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Maps, plates, charts, etc , may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre filmis A des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film^ A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 : t i 'n m i- V ■. ]'il II i I- ■ i; t ■ ■ LABORATORY INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA. CANADA BULLETi:^r :n^o. 293 EVAPORATED APPLES 08139—1 I: INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA LABORATORY OK T»K ■'.■■| BULLETIN No. 293 ■ EVAPORATED APPLES ih Ottawa, Sept. :.'9tl), 1914. J. U. Vl.NCENT, Esq., As^t. Deputy >Iinistt>r, Inlaml Revenue. Sir, — I l)eg to hand you a report dealin;; with one hundred and eifjhty-four (1(<4) siimples of Kvuporated Apples, p-ircliased by our inspector- Wtween February and May of this year. By an Order in Council of 17th October, I'.tlJ. elVectivo from •-'."ith yoveml)er, I'Jl'.', Evaporated Apples are re.juired to contain no more tlian 27 per cent of water. Exper- ience, as rpcorde(lier per-enlase of water than this is inconsisieri't with satisfactory keepinj; .piality. Many of the best -samples herein reported contain no more than L'O per cent of moisture, and I am nmviticed that Eva(>orated Apples need not, perhaps I .should say, ou4,'ht not. to contain more tlian 'JO per cent of water. A distinction is usually made Iwtween Dried Apples and Evaporated Apple-, the first term bi'inc; applied to the 'Nicatiii,i,' medium. It is -vid. - f tiiat, especially for our climate, the use of machiner-y specially devised to hasten th. process, and to protect the fruit from dust and riies'during its exposure to heated air, is most desirable. Wooden trays or trays of so called 'A-.'ate ware" should Ije used and not galvanized iron. This latter material has found to introdu.e soluble zinc into the product. (See Mull. 4S, V. S, Dept. of Af,'riculturp) Can- vas l)ottomed trays are veiy practic ible and possibly the galvanize.] tray nii-iit be found satisfactory if a protectitig sheet of canvas were u-ed. Tiiere would seem to be no go.Kl reason why the large percentage of our apple crop now allowed to yi. to waste should not be saved in the form of Evaporate.l Apples. This article of food is entirely wholesom.', if wfll prepare.!, and mav l)e very atrraciive and desirable. It is mucli better suited t.i shipment than the fresh' apple, and i.s avail- able after tiie fresh fruit is no longer on the market. fl fsT't^' lApennients conducted in this laboratory have shown that sliced apples dried at SO C ( ITO'F ), for 12 hours lose 84 pev cent of their weight ; in other words IOC ibs of -liiTii iippifs, yield Itl Ibs of dried apples, containing -.'0 per cent of their weight (as dried fruit i <.»' moisture; ami that such a product weighs 13 70 lbs per bushel (2218 cubic tthiMi r.i'leiate pressure is used, as in ordinary packing. In oollal ..ation with Dr. P. H. lirycc of the Department of the Interi.,r, it was tiinl that apples lose aliout one fourth of their weight in the prjcess of paring and lurin-. Hence a l)u,shel of apples (i'y lbs) should yield about 5J Iba of "dried a|.pli< cipntjiining 20 per cent of their weight of residual moisture. Tht're exist a speial reason for utilization of our apple crop this year, in as much as till- iruit is one of the best anti .scorbutics and our tr(K)ps in the field will require a ivrtiiii niiion of the kind. The excellent keeping qualities of properly dried apples, t... iliii with their ready portability make this food peculiarly suitable for the purpose sui;,-^ted ; aiid, with such an object in view it might be well to reduce the residual m"i>tiire considerably Ijelow even 20 per cent. s,, far US the preset.t report is concerned, the samples covered by it may be classi- lied IS t'..llows: — SATlSF.tCTOitY as containing not more than 27 per ) cent water and beinu fairly sound an clean. being fairly sound 1 47 samples. Unsatisfactory as containing more than the legal I limit of moisture. ) " for othtr reasons. ] Doubtful as not meeting requirements for s^ouml- | ness or cleanliness. ) 19 11 Total. 184 samples. I If l'.» samples containing excess of water, 7 contain 30 per cent or more, and are oitiiiily too moist to pass unohalltnged. Tlirough the kindness of the Ve* -rinarv Director (ienerai, 1 have bee;, permitted tn ~!uly the advance sheets of a re '■• subject of Evaporated Apples, about to bi' (Hil)lished by the Department () ' i . I have l)een so impressed with the iiM|i..i lance of the work done by ti ..mcerned with the administration of the l"-l ti'in Acts, that I have ask" .,li',.od to nse the following summaries ; Till- Report in question dea' : with two hundred (200) samples of Evaporated \\>\ I •> and apple waste in which tho moisture content was determined, and observation nii.i. ..t the soundness or otherwise of the fiuit. The following percentages of moisture '^'•rr toiind : I,.- 'Ni;w-lJ Kv;ii iiratiil Kva|K>riit»sl Kvan !."> 1.". .1:1 10 BAiiiplea. . I> • 1 , 4 .. '.'4 none. '-t> .. -Jl IH K' lai BillDpIrs. 12 kami \f». ' .""i-' sample*. m Oiif liiinH>V,. :is per ('«Ilt U)•>l^tUtl' T.tul. ffrni»'iitfaporated Apples cmitainim,' IK., more than 20 per cent of moisture should i)e preferred. I beg to aiiviso publication of this report as Bulletin No. 2!);?. I have the honour to 1h>, Sir, Your obedient servant, A. McGILL, Chiff Analyst. I I Naturf of Sample'. Ciwt. BULLETIN No. ."JS- Naiiir ikiiil .A(Hlrt*)M of .Maniifiicturrr or Kiirninlii r .w ifutii l)j- the Wiidor. \ um*' Hn I Vd1 A. L. Dovln & Co.,H 11 Vl'l'l'-"- Halifax, N.S. ( ."liW.W Win. .Moorf, Halifax, lA , N.S. .. Ml'MCorkuinft liitivy, H.ili U . I ■ , fHx. x.s. : 12 •■ ..' .">;t'.l54S. Hiiiith A Son, Mali- H . t.vx, X. S. 13 .. ,')3't.V) H. H. I),„|,,, ft Co., U ; I Ktntvill.., N.S. '^i " ■■ 53!t")« Verxaa, Ltd., Kent-. ill.., U . i i N.S. H' •■ .. ">3!»J7 Shanil Hi..»., Wiiulsor U , N.S. ■ ■ l**! " . • O^WJM (.'oil' llati A Kiwnt-r, 1.', i I)artiiioiith, N.S. '•• ■ .,'6:W5!iK. \V. Crca.*- 4 .Sni.H Halifax, N.S. ; 1» " .. MIKIT. .1. Hroxvn, H.ilifax, U ■ N..S. i niSTKlCT OF NOVA .>r»yth li r<) a . , Chishtilni * C"., Critnwicli, Ont. Kalifax, N.S. IH rnknown A. A W. Smith. ' Halifax. N.S. 23 liii.l A Be.-it, .(no. Tolm-sA'C.). Tlioriiliury, Ont. i Halifax, N.!^. Dl.STRICT OF NEW BRU>SWieK- A|iril 11 Evai A,.| >rftt#»fl ilea. II 20 20j 2l| 21 i 23' I 24 50Hi87V'an«art Broi<.,St..(olin 3 i "^l '■■ N.B, ; .W,.- .cv, St..Iol)n, 3 ,. 21 N.B i MK19I Siisarx Mercantili- Co., 3 .. 20 Ltd., Su»B.-x, N.B. j 50(i92 H. T. Br..«-tt.r, .Monc'3 .. 2fl t.m, N.B. i (Irahain (^l., Ltd., iiillevillc. Ont. Canadian Fruit Orowf-rs .\khoc., Nova SoiUia. Lakeview Evap. Ck>., Mcaford, Ont. M. Scliicr. Nor- wi. i>, Ont. W. W. ' :|iatt^ni|liuioIl|. i; J WAl'OH, INSFKCTOK. RiKult" i>f AnalyxiH. i i >. s ■ ^ "5 S 99 ■Ji -2 F39-,i\ .. i.-, dr la ■('■inriinni', 'inc-j .. ."ill-'l> .National Itailu.iv, '■•s'iK .■ IM l!u.- dii, llii.-lH'i-.j .. ■■iil'-'l'.i L. r. .Mart. ■!. Ill iin.- (Ill 1,1. ,. l,s I'ont, i^niU-o. 1 .. .WJ--11 Myrand & I'o'iliot, 7ii1,i, Hue df la Co,.riinn'', IMlflKC.'! H. S. liu.rin, rc> Illicit df la ( 'onhintif. l^m ■ Inc. .. "ii>2-.".' W. Cantin, i:w Hn.- .In 1 ', I'oni, 1^1. -I,.'.. .. .".(UlMC. r.Hlan^.i. UK Uu.ilu 1'. r..Mt. 1^1. li... .. '"■■•2-2i<: MartHl, I') Hn,. \\ „ IH -Vrtill.rv, I'liknown I'nknowi Dl.STlMCT ()!• KAST (^'KHKt- 2:!K>a|.> 24 24 25 2« A|.,.l,. .■.:!;ii;i P. i,....!. St. Cyiiii.- . .VWIW A. I,:iv..if, SI. KilK.ll.' . .•):«(;i;(). C-.rlion.'au. i;i.-.lct . I' San II', .■.:!:tr(i K. (:ioiitiii..r, S.ininon. .•>:t.!7I .\. (•an.n, I'roi nion. .".:W72,A. .M.nin, St. .I.-i ,M«7.'l !■'. I.avali-, St. .I,an , .■>:i;irri A. I'.lais. .St. .\nl».rt . ."i3;i7T r.O. t,a..i!,, Si, ,i„;„,i .■i:»;ri':,\. Kol.iihand. .St, .Vn- I..Tt, .'(.•ViXiP K, li.-laiwr, St. Kain ! a»M<.. I> II ir. n . l.S n ■ 18 'l; ■ l.S 1' 1.S 1.\ , IH Ij ■ IS u ■ IH ij • ; is u • 1 IS IJ , IS ( Jii^ A (Jar. nt, (Jii.'bic, Oroiiin Fr.-rt\ (^11.*- ti-C, N, lti..nx, (^n.l»c I'nknown losfi.h A Ci.', V"' 1»"0, I, li, Kenlln.l,(^l.' Wliit.'hcad ft Tnr- n.-r. .r..M|iiii( •»•, q.i.- 1«'C. N. Ki..ux, (ini'Ur Carier & tila. Li;\ i» i;\ APORATED APPLES. i I- I. if Hit rxpressiiin >'t opinion. Remarks and Opinion of the Chief Analyst. \ W. K. HKLAND, INSPKCTOR. i; . r.i.ui.i. p.c. I I 1118 I Good. Sound. Fairly Wooden rake tootli I I \ clean. Clean. Ineipifnt ferment- ation Dirty. •jar ■• 32 1 I*oi>r. 22 0 Fair. ■ V7'2 ,, ! 30 4 1 " ' 15 7 j ■■ 1 1 17-4 II 28 8 \ 22 5 Good. Fairly I clean. Clean. ;.. 50215 Doubtful. ,")<>21ti 5(i21T Water content too hi^h. and otherwise un- j satisfactory. 5621«|Sttti8factory. 5(>2I9 56220 Water content tjo v i liiKh. ^ 5C221 .Sitiafactory. Wi222 56223 Water content too ! high. 56224 Sati«factory. Al I I'KI.I.KTIEH, IN.Sl'ECTOK. iit<13»- 8 22 6 26 »* 1,X I'l 35 3 22 it l.S Bj 14 5 23 1 2! 9 33 3 21 5 (iiMHl, Sound. Clean. \-\in: .MiMtly miund. Fairly clean. .53363 6336(i II |Inci|>ient ferment-' 511370 ation. i ,. ^ .-•3;t7i Clean, j .5.1.172 ^S37a I Sound. Fairly i j clean. | Clean. 5!!375 B38n 5337» 63380 Satinfactory. Water content too higli. sutmfactory. 10 rsii BULLETIN No. 293- Xami' and ArUlr.-BS of Cont. MunufacturtT or Kuriiirther, a."* j^iven l>y tlit- \ cudor. Natun- of I Naint :\ut\ A'iclr- K^ V™.l..i-. >■. •tr ^^anufiw•tu^t't■. Fiirnifehfi s y. 3 ^ ■ IHSTliHT OK AK(;KNTKIII,. TWO MOUNTAINS tU. ■. IL' Kv:i|»ii,it. .1 AlMil- 1:; 1'.' 12 12 12 1-J 12 12 'Sin. 21 luaiKM:.!.il ,. 21 21 2;i27 -1. I'.l". (ii.UKcnn, St. IJ II.'. l'.l^ 2:!2^ II. i;il];.'Kl>. .si. .l.-rnllli-. l.i. ., 2"i2l hila l.aliinu, St. I. I, .. . I'.i,>. 2;i^il ' Lf:lliilti' I'aii 11 ill, St 1.', .. .Iilnlil.'. I'.'.'. 2.t:'.ii\V. C. Kur^'.ttr. St., I.', .. ' Ay..ll.. .I.'!' Mont-. 2.;:!-i\l.l.- I.. \V. l!'ll. .. ' Si. \-,.tli..|.-.M,,ilt-.i 2.".:i: V.ii' I'Mti;' III', Si. l_i .. ,\-,il„- I. - Muiit--. 2:i;it It. T.-ii. h. ttf. St. 1.1, ,. \i.-;.tli.M|.< Monts. 2:!:C. I). 11,11!, St. A'_'illi.-r, ., .1.- M..nt-. I ■ 2.".1'! I '1.- pll:.v r„ . 2vi;.i, \v. l„„i„.l.,i- 2.-.1" I'l.Ti, i:.„ii»,ut .. ., 2.Vl.'i Miili.l I.iK.t.ix Hiiddii S Or-ah 2;i CliivaliiT A I'.n- liat, .Iiiliett. , IS K. K. K <■,,., Montreal. I'.l 23 Hn.loii Ht licit •S.i' K. li. r^ilor A (■„. 2" HndonA Orsali . !!• S. .r. Cart.r. I.H L. riiaimt Fil- & Cie. l.l IK 18 I' ■■ I,-* 1'. .. 1.S DISTUKT *>F QIKBKC Tnrcottf Fr.•» iio:i .1 i:f ■■ lllr'li;. <■■. II. i;. .. I, St. TMiv I,', .!.■ \'.,;.ii-. II. 1.1-1 |i. .IwiiiiM, St. I , \al..i., W. |;ii-,.tt,., St. Filiv I', .1. VM.M-. V I h. I I |'.,ll, risr. St. I', I, lix .|.- \al..l>. r iri.' |l...t..rliiT». St. H t:..i.iiel .1. Ilniii.l n. '. i;. 11. Ill-, .loii.ii,-. . . , l.l, .Ma-iiaii Ki.T,,., .ImH, It.. I', • I. ,\. I'...l-v.rt. '5 \. riiait,. r, ,. 1^ I'.-li.n.-.t .I..|| 1', l."i to 18 20 IH .iCIiaimt ft Pill, I Montreal. . Jo... Dufre.ii.', • .i.iliette, . '(^'Iievalier X I'-.u liot, .I.iliette. , IH T.aU.'view y, V a p. I r,i,, Out. IK Mahler, Forest, Ont. i IH i;la|.|i Liltlejoill, ll.lil'.ll. Out. IS o. \V ("liatterson,' Iltii^lilon, Out. 20 I.ak.'view Kvap. '•..,Meaforil,Ont. Cliovalier il- Maj?- nan, .lolieti.-. I.VAPORATED APPLES. 11 "t an <'X|irt'sHicin <if Aiiuiysiw l--..un.l. r iifiuarks. and <>l»ii»ion of = the CMef Analyst. \M> TKRHEB()XNK-N. CADIKl'X, IXSPKCTOR. 1..C. 1?5 4 (i»K'c'.. S.-niiH. (*I»'iUi. 22 2 Kill-. 2'.i i; i:.»k1 21 r. 20 1) " 13 r 22 (! .. 2H(1 •• 20 4 „ l'.K( CHr, TKMl'OUAKY IN.Sl'W lol! 8'7 PiKir. Mostly Fairly j j wHind., (.-Iran 8u I " ! .SiMiml. j Ch'.ui. , 8-5 1 I ' 87 " ; li. V. 1'. LAVALI-RK, IN'.SPKCTOR. 'Fairly j clean, j Clean. , j 2;iL7 Satisfactory. 232'i 2:!2<.) U'atii- cimtent t01 rmibtful. 2."ni7 .. ' a'liu .. 2515 " n-2 21 li Fair. S mini. Fairly i-K-atl (>o(i;n Sati i;ii^i:i2 "^factory 22 0 " " •■ r.(i!i:i;t I'.t 11 f ilHItl. .. Clean. miii.'M M 25 7 " " " iln'tH.* U 1 CO!).-!! ■> If, 2 " .. i 1 mm:. .. 228 (ftUXl. Si lunil. ( fiUll.'iS .Sati *fat'torv 15 4 Fair. i li(RHi4 ' 10 3 . (UlWift •• 12 Natilr. Sul.i|.:.' i'f Vviidnr. Owt BULLETIN No. 293- -■Janic and AiMncs of M.-inufac'turT or KiiriiislnT. A-i given hy thf \'intlor. MMniifactiircr. Ktirnisln r. mSTKICT OF KASTKKN TOWNSIIIIS- 1914. •■ I f i Mar 24 El Apr. 21; »|)C ratid Aripl.-s .. 20! .. .. :«) May i: '■ .. 18 .. 18: „ 18 .. 18; . M 18; ■ i'i"SI(l A I'rtit, Koxti.n Fall, I '.II,,. («XS!I2 L. S. Kiron, Dninmonil- 1 ', .. villc. IHHMCilinour i Ciraril.l'. ., WiihrliHj, P. i;. Vr,t] . J. V.-irill. M. i- l.', „ Imurnt' " 1 tk^SIHU;. I'ronsseiui, .St. Hyu I ', .. <-inthf*. 1WM17 l'i.ri.>F.i-\.»(|ic. .St My 1 1. .. cintiic. IKis'lK Alf. (JiTMiU. St. llya- 1 IL.. cintlic. mx:i» IM.rn- Haiitir, St. Hya 1 „ . cititlip. WMM V. X. I.fiilanc. St. Ily 1 „ .. acilittif. •20 M.dil..l'.r.,-.,|l,,-, . . • liii. Out. IS I,. S. T.iw,r, !!,,„■ \V.ivii,.(;.,..N,V. ■M W. H. KiMMin ricton, < )i)t :•< ciaik, i.oTit'M i-n Itowii.atn illf,< »iit. I.s K: .1. <:riiliai Il.ll.-vill,.. l.s ., In \V. \'. sl,„w. I>..ii . . . II,.,,.. 1-' IV I.Mfl-UKV, .- Hyai-infhf. l."i II' .1. WanI & C, Moiitri'al. incT nl-' .Md.NTKKM.- m m 2.^1 K-.a|»prali(l A|.pl,. ,. 2r> 2f, 27 (i.'WI C. I.arivi.rc, 810 Char 1', II,- l,'\ol\ St.. Montiial 1 . i'2lM l'.-ll.-.Tiii I!ro«. , l.-JI]i, ,. Manii f .ic t It t f r .St., I .M.,ntr-al. | . tlL>i;t.i.l. A..S,.pii„, !s||!Mi«rv H ., St.. ■ I " . i!:'i:ti .\I. Co,,!-".,!, m: cai,,!)', ,. IS I'nknown ..... . IS I„ Cliapiit, I'll-.t (i2i:t.- i',2i:t(i 'I'nink St.. .\I.,ntival.i IS •Jii K. II, St., M, r»7 I.aprairii',I\ -titrt-nl. I'i'-vfrt K I. I■^■t^'s. ,Ai Ih I'. riii.iSt.. .M., ti'.'i:;: <;. (Mniiani, iis uiaii.i r, St.. .\|, III <>L'4.).S l,,,..pli D/yti.tzyriply, I' ■JXI C.ntru St., .M, ll24;«M'aiu.l .Mill. 2:r. 1'. ,-iitn, St.. Moiitnal, 11214" .\lai tin ,t LalK'ail. 2."ii; 1 1, t',iitM' St., IS IS .! 8 18 211 I 'iikiiou II l,ap,,i Ci... I iikii I,- Ma r,(iu',*iim Wfti--' !I & Co. Laportt' Martin ,V Cif. M. I,; lit ,t s. .I'nkii L. Clinpnt, Fil' ,t i Cie. 13 EVAPORATED APPLES. Irispector's Kijiort lU not an cxpres- >iiiii of upliiioii. Kt'sultf* (if Aiialvsi^. I'linnii. "H. H< 'iiarkH and = Opinio:! of the ■f Chit-f Analyst. C. KOIIJ'.AI'. INSI'KCTOK. '•uaninteedfrti'fn ni /inc I>. <■. :*( it HIS as 0 21 il ! 18 3 : „ 111 3 ] 20-5 18 1 18 fi '■ I. .SnlMl.l. I Cl,:il ISO: :il -^at- liOSl'L' ll'WI.Ii OOMU fiOSil.-i 'io.s!m Ii08<)7 I . 6082727 Ailhi.r .McLean, li.d 1.', ., ford. I'.<^ ti272.S|). H. f.^imor. liedford, U ■• P.tJ. 62729Jl,-t P,, Ii,.,lf,,nl, 1 1, „ -. VM ' (i2TaiC. (). .Ion.-, nedfoiil. u .. DISTKICT (IK VALLKYKIKMi- 15 20 ; IH W. H. IJenam, I'ictnn. Ont. IS ■ 20 j 20 20 211 Honitr Head, Meaford, Ont. 20 j 20 I DISTRICT OK OTTAWA- m Ii I Mar. 13 Kva|K.ratrd .\ppl.- 16 16' 17 17 17 23 23; 25 i!:«0l \V. II. |)i.ks..n, giivon. V.>1. (W302 William.;' & Vanluven. Sniiiir* FalU. ta30.3 P.axt.r A Co., Smith's Kails. 6.'»;![lH\va. I133!n!l'.ter Devme. liywani .Mail,. (, Ottawa. ti,33;)0P. .1. (;iavey, Hywar.l Market, Ottawa. U 111 IS ' K. .1. Cabtle C- OtUwa. is ., . hi Kot)ert«on, Niioll,-, Smith's Falls. u .. . 20 tieo. R()l»i*rtson A Son, 8 ni i I h ' 11 Fallx. 14 .. IS RolwrtHon NicoMi'. Smith's Fall». H ■■ 20 Chaput Fil«, Mm treal. u .. V.I I'nknowii Unknown .... 1'. .. . 23 Lerner A ^■'ll. I Ittawa. u ,. I'l I'nkhowM \K .. . 15 1 J. Movneur. Ltd., Ottawa. \h .. 20 H. N. Hat* ft Sons. , Ottawa. EVAPORATED APPLES. 16 1 1- not an exprex- of Dpinlun). He&ulta of An:- lyaia. Remarlu and Opinion of the Chief Analyst. ,1 I. COSTKJAN, ACTI>r INSPKCTOR. C in.l I,. Br-.nd. p.c, 23 IS 22 ») 2G 23 29 26 W 23 Good. Fair. 2 4 3 0 3 Good. 6 i I 2 I Fair. 9 I u 6 I „ 3 i ! Sound. Clean. Mostly 1 Hound. 1 Sound. I I ! H272l|Sati8factory. 02722} 62723 Fairly ; Incipient ferment- ti2724 Water content to. clean, ation. : high. Clean, j ., „ . . «272.'i Un9»ti»factor)-. . • ' 62726 Satisfactory. X jMoatly I sound. 1 Sound. -Fairly [Incipient ferment- 62727 Water content too clean, ation. 1 high. I Clean. 1 .. „ ..: 62728jUn8atiBfactory. Fairly 1 62729|Sati«factory. clean. Clean, j 62730; I A. RICKKY. IXSPKCTOR. 21 4 ; Fair. ' Sound I 2« 7 17 6 2i>7 24 0 1 19-5 23 6 21 0 24 6 207 (lood. Fair. Good. Fair. (ioad Fair. Clean. ; 1 63301 Satinfactory. Incipient ferment- 6;?302 UnBatisfactory. ation. Si>!!n.i nioan. Fairly clean. 63303 Satisfactory. 63304 63305 633G6 6330K 63.105 63310. 63330 I ;;i lb 16 BULLETIN No. 293- .2 I Naturi' uf I NaiiH and AildrfsHiif d>t.t. ' MuMutHctiirpr or h'uriiJHl)(>r as jfji,.,, (,y thi- Vendor. .\ani>' and Aftdr>v<^ of \'»-ndor. .Mannfactiirir. Ftirni»lM DI.STKlCr OK KIN(i.STON_ 1W4, Mar. 12 Evaimratid AnpIeH. 12 V2\ „ H ■ 12 121 I 13| 13 16 16 WJ077 r. A. llatrn.r,Kin;,'ston. IJ 1>., . . IKKCTC. H. PickerinK, King-- U .. . ton. . liOorit Andi iNon l!ro> , Kin^i- IJ ■■ ton. frWHO H. A. .Sinitli, King.0iK3 D. Couiwr, Kingston. . . H ., . fUmi,]. Keddin >^: Co., Kings- H „ i ton. 60(W,'>F. KoDc'Viar. Tort llo|».. Ik ., 61X186 \V. ,1. Ra\idsoi! Hay I Co., Ltd., Tur. onto. 23 Unknown . UI.STRICT OF HAMILTON April 14|Evaporateil ! -Apple " 29 L'.I. II. .Marshall, 1(»1 <,>ueen st., Niagara Falls. li lb W „ 111 i Binder* Harrison,! ■ Kincardine. 20 ; DISTRICT OF WINDSOR- Mar. '"a|K>ratefl Apple ■">:i(ll'.i F. McLoujrall, Ingersoll 3 tins. 15 E. O. Kohinsim A Co., Ingi'isoll. 17 EVAPORATED APPLES. In |„<-liirV Kl'IKilt I nut ;lll f X|tM']4.>Il "f npinioii). RisiiltB iif iiialvHix Kniliwl. s KfniarkA and OiiiiiiDti of the Chief Analyat. WIKS irOGAX, INSPKCTOK. |i.c j i 18t> j Fair. Si.iincl. Fairly 1"'9 j .. .. I „ lit-l I (i„.*1. I „ i!M : .. \ ., ! „ 17-t; ! .. I „ ' „ I •23 3 •JliM 25-!l I 60077 601178 WJ079 6C080 mm 60083 Satisfactory. Iiici|)ient firiiKiita- (WWiUnsatii tioii. 210 l\«ir Mu-tlv Fairly ; SOOSo' Doubtful Sound cl*-aii. I •St 7 (iii.Kl. S.mii(l. ('Iran 'factory. 111. liOtW Sati>ifacU)ry. I. l>.\i;Klt, INSI'KfTOH. •-':!!• ! Fair. Si»,w\. d.-an. 21 ■: : (;:t:;s:(.l. I':,, .Nfainst.X.. l", \\'lllllil'r'..'. .vest Max. Jlryp'. li!>* .Main I { >t., \ViriiLi|«-i.'. MyCI. (iiaiit * (',,., N.itreU l>auif' a\''.,\\'iniii)i*'jf . .V'U'-iti.l. A. Mi'Di.w.ll. ■ U • ''■rtap- av«., W'iiini- }"■!:■ .v;-.".Hi \V ft It. Mayn,, Main I.J ^t. N., \Vinni|»«'if. Kicliarils A HrnMii, \Vinni|)en. Ih- A. Maolun;,!;! Co., Ltd., Win- ni|]fg. M..S.l,i,.r, Ont. ■20 L Mahl.-y & .S„n« Strathrov, Out. ; -'•' .. . . Cani|)l»-ll I!r.«. ft ' W'.Nim, Winni- I I I""?- ! 20 !0. K. I!..t,inson A! i j Cip., liiKTvill. I Ont. 23 ;\V. H. Benson, Til.- (AKlvill,. (■,,, ! Pictou, Ont. ; Winnipeg. DISTKK T OK SASKATCHEWA.N . t Mar. A.. .1 .firil ■-'i; Kva|.. .'ill an a>t M 31 1 ,'l:i 1 ilat«-.l A|.|,l.. 'W7ii_' \', I'mz, K.gina. 11 lb l.j ;.Mahler Mrus., i Ont. . Ii:)7i''.i lii^trs I'.r..-., Hfgin:i... M. „ T, fTht- I'lnlliiw C'„ ,:,.,,,. .. , KHlv,-r.svilI.',Ont l.f)l.i( iiiwnliriiCHry, K<>;ina. W ., If i''.i, IS Th.. CoLiiiial OriKTry. 'l.\ „ 2," lit'trina. : ~ ' j i.:!7lM S. II. V.-rva. li.ifina. . .JU i C5 Mahl.r Hn«.,Dre8- . . j ! (Ii-ii. Ont. i ii.l.L'L' Ih.' i;.'KinaTrailiii(;(',,.,|H „ 211 K'tfiiia. j ' "i i;:CL': Hai.irlM, ( r .«n l.nKcry, H.-)fina ij .. 2a Tin- I'hillijiH Co.,' ,..,.,,... ,, ,,..,,. . Jil- K. U. Wiliiani. A H„n». 15 ,. 20 Lawrie Co.,K.iri»t,' Kcpiiia. j ■ Ont. (i.'?73KCV,vMi OiiKiry, U,(?ina|U ,. ,Xil-TI,c IMiilliiis Co., I i i liiihervville, Ont! 19 K. APORATED APPLES. K»ulta of Aniklysis. Iit-pri'ti>r'i4 U<*|M>rt. II' it an <'XpreH(*i(iii i • ■f opini(»n). t 1 1 ^ ■s "s •3 A ~ t S j 5- •4 0 ! A ('. LAKIVIKKK. IXSPKCTOH. Konn !. Kt'tiiarknanH Oiiinion of the Cliief Analyst. 1..C. 2C» I 21 « 24 0 19 5 15 S< -1 Kair. ti.Kxl Sound Fair. 20 « t:(,«l. 20 a ,Fair.. 17 1 I M Fairly Clean . . Fairly clean. . Clean. . . . Mwtly I I sound. ' SSSHl .•);i282 53283 53284 •J2!C. r,;fjs»! 5:t2.S7' factory. . Fairly..! Xiil^Hj 1 lean, | 26 I (jmxl . . .Sound . . Clean , 20 \:m S|».nc. r A T.kIcI, M,,li. 1 \ cim- Hat. M'JluH. A. McKillo,. Co., 1'. ' l.>-tlihrin„ii» ii.iy c' n liridjff. r.iwa iviitivy Co. Ltii.. }.,-f; ]\ J bridgt*. 51114;! CaiiipU-ll. Wilson * 1 1, llorni'. Calgarv. olIUli;,-,.!^;, .1. \V,«;|, (al ij •"■1(145.1. H. .Morri.s.t (',,., K.l IJ inoiitoii. 51940 Hfiuv \Vil»on. IMmon U t-n. L'.t Thi- CiM, Co., llMinilfon. i^' Tou n tt Ca sf, Clinton, Out. '2*i .1 nil n son HroM., l-'orM^t, tint. ■^> Win. Silian», Clif fold. tint. -11 W. V. Scliaiis, Clif- . fonl. Out. 22 lli^V" Krnit,^ Pro I. • Iiic- Cii,, Ltil.,! HuiliiiKton, Ont. i ■M I'.urr iV 'I'llttl., Sal- mon I'oint. Ont.l l«ilor & Cunipanv,! Osliawa. ■ I TliHiJiM Co. Ltd., Hamilton. j W. 11, ItfiiRon, ricton, Ont. IH.STIIICT or UOCKV MOIXTAINS- Feb. 17 F:v.i,«,rutH .■K)07'.lL. C. Masson, I!, v.j. U R, ,10 F. R Ulor ft Co. " 17 " 17 April 13 " 13 May 2 2 li ■• 12 .. 12' AppL-ii. ' stoke. V.i' .. .500Ss. .Syniin^'ton.! -N'apanee. ( Int. 2."i Had ley Cuniuhir . j * 'o., Talent, ( Ire. ■M ' Halt"., Ill-, Sniv,. ft I, <■,>., Mamiri.,n. 2."> Thi,s. Symnn; , .\.i|Mn.., , (Int. ■S> l'.aIf.,iuSniye,VCo. Hamilton. 20 Tile F, K. Lalor Co., Uunnvil le, • lilt. .lames Turn. Hamilton. :A. MacDonaltl, i: Co., Feinie, ISC 31 K\ APORATKD APPLES. In- .*-ct«»r'H R#»f»f»rt. I- ii"t all cxprrHMion "f (i|iininii). RimiltH III Analj>i>'. 5 t ■f. \ 5 \ W R. MARKLKY. rXSPECTOR. Kimnil RciiiarkH :iiid Opininii of tlip Chi.'f AiialvBt. o 1 '■'•■ III 3 K;ii. . -'hty 1 It (i (uxhI. ,.|. 1(1 0 ji 4 Kriir. (;<«k). .Miwtly Miniwl. SoiiihI. Ifi 5 .. 22 4 ., 21 1 Fair. •.li I „ 15 5 'hty Fuiily 1 r.llK!" I'nsati.ffaitory. ' clean. CU- Kairly clean. I 51!t38 Sati.ifaitory. ril!).3!t 5111411 ullMl ")iy42 -ilfMS r)l!)44 ol'.M.-. .-.Iit4(l THUS. PARKKK. INSPKCTOR. I 'ii.iii. 22 1 I (loKl. .Soun.l. Clear. 20-1 27 .! 'nr: ; Fvit. 22 !t , 'JcxkI. 1 32 3 •• 23 S Fair. 20 2 (■ood. Soimil. Fairly ' uleaii. .■)'I07!I Satisfactory. 50081) Clean. 1 50081 Water content high. " I 50087 Satidfactcry. i fiiciiiient ferni-nta illG'18 Water content to 'V •'""■ high. Clean. ;One worm and nine olOOi) Uniatisfactory. v-J 6101!a.atis.fa!-tiiry. I>1«12 Beetles. 251 I 61618; 1 1- = of 0 Sample. 19U. i Mar. 3] K i I 31, i t r. 17; 17 17 21 21 21 i 22j 22! v.-\|«)iati-' Api Mar 12 K 13 vafHiratcil A|>|il,s BULLETIN No. 2y3- NaiiiH and Addrtss (if Vt*nd(tr. COHt. Name and Adilresas of Manufacturer or Kiimifther, As (fiven by the Vendor: =• I O Manufacturer. FurnixlK DISTRICT Ol' VANCOUVKK- r.l'WiH, A. KdReit (•..., Ltd.. Hill,. 2.-, rnkmmn i > aiic, li. C. " ! - 13| I ; 13; 13; i I .. is' i>V.m \V,K,d»-ardl>e|,t. .St4,re,, H Van.-, 1!. ('. JIllilK.Swindill ISr.i,., H17 1.J { t'oilUlHTiral I »r i V (■ I .Vane. li. ('. 5r)00*t Kinjr (Jnicrry ('.»., !t5(. l,i, ( 'oliuiKTrial 1) ri V e. Vane. 1!. C. ,V)001 Kal.0ll2:Aniiaiidal.' Supply To., U I ''"liiuibia .St.. Newi \V.-strriilii«t.r, 3. C. ■mtm: .\. W.Uli Ltd , New u ' Wi-stuilui-t.r. I!. C. i ' .ViiNU l.arsin .t .Vunc. (WllJ Krunt St.. New Went- minister. li. ('. 35005 \V. H. Walhti, Seymiur IJ I A l)a>ie .St, , Xew ! We-tliiiniv r, ii. C. 5500(lT|,e Welist.r llr-,8.,U j U.I., UTi (Jraiiville, I St., .Vew WestminiK-l ter, n.C. ; I/eeson, Dickie. ; <;rii..sAC.i..l.i,l Vane, n. V. 20 ,K. K. LalH>r&Co ! i Ltd., Dunnville.! I Out. I 25 il'nknown TlieW. II. Malki.. ! : fo., Ltd.. Va,ic. li. C. 2,5 F. H. I„al„r C. .i .. Ltd., Duunvllle.l t): t. 25 20 iCupgenl.ime* Co.. Kelly, l)on(iIa» k I California. C,,., Ltd., \aiH', I H. C. 20 IK. li. Lalor Co., ; Ltd.. Duiiiiville,' I Out. I DISTRICT OF VICTORIA- oi77."i('. V. \V(»»I, 971 Vate., U II, St.. N'ietona, H. C. .">77H1 .\etonUr..s. 1(17 |),,ii^. |1 „ j n^ l.i»St.. Viet.iria, li C. ; C. ri77.s;i Windsor (ir.xt-ry Co., U ., .xl7 C.ivt. St.. Vie- ■ I toria, It. C ! ■■>77HJ The WeKt Knd r;r,H.«ry U I Co., Ltd., 1002(;,,»t. " I St., Victoria, H. C. 1 r>77K7:Co|)a» t doling, fi.lSIJ I tort St , Victoria, B. 577W Coiia« ft Young, K. 1'. RitlietftCo Ltd., Vict or 1:1 H. C. 25 25 23 EVAPORATED APPLES. Re8ult8 of Analysis. lii«|)wtor'8 Report. tl-H 11' )t an cxpres- -^ion of opinion.) 3 Kcmarks and I Opinion of the ; Chief Analyst. a Found. 0 v.. .1. MORUAN, INSPECTOR. p. e. I 20-8 (iuod. ; .Sound. 1 Clean. 20 4 22 4 ! 24 C l'i'\ ninrked 'V-o n ■ taiim .Sulphur Di- "-\idi'. 20 : 25 4 24 y 20 6 23 6 (Jood. .-.4997 5499S .54099 Sati8factory. .'iSOOO 53001 iVery slight tr.iwSO,! Kmi Slight trace SO, l>. O. SULLIVAN, INSPECTOR. 5,Toat .5.^>0O4 55005 RBOOO ' 'ni Hran-l 23 5 ; ti,«Kl. Sound. | Clean. 25 2 i Fair, ■^'""jy ' •'""''''y I mund clean. I Sound. 23 8 1 22 8 23 0 25 9 tiood. i Modtly I sound. Sound. 67775 Satiafactory . 57781 67783 I 37784^ Cli-an. Heavy trace SO J. ..I 67787 Excess Rulphurnus \ acid, ot h e r w i 8 e j ; satisfactory, I Doubtful. " 57788 Satisfactory. it] '! .. ! ' I 'I 24 C,Ihs. L^, 'xnrfnlk l'r..«.rvi„K •VitI.- \MT Cut. St., Vio. t I tuii.i. I!. (' ■ '"j ■■ .. .">77!t2H. (). Kirkhaiii. 741 1 ; F.irt St., \ ict,.j-ia. I',. -1 f-'' lij " J77II.". Krskiiifit Cu.,.si;i.l,,i,,j. 1 ' Ktoii St., Victcjiia, I!. i C. <.'«'., Siiiici«',()nt. -.') rnkiMiwii ... I'nkniiwii. 17, '2'> (_'a]ifiirina I'niit v. < 'aniiHrV As.m)ci atioij, San ^'ratl -— ,„. ,11... ci^io. ( 'iihfdiTiia. ■■i.'.i:n . II. |',arnn(,'t..ii, U'.".' 1», ,. 2.-| K. K. I,al..r & I'oit St., \' 1! ' , - . . \.Ui.. Diininilli', Out. /o. ^ iMa tt.if I - /J./i ^«i<> ••^1 ^^*^- -, /i./x >«./*t> /4.t/^ 73,;i/^ J*-^i>=. '.VAPORATED APPLES. ■\'* not ivii iiiifiii). 25 HeswltM of Anulysis. ? S Kouini. Hrmarks and Opinion of tfif Chief Analyst. » I imcluded. 1>. c. 21-5 : I'oor, Mostly i Soinnl. 21 I' I Fair. i3 -' Tool-. Xot I'hipi' bi'ctlw "iTTSD UnmitiKfactory. Clean. Clean. Twti l>eetleM. Fairly One ilead lj 25 4 Xot iThrei' wornifi. Clean. I 577'J".I