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New fo'x 14609 USA ^= -6) 482 - 0300 - Phone = 16) 288 - 5989 - fa. n >- ■( ;--/ CCORDIN ~~ SMSO |\ai-ljt^(>* ii I n fCi^ ^■K f AN INVOCATION Great mother, now n ?iippliant I kneel Where grassy aisles lead to thine altars .i;reen And flciwer-fragrant ; where thou tlost rrveal Thyself in all the majesty serene Of thy vabt motlierliood. Alone anil long Have I kept vigil 'neath this jiiercrd roof 'I'hrout^h which the bunliplit flecks the piny floor, Where tawny thrushes hold themselves aloof Yet flood the woodland with their golden song, As though they too were eager to adore. Or else on some gray curve of sandy beach. Where lace-like waves with soft insistence hide Their glittering treasures till at last they reach The weed-strown limits of the swollen tide ; Where in my face I felt the bitter spr.ay. And joyed to know- the swin-t sting of thy kiss ; And where I caught the salt wind in my teeth Like some keen lover who is loth to miss A single eh.arm. there oft entranced I l,iy And drew in deep draughts of thy briny breath. Ill Or else perhaps ! sought some meadow low- Where deep-fringed orchids rean-d their feathery spir-s Where lilies nodded l)y the river slow. And milkweeds burned in red and orange tires ; AN INVOCATION Where bright-winged blackbirds flashed lil