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City Document No. 3.









In School Committee, January 9, 1856.

Messrs. Shailer, Crafts, and Farley were appointed a Committee to prepare and report to this Board, Rules and Regulations for their gov- ernment the present year.

January 23, 1856.

Mr. Shailer, in behalf of the Committee, submitted the Report of said Committee, which was read, amended, and laid on the table.

February 6, 1856.

Report taken up and adopted. Whereupon, it was Ordered, That twelve hundred copies of the Rules and Regulations, accompanied by the list of Studies and Text Books allowed in the Schools, be printed for the use of the Schools and Committee.

A. I. CUMMINGS, Secretary.





Section 1. The first meeting of the Board shall be held on the Wednesday next succeeding the organization of the City Government. A Chairman and a Secretary shall then be chosen by ballot.

Sect. 2. There shall also be appointed at the same meeting, a Local Committee for each school in the City, to consist of three members for the High School for Girls, and for each of the Grammar Schools, and one member for each Primary and Intermediate School; a Committee on Intermediate and Primary School Teachers, and on Books, each consisting of five members, one of whom shall be the Chairman of the Board ; a Committee on Rules and Regulations, and on Finance, each consisting of three members.

Sect. 3. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Intermediate and Primary School Teachers to receive the names and credentials of all applicants over eighteen years of age ; to examine the qualifications of those present at any regular meeting called by the Chairman ; to grant a certificate to those who pass a satisfactory examination ; and to appoint a teacher from those examined and ap- proved, to fill a vacancy in any Primary or Intermediate


School, to be confirmed ■within three months by the Board, on recommendation of the Local Committee ; also to keep a list of all approved applicants, for the use of Local Committees in providing substitutes.

Sect. 4. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Books to propose the text-books to be used in the schools. The books proposed by this committee shall in all cases be submitted to the Board for approval, but shall not be finally acted upon until said books have been before the Board at least one week, and not until every member of the Board has been supplied with a copy of the book or books proposed to be introduced into the schools. Nor shall any change of books be allowed, except on condition that the publisher of the book proposed to be introduced into the schools, shall give a copy of said book to each pupil for the one in use by such pupil, which said new book shall displace.

Sect. 5. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Finance, to confer with any committee of the Board of Aldermen and Common Council on the subject of appro- priations for the Public Schools.

Sect. 6. Stated quarterly meetings of the Board shall be held on the "Wednesday after the fourth Monday in February on the first Wednesday in June on the Wednesday after the last Monday in July and on the second Wednesday after Thanksgiving Day.

Sect. 7. At the last quarterly meeting in the year, the teachers of the public schools shall be elected, and their salaries voted.

Sect. 8. Seven members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Sect. 9. All meetings of the Board shall be held in public, except when otherwise ordered by special vote, and notice thereof shall be given to all the members at least four days previous.

1856.] CITY DOCUMENT.— No. 3. 5


Rights and Duties of the Chairman.

Sect. 1. The Chairman shall take the chair precisely at the hour appointed for the meeting of the Board ; he shall call the members to order, and on the appearance of a quorum shall cause the minutes of the preceding meet- ing to be read, and proceed to business. In the absence of the Chairman, the Board shall choose a Chairman pro tempore.

Sect. 2. The Chairman shall call a special meeting of the Board whenever he may deem it necessary, or at the request in writing of any two members.

Sect. 3. He shall appoint all committees, unless the Board shall otherwise direct.

Sect. 4. He shall preserve decorum and order in the meetings ; he may speak to points of order in preference to other members, and shall decide all questions of order subject to an appeal to the Board, on motion of any mem- ber regularly seconded.

Sect. 5. He shall declare all votes, but if any member doubt the vote, the Chairman, without further debate upon the question, shall require the members voting to rise and stand until they are counted, and he shall declare the result*

Sect. 6. The Chairman may call any member to the chair, provided such substitution shall not continue longer than one meeting. When the Board shall determine to go into Committee of the Whole, the Chairman shall appoint the member who shall take the chair. The Chairman may express his opinion on any subject under debate, but in such case he shall leave the chair, and appoint some other member to take it, and he shall not resume the chair while the same question is pending. But the Chairman may state facts, and give his opinion on questions of order, without leaving his place.


Sect. 7. When any member shall require a question to be taken by Yeas and Nays, the Chairman shall take the sense of the Board in that manner, provided one-third of the members present are in favor of it.

Sect. 8. After a motion has been stated by the Chair- man, it shall be disposed of by a vote of the Board, unless the mover withdraw it before a decision or an amend- ment.

Sect. 9. The Chairman shall consider a motion to adjourn as always in order, unless a member has possession of the floor, or a question has been put and not decided ; and said motion to adjourn shall be decided without de- bate.

Sect. 10. He shall put the previous question in the following form : " Shall the main question be now put ?" and all amendments or further debate of the main question shall be suspended, until the previous question shall have been decided ; and the previous question shall not be put unless a majority of the members present are in favor of it.

Sect. 11. When two or more members happen to rise at the same time, the Chairman shall name the member who is first to speak.


Duties of the Secretary.

Sect. 1. The Secretary shall have charge of the records of the Board, and of all papers directed by them to be kept on his files ; he shall keep a fair and full record of all the proceedings of the Board ; he shall notify all stated and special meetings ; he shall notify the Chairman of any committee appointed, stating the commission, and the names of the members ; he shall notify the meetings of all committees when requested by their Chairman; he shall

18560 CITY DOCUMENT. No. 3. 7

notify the instructors of their appointments, and shall give other notices as the Board may require.

Sect. 2. He shall prepare the annual report required by the statute of the Commonwealth.


Rights and Duties of Members,

Sect. 1. When any member is about to speak in de- bate, or to deliver any matter to the Board, he shall rise in his place, and respectfully address the Chairman ; shall confine himself to the question in debate, and avoid per- sonality.

Sect. 2. No member, in debate, shall notice another member by his name ; but may describe him by the Ward he represents, the place he sits in, or such other designa- tion as may be intelligible and respectful.

Sect. 3. No member speaking shall be interrupted by another, but by rising to call to order, or to correct a mistake. But if any member, in speaking or otherwise, transgress the rules of the Board, the Chairman shall, or any member may, call him to order; in which case the member so called to order shall immediately sit down, unless permitted to explain; and the Board, if appealed to, shall decide on the case, but without debate.

Sect. 4. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be considered by the Board, and not otherwise ; and when a question is under debate, no motion shall be received but to adjourn- to lay on the table- for the previous question to postpone to a day certain to commit to amend or to postpone indefinitely; which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they stand.

Sect. 5. Every motion shall be reduced to writing, if the Chairman desire, or any member of the Board request it.


Sect. 6. "When a motion has once been made and carried in the affirmative or negative, it shall be in order for any member to move a reconsideration, and if such motion is seconded, it shall be open to debate, and be disposed of by the Board. And in case the motion be made at the same meeting, it shall be competent for a majority of the members present to pass a vote of recon- sideration ; but if it be made at a subsequent meeting, the subject shall not be reconsidered unless a majority of all the members of the Board shall vote therefor. But no more than one motion for the reconsideration of any vote shall be permitted.

Sect. 7. Every member who shall be present when a question is put, shall give his vote, unless the Board, for special reasons, excuse him.

Sect. 8. On the " previous question," no member shall speak more than once, without leave of the Board.

Sect. 9. When the reading of a paper is called for, and the same is objected to by any member, it shall be determined by a vote of the Board.

Sect. 10. All proposed amendments to the Regulations shall lie upon the table at least two weeks. Any rule may be suspended for the time being by a vote of two-thirds of the members present.


Duties of Local Committees.

Sect. 1. The Local Committees shall visit their re- spective schools at least once a month, and oftener if con- venient.

Sect. 2. The Local Committees shall give their advice to the instructors on any emergency ; and take cognizance of any difficulty which may have occurred between the instructors or parents and guardians of pupils, or between

1856.] CITY DOCUMENT. No. 3. 9

the instructors themselves, relative to the government or instruction of the School. An appeal, however, to the whole Board, is not hereby denied to any citizen or instructor.

Sect. 3. The several chairmen of the Local Commit- tees of the High and Grammar Schools shall be the organ of communication between said committees and the schools ; but shall not act definitively on any matter of interest to the school, without the sanction of a majority of the Local Committee.

Sect. 4. In case of a vacancy in the office of principal in the High or Grammar Schools, nominations and elec- tions for the place shall be made by the Board.

Sect. 5. In case of a vacancy in the High or Grammar Schools, in the place of any teacher, other than the princi- pal, the Chairman and Local Committee shall, if they think proper, after an examination of his or her qualifications, appoint a teacher pro tempore, and give notice of such vacancy, at the next quarterly meeting of the Board, that it may be filled by election. And no such teacher shall be appointed by the Board, until he shall have been examined as aforesaid, and shall have received a satisfactory certifi- cate thereof. The masters or heads of departments shall be consulted in the appointment of their assistants.

Sect. 6. In case of a vacancy in the place of a teacher of any Primary or Intermediate School, it shall be the duty of the Local Committee to give immediate notice thereof to the Committee on Primary and Intermediate School Teachers.

Sect. 7. In addition to these specific duties of the Local Committees, it shall be their duty, generally, to make any temporary arrangement which they may find necessary, relative to their schools, or the convenience of the instruc- tors, in cases not provided for by the general regulations.

Sect. 8. Although the interest of the schools demands Local Committees, yet each member of the Board shall


consider it his duty to watch over all the public schools in the city, to attend their examinations, and to visit them at other times so far as practicable.

Sect. 9. No teacher or other person in the employ of the School Committee, shall purchase anything at the expense of the city without a written order from the Local Committee of the School for which such purchase is to be made, or from the Chairman or Secretary of the Board, and all bills for salaries, repairs, books and furniture, shall be approved by the Local Committees, or in case of absence or any other inability, by the Secretary of the Board.





Sect. 1. All the teachers shall be responsible to the Board for the faithful discharge of their duties. They shall punctually observe the hours for opening and dismis- sing the school, and during school hours shall devote themselves to the public service.

Sect. 2. When any teacher is reported as very defi- cient, by the quarterly examining committee, and placed on probation by order of the Board, the Secretary shall notify such teacher of the same, and state the deficiencies reported.

Sect. 3. The morning exercises of all the schools shall be commenced by reading from the Holy Scriptures, fol* lowed by the Lord's Prayer.

Sect. 4. The teachers shall open the school rooms of their respective schools, for the reception of scholars, at least ten minutes before the time prescribed for com- mencing the school.

Sect. 5. The teachers shall give the children constant employment, and endeavor by judicious and diversified modes, to render the exercises of the school pleasant as well as profitable; they shall maintain firm, prudent and vigilant discipline ; they shall punish as sparingly as possi- ble, consistent with securing obedience, and shall govern


by persuasive and gentle measures as far as practicable. They shall never resort to corporal punishment, until other means of influencing the pupils shall have failed; and when it shall be necessary, it shall be administered in such a manner as to operate on the moral sense of the pupil in the strongest manner. As far as practicable, they shall also exercise a general inspection over their scholars, as well out of as within the school, and on all suitable occa- sions inculcate upon them the principles of truth and virtue.

Sect. 6. The teachers shall keep a list of the scholars under their instruction, and shall record the page of the text-book at which every class commences in each term, and also the page to which it shall have advanced during said term, and this record shall be open to the inspection of the School Committee.

Sect. 1. The principals of the Grammar Schools are authorized under the direction of the Local Committees, to make such classification of their respective schools, and such regulations for the discipline and government thereof, (not in violation of the regulations of this Board,) as in their best discretion they may deem expedient. And it shall be the duty of the principals to examine the pupils under the care of the assistant teachers, in said schools, as often as they can, consistent with proper attention to those who are under their immediate charge.

Sect. 8. The teachers of the several Grammar Schools shall impart oral instruction to their pupils, at stated times, by assigning topics for their consideration, referring them to approved works for information, questioning them upon the themes assigned, and communicating such infor« mation thereon as they may think necessary. These ex- ercises shall take place as frequently as may be practicable in the opinion of the Local Committee and teachers. A list of the topics shall be open to the inspection of the examining committee.

1856.] CITY DOCUMENT. No. 3. 13

Sect. 9. In all the classes of the High and the Grammar Schools, (provided the pupils are able to write a fair, legible hand,) the teachers shall require, at least once in two weeks, regular exercises in Composition, to consist of Essays, Letters, Descriptions, or Abstracts of Lessons according to the age and capacity of the pupils. These exercises shall be corrected by the teachers, and preserved with their dates respectively, in writing books, to be inspected by the committee, as evidence of the pro- ficiency of the pupils in penmanship, punctuation, use of capitals, spelling, and the grammatical construction of sentences. In the first division of the Washington and Dearborn schools there shall also be regular exercises in declamation.

Sect. 10. When the example of any pupil is very inju- rious, and in all cases where reformation appears hopeless, it shall be the duty of the teacher, with the approval of the Local Committee, to suspend or expel such pupil from the school. But any child under this public censure, who shall have expressed to the teacher his regret for his folly or indiscretion, as openly and implicitly as the nature of the case may require, and shall have given evidences of amendment, shall, with the previous consent of said com- mittee, be reinstated in the privileges of the school.

Sect. 11. It shall be the duty of the teachers to take good care of the apartments of the public buildings which they occupy, and of the appurtenances thereof, that there may be no unnecessary injury sustained by them ; also to attend to the ventilation and temperature of the school rooms, and to the cleanliness and comfort of the pupils.

Sect. 12. No subscription or contribution, for any purpose whatever, shall be allowed by the teachers, in any public school.

Sect. 13. Any teacher may, by permission of the Local Committee, take half a day each term, for visiting such other school in this city, or in the vicinity, as may be


designated, and the name of the school thus visited shall be entered in the teacher's register, with the date of the visit.

Sect. 14. When the teachers in the Grammar and Primary Schools leave their divisions, temporarily, and require their places to be supplied by others, they shall notify their Local Committees, who shall provide the sub- stitutes ; and as far as practicable, these substitutes shall be taken from the list of approved applicants in the hands of the Committee on Intermediate and Primary School Teachers, and the salary shall be at least two-thirds that which is paid to the teacher of the division.

Sect. 15. No teacher shall be allowed to relinquish the charge of his school without giving at least three weeks notice to the Local Committee ; and in ordinary cases no teacher shall be required to give up the charge of his school without having received at least three weeks notice to that effect.

Sect. 16. Any teacher who shall persist in violating the Rules of this Board, shall be put on probation by the Local Committee or the Chairman, who shall report the delinquency at the next meeting of the Board.

Sect. 17. The teachers are authorized to make vocal music one of the exercises of the school.

Sect. 18. It shall be the duty of the principals of the Grammar Schools, to see that those pupils, who have com- pleted the course of studies required in these schools, are transferred to the High Schools, at the first examination for such transfer.

1856.] CITY DOCUMENT. No. 3. 15


Sect. 1. All children residing within the limits of this city, shall, on application to the Local Committee, have free admission to such public schools as, in the opinion of said Committee, they may be qualified to enter, provided they be five years of age ; and no obstacle shall be inter- posed by any teacher or any member of this Board.

Sect. 2. But no child shall be admitted into any of the public schools without a certificate from his parent, or a physician, that he has been vaccinated, or otherwise se- cured against the contagion of the small-pox.

Sect. 3. Children of the age of eight years and up- wards, who may pass a satisfactory examination in the reading books used in the Primary Schools, in spelling words selected from the reading lessons and from the spelling book used in the Primary Schools, in explaining the use of the marks of punctuation, in enunciating clearly and accurately the elementary sounds of our language, in writing words in script hand upon the slate, in reading and writing Arabic numbers containing four figures, and in the arithmetic used in Primary Schools, shall be entitled to admission into the Grammar Schools. Children above eight years of age, though not possessing the requisite qualifications, may be admitted into the Grammar Schools by special permission from the Local Committees.

The examination for admission into the Grammar Schools shall be made by the Principal or Assistant Teachers thereof, and shall take place on the first Mon- day of the first and third terms ; and no pupil shall be admitted into the Grammar Schools from the Primary and Intermediate Schools except at those times. Provided, however, that the Local Committees shall have discretion- ary power to admit pupils possessing the necessary quali-


fications at other times than those mentioned. Pupils changing residence shall be transferred from one school to another of the same rank, provided they bear a certificate from the teacher of the school they leave, expressing their standing and character, as a condition of their admission by the teacher to whom they apply for that purpose.

No pupil shall be admitted into an Intermediate School, from a Primary, except by the express permission of the Local Committee of the Intermediate School, and in such case, only on the first week of the month. The examina- tion for admission into the High Schools shall take place during the last week of the second term. Pupils who shall have reached the age of twelve years, and shall present a certificate of good moral character, and of presumed liter- ary qualifications, from the Principal of the school which they last attended ; and shall pass a satisfactory examina- tion in the following studies, viz : Spelling, Reading, Writing, English Grammar, Arithmetic, Modern Geogra- phy, and the History of the United States, shall be re- garded by the School Committee as qualified to enter the High Schools.

Sect. 4. No pupil, whilst under sentence of suspension from one school, shall be admitted to the privileges of another, unless by a vote of this Board.

Sect. 5. In the Grammar Schools, each session, there shall be a recess for every pupil, of ten or fifteen minutes ; and in the Primary Schools of from fifteen to twenty min- utes.

Sect. 6. Pupils shall be prompt and punctual at school, and shall not absent themselves from school except on account of sickness or other urgent reason; and no re- quest for absence shall be deemed valid, unless it be a written one from the parents or guardians. Every pupil entering after the time prescribed for the commencement of school, shall be marked tardy ; and whenever any pupil shall absent himself for two weeks in succession, he shall no longer be considered a member of the school.

1856.] CITY DOCUMENT. No. 3. 17


Periods of Instruction.

Sect. 1. There shall be four Terms in the year. The first term shall commence the Monday after the fourth Monday in February.*

The second shall commence the Monday following the last Wednesday in May.f

The third shall commence in five weeks after the last Monday in July4

The fourth shall commence on the Monday after Thanks- giving Day.

Sect. 2. The schools shall be kept three hours in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon of each day, Sundays and the holidays and vacations, hereinafter specified, ex- cepted. Schools shall begin at eight o'clock in the morn- ing, from May to August inclusive ; at 'other times, at nine in the morning; and shall commence at two in the afternoon, except the Girls' High School, which shall com- mence at nine in the morning, and close at two in the afternoon. Scholars may, however, be detained for delin- quency beyond the regular school hours.

Sect. 3. There shall be the- following Vacations:

1. One week, commencing on the fourth Monday in February.§

2. One week, commencing on the Monday before the last Wednesday in May.||

3. Five weeks, commencing the last Monday in July.T

4. One week, commencing on the Monday before Thanksgiving Day.

Sect. 4. The following holidays shall be granted, alike to all the schools : Every Wednesday and Saturday after- noon; Fast Day; Independence Day; Christmas Day;

* March 3d. f June 2d. % Sept. 1st.

§ Feb. 25th. |j May 26th. 1 July 28th..



New Year's Day ; May Day. No holiday not herein speci- fied shall be given except by a vote of this Board, or by a written certificate, signed by at least seven members of the School Committee ; and in such case it shall be given alike to all the schools in the city.

Sect. 5. The Norfolk County Convention of Teachers may be attended by all the teachers belonging to the schools in this city, for which purpose their respective schools maybe dismissed; it being understood, however, that this permission is not granted, except to those teach- ers who actually attend said Convention.



Sect. 1. Quarterly. The Chairman, or some member or members of the Board designated by him, shall visit and examine every public school in the city, at least once each quarter, without giving previous notice to the teach- ers, according to the provisions of the Statute. It shall be the duty of this committee to obtain accurate informa- tion of the condition of each school, and at the next quar- terly meeting to make a report to the Board, in 'writing, of their examination and its results ; of the condition of the school-houses, and of any occurrences affecting the standing and usefulness of the schools.

Sect. 2. Annual. During the last two weeks of the first term, a committee of seven members of the Board shall examine all the High and Grammar Schools, and a committee of five members, all the Primary and Interme- diate Schools in the city, and report upon the same, at the next quarterly meeting of the Board.

1856.] CITY DOCUMENT. No. 3. 19


Books and Studies.

Sect. 1. The Books used, and studies pursued, shall be such only as are authorized by this Board.

Sect. 2. The Text-Books authorized in the High School for Girls shall be the following :


Arithmetic. Continuation and Review of the Arithmetic

of the Grammar Schools ; Algebra Sherwin's ; Geometry Davies Legendre.




Latin McClintock and Crooks' First Book; Andrews and Stoddard's Grammar ; Arnold's Nepos ;

French Bolmar's Perrin's Fables ; Telemaque (Le Brun's) Collot's French Anecdotes.


Reading and Analysis Cleveland's Compendium of Eng-

glish Literature,; Hillard's First Class Reader; Rhetoric ; Original Composition.


Geography of the Heavens Burritt ; Natural Philosophy Johnson ; Chemistry Stockardt ; Botany ; Hygiene ;


Intellectual Philosophy Wayland ;

Moral Philosophy Wayland's Abridgement.


Bartholomew's System.


The course of studies in the High School for Girls, shall be as follows :


First and Second Terms. Arithmetic Leach and Swan's ; Ancient History and Geography Worcester's ; Physiology Cutter's First Book; Reading, Spelling, and Defining ; English Grammar, Analysis, and Composition.

Third and Fourth Terms. Algebra Sherwin's ;

History, France and England Worcester's ; Latin Grammar and Reader ; Botany ; Reading, Spelling, and Composition.


First and Second Terms.

Algebra Sherwin's ;

Latin Grammar and Reader (continued) ;

Physical Geography Cartee's ;

Natural Philosophy ;

English Literature and Biography Cleveland's Com- pendium ; Hillard's First Class Reader ;


Third and Fourth Terms.

Geometry Davies Legendre ;

Latin Nepos or Caesar;

French Fasquelle ;

Chemistry ;

English Literature and Biography Cleveland, or Hil- lard.


First and Second Terms. Geometry (Continued) ; Latin Virgil;

1856.] CITY DOCUMENT.— No. 3. 21

French Telemaque ; Astronomy Olmstead's ; Rhetoric Composition ; English Literature and Biography.

Third and Fourth Terms. Latin Virgil (continued) ; French;

Intellectual Philosophy Wayland ; Moral Philosophy Wayland ; English Literature and Biography; Composition.

[Note. Any parent or guardian desiring a change made in the course of studies, in reference to the pupils under his or her charge, is requested to confer Avith the Local Committee and Teacher.]

Sect. 3. The Text-Books authorized in the Grammar Schools shall be the following:

Worcester's Dictionary, Webster's Dictionary, Sargent's Third Reader, Sargent's Fourth Reader, Sargent's Standard Reader, Russell's Introduction to the

Young Ladies' Reader, Goodrich's History of the

United States,

Mitchell's Geographic Ques- tion Book, Swan's Spelling Book, Butler's Grammar, Green's Grammar, Mitchell's Prima. Geography, Mitchell's School Geography, Colburn's Mental Arithmetic, Leach and Swan's Arithmetic.

Sect. 4. The Text-Books authorized in the Primary Schools shall be the following:

Swan's Primary Spelling Book, Swan's Primary School Readers, Mitchell's Primary Geography, Outline Maps, Leach and Swan's Primary School Arithmetic.

Sect. 5. Scholars requiring books shall be directed by their teacher to provide them. If not so provided within three days, the teacher shall notify the parent or guardian in writing, of the kind of book required, and in case of his neglect to provide in two days thereafter, shall then make a requisition upon the Local Committee, in which shall be 2*


expressed the name of such scholar, the name of the parent or guardian, and the name of the book ; and it shall be the duty of the Local Committee thereupon to furnish the book, and make return thereof, according to law, to the Assessors of the city.



The attention of teachers is particularly directed to the following section of the Revised Statutes :

" Sect. 7. It shall be the duty of the president, profes- sors and tutors of the University of Cambridge, and of the several Colleges, and of all preceptors and teachers of Academies, and all other instructors of youth, to exert their best endeavors to impress on the minds of children and youth, committed to their care and instruction, the princi- ples of piety, justice, and a sacred regard to truth, love to their country, humanity and universal benevolence, sobriety, industry, and frugality, chastity, moderation and temper- ance, and those other virtues which are the ornament of human society, and the basis upon which a republican constitution is founded ; and it shall be the duty of such instructors to endeavor to lead their pupils, as their ages and capacities will admit, into a clear understanding of the tendency of the above-mentioned virtues to preserve and perfect a republican constitution, and secure the blessings of liberty as well as to promote their future happiness, and also to point out to them the evil tendency of the opposite vices."



William H. Ryder, Julius S. Shatter, George Putnam.


Ward 1. Horatio G. Morse, Henry W. Farley. " 2. Joshua Seaver, Ira Allen. « 3. William A. Crafts, A. I. Cummings. " 4.— James Waldock, Joseph N. Brewer.* " 5. Samuel Walker, Theodore Otis.

William H. Ryder, Chairman. A. I. Cummings, Sec'ry.


William H. Ryder, 48 Vernon st.

Julius S. Shatter, Washington, corner of Ruggles st.

George Putnam, Highland st.

Horatio G. Morse, 65 Zeigler st.

Henry W. Farley, Eustis, opposite Plymouth st.

Joshua Seaver, Ruggles st., corner of Sumner place, (Office

63 Washington st.) Ira Allen, Cabot, corner of Sudbury st., (Office, corner of

Ruggles and Tremont sts.) William A. Crafts, Washington, near Francis st.

* Elected in place of John W. Olmstead, resigned.


A. I. Cuminings, 121 Dudley st.

James Waldock, Alleghany st.

Joseph N. Brewer, 37 Centre st.

Samuel Walker, Eustis, near Dorchester Brook.

Theodore Otis, Otis, near Walnut st.


Regulations. Messrs. Shailer, Crafts, Farley. Books. Messrs. Ryder. Shailer, Morse, Farley, Crafts. Finance. Messrs. Seaver, Putnam, Walker. Filling Vacancies in Primary and Intermediate Schools. Messrs. Ryder, Morse, Otis, Shailer, Cummings.





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1856.] CITY DOCUMENT. No. 3. 27


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. One volume can be taken at a time from the Lower Hall, and one from the Bates Hall. Books can be kept out 14 days.

A line of 2 cents for each volume will be incurred for each day a book is detained more than 14 days.

Any book detained more than a week be- yond the time limited, will be sent for at the expense of the delinquent.

No book is to be lem; out of the household of the borrower.

The Library hours for the delivery and re- turn of books are from 10 o'clock, A. M., to 8 o'clock, P. M., in the Lower Hall ; and from 10 o'clock, A. M., until one half hour before sunset in the Bates Hall.

'Every book must, under penalty of one dol- lar, be returned to the Library at such time in August as shall be publicly announced.

The card must be presented whenever a book is returned. For rencAving a book the card must be presented, together with the book, or with, the shelf-numbers of the book.

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