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City Document. JVo. 7.



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YEAR 1864.



18 64.

Cit]) of |lo^&ttrs.

In School Committee, April 22d, 1864.

The Chairman appointed the following members as the Annual Exam- ining Committee, viz. :

High and Grammar Schools, Messrs. A. P. Putnam, Crafts, Plympton, MoE,sE, HoBBs, Williams and Arnold.

Primary Schools, Messrs. Nute, Ray, Allen, Olmstead and Tuck..

December 7th,

Mr. Crafts submitted the Annual Keport of the High and Grammar Schools.

Mr. Nute submitted the Annual Report of the Primary Schools.

Which were accepted. It was then

Ordered, That the several Reports be committed to Messrs. Putnam, Crafts, Nute and Williams, to revise, and cause to be printed the usual number of copies, to be distributed to the citizens of this City as the An- nual Report of the School Committee.



The School Committee herewith submit as their Re- port to the people of the City, the Reports of the Exam- ining Committees of the Board. It is believed that these two Reports furnish all the information on the condition of the Schools that would be interesting to the citizens, and those suggestions of improvement that are most worthy of their consideration.

For the School Committee.

GEO. PUTNAM, Chairman. Roxbury, Dec. 7, 1864.




Under the regulations of the School Committee, the annual examination of the Public Schools is made at the close of the Spring term, in May. The Committees appointed for that examination have, for several years past, made the quarterly examination in November also, and upon the reports of these two examinations the Annual Report is chiefly based. During the past year, the same Committee has made the annual and the two succeeding quarterly examinations of the High and Grammar Schools, and upon all these the present Report is submitted.

The Examining Committee was composed of the fol- lowing named members : Messrs. A. P. Putnam, Crafts, Plympton, Morse, Hobbs, Williams, and Arnold. Mr. Putnam having resigned his position on the Com- mittee, in consequence of his removal to another State, Mr. Metcalf, who was elected to fill the vacancy in the


Board, was added to the Examining Committee, q,nd the undersigned was appointed Chairman.


Was found by the several examinations to be in a highly satisfactory condition. Under its corps of accomplished, devoted and efficient teachers, it is believed to be making excellent progress and constant improvement, and it is an institution in wdiich the citizens of Koxbury may feel an increasing interest and a just pride. During the year, a change has been made in the corps of teachers. Miss Eunice T. Plumer, who had had charge of the second class for nearly two years, resigned her situation at the close of the summer term, and Miss Maria L. TiNCKER was elected to fill the vacancy. Miss Plumer was a lady of rare scholarly attainments and undoubted ability as a teacher, but notwithstanding her earnest and devoted efforts, she did not meet with the success which her own ideal and the welfare of the school required, and she accordingly resigned. Her successor. Miss Tincker, had already established a high reputation with the Com- mittee as Assistant in the Dearborn School, and during the term in which she has been in her present position, has maintained that reputation and proved an acquisition to the School.

In August, the Committee authorized the employment of a French teacher, with the view of affording better instruction in speaking the language. Under this vote.


an accomplislied French lady, Madame de Maltchyce, who was educated as a teacher, and is most highly recom- mended, has been engaged since the commencement of the new school year in giving instruction in pronuncia- tion and conversational French to each of the classes. The method adopted, combining the efforts of the French instructor and of the regular teachers, is meeting with success, and it is believed will accomplish excellent results in this branch. The advantage thus afforded of obtaining an unusually perfect knowledge of the French language, adds not a little to the superiority of the School, and will be appreciated b^ parents who desire that their children may receive a respectable High School education.

Of the other teachers, Mr. Weston, Miss Gushing and Miss Gragg, whose reputations as accomplished and devoted teachers have already been established in their respective positions, it is only necessary to say that they are meeting with equal, if not greater, success than heretofore ; manifesting no less zeal and enthusiasm in their calling, profiting, as all good teachers do, by their experience, and ceasing not to labor for their own im- provement that they may benefit their pupils.

The number of pupils continuing after the completion of the regular course of three years, is much larger this •year than heretofore. A part of these are reviewing the elementary studies, with the view of preparing themselves for teachers, and others are pursuing advance studies. The additional advantages offered by this fourth year


class, will furnish us with some excellent teachers, and are highly appreciated by those who enjoy them and by their parents.

The several examinations, as well as the occasional visits of the Committee, showed the order and discipline of the School to be worthy of commendation. An excel- lent spirit seems to pervade the classes, and under the firm but kindly rule of the teachers, order is at all times maintained without apparent effort, and the deportment of the pupils is generally gentlemanly and ladylike. The success of the School in this particular, in which it is sometimes, with reason, feared that a mixed school of this grade may fail, is firmly established.

In the various studies pursued, from Arithmetic and Grammar to the higher Mathematics, Physical Science, the Constitution of the United States and Languages, the examiners have reported that good progress is made, and that the examinations were satisfactory and in some branches worthy of special praise. The methods of instruction, as shown by the conduct of the exercises and the proficiency of the pupils, are also commended, as being calculated to secure a thorough knowledge of the subjects under consideration and the investigation of principles. Upon this point, the examiner (Dr. Arnold), in his report upon the recent examination, says : ' ' Without apparent effort, the minds of the class are concentrated upon some principle, and there held until it, in all its parts and with all its bearings, is thoroughly comprehended. The essential principle of ' Object-


teaching ' is here made manifest. The pupil's mind is brought out, is made to unfokl itself, its powers of observation enlarged and strengthened, and he is de- veloped into a thinking, reasoning student." And he concludes his report as follows : "A noticeable feature in the School, taken as a whole, is the manner of presenting subjects before the class. This is done in such a way that principles are made clear and promi- nent. The mind of the pupil readily grasps them, and a practical application is immediately made. Abstruse principles are reached by so easy and natural a consider- ation of simpler ones, that even the dullest are able to comprehend. Principles are essentially taught. A process of reasoning is made upon this basis, which is the foundation of every good education."

At the examination at the close of the summer term, which is also the close of the school year, on the last day, at the suggestion of the examiner, the School was opened to the public, and in each division exercises in the several studies pursued were assigned for certain hours during the session. The number of visitors was not large, no sufficient notice of the examination having been given. But the exercises apparently gave great satisfaction to those present, and afforded a fair idea of the working of the School, no special preparation having been made for the occasion. It is believed that such a public examination at the close of the year would promote the best interests of the School, and would the


better make known to the people of the city its real excellence and value.

On this occasion, the lower school-room was orna- mented with spirited and well executed drawings upon the blackboards by the pupils, and more elaborate and finer specimens in pencil, all of which did credit to the young artists and their instructor, and some of which were of great merit. In the higher classes, were exhibited very creditable specimens of drawing real objects and sketches from nature, which, while less attractive, perhaps, than the copies of patterns, gave evidence of the excellent method of instruction in this branch, which aims to develop a skilful use of the pencil upon a knowledge of the scientific principles of the art. The success which has attended the patient and well directed efforts of the teacher, Mr. Nutting, entitles him to the acknowledgments of the Committee, and establishes the value of the instruction in this branch.

During the year, military drill for the boys and calisthenics for the girls (upon Dr. Dio Lewis's plan) have been among the regular exercises of the School. Under the instruction of their commander, a member of the School, the boys have become proficient in the manual of arms and in company movements. The drill is in all respects a success, and with proper equipments these lads would* make a military appearance creditable to similar organizations of their elders. It is found that the discipline under which they are placed in this exercise exerts a beneficial influence, and combining


liealthfulness with this, it needs no further argument to obtain for it the approval of the public. The calisthenic or gymnastic exercises of the girls are also made a regular duty of the School, and afford a healthful training of the limbs, as well as an agreeable amuse- ment. Of the excellence of this system and its bene- ficial results, both to body and mind, there can be no doubt. The zeal and interest with which the exercise is now attended to should not be suffered to abate.


The examinations of the Grammar Schools have shown them to be in a generally satisfactory condition, and the teachers to be laboring earnestly and successfully in their various duties. The schools are full, and some of the lower divisions are crowded, but not yet to an extent to seriously interfere with their progress. The necessity of admitting a large number from the Primary School's every six months, and the impossibility of promoting from one division to a higher with equal rapidity, causes the excess in the lower divisions. A higher standard for admission would undoubtedl}^ promote the interests of the Grammar Schools, though it might render necessary a greater increase of Primary School accommodations.

The Dudley School (for girls) is reported as being in excellent condition. The accomplished Principal, Miss Baker, maintains the high rank for this School which it has heretofore enjoyed, and continues to send to the


High School some of the most thoroughly prepared candidates for admission. Her efforts are ably seconded by her assistant and the other teachers, and the methods of instruction and spirit which prevail in the first division appear to be infused into the whole School. In many of the exercises there was a general excellence, which showed faithful and persistent labor on the part of the teachers, and attention and industry on the part of most of the pupils, rather than a brilliant proficiency in a few. In the upper divisions, especially, thoroughness seemed to be the purpose of the teachers and gave char- acter to the recitations. It is not necessary to give in detail the results of the examination, but among the exercises in the several divisions which gave most satisfaction to the examiner, were Reading, which was intelligent and natural in tone and manner, Arithmetic, which gave evidence of patient training, Geography and Grammar. These, of course, were not equally good in all the divisions, but in one or another each of these exercises was worthy of commendation. There were also some very good compositions upon subjects assigned with a just and considerate estimate of the ability of ^-qhildren to express their own ideas. The examiner was glad to observe that the too frequent error of assigning subjects w^hich only mature minds and practised writers can treat was generally avoided. The penmanship of many of the pupils was also worthy of commendation. The deportment of the pupils was excellent; the dis- cipline, though firm, is gentle, and the relations between


teachers and pupils appear to be pleasant and sympa thetic. The attendance and punctuality of the scholars have been more than usually satisfactory.

The Washington School (for boys) appears to have maintained its established character, and the examina- tions showed that the pupils are making good progress, and that the teachers feel conscious that their classes are improving. The second, fourth, fifth and sixth divisions received the special commendations of the examiner at each of the last three examinations, and these repeated favorable judgments indicate that in this portion of the school the teachers are laboring with gratifying success. In the other two divisions, also, good progress has been made, and some of the exercises gave great satisfaction. In the third division, a new and comparatively inexpe- rienced teacher, who succeeded Miss Mansfield, for many years a highly valued and most successful instruc- tor, has labored under some disadvantage, but her determined efforts and increasing experience have given her good success, and will, without doubt, soon secure as favorable a judgment as the lower divisions. The first division, under the charge of the Principal, Mr. Kneeland, and his assistant, is also highly commended for proficiency in the studies pursued ; but while making favorable mention of it, the examiner (Mr. Williams) remarks: "We are of opinion, however, that in the first divisions of our Grammar Schools, for boys es- pecially, some change in the studies is desirable. Too


much reference is had to qualifying the scholars for the High School, and every energy is bent to secure favora- ble results in that direction. But in view of the fact that many boys do not go to the High School at all, and that many of those who go do not remain three years, no effort should be spared to give scholars in the Grammar Schools such an education as will qualify them to trans- act the ordinary affairs of life."

Penmanship appears to be faithfully attended to in this school, and the copy books of the pupils received the commendation of the examiner. With some abate- ment in the first division, which was, perhaps, a tempo- rary exception, the order of the school was praiseworthy, and the deportment of the pupils good.

The Dearborn School (for girls and boys), numbering upwards of five hundred scholars, has during the year been highly successful, and throughout its numerous divisions has maintained the standard of excellence which it had previously established. The examiners expressed themselves as highly pleased with the exercises in most respects, and found little upon which to offer adverse criticism. The prompt and correct recitations evinced careful and continuous drilling on the part of the teach- ers, and interest and attentive study on the part of the pupils. A faithful, conscientious and earnest devotion to duty would seem to be characteristic of the teachers here, who partake of the spirit of the Principal, and work "harmoniously with him for the best interests of the


school. The natural result is a responsive interest and life among the pupils, and their consequent progress. The exercises which received the special commendation of the examiners were those in Grammar and Geography, in the former of which one of the examiners expressed great gratification at the manner in which a usually dry and uninteresting study excited an animated and lively interest in the classes. Teachers of ability, who love their calling and possess tact and a kindly sympathy with their pupils, can accomplish such results, and make the dryest text-books interesting. Such we have in the Dearborn School, as in others, and such only it should be the aim of the Committee to employ.

As in the studies, the general appearance of the School and its government, the order, deportment and relations between teachers and pupils, have given satisfaction, and it is believed that the working of the school, while ad- vantageous to the children, must be generally pleasing to their parents.

The CoMiNS School (for boys and girls) is also a large school, numbering about six hundred scholars. Although this school has some difficulties to contend with which are not felt to so great an extent in the other Grammar Schools, it is reported as being, on the whole, in a satis- factory condition. The Principal evidently labors earn- estly to secure progress throughout the school, and the other teachers second his efforts for the most part with success. By a printed schedule the work for each


division is assigned with precision, and the teachers are expected to accomplish it. Certain progress is thus ob- tained, and the extent of the study required is not so great but that thoroughness as well as progress may also be secured. This precise arrangement of studies appears to be advantageous in so large a school, and renders the progress of the classes promoted from one division to another more uniform. If apportioned with care, and carried out efficiently, such an arrangement must work well in practice, and as this is based on the experience of several years, and it is the aim of the Principal to carry out its requirements, it is believed that it will prove successful.

The several examinations showed that most of the divisions were in good condition, and some were of su- perior merit. The discipline of the school was generally such as to maintain order without painful effort, and the methods of instruction were such as to awaken an inter- est in study and an animation in recitation. One or two changes have taken place in the corps of teachers, which, as is frequently the case, were at first not conducive to the advancement of the divisions where they occurred, but which promise in the end to be no disadvantage. On the whole, the Comins School maintains a creditable position, and the spirit of the Principal and his assistants promises continued improvement.

The Francis Street Grammar School, though small, has usually been found an interesting one for the Com-


mittee to examine. The reports for tlie past year show that it maintains its character in that respect, and is by no means deficient in progress and improvement. Not having the advantages of grading possessed by large schools, the single teacher has a much more varied and laborious work to perform than the teachers in other schools. But by her energy, seconded by the good spirit and assistance of the pupils, the varied duties of the school are successfully performed. Without the restraint which may be necessary in a larger school, the order is good, and great interest is manifested by the pupils in their studies and recitations.

Yocal drill is now more generally attended to in the Grammar Schools than heretofore. The recent meetings of the teachers have given an impulse to this exercise, as well as to others named below, and it is hoped that it may receive that constant attention which its importance deserves.

Object-Teaching, which has been practised to a lim- ited extent in some divisions, is also now receiving attention from the teachers, and will be gradually intro- 'duced throughout all the schools. This system is so useful and important a method of imparting knowledge and developing the mental powers of children, that excel- lent results may be anticipated from its general adoption, if carried out with tact and enthusiasm.

Physical Exercises, which had also been pursued with success in some divisions of the Grammar Schools, have


now been generally introduced. They afford a pleasant relief from the constraint of the desk, and will be found useful in promoting the health and physical and mental activity of the pupils. While they should not be allowed to trespass upon the other duties of school hours, they should yet be attended to with regularity and with spirit and force, in order to derive from them the benefit in- tended. It is believed that a just mean is generally adopted by the teachers, and the Committee have been highly pleased with the exhibition of these exercises which they have witnessed in some of the divisions.

Vocal music is successfully continued in the higher divisions, under the instruction of Mr. Charles Butler. This exercise is a pleasing one, and the pupils acquire a knowledge of the elements of music, and some practical power in singing, which many of them could not other- wise obtain. The good influence of music, whether in the school-room or in after life, it is hardlynecessary to assert.

Though the several schools above reported upon are generally and heartily commended, it is neither conceded by the Committee, nor claimed by the teachers, that they have attained to such excellence that nothing more is desired. There are faults and deficiencies which it is the duty of the Committee to point out and remedy, if possible, and the earnest teacher's ideal i"S never quite attained. But while defects are acknowledged, and Com- mittee and teachers co-operate to remove them, it is but just, as it is encouraging, that what is praiseworthy should be publicly commended.


The several buildings occupied by the Grammar Schools are in the main well adapted to their purposes. The interiors are comfortable, generally well arranged, and in good condition, though there are improvements which the Committee and teachers would be glad to see adopted. The exteriors of some of them are commended to the attention of the City Council as requiring some care, as well for the sake of economy as appearance. Some of the rooms are not so well ventilated as they should be, and this matter, as well as the temperature, appears not to be regulated by the teachers with the care and caution which the health of the pupils demands. In addition to a proper regulation of the registers and ven- tilators, each school-room should be thoroughly ventilated at recess, and care should be taken to guard against draughts of cold air from open windows when the child- ren are overheated. It is hoped that the suggestions of the Committee will be carefully heeded by teachers, and that there will in future be little cause for complaint.

For the Committee,

WM. A. CRAFTS, Chairman,




At the Annual Examination, which occurred in May, this grade numbered forty-five schools. To equally dis- tribute the labor imposed, they were divided into five groups of nine schools each, which were examined and reported upon by the five members of the Committee, in order as follows :



Mary F. Neal,

Anna M. Balch,

Elizabeth E. Backup,

Susan F. Rowe,

Emma C. Wales,

HuLDAH R. Clare,

Mary L. Walker,

Almira B. Russell.

Lizzie M. Wood,


EusTis Street, . , .

2 Yeoman Street,

. 4

Sumner Street, . .

2 MuNROE Street, . Examiner.

. 1


A A L L E M .

The accommodation of these schools is comparatively adequate, for that of the Munroe Street is not wholly oc- cupied, and no one of the group is over-crowded. Yet the


buildings appropriated to their use are, with perhaps the exception of that to the Munroe Street, unpretending in architecture, and contain but few of the conveniences of modern structures erected for this purpose. Their apart- ments are generally small, ill- ventilated and cheerless. Their sites are less than half the size of a proper play- ground. These are enclosed by a high fence, and encroached upon, as in Yeoman Street, by neighboring dwellings and other private structures, to the obstruction of the light and the exclusion of the sun. The accom- modation of the Munroe Street, from its having been provided since the wants of school apartments have be- come more clearly defined, contains many of the modern improvements of other and more pretending structures of its kind. The building is high-studded and airy ; its apartments are comparatively large, well ventilated and warmed ; its site is eligible, and, from the sparse- ness of settlements in its neighborhood, is sufficiently removed from interruptions to the light and the sun.

The teachers of these schools are regarded as being competent to discharge the duties of their respective positions ; as possessed of kind hearts and cheerful dispositions, unobjectionable manners and habits of temper that may safely be patterned by their pupils. They have had experience in their profession, which, if wisely improved, has doubtless impressed them with the importance of patience and forbearance in schools of this grade ; has stimulated them to cultivate these, cardinal virtues, and to practice them in their re-


spective schools, to an extent at least, necessary to their successful management. It must have taught them not to expect too much of young pupils, or to allow themselves to be vexed at their failures and blunders, even in presence of visitors or of members of the Board. For the memory of such is unreliable, and the perceptive and reasoning faculties are only partially developed. These are consequently slow in their action, and incapable of logical deductions or abstract conclu- sions ; and to expect in them perfection, or even the avoidance of stupid and egregious errors, is the height of absurdity.

The pupils of these schools were generally cleanly and tidy in their appearance, cheerful and subordinate in their bearing. They entered upon the exercises of the examination with zeal, and, with individual exceptions, acquitted themselves to the satisfaction of the examiner. They, in his estimation, exhibited an average compre- hension of the simple subjects discussed; appeared to appreciate the idea contained in each exercise, and per- formed their part of the examination in a spirit that not only reflects credit upon themselves and their respective teachers, but affords a guarantee of future progress equal to the reasonable expectations of the Board. But from the immaturity of their minds this progress must neces- sarily be slow, for the measure of a pupil's ability to advance in education, is the measure of his power of absorption and appropriation. And the rapidity with w^hich this power increases under tuition is often the


measure of the teacher's skill to so adapt her instruction to the observation and imitation of her young pupils, as to draw out and strengthen their unfolding mental powers ; and not the measure of her ability to pour into their half-dormant brain, crude, indigestible knowledge, to the interruption and perversion of their otherwise natural and harmonious development.



Mary A. Miers, Sarah J. Davis, Carrie T. Lewis, Clara M. Adams, Susannah L. Duran

Catherine F. Mayall, Abby S. Oliver, Henrietta M. Wood, Mary A. Morse.



Mill Dam, . . . Avon Place, . .

. 1 Vernon Street, . . . 2 Centre Street, . .





Warren Tuck.

The accommodation appropriated to two of the schools of this group is unfit for the purpose. The building pro- vided for the occupancy of the Mill Dam is located on an open marsh remote from any public street ; has few pri- vate settlements near it, and no adequate enclosure to protect it from the North and West winds, which sweep along the extensive valley between Cambridge, Brookline, Roxbury and Boston. As a structure it is disproportioned,


antiquated and dilapidated, and destitute of common conveniences, even to drop the windows or to otherwise properly ventilate its apartments. The room in which the school is held is small, low, damp, and repulsive alike to teacher and pupils ; and for the Board to con- tinue its occupancy, without giving expression to their sense of its unfitness for the purpose, is to disregard their convictions of duty. The premises should be dis- posed of for some other purpose, and the long neglected wants of that school supplied by the erection of a suitable structure for its accommodation, on a convenient and more eligible site. The building appropriated to the occupancy of the Centre Street is, from being located in the rear of a Steam Fire Engine House, which renders it difficult of access and at times unsafe for the pupils, obviously unadapted to school purposes. The accommo- dation provided for the others of the group is respect- able in character, and well supplies their individual wants.

Many of the teachers have long been in the employ of the Board, have had occasion to discover deficiencies in their primary education, and abundant opportu- nity to supply them by application and experience. The others having more recently entered the profession, have scarcely had time to test the adequacy of their acquirements, or the adaptation of their powers to dis- cipline and instruct children and youth. And yet so successful have been their efforts with those committed to their charge, that their respective schools aot only


escaped adverse criticism, but, in conjunction with those of the more experienced, received the general approbation and commendation of the examiner. He especially mentions some of the more energetic and aspiring of these teachers, as having manifested an enterprise in familiarizing themselves with many of the more important modern improvements in teaching that is praiseworthy, and commendable, and it is con- fidently hoped that others will imitate their example.

The schools of this group are located in the various sections of the city, their pupils come from a wide range of territory, and well represent the different casts of society. Consequently, it would naturally be supposed by the uninitiated, that insubordination is more liable to prevail here than in other schools of this grade. And, indeed, such a hypothesis would often be borne out by fact, were the rude and ill-mannered here educated by themselves. But seldom so when they are associated with the well-bred and refined : for the observation of the former is attracted by the winning and more excellent ways of the latter ; their instincts teach them that their coarseness places them at discount ; their wounded pride, together with an innate desire to imitate what is above them, stimulates them to abandon their own, and, in a measure, to substitute the manners of the latter to their own elevation, and a suppression of desire to subvert, or otherwise interrupt, the quiet, orderly proceeding of their respective schools. The examiner reports these


scliools as maintaining excellent discipline, and making satisfactory progress in the elements of knowledge.



Mary L. Gore,

Anna E. Clark,

Sarah W. Holbrook,

Maria L. J. Perry,

Anna M. Stone,

Mary F. Drown,

Emily L. Wilson,

Elizabeth M. Hall.

Anna M. Eaton,


Cottage Place,


. 4 Edinboro"' Street, . .


Smith Street, ,

. 2 Francis Street, . . Examiner.



W. Olmstead.

The accommodation of these schools is obviously in- adequate to their necessities, for a majority of them are in an over-crowded state. The building appropriated to the Smith Street is designed to accommodate about one hundred and twenty pupils, and is the only accommo- dation provided for that isolated district of the city, which lies between the Boston and Providence Railroad on the South and the outskirt-settlements to Brookline on the North, Charles and Ward Streets on the East and the Eastern slopes of Parker Hill to Prospect Street on the West, and contains from two hundred and fifty to three hundred children that claim, and have a right to enjoy. Primary School privileges within its limits. But under the present regime, from one hundred and seventy-


five to two hundred of these are "crammed" into this two-roomed building, and the balance are sent beyond the limits of their proper district to the Cottage Place, crossing and recrossing the busy track of the Boston and Providence Railroad each session, often at iminent risk to life and limb.

Such has been the condition of this district for years, and, although its necessities have annually been brought to the notice of the City Council by our predecessors of the Board, no further accommodation has been pro- vided. Its wants manifestly require the erection of a building appropriated to school purposes, on an eligible site in the vicinity of Parker Street, containing at least four and if prospective wants are to be provided for, as in other instances, we would say six full-size rooms. Such additional accommodation would supply its neces- sities, and enable the Board to turn back the children now crowding the apartments of the Cottage Place to their own district, beyond the dangers of the Railroad, where they desire, and ought to receive, their primary education. The accommodation provided for the remaining schools of the group is sufficient in capacity, and all that their necessities require.

The teachers appear to be possessed of full average natural, and evince no lack of acquired, ability for the faithful discharge of the duties assumed. A majority of them have long enjoyed a reputation for efficiency in discipline and skill in imparting instruction; and, from the spirit and tenor of the examiner's brief report, it is


evident that, during the examination, that reputation was creditably sustained, for he makes no strictures, and closes by saying, ''All these schools were found un- exceptionably in a most excellent condition. Some marked elements of progress are worthy of note."

But it will be borne in mind that comparatively few pupils fail to accomplish what can be expected of the books, while many, it is feared, leave the schools of this grade in much ignorance of those higher and better things which depend upon the character and example of the teachers. What we do not accomplish has more to do often with the want of forbearance and patience and a wholly reliable character in the teachers employed, than the want of excellence in the text-books, or the at- tention and study of the pupils ; and the record of cor- poral punishment, if it was kept as it should be in con- formity with the rule fixed by the Board, would, it is believed, prove the correctness of this statement.

A majority of the pupils in attendance on these schools are of foreign extraction, and many of these come from families in indigent circumstances or such as apparently have no means of subsistence beyond the price of their daily labor. And yet, notwithstanding their poverty and the small pittance received for their labor ; the present inflated prices of everything consumed and the extent of their often numerous progeny, the parents of these children be it said to their deserved credit manage to continue them in school, tolerably well sup-


plied with books, comfortably clad, cleanly and tidy in their appearance.



Maey E.


Cornelia J. Bills,

Eunice C

'. Atwood,

Mary E. Gardner,

Helen A.

, Bradley,

Martha H. Horn,

Annie G-.


Emily B. Eliot.

Olive E.



Franklin Place, .



Orange Street,

Sudbury Street, .

. 4





The accommodation of the School in Orange Street is unadapted to the purpose. The building appropriated to its occupancy is antiquated and unsightly, and located on an ungraded, dirty street; its site is less than a third the size of a respectable play-ground; is enclosed by a high, tight fence, and o^rshadowed on two sides and in the rear by private dwellings, and in front by a carpet manufactory. These combine to obstruct the light, shut out the sun, and render its small, low, ill-ventilated apartments dark and gloomy.

After the organization of the four schools in Cottage Place, this school was discontinued and the building handed over to the City Council ; but in consequence of


the delay to provide the necessary accommodation North of the Boston and Providence Railroad, the surplus pupils from the Smith Street so crowded the Cottage Place, that the Board, for its temporary relief, again organized a school in this once abandoned building. But whenever the City Council shall furnish in that locality the accom- modation asked for, so that the children coming from that destitute district may be withdrawn from the Cottage Place, the school now occupying this building will doubt- less be permanently discontinued and merged in the latter. The accommodation occupied by the remaining schools of the group is ample in capacity, architecture and play-ground, and answers well the purpose for which it was provided.

Some of the teachers of these schools have had much experience in their profession, which, if attended with philosophical insight into the human mind, doubtless has taught them something of the comparatively power- less condition of the mental faculties of childhood and youth ; has given them some practical idea of the order of their development, and enabled them to determine at different periods something of the progress of their emerging from dormancy into activity ; has taught them to infer something of the necessities of those of different pupils at different periods of their pupilage, and to so adapt instruction at all periods as to advance their evolution and growth. It, doubtless, has taught them something of the activity of the physical powers at this period of life, and of the great amount of exercise requisite


to mature and control them; has taught them some- thing of the excess of nervous energy engendered when those acting voluntarily are long compelled to inactivity, and to infer from the restlessness of the pupils the necessity of the frequent introduction of some systematic muscular movements gymnastic or calisthenic to pro- mote its consumption, and relieve the economy of little sufferers from its over-stimulating effects.

From the tenor of the examiner's report, it is evi- dent that he formed a high opinion of the effectiveness of the discipline maintained, and the skill displayed in im- parting instruction by a large majority of these teachers, for he says of their schools, " They were in all respects found in excellent condition, and reflect much credit on those having them in charge." But of the discipline and skill exhibited by some others of the group, he evi- dently formed a less favorable opinion, for, in speaking of their schools, he says, " The order and scholarship sadly need improving;" and implies that their pupils were on the day of examination particularly uncleanly and untidy in their appearance, and says, "For this condition there is no excuse even in poverty itself."

Yet, since the report submitted at the close of the Summer term by the same examiner gives them a more hopeful and satisfactory character, it is apprehended that the appearance which called forth adverse criticism may be more temporary than habitual, more apparent than real, . and possibly more indicative of indifference and neglect on the part of the parents and guardians of the


pupils than of inability or want of fidelity on that of the teachers. Indeed, it is feared that comparatively few parents have learned to value these nurseries of edu- cation in their true light ; have brought themselves to feel that they are the common inheritance of the children of every citizen of community, or have come to realize their own individual responsibility in their suc- cess or failure to lay the foundation of usefulness in their respective pupils. It is also feared that comparatively few of them have duly considered the relation which these schools sustain to those of the higher grades in our midst ; have carefully estimated the vast numbers of the rising generation of our city that begin and end their tuition here, or have accustomed themselves to watch over their well-being with the same zealous care and wise forethought that they are wont to bestow upon other and often lesser interests of their offspring.

FIFTH QROUP. Teachers. Mart C. Bartlett, Fannie H. C. Bradley,

Susan H. Blaisdell, Frances N. Brooks,

Mary M. Sherwin, Eliza J. Goss,

Clara L. Davis, Jennie B. Lawrence.

Annie E. Boynton,

George Street, Elm Street, . . .


. 4 Winthrop Street, . 2 Heath Street, . .

. 2 . 1




It may with truthfulness be said that the accommo- 3


dation of these schools is good, although the building occupied by the Elm Street is not a little antiquated and dilapidated in its general appearance. As an edifice it contrasts unfavorably with the elegant private residences around it ; reflects little credit on the neigh- borhood in which it is located, and, from having been erected before modem improvements in structures of its kind were devised, is unfortunately destitute of most of them, and, like many others built at that time, contains small, low-studded and ill- ventilated apart- ments. The buildings occupied by the remaining schools of this group are in every way satisfactory, and all that their respective neighborhoods require. That appro- priated to the occupancy of the George Street is an imposing structure, and a standing monument to the City Council that erected it. That provided for the accommodation of the Heath Street contains one vacant apartment, whose occupancy during the coming autumn will doubtless be required for the relief of the crowded condition of that school.

In the estimation of the examiner, most of the teachers of the schools of this group are adapted to their profession ; possess the requisite acquired ability ; comprehend the character of the duties it imposes, and find pleasure in performing them to the extent of their powers. Yet they appear to meet with various degrees of success, which in some instances may be attributable to imperfect rudimentary education, but more generally, the writer apprehends, to peculiarities of physical organ-


ization. Those who are placed at discount in conse- quence of deficient early mental training, may, by appli- cation and experience, overcome the obstacle, and, if possessed of the requisite natural qualifications, rise to an enviable position in their profession. But teachers laboring under idiosyncrasies or marked constitutional defects, seldom or never overcome them ; and, if these approach in character to a feeling of disrelish even for the common routine duties of the school-room, or to a decided dislike for, or want of sympathy with the ejQforts of children and youth, the sooner they abandon the idea of making teaching a profession, the better it will doubtless be for themselves and all others concerned.

Teaching is so much of a trade that even the dull and commonplace may seem to achieve some degree of success in the profession. But it must be conceded that the ability to awaken the latent energies of the pupil ; to stim- ulate to their utmost capacity his slowly evolving faculties ; to inspire him with a noble enthusiasm, and impress him with a deep, abiding sense of his duty to qualify himself in youth for the emergencies of life, is a gift, and one that is not bestowed in equal degrees by the Creator. Therefore, the idea that all teachers can bring their respective schools to a specific standard of excellence, is preposterous, and only needs to be mentioned to make its absurdity apparent.

The pupils in some of these schools manifested a degree of intelligence and power of abstraction that pleased the examiner. Their zeal in describing tangible


objects and living "beings referred to in fheir reading lessons partook largely of enthusiasm, and is an earnest of their future development and progress. In all these schools, says the examiner, "The pupils were tidy in their appearance, respectful in their bearing, and ap- parently contented and happy in their relation." He particularly mentions the George Street and the Winthrop, and Number One of the Elm Street, as being under ex- cellent discipline, and closely approaching a standard of excellence that will characterize them as model schools ; and suggests that they may each be visited with profit and pleasure by teachers of Primary Schools generally. It would be gratifying to see their efficient dis- cipline, their commendable spirit of enterprise and zealous bearing, copied into many other schools of this grade in the city. But it is feared that in too many instances where its absence prevails and dull monotony supplies its place, the power to awaken or maintain a similar mental state in their pupils does not reside in the teachers in charge. And therefore such a desirable change can scarcely be expected to transpire, for, in the estimation of the writer, it is as rare a thing to see the enthusiasm or even zeal of a school rise above that felt and displayed by the teacher, as it is to see a stream rise above its fountain. Hence the wisdom of selecting teachers for their known natural as well as acquired fitness for the position, without favoritism, charity, or regard to place of birth, residence, education or experience.


In accordance with establislied custom, tlie schools of this grade have, during the year, been four times more or less thoroughly examined, the results written out, sub- mitted to the Board, and filed in the archives. The reported results of those made in February and July are usually submitted by the respective local committees, and those in May and November by a special committee, designated the Committee on Primary Schools. That made in May is designed to be the most thorough of the year ; is from custom called the Annual Examination, and its reported results are usually made the basis of the Annual Report to the citizens. The writer, in making up the body of this Report, has endeavored to conform to this general custom, and therefore its main features have been derived from facts, incidents and inferences chiefly drawn from that source.

But by examining the various reports of these schools submitted during the year, he learns that this grade, at the commencement of our term of office, numbered forty-three schools, and that this number has been in- creased by the addition of four new organizations ; that of these, two were made for the relief of the Sudbury Street at the commencement of the Spring term, and at the time the school in Tremont Street was trans- ferred from the basement of a private dwelling, to the joint occupancy with them of the new and cojnmodious building in Franklin Place ; that one was made for the relief of the Cottage Place during the latter part of the Summer term in a private dwelling in Tremont Street,


properly remodeled and fitted up by the owner, and leased by the city for its accommodation ; that the re- maining one was made for the relief of the Heath Street during the early part of the Fall term in the unoccupied apartment of the building appropriated to that school, and that for the performance of a portion of the extra labor imposed upon the teachers of the Smith Street, in conse- quence of its overcrowded condition, an additional teacher was associated with the regular incumbents about the middle of the Summer term, and as no further accommo- dation has been provided by the City Council for the re- lief of this school, the same arrangement is continued.

He also learns that few resignations have been ten- dered by the teachers of these schools during the year ; that appointments to vacancies and to new organiza- tions have chiefly been made from inexperienced resi- dent graduates of our High School ; that the teachers were, during the Fall term, twice called together by the Board for the purpose of exciting a greater interest in, and establishing a more uniform and practical method of conducting Vocal Drill, Vocal Music, Object-Teaching and Physical Exercises in the schools of the City ; that these meetings were well attended by the teachers, and have been instrumental in giving a zeal to the teaching of most of them that is perceptible in every department of their respective schools.

And now, notwithstanding the somewhat unusual length and minuteness of this report, your Committee, in conclusion, desire to state, for information of their


associates and fellow-citizens, that the past year though not characterized by any marked enterprise calculated to advance the cause of education in our city has been a year of full average prosperity to the schools of this grade. Yet they, from knowledge of the many em- barrassing circumstances under which some of them go into operation, cannot wholly divest themselves of the conviction that they though evidently accomplishing much good to the children and youth of the city are far from accomplishing all they ought and might accom- plish for them. They are constrained to believe that that boundless stream of beneficent influence which should ever issue from them, is often circumscribed and inter- rupted by unfavorable conditions incident to their or- ganization, to the character of the attendance of the pupils and the parental interest felt in the education of their children.

But a consciousness that the labors of the year have been crowned even with average success to this highly important grade of schools, is gratifying to your Com- mittee, and can scarcely fail to inspire the parents and guardians of the children and youth composing them with sentiments of gratitude to the Supreme Dispenser of events, and to excite in them a higher appreciation of the privileges they afford, and a more hearty co-operation with future Boards in their efforts to increase their efficiency and usefulness.

For the Committee on Primary Schools,

T. RIKER NUTE, Chairman.





The whole number of Teachers is 91.

The whole number of Pupils in all the Schools is 4619, being an increase of 232 over last year. Average attendance in all the Schools 4160, or 90 per cent.

The cost of maintaining our Public Schools the past year was $55,447.20, being an increase of $8412,28 over last year, owing to the extra cost of fuel and the advance of teachers' salaries, averaging $12.00 per scholar.

The number of Scholars at the High School is 155, with four Teachers.

There are five Grammar Schools. The number of Pupils belonging to the Grammar Schools is 1841, an increase over last year of 69. Number of Divisions 36, average number to each Division 51. Number of Grammar School Teachers, 40.

The number of Primary Schools is 47, an increase over last year of four. The number of Pupils belonging to these Schools is 2623, an average to each School of 58 pupils. In- crease of Primary Scholars over last year, 152.

The salaries of Teachers have been advanced during the year. Female Teachers increased $50 each. Principals of Schools 20 per cent.




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FOR 1864.




Ward 1.— Horatio G. Morse, " 2. Ira Allen", « 3. Timothy R. Nute, " 4. John W. Olmstead, " 5.— Edwin Ray,

elected by wards.

George J. Arnold. J. Warren Tuck. George M. Hobbs. Jeremiah Plympton. Alfred P. Putnam.*

* Eesigned, and Henry B, Metcalf elected.


FOR 1865.

elected at large.



elected by wards.

Ward 1. ^Franklin Williams, " 2. Ira Allen, " 3. Timothy R. Nute, " 4. John W. Olmstead, " 5.— Edwin Ray,

John G. Bartholomew. J. Warren Tuck. George M. Hobbs. Jeremiah Plympton. Moody Merrill.



[Those elected for the ensuing year included.]

At Large. George Putnam, 1S46, 48, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, Cyrus H. Fay, 1846, 48. * Samuel H. Walley, Jr., 1846, 48. George R. Russell, 1847. Thomas F. Caldicott, 1847. George W. Bond, 1847. John Way land, 1849, 50, 61. William E. Alger, 1849, 50, 56. William Hague, 1849, 50. Theodore Dunn, 1851. Thomas D. Anderson, 1851. Horatio G. Morse, 1852, 53, 54, 65. William H. Ryder, 1852, 53, 54, 57, 58. William A. Crafts, 1852, 53, 54, 59, 60, 64, 65, Bradford K. Peirce, 1855. Joseph H. Streeter, 1855. John S. Flint, 1855. Julius S. Shailer, 1856, 57, 58, 65.... Arial I. Cummings, 1859, 61. Edwin Ray, 1860. William S. King, 1861. John S. Sleeper, 1862, 63. Franklin Williams, 1862, 63, 64,

* The junior dropped in 1850,


Ward 1.

Allen Putnam, 1846.

Henry B, Wheelwright, 1846, 47.

Horatio G. Morse, 1847, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64.

William R. Alger, 1848, 52.

Bradford K. Peirce, 1849, 50, 51, 52.

John Jones, 1853, 54.

Joseph Bugbee, 1853, 54.

Henry W. Parley, 1855, 56, 57,

Pranklin Williams, 1858, 59, 60, 65.

George W. Adams, 1861, 62, 63.

William H. Hutchinson, 1863.

George J, Arnold, 1864.

John G. Bartholomew, 1865.

Ward 2.

Thomas P. Caldicott, 1846.

Joshua Seaver, 1846, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61

62, 63. Alfred Williams, 1847, 48.

Ira Allen, 1849, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65. . Arial I. Cummings, 1853. Charles Marsh, 1854, 55. J. Warren Tuck, 1864, 65.

Ward 3.

Charles K. Dillaway, 1846, 47.

Francis Hilliard, 1846, 48, 49.

Theodore Otis, 1847.

Julius S, Shailer, 1848, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54.

William Gaston, 1849, 50, 51.

Timothy R. Nute, 1852, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65.

Joseph H, Streeter, 1853, 54.

William H. Ryder, 1855.

Benjamin Mann, 1855.

Arial I. Cummings, 1856, 57, 58, 62.

William A. Crafts, 1856.

Richard Garvey, 1859.

*John D. McGiU, 1860, 61, 62.

George M. Hobbs, 1863, 64, 65.

* Kesig-ned in 1862, and William A. Crafts elected.


Waud 4.

Benjamin E. Cotting, 1846, 47, 49.

David Green, 1846, 47, 48.

Henry 13artlett, 1848.

Henry W, Fuller, 1849, 50, 61.

John S. Flint, 1850, 51, 52.

John Wayland, 1852, 53, 54, 55.

Theodore Otis, 1853.

*John W. Olmstead, 1854, 56, 58, 59, 60, Gl, 62, 63, 64, 65.

James Waldock, 1855, 56.

Joseph N. Brewer, 1857, 58, 59.

Jonathan P. Robinson, 1857.

Jeremiah Plympton, 1860, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65.

Ward 5.

Augustus C. Thompson, 1846.

Daniel Leach, 1846, 47, 48, 49, 60, 5i, 52, 53, 54, 55.

Samuel Walker, 1847, 66.

John H. Purkett, 1848.

Charles F. Foster, 1849, 50, 51, 62.

Bradford K. Peirce, 1853, 54.

Edwin Ray, 1855, 57, 58, 69, 63, 64, 65.

Theodore Otis, 1856.

fAlfred P. Putnam, 1857, 61, 62, 64.

Robert P. Anderson, 1858, 59.

+ Sylvester Bliss, 1860, 61, 62, 63.

William S. King, 1860.

Moody Merrill, 1865.

Ward 6.§

George W. Bond, 1S46.

Edward Turner, 1846.

Edmund F. Slafter, 1847, 48, 49, 50, 51.

Dan. S. Smalley, 1847.

George Faulkner, 1848,

Edward D. Boit, 1849, 50, 51.

* Kesigned in 1856, and Joseph N. Brewer elected-

t Resigned in 1862, and Edwin Bay elected ; also in 1864, aad Henry B. MetcaEf elected. J Deceased in 1853, and Henry B. Metealf cliosen to fill vacancy.

§ Wards 6, 7 and 8, with parts of Wards 4 and 5, were set off and incorporated, by Act of the Legislature, May 24, 1851, under the name of the Town of West Koxbury.


Wakd 7.

John O. Choules, 1846, 47. Joseph H. Allen, 1846. Theodore Dunn, 1847, 48, 49, 50. Grindell Reynolds, 1848, 49, 50, 51. Stephen M. Allen, 1851.

Ward 8.

Theodore Parker, 1846. George E,. Russell, 1846. Dexter Clapp, 1847, 48, 50, 51. Matthews W. Green, 1847. Abijah W. Draper, 1848, 49. Joseph H. Billings, 1849. Cornelius Cowing, 1850, 51.


Chaf-les K. Dillaway, 1840, 47. George Putnam, 1848, 64. Daniel Leach, 1849, 50, 51. Julius S. Shailer, 1852, 53. John Way land, 1854. Bradford K. Peirce, 1855. *William H. Ryder, 1856, 57, 58. Horatio G. Morse, 1859, 60, 61, 62. John W. Olmstead, 1863.


tJoshua Seaver, 1846, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 62, 53, 64, 55, 58, 69, 60, 61, 62

63. Arial I. Cummings, 1856, 57. Franklin Williams, 1864.

* Kesig'ned in 1858, and Horatio G. Morse elected Chairman ad interim. f Deceased in 18G3, and Franklin Williams chosen to fill vacancy.




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