846lOenuine 76847 Doubtful Genuine 76648 76640 76650 Genuine Genuine mi 90 BULLETIN No. 87A~ S NMure of Sample i Nftim uhI Addniai of Vmdur Com. JM>. Jan. Jan. t:' I Nam* and addna of ManuAKturcr or Pumk aa ttrmt by tiM Vandor Manufkcturar furalab* DISTRICT or HAMILTON— 1017 Jan. 30 " 31 31 Dried !>»■ chea rigi Apple* " Prunen " Current " Aprlcota " Pearfaea " FIgi " Peacbea " Apricom Prunea. 7Aeil J. A. McKlm. Orancevllle . . 7MI2 K Berwick * Co.. Sbslbour- ne 7M13 P. O. Kantdt. PlnberUw. . . . 7S«14 P. NUon, Dundalk 7SA1SP. T. HIU * Co.. Markdale 7Mie D. A. MrCleon, Owen Sound 7MI7 A.J. Uoyd, Owen Hound 75011 Henry & OtacUn, Chiirrh * ,,..„ . I'"*-"* ** •" Cathei-inea 78610 A. E. Dell. 17« Main Mt.. NIacara Falli 8. 7fie20 W. M. Hogg. Bridgeburg. . . . 75621 Bradley ft Bonn, 35 Huron at Niagara Falla 75622 M. Mabooev. 40 Morrlatm St Niagara Fall* 2>jlba 30 3 ■• 30 2 " 14 3 " 45 2H 55 :; 38 3 •• 30 2H 35 3 ■• 75 ■• - 45 Mra Win. Lever Pleaherum Unknown H. P. Rctaardt k Co. Ltd. Toronto Eby BUln Ltd. Toronto Unknown MrLaufhIln Bona Co. Ltd. Owen Sound Unknown Marland Wool- nough Nlaga> ra Falla Centra Unknown DISTRICT OF WINDSOR :— Dried Pea. cbu " Apricots " Peacliea Applca •• Flgn " Applcw •■ Kign " Apricota " Peaches 65103 Bruce PMUppa. Ingeraoll 65104 65111J.;. .\. Treatam. nilaonburii 05II3 n.'>117 0.'il2li 05127 65131 6.^133 We8t«n Produce Co.. TlUaonburg L. W. Imrie. TUkmnburg. . . O. A. CurtU. SimctB R. Edwards. Simcoe . O.W.Lea. .Simcoe... |t.mb 3 •■ liars 2 lbs 3 Jars 2 lbs Unknown Unknown A. M. Smith k Oo. London K. Adamaft Co. London aeo.Watt«aona Brantford Mr. Kelcben Balfour & Smya Hamilton. DISTRICT OF NORTHERN ONTARIO— Pigs 77003 Evaporated Poaches 7760H " apricots 77600 apples 77011 " Figs 77612 Evaporated Peaches 77617 Chas. Price & Sons TImmIn The Watson Co.. New Lls- kard The Urille Co. New Uskard The Binkley Co, New IJs- kard 3hx» 30 3lba ;<8 •• .M 3H 3 bxs 37 3lb4 38 Hill Bros. Co. New York Unknown Hill Bros. Co. New-York Grlffln* Hobbs California ?. M. Lernerk Sons Ottawa. BVAPORATBD FRUIT 21 iMMetar'* ll*|Mrt (It not Ml nprM •torn ot optakm) lUnUMoT Aaalyttt H. J. DAOIR. AOTINO INsPBOTOR 10. OS i.aift 0 087 0.137 0. IM 0.174 0.43S O.AtM 0. U4 0.30A 0.30 3.447 0.134 Pii»- rbw Pin Apples Prunm Our- rut« Apri- P^ chM rtf Pea- CllM Apr]- oota Oood Fair Poor Pair Oood rair Poor Oood Sound Ferm en ted Wor- my Sound Moul- dy Wor- my Sound Clean IMrty autht- ly dlr- t^ean SUcht- ly dlr- iSrty Clean Prune* JOHN TALBOT, INSPECTOR 14.SA 12.18 1.3A 1.20 1.04 0.040 0.025 0.0S6 0.027 0.3fi0 4.80 Pen- cbe* Apri- cot* Pea- rbes Apple* Pic* ApplM Pig* Apri rot* Pea- chet Oood Fair Oood Fair Poor Oood Sound Wor- my Sound Clean Dirty Clean F. W. FOKDi . ACTING INSPECTOR 23.03 0.206 3.38 1.25 0. 158 0.866 0.170 Pl(5» Pea- cbe* Apri- cot* Apple* Fig* Pea- Che* Very good Oood Very ood Pair Sound Clean SUgbt- b dir- ty I I I P 7IM11 75612 75013 750l4 75615 75616 76017 75018 75010 75020 75621 75022 Oeouta* OenulB* Genuine Genuine ITnflt for food. Adulterated. UnPt fbr food. Adulterated. Oonuine Oaoulna Doubtftil Unlit fbr fbod. Adulterated. Sulphuroua add in excea*. Otberwle* goodquaUty Genuine 65I3I 65133 65103 1 65104 1 651111 65113 Genuine 05117 ( 66126 ( 651271 Genuine Oenuioe Genuine Genuine Genuine Oenulne Unfit for fbod. Adulterated Sulphuroua add in excee*. Otherwia* good quality 77003 77608 770UV 77611 77612 77617 Genuine Sulphurous add In excea*. Otberwl** good quality Uecuine Genuine Oenulne Oenulna 22 BULLETIN No. 37S_ Nature of Sample I Name and Addreu of Vendor Co«t ots. Name and Adores* of Manufacturer or Fumisher a« given by the Vendor Manufacturer. Fumiabar I i f. Jan. DISTRICT OF NORTHERN ONTARIO— iei7 Jan. If. 16 16 16 16 16 16 Figs Evaporated Peaches " Apricots " Apples Figs 77618 77623 77624 77625 77627 77628 77629 H. P. Poiason, North Cobalt. Taylor Pipe. Cobalt Northland Stores Ltd. Cobalt Reamsbottom & Edwards. Kerr's I.Ake 3pkgs 3 lbs 2 •■ 30 45 60 45 38 50 Ouggenhlme & Co California Oriffln & Skelly California Balfour ft * Smye ft Co HamUton Oiiggenhlme ft Co California Rooding Fig ft on Co.. California DISTRICT OF FORT WILLIAM ft PORT ARTHUR— Evaporated Apricots •• Figs " Apricots " Apples ■• Figs " Peaches " Appl " Apricots ■■ Figs " Peaches 75102 75103 75104 75105 75106 75107 75108 75109 I..110 75111 75112 75113 Climax Grocery. 113 South May St., Fort William George Benger, 205 Arthur St. Port Arthur. Ambrose Ferguson. 14 Court St Port Arthur Marks Clavet Dobie Co, 37 S. Cumberland. St. Port. Arthur George A. Pickles. 205 Simp- son St. Fort William. Excel Store. 2.33 Simpson St.. Fort William D. Walker. 2ti.' N. May St., Fort WllUam Bowles Bros. 325 Simpson St Fort WilUam J. A. Jacobson. 806 Simpson Fort WllUam 3 Jan 60 40 75 40 40 45 40 75 50 40 Grlfflnft Skelly, California Reid ft Best Thombury.Ont, Cameron ft Heap, Fort WUlTam. Chaput Fila ft Cle Montreal. Riley Ramsay, Port Arthur Balfour Smye ft Co. Hamilton. L Chaput Flls ft Co, Montreal Cameron ft Heap Fort WiUlam Cameron ft Heap Fort WiUlam Riley Ramsay Port- Arthur A. McDonald Fort Wllltam. DISTRICT OF MANITOBA :— Jan. 2.5 Evaporated Apricots " Apples " Peaches ■■ Figs Evaporated Apricots " Apples 75U4 75115 75116 75117 75164 75165 Nltlkman Bros, Winkler J. NitUcman. Winkler M. Hooge. Winkler 3 Jars •■ 2H\b 50 25 25 50 20 •• 25 Chapman Co. Winnipeg. Weldman Broa 25 Winnipeg MacDonald ft Chapmui Co. Wlnnlpeti 25 A.. Cohen, Winkler 25 Rosman ft Brownstone. Plum Coulee. A. Harder ft Sons. Plum Cou- lee CodvUle ft . 26 Winnipeg EVAPORATED FBOIT 23 Inspector's Report (Is not an expres- sion of opinion) Results of Analysis 6S i I 5s II 8 I 15.58 21.L'> 17.34 16.24 16.30 20.37 30.07 18.35 20.80 14.81 18.65 19.05 1.183 Apri- cots Good Sound Clean 0 182 Fig, Fair Fair Fairiy clean 1.327 Apri- cots Apples Good Sound Clean Trace Fair •■ '• Figs Fair •• •• Pea- Good Sound „ ches 3.568 " •• •• •• Trace Apples •• •• ■ • 0.812 Apri- cots Fair Fair •■ Trace Apples •• •• Trace Figs Fair Fair Slight- ly wor- 2.868 Pea- ches Good Sound clSan J. B. COSGROVK, INSPECTOR. 18.05 21.05 18.23 •Ji.itU 16.87 10.00 6.083 Trace 3.404 Trace 3.648 Trace Apri- cots Apples Pea- ches Figs Apri- cots Apples Good Sound Fair Clean a, § III % 3 Concluded. 1.78 0.603 1.76 0.094 0.080 0.036 0.876 Figs Apti- cots Pea- ches apples Flg» Very IS? Good Very good Sound Slight- ly inuiildy Sound Clean 77618 77623 77624 77626 77627 77628 7762B Genuine Doubtful 21.37 Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine J. B. OOSGROVE. ACTI NG IN SPEC! 'OR 75102 Genuine 75103 Genuine 76104 76105 75106 75107 Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine 75108 Sulphurous add in excess. Otherwise good quality. Genuine 75100 76110 75111 76112 75113 Omuina Genuine Doubtful Sulphurous add In excess. Otlierwla* good quality 75114 76116 75116 76117 75164 75166 Sulphurous add in excess. Otherwlsa good quality. Genuine Sulphurous add In excess. Othenrlse Hood quality. Genuine Sutph'jrous add in excess. OthsnrtM good quality lenulna 24 I*. BULLETIN No. 375— Nature of Sample a Name and Addren of Vendor Cost 3 Name and Addreu of Manufacturar or Fiisnisher as given by the Vendor Manufacturer . Furnisher DISTRICT OF MANITOBA- 1917 Jan. 25 •• 25 '• 26 •• 26 •• 26 " 27 •• 27 •• 27 30 30 30 31 Feb. I Evaporated .Apples " Peaches " Apricots " Peaches •• Figs " Peaches ■• Figs " Pears " Apricota " Pears " apples 76160 75167 75168 75169 75170 75171 75172 75173 75174 75175 75188 75189 75190 J. T. Acheson, Morden. Diamond & Diamond Plum Coulee S. Korman, Morden . Morden Trading Co, Morden . A. D. C&rdno. Darlingford.. . J. F. Crosby, Darlingford C. K. Stewart. Rosenfleld A. Coblentz. Gretna E. Penner & Co, Gretna Rlckman ic SnhilTer, Aitona . P. H. Goodman, Alt/ma. . . . 2 lbs 25 •■ 25 " 50 30 3 •■ 40 2 " " 25 30 2>« 2H .50 45 SJars 50 " 40 Campbell Bros * VPilson Win. Johln Alarrin Co. Winnipeg Campholl Bros & Wilson. Winnipeg Richards A Brown Wlnnpg. Campbell Bros & Wilson, Winnipeg Jobin Mnrrin Co. Winnipeg Codvllle Co. Winnipeg Weedman Bros Winnipeg Codvllle Co. Winnipe t, DISTRICT OF SASKATCHEWAN- Feb. 7 7 Evaporated Apricots " Peaches " Pears " Peaches " Apples " Pears '• Peaches 7IB41 71043 71646 71063 71071 71674 71075 71684 71087 Cooil Bros, Maple Creek E. Small, Maple Creek Farmer's Grocery Co.. Maple Creek W. W. Cooper Co., Swift Cur- rent Palace Grocery Swift Current J. n. Kelley, Moose Jaw E. F. Cassldy. Moose Jaw. . . Maple Leaf Grocery, Regina Canadian Trading Co, Regina 2 lbs 50 35 40 30 25 SO 2S W.H.MalklnCo Vancouver Mft- Medecine Hat Grocery Medecine Hat. Campbell Wilson & Strathdee Swift Cur- rent. 7 8 GrilTin ft Skelly San Francisco No Vary Products, Co. Toronto J.K. Armsby Co California Brown Bros. East Rochester, New Yorli. No Vary Products Co. Toronto Unknown 9 14 14 •• 27 Mc Donald Crawford Co. Moose Jaw A. McDonald Co. Moose Jaw '■ 27 8VAP0BATK0 FRUIT 25 Inspactor'a Beport (I* not an expres- non of opinion). BaiulU of Analjrtti So 1^ Is at) 1 Conelodad. 20.82 18.23 13.08 21.50 15.38 17.03 12.17 14.89 12.52 16.25 0.006 1.255 4.017 2.164 1.261 1.498 4.263 1.360 0.554 0.514 4.385 Apple* Pea- chca Apri- cots Pea- ches Figa Pea- ches 20.32 24.59 1.500 Trace Pears Figs Pears Apri- cots Pears Apples Good Fair Good Fair Good Fair Good Poor Sound Fair Sound Fair Sound Clean Fair Clean Fair Clean Fair Sound Fair Sound Ferm- enting Wor- my Clean Fair Clean Fair l>. H. HALL, INSPECTOR 17.14 0.62 20.0 1.352 1.748 4.130 Apri- cots Pea- ches 15.56 15.22 16.20 21.40 12.46 10.11 1.001 3.713 a. 175 None 1.178 Pears Pea- ches Apples Pears 1.257,Pea- I ches Fair Good Fair Good Fair Good Fair Poor Fair Sound Fair Sound Fab- Sound Sound Fair Poor Clean Fair Clean Fair Clean Fair a I 75166 76167 7Sli8 75169 75170 75171 75172 75173 75174 75175 76188 75189 76190 Genuine Genuine Sulphurous add la excess. OtherwlM fklr quality Sulphurous add lo excess. Othenriaa good quality Genuine 'Genuine Sulphurous add la excess. Othenris* _ good qualltT Doubtful Genuine Genuine Sulphurous add la excess. Otherwise fair quality Genuine Doubtftil 71641 71643 71646 71663 71671 71674 71675 71684 71687 Genuine Doubtful Sulphurous add la excess. Otherw<«; good quality Genuine Sulphurous add bt excess. Otherwla* good quaUty. Sulphurous add la excess. Othenris* fUrquaUty Genuine Genuine ' Doubtful I 26 BULLETIN No. 37ft_ Nature of Sample S a I Name and AddreM of Vendor Cost •a 9 Ctll. Name and Addreei of Manufacturer or Furnisher aa given of the Vendor Manufacturer . Fumiaher DISTRICT OF ALBERTA :— 1917 Feb. Evaporated Apples " Peaches " Apricots Dried Figs Evaporated Apples Peaches Apples Apricots Peaches Pears 52547 S2548 52549 52550 52551 52552 62553 52554 52555 52556 62567 52568 Charpe & Page, Stettler. Pride & Nash. Stettler . . L. J. Adams, Stettler. Robert M. Spratt i Co, Castor NlchoUs Ltd., Castor. Young Bros. Camrose. Kerr & McDonald. Camrose MUlett Mercantile Co.. MUlett Karr Bros & Co, Millett. JosUn & McNaIr, Leduc. . John Irwin Co., Ltd. Calgary Hudsons' Bay Co, Calgary 2lb« 36 " 30 •• 60 •• 25 •• 40 60 25 36 •• 25 ■• 35 60 40 Louis Petrle & Co. Calgary Ouggenhlme & Co CaUfomU P. C. Whitcombe Warkworth, Ont. California Fruit Can ners, San Fisndsco OrlfBn & Skelly Co. California Campbell WUaon * Home. Red Deer. L. T. Mew- bume & Co Calgary. Alexander Grocery, Camrose Mac Donald Cooper Ltd Edmonton Louis Pe- trle Co Ltd Calgary DISTRICT OF ROCKY MOUNTAINS :— Jan. 22 22 Evaporated Apples " Peaches 08306 68307 22 •• Figs 68308 22 " Pears 68309 22 " Apricots 68310 23 " Apples 68323 23 " Pears 68324 23 " Peaches 08333 23 " Apricots 68334 25 " Peaches 68345 Feb. 9 " Apricots 68351 " 0 •• Figs 68352 The Trites Wood Co, Femle . The Cranbrook Trading Co, Cranbrook. Little & Atchison, Cranbrook A. S. Horswell & Co, Nelson L. C. Maason, Revelstoke 3 lbs The Graham Co, Belleville J. K. Arnuby Co Fresno, Cal. F. R. Lalor Dunnville Cal. Fruit Canners Asaen. S. Francisco. Griffin & Shelly Co. California Cal. Fruit Canners Ass. S. Francisco. EYAFORATBD PBUIT 27 iMMetor'i Report (Ii not an ««pm itOBoToiJiiilao) BaralM of AtwIyHa e s I If 01 «S A. W. B. MARKLEY. IN8PBOTOR. No Tary Brand DatorB' Ore Brand Magnolia Brand Oold Bar Brand 30.90 18.34 19.49 18.80 18.12 18.42 14.80 31.30 14.20 19.37 9.70 0.60 0.391 3.812 0.S40 None Flga Apple Pea- chei Aprl- cota 2.172 2.183 N<»ie 1.381 3.90 1.30 0.898 Applet Apri- cot! Pea- Che* Applei Apri- cot* Pea- cbe* Pear* Good Pern* enti Good Fair Pair Good Fair Good Fair Sound Fair Sound Clean Fair Clean Fair Clean Wor- Clean TH08. PARKER, INSPECTOR Armona 32.83 21.32 35.97 30.30 33.18 30. S8 17.18 23.43 20.30 17.11 33.81 0.03 3.12 0.12 1.01 1.13 0.03 0.21 2.12 1.76 1.87 2.74 Apple* Pea- cbe* MThlte Pear* Apri- cot* Apples Pear* 15.961 0.14 Pea- Che* Apri- cot* Pea- ches Apri- cots White Figs Fair Good Fair Fair Clean 68306 Genuine Sound Fair Poor Good Fair Good Fair Sound Larval Excre- ment Some- what dirty Larral ezcre-. ment. Some- what dirty Clean what dirty I 2 53547 53548 52549 52550 52551 52552 52553 52554 52555 Doubtful Sulphurous acid in ezcee*. Other*!** good quality Doubtful Genulna Genuine Sulphurous add in exoea*. Otherwi** good quality Sulphurou* add in exoe**. Otherwi** rUr quality Genuine Genuine 52556 53557 52658 Sulphurou* add in excee*. Otherwise good quality Doubtful Genuine 68307 68308 68309 68310 68323 68324 68333 Sulphitfoos r.dd in excess. Otherwise good quality lenulne I^nflt for food. Adulterated. Doubtful Unfit for fbod. Adulterated. DoubtAil Sulphurous add In excess. Otherwise gpodquaUty. 68334 Genuine 68345 68351 68352 enulne Genuine Sulphurous add in excess. Otherwise good quality. Doubtful. 28 BULLETIN No. 375— 1017 Jul Jut Nature of Sample Name and Addrew of Vendor Cost 3 ct». Name and Addraa of Manufacturer or FuanUher as given by tbe Vendor .nufacturer. Furnisher DISTRICT OF VANCOUVER: — Dried AprlRots Apples ■■ Figs " Peaches •• Figs " Peaches ■• Figs " Apples 191 " Apricots lOi " Pears 55857 O. A. Welsh Ltd. 681 Colum- bia St. New Westminster 55868 Slater's Market. 830 OranvU' le. St.. Vancouver 55859 R. J. Barnard, 2751 Miin 8t Vancouver 55860 Merrlless Cash Grocery, 2611 Main St., Vancouver 55861 F. A. Squair. 1111 Lonsdale Ave. N.. Vancouver 55862 Annandale Supply Co., 641 Columbia St., New Weet- mlaster 55863 55864 W. D. Fowler, 1678 Commer- cial Drive. Vancouver 55865 Swlndall Bros. 1417 Commer- cial Drive, Vancouver 55866 David Spencer Ltd.. 515 Has- tings St. W ., Vancouver 2 lb* 26 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 25 26 Dried Pears 55022 " Apricots 55923 People's Cash Grocery, 749 iates St., Victoria Fears Black Figs WlSte Fins Black . Fitfs Peaches Apples Peaches Apples 55024 55925 55926 55927 65928 ,'>,'J920 55930 50931 55935 55947 Tbe Quadra HllUddo Cash Gro eery 1 100 HUlsldeAve. Victoria Thobum Grocery, Head & Esqulmalt.. Victoria H. O. Klrkham Is. Co.. Ltd Fort & Govt., St Victoria Copas & Young, 633 Fort St Victoria Harrison Cash Grocery Co Ltd 2215 Oak Bay Ave., Vict Thobum's Grocery, Head & Esqulmalt St.. Victoria The Western Grocery Co, Fort & Blanrhard St. Victoria Kelly Douglas & Co Vancouver Leeson Dickie & Gross ft Co. Vane W. II. Malkin Co. Vancouver SwartT: Bros. Vancouver Garcia & Magglni Co. San Francisco Kelly Douglas Co Vancouver Leeson & Dickie Gross, Co;Vancouver Unknown 21bs DISTRICT OF VICTORIA:- Unknown W. H. Malkin Co., Ltd., Vane. 25 Unknown Kelly Douglas Co. Ltd.. Vancouver 20 GuKgenlilne Bros California 30 W. H. Malkin Co ' Ltd, Vancouver " Unknown 29 BVAPOBATBD FRUIT Inapeetor'i Report (U Dot »a exprw rioa of opinion) Remit! of Analjrri* OMj I a. a. ARMYTAOB. INSPECTOR. From San Fran- cisco 19.65 3U.68 20.97 18.70 20.18 21. 7S 21.44 18.44 2S.97 18.23 0.8S 0.01 I.S8 0.92 0.62 1.32 None 0.01 0.92 1.29 Apri- oote Apples WWte ^W Pea- ches Wlilte Figs Pea- ches Blacic Fi(cs Apples Apri- cots Pears Good Poor Good Fah- Oood Fair Sound Ferm en ted Sound Clean Dirty Clean Fair iMTvaX excre-. ment Sound Clean Fair Mou^- Excre- ment Q. O. ARMYTAGE. ACTING INSPECTOR. 16.87 27.91 16.20 17.98 23. IS 29 ..07 23 J6 20.23 12. S8 16.77 14.90 19.30 1.98 2.74 1.43 0.64 None 0 59 1.78 None O.fiO None 0.98 0.01 Peers Apri- cots Pears Black Figs White Figs Black Figs Pea- ches Apples Pea- ches Apples Oood Fair Good Fair Good Fair Good Sound Fair Sound Ferm en ted Sound Clean Larval excre-. mmt Clean i I 6S867 £8868 s&sra A6860 SA862 55S63 55864 SS865 66866 Genuine Excess water. Ad- ulterated. Genuine Genuine Genuine Oraiulne Genuine Unflt tor food. Adulterated. Genuine Unflt for food. Adulterated. 55922 55923 55924 55025 55926 56927 55028 65929 55930 55031 55935 55947 Genuine Stdphurous add in excess. Otherwi- se good quality Genuine Unlit for food. Adulterated. Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Uf BULLBTIN Xo. S7S-PBACHBS 31 TABLE II Ramilta cf Aaaljrdi No. of Sunpl* 70437 70441 70444 78413 00002 00008 00013 00033 00030 00041 00045 09001 OOOOS ogooo 0MI4 W840 7318 _080« 74109 74173 74174 74003 74008 74007 117783 07783 07780 73709 73n0 73009 72S03 72004 73009 72S10 73013 7A04S 70011 70017 70019 70020 00103 eoiii 00133 77608 77017 77024 70107 7A10S 701 13 70110 70107 70109 75171 75172 71043 71040 71071 71074 71087 52548 62553 02550 08307 65o60 55802 55930 05935 Mola- t'jra % ParU p«r3O0O Ranurki, MUi oplalsn of tto Chief Aaalyst; 13.90 30.10 33.88 33.15 13.33 14.53 11.00 14.30 13.50 10.08 10.91 19.00 20.90 21.73 10.03 30.33 20.37 20.97 19.05 18.23 12.59 13.08 15.38 17.03 9.62 20.0 15.22 10.29 10.11 18.24 14.80 19.27 21.32 23.42 17.11 10.70 21.70 12.58 14.90 3.0 1.0 0.7 0.8 8.3 3.7 0 7 4 0 .4 0.834 0.470 1.65 3.14 1.80 3.84 1.920 0.962 1.020 3.421 1.110 0.332 1.77 0.402 0.009 3.92 3.83 3.83 1.68 0.921 1.316 0.580 0.396 0.30 1..35 r94 4.80 3.38 0.170 1.76 Tnc« 3.568 2.868 3.404 1.255 2.164 1.408 4.263 1.748 4.130 3.713 2.176 1.257 3.812 2.182 2.90 2.12 2.12 1.87 0.92 1.32 0.59 0.98 Sulphurooa add. la Oenulna Oenulna Bulphuroua add In axcoa. Sulphuroua add In rxcaw. Sulphuraua add In ezeoi*. Oenulna Oenulna Oenulna Bulphuroua add In azoaaa. Genuine Bulphuroua add In ezcaaa. Bulphuroua add In axcaaa. Bulphuroua add In aieaaa. Genuine Genuine Genuine Dirty, unlit ftir food. Adulterated Genuine Bulphuroua add In exceea Doubtful Bulphuroua add in Genuine Genuine Genuine Bulphuroua add In Genuine Doubtful Doubtful Genuine Doubtful Bulphuroua add In exeaaa Bulphuroua add In Bulphuroua add In Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Doubtful Dtrtjr. Unfit for fbod. Genuine Genuine Bulphuroua add In ex. Bulphuruua add In axi Genuine Oonulne Genuine Bulphuroua add In Sulphuroua add (n Bulphuroua add In ^xceag Genuine Sulphuroua add In ezceaa Genuine Bulphuroua add in Doubfui Bulphtm>ua add in »»— Bulpburotu add In exreaa Bulphuroua add In exceas Doubtful Sulphuroua acid in „»„« Bulphuroua add in excen Bulphuroua acid in excetn. Sulpburou* add in exreaa. Bulphuroua acid in ezcaaa, Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine axceaa. Otharwiaa doubtful. [ceai. Otherwiae fUr quality. Otbaralae fair quality, Otherwiae (ood quaUty. Otherwiae fair quality Otherwiae good quality. Otherwiae food quaUty. Otherwiae Kir quaUty' Otherwiae fUr quality, Otherwiae (ood quaUty ezceaa. Otherwiae tood quaUty, Otherwiae fUr quaUty Otherwiae good quality Otherwiae food quaUt|r Adulterated. Otherwiae good quaUty Otharwiaa good quaUty. Otherwiae goo 1 quaUty Otherwiae good quaUty. Otherwiae good quaUty. Otherwiae good quaUty. Otherwiae good quaUty. Otherwiae good quality Otherwiae good qiuUty. Otherwiae fair quaUty, excem. Otherwiae good quaUty. * — — Otherwiae fair quaUty Otherwiae good quaUty Otherwiae good quaU^y, Otherwiae good quality. I I 32 TABLE III BULLETIN No. STS^APRICOTS iUnilUofuulrda No of MoU 2. RamkriM, and opinion of (ha Chiaf Analjrat. Sunple tun Psru % par 2000 76438 10.58 0.9 Oanuina 78411 24.17 3.7 Bulphurouk arid In nctm. OtIierwiM good qualltj. floeu 18.20 17 Oanulnr 00831 16 98 2.0 Sulphuroiu add In excavi. OtharwlM fair quakty 80037 15.41 1.8 Doubtful 80840 17.70 10 Oenulna 80843 19.17 1.0 Oenulna 89802 19.23 4.5 RulpbtutHu add In axceai. Otlmrwiw fair quality. 80807 21.67 0 4 Qraulne 80800 22 83 4 2 flulphuroua add In exccM OtherwiM good qujdttjr 80813 23 44 0 4 Oenulna S684S 22 05 1.0 Doubtful 8777 0.760 Genuine 5787 0.282 Dirty, unlit for fiwd. Adulterated. Sulphurous add in axon*. Otterwiaa doubtful. 7305 2.342 8802 1.409 Oeniiine 74188 0.467 Doubtful 74171 0.881 Doubtful 74173 1.59 Genuine 74804 '.'.'...','. 2.08 Sulphuroui add in exceat. Othfrwiw fUr qualltj 74805 0.808 Doubtful 74800 1.39 Doubtful 74611 1.15 Doubtful 74812 3 06 8ulphuroi:« add in exceia. OtlMrwIir fair quality 87784 0 130 Dirty, unnt fbr food. Adulterated. 73784 0.347 Dirty unlit for food. Adulterated Hulphuroua add n exccM. Othenrlae good quality. 78792 2.19 73508 1.17 Genuine 72507 0.942 Genuine 75616 0.432 Dirty, unfit tor food. Adulterated Sulphuroin add in excevi. OtherwiM good qunllty - 75621 2.447 85104 1.29 Genuine 85131 0.350 Dirty, unnt tot fbod. Adulterated. 77800 1.25 Genuine 77823 0.803 Doubtful 75102 is'ss' 1.183 Genuine 75104 17.34 1.327 Genuine 75110 20 80 0.812 Genuine 75114 18.05 6.083 Sulphurous add In excna. Otherwiae good quality 76164 16.87 3 548 Sulphurous add In excess. Otherwise good quality. Sulphurou* »dd In excera. Otherwl«e fair quality 75168 18 23 4 017 75188 16 25 4.385 Sulphurous «dd In excess. Otherwise fair quality . 71841 47.14 1.352 Genuine 52540 I9.49 0 640 Doubtful 52552 18.42 2 172 Sulphurous add In excess. Otherwiae good quality. 6255.1 14 20 1.381 Genuine 68310 23.15 1.13 Doubtful 88334 20.30 1.76 Genuine 88351 23.81 2.74 Sulphurous add In excess. Otherwise good quality 55857 19 65 0 85 Genuine 55865 25.67 0.92 Genuine 55023 27.91 2.74 Sulphurous add !.-■ oicess. Otherwise good quality. 55024 16 20 1 43 Genuine BULLCtm No. 375— APPLIH 33 TABLE IV lUwIta of analnla No. of 76430 76440 76443 70446 78414 60601 60607 60611 60630 60flSS 606M 60601 68610 68611 68613 68618 MB43 S6844 M84S 66638 66839 4307 5761 6763 6776 S78S 678R 679'» 6781 4081 6004 6010 6014 6018 8010 7303 7308 7311 731-' na* 6801 6803 6805 6806 6807 6808 6800 6811 6813 6847 74166 74176 74606 74608 74610 67781 67786 67787 67/88 67780 73783 73704 73797 7.W40 75645 75546 7St40 76613 651 1.1 MIM 77611 77625 75105 75100 78111 75115 75165 Mnto- tun 3. Parta pr. 3000 1 optaton of Um OtaM Aa*ly« 24.57 M.07 35.30 17 80 10.31 18 33 13.04 0.74 17.06 13.13 16.10 33.18 31.11 31.30 33.43 33.68 33.60 13.37 1S.2A 33.74 30.37 Nona Tr»ce Nona 0.4 Nona Trsca Nona 13.38 0.043 10.40 0.200 14.03 0.115 30.25 0.145 21.13 0.004 23.76 0.171 13.73 0.070 31.38 0.179 24.21 None 30.34 0.002 30.80 0.304 33.38 0.090 33.77 0.164 18.60 0.071 19.43 0.035 30.97 0.055 IN 01 0.068 2.1 66 0.045 19.37 0.138 20.63 0.103 19.70 0.004 21.48 0.068 20.02 0.082 20.48 0.173 19.41 0 079 23.57 0.026 17.07 0.043 28.83 0.023 16.30 0.106 16.04 0.10 17.40 0.476 13.60 0.156 17.43 0.097 17.53 0.132 17.53 0.142 30.16 0.263 35.12 0.100 23.04 0.171 19.79 0.139 33,1^ 0.099 22.20 0.127 15.88 0.131 14.99 0.061 14.03 0.104 24.93 0.145 19.06 0.137 14.38 O.CMO 12.19 O.UMt 33.03 0.158 31.37 0.004 16.24 Tmwx 1H.35 '* 14.81 '• 21.05 " 19.00 tt Doubtful Doubtful Doubtful Oanulua Ganulna Cicnulne Genuine Geouiue Oeoulna Ganulna Oenulna Oenuina Ganulna Doubtful Doubtful Genulna Oenulna Doubtful Oen'-'na Doubbful Bxceai irat«, tamentad. Adultanlad Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Oenulna Oenulna Genuine Genuine Genuine Bxcen water. Adulterated, fruit loand. Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Dirty, unlit for food. Adulterated, GcDuine Genuine Dirty, unfit for food. Adultaratad. Doubtful Genuine Genuine Doubtful Genuine Genuine Oenulne Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Oenulne Genuine Genuine Genuine Genuine Oenulne Genuine Genuine Doubtful Exreae water. Adnlterated, fermeotad. Omulne Dirty, unlit for food. Adulterated Oenulne Oenutne Genuine Genuine Oenulne Genuine Genuine Oenulne Oenulne G""ilne G line GeMiune Oenulne 34 TABLE IV.— Coneludad. BULLETIN No 376.-APPLB8 lUnUla of MMlyito lUuiarti aad optntoa of lb* OhM AaMjnt No. or Moto- • 0 3. tannftr lura % pvu pr. 3000 75100 ao.aa O.OM 0«DUllM 75J90 34. aa Tnc« DoubtAil 71978 31.40 NOM OaoulM V 63M7 30. DO 0.301 Doubtful S365I IS. 13 None acDulna 6aS64 31.30 OcDuina essoo 33. «a 0.08 OmiuIim 6U3S 30.65 0.09 Dirty. UBflt for food. AdulMntMl. AA8U 30.08 0.01 Eraa watar. AdulMratad. DIrtir %vA ftniMntad Dirty, unlit tat food. Adull«ntcd. 6S864 18.44 0.01 5M81 16.77 None OaouliM AaM7 19.30 0.01 0«auliM x^ M BDLUCTIN No. 875.-PKAIi8 •amltaofuuljrili TABLE V X^ SSiSL Mod- tun Pvti % pr. 3000 76441 1S?J 0 6 1.4 «OSU 14.46 1.3 a«M7 14.74 0.3 76171 13.17 1.366 75176 13.63 0.614 76180 30.33 1 800 71663 16.66 1.001 71684 13.46 1.178 69667 0 70 1.30 63366 «.60 0.808 68303 30 80 1.01 68334 17 18 0.31 66866 18 33 1.30 66033 16.87 1.08 66036 17.08 0.64 OwubM Owuin* OsnulM Doubtful Doubtful OanuiiM n«ouln« Omuln* Oenuln* Doubtful OmuliM DIrtv, uoat for food. Adultarafad Doubtful Dirty unat for fbod. AdulMrmtad. Otoulna Dirty, unflt for fbod. Adull««t*d. FIOS TABLE VI 60IIS8 17.81 None Genuine 60044 31.06 1.0 Genuine 60604 35.00 0.0 Genuine 60608 33.76 1.0 60843 15.46 1.0 Genuine 66837 37.35 1.4 Genuine 66840 31.03 None Genuine '^ ^7i> 33.04 0.100 Genuine Dirty, unflt for food. ^ 0.178 0.100 Genuine Genuine 7S766 0.076 Doubtful 78801 0.047 Genuine 73603 0.040 Genuine 7S68!! 0.087 Genuine 7M4a 0.410 Genuine 76644 0.110 Genuine Z5»*Z 0.170 Doubtful 76648 0.140 Genuine 76613 0.087 Genuine 78(I1H 0.144 Genuine 66U7 0.036 Genuine 66137 0.027 77608 0.206 Genuine ZZ«" 0.866 Genuine 77618 1.78 Genuine 77637 0.080 Gmuine 77638 0.086 Genuine 77630 0.878 Genuine 76108 31.15 0.183 Genuine 76106 16.80 Trace Genuine 76113 18.66 Doubtful 75117 31.30 •• Genuine 76170 31.56 1.361 Genuine 76174 14.80 0.564 GenulnJ 63660 18.80 None Genuine 68608 36.07 0.13 Genuine 68853 16.06 0.14 Doubtful 56880 30.07 1..8 Genuine 65861 20.18 0.62 Genuine 66808 31.44 None Genuine 55036 33.15 Genuine 66937 20.07 0.50 Genuine 55028 23. IS 1.78 Gwintim &MM ■M ja None Genuine Aduitermted.