SB 818 C578 ENT No. 90. Issued June 18, 1907. ited States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY, L. O. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. THE WHITE-PINE WEEVIL.! By A. D. HOPKINS, In Charge of Forest Insect Investigations. The Bureau of Entomology has been conducting systematic and eco- nomic investigations of the weevils infesting the bark of the trunk and terminal shoots of conifers in the United States, the results of which will be published in the regular technical and popular bulletins; but since Fic. 1.—White-pine weevil (Pissodes strobi): a, Adult, smaller figure natural size; b, larva, line at left natural length; c, pupa, small! figure of adult showing natural size. (Original ) these can not be issued in time to be of service this season, this circular has been prepared to give the information which is of immediate prac- tical importance in regard to one of the most destructive of these weevils. THE INSECT AND ITS HABITS. The white-pine weevil is a somewhat elongate, brownish snout beetle, 4 to 5 mm. in length, having the thorax and elytra marked with irreg- ular spots of brown and white scales (fig. 1, @). The winter is passed in the adult stage, evidently in the ground. The beetles come out of their winter quarters and fly early in May, and after feeding for a few days on the bark of the living white-pine terminal shoots deposit their 1 Pissodes strobi Peck; Order Coleoptera, Family Curculionidie. 2 eggs in punctures in the bark of the shoot of the previous year’s growth, placing one or two eggs in a pit or cavity in the inner bark made by the beak of the mother beetle. In from six to ten days the eggs begin to hatch into small white grubs (larvee), which at first are usually found in large numbers feeding upon the inner bark and cambium (see fig. 2).. They usually work downward and sometimes extend their work into the bark of the 2-year-old stem and base of the branches. By the time the larve have completed their development (fig. 1, b) they are greatly reduced in numbers by natural enemies and other causes. The survivors bur- row into the wood or pith of the terminal and excavate individual transformation cells, which they line and cover with excelsior-like borings. In these cells they trans- form to pupee (see fig. 1, ¢) and adults, and during July and August of the same year, when the adults are fully matured, they bore their way out and seek suitable places in which to pass the winter. LONG LIFE OF THE ADULT. From recorded observations on some species of Pissodes or bark weevils by investigators in Europe, and on representatives of other allied forms in Europe and in this country, it appears that an indi- vidual adult may live two or three years and will deposit eggs each year. SEASONAL HISTORY. Fig. 2.—White-pine weevil: Newly hatched larvee The beetles are active from about at work in vigorous terminal shoot of White the 1st to the 15th of May or later, pine. (Author’s illustration.) x ee depending on local conditions and weather. Eggs are evidently deposited during the principal activity of the adults, possibly during the greater part of the month of May. The 3 period of development of the larve varies greatly. Those more fortu- nate in securing a continuous food supply may become fully developed before some of the less fortunate ones in the same terminal are one- fourth as large, although the eggs from which both came may have been deposited at about the same time. There is also a wide range in the period of transformation to the pupa and adults and again in the emer- gence of the latter. Thus, if the first eggs are deposited about the 8th of May at Milford, Pa., latitude 41° 20/, altitude 500 to 1,000 feet, the first eggs will begin to hatch about the 14th of May, the first larve will be full grown about July 8, the first transformations to the pup will take place about the 15th of July, the first adults will begin to emerge about July 25, and adults will continue to come out until the first part of September. Practically all will be out by September 15. The prin- cipal period of emergence, however, is from about the 25th of July to the middle of August. KINDS OF TREES ATTACKED. The white pine is the tree normally attacked, but the weevil is occa- sionally found in the terminals or topmost branches of the native and cultivated spruces, the jack pine, and very rarely in the pitch pine or other eastern pines. The attack is confined to the small to large sap- ling and pole stages in the development of the tree. DISTRIBUTION. Our records indicate that this weevil follows the natural range of the white pine from southwestern North Carolina into New Brunswick and Canada and westward into Wisconsin. EVIDENCE OF ATTACK. The first evidence of attack on the living terminals is the exudation of fresh, clear, and shining drops of resin. Upon closer examination fresh pinhole-like punctures are found in the bark (fig. 3), and at the same time the inconspicuous beetles may be found on the terminal ; but upon the approach of the observer the beetles will often let go their foothold and fall to the ground, where they will feign death. In a few days after the first attack the injured terminals will have the resin more or less abundant and conspicuous over the greater part of the sur- face. The first evidence that the terminals are infested with larve is the stunted, unhealthy appearance of the young growth at the tip, which will gradually die, the needles turning yellowish and later brownish. | The time of development of the broods to adults will be indicated by the first appearance of dead tips. Old work of the weevil is evidenced by the presence of old dead ter- I Fig. 3.—Work of white-pine weevil, showing character of injury, chip cocoons, and pupal cells: a, Vigorous terminal shoot, showing condition of new growth at time pup are transforming to adults; b, 38-year-old top, showing how lary # have migrated from terminal to the 2 and 3 year old internodes; c, chip cocoon and pupal cell, natural size, (Original.) minals in the forks & of the young trees 7 (fig. 4), and the re- if sults of their work 4 will be evident in the deformed growth, large forks, and i broad, low crowns of both young and old trees (fig. 5). CHARACTER OF THE DAMAGE. The damage and loss, as affecting the commercial tree, con- sists not only in the — death of the terminal ~ shoots, but in subse- quent abnormal de- velopment of the trees so injured. The dying of the leading shoot throws the next year’s growth into the upper lateral shoots, which results in a forked and many- branched top. Each branch produces a vigorous terminal, and all compete for leadership in forming the crown. In suc- ceeding years the - more vigorous termi- nals of the topmost branches are at- tacked and_ killed, causing more branch- es, and thus effec- tually preventing the Fria. 4.—Work of white-pine weevil, showing result of killed terminal development of the shoot in 4-year-old top of small sapling. (Original.) normal straight trunk and symmetrical crown necessary to a tree of commercial value. 6