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Les diagr^mmes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 2 3 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART ANSI and ISO TEST tHAk' Nr, ,' 1.0 I.I 12.2 ■ SO ^°^' Hill ■' —S .«. 13.2 2.0 1.25 ill 1.4 1.6 _^ /APPLIED irvMGE Ir 'y Standards for cludcjing Fruits Approved by The Ontario Fruit Growers Association for Trial iti the Year I'' II .0S9 1911 ST.\\I).\i;i)s |.'(M,- .IllXilVO Flil ITS Al'l'ROVKD H\ TIIK ONTAIMo FhTI'l' lil.'OWKIJS' ASSocl \ TlOX |-(»l; Ti;i.\L IN TIIK VKAi; I'll I. 'I'M MITTIJ W. 'I'. M \cnr.N. Cliiiinn.-iii. W. II. Okmi'skv. A. E. Shkrkin-i;t(in, .1. \V. ('i((n\, M S, l'i;\RT CdocvLsprr), W. II. hr.vTiN.i. M'IM.KS .\NI> I'KAR.-^. Siiii/i) ri litis: '•"'"■"1 i:, ~''^" i^ I 'iiloiir •)-, I 'nif(inuit\ 2.') Kl-ff(liillj IViilri l"i'iiiisll 20 100 i'i:,\iMi-.s. '■'"•'" i;^ ^•^'' 1^(1 < 'dliiiii- .)- I inl'iiriiiily .),) l-'i'fi'(l(iiii riMiri Hlcinisji 20 1(11 1 2 PI, ['MS. >in*7/r f'loh<;: Form Ill Sizf. . . ■_),') < 'iiliiiir ]-, I [lii'iiriiiii y 2") I'Vci'ildiii fi-uni Ulcriiisli 2.") luij I i'l.liHIK.S. Singh I'latts: Fonii ](l ^izf 2n Colour v;i) I riiroriiiitN- ;_'.", Fri'i'doiii from Ulniiish J."i inn ^^KF.m.INdS ANP "aN^- OTFIfR VAI.IKTV. Svifili riatis: Form I.-1 Sizp IT) Colour 20 rniforniity in Freedom from Hli'iiiisli In iiality and T(\\tiirr 2r> l^oasoii . . 5 100 (UiAI-KS. Siiu/h riotis: Form if Riiiii'I) id Size of Umicli ]-, J>i/f' of Hrrry in * 'olour 10 Hloom ,-, F'Mpdom fiMin Mlomisii 2n Quality 25 FitTiiiiPs.K -, ino 3 n'vrm -, iFiiiiuii ,- \Mi ,,!( \i'i.:s. Oil I ■lilies. • I' I'l'in Sizi. < 'I'loiir I lllt'u|-|lilt> Ki-'Tilmri I'lMiii hl,irii>|| Vii;ili(\-. . • 'Miiirnrfcial V^iUir . . . \i>ini'ii<'laliii'r ArniiiLTriMcnl Season Ill 10 i:. •_MI If) 1(1 .) .") 5 100 BARRELS : APW.Ks. Fruit : ^^^■^ 10 Tolour 20 I'nifdiiiiity 15 I'Vii'dnin from Hlcinish lo Texture and Flavoiir M l'ii(k(i 100 noXKS: APIM.KS, IKAKS. I'KArllKS. Si/f. In Colt 111 r. . . jii I iiit'tiriiiitv. |., I'"r'i(|i.iii IVmiii r.i. iiii-li i;, 'I'lAliii'' .iinl l''l;r, ..III- | ,"( I'm 1,'iifi I n 1 1 L' . . . J l'"illlii-N nr I'.iiIlti' 4 ^liiilill \ Ml- ( '.illl|MrI llrv^ ,"1 All l-.-icI l\ iflr-s .iimI Si v |.- (if I'arl. ; :, A liL'iiiiH'nl 4 <■) 25 100 KNI'l.W \'rinN (IF Tlini-; KUflT. Arniini, „i, 1,1. '|'a>tr ;ilii| -.k[\\ m ^tllL:illL; '-n .'IS to :iiir,ir| ;il|riiiiiiii and aW.l t<> \[\,- ^rni iTal ;i|ilic;ii:ilh-i' dl' |||,- rxllllilt. CnLntr. ]WvA\\. rlcar. UrII ,if\.-l,.p,'(| ,-,,1 our, ••liafurlri'istir cT llir vaiirt\ . I'nmiii, r, nil Viihi,. SiandaiMl. kiniuii iiuir l^^l vai-ic|i.>. a> Lirnwii in ami ^nilcd l.i |1|,' ili-.ll-ici, prrtrlTcd. /■'•./■///. — In all, ,\r..y\ s.cdlinsj-s. ivfns I" llir nnniial t\ |H' III- shapr of III.' van,'l\ , lull III llic i-a d.'sirrd in a (■iiiiiinci'cial varictv. A niiindisli iipplr is nf the must di'si rail],, .shape, and latf and (ihlonir apples Irast dcsiraiilc Fnriliim from Hl> tm^h \n\ in.iiirv b\ lllHtVl.S, rillM.'IIM. l)riliNI'S. loss (if Sldll. lir I'tlHT idiisi', lessen! II '_' the value or jippenriinee of till- '■sliiliit simll ill' cjilleil n lileiiiisli \()lll) llilillllli K\lllllll» lrill>l III' eorreetly ll'lllieil ill nlillL.' ti> the ll<>|||i'tirilltlll-e ii<|ii|i|i'i| hv the Soi-iely, Assoeiiitimi or Kxhihitinii at will h ih.y are shown The use of the staii 'lard (i|' liniri.(ir|;i| HIT :i.|ii|i|i.(| li\ ihr Aiiirn eiili l'niii" Society IS (■.■.■(iiiiiii.ihl. ,| I,, -il'-h liiiilii's. riihslniiii. Vrww ..II .Aliihilioii ^hall have a^ IMIh'!l ..r III. li;i|l||-al K|..nli| ,|.^ |„,smI,1,, • ' inl'-'i's, >h.Mil(i iliM'tiiiiMLre |i(ili.>lniiL:. (Jinihlii ami T'l/id-i. To I.,, cniisiilfreil in i-ip||r.r||iins, seiMllid..'.. iic'v varii'tii^ mi inai m- other >«orts III I'.iiinirlitiiiii. >Vflr.sV)» In .■nll,.,.ti(ms it is desinidle to hnvr :is l(inir a M'asnn as p..>>iliii. I''.seiiii i| liy the varietn's vliown. \'arirtiis p,-isl .on ditioii '.-o|-|. :is hiLM a- appl'-- III '•,,||,iiii,,|| iliMij.jli .,|' |,-|t,T s,.:i. .11. Size, W'llil.- si/,. ill soil!,. r;i.>,.s iiiili.iiles eai-i- ami ^kill in pro(lii.-lii.n. it is not iisiiall' t'oiin.l u ith llie li!<_dii-t .ol,,!!!- ,■,,,, | \\ it], |V,.,. 'I"'ll t'''o|ll lll.'MINJli.v ; ami ;is |:ir._.,- si/,- is ||o| .as iliilioi-laiit as IiimIi ..ol,,iir' ,'iiiil (v |..|ii IVolii I'll-lllisll.-.-^, thr I;il'l..-St fruit s||,,l||,| II,. I |,-|1;,. 'Ik' li''^' pn/r unless it is i-ipi.-il of l„-tl,.|- ill ,.tli(-r i-,-spi..-ts i|i;iii t!i,,s,. in .•.,ii,|,..tiii,,|| with it. / iKfuviiiiltj. Sppciiiiens sli ,|||,| |,f. .,^ nearly alike in si/,., fomi .itid ,-.,|.-,r ns R.XPI.ANATION or Tr.RM^ fACRING A M> r \i K Miy.s. Mii/iitnint. — Aliu'iiiiiciit n't'crs !o ihp nmn • •r I'riiit in tin- Im»x the striiitrht'T anil iiioi-i' rciriiltir tliP niWH tli.- Iiftti-r ix tin- nliL'imi.'iit Allrnili, niisH iihfl Sli/h MN is n|H'||,.|| til. rrilll sIlMllld |.,,,k ^iMlllr live. Till- -kill ,in.| 'J^ml l;isti. ni thr [iIM'ki'l' is shii'All ill tllr ;i|(|ic,l|-,-lI|,r t.' !'• n\' Ihr |.,|.-k TlhTi' ill-.' Illll(l> .sl> Irs lit' I'.l'-k. Iillt till' (.lh si M 111' llsrij wjii.'Ji Jc'iiiN its.lf lif>t I., till v^iririy :inil ^i/i' III' I'niit piickrii. Til.' (li.iL'Miial [1.1. -k with M.lid -iiii's i> iiri't'rriTil, Til.' i'riiit vIk.hM |i,. ;is iic';ii-|\ ;ilikf itl .si/r :iiii| ■•ulmir .'is (hismIiIi . Till' liiix :iNii slimilil Ih' .■Ip;,ii ;niil .it t fJU'tivr liiMkiiiL'. Hiilnr A tnilLTP or s.m'II in tho f,ip row nf fruit i-. tirri's>:iry iti orclcr tn I'lisiirr the fruit ' -a rr\- in L' \\<-ll, Rrt'in-r the tup is put on tlu'ro -lli'lllij lie ,-| ImiIi.^' o| oik ;iriil olli halt' itli'lli's I'l till' rrlltri of ihr toj; row allil till' ffllit -hmilil he i>!ii' i|iiafti r of an inch alio\'i' tlir lop of the 1)1. \ at till' on, Is When tho roviT is on tliiTr should h,. .1 Inilirr of tluvv ipiarti'tx "f an iiii-li at thr lioth top ami liottom. FiKimr Whrii faritiLT a liarri'l. or whf'ti lii'Lianniii',' t^. |ia-k a l.ari-ol. thr apiilo,- foi- th.' lirsl row shoiiM hi. pnt .•airfiilly in with thr sfiiii mil ili.wn. till- st-ms havinL' Ih'mh first cut "*''' so thai thi'v \\]\\ not iiijiii'.' thr fruit whfti [ircssi.-j If slit:htl\ -nialhi- H|.p|rs arr ""'''! ill ll iNi'!.- l-ovv ,■,11.1 l;ii"jvr .uvs ill ''"■ '■'■"' 1''^ I' llll|.rii\ r- III,. ,|[l|ir;|r,-|l|,-r ,,\' I h, '•'<■'•■ A ^.'.ihl IV. M N n,.\\ jiiii in, in tlh' "-•'III'' iii.iMii.r lis Id,, lirst. ;,ni| liii.s,. :i|,|,|,.s ^' I'l '"■ ■■n-iMiiL:,..! s(, lli,.,\ A ill .||-i\ llir,,ii-|i tin. ^|,;r-,.-, !i,.l\\,.,ii |||,,v,. j,, H,,. (j,.^, ,.,,„ Tlh'Sr l\\M r..Us ,-o,ls||I||l,. III,. r,.|c,. ,,r III,. |,.||. '■'■I. 'I'i"' t'l'iiii iN,.(i r,ii- 111,. i;i,.,. .ii.iiiM r.-iu-K ri-|,ri.M.iii th,. fnii' llir., null.. lit Mm- Imit,.!. |,,i| ''!'• •I|I[H''.'- IN lll,.s|. tU(, I-,, .A- .III, 111, I |,r,.^,.nt ■1.'- .-ittiM'-tn,. ;iii .•i|,|„.,ir.iii,.|. ;is p,,s>il,li.. 'I'll, '■I" "I '•■•iiiii-'l t.i f,'i,-iiiL:-. as (|i.|iiM.,| II th.. flisinvti...! ■•iKJ S,.|l,.v Ai-t, is as follows: "X., Iiris,,ii sh.ill M.|| ,,r ,,|V,.r. ,.x|„,s,.. iif h;iv,. in liis possrs.sidri r,.i- sal,> anv fniit i.ark,.(l in •■my packH!.',. m whi.-h thf Fa,-,., I ,,i- v||,,\vn sur- laci' uri\es a i'.il.s,. ivin-t'sciifatiiii ,,1' ili,. |.,iii- tt-lits ..1' sii ,1 |,a.-ka'j.., and it sliall li.. ,.,,Msi,l rrcd ;i false r,.pr,.siMilali,.ii wlifii i •,. tli.iii '''''■'•" I"'!' '•'■Iltlllll ..f sllfll iVllil is sl|l,sl,,li tiallv siiialli.r in six,, tli.-in, ..r inf, m.,i- in 'jrail.' '"• '"• 'lirCcivni III \,-iri..t\, th,. fa,.,.,| ,,r -hdwii .urfa,-.. c,f sii,.li |ia..k;..j,.. "' Apph's in li;ii'ivls f..i- ,.\liihiii,,n shiHiM h,. i,ark,.,l as jv ipiii'c'tl by law. rini^liiiiij. Hy liiiishin..^. is nnaiil thi. h.'.M.I iHL'-, liiiiinj-. i-hatiiiL' ami iiiafkiiiL: ,,f l||,. I,. in '"■ I'.il'ivl. Til,. h..,:,U ,,f Ih,. harivl ,||,,|,|,| - >-li"nhl h,. iiaili..| w illi Iniir ii;iils ,.|t .•a.'li 'H'l "f' '•■■I'-li -i'l-' -r th.- h,,s. Th,. nails ,,s,.,l ■^'"'ii''! ii'il 1"' ^ia;ill,.r than !h,,.s,. kii,,uii as li\v- pi'iins . Miirl.\)i,i. Til,' i.T -•kiiiL: ,,r l,.iiTrls ;,n.i lioxcs shniiM !„. ,|istiii,-t ;ini| ,itlr;i -tiv. || ^'"'lll'i ll|'l> ^^llll 111. IT-lll.'!lM,||s nf 111, 1,1- >|)CCtl(,|| .111,1 S;,|,.. A,., , li, ,|, ,..,11 I,,,. ,1,^ ^"I'l'il'^ "I' Ml- I'lu-sii.-iii n.iiii.s ,,r ih,. ,M,.i„.,.. Im.s .Mirii.'iiii,'. ;,ii,i 111-, ,i,l,|r,ss: th,' ri;itn.' of tli,' ^■■"'i''.^' "I' '■'■iiil. .111,1 III,. ,|,.Mu'n.iti,,n ,.i' III,' i:i-;ii|,. w li,ili,i ii |„. ■•F;iM,-\." ■■Xi, 1, ■ ^" -■ "I' ""^" ■'■" Sii.-h in.-irls iiiny I,,' a,',',,iti),;iini.,l l,\ ;iiiy -mIi,!- , j,.>iL.'ii;i t i,,ii ,.f L'lMd,. ,,r |.|M||,| if |i|;,t ||,.^iir,|,.|,|,,|| ,,,. |,r,,||,| is II, ,1 111,-, ,11, 1st, 'III w nil. ,,,• i,Mrk,',| III, ,1V ,.,,11 S'i,.,| ,,,i it,,. ,;.,,,| ii,-,,-),;,^,,, ■• Matn-iiil f,n- Burr, Is. Th.. sian,!;,,.,! |,,-,||.,.| must lj,- lar-,. .-iioimli lo riintaih al 1,-asi !),, MiuirUs ,,1' tViiil Sii,all,.r harr.'l.s -,li,,iil,| ,i,,| !„■ ,'\hiliil,.,l. Th,. Iiarivl 1,1 ,,>,. i,, ( ),i lai-iii lia.s sia\(.s :i() iii,-li,..-, m l,iiLrtli. In \,,\;, S,',,|]a Ih,. sia\,.s an. iN in.-h,.., l,,im. Th,. iliini'iiMdiis ,-all,.,| r,,r m .-, siaii,i;ir, I harni ,,1 niiiiiiinim ^i/,. .n-,.; l!,.i\\,.,.n h.-ails. 'Ji:'^ in, h,.^ wi,|,., iiisiil,. m.a.sur, 111,111 : li,.a,l ,li.iiii,i,.r, 17 inrlics, iiisidi.. iii,.;isiii-,iii,.iii . mi, 1,11,. ,liaiii,.t,-i-, KS1;_, iii,.h,'s. iiisiil,,. iii,.asiir,.iii,iit. Tin- liarifl lieiierally iis,.|i m (iniaii,, i- l'TU lli.•h.■.^ I,,- tuc'ii th,. hcails, 17 iiii'li,-, ill ,iiaiii.t,i' ;it th,- h,-v,.,| ,-|,.,-in -imj s'Min,]. Th,. h,,.>iK s|i,,iil,| h,. al„iiii r-^ in,-h,'.s in wiilth ami i-i-ht m niiiii!j,-r. Th,. liaiTi'l slhiiilil In- ni.\\ ami ch-aii. Mntfnnl for Boris. Tho box mhmild b<» iiiadr nf ni.'Ui'n;il stninu' cnmii:!! to withstr.tul li.iiidlinu' in li-Miisiint latiMii, Tlir li.'ads or end |iif('.-< stiiiiilil li'' 1 ai-h iiF Mile pici'i- lit' wciixl and lint li-ss Ihaii tlii-'i' i|iiartrrs uf an ini-li thick. Ttlc sidrs als . vliuiilil iif rarii iit' i.iif [lic.'c and Mill Irss than t}ii-rr riLdiths iif an inrh thick. Mil' tiiti and Iriittiini Imards nia\ Im' of otie or l\\i. piiris. |ii'cl'cralil\ two. lint not niorc than 'inc i|iiar'tti- nf an indi in thicle-;sin'J- the better the barrel hai been paekeij. provided, alu.iys. tliat the j)ressine- Lrivei) h:is been siitlieieiit to secure the reipiii'ed flrMinc-~s. Barrels loosely packed fre- Liuently show nioi-e injury to the fruit throiiirh ehakinif than barrels over pi'eiiseil. Rnekinfi. .\1I barrels of ajiples should be nicked when beitu: packed, so tliat the fruit will settle, and ttie jiacker thus be able to tail hi.s liarrel -.o that the fruit will cari-y well. ^^■hen the burre! is opptie' :i\sn I xprrss,.,! |,v 111.' tiTliis tinriMcs.N ;iim| (■(jiripii.'IniN--. 'I'li,. Illlll-f Sollll til,. |,;|,.k Ihc ll(.|t,.|' III,. IViiii \\JII riirry. 'Fnihiiij. ]\y t.iiiiiiL;- is in,.aiit thr inittini,' .inil pliiciiii.' ,,f til,. |;i>t fi-iiit iiild til,. Iijirn-l. Ali tli;it is ncc.'ssjiry in .j,m),I tiiiliiiir is to liiive liir surface ;is level as [hissihle with the stem eliil down when the apjili's ai'e pri'ssi'il. The eare in tailin