JCtbrarg J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL, SCIENTIFIC AND RAILWAY GAZETTE. VOLUME V.-1S42. LONDON: H. GROOMBRIDGE, 5, PATERNOSTER ROW • H. HOOPER, PALL MALL EAST; J. WEALE. 59. HIGH HOLBORN ; J. TAYLOR, i. WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND- WILEY & PUTNAM, NEW YORK; GALIGNANI. PARIS. 10, KLL'OYKR STREET. WHITEHALL. '"«.■.-> AL 3 us-^^ THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL, e ». r B e -•» t THE AMERICAN STEAM PILE DRIVING MACHINE. , ( Willi an Engraving, Plate I.) j In our last number we gave a brief account of this machine, which has been exhibited fur the last two months at Smith's Wharf, Tedlar's Acre, Lambeth. Our information was principally obtained from the en- gineer, but since then we have had an opportunity of more carefully examining the machine, and obtaining some accurate particulars, to- j gether with a correct drawing of the machine, taken expressly for the Journal. The machine was imported into this country from the United Slates, by Colonel Cowdin, and some other parties, and con- sists simply of a locomotive engine, similar in principle to those used on our railways, having two inclined cylinders with their connecting rods, working upon cruiks attached to the axes of two crab engines, instead of the wheels of the locomotive engine. The two crab engines perform the operation of driving the pile with a ran. of the s.ime weight, and in the same manner as those generally adopted fur all the large works in this country, such as the coHVr d.m to the new Houses of Farlian.cnt and the bridges. With this machin,- two piles are driven at the same time. In America the steam machine has been generally adopted fur the constraclion of railways on piles, for which purpose it is well adapted, for as sMon as the machine has driven a pair of piles, it cuts ofl'the Iieads to a level, or with a slight inclination according to the grade required for the r.ulway, ami then rails are laitl upon the top either with cross sleepeis or' not as may be desired ; the engine advances forward another length and performs the operation again ; thus one engine is enabled to drive two rows of piles at about live feet apart, one mile in a month. The i.rinoii)ai object of inquiry is to see how far this machine is superior to those in ordinary use, and as we just si.il-d, in the steam N.'. 52.— Vol.. v.— Janiary, 1812. machine we have simiily engine power applied instead of manual labour, for the working of two pile driving machines of the same mag- nitude and power as those in ordinary use. For this purpose it is ob- solutely necessary to make a series of obser\-ations and ascertain the number of piles that can be driven in one day by the steam machine, and the cost of labour, fuel and expenditure of capital, in comparison widi the labour consumed in driving the same number of piles by the ordinary machine. At present, our materials do not warrant us inoft'er- ing any opinion, but we shall hereafter attempt to obtain some infor- mation regarding this very important part of the inquiry. For the steam machine, it requires to work the engine and apparatus for driving two piles at one time, with a ram weighing h'> cwt. the following men;— an engine-tender, one man fur throwing each appa- ratus in and out of gear, aud one man to attend to each pile, making altogether live men for driving tieo piles. For the ordinary machine it requires four men to work the crab engine for lifting a ram of the same weight, and one man to attend to the driving of the pile, making fiv; mc.i for tiicA pile, or 10 men for two piles. With the steam ma- chine the ram is lifted four or tis e times in a minute, thereby the opera- tion of driving the piles is very short in comparison with the ordinary machine. The coat of the steam machine with an engine of ten horse power, tubular boiler aud apparatus is about 70 J.'., and the co>t of tlw ordinary pile driving machine with crab engine is about 70/. The following is a description of the American steam pile driving machine, and the o|ierations for which it is applicable. The machine consists of two pairs of leaders, similar to the common iiand machine, placed Oft. from centra to centre, (the common Ameri- can railway gauge), and firmly bulled to a strong horizontal framing, and supported bv two oblique' la feet long, it carries at one end a locomotive boiler 1 1 feet lung and 2 ft. 0 in. diameter, calculated to bear 120 lb. per square inch pressure, but generally worked at hu lb. 2 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Jan. per square inch, and about 100 strokes per minute. Under the boiler is placed the supply cistern. In the centre of the framing, and on each side of the boiler is a pair of inclined cylinders 5i inch bore, with solid pistons working well without packing, and 14 inch stroke, which act on right angled cranks; and the gearing, drums, Sec, described in the motions of the machine ; the shaft centres are 1' 3" apart, the spur wheel has 5(3, and pinion 19 teeth; bevels 101 and 40 teeth; saw pulleys 1' 9" and lOA inches diameter. The ram is generally raised from 4 to 5 times a minute, the steam being at 80 lb. per square inch. For river work the machine is made much more compact, the appa- ratus is placed on each side and over the boiler, so that the stage is little more than half the length of the machine shown in the engraving, and it is also sometimes made with an apparatus for driving one pile only, consequently requiring smaller power. In the drawing, fig. 1 is a side elevation of the machine ; fig. 2, ele- vation in front of leaders, showing saw, &c. ; fig. 3, a section taken in front of gearing, &c. ; fi^. 4, a plan of gearing end ;with leaders and ladders removed, and showing saw in plan, similar letters refer to similar parts in each figure. Taking iip ihe pile. — The ram A being secured by placing the stop B under it, by means of the small ropes attached to the latter, and passing over the small pulleys C C, to within 3 feet of the stage. The dogs D are made fast to the pile (fig. 3,) the rope attached to which passes upwards througli the small guide pulleys, and over the outer pulley E, passes downwards and is coiled round the pulley F, fixed on the shaft G, which being made to revolve, raises the pile to its place between the leaders, and is then secured by the loose stay H, and the iron work H' placed round it for guiding it perpendicularly. Driving the pile. — The stop B being withdrawn from under the ram A, the ram is raised by a rope, which being secured to a staple on the top journal passes down under the pulley I, then upwards over the pulley K, and again downwards to the drum L, upon which the rope is coiled, the drum is placed on the shaft G, which is made td revolve oy the spur wheel N, working in the pinion O, on the lower shaft P, ■which shaft revolves by the action of two cranks Q (Figs. 1 and 3,) placed on each end of the shaft P, the cranks are set at right angles to each other, and are worked by the connecting rods R, attached to the piston rods, which are furnished with slide parallels as shown in fig. 1. The slide valves of the piston are worked by the eccentric V, on the end of the shaft P. Steam is supplied to the cylinder by the pipe S, from the boiler T; the boiler is supplied with water from the cistern M, (fig. 1) by the pump W, which is worked by the eccentric rod X, fixed on the spur nave at Y, or by the handle at Z ; the supply of steam is regulated by the handle (a) acting on a valve in the steam pipe (S). The drum L consists of a fixed and a loose cylinder, the latter revolving by the friction of the former (fixed), and is brought into or out of contact by the hand lever (Y) figs. 1 and 4, which has a fulcrum attached to the standard. The follower/' is furnished with a pair of tongs or clippers, which takes hold of a staple fixed in the ram, and carries it to the top of the frame; then when the top of the tongs is pressed closer together, by coming between the contracted checks e' e', the lower part opens and allows the ram to fall. For working the apparatus the engine-tender stands at the valve S, and a man at the lever j/ of each machine. For raising the ram the man turns on the steam at the valve S, which sets in motion the appa- ratus of each machine, and coils the rope round the drums, at the same time raises the ram, as soon as the latter reaches the top of the leaders, the ram is detached and descends, at the same moment the engine- tender turns off the steam, and the men at the levers y throw the drum out of gear, which allows the clippers and chain to descend again and lay hold of the ram ; when the drum is again thrown into gear, the steam turned on and the ram again raised, and so the operation is con- tinued until the pila is driven. Draming a pile. — Chain tackle is secured to the pile and passed over the top pulley to the drum L, and is then drawn by applying the power to turn the drum of the apparatus. The Saw Apparatus consists of a circular saw b, 4 feet diameter, having teeth set 3 inches apart, secured to the end of a beam c, which beam works on the upright shaft d for a centre, and slides laterally on on the iron arc e ; when used the saw is adjusted to the proper height by the screws/, and a bar having a hook in one end and fitting into a staple in the beam's end, is used to press the saw against the work, the bevel pinion g being raised into gear by the foot lever /i, (fig. 4), motion is given to the pulley i and ;, and band k, which W9rk the saw b. The operation of sawing off the end of a pile takes less than a minute. Progressing motion. — The hook I being fastened to a driven pile, and the rope passed over the pulley m attached to the side of the frame to the pulley F, round which it is coiled twice, and the end held by a man — motion being now given to the drum, the machine pro- gresses— this motion is shown by the dotted rope fig. 1, it should be stated that the frame is intended to be supported upon six railway wheels, which run on a temporary rail laid on the top of the piles as they are driven. There is another mode of progressing, but which is not found to answer so well, viz. by means of two sledge beams faced with iron and attached to the under framing, these are placed six feet apart from centre to centre, and pass under the whole length of the machine, and slide on small iron wheels fixed to standards, which are placed loose on the piles. The plumb-bob I suspended to a line regulates the pile being driven perpendicularly, and Y is a lever attached to a friction band break passing over the end of the drum, which is only used occa- sionally. It is remarkable that writers on mechanics have not been able to agree on the precise manner in which the force of the blow given by the ram of a pile engine should be estimated, and the question appears to have been greatly confused by confounding it with the effect pro- duced in sinking the pile. Now it is one thing to estimate the force of a blow, which is simply to determine the weight which, acting by pressure alone, will produce the same effect as the blow, and it is another thing of a widely different nature to determine what that effect actually is. Any practical man at all acquainted with the nature of pile driving, will at once scout the idea of being able to establish the law, according to which a pile will actually sink by successive blows of the ram ; because it is well known that the sinking of the pile is by no means regular or proportioned to the friction opposing its descent as determined by theory. On the contrary, in defiance of all theory, a pile will sometimes sink more at the 4th or 5th blow, than at the 1st or 2nd, or perhaps more at the last blow than it did 10 or 15 blows before ; and yet it is obvious that if we were attempting to investigate theoretically the resistance of friction, we must estimate this resistance to increase in some regular proportion to the depth to which the pile is buried in the ground. Practice, however, shows that occasionally the resistance is less than at a previous blow, when theory would point out that it is more. We therefore reject from our consideration every attempt to deter- mine the actual effect produced by the force which we are able to exert on the pile. In fact, whether the blow produce any effect or not, the force exerted is still the same, and this is all that theory can deter- mine, because the sinking of the pile depends on conditions of te- nacity and consolidation of the ground to be driven into, which are too various and complicated ever to be capable of general expression in the formulae of calculation. It is true that Belidor and other French engineers, in that ardent spirit of investigation which leads them to build up theories on a purely hypothetical basis, where a practical or experimental one is impossible, have assumed the rate of consolidation of earth at each successive foot below the surface, and then taking into account the surface of the pile exposed to friction, have attempted to estimate the rate at which the pile would sink with each blovf of the ram. We doubt, however, whether practice would ever be found, in a single instance, to confirm a theory so established ; at any rate we should esteem the coincidence of the two almost miraculous, even if, in some rare instance, they ever have agreed. — Apart, then, from all conside- ration of the effect produced in sinking the pile, let us simply enquire 1S42.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. the actual force with which the rim, in falling from a given height, strikes the head of the pile. Obeying the law of accelerated velocity, the ram will fall through any space s in the time /k/t, where g=i IG^ij feet, the space through which a heavy body falls in one second of time. Now it is a fixed and well established .rule in mechanics, that the velocity acquired by falling through any given height is pro- portionate directly to the time of descent, and that the velocitv ac- quired at the end of the first second of time is equal to 32x feet per second ; hence it follows that the velocity acquired by a body in falling through the space « is equal to 32* ./ i. Then to find the force of the blow, the weight of the body is to be multipliod into this ac- quired velocity, which it must be understood is not the velocitv with which the body has fallen, but the velocity in feet per second with which it would fall during the next instant of time, were it not sud- denly stopped by striking the pile. According to this formula, the following table has been calculated, showing in one column the time of descent in seconds of any ram fall- iug from 1 to 4U feet, and in the other, the force in tons with which a ram weighing one ton will strike, in falling from the same height. Force in tons Force in tons FaU of Time of for a Ram Fall of Time of for a Kam Ram Descent in weighing Ram Descent in weighing one ton. in feet. seconds. one ton. in feet. seconds. 1 0-25 1 8-0 21 1-14 3G-7 2 0-35 11-3 22 11" 37-6 3 0-43 13-9 23 1-20 38-5 4 0-50 160 24 1-22 393 5 0-56 17-6 : 25 1-25 401 6 0-61 19-6 , 26 1-27 40-9 7 0-6G 21-2 27 1-29 41-7 8 0-70 22-7 23 1-32 42-4 9 0-75 241 29 1-34 43-2 10 0-79 25-3 1 30 1-37 43-9 11 0-83 26-6 I 31 1-39 44-6 12 0-80 27-8 32 1-41 45-4 13 0-90 28-9 33 1-43 4C1 14 0-93 30-0 ' 34 1-45 46-8 IS 0-96 310 1 35 1-48 47-4 16 100 321 36 laO 481 17 103 331 1 37 152 48-8 18 l-OC 34 0 I 38 1-54 49-4 19 109 35-0 ' 39 1-56 50-1 20 111 35-9 1 1 40 1-58 50-7 1 The force of the blow given by a ram of any other weight than a ton may be ascertained from this table, by simply multiplying the number in the column headed " Force, &c." by the weight of the ram. Thus, if it be required to determine the force of the blow given by a ram of 16 cwt. falling from a height of 30 feet, opposite 30 we find the tabular number 43-9, hence l(i x 43-0 = 702 cwt. = 35 tons 2 cwt. the force required. This is the greatest force of the blow which can be given by the steam pile-driving machine described in our present number, the error formerly made of stating the force of the blow at 600 tons was on the authority of one of the foremen superintending the engine, and we take the earliest opportunity of correcting a state- ment so exaggerated. The annexed diagram is intended to represent, by means of the curved line///, the law according to which the force of the blow increases with the height from which it falls. For example, the distance a x measured on the horizontal scale will be ti-l tons, the force with which a ram weighing one ton strikes when it has fallen from a height of 2S feet. The peculiar curve here shown is the result of that law by which the forces vary as the square roots of the heights from which the ram falls. If the forces varied directly as the heightji, the straight lines 6 b would express the law of their increase, and if they varied as the square of the heights, a supposition which, erroneous as it is, has been entertained by some persons, the law of the forces would be expressed by a curve of an entirely ditferent nature from the true one, namely by the curves c c, according to which, if e i were the force for a height of 5 feet, e e would be the force for a height of 10 feet. The straight lines and the curves c c are of course both erroneous, the true scale for measuring the forces being atTorded by the curved line ///J so that the distance ax of any point x from the vertical line A A, measureu on the horizontal scale S :>, will give the force of the blow correctly in the same manner as the table. THE LIVERPOOL PAVILION. Ended at Lirerfool, July, 1841, /or tie Great Dinner of the Royal Agricultural Sociily of England, under the direction of I. W. Wiu), JEsj., Architect. The object of this dinner is to afford an opportunity to the members of the society, assembled from all parts of the kingdom, of hearing persons eminently connected with agriculture and scientific men, speak upon points of special importance to them. The pavilion requires, therefore, no decoration, as it would for a festive occ.isiou; all that is wanted is that it should be convenient for seeing and hearing the speakers, and for serving the dinner, and that it should cost the So- ciety as little as possible. The plan of the Pavilion at Liverpool, as shown in the annexed en- gravings, is a polygon of 24 equal sides, the greatest diameter between the opposite angles being 171 feet; within this space was provided accommodation for 28J0 people, allowing 1ft. Sin. by 3ft. '.Un. to each person, besides the main passages, which were four feet wide, and the committee-room and butteries. The staircases, 3ft. tjin. wide, were outside the building. A portion within this figure being cut oil' to form the ollices, the remaining space for the scats was nearly the form of an ancient circus; the arrangement also was similar, iis there were no galleries, the seats rising in steps around, and following the line of the outer wall. In order to bring the President's and Vice-President's tibles nearer to each other, the high table was advanced from the wall some distance towards the centre of the building, thus leaving some few seats behind the high table. There were six entrances into the body of the Pavilion, two upon the ground, leading into the pit, two above these into the upper seals. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Jan. Fig. 1.— Elevation. and two other st;urcasea leading also to the upper seats, and there was a private entrance into the committee-room and the platform. As the dinner was cold, the first part of it was served upon the table before the guests entered, and from the position of the butteries and pantries, the waiters found it easy to serve anything wanted after- The roof of the building was supported upon its outer wall, and upon two ranges of 12 columns each, one within the other; the dispo- sition of the roofs and columns being symmetrical with the arrange- ment of the seats, the sight was but very little hindered by these few supports, which were posts, 12 inc. square, with the edges chamfered. Fis. 2. Plan of Seats. Plan of Roofs. Reieeence to Plan.' A. Commit..e Room. B, B. Buttery. C, High Table ^""^ ^-f f ■^^• D, Vice PresRleut's Table. E, Pantry. F, Passage to Upi-er Seats. G, Pas- sage on the Ground to Lower Seats. H, H, Stancases. The entire covering was divided into three roofs, one within the other. The centre roof, 72 feet in diameter, was a pyramid oi 12 equal sides, the apex was 40 feet from the floor ; the base or top of the posts supporting the wall plate was 29 feet from the floor. The construction was 12 rafters, forming the angles of the pyramid, each n3in.X4in.) abutting against each other in the centre, and secured there bv a star-sliaped strap of half inch wrought iron, each leg of which 'ift. 2in. from tlie centre, was bolted to each rafter; the other ends of these rafters were secured and prevented from spreading, by connecting the wall plates with strong wrought iron straps, each two feet long, and forming thus a hoop round the base of this roof. 1 he ends of these rafters were also bolted to the upright posts. Light was admitted through a space round this roof under the wall plate ; the purlines supporting the oil cloth covering were laid upon these prin- cipal rafters. The middle division of the covering between the outer and inner range of supports was divided into 12 gable roofs, as their ridges were level, and all tended to the centre; the valleys formed by the sides of tliese roofs meeting each other, rise towards the centre, and thus easily carry off the water. No ties were required, as the rafters of each division abut against each other on the valley pieces, which, supporting a considerable weight, required trussing; the trusses used for these valley pieces (13in.x4in.) was an iron rod |in. thick, bolted to each end of the piece, and an oak wedge being forced between this rod and the underside of the beam formed the truss. The gable ends of these 12 roofs also admitted light, and being under trusses, their tiebeams formed a continued line of support to one end of the rafters of the beam to the roof; the other ends of these rafters (averaging 17 feet long) are supported on the outer wall, this lean-to roof round the building, being the third or outer division of the whole covering. It is to be remarked that within the space included by the covering, there is not one horizontal or isolated tie. The material used for the covering was floor-cloth, prepared only on one side ; it was returned to the maker after the building was taken down; the floor of the Pavilion was supported on 9in. brick walls, the outer enclosure was faced with the outside slabs, sawn from timber; the average height of which was 15 feet from the floor. Light was obtained through the gable ends of the roofs, and the up- right portion of the centre roof, all of which were enclosed with white calico. Mr. Wild's plan, with a model explaining it, was submitted or ten- der, together with the drawings, &c., of another plan previously exe- cuted for the society; this other plan was a parallelogram 113ft. X l'l7ft. offices attached 14ff. X 84 ft. The covering was a series of lean-to roofs ; the accommodation off'ered by both plans was equal. The tender for this plan was £1225; for the plan adopted at Liver- pool £1115 ; this diff-erence of expense may be accounted for by the quantity of external enclosure being much less in the Liverpool plan, owing to the greater capacity of the figure; and as each of the 12 divisions of the plan is exactly repeated, without any curved lines and very little cutting, the construction is very simple. The principal waste was in the covering of the centre roof. As no ornament was at- tempted, the effect of the building was rude and naked, but the great multitude of people in still widening circles around, had a grand eftect. As the plan was symmetrical, architectural decoration could have easily been given had it been required. The position of the building was very disadvantageous for hearing, it being in a very noisy part of Liverpool: indeed, if, on the day of the dinner, a space around had not been covered with refuse bark, nothing could have been heard. There was no echo perceptible in the building, the voice seemed to spread and lose itself as in an open yard. It was generally agreed that those who spoke clearly and articulately were well heard. For instance : Lord Stanley made a long speech, and seemingly without any great effort or loudness, and every word was distinctly heard m all parts. , i , The building, with its covering, remained standing altogether about six weeks ; it was exposed to some very severe weather, but showed no sign of weakness any where. It was erected by the well known and respected builders, the Messrs. Holmes of Liverpool, whose exe- cution of the work gave general satisfaction. „., ,• !• ■ „ Wo liavp seen a set of drawings of these engines, P. area"^"^!?.' m7n fov"rlseratron"to''the Mod?l Gallery Somerset , n wl^ch . 0 credit tJ the public spirit of the engmeers and the skdl of h^' a^l Tl ev show fully how the most practical subjects when properly eate Lec.nrK of heauty. We should like much fur every engmeet !iri/resem s "clVcorfs to public institutions, where they may be studied by '.he profession. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. OX ]?EAM AND DIRECT ACTION FAGIXES. GORGON ENGINE. BEAM ENGINE. I 'I Q i.._ |i.p= P 9 Sir — I am induced to address you from having read, in a contem- porary work, a review of Mr. Scott Russell's publication on Scotcli steam navig-ation, wherein concise mention is ni.ule of tlie engines termed "Gorgon," so scitnlijiculiy named from tlieir liaving been first fitted on board a vessel of that name. Giving unto the manuf.icturers of these muciiines great credit for their general talents and inp-'nuity, and having a high opinion of their ability, I nevertheless, with reference to this particular case, have great doubts of the correctness of their title either to origiiialily in introduction, or to any credit in conception or invention. I trust also that these gentlemen will not consider me to be actuated by any un- friendly motives; some of the publisiied statements and assumed facts seem to me to be a little overcharged, and my desire is to induce ex- planation, and, by controversy, establish in your pages a conclusive and convincing account of all the properties of the arrangcnuMit, and at the same time, by comparative data and drawings, show its prefer- ence|or^defect oter other plans, more especially to the common]4be.im, or Boulton & Watt marine engine first fitted on board the "Favorite" Margate steamer, in IS 18. It must be in the knowledge of most of your professional readers, th:it engines having a " direct action " were common many years ago, and it was not until the novel arr.ingemput of the " Favorite's" engines became generally known, that they were put aside; since then the beam engine has reigned triuinph.int, to the jjartial usurpation of the Gorgon; it is my object to show the said "Gorgons" are not entitled to the position they m.ay be said to have attained in the royal navy. In the year 1S22 a vessel was built at Leith, and was Damed tlic "Tourist;" her engines were of the "direct" kind, designed and manufactured by Mr. UiTZMEK, also of Leith, and were, I may safely say, the 7?r»/ crer m(i(/t for marine purposes. The arrangement was very like Mr. Penn's oseillating engine ; the cylinders were of course THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Jan« fixed, having one air-pump worked by a crank in the middle shaft ; the condenser was a circular one, fixed before the air-pump in the middle line of ship. The cylinder was 40 inches diara. and 3 feet stroke, pqual to a power of 4U horses, the space occupied was 10 ft. 9 in. in the fore and aft direction, and lift. Gin. athwart ; the vessel was low, and the paddle wlieels being projiorlioiied to the stroke, the con- necting rods were short. The piston rods were fitted with parallel motions. Thus, so far as the direct application of tlie poreer goes, the engines of the Tourist, Goigon, Cyclops, &c., are identical. I therefore must object to the Messrs. feeawards' nomenclature, it should be " Gutzmer " not " Gorgon." In 182G, Mr. David Napier completed his splendid ship, the "United Kingdom." The engines were upon the direct principle, with, I conceive, considerable improvements; these consisted of se- parate condensers and air pumps, in a half side beam, an additional crossbar, and side rods forming a connecting rod, by which means this latter was doubled in length to what it would have been on the Gutz- mer principle. I cannot give the exact space occupied by these en- gines, but feel assured that with equal powers and capabilities, they have the advantage over the Gorgons. Having explained my objections to the claims of the Gorgon engine on the ground of originality, I now come to its intrinsic value as com- pared with its competitor the beam engine, and I beg to premise that I use the term " competitor" in a Royal Navy sense only, for I be- lieve I am correct in stating that, with the exception of the Russian Emperor and Mexican Government, that this government is the only patron of the Gorgon engine. I mean to say that it is entirely ex- cluded from the vast commercial marine of this country. I think I may also say entirely from France, but I am open to correction on this point; at all events, the former fact shows plainly, thit if it has no defects, it at least has not the advantages which are claimed for it. I may observe, with reference to the value of government patronage, and I merely state a plain and well known fact, that they are far be- hind private knowledge and enterprise. In a pamphlet published by Messrs. Seawards & Co., the following statements are made, and a drawing given of the Gorgon's engine ; of the latter's accuracy I have no doubt. I dispute the former. They say, 1st, they occupy i less space, and weigh i less than the beam engine. 2nd, that there is less friction, consequently less wear and tear and loss of power. 3rd, that the consumption of fuel does not exceed 64 lbs. per horse power nominal per hour. I purpose taking these as they stand. 1st, the space occupied by the Gorgon and the beam engine can only be shown by a drawing; such accompanies this letter, sketched to the same scale, and placed relatively to each other. The upper is that of the Gorgon, as copied from the above-mentioned pamphlet, the lower is of a beam engine, in sketching which I have not followed the "architecture" of any manufacturer, for obvious rea- sons, having no professional object in view. You will therein see that the base of the Gorgon's engine is 20ft. Clin, long by 7ft. lOin. wide, that of the beam engine 20ft. 9in. long by 8ft. Gin. wide over the main gudgeons or widest part, being in excess, three inches in length and eight inches in width only I This is an astounding fact, and before publishing this paper (if it is doomed to such fortune), I beg, Mr. Editor, that you will carefully look to this point, and test its accuracy ; I believe it is fair and honest, and, if published, will speak for itself. So much for the boasted Gorgon engine, i less, — 'tis a hacknied phrase. It does not appear that any claim is made for improvement in the boiler. I have a drawing of the Cyclops' ; they are of the common construction, single flue (that is, all on one level) having fires at both ends; they are across 19ft. by 31ft. fore and aft, and 8ft. lOin. high; this is all common-place. I have therefore no remark to make until I speak of their weight, and the reported consumption of fuel. I now come to the weight of the Gorgon's machinery, and premise that this is a point of great importance, as I have reason to think its reported small amount was one of the principal causes of the intro- duction of these engines into the navy of Great Britain. The engines were stated to the government to weigh 121 tons. Paddle-wheels 24 Boiler 04 Water in Boilers 48 257 tons. A total of 257 tons omitting the coal boxes. The weight of a pair of beam engines of 320 horses power of most approved construction, with boilers, paddle-wheels, coal boxes, and water in boiler to working height, would not be more than 290 to 300 tons, but say the latter, to put the question on its broadest base, that is '93 of a ton to a horse, which you will find a very ample allowance. Supposing the 257 tons to include coal boxes (although not enume- rated) we have a saving of 300 less 257 == 43 tons and -y^' := | saving by the use of the Gorgon's engines! really, Mr. Editor, this appears " too bad." Can the statement of i saving be made on honourable principles, or wero the manufacturers so far carried away by enthu- siasm as to slightly exceed the bounds of truth ? A few words more on this subject; I have reason to doubt the accu- racy of the total weight given to the Admiralty, viz. 257 tons. The following has been handed to me by authority on which I can rely. It may be said it is merely an anonymous statement. Granted ; but I am ready, Mr, Editor, to give you the name of my informant (in con- fidence), and you shall be the umpire as to its value. Corrected weight of Gorgon's engines will stand thus ; — Tons. c»t. qrs. lb. Engines . . 123 3 0 13 Paddle-wheels . 40 0 3 24 Boiler . . 68 17 2 5 Chimney . . 6 3 3 6 Coal Boxes . 20 2 1 18 Water in Boiler . 40 8 0 0 *Total 298 15 10 I say I believe this to be correct, and leave your readers to form their own conclusions, or to make further enquiries. All I can say is, that it calls loudly for explanation. I proceed to the second subject " That there is less friction in the Gorgon's engines, consequently less loss of power, wear and tear, &c. This I consider to be merely professional, and fear my inability to make myself fully understood by casual readers; however, avoiding all scientific observation as to the "laws of friction," I shall merely point out the parts generally included in the beam but avoided in the Gorgon engine, and allow your readers to draw a common sense de- duction as to the saving in this particular. The following are common to both constructions : the pistons, air pump buckets, hot and bilge water pumps, shaft bearings, crank pins, &c. The connecting rod bearing on cylinder cross bar of Gorgon, is equal to the beam engine connecting rod cross bar; in this latter we have the two main gudgeons, the air-pump gudgeons, the side rod gudgeons, and the parallel motion, to be balanced by the rocking beam and parallel motion of the Gorgon engine ; aud although last, not least, the enormous friction on these parts caused by the short connecting rod, and which I am assured is so great as to equal I the power of the engine passing through them to sustain the piston rod to move in a perpendicular line. On this point I am content, that those who are cognizant of the parts of both engines, or can judge from the drawing given, may form their own conclusions. 3rd. That the consumption of fuel does not exceed 6i lb. per nomi- nal horse power per hour. Nothing can be more absurd than to draw any conclusions from the consumption per nominal horse power, the merest tyro in the profes- sion must be fully aware that in the same engine (or generally speaking in engines from the same manufactory), the consumption of coal mill always be as the work done; it matters not how you may turn and twist * We must observe that this weight includes chimney and coal boxes, not included in the before-mentioned weight of 257 tons. — Editor. 1842 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. this fact, it is still so; by loss on the slide valve you save steam, but yon reduce your power* in the same proportion ; and was moderate consumption of fuel the only desideratum it is easily obtained ; vou may save coal by not using sUam, and that is simplv done by prevent- ing its ingress to the cylinder. Thus actual power is reduced, but nominal pow er is fixed, and hence the result of 6i lb. consumed on board the Gorgon. I may here incidentally obsers-e that a good marine engine should exert an average pressure on the piston of 141b. per square inch, and this exclusive of all friction of the moving parts; this, according to Mr. Watt's computation is just double the nominal power. If under these circu mstances it consumes 9 lb. of coal per nominal horse power per hour, or 4i actual horse power, you may be content. I have known this exceeded, but think it rare ; a pressure of 10 to IGi lb. on the inch is common in these days, and that with a boiler pressure of U lb. There- fore to form a fair experiment of the consumption we ought to be favoured with an iiHlicutor figure, showing the average pressure, with the speed of the piston per minute. The Gorgon's cylinders are 66 inches diameter and 5 ft.G in. stroke, and according to Mr. Watt's computation, (I take his data as I con- sider it beyond cavil), should make 2U strokes per minute, or 220 feet, producing a power of 160 horses, or 320 for both engines. This is just equal to 18-57 cwt. per hour, is this fact » I put it Sir, to your own knowledge, as well as to that of your general readers. One other point only remains to be considered, the actual speed of these Gorgon s engines. I am told in consequence of the great im- mersion of the Gorgon, her engines seldom make more than U to 15 strokes per minute, if this is true the mystery is solved, the consump- tion of coal is increased at once in the proportion of 20 to 14, equal 9i lb. per nominal horse, about the usual thing supposing the actual power double as above stated. Of the " Styx" I can speak with confidence, on her trial in the river, with my Lords and a large party on board, with coal enough for the trip, no masts, stores ("except, to the credit of the engineers be it said, no mean supply of the rery good things of this world), guns, &c., at her light draft she made 17 strokes per minute, and when loaded it is reasonable to suppose the increased resistance would reduce that two or even three strokes per minute at least ; therefore how utterly in- conclusive it would be to form any judgment as to the consumption of coal upon such data. No, this may do for the government folks, but the steam public will require deeper investigation ; let us have an in- dicator figure, the number of strokes per minute, the speed of vessel with her immersed section, and then we shall be enabled to see if modern ingenuity has done more than old "Gutzmer" did in the "Tourist." There are other defects attached to the Gorgon engine which de- serve notice. It has been frequently observed, even bv unscientific persons, that in the " beam engines" every part was beautifully adopted to iU purjpose, and was so well balanced, that disconnected from the shaft it preserved its position, it results that its motion is equable and smooth, with a minimum friction on the moving parts. Although I differ from those who suppose there is a mechantcat loss of power in the use of the short connecting rod, still I conceive the most sanguine supporter of the "direct engine" must allow there i» a loss of power from attendant causes, the undue friction thrown upon the parallel motion upon the shaft bearings and other parU, in consequence of the oblique action of the connecting rod, and more than all the irregiUar motion ariMng from the weight of the pistons, connecting rods, cranks, cross bars, &c. being totally unbalanced, except bv the paddle wheel which I consider so rude as out of the pale of civ'ilization, and which' by tlie bye, cannot be carried into etfect when any app.-irafus is fixed for disengaging the shaf^ as the paddle wheel woul.l not revolve, the very end to be obtained by such device. The ttrlttr of ihu piipcr « reduced m the cul>e rouu ol the lost power, his desire is to prove Ihc i,n- soundmsi of reasoning up n nominal liursc power consumption. Another disadvantage is that in order to get a moderately long con- necting rod, you are obliged to construct your paddle whee'l much too large in diameter for the stroke of the engine, and in order to reduce your resistance, to contract the length of the board ; this applies to all our Government vessels hitherto fitted with direct engines, and in fact to this I principally ascribe their low speeds. Puffing is a horrid resource ; I have been amused to see the manner in which the Gorgon and Cyclops were brought l>efore the public on the recent bombardment of the Syrian coast; surely this is unfair and not national. The Phenix, Medea, Hecla, Hydra and many other? did their duly, which I presume is all the first named were called upon to per- form. One observation more, and I fear I am only disseminating a generally known fact, that the great majority of our war steamers have rtry Ion relociUes. I know not what oilier countries possess, but this must be evident to all, that (putting aside great disparity of force), the fastest steamer will be the conqueror, and thus as In the American war, our noble tars will be sacrificed to the miserable inefficiency of those who have the governance of such matters. I conclude with a prophecy. Fashion must have its course in steam as in other matters, but ere long we shall come back to the scandalized " Beam engine." The Gorgons may shake their heads, and Cyclops wink their "central orbs," they will meet the fate of the " To'uritt," now propelled by a pair of beam engines. Like in the paddle wheel mania, we gyrated from poor Buchanan who "shone" in lsl4, through a vast series of minor inventors down to Morgan, who iffent put in 1S3S or thereabouts;— this is all very well, and is good for trade, but who pays ? I remain, Sir, your's truly, Vl-lcax. London, December 9, ISll. ON THE USE OF GOLD IN DECORATION. Since architects are beginning to pay more attention than formerly to the minor parts of decoration, it may not be venturing out of their province to turn their attention to a very important branch of it— though it is ground on which, from being confined by the impregnable laws of fashiun, it is more dangerous to tread than even the slippery path selected by Mr. Bartliolomew. When we have designed our de- coration with the greatest attention to harmonious colouring, taking care that each may have its proper proportions, and making a cautious use of bright colours out of regard to those which are more subdued— the artist comes, and to the injury of his own works, as wed as those of the architect, covers the wall with a phalanx of rich gold frames of precisely the same character, whatever may be the tone of the room or the nature of the picture. If the statements of Mr. Clarke be correct, that yellow is to be useil with great caution ami never in large quan- tities, and it unsel constructed on this principle would be ai^ irregular cask, anii when caulked inside and outside would Hoat without planking ; and by the addition of the latter, a frame of great stiHness, and equal strength and thickne-is in every part would be obtained, on which one side of every piece of ^vood u»ed in its construction would be visible, and would allow an examination to be made of its state with great facility. The other sides of the wood would be preserved from wet as long ns the fabric of the vessel remained sound, anil the caulking was attended to. It is obvious that a greater inside width of ' or 8 inches would be gained in these ves-ieU, and no loss of space would accrue if it was occupied by battens to admit of water accommodation for the leakage, and the prevention of injury to the cargo from the escape, until at least the present advocates of the assumed necessity of leaks in ships, became convinced of the small prospect of their occurrence under common circumstances in vessels so constructed. It is true no provision will afford security to vessels on rocks among breakers, but such situations atTord the best test of the merits of dif- ferent systems of ship building, by the time each vessel is found capa- ble of resisting these effects. Numerous c;ises will occur where life is dependent on the time the vessel holils tigether, but the partial saving of the cargo may be con- sidered objectionable by ship owners, among whom the advantages of a total loss are well understood. Opinions on these points are of little value, we must wait fur evidence froiu wrecks under different conditions. The scantling proposed for merchant ships would, I apprehend, be not quite so heavy as that in use for ships of war of equal site ; at the same time, it is probable that the strength of timbers placed close to- gether, except thatof the dockyard plan of timbers wedged up, to such an extent that a greater strength may be perhaps obtained ut a smaller cost. Plans of this nature are obviously only suited for good workman- ship and good materials; but it ought to suit, for less iasnrance pre- miums, whenever an inquiry on this subject is properly conducted, and explanations are afforded to insurers of such a nature, as shall be fully understood. The third plan referred to, requires similar conditions of timber and workmanship, but it has not been extensively adopted. Ten or twelve series of inch planks were employed many years ago, in a 500 ton vessel built at Rochester, but I conceive three or four series of 2.J to four inch plank, according to the size of the vessel, would be found a more convenient method of construction. Several of the Gravesend st'eamers of 150 feet in length have been built of three series of Id inch planks, and they have run for 4 or 5 years, and are now said to be as sound as wdien first constructed, such at least was the case with the Ruby, when opened for the purpose of lengthening the bow to increase her speed. This method however requires farther trial, especially at sea, before anv decisive opinion can be given on its comparative merit : it is fa- vourable to soundness, as the necessity of sawing the wood into plauks admits of the certain selection of good materials, and would afford great facility in seasoning timber properly. While the expense of selection would in some degree be lessened by the conversion of the rejected planks to inferior purposes, or by working it up in inferior or cheap craft, perhaps for river use. The increase of cost would not answer unless it was accompanied by a proportional increase of dura- bility, and perhaps the general opinion would be iu favour of the latter result, as a necessary consequence of the selection of good timber. The launches used in the navy have for several years been made on Johns' plan, of two series of planks crossed diagonally, their weight is about ^ of the boats of the old construction, and their durability has been much increased. The Gravesend steamers are built with two similar scries of crossed planks in lieu of timbers, covered with an outside planking in the common mode, the whole well fastened with copper. — in large vessels perhaps a ceiling connected in the snme manner might be deemed advisable: at the same lime it seems pro- bable that a greater strength would be obtained by a less quantity of timber in the third than in the second method of construction proposed. Clinker built nhicli belong to this class, in which the principal strength depends on the planking iastead of the timbt-rs, seldom exceed lOU toiis iu size, and are usually of a slight scantling ; theirgreat durability is well ascertained, provided they are kept from the ground, iu which case from the thinness of the single part of the planking, boles are easily knocked in their bottoms. The introduction of these methods of constructing timber ships is not likely to be eilected, except by the nearly total destruction of the present trade in ship building, by the more general ailopliun of iron vessels, and the interests of humanity «ill cause the earliest oc- currence of this result nut to be regretted. Nothing perh«p» *on freights and p isscugers, and the pecu- 14 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Jan. Harities of the voyage at the same time demand the employment of steam vessels of similar size and power to these constructed for At- lantic voyaging, the success cf the enterprise, that is, the continuance of a profitable and satisfactory issue, will be, to say the least of it, as is proper in a case judged a priori, exceedingly problematical. The limitation which exists to ocean steam voyaging is txptmejnot impracdcahilily. This limitation is in the present state of the art immoveable and insuperable, and the eslablishment of a steam com- munication with the moon, is quite as feasible as the profitable exten- sion of steam voyaging in the presentstate of the art, to cases to which it cannot be profitably extended. The attempt to surmount difficulties by shutting our eyes to them, is not merely futile, but is in this case productive of unmerited disfavour towards steam navigation. For the origination of enterprises, which from their nature cannot be capable of yielding an adequate profit to render them permanent, destroys public confidence, and fearfully represses the spirit of commercial adventure. There is no achievement whicli ought to be more-grateful to the public acceptation than the analysis and exposition of such illusive enter- prises, yet there is none which frequently obtains a more ungrateful requital. Persecution and calumniation appear to be the heritage of the public benefactor, and the same dark spirit which administered the poisoned cup to Socrates and Phocion, is not extinct at the present day. Yet it is the part of philosophy to bear contumely without de- pression— nor ought the sensibilities of the philanthropist be frozen by the breath cf popular aspersion. If it be beneficent to attempt the dissipation of popular delusion, to continue that attempt unmoved by calumny, violence and derision, is surely an approach to divinity. We trust that Dr. Lardner may lorg continue his patriotic endeavours to direct aright the national energies in any questions similar to that which forms the subject of the present enquiry. Those energies if suffered to run to waste vpill jiroduce a vegetation which may be fair for a season, but which will inevitably prove itself to be deadly and delusive. Like waters poured out in the desert, they may cherish flowers pleasing to the eye, but bearing death in their exhalations- trees of luxuriant foliage and majestic stature, but hollow and poisonous within ; fruit of tempting appearance, but turning in the grasp into bitterness and ashes. With the view of assisting our readers to form a correct estimate of the true character of the Atlantic enterprise, we shall recapitulate some of the circumstances attending the discussion of that question. The asperity which characterized the discussion at Bristol, as well as the subsequent discussions at Liverpool and New- castle was a prominent feature of the inquiry, the more so that it happi'y rarely attaches to statistical and philosophical investigation. The cause of this unbecoming heat has been attributed to the fact of considerable interests having been already enlisted, antecedently to those discussions, in the schemes which Dr. Lardner found himself con- strained to condemn. The managers and directors of these several embryo projects were, it is said, in conformity with our opening ex- position of the besetting frailty of practical men, incensed at the ap- plication of Dr. Lardner"s general conclusions respecting steam voy- aging to this particular case, which they contended ought to be and was an exception. It was considered that the clearness of Dr. Lard- ner's expositions established a conclusion opposed to their interests, and involved an indirect reflection upon their capacity or disinterested- ness, whilst engineers and other artificers were not without that bias in favour of the Atlantic enterprise which the anticipated fabrication of immense vessels might be expected to create. Though unable to J ope with Dr. Lardner in argument, this united party reasonably con- .(.^ ded that Dr. Lardner was entirely wrong, because they were un- doub tedly entirely right. They therefore attempted, and not without some 'eiipo''^i')' success, to undermine his reputation for practical sagacity ^^ attributing to him sentiments he never entertained, and then show '"S '''"'^^ sentiments to be altogether fallacious. When the phantoms t '^"^ arrayed, as if they had been real entities, had been valiantly slain "^® victory was manifestly won, and was so adjudged by "adiscrinii'n ''•'"S ^"'l ^"''g'''f"''f'P"b'i'='" That the popular voice should have a li '''8'''^ '° '''^ advocates of the Atlantic scheme the supcrioritv in the & '■^'^'^55'°" ^^ ^^^^ question is a circumstance which has been supposed to be partly due to the effect which any doctrine is capable of creating in the public mind if incessantly insisted on, but chiefly to the contemporaneous development of the most extravagant popular anticipations relative to steam agencies. This species of de- lusion has been not inappropriately termed the Steam Mania. During tlie severity of its paroxysms, projects the most preposterous were received with eagerness and applause, the countiy was drunk with expectation, and for a time appeared bereft of every atom of its ac- customed discretion. In so distempered a state of the public mind the project of Atlantic steam voyaging could scarcely fail to attract numerous admirers. The magnitude and grandeur of the enterprise captivated the popular sympathies, whilst the implicit faith in the omnipotence of steam agencies smoothed down all difticulties and sur- mounted all opposition. But although enthusiasm may win a battle, it is only the material interest'of mankind which can keep the field. Reason may be overborne for a season, but is sure sooner or later to obtain the superiority. A few years of experience generally brings with them the subsidence of the most inveterate popular delusions. Men awake as if from a dream, and it is an honourable trait in the character of public opinion that it has no resentments to perpetuate, but is desirous to atone for whatever injury its frenzy may have in- flicted. A very clever writer in the Quarterly Review, No. 123, (1838) un- dertakes to point out the magnificent prospects of Atlantic steam voy- aging, and the advantages direct and consequential which may be fairly expected from it. The period at which this article was written, shortly posterior to the accomplishment of the first voyages of the Great Western, was peculiarly favourable for lending weight to the reviewer's conclusions, and the writer is evidently a man of much general ability. We shall proceed to make extracts from this article, as an example of the arguments adduced in support of the advantage of the Atlantic scheme. " The effect of this achievement is by no means easily to be described or foreseen. Even the Americans with all their reputation as a self possessed and considering people, have displayed unwonted raptures and antics on occasion of the first arrival of the Sirius and Great Wes- tern at New York, quite as much so as our Bristol neighbours on their return, and we are not sure that either party is to be blamed for it. We are not sure that the former are far out of tlieir reckoning when they speak of this as a new epoch in the history of the world. We can enter into the feelings of the myriads who crowded the wharfs at New York, when the English boats were hourly expected, when finally after days of almost breathless watching (which to fearful spirits might well have attbrded some pretext for disbelieving the new scheme, some excuse for casting even ridicule on it after all), at length on the morn- ing of St. George's day, the doubts, the fears, the scorn were alike destined to be removed for ever from the mind of every living crea- ture, (even, we dare say, but let us say it with due deference, from that of Dr. Lardner himself), for now appears a long dim train of dis- tant smoke in a somewhat unaccustomed direction, it rises and lowers like a genius in the Arabian nights portending something prodigious; by and bye the black prow of a huge steam boat dashes round the point of some green island in the beautiful harbour Against the wind, against the tide, Steadying with upright keel." It is not very easy to perceive what these doubts and fears really are which the first voyage of the Sirius was destined to remove for ever. The doubts and fears of the possibility of a steamer being able to cross the Atlantic i Dr. Lardner can hardly be conceived to have entertained these doubts and fear, for one small reason among many others, the passage across the Atlantic had been accomplished by a steam vessel about twenty years before. Are the doubts and fears meant to have exclusive reference to the profitable issue of the under- taking? How could the success of any enterprise in steam navigation be ascertained by the performance of a single trip ? " The British and American Steam Company who have just launched at Blackwall a ship thirty-eight feet longer than any in her Majesty's 1S42.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 15 navy, notify to us moreover that" next year they mean to have boats like this running on each side on the 1st and lOtli of overy month. This is but one company, one which has not yet moved we believe, for we understand tlie Sirius to have lieen sent out by another, and the Great Western it is well known belongs to Bristol, (jlasgow too will DO doubt bestir herself, and above all we must leave room for Liver- pool. The sole marvel is that Liverpool lias waited so long, a secret onlv to be explained by the extent of interest there invested in the American liners. We see that a company is now started at that port who announce immediate operations." To us it appears still more marvellous that the establishment of At- lantic steam voyaging should have been accomplished by England at all when America had palpably the greatest benefit to receive from the execution of that measure. The Americans would it is alleged have taken a share in the Atlantic enterprises had they not built their hopes upon a project which was to send a ship across the Atlantic by the instigation of a barrel of blue vitrei, but which failed. This cir- cumstance is however insuflicient to account for the torpidity of the Americans, where there is anything expected to be won. Had the expectation of a profitable result been as sanguine in the United States as for some time it was in England, it is the opinion of the best in- formed persons that we should not have been left to enjoy the steam monopoly of the Atlantic. The fact appears to be that the Americans were better judges than we were of the amount of profit to be realized by the transport of passengers and light articles of merchandise across the Atlantic, arising in part from the experience they had had of At- lantic steam voyaging before we began. " Scarce ten years had elapsed after Fulton first committed his novel little pinnace to the wafers of the Hudson, ere the Savannah, a new steam vessel of 300 tons crossed from New York to Liverpool, and at several subsequent periods has the voyage been accomplished. The reason why Atlantic steam voyaging has not grown up among the Americans maybe traced to the conviction that the adventure would not be productive of that Honey of Hyblas, vulgarly called monev."* The Quarterly proceeds — "What is to prevent a fair competition now ? What account is to be made of a curve or two in a river with steamers of 300 feet long, and a speed of 15 miles an hour, as practical men best versed in these matters expect to see in a very few years? And indeed the American boats upon the Hudson have been running at much more than this rate for years." We confess we should like some verification of all this before we believe it. Our readers may trv their penetration upon the following, which to us appears mere childishness. " We were speaking, however, of the first sensation, the achieve- ment has produced, and which we venture to predict will at some future diy be a matter of no little historical curiosity. The New York editors seem scarcely able to contain themselves, 'side by side with the old world at last,' says one, — • Now then for the coronation,' cry half a dozen more — and then the files of European journals un- rolled! Fifteen days from Bristol, &c. S:c. A revolution this such as the world rarely sees even in our eventful age — a revolution thoroughly overturning the old systems of most of the business world at least — yet effected as it were instantaneously, and without one drop of blood." The following is a magnificent example of that figure of speech u?u illy termed nonsense. " Some one has predicted that presently we shall have Covent Gar- den market stosked by the other continent ; as to the floral depart- ment there may be something in it for aught we know, and indeed in some others too, for if the Miners' could bring the Duke a present of fresh venison from his western admirers, we certainly get a clear vision here of divers good things to come. We say notliiiig however even of Yankee ice dropped in dog days at sun-rise upon every door step in London as in Boston — not one word — ' Xil admirari,' we repeat, is our motto ; ' keep cool,' that is, ice or no ice — dog days and all." But further. "It is only thirty years since Fulton ascended the Hud- son with bis boat. In lb 10 there was no such thing in all England, * Tlioughls on Steam Lcxwmollon. Weale, IMO. and as late as 1620 there were only thirty-five. The most important improvements also have been rtn/ recently introduced, and without particularizing these, it is sufficient to say lh.it the learned Dr. Diony- sius Lardner's miscalculations on this subject of Atlantic naviguion, have evidently been caused by almost wholly overlooking these same improvements, even so far as some years past are concerned, Cand a year in such a progress as this agent is making is a matter not to be overlooked), or regarding them too much as mere speculations not likely, or not yet fully proved to be capable of great practical effects (as they have already been*, while as relates to what may yet be established, though now it is but experimental ; or of what may be discovered of which nobody now dreams, the calculations in question have apparently left no lee way fur the ingenuity or our successors, or even our contemporaries, it was taken for granted that all had been done which could be done — that there were not any ' hidden powers' hereafter to be brought to bear upon steam navigation, as well as upon other things, and to supersede steam itself altogether. How grand a mistake this was we need not say, let us beware of its being made again." In reference to this statement it is proper to observe that Dr. Lard- ner's deductions relative to the Atlantic enterprise were formed, as we shall presently have occasion to show more in detail, from the performance of the Medea, and that the Medea was at that time the most perfect existing steam vessel in reference to the distance over which she might be propelled by a given quantity of fuel per horse power. In regard to the omission of "lee way" in his computation, it is difficult to see upon what grounds the admission of such an element conld be justified. Atlantic sleam voyaging in the year IS3l), either was or was not beneficially accomplishable. The point was evidently alone ca])able of being determined by a comparison of the difficulties of the enterprise with the existing capabilities of steam voyaging; and how were the existing capabilities of steam navigation to be as- certained except by a reference to the performances of the best exist- ing steam vessels ? If Dr. Larduer did this, he did all he was called upon to do ; he was not called upon to say that Atlantic steam voyag- ing would be profitable in lS3(j, because the progress of improvement might perhaps render it so in ten years time, or in ten months time. It would have been highly unphilosopliical to have basr>d computations upon circumstances which were not really exist<'nt. No man can say that in any branch of science or art all his been done that can be done, but it is quite time enough to adopt discoveries when they have been actually found out. Once more — "It cannot be doubted, we think, that the passage of the Atlantic by steam will even in the coming ten years be brought to a state of (so to speak) artistical luxury and perfection, of which those who have started the enterprise themselves little think." Alas — alas I how has this prediction been verified ! But we cannot enter upon a subject so agonizing as the loss of the President — the wouuils are not yet cicatrized, but bleed afre>.h at the tenderest touch. The wail of the widow and the orphan — of the affianced bride and the childless father, is yet sounding in our ears; and memory rekindles emotions which are only to be assuaged by time the comforter. The repetition of such calamities is now, heaven be praised! unlikely. And oh! what can be the reflections of those, if any such there be, by whom the one dire calamity Ims been directly or indirectly superinduced ? Can any thing be more reprehensible than that reckless ]>reclpltation which not merely sets at nought nil con- sideration of failure and ruin, but tampers without compunction with the lives of the best and noblest of the land ! Having in the preceding pages adverteil on several orcanloia to what Dr. Lardner did not say, we shall now attempt to show the n.iture of the opinions respecting the Atiiintic enterprise he rtalli/ did enter- tain. We are fortunately in postcssion of un authentic and well known record U(ion this subject, in the shape of nn article written by Dr. Lardner for the Edinburgh Review, and which will be found in the 131st nunibi'r ( 1h37), of that publication. From thil article we shall make considerable extracts. 16 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Jan. "The imposing mechanical phenomena so rapidly and unexpectedly developed by the invention and improvement of the locomotive steam engine, and its application to railways have for several years so en- grossed public attention that other means of facilitating the operations of commerce, and expediting the social intercourse of distant masses of people less fascinating perhaps, but not less important, have been comparatively overlooked. The subject of water transport by steam has from this cause received less than its due share of attention. A re-action however appears to have been recently produced, and we have now a swarm of projectors much more largely supplied with zeal ttan knowledge, who not content with advancing in the march of im- provement with that calm deliberation and salutary caution so neces- sary to insure a permanently profitable issue for any great undertaking, would rush to their ends without ever informing themselves of the means at their disposal, and proceed /ler saltum from a channel trip to the circumnavigation of the globe. Within the last year, considerable public attention has been directed to the question of the practicability and advantage of establishing a line of steam communication between Great Britain and the United States, and various projects have been started and companies formed for the construction of vessels for that purpose, several of which are already in a state of forwardness. At a meeting of the British Scientific Association held at Bristol last September, one of the topics which engrossed a large share of interest, was the question of the practica- bility of a steam voyage across the Atlantic, raised in the mechanical section. The statement laid before that section by Dr. Lardner ob- tained such publicity at the time through the press, that it would be superfluous to recapitulate its arguments. The conclusions however at which he arrived were briefly these : — That in the present state of the steam engine as applied to nautical purposes he regarded a permanent and profitable communication between Great Britain and New York by steam vessels, making the voyage ix one trip, as in a high degree improbable : that since the length of the voyage exceeds the present limits of steam power, it would be desirable to resolve it into the shortest practicable stages ; and that therefore the most eligible point of departure would be the most western shores of the British [sles, and the first point of arrival the most eastern available parts of the western continent ; and that under such circumstances the length of the trip, though it would come fully up to the present limit of this application of steam power, would not exceed it, and that we might reasonably look for such a degree of improvement in the efficiency of marine engines, as would render such an enterprise permanent and profitable." Dr. Lardner then goes on to state that it had been objected to his conclusions, that the data from whence they were derived had been obtained from the performance of steam vessels antecedently to 1S34, whereas since that period considerable improvement was alleged to have been effected in steam machinery, which by diminishing the con- sumption of fuel was considered to have improved the prospects of Atlantic steam voyaging. Of ah the vessels then existing the Medea was universally allowed to be the one which was capable of being im- pelled over the greatest distance with a given quantity of coals per horse power ; she was therefore the most favourable actual standard by which prospects of the Atlantic enterprise could be measured, and was adopted as the basis of the present inquiry. Dr. Lardner then proceeds to show that the same conclusion respecting the Atlantic en- terprise which he had already deduced from the performances of ves- sels antecedently to 1S34, was also deducible from the performances of the Medea, and of other vessels between 1834 and 1S37. The misconception which has existed respecting Dr. Lardners opinions upon this question, and which nothing short of raisrepresenta- tion prepense was sufficient to have created, renders it proper here to repeat that the limits which exist to the achievements of steam power are not imposed by any abstract impracticability of performing steam voyages of any length whatever, but by the impracticability of render- ing those voyages sufficiently profitable to confer permanency upon enterprises in steam navigation. The doctrine attributed to Dr. Lard- ner that a steam vessel (or any vessel), if only sea worthy, was incapa- ble of proceeding from Great Britain to the coast of North America, is so palpably absurd that it scarcely deserves to be noticed. Dr. Lardner has however offered the following observations upon the subject, which we extract from the Monthly Chronicle, Vol. IL, 1S3S. " A vessel having as her cargo a couple of steam engines and some hundred tons of coal, would be ceteris paribus as capable of crossing the Atlantic as a vessel transporting the same weight of anv other cargo. A steam vessel it is true would labour under some compara- tive disadvantage, owing to the obstruction presented by her paddle wheels, and the paddle boxes which cover them : still, however, it would be preposterous to suppose that these impediments would ren- der impracticable her passage to New York. If therefore such a ves- sel merely transported her machinery and fuel without working the one or consuming the other, she would still make the passage. That a steam ship may be a tolerably good sailing vessel is proved by the fact that the steam frigate Medea, one of the most eflScient steamers in the service of the Admiralty, accompanied the fleet many thousand miles propelled by sails, and without working her engines at ail. If then a steam ship viewed merely as a sailing vessel, freighted with engines and coals, can traverse the Atlantic with certainty, how absurd is it to suppose that the abstract practicability of such a ship making the voyage to New York with the aid of her machinery and fuel can for a moment be doubted ! " In fact no doubt has been entertained or expressed as to the prac- ticability of establishing a communication between these countries and New York, by a line of steam vessels. But a difference of opinion has been entertained as to what mode of accomplishing the object may best ensure certainty, safety, regularity Und profit, without which last element it is presumed the other objects could hardly be secured." Returning from this digression to the Edinburgh Review, we find Dr. Lardner explaining the inconveniences to which extended steam voyages are subject, arising from the incrustation of salt in the boilers, the deposition of soot in the flues, and other matters of that nature, to which we consider it unnecessary more particularly to refer. He then proceeds — "The several circumstances to which we have adverted, constitute difficulties, having the general tendency to abridge the practicable ex- tent of an uninterrupted steam voyage. There remains a still more serious impediment to the extension of steam navigation inherent in the very substance from which the engine at present derives its me- chanical power — an impediment which places a definite and assignable limit, beyond which it is mechanically impossible to extend the voyage of a steamer (of ordinary construction). To form an estimate there- fore of the major limit of the extent of a continuous steam voyage, it will be necessary that we should examine, 1st. The proportion in which the capacity of the vessel may be distributed between the ma- chinery, the fuel, and the objects of commercial transport; and 2ndly. The rate at which the fuel will be consumed in propelling the vessel over a given distance, regard being had to her tonnage and power. " Assuming that a certain extent of the capacity of the vessel is appropriated to the mechanical means of propelling her, that portion will obviously be shared between the machinery and the fuel, by which that machinery is moved. " The proportion in which this space should be distributed between the machinery and the fuel will vary according to the length of the voyage. As the fuel may be replaced at the end of each trip, and as it is generally advantageous to give the vessel as powerful machinery as the extent of her capacity will admit, it is obviously expedient to reserve as limited a space as possible for the fuel, and to give a pro- portionably increased extent of room to the machineiy. In the shortest class of voyages therefore a smaller supply of fuel being sufficient, a larger space must be appropriated to the machinery, and in proportion as the length of the voyage is increased, the quantity of space neces- sary for the fuel will be augmented, and that allotted to the machinery diminished. To this there must be an evident limit ; inasmuch as the space for the machinery must be sufficiently extensive to contain en- gines of the power necessary to encounter the difficulties of the navi- 184-,>.] THK CIVIL EN(;lNEEll AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 17 gation, and to insure an average rate of ^'regress greater than that of sailing vessels." This limit, be it observed, is one of expediency — not of abstract practicability. To state the matter in other words — a certain deter- minate proportion must be observed between the power and tonnage, else the vessel will be incapable of carrying coals enough for the voy- age, or her speed will be so defective as to give her no prominent ad- vantage over sailing vessels. And the adherence to this proportion involves the necessity of employing vessels of such magnitude as to be of too expensive maintenance for the profits of an ordinary trade. For as in a symmetrical vessel the resistance increases nearly as the square of the increment of one dimension, and the capacity nearly as the cube of the increment of the same dimension, so it is in a certain point only in the divergence of those series where a result is obtain- able, answerable to the conditions indispensable to .Atlantic steamers. And that point is so high up in the series, the resistance and capacity are both so great as to indicate the necessity of employing those levia- than vessels, whose voracious appetite is unappeased by the expendi- ture of all the proceeds of any merely commercial enterprise. "To arrive at a practical conclusion as to the major limit of a pro- bable steam voyage under average circumstances of wind and water, it will be obviously necessary that we should obtain some probable approximative estimate of the impulsive virtue of a given quantity of coals of average quality. The consumption of coals, other circum- stances being the same, will be proportional to the power of the en- gine, and it will therefore be sullicient to determine what is the average rate of hourly consumption for each horse power in the machinery." A table of the performances of a number of ditlerent vessels between 1834 and the date of the Bristol meeting, but which we consider it unnecessary to insert here, shows that the locomotive duty of the Medea was greater than that of any of the rest ; the locomotive duty as defined by Dr. Lardner being " the distance over which a ton of coals per horse power is capable of propelling a vessel." Dr. Lardner proceeds — " To enable us to establish an analogy be- tween the performances of these vessels and the circumstances under which a steamer would be placed in navigating the Atlantic, it will be necessary to explain some physical phenomena attending that ocean. "The general atmospheric currents which prevail in directions near and parallel to the equator, from east to west, called the trade winds, would have a tendency to produce a derangement in the atmospheric equilibrium, if not redressed by a contrary effect elsewhere. It is known that those remarkable winds are produced by the influence of the solar heat upon the atmospheric belt included between the tropics, combined with the diurnal motion of the earth from west to east. The heated air pressed upwards by its buoyancy, is replaced by currents from either hemisphere, which carrying with them a less diurnal mo- lion than that proper to the tropics, a relative atmospherical motion is produced in a direction contrary to that of the earth's rotation. Hence a nearly permanent wind is produced on each side of the line from east to west. As these currents approach the line, they gradually acquire the motion of the surface, which combined with their mutually counteracting effect, produces those calms which prevail about the line, and which are only interrupted by the hurricanes, whirlwinds and other violent atmospheric commotions which are produced where the contrary tropical currents conflict before their force is sufficiently moderated. "The stagnant atmosphere thus collected at the line, ascending by the effect of solar heat, returns from the upper regions towards the poles, and coming upon the surface in either hemisphere brings with it the diurnal motion of the equator, which being greater than that of the higher latitudes, prevailing winds are produced from the west. The agency of these causes is manifested in the westerly winds which prevail almost uniformly throughout the Allantic between the shores of Europe and (hose of North America. There arc other physical causes which mingle their effects with those to which we have just adverted. The extensive regions of North America covered with immense fresh water liikcs and primeval forests, supply a current of cold air rushing into the warmer strata over the track of ocean between the Azores and the American coast. This current from the north-west consequently modifies the re-action of the trades just explained ; the result is wind blowing generally in the westerly direction, but varying between north-west and south-west, and sweeping across the face of the Atlantic throughout nearly the whole year. " Atmospheric didiculties are not the only ones which the navigator has to encounter who crosses this extensive tract of water. The well known Gulf stream is a great ocean current issuing from the channel which separates Florida from the Bahama banks, taking first a direc- tion a little to the cast of north, and becoming more ami more westerly, until it approaches within a short distance of the tail of the great bank of Newfoundland, where it sets in due cast towards the Azores. The width of this current at first one degree, gradually increases until it exceeds two degrees. Independently of the difficulty presented by the stream itself, the zone of the ocean marked out by it is character* ised by weather so extremely unfavourable to navigation, that it is cautiously avoided by all outward bound vessels. They invariably either take a course so far north as to be clear of its influence until they approach the western shores, where by taking a southerly direc- tion they convert the westerly winds into favourable gales ; or on the other hand proceed first southward till they get beyond the lower limits of the Gulf stream, and taking advantage of the trades, make the western coast. This latter, however, is a route never adopted by the best class of New York packets, except they are reduced to a dis- abled state. " The westerly winds which we have described as prevalent across the Atlantic, are accompanied by a heavy sea, which is subject to scarcely any subsidence or intermission. In land locked seas such as the Mediterranean and the channels which intersect contiguous islands, the effect of the wind in raising the waters is rapid and produces a short and chopping sea highly unfavourable to steamers; but these effects speedily subside, and in the Mediterranean especially they pro- duce but a slight influence upon the average rate of vessels, when that average is computed from long continued performances. On the other hand the long swell of the Atlantic is not so unfavourable during its operation, but its eftects are incessantly, and considerably more disad- vantage to a steamer will be produced by its continuance, than any which the occasional roughness of the more contracted seas to which we have referred could give rise to." It is right to observe that a " short chopping sea" is a rel.ative term, having reference not merely to the nature of the waves, but the size of the vessel. That which is a long swell to a row boat is a short unfavourable sea to a small vessel, and that which is a long swell to a small steamer, or even to a steamer of .')00 or 000 tons, may be a short chopping sea to one of 2000 tons. The swell of tiie Atlantic therefore may be of as prejudicial a quality to the large Atlantic steamers as that of the Mediterranean, and of the channels is to the smaller vessels navigating those waters. Another formidable objection to Atlantic steam voyaging arises from the overwhelming force of the Atlantic storms. The shock of masses of water roused into violent commotion by the accumulated momentum of every wave in the whole three thousand miles of foam- ing waters is nearly irresistible, and is productive of the most injurious effects to vessels of large dimensions impelled by immense steam power. We ourselves happened to see the Liverpool in dock after an exposure to one of these Atlantic storms, and she was really little better than a wreck. The straining she had undergone was incon- ceivable : the seams of the deck had opened greatly, a great part of the coppT had been detacheil from the bottom of the vessel in consequence of the irregular movement of the planking to which it had been n.iiled, and the oakum hung out of many of the seams in the exterior of the vessel, even below the water line, from which the great straining had displaced it. The " British Ijucen," it is well known has been simi- larly injured upon more than one occasion, and the frames of the en- gines of the Great Western have been all broken by the working of the ship. The wear and tear arising from this source is infinitely more to a long large steamer than to a compact well built ship; and the danger resulting from the same cause is not inconsiderable. The U 1 IS THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Jan. icebergs which are not unfrequent in the Uititude of Newfoundland are another source of danger, and the dense fogs met with in the same region are highly unfavourable to steam navigation ; whilst the con- sequences of tire, a by no means uncommon visitation in steam vessels, in the midst of the Atlantic, are appalling to contemplate. Several of these obstacles are manifestly irremoveable, and are therefore only capable of being regarded as neutralizing to a certain extent, the bene- fit, if any, of the scheme. But others, and those the most formidable, are susceptible of diminution by the division of the voyage into suit- able stages. "Seeing then the unfavourable aspect under which the project of establishing an uninterrupted line of steam navigation between Great Britain and New York presents itself, let us consider whether by re- solving the voyage into the shortest possible stages, the enterprise may be brought under more promising conditions. For this purpose it is obvious that the most western coast of the British Isles should be taken as a point of final departure. The west coast of Ireland would therefore be naturally selected, fringed as it is by numerous spacious and well sheltered harbours. St. John's, Newfoundland, is the most western port, but this harbour is attended witli so many nautical diffi- culties that it could scarcely be regarded as accessible with that cer- tainty which such a line of communication would require — Newfound- land presents an iron-bound coast ; and even Nova Scotia should be avoided were it possible to extend the passage : but the distance from the west coast of Ireland to Halifax comes up to the extreme limit of a (profitably) practicable steam passage. We greatly fear thai any alkmjjl lo supersede the necessity of making Halifax a stage must prove ABORTIVE." In conclusion, Dr. Lardner observes, " Let us however not be mis- understood. That the passage from Liverpool to New York cannot on any occasion be made in one run by a steam ship, we do not main- tain." But he declares his conviction that as a practical, permanent, profitable thing, Atlantic steam voyaging will not and cannot be in the j'resent state of the art successful. And this conclusion he is content to avow, notwithstanding its unpopuUirily. " In confessing then as we do, that after the most careful and anxious inquiry respecting this in- teresting question, our fears of the result of such an enterprise greatly preponderate over our hopes, we are sensible of expressing an unpo- pular opinion. It is the natural and fortunate tendency of the human mind to anticipate success, and we ourselves shared this feeling when Vie commenced the present investigation, we were wholly unaware to what point results since ascertained would lead us." We shall oflfer no further remarks respecting Dr. Lardner's state- ments, which are well able to speak for themselves, but shall at once proceed to the second part of our subject, viz., the determination of the present condition of the enterprises for maintaining a steam com- munication between Great Britain and New York. This may perhaps best be shown by an enumeration of the several vessels which have been employed upon that line, and the mode of their respective dis- position. Sirius withdrawn. Royal William withdrawn. „ . T . , , r , 1 Now maintaining steam Great Liverpool transferred! . , ■„ , IT •. J o. . ^ ^ ■ X ,^ , r , r communication with In- United States (now Oriental) transferred ,. ,1 r> J o ^ ■■ dia, via the Red Sea. British Queen sold. President lost. Great Western for sale. ] Great Iron steamer, (un- f said to be. finished) stopped. ■' The Halifax line which carries out Dr. Lardner's recommendations to a certain extent aloiie thrives; yet it has been questioned if even tl could continue to keep the field without the aid it derives from the con- veyance of the mails, unless it were to make the western coast of Ireland, the point of final departure. The question might be worth consider- ing by the proprietors of the Halifax packets as well as by the West India Mail Packet company, whether it would not be greatly to their advantage if all of their vessels were to make the western coast of Ireland, their point of arrival and departure. But should the managers of those companies think differently, should the shareholders resolve in spite of common sense and Dr. Lardner, to throw thousands upon thousands of pounds sterling into the gulf of direct communication, they are quite welcome for aught we care to continue to indulge so reasonable a predilection. There is one circumstance connected with the preceding table of the manner in which the vessels are employed in the Atlantic enter- prise, which affords an example so striking of the coincidence between the deductions of philosophy and the results of experience, that al- though it has no immediate reference to the present subject, we cannot permit this opportunity to pass without saying a word respecting it. Dr. Lardner it is well known did not confine his inquiries to Atlantic steam voyaging, he also discussed the merits of steam communication with India, via the Red Sea, and it may be satisfactory collaterally to ascertain what his opinions were respecting that line of intercommuni- cation. We shall find those opinions stated in his letter to Lord Mel- bourne, published in 1S37, from which we extract the following pas- sage : " It has been contended that the question should not be regarded as one to be determined merely upon a calculation of profit, that on the contrary, it is one with which great political and social interests are interwoven so closely that it ought to be adopted even though its entire cost should have to be defrayed by the nation. This principle has been implicitly admitted in the resolutions of the Select Commit- tee of 1334, and it has been explicitly avowed by the late Governor General, by several honourable members of the legislation, and of your lordship's administration. But it is a principle which I think it un- necessary to discuss in the present case, because there is no proposition, however self evident, which carries to my mind a more clear conviction than I have, thai this measure, if efficiently carried into operation, mill more than return its own expences" Here is an opinion diametrically opposite to that delivered respecting Atlantic voyaging. Let us in- quire how far this conclusion is borne out by experience. The "Great Liverpool" having in a single season earned a loss to her proprietors of six thousands sterling upon the New York line it was determined to withdraw her; and with another new vessel built for Atlantic voyaging, now the Oriental, to open a communication with India, via the Red Sea. The proprietors of the British Queen, who we have been informed, have sustained a loss of about sixty thousand, pounds in Atlantic steam transit, became competitors with the Great Liverpool and Oriental for the Alexandrian line, plainly showing that both of those companies after a vast expenditure of money, had arrived at the very conclusion Dr. Lardner held three or four years before. Has it never occurred to the proprietors of those vessels that they might have saved about 100,000/., as well as vast responsibility, anxiety, risk and discredit, if at the commencement of the Atlantic discussions they had prevented their passions from exercising their favourite calling, that of running away with their reason? A recent meeting of the proprietary of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company enables us to state that oriental steam voyaging has been highly successful, and this result has been attained with the same vessels and by the same management that were incapa- ble of realizing any thing but loss on the New York line. It is plain from this result that the Atlantic enterprise did not fail from mis- management, even were we not assured, as we are, that Mr. Carleton and mismanagement are altogether incompatible. Can a coincidence such as this between prediction and reality be merely fortuitous ? Has Atlantic steam navigation been successful? Has the establish- ment of the several lines of steam communication between Great Britain and New York been productive of a permanently profitable issue? We leave the verdict to our readers, our part being merely to furnish such remarks and data as may conduce to the attainment of a just conclusion. Had we set out with a different resolution, we might perhaps have given it as our opinion that the Atlantic scheme had proved itself a signal failure — that Dr. Lardner's views had been con- firmed with singular exactness — that Earth has its bubbles as the water liatb, Ami this IS of them. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 19 But we originally said, as we now repeat, that we do not mean to divulge our own opinion- One consummation there is .ievoutly to be wished, namely, that Dr. Lardner will soon return to this country, to resume the wand which, like Prosperos, none but its master can wield. We can see no other antidote against that worst of Egyptian plagues, the swarms of vermin with which the track of practical philosophy is now overrun. We are death sick of the reign of minute philosophers. If the choice rested with us, we would say, give us back our wolves again — restore the dominion of barbarism — curse us with any thing e^ce\it the cant of philosophical imposture — the disgusting egotism of idiotic mounte- banks. Dr. Lardner's return to England would be the death warrant of all such quacks, which is of itself a sufficient reason to inspire the ardent desire that his return will not be much longer delayed. Z. ► REMARKS OK THE TR.\CTIVE POWER OF PADDLE WHEELS. In the theory of the nautical steam-engine there is no point that deserves more attention than the means employed to obtain propelling reaction from the water. The disadvantages which the various plans at present in use labour under, have been very ably pointed out by the iliil'erent writers in the appendix to the new edition of Tredgold's treatise, and the mortifying result is that nearly half the effective power of the engine is lost by the motion necessarily given to the water by the paddles and their oblique action. Besides the lost power from these causes, there are other disadvantages wliich the nautical steam engine labours under. A change in the velocity of the vessel, as well as a change in the immersion of the paddles, alters tlie relation between the power of the engine and the propelling effect. Under the most favourable circumstances, if the power of the steam generated be reckoned 100, the efficient power acting on the paddle wheel is about Gu, and the ellicient propelling power only from 35 to •40; the power generated thus requires to bft nearly three times the work done. It is evident that under given circumstances with a given engine, a certain relation subsists between the extent of efi'ective pad- dle surface and iliameter of the wheel, to obtain a maximum speed, or in other words a maximum propelling duty. It is probable that the experience of steam ship-builders enables them to lix upon very nearly the best proportions for an average immersion, but is there any method of proving that the best proportions have been exactly obtained. There are not wanting very notorious instances to the contrary. It may be s.iid that exactness in tliis is not of much importance, as the propoitions that answer best in a calm will not do for rough weather, and nee ni»!_ fTTNlml 'JjiilJIillii. I'^l The figure is drawn to show simply the mode of action. The beam A presses on B with a varying force. Two wheels cc, worked by a pinion/; and wi:icli w, are embedded between the beams on one side, and the central friction piece d on the other: the contiguous surfaces being ground perfectly smooth. To the centre friction piece d, an arm A- is attached the extremity of which e is connected with a fixture /by the intervention of «, a spring weighing machine or other dyna- mometer. By turning the winch the wheels cc are made to revolve slowly, these, by the friction of their inner surfaces against d tend to draw it along with them with a force which, according to the experi- ments of Coulomb, Renuie, and others, is nearly proportional to the pressure of A on B, and quite independent of the rate at which the wheels c c are made to turn. This force by means of the arm i will be shown by .t. To set off the scale upon s, it will be necessary to apply known forces to A. This is the only adjustment required, and may be made on the apparatus before being applied to the engine. Other arrangements of the apparatus will readily occur. In apply- ing it to four bearings, one winch and s|)ring might be made to answer, so as to give the measure of the tractive power at one obser^ation. As an instrument for measuring pressure, this might perlwps be cn»- ploycd for various other purposes. I fear, however, that it is too simple to have escaped the notice of practical men, and that it lias been tried and rejected. If not, the information it is intended to con- vey has not been thought of such importance as to call attention to any thing of the kind. But while so many conflicting opinions are entertained on the subject of paddle wheels, it appears to be the only thing that will properly bring out the true results of experiments, and distinguish what is due to the build of the ship and what to the paddle-wheels. Those paddle-wheels that evolve the greatest trac- tive power with the full expenditure of steam .ire the best for the given immersion, and this would be iu feet back velocity, and communicate a propelling duty of 17, may be reduced one half without reducing the duty more than 22 or to HA, and the velocity of the ship from 10 to 9i. On the other hand, by doubling the area the propelling duty would only be augmented to 1S|, and the velocity to lOi. The disadvantage of a considerable loss from receding in the water will always exist so long as the propelling reaction is derived from it in a continuous manner. If the same extent of surface is made to move through the water with double the velocity, it will gain the same propelling reaction from the water in one fourth the time, and to do so will have to move over one half the space ; so that if it were possible to apply the power of the engine in this manner, the propehing duty w"ould rise from 17 to 20. But (0 effect this, it would be necessary to arrange the ma- chinery so as to expend on the water, in a quarter of a second, the power generated by the engine in one second ; and on the other hand to distribute the force of reaction derived from the water in a quarter of a second, so as to serve as a propelling power during one second. The action of the oars in rowing is a familiar instance of this ; the consequence is a considerable fluctuation in the velocity which on a large scale would be very disagreeable if not otherwise objectionable. To obviate the second source of disadvantage it would be necessary to arrange the machinery so as to vary the absolute velocity of the paddle floats, according to circumstances, while retaining the same back velocity at all times. To effect this it would be necessary to arrange the machinery so as to vary the absolute velocity of the paddle floats, while, retaining the same back velocity, to obtain this it would be necessary to disconnect the wheel from the engine, and by a shifting leverage to bring the lowermost paddles only under its full action, while the others are allowed to revolve passively by catching the water. It is cjuite possible to make an arrangement to effect all here that the theory demands, but how far such would be concomitant with practical efficiency, is a much more difficult question. It may be remaiked that the screw propellers are as much infiuenced by these disadvantages as the common paddles, but they are not so much affected by oblique action or by waves, besides not being so much exposed to cannon shot. J. W. Bombay, Sept. 21, 1S41. THE NELSON COLUMN. Sir — On approaching this column from Whitehall, we become sensible of what appears to be a great mistake in the position of it, for while the statue of Charles the First seems to rise in the centre of the street, and in a line with the centre of the portico of the National Gallery, the column is placed quite to the left of that line, so as to appear engaged with the houses near Drummond's Bank, and to rise not in the centre of the street or of the por- tico, but quite to the left of both, thereby producing a most awkward effect. Upon further examination I found this was owing to the architect ha\ing thought it necessary to jilace it in a line perpendicular to the centre of the plane of the portico, whereas had he erected it in a line from the centre of the portico through the statue, this hne though not i/uite perpendicular to the plane of the portico, would have deviated from it in so veri/ stiylit a de- gree, as not to be perceptible to the nicest eya, and would have obviated completely the very glaringly awkward effect of its present position, which, whether viewed as you turn up Whitehall or from the centre of the portico, is equally offensive to the eye, which would have been quite insensilde to the very triHing deviation from the perpendicular in the line above mentioned. Aestheticus . 1842.1 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 21 CANDIDUS'S NOTE-BOOK. FASCICULUS XXXIII. " I nnisl have lil)er(y Withal, as large a charier as ihc wimfs, To blow on » horn 1 please." I. A " little bird " has reporteJ to rae that there have been sundry and several complaints, which complaints I am willing to accept as compliments. Never did I for a single moment imagine that my Note Book would be pa- latable to every body, being aware that it must, on the contrary, be unpalat- able to a good'many bodies, who, nevertheless, it seems, cannot abstain from reading it, notwithstanding that it is entirely optional on their part to do so or not. If those particular articles are not at all to their taste, why, in the name of common sense, do they not pass them over .> They are no more compelled to read every column of every number of the Journal, than to wade every morning through the whole of the Times newspaper, advertise- ments and all. They do not relish Candidus ; so be it— I will not quarrel with them on that account ; nevertheless, I merely say that at all events their dislike appears to be uo uiorc than a mere disliking, for which they either are un- able or do not care to assign adequate cause, cUe wherefore should they be so forbearing as not to e.'ipose what they consider my errors and mischievous or unsound opinions. If my Note Book contains a good deal of " nonsen- sical stuff," its nonsense must at any rate be of a very attractive kind, since it compels them to read whether they will or no. Therefore, if it finds readers, both among those who relish, and those who disrelish it, I have no particular reason to be ashamed of it. 1 suspect there is another and more powerful motive than mere dislike which makes mv Anti-Candidus express themselves with a soreness and Boumcss. It is very true they themselves can skip over the offensive Fasciculi, but they cannot compel others to do so. Aye, there's the rub ! Thev arc frightened, lest other people should read — and perhaps have their eyes opened, by some of my remarks, to prejudices and abuses nliich they would have remain untouched, and to abuses they would rather screen than expose. No doubt there arc some who, were it in their power, woidd sup- press architectural criticism, and architectural journals likewise, altogether ; and that for very sufficient and prudential reasons, as far as themselves are concerned. Well are they aware that the more the public are kept in igno- rance of architecture, and the less any topics belonging to it are brought under discussion, the better for them. No doubt there are several worthy gentlemen who, if they durst, would protest against the exposures which have from time to time been made relative to mal-practices in competition ; others, again, who think that it is high time for this Journal itself to be brought to a close. Such persons may not exactly be simpletons themselves Q„ the contrary, exceedingly wise in their generation ; but assuredly they must take editors to be complete simpletons and noodles, if they suppose the latter will alter their places and arrangements according to the fancy of every boily or any body who chooses to express a dislike to any part of them, Surelv my Note Book is not so contagious as to infect with its virulence the whole of ever) number of the " Civil Engineer; " should it, however, really be so — in the opinion of certain people at least ; such persons had better decline taking in the work. Awful would be the consequences — positively fatal to the publication ; for our editor might then say, as 11 the cele- brated bootmaker is reported to have done, when a blustering consequential gentleman once threatened to deal with him no longer, " John, do you hear that ■ Tell them to close the shop windows directly. It is all up with us now — we are positively undone, for here is .Mr. going to withdraw his custom from us '. But John, first of all open the door for Mr. , and wish him a vciy gooil morning." II. Auiong the odd " y/iey »nyv" of the day, it has been rumoured that the magnifictnt stnicturc now building in Tlireale choose to set them up, therefore must be allowed to cut them short by calling upon any body who thinks himself capable to start some more int/enhus idea than my own as to the proposed destination of the building in question. III. — Travellers have undoubtedly the privilege of romancing — that i>, of lying, including a lit(le blundering also ; but when Mrs. Abigail Adams says that Canterbury contains " a numbn- of old cathedraU," she does avail herself of the traveller's privilege rather too freely, and indiscreetly also. Perhaps the good lady " saw double " at the time, and seeing two cathedrals, multi- plied them into a " number." Another no less extraordinary blunder occurs in a very recent German work on St. Petersburg, in which the writer has confounded the Kazan Sobor or Cathedral with the new St. Isaac's church, and has ma- the 8lh October last, died at Stutgard, after a short illness, the well- known John Helnrich Danneckor, the Nestor of German sculptors. He had but a short time previously completed bis 84th year. Stutgard was his native town, where he was Iwm on the 13th of October, 1758, of poor parents. In spite of the disinclination of bis parents, he determined, when very young, to turn his attention to the plastic arts.and by a personal application to Duke Charles of Wurtemberg, in u hose sluil his father was employed, he succeeded in gaining admission, in 1771, to the military artisiical academy at the " Soli- tude," a Royal castle near Stutgard, where pupils were instructed free of ex- pense in music, [.aiming, and sculpture. The instruction he received here, hoiiever, was but a faulty one. It was in his Ifitli year that he carried oil the prize for a model of Milo of Cortona. He next executed the Caryatides and other statues which at present adorn parts of the Royal residence at Sttitgaril. It was while studying in this academy that he made the acquaint- ance of his fellow-townsman Scliiller, and of this friendship a lasting monu- ment remains in the statue, which he afterwards took from life, of the illus- trious poet. He left the academy in 1780, at the same time as the poet, and attained the situation of Court sculptor, with the paltry salary of 300 llorins, or about 25/. per annum. The following year he was permittdl to visit Paris, receiving, however, no further pecuniary assistance than that his salai-y was raised in the second year of bis absence, to 400 florins. At Paris he met with the sculptor Scheffauer. and became a pupil of Pajou. While in the French metropolis he devoted himself more to the study of na- ture than that of the antique models. In 1785 he left Paris with ScbefTauer. with whom he travelled to Rome, where he became known to the immortal Canova, whose friendly instruction bad a very beneficial influence on the youthful artist. It was here, too, that be made the .acquaintance of Go(>the ami Ilenler, then residing there in order to become acquainted with thcstoros of art whirh sere contained In the Papal capital. Whilst in Italy his excellent marble statues of Ceres and Bacchus first raised him to a greater reputation, and caused the academics of Mil.an ami Bologna to cho<.se him a member of their bodies. He sub.«eqiiently returned to Stutgard, and was engaged for a long time modelling various subjects fur Duke Carl. It w.is not till 1796 that be again began to work in marble, when he executed his celebrated Sappho, the original of which is now at Monrepos. After this and other ideal cflorts he turned his attention to the taking of busts, and now it was that he took the likeness of Schiller before alluded to. a colossal copy of whirh graced hii atelier. The then Crown Prince of . Bavaria, now King Louis, rmploynl him in vanous work.s, among which his bust of the celebrated composer Qluck is one of ihe most remark- able, i'he performance by which he is most known to the English lover ol' art is bis delicious Ariadne as the bride of Bacchus, borne on a panther, which is to be seen in the house of the banker Bcthman, of Frankfort. His Eros at the moment that Psyche is pounng on his shoulder drops of burning oil, ac- cording to the well-known Mj thus of Apuleius. is also a Ijeautiful piece of de- sign. His best bust is supjxised to be that of the physiognomist Livater. But the rliff-rl'ccurre of the artist is his statue of Christ, for the idea of which hu is said to have been indebted to a nocturnal dream. The completion, which took place in 1824, has cost him eight years of study and lalxiur. It was then sent to the Empress Maria Feodorouna, of Russia, who afterwards made a present of it to the Emperor Alexander. The successful manner in which he succeeded in exhibiting Christ as the Mediator, and the divine ex- pression w hich he imparted to the forehead of the statue, have often been ilie theme of praise. Tliorw al.lsen, w ho saw the model in the artist's workshop, expresseil his opinion that the desi,;n of representing the .Saviour as fully clothed w ould be a failure ; undeterred by tliis, however. Dannecker main- tained his original idea, deeming Ibis as the most fit manner of treating the subject, and he succeeded in giving to the flowing drapery which envelopes the form a degree of lightness and truth seldom w iinessed. Dannecker's style was formed principally on the antique. His composi- tions are full of truth, life, and nature. His most distinguished pupil is Mar- tin vor Wagner, Secretary to the Academy of the Fine [Arts, at Munich. For some years he had ceased from all active employment, and had fallen into a state of second childhood and oblivion. DR. BIRKBECK. WmLE recording the death of .Sir Francis Chantrey, we litll ■ expected to have so soon to chronicle in our obituary, the name uf a professor of the use- ful arts. In Dr. Birkbeck we have lost a man who has greatly contnbutetl to the progress of education among working men. Although several indivi- du.als preceded him in the attempt, Birkbeck must certainly be considered as the founder of Mechanics' Institutions. William Birkbeck was a member of an opulent and respectable family of the north of England, belonging we believe to the Society of Friends, but whch they afterwards left. He was the son of a merchant and banker, and bom at Settle in Yorkshire, in 1776. Having studied for the medical profes- sion in the first instance at Leeds, he came to London and became a pupil of Dr. Baillie, afterwards removing to Edinburgh to complete his education. At that university he became the friend of Brougham, Jefl"rey, Horner and Scott, and having distinguished himself by his attainments, he was appointed in his 22nd year Professor of Natural Philosophy, in the Andersonian Institution of Glasgow. It was while fulfilling the duties of this appointment that Dr. Birkbeck laid the foundation of the system of Mechanics' Institutions, and in 1822 be founded the Loudon Mechanics Institution, of which be w, as for nearly twenty years the President, and which he aided both by his influence and his purse. He did on Wednesilay the 1st of December, of a severe pro- tracted illness, lamented ,and honoured by men of all parties and all ranks. He was twice married anri has left behind him a widow and five children, three sons and two daughters, one by the first, and four by the second wife. As a physician he enjoyec of that intirument. " Kor," (as Mr. Simins observes in bis excellent Treatise on ln>lriimcnl>), " it not unfreqiicntly happened in using the old ita'cs that when by a succession of signals the slalT bolder had nearly Imnigbt the wire of the vane to coincide with that of the telesropr, he would i*i hi* attempt to jwrfect it, remove the vane further from coinciiloiice than at (Uit,' To obvule thij defect, as I formerly mentioned in my commanicalioD to the lastitution of Civil Engi- E 26 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL [Jan. ucers, 1 intioiluced a clamp to he used by signal Tilien the cross hair of the instrument has been brought nearly to coincide with the centre of the vane, leaving the rest of the adjustment to be made with the screws, liy this ar- ranecment the great loss of time arising from the rough process of adjusting the Vane by the hand is completely obviated, and the sliding vane rod, which is certainly the best instrument where great nicety is required, is thus freed from these objections. This iiistrun)ent is tiierefore adapted to the most accurate purposes, always, excepting indceil researches such as those of Mr. Bunt, who read i ff to /our places of decimals, while at the same time the self-reading graduation on the back of it renders it equally well adapted for every operation connected with engineering, and there is no reason, as Mr. Townscnd seems to imply, why the readiiigs should be pushed to a greater degree of accuracy than the wants of the observer, or the delicacy of his in- strument may warrant. ^Vith legard to the spherical or circular level which Mr. Townsend seems, so far as I can understand, to employ in a somewhat ditferent way to me, I have to mention that n;y communication on that subject to the Institution is dated the 30th of January, 1841, although it was not read till tlic 4 th of ilay. The great superiority of the spherical level as used by me consists in the tlii/ness of its mo/ion, a quality rendering it peculiarly fitted for the pur)>ose assigned to it. Mr. Townsend takes exception at the ball and socket joint, but I would oljserve that the surface of the ball which is in contact with the clamping zone is very considerable, aiul the friction produced so great that no un- steadiness is found to be produced by this construction in instruments for ordinary purposes. In such an instrument as a single second-level, which is only to be used for extraordinary purposes, I would not [)ropose to adopt the ball and socket, as any metliod for saving time in setting such an instrument is of no value. In such a question as this, experience is erer;//hinff, and I have to state that having now used that instrument on some 40 or 50 diffe- rent occasions, I cannot forget the great facilities it has afforded, and the time it has saved me, more especially when a rising tide rendered time of paramount importance. I firmly believe that any one offer a dni/s experi- ence of it, would admit it to be the most desirable instrument he had ever used. I remain, your obedient servant, Thomas Stevenson. Edinlurgh, Dec. 10, 1841. P.S. I do not consider it necessary to occupy valuable room in noticing the observations of Mr. Bewlev. PROCEEDINGS OP SCIENTIFIC SOCISTIES. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. June 29. — Henry Robinson P.vlmer, V. P. in the Chair. The following were elected : — George Briant Wheeler Jackson, as a Graduate; William Crellin Pickersgill, William Millar, Robert Cantwell, Thomas Clark, and Hugh Roland Laljatt, as Associates. " Description of the Bann ResoToirs, Cortnty Down, Ireland." By John Frederick IJateman, M. Inst. C. E. The construction of the reservoirs described in this communication was undertaken with the view of regulating the quantity of water in the River Bann, and more effectually supplying water power to the flourishing and in- creasing estabhshments on ils harks; this liver is, from the bare and naked character of the Moume Mountai , among whicli it rises, naturally liable to the greatest irregularity in its •\ uiiuue ; devastating floods frequently pour down the channel, where a few hours previously there was not sufficient water for agricultural purposes : greatly injurious as this must have been to the agriculturalist, it was infinitely more so to the mill-owners, who depended entirely upon water power for their manufactories. Mr. Fairbairn was consulted on the subject; he examined the locality, and advised the formation of reservoirs : the author was then appointed the engi- neer, and a' ting in some dt^grec upon the suggestions of his predecessor, whom he continued toiconsult, the works were undertaken which are described in the present paper. The peculiarities in the act of parliament, granted in 1836, constituting the proprietors of the mills a Joint Stock Company, for the formation of the Bann reservoirs, are detailed. The works were originally intended to have been more extensive than have beenically executeil. The reservoir at Lough Island Heavy, is alone described : the groinid in tliat spot was admirably adapted for the work, being the bot- tom of a basin, which was bounded on all sides by rugged hills of granite ; in the centre of the basin was a stnall lake, at the bottom of which was dis- covered a bed several feet ip thickness, of fossil conferva;, similar to those discovered by Professor Silliiwan at Massachusetts, North America. This in- teresting geological Act was tirst notic&d by Dr. Hunter, of Bryansford ; the conferv.T appeared like an ijuijalpabfc powiler, but when viewed through a powcrfid microscope, they w ere fouml to be regular parallelograms, many of them covered with stritc. They are described by naturalists as the fossil skeletons of minute vegetables. The situation fixed upon for the reservoir, rendered necessary the con- struction of four embankments between the hills, so as to raise the water to a height of .35 feet above the summer level of the lake. These embankments were all constructed in a similar nianner, only varying in the slopes and thickness of the stone facing according to the extent and situation. The whole substratum of tlie valley was water-tight, either from the ex- istence of the solid rock, dense clay, or of hard, compact, mountain gravel; so that there was no difficulty in securing the foot of the puddle. A trench was sunk into the water-tight stratum, whence the vertical puddle vTall was carried up with the bank to the required height. It was 12 feet in width at 40 feet below the top, diminishing gradu lly to 8 feet wide at the summit, and was worked in regular layers of 8 inches in thickness. The embankments were formed in concave layers 3 feet thick, each layer being completed before another was commenced, steps being cut in the ground where necessary, to receive the layers. In order further to secure the tightness of the bank, a lining of peat 15 inches in thickness was brought up on the inside of the puddle, and a layer of the same material was laid upon the face of the slope; it was cut small, placed in thin courses like the puddle, and merely trodden down without more moisture than it naturally contained. The author advocates the use of peat in such positions, as, from its light and fibrous nature, in case of a leak occurring, the draught would attract into it all the fibrous particles, which by degrees would stop tlie holes sufficiently for the silt to settle over and eflfectually close the aperture. Above the peat a course of gravel 3 feet in thickness was laid, and upon that the stone jntcbing, forming the inner side of the bank. The inner slopes were for 20 feet below the top of the bank, 2J horizontal to 1 vertical ; the outer were 2 horizontal to 1 vertical ; where they were deeper than 20 feet, the remainder of the backs sloped 3 to 1 on the inside, and 2J to 1 on the outside. All the embankments are 12 feet wide at the top, and 5 feet above the water level. The centre of the deepest part of the embankment was traversed by a stone culvert, in which were placed two row* of cast-iron discharge pipes, 18 inches diameter, with suitable valves. A leak was discovered in the centre of the masonry of this culvert, occasioned by the engineer's instructions not being obeyed. The details of the methods employed for remedying this defect are given at length; as also those of the experiments upon cements made by the author after the data given by Vicat. The materials which were most acces- sible for the work were tested veiy carefully, and from the results, it was de- termined to employ mortar composed of rich Manx or mountain lime care- fully slaked, and clay burned with peat in the open air. The proportions were 2h of clay to 1 of lime. They were gromid together, and being mixed with as much water as was necessary, the mortar was used immediately. The mortar for the backing had one measure of sand added ; the grout had two measures of sand in it, and was used thin. The concrete was composed of one part of lime, two and a half of calcined clay, and about three jiarts of sharp gravel. This cement appeared to set hard, and to be perfectly tight ; but when the reservoir was partially filled, several leaks were discovered, which rendered an examination necessary, and some energetic measures were taken to stop them, all which are described. The result of the author's experience seems to be, that mortar made from rich lime and calcined clay, as recommended by Vicat, may set and harden under water when there is little pressure, hut that it is not able to resist the pressure of a considerable depth of water. The details of tlie construction of the masonry of the valve house, the fore bay, the waste weir, the bridge of three arches, constructed over the feeder from the river Muddock, and the various feeders for supplying the reservoir, are given at length, with the particulars of the expenditure of the sum of £14,891, which was the cost of the work, exclusive of land compensation, or salaries and professional charges. The particulars are also given of a series of observations with rain gauges continued for two years, for the purpose of furnishing data for computing the extent of reservoir which would he necessary to insure a supply of water throughout the year. The communication is accompanied by detailed drawings of every part of the works, and a plan of the district in which they are situated. " Description of a machine for seioing Flat Ropes." Grad. Inst. C. E. By Eugenius Birch, In a previous communication, Mr. Birch described and gave drawings of the ingenious machinery invented by Captain Hnddart : tlie subject was uot en- tirely complete without the description of the present machine, which, al- though uot of great importance in a scientific point of view, is well worthy of notice, in consequence of its being attached to this valuable rope machinery, and of its having been worked so successfully. It is used for sewing or lacing together ropes, and forming them into flat bands, which are used for mining purposes, &c. The bands or flats generally consist of four ropes, which are placed parallel to each other, and paired in contrary directions to the angle of the lay ; being held under an equal degree of tension, they are sewn together with two cords r==-r^^BBBB 1S42.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 27 or linos, l.y needles wliirli arc (iriveii tlirough lioles previously pierced in the ropes, at an angle of 4 j degrees, and the cards are then drawn tiglitly in a lateral direction. That the ropes may be pierced more easily, it is necessary that the tar whicli they retain from the process of warm registering, should he softened ; this is accomplished by passing them through a steam chest, whence they are drawn into a frame composed of four plates, wliicli arc p!ar-ed so as to com- pre-s the ropes while thi-y are in the softened state, ami form a die which can be regnlated to the size of the ropes required to he scwu. The piercing operation is performed in the die, which has slots in its sides for passing the piercers through. There are not any recorded experiments on the >lrcngth of the ropes, but it is considered, that the amount of strength possessed by the tiat rope is not equal to the sum of that of the four ropes before they were united ; still the advantages of this mode of asscnd)lage are su great, as to insure its preference in mining operations, and many other applications. The drawings which arc numbered onward from the commencement of the set presented to the Institution, in the session of 183S*), display the en- tire machine, with details of all the parts. End of the Proceedi.vcs, Sessions 1841. ROY .\L. INSTITUTE OF BRITISH .\RC11ITECTS. Dec. 6. — P. Habowick, Esq. R..\., in the Chair. Mr. Ilardwick opened the session by congratulating the members on the increasing interest shown in the proceedings of the Instilnte, and especially on the honour conferred on the Institute by His Uoyal Highness the Prince .Mbert, having graciously consented to become its patron, and on the arrange- ments which bad been effected between the Committees of the Institute and of the Arcbitectur.ll Society, for a union of those bodies. — The Foreign Se- cretory. Mr. Donaldson, read letters from Sig. Clemcnti Folchi, of Rome, and Sig. K.iffaeic Politi, of Ciirgenti, acknowledging the honour conferred upon them by tl.oir being elected llonorar; and Corresponding .\Ieml)ers. A paper w.is then read of the (Ireat Pavilion erected at Liverpool, for the Royal .Vgricnliural Society of Lnglaml, by J. W. Wild. This paper will be found in another part of tlie Journal. Dec. 20.— Jos. Kay, Esq., \.\'., in the Chair. Mr. Donaldson read a description of the Column erected on the Place de la liastile, at Paris, to commemorate the last of the French revolutions, viz,, that of 1H30. The evening concluded by a concise and interesting description of the Escurial, compiled by Mr. Ilayward, the Librarian of the Institute, and illus- tra(c(W people, GUO adults, and 200 children. The west elevation, whicli is all that is seen from the street, is of the early English style, and has been care- fully studied. .Mr. W.dters is the architect of a larger church at Hroughlon Uridg.'. which is contracted for at A'29.'iO. Tlie fuimda- tions ji.id to be l.ik'-n down to the depth of 12 feet. The church is b'iilt of brick .ind >lon<', and is in the Norni.in style, with two windows in each bay, whosi- heads are supporteil by sh.ifts. The entrance door has Norm.ui mouldings and shafts, and tliongli svitli little orn.imenl, is • Junmal, Vol. I. page iJi. very good. The architect has shown some skill in overcoming the difliculties of his roof, which is in one span, and witliout a tie-beam, st.ibilily being inniiriU by inserting concealed rods, which, passing along the timbers, retain the feet of the princip.ils. The cliurch will contain lino people. Messrs. CutHey and Starker are jli.' architects of a churcli near Tin .Mill lirow, which will cost £.i'i'M), and will con- tain 1 150 people. The level of the ground being considerably beneath the road, brick piers were carried up to support the beams, on which is laid the floor of tile church. The pews under the galleries ascemi in steps from the passage, and each person will look towards the op- posite side of the clnirch, ;is in the galleries above. The style em- ployed is Norman, and the tower will be surmounted by a low Norman spire. Messrs. Cuffley and .Staikey are also the arrhitccts of a church in Regent Road, which is also Norman. It displays some noveltv in its windows, but appears faulty in its details. .Miss .\therti)n has "pro- vided the funds for a large church in the new .^tretford Road, the coinpetilion for which w.is g lined by Mes'irs. Scott and MotFatt, of London. Mr. Moseley, of London, lias lately been successful iu a competition for a church at Red Bank. Mr. I'ligiu is at present building a large Catholic church, in the township of Huhne, which we cannot too highly praise. It consists of clerestory- and side aisles, with roofs of very high pitch, and we have heard that a tower is to be raised at the angle. Its exterior in the flanks is very plain, being of red brick and stone, with early English lancet windows placed singly, the opening of each being little in comparison with the extent of neigh- bouring wall, and with a north porch and a south door, having shaft* itegrity. We have heard some of those self-created critics who "rush in" with their opinions, though confessedly entirely ignorant of architecture, assert tliat the church w.is b.id in design, that it was " like a barn." Oh 1 that instead of the paste-board Gothic of the cluirch commissioners, we had some of those picturesriue old barns. The Ijaptist chapel in the Oxford Roail, just opened, is from the design of .Mr. Walters. The sides will be enclosed by buildings, therefore enrichment is con- fined to the front, which is of stone, and in the early English rich stvle, with a centre door, over which is a two light window, the whole sur- mounted by the highly pitched g able and s(iuare pinnacles. The re- cess in the east, in which is the baptistery, is decorated with three early English arches. The whole was executed for .£2.'}0il. These are not the only chapels in progress or just completed, but the others we were unable to visit. The .M.incliester and Birmingham Railway Station is a stupendous work, and h.is been performed w itii so great care, and with such good materials, that it m.iy well last for centuries. It does not yet exhibit many of its decorative features. We noticed a building at the bottom of Market-street, which possessing some good points, is a glaring specimen of a bid modern mode of building. It iVuiils three ways, and the lower story is of shops, the ponderous superstructure appearing ready to crush (he glass beneath. Leaving out of the question the bad efiectof such a mode, it is positively inse- cure. The shrinking of timber bressummers is one part the cause of the cracks, whioli disfigure our buildings — and in case of fire, the w hole front becomes one general ruin, lii this case little is got bv using iron, for the beams having become heated, snap when placed upon with water. The Iinlependent College stands about three miles south west of the town. It furiiis three sides of a square, and is understood to have cost i." 14,000. The front has two stories supported upon an arcade, and a bold entrance door leading to a flight of steps by which the hall and principal fioor are gained. Over the door is a fine Oriel, and above rises the tower surmounted by an octagonal lantern. The slyle is til, it of the latest period of Gothic .ircliitectore, and Is well kept up ihiuugh the whole of its details. — .Mr. Irwin is also the archi- tect of a building in Pool Fold, which li.is the superimposed orders of the late Eliz.ibelli.m, or e.irly It.ilian school. In the neighbourhood of Cheadle, .Mr. .-Atkinson, now of Londun, is erecting some Italian lodges (if rhisie design. Thi< .irchiteel, whom we mijilit fe.irlosly |daoe at the head of modern professors of the Gothic sivie, has enriched the neiglibourhuod of .Manchester with its best buiulings. His church at Cheethain Hill h.is been already noticed in this Juuru.il : — we merely stop to praise the great beauty of its details, whicli will prove a mine of stuc more simple. But in ma- chinery the kind of simpUcity at which we ought to aim has more regard to the nMnjie^ qf action than to the number of moving parti." I In page 95, we have a very useful table of the proportions of wheels I in actual use, which we very willingly insert here. TABLE OF PITCHES OF WHEELS IN ACTCAL USE IN IIILLWORK. Kind of Machine. Horses' power. Pitch in inches. Breadth of teeth in inches. Wheel • Pinion • Breadth pro- portionate to 10 horses power, and pre- sent velocity. Present velo- city per second, in feet. Breadth in inches propor- tionate to 10 horses' power, at 3 feet per second, that is, reducing all the examples to the same denom. Teeth. Kevo- lutions per minute. Diameter. Teeth. Revo- lutions per minute. Diameter. 10 30 15 H 1 I 24 46 32 14 20 10 6 4 2 10 12 4t 3 3 3 2i 2J 3i I 3 n 2i 2J 2 1* u 5i lOi C 4 4 4i 6 8 6 5 5 5i *\ 4* 6 3 304 204 207 91 91 96 152 116 64 90 77 60 48 62 77 66 ■3+ 4i '3 3 19 17* 19 25 18 25 28 32 25 44 1 Ft, In. 24" 16 2 16 5i 6 Oi 6 Oi 8 0 8 io 5 1 5 11 4 n 3 7 2 lOJ 3 6 3 10 2 8 "3 44 50 22 20 42 54 29 38 40 27 25 40 48 318-47 20 12-9 13-13 43-32 50 55" 42-63 48-5 62-6 6M1 48-5 60-5 Ft. In. 3" 6 3 111 1 5i 1 4 3 6 2" '4 2 7 2 45 1 74 1 6 2 1 lU 1 9 3-41 4^ 7^27 400 450 2-5 1-7 1-87 3-37 2-3 5-73 8-73 11-87 3-75 6- 2-5 3-95 3-8 3- •949 •949 7^95 \\- 8-78 6-65 5-57 6-2 5-25 4-8 8-8 5- 5-99 5-5 4-489 5-06 7-27 12-63 14-23 6-625 6-2 5-47 7-91 4 64 11-88 15-31 18 99 11- 10. 4.95 Water-wheel ■ , A Water-wheel-, B Water-wheel, C Water- wheeP, D Horse-mill, E Horse-mill, F Steam Engine, by B. & W. G. Steam Engine, by B & W. H. Steam Engine, by B. & W. I. Steam Engine, by B. & W. K. Steam Engine, L Ditto, ditto*, M Ditto, rlitto', N Ditto, ditto", 0 Ditto, ditto, P Ditto, ditto', Q Ditto, ditto, R 1 Has b'.^n 16 years at work. Teeth much worn. r . , , • ■ 2 Ua^ been 16 years at work. This geanng was found rather loo narrow for the strain, as it is wearing much faster than the rest ol the wheels m the 3 Tlie only defect in this Rearing, which has been IC years at work, is the want of breadth in the spur-ttheel and pinion : they ought to have been 6 inches or more, as they will not last half so long as the bevel-wheels and pinions connected with them. 4 This is a tieiter pilch for the power than Q. 5 ilii» wheel has wooden teeth, and has been working for three years past. 6 Ditto. 7 This pitch has been found to be too fine. EXPLANATION OP THE TABLE OP WHEELS IN ACTUAL I'SE IN HILLWOBK. The wheels are all reduced to what may be called one denomination. First — Dy proportioning their breadths all to what they should be to have the same strength, if the resistances were equal to the work of a steam en- gine of ten horses' power. Second — By supposing their pitch lines all brought to the same velocity of three feet per second, and proportioning their breadths accordingly. I have chosen this particular velocity of 3 feet per second, because it is the Telocity very common for overshot water wheels. Such cases as appear to have worn loo rapidly, are marked, which may tend to discover the hmit in point of breadth. The Appendix A on the teeth of wheels by Professor Willis, is an important and well written paper, already known to the public, through the Reports of the Proceedings of the British Association, at the meet- ing held ut Newcastle, and the Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers. The leading feature of this piiper is the development of a method of making any pinion to work correctly with any wheel of the same pilch. 'Tlie following extract explains the manner in which this is accomi>lishcd. " From among the infinity of cnrvei that may be oifered the epicycloids and involutes have been universally prefencd, on account of the facility with which they can be merhanieally denoribed, and perhaps because Ihcy admit of ready and independent dcuionitrations of their poticising the properties required. But the practice has liitherto been confined to that class of epicy- cloids which work correctly with straight hnes or circles. Teeth formed upon these principles possess this inconvenience, awheel of a given pilch and number of teeth, say 10 if it be made to work correctly with a wheel of 50 teeth of the same pilch, will not work correctly with awheel of 100 teeth of the same pitch. This is obvious, for the diameter of the describing circle by which the epicycloid is formed must be made equal to the ra.lius of the pilch circle of the wheel with «hich the teeth are to work, and will therefore be twice as large in the second case as in the tir»l. In the old style of niillwork in which the teeth of wheels always consisted of wooden cogs, this property offered no very serious im|>eiliinenl, although as we shall sec it introduced some complication of method ; but in the mo- dern practice of making cast iron wheels the objection is a very serious one. A founder must make a new pattern of a wlieel of 40 teeth for every com- binalion thai it may be required to make uf this wheel with olliers, and the same for a wheel of any other number. Besides, it often hap|)cns in ma- chinery that one wlieel is required to drive two or more, whose number of teeth arc dilTirenl, and in this case the teeth cannot be correctly formed at all on the common principles ; ond again the |ierfeclion of machinery is impaired from the temptation to employ in one combination patterns which have tieeii formed for another combination very nearly the same, for example, Io make a wheel of 40 teeth Ihal has been formed to work with one of 811, serve fur a reipiired combination of 41) «illi 85. " It is essentiul llicrefurc that the teeth of wheels should if possible be •« formed as to allow a given wheel to work correctly with any other wheel of 30 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Jan. the same p'.tcli. Xow it has long been known that involute teeth have this property, but the objections to tljese teetli on the score of the obliquity of their action have operated fatally against their introduction. I sliall now therefore explain a metliod of impartiuc; to epicycloidal teeth tliis property, and that without making them deviate very much from the gencial form winch has been establislicd by practiee. " To effect this it is merely necessary to employ a proposition well known and stated by almost every writer on the subject, namely, if there be two pitch circles touching eacli other, then an epicycloidal tooth formed by caus- ing a given describing circle to roll on the exterior circumference of tiie one will work correctly with an interior epicycloid formed Ijy causing the same describing circle to roll on the interior circumference of the other. This proposition liaving been already demonstrated, it is unnecessary for me to dwell upon it longer than to remark that our author (Buchanan) like all other writers on tlie sidiject, has passed from it to recommend for practice that particular case of it in which tlie describing circle lieing made equal in dia- meter to tlie radius of the pitch line, the interior epicycloid becomes a radial straight line, the inconveniences of which practice I have shown. The fol- lowing corollary is I believe new, and constitutes the basis of the system I projiose to explain. " CoROLL.VRV. — If for a set ofii'/ieels nf the same pitch a constant describ- ing circle be taken and emploi/ed to trace those portions of the teeth ichich project beyond each pitch line, tjy rolling on the e.rterior circumference, and those which lie vnthin it, by rolling on its interior circumference, than any two irheels of this set will work correctly together. " For in the first place it is well known, and can be sliown from general principles, that the portion of tootli within the pitch line of a driving wlieel works only with the portion that lies beyond the pitch line of its follower, and that its action is confined to tlie approach of the point of contact to the line of centres, .\fter the point of contact of the teeth has passed that line, then the case is reversed, and the portion of the driving tooth which lies be- yond the pitch line is in contact only with that part of its follower's tooth which lies within its pitch line. Now as a constant describing circle is used for the whole set, it is clear that the proposition will apply to any pair of wheels both liefore and after the teeth have passed the line of centres, for in each case we have an exterior epicycloid working with an interior epicycloid, and both have been drawn by tlie same describing circle, that is, by the con- stant circle of the set. " To carry this scheme into practice it only remains to settle the propci diameter to be given to this constant describing circle, wliich may be done by considering the effect of this (its) diameter has upon the form of the tooth. " Let B C ?j be a pitch circle whose centre is O, then upon this system tlie flank of the tooth or that portion which lies within the pitch circle will be an arc of an interior epicycloid (or hy|)0cy- cloid) m' n or m n. Now if the describing circle be of half the diameter of the pitch line, the flank will become a straight line coinciding with the radius O n. If the describing circle be of less than half the diameter of the pitch line, the flank m n will be concave, and the base of the tooth will spread. But if the describ- ing circle he more than half the diameter, the flank m' n will be convex, and the base of the tooth lessen inwards, a form manifestly unpractical and useless. Hence the describing circle must not be greater than half the diameter of the pitch line. " On the other hand if the diameter be too small the base of the tooth will spread inconveniently, and the curvature of the exterior epicycloids be inju- riously increased, therefore on these grounds it should lie made as large as it can, consistently with the limitation just stated, so that we finally obtain this rule for fimling the diameter of the constant describing circle for a set of wheels. " Make it equal to the radius of the least pitch circle of the set. '■ .\ud as pinions sliould never have less than 12 or It teeth, it would be well to establish one of these numbers as the least pitch circle. ■■ The proposition and corollary being perfectly general, will apply to racks which must be considered as (portions of) very large wheels, and also to an- nular or internal wheels. Accordingly, if the constant describing circle be employed in tracing their teeth, they will work correctly with any wheel of the set." In page ll'.\ Professor Willis describes a moile of drawing the teetli of wheels by means of compasses, that will work upon the pre- ceding principles, and which, though not inatheniaticaUv exact, is suthciently so for practical purposes. We shall endeavour to describe this metliod without the aid of a diagram. First describe the pitch circle — draw a diameter, and from the ex- tremity of the diameter, with a radius of one-fourth of llie diameter, set oil' an arc of the pilcli circle. The point of iutersectiuu is the centre from wliicli with the same radius, tliat part of the side of the tooth extending beyond the pitch line is to be swept. To describe that portion of the tooth within the pitch line, draw a line through the extremity of the diameter, which makes an angle of 7.5^, with the line of centres, and fix upon a point in this line suilicientlv low down to give a moderate concavity to the inner portion of the tooth when swept from that point as a centre. In the description of this method in page 1-19, the word "radius" is twice put for the word "diameter." There are various similar mistakes in other parts of tlie work. The Appendix B on Roofs, by Mr. James Nasmyth, is a highly in- teresting paper, it explains the great utility of the lathe with the slide rest, and its importance to engineers. The plates attached to the work are for the most part excellent, they exhibit several splendid specimens of machinery to be found in tlie manufactories of government and mechanical engineers of the first class. The typography is of the very first quality, and reflects much credit upon the parties concerned in the production. Notwithstanding the imperfections we have pointed out, the work will, we are confident, meet with an extensive sale. The subject of niillwork is an important one, and there is no better treatise upon it than this edition of Bu- chanan's essays. The Companion to Ihi .Almanac, lS-1'2. Our Christmas companion always affords us much pleasure, contain- ing as it does a general view of the progress of many public works in this country. In the volume for the present year, we have some very excellent specimens of architecture, w liich clearly show that we mo- derns are not quite so far below the ancients as to be unworthy of notice. Liverpool before many years will have in St. George's Hall and the New Assize Courts, judiciously combined under one roof, and forming a splendid facade of the Corinthian order 420 feet in length, with a portico in the centre of 200 ff>et, one of the most splendid buildings in the country. The name of the talented architect is Mr. W. H. Lonsdale Elmes, the son of Professor Elmes, and it is with pleasure we learn that he is a very young member of the profession, for the design is one of promise. Sincerely do we hope that the Liverpool corporation will not frustrate him in carrying out his views; if allowed to carry out the design to the extent he proposes, Liverpool may then be justly proud of having a noble edifice. l>y the same architect there is also another building, and in tlie same town, the Liverpool Collegiate Institution, which shows that Mr. Elmes is equally able in the Gothic as he is in the classic. The wood engraving, which is very badly got up, does not do the architect jus- tice ; we fortunately have seen the drawings and can speak of the building from them, and hope that we shall be able to illustrate our Journal with a view of the building, together with that of St. Georgt's Hali. The other buildings illustrated in the book before us, are Strtatkam Church, arcliitect, Mr. Wild ; St .Mary's Church, Soulhmark, architect, Mr. B. Ferrey, who, as our autlior observes, has shown great discretion in not attempting too much, but endeavouring to produce efFect by form rather than by decoration. Trinity Chapel, Poplar, architect, Mr. Hoskins; he has displayed considerable judgment in the construction of the roof, by which means a clerestory, is very ingeniously obtained, "containing five windows on each side over the galleries, and is formed within the general line of the roof in such a manner that it is not visible externally." — Sarings Bank, Bath, architect, Mr. Alexander. "The structure is entirely faced with freestone, and is a tasteful piece of Italian aslylar composition stamped by certain vigour and breadth. We perceive that Oxford is making progress with its various archi- tectural works. Bartlett's Index Gcologicus. This is a diagram 3 ft. C in. tiy 2 ft. 9 in., containing a coloured section of all the geological strata, with conijilete catalogues of the fossil animal and vegetable remains, and of the series of minerals peculiar to eacli. Anotlier column contains "statistics of tbc soils and indigi-ncms flora," and the locali- ties where the separate strata prevail, not only in Great Britain, but in other parts of the world, are jiarticularly specified. As a complete table of convenient reference, embracing in a highly con- densed form and great body of information wiiich bad heretofore to be sought amid heaps of scattered materials throughout the works of many different authors. We strongly recommend the Jndi'r Geotogicus to agriculturists, engineers, students in geology, and all others interested in this most imjiortant branch of natural history. -■/ Description and Historical Account of the Churches in the Dieision of Ifolland, in the County if Lincoln, with Illustrations. By Stephen Levvin. The fii■^t numl er of this moik contains views of Kirton Church and Algar- 1S42.] THE CIVIL EXGINEEIl AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 31 kirk Church, and also a view under the Tower of Boston Church. To those who feel nn interest in the many splendid Churches to be found in the rich diocese of Lincoln, we rccomn^cnd a look at this work. Tyax's Geology of Emjland and ll'alrt. By Samuel Hughes, C.K. AVe have before us I'art the first of a cheap Geological Atla*, whith contains a map of the distiict round the metropnhs, with a de'-criplioii. The eililor- ship has been entrusted to Mr. Samuel Hughes, and the work appears to us for accuracy to he superior to any of its predecessors, while being at the same time a detailed map, it is much more availabk- for all purposes. The Raibraya of Great Britain and Irdmid. By Francis Whishaw, C.E., &c. Additional Plates. This is an interesting .iildcnda to .Mr. Whisbaw's large work, which wc noticed a few months since; the first plate shows the Icneth, summit, and general levels of the main English lines above the Trinity high w.iter datum — the next plate contains drawings of six different wheels in use upon railways, the third and last plate is a curiiuH iliagram exhibiting at one view the prices of railway shares on the London Sloik Exchange, from the first commence- ment of the railway to the end of October 1810. An Ettay on jirchitectural Practice. By T. L. Walker, Arch. F.R.S.B.A. This essay is the first section on the ronstruction of general working draw- ings; it contains the contract drawings, speciliration and bill of quantities of one of the New Churches built under the author's siiperintendanre, in the vicinity of Bcthnal Green. The ilrawings are shown with great clearness, with their dimensions correctly marked thereon, and the specification is well drawn,detailing with great pcrsjiicuity the nature of the work to be executed. The student will find this essay a good example for study, to whom we strongly recommend it. CHUBB'S P.\TENT WELL-SAFE. Mant parties purclia.iinR fire-proof safes, would gladiv avail them- selves of the further security, bv depositing tliem in a well, or pit, under ground ; but tliey liave been unable to do so, in consequence of the space required, and cumbrous nature of the apparatus hlllierto employed in r.tising nn.l lowering the safe : Mr. Chubb lias provided against this inconveiiience, by bis newly-invented apparatus, as shown ill the anilfexcd engtaving. The Safe, which stands in lis appropriate place in the coimting- licuse, may be lowered to any depth, by means of machinery concealed in a protecting encasement under the 'floor; the movement is effected by means of nieclianical action, which any individual can perforin, and the .Safe is lowered or raised, in an incoiisiderable time, without noise, or the possibility of d.inger to any one. Bnt an additional safety, of special importance, that of concealment to the whole, is prov ideil bv the iron fire-proof door, level with the floor of the apartment, anil secured by a strong detectcir loci;, with bolts throning each way. It will be at once obvious, that this mode of securing the .Safe under ground, will aflbrd effectual and entire security against the most ex- traordinary ravages of fire, or the danger arising from the occasional violence of riotous attacks for the purposes of depredation. MISCELLANEA. KiiifilUibriHgf Improvevienls. — The Cannnn Briwery and the Kox and Bull public-house have been taken down to nr^ke room lor a splendid arrhiliclural entrance into Hyde park, to be called the "Albert Kntrance." The houses o eilhir .«ile aliaig the park, extending to the Horse Barracks, belong to the Dean and Chapter of ^\■estmlnstn■. In furmer limes, priiir to the disso- lution of tlie monasteries by Henry VHl., where Lo»ndes-«juarc stands »as a coppice which supplied the Abbot and ccmvent of M'estminslcr uiih fuel ; and even to this day the We-slminsler scholars an- permitted to burn large logs of bcechunod in their dnrmitory. uhich are noiv supplied by the C ollege porter. M'eslminster Abbey has been, from a very distant pcriocl, sujp'ied with spring water from an acjuediict at Bayswaler. communicaiing to .i very pretty (Jothic conduit -bouse ercc:cart of the artists employed. The b.asso-relie( o is intended to occupy the whole extent of ihe front of the building. Thi- skill and taste displ.aved in the erection of ibis new edifice are well worthy of ihe allention of all lovers ol the fine arts, who will do well to take an opportunity C)f visiting it. The proprietor, who bought the ground from the c ty autho- rities, after it had been determined to Iiull down the old French church, very bandsi mely conceded to the latter, without receiving any consideration what- ever. 10 feet of the entire frontage, for the express purno.se of Riving that additional width to the street, the narrowness of wliicn has always been found so excessively inconvenient. This disinterested conduct on the pari of an individual sb.oukl. and doubtless will, call for h a corres|K)ndlng Ic-eling on the part of the city authorities, who. with this example betjre them. are. as it were, bound to proceed with the improveinenis. .-n 1 to con:inue Ihe addi- tional vidih ihroughout the whole extent of Tbie.idneedle-strcet. If iho whole of the northern side of Ihe sireel. from Okl Broad. street to the Okl .South Sia House, were taken down, and thrown Ixick a s|>ace cd ten feet, in order to correspond with tbe building in ingestion, a noble street would bo formed, well calculated to make a fine apprench to the new Ko\al Kxcbange. In fact, we know of no part ol London where a greater dispfav of elegant architecture will he found, than that which will be exhibited in ihe course of nixt year in the immediate vicinity of Cornhill and Old Hro,id-sireei. &ic. .Si/Hc/.r/rt/ic/.— Last month the Ni » Church, recently er.cled at lirptfe.rd. was consecraled. It is built in the early Kiiglish stvic e.f archiieeiurr. and is large and Cennmeielious. Icing 110 feel !) inches Icuigbv 54 feci broad. There are three galleries in ihe church, which is alt> geilii-r capible of selling about twelve hundred persons, nine hunelred of which arc free sitlinin I'lic archilect is Mr Tliomas Moure, of Stmderlanel. Prnfrtnnnhip of .ircliileclurr. I'liinmili/ ro//c;,v.— The move ineiil 05 to archi- tecliiral i ro essorship continues. Mr. Deinalilson has U-en npp^.inU'd lo ihe chair in University College, Lonelon, a choice whrh will be of advanti the ceillege and profes-sion. TW Tliame^i " Slinm Ship.—'{\\\s spleneliel vessel, built for the West India Mail Sle.em I'acket Coiiiuany. ma.le a trial trip on I4lh nil. She wn.tnicten the Origin and Progress of Architecture, and of the Arch in particular, and especially to sho»v that W. Chapman was file inventor of the Oblique Arch — by Henry Glynn, Newcastle; London and Edinburgh Philosophical Jounial, a paper on the con- struction of Skew .\rches, by Charles Fox, April, l!?3ti ; ditto, March, 1S37 ; London and Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, A Letter from Henry Welch, Xewcaslle, to Peter Nicholson, March, 1S37; Society of Art*, Edinburgh, A Paper by Edward Sang, C.E., on Oblique Arches, read Nov. Dec, iS3.'>, Jan. 1^30., and May, 1838 ; Treatise on the construction of Oblique Arches, by James Hart, Mason, Weale, 1837 ; Essay on Oblique Bridges, by George Wutson Buck, July, 1S30 ; Treatise on the Oblique Arch, by I'eter Nicholson, published in parts, part 1 published Jan., and part 2 in May, 1S39. The following are the facts, as brought forward in the paper of Henry Glynn, claiming the honour of the invention for Mr. W. Chap- man. In the article in Rees' Cyclopsriia, Mr. Chapman says " It occurred to him" that each course of voui-^oirs should be rectangular to the face of the arch, and their beds spii il, and their soffits curved in that direction, and twisted in their sommering, and that the head of each roit^soir in the acute angle of the bridge would make an obtuse angle with its soffit decreasing towards the brim, whence it becomes acute, and increasing as it approaches the other abutment. The beds of the roussoirs are also twisted, and under equal widths of bed, the space between the intrado and extr.ulo are increased upon the face, as the haunches are approached (in the proportion as the secant of their angle of deviation from a rectangle, with a line drawn between each extremity of their soffit). The joint at the centre of the arch is only rectangular from the face, the others diverging towards the obtuse abutment, and increasing as the haunches are approached, and converging towards the obtuse abutment. The development of the face line of arch convex where acute with abutment, and concave with the obtuse abutment. This curve he calls Polygonic, and the convexity will depend upon the versed siue of the arch, and that the form of arch to be preferred is the flat segment ; that the head of each roussui'r on the acute angle makes an obtuse angle with its so8it, decreasing as the crown is approached, thenceforward becoming acute, and increasing as they approach the obtuse abutment. Finlay Bridge near the town of Naas, over the Kildare Canal, a branch from the Grand Canal, was erected by him in the year 17B7, on the above principles. It is 25 feet span, with a rise of 54 feet, and the obliquity is 51", or iU supplement 39". Mr. Chapniaii says "since the above period the plan in a few instances has been followed; the same idea may have occurred to others, although he never heard of it." Mr. C. was a native of Whitby, Yorkshire, and practised extensively as an engineer in Ireland, and died at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1S32. He was a member of the Uoyal Irish Academy, and of the Institute of Civil Engineers, London. In the works of the writers ou this subject since Chapman's time, no new principle has been developed, but only more improved modes of working the arch stones; and none of the writers notice Chapman, except Peter Nicholson, who tamely says, "He seems entitled to the honour of originating the idea of oblique bridges in their present form, but ho does not appear to have laid down any sound principle by which it might be done ;" and even this brief notice is suppressed in the second edition, and in many copies of the first of Peter Nicholson's work. Previous to Chapman's bri, 18'IC). petrified at tliis most lame and impotent conclusion. Yet so it is. Our philosopher, after raising us to the tip-toe of expectation, by pro- mising to shew us, NOT how amoke vtaij be burned, but how coals may be burned withoul smoke, ruthlessly demolishes the fairy fabric our fancy had created, and congeals us into stone, by holding up a iledusa's head, in the form of a smoke-burning furnace, of which the sole pecu- liarity is, that the air enters by a greater number of holes than usual. Whether of two smoke-burning projects the least exceptionable is that which admits the air at one hole, or that which admits the air at many holes, it would be irrelevant at present to inquire. Our own predilections are in favour of the latter method ; though we are by no means prepared to maintain, that the admission of the air through a few judiciously disposed long and very narrow slits might not be greatly preferable to both. At present, it is sufficient for us to shovT that this gentleman's furnace operates not upon the smoke-preventive, but upon the smoke-consumptive principle; tliat it is a mere smoke- burning furnace, attended with the objections we have already men- tioned as fatal to smoke-burning plans. To the proof then. At the back of the fire bridge of this gentle- man's furnace the air is admitted through a number of minute orifices, and mingles with the aeriform matter proceeding from the coal upon the bars of the grate. There are no means provided of regulating the quantity of air admitted through these minute orifices, other than pre- existing smoke furnaces possessed. The only question therefore to be decided is, whether the triform matter proceeding from the coals on the bars of the grate is gas, or smoke. To determine this it is ne- cessary first to ascertain whether combustion does, or does not take place, in the furnace during the evolution or production of the said aeriform matter. Our philosopher says that combustion does not take place, inasmuch as he has doors to his ash-pit which he shuts immedi- ately that the furnace has received a charge of fresh coals, and which he keeps shut until the gas is all expelled. If this be done any aeri- form matter presented for combustion at the anterior air orifices, will certainly be noi smoke but gas. If on the other hand combustion take place within the furnace during the carbonization of the coal, the sriform matter presented for combustion at the air orifices, will be not gas but smoke. The question therefore resolves itself into this Does or does not combustion take place in the furnace during the car- bonization of the coall Now if combustion do not take place in the furnace during the carbonization of the coal, and as the volitilization of the unfixed parts of the coal requires a large amount of heat for its accomplishment, there must be some available source of heat other than combustion from which the requisite quantity is supplied, our philosopher says that the red hot embers of the fire are this source of heat. But it is manifestly impossible for any body to give out half its heat to another body and remain as hot or nearly as hot itself. Besides the great quantity of heat which becomes latent when solids or liquids are transformed into gases, is left without any provision. A very simple computation would show — the weight, temperature and specific heat of the incandescent embers, and the weight, temperature and latent heat of the gases, (or vphat is equivalent — their weight, temperature, volume and specific heat) being given — that no practica- ble method of working this gentleman's furnace, would render the embers on the grate an adequate distributor of the heat requisite to expel the gases resident in the coals which constitute a charge of the furnace. But it would be preposterous to resort to Algebra to esta- blish a self-evident proposition. Every one knows that if green coals be thrown ujwn a fire, and at the same time air be excluded, the coal will not be carbonized, but the fire will go out: and even in a coke, oven carbonization will remain unaccomplished, unless air is admitted. If this effect be consequent upon the exclusion of air even where the process of carbonization is aided by the heat of a mass of incandescent brick work, how preposterous would it be to conclude that carboniza- tion can take place in a hermetically sealed boiler furnace, where the process is impedtd by the refrigeration of the water of the boiler ! If then there is no combustion in this gentleman's furnace, and if at the same time gas is evolved, there reuiains no conceivable source of the heat absorbed during volatilization, except the act of volatilization it- 1840.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 43 self; and to say that tliis is the source of the heat, is tantamount to saying that cold water is not merely able to raise itself into steam, but to leave a considerable surplus of heat after having done so. We have no altem.itive then but to conclude that combus- tion does go on in this gentleman's furnace, if it be iu action at all. If there is combustion, that combustion is either perfect, or imperfect: if perfect, there is no necessity for any appliance, either smoke con- sumptive or smoke preventive : if imper/ect, it is not gas but smoke that is evolved, for tlie very definition of smoke is the product of im- perfect combustion. This furnace is therefore a smoke generating, and consequently a smoke burning furnace. He may gay otherwise. He may call it a patent Argand, or patent any-other-and, but a smoke burning furnace il i«, and we defy him and his legion of chemical pro- fessors to prove the contrary. Upon what ground then can we be called upon to believe that this smoke burning proji>ct will be one whit more beneficial than other smoke burning projects, in all essential points identical with it ? And what shall we say of those who have lent themselves to the reputable endeavour of puffing oft' the paltry nostrum ? Of such men as Mr. Brande and Dr. Ure, it is painful to be obliged to speak in any other terms than those of commendation and respect. Their names are household words: and we are distressed at anticipating the possibility of such names becoming epithets of contempt, instead of continuing to be expressions of reverence and admiration. We trust therefore that the attempt to elevate this ponderous gentleman, will be relinquished. The attempt exhibits much good nature, but very little good sense — and it mint be unsuccessful. A tortoise can never be taught to fly by being hoisted into the air — and though a dunghill cock may by dint of estmordinary exertions wing a flight of 20 yards at the height of three feet above the surface of our planet, yet the achievement only serves to show that he is any thing but an eagle, and that his native mire is his most a^jpropri.ite element. There is no real kindness in trying to raise this gentleman out of his appropriate and very humble sphere ; and is Mr. Brande so confident of the imperishable virtue of his laurels as to suppose that they have nothing to sufter from so ill judged an attempt? Is Mr. Brande likely to enhance his own reputa- tion, or the value of his art, in the estimation of [ftactical men by tell- ing tliem that the product of the dtstructive distillation of coal is rendered uninflammable by mixing with the cold air in the chimney, and at the same time praising a project possessing to correct the evil by introducing a still larger quantity of cold air into the flues than is usual ? Of Dr. L're's attainments in every department of the philoso- phy of the arts there can be but one opinion; and we should perhaps attach a value to his praise commensurate w ith our sense of his ability, had we tha iissurance that he was a landed proprietor of ten thousand a year, whicli we regret to find is not the case. It is really a reproach to this country that abilities like Dr. L're's should be wasted in the ignoble occupation of compiling or revising specifications of patents, and furnishing encomiums to patentees ; and we do trust that the award of some adequate place or pension to this distinguished philoso- pher, will speedily remove such a stigma from cur land. As to Doctor Kane of the Apothecaries Hall, Doctor Brett and Mr. Something a chemist of Leeds, we need only say that we shall not condescend to notice such celebrated gentlemen, further than to assure them that they would find much more reputable occupation behind their counters ili^ipensiiig mercurial pills and doses of Glauber, than in soliloquising aijout things of which they know nutlii g. They may save themselves the trouble of casting t/iiir perfume upon the violet. Engineers and boiler makers know their business much too well to lack instruction from a p.ick of effervescent chemists and drupgi>ts. Having shown that this gentleman has failed in i)4U, but po Engine alone 5 Eccentric. 12 J 4-4 ti Just move. Starboanl wheel coupled. 6-4 ,1 ,, Larboajd. lO-l M „ Both wheels. 13-3 3-3 If ^ 20-4 Cam. Just move. ir f 24-4 ,, 6 24-4 Eccentric. 9-5 »» I also verified the experiments noted in this journal, to prove that the water displaced bjr steambo.-.t wheels did not come from before them. I strewed the surface of the water with chaff and then set the wheels in motion, and found that six inches in front of the wheels the chaff floated uodiiturbed. — Franilin Journal. EXPLOSION OF A STEAM BOILER AT MANXHESTER. Ln the beginning of the month of October last, an awful occurrence took place through the bursting of the boiler of a steam engine, at the factory of Messrs. Elce St Cot tarn, in Jersey .Street. Manchester. uLich occasioned the death of nine individuals working at the factory. An inquest was held upon the bodies before James Ch.ipman, Esq., the coroner for the borough of Man- chester, u ho has very kindly furnished us with a copy of the depositions, from which we now extnct the most important part ; the inquest was held on the Hth day of October last, and was adjourned until the 5lU day of KovemUer. for the purpose of allowing competent parties to examine into the cause of the accident. St.waril Sands «as examined. He stated that he is a pattern maker, and had much experience in the working of steam engines, and has been in the employ of Messrs. Elce and C'otiam for the last nine months. The engine was a six horse puwer high pressure engine, and was an old one; the boiler was cyhnilrical. with eggtJ (Aa.t) ends 6f wrought iron, three eighths of an inch in thickness, and stayed from enil to end by an iron rod passing through it, and cottereil at each end. He thought the boiler had been overweighted from the quantity of machinery the engine had to move. The engine had not started, as he was going into tlie yard, to any «ork ; but the safely valve attached to the boiler would be weighted for the machinery it had t'l put in motion during the day ; this was too much, and caused it to burst. On the first Ijoor there were two grinding atones, seven lathes, a drilling machine, a smith's bello.vs, and a boring .ii'- par.itas lor head stocks. On the second floor were one small grinding stone. nx lathes, a planing machine four feet long, a centreing machine, and .t wheel-cutting mncbine. In the third floor there was a roring or jack frame containing 72 spindles. With the cxcepiion of the centring nnchine, all lia 1 been at work up to six o'clock the previous afternoon, and had been turne I by the engine. The roving frame. «hich started about a forlnighi ago, worked only at inttrv.ils. It had been at work the day before the acci- dent from three In the afternoon until six, and It was intended to be worked with the others the following day. The boiler was 3ft. 6in. in diameter, bu° be couM not speak to its length, and was in good condition and well calcu- lated to work .in engine of six horse power, but no more. The cylinder was eight in h bore, and two feet stroke. For this engine thirty pounds to the wjuare inch was sufficient, and from the quantity of turning that had to be done, he thought tlic engine n as overworked . It would lake three or four borses power more to |erform the work the engine had to do. When the engine is not overweighted, if goes so freely that Its motion is not heard, but when it is ovcnvclghted It goes stiffly, and makes a loud hissing noise. Me prrceired, for the last three monthi. by those signs, that the enjiine was OTcrwetghtel. He thinks it will lake two horses power to drive the jack frame. He knew Elward Alien, the late foreman. He is quite sure the en- gine and boiler were overwe:gh!ed ly about three or four horses power the evening before the accident. Yesterday, about half pust three in ihe after- noon, i told Mr. Elce that the engine had been overworked : he said be thought not before the jack frame had been put on. .Sands said " You mutt know it was ovtnveighteil ; " and Mr. E'ce replied, it was not overweiyhie 1. but he thought ihc jackframe was more than what it was calculated to work. JaliH Lfe, of Manchester, machine maker, was exam ned. He stated tliat he had much experience in engines and boilers. .Saw the premises imme- diately after the accident, and since the bo:ler w as fouiul, and Itis examined It and the ruins, in order to ascertain the cause of the accident. He first thought that the boiler had been sli rt of water, and that by pumping cidd water upon the heated plates, it had generated some elastic force very sud- denly, so as to cause explosion : but on enq.iiry. he found tliat the engine had no; started that morning Boilers oftener l.urst at starting than after- wards. If there was too much steam in the boiler, or if it was overloaded, if the pressure had l.een gradually generated, and the valve was not fast, dan- ger would not ensue : but f su'ldenly generated, or the valve fast, explosion would take place; the valve was of suflicient size to ciny oil the steam in case of over pressure. He thought trom the first that the valve was not fast, because the first projectile force was given ihrough the safety valve, which threw the blowpipe across the two yards, a distance of l(jC) feet, and forced the same six inches into the brick embankment, and from an examinaliun of the valve since, he was of the same opinion. He found the valve in good order, but the valve rod was bent in consequence of Icing thrown fr^ro the boiler at the time of the explosion. He got the rod straightened, took off the gland, and :ound inside a greasy substance, and the packing was in good order. From this he conclude 1 that the valve had not been neglected. He thinks the boiler was sufficiently strong, the plates being thicker than those he had seen in boilers for a similar purp se. His o, inion is that the stay rod was not sulficieiit to coiinteract any sudden expansion of tlie steam, but it is such as is generally made and in use at the present time. It would ha>e been better had there been more stay r.ds. He thought the fink to which it had been attached to the back end, being the one first found, was defective, the same having been bent the wrong way of the iron; had it been bent the right way, it is possible the explosion would not have taken place ; the shell of the boiler he conceives to be as good now as when it first came out of the mtxker's hands. He was of opinion that the plates had never been led hot. It was net possible for explosion to have taken place in case of the plates becoming red hot, unless (?) cold water had been poured upon them, which could not have been the case in this instance, as the p.imp h.id not Lecn worked that morning, the engine not having started. He could not speak with certainty whether, if there ha I not been sufficient wa.er in Ihe boiler, and the boiler had become heatel, the effect upon the water would U sucb as to create explosion before the safety valve could be acted upon. It ii the opinion of some that decomposition of water in a close vessel by heat create* hydrogen, but that could not explode « ithout an admixture of oxygen, and not even then until it was ignited; were it possible for this effect to take place, all the safety valves that could be affixed could not have prevented explosion. He could not risk an opinion as to what has been the c.-.use of the explosion in this case ; it must have been from sudden expansion, but how originating he could not tell. If such e.vplosion had taken place at the stopping of the engine instead of the starling, he should not have fell so much astonished, as engines are repeatedly slopped when the steam is up at the full pressure, which must throw the elastic force instantaneously into the boiler; but in doing this, he has never known explosion to taku place. He does not think there is more danger in high pressure than in lov pressure boilers, provided they are properly attended to, because, from olserntlon. he conceives that the majority of explosions liave been from lo« pressure boilers. He does not think that any add tional valve was necessary in this case, but a second valve is certainly Utter. H,; has frequently U-en oo Messrs. Elce & Co.'s premises, and from what ho has seen, and their ^leneral mode of conducting business, he does not think there is any llame atiribut- able to them. He has measured Ihe boiier. It is 3lt. Ilin. in dr.meter by 9ft. 6in. long, being round, and having flat ends, and was capable of workinn from 7 to 8 horses i«)» er. The apparatus attacheil for iiuhciiing the pressure were, a 5,alety valve at the top. with a lever attached to a. Salter's balance, which indicated the pressure per inch by figures engraved on the face of it, and a glass gauge in front indicating the lic.ght of llie steam (water P) but these, except the safetv valve, he has not s.en as they were destroyed by the explosion ; there werc'also two pipes »ilh taps at the ends inserted at the top of the boiler, the one for steam, Ihe o;het for ».aler; if the bjilcr was shortof water, the latter so being oi*iieJ would allow the sic.am to escape. which would be a sufticicnt indication th.U the boiler wanted water. He thinks these, if in good order, were quite sufficient, anil from inquiries be bos made, they were in good order. If cold water ha.l been thrown in amongst Ihestcam whilst the water was boiling, the boiler would have colUpseJ. There is no such appearance about It now. If upon the plales when hot. it would ^create expuniion (?conlr,iclion) — there weie no such apiearances 52 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Feb. about tlie boiler when pulled out of the canal ; the back end of the boiler is protruded about six inches, owing to the stay rod having given way ; the slay rod has lately been found, from which he was satisfied that the boiler had flat ends. Such a boiler is not so strong as one with egged ends, but still it was sufficient for a seven or eight horse power engine. Ceorge Brnnsoii, of Manchester, engineer, stated that lie was on Messrs. Elce k Cottam's premises on the 8th of October, and observed the same so as to be able to speak particularly to the whole of the machinery. He saw the boiler at the same time, and has seen it since the e.iiplosion. He thought it a good one, and he is still of the same opinion, and the body of it has not gone out of circle the eighth of an inch. He thinks the accident was not owing to pressure from steam, but the hydrogen and c.xygen gases coming into contact with the red hot plates of the boiler ; if the water was boiled down lower than where the fire acts upon the boiler, the plates of the boiler would then become red hot, and would change the water into hydrogen and oxygen, the iron would take up a poriion of the oxygen, and the hydrogen •would then be in the space of the boiler, and explosion would take place without the presence of atmospheric air from without. I come to this opinion, not from my own experiments, but from having seen the electric spark applied when the vessel has been hermetically sealed, by means of a wire being passed into it, and in this case the heat from the fire would, in like manner, pass through the iron plate, but it could not have passed if there had been watei' inside. He has known explosions to take place from low as well as high pressure boilers, where parties had professed to work with only four pounds to the square inch ; we very frequently work low pres- sure boilers with only three pounds to the inch, but not where explosions have taken place. I think such a stay rod was sufficient for this boiler, and that there was no more than five and a half horses power on the engine when all the machinery was at work in the usual way ; there were on the premises thirteen common lathes, which would take two and three-fifths horse power ; two slide lathes, half horse power ; one large grindstone, which was worn down, one half horsepower; two small ones, a third of a horse power ; one upright drill, one fifth of a horse poH er ; a planing machine four feet upon the bed, one fifth of a horse power ; a centring machine and cut- ting engine, a fifth of ahorse power, because both could not be employed together ; a roving frame with 72 spindles, a fifth of a horse power ; and an eccentric machine for blowing a smith's bellows, a tenth of a horse power, or half a man. He has had much experience in fitting up mills for the last H years, and he has always proceeded and disposed of the power in this ratio. If the gauges were defective, the water m'ght get too low without the engi- neer observing it, but it was more likely to be owing to the negligence of the engineer, as he has often found them negligent, even when they have been short of water, and water could not be forced into the boiler, the steam being so high. The machine and tool work were all light. Robert Armstrong, of .Salford, engineer, was examined. He stated that he Lad examined the boiler since it was found, and should not like to have trusted it with a pressure of 401b. to the square inch, but for the quantity of machinery to be turned, there was no occasion for any such weight ; he knew of many in the town egg-ended without stays, to work with 401b. This might be worked with 301b. without danger ; such a boiler was sufficient to work an engine of from 6 to 10 horse power. He considered the accident arose from the water getting too low, and too much steam rising too rapidly, the water rising over the heated plates, and being suddenly flushed into steam with great pressure ; there are marks inside the boiler which show that the water had frequently been allowed to get too low, so as to allow the plates to get overheated above the surface of the water, but could not speak positively to this having been the case in this instance ; had it been so, and had the boiler been ten times the strength it was, it would have exploded. All high pressure engines, from the mode in which they are fed with water, are liable to such accidents. This boiler was too little for 10, but it would drive from 6 to 8 horse power very well. Tliomss Banks, of Manchester, engineer, stated he did not make either the engine or the boiler. About 16 months ago he put a Salter's spring to the boiler and weighed it to forty pounds. Mr. Elce was very anxious to prevent accidents, and since this Mr. Elce has got a waterfloat, which he always con- sidered the most dangerous thing about boilers, more accidents having hap- pened through them than anything ever appended to boilers, as I have proved from an experience of near fifty years ; they are very useful if attended to, but the engineer must not depend upon them too long ; tliey cause the engi- neer to be over confident. Two good gauge cocks, a Salter's spring, and a safety valve, which this boiler had, were sufficient in any case. He had no doubt if Mr. Elce had never got the w aterfloat, the accident would never have happened ; he also put up a steam gauge. He thinks if the engine had been weighted for nine or ten horse power it would have broken down, but the boiler would have stood. He thinks the explosion was owing to the boiler being short of water. He has known of many explosions, all of which he attributed to the same cause. Ci'orge IValion Buck, of Ardwick, and }yi!liam fairiairn, and Richard Roberts, of Manchester, engineers, gave their evidence jointly ; they stated that they had examined Messrs. Elce and Co.'s premises, for the purpose of endeavouring to ascertain the origin of the bursting of their steam boiler. The engiue was on the high pressure now condensing principle, and called a six horse power ; the boiler was cylindrical, measuring 3ft. lOlin. internal diameter, and 9ft. 4iin. long, with fiat ends ; each end was composed of two semicircular plates rivetted together in the centre, in the direction of its horizontal diameter; the ends being of this weak form were sustained or strengthened by a tie bar passed through the centre of the boiler, and con- nected by cotters or keys to staples or stay bar straps of iron rivetted to the centre of each end ; the part which first gave way, we think, on close examina- tion, was the staple to which the tie bar was keyed at the end next the fur- nace ; that the key or cotter had been driven until its larger end was in con- fact with only one inch in length of the staple, and that the pressure of the steam was then sufficient to draw the cotter through the plate of which the staple was made ; the staple and the cotter indicate that this efi'ect must have taken place after the fie bar was thus liberated, either end of the boiler might next give way, but it appeared that the opposite end being accidentally the weaker of the two, which it must have been, (probably from its being more subjected to the action of the hot air of the flue), then gave way. being torn asunder horizontally at the rivets ; the two halves of the end then flew open like folding doors, and detached themselves from the boiler by breaking the angle iron to which they were rivetted ; at the same moment the cylindrical part of the boiler, with its other end, was projected horizontally with prodi- gious force, its end came in contact with a heap of coals and the earth, which was scooped out to the depth of two feet, lying in its path, by which the other flat end of the boiler was driven into the cylindrical part where it was afterwards found. This obstruction of the coal and brick wall against which it was lying, and also of the earth, changed the direction of the motion of the boiler, and deflected it into the canal where it was afterwards recovered. The boiler did not appear to have suffered injury in any other part from the explosion ; we observed that the safety valve was loaded by means of a verti- cal rod passing through a stuffing box, and this rod we were informed was acted upon by a lever and spring balance of Salter's construction, and that it was capable of being screwed down to a pressure of 451b. to the square inch, and no more ; on examining the vertical rod attached to the valve, they were led to conclude that it appeared to have been set fast, or that it must have offered much resistance to the rise of the valve independently of the pressure of the lever, from the following considerations. If at the moment of the ex- plosion the pressure of the steam had exerted a force of only 451b. to the square inch, or the maximum according to the spring balance, the strain upon the tie bar >»ould have been about 25,5001b , but the force exerted to draw the cotter through the staple, on the supposition that the metal was of average strength, must have been about 57,0001b., which indicates that the expansive force of the steam must have amounted to not less than lOOlb. per square inch ; this they believe was the real cause of the accident, but whether the valve was held down accidentally or intentionally, in all probability can never be known. They think that the ends of boilers of this description for high pressure steam should be convex instead of flat, and that the safety valve should be so constructed as to be acted upon by the weight or spring without the intervention of a stuffing box or any other obstruction, between it and the lever spring or weight acting upon it, and that although injudiciously loaded, the boiler would not give way for steam at a pressure of not more than 45 lb. to the square inch, but that it would have been better had there been several stay rods or tie bars instead of one, and that no accident would have happened had the above precautions been adopted ; that they could see nothing in connexion with the death of the deceased for which any one could be chargeable with blame, except only that it was injudicious to depend upon one tie bar, and they have no reason to believe that there was an insuflSciency of water ; and that from 5 to 5^ horse power would turn all the machinery except the jack frame, which we cannot speak to; the accident we attributed to the valve, which they consider did not act from some cause unknown, al- though it might be in good working condition. The Hannibal. — The keel of a 90 gun ship, to be named the Hannibal, has been laid in the same spot where the Trafalgar was built in Woolwich Dock- yard, and a number of workmen are actively employed in preparing the tim- ber for her constauclion. The Hannibal will be a splendid vessel on Sir Wil- liam Symond's plan, and have a great breailth of beam, for which vessels designed by the present surveyors of the navy are distinguished. The following are the dimensions of the Hannibal :— ft. in. Length on the gun-deck , , , 204 0 Breadth extreme 60 0 Ditto for tonnage 39 2 Ditto moulded 38 4 Depth in hold 23 8 lS-12.] Tin^ CIVIL ENGINKKK AND ARrilTTECTS JOURNAL. 53 INSTRUCTION IX DESIGN, AND SCHOOLS IN THE SEVENTEENTH AND EICIITEENTII CENTURY. Great as tlic outcry has liccn of late with regard to scliools of design, the plan is liy no means new to the metropolis. At the latter end of the scvcnteentli centurj', while what we may call the mediaiiical portion of art was still llourishing. the symptoms of decay were apparent ; and a little later, the general introduction of coinpo.-ition ornaments c.iusod a rapid decline. The foundation of the school of drawing in Clirist's Hospital is perhaps the first instance of the recognition of de>ign as an essential part of useful edu- cation ; and it is surprising tli.it it had not a more extensive influence, .\liout tlie commencement of the oightecutli century, when Strj-pe puhlishcd his edition of Slow's Survey, the overthrow of the lower branches of art may be considered as complete ; ami we find Mr. 15. Lens exerting liimsclf to produce a better state of affairs. His arguments, published by Strype, arc quite identical with those which have been lately urged; and it will perhaps afford some gratification to extract at length Str\-pe's account of his school, (vol. I. p. 1 73.) " Another school for drawing, limning, and painting, set up anno 1077, by one Mr. II. Lens, now or late living in Fleet-street, an art exceedingly useful for all sorts of people, .is for gentlemen that travel, * * and for trailesuien ; such as arc concerned in buililing, as masons, carpenters, joiners, painters, and the like. The professor of this art teachcth on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, in the morning from 8 to 11, and on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, in the evening, from C to 0 ; the price, a guinea entrance, and a guinea a month. * * He bath very well set forth the general usefulness of this art by a printed paper, which may deserve to be here inserted. Craphice, by .\ristotlc is generally taken for the art of drawing anything (FpacfiiKe) whatsoever, with the pen or pencil, and was reckoned aiuong the cliiefcst of those Ills waiSfvfiaTtt, or generous practices of youth, as renilering them so many ways serviceable to their country, and profitable to themselves. Of incredible service and advantage it would be to our smiths of all sorts, masons, bricklayers, carpenters, joiners, carvers, turners, embroiderers, tapes- try-workers, siUersniiths, jewellers, nay, to all our handicrafts in general. For, show most of the workmen abovcsaid a draught of what you would have ilone, their want of skill in drawing renders it almost useless to them. For example, should an engineer invent a machine, and draw it in all its parts, with its views per front and sides, the whole iu perspective, a ground- plot thereof, with a scale annexed thereto ; with what dilliculty do they work, and the projector must be always by, or all will be marred : whereas, could our handicrafts and mech.inics draw, a man might send his work from a hundreil miles' distance, drawn as abovesaid, ami be satisfieil it wouhl be performed to his mind, and .'according to his directions, ily what has been said, I would not have it thought that none of our handicrafts and mechanics can draw, for some do. of my knowledge, very well ; which qualification hath made them the most excellent of all others, for the best draughtsman will be the best artist, in what art soever. The design of this school is to have a constant nursery or breed of youths proper for artificers. * * For proof of what hath been said, discourse with the meanest of all our handicrafts, though he cannot draw, yet will endeavour to chalk out, after his fashion, your meaning and his ; knowing by pure instinct, that all the rhetoric in the world cannot convince like a drawing. * * If parents sent their rhildren to drawing, as customarily they do to Latin ami writing, it being altogether as useful to them, they wouhl soon find the advantage themselves, and their children would reap thereby; for a master would take ;i servant qualified with drawing with half the money, and be a gainer thereby, for the boy would come to work in half the time." * * That Mr. Lens's intention was a good one, there can be no doubt ; but whether in making i charge of twelve guineas a year he made his school acceptable to the working classes, ailmits of great question. As being a l.ibourer in the cause of public instruction, he is, ueterthelcss, entitled to much praise, although the time was so unfavourable to a successful issue of his attempt. .Mr. Uuis was also a private teacher, and afterwards became drawing master in Christ's Hospital. OBSERVATIONS UPON THE COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGES AND iNtONvi;sii:N(i:s of the employment of ikon wire, OR BAR IKON. IN Till; CONSTUUtmON OF SUSPENSION BRIDGES OF GREAT SPAN. Ily M. Lk Bi.axc, Chief Engineer of Bridges and Roads. (Tranxlatnlfram the t'rench.J* Cables of iron wire, and chains composed of bars of wrought iron, miy be compared with reference to their economy and their durability. .\s regards economy, the <|uestion scarcely lle^cr^cs discussion, ami it U easy to prove « priuri that, in all possible cases, iron wire liaa the advantage over wrought iron. In fact, the Council of the Punts el C/iauiera has adopted the principle, th.it cables of iron wire should be submitted to a tension of \2 kilogrammes (JCJ lb.) per square millimetre (-UUli; square inches) of section; but for bar iron, it was decided that the maximum of tension iUall not exceed n kilo- grammes (17'G lb. nearlyl. This principle is founded upon the comparative resistances of iron wire, No. IS, ordinarily employed in the construction of cables, and of iron bars 3 to G ccntrimetrcs (1-2 to 21 inches) in diameter. The natural consequence of this principle is, that the section of a chain should be greater by one half than that of a cable, for the same tension ; this involves a proportional increase of its weight. In cables of iron wire no joints are used, or at most, but a single one, as in the bridge of Argcntat, and this joint made up of two sm.iU eyes, weighs but little^on the contrary, they are numerous in chains, and where the system is rather complicated, as 1 shall prove it should be in bridges of great span, each one of these joints weighs at least 1 tO kilogrammes (309 lb.). On the supposition that the suspension rods are 1'2 metre apart (47] inches), as there is a joint for each rod, there will be 233 kilogrammes (jlllb nearly) for a bridge of 180 metres (590 ft.) span. This additional weight, together with that of the bars themselves, which, as we have just seen, is one half greater than that of the cables, produces an excess of tension which must again be resisteil, whence there arises a new increase of section, and consequently of weight in the chains. In applying these principles to individual cases, it is found that the weight of the unit of length of a system of chains exceeds double that of a system of cubles.t Now, as the price of iron wire is once and a half that of bar iron, it is plain that the use of iron wire is more economical than that of wrought iron. 1 have proved that the total tension is much greater when chains are used, it follows that greater strength must be given to the moorings and to the intermeiliate piers, when the bridges have several openings or bays — a new cause of increase of expense.* It appears to us to li.ivc been thus thoroughly proved, that in regard to economy, the cables of iron wire are superior to chains of wrought iron. Let us now compare the two systems in relation to their durability. The principal objections which have been made to the employment of iron wires are the following : 1 at. They otTcr greater chances for rapiil oxidation. 2nd. The imperfection of the jtrcsent process for manufacturing the rabies does not allow us to give an equal tension to all the wires, so that when the cables are raised to their places, the wires which arc under most tension have to support many pounds in excess — while those under least tension do not draw at all. * We arc indebted fur the tninslation to the American Railroad Journal. — Kditor. I In the rnmparalive iiroposnls which I presenleil for the bridge of Korhe liernard, 1 showed tluit these « eights are in the pro|>orliun of II to 'ii ; in order to replace 11 kilognimniis (2Hb.) of irun wire, uhicli at I f . .'lOe. rost lli francs, M cen., we must employ 2.'i kih gramrnvs (55 lb.) of Hrouxht iron wiih 2'> francs. ; In bridges of several Inys the cables or chains kliouM be flxrd to the inlernu-diate piers, in order lo avoiil the great changes of form which result friun uneossiblc, we can indccil, after having bent and ueldcd the ends, drill llirougli all of them uliich make up u link of the chain, Hhen rnld ; but it is evident in this en.->e, that to prevent the driliin.; from diminishing the strength of the c)e, \ic must either give greater size tii the bar in ibis part or llatti-n it, involving' u lieaiuiK »hieh injures Uic quality of the iron. \ There arc, fur instance, some red shear (hot short) irons wblcli lose nothin^ by being wrought at a Mhitc heat, but whirb are injured in qicilily when uriiuglit at a leu rlevalr'l tempcr.tlnre. IJut the wurkni"!! cannot con- fine ihi'inselvcs l<> lullii these ciiwlilions exactly, whence it liippcns, In ir<eXiCctiun ; but OS wc have jus: auid, it is very tliOicuU tv proTe curvcU Uiri, and not in immediate contact with the air, must be less brittle than naked bars of iron. Cth. Cables in bridges of great span, can be much more ctsily raised to their places than chains. In the proposal for the bridge of Koelic llcriiard, I have calculated that the weight of a cable would be 7,U0K kilogrammes (17.G7.1lb.), while each chain would weigh 31,19G (69,102 11).); a work eipially dilHcult, it may he said, has been executed at the Menai bridge ; but if this proves that it is not impossible, it docs not prove that it is not very difficult. Jl. Vicat has asserted, that wires before breaking, suffer a considerable elongation, which announces the rupture beforehand, and thus gives time to make the necessary repairs, while chains break instantaneously. This advantage of iron v^ire has been disputed, in the case of wires united in bundles by ligatures, and the interstices of which arc filleil by grease. M. Frinot thinks that these bundles form a brittle system ; he doubtless would like to say, as brittle as bar iron. In suppoit of bis opinion he h.ts cited the fieme, a sort of skein of hempen tlireail, which has most strength when its elements are free, and loses part of it as soon as the loose threads arc bound together, and approximated to the condition of lopcs. If this assertion is confirmed by experiments — and I have prepared some for Ibis puri>ose — cables will in this point of view, be neither worse nor better than bar iron.* Third oi/ec/ioii.— Cables form a less rigid system than bars of wrought iron, so that the horizontal vibrations of the roadway arc much greater in the former than in the latter. For equal curves and weights this is true, but when wc have once given the preference, even in point of durability, to wire over bar iron, (and I con- fess I have done so,) will we not gain more by increasing the rigidity, by meaus of the greater weight of heavier timbers for the roadway, and by diminishing the curvature of the cables, or the tension which they should bear per square millimetre of section, than by substituting chains for cables .> These latter likewise admit of an arrangement which cannot be adopted for chains. I refer to the cradle form ; and in this case the outside cables being in a plane, inclined from the vertical, have a tendency to draw the whole roadwav towards them, and as this takes place on both sides, it follows that the roadway is kept in its position better than it would be by means of stays. 1 offer these reflections to the readers of the Annate; as the result of )M;r- fect conviction in my own mind, after deliberate consi.lcratioii, and I can indulge the hope that this conviction will be shared by at least a small number of my associates. I shall examine in a snhscciucnt article the advan- tages and inconveniences of a diminution of curvature, and the defects in the proof wliich chains and cables undergo, cither before or after being pUced. Siif;"Cslionfor the Pnienliim n/ Fin- in perfectly parillcl and evenly stretched, the inside ones arc shorter than those ouuide ; if Hgalures are appliel. and the hfif u drawn out, as it must be to lift or pull loads, wc see that the thrc.iils of the bundle, which Iron, being circular are now slraigbl. or even bent in opiwaitc directions-thc outside ihrc;ids Uien must be thrust up logcllier, while the inner ones, if Uiey do nut stretch, must break. Without the hgaturos Uiere would be a rumiK'noiioii l.twc^n this Icngllicning and »li(.rlening, so that they actually injure the strength of Ihe bundle ; but it is llie rh.inge of form, and' not the ligature, whirh is the cause of the evil, and the hrrir, b3 vears B.C., and received its name from the island on which it was built ; it was TijU feet high, and the base was 150 feet square, and could be seen at a distance of lU English miles. Josephus, and many other authors, had given descriptions of it, which pretty well agreed : and what was most extraordinary, that the very same method of making the foundation was jiractisod then as now. The stones were dovetailed together, dowellcd, and run with lead, so as to firmly secure them in their places. The cost of the building amounted to no less a sum than 200,(X)U/. of our money, and it lasted above l(j centuries; no iliminution in its height occurred until after a 1000 years from its erection, at which time about one-third of its height was wasted awav by time, and it Wiis only within about tOO years that the whole is supposed to have been destroyed, and that only by means of an earthquake. He then remarked, that it was very seldom that the name of an engineer was handed down fur 2UOO years, but all ac- counts agreeil that Sosastros was the name of the engineer who erected this wonder of the world. The celebrated Corduan, or, as it is gene- rally called, Cordovan Lighthouse, at the mouth of the Garron, is built upon the same principles .is the Pharos; this lighthouse is, how- ever, circular, but the masonry is not calculated for durability, it being built of freestone. The expense of this lighthouse was enormous, as must be supposed, when millions of francs were expended upon orna- ment, which was the more aljsurd, when it was considered that it stood upon a barren rock, in the middle of the sea. He could not help quoting a line of Pope — 'Tis only usefulness that sanctifies expense. This is a sentiment that he wished to impress upon the minds of all his students, for it was a great fault of modern engineers to expend great sums upon ornament, which could be far better employed U])on actual necessaries. He then turned to the Eddystone Lighthouse, and related the histories ami fates of the two lighthouses preceding the one now standing, which was erected by the genius of .Smeaton, and strongly recommended his pupils to read the account published of that great work. The Eddystone rock is peculiarly interesting to the en- gineer ; it is found first at about one mile deep in the ocean, and then rises gradually about one foot in ten, until it reaches near the level of the sea, when a sudden crop makes its apjiearaiice, and rises above surface. From the )ieculiar formation of this rock, there is always a heavy run upon it, which renders it so verv dangerous. The learned Professor, after explaining at some length the process of the erection of this celebrated lighthouse, concluded his lecture. ON EARTH WORK. Lecture .'. Wednesday, 2-2nd December, IS 11.— The Professor com- menced by stating that earthwork, taken in the present extended sense of the word, was but little known to the ancients. The gigantic opc- raticjns in earthwork ol modern times corresjiond with the viaducts of the ancients. Our earthwork may be confined to excavation, cutting, and cmbanknieiit, or getting and 'filling, as ordinarily denominated bv contractors, lie then went through the whole process, giving the s.ientifir and common names of each description of work. With respect to the works of the ancients, in the canal made bv Cyrus, the Pha-niciaiis were the only workmen who cut the canal with slopes — all the rest employed cut straiplit down, and, in consequence, the former stood, while the latter fell in. The River I'o, in Italy, was a curious instance of enihankinent ; this river is situated in a very flat country, ami makes an annual ileposit of a calcareous matter, which, liartlening, raises the bed of the river in a sliglii degree every year. The ancient inhabitants, to prevent their country from being inundateil, were ob- liged to raise a small embankment on each side of the river— perhaps two or three feet high — which, having served fur some years the de- sired purpose, and llie bed of the river having become' higher from the depi.^il, the einbankinenLs reipiired to have still more addi-d to theni, until, after the lapse of centuries, tlic bed of the river, from the constant deposit of calcareous matter, and the consequent accessary adilitions to the embankments, to the height of thirty feet, is now several feet above the level of the surrounding country. This work looks like one of our modern gigantic works, but it bears no compari- son to the labours of the present day, it being but a work performed from year to year, in small portions' at a time, while ours have been formed at one operation. From all his researches, he, therefore, came to this conclusion, that, until late years, eartliwork was but little known ; he could make the same remark with respect to cutting. This work was first treate con- sidered is, which, of m.isonry, ;iqueducts, tunnelling, embankments, or cuttings, would be the cheapest nioile of doing the work proposed. At the present time earthwork is the cheapest, for modern practice has reduced it to a price per cubic yard. In the contracts for the Paris and Kouen Railway, the contracts sent in by the French engineers were invariably 3 or 1 times the amount of those sent in by English contractors — thus, notwithstanding the expense of transporting the workmen into France, the whole of that work is in the hamis of En- glishmen. The engineer, to form a just calculation, must well study the charac- ter and inechauical properties of the soil and the necessarv slopes. Experience alone can teach these points. There are manv varieties of the London clay, which, when cut dosMi to a certain depth, on ex- fiosure to the atmosphere are sure to slip; another cause is, the great laste with which the embankments, Xc., are formed. When the water does not penetrate, this clay is very h ird, but after exposure it melts aw:iy, like tallow, anil the only remedy is to get riil of the water bv rlrainiiig. When a slip tikes place, the toe of the embankment bulges forward; in the first instance, the surface should 1m' well drained a short distance from the edge the drain to Im" puddled, in order that the water should nut penetrate ; borings should lie inaije liori/ontallv anil the water tapped ; when expei.se ami time are no objects, the whole should be cut in steps, ami ilraineil by means of w.iltles, so that, if a slip takes place, it is only partial. The force with which the toe of the embaiikinent bulges out is sucli that a wall of masonry would GO THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Fee. l)p of no iisP, ;i3 it would be pushed o\it; the most elVectual preventive, or remedy, is wattling and IjhsIi drains. Wlien time will allow, it is belter to make tlie enibankments in layers, and between each layer of earth putting in a course of brushwood, clippings of hedges, or wat- tlings. When embankments are obliged to he poured out hastily, allow thein to take their natural slope, and if it slips let it remain, for however much it may he attempted to reduce it to its former shape, it will still again slip and regain its position. A good practice to provide against slips is to forma slight abutment of earth, a short dis- tance from the toe of the slope, so that it should stay the slip if it takes place ; this plan is more particularly available when the work is obliged to be erected on a natural slope — for instance, on the side of a hill. The Professor, then, for the information of the younger students, explained, by diagrams, the nature of slopes, and the meaning of the expression "two feet to one," &c., and concluded by recommending that, in forming slopes, the engineer should run some risk of slips, in order to save the great expense of removing more earth than is actually necessary — the cost of repairing these slips being but little in com- parison. He likened the work to an insurance on life — the risk to be run being calculated upon by precedents. The principle is to get the greatest extent of work finished at the least possible expense, and many of the great slips that have taken place might have been pre- vented, or speedily cured, had the plans he laid down been better fol- lowed. Lecture G. Wednesday, the 29th Dec. 184 1.— Professor Vignoles stated that, before continuing the subject of earthworks, he wished to set right an erroneous impression with the public, in consequence of an expression he made use of at his last lecture ; he had then recom- mended that "the engineer should run some risk of slips, in order to save the great expense of removing more earth than was actually necessary — the cost of repairing those slips being but trifling in com" parison." He need not say that he so ex|)ressed himself, but it vv^is alwavs on the supposition that no risk was to be run where there was the remotest probability of danger. He mentioned this because of the circumstance of the slip on the Great Western Railway, which was atteniled with such fatal results, and liappening only a few hours after he had niaile that statement. From all that had been stated, it appeared that the slip itself was but very inconsiderable; the cutting where it took |)lace was .')7 feet deep, the slope two to one, and the width of the road 'lU feet; the slip took ])lace about half way up the bank. A number of smaller slips had occurred, and tiles were used for drain- ing instead of bushes, c&c, to cure them — still the mode of curing them was the same as he advocated — by drainage. As he had before stated, the slip itself was very inconsiderable, but, by having nothing to check it, the earth fell vipon the rails. A doubt seemed to exist whether the concussion produced in the air by the passing of the former train had not brought it down, for the accident happened in the interval between the passing of the two trains — the lirst one having proceeded uninjured, wdiilst the latter was attended with such fatal consequences. If the precaution had been taken, when it was first observed that a slip was likely to occur, to put up a fence of hurdles to check its advance to the rails, doubtless the accident would not have happened. The manner of the slip showed that it was caused solely bv the infiltration of water, probably a considerable way back from the edge of the cutting, or, perhaps the water had found its way in by the ditch along the top ; the water which had thus got info the soil having expanded during the frost, the sudden change of the weather brought down the earth. The Professor then, by means of a diagram, explained the nature of the cuttuig, from which it appeared that the "top lift" was deposited in spoil bank ; at tbe top of the cutting a drain had also been cut, but he was of opinion that such drains were injurious, when the soil was at all precarious. The spoil bank was not the occasion of the slip, since it did not take plate at the top, but bulged out in the middle. Although this slip was very small, from the latal effects which attended it, it was the more necessary to guard against the recurrence of the like ; there were but a few feet of earth on the rails, yet the effect was the same as if so many planks had been placed upon them. The Croydon slip arose from' the same cause, but, though so much larger, no accident occurred. In the late accident there were but thirty or forty waggon loads of earth, and all was right again in a few hours, while in the Croydon slip 3,000 or 1,001) cubic yards of earth fell ; the soil in both instances consisted of the London clay, with pot-holes of sand. It was clear that the accident was not to be set down as one of cutting, similar slips having taken place upon cuttings not more than twelve or four- teen feet deep. He must impress upon the nnnds of the students that it was not the length or depth of the cutting which regulated the slopes, but the soil and practicability of drainage ; unfortunately it was impossible to know exactly how these matters might stand, experience alone could teach them. He had dwelt long upon this subject, but he wished it to be understood that it was well-judged economy he advo- cated, not such as would, in the least degree, tend to produce such fatal eflc'cts as in the case previously alluded to. The balancing of the line was equally necessary for railroads as for canals or common roads; it should be the engineer's aim that the quantity of earth from the cuttings should be as near as possible sutlicient for the embankments; compared with former times, the mode of transit was so much facilitated, that where some years back it was necessary that the balance line should be limited to the hill to be cut through, and the valley to be filled up, now the line might extend two or three miles. It was essential in balancing that the engineer shoidd be aware of the different degrees of compressibility of the matter; it was known of sand that it would occupy the same cubic contents in the embank- ment as it did in the hill, and one yard or 100 vards of gravel would be still the same, but in clays it was very different, they occupying less space in the embankment than they did in the hill, in their original position ; 100 yards of clay would nOt make 100 yards of embankment, the average amount of compressibility being not less than 10 per cent., or even, upon occasions, as much as 15 per cent. He had known occasions when 100 yards cut from a hill had only made 85 yards of embankment, but, upon an average, it would require 110 yards of clay to make 100 yards of embankment. Rock cuttings, on the contrary, expanded, because the solid rock could never again be restored to the same degree of density ; tlie difference would vary much, according to tlie size of the fragments, but where the pieces were large, 100 yards would make 120 yards of embankments.* Chalk, again, would be rather upon the excess, though much depended upon its quality. In rock cuttings you might make them nearly perpendicular, but in chalk much discussion'i' has arisen as to what was the proper slope, some engineers having even recommended that it should overhang the road, but he contended that it should slope, to carry off the water; he had found a slope of one quarter to one generally sullicient. Rock chalk would stand perpendicular, while several of the softer descriptions would require a slope of one-half to one, or even two to one. The Proi'essor then proceeded to speak of the correct mode of com- puting the quantity of earth in a cutting or embankment, and made a section of a hill half a mile long, to be cut down, the true cubic con- tents of a portion of which was 332,000 cubic yards, computed according to the prismoidal formula; but the ordinary method by which contractors would calculate the contents of the hill, by mean heights, would only show 310,000 cubic yards — that is to say, there would be a difi'erence of 22,000 cubic yards against the contractor, the consequence of which had beer, that the person contracting to cut down such a hill, at so much per yard, wouUI lose, from his bad method of calculation, above .t' 1,000. Another methotl was also in use — calculating by the mean area; which system, instead of 332,000 cubic yards, would show 37(5,000 cubic yards, being an excess in favour of the contractor of 14,000 cubic yards. Many contractors had realised large fortunes by mean areas, and sustained serious losses by mean heights. Having thus shewn the erroneous methods of calculation in use, he then, at some length, explained the prismoidal formula, accompanying his instructions with many diagrams, without which any attempt at explanation on our part would be useless. The learned Professor concluded his lecture by strongly recommending a close study of mathematics to the junior (all) students, as the greatest assist- ant to the labours of the civil engineer. F.mbi-Wilimenls of imiAin.— We have heard it stated, and wc believe on "110(1 grounds, thai a great and strikuig improvement is about to be made in the appearance of Piccadilly, conscqiicnl upon the removal of the ranger's house in the Green Park, which will be demolished early in the spring. Tliis tasteful suggestion, we have heard, was made by the Premier, and is to con- sist of a noble terrace ami pnbhe walk, from the gate into the Palace-gardens at Hyde Park corner, to the jimctiou of the houses at the lower end of llie basin. The form ot the ground on this line is particularly favourable to jiic-^ tiuesfjue elfect in laying out and planting, and to arcli'tectural beauty of design in the esplanade. Fountains and statues, too, are likely to he inlro- diieed, to add to the grandeur of the plan, give cncour.agement to the arts, and comhine the whole with the palatial residence of llie Sovereign, by carrying it, perhaps, further on hereaft r, along the line opposite to (iros- venor-place. The magnificent ec|uestriau statue of Wellinglon, now casting by Wyalt, «dl surmount the areh facing Apslcy house ; and wes ee no reason why it should not he b.alanced at the other termination by a statue of 8ir Robert Peel, together with his name to the work, the idea of which, as we liave mentioned, is understood to have emanated from him. At all events it will be a splendid embellishment of this principal street in entering the caiptal from the west. — Literary Gazette. » These remarks strongly corroborate tho.se of .an American engineer, inserled in the .K)Urnal of December last.— Fn. C. E. & A. Journai,. I .See the evidence on the Brighton Railway before the House of Lords. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. IRVIXGS TILE MACHINE. Gl In the last number of the Journal, page 8, we gave a plan and description of this machine, which was not properly understood from the want of the annexed perspective view of the apparatus, which we have since had drawn. THE INDUSTRIAL STATE OF BELGIUM.* The Belgians, besides a soil made fertile by their own exertions, possess in tneir mines of coal and iron the elements of a great manu- facturing power ; and we have already found them, by their productions of cotton and woollen cloths and hardware, formidable rivals in many foreign markets. Once the tame occupants of the battle-field of Europe, they have now in this age of peace availed themselves of their frontier position, to harass the trade of the surrounding countries; often, it must be acknowledged, by expedients not the most justifiable. The only characteristics which the Belgian tribes possess in common, the only features of a national organization, are of a very unpromising nature ; but it takes time to make a nation, and give it the high-souled character of a great community. We do not complain of the Belgians for employing English workmen to beat us out of tlie market, for that is rather a good accessory of a disposition to enterprise; but we fear that the spirit of piracy, which breaks out in their literary under- takings, is too deeply-rooted, and that its demoralizing influence will long affect them. We find the Belgian journals ever holding forth to public attention some promised wonder of native growth ; but we do not find, on after-inquiry, that these visions and speculations are ever brought to any tangible form. The spirit of imitation is a good one ; but that of piracy is so demoralizing in its influence on the mind, that we cannot augur well of future success to Belgian enterprise. It will take many years before the Gascons of the north can be sobered down to the business-like pursuits of a steady people ; and until that takes place, England has little to fear from their rivalry. These are remarks which are not unnaturally suggested to us, when we read the priiem of a new Belgian periodical, devoted to the industrial arts. " Belgium," says the author, "occupies, without fear of contradiction, a first-rate position among manufacturing nations, as the brilliant exhibition of its productions demonstrates to every eye." This is an introduction so truly Belgian, that we shall be prepared for any future escapade of our new contemporary. Until the present time, it appears that, with two exceptions of works produced by the editor of the one now founded, no periodical devoted to the mechanical sciences has yet been attempted in Belgium. We are rather surprised at this, but we hope that the effort now made may be successful. Belgium, it is known, has at Brussels a very fine mu- seum of the industrial arts, which is thrown open to the public, and is a favourite Sunday walk of the working classes. The Director of this museum is M. Jobard, a gentleman to whom Belgium is nuich indebted for his exertions. The state of school instruction is very good ; but the poii.t in which the Belgians are mainly deficient is in a workmanlike character, uhich is not to be created in a moment. The number of patents issued in Belgium is pretty large, but they form no * Bulletin (lu Mumc tic I'lnduslrie. Brussels. criterion, either of the progress of the arts, or of the ingenuity of the Belgian people. We find that the numbers are: — 1830 ... 5 183t) . . . 7l> 1831 ... 15 1S37 . . .134 1832 ... 30 1838 . . .280 1833 ... 42 183'J . . . 2G'J 1834 ... 48 1840 . . . 320 1835 . . .02 The small number in early years is to be accounted for by the effect of the revolution, and the embarrassments of the country. THE "SLIDING SCALE." Sir — Being fond of the combination of utility and simplicity, I send you an idea of a "Sliding ScaU," not for debate in the House of Commons, I assure you ; but to be submitted, through ijuur journal, to the judgment of the honourable professions of the civil engineer and Architect, for their universal adoption. The sliding scale I propose is to be drawn on a separate strip of paper, and substituted in lieu of or in addition to the present one usually put on plans, maps, sections, &c. It may be in length proportioned to the size of the plan, and about half an inch in width, of the same paper, and kept always with it, by being slid through two or three cuts made with a penknife at right angles to the roll of the paper. There it lies, and is available at a moment's notice, for examining the plans as to details, additions, alterations, and so forth. About five minutes extra care in drawing this scale makes it an invaluable attachment to any plan. The expe- rience of almost all persons conversant w itii these matters must suggest cases of occasional great inconvenience arising from not having a pair of compasses, ulotting-scalc, or even rule, aye, or pencil at hand, at the moment wlien most wanted, say in a field, on a scaffold, wheu exhibiting designs to directors, noblemen, gentlemen, &c., by your having put on hastily your No. I coat, to be punctual to appointment, leaving all your conveniencies in the pocket of your working one, snug in your study. In some instances very unusual sizes for plans may have to be adopted ; and here, too, the sliding scale becomes useful Trusting to the valuable assistance of your vote, in my endeavour to pass the above suggestion, on its announcement in your February number, Believe me, .Sir, Your obedient servant, W. Bkwley, Dublin, Jan. 19, 1842. P.S. By way of addendum, in reference to the iii>t letter on his vernier reading-staff (staves, I doubt,) of Mr. '1 . Stevenson, and his few parting wonls, — I am sorry, for bis sake, my estimate of his impruting qualifications was so just. 62 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Feb. REPORT ON THE GAS FURNACES USED IN THE IRON WORKS OF WASSERALFINGEN, BY M. H. SCHOENBERG. ( Translated for the C. E. and A. Journal, from the Bulk'.in du MusC-e de V Industrie.) One of the most important modern improvements in the manu- facture of iron we owe to M. Fabre Dufaiire, Wining Counsellor, Director of the iron works at Wasseralfingen in ^yurtenlburg, who lias succeeded in collecting from the chimney the gases which are formed in blast furnaces, wliich constitute the fl.ime which escapes, and to use them as fuel in the refining, puddling, and balling furnaces. The use of the furnace fiame for several purposes, as warming the air used for the blast, roasting lime and ore, making coke, and heating steam engine boilers, has been known these seven or eight years. It lias not, however, been hitherto practicable to produce a higher tem- perature than red heat, which was a limit to its application ; while by M. F. Duf.inre's process any degree of heat required may be obtained. The principal distinction of this method is in the mode by which the gas is burned, by the introduction of atmospheric air supplied by bellows, and in the ingenious construction of the furnaces ami fire-places. At Wasseralfingen there are now three furnaces in uje worked by gas, but the refining furnace is sujiplied from the southern blast fur- nace alone, which is done by simply introducing a tube to a certain depth in the fire-place of tlie blast furnace. It appears that about a sixth or a fifth of the gas evolved is collected by this method ; and, notwithstanding this subtraction, no diminution is observed in the power of the fiame which escapes. In the refining furnace there are thus produced 175 metrical quintals of fine metal, partly with a radi- ated crvstallizatiou, and partly with a ball-like structure, but all of a silver white. The gas refining is so complete, that the iron is pro- duced higlily decurburetted, and freed from all impurities; among others, from phosphorus and sulphur. The waste, which in common English refining is never less than from 9 to 10 per cent., is not more here, when the furnace is in good order, than 1 to 2 per cent.; and by this process a greater quantity of fine metal is obtained than if pig iron bad been used. It is to be further observed, that the pig iron passed through the furnace here consists only of castings, which, as is well known, have often a good deal of sand mixed with them. The operation is so well arranged, and proceeds with such uni- formity, that it rarely meets with those casualties common in the usual process of refining, while the cost of manual labour is also less. The results of puddling by gas are not less satisfactory. The puddling furr.ace at Wasseralfingen is supplied with gas from the northern blast furnace, into the fire-]ilace of which are plunged two suction pijies, by which enough gas is collected, to work a puddling furnace and a refining furnace ; but the power of the water-wheel which works the blast apparatus not being great enough, these works can only be supplied alternately. The temperature of the puddling furnace is, from the nature of the process, higher than that of one fed vith wood, coal, or turf; the flame also is clearer, and transparent, so that the workmen can easily watch the operation, and carry it on regu- larly. Ill each of these operations the furnace is charged with Ij or 2 metrical quintals of fine metal, previously heated to a red heat by another lurnace; and at the end of an hour and three-quarters, or two hours, the elfect is produced. The waste of fi;!e metal in this process is very small, the mean being only from 1 to 2 per cent. The quality of the iron is excellei t. A feature peculiar to gas-puddling is that the forir.alioa of slag and its reduction goes on simultaneously, so it is never thrown away. The produce of the puddling furnace is 125 metrical quintals per week. The operation of refining in the gas furnace has, like the pre- ceding, considerable advantages; but the results have not yet been so important as in the preceding cases, and the qu.u^titv ( f waste is still considerable. The draught of the furnace is good, and the temperature suHiriei.tly raised ; so that, unless an accident occur, the produce is l.'iO metrical quintals per week. I'rom what has been already said, it will be seen that the results of the, gas furnaces at Wasseralfingen are most satisfactory. Even with castings and rubbish, bar iron of excellent quality is produced, with a waste of not more than from 12 to 15 per cent., and without any con- sumption of costly fuel, or rathei-, by making use of a combustible matter, which hitherto has not been turned to account. Belgium is the only country in v.diich M. Fabre Dufaure's process has not been introduced, while in other places it has been extensively used. In England, at Messrs. Kill's works, at Merlhyr Tydvil ; in Germany, at the iron works of the King of Bavaria, Grand Duke of Baden, Fiinces of Furstenburg and Signuiringen, Duke of Anhalt, the Saxon Iron Company, Count Einsiedel in Prussia, &c. ; in France, at Lucelle ; in Hungary, at the works of Count Andreasky and M. Inglo; in Russia, at those of the Prince de Bukna and Count Malzon; in Sweden, at Mr. Ekmann's; and in Italy, at the works of Doigo, on the Lago di Conio. At one of the last meetings of the French Institute, M. Dumas read a letter from M. Girouvelle, giving some further particulars not con- tained in M. Schoenberg's report, as to the process used by M. de Fabre Dufaure in the iron works of Wasseralfingen. The practice is to carry into the refining furnace the pig iron delivered from the high furnaces, and not cold iron, as is usually done. The object is to save the caloric employed in the fusion. The puddling furnace pro- duces ]0,tJOO kilos, or about 9i tons of iron per week. At this time a third blast furnace is being constructed, and steam engines are being put up, to work the gas plan on a large scale. M. Fabre Dufaure's first experiments began in lb'37, and took place on refining cast iron; and the processes used by him at Vv'asseralfingen were kept secret until the present time, by desire of the King of Wurtemburg, viho was unwilling that they should be known immediately in other countries. After making this communication, M. Dumas reminded the academy that he had rec:eived about two months ago specimens of iron obtained in France by gas puddling in blast furnaces, by means of the process adopted at the iron works of Treveray, by the proprietors, Messrs. D'Andelarre and Lisa, and by the engineers, Messrs. Thomas and Laurens. He added, that the puddling furnace set up at Treveray has worked very well, and has already sent produce into market. In this furnace is refined iron, which is produced in the same way as bv the common puddling furnace used in Champagne. The gas of a single blast furnace iirodncing 5 cwt. of iron per day is enough to feed it ; a result which proves that all the cast iron produced may be converted into bar without farther fuel, while such a result cannot be deduced from the work at Wasseralfingen, where the quantity of iron produced even at present is much smaller than the quantity of cast iron afforded by the two blast furnaces at those works. W. Dumas states the advantage of the Treveray gas plan to be an improvement in the quality of the iron, which has all the properties of charcoal iron, a considerable diminution of waste, and a great saving of fuel. It is to be further observed, that no effect is produced on the blast of the furnaces from the shafts in which the gas is collected. M. Dumas remarked to the academy a passage in M. D'Andelarre's letter, that the idea of using combustible gases for the same purposes as other fuel had been lung since suggested by M. Thenard, in his public lectures ; and the impoitance of these processes, which promise much, lies principally in the apparatus, which has enabled them to be suc- cessfully used. THE ROYAL EXCHANGE. We had hoped that the silly, nonsensical fuss of " first-stone- laying" was nearly gone out of fashion. The ceremony of the kind which has just taken place at Cornhill must have been a somewhat expensive one; and so far perhaps may augur well, as an indication that no cost will be grutlged in decorating and finishing up the new Royal Exchange, not forgetting sculpture to the pediment of the por- tico. Still, the money which has been so idly squandered away, might have been laid out with some little degree of reason, had it been applied to the erection of a temporary model, formed of timber and canvass, of the portico itself, executed on the intended scale, as has been sometimes done in France. A full-sized model of that fafade of the Exchange— which might have been allowed to remain until that part of the structure shall be actually commenced — would have enabled us to judge what efi'ect the portico will have upon the Bank, and other buildings in its immediate vicinity. It would have been better still, had the money expended upon a mere brief and unmeaning ceremony, been ap,iropriated as the nucleus of a fund towards a new facade to Guildhall, since nothing can be more detestable than the present one. /Jnffmcei-j' Co™p«(/'m.— !t is announceil that the Ch.w.ilicr de AVcobekmg, Ihe eriKinecr of the railways between Aiunich and Augsburg, Fiirih and Kurcniburgh, is about to istue a circular, inviiint; all llu' celebrated rail'.vay enginecri> lo assemb'e at Munich, in the cour.-e of the present year, (ur the lairpose of muiually communic.uing iidurmaiion on the consiruciion and working of railways. We very much doubt the utility of such a meeting. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. G3 RSVIE-WS. Domestic Archttetim : contaimng PriiieipUs of Dmigninz Public Building)), Priralt Diceiling-houuo, \c. ^f. By Richaku Brow.v, Professor of Architecture. 4to. Parti — 13. There are occasions on nliicli to show lenity would argue either stupidity or dishonesty, rather than mercy; and most assuredly the present is one of them, for scarcely ever have we met with a more egregious specimen of arrant book-making, of quackery and charla- tanry, than this publication. Of ((uackery and impudence tlie very title itself bears ev idence, the author there assuming to himself the style of " Professor of Architecture I" Undoubtedly any man may call himself "Professor" of anything, if it so pleases him; yet, as custom does not warrant the use of the term as signifying no more than one who fullows any particular tr.uie or calling, the self-assumption of it is so far from conferriui? any respectability, that it is rather a sign of vulgar-mindediiess, and low paltry artitice. Absurd at the very best, tins kind of self-bestowed professorship becomes •• little doubt that the immediate one is the wiuit of encouragement among us for works of the same class as are continually issuing from the publisning houses of Prance and (iermany. Hardly is the profession any more lucrative on the continent than in this country, else that circumstance might be taken as a sulVicicnt explana- tion of the matter ; yet, such not being the case, we must leave our readers to account for it in the btrst way they can, — satisfactorily, if they can ; although it is anything but satisfactory in itself. At all events, it is deplorable enough that, while very inadequate encouragement is given to works which would be really creditable both to the art and tu the profession, there ahould lo any at all fur the vamped-up, catch-penny productions, of which the one before us is so egregious a specimen. As for the literary portion, it consists either of mere scissors-and-pa«te work, or of ihe most irrelevant, far-fetched rig- marole, that can well be imagined, ami a great deal of what, if not actually absurd in itself, becomes absurd, when Itiggid in for the nonce, as we here find it, without having any sort of connexion with the subject or the occasion. What, iu the name of common sense, li:ui the mention of antediluvian architecture, or meagre, schoolboy sketches of the history of Egypti m and other still less known early styles of an- tiquity, to do wiUi mu Jem " Domestic Architecture," — more especially in a volume of designs for ordinary vilhis, or rather, of villanous designs of most extraordinary ugliness i Very far more discreet would it have been, to have omitted the mention of styles altogether, since the less people understand about them, the more likely they will be to tolerate those samples of them which the Professor here exhibits, and which most convincingly prove that lie h is not the very slightest knowledge of any one style whatever, his designs being actual bur- lesques upon the different styles they purport to exemplify. Evident it is also that he cannot yet copy the Grecian orders, for the three figures pretending to represent them are only monstrous caricatures. In fact, the drawing of all the plates is most atrociously bad, so bad .is to be the onlv consolatory circumstance of all. Had the plates them- selves been tolerably well drawn and engraved, — had they been, io young-lady phrase, " exceedingly pretty," — we should have been almost in despair; but, as good luck would have it, they are »o wretched in every respect, as to display the designs in unmitigated uf liness ; coiisequentiv, the mischievousness of the work is so far neutralized. The designs now show themselves at the first gl ince to be utter trash ; whereas, had they been flittered by the engraver, — had they been managed with a little taste and adroitness on his part, — the ignorance, the blunders, and the barbarous ideas they display, might perhaps have p;issed undetected by the class of persons among whom the Professor, or his publisher, looks for customers. As it is, no one, we feel morally assured, that is, no one who is not a candidate for Bedlam or some county asylum, will be ambitious of building for himself in the Brownean Florentine, Tudor, Flemish, Stuart, or any other style whatever, according to the learned Professor's notiotis of it. But, hold ! the suspicion has just come across us, that, after all, the Professor is neither more nor less than a wicked, prankish wag, who, in order to discover how far gullibility will go, has here ma- liciously put forth a series of hoaxing, farcical caricatures, as exarnples of the respective styles, and perhaps as a covert satire on the aftecta- tion of imitating all' sorts of outlandish styles, and that in the most barbarous manner. Certainly such must be his intention in regard to the specimen he has given us of the Grecian style, which partakes far less of Greece than it does of my grandmother: therefore, as the character of Grecian architecture is now tolerably well understood, he would hardly have ventured upon such an example, except as an obvious burlesque. In his design for an " .\nglo-tirecian Museum," he makes a scurvy hit at .Soane, caricaturing his architectural eccen- tricities most unmercifully; and, among other freaks, placing Ionic columns with the balusterside of their capitals outwards! The section of the building, in which this Anglo-Grecian peculiarity manifests itself, is further remarkable for the «r.uiiU_fic construction of the roof, and for showing Doric columns with chamber-pot-shaped capiuU supporting arches, another Anglo-(irccian neculiarity I — the said columns being very little higher than the hand-rail of the staircise. Lest the drift of the satire should by any possibility be misunderstood, this plate is entitled ".Soanean Museum, section ami component parts," the I ist being little better than the scrawls an idle boy would make upon his slate. If he chooses tu avail himself of it, we give the ingenious Professor the full benefit of our suspicion; but if he rejects it, we must set him down as one of the greatest ignor imuses that ever ventured before the public. It is really astonishing that a person who shows himself so thoroughly incompetent in every respect, so utterly destitute of every qnalification, should have Ihe effrontery to offer to the public a parcel of disgracefullv miserable drawings,— so execrably vile, that It is incomprehensible how any respectable, or how any publisher at al,, could be induced tu touch' them. It is possible that the latter parly may have been impos.vl upon, and, owing to his own ignorance if the subject, has been led to that whi.li, as a respectable and f.ur-dca lOg tradesman, he otherwise wouM have rejected with scorn, and m)t leol himself in any way to such a piece of impudent quackery. However devoid of merit thov may have Iteeii in tiicmielves, wc have generally been able hitherto to pick up a s-rviceaWe idea or hint, from productions of the kind. Not so, however, from Professor Brown's : his designs are as (hill a.s they are hideous ; they offer nothing whatevi-r that can, by any uossibilitv, be shaped to any pur- pose. His plans are about as' absurd as his elevations j corUinly most K 2 64 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Feb. clumsy, and without any sort of study or contrivance ; while, as to tlie few sections he has given, they are perfectly ridiculous ; nor do they always correspond with the ground plans. If there be still a degree of worseness, a " longer depth within the lowest deep" of vileness, it is manifested in the details, or "component parts" of the accumulated deformity here presented to us. That we are severe, we do not deny; but we cannot possibly be too severe, on the present occasion, for we hold this publication to be thoroughly disgraceful to all concerned in it, and nothing less than a positive insult to the architectural profession, and a libel upon the architectural taste of the country, in the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury. Far better architecturaldesigns than those of this Professor may any day be seen at almost any confectioner's shop-window. They are in fact so supremely wretched, that it is utterly impossible to convey any idea of their preposterousness, by words alone ; and were it not that it actually is published, we should say that no one in his senses would publish such execrable trash. It is matter of doubt with us after all, whetlier the Professor be really in his senses, for his draw- ings manifest as much insanity as did those of Messrs. Baddock and Buckland for the Houses of Parliament, which some of our readers will perhaps recollect, and which certainly struck with amazement all who beheld them. How far it is a proof of sanity, or the contrary, on the part of the Professor, that he intends to give his own portrait in the concluding number of his work, we leave our readers to decide. Probably he may be, or may fancy himself to be, a perfect Adonis ; but unless his own face be very much better than his facades, he must be a perfect scarecrow-. London Bridge, Drawn by B. ^Ibano, M. Inst. C. E. and M. R. I. N., and engravtdhy Lowry. London: Weale, 1842. We have received a magnificent engraving of London Bridge, from the drawing of Mr. Albano, executed by Lowry in his best style, being one of the finest delineations of an engineering work which has yet appeared. This print, from a plate 3 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft., possesses an accuracy and fidelity which are the best qualities of such a work ; while as a production of art it is truly splendid. As the engraving depends for its importance on the bridge itself, we think it better to give some account, from Mr. Albano's notes, of the dimensions of this triumphant mouument of Sir John Rennie's skill. The drawing was presented by Mr. Albano to the Institution of Civil Engineers ; it was made with great care and accuracy, from dimensions taken by him during the progress of the works. Centre arch 151 ft. 9 in. chord, 37 ft. 10 in. rise. Piers on the side of centre arch each 24 ft. in width at springing. Arches on either side of centre 140 ft. chord, 3/ ft. rise. Piers of land arches each 22 feet in width at springing. Land arches on each side 130 feet chord, 33 ft. 10 ia. rise. Total length of bridge from face to face of abutments 783 ft. 9iu. Width of water way at spriug of arches C91 ft. 9 in. High water Trinity datum 8 ft. 4 in. above spring. Low water Trinity datum 10 ft. 1 in. below spring. Length of bridge from end to end of abutments 1005 feet. Width of Ijridge from cut to cut 5G feet. Width of cariiage road 35 ft., of each foot path 9 ft. Greatest depth of foundations 23 ft. 7 in. belo%v low water datum. Total number of piles, forming the colfer-dam 7708. Total number of piles, 20 ft. long, under piers and abutments, 2092. Quantity of granite and stone used in constructing the bridge and abut- ments, 120,000 tons. Fust pile driven 15th March, 1824. First stone laid 15th June, 1825. First arch keyed 4th August, 1827. Last arch 19 Nov. 1828. Bridge completed and opened 1st August, 1831. Cost of the bridge .-£542, 150. Cost of tiie bridge and approaches, including alteration and removal of old bridge, f 1,401, 234. Examples of Inlaid Got/iic Tiles. London: Nichols and Son, 1842. This work comes very acceptably at a period when so much attention is directed to the details of architectural ornament. Encaustic tiles are to be met with extensively in our cathedrals and ancient churches ; although it is only of late years that they have been re-introduced. Mr. Harvey Eginton was, wc believe, the first to use them in 1837, in the repair of Stratford-on- Avon Church, and they have since been used at Wilmcote Chapel, near Stratford ; St. Michael's, Worcester ; St. James's, Malvern ; the Temple and St. Mary's, Stafford. The little volume before us contains engravings of twenty-four specimens of tiles, the size of the originals in Winchester Catlicdral, Romsey Abbey Church, St. Cross, Winchester, Warblingam Church, and Worcester Cathe- dral. These illustrations are nearly all from Hampshire, so that as the mode of engraving is cheap, we hope to see similar works for other districts. The editor of this volume has done considerable service by leading the way in the illustrations of such an interesting subject. A Familiar Explanation of the Nature and importance of Assurances vpon Lives. By Lewis Pocock, F.S.A. London : Smith and Elder, 1842. To professional men, more than to any other class of persons, the import- ance of life assurances is strikingly great. Too often, although in the receipt of large sums of money annually, they are led, by the necessity of maint.ain- ing an appearance in society, to expend their whole income, so that, in the event of death, their families would be left entirely unprovided for : whereas, by appropriating a portion of their revenue to assure the payment of a certain sum of money to their relatives, after their death, all solicitude is removed, and, in the words of the intelligent author of the hook before us, "a safe termination to an uncertain event is secured." Strange to say, the principle of life assurances is hut little understood, their advantages hut slightly appreciated. It is the object of Mr. Pocock's book to set the whole matter in a clear and familiar point of view, to explain the different systems of assurance now in use, and the routine reqviired for effecting a policy. It likewise contains the principles, terms, and tables, of seventy London assurance oliices, and forms altogetlier a perfect vade meciim for those wishing to tmderstand, or desirous to avail themselves of the many advantages arising out of this very important species of assurance. We hope, as much for the sake of the public as of the author of this usefid little book, that it will have a large circulation. We have from Mt Ferdiuard Pelzer, A Practical Guide to Pianoforte Play ini;, of which we ourselves do not profess to bt judges, notwithstanding the injunction of Vilruvius as to the intimate union of architecture and music. We have referred Mr. Pelzer's work to the female department, and are told that it is calculated to be useful to the young student. ON THE DECORATED BUILDINGS OF LONDON. While so much attention is being devoted to the introduction of the other arts into public buildings, it may l)e of advantage to the advocates of decora- tion to have a list, although an imperfect one, of those buildings in the Metropohs in wliich it has been already applied. Theatres and places of amusement it will be unnecessary to enumerate, so that we shall turn our at- tention to other edifices. St. James's Palace has painted ceilings in most of the state rooms and staircases. The ceihng of Whitehall Chapel, painted by Rubens, represents the apo- theosis of James I. The grand stair-case and ceilings of the principal rooms of Kensington Pa- lace were painted by Kent. The Painted Hall of Greenwich Hospital was executed by Sir James Thorn- hill, and the ceiling of the Upper Hall is also painted, representing Queen Anne and Prince George of Denmark, surrounded by various allegorical figures. The Chapel has been ornamented by the pencils of West and others. The British Museum, now about to be pulled down, is too well known to requii'c any description. The artists employed have been Charles de la Fosse, Jacques Rousseau, and Rigand. The dojne of St. Paul's was ornamented by Sir James Thornhill with paint- ings illustrative of the life of St. Paul. The Roman Catholic Cathedral of St. Marj', in Moorfields, is painted throughout. The Dnke of Beaufort's House was recently painted by Mr. Latilla and Mr. Owen Jones ; descriptions of it will be found in tlie Journal. The Hall of the Society of Arts is indebted to the pencil of Barry. The Library of the Royal Academy has a painted ceiling by Angelica Kauffman. The ceiling of the Library in the Soane Museum vras executed by Howard the Academician. The Reform Club is one of the most brilliant modern specimens, the whole of the decorations of which have been executed from the directions of the architect Barry. The Hall of the Drapers' Compau\', in Throgmorton Street, is well arranged. The stair-case of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, paiuted by Hogarth, at his own expense, represents the Good Samaritan and the Pool of Bethesda. Many private liouses have painted ceihngs. That in Buckingham Stre where Peter the Great resided, the House of the Westminster Discou Company, the Linnean Society's House in Soho Square, &c. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENCxINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 05 COMPETITION DESIGNS. Mr. Editor — By inserting the folloning account of a competition job, in your widely circuLiting journal, you will enable me to fulfil my promise to the perpetrators of it, ami contrilmte soinetliing to the general tide of indig- nation against the system .is now practised. In June last the Commissioners appointed under an Improvement Act, ad- vertised for designs for a Pump Koom.at Low Ilarrowgate, and staled, amongst other particulars, that no premium would be given, but that the architect producing the most approved design would be employed to carry it into exe- cution. This bait drew designs from about twelve architects, all, like myself doubtless, expecting they would have fair play in return for their expenditure of time and talent. The designs were sent in, and the Commissioners met on the 16tli of .Vugust following; the meeting was tlien adjourned to the 20th ; and again to the (jth of September for linal decision, lieii::,' at Ilarrowgate on the eve of the last uamed day, I was astonished to learn from several of til ' Commissioners, that Mr. Strutt, one of the competitors, and a native and resident at Ilarrowgate, had prepared ano/Afr design, introducinga prominent fi^jture of my own design ^a dome) which had been privately banded round amongst the Commissioners, preparatory to its being introduced i\t the meeting for the final decision. Though I strongly remonstrated against this most dishonourable proceeding, the drawing was actually brought into the Commissioners' Room by one of the body, but the Uevercnd Chairman, to- gether witli some others, would not sanction it to be produced. On dividing, my design was rejected, and Mr. Strutt's chosen by a majority of five; after which I received the following note from the chairman. " High /larroirjate, SepteniSer 6, 1 84 1. " Sir — Being of opinion that the plan for the IIarrowg.tte Pump Room has been deciiled not upon merit, hut by favour. I beg to inl'orm you that I have withdrawn my naiue from the list of Coraniissioners iu consequence. It will not be unsatisfactory for you to know that I gave my vote in favour of your design, as in my judgment the best offered to the acceptance of the Commis- sioners, at the estimated cost prescribed in the instructions given by them. " I remain, Sir, your obcdioul servant, " To Mr. Mallinson, Architect, Thos. Kexnion." lirig/iowie." And which was afterwards endorsed by two others of the Commissioners — " Mr. Charlesworth expresses his perfect concurrence with the above re- marks of Mr. Kennion." " I also beg to give my testimony to the foregoing, and have withdrawn my name from the list of Commissioners in consequence. J. G. Palky." Captain Thackwray (who was prevented from indisposition from attending the meeting) and Mr. Dearlove subsequently withdrew their naiues for the same reasons. I understand the Chairman also addressed notes to all the ex- cluded competitors, stating his opinion of the transaction. The Rump probably alarmed at this serious defalcation from its numbers and respectability; then attempted a compromise, and proposed that I should be joint architect with Mr. Strutt. To this I stated my readiness to accede, provided they would revoke their precious decision, and give the award to me. This being objected to, after freely expressing my opinion of their con- duct, I took my leave, not without the hopes expressed, after a long interval (for reasons therein stated) in the following : — " To the Commissioners appointed under the Ilarrowgate Improvement Act. " Gentlkmen — I have hitherto been silent on the subject of the architec- tural competition for the Pump Room, Ilarrowgate, hoping that due reflection, and the secession of five of the most influential members of your commission, would have led you to reverse the partial and must unjust decision, by which a majority of your body rejected my design. "The letting of the works and laying of the stone have been managed with a secrecy so unusual in such cases, that I have seen no notice of either in any public print. Your advertisement for a loan, a few weeks ago, led me to make inquiries, which have informed me of the commencement of the build- ing, and the consequent futility of my expectations. " Presuming you to he not iudiflcrent to the good opinion of your fellow- t'lwnsinen, and wishful to pass for men of character and honesty, you are bonnd to disprove the charge made against you in the note addressed to me by the Chairman and other retiring Commissioners, a copy of which I here- with enclose. It is due to m; self and the other competitors, as well as to the profession gcner.dly, that the particulars of this unprecedented transaction should be made as public as possible. I, therefore, ask you for copies of the design first sent in by Mr. Strutt. which you selected as the best j also of the one now being carried into execution (which I presume to he the amended one sought to be substituted in place of the first one, li^ore the comjietition was decided !), in order that I may publish them together with my own design, and thus alTord the public an opportunity of judging between us. I need not add that your refusal to comply with this request will he a tacit admission of the correctness of the charge. " I remain, Gentlemen, your very humble »cr\ant, " Urif/hoiae, near Ilalifa.i , •' Jaues .Mali.i.vsox." Dfcfmbrr, 2Uli, ISll." This produced the following reply—. " Commiltee I'ovm, llarrowgalf, Dec. 27, 18tl. •• Sir — I tm requested by the Commissioners, in reply to your letter ap- plying for copies of Mr. Strutt's plans for the Pump Room at Low Ilarrowgate to inform you that they cannot comply with your requc«t; and, that they do not consider you have any right to ask for them. " 1 am. Sir, yours obediently. " S. Powell, Jun." Being thus for the present deprived of the benefit of the comparison, I am compelled in some degree to be both plaintiff" and judge. But having seen all the designs, I can conscientiously athrm. that, with perhaps one exception, the approved design was the most unsuitable for the situation. Several designs of merit were cast aside, almost without examination, for the whole and sole reason, that their estimated cost exceeded the stipulated sum of .fl.JOO, and yet this approved design was estimated to cost only ill, 900! !! What the amended design may be 1 know not, but I intend to send you a sketch of it when completed, also of the original one, of which I have a sketch from recollection, made immediately after seeing it, together with my own, that yon may judge of the correctness of my assertions; meantime, I remain, Mr. Editor, your very obedient senant, James Mallinson. P.S. One of your correspondents suggests, that in such cases the names and occupations of the parties should be given. I consider his suggestion a good one, and give them, first apologising to my supporters for placing their names in a company they have so long repudiated. Fon. Reverend Thos. Kennion, Incumbent of High Ilarrowgate Church. John fircen Paley, Esq.. Magistrate. Charles Charlesworth, Esq., Gentleman. Mr. John Dearlove, Innkeeper. Mr. Nicholas Carter, Wine Merchant. Mr. Thomas Gordon, Proprietor of the Cheltenham Pump Room. Against. Mr. Jonathan Benn, Retired Innkeeper. Mr. Thomas Hall, Innkeeper. Mr. George Ilobkinson, Milkman and Boarding Housekeeper. Mr. George Kuowles, Plumber. Mr. George Morely, Baker and Grocer. Mr. George Harper, Innkeeper. Mr. Richard Stanning, Innkeeper. Mr. Joseph Waitc, Druggist. Mr. Richard Whincup, Porter Dealer. Mr. Christopher Wright, Coach Builder. Mr. J. H. Walker, Wine Merchant. RAILWAY WHEELS. Mu. Piiiips. of Deptford Green. Engineer, has obtained a patent for im- provf mcnts in the construction of r lilway wheels, the cbject of which is to supersede the process of " shrinking on,'' which he proposes to do in the folli'wing manner : — A bar of wrought iron is prepared, by rolling in the usual manner, with an outer llanxe on one edge, and an inner flange in the centre of the bar: this bar is bent into a circular form, and then welded. ."Sixteen wrought iron spokes are prepared, with an extended end or palm, which may Le drawn out by hammering, or welded on; the Inner end oi each spoke is jagged or per- forated, ill order that the cast metal may embrace and fluid it fast. Eight of these sjiokes are then laid in a mould, aiid one portion of the boss or nave of iron east upon tbier inner ends : ibe olber eight spokes have the correspond- ing portion of the boss or nave cast upon them. The two pans of ilie nave are then brought together, and secured by scrvw bol;s. and the enlarged ends or palms of ibe sfiokcs strongly secured to the alternate sides of the inner flange by screw bidts, or by rivettini,'. Another method cimsisis in placing all tlie spokes In their respeciive positions around the wheel, and casting the boss or nave in one piece, the palms of the spokes being afterwards rivctled to the inner flange. Another patent has been granted to William Losh, Ks^., of Litlle Benton. Northumberland, for improvements of railiiaj wheels, by the appli- cation of wood, felt, lope, or other such like flexible or yielding mat.-rLil. between the inner tire and the ring or felloe or iK-nrin^A produri'il \.y the prolonnalions of the bars of iron n ' ' i spoki'S. Willi or wilbout the Intervcniici: i such Ixarlngs and such flexible or s „ "f wrought iron mil«.iy wheels will be les.s lial>le to lie prejudicmlly nrlrd on by the vibration lo which such wheels are liable when in use, than if they were composed of iron alone The wheels lo which these improvemenU are applicable, aie those included in the palcntce's former patent, of August, mo. 66 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Feb. SUPPLY OF PARIS "WITH WATER. An Englishman of the name of Miles lias addressed a memorial to the Frfnch autliorities, on the subject of a projiosed supply of water to Paris. Some of the statistical facts put forward may interest our readers. The city of Paris, he observes, possesses very peculiar advantages for such an under- taking. In London, the quantity of water consumed daily is 168,826 cubic metres (French) for 191,066 houses. In Paris there are about 40,000 houses, which is little more than one-fifth of those in London. The expense of pumping by steam-engines this quantity of water from the level of the Thames at London, to an elevation equal to the Canal de I'Ourcq, above the Seine, would cost £69,000 per year, the whole of whicli would be saved by a supply from the Canal de I'Ourcq. The houses in London may be calculated at six persons each, making a population, in 191,066 houses, of 1,146,396 inhabitants. The 40,000 houses in Paris contain 909,126 inhabitants, equal to 22 or 23 to each house, or of four families of six persons each. The length of the pipes required for Paris will not exceed a fourth part that of London, and their dimensions will be less, on account of the descent of the water affording a greater velocity. The exact length of pipes required cannot be stated without a plan and section of all the streets — it is probable that the length required would measure about 1 70 English miles. If this quantity of iron pipes were delivered atf20 sterling per ton, it would amount to the sum of £480,000 The expense of laying, with the apparatus of cocks, &c., for ser- vice, may be stated at , 120,000 Making a total of £600,000 Supposing 10 per cent, interest, the sum to be paid annually would be ±'60,000. At present, it is allowed that Paris pays annually for the purchase of water, not exceeding 50 litres per day for each house, £160,000 ; so that, upon the present rental, a saving would take place of £100,000 per year, and the inhabitants would receive tlie most abundant supply of water. M. Girard estimates the quantity of water supplied by the Canal de I'Ourcq at 260,820 cubic metres per day. Supposing this calculation to be exact, it wdl be necessary, first, to deduct all the water necessary for the supply of the present public fountains and markets ; and secondly, what is consumed by the locks on the Canals St. Martin and St. Denis, which may be calculated at 1,0.54 cubic metres for the passage ofa barge, or of 105,400 cubic metres for the passage of 50 barges on the two canals. The quantity of water con- sumed daily in each house in London, in 1810, before the establishment of the new water companies, did not exceed 50 gallons, but since that period the consumption has reached 200 gallons (.') per house per day. This includes manufactures, baths, &c. If a similar increase in the consumption should take place in Paris, the quantity required would be 140,000 cubic metres per day, for the use of the 909,126 inhabitants. London pays annually for water the sum of .£284,188, averaging about 32s. (58) per house for six persons; consequently, if Paris were called upon to pay .£60,000 per year, it would average about eight shillings for every family of six persons for an equal supply. When plans and sections of the streets shall be made, the engineer- in. chief will be able to construct a system of perfect drainage, parallel to the water-pipes, and of the same inclination. — Athenienm. THE PALMIPEDE. We have a long account in the Morning Post of a newly-invented loco- motive po'.ver. (the invention of the Marquis deJoufiVoy,) said to be applicable to steamers, from which we select the following extracts, describing this wondcrfid invention ; but to our dull comprehension it appears to be a " mountain in labour" ; — '■The scientific world will readily appreciate the justness of the prin- diples, according to which the Marquis de JouSniy constructed his machinery, and ai'plied it with complete success, as we can asssert, to aschooner of about 120 tons (French) burden, rigged as usual, like a sailing vessel. Her measure- ment is as follows : — '• Twenty metres 15 (62 feet French) from stem to stern, and 5 metres 20 (16 feet French) beam,; drawing when hiden two metres forward, and two metres 37 abaft; the area of the parallelogram of the portion immersed amid-ships. 11 metres square, allhous^b. on account of the build of tlie ship's bottom, this area is really but seven metres s'Uiare. 8he carries a steam- engine, mean pressure, of from 20 to 40 horse-power, ml libitum. " Ahnfl the vessel, on deck, is a platform four metres long, moving horizon- tally on a vertical axis fixed in the stern-post, cine half of the said platform being without the vessel, and the other half witliin. the hitter sustains the two oscillating cylinders of the steam-engine, the piston-stems of which communicate the movement, in a direct manner, to an iron arm fi.xed to the platform outside tlie vessel. This arm is composed of five cranks, two of v.liich receive the extremity of the pistons, the three others, articulated by means of double cranks to the levers, serving as a fulcrum in the fluid. Tliree couples of these levers are suspended from pivots at the exterior extremity of the platform ; these act parallel to the course of the vessel, and carry articu- lated jialms, three in number, which reach to the level of the keel, each presenting to the fluid, at the moment of pressure, a surface of two metres s(;iiare. After each impulse forwards, these palms close of themselves to return, and open again only to give the next impulse. '• The cranks of the pistons being fixed according to two planes, each at a right angle with the oilier, the moving force is nearly equally distributed during one evolution of the articulated arm ; but. by the arrangement of the double cranks which CGnimnuicate to the articulated palms, each of these exercises its pressure ujjon the fluid during only one-third of the evolution, and the maximum of this pressure takes place in a very short space of time the remaining two-thirds of the evolution are taken up" in the return and in tilt' opening of the palms. "Although the technicality of the above description may render a con- ception of the new invention rather difficult at first sight, its eft'ects may be easily conceived by imagining the backward and furward motion of two v.ebbed palms, propelling a vessel forwarils. one palm opening and moving parallel to her course, whilst the other, having [ crformed its functions, closes by the pressure of the fluid acting on the articulations, and returns to its place in a direction opposite to the vessel's course, again to advance when its companion is on the point of returning, having in its turn performed its office." ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Dec. 20. — .Announcement was made of the completion of the great Geolo- gical Map of France, by Messrs. Dufresnoy and EUe de Beaumont. It was commenced in 1823, under the direction of the late M. Brochant de Villiers; eleven years were occupied in geological researches in loco, and the other seven years in the classification of materials, in drawing, engraving. &c. The map, divided into several sheets, is now published, with a volume of descrip- tive letter-press. A report was read on the works undertaken by Dr. Fontan and M. Fran- cois, engineer, for improving the thermal sources at the Bagneres de Luchon, in the Pyrenees. By driving horizontal galleries into the rock, near the old mouths of the sources, they had succeeded, not only in obtaining water in great quantity, but also of greater heat. Some of the old springs have dried up in consequence, but the general improvement of the springs was very great, and it had been accomplished at a cost of only 30,000fr. The works lasted two years. .\ series of observations and questions was addressed to the Academy, from the Minister of Marine, on the natural history of the silk-worm, with propa- gating the growth of silk in the West Indies. M. Perottet had been sent out to examine into the best means of promoting this object. This gentle- man had remarked that silk-worms' eggs carried to the West Indies from France, and kept in those hot countries for seven or eight years, could not be hatched until the end of eight or nine months, notwithstanding the high temperature, and then only at long and irregular intervals ; but when the same eggs were put in an ice-house for four or five months, they were hatched within ten days from their being exposed to the circumambient atmosphere, and nearly all at once. Directions for the proper treatment of worms under these circumstances were demanded of the -Academy. The subject was refer- red to the Section of Rural Econoajy. The greater part of this day's sitting was occupied with the reading of me- dical and anatomical papers. THE RIVER CLYDE NAVIGATION. In the " Glasgow Jrgus.'' of the 6th ult. we find an address presented to the Owners of the Steam Boats on the River Clyde, to the Trustees : wherein is mentioned that the steamers on the River Clyde carrying passengers have competed most successfully with the New Railway runniig parallel with the Clyde, from (ilasgow to Greenock. The following is an abstract of the ad- dress. Gentlemen— The first season since the opening of the (ireenock Railway having terminated, we beg to apprise vour honourable Board of the compara- tively great and almost unlooked-for success which has attended the River traffic during the summer months, notwithstanding the formidable opposition we have had to encounter, in our novel and confessedly powerful competitor. " '' " We beg specially to express our gratitude for the invaluable boon conferred on us, in authorising the river steamers to arrive at and de- part from the New ^Vharfs. adjoirung the Glasgow Bridge, and which we have no hesitation in stating has been the means of cntinbj mving our River trade ! '■ ' '' Seeing the resolution by w liich this grand measure has been effected was passed unanimously at yu'ur Board, we feel that it w^ould be almost invidious to particularize any individual as being more .serviceable than another in carrying that resolution into practice. Vet. while we know that we are deeply indebted to every member of the Trust individually, we cannot close this address without adverting in marked terms to the greai ex- ertions and personal sacrifice made by James Hutchison, Esq., as contriljuting in a very eminent degree to the succtss of the new arrangements. Tlie almost daily attendance of this gentleman at the new wharfs tor a considerable period about the time of their opening, striking evinced the warm interest he felt in the object for which they were erected. We would beg most respect- fully also to notice the unremitting diligence, and skilful co-operation of your invaluable river engineer, Mr. Bald. The care and attention with which he studied the working of his plan in all its bearings,— carried into efiect whatever suggestings he judged likely to be useful, and in every possible way devoted his tune and his talents to the furtherance of this new undertaking. 1842.] THE CIVIL EXGIXEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 67 are above all rr.ise, am! will not soon be forgotten by any of our number. • • " It is not for us to hazard an^ opinion aJ to the ejn'ei^ious tolly of hying a line of rails aloni; the mar^n of such a noble and magnificent river as the Clyde. We only Know that, with vour conlinueil co-o[)ention and support, ue have nothing whatever to dread from any such uncalled-for competilion. On the contrary— confident of success as herclofnro— we can now Toarlessly hiil dellanco to this new rival convryancl. with all ils boasted advinlaue<. and have no doubt that the Clyde, in every branch of its traffic, shall slill as powerfully as ever coatribule to Uie prosjierily of Glasgow ! laiSCELIjANEA. I.akt r/Como.—la tht' Era ddla Barsa of Milan, there is an account of an experimental trip, m.ade on the 1.5th N'ovcmlK-r Ia.st. of the iron steam boat S'rrne. c. nslnictol for and under tIicsii|>erintin(Ienccof Mr. B. .-Mtano. C.K.. of London, for the navipaiion of the Lake of Ciimo. She is 10.5 tons burden, and was built in b;ni!and by Messrs. Ditchburn & Mair. and fitte 1 with a pair of be.im engines of onlv 16 horses power each, by Messrs. Kennie. Tlie following account is taken from the report of M. Caronti of Como (agent to the "^leam Fkiat Company) to the directors at Mil.an. After a minute e.Nami- nalionof the boat and engines by M. .Mbano, who m.a(le the reiiuired ar- rangements for a trial, the boat lelt the Olm.> and arrived at the point of the town of Torno, a distance of 5 miles, in 2J minutes, and in 5 minutes more it renchcd the Pliniana with a strong head wind, and relumed direct from the iMiint of Tonio to ilie port ot Como in 20 minutes. Al the first e.>;peri- mental trip made on the 1 tih of October last, with the directors and a pnrty en lionrd of above 100 persons, the boat performed then a journey from fomo to Domaso. a distance of more than 30 miles, in 2 hrs. V> min.. aiicl from Domnso to Como in 2 lirs. 35 min., the engines making from 3" to ,3n strokes per minute, and the biKil remaining v.^ry steady in the water. Willi sncl»sm:ill power this boat has done woniUrs. and it will prove a great de- sicleralum to the travellers on the l^ike. who li.ive teen u.'id to travelling by the old sleam barge, tunning at a speed of oiily 4 miles per hour. frrlavil.—A Presbyterian church has teen erected at Porlafirry, on tlic site of llie former edifice, from the designs, and under the immediate super- intend! nee of Mr. Millar, architect. The didicully of the sile (being a piece of sloping grcund, at least 10 feet in 100) with which he had to contend, has. in tliis instance, been changed into a positive and original beauty, such as does not exist in any public building that we are acquainted w ith in the three kingdoms. The first story, or body of the house, as it is usually termed, i-; contained in a stylohate, eleven feet high, or massive pyramidical basement, c(T which rises the columnar edifice. The lower portion of the building is en- tere)aril, Wr. Jd/ . irii. Mr J.inin Atkins, of >h*-eme«H dockyard. . .■ . : i tiih dorkvnrd. Mr. niomas t'. Ha»k«, of I'lyiiiju.b uui;k)afJ, ji.ii Mr. Uuberis, lute of Dcvonpirt dockyard, assembled a! Woolwich dockyard to dec le upon the plans which it would b,- most desirable to ailherr to'in future. .as a lixed prin- ciple for building vessels for Her Majesty's mvv. This reso'u:ion on th» part of the Admiralty will prevent all chances of difli'r.nce of o)iiiiinn on such matiers. and prevent the pos^il,ility of the work ol ore niasler ship- w right be;ng alter.d or condemned when the vessel is j-ent to any i.iher dickyardthan the one where she was ccnslructed for repair, wliich has sometimes been the case on former occasions. One fixed princi;>lc of ship- building at all Her M-ijestv's dockyanls will be atlendcd with very beneficial results to the service, and it would be advanla-iniis were the master ship- wrights to meet annually, or nftener, to take into con-sideration such dis- covenes as might be made owing lo the present advanced state of scientific knowledge. French Line of Slenm Ships lo AVic }ort-.— France and Ihe United .Slates are to be more nearly allied by'a line of sleam"rs The r„i,rri^r rf», Fjntt I'nis s.nys that M. D'AuUgnyl captain in the IVench • it New York, had been seiit hither by the .Minister I'i i| purpose of investigating the actual condition ol :; e Inited States, and of slii lying the improvements that hive iicen miidc. .\l. D'Auhigny is of opinion, that the close of 1?}2 mav be .issiL'ned as the lime at which a first line of four seam-packeis. between Hn' - ' ' V ;.. may be put in operation Vessels it is s,aiil, are alreidy : progress, of the war model, bu; .so constructed as ti sin ..e of l>eace. for the transport of goo Is and the convey i liters, ihry will be commanded by olbcers of the navy, as ibc I; ;, are. Their capacity is to I.e alxiut 1200 tons, and their power ju.. . i . s. .1. D'.Vubigny will set out, in a ifv days, for the south, whose principal rivers and seap^iru he 'ill examine. ^He has given minute attention to the steam fri-ates .Mis- souri and Mississijpi, at the Navy yard on Long Island.— .Vrui i'ork paptr. The Siram Engine.— ^-l. llelfcUiz.' has lately made a discovery among the manuscripts i f Leonardo da Vinci, carrying back a kno«le.I_'e of the steam- engine to at least the 15lh century. He Ins | ubii.'.hed. in lbc> .Irlislr. a notice on the life of Leonardo da Vinci, to which he adds a fac simile of a paT from one of his minuseri[ils. and on which are five sketches with the i«n, representing the details of the apparatus of a slenm-gun, with an explanatory note upon what he de.-ignatcs umier the name of the " Architoniicr.-p.'' and of which note the lolluwinj is a translation : — " Invention of Arcbimeles. — The Archi'.onnerre is a machine of fine copper, which throws balls with a loud report and great force. It is used in the following manner ; — one-third of this instrument contains a large quantiiy of charcoal fire. When tlie water is well heated, a screw at the top of 'the ve.isel. which coniaius the water, must be made quite tight. On closing the sfri'.v above, all ihe water will escape below, will descend into the heated portion of the insirument,and be immediately converted into a va|>oiir so abundant and powerful that it is wonderful to see its fury and hear the noise it prinluces. This m.ichine will carry a ball of a talent in weight.'" It is worthy of remark, that J.,eonarflo that .irlisis, by udupiiog (iii.> nirilK.i, e iii iiuikslvc lo ilie i 'ipi^er ,jr ,tutfti- p'ales. and 1 hence to piitr. copii* miiiiieU correc. of lhv.ro >n |>rcuharslylea of liani'I'.ng. ai.d. .as It were, Mttl i ' '' ' ' i t o' their orign.al C'Miposiiions. Ihe lour | ■ 'nl) bi-iu- tilul ; lliey are chir an I iTillinnl. ., o. s.mi in (he shadows by which lithugrtiphic pnnis, t^., ^le uci-iU^u>iressing metals." — Jan. 27. Pierre Journet, of Dean-street, Soho, engineer, for " improvements in steam engines." (A communication.) — Jan. 27. Henry- Benjamin, of St. Mary-at-Hill. fish factor, and Henry- Grafton, of Chancery-lane, machinist, for " improvements in preserving animal and vegetable matters." — Jan. 27. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Tlie American Pile'driving machine. — We neglected to mention in our last number, that this machine had been patented in this country, as well as on the Continent, hif Col. Cowdin and others. We have received two communications on the subject of the table on the force of fa/ling bodies, questioning the accuracy of the formuhe upon which the calculations were made. These cunimunications we have deferred until next month, in order that we may in the mean time make some practical e.rperiments on the force of falling bodies, which appears up to the present time to ha^e been neglected by all our mechanical writers. Bunnett's Patent Railway Breaks and other improvements. — We had intended to hove given drawings and descriptions of these in the present number, hid we have been prevented, in consequence of the wood engraver not being able to get tlie cuts finished in time. ./. M. on Architectural Precedent will appear ne.rt month. We shall be glad to hear again from " Oliver Twist." Sandstone. — We will notice his eominunieal/on in the ne.xt Journal. Communications are requested to he addressed to '- The Editor of the Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal," A'o. II, Parliament Street, Westminster. Books for Review must be sent early in the month, communications on or before the 20th (if with drawings, earlier), and advertisements mi or before the 25th. instant. Vols. I, II, III, and IV, may be had, bound in cloth, price £1 each Volume ERRATA. In Mr. Weale's advertisement of last month, the price of Buchanans Mill work was printed 21. .'is. instead of 21. 10s. On the Use of Gold for Decoration, page 7, line 7 from bottom, for fimlt/ paid, xedA firmly fixed. Oa^lPILQIKl S^M© L^SMTC^®y SE o Mtjh JidW Ifatcr Water Souih Elevation. liffhz 45Jeet abmre' the wAm/Jevel afihe. Sea, iirst eocMnted crv-dw ragfct ofike. /O^FtF'fS^I Scale- i_ _jeJea, Tmaui k/ JJiJtiitimi. S, 'iSrwic* ^ 184-2.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 6f) THE MAPLIN UGHTHOU.SE. Engineers, Messrs. Walker & Burges. (fVM an Engraving, Plate J II.) In the second volume of llie Juuroal, page 38, we announced tlie oommencenient of this lightliouse, and at piige 132 of our l;ist volume, «e bad the pleasure to notice its completion. We llien gave some iiccount of its construction, to which we must now refer our readers. The lighthouse, since its completion in October, 18 lU, has stood the trst of several severe gales, and is ut this day as tirm as when first I'rected. Coupling this with the equal success of the Fleetwood lighthouse, it is in our opinion an indubitable proof of the utility of the ^(rew pile system, and of the resources wliicli it presents to the en- gineer in the construction of lighthouses on sands, in the place of rioaling beacois as now adopted, which are so apt to drive from their moorings in stormy weather, and which thea produce such disastrous consequences. The annexed engraving is a correct view of the lighthouse, and clearly shows its construction. PEN AND PENCIL SKETCHES IN POITIERS AND ANGOULEME: WITH SOME REMARKS ON EARLY ARCHITECTURE. By George Godwin Jun., F.R.S., &c. Chapter 1. Poitiers, the Limonum of the Romans, and present capital of the department of Vienne, is nearly two hundred miles from Paris, on the read to Bordeaux. It is memorable as the field of three of the most important battles recorded in the annals of France ; by two of which, at all events, the progress of society was materially affected.* The Gauls, the Romans, the Vandals, the Visigoths, the Franks, the Nor- mans, and the English, have alternately held dominion here, and have left their impress on the soil, or in the customs of the people. To llie passing traveller, Poitiers, ill-built and mean in appearance, seems hardly to offer sufficient inducement for a stay, giving no evidence at first sight of the many singularly interesting remains of ancient skill which it possesses. It is in all respects an old town, — a bye-gone tiling, — and takes one back to times when society had not educated itself into so many wants as now, and men cared little for their own habitatiiin, but raised magnificent temples to (jod. To the anticjuary, the architect, the student in history, — in fact to all inquirers, — Poitiers will afford a harvest of information, and be fruitful of suggestions : moreover, being situated on a hill, at the cohfluence of two rivers, it • (jinmands some pretty country, and becomes in itself a picturesque ul ject, when viewed from a distance. The Gauls have lelt but one monument in the neighbourhood of Poitiers. It is called there the pierre len'e, and is considered by archtcologists to be either a tomb or a Druidical altar. It is said to be ii block of calcareous stone, i'Z ft. 3 in. long, I .'i ft. wide, and 2 ft. 9 in. in mean thickness. In form it is a lengthened oval, pointing south- east and north-east, raised 3 ft. 4 in. from the ground at one end oulv, the support at the north-eastern end, if there ever were one, having been removed.-j- It is hardly necessary to remark, that many mar- vellous stories are told touching the origin of this stone; but with these we may not meddle. 'Ihe remains of an amphitheatre at Poitiers, sufficiently large to accommodate more than twenty thousand persons, show clearly the • In ihe sixth ccninry Alaric. kir.g of ihc Visigmlu. was dcfiMicd hero by C'lovis; in the cikIhIi crnlury thi- Sariu-ens. vmilcr AljcJ-rl-ralinian, »rrc \anuui'lieil Ijy Cliarlfs Marli-l ; and in the fuurucnth century EUwaril the I'lUcK I'riiici' (lainCil here- his (jrrat renown. t " Memuirea de la 8uci de rOuvit." No. 54.— Vol. V.— Marcu, 1842. importance of the town in the Roman times. It is supposed to have been built in the third century, and considerably exceeded in size both tliat of Pompeii and of Nismes. The various ranges of steps, divided by corridors and st.iircases, are still to be traced, as well as a large arched vault, IS or 20 feet wide, and OU or "0 feet long, (formed of rough flat pieces of stone, and mortar, now like a rock,) which inclining rapidly, opens from the outside into the arena, and afforded entrance to the wild beasts, or the little more civilized gladiators. The most ancient, and at the same time most interesting building in Poitiers is known as the temple of St. Jean. The origin and date of this very curious structure have afforded matter for many disqui- sitions, and have been the cause of much controversy amongst the French antiquaries. Some believe it to have been a Roman temple, others a tomb erected at the end of the third or beginning of the fourth century, in memory of Varenilla, a Roman lady, to whom the city voted a statue and public monument; while a third set of writers, amongst whom is the Abbe Leboeuf, consider that it was, even origi- nally, a Christian church, in the erection of which the materials of some pagan temple were used. From the discovery of an octagon excivation beneath the pavement of the edifice, strengthened by tra- dition, it is further supposed that it served as a baptistery as well as a chapel. M. de Caumont, who inclines to this opinion, considers the peculiar form of the building is accounted for by its double destination. Fia. 1. The accompanying sketch, fig. 1, shows the plan of what is supposed to be the original building, in form a long square, measuring about 3ii ft. by 42 ft., with an absis at the north-east end, raised one step nbov« the main apartment, and measuring about IG ft. by IS ft. In the opposite wall are three lofty arched entrances, beyond which is a vestibule of more modem, although still ancient, construction, being probably of the eleventh or twelfth century. The floor of the building is several feet below the street level. Sketch No. 2 represents the general appearance of the north- east end of the buihiiiig, and although slight, will enable the reader more easily to comprehend the description. The walls, about 4.') ft. in height, arc diviin«t the north and south walls and in the transepts, and some windows at the east end of the building, the capitals of the •■ohimns in which latter are exceedingly curious, being formed of the (inures of men in a variety of distorted positions.j^f There is some little stained glass in the church: the easternmost window displays a figure of Christ within a mclca pincia. * In carlirr limes, »hfn llie princiiilcs of the arch were liiile if at a.l anderstiioil, thia form was ujeil constniclively. as in the pyramlila of Mexico mnil Ku'yi't ; I'Ul to ihis Viplicatiim «e nreii not refer. I This Society mecis In I'uitieri every Thursday during the Session : M. dc therse is llic si'creiary. 1 Poitou »a»ciMifi«aleil to Philip AurusIus in the reign of KinK John (\M); came auain inicjjlie hands uf the Knglisli in 1360; and ullunalely revcrlefl to Krance in 1370. ^ A I'rench writer, si«aking of this church, observes. " En C-ludiant le» feni-lres, ilepiiis eeliesdu clia-urcnnslnitteii h Infinclu douxidme sii'cle, jus(|u'ik eelles du ixirtail. ijui (latent de In fin clii trez Ome. on |ieut auivre la trans- ition du Roman au (iolhi<|iie. imi •'cfi^Tail alcirs, transition hien mari|u6« dans la forme de» feiii'iri s. dani leurs meiieniix, dans les cintres et le» ogives <|U1 les (leodrenl ; ic (|ui e^l uiie nmivelle preuve de I'lisnae d.ins letjuel on ^•tait aulrefoLH. lurs ile ces ci>iislruelii>nB fort longurs. s freely projecting over the lower sill some twenty feet or more ; they receive in part the shock of the boat in its plunge into the deep water, and by their elasticity ease off its momentum so that it glides down with the swift stream uninjured. This dexterous mode of avoiding concussion is found in practice fully to answer the end for which it was designed. For the purpose of guarding the horizontal hinges of the leaves of the sluice gates against obstruction from the deposition of gravel, a glove of plank is ingeniously secured across the hinge by a curved spring; and in contact with this plank glove, the leaf revolves upon its hinges, without the possibility of being impaired in its action by the lodgment of hard substances. From the above description and the annexed sketches, which are designed more to develope l/ie principle of the sluice gate, than to display all the details of its construction, it is hoped that the plan and mode of action of the Bear Trap Stuice may be gathered without fuither explanation, and we will now proceed to make a few remarks upon the great usefulness of this inrention. UTILITY OF THE BEAR TRAP SLUICE. This skilfolly devised hydraulic machine continued in use upon the lower Lebigh — giving perfect satisfaction in practice — from the year 1S21 until lb2'.', when the descending navigation upon the main part of the river was abandoned for an improvement which admitted of transit in both directions : though a section upon the former plan, with its Bear Trap Sluices, still forms the navigation for the lumber trade betwen Whitehaven and Stodd.irtsville, a distance of 121 miles, m which by wing-dams, channels, and sluices, a fall of 336 feet is overcome. The causes which led to the substitution of a slaekwater for a flash navigation, and the difficulties met and surmoimted by the ingenious and energetic individuals who directed the works of ttie Lehigh Com- panv, are so interesting, that we will make a digression to quote a few more passages from the Company's published "History,"* "The bouts used upon the Lehigh descending navigation consisted (if square boxes, or arks, from lii to 18 feet wide, and "20 to 25 feet long. At first two of these were joined together by hinges, to allow llipm to bend up and down in passing the dams and sluices, and ius the men became accustomed to the work, and the channels were strength- ened and improved as experience dictated, the number of sections in each boat was increased, till at last their whole length reached 18u feet. They were steered witli long oars like a raft. Machinery was * Id (he nulilialinl history from nhich wc '|Uotp, the upniion is advni)creme ol Alexander, and was found in uae in il.c hyilraiilic works ut the inlrrlur uf Chum, wlii:ii '.hat cm(':rt' was vibiled by the first Hnsllsli embassy. Sec New Edinburgh Kucyclop., Art. NaT. Inland. devised for joining and putting together the planks of which these boats were made, and the bands became so expert that Jirt intn nould putone of the xctioM togither an! launch it in forty-fire minuttn. Boats of this description were used on the Lehigh till the end of the year 1831, when the Delaware division of the Pennsylvania Canal was par- tially finished. In the last year, 40,9G(j tons were sent down, which required so many boats to be built, that, if they had all been joined in one length, they would have extended more than thirteen miles. These boats made but one trip, and were then broken up in the city, and the planks sold for lumber, the spikes, hinges, and other iron work being returned to Mauch Chunk by land, a distance of eighty miles. " The great consumption of lunibi."r for the boats very soon made it evident that the coal business could not be carried on, even on a small scale, withcut a communication by water with the pine forest*, about It) miles above Mauch Chunk, on the upper section of the Lehigh. To obtain this was very didicult. The river in that distance had a fill of about 300 feet, over a very rough, rocky bed, with shores so forbidding, that in only two places above Lausanne had horses been got down to the river. To improve the navigation it became necessary to commence operations at the upper end, and to cart all the tools and provisions by a circuitous and rough road through the wilderness, and then build a boat fur each load to be sent down to the place where the hands were at work, by the channels which they had previously prepared. Before these channels were effected, an attempt was made to send down planks singly, from the pitie swamps, but they became bruised and broken by the rocks before they reached Mauch Chunk. Single saw-logs were then tried, and men sent down to clear them from the rocks as they became fast. But it frequently happened that when they got near Mauch Chunk, a sudden rise would sweep them off, and they were lost. " It became evident that the business on the Lehigh could not be extended as f.>st as the demand for coal increased, while it was neces- sary to build a new boat for each load of coal ; l)esides the forests were now beginning to feel the waste of timber, (more than -lO'J acres a year Ijeing cut off,) and showed ])lainly enough that they would soon disappear, in consequence of the increased demand upon them. " Under all these circumstances, it was concluded that the time had arrived for changing the navigation of tlic Lehigh into a slaekwater navigation. The acting managers, who resided at MaiKh Chunk, formed a plan for a steam-bout iwvigation with locks 130 feet long anilf the time of an ordinary lock." One of the writer's objects, in making the nbove lengthy extract, was to enable the rea«ler to trace the causes which led to the abandon- ment of the fl.ish navigation on the Leliigh, and to see tliat it arose from no defect in the sluice g-ates or other works at first ereifted. It must be evident to every one that the bear Trap Htuict Uattt, finding as they do their operating power in the hydrostatic pressure consequent upon the difference of level which they overcome, are capable of application to almost any width of opening; and that a gate of lUO feet or more in length could U> manceuvreil as readily a.5 one of 24 feet, the only .iddition.d labour requisite being that of open- ing and closing a few more wickets. In the descending navigation of the Udiigh, a case occurred where a fall of Il"> feet in about 3t»ii w.is overcome by one of the Bear Trap Sluices, though it was foui.anis upon the platfbriii, transversely across the opening, so as to mo3 17S0 KSl 17'>5 17^5 17ni; 1789 1797 1799 1^01 1M.13 lbU4 1>0-1 180b ISlo ISIO IS 12 1S12 Ibll ISM ISlo IblGal IblO lbl7 ISIS IslS 1S19 1S19 1S19 1819 ls20 1820 1820 lb21 ls23 1S23 lv25 1S2.-. 1529 1529 Isi'J 1531 1 532.1 '^ 1S33 1839 1539 l5l0 15 10 1510 l5lO 1540 1841 1^41 1541 1842 NAME. Naum.inn, Joh. Chr. Pitrou, Robert Haerleniann, Baron Hartpm.inn Neumann, Bait. Morelli, V. Cooley, Thos. •GiotVredo, Mario Garcia, Josef Ivory, Thomas Hiorne, Francis Duran, Ramon Harsdotr, Caspar Hiernoe, Jens Palmstedt Fantoni, I'io Desprez, Louis J. Picrmarini, Giuseppe Platzer, Jos. Cassels, Richard *Patte, Pierre Molinos, Jean Magens, Joh. B. *Serous, d'Agincourt, J. B. L. Eralyn, Hen. Crichton, R. Tempelmann Stark, William Pacassi, Baron von Petit-Radel, Louis Fran. Stem, Raphael Paris, P. Adrian Viel, Chas. Fran. Pisson, Joh. Bapt. Aikin, Edmund Tlioroton, Rev. Sir John Hart, Abrali. van der Walters, John Heurtier, Jean Hurtault, Max. Jos. Pini, Ermenigildo Jussov, Hen. Christ. ♦Rondelet, Jean Harrison, Thomas Shaw, John Peyre, Antoine Marie Johnston, Francis Pertsch, John Nepomuk Valadier, Giuseppe Galbaccio Moreau, Charles Huyot, J. Nicol. Albortolli, Giocondo Gusse, Stefano Meinecke, Carl Geo. Rickman, Thos. Ehrenberg, C. F. Schinkcl, K. F. Foulstone, John Aman, Joh. BORN. 1684 1700 ir,87 1730 1740 1718 1700 1741 17G0 1739 1748 1721 173.; 17G2 1723 1748 1730 1758 1740 1747 1745 17ii3 17>-0 1758 1752 1739 1755 1739 1754 1774 1770 17->0 1702 ISOO 1759 1752 1742 1779 175(; 1777 1754 1771 17G5 WORKS. Drtsdeii, &c. Author of several publications. Inspector of Bridges, &c. " Projots li'Arch. de Charpente," &c. Sluckholm. Smtden. Palace at Brucksal, Wiirzburg, and Werneck ; Abbey at Schwarzacb, &c. Rome. Palazzo Brasclii, Theatre at Iinola, &c. Dublin : Exchange, Four Courts, &c. Xapks. " Dell'Architettura," &e. I'aUnciu, &c. Blue-coat Hospit.il, Dublin. Sessions House, Warwick ; Tetbury Church, &c. Madrid ; Pal. Torrepi lares, &c. Co/.txhagiu. Architect and Sculptor, Copenhagen. Exchange, &c. Stockholm. Engineering and Hydraulics. Painter and Architect, iiiaJai. Milan. Pal. Reale ; Belgiojoso, Mellerio, Villa Monza. Didiliii, Waterford House, Kildare ditto, Lving-in Hospital, &c. "De I'Arcbil. Tlieatrale"; "Etudes d'Arcliit." &c. Paris. Theatre Feydeau, &c. with Legrand, Coptnhagcn. " Histoire de I'Art par les Monumens." Repairs St. George's Ch. Windsor. "New Order of Archit." Scotland. Chiefly Gothic style. Bank of Scotland. Siceden. Court-house, &c. Glasgow. Hof-architect, Vienna, the Franzens Bridge, Vienna. I-'arm. Palais Bourbon, Tresor Royal. "Recueil de Ruiues d'Arch." Ronu. Braccio Nuovo Mus. Pio Clemeutino, &c. Facade, Orleans Cathedr.il, &c. Pans ; Mont de Pii-te, Hup. Cochin. " Decadence de I' Archit." and other pub- lications. Ghent. Wellington Rooms, Liverpool. " Essay on the Doric Order." "Designs for Villas." Belvoir Castie, additions and improvements. Amsterdam. Chapel at Stepney, Auction Mart, &c. Parii ; Theatre Italien, &c. Several Hotels at Paris, &c. Church at Saregno. " Dialoghi suU'Archittura." Cussil ; Palace, &c. M-'ilhclmihi'ihe. "L'Art de Batir," and other architectural publications. Countv Hall, Chester; Bridge ditto; Theatre and Exchange, Manchester. Hall, C'hrist Church Hi'spital. St. Dunstan's West. Pang, Ecoiicn, Altfort ; Villa Trocadero, &c. Dublin ; Post Office, Roy. Hib. Academy, built at his own cost. Aliinich; I'rot. Church. Frohnfeste or Prison. Rome ; N'illa Poniatowski, Tordinona Theatre. Piazza del Popolo, altered. " Edifizi di Roma." I'iinna ; Austrian National Bank. Arc de I'Etoile, Paris. Milan. NupliB ; Observatory. Ihriin. New Court, St. John's Cambridge ; Oulton Church, .'v:c. " Styles of Archil, in England, &c. Zurich. " Bau-lcxicon." liirlin ; Museum, Theatre, &c. "Entwurfe," &c. Phimuiilh; Hotel and Theatre, Alhenirum. &c. "Designs."' Hof-architect, Vienna. Theatre at I'esth, \c. * \\'c know not if Aman Li; yet living or not. 78 THE CIA IL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [March, CIVIL ARCHITECTURE. Intnductory Lecture on the state and study of Civil Architecture, delivered in the Theatre of the Royal Dublin Society, on the oth and Sth of January, 1842. By Hexry Fulton, M.D., Author of "Travelling Sketches in Europe and Asia," — "Collegiate Architecture," &c. " From the remains of llie workp of the nnc'ents tlie modern arts '.verc revived, and it is by their means that they must be restored a second time. However it may mortify our vanity, we mus' be forced to allow them our masters ; and we may venture to prophecy, tliat when they shall cease to be studied, arts will no' longer flourish, and we shall again relapse into barba- rism."—Sir J. Reynolds, The study of civil architecture is a subject too much neglected. Civil engineering, painting, sculpture, and all the other branches of the arts and sciences receive public attention, while that of architec- ture is comparatively unaided and unknown. It is not to be expected that Arts' Unions will be established for the purpose of erecting temples and palaces ; but I hope to be able to suggest a plan more feasible, and not less efficacious ; for it is the privilege of few to erect edifices such as I have mentioned, but it does come within the reach of all to appreciate the beauties of such constructions. I feel that, as an amateur, some apology is due to you for appearing in this place as a lecturer. The importance of the subject, and its not having been taken up by others better qualified, must excuse me ; and I trust that any deficiency, arising from inexperience, may be balanced by the desire of furthering that object. Should this effort be followed in this city by more scientific labour- ers, mine may in the interim obtain what astronomers call a heliacal rising, befor#any light I may be able to throw on the subject shall be lost in the superior attainments of those who may follow. Feeling that I must leave to others to teach the art, I shall content myself if I succeed iu creating in your minds that which so strongly exists in my own, — a desire to become better acquainted with its principles. It is not difficult to prove that the ancients excelled the moderns in the fine arts of sculpture and painting. With respect to sculpture, ■witness the Apollo, the Venus de Medici, the Laocoon, and a host of others. As for painting, we have not any of the ancient master-pieces existing in our days; but we have the frescos found in the Baths of Titus, and other places in Rome, and a crowd from Pompeii and Her- culaneum : and may we not argue, that as our best ]iainters have not excelled, in drawing at least, the mere decorations of the ancients, how could modern works stand a comparison with those finished pic- tures, of which the frescos alluded to were probably copies executed by very inferior artists? It is well known that Raffaelle himself took his designs for the Arabesques of the Vatican from those of the Baths of Titus. The great number of frescos discovered in the places alluded to, forbids the supposition that their execution could have been expen- sive, such as we read (in Arbuthnot's Tables of Ancient Coins,) of their finished paintings — that a picture of Aristides was bought by King Attains for lUU talents, i.e. about £19,000; that Julius Ctesar gave 80 talents, i£1.5,.500, for the Ajax and Medea; and that Apelles was paid nearly £39,000 of our money for his picture of Alexander. Both painting and sculpture have, in the hands of such men as Bupnarrotti, Raffaelle, Canova, and Thorwalsden, made rapid progress to the high goal of perfection attained by the artists of Greece and Rome : hut shattered and ruined as the works of Grecian architecture are, enough remains to eclipse the efforts of modern art, whenever a comparison can be made : that is, by comparing things of the same description with one another — the columnar ordinances of the Greeks witli those of our own times — the originals with those professing to be derived from them. We must admit that painting and sculpture have an advantage which architecture has not, in the possession of models and objects of nature, from the study of which a correct taste can be formed; but it is more difficult to lay down fixed rules for the formation of taste, or say what should or should not enter into architectural composition : still we are not altogether left to steer without compass — for if we are to suppose that the first idea of architecture was taken from the erections of the feathered bipeds, then convenience and simplicity, so evident in their erections, should never be lost sight of in ours; and although we may add embellishments to the requisites just mentioned, such ornaments must harmonise with utility and simplicity of design, to constitute, as a whole — beauty : and in all the works of creation, as far as we can understand them, we see that each part has a purpose for which just the requisite degree of strength is bestowed ; and the painter or sculptor who would represent the club of Hercules wielded by a Ganymede, the burden of Atlas borne on the shoulders of Apollo, or the muscles of a Vulcan thrown into action to break a fly on the wheel, would be considered as devoid of taste. The same observa- tions apply with force to the laws of proportion in architecture. Let us now enquire why does not the revival of architecture advance in equal degree with the sister arts of painting and sculpture. It cannot be for lack of pecuniary patronage, for some of our architects make enormous fortunes. It cannot be for want of talent and inform- ation, for we have many who posjess both : for instance, are we to suppose that the architect who delineated the ruins of Magna GrtEcia, was unable to produce a more correct building than the National Gallery at Cliaring-cross? No ! The cause must be sought for in the ignorance and want of judgment of those who patronise them. Large sums are not given for bad statues or paintings, except by fools or dnpes, because men of good taste know something of the value of both the one and the other. Not so in architecture ; and the architect, feeling that it is in his power to pass on his ignorant employers any elevation which may look well in a drawing, hxas not a proper stimulus for exertion ; and the science never will flourish, or architects be con- vinced of the necessity of a closer application to the principles of architecture in its purest era, until those who patronise them learn something of its rules and proportions. I am not aware that it at all forms part of t!;e acquirements taught at any public school, where so much is learned of the religion of the gods, but nothing whatever of the temples erected in honour of them; and which, as existing monuments, and affording useful models, we ought at least to be as well acquainted with as their worship, manners, or customs.* Many are deterred from studying the theory of the art, from what they suppose to be the jargon of names which, it may be, convey no meaning to the mind. But let not this difficulty deter : when the thing is known, its name, if forgotten, can easily be found out, and it is not necessary for the amateur to enter minutely into all the details ; without which labour, a respectable degree of information can be attained. And the eye which can appreciate the excellence of a statue or a picture, will soon learn to estimate the beauty of a well proportioned edifice; the taste and judgment will call for and be grati- fied by the reproduction of works of merit, instead of a multiplicatioa of deformity, such as disgraces the national taste, and disfigures the capitals of our country. In giving a brief sketch, it is not my intention to commence with the fabulous origin of architecture, or to dwell on that of the Etruscans and Egyptians, whose gigantic works, still existing, are objects more for admiration than imitation, more interesting to the antiquary than the architect. But I shall take the subject up when the art had attained its zenith in Greece, in the age of Pericles, when the three columnar orders of Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian existed in a state of perfection, which all subsequent alterations and modifications tended only to degrade and destroy. After the conquest of Greece, the Romans carried -off many of the statues and paintings to Rome, which served them as models ; but being unable to remove the temples, they " I recollect showing a model to an architect's apprentice, of some two or three years' standng, who did not know a Doric from an Ionic column. i8^2.n THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCMITl'CTS JOURNAL. 70 could at most carry bome sketches, perhaps on'y mere descriptions of them, and like those of Vitruvlus, erroneous ones; hence we have the Doric order with ne-.v proportion-;, and stripped of all ornament, and then called Tuscan, or left with some of them, and with the addition of other parts, and still called Doric. Hence also the shafts of the Ionic and Corinthian columns were attenuated, the capitals altered, and by the combination of the bst-mentioned onlers, a new one called Composite Wiis formed. Xone of these alterations appear to be im- provements, as we may see by a comparison of the Roman with the Grecian remains: the former indeed may strike the eye of an igno- rant observer by its gaudy ornaments, but the latter recommends itself by its noble simplicity and well adjusted proportions. All the buildings now existing in Italy, of a date prior to the subju- gation of Greece, are destitute of columns (unless it be the temples at PoEstum, the date of which is unknown, and which were the works of a Grecian colony settled there), nor indeed have we any remains of buildings of a date immediately subsequent to the conquest ; but of those which do exist, the buildings of the earlier times, such as the Sybil at Tivoli, the Jupiter Tonans, and the Pantheon at Rome, are mere to be admired than those of a later date, such as the Uaths of Dioclesian, and the Vesta at Rome, the palace at Spalatro, as also the Tuins of Palmyra and Balbec, in Syria, in exact proportion as they exhibit a departure from the Greek models, and to the length of time the practice of the art had passed into other liands. It must be admitted, however, that the Romans, during this period, invented the arch, and its application — the dome. The Egyptians, from whom the Greeks learned architecture, covered their buildings ■with a flat roof, of a single stone ; and as a roof for the clioragic monument at Athens, commonly called the Lanthorn of Uemostheiies, Tve find a single block of marble, nearly 12 feet in diameter, and hollowed out so as to resemble a dome. The Greeks improved on this monolithic covering, and advanced one step further towards the discovery of the arch, as we see in the corballed roof of the tomb of Agamemnon, at Mycenee.* But with the exception of the arch and the dome, the practice of architecture in Roman hands passed on from bad, in the age of Diocle- sian, to worse in that of Constantine, when it appears to have lost all its pristine purity. And in the dark ages, when all the arts and sciences may be said to have been lost, architecture lay buried in its own ruins. The only attempt made to revive it in Italy, during this night of ignorance, was by placing the old columns of the Pagan tem- ples in the churches, without reference to their proportions, as we see in the Church of Aracoeli, on the Capitoline hill, and that of San Sebastian, outside the walls of Rome. After this period there arose in Europe a new style, which is gene- rally supposed to owe its origin to our intercourse with the East during the Crusades; a reference, however, to the ruins of Dioclesian's palace at Spalatro, will show the probable origin both of the Saracenic and the Gothic, the offspring of the same parent, the Roman modification of the Greek. And so far from the Gothic being derived from the Saracenic, both are modifications of the same style, taught by the same roasters to the inhabitants of dilTerent countries, and each of these styles has as much resemblance to the Dioclesian, as this latter has to the Greek. It is true we do not see at .Spalatro the clustered column and the pointed arch, but we have slender columns placed on consols, supporting circular arches, and distorted human faces are introduced as ornaments, just as we see them in the florid Gothic. As it was, until w itliin these very few years, contrary to the creed and practice of the Mussulmans to make any reprcsiTtation of the human figure, this practice could not have originated with the Saracens. Time will not permit our fcillowing up this part of the subject, how- ever interesting it may be. We shall therefore leave the Gothic or Pointed style for some other occasion, and pursue that which is called Grecian. It has been already stated that Grecian architecture, as well as * I here beg to correct an error midc in the Travelling Sketches, vol. ii. . 209, where the choragic monument it mentioned, instead of the tomb of pgamcmnon. painting and sculpture, were neglected and unknown for centuries, although the world possessed the elements of all three. The works of the ancients were gems, the value of which was not appreciated by the possessors ; for the rude figures carved by modern sculptois, before the middle of the 1 Ith century, or the bard, wiry, stilf paintings before the age of Da Vinci, cannot bo honoured with the names of sculpture and painting. The revival of both we owe to Italy. That country also lays claim to the resuscitation of Grecian architecture ; and a number of her sons, at the head of whom stands Palladio, boast of complete success, although it does not appear that one of them ever saw a single specimen of Grecian architecture, ami that their knowledge of it was only derived through the text of Vitruvius, and the Roman debasem-nts, which presented to them beauties they did not profit by — taking only the worst parts of this deteriorated style, whicli however formed the only beauties of their own compositions. The estimation in which Vitruvius and Palladio are held in our own country at this day, may be judged of when we hear, «jr cathtdrii, "that the highest in rank in Italy are not ashamed to b-? profi-ssors of an art whiidi Palladio adorned and Vitruvius taught." To the archi- tects who hold such sentiments I would say — Gentlemen, until vou get rid of all such opinions, pure architecture will not flourish, or your profession be placed on that pinnacle of public estimation to which by birthright it is entitled. About the middle of the 16th century, Palladio flourished. Many other architects of equal merit (if indeed he had any), lived before him ; but it would be useless to detain you with a mere catalogue of names. Palladio stands confessed as the author of a style, and the founder of a school, still much admired in this country. He has left us drawings of most of the Roman buildings which were in existence in his day, and of course more perfect than they are at present. So far we are his debtors ; but strange to say, that although he must have spent much time in measuring the ruins, and designing their restora- tions, not one of his own designs, except the internal arraugements of a little theatre at Vicenza, appears to harmonise with, or bear any resemblance to the buildings of the ancients. The chief defects of this school are — Columns raised on stilts. Columns placed one above the other. Columns of dirterent orders ranged in the same elevation. The two frequent use of engaged columns. Columns swelling in the middle (oflensive to the eye, because an indication of weakness). Thin columns having wide and irregular interspaces. Tapering pilasters. Finishing the tops of doors and wiudows like the c.ibles of houses, or the roofs of camp bedsteads. Swelled friezes. And lastly. All simplicity destroyed by broken lines and partial projections. I orter no excuse for dwelling on this catalogue of vices, because they have been copied, anil are copied every d.iy, in too many instances in our own city. We shall therefore proceed to particularise and notice these errors in detail — that when you see them in your daily peregrinations, you may know them; and when public taste and judg- ment arc better informed on the subject, we may hope they will not continue to be perpetrated. In speaking without reserve of the modem buildings of this cily, I am aware that a door is opened for criticism on the opinions advanced. Well : let it come ! However the controversy may terminate, it must lead to the eluri.lation of a favourite subject. I freely admit that they who have designed those buildings have what is esteemed high authority for what Ihey have done: and if they have not done belter, it is because public taste (ill informed as it is) sought for no im- provement. I feel that it would be unworthy both of you and myself, were 1 to stoop to conquer by flattery the displeasure of any, in setting before you all a stimulus for exertion in the acquirement of architectural knowledge. Most of the errors I have mentioned may be found in the Palace of 80 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [March, Dioclesian at Spalatro. That emperor, like our own George IV., was a patron of tlie arts, and immense sums were lavished both at Rome and Spalatro, at London and Brighton ; but architecture is not much indebted to the florid taste of either. The innovations of Dioclesian's time are so striking as to merit his name being given to the style ; and as the term Gothic was applied by Sir C. Wren and others to the pointed style, may we not call the Palladian modification of the Dioclesian by the name of Vandal. The term Gothic, as a name of contempt, is now felt not to be deserved by the beautiful pointed style, which although charged with meretricious ornament without limit, regardless of all order, trifling and weak in detail, is yet magnificent and beautiful in the aggregate. The Vandal is chargeable with all the defects, which are not re- deemed by any of the beauties of the Gothic. But to proceed with the list. Columns on stilts. — These may be seen at Spalatro, though not in the same perfection as on the front of Trinity College, or the con- tinuous stilt or too lofty stylobate of the College of Surgeons in Stephen's-green. We also find it in the portico of a temple in Urabria, which Palladio says was the only instance of the kind he had seen. He seems, however, to have been enamoured with the inven- tion, for it enters largely into many of its structures. At best it is a shabby expedient to save the expense of larger columns, which would be required to give the height of these smaller ones and their stilts. 1 ask, what is the use of columns in any case, unless it be for efi^ect ? And if that be the object, is it not defeated by placing them above the range of vision ? Wherever the columnar ordinance is used, columns must be principals ; and is it proper to place principals above the range of the eye. Colmn7is placed one above the oilier. — We have no very striking ex- ample ofthis in Dublin; but we find it in the west front of St. Paul's and many other buildings in London ; and Palladio says the Tuscan should be placed underneath, then the Doric, then the Ionic, then the Corinthian, and lastly, the Composite order — rules fit for the erection of a tower of Babel. It must be granted that columns should harmo- nize in apparent solidity with the weight of the superincumbent cor- nice which they are to support. This effect will be destroyed, if one or two other rows of columns and accessories are to be placed above. The Greeks used the expedient to a certain extent, as in the example before you ; but only as a choice of evils — for if the internal columns of the cella had been large enough to reach the inclined roof, they would not have harmonized with the other columns which they were to be viewed in connection with; besides, they are of the same order, and were placed almost out of view. Columns of different orders ranged in the same elevation. — A design never can be chaste, if it contain more than one order ; and in this respect, the west front of the Bank of Ireland, the old Parliament House, is disfigured by the Ionic semi-columns in juxta-position with the Roman Corinthian portico. The Bank is like a man wearing a coat with one sleeve of a different colour, both from the other and the body of the garment — a fashion not yet adopted in dress. This Co- rinthian portico wants the elevation of a basement, and by giving it that, it would be made to overtop the body of the edifice. I under- stand that originally it had a basement, before the street was filled up to its present level. In short, this deficiency is to be objected to almost as much as the other extreme of having a too lofty stylobate . and so sensible was the architect who erected it, of the injury it sus- tained in being shorn of its fair proportions, that he never could bear to pass through Westmoreland-street, after the operations of the Com- missioners of Paving. Did time and place permit, the history of this portico would be as instructive as the account given by an Irish historian, called Swift, or some such name, of the violent contest between two powerful nations, as to which end of the egg should be broken. Suffice it to say, that our domestic struggle for prerogative coeval with that for the Bill of Rights, terminated by the belligerents, the Lords and Commons, se- lecting different orders of architecture for their respective entrances to the same edifice — thus agreeing to differ, and furnishing most con- vincing arguments, which may be used (according to an ordinary for- mula of our profession,) pro re nata, for or against a repeal of the legislative union. It has been said that the Greeks, particularly with the Doric order, placed columns without any base. They did no such thing ; you will see, in the example before you, that the steps form an ample base- ment. What would the finest statue that ever was made appear to be, with its feet sunk in the ground or cut off? The eye of criticism, and we are all critics in our way, dwells rather on defects than beau- ties ; and one blemish more than counterbalances twenty excellencies. Engaged columns. — The too frequent use of this expedient is to be condemned. The eflfect of columns in a composition arises not only from their graceful forms and well adjnsted proportions, but from the lights and shadows which play around them — the chiaro-oscuro of ar- chitectural composition ; and this eflTect cannot be obtained by engaged columns. Instances of this may be seen in the front of Trinity Col- lege, and the College of Surgeons in Stephen's-green. In the example before you, (the Maison Carroe) may be compared the engaged and disengaged columns. We are not, however, to take the engaged columns of the Bank of Ireland as the design of its architect, for they originally formed an open piazza ; but for some wise reason, or per- haps for no reason, they were subsequently built up as we find them at present. But if we must have attached or engaged columns, I would suggest that they should not be diminished at all, but carry the same diameter from base to top. I never heard of any example of this — but on look- ing at any of the Palladian Arches, as for instance, those in the prin- cipal front of the Bank of Ireland, you will find that the back ground (if I may so speak) to which the columns are affixed, appears like an inverted pyramid, a figure which cannot have a pleasing effect. This is not the case when the columns are detached, on account of the depth of the shadow. Interspaces of cohmms. — In the Doric order, the rule is clear and well defined — one triglyph over the centre of each column, and another over the centre of each interspace. The spaces between these tri- glyphs, called metopes, must be a square, the length of whose sides is regulated by the diameter of the column at its base. These triglyphs are supposed to represent the ends of the beams intended to form the ceiling, and if too many of them be introduced, the architrave on which they rest would be too weak, or what is the same thing, appear to be too weak, to support the weight. I admit that there is an additional tri- glyph introduced in the propylea on the Acropolis ; but it ought to be considered as forming the exception — not the rule; and appears to have been for the purpose of leaving a wider space for the entrance of processions. Another instance occurs in the Doric Portico of Augustus, but it is of Roman construction. This innovation has been extended by Palladio and his modern followers ; and we find, in some instances, six or more introduced, and in situations where they are not at all requisite ; for instance, on the cornices of windows or door-ways. Vv'liy should beams be placed there, or in the inside of buildings, as we see in the chapel in Marlborough-street ? I am not aware of any ancient example of this. The east portico of the chapel just alluded to shows a great poverty of conception in the architect, who has placed an additional triglyph between each column — indicating either that the columns are too thin, the interspaces too wide, or the frieze too low. At least a hundred instances of this bad taste occur in the public and private edifices of this city, and scarcely an example of the contrary. But compare the portico in Marlborough Street, notwith- standing its defects, with the Vandal Doric one in the College Park, the design, I believe, of Sir William Chambers, and you will perceive its superiority. Tapering pilasters. — This extraordinary practice is of the Vandal school. As the situation of these square columns or pilasters is at the angles of the building, they cannot of course square with the wall unless it were made pyramidal also — the absurdity of which is obvious. You will find this in every building in Dublin where they are used, except those of a late date — a departure from the Vandal school to 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. Si be hailed with satisfaction. The Greeks never tapered their square columns or pilasters; uor did the Romans, in some of their best erec- tions, as for instance, the portico of the Pantheon. I beg to call the attention of the profession to this, as I have heard a contrary opinion expressed in this countr)'. You will find the pilasters of the portico in Upper Gardiner Street partially tapered ; which is surprising, as a Greek model appears to have been taken for the Ionic capitals of its columns. In the same example may be seen the poverty of a four columned portico, as the tympanum of such a structure must neces- sarily appear heavy, ami have too high and abrupt a jjitch. Still it is in better taste than the unfinished and much admired Vandal portico of St. Thomas's church. It has been considered by many, that the circumstance of this latter portico being allowed to remain unfinished is discreditable to the parish; but tha reverse of this conclusion is nearer the truth, as far as architectural taste is concerned. Gable-lopjxd mindoics and doors. — Of all the strange devices of which I have given a list, this is the most strange. The earliest ex- ample of this practice with w hich I am acquainted, is to be found in the Pantheon at Rome, the most recent in our own city ; of late it has been discontinued in London, but still finds admirers in Dublin. I do not know whether we are indebted to an architect for this, but I pre- sume not. And here I may allude to the practice of taking builders out of their proper sphere, and allowing them to supercede the archi- tect. This is as foolish as it would be (could we suppose it possible,) that one whose personal tabernacle required repair, should have re- course to the manipulator of medicines, instead of the well informed professor of the healing art. But I must add, if the art is to be laiight from the dogmas of Vitruvius, and adorned from the designs of Palla- dio, it matters not to us on whose shoulders the mantle of patronage may fall, on that of A. or B., the architect or builder. After all, it may be my misfortune not to be able to appreciate the beauty of the building in question ; no doubt posterity will do it justice, for it will come under their notice as the property of the President of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland. The profession of architecture in this country is placed in a false position — pressed on the one hand by that of aspirant builders, and neglected on the other by a diactniiug public, which is not only unable to decide on their respective merits, but is also ignorant of those principles on which alone good taste is founded. Under these cir- cumstances, it is not surprising that every edifice assuming an archi- tectural form, is praised or revileil according to the number and influ- ence of the friends of the architect. Committees and individuals re- quiring architectural plans, decide on the relative merits of designs submitted for their inspection, more from the beauty of the drawing, than any reference to the efteet likely to be produced in stone and mortar: hence he who is the best draughtsman will be the most for- tunate competitor ; and the work may be executed without producing credit to himself, or satisfaction to his employers. This state of things could not exist, if public taste were better informed. The Pantheon wiis first used as a church by Pope Boniface IV., at the commencement of the 7th century ; but the state of the arts in those days forbids us to suppose the altars had not been erected be- fore that period ; they are supposed to have been added by Septimus Sevenis. Almost all the Vandal school have left specimens of this innovation. Palladio, M. Angelo, Inigo Jones, Sir C. Wren, Sir Wm. Chambers, and many others of our own times, who seem to follow, for no better reason than because others have led the way. Some of these architects, conceiving, I presume, that variety is pleasing, give us a gable-topped and an elliptic bed-topped window alter- nately. When I see a well proportioned window or door thus disfigured, I am forcibly reminded of the story of the worthy country squim, who liired a strolling artist to paint wigs on the heads of Vandyke's por- traits of his ancestors. I was unable to discover the use of thcsi? window tops until I saw, on the front of one of Palladio's palaces in Italy, two undraped colossal figures, reclining in a perilous posture above each window, literally in a li'li-a-trle position, like slack-rope dancers resting themselves. Would it nut be in better taste to con. sider these window-tops as hobby-horses, and place a saddle and a rider on the summit of each, in a more secure position. Sicclkd Friezis. — This invention bears a close resemblance to an article of dress said to have been used by our great grandmothers, called a buatle ; and if it be true that these ancient dames wore any such ornament, no doubt the hint was taken from them. I cannot discover that the ladies of old ever placed the bustle on the front elevation, as we see it in the Bank of Ireland ; nor can I from memory say whether the old lady in Tbreadneedle-street has it or not If the frieze were constructed of any plastic material, such as wet clay, this is exactly the form it would take on being subject to pressure from above ; therefore it indicates weakness. As bustles have long since gone out of ^hion, we may hope the swelled frieze will follow. On examining the Bank of Ireland, you will rind it discontinued on the east, and afterwards on the west front, for which the architect of that portion of the building deserves great credit. The last subject of the list is — Broktn lints and partial projections. — A knowledge of painting and sculpture is among the many requisites laid down by Vitruvius, as necessary to constitute an accomplished architect. But architecture has suflTered in the hands of the professors of the sister arts ; and M. Angelo, Buonarrotti, and Raffaelle have tarnished their bright fame by their architectural productions. Inigo Jones left England as a painter, and returned as an architect. The finest field that ever was opened for the genius of man, pre- sented itself to M. ^Vngelo. He enjoyed the patronage of Leo X., a prince born of a race of patrons of the arts. Rome presented to him a vast quarry of marble, ready chiselled ; he was required to erect on the Capitoline a building for a senate-house and museum, near the site of the Temple of Jupiter, which once crowned the mount " the pride of Rome, the admiration of the world." Before him lay the ruins of the Forum Romanum, and on his left that of Trajau ; to the right and behind he had ruins of temples, triumphal arches, and co- lumns in abundance : he began by turning his back on the Roman Forum and all the beauties of art which it presented to him, and con- structed three sides of a square, mean, trifling, and frivolous in design, presenting specimens of nearly all the monstrosities of the Vandal style. He has adorned Rome after the manner of Palladio, his cotem- jiorary ; but his works stand no comparison with the still existing monuments of past glory: and the descendants (if such there be) of the Scipios, the Ciceros, and of him who was " the noblest Roman of them all," although the possession of St. Peter's may flatter their va- nity, yet sigh as they pass on — ma Roma, Roma, non epiu com era prima. It must be admitted that M. Angelo's lofty dome on St. Peter's, and the cornice on the Faranese Palace, redeem his name from indis- criminate censure. It was part of his plan to make St. Peter's a Greek instead of a Latin cross, and to give it a portico like the Pantheon. As it is, the exterior of the dome cannot be seen from ordinary situa- tions; and in taking the design before you, the painter must have been on the top of one of the houses between the church and the Tiber. Canova, too, the bright star of modern sculpture, into whose works the spirit of the Apollo, the Venus, the Laocoon is instilled, has left us a design for a church, sufficient to show that he studied not the architecture as he did the sculpture of ancient Greece. In fact, painters cannot well be good architects, as far as the Greek style is concerned. Accustomed to feel that " there is no beauty in straight lines," they break up the building for the purpose of giving pictorial eflfect to the design, and "however contradictory it nny be in geometry, it is true in taste, that many little things will not make a great one." An architectural drawing uf a (ireek subject is a slifli formal production, totally diflerent from Hogarth's line of beauty. Models are the fittest representations for the public to judge from. Take this temple and break np all its cornices; place its columns in any line but a straight one, and the painter w ill prefer it for a subject ; but if in that state it be raised in stone, its beauty will be lost, because its simplicity will be destroyed. According to Burko, simplicity is a source of beauty — it is essential to that of Grecian architecture. 82 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [March, The Parthenon, and the temple of Neptune at Poestum, are now stripped of oruament, yet they make up by simplicity and unity of design, for the want of it, except in the estimation of those architects who conceive that they are defective in not having steeples ! We mav not be going too far in saying, that the Parthenon is the best, and the temples at Poestum the earliest examples of the Doric order. The former was erected nearly 500 years before our era, in the best days of Grecian art. Of the date of the latter we know nothing, except that a colony from Greece settled in Calabria, and founded the city of Posidonia, before Rome was built : even if we did not know this, they bear the impress of Grecian mind, and reject the hand of any other master. It is the practice of modern times to take a Greek or a Roman por- tico, and place it in front of a windowed, corniced, and balustraded building like our Post Office (Dublin). By this expedient, unity of design is destroyed; and however correct or beautiful the portico may be in itself, it will not appear to the same advantage as if its cornice squared with the sides of the building. When this arrangement may be incompatible with the required purpose, it is much better to dis- pense with the columnar ordinance altogether, and have recourse to some of the other styles. I am rejoiced to find that a new system has lately been introduced iuto England, of erecting plain, symmetrical structures, surmounted with a handsome unbroken cornice, such as that of the Faranese Palace at Rome. In some remarks which I published on architecture, I pointed out the advantages of this style, before I was aware that its introduction was in contemplation.* The nearest approach we have to this style in Dublin is the Royal Hiber- nian Academy. The unbroken line of the cornice at the top of the build- ing has a good effect. It will stand a comparison with the Palladian one on the newly fronted edifice in Merrion-square ; and the recessed por- tico 13 much better than one placed up against the main structure would Lave been. There are however some great defects in this building : the Vandal headed windows, resting on little bustles; the Doric columns of the portico are too slender, being about seven diameters high, which is two more than they ought to have been under such a superstructure. The angles of the walls, next the columns, should have had pilasters or antis. The balustrade at tlie top of the building is in bad taste. Balusters are deformed dwarfish columns of the Vandal, and are not in good keeping with columns of the Greek school, no more than a pigmy would be a suitable quiver-bearer for the Pythian Apollo : besides, a cornice is the proper finish for an architectural structure. The arrangement of the windows also is bad, not corresponding at all •with the opening of the recessed portico. One cannot view our Custom House (Dublin) without feeling that all simplicity was sacrificed in its construction, according to the false taste of that period. If the cornice had not been so much broken up, and there had been no balustrade or attic above it, the eSect would have been good: as it is, the building can only strike us for its magnitude, the good quality of the stone, and the fine situation it enjoys. It must be admitted that when viewed from such a distance that its faulty details cannot be observed, the eft'ect is fine, and just such as it would have been from every point of view, had Greek simplicity guided the architect in its design. What is it that rivets the eye on the Irisli Round Towers ? It is not any historical association, for the history of our country does not speak of them: neither are they Vitruvian nor Palladian; they are better — simple, graceful, and beautiful; and therein lies their attrac- tion. May I be permitted to speak on behalf of that of Glendalough, which, for want of a little restoration, bids fair to be in ruins ere it be recorded in the long expected work on Round Towers, from the pen and pencil of Mr. Petrie. Surely his Grace the Archbishop of Dublin, who is lord of the soil, cannot be aware of its delapidation. The same observations apply to the Egyptian obelisk, commonly called Cleopatra's Needle, of which there are so many in modern Rome. The best imitation of this, with which I am acquainted, is to be found in the Primate's demesne at Armagh ; and although it is not • Travelling Sketches in Various Countries, vol. ii, p. 206. to be compared in magnitude to the Wellington Testimonial in the Phoenix Park, and did not perhaps cost one tenth of the sum paid for the erection of that trophy, yet far excels in beauty of proportion ; showing us that mere masses of material, unless arranged with taste, fail to produce satisfaction, whatever name maybe given for the purpose of rendering them imposing. The combination of parts of different orders in the same building is to be avoided, for although the association of Goths and Vandals, as the destroyers of the remains of ancient art in the south of Europe, be strong in our minds, yet the union of the Gothic and Vandal styles cannot be recommended. A striking example of this occurs in the Duomo at Milan; it has Vandal windows and doors, although all the other parts of the edifice are florid Gothic. The Greeks never surcharged their buildings with ornaments ; yet both they, and after them the Romans, devoted the greatest care to the composition and finish of works never intended to come in close contact with the sight. I have been perfectly astonished at the beauty of the mouldings and capitals, when strewed on the ground amidst rubbish and ruins. Together with a deviation from the Greek models, a desire for multiplicity of ornament and novelty was intro- duced; and long ere the fall of the Roman empire, luxury and refine- ment, which sapped their power in the government of the world, tended also to the decline of architecture. May we not express a hope that a recurrence of the same principles may not produce the same effect in our own times and country. The Elgin marbles in the British Museum, which challenge a com- parison with the best works of antiquity in the possession of other countries, were, for the most part, placed on the tympanum of the Parthenon, upwards of 50 feet above the level of the eye. The column of Trajan is 132 foet high. These casts were taken for me by a man who was suspended from the top in a basket; you may judge of the finish of the marble by the casts, after the original had been exposed to the weather during so many centuries. I have now endeavoured to set before you some of the prevailing errors of modern architecture, and some of the beauties of the ancient. In advocating a closer acquaintance vi'ith the latter, I may quote the words of an eminent painter, who observes, " From the remains of the works of the ancients the modern arts were revived, and it is by their means that they must be restored a second time. However it may mortify our vanitj', we must be forced to allow them our masters; and we may venture to prophesy, that when they shall cease to be studied, arts will no longer flourish, and we shall again relapse into barbarism." ON ARCHITECTURAL PRECEDENT. Sir — Permit me, through the medium of your journal, to make a few ob- servations on your correspondent H. S.'s remarks on " Architectural Prece- dent," which appeared in your journal for January last. I think it is but right, before we condemn in toto the use of precedent, to inquire a little into its origin. Precedent I conceive to be coeval with architecture, and that of archi- tecture with the necessary wants of man ; and as age after age became more refined, so the wants, and necessarily the architecture. It would be impossible to find a nation throughout the world,'at any period of its existence, whose architecture did not progress in an equal ratio with its refinement, but throughout never changed its character. The first laws being laid down, the architects invariably followed them : and why .' because they were made to suit the wants of the nation, both as regards climate and economy. Indeed to such an extent has this been carried, that were it not for the remains of architectural elegance scattered up and down that part of the once refined world, what would there now remain to tell of the highly polished Athens, or of the internal comfort and domestic economy of the ancient inhabitants of Pompeii and Herculaneum ? Your correspondent, in liis desire to do away with precedent, starts out with condemning the course of study pur- sued in an architect's office. Now I should rather say, the fault (if it be one,) does not commence here, but in the very first dawn of the pupil's infant mind, because it is the most natural course of events, and necessarily so, that seeing one kind of architecture, the mind gets imbued and impressed with a 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 83 love, and I might almost &ay with a veneration for it. To produce au entire change in architecture, which appears to be the wish and aim of your corree- pondent, it nould be necessary that the inventor, if I may be allowed the term, should be brouglit up in utter ignorance of our present style, and almost destitute of any knowledge of oiu- domestic economy ; and then it cannot be expected that he should bring the same to perfection, as it is the DOtoral course of Providence that all things shall progress, " necessity" being made the •• first law of nature." Precedent, I think, must appear to every person to be necessary to the right discharge of almost every duty of onr lives. It must actuate all ; and indeed so mi.xed up is it in every grade of society, that it does actuate all our movements. It has done so bom Adam's fall, and must continue to do so to the end of time. Your correspondent next repudiates the idea of adhering to one period of architecture in fonning a design, and inquires, why should not an ornament of a late period be introduced in a design of a much earlier, provided the same looks well ? And forsooth, why not ? why not unite the chirolt mould of the Norman to the compressed arch of the Tudor, and the mongrel column of the late degenerate Ehzabethan school - Perhaps your correspondent would affirm that this would not look well ; and truly it would not to a cor- rect eye, but to a pupil brought up according to your correspondent's wishes, such a cmtglomrration would not appear incongruous, neither would he understand why it should not be so. Should such a state of architecture ever arrive, when an architect could with impunity amalgamate different periods, and I might add ditferent styles, for the evil when once let in would not stop, — should such a time ever arrive, architecture will then be on the ■wane, England's glory will be setting; for, to go back to precedent, there has never been a country whose architecture has degenerated, but whose whole energies have been crippled, and whose glory has set. Mliile at the same time I woiUd give to precedent its place, I would not be unmindful of the great use of it. 1 conceive it to be the curb of the architect's imagina- tion ; not that he is servilely to follow all its dictates, but to guide his judement, and having studied fully all its bearings in ancient architecture, he will be better able to come to a correct notion of what true architecture ought to combine, and will act rightly, having had his mind thus well schooled. This I conceive to be the great use of precedent, not only in architecture, but in every other study. Having thus inquired into the great use of precedent, allow me now to inquire into the right use of it. To make a right use of precedent, it requires a thorough knowledge of ancient architecture, and not of architecture only, but also the domestic habits and economy of former ages. To do this, it is impossible that any man can gain it by the "road side," — it unfortunately is not written so clear, that he that runneth may read. What then is required ? much more than, I am sorry to say, the Royal Institute of Architects imagines, or I cannot believe that men in the highest ranks and ability in the profession would ever remain so supine to the best interests of their profession. Why is it that that body does not bestir itself, for now is the time, while they have such interest, their President being the representative of royalty in the sister land - Why not obtain for architecture what the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons have done for medicine ? Then, and not till then, will architecture and architects take their proper stand throughout the country. What can militate against architecture so much as the fact which is a very common occurrence in the country, of a common joiner, with a httle more nous than his brethren, practising as an architect, to the great detriment of the legitimate architect .' And that man gets sup- ported ; why .- because he undertakes work at a much lower charge than the other ; and merchants, who only look at the pounds, shillings, and pence, are well utisfied, although there is the greatest incongruity, such as I have seen. Amongst numbcrleis others, to mention a small thing, of putting the Tudor rose in the facia of a Grecian shop facade, and otherwise mutilating the style. Of course this, to your correspondent, would not be any detriment or eye-sore, as il loolti vtU to a man who knows no better. I am. Sir, Sheffield, Your obedient servant, Jan. 26, 1842. j. M. ARCIIITECTl'RAL ITIECEDENT. I WAS agreeably lurpriwd upon finding two correspondents cipreuing ideas 90 nearly coincident with my own on thii nibject, when I bad rather expected that, if any notice was taken of the matter, it would emanate from the adverse party, and convey anything rather than approval. It would be well for architecture, if a larger proportion of its professors held the same liberal views as those espoused by " Ditto" and " J. L." The remarks of the former so entirely agree with my own notions on the subject, that they do not call for any reply : J. L., however, in consequence of the want of exphination, has not taken that view of the influence of classical education wliich I had intended to convey. Its general effect upon the pub- lic mind— the bias which it produces in the feelings of society — the erroneous impressions it gives rise to — were the results to which it was wished to draw attention. It will. 1 think, be at once conceded, that if one subject be allowed to en- gross any mind, to the exclusion of all others, that subject will be almost certainly magnified in importance far beyond its proper standard, even though that mind may be "well informed in other departments. How much more, then, will this be the case, when the attention has been confined to one study during the whole course of education, when all other kinds of iofurmatioa have been withheld, and when there has been no opportunity of drawing any comparison between the meriu of different branches of knowledge, or differ- ent races of men ? Is it not probable, therefore, that when a young man has spent all the early years of his life in close attention to one study— the his- tory of the ancients, their wars and enterprises, their heroes and their victories, their cities and temples, their orators and statesmen when ho looks on their philosophy as the highest attainment of human wisdom— when he reads of their deeds in the high-flown poetry of Homer and Virpl— when, in the warmth of a youthful imagination, he paints their actions, if possible, in brighter colours than even the poets themselves have done, and takes his imaginations for realities — when he becomes infected with the admiration for martial glory, and thinks nothing so noble as war — when he attaches to virtue the meaning given to it by the Romans, and looks upon animal courage as one of the highest attributes of human nature ; — when, I say, he docs all this, and at the same time knows little or nothing of the grandeur of modem science — when he has not the faintest conception of the gigantic mass of knowledge collected by the philosophers of the present day — valuable knowledge, cnnobUng knowledge, knowledge which enlarges the mind, and advances mankind physically and mentally — when he knows nothing of what is done, as well as what is ihioirn — nothing of the wonderful achievements of modem ingenuity, nothing of the almost miraculous results of the applications of science to the arts and manufactures : — under all these circumstances I ask, is it not probable — nay, is it not certain — that he will get up from his studies with a prepossession in favour of the antienta ? — a prepossc!sion which will tinge all the opinions of his after life— which will lead him to admire all that is old, in virtue of its antiquity — wliich will lead him to make wrong estimates of the beautiful and the noble — a bias, in short, which will be an injury to himself and to society. This is a very interesting subject, one on wliich much more might be said, were it not irrelevant to the character of this pubUcation ; and as it is, these remarks are only admissible in virtue of their relation to architectural prece- dent. Under these impressions it is that I come to the conclusion, that the prejudices of society in favour of what is ancient are to be mainly ascribed to classical education, and that the readiness with wliich architects accede to the dogma of the unsurpassibility of ancient architecture is probably attri- butable to the same cause. I quite agree with the opinion, tliat the study of existing specimens of architecture is necessary for the cultivation of taste, and that taste requires education as much as any other faculty, and I never for a moment intended to imply any general disrespect for the works of antiquity : on the contrary, I admire many examples, both classic and (lothic, perhaps as much as any one. But there is a great difference between admiring an object because it ii really beautiful, and admiring it because it is old, or because it is the work of a certain people. There is a great difference between praising what is worthy of praise, reserving to one's-sclf the right of censuring what docs not please, and subscribing to a wholesale approval bf everything. There is a great difference between studying examples handcil dunn to us with a view to the cultivation of taste, and studying with the iutention of copying. II. S. Derby, Feb. 16. P.S. In the original paper, page 23, second colimiD, and the third line from the bottom, for " ipuru" read " spread." N 2 84 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [March, FRESCO PAINTING. A Paper by John \\'hite, Fellow, relative to two Tablets of Slate covered ■with Pozzolano and Stucco, and painted in Water Colours, read at a Meeting of the Poijal Institute of British Architects, January 31, 1842. As the public attention is at present directed towards ornamental wall painting, particularly to the mode called Fresco, I have thought that it may be interesting to the Royal Institute to inspect two preparations made in the year 1824, on which have been painted in water colours subjects calculated to demonstrate that there exists a capability of painting on a permanent base, and with equally permanent colours. The mode which has been adopted, was to cover two tables of slate with a coarse clay Pozzolano of British manufacture^ and upon t)ie surface to trowel with a glass float a thin stucco, composed of finely-ground Ume and fine flint Pozzolano, mixed with weai alum water. The paintings were executed before the stucco was thoroughly dry, and on them was added a thin solution of white wax in spirit of wine : this was done in order to insure the colours from being washed off when the paintings required to be cleansed, which has recently been done. Seventeen years have elapsed, and the paintings are in the same condition as when first done ; and I believe they will endure for any period of time. The tablets were prepared by Mr. Henry Grace, who painted that which is of an oblong form; the upright one was painted by a student of the- Royal Academy, since dead, of the name of Robinson. The advances recently made on the Continent in the decoration of build- ings, by the introduction, or rather the restoration, of fresco or wall painting, has led me to observe that historical painting is capable of being executed in this country, and of being employed as an embellishment of our public edifices on a suitable basis, and to congratulate the Institute on the sentiment which is rapidly progressing, that the artists of England ought to be patro- nized in the enlargement of their ideas, by offering them the walls of our newly-constructing buUdings as fields for their exertions on an expanded scale. That this sentiment may not be checked, it is hoped that the Royal Institute wiU, by its expressed approbation, assist in forwarding even- effort which it shall deem worthy its attention, and that the sense of the country generally will exhibit itself in favour of such patriotic labours as those which the late James Ban-y has displayed on the walls of the great room of the Society of Arts in the Adelphi, unfortunately, alas ! too little imitated or patronized since their execution, now much more than half a century ago. One difficulty in water painting on stucco has always presented itself, namely, that arising from the caustic quality of the lime used destroying most colours of a metallic or vegetable composition, leaving few more than the earths as proper articles to be employed by the painter on fresh walls ; and when the walls are become dry, then the water colours adhere ill, and never are brilhant. To remedy the evil, it will appear, on the inspection of the tablets now presented, that the surfaces they exhibit are not only sufficiently smooth to admit of vast facility or rapidity of execution, but that, inasmuch as the qiiantity of lime used in then- preparation is small, it has not materially taken away the power or brilliancy of the work. In the upright tablet, which represents a copy of a fragment of a cartoon by Julio Romano, in the pos- session of Wm. Lambert, Esq. of the Woodbouse, Finchley, Cologne earth and a little blue has been used, diluted with water, in which a Uttle shell lac ■was dissolved, by pounding it with borax, this solution making the colour pass very freely with the painting brush, and only tinting the mixture by the rose colour arising from the lac — in my opinion not at all objectionable. In the year 1825, this picture was shown at the Society of Arts, where it was ■washed, and rather rudely rubbed by some persons in their investigations as to its permanence. It has never been touched since that period, excepting that within a few days it has been rubbed with a flannel, to remove the dirt and smoke on the surface. The oblong tablet was painted, not in my presence, by Mr. Henry Crace. I am not acquainted with what solution he \ised with his colour, other than that it was water ; but it is not permanent against washing.* Respecting it, it is to be observed that the artist, in proceeding from the left to the right, has evidently improved, and that there is great deUcacy in the shading of the figure on the right, more indeed than I have remarked on any other surface, excepting enamel. There is a Uttle splendour on the face of both pictures, but it does not * I fear it was white of egg, too much used by ancient painters on walls and stone. amount to the glare of oil paintings. I persuade myself that at almost any distance from paintings executed in this mode, what they intend to re- present will be conspicuous, whether observed far or near, with almost equal advantage to the spectator, which is not the case with oil painting. I have noticed in my letter, that the stucco which has been applied on the face of these tablets has been composed with very fine ground lime and calcined flint reduced to a powder, mixed with a little alum water, and trowelled on with a glass instrument. These materials have been smoothed down till the surface was sufliciently perfect, l)ut yet not so triturated as to destroy the setting quality of the lime : great care is to be observed in this particular, and the skill of the workman is to be called into action. I need hardly notice, that it is the combination of the mechanical disposition of the frac- ture of the pozzolano flint and its burnt nature, which produce the strong adhesion and strength of the whole plaster, as most architects now admit this to be the fact. It was well known and understood by the Romans, who so extensively used the natural as well as the artificial burned earths. This latter observation leads me to the importance of reflecting on the necessity of constructing buildings with materials which are incompatible, either by working them, as it were, stone and stone, or brick and brick, so united by workmanship as that there should be no shrinking, either in the foundation or superstructure ; and that no wood band should exist in them, but that the union of the materials should be accomplished by a cement which, neither by exsiccation, by frost, or by moisture, shaU shrink or perish, for it will be a waste of effort to employ artists' labour on substances which will neither resist the ordinary effects of time or acccident. Perhaps it may be said, that when walls have become settled, as it is called, that little danger can arise subsequently. This, however, is not always the case, as some sea- sons (in this country especially,) have very injurious action on buildings, and many salts escape from sands, stone, and lime, little expected by architects. Now, in properly burned, properly combined, and properly worked mortar, (the solid ingredients of which have passed through fire,) little change need be calculated upon ; hence it probably is that pozzolano has been found to be the best building sand, though it is true that that which is imported is frequently brought from the shore of the Mediterranean, where the sea water has been, wherefore it necessarily partakes of the variable quality of the salt, and consequently is inferior to that fabricated of our own earths properly prepared and selected. To return to the paintings exhibited : — it is hoped that the Institute will make allowance for their being merely experimental. Doubtless, much im- provement will take place, should there be made any future attempts : as they are, they will perhaps show, that for such a city as London, the mode used is proper and cheap for decorative and historical painting ; that the sub- stance is, as well as the paintings, of a permanent nature; that the surfaces are such as neither to harbour dust or dirt ; that they are easily cleansed, and can be employed for the most magnificent and talented displays of the efl'orts of our rising artists. ON EARTH WORK, EXCAV.ATION, CUTTING, AND FORMING EMBANKMENT UPON RAILWAYS. Article I. — Getting, Filling, and Tipping. " Modern practice has reduced it to a price per cubic yard." Professor Vignoles^ Lecture. Dec. 1841. Sir — I need not occupy your space in any introductory remarks on the importance of the price per cubic yard for earth work, both to the profession and the public, and with your assistance I will endeavour to show what it is on a medium cutting, or what in the execution can be taken oflf at a single lift, when the material is common earth, the eye of practice alone is able to proportion the cost when the material is of a harder or more obdurate nature. I shall fine my present remarks to the quantity that can be moved or carried into em- bankment per man per day from the cutting, the rate of wages of the excavator at[the timev>ill then show the cost of getting and filling. The cutting I am about to describe was in the line of railway, or what is called bacli-cutting, in contra- distinction to earth got out of the line, which is called side-cutting, it consisted of good gravel , covered with a varying depth of vegetable mould, and a small quantity of brick earth, and would average in depth 14 feet, and one mile in length, and was used to fill a valley of similar extent. The wagons used were estimated to contain 2 J cubic yards each. The men were counted four times each day, and the average taken on the number of men employed. The wagons also were counted daily. The time of year was the most favour- 1842.1 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 85 able to show the action of change of weather on the result, also the effect of thaw after frost in assisting the operation of the excavator. In the first column is the date, in the second the number of days' work made in a week, •which divided by the days will give the number of men. In the third column are the number of wagons of 24 yards each carried into embankment, and in the fourth column the number of cubic yards moved per man per day in the excavation. 1837 So. of days work. A'o. 0/ wagons. Cubic yards. Jan. 7 348 920 61 U 201 831 6A 21 28 Feb. 4 11 IS 3J4 189 85 232 359 950 4G6 171 733 1147 8 8A 5 8 7 nearlv 'Hard frost, thermometer 20' below zero — work limited on account of tenacity of earth. 25 Mar. 4 419 458 1140 1630 6t% 9 nearly. Work easier on account of 11 458 1440 8 nearly thaw. 18 387 1238 8 full 25 458 1263 7 nearly Apr. 1 463 1276 7 nearly 8 479 1569 8 full The quantity removed and carried into embankment in one tip was nearly 400 cubic yards per day, which I consider very fine work. The width of cutting at the formation level was 31 feet with slopes of two to one. and the width of embankment, out to out at top of slopes, 34 ft. 6 in., which would confine the deposit to that width, as the embankment was carried to the full height of bottom of ballasting at once, and not in layers. From the above table it will be seen that eight yards is nearly the quantity moved per man, and if the wages be 3s per day, the price per yard will be 4J(/, which is the fact under the circumstances above stated. The work was carried on vigorously, but not pushed night and day, and every modern operation was taken advantage of, viz., gulletting, faUing the earth by gravity over a bench left in the bottom for the purpose. The difference between the expcnce of excavating in side cutting out of land not in the line of rail- way is a small fraction cheaper, but the amount in value of plant is greater. The above gross results are more satisfactory to my mind than the most careful division of the men into getters and fillers, as whoever has seen a work in full operation must be aware that some are gulletting, some filling. some carving under, and some filUng into wagons, others wheeling at top with barrows, some casting out at bottom, and all contributing their mite to the same set of wagons, and in many instances to the individual wagon. I cannot omit to mention that I found my results exactly to coincide with those of Mr. James Day, in his Treatise on the Construction and the Forma- tion of Railways, who states eight cubic yards as the average that is cut and loaded by each individual ; his maximum having reached to twelve, and his minimum to six. In the detailed account of how much per man excavated you will find that my minimum is one only less than Mr. Day's, and that minimum was on account of the extraordinary frost ; but that the ratio of my minimum amount to his is much smaller than in the maximum, his being twelve, and mine only nine, and that in only one instance. -Mr. Day docs not state in what period of the year his observations were made, nor in what year, or the nature of material, he only states that the locality was Durham ; my observations were made on a portion of the Great Western Railway in Buckinghamshire. Mr. Day's book reached a 2nd edition in 1839, and I believe is the only writer who has entered into much detail, which, however, he does not give.* The lectures of Professor Vignoles at the London University College, * 1 do not think any Information in detail is to be found in the " Public Works iiftireat Brit.iin," the " Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engi- neers "(who have however this year attempted to remeily the defect byoflcrinj,' a Telford Medal on the subject, viz., on the various modes .iilupted for moving earth in railway tunnels, cuttings, orcmb.inkment, with the cost ibireof). in the " Papers of the Corps of Koyal Kngineers. " •• Wood on Railways, " " 'Tre'lKold on ditto," " Brees' Railway Practice," the " Book of Lonilon and Birmingh.-jm, and Grand Junction Railways," the " Railways of Great Britain and Ireland," ir in^leed in any book professing to treat on the subject, except- inK the one already nieiilioned. Much lime Hould,ljes,-jvid to parlies entering on a new course of study If indi- viduals connected with any particular subjects for atudy, would eommunicalc the results of their reading and practice to each other. A bold attempt to carry out this is Ivlng made at the Literary and Philosophic Institution of this town (Newcastlc-on-Tyne.) reported in the Journal, at the commencement has had a powerful effect, and 1 hope his wishes expressed in his first lecture will be accompUshed. " To po|)ularizc the knowledge of engineering as a means of benefitting the public at large."— rC. E. &i A. Journal, Feb. 1842.^ I have introduced the above remarks, although a Httle irrelevant to the subject, knowing as I do the prejudice that prevails against scientific know- ledge. I will now proceed to notice the relative quantity of earth removed by estimation of the wagon at 2^ cubic yards, and by measurement with the tape. In the period from Jan. to March, 19,660 cubic yards by measure were removed, and 23,570 cubic yards by wagon ; from Jan. to the end of March 28,834 cubic yards by measure were removed, or 29,912 cubic yards by wagon ; the wagon being in excess both for the long and short period, but not in a greater ratio than it would be were too indifferent parties at different times to use the tape; indeed, 2A cubic yards per wagon was so well established, that the men were indifferent whether they agreed per yard or per wagon, the price paid per wagon was lOd. Another coincidence which show that the foregoing remarks are founded on sure data, is that 2^ cubic yards at the rate of i^d. per cubic yard nearly agrees with both the yards per man, and the rate of remuneration and estimated load of each wagon. The following table will also he instructive, as showing the proportionate effect of small or large gangs of men on the quantity turned out. I will not specify the times seriatim, but merely observe that it was over the same period as the former table, and the same wagons were used. In the first columu are the number of men employed at one time, in the second the number of days, and in the third the number of wagons employed, and in the fourth the price per cubic yard. Men. Days. lI'agoHs. Price per yard. 15 5 140 4K 72 846 7 upward 74 192 6 above 74 761 6 75 847 7 80 240 74 83 1045 8 above 80 742 5* 86 248 7 From the above table it will lie seen that, like all questions, this has two sides, viz., that the hurried work cost the most money, and that when the work is not carried on with sufficient vigour, the same effect is produced. The price of 4V/. will be seen is a fair estimate when the work is carried on with a fair proportion of hands. The sub-contractor or ganger was paid 6i/ per cubic yard, for which he had to superintend the navigation and the finding of shovels, tools, and sharpening picks, advance the men money when come off tramp, lay down the temporary road, including turn-outs, shunts, cross- ings, boxes, spurring?, &c. take up and relay the road at the gullet and tip- head, as the work advances both in the excavation and the embank- ment, and to keep the road in repair, and tip or turn the dirt. Tl>e price he paid for tipping was 13». 6rf. per hundred wagons, or nearly Jd. per cubic yard, leaving i4. per yard for roads, and ^. for superintendence. He was advanced subsisting money weekly, after the rate of 2j. Grf. per day )>er man from the time-keeper's return, and his work measured every fortnight. There being the following checks, viz., time, tape, and estimated quantity per wagon : out of the } feet, by 4y in extreme length, and the ascent 9 feet. Though not free from little conceits, the whole has considerable elVect, as may be judged from the perspective view of it in vol. 1. of the "Public Build- ings of London," by W. H. Leeds, which also contains a longitudinal section of it. The staircase of the Chamber of t'oers at Paris, designed by Percier and PunLaine, is another example of the kind, upon a larger scale, but not the very best, for the ascent is so great, that the columns on its ai by 2'j feet, being curved ellipticalTy on those sides or ends. In tliis example, the slaira rest upon a graduated podium or wall enclosing the space imnii'diately b-ueuth, which serves as a private passage behind ; a mode frequently adopted in similar cases, being one which contributes to nolidity and ntbleness of appearance, and prevents that mass of shadow beneath the stairs which gives a gloom to the lower |)art of the staircase." « * » ¥ "The staircase of the Fitzwilltam Museum, Cambridg.', rlaims notice, not only on account of the richness of the general design, but of some peculiarities i i its arrangement Strictly speaking, however, this example can bar ly be given as that of a staircase, according to the usual meaning of the term, the stairs being mere flights of steps in the entrance-hall. Tliat in the centre is a broad descending one, leading down to the libraries, which are on a lower level than the ball; and on each side of it b a rather narrower ascending flight to the spacious landing carried around three sides of the hall, and serving as a statue gallery. Though the lower area is only 32 by 2l) feet, con- sequently that of the floor very much less, owing to the space occupied bv the flights of steps, tliat of the upper part on the level of the landing is i>S by 44 feet, the landing itself being about 17 feet wide. In some degree similar in plan, although very diflerent in design, is the hall at Holkham, the seat of the Earl of Leicester, which lias a noble flight of steps within a recess or tribune, enclosed by columns, which are continued along the sides of the hall. "The grand staircase of the Reform Club-house, London, is an example, somewhat unusual in this country, though common enough in Italy, of w hat may be called an tiiclvstd staircase ; the flights are shut up between walls, and consequently there is no open ml, nor can the whole be seen at one view. A plan of this kind, therefore, differs from the avenue staircase, merely in not being carried straightforward, but either returning in a parallel flight from tlie half-space or first I landing, or having the second flight at right angles with the first. The I last is the case at the Reform Club-house, where the staircase consists , of three enclosed flights, the last being a return one to the fir«t, and ' landing upon the gallery around the upper part of the inner hall or saloon. That at Burleigh, too, is similarly planned. The same mode may be adopted for circular or semicircular as well as rectangiilar plans ; and one advantage attending it is, that, while the ascent itself is as spacious and commodious as if the whole were entirely upen^ there may be a secondary staircase for servants, shut up within the larger one." ' * « » * ' " The architectural effect of a staircase will greatly depend upon the mode of lighting it. Where it is carried up only une floor, the beiC mode is to light it entirely from above, either through a dome or lantern in the ceiling, or by making Wie upper part of the walls just '. beneath the ceiling a continued lantern. If there are windows on the ' landings of the several flights, the ellect will be iinproveil by their being hlled with stained glass, especially if toward* a back court; or, [ if a conservator)' can be carried out on the level of the first lamling, so as to show itself through glazed folding-doors, a very pleasing and cheerful eflect is obtained, even though tlie conservatory itself should be hardly more than a glazed viraiida. .■\s to material, slone is greatly preferable to wood for stairs, if only on account of greater security in c.uie of fire ; in lieu of stoue, cast-iron ni.iy Iw employeil. M.irble is very rarely used for sUiirs in this country, and whenever it is, it should be left unpolished on the I read*, or it would be dangerous to descend them. The siuue remark applies to st^iirs of wainscot, unless they are carpeted nearly tlitir entire width." 88 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [March, NAVAL ARCHITECTUR E— S TEAM VESSELS. We have, at very considerable trouble, formed a complete Table of proportions of the whole of the timbers, with but few exceptions, used in the construction of Timber-built Steam Vessels. We believe that this table is the first of the kind that has appeared in print, and doubtless it will, we hope, prove a valuable acquisition to all parties connected with steam navigation, and become a model for forming similar tables of other vessels. The "Royal Tar" and "Don Juan" were built for the Peninsular packet service; the first vessel is now on duty, and running between Southampton and Gibraltar, the other vessel was lost. The specification of the West India Mail Packets is very deficient ; we understand that those built for this service by ditFerent builders vary in their proportions, excepting such parts as are described in the table. Abbreviations. — mat., m., material; No., number; diam., diameter; th., thickness; mo., moulded; qr., quarter; A. 0., African Oak; Am. 0" American Oak ; E. 0., English Oak ; E. E., English Elm ; A. E., American Elm ; D., Dantzic; M., Memel ; N., Norway ; R. P., Red Pine ; Y. P., Yellow Pine ; P. Poplar ; P. D., Prussian deals ; I., Iron ; C, Copper ; Perpen., Perpendicular. Ml the figures tvhich are not represented as feet or numbers are inches. W. E. Mail W.E.Mail Name of vessel Royal Tar. Don Juan. Packets. Royal Tar. Don Juan. Packets. Date of construction 1832 1836 1841 bolted through every floor every floor every floor Name of builders of vessel Duffus & Co. Fletcher & various and keel and keel Fearnell. diam. and mat. of holts c. H C. M c. u Name of makers of engines Duffus & Co. Girdwood & various Umbers, every 4 ft. Co. Engine keelsons — No. 4 4 4 Length of keel 155 ft. 180 ft. 207 ft. mat. A.O. A.O. A.O. Breadth of beam, moulded 27 ft. 10 29 ft. 4 35 ft. 9 moulded and sided 12x16 14x18 18 by 15 Depth in hold 19 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. bolted through every floor every floor every floor No. of tons (register measurement) 500 ft. diam. & mat. of bolts under engine C. H c. \\ C. 11 No. of tons (builders' measurement) 775|» 1285^ ditto before and abaft engine C. 1 C. 1 c. u Length on deck 167 ft. 194 ft. Framing or Timbers. Breadth on deck at shaft 27 ft. 28 ft. 2 34 ft. 6 Built in frame ? Yes yes Breadth over paddle boxes 55i ft. Short floors— mat. E.O. E.O. E.O. Draft of watei forward, hght 10 ft. lift. in engine room moulded & sided 12 13x12 15 bv 13 Ditto, loaded 12 ft. 13 ft. before and abaft engine room 10 13x10 ■ 11 Ditto, aft, light lift. 13 ft. at the cutting down 13 Ditto, aft, loaded 13 ft. 4 14 ft. 6 at the heads, moulded 13 12 Rise of floor on half breadth 3 none Long floors — mat. E.O. E.O. E.O. Angle of bow at light water-mark in the engine room, moulded and Rake of stem or angle with heel 7 ft. perpen. sided 12 13x12 15 by 14 Rake of stern post 8 perpen. perpen. before and abaft, at the heads. Sheer forward 3 ft. 1 ft. 6 moulded and sided 10 10 13A by 12 Sheer aft 2 ft. 6 1 ft. Futtocks — second futtocks — mat. E.O. E.O. E.O. Keel — mat. E.E. E.E. E. E. between paddle beams, moulded moulded and sided 13 13x14 15 and sided at heels 10 12x12 11 length of scarphs 3 ft. 6 5 ft. 4 ft. 6 moulded and sided at heads 8 8x12 lOi No. of holts in each scarph 6 6 in room and space, moulded and diam. of bolts in scarphs U 1 i sided at heels 10 12 10 Stem — mat. E.G. E.O. E.O. moulded and sided at heads 8 10 9 sided at head 12x14 15 top futtocks — mat. E.O. E.O. E.O. moulded and sided at heel 12 17x13 16 in rootn and space, m. and sided Six 7 8x12 9 Stemson — mat. E.O. A. 0. E.O. forward and aft, mo. and sided 4i 0x12 8 moulded and sided 12 13 12 by 16 bolted horizontally ? Yes. vcs yes Apron — mat. E.O. E.O. distance between bolts 4 ft. 3" ft. length on keelson 8 ft. 10 ft. diam. and mat. of holts iron J iron J iron } sided as stern as stern Room and space— length of 50 ft. 60 ft. 70 ft. Stern post — mat. E.O. A. 0. E.O. space between floors none none none moulded and sided at head 8x 12 12 X 12 16 space between frames within „ on keel 14x12 25x12 21 paddle beams none none none Inner post — mat. E.O. A. 0. E.O. filled fore and aft to turn of bilge .' yes yes yes moulded and sided at head 8x 12 10x10 9 mat. D M. R. P. „ on keel 14 X 12 10 X 14 16 caulked within and without .' yes yes felted Wing transom — mat. E.O. 20 shape of ends of futtocks square square sided and moulded 12 13 X 15 how secured dowelled dowelled Deadwood — mat. E.O. E.O. diam. and mat. of dowel A. 0. U A. 0. 2i sided as keel as keel Stern and counter timbers — mat. E.O. E.O. length on keelson moulded and sided at head 5Jx4 6^x5 Stemson knee — mat. E.O. E.O. moulded and sided at heel 7ix5i 84 X 6J length Timber heads— mat. A. 0. A.O. moulded at throat No. on each side 4 6 bolted, every 18 12 moulded and sided 12x6 12x6 diam. and mat. of holts C. 1 c. n Towing timbers — mat. Fashion pieces — mat. E.O. E.O. No. on each side none none sided 8 9 moulded and sided length above transom 1 ft. 3 ft. Diagonal iron plates — angle of. Knights-heads — mat. E.O. E.O. E.O. with keel 45' 50° to 60° sided 12 13 13 space between 4 ft. 6 4 ft. diam. and mat. of bolts iron 1 iron 1 iron 1 width and thickness 4xi 4xJ Hawse pieces and chocks — mat. E.O. E.O. Thick streaks within board— mat. A.O. A. 0. sided 10 11 No. 3 5 No. on each side 2 3 Mean breadth and th. amidships 10x3i 12x4J hawse pipes, diam. 9 10 Stringer. Keelson — mat. A. 0. A. 0. A.O. Main deck or shelf piece — mat. A.O. A.O. A. 0. moulded and sided 12x16 as keel moulded and sided amidships 7x12 12 X 12 13 by 15 IS42.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. S9 W. E.Maii. I W.E.Mail RovalTar. Dox Jl-AN. Packets. Royal Tab. Dos JOAK. Packets. ditto and sided at ends Gxll 12x9 15 by 9 breadth of each 12 13 as deep as the mould extent of abaft quarter deck Cft. Gft. th. at lower edic amidships 7 9 Quarter deck stringer — mat. D D. th. at upper edge a!iiidships 4 5 6 ' of vessel moulded and sideil -xS 7x8 th. at lower eilge forward \ aft 5 will admit. Forecastle deck stringer — mat. D. Y. P. th. at upper edge ditto 3 *\ moulded and sided 7 < 5 8x6 Bottom plank — mat. and thickness E.E. 4 &3 k. E. 4* D. 44 Fore cabin sole stringer — mat. D. A.O. length of shiftings moulded and sided, aft 9 ' " 10x3 Bilge plank— mat. & No. of streaks A. 0. 4 _ A. 0. 4 A.O. „ forward «.< ; 7x8 mean width of streaks 7 8 Saloon sole stringer — mat. .\. 0. A.O. thickness at middle of streaks 4 54 moulded and sided Ox 7 7x i thickness at upper side 3 li ( Deck under saloon sole stringer — thickness at under side 3 *l 1 mat. Q. 0. A. 0. Bends or wales — mat. and No. of 1 moulded and sided 6x7 7x8 streaks D. 0. 3 .K.O. 4 A.O. . Stringcrthrouehengineroom — mat. moulded and sided A. 0. A. 0. breadth of streaks 10 by 3 = 30 4 by 10-40 7x7 10x8 1 1 thickness at centre of streaks 6 6 ^ Clampi. 1 thickness at upi)er side C 6 H Under main deck stringer — mat. -V. 0. A. 0. X. 0. and D.! thickness at under side 0 G '•'4 No. of streaks 1 2 3 Black streaks — mat. and No. 20 D breadth of each 12^ 12 mean thickness 2i 4 thickness amidships 7 G 8 Paint or sheer streaks— mat. & No. A.O. A. 0. 2 k.0. 2 I thickness forward and aft 5 t 5 1 breadth and thickness 3i 24 by 4 8 to 3 under quarter deck stringer — mat. D. D. iPlan sheer or gunwale — mat. A.O. .\. 0. A. 0. No. of streaks 1 1 breadth and thickness 3 4 0 breadth and thickness of each 3i J Top sides — mat. and thickness E. 0. 2J A.O. 4 E. 0. 34 under fore cabin sole stringer — mat. .\. 0. A. 0. Stern and counter — mat. and th. E. 0. 3 E.O. 3 No. of streaks 1 2 Deci Plaiilsing. 1 breadth and tb. of each forward 12x4J 10x3i aft 12x5i 10x3 Main deck covering board — mat. .\. 0. D under saloon sole stringer — mat. D. A.O. and th. 3 G No. of streaks I 2 Main deck water way— mat. & th. A.O. 4 D G E.O. Ireadth and thickness of each 10x4 10x4 flat of the deck — mat. and th. D. 3 U 3 D. 3 under cargo deck stringer — mat. D. A.O. copper nails, No. of lb. per 100. 14 15 and No. 1 1 partners for masts — mat. A.O. E.O. breadth and mean th. of each 11 ■ 4 10x31 gammoning chocks — mat. E. 0. E.O. under engine room stringer — mat. .\. 0. A.O. steps for masts— mat. E. O. A. 0. 1 No. 2 2 Quarter deck, covering board — mat. .\. 0. A. 0. breadth and thickness 10x5 12by G and thickness 21 4 Ceiling — mat. and thickness D. 3 D. 3 water way — mat. and thickness .\. 0. 3 D. 4 D. Deck — Beams. flat of the deck — mat. and th. D. 25 D. 3 D. 3 Paddle beams — mat. A. 0. .\. 0. A.O. nailed or dowelled ? nailed dowelled moulded and sided 20 X IG 22 by 18 12 by 18 composition nails, No. of lb, per length of 8car)>bs oft. 8 ft. 100 14 1b. No. of bolts in each scarph 8 10 Cabin sole — mat. and thickness N. 2J R.P. 24 P. I). Paddle bearers — mat. A. 0. A.O. iron nailed ? ves. ves No. on each side 1 2 Cargo deck — mat. and thickness X. 2i Y. P. 3 P.O. moulded and sided 18bv8 each 12 bv 10 Forecastle deck — mat. and th. U. 21 D. 3 Crank beams — mat. A. 0.' A.O.' Fore cabin sole deck — mat. and th. N. 2\ Y. P. 24 moulded and sided 1\ by 8 y bv 1 1 Breast hook, upper deck — mat. and Hatchway beams — mat. A. 0. A. O". length E. 0. 12 ft. E.O. 12 ft. E.O. n ft. moulded and sided 9 by 10 9 by 11 Iron breasthooks. No. of 2 3 14 ft. long > 5ft broafl Fore and aft beams of boiler hatch — weight of 1 St size 1 cwt. 2 qrs. 2 cwt. mat. A.O. A.O. weight of 2nd size 2 cwt. 2 cwt. 3i at ena& 1 moulded and sided H bv 10 14 bv 10 weight of 3rd size 4 cwt. j Beam at break of qr. deck — mat. A. 0. A. O. Diagonal oak chocks — No. of each moulded and sided 0 by 10 12 by 10 side 4 4 Beam at after extremity of quarter breadth! 'hic!c-.3:i 9 by 4 lObjS deck — mat. \. 0. A. 0. Sponsons — k i (~of fiddle shaped fiddle shaped moulded and sided 9bv9 10 by 12 lenc'h of tuck 44 ft. Gft. .Main deck beams — mat. D. ■ D. A. 0. Raik — quarter "c.V —mat. and th. A. E. 3 A. E. 3 moulded and sided 9bv 10 9 by 1 1 11 by 12 stanchions — mat. E.O. E.O. spaces 5 ft. ■ 3 ft. moulded and sided 4 bv4 4 by 4 Beams of quarter deck — mat. D. D. D. Tatt'rail— mat. and thickness E.E. 31 E.E. 4 moulded and sideil 9bvl0 9 by 10 Oby 7 breadth 7 8 spaces 5 ft. ■ 3 ft. lyferail — mat. and thickness Am. 0. 3 Am. 0. 3 ;l!eams of forecastle deck — mat. 1) D. breadth 71 n moulded and tided laby 8 10 by 8 Forecastle rail — mat. and thickness 1 U I * spaces •lift. 4 ft. j [till board — mat. and thickness |Beanjs of fore cabin sole — mat. U D. A. 0. PadiUe Borea — stanchions — mat. E. 0. E.O. I moulded and sided 9 bv 8 10 bv 9 11 by 11 moulded and siiled 8 bvG 12 by 8 spaces 5 ft. 3 ft. plank — mat. and thickness D. ■ 2 1). 2 Beams of saloon sole — mat. U 1). ploughed and tougued yes yc» moulded and sided 9 by 8 10bv9 Ihtlkhcad abcft engine room spaces 5 ft. 3J ft. ■ stanchions — mat. Am. 0. Am. 0. Beams of cargo deck — mat. D. U. moidilcd and sided 7bv6 12 by 4 1 moulded ami sided 9bT8 10bv9 plank — mat. and thickness R. P. 21 P 24 1 spaces 5 ft. ■ 3ift. lilleil with sawdust yes ye. [loam across engine room — mat. A.O. A. O. Bulkheail br/ore rnyine room moulded and sided Shy 10 9 by 1 1 stanchions — mat. Am. 0. Am. 0. OutHide I'lankiufj. moulded and sided li by 5 7 by 6 Garbnard streaks — mat. and No. on plank— mat. ami thickness Y. P. 21 Y. P. 24 each side E. E. 1 A. E. I E. 0. 1 ploughed and tongucd .' yS yes m THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [March, Deci hmises — extent before paddle box extent behind paddle bos top timbers — mat. mouldeil and sided spaces between stancbions — mat. moulded and sided planking of top — mat. and tb. ploughed and tongued ? planting of front — mat. and th. ploughed and tongued ? Front of poop, stanchions — mat. moulded and sided plank — mat. and thickness ' Soughtree — mat. and thickness breadth Bulwarks, timbers — mat. moujded and sided spaces plank — mat. and thickness Skylights, No. of, in saloon length of breadth of height of Companions, main cabin, timbers — mat. moulded and sided plank — mat. and thickness length breadth height Companion fore cabin — length breadth height Combings of hatchways — mat. moulil.?!l and sided of crank hatches — mat. moulded and sided of deck houses — mat. moulded and sided of skylights — mat. moulded and sided of companions — mat. moulded and sided Side ladders — mat. length breadth breadth and thickness of sides thickness and breadth of steps Figure head, timbers of — mat. moulded and sided plank of — mat. and thickness Figure head — height of Cutwater, projection of, from stem thickne.-s of, at outer extremity Stern, width across over galleries depth of, from quarter deck to name board rouiiu 6ii, or projection beyond galleries Quarter galleries, projection of from side depth of, between mouldings length 01, one side Uiulder, kind of — mat. moulded and sided at head mo. and sided at tail at inner side „ at outer side WimJlass, Winch and Crane. Carrick bitts — mat. i moulded and sided Pawl bitt— mai. movildcd and sided Windlass — mat. diameter in middle „ at ends Length between carrick bitts Length of windlass ends Diameter of spindle Hiding chock ? Purchase wheels .' Am, Royal Tak. 16 ft. 20 ft. E. 0. 2\ bv 3 3 ft. E. 0. 5 bv 3 D. 2 no D. 1 ves E. 0. 4 by 4 D. 0. H bi £.0. 3A bv 3 24 E. 0. 1 9 ft. 4 ft. 2 ft. Am. 0. 4 by 4 H Gft. 5 ft. 4 ft. 5 ft. 6 4 ft. 6 3 ft. 6 A. 0. 12 by 3 A. 0. 18 by 2 A. 0. Cbv3 A. 0. G hv 2 E. 0.' 7A bv 3 A. E. lOi 2 ft. 9by li 10 by U E. 0. Gbv4 D. .') ft. 10 ft. 29 ft. Don Jlan. 20 ft. 20 ft. E. 0. 3bv3i 3 ft. E. O. 7 bv 5 D. ■ 2 no D. \i ves E.'O. 6bvG D. 3 Am. 0. 3i 6i E. 0. 4 by 3^ D. 34 2 6 ft. 4 ft. 6 2 ft. Am. 0. 4 bv 44 ■ 1| 2 ft. 6 ft. E.O. common 12 bv 14 E.O 18 by i\ E.O. 12 bv 10 E. a 2 ft. 2 ft. 9 ft. 2 ft. no yes Gft. 5 ft. 4 ft. 6 5 ft. 6 4 ft. 6 3 ft. 6 A. 0. 12 by 3 I 10 by i A. 0. 9 by 3 A. 0. SbvfA A. 0. 8bv3 Am. d. lOJ 2 ft. 9bv2 10 bv 14 E.O. 7 by 5 D. 2 bust 15 ft. 5 34 ft. 3 ft. 2 ft. 8 ft. E.O. common 14 bv 16 18 bv 5i E.O. 10 by 14 A. 0. 2 ft. 8 2 ft. 2 10 ft. 2 ft. 8 W. E. Mail Packets. yes " rule joint 1 inch less than stern ^ post Royal Tar. 7 to 1 3 tons Don Juan. 9 to I 4 tons. 2* 10 ft. G 10 ft. 6 15 16 cast iron cast iron 4 ft. 6 5 ft. 3 10 11 H U U 2| 4 ft. 3 8 9 3 U 2 2| 12 ft. 13 ft. 6 fiddle fiddle 4 ft. 6 Gft. 26 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. 22 ft. 7 ft. 6 Gft. 6 7 ft. Gft. 7 ft. Gft. 6 Gft. 6 Gft. G Gft. 6 6 ft. 50 ft. 52 ft. 54 ft. 56 ft. G 4 ft. 4 ft. 12 ft. 14 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. lift. 13 ft. 35 ft. 6 37 ft. 37 ft. 40 ft. 36 ft. 41 ft. 28 ft. 29 ft. 27 ft. 5 28 ft. 2 3 52 ft. 58 ft. 1ft. 6 1ft. 38 ft. 68 ft. 9 GO ft. 64 ft. 1 ft. G 1ft. 8 18 ft. 26 ft. 52 ft. 1 ft. 3 33 ft. 60 ft. 64 ft. 104 Hi 60 ft. 64 ft. 40 ft. 8 ft. 54 ft. 60 ft. 174 48 ft. 184 40 ft. 10 114 40 ft. 42 ft. 14 15 5 32 ft. 5 34 ft. 36 ft. IS 20 12 14 W. E. Mail Packets. Increase of power by ditto Size of winch chain Diameter of chain barrel spindle Weight winch is warranted to lift Size of chain of crane Radius of sweep of crane Diameter of crane jiillar Material of crane pillar Diameter of spindle of chain barrel Steering niieel — diameter (over all) No. of spokes diam. of spokes at smallest part diam. of wheel spindle length of tiller or quadrant (from rudder centre) diam. of barrel at end of wheel spindle diam. of tiller at neck „ at outer end increase of power by the wheel Deck JIeasurements. Paddle Box — height above deck kind of sponsons projection of sponsons Deck Homes — extent before shaft extent behind shaft width at paddle bos width at fore end ■width at after end height at paddle bo.x height at extremities Qr. Deck — length from stern post total length height above main deck Forecastle Deck — length height Breadth of vessel at after side of forecastle at fore side of deck houses at after side of deck houses at break of quarter deck at stern post at after extremity of qr. deck Masts.* No. of masts Foremast — height above deck mean thickness distance from stem ditto from funnel Main Mast — height above qr. deck mean thickness distance from funnel Mi:en Mast — height above qr. deck mean thickness distance from main mast Foretop Mast — height mean thickness Maintop Mast — height mean thickness Ui:entop Mast — height mean thickness Spars. Fore-yard — length thickness at centre thickness at extremities Foretop-sail Yard — length thickness at centre thickness at extremities Main G«#— length thickness at jaw thickness at outer extremity Mi:en Go/— length Bowsprit — length thickness at inner or lower end thickness at outer end » All topmasts should be one inch in diameter for even- yard in length in other words, their diameters should be one thirty-sixth ot their length. The same proportion holds gond for top-gallant masts. , ., „, Yards are propovti.med as f.Uows: namely, lo«er yards seven-tenths o an inch for every yard in length ; top-sail yards five-eighths of an inch ; and top-gallant yards six-tenths ot an inch. lS-12.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 91 Table Ceonliniiedj. 1 W. E. Mail KoyalTak. Don Juan. Packets. Jib-boom — length 40 ft. 48 ft. thickness at inner end 12 14 thickness at outer end 5 7 yiarlmgale — length 15 ft. ICft. thickness Rigging. Size of fore stay— circumference 34 6 main stay H 4} mizen stay 3i 4 . No. of fore mast shrouds 7 7 main mast shrouds 6 6 mizen mast shrouds 3 funnel shrouds Size of fore mast shrouds 5 6 main mast shrouds 'i H mizen mast shrouds 3* funnel shrouds J H Funnel shrouds, rope or chain ? oliain rope & chain iV-VCHORS AND CaBLES. Working anchor cable, si/e length wei^jht Bower anchor cable, size length weight Cat heads — mat. E. 0. E. 0. I moulded and sided 11 by 12 11 by 12 :Fish davits — mat. E. 0. E.O. moulded and sided at heel 6 by 6 6bv6 moulded and sided at head 5 by 5 5 by 3 Copper — weight per square foot at water line 28 oz. 28 oz. 28 oz. on bottom 26 oz. 2G oz. 28 oz. all bolts below water line coppei "1 and for 2 J feet above if coming through ? yes yes PROFESSOR HOSKING'S LECTURES ON THE PRINCIPLES .\ND PRACTICE OF ARCHITECTURE. KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. Intbodcctory Lectvbe, January 24tb, 1842. In the remarks with which I introduced my course on the Arts of Con- STRiCTioN, last year, I intimated how much more extensively the term archi- tecture applies, and how much more is embraced in the complete practice of architecture than is generally inferred from it, or understood from its appli- cation. I considered my duties then to he restricted to the consideration of the technical combinations of matter to form constructions, hut I have now to treat of the mental skill and the regulated taste which direct the employ- ment of the arts of construction, and of the means of acquiring such skill and taste, and of applying them in practice. These, together, — the mental skill to arrange and adapt, the technical knowledge to construct, and the regulated taste to dispose and decorate, — form the architect, and the result of tiie combinatiou in his productions is architecture. The best constructions applied unaptly, or incongruously disposed, the most skilful arrangements for use, unsymmetrically disposed, or inconsistently decorated, or the most clas- sically disposed and chastely decorated exterior to an ill-contrived plan, are alike imworthy the name of architecture and the reputation of an architect. I nle>s ihe arrangements for service and use are the best that the case admits u{. unless the constructions arc perfect in themselves and in their combi- nation, he the materials what they may, and unless the dispositions for de- coration, and the decorations themselves, be well |iroportioncd and consistent, a work is undeserving to be distinguished as architecture. There must be excellence in letter anosition of buildings, or that which I refer to the regulated taste of the architect ; but this is to take the chased and enamelled case for the watcli, or the setting for the jewel. A ijuaint and often (|uated writer of the I'lh century it- '■■■i. tint "the cud of architecture is to build well," and that •• well ih three conditions, commodity, firm- ness, and delight." All the- -, i have alrcaily said, must be fulfilled (0 constitute architecture, and more muat be andentood by them thin the mere words in which they arc expressed would appear to convey, but not more than they really imply. All the operations, of wliatever kind ihey may be, necessarv' to the (lerfect ful6lment of those conditions, arc includeil in the system of architecture, and consequently fall within the province of the architect to originate and direct. I endeavoured, on the former occasion to which I have alluded, tu indicate the line that might he drawn lietween the architect, couiniuiily so called, and the civil engineer, constituting the latter the hydraulic architect ; hut the first step the architect finds hiiuself called upon to take, the first eiiliject that claims his consideration in any work that he may he employed upon, ii strictly within the practice of hydraulic architecture, so that if the architect be not also, not merely inlorincd, hut skilled in tiiat branch of practice, he is unlit to take the first step, to undertake Ihe consiileration of the first subject that presents itself in commencing the process of buihUng well. .Vn archi- tect may he called upon — and who so competent as a thoroughly accomplished architect .' — to choose or select a site for a town — or more comiuoiily intrin- sic circumstances, some peculiar advantage or advantages it may posse-ss, in a commercial point of view or otherwise, dictate the site, and it dcvulvcs uixm the architect to fit the site for the purpose to wliich it it devoted. Euy access by roads, which roads must be laid out and set out with prop'.r incli- nations, and with bridges and cidvcrts to carry them over streams and gullies, and they must he cut, formed, drained, ballasted, and metalled, or otherwise paved ; quays to the river or the harbour must be arranged anil formed or embanked, and constructed, encroaching upon the tideway or widening the watenvay, as the ease may require ; or, in the absence of natu- ral facilities for navigation, it is a question for consideration and determi- nation— can arlilicial navigation be obtained, and how and in what manner shall the site be best disposed of to take advantage of it ? The site of the town must be drained, and the soil drainage taken otf, roads as streets and open places within and about the town, must be laid out and disposed in such manner as to be best adapteil for the buildings to be erected in and akout them, and generally as to light, aspect, and ventilation; water must be led to, or raised by artifice within the site of, a town, and accumulate in reservoir*, from which it may he distributed for use and enjoyment. Many of tbcae things may, indeed, be referred to the engineer or other extraneous prac- titioner, but most of them arc generally left to chance, or to ha created or corrected when the hard teacher Experience has pointed out what ought to be, or to have been, done. It may nut happen, indeed, to very many to have towns to originate and design, but, almost everv- building or cluster of buildings — a nobleman's mansion or an estabUshment for manufacluriug or other commercial purposes — a plain country house or a county asylum — a church or a palace — all make some demand, greater or less according to situ- ation and circumstances, upon the skill of the architect in hydraulic works and constructions, and consequently demand, of every one professing himself an architect, perfect competence to originate and execute them. \Mth refe- rence to these considerations I may remark, too, that the widely evtcnded and daily extending and improving colonics of this cmi>ire present a wide field of emplov-mcnt to the architect and engineer, and where every thing will be required of the pr.ictitiouer single banded, or rather where be will be well and beneficially employed only if he can turn his hand to every thing — to drain a marsh as well as to raise a column, to build a church or a town- hall as well as to make a railway or to form a canal. It is not often, perhaps, that the civil architect will have occasion for a knowledge of military engineering, but it is very desirable that he should be able to work with the niiJitary engineer, or rather, with reference to what the military engineer would deem nece.ssary for the defence or protcctiuii of a town, whether from external force or from internal commotion, and to know how to make his arrangements accordingly. Gates and guard-houses are not of common occurrence amongst lis at home, truly and happily, but such works are not the less in demand in some places, and the arciiitcct who might be called upon to assist the military engineer with the constructions that he may not he architect enough to design and direct, or to act in the absence of an cthcient officer of that class, would be most unfitly prepared for the varied duties of active professional Ufe, if he were then and in cither case founil wholly wanting. An architect should, then, have an eye to defences and defensive erections in laying out towns of certain kinds and under certain circuinstiuccs ; he would act unwisely to place a n liarf or a landing-pier or jetty in that part of a harbour where a battery may be essential for its protection, or to raise buildings tlint woiilil intercept the fire of a fort whose guns should range across their site. The architect will be called upon for the exercise of skill and taste, guided by a thorough knowledge of the peculiar rei|uireinrnls of everv- class of a community, and of the coinmnnity as smb. in Ihe distribution of the parts of a town, anil of the various public and private errcticins and estahlishnients that every civilized comniiinily requires, and ei|>ccially with reference to Ihe peculiar circumstaneci of the particular town and community. There must be public places, as open markets or otherwise, in or u|K>n which some of the requisite public buiMings may open and di.^play llicm>rlvei, and where foun- tains form oninmciital and appropriate objects, an ' ' ' ' ' , .irul gardens for exercise and recreation, sites for pi il,,- varieties of private 'l^.^li"--. -1 iJ I'l-i'- i.ir iii:i , .,1 hiiililings anil esi i-. These are all to lie I i i.- general convenience and witaittagci «ud lu»aid> cllecUug lliu, the irlalivo 02 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [March, levels of the lowest floor of the buiUUiigs to the drainage level, together with the requisite provision for general ventilation, should all be settled, so that it he not left to chance or to the ignorance or caprice of individuals in build- ing in detail, whether the town shall be pleasant and wholesome, or be the seat of discomfort and disease. Operating in detail, tlie architect will have to study closely the means of securing what must be deemed essentials to every building. There must be convenience and facility of access to the building itself; — relief from water must be secured in everj' direction, and in whatever form water can present itself, from the earth or from the skies, by the foundations or by the roofs, and with this the relief of every building in which such can arise, of soilage, must be fully provided for ; the admission of air is to be regulated and brought under control, to ventilate without establishing injurious draughts ; and light is to be admitted and diffused so that cverj- part of an interior may be appropriately and sufficiently lighted, and lighted from a general cource directly, or with as little recourse to borrowed ami artificial lights as pos- sible ; equable temperature throughout the varying seasons is to be main- tained by the exclusion of excess of heat at one season, and by the promotion and ditTnsion of heat to warm at another ; and perfect facility of intercom- munication to the fullest extent that intercommunication may, in each par- ticidar case, be desirable, between the parts of an interior, whatever may be the relative levels of the parts, or at whatever distance they may be from one another. Next to the general essentials, which are as much so to a Peniten- tiary or to an Hospital as to a Palace, are the particular arrangement and distribution of each peculiar class of buildings. This does not admit of general definition, but to take one and a large class of buildings — dwelling- houses, — and their congeners, buildings which include offices for state, as pa- laces and other official residences, and houses which include offices for ser- vice, as professional, mercantile, and commercial houses, as well as domiciles : — every building of this class may be resolved into three departments — the public and the familiar or social, — the private, — and the domestic oreconomic ; all being alike severed and connected by means of halls, vestibules, courts, corridors, passages, and staircases, and so that every apartment may be at once secluded and accessible, and without destroying the power of secluding or of making accessible every other whose use demands one or both of these qualities. The economical composition of a building, with reference to the materials to be employed, in drains, foundations, walls, partitions, floors, roofs, ceilings, stairs, doors, windows, chimnies, and all other essential and accessorial de- tails, with the details of their construction and combination as to quantity and quality of material, and the ])roportion of each jiarticular kind, and the nature, quality, and extent of work or labour required, or to be employed in constructing and combining the materials, is an important part of the study of the architect. The basis of this study — the arts of construction — I treat of in another course addressed to both architects and engineers, but in the practice of the architect the economical composition of materials involves the application of the arts of construction with a nmltiplicity of detail un- known in the ordinary practice of the engineer or hydraulic architect. There is not only the formation, construction, and faU of drains, but their ramified distribution to take off both water and soil drainage, and to make the water act upon the soil to scour it away ; supphing water, too, sufficient to effect this from some certain source, trapping them in such manner as to cut off and prevent the return of offensive smells, arranging so as to render them easily accessible for repairs, and in arranging to avoid running them through the bases of the superstructions ; — all form essential studies for the architect. In like manner with the various kinds of materials in parallel constructions, and having irregular or unequal tendencies to settle, as brick or stone walls and partitions, and partitions of timber, — brick walls and stone stairs set in them ; —these, and numberless other things in the ordinary practice of the architect, call for the exercise of much forethought and consideration in the economical composition and combination of materials, where the unpractised observer would not discern a necessity for either,until the effects resulting from the want of lioth.and of sound practical knowledge to guide them, are displayed in bulged walls, cracked ceilings, rounded floors and doors, sashes and shutters that will not shut when opened, nor open when shut. The particular arrangement and distribution of buildings according to the purposes for which they are respectively required or intended, to adapt every kind of building to its special use, demand tliet the architect be of ready apprehension, and that he possess ingenuity in devising, combined with skill in constructing ; for practice will more frequently require him to make his plan to fit the place than supply a place to receive the building as be might prefer to plan it, and he will thus be called upon to invent arrangements in almost every particular case, to secure what is required in the manner best adapted to the circumstances of the case. The uses of buildings are, indeed, so various, and the requirements of each particular use so dift'ercnt from those of every other, in all the classes of buildings, — every individual building of a class requiring or possessing peculiarities in site or other circumstances, and thus presenting in every case a new study, — that an architect cannot stereotype the drawings and specification of a design for any particular class of building, though rendered as perfect as the most careful study with the most intimate knowledge of his subject can make it, any more than the lawyer can stereo- type bis brief, or tlie physician bis prescription, unless, indeed, the architect be, — what the ))hysician who did so would be called — a (juack. Every case brings to the lawyer its own circumstances, — in which be finds it to differ from every other, though the name of the process be the same; the physician finds every new patient to present something different, though suft'ering from the ' same disease ; and the architect finds the data upon which he has to work, — be the subject a church or a college, — a mansion or a cottage, — to differ for every church, college, mansion or cottage, to which his attention may be directed. The usual premises are the subject, the site, the kind and the eatent of accommodation required, and the money to he expended. Instead of this last premiss, it would be more proper to give the kinds and qualities of tua- terials to be adopted, and the quality of work required, as to finish and deco- ration, though it is too frequently expected that these shall be of the more, if not the most, expensive, while the outlay is limited, and the architect has, not only the task of adapting the subject to the site — frequently no easy task — but thefurther complex Procrustean operation involved in fulfilling the other con- ditions,which — it maynot be wondered at — architects seldom succeed in doing peifectly. In the first jdace, and indejiendefitly of site or other circumstances, and irrespective of cost, the various subjects present themselves to the archi- tect with their varying general characteristics, and, as I have said, the con- sideration of these alone will show that the requirements of the classes of buildings are neither few nor easy of fulfilment, without perfect possession by the architect of all the technical knowledge and skill already indicated, and of science to guide and regulate the process ; nor, indeed, with all these un- less he have acquired haljits of observation and possess ingenuity in the ap- plication of what he may know and observe, together with facility of ifiven- tion and power of adaptation, even in the arrangement and distribution of buildings with reference to their uses only, and without any reference to decorative disposition, which last may be said to form almost a separate study. Taking the rarious sulijects or classes of buildings which form the common range of architectural practice, it will be seen how they justify these obser- vations. And first as to Churches. This important class of buildings de- mands an arrangement which will give peculiar prominence to one person — the fuinister — who must be brought within the eye and ear of every individual of a congregation, and enable the congregation to unite with the minister in public worship, and that without confusion from imperfect means of com- munication ; whilst, at the same time, the largest number of persons must be brouglit within the smallest space consistently with the comfortable accommodation, in the varying attitudes of sitting, standing, and kneeling, of every person provided for ; together with freedom and ease of access and egress to and from every jiart with the least possible display. In Courts, H.iLLS, or Chambers for DELtBERATivE Assemblies, it is required that every individual congregated shall [he alike visibly and audibly prominent. Courts of Law, and for the administration of justice, demand prominence to be given to particular persons, as the judge or the magistrate, the accuser and the accused or their counsel, the witnesses and the jury, and so that each and every one may see and be seen, hear and be heard by all the rest ; whilst a continually changing auditory must be provided for, and in such manner that the movements of unoccupied persons may not disturb or de- range the business of the tribunal. Town and Guild Halls combine many of the requisites of both chambers for deliberative assemblies and courts for the administration of justice, on a smaller scale, hut their compound charac- ter demands for them, nevertheless, a particular study. Theatres, as usually understood, for the exhibition of dramatic performances, require the peifect exposition for both sight and hearing of one part to the occupiers of all the rest of their interior, with separation of the occupiers or auditors amongst themselves into classes, and some of the classes again into secluded parties, giving to all classes separate means of ingress and egress, and at all times without disturbance or confusion. Oth'er than dramatic theatres require their own particular objects to be provided for, and all but theatres for dra- matic exhibition and performance require the admission and difi'usion of the light of day as well as provision for artificial lighting, which latter alone is supplied to dramatic theatres, and constitutes them singular in that important particular. Exchanges, or Markets without the presence of the commodities to he bought and sold, require accommodation for large concourses, and in such manner that people may move about singly or in groups, and thus inter- communicate without confusion. Markets, for the exposure and sale and purchase of goods. These are real and substantial Exchanges, and they may be general or special, and according as the market is devoted to one par- ticular purpose, — when the aiTangements must be specially adapted to the conservation of the jjarticular article, as well as to its exposition for sale, — or the market being general, it must possess in different parts the peculiarities necessary for diff"erent articles ; — whilst, in all, every facihty is to be provided for freedom and ease of passage to the public in every direction, and all con- venience of exposition for sale must be made subservient to facilitate the examination and selection of articles by buyers. Baths, though not so much called for, indeed, in this country, as public establishments, as they may and ought to be, require much skill and tact to arrange and distribute them without loss of space, and to effect the separation and seclusion of one part from another, and to provide for the combined publicity and privacy vihich the use of swimming-baths — the best sort of bath — compels and de- mands. It would, however, be endless to rehearse in detail the requirements of every particular class of buildings, and the recital of their designations will convey a sufficient idea, for my present purpose, of their varieties, and of the demand made therefrom upon the architect for ready apprehension of the peculiar requirements of each jjarticular class of buildings, and for intelli- gence and ingenuity in siip])lying and producing what may be required. There are buildings for fiscal and admin isTRATivEpiu-poses in almost endless vari- eties :— Public— as Custom Houses, Excise Offices, Jlints, Stamp Offices, Post Offices, Offices and chambers for the departments of Stale, Treasury adminis- 1812.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 0.3 tration, administration of the army and navy; — combination of public and private,— as the buildings of the Bank of Enilaii.i, and the East India and South Sea Houses in Loudon, ordinary banking-houses, oliices of assurance, and other companies administering business in public and with the public. Collegiate and I'niversitv Uiildings have cer- tain general requirements in common, but these arc few compared with the iliversities that occur in them according to local, social, and other circnm- stances, so that arrangements admirably adapted in one case niav be totally unfitted for, or unsuited in, another. Suppose the buildings of any college at Oxford or Cambridge. — suppose those of King's College at the latter imi- versily. — to have been selected as models for the buildings of King's College in London ; it will be obvious at a glance, that when the site of tiie latter is determined to be part of that of Somerset I'lacc. the models are of no more use in this case than a model of Somerset House, with its deep substructions, would be for a Royal Palace upon the high and open jilatforni of Hyde Park. The comliined school and hospital, as at Christ Church in London, must re- (juire buildings widely ditt'erent from a proprietary college school, and so on througli every variety, from the splendid collegiate buildings at Eton to the humijle p.irish school. Miseims or Conservatories for the safe keeping and preservation and convenient exposition of various objects, demand pecu- liar treatment in their arrangement and distribution to fullil the ilitiercnt and chifering conditions. — for exposure and preservation are with many tliinirs almost incompatible with one another. Exhibition Rooms and Oalleries, whether for works of art or for productions of industry, must be arraneed to suit their peculiar ends, and with direct reference to them. There is room— yerj- great room— for improvement in the arrangement of this class of build- ings, for too frequently light is admitted in such manner as to throw heavy shadows over the objects intended to be displayed, or the objects are rendered invisible by the manner in which the light is made to fall upon them, or again, the objects being placed behind or under glass, the observer linds a reHection of himself or of the skylight frames, or other apparatus by which light is admitted, instead of the picture, preparation, or specimen, which it is his object to see. It may almost be considered waste of time for a young architect to occupy himself in studying the arrangement and distribution necessary to a Roval Palace, as it may be quite time enough for such a matter when the occasion shall occur, but such buildings as Uoyal Palaces have been wanted, and the arcliitect has been found wanting. ' Moreover, buildings for combined state and service, part.-iking of the nature of palaces^ though not royal residences, are not so unfrequently required, so that the' study of even that class of buildings may not be thrown awav. Hospit\ls for the sick in body, and .AsvLL'Ms for the diseased in mind— Prison.s for the accused, and Penitentiaries for the convicted— Barracks for soldiers and .Vrmoiries and .Vrsenals for the preparation and conservation of war- like stores— Mills and Manvpactories, suited to the thousand arts of industry— Storehouses for receiving and laying up the raw material, and «AREHoisEs for thc reception of the manufactured goods— Shops and f=ALE-Roo.Ms for the display and distribution of the various articles in a con- ■■n for use- all h.ivc their peculiarities and ever,- peculiariiv in each par- liar case is to be learnt and applied, so that the' brewer lua'v find that the arciutect can improve upon the arrangements he bad deemed perfect in his brew- cry, and the surgeon confess that the operating theatre of his hospital is better adapted to its purposethan he bad imagineil possible. The largest class of build- ings yet remains, and it will be found that great as thc varictv of requirement is in buildings distinguished as public, it is even greater in the class of dwelling HoisEs ; for although every house may be resolved into the three depart- ments which the uses and habits of social life require.— everv house having its sitting room, its sleeping room, and its cooking room,— the nobleman's mansion must have these multiplied and extended, with accessories to include all that hiiinan wants and wishes can demand, whilst the shopkeeper is content to expose his gooils for sale in the best parts of his hmise, and to ook, eat. and sleep where his business mav leave him room, and the la- bourer in his turn is hut too glad to find his cottage so arranged bv the economic ^kill of the architect, that cooking, eating, and sleeping, have' each ■larate apartment. The idea of a peasant's cottage being included in thc ■ esof an architect may excite a smile, but if architects were more em- L-d u|ioi. peasant's cottages, there might be less occasion for their ser- in liuibnng County Hospitals and Union Workhouses. With the class of - ' luses may be included thc study of buildings which often become to the dwelling-house, as stables to the mansion, and airicultural ^ •. the farm-house, though, indeed, both have their peculiarities, require much obscnation and careful consi.leratioii to adapt propcrlv to I uses. Inns, hotels, club-houses, public libraries, and buildings for 'the ■if societies or institutions for thc promotion or acquisition of knowled-e their museums, their theatres or lecture rooms, and their reading , imssess a mLxed pubUc and private character, and must be treated !e. in the cour left the architect ignorant of much that he ought lo know, whilst ■r has not learnt what architecture in its complete form would There is, indeed, one class of works in particular, usuallv umbr- ■;; the engineer, susceptible of being greatly impro\cd and' greailv mized. but It IS through an alteration in thc jtcreotvped arrangemuit . long usage has sanctioned, and thc cnginccr-architect is not architect enough to discover the fitness of the innovation, and ardiiiect^ have been such slaves to a stereoty|icd system of architectural disposition that thev would not venture upon, if they had discovered it. I allude to brid-es of masonr.v, of which the design may. I believe, be greatly improved, while the cost ol construction is materi.illy diminished. The Jirmneis and camnioilily of buildings being provided for. the deco rative .lisposition. or the condition that Sir Henry Wotton distinguishes bv the term rfeV,/ is to he considered ; not that thc consideration to this end IS to be deferred or postponed, for if it be not present to thc mind of the architect in designing for firmness and commoditv— if everv arrangement for a vertical tendency, . , „ • ,^''^ ""^ """=• ^'i E?.vptian obelisk, a Grecia'n temple, a Roman aqueduct, a Gothic castle, and a pointed cathedral. the elements of beaut this the more especially, as they diifered from tiie commonly reccfi^d' doc- trines as to authority and example in these m.itters ; and'aslhave believe, by means of the publication to which lallu.le. influenced the opi'i of m as I opinions rn'>rii accui'l any ot my juniors in thc profession, whilst the appointment which I have thc honour to hold in this college renders it probable th.it the etrcet of mv opinions will have yet a still further influence upon those who mav be and become students of architecture here. I have met the accustomed fate of innovators, having been misrepresented by garbled extracts from what I have said, in one quarter.— and my suggestions and illustrations have Iicen adopted cxemphtied, ami put forth as his own, by another writer, who intimates in the same volume, that I shall retract my opinions when I have crown old enough to know hotter. The name that I was the first to suggest for the beautiful style of architecture of which we mav be proud to possess the finest exemplars and the best school in practice, has been adopted and employed by many, but never, as far as my observation has reached, with the slightest acknowledgment of the source from which tliev derived it. I can perceive, in what I wrote between ten and twelve vcars ago, manv remarks that more practical knowledge, derived from loneer experience and a more matured judgment, the gift of added years, would enable me to improve in revising; but 1 do not find anything to retract in the opinions 1 expressed or in the advice I oftere^l. I make thjs statement after havini: again looked carefully througli the writings of Vitruvius, in the Enslish version of one of his best-qu.ililied translators that 1 might not have to guess, with one of his most ardent admirers and devotees, at his Greek as at his Latin, and thereby come to a worse conclusion. I find now, as 1 found before, much fabulous narrative, many unintelligible or inapplicable descriptions and direction* some truisms upon thc art of building, some curious antiquarian reminis" cences, and some excellent remarks upon professional conduct ami practice • and I continue, thereupon, to bold the ojiinitu that I formed before I was' twenty.five years of age, and published before I was thirtv, and now rc|>eat to you, that " a student would acquire as correct a knowledge of history and of geography from the 'Seven Champions of Christendom' and ' Gulliver's Travels,' as of architecture from the existing writings of Vitruvius." .My own treatise upon architecture will be my text-book iu treating of the various modes and styles of design, and of their appUcation in practice ; but 1 shall prefer to illustrate my observations by reference to works in execution to any other mode, believing th.it I may thereby induce a habit of observation in the student, which will be of much greater value to him in the formation of his mind and in directing its application, than can ever be obtained bv thc in-door study of drawings and models, or by the attempt to orisinate' and design before the mind is formed and before the judgment can bc^naturcd. Thc various forms, modes, and styles of design usually recoenizcd in archi- tecture are generally conned by the student in drawings, and'lcarnt bv rote III cojiying ; and the details thus acquired are often applied in practice, with- out a thought or an idea on the part of the practitioner that architecture consists in anything more than a repetition of those certain forms, disposed according to certain fixed rules. In truth, however, each particular stvle may be considered as a distinct and peculiar language ; and, like a language, before a man can compose in it, he must not only learn to rcid and to%iic"ak it, but to think in it ; and more than that, his liiind must be fully imbued with the genius and spirit of the language, before his composilions'in it can he rendered deserving of admiration, even when the power of original thought is present. It is not all lueu that can speak and write, who can speak and write u'ell even in their mother tongue; they are few who can compose with e.-isc and elegance in another than their native language ; but where is the mull to be found, competent to compose and to cypress himself with propriety in each language of all the languages that possess a literature ? And wheie is thc architect who can use with truth and iVeedom all the various st\les of arehitectiirc ? Kathcr learn to use one stjle well than many styles bailly, or )our (ireek will be like the nonsense verses of ichool-boyj' oinl your English or Pointed C(uh| . , ., . 'of modern; with scraps fruiii all the . ibc sun. n: to the mere Lnglisli reaii. ,... and tattet,,, , ,.. an literate language, when useil Willi propriety, with proper knowledge of their powers, and with sutbcient power to wield them. From what I have already laid, it will 1 think appear iiifticitntlv obvioui that 04 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [March, the iiualifications of an architect are neither few nor trivial ; and that when acmiircci, thcv place him as much beyond the mere artist, as the artist is beyond the artisan. Architecture and architects sufler together, from their association in the public mind with the imitative arts, and with mere artists : the practice of arclutectnre is thought to consist in maliing drawings, and the architect to be at best but a drawer of plans '. Hence the responsible duties that devolve upon the architect are quite lost sight of; the careful study required to fulfil the conditions necessary to building well— the labour of pre-arranging and specifying everything for useful service, and as to labour and materials, their proportion, composition, and combination, in detail, so that the cost of execution may be minutely estimated beforehand— the anxious care in supervising, that the work be properly executed, preparing and supplfuig in the meanwhile perfect delineations of tlic constructions and decorations in detail, and tlie eventual investigation of accounts;— all these things are unknown, overlooked, or unheeded, and the architect is considered as an overpaid artist— artists being Unked in the same category with plavers, fiddlers, and dancers ! , , , But whv, it may be asked, is this so ? Why are men who must have extensive scientific and artistic qualifications— who must, moreover, be good men of business, when they arc properly qualified to practise as architects— and who must, withal, be in a certain condition of life, to be trusted with directing the expenditure of large sums of money- wliy is it that this class of men is so lightly esteemed ? I have already said, that it is in a great measure because architects have sunk into mere artists : as such they are considered, and they submit tbereuiion to be treated in a manner that would he resented as iusulting liv anv well-regulated profession. An architectural design is looked upon as an artist's sketch— a work of nought,— and every man how ignorant soever, deems himself competent to judge of us merits ; and the unworthy practice of architects is to sulimit to have their productions so considered and so adjudged. Consequently architecture, as at present practised, is not a profession for a gentlemau ; but it is in tlie bands of architects themselves to amend the practice, and if every young man entering the profession would determine for himself that it should be amended in liis cpse— as it has for a long time been in mine— a very few years would suffice to render the profession of architecture as honourable as it is useful. I shall have been understood to refer to the existing practice of making designs by what is termed competition. Now competition, properly con- ducted.'isthe sure way to obtain excellence; but there are many conditions to the proper conduct of a competition. There must l)e perfect explicitness in the terms —careful investigation to determine that the terms are complied with,— perfect competence in the judges to select,— and perfect honour in making the selection. But to be what they ought to be, the terms of a competition should go to the extremest degree of minuteness, and amount to an iinap. plied specification ; every design should be accompanied by a specification of the terms applied by the author to his particular design ; and every design, with its specification, should be tried by competent and trustworthy investi- -ators,'upon the specified terms. Such of the designs presented in a com- petition as should pass such an examination might be then examined as to their fulfilment of the conditions in building veil, and with special reference to the existing case, and the selection made accordingly. But where are the parties requiring designs for works of architecture who will incur the expense, and take the trouble to propose terms as they ought to be proposed, while architects will speculate upon the chances of interest, or upon tlie effect of a clap-trap drawing or model ? where the architect who would take pains to act up to the terms— if the conditions were as I have supposed— for a mere lottery-like chance of being either re-irabursed bis expenses, or paid for his labours ? and where the tribunal to which designs for works of architecture could be submitted, with the remotest probability of their being examined, understood, and appreciated, in such a manner as to insure the selection of the best design ? Such a tribunal is not to be found, and such an one cannot exist under the present system ; and all the schemes hitherto propounded, as far as my knowledge goes— and I have not been a blind observer— are utterly inadequate to answer the true end of competition — the production of excellence. Some would form a jury of architects, to investigate the merits of designs submitted in competitions ; but the favourite project is to exhibit competition designs, that the imtlic may judge of their merits. Exhibit Greek odes, and hieroglyphic inscriptions, and ask the public to judge of the merits of the one, and to give translations of the other ! for there are as many of the pulilic as competent to cither of these things, as to judge of the comparative merits of a series of different architectural designs for the same tiling:— I mean, of course, with reference to all and everything that a design should include. It seems strange, too, upon reflection, to find that in every propo- sition it is the architects who are to bear the expense of any proposed investigation ! But who are the parties to be benefited by a competition ? Surely, not the architects ! Only one can have the commission contended for, and the most likely man, if there were to be no competition, is the most certain when there is one; neither is the amount of business for tlie profession, nor the remuneration of the successful competitor increased, by the establish- ment of a general concurrence. How then is it to be managed, that the public shall have the advantage of competition to obtain pre-eminent designs, whilst architects mav not lie degraded by submission to insult and injury .' Simply thus ; that architects should do as,— or rather, should not do other- wise than,— lawyers and physicians do. AVhat barrister takes a brief, or what physician visits a patient, without an konorarimn .' Wlio ever saw an adver- tisement from a town council or a corporation committee, addressed " To Barristers," asking an opinion upon a legal case in which they might happen to be interested, intimating that a copy of the case would be supplied to competitors Ijy the town-clerk, on payment of a guinea, and that the party whose opinion the aldermen or the committeemen might think the best should have a premium of ten guineas, and perhaps be employed to con- duct the case ? Or who ever heard of a sick man sending for half a dozen physicians, with an offer of a guinea to that one of them whose advice he— the patient— might think the best ? And why should it l)e otherwise with archi- tects than with barristers and physicians ?— The only way to estal^lish and maintain " respectability and uniformity of practice" in ungoverncd profess- ions is, (bv mutual consent, which a minority in standing and reputation must yield,' if a majorit^• require it.) to hold no brief,— to give no advice,- to furnisii no design,— without a competent fee. it is the parties seeking designs, and who desire to derive advantage from the application of many minds to the same subject, that are to be benefited ; and they who seek a lieneat must be content to pay for it. Moreover, it can never happen, but that in several designs for the same thing there will be some points or parts in some or other of the designs, than that which may be generally the best, better than the same parts in the best design. When all are paid for, aU may be used; and the best design in a concurrence may be greatly improved by the incor- poration of the excellencies of the others. Had the course I recommend been pursued in the case of the Houses Ot Parliament Designs, the eminent architect who was most deservedly success- ful in that competition must have been included iii any number called upon, however bmited, because of his already attained eminence, and the country would thus have had the advantage of sucli improvements in the preferred design as the other concurring designs miglit have suggested ; and this with- out submitting the architect himself to the insults he received in being charged with pirating un-premiated designs. Reference to this calls to my recollection an instance in connexion with it of the disadvantages architects suffer, from the habit the public, and with the public the pubUc authorities, have acquired of considering architects as mere artists. The architect of the palace of the Legislature was put into leading-strings during the formation of the foundations of his work ; and the construction of the river-wall, winch forms the effective liasement of its main front, was taken entirely out of his bands ! , , , ^ i • • \gain, it is essential to the proper understanding of an elaborate design in arcliitecturc, that the architect should explain his intentions, with the draw- ings before them, to tlie parties who may have the selection. 'Ihis lieing do°ue by the four, six or eight architects who may have lieen called upon, — for where fees are to be paid to all concurring, there would be no advertise- ment, such as I have often seen, giving permission to, rather than inviting a concurrence of, " masons, builders, survei/ars. and architects /'— unpractised persons would be able to determine, without great risk of error, upon the design best adapted for what they may want. Favour may determine the selection, certainly, but that is the case now, and to a much greater extent than could be when the more intelligent man was seen in connexion with the better design; and besides this, the uncommissioned competitors would, accordinn- to my proposition, be paid for their trouble, and would receive no substantive injury bv the wrong the parties might thus do themselves, or those for whom they act, in selecting by favour rather than l)y merit. The general com'petition system has liecn defended upon the plea that it gives young men opportunities, or cliances rather, of obtaining employment that they could not otherwise hope for; but I believe that the moral iiijury done by the system to young men, in leading them to bow and cringe in seeking favour, and from the unworthy too, and the expenses they may be drawn into, are evils liut poorlv compensated by the advantages, such as they are. Young men have been ruined for life by success in a general competition; some have been cheated out of the prizes they were declared to have won ; and many have been driven to despair by failure, who might in due time have succeeded in obtaining business, had they worked duly, and had they not been tempted out of t!ie beaten path of industry by these ignes fatm. .Vnother plea is, that competition designs give architects employment for their pupils. This must, of course, be in the absence of practice ; and 1 introduce this sub- ject here, to take from it the opportunity it affords, of warning students against offices where the usual occupation of pupils is in making speoulation designs. You mav do such things, if they ought to be done, without paying hi»h premiums fur the privilege of doing tliem in an architect's office. To make the profession of architecture worthy of a gentleman, you must determine, each man for himself, thiit it shall be so; and to this eftect decbne to render jirofessional services in any form, without that species of acknowledgment wliich it is essential you should obtain, to secure respect for either your services or yourselves. The Artesian Well at Grenelle.—h new tube is now making for tbe ued of Grenelle in iron, of such a thickness that it will bear the pressure ot oO to m atmosi-heres. Experiments have lieen tried on two tubes placed one within the other, as the tubes were in the bore of the well, to ascertain wliat degree (,f pressure would be necessary to force them in ; but though the hydraulic ram was employed, it required a pressure of from 12 to lo atmospheres to produce any eftect on the tubes. The water still llo«s as copiously as ever, moderately warm, and alternately limpid and black as the sewers ot 1 aris.— GalisnanVs Messenger^ 1842.] ?THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 0.5 MR. VIQNOLES' LECTURES OX CIVIL EKGINEERIN'G, AT THE LONDON" UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. ( Continued from page 60.) Lecti-re VIL J.nn.5. 1842.— Tlie Professor ccmmonced liy stating that he had then readied the tliird division of the firs! courso, and his present lecture would L* upon retaining walls. The meaning of the tecl nical term.s of " rc- taininvr" and "sustaining"' walls was— when a wall was used eilluT to support water or earth arlificially put together; but when it was used to supp rt natural earth, it was often called a "breast-work." As the term "batir" would often be maiie use of in that and the following lecture, he proceeded to explain that the batir was the base of a triangle, formed by the slope of the wall and perpendiculars of the other two sides — thui a batinng wall was a 'loping wall. The introduction of retaining walls was very ancient; in Italy there were several of great antiquity, formed of concrete, rubble, 8;c., an.l even some parts of the great wall of China were built in that way. Retaining walls were generally introduced at the ends of bridges, to connect the aluiments ot the bridge w ith the natural ground ; but in these cases they were ca led " w ing walls." In forming roads retaining walls were sometimes carried along the sides of the valleys— the road itself having to be cut at times .i^ung the sides of hills so precipitous, that half was embankment and half cutting. In the celebrated road formed by Napoleon across the Alps. there were many instances of work of this kind, and good lessons c uld be learnt from the failures which had taken place, the reasons for which were generally very apparent. In Telford's grand road through AVales, there were many instances of retaining walls, and one in particular, where the road h.ad to pass along the side of a hill which was nearly perpendicular. The great cutting' from Camden-tonn to Euston-square was another instance, but, from certain causes, which he very ably expbiined, the walls were giving way in many places. He then proceeded to lay down, by numerous diagrams, seven forms of retaining walls mailc use of, and pointed out, by mathematical for- mula and practical e.\i)eriments that had been made, and which the diagrams explained, the best forms for use. In No. I the batir was represented as being equal on each side of the wall ; in No. 2 the batir was on the side next the earth to be supiiorled ; No. 3 was a parallel batiring wall ; in No. 4 the batir w.as next the earth, but at the bottom of the wall, No. 5, the batir was on the outside, at the top ; No. Gwas a parallel and [lerpendicular wall, with no batir on either side; and No. 7 had theb.itir at the outer side of the wall, and next the earth the slope was cut in steps ; these seven diagrams showed tlie common forms of retaining walls. The grand points to be considered were — 1st, the \alue of the pressure that the earth exercised against retain- ing walls ; and, 2nd, the description and dimension of the n all nccessiry to oiler sufficient resiit.ince to that pressure. It was found that if you take away the wall, the earth will for a short space of time retain its position, but, after exj osure, it will lx>gin wiih crumbling at the edges, and ultimately gain a slo| e so .as to lie at the angle, which is called the " angle of repose." This requires, m building retaining walls, that the angle of repose of the descrip- tion of earth to be supported should be ascertained : this done, the pressure to be resisted might be calculated, and the dimensions of the wa 1 be decided upon accordingly. Of all the descriplions of retaining walls. No. 3 was the one which oflertd the most support with the least quantity of material, and which had, by experiments made at Dublin, under the direction of Sir J. Durgoyne and the Board of Public Voiks of Ireland, been fully proved. The Profe.^^or then explained the nature of the several experiments, and the effects uiion ;he walls, exemplifying them by very instructive diagrams. The atten- tion of tlie students was next called to the cunilinear batir, and several very interesting cases were adduced of failure in that plan, from v.arious caus s, but principally from water, lie then allulcd to two or three failures of bis own. and fully explained to the students the causes of them, and the nie.ins be should have adopted in the first instance for their prevention. The occa- sional supporting of walls was judicious in various instances; suppose there Was a ease, that, wliilc the earth was in an unsettled state, the pressure against the wall was double what it would be when it had settled ; in such a case he would recommend supporting walls until the settlement took place- not to go to double I lie expense fot'w temporary purpose, lie then mentioned a very remarkable instance of an abutment, which was practically a retain- ng wall, giving way. Me had to make an arch of twenty feet span lor a river, through an embankment eighty feet high ; the foundation «as rock, but a sudden liitch look place in the body of the (ml>ankment,anil the earth forced its way through very many feet of saiul backing, drove the .ibutmenl or re- taining wall clean oil the rock, and tnoved the whole twelve or thirteen feet. Several giH)d rules were then laid down to calculate the do^cliptiotl of wall to be used, and melhiHl of giving a temporary support until the ear h settled ; nnd the learned lecturer, in eonclrsloii. stated tb:it hbs next lecture wi uld lie given on ^^'orm«oad Scrubbs. where there were some most remarkable instances of failures in retaining walls, the reason of which he couU better explain on the spot th .n by diagrams. THE ATMOSrilERlC KAILW.W. Lf.cti-iie VIII. Jan. 10, 1842.— TliiB being intended as a practical illus- tration of some interesting and important jioints, the lecture was delivered on the works of the railways situated at, or near. Wormwood Scrubbs, in place of being given, as usual, in the Ircture room of University College. The fust point to which Mr. A'ignoles directed the attention of the class was to ilie atmospheric railway, or rather, a portion of railway laid down on that principle for experimental purposes, u[ this principle of ] roducing locomotion ; but Professor Vignoles showed that a good working half vacuum was. by the simple contrivance he had explained, quite attainable, and sufficient for practical purposes. The engine and air- pump were next severally examined and explained, and the lecturer then gave some very interesting CNplanations of matters connected with the present experimental railway ; he stated that the air from the half mile of tube could be extracted in about one minute, while it \>ould take nearly eight minutes for the leakage of the valve and air-tube to admit the air to fill the tube. In consequence of the imperfections in the present line, vibich had been merely laid down for experiment, the leakage was very much more considerable than when a perfect line should be formed for service ; and the formation of a rail- way on the atmospheric principle would not exceeJ, perhaps, one-third of the cost of many of the great lines hitherto contracted for, as it would do away with much of the cutting and embankment, ihe slips of which had recently been so troulilesume and dangerous, by the trains being able, on this method, to ascend eonsi.lerable acclivities. Tlie present experimental line had a rise of about one foot in 110, and he had gone along at the rate of forty-five miles an hour, notwithst nding the imperfections of the machinery and the wretched state of the line. He pointed out that it would be practicably impossible for a locomotive to travel upon such a line, as it would be off the rails immediately, in consequence of their being so uneven and loose ; yet he hiid travelled at the rate he before mentioned, with jierfect ease and safety, and. furthermore, the extreme simplicity of the machinery rendered it very unlikely to get out of order. A feiv weeks back the line n.is required suddenly for some experiment, and, although the tube was half full of ice, in less than half an hour everything was in readiness, and the trial was very satisfacton . The power obtained by the present small tube is 500 lb., with an atmospheric pressure of about 8 lb. per inch only. The engine employed to work ihe air- pump is sixteen or eighteen horse-power, and the economy of stationary over locomotive power was admitted by every body. He concluded his remarks upon this interesting, and what promises to be most useful applica- tion of the power of atmospheric pressure, by det.ailing, at some length, the minutiffi of the saving that would be elTectcd by its general ailoption, and stating that two miles were to be laid down upon the Dublin and Kingstown Railway, to try the experiment upon a larger scale, with a tube fifteen inches in diameter, and more perfect apparatus. The Professor then, .as the party walked along the line, pointed out to the class various slips that had taken place, some of w hieh were slight and others extensive ; one part in particular, situated between the Great Western and London and Himiingham Uaihiays (which arc here within a quarter of a mile of each other), attracted general atlenliun, the wliok-, for nearly 100 yards, lieing a perfect ch.aos A r.inark- ablo instance of a failure of a retaining wall here presented itself, it havin« for about forty-five yards, l-een actually pusliwl forward ofl ilie fuund.ation. to a distance of eight or ten feel, the wall still standing, which apiieared to U alx.ut four feel thick, strongly built of brick and concrete, and strength- ened with bands of iron nnd wood. The causes of this destruction were explained by Mr. Vignoles as arising from the lodgment of water, which, having no outlet, had settled the earili against the back of the retaining wall, turning the clay into mud. and. by the great additional weight, f.rr.ng ii into the position in wliicb it now appe:ir>. If the water had lieen cut oil in time ihis would not have liappmeil, and that water was the occssion of this accident seimcd very apparent. The lecturer then pi inted out the manner of supi>orting retaining walls, several portions uflhe London and Birmingbam and no THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [March, Gveat 'Western Railways were then examineJ, and much valuable information was "iven on the various contrivances made use of by these companies, and he concluded by appointing the class to meet on the Croydon and Brighton Railways the next morninj, to proceed to the great slip near New Cross. "THE slip" on the CROYDON RAILWAY. Lecture IX. Jan. U. 1842.— According to appointment, this Lecture was delivered at the great slip near New Cross, on the Croydon and Brighton Railways. The motive of this visit was to explain to the class the reason of, and to "point out the means which might have been taken to have prevented, the great slip which occurred there recently. On leaving the train, the Pro- fessor led the way to the spot, which is situated about half a mile from New Cross. The length of the slip is very considerable, the depth of the cutting very great, and the mass of earth thnt has slipped down from the top of the bank Is of an imposing appearance. The appearance of the slip is as usual- perpendicular at the top for some depth, and then bulging out near the centre ; a sreat number of labourers are employed in shifting the immense quantity of earth to be removed, in consequence of the slip, which is estimated at many thousands of yards. In the meantime, a convenient covered walk has been made for the passengers to pass from one train to another. On both sides of this cutting, for some distance along the line, slips have taken place, but on the left-hand side going from London, they are of but httle importance, compared with the one that was to be particularly inspected by the class. The sell consists of the plastic clay, with numerous strata of sand and gravel, the clay itself lieing very binding, but being, from the recurrence of these strata of sand and gravel, very lialjle to the infiltration of water; and, consequently, to slip, when the up-drainage is not particularly attended to, and the most constant attention paid to every symptom of a slip being about to take place. The Professor then pointed out what he considered to have been the occasion of all the mischief. Nearly all along the slip the earth had given way at the side of a top drain, parallel with the railway, and in some places it was so apparent, that the declivity looked as if made pur- posely ; this had invariably occurred where there were cross drains from the neighbouring ground (which is considerably elevated), leading into the main dram along the top of the cutting, and wliich. not being puddled, or made watertight, had allowed the waier gradually, and during many months, to insinuate itself into the veins in the clay, and had at length forced the mass out as it appeared. He then stated, as his firm opinion, that the slip ought never to have taken place : the earth having stood for three years, was a sufficient proof that the slope was correctly laid out ; and, finally, it could only have been by subsequent natural causes that the accident occurred, while, if the precaution of preventing the drainage from the upper fields getting into the body of the slope had been attended to in time, it might have prevented the slip, and it was obvious that the great evil— water— had beengradually insinuating itself into the bank a long time before. In another part of the cutting, he pointed out a place where a slip was expected to take place in the slope ; but he disapproved of what liad been done hy way of pre- caution, and explained that any operation of making cuts or vertical holes in the slopes, which would admit water, ought to be avoided by all means in the engineer's power, instead of Ijeiug encouraged. The apertures should be driven in horizontally, and brushwood drains introduced, or a kind of hurdle 01 fascines, which would act as a drain, and be extremely efficacious ; on this principle he strongly oljjected to the cutting of slight surface drains on the slopes, as he thought them worse than useless, lieing more likely to admit the water than to drain it olV. He alluded to a curious circumstance which had occurred a little higher up the line, where the railroad was made in what used to be the bed of the canal. It appeared that there was a spring, and the water, instead of finding its way out of the slopes, actually raised up the rails. .Several other points of interest were then examined. Lecture X.—\A'edncsday. the 19th Jan., Professor Vignoles delivered his tenth lecture "On Civil Engineering.'' on the West London Railway, at AVormwQod Scrubbs. This was rather a practical illustration, by way of experi- ment, than a lecture— it Ijeing a practical exemplification of the working of the system of locomotion by means of atmospheric pressure, elVected by the peculiar valve invented by Messrs. Clcgg and Samuda. In addition to the ordinary class, which was fully attended, there was a large assemblage of scientific men, including several of the engineers of the Belgian railways, and officers of the corps of Royal Engineers ; Mr. James Pim, and many of the principal proprietors of the Dublin and Kingstown Railway ; Col. Jones, Col. Alderson, .Major Matson, Mr. Woodhouse, Capt. W. Moorsom, and several other engineers. SECOND COt;RSE. On 'Wednesday, the 9th Feb., Professor 'Vignoles delivered his Introductory Lecture to the second course of lectures. He stated that, having in his first course of lectures touched upon several of what he might call the cardinal points of civil engineering. lie was then about to enter the second course, for which (according to previously concerted arrangements) one only of the nu- merous branches of this profession had been selected as the theme, with a view of en'erin" considerably into its details, rather than to discuss in a more -eneral manner a varietv of subjects, which, though perhaps equally import- ant, equally interesting and useful, and equally necessary for the student, could not be thoroughly investigated in the course of a single session. In this introductory lecture he would, however, touch concisely on the wide topic of the internal communications of civilized countries, as falling within the scope of the theories and practice of a civil engineer, treating them here as on a general theme ; but the subsequent discourses to the class would con- sist of the details of that more modern branch of internal communication, of so much interest in the present day-the Railway system. It had been well and truly remarked by an enlightened observer, that the great characteristic feature of the present age « as the appreciation of the value of time. In an eloquent introduction to a pamphlet on one branch ot mlernal communica- tion the author expressed himself in terms which he was tempted to quote, as an appropriate preliminary to his own remarks :-" In that career of im- provement which has distinguished the last thirty years beyond, perhaps, any previous history of the world, and in which the sum of the vast ameho- rationseflected in all that relates to the condition of man. is not less striking than the rapidity «ilh which their details have followed upon ench other ; one important lesson seems to have been in an especial degree impressed upon those engaged in the pursuits of industry, and upon the commercial and ma- nufacturing classes in particular-they have been eftectually taught to appre- ciate the value of time, and to apply to its use a degree ot rigid and judicious economy, of which the past afibrds no example ; a lesson which is daily illustrated by the vast expenditure, in this country, upon works affording facilities in accelerating intercourse, since it is universally felt that distances are virtually shortened in the precise ratio in which the time occupied in travelling them is abridged." And it is the practical application of this axiom, which it is almost peculiarly the lot of the civil engineer to be called on by the statesman and the capitalist to realise. In looking back through the vista of centuries, and endeavouring to pierce the mist of tradition, we are led to conclude that the formation of roads must have been amongst the earliest rudiments of civilization ; but until science, or. at least, until system, was applied to their construction, it is evident (from the traces of the simple paths of comparatively modern times, and of no remote countries) that tlie merest tracks sufficed to satisfy our ancestors, who had not yet learned the " yalue of time.' ' Little more was then required than a path upon naturally firm earth-all marshy grounds were avoided-the fords of the rivers were alone resorted to-and the irregularities of surface, or inclination of the road, or its circuitous course, were of little consequence to the pedestrian, or even to the mounted traveller, wlien man had learned to subdue the horse to his wants and wishes. The path generally traced from one distant wig-wam to another became the track from village to village, and at length served as the road from town to to»n, or even to the capital. The line once traced out, indolence and habit seem to have prevented any great exertion to improve or repair, beyond what was indispensably necessary, even after the invention of wheeled carriages : and the system of following the ancient course ot roads seems to have been pertinaciously adhered to in all countries until the advance of civilizition, and the wants of the community, produced improve- ment and gave rise to the calling of the road-maker, and ultimately to the profession of the engineer. The first exercise of his art-for it did not reach the dignity of a science until within very modern times— was, probably, in the formation of raised roads, or causeways, to strong holds, dwellings, or cities, accidentally or artificially made liable to inundations ; and of this kind were the approaches to the passage of the River of Babylon, which the fables of antiquity magnified into a bridge, as long, and consisting of as many arches, as that in the celebrated vision of the Arabian sage. The first step towards internal communications being roads, it may be well defined as the first step in true civilization, and the Abbe Reynal has justly remarked— " Let us travel over all the countries of the earth, and wherever we shall find no facility of trading from a city to a town, and from a village to a hamlet, we may pronounce the people to be barbarians, and we shall only be deceived respecting the degree of barbarism." By this test we should probably be induced to judge of the Chinese, if their water communications did not. to a ceriain extent, supply the absolute want of anything like a ro:id capable of passing a loaded wheeled carriage, even at the gates of Pekin. Of all the people in the world, perhaps the Romans took the most pains in forming their roads, and vast was the labour and expense bestowed to make them spacious, firm, solid, and smooth— roads, in fact. from two to even ten or twelve feet thick, formed of what we call in these days " concrete ;" but, as le^ards the system of laying out, in the modern engineering sense, they do not^appear to have had the slightest idea. Straight- ness of direclion seems to have been their only charac;er, and. with a lofty disdain of the effects of gravity, their grand military routes, excepting near Rome itself, were carried direct over hill and dale. Thirty roids, of an aggregate length of 50,000 miles, radiated from their magmficent capital, in Raly, to the furthest extremity of their almost boundless empire ; they only served as internal communications, for keeping down, by their legions, the rebellious spirits of the Briton, the Hun, the Greek, or the Persian, who had. 1842.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 07 in succession, howcil to llic Roman yoke — yet. as momimenis of tlic highest degree of art an'l civilization of ihose ages, must tliey he admired by all, and may be usefully studied by the ('n;;incer of the present ilay — few of whose constructions, even ihe gigantic railway, will probably endure as some of the Roman roads have done — such as the Appian Way, for instance — through the long period of nearly 2.00O years. The number and extent of these roads, made by the first conquerors of Albion, through Uiis island, have only been ascertained and appreciate 1 since the publication of the magnillccnt maps of the Ordnance Survey by the corps of Royal Knginecrs, by those who have studied their beautiful and surprising .accuracy, and their minute topogra- phical details, which enable a curious inquirer to trace, by tlieir remarkable straightness of course, these ancient routes, through woods ami remote dis- tricts, and over wide ranges of hills, where their origin. e\en in tradition, is now forgotten, and where the long lane, grassed over and forsaken, from its steepness or sec1u>ion, accurately laid down, m its true course, by Ihe science of the present day. marks, at intervals, over whole counties, Ihe former line of the sl.ilely march of the Roman soldier. I!ut it remains to this day an unsolved problem in engineering, to discover by what uicaiis these roads were laid out in such perfect truth of direction, tlirouRli the thick and trackless forests which then covered the whole island. It h.as been observed, that it is one of the most dilllcult points for a political economist to define, with any degree of certainty, the line of demarcation between public and private enter- prize, in theejiccuiiiin of works of internal improvement. In a former lecture, he observed that it was undoubtedly owing to the cslablishment in Fr.-ince, by Richelieu, of the Hoard of Roads and Bhilges. that that country was in possession of e.\cellent roads long before the principal part of Europe ; he might have added, also, canals — at least, before weliad them in Great Britain. and yet have a good reaseen lost sight of, and it is now nearly forgotten by the modern speculator, though it may be interesting to the young engineer to be informed, that fifty years ago the mania for constructing canals and improving river navigation was as great, even if not greater, lhan the enthu- siasm displayed very recently about railways. Parliament was then deluged with applications to grant Acts of Incorporation for canal companies; the press teemed with canal publications, the shop windows were filled with canal maps and sections, and the papers and periodicals with adverlisements and paragraphs on canalization. Canals appear to have been duly appreciated in ancient times, and used for the purpose of drainage, irrigation, supply of water, .and navigation, (ii bis former introductory lecture he alluded to the canal of Xer.\es, at the foot of Sloiuit Athos— an attempt wh eh is stated lo have been renewed by the Roman emperors in later ages. A canal navigable for large boats was constructed by the Ptolemies between the Nile and the Red Sea, though it is doubtful whether ihe state of engineering skill in those days perm tied an .actual junction to be made: this grand navigation was re-opened by the caliphs in (he seventh century. Traces of it arc slill exist- ing, .and lis termination in the most easterly branch of the Nile was discovered by M. Bouiier, in 1707. and is still open. Under the enterprise of the present ruler of ICgypt it may yet fall to the lot of an Knglish engi- neer lo re-open this magnificent canal. Herodotus .assures us that the Nile was in itself, or by lateral canals, navigable by the ancient Kgyptiaus for 500 miles above Alexandria, and the Delta of ilie Nile was formerly like modem HolLind. filled with canals. The Romans m.ade more than one canal in Kngland ; Ihe most remarkable was that called the Caerdykc. which united the river Nene, a little below Peterborough, with Ihe river William, three miles below Tiverton ; it was forty miles long, and fifty years since appeared distinct enough, and must have been originally very deep; and what led to the impression that this can.al was used for the purpose of internal communi- cation, was lhat there was a continuation of this canal from Lincoln to the Trent above Gainsborough by the Koss Dyke, which is .at Ihe present lime .i fine navigable canal, Ihougli, in former times, it had been repeatedlv fdled up and gone into disuse. It is believed, on good authority, thai by these two canals the favourite colony of the Romans at York received their chief supplies of grain. The canals of China have always excited great interest since the description given of them by ilie Jesuit missionaries ; their accounts, as far as regards the Great Canal running from north to south (connecting, except at one short portage, C'anlon and I'ckin), have lieen completely confirmed by modem travellers, particularly by Barrow, who travelled Ihe whole length. Should the existence of ihe numerous lateral and other canals over the rest of the country be confirmed, of w liich there is little reason to doubt, it will sufficiently explain the non-existence of anything like good roails. .and the almost tolal absence of wheeled carriages for goods, to which ihe iliminulive and b.id breed of horses in C hina. no doubt, conlribules. There is, however, a wide field opening in lhat country for the exercise of ihe skill of an enter- (irising engineer, since that ingenious iwnple are as yet ignorant of the niiidern lock for their canals, and when two canals meet, the diU'erenee of the level is sometimes from fifteen to twenty feel, and the boats are holsteil from the lower canal up .an inclined plane of smooth miaonry by capstans, and slide down another into Ihe upi>or canal. The profeuor 9l.il(.eror9 .100 or 600 years since, for which Ihe natural features and vast rivers ot Hindoslen alTorded great facihiics, and 98 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [March, rendoreJ lockage tinnecessary, and. indeed, roads were unknown, and may be considered as still wanting all over India, excepting our recent military roads. This country presents a vast field for the civil engineer. Of all the canals of modern Europe he would only notice two remarkable instances ; J. Perry, an English civil engineer, was employed by Peter the Great in the beginning of the last century to design and execute several canals, in which the German military engineer (Brockel) who had attempted them, had en- tirely failed ; Perry's designs were subsequently completed by Peter's suc- cessors. The canal of Trolhatta, in Sweden, the difficulties of which liad long baffled the engineers of that country, was finally completed by the skill of the late Mr. Telford, whose engineering resources were equally ilisplayed in the design and execution of the Caledonian Canal. Many remarkable instances of success in making an imperfect river into a good navigable stream might be quoted both in Europe and North America, and which present in- structive instances to the young engineer. The improvement of the river Liiiey at Dublin, and the River Clyde in Scotland are goood examples. The improvement of that vast inl.and gulf, the Shannon, is now in the course of execution, after several years of most detailed and elaborate inquiries, esti- mates, surveys, and careful examination, the accounts of which may be studied with great advantage to both the experienced and young engineer. Upwards of half a million sterling is to be expended on this truly national undertaking. The learned professor then entered intoa long account of the probable original ideas for the application of iron to roads, commencing with the wooden rail- ways used in the collieries on the banks of the Tyne, near Newcastle, above 200 years ago, he then showed that the waste of timber led to the idea of covering wood with plates of iron, and ultimately to the present point of perfection — wrought iron rails — the introduction of which into general use does not extend further back than thirty years. (To be continued.) KOYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. Jan. 31. — P. Hardwick, Esa. in the Chair. A paper by Mr. White was read on Fresco Painting, which will be found in another part of the Journal. A paper " On the Vaults of the Nonuick Cloisters," by Prof, Willis, of Cambridge, (hon. member,) was read. The following is an abstract :— The cloisters of Norwich Cathedral were begun in 1297, and not completed until 1430. Its four ambulatories represent four successive styles, the con- trast in the details being rendered more conspicuous by the uniformity of the general design, which has been so much respected during the progress of the whole work, that even the isolated shafts, which form the proper muUions of the windows of the thirteenth century, have been continued throughout, contrary to the usual practice of the Middle Ages. The vaultings are similar in the general plan and dimensions on the four sides, but each is distinctly marked with the mode of treatment employed in the successive periods, anil it is to the progressive variations in the form of the spandrils, exhibiting a gradual transition from a square section to a semicircular one, that the paper chiefly referred. In the oldest portion of the work, the eastern compart- ments, the horizontal section of the spandril, taken about half way between the plane of the impost and the crown of the arch, is perfectly square, and this form is more strongly developed — exaggerated, it may be said — by a slight setting back of the ribs between the cross springers and the diagonals, which gives greater prominence and and a more marked expression to the angle of the spandril. In the south walk, the next in chronological order, the intermediate ribs, instead of being set back, are brought slightly in advance of the other ribs. The effect of this arrangement is to give a poly- gonal character to the spandril, which is, in fact, still square in its general form. In the west walk, the polygonal character is fully developed, and the square abandoned, but the angles of the polygon are far from being equal. In the western walk, the latest portion of the work, four centred arches are introduced, and the curves of the haunches being all alike, and the middle section of the spandril circular, the polygon formed by the front edges of the ribs is equiangular, as in fan vaulting. These effects, continued the Professor, may be confirmed by the comparison of contemporary examples, but it rarely happens that they can be found in a series, and in a work of which the uni- formity of design is for the most part preserved ; so that changes of this kind are rather to be regarded in the light of embellishment, or as the moderu improvements of the day added to the original design. Thus it is, that in this respect the cloister of Norwich is so valuable, by enabling us to discover many of those improvements which it is more difficult to pick out of examples complete in the character of their own age. The essay was accompanied by numerous sections, and a table laying down the exact curvature and arrange- ment of the vaults: all the curves are found, in conformity with all that has hitherto been observed on the vaultings of the Middle Ages, to be segments cf circles, and not ellipses formed by projection, according to modern prac- tice, which has, therefore, erred widely in the character of Gothic vaulting. This paper forms a sequel to that on the Vaulting of the Middle Ages in general, read by Prof. Willis, at the Institute, on the 5th of July, 1841. (See Journal for Aug. 1841.) Feb. 14. — Joseph Kay, Esa. V.P. in the Chair. This evening was one of more than ordinary interest, in consequence of its having been announced that the long-desired wish of many members of both the Institute and the Architectural Society for the union of the two bodies would take place. There was a very full attendance, so much so that the room was crowded to inconvenience. The preliminary arrangements having been completed, 32 members and students of the Architectural Society were admitted, 11 as fellows, 8 as associates, and 13 as students of the Institute. The Architectural Society will, therefore, be extinct after a final conitersazioKe, to be held at their rooms in Lincoln's Inn Fields, on the first instant. This union, we consider, will lead to very beneficial effects, and will give a firmer basis to the profession ; so that we hope now that attention wiU he seriously turned towards remedying the evils respecting " Competition Designs," so long complained of. ON FRESCO PAINTING. A Paper read at the Royal Institute of British Architects, by E. T. Pabris, Esa., on Monday, Mth Feb., 1842. The application of the higher branches of painting to architectural deco- ration, is a subject in which the members and gentlemen connected with this Institute have taken so much interest, that I need only refer you to the many valuable papers which have been read before these meetings on the art of polychromy, the works in the Vatican, and others relating to painting, all tending to prove that such embellishments are considered by the profession as essential to architecture. The liberality of the council, by their invitations, show the earnest desire on their part to promote the permanent union of architecture, sculpture, and painting, and is, I am sure, fully appreciated by my brother artists, and everj visitor present, as well as myself. I have, therefore, endeavoured to collect together a few remarks founded on my own practice, in the hope they may assist in restoring that confidence so essential on both sides in carrying out great works. It will be remembered that in 1821a new ball and cross was placed on the summit of St. Paul's Cathedral j and as the interior was intended to be cleaned, the question was much agitated respecting the paintings in the dome, by Sir James Thornhill. It was stated publicly that the expense of raising a scaffolding would be so great that faint hopes were entertained of its being effected ; I immediately turned my attention to the subject, and contrived an apparatus for the purpose of getting at the paintings. The model remained by me until 1829, when Mr. R. Cockerell, desirous of seeing the paintings cleaned and restored, submitted the model, in the most liberal manner, to the Dean and Chapter, introducing me at the same time as the inventor ; the apparatus was considered adequate to the purpose, and my estimate for restoring the whole of the painting, gilding, &c. above the whispering gallery was JEIOOO, and no charge for scaflblding ! but this sum was too large, and the plaster has been dropping from the wall ever since — (it had then decayed above five feet all round the dome)^and I am certain that in a few years the whole of the brick work will be exposed. What could II. M. the King of Prussia think on entering our metropolitan cathedral ? It may be readily imagined that the hope of employment on such a work, excited the liveliest enthusiasm, and I lost no opportunity of devoting every spare moment to experiments on stuccos and cements, as I fully expected on touching the plaster the greater portion would come down ; my intention was, in that case, to propose the restoration and painting to be done in fresco, it having been originally painted in oil. Perhaps there are many gentlemen present who visited Rome from 1820 to 1825, and they will remember that Cornelius, Overbeck, Veith, &c., then were employed by Chev. Bartholdy to paint his villa in fresco. The attempt to revive this method of painting was considered an experiment, and the English patrons and artists looked on, talked about it, but did nothing; one gentleman, an architect and member of this Institute, in the most laudable manner tried to engiaft it in this country, and had a large surface covered for that purpose in the Catholic Chapel in Moorfields. The result of my experiments at that time, with much practice on large works since, together with the attention I have recently given to this sub- ject, emboldens me thus to lay before you the following observations. I shall first endeavour to explain the diflferent ways of using colours in paint- ing, and offer my opinion as to the best appropriation of each to its particvUar 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 9» purpote, and although fully aware that practical men, and experienced archi- tects arc acquainted with their qualities, yet there are many who, practising one mode of painting, are ignorant of all the others, particularly as applied to architectural decoration. The covering large surfaces, and the representation of subjects and orna- ments by colour, is performed in either what is called fresco, distemper, encaustic, or oil (with varnish or without) termed Hatting. Oil painting consists in using pigments mixed with oils, gums, or other vehicles, for the transparent colours, and with opaque bodies, such as wliite lead, and metallic oxides, for the lights ; the extensive range or scale from Ught to dark, through all the varieties of colour, from the most delicate tint to the most juicy richness, gives it many advantages for general purposes, which no other mode possesses ; the ease with which it is worked, the nume- rous re-touchings, toning, scumbling, glazing, &c., renders it a most fasci- nating medium to convey the ideas of the artist to the canvas, panel, or wall. Durability is another of its advantages; and it would appear to possess every requisite for embellishing the ladies' boudoir, the picture galler)-, or public edifices of the greatest magnitude, or most severe character. But upon mature reflection it will be seen, notwithstanding the extensive powers of oil painting, that it is used to the best advantage when applied to certain sizes and positions, and when confined within paneUing or framing, and so placed as to receive the light from a particular angle, as its glossy surface reflects all objects before it. The ceiUng by Rubens at \A'hitehall will explain this, for since it was last cleaned, the canvass of the centre oval appears quilted, in consequence of the cord which suspend it rendering the surface uneven, and it can only be seen from a very few parts of the chapel without those shining little spots. The same cause operates npon oil painting, when applied to staircases, coves, and curved surfaces, and the staircase and saloon at the Uritish .Museum, the hall at Greenwich Hospital, and other places, ere examples of its misapplication. It may be stated in answer to this, that there are many paintings on a large scale which do not shine ; this must be allowed, but the cause is that they have, from age, &c., become mealy and dry in their shadows, losing all their transparency and richness, and in many cases the dark colours are covered with a grey cloud, and the usual cry is — How much they want varnish. I am also aware of the various methods used to destroy the gloss of oil pictures when placed opposite to windows, as starch, rice, while of egg, and spirits, with several others ; but in every case that I have seen and tried, the richness of the deep colours and shadows are reduced to the dullness of dis- temper ; the excessive blackness in the staircase at the liritish Museum, &c., is occasioned by the boiled oil used in preparing the grounds to prevent damps from coming through ; this never occurs in pictures painted with pure oils. Many attempts have also been made to unite the qualities of fresco, encaustic, and distemper with oil, by using one over the other. Paintinf in distemper, or body colour, is so inferior to oil, that few artists in this country practise it fur pictures, although much used in Italy. Yet it has some imjiortant qualities which fit it for purposes wherein oil would fall ; it is a mixture of colours, with whiting anil size, gum, white of egg, or other glutinous substances, it cannot be softened or blended without great difticulty, to that in most cases, where finish is required, the several tints arc carried into each other by hatching with the point of a hair pencil, as in the Cartoons of RafTaellc at Hampton Court. Its extraordinary power of reflecting light equally, renders it best adapted for scenery and gay light decoration. Its chief characteristics are, that it represents air, distant landscape, architectural objects and sculpture, better than by any other means (when on a very large scale, and the spectator is kept at a distance), for on approaching it appears dry and unfinished. Its chief objection for architectural decoration is, that it sufTers from damp, and is removeabic with a sponge and water. Most rolours can l)c used in distemper, even some that arc useless in oil, as verditer and others ; all the bright and rosy tints arc seen to the best advantage ^f.hcn used in distemper. I'aintiogin tur|ientine,or as it is termed flatting or dead colour, is a modi- fication of oil painting, no varnishes being used but turpentine alone (except- ing the oil in which the colours have been ground). Its qualities arc verv similar to distemper, with the advantages that the colours may be blended and softened into each other; but dispatch anil rapidity of execution is necessary, or the painting will shine in those parts where the brusli has passed frequently over. It represents air and distant land.scapc equal to distemper, and may be carried to the extreme delicacy of finish ; but on a \ cry large scale, it loses its force in the sbailowa, reflects considerably less light, ainl appears weak in comjiarison with distemper , it is as durable as oil would be without varnish. As to encaustic painting, I must confess my inability to explain its best qualities, or do it justice, the few experiments I have made and seen not being suflicient. Its general principles, however, consist in a mixture of gum mastic, wax, and gum arable, boUcd in water, and used with powder colours on dn.- plaster, canvass, or panel, after which a coat of melted wax is spreail over the whole, and a hot iron applied to drive the wax into the painting, and to incorporate with tlie colours, by which they are rendered more transparent and bright. Auotlar way .s to prepare a ground of wax, paint upon it »ith distemper colours, and when dry apply hot Irons, and it will be fixed. In all my experiments, I never have been able to remove a cloudy appear- ance, or to drive in the wax equally, when on a surface of any size ; but 1 believe the recent discoveries of the I'rench artists have brought it to maturity. It was much tried a few years ago, and I have seen several pic- tures which were thought successful, but they never exceeded eighteen inches square, and bad a semi-transparent appearance (from the wax) like marble ; they must be very permanent, and resist the dam|is of a moist cUmate. Durability without gloss is its chief advant.-ige, it can be retouched aud painted upon at any time, so that careful cartoons, and a thorough knowledge of drawing arc not so essential as in fresco. Fresco, a term not generally understood, was greatly talked about 20 years ago, and at last has become a question of national importance. It was sup- posed a secret and mysterious operation, whereas of all other modes of painting it is the most simple ; I am therefore astonished that many writers upon it, and some of them artists, should bring forward such opposite opinions, when a single experiment would prove the permanency of the colours, and explain the whole affair. From numerous experiments I have made, I believe that all our usual mortars will answer equally well, as far as the operation of applying the colours. The durability of the stucco is another consideration ; the practical plasterer will know what mixtures work the best, and the experienced archi- tect can inform us of the materials to endure the tests of time and climate. I think it not likely the Greek artists used exactly the same composition for their stuccos in their own country, as they did at I'ompeii and llercu- laneum, or that Masaccio, Michael Angclo, or the Sicilian artists, painted on a preparation, precisely the same as those now practising at Munich, and I am convinced that the painter will find walls, and stuccos, ready prepared to his hands for fresco, as good as he can desire, either in England, Russia, India, or America. The process consists in laying and spreading very even, a mortar com- posed of lime mixed with either sand, pulverized flint, bricks, or glass, and while it is fresh and moist, to apply colours prepared from earths and minerals, mixing them with water, the whole will become chemically incor- porated and fixed when the stucco is dry, and will become so hard by time OS to bear rubbing with a wet sponge or cloth. It must be remembered that vegetable colours will not stand. Those to be used in fresco painting arc few, of a deep sober tone, of great intensity, and are very brilliant when judiciously contrasted. In this the knowledge of the artist is called forth, as in every other method of painting, and a very little practice will teach him the few changes which take place in the drying of his tints. Although small works of the greatest excellence have been executed, aud by the first masters, yet the proper field for fresco is in figure subjects on extended sur- faces, and it is most ert'cctive when in conjunction with sculpture and architecture. As a decoration, it surjiasses every other mode of painting ; its grand and impressive tune of colour, with a boldness and decision of outline rejecting all meretiicious ornament, and its combiuing with large masses of architec- ture, give a dignity and majesty commanding silence and admiration. I must observe that much of the richness and briUiancy of fresco, depends on the stucco ground reflecting light through the colours, and Imlian red, when applied on a large surface, appears as heaullful as the richest lake in oil. The colours never grow darker, nor do they suffer from absence of light. Their durability is beyond a doubt. A very general iiuprcssion exists, that any painting done on a wall is fresco. This is* nilsUke, as uoue of the works by Thomhill. Verrio, aod others, are in fresco but in oil ; also that the scenery at the theatres is fresco ; they are not so, but in dittcm|>er. In fact nothing can properly bo called fresco that Is touched after the fresh mortar is dry and it is moreover supposed that the lingllsh artists are entirely ignorant of this motic of paint- ing. This again is not tine ; many have Irii-d and lucreodrd ; and there Is an interesting aicounl in the " Art I nion," of last year, dcjcriblng a work by Thomas llarkcr of lialh, thirty feet long, and twelve high, full of ligun s P 2 100 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [March, the size of nature, painted in 1822, about the time that the German artists, commenced fresco painting. Fresco painting, ancient stained glass, objects in terra cotta, bronzes, tessallated pavements, with painted and gilt monumental efligies, armour, and old tapestries, seem to partake of the same quaUties, that of a sober, power- ful, rich, and if I may so use the expression,' a ponderous character, which accords not only with' each of these, but with every style of architecture. In opposition to this painting in distemper, turpentine and oil require to be modified or humoured to suit the exact tone of the apartment ; the Vene- tian artists well knew this, and their oil pictures were frequently painted very rich and dark, to harmonize with coloured marbles, velvets, brocades, embroidery, and carved ebony, with which they were surrounded, but as form and outline were absorbed in those powerful eftects the higher style of art became disregarded. Enough was done by Rubens to show the value of painting as an architec- tural decoration ; and although the possession of the cartoons produced no commissions for our native artists, yet the nobles engaged Verrio, Rizzi, Pele- grini, Rousseau, Delafosse, and others, to cover the walls and ceilings with their preposterous deities in silks and satins, powder and perriwigs. ThornhiU, an Englishman, endeavoured single handed to form a school for his countrv, which was encouraged while he hved. It is however stated by his son-in-law Hogarth, " that the upper end of the hall at Greenwich, where the royal family is painted, was left chiefly to the pencil of M. Andrea, a foreigner, after the payment originally agreed upon for the work was so much reduced as made it not worth Sir James' while to finish the whole with his masterly hand." It is curious to note the scale of charges for architectural decoration for the last 200 years. That is from the arrival of Rubens in 1630 to 1730, when Thornhill was in his zenith ; and from 1730 to its almost total extinc- tion in 1842. 1630 Rubens, for AVhitehaU ceiling .f 7 10 per yard 1670 De la Fosse, British Museum 7 0 „ 1690 VeiTio, exclusive of gilding (with 200/. per annum when blind) -^ ^2 „ 1725 Thornhill for Greenwich 3 " « 1730 Do. pilasters 10 » 1775 Cipriani for cleaning the Rubens ceiUng, £2000. 1777 Barry for the paintings in the rooms of the Society of arts, after being furnished with colours received by the exhibition, £503. 2s. The practice of fresco painting will be found to produce strong sensations both in the artist and the public, and they will discover hidden beauties at present scarcely known to exist ; it will draw the attention of the painter to works of art hitherto glanced at as being out of his style— the Elgin mar- bles will become properly appreciated, he will disseminate the admiration to his pupUs, and through them the public wiU have their eyes opened to the riches they possess in those inestimable treasures of art. It is objected that fresco painting caunot be removed like oil. I beg to refer to those painted by Paul Veronese, and brought to this country a few years since. It may be done on slate. I do not insist that fresco is either better than oil or encaustic, or that it is more effective, except fo r particular pur- poses, hut it has advantages over every other style ; it can be done in less time for less cost, and produce a larger income to the artist ; is certain of raising the arts as well as the taste of the manufactures, consequently must increase the revenue of the country. lu fresco painting, the artist requhes numerous assistants, and some | of his own creating; they must he his pupils, with them he receives premiums for instruction ; he has also the benefit of their aid, and is therefore not obli'i-ed to devote so much of his own manual labour to express his thoughts ; and when he commences his work upon the wall it is soon dispatched, while the scatTold is up and the wall damp, without waiting for its drying, and then four coats of oil, and a flat before he begins. The al)ility of our artists in drawing is part of the great question; it will be seen and more fairly decided when the sketches of foreign artists are placed beside them, if tliey will come forward by the general invitation to artists of every nation ; if they do not, they are not entitled to be employed. Models for sculpture should be limited in size, and decided upon after three months public exhiljition. After the first selection is made, the artist and architect would be " work- ing in conjunction and in aid of each other," as desired by the select com- mittee ; each would appreciate the talents of the other as they became developed, and the architect would be saved the mortification of having his edifice encumbered by a mixture of German saints, Greek and Roman heroes, and paintings of Turkish battles, all perhaps good in tl.emselves, but destruc- tive to his design from their wrong application. It would be necessary for the architect to have proper scaffolding, and other conveniences as the decorations would then really form part of his undertakings and estimate. I must now leave this and all other remarks to your consideration, and sin- cerely trust that what I have stated will be understood as not intended to draw' forth opinions, but experiments. I have endeavoured to explain the results of mine, and if I have made erroneous conclusions, I am sure that no one will more gladly be undeceived when proofs are given to the contrary, and I trust we shall be able of ourselves, not only to embellish the Houses of Parliament, but all other public edifices, without foreign aid, both in oil, encaustic, and fresco. REVIEWS. Papers on subjects conmckd mith the Duties of the Corps of Royal Engineers. London ; John Weale, 1S42. We have before us the fifth volume of papers by the Royal Engineers, one of increased size ; and we have not yet seen the third volume of the Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers, although upwards of two years have expired since the second volume appeared. It was, in fact, in Nov. 1838, when that volume was produced; and as the fir«t volume of papers bv each body was commenced at the same time, there must, in our opinion, have been great remissness on the part of the Institution, in allowing their military brethren to get so much ahead. Want of papers can be no plea in excuse for this delav, for there are plenty of them read at the meetings, many of which, well worthy of publication, are doomed to seclusion in the portfolios ol the society We shall not, therefore, witness the continuance of this state of affairs, without feeling it our duty to comment upon it more strongly. „ , ■ \ a When it is considered that the interest of the papers is enhanced by their speedy publication, we cannot but regard this delay as most injurious both to the progress of science and the interests of the pro- fession. The civil engineer and the royal engineer will both be judged by their deeds ; and if the latter succeed in bringing forth three volumes to one, they will naturally become more familiar to the public, and in the end perhaps supplant the civil engineers in all government works.an en- terprise which will but too well meet the encouragement of the ruling powers. When it is further considered that the royal engineers are united on this occasion merely by a private compact, and that the civil engineers form an incorporated body, we think it becomes the bounden duty of the Institution to be more zealous in their exertions, and more liberal in their measures. It is their duty to promote science, and to diffuse information; for the more the public beconies enlight- ened as to the powers of the engineers, the more will they be disposed to encourage public works. . ^, , , Havino- said thus much, we shall proceed to examine the contents of the vdume before us, of which the first two papers are purely military. The third paper is on the removal of a wreck ; and the next paper on the Madras Lighthouse, and the mode of its illumination. The fifth paper, by Lieut. Nelson, R.E., treats of the varieties of tim- ber, and has tables of their degrees of strength. Many of the speci- mens are of woods upon which hitherto no report has been made. We regret to observe, as we have on previous occasions of this kind, tliat the experiments were not made on larger scantlings; nevertheless tlie paper appears to be got up with care, and to be more copious than any we have yet seen. The next paper is on the canal navigation ot the Canadas, by Lt. Col. Philpotts, illustrated with maps and a plan, sections, and details of one of the locks. The seventh is a description of a traversing crane of considerable strength, used by the Butterley company, well adapted for raising great weights, communicated by Mr. Joseph Glynn. The eighth is an interesting paper by Major Jones, R.E., on'the method of building in Malta. The next paper, on drawbridges, is a valuable communication from Lieut. Douglas Ciatton, R.E., chiefly derived from the French of M. Poncelet. It isiUus- trated with three plates, containing several varieties of this kind of bridge. The tenth jiaper illustrates, in much detail, Mr. Napier s machinery for the manufacture of leaden bullets by compression, by which 25,000 bullets can be produced in a day. In the next paper the editor describes the new dock constructed at Woolwich under his THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 101 1842.] superintendence, in conjunction with Mr. James Walker Mr Miles, in the twelfth paper, gives an elaborate account of Hud.iart s rope machinery used in Deptford dock-yard, whose patent has now expired. It is accompanied with seventeen beautiful engravinRS by Le Keux. drawn with great accuracy, and exhibiting all the details To persons who feel an interest in this subject, we recmnmeml this article for perusal. The next paper is on the theory and practice of sinking Ar- tesian wells, including one at the model prison. Caledoman Koad, Isling- ton which is the deepest vet sunk in the chalk of the London basin and shows the abundance of water to be obtained from that stratum. It will be seen, from the list of papers which we have given, and from the extent of illustration, how much the editor has ex.-rted him- self for the improvement of his work. We hope liercaftcr to make some extracts from this work, to which we have not now space to do justice. Remarks on EnglM Churches, c,i Ihecrixdiaw,, ofrtndani^ Sepiilchral Memorials subserritnt to piou» and Chri»tian mu. My J. n. M.mik- LAXD, F.R.S. & S.A. Oxford : Parker, IS IJ. Mr M\RKI.v\d'= book is rather addressed to the public than to architects; but it will render essential service, by directing men^s views to the many considerations connected with ecclesiastical archi- tecture To preserve the works of our ancestors from decay, and to protect them from the injuries inflicted by barbarism— to add our share to the accumulated architectural wealth of ages-are obligations which cannot be too generally enforced, and which are wU urged by our author. His work is one of a numerous class which we see issuing from the Oxford press, betokening the increased interest of the clergy in ecclesiastical architecture, a feature which we are glad to recog- nize, as the clergy have mainly assisted in the decline ol that art, and are the parties who can most efficaciously co-operate in its restoration. The Year Book of FacU in Science and ^rl. By tlie Editor of " TU Arcana of Science." London : Tilt and liogue, lS-12. The numerous facts contained in this yearly volume artbrd a com- plete index to what has bsen done during the past year in the arts and sciences ; it is a book full of useful information collected from several periodicals, and shows the industry of the editor in stringing together so much valuable matter. Telegraphic Railmays, or the Single Way recommended by Safely and Economy. By WiLLiAM FotheugillCooke, EsQ. London: Simpkiu Marshall, and Co., 1S42. Mr. Cooke, the co-patentee of Professor Whcatstone in the electric telegraph, has written this small volume to illustrate its working, and to show the economical advantage which may be derived from its em- ployment. The author shows clearly that in the majority of cases, the application of this apparatus will enable companies to work a single line with safety, and so to avoid the great and heavy expense of double ways, so unsuitable for a restricted traffic. This is done with impar- tial'! ty, although an inventor is speaking of his darling project. Mr. Cooke has made out a very strong case, which we think highly calls for the enquiry of the railway proprietor and engineer. Illiulrations of Ihc jlrchilicturc of Nicholas Coldman. By H. AuSTE.v, Architect, Liverpool. London: Green, lisll. Mb. Austen's re-publication of Goldman's work is too expensive for students, and the illustrations badly executed ; nor is the small quantity of letter-press carefully edited. ON INCREASING THE EV.\P<^RAT1VE IKJWER OF BOILER .S. Sir— Perceiving in your last Journal a review of mv suggestions for increasing the evaporative power of boilers, and also for preventing the nuisance from smoke, in which the writer has indulged more in wit than argument, I beg, while passing over the former, to reply to that portion of his review which bears on the above important subject, and, at the same time, is more in harmony with the scientific nature of your useful work. The reviewer has indulged in much personal matter, and even personal abuse ; but as I have not leisure to comment on such, and am persuaded you would object to have your valuable columns so occupied, I will conline myself to the scientific and prac- tical, leaving the figurative and redundant matter to the neglect which is perhaps its best reward. After a long quotation from the Mechanic's Magazine, (No. .laU.) givi"" the substance of a conimuiiicition made by me to a highly intellectual and practical auditory at the Polytechnic Society of this town, in which 1 explained a mode of increasing the evaporative power of boilers, bv the Iraiismissiuu of heat, longitudinally, through metallic bodies, (and the whole of which quotation I assert to be sub- stantially correct,) the reviewer observes, "Well: if this be not carrying' absurdity to an imperial pitch, we do not know what is. Now- .Sir, I can only say that this "imperial absurdity" has yet to be pointed out; for as'sure'dly none of my auditory were able to detect it, during their examination of the experimental boilers then in action before them, and after an interesting discussion to which it led. I may also observe, that after 1 had concluded, Mr. Uewrance, the en- gineer of the Manchester and Liverpool Railway, stated to the meet- ing that he had inserted 105 such conductor pins into one of the company's stationary engine boilers, and that it was attended with so decided an effect, that the boiler now produced an abundance of steam, although previously its supply was very deficient. Yet what is this "absurdity." of which the reviewer speaks? Neither more nor less than the practical application of the well-known theory of " conduction," which mav be found in every work ofj*"- thorit'y, treating on heat, and its transmission through met.d?. The application of this heat-conducting power of metals, of which I avail mvself, is by introducing metallic pins projecting a given length into the flues of boilers, and by which a greater quantity of heat will be conducted to the water than would be due to the area which the pins displaced. On this head, the reviewer quotes the words 1 used, vu. "The half-inch circular portion of the flue-plate which such pin hM displaced, is thus made to possess the faculty of transroilling as much heat as is nceind and abxorbtd by nine half inches superficial" (the pin being half an inch in diameter and three inches long). Now this statement, 1 repeat, is strictly true, in defiance of the reviewer's charge of "absurdity." The reviewer, however, putting his own erroneous interpretation on these words, raises an imaginary superstructure, which he attacks with genuine Quixotic ardor, and equally guixotic effect, for he adds, "by which we understand that the pin hL\s the effect of transmitting to the water nine times as much heat as the half- inch disc it displaces." Now this is a mere gratuitous misunderstand- ing of a very plain position. I did not give any miasiire or quantity ' of heat, so transmitted; 1 merely said, "as much heat as is rectictd and absorbed;" for on this very distinction depends the whole ques- tion, inasmuch as it is an ever-varying quantity, and influenced hy numerous physical and accidental circumstances, such as, the length and thickness of the pin— the nature of the recipient— the part of the plate in which it is inserted- the quantity of soot or other non-con- ducting matter with which the flue may be lined— the strength of thf> eculiarity of its construction, and the reputed specil of the vessel. h.as berome an object of considerable interest. The form of the vessel resembles that of the fastest Gravesend steamers, but sharper at both ends ; the paddle wheels are of Morgan's construction. The ribs of the vessel are of T iron ; the exterior or shell is composed of plank about 4 inches thick, 'hie lioilers are of that description known as Splllers. Each boiler consists of a large internal cb.amber, in which the fire is situated, and above the fire several rows of brass tubes of about 2 inches in diameter are aiTanged in a direction diflering by a few degrees from the horizontal line. The water is contained uathin these tubes uhich communicate with a water space at each end : the llame .and hot air circulate ouUiite uf the tubes, and the deflection of thLMr direction from the horizontal line has the effect of maintaining a constant current through each tube, thereby obviating tbc difficulty which has Ijeen found u> at tact) to other tubular boilers, in which a pipe, if heate(I in tbc middle, has been found to generate steam which expelli'ifthc water out f)f each end, the elasticity of the steam preventing the water from .again entering. The engines are by Messrs. Acraman 8c Co., of Bristol, of 80 horse power each, an I the nature of their general arrangement may perhaps be more clearly imagined by supposing a pair of eommoii land engines to be turned upon their ends, that is, placed «llh the cylinder in a horizontal position, the cylinder being beneath and the connecting roujnp« therefore stand Ijetween the engines, at a distance Irom the line of the beam centres equal to the length of the lev.rs. The piston rod works through both ends of the cylimler ; it is somewhat larger than piston roeat valves of the same description as the expan.'^ion valves in common use. There are two steam and two eduction valves, as is the usual prac.iie when spindle valves are employed. These valves are wrought by an eccentric u|on the intermediate shaft. The spindle of one valve does not pass through the spindle of the other, but the whole four valves are arranged in a suit.ablo rliest above the cylinder. 'Hie oi,era!ion of revers ng is arcompiisheer arrange- ment we are thoroughly convinced. The greater par; of the noise the work- ing of an engine occasions, arises from the action ol Ihe valves in connection with the air pump, .and there is much leakage often through tliem, and much wear and tear. Messrs. Acraman's .arrangement will go far to prevent this, and the benefits of the system would be materially enhanced, if the action proper to the foot and delivery yalves were accomplished by Ihe agency of a simple form of slide valve. There would then be no noise at all. and the vacuum in the condenser would probably be something better than in ordinary engines ; for in ordinary engines there must always beaililTerence of pressure between the iiir pump and condenser sufficient, with the difference of the level of the water to ojien the foot valve. The best engineers, by placing their foot valves nearly perpendicular, r nder the difference of pressure lietween the vapour in the condenser and that in the air-pump barrel, very inconsiderable, yet there is a difl'erencc in all ordinary engines, and this dilTerence would be extinguished by discarding the foot and delivery valves in favour of a slide valve, which would accomplish the work of b ith. The workmanship of the engines is very superior. There are no nist joints, but all the surf.aces intended to be filled are planed and made tight by a little relipse, Railway, and Blackwall. The Little Western is certainly a favourable example of the skill of Bristol mech.anici.ans. but that there is anything either in the stnieluro of the hull or machinery pre-eminently excellent, we utterly deny. In the production of the vefsel there appears to have been loo great a straining afier novelty and there are evidences of a disposition to select arrangements, not so much by the consideration of what is excel enl as of what is unu.sual. The following are some of Ihe proi«rlions of the ves.sel and engines; she is 721 tons, measures between |iut 300 tons ol eonls. and a heavy ear^ro sufficient to test her cnpal.ihtles for a long voyage, left her moorings .at Blackwall, and nroree locks, a number that would have occasioned great delay in the transit; it was therefore deemed advisable to have recourse to another mode of conveying the boats on those levels where there was a considerable acclivity in the section; for this purpose inclined planes were adopted, having an inclination, on the average, of one in 11, upon which are laid tram-ways for transporting the boats on trucks from the lower level to the upper level. To show the magnitude of the work, we will give a few particulars of its construction. There are IS locks on the Hudson side, having a total rise of 160 feet, and 7 on the Delaware side, 6'.l ft. rise ; the locks are cased with stone, and are '8 feet long and 0 feet wide. Besides, there are 23 inclined planes, 12 on the Hudson side, total rise r4"5 ft., and 11 on the Delaware side, 001 ft. rise, there are also four flood gates at its junction with the two rivers, 5 dams, 30 flashes, 20(1 bridges, and 12 aqueducts, one that passes over the " Passaik" is of stone with an arch SO feet span, and another of wood over the Pompton, 230 ft. long. The breadth of the canal at top is 32 feet, at bottom 20 ft. and in depth 4 ft. The works were first com- menced under the direction of Capt. Beach, and afterward undertaken by Major Douglass, formerly Professor of the Military Academy at West-Point, who executed the inclined planes. One of the inclines ^i ft. high, cost 17,000 dollars, which is at the rate of 315 dollars ;«r fool high. We will now proceed to describe the inclined planes and the machinery, the object of our present notice : — At the top of the inclined plane two chambers or locks are constructed of itone ifigs. 1, 2. and 3) into which the boats are conveyed for the purpose of being lowered, or for tUcir reception after they are drawn up ; the upper end is divided from the canal T, by gates O, (ligs. 7 and 8.) and the lower end by the gates 0 ; the upper gates are opened and closed by the aid of a small water wheel S', whose axis is prolonged and passes under the floor of the chamber to the partition N, and then turns two bevelled cog-wheels, e,f, each twelve inches diameter 'see fig. II) ; by the aid of a lever these wheels nuT be made to turn in either direction, they work into another bevelled wheel at right angles, which transfers the motion to the bevelled gear /, at the other end of the aiis A, which also turns in cither direction the two bevelled wheels *, /, upon the axes /' of these two wheels arc small pinion wheels m, which work into the racks n on the face of the gate, and raise or lower the gate as may be desired. The gates O', ("figs. 9 and 10,) at the other end of the chamber open upon a horizontal hinge joint, when open it lies flat upon the floor, and when shut it rests against the slanting pieces or stops 0. For the purpose of Ijlhng the lock, the upper gates are lowered, which allows the water to flow over the floor of the chamber, and lift the lower gates, and as the water rises, so the gales are closed; when the lock is emptied, as the water lowers, so the gales O' drop down on the floor. The emptying of the chambers is cfrcctcd in the following manner: On the back of the upper gates arc axles *' and i', to which a chain /i is attached, and fastened at the other end to a moveable board, p, ten inches high, con- nected to a bar r, attached to a horizontal sluice t, and in the floor of the cham- her, which covers the outlet, P. If the upper gate O be raised, it prevents the water of the upper level flowing in, and at the same time the chain p is coded round the axis /', and consequently the l»oard ij and the sluice » arc drawn forward, and a communication opened to the chuiDcl below V", through which the chamber is emptied. When the upper gate o is lowered, the water rushes over, and by it( force pushes forward the board p, and therewith the horizonUl sluice », and closes the aperture, at the same time closing the lower gates. The machinery for mo%ing the boats is under the floor of the chamber, and is set in motion by the aid of an overshot wheel (S, tigs. I, L', and 3) 26 feet diameter, and H feet broad, made of wood, with a cast-iron shaft ; upon this shaft is a cast-iron pinion wheel d. (i»c feet diameter, which works into a cog-wheel d', 1 feet diameter; upon a prolonged axis of this last wheel are two bevelled cog-wheels, .•> feet diameter, E E', i shown more at large in fig.C) by means of the lever arrangements, either of these wheels may be made to revolve cither way, as may be required to turn the horizontal cog-wheel 6, 7 feet diameter, the axle of which is under the centre wheel that divides the chambers ; upon the top of this horizontal wheel is fixed the pulley 9 feet diameter a, round which the chain d passes, for the purpose of raising or lowering the truck. Upon the i[ic)ined plane \ X' are laid two pair of raUs z, x', 31 < 1 for the trucks to travel upon, and in the centre of each truck way is a pair of guide- pulleys, upon which the chain d runs. For the purpose of conveying the boats there are two trucks (figs, i and 5 are a plan and elevation of one of them), the framing rests upon four longitu- dinal bearers w" upon which are laid 15 transverse bearers ; on each side there are three vertical standards n", fixed above by cross-stays n, and below by bolts and iron stays. They are supported upon four pairs of wheels, two pair / are placed close to each other, and have in the centre a moveable axis, upon which the trucks can turn ; at the end is a horizontal wheel a, round which the draw-chain d passes. Wien it is required to convey a boat from one level to another, it is generally done by having one truck at the top of the incline, in one of the chambers, and another at the fool in the lower level of the canal, the trucks stand in the water, and the boats are floated over and secured to them by a chain d' to the side-bar /. The boats are then drawn up by the aid of a strong chain d, (figs. 1, 2, and '■>,) fastened at one end at 4, and at the other at a, to a, sills fixed to the floor of the chambers, from i it passes down one side of the inclined plane X between the rails, then round the puUey a', attached to the end of the truck, thence up again belweeu the same rails to the chamber, where it passes through the floor L at A, to the underside, round the horizontal pulley a, and emerges again at c, it then passes down the other truckway X' round the ptdley a' of the truck, up again, and terminates at c', where it is fixed to the sill ; thus when the truck is descending the chain is lengthening, and at the same time it is shortening with the ascending truck ; by this arrangement the trucks nearly balance each other, and ihe only work for the watcr-whcel is to overcome the fric- tion and the small difference in the weight of the up and down truck. There is also another help-chain fastened to the side of each truck, and which passes down the centre of the railway, over guide-pulleys, round a pulley at the foot of the incline-plane, which is for the purpose of drawing the ascend- ing trucks up to the end of the chamber ; as by the winding apparatus the ascending truck is only just brought to the top of the inchne. Fig. 12 shows the lever and break for regulating the speed of the water- wheel. The boats weigh from seven to eight tons, and carry from 20 to 30 tons, the time occupied in passing up the longest incline of 1100 feet in length and 100 feet rise, is stated to be fifteen minutes, including stoppages. On account of their shorter length, the boats are not so long in passing over the other inclines. It is generally reckoned that about six boats can pass each way per hour. The machinery can be managed by a single person, the boatman having nothing to do but to fasten the boat on to the truck. MEASUREMENT OF BRIDGES. Sir — Will you allow an old friend to ask, through the medium of your very able Journal, some of your very valuable correspondcnti the best mcthoil of measuring a stone bridge = taking the ditfcrcnt parts of the works separately, and yon will much obhge. Yours very sincerely, Duilin, March 12, ltJ12. Primus. 106 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [April, CANDIDUS'S NOTE-BOOK. FASCICULUS XXXVI. " I must have liberty "Withal, as large a charter as the winds, To blow on whom I please." I. It would seem that architects neither keep any journals, nor carry on any correspondence relating to their professional pursuits and engagements, for nothing of the kind has at any time been communi- cated to the public, not even as regards such men as Adam, Wyatt, and many others whose intercourse with the higher ranks of society must have given some sort of historical interest to their epistolary correspondence, supposing they ever wrote any letters not strictly confined to mere matters of business. While Joey Grimaldi the pan- tomime clown obtains a biographer who bestows upon him a couple of volumes. Sir Jeffry Wyatville has not been thought worthy of any such compliment, notwithstanding that he was for some time within the sphere and atmosphere of a court, and that a life of him would, no doubt, serve as an excellent peg on which might be hung numerous anecdotes relating to very distinguished personages, including the conversations which he must no doubt have held from time to time with his royal patrons on the subject of architecture. Seme day or other, perhaps, the world will yet be enlightened, and some fortunate publisher will be able to announce the "Wyatville Papers and Correspondence." n. It is excessively provoking to meet so repeatedly with paltry «' put-off" excuses for reticence of criticism in regard to contem- porary works of architecture, as though they were not just as much amenable to opinion and comment as the productions of any other art, but were entitled to especial forbearance. It is after such fashion that Gauthier apologizes for not offering any remarks on the design of the new theatre at Genoa (erected by Carlo Barabino, 1S26-8), saying he chooses " to abstain alike from commendation or from cen- sure, leaving it to the public to appreciate its merits" ! Leaving it to the public, forsooth I— and how is the public to form its judgment if critical inquiry is to be stifled, and those who are, or who ought to be, capable of delivering opinion on such matters, abstain from doing so? Without any great breach of charity, we may, in all such cases, attribute the apparent candour and forbearance either to the writer's having no real opinion of his own to express, either one way or the other, or to a ridiculous excess of cautiousness. Why there should be aught more invidious or indelicate in criticising the productions of a living architect, than in exercising the same freedom of judgment on those of a living painter or poet, it is not easy to perceive. Criticism may knock a poem on the head at once, and cause it to drop dead from the press— but criticism cannot knock down stone walls; a building will remain either to confirm, if correct, or refute, if unjust, the opinion passed upon it. It must be allowed that architectural critics are liberal enough in favouring us with established opinions, which may be come at without other trouble than that of copying them from other books, and which are most conveniently safe, inas- much as the critic himself hazards nothing, for if the opinion be ap- proved, he can take the credit of it, and if taxed as unsound, can throw the odium of it on the stupidity of those from whom he borrowed it. " But," exclaim some, " we do not vi'ant criticism— we have gone on very comfortably without it. Criticism does far more harm than good ; it teaches the public to pry into what they have no business to fancy they can understand, whereas all that we require of them is their im- plicit admiration." III. Though we have had many modern architectural works relative to the principal cities of Italy, they have all of them been exclusively retrospective or nearly so, exhibiting only the monuments of former periods of the art, and showing scarcely a single recent example. Admitting that the subjects selected for them are of more intrinsic value as studies than any buildings of recent date, still some of the latter would at least possess the interest of novelty. Architecture is not absolutely defunct in Italy, although it might almost be imagmed that it bad not produced a single work of any note since the com- mencement of the present century, so little is the information to be met with relative to any edifices that have been erected there witbm the last forty or fifty years. It would seem to be an express rule adhered to by all our tourists, architects, and artists, who visit that country, not to take any notice of contemporary buildings— on no account to describe or to delineate them, but to bore us for the ten- thousandth time, with their extacies, with the Pantheon, and St. Peter's, with Palladio and Michel Agnolo. If they can bring home nothing less stale, they would do well neither to take up their pens nor open their mouths. Of Cagnola they of course have never heard, Possagno they have never visited, nor have they ever stumbled upon the Cafe Pedrocchi at Padua-a palazzo in appearance, and a sufli- ciently striking specimen of the modern Greco-Italian school-with much elegance to recommend it, though not free from defects. Al- thoucrh it mav not be ranked among the public edifices of that city,U is, as a piece of architecture, quite as conspicuous an object as the Retorm Club House, which last, perhaps, a tourist through Pall Mall would not have eves to discover. A work containing examples ot the Italian architectui'e of the present century, would be a welcome novelty, and though the buildings themselves may be comparatively few and tar between, still, ample materials for the purpose are to be coUected between Milan and Naples, from the structures by Bianchi and Nicco- lini, in the last mentioned city, to Buonsignore's church, the Madre dl Iddio, at Turin, and Canova's Doric rifacciamento of the Pantheon, at Possagno. But ! and that, if not the most satisfactory, is certainly a most omnipotent reason wherefore nothing of the Kina either is, or is likely to be undertaken. IV That theory which would base architectural beauty upon uttlity and fitness, is so far from being satisfactory as clearly tracing the source of the former quality to the two latter, that, instead of removing perplexity, it rather increases it. In direct opposition to such doc trine, every-day experience convinces us that so very far from consti- tuting esthetic beauty, mere utility and fitness contribute very little at all towards it, even in architecture, where, as far as the purpose of building is concerned, they might seem to be not only indispensable, but all-sufficient, and afford all the pleasure which the mind can derive from examining and contemplating edifices of any kind. Yet such is assuredly not the case; on the contrary, it is only when it aims at something more thah utility, when it indulges in the superfluous-or, if you will, the useless-in short, when it steps into the province of art, and aims at the idle gratification of the eye, that architecture is entitled to the high distinction claimed for it, and the lofty pretensions set up in its behalf. Upon .the utility principle of beauty, a turnip field would be a far more agreeable prospect than any to be met with in Swiss or Italian scenery; and upon the common-sense fitness and utility principle, a modern church erected according to the "cheap and nasty" svstem, and according to Islington or Bethnal Green taste, ought to delight quite as much as, if not more than, any of those glorious ex- amples of our ancient ecclesiastical architecture which so wonderfully impress the mind. Unless the word " utiHty " be exceedingly elastic, indeed, and its meaning so ductile that it may be drawn out like gold to a most prodigious exteuf, utility cannot at all be said to recommend the dome of St. Paul's, it adding nothing whatever to the serviceable- ness of the building; while on the other hand, the unsightly platforms or galleries with which our churches are encumbered, ought to be accounted beautiful, since they certainly have the plea of being useful, as far as affording sittings goes. V. What a writer in the Art Union has remarked relative to works of sculpture exhibited in this country, will apply equally well to archi- tecture. "Tiie last slight which this noble art sustains remains un- told; see our daily and weekly papers, nay, our journals of art and science, see the column after column noticing thp productions of the pencil, and the infantile paragraph, stating simply that sculpture too is there." By merely changing a single word, and reading "archi- tecture," or "architectural drawings," instead of "sculpture," we 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 10 have here described the sort of attention bestowed by the critics of the periodical press upon exhibited designs. Opinions as to their merit they do not put forth, since they are unable either to form or to express any ; but it is considered quite sufficient if tlie " infantile paragraph " be tacked on to the rest, by way of postoript in some such terms as " there are several beautiful architectural drawings, on which our space will not permit to bestow more particular notice." Or else "particular notice" goes to the extent of copying titles and names from the catalogue, ticketed, perhaps, by some luminous epithet, which leaves us just as mu;h in the dark as ever with regard to the things so mentioned. For this neglect, architects have, in a great measure, to thank themselves; first, for presenting their designs before the public at the fag end of an exhibition of pictures, thrust into a little poking room where not above one third of the drawings hung up can be seen, much less examined. Secondly, because they do nothing whatever towards promoting a popular relish for the study of architecture, and vimlicating the pretensions assumed for it as one of tiie fine arts. They at least have not much right to complain of their designs being passed over without notice at exhibitions, when, by the kind of notice they themselves generally bestow upon them in their own publications, they convince us that they are unable to explain their own ideas, or point out the etTect and character at which they aimed. Ill does it become architects as a body to regret that there should be so much apathy on the part of the public towards their art, when they themselves display a degree of apathy still more unaccountable if not very much more discreditable. MESSRS. MAUDSLAYS AND FIELD'S MARINE ENGINES. It must be unnecessary to offer a single observation upon the value of the annexed table. Its value will, we are confident, be fully appre- ciated by our readers. It is proper to remark, that several of the sizes not given directly io the table are involved in other sizes which are given, and may be deduced from them by a very simple process. Thus the length of the stroke of the air pump, as well as of the hot water or feed pump, are not given directly, but may at once be ascertained as follows : Given — Length of stroke of cylinder. " Distance from centre of beam gudgeon to centre of cylinder. " Distance from centre of beam gudgeon to centre of air pump. From these data the length of the stroke of the air pump may easily be obtained ; we have only to work this simple rule of three question; — Distance from centre of beam gudgeon to centre of cylinder is to distance from centre of beam gudgeon to centre of air pump, as length of stroke of cylinder is to length of stroke of air pump: whence we obtain the answer sought for at once. It is manifest that the answer may also be obtained by construction. The feed pumps are, in Messrs. Maudslays' engines, as well as in most other engines, worked off the air pump cross head ; the length of the stroke of the air pump, there- fore, determines the length of the stroke of the feed pump. The sizes given in the table have manifestly reference only to side lever engines. The size of the steam pipe is not given in the table, but the »ize of the steam port is, and the steam pipe should be, about the same area. The quantity of lap or cover proper to be put upon the valve, is a question determinable altogether by the quantity of expansion required, and varies in different engines of the same power. But the upper and under faces of the valve are, in Messrs. Maudslays' engine, in no case of the same brcadtli : the cause for this inequality is that if the valve be at half stroke, that is, with both ports closed, and if the engine be moved round, the travel of the valve from half stroke to the extremity of the stroke doicnwarda will be found to be not the same as the travel of the valve from half stroke to the ex- tremity of the stroke upwardn. In other words, the space described by the valve whilst the piiton descends, and the space described by the valve whilst the piston ascends, arc not iijual ; whereby it becomes necessary to make the superior and inferior faces of the valves of dilTurcnl depths, to compeosate for tl' is inequality. The accuracy of the preceding statement every engineer has it in his power to verify, either by a model, or by a drawing of the valve and piston in their several relative positions. The cause of the irregularity may be traced to the oblique action of the coanecting and eccentric rods. If the piston be placed at half stroke, that is, midway between the top and the bottom of the cylinder, the crank will not be level. This is manifest from the ordinary method of ascertaining tb« length of the connecting rod, which is to level the beams, and take the vertical distance from the extremity of the beams to the centre of the crank shaft. When the beams are level the engine is at half stroke, but if we wish to attach the connecting rod to the crank pin — its length being ascertained as above — it will be necessary to bring the crank down a little, to compensate for the depression of the head of the connecting rod due to the deviation from the vertical line. If, then, the crank be not level at half stroke, the descent of the piston from half stroke, and its ascent to half stroke again will accomplish more than half a revolution of the paddle wheels ; and the ascent of the piston from half stroke, and its descent to half stroke again, will accomplish less than half a revolution of the paddle wheels. The ratio of the disparity will vary with the length of the connecting rod, the circumstance of there being overhang or no overhang of the beam, the length of the beam, and other circumstances; but in all ordinary en- gines, the difference between the upper segment of the circle of the crank's revolution and the under segment of that circle will interfere with the valves' motion, and the proportionment of the valve faces ought to have reference to the extent of that interference. It is Messrs. Maudslays' practice, in some of their very recent en- gines, to make the stroke of the valve considerably more than twice the depth of the port. All the valve levers are equal, and the stroke of the valves is in all cases equal to the throw of the eccentric It is also their invariable practice, in all engines of considerable magnitude, to construct the valve casing with a faucet joint, to permit the ex- pansion of the casing when heated with steam, without distorting the cylinder. In some large engines which have been without this pro- vision, we have known the cylinder ports to be rent asunder by the expansion of the casing ; and however frequently and however well the rust joints of the casing might have been made, they invariably became very soon leaky, from the effect of unequal expansion. The cylinder when hot will expand as much as the valve casing ; and if the two were always equally heated, no detriment could ensue from the absence of an expansion joint. But as the throttle valve is never per- fectly tight, and iis the slide valve generally is so, the steam before the engines are started enters the casing and induces its expansion; whilst being excluded by the slide valve from the cylinder, the cylinder is not heated, and therefore does not expand. Injury of some sort or other, if the engine be large, is sure to be the result of these conflict- ing forces. Our provincial engineers are sadly deficient in their acquaintance with or their attention to details such as those to which we have adverted ; yet it is upon an attention to such details that the superiority of an engine principidly depends. In the double cylinder engines of the Messrs. Maudslays, cylindrical slide valves are employed, and have been found to operate extremely well. The packing of these valves is metalli.:. The packing of the pistons made by the same firm are invariably nict;Ulic, and generally consist of a single ring turned eccentric, cut in one place, and the cut part fitted with a tongue piece to prevent the steam /ron. p issing through the cut. A piece the same breadth as the ring is httcd over the back of the cut, ground tight, and then rivetted to one part of the ring. The elasticity of the ring is in most cases found sulhc.ent to keep the ring in intimate contact with the interior of the cylinder, an.1 the force with which this contact is maintained may be either aug- mented or diminished bv a bridle-a truly ingenious contriv.ince, and one which we regret the limits of this notice prevent us from referrinR to more specifically. In a future paper we shall probably enter with considerable minute- ness into the merits of Messrs. Maudslays' machinery, or rather into those details which constitute the excellence of the machinery of that eminent firm. T i. ]0S THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. PROPORTIONS OF MARINE ENGINES. The following Table of Pioportions is collected from Marine Engines of Messrs. Maudslays' manufacture. [April, IlOBSE Power . 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 CO 70 SO 100 ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. 1 ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. Cylinder, diam. inside 20 24 27 294 32 3G 40 43 464 474 53 Air-pump, diam. inside lU 14 16 17 18 21.V 24 24 28 28 31 Slides, diam. 9 lOJ m 12f 13i 15 172 174 21 21 22J Hot water pump, diam. 2| 2i 3 3i 34 4 44 1 44 54 54 64 Injection cock, diam. If- 2 •7 1 24 1 24 3 3 3 Feed pipe, diam. U 24 ' 24 24 24 Hand pump, diam. 4 4 4 5 5 c g' '• 6 G 6 G Crank shaft, diam. 4i G 64 7 7i 8 9 10 104 104 12 Piston rod, diam. 2 2" 2} 3 3i 34 4 il 44 41 51 Air pump rod, diam. 1^ l| 2 2i 2i 2-i 3 3 34 34 3J Cylinder side rod, diam. 7*iV IJ 2 2i 24 2-J 3 3J 34 3i Air-pump side rod, diam. . 1 If n 14 14 IJ If li 24 24 24 Slide rod, diam. I-tV i^ J. s 1 14 H H 14 15 n 1| Beam gudgeon, diam. 4i 6 G 7 n 8 9 9 104 10-1 12 Beam ends, diam. pins 2 21 21 3 3i 34 4 41 44 44 5i Air pump pins in beam, diam. 11 15 H n 2 2^ 24 24 2f 2i 34 Lengtb of stroke of cylinder 0 2 3 2 6 2 9 3 0 3 G 4 0 4 0 4 6 4 G 5 0 Beam at centres, diam. i 2i 1 G 1 7 1 9 1 11 2 1 2 4 2 4 2 9 2 9 3 0 Beam near centre, depth . m lU 12i 1 2 1 3i 1 4 1 6f 1 7 1 9f 1 9f 2 0 Beam at ends, depth 5 6S 6* 74 8 8J 10 101 12 12 1 2 Beam at ends, diam. 6 7i 8 9 9 A 101 12 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 Boss of beam, centre length 5 6 G 6 64 7i 8 8 104 104 12 Air-pump boss of beam. diam. OS 3i 3i H 4 44 5 5 6| Gi 7 Air-pump boss of beam, length. H 2J- 24 n 3 y. 34 35 4-1 41 41 Centre boss of beam, diam. 8* 11 11-4 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 8 1 10 Beam, thickness of 1 Is lyk 1? 14 IJ 1| 2 01 2i 2tlT Centre of beam to centre of parallel motion 81 n 10^ lit Vlh 1 2| 1 5 1 4J 1 Ci 1 Gi 1 H Cylinder cross head, depth of boss G 7i 8 9 94 104 12 1 1 1 2' 1 2" 1 31 Cylinder cross head, depth of middle 4| H 6i 7 74 8i H lOi lU lU 1 1' Cylinder cross head, thickness n IS 12 2iV 2i 24 n 3 3| 3i 33 Cylinder cross head, diam. of boss 4 4* 3 51 6 Gi u 8 81 9 10 Air-pump cross head, depth of boss . 4* 5 H 64 6i 8 9- 10 lOi lOi 114 Air-pump cross head, depth of middle H 4 u 5 5i 6i 7 8 8 8 9 Air-pump cross head, thickness 1 U 1t% lA 14 11 2 2 2i 2i 24 Air-pump, centre to centre, side rods transversely . 2 5A 2 lOJ 3 n 3 34 3 Gi 3 114 4 5 4 71 5 OJ 5 Oa 5 84 Air-pump cross head, diam. of boss . 2f^ 31 34 4 4 4S 54 5i 5J H 64 Steam port, length H n 10 11 lU 13 15 184 18i 18i 20 Steam port, breadth n 1* 2 n 2| n 3 3 4 4 4J: Slide, motion of H 5 51 6 64 H s; 8i 11 11 124 Crank centre, height 4 8 C 0 G 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 0 10 0 11 2| 11 2} 12 4 Beam centre, heiglit "i 73 8 9 10 14 IG 16 18 18 20 Centre of beam gudgeon to centre of crank 2 10 3 3 3 7i 3 10^ 4 3 4 11 5 8 5 83 6 54 G 5i 7 2| Centre of beam gudgeon to centre of cylinder 2 9 3 n 3 6i 3 9 4 IJ 4 9 5 G 5 61 G 3 G 3 7 0 Centre of beam to centre of air-pump 1 4A 1 7 1 9 1 lOi 2 0^ 2 4i 2 9 2 91 3 14 3 U 3 6 Height of parallel motion centre from sleepers 3 lOi 4 2^ 4 7i 5 Oi 5 43 6 IJ 6 llf 6 111 7 9| 7 95 8 6 Centre of slide rod from sUde face 2 2i n 2l 2| 3i 31 iV 3^-iV 44 44 5 Centre to centre of beams trans- versely 2 9 3 3 3 6A 3 9 4 0 4 6 5 0 5 3 5 9 5 9 G 6 Centre to centre of frames trans- versely 1 7 1 11 2 H 2 3 2 10 2 10 3 4 3 4 3 8 Centre to centre of engines trans- versely 5 6 G 0 G 4 G 8 7 0 7 4 8 0 8 4 9 0 0 0 10 G Height of condenser from sleepers 1 2 1 5 1 G 1 114 1 114 2 24 2 2^ 2 3 Centre of beam gudgeon to front of condenser lOJ 113 1 1 1 G 1 6J 1 84 1 84 1 11 Centre of beam gudgeon to back of condenser 4:1 7] 8 1 0 1 0 1 U 1 14 1 3 Condenser, widtli 2 8i 3 2i 3 5 4 3A 4 Gi 4 10' 4 10 5 5i Eduction pipe, deptli lOJ \\ 1 1 1 4 I 4' 1 5i 1 5i 1 73 Condenser, thickness i 3 3 4 I 1 1 li U u Foot valve passage, depth 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 6" Foot valve passage, width 1 2 1 5 1 G 2 0 2 0 2 4 2 4 2 7 Columns, diam. of top 4 H S^ 5J- 6 7 8 8 94 94 10 Columns, diam. of bottom 4i •"i e.I 61 6i 8 9 9 lOi 104 111 Frames, thickness iT% s i-r^ I 1 a 1 1 1^ l,fV l| Centre to centre of colunms in side frames 1 6 1 8i 1 11 1 lU 2 2 2 7 3 0 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 74 Height of baud gear from sleepers 2 5i 2 9 2 Gi 2 lOj 3 1 3 13 3 5 3 5 3 94 3 91 4 2 Small columns, diam. U 2i 25 ■U. &3 2U 2? 3i 3i 3| 31 31 3| 44 3344 4i 4i Centre of crank to centre of parallel " ' motion shaft . 3 10 4 4J 4 10 5 2A 5 8i 6 74 7 81 T 8i 8 7i 8 7i 9 6J 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 109 DOUBLE CYLINDER STEAM ENGINE. Deacriplion of a Double Cylinder Rolalivt Steam Engine, erected by Messrs. G. and J. Rennie, at Mr. Thomas Ciibilt's Factory, near f^'aiixhall Bridge. This engine is entitled to the attention of all who are interested in the economical production of steam power. For a rotatory engine its consumption of fuel is believed to be unpreeedentedly small ; and we are convinced we shall render an acceptable service to our readers by informing them of the peculiarities of its structure, and the nature of its performance. The arrangement of the parts of the engine is identical with that of the beam rotative engines in common use, with the exception that the motion is derived from two cylinders instead of from one. The em- plorment of two cylinders, the pistons of which are worked by the same steam, was first practised by Hornblower, and extemled and improved upon bv Woolfe ; but the plan has never come into general use. In this engine the smaller cylinder is one-fifth of the capacity of the larger cylinder, and the expansion takes place in the larger cylin- der exclusively. The steam enters the smaller cylinder direct from the boiler during the whole of the stroke; and having pressed down the piston, escapes, not into the atmosphere or into the condenser, but into the larger cylinder, where it becomes instrumental in forcing the piston of the larger cylinder upwards. The same steam, therefore, is rendered available in the production of power in both of the cylinders, and it is only after having accomplished this end that it escapes into the condenser. The piston rods proceeding from the cylinders are attached to the same end of the beam, the rod of the larger cylinder at the extremity of the beam, and the rod of the smaller cylinder at a point nearer the main axis. The pistons, therefore, act in concert ; and by a proper arrangement of the valves, a communication is maintained between the space beneath the piston of the smaller cylinder and the space above the piston of the larger cylinder, so that the pistons descend simul- taneously. The engine is supplied with steam by one boiler, which is cylin- drical, and is, in its details, of the most approved Cornish construction. The exterior diameter of the boiler is 6 ft. 3 in., the extreme length 34 ft., and the pressure of the steam 28 lb. upon the square inch. The fire grate is situated in an internal flue tube, 3 ft. S in. in diameter, which extends through the boiler, from end to end. The length of the fire-place isl ft. (j in., its breadth 3 ft. S in., and its mean height Is in. The coal burned is Graigola, an excellent and economical species of Welsh coal, which produces no smoke. The depth of coals upon the fire bars is never permitted to exceed 3 inches, so that there is little or no carbonic oxide generated. The combustion is slow, a con- dition favourable to its perfection, and as the intensity of the fire scarcely exceeds that of a common household grate, there is no clinker formed. The fire bridge is composed of brick, and instead of being flat upon the upper surface, as is the case in many boilers, is formed to a circle nearly concentric with the circle of the flue tube, and leaving only a few inches of opening between the convex surface of the bridge and the concave surface of the flue tube. By this expedient the flame and hot air proceeding from the fire are spread in a thin sheet over the interior surface of the flue, by which means their heat is more rapidly and perfectly communicated to the water in the boiler. Between the fire bridge and the farther extremity of the boiler a tube extends longitudinally through the flue. This tube contains water; it is alout 25 inches in diameter, ami communicates in two places with the water in the boiler. f)ne of these communications is through a vertical pipe, exlemling from the under side of the flue tube to the under side of the horizontal pipe containing water, and situated immediately behind the bri'lge. The other communication is through a copper pipe at the after extremity of the boiler. This pipe is 31 in. in diameter; it springs from the upper side of the horizontal pipe, and, passing to the outside of the boiler, ascends until it reaches the level of the boiler top, when, bending over, it penetrates the shell of the boiler, and descends internally until it reaches to the depth of a few inches below the water level. Through this arrangement of pipe* a continual current of steam and water is maintained. The hot air, upon leaving the furnace, travels through the internal flue, communicating iU heat both to the water io the boiler and to the water contained in the horizontal pipe situated in the flue which we have just described. Upon arriving at the extremity of the internal flue, the current of hot air is separated into two streams, on<" of which traverses the one side of the boiler, and the other the other side of the boiler. These streams, upon arriving at the front of the boiler, again unite; they then descend, and pass longitudinally beneath the bottom of the boiler, after which they enter the chimney. In the passage which unites the flue beneath the bottom of the boiler witli the chim- ney, a long pipe is placed about lo inches in diameter, and into this pipe the water em;iloyed for feeding the Ixjiler is first introduced. By this arrangement the air proceeding to the chimney is robbed of its superfluous heat, and escapes into the atmosphere at a comparatively low temperature. The pressure of the steam in the boiler is indicated by a syphon mercurial gauge, graduated to feet, inches, and quarters of an inch. The level of the water in the boiler is regulated by a feed cock, adjusted from time to time by the engineer. The usual ajiparatiis for feeding by a head of water, with a valve operated upon by a float, would require to be of inconvenient dimensions if applied to this boiler, on account of the superior pressure of the steam to that of ordinary land boilers. There is a glass gauge tube and the usual gauge cocks for the indication of the water level. The boiler is furnished with two steelyard safety valves, and one safety valve situated within the boiler and inaccessible to the engineer. Four brick walls enclose the boiler, and a 9-inch brick arch extends over its top. Between this arch and the external surface of the boiler a space of an inch or two is left, to leave room for the expansiou of the boiler. Above the brickwork there is a layer of charcoal about a foot in depth, for the purpose of preventing the escape of heat from the boiler; and the precautions adopted have the etTect of ren- dering the escape of heal so trifling that it is nearly imperceptible. The interior diameter of the Jteam pipe is only 3 in. Upon stopping the engine, the eccentric rod is not thrown out of gear, as is the usual practice, but a cock in the steam pipe is shut, whereby the admissioa of steam to the engine is totally prevented, and the quiescence of the engine is the result. The cock by which this is accomplished is a four-way cock, one of the channels through it being for the purpose of maintaining the communication between the boiler and the slide valve, and the other for accomplishing the operation of bloretng through. The slide valves are of the common three-ported description, and are situated at the upper extremities of the cylinders. The covers of both cylinders are upon the same level, but the larger cylinder being the longer projects downward further than the smaller one. This peculiarity, however, is not observable to a spectator: the symmetry of the work has been carefully and successfully preserved. The valve* move simultaneously, and are put in motion by arms extending from stout iron rods, which ascend through the floor of the engine-room, and areguiiled in sockets attached to the respective cylinders to which the valves belong. These rods derive their motion from i cross heaJ which forms the upper side of a square frame, in which a heart-shaped cam revolves, by which means the frame is moved alternately upwards and downwards, the sides of the frame being so far apart that the cam passes them in its revolution, without communicating any laler.J motion. This arrangement has been long known under the name of the hc'irt motion, but its extended eiuploymcnt has \\een prevented by the impression that it produced a jarring and irregular motion, un- favourable to the smooth working of machinery. This impression is, in the present case, proved to be unfounded : the valves are movcil without noise, tremor, or harshness of any kind. The advantage to be derived from the use of the heart motion is a rapid opening and closing of the port; but we believe the eccentric to accomplish this no THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [April, operation with sufficient rapidity, if the ports be made of proper dimensions. Th'' cam is made of steel, and the upper and under surfaces of the square frame against which the cam presses are covered with plates of steel, about three-quarters of an inch in thickness. The cam is bolted upon a cast iron chuck, keyed upon the end of a horizontal shaft, about 3j in. in diameter, which derives its motion from the main shaft of the engine, at the same point where the governor derives its motion. The square frame presses against this cast iron chuck, and is steadied by it. The beam, parallel motion, connecting rod, crank, fly wheel, &c. are of the usual description, and therefore require no particular notice. The slide valves are, as we have already mentioned, of the description known as three-ported. There is a loss of steam from the use of this kind of valve. We consider a double two-ported valve to be in every respect preferable. The governor is supported by a frame placed immediately over the crank shaft, and the connection between it and the throttle valve is maintained by a rod which runs beneath the floor of the engine house. The diameter of the cold water pump is 10 in. ; the length of its stroke 2 ft. 54 in. The diameter of the air pump is 20 in. ; the length of its stroke 3 ft. The delivery valve is situated in the mouth of the air pump ; it is of the pot-lid construction, but by a partial application of the principle of equilibrium, the noise and force with which common pot-lid valves shut are greatly abated. A valve so constructed as to be in perfect equilibrium would manifestly not work in an air pump, as no upward pressure would open such a valve ; but by the combination of the principle of the equilibrium valve with that of the ordinary pot-lid or spindle valve, a point of adjustment may be arrived at where the valve will open with suflS- cient facility, without being closed with an injurious force. This will be better understood by the annexed section and plan of the delivery valve. For this sketch, as well as for the indicator diagrams which accompany this article, we are indebted to the Messrs. Rennie. Fig. 1.— Section of Valve. be the force requisite to open it ; and if the faces were brought into the same line, no force that the greatest pressure beneath the valve could produce would ever open the valve. Eg. 2.— Plan of Valve. a a a a a a Fig. 1., is one half of the valve proper, or that part which rises to permit the escape of the air and water lifted from the condenser by the air pump ; 6 6 6 6 6 is one half of the valve seat, or that part which remains stationary, and against which the valve strikes. The valve seat is bolted by six bolts to the mouth of the pump, by bolts which pass through the holes x x x x, Fig. 2. The amount of force with which the valve is closed is that due to the pressure upon the horizontal surface A, Fig. 1, on the ring A A A A, Fig. 2, whilst the real area through which the air and water escape is that represented by B, Fig. 1. Whatever pressure exists upon the side of the valve C, is balanced by the equal and opposite pressure upon the other side C. It is manifest that the more nearly the faces f andy are brought into the same vertical line, the less force will the pressure above the valve exercise in shutting it, and the greater will The species of valve applied to the air pump of this engine is cer- tainly superior to that employed in engines in general ; but we believe that the application of the slide valve to air pumps would be preferable still. One slide valve would perform the united functions of the foot valve, the bucket valve, and the delivery valve. The air pump piston might then be made without any opening through it, the water being expelled from the air pump by expression ; and if the piston were made to travel a short distance beyond the port, no accumulation of air could take place in the pump chamber. We cannot enlarge upon this topic further than to say, that by using a slide valve worked \>j the engine, a better vacuum might be attained in the condenser than by any species of valve which is opened by the difference of pressure upon its two sides. A certain quantity of the power which an engine exerts is exerted in overcoming its own friction, lifting the water which has accom- plished the condensation of the steam out of a vacuum, &c. The term. horse power is used to denote the available quantity of power which an engine is capable of furnishing for any useful purpose, aud is, there- fore, the excess of the power produced over the power consumed by the engine itself. Any estimate of the power of an engine, based upon the assumption that the whole power exerted by the piston is the true measure of the engine's beneficial exertion, is, therefore, fallacious. An allowance of one-eighth of the power as being con- sumed by the engine itself, is a usual and moderate allowance. The amount of economy to be obtained from steam working expan- sively is precisely the same, whether the expansion takes place in one or in two cylinders. The use of two cylinders serves to equalize the action and to diminish the strain thrown upon the moving parts ; but it is questionable whether the greater fluctuation of pressure when only one cylinder is used might not be rendered equally instrumental in the production of a regular motion, simply by using a larger fly- wheel, or driving the fly-wheel at a greater velocity, and whether it is not quite as simple to increase the strength of the moving parts a little, as to add an additional cylinder and piston, to prevent them ftOM being subjected to so great a strain. 18420 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. Ill Fig. 3.— Indicator di»gr»m of Sm»ll Cylinder. i 1 i « i 1 — \ — ; ; .^ \ . 1 ■ : 1 ; : 1 ; '' > : ! <> \ \ : 1 : ; : •;• 'r-r-rY • • : ■': ' Fig. 4. — Indicator diagram of Large Cylinder. i ! ! - : . : J • ■ 1 ! ^ * ' V i ''- v> '; ; • £ i ; * > 1 J : Performance of Esuine. The engine makes 19 double strokes per uiinu^e. The consumption of fuel is 132'3 lb. of unscreened Graigola coals per hour. The area of the smaller cylinder, le»B i the rod, is 1H6-24 square inches. The area of the larger cylinder, lesi i the rod. is 74y-i;y square inches. The iiumU-r of feet per minute travel- led by the jniallrr piston is 171. The nvmiber of feet per minute travel- led byllip larger piston is 2'2b. The mean pressure in the smaller cylinder urging the piston, as shown by tiie indicator, is 2.>'I>o lb. upon the square inch. The mean pressure in the larger cylin- der urging the piston, as shown by the indicator, ist)-9 lb. per'quirre inch. We subjoin indicator diagrams, taken from both cyiinders.in the oidinary work- ing condition of the engine. VVe are informed by Mr. G. Rcnnie that the nominal power of the engine is 40 horse power, but that the actual work performed, or power exerted is — By the smaller cylinder . . . 24-6 By the larger cylinder .... 3j*U Real number of horses power of en- gine fitJ'2 It is right, however, that we should investigate this point for ourselves. The area of a surface included within the lines of an indicator diagram is a cor- rect representation of the power really exerted by an engine, but the mode of finding a nuineriral expression for that area by means of ordinates is not per- fectly correct : although if there be a sufficient number of ordinates, it may be rendered sufficiently correct for practical purposes. \Ve shall, therefore, take the mean pressure in the smaihr cylinder at 2Sv"i(i pounds, and the mean pressure in the larger cylinder as (j-i> pounds, as de- termined bv Mr. Rennie. 18G-24 X 25-5ti X I'l = 814H 10-3424 — 3oOtX) = 24-G 749-2yX G- 9 X 228 = 11787S2-G28 -;- 33000 = 35-7 GO-3 Deduct for friction, pumping water out of condenser, &c., one-eighth Real number of horses power A L, Atmospheric Line. It is easy to determine analytically the amount of advantage that is to be derived by using steam expansively. Let the full pressure of ■team upon the piston be represented by unity, and let x represent the capacity of the larger cylinder, or the space through which the piston has been moved, whilst urged by the expanding steam. The density will then be --— and assuming that the densities and elas- tic ticities are proportionate, — — will be the differential of the eflSciency, and the efficiency itself will be the integral of this, or, in other words, the Napierian logarithm of the denominator. Wherefore the efficiency of the whole stroke, whether the expansion is accomplished in one or in two cylinders, will be l-f- Nap. log. 1+r. Taking the pressure of the atmosphere at 15 lb., and the pressure upon the piston at the commencement of the stroke at 25 lb. above the pressure of the atmosphere, then 15-|-2.5=40 lb. If the steam be cut off at one-fifth of the stroke, or if, as in the present case, the smaller cylinder be one-fifth of the capacity of the larger cylinder, the ste.im will be expanded into 5 times iU original volume. Its pressure, there- fore, at the termination of the stroke, will be ♦,"=8 lb., or 7 lb. below the pressure of the atmosphere ; but as the average vacuum in the cylinder of an engine rarely much exceeds 24 in. of mercury, or 12 lb. pressure, the unbalanced force of the steam, or the force of steam urging the piston at the end of the stroke will be 12-8=4 lb. When the steam is cut off at onc-fiflh .r-^4. The efficiency, therefore, is 1-1- Nap. log. (1-1-4) = 1+ Nap. log. 5. The Napierian logarithm of S is 1-G00i373, therefore the toLil effi- ciency of the steam is 2G09137?, instead of 1. lu oth.r words, the ]12 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [April, efficiency of the steam is rendered one and a half times greater by Being so used as to be expanded into 5 times its original volume. This result is perfectly independent of the pressure of the steam em- ployed ; but if steam of a considerable pressure be not employed, the evlinders will require to be of inconvenient dimensions. The idea entertained bv some persons, that the cause of the economy in the Cornish and other engines which use high pressure steam expansively, lies in the inconsiderable dift'erence in temperature between steam of the pressure of one atmosphere and steam of the pressure of several atmospheres, is perfectly fallacious. Temperature is not in all cases a measure of the comparative quantities of beat resident in bodies. Two cubic feet of steam of the pressure of one atmosphere will, if impressed sufficiently, become about one cubic foot of steam of the pressure of two atmospheres ; and whatever may be the temperature of the steam in the two states, the quantity of heat existent in it will be in each case the same. In common rotative engines, which operate without expansion, the ordinarv consumption of coal is 10 lb. per horse power per hour. But the hoise power is usually found to be about 52,U0U lb. raised one foot high in the minute, which is equivalent to 2i5-208 millions raised one foot high by a bushel or 84 lb. of coal. Some good engines, how- ever, operate with an effective pressure upon the piston of 13i lb. per square inch=.GO,000 raised one foot high for a horse power ; and a few 3scend as high as 6G,000 per horse powei, without employing high pressure steam. The engines consume about 8 lb. of coal per nominal horse power, or 4 lb of coal per horse power of Watt. The consump- 132-3 „ , ,, lion of coal in this engine is 132-3 lb. per hour -^^^ — 2-5 lb. per horse power per hour. We recommend this engine to the notice of all who are interested hi steam machinery. By the use of the Graigola coal, smoke is alto- gether avoided, and this species of coal is moreover extremely lasting and economical. The engine is elegantly finished ; its parts are skil- fully and tastefully arranged, and the details of its construction manifest the supervision of the skilful mechanic. In the economy with which it performs its work this engine stands in the first rank ; and it certainly works with a smoothness, efficiency, and equability, it would be difficult to surpass. As a specimen of workmanship, as well as an achievement of engineering skill, it is destined to confer much honour upon the Messrs. Rennie. METROPOLITAN IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. Whoever has, in any degree, reflected ou the architectural movemect, ■which was such a prominent feature in the Georgian era, and is equally so at the present day, must have felt strongly the necessity of some general plan, and of a central controlling body. Whether we look at what has been effected, or what is left undone — whether we regard the useful or the orna- mental, tlie imperfection of t!ie present measures has been evident, and the Rowing disposition towards remedying this defect. Who thinks of the old city, and looks at the new one which has now risen, witliout regretting that so many spots where improvement is urgently called for, should have been left untouched ? The men of the present day have thrown off the dulness and puerility which infested England in the time of the second and third Georges, and it is plain that we have taken steps to redeem our metropolis from their neglect. Such a period of repose was perhaps wanted after the ■violence of the civil wars, and the dissoluteness which prevailed under the second Charles. It might he in the social body, as in the human system, that irregular excitement must be succeeded by as great a collapse ; and never perhaps was the depth of the bathos so extremely felt in this country as ■when equally in arms, in literature, and in art, with few, and those not first- Tate, exceptions, we had nothing but mediocrity. Nor was the passive en- durance of dulness the sole evil there was — a power of warfare active against whatever of beautiful and great our ancestors had left, music was made not only an exile but an alien, painting defunct here was exercised only at the hands of foreigners, and the whitewash brush, which so mercilessly at- tacked the arts of design in our buildings, was wieldedJnot,less energetically in the world of letters. The age of pigtails and milk .and water was not con- tented with self-disfiguration, the same artist who had spoiled his own liead, clapped periwigs on the heads of the Romans ; and both the country and the theatre witnessed caricatures not only of the proprieties of particular ages, but of human nature itself. The puritans destroyed, the cavaliers disguised, and the Hanoverian dulness finished whatever the presumption of the restora- tion had left untouched. The dawning of the present movement, the glimpses of better days, which were seen even in the worst, and the processes by which even evil features were made to work good, would take too long a history to sketch now — we must be contented with the result. We have a metropolis which, both in historical remembrances and existing monuments, has all the elements of grandeur and beauty which the most magnificent could desire ; our only caic must be what to restore, what to destroy, what to build anew. A uniform process is all that is required to unite the dis- persed materials ; the expense is no part of tlie question, for in these days the want has but to be felt to be suppUed. People are aware that though money m.ay be trifled ■with, health may not, and expediency sinks in the consi- deration. When, therefore, the question of metropolitan improvement has reached that state when men's minds are prepared for its consideration, the formation of a society for its furtherance cannot fail to be a successful means of accom- plisliing the object. The difficulties which might have arisen from such a plan, emanating from selfish purposes, are well met in the prospectus of the present society, which declares that the society is not formed to originate plans, or to advocate particular views, but to discuss their merits and to draw the attention of the legislature to the subject. Supported as the Metropo- litan Improvement Society akeady is, by many of those who have individually laboured with honour for the same purposes, it must have a moral weight which will powerfully contribute towards its success. The main objects which are to be kept in view are, first, the means of checking the mortality now reigning in over-crowded and ill-drained neighbourhoods ; second, affording facilities for commercial intercourse; third, the suggestion of proper sites for churches, schools, and other public institutions, and for parks and public walks ; and fourth, decoration or architectural embellishment. The means of consuming smoke is also noticed as a subject for inquiry, and generally all plans and suggestions which have a tendency to forward the general objects of the society. The consideration how the funds for this purpose can be best provided is of coMse a necessary part of the plan, but little difficulty is to be anticipated on that score, as tax of two-pence or three-pence in the povnid will amply provide for all wants, and can meet with but few opponents. To our readers this society cannot be too strongly re- commended, for independently of the smallness of the subscription, the self- interest they have in promoting its objects must be a sufficient stimulus for securing their adhesion ; as, too, the society proposes to discuss any building or drainage bills, or others affecting the metropolis, it will become a powerful centre of attraction to all earnest for their own welfare and that of their profession. To the originators of this society a great debt of gratitude is due, for its beneficial influence must be felt not only here, but in every great city in the English empire and the world. Improved Papier Mache'.— The endless variety of architectural orna- ments to which this material is now adopted, is well deserring the notice of the architect and every man of taste. Upon a recent visit to Mr. Bielefeld's manufactory in Wellington Street, Strand, we were much surprised to find the numerous and beautiful forms into which this material is now moulded ; foliage, either Gothic, Grecian, Roman, Elizabethan, or Renaissance, is here developed in an endless variety of ornaments for mouldings, cornices, panels, ceilings picture frames, &c., from the most minute mouldings to the largest size, from patera; of an inch diameter to the centre flower of C6 inches diameter. Capitals of the Ionic order, and Corinthian, from the examples of Jupiter Stator, monument of Lysicrates, the Tivoli and Temple of the Winds, besides numerous capitals of the Gothic, Elizabethan, and other styles. The frames for pictures and chimney glasses are of the most elaborate workman- ship ; one that we saw in the Show Room, C feet by 4 feet, was adorned with foliage of the most beautiful description, with Cupids in alto-relievo, copied from a fine specimen of old oak carving. M'e might continue on de- taiUng the numerous works coUected in this store-house of ornament, and fill our Journal ; we therefore must recommend the architect to visit the show-rooms and judge for himself. 1«42.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 113 PEN AND PENCIL SKETCHES IN POITIERS AND ANGOULEME: WITH SOME REMARKS ON EARLY ARCHITECTURE. By George Godwin Jun., F.R.S., &c. ( Conlinued from page 7\.) ChapUr 2. Fig. 4. The western front of Notre Dame la Grande of Poitiers, represented by the above engraving, (Fig. 4,) is a most interesting example of a class of bn.ld.Dgs peculiar to this part of France. Tbe possession of Stone easy to work, the greater inflaence of Byzantine taste, as well as other circumstances, have produced a marked difference in the archi- tecture of various provinces, although proceeding froni the same type : thus while we find in Normandy buildings of simple severity, adorned exteriorly with little more than .ig-zags and rudely-sculptured cor- bels, we have here facades elaborately sculptured from tiie ground to the summit, presenting not merely highlyenriched and often very elegant capitals, borders, and scrolls, but multitudinous figures in all .maginahle positions, and in very high relief. The absence of the western towers, too, in the structures we are now speaking of, constitutes another marked difference from the Norman buildings. The date of the erection of Notre Dime is probably at the end of the 11th or beginning of the 12th century , but the entrance front is unquestionably more recent. This part of the building, which is bounded by clusters of columns supporting two small circular turrets with conical stone roofs, is divided into three distinct stages by en- riched cornice,, and terminates in a broken pediment or gable, (so to speak.; which is also divided horizontally into two compartments. 1 he entrance doorway, which is recessed, is semicircular in the upper part, a^ are the arcades above containing figures; but the blank open- ing on either side of it has a pointed head with two small semicircular arches beneath .t The .pandrils beneath the first cornice and corbels TZ^^n\ °' "'Vf'"''' '-■•^"^"""g on the left-hand side of the spectator Adam and Eve, Nebuchadnezzar, some of the prophets and an angel announcing to Mary the dignity of her coming child; aud on the o her side the meeting of the Virgin an.l Elizabeth, and the biHh of the Saviour Over the doorway is a circular-headed windotv, w^h a canopied niche on either side, which is an interpolation of later Zl ^^,^.Y'" '" ""=/'"''" "=P'"«"t tl'e apostles and two bishops. The lower part of the gable i, inlaid with a series of small circular discs, and the upper part of it with squares placed diagonallr- in the centre of the two parU is sculptured a large veiciea pi»ci«, containing a figure of Christ and symbols of the four evangelists, namely ttie bull, the angel, the eagle and the lion. The veneration in which the form called txtcica piscis appears to have been held, and iU constant occurrence in ancient buildings, have afforded matter for much disquisition. The early Christians symbol- ized our Saviour by the form of a fish, because, as has been supposed, the initial letters of Christ's name and titles form the Greek I.XeT3 (fish) : moreover, according to Tertullian, who wrote in the second century, they called themselves Puckuli, considering that the Chris- tian life commenced in the waters of baptism.* The fish itself was accordingly sculptured for decoration, but seems to have been after- wards superseded by the fish-shaped compartment formed by the intersection of two equal circles, in some cases rounded at one end. In England this is found in a variety of positions and of various dimensions, both in stone and on painted glass : it is to be seen over many doorways, enclosing the figure of Christ,— as for example, in the south porch at Malmsbury Abbey Church, (represented in the annexed sketch, Fig. 5,) at BarfrestoD, and at Rochester Cathedral, MedallioDs Fii?.5. of this shape, containing sculptured figures, occur frequently round the doorways of Anglo-Norman buildings, as at Malmsbury ; and win- dows of this outline are found at Romsey Church, Hampshire, Beverley Minster, Yorkshire, Salisbury Cathedral, and elsewhere. In York Cathedral a boss in the groining presents the nscica pi$cit enclosing a figure of the Virgin. The rose window at the south end of the south transept of Lincoln Cathedral is formed by the tracery into a doiille rescica; while (stepping from England into Gerraanv.) over the west door of the Church of St. Cunibert, Cologne, a ial/ veiciea occurs, enclosing the lamb. The seals of most religious bodies, as well as of individuals, were of this shape, and continue in many cases to be so ; it was likewise delineated constantly on ancient tiles, as may be seen in many of our old churches: some antiquaries have even attributed the whole origin of the pointed style of architecture to the use of this form. Some writers have applied the term nscicapiscis to two circles inter- secting each other in the centre, and not to the form produced at their intersection, and have asserted the influence of this symbol over the plans of early edifices. In many instances, certainly, the prevalence of Nos^ pisciculi siTiiiuhim Ixfluf nostrum Jcsum Clirislum. in aquft nascimur." T.rlul. |«, luod est Ivitiiii\ Jesus Chn.;.. Ijus Salvalor, si primas literas jungas erit Ixflut, iil est, pucrs, in cjuo nomlm mysticO intelhgjiur Christus, eo .juo'J in hujus mortalitatis nhyuo. velut in a |u.nrum profun.htate vivus, hoe est. sine |*ccato nsc notuorit.- The oriinn or this species ol .■icroslic, nccor.linK to him, is in lh<. .Sil.vlLne venrv ,omc ol Bh-ch seem re.illy to have lieen prophetic of .. My grounded uiH.n the Jewish propheriea. which ha ",n. tivily lounJlheir way .iiiiong the heathens), whi . , ter- iwlated by the early airi.itian». who seem, even ii> iho,e dnys to have Riven way occasionally to the Icmptaticn presented ly a piouj fraud. R 114 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [April, this form is strikinglv apparent; but whether this may not result frorn the dependence of the early architects on geometrical proportion and fixed principles, (equally in the middle ages as in classic times,) I will not inquire. The symbolism of ancient architecture is an enticing but a dangerous subject to enter upon.* In the towns under notice, the vescica piscis occurs prominently in the gables of the churches, as it does also at times in the painted adornments.t In one instance, I found it sculptured on the capital of a column, namely, at the entrance doorway in the tower of St. Por- cbaire, Poitiers ; and of this," the annexed sketch, Fig. 6, gives a slight Fip representation.! The French writers, with some few exceptions, do not recognise this form in their descriptions as anything more tluui a sort of oval," or " a glory." M. Didron, in an erudite and interesting paper on the nimbus, printed in the " Revue Ghihale de I Architec- ture,"§ says the term vescica piscis should be repudiated by allior its grossness. M. Didron continues, " it was invented by the English antiquaries, who use and abuse it abundantly. Moreover this denomi- nation is false, for very often the glory has not the form which the term suggests. This glory has been also called the sacred oval, and the mystic almond; but the word mystic suggests a symbolic inten ion which may very reasonably be doubted: besides, frequently it is neither of an oval nor an almond shape ; it is simply [he g'^ry »* <•'« whole body, as the nimbus is the glory of the head.ll The head is round, the nimbus is round; the upright body forms a lengthened oval, and the glory generally assumes a similar form. But v\'ben the body is seated, the oval is contracted to a circle. Sometimes it becomes a quatre-foil, so that the four prominent portions of the body, tbe head, the legs, and the two arms, have each their particular lobe or section of the nimbus." * As an early example, though, of the practice of symbolic architecture, if it ,naytsot:?2rapaLakeinthel8thchi;pterofthelstbookof& me •— " And Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number ot tne triDes of the sons of Jacob, and with the stones he built an altar m the name of the Lord " This was about a thousand years before our era. „,,„„;„ t Dallaway says of the vescica pisch, " In the earliest era of the mason c estabirsln ent, a geometrical figure or canon was adopted in al sacred binld- 'nss wh ch had an import hid From the vulgar. As it had a decided reference oTlie Chr stian religion, it might have been invented by the Church -btU lias likewise an equal analogy with other mysteries professed by the first innieies-' of masons " * "It may be traced from the church of St John Semn and oM St. Peter's at Rome: to the chtjrch of Bath, one of the latest fiothic buildings of any consequence in England. j <• .i,„ ° The tower of the dutrch of St. Porchaire, apparently of the end of the nth centuy is in character what we should term Norman A very wide doo w!v occ. pies nearly the whole width of the tower between the buttresses Above are three stories separated by ranges of sculi-tured corbels (mostly 17= icl ,n,l rnntainina arched openings and columns. The recesses being deeply'sunt thfSnslar;^, 'and pirts bold, the effect of this tower is 'IV'Frencir^eriodlcah'cSnducted very ably. by M. C^sar Daly, which deserves to be better known in England than it 's- Tilr Hope thinks differently, even of the nimbus. He says, " The Pagan fashion of protecting the heads of deities, often, even in temples exposed to the ouerai?, from the insults of birds, each by a metal discus had by degrees so as ociated with that head-piece an idea of digmty, that the Christians adonted the for, in order to mark, even in painting, the character of saint- Shi? thence the nimbus introduced over saints in the more ancient paintings an!s, and the forms and regulations adopted in the various sectarian places of worship in his diocese. But we are now falling into the error we have just animadverted upon as pervading the article in the Dublin Review, and therefore quit such remarks as those just made, for others of more immediate interest to our readers. We are so very far from being opposed to reform in our present system of church architecture, tnat we consider it loudly called for, since, with compar.»tively few exceptions, the numerous churches erected in this country of late years are the very reverse of satisfac- tory, being stamped not only by the meanness occasioned by injudicious parsimony and mistaken economy, but by downright vulgarity and pertness of character. We are aware that architects will say the fault does not at all rest witli them, since they do as much as the funds afforded them will allow. We must, however, plainly tell them that, as often as not, they do not accomplish au much as they might do, merely because they aim at so vtrij much mca thin can possibly be accomplished under the respective circumstances. If a design answers, ns far as name goes, to some particular style, by the forms adopted for windows, and a few other features of that kind, no attention is paid to the genius of the style itself, or to such treatment of it as is requisite to keep up its proper character. Seldom, too, is any regard paid to the exigencies of the particular case, for many new churches look as if the designs for them had been merely copied, w ith some trivial alteration, from those pattern-books of them published for the benefit of country architects, and brought down to the taste of parish committees. Or, does a design happen to be objected to, as loo expensive, or as other- wise requiring some curtailment, a very easy remedy is resorted to, namely, that of paring it down, or lopping off from it, hy which process it must of course become simj/lifi'id; and a most simple-looking affair it generally turns out, looking very much like a cock thai has been stripped of all its feathers. Now the fact is, nearly all our old village churches rise up in judg- ment against modem church architects — at least the majority of them. Such structures may be homely, but they are not vulgar ; they may be uncouth, thev may be even mean, may be rude enough both in con- struction ami material, but they are never vulgar, except, indeed, where they have undergone the process of " beautifyicg" to such extent, that their original and proper character has been destroyed. It is unquestionably true that, for the impression they m.ike both upon the eye and the mind, buildings of the class alluded to are more or less indebted to the effects of time. Equally true is it, that it is beyond the power of the aichitect to create antiquity, and confer on his, buildings, in addition to the venerable appearance, the accumulated associaliunA derived from it. Still, apart from that element of their character, there are others which recommend the class of churches alluded to, if not exactly as models, as stiidii.^ at the present day, which, if properly turned to account would go far towards correcting that insipid triviality, and that vulgarity, which, together with a certain uncomfurtable look of starvation and tiauntingness combined, are the besetting sins of most of our modern soi-ttisanl Ciothic churches, and not least of all those which, because they are stuck full of naked lancet-holes, assume to them- selves the title of the early English style, whereas they have in fact nothing whatever of the character of that style ; nothing of the feeling belonging to it, r.or aught of that which gives it value. One exceed- ingly great fault in the church architecture of the present day arises from the meagreness and formality produced by a number of uniform apertures, stuck so closely together as not only to destroy all repose, but produce a very disagreeable appearance of want of substance ami solidity. It is true, in the later perpendicular style the proportion of the apertures to the solids is very much greater — so much so, that many structures in it may be compared to lanterns, being in fact nearly all window ; but then the character is of a very peculiar kind, the whole forming a consistent design of elaborate screen-work, as it were, which would almost admit of being perforated throughout. Instead of being mere gaps, the windows themselves are filled with screen-work, with numerous mullions, transoms, and tracery, so as to combine the appear- ance of strength with that of richness. Where, on the contrary, the windows are so far from contributing at all to decoration that they are little more than so many blank surfaces of glass, with scarcely any external moulding or finish to the apertures — as is the case with not a few of our modern-antiques, or pseudo-early-English — they ought to be as few, in otlier words as wide apart, as possible. If very few architects seem to understand simplicity, there are as few who seem to he able to appreciate the value of sobriety in design; or we might suppose that sobriety is so exceedingly expensive a quality that they cannot afford to make use of it, except on very rare occasions. Be that as it may, it is certain that much of what is more or less unsatisfactory, if not decidedly reprehensible, in our recent church architecture, arises from a want of attention to sobriety in com- position. Hence nioderate-si^ed churches are made to look like miniature editions of large ones ; owing to which preposterous am- bition, instead of gaining in importance, they become more insignificant in appearance than smaller ones with the proper character belonging to them as such. While it does not absolutely exclude a higher degree of decoration than usual, sobriety requires that the decoration itself should be applied somewhat sparingly ; that the features of the com- position should be few, but carefully studied, and individually satis- factory and capable of bearing the test of examination. Richness there may be, but sobriety and trumpery are totally irreconcilable with each other. For railing attention to this point we may very well be excused, since it is one that is oftener tliin not completely overlooked ; though were it attended to, we should behold fewer of the miserable minikin abortions and spawnings of church architecture that now meet our eyes. Intimately connected with the disregard ot sobriety, there is another very prevalent f lult in designs of the class alluded to, namely, excessive meagreness and monotony of composition, quite the reverse of what is observable in buildings that are or ought to be looked to as examples, or at least, as studies. Assuredly it is not a little incon- sistent, that while so much stress is laid upon style, and so much importance attached to precedent, the character of the one and the authority of the other should be utterly disregarded — ifnottiuiversally, far too frequently — in general design or composition. Our modern Gothic churches have for the most part an exceedingly offensive box-like appearance, without anytliing to break the outline, cither horizontally or on the plan; without anything to take off from the flitness and insipidity of the elevations, to produce effect of light and shade, and contrast of lines in perspective. Consequently, unless the design be of very superior quality as to beauty of detail and execution, the whole structure is apt to look deplorably naked and bald. As we write not to compliment or flatter, but if possible, to instruct and improve, we must speak out plainly, anil tell the profession that, if we may judge from their essays in it, they have yet very much to learn in regard to the proper tnalinml of Gothic architecture, and, we might perhaps add, of Grecian also. It may be that they are fre- quently thwarted by the obstinacy and ignorance of other persons — b^ that collective stupidity which calls itself a committee, and which insists upon a design being accommodated to its own notions and whims. ( >n which side the fault rests, or whether it is to be shared between both, we jiretenil not to say; but we will say that if the character of Gothic architecture, or of any of the styles belonging to it, cannot be better kept up than it usually is when such style is applied to modern churches, it becomes a question whether it would not b^ better to repudiate it altogt-tlier, or at any rite to employ it only where circumstances allow of its being properly kept up in every respect. For the interiors of churches as at present required to be laid out, the greatest possible extent of accommodation .as to sitting room being 118 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [ApriLj made the sine qua iion to which all otliPr considerations must yield, the Gothic is not particularly -nell calculated, bec.iuse it must be vio- lated more or less, except when galleries can be dispensed with altogether, and open seats and stalls be substituted for pews. We do not blame architects for not accomplishing impossibilities; for if similarly blocked up and built up, the beauty of the finest Gothic interior would inevitably be greatly impaired," if not destroyed: but we regret that such style should be so applied, or rather misapplied, since even a tolerable semblance of it can hardly be kept up. For this last reason, perhaps, it is that generally no attempt whatever is made to keep it uj)atall; and we have seen churches in that style which, though tolerable enoi gh on the outside, have been most intole- rably bad within — without the slightest pretensions to siyle, without any sort of architectural beauty, and without any solemnity of cha- racter, unless dismalness and pauper-liUe meanness can be considered equivalent to solemnity. If, in addition to the rest, aisles also are to be blocked up by pews, they had better be omitted, since they certainly contribute nothing to architectural effect, and as little to commodious"- ness, those there seated not being in the very best situation for hearing distinctly. It seems to us, that by employing the Gothic style — at least, as it is now employed — we inevitably force comparisons iiot very flattering to Protestantism in its relationship to art. It admits of no dispute that Catholicism is infinitely more favourable to architecture and the other arts. Its very character — its taste for religious parade, and panto- mime, and pageantry, and processions, and for all the paraphernalia and pomp of devotion, render it pre-eminently picturesque and scenic — the religion for the artist, guoad artist ; which unconditional ad- mission on our part must satisfy both the Dublin Review and jSIr. Pugin ; for were we to exjiress our sentiments of Catholicism as a religious system, and to be as free in our remarks as the writer in the Kevievv is upon Protestantism, we should not satisfy them at all. In regard to the symbolical character of church architecture, to ■which so much importance is attached bv the Reviewer, we shall merely observe that it appears to us very' fanciful — historically inte- resting, perhaps, as showing the religious spirit of farmer ages, but not at all likely to be revived now, it being, in fact, totally disregarded in Catholic countries. Indeed, though they do not care even to hint as much, many recent specimens of ecclesiastical architecture, both in France and Italy, must scandalize Messrs. Pugin & Co. not a little. Not to mention others. La Madeleine at Paris, and Canova's church at Pos- sagno, must appear to them awfuUy heterodox — manifestations of the "blasting influence of Paganism," mlhoitt Protestantism. The Re- viewer, however, does speak of "the Pagan courts of the Medici;" and while he was casting reflections upon the questionable taste which attaches such high value to the Elgin marbles, he might have added a few upon that which has converted the sovereign abode of St. Peter's successor into a Pantheon of Pagan divinities, and a storehouse of heathen mythology : but those scandals were of course in the wallet behind his back. Dismissing the rest of the article without further comment — for if not so already, the Review itself will doubtless be in the hands of most of our readers, ere long — we now turn to the plates, which, with one exception, are representations of buildings erected by Mr. Pugin. And hardly can he be accused of having flattered them, or attempting to do so, since they are drawn and etched in a most aS'ectedly rude manner; and some of the subjects are rendered still moie uncouth by being shown in bird's-eye perspective — a most unnatural and unpictorial mode of representation. It is, perhaps, chiefly owing to these circum- stances combined, that the illustrations are" so little prepossessing, except to those who may admire them because they studiously imitate all the defects of old engravings at a time when architectural delinea- tion was in its infancy. .Spirit and freedom are very desirable, but accuracy of loiin is an indispensable requisite in drawings whose value depends upon their truth as graphic descriptions, and that such accuracy is not incompatible with artist-like feehng the publications of the elder Pugin sufficiently convince us; in this respect, therefore, the son appears to have degenerated from the sire. Granting, how- ever, that as etchings they may be called spirited, soraeof the designs themselves appear to us not a little insipid, and to be very deficient in that s|)irit which the style derives from well expressed detail. Such character there may be in the buildings themselves, yet so far from being shown, it is not even indicated here. Un the contrary, in some of the subjects, for instance St. John's Hospital, Alton, and tlie bishop's residence, Birmingham, it appears to lie wanting altogether; there being a good deal in them that looks scarcely of better quality than those spurious " Gothicisings" which Mr. Pugin himself has so loudly reprobated. This is particularly the case with regard to the bishop's house, which, besides being remarkably cjiiur ana uncouth, has the appearance of being an old structure 'altered and pa'tched up and huddled up, from time to time, without the slightest attention to con- sistency of design. So far, indeed, it may pass for being picturesque; yet Mr. Pugin must surely be aware that though such kind of pictu- resqueness is agreeable enough in itself, where it has reallv been the growth of time and successive changes, and where beautvis out of the question, it becomes little better than an offensive piece of aflectatiou when perpetrated for the nonce, and to the extent in which he has indulged in it. Difficult as it may be to eifect, in design we look for picturesque quality combined with architectural unity of expression, if not always with perfect regularity. In his horror of the frigid for- mality and smirking pertness of the carpenters' Gothic school of design, Mr. Pugin has run quite into the contrary extreme ; while the former, therefore, are clearly in the wrong, he himself is far from being yet quite in the right. He is too apt to give us architectural farragos, instead of designs : he succeeds in individual features and parts, but he is by no means happy in composition. His reverence for precedent causes the antiquary to prevail in him over the artist to such a degree, that he may be compared to the precedent-loving Chinese tailor, who, being employed to make a new coat, copied every patch upon the old one sent him as a pattern. Memoir on the Practicability of slortening the duration of Voyages by the adaptation of Auxiliary Steam Potter to Sailing Vessels. By Samuel Seaward, F.R.S., M. Inst. C.E. From the Transactions of the Institution of dvil Engineers. Part V, Vol. 3, 1S4I. The fearful expense which has been found to attend the extens'ion of steam navigation to voyages of extraordinary length appears to constitute an insuperable obstacle in the present state of the steam engine to the beneficial establishment of lines of uninterrupted steam intercourse between distant continents. The imjierfect success which has attended the development of the several enterprises which had for their object the maintenance of a steam communication between Great Britain and New York, is a proof of the difficulties which wait upon the performance of long steam voyages, and furnishes a lesson which will not be readily forgotten by future speculators. The suc- cessive disappearance of the Sirius, Royal William, Liverpool, United States, British Queen, &c., from the Atlantic station, proclaims with a voice as authoritative as that of a messenger from heaven, that the Atlantic enterprise has been a failure, and that a perseverance in its prosecution, nnder the same circumstances which drove those vessels from the field, can only add energy to ruin and flagrancy to guilt. For several years past the project has been in contemplation to adapt steam power to sailing vessels, in such a manner that it may be used or discontinued at pleasure, and it is the object of the author of the work betbre us, to recommend the extended adoption of steam power in sailing ships, as being productive of the most prominent of the benefits which steam navigation confers, without entailing any serious expense for the maintenance of its operation. A good ship, when impelled by a favourable wind, will realize a velocity which few steam vessels are able to surpass, and it is only in calms, or when the wind is adverse, that the peculiar powers of a steam vessel are pro- ductive of benefit. It becomes a question, then, whether it would not be advantageous to so adapt steam power to sailing ships as to be on!v used in calms, or in adverse circumstances of wind and water. in order to form any comparative estimate of the benefits of this proposed application of steam power, it is necessary to refer to the circumstances which attend the voyages of sailing ships and of regular steameis upon the open sea. In some of the lines of intercommuni- cation between distant countries, vessels are exposed to strong peri- odical winds or protracted calms, whilst other lines are distinguished by winds which sweep across the ocean in one direction for nearly the whole vear. In calms such as those that prevail about the line, and by which vessels on the route to India are often for a long period detained, a small proportion of steam power might be most beneficially employed in transporting the vessel from the region swept by the cur- rent of wind which flows from the pole towards the equator, into the locality of those laud and sea breezes which enable the vessel to con- tinue her voyage ; but the same pro]iortion of steam power would be perfectly unserviceable in propelling a properly rigged ship against a strong adverse wind. For such a service a proportion of power to tonnage similar to that observed in our fastest steamers is indis- pensable, and it is only therefore in voyages v^'here calms are likely to be met with that the adaptation of auxiliary steam power to sailing ships can be productive of benefit. Upon the superior economy of vessels supplied with auxiliary steam power, Mr. Seaward makes several verv sensible observations:^ 1842.1 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 119 hi ii "A most materi.il circumstance aftecting the utility and economy of H steam vessels of great power, is the space necessarily occupied by the P engines and the supply of coals, which are found to require three- fourths of the whole area below deck, leaving only one quiirter for the stowage of cargo : and that, owing to the great weight of the former, must principally consist of measurement goods. Thus the " President" and the "British Queen," although of 2000 tons register, have never been able to carry more than 500 tons of measurement goods asi'reiglit. " From a due consideration of these features of the question, with respect to the expediency of employing large steam vessels (and it is believed that few practical men will dispute the facts by which they are developed ), it is evident that the attempt to perform voyages of lengthened duration by the power of steam alone must, in the present state of engineering science, be attended with an expense wholly disproportionate to the profits." "The present state, therefore, of steam navigation is evidently altogether inadequate to meet the large and daily increasing demands of commerce ; and in this respect, as far as maritime navigation (as contra-distinguished from river and coast navigation,) is concerned, steam must be considered to be in its infancy, ifor the communication by this means with our own or with foreign distant colonies — India, via the Cape of Good Hope — the West Indies — the Paciiic Ocean — Australia — the Brazils, and other highly productive countries, is at present impracticable to any extent, as the facts hereafter stated will more distinctly show." "Before entering upon the details of this scheme, either as regards its past success in the partial and limited application which it has hitherto received, or as to its future adaptation, it may be desirable to describe the class of sailing; vessels to which auxiliary steam may be regarded as an applicable power, and where its employment may be expected to be attended with success; and here it must be observed, that commercial and not scientific success is the result looked to, for nothing can be considered successful in a commercial point of view, to which a fair profit upon the capital employed does not attach." The definition of the term "success" here given might be looked upon as unnecessary, had we not before us the remembrance of the strange perversion of the plainest language, during the discussion of the Atlantic steam enterprise. In that case success was regarded as synonymous vi;ith practicability. Mr. Seaward informs us that auxiliary steam power is beneficially applicable to all vessels, from 400 tons upwards, and that the propor- tion of one horse power to 25 tons will propel a vessel in a calm at the rate of 5 knots per hour. He then institutes a comparison between the time occupied by the ship "Vernon," fitted with auxiliary steam power, on her voyage from London to Calcutta, and that of the steam ship "India," which performed the same voyage about the same period. The expenses attendant upon the employment of auxiliary steam power in the "Vernon" during this voyage are stated to have been£G00; whilst the expenses attendant upon the "India" for the same period are estimated at £4293, showing an excess of expen- diture over that of the " Vernon" of £3(393. The comparative rate of the vessels in point of speed, as stated by Mr. Seaward, appears by DO means favourable to the " India ;" but, as we know the " India" to have been detained for a considerable period at the Cape by stress of weather, and as we conceive there are evidences of some slight pre- judice against the "India," in consequence, we presume, of her being a Clyde-built vessel, we attach but little value to this part of the statement. Mr. Seaward's memoir contains much important information, and manifests a familiar acquaintance with the subject of which he under- takes to speak, and the possession of a liberal share of good common sense. It is also well written, though we should have been better pleased with it had there been less straining after rhetorical decora- tion ; a serious fault in any pai)er which professes to treat of practical and scientific subjects, especially when addressed, not to the herd of mechanical amateurs, or scientific cyphers, but to an association of able and practical men. Another fault which pervades the work, is the frequency of reference to, and of involved commendation of, the Messrs. Seawards' engineering performances. We hear a great deal too much of the excellencies of tlie "Gem" and the "Ruby," and we find those vessels and the " Brunswick," the latter a work also of Messrs. Seaward's and a comparative failure, associated with and obtaining the precedency over the "Eclipse," the "Black wall," and the "Railway," vessels by which, in point of speed, they are entirely outstripped. Such preferences as these inanifest an unbecoming partiality, as ill-judged as it is impotent; and are equally unworthy of those' by whom such communications are accredited as of those by whom they are rendered. In conclusion, Jir. Seaward observes that he has avoided all recon- dite calculations, with a view of meeting more effectually the objects of practical men. He further informs us, that theoretical calculations upon such a subject as that he has undertaken to handle, however suited to the jihilosopher's study, are of little value to the practical engineer or ship builder ; and he quotes the language of the late Pre- sident of the Institution of Civil Engineers, to the effect that, what is wanted for that society is the development of that knowledge which is founded upon practical experience. From this intimation we might infer that, in the opinion of this gentleman, science is incapable of rendermg any aid to the practical mechanist, but that he vsiould be prepared to go into the most recondite computa- tions, were such a couise desirable. In reference to the first allegation, it is only necessary to observe that, in the development of that know- ledge which is founded upon practical experience, science is the most efficient instrument ; in proof of which fact, we might refer to the extraordinary development the arts have experienced since their progress has been aided by the light of science, as compared with their stationary condition when they were merely empirical. As regards the second implied allegation, namely, th.it Mr. Seaward would be prepared to enter into extremely recondite calculations respecting the subject of his memoir, oxceptfor the weightv reason he hasgiven, we can only admire the discretion which dictated so much forbearance. If it be Mr. Seaward's desire to maintain his reputation for profundity, he will best accomplish his object by avoiding all attempted manifes- tation of it. The only attempt of this description in the memoir before us is in the 4th page, where we are told that " the employment of a quadruple amount of steam power would not double the speed, al- though in theory this is assumed to be the fact." By whose theory is this assumption made ? We presume that it must be of Mr. Seaward's own fabrication, and his exclusive property, it being the theory of other engineers that the resistance increases as the square of the velocity, and the power necessary to overcome that resistance, as the cube of the velocity. And the reason is obvious. If the power be doubled, the resistance is quadrupled ; the force of the engine, there- fore, to overcome this resistance, must be quadrupled also, and must act with a double speed. In other words, when the speed is doubled, the power requisite to maintain that speed has to be increased eight times instead of four times, as by the Ihorij of Mr. Seaward. A Treatise on the Application of Marine Surveying and Hydrometty to the practice of Civil Engineering. Bv DA'ao Stevenson, Civil Engineer. Adam and Charles Black, Edinburgh, 1S42. The author here treats on a branch of surveying which has always been very imperfectly handled in works professing to convey infor- mation on this subject. The quaint and pithy directions of old writers, when they come to show the manner of surveying the coasts of har- bours and rivers, will seldom fail to elicit a smile from the professional surveyor, at the idea that such directions would ever enable any one to perform what they are intended to teach ; and scarcely less will he be moved by a mingled feeling of pity and ridicule for any unfor- tunate would-be surveyor, who, deeply read in the mystic lore of some ancient authority, should sally forth, in all confidence, to the task of performing a difficult river or harbour survey. Were it not that the practice and the knowledge of surveying are confined to a compara- tively small number of persons, and that, consequently, errors which are made in surveys, and bungling, roundabout ways of proceeding are not often observed, we should undoubtedly have evidence enough to prove the necessity of practical information on a subject of such importance. If we could lay bare the secret trembling anxieties, the harassing emotions, the suppressed fears and doubts on the ultimate success and accuracy of his work, which torture the young surveyor in his hours of arduous application, whether in the field, poring over his theodolite and the hieroglyphics of his field-book, or in the house, straining over the net-work of his survey, as by slow degrees he develops it on the paper, we should even feel that a boon is con- ferred on humanity by a [iroduction which reduces to order and simplicity the details of a task calculated to puzzle, in no small degree, the ardent hasty brain of a youthful student. We therefore hail the book before us, judging froiu its title alone, and supposing it to have any merit at all, as a welcome accession to the engineer's library ; our expectations also, on a first glance, were not diminished when we recognized its author to be the same Mr. Stevenson who favoured the profession not long since with an instructive work on the Civil Engi- neering of North America. Mr. Stevenson also boasts of a name not less celebrated in Scotland than that of his namesake in England, the S 2 120 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [April, fallier of Mr. David Stovciison being universally known as the engineer of tlie Bell Rock Light Honse, and many other important works. On' attentivelv examining this book, we find that our expectations have been amplv realized-we tind it to be the production oi one who thoroughly understanding the subject on which he writes, falters not, hesitates not, shrinks not from writing freely for fear of exposing his io-norance, resorts to no paltrv expedients for filling up Ins book with mere words enveloping ideas like needles in hay, but who, in a clear, lucid, easv, and familiar style describes the maimer of conducting the sur- vey of a r'iver or harbour, "from beginning to end. The tirst two chapters are devoted to triangulation, and to the choice and measurement ot a base line. It seerns from these that the author adopts the method of connecting the two banks of the river by a series of angles taken from each station. The stations are at short distances from each otiier, and the construction lines of the survey change their direction at every station. Thus no line along the banks of the river is longer than the distance between two of the principal stations ; and thus, when the construction lines are laid down, they form a series ot Ui- angles erected on each base from station to station, and having their vertices in opposite stations on the other side of the river. It is wel known to most of our readers, that there are various methods of arrano-ing the construction lines m surveying; and the one which is most strictly correct in a Geometrical sense is undoubtedly that in ■which the whole woik is enclosed by some large triangle, or at least entirely intersected by one or more straight lines, on which triangles are constructed as large as the extent of the work may require. 1 he beautiful accuracy with which all the parts of a survey executed in this manner fit into each other ; the strict tying of the work together; the admirable system of proofs and checks alfbrded : and the distri- bution of minute error arising from imperfect chaining, while any error of consequence is at once discovered at the precise spot where it occasions distortion;— all point out the method of surveying within loni' construction lines as the verv best that can be adopted tor ail ordtnarv surveys of land. But in the case of rivers and coasts tnere are maiiy practical objections to this method, arising from the diftculty of measuring long straight lines on the shore or margin sufficiently near the water to furnish the necessary offsets, and from the impracticability of measuring the numerous lines which would be required across the river, or which would be required to extend out to sea, supposing the system followed in the survey of a single line of coast. Hence in marine surveys the necessity of employing the theodolite or some other instrum'ent for measuring angles is universally admitted ; and this point being settled, the next consideration is that of determining the form and position of the series of triangles which, depending on each other and constructed in the manner of a continuous net or frame- work, constitute the basis for finding the main points and hlling up the ■whole detail of the survey. The two first chapters afford some useful practical information, -as to the best method of observing the angles and constructing these important lines. The third chapter is devoted to tide observations, the author strongly insisting on the importance of these being correctly made at many different points, in consequence of the irregular level assumed by tiie tide wave at dift'erent parts of its course up the river. Some very curious and important details are given in this and the following chapter on soundings, relative to the inclined surface presented by the water in tidal rivers at different times of the tide. Thus in the nver Lune, the current of which runs from Lancaster to Glasson, the level of low water during a spring tide was found to be 11 ft. lower at the latter place than at Lancaster. Also -at the same instant of time, when it was low water at Lancaster, the level of water at Glasson was 4 ft. 4 in. above low water mark at Lancaster. On the river Dee the level of low water mark at Flint was 7s ft. below the low water mark of the .same tide at Connah's Quay, only 21 miles higher up the river. And at the moment of low water at Connah's Quay, the water at Flint was 5A ft. above low water mark at Connah's Quay. These are only a few examples of the irregularity of level presented by the surface of water in tide rivers : in the course of the book there are many such examples, extending through both spring and neap tides. They prove in the most decided manner— 1st. that it is an egregious error to assume the low water mark at different points on the same river to be on the same level ; and, 2nd. that it is almost equally erroneous to suppose that at any given instant of time the level of water in a river is the same at two distant points. A difference of level, also, prevails in the high water mark of the rivers Dee, Lune, and Forth, from all of which actual observations are detailed; but this difference is not to such an extent as that in the level of the low water marks, although in other livers it is possible that the line drawn through the high water marks of the same tide may be as much inclined as the line drawn through the low water marks." We have not unfrequently seen cases of disputed levelling, only in consequence of erroneous ideas as to the contem- poraneous level of tide water, and as to the level of high and low water mark at different points of a river ; and douhts have often been thrown, in consequence, upon the accuracy of a section taken across a district of country, from one point of a river to another, or even from one river to some "other river in another part of tl.e country. The faith of engineers, however, in the ancient errors with regard to the tides wliich we have mentioned, has been already somewhat shaken, and the practical information contained in the book before us will, we trust, explode them entirely, even if it should fail to establish any sound theory on the niins of the old hypotheses. In the Stli and Glh chapters Mr. !Stevenson resumes the subject of the actual survey of the river, treating first of the low water survey, which embraces the sand banks, shoals, and other parts of the bed, which are dry at low water, and then of the high water margin, the method of proceeding to the best advantage bei:-g pointed out as to both these parts of the survey. We regret that our space wil not admit of an extract sufficient in length to do justice to the author s views and explanations in this part of the work ; we must, therefore, refer our readers for further information to the book itself. The next chapter, on cross sections and borings, is interesting and useful, as exhibiting the most direct manner of proceeding to make sections across the'river, at places where they are necessary to show the inequalities and structure of the bottom, and to point out the parts to be excavated in order to obtain sufficient depth of water in the channel. Mr. Stevenson justly observes that " much time may be lost in makino- the section? and borings, and erroneous data ma_y be ob- tained if'the operation be not gone about in a proper manner." Chapter 8 relates to hvdrometric.d observations, principally on the velocity of currents at th"e surface, and the bed of their course. For the purpose of determining the mean velocity from the observed sur- face velocity, Mr. Stevenson gives the following formula, founded on a rule of De Buat : a + ( Vo— 1) y = 4 where a = the observed surface velocity, and 7 = the mean velocity- sought. . r 1 ,■ The concluding chapter, relating to the protraction of the lines in the survey, and of the soundings, completes the subject, and although this part 'is equally valuable, and in its mode of treatment equally practical with the rest of the book, it would convey little or no infor- mation to make isolated extracts from it. The whole, however, is well worthy the attention of every engineer and surveyor engaged in the prosecution of marine surveying, to all of whom it may be said, without derogation of their skill", that however practised or proficient thev may be in this part of the profession, this book is calculated to add to their knowledge of the subject. The work contains numerous plans and sections of rivers, showing the mode of surveying and ot representing the cross sections and borings, also examples of the man- ner of keeping the field books in the different stages of the survey. BOOK MAKING. Sir— I beg leave tt) trouble you with a few remarks respecting a recent publication, with the view of calling your attention to a highly reprehensible practice, which is now becoming common in this class of works. The prac- tice I allude to is the copying and inserting, in several different publications, the same cuts and impressions. In a small work lately published, entitled " Anglican Church Architecture, &c." naturally supposing that the wood cuts and illustrations (with which the volume is rather copiously furnished) were examples not before published, but had been collected by the author to illus- trate and support the opinions put forth in his work, I w.-is induced to become a purchaser; but on looking over the book, I was much surprised to tiud that almost without exception the cuts, &c. were fac-similies of those pub- lished in a recent work entitled " The Glossary of Architecture." and as both proceed from the same publisher, I have no doubt the same blocks did duty a second time. It may be said that the work I now refer to is small in price, hut the principle is equally bad, whatever may be the cost of the pub- lication ; and I hope that you will, by making instances of this sort of book- making public, prevent a practice so vicious in principle and so hurtful m its effects from becoming general. If persevered in, it cannot fail to destroy that confidence which should always subsist between the author and the purchaser of his work. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 121 ON SPIRES. We have already borrowed largely from the Penny Cyclopaedia, on the subject of staircases, and now similarly avail ourselves of the article "Spire," which is certainly the most complete and most original we have ever yet met with. In fnct, scarcely anything at all relative to spires is to be found in preceding publications, — not even in those which profess to be strictly architectural. They give us little more than an explanation of the term, and some not even that ; at least, such is the case with Nicholson's Architectural Dictionarv, where, unac- countable as it may seem, the word "Spire" is altogether omitted! Besides calling attention to a variety of interesting particulars that seem to have entirely escaped the observation of others, the writer of the article in the Penny Cylopsdia has suggested several new and expressive terms that, in our opinion, are wpU worthy of being generally adopted. We are aware that some persons object" to any innovations of tliR kind, yet if they are found to be really useful, and to enrich the terminology of the art, there can be no impropriety in adopting them; neither is there any greater difficulty attending' tlie introduction of them than arises from the attempt to revive terms which have become so entirely obsolete, that their original meanings can now only be vaguely guessed at, so that there is danger of the terms so rescued from oblivion being applied very differently from what they were while they were in use. "Spire (in German Spitze, or Thmn-Spitze; in French, F/<'cZ'(?, from its resemblance to the pointed tip of an arrow ; but the Latin spira signifies a coil, or spiral line, and not an upright cone or pyramid). The term belongs to Gothic architecture, and is used to designate the tapering pyramidal mass erected on a tower by way of finish and orna- ment. That so little relative to spires is said in works on Gothic architecture is the more remarkable, because, in proportion to the number of examples, they exhibit more variety than almost any other separate feature in edifices in that style. Though the spire is'a very striking feature in a building, it has nothing to recommend it on the score of direct utility. It is a mere external appendage to an edifice, since it does not, like the dome, contribute to anv kind of effect what- ever internally, a circumstance that seems to have been overlooked bv Mr. A. W. Pugin, for else he would hardly have made it a reproach against the architect of St. Paul's, that the exterior dome of that fabric is merely for effect. Though the same objection might be made to the spire, we are far from urging it: mere utility is a low test of merit in architecture, and although this merit cannot be claimed for this feature in Gothic architecture, we hold the spire to be one of para- mount value in it, inasmuch as that pyramidal figure concentrates all its principles and characteristics, rendering it most eminentlv the Pointed style. So considered, the spire may be said to be the' key- stone of the whole idea of such style ; — that 'which visibly completes if. It serves, moreover, to impart an air of graceful lightness to the whole of a building, and to correct — if we may so express it— what might else be excess of length as compared with the general height of a structure, by giving a corresponding degree of loftiness to one portion of it. " The origin of the spire, like that of the pointed arch, is merely Matter of conjecture. The probability is that it arose out of the peaked roof usually given to campaniles and towers of a preceding period, which form was afterwards gradually improved upon and refined, till it eventually grew up into the slender tapering spire. According to such supposition, we would rpfer to the tower of Than church in Normandy, as an example exhibiting the rudiments of the spire, it being no more than a steep peaked roof or low pyramid, whose height does not exceed three-fourths of its bsse. A peak of this kind differs also from the spire, both in being the same in plan as the tower on which it is placed, and in being mimediately set upon it, whereas the spire is almost invariably an octagon or other polygon, and is surrounded at Its base with a parapet. In Italy, where campaniles are usually detached square towers of very slender or lofty proportions, the spire IS almost unknown, for such towers liave seldom more than a mere pyramidal roof or peak, which, though it may be considered as the germ from which the Gothic spire was afterwards developed, is in Itself of quite different character ; vet, at the same time, that of each IS best adapted to the respective st'yle. There are some few instances of square spires ; among them a very singular one at Egeln in Ger- many, where two such spires are set immediately together upon the same tower. But however slender in their proportions such spires may otherwise be, they liave a certain heavy massiveness of form. When therefore, greater loftiness and lightness were aimed at in this feature, the adoption of a polygonal plan for it became almost matte of course, for although in a geometrical drawing the oeneral outline and proportions of a spire are the same whether it be square or octangular in plan, the perspective or actual appearance is widely different; because in the latter case the diagonal breadth of the square tower below is cut off", and each side or plane of which the spire is composed becomes a much more pointed triangle. Besides which the polygonal spire produces a degree of contrast and variety bifhly favourable to general effect in the pointed style." ' ^ * * * ■ * " There are so many peculiarities in spires, that it is hio'hly desirable to have descriptive terms for them. First, as regards' its base, a spire may be said to be Cliisler-based, when surrounded below with pinnacles connected with it, and from among which it seems to spring up ; of which kind St. Mary's Oxford, is a celebrated example. The H6tel-(le-V'ille, at Ypres, has a spire clustered with four exceed- ingly tall pinnacles or lesser spires. Where there are windows placed against a spire, risisg vpright like the dormers or lucarnes on a foro, the term Lncarned would express that character; we have therefore not scrupled to make use of it in the annexed table of spires, where it is applied, among others, to those of Lichfield catliedral, which have several tiers of such windows, and are described accordingly. Crock- etted and Banded are terms requiring no explanation; but in regard to the first it may be remarked, that spires, otherwise quite pla?n, are sometimes ornamented with crocket Would it have cut oflf the supply of water from the porous strata where they crop out on the higher lands above ? Clearly not. It is obvious that the surface of vegetable mould which covers the hill must be at least as permeable to water as the mass of clay on which the mould rests ; yet the whole surface of the 128 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Aprii,, hill is to be left unpuddled, and the whole attention of the engineer is to be directed to the object of making the base of the drains water-tight, not- withstanding these drains are all cut into the solid clay. Mr. Editor, is not this pure nonsense ? And what right has a lecturer, advancing such childish notions himself, to convey to his pupils an impression alike unworthy and unjust towards the engineer who executed this work. When the cutting was originally made, everything was done that was necessary; and as for the puddling of these drains, they miglit have been puddled for miles in length on each side of the railway, without contributing one single atom of benefit towards the prevention of the slips. Further on, the pro- fessor disapproves of what is being done by way of precaution, and recom- mends that " apertures should be driven in horizonially, and brushwood drains introduced, or a kind of hurdle or fascines, which would act as a drain, jind be extremely efficacious. I do sincerely hope and trust tliat the Croydon Railway Company will never act upon this advice, because if these apertures »re driven any distance into the hill, they will tap a much larger body of ■water than that which finds its way at present to the face of the slopes, and as soon as the drains become at all choked up, down comes a slip much more extensive than any that has yet happened ; while on the other hand, if the apertures be not driven more than a few feet into the slope they will not catch the water which occasions the mischief, and thus for all the good they will do, might just as well have been driven so many feet into one of the moantaius in the moon. I am. Sir, Your Tery obedient servant, Justus. REMARKS ON DR. FULTON'S LECTURE. SrR — Having perused Dr. Fulton's lecture on the " State and Study ol Civil Architecture," as inserted in your March number, and considering some of the observations made by him to be incorrect, I venture to offer a few remarks on the same, hoping that if you have any superfluous room, you will favour thera with a place in your next number. And, first, with regard to the origin of pointed architecture, the lecturer asserts that it (together with the Saracenic,) was derived from the Roman, bringing forward as evidence the fact, that at Spalatro are found slender columns supporting circular arches with distorted human faces, introduced as ornaments ; but at the same time he admits that the pointed arch is not found there. Now I would observe that the pointed arch is the elementary ingre- dient of the pointed style, and that without its presence a building cannot be regarded as of that style, so that to detect i/s origin is, in fact, to detect the origin of the style to which it belongs: I shall, therefore, endeavour briefly to show that Rome was not the originator of it. It is a well-known fact that the pointed arch made its appearance in the different countries of Europe at very nearly one and the same time, viz. just after the termination of the first Crusade ; and this fact manifestly points to some one locality from whence all the nations of Europe among whom it sprung up must have derived the idea of it. Moreover, this must have happened at the same time, for if it had not, oi- if they had borrowed the one from the other, there would necessarily have been specimens in our, or at all events in some, of these countries, before the others had time to borrow it. But if the Europeans all derived the idea of the pointed arch at one par- ticular time, and from one particular place, it follows that thai place must have been one of general rendezvous ; and since the time in which it appeared was just after they had returned from the first Crusade, it is in a high degree proliable that they obtained this idea from the East, or else from some of the countries through which they passed on their way thither. Now there are specimens found in the East of the pointed arch of a date anterior to the first Crusade, so that this circumstance appears to give a degree of assurance to the notion that the Europeans derived it from the Saracens ; but admitting that they did not, still there is no evidence in favour of their having obtained it from the Itomans, for I am not aware that the first Crusaders passed through Italy at all. Moreover, if they had, seeing that there was no actual specimen of the pointed arch to be found in those parts, they must have seen some- thing in Roman arcliitecture which indirectly conveyed to them the idea of it ; and in this case it is extremely difficult to conceive that they should all happen to hit on the same train of reasoning, and thus, each for themselves, light upon the pointed arch. In the second place, Dr. Fulton states that the Greeks did not leave even their Doric columns without bases, but that the steps on which they rested formed an ample basement. I grant, indeed, that these steps did form an ample basement to the edifice, considered as a whole, serving both to beautify and strengthen it, but certainly not as a base to each individual column. His reasoning, too, is fallacious, for he says, " What would the finest statue that ever was made appear to be, with its feet sunk in the ground or cut off?" According to this, then, we must admit that the columns represented statues, and the stylobate their feet ; and if so, what is the result ? Why simply this ; that the Ionic columns in the temple of Minerva Polias (for example), which not only individually have bases, but are collectively superim- posed upon a stylobate, represent statues having a double set of feet, one over the other, which, to my mind, would be quite as devoid of beauty as statues with no feet at all. Tlie third and last point to which I shall take occasion to advert is the lecturer's olijections against " gable-topped windows and doors," by which I suppose windows and doors crowned with pediments. Ills words are, "Of all the strange devices of which I have given a list, this is the most strange." And yet I cannot find out that he has assigned any reason why they are strange, unless indeed it is because he is " unable to discover the use of these window tops ;" but if people ask the use of many things in architecture, we shall only have to answer, " Its use is to adorn the building ;" and so here, the use of these gable tops is to adorn windows and doors, and to show that they do so in many cases, I need only refer to the lower range of windows ia the Strand front of Somerset House, and to the one-pair windows of the Reform Club. Besides, if these gable tops be absurd in Palladian architecture, shall we not be obliged to condemn quite as much the beautiful pedimented canopies over the windows and doors of many of our pointed structures, as, for example, York cathedral; and who will say that they do not form wt important element of beauty in those edifices ? With the remainder of Dr. Fulton's remarks I cordially assent ; and hoping that I have not trespassed too long on your attention or that of your readers, I beg to subscribe myself, Sir, Yours respectfully, G. W. R. MORE ON FRESCO PAINTING. While the subject of fresco painting is in every one's mouth, and we hare papers on the subject at the Institute, and lectures at the Royal Institution, it may be worth while to consider the best method for commencing operations. At a late visit to Hampton Court, on entering the staircase to the gallery of the chapel, I was struck with the excellent opportunity there presented for an essay in this new style of art, by which additional interest might be given to a part of the building now but little visited, at a moderate expense, and with great advantage to our artists. The staircase is of oak, of the time of Queen Anne ; the plan is a square of about 25 ft., and wainscotted about 8 ft, above the upper landing, leaving on their sides perhaps a dozen feet more of bare plaster up to the cieling, and lighted by windows on the foOTth. Oa these spaces, which are well calculated for this kind of decoration, the artists likely to be engaged with the new Houses of Parliament might be employed to try their hands. The situation is not one of such vast importance as to render the probable slight imperfections of a first attempt very alarming ; and by beginning in this moderate way, the danger would be avoided of a failure in a more conspicuous siuation, which might give an excuse to the timorous to call in the aid of the Germans, and for the enemies of innovation to aban- don the thing altogether ; and we may certainly hope that the earliest efforts of our artists, inexperienced as they are, would be superior to plain white- wash. Neither would they be induced to make their essays in situations where the paintings could not be permanent, and by that means, as far as everything but mere practice was concerned, throw away their time and materials to no purpose. This locality is only mentioned as a specimen, of which hundreds might be found elsewhere, and many in the same building ; all of which, besides per- fecting the painters, would tend to make the style more generally known, and thus interest the public in it from its very commencement. In the progress of this high style of art, much will depend on the archi- tects ; for if they oppose it, or do not recommend its introduction in their buUdiuga, it can never be generally adopted. J.L. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 129 I ON INCREASING THE EVAPORATIVE EFFECT OF BOILERS. Sir — In my communication inserted in the last Journal, I assure you I liad no desire unnecessarily to occupy your useful columns, by " taking a range of several months," in rcpljing to the very severe remarks of the reviewer of my " projects." I trust, however, to your candour, in affording nie an oppor- tunity of setting myself and my " projects" right with your readers, not as 1o the personal matter, but to the scientific and practical details of the subject. Having disposed of the comments on my suggestions for increasing the evaporative boilers, by means of longitudinal conductor plus, I now come to that of the " smoke preventive plan." The reviewer observes — " Our philosopher says that combustion" (of the gaseous matter from the coals) " does not take place (in the furnace), inas- much as he has doors to his ash pit, which he shuts immediately that the furnace has received a fresh charge, and which he keeps shut until the gas is all expelled." To this I have only to say, it is entirely a gratuitous assump- tion. I am guilty of no such absurdity. That I recommend doors to ash. pits, as others have done before me, is true; not, however, for the sake of excluding the air, or producing an '• hermetically sealed boiler furnace," but of regulating its admission, as far as is practicable, to the ash pit and bars, the doors being furnished with suitable slides or registers ; thus, in some measure apportioning the quantity supplied to the demand, and where, in ordinary furnaces, no attempt at any regulating means is made. The reviewer then goes into a lengthened refutation of this manifest absurdity, which happens to be exclusively the work of his own fertile invention ; and which I need not further notice. He then observes — " -\11 smoke-burning projects operate upon the principle cf admitting an excess of air into the furnace and flue, and this principle is attended with two insuperable objections. First, the refrigeratory effect of the great excess of air which it is necessary to admit to a mixture of the gases, to accomplish the indispensable condition of combustion — proximity of the atoms to be combined ; and second, the impracticability of apportion- ing the admission of air to the ever-changing quantity of smoke evolved." Now here are two important and clearly enuriciated terms ; and my reply is, that it is expressly to correct these two evils that my plan applies, viz. the preventing this refrigeratory effect, by rendering an " excess" of air unnecessary ; and second, the aiding the operations of nature, by removing that very ob- struction to the process of diffusing this " excess" of air. And here I would just hint at a chemical error under which the reviewer labours ; inasmuch as the "great excess of air" he speaks of, as being necessary to a " mixture of the combustible and incombustible gases, in accomplishing the indispensable condition of combustion — the proximity of the atoms to be combined," is a very serious impediment, rather than a necessary aid, to that very condition. For this well-established chemcial fact, fas my opinions are too " insane" to merit attention,) I beg to direct the reviewer to Davy's "Researches on Flame." And may I not here be allowed to remark, in a spirit of good humour, that if I be that " ponderous gentleman" whose " attendants should insanify with a few grains of common sense," other persons may possibly consider my would-be guide as that imponderous and light-headed reviewer, whom it would be well to ballast with a few grains of chemical knowledge, to qualify him for steering his own bark, before he imdertakes to correct the reckon- ings of others. But, badinage apart, this very " excess of air," which is here laid down as " necessary," is as great an enemy to proper diffusion and per- fect combustion, as a deficiency would be ; hut on this, it is unnecessary here to dwell. To correct this impracticability of apportioning the admission of air to the " ever-changing quantity of smoke evolved from an ordinary furnace," I separate the air into two supplies, thus rendering them more manageable, and, what is more important, less liable to interfere with and mar each other's objects; a system, also, which has this practical value — the causing them to he, to a great extent, mutual correctors of each other's defects. The one supply is sent to the ash pit and bars, for the combustion of the solid carbonaceous portion of the fuel; the other to the gaseous matter evolved from it. Cut I ask, why shall this want of a more correct means of regulating the supply of air to the demand, be so peculiat'iy chargeable on my mode of admission ; while the ordinary plan of furnaces is so lamentably and wholly deficient on this head — nay, even absolutely prohibitive of any attempt at regulation ? My mode, to a great extent, practically corrects the evil (as I am now showing in my papers on this subject in the Mechanic's Magazine), while, by the' ordinary method, the supply of air is most restricted by the body of fresh fuel on the bars, at the very time when an increased quantity is most required, by reason of the increased quantity of gas evolved. The absence, then, of the means for " adjusting the quantity of influent air to the variable condition of the fire," bears with intinitely greater force against the old plan, so pertinaciously adhered to, and which rejects any effort towards adjustment. Again; although this variable supply of air required has reference to the gaseous matter evolved above the fuel, rather than to the solid matter on the bars, yet these sticklers for a regulating valve would absolutely compel the supply of air which is intended for such gaseous matter to pass through such bars and body of incandescent fuel, where it necessarily loses much of its oxygen, if not the whole; thus virtually sending the smallest quantity of oxygen to the gases when they were most redundant. Let those, then, who cavil for a regulating valve, first apply the argument to their own old favourite system before they object to mine, which practically and to a great extent meets the difficulty. The reviewer next observes — " But the. parturient mountain lias again brought forth a mouse. This learned philosopher, after vapouring about atoms and gases, presents us with — what ? a veritable antique smoke-burning fur- nace." If this be true, then we must be prepared to call the .\rgand burner a veritable smoke-burning lamp. This sneer at " vapouring about atoms and gases" I must say is, at least, inappropriate from that pen which had just before truly and scientifically urged the " indispensable condition of combus- tion— the proximity of the atoms to be combined" — the veiy point on which the whole atomic theory, as regards the union of gases, rests its value. Again ; I am told " the sole peculiarity" of my plan is that " the air enters by a greater number of holes than usual." Will the reviewer inform your readers whether this peculiarity be not the very one which characterizes the Argand burner ? Again ; " whether, of two smoke-burning projects, the least objectionable is that which admits the air at one hole, or that which admits the air at many holes, it would here be irrelevant to inquire." Now, Sir, that is the real point worth inquiring into ; and this blinking the main question at issue will not go down with your scientific readers, unless he can first per- suade them that there is no difference between the briUiant smokeless burners in our shops in Regent-street, and those flaring smoking flames which the butchers' stalls exhibit ; the sole difference being that which is here said to be irrelevant — namely, the difference between the one large bole and the many small holes. For, chemically, the eft'ect is the same, whether the air be admitted in jets to the gas, or the gas in jets to the air — my mode of ad- mission being, in the words of Professor Brande, " an experiment upon the large and practical scale which I have often made on a small and theoretical scale, in illustration of the inaccuracy of the common terms • condsustible,' and ' supporter of combustion,' as ordinarily applied." "We are informed, "says the reviewer, "that Mr. Bourne has a patent for the same thiiig of the date 1838." I beg to say the reviewer is misinformed. Mr. Bourne's patent is for the generation of gas from retorts placed in a fur- nace over the incandescent fuel on the bars, and, when the gases are expelled from these retorts, drawing the solid coke from them on to the bars below, to keep up the body of incandescent matter. It must, therefore, be to this invention that Dr. Lardner and Mr. Farcy's reports apply. But it matters not; for if this identical "same thing" be so good under Mr. Bourne's name, it cannot be so very insane under mine. On the merits of the actual invention of Mr. Bourne, I forbear to speak ; of the actual plan of a furnace which he afterwards adopted in the steamers on the Thames, after having rejected his own, I have already said enough in my treatise, where I have given it in proof of one of the erroneous modes of eft'ecting the combustion of the gaseous products of coal : neither will I say anytliing of Mr. Bourne's anonymous essay, now before me, out of respect to Mr. Bourne himself. But perhaps the gravamen of the charges against my presumption in ques- tioning the practice of our " operative engineers," may be discovered by the concluding observation, that " engineers and boiler-makers know their business much too well to lack information from a pack of effervescent chemists and druggists" — meaning the first chemical authorities of the day. Professor Brande, Dr. Ure, Dr. Kane, Professor DanicU, - had compliment, by telling us that we cannot understand an investiga- tion of the subject, wherefore he " avoids all scientific observation as to the laws of friction," &c. ; but I am sure that you, Mr. Editor, will join with me in removing the screen behind which he would thus shield himself from the liability of being caUed upon to prove his daring assertions. He must, or ought to know, that the majority of your readers are not " casual" but "pro- fessional" readers, who are perhaps as well skilled in investigation as "Vulcan" himself, and who are not accustomed to take statements for granted, because the person making them " fears his inability to make himself fuUv understood by casual readers." The case is simply stated ; we have the force transferred from the piston rod to the crank pin by two different arrangements of ma- chinerj-, tlie transfer in each case being attended with some loss, from the friction caused isy the strain or pressure upon the gudgeons. The question is, then, what proportion does this loss bear, celcrh paribus, in the case of the Gorgon to that in the other or beam engine ? This is perfectly ascer- tainable by mathematical analysis, and, in fact, in no other way, from' the all but impossibility of having in practice other things alike in the two cases, which they must be, or extraneous causes will so affect the results as to render them perfectly inconclusive for the object in question. I will, therefore, with your permission, Mr. Editor, call upon " Vulcan" to show what ground he has for bis assertion, by giving an investigation of this friction case; or if his " inability to make himself understood" arises from his ignorance of mathematics, he must get those by whom " he was assured" of the truth of his fact to help him out of his difficulty. If " Vulcan" does not furnish you with this statement, I will. The third matter animadverted upon by " Vulcan" is wljat he calls Messrs. Seaward's slatemeni, "that the consumption of fuel does not exceed GJlb. per nominal horse power per hour." Now this statement is an entire and gratuitous fabrication. " Vulcan" must surely have been thinking of his ancient occupation in " Etna's fiery glow," and must have forged it for the occasion ; for there is not a syllable about the Gorgon's consumption of fuel in the whole pamphlet, nor is the subject even alluded to throughout the work, except in one passage, page 24, where the saving of fuel is mentioned as one of the " great and paramount objects to be aimed at in the construc- tion of steam engines for navigation." It is, indeed, added that "this system of engines is far superior in all the quahties above enumerated," biit the saving of fuel named in the first paragraph seems to have been included in the other more by accident than design, for it is not even hinted at in aav other portion of the work. Indeed, to have claimed for the direct system any material advantage over the common one on this score, would have been a downright absurdity ; for what connection can a different arrangement of the rods and levers have with the consumption of fuel, except as regards the insignificant amount in which the difference of friction would affect it ? and who, in their senses, would pretend that such was the fact ? That the Gor- gon engines do work with a much smaller proportionate consumption of fuel than many others, I can very readily believe ; but whatever gain there is in this respect must be, of course, owing to improvements in the construction, which are independent of the direct action principle, and which Messrs. Seaward could just as well apply to beam engines as to the Gorgon's. The introduction of the fuel question is, therefore, irrelevant, and only shows that "Vulcan" either can never have seen the pamphlet be pretends to re\iew, or must be fixed in a much more discreditable alternative, which your readers will easily supply. The remainder of " Vulcan's" paper consists of a series of statements which only show the limited information he bad obtained upon the subjects he professed to treat of, and which will be sufficiently answered by noting down the following facts. The speed of the Gorgon's engines, with 420 tons of coal on board and provisions for six months, is 19 strokes per minute; with 200 tons of coal, 21 strokes. When the " Styx" was tried in the river, " with my lords and a large parly on hoard," she had 260 Ions of coal in the boxes, and 30 tons of water in the tanks, and the speed of her engines was 20 strokes per minute. " Vnlcaa" should, therefore, have placed less " confidence" in the information which led 134 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [April, him to assert that she had only " coal enough for the trip, and no stores, and made 1 7 strokes per minute."* It happens also, unfortunately for " Vulcan's" veracity, that the engines on the Gorgon principle liave an arrangement to equalize their action, and balance the effect of the weight of the piston and its appendages ; and that this moreover is not done by the means of weights upon the paddle -wheels. Those parts of the letter which treat of the " miserable inefficiency" of the " Government folks," who are stated to be so " far behind private knowledge and enterprise," and much of the same description, are worthy of a virulent scribe in an opposition newspaper : but as I should be very sorn- to see your magazine made an arena for political discussion, " Vulcan" is very welcome, for me, to continue his tirade against the Government at his pleasure. He cannot deny that the .\dmiralty have given a decided preference to the direct form of engine, or he would doubtless be glad enough to do so ; if he chooses to go upon another tack, and ascribe this line of conduct to their ignorance or their unjust partiality, it is of course with " my lords" that he has cause of quarrel, and not with the Gorgon engine.f The " prophecy" with which the paper concludes will be upon record, and to it " Vulcan" may refer, in proof of his own sagacity and foresight, when he finds the Gorgon engines removed for inefficiency ; but at present, while some of the vessels thus fitted are amongst the fastest sailers of their class, and while their superior adaptation for war purposes is proved by their services in actual engagement, (to which "Vulcan" bears such reluctant testimony,) we may safely conclude that the day of "Vulcan's" glorification as a true prophet will be yet far, far distant. I am, Sir, Bloomsbury, Yours obediently, Fei., 1842. AVilliam Pole. MR. JOSIAH PARKES AND THE COUNT DE P.4MB0UR. SiK — In a letter inserted in your number for last October, Mr. Josiah P arkes has brought forward two grave charges against M. de Parabour : first, of " gross and lamentable ignorance of practical matters," founded upon a passage from this author's "New Theory of the Steam Engine;" secondly, of having misrepresented and falsified certain of Mr. Parkes's opinions and writings. The latter of these charges the Count has already sufiiciently defended himself from, but the former he has left unnoticed, doubtless under the supposition that its groundlessness and absurdity must be so self-evident, as to render a formal refutation unnecessary. This may perhaps be the case, as far as those are concerned who are well acquainted with the subject on which the charge is founded ; but it is probable there are many who, for want of information, may be inclined to construe the silence of Count de Pambour into an inability to deny the truth of the allegation, and I think it but com- mon fairness that such should be shown the true state of the case. I should blush for Enghsh engineers, if there could not be found among us some liberal enough to defend from such ungenerous attacks as these, a dis- tinguished foreigner who has, on connecting himself more immediately with our country, laudably devoted his time and talents to the advancement of our scientific knowledge. M. de Pambour's passage is as follows: — "Under this circumstance (the use of the cataract,) the engine does not evaporate the full quantity of water that its boiler would otherwise be capable of evaporating per minute." Mr. Parkes cites this to show the " gross ignorance" it displays, adding that " neither the Cornish, nor any other engineers ever, probably, imagined the cataract to exercise an influence over the production of steam in the boilers of their engines. ' Now the following facts cannot, I am sure, be denied by any one at all acquainted with the working of Cornish engines. Isf. The use of the cataract determines the number of strokes to be made by the engine in any given time. 2nd. No steam being ever allowed, in Cornwall, to blow away at the safety valve, the quantity produced is necessarily only what is used. 3rd. The quantity used depends (ceteris paribusj upon the number of strokes made by the engine in a given time. '■ See Journal for June ast, p. 210, Vol. IV. r Since writing the above, il has come to my knowledge that an order for eight pairs of engines, upon the direrf action principle, of 400 (o 500 horse power each, has been decided upon by the " Government folks," and this with ■' Vulcan's" paper before their eyes! 4th. From which it must follow, if there be any meaning in words, that " the use of the cataract" does " exercise an influence over" the quantity of steam used, and consequently over "the production of steam in the boilers." And of course when the cataract is so arranged as to cause the engine to make less than its maximum number of strokes per minute, (which is generally the actual state of things,) it must be evident that " under this circumstance the engine does not evaporate the full quantity of water that its boiler would otherwise be capable of evaporating per minute." Mr. Parkes either knew these facts, or he did not. If he did, he lies under the imputation of having brought a charge against M. de Pambour which his reasoning powers must have told him, had he exercised them at all, he could not substantiate. If he did not, on which side does the " gross ignorance" lie .' I can tell Mr. Parkes, that many persor.s of, perhaps, equal knowledge and skill with himself, are ready to plead guilty to an association with M. de Pambour in his " ignorance," if such it be. But is Mr. Parkes liimself perfectly immaculate, touching this cat.iract ? He says, " The cataract is used for the purpose of opening the steam indue tion valve, and its value is appreciated as a means of effecting the influx of steam into the cylinder in the most instantaneous manner." Again, in his second paper on the percussive action of steam, published in the 3rd volume of the Trans. Inst. C. E., (Note E, p. 430,) we find, " No apparatus for open- ing steam valves with rapidity, and, therefore, for letting loose the steam upon the piston of an engine, with the full velocity due to the difference of the elasticities existing in the boiler and in the cylinder, has yet been applied so effective as the cataract." Now, as it happens, the cataract does not open the steam valve at all, except on the " House-that-Jack-built" principle. It only removes a catch, which lets fall a weight, which opens the valve, and effects, &c. The removal of the catch, which is all the cataract does, might be done just as well by the plug rod, or by band, or by a thousand other contrivances, as by the cataract. It is the fall of the teeiglit which effects the instantaneous open- ing ; and therefore what merit can belong to the cataract on this score, it is not easy to see. It might as well be said to be valuable as a means of pump- ing the water from the mine, for it is quite as much instrumental to one as to the other. It would have been well had Mr. Parkes removed this " beam from his own eye," before he began to find fault with the " mote" in M. de Pambour's. I remain, Sir, London, Yours, with respect, Feb. 1842. Vindicator. ON THE FORCE OF FALLING BODIES, AND PILE-DrvIVING. SiK— In the Journal for last month, after the description of the " American Steam Pile-driving Machine" with which you favoured your readers, there are some judicious remarks on " the force of the blow given by the ram of a pile engine," and a table calculated from the formula 32^ Ay' j^^ for finding the velocity of a body falling from the height s, for the force in tons ; the weight of the falling body being one ton. Now it appears to me, from want of defining an unit of force, and the force in tons therein given, this table may be mistaken for a mere weight acting by pressure without any velocity, by persons not acquainted with the principles from which it is derived. Would it not, therefore, be well to define the unit of force, as you have taken it, to be the weight of the ram moving with a velocity of one foot per second .' In page 255, Vol. II., July, 1839, concluding some remarks on this subject, I gave an example founded on the above principles, that is, taking the force used in driving the piles as the weight multiplied by the velocity, and comparing this with the weight of the superstructure, supposed also to be for the comparison a moving force. In the Mechanics' Magazine for December 30, 1836, No. 175, a cor- respondent, in answer to a question on pile-driving, says the force of a ram falling from a height of 1} inches is double its weight, and a correspondent, B, in your Journal for August, 1839, states from some experiments on a spring balance, that one-half the weight, falling with a velocity of f foot per second, is equal to the weight in effect j which is to say, that the whole weight moving with a velocity of § foot per second, produces an effect equal to twice the weight of the body. A body falling from the height 1} inches acquires, after descending that height, a velocity of 2-6 feet per second. This would. 1842.1 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 1.35 therefore give i the less effect than B's experiment ; or a velocity of 1-3 foot per second for a force equal to the weight, B's being a velocity of 4 inches, ■when the force equals the weight. The unit of force adopted by you lies between these. However, the truth is, little dcpendance can be placed in any comparison of this kind from want of analogy. Cut it appears to me the Telocity § foot per second given by B, produces an effect equal to the weight, and not its double, in his experiments. Much good would result from persons registering and publishing the following d.ita, when engaged in pile drivingi Tfie piles — tunber, or other material, of which they are composed) weight and length ; top and bottom sections ; surface, whether rough or otherwise ; weiglit and shape of shoeing ; head, whether furzy or strapped. Ground — the different strata passed through, and their depths ; the depth driven at each stroke, with the weight of the ram, and tlie height it fell from. These data would be of great benefit to the practical man, and would furnish materials to the theorist, who, in ex- aminations of this nature, fails most often from not taking in all the circum- stances, or from defective data. Sundalk, Feb. 7, 1842. Jonx Neville. Sir — It appears that a difference of opinion exists as to the amount of force with which a moving body strikes one at rest, as applied in the case of pile-driving. This difference of opinion probably arises from considering the force of imjiact as momentary ; but a force of this description is quite imaginary, and cannot be assigned, unless we can comprehend infinity. Now if one man can raise one ton one foot high in one second, he can raise it two feet in two, cic. And whatever amount of force is expended in raising it will be measured by the free descent of the same weight through the same space, for if it were greater or less, the perpetual motion would be possible ; therefore, on mechanical principles it must he equal. Hence a body raised to any given height may be considered as an accumulation of force equal to that which has been expended in raising it to that height ; and the amount of this accumulation evidently includes two considerations — the amoimt of force employed, and the time of its employment. Now this accumulation being a certain definite amount of force, its expenditure will be regulated by the same laws as that which produced it. If, then, a certain amount of force be expended to raise a body one foot high, and this body fall through the same space, its momentum will be equal to the force which has been expended in raising it. Let it, after falling through this space, strike a body at rest, and by the force of impact carry it through an equal space, the whole amount of accumulated force being destroyed to effect this, the increments of the generating and destroying powers may be conceived as nearly equal, but not absolutely, for the descending body is supposed to descend through a greater space than it had been raised through, on account of its forcing the resisting body through some space, but as this is small and passed through slowly, it is of no practical moment. If, then, a body fall through 10, 20, or 30 feet, and earn- a resisting body through -j-^ of a foot, the force being destroyed to effect this, the force of impact will be proportional ; that is, as often as -y— of a foot is contained in 10, 20, or 30 feet, so will the weight of the descend- ing body be to the force of impact. That such is the law of impact is plain, for if a falling body could strike one having a velocity equal to its own in the same direction, the force of impact would be nothing j it would be simple contact. If the velocity of the body struck were less than its own, the force of impact would vary in pro- portion, and its limit is absolute fixedness without elasticity : in the first case it is nothing, and in the last it is infinite. Tlie elasticity of all bodies is similar to that susceptibility of matter to be moved from place to place : it is a property of matter opposing resistance to force ; and, as it relates to this question, it is nothing more. Applying, then, these almost axiomatic truths to the case of pile-driving. Let a be the space the ram descends through, b the weight of the ram, s the space the pile is driven by a blow, and y the force of impact ; then we have cb Now what practical deductions can be made from the preceding remarks ." — the limit to pile-driving is the elasticity of the material driven. AiVhen the matter to be driven through is of such a nature as to resist the penetra- tion of the pile with a greater force than is measured by the elasticity of the material of the pile, further driving would be impossible. For instance, if the elasticity of the pile be ji^. of a foot, the force of impact being GOO tons, further driving would be impossible. It is stated in your Journal for December last, that the force of impact GOO tons is the greatest blow that can be given by the pile engine imported from America. The weight of the ram is 16 cwt., the descent 30 feet. Modifying the preceding formula, we have — =s, and calculating from the y 30x16 above data, „,.„ =^ of a foot. Now if the limit of a pile engine's power be to strike a blow of 600 tons, it is because the effect is lost in the material struck. In the succeding number of the Journal it is stated that the abiUty of this pile engine to strike with a force of GOO tons is an exaggeration ; but if the above principles be correct, that assertion is a mistake. It is a question of some practical importance to assign the weight of super- structure a pile will bear. The determination of y in the above equation is the answer. For instance ; if the weight of the ram be one ton, the descent 20 feet, the distance the pile is driven by the blow half a foot, then 20 X 1 . . =40 tons, the weight that would be required to sink it; a less 0*0 amount would not. If the distance which the pile sinks at each blow be small, the elasticity must be taken into account ; its effect is to diminish the result of eacli blow, that is, to make the divisor less than truth ; the quotients would, therefore, be too large. Objections miplit be made to what is here stated. In relation to elasticity, it might be said that the whole amount of force being communicated to the pile, it could not be lost ; but its effect is to distribute the blow over a longer space of time. It might be also said of two rams of different weights, say one half that of the other, falling from the same height, that if the heavier was required to sink the pile, the other would not. If effects be proportional to their causes, the less would sink the pile half the distance of the other, and the quotient would then be the same. I am. Sir, Truly yours, London, Feb. 10, 1842. ' ' V>'. G. Sir — I read with considerable interest, in your Januaiy No., a description of the -American Steam Pile-driving Machine, and, having seen it myself, can bear testimony to its accuracy ; but the table with which that description concludes is so manifestly erroneous, that attention shoidd be called to it. The table assumes that a body of one ton weight, falling through one foot, would strike a pile or other object with a force equal to 8 tons, and the same weight falling through 16 feet would strike with a force equal to 32-1 tons ; so that, although the weight had been raised through 16 times more space in the latter than in the former instance, and, of course IG times the power expended to raise it, yet (according to the table,) the effect produced by striking a pile is only quadrupled : what then has become of the remaining 12 parts of the power exerted in raising the weight, seeing only 4 out of the 16 have been spent in striking the blow ? Had the column headed " Force in tons for a ram weighing one ton" been "Acquired velocity in feet per second," it would have been about correct. Now the force exerted by a body in motion, when striking an object, as a pile, is as its weight and the square of its velocity, which has been long since demonstrated by Smeaton and other writers, .\ssuming, then, with the author of the table before-mentioned, that a ram of a ton weight, falling through a foot, would strike a pile with a force of 8 tons, and as it would have acquired a velocity of 8 feet per second, the same ram, falling through 16 feet, would have acquired a velocity of 32-1 feet per second, or 4 times the velocity in the former case; now 4= = 16, and 16 X 8 tons = 128 tons, instead of 32-1 tons, as in the table. There is, however, no authority for proving that a ram, falling through one foot, would strike a pile or other body with a force exactly equal to 8 times its own weight. I am inclined to consider its ppwer much greater than this, though the precise amount it would exert as compared to a quiescent weight, I am not prepared to answer ; indeed, it is a question undemoustrated by any writer I am acquainted with. The laws relatiiij to the comparative forces exerted l)y bodies in motiou 136 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [April, of different weights and different velocities are well known, but the alsoMe force everted ly am, body in mo/ion striking another lody, as a pile, com- ■pared with a weight in a quiescent state, is well worthy of investigation ; though it mav lie doubted if the one can ever become the standard of mea'^urement for the other. Any of your readers having time and oppor- tunity to investigate this subject, would confer a benefit of great practical ^'^'"^" I remain, Mr. Editor, Yours very truly, Jan. 19,1842. S. C. II. [We reserve our remarks on the above communications until next month. — Editor.] MR. VIGNOLES' LECTURES ON CIVIL ENGINEERING, AT THE LONDON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. ( Concluded from page 98.^ L\ the ensuing lectures he should endeavour to illiislrate the following points-lst. The principles on which railways should he laid out under various circumstances of traffic, and topographical feature. 2nd. The com- parison of different systems of inclinations or gradients. 3rd. The analysis of the advantages of various breadths or gauges. 4lh. The illustration of the difhirent modes of forming the raihvay proper, or upper works. 5th. The investigation and explanation of the great works of construction, as pecu- liarly found e-Npedient in forming railways. 6th. The practice of framing estimates, and the necessary details connected therewith. 7th. The consider- ation of the various modes of working railways by animal and by mechanical power, locomotive and stationary. 8lh. The inquiry into the working e.\- penses and annual charge on railways ; and, concluding with a summary lecture, in which the general features of the course will be given, and drawing such prominent inferences as might be most useful and interesting. The other branches of internal communication, as well as the various and numerous subjects connected with the theory and practice of a civil engineer, must be taken up on other occasions. Reserving, then, the elucidation of the details under the several preceding heads for the class room, he would pro- ceed to make a few general remarks. Of these, the most prominent and most important, in his judgment, and most to be impressed upon the mind of those about to enter the profession of a civil engineer, was that connected with the great excess of actual expenditure in the construction of railways over esti- mates, for not only has that unfortunate, and almost invariable occurrence brought discredit on e;:ch concern so alTected, but it has paralysed, and will long" continue to paralyse, the most honest and well-grounded schemes for long LUlUWll^*'^ t^ J'tli n._J ov,, ...^ ... - tj further internal communication in general, and of all improvements, the cost of which is dependent on the engineer ; and though each case ought to be tried and judged on its own merits, the public confidence appears gone, and the capitalist observes with a sneer, •• You engineers are all alike ; we can trust none of you." Now, without .shrinking from his own individual share of the odium thus cast upon the profession, as far as it may truly be deserved, the Professor denied the general and sweeping imputation, and he called on the directors of public companies, injustice to themselves, to their subscribers, to their onn engineers, and to the public in general, to publish such details as would exonerate his profession, and leave it charged with no more than what was attributable to it. He called upon his brother engineers to follow this out, by furnishing their quota of information. Let the public in general know tliese details as matters of railway statistics of the highest interest — let the profession know them as matters of precedent of the most valuable kind— and let the capitalist be undeceived as to his present impres- sions i-f mistioist. Quite independent of any financial difficulties— quite independent of any standing orders or regulations of Parliament — a man might as well cry "mad dog" as talk of a new railway speculation, or a water-work, or, indeed, any public undertaking, where the function of profits is a certain known quantity, but dependent on estimates which are considered visionary, because " all engineers are alike in this respect." Let, then, the young engineer mark well the bitter lesson the olaest engineers arc now learn. ing let them cause [the must assiduous inquiry into the details — the most unremitting toil in gathering information— storing their minds, exercising their memories, practising their hand, and working out their calculations- jit them remember that by working drawings, by models, and by every (1 priori means of unceasing investigation, they must " first and truly calcu- late the cost" of what in future life they may be called upon to undertake. If the matter be ever so trifling, they must not shrink from the truth, or attempt to disguise it from themselves, still less from their employers. Let them never have it said of them that they had whispered amongst themselves. •• Oh ! it will never do to tell the directors what the work will cost, or it will never be entered upon"— a remark uhich he had heard fall from an eminent engineer ; nor let them indulge in the vain hope of future fame, by taking as their text the observation atiributed to another engineer of the very highest, and well-deserved, reputation-" A century hence there wdl be no one who will ask what this work cost, they will only inquire who did it. He be-'cd to repeat, then, what he stated at his first introductory lecture, that theTonstant ma.xim the young, as well as the old. engineer should keep before him is-" That the success of an engineer in this country ot private enterprises and individual exertions, depends not upon the beauty or the cost of his constructions, or as mere works of art, but on their success as profit- able and mercantile speculatioitB." They must not suppose this to be an ignoble maxim; it must be followed out to its true results, and tlien they would find that prudence, caution, economy, judgment, and the highest intel- lectual gratification follow closely in its train ; for, to apply the words ot Mr Booth, the intelligent secretary of the Liverpool and Mancdiester Rail- wav. and one ot the fathers of the modern railway system-'' The contem- plation of what is passing in England (alluding to the first cost of railways,) must not be without its lesson, for, in all countries, and under all circum- stances, it is an object worthy of a statesman, to prevent the reckless waste of the national means, and to give a right direction to the public expendi- ture ■' And shall it be said that it is not equally worthy of an engineer . What are the aggregate subscriptions of associated and incorporated bodies of individuals but great portions of the " national means, ' which should not be wasted bv the statesman or by the engineer? What are the monies invested in railways but a part, and, in the United Kingdom, a most impor- tant part, of the " public expenditure ?" And is it not at once the duty, as it ought to be the pride, of an engineer, to give that expenditure a "right direction '-■" Let the maxim he had laid down be duly followed out, and that duty would be accomplished. The learned Professor continued, by stating that, even at the risk of having motives attributed which he should be unworthy of public or private estimation if he entertained for a moment, he would call the attention of the student to an instance of great expenditure on railways. The perfect completion in the manner contemplated of the internal communication bv railway from London to the Sussex coast, a dis- tance of httle more than fifty miles, will amount, in the aggregate, to nearly four millions sterling. Is not that a reckless waste of the national means? Is that a right direction of public expenditure ? Will not the public, in some way or other, pay for ihat?-the subscriber or the traveller, or both;' io quote the words of an intelligent and exp.rienced raihvay man-" W ith such results before us, Mould it not be almost criminal not to endeavour to secure the advantages of a better sv.stem?" The average cost of the railw.ays in England has been very nearly £30,000 per mile. The cost ol future lines must not be more than one-half of that sum, or it may be considered that there is an end to the extension of the railway system. The Professor stated that it wou'd be his attempt to explain, in the course of his lectures, his ideas, that such a reduction in the expense might easily be made, and he would show that they were founded upon practical experience. Tlie profession would be •rreatly aided, and the public vastly benefitted, if the railway companies and Uieir engineers would publish the detailed accounts he had asked for, to serve as a beacon, for which all would be very grateful; and it was his deliberate opinion and recommendation, that if they would not do so, Parliament ought to give the railway department of the Koard of Trade powers to enforce such returns. The total amount of capital invested in the railway speculations ot Ibis country is probably little short of £.50,000,000, and the total extent of lines about 1700 miles— most of which are now completed. This m.ay be said to be the creation of the last fifteen years. The total length of navigable canals in Great Britain is nearly 2500 miles ; they were chiefly formed in the last 40 years of the preceding century. The capital invested in this branch was about £20,000,000. with an annual expense of about 50/. per mile. In addition to canals, there are about 1500 miles of navigable rivers. Tbe turnpike- roads of England and Wales are stated, in official returns, to be nearly 20.000 miles in extent, executed at an expen.se of at least £20,000,000, and maintained at an expense of about £1.750,000 per annum, and all formed within little more than a century, exclusive of other highways, in length about 100,000 miles, with an annual expense of 12/. or 13/. per mile, or 75/. per mile for maintenance. The extent of executed railways in the United States of America appears to be about 4000 miles, executed within the last fifteen years, at a cost of about £8,000,000, or about £5000 per mile ; most of them are single lines, and it is stated that the average net income has been about 5 per cent, per annum. Tlie extent of railways in Belgium is now about 200 miles, executed at a cost of rather more than £1,500,000, or about £8000 per mile ; most of these are single lines, and have all been executed within the last ten years. The average annual expense of maintaining the railways of England (exclusive, of course, of moving power, c irrying and managing establish- ments, &c.) appears to be from £200 to £300 per mile per double way ; but on the Dublin and Kingstown Railway, where the system of longitudina timbers for the upper works has been completely carried out, the same heads of cipense are now reduced to less than 50/. per mile per.annura, « ith a loco- 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 1.37 motive traffic over that railway as great, if not grentcr, than over any one in Great Britain. The average expense of the canal maintenance in this country seems to 50^ per mile per annum. The Professor concluded by stating, that he would close his somewhat desultory discourse by calling attention to the fact, that the first elements of the amelioration of internal improvements, he would not say internal com- munication, which arose in this country, date from the period of the intro- duction of the Poor Laws into Kngland, the effect of which has been to compel the rich to (ind employment for the poor, or to support them, and thus has been carried out the great principle of self-dependence, in separate districts, to work out their own improvements. Certain it is. that, from the passing of the ,,^ct of Elizabeth, which instituted a legal maintenance for the destitute, and, by making mendicity a crime, swept the hordes of beggars, idlers, and sorners, from the face of the land, this country took a start, and, overtaking in im|irovement the other states of Europe, then far in advance of her, has since pursued that successful and continued march of amendment of her internal communication, which forms so remarkable a feature of England, proving her wisdom and proclaiming her prosper! ly. He begged that, with his previous cautions, the students would remember that the agent for the carrying out of such improvements, past and to come, has been, and he trusted long would continue to be. the civil engineer. ON ARCHITECTURAL CRITICISM, &e. To Mr. East, with a word to H. S. I SHALL be glad to be allowed to correct an error into which Mr. East has been led by the mystical signature of another correspondeut, since he attri- butes to roe a certain harsh voice which emanated from " Ditto." At the same time, I must acknowledge myself unable to comprehend the meaning of many of the hints, which is to be attributed to their not being written in a simple style, suited to the difficulty of the subject. That much of their obscurity arises from the manner of writing, I am led to infer from my total ignorance, after five careful perusals, of the meaning of the first paragraph addressed by mistake to me. This will be, perhaps, the best opportunity for saying, that the whole of II. S.'s last communication might he readily inferred from the first ; but they neither of them afford the explanation required, viz. liow to account for the extension of precedent worship from Grecian to Gothic, and that a time when the classics have more than begun to find their proper level in every liberal education— when this age has the character for carrying utilitarianism and the study of science, if possible, to excess, and when general literary and scientific institutions are springing up in every direction. If the cause stated by H. S. is correct, we are now only suffering from the effects of a past evil, and may be sure of a speedy reformation. As a proof of this, we need only refer to the programme of the University of London for the B.A. examination, where the classics form less than one-twentieth part of the course of study required. That there is a considerable movement in the architectural world in this direction, I may mention that the doctrine pro- mulgated in the essay to which the medal of the Institute was awarded on the 28th of February last, was in unison with that of H. S., Ditto, and myself; and that it appeared to be received with general satisfaction. J. L. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Jan. 24.— M. Pelouze read a report on a memoir communicated some weeks since to the Academy of Sciences at BerUn, by M. Magnus, on the ex- penments by M. Gay-Lussac and M. Rudberg to ascertain the dilatation of gas. AL Gay-Lussac had arrived at the conclusion, that what is called " the arithmetical co-efficient " of the number expressing the rate of dilatation should be expressed by the decimal number -00375. This was the supposi- tion that the volume of gas was measured under a constant pressure ; but M. Rudberg had fixed the same co-elficient at -003(546, by measuring the gas under a variable pressure. M. Magnus had repeated these experiments, and had arnved at results much nearer those of M. Rudberg than those of M Gay- Lussac. This he attributed to a defect in mercury, as being unfit for exactly closing the apertures and joints of the vessels receiving the gas, notwithstand- ing that the use of mercury for these experiments was recommended by M Biot in his Traitede Physir/ue. M. Magnus had experimented on different gases and gaseous fluids, and had found the following co-efficients of dilata- bihty : viz., air .003005, hydrogen .003050, carbonic acid .00369, and sul- phuric acid .003850. It would appear doubtful whether the dilatability of gas remains always constant, and whether it mav not varv under various pressures. Feb. 1. — M. Ebelmcn read a memoir on the nature of the various rajmurs developed m smellinri furnaces, as observed at different altitudes -within the furnaces. The object of such researches was to determine the degree of heat at various points, and to devise means for the improved regulations of the fires. He has arrived at the following results. — 1 . The gaseous vapours, on coming out of a furnace heated by charcoal or wood, contain watery vapour, carbonic acid, and oxides of hydrogen and azote, but no carbonated hydrogen. At 6 or 8 feet below the mouth of tlie furnace the watery vapour is not found, .and the propor- tion of oxide of carbon increases, while those of hvdrogen and carbonic acid di- minish, according as the observations are made lower and lower down in the furnace.— 2. When coal is used jointly with wood for heating the furnace, the carbonization of the vapours takes place in an internal zone, and the water is expelled from the metal at a very low altitude. He found that the propor- tion of gas which traverses a certain zone of the furnace per minute, is greater according as it is further from the bottom of the furnace. The Minister of Commerce communicated to the Academv some observa- tions from the Industrial Society of Mulhausen, on the importance of adopt- ing an unit of measure for the force of machines, considered not only in the power exerted, but in the time required. The Society observed, that the usual estimation of horse-power was not uniform, and proposed that the unit for France should be the force required to raise one kilogramme to the height of a metre in a second. To this unit they proposed that the name of dyne, from the Greek root, signifying " moving force," should be applied, and then that it should be compounded with Greek and Latin words, in the same way as the metre, the gramme, &e. Thus the iilodyne would signify a thousand times this unit, and the miUidyne would signify the thousandeth part of the same unit. M. Aiago read a communication from M. Rusiger, a German geologist, on certain geometrical ohscrv.itioiis, made in order to ascertain the relative alti- tudes of the Dead Sea, in Palestine and the Mediterranean. It appeared not only that the surface of the Dead Sea was 219 toises, or about 1,314 feet lower than that of the Mediterranean, but also, from the geological pheno- mena observed on its shores, that the formation of the basin in which it hes was antecedent to all historic epochs. Hence the supposition that the sea was formed by the sinking of the plain on which the cities of the PentapoUs (Sodom, Gomorrah, &c.) were situate, is incorrect. M, Arago added, that the observations of M. Bertou, a French engineer, made the depression of the Dead Sea below the Mediterranean 419 metres, or 1,374 English feet. Feb. 7. — M. .\rago gave an occount of two memoirs by Mr. Dove, " Oii, the Phenomena of Chemical Induction.'" An electrical current causes, in a mass of iron placed near it, two kinds of plieiiomena — one corresponding to magnetism, the other to dynamical electricity. The author of these memoirs announced that he had succeeded in separating the two classes of action, by giving them different degrees of relative intensity ; and he had shown the magnetic action to exist in substances where its presence had not been suspected. M. Valle, colour-dealer, submitted to the notice of the members some specimens of canvas for oil-painting, covered with a substance intended to preserve the colours laid on it from all ert'ects of moisture. Feb. 14. — A communication was read from M. Combes, on a supposed cause of the contortions of the metallic tube in the bore of the well of Grenelle. Extract of a memoir, by XL Bessell, on a phenomenon of atmospheric light, which appeared to be the reflection of a fire on the earth from the sur- faces of clouds, which were probably frozen. A note was read from M. Mallet, of St. Quentin, upon some furtlicr im- provements in the purification of gas. He had succeeded in depriving gas, uot only of its ammonia and its sulpli-hydric acid, but also of its empyreu- matic products and of its naphthahne. The gas, thus purified, was found to retain only a very slight empyreumatic smell, very different from the fetid odour which it commonly possessed. M. Nothomb informed the Academy that he had found considerable ad- vantage, in photographic operations, resulting from the use of protochloride of mercury, instead of pure mercury, as originally used by M. Daguerrc. Feb. 21. — Some curious experiments were mentioned as having been lately made by Capt. Bailly, of the engineers, on an artesian well at Lille, which had exhibited some remarkable phenomena of intermission in tlie discharge of the water. M. Bailly had proved that these intermissions corresponded with the tides at Dunkirk. M. Arago read a communication from Mr. Nasmyth, an English engineer, stating that it had been observed, on several lines of railroads in England, that the rails never rusted when they were traversed by wagons going al- ways in the same direction ; but that when they served for wagons going in opposite directions, as in the case of a single line of rails, they became rusted very soon. Feb. 28.- — M. Arago gave an account of tlie proceedings of the commission on the question of inventing either an indelible ink, or else a " paper of safety," in order to prevent forgeries. It appeared that the invention of an indelible ink was given up, as insufficient for the purpose, and that the efforts of competitors for the ]ireniiuni of 30,000 fr. offered by Government in 1836, were now directed to the making of the safety paper. It had been proposed to cover the paper with a kind of vignette, or tool-work, in an ink that should he in part liable to be effaced ; so that if any attempts shoulil be made to alter the writing or printing on such paper, the vignette work would U 138 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [April, VEIGHTS AND MEASURES. At one of the evening meetings of the Professors of University CoUege, Mr TDc Morgan discussed the recent report of the commission on the ne» stand'ird weights and measures. The imperial standard yard and bushel, constructed in pursuance of the statute of 1826, were destroyed by the con- flagration of the Houses of Parliament, and a committee of men of sciencf va^ appointed to ^consider the best mode of restoration. The statute had directed their restoration by what is called a natural method-the measure o. the kn"th of a pendulum s« inging seconds in the latitude of London, under rertain°condilions, but the progress of experiment has induced the commis- sion to repudiate that method and to recommend the adoption of the od plan of having standards constructed. It is to be observed that the experiments of Kater, Kaily, Bessel, and others, have of late years shown, that as regards the pendulum, the amount of correction due for the pressure of the atmo- sphere level of the sea, terrestrial disturbance, and other causes, is far from being ascertained. Professor De Morgan, indeed, intimated strong grounds for the non-e.'iistence of anv such thing as a natural standard. Fortunately, it has happened that the Royal Astronomical Society possesses a copy of the standard yard, and from this the Commissioners propose that the new stan- dards should be restored. Speaking of standards, Mr. Baily reported to the Astronomical Society that the old standard yard, made in the time ot Queen Elizabeth, and preserved at the Exchequer, w as in e.^.istence four years ago. when he saw it. It is described as a most disgraceful specimen of workman- ship, being little better than a common kitchen poker, filed at each end. while at some distant period it had been broken in the middle, and the pmnt dove- tailed and left loose, so as to tend like a pair of tongs. Of this implement copies used to be furnished bv the officers of the Exchequer to foreign men ot science, accompanied with a parchment certificate, on which the stamp duties were four guineas, besides official fees-a circumstance truly designated as productive of national disgrace. Several copies of the new standard measures are recommended by the Commissioners to be preserved for use in diflerent parts of the country, and four sets to be imbedded for preservation in a stone in the foundations of the new Houses of Parliament, and only to be removed by the authority of the legislature. The other recommendations are —the abolition of the troy pound ; the establishment of a new long measure ; and the introduction of a decimal coinage. The Commissioners propose that a measure of one thousand yards should be authorized to be used, and should be adopted by Government in the mensuration of public works, &c. This is rot proposed, for the present, to supersede the mile, but to work concur- rently with it : and they suggest that the new me; sure should be called a milvard, a name rightly designated by the Professor as a barbarous mi.Kture of Latin and English. He observed that the old English mode of combination is exemplified in ihe word furlong, which signifies the forty long, that is, forty poles long; so he would call the new measure a thousand long, which would, like other words, ultimately be abridged by the public. He remarked that we have already a decimal system, which has been introduced without the authority of Magna Charta by the example of one man, and which has now become engrafted on the whole system of our landed property-he alluded to the surveyor's chain of one hundred hnks, the extension of which as the standard measure of length he much wished to advocate. The Professor did not say how he would apply this, but as it is a subject in which our pro- fessional readers should interest themselves, we shall make some remarks upon it. We have already the chain, and furlong of ten chains ; the next step in ascent is a new mile of ten furlongs, being one old mile and a quarter This new mile wou'd be nearly equal to two French kilometres, or as 22UU yards to 2187-22. or a difference of only 1277 yards, or little more than one lialf per cent.* Descending from the chain, we should have a fathom of ten links, (6-6 ft.) being nearly the same as the new French toise, or as 2 01 16436 to 2i' and only six inches more than the common fathom. The tenth of the new'fathom, or toise, is the link of '66 of a foot, or nearly two-thirds of the present foot, and the tenth of this link or foot will give a new inch of about four-lfths of the present inch. Were our professional readers to take this subject in hand, and give it their support, we have little doubt tlwt, either with or without Government aid, they woud be able to carry out the chain standard. At the same time, we must call their attention to the serious evil which will accrue to them from the adoption of the milyard or thousand-long, which will not work well with the chain, and will create the greatest diffi- culty in all land measurements, and much confusion as to landed property_ The first step would be the adoption by the naval service and by engineers, architects, and surveyors, of the fathom of ten links, which will prepare the way for its general adoption. The close resemblance between the chain measure and the French metre system is a farther recommendation. "The first step" .says Professor de Morgan, "to decimal weights and measures is a decimal coinage, a system which the Commissioners have re- commended generally, without la;ing down any particular plan. Mr. De ' This new mile would be .'j.5fi to the degree, instead of (JSl, and would be to the Irish mile as 2200 to 2240, Morgan's proposition is for a gradual introduction of the plan. He would, in the first instance, without any Act of Parliament, introduce a two- shilling piece, and withdraw the half-crown. To this two-shilling piece, it would be advantageous to assimilate to the East India Company's rupee, so as to make that important branch of our currency unifor.ni with that of the seat of empire. He would then coin a piece of twopence-halfi'enny, five of which w ould make a shilling and a halfpenny, and ten a two-shilling piece and a penny. The working of this would be, he considers, to produce practically the fifth of a shilling; lor the public would, inmost dealings, make the tradesman give them the advantage of the halfpenny or penny, and so m the end decimalize the two-shilling piece. He would then, by Act of Parliament, reduce the nominal value! of the copper coinage four per cent., by which the farthing would become the thousandth part of a pound, and the decimal system be established. STEAM NAVIGATION. The West India Mail Steam Packet Company's Steam Ship"Trevtr—We have been much gratified by our visit to this vessel, which left the Thames on the 27th of February. The machinery is by Messrs. Miller. RavcnhiU Sc Co., and in every particular of its structure, proportionment, and disposition, manifests the most eminent engmeering ability. There is not a detail in the whole of the machinery which is nut calculated to excite the conviction that its specific character is the result of the study of an able mechanician, and that its adoption has been the consequence of mature reflection, not ot an incunsiderate reference to existing modes of construction. 'The power of these engines is 430 horses ; the diameter ot the cylinder 74 inches ; the length ot the stroke 7 feet. The condenser, the cylinder bottom, tlie air-pump bot- tom and the support for the main centre, are cast upon the foundation plate. The condenser is lieneath the foundation plate, so that the main centre does not pass through it as it does in many engines. The framing has been con- structed with reference only to the strains to which it will be subjected, and without any attempt at what is termed architectural decoration; with one exception, where it could not be eflected. all the principul joints are meta lie that is the metallic surfaces of the joints are planed, and so accurate y fitted as to be perfectly tight without the aid of rust, or without any substance interposed except a little red lead. With a view to increased durability brass and copper have been introduced with an unsparing hand, many of the parts which are made of iron in ordinary engines being of brass or copper m these. The performance of the engines attests the skill and care concerned in their nroduction. They work with great smoothness and efficiency, and «itii a. ?on umpti^in of only 16 cwt. of coals per hour. \1 ith a pressure in the boiler of only 3-78 lbs. per square inch, the mean pressure on the piston is 1417 lbs per square inch. The dilTerence between the vacuum in the con- denser and the vacuum is only .28 lbs. of pressure per square inch. We are unable to enter into further details respecting this machinery at present, but we purpose next month to give a description ot the machinery of the his. which started on Tuesday, 29th ult., also by Messrs. Miller, when we shall enter more fully into the merits of Messrs. Miller s arrangements, and hope to adduce good reason for our commendation. miSCSLIiANEA. Inl.vid Orvajjen-t.^l Tilf-s.— Last month we noticed a work that had iust beeu published, containing numerous examples of encaustic or inlaid tiles selected from various ecclesiastical buildings in England: we are now enabled to announce that Messrs. Wyatt, Parker, and Co. have commenced the manufacture of these tiles. From the specimens sent us, we can judge that thev will be found to be verv durable, and far less porous than the ancient t'iles, and will form an admirable addition to the architecture of our churches bv using them instead of stone or deal floors, m the side and centre aisles and such parts as are not covered with seats ; they may also, with equal taste, be used for Uning the walls. The specimens now before us are made from Staffordshire clay of a dark red colour, and inlaid with yellow. Messrs Wvatt have also sent us some specimens of pottery of an hexagonal shape 'of 'various colours, for paving halls, dairies, ic, or for huing the latter- likemse small squares, from half an inch to an inch square for mosaic pavement. A variety of specimens of paving may be seen at Messrs. AV yatt & works. Continent,,! .W.r;,i»e™.-We perceive in the the Eco Mia Bo,sa ofkhUn, that exlPiisive mills have been erected in Lombardy for spinning ot cotton and siik! and that there is now bemg added another on a very extensive sea e, ?or spinning and weaving of flax Jnd hemp. It is undertaken by a public ecmimny at the head of°which is S. Battaglia the banker. It is situate near M Ian, 01 the Adda. We observe that the entire direction of projecting and e'ecut ng this neu- concern was confided in 1840 to Mr. Albano. C. K, of LmXn it is ststed to be the most complete mill in all its details that has ever been erected. Tlie powerful water wheel, and the mill gear for driving llie spinning machinery, are of a superior description and were made in this coun ry, bv the celebrated firm of W. Fairbairn and Co., of Manchester In CO sequence of the prohibitory character of our export laws, the sunnmg S Uiery is to be matle in Belgium, although the C™^1«">; "f„"^'^,^'/";"^ i that it should be made in England. Here is another example of the ruinous 1842.1 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 139 •fFects beinf; produced upon the country, through the absurd prohibitory laws. We thus see that an order of several thousand pounds is taken out of onr hands. How long this is to last it is impossible to say. A Public Park at Lii:erpool.— The Liverpool p.ipers state, that Mr. R. Y. Tates has purchased from the Earl of Sefton forty-thre? acres in To.'jteth Park, tno-thirds of which are to belaid out for a park for the use of the public, and the remaining third is to be appropriated to sites for villas. The noble lord receives £1100 per acre, so that the purchase money for the ■whole will e.weed £47,000. The land is beautifully situate, commanding' fine views in every direction. Steam Engines in Belgium. — It is estimated that there are now at work in Belgium 1300 steam. engines, with a total power of 33,100 horses. — Galignani. Atmospheric Raihoay. — The report on this subject of Sir F. .Smith, R.E. and Prof. Barlow, has tieen presented to Parliament. The summary of their opinions is thus given : — " 1. That we consider the principle of atmospheric propulsion to be established, and that the economy oi working increases with the length and diameter of ihe tube. 2. That the expense of the formation of the line in cuttings, embankments, bridges, tunnels, and rails, will be very little less than for equal lengths of a railway to be worked by locomotive engines, but that the total cost of the works will much greater, owing to the e-xpense of providing and laying the atmospheric tube, and erecting the stationary engines. 3. That the expense of working a line on this principle, on which trains are frequently passing, will be less than working by loco- motive engines, and that the saving ihus effected will, in some cases, more than compensate for the additional outlay ; but it will be the reverse on lines of unfrequent trains. However, there are m^ny items of expense of which we Lave no knowledge and can form no opinion, such as the wear and tear of pistons, valves. &c. ; on these further experience \s needed, i. That with proper means of disengaging the train from the piston in cases of emergency, we consider this principle as regards safely equal to that appertaining to rope machinery. There appear, however, some practical difficulties in regard to junctions, crossings, sidings, and stoppages at road stations, which may make this system of less general application." Brick-making, Stc— A discovery has been made by Mr. R. Prosser of Bir- mingham, which bids fair to be attended with important results to the interests of architecture. The novelty of Mr. Prosser's process consists in the clay being dried, ground to powder, and submitted to pressure in metallic moulds, until the particles cohere together. As there is no water in combi- nation with the clay, no drying process is necessary ; consequently the articles made by this method are ready to be fired or burned as soon as they leave the machine. Owing to the great pressure required to cause the particles of clay to cohere togetlier, the articles made by this press have greater density ih-^in those made in the ordinary way : they are also less porous, and not subject to decay in v.et or frost. In addition to these advantages, any architectural device may be impressed upon the clay, which, when burnt, will retain all the sliarpness of the original, however elaborately finished. By this process bricks may be made in all weathers, and with greater economy than by any other plan known at present. The brick-press is worked by hydraulic pumps, giving about 300 tons pressure, thus producing the adhesion and cohesion. The machine delivers the brick (four at a time in the present machine) ready at that instant for the kiln, requiring no exposure to the atmosphere to dry. The whole operation, from the time of putting the powderea clay into the machine to tlie delivery of the brick, occupies about half a miiiute. Machinery might readily be constructed to produce bricks fifty a minute.— Oaj/jr paper. Architectural honours. — "W'e are happy to announce that Mr. Cockerill has been elected a foreign member of the Aeademie des Beaux Arts, in the room of the late M. Antolini of Milan, and that Mr. Barry has been elected a mem- ber of the Royal Academy, in the room of the late Sir David Wilkie, an appointment that will give the greatest satisfaction to every architect : we have now three architects in the Academy. M. Antolini. — The following notice of this eminent architect, who lately died in Italy, appeared in the Art Union: — "Cavalier Gio Antonio Antolini ■was born in IVSl. of a respectable family at Caslel Bolognese : he studied at Bologna, and there took a degree as an architect and engineer. He was called to Rome for the works on the Pontine Marshes, and at Rome he studied deeply the remains of antiquity, and published " Illustrations of the Temple of Hercules at Cori." He then went to Milan, where he designed the plan of the Forum Bonaparte. He was afterwards named to two chairs, those of Architecture in the Academy, and of Geognosy in the University of Bologna; and he was subsequently elected a member of many learned bodies, including the Institute of France. He held many honourable public appointments, and executed many works for the Italian government as well as for individuals ; tie was also employed in foreign labours, latterly for the Viceroy of Egypt. He has left, it is said, in his son Ph.lip Antolini, the heir of his talents as well as of his name. He has pubhshed the following works, besides the above- mentioned :—'• The Ruins of Velleja in the Piacentino ;" "The Temple of Minerva in Assisi," confronted •.■. ith the plates of Andrea Palladio ; "Ele- mentary Ideas of Civil Architecture;' " Notes to the Treatise of Architecture by Milizia." Thames Tunnel.— ^Ve are happy to hear thatthis work is r,o\v past all danger, and that within a few months it will be open to the public as a thoroughfare. The entire brick structure of the Tunnel, uniting the two opposite shores, is now wholly completed. Paris.— To the already numerous buildings which have been recently erected for the embellishment of the French metropolis, a new palace is to be added, for the Archbishop, on the Quai Napoleon, facing the Hotel de Ville : it is to be in unison with the Cathedral sf Notre Dime. The beautiful turret and other fragments of ihe Hotel de la Tremouilte, whose demolition excited so much interest, are to be appropriated to the sacred edifice. — The colossal statue of " Immortality" by M. Corlot is about to be cast, .and placed on the dome of the Pantheon. Monument of Napoleon — The French newspapers announce that the Govern- ment have ordered that the monument to Napoleon shall be executed accordin" to the plan recommended by the t'ommission .appointed to examine the com- petition dr.awmgs and models, who reported that none of the models were entirely satisfactory, and recommend to be erected a sarcophagus of granite or porphyry, of a severe and noble form, placed on apedestalof an imle.structi- ble material, which appears to the Commission to be the most suitable monument which can be raised to contain the ashes of Napoleon. It should convey the idea of eternity, and that the remains of the great m.-.n are safe from the vicissitudes and accidents of time. It ought to be constructed in such a manner as to survive the destruction of the church which contains it. and the fall of the dome, and it should be impervio'.;s to fire. As to the objection to thephn of a crypt, that it is exposed to damp ami to inundations, it is not true ; the foundation of the Invalides is manv metres above the highest waters, and its vaults are remarkably dry. The excavation ot the crypt besides, renders any other appropriation o'' the dome impiissil>le ; it niust remain for ever sacred to the .ashes of Napo'eon. Tlie Commission further expresses the opinion that within the inclosure of the Invalides. but without the church, and quite apart from the tomb, an equestrian statue of the Em- peror should be erected. It further expresses the wish th.At this statue should be represented in the Imperial costume, to mark that Napoleon is honoured not Jess as a statesman and legislator, than as a warrior. The tomb within the church— nothing, in the presence of God ; «i;hju — the statue— glory, in the s;ght of men. It limits itself to recommending this programme— an open crypt within the Church of the Invalides. an equestrian statue of the Emperor with mf. The French Government have appointed Messrs. 'Visconli and Marochetti to carry out the design ; the first for the architectural and the second for the sculptural. Hamhurgh.—Tbe New Exchange, which has been building during the last five years unrler the direction of the architect W'immel, is now finished. The noble simplicity of this edifice renders it one of the greatest ornaments of the city. Munich. — Swankhaler has been selected by the King of Bavaria to execute a great work, to be called the " Pantheon of Bavaria." It is to De erected on the hill of Sl Theresa, near Munich. On the summit is to be placed a bronze statue of Bavaria, fifty-nine feet in height, resting on a lion twenty-five feet high. Around, under open colonnades, are to be placed statues of the illus- trious men of Bavaria. Russia. — A monument of cast iron in the Byzantine style has been erected at Smolensk, by imperial commaml, in memory of the battles of 1812. It is pl.aced on the Parade Plaz, opposite the King's bastion, which was the point where the battle raged most furiously on the 5th ot August, 1812. The inau- guration took place on the 5th of November last. Warsaw. — A monument of cast iron has been erected on the Saxon Plaz, by command of the Emperor of Russia, to the memory of the seven Poles who fell in defence of the Russian power on the 29th of November, 1830. The plan is that of the architect Corazzi, chos' n from among te.i competitors. The octagonal base is of native marble: eight bpmze lions support an iron pedestal, above wdiich are four eagles of gilt bronze, their wings outspread ; a shield is on the breast of each, on which is inscribed amap of Poland , h.^m the pedestal springs an obelisk of cast iron. The octagonal marule base is SOjclls in diameter; the pedestal 81 ells in heiglit by 10 in diameter ; the obelisk 25 ells in height, bin diameter at the base, and 4 at the top. The iron and bronze were both cast in Warsaw. LIST or NEW PATENTS. GHANTEO IN ENGLAND FROM 25tH FEBRUARY, TO 23rD MaRCH, 1842. Six Months allowed for Enrolment. William Newton, of the Office for Patents. 66, Chancery-lane, in the county of Middlesex, civil engineer, for " improvemenis in regulating t/ieflow of air and gaseous fluids." A communication. — Sealed February 25. Osborne Reynolds, of Belfast, Ireland, clerk, for " improvements in covering streets, roads, and other ways, with wood ; and also in the means of enabling horses and other animals to pass over such roads and other slipperg surfaces, with greater safety than heretofore." — Pel). 25. John Birkbv, of Upper Rawfold, card manufacturer, for " improvements in the mamtfacture of wire cards." — Feb. 25. William Saunders, of Brighton, Sussex, gent., for " improvements in apparatu-s employed in roasting and baking animal Jood." — Feb. 25. Samuel Morand, of Manchester, merchant, for " improvements in ma- chinery or apparatus for stretching fabrics." — Feb. 26. Benjamin Gillot, of Great Saffron Hill, cutler, for " improvements in heating and ventilating." — Feb. 2G. Marc La Riviere, of London Fields, Hackney, gent., for " improvements in the macliinery for figure weavitig in silk and other fabrics." — March 1 . Tbomas Smith, of Northampton, plumber, for " an improvement or im- provements in water closets." — Marcii \. George Carter Haseler, of Birmingham, jeweller and toy-maker, for " improvements in the tops of scent bottles." — March 3. Edward Slaughter, of Bristol, eugiiieer, for " improvements in the con- struction of iron wheels for railway and other carriages." — March 4. James Clements, of Liverpool, manufacturer of toys, for " improvements in composition for ornamenting glass and picture frames, and articles for 140 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [April, inlerior and oilier decDTalions : also for the mann/acture of toijs and other fancy ar< > - ■ 4 l^'*f 111 m JL^h Ji^i^ !• • • •! LE FOR ri,AH PILAI^ fQF TTIHrF. IPK-INC JIP AJL, IFILd 1842.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 141 PROTESTANTISM AND ART. 1. De Protestanlismo jlrtibus haud Infeito. Scripsil Carolus Gr.u- MEiSEN. Slultgartice tt Tubingte, 1839, 4lo. 2. Ber Protaiantische Goitesdienst, und die Kanst, 1840. Nothing, we conceive, but an over-scrupulous horror of the abominations of the church of Rome has induced the reformed church to repudiate, together with the creed and ritual of Rome, the services of those arts which, when legitimately employed to such end, enhance the decorum and solemnity of religious worship, rendering it more impressive. A very laudable indignation at the abuse of art in the theatric pageantry employed by Popery, and the grovelling super- stitions to which it has been made to minister, has led us to run into the contrary extreme, and to reject it altogether, with somewhat more of narrow sectarian zeal than either prudence or real consistency. Whether usjustly or not, the Reformation is generally charged, even by those who adhere to its doctrines, with having operated most unfavourably upon the tine arts, both architecture and painting. In consequence of Protestantism having withdrawn the patronage of the church from them, those arts, it is asserted, the latter more especially, have not only lost much of their influence and authority, but have actually deteriorated — have sunk down to a lower sphere, where they can no longer put forth their energies, and exhibit themselves in their majesty and splendour to all classes of the community without dis- tinction. Painting may now be said to employ itself merely for the opulent, and for such of the other classes as have opportunities of visiting exhibitions, which are, unfortunately, so constituted as to minister quite as much, if not more, to frivolous curiosity — to lounging gossipping about art— than to art for its own sake, and in its better spirit. By far the greater mass of the population of this country have not the means of forming acquaintance with it in any shape, excepting it be that where we behold it sunk down to disgrace and deformity, without a trace left of its intellectual character, but grovelling down to the level of Jack-Sheppardism and Co. in literature. To the lower orders of English, painting is as unknown, its powers and capacities as undreamt of by them, as by the negroes in our sugar plantations, or the colonist in the back settlements of America. Neither is this the onlv consequence — whether an ill or merely inditFerent one in itself — result- ing from the exclusion of painting from churches and other places of social worship : since thus debarred from exercising their powers on an adequate scale, both the art and its professors are compelled to abate their enthusiasm, to lower their tone and their pretensions, and, instead of abandoning themselves to nobler impulses, thereby seeking to raise others to a calmer and loftier sphere, above the vulgar region of ordinary sympathies and affections, their high calling is more or less lost sight of, the ambition that would lead to great aspirings quite benumbed. Hence that branch of the art which is somewhat incor- rectly termed historical painting, it being in fact that wherein its inventive and poetical faculties are chiefly exerted, declines, and sinks in public esteem ; while those branches which confine themselves to matter-of-iact reality, and demand no loftier talent than manual dexterity of execution, usurp the place of the other, till materialism comes to be almost our established creed in art. Pursuing the above train of remark, we might go on to show that when shut out from religious edifices, the species of painting here alluded to finds no other congenial abode— scarcely a place of refuge. Withdrawn from the gaze of the multitude, they learn to dispense with it, or rather have now to learn that the art admits of being applied more worthily than it at present is. On this account is it that while it is rejected by the church, it equally fails to obtain patronage from other public bodies. Our civic companies and other societies afford it no admittance within their halls, except in the humble quality of portraiture, or what is not a step higher removed from it.* Under * We have heard that Cornelius the celebrated (jerm:m artist is to be invited over to this country, for the purpose of paintmg in fresco some of the No. 56.— Vol. V.— May, 1812. such circumstances, little is to be expected from individual and priv.ate patronage, more especially for works of that high class on which the glory of the great Italian schools chiefly rests ; because those who can afford to indulge their taste for such productions naturally prefer specimens of those schools— works of already established reputation. Besides all which, although our Protestant feelings are not shocked— whether they ought to be so, is another question— at meeting with many pictures in the galleries of our opulent collectors that are stamped most strongly and undisguisedly by the Romish creed and cultiis, it does not follow that objections would not be entertained against religious subjects more consonant with our own belief. On the contrary, it is precisely because we have no reverential sym- pathy with them, that we do not feel at all scandalized at beholding subjects borrowed from the mythology and legends of modern as well as ancient Rome placed upon much the same footing, as mere objects of virtu ; whereas it might seem to partake as much of pro- faneness as the reverse, were an artist commissioned to decorate a luxurious modern drawing-room with Scriptural pieces. Let them be what they might, hardly could they fail, if noticed at all, to strike as most incongruous subjects where the tone of everything else is so diametrically opposed to them, and where the frivolous gossip or the fashionable scandal of the day is retailed as conversation. The feel- ings— or if such be deemed the more suitable term — the prejudices that restrain us from employing painting to embellish the house of prayer and devotion with scenes drawn from holy writ, ought likewise to withhold us from making such subjects the ornaments of our dwell- ings, thereby depriving them of their solemnity, and rendering them familiar objects which, if not utterly indifferent, must frequently be felt to be most inopportime. So far, therefore, we are at least some- what consistent in affording no encouragement, either public or private, to that branch of the art which the Romish church has especially patronized. Which being the case, it is not at all surprising if the talent that should be exerted upon it is turned aside into other chan- nels ; far more wonderful would it be, if artists were to devote themselves out of sheer enthusiasm to that cultivation and exercise of their energies, which would lead them to poverty, if not to absolute starvation. Do what we may, so long as painting shall continue to be dissociated from the intercourse of public life — from both the civil and the religious institutions of the community, it is idle to expect it should ever be again re-instated in the imposing majesty it possessed when the art was intimately allied with religious creeds and popular sympathies. It may continue to appeal to the iasle of the few, but cannot be made to engage the feelings of the many, although it may catch their tran- sient attention. The consciousness of this depresses the artist, and deadens all those loftier impulses which should animate him ; for he knows that were he to succeed in subjects of the class alluded to, they would be regarded as little better than happy counterfeits and sem- blances of bygone traditions of art — things to be criticised by rrle, instead of being contemplated with the same spirit as that in whicn they were conceived. After all, however, it may be asked on the other side, is there not little — or, more than a little, a prodigious deal — of cant about the efficacy and value of art as a means of moral instruction?* Now, to speak honestly, we confess that such appears to be, to us, the case a there is a great deal of cant, of well-meant exaggeration, of over- halls anil public rooms in the New Houses of Parliament. Yet such report may be inerelj- an oii-t/it ; at all events, several years must elapse before the huikling is so far advanced towards completion as to admit oi anytliinjj of the kind being cummenced. Of the moral anil intellectual influence of the fine arts, we once received a practical leison that has not been thrown away upon us. It was at a public dinner of artists and amateurs, where in due C(jur>e "ere served up sundry fair spoken speeches relative to the iinpurtanee ::iid moral value of paintin;; and the fine arts generally, wliieh. thoiigli lliey nii^ht seem germane tii the occasion, we could nut help thinl^ing were somewhat superfluous and imper- tinent, it being likelier than not that the company jiresent hardly retiuiied to be told that •■ there's nutliing like Icatlier." liut now comes tlie real moral of our aneclote :— no sooner had the chairman vacateil his seat to his " Hrv," tlian one of the company being called uitou to oblige the rest by the exercise of his vocal i>oueis and gilt of " harmony divine," roared forth a bawdy song, no less intolerably stupid than disgusing! 142 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [May, strained affection, of blind partiality shutting its eyes to all sober, disagreeable trutbs. The example of ancient Greece is almost sure lo be quoted on every occasion of the kind : yet what did art effect there? it merely softened and refined manners, without purifying morals, being in itself sensual, and often grossly so — to such a degree, in fact, that it might be supposed to have been intended to coun- tenance human vice by examples of deified profligacy — to sanction depravity, and invest the most shocking turpitude with alluring elegance conferred upon it by a master hand. If we turn to art during its palmy state in more modern times, our scepticism as to the efficacy claimed for it is not greatly diminished, when we observe the not particularly laudable versatility of talent with which subjects the very antipodes of each other in sentiment have been treated with equal guslo by some of the first masters — those who have obtained credit for having been almost inspired in many of their sacred compositions. Their sympathies seem to have been so truly Catholic, that nothing came amiss to their pencils. A Venus or a Virgin, a Magdalen or a Messalina, the seven sacraments or a lewd bacchanalian revel, have been treated by them with apparently the very same relish and sincerity of feeling. He who worked one day for the church and the devout, attempting themes celestial, glorified saints, and the supernal paradise itself with its angelic hosts, could, the next, work, nothing loth, for the carnal-minded and profane, and depict, with far more of nature than decorum, the libidinous amours of the heathen Olympians. The fact itself is indisputable ; but then have we not acted unadvisedly, in calling attention to what seems fatal to our own side of the argument— that is, supposing our real intention be to advo- cate the introduction of [minting into our own churches ? Most certainly we should have kept such awkward and disagreeable events, by urging only what w-ould show it to be of paramount and all truth out of sight, did we either only seek to recommend painting at unimpeachable excellence, or else imagine what we have thus frankly stated to be in itself a fatal and insurmountable objection. Now, we do not hold, as many others appear to do, that there is any abstract unconditional merit either in painting, poetry, or any other of the fine arts, let the talent— or, if it pleases better, the genius— exerted upon them be how excellent soever in itself. It is not the power actually manifested, but the aim to which they are directed, that renders litera- ture and art a blessing or a curse and pestilence to society, accordingly as they bring with them " airs from heaven, or blasts from hell." We neither claim nor recognise for them any prerogative divine ; so very far from it, that we abhor the cant which endeavours to do both. We do not see, therefore, how the laudable use of art can be made to jus- tify the abuse of it, or how its perversion can fairly be employed as an argument against the application of it to a meritorious purpose. Neither are we of opinion that Protestantism is so utterly irreconci- lable with painting, as to be unable to avail itself of it without in some degree compromising its principles and character. On the contrary, it appears to us that it would in one respect be more favourable to art than even Roman Catholicism, inasmuch as it would confine it to its legitimate sphere — that of illustrating events recorded in Scripture ; and would prohibit all those offensive extravagances which, in Catholic countries, the pencil has been allowed to indulge in, such as represent- ations of the Deity himself, and spiritual and invisible existences on the one hand, and insipid groups of the Virgin and favourite patron saints, together with traditionary legends and similar fancies, on the tother. Nothing can be more shockingly irreverent, yet absurdly puerile withal, than the anthropomorphism which presumes to image forth the First Person of the Trinity under a figure and countenance bearing more than an accidental resemblance to the personification of the supreme Jove, the father of the gods, by the ancient sculptors. The Protestant church, again, recognizes no female divinities, nor any of those other divine personages to whom the polytheism of modern Rome has erected altars ; its artists would, therefore, be in no danger whatever of following too closely in the footsteps of Catholic painters. Whether or not they would, in consequence, be prohibited from ap- proaching subjects which, partaking as they do of the fancies and fictions of a semi-paganism, afford a freer scope for the imagination and for the pencil than the mere records of Holy Writ, so that it would be disadvantageously fettered down to literal truths, is what we leave others to decide ; only remarking, that if fiction be essential to the poetry of art, the Romish church possesses that element of poetry and artistical inspiration more abundantly than its followers will care to aUow. Let the pencil be strictly confined to such subjects as are supplied by the historic records of the sacred writings, nor presume to reveal to mortal eye the visions of a world to come — mysteries beyond the faculties of finite beings to conceive— even to adumbrate in the most inspired flights of poetry, much less to shape and budy forth tangibly to the sense of vision. We strongly protest against such awful im- pieties of art as are some "Last Judgments," even though as works of the pencil they may seem almost superhuman achievements. Con- sidered calmlvyet seriou-ily, what are the most miraculous productions of the kind, other than splendid absurdities, gorgeous incongruities, sublime jiuerilities ; in a vcord, the extravagance and the impotence of art? Let their asthetic worth be ever so great, representations of that kind must in themselves be mere conceits, because that is attempted to be visibly embodied which in itself utterly surpasses conception; accordingly, except as performances of art, they are not superior to the vulgar, rude, bugbear pictures of purgatory so common in Roman Catholic countries. But if the reader cares to be further edified on this topic, let him peruse George Forster's criticism on Rubens' cele- brated Last Judgment at Dusseldorff. There is no danger of our adopting such solemn extravagancies of the pencil; but there most unquestionably is not only a strong prejudice against countenancing painting in our churches, but it seems to be as- sumed that, even were we disposed to do so, the spirit of Protestantism itself is so uncongenial to that warmth of rapturous fancy, without which the artist can neither worthily conceive nor finish up his conceptions of subjects which ought to awaken corresponding emotions of reverence in the spectator, that all patronage and encouragement would prove totally unavailing — would be attended with no other effect than that of furnishing employment to painters and colour-manufacturers. It is far more easy to make similar assertions than to disprove them, for the simple reason that no opportunity has been aftbrded of putting them to the test, by any practical effort to demonstrate their futility by proving the contrary. Fac periculum would, therefore, be our advice. Yet when Reynolds and many of the Academicians of that day offered to the Dean and Chapter to decorate St. Paul's with paintings gratuitously, the scheme was frustrated by the opposition of the then Bishop of London, who refused his consent on the grounds that it would be introducing Popery into the metropolitan cathedral, or rather, we presume, out of the apprehension of its being so con- strued by others. It is not every Protestant clergyman, however, who entertains the same scruples, for among Dr. Vicesimus Knox's Essays there is one which warmly recommends the adornment of churches with paintings, as being at all events harmless and unobjectionable, and likely to be sometimes efficaciously impressive. If, indeed, it can be shown that, so far from tending to promote devotional feeling in any degree, pictures in churches would be calculated to produce a contrary effect, the repugnance to them would be rational and laudable. But to reject merely because the Romish church adopts them, seems to us to savour quite as much of indiscretion as of sound policy j since by laying too great stress upon what is utterly matter of indifference as far as concerns the principles of the two churches, we elevate it into a sort of virtual distinction, if which were repealed, there would be danger of Protestantism and Popery being confounded together. Surely the irreconcilability of their respective doctrines and tenets might suffice to remove all apprehensions of such nature ; moreover an argument on the other side might with equal propriety be founded in favour of painting, inasiuuch as the introduction of it would serve as an additional distinction between the Established church and all the sects who dissent from it. Almost might it be imagined that painting was the very badge and livery of Rome— the mark of the Beast— from whom it behoves us to keep aloof; whereas intruthitis neither essen- tial to Popery, nor at variance with Protestantism. Were St. Pau I's 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 143 adorned with Scriptural subjects filling up those compartments which its great architect contemplated as being one day so occupied, it would not on that account partake one whit more of Romanism than its dome actually does at present, or than its Corinthian columns do of Pagan mythology and the religion of the Greeks. Nay, both those architec- tural features of the edifice and the style generally might, on such grounds, be considered equally exceptionable, as reminding us too forcibly of the Roman Catholic temples of Italy; while it at the same time becomes doubtful whether there be not some impropriety— some abatement of the wholesome horror of Popery — in permitting ourselves to revert — to relapse into our ancient ecclesiastical style, which flourished here when this country submitted to the spiritual juris- diction of the Vatican. Mr. Welby Pugin — no mean authority, perhaps, on such a point — considers Gothic architecture and Roman Catholicism to be so intimately connected together, that the former cannot possibly thrive — indeed, hardly maintain itself at all — apart from the protection and influence of the other; yet, so far from enter- taining any disquieting scruples against it, we have of late professed ourselves practical admirers of our own indigenous Roman Catholic style of building for new churches and chapels, endeavouring to copy its models as closely as circumstances would permit. Were any aiiti- Gothk critic or dilettante so disposed, he might make use of this last-mentioned fact, and earnestly deprecate such return to the "bar- barous monkish style" of our ancestors, not merely as a backsliding in taste alone, but as betraying a dangerous leaning towards the church whose erroneous doctrines we have repudiated ; a tendency which it behoves us particularly to guard against just now, when Popery we are assured is gaining ground in this country, and certainly does seem to be putting forth its strength — its attractions and seductions, in the costly edifices it is erecting in various districts of England. For our- selves, we look upon its efforts of this kind without apprehension, considering the alarm attempted to be excited against them to be a mere bugbear, little better than the watchword of a party. No ; vre certainly do not wish to approach at all towards Romanism, neither do we consider that throwing open our churches for the ad- mission of paintings by Protestant artists would be an approach to it, any more than walking from Westminster to Highgate can be called approximating to the North Pole. Still, it does not follow that, inde- pendently of a seeming tendency to Popery, there may not be objections against paintings, on other grounds — as beneath the dignity of a spiritual worship ; as withdrawing attention from the word to visible objects; as adventitious aids which true devotion does not require. Certain, however, it is that, exclusively spiritual as may be the religion thev profess, the mass of mankind are unable to abstract themselves entirely from external impressions, but feel an increased degree of awe and devoutness in proportion as religion is allowed to display external majesty and solemnity; whereas the bareness which cha- racterizes most of our churches, does not look altogether so much like simplicity as like penuriousness, begrudging to the house of God that degree of becoming adornment which we bestow upon our own homes.* Besides, if objected to upon principle, all decoration of the kind ought to be consistently excluded ; which certainly is not the case, because painting is frequently admitted for altar-pieces — nay, there are instances of the works of Catholic painters being so introduced, without any exception being taken to them as opening the door to Popery. Nor have we only pictures of that kind, but painted win- dows, exhibiting the livery of Popery in figures of legendary saints, or else displaying heraldic emblazonments — the pride of the creature, in temples raised to the Creator. Nay, we will not be quite sure that, if paintings of Scriptural subjects are to be prohibited, we ought not to be scandalized at beholding Westminster Abbey and St. Paul's each * Nay, while the average cost of our recently built churches does not smount to more than 3 or £4000, no less a sum than seventy thousand has been exiiencled on stables at Windsor Castle, besides we know not how much more on other stables fur royalty at the Ascot race-course ; f^r which last there certainly cannot be the plea of necessity — so far from it, that we think a female sovereign and her court might very well be excused from counte- nancing horse-racing in any shape whatever ; downright gambling, and nothing else, being at tlie bottom of it. converted into a sort of lay Pantheon, and filled with monuments to men illustrious not as exemplars of Christian virtue and piety — as faithful servants and champions of the church — but for secular services performed to the state and the community. Dramatists, actors, artists, poets, musicians, lioc genus omiie, together with a host of naval and military characters, sufficient to form a United Service Club, — such are the personages who are admitted to posthumotis honours in our re- ligious edifices, after undergoing a sort of Protestant canonization from the public. While both the author of the Beggars' Opera and the author of the steam engine have obtained such distinction within Westminster Abbey, without its being considered any profanation to the sanctity of the place, in vain do we look there for any testimonial of national respect to talent and piety, in the persons of such indi- viduals as Milton, Cowper, and Hannah More. As regards the possibility, however, of enlisting the arts in the service of religious worship, we are of opinion that were the inclina- tion to do so to be manifested on the part of the church itself, many private individuals would contribute towards such purpose, and as the taste so fostered spread itself, others would be stimulated to emulate their example ; whereas at present all feeling of the kind is totally" discouraged among Protestants, and although a man may erect a church or chapel at his own cost, he cannot contribute towards the embellish- ment of one by a painting or other decoration, so that by various similar donations and acts of munificence, a religious edifice might eventually be completed in all its embellishments. In fact, we seem to have now no idea of gradually perfecting a structure of the kind in all its parts, but what cannot be accomplished at first out of the original funds is never afterwards attempted to be eftected at all ; one serious ill consequence of which is that the designs for our modern churches are never made with reference to any after-growth of ornament, or any sub- sequent finishing up of what has been in the first instance only provisorily schemed. Hence the designs are cramped and stunted in their very conception, and are impressed with a littleness and meanness which, even were it applied, no after study or polishing up can obliterate. Such was not the system by which those glorious fabrics of Catholic times were achieved. Unlike the vulgarly spruce mushrootn churches and chapels of the present day, they were generally the matured growth of generations, if not of centuries; and embellishment con- tinued to be added as the means for doing so were afforded, until they became what we now behold them. But, as we have already hinted, almost any building that will afford sufficient accommodation for a congregation is considered good enough for a church :* nothing farther is expected to be supplied, after it is once erected — no farther thought and attention, beyond that of keeping it in necessary repair, bestowed upon it. Almost would it seem that Protestantistn made a merit of dis- couraging architecture, as well as not encouraging painting: for unde- niable it is that by far the greater proportion of the numerous churches erected of late years are anything but satisfactory in design, in many cases totally the reverse, and that not entirely because the funds have been insufficient, but on account of the excessive littleness and paltri- ness that stamp every part of the buildings. The primary consider- ation seems to have been to provide at aU events one or two routine features, whether any other part can be made to accord with them or not. If the style is to come under the denomination of Grecian or Roman, a common-place erection of four or more columns, concocted according to the usual recipe for making a portico,t and which the * Now anil then, indeed, an e.S/. Front, at Perigueux, the same arrangement has been made ; but in the church at Loches, where there are two similar cu- polas in the nave, thev are still exposed externally and form two cones.* Touching the foundation of the cathedral, and the age of the present building, it is stated that Clovis rebuilt a church here, and dedicated it to at. Peter. Having been much injured by invading barbarians, it was restored and consecrated in 1017 ; but ultimately, namely in 1 120, was taken down and rebuilt " a primo lapidc." Several of the French writers wish to insist that the western front was not pulled down at this time, but that it is a remnant of the structure built by Clovis I This opinion, however, is quite untenable, as the front is evidently not earlier than the 12th century. The church was greatly injured by the Calvinists in the 16th century, as it was also during the revo- lution of 1793, of which latter time a record yet remains in these words, sculptured over the entrance door, " Temple de la Raison." As another example (in fact, perhaps, constituting with Notre Dame de Poitiers, the three chief examples in France) of a class of buildings little known to us, I annex a view (Fig. 8,) of the extraordinary western front of the church of St. Nicholas, at Civray, situated betu een Poitiers and Angouleme, and is attributed to the 12th century. It was not drawn on the spot, but is reduced from a very correct engraving of it, published by M. ThioUet, and will serve to give a clear notion of its arrangement. In the upper of the two stories into which this facade is divided, three arches occujiy the whole extent, and display some extraordinary bas reliefs ; on the left hand side two figures occupy the place of columns, and support the arches. The doorwav in tlie centre of the lower story is very richly decorated with sculptured figures, as are the arches adjoining the space beneath, each of which is subdivided by two pointed arches, also elaborately adorned. The signs of the zodiac occur more than once on this very remarkable front. The history of that style of architecture which grew up in Byzan- tium, after the removal of the seat of empire from Rome by Constan- line, is yet to be written. The extent to which it influenced the " The interr.al length of the buiUling is 241 fc«t. FiS- S. architecture of Germany, France, and England, was, until lately, very imperfectly estimated, and even now is not sufficiently so. The materials for such a work, which is unquestionably a dcsideraliim, are neither few nor slight. Eusebius describes minutely many of the buildings erected by Constantine and his mother,* as does Procopius even more fully those built by Justinian.t Spon and other old tra- vellers give descriptions of many of these edifices, which now no longer remain; and Hope,$ Mr. Gaily Kniglit,!i' M. Albert Lenoir, and M. Mallay,|| have each proceeded a considerable way in elucidating the subject. M. Lenoir, especially, in his architectural course, de- livered at the BibliotJii'que Royale, Paris, in 1838, and since published in the " Revue Generale de 1' Architecture," has ably sketched out the work required.** It seems quite clear that Constantinople was the great metropolis of the middle ages, and that at a period when Italy was deeply abased, skilful artists and artisans of all descriptions were to be found in the new city.tt They were accordingly sent for to all parts of the empire, and served to diffuse and make general the style of art there in use. Works in mosaic, if not originated by the Constantinopolitans,JX were made so entirely their own as to become invariably termed opus Grce- cum, and Btjsanteum arlifoium; and stained glass, fresco- painting, and other decorations, were brought by them to great perfection. The buildings erected bv Constantine were coated with marble, and the cupolas by which they were covered were plated with gold.^^ Tlie * De Vita beatissimi Imperatotis Constavtvii. Liber tertius. T De JEdificiis Domini Justiniani. \ Hist. Archit.. chap. x. ^ Normans in Sicily, chap. xxii. II Essai snrh's Eglises Romano-Bijzantines du dcpartcvieut dn Put/ -de -Dome. "* Mr. Willis, in his work on the " Architecture of the Middle Ages,'' has made some valuable observations bearing on the subject. Dr. Moller's book, •• Memorials of German Gothic Architecture," translated by Mr. Leeds, sho'-ild also be referred to. tf Gibbon gives a lively description of the magnificence of Constantinople. He says, " Some estimate may be formed of the expense bestowed with im- perial liberalit\' on the foundation of Constanlinople, t>y the allowance of about £2.500.000 for the construction of the walls, the porticos, and the aqueJucls. Codinus Antiquit. Const, p. \\. The forests that oversbadoHe,! the shores of the Kuxine, and the celebrated quarries of wbite marble in Ibe little island of Proconnesus, supplied an almost inexhaustible stock of mate- rials, ready to be convej'ed by the convenience of a short \vater-carri.ij^e lu the harbour of Byzantium." Elsewhere he continues, " A particular de;>criii- tion. composed about a century after the foundation of the city, enumeiaie,'? a capitol or school of learning, a cirous, 2 theatres, 8 public and 153 private baths, 52 porticos. 5 granaries, Saque-lucts or reservoirs of water, 4 S|jacioii.', h.alls for the m^'Ctings of the senate or courts of jusiiee, 14 churches 14 palaces, and 4-38S hous s which, for their size or beauty, deserved lo be dis- tinguished from the muliitnde of plebeian habitations," Too much haste, however, led to to" early decay. Jt An esrly instance of the use of inlaid work seems pointed out in the description of the palace of Ahasuerus (Book of Esther, ch.i. v. 6, ascribed to the year 521 belore Christ), where a pavement is mendoned " of red, ami blue, and white, and black marble." ^^ " Cumqee icmplum omne in immensam altitudinem exiulisset, vnrio lapulum genere splendiilum reililidit, a solo ad cameram usque marmoreis crustis illud openens. Porro cameram lacunaribus rainutissime opens olxlu- cens, totam auro imlir.icteavit." Eusebius ut supra, *' De coustruciiuiie martyrii aposlolorum Constantinopoli," IS42.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 151 I earliest buildings were circular, octagonal, or polygouic. Afterwards thrt exterior became a square, although the internal plan remained a circle or octagon. In Sta. Sophia, built by Justinian, in the erection of which ten thousami men were employed, tlie internal plan became a cross of four equal sides, known as the Greek cros*, and this building was for a long time the model on which other structures were founded.* Elongated cupolas, superimposed tiers of small arcades, columns in recesses, larger arches, or circular-headed openings containing within them two or more smaller arches, and plain square or basket-worked capitals to the columns, are some of the details that were then introduced. "In this new shape," says a French writer, (M. Vitet,) " which in truth causes the exclusive admirers of antique purity to shudder, but nevertheless is entitled to the more indulgent praise of the true lovers of the beautiful, the genius of the old Greek architects awakened; less correct, less severe than before, but brilliant willi vouth and life — more daring, more marvellous. For the second time the Greeks seized dominion over the grand and beautiful art of archi- tecture: it was from them the Arabs received the secret of it; it was bv them that its first lessons were imparted to all Europe." It is somewhat curious to find that Theodoric, King of the Goths, was educated at Constantinople, and ever retained a love of the arts lie had there seen practised.'!' Ravenna, which was the seat of the Gothic court, vied in magnificence with Rome ; and here we find many admirable structures erected both then and in after times. To ascribe this style of architecture and all that it led to, to the Goths, as some Italian and other writers have done, seems absurd, and has long ago been combatted ; we must go back to Byzantium for its origin. In the vear 553 the Goths were conquered, and Italy was once more united with the Greek empire. Soon afterwards great part of Italy was seized by the Lombards, who made Pavia the seat of royalty, and raised many structures. To ascribe to them, however, the origin of the style of architecture which prevailed in the mis-called dark ages, seems to be equally erroneous ; they but copied and further modified the architecture of Byzantium. Charlemagne raised many edifices in imitation of Byzantine struc- tures, surmounted with cupolas, in Mayence, Aix-la-Chapelle, and in various other parts of Germany and France, by means of which archi- tecture, which had fallen into abeyance, revived, and received a fresh impulse. The church of St. Front at Perigueux, restored on the original model probably about the 11th century, is one of these. Like the church of Sta. Sophia, the plan is a cross of four equal arms, sur- mounted by five cupolas on tambours, but which are now hidden externally by a wooden roof. The windows are in threes, connected by a label : each front of the edifice originally terminated with a gable or pediment, but this was in later times filled in, so as to form a straight line round the building, and to receive the wooden roof before spoken of. Churches on a circular plan, in imitation perhaps of that built by Helena over the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, are not uncommon in France. The church of Charron in the department of Vicnne, of which some fine ruins remain, is a good example. The greater part of the structure, as now seen, is of the 11th or l'2th century : at the west end are two turrets with conical stone roofs in scales, similar to those at Notre Dame de Poitiers. To recall the connection with Byzantine architecture apparent in the buildings more specially spoken of in this and the foregoing chap- ters is, perliaps, unnecessary : the series of small arcades and sculpture in the principal front, the mosaics, the use of external painting, and the occurrence of cupolas, are all fresh in the mind of the reader. In Germany, where perhaps more than in any other countrv Gothic architecture, as we now see it, was earliest developed, all the older buildings are decidedly Byzantine. In Cologne, especially, the deri- vation is so strikingly apparent, that none who visit that most inte- resting city can fail to observe it. In Saxon England, it seems certain that Byzantine architecture was the model chiefly followed. The abbey ' St. Mark at Venice, built by a Greek aichitect. was one of its ufi'spring, u was llie Rasilica at Visa, also by a Greek archilccl. T Runsett's 2-iist, of Modern Europe, vol. i. church at Hexham, built in the seventh century by Wilfrid, was sur- mounted in the centre of the transept by a cupola ; there were galleries for the women ; the arch of the sanctuary and other parts were deco- rated with histories and images ; and the stone work was painted with a variety of colours. The fact that the term more Romano was constantly applied to the buildings of this period, does not seem to contradict the position. Constantinople was regarded 'as a second Rome, its citizens were termed Romans ; moreover, we know this description is repeatedly applied by early writers to this very building at Hexham. We reach truth slowly, and by painfuUv small degrees : some few- detect a fact, otliers corroborate it in part, information bearing on the point is collected, inferences become apparent ; and ultimately a mind arises to lay hold of all that has been said previously, to get rid of the difficulties, and digest the whole into a system. A very few years ago the greatest obscurity prevailed with respect to the semi-circular style, and it was universally called Saxon in works specially devoted to the subject, to distinguish it from the pointed, which was then termed Norman. Writers afterwards, in an equally erroneous man- ner, as I humbly conceive, termed every building wherein the serai- circular arch was used Norman, without any regard to the country where it was found, or the period which produced it. And even at this time, when so much is being done for the elucidation of archi- tectural history, many still remain with very confused ideas upon the subject, and vacillate between the terms Romanesque, Lombardic, Norman, and Byzantine, often applied indifferently to the same edifices. Let us seek for the truth. THE NEW PALACE OF MOORSHEDABAD, IN BENGAL. Erected for His Highness the Nuwaub Nazim, By Major-Gekeral M'Leod. (With an Engraving, Plate f.J At one of the evening meetings at the commencement of the pre- sent session of the Institution of Civil Engineers, our attention was attracted to the exhibition of two very splendid water-colour drawings by Mr. John Edward Jones, being perspective views of a palace built in India for one of the subsidiary princes. Upon inquiry we ascer- tained that this palace had been recently erected, entirely from the designs and under the immediate superintendence of Major-General M'Leod, who, in consequence of an application from us, very hand- somely directed Mr. Jones to favour us with whatever drawings we were desirous of having for the service of the Journal. For this purpose we selected the plan of the principal floor, and the elevation of one of the principal fronts. We have also subjoined the report of the Committee appointed by the Indian Government to inspect the new palace ; it fully describes the nature of the building, and to what purpose the several rooms are appropriated. Without entering into a minute criticism of the architectural character of the building, it must be admitted by all to be one of unusually princely magnificence, and one that will be a lasting honour to the talented General to whom the erection was entrusted. Report of the Special Comimtlee of Inspection, dated Calcutta, Wlh Nov. 183S. We have the honour to submit, for the information of his hononr the Deputy Governor of Bengal, the result of our proceedings conse- quent upon the receipt of your letters of the l'2th, lOth ult., and with- out date, received at Moor.-hed.ibad, from the Governor General's agent, in regard to the Nizamut buildings at Moorshedabad. The new Palace is in length l'^.) feet, by 200 feet in breadth; and of one order of architecture throughout the whole of its exterior, with- 153 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [May, out any intermixture of the same on a reduced scale, or of any other order. It stands on a slight elevation, produced by raising the foun- dation walls three feet above the general level of the ground, and fill- ing up with earth to that height, in a gradual slope, to the extent per- mitted by the surrounding buildings, and the termination of the premises towards tlie river, on the banks of which the palace stands — a conspicuous and imposing feature in the landscape from a great distance. The effect anticipated by raising the structure, as just described, has been fully accomplished. The order employed is the Grecian Doric. It is forty-six feet nine inches in height, having fluted columns thirty-six feet high ; five feet six inches in diameter at the base, and four feet one and a half inches at the neck, with corresponding antae, and an entablature of ten feet nine inches ; the whole surmounting a basement of eighteen feet six inches, of which three feet six inches forms the plinth of the building. Over the entablature are parapet walls, varying in height according to circumstances, and ornamented with panels, plinths, and cornices. The projections of the cornice of the order are of stone, having the guttsE and lilies in the angles cut out of the solid. Nothing could be more satisfactory than the execution of the whole detail of what this involves. The Doric order is notoriously of difficult management, when applied to edifices of complicated design, from the necessity of observing the rules prescribed for the introduction of tlie triglyphs in the frieze of the entablature. In the present instance, with many projections and recesses, tending to create difficulties, there was not discoverable the slightest deviation from what these rules demand; the cornices and mouldings were noticed as being cleanly and sharply cut and defined, and all lines and surfaces, whether of stone or plaster, exhibited the most successful result of much labour and minute attention. On the south front is a portico of eight columns, ninety-seven feet nine inches in length, surmounted by a pediment twelve feet high, and having a strong trussed roof of timber secured transversely by iron tie-rods. To the north is the entrance portico of six columns, mea- suring 70 ft. 9 in. in length, with a corresponding trussed roof to the pediment, which rises 10 ft.; in the tympanum of either pediment are the arms of the Nuwaub Nazim, perfectly executed in relievo, and forming a very appropriate and eiTective finish to the whole. Leading to the northern portico, is a noble flight of stone steps, commencing in its breadth above from the centre of the end columns, and having a platform stretching out in the same parallel to a width of 24 ft. 9 in., from which, descending, it curves outwards on either j side till it ends at its base, in a line extending to the length of 129 ft. ( There are two intermediate platforms, one of 10, and one of 5 ft. in ! width; in a line with which last, at the extremities, are well proper- } tioned pedestals with stone slabs, bearing inscriptions (the letters cleanly cut in relief) in English and Persian, exhibiting particulars connected with the erection of the edifice (enclosure No. 1), and in front of these pedestals, on blocks carried out from their bases, corresponding iu height and breadth with the last flight of steps, and 10 ft. G in. in length, are placed two sphinxes, admirably executed, both as regards the design and workmanship. They are of solid teak, but painted and sanded so as exactly to resemble stone, and form highly ornamental appendages to the entrance in the position they occupy. Iron railing, of a graceful pattern, corresponding with, that of the colonnades (rising from which are five lamp-posts on either side, with three on either pedestal below,) surmounts the flight at either extremity. Underneath is a capacious carriage way; and there are three vaulted ranges, two of them open, and one (the lowest) closed in, and forming dbdarkhiinesh and other useful offices. To the north front are two smaller porticos (to the wings) of four columns each, and intermediately between the centre and wings on cither front, receding colonnades ; which also form leading features of the end fronts of the building. To all the above colonnades, including the porticos, are continuous balconies to the third floor, ii ft. wide, of light appearance but of great strength, being constructed of iron beams or cantilevers from 19 to 21 inches apart, inserted in the walls between stones to a depth of 14 ft., and supported on brackets at intervals, the rest of the material of the floor being of flat bar iron. The floor is composed of tiles, terras, and marble, confined by a plate or band of iron. The railing is partly of iron and partly of teak ; the main supports and some of the rails being of the former, upheld by brackets branching from the cantilevers. The spaces over the doors and windows within the colonnades, as well as those of the treble windows in the exterior walls, are relieved by panels, in which are inserted ornaments of various descriptions, in relief, of good design, and extremely well executed. There are two open courts in the interior of the building, 72 by 52 ft., finished in every respect in the same style as the exterior, having substantial drains all round, communicating with large covered ones externally, which are carried to a considerab'e distance, and empty themselves into the river. Round the exterior of the building there is a platform of the finest masonry, bricken-edge, 7 ft. wide, from which spring small flights of stone steps to the height of the plinth, leading to tlie entrances in the several compartments of the edifice; outside of which is a roadway or walk, of corresponding breadth, composed of koah, 9 in. in depth. The plinth of the building has oval flue openings of 22 by IS in., furnished with strong iron gratings;— where flights of steps interfere, three of the step-facings in each have gratings, of IS in. in length, fixed into them. The inlcrior comprises a basement floor, from 13 ft. to 13 ft. 3 in. in height to the beams; a principal floor, from 21 ft. 9 in. to 22 ft. in height, to the ceilings ; and a third floor of the same height as the latter. Principal floor. The principal entrance is from the north portico into a vestibule 36 ft. by 27 ft., having a geometrical stone staircase at either side, 7 ft. 6 in. in width, with iron railing and mahogany liand-rail, each staircase receiving light from four painted glared win- dows. Within this range is a corridor or passage, 12 ft. wide, leading to the wings of the edifice, divided into compartments, and so con- trived, that by shutting two doors the communication with the wings is cut olK without any interruption to that between the other portions of the building. From the centre of the corridor a large door opens into a circular room 50 ft. in diameter; to the right and left of which (on entering) is a room 52 ft., by 25 ft.; the three comprising one suite of apartments, separated from the wings by the open courts, (noticed above). The circular room is of the Corinthian order, taken from the temple of Jupiter Stator at Rome. The order is in height 30 ft. 6 in., with pedestals of 4 ft. 6 in. From the entablature, on a line with the frieze, springs a cupola of masonry, with sunk panels, ending in a painted glazed skylight 20 ft. in diameter, the height from the floor to the openisg of the skylight being 56 ft., and to \is apex 62 ft. The room is decorated in its circumference by four large covered recesses, over which are long panels, eight pilasters, and four large doors ; over which last are oval openings occupied with pierced screens of arabesque, cut iu single slabs of stone. All the mouldings and compartments are richly carved and ornamented, in conformity with the rules of the order of which the apartment is composed ; and, whether as regards the effi.-ct of the whole, or the exquisite finish of the details throughout, it is impossible to speak too highly of what has been accomplished. There is nothing to add, and nothing to alter : the architect and builder have done their work perfectly. To the south of the above suite is a grand colonnaded saloon, measuring 187 ft. Gin. in length, susceptible of division at pleasure into three apartments, by means of sliding doors 18 ft. 2 in. wide, the leaves sliding into cases, faced on both sides, from the bottom to the top, with mirrors. The general width of this saloon is 55 ft., the centre space within the bases of the columns being 29 ft. Beyond either extremitv of the saloon is a geometrical stone staircase, 5 ft. 3 in. wide, with railing, as before described, communicating with the apartments of the wings. The wings do not correspond internally with each other : both are divided into apartments of various suitable dimensions, each having a spiral stone staircase at either corner, with baths, dressing rooms, &c. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 153 With the exception of the circular room, the interior of the whole of the principal floor is of the Roman Doric order. Ore tJie third foor the dimensions of the several apartments neces- sarily correspond with those immediately below, just described, excluding the circular room, which comprehends both floors. In this third floor also is the same arrangement of the saloon as that described for the principal floor, but the order throughout is the antique Ionic, 19 ft. high, with fluted columns, pilasters, &c., surmounted by a coved ceiling rising 2 ft. 9 in. The whole of the apartments in both these floors are ceiled with canvas, or teak wood frames, through which are fitted into the beams strong brass hinge-hooks for punkahs, and brass for lamps or lustres, to an extent ample for every purpose of use or ornament. In both floors the doors are painted in imitation of different woods (satin wood, mahogany, oak, maple, &c.) and highly varnished ; and, with a few exceptions (in the minor apartments of the wings) they are fitted with plated locks, bolts, and hinges, and hand-guards ; also on the principal floor. All the apartments in the wings of both floors are coloured in distemper, in light tints of various colours ; and the walls, as high as the surbase of the vestibule, and four staircases, are painted in imitation of marble; all with very good effect. There are twelve fire-places, with carved mantel-pieces of teak, also painted and var- nished in successful imitation of rare marbles. The floors of the whole of the public apartments of the principal story, including the vestibule and landing places of the great staircases, are paved with polished marble; and those of the corresponding apartments in the third story, with the landing places of all the four staircases, are laid with teak boarding. The whole of the public rooms in both floors, and the columns in the wings, are finished with polished stucco, in imitation of the Madras chunam ; and it may here be observed, that the flutings and finishings of all the columns, exterior and interior, are remarkably well defined, and evenly and sharply wrought ; a comple- tion very rare, where brick and plaster are the materials, in houses even of the highest pretensions in this country. Tfie hasemtnt floor is finished in a plain style, having a simple moulded band under the beams and no ceilings. The doors and win- dows are of appropriate substantial construction, fitted with brass locks, bolts, and hinges, and painted plainly. Under the circular room (of paragraph 15) are four strong lock-up closets for treasure, plate, jewels, or other articles of value, with a large open space for a guard. In the arches of the treble windows of this floor, fifteen in number, are coloured fan-lights. In the west wing is a steam-bath, complete in all respects, executed subsequently to the erection of the building, as we were informed by Colonel M'Leod, at the particular desire of the Nuwaub Nazim. All the exterior colonnades and porticos in the basement and principal floor, as well as the vestibule and staircases of the basement, are paved with stone. Pleasure Grounds. — Koah roads, twenty feet wide, have been con- structed, and well rolled, in all that portion of the ground about the Palace which has yet been cleared of old buildings ; the banks of the river have been sloped off and sodded throughout the whole extent (with the exception of a very small portion, for which it seems earth was not procurable) and stone posts have been inserted along the top, as fastenings for boats. The whole of the ground (cleared) has been smoothed and grassed, and completely drained. At a short distance, in front of the Palace, is a handsome sun-dial, five feet in diameter, a surplus stone so converted by Lieut. Cunningham ; it rests on a pillar based on stone steps, and forms a useful and appropriate ap- pendage to the premises. A substantial stone ghat, fifteen feet wide, has been constructed near the Palace for the convenience of the Nu- waub, and at about 800 yards to the south of the Palace a large Nou- bulkahnth gateway has been erected, as an entrance to the grounds in that direction. As it was not immediately in view, there did not appear to be any objection to its being built in a style of architecture adapted to its purpose, and the Asiatic or Turkish has been adopted. In concluding this head of our report, it seems proper to advert to the fact of this edifice, in all its departments, having been constructed and completed by natives of the country ; the only exceptions to which remark are in regard to the painting and glazing, which portions of the work were executed by professional Europeans. The expressions of approval which will have been found interspersed with the pre- ceding details, were elicited by particular features of the building under review, inviting a more peculiar attention from their impor- tance, or the effect produced by them on the eye of the observer ; but they are equally applicable to every part of the structure, which, whether considered as a work of art to be admired for its exceeding beauty, or as an example of skilful labour applied to the practical combination of excellent materials, reflects the highest credit on the architect, and all subordinate to him, concerned in its erection. The late rainy season was one of uncommon violence, and had just closed when our survey was made, and the soil far and wide was either inun- dated or saturated with moisture. Nothing could have more search- ingly tested the strength and solidity of a newly erected edifice ; but not a crack or symptom of yielding was to be seen, externally or within, throughout the whole extent of this fabric ; and we conclude our re- marks upon it with the expression of a grateful anticipation, that a lengthened durability awaits what we have represented as so pre- eminently worthy of a lasting preservation. In conclusion, we would here recapitulate, in a few words, the opinion to which our inquiries have led regarding the three points to which reference is made in the second paragraph of our report. As to the execution of the vrorks, our verdict, after a careful examination of all that presented itself to our view, is one of unqualified approval and commendation. REID'S FLOATING BREAKWATER. Floating Breakwaters are at the present moment occupying much of the public attention, which has induced me to turn my mind to the subject : the result of my labours I submit to your notice. The objec- tion of a gallant officer in the House of Commons to floating break- waters, because chain cables would last only a few years, is but a trifling objection. If the success only depends upon the cost of cables, the ships and property, not to speak of lives saved, would fully com- pensate the country for occasionally laying down new moorings. Depth Wave Frame 12 ft Sloi'e 15 ft. i Explanation of Engraving. A is an arched frame of timber in thicknesses, 6 ft. higli in the centre ; B frame of timber bolted together, 2 ft. square, and 20 ft. long on the chord line; C sloping frame of timber, 1 ft. square, secured with iron straps, bolts, and stays, and protected at the point by iron shoes ; D inclined plane on shutter 24 ft. 6 in. long, laid to an angle of 35°, with planking laid diagonally and bolted to a framework of tim- ber, the planking need not be laid close, there maybe a space of 3 or 4 in. between; E iron cable ; F bridle, and G chain for lifting shutter ; H bit or head to which the cables are secured. If the depth of the wave be 9 ft. below the chord bar of the arch, there will be 6 ft. (perpendicular) of the shutter below that, the inclined plane will underrun the wave, and the arched frame work above will offer a gentle resistance for the wave to fall upon, and distribute itself harmless. There will be no strain upon the hinges, the cables Z 154 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Mat, being secured to bits in the centre of tlie raft. When the sea strikes the front of the inclined plane, the framework will yield, and the hinges will prevent that sudden check which the cable tiglitening would give to the work. Were they not there, the frame would almost instantly resume its place ; the buoyancy of the shutters takes all weight from the hinges. The principal use of the hinges to the shutters is for the more easy recovery of the moorings. A small chain attached to the shutters will enable them to be weighed at pleasure ; when at the surface they are easily hung to lighters. The iron plates on the shutters under the moorings are to prevent the wood being chafed away by the friction. Each shutter is proposed to be 30 ft. long; the raft can be increased to any height, though GO ft. broad would be suBicient for the heaviest sea that ever ran. Unlike a beach, tliere would be no back run of water; and a raft of such breadth would have the effect, from its own hold in the water, of ren- dering the whole front stationary, at least this, I imagine, would be so. I should think 20 ft. perpendicular depth would also be deep enough for any weather. One of moderate dimensions, tried in a moderate sea, would prove its efficacy. It is an idea formed after considerable reflection, upon seeing plans of others, and hearing objections urged. If it should prove successful, 'twill be a double pleasure ; and the lives it may be the means of saving will not be the least portion of such gratification. March, 1842. ON THE ECONOMY OF FUEL IN MARINE ENGINES, AS PRODUCED BY EXPANSION. By J. G. Laurie. In prosecuting the investigation of expansion, I now come to consider it with reference to economy of fuel, as applied in marine engines. In former numbers of this Journal I have investigated its effect in locomotives; but important as economy of fuel is in them, it is of vastly greater importance in marine engines, the result in the one case being only a diminished expenditure, and in the other the accomplishment of passages otherwise quite unattainable, [n sea- going steam vessels, subjected to varying weather and tempestuous voyages, the application of expansion is as beautiful in theory as beneficial in practice. By its means the power of the engine both statical and dynamical is most beautifully adapted to the necessities of the vessel, for by extending or contracting the degree of expansion in favourable or adverse weather, the mean statical force of the engine and the resistance of the vessel are, within extended limits, exactly proportional ; and in each case the dynamical power is greatly increased over what it otherwise could be, and that too in the way (in the one case being by increased statical force, and in the other by speed,) in which it is most available. In marine engines there are two means in use for effecting expan- sion; the one being by the D valve, and the other by a separate or expansion valve, which in some engines are used singly, and in others jointly. The slide valve, as wrought by an eccentric, and constructed with only sufficient cover to keep it tight, seems admirably fitted to the purpose for which it was introduced, but does not seem so capable of carrying out the principle of expansion, for, in the first place, it does not afford the means of varying the extent of expansion, and, in the next place, when expansion is to be carried to any considerable extent, it opens and shuts the ports in a manner that has the effect of virtually diminishing the size of the engine. In proof of this, by referring to my communication in No. •* P 47 of this Journal, it will be found proved that, if A B C D be a steam cylinder, A D the stroke of the piston^2rf; the radius of the eccentric =a ; the cover of the valve on the steam side =c; distance from commencement of stroke to commencement of expansion^rra' ; distance from commencement of stroke to termination of eX' panaion=i ; , 2i(a-c«) --y., „, , ,, a'd+d\/ai-a^c- 0= — ^-5 -^=2aX(l— c^) when a=l h— ■ : o- ■ a d-\-d^/ i^f.2 or for a particular and perhaps an extreme case, take 3 7 3'3 c=- and then o'=2iXT7; and !»^2dx-r which proves that when 4a 16 4 there is cover on the steam side only of the valve, and when that cover is sufficient to expand the steam from 1 to 1"9, the whole available volume of the cylinder for receiving the steam from the boiler, and 3'3 for expanding that steam, does not exceed — of the cylinder, nor does it come to be quite so much as that, for at the same moment that ex» pansion terminates on the one side of the piston, compression of the enclosed vapour commences on the other, which can be viewed either in the light of detracting from the power already developed by the piston, or of diminishing (which it does in reality) the available part (a') for receiving fresh steam from the boiler. If less cover be given to the valve, the evil here pointed out is also less ; and when the cover is small, it seems to be quite overbalanced by a property which shall be hereafter explained. But if, on the other hand, greater cover be given them, it is more than proportionally increased, and comes to be of serious amount; to avoid which the valve is frequently constructed so that it shall have cover on the eduction side as well as on the steam side. If these covers be equal, then at the same time that the steam is cut off from the side of the piston, the eduction is cut off from the other, in consequence of which, although the available part (6) is increased by giving cover to both sides of the valve, the available part (a') is decreased, and, in addition, the period of time for which the eductingside of the piston is in communication with the condenser is greatly shortened ; if, however, the cover on the eduction side be less than the cover on the steam side, this effect of compression of the enclosed vapour will be diminished, and the period of time for con- densation lengthened, but so will also the available part (5) of the cylinder be diminished. Hence betwixt the advantage of increasing the part (6) of the cylinder, and the disadvantage of diminishing (o') and shortening the period of time for condensation, there is some extent of cover of the eduction side of the valve, which shall in the greatest possible degree secure the one and avoid the other. The exact magnitude of this might (but with great difliculty, from the nature of the analysis, which is lying before me,) be ascertained ana- lytically ; but though it were ascertained with all conceivable precision, still the plan of expanding by the slide valve has the effect of dimin- ishing the available size of the cylinder, and, therefore, to employ the steam produced by a given boiler, that steam being expanded to a given extent, will require a cylinder, and, consequently, an engine, larger wlien that engine expands by the D valve than when it expands by a valve which does not diminish the available volume of the cylin- der, which, even though there were no other reason, would, in engines of considerable magnitude, in which alone expansion is much used and is most serviceable, prevent the adoption of expanding by the slide valve, and give a decided preference to a separate one being employed for the purpose. To expand by a separate or expansive valve there have been almost numberless schemes, the principal of which are throttle, slide, and conical valves, of various constructions and variously situated, each of which has in its turn had some claim to superiority over every other. The great aim of the various plans seems to have been to cut off the steam close to the cylinder ports, for the attainment of which, in many cases, means are resorted to that are both difficult of execution and troublesome to keep in order. The evil produced by placing the ex- pansion valve at some distance from the cylinder port is two-fold. In the first place, such an arrangement fixes a limit to the extent of expansion depending on the ratio of the volume of the cylinder to the volume of the steam betwixt the cylinder port and the expansion valve ; and the next place, the effective power of the steam through- out the stroke (or in other words, the area of the indicator diagram,) is diminished, the amount of which diminution may be thus estimated. Let volume of steam cylinder;=o; volume of steam betwixt cylinder port and expanBion_^valve:=:6_; pressure _of steam at commencement 1842.1 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 155 of expan6ion=^/i ; pressure of steam at termination of expansion=rs. Then, efficiency of whole stroke of piston=« (0+6) log.--(-l)—6f or put a^l p—l 1 and then efficiency of the whole stroke =s(l+6) (log. — f-l) — 6 To find from this what would be the efficiency were the expansion valve close to the cylinder port, put 6=0 ; and hence — Efficiency when valve is close to cylinder port=s (log. — 1-1) Do.when valve is at a distance (6) from do.=:s (1+6) (log. — 1-1)— 6 which formulae assign the amount of injury entailed upon an engine by any given position of expansion valve, and, therefore, the amount of preference due from this cause to one valve over another. But by substituting for (b) its value, in practical cases we find that the amount of the injury is by no means of sufficient importance to warrant the exclusion of all expansion valves that do not cut oft' close to the port ; and by making a comparison of the three, namely, the slide inserted betwixt the D valve and the face of the cylinder, the slide valve in the inside of the cylinder steam jacket, and the double-beat conical valve (the three which seem to be at the present time of the greatest importance). Taking into consideration simplicity of arrangement, simplicity of execution, facility to keep in repair, and efficiency of action, including facility of altering the degree of expansion, we are led to believe that the double-heat expansion valve is the one which, in the aggregate, is the best. This valve (6) in well constructed engines does not exceed one-thirtieth ; but as an average case, take one-fifteenth of the volume of the cylinder, and by substituting this value of (6) we find the loss of effect of the steam from having one- fifteenth of the whole volume of the cylinder betwixt the cylinder 0-06- — sxO-06' (log. i+1) 1-06-s (log. +l)_0-OG- or -when s:=l to nearly 4i per cent, of the whole power developed by the engine, which points out the propriety of putting the valve as close to the D valve casing as possible. Adopting then the double beat conical valve, the economy of fuel as produced by expansion may be thus estimated. Let the volume of steam cylinder when there is no expansion^a ; volume of steam betwixt cylinder port and expansion valve = 6; pressure of steam at commencement of expansion=/) ; pressure of steam at termination of expansions*. Then s ; p : : a ' volume of cylinder when expan- sion is carried to extent (s) .' . increased volume of cylinders— but (6) must be taken proportional to the volume of the cylinder .'.a : — : : 6 ; increased volume betwixt cylinder ports and expansion valve port and the expansion valve to be- ditto = — and by substituting these values of (a and 6) in the formula s (a + b) log. P + 1) — bj>, we find that with the expansion (8)the efficiency ofa given quantity of steam is (ap+bp) p bp^ (log. - + 1)—-^ . Put in this a =1 p = 1 i) = ^x volume of s s steam cylinder, which, in well constructed engines, it will not exceed, and efficiency = 1-04 X (log. - + i)_0'04X- s s Let s=l which is the case of no expansion, and efficiency = 1 K s= 5 which is the case of the steam being cut off, when stroke J finished & efficiency= 1'285 " s=| " " I " =1'4 » 8=4 " « i " =1-68 " g=i " « i " =2-06 « «=i « " i " =2-32 " s=i " « J « =2-88 And hence the following conclusions : — If the work done by a ton of coal when the steam is used without expansion be represented by unity, the work done by the same fuel when the steam is used expansively to the extent of reducing its pressure to I of its original pressure, is represented by 1.285. And when to the extent of reducing its pressure to . . . . § the work is represented by 1-4 " " " * « " 1-G8 " " " ^ " « 2-06 " " " i " " 2-32 " " " I " « 2-88 In a former part of this paper it was mentioned that it is advan- tageous to construct the D valve with a small extent of cover, notwithstanding its efiect of diminishing the available volume of the cylinder, and for the following reasons : — when the piston of the steam cylinder is near either end of its stroke, the effective leverage of the crank to turn the paddle shaft is small ; and although the amount of power developed by a given quantity of steam is at every part of the stroke precisely the same, yet, in consequence of the varying leverage of the crank, that portion of the power applied to overcome resistance at the extremity of the paddle wheel arm is by no means the same, being diminished at no two parts of the stroke by the same quantity, to overcome friction ; for as the leverage of the crank decreases, that of the friction on some of the journals, in reference to the power, increases. And beyond a certain point, it is very questionable if (the engine being deprived of all momentum,) any amount of power that could be applied to the crank pin would bring the crank to the per- pendicular position, and therefore for a certain portion of the stroke at each end, the steam not only does not increase the efficiency of the engine, but detracts from it, by the amount of power necessary to overcome the friction produced by its application ; and hence the propriety of the plan adopted by some makers, of constructing the D valve with so much cover as causes the eduction to commence before the termination of the stroke, and the average vacuum effected before the return stroke has advanced to that point when the steam begins to be effective. The extent of cover necessary to effect this object is quite beyond the power of analysis to assign, and perhaps no two engineers have from their observation arrived at exactly the same conclusion ; but I should say that constructing the D valve with only sufficient cover on the eduction side to keep it tight, and with from 0-25 to 0'3 of the breadth of the port on the steam side, would probably with the average of cases be not far from the truth, with which construction the cylinder would be in communication with the condenser from -jir to -n; of the whole time, for eduction before the termination of the stroke. Greenock Foundry, 15/4 ^pril, 1842. ON THE SKEW ARCH. An analytical investigation of the principal properties o/ihe Skem Arch. By a ]Vorkman, Let A B C D, a 6 c rf, be the plan of the semicylindrical arch, the ele- vation on the skew of which is represented by A G B 6 F a ; draw a K perpendicular to the axis H E R, and G E perpendicular to A B, and N n n' parallel o a K ; let the spirals, which commence from n n', intersect the skew elevation in the points S s, join S and s, and produce this line to meet the axis G E produced if necessary in O, the line E O is stated by Mr. Buck to be a constant quantity, the investigation of which will form the subject of this paper. The subject of inquiry seems to demand the complete solution of the two propositions. First. To determine the intersections s and S of the spirals com- mencing at II n', with the skew elevation a F 6 and A G B. Second. To determine the point where the line joining S and produced meets the axis G E. Z 2 156 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [May, ig.l. Fig. 2. ii m Let L S I and M s ni be two square sections at right angles to the axis, and passing through the points S and s respectively. b K=6 which is called the obliquity of the bridge. a= axil length (see Buck on oblique arches). *■ R=^E F, E G radii of the semicylinder respectively. w=H N, H=3-14, &c. V « V m=X and V S V Z=X'. Let X, y, z, be the rectangular co-ordinates of the point s, origin at H, Z measured vertically, and x on the line H K. First for this point s we have the following equations : a: = rco3. X, y = n-\-°'-^, Z=r Sin. X (V) 11 ^ ^ These equations are too obvious to need any further explanation. Next, to find the equation of the elliptical face a F 6, let x' y' z' be the rectangular co-ordinates of any point iu this face, referred to the same axis and origin as before, Y the angle made by a section passing through this point parallel to the section L S I (1 + COS. Y) 6 . y' = rcos. X,* y' = ■ , z' = r sin, X (2) * This equation is obtained m the following manner :— S'' = tan. z E 0 H X (,• + r los. Y) but tan. .d E o H = .,t y = _(l+cos. V)& as stated above. At the point of intersection of these two lines, namely, the spiral and the ellipse, which is formed in the skew elevation, we must have the following obvious conditions: — x = x', y=y', z=^z' .•.X = Y ,, ., a X (1 + cos. Y) h Consequently w+ — = By reduction we have x—- — cos. X = (6— 2w) — (3) 2 o 2 a the equation for the intrado. The equation to the exfrado is a similar one to that of the intrado, viz. — X'-^ COS. X' = (6'-2?b') — (4) 2 a ^ 2a where 6' = 6 + 2 K K' and 7v' = w + ¥.'K .•.6'-2j»' = 6-2j!; + 2K K'-2 KK' = 6-2 w by similar triangles 2r : (R-r) : : 6 : K K' R6-br ,. 6R .2KK' 6'=" r r Substituting these values in equation (4) we shall have for the equation of the extrado — X , - COS. X' = (5-2 7») — (5) r ^ 2 o Now it is easily seen from equations (3) and (5> that the following relation subsists : — (X'-X)- n b ^R COS. X' — r cos. X (6) If we assume X any arbitrary quantity along the intrado of the skew elevation, the solution of equation (6) will give us X' the corresponding extrado. But it is easily seen that this equation cannot, by the present state of analytical science, be generally solved. The best mode of eftecting an approximate solution is by the aid of Lagrange's theorem, as given by Lacroix (see his calculus differential and integral); but this will be rendered unnecessary by the aid of the following proposition: — To determine the point O, where the line joining the points S s, intersects the vertical radius, draw s /, S T, perpendicular to G E respectively, and call \/a b K^9 i s = r cos. X X cosec. S and T S= R cos. X' X cosec. 6 by similar triangles TS:/s::TO:;0 that is inches, or 9 feet. Compare this with the Gorgon, a ship of 1050 tons — 37 feet beam, IZfut depth in hold, draft about 15 feet. Let us transpose the cases, and suppose Gutzmer to have flourished now and Seaward then: is it not reasonable to suppose that the acute Scotchman, pos- sessing all the knowledge of modern improvements, would have carried out his principle in a very different manner? It should be recollected that large "men-of-war" steamers were not then thought of, and also that the "direct principle" is not, and never can be applied to vessels with a small draught of water, with any useful effect : so far, we are where Gutzmer left us. Powerful steamers are emanations of modem ingenuity, and it does not follow but that Gutzmer would have made his principle as " efficient and applicable on a large scale" as the Messrs. Seaward, had the circumstances of the times been in his favour. There is another point in which I wish this question to be viewed. Any claim as to the " direct principle" having been conceded, it only remains to show how far there is originality in the arrangement or mechanical adaptation of the Gorgon engine, and I think I shall be enabled to show that this belongs, equally with the " direct principle," to a time antecedent to the Seawardian age. Those of your readers who possess a copy of Gregory's Mechanics are referred to plate 23, fig. 10, and to the letter-press, vol. ii, p. 85, "Parallel Motion." In the former they will see an exact delineation of the Gorgou engine, and in the latter the worthy Professor informs us, after a full exposition of the principle, " that this motion, as well as fig. 8 (the common bridle motion) were devised by Mr. William Dryden, a mechanic, whose ingenuity needs not our encomium." p. 2S(5, art. 3. Now, I am not prepared to say when Dryden invented it, but this is certain, that it was antecedent to Gutzmer, for he copied the motion No. S (the bridle motion) in the Tourist's engines, and by a curious coincidence his other invention was adopted in the Gorgon engine. The merit due to the Messrs. Seaward is that of " adapters" ; to that they are justly entitled; they have shown great tact and judgment therein. In criticising Vulcan's remarks upon the dimensions of the Gorgon engine, I scarcely think Mr. Pole is fair in putting forth a small table of the lengths of engine-rooms, as a criterion of space occupied, although his statement is perfectly correct. It is well known in the profession, that the engineer is not always consulted as to the distance between his bulkheads. It is often increased to make room for stores, duplicates, accommodation for engineers, &c. Some- times the distance is increased by the shipwright, by caprice of the engineer, who does not wish to be " cramped" in manipulating his engine. M''e may also say, in large men-of-war it is not advisable to concentrate such great weights, but to spread them as much as is con- sistent with the accommodation of the crew, and the purposes of war. To my personal knowledge, this feeling has lengthened many engine- rooms several feet. In private trading vessels, I grant, the machinery should be as compact as possible, passenger accommodation and hold being of first-rate importance. Now, in Mr. Pole's table, the vessels having beam engines are Hydra, Medea, and Vivid, the engine-rooms of Hydra and Gorgon being of equal length, viz. 62 feet, that of the Medea 60 feet; and it should be recollected that these vessels were fitted without the smallest idea of competition in this respect. Had it been so, I have no hesitation in saying that that of Hydra could have been reduced four feet without the slightest inconvenience; and Medea in the same proportion. Those of your readers who know the vessels are aware this is not mere assertion. But I will endeavour to show that the engines of the Hydra might be increased to 160 horses each (now 1 10), without any increase of space ; and more, that a beam engine of the Gorgon's pro- portions may be constructed to occupy space as shown in Vulcan's diagram, and to weigh (with water in boiler) not more than 300 tons. Having, therefore, I hope, explained why we should not take length of engine-rooms as conclusive evidence of excellence, we must recur to Vulcan's original position, and take the bare space occupied by the engine, especially as Mr. Pole has thrown aside all other portions of the machinery : on that very ground I am prepared to meet him. First, I will show that the engines of the Medea and Hydra may be extended to 160 horses, without longitudinal increase of space in the latter, and a slight lateral increase in the former. The Hydra's engines are 110 horses each; cylinders 55^ in. diameter, and 5 feet stroke ; length between centres of cylinder and shaft 15 feet, or 3 times the stroke. I believe this to be Boultonand Watt's usual practice, exceed- ing in this particular most other makers, (Maudslays, for instance,) and may here observe Mr. Pole appears to have overlooked Vulcan's statement, that he took Mr. Watt's data to prevent cavil, and see his computation of Gorgon power, namely, an assumed pressure of "seven 158 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Mat, pounds," and 33,0001b. lifted oue foot. My calculations are made on the same basis. Referring to Weale's Tredgold, vol. ii, plates 33 and 34, engines of tlie Kile, (being exactly similar to the Hydra's,) plate 34 on the plan, shows the distance between the inds o/t/ie main levers to be a feet 4 inches, consequently there is room for a cylinder of that dimen- sion over the flanges. Taking Mr. Watt's data, a 5-feet stroke should make 2Ustrokesper minute,or215 feet. This at 33,000 lb. is equal to a 67-inch cylinder to produce 160 horses, and if we allow 4 inches each side for the joints and flanges, we have G7-(-8;=7a=;6 ft. 3, or an ample clearance of half an inch on each side. Plate 33 is a longitudinal section of the engine, and its extreme length from steam pipe flanch to fore end of engine frame is 23 feet 6 inches, its extreme width over the main gudgeons being 8 feet 3 inches only ; and be it observed, this length includes an extended head stock framing, which (with all respect be it spoken,) I cannot conceive necessary, at least to so great an extent ; but there it is, and as I wish to adhere to facts, what have we ? — The Hydra's beam engine of 160 horses, requiring 23 feet 6 inches in length, and 8 feet 3 inches in breadth; the Gorgon engine of 160 horses, requiring 20 feet 6 inches in length, and 7 feet 10 inches in breadth — a saving of 3 feet on 23 feet 6 inches, or about one-eighth ! I must call on Mr. Pole to show how this agrees with the first item of the Gorgon advantage, as quoted by himself from the pamphlet, viz. that the saving in space is very nearly one-half. It may be said such an engine has not been made, and is merely hypothetical. I apprehend one thing only is necessary to produce it •^un order.* And here I beg to maintain, the question is between the beam and Gorgon engine, and we have not only to prove what has been done, but what can be done, on the principle of the former. Let us take the Medea, by Maudslay. I refer your readers to Tredgold, plates 37 and 38. The former is a plan of the engines of the Phoenix (same as the Medea) ; the distance between the main levers is 5 feet 10 inches. Here we require a lateral extension to 6 feet 4 inches, as in the Hydra, to make room for a cylinder of 67 inches. This done, the Medea's engine is 1 feet 9 inchts over all athwart, or one inch less than the Gorgon ! Plate 38 is a longitudinal view of the same ; the length of the engine is, as it regards space occupied, only 19 feet, but as in the Hydra, I'll take in the additional piece of frame, and call it 21 feet 6 inches, and what have we? — ^Medea beam engine, requiring 21 feet G inches in length, and 7 feet 9 inches in breadth ; tlie Gorgon engine, requiring 20 feet 6 inches in length, and 7 feet 10 inches in breath — a saving by the latter of -^ part in length, and an increase in breadth of one inch. Sir, let your readers examine and judge for themselves. Having, I hope, shovfn that what may be called engines of some standing can be increased to 320 horses without additional space, I now fulfil my promise, to explain that engines having the same stroke as the Gorgon, viz. 5 feet 6 inches, may be made under these restric- tions. In fact, I shall do no more than prove the correctness of Vulcan's " sketch." And here. Sir, I have recourse to the useful table published in your April number, viz. the proportions used by Maudslay, Son, and Field. You state their 100 horse 5-feet stroke is 14 feet 2| inches from centre of cylinder to centre of crank (see table, the 42nd and 43rd line) . Having 6 inches more stroke, say 5 feet 6 inches, we will take this proportion, and find the same distance to be 15 feet 6 inches as near as may be. By Mr. Watt's formula a stroke of 5 feet 6 inches should make 20-130 strokes, or say 22 li feet per minute, to produce a power of 160 horses. At this speed we recjuire a cylinder of 66 inches, the same as in the Gorgon : then for a beam engine on these proportions, we have — ft. in. Distance from crank to centre of cylinder . . . 15 6 Half diam. of cylinder, plus flanges, joints, &c.=33-|-9= 3 6 Half projection of headstock : in this we take Messrs. Seawards' own practice, as in the Mcegara, taking propor- tion as length of crank, the true guide. The Sloegara's stroke is 4 feet 3 inches ; width of headstock 4 feet 3 inches. (See Tredgold, plate 49.) In this case the stroke is 5 feet 6 inches: take 5 feet 6 inches-;- 2=: . . . .29 For the whole length of the engine 21 9 The nidlh of such an engine would be as that of the Hydra, viz. 8 feet 3 inches. Thus, what have we here? — A beam engine, as the Gorgon, 21 feet 9 inches in length and 8 feet 3 inches in breadth; Gorgon engine 20 feet 6 inches in length, and 7 feet 10 inches in breadth — a saving of 15 inches upon 21 feet 9 inches, or just one- seventeenth part, and in breadth a saving of 5 inches upon 8 feet 3 inches, or about one-nineteenth part. Does not this call for explana- * Since writing this, 1 have been crediljly informed that a pair of beam tHjjines of this power, or nearly so, are constructing by Boultoa and Watt. tion ? I have not done yet, but fear being prolix, although I hope you will bear with me, as it is of great importance to the profession that this matter should be set straight. Let your readers consult Tredgold, plate 49, being a longitudinal section of the Mcegara's engines. "They are stated to be seventy horses, having a 44-inch cylinder, and 4 feet 3 inches stroke ; according to Mr. Watt, this should travel 206 feet per minute, giving a power of 06 horses. Now this engine occupies 17 feet 6 inches in length for this small power; and if the Gorgon engine is compared with such beam engines, perhaps a better case might be made ; but that, I humbly submit, is not the point in dispute. Having given your readers comparisons of Boulton and Watt's and Maudslays' practice, let us go north, and show what our Scotch friends can do. Let them look at Tredgold, p. 41 — a section of the Don Juan's engines, by Claud, Girdwood and Co. (I am now speaking of space only). This is an engine of 6 feet stroke, and 68-inch cylin- der, at 7 1b. equal to a power of 176 horses x '-=352 horses, or 32 more than Gorgon ; and what have we here ? — ft. in. A Clyde beam engine, over all . . . . . 23 3 Gorgon engine 20 G — A s;iving of 2 feet 9 inches upon 23 feet 3 inches, or about one- eighth. No plan of this engine is given, so I cannot compare as it regards lateral space, be it observed this scheme is like Vul- can's sketch, particularly in the way the longitudinal pressure of the shaft is resisted by large deck beams; and is there any reason why this should not answer in a beam as well as in a Gorgon engine? Should it not even be better from the greater length of the connecting rod? In concluding the subject of space, I will draw attention to the facts that I have shown : — 1. That the Hydra's and Medea's engines maybe increased to 320 horses, without material additional space. 2. 'That a beam engine of the Gorgon's proportions may be con- structed as sketched by Vulcan. 3. That the Don Juan's engines are 32 horses larger than the Gorgon's, and only 23 feet 3 inches long. 4. That the saving in No. 1 is about one-twelfth, in No. 2 one- seventeenth, and in No. 3 about one-eighth, this latter beirg of larger power. Mr. Pole assumes an argument in favour of the Gorgon engine, upon the number made by the Messrs. Seaward. Let me repeat Vulcan's assertion, that with two foreign exceptions, the "British Government is the only patron of the Gorgon engine." No commercial man connected with steam navigation will look at them. I do not think Vulcan political in reflecting on the judgment of navy engineers : they are notoriously behind, and have great lee way to gain. Mr. Pole will recollect that, not long ago, we had a highly favourable report on Hall's condensers; that thousands were expended on Morgan's wheels ; still the first invention did not extend beyond the Mcegara, the latter is now exploded ; may we not suppose a similar fate awaits the Gorgon engine ? I think Vulcan's prophecy most reasonable and probable. It may be said, the Government are the persons to make experiments. True; but should they not be guided by discrimination and judgment in the selection of subjects? But other firms are making "direct engines." Government say "We will have no other: what are they to do? They must comply, or lose royal favour, shut up their shops, or find work for their people. Is the course diflicult to decide ? 'Tis what is vulgarly called » Hobson's choice." But if we are to have " direct engines," let us have them in a shape that offers compensation for their acknowledged disadvan- tage. If credit is to be given to the Messrs. Seaward for a reduction of one-eighth, or one-twelfth, or one-seventeenth, what amount of admiration is due to Maudslay, to Boulton and Watt, who, in the Devastation and Virago, have annihilated space to one-half that of the Gorgon engine I Could those gentlemen have stooped to such species of advertisement, with what propriety could they have pub- lished a pamphlet, and with all the "pomp and circumstance" of success, have said — 1st. "A great saving (nearly one-half) of the space usually occupied by the engine in the vessel." I now advert to the important subject of the weight of marine engines. Vulcan states " the assumed weight of the Gorgon's ma- chinery was 257 tons, and that it really weighed 298J tons." This has not been contradicted, and I presume it to be correct, as great care was taken ; Government appointed a special officer to see each portion weighed. Now I am fully aware of the difliculty in assuming weights of machinery, especially that of a new design, and do not think much of the Surveyor of the Navy's annoyance at finding some 40 tons more on board than he had displacement for ; but that is not the point of difference. It is, what proportion does this 2981 tons bear to the weight of a pair of beam engines of 320 horse power ? 1842.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 159 Much has been lately said concerning the preat weight, bad propor- tions, and large consumption of coal, of the Clyde engines ; with what truth, it is not now my intention to inquire, but their makers can bear it well, whfn they recollect, before they became of sufficient impor- tance to be considered as rivals, that the same charge was brought against Boulton and Watt. Mr. Pole, supposing Vulcan to be of " Bromielaw" origin, gives them a very sly hit. He says " Four pairs of 2bO horse power, nude in Scotland, exceeded the assumed weight by 60 tons each pair." If so, it only proves that they (the Scotch) sinned in a greater degree than the Canal Iron Works, in the exact proportion of 2S0 to GO, as 320 is to 40, nothing more. Are we to qualify our own errors, bv exaggerating those of others? No, no, the Gorgon engine is a Thames production : let us try it by its compeers. Here I must accuse Mr. Pole of a quibble. He throws aside all the machinery but the engine, as I observed before; as it regarded space, this is a perfectly fair comparison, but not so as it regards the weight. He has shown the engiie alone to have exceeded its estimate by two tons onlv. True; but engines are scarcely complete without paddle- wheels. To avoid any misunderstanding as to the shafts and other portions being put to debit or credit, let us take them both together, and we have — weight given, 145 tons ; real weight 1G3; a difference of 18 tons. Here lies the quibble: it must be evident, even to the unprofessional reader, that a saving in one portion of a ship's ma- chinery, if counteracted by increased vreight in another, is of small use in result, and that in comparisons of this sort, it is proper only to take the total weight complete. This I do! Vulcan states the Gorgon's weight to be 298| tons, and he has not been directly contradicted. In the table, p. 133, Mr. Pole puts it at 280 tons. Had we not better call upon Vulcan to produce his promised '■official" report upon this sub- ject? Apropos of tiiis very admission, that the Gorgon engine is 0'88 of a nominal horse per ton, and that beam engines are about l-O'J ton per horse per hour; the difference here is just 0'12, or less th^n one-eighth, and the pamphlet, see art. 2, promises a saving of 25 per cent., or one-fourth. May not the Messrs. Seaward say, "Save us from our friends V This last statement of Mr. Pole is in accordance with my own practice. I have now before me a list of 52 pairs of beam engines, made by an eminent firm, averaging from 300 down to 40 horses col- lectively. The smaller power, say to 2, 60 horse, certainly are not more than "9 of a ton per horse, not being encumbered with coal boxes, a rather formidable affair in very large vessels. The larger powers generally having this additional weight average one ton per horse : in one or two cases this was exceeded, in others not reached, depending on the depth of the vessel, and other data not necessary to be enume- rated. And these weights include engines, paddle-wheels, boiler and apparatus, coal boxes, water, duplicates, and tools, &c. — in fact, complete for service. M. Pole states the weight of the Monarch's engines (the Nile's were exactly similar,) at 270 tons. I take this for granted, as I am not able to obtain anv corroboration. Now I have already shown, by reference to Tredgold, that these engines may be increased to 320 horses, without increase in space, and by the substitution of a single cylinder G7 inches in diameter for a double or jacketed one 551 inches in diameter, without any material increase in weight. Taking a beam engine at one ton per horse, we have, 320 tons— 270=50 tons surplus, to be expended in strengthening the working parts if necessary, and in increasing the boiler to the required power. I have shown the Medea may be increased to 320 in like manner. Her weight is 240 tons, and 320 — 240;=80 tons surplus for purposes above stated. I have no hesitation in saying it is very ample, and that an engine 5 ft. 6 in. stroke, as sketched by V^ulcan, could be constructed to weigh no more than 300 tons.* The last item is the consumption of fuel. I admire Mr. Pole's wit more than his judgment, in bringing a heavy charge against Vulcan — that of "gratuitous fabrication." He should have been careful of his facts here, as it vitiates a somewhat well-written paper. Vulcan not only speaks of the pamphlet, but also "some of the published state- ments and assumed facts ;" see his second paragraph, certainly a very temperate one. If it can be shown that the Messrs. Seaward have published the fact, thai their engines require 6J lb. only per horse per hour, I apprehend Vulcan's error in having quoted it/;om the pamplet instead of from other papers, will be considered venial. This I will do. I have now before me, (and they are sent for your inspection) five publications, hand-bills, call them what you will, the three first extoll- ing "Mr. Samuel Seaward's patent expansion slide valves and salt detector," the fourth a lithograph copy of letters from the commander * Would Mr. Alexander Gordon favour us with the weigbt of the Don Juan's engines ?, and engineer of the Gorgon, detailing her wonderful and unequalled performances on the north coast of Spain, and the last is a sort of compendium of the foregoing, as well as a species of "olla padrida" of the productions of the Canal Iron Works. It is an extensive afFiir, epistolary in its form, and therefore certainly not intended for private circulation, so that I commit no breach of good manners in bringing it before you. In this last production it is worthy of note, that the claim of "saving in weight" is reduced from one-fourth to one-fifth — an improvement in the right direction, most surely. And the 4th article says "a great saving in the consumption of fuel" ; and, further on, (I copy the whole paragraph,) " we guarantee that the consumption of fuel in our marine engines, constructed upon our improved system (that is, the Gorgon engines, for nothing else is hinted at,) shall be under six pounds of good coal per horse per hour, tlie engines working at their full efficient force, with the steam passage open at least four-fifth of the entire stroke of the piston." Mr. Pole takes a coraraon-sense view of the question, when ob- serving there is nothing in the "direct system" alone which could produce a saving in coals. But the claim of under st.v pounds is stag- gering in any kind of engine, and being placed alongside other matter of an apocrvphal nature, demands notice. If the saving is not in the engine, it may be in the boiler, or probably in the felt or jacketing. Let us give credit where it is due. If there is any irrelevancy in the introduction of this "fuel question," it cannot be asi-ribed to Vulcan, but to the proprietors of the Canal Iron Works, wdio, in vending their Gorgon engine, have claimed for it properties which it does not possess. Is the saving in the boiler? Has it, from its scientific proportions and construction, greater evapo- rating powers than those of other manufacturers? To this I answer, no, so far as my experience and practice will al'iow me to discover. I do not sav thev are copied therefrom, but they have the same arrange- ment of flue as those made by Maudslay some years previously or the Dee, Messenger, Phoenix, Salamander, &c., and I should say were capable of evaporating at atmospheric pressure about 15 cubic feet of water with a cwt. of good coal, that is. about SI lb. of water with a pound of coal. The grate surface is small, being HiS-,) square feet, a little more than half a foot per horse, say 0-52, and I make the total surface (not taking the bottoms of flues) to be about 33SS square feet, or 10-G per horse. Vour professional readers will see nothing very new in all this; and if the facts are disputed, I am prepared to spnd you authenticated drawings, not only of the boilers of the Gorgon, but those of the Dee and Messenger, that they and you may draw their own inferences. The clothing onlv remains. I do not know of any experimental know- ledge on this head on which we can rely, to show the ratio of saving by its adoption, but hope at a future time to lay such before you. ' The Messrs. Seaward, in the aforesaid " olla podrida," say "The great saving we are enabled to make in the consumption of fuel we accomplish in part by our new mode of clothing or jacketing the boilers, cylinders, &c." " Our new mode" 1 What is it, and in what does it ditfer from that which has been adopted by other engineers for years before the Seawardian era? Surely all credit on this head is due to "Watt," who was, of all others, the most forward in recommendirg this plan. True, he used sawdust, and found it to answer excellently as a non-conductor. I am old enough to remember that, so far back as 1817, felting the boiler was adopted. Some of your readers probably recollect seeing in the autumn of that year a small vessel called the "Caledonia," which was purchased by the prestnt Mr. Watt, and in which he placed a pair of 14 horse engines, and sub- sequently ascended the Rhine as far ar Coblenz, to show the natives what steam could do. The boiler of this vessel was felted, aye, and carried out to a great extent. The front of it was covered with block tin. I cannot tell the amount of saving in coal, but the comfort of the officers and crew was materially increased. It is unnecessary to follow this subject further, to show the antiquity of the practice of "clothing." I therefore humbly submit that the words "our new- mode" should be expunged from this advertisement, or that the Messrs. Seaward explain unto us on what grounds they put it forth. I cannot omit to notice that which follows the foregiiiiig quotation. Speaking of the reduced consumption, they say we are enabled "more particularly to accomplish this bv a most valuable improvement, for which we have letters patent," tliat is, "causing the spent steam from the cylinder, before it enters the condenser, to pass through and give out its heat to the feed water." This I conceive to be as scientific an improvement as could well be devised, and give the Messrs. Seaward great credit for the same. But taking all the claimed novelties and improvements detailed in the five publications, together with those in the pamphlet, 1 cannot see any reason to conclude that they would produce so low a cou- 160 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Mat, sumption as under six pounds. The onus lies with the Messrs. Sea- ward, to prove this upon scientific and practical data ; and until they do so, I must conclude, with Vulcan, that they have been carried away by enthusiasm. The following data and dimensions on which the Gorgon was con- structed, may be relied on : — Dimensions. ft. in. Length between perpendiculars . . . 178 0 Keel for tonnage 152 3 Moulded breadth 36 4 Extreme ditto 37 6 Depth in hold 23 0 Tonnage ] 108. Data. 25 tons. . 50 " Weight of masts and rigging Anchors and chain 1000 men Engines and water Coals Hull Provisions and stores Total . 133 270 300 630 78 1486 Displacement at load line . . , 1412 tons. Load line 12 tons to an inch immersion. I give you this, that I may put a few questions to Mr. Pole. He says "the speed of the Gorgon's engines, with 400 tons of coal, is 19 strokes per minute ; with 200 tons, 21 strokes per minute." One or the other appears incorrect; thus 420— 200=220 tons difference. The Gorgon at her load line is 12 tons per inch ; we have -^"=18i inches decreased draught, with the 200 tons on board. It w'ould be more than this, for at 18 inches below her load line, she is probably not more than lOi or 11 tons per inch. But say 18 inches ; does Mr. Pole assert that the paddle wheel (26 feet 10 inches working diameter by 7 feet 2 inches long,) relieved of IS inches dip, would only make a difference of tno strokes in the engines ? Again, with reference to the Styx, he says "she had 260 tons of coal on board, and went 21 strokes." Where did she get them ? I allude to experiment, Gth May, 1S41 (see, as referred by you, p. 210, vol. iv.), on which occasion she started horn the Canal Iron Works; and I believe the Government are not in the habit of sending coals to their ships away from the dockyards, especially so large a quantity as 260 tons. With regard to the speed of the engines, you. Sir, setttle that— it was 17 strokes; so we must have these questions answered before we finally convict Vulcan of falsehood. By the bye, allow me to lecture yourself for two very important errors in the paragraph p. 210, vol. iv. First, you sav the Styx's en- gines are 560 horse power, cylinder 62 inches, 5 feet' 3 inches stroke. According to iMr. Watt, this gives 1-10 horses each engine, or 280 only for both. Secondly, you say the Styx is fitted with Mr. Seaward's patent engines. This controversy has already shown there is nothing of the sort. There are other points which I would wish to go into, especially relating to the evaporative power of the boilers, and their incapability of producing steam equal to the supply of cylinders of 66-inch diameter, 5 feet 6 inches stroke, and 20 strokes per minute, at a cojitumptwn of " under six pounds" .- but fear I have already transgressed too much on your space ; I therefore reserve this for a future communication. I refer to the statement of Vulcan that one-third of the power is absorbed by the friction of the piston rod, merely to say that I do not understand it. Verily it appears in its present shape to be nonsense, and IS either a misprint, or error in expression. Let Vulcan explain ; and perhaps iu the mean time Mr. Pole will give us his version of the subject. 1 have heard, and I have read, not only in the Journat, but in a talented Glasgow contemporary, "dark and mysterious hints" of collusion between public officers and private establishments. How far this is correct I am not prepared to say, but hope, for the honour of the profession, that it is not true. However, it behoves the principals of all our large establishments to come forward, and remove this aspersion upon their honour. " Competition" is a glorious thing for the advancement of both theoretical and practical science; let us have it to repletion, but let that competition be fair and honest. Possessing, I am proud to say, a somewhat extensive acquaintance among the members of the profession, I am sure there is not one but would em- phatically agree with me in this sentiment; but I am sure they will eqnally "grieve " with me at the following:— The Mechanic's Mag., (No. 974J, has a continuation of the olla podrida species of advertise- ment. It states " the Admiralty have given instructions to build a large frigate, the Penelope, of 650 horse-power — that it is the propo- sition of Mr. John Edye, and that the commission for building the en- gines has been given to the inventors of the Gorgon plan, the Messrs. Seaward and Co." Those who know Mr. Edye are well aware that his talents and ac- complishments are great and various, and that the natural modesty of his disposition, added to the dignity of his official situation, would not allow him willingly to have his name thus brought forward for others' uses. But has the executive of the Admiralty acted with their usual fairness in this case ? They have given unto the Messrs. Seaward this large order to the amount of perhaps £25,000, lotthout consulting any otiier establishment — is this fair or honest? Is it a proper compliment to the profession generally, when it is known that others have improved upon what is termed the Gorgon engine even to a moiety, as it regards space. To what are we to ascribe this par- tiality ? is a question I decline to answer. I am. Sir, Your's very truly, London, 12th jipril, 1842. " Perseus. Sir — I should not again have troubled your readers with any further remarks on " Direct and Beam Action Engines," had not an article appeared in your April number under the signature of Wm. Pole, in which an investigation of the relative amounts of friction in the two descriptions of engines is imperiously and confidently demanded. I am glad of the opportunity thus afforded me of correcting an am- biguity in one of the sentences upon that subject, which unfortunately escaped my notice until it appeared in print in your January number. It might, indeed, seem that I had wished to convey the impression that the friction on the parallel motion of the Gorgon engine equalled one-third of the power exerted — but far was it from my intention to express so palpable an absurdity : when comparing the amount of friction upon the parallel motion in the beam and direct engine, 1 might well call it relatively enormous in the latter case, " upon those parts the strain on nhich, caused by the short connecting rod, is so great as to equal one-third of the power of the engine passing through them to compel the piston rod to move in a vertical line " ; the un- certainty as to my meaning arising from the accidental omission of the words "the strain on which," 1 much regret, as it has caused me thus in explanation to trespass on your valuable space, and gave your correspondent an opportunity which, in his desperation, he seized upon with avidity, of proclaiming a transient triumph. That the lateral strain does amount to one-third of the power exerted is simply shown : Let a be the angle which the connecting rod makes with the ver- tical, and let P represent the effective force on the piston ; then, P secant a =: strain along the connecting rod, P tangent a = the horizontal thrust; and when the connecting rod is three times the length of the crank, the greatest value of a = 19" 28', in which case the lateral thrust equals P 3534; this pressure has to be sustained by the parallel motion or guides whichever may be adopted, and in practice causes great wear and tear on those parts, nor has any combination been found effectually to resist the strain for a length of time. Having already far exceeded the limits between which I had hoped to have confined my remarks, I shall defer, for the present, making any allusion to the subtleties and the assumed knowledge of facts with which Wm. Pole has filled his communication, but shall not fail to do so on an early occasion, unless, indeed, some of your readers, with a readier pen and more time at their disposal than I have, should be roused by indignation to expose the fallacies with which that paper abounds. Sir, I am, London, 19M April. Yours, obediently, Vulcan. Inlaid Marbles. — A beautiful mode of ornamenting marbles has recently been brought into use in Paris. It consists in etching, by acids, deeply into the marble, various designs upon a properly prepared bituminous ground. When the corrosion has gone sufficiently deep, the cavities are filled up with hard coloured wax, prepared so as to take a polish equal to that of the marble when cleaned off. Drawings thus made on black marble, and filled in with scarlet wax, after the manner of Etruscan, and certain Egyptian designs, are said to have a very noble effect, and are applied to tables, panelling, stoves. &c. — Repertory of Patent Inventions. i842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 161 ON FRESCO PAINTING. BY JOSEPH SEVERN, OF ROME. (Read iefore the Itoyal Institute of British Architects, on Monday, March 14, 1842.* I CONFESS myself almost an enthusiast on the subject of fresco painting having had the singular happiness to pass half my life in Italy in the midst of the finest fresco worlcts of gravity on all planes which depart from a horizontal line, the velocity of the train depending on the evaporating power of the boiler. But m the stationary system the engine winds (upon a roller, or over a sheave or wheel) a rojie supported by puUies, placed at regular distances along the road, and to which rope the train is attached. Mr. Vignoles stated that the student may refer with confidence for every information on this subject, to Mr. Wood's Treatise on Railways, and commented on the extracts he made from that work. Atmospheric Railway. — There is also another mode of applying the station- ary engine to the purposes of locomotion, by producing through an air pump a partial vacuum in a pipe, thus making atmospheric pressure the moving power ; and it may be interesting to state, that the scientific men who were appointed by the railway department of the Board of Trade to inquire into the .system of the Atmospheric Railway, had fully recognised that principle, and concurred in considering that the experiment contemplated upon the Dublin and Kingstow n Railway extension, and recommended by the directors to the proprietors, as applicable for illustrating the principle on a large scale. On the atmospheric railway the diameter of the pipe or tube regulates the load, but the velocity depends almost entirely upon the diameter of the air pump that exhausts the pipe, the rule being that the area of the air pump must be made as many times greater than the area of the pipe, as the velocity of the train is to exceed that of the piston of the air pump. Thus, if the piston of the air pump be supposed to move at a rate of three miles an hour, and it be required to move a train at a velocity of thirty miles an hour, the area of the air pump must be made ten times the area of the pipe ; the diameter will, of course, be deduced from that area. Now, it appears that the most economical pressure in the pipe (which is what engineers must chiefly look to.) is about 7 lb. to the square inch, or rather less than half a vacuum ; therefore, this may be taken as the constant of the atmospheric pressure ; and if we multiply this constant by the area of the travelling piston in inches, we shall obtain the efl'ective pressure upon that piston, which, as it regulates the load, may be said to correspond to the adhesive power in the locomotive engine, but which, unlike that power in the locomotive, will be undiminished on inclined planes. Again, if we divide this power by the friction (which was before taken at 9 lb. to the ton), we shall obtain the number of tons which the piston, acted on by the atmospheric pressure, is capable of propelling. Thus, supposing we have a pipe of 14 inches diameter, if we multiply the area of this pipe by 7 lb., we shall find the effective pres- sure equal to 1078 lb., which, divided by the friction, 91b., will give about 120 tons — the weight which can be propelled by means of a pipe of that diameter ; and if the piston of the air pump move at the rate of three miles an hour, and Its area equal to seven times that of the pipe, the load will be moved with a velocity of twenty-one miles an hour, and it may be demonstrated that, on ascending anil descending planes, the speed, although increased or diminished at first, will soon become uniform. Of course, upon the diameter of the air pump will depend the power of the engine which is to work it. The calculations in this case will be similar to those for an engine required to work ropes — in the one case it being required to find what is wanted lo over- come the resistance and friction from ropes, pullies, &c., and in the l.^tter to find the power to work the air pump, and exhaust the air from the tube at any required velocity. Inclined Planes, — The Professor then recurred to the eftect of trains descend- ing inchned planes. Mr. Navier (in his work, translated by Mr. M'Neill, which he mentioned as a text book on the comparison of different lines of rail- way) differed somewhat from the propositions he had laid down: it was therein stated, and Professor Barlow concurred in the statement, that an engine and train did not gain any advantage in descending planes steeper than a certain inclination which they have put as the angle of repose. Now, in practice, Mr. Vignoles did not find it so, but, on the contrary, daily experience proved that, as far as inclinations of sixty feet in a mile, the trains may, under almost all circumstances, have the full benefit of gravity in the descent. Professor Barlow has laid down, in several important works, which from their high standing, will have a material influence upon the public mind, that though additional power be required to surmount steep inclinations, yet, so far from gaining a corresponding advantage in the descent, there will result rather an injurious efiect from the necessity of applying the break. Now, it has been already mentioned, and experiments have been repeatedly made by Mr. Wood, Dr. Lardner, and others, showing that, when engines descend long inclined planes, such as those on the Croydon Railway, the application 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 167 of ihe break is seUom necessary, tlie speed that would be due to the accele- rating force of gravity, being" reduced by the resistance of the atmosphere, until it settles down to a uniform and safe velocity. It is evident, therefore, that there is a great deal yet to learn on this subject, «hen we find authority and practice difl'ering so materially. Mr. Vignoles observed, in conclusion, that, as the laying out of the lines of railway ought to be strictly regulated by the power to be used for locomotion, as well .as of the load of each train, and the nature of the traflic, it becomes interesting to consider these principles in respect of the extension of the railway system in this and in other coun- tries ; for, looking at the enormous outlay hitherto incurred, lines through remote districts would not be undertaken, unless the first cost of railways, and the annual expense of working and maintaining them, were reduced to a minimum. PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Feb. 1. — The President in the Chair. " A memoir of Captain Huddari." By William Cotton, F.R.S., &c. This memoir is intended by the author chiefly to supply some additional facts which are omitted in the account which was published by his son soon after the decease of this distinguished man, whose " great powers of mind, indefatigable industry, and high principles, raised him to a most honourable position in the rank of men of science." Joseph Huddart was born at Allonby, in Cumberland, the 11th January, 1740. llis father was a shoe- maker and farmer, and had also a small interest in a herring fishery. Young Huddart was placed under the tuition of Mr. Wilson, the clergjman of the village, and from his son, who had been at Glasgow, he acquired some know- ledge of mathematics and astronomy. He early displayed much ingenuity in the construction of models of vessels and of machinery ; and while herd- ing his father's cattle, he was occupied in mathematical reading, drawing, and calculations. His determination to adopt a seafaring life was opposed by his friends ; and it was not until he was called upon to take his share of the duties on board the herring-fishing boats, that his father was reconciled to his becoming a sailor. At this period, during the hours of rest after his labours, he was engaged in making nautical observations, and laid the foun- dation for the chart of St. George's Channel, which was laid down by him, and published by his friend, Mr. Laurie, and still is the best chart of that locality. On the death of his father, in 1762, he took the command of a sloop which was employed in carrying salt herrings to Ireland. He then constructed a brig according to a model of his own, every timber being moulded by his own hands. In this vessel he traded for some years to Ame- rica; until, in 1771, he was induced by Sir Richard Hotham (who had dis- covered and appreciated his judgment and knowledge) to leave the brig and engage in the East India mercantile marine. " In this extensive field of use- fulness, Huddart evinced the superiority of his talents and his inflexible in- tegrity ; " and his example as a commander was generally followed. While in the Indian service his attention was drawn to the defects in the usual manufacture of cordage, and led to the improvements which he afterwards so successfully accomplished. He subsequently took a prominent part in the direction of affairs at the Trinity House, the Ramsgate Harbour Trust, and the London and East India Docks, where the valuable advice given by him was properly appreciated, as it was also by the civil engineer, with whom he ■was called upon so frequently to co-operate. The memoir then relates many interesting anecdotes of his private life, illustrative of his general scientific acquirements, and of his amiable disposition. It then details, at considerable length, his experiments for the determination of the lines for ships, which, consistent with stabihty, and what might be required for stowage of cargo, would give the greatest velocity through the water. The author enters fully into the account of lluddart's inventions and improvements in rojie ma- chinery, which he raised to such a pitch of perfection. This machinery, which is now transferred to the Royal Dock Yards, has already been before brought under the notice of the Institution by Mr. Cotton and by Messrs. Dempsey and Birch, in communications for which prizes were awarded. The general introduction of chain cables rendered this machinery less useful, but could not take from its original merit ; and, in its present position, it will long remain a monument of Captain Huddart's perseverance, mechanical skill, and scientific knowledge. Remarks. — Sir James South thought that Captain Huddart's scientific attainments as an astronomer had not received their due meed of praise in the memoir ; but more especially, that the equatorial instrument, which he was now fortunate enough to have in his possession, should have been alluded to more particularly. That instrument was constructed by Messrs. Luke Howard &: Co., of Old-street, from the designs and under the daily superintendence of Huddart. The greatest part of the instrument was put together with his own hands, and the result of this combination of skill and attention was, that, up to the present tirr.e, the instrument had been une- qualled ; in fact, he must be permitted to say, that he considered it perfect. It had been used for all kinds of observations — transit, declination, and equa- torial ; and, in all, with equal satisfaction to the astronomer. With it Mr. Herschel had made many of his obser%'ations, and always expressed himself in the highest terms of it. It had been examined by most of the eminent constructors of instruments, as well as many civil engineers, who all enter- tained the same opinion of its perfection ; and, after a minute inspection, one constructor observed, " Here is the best system of edge-bars and bracing I ever saw, and my opinion of the instrument is, that it is perfect in every part." Sir James then related several anecdotes of Huddart's habits of ob- servation. On one occasion, being ordered to sail from Madras at a certain time, he delayed his departure, because he observed a sudden fall of nearly three-quarters of an inch in the mercury of the barometer. The residt of this disobedience of orders (for which he incurred momentarj' censure,) was, that his vessel alone of all the convoy escaped destiuction. The President believed that Captain Huddart was the first to mark out the direct course to China, which was so generally followed at present. He was also the first observer who took a transit instrument out there with him, to determine the rate of the chronometer. It was particularly worthy of notice, that the equatorial instrument and the rope machinery, both which had been designed by and executed under the directions of a self-educated man, desti- tute of the means of acquiring instruction either in astronomy or mechanics, had both been, up to the present time, unequalled either in conception or in the perfection of their execution. Huddart was the constant coadjutor of civil engineers ; he assisted the late Mr. Rennie in many of his surveys of harbours, and on those occasions had always the command of the vessel, even if he participated in the actual operations of the survey. Whether Huddart was viewed as a sailor, boldly striking out for himself a new track to his des- tination ; as a ship-builder constructing a vessel in order to avoid the defects which he observed in the ordinary class of ships ; as a hydrographer, dis- plajing in his chart of the St. George's Channel those powers of observation and of reasoning which made him an astronomer ; as a constructor of the equatorial instrument, which had been so justly commended ; or as a me- chanic, designing and constnicting one of the most beautiful pieces of ma- chinery on record — he appeared equally great. The Institution was much indebted to Mr. Cotton for this Memoir of Captain Huddart, whose name would be always venerated by every member of the profession of civil en- gineering. Mr. Thornthwaite must in justice correct a misapprehension relative to the laying machine for the cable ; the idea of that machine originated with the Rev. Edmund Cartwright, who had projected more improvements in cotton machinery than any person, except Arkwright. The machine was materially modified by Captain Huddart, and to him must be given all the credit for the perfection of its proportions, and its careful construction, which had enabled a machine weighing 20 tons, and revolving rapidly upon one vertical spindle, to work for a number of years without costing 5/. for repairs. The register, which preceded the laying machine several years, was entirely Hud- dart's invention, and was the origin of his improvements in rope machines. Feb. 8. — The President in the Chair. " Description of the Port of London, and of the Works at the London Docks." By Robert Richardson, Grad. Inst. C.E. In this communication the author examines the state of the Port of Lon- don, when the accommodation for landing and bonding foreign produce, was almost entirely limited to a single spot, called the " Legal Quay," which was only about 1,400 feet in length, extending downwards from London Bridge, afl'ording no greater facilities for commerce in the beginning of the nineteenth century than in the year ICGO, when this quay was appointed. This state of things continued until the year 1773, when Mr. J. Sharp suggested the formation of floating docks. In the year 1800, the West India Docks were commenced ; in the year following the London Docks were projected, and in the year 1805 the East India docks were commenced. For all these under- takings, Mr. Ralph Walker was appointed engineer, having Mr. Wilham Jes- sop associated with him for the West India Docks. The paper enters fully into the bad state of the navigation of tlie river, owing to defective manage- ment and other causes ; gives a table showing the progressive increase of tonnage and number of ships from the beginning to the close of the last century ; mentions the various plans of Dodd, Spence, Reveley, and others, for diverting the channel of the river for the formation of more extensive docks, near the Isle of Dogs ; and then proceeds to detail minutely the origin and progress of the London Docks, giving the dimensions and mode of con- struction of the principal works connecting the Eastern Docks with the Thames, which were constructed under the superintendence of Mr. H. R. Palmer, to whom the author has been indebted for much of the information contained in the paper. The communication is accompanied by fifteen drawings, showing the details of construction of the locks and gates, bridges, quays, embankments, &c. " Description of the Ponte delta Maddelina, over the River Serchio, near Lucca." By Richard Townshend, Assoc. Inst. C. E. The bridge described in this communiration, is situated about half-way between the town and the baths of Lucca, in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany ; It was built by Castracani, in the year 1317, on the site of one which had been constructed by order of the Countess Matihla, eariy in the twelfth cen- tury, and subsequently destroyed ; it is believed that a Roman bridge for- merly existed on the same spot. The present bridge is of grey limestone of the country. The large arch of 120 ft. 6 in. span, is of a semicircular form, 168 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Mat, and springs directly from the rocky bed of the river, without any prepared foundation. The smaller arches are of various spans, 46 ft. 10 in., 33 ft., 28 ft., and 7 ft. 6 in. The style of construction is somewhat similar to that of the Pont-y-prydd, over the Taff, in South Wales. An engraving of the bridge accompanied the paper. " Description of the Mill, Forge, and Furnaces of a Welsh Iron Jl'orlt." By Thomas Girdwood Ilardie, Assoc. Inst. C. E. The author commences by describing the general plan of an iron work, consisting of six blast furnaces, four double-fire refineries, and a forge and mill, capable of converting into bar irjn the produce of the sLt blast fur- , naces. lie then enters very fully into certain alterations of the interior shape of the blast furnaces introduced by him at the Blaenavon works, from which have resulted au economy of fuel, regularity of work, and an improved quality of iron. The principal alterations appear to be, making the interior diameter greater above that at the boches, and establishing a proper ratio between the diameter of the boches and that of tlie charging place, and pro- portioning both to the height of the furnace. The opinions are supported by calculations of the quantity of blast used in smelting given quantities of ore, and the eflfect which the form of t!ie fnrnaces must have in directing the current of the blast through the materials, by which also the point of fusion would be necessarily atFected, and the chemical combinations varied. The particulars are then given of the construction of the furnaces at Blaenavon, and the details of the blowing engines, blast mains, regulators, valves, &c., with calculations of the quantity of blast used in the various processes of the manufacture. The construction of the casting houses, with the mode of ventilating by the iron roof, is detailed. The general arrangements of the balance pits, coke yards, mine kilns, and bridge houses, are shown, and the author proceeds to describe the forge and mill, which have 35 puddling fur- naces, with hammers, shears, rolls, and heating furnaces in proportion. He then condemns the usual practice of leaving the coupling boxes loose upon the spindles, as hable to break the rolls, shafts, or machinery, and gives the theoretical and practical reasonings for preferring fixed couplings. The com- munication is illustrated by three drawings, showing all the details of con- struction of the iron works. Remarks. — Mr. Lowe believed that there was an incorrectness in the statement of the iron, after being freed from its oxygen by the heat of the furnace, taking up a dose of carbon from the coke, thus becoming a carbtu'et of iron, which is a fusible compound, and as such fell melted into the hearth. On the contrary, he thought that the iron was combined with carbon in the ore, and that there was not any necessity for the medium of the fuel to charge it with carbon. Dr. Faraday, in reply to " \Vhy the ore required, or why the iron carried away, any of the carbon of the fuel ?" stated, that the ore being essentially a carbonate of iron, the first action of heat, either in the mine kilns or in the fiirnace, was to draw off the carbonic acid and leave an oxide of iron, and then the further action of the fuel (besides sustaining a high temperature,) was to abstract the oxygen of the oxide, and so to reduce the iron to the me- tallic state, after which a still farther portion of the carbon of the fuel com- bined with the iron, bringing it into the state of easily fusible or pig-iron. As carbon may be communicated to the iron in two ways, distinct in their nature, either by contact with solid carbon, as in the process of cementation (that by which steel is commonly converted), or from the carbonated gases, either carburetted hydrogen, or carbonic acid, which occupy nearly every part of the air-way of the furnace, it would be desirable to distinguish, as far as may be in any furnace having a particular form or action, what pro- portion of the whole effect is due to the one mode of carbonization or the other. Mr. Wallace stated that the ore was a carbonate of iron, or a protoxide of iron and carbonic acid united, and not a carburet of iron (or iron and carbon simply), as was generally believed. In smelting, the carbonic acid was driven off, the simple oxide remaining ; the oxygen of which, being carried off by the heat, left the pure iron, which, combining with the carbon of the coke, formed a fusible carburet of iron, or the pig-iron of commerce. Mr. John Taylor observed that his brother, Mr. Philip Taylor, being sen- sible of the advantages to be expected from the use of anthracite in smelting iron, made a series of experiments several years ago, from which he derived the opinion that the carbon absorbed by the metal, and which is necessary to produce it in the shape of pig iron, must be presented in a gaseous state to the mass in fusion ; and as anthracite did not afford a sufhcient supply of coal gas during combustion to produce the proper effect, he proposed to adopt a very ingenious method, by which this gas would have been thrown into the furnace in such proportions as might be found necessary, mixed with the common air employed as the blast. Circumstances interrupted the course of these experiments, or it is possible that the use of anthracite for this important application might have taken place at a much earlier period than it has happened to do. Fell. 15. — The President in the Chair. " Veicription of Chelson Meadow Sluice." Inst. C. E. By Theodore Budd, Grad. The sluice which is described in this communication was erected from the designs of Mr. Rendel, for the Chelson Marshes in Devonshire, which, being very low, had previously suffered much from floods, but now are entirely relieved. The novelty in the construction consists in hanging each of the doors respectively by two hinged flat bars of iro.,, of 18 ft. 6 in., and 15 ft. 3 in. in length, and thus, by placing the centre of motion so high above the centre of gravity of the doors, give greater freedom of action than bv the modes usually adopted in similar works. The dimensions of all the parts, and the method of construction, are given in great detail, and arc illustrated by a drawing. Remarks. — Mr. Rendel explained that the sluice doors which had been superseded by those described by Mr. Budd, were of the ordinary description, placed side by side. They were frequently hinge-bound and clogged up ; which caused the land to be flooded sometimes for three months during the year ; the hinges were attached in the usual manner to the frames, close at the head of the doors, and they required a pressure of at least 6 inches of water to act upon them either way. He considered the principal advantages of these doors to consist in the freedom of action given by the length of the bar hinges by which they were suspended, their giving the full extent of opening, and the pressure of one inch head of water sufficing either to open or close them. Mr. Prior inquired whether there was any similarity between these sluice- doors and that erected by the President near Blackfriars Bridge, at the bottom of Fleet Ditch, That door was so well hung as to be even acted upon by the wind ; and the slightest pressure of water sufficed to open or to close it. The President explained that the principle was not the same ; at the Fleet Ditch sluice double hinges were used, or rather hinges with a link betweea the part attached to the frame, and that which was screwed to the door ; — that form of hinge always acted freely, and allowed the doors to open witli a slight pressure. " On the mode practised in India for obtaining solid Foundations for Bridges, &;c., in sandy soils, by means of Wells." By Captain Goodwyn, B. E., Assoc. Inst. C. E. Piling for the foundation of buildings appears to be entirely unknown ia Hindostan ; the ordinary mode for securing a foundation, where the super- stratum is tenacious and rests upon loose sand, is to dig a well until water is reached ; a curb of timber is then placed, and upon if a cylinder of brick, 7 J feet exterior, and 3^ feet interior diameter, is built to the height of 3 or 4 feet above the ground. As soon as the masonry has hardened sufficiently, the well-sinker fixes a plumb-line to the top of the cylinder as a guide, and de- scends withinside, carrying an instrument called a " Phaora, or Mamooti," somewhat similar in shape to a hoe ; with this he excavates the earth until the water is too deep ; he then commences the use of the " Jham," which resembles the " Phaora" in shape, but is about 36 inches long and 27 inches wide, and is suspended to a cord passing over a pulley above the cylinder. Upon this instrument the well-sinker descends, and diving into the water ex- cavates with the " Jham" the soft earth under the sides of the curb, and is at intervals drawn up with the instrument. The cylinder descends gradually from 6 inches to 2^ feet per day, as the earth is withdrawn- from beneath it, and relays of workmen keep it constantly going, lest the sand should settle around it, and cause it to hang up. The natives are very expert in this oper- ation, and not unfrequently remain under water more than a minute at a time. The cylinders have been sunk as deep as 40 feet; but with extreme labour. A series of these wells being sunk at intervals of 1 foot between them, they are filled with a grouting of lime and rubble-stone, and separately arched over ; arches are then thrown transversely from the centre of each parallel pair, and another set of arches turned over the adjacent wells longitudinally; the whole is then covered with masonry, and the pier or other building raised upon it : such foundations are found to answer perfectly in situations where almost any other kind would be washed away. The communication was accompanied by a drawing of the process, and of the tools used, showing also the modification of the system proposed by Colonel Colvin, of the Bengal engineers, for obtaining foundations for a cur- tain, or line of viall, by sinking square masses of brickwork, with two or more wells in each, through which the workmen could excavate the soil. In answer to questions from the President, Captain Goodwyn observed that the greatest peculiarity of this system was that the sinker worked under water ; such had been their custom for ages. Upon this kind of foundation, many of the large fortresses in India were constructed, and they stood re- markably well ; whereas, if timber piles had been used, the white ant would have destroyed tliem in a short time. Lieutenant Sale observed that another main reason for not using piles was, that timber was scarce and dear, whereas labour was plentiful and cheap. Hence the general use of the brick cylinders. Mr. Parkes conceived the most ingenious parts of the proceeding to be, the sinking through the water, and thus avoiding the risk of bringing up large quantities of sand, and the combination of arches, for distributing the weight of the superstructure equally among the brick shafts. Such shafts had been used by the Chinese, and sunk in the same manner from time im- memorial. In answer to a question from the President, Mr. Simpson described the process now so much practised for sinking wells through bad strata liy means of cast-iron cylinders ; excavating the earth from within the cylinder by au instrument called a " miser," which is a conical iron shell with a valve open- ing inwards j it is suspended by iron rods 1^ inch square, and worked from the level of the ground without pumping up the water : it is not uncommon to excavate to a depth exceeding 100 feet in that manner. The " miser" can bring up a cubic yard of earth each time it is raised. Cast iron cylinders are 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 169 preferable to brick shafts, which frequently bang up, and in that case give much trouble, whereas if the iron cylinders do not descend freely, they will bear the application of considerable force to drive tliem down. They are frequently forced tlirough the indurated ferruginous gravel. Light planking is also sometimes used, particularly iu such cases as in the well he is now sinking at Chelsea, which is 20 feet square, lined throughout with 3-inch planking. It has reached the quick sand at a depth of 32 feet, and will be stopped there. Mr. Davisou had just completed a well at Messrs. Truman and Hanbury's brewery, with cast iron cylinders, 8 feet diameter, and 193 feet deep, an account of which be promised to present to the Institution. The President was now sinking a set of cast iron cylinders through sand which was liable to be washed away ; they were to be fiUeil with concrete and used as the foundation for a lighthouse at tlie Point of .Vir. An account of the construction was, he believed, preparing for the Institution. " All Hislorical Account of Capper Sheathing for Vessels." By J. J. AVilkinson. The two former papers by the same author,* treated of Wood and Lead Sheathing for Ships : the present communication gives in the introduction a general account of Copper as a metal ; the localities supplying it ; the uses to which it has been applied, from the earliest period to the present time; and the relative estimation in which copper of various countries is held on account of its degree of purity, its ductility, or its better preparation, in ■which latter particular British copper is stated to be pre-eminent. — An epitome is then given of a return to the House of Commons ; whence it appears that in 1832, into Swansea alone, there was imported 4350 cwts. of unwrought metal, and 410,604 cwts. of ore, and that there was exported during the same year, of British metal, 153,742 cwts., and foreign metal 112,830 cwts. Copper from Sweden is considered more malleable than that from Hungarj' ; but the former is not so good as British metal, as it contains a portion of iron. Copious extracts are made from " Knowles's Naval Architecture," whence is quoted the first recorded use of copper sheathing upon the " Alarm" frigate, in 1761; at that period it was believed that sea water had little action upon pure copper, and the rapid decav of the partial sheathing of cer- tain ships was attributed to the impurity of the metal. Experience showed, however, that pure copper, like that employed on the " Tartar," could be destroyed in the short space of four years, while the sheathing of the " Bata- via," an old Dutch man-of-war, and of the " Plymouth" yaclit, was perfect after 24 and 27 years' service; in both tlie latter there was an alloy of ji^th part of zinc. Much information is given on the rolling of copper sheets ; the dimensions ; the weight per square foot of different gauges, and the uses to which the various kinds are applied : as also on the quantities of metal used for sheath- ing. The " Xeptune," of 120 guns, was cased with 4738 sheets, weighing altogether 17 tons 19 cwts. The use of copper sheathing is to protect the wood from destruction by the worm, and to prevent the adhesion of weeds, barnacles, &c. which impede the sailing of the vessel. On the first introduction of copper, it was used in conjunction with iron bolts and other fastenings ; these soon oxidated, and serious accidents occurred. It was advised in consequence that all the bolts should be of copper or mixed metal. The attention of the Government was directed to the subject, and Sir Humphrey Davy was appointed to ex- periment upon specimens of metal of different qualities. He soon discovered that when two dissimilar metals are in contact and immersed in sea-water, a voltaic effect is produced which occasions a rapid corrosion of the more oxi- dable metal, while the other remains uninjured. In 1S24 Sir Humphrey Davy communicated to the Government that he had discovered a means of pre- venting the corrosion of the copper by rendering it electro-negative. This he proposed to effect by protectors of zinc, iron, or any other easdy oxidable metal : after a variety of experiments he determined that the protectors should consist of six bars of cast iron, whose united surface should be Tji^rth part of the area of the copper exposed to the action of the sea water : two of them were placed midsliips on the keel of the ship, two on the bows, and two on the stern about three feet under water. As far as the philosophical fact was concerned, the result was conclusive, as the copper suffered no waste. Inconveniences, however, arose which had not been foreseen : as tlie copper did not oxidate, its whole surface was speedily covered with barnacles and sea weeds, which collected in such quantities as to impede the sailing of the vessels, and adhered so fast that in removing them the copper was frequently torn away : the protectors were therefore abandoned, in 1826, for all vessels on service, but were still used for the ships lying up in harbour ; the bottoms of these became, however, so foul, that in 1828 the system was entirely abandoned. After the protectors had been for some months on the ships' bottoms, it was found that on the outer surface a red oxide was formed, and beneath it, for some depth, a sul)stance resembling plumbago ; this substance, having sulphate of iron for one of its constituents, when laid upon any inflammable body, caused spontaneous combustion : a similar result was obtained by Mr. F. Daniel in 1817, while experimenting upon cast iron, by solution in dilute muriatic acid. Protectors of various kinds have been tried in the French navy, and in the United States ; but generally with doubtful success. * Minutes of Proceedings, vol. 4, for 1841, pp. 318 and 35 A list of all the patents for copper and other sheathing, as well as means of preventing corrosion, &c., is then given at great length : the gradual progress of the application of copper sheathing, first to ships of the Royal Navy, then to Indiaracn, to Transports, and finally to Merchant Ships, is then traced. It appears that of the vessels which enter the Thames, one-fifth are sheathed with copper aud its alloys ; of vessels at Liverpool, eight-tenths are coppered. The precautions for preserving uncoppered vessels from the " Teredo navalis" are then described : and coal-tar pitch is mentioned as the most effective substitute for sheathing. Copper sheathing appears to be entirely neglected for vessels in the coal trade, although it is singular tliat the " Teredo" is found in every port to which coals are carried, south of the Tees ; in the Thames, as high up as Gravesend, and northward as far as Whitby ; traces of the ravages of the " Teredo navalis," and of the " Limnoria terebrans," have at various periods been found, from the north of Scotland and Ireland, on almost every coast to the Cape of Good Hope and Van Diemen's Land, in the Eastern hemis- phere : and in the Western hemisphere, from the river St. Lawrence to Staten Island near the Terra del Fuego, almost in the Polar Sea ; so that although this maritime scourge is rifest in warm climates, yet cold latitudes are not exempt from it. Remarks. — Mr. Lowe was pleased to find th.it the use of coal-tar pitch for shipping was advantageously mentioned : he was convinced tliat it would be found very superior to vegetable pitch : he had seen comparative experiments tried on board an India ship, and the result was, that the timber which had becu coated with the former was preserved both from the worm and from decay, while that which was covered with the latter had sufi'ered from both. He attributed the preservative quality of the coal-tar pitch to the quantity of sulpho-cyanic, or sulpho-prussic acid, which it contained. Mr. Home had used coal-tar extensively on wood, but found that it pro- duced decay, which he attributed to the ammonia contained iu it. Lieutenant Oldfield alluded to Renwick's patent, for saturating timber with coal-oil : he had seen specimens of piles at New York, which, when prepared by Renwick's process, perfectly resisted the attacks of the '■ Teredo navalis," in the same situations where " kyanized piles" had been entirely destroyed. Mr. Bethell confirmed Lieutenant Oldfield's statement. Coal-oil was a powerful preservative when properly prepared and applied : he objected to the use of ammonia in any shape, as it rotted timber very fast. In experi- ments he had made, previously to taking out his patent for preparing timber with coal-oil, he observed that wood coated with common coal-tar soon turned brown, and decay ensued : ammonia produced the same appearance and effect. If any vegetable fibrous substance, such as peat, was sprinkled with ammonia, it speedily rotted, and became a rich black earth. In the Jlediterranean, the native ship owners used nothing hut coal-tar pitch for their vessels ; they were cleaned and well tarred twice a year, and the worm seldom made any ravages, although unprepared timber in those latitudes was destroyed in a very short time. The refined coal-tar, as manufactured in London, is purified from ammonia by distillation, and found an excellent coating for wood. The oil of tar, used in Mr. Bethell's process, is likewise purified from ammonia. Mr. Parkes conceived that diluted ammonia must be meant as recommended for agricultural purposes, and not the ammouiacal liquor as it came from the gas-works ; the former, when used with discretion, properly diluted, and to certain soils, was an active stimulant in cultivation, but the latter contained matter which was very prejudicial. .Mr. Bethell observed that ammoniacal liquor, when diluted with three parts of water, had been found to succeed perfectly with peaty soils. Nearly all the sal ammoniac of commerce is now made from the ammoniacal liquor from gas-works. Mr. Hawkins remarked, that it could he readily understood that the pro- portion of ammonia used would regulate the effect to be produced ; as in the case of gypsum, of which two bushels per acre was a good manure; but in some places fifteen or twenty bushels per acre had been tried, and of course a complete failure had ensued. Mr. Parkes replied, tliat gypsum was commonly used in Yorkshire, and habit had dictated the proportions so well that it seemed to be the best manure the farmers possessed there. -Mr. Taylor recalled the conversation to the subject of the Paper on Copper Sheathing ; from which many curious facts might be drawn. The ancient specimens of copper sheets had endured longer than the modern : the former contained an alloy of irio*'' P^'''' °^ ''""^' The " Muntz" metal, which is now being extensively used, contains alloy of the same material, but in a larger proportion. The inequality of manufactured copper ha', 1812. We should be glad to know for what class of readers Mr. Hohlyn's book is designed. The professional engineer can hardly be supposed to be edified by an omnium ijatJienmi of the most trite and superficial remarks on steam of the last half century, and the general reader has nothing further to desire after the admirable popular treatise on the steam engine by Dr. Lardner. There is no redeeming quality about Mr. Hoblyn's book. He does not treat of any new branch of inquiry connected with the steam engine, nor of any new application of steam power. He has adduced no new facts, suppMed no new investigations ; he has neither shortened nor simplified any pre-existing analysis, nor stated more felicitously the nature of any particular movement, agency, or combination. The only thing he has succeeded in showing is, that a man may set up for an instructor without any tolerable acquaintance with the subject he professes to teach. A popular treatise upon the steam engine is a complete superfluity, unless its merits be transcendant. Medio- crity is unpardonable where great excellence has already been attained ; and Dr. Lardner's treatise is a standard which it is fatal to come short of, and hardly possible to surpass. An Account of Patent and other Methods of Preventing or Conmming Smoke, lyc. By William West, Professional Chemist, Leeds. This pamphlet is a collection of various schemes for consuming or pre- venting smoke, as promulgated by the several projectors at a pubhc meeting held at Leeds in January last. It is difticult from such a heterogenous mass of materials to analyse them without entering into the merits or demerits of each, which would occupy the whole of our Journal for the next three nioatlis, we therefore refer our readers to Mr. West's pamphlet, and let them judge for tliemselves; however, we cannot allow this notice to pass without observing that too much praise caunot be awarded to Mr. Eddison, the spirited individual who called the meeting together, and who has devoted so much of his valuable time and labour to an investigation of the subject. It does not appear that the committee who met to consider of the several plans submitted, or Mr. West, the compiler of the pamphlet before us, have come to any determination as to which of the various plans is the best, and have, like ourselves left it to the public to form their own opinion. Ilriphl „J Paris ahme the Level of the Ocean.— U appears, from geodetical operations and direct levelling, that the zero of the hydromelic scale at the Punt de Tournelle is 26-25 metres above the mean level of the ocean. THE ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY. Sir — I am of opinion that the annexed passages, taken from the report to the Committee of Privy Council on Atmospheric Railnays, by Col. Sir Frede- rick Smith, R.E.,and Professor Barlow ought to be placed together to enable the public to appreciate the value of one of the conclusions given at page 6 line I of their report. " Secondly, the cxpence of the formation of the line in cuttings, embank- ments, bridges, tunnels and rails, will be very little less than for equal lengths of railway to be worked by locomotive engines ; but the total cost of the works will be much greater, owing to the expence of providing and laying the atmospheric tube and erecting stationary engines." The latter part of the conclusion refers to Sanuida's estimate of £4000 for single and £7000 for a double line for the atmospheric apparatus for impelling the trains ; but the question whether a less expensive line might not be formed by means of steejier gradients, worked by a proportional vacuum, appears to be dependent on tlie working force of different vacuums, and it ought to he decided by the ratio of the increased cost of higher vacu- ums in comparison with the increased resistance of higher gradients, and this subject is adverted to at pape 4 line 11 of the report. " In the pamphlets circulated by the patentees," credit is taken " for two important items, which we cannot altogether admit. " Another questionable item is the reduced expence of cuttings and embankments, it being assumed by the patentees that not having to take the locomotive up a plane, much steeper gradients may be introduced than in present lines ; that a great part of the power of a heavy locomotive is expended in overcoming its own gravity and resistance in ascending steep planes is certainly true ; and it is equally true that on the atmospheric principle the whole additional force is exerted on the load itself. This is unquestionably an advantage, but. stiU v.e think its importance has been greatly overrated." At the bottom of page J the commissioners remark, " Having stated our own views, and having given in the appendix the experimental results and investigations on which they are founded." On referring to the appendix I find they state at page 11, line I, " We were desu-ous, if possible, to ascer- tain the working force which different vacuums possessed of urging a train' forward, but we failed of obtaining on this part of our inquiry any useful results, the engine not having sufficient power to preserve the vacuums constant." The details of four experiments are then inserted, and it is added, " No conclusions can be drawn from these four experiments except that by the falling of the mercury, it is clear that with all the force thrown upon the engine, it was inadequate to the duty it had to perform." I apprehend the case made out by the Report respecting a reduction of expence in the formation of the line itself, for an atmospheric railway, stands thus : — 1st, the commissioners think the patentees have overrated the advan- tage that may be derived from the introduction of steeper gradients or por- tions of the line to be worked by a higher than average vacuum otherwise employed, and in the consequent reduction of the cost of the line. 2nd, that they admit the additional force of such increased vacuum is expended on the load itself. 3rd, that in consequence of the inability of the engine to presen'e a constant vacuum, they were unable to obtain data for the determination of the limits within which the steeper gradients suggested by the patentees could be rendered available with the higher vacuums, or under what conditions the larger tube also suggested by the patentees for a low vacuum would be required on steeper gradients. 4th, that their conclusion, that a very small reduction of the expence of the formation of the line itself can be effected, is not founded on any evidence as yet submitted to the pub- lic, but rests on their own opinions. Time and trial must decide on the respective values of the assertions of the patentees and the thoughts of the commissioners. A jury, by the usage of this country, is directed to give the prisoner the benefit of a doubt. Commissioners, acting on different princi- ples, report against an inventor. REGUL.\TION OF CHIMNEYS. Sir — On reading over the Act for the future regulation of Chimnies, with a view clearly to understand its intention, but which is not very easy, my attention was arrested by the observation "or of greater length than four feet OUT OF the ivall ; " and I have in vain tried to decide in my own mind what our legislators mean by it, as the flue must of necessity (as far as I can understand) be in the wall ; and why a less length than four feet should be exempt from the rule as to the size of the flue. Perhajis you, Sir, or some of your readers, will be good enough to remark on this in your next. I have not heard whether the Architect's Institute have yet acted on your suggestion of September last. I am. Sir, Your obedient servant, March 24. A Subscriber. [It appears to us that why the length of 4 ft. out of the wall is exempted, is to give an opportunity of introducing chimney shafts and pots with a con- traded opening. — Editor.] 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 173 THE NEW TARIFF ON TIMBER, DEALS, &e. The important change that is liliely to he eiftcted in the duties on the abore articles has induced us to give the following information relative to the present and the proposed new duties ; liliewise a talile which shows more immediately the differences between the old and new duties on foreign deals. We did not consider that it was necessary to extend the table to deals from British possessions, as the proposed new duties are so very trifling, and can be easily calculated from the cubical contents we have given of the various lengths of planks, deals, and battens in the table. Present Duties on Timber and Deals imported into Great Britain FROM Foreign Countries and British Possessions. Battens, not exceeding 7 inches wide and 2f in. in i/iici-ness per 120 „ Ends, under 6 feet long „ 6 ft. in length and not exceeding 16 ft. „ exceeding 16 ft. and not exceeding 21 ft. 21ft. „ 45 ft. Deals, above 7 inches wide and not -exceeding 3} in. in thicliness per 120 " Ends, under G ft. long „ 6 ft. in length and not exceeding 16 ft. „ exceeding 16 ft. and uot exceeding 21 ft. 21ft. „ 45 ft. „ exceeding 45 ft. or above 3^ in. thick, (not being timber 8 in. square and upwards) per load of 50 cubic feet and farther per 120 Timber, 8 in. square & upwards, per load of 50 c. ft. Wainscot logs ditto Oak ditto Teak ditto Mahogany per ton Ditto from Honduras ditto Balks, Ufers, and Fir Quarters, under 5 in. square, and under 24 ft. long per 120 Ditto 24 ft. long and upwards „ Lathwood, in pieces under 5 ft. in length, per fathom „ 6 ft. wide and 6 ft. high „ 5 ft. and under 6 ft. 8 ft. „ 12 ft. „ 12 ft. and upv\ards Firewood per fathom 3 0 0 10 0 0 11 10 0 20 0 0 6 0 0 19 0 0 22 0 0 44 0 0 Foreign. British. £ s. d. 2 10 6 0 2 15 2 15 2 15 0 1 6 1 0 0 1 3 0 2 0 0 0 15 0 2 0 0 2 10 0 i 0 0 0 10 0 12 0 10 0 10 4 0 1 10 18 2 7 27 0 0 4 5 0 0 16 0 10 4 0 13 12 0 0 19 0 3 5 0 4 17 6 0 15 0 1 5 0 0 0 10 Proposed New Duties. Foreign. British. Timber or Wood — not Ijeiug deals, battens, boards, staves, handspikes, oars, lathwood, ufers, or other timber or wood, sawed, spht, or otherwise dressed, except hewed, and not being timber or wood otherwise charged with duty, the load of 50 cnl)ic feet deals, battens, boards, staves, ufers, or other timber or wood, sawed or split, and not otherwise charged with duty the load of 50 cubic feet Firewood the fathom of 216 cubic feet Lathwood ditto Oars the 120 Teak the load of 50 cubic feet Mahogany Wainscot £ s. d. ^1 10 0 From and after the' ■ 10th of Oct.1843. Ll 5 0 '1 18 0 From and . after Oct' 10,1843. 1 12 0 0 10 0 1 2 0 0' 7 10 0 0 10 0 £ s. d. ■0 1 0 • 0 2 0 Free. 0 10 0 3 9 0 10 Table showing the Comp.vrison of the Present Duty and the intended New Duties on Planks, Deals and Battens from Foreign Countries. Contents. Present duty Duty, from Oct. 1842, Duty, from Oct. 1843, 120 Planks, 3x11 Cubic feet. per 120. 38s.perload. 32s.perload. £ s. £ s. d. £ s. d. 21ft. 5771 22 21 18 11 18 9 S 20 ft. 550 22 20 18 0 17 12 0 18 ft. 495 22 19 14 11 13 16 10 16 ft. 440 19 16 14 5 14 1 7 14 ft. 385 19 14 14 10 12 6 5 12 ft. 330 19 12 14 11 10 11 3 Oft. 163 6 5 19 8 5 5 7 120 Deals, 3x9 21 ft. 4-2; 22 17 19 1 15 2 10 20 ft. 450 22 17 2 0 14 8 0 18 ft. 405 22 15 7 10 12 19 3 16 ft. 360 19 13 13 7 11 10 4 14 ft. 315 19 11 19 5 10 1 7 12 ft. 270 19 10 5 2 8 12 10 6 ft. 135 6 5 2 7 4 6 5 120 Battens, 2^ x 7 21 ft. 306 3 in. 11 10 11 17 9 9 16 0 20 ft. 2918 11 10 11 1 7 9 6 8 18 ft. 262 3 11 10 9 19 5 8 8 0 16 ft. 233 4 10 8 17 3 7 9 4 14 ft. 204 2 10 7 15 2 6 10 8 12 ft. 175 10 6 13 0 5 12 0 6 ft. 87-6 3 3 6 6 2 16 0 All the above per load of 50 feet 1 18 0 1 12 0 Timber " 2 15 1 10 0 1 5 0 The change in the timber duties will come into operation on the 10th of October, 1842. EXPLOSIONS OF STEAM BOILERS. The calamitous accident which occurred lately in the Clyde has recalled public attention to this subject, and there can hardly be a doubt that unless means can be devised of rendering explosions less frequent, there will be some legislative enactment upon the subject. We shoiUd desire much to see the causes of explosions investigated at the instance and under the direction of the Steam Association, with the view of inducing the voluntary adoption of measures calculated to avert such disasters. The influence of example and the force of opinion would be productive of far greater amelioration than any legislative interference without giving rise to any of the confusion, irri- tation, and injury which such an interference would create. From a variety of circumstances which have come to our knowledge, we are thoroughly per- suaded that the most prolifio source of explosions is a deficiency of water in the boiler. There can hardly be a doubt that this was the cause of the late explosion of the Telegraph, in the Clyde, as v^■ell as of the Victoria in the Thames, and the Union in the Humber. Explosions generally take place just after the engines have been set to work after having been stopped for some time. In consequence of the inaction of tlie feed-pump wliilst the en- gine is at rest, no water enters the boiler, and the quantity of water left in the boiler is rapidly diminislied by evaporation until the water level falls below the top of the flues. The upper part of the flues consequently becomes red hot, and the rapid generation of steam or the decomposition of the water, immediately that the renewed action of the feed-pump sends a quantity of water upon the red hot plates, induces so great and so sudden a pressure, that explosion immediately ensues. The obvious remedy for this state of things is to furnish every boiler with a contrivance to maintain the level of the water by self-acting means, so that whetlier the engines are at work 01 whether they are stationary, the surface of tlie water in the boiler is pre- served at a uniform height without the necessity of any alteration on tlie part of the engineer. It is perfectly possible to accomplish this by a suitable mechanism, and no vessel ought, we conceive, to be without some species of apparatus to attain this end. We have seen one contrivance which is not merely perfectly efficacious, hut extremely simple, and wliicli we would re- commend to tlie notice of tliosc interested in steam navigation. This con- trivance is, we understand, tlie work of Mr. Robert Sinclair, of Gould Square. Tliere may be other mechanisms that we know not of, equally efficacious, and the merits of all should be investigated and the best chosen. But whether viewed as a measure of safety in preventing explosions or fire from an over- heating of the flues, or as a measure of economy in obviating the fearful expense so often arising from boilers being burnt, as is the technical phrase ; we are strongly of opinion that some automatic feeding contrivance ought to be resorted to, and we can speak with much confidence of the merits of that particular contrivance we have alluded to. 174 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [May, PATENT VALVE CLOSETS. Sm-I bee to solicit your attention to an improvement in the ^Ive (oi Bramah's) Water Closet; patented by W. Beetson. Its decided advantage will be clearly seen from the following engravings. A The Valve Closet is allovfed by all scientific men to be the best m use : but from the fact of the valve of the common (or Bramah s closet) l>i"g »»"- .onTally, unless the handle is puUed up all the distance, it only ope"^ ^ aktlv and when opened the whole distance, the valve and axle are exposed to the pajer&e. catching upon it. By this invention the faults of the present ^'Thl^^SarS^Tement consists in the valve at the bottom of the haJin bei^g placed in a sloping position, which position allows the valve to open quite out of the way, and prevents paper, &c. catching upon it. ^ A Shows Beetson's Closet in section, with the valve closed. B Shows how far the improved valve opens when the handle is raised. C Shows the common (or Bramah's) valve open. The improved valve. Bramah's valve. The dotted line shows the valve partly open, which is its position when the 'fh;i;^fo'fThe^"m'proved closet cannot be opened as shown by the dotted ine of figure C. as the slightest movement of the handle opens it J^rrendicular, o' as far as theKornmon closet, n-hen as Handle ,s pulled "^tZer improvement consists of a valve being placed in the waste arm (or overflow pipe) ; the use of this valve ,s »» P'^«^/»' "/" f™"" "'''"S' should the part trapped be dried up, which is often the case. I am, Yours obediently, .« c. J F- Roe. 70, Strand. ON ARCHITECTURAL CRITICISM. Addressed to J. L. An apologv is certainly dne from me to J. L., inasmuch as 1 addressed J L when Ditto, it seems, was the mystical person to whom, a reply being necessav, I should have replied. My hope of pardon from J. L rests upon UgenUeman's perceiving that the word Ditto, com ng '-mediately after his initials, was the cause of my being led into the mistake alluded to bpon the general manner of my writing, which J. L. condemns for « ant of sim- pliciW, I feel compeUcd to be silent-readers being generally better able than writer^ are to determine such a question-though of course it cannot be supposed that I could, in reason, by bowing to the opinion of J. L., a name- ess writer, confess to a fault by no means small For althougli 1 would allow it to be very possible, that the revelation of my ideas upon c itic sm, may not have be™ sufticiently clear to every reader yet ;voud submit to the intellectual critic, whether the necessity of fitting though s, often re- qu ring a wide field fo^ their display, into the columns of a periodical, would So account for occasional obscurity. It would be unreasonable for a person Uke mvself, freely animadverting on others, to hope to escape a;™advcrsion imself, but if there are, amongst the intelligent correspondents of this Journal any who have tried their skill on similar themes in a periodi al, fe dc rtain of their indulgence. Leaving this matter to the d.scernment of ust people, it only becomes me to notice the paragraph complained of, with the view of proving that the paragraph is not obscure and unmeaning, d- houTj. L.^may not perceive its force. I would remark that, "ncoiicerned asJ L was in the remark which led to that paragraph, and innocent as he was ne^e^sarly of the feeling, or affectation of the f;eeling of contempt for me whTch feeling, or its aflfectation. Ditto displayed in his remark, I was ^roCk d to iiotic;, he could not feel the edge of a reply which cut on y as itTmmuated what it was I despised. This manner of answering, ,f obscure, has be 1 a favourite method of'reply amongst orators and poets of every age, and fo his simple reason, that it allows a speaker or writer to represent hi own feelings, at the same time as he ridicules or expresses contempt for those of others. , , iBio Frederick East. April, 1S4.J. MR. S. SEAWARD'S MEMOIR ON AUXILIARY STEAM POWER. SiR-In your review of Mr. Seaward's memoir on Auxiliary Steam Power, you quote affrom the 5th Part of Vol. III. of the Transactions of the In ti- ution of Civil Engineers, the foUowing passage, "the employment of a uadruple amount of steam power would not double the speed, although m theon this rassumed to be the fact." I have read the article over very cSuv and cannot find such a passage; the only one resembling it is at Taee 386 "The immediate consequence of this disproportionate increase of weiEhtisagreater immersed section of the vessel, and a necessary in- crelse of resittlnce offered to her motion, so that the force required to pro- neirerhroulh the water must always increase with the power employed Tnd not evenaibing the steam power --.">-J.P™''--'-", ^•^'°«"='- It would be onlv just to make this correction in your nex. number. M. Inst. C. t. fThe only answer we have to give to the above communication is to re- cmest anv of our readers who may be desirous to examine for themselves, to ' n at our ffice and inspect the copy of the Transactions -o»r possession and there they will find the passage as quoted by us, word for word , at the same time we^are bound to say that we have seen another copy of the So- ctu's Transactions, since the appearance of our review and in that copy the paragraph i^transmogrified into the one last quoted by our correspondent above. — Editor.] ON THE MEASUREMENT OF STONE BRIDGES. SiR-In your last number a correspondent asks the best way of finding the contents of a stone bridge. No general formula can be found but he following remarks-equally applicable to brick-wiU. I think, be found ^' Blgifby'tbe piers, abutments, &c. It is best to keep the footings separate The following formula; are useful for the contents of the arch :— For a semicircle, W. D. (R. ■"■) 180 For a segment, W. D. (R. t.) — where W = width of arch; D = the thickness i'-^^^-'i'l^^.^Z-kr oi radius)- R = internal radius + half the thickness: t==3141j, «-"o. oi Wrees'in arc. The backing and walls resting on arch have a curved out- trZ thU a straight line'may be -''f ''"''«'. ''''''"5-- to equal.e the portions left out with those added; or they -^av be suppo ed to be carr'ed down to the springing line, and from the contents t\7,, """'I'/'^Jj^Jl^t irrluvav fcalculated as above) must be deducted. Man>, and particularly rl Iwav bridgerare svmmetrical about 2 axes ; it is i^a this case the easiest w y t takelu; the cubic contents in one 1»arter, and niu tip y by 4 r the r 7^:. r::^4i::^'^t ^Aiir=iS-swid "^ ena'ra^e and the title pu?on the side, as it facilitates revision ; and besides, r^anfparts being repeated, saves the trouble of repeating the calculations. ■^ ' I am. Sir, Yours, &c. Jpril l\,\U2. A. H. P. STEAM NAVIGATION. THE WEST INDIA MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY. It pains us much to be unable to say anything calculated to repress the growing conviction that this is a most perilous enterprise-not that ti,e>e anything inherent in the nature of the scheme to render it necessarily disas- trous, but that the management is so supremely inj.i.liemus as «ould b at to any project, even the most promising. It is true, that this evil ad ut a simple and obvious remedy, but the constitution of the hun an n nd ,s such, Ihat men prefer to attribute calamities to any cause '^'^^P' 'l'^'^ ^^ ignorance or indiscretion; and a fault once committed, ,s "f enei def nded than acknowledged. On this account, although the ™-- o' -"^'^ ; ';; are attainable, our hopes of spontaneous amendinent "^l^"' ^;^'^,,' ^"'^-^ ^e tain it is, that the accomphshment of such a thorough reformation as the 1842.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 175 exigency of the case demancis, requires much fortitude upon the part of the directors, as it involves the admission of past errors and the dismissal of every cherished prejudice and prepossession. It is right, however, that the op- portunity of reformation should be afforded, and we arc willing to render our best advice and assistance towards so happy a consummation. It would grieve us much, that any calamity should fall upon this most spirited and arduous enterprise. .Such an event would operate most perniciously upon the whole interest embarked in steam navigation, and paralyze the spirit of Com- mercial adventure in the same channel. Should no improvement have been carried into effect before next month, it is our intention to enter into a tho- rough analysis of the character and management of tliis enterprise ; and we are only prevented from djing so at once by the apprehension that our expo- sitions might occasion such inconveniences as the obduracy of wrong-headed- ness alone deserves. We entreat the respectable directors of this undertaking to give their im- mediate attention to this subject. Let them look to the dangers of their present position — tlangers from «hich neither magisterial pomp nor inexpe- rienced precipitancy can possibly save them. M'as it ever before heard of. that the utmost skill and experience should be deemed unessential to the success of an enterprise of extraordinary magnitude and difficulty, though found in- dispensable to the prosperity of more limited and less adventurous schemes ? and can the directors confidently say, that in the whole compass of their im- mense establishment, there is a single man to be found experienced in the conduct of commercial steam navigation upon the large scale ? Is such an enterprise as this to be expected to succeed in the hands of inexperienced pep- sons, even although those persons may unite much general ability with much plausible pretension? What are the fruits of such administration? There is scarcely a newspaper w hich does not teem with accounts of mails late — ves- sels wrecked, or missing — quarrels abroad — passengers almost starved — and vessels following one another by mistake — and at an interval of a few hours across the Atlantic? whilst, at other times, the greatest inconvenience and distress are occasioned by merchants being left without their remittances for months together, and correspondents without their letters. Do the directors imagine that such things will be long endured, or is it to their interest or credit that such things should exist? But all this is as nothing when com- pared with the loss which must arise from the working of the vessels under existing conditions. One vessel comes in with twelve or fourteen [passen- gers— another, with five or six, bringing an income of a few hundred pounds, perhaps, when the expense of a voyage must be several thousands. There is the mail money, 'tis true ; but how far will the mail money go towards pay- ing for coal, insurance, and wear and tear? But we are departing from our intimated intention. We think the enterprise beneficially accomplishable, hut not under existing circumstances ; and unless those circumstances are so changed as to give the un•««* '" 1842. J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 177 MARINE ENGINES BY MESSRS. MILLER, RAVENHILL & Co. Patented by Joseph Miller. (With an Engraving, Plate VI.) The object of this arrangement of machinery is to economise room, and this object is certainly very completely attained-, a power of upwards of 300 horses occupying only S feet in the length of the ves- sel and 18 feet in the breadth. There are, it is true, certain counter- vailing disadvantages — for example, the connecting rods, as well as the eccentric rods, are short, occasioning not merely an increased friction in the working of those parts, but disturbing the movement proper to the slide valves, and there is the want of that equilibrium of weight so nicely preserved by the side lever principle. These defects attach either wholly or partially to all engines of the direct action description ; so that the gain in space and lightness is not a gain without any deduction. In these engines they are mitigated as much as possible by placing the cranks at such an angle as to preserve the balance as nearly as may be, myX by such a configuration of the upper and under slide-vaive faces as will neutralize the effect of the distorted movement, consequent upon the shortness of the connecting and eccentric rods. The nature of Messrs. Miller & Co.'s arrangement is rendered so obvious by the accompanying drawing, that any detailed explanation of it would be a mere waste of words. The connecting rods are attached to the tops of the piston rods, the latter being maintained in the perpendicular position by means of guides G G, Fig. 3, in which cross heads work, one of which is shown at H, Fig. 1. There are two air-pumps, and the vessel in which condensation is accomplished, and which fills the whole space between the cylinders, is divided by a diaphragm so as to make it, in fact, two condensers, each with its own air-pump immersed in it, so that no sole plate is requisite ; great strength is attained with a moderate weight of material, and a large power is compressible (so to speak) into a very narrow compass. The air-pumps are of brass, and the buckets are wrought by the cranks C C on the intermediate shaft, and the tops of the air-pump rods are kept in the upright position by the guides g g. M M are the man- hole doors of the condensers : BB are strong flanges or brackets, through which the bolts pass for securing the engines to the vessel's bottom. We understand Messrs. Miller and Ravenhill are now constructing a pair of these engines for the British government, the cylinders of which are 155 inches in diameter, and the length of the stroke 5 feet= 308 H.P. ; also a pair for the French government, the cylinders of which are G8 inches in diameter, and the length of the stroke 5 ft. G in. = 340 H.P. One pair of these engines is nearly completed. The general character of Messrs. Miller & Co.'s machinery may, we conceive, be summed up in a few words. With a destitution of em- bellishment which, in some cases, we are disposed to regard as the result of too severe a philosophy, there is an excellence of materials and workmanship, and a superiority of proportion and arrangement, united with an efficiency and an economy of performance which we do not believe have ever been surpassed. In the minutest details of the work, as well as in its leading features, there are evidences of a profound acquaintance with the subject, both in its practical and phi- losophical relations. Where such anxiety exists to render the quality of work unexceptionable, and is united with so much ability and so much experience, it is impossible that its quality should be any other than of the very first description ; and it is therefore far from sur- prizing that Messrs. Miller's machinery should be esteemed so highly. The best test of excellence which all can understand is Time ; for that machinery must be admitted to be the best which continues to do the greatest quantity of work at the least expense. But the ad- judication of this high authority is only to be obtained in the lapse of years — it is with difficulty to be obtained at all — and even then it is likely to be the resultant of a variety of circumstances of which the quality of the machinery is only one. Nevertheless, any information 57 — V):. . v.— June, 1842. we may be able to gather respecting the actual performance of the machinery of any maker must, with all its liabilities to error, be ad- mitted to be a valuable aid towards enabling us to arrive at a right conclusion respecting the probable qualities of any machinery of a similar kind he may propose to furnish. RIVER THAMES EMBANKMENT. Taile of Distances on the Thames from Fulham Bridge to Blackwall, also the present width and the proposed contraction of the riser as recommended lij Mr. James Walker in his report to the City Corporation. Contraction Contraction DISTANCES. Present on the on the Proposed Width. Middlesex Surrey Width. or north side or south side Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. .Miles below Fulham Bridge. 790 45 45 700 i ditto 820 nil. 90 730 1 800 18 100 682 14 at Sir George Womljwell's. . 800 16 54 730 2 at Battersea church 900 56 78 760 24 at Battersea Bridge 745 36 13 696 3 at Old Swan, Chelsea 930 72 115 743 3i at Ked House, Bat- tersea, and Grosvenor • canal 1000 250 20 730 4 near Johnson's dock 870 45 110 705 44 at Vauxhall Bridge 900 64 36 800 4f opposite the Peni- enlargement tentiary COO nil. add 33 633 54 1 from the wall of the old houses of ParUa- ment 1030 now contracted by nil. contraction 93 831 the new Parliament wall to 924 6 at Hungerford mar- ket 1450 380 125 945 6i at Somerset House 1243 138 Ui at Blackfriars Bridge 995 124 145 960 ; n at Southwark Bridge 720 33 110 761 74 at Old Swan.. .. 780 nil. 26 661 n at the lower end of 43 737 the Custom-house. . 840 nil. 20 820 8 at tlie lower end of the Tower . . . . 900 20 10 870 84 at East lane. . 1070 15 9 at Rotherhithe 55 1000 church 870 nil. nU. 870 94 at Bell wharf . . 970 18 10 at Limehouse-bridge nil. 952 dock 770 nil. nil. 770 104 and below the Lime- house entrance to the 40 1085 southernmost West India dock . . 1130 5 11 at King's Arms, Limehouse reach.. 1160 18 20 1122 114 at Fergusson's mast- house 1110 60 18 1032 12 at lower side of Dept- ford creek . . 1160 15 70 1075 124 at lower side of Col- enlargement lege wharf . . 1000 add 19 20 1001 13 at lower end of En- contraction derby's rope-walk. . 1260 nil. 60 1200 13 J at Folly house . . 1170 36 50 1084 14 at Plough tavern, enlargement Blackwall . . . . 1130 60 add 110 1180 144 at Orchard house. . 1350 60 add 80 1370 2 C 178 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. JUNB, EXPERIMENTS ON THE STRENGTH OF TIMBER AND IRON. We have been favoured with the following interesting experiments on the strength of wood and iron, by Mr. Moxham, of Neath ; they were made in the presence of a party of gentlemen for the purpose of illustrating the laws of increased strength, &c., in relation to increased dimensions ; they are important for the purpose of testing the formulae of Tredgold, and likewise the Tables given in the fourth volume of the Journal, pages 79 to 82. American Yellow Pine Tiubib. Experiments on bars of American yellow pine, straight-grained, dry, and free from knots. Suspended Deflection, weiuht. Experiment 1.— Bar I in. square, and 5 ft. between bearings, on which it rested loosely, the weight being suspended from the middle. ri6 lb. 24 32 34 36 38 40 1-5 in. 2.25 300 3-31 3.81 4-44 4-75 In about 5 minutes this increased to 6-25 in., after which the piece broke with the same weight : the first symptoms of fracture were shown by cracks indicating a compression, from the top edge down to about the middle. r32 lb. -S/S in, Exp. 2. — Yellow pine, as above, 5 ft. long, Ij in. deep, and J wide. 48 64 96 128 136 •53 •75 1-12 1-5 1-69 144 [increased to 2' ■'..'', 152 [ditto 160 2-62 [and incr. to 2-87 ! 166 3-75 3J in. was the greatest measured deflection, and with this weight the bar broke, the first signs of giving way being near the top. When broken, the fracture was comparatively smooth at the top and about § of the way down, from compression ; while about i at the bottom was ragged from the fibres being violently torn apart. 0-5 in. 1-06 r rx , ri2Blb. Exp. 3.— Yellow pme, as before, 5 ft. long, I 255 2} in. deep, and J wide. 1 320 broke it. The depth which appeared to have been compressed and that which was extended were nearly the same as in the last experiment. Exp. 4.— Yellow pine, 5 ft. long, triangular 32 bar, the edge or vertex being down, IJ in. wide J 64 on the base of the angle, and li in. deep in the | 96 centre. v 16 lb. I 104 ^112 0-19 in. 0-43 1-03 1-75 2- 2 broke it. ,16 lb. ' 32 Exp. 5.— Yellow pine, 5 ft. long, same section I g^ as last experiment, the edge or vertex of the-j gg angle placed upwards. A [increased to 2-62 LlOO & broke it 3- 0-31 in. 0.57 110 2-37 Exp. 6.— Yellow pine, 5 ft. long, IJ in. wide, and J deep. ^16 lb. 32 64 72 80 [and incr. to 82 •75 in. 1-5 30 3-94 5-31 60 7-25 '- finer, to 7-81,4 broke. Cast Iron. The iron in this and the four following experiments was the same, being tlie best Welsh cold-blast iron, melted in an air furnace. Half the weight of the bar to be added to the weight suspended from the middle. Exp. 7.— Cast iron bar, 5 ft. long between ril2 lb. bearings, weight suspended from the middle, and I 168 ends loose as before ; bar J in. and ^ square, or 1 224 •78 in. ; weight of bar between bearings 9 lb. \ji'jl ril2 1b. Exp. 8.— Same length as above, and exact section -40 in. wide and 1-55 in. deep; weight 9Jlo. 224 336 448 604 532 ^560 1-375 in. 1-81 2-69 [3-22,&brokeit. 0-125 in. 0-31 0-64 0-94 1-125 119 Broke it in the weight was suspended being screwed tight, instead of left loose : it broke 2 in. from the middle. Exp. 9. — 5 ft. between bear- ings of this section, cast as it was placed in the experiment; weight 101b. . AB = ii. B C = ^, BD = li,l 6 and F E=-i% of an inch. ^112 lb. 224 336 448 504 560 616 '-636 broke it. 016 in. -37 •69 •94 M2 1-82 1-5 •rii '22 S I 00 2 1b. 24 Exp. 10. — Bar cast from same pattern as above, but cast, and placed in the experiment with the thin part down, the reverse of experiment 9. This j ^jg bar weighed 5 lb. hghter than the above, though | j^j there was no perceptible diifeienoe in the section, and it was equally sound. ^112 lb 224 Exp. 11. — Bar 5 ft. between bearings, -^ 0-42 in. 0.67 1-00 The bar bore this for a few seconds only. (•437) in. thick, 2^ (203) in. deep in the mid- dle, and -91 at the bearings, the under side having the same curvature as a parabola, which makes the average depth 1-66 in.; weight of bar be- tween bearings 11 lb. 0-16 in. 0-31 0-43 0-60 0-75 0-92 1-00 1-07 "1 1-19 y 336 448 560 672 728 784 840 "-868 broke it. J * 3 in. from the middle on one side, and 16 in. from the middle on the opposite side ; showing that there was more than a proportionate strength at the ends of the bar. In Exp. 13 the bar was straight at top and hollowed out on the under side, having a section at the middle of H i"- deep, and ^ in. thick, and at the ends of 2^ in. and the same thickness. It was placed with the straight edge on the top, the ends being loose; and with a weight of 224 lb. + h\ (half weight of bar ) the deflection was 09 in. It was then taken up, and replaced with the curved edge up, the ends still loose; and with 224 lb. + 5i (half weight of bar,) the deflection was 0-94 in. It broke with less than 252 lb., but the quality of iron in this was not quite equal to that in the preceding experi- ments : making allowance for this, we should find its strength not greater, if so great, as that of a bar the same length and thickness, and of a uniform depth of 1-i ill. The weight between bearings was lO.V lb. ^224 lb. 0-31 in. Exp. 14.— Cast iron bar, a part of tlie one 336, 0-47 broken in experiment 7th, placed 2 ft. 6 in. be- J 448 0-62 tween bearings; ends loose, &c., as before ;j 504 weight of bar 4 lb. between bearuigs. I 560 Broke in putting on an additional 14 lb. 0-72 0-86 0-93 half a minute. This was probably strengthened by the fastening from which MISTAKES AND MISREPRESENTATIONS. In speaking of our number for April, 1841, the Bauzeitung has fallen into a conglomeration of blunders, jumbling different articles and subjects together in the oddest manner possible. " Episodes of Plan on Roman Architecture," it savs, " must be passed over by us on account of its length, and because it does' not admit of compression ; and for the same reason so must also Can- didus Noti:en Buck! Fasic. XXV, which paper consists of fragmentary criticisms, and chiefly upon Professor Hosking's lectures." This is a tolerably pretty specimen of the art of blundering by wholesale ! " The Episodes of Plan" and " Roman Architecture " (the latter from the Penny Cyclopedia,) are two distinct articles, several pages apart from each other. As to the " Note-book," again, that Fasciculus is so very far from being chiefly upon Professor Hosking's lectures, that it only incidentally mentions his name m one of the shortest paragraphs, without saying anything of his lectures at all But there does happen to be in the same number an article signed S. L., and headed " Candidus' remarks on the lectures of the Professor of Archi- tecture," meaning not remarks by C. himself, but comiter-remarks in reply to others he had previously made ; nor were those remarks upon the lectures of Professor Hosking, but on the lectures of the Professor of Architecture at the Royal Academv. It will be a mercy if the Bauzeitung should not now go and mistake Professor Brown for Professor CockereU, or jumble all the three Professors together, and compound them into one individual ! 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 179 VELOcrry of water through pipes. (From Report of Lecture by Dr. iteUon in the Midland Counties Herald.) The calculations for the head of water necessary to keep up a given velocity for every 100 ft. run of pipe, have been so ably deduced, from experiment, by Mr. Rofe, of the Birmingham Watenvorks, that the lecturer could not forego the pleasure of pointing them out a little more in detail, and of giving the tables by which the necessary calculations were effected. The tables were two, and were both deduced from absolute experiment — not from experimenti conducted by means of tin tubes of small diameter, fit only for laboratory uses, as there was too much reason to fear many of the tables previously published had been constructed, but from the absolute cast iron tubings themselves, as laid down in Birmingham and its vicinity. The tables were two : in the first, V represents the table of velocities in feet per minute, and T the constant numbers for those velocities :— T 8-62 V 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 11'40 14-58 17-95 21-56 25-35 29-70 34- 38-90 44- 49-50 55-66 6213 In the latter D represents the diameter of the pipes in inches, and t the constant numbers for those diameters : — D ' 3 4 5 6 7 -028 -053 •078 -104 -134 As an application of these tables, the following problem was proposed ; it having been premised that the formula for their use was T = H D X t where H represents the height, or head of water. It is required, then, to determine what head of water will be necessary to send water by an engine through 1,500 ft. of six-inch pipes to an elevation of 80 ft. at a velocity of 180 ft. per minute. Now, by the table we see that the constant number for 180 ft. velocity is 62-13, and the constant number to be added to 6 inches is -078, and 62-13 6-078 = 10-22 inches. which is the head of water required to keep up the velocity of 180 ft. per minute for every 100 ft. run; which being multiplied by 15 (the number of hundred yards through which it has to pass), gives 153 in., or 12 ft. 9 in. This, added to 80 ft,, will give 92 ft. 9 in. as the column of water which the pump must lift. Table for Segmental Arches and Semi-elUput. 180 /o'+6' c R ta V 2*V 2 2 1 0 180 0 3-14159 3-14 3 1-62 134 46 2- 344 3-99 4 2-50 106 H 1. 848 4-98 5 3-62 87 10 1- 516 5-96 6 5-00 73 44 1- 282 7-01 7 6-G2 63 46 1- 139 7-80 s 8-50 56 8 • 976 8-87 9 10-62 CO 8 • 883 10-46 10 13-00 45 14 • 787 11.09 n 15'(i2 41 14 • 717 12-19 12 18-50 37 50 • 658 13-31 The column headed c contains the ratios of the span of the arch to the rise, taken as unity ; the corresponding numbers in R are the respective radii. In column w are the degrees and minutes in the arc. The column ir — multiplied by W D R will give the cubic contents u of the arch. The last column shows the length of semi-ellipses, of which the half-minor axes are unity, and the major axes the figures in column c. This multiplied by the width into the thickness, into the rise, will give the cubic contents of the arch in question. The best formula for the cubic contents of a tube or cylindrical ring isLir(R--rJ where L=length; R=external radius; r=:internal ditto; Tr=3-14159. Since the external radiusr=the internal-^-the thickness of tube, we have L tt (R=-r=)=L tt ( (r+i)=— r-)=:L (2 d r+d'') where rf=the thickness. Now, supposing that in an iron pipe d should=half an inch, rf- will=Tfu of a foot. Neglecting this, as may be safely done for short lengths, the formula becomes L T (2 d r) MEASUREMENT OF BRIDGES. The formula given last month for the contents of a segmental arch was misprinted : it should have been where W=width ; D=thickness of arch ; R=internal radius+4 D ; 7r=3- 14159; a=number of degrees in arc. The following table will facilitate computation. ANOTHER COMPETITION AFFAIR. Sir— I am requested by Mr. East to lay before you the following state- ment of the disgraceful manner in which he, as a competitor in designs for the new church at Kidderminster, has been treated by the Committee, and their actuary Mr. Boycot. On the 10th of December last an advertisement, of which the following is a copy, appeared in the " Times" Newspaper :— It is proposed to build a church in the parish of Kidderminster to contain 1250 sittings, of which 850 are to be free. Architects wishing to furnisli plans for the same are requested to apply for farther particulars to WilUam Boycot, juu. Esq., solicitor, honorary secretary ; and all plans are required to be sent to him on or before Wednesday, the 22nd day of December next. Kidderminster, Nov. 26, 1841. You will observe it was published for the first time 14 days after date, thereby affording 12 days for the preparation of designs. As it happened we had at that time more leisure than usual, and made appUcation to the said Mr. Boycot (who, by the way, loses no opportunity of advertising his calUng,) for" particulars of the advertisement, whereupon we received the following reply ; — Sir— The undermentioned are the particulars relating to the new churcli to be erected at Kidderminster. I am, Sir, your obedien servant, Kidderminster, Dec. 13, 1841. W. Boycot, jun., Sol., Hon. Sec. 1. That the church will be built, subject to the rules and conditions of the incorporated society. 2. That the expense must not exceed £3000. 3. That it be built of stone. 4. That there be a tower. 5. That the architecture be Gothic. 6. That there be a commodious vestry. 7. That there be no chancel. 8. That the news be deal painted and grained oak colour. 9. That the whole of the galleries be free, and sucli other portions of the church as may be requured to make up the number to 850 free sittings. 2 C 2 180 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [June, P.S. The above are the conditions the Committee resolved upon, but since tlicii tlicy have determined to receive plans of churches including a chancel." Accordingly we set about making the drawings, but it subsequently oc- curred to us that something ought to be specified as to the terms of compe- tition ; whether or not the successful competitor was to superintend the work, or if any premium was to be received for the best design, and we immediately applied' for information, in answer to which application the following letter was forwarded us : — Sir— In answer to yours of yesterday's date. I beg to state that no pre- mium will be given for designs ; and whether the successful competitor will be allowed to superintend or not I cannot say, but most likely he will. I am. Sir, (for Mr. Boycot) Your obedient servant, Geo. Boddixgton. Now, had we not proceeded so far with the drawings as to render them useless for anything else, we should, of course, have declined having anything to do in a matter so strangely conducted ; but we hoped they would improve upon acquaintance, and attributed this behaviour to want of good breeding as well as experience. Our designs were accordingly forwarded on the 21st of December, and not having received any communication, we wrote on the 1st of April to inquire whether the Committee had made selection of a de- sign. Two days after this we received the drawings, unaccompanied by any note or acknowledgment, in a most shamefully mutilated state, and bearing evident marks of having been used on the ground. Three days afterwards the following letter came to hand : — Sir— Your plans were forwarded by coach on Saturday, the Committee having only decided on the 1st instant, and they desire me to thank you for having sent in designs. I am. Sir, your obedient servant, Kidderminster, April 5, 1842. W. Boycot, Jan. As the description of our designs was not returned with the drawings, and not having then leceived the above letter, I wrote to Mr. Boycot as follows : SiR_I beg to acknowledge the receipt of our designs for the proposed church at Kidderminster, but the description thereof is not returned, and I shall feel obliged by your forwarding it at yonr earnest convenience. ^Ve feel somewhat surprised at the uncourteous treatment received at the hands of the Committee, no note having accompanied the drawings, stating whether they were approved of or not, and I think that after having detained them for nearly fifteen weeks, a letter of thanks is at the least due to the architect. I should feel obliged by your informing me who is the successful competitor. I am. Sir, your obedient servant, WiL. W. Wardell. To this letter we received one in reply from Mr. Boycot, expressing surprise at the contents of the above, but not mentioning one word about the success- ful candidate. The matter then remained silent until Monday, the 11th of April, when, to our great astonishment, we perceived the following adver- tisement in the " Times" ; — To Builders.— Builders desirous of contracting for the erection of the new church at Kidderminster may inspect the plans and specifications, by appli- cation to \Yilliam Boycot, Esq., Solicitor, Kidderminster ; and sealed tenders must, with the names of the sureties, be left at his office, addressed to the Committee for building the new church, on or before the 18th of April instant. In the letter above quoted you will observe that the Committee only de- cided on the 1st of April. Now is it likely that in nine days an architect could prepaie contract drawings, specifications, &c. ready for advertising for tenders ? and not only so, but there was no architect's name mentioned in the advertisement. These circumstances aroused our suspicion that the whole affair was one of those disgraceful pieces of chicanery so frequently exposed in your valuable Journal, and determined us to pursue the inquiry of who was the successful competitor ; and we accordingly wrote to inquire on the 14th of April, and on the 20th received the following reply :— Re Kidderminster New Church. Sir — I duly received your letter, but could not answer it till this day, the Committee having only decided yesterday. The successful architect is Mr. G. Alexander, of London. I remain Sir, your obedient servant, Kidderminster, April 20, 1842. W. Bovcot, Jun. Now what are we to understand ? for this letter completely contradicts that received on the 6th of April. It -was therein stated that the Committee decided on the 1st, and in the last letter he informs us it was on the 19th. Mr. Boycot will surely see the truth of the old adage, " " * * * " Probably when Mr. Boycot wrote to us on the 20th he had for- gotten the contents of his letter of the 5th. ^Ye can hardly imagine that so respectable a member of the profession as Mr. Alexander could have lent himself to anything so unjust and contemptible, but it does appear to us that the advertisement for designs was a mere matter of conformity to the regulations of the Church Commissioners, and that it never was intended to be an open competition or an impartial selection. 1 shall leave the matter in your hands, yet I trust. Sir, for the benefit of that profession whose cause you so ably advocate, you will not fail to expose this instance of the manner in which these robberies of professional time are carried on. ^Ye do not wish it to be understood that we consider our design had the least claim to preference, or possessed the slightest degree of merit, vet I must confess these extraordinary circumstances, together with the con- tradictory statements of Mr. Boycot, confirm the opinion that his conduct in the first instance suggested. I am. Sir, Your very obedient servant, WiL. W. Wardell. REGULATIONS ON RAILWAY.^ IN FRANCE. Tm; Minister of Public Works, in conformity with the opinion of the committee on steam-ungines, has provisionally issued the following orders ■— 1. The employment of locomotives on four wheels is forbidden with passengers' trains. 2. Neither tender nor any other carriage on four wheels to be placed at the head of the trains before the locomotives. 3. The locomotives to be placed at the head of the train, and never behind. Tliis regulation never to be violated, except in case of changing the di- rection of the trains at the stations, or in case of a tr.iin being stopped by accident, and that it should be necessary to send assistance from behind the train; but in such case the speed of the train not to exceed 22 kikmetres the hour (13.7 miles). It is moreover absolutely forbidden to enclose a train between two loco- motives, one before and the other behind. 4. Until abetter mode shall have been discovered to diminish the ellect of shocks and collisions, there shall be placed one wagon without passengers at the head of each train composed of five carriages at most, and of two wagons, when the number of carriages in the train shall exceed five. 5. The passengers' carriages never to be locked. 6. Every railroad company to keep books, in which shall be entered the state and length of service of every axle-tree, whether straight or curved. 7. The Prefect will publish an ordinance, stating the interval at which two trains are to succeed each other. 8. The speed of the trains in their descent from Yersailles to Paris on either line not to exceed 39 kilometres per hour. (21 miles.) Independently of the above measures, the Minister of Public Works has requested the committee on steam engines to examine— 1. Whether m the descent from Versailles to Paris, and in fact in all rapid descents, it would be advisable to prohibit the use of more than one locomo- tive, and. if not, under what regulations they should be tolerated. 2. To discover the best mode of preventing inflammable matter from being communicated by the locomotives. The Minister is moreover about to appoint a special commission to make experiments— 1. Upon the degree of perfection to which the axletrees of locomotives may be brought, and the length of time they ought to remain in use. 2. Upon the different means to be employed in order to diminish the eflects and danger of collisions on railroads. gTlRAl^'BlEIRIRY MULl/ . iEAirS miTEi^TJS^g. ISSAlLIE'SjfJJTlMT. J R .Witnj . i . /Vi/-m*: i 1842.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 181 THE "ANTI JOHN SCOTT RUSSELL" STEAM BOAT. ( IFith an Engraving, Plate J^Il.j In our last number we slightly alliulpd to the performance of this Tessel, and then stated that we deferred gis'ing the drawings of the engine and the boiler patented by Mr. Beale until we had an oppor- tunity of making a second trial. Since then we have had another trial, when her performance was equally as good as in the tirst trip- The boat is a small iron vessel, .53 ft. long by ti ft. beam, and 3 ft. 3 in. deep, and draws 17 in. at stern, and 13 in. fore, or 15 in. mean. The paddle-wheels are 6 ft. 5 in. diameter, out and out, with 10 float boards on each wheel, 2 ft. 9 in. by 74 in. She is propelled by one rotary steam engine patented by Mr. Beale, and which is delineated in the annexed engraving Plate VII, Fig. 1, drawn to a scale of li in. to a foot. The cylinder is 14 in. diameter, and 9i in. long (measured transversely) in the clear of the casing. The drum is 12 in. diameter, Laving 3 indents for the reception of 3 rollers 4i in. diameter, and '-•a in. long: these perform the office of the piston. At the top is the steam pipe : when the aperture is opened, as shown in the figure, the steam passes down the pipe, and acts against the back of the roller, and presses it forward until it reaches the aperture on the opposite side, where the steam is allowed to escape into the eduction pipei and thence into the condenser, as indicated by the arrows. It will be observed that the apertures are always open, one for the reception of the steam, and the other for its exhaustion. The admission is regu- lated by a throttle valve in the steam pipe, before it enters the casing of the engine. The reversing of the engine is extremelv simple : it is done by turning the screw, or by a lever which pushes forward the D slide valve, when it reverses the flow of the steam, which passes through the cylinder in the contrary direction of the arrows. The engine generally makes from 250 to 300 revolutions per minute, and by this rapid motion the centrifugal force causes the rollers to press against the outer casing, and allows the steam to act upon the back of them, as before explained. To the engine of the above boa' there are 2 air pumps 8 in. diameter, and 11 in. stroke. The condense'' forms a pedestal in the bottom of the boat, upon which the engine and pumps are placed. The boiler, it will be perceived, is as compact as the engine. The drawing, Fig. 2 in the Plate, is drawn to a scale of f of an inch to the foot. It is cylindrical, 2 ft. G in. diameter, and 7 ft. high over all, and contains numerous small tubes about one inch diameter, and an inch apart, through which the heat and smoke pass from the furnace to the chimney immediately over. The area of the grate is about 4 square feet, or half a foot per horse ; the water occupies onlv a verv small height of the boiler, the other portion forms a receptacle for the steam. We should think it would be better if the water was kept up to the second cock, otherwise great heating surface is lost. The steam is generally generated to a pressure of 40 to 50 lb. in the boiler. The consumption of coke is stated to be about GO lb. per hour, depending upon the speed. The air for the supply of the furnace is driven in by the aid of a fan. For communicating motion to the paddle-wheel there is a pinion wheel on the outside of the shaft or axis of the engine, which drives a larger wheel upon the shaft of the paddle-wheels, in the proportion of 1 to 4^, so that when the engine makes 270 revolutions per minute, the paddle-wheels make 60 revolutions. The total weight of the engine, condenser, air pumps, paddle-wheels, boiler, and water, is 2i tons. Having thus described the engine, we shall next proceed to give the particulars of her performance. The first trip we made was from Westminster Bridge to the Old Swan at Chelsea, when she performed the distance (2i miles) in 20 minutes, against the tide when slack, and back again in IS minutes, the tide being both ways just upon the turn at low-water. We then went down the river imilx the tide, and per- formed the distance from Westminster Bridge to London Bridge (2 miles) in 19 minutes ; from London Bridge through the Pool to Greenwich Hospital (5 miles) in 39i minutes. We then tried a measured mile (where the river was clear, from the 4iS to 5A miles mark), which was done in 6 minutes with the tide. At the second trial, she performed the distance from Westminster Bridge to Greenwich Hospital (7 miles) in 37 minutes, with the tide. During the above trips the paddle-wheels varied from 45 to 58 revolutions per minute. We will now analyse the power of the engine. The radius of centre of pressure is apparently about 6-75 in., say diameter 13-5 in., and circumference = 42-39 in. bv 225 turns per 9537-75 , minute = — jj— = ' 94-8 feet, say 795 feet per minute. Area of piston! or exposed part of roller appears to be 2 in. x 9^ = 19 in. area, although it is doubtful if the steam does not enter the space he/iind the roller, and exert its force on that part of the machine. Su])pose we take it at 19 in. area, we have for power, at 7 lb. per inch nominal, 19 X 795 X 7 33,000 ■ = '^■^ ''""^^ P°"«''- But this rule is not applicable, as the steam used is as high as 50 lb. or 40 lb., say mean 45 lb. in boiler, perhaps 40 lb. in cylinder or drum. With this pressure the vacuum is probably not more than 20 inches, if so much, but that is matter of experiment only, as it depends on cir- cumstances not before us ; suppose it be 20 inches, it will then be equal to 10 lb. We have, Steam pressure = 401b. ) Vacuum and 19 X 795 X 50 = 10 lb.) =50lb.eifective =: 23 horses, which may be considered as actual 33,000 power, and if this engine is expected to exert double its nominal power, as the common reciprocating marine engine does, we have 23 — = lU horses power. Mr. Beale, however, calls it only & horse power; but this difference doubtless arises from our not having hit upon the proper pressure and vacuum, and which experiment only can determine, that is by a steam and vacuum gauge, for we apprehend the common indicator is inapplicable to this engine. The consump- tion of coke is stated to be about 130 lb. per hour, this for nominal power is equal to a-2 lb. per horse per hour, and for actual power = 2-6 lb. per horse per hour, which is a very small consumption. The paddle-wheel is 6 ft. 5 in. diameter, boards 7A incites deep, inner diameter of wheel = 5-2 feet; taking the mean diameter at 50 turns per minute, the velocity will be lOJ miles per hour. The amount of tear and wear is a question of practice, but the good workmanship which is now common, would obviate many difficulties formerly experienced. The engine is certainly very simple compared with previous patents of the same kind, and is also very powerful in working, and must be very economic in its construction, particularly when used as a non-condensing engine. Besides the engine on board tlie "Anti John Scott Russell," Mr. Beale has one of a similar size and description at his manufactory at East Greenwich, worked at the low pressure of 4 to 6 lb.; it stands on the ground, and is hardly perceivable among the numerous ma- chinery in the shop, although it drives the blast fan of a foundry, and sets in motion numerous lathes, planing machinery, drills, &c. THE VARIATION OF THE COMPASS. Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, G. B. Airy, Astronomer Roval. Mean Magnetic. Variation. 1841. June '• 23 IG 16 July 23 15 34 August ' 23 19 1 September 23 24 17 October \ 23 12 18 November ' 23 17 7 December ' 23 11 5 1842. January ' 23 11 54 February 23 15 23 Dip at 9 A.M. Dip at 3 P.M. 69 69 69 68 68 G8 58 68 68 12 9 7 43 43 25 22 46 38 69 IJ 69 14 69 2 68 38 68 35 68 37 68 27 68 42 68 44 1S2 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. June, STRAWBERRY HILL. CTVtth an Engraving, Plate FIJ.) After being forgotten, except as recalled to recollection by the reproachfully proverbial term of " Strawberry Hill Gothic," the resi- dence of Horace Walpole has been the lion of the day for the two last months ; and anecdotes of him, his writings, his correspondence, his collection — the last fallen into the hands of that eminent anti- collector, alias disperaer, George Robins — have been retailed day after day. Such being the case, it may be imagined that there can now be very little indeed left for us to say upon the subject ; but, strange as it is, it has actually happened that of the house itself and of the taste displayed in it, nothing whatever has been said, beyond a few meagre, vague, and fumbling remarks, and those chiefly borrowed ones. The original house — which forms but a small portion of the present one — had nothing but its situation to recommend it, being little better than — indeed, hardly so good as — some modern " cottages," and con- taining only a few small and low rooms. To these Walpole first added two larger and loftier ones — the dining-room and library over it, -on the north side — in 1753; and in 1760-1 extended the whole very considerably by the gallery and round tower, and tribune or cabinet, with the farther addition of the great or north bedchamber in 1770, six years after which he erected the small Beauclerk tower. Horace may, therefore, be said to have " collected" his house as well as the curiosities and articles of virtu with which he stocked it; but though this piecemeal mode of buildiug has been, perhaps, so far advantageous, that it may have prevented perfect uniformity of insi- pidity in the exterior, it has not prevented insipidity itself, nor has it produced any sort of character that can be termed picturesque. As to stvle, we meet with nothing at all better tlian either Batty-Langley- Gothic, or Guildhall-front Gothic — nothing whatever beyond the vulgar idea that mere pointed holes in a wall, and battlements on the top of it, are sufl[icient to constitute a Gothic edifice. We are ready to make allowance for the difficulties then attending any attempts in that style: at that period there were no publications in which it could be studied by means of accurately delineated forms and details ; but if no such information was to be derived from books and engravings, most assuredly it was to be obtained from actual buildings, many of them at that time in a far more perfect state than at present, or even when drawings were first made of them. If he really possessed any feeling vihatever for the art, it might be supposed that a man like Walpole must have derived some insight into the principles and genius of the pointed style, domestic as well asecclesiastic, during his residence atCambridge where he was thefellow-student of Gray — from whose taste he might have acquired something — and where he had constantly before his eyes examples which, if he had not sufficiently studied beforehand, he might at least have bethought himself of when he did set about building in a style not at all understood by professional men and their assistants. Scott tells us that "the villa at Stravv'berry Hill gradually swelled into a feudal caslle".' that Walpole " realized his own visions"; and that "in his model of a modern Gothic mansion, he had studiously endeavoured to fit to the purposes of modern convenience or luxury, the rich, varied, and complicated tracery and carving of the ancient cathedral"!! Perhaps, recollecting the architectural sinnings of the author of Abbotsford, Sir Walter thought that any reflections in a less indulgent tone upon those of the author of Otranto and Strawberry Hill, would come with a very bad grace from himself.* When, again. Sir Walter speaks very liberally and in pluralist phraseology of '' tur- rets, towers, galleries, and corridors, with fretted roofs, carved panels and illuminated windows, &c.," "garnished with all the panoply of * The house at Abbotsford is so contemptible as an architectural produc- tion, that all the prestige atieniling the associaiions connected with its name vanish on beholding it. Must persons have tjeen wofully disappointed in Ihcir expectations of it— some have even expressed their regret that tliey have seen itat all. chivalry ;" wherein he certainly indulges not a little in the privilege of a romance writer, and somewhat trespasses upon that oi iX^e flourishing George Robins. To talk of the galleries and corridors of Strawberry Hill inevitably calls to mind the old story of the boy and thousand cats — with this difference, indeed, that the boy at last admitted there really were tno cats, whereas it is impossible to make out more than one gallery at Strawberry Hill, and nothing whatever deserving the name of corridor, as the plan of the building — and there is no arguing against such evidence — plainly shows. As to Gothic tracery and carving, there is scarcely any, and most certainly no tracery to be traced in the vi'indows, which are externally no better than so many gaps, without even any sort of mouldings or other finishing. Now, whatever errors there might have been as to combination and general character, it might have been thought that a man whose taste was so essentially microecopic as was Horace Walpole's would, at any rate, have been tolerably exact as to minutiEe and detail. Yet, so far is this from being the case, that even those parts of the interior fittings-up which are said to be expressly in imitation of original models, retain very little of them except the mere general pattern, without aught of the original character; as it is, the bookcases are only "bird-cage" Gothic — most meagre and wiry. It is singular that one vfho could note all the most trifling details of workmanship, in minor articles of virtii — in carvings, enamels, ivories, bronzes, &e. — should be incapable of dis- tinguishing the prodigious difference between his own soi-disant Gothicizings and the things they professed, however distantly, to imitate ; or that if at all aware of such difference in what regards character and feeling, he should not at once have detected the cause of it, and adopted a more satisfactory system. We do not, like many, make it a sneering reproach against Straw- berry Hill, that it is little better than " a lath and plaster" fabric, patched together at different times. Neither of those circumstances at all affects the question now under consideration ; for however light or even flimsy in regard to construction the house itself, it might have been made to display, as an architectural idea, many finished graces of design, well-selected and well-studied forms, well-understood pro- files, careful and well-executed detail : there might, in short have been something like g«s/o manifested in the treatnientof the subject, though the materials employed were ever so slight and homely. The employ- ment of fictitious materials — of wood instead of stone — of ornaments and mouldings cast in composition or papier miiche, instead of being carved by hand, does not necessarily produce a trumperiness of appear- ance ; on the contrary, whether the result be trumpery-looking or not depends less upon the worth of the materials and the mode in which the appearance aimed at is produced, than upon the taste which the architect or artist expresses in his ideas. Instead of beauty of design being destroyed by the ordinariness of the materials employed, it confers an cesthetic value upon these last which makes ample amends for their want of costliness ; and if there is to be any disproportion at all between the worth of the one and the other, it is a lesser fault to have an artist-like design executed in " trumpery" materials, than a trumpery and tasteless design, however excellent the materials employed for it.* Of both trumpery and bad taste, and of gross architectural solecisms — many of them downright vulgar in themselves, and almost inex- plicable, as sanctioned by one who has the credit of having been a "minute antiquary" — Strawberry Hill affords so many instances, that wherever any sort of illusion is produced it is only for a moment, being dispelled at the next glance, or the next step. We grant that Walpole himself speaks very disparagingly of his own architectural doings, but it is with that sort of affected compliment-begging humility, which seeks nothing so much as to be contradicted ; and • Of course this is to be taken cum gravo salis ; we must not be understood as holding it to be matter of pcrlect indifference whether a building be solidly constructed or not, provided ii does but satisfy the eye, because, in proportion as it is beautiful, is ilie pleasure it affords increased by knowing that it is durable also, and calculated to last indefinitely. What we chieliy mean to say is, that where any sort of character is aimed at at all. ihe slightness of the materials, or their being fictitious ones, is no excuse at all for the design itself being incorrect, slovenly, and tasteless. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. I S3 though he is pleasant on the subject of his flimsy battlements, of which he says he had outlived three generations, he seems unconscious of the vulgar and cockney t.iste displayed in stici;ing up such paltry things at all. In point of taste, indeed, the exterior looks just such another sheepishly-fierce and frowning piece of "femlal castle" archi- tecture as that boK of battlements which has imposed upon no less learned an antiquary than John Britton himself, who — not having, per- haps, a promjiter at his elbow at the moment — has pronounced it, in his publication on Edinburgh, to be — btauti/ul .' We will now proceed to examine the Strawberry Hill mansion more methodically and minutely. There is, indeed, one thing in its favour, namelv, that neither externally nor internally does the entrance make any fallacious promise. So very far, indeed, is it from exciting expec- tations to be afterwards succeeded by disappointment, that it rather damps them altogether. You reach the entrance door through a little narrow alley, on oue side of which are three paltry arches in the star- vation-Gothic style, forming what is by courtesy termed a cloister, in which is — perhaps we siiould now say was^/«-loving Walpole to the witless and vulgar-minded Waldegrave. References to Plan. A, Armoury. I, Beauclerk closet. B, Library, over Dining-room. K, Breakfast room. C, Star room. L, Blue closet. D, Holbein chamber. M, Bedchamber. E, Gallery, over Great Cloister. N, Ditto. F, Round Drawing-room, -2 ft. e, Entrance, pn the ground floor diameter. plan. G, Tribune. p, Passage. H, Great or north Bedchamber. ARTESiA>f Well in London.- -The sinking of the Artesian well in Picca- dilly has, we believe, been attended with the most perfect success, and there is now every probability of an inexhaustible supply of the purest water. After boring to a depth of 240 feet water was arrived at, which immediately rose to within 80 feet from the surface. Over the well a handsome iron pump is in progress of erection, and the inhabitants may now reckon upon a certain and plentiful supply of line spring water. The expense of this useful work is estimated at COO/. Such has been the success of the under- taking, and so many the advantages, that it is said to be in contemplation to carry out the plan in St. George's parish, by causing Artesian wells to be sunk in different localities, best calculated to contribute to the convenience of the parishioners. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 185 THE ANTIQUITIES OF NEW SPAIN. Much has been said and written, from the age of Herodotus to the present time, on the magnificent edifices of the ancient Egyptians ; there is an undying interest felt about that people and their works, an interest we all feel, and one that will endure for ages; but in gifing so much of our attention to this subject, interesting as it undoubtedly is, may we not neglect others which, if not equally, may be well worthy our attention and research. Such a subject, we think, may be found for us in the architectural remains of the ancient inhabitants of the Spanish Mexican settlements; but in pursuing it, it is not our present purpose to enter into the question, what race of men were the real executors of these remains : such a question would lead us far beyond the limits of our article, and as such great names differ in opinion on the subject, it will appear like presumption in us to decide the point. Of the early inhabitants of New Spain the Toltecans are the most ancient nation of whom we know anything ; they came from the north- ward, being expelled from their own country (supposed to be Tollan)- about the year 472. In rather more than 100 years after this they reached Mexico, where they settled ; but some time after almost the whole nation was destroyed by famine and pestilence, occasioned by extreme drought, and the remnant of the Toltecans was incorporated with the Chichemicas, a succeeding nation under Zoloth, one of their princes. There is considerable uncertainty as to the origin of the present Mexican race ; according to Bolunni they left their own country (Aztlan, supposed to be an Asiatic province) about the year 1160, but did not reach Mexico until nearly GO years after; there they were first subject to, and afterwards conquerors of, the ancient Tolte- can nation. For the sake of brevity, then, let us adopt the name of Toltecan for the architectural works we speak of, although the present natives attribute the erection of the buildings to "a race of giants," (a name given by many ancient nations to the Pelasgi), and proceed at once, as far as lies in our power, to the description of the works themselves, as it is plain that to whatever nation they owed their origin, they (the nation) must have had considerable general know- ledge, especially of the mechanical, geometrical, and astronomical sciences. The general form of the Toltecan religious edifices, and indeed the guiding principle in all their works, seems to have been the pyramidal, but unlike the pyramids of Egypt, they were not merely sepulchral monuments, but temples in themselves. Instead of their being gra- duated in regular courses, they formed stages or towers, each tower being a truncated pyramid, rising one above the other to the height of several stages, the upper surface of each tower (being flat) forming a base for and terrace surrounding the tower immediately above it. These buildings were square in plan, and the sides faced the cardinal points. The sanctuary was situated on the topmost tower, and it is a very singular coincidence that this kind of temple, the one at Cho- lula especially, answers almost exactly to the description given by Herodotus (Clio) of the temple of Jupiter Belus. He says " It is a square building. In the midst a tower rises, upon which, resting as a base, seven other towers are built in regular succession. The ascent is on the outside, which, winding from the ground, is continued to the highest tower. In the last tower is the holy place (uaos). As it is generally supposed, from various circumstances, that the Toltecan temples were dedicated to some solar divinity, the coincidence is the more remarkable, as the sun was worshipped under the name of Baal or Belus by the various nations of antiquity. The ascent to the place of sacrifice or sanctum sanctorum was by means of a broad and well finished flight of steps, usually situated on the western face of the temple. Sometimes this staircase, instead of ascending in a direct line, as in the flower temple of Xjjchicalco and others, traversed each tower in a diagonal or zig-zag course from the lower to the upper angle, as in the temple of Cholula before mentioned, and occasionally there were four flights, one on each face of the building ; the temple of Tehuantepee may be quoted as an example of this last, but in it the principal staircase faced the west. It may be as well to mention that at Cholula, Dupaix discovered a very fine stone head, having on a kind of crown ; from various circumstances he considered it to be either the capital of a column or part of a caryatic figure. The sides of their pyramids were sometimes ornamented with stone heads, but they were of quite a different description, more resembling the human skull. This was perhaps in allusion to their religious services, as it is well known they sacrificed human victims upon their altars. At Xochicalco (House of Fttiwers), the great temple has its sides adorned with immense flowers cut after erection ; Nebel has restored this building in his work. To give some idea of the magnificent scale upon which the Toltecans executed their architectural works, it will be only necessary for us to give the dimensions of the great pyramid of Cholula. As nearly as can be ascertained (for the angles of it are much worn) its base is upwards of 1400 feet square, or rather more than twice the size of the pyramid of Gizeh, although in height (from the width of its terraces) it does not exceed 180 feet. There has been much discussion among the moderns as to what style was adopted by the architects of Solomon's temple ; some have supposed it to have been the Grecian Doric, others (ourselves among the number) have considered it the Egyptian, but Lord Kingsborough has brought a more novel theory into the field. He considers the Toltecan remains were executed by a portion of the Jewish nation settled in Mexico, and the Toltecan temple of Palenque to be mo- delled by them after that of Solomon. The general plan of this build- ing is square ; it is raised on a low truncated pyramid as a basement, and the ascent to the level of the floor is by a broad staircase situated on the eastern side of the temple. A kind of double gallery runs round and partly across the building, and divides it into three areas or open courts. The galleries, as well as the other chambers, have roofs rising high like the Gothic; the ceilings of the interior are similar, with the exception of their section being a truncated triangle. Out of one of the courts rises a square tower of very good proportion, diminishing gradually, of several stories in height, and having on the inside a staircase running up to the top. This tower was probably- used by the Toltecans for an observatory, as we know they studied astronomy, not only from their manner of placing their temples, &c., but from there being some of their zodiacal carvings still extant. At Mitlan are ruins of four buildings called " the Palaces," (Dupaix thinks they are sepulchral monuments and not the abode of their kings) the design of which seems to indicate the existence of a purer and more refined taste in their architect than is exhibited in most of the other Toltecan works. It is difficult to convey an idea of the plan of all these erections by description only, but we will take the prin« cipal one as the best suited to our purpose. Four buildings surround a square or court, three of them are rectangular parallelograms in plan, each containing one saloon ; the fourth is similar to the other three, but has, in addition to the saloon, some chambers behind it, forming altogether a plan much resembling the Egyptian Tau. The greater part of the exterior is covered with elaborate and exceedingly beau- tiful designs in Mosaic, some of them vary much in the style of the Greek meander or fret ornament ; the same mosaics are used on the architrave of the interior. In the saloon of the principal building are six granite columns without base or capital, supporting the ceiling beams ; these are almost the only columnar examples we find, as the Toltecans generally made use of piers or substantial antae in lieu of them. The walls were constructed of well tempered mud, lime and sand, the large stone facings being pressed into them to a certain depth while in a soft state, and the interior of the work was finished with a fine hard stucco bearing an excellent polish, and painted with ochre and vermilion. It is a circumstance worthy of notice that al- though chisels and other instruments of copper have been found among the Mexican ruins, no iron ones have ever been discovered. How then did the masons square their stones for building ? (it is evident copper tools would not have been sufficiently hard for the purpose). Dupaix thinks they squared them by means of friction, and his opinion may receive some confirmation from the fact of their surface being exceedingly smooth. Under the saloon of the palace is a cruciform sepulchral chamber, entered by a flight of steps from the court above. 2 D 186 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [June, The ceiling of it is formed by beams of stone laid transversely; but at the intersection of the cross is a cylindrical column supporting a square slab of stone or abacus, forming the ceiling of the chamber at that part. The interior is richly ornamented with different kinds of mosaic fret, and is painted with vermilion. If we may judge from the ruins of their sepulchres which still exist, the Toltecan nation must have paid the greatest respect to the memory of their dead. Occasionally we fiud them deposited in ca*-erns wrought by hand, similar to the one we have just spoken of; there is likewise one of the same cruciform shape at Chilan, and another, containing three chambers, near Xochicalco ; but most commonly they constructed a large conical heap or tumulus, and faced it with stone or brick ; through this was made an arched passage usually running north and south. A tumulus of this kind at Mount Alvan has one side of this passage lined with oblong slabs of granite carved with human figures. There is a very remarkable sepulchral monument situated likewise at Mount Alvan; it is constructed in a conical hill like those before mentioned, but there is also an arched passage running east and west, intersecting that running from north to south. At this intersection is a large and well constructed rotunda, the dome of which is somewhat in the shape cf a parabolic conoid ; the sides and interior are lined with good ma- sonry, and at the top is a kind of funnel or chimney going right through to the exterior summit of the tumulus ; this was probably used for purposes of ventilation. The Toltecans generally made the arches of their bridges square headed, by means of a stone lintel laid across from pier to pier, but not unfrequently they placed long beams of stone leaning towards one another at an angle of about 55 degrees, and meeting at top, forming a kind of triangular straight-sided arch. In the province of Thascala are the ruins of two bridges of this latter description, and the angles of the roadway are ornamented with four piers or obelisks, of about 50 ft. in height, having an imposing effect. There still exists at Chil- Luittan a bridge very peculiarly constructed by means of large blocks of stone, the upper surfaces of them being cut convex and the lower con- cave, springing from their piers and meeting together at the crown of the archway. The arch thus formed bears a great resemblance to our Gothic " Lancet." Perhaps it may be as well to say something of the roofs, doors, and ■windows of the edifices we have been describing. Of the first the interior frame was in most instances triangular, the angle at the apex being rather acute ; but there are examples in the form of an inverted cyma, somewhat like the roofs of the Chinese buildings. Internally the sections of the ceilings were sometimes plain-sided triangles (occasionally truncated), at others they were graduated in overhanging courses, forming a kind of arch. The doorways were of a square or oblong form, having merely a plain stone lintel resting on its piers. Very many of the windows and niches are of the same description, but we find in them a much greater variety of form. They are some cf them arched at top, some triangular, some in the shape of the Egyptian Tau, while others resemble the trefoil-headed Gothic arch. PROTECTION OF LAND AGAINST THE SEA. The expedient about to be described was put into practice at a part of the Moray Firth, near the town of Inverness, North Britain. There was great reason for supposing that the Firth had encroached enormously at this place ; and so certain and rapid seemed its progress towards the destruction of a portion of the carse land known by the name of the "Longman," lying between it and the rich town lands immediately contiguous to Inverness, that the inhabitants, foreseeing the certain destruction which awaited the town lands, and perhaps ultimately Xhe town itself, if the carse land, which had by this time been reduced to an average breadth of about 100 yards, were not protected, determined upon erecting a very substantial wall, (A) as represented in the annexed sketch, and it was hoped that the evil would be thereby effectually cured ; but after resisting the action of the water for some years by the aid of almost constant repairs, it was at length so much damaged that proposals and estimates were submitted for the purpose of erecting another waU of much stronger dimensions, and the inhabitants were preparing for another serious demand upon their purses, when they were agreeably surprized by receiving a pro- posal from Mr. William Hughes, then a contractor upon the Caledonian Canal, to protect the town lands effectually, and that at no cost what- ever to the town, as he required no farther remuneration than the possession of the stones of which the wall had been formed. This agreement was eagerly entered into on both sides, and both parties were perfectly satisfied with the result. Suture qf Citrac^lajiS' - — — as — The contractor's mode of operation was extremely simple, as may be seen by the sketch : the beach ascended from low to high water- mark at an inclination of about 1 in 9, and then rose abruptly about 3 ft. to the level of the carse lands. Having removed the old wall, the contractor considered that nothing more was wanting than the for« mation of a beach of sufficient solidity to resist the action of the water, and having at the same time such a section as to allow the waves to exhaust themselves without meeting %vith any substance which might be injured by them. These objects were attained by removing sufficient stuff to admit of the beach being carried up and terminated by a gentle curve tangent to the original beach, whilst the surface of this newly-formed beach, and also down towards low water- mark, was rendered solid by excavating a foot in depth, and depositing therein boulders found on the beach. This formation is represented by B in the sketch ; and we have only further to add that nothing could have proved more creditable to the contractor, or more service- able to those interested in its success, since, from the time of its com- pletion till the present time, a period of not less than 26 years, the town has not lost one foot of land, nor been put to any expense for repairs. H. NOTES ON EARTH WORK, EXCAVATION, CUTTING, AND FORMING EMBANKMENT UPON RAILWAYS. Article II. — Plant, Haulage, and Contingencies. " Modern practice has reduced it to a price per cubic yard." Professor Vignoles^ Lecture, Dec. 1841. The rails, wagons, sleepers, &c. used by contractors, are called the " Plant," and are of a lighter description than those used for permanent works. The rails range generally from 26^ to 30 lb. per yard, and the joint pedestals or chairs 20 lb., and intermediate chairs 12j lb. each. The follow- ing were the prices paid in 1837: — rails 13/. per ton ; chairs 9/. 10s. per ton; keys 24i. per cwt. ; sleepers Is. to Is. 3rf. each. The plant required for the conveyance of 213,000 cubic yards of earth with embankment consisted of 157 tons of rails, 67 tons of chairs, 28 cwt. of wedges and nails, and 42 wagons, estimated to contain or carry \\ cubic yards each, costing 18/. 10». each,* and 96 to contain 2\ cubic yards each, costing 23/. each. The cost * Wagons to contain H cubic yards of earth, of which 42 were used — cost £777. 1 set of wrought iron work pedestals, bolts, and hoops,390 lb. £.. s. d. at 4rf. . . ... . . 6 10 0 1 set of 24-in. wheels and axles . . . . 7 15 0 19cubicft. of elm.at 3s. 2 17 0 Labour of making each . . . . .18 0 18 10 0 Wagons to contain 21 cubic yards, of which 96 were used, each 23/.— cost £2208. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 187 of repairs for each wagon was from Is. 3(/. to Ij. 6d. per week, no less than 97 out of 103 wagons requiring extensive repairs in one month. In addition to the repair, the lubrication or greasing of the wagon is a considerable item of expense. Supposing the plant sold after the completion of the work, it would perhaps produce— raUs S/. per ton ; chairs in proportion ; large wagons 13/. ; small wagons lU. ; and sleepers 9rf. each. From all I can leain, and judging from my own experience, I calculate that the cost on each work for rails is about lid. per cubic yard, and for ■wagons Irf.t Before I proceed to consider the cost of haulage or horsing, I will give what Mr. Day says on the subject, in his Treatise on Railways, although not in his exact words :— " Taking resistance at 150th part of insistent weight for tempoiary roads, and horse power at 150 lb., to travel 12 mUes loaded and 12 with empty carriages, at the rate of 2i miles per hour, and allowing a fourth for weight of wagons, a horse wiU convey 64^ cubic yards one mile per day, which, at 7s. per day, including attendance, is equal to IJrf. per cubic yard ; and that the effect of ascending a gradient of 35 ft. per mile will double the cost, 74 ft. treble, and 105 ft. quadruple it."— The cost is not in the ratio of the relative distance, as the haulage to and from the tip and guUet apply as well to short as to long distances. For the first mile I do not think that 2id. per yard is too much for haulage, which is nearly double Mr. Day's estimate.* I consider that horse power is preferable to either fixed or loco- motive engines, when the lead is vmder 2.V miles, but. up to 4 miles a loco- motive is to be preferred ; and when the lead exceeds that distance, it will be cheaper to purchase land for side cutting, and run the surplus to spoil at the commencement of the cutting, or run the top Uft into the adjoining fields. The average lead for most of the railways abeady made seldom exceeds one mile, which has been taken as the standard measure of cost, for which the price is generally about Is. per cubic yard for the first mile, and 3d. per mUe additional, or lid. per half mne, beyond the first mile. The following are the prices at which many contracts have been executed + On account of the capital required for plant being so great, it is some- times the custom for the companies to find rails and wagons, the permanent rails being allowed to he used for temporary purposes. The value of a plant for a contract 5* miles in length, to convey 213,000 cubic yards, is nearly one-third of the amount of contract, taking 12rf. per cubic yard as the price, viz. for— Rails, chairs, keys, &C. . • • • *3300 Sleepers 30" Wagons .■••-• "°^ Total 6.585 About seven miles of rails were used, besides two miles of wooden rails plated with iron for a back road, on which only the empty wagons passed. The facility afforded in tipping fully warranted this quantity ot plant. Ihe usual calculation for the quantity of rails required is the length, of contract undertaken, if the works are lo be carried on with vigour. » Hursts' keep calculated at the above :— 1 load of hay, 36 trusses of 56 lb. each, at lOSs. to 110s. per load. 1 load of corn, beans, or oats, 5 qvs. and 8 bushels 1 qr. at 30s. per qr., and wei<'hin<' 37 to 43 lb. ner bushel net, allowing S lb. for the weight of the sack ; beans, whole 2"cwt. 1 qr. 12 lb. per sack, split 1 cwt. 2 qr. 3 lb. ; oats 1 cwt. 1 qr. per sack, at 24s. per qr. Keep of horses at the above price, exclusive of driving. per week each. ^ Xfi.^^y, l^'^'^' ^ 1361 lb. ot hay ) 9| lb. of hay ■» 94 of oats yiis. ISi ot oats V2s. orf. 23 of beans ) H of beans ) 30 horses in 12 weeks consumed 740 bushels of oats, 180 ditto of beans, 181 trusses of hay. 42 horses in one week consumed 69 bushels of oat»,\ (9i busheJs of oats, 51 ditto of beans, F „,. J 48 ditto of beans, 32 trusses of hay, f "^' ] 26 trusses of hay, 3 sacks of bran. ) lot sacks of bran. 35 horses in one week consumed 70 bushels of oats.) (60 bushels of oats, or 70, 42 ditto of beans, J- or, ^31 ditto cf beans, 24 trusses of hay. ) l26 trusses of hay. 20 burses consumed in one week 35 bushels of o.its.i (38 bushels of oats, 21 ditto of beans, V or, -J 21 ditto of beans, 2 sacks of bran. ) I 1 sack of bran. The cost of harness is 2s. per week each. Repairs of ditto and shoeing 6d. Farriery dnd medicine td. per week each. The value of the dung pavs for the straw. 35 horses took 2250 cubic yards 67i chairs at 3J', and has thrown the Continental railways into his hands ; and he has reason to be proud of the distinction. It is a practical illustration of the maxim that science is bUnd and without hands, and useless unless guided by experience. Many of the contracts on the English railways have been in the hands of men who could not write their own names. I did not, when I commenced this paper, intend saying anything of the comparative cost of excavating materials of a more obdurate nature, but to confine myself to common earth ; but from the interest I have taken in the ^ There are also to be added the risk of an error in the fi.xing the vaUie of the average lead, which 1 think is the most important point ot all, requiring Ae exercise of the soundest judgment. An.j again, it seldom happens but what the rate of the gradient varies in the englh of a contract, w ich will make a great difference, as before stated a rise ot 35 ft per mile w.ll double the price ot h.iulage, and to have a small descent with the load is as greatly n favour of the contractor. There are besides the slips in cutting, and sub- sUing in embankment, and the upholding of tunnels, and other l'f;«'f"J work ; and as if all these contingencies were not enough, one of the pine pal engineers, lately in his report to the directors, urged the propriety of including in "the contract for work ihe i«/n< of the land required lor the railway. 2 D 2 188 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [June, subject, I am induced to add a few words. Teihaps by so doiug I may elicit some further information from some correspondent, who may have the means of continuing the subject on rock excavation and blasting. In the first place I will give what Mr. Booth, of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, says in his pamphlet on the progressive operations of that undertaking. The e.vcavation was about 2,006,000 cul)ic yards : it was removed from a few furlongs to between three anil four miles in length. The excavations at — General price per cubic yard. s. d. s. d. Edge Hill ; red sandstone . . . .16 Olive Mount ; red marl and sandstone, two miles long . 1 0 to 2 0 Rainhill ; clay, marl, and sandstone . . . 0 8 „ 1 1 Kenyon; sand, gravel, and marl . . . 0 8 ,, 1 0 Eccles ; marl and sandstone . . . . 0 10 „ 1 4 It i.s unfortunate that the general price only is stated, which I suppose to mean an average lead, and not the standard of per mile. On the Great ^Vestern Railway, near Keynsham, the cutting through limestone cost lOrf., Is. 3d., 2s. 5 to produce a great economy in the cost of transport upon a line where there is but little to carry, and more advantageous to produce a less economy upon a line where a large quantity of merchandise is carried." These are the prin- ciples which I have been endeavouring to impress upon your minds, and which, from their importance, I cannot too often repeat. '• It is, therefore," says M. Navier, " generally necessary to take into consideration, in the compa- rison of different lines, the quantity of traffic which may be established on each, and even the increase in the value of properties, and the development of production to which the establishment of these lines may give rise respec- tively, according to the nature of the countries which they traverse, ' I would observe, as a passing remark, that the word developpemenl, in French, generally refers to length ; thus the development of a line of railway will be spoken of— meaning the length of that line — whilst, in English, the word refers to an extension of superficies. M. Navier does not go minutely into the examination of these last elements of the question, which rather belong to statistics and political economy than to engineering, but confines himself to the " consideration of the reduction which the establishment of a railway can effect upon the actual cost of transport — a most important consideration — to which, as already remarked, It is alwajs necessary to attend ; and this will form, in every case, the principal element of the comparison between different lines, and often leads to determinations purely geometrical or me- chanical, and, consequently, exempt from arbitrary deductions." M. Navier then goes on to state, that " the cost of transport on a railway as upon a road or canal, depends on two principal points, which it is necessary to distinguish and consider separately ; the first of these is the expense of constructing the railway, and the second is the expense of conveying the goods on the railway, when it is constructed. The e.tpense of the construc- tion of the railway is independent of the quantity of merchandise and of passengers that will pass over it. The expense of trausport, properly speak- ing, upon the railway supposed to be constructed, depends, on the contrary, upon the quantity of merchandise or of passengers — that is to say, all other things being equal, the expense will evidently he in proportion to the ton- nage." Now, a few years back, the whole time of the House of Commons was taken up with comparing the merits of rival lines of railway, for no sooner was one line proposed than directly a rival line was started. It is well known that, for the Brighton Railway, four different lines were pro- posed— the discussion on the respective merits of which extended over a considerable length of time. But it is a curious fact, that, in all these dis- cussions, the principle which has been laid down this evening was never once alluded to. Now, in the practical working of railways, the diminution of e.xiiense of transport is generally quite independent of the quantity of goods carried, for, after a line is constructed, the charges are generally airanged with reference to rival lines, or to the competition which may exist with the railway ; and the interest of the money laid out is scarcely thought of, however much it may have entered into the a priori calculations. The Paris and Versailles Railways may be mentioned ; two lines were started, one on each side of the river— the Government did not like to treat either party harshly, and passed both bills, and both lines are actually executed ; and, from the great competition between them, the charges for transport of goods and passengers will probably bear little or no relation to the interest of the capital expended. There is, however, another element which renders the calculation of a very complicated nature. The railways are different from common roads or canals, over which, after they have been once constructed, the public have been left to find their own way— considerations of public safety render it necessary to incur great expenses in terminal and local sta- tions, &c. ! and there are also secondary expenses, such as the annual cost of repairs, police, and management, of which it may be said that they depend partly on the interest of the cost of constructing, and partly on the amount of tonnage carried. Now, from experience a general idea can be formed of the expense of these items, but, before gomg into the details, I will return to M. Navier, who says—" We may, therefore, admit, without falling into any serious error, that the annual cost of transport on a railway is, in all cases, formed of two parts— the one proportional to the expenses of the con- struction of the way, and the other proportional to the amount of tonnage carried ; and we should also observe, that the cost of transport of one ton of merchandise cannot be specified, unless the number of tons which shall be 198 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [June, carried annually from one extremity of the line to the other be known." Now, hitherto we have been unable to determine a priori what these amounts are — but we can tell w ith great accuracy what they have been on the differeiit Bncs of railway now in operation. The following tables give the average of these expenses on several lines of railway : — Merchandise Traffic. Coal on colliery Goods on the Heails of charge. railways in the Liverpool and north. Manch. Rlny. Locomotive power — wages and repairs . . . . OSSS" . . . . 0 425* fuel 0025 .... 0125 Total 0-380 0-550 Wagons 0-190 .. .. 0227 Conducting traffic 0 075 .... 1080 Maintaining railway 0-208 .... 0-307 General expenses 0-100 .... 0354 Total cost 0-953 2-518 * Per ton per mile — in decimals of a penny. Passenger Traffic Lend. U Mane. Dublin & Kings- Heads of charge. Railw. — average townRailw. — av. 60 passengers 40 passengers per train. per train. Locomotive power — wages and repairs .. 0'170* 0-173* fuel 0100 0-115 Total 0>270 Coaches 0-054 Conducting coaching 0104 Maintaining railway 0-085 General expenses 0-091 0-288 0-031 0-113 0-050 0-174 Total cost 0-604 0-656 * Per passenger per mile — in decimals of a penny. Taking the Liverpool and Manchester Railway as an example, we find the uiunber of passengers to average sixty per train. This may, on the whole, be considered as a fair average on all the railroads throughout the country. Seven years working of the same railway gives, as the average expense of locomotive power, 0-27 It appears that stove-pipes are frequently corroded in the course of a year or two, where they are not taken down or cleansed subsequent to their em- ployment through the winter season. An instance is known in which 40 ft. of pipe were corroded and rendered a perfect colander in the course of two Tears. Nor docs it appear always as a necessary condition that the place should be damp, although this is the case in a majority of instances, for in the corrosion just noticed, the proprietor stated that the stove was very dry. The corrosion rarely happens in an upright pipe, but usually in one lying horizontally, for where such corrosion had already commenced it was said, in one instance, to have been obviated by giving the pipe a slight inclination. >\'here it takes place in an upright pipe, it may arise from the flowing down of corroding matter from a horizontal layer of the same. The same kind of corrosion is observable in steam boilers in which anthra- cite is employed as fuel, and not in those in which bituminous coal is used. That it does not arise from the intensity of the heat is shown from the fact, that it is greatest in the boiler-flues which lie horizontally at a distance from the fire, k corrosion is sometimes observed near the top of the smoke pipe in steamboats, but this may be attributed to the alternate action of heat, cold, air, and moisture. It would appear then, that the corrosion is caused either by the vapours aHsing from the combustion of anthracite, or from matter carried up mechan- ically by the draft; or from both combined. That it does not proceed from incondensable gaseous matter is proved by the occurrence of the corrosion only when a stove-pipe is no longer exposed to these vapours during the summer season, or where a boiler is cooled from intermitted fires. It does not arise from matter carried up mechanically, for this could only be ashes, and we know that the ashes of anthracite are of a dry nature ; and without moisture, chemical action, or the corrosion, could not occur. It must, there- fore, be produced from condensable vapours. On examining the interior of a stove-pipe lying horizontally, whether corroded or not, we find a loose ashy deposit of a greyish brown colour ; and where corrosion has taken place, the greater part is condensed into a solid mass, showing that it had absorbed water. Upon fracturing the solid material, small white crystals appear under the microscope, which are gene- rally too imperfect to admit of recognising their form. By subliming the mass, a little empyreumatic oil and water are formed, but the greater part subUmed is an ammoniacal'Salt. Upon testing a solution of the ashes, it shows a large content of muriate and sulphate of ammonia, the former evi- dently in much greater quantity than the sulphate. After complete sublima- tion at a red heat, the ashy matter remaining appears to be nearly pure charcoal or lamp black, with a mere trace of coal ashes. From the qualitative tests made, it would appear that the ammoniacal salts constitute at least three-fourths of the whole mass. A mere trace of iron was detected. From this content of saline matter, as well as from its nature, we are at no loss to account for the corrosion of iron where the air and moisture add their conjoint action ; but it may be doubted whether the ashy matter has the power of absorbing moisture from an atmosphere of ordinary dryness, for in dry situations, it appears that there is usually no corrosion, and in the case noticed at the commencement of the report, it may be doubted whether the stove was dry. How to obviate the corrosive action is a more difficult point to determine, unless the very, simple process be resorted to of cleaning out stove-pipes every spring, and hoiler-flues every few weeks. If the stove-pipes are required to remain standing with the sediment in them, then a previous internal coat- ing of white lead, litharge, or red lead might probably answer the best purpose, since it would result in the production of chloride and sulphate of lead, while the ammonia would be driven off. The thin coating of these salts of lead might then prevent the contact and farther action of the ashy deposit. Experiments made at the U. S. Mint during the winter of 40-41, seem to show that a coating of lime on the interior of a pipe prevents cor- rosion, and it is said that a few stove manufacturers in this city are acquainted with the fact. The committee, however, in the face of these facts, are rather inclined to believe that the oxide of lead will prove more efficient, since the sulphate of lead is a wholly inert salt, and the chloride nearly insoluble, while the sulphate of lime is somewhat soluble, and the chloride of calcium very soluble, and therefore likely to produce corrosive action eventually. Still the operation of whitewashing is tbe simplest mode of obviating cor- rosion, and may be repeated at intervals. The content of chlorine to such an extent as is developed by the above chemical examination, is interesting in a geological point of view, since it has not hitherto been found in chemical examinations of anthracite. Prof. H. D. Rogers, in 1836, point«d out the fact, that where heaps of refuse matter were burned near the coal mines, ammoniacal salts, and among them muriate of ammonia, are sublimed, and may be found among the ashes. Now we know that saline waters are obtained from the coal measures in the west- ern district of Peiinsylvania, and, moreover, it is the prevailing opinion among geologists that the coal series are marine deposits ; we can, there- fore, explain the origin of the muriate of ammonia in the ashy deposit arising from the combustion of anthracite, by attributing the chlorine to the presence of a trace of chloride of sodium (common salt) in the coal or its accompanying slate, or possibly in both. It is unnecessary to allude to the formation of ammonia, since it is a universal product to a greater or less extent of the dry distillation or combustion of every kind of coal. This ammoniacal deposit is interesting in an economical point of view, since it accumulates in considerable quantity in a single season, and may be collected with facility. In one instance at least, ten pounds were removed from about eight to ten feet of pipe, which was the produce af three or four years, and hence, we may estimate the large amount that might be obtained from many hundred pipes in Philadelphia every season. It may be employed either for the manufacture of sal ammoniac by a very simple process of sub- limation with a small quantity of a salt of lime, or it may be directly applied in powder or in solution to garden soils. The influence of ammoniacal salts in promoting luxuriant vegetation has long been known, but the admirable work of Prof. Liebig on Agricultural Chemistry has more completely de- veloped their influence and importance. The material before us will unques- tionably prove of great value to the gardener and florist, if properly applied to the soil ; but it must not be forgotten that it is very rich in ammonia, and should therefore be employed sparingly. February 10, 1842. By order of the Committee, William Hamilton, Actuary. PROCEEDINGS or SCZESTTIFIC SOCIETIES. • INSTITUTION OF CUIL ENGINEERS. March 1. — William Cdbiit, V.P., in the Chair. " Holhom HiU, and the Plans for its Improvement." By John Turner. This communication chiefly consists of an examination of the various plans which have been suggested for diminishing the acclivity of that crowded thoroughfare. An idea of its thronged state is given from Mr. Xttiishaw's evidence before a Committee upon Metropolitan Improvements, in May, 1838, wherein he assumes the fair average annual amount of traffic between Fetter Lane and the Old Bailey at " 20,000,000 pedestrians, 871,640 eques- trians, 157,752 hackney coaches, 372,470 carts and wagons, 78,876 stages, 82,258 carriages, 135,842 omnibuses, 460,110 chaises and taxed carts, and 354,942 cabs." The necessity for ameliorating this great thoroughfare has been generally acknowledged, and great changes have been made in the locality since the rivulet called the " Old Bourne " took its course down the hill into the Fleet river, which at that time had wharfs on either side for landing goods from the barges, which came up as far as llolborn Bridge. About the year 1733 the arching over of the channel of the Fleet was com- menced, and subsequently was extended to the Thames, forming at present one of the main sewers, having its outlet at Blackfriars Bridge. On arching over the Fleet the ground at the bottom of the hill was raised as much as possible ; indeed all that can be done by filling up (having reference to the surrounding levels), would appear to have been done at various intervals. The oldest plan mentioned by Mr. Turner is that by Mr. T. F. Taylor, in 1828. He proposed to divide the hill at the corner of Hatton Garden into three parts, and to continue the same up Skinner Street nearly to the Sara- cen's Head Inn ; between these points an iron suspension bridge, with a level roadway, was to be erected wide enough to admit of two carriages abreast, leaving the footpaths and nearly all the houses undisturbed. Tlie estimate for this plau was about £23,000. In 1833 Mr. Turner proposed to construct a bridge or viaduct, upon arches, along the south side of Holborn Hill and Skinner Street, from Thavies Inn to Sea-coal Lane. The arches would have been available for warehouses upon the level of that half of the street which preserved its original position. On this plan it would have been necessary to take down all the houses on the south side from Shoe Lane to Farringdon Street ; the others being modern, might have been raised. This plan was subsequently modified, and the width of the street increased to 70 feet, giving the viaduct 35 in breadth. Mr. Moselev's proposition in 1833 was to fill up the valley to the height of 12 feet at llolborn Bridge, altering some of the houses at the bottom. In 1840 he further proposed to take 18 inches off the brow of llolborn Hill and 12 inches oflT Skinner Street, which, with raising the bottom, would bring the gradient of the acclivity to about 1 in 35. Some interesting tables are given of the rates of acclivities of some of the principal thoroughfares in Loudon. 200 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [June, St. James's Street, at 660 feet from Piccadilly, is . 1 in 27 Waterloo Place, ending at Piccadilly . . . . 1 „ 25 Haymarket, at 490 feet from ditto . . . . 1 „ 22 Strand, opposite Northumberland House . . . 1 „ 33 Charing Cross, from ditto towards Whitehall . . 1 „ 37 Southampton Street, from the Strand . . . . 1 „ 19 Fleet Street, opposite Salisbury Court . . . . 1 ,, 42-a- Ludgate Hill, ending at St. Paul's Churchyard . . 1 „ 25 Holborn Hill, varies from . . . 1 in 165 to 1 .. 23 Skinner Street, varies from . . 1 in 24 to 1 „ 29 Messrs. Barnard and Geary published a plan, in 1836, for carrying a via- duct along the north side of Holborn Hill, between Hatton Garden and the upper end of Snow Hill, removing the greater portion of the houses between those points. The estimate of the expense was £350,000. In the Second Report of the Metropolitan Improvements Committee for 1838 appeared a plan by Mr. Pocock, consisting of a viaduct on the south side of the hill, between St. Andrew's Court and Sea-coal Lane. Mr. Galloway's plan, in 1841, was to erect in the centre of the present line of road a viaduct upon iron arches, between Hatton Garden and the Saracen's Head Inn ; this viaduct was to be 30 feet wide, and used for horses and carriages only, leaving the street below as at present, only \videning it where requisite. Mr. Moon's plan, in 1841, was nearly similar to Mr. Tiu-ner's, only in- sisting upon a greater width of road. Several propositions were also made for forming a new street either on the north or south side of Holborn Hill ; among them are mentioned the following plans : — Mr. Davey's, in 1833, which was to commence at Fox Court, in Gray's Inn Lane, cross Saffron Hill, and proceed, in the form of a crescent, to meet Skinner Street above Snow Hill. Mr. Whishaw's plan, in 1835, was to build a viaduct, commencing at the end of Fetter Lane, to the north of New Street Square, thence across Far- ringdon Market, which he proposed to render more convenient and airy, and to terminate at the top of the Old Bailey, the roadway throughout being perfectly level. Mr. Ross's plan resembled Mr. Whishaw's, but was less comprehensive, and avoided Farringdon Market, the viaduct being still nearly level. These latter plans were laid out with a view of avoiding the existing tho- roughfare, and the valuable property on Holborn Hill and Skinner Street. The plans were collected by the author for the purpose of showing their comparative merit and originality, and (as far as he was able) the dates. The communication was illustrated by a series of drawings and lithographs of almost all the schemes, with prospectuses of nearly all for reference. March 1. — The President in the Chair. " Description of the Permanent Way of the South-eastern Railway." By John Pope, Grad'. Inst. C. E. This communication commences with a general description of the slopes of the cuttings and the embankments of the line, and explains the mode of ballasting and the quality of the materials employed. On either side of the bank of ballast, and below the level of its bed, there is an open drain, 3 feet in width, extending throughout the line, which ensures perfect drainage from beneath the sleepers. The different works connected with the laying of the rails are then successively noticed. The sleepers are placed transversely, and differ in shape from any hitherto employed. They are of Baltic fir, and are formed by a square balk being diagonally divided so as to cut out four tri- angular sleepers, which are laid with the right angle C downwards, which Square balk divided to form four sleepers. Triangular sleeper A, B, C, con- trasted with a half balk. form (A B 0) has as much bearing surface as one of twice the cubic content cut out as a half balk in the usual manner. The advantages arising from this form in the economy of timber, the facility of packing, and the improved drainage of the ballast in contact with the sleepers, are pointed out, and the apparent disadvantage of tlie tendency to act as a wedge, is combated by showing that the inclination of a right angle exceeds the limits within which he principle of the wedge obtains. The chairs are of a peculiar form, de- signed by the engineer to combine lightness with strength ; they are cast on a plan invented and patented by Messrs. Ransome and May, of Ipswich, whereby the inward inclination of the rails, instead of being made to depend merely upon the rail layers (as is usually the case), is effected entirely by the shape of the cavities of the chairs, which are all cast with peculiar accuracy. Elevation of Chair, showinsr the inclination of the Rail. The uniformity of inclination attained by this improvement greatly diminished the lateral motion of the carriages, observed on almost aU other lines of raU- way. The chairs are placed horizontally on the sleepers, and are fastened down with trenails of oak compressed by the patent process of Messrs. Ran- some and May.* The wedges employed to secure the rails in the chairs are similarlv compressed. Details are then given of the rails, which are paralle., with their upper and lower tables of equal breadth ; of the amount of com- pression of the wedges and trenails, their dimensions, shapes, &c. The author concludes by stating, upon the authority of Mr. Barlow, the resident engineer of that part of the line, that the passage of 70,000 tons of ballast over several miles of the " permanent way " already completed, has not rendered the shghtest repair necessary, although the weather has been very unfavourable. The paper is accompanied bv a drawing showing the construction of the permanent way, and it was illustrated by the exhibition of a pair of sleepers with two pieces of the rails placed in the chairs, which were fixed down with the compressed trenails, complete as on the railway ; aU the tools employed in laying the permanent line ; and specimens of teak, oak, mahogany, horn- beam, walnut, and other timber, compressed and cut so as to show the sub- sequent form of the sap vessels. Intermediate Chair. Joint Chair. End view. End view. Remarks. — In answer to questions as to the compressed fastenings, Mr. May explained that the peculiarity of the system consisted in the fibre of the timber being compressed equally from the circumference to the centre. The pieces of wood for the wedges were cut out with parallel sides and forced by hydraulic presses into tapering moulds ; whilst in those moulds they were subjected to the action of heat applied through the medium of low pressure steam, and after being allowed to cool, they were forced out of the moulds, and so long as they were kept dry would retain their form ; but as the ope- ration simply contracted the dimensions of the sap vessels without crushing the fibre, the power of capillary attraction was not destroyed, and when driven into the chair and exposed to moisture, they swelled so as to remain perfectly tight. There was this difference between wedges so compressed and all others ; that a true wedge was formed from a piece of wood cut parallel on all sides, whilst all former modes that he was acquainted with produced, not wedges, but parallel pieces. * Minutes of Proceedings,*1840, p. 84. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 201 The diminution of the bulk of the trenails, by the process, is from 100 to 63, and of the wedges from 100 to 80. It is found that the wood does not swell until it is placed in a damp situation, as in the sleepers. Even the most solid woods, such as African teak, can be compressed without sustaining injury. Perfectly seasoned timber will not shrink after compression, but green wood will shrink after the process. One of the principal advantages of the compressed trenails is the firmness with which they hold into the sleeper. Around the iron spikes generally used, a sheath of rust is formed by the damp sleeper; the shaking of the carriages tends to draw them up- wards, and the elasticity of the fibre around the hole in the sleeper being impaired, it is of no use to drive them down again in the same place, and the chairs eventually become loose. The mode of casting the chairs was described to be by placing an iron plate on each side of the pattern, ramming them up in sand, and using an iron core, which being sustained in its position by a projecting tongue falling into a groove in the side plates, preserves an uniform incUnation of the rail in the chairs. Extraordinary precision is thus obtained, and only about 2 per cent, of waste-castings are made, although they are subjected to a rigid test, for if the bearing points allow the rail to vary -^ of an inch from the required inclination, they are broken up. The iron cores do not unduly chill the metal, and the average strength is retained. The iron used is chiefly " Welsh Cold Blast." Mr. Cubitt's object has been to lay a railway entirely upon transverse sleepers, of such a form as would expose the largest amount of bearing sur- face for the least portion ot timber ; that the bulk of the ballast should be beneath the bottom of the sleeper, where alone it is useful ; to use only the best foreign timber; to have the rails rolled uniformly and sufficiently heavy; Rails, Chairs, and Sleepers, w ith the " Cramp Gauge " fixed. Guide Tube and Auger. the chairs simple in form, possessing great regularity, and giving the inward inclination to the rail within the chairs, instead of depending upon the rail- layer doing it in fixing them ; and that the fastenings should be simple, but firm, and not liable to breakage, or to be detached by the passage of the carriages. With these views he had directed four sleepers to be cut diagonally out of each square log of foreign timber, giving about 2 J cubic feet to each sleeper ; to place them with the right angle downwards, so that the ballast could always be consolidated by ramming, without lifting the sleeper, or digging around it, as with square, or other formed sleepers ; two places are planed to receive the chairs, and one fastening hole bored in each sleeper ; they are then kyanized in close tanks, completely filled with the prepared solution, under a pressure of 80 lbs. per square inch. When placed upon the ballast, the joint chairs are first put down 15 feet apart, and the intermediate chairs loosely placed 3 feet apart ; " cramp gauges," embracing the inside and out- side of the rails, are then fixed between each pair of sleepers, and the wedges along one side driven up — one trenail being driven in each chair, the hole for which is previously bored in the sleeper by a gauge, to insure an equal projection on each side of the rail. A " guide tube " of an internal diameter to fit the spiral auger for boring the trenail holes, with the external lip tapered to correspond with the hole in the chair for the head of the trenail, is then used, and by its agency the holes are pierced with great accuracy, concentric with the hole in the chair, at the same time protecting the tool from being injured by the cast iron. The intermediate chairs are then fixed in the same manner, and the operations are repeated for the opposite rails ; the ballast is then consolidated by ramming. It is found that the work pro- ceeds very rapidly ; the ballast supports the sleepers throughout, and has no tendency to fall away from them ; the water drains away freely, and hitherto the passage of the ballast wagons over that portion of the line which is laid (although they are without springs), has been productive of benefit rather than injury. The inclination of the rail being given in the chair had insured such accu- racy, that after one day's traffic over it, the surface of the rails is rubl)ed equally throughout, and not alternately on either side, as is so commonly the case. Mr. Cubitt did not claim the invention of the angular-formed sleeper, as Mr. Reynolds had used it before for his longitudinal bearing rails, but he believed that transverse sleepers of that form had not been previously laid down ; nor did he claim the compressed wedges and trenails, or the peculiar mode of casting the chairs : the merit of these was entirely due to Messrs. Ransome and May, who had entered completely into his views and wishes, and executed them with extreme inteUigence. In answer to questions from the President, Mr. May replied that it had been an object to gain in the trenails and wedges the greatest amount of strength with diminished bulk, and also to cut away as little of the sleeper as possible in boring the holes ; he had, therefore, introduced this method of compressing them, with a view also, that in swelling from the damp they should fix themselves tight into the soft timber sleeper, and hold the chair fast down. He hoped to extend the use of compressed trenails to ship-building, for which they were eminently adapted ; if they were used, smaller holes would be bored in the timbers, and they would hold tighter than the trenails now used, which reqnire to have the points split and wedged up. and the heads also divided and caulked to prevent leakage through the open sap vessels of the wood. The President remarked that on the Hull and Selby Railway, the chairs were fastened to the kyanized timber sleepers by uncompressed wooden trenails. Mr. Cubitt was not aware of that fact ; he had always found that uncom- pressed wedges and trenails would not hold tight. Some of the compressed trenails had been wetted by accident, and could not be afterwards driven into the holes in the chairs ; they nearly resumed their original size, and then showed the marks of the turning tool upon their surfaces. In answer to a question from Mr. Parkes as to the comparative expense of laying the line, it was rather in favour of the system he had adopted, although the prices paid for the items separately, were higher than usual, but the saving in labour, and the almost total absence of waste of materials, gave the economy. He then quoted a few of the prices paid ; sleepers 6s. 6d. each (ready to lay down, including kyanizing) ; chairs 9/. per ton, free from faults in casting, the contractors for them replacing all that were broken in laying the line. Each joint chair, with three trenails and one wedge, 2s. lOd. Intermediate chairs, with two trenails and one wedge, 2s. Id. each. The labour for laying the line was from 2s. to 3». per yard running ; the cost of fixing the sleepers, laying the rails, and ballasting complete, was from £1500 to £2000 per mile, including allexpences. Mr. Macneill fully concurred in the importance of providing for clear drainage from the sleepers ; and in the advantage presented by the angular form for ramming the ballast. The transverse sleepers, with such rails as had been used on the South-Eastem Railway, were preferable to a continuous bearing, as (hey would prevent the gauge from widening, and preserve an uniform regularity of surface, which would tend materially to diminish the oscillating motion so common on railways, and which was so destructive to the engine and the carriages ; altogether this railway appeared to be the most perfect he had hitherto seen. He was using, on the Dublin and Drogheda Railway, chairs of somewhat similar construction, with uncompressed wooden wedges and fastenings ; they were very roughly cast in Scotland, with hot-blast iron, and the breakage was very great ; they, however, cost less than 5/. per ton. He believed that chairs such as were cast by Ransome and May would be cheaper at 9^ per ton. The uncompressed trenails were found in many instances to become loose. In ballasting the railway, as stone was cheap, the whole surface of the line was pitched transversely with thin stones, and then a good bed of broken stone used for ballast, in the same manner as Mr. Telford bad pro- ceeded with the Holyhead Road. Mr. William Cubitt had compressed a considerable quantity of wood wedges, by forcing them singly, by the blow of a piston, through a taper steel mould ; on leaving the mould they had attained their ultimate state of compression, and they were some time before they reassumed their original bulk, but he conceived that Mr. May's plan, by which they were dried in a compressed state, enabled tbem to retain their form longer. He considered the systems, F2 302 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [June, of preparation, and of laying tlie road, to be the most perfect hitherto executed. Some years since, Mr. Home had made a series of experiments on the form of timber beams, which presented the greatest amount of strength with the least quantity of timber ; he found that a triangular beam placed with the base upwards was one-third stronger than a.y other form. Mr. Colthurst inquired whether the trenails and wedges had been found to have lost strength by compressing. He imagined that they would not bear a transverse strain so well as before compression. Mr. May replied that no experiments had been tried as to the relative transverse strength of timber before and after compression. Mr. S. Seaward thought it was probable the timber did suffer somewhat from compression, but that did not militate against the system, as there must necessarily be an original excess of strength in the trenails, so that no inconvenience could result from tlie process. The President observed that although uncompressed trenails do draw out of the stone blocks, they hold fast in wood sleepers. The round trenails used to fasten the chairs to the sleepers on the Hull and Selby Railway, were of a proper size to fit the hole in the chair, and at the end a square head was left, which held the chair down. Mr. Cubitt had frequently seen trenails or plugs driven into stone blocks to receive the iron spikes which fastened down tho chairs ; he believed they had also been used for driving through the chairs into the blocks, but he was not aware that they had been used in wood sleepers until he employed them no the South-Eastern Railway. In answer to a question from the President, Mr. Lynde explained, that upon the HuU and Selby Railway, trenails were certainly used in conjunction with wooden sleepers, a portion of them were uncompressed, but the greater part were compressed like the wedges ; the latter were supplied by Mr. Wil- liam Cubitt. Mr. William Cubitt only supplied the wedges, they were compressed as he had previously explained ; he believed that the trenails and wedges generally used upon the London and Birmingham, and other railways, were compressed by being driven through steel rings, liy heavy mallets, or by a press ; they were most frequently used in the stone blocks to receive the iron spikes. March 8. — The President in the Chair. " Description of the Tanis for Kyanizing the Timber for the permanent way of the Hull and Selhy Railway." By John Timperley. Upon the recommendation of Messrs. Walker and Burges, the Engineers, it was determined that the sleepers of this railway should be kyanized in close vessels, using exhaustion and pressure, instead of in the open tanks usually employed. The present communication, which includes a description of the kyanizing vessels, and an account of the various circumstances con- nected with the operation, commences by describing the apparatus, as shown by the accompanying drawing, to consist of two tanks, a reservoir, two force pumps, and a double air pump. The tanks are cylindrical, with flat ends, and are made of wrought iron plates, nearly half an inch in thickness ; they are 70 ft. in length, and 6 ft. in diameter : at each extremity is a cast iron door, flat on the outside, and concave on the inner side, provided with balance weights for raising and lowering it. Each end is strengthened by five parallel cast iron gu'ders, whose extremities are held by wrouglit iron straps rivetted on to the circumference of the tanks. Notwithstanding the great strength of these girders, several were broken by the pressure applied during the process. The vessels are lined with felt, upon which is laid a covering of close jointed fir battens, fastened with copper rivets ; this pre- caution is nccessarj' to prevent the mutual deterioration which would arise from the contact of the iron and corrosive sublimate. There was originally only one brass force pump, 2 in. diameter, and 6 in. stroke ; this being found insufficient, another was added of 4 in. diameter, and henceforward a pressure of 1001b. per square inch was easily obtained. The air pump is 10 in. dia- meter, and 15 in. stroke. Its construction is of the ordinary kind. Tlie author gives in au appendix to the paper a minute description of the various parts of the apparatus, with the details of their dimensions and weight. The process is simple and rapid ; the corrosive sublimate is first mixed with warm water in a trough, in the proportion of 1 lb. of the former to 2 gallons of the latter ; the clear solution is then poured off into the reservoir, where water is added till it is diluted to the proper point, which may be ascertained by an hydrometer : a more perfect test is the action of the solution upon silver, which it turns brown at the requisite degree of saturation. The operations of exhaustion and pressure employ eight men for five hours, the whole process occupying about seven hours, during which time from 17 to 20 loads are kyanized in each tank. It is desirable that the timber should remain stacked for two or three weeks after kyanizing before it is used. It was found that about | lb. of corrosive sublimate sufficed to prepare one load (50 cubic feet) of timber. About 337,000 cubic feet of timber were kyanized, the average expense of which, including part of the first cost of the tanks, was about 5;ew Poor Law Act, and by that for the Commutation of Tithes have been thus as satisfactorily accomplished as if the survey had been executed by the native surveyors, whose local knowledge, one might suppose, would in many respects have given them great advantages over a body of strangers. But however this may be, the surveyors of England have only to think themselves for all the injury which many of them in no very measured terms impute to the immigration of their Irish brethren. It is quite certain that if the native surveyors in England had been competent themselves to execute these parochial surveys ■with the necessary degree of accuracy, the value of the surveyor's labour would not at this day have been reduced to the jjitiful rates at •which it is now performed. Compel ition, in its proper place and under certain necessary restrictions, is a very good aid wholesome check upon arbitrary and extravagant charges, but there are circum- stances connected with the competition to which these parochial sur- veys have given rise, which press with peculiar hardship upon the surveyors of this country. Admitting the truth of these remarks, it would appear that the sur- veyors as a body have yet much to learn ; and in so far the publica- tion of books to teach thein their business seems to be justified by the ■necessities of the case. The misfortune however is that books may be either useful or useless, and if the majority of surveying books have been of the latter class, it would have been better by far if they had never been given to the world. But in addition to the assistance which many professed surveyors might derive from useful practical works, the instruction of the rising generation claims particular atteri- tion. The establishment of numerous colleges and schools of civil engineering, and the appointment in these of professors of geodesy and land surveying, mark well the general importance attached to the education of the engineer in that part of his profession which relates to the measuring ot'land, and to the other operations necessary before the commencement of constructive works. Notwithstanding the great number of books which profess to treat on surveying, there are few which comprise any thing like a course of instruction in field engineering; and it is to supply this deficiency that the professors of tliis art in several of the new colleges have prepared for the use of their pupils, treatises intended to guide and promote their studies. The three books mentioned at the head of this article proceed from three of these professors, the author of the first being the lecturer on practical surveying and levelling to King's Col- lege, London, while Mr. Williams is the professor of geodesy in the College for Civil Engineers, London, and Mr. Gregory is the resident director of the College for Civil Engineering, Mining, and Agriculture in Ireland. It gives us great pleasure to be able to speak in terms of unqualified praise of Mr. Williams' book, which not only contains a mass of con- densed and useful instruction on those branches of the subject which had been treated by former authors, but also presents several chapters of great practical value upon subjects which have hitherto been quite untouched. The chapter on hill drawing and tliat on surveying as applicable to the colonics are of this kind. The first is an admirable ilescriplion of the system of normal contours adopted on the ordnance survey of Ireland, and on the French cadastral survey. It is scarcely possible to convey a clear idea of this system without quoting the entire chapter, but in its application to the representation on a plane surface of the natural irregularities of a country, it may be understood by conceiving a number of perfectly horizontal lines to be traced around a hill, and afterwards transferred to the paper on which the plan of the hill is represented. These lines are termed normal con- tours, and supposing the hill to be of a iierfectly conical shape, they would appear on the plan as concer trie ciicles, whilst in hilis of other shapes, tlie irregularly projecting parts would be shown by out- ward flexures of the norma! contours, and the irregularly retreating paits by inward flexures of the contours. The practice is to trace these horizontal lines at equal vertical distances so that the steepness of the slope at any particular point on the ]ilan is indicated by the distance between tiie normal contours at that point. i. "On the Irish survey, the plans with the normal contours traced upon them are afterwards placed in the hands of field-parlies, whose dui V consists in filling in the detail to produce physical relief, and give exjression of form and character to the drawings." There is ob- viously no limit to the degree of fidelity ard value which maybe given "to these representations. The contours for example may be traced at very small vertical equal distances by means of levelling a series of pickets in the same way as level stakes are fixed in railway and canal works, and as the horizontal distance between the contours may always be taken from the plan, and the veitical distance being constant is always known, it is obvious that a section exhibiting the levels of the country may be laid down in any direction from a plan distinguished by this method of representing its irregularities. We have thus merely glanced at this beautiful style of representation, but we must refer our readers to the work itself for a clear and well written description of the best method of executing it in the actual practice of surveying. The chapter on surveying as applicable to the colonies will be highly interesting at this time when so many young men are looking forward to the em|)loyinent of their abilities in this distant field. It is proposed to divide the land into sections of 80 acres, comprised in rectangle*, whose length is equal to twice their breadth, and of which there would of course be eight in a square mile. But as in all new countries the possession of water frontage is considered a great ad- vantage, some contrivance is necessary to distribute this in an equita- ble manner, and to overcome the irregularity which would be intro- duced into the form of the allotments if those bordering on the rivers were made of equal size with the others. This contrivance appears admirably adapted to aiTord satisfaction to the purchasers of the sec- tions, and to preserve uniformity and simplicity in the method of lay- inf them out. It is impossible however to describe it without the aid of^the diagrams which illustrate this part of the work. The author states that he is " indebted for the information embodied in this chap- ter, to the able report on surveying as applieahle to the colonies, made by Captain Dawson, R.E. to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, in )84U." It were well if this gentlemanly habit of acknowledging the sources of information, which Mr. Williams has every where fol- lowed in his book, could by some means or other be made to possess more favour in the eyes of authors. There is one admirable feature also in Mr. Williams'' book which we must not omit to notice, namely, that all the lumber about practical geometry and trigonometry with which most of the surveying books are half filled has been discarded, and he commences the book in a plain straight forward way, by show- ing how to survey with the chain. When youths are set to learn even the elementary parts of mathematics, such as geometry and trigono- metry, it is not usual to put into their hands books on surveying for this pur[iose, and we have always been at a loss to understand for whose benefit— unless for that of the printer and the paper merchant— so great a quantity ol elementary instruction in mathematics has pre- ceded the introduction of the real subject of the work. In addition to the two chapters we have noticed, Mr. Williams' book contains ex- cellent remarks and instruction on the following amongst other sub- jects—levelling with the mountain barometer — mining surveys — lati- tude and longitude— maritime surveying, the whole of which are treated in that masterly and original 'style which indicates a perfect command of the subject in all its branches. Of the other two books before us we have little to say. A single glance suffices to show that they are not the productions of practical men. They abound in most of the faults from which Mr. Williams' book is free. Abundantly prefaced by preliminary matter which may be taken from any elementary course of mathematics, they have both scrupulously followed the practice of those venerable and ancient authors who wrote on surveying 100 years ago. Thus the pupil is first t uioht to survey one field by it«elf, then two fields together, and then a bolder spring is taken, and he may proceed to half a dozen or to a large survey. All this is mere nonsense, because the principle on which land is measured, particularly by the chain, is so perfectly sim- ple that it is just as easy to practice upon 500 fields together as upon one, two, or three. It will scarcely be believed that the examples showing the method of surveying even these single fields are suchas any schoolboy, or at least any lad who has had three days' instruction iu the fiekl, would be utterly ashamed of. What will the practical surveyor say to such notes as this taken from the example of a field book by Mr. Castle, for a survey of fields near Maiden Lane. Line 578 ends at offset 98, at 908 on 1728. Line 579 ends at offset 23, at 820 on 1955. Line 734 ends at offset 21, at 483 on 968. We could scarcely believe, even on the actual eviilence of our eyes, that the author meant these lines to terminate not in other lines 'but at loose points determined by offsets. There is however no donbtof the fact, because the planshowingHhe construction lines quite confirms it. To those of our readers who have ever paid any attention to the subject, no comment can be necessary on such a specimen of surveying as this. , . , ■ ,u Both the works are full of those old woodcuts which adorn the sur- 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 207 veying books written by our ancestors, and they both contain the same ample variety of expedients for doing lliat which no one was ever puzzled to do, and probably will never be required to do if he should practice surveying for 100 years. To give an idea of the extent to which the most approved system of bookniaking has been followed by Mr. Gregory, we may state that out of the 300 pages which com- pose the book, the tiist IGO are filled with a treatise on logarithms ami plane trigonometry, and with tables of logarithms and suies and tan- gents, which tables to the amount of 50 pages being duly set forth in the middle of the book, produce the agreeable eft'eet of varying the monotony of the letter-press, at the same time that Ihey serve to eke out the contents of the book to a very respectable bulk. This work of Mr. Gregory's is called a course of civil engineering, and this is the first volume of it. None of this relates to engineering, but one may anticipate, from the specimen before us, what a splendid contribution to engineering science tlie succeeding volumes will constitute. Lecture on Fresco Painting. 1842. By Mr. Haydon-. London : H. Hooper, Among the labourers in introducing fresco, Mr. Haydon has taken a prominent position, and we hope will do much good. We are pleased to see that he is no longer what he was, for though occasion- ally breaking out against "cocked hats," and the detestable Academy, his opposition is more tempered, and his exertions better directed. As a lecturer on the arts, he has done more than any man of the day in making them popular, his address is striking, his' mode of treating his subject pleasing, his acquaintance with liis subject extensive, and his teachings, if not always sound, erring only by aiming at an unat- tainable standard. As a public man, Mr. Haydon is now in the third act of his career; his first was that of the promising artist, his second that of the embittered, disappointed, and overweening opponent of the whole artistic community; in his third act, as a public teacher, he has given a popularity to art by lectures both in the metropolis and the provinces, which have not only led to the formation of many schools of design and classes for drawing, but have raised the character of the artist and the srtisan. After exhibiting at the British Artists' Institution last year, and the Royal Academy this, and hiving seen that both now and on some former occasions, he could deliver an hour's discourse without vituperating the "cocked hats," we look upon him as an artist restored to the world, and we rejoice for him. He is now, we hope, about to do service to the public, and honour to himself, by promoting the national celebration of all the arts, whicli the Houses of Parliament will immortalize. Mr. Haydon is one of the west countrymen who have given so many illustrious names to art, numbering two presidencies and the triumphs of Reynolds, Lawrence, Opie and Daily. He came up from Devon- shire one of the most promising men of the day, and started with Wilkie, to whom he was equal in the delineation" of nature, while he was then superior in having the choice of southern instead of northern features, and having higher artistic aspirations. Wilkie's subsequent career of hononr, all know. A schoolboy quarrel with the Royal Aca- demy, one of whose members is said to have exclaimed, on hearing of the arrival of Haydon's pictures for the exhibition, "Oh! Haydon's pictures to the coal-hole," made him the Timon of modern art. " Hinc illae lachrymae. He had rivals and he had partisans, he ruled his small senate at Utica, and the class-book of human nature teaches us the result, the ruin of his social and artistic position, and the gradual nar- rowing of the circle of retainers, and the increase of that of foes. Even with extraordinary men, the end of this has generally been fatal ; Mr. Haydon owes it to his " bona indoles " that he has survived to lead a more useful career. After being run after by the crowd, and the master of Eastlake, Lance, and many eminent men, he had almost ceased to enjoy the public countenance. He was little cared for as a martyr, and his pictures had become too academic to satisfy either his own old admirers or the public at large. Then came a' change over art, partly, it must be owned, the fruit of his own exertions, the epoch of popular instruction, and he has taken a part, as we have said, in carrying out this great end, which, recalling the kindly feel- ings of his nature, and bringing him in close contact with the great public mind, the mother goddess, has reanimated his exertions, and directed them towards better ends, and he may rest assured that if he do but show himself worthy,- he has awakened such a spirit as will allow no faction to exclude him from public patronage, and no malig- nity to deprive him of his reward. We have now to come to his doctrines. Struck with the Prome- thean fire of the Elgin marbles, he has for years breathed nothing but Greek art, and looking at those works as the masterpieces of the world, he has become their secretary. He holds that high art consists in the selection of the best parts of 'the best models and in their union, a theory which, however specious it may be, is opposed to all natural laws. Nature always requires a balance of powers, a repose after exertion, and the practical effectof the to lialon principle in art has been well shown by Mr. Severn in the last and present number of the Journal. It is to vitiate and weaken the hand of the artist, while it produces a work which palls on the eye. We believe that it is possible to pro- duce a greater work than the Transfiguration or the Assumption, but then it is not by going out of nature, but bv availing ourselves of it. The all-exquisite, for it is not the all-beautiful, seems not to have been sanctioned by the Creator, nor to be pleasing to his creatures, and a collection of Apollos, Venuses, Theseuses and Ilissuses, are about as unpromising on canvas, as the career of a modern Adonis is represented in an annual, who, too handsome for anything, wished for the horrors of the small pox to relieve him from hi's splendid misery. The mind will look in the picture- for what occurs in the world, and when it knows what English princes and great men are, what an Eng- lish senate is, and what a mass of linman beings is in any place, it cannot attach the idea of nature to the paradisaic creatures who are grouped by the academists. We may look at the Ilissus or the Apollo singly, we may bear the Graces united, but we could not in- terest ourselves even in the whole family of the Niobes, if thev were too much above the everyday standard. It would be well fo'r art if its professors would oftener refer to the politico-economical doctrine that to be beautiful a thing must be fitting, and we sliould have less of the prettiness of art. That we are very backward in drawing we know, and we are indebted to Mr. Haydon for having called public attention to this defect, but we cannot, and particularly with his own wurks before us, believe that the paukalon or rather i\\e pantariston is the right principle in art. To our seeming, his sketches, John Bull at Breakfast and Traveller reading the Times, contain more true art, than any of his recent grand works, and the Mock Election in the King's Bench and Chairing the Member are better worthy of immor- tality than his infant Mary Queen of Scots, now in the Royal Academy. How Mr. Haydon can reject David and the votaries of lower Greek sculpture on the one hand, and pin himself to elder Greek sculpture on the other, is a phenomenon we do not attempt to explain, we can only say that sculptural partisanship is equally bad whatever may be its standard. Another, but more harmless dogma of Mr. Haydon is the sovereignity of Greek painters, and he talks as confidently of Parr- hasius and Polyguostus, and Apelles, as if their master works were at Hampton Court or the .Statlbrd Gallery, and engravings of them in every parlour. That this subject is involved in uncertainty, and that not a fragment exists on which we can build up a judgment, is of course no argument against enthusiasm. We have devoted this length to an exemplification of Mr. Haydon's views, because they are those propounded in the work before us, and because they are widely disseminated among the public, while we thought we should be rendering a greater service to our readers by warning them against Haydonism, than by giving them another dis- sertation on trullisatio and marmoratum. Mr. Haydon's lecture is one which the public \y\\\ greedily devour; according to the modern syncre- tic arid a;sthetic phraseology, it is highly suggestive. The artistical part is good, the practical part is good, and with a "cave canem"asto Haydonism, it is all good. It breathes a manly, a kindly, and an Eng- lish feeling, it reminds us of what our forefathers have done, and if Mr. Haydon and his brethren can but paint as he speaks, the second St. Stephen's shall be painted by Englishmen as the first was. As to his recommendations of painting the house with allegorical illustra- tion of abstract principles, the Blessings of Peace, and the Horrors of Anarchy, it may please advocates of high art and metaphysics, but we would much rather see the Painting of the Potatoe, or the Triumph of Punch, than any such Bolognese and un-English performances. The allegories belong to high art, which if it recommends and executes such things, we think is deservedly named by the bulk of the artists, a great humbug. The commissioners have left in the choice of sub- jects from our poetry and our history abundant scope for the de- lineation of nature, and nature let us have. ..G? Catalogue of Worki in all Deparlmtnla of Englm/t Literature, clasistjitd milk a Gtntral Alphabetical Index. By Longman & Co. In this age of catalogues raisonnees, w-e suppose we must hail with pleasure any accession to the coUeclion. Messrs. Longman's is a pretty large one, and may be advantageously consulted. 2 G > 208 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Junk, Gandy and Band's Windsor Castle: Part VII. As tlie next part of this publication will be the final one, and will contain tlie letter-press portion of it, we shall, after that has appeared be able to speak more fully of the work and its character. A«/f ^s we can iudse in the meanwhile, we must say it appears about to be terminated somewhat abruptly, for there has not as yet been either a single section or interior view of any kind, which is all the more serious an omission, because in this respect, Messrs. & and B. could have taken a vantage ground that had been neglected by the riva work, and given their own a superior interest, both for professional men and others. As it is, we fear we are likely to get not much more information from the two together, than from either of them separately. Whether it will be the same in regard to the letter-press remains to be seen ; we can only say, we trust such will not be the case, there bein.' very little to go over the same historical ground again, more especially as there if such an ample field open for both description and criticism, and for explanatory remark, there being very little ot these latter in Mr. Poynter's essay, for that gentleman seems to have been very shy of discussing the architectural merits of Windsor Castle, as it came from the hands of Sir Jeffry Wyatville. Let Messrs. Gandy and Baud's editor make up ; and if he at all understands the subiect and give it proper attention, he can hardly fail to discover a great many fresh points upon which to touch, or rather, which would very well bear to be brought forward somewhat prominently. At all events, as Messrs. G. and B.'s work will be less extravagant in size, it will be a more readable volume as far as mere form goes ; all the more desirable, therefore, is it that it should contain something worth reading, and be entirely free from all that ' cram,' with which.those who are employed to furnish a certain quantum of letter-press to books of engravings, are generally apt to eke it out. of experiments which have as yet been but very imperfectly described and incorporated, even in approved scientific works." EUmeniarv Perspective. By T. J. Rawlins. Loudon: Tilt and Bogue. " ' 1812. CONTAIN'S six plates, exhibiting a variety of diagrams both of an- gular and parallel perspective ; it is a cheap work and is well adapted for the beginner. A Manual of ElecUo-metaVurgy. By George Shaw. London : R. Groombridge, 1842. A V£RV interesting little work on an important art yet in its in- fancy, and one that promises to be of the utmost value ; consequently whatever information that is given on the subject is extremely w'el- come, particularly so when all the principal facts connected with the art are fully developed in such a concise manner as they are given m the book before us. South Eastern Dover Railway— Official Map and Section. We have before us a most complete, cheap, and extensive map of the South Eastern District of England and part of France, showing this railway and its section, together with all the other radways, and some proposed new branches leading out and immediately connected •with the 'undertaking. It appears to contain a mass of information ; and the public, we think, are much indebted to the direction for having it prepared. We have no doubt that it will prove very valuable to all travellers living in the immediate contiguity of the line, or traversing it on their way to the continent. Indeed it is so perfect, that it ought lo be possessed as an accessory to the topography of the district. Fractional Arilhmeiic Revitit'ed and Practically Exemplijied. By E. Clifford. London : Simpkin and Marshall, 1842, The doggerel on the difficulties of arithmetic is familiar to every one ; according'to this authority " fractions " and " distractions " are rhymes and synonymes, and certainly there is no part of arithmetic which gives more trouble to the unitiated. This plague of fractions, both vulgar and decimal, Mr. Clifford has undertaken to mitigate, by rendering it the subject of a particular treatise, in which he has endeavoured to smooth awav the difficulties. d'wo Essavs on Radiant Heat. By Thomas Chalmers and Daniel R. Haldane, Students in Arts. Edinburgh : Maclachlan and Co., 1842. These are Edinburgh academic essays stamped with the approval of the professor, and published for the purpose of giving a popular view of this branch of science, for which purpose we also recommend this joint contribulion to the notice of the public; in doing so we cannot do better than quote the words of the Professor:— " The clearness with which the details of this rather intricate sub- ject liave been seized by the authors, renders them, 1 think, highly creditable as Academical Exercises. In selecting them for publication from amongst others, also of great merit, I wished, in the first place, to mark my opinion of their value in this respect, and, at the same time, to see published in a concise and popular form a correct analysis T/ie Question Wlial can now he done for British Agriculture, answered in a Letter to Philip Pusey, Esq., M.P., President of the Royal Agn- culinral Society. By J. Bailey Denton, Land Agent. London: Ridgway, 1812. Mr. Denton's answer to this question is the introduction of a general and uniform system of drainage, with a profitable distribution of the surface and drainage waters and the refuse of towns; and in the pro- priety of such a measure every one will concur. It suffices to say that Mr. Denton has urged on the agriculturists an important subiect in an able manner. There is much however to be said on both sides, as to their salubrious effects, on account of the employment oi manure in the neighbourhood of great towns. The Cabinet Cyclopedia, a Manual\of Electricity, Magnetism, and Me- teorology. By DioNYSius Lardxer, D.C.L., F.R.S., &c., v ol. i. London : Longman and Co. 1842. This is the first of two volumes in which Dr. Lardner proposes to treat the subject of electricity and the cognate sciences in a popular manner. The present volum'e takes up the elements of electro statics and dynamics, magnetism, electro-magnetism, thermo-electricity, and electrical machines. To say that this has been done in a masterly manner is scarcely necessary to those who recollect the previous volumes of the cyclopedia, and the satisfactory way in which they were executed. The next volume will treat of the applications ot these sciences to the practical pursuits of life, and we anticipate tor ourselves and our readers much gratification in the perusal. A Series of Diagrams illustrative of Meeha7iical and ^aturalPhloso- phy, and their Practical .Application. Drawn on Stone by H. Chap- man, and printed in colours by C. F. Cheffins. London : Chapman and Hall. 1842. These splendid diagrams, the first number of which,treating on the lever, lies before us, do much credit to the patronage of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. They have been confided to the care of Mr. Chapman and Mr. Cheffins, who have produced designs which, to the professor and the pupil, the engineer and the workman, will be found of interest and of value. The style ol the tinted litho- <^rapliy does Mr. Cheffins great credit. The Grainer's Guide. By Charles Moxon. Edinburgh, 1S42. This is a class of works which we much wish to see extended—the class of practical works by practical men. The reasons which Mr. Moxon gives for treating upon the subject of graining and i™>tating marbles? we much wish that we could give at length: suffice it hat by the publication of this work he has supplied a desideratum in techni- cal literature, and rendered a great benefit to the workman. 1 he work is a large one, and vet of a moderate price, whde the specimens, which are numerous and on a considerable scale, are nearly all exe- cuted by hand. The letter-press is of course a minor feature in such a work, but the directions are sufficiently copious, while, as they eminat; from a practical hand, they are calculated to be highly useful and to abridge in many cases the labour of the workman, and so to extend the sphere of his employment. When we consider tiie great ex ent to which graining is now used and the desirableness of having well instructed workmen, we feel indebted to Mr. Moxon ^or '"^ ej^" tions, and we are sure that he will reap his reward in the pa'ron ge of his book by the public, both as a work of art, and one of practical utility. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 209 1842.] Lecture, on Architecture, mth reference to >\^P'^P%±j;'^'Xuth Music Hall. By Joseph Hansom, Architect. London. Barth, 184'' . M, Himom erected the Town Hall at Birmingham, which is 82 there rcupyi' vvhole width 150 feet ; it will ascend >nto a slope and toan°ltit.de which the designer compares to thatofthes.de of a llUftSrable steepness a%d magnitude manned w.U> an army <^f ^.wiriins ■"'500 sineers and performers. The Hall is to oe capao.e Tc ntti, ing 8000 pf rsons, and even in case of need 15,01.0 ; the pr.ce of the orgal which is to be the largest in the world, is included in the est mate o £30,000. The roof Mr. Hansom proposes to construct on the nr nciplfof the suspension bridge, from the four corners of the bulging The voof to be of iron, and to weigh 200 tons. The height he savs s less than that of the cathedral of Amiens, which is HO feet, of Beauvais which is IGO, and of Cologne, Milan, Strasburg and others. He furtlie offers for £1000 to build 1 model Hall as large as Exeter Sal "and observes that Exeter Hall is engaged every evening dlbep- tember except Saturday, at twentv-five guineas per night. Mi. Han som ;iomiserwonders, but he hasdone so well hitherto that we must not distrust his success for the future. A Hand Book of Ornamental Mapp,ns steam power applied to saihng ships, &c. STEAM NAVIGATION. THE STEAM SHIP - LITTLE WESTERN." c,„_Uv„ureperuse the article on this vessel, inserted in your excellent Jou nil for-the present month. 1 have no duubl you wd! agree with me that ft comains an assertion which is not borne out by the rest o the ar ,cle . and 1 tl nk that the writer, in m.Uing a public statement to her pre|ud.ce o L„n,l in fairness to state ihc groiin. s on which it was based. 1 allude To l^e oUo "ng P esrion ■ " tl.aftliere is anything either in the struc.ure ,?nhl hull or machinery pre-eminently e.Kcellent we utterly deny. In the ^[oduclion.tthrvessel, there appears'to have been too great a strainmg ?f,prnoveh a d ihere are evide.'c-esof a .lisposition to select arrangements, noTso nulch by 'l>'^ ''>"-^i''^™""'' "'' ^^''^' '^ excellent as o. what ,s un- "'l known, t whether so strong an expression as th^.t which forms the first pari of the above extract was c,dl?d for: 1 can only say that I have ma.le se a .,i,l,mCav,l the vessel, an.l have thus bad many opporlumtiesot seeing and coi'^versing with sev-eral gentlemen interested i., her. and 1 never heard .them hmst nf her excellence in ex ignerate;! terms ; they merely expressed their con- filnl. o her suroassinK Ih? Heme Bay and Gravesend boats, and. as tar as thPDier at Heme Bay about twenty minutes after ihe Cty of P™ ff yy. the pitr at "" ^. f.rt.vp,.,„l which shows her speed to have exceeded that :? hTu er' es^e" inThe "tlo o^ ab„ut 8 to 7. /t the Nore, the (>™.« was nnite out of sight, and we passed her with great ease near \V oolwich if 1 re- eo lect H t So the best of my observation, the distance from (jravesend to ri>r kwaU was nerformed in five or ten minutes less tune than by the Rail- 1 ,7 hit boat was too far a-head to allow of any certainly in the ob- re'va'on 0.1 afornier'?.ccasion. 1 have l.een informed, the IM,I. We.ter. ™"™^£b™v?;t I'^M^'n^i-:^ f;!;:r v\a;;;;':^Uo? ^:^ TaSl y a eoid:nuive w?sheJ, or might probtbly have been enabled to l^m?eite had I had the aivantage of seeing Mr. Morgan himselt, irom XTedes^gns'^nd under whose inspection th? vessel and machinery were ^Witirre-ard to the second portion of the above extract 1 have committed » itb re^aru to tnt i ^^ ^^^^ spirited and enteri.nsmg fi';iTf°kerat^an Morgan and Co, by whom the LMle Wester, was pro,luoed 1 should tellad if yoirwould lavour'ihem with insertion in your lorthcoming number. , , ^j , ,^ alluded to had never ^VtherCes at' vo I. « fwo dd no? have expressed himself so doubt- seen the e"Smes a w orK. ' ^ave been led to assign undue im- fully on the subjec « ''^ /'j; ^^^^^ existence may indeed be indicated by jKirtance to «" f:^^';^^^"/^ ^f 7, ^„re closely'foUowed up, must have theory, but «hich t he same t e n inappreciable influence on the result. ^';:r^:tt;a^!^X^ofairbeneathth^p^^ end by bringing up t' :^J i= f^ '.i'';'p;,^ViTc" P^^^^ of maintaining it at that to the ^l';e'-^f.f}";tin' a i the "iectTon and' condensation water, as well as degree, by discharging al' 'be miec no ^^^^^ observe, the air involved, during <^^^h revolution ott.e era ^^ ^^^^ that the vacuum ^^ ^^^^J^'^f'X^^orl^^e^^^^^^^ as 1 can make t=;^^^^-^^-Tsr:^r' I be- ,ie?e'';he\X"alX':\i:v;it^efareCs,m^u"eo''f the ludl and the hori- '.TnmlVsi.-n of the cvhnders as applie to beam engn . ^^^.^^^^ strnction -h'ch was des.gned b > ^ M lUiam M ^„^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ cannot therefore be said to "a^^ "een ,„,suai." Such an assertion siderationofwhat IS excelent,a ofwhat IS um^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ would '"1?"'^"° ^'"S '^l^^^l^^u w ° es el t^r sale on a novel principle of whatmaninhisseies would but la^ ^.^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^,.^,^ ^^^^ 'Zt7{::Zlf2lXlZLis .or considering .he innovation as a sub- stantial improvement? ,•„„„:,;„„ of the engines be attributed to so Neither can the I?"" 't^fllP°^rcUarly sLwn?^^ material ad- ing the piston rod pass through a f^'"" "S;b°>. O^'n .^ ^,^^ ,^^„ J.^1 'S:i^:S^^^:^^^^^'^^^ -w proceed to con- known, and have been previous y t^ised ^V seyra " « .,„„°,,., ,i„ee the gineeis, though, for my own P"^ ^'''^"^SX ctionVrom 'the furnaces (lame I'asses directly through them n a ernc^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^.^^^^ to the lunne by which I apP/''^ ' " ^'-^i/,''' ,„ ,|ie patentee would have Western's hollers are, '"'« ev • ""'^h^ .| r'iaion of Mr. Spiller's chief assist- made them, and "■'■.'■e "J-.^J^^^^Ven v otl^lv ai.prove^d. The steam and ant, by « bom the is month's JourHol I r«main. Sir. /-..;_ 0.1.1 „ I ,o., Vour most olwJient servant, J.omlon.2itli March, mi. I'l.iLALETHEi. THE PRECURSOR. In a forroer number we made a few remarks respectinc this vessel and we the'prrurs"' 'f r" '" "^"''"^ '" "'^ ^"''J^"' ^he fo^lowi,,rarc a fet^f tne 1 recursor s dimensions : — Diameter of cylinder .. .. ''ft 'o" Length of stroke j g minuT.)" '''^''"'' I""*" 520 the pair ("the piston fra'veliing at 245 ft. per Burlhenl555 tons O.M.. and 1751 tons N.M ix'ngih from figure head to taffrail . . oci n Length from stem to talfrail ... ?Xi 0 L-ngih of keel and forerake for tonnage 2^2 2 Kxlteme bieadlh over paddle-boxes 611(1 Breadth ,n deck between pa Jdle-boxes ^7 4 I'-xtreme breadth on deck . 21 r Depth of hold amidships . . '.'. Sl 0 w!!Sk! "!■ "■"" '° ^ V'; ''""^' ^"J fastenings .' .' .' .' .' .' 193 tons. Weight of copper in bolls, &c. .. 36 W eight ot copper sheathing, 13,000 superficial ft. '.'. '.'. l(j " Weight of hufi "^''^' '■°=''^°"^' '^"'1^" ^"d >'ieir water SCO ., ^^^sfovs'&c'w'^'''"^'''''''? ?'"'''"''^ "'« <■"'' complement of sto^^s, pro- forwird and, 'T ''V°''',r°y'«''' =""' S60 t™^ of coals, is 17 ft. 8 in. of icnn'.Ml 1 f'^'f'-.i ^I'cy^sel is provided «ilh tanks for the stowage been bTrnVd „ ' ' "^ "'^,^°?' ^^i''^" ^^' ''O*' ^"^"cd in these tanks has l^ir^oftl, ;i ^T.-T'"' fil '^'1 «>'l' «a'cr, thereby preserving the proper trimof the ship, and Ihe requisite immersion of the paddles, to 'he em'!n'! %V"^' ''T,'^'", \" ^^'''' «>-™igement and genera! appearance InJ, / F V"'?- ^'=>" permit the expansion of the rre^,nf.„.^il, -^ "7""""",^ ('■acturc, flexure, or strain. Many engines Loner^.r ,! "' ■'"' "PP'-^^ce, and in large engines the want "of it ^mne Ltu "'"""''' ^"lous injury. Previous to the starting of the Se,;ee nf 1 '"''' " ^'"''•'' ^"' ='"<^ '^'' cylinder always co!d.\nd the euler s^arMh^^oi'n "".'""fT'^'i-^P,"" ">'' difference of temperature must AhhAto , ,h J ■ '""I'' ['"' '-ylindcr, or tear the perls asunder. m;rvlp^,"V^. ='"1' °\ 'h's vessel are of such a large size, the valves Sint -T'L-' I'-'f '!'"''■ 'r" "'''^" 'hey are cold and the grease of the hke h,?Meer^nf^K f^T 't™' ?'" '' "'''''eved by means of a wheel ntrasecnrln",)^^ ' "^u'.^'P'.,.::''-'^'^ ^'^'e^ ■"""«" '0 '^ piniou Working mlanVrfl a O ,M ™'" f "*'■ „^'>'^ ''"entrie rod is thrown iut of gear, bv Z imdir s^ e nf V" '""' '■'■'■""•^,'' '' "" ^'PPe'- e»d. The roller presses upon Lofll.evnLl. f,r""l''''™^^^ ''"'^ '"'^ it sufficiently to disengage the Cinl levlr tori. ""' ^'■'"" '^' ""** "^ ">e eccentric rod. This 3isea- ftagmg le\cr turns upon an eccentr c axis, and is so adiusted that the tr;t"eeth''.7 the,"''"' '■" P*r?- "'"'^•' S'vesmotfon to The s^ 0 'and dra the teeth of the pinion out of the teelh of the sector when the disengasin- lhrn'fhe"fccen,ric f T"™' ''"'' '^'\ '^°*'^-°» ^^^ "'» "ne proper to thITee? rhestardn.uh. 1.^^ " '", ^'f- ^y "^''^ J'^'ieious and'elegant expedient hrnwf,l^^.n,in " "^T ^' ''''T" ^y "'e engine, for the sSme act which throws the engine in g-ar throws the starling wheel out of gear and the fnTar"?:;' m,'^,' """"" ""' "f gear^'"'°'°' .browing the Itar't ng whee ufr,valv Tn ™"'T ^'^'•'e'l,ljy«l'eels this expedient is wanting, and :<^ls'in^ev''t^abfe';?Pn°elJ;r"' "'^'" "''''" '""'" ^^ "'^ ^^^i-s at, h IS most gratifying to find that the sole plate and condenser are cast in rass'^™hrS it "ti' ""''"''" '^ above ihc^ole plate, and "he main c.entr sTd e con.a? , '.hi ^''^''^ ''.'" °/ '^' ,!"'""* ^PPe'^'" '" ''C made by the S v a 1 e rid 1 ""■"'•'"eiy-fittcdmetaf surfaces, without rust, and with "r^eescaealvesTh '"'"''"'•''■ ^^,' ^> '*"'''■" "^^e provided with good an.Tannea'rinl^f .1 ' e^Pansion valves arc situated in the steam pipe, ?,?lt',^Lf vn° . 1 ''" "'■^'""y description, with a compound cam. .adjusted ends there are'r ^'^'''u ?' '■^l'?"»'™- '^he boilers .are fired from'' bolh between ii,!r, 'I' '''i"! '"'^''•^ "^^ "^"^1 "("'^'-e f"'™. with a passage mki^.^6^;na;.'J"^^'''.■^^ '*,""" "^y "'■'''^ ■ each has four furnaces Western or^n.Zwl".M'-r^''' ^°!^"' "'' '"" "'"'y '"^'B^' ^' '"'' '^t' Creat and hev' dn nl, =^''' l"''',^" '""',' ''<^^'» Packets constructed in the Tliames ; of cons!dpr!ld° ,^'Tf''' '" ^' '"■?^^' "■ "'" ^" '°"Per, although the engines are nd LeelW.L*^,.' *' ■f'°"'7- ihs paddle-wl.eels are of Ihe most substantia! nd excellent cor.slruction of <,«y that wc have seen. Of the internal parts j JUNB, of the engines, we cannot be expected to speak from our own observation, we have aVanled"""* '° the externa! jiartsthey must partake of t!ie praise If we might be permitted to make a suggestion where everything appears to have been so well managed, we should say that the boilers ou|ht to b^ clothed ,„ore efTiciently The fronts of them are without clothing li all. ai^ some of ihe steam pipes appear to us insufficiently covered. Thfs is a point nvolvmg not comfort merely, but also economy of fuel, and we also consider that^the wrought iron work is badly proportioned, the cross-heads are too The cabins of this vessel are most commodiously and tastefully arranged, and especial at ention has been paid lo the conditions essential to ventilatTon cleanliness, and comfort, in a warm climate. The beams and all the other scantlings are of such dimensions as to ensure abundant strength in everv par., and the fastenings and excellent system of diagonal trussing employed are such .as to unite all the parts into a rigid and substantial wliole. Steam Ku 1 1 , V ""'^r"''°" "" ','"" ^'""»«--There are now 16 steam vessels running daily between Graveaend and London, tile same number to Woolwich 20 to Greenwich, ntitnerous small steamers, the boats of the Waterman's Company, and of tlie Old Woolwich Company— between Greenwich and Blackwall; viay to and from Dover, Ramsgate, Heme Bay, Southend, an 1 Sheerness. the (general .steam Navigation Company musters 49 steamers, all sailin-^ from London, a lieet superior to the steam fleet of any of the continental fi mnmn"' T ' "W^ merchandise and properly t„ the amount of if OOaOOO sterling weekly, and whose consumption of coals exceeds in value ioO.OOO per annum. There are not less than 5U other large steam vessels trading beHieen London and various ports in Great Britain and Ireland- 23 steam-tugs, carrying from 30 to 100 horse power each, exclusively en^a^ed m lowing ships between Gravesend and the Pool ; 20 iron and wooden steamers navigaiing the river above bridge, between London Bridge and Uielsea; 2 constantly running between the Adelphi I'ier and Putnev; and 5 to Richmond. ■' The Tartarus steam vessel. Commander T. W. Smith, arrived at Woolwich on Monday, April 2.3, from the West Indies. She has bt-en upwards of four years in commission, traversing during that period a distance of 73 000 miles and consuming about J400 tons of coal, witho it, in a single instance, bein<' detained one hour from service for repairs to either hull or Ijoilers. ° Tlie Ho7i Company's Slram Frigate Acbar.—Oa Sunday at noon. 15th ult this splendid war steamer left her anchorage at Gravesend. Iieanng the lendant of Commodore Pepper, of the Indian navy, « ho will assume the manufactured -y Robert Napier of Glasgow, and are of a verv superior uescnption she has four copper boilers of about seven tons each The armoury i-, filled up with 100 percussion muskets, pistols, cutlasses, and mus- ketoons, &c,tlie whole in beautiful order, and presenting a most warlike appearance. The Acbar carries 500 tons of coal, which, with a consumption ot a ton an hour, will enable her to steam 20 successive davs. She made her passage from Gravesend to Falmouth, a distance of 370 miles, in 36 hours which gives an average speed of more than 10 miles an hour. .American Marine Engines.— \V ft. thick, and 4 ft. deep, hewn out of a single block. Resting upon this entablature is a triangular slab, 10 ft. high, containing in relief the figures of two lions, standing on their hind legs on each side of a pillar, the summit of which has been broken off. On the whole, it is a most magnificent gateway and on gazing on it, we are at a loss to conceive how, in those remote times, men could have acquired sufficient command of mechanical agents, to raise and place such enormous masses. About 50 yards from the Gate, and outside the walls of the Acropolis, stands the immense mound, which forms the more immediate subject of these remarks. It is a large, round, conical hill, partly natural, partly artificial, and considerably lower on one side than on the other. On the side nearest to the Citadel an excavation has been made, which succeeded in laying bare the entrance or doorway, a structure of even more gigantic dimensions than the Gate of Lions. On entering this we come into a large vaulted chamber, inclining to the conical form, 50 ft. across at the base, and about 45 ft. high. Adjoining this is an interior chamber of square form, and smaller dimensions. The chief peculiarity in this beautiful monument struck me as being the extreme neatness and regularity of the masonry. It contains 40 courses of hewn stone, aU admirably fitted together, but without cement ; and it is, I should think, quite as perfect a specimen of work- manship as could be produced at the present day. Great doubt exists among the learned, as to rchal this monument really was— some calling it the Tomb of Agamemnon, and others the Treasury of Atreus. Dodwell and Dr. Clarke hold the former opinion, while Col. Leake and the generality of travellers are strenuous advocates of the latter. The only authorities on which we have to rely, are the description of Pausanias, and the plays of Sophocles and Euripides. From V.ie former, it appears more than probable that the Treasury of Atreus was ?i!ithin the Citadel; and indeed we can scarcely conceive that any monarch who possessed a fortress as strong as that of Mycenae, would deposit his treasures anywhere but within its walls. Nou- the monument in question is outside the fortifications, and therefore can scarcely be the Treasury of Atreus. Again ; Pausanias places the Treasury near the spring Per- sea, which in no way corresponds to the position of this tumulus ; for the only two rivulets to he found at Mycens rise 100 or 200 yards distant. Now we gather from different passages in the Eleclra of Euripides, as well as from that of Sophocles, that the tomb of Aga- memnon mas without the walls, (although Pausanias seems to indicate the contrary,) for Sophocles describes Orestes as visiting his father's sepulchre before he reached the gate of the Citadel; and in Euripides, when Orestes relates to Pylades his nocturnal visit to the tomb, it is expressly stated that he repaired thither without entering the walls. Now the tumulus in question being without the walls, and being also by far the largest to be found at Mycenae, may fairly be conceived to belong to so celebrated a monarch; and to make assurance doubly sure, we learn from Sophocles that the sepulchre (Taipoa) of Agamemnon ?vas a mound or barrrow (Ko\»>'ij). I have unfortunately neither the classic lore, nor the habits of antiquarian research, which could alone entitle me to form an inde- pendent opinion on this controverted point. Certainly from consider- ations above mentioned, I incline to Dr. Clarke's view of the subject. But the decision of the question is now of little moment ; for whether 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 219 it be the sepulclire of the "King of Men" (oi-aj arSpov), or the Treasury of his father, the bones of the one and the treasures of the other have alike disappeared, and the Grecian shepherds, with their flocks and herds, are 'now the only inhabitants of this magnificent abode of grandeur and of gloom. Passing over two barrows of unrivalled interest — that of the Athe- nians on the Plain of Marathon, and that of Achilles on the Plain of Troy, both of which have attracted so much attention from all travellers that it would be impossible for me to add anytliing to their descriptions — let us proceed to cast a short glance on the tomb of Alyattes, which is situated in the Plain of Truy. Sardis is about two days' journey to the N.E. of Ephesus, from which place I set out to visit it. On the second day we passed Mount Tmolus, an extensive range which runs through Asia Minor, parallel to the two seas. These hills are extremely wide at their summit, and are covered with a rich soft grass, and ornamented by trees not inferior to the finest to be met with in our English parks. As we descended on the northern side, the Pactolus with its golden sands, now an insignificant streamlet, murmured gently by our path, spark- ling with the dazzling beams of an Asiatic sun, from which even the rich foliage which hung over was unable entirely to protect it. A sudden turn at length brought us full upon the narrow glen which contains the Temple of Sardis, the only existing remnant, except the Acropolis, of the ancient city of Croesus. The Temple is a most beautiful specimen of the Ionic order ; and though two only of the columns are now erect, yet the others are lying around so little injured, that they pight without much difficulty be replaced in their original position. It was curious to see our Turkish attendant sauntering amid the ruined fragments, and endeavouring, with all the honest politeness of his nation, to sympathize with us in our admiration of their beauties ; tliough evidently extremely at a loss to conceive what should have induced us to come so far, merely to gaze upon the fallen columns and scattered friezes of an ancient temple. But the description of Sardis, however beautiful or striking it may have been, is not our present object. About a mile beyond the Temple the glen opens into a wide plain, in which the cavalry of Lydia were defeated by the elephants of Cyrus. It is a truly oriental scene — the plain is of vast extent, and is surrounded by hills on all sides : at one extremity stand the Lake of Gyges and the renowned Tumulus of Alyattes. The sun was setting as we caught the first glimpse of this lovely landscape ; its lurid rays shone over the still surface of the lake, the habit. aion of innumerable swans ; the black canvas tents of the Turcomans (a wandering Asiatic horde) were scattered in profusion over the plain ; camels and goats were feeding tranquilly around them ; and the wild figures and uncouth dresses of the shepherds miglit be seen hurrying to and fro, to call the cattle to their nightly quarters. The Gygian Lake is a wide piece of water, by the banks of which on the side nearest to the town, are great numbers of barrows or mounds of earth, and among them the Sepulchre of Alyattes stands pre-eminent. Herodotus, I. xciii, who probably lived about 450 B.C., speaks of it as being, next to the works of the Egyptians and Baby- lonians, the most stupendous monument existing. It was constructed he says, upon a foundation of stone, and afterwards completed with earth. It was erected by three classes of the inhabitants of Sardis, viz., the merchants, the artizans, and the public women. At the sum- mit of it were fixed five termini, or small pillars with inscriptions declaring the proportion of work executed by each class of the artificers. Of these there is now no vestige. In the time of Hero- dotus this monument was somewhat more than three quarters of a mile in circumference at the base, but at present it is considerably less. Unfortunately he does nut mention its height, nor had I, when there, the means of measuring it, but it could not fall far short of 200 ft. Several attempts have been made to effect an entrance into the monu- ment, under the idea that treasures would be found there ; but hitherto little more has been done than to scratch the surface ; and the interior construction of one of the most ancient sepulchres in the world, (B.C S60,) is still a secret. Though there is less of mystery, there is scarcely less of interest, connected with this enormous b.irrow, than with the one at Mycenae. We know beyond all doubt, that it is the monument of Alyattes, the father of Croesus, and the king of Lydia. We know that it was erected by order of the wealthiest monarch of Asia, that it was de- scribed by Herodotus, and that it must have been visited by Solon ; and there is surely enough of magic in these associations to awaken our warmest sympathies for this mighty relic of a people whose fertile empire is now a desert, and whose once formidable name is almost lost in the remoteness of past time. Consult Pausanias' Homer; Sophocles' Eleclra; Euripides' Elcctra; Gell's Topography of the Morea ; Leake's ditto ; Leake's Journal in Asia Minor; Dodwell's Tour in Greece; Herodotus' ttio; Dr. Clarke's Travels; Dr. Chandler's Travels, p. 363; Cockerell. DESCRIPTION OF THE CYMAGRAPH FOR COPYING MOULDINGS. By R. Willis, M.A.,F.RS., Jacksonian Professor in the University of Cambridge, &c. (With an Engraving, Plate IX.) The purpose for which this instrument is constructed is to obtain exact drawings of the profiles of existing mouldings. The importance of doing this is well known ; but the methods hitherto employed have appeared to me susceptible of improvement. The oldest and most usual is to measure a sufficient number of ordinates and their distances, and thus to lay down the mouldings by points. When the exact form is required, lead taps has been employed, or clay ; but the best method of all is to lay the bed of the stone upon which the mouldings are carved upon the paper, and trace the outline, or else to make a saw cut transverse to the mouldings (or through a joint) and introduce paper into this cut, upon which the section of the moulding may be traced. But these latter plans, excellent as they are, can only be employed in dealing with ruins, neglected buildings, or buildings under repair. A few years ago I contrived an instrument which consisted of little more than the stylus of the present one, and which I then pre- sented to the Institute of British Architects under the name of a Cymagraph. But I found it too troublesome to use with the necessary precision, and yet so useful that I have been induced to fit up a more complete and commodious machine, which is represented in the annexed figures, and to which I shall venture to apply the same name, Cymagraph. This was exhibited at a meeting of the Institute of British Architects, on May 16 last, and the instrument itself deposited in the hands of the secretary for the inspection of any person who might wish to copy it. The following description wi'.l, I hope, prove sufficient for the same purpose. The instrument, when folded up, is 5\ in. by Hi in. and \k in. thick, and will travel in a carpet bag without injury. Fig. 1 is a plan of the instrument in its working state, applied against a Gothic rib for the purpose of copying the mouldings. Fig. 2 is a side view of the instrument corresponding to Fig. 1. Fig. 3 a plan of the lower side, in which the cymagraph is repre- sented as detached from the board, and folded into its place for con- venience of carriage. The principal piece of the machine is the stylus ABC, of which the portion A B is straight and B C curved. A B is mounted in a frame or carriage, having a pointed screw at A, and a collar at B, so that the stylus is capable of revolving, and the curved portion B C, which is nearly in the form of a semicircle, is terminated by a point at C, which must be exactly situated in the axis of rotation of the stylus, so that during the rotation of the latter the position of this point may remain invariable with respect to it and to its carriage. A button D, either of hard wood or of brass, with a milled edge, is fixed to the stylus, and serves both to guide it in its motion along the surface of the mouldings and to turn it round its axis as required. The carriage in which the stylus is mounted has also a pencil holder E fixed to it. 230 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [July, If now the carriage with its stylus be moved parallel to itself over the surface of a drawing board, it is clear that any given point of the carriage will describe precisely the same path as the point of the stylus does, and since the pencil is attached to the carriage, this will also be true for it; so that if the tracing point C of the stylus be made to pass transversely across a series of mouldings, and the point be at the same time kept always in contact with their surface, the pencil will simultaneously describe upon the paper the exact form of the section of these mouldings of the same size as the original. But the surfaces of mouldings are inflected in various directions to the right and to the left, and the tracing point of the stylus must therefore be capable of following such changes of direction. This it is enabled to do bv its curved form combined with its power of rotation about its axis; for by turning it, it can be applied at various degrees of incli- nation, either to the right or left side of a moulded surface, as the form of the latter may require. And as the rotation has been shown not to affect the actual position of the tracing point C with respect to the carriage, so neither can it affect the truth of the section drawn by the pencil. For example, at C the tracing point is applied to the right of the stone surface, but at X on the opposite side of the rib it is applied to the left of that surface, and is also turned into a different angular position to enable it to enter the hollow. But in passing from X to Y it must be gradually turned into the position shown by the dotted lines, to enable it to clear the projection at Z. In fact, during its progress across a rib of this kind, the point must be carefully watched, and the stylus turned into the best angular position that the momen- tary form of the moulding requires. i have said that the carriage of the stylus is always to move parallel to itself, and will now describe the means by which this is compelled. The base of the machme is a drawing board of mahogany F G (| in. thick), 10^ in. by Hi in., and made to fold in the middle like a book, for the convenience of carriage. When in use it is kept open by a button R on the lower surface. The carriage is guided by a parallel motion somewhat resembling a double parallel ruler, but the propor- tion of whose jointed arms are altered to suit the different circum- stances of its employment. A plate H is secured to the board by a button-headed screw, K, having a milled headeil nut below at L. As K merely enters a notch in the plate H, a single turn to right or left of this nut L is suffi- cient to detach or fix the plate, together with the instrument, while the slip of metal M, screwed to the board, serves to keep the plate in its proper position. Two arms N N of equal length are jointed to the extremities of H, and also to an arm P of the same length as H ; consequently P will be parallel to H in all positions. Two other arms Q Q, also of equal length, are jointed at one end to the arm P, and at the other to the carriage of the stylus, so that the latter will be parallel to P in all positions, and consequently to H. This arrangement enables the car- riage to move freely and steadily from one side of the board to the other, and over every part occupied by the paper, and at the same time keeps it always parallel to the plate H. The paper TS, upon which the mouldings are to be copied, is secured to the board by a pair of spring catches V, W, of which the last is placed near the cor- ner S of the paper, to prevent the latter from being caught and turned up by the arm N of the instrument during its motion. It is absolutely necessary that the board of the instrument should be held steadily, in the same position, against the mouldings during the process of tracing. The two retaining pieces ac, b(l,3.xe provided for this purpose ; these are attached to the lower side of the board by thumb-screws, e,/. In Fig. 3 they are shown in the position requisite for closing the instrument, but in Fig. 1 they are in the position for use. When the thumb screws are relaxed, either of the retaining pieces may be drawn out, and turned to the right or left so as to touch some convenient projection of the moulded surface, and thus when clamped fast, to retain the instrument in the same position so long as it is pressed into contact with the mouldings. This adjustment of the retaining pieces must always be made pre- viously to taking the profile of any mouldings ; the board must then be grasped in the left hand at O, and held firmly against the mould- ings. The button at D is managed by the right hand, which will be found sufficient as well to guide and turn the point of the stylus as to keep the pencil in contact with the paper, and to raise it off the paper when necessary, which the elasticity of the parallel motion will allow of easily. Fig. 4 is a section of the edge of the board at W, to show the form of the paper springs. These, which are also seen at It k, li k, Fig. 3, are screwed to the lower side of the board in sunk recesses, and are released from the paper by pressing them at k. When the plate H, with the parallel motion and carriage, are detached from the board, they may be deposited in a recess sunk for the purpose on the lower surface, as shown at i m ; the button R is then to be turned into the position shown by the dotted lines, and the board may be folded to- gether, and secured by a hook in front. The recess at n receives the stylus, and those at s,s, s, receive the milled nuts e,f, L, respectively. When a series of mouldings are to be copied which exceed the limits of the paper, they must be taken piecemeal, as shown at Fig. S. This figure shows how the entire rib of Fig. 1 may be represented, which rib is too large to be entirely comprehended within the boun- daries of the paper. In this and similar cases it is better to apply the instrument against the right and left faces of the rib in succession. In the first operation the mouldings from o top (Fig. 1) wiU be taken, and in the next operation those from q to e (the same letters are em- ployed in Figs 1 and 5). Care being taken always to draw an overlapping portion of the mouldings in the successive drawings as in this case from q to p, there will be no difficulty in joining the separate pieces into one continuous line by tracing them on a larger sheet. A small black-lead pencil and common paper may be used for the purposes of this machine, but as the point is very liable to break and become troublesome, I find it much more convenient to employ the metallic paper, which is prepared by Messrs. Harwood, SG.Fenchurch Street, and requires only a brass or other metallic point instead of black lead. Besides this advantage, the trace is indelible. The paper for the instrument should be cut to the proper size, and carried in a portfolio. By a somewhat different arrangement of the instrument, the paper might be made to remain always in its place on the drawing board in the form known by the name of a block, from which the sheets are to be detached as fast as the drawings are made. This would increase the size of the machine, however, by making it exactly as large as the paper, and the folding hinge would be placed in a direction transverse to that which it occupies in the present design. This instrument requires no great accuracy of workmanship. The two essential points upon which the precision of its action depends are, 1st, that every pair of arms N N, Q Q, of which the parallel motion consists shall have exactly the same distance between their joint holes. This is easily secured by drilling them all separately, from a pattern arm made previously. Similarly the holes in the plates H, P, and the carriage, must be at the same distance respectively. 2nd, that the point of the stylus shall be in the axis of rotation. This is also easily effected, and is as easily verified at any moment by twirling the stylus in its carriage opposite to a fixed point. The parallel motion may be made of thin slips of sheet iron ri vetted together, but better of sheet steel. The hinges of the board must be so placed that when it is closed or folded, there may be room between its inside surfaces for the retaining plates e/and the button R, which must be made all of sheet iron or brass of the same thickness. The length which I have given to the arms of the parallel motion, is just sufficient to allow the pencil to travel over the board. The limit of the motion to the right will be found to be that the arras Q Q will come into contact, and thus prevent farther motion in that direc tion ; and similarly the limit to the left will be the contact of the arms N N. If the size of the instrument is increased, th« same proportions must be preserved between the arms and board. R. Willis. Cambridge, June 10, 1842. I ^tSS^E^ S ^^sissss^sssa S SsSsSS^ S 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 231 ON THE THERM.E OF ANCIENT ROME. (IFith an Engraving, Plate X.) Extracted from a Paper read by the Rev. Richard Burgess B.D. Honorary Member, at the Royal Institute of British Architects on Monday, ZOtk May, 1842. * * * If, as I have before observed, we learn from the study of temples much of the religious rites of antiquity, if from the Basilicas something of the mode of administering justice, if from theatres and amphitheatres the public sports and pastimes, if from circuses and stadia open air exercises and recreations, all which I have attempted on former occasions to make out, with a little topography by way of light reading I— from the Therms or public baths of Rome we may learn something of that " luxuria soevior armis " which finally over- came the courage of the Quirites and the modesty of the Roman nations. It will not answer any purpose except tliat of tiring ray audience, to investigate the state of swimming and bathing in ancient Greece ; and unless Scipio could be shown to have been particularly hostile to ablutions, I do not see why classical writers should make it such a wonder that he had a bath. Seneca saw the remains of Scipio's bath at his villa at Liternum, which he calls a " balneolum angustum tene- bricosum," which may be translated 'the black hole of Calcutta, filled with hot water.' " But who," the moral philosopher asks, (after having described the darkness of Seneca's blattarium,) "would endure to bathe in such a place now ? In short," he adds, "we have got to that pitch of refinement that we cannot even put our foot upon any- thing but gems." Leaving, however, the Greeks to bathe in the sources of the Xanthus, and the Romans of the republic to lave their hardy limbs in the waters of old Tiber, we will proceed at once to the period when the luxury of the warm bath began to be publicly enjoyed at Rome. I shall first give you a catalogue raisonnce of the thermae from the Augustan age to the reign of Constantine, and then proceed, with the help of our architectural illustrations, to describe the dirter- ent parts and uses of the edifice, noticing as t go along the variety of occupations for which the therma; were destined. Agrippa was the first to teach the Roman people the indulgence of the warm bath. The thermE which he erected in the Campus Martius were bequeathed to the public, and they were embellished, according to Pliny, with various works of art. Amongst the statues was the bronze' youth in the act of undressing, called the Apoxyomeuus, a work of Lysippus, of surpassing beauty. Some remains of the therma; of Agrippa still exist immediately behind the Pantheon, and extend- ing, with interruptions, to the large fragment of a vault called, from its resemblance to a crown, the Arco della Ciarabella. Those baths had only the corpus internum ; and except the sudatorium laconicum mentioned by Dion Cassius, we are unable to trace by the vestiges that remain, anv 'of the usual compartments of a thermae establishment. It will occur to many who now hear me, that the Pantheon, when stripped of the inimitable portico, and opened at the large tribune facing the entrance, would be reduced to nothing more than a principal hall belonging to the baths, very much resembling, both inform and position, the round room to which I shall have to refer in the therms of Caracalla (see ground plan of Pantheon). I believe it must be allowed (however shocking to our classical tastes and feelings,) that the portico of the Pantheon was an afterthought, and that the mag- nificent cupola was originally intended for the large hall of Agrippa's thermffi. Of the baths of Nero and Vespasian we know nothing, except that the former, Balnea Neruniana, are mentioned by a poet of the fifth century as being adjacent to the therms of Agrippa. The next great baths erected at Rome were by Titus : they were built over the ruins of Nero's overgrown palace, and their vast remains still cover a good portion of the Esquiline Hill. The well-known plans and illustrations of De Romanis will render any farther descrip- tion here superfluous (see plan). I may, however, observe that, taking a measurement of the thermae of Titus, and guided by the indubitable vestiges remaining in the several vineyards and lanes around, the whole space occupied by the buildings must have been three-quarters of a mile in circumference. I am not aware that any description or any account whatever has reached us of those immense therms : the ruins themselves are the mute historians of what they once were, and it is from the subterraneous vaults containing the celebrated arabesque paintings that we learn that the house of Macaenas, embodied in the palace of Nero, formed the foundations of the area on which the thermae Titianae were erected. Those baths were built at about the same period as the Flavian amphitheatre: the reservoir, called the sette sale, for supplying the water, is still to be seen. If we consider tlie thermae of Agrippa and balnea Nerouiana as parts of the same establishment, we may equally annex the thermae Trajanffi to those of Titus, making two large public baths ; and except the balnea and lavacra of a more private kind, these were all that serve to indicate the progress of luxury during the reign of the twelve Cffisars and their two immediate successors, which brings us to the 120th vear of the vulgar era. Considerable remains of the thermae of Trajan (which were probably begun by Doiuitian to complete the work of his brother,) are to be seen beneath the church of S. Martino ai Monti. We are indebted to ecclesiastical writers for a notice of these baths : they were the "scene of two councils, in which the heresies of the third and fourth centuries were condemned ; and although they are to be considered as a continuation of Titus' works, yet they retained in later ages a distinct appellation. The thermK of Hadrian were a still further addition, or perhaps the completion and embellishment of the works of his predecessors might cause the name of that imperial architect to be inscribed on the walls. Two statues of the young Antinous were found amongst the ruins; and perhaps this circumstance has chiefly prompted antiquaries (who sometimes snatch at shadows,) to put Hadrian's name into the list of builders of baths. If, however, the therms of Titus were begun by him, carried on by Domitian, and achieved by Trajan and Hadrian, the work must have been in progress from first to last for about 30 years. If we except the therms publics, the position and extent of which have not been ascertained, we go through the second century, including the golden age of the Antonines, without any further increase of those luxurious establishments. At this period (dating from the reign of Commodus,) historians generally date the period of the de- cline of the Roman empire ; and from this same period the great increase of therms began. It was during the third century that those prodigious edifices were reared whose remains are to occupy our attention this evening. The first are the Therms Antouians, built in the reign of Caracalla, and finished by Alexander Severus. This immense structure was begun in the year 205 or 20ti, and was finished with the exception of some outworks added by the successors of Caracalla, before the year 217. In the excavation made by the Conte Velo di Vicenza in 1820, a fragment of marble was turned up, on which were read in ill-formed letters the names of Albinus and ^milianus. As this fragment of marble appears to be unworked, one would conclude that it is as it came from the quarries, where it was not unusual to scratch the names of the consuls for the year upon the surface of the blocks. We are thus enabled to say that in the year 206, when the two consuls named were in office, the materials were preparing for the erection of the therms near the via Appia. They were situated near a valley which divides the Aventine mount, and in which formerly were the Piscina Publiea. It will be seeu, by refer- ence to the plan, that they were nearly a mile in circumference, inclu- ding the exterior porticos, and it may be imagined what the riches of this fabric were, from the profusion of marble and the exquisite works of art which at different periods have been found; 1600 seats of polished marble furnished the interior of the apartments, and the Cella Solearis, to which we shall shortly recur, was the wonder and admiration of all architects. The ancient authors have left us scarcely any description of those baths, but they almost seem at a loss for words to express the splendour of the building. The seven-leagued word of "magnificentissimas" and "therms eximis" are found in Spartian. Eutropius calls them an "opus egregium," and when we find vestiges of tesselated pavement on the topmost stairs, where the I 2 I 222 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [JuLT, attemliiiits bad tlieir lodgings, we may judge what tlie rooms below must liave been, for the reception of emperors, senators, knights, and the Roman people. There were also in this same region some thermfe erected by the emperor Decius about the middle of the third century. We are also made aware of some thermae of Philip by the fragment of an inscription, and we know from Vopiscus that Aurelian built baths in the regions beyond the Tyber. But the next great wonder were the prodigious thermffi of Diocletian, erected towards the close of the third century. Scarcely any mention of this stupendous fabric is to be found in any of the ancient writers whose ■works are extant. The story that forty thousand Christians were made to work like slaves in rearing the building, rests upon very slender authority ; but if it were so, they might have been consoled with the reflection that they were only aiding to erect a Christian church, for one of the most splendid basilicas of Rome is now formed out of the ruins. We shall shortly recur to the remains of those baths when we come to description. The next and last edifice erected in ancient Rome for this purpose were the therniE of Constantine, probably about the year 325. Considerable remains of these exist on the Quirinate Hill, adjoining the Colonna Gardens: .Sextus Aure- lius says they were not inferior to the other. The two colossal equestrian statues now on the Monte Cavallo, the bas-reliefs and busts, as well as the fresco paintings kept in the Ruspigliosi Palace, all came, as it is most probable, from those ruins. The three statues of Constantine and his sons (two of which now stand on the balustrade of the Campidoglio), and above all the inscription which relates that a praefect restored those baths to their pristine splendour, prove that we are right in identifying those ruins with the name of Therma; Constantinianse. The remains now visible are used for hay lofts, and are not sufficient to enable an ordinary observer to form any idea of their plan or extent. Nevertheless the creative genius of Palladio and Serlio has attempted the task of restoration, and it is not for me to cope with such high authorities, of whom, as well as of the baths they illustrate, it may be said to their immortal honour, stant nominis umbras. We have now run through the catalogue of thermic which were erected at Rome during the iirst three centuries of the Christian era, and there is uo reason to suppose they were not all existing when Constantine added those we have just mentioned. Publius Victor, in his regionary or catalogue of public buildings, made about the year 360, enumerates all the great thermae we have mentioned as then ex- isting; and under the same head (together with Lavacra) reckons up a total of fourscore. Besides these, there were the balnea in private houses, the nymphaea and laeus in gardens, and the aquse sanatariae, more or less used for bathing; and such was the accommodation for the luxury of cleanliness, that not an inhabitant of Rome, unless he decidedly preferred it, need have continued unwashed, for in the public establishments a bath might be had for the smallest piece of money coined at Rome* But our wonder will be increased at the magnificent luxury of the Romans, when we have made ourselves acquainted with the different parts and uses of a thermae establishment, which I now propose, according to my slender means, to point out to you. Description'. All the thermae, as far as we have the means of ascertaining, had the same aspect, and with very little variation in the distribution of their parts. It will be seen by reference to the plan of ancient Rome, that the three great fabrics of that description, which in part remain, have had their principal elevations towards the south-west : by this arrangement they secured the means of providing summer and winter apartments, as they did in their large villas. The space occupied by the thermae was nearly a square : in the case of Caracalla's each side measured 1100 feet ; of Diocletian's about the same ; of Titus' some- thing less. Attached to each was a castellum aqua; or reservoir, divided into compartments, and supplied by an aqueduct, so that an Rex iJ^is. -Dum tu quadraiUe lavalnm, Ilorat. Sat. i. 3. abundance of water was always at hand for the purposes of the establishment. In Diocletian's and Titus' baths those reservoirs were detached from the main building ; in Caracalla's it served as the back of the theatridiura, while the immense thickness of the walls pre- vented all inconveniences. On each side of the theatridium, where the spectators sat to view the exercises in the arena, was a paloestra, (K) which, according to Vitruvius, ought to be a peristyle, either square or oblong. In these, gymnastic exercises were performed iu the winter months, and on either side of those were rooms destined for the attendants or balneatores ; those at the end (O) have upper stories, and the stairs cut in the walls are still to be traced. The same disposition maybe observed in the baths of Diocletian, and something similar, though much less perfect, in the Thermae Titiana;. I have said that the place in front of the theatridium was the arena for exercises in the open air: the ample space lying between that and the principal elevation was the grand xystus (Q) or plea- sure-ground. The xysta, Vitruvius says, ought to be made so that, between the porticos, there may be groves and rows of plane trees. Walks, he adds, (ambulationes) should be laid out among the trees, and places for repose (stationes) should be made of opus signinum. A similar space, though inferior, lies behind the north- west elevation (Fj, and this I take to have been the minor xystus, where the lower orders of the people were permitted to have free access, and might extend their perambulations on each side of the nine peristyles. Vitruvius speaks of xysta in the plural number, and I think by comparing the plans of the other thermae, it is evident that each was furnished with a major and minor xystus, observing that dis- tinction of classes for which equality men are in all ages so remarkable, but which we can adjust without any odious comparisons, by having our xystus major at the end of Picadilly, and our xystus minor some- where about'the Tower Hamlets 1 But to proceed with our outworks : it is generallv supposed that the two large hemycylia, one of which remains almost entire as to its ground plan, were added by Helio- gabalus. They contained, first a paloestra (K), communicating with rooms (L) or scholae where, in all probability, philosophers delivered public lectures, and with some square compartments (Jj, which we would designate academies for holding discussions. The open walks (N) are Vitruvius' hypoethr:e, and they communicate with the covered Ambulachra, which were not unlike the cloisters of a monastery. Here the students and philosophers could take their exercise in undis- turbed meditation, and repass at pleasure into the long hypa?tlirae ambulationes (H) which, according to the Vitruvian precepts, ought to join the xystus. In other therma- the two sides of the square wanted those magnificent hemycyclia, and had more of the exedrae, like (G) ; they were furnished with seats for conversazioni ; in Dio- clesian's baths such recesses were numerous. The fourth side of the exterior works, turned towards the via Appm, presented a splendid elevation, as may be well conceived from the illustration of JM. Blouet. There are sufficient indications of this lower series of compartments having been used for baths, and I rather think that these were dedicated to the use of the common people, who might pass from them into the minor xystus. There were not less than fifty separate baths, each with its ante-room (Cj, where the bathers might undress, and from whence they might ascend by staircases to the higher parts of the building, or pass into the portico, which continued the whole length of the front. The elevation consisted in two rows of arches supported by columns, and surmounted by a balustrade ornamented with statues. The spectator, in viewing this front from the via Nova, (a street made when the therms were erected,) saw the stately trees of the xystus waving their luxurious foliage above the balustrade, and the dome which covered the pinacotheca rising majestically over the whole; and after approaching the vestibule (I) in the middle of the elevation he ascended into the xystus, and betook himself, as we shall now do in imagination, to the interior of the fabric. It will be remarked, by a slight reference to our ground plan, that there are duplicates of all the rooms and peristylia, and that the middle space is occupied principally by three large compartments, the first (J') girt with the spacious hypaethrae (H), has been a circular J 842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL, 223 room not unlike the Pantheon if stripped of its portico. This is sup- posed to be the caldarium, and being exposed to the sun, received much of its beat therefrom ; to which the hypocaustum or place for heating water being adjacent, or underneath, gave additional warmth ; in the midst was a circular reservoir, in which the batliers took their exercise together, the spectators, leaning on a barrier, were admitted to the suffocating sight. Any one who lias seen the large baths in Turkey may form a correct notion of a caldarium. I allude now especially to the baths at Bronsa, in Bythinia, at the foot of Mount Olympus, where I have seen this process of hot bathing, and where the Turks seem to enjoy swimming in water heated to a degree which would certainly boil a Christian or skin a Jew. After the process of scalding, it must have been grateful to the sensations to pass back again into the next room (D, which was the tepidarium ; in this also there was room for swimming about, and after this {in the reluming process) the bathers passed into the large room, which is the second of the three mentioned, and which was the cella tepidaria; here in four recesses were deep and ample basins (G'), discovered in the excavations of ISilO to have been lined with marble, with the steps for descending into them existing; in the centre of each side were two immense circular basins called Baptisteria, and which are probably those now standing in the Piazza Farnese ; this spacious apartment (F) with the rooms (B) at each end, measures 300 feet by 100, and the centre portion of it was supported by eight immense columns of granite, and must have been the most imposing saloon in the whole establishment. Taken in its whole extent, we conceive this to have been the pinacotheca, which the ample room now formed into the church of Sta. Maria degli Angioli, at Diocletian's baths, resembles. The third great compartment no one doubts was used as the natatio or cold swimming bath, called also the frigidarium, and sometimes piscina, because originally a large basin of cold water or a lake, where fish were kept, was so called ; this too was supported by 8 columns, not inferior to those of the pinacotheca. At each end were the vestibula (Y), and the Apodyteria (Q'), and the rooms (A') where the Capsarii took care of the clothes, and the correspond- ing places B' C, where the Aliptse and Unguentarii were ready to anoint and perfume the bathers, and the rooms D' called Diffits, where they might have refreshments. By this arrange- ment, the bathers who desired to go through the whole process of a purification, might pass from the cold natatio facing the north to the caldarium facing the south, and return again by the same gra- dations of heat and perspiration, until they were ready for a repast or a repose, or a conversation in some of the numerous apartments. Such were the rooms (R' T') and perhaps others that might be reached by ascending to the second story;* now either the large room (J') or (F') must have been that famous cella solearis mentioned by Spartian, and as the middle room, liolding the most prominent place in the whole plan, appears to unite all the properties necessary to meet the description, I have always been of opinion (before I had the satisfac- tion of finding M. Blouet agree with me) that the pinacotheca was the cella solearis ; 1 do not think it necessary, however, to stand out for the heat of the sun, for antiquaries yet differ upon the word solearis, and the room, as far as the epithet goes, might either be <-alled from the sun or from the lacing of a slipper ; the remarkable feature of this cella solearis was the working of the roof; it appears to have been fretted or cancellated by copper lacing over a vast extent of space, in such a way as to render both its design and execution a matter of astonishment to artists; if the large central room which I have designated the pinacotheca was the cella solearis, then its mag- nificence would be increased by the works of art which were placed in it, for such rooms in the public thermae became as many national galleries where paintings were deposited (as the word pinacotheca implies), and other speoimens of art which the authors thought fit to expose. The space was so ample that it was not necessary to make previous application for a good place, and the admission being gratui- * M. Filouet, however, designates the room (R') sudatorium, applying some clirectiors of Vitruvius a little too vaguely. tons, the connoisseurs paid more than one visit, and found out the good picture or statue in the most obscure places. Our attention is yet to be called to the two large open peristyles (U') in which the athletic exercises were performed, as the Mosaic pavement opened in 1826 indicated, for in the semicircular recesses (P'j were represented full figures of Discobuli, some with their names written near them, others with the wreath of conquest in their hands. The hemycyclia fP) were used for the visitors of the sports, and the separate divisions (V) were probably schools or ephebia, where the youthful arms were practised in manly exercises. We have now only to finish, the prin- cipal facade of the xystus. On each side of the caldarium (or circular room in the middle) is a comparatively small basin (K), and these I take to be the sudatoria, one for the men and another for the women. By a passage from these we enter into two square rooms, which are suitable for the vestiaria, and may be considered as the apodyteria for this more dignified part of the baths. The rooms M' and N' may fairly be assigned for gymnasia in fine weather ; the cor- ner apartments (N') are open on two sides, and lead into the xystus ; to complete our idea of this once splendid building, we may look at the restored elevation of this facade by M. Blouet, which, after what has been said, we can hardly believe to be over-wrought or exagge- rated in ornament. I may not lengthen this paper by attempting to speak of the con- struction and materials of this ancient edifice ; the quantity and quality of its decorations may be inferred from the noble specimens of art that have come out of its ruins ; the Farnese Hercules, the Glycon, the Bull, the Torso Belvedere, the Atreus, are too well known to need repetition. The treasures found and carried away by the nephew of Pope Paul III. were enough to have formed an interesting museum of antiquities ; the Flora, the tvs'o Gladiators, and a quantity of busts were among them. The granite column now standing at Florence attests the magnitude of the pinacotheca from whence it was taken ; and yet all we know is perhaps but a fraction of the rich art with which those thermas were embellished. When we consider the immense provision made for bathing in ancient Rome (for there were seven or eight great thermae at one time existing), the practice must have been diffused throughout the whole population. As early as the Augustus, a poor man might wash for a farthing, and little boys (Juvenal intimates) paid nothing. But the practice, which at first was wholesome and of public utility, afterwards degenerated into effeminacy and indolence. The Emperors promoted the abuse of the bath by their example ; Hadrian bathed in public with the lowest of the people. But it is a consolation, to know that those splendid edi- fices were not erected solely for the sordid purpose of bathing; by reference to our ground plans we shall see that but a portion of the whole therma was dedicated to that object ; we may leave the motley throng in the frigidarium, pass by the half naked groups in the cella tepedaria, and say nothing about the delights of the sudatorium, or the boiling process of the caldarium ; the tilthy and effeminate we may enclose within the limits of the three large centre rooms ; but all the rest of the space was dedicated to nobler and more manly pur- poses. The whole must have presented an animated scene, and the magnificent display of works of art appears to have compensated in some degree for the disgusting exhibition of works of nature. In the peristyles were the competitors for a laurel crown exerting their mus- cular strength, while poets and philosophers sat looking on in the recesses of the exhedrs ; there a public orator delightens an in- tellectual audience with the flowers of rhetoric ; in the walks of the xystus wandered in groups the sons of Apollo, while the notes of the lyre resounded from behind some shady plane tree ; parading in the hypaethriE were senators and politicians, and in the more retired am- bulachra the students of Plato's or Aristotle's philosophy ; in front of the theatridiura the foot race was run, and the applause which saluted the man who won, rung through the stately arches of the adjoining hemycyclia; in the terraces of the upper story were companies of idlebutwitty spectators, looking down upon the passengers moving along the Via Appia, or espying from afar the approach of a governor returning from his province. A thousand occupations of pleasure and 2 12 224 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [July, recreation were carried on within the walls of the lofty apartments, which were covered with all the variety of colours and costly material, •where the Egyptian granite was incrusted with the green, yellow and red marbles of Numidia. In the midst of this splendour might have been seen a swarm of dirty and ragged plebeians criticising the painting and statues of the pinacotheca, and although they indulged in gross and vulgar sensuality, could display a taste in works of art ■which our modern populace might envy. In winter as well as in summer those places of public resort were open ; the soft climate of Rome required no fire to warm the room with a southern aspect, and the fountains which played in every direction refreshed the very air in the hottest season. This description is not only applicable to the therma: of Caracalla, but also to the others whose ruins stili exist, and cover almost an equal space. Indeed, if we may credit Olyrapiodorus, the baths of Diocletian had more than 3000 seats of polished marble. Kor have we yet mentioned all the apartments and their uses which a thermae establishment contained ; we have assigned no place for the conisterium, where the athletae were sprinkled with dust, that the antagonist might hold hira the faster ; no place for the elseotherium where he was besmeared with oil, that the hold might be slippery ; there was the sphaeristerium or tennis court ; the bibliothecae, the coryesea, the musea, must all find a place ; but I have not attempted to fasten a name upon every compai-tment, just for the sake of filling lip the plan. Let it suffice to have enumerated the parts and uses of a thermae, and with the help of other men's labours to have illustrated one of the principal causes of the decay of the empire. It is thus, gentlemen, that we learn, from the labours of the antiquary and the architect, what the historian has passed over in silence, and we are enabled, with these plans of the ancient thermae before us, to account for the facts which the historian has recorded, viz. that the valour of Rome sunk ingloriously before the vigorous arm of the barbarian. It was when Vitiges, the king of the Goths, cut oft' the supplies of water in the fifth century, that the therniEe began to be deserted, but not before they had been one of the most powerful causes in bringing those Goths to the walls of Rome. If a society for the suppression of vice had arisen in the age of the Antonines, the plague might have been stayed ; but in the absence of moral and legal restraint, vice was promoted and activity of body destroyed ; and it might have been said with truth of the motley crowd in a therms, " Non his juveulus orta parcntibus Infecit sequor sanguine Piinico." But in making some practical application of this subject, I would observe, in conclusion, that it does not follow, if we could have some such public establishments now, that the same evils would arise; with our experience of past ages, and with that leaven of morality which the influence of a pure religion has introduced, it might be possible for us to adopt all the advantages of the therms without their mis- chief; their cleanliness and health-promoting exercise without their effeminacy, their means of recreation without their idleness, their useful resources without their foolish luxury. " Tliink'st thou tliere is no tyranny but that Of blood and chains ? the despotism of vice, Tlie weakness and the wickedness of luxury, The negligence, the apathy, the evils Of sensual sloth, produce ten thousand tyrants, Whose delegated cruelty surpasses The worst acts of one energetic master." To this the therms of Rome bear witness, and therefore our thermae may not resemble those. * * * * ON THE PRESENT STATE OF COLOGNE CATHEDRAL, AND ITS PROPOSED COMPLETION. " They dreamt not of a perishable home, "Whu thus could build." The cathedral of Cologne, if completed as proposed by the power- fid mind which designed it, would probably be one of the most won- derful and beautiful monuments of the skill of man in the whole world ; — its enormous size, the elegance of the details, its completeness as a whole, would alike strike the beholder as unequalled and sur- prising. Cologne, although as Coleridge says, " a town of monks and bones. Iron litre Bridge.— It is strange that the plan of making bridges of iron wire, so successfully adopted in Switzerland, France, and elsewhere abroad. sliouUi not yet have found favour enough in England to be fairly tried on the large scale; the noble bridge at Frcyburg, in .Switzerland, is 301 feet wider than the Menai Bridge, and though it consists of one span, it is at le.ist equally strong, and cost only a fifth part of the money. The wire bridge " . ."^Jk^JIJ^.'^ f^" Knglish leet span ; that of Menai 569. The Menai bridge cost 120,000/., that of Freyburg, 25,0001.— PaMmvrl, by Captain Basil Hall. And pavements fanged with murderous stones, And Iiags and rags and dirty w enches '. " in which he counted seventy stenc?ies, may be termed the Rome of this side the Alps, containing more objects of interest to the architectural antiquary than any city in this position that I remember. Foremost amongst them all, however, is the cathedral, even unfinished as it is. No one who has seen it will easily forget the effect produced by it, or cease to desire that it should be worthily completed knowing as nearly all do know, that by a series of lucky accidents that some of the original drawings are preserved to us. The designs for the principal front, which it seems were formerly kept, one with the archives of the ca- thedral, and the other in the masons' lodge, were lost when the French occupied the city in 1704. In 1S14, one of the drawings, namely that which represents the north tower, was accidentally discovered in a corn-loft at Darmstadt, by a decorative painter who was about to occupy the loft as a studio. Being drawn on parchment, it had been used for many years as the bottom of a sort of tray in which to dry beans; but with the exception of the marks left by the nails which fastened it to the wooden rim, and a fracture in the lower part of it, was little injured. It fortunately came into the possession of Dr. Mdller the distinguished architect, of Darmstadt, who published a fac-simile of it in 1818. At the time of the discovery of this drawing, M. Willemin was publishing his work "Monuments Fraiirais inklili" and Dr. Miiller was struck by the analogy which appeared between the style of a large window represented in the r2th No. of that work, and that of the details of the tower at Cologne. He mentioned the circumstance to M. Boisseree, who was then occu- pied on his large work on the cathedral of Cologne; inquiries were made of M. Willemin, and it was learnt that the window in question formed part of a very large drawing of a church on parchment, and then in the possession of M. Imbart, an architect at Paris, who had obtained it from M. Fourcroy. M. Fourcroy, it seems, had found it in Belgium. M. Boisseree contrived to purchase the drawing, and it was at once recognized as representing a part of the fa9ade of Cologne cathedral.* It was afterwards sold to the King of Prussia, and His Majesty presented it to the city of Cologne. United with the drawing discovered at Darmstadt, it represents the whole of the principal front. The size of the drawings together is about 6 ft. 6 in. wide, and 13 ft. long. The longevity, it may almost be said the immortalily, of an idea hardly needs illustration ; if it did, the design of this cathedral might in part serve the purpose. Recorded centuries ago by the mind which conceived it, the intention is but now about to be fulfilled ; and what i(s realization at this moment may further lead to, yet remains to be seen. Another and an analogous instance is now before us. Two hundred years ago Sir Christopher Wren proposed to rebuild London with the Exchange in the centre, and the main streets radiat- ing from this building on all sides. Circumstances were opposed to it, and the intention has lain dormant. In our day, however, one of our countrymen, called in to advise on the rebuilding of Hamburgh, has re-urged this idea, and if I am rightly informed, so successfully * It is supposed that llie plan bad been carried from Cologne about the middle of the I5th century, to serve as a model for the numerous churches which were then built in the Low Countries. 1842.] THE CIA IL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 225 that the senate is about to adopt it in the new city. The emanations of the mind, like the mind itself, may be said to endure forever — they continue to operate through the world, and to influence the future long after their origin has been lost sight of. To return, however, to Cologne cathedral. Thanks to the power of steam, and the situation of the city on the Rhine, this structure has been vievv'ed by most of us, and it would be impertinent to make remarks upon that with which you are as well or better a.cquainted with than myself. A short time ago, however, M. Daly, the editor of the "Revue Gcni'rale de V Architecture " of Paris, kindly forwarded to me some information on the late repairs and decoration of the building, and an account of the enthusiastic efforts which are being made, not merely in Germany, but in other countries, to ensure the completion of the building. It is the substance of this information ■which seems to be sufficiently interesting to be worthy your attention, that I propose briefly to bring before you. I may remind you that the first stone of the present building was laid on the 1-lth of August, 1'248, and that the choir was consecrated Sept. 27, 132"2, or 74 years afterwards. It was more than a hundred years after this date before the south tower was taken up to its present altitude, hardly half its proposed height ; the north tower is even now not more than 20 feet, perhaps, above the ground. When the soldiers of the French republic had possession of the city at the end of the 18th century, the cathedral was used by them as a stable, and was considerably injured. Moreover, iron cramps, which had been extensively used in the construction, caused great ravages in the stone work, and there being no funds with which to repair the evil as it became apparent, the destruction of the building seemed more than probable. After the peace, endeavours were made to restore the damage, but it was not till 1S21, when the King of Prussia interfered zealously, that the matter was taken up in earnest. In 1829 the complete restoration of the choir was commenced, (including the rebuilding of the flying buttresses, galleries, and win- dows,) which most desirable work is now_ achieved, and as it would seem most satisfactorily. A very hard and durable stone has been employed in the restoration, and the architect has studiously avoided the use of iron in the masonry, so far as was practicable, either dove- tailing the stones together where additional solidity was required, or when this was deemed insufficient, employing clamps of bronze. The outlay since 1829 alone, has been more than £40,000, partly furnished by the Prussian government. The immense scaffolding which still fills the choir of the cathedral, is about to be taken down so as to expose to view the decorations that have been applied. Beneath the whitewash with which the interior of the choir was disfigured in the last century, they discovered the painted decorations that originally adorned it, and in which the colours were applied with a sobriety and wisdom rarely met with in the works of the middle ages. All the principal parts of the construction, such as the columns and ribs, have been re-covered with a yellowish plaster, to remove the cold tint of the stones, the joints of the masonry being nevertheless left visible. The smooth surfaces of the roof are painted in imitation of the pierre de tuf, of which indeed the roof is constructed. Some red bands or fillets separate the light colour of the plain parts from the deeper tone of the ribs, and serve to give the latter more relief. The leaves and ornaments of the key-stones, the capitals, indeed all the sculptured portions, are gilt with a backing of bright red. In the heads of the pointed arches above the triforium, angels are painted on a ground of sculptured ornaments, gilt. The wall of the cloister, even, is covered with paintings of the 14th century. On the interior surface they represent processions, upon a gold ground ; on the exterior figures of saints, on a blue ground, powdered with stars. The mouldings of the pointed arches which enclose the figures are also very richly painted. Fourteen colossal statues, representing our Saviour, the Virgin Mary, and the apostles, are placed against the pillars of the choir, and are said to be models of monumental sculpture and polychromatic decoration. The draperies are painted to imitate rich damask stuffs, adorned with embroideries, coloured aud gilt, representing animals and birds, executed with skill. It was much feared, in conse- quence of the thick coating of dirt with which time had covered these figures, that the renewal of the painting would have injured the effect of the sculpture ; so far from this, however, the success is most complete. This magnificent assemblage of architecture, sculpture, and paint- ing, is made perfect by a series of stained glass windows, of the commencement of the 14th century, which, instead of injuring the effect of the mural paintings, by the coloured light which flows through them into the beautiful structure, harmonize the whole, and produce an effect which I can well conceive to be very striking. The choir with its side aisles and chapels is, as already men- tioned, the only part of the cathedral which is complete, the towers and nave remaining in an unfinished state — a splendid promise only, an outline of a magnificent intention, which yet remains to be filled up and made perfect. It seems possible, however, that it may not remain so much longer. Fired by the successful restoration of the ancient works, and anxio\is to realize the original idea in all its integrity and unity, the inhabitants of Cologne have determined on continuing the works vigorously. On the llith of February a society was organized for that purpose, and the day was set apart for religious intercession and rejoicing. The enthusiasm displayed on this occasion is said to have been extraordinary ; a procession of more than 5000 persons took part in the ceremonies of the day ; Protestants and Roman Catholics, liberals and conservatives, joined on one common ground, and outvied each other in generous efforts to ensure the completion of this fine monument bequeathed by the middle ages to modern times. This outburst of feeling on the part of the inhabitants of Cologne has been responded to, not merely throughout Germany, but in the neighbouring countries : branch societies have been formed for the purpose, literary men and artists have associated to publish magazines, the profit of which is to be devoted to the cathedral, a committee to receive subscriptions has been organized in France, and another in Rome ; the King of Prussia has made himself responsible for i£8000 per annum, and has further suggested that each of his provinces should defray the cost of one of the flying buttresses. The King of Bavaria, as in most similar instances, is not behindhand in the good work, but has formed committees in all the towns of his kingdom, and moreover has commissioned the manufactory of stained glass at Munic!'. to produce three fine windows for the cathedral, at the cost of £3200. In Germany all classes of societv, all professions, all faiths, have spon- taneously united in favour of the projected work, not merely, as M. Daly suggests, under the influence of a lively interest in the welfare of the arts and for their sublime creations, or even from a sentiment of piety, but from a new-born feeling of the re-establishment of moral unity in Germany, and a desire to retrieve its ancient grandeur. Piety, art, and patriotism — love of God, love of the beautiful, love of country — unite in favour of the completion of a building in which modern Germany will give her hand to the Germany of the middle ages, across three centuries of discord. Architecture has been too often called on to embellish the triumphs of brute force ; in this case it may record the willingness of a nation to be united. From the Bible we learn, continues M. Daly, that the first great monument with which architecture ornamented the world was the Tower of Babei, that is to say, of confusion, of discord. It is worthy of the architecture of our day to complete a noble edifice, high upraised, which may be at once a temple to God and a record of union. To this I most fervently respond, and trust that the patriotic and elevated desires of the German people on this head may be fully carried out. The crane of the ancient builders has continued to sur- mount the grass-covered summit of the tower, mutely telling of their return, and prophesying ultimate completion.* I venture to express a hope that it may soon be seen again at work, playing its part in a much more elevated position than it is now. George Godwin, Jun. " BeinR decayed, it was taken down in 1816, to prevent accidents, but was restored in 1819. 226 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. July, NOTES ON STEAM NAVIGATION. Bo:leks. — II the steam space be contracted, there will inevitably be a large coiisiimptioii of fuel as well as a low degree of efficiency in the engine; for the iteam will be mixed with particles of water, wliich will carry oft' much heat, and this water by entering the cyhnder will endanger tlie safety of the engine, at the same time that it diminishes its power by resisting the motion of the piston, blocking up the ports and choking the condense)-. It is o;ily when the quantity of water which comes over with the steam is very great that these eft'ects are obvious ; but eveiy particle of water mingled with the steam is a positive detriment, and the only effectual preventative of the evil is to make the steam space abundantly large. Mr. Watt's proportion, which is well known, is we believe better than any other. It is a usual and judicious practice to take tlie steam from the highest part of the boiler or steam chest, generally by an internal pipe turning upwards and in continuation of the steam pipe. This internal pipe is sometimes made of malleable iron, in which case it rapidly oxidizes, and in the course of a year ortwo will often disappear altogether. Copper is the best material, and around pipe is preferable to a square or flat one. The latter description we have known to have had its sides squeezed together by the difference of the pressure of the steam witliin and without it. The oxidation of boilers is an inexplicable subject. The outsides of boilers are chiefly worn — on the bottoms by leakage, or the action of the bilge water — in tlie ashpits from the wetting of the ashes — and on the top from the dripping of water fiom the deck. The insides are subject to oxidation only above the water line — not equally over the whole surface of the iron bounding the steam space — but more in one part than another, and the differ- ence is traceable to no specific cause with which we are acquainted. It is ge:ierally observable, however, that oxidation proceeds most rapidly upon those parts upon which the steam impinges, and also upon the parts adjacent to brass or copper. The iron in the neighbourhood of the safety and stop valves is generally the most rapidly corroded ; but this eflfect is not invariable, nor is it known to what the want of uniformity is due. The oxide is some- times detached in a number of consecutive black scales, like the leaves of a book, which fall oft' only when disturbed; in other cases no oxide adheres to the surface of the iron, and the only evidence of the existence of oxidation is the diminution of thickness in the plate, which is readily observable where two plates overlap. A very thin coat of Roman cement might be applicable to the interiors of steam chests with advantage, either in conjunction with pieces of zinc, or zincked iron, or pe>- ne. /{anting bridges. — Every boiler should have a hanging bridge at the ex- tremity of the flue where it enters the chimney, projecting downwards 18 in. or 2 ft. from the top of the flue, according to the depth of the flue and other circumstances ; and the best boilers are so provided. This hanging bridge toay be made either of brick or of plate iron ; its efl'ect is to retain the hot air in contact with the iron, and to permit that portion only which occupies the lower part of the flue, and is consequently the least hot, to escape to the chimney. A hanging bridge at every turn of the flue has in some instances been used with much advantage. Furnace bars. — Where the length exceeds 7 ft. it has been found that more steam is generated and less coal burned, by shortening them. They must never be bound at both ends, nor the bearers be so constructed as to permit ashes to accumulate in the space left to allow of the expansion of the bars, else the expansion will either break the bearing bars or the brackets which support them, or the middle portions of the bars will bend up into the tire, and be quickly burned away. If there be two sets of bars in each furnace the middle bearer should be double, to allow the ashes to fall into the ash-pit through the space between the ends of the respective sets of bars. The front bearer should also be removed a little from the dead plate, and the back bearer a little from the bridge, for the same reason . Paddle Wheels. — The loss of beneficial eft'ect from backwater is not great, but there is another source of loss hitherto unnoticed, though of no trivial moment. The impulsive velocity of the several floats immerged in the water is proportional to their horizontal distances, that is, supposing that there are four floats immerged, the distance through which the first float tends to impel the vessel during its motion from the position of the first to th.at of the second float is equal to the horizontal distance between those floats, whilst distance through which it tends to impel the vessel during its motion from the position of the second to that of the third float being, in like manner, equal to the horizontal distance between those floats, is a very different quantity from the first. Thus there are two forces acting with different velocities at the same time, and these forces must be to a certain extent antagonistic. If we suppose the vessel to be moving with the velocity due to the motion of the float from the first to the second position, then the excess of velocity due to the motion of the float from the second to the third position is thrown away in giving a useless velocity to the water ; whilst, if we suppose the vessel moving at the latter velocity, or at a velocity approaching thereto, the floats entering the water become an actual impedi- ment to the vessel's progress, and will carry a mass of broken water before them, in the same way as the bow of the ship, and in practice we have seen this occur. To prevent the loss of power from this source, the relative velocities of the floats should be such that the horizontal distances travelled over in equal times should be equal. Slide Valves. — It is always best for the faces on the cylinder to be formed of face plates of cast iron, from IJ to 2 in. thick. When the engine is of sufficient magnitude to render an expansion joint in the casing expe- dient, the best mode of fixing the face plates is to screw them to the cylinder with countersunk bolts, both of the surfaces having been jireviously planed, and a little red lead interposed. In other cases it is as good a plan to fix the face plates to the valve casing, the surfaces being planed as before. The bolts which attach the casing to the cylinder will also serve to keep the face plates in contact with the casing ; but they must be screwed at both ends, and have a conical enlargement in the middle to fit into the holes of the face plates, which holes must of course be made conical likewise. No large cylinder should be faced lying on its back, for its own weight alters its form, and makes the valve face untrue; emery should not be used in grinding a valve to its surface. The most approved practice is to make the two surfaces first, as true as possible by planing ; next, to try the valve on with a little reddening, and help the surfaces cautiously with a file where required ; and finally, to polish with powdered Turkey stone and oil. The effect due to a given quantity of lap or cover upon the steam and exhaustion sides of slide valves, as well as of that due to various degrees of travel in the valve, are questions looked upon as very mysterious, and they are certainly important. If .? = half the length of the stroke of the piston in inches ; s' = half tlie length of the stroke of the valve in inches ; / = that part of the stroke completed before the steam is cut off in inches ; ^' = that part of the stroke completed before the exhausting port is shut; ^" = that part completed before the exhausting port at the other end is opened ; e= cover on steam side; c' = cover on eduction side ; Then < = s j 1 + cos. (2 sin. "') \ f = s< 1 +C0S. (2 sin. -1. 1 + COS. (2 sin. -/)} (1) (2) (3) By these formulas the action proper to valves with any degree of cover or throw may easily be computed. Cocks. — Every cock about an engine — gauge cocks and all — should have a bottom and a stuffing box, else they will be very troublesome as soon as they begin to leak ; blow-oft' cocks in particular are a perpetual annoyance without this provision. The valves invented by Mr. Kingston of Woolwich as substitutes for cocks are very ingenious, and we understand operate most satisfactorily. All vessels should have these valves, or some analogous con- trivance, at the place where the blow-off and injection pipes penetrate the vessel's sides, both for the purpose of preventing the escape of water into the ship in the event of the pipes being broken, and to permit the blow-off and injection cocks to he re-gronnd, without involving the necessity of taking the vessel into dock. NOTES ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF BillDGES OF CAST IRON, WITH SOME EXPERIMENTS ON THE STRENGTH OF CAST IRON GIRDERS OF LARGE DIMENSIONS. The basis of calculation of the strength of cast iron beams is derived from the fact of a bar one inch square and 1 2 inches long breaking with one ton ; consequently the square of the depth, multiplied by the thickness and divided by the length in feet, gives the breaking weight in tons. In a table given in 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 227 the Journal, vol. iv, for 1841, p. 79, the specific gravity of cast iron is stated as 7-82 r, which, taliing water as unity, gives 460 J lb. as the weight of one cubic foot of cast iron. It is also observed that if the gravity be different, the strength must be reduced in proportion ; another authority gives 455i lb- as the weight of a cubic foot of cast iron. Both of these weights are suffi- ciently near for practical purposes. The weight of metal in a structure may be found by multiplying the length in feet by the number of square inches in the section, and by 3-2 (the weight in lb. of a bar one foot long and an inch square), which will give the weight in lb. ; or find the number of cubic inches, and divide the same by 3-7J, which will also give the weight in lb. In the Second Part of the Transactions of the Rojal Society, 1840, is a paper " On the Strength of Cast Iron Pillars," by Eaton llodgkinson, Esq., from which I extract the following. The ratio of strength is constant in pillars whose length is 30 times their diameter, up to 120 times, but not in shorter lengths. In the experiments, when the pillars broke, it was generally in the middle, as if the weight had been apphed transversely. The theory of the comparative strength of pillars is that they vary inversely as the square of the length : e. y. a pillar half the length of another of like area, in section would have four times the strength. In the experiment the pillars broke with I to i the crushing weight. The crushing weight of cast iron is 49 tons, and its tensile power about an eighth of that amount. If the crushing weight of cast iron be taken at 1.000, wrought iron would be l'74o. The rule as given by Barlow for the stitfuess of cast iron beams is that it is as the cube of the depth if the weight be in the middle, and if distributed J of that weight would be borne with an equal degree of deflection. In the above extracts sufficient is developed of the theory of the strength of iron for the present purpose of illustrating these notes. In Weale's work on bridges, we learn that iron was introduced as a main constituent of a bridge in 1775, by Thomas Fainolls Pritchard, of Shrews- bury ; also that the principles that govern a bridge of carpentry are the same as for a bridge of iron, and in cast iron bearing bridges the construction must be considered as partaking more of the beam than the arch, although there are some important works in which the properties of the arch appear to have been mainly depended upon by the engineer. In the celebrated Sunderland Bridge, 236 ft. span, the versed sine being nearly tliat of a semi- circle, the principle of the arch is fully carried out, small portions of the arc being in frame work, like the pend stones or voussoirs of a stone bridge. In Southwark Bridge, London, of three arches, the centre 240 ft. span, and the side arches 210 ft. each, with a versed sine of 24 ft., the ribs of the arches are in long lengths, and 61 ft. in depth. This bridge contains 3115 tons of iron: the centre arch aloue contains 1665 tons. Up to 1830 there were only two cast iron bridges erected iu France — the Pont des Arts, of a similar construction to Southwark Bridge, and the Pont de Austerhtz. The reason of this material not being more extensively used in that country up to 1830, was stated to be the great expense of iron, and the uncertainty of casting large pieces; although the same writer states, in favour of the use of this material, that it is adapted to bridges of large spans, and that it is as durable as stone, less expensive, more easily constructed, and, as compared with wooden bridges with abutments of stone, is one half less expense. A new construction of iron bridge has been invented by M. Polonceau, and erected at Nantes, in the Bridge of Eidre, and the Carrousel Bridge of Paris, drawings of which are given in vol. ii. of the Journal, p. 79 : they are called Polonceau bridges after their inventor ; see vol. iv. of the Journal, p. 92, whence the above account has been condensed. Tlie Carrousel Bridge was completed in 1836; it has three arches, centre 187 ft. span, rise 16.1 ft ; two side arches 156 ft. span, and rise 15^ ft.; width of piers 13 ft. The principle of construction is a wooden arc on the laminated principle incased with cast iron, the transverse section being elliptic and cast in 22 lengths and from its shape has been called the " tidjular rib." From the preceding notes sufficient has been shown that cast iron can be used in bridges to the extent of 300 ft. span. When the circular arc is used similar to Southwark Bridge, engineers are agreed that -^ of the chord line is a sufficient rise, and that -^ of the span is sufficient width for the piers, the strcngtii of the abutments being regulated merely as retaining walls. But they are not agreed whether greater depth should be given to a rib at the hauuches and diminish towards the crown, or that the greatest depth should be at the crown and diminish towards the abutment. Provided that the principle of a beam girder, brestsummer, or joist be considered as the true theory of construction, a beam parabolic on the upper edge and horizontal or level on the lower edge, and reduced at each end to one-third of its depth in the centre, will be equally strong as if its form was parallel throughout. On the London and Birmingham Railway a bridge is constructed under the Hampstead road, where the lower edge of the beam is cambered vvith a versed sine of 3 ft. ; the upper edge is also circular, being drawn from two centres, the extreme depth being 2 ft. in the centre, and 9 in. at each end : the span is 25 ft. ; sectional area in middle 67] superficial inches. There is another bridge on the same railway crossing Park-street, of two openings of the same span ; the beams have a sectional area of 56J iu., and are horizontal at top, and cut out in the centre to tlie form of an arch, the spandrils being filled in solid. From the above two bridges a fair com- parison may be instituted, and the inference drawn that no advantage is gained in material in adopting the arch, over the girder ; and 1 apprehend also that the only advantage gained by the two centred or bent girders, whose elevation is a " phase" like tlie new moon, is in the extra depth acting in a perpendicular or ordinate line, and not on a radius line with either of the arcs. It may be also inferred that if the bridge be of largo span and the arched form used, it will be necessary for calculating the breaking weight of the bridge to take the whole depth from tlie chord line, including the depth of the roadway bearer, and deducting therefrom the openings between the spandril fillings. Indeed no advantage is gained in coi.tiuing the principal weight of iron used in the structure to the arch formed at bottom, over the equal distribution of the weight over the roadway bearer, and filling in of the spandrils. By this means the insistent weight, or the weight of the materials composing the structure, is more equally diffused over the whole erection. In farther confirmation of the above remark, that no advantage is gained in adopting the arch over the girder, I may observe that in the arched form all above the piers are cast iron, which rest upon bed frames or dead plates laid on the piers, and that the ribs are strengthened longitudinally by fillets, mouldings, flanches, &c., and that when the structure is of more bays or spaces than one, the different ribs in each arch are united by junction pieces on the piers in the direction of each rib. The ribs are also strengthened sideways with vertical diagonal frames or cross stays and dis- tance pillars, and with horizontal diagonal braces and the roadway plates, so that the whole forms a complete square piece of framework, and mav he compared to the American trellis bridge, with a circular piece cut out of it to form a headway betweeu each pier. But to return to the principle of construction of iron bridges, as adopted by various engineers on the railways in England. I will give a description of the different kinds of bridges which have been constructed of this ma- terial. The principle of the bow and string suspension, as employed by Mr. Leather in the bridges of Hiinslet and Monk Bridge at Leeds, (the latter being 112 ft. span, the former 152 ft. span,) has been adopted on the Thames Junction Railway, and on the London and Birminghara line tlie same principle is applied to a bridge over the Regent's Canal at Caindeu Ton n, the roadway being on the chord line, and the ties of the bow strong bars of wrought iron : the span is 50 ft. On the same line, the load from Baniiuiy to Lutterworth is carried over the railway on a bridge, with a span of 61 ft., in this case the road is above the bow. and the ties are distended below the chord line : the distance between the under side of the bow and tie bar is 4 ft., which is filled in with studding pieces or saddles, about the san.e scantling as the spandril filling of a bridge of similar span ought to be on the common con- struction. The same plan has been used on the Manchester and Leeds road as the bridge over the Regent's Canal ; in Ibis bridge 288 tons of wrought iron, and 155 tons of cast iron were used : a similar biidge is on the North Midland line, at Derby. This kind of bridge is used where headway under the bridge is an object. On the Birmingham and Gloucester line, at Chel- tenbaiii, a bridge is built on the above principle, where both the rib and the tie at the level of the roadway are cast iron, the lower one being suspended at a distance of 4 ft. 3 in. from the upper, with strong iron rods about the same distance apart ; the tie or bottom rib has also a rise or versed sine of IS in. On this line of railway 654 tons of cast iron, and 150 tons of wrought iron were used in bridges. On the Great Western Railway parallel gurders were mostly used. In a bridge over the I'addington Canal 37 ft. span, the extreme depth of girder is 22 in., and breadth of flanch at top and bottotu % in., of a uniform thickness of 2{ in. ; the weight of iron in the bridge is 41i tons. A similar bridge to the last was erected over the Grand Junctioa Canal, in which above 73 tons of iron were used ; the dimensions are as iu the last example, except the span and depth of girder; the latter is 26 in. deep. The bridge over the Uxbridge road, containing 165 tons of iron, is on the principle of a framed floor of joists : the railway crosses tl e high road vety obUquely, say 15', at the junction of a cross load ; oi.e girder is used similar to a trimming joist, with seven others weighing about 30 tons, tenoned through it and bearing upon it. This girder weighed 9.\ tons, and was 26 in. iu extreme depth, with flanch at top and bottom 11 in. broad, of a uniform 228 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [July, thickness of 4} in., and 32.i ft. long between bearings. This girder broke soon after the bridge was completed, but was replaced again without increase of weight. On the Midland Counties line the parallel girders were assisted with side rods of wrought iron, their ends being passed through cast iron lugs, on the upper edge of the girder, aud the middle bent over a stud cast on the lower edge in the centre, the superstructure or roadway being gene- rally planking, but where the girders were elliptic, the planking was placed on the lower flanch, and the back of the girder stood above the roadway. On the Great Western line the space between the girders was filled in with 9 in. arched brickwork, the girders being placed about 4i ft. apart. On the Pollack and Govan Railway, the Glasgow and Edinburgh, Grand Junction, and Leeds and Selby, the bridges were of the ordinary form. The weight to be carried over a bridge or lailway should be calculated for two trains passing over at the same time, and for a turnpike road the passage of troops is considered the most severe test, but in practice one of the ribs should be calculated to hear the estimated weight which it is presumed will pass over the bridge. In the Park-street bridge previously described, of 95 ft. span, an area of 50 superficial inches is given to the rib ; and in No. 7 of the first table of experiments, for a span of 28 ft., with 10 tous the deflection was J of an inch, the sectional area being 38 in., evidently showing the Park-street bridge abundantly strong. By a reference to the unpublished experiments on cast iron rails, you will see that the (perceptible) deflection of cast iron commences at about one-fourth of its breaking weight, so that the girder No. 7, with an area in section of 38 in. would be capable of sus- taining a weight of 40 tons. The girder of the bridge that broke on the Great Western Railway at the Uxbridge road had an area of nearly 176 in., with a span of only 32 ft. By reference to the paper in the Transactions of the Royal Society it will be seen that wrought iron will bear nearly as much again as cast iron before crushing, and by reference to Wood's experiments on rails, it will be observed that it remained elastic up to five-sixths of the weight that destroyed its elasticity, and the deflection commenced with one sixth part of that weight ; therefore, notwithstanding the greater power of its resistance to a crushing force, the greater elasticity renders it inapplicable to the purposes of bridge building on the plan of an arch. I have been induced to extract the table from Wood's work on railways, to see whether wrought iron was ap])licable for bridges constructed on the common plan, having lately seen curved ribs of that material formed of rail- way bars acting as the suppott of the "lagging" of centreing, aud as Mr. Pritchard (who introduced cast iron), in one of his earliest propositions on the subject, suggested cast iron ribs as a permanent centre to a back arch of masonry (Weale's Bridges, page 100). From what has been said, I do not think wrought iron can be applied as I thought it could to large bridges. In the preceding examples of construc- tion are the following different plans. The principle of the arch fully de- veloped, as in Sunderland Bridge ; arched ribs on the common plan, as Vaux- hall and Southwark Bridges ; the French tubular rib ; the bow and string, as Monk Bridge, Leeds ; and four descriptions of girders, viz. parallel, para- bolic, parabolic curved, or one whole elevation as a phase, and the parallel assisted with tension rods ; also an adaptation of the bow and string of three varieties, viz. the Ijridge over Regent's Canal, on the road from Baubuiy to Lutterworth, on the Birmingham railway, and the Cheltenham bridge on the Gloucester and Birmingham railway, being a total number of thirteen diffe- rent constructions, many being used to suit localities and confined situations; but for situations where no restrictions exist, the girder is the best form up to 30 ft. span, the arched bow and string to 60 ft., the common arch to 150 feet, the framed voussoir, as Sunderland bridge, to 250 ft. and all spans larger. As to what sliould be the sectional area when the common method is practised, the following particulars, collected from executed examples, may be found useful : say 25 ft. span, 30 superficial inches ; 50 ft., 40 ; 100 ft., 110 ; 130 ft., 165 ; and the proportion of the breadth of the rib to its depth, one-fifteenth, say 2^ inches breadth for 36 inches depth. 1st Table OF Proof in Tons and Deflection in Inches of Cast Iron Girders elliptic on upper edge. No. of Experiment. Distance between supports in feet. Extreme depth in centre. inches. Do. at ends. Size of Fil Breadth. et at top. Depth. Size of Flanch at bottom. Breadth. Depth. Breadth or thickness in middle. Proof in 1 tons. \ Deflection in inches. No. 1 18 0 HI lU U li 4 u C 3 s 2 22 6 18 15 1* If H If 8 I 3 17 9 13 lU If If 4 If 6 f 4 22 0 15 12 If If 5 IJ H 6 i 5 19 6 15 12 If If 5 If 6 g- 6 13 0 10 8 If If 7 If a 1 if 7 28 2 20i 174 2 2 6 H 10 1 8 13 4 12 10 If If 4 li 6 i 9 32 4 24 19i 2 2 8 H 12J f 10 20 6 15 12 If If 5 li 6 1 11 12 8 10 8 If If 4 H a A 12 19 6 15 12 If If ■ti H H 6 i 13 18 3 16 13 2f 2* 6 1* If m i 14 36 0 30 24 3 2 9 2J 2i 20 TiJ 2nd Table of Girders parallel throuohout their entire length. 1 10 6 n 5 n 5 If If 6 i 2 8 2 Oi 5 u 5 If H 7 ■ft 3 10 0 10 5 If 5 u H H A 4 9 0 H n u 7 If If 7 Te 5 20 6 20 6 If 6 If If 15 TS 3rd Tabli . CONSTRUCTED FROM WoOD ON RaILROADS, EXPERIMENTS ON STRENGTH OF WROUGHT Ir0> t Rails. 1 281b. 3 0 3^ 2} 2J X 1 1 none none | J 6i to 7f * i 2 36 3 0 3ii 2f 2J + U g f i 3i „ 5 Bent. 3 32 3 0 H 2i 2f X f 1 lA f 2i „ 3i do. 4 32 3 0 3^ 2f 2* X 1 1 li% f 5 „6 do. 5 39 3 0 4-rV 31 2} X 1 1 1* 1 5 „ 6 do. 6 43 3 0 3i H 2f X J h\ 1^ i • 5 „ 6 do. With the first weight the elasticity remainecl, with the second weight it was destroyed. 1842.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 229 EXPLAKATION OF TaBLE. No. I . The girders were laid together in pairs, with a block of iron between at each end, and squeezed together, and the diminution of the distance between the two girders was divided as the deflection of eacli. Before the pressure was applied, parallel chalk lines were struck at a small distance apart, to ascertain the position of the neutral axis, which was found to be nearly in the centre of tlie depth. The bearing was 9 in. from each end, and the pressure applied in the middle : the girders were kept from goiug back to their natural position by a strong loop of wrought iron embracing them both. The girders were elliptical on the upper edge or back, and horizontal on the lower edge ; they were also strengthened on the upper edge, and had a broad flanch at bottom, and sometimes a flanch at both top and bottom. The whole of the girders, except No. 14 in the first table, were used at the Oxford and Cambridge Club. No. 14 was also used in the construction of the City of London School, Cheapside. After the above experiments, the architect in his next work, the Judge's Chambers, abandoned the fillet at top, and diminished the thickness ; as for example, a girder of the same length of bearing as No. 1 in the first table had a uniform thickness of I J- in., depth in centre 15 in., at end 10 in., breadth of bottom flanch 4 in. : the girders at the last-named work were not proved. No.3. Mr. Wood calls the three divisions of the section " top, rib, and keel," the rib being the portion between the top and keel, for which two last terms I have substituted the words fillet and flanch, and for the whole three terms I have the extreme depth. No. 6 is the only rail that was parallel, which weighed 43 lb. per yard, and No. 4, which weighed only 32 lb. per yard, was elliptic or fish bellied : it retained its elasticity as long as No. C, with an equal weight. Mr. Wood gives one table of experiments of east iron rails, the average weighing 55 lb., 3 ft. 9 in. between supports, being straight on the upper edge, and parabolic on the under edge ; extreme depth in centre C in., at end 4 in.; breadth at top 2:^ in., tapering away to 1=^- in the middle, and swelling out at bottom into a square, each side being | of an inch, and the diagonal being vertical, broke with 5| toi»s ; and he observes that cast iron is very rigid, and deflection trifling before fracture, and that by mixture of metal, so as to increase its specific gravity, the same rails took Ijtons more weight to break them. The following are from experiments which have not bteu published. A rail of cast iron, straight on top, elliptic on bottom, edge 7 in. deep in centre, 3^ in. at each end ; flanch at top 2^ in. x IJ in., at bottom li in. X li in. and ^in. thick in the middle ; with 5 tons, in the middle deflection was apparent ; distance between supports 3 ft. 8 in. At 7 tons, the deflection was yub of ""i inch- 9 10 II 12 m ■Si I) ^ „ Broke instantly through its centre. Another cast iron rail, 2 ft. 8 in. between supports ; 5 in. in middle, SJ in. at each end, and ^ thick ; flanch at top 1 J in. < 1 in., at bottom 1 J in. x | in. ; broke with 8^ tons ; fracture in the middle, and nearly perpendicular. St- Ann's, Newcastle-npon-Tijne. 0. T. LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS. A paper on lighlning conductors, in connexion w itli the accident at Rrix- ton Church, was lately read at a meeting of llio London Kleclrical Society. Its aullior, Mr. M'alker, the secretary of the society, bad made a survey of the damage done to the tower of Brixton Church, and found in it so practical an illustration of Dr. Farailay's opinion on the "lateral discharge," as to induce him to investigate the subject more closely. It seems that no ar- rangement of metals could have been better adapted than that met with in this steeple to invite a flash of lightning to do mischief. There was a regular series of stepping-stones, as it were — first, an insulated metallic cross, then twenty feet of stone work ; in passing this interval the roof of the lantern was shattered. Then come twenty or thirty feet of conductor, in the form of the clock wire, and a water pipe ; and then a break of twelve leet. Here, again, was an explosion, and an immense mass of masonry was shattered away from the base of a column intervening' between the termination of the water-pipe and the commencement of the next series of conductors. Within the belfry a " lateral discharge " took place ; the fluid passes from one con- ductor to a vicinal one for no other reason than to obtain a wider path. The author showed that electricity not only chooses a short but also a wider path ; and that the "lateral spark" arises from the latter property. He then explained that it is not enough to have a continuous or an insulated lightning rod ; but it is most important to have it far away from other metallic bodies; for however capacious the rod may be, and however adapted to convey, not only what passed down it. but ten thousand times more, yet, if another con- ductor is near, a ilash will pass between the two, and ignition of neighljouring combustibles will be the result. Fortunately, in the case in question, only a small part of the whole fluid passed « itliin the tower, consequently the lateral explosion'w as not severe. As it is not always possible to place lightning rods entirely out of the neighbourhood of other conductors, Mr. Walker showed that the possibility of the fluid's passing between them should then be con- verted into a certainty by making metallic coiumunication between them, and thus tracing out a path along which the fluid might pass without the de- velopment of light and heat. He spoke of the peculiar property of the points of leaves, twigs. Sec, in drawing oft" quietly charges ni electricity, and stated his conviction that tall trees would always be found valuable, if not in en- tirely averting, at least in greatly mitigating the force of a lightning shock. The theoretical opinions given in this communication were based upon the experiments of the Royal Institution, the object of the author being to show how closely they were illustrated on the grand scale of nature, and to direct the attention of the public generally to a closer study of the properties of lightning-rods, a subject on which, perhaps, more than on any other prac- tical point, more ignorance prevails than can be well conceived. EXPERIMENTS AT WOOLWICH ON COAL- BOXES OF STEAM VESSELS. On 11th May a large detachment of the Royal Artillery attended in the Marshes, to make experiments with powerful gunsag.ainst the erection repre- senting the side of a steam vessel, and the coal box. The experiiueuts commenced at a range of 1250 yards, with 68-pounder and 56-pounder gunsj Colonel Dundas' 110 cwt. gun requiring 181b. of powder to each charge, and Mr. Monks' 97 cwt. gun requiring IG lb. of powder each charge, made excellent shots, but failed in passing through the coal-hox, although the iron composing the interior portion of the case was rent for several inches where the balls had struck, and where they were retained, having evidently ex- pended the greater portion of their force in passing through the coals. This result was rendered certain by the effect of one of the balls, which had passed through the portion of the erection extendmg beyond the coal-box, driving before it a solid piece of the wood, 12 in. square, and about G or 7 ft. in length, and ultimately passing through a similar thickness of wood in the rear, sinking deep into the earth composing the butt. There were three other guns, 5G-pounders, respectively of 85 cwt., 81 cwt., and 67 cwt., in weight each, fired during the first six rounds, but they were then discontinued, and the practice carried on with Colonel Dundas' and Mr. Monks' guns, but they failed in destroying the coal-box to any greater extent than has been stated. The experiments were resumed on the following day with Mr. Monks' 56-pouuder gun, weighing 97 cwt. The officers in command were so satisfied with its practice, that it was ordered to discontinue firing after the 21th round. Several of the shot entered the coal-box, and caused great destruc- tion ; and although they did not pass through, they tore the joinings from the bottom to within about two feet of the top. T\\ o more rounds were fired from the 68-pounder, one of which rent tlie joinings at the east end of the coal-box from the bottom to within about three inches of the top, and a great quantity of the coals fell out. The experiments with these guns, which were made at the long range of 1250 yards, having been concluded, General Millar's 10-inch gun commenced practice, having been previously pl.'.ced at a range of 9(.0 yards. The firing from this gun with shells was the best that could have been witnessed. The first shell entered the centre of the bull's eye, but did not explode, probably from the action of the loose coals through which it passed extinguishing the igniting composition before it could com- municate with the contents of the shell. The secor,d shell entered within about two feet of the bull's eye, and did not explode, prob;ibIy from the same cause as in the former case. The th-rd shell entered about nearly the same distance from the bull's eye as the second, only nearer the ground, and in six seconds exploded, throwing up into the air a flame of ignited small coils to a height of upwards of 30 It., forming a grand and imposing spectacle, and scattering fragments of the shell, wood, and coals, to a distance of 200 yards in all directions. A fourth shell was fired, but it entered and exploded in the butt. The experiments were again resumed on the following Friday, w hen it was 2 K 230 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [July, resolved to fire the red-hot shot 32-pounders, at a range of 800 yards. Tlie first of these entered at the bottom of the coal-box, nearly in the same line with the bull's eye, and set fire to the wood work, which continued to burn slowly along with the ignited coals. The second red-hot shot entered about three icet from the bull's eye, and so lodged amongst the coals that it was full a quarter of an hour before the smoke of the ignited coals could make its way through the hole where the shot entered, and at the top of the box, I)ut it afterwards rapidly gained an ascendancy, and would have consumed the whole had not the fire been put out by a party of men with the fire engine. The experiments were concluded by firing an 8-inch shell from a battery, at a distance of 950 yards, and it struck in a horizontal line with the bull's eye, tearing the eastern side of the coal-box, and exploding when it reached the back part of the box, scattering the coals, fragments of shell, and wood to a considerable ilistance. It is probable the result of these experiments, which have been so far satis- factory, will give rise to others of a similar nature, as they appear to be of great importance. Were the coal boxes maile of iron half an inch thick, instead of a quarter of an inch.as theone experimented with, itwould afford, especially at the back, a more secure hold to the rivets of the joinings, the only parts which may be considered as having given way during the severe tests. The action of the loose coals appears to have a great effect in pre- venting balls passing through them when about six or seven feet in thickness, and placed in an iron box, and the discovery may prove of great importance in future fortifications, and in the defence of important stations. IMMENSE BL0C:K OF STONE, SHIPPED FOR THE NELSON MEMORIAL. On Thursday, 9th June, we had the pleasure of witnessing the arduous undertaking of putting on ship-board this huge block of stone, weighing 30 tons, intended to form the lower part of tlie figure of Nelson. This beautiful piece of liver rock, when first detached from its original site in Granton quarry, was 45 tons, its under bed resting 16 ft. 3 in. below the datum line of low water at Granton Pier. It had, therefore, to be raised a perpendicular height of 40 ft. over the inclined plane of the railway leading cut of the quarry to the summit level. It was first conveyed over the floor of the quarry nearly on the level 73 ft., then up an incline ^6 ft. long, having a rise of II ft. 9 in., a second incline 430 ft. long, having a rise of 26 ft., a third incline 112 ft. long, having a rise of 2 ft. 3 in. This was accomphshed in three days by means of logs of limber laid down, covered with a strong flat iron bar, and malleable iron rollers 34 in. in diameter, and hauled by strong purchase crabs ; nearly another day was occupied in placing it on a wagon built for the purpose, and conveying it along the railway to the place of shipping, opposite the old castle of Granton, where a dock was excavated to admit the vessel coming alongside the rock, ivhere the shears and other powerful apparatus were fixed. Mr. Cole, wlio was entrusted with the management of shipping this gigantic block, and the Government stores for the purpose, has been eminently success- ful in his hazardous task. It appears, that to test the apparatus and ascertain if every part was properly proportioned and efficient, on Wednesday one of the tliree blocks required to complete the figure, weighing 13 tons, was shipped, Bnd every part of the beaiing acting perfectly satisfactorily, it was determined to ship the large one on the follo»ing day, should the tide flow sufficiently high. At half-past one o'clock we were on the spot, when the stone had been already hoisted, and in suspension between the ponderous shears, all hands anxiously waiting for the vessel. The Albion of Goole, Captain Wright, was placed alongside, there being then scarcely sufficient •water. Precisely at two o'clock the vessel being hauled into her berth, the process of lowering the shears to the required angle being accomplished with great accuracy, the purchase tackles began to move, and so gradually and steadily was all this managed, that not the least creak or surge was percep- tible in any part. In 20 minutes from the commencement of lowering away, the vessel having received the block, which put her down exactly a foot, was hauled into deep water.'] iAlthough a great number of people were congregated, not the slightest noise or confusion occurred : every one seemed highly gratifled, from their giving three hearty cheers, on the vessel being hauled out. His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch has made a present of these fine blocks to the committee of management for the memorial, and we feel happy in announcing their being safely shipped without the slightest accident. We were happy to bear Mr. Cole express his sense of the kind attention and assistance received from Mr. Hawkins, resident engineer, and Messrs. Orrell and Wighlman, contractors, Granton Vkr.— Edinburgh Evening Post. MR. VIGNOLES' LECTURES ON CIVIL ENGINEERING, AT THE LONDON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. SECOXD COrRSE. — L'ECTURE VI. ON THE GAUGE OF RAILW.VVS. After some preliminary observations, illustrating parts of the last lecture, and particularly in reference to w'hat was stated respecting the Brighton railway, Mr. Vignoles proceeded to enter on the subject of the breadth or gauge of railway, which he explained to denote the distance between the iron bars which form the track or way. The definition of the gauge of the old tramways, introduced the observation that, from their form being as it were an artificial rut, they were styled by the French ornigres, of which the literal translation was " wheel-rut." The present ordinary railway gauge was 4 ft. 8J in., and some speculations were made as to the choice of such a particular breadth ; and quotations were made from Mr. Wood's Treatise on Raihmys to show that it had been owing tn an accidental circumstance — viz. that the first conclusive experiments on the principle of the present loco- motive engines had been made on the Killingworth Colliery railway, which was laid to that gauge. In some of the first of the Acts of Parliament for modern railways, it had been made imperative by a special clause to adopt this particular gauge, and many companies submitted quietly to the enact- ment, thereby preventing all chance of improvement in what was assumed to be perfect ab initio; but about six years ago much discussion having taken place as to the proper gauge, this decree was altered, and there is now no limitation in the width of the gauge, which is left entirely to the discretion of the engineer. Now, the consequence is, that although it would be de- sirable that there should be a standard gauge fixed, yet, so divided have the public been as to what is the right one, that we have at present no less than seven different gauges used throughout the United Kingdom ; some of the .Scotch lines, for instance, have a gauge of 4 ft. 6 in., and others of 5 ft. 6 in. The Eastern Counties Company have adopted 5 ft. The gauge of the rail- ways in Russia is 6 ft. On the recommendation of the Irish Railway Com- missioners, the Belfast and Armagh Railway Company have made their gauge 6 ft. 2 in. On the Great Western Railway the gauge is 7 ft. Now, as much as 18 years ago, Mr. Tredgold, a celebrated and scientific engineer, made the following observations : — " The width between the rails being de- pendant on the height of the centre of gravity of the loaded carriage, and this again varying witli the nature of the load and the velocity, it will be obvious we cannot do better than make the breadth between the rails such, that by disposal of the load, the centre of gravity may be kept within the proper limit in cither species of vehicle, whether swift or slow, and it would be desirable that the same breadth and the same stress on a wheel should he adopted on all railways. We would propose 4 ft. 6 in. between the rails fur heavy goods, and 6 ft. for lighter carriages to go at greater speed." Now, it is remarkable that, during all the discussions that took place with regard to the gauge, this observation was never referred to. M'hen Mr. Brunei broke through that fixed number for the gauge, and adopted another, he gave very Strong and sound reasons for so doing ; whether he was right in assuming so high a number as seven is questioned b) many, but the prin- ciple upon wliich he went was this—" I have (said he) laid out the line as nearly level as possible ; the curves that I have adopted are nearly equivalent to straight lines ; I keep the centre of gravity low, by placing the body of the carriage within the wheels, and anticipating greater stability and steadi- ness, I shall be able to go at a much higher speed, and with much more assurance of safety." The Irish Commissioners argue thus — " From the nature of the locomotive engine, its power is so great in proportion to the friction it has to overcome, that it is capable of drawing a load which (even with a greatly increased breadth as compared with common road carriages) extends to a very considerable length, and, in order to reduce this length as much as possible, it is necessary with the present breadth of way to make the wheels run within the frame which supports the carriages; the seats of the passengers are, therefore, placed above the periphery of the wheel, which, for the sake of lowering the height of the centre of gravity, is made as small as possible." One great theoretical objection, tlkerefore, to the narrow gauge, is the in- creased friction consequent upon the reduction of the diameter of the wheel, since besides what is due to the load, the friction of a wheel, at the axle, may be said to depend upon the proportion of the diameter of the wheel to the diameter of the axle ; but, in attempting to carry out this principle in practice, the axle has sometimes been turned down so small as to produce much greater and more positive inconveniences, and it is very questionable if it be prudent or desirable to make the proportion between the wheel and axle greater than 15 ta 1, and which proportion can be obtained with 3-feet wheels. Now, with a 4-feet wheel and a 3-inch axle, tlie proportion being 16 to 1, it may be well doubted if, on this account alone, the large wheels are worth their greatly increased ecst. The commissioners, however, urged that the same carriage room may be preserved, by extending the breadth of bearing of the rails, so as to allow the wheels to run outside the frame, in- stead of running within it, in which case we can bring the body of the car- 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 331 riage down to the axletree. The gauge may be tluis increased from 4 ft. 8A in. (0 C ft. 2 in. — thus arguing for an increased breadth, that the centre of gravity may be lowered, and the diameter of the wheels thereby reducing the friction, and increasing the power, to overcome the "surface resistance." This is, in other words, getting more leverage ; but such an advantage, how- ever, does not apply so much to rail" ays as to common ruads, for. on the railway, there is little or no obstacle to be found in the shape of surface re- sistance, except what are as a few grains of dust compared with the obstacles to be found on the common road, or the deep ruts in a wood, which require very large wheels for the timber wain. " At the same time (continued the commissioners), the load itself may be reduced in height, the bottom of the carriage, or truck frame, being, in this case, limited by the axletree of the larger, instead of the periphery of the smaller wheel, and, with this reduction of hei"ht, the wear and tear will be reduced, and the case of the motion increased. Moreover, the force to be overcome being less with the same load, we may, by retaining the power of the engine the same, carry a greater load than at present with the same velocity, or, retaining the same load, carry it at a "reater velocity by increasing the diameter of the driving wheels of the engine; or, if it be not desirable to increase the velocity, the speed of the piston might be reduced, which would be a great practical advantage; or, lastly, preserving the same load and velocity, the form and weight of the engine may be made less, and, probably, the one or other of these arrange- ments would he adopted, acconling to the nature of the traffic on the rail- way. Thus, in passenger and mail trains, it might be desirable to increase the velocity, whereas, in the carriage of hea\-y goods, it would be most eco- nomical to increase the load." '• But (say the commissioners) there is a pohit which must be attended to, and tliat is, that the whole of the advan- ta"es apply only to level lines." Now the Grer.t Western was thus suscep- tible of having a wider gauge, since the line was made nearly level, for, as the commissioners observe, " in ascending the various gradients and inclined planes, the load has to be raised in opposition to gravity, and the power necessary to effect this is frequently equal to, or exceeds, that which is em- ployed to overcome the fric'.ion, and wdl remain the same to whatever ex- tent the friction is reduced. To avail ourselves fully of the reduced friction, those planes which cannot be worked by assistant power require to be re- duced in Ihe'ir slopes, in the same proportion that the wheels are increased, or, otherwise, that assistant power be applied on proporlionably less slopes than according to the present practice" — that is to say, that the power of the engine is employed in overcoming the friction of ihe load, and in raising it up the several ascents, and what is gained by increa.sing the breadth of the railway and making the wheels run outside the frames, is only applicable to the former, the latter remaining the same as before ; " and the advantage of the alteration would be overrated if this circumstance wt-re not taken into consideration." Thus it is that the additional advantage arising from the diminution of friction is so small, when you come to otiier than nearly hori- zontal lines, that the advantage is lost. There is yet another reason for increasing the gauge— viz. that we are enabled to construct the machine without being cramped in space for the moving p:trts, and affording a larger diameter for the boiler ; it was this consideration, probably, which first in- duced practical engineers to pay attention to incre:ising the gauge above 4 ft. Si in. If we had to begin railways again, we should certainly make the gauge wider than 4 ft. 8i in. Inlaying out future lines, particularly where the traffic is not great, the point of consideration will be to obtain the greatest advantage at the least expense, and to determine how much the gauge ought to be increased ; and Mr. Vignoles stated, that, after having paid a deal of attention to the subject, he gave it as his opinion, that a gauge of six feet would be amply sufficient to satisfy all reasonable conditions. The Irish Railway Commissioners had observed, " that, at present, the load is seldom equal to Ihe power of the engine, and, this being the case, but little would be gained by a greater breadth of road," with a view only of reducing the resistance, already much inferior to the power by which it is to be ovtrcome, except by allowing an increased s-peed on the line generally, and on the level planes in particular. With a full and overflowing trafiic, there is no doubt it would be advisable to employ the greatest possible breadth of bearing ; but it is useless, or worse than useless, to incur a present expense for a benefit which it is not likely that there will ever be the means of taking advantage of, so that, unless under the circumstances just mentioned — viz. an incessant traliic, Mr. Vignoles thought that a seven-feet gauge was over the mark. Mr. Vignoles stated, that the consideration of curves was connected with that of the gauge, that it was a most important element in the consideration of railways, and would be taken up in another lecture. The rule given for raising the outer rail, on curves, required the gauge to be included as one element in the calculation, as also the height of the cenire of gravity above the rails, which was also contingent on the gauge, as before explained. INSTRUMENT FOR CALCULATING VELOCITIES ON RAILWAYS, &c. (With an Engraving, Plate IX. J The instrument represented in the annexed plate, which I have named a "Veloci meter," is intended to supersede tlie long calculations, frequently necessary, in obtaining velocities in engine trials. When the times of passing tlie quarter mile posts only are noted, such an apparatus is hardly called for, since, tlie distances being con- stant, a table may readily be made out which will give the velocitiesr due to the diflerent times ; hut it is a common practice, and perhaps a more satisfactory one, to note the times taken in traversing the several gradients, where the distances as well as tlie times are variable. The lengths of the inclines are generally fractional, and probably no two are the same, and none of the times of travelling over them are equal; consequently each case involves a distinct calculation, and where the trials have been extensive, several days may be occupied in making these reductions. It is, therefore, a desideratum to have some other means of obtaining the velocities, than that aftbrded by the ordinary methods of calculation. The instrument devised for this purpose, is another application of that very important geometrical principle — the equality of the ratios of the sides of similar triangles. In the right angled triangle ABC (Fig. 1), let A B be taken to represent any given number of minutes and seconds, and A C the number of miles and chains passed over in that time. Then, if A B be produced until it becomes equivalent to an hour, and from its extremity D, a perpendicular be drawn inter- secting A C produced in E, A E will represent the number of miles that would have been traversed in the hour had the motion been continued, that is, it will indicate the rate per hour at which the dis- tance A C was travelled. Now, if A E be made to revolve round A, and to take any other positions, as A E' or A E," it is clear that the relations will still be the same, and that if any distances A C,' or A C," be described in the time A B, A E' and A E" will indicate the re- spective rates per hour. If, in addition to this, B C be made moveable along A D, or, what is the same thing, if A D be divided into minutes and seconds, and lines be drawn from the divisions parallel to B C, we shall be able to adjust the revolving line, to any distances and times, within the limits that may be allowed by the arrangement. It will probably be objected, that if the line A D, representing an hour, is to be divided into minutes and seconds, its length must be so great as to make the instrument too unwieldy for common use. This difficulty is, however, very readily surmounted. If A D (Fig. 2), be taken to represent a quarter of an hour, instead of an hour as in the last figure, it follows, that other things being the same, A E will represent one-fourth of the number of miles per hour; that is, if A E had four times the number of divisions, it would in- dicate the rate per hour : if, therefore, A E have two scales, one for adjustment and the other with divisions one-fourth the size for indica- tion, the velocities may be read off as before. Or if it be desirable to make use of one-tenth of an hour, instead of one-fourth, we have only to mike the indicating divisions, one-tenth of the size of the adjusting divisions, and the same result will follow. In the application of this principle to practice, the following arrangements are made : — A D is the scale of time, embracing in this case one-tenth of an hour, or six minutes ; each minute includes 15 divisions, one of which will, therefore, represent 4 seconds, and as each of these may be readily bisected by the eye, the scale may be considered as divided into periods of two seconds each. A E is the scale of distance, turning on the centre A, the adjusting scale being divided into 4 miles, and each of these subdivided into 80 chains; the same space is divided on the indicating scale into 40 miles, and each of these into eighths, ten miles on the one scale being equivalent to one on the other, in consequence of the time scale extending only to one-tenth of an hour. To obtain results by this apparatus, the revolving scale is moved until the division answering to the number of miles and chains passed 2 K 2 232 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [July, over, is made to coiucide with the division, representing the number of minutes and seconds, occupied in the transit; and this adjustment being made, the rate per hour is read off on the indicating scale, at its point of intersection with the line D B. For instance, a gradient 1 mile 25 chains long, is traversed in 2 minutes 48 seconds; what is the velocity ? The divisions corresponding to these data being made to coincide, as shown at (a), the point of intersection on the indicating scale is examined, and the velocity found to be rather more than 28 miles per hour, which is the result given by calculation. Again, a locomotive travels 1 mile 54 chains, in 4 minutes 40 seconds: required, the rate per hour. The revolving scale is moved as before, until the distance division 1 mile 54 chains at (6), is brought to (6') on the division of 4 miles 40 seconds ; the edge of the scale will then occupy the line A c', and the point (c) on the scale will have arrived at the point of intersection (c')( showing the velocity to be rather more than 2IA miles per hour. Of the three data time, distance, and velocity, any two being given, the third may be found, so that the apparatus may be employed in finding times, and distances, as well as velocities. Thus, having fixed the velocity at which the trains on a railway are to travel, and know- ing the distances between the stations, the times of arrival may be ascertained, by adjusting the revolving scale to the required velocity, and noting (he times corresponding to the given distances, and should the results be unsuitable, other velocities may be assumed, until the desired ends are fulfilled. I have constructed two of these instruments, one for small, and the other for greater distances. The first (as far as J can remember, for it is not now in my possession,) is about half as large again as the accompanying drawing, and has the same arrangement, except that the indicating scale extends to 45, instead of 40 miles, and the time scale has double the number of divisions, so that differences of a second are appreciable. The other has a time scale extending to 15 minutes, each minute being subdivided into periods of 4 seconds, so that differences in time of 2 seconds are available. The scale of dis- tance has the adjusting scale divided into Hi miles, and each mile is subdivided into distances of 2 chains ; the indicating scale extends to 45 miles, and each mile is divided into tenths. In both cases, the subdivisions of the time scale are made by lines of different colours, so as to avoid confusion. These instruments, although made of Bristol board, and having a needle for the pivot of the revolving scale, gave results within one- eighth of a mile per hour of the truth ; an approximation quite near enough for ordinary purposes. They were used for some time in engine trials, on the Birmingham and Gloucester Railway, and were found to answer very satisfactorily. Derby, May 13, 1842. Herbert Spencer. ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS, ROYAL ACADEMY. Great was our surprise, on looking over the catalogue, to find that the Professor of Architecture has not contributed a single drawing of any kind to the Exhibition. How are we to explain this ? Are we to attribute it to the retiring modesty of true genius ? Hardly so : we are, therefore, inclined to set down the Professor's absence to a different cause — certainly not to too sensitive modesty ; neither does it bespeak in him any very great zeal for that department of the Academy in which he is, or ought to be, more especially interested. We own we have been disappointed, for we had made quite sure of seeing, if nothing else of his, the design for the Taylor and Randolph Institute at Oxford ; more especially as he has not seemed unwilling to give publicity ^to it, having nearly a year ago allowed a woodcut of it to be given in one of the Oxford papers. Perhaps he has since repented of doing so, for he can hardly have heard any very favourable com- ments upon it ; nevertheless, as the design has been seen, and as the building when erected cannot possibly be secreted from public obser- vation, Mr. Cockerell need not have been so very shy of exhibiting any drawings of it, unless he thinks it is most prudent to steer clear of criticism as long as he can, instead of running into the very jaws of it, in Trafalgar Square. All, therefore, we can at present say, in regard to what the Professor is doing at Oxford, is that it promises to be just such another architectural ornament to that university as the Westminster and British Assurance Office is to the Strand, which has found one, and only one, solitary admirer, viz., Mr. Britton, who, in his usual language, calls it a "fine building"! There are several other things eitlier actually in progress, or about to be begun — that is, if there be any truth in report — which we fully expected to obtain a sight of at the Exhibition ; among the rest, of the Albert Gate that is to be, leading into Hyde Park, which the newspapers have told us is to be something quite magnificent, and, therefore, we hope, will not turn out after all to be something exceedingly paltry. Neither do we see Tite's model of the portico of the Royal Exchange, as now extended, and improved from the first design, or any drawing of the inner costite, which we have heard will now be different from the published engraving of it, and which, whatever it may be as to taste, will, we trust, never be made such a palpable absurdity, in a climate like ours, as a mere open coiu't for a place of rendezvous for business. Sir Robert Smirke never exhibits upon paper, and had ho never exhibited in stone and mortar it would have been no loss to English architecture ; but Welby Pugin — we do not understand what motive he can have for never sending any drawings of the numerous catholic churches he has erected, because hardly can he shrink from a com- parison of them with the majority of the designs for churches we here meet with, year after year ; rather would such comparison be a triumph to the author of the "Contrasts."* It is possible that the Academy have resolved Mr. Pugin shall have no such triumph on their premises, and have, therefore, shut their doors and their catalogue against him as an audacious " Babylonian," and follower of the lady in scarlet. Others there are who seem now to have ceased exhibiting — Decimus Burton, Basevi, Salvin, Blore, &c. ; nor have any pro- vincial architects contributed a drawing of any building of note to the present exhibition. Whether it be that the profession are grown lazy, or whether they have come to the resolution of turning their backs upon the Academy, since the Academy shows very little dis- position either to countenance or to back them, or to do anything for their better accommodation, we cannot say; but there certainly are some symptoms of indifference and falling off, on the part of the architects, or perhaps they have taken their cue from the Professor, who, on his part, may be loth to encroacli upon the exceedingly limited space allowed for architectural drawings. Limited as that space is, and much as it requires to be extended in one direction, we could wish to see it still more abridged in another, namely, as to height; for of the four tiers of architectural drawings hung up on the walls, only the second one from the floor, or that on the litic, can be properly seen and examined. The other two may be seen by those who will undergo the fatigue and trouble of stooping down to the one, and standing on tiptoes to catch a sight of the other; but as for the fourth or uppermost it is impossible to see it at all. Of architectural subjects so hung, nothing whatever is discernible — nothing can be made out, except the mere general form; all detail, and even the separate features, are lost, and if this circumstance be an advan- tage and a favour in some instances, it becomes a great disadvantage and a piece of injustice in others. Many of the drawings put out of sight in this manner are not at all larger — several are even smaller — than those which are placed much nearer the eye. Are we, then, to understand that it matters little whether they can be discerned or not? for if so, why are they hung up at all ? or why does the Academy allow its catalogue to hold out to us the promise of seeing a great many productions which, when we begin to look about for them, we find are not to be seen at all? — which tantalizing discovery, by the bye, is the most we can discover of them. In this predicament are nearly all the competition designs for the Camberwell church; the consequence is that it is impossible to compare them together, or dis- tinguish one from another. Quite useless, therefore, is it to attempt to follow the catalogue, by taking the numbers seriatim ; all we can do is to refer to the catalogue for the titles of such of the subjects as the eye can reach. The consequence is that, on looking over the catalogue afterwards, we invariably find that we have passed over a number of subjects which, judging from their titles, ought to be worth seeing. We reproach ourselves for our own carelessness and negli- gence, in omitting to take notice of so many interesting subjects : how could we possibly pass by such or such design, without even stopping to see what it was. And yet we should have served Barry's designs just the same, had they been placed like many others which, as far as " How happens it that the series of " Lectures" by Mr. Pugin, so osten- tatiously advertised several months ago, as being about to appear in the Art-UMion, are not yet forthcoming? Did the editor find them much too " Babijloman" to be made use of ; or did lie begin to cackle and reckon upon his chickens before they were hatched ;' One or the other certainly seems to be the case. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 933 seeing them is concerned, might just as well have been hung withtlieir faces towards the wall, and have had their titles written in large letters on their backs. Having mentioned Mr. Barry, we will nowspeakof his two interiors, Nos. 1030 and 1040, the intended Royal Gallery and St. Stephen's Hall, in the New Houses of Parliament, which are admirable as archi- tectural pictures, masterly in execution, carefully made out in detail, without being prim or tame, and freely touched and full of effect, ■without that effect being at all strained or exaggerated. On the other hand, the architecture itself is pictorial and scenic ; rich, but chaste, and consistent in character. Yet it is a question with us whether these drawings will satisfy the expectations of all who look at them for the effect of the proposed mode of decoration with fresco-paint- ing,* the spaces intended to be so filled up being nothing more than a series of moderate-sized compartments, in which oil pictures or pieces of tapestry might be inserted. Except, then, those panels form part of the architectural arrangement, and are provided for painting, there is no pictorial embellishment. Nos. 1019 and 1055, two very forcible and clever perspective drawings, sliowing the interior and exterior of the church now erecting at Wilton near Salisbury, by Messrs. Wyatt and Brandon, are sufficiently conspicuous, and are remarkable, not only on account of the unusual style made choice of, but for the equally unusual liberality with which the design seems to be carried out, so very different from that of the "greatest accommodation at the minimum of cost" prin- ciple adopted of late years, and which has covered the country with cheap churches, which it would be complimentary to compare to barns, they being far more unsightly — crammed with pews and galleries, for the purpose of packing a congregation together within the smallest possible compass. In proportion to the space it occupies, the Wilton church affords comparatively very few sittings ; and is, besides, so uniformly decked out, and that in a manner quite contrary to estab- lished regulations, that we cannot for a mo?nent suppose the Church Commissioners or other authorities to have been concerned with it, or that there was any competition, and a programme from a committee on this occasion. Whether the style — which is a mixture of the early Italian or Lombardic with Norman — was suggested hy or suggested to the architects, we know not, but they certainly appear to have had a carle blanche afforded them, and to have been not at all stinted ; ■whereas stinting and stinginess usually manifest themselves most disagreeably in nearly all our recent ecclesiastical structures, for if they make any pretension to architectural design externally, they are chillingly naked and bare within, or vice versa ; else are they equally insipid and mean throughout. There are no indications here of the design having been pared down, and we hope that such operation will not or has not taken place in the building itself. The design, indeed, is not so entirely satisfactory that it would not have borne any addi- tional study; but scarcely ever does it happen that the afterthoughts adopted for a building during its progress are improvements or cor- rections— rather quite the reverse. The omission of those ornamental expletives which, whatever share they may have had in influencing the first choice, are, on maimer comideration, rejected as superfluous redundances, allowed to pass in the drawings, because nothing is easier than to omit them in the building itself. The lofty square campanile at the north-west angle, detached from the church itself, except as connected with it below by a short corridor forming an in- ternal communication between them, is not only a very marked feature — one which gives variety as well as importance to the whole exterior — but being so placed, serves to extend the front very much ; and we, therefore, think its position in the plan better than that of the Streat- ham church campanile, which is attached to the apsis end of the building. The front itself has a good deal of rich and characteristic detail: the decorated porch below, and the large wheel window above, tell well in the design ; but we apprehend that the red tiling — especially that strip of it forming a penthouse covering to the pro- jection of the lower part of the front, within which the entrance or porch is recessed — will produce a rather crude and disagreeable efl'ect in execution, and have a too homely, if not a positively mean and vulgar, look. With No. 1038, "The County Assize Courts erecting at Cambridge," by the same architects, we are not so well satisfied. The style is Italian, and the composition a Doric order in pilasters, with seven intercolumns or compartments, five of which are filled in with open arches resting upon detached columns of a lesser order. The loggia * In regard to fresco-painting, the present exhibition affords no symptoms of our anista preparing for it. On tlie contrary, the lion in it, Maclise's " Scene from Hamic!," indicali's a taste diametrically opposed to fresco, for it is completely in the wax-work style of art— perfect deception, and nothing higher. thus formed gives both character and picturesque expression ; still the ensemble is neither particularly happy nor particularly original. It looks too much like a mere architectural reminiscence, without any attempt at individuality, and without much study as to detail. It strikes us, also, that the whole facade is by far too low — at least, such is the idea conveyed by the drawing, which, it must be owned, is not a particularly agreeable one, being exceedingly heavy in its shadows. Nos. 1027 and 1050, are drawings of the Moorshedabad Palace. An elevation and plan of the Palace appeared in the Journal for May last. No. 1037 shows us Mr. Elmes' building for the Law Courts at Liverpool, from the same point of view as the outline wood-cut draw- ing of it in the last volume of the Companion to Ihe Jllmanac, but with some subsequent alterations in the design, the chief of which is that the southern portico will now be octastyle, diprostyle, instead of hexa- style, monoprostyle. It further appears, from the small plan, that the semicircular projection at the North end — a drawing of which we should like to have seen here — is considerably enlarged. But if so far there is some improvement and amplification, we perceive also that there is now some retrenchment in regard to decoration, for in- stead of the screen between the square pillars in the lateral divisions of the East front, having panels with subjects in bas-relief, there will be no other sculpture there than a single large wreath in each com- partment, and even that may probably be eventually omitted. We regret this change in the design, for we would rather have seen some- thing added in regard to sculpture and embellishment than the con- trary. Of display with columns there is enough, a very unusual and striking degree of it, so much so that something is wanted to produce consistent richness in other respects. Therefore, if instead of adding more columns to the South portico, its pediment had been filled with sculpture, and the reliefs on the other parts abovementioned had been retained, the whole would have been materially better, a much finer piece of architecture, and of very superior quality, whereas now the quality at first promised will, we fear, be greatly abated. However, although it will not be made so much of, as the drawing and descrip- tion in the " Companion " led us to expect, there will, at any rate, be one novel and happy idea in the composition, namely, the square pil- lars with screens between them, which, as may be seen by the present drawing, will produce a piquant eftect, and serve to carry on the order uninterruptedly throughout, at the same time avoiding that wearisome monotony which it is so difficult to avoid or get rid of in Grecian ar- chitecture, without breaking up the composition, or introducing irre- levant features that more or less jar with the colonnaded portions of the design. No. 1068 is interesting as a representation of the so-much-talked-of embellishments of the Temple Church, and certainly the vaulting of the roof is splendidly decorated in a mode almost unique in this coun- try; yet rich and tasteful as it is in itself, we do not think it either accords with the style of the edifice, or is particularly appropriate to its character. Its gaiety and luxuriance recommend it rather for a ball or banqueting room tlian for a church, at least not for one which is in other respects almost bare of ornament of any kind. In the building itself the eftect may, perhap?, be different — very much better; if not, the cost so incurred might have been sparetl, and the money more judiciously applied to the im])roving and embellishing the ex- terior of the Gothic building in the Temple, facing the garden, which, if it does not need being repaired, certainly stands in very great need of being reformed. The two drawings by Mr. Ferrey marked Nos. lOSl and 1092, are both, we presume, views of the same building, viz. a house erecting for Chas. Porcher, Esq., at Cliff, near Dorchester, although 1092 is merely called a Design — a mistake, probably, in the catalogue, or in the earlier impressions of it — and it is to that side of the building, or its entrance front, that we give the preference, as being more piquant in character than the other, which, owing to their being so many win- dows, all very spacious and nearly uniform in size and design, is some- what too monotonous, and seems to require breadth and repose. Upon the whole, however, it is a very pleasing specimen of the Tudor do- mestic style. Of the three drawings sent by Mr. Donaldson, one is so remarkable that we give its title at length from the catalogue; "View of the jirincipal part of an approved design for rebuilding Hallyburton House, Augusshire, N. B., the seat of the late Lord Douglass Gordon Hally- burton, composed in the style of the Florentine palaces and villas, at the express desire of his Lordship." From this explanation it appears that the peculiar style here adopted was entirely of his Lordship's own choosing, and so far the architect is not at all responsible for what we cannot help considering a very unhappy selection, for even what are the merits of the early Florentine palazzo style, discom- mend it almost more than any other for a modern country mansion. 234 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [July, for which purpose it is by far too stern and forbidding, and partakes, moreover, too much of town architecture. Still, although the style was forced upon him, we think there was no occasion for Mr. D. to follow it so closely. Without too widely departing from it, he might have treated it with artistical freedom — might have subdued some of its asperity, and have refined it in many other respects; instead of which, he rather seems to have exaggerated some of its least pleasing qualities. Besides what is mere matter of taste, we should appre- hend that the peculiar shape of the windows, viz. two arches resting upon a central column, must not only produce a bad effect within the rooms, but be very disadvantageous in regard to internal character and mode of decoration. No. 1118, "An Elevation of All Saints' Church, Gordon Street," is by the same architect, in a style equally unusual as that of the preceding subject. Disposed, however, as we are to welcome novelty in designs for churches which do not profess to be in the Gothic style — to welcome almost anything in preference to the customary com- mon-place portico, generally very ordinary in itself, and thrust forth is a sort of apology for the general architectural slovenliness — we can- not say we greatly relish this specimen, and we relish still less its execution in the drawing, for in the building the shafts of the pilasters are not of stone like the other dressings, but merely of brick, ovving lo which and to their projecting so very slightly from the face of the rest of the wall, they are scarcely visible, distinguish themselves neither by difference of colour and surface, nor by shadow, therefore their capitals lock only like so many patches of carved stone, discon- nected from every thing else. What would Mr. D. himself say to columns with only their capitals in stone, and their shafts of brick- work ? Most probably he would call it a great solecism in taste; and in our opinion he has committed quite as great, if not a greater one, because, at all events, the shafts of such columns would show them- selves distinctly, which is not the case with those of his pilasters. The front of the church in Gordon Street exhibits far more of niggard- liness in saving the paltry difference of cost between stone and brick for the pilasters than of the economy of design, for though it was deemed expedient to adopt such homely material for what are im- portant parts in the decoration, there are three small circular slabs of coloured marble introduced in the frieze, which produce no other effect than so many small windows or pigeon-holes. There is also a good deal of carved stone work over the doors, difficult to be described, for though supplying the place of pediments to them, those large arched ornaments are altogether diflerent from any sort of pediment. If, therefore, retrenchment was necessary at all, we think it might have been applied to these extraneous pieces of decoration, which might liave been either reduced to pediments of the usual form, or omitted altogether. 1097. "Storehouses and other buildings, designed for a public com- pany," by E. B. Lamb, is so unfavourably placed as to be in danger of being quite overlooked. It is, however, worth while stooping down, to obtain a sight of it, for it shows how much valuable effect may be produced witli the simplest means by nothing more than artist-like arrangement and management ; we say " nothing more," yet that nothing more seems to be very far mure than architects in general can accomplish, or even seem to aim at. While so many of our pub- lic buildings, and those not the least costly ones, are, in the quality of their architeclure, little better than warehouses or barracks, as, for instance, the exterior of the new portions of the British Museum, we here perceive how even storehouses might be rendered tasteful and highly picturesque architectural objects ; and were the banks of the Thames lined with warehouses and storehouses similar in style to those here designed by Mr. L, the view from the bridges and from the river would afford a finer succession of architectural scenery than any other part of the metropolis. If we want a striking contrast to this, in i)oint of taste, we have only to turn to No. 1 1 11), " The North and West Fronts and the Interior of the First Quadrangle of the Royal Naval School, as approved by the council and proposed to be built at Counter Hill, Deptford." J. Shaw. This is a mere red brick house, full of windows, of most dismal physi- ognomy, and without any sort of pretension to architectural design; therefore it has no pretension to be thrust into an exhibition room — more especially one where room itself is so scarce that many things far more worth seeing, are thrust out of sight. On No. 1139, with its stately Corinthian portico, first catching our «ye, we had no idea that it could be other than a mere design, and were, therefore, very agreeably surprised to find, on referring to the catalogue, that it is the representation of the "Wesleyan chapel, &c." now erecting at Kingston-on-Hull, for it has certainly a far more classical look, and is withal a more varied composition, than anything similar in style in our own church architecture. Besides being an octastyle, the portico has an inner recess, with two columns in antis, whereby it acquires a very unusual degree of effect and richness, which is further increased by the whole being raised on a stylobate terrace, out of which is cut a flight of steps forming the ascent to the portico. On this terrace are two lower buildings or wings (for the sacristy and keeper's hoivse,) connected with the central one, by open colomiades of the Grecian Doric order. Picturesque, however, as are the arrangement and combination in this respect, we must confess we are not altogether satisfied with the design of these wings. The elevations of their sides towards the portico (with a door between two windows in each), sadly impair the general effect, and have too much the look of ordinary park lodges : the vs'indows should be omitted here altogether, and placed on the other side. Neither is the lesser order so good as it might be, and the columns are so far apart that it looks poor and straggling, and produces a disagreeable contrast with the central portico. In fact had the lesser order been Ionic, it would have combined far better with the Corinthian one: Messrs. Lockwood and AUom would have done well — or we may say, would have done better than they now have — had they bestowed a few second thoughts and corrections on this design. The Wesleyans seem to be now vying with the Catholics in new structures and show of architecture, for the very next No. (1140) is "The Wesleyan Theological Institution, now erecting at Richmond, Surrey." Who Mr. A. Trimson, or Trimen, for his name is spelled both ways in the catalogue, may be, we know not, but he certainly recom- mends himself to us not a little by this specimen of his taste. The style is the later Gothic, and the character collegiate, with some degree of novelty also in the arrangement, there being a range of spacious and more than ordinarily ornamented windows on the lower floor, with two series of chamber windows above them. Among those drawings which we did see, but which we have not noticed, is No. 994, " A Royal Academy for the fine arts, including a National Glyptothek and Pinakothek," by C. Tottie ; nor should we mention it now, were it not to express our astonishment that such an Alexandrine-verse design, "dragging its slow length along," should have found any one to admire it. Remarkably poor and insipid in itself, it is spun out to most wearisome monotony, for it is little more than a mere string of Corinthian columns, with two rows of arched doors and windows between them. It is just such another piece of architectural insipidity as the front of the Royal Institution, Albemarle Street, or that of Chester Terrace, in tlie Regent's Park — mon- strously prolix, exceedingly lengthy, very drawling, and intolerably dull. This is an ungracious conclusion to our remarks, but there is no help for it, for here conclude we must, unless we choose to risk the chance of being c.rcluded from the present number. Electbo-Magnetism as a Moving Power. — The Consul-General of the Netherlands, in a communication dated the 18th April, thus annouaces the removal of the hitherto greal obstacle to the practical application of electro-magnetism as an effective propelling power : — " A private gentleman, M. Ellas, of Haarlem, has just pubhshed the description of a new machine invented by him, for the application of electro-magnetism as a substitute for steam. The object of the inventor has been chiefly to remedy the defects which, in 1839, rendered the otherwise ingenious invention of M. Jacobi, of St. Petersburgh, a fotal failure, in as far as practical utility is concerned. Those defects originated, it seems, in the erroneous supposition that the power of the magnetic bars exclusively resides in their extremities, whence the form hitherto given to all electro-magnetic machines — viz. that of a horse-shoe — which, while it occasions an unavoidable interruption of the magnetic stream at each new inversion of the poles, at the same time leaves the power resident in the remaining part of the bars wholly unemployed. The new invention of M. Elias, on the contrary, has the very great advantage of rendering effective the full power of the magnetic stream uninterruptedly, and throughout the whole body of the apparatus. This consists of two concentric rings of soft iron, standing on the ^ame plane, of which the ex- ternal one is immovable, while that on the inside revolves round its own axis. By means of a piece of copper wire, wouud about each of these rings, he has given them six magnetic poles, placed at equal distances from one another, the whole being so contrived that the one ring exerts its inducing power on the other throughout the whole circumference, and always at the same distance. A small hut very perfect model of this important invention is now open to public inspection here ; and the result of its operation is allowed, by those skilled in such matters, to be such as to insure the most triumphant success." 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. sas REVIEWS. Architecture of Machinery ; an Essay on propriety of form and pro- portion, with a view to assist and improve De<:ign. By Samuel Clegg, Jiin., C.E. London: John Weale, 1S12. If the execution of this work had been at all answerable to the interest of the subject it professes to discuss, our present task would have been a more agreeable as well as a more simple one. But after a diligent perusal of Mr. Clegg's essay, we find ourselves unable to resist the conviction that its author has failed in his object, and that the consummation which this essay was intended to bring about is just as remote as ever. We feel it, therefore, in some measure incumbent upon us not merely to enter a protest against the heresies into which Mr. Clegg has fallen, but, so far as our limits will permit, to relieve the necessities his essay was meant to extinguish. We perfectly agree with Mr. Clegg in thinking that the beauty of a piece of machinery is a consideration by no means unimportant, and it is one in our mind second only to the qualities of efficiency and convenience. We believe, with Mr. Clegg, "that the majority of those for whom machines are constructed cannot enter into the merits of their internal action, or of their comparative performance; and, therefore, not being willing to yield the right of opinion, judge from outside show, as tliey would of a picture or statue, where the only aim is to charm the eye, or excite pleasurable sensations in the mind." We think also that " It may, therefore, be inferred that in many instances the want of elegance in the contour of a machine is not only displeasing to the spectator, but disadvantageous to the manufacturer;" and we believe that it is disadvantageous to the manufacturer because popularly displeasing. But we cannot assent to the legitimacy of the conclusion deduced by Mr. Clegg from this proposition: we do not think it follows that, where architectural contour is unattainable without the infraction of architectural rules, it will, therefore, be the best or even the most popular course to adhere to the mechanical contour merely, or be content with those unadorned forms which science indicates as the best for withstanding the strains to which machinery is subjected. The selection of such unembellished forms ■we may suppose would be made by the accomplished mechanician, who would probably see in their superior scientific fitness an ample compensation for their destitution of ornament ; but we can scarcely suppose such inducements to be operative with those who, without any pretensions to scientific capacity, are nevertheless disinclined to surrender their right of judgment, but judge of an engine as they •would judge of a picture or statue. Upon such persons all evidences of nicety of scientific disposition must manifestly be thrown away ; and they will in general esteem that to be the handsomest design ■which is the most exuberantly embellished. It is quite true that many of the designs to wliich a preference so regulated will be given must probably be ungraceful and incongruous; inconsistent perhaps with every principle of good taste, as well as with every established prin- ciple of science. But this only argues the absence of good taste among those who are pleased with such barbarisms, at the same time that it shows they are solicitous to gratify a sentiment which to them stands in the place of it. Nor can we be astonished at this depravity of taste among the multitude, when we remember how rankly it flourishes among those even with whom science is familiar, and reflect that taste is the resultant of an infinitude of influences, each slight in its indi- vidual character, and too remote and evanescent to be determinable by rules, or be susceptible of reduction to any empirical form of expression. The great majority of mankind are not only destitute of that natural sensibilitj' upon which delicacy of taste can alone be engrafted, but are often unpossessed even of that knowledge which is necessary to enable them to distinguish glare and extravagance from true sublimity. To the less obvious or obtrusive beauties they will be insensible ; they will derive pleasure from what is distasteful to those of more cultivated understandings, and will often mistake imperfections for excellence. It appears to us then th-at Mr. Clegg's argument, instead of proving the propriety of engineers adapting the exterior of their machinery to the taste of their customers, rather shows that the customers ought to improve their taste, or not intermeddle. But at the same time we find that Mr. Clegg, in opposition to his own precepts, recommends a style of machinery the alleged superiority of which rests upon qualities which science alone can illustrate, and which the commonalty can neither appreciate nor comprehend. There is much inconsistency, we think, in this part of Mr. Clegg's dissertation. He first tells us, p. 2, that an attention to outside show, or, as we understand it, to em- bellishment, is highly expedient, whilst in p. 3 he deprecates the use of any ornament whatever. " If," says he, " those parts (of machinery) are made in such a manner that they have strength in the proper place, stability without unnecessary weight, and simplicity of form without meanness, they require no other ornament, because their own propor- tions will constitute their greatest." We confess this looks very much like a riddle to us. The embellishment of machinery either is or is not expedient, and we should have been thankful to Mr. Clegg, had he stated a little more clearly to vihich doctrine his opinion inclines. From the examples of marine engine-framing which he recommends, and other circumstances, we conclude that he is hostile to the intro- duction of any embellishment whatever, on the principle, we presume, that that which contains everything necessary and nothing redundant is the most fit, and consequently the most beautiful. If this be Mr. Clegg's creed — and we believe "that it is — we must say that we think it a very preposterous one. Fitness, though a constituent of beauty, is not the only constituent : disproportion will, it is true, give pain, and symmetry will confer pleasure ; but many things, though perfectly well proportioned, and excellently adapted to their intended purposes, have very slender claims upon our admiration on account of their beauty. A barracks or a cotton mill may be as well adapted to their respective ends as St. Paul's or the Parthenon, but who would, there- fore, pretend that they were equally beautiful ? In like manner, an engine with a wooden beam or wooden framing, and with the malleable iron work, with the exception of the rubbing parts, just as it left the smith's anvil, maybe as scientifically constructed, and in every respect as efEcient as the most highly-finished engine that ever was manu- factured. But who would, therefore, be prepared to maintain that it must necessarily be as handsome? We differ entirely from Mr. Clegg, in regarding fitness as synonymous with beauty ; at the same time we willingly admit that beauty can never exist in perfection where fitness has not been scrupulously attended to. In p. IG Mr. Clegg favours us with the following definition of taste, which appears to us liable to exception: — "By the word Taste is meant that proper and well-directed exercise of the judgment by which a man acquires facility in detecting impropriety of form, and distinguishing with readiness the masterpieces of great hands from the performances of vulgar artists." Now correct taste, we contend, involves not merely the possession of a sound judgment, but of a good deal more. Any mathematician can determine the proper form of a body to resist any given strain, and a man of great knowledge and experience may be supposed capable of determining the best shape and proportion of a structure for fulfilling any required condition. But all this may be settled and the question of beauty remain untouched, and it is only indeed where the dominion of judgment ends tha'; the empire of taste properly begins. Not that there is anything in taste inconsistent with the results which judgment has developed, or even independent of them, but that when science has exhausted her skill, another agency is available to carry us to a still higher pitch of excellence, and to heighten our enjoyment, not by any new evidences of fitness, or by any appeal to our judgment at all, but by calling into activity a multitude of hidden sympathies, and establishing a commu- nion with the most exalted sensibilities of our nature. We do not mean to say that in looking at machinery — whatever be its character — such feelings are likely to be excited in any eminent degree ; but whatever pleasure may be derived from its inspection, over and above that due to the sense of its judicious construction and arrangement, is undoubt- edly due to their existence. Beauty is not to be estimated by the rule or the plummet, or computed by means of logarithms ; and the author of the work before us, by reducing beauty to a mere question of fitness which may be so estimated has, in our opinion, degraded taste from her proper sphere, and proved himself incom- petent for the function he has ventured to exercise. But it is time that we should consider some of the forms of machinery with which Mr. Clegg presents us. Fig. 24 is the framing of a marine engine, as constructed by the Butterley Company ; fig. 25 is the raarineengine-framing of Boulton and Watt; and fig. 2(! resem- bles the framing made by Mr. Clegg for the City of Londonderry and other vessels. There is no attempt at decoration in any of these examples, and they are all, in our estimation, far from handsome. Fig. 27 is the framing of the Wilberforce, the diagonal stay of which is curved. We agree with Mr. Clegg in thinking this curve disad- vantageous, but the object was not, as he supposes, to introd\ice a large condenser. The stay of the framing of the Royal Tar, by the same maker, is likewise curved, although the condenser is of the usual description ; and that framing has stood and lasted better than any with which we are acquainted. Fig. 28 is the framing of the Don Juan ; fig. 29 the framing used by Messrs. Seaward ; and fig. 30 that atone time used by Messrs. Fawcctt and Co., of Liverpool: these three framings are of the Doric order. We agree with Mr. Clegg in 236 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. JULT, thiuking that this order of architecture is not well adapted for tbe framings of steam engines ; and, indeed, our opinion is that not one of the existing orders is fitted for that purpose. There is something very unmeaning in columns stuck upon the top of columns, and little columns stuck here and there over the framing, of all possible propor- tions and dimensions. Nevertheless, although figs. 28, 29, and 30 are indisputably architectural monstrosities, they are in our eyes less displeasing than the vapid and quakerlike arrangements shown in the preceding figures, and we believe that two-thirds of our engineers will be found to be of our way of thinking. In much of what Mr. Clegg says about wrought iron work we perfectly concur, and we do not anticipate much opposition from engineers to the doctrine that wearing parts should be susceptible of re-adjustment, or that every portion of the moving parts should be made equally strong. We'dissent, however, from Mr. Clegg when he says that the arrangement shown in fig. 53 is the most approved system of attaching the ends of rods to their cross heads (tails), and that the arrangement sliown in fig. 54 is the one to be avoided. The former method consists in constructing the cross (ail with a large oval hole in the centre, through which a pin passes horizontally, and to which pin the end of the connecting rod is attached by means of a strap and cutter. The advantage of this plan Mr. Clegg informs us is " that it allows some play and wear in the brasses, without giving rise to bad consequences." But the bad consequences are altogether imaginary ; a few marine engines have been constructed upon this plan, but the provision has been found needless, and no engineer now thinks of employing it, especially as it is reckoned unsightly and more expen- sive to manufacture. The universal practice now is to attach the connecting rods to the cross tails, in the manner shown in fig. 54, which this gentleman reprehends; and we do not believe that he can adduce a single example of any ill effect having resulted from it. The angular straps shown in fig. 53 are objectionable ; they are very liable to crack at the angles, and several of those of the City of London- derry have so given way. In speaking of side rod eyes Mr. Clegg says " The circular eye,' fig. 57, is not calculated for equal strength, nor is the br.ass bush practically correct, for there is no provision for .wear." We are unwilling to believe that Mr. Clegg supposes circular side rod eyes are generally or ever made without any provision for ■wear ; for we cannot suppose any one undertaking to write upon marine steam machinery so profoundly ignorant of the subject as to be capable of entertaining any such supposition. Yet, whilst resisting this belief, we must confess ourselves unable to understand Mr. Clegg's statement on any other hypothesis. We cannot follow this gentleman further, and have only room, in conclusion, to say that although the several ordinary orders of archi- tecture are unsuitable for machinery — and preposterous it is to copy in iron the lineaments and proportions intended only for stone — yet there may and there must be a species of architecture adapted to this purpose, which, without interfering with the proper disposition of materials, will accommodate itself to existing shapes and conditions, and add the highest degree of grace and refinement; so that, whilst securing the homage of the superficial and uninitiated, it cannot fail to earn the approbation of the most proficient and fastidious. We anticipated from the title of his book that Mr. Clegg would have given us some examples of an architecture of this description, instead of informing us that the first principle of the architecture of machinery is that there be no architecture in it. Cast iron has its appropriate architecture as well as stone, engines as well as cathedrals, differing as much, too, from mere unembellished construction as a barn differs from an abbey. On a future occasion we may perhaps give some specimens of this architecture of machinery ; at present we can only say that such an architecture exists, and it is no commendation of Mr. Clegg's essay to say that it leaves the knowledge of tlie subject precisely where it found it. The plates accompanying the essay are very good, though for the most part superfluous ; the wood cuts are excellent, and the typography magnificent. But the thoughts are for the most part trivial and common-place, the reasonings sometimes inconsequential, the statements often inexact, and the style neither very elegant nor very perspicuous. Whatever other branches of knowledge Mr. Clegg may be skilled in, it is plain that his acquaint- ance with the structure of steam machinery, as well as with the resources of decorative art, is limited and superficial ; and we conceive it to be unfortunate for his reputation that he has ventured upon an undertaking which renders those deficiences so conspicuous and so inexcusable. Memorials of Cambridge : a series of F'ie/vs, ffc. Of this work, which has now reached its 29th number, and which is, therefore, approaching towards its conclusion, by no means can we report so favourably as we could wish, for instead of manifesting any improvement upon its predecessor, "The Memorials of Oxford," it shows an evident falling oft" in tbe graphic department, many of the views being uninteresting in subject, poor, spiritless, and inaccurate in drawing; and but very so-so/s^/y engraved, notwithstanding that the name of J. Le Keux is aflSxed to them, which is all, we suspect, that there is of his in those we allude to. Mr. Bell is so decidedly inferior to Mackenzie as an architectural draughtsman, that by yoking them together in the same work its character has been rendered very unequal. Even Mackenzie himself has here somewhat disappointed us, several of the subjects by him being not fresh views, but merely repetitions of former ones by himself, and probably engraved from the same drawings as the latter. This ought not to be, more especially as many of the subjects might be shown to greater advan- tage by being taken from a different point of view. Hardly, too, do we complain very unreasonably, when we allege it as a fault that in some of the views the buildings themselves are shown so remotely as to be very little more than accessories in the general scene ; or again, when we say that more than one piece of architecture is here very inadequately represented. In this latter predicament is the Fitzwilliam Museum, of which merely a view of the front is given, and that by no means a very good one, although it bears the name of Mackenzie as the draughtsman.* Yet as this structure is entirely a new one, more than a single drawing of it would have been very acceptable ; or, at all events, there should have been one interior view, and if only one, it should have been that of the entrance hall, and sculpture gallery around it. But if little has been done with the pencil towards ex- plaining that important public edifice, very much has been done with the pen in describing it; at any rate comparatively much, for the account of the Museum is almost the only satisfactory piece of arcliitectural description that has yet been given in the course of the work. It is indeed so unlike any of the other " descriptions," that we almost suspect it must have been derived from some other pub- lication ; in which case it is a pity that the editors — for there are actually two employed — did not help themselves to more matter of the kind equally good. Yet of description and remarks on the respective buildings there is scarcely anything at all, although such would seem to be an almost indispensable accompaniment to a series of views — to what is a graphic publication of popular character as to size and the mode of getting up, not a library work for the antiquarian student. The "Memorials" smell too much of the laboratory of the British Museum — that admirable national establishment where old books are ground young again — a process that may in time be applied to old women also. Of most undisguised book-making the very last number exhibits a striking specimen; the account is that of Queen's College, and because Erasmus happened to reside there some time while he was in England — a fact that might have been stated in a couple of lines — we are treated with a whole history of him, for it would seem no information relative to him is to be met with in any biographical dictionary or encyclopedia. However, if the learned editors help themselves hugely to such pieces of fat, they give their readers plenty of lean, for nothing can be more meagre, jejune, and scanty, than the information to be here picked up relative to the build- ings themselves. What they will say of Downing College and of the new libraries by Cockerell remains to be seen ; perhaps it will turn out to be just as much and no more than what they have said of the Observatory. Mr. Le Keux has been most unfortunate in choosing his writers, for they seem to have been recommended to him by that sable gentleman who sends not only cooks, but book-makers. Appendix C to the new edition of Tredgold on the Steam Engine and Steam jsTavigation. Gorgon engines, as fitted on board H.JVI.S, Cyclops, illustrated by ten plates and descriptive letter press. By Samuel Clegg, Jun., C.E. London : John Weale, 1842. This is a very valuable addition to Tredgold : the execution of the plates is perfect, and the manner in which the several objects are represented is unexceptionable. The whole of the details of the Gorgon engine are given with the sizes marked upon the several * The design is more intelligibly shown in a woodcut view of it in the Athenaeum, No. 512, which also contains plans of both floors ; and a section of (he building and other illustrations have also appeared in the Companion to the Almanac. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 237 parts, so that the plates are in fact working drawings, from which the things represented might be made. This is precisely wiiat engineers want, and have always wanted ; and we are very confident that this work will be most acceptable to the profession, as well as to the public generally. But we have higher cause of satisfaction than the excellence of the work. The drawings from which ihe engravings were made were supplied with the sanction of Messrs. Seaward, the constructors of the engines, who, with a liberality, and we may add a discernment, which do them infinite credit, have allowed the whole details of their engines to be published to the world. We hail this departure from the narrow and futile policy it has been too much the endeavour of engineers to pursue, in making secrets of the dimensions of their machinery, as the harbinger of a better day. The age of secrets is gone; true science and true art recognise nothing cabalistic ; and merit should repudiate an auxiliary which empiricism alone does not disdain. But concealment is not only illiberal : it would be inexpedient if it were possible, and impossible if it were expedient. There is no size, pro- portion, or particular of any engine of any maker which may not be obtained, and which is not obtained by those sufficiently interested in the matter to take the necessary trouble. All therefore that engineers can do is to throw impediments in the way — to render the attainment of the desired information not impracticable, but only more difficult; and this difficulty will in no wise prevent those who are professionally interested in the matter from obtaining that information, however effectually it may discourage and deter those from whom no rivalry is to be apprehended, who have no prominent interest to promote, and whom it is most the interest of every engineer to illuminate. To engineesthe publication of the details of the Gorgon engines will carry little information that they did not possess before, and probably among them all there will not be one who will adopt anything more of the (jorgon principle in consequence ; for every engineer — even the most unskilful — is apt to consider Iiis own modes of construction superior to all others. But with the public generally, and with steam packet companies in particular, the case is very different. They are in the dark respecting many things; they may have heard disparaging reports in reference to the Gorgon engines, which these drawings may neutralize ; they may see evidences of excellence therein of which they had no previous conception; and the existence of these evidences, unbalanced by evidences of the excellencies of other engines, and which other engineers conceal, will greatly contribute to the favour- able consideration of Messrs. Seawards' arrangements. The directors of steam packet companies, and indeed all unprofessional persons interested in the operations of steam power, are necessarily very impressible ; that is apt to be reckoned the best thing which is the most prominently before them, and to monopolize their attention is almost to secure their preference. It is, therefore, of the utmost moment to every engineer to bring the merits of his work forward as prominently as he can ; and there is no more effectual method of doing this than by publishing the whole details of his machinery, without further note or comment than is necessary for making the drawings intelligible. One publication of this kind is better than a thousand pu6Bng pamphlets, for such aids to notoriety are always received with aversion and distrust, and give an unfavourable complexion to the claims of those who resort to them. But an unreserved delineation of the actual parts of machinery, accompanied by an open, unbiassed, and manly statement of the reasons good or bad for the modes of con- struction adopted, and so explained as to be easily intelligible, can have nothing about it to repel, and it will first secure attention, next reconciliation, and finally probably adoption. The Architectural, Engineering, and Mechanical Drawing Bock, with descriptive Letter-press. London: Weale, 1842. This work contains many plates of interesting public works, and is well adapted for the use of the younger members of the constructive professions. It consists of three divisions, viz., architecture, engi- neering, and mechanical drawing, giving numerous illustrations of each on a large scale. The architectural series is of (J plates, the engineering of 14, and the mechanical drawing of 8, besides two plates of alphabets, &c. The mechanical drawings are particularly useful. Examples of Encaustic Tiles, Pari II. J. B. Nichols and Son. The author observes that the publication of the first part of his work has elicited so many communications from parties interested in the subject, as to enable him to form the present part principally from such communications. Instead, therefore, of being confined to speci- mens from Hampshire, the work now takes in other places, including at present Malvern, and the Chapter-House, Westminster ; and the ;'.uthor states his intention of continuing the series from Malvern and Gloucester cathedral. The series from the Chapter-House, West- minster, communicated by Mr. Cottingham, is highly intt'.resting: some of tliese tiles are of very complicated design. Practical Essai/ on the Slrtiigth of Cast Iron and other Jilttah. By Thomas Tredgold. Fourth Edition, with Notes by Eaton Hodg- kinson, F.R.S. London: John Weale, 1842. Tkedgold's work on Cast Iron has long been admitted to be the best work upon the subject, and most deservedly has it maintained its rank for the accuracy of the tables. It is, therefore, quite unnecessary for as now to enter into the merits of the work before us. In bringing forward a new edition, Mr. Weale has done well in selecting an individual so eminent as Mr. Hodgkinson, for the purpose of editing it. He is well known for tiie many important experiments which he has made on iron, nnd which are published in the Transactions of the Royal Society, British Association, &c., all of which we hope to see ia the second volume of this work. When this second volume appears, we shall not fail to notice both volumes very fully. KIDDERMINSTER NEW CHURCH. Sir — My attention has just been called to a letter in your journal of this month, by Mr. Wardell, strongly animadverting upon the proceed- ings of the Building Committee, in reference to the new church at Kidderminster, charging them with disgraceful chicanery in their mode of discharging their duties, and intimating that they never intended to act impartially between the competing architects. Now, Sir, my plan being that originally and unanimously chosen as the best among all the other competitors, and as its eventual rejectioD by the Committee on the ground of its excess over the stipulated estimate in a great measure caused the unusual delay Mr. W. com- plains of, perhaps you will allow me very briefly to state the facts as they occurred, which, when fairly considered, place the impartiality of the Committee's intentions beyond all doubt. I may add that the fact cf my plan having been originally chosen, and subsequently to my deep regret relinquished, renders me at all events an unexceptionable witness to the honour and the integrity of the Committee. The designs were sent in on the 21st of December last: ten days afterwards mv plan was pronounced the best, and I was empowered to make out working drawings, with the understanding that the final adoption of the design was to depend upon the estimate not exceeding the advertised sura. I can truly testify, that in this stage of the business, in the interviews I had with the Committee, nothing ap- peared more constantly before their minds than the desire to act fairly and impartiallvto all; and when it is remembered that their respected chairman was the Rev, T. L. Claughten, the vicar, quite a sufficient guarantee is afforded that nothing unfair would be either attempted or practised. I was allowed a month to prepare working drawings. They were sent in Feb. 4th, and tenders from builders were advertised for in the Worcestershire papers, to be forwarded by the 1st of March. The opening of these tenders showed a considerable excess in the estimate, and the Committee, in consequence, very reluctantly felt themselves under the necessity of relinquishing my design — a proceeding of which I could not reasonably complain, however much I might regret it, since it was only in pursuance of an arrangement to which I had been a party. Three other designs having been chosen with mine, and Mr. Alexander's standing second, that gentleman was next elected; and as, upon the receipt of the tenders on the 18th of April last, the estimate came within the £3000, Mr. Alexander was appointed as the architect to the church. These, Sir, are the simple facts of the case, and your readers will, I think, see that there is nij foundation whatever for the insinuations of Mr. Wardell. I do not undertake to say that the Committee were altogether justified in keeping the drawings of the whole body of the competitors 15 weeks without any explanation till they made their final decision, but I only desire to assert, which I do from actual know- ledge, that the strictest imijartiality governed their proceedings, and that their uniform aim was to do justice to all, and give undue preference to none. I am afraid this letter will hardly reach you in time for your July 2 L THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [July, 23S number; b.U as its object is to vindicate a body of gentlenien as I think unjustly ^ittackc-d, I trust ycu may be able to find space for it. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, 251, 0.rford-ilrecl. Frkdekick Fkaxcij. P^ I have said notbinsr about Ibe possibility or Prudence of ,tteraptinatobuilda|!0o^ cburch to bold 1-200 persons for iSOOO : that is another question, irrelevant to the present correspondence. rWe have also received a letter from Messrs. Starkey and Cuffley, of Manchester, on the same subject, who were competitors. 1 liey likewise confirm the impartial decision of the Committee.— t^lTOR.J ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITION. SlR-Under an impression that any incident, however trifling, con- nected vvith the publicity of architectural works may be usefu to Lme of your read'ers, and not uninteresting to any, I offer for insertion in vour next Journal the following facts. , , . . i,:„i. At tbe usual time for sending in pictures and drawings from which to select for the public Exhibition of this year, a perspective view ot In e -teL ve vilU^vhich has recently been erected and universally adni^dforits picturesque effect, was forwarded by ^^^^^^ from a distant county , and in due time reported to be admitted During the season the architect himself, being in London, searched in.ain or tWs drawing in the Exhibition room; and in "P'y « a 0--^^-/ iDQuirv into the cause of its omission, was led to a back staircase, whe efamong manv others, he recognised h\sadvuUeddrawn,g quietly Tenosin-^n a'corner, and having on its frame the marks of the cramps bv wl icli ictures are usuallv athxed to the walls, proving, of course, tLrluiad' actually been hung np. The only -P -^l^.l^'that " in be obtained of this mystery was contained in V'"'"',. '^'^w^i ad bee" conseauenee of the unusually great number of works that bad been eTu^" inio^siblefor the- Lmmittee "f Arrangement with ever^ wish to do justice to tbe author's talents, to find a place for his Sure"" H certainlv is neither a miniature nor a portrait, any more tllanNo. ^m, Pickjord's IVautwuses .' which I suppose is mcani for an architectural subject! I am, sir, Your obedient servant, ]6M Jn„c, 1H42. The Architect. and Mr. Siblev, which, were modelled by J. E. Jones, in which ^lowever , so much talent was displaved, that he has little cause to be d,st ;essed t any comparison, especially as we learn that he has hitherto aboured witi; amat'eur love of the art of "-'''^''•"£■^6 P,^ ^^^^J allv a Civil Engineer. The principal model room wash illiantU iigUtea bv Faraday's light, the same as that which illuminated the Jhrone-room a the Queen'sfat; fete. Defries exhibited his >"g,^"!7^,'^T g- ™ete in the same room, and the other rooms we,e ''S'-'^'i^^by WiUuns s dioptric lamps, and Cross and Blackwell's improvement upon Palmer s ''The'aTendance of the Council and Members of the Institution of Civil Engineers, and also the Architects, was very numerous ; there was also a viry large number of visitors, many of theni of high rank and disanction. The Duke of Wellington, we observed, made a complete circuit of the rooms, and examined every |,l-^g -'^ rtt C'uis Among the distinguished visitors we noticed P='^'''^"''^^'[']'>V3r of Northampton, the Earl of Devon, Lords Bexley, Lowtber, Mounteagle, Blaney, Baron Rolfe, &c. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, Mr Walker, the President of the Institution of C.vil Engineers, eave his annua conversazione, on Saturday evening 4th ultimo, and fs usual in addition to a most hospitable reception and pod ^ire suppUed ample food for curiosity by a remarkably well selected coUection of works of art, and models of machinery, all of which ou iTmits will not permit us to particularize. The Admiralty, with brcomig liberally, sent several of their beautiful models of men-of- war si "ling ihesnperwnly of the mode of construction introduced by Sir William Symonds, and his talented assistant Mr. Edye ; nea these were appropriately placed a coUection of models of improved marTne engine^s, by Maailays and Field, Miller Seaward and Fair- buri From among the multitude of other models may be selected Dockrav's self-acting signal for Railways ; mallets for raising ships ; fhe Sn Ligl bo^use.V Messrs. Walker and Burgess, bridges by Gravatt^Roe's%rrangements for cleansing sewers; Captain Reid s wa?er.wlieel,01dham's machine for numbenngbank notes. Cheverton's rechanicat carvings in ivory, and Braithwaite's pressed carvings in wo d exhibited ti close alliance existing between the fine and mechanical arts. Dent's astronomical clock, made for the Emperor S- Russia, and that with Professor Airy's new escapemen , attrac ed Ich UtenUon, as did also the models of Wilton Churc^i, and the Sambrdge Courts by Salter, from the designs of Wyatt and Brandon ; ■«d that of Railton's, Nelson Memorial Column, with he simple and niechancally contrived scaffolding, with wliich GrisscU and Peto are "ow erecting it. A bugle horn covered with platinum by >"eans of M Ruolz's eLtro-galvanic process, showed a very successful substitu- tion of a chemical for a mechanical process. First among the specimens of the fine arts, must be P'-«^d ^'^ "f Sed sket'ch"; tiful engraving of Miss Power. Some portfolios of spirited sketches by Nixfn, and bv Oliver and Tathams, Bailey's busts of Fusel. ; and Stoddart and his model group of charity of course were ad,n.rable and it was scarcely fair to place so near them the busts of the President ON THE SUPPLY OF WATER FROM THE CHALK BASIN. This question has assumed such a decided character of P'tizanship that we cannot allow it to remain any longer unnoticed, particulailv af ei the Accent exhibition of misstatements, garbled reports, and ^"PPrf'Sed fact^ AVe hall h^ month confine ourselves to the publication of the valuable report be ngtirsecond, bv Mr. llobert Stephenson to the D"^'^'"^ » *« prrposedCo'uipany for Supplying the metropolis with tlie pure acrt^u on- taminated snrine water from the chalk basm ; and m our next number we :hrenter't^";^into an examination of this -Por^-t qu-t,on. and expose the fallacious representations that have been issued to the public. Mr. Stephenson's Second Report. In ,av former report (see Jounial, Vol. IV, p. 1,) I endeavoured at some leiWh to expkin the views which presented themselves to me, durmg an ■xamination of he experiments made near Watford, for the purpose of ascer- "nh gt "l°at xtenl the metropolis might be supplied with -ter froni tha^ ei.hbourbood, bv means of sinking shafts into the chalk formation below Ihe eve of the v'alley of the Colue. In addition to a mere statement of the resu deemed it neeessarv to point out some peculiar ties which 1 con- Sved the chS forniation to possess, and which rendered it, in my opinion, vvell calculated for yielding: a steady and .abundant supply- _- Since the publication of these views, I have lost no opportunitj of care uuy studvinV he remarks which have been made, and the objections which have been ur^ed against the positions I then established as the basis of my opunons. Some°of tire replii to mv report have assumed the form of pamplets, which separately I 1 ave not time, even if I had the inchnatiou, to .answer; hut in now hv UK before you the results of the further inquiries, which at th re°:f r^ fas. repor\ 1 suggested should he undertaken to confi.cn or refute mv opinions, I am necessarily led to notice such of the statements as annear^alculated, eitlier by the authority from which they emanate or the pEilS with which they are adduced, to atfect the views I had taken, or the conclusions which I had drawn from tliera. „^^,„^. „.:.„, . ^^^ Amongst the assailants of my opinions, are some a"°">"f*V.I e vi'ntase though I feel that such a mode of attack places opponents on the vantage Iround inasmuch as thev possess the privilege of makui? statements totally fn™p;table tMhe matter'at issue, or calculated to lead to f^l^-^n.^oucln^ sion without subjecting themselves to any responsibilit> ; "^^rtherless in he nVrsent report I am bound to overlook the motives by which it may be suDDOsed" ome of mv opponents are actuated, and wldle I acquiesce in such of thefr objections al appear well founded, to repel those which are either fnapScabl^ or contradicted by circumstances vvhich have come under my °The"prmplfre't which claims mv first attention is from the pen of Mr. Web^ erTnd Igi'e H this preference for two reasons ; the first, because Mr. Web te 's name is one of repute in the scientific world, and whose researches during the early advances of geology in this country, greatly extended the knowledge of the cent formations of our Island; and the second, because H strikes at the very root of the opinions I endeavoured tc. expound u my firm r report. Both his name, therefore, and t;,e wide and essential differ encTin our views, suggest the propriety of selecting 1"^ Pamphkt to f^ee and unreserved discussion; for if his statement be consistent with exismg Lets, the opinions which I have advanced must be erroneous, and farther consideration of your project entirely useless. j„,,;„„ ,i,p stratum Mr. Webster denies, emphatically, that the chalk .r''^:'" '"Li Juce th^ of London clay is tbe '• great water-bearing stratum, ^"<' ;°" "^^^^^'^^Xs inference, that 1 had mistaken the true source of ^I'PPjy '° ^'^^.^ i e Artesian wells which are sunk in the metropolis and its ""S ';~i,rly on seems to arrive at this conclusion, from my not l>«""g/^^^" ["'Xtk ^^^^ the " sand and plastic clay stratum," which reposes betv. en he chalk and London clav ; whereas I consider the stratum to which he alludes not tne n^grcat watc;-beariug stratum," but merely a subordinate member of that which mav be so called. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 239 Both the chalk and sand are extremely porous, and there can be no ques- tion that each of the "belts" of country occupied by their outcrops con- tributes alilic its share to the supply of the great reservoir of water covereiP by the London clay. In the construction of Artesian wells in or about London it is obvious, therefore, that the supply docs not come immediately from the plastic clay sands ; hut this does not militate against my conclusion, that the reservoir formed by these sands is supplied principally by the absorption of rain, through the medium of the chalk, which occupies far more extensive areas than tlie plastic clay sands, and consequently possesses (even though it may not be so porous as sand) infinitely greater powers of absorption. Mr. Webster tlien proceeds to state, that where wells are sunk through the London clay into the chalk, the water which the latter yields is most probably derived from the water-bearing stratum " above it. That this was the case in the Ilampstead-road well (the instance quoted by Mr. Webster), I am not prepared to deny, though I much doubt the fact ; but it cannot be considered conclusive against the supposition of chalk being extremely porous and absorbent, especially as innumerable examples may be referred to in every district occupied by the chalk, as incontestable evidence in its justification ; moreover, many instances exist, even in London, where the supply of water to wells sunk to the plastic clay sands having proved insufficient, it has'become necessarj-to sink them into the chalk, when an increased supply has been invariably procured ; for example, in the wells at Messrs. Meux and Keid's breweries, at those at Greenwich Hospital, and Mr. Nicholson's dis- tillery, the necessity has arisen, and been met successfully by such a process. And since no particulars can possibly be given of the sinking into the chalk in the Ilampstead-road well, no general inference as to the contents and capacity of that formation should be drawn from it, more especially as other examples, upon a much larger scale, such as those above mentioned, may be quoted to prove that an augmentation in the feeders is immediately consequent upon penetrating the chalk below the sands. I am well acquainted with the chalk district between Watford and Tring, and it having devolved upon me, in the course of my connexion with the London and Birmingham Railway, to sink a great number of wells in the chalk, my attention has been particularly called to the extraordinary quantity of water existing in the chalk immediately below the level of the natural drainage of the country — that is, of the adjoining streams, and I was at the same time struck with the conformity apparent between the surface of the subterranean reservoir of water and the natural surface of the country. The evidence which the valley from Watford to Tring affords in reference to this point, is replete with interest, for it establishes beyond all question that the water absorbed by the chalk is held up to a very high level towards the edge of the basin ; indeed, there is sufiicient evidence in the district just mentioned to prove that the surface of the water absorbed by the chalk assumes an inclination corresponding almost exactly with tlie declivity of the valley by which tlie district is drained. Thus, near Watford and in the vicinity of the river Colne, all the wells require to be sunk to the level of the Colne before the supply of water is obtained ; but as we proceed up the valley towards Boxmoor, Bcrkhampstead, and Tring, water is procured at levels corresponding strikingly with the inclination of the valley, far above the levels of the water in the wells at Watford. The Tring cutting on the London and Birmingham Railway presents another forcible example of the constant and rapid absorption of water by the chalk. In the execution of that cutting a very large quantity of water was encountered, notwithstanding the situation was on the summit of the chalk ridge, forming the actual l)rlm of the basin, where it could not be supplied with any water but such as fell upon the immediate neighbourhood, yet it yielded upwards of one million gallons per day, and continues to yield an extraordinarj- quantity up to this hour, without any sensible dimi- nution. This is surely incontrovertible evidence that the chalk absorbs water witli the utmost facility, and as a consequence, when the levels are suitable, readily yields it up again. It may not be uninteresting to add, that previously to this work being commenced, attempts were made to sink wells to test the material from the surface of the land to the intended ilepth of the cutting; hut so freely did the water flow from the chalk, that it was found impossible to sink several of them by ordinary means to tlie deptli of 60 ft. Similar results have followed all experiments of this kind which I have witnessed, and those who are best acquainted with the sinking of wells throughout dis- tricts occupied by the chalk formation, concur in the opinion that it should be regarded as an enormous mass of rod saturated trith water, which it yields with the utmost rapidity, by the action of a very small hydrostatic pressure. I might here enter into a minute detail of the levels of the wells sunk in the districts occupied by chalk, which have come under niyoliservation, were I disposed to extend this report to an unusual length ; but I beheve it will be more satisfactory to the committee that I should allude to the results which have been laid before me by the gentlemen who were deputed by me to examine waterworks, which are known to derive their supply entirely from such wells ; with this impression, therefore, I transcribe the following extracts from the reports which have been placed before me : — WiNciiESTEu. — This town is at present supphed by wells. There is a well that has lately been sunk on the hill, near the barracks, entirely through chalk, to the depth of 170 ft. ; near the bottom there are fissures, out of which the water rushes with considerable TioUnce ; the water rises about 10 ft., and after pumping for seven hours successively, it is reduced 2 ft_ , but immediately the pumps stop working it rises again to the same height i n 15 minutes. The water is raised by the aid of an 8-horse engine working a 6-inch pump, 2 ft. stroke, and from 18 to 22 strokes per minute ; at 18 strokes per minute the pump lifts 44 gallons, or 31,680 gallons per 12 hours. At the railway station there is another well sunk in the chalk, to the depth of 80 ft. ; at Christmas time there was about 4 ft. of water, and in April about 12 to 14 ft. In October, a month when the springs are generally low, the engine was kept constantly at work, day and night, for 4 or j weeks, and could not lower the water beyond 2 ft. from the bottom. In July, last year, after working the pump for an hour and a half, the water could not be lowered more 18 inches. The quantity the pump lifts is the same as described above. The engineer never knew a deficiency. Through the town of Winchester there is a very fine stream of water, which rises from the chalk hills. I was informed, at Winchester, that at Sir William Heathcote's seat at Merdon Farm there is a well in the chalk, 331 ft. deep; the water appears to pass across it like a river, with a rapid current. Sir Thomas Baring, at his seat at Stratton Park, has sunk a well in the chalk, and is now having a steam engine erected for lifting the water to supply his estate and mansion. Arundel. — There is a well at the bottom of the town, which supplies nearly the whole of the inhabitants of that portion. It is stated to be only 20 ft. deep, sunk in the chalk ; a deficiency has never been known. The upper part of the town and the castle are supplied from a spring, which rises from the chalk in the valley, on the south-west side of the town, where there is always an abundance. Brighton. — The whole of this town is supplied with water obtained from the chalk, either by wells or from the water-works. The water-works are situated about a mile from the town, on the Lewes road, adjoining the barracks. The surface of the ground at the well is 64 ft. above high water mark. A well has been sunk to the depth of 97 ft. ; at 16 ft. above the bottom there are four adits driven in from the sides of the well, to the extent of 46 ft. each, and about 6 ft. square ; they are driven north, south, east, and west ; the water flows into these adits from fissures in the chalk, in very considerable quantities, and appeared to flow towards the sea. The water rises to difler,«:nt heights at various periods of the year ; it has been as low as 58 ft. 6 in. from the surface, or 38 ft. 6 in. of water, and as high as within 8 ft. 10 in. of the surface. In the present month of April, when I viewed the works, before the engine commenced working, it stood at 31 ft. below the surface, or 66 ft. of water, and after the pumps had been working 12 hours, the water was lowered 2 ft. 9 in. ; it will regain that quan- tity in a very' short time after the pumps have ceased working. The water is lifted by an engine of 20-horse power, working three pumps 8} in. diameter, and three pumps 8,i ill. diameter, both 18-inch stroke, and 1.") strokes per minute, lifting together 231,840 gallons per 12 hours, the time the engine works daily, Sundays excepted. Previously to the Company being formed, there was a strong opposition in the town, and a cry that " all the wells would be dried up," but since the works have been in operation, there has not been a single complaint. The only well that was effected was one close to the works in the barrack yard : this well has been lowered a few leet, and no complaints of want of water have arisen since then. The supply at present is to about an eighth part of the town, besides for watering tlie streets, and it is daily increasing. The quantity is amply suffi- cient for the whole lown. When the springs were low in June, 1840, the six pumps were kept working day and night, for eight days, when the water could not be lowered more than 12 ft. The pumps are fixed in the well in such a manner that either set can be raised or lowered, according to the height of the water in the well. There are two rising mains 9 in. diameter, (one to each set of pumps,) and an air-vessel, 4 ft. diameter, C ft. high ; tlie delivery-pipe from tlie air-vessel is 12 in. diameter ; near the exit it is furnished with an air-valve and a steelyard lever, loaded witii about 80 lb. The water is conveyed througli a 12-inch main, about a mile in length, to the reservoir, the bottom of wbirh is 113ft. above the top of the well, and the surface 120 ft. The water is crmveyed from the reservoir by a 10-inch main to supply the eastern part of the town, and a 12-incb main, to the old Stein, then 10 in.; there are branch mains, from 5 to 10 in. diameter ; the service-pipes vary from 2 to 5 in. diameter. Dover. — This town is entirely supphed with water from wells sunk in the chalk, and from the water-works' at the lower level of the towns in Mr. Wal- ker's vard, where there is a well sunk in the chalk lielowthe clift"; the surface is 10 ft. above high water mark, the depth is 33 ft. 6 in., and the diameter 12 to 13 ft.; it is a tidal well; when high water, there is about 10 ft. of water, and at low water, 3 ft. The water is lifted by the aid of a 25.horse engine working two pumps, 8 and 9 in. diameter. 3 ft. 6 in., and 3 ft. stroke, and 18 to 20 strokes per minute; at the rate of 20 strokes they lift 317 gallons per minute, or 228,240 gallons in 12 hours; the water is lifted 160 ft. to the top of a tank. This well supplies about 50,000 gallons jicr diem. There is another supply obtained at the gas-works, lifted hy the aid of a two-horse engine. Deal and Walmer. — Water-works have been lately erected about a mile to the west of Deal, which obtain their supply from a well 120 ft. deep and 6 ft. diameter, the surface beiug 90 ft. above low water mark ; there is 16 ft. 2 L 2 240 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [JUAY, of water standing above the bottom; there are two wells, one 110 ft. deep and the other 120 ft., which are connected together by a tunnel driven from within 4 or 5 ft. of the bottom of the deeper well to the bottom of the other ; from this tunnel a verj- copious sujiply is ohtaiuc'l at all times ; after 10 hours' successive pumping the water is lowered 10 ft., and regains it after the pumps have ceased working in three hours. The water is raised by the aid of an 8-norse engine, working two 8-inch pumps, 22-inch stroke, and 20 strokes per minute, liftii-.g 160 gallons per minute, or ll.'>,200 gallons in 12 hours. There is a well within 120 yards of the above wells belonging to the mill, 90 ft. deep, which has never been effected by the pumping at the above works. I'amsgate. — This town is entirely supplied by wells in the chalk, and water-works ; principally, however, from tlie latter, which obtain their supply ftom a well sunk in the chalk, the surface of which is 177 ft. above high water mark ; the depth is 183 ft., of an oval shape, 9 and 6 ft. diameter ; the lower 25 ft. is enlarged to 25 ft. diameter, from the sides of which there are two tunnels, one 42 ft. long, and the other 25 ft., which supply an abun- dance of water, issuing from fissures in the chalk ; there is generally 20 ft. of water, which is reduced to 16 ft. after the engines have been working 12 hours. The water is raised by means of a 12-borse engine, working two 14-inch pumps in two lifts, 24-inch stroke, and 16 per minute, which lift 224 gallons per miuute, or 153,720 gallons per 12 hours. There is also a smaller engine of 6-horse power, working two 9-inch pumps occasionally. The large engines are worked three days per week. The water-works supply about 700 houses, two or three breweries, malthouses, and shipping; a de- ficiency has never been known. There is a well belonging to a cottage within 100 yards of the above well, and 160 ft. deep, which has never been affected since the works have been erected, nor has there been a single complaint in the town. The water is raised into an open reservoir near the engine-house, and con- veyed by a 9-incb main the distance of IJ miles to the town. Cantebbhry. — This city is principally supplied from wells sunk in the chalk. Gravesend. — This town is supplied by a well sunk in the chalk, and also by water-works near Windmill Hill, where there is a well sunk entirely in the chalk, 138 ft. deep ; at the bottom there is a tunnel from which the springs issue ; the water is raised by the aid of an 8-horse engine, working two 12-inch pumps, 24-inch stroke, and 10 strokes per minute, which is 195 gallons per minute, or 140,000 gallons per 12 hours. About four years ago an action was brought against the Water-works Company by the proprietor of a well in the vicinity of the works, for a sup- posed injury. Tlie proprietor alleged that his well was affected when the engine was working, and shortened his sujiply. The case was referred to a barrister, who examined several engineers and others, whose evidence was so contradictory that he made a personal e.^amioation on tlie spot : after sealing down the cover of the well, the engines were kept working, under his direc- tions for a certain length of time ; and after the time was conchided, the well "was again examined. Subsequently the barrister decided in favour of the company. I have not yet been able to obtain the precise particulars of the inquiry, hut the above statement shows that the barrister did not consider that the well was affected. Nearly 40 years since a speculation was commenced, to make a tunnel under the Thames at Gravesend. A shaft was dug, and a powerful steam engine erected, a little to the westward of the gas-works, under the superin- tendence of Mr. Uodd, the engineer. After an expenditure of several thousand pounds, it was found impossible to get rid of the water. The stratum was chalk. The water was perfectly fresh, although the river water in this part of the Thames is brackish. St. Albans. — This town is supplied by wells sunk in the chalk, and by water-works which obtain their supply from a well sunk in the chalk to the depth of 1G3 ft. The water rises to the height of 19 ft., and is raised by the aid of a steam engine of 8-horse power, working a 5-5-in-b double acting pump, 24-inch stroke, and 20 strokes per raiunte, which lifts 82 gallons per minute, or 59,040 gallons per 12 hours. After pumping that period, the water is reduced to 9 ft. In the immediate neighhourliood of the viorks there are several wells, one within 20 ft., none of which were ever affected by the pumping of the above engine. The above extracts from reiiorts made by gentlemen who visited the various places, must, I am persuaded, go far to satisfy the most sceptical that the chalk formation is everywhere ahundanlly charged with water; they in fact demonstrate, that many very important towns are at this moment actually deriving their supply from that rock which Mr. Webster denies to be a water- bearing stratum ; and whilst reflecting on this fact, it should not be forgotten that, in all the instances just alluded to, no resources beyond small wells and a few short drifts were required to afford supplies which should not be regarded as inconsiderable, more especially when connected with a statement that water cannot be obtained abundantly from the chalk formation. I cannot, however, content myself with extracts from reports made by parties who may be supposed to be prejudiced in favour of the project with which they are connected. I must, therefore, insert a few passages from "Conybeare and Phillip's Geology," — a work, whether we regard it as de- scriptive of the state of geological science at the period of its publication, or as a record of an extraordinary mass of practical facts intimately connected with the science, alike deserving admiration. In speaking of the chalk formation, tliey say — The ower beds H t x chalk formation and every fissure, are, with few exceptions, completely filled with water. All the rain and snow which fall upon chalk percolate downwards to the base, where the water is stopped by a sub-soil of blue clay, and that occasions it to accumulate in Wie chalk, until it rises to such a height as doth enable it to flow over the surface of the adjoining land." " Id this manner are formed the springs and rivulets which issue near the foot of every chalk hill." These are the observations and conclusions acquiesced in by parties who were influenced solely by the investigation of truth. They were not swayed by any particular bias ; their opinion cannot be supposed to be affected by one motive beyond those which science demands. Having, therefore, I trust, satisfactorily proved that the chalk abounds with water, ii will naturally be expected that I should meet the question of quantity; for upon this some of my anonymous assailants establish their case, not, I must confess, without a show of probability, provided we admit that what has not hitherto been done is impracticable. I grant, at once, that the quantity of water — viz., 8.000,000 gallons per diem, which it is now proposed to raise from a shaft or shafts sunk in the chalk, has no precise precedent ; but, surely, this admission is no argument against the possibility ; on the contrary, I hold that the fair deduction from the above record of facts is, that ttiis or a m^ich targrr mtpply may be ol/taiiifd from the chalk, from prosecuting the sinking of shafts much deeper than has hitherto been attempted, together with the extension of horizontal driftways from the bottom of the shafts. On mentioning the horizontal driftways, it is perhaps unnecessary to reply specifically to Mr. Webster's observations on this expedient for procuring an increased supply ; for when he speaks of " groping" in the dark for water, it is obvious that he is unacquainted both with mining and with the precise nature of the construction of the chalk rock, and particularly in reference to the character of the fissures which intersect its mass in every possible di- rection— sometimes, it is true, more in one direction than another — easily, however, determinable by observation. Mr. Webster playfully opens his remarks by observing that "Many are old in years, yet young in geology." This assertion I will not attempt to dispute, but state another, which I hope Mr. Webster will as readily concede — viz., " Some are old in years, yet young in mining." When Mr. Webster has spent as much of his time underground as I have done, and not till then, will he understand the exact truth of this remark. I will not permit myself, however, in this place to make any remark in disparagement of Mr. Webster, as I am convinced any observation of a personal nature never, in a question of this sort, can be substituted with propriety, for sound arguments or fair deduction. With respect to the extent of supply, therefore, 1 would at once refer to every mining district in this or any other country. Can we look at Cornwall (when considering the matter in reference to the supply of water from chalk, as a rock abounding with water,) without concluding at once that increasing the depth of our shafts beyond those examples already quoted would be attended by a prodigious augmentation in the flow of water to the well. The extension of the under-ground workings of a mine, and the concomitant increase in the supply of water, are equally calculated to bring to the mind the overpowering conviction, that similar results would inevitably follow the adoption of deeper shafts and a more extended system of drifts than have hitherto been attempted in the chalk. To minds unhabituated to such consideration, these general allusions to mines may not present the same conviction; but to the experienced miner, I am persuaded the conclusions I have drawn from the facts (exhibited by the wells suuk in the clalk near Watford and elsewheie) will appear as necessary consequences. It was my wish, in this Report, to have cited some well-authenticated particulars relative to the quantity of water raised from mines in different parts of this country, believing that they would have borne out my views in the strongest possible way; but on pursuing my inquiries upon this subject, I found that I could only arrive at general results, for it unfortunately happens that accurate records, in a shape calculated to be of value, are not kept in the various mining districts. In Cornwall, however, this remark does not apply so forcibly, for a precise record of the performances of all the pumping engines employed in draining the mines is published in " Lean's Monthl) Reports." From these Reports it is ascertained that upwards of thirty milUons of gallons of water are daily raised from great depths to the surface, and from the consolidated and united mines alone, the daily quantity exceeds 54 millions of gallons. There c;.n be no doubt that, were similar records kept of the quantity of water raised to the surface in other mining districts of this country, that results equally if not more striking would he exhibited, nor should we, in the comparison, neglect to notice tlie fact that, unlike the chalk, the primary strata of Cornwall in which the mines are suuk possess but limited channels for the free communication of the water. These allusions to the mining districts may he deemed, perhaps, by some, as altogether irrelevant and inapplicable to the point under consideration, since the shafts are scattered over an extensive space of country. This is certainly true when we speak of Cornwall ; but the objection is to a certain degree obviated by specific allusion to the consolidated mines, and I can for- tunately advert to another ease, respecting the quantity of water which may be obtained from one or two shafts — an instance which, I think, must be considered unequivocal. In the county of Durham two shafts within a few yards of one anothe . 1842.] THE CIA^IL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 241 are now in process of being sunk for the purpose of a coal-pit. They have encountered a stratum of sand lying between the magnesian limestone and the coal formation, abounding with water to an extraordinary degree. For some mouths past, and up to the present moment, more than 10,000 gallons per minute, or 14,000,000 per 24 hours, have been pumped from the stratum of sand crossing these two shafts. Here, then, surely we have an instance which proves the practicability of obtaining, within a small space, a much greater quantity of water than is sought for, or calculated upon, from the proposed shafts in the chalk. It is probable that some may be found to urge that, even here, the cases are not absolutely parallel, the water in the one instance being drawn from sand, and in the other from chalk ; but I would ask when we connect this case of quantity with those already n)entii)ncthe use of a preparation of iron, such as had been resorted to at times by cMbists intrusted with the task of testing the presence of arsenic, stains apparently arsenical, but which are not so, may be produced. April 11. — A paper was read by M. Domeiko, On the siher minen in Chili, and the mode of working them. " The mines extend from the north to the south, parallel with the coast, to a distance of 1.^0 leagues fiom the environs of St. Yago to the other side nf Copaipo. The silver mines of .Vcqueros, which are the special subject of the paper communicated to the Academy, ■were discovered in 1825 by a muleteer, whilst collecting wood on the moun- tain. He found by chance sever.-!! small blocks of native silver, and, having mentioned his discovery to hi> acquaintances, they proceeded to the spot, and collected immediately silver to the value of 10,000 dollars. Soon after- wards the vein itself was'discovertd, and its richness was foiiud to equal all that had been anticipated. From that period up to 1840, the date of the last returns, this vein has jlelded about 30,000 marcs of silver annually. A paper was read On the Dcytierreotype improvements of M. llisson. M- Bisson, by a galvanic process, covers the plate with a slight coating of silver, much more even and perfect than the surface of the ordinary silvered plate, and the object was, consequently, represented with greater fidelity and bold- ness. .Another improvement of M. Bisson's is. in giving, by tlie .action of the galvanic pile, a slight gold tint to the drawing, nliich takes away its unpleasant looking-glass appearance, and causes the oljjects to stand forth almost as clearly and vigorously as in drawings produced by hand. Ajtril 18. — A paper was read by M. Regnault, On the dilaling powers of gases, and on the i-elntire powers of air and mermrial thermometers. A specimen of a reddish sediment, deposited by a shower of rain at Am- phissa, in Greece, on the night of the 24th ult., and forwarded by M. Bouros, with a paper on the subject, was examined by the Academy. The last mail from Smyrna brought an account of a similar fall of rain at about the same time, due of the journals of that place, alluding to this phenomenon, states, that the sediment resembled the sand of the desert, and supposes it to have been taken up by a whirlwind, and, combining in the clouds with water, to have been held in suspension until it had travelled to a distance of nearly 1,000 miles to Smyrna. The wind, adds the Smyrna Journal, was blowing fresh from the southward at the time, bringing heavy clouds, accompanied bv a peculiarly hazy atmosphere, observable only in long continued siroccos. May 3. — .\ paper was read from M. Reville, of Havre, On the use of cotton sails for ships, as more economical than those made from tiax, and being at the same time equally serviceable. Certificates from various persons who have made use of cotton sails, and specimens of their old and new were laid before the Academy. From Messrs. Hempeland Ilamann, On a new Compass, of their invention, for meastiriny ellipses. The report of Col. Puissant and M. Sturm on this invention, which was read to the .Academy, states it to be superior to any instrument for the same purpose hitherto known ; consequently, the Academy decided on expressing pubUcly its approbation of the invention. From M. Jobard, of Brussels, on some experiments which he proposes to make, with a view of ascertaining the best means of prerenting the explosion of steam boilers. The principal experiment proposed by M. Jobard is, such a construction of the boiler as will permit, when the mixture of explosive gases has been formed, the introduction of a stream of atmospheric air, so as to render them inexplosive. From M. de Castelnau, On some geological revolutions in the central parts of North .Imerica. The period to which M. de Castelnau directs the atten- tion of the Academy is that corresponding with the geological revolution to which the bordering portions of Canada and the United States owe their present configuration, viz. that which formed the great Lake of Canada, ex- tending from east to west, with the exception of Lake Michigan, the direction of which is from the north to the south, with a slight deviation towards the west. At the south of the southern point of this lake, there extend toward the Ohio on the one side, and the Mississippi on the other, vast prairies, entirely formed of deep alluvial soil covering an old calcareous bed. Every thing indicates, says M. de Castelnau, that this region was formerly the hasi]i of a lake of much greater extent than those which now exist in this part of the world, and, on approaching the Mississippi, the proofs of this pheno- menon become more evident. He considers it certain, that at a remote period there was some obstruction to the course of the Mississippi, which produced a stagnation of its waters, and raised them to an elevation of 40 metres ; for wherever the rocks present an abrupt front towards the river, they offer a series of parallel lines, inclining slightly towards the north. The geological formation of the land in the vicinity of Lake Huron, presents the character of a vast Silurian formation. According to M. de Castelnau, Lake Superior formerly discharged itself into Lake Michigan, which had its termi- nation in an immense basin, to which he gives the name of Lake Silurian, and which probably discharged the excess of its contents into the Mexican Sea ; but a revolution of nature checked the passage of the waters to the extremity of Lake Michigan, and produced at Lake Silurian the rising ground known as the Illinois, wliich must have been of greater extent than it is now, asd it is not impossible, that with its progressive depression, the waters will at some distant period resume their former course. Mag 9. — At a special meeting M. Cordier communicated various de- tails relating to the horrible accident on the Versailles railroad, ex- tracted from an official report addressed to the Minister of the In- terior by Messrs. Combes and De Senarmont, the engineers of Mines, charged with the inspection of rail-roads. In addition to the facts already known, it states that the foremost locomotive was a small one, with four wheels, and the other one of large dimensions with six wheels, made by Sharp and Roberts. The boilers of both are at present without the slightest injury. According to the testimony of the Commissary of Police of Meudon, one of the carriages was altogether consumed in ten minutes. The report contains the following summary as to the cause of the calamity. The accident ori- ginated in a fatal concurrence of circumstances, which were all gross faults, easy to have been foreseen, and still more easily to have been avoided. The first cause of the accident was the employment of a locomotive with four wheels. It is essential that every carriage intended for service on a railroad should rest on six wheels .it least, in order that if one of the axles should break, the carriage should rest on supporters, and continue its course. The second fault consisted in the employment of two locomotives for a single train. The consequences of this arrangement are self-evident. .\ third cir- cumstance was, the precaution taken to lock the door of the wagons ; so that in such a case as that which occurred, all escape was prevented, and the tra- vellers were condemned to suffer all the consequences of the first accident. Another cause which had much influence on the catastrophe, was the neglect to isolate the train from the locomotive, so as to prevent the shock occa- sioned by the sudden check to the speed with which they were proceeding. It is worthy of remark, that if all those causes had not existed together, and if only a single precaution had been taken, the accident would not have hap- pened. If the first engine had been furnished with six wheels when its axle broke, it would not have lost its equilibrium. If a second locomotive had not been employed, the only consequence of the accident would have been a shock ; and, even admitting that the two first causes of the accident existed, had the doors of the wagons not been locked, a number of the passengers might have escaped the flames ; and the interposition of the elastic system would have saved the train even if no other precaution had been observed. The Academy listened to the account in mournful silence. Several members afterwards made remarks on the inconvenience of using locomotives with four wheels ; M. Elie de Beaumont particulariy protested against immense trains being drawn by several locomotives, the danger increasing in propor- tion to the number of machines employed. The custom of locking up the passengers was also much spokeij against. Towards the close of the sitting, a rumour having spread in the Academy that Admiral Dumout d'Urville was amongst the number of the dead, or at least that he had not been found after the accident, it being certain that he had entered one of the foremost wagons, yi. Arago proposed that two members should be appointed to make inquiries respecting him ; and if they found him among the wounded, to tes- tify to him all the interest that the Academy took in his fate. A report by M. Segnin, was read, of a series of experiments performed by order of the .\cademy on the cuirass made of hemp, the invention of M. Papadapoulo. The report states, that the balls of cavalry pistols, fired at a distance of from three to five paces, only penetrate to a depth of about the third of an inch ; consequently, the report is favourable to the inventor ; but a discussion having arisen on some points not alluded to in the report, the decision of the Academy, as to the value and importance of the invention, stands over until the points under discussion shall have been treated upon by the reporter. RIISCEI.I.AMEA. Tlic Monster Steam i'n/p.— This vessel, which is nearly ready to be launched, is built by three or fonr spirited individuals on their own speculation in the small toHn of Derry, Ireland, where a fe« mcnth.s previously it was never supposed that a vessel of her magnitude would ever be built ; her dimensions are 222 ft. in length between perpendiculars. 37 feet beam, and 2f; feet deep in the hold, burthen 1750 tons, B.M., she is to be fully rigged as a 50 gun frigate, the length of main mast to be flO ft. and 33 inches diameter, main yard 79 It. and "22* ft. diam. in the slings, foremast 83 ft. and mizen mast 76 feet, she will be'ablc to spread 6,400 yards of canvas. There are three decks, the upper one to be left entirely clear for action, and to be pierced lor ■M guns, the windlass anri capstan gear will be placed "twixt decks. .'-Ihe is to be propelled by .Smith's Archimedean Screw, which will be 12 ft. diam. and M ft. pitch, but the length will be only 7 ft.: it is to make 88 revolutions per minute, llie gearing consists of a cog wheel 20 ft. diam.. working into a .smaller wheel of 5 ft. diam., upon who.se axis is the shaft of the screws. The engine power consists of two cylinders (iS in. diam., 4 ft. 6 m. stroke, and to make 22 strokes per minute, nominal power 306 horses ; there are to be fcur .air pumps 11) in. diam. and 4 ft. 6 in. stroke, and 3 cylindrical boi ers. The engines are to be placed close abalt the vessel, leaving the midships cjear for passengers. A very beatdifu! stained glass window has recently been put up over the altar of West Hackney church, 'the centre part of which is a copy o' >l»e celcbra'ed altar-piece at Mrgdalen College, Oxford— Christ bearing the cross, very hnely coloured, from the original picture ; and on either side stand out in bold relief ihejfigures of St. Paul and St. Peter, after Uaphael. They stand lu 244 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [JPLT, niclies, whicli have a very strikinpr efl'ect, the metal work beins so contrived .-IS to have the nppearanc'e of one sheet ot glass. The whole of the subjects have been Rut U(iin amasterly style, are beautifully ilraati and coloured, and reflect much credit upon Mr.' Holder, the arlist, of Gray's-inn Road. We understand that llie subjects were seleetid by the excellent taste and judg- ment of the rt-ctor. the Rev. Mr, Birch, and at whose sole expense the whole ha« been compUted. Marulchojie Pmiiif Asioeialion. — This Association for the imiTove- ment of Street Pavlny; is one highly wortliy of the consideration of the professions, and of the support of those interested in the parish of Maryle- oone. We shall enter upon the subject of wood paving next month. Conservative Club.— We understand that the designs for the new building are entrusted to Mr. Sydney Smirke. and Mr. Basevi, who are appointed conjointly architects for carrying out the design, which it is reported will be upon a mat;nificent scale. St. Jiisten Cornwall.— An Act of Parliament has been obtained for the purpose ot effecting considerable improvement in this torn, and the Com- missioners have decided upon erecting a new town hall and market. Designs for which were submitted in competition, and that by Messrs. Eales and Cope of Blcomsbury Square. London, has been selected by them for e.iecution. The fafade is in the Italian style to be executed in granite. The cost £5000. Standing Orders.— \n tlie House of Commons on Thursday, 23d ult., Mr. Wilson Paf.en brought forward the motion of which he had given notice, namely. " That so much of the Standing Orders of ihis House as obliges promoters of Railway Bills to give their notices, and to deposit their plans and .sections In the months of tehruary and March, instead of the months of October and November, be repealed." The motion was carried without the sligh'est opposition. Tlii lioyiil Tar. Peninsular steamer, having undergone a thorough repair in London by Messrs. Miller. Ravenhill. and Co.. who have put in new boilers, thereby etfi cling a « onderful reduction in the consumption of fuel.went down to Southampton, and made an experimental trip, tin ier ihe inspection of Mr. Lsmb, the government engineer. She is now on duty wiih the Peninsular inails. LIST or NEW PATENTS. GB.\NTED IN ENGLAND FROM 28tH MaY TO 23rD JuNE, 1842, Sit Months alloioedfor Enrolment, unless otherwise expressed. William Yodng, of Queen-street, lamp-maker, for " improvements in lamps and candlesticks." Sealed May 28. Philip Jacob Kayser, of Oracechurch-street, manufacturer, for " im- provemcnfs in the construction of lamps." May 3L Henry Phillips, of Exeter, chemist, for " improvements in purifying gas for the purposes of light." May .'U. Richard Watson, Jun., of Cloth-fair, gas fitter, for " improvements in draining Imid embankments, and cutting of railways and other engineering works." May 31. Henry Wilkinson, of Pall Mall, gun-maker, for " im;)rot;cmert<« in un- loading shipping, especially those vessels called colliers." May 31. Locis Nicholas de Meckenheim, of Vienna, but now of London, en- gineer, for " improvements in the manufacture of iron." May 31. Henry Beaumont Leeson, of Greenwich, doctor of medicine, for " im- protements in the art of depositing and manufacturing metals and metal articles by electro-galvanic agency, and in the apparatus connected therewith." June 1, William Henry Kempton, of South-street, Pentonville, gentleman, for ** improvements in the manvfaciiire of candles." June 1. James Reed, of Bishop's Stortford, statuary and mason, for " improve- ments in tiles, stating, and the construction of water-tight joints, and in the covering and'easing of buildings and other erections." — June 2. Henry Jubber, of Oxford, confectioner, for "improvements in kitchen ranges, and apparatus for cooking." — June 2. Benjamin AiNGWORTH, of Birmingham, gentleman, for "improvements in the manufacture of glass, for the purpose of producing glass which may be v-scd for the purposes to which plate glass and window glass are usually applied." — June 4. Edmund Tuck, o£ the Hayraarket, St. James's, Westminster, silversmith, for " improvements in the covering or plating with silver various metals and metallic alloys." — June 4. William Irving, of Regent-street, Lambeth, engineer, for " an improved corn drill, or machine for sowing all kind of seed or grain." — June 7. John Woodcock, of Manchester, millwright, for " improvements in the construction of steam-engines." — June 7. James Nasmyth, of Patricroft, near Manchester, engineer, for '• certo'n improvements in machinery or apparatus for forging, stamping, and cutting iron and other substances." — June 9. Joseph Chatwin, of Birmingham, lamp-maker, for " improvements in the construction of cocks." — June 9. John Gkorge Hughes, of No. 158, Strand, general agent, for " a new application of telegraphic signals, and the mode of applying the same." — June 9. James Anthony Emslie, of the Borough and County of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, civil engineer, for " certain improvements in pumps." — June 9. Stephen Bencraft, of Barnstaple, gentleman, for " im/irovements in the construction of saddle-trees." — June 9. • Arthur Howe Holdsworth, of Brook-hill, Devon, gentleman, for " improvements in constructing certain parts of ships and vessels in order to arrest the progress of fire, and for regulating temperature." — June 11. Richard Garrett, of Leiston Works, Suffolk, agricultural instrument maker, for " improvements in the comtruction of horse-hoes, scarifiers, drag- rakes, and drills, for cultivating land. June 13. Thomas Banks, of Manchester, engineer, for "improvements in the con- struction of wheels and tyres of wheels, to be employed upon railways." — June 13. MoSES PooLE, of Lincoln's-inn, gentleman, for " improvements in obtain- ing the colouring matter from wool, and woollens dyed with indigo." (Being a communication.) — June 13. William Cotton, of Leytonstone, Essex, Esquire, for " an improved weighing machine." — June 13. Daniel Williams, of Oxford, slater,for " improvements in covering ridget and hips on the roofs of buildings." — June 13. Isaac Moss, of Macclesfield, Cheshire, silk trimming manufacturer, for " improvements in the manufacture of covered buttons, ornaments and fas- tenim/s for wearing apparel." June 13. William Morrett Williams, of Bedford.place, Commercial-road, and of 163, Fenchurch-street, lock manufacturer, for " improvements in the con^ struction of Idtks and keys, which he proposes to call " Williams' lock and key improved." — -June 13. Henry Hough Watson, of Bolton-le-Moors, consulting chemist, for " improvements in bleaching, changing the colour of, and otherwise preparing, purifying and refining tallow, and certain other organic substances, mijcturet, compounds, and manufactures." — June 21. Joseph Bunnett, of Deptford, Kent, engineer, for "improvements in, pavements, for streets, roads and other surfaces, and in machinery for pro- ducing and repairing the same." — June 21. John Dickson, of Brook-street, Holborn, engineer, for " improvements in rotary engines and boilers, in stopping railway carriages, and in machinery for propelling vessels, part of which improvements are applicable to propelling air and gases." — June 21. Frederick Gye, jun., of South Lambeth, gent., for "improvements la binding pamphlets, papers and other documents." — June 21. Thomas Gaunt, of 10, Dalby-terrace, City Road, gent., for "improve- ments in the means of applying any such power as is or may be used for pro- pelling vessels or carriages to produce locomotion thereof." — June 21. Henry Bewley, of Dublin, licentiate apothecary and chemist, for " an improved chalybeate water." — June 23. TO CORRESPONDENTS. " Connecting Rod "—TAt question of Long and Short Connecting Rads A« already occupied a considerable portion of the Journal. Seyton's communication will appear next mouth. J5 G.—If the engine of 10 tons weight be of Just sufficitnt power to draw a tram of 50 Ions weight at 20 miles an hour on an eren plane, it will require e8-100(As additional power to convey the said train at the same rj most distinguished architectural ornaments of it, viz. :—Coveut Garden Theatre, the Mint, Post Office, British Museum, new centre of the Custom House and its "Long Room," College of Phy>iciaus and Union Clubhouse, St. Mary's Church, Wyndhara Place, tlie Library and other buildings in theTemple, King's College (Somerset Place), and the Conservative Clubhouse, besides some others of less note and less importance. With the exception of the first-mentioned— and even that is in very equivocal taste— the rest are little better than so- many architectural blanks. When you have said that their columns and antffi are, as far as they and their capitals go, accurate copies from one or two well-known and now rather hackneyed Grecian exam- ples of such members, vou have summed up all the merits of the great or we might say the big architect of the big edifices above eimme- rated. Pity, great pity '. that he could not keep the secret of his vast genius and exquisite taste entirely to himself. How many works of pretending duUness and pompous insipidity might we have escaped, had he not met with his copyists in Foulston and others, who have covered the land with their soi-disant classical structures, with their mockerv of Grecian porticos stuck on to buildings that in every other respect"are of the most John Uuhish physiognomy. Most strange it is that with all its rigid punctilio, its servile and superstitious reve- rence for classical models and precedents, the followers of this school 2 M 2 248 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [August, make no scruple whatever of entirely falsifying the character of Grecian architecture, of running counter to all its principles, and ex- punging from it all its charm and all its sentiment — all that gives it effect, and all that renders it imposing and impressive. II. To this most unfortunate school the study of Grecian archi- tecture has most assuredly not proved the torch of Prometheus. Insteatl of kindling them by its flame, it has only smothered them in its smoke, or its smoke has served to blind the eyes of other people. Some of them may have anatomized Grecian architecture, may have cut up its carcase, and descanted upon the separate limbs and members with tolerable ability ; but hardly ever have they been able to tack them together again, except in the most clumsy manner, and then it has still been but a carcase, from which the spirit that once gave it life and grace has fled, and which they are unable to revive by breath- ing into it a newer spirit, an operation not to be accomplished by a pair of bellows — not even by a patent Vitruvian one. III. In the efficacy of Vitruvian bellows, however, the Institute of British Architects have, it seems, very great faith, since they have thought it worth while to collect an assortment of them. Surely the Institute must either have a good deal of cash to fling away, or have been bitten with a strange curiosity mania, or it would never encumber its bookshelves with such " venerable lumber" as the different editions of Vitruvius, not one of which, probably, either has or ever will be opened, except to look at its title-page and date. One would imagine that the library must be most abundantly stocked with other archi- tural works of every kind, because until it was so furnished, a single copy of Vitruvius might be deemed sufficient ; more especially as Vitruvius is not so very scarce an author but that a copy of his work may be obtained any day, or even picked up at almost any book-stall. Yet the Institute \\l\l have plenty of Vitruvius ; it will also have nothing else — or, at any rate, very little more than Vitruvius. Cer- tainly the gaps and hiatuses in its library are many and startling. It does not contain even a set of Wiebeking's works ! In fact, to mention what it does not contain would be to make out a list, a bulky catalogue rather, of nearly all the choicest and most valuable architectural pub- lications which have appeared on the continent for the last hundred years, and not a few English ones besides : in short, precisely that class of works which are not likely to be possessed by private individuals — at least, only a very few of them — and to which, therefore, it is all the more desirable and requisite that there should be access in the library of that body which represents the architectural profession. IV. Arthur Parsey, who is labouring hard to mislead the public, has lately been again advertising, and otherwise doing all that he can to attract notice to his "New Science," for which he has just received a tolerably hearty lashing in the Atlas, and has there been called, in very plain terms, an impiident charlatan and quack. It certainly does require more than ordinary mortal impudence to refer, as he has done, to some of the publications which have exposed the utter absurdity of his " Sciertce," and its worse than uselessness in practice — or rather its actual impracticability, without even attempting to gainsay any one of the objections brought against it, or to point out the miscon- ceptions and prejudices, if such they be, of his opponents. And although those who have contradicted him with their pens are comparatively few, all the world — at least all the world of artists, are decidedly opposed to him, not even a single individual having adopted the Parseyan Principles of Perspective, notwithstanding that six years or more have elapsed since they were first broached. We all know that prejudice has frequently caused great oppo- sition and mistrust at first, in the case of many inventions and discoveries, that have since been universally adopted. Yet if Mr. Parsey lays " the flattering unction to his soul," that such is the case with regard to his own, he dupes himself far more than he does anybody else. The matter is one which admits of no dispute, for if his " converging perpendiculars " really do produce a more faithful and therefore natural representation of objects, the great im- provement attending such system would be as manifest at the very first as at last, because it would, in fact, be self-evident. It is idle to say that artists would still be prejudiced against it, if only because con- trary to their former practice, too inveterately confirmed to be all at once laid aside. Their refusing to make use of the "New Knowledge" could not prevent its spreading elsewhere; their refusing to open their own eyes to the Parseyan " new light " could not hinder the rest of the world from opening theirs and being illuminated by if. If the painters — some of whom seem scarcely to pay any attention at all to perspective — did not care to avail themselves of Parsey's grand dis- covery, at all events the architects would hardly have failed to do so ; and scene-painters would long ere this have certainly turned it to account, and have astonished and delighted the public by such very improved and natural mode of representation, more especially for their bravura architectural vistas and compositions. However, to give Parsey his due, he possesses both bronze and nerve in a most extra- ordinary degree ; while every body else who understands any thing of perspective laughs at it, he himself stands up undauntedly and be- praises it in his own " lectures " with such rodomontade flourishes as the following (copied from one of them) : — " Hail, then, the accom- plishment as a British achievement, and let our native talent first reap the advantages of an improved practice." Pity that talent — -native and foreign alike — turns its back on Parsey, and refuses to benefit by the advantages he so liberally holds to them. V. There is, no doubt, some very deep and mysterious meaning in what must strike ordinary eyes as very ridiculous, namely the half white-washed and half tawny face of the building on the West side of Trafalgar Square. Is that "Union" intended as a satire upon Unions generally — both political and matrimonial? The structure certainly looks very much as if spliced together by a modern match-maker — a fashionable specimen of the compound creature termed iVIan and Wife. After all, the greater probability is, that there was neither satire nor joke in the matter, but that the odd diversity of complexion in the build- ing arises from the " Club " contenting themselves with compo for their portion of it, while the " College " would have theirs of stone. Why, then, some inquisitive folks may ask, did not the architect proceed accordingly, and make the two buildings two distinct designs, instead of passing them oft' for a single one dressed in a motley suit ? — A puz- zling question! to which the most likely answer that can be given, is, that he thought it good economy to make one design serve for both, and to kill two birds with one stone. VI. The world has had didactic poems upon almost every subject. The " Art of Cookery" has found poets to chaunt its praises and its precepts, as well as the "Art of Poetry" itself; but I do not believe that any poem upon architecture exists in any language ; at least I have been unable to discover even the title of such production. And yet, methinks, the subject is one of which very much might be made in poetry. What visions of gorgeous splendour does even the very name of the Alhambra conjure up 1 How awful, sublime, the eternal cavern fanes of India, and the massive and many-pillared structures of Egypt. Persepolis, Palmyra, Baalbec, Ionia, Greece, the Roman and the Goth, all throng around the bard, and court his strain ! But come, this is sheer rhapsody and frenzy, easily abated, however, by a dose of — Sniirke. .So far from being inclined to patronize poems on the art of architecture, many architects seem never. to have read that of Horace on the Art of Poetry, from the first lines at least of which they might, mulalis mutandis, learn something, as haply the following paraphrase may show : — Should some odd painter lovely Venus dra«- In judge's w ig and grave costume of law ; Or deck some legal sage in C'ashnieie shawl, And feathered bonnet, how you'd stare and srjuall ! You'd think him mad ; and fair ones cry, " Oil dear, How droll ! how monstrous ! how absurd ! bow queer !" You'd laugh ; yet m by ? — not more absurd such dress Than many a '-classic" architectural mess. Where nought agrees — no part another matches, But all's made up of motley shreds and patches; A daw in feathers — peacock here, there goose ; ■' Splendid but neat," magnllicent yet spruce ; And pert as spruce— more paltry than refined, "With front all foppery, and all rags behind. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 249 Poets and painters may invent, we grant. So, too, were their invention not so scant, May architects ; yet not play such queer triclis, As tacli Greek columns to a box of bricks ; With Parthenon for moiiel, build what looks As if just sent home from the pastry-cook's ; Crowd Roman porticos with London sashes, Or show such dogsrel taste as was great Nash's. LITHOCROMY. Report of the Commillee appointed to examine the Elgin marbles, in order to ascertain rchether a7ry evidences remain as to the employment of Colour in the decoration of the Architecture or Sculpture. Read bij W. R. HANnLTON, Esq., Honorary Fdlon; at the closing ordinary JWetting of the Session 1S36-7, held Monday, 2ith July, IsS". (From the Transactions of the Royal Inst, of Bnt. Architects.) Committee appointed by resolution passed at the ordinary meeting held Monday, the 5th December, 1S3G, to examine the Elgin marbles in the British Museum, in order to ascertain whether any evidences remain as to the employment of colour in the decoration of the archi- tecture or sculpture, and to report the result of their examination. The Committee to consist of \V. R. Hamilton, Esq. Foreign Sec. Roy. See. of Literature ; R. Westmacott, Esq., R. A. ; C. L. Eastlake, Esq., R. A. ; C. R. Cockerell, Esq. R. A., Hon. Fellow ; Dr. M. Fara- day, F. R. S., Hon. Member ; and Messrs. Angell, Donaldson, and Scoles, Fellows. Elgin Room, British Museum. — At a meeting held on Tuesday, the 13th of December, 183G ; present, R. Westmacott, Esq , R. A. ; C. Eastlake, Esq. R.A; Dr. Faraday; Messrs. Angell, Donaldson, and Scoles ; as also Messrs. Forshall and Hawkins, officers of the Museum ; T. L. Donaldson stated that Messrs. Hamilton anil Cockerell, being at Cambridge, had written to say they could not attend. The attention of the Committee was first directed to fragments Nos. 127 to 130 inclusive, in black, being Nos. 252 to 255 red, portions of the Ionic antas capital and continuous mouldings of the hexastyle portico of the Erectheum. The object was to ascertain whether the inequalities of the surface of certain portions of the plain faces arose from a coating of some substance originally placed upon the surface of the marble, for the purpose of receiving the colour or paint, or ■whether it resulted from the action of the weather. It appeared, upon examination by a powerful glass, that the raised portions, which remained in some parts, and which had a deeper ochrish tone than the rest of the marble, was the original surface highly polished, and that the general surface of the marble had been pretty equally worn away to the depth of about ^'- part of an inch by corrosion. The ochrish tint also seemed the result of the weather, as upon examining portions of this and other blocks of marble which were broken, the fractured surface presented in some parts a like colour, produced evidently by the action of the weather, or other accidental circumstances, such as contact with the earth, &:c. The committee then proceeded to examine the fragment marked No. 154 in black, and No. 260 in red ; No. 2G0 being a portion of one of the beams of the propylea of the Acropolis at Athens. The fascia presented evident marks of coloured meandering ornament, and upon washing the surface the outlines of the meander were found to be marked or indented with a sharp tool. The whiter part has the sur- face polished, but the surface of the darker portion is rough. The committee could not decide whether the darker tone resulted from the stain produced by the atmosphere, or rather the dust and dirt of the air, which would adhere more to the rougher surface of the marble, or whether it arose from the original application of paint or colour ; but the presumption is in favour of the atmosphere or dirt, as the dirt or colour readily washed off with a sponge. The committee were unable to decide whether the parts now smooth and rough were originally in that state, or whether the part now rough has become so in consequence of the action of the atmo- sphere upon it, the sniooth part having been protected from that action by gilding or colour. No. 308 in black, now 131 in red, at the north, end of the Elgin room, and upon which the capital from the propylea of the Acropolis of Athens is placed, is a larger fragment of the same part of the pro- pylea as No. 2G0, and the ogee bed moulding is preserved entire, with the leaves distinctly apparent on the surface. Upon being moistened with a sponge, it was evident that the outlines of the ornamental leaves and stems were engraved with a too!,* and that the darker parts of the ornaments were rough on the surface. Sarti the modeller being present, who has been employed for many years by the trustees of the British Museum, being now engaged in taking moulds of the whole series of the Elgin Marbles belonging to the Parthenon, stated to the committee that he had never been able to discover traces of paint or artificial colour on any of the figures of the bas-reliefs, metopes, or sculptures of the pediments, although his attention having been originally drawn to the subject, he had carefully- examined every portion of the surface of each figure, for the purpose of ascertaining whether any traces or signs of colour were to be found. He stated also that the whole surface of the marbles had been twice washed over with soap leys, subsequently to their having been moulded on former occasions, as that or some strong acid is necessary for the purpose of removing the soap which is originally put on the surface in order to detach the plaster of the mould. Dr. Faraday was of opinion that this circumstance was of itself sufficient to have removed every vestige of colour, which might have existed originally on the surface of the m.arble. The committee then proceeded to examine two Athenian tiles in Room VI. of the Townley Collection, their attention being directed to them by Mr. Hawkins. They are of terra cotta, covered with a thin coating of fine stucco, the surface of which is decorated with the meandre, and honeysuckle, and lotus-leaved ornament. The surface being moistened with a wet sponge, three ditierent colours were perceptible, a white (or tone of the ground or plaster), green of a darkish untransparent tone, and 'a deep red in small portions, of unfrequent recurrence in the pattern or composition. It occurred to the committee that where these architectural enrich- ments were employed in large quantities, it is probable that the mode of forming them might have been similar to that adopted by decorators at the present day, known by the term stencilling. The fragment in question was hardly of sufficient length to enable the committee to decide whether this method was adopted, or whether the enrichment was done by hand. \st Jane, 1S37. — At a meeting of the committee held in the Elgin room of the British Museum, present, Messrs. Hittorf,Hamilton, West- macott, Angell, and Donaldson, the minutes of the previous meeting were read, as also the following letter: — Atherstone Hall, April 17, 1837. " Mr. Bracebridge is happy to forward a memorandum of patterns and colours from the Erectheum ; they are drawn from the northern portico of that conjoint temple of Minerva Polias, Pandrosus, and Erectheus, so well known in the Acropolis. This side of the temple, being so well sheltered from the sea breeze, has presented its sculp- tured ornaments as fresh and sharp as if lately finished ; and the columns of this portico being fluted with capitals elaborately worked and well sheltered, have retained remains of colour. At the top of the flutings especially, a thin coat of slate-coloured paint is visible, at other points yellow and red color may be traced ; but the remaining pieces are so small, and the colours so much faded, as to leave the subject in dispute ; this being alone certain, that there was colour once carefully applied (at all events to the intaglio parts of the relief " Mij»ht not this mode of engravinjj; the outline have been for the purpose of prevemirig the colour from spreading beycnd the pattern, as well as for giving a bliarp and distinct outline to the ornament V 250 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [August, or concave parts of the capitals, &c.), and that this colour was of various shades; the protuberant part of the work retains no colour. The probability that blue, red, and yellow were used is very strong. Some portions of paint might be chipped otf and subjected to analysis, ■which would determine what there is, in truth, but little or no doubt of. "Mr. Bracebridge has not examined the capital in the temple of Theseus, said to bear marks of paint, but he believes much the same could be said of it as above of the Erectheum. " In the winter of 1S35-6, as Mr. B. has stated in his letter to Mr. Wordsworth, printed at the end of ' Athens and Attica,' an excavation was made to the depth of 25 feet at the south-east angle of the Par- thenon; here remains were found of huge blocks of marble fresh from the quarries, chippings, &c. ; and below these, fragments of vessels, pottery, and burnt wood. No one who saw these could doubt that a level was dug down to below that where the workmen of the Partlie- non had thrown their refuse marble, in fact the level of the old Heca- tompedon, of which possibly the burnt wood may have been the re- mains. Hire were found many pieces of marbles, and among these fragments parts of triglyphs, of fluted columns, and of statues, par- ticularly a female head (the hair in nearly the costume of the present dayj. These three last mentioned fragments were painted with the brightest red, blue, and yellow, or rather Vermillion, ultramarine, and straw colour, which last may have faded in the earth. "These curious specimens are carefully preserved in the Acropolis, but much fear is entertained of their retaining the brightness of their highly contrasted colours for any length of time. The colours are laid on in thick coats. The female face had the eyes and eyebrows painted. When we consider the brilliancy of Pentelic marble when fresh worked, tliere appears a reason for using colours beyond that of imitating the usages of Attica in more ancient temples, namely, that the minutiae of the work in many parts would have been lost to the eye amidst the general brilliancy." Mr. Donaldson informed the committee, that having in his posses- sion various portions of coatings taken by him from several buildings at Athens, he had forwarded them to Dr. Faraday, Hon. Member, with the request that he would be pleased to furnish the committee with his opinion upon the composition of such portions of coatings; to which he had received the following reply. '^ Royal iMtitution, 21s/ April, 1837. "My DEAR Sir — I return you the box, with the remains of the samples. "A. Portion of coating taken from the antae of the Propyleum. The blue produced by carbonate of copper : wax being mingled with colour. " B. Portion of coating taken from the soffits of the mututes of the Theseus. The blue is a frit or vitreous substrance coloured by copper. Wax is present here. " C. Portion of coating taken from the columns of the Theseum. I am doubtful about this surface. I do not find wax or a mineral colour, unless it be one due to a small portion of iron. A fragrant gum appears to be present in some pieces, and a combustible sub- stance in all. Perhaps some vegetable substance has been used. " D. Portions of coatings from the caissons or lacunaria of the Theseum. The blue is a copper frit or glass, with wax. " E. Portions of coating from the northern wing of the propylea. The colour, a carbonate of copper. Wax is present. " F. Ditto, ditto (north wing propyleaj, as E. "I also return you the drawing and the letter. " Ever truly yours, " T. L. Donaldson, Esq. &c. (Signed) " M. Faraday." In order to ascertain whether a portion of the surface of the statues of the Fates, which presented an ochrous tint and a more glossy sur- face than the other parts, was due to some foreign matter artificially applied to the surface, some parts were peeled otF easily from the back of one of the figures on the application of a penknife. These were also submitted to Dr. Faraday, who reported as follows. " Ruyal Inslitulion, 8th Jane, 1S37. " My dear Sir — The particles you sent me seem to have come from a prepared surface. Being put into a dilute acid, a portion of ad- hering matter is dissolved, and the principal portion is left in an un- touched and cleaner state. Being then washed and dried, it is found that this consists of carbonate of lime and a combustible substance which protects the carbonate from the acid. This combustible sub- stance when heated is destroyed, leaving charcoal, and then acid can attack the calcareous matter. The combustible substance may per- haps contain wax, but it does not present undeniable traces of that body. It is in small quantity as compared with the wax present in Mr. Donaldson's specimens. There is no mineral colour present in the particles, except it may be a small portion of iron colour, and that I rather judge to be accidental. Whether or no any animal or vege- table colour had been used is more than I can say. " I am, dear Sir, "Very truly yours, " W. R. Hamilton, Esq. &c. (Signed) M. Faraday." The secretary also submitted to the committee various portions of glass eyes, which he had taken from the torus between the volutes of the Ionic columns of the tetrastyle portico of the Triple Temple in the Acropolis of Athens. They are of four various colours. On this occasion also M. HittorlT, having a series of drawings of his restoration of the Temple of Empedocles at Selinus, restored by him and coloured in its several parts according to his opinion of the poly- chromatic system as applied to architecture, favoured the committee with a full explanation of the grounds upon which he had applied colour to the various parts of the edifice. The committee then proceeded to examine the several marbles alluded to in the first report, and were satisfied with the accuracy of the former observations of the committee. Upon a consideration of all the facts contained in the preceding minutes, it appears to the committee, that there remain no indications whatever of colour artificially applied upon the surface of the statues and bas reliefs, that is, upon the historical sculpture. That, according to Dr. Faraday's opinion, those portions of the marble which from the tone and surface might be supposed to be the result of colour applied thereon, are the original surface of the marble stained by the atmo- sphere, the presence of iron in the marble, or by some such natural cause. That some of the architectural fragments present indisputable traces of tone indicative of regular architectural ornaments, and that the outlines of such ornaments are distinctly traceable, being marked with a sharp instrument upon the surface of the marble. The committee cannot positively state, from the appearance of the marble, that such tones have been produced by colour, as they think that none of the colour itself remains, but that the indication of tone results from mere variation of surface. Judging, however, from the information contained in Mr. Bracebridge's communication, there appears no reason to doubt that colour has been applied. This is confirmed by the por- tions of coatings brought from Athens by Mr. Donaldson and analyzed bv Dr. Faraday, who has detected frit or vitreous substance and carbonate of copper mixed with wax and a fragrant gum. This analysis proves that the surface of the marble of the shafts of the columns of the Theseum, and other parts of the edifices from which these speci- mens were taken, were covered with a coloured coating. The glass eyes also of the Ionic capitals of the tetrastyle portico in the Acropolis at Athens prove, that various materials were employed by the Athe- nians in the decoration of the exterior of their marble buildings. But although the statues and bas reliefs of the Parthenon, at least those portions of them preserved in the Elgin collection, do not alFord any evidence of the use of colour, yet there is a constant repetition of small circular holes in the horses' heads and manes, and in one hand of each rider, showing that there had been originally bridles and straps to the horses, either of metal, leather, or some other similar substance. Similar holes are perceptible in the statue No. 94 (in red) of Proserpine, one of the two female figures of the eastern tympanum of the Parthenon, called also the Seasons or Hours ; they are in the 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 251 arm just above the wrist, apparently for the purpose of attaching bracelets, and in the shoulders at tlie junction of the drapery, as though a metal rosette had been affixed there. On the neck of one of the Fates No. 97 (in red) are also two noles, which seem to have been for a necklace. In the back of the torso of Victory No. 9G (in red) are large holes, iu which it is supposed bronze wings were fas- tened. No. 101 (in red) is a fragment of the upper part of the head * of Minerva ; the sockets of the eyes are hollow, and were evidently filled with metal or with coloured stones, and holes remain in the upper part of the head, atfording the presumption that there was originally a bronze helmet attached to the marble. The angles of the ^gis of No. 102 (in red), which is a fragment of the statue of Mi- nerva, one of the principal iigures of the western pediment, are drilled with holes, by which the metallic serpents were attached, and in the centre a head of the Gorgon. Thomas L. Donaldson, Hon. Sec. THE ARCH IN ARCHITECTURE, ITS ORIGIN, FORMS, AND PROPORTIONS. The oblique arch having so prominently occupied the pages of the Joiinial, there being ten papers on that subject, and only one on the arch itself, by Mr. Frederick East, Vol. 2, page .354, has induced me to offer a few observations. Mr. East states, on the authority of Livy, Virgil, Herodotus, Ktesias, and Strabo, that, probably, the arch was instrumental in the construction of the hanging gardens of Babylon, built B.C. 1200; but that certainly the arch was known in Assyria, as also in Lydia, which latter country was subdued by the Babylonians about the period above mentioned ; and with respect to the Roman works of the " Avaca maxima," said to be commenced by Tarquinius Priscus, and finished by his grandson Tarquinius Superbus, "th King of Rome, Ferguson in his Roman Republic, hints that they may be the relics of some city previous to the erection of Rome. From these authorities there can be little doubt but that the arch was in familiar use at an early period, but unknown in Greece till within a century of the Christian era. Tliis subject engaged my attention several years ago at a very early age, in consequence of the prominence given to the five orders over the arch, which, in my humble opinion, was worthy of a more promi- nent place ; the only works known to me at that time solely devoted to it, being, a treatise published in 1772, by Dr. Charles Mutton, and Attwood on the constiuction and properties of arches; since that the following authors have come to my knowledge :—Semple, Telford^ Ware, Sraeaton, Milne ; and of foreigners, French — Perronnet, Gau- thier, Borsland, Bruyere, and Belidor; and of Italians — Alberti, Pal- ladio, and Serlio. First let us consider what an arcli is ; the term is derived from the Latin arcus, a bow, and has been defined to be a concave structure raised upon a mould called the centreing, in the foim of the arc of a curve, serving as the inward support of some superstructure; also as part of a circle less than a semicircle ; as a hollow building raised upon a mould in the form of a semicircle ; as a contracted vault ; and as an artful disposition of stones generally in a bow-like form, by which the weight produces a mutual pressure and abutment, so that they not only support each other and perform the office of an entire lintel, but may be extended to a great width, and made to carry the most enormous weights. There being no word in the Greek language meaning an arch, it is inferred that the object was unknown, altliough it has been said that the pediment of the Greeks suggested the arch, and it has been found in the Temple of the Sun, at Athens, and of Apollo at Dydamus, concealed in the walls, covering the necessary openings, perhaps similar to discharging arches as now used by the moderns. In sacred history the arch is * This fragment alone may perhaps be considered as an exception to the previous siatement, that no evidei ces of colour existed <n the ppl cation of brick to a span for which, a few years ago - ^t-e^av e granite was considered competent, augurs favourably or the use ot f ct?of brick to an extent never before contempU^ted, e^pec^l y ^vhere hieh banks offer the additional inducement to try the ettect, he being then no approaches to make. The Maidenhead Bridg s turned ^in half-brick rings in cement, 5 ft. 3 in. in depth at the IS vmnea m^ 6 sorineine; the two main arches are S:;".i'l£S ^a^ wUhTri^ % of 24ft.3in.; the land arch re 21 ft. and Is ft. span, there being six of the latter on one side and two of the former on the other. The immense mass of - ft. iHepth of brick in the arch is, in my opinion, the true source of ''The-proper position of the joint in complex figures, such as the ellipse, parabola, and cycloid, is a good exercise in geometry; the posUion of the joint should be perpendicular to a tangent at that point, n confident that arches of stone might 1^^ ^^^'-^^'f^^'^^^f their present extent as regards span; there would be no danger o compression of the materials, as the cohesive power per square i h of granite, sandstone, and Bath stone, are respectively 2bUU. 8Jb, and 755 lbs, the weight per cubic foot of each material being 1/3, 144, and 92 lbs. Q ^_ Newcastk'upon- Tyne. The following works have been consulted :-The C. E. & A. Journal; Elmes on Architecture; Woodward on the Wisdom of the Egyptians; Sir James Hall's Origin of Gothic Architecture; !^tuart ^ f'^^^^ Athens, and Stuart's Dictionary ; Papers by Stukely, Gunn, and b.r H. Wotton, in the London Archsologia. NOTES ON STEAM NAVIGATION. [AususT, Holding down bolls.— Those which go through the bottom of the ship, if of iron, are verv quickly eaten away. It is a usual and bene- ficial practice to tin them before they are inserted, but even in this case thev do not last very long; the tinning is probably in most cases iniured in driving the bolt : zincing would be better. When the vessel has much rise of floor, and the keelsons are consequently very deep, and the bolts therefore very long, it is often very inconvenient to get the bolts introduced at all, especially if the vessel draw much water ; for the blocks upon which the vessel has to be placed in the dock require to be very high, and when high there are few docks in which there is a sufficient rise of water to enable the vessel to surmount them It has, therefore, been found expedient in some cases to make the holding-down bolts with a nut at each end, and to reeve them from above ■ but in such cases it is almost indispensable that the bolts should be of copper or Muntz' metal. If of iron the threads of the screw would be soon worn away, or the nut would get so fixed by corrosion that it would be very difficult to get the bolts out when they required to be renewed. Holding-down bolts of the common descrip- tion last from three to five vears, but if made of copper or Muntz' metal, they will last as long as the ship. Those holding-down bolts which go through the keelson merely with a notch cut upon the under side of the keelson for the reception of the nut, waste away more quickly than those which go through the ship's bottom. As a general practice the best plan is to make twelve bolts go through the bottom in each engine, four at the crank framing, four at the cylinder, and four at the main centre ; and these bolts should be of copper or Muntz' metal, with screws at both ends. The rest of the holding-down bolts should be of iron, and should not go through the keelsons, but be screwed into them, as wood screws, by means of a square neck, and be furnished with a screw and nut above. It is of course necessary that the threads of the bolts screwed into the wood should be wood screw threads, and the bolts themselves should have considerable taper. Expansion Faim.— Slide expansion valves are, in our opinion, the best, yet they are very little used; probably from the difficulty of obtaining a good combination for altering the degree of expansion ; yet such a combination is, we conceive, attainable enough, and there are already several exquisite contrivances of Mr. James Whitelaw's which go far towards the removal of the difficulty. Of the double- beat description of expansion valves, that description is extremely objectionable which has two discs of brass upon one spindle, fitting into the upper and lower valve seats, situated in an upright pipe. Such valves can never be tight except by accident:— if tight when cold, they cannot be tight when hot, for the spindle being surrounded with steam, will expand more than the pipe in which the seats are situated, which has steam only on one side, and which is, moreover, generally of cast iron, the spindle being of brass. The double-beat Cornish valve is the only species of double-beat valve that should ever be employed. Messrs. Fawcett, of Liverpool, have, in some cases, applied a single-beat valve for expansion, with perfect success. It would, of course, be extremely difficult to open this kind of valve, but for the combination of levers, or rather the principle of the com- bination, used in Mr. Watt's original valve gearing; but Messrs. Fawcett have greatly simplified that arrangement, the proper action being produced by means of a single crank. Heat.— It cannot be doubted that combustion would be rendered much more perfect in steam engine furnaces if the incandescent fuel, instead of being surrounded with water, which, by a rapid absorption of heat, depresses the temperature of the fire, were surrounded by some substance which would prevent the heat from being abstracted by conduction, therebv rendering the heat of the fire the greatest possible under the existing conditions. But it becomes a question •.vhether if by lining the furnaces with fire brick, and thereby pre- venting the heat from being carried immediately from the furnace into the water, the same amount of beneficial effect would be obtained as by the present practice ; and this question resolves itself into the stiU'more abstruse one whether heat is a material substance or a mere property of matter. If heat be a material substance, whatever heat is not given out in the furnace will be given out in the flues, supposing the temperature of the chimney to be uniform ; but if it consist m mere vibration, either in the particles of bodies or any etherial fluid pervading them, we may suppose the possibility of those vibrations 'o counteracting one another as to subside or cease without the pro- duction of any adequate effect upon material substances. Sound, it is well known, consists in the vibration of the air; and it is further known that two sounds may conspire to counteract each other's effects, and actually produce silence. Two rays of light, in like manner, may be so managed as to produce darkness; and mny we not, in like man- ner, imagine the possibility of two rays of heat producing absolute cold ' It is not impossible that in all furnaces such neutralization may take place, in a greater or less degree ; and it is not at all consequen- tial that bv making the combustion more perfect in the manner we have indicated, a greater available heat will be produced. The subject is indeed involved in much uncertainty : it is a very important subject, and we beg leave to recommend its investigation to those who have time and opportunity for experimental researches. Engine Frames.— ^Ve think the adoption of the Grecian or Gothic orders of architecture in the cast iron work of steam engines, is an evidence of bad taste ; but the rejection of every species of embellish- ment is worse still, being indicative of the want of taste altogether. The beauty of a piece of machinery is, in our eyes, a point of no tritling moment; a handsome engine will always be better taken care of and 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 253 more cleauly kept than one not so distinguished; it will realize a higher jirice if sold, and need cost little if anything more in the first production. We would not, it is true, sacrifice any useful quality to embellishment, nor would we purchase beauty at any great expense ; but we think it extremely desirable that the patterns for the cast iron work of machinery should be so made that, whilst securing the most attainable degree of fitness, tmy will, without any great additional trouble, confer the additional quality of beauty. We know that there are those who maintain that beauty consists altogether in fitness, and that that object is the most beautiful which possesses every physical property necessary for its intended uses, and nothing more ; but this is so preposterous and puerile a heresy that it scarcely merits confuta- tion. A Corinthian column would be quite as fit for supporting its superincumbent weight, if reduced to a mere cylinder of stone ; but would it then be as beautiful? The dusky plumage of the sparrow forms as eflicient a defence against the weather's inclemencies as the metallic splendour of the humming-bird, and the lumiblest productions of our looms as effectual habiliments as the gorgeous fabrics of Da- mascus, or the choicest productions of Cashmere. Fitness is indeed in most things one of the must conspicuous constituents of beauty, but it is one only of a great number, and not always the one which most prominently interests us ; and although there are men of such cold imaginations and lethargic sensibilities as to disenable them to per- ceive beauty in objects except in the ratio of their fitness for a specific purpose, yet such men are only exceptions to the order of nature, and are as surely of a defective constitution as those who are unable to relish the delights of harmony in consequence of the want of a musical ear. The pleasure we derive from the contemplation of the works of Nature is not in many cases due to any sense of fitness. The spectacle of a mountain landscape does not awaken the sentiment of beauty from anv specific configuration of the cliffs, or any distribution of the rocks and rivers connected with ideas of fitness, but by virtue of the sympathy with sentient beings associated with the perception of those objects, and which appeals not to the judgment but to the imagination and the heart. The rugged mountain vk'hich starts abruptly from the vale — the eternal snows which crown its summit, and pour Irom their bosom innumerable cascades, and the giant fragments, grey with age, that are strewn about its base — fathomless and impassable ravines, through which the waters foam and wrestle, like an angry and impri- soned maniac — clifis overhanging and inaccessible, where the eagle reigns in solitary majesty — and echoes which repeat the roar of the cataract and the sighs of the rising tempest — these are all admitted to be beautiful, but it is sympathy alone to which their beauty is attribu- table, and which gives them life and interest. Without it the sub- limest landscape would no more affect us than any casual assortment of colours on a painter's palette. The ruling appetite of human nature is love of sensation, and nothing is capable of making us feel deeply but the fortunes, past, future, or possible, of man, or at least of some sentient being. Objects do not possess any property in tlicmselvcs capable of exciting the sentiment of beauty, but interest us only by their capability of reflect- ing emutions associated with them ; and that man will relish beauty most strongly and perceive it most readily, whose imagination is most lively and whose social aftections are the most fully developed. The beauty of material objects being merely the reflection of emotions pre-existing in the mind, no beauty will be perceived where tliose emotions do not exist ; and those emotions are so nearly akin to benevolence, that a iove of beauty is justly held to be symptomatic of an excellent heart, and those whose taste is inanimate or perverted, are, not without reason, suspected to be persons of a low morality, especially in its finer gradations. Good and sensible men cannot regard the quality of beauty as unimportant to any object, and will advocate its creation in all cases where great expense would not be the consequence ; and in the frames of steam engines where it may be attained so easily, we think there are few who will advocate its rejection. There is a species of decoration answerable to steam engine frames, or rather an infinitude of kinds, which would confer a high degree of beauty, not by the use of any of the existing archi- tectural orders, which will create associations which must end in disappointment, hut a species of embellishment proper to this specific purpose, and such as to be susceptible of adaptation to all the shapes which science indicates as the fittest for resisting the strains to which the framing is subjected. ON PAINTING TIMBER. We extract the following observations on painting timber when exposed to damp, by Mr. Lander, from the Professional Papers of the Roval Engineers. " I beg leave to lay before you a few observations which I have made on the construction and causes of decay in bridges, on the works at Devonport, having been employed on the erection of the bridge at the north-west barrier in the years Is! 12 and IS 13, and also on a large repair in 1S37 ; and I am now employed on a similar repair at the north-east barrier bridge, which, I think, was built in 1>1G, which has induced me to make the following remarks : — " 1st. These bridges were paved with Guernsey pebbles, which, I think, was one cause of decay, as the wet constantly dripped through the joints; an evil which may be avoided by macadamizing, by which such a compact body is formed that the wet cannot get through, and the joists and girders, &c., are thereby kept perfectly dry, besides the advantage of the vibration being very much reduced, as is the case now at the north-west barrier. •2nd. The whole of the wood-work below, as well as the under side of the flooring, was frequently payed over with coal tar, which, form- ing a thick bodv on the surface, was another, if not the greater cause of decay, as it completely prevented the air from acting on the wood, thereby keeping all moisture within, which of itself is suflicient to decay it. It must be observed that the plank or flooring was so rotten, th >t in many places it would not bear the weight of the men to work on it, and many of the joists and girders broke into two or three pieces in removing them : some of them were found to be quite dry, and in a similar state to snuff. 3rd. As a further proof of the bad effects of paying and paving bridges, I may state that the bridge at the south-east barrier across the old works leading to Stonehouse, the girders, joists, &c. of which have never been payed or painted, and the road above always mac- adamized, remains sound and good at this time ; and I know this to be a much older bridge than either of the former. 4th. I should state that the timber alluded to above is oak, but I think the same observations will apply to other timber, and in other situations, such as fences; for many posts and rails of the stockade fence here have frequently been found decayed, while in other and older fences, although much worn by time, yet not having been payed or painted, the fibre of the wood remains in a healthy state. 51h. I am also of opinion that skirting to walls, anil linings to store- houses and other buildings, if not painted, would last much longer, as the damp from behind would then be allowed to evaporate by the action of the external air. PROFESSIONAL BEQUEST. Siu — The following information deserves to . be more generally known to the public, and particularly to the profession, than I believe it to be ; and no way occurs to me more likely to attain that desirable end than the notice of it in your journal, w hich, as it is especially dedicated to whatever concerns architecture and surveying and their professors, is a very suitable medium for giving it publicity. By the will of Mr. (ieorge Jernegan, o"f Hatton Garden, himself in the profession, dated the 2Sth November, 1812, and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in IS Hi, the following bequest, iitler aha, is njade. viz., after stating "Ten pounds per annum in perpetuity I present to my two executors, viz., Jl. each, for their attendance and trouble, in seeing to the final adjustment of these concerns," the will proceeds "the residue and remainder of interest in the 3 per cent. Reduced Annuities, I wish to go towards the support and comfort of some worthy character bred a surveyor and architect, and in aid of any charity for such a purpose, and this annuity in perpetuity." By the details stated in the will, it would appear the amount of the rotect it from the ravages of worms. Also the greater durability of the structure, as a whole, in consequence of the greater permanency in the perfect combination of its several parts, arising from the fiistenings being of the same texture as the portions of materials brought into connexion. The metallic fastenings to a timber-built vessel act, it must be remembered, not only chemically, but also mechanically, to accelerate her destruction so soon as the close connexion of the several parts is at all diminished." A wood ve.ssel is compared by Mr. Grantham to an arch, being made up of a great number of parts of various forms and sizes, placed in diff'erent directions, and being dependent on each other for support. If one becomes loose, the whole structure is more or less endangered. In consequence, a most elaborate system of bracing bv iron straps, knees, and bolls with nuts, is now pursued. The bolts do not accord with the materials they fasten together, and the wood is so soft that when a severe strain arises, a general yielding takes place, by the boltheads sinking into it, and the wood itself 5;iving wav to the pres- sure it receives from the neighbouring parts. In the iron vessel, on the other hand, the outer shell of the vessel is composed of a series of plates so rivetted together that its strength is nearly equal to that it would be if formed of one plate. The consequent strength of iron vessels needs little to be said in proof. On the canals the iron boats are put to the severest service, as carrying iron stone, pig iron, and refined iron from the blast furnaces. Mr. Grantham refer; to many instances of vessels getting aground and on rocks without injurv, and several cases of their being left resting on one or two points of support, without any strain to the framing. A large casting, weigliing four tons, is mentioned as having fallen into the hold of the Princess Royal, Glasgow iron steamer, in consequence of the tackle having given way, but without damage to the vessel. Greater capacity for stowage is one of the grand points on which iron shipping claims superiority. Mr. Grantham treats it thus: — "The shell of a timber-built vessel is so much thicker than that of an iron vessel, that, with the same outside dimension^, the l.itter is frequently IS inches wider and 12 inches deeper in the hold than the former. Taking the most^^avourable part of a vessel — n imely, in the centre of the length — in a vessel of 20U tons, the proportion in favour of the iron vessel will be as 5 to G; but in the ends, which are drawn finely off", the disparity is much increased, m.ikiiig the proportion of the whole contents about as 5 to 4. Supposing, therefore, that a vessel built of timber could stow 200 tons, she would, if ni.ide of iron, • have room for 2o0 tons. The total capacities of the largest vessels will probably not approximate nearer than as 5 to 6; tnakii.g the iron ship of GOUtons not to exceed in outward dimensions the timber one of 500 tons. The advantage of this is very great, and enables an iron ' Vide Mr. Fairbairn on the Strength of Iron, with respect tcS .ip-buikling, in our third Vol., p. 388. 2 N 2 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 256 vessel to trade, and remunerate the owners, in cases in «l"ch a wooden vessel would not return a profit ; for, if we suppose tliat the freight of a 500-ton ship would just pay tlje expences required to navigate her, an iron vessel would leave the freight on the extra 100 tons as clear profit." . , "An iron vessel required to carry 250 tons, therefore, equals, in the first cost, a wooden vessel that will carry only 200 tons ; and an iron vessel required to carry GOO tons will cost less than a wooden vessel built to carry only 500 tons." Again, of steamers he says, " The comparison is much more in favour of iron than with wooden vessels. As the average cargo of a steamer is only, perhaps, about one-third of the load, in engine, cargo and coals together, an increase of one-fourth in her stowage adds 75 per cent, to her capacity for carrying cargo. In other words, to carry a given cargo, the iron steame?may be much less than a wooden one." Light draught gives the iron ship the monopoly of shallow rivers, and cannot fail to lead to a great extension of navigation. The Indus, chiefly on account of physical difficulties, has hitherto been a closed river ; the employment of the new class of vessels must, therelore, create a lar" e traffic on its waters. Cleanliness is a mercantile quality, and is accompanied by health, the nuisances of bilge water and vermin being got rid of in the iron ^hips. With regard to the latter annoy- ance, it is related that a colony of rats took possession of the Iron Duke previous to her first voyage, but not relishing the obdurate material of which she was built, a portion of them deserted her at Calcutta, and the remainder immediately on her return to England. StrenMh goes a great way to ensure safety in a vessel, and iron plates in%trength are, to English oak, as 49-CS to 10-01, or nearly 5 to 1. Iron ships are further to be preferred in this respect as readily ad- mitting the division of the hull by bulkheads. Superior speed Mr. Grantham claims as one of the results to be expected from the extended use of iron. He considers that the cheapness and flexibility ot tliis material will allow of the model of a vessel being made finer, without corresponding loss in the amount of steerage, and m the carrying qualities. In the event of accident, the repairs of iron ships are very tritiing, as instanced in the case of the Nemesis war steamer, which ran on one of the SciUy rocks in the British Channel with such violence that, to use the expression of Captain Claxton, "if she had been of wood she would most probably have left her bones on the spot." bhe was however, navigated round to Plymouth, and the repairs easily effected for about 3U/. On the subject of repairs the author so often quoted declares that it is erroneous to assume that iron vessels are more difficult to repair than those of timber, for the injuries are generally external and confined to a single spot, and may in most cases be sufficiently repaired by any ingenious man, if the ship be but pro- vided with a" few drills, spare plates, bolts, and other necessary articles, which no captain should neglect to carry among his stores. Besides, he says, when iron vessels become more generally employed, the necessary assistance will be found at all considerable ports and stations at which" they may touch. We may add, too, that ultimately the ship's blacksmith will be rated instead of the ship's carpenter, or perhaps in Queen's ships the rating of the armourer raised, hi warfare the resistance of the iron sheeting to the impact of shot striking the hull in an oblique direction is an advantage, while even a shot entering the vessel is less injurious than in timber ships, as no splinters are pro- duced—the great cause of death and wounds. Shot holes in iron sheeting adroit of being readily stopped, and in an easy manner. The injury from the recoil of lieavy artillery, such as is now used, is less on board an iron ship, and enables them to carry a heavier armament. It is to be regretted that, in their anxiety to secure contracts, iron ship-builders have sometimes been tempted to construct vessels of a less degree of strength than due consideration would have dictated, and have thus endangered the success of the system. Plates of all forms and dimensions have hitherto been used, from -f^ to | of an inch in thickness, but Mr. Grantham observes that these are by no means the limits within which the plates must of necessity be made ; some of much greater strength will, in the farther progress of the art, most probably be put in requisition. Of late, as the size of the vessels has increased, and the extent of the voyages peformed by them, the strergth of the plates has been increased. On strength of material it is to be remaiUed, that oxidation proceeds no faster on the surface of thick iih'.tes than of thin plates ; so that plates of i inch have double llie durability of those only l inch in thickness. In his remarks on jointing Mr. Grantham decides in favour of the lapped joint in prelercnre to the fiusli joint, and also in favour of double rivetting. By Mr. Eairbairn's tables read before the British Association at Glas- gow, it appears that, assuming the strength of plates to resist tension [August, to be .. .. r. 100 A double rivetted joint will be '^ And a single ri vetted joint , •• . In the system of fiush-jointing, twice the number of rivets are re- quired : and, therefore, to obtain the advantage of double rivetting, four rows of rivets are necessary to each joint.* As to the objection which has been raised to the lapped joints, that they make the hull rout'h and lessen the sailing powers, Mr. Grantham's defence is that it is very questionable whether the edges, presented in almost straight and parallel lines, can at all impede the vessel's velocity, while they give her a better hold of the water. In reference to an inquiry whether, in case the heads fly off and the rivets fall out, the strength of the vessel is lessened, and a hole left for the admission of water, our author observes that he never heard of such an accident, and that in his yard no occasion has been found to replace a single rivet. Should.'however, the head of a rivet break off while the vessel is afloat, it by no means follows that the rivet itself should fall out ; on the contrary, when originally secured in a workmanlike manner, the piece remains so firm in the hole as to require the application of a strong sledge to drive it out. Among the errors to be guarded against, Mr. Grantham places that of bolting on a false keel of timber to an iron vessel, by which the Iron Duke, a vessel of 3.50 tons was nearly lost, for haviiin- struck heavily on a sandbank, she tore away the false keel, and broke oft" the bolts by which it was fastened, so that the water entered the holes. , , •, , •,., Considered as a national question, and with regard to its capability of extended application, the use of iron in ship-building acquires a ereat importance. At present the shell merely is of iron, but the decks and bulwarks must ultimately be made of that material. In the shape of chain, iron has been extensively used for cables and for run- nine rieeing, for halliards, topsail sheets, &e., in which latter capacity it is found to be superior to hempen cordage as being much more slender than ropes of the same strength, so that it will pass through smaller sheaves or blocks, while it stands better to its work from not being subject in atmospheric changes to any perceptible expansion or contraction. The introduction of wire rope will, under such circum- stances, evidently lead to a greater use of iron even for rigging. For masts iron has also been adopted, and Mr. Grantham mentions one as in use for upwards of twelve years in the Ballinasloe steamer, without sustaining any perceptible loss in its strength. This mast serves also as a ventilator to the cabin. As we stand now with regard to mate- rials for shib-buildii.g and rigging, we are dependent on foreign coun- tries, while our builders labour under great disadvantages in compe- tition with their foreign rivals with regard to both timber and hemp, the raw materials of their art. Little timber, be it remembered, is grown in this country, where it is a precarious and little profitable production, subject to the ravages of the worm and of fire, and requir- ing many years before it brings a return. Neither does it give much employment to labour in its production or subsequent application. Mr. G'rantham, on this subject, remarks in a paper read before the late meeting of the British Association at Manchester, that the H,n- rfos/a» timber vessel had cost £72,000, of which about i 12,000 was for labour, and £48,000 for wood, and much of this was expended in the East Indies; but an iron ship of £72,000 value would cost£b/,000 in labour, all expended in this country, and the remainmg £o,000 would also be paid here for the raw material. Were iron substituted for timber and hemp, we should not only give greater employment to iabour in our mines, but also in our building yards and to our seamen, for now the inducement is to build ships in those countries where the material is most abundant, while we cannot compete in freight with ships built by several other nations, owing principally to the compara- tively low rate at which they can procure the materials for building. The steam navigation interest is that which has the most to look forward to from the general introduction of iron. At the present day, the machinery and fuel occupy so large a portion of the vessel, that very little room is left for stoWage. The weight and tremour of the engines shake and strain wooden vessels and the machinery itself, until the repairs of both swallow up most of the profit which would otherwise be realized. The necessity for a greater degree of adap- tation between the vessel and the machinery, is a topic which Mr. Grantham has well handled. The engineer, he complains, is generally very vet^ardless of the requirements of the vessel, and the ship-builder often clings to principles of construction, which, when applied to steamers, are ill suited to the attainment of a high speed. A wooden vessel, when she takes the ground, and frequently when she encounters heavy weather, becomes so much altered in shape that, were the en- gines so attached as to form part and parcel of the whole, they would " Vide also Mr. F.ilibairn on rivetiiiig boiler plates by machinery, at page 351 of our 3rd Vol. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 257 1842.] bo in danger of being broken down, or otherwise injured. Few timber stei^ers. he adds, can be placed in the graving dock, without firs s ackenVna the hoUling-down bolts of the eng.nes to allow the vessel 0 spreahut, lest the^framing should be broken. Were iron vessels leiieral, the case would be di&rent ; the engineer might, with perfec irty, firmly unite the vessel and the engine being the de-gn r o both- and being responsible for the success of the whole he will not allow one part to suffer for the benefit of the other, but labour to com- bine both so that they shall mutually support each other. "Then, indeed"" s.ys Mr. Grantham, "we may expect to see a perfect 'Tconclusion, we feel it our dutv to say that the public ^^re greatlv indebted to Mr. Grantham for having taken up. this subject, and treated it with so much ability. The Theoni and Practice of ProijelUng through Water, >r>th observations ontlccinparatn. Resistance offered by IVatcr to Bod,es movmg through it at different Felocities, comprising aho a Description o/ an Imp°oved Method of applying Mechanical Power to Steam Navi- gation. By Hekrv Booth. London : John ^^ eale. Mr. Booth is so favourably known to practical men by his past successful exertions in the cause of steam improvement, that any speculations of his, relative to such subjects deserve an attentive con- sideration, and are almost sure to obtain it. The ultimate object of his present pamphlet appears to be the recommenda ion of a p an ot propellino- vessels he has invented, and from which he anticipates far greater efficacv than can be obtained by any modes at present in use ; and lie seems 'to found this anticipation partly upon t be conviction that the received theory of resistance is erroneous, and he calls upon engineers " not quietly" to acciuiesce in the appalling theory which ordains that 30 horse power being required to move a given vessel and burthen 5 miles in the hour, '2-10 horse power will be Kqu-yed t" move the same vessel and burthen 10 miles in the hour. Mr. bootli s conviction of the inaccuracy of the received theory of resistance is founded upon the results of certain experiments which he rela es, ancl which, if correctly conducted, certainly present some anomalies not very easily explicable. In experiments with models for ascertaining their resistance when moving in water, he objects to the use ot a weight moving at very different velocities as the true representative of the amount of power expended. He says, and his assertion is obviously true, that a weight which descends 10 feet in ., seconds does not give out as much power as the same w;eight falling the same distance in (1 seconds, and that at the velocity due to the descent of a body falling freely, no power could possibly be given out; and lie suppo'ses that the apparently great increase of resistance to models moving in water at high velocities, is partly due to the dimimshed efficacv of the weight as a moving power, the velocity of the weight s descent having in many experiments at least been increased with the increased velocity of the model. By making such arrangements m liis apparatus that the time occupied by the weight in descending through a given space was always the same, and the velocity ot the model varied by the use of larger or smaller drums for coiling up tlie string, Mr. Booth has obtained results very dillerent from those ob- tained where the drums remained of the same diameter, and the in- crease of the velocity of the model was attended by an increased rapidity in the descent of the weight. u f ti There are several circumstances which prevent the results ot tlie experiments from being conclusive in our eyes. The difierent degrees of the immersion of the models do not appear to have been noted; and the want of uniformity in this respect is an obvious source ot fallacy. At high velocities it is well known models and light boats will rise almost out of the water, and their resistance will then be very little; and whether this source of diminution in the resistance may not have existed in these experiments— or to what extent— we are unable from the details before us to assert. Mr. Booth will pro- bably tell us, that the velocities in the cases from which he has drawn his results were equal, and that therefore the effect proper to the di- minished immersion of the boat must be equal also. But he must recollect that the boat in the one case travelled a greater distance than in the other, and although it is true that 7 ft. G in. of progress in 3 seconds is equivalent to 15 ft. in (i seconds, yet the rates of progres- sion are different, and the sum of the resistances may consequently be unequal. In other words, if 15 feet be travelled over in >> seconds, less than half of the 15 feet will be accomplished in the first 3 seconds, and more than half in tlie last 3 seconds, the velocity being accele- rated ; and in the cases where the 15 feet were passed over, there may be a diminished resistance in the first part of the motion from its Greater slowness, and in the last part of the motion from the diminished ''"T^^ZeZZit. of fallacy to which we cannot now advert, and must content ourselves with saying that we do not think any exper me'its upon the resistance of bodies moving in water where the nrim; mover is a weight susceptible of acceleration in .Is descent are nam- degree entiUed to confidence. Major Beauh.y employed a chain he Ihiks of which were raised successively from the ground by the le cending weight, to counteract the tendency to acceleration. Other experimentalists have made use of governors, and other con- tri •ances'for the same purpose, and the resistance has been measured by a dynamometer. All the experiments so conducted have been con- firmatorv of the received theory; and we shall be willing o pu equal fiTh in Mr. Booth's researches so soon as he shal have adopted s.mi- a y efficacious means of obviating error and holds the ™™ersion of his models at the different velocities to be a necessary element of the '" BuUt is not upon experiment alone that the received theory rests it« pretensions; running 'water and wind, it is we known, impinge upon stationary objects with a force increasing as the square of the elocity, and the -atmospheric resistance to railway trains fo lows the same la; If water be let into an inclined shoot, the velocity ot the wMer two feet down will be twice what it is at one foot down ; and 1?U irthe lame nuantity of water which runs at twice the velocity, ?he dept of water'in the shoot at the lower level will be only one haVof' hat it is at the upper. Now every particle of water which fs two feet will, by virtue of the fundamenta laws of mechanics ha e ust wice the foVce as every one of those which have descended onefio aida particle of water will therefore strike any object at die lower "evel with just twice the force that .t would do at the „»r .m all the Daricles of water in the shoot, if striking against "r/y" w iu g y'e out twice the force at the lower level that they would d^a he upper. But at the lower level they occupy only half he depth in he shoot, and therefore impinge upon only half the area ; a^d a do b d force upon half the area is just a quadrupled force upon the whoTa ea, which is the received theory. Mr. Boo h says a con- id eX part of the resistance of ships s made up of fr.ctioi, and hat friction does not vary as the square of the velocity. To this it on v necessary to say that we know so little about friction that we hokl it unwise t'o draw any analogies from it. Friction, we know, is ncUsed by increasing the rubbing surface, and increased also by minishin^it : it is increased by allowing two pieces o some sub- taices c°ontict to remain for a few minutes at rest, w iilst in other cases no appent increase takes place, and it is certainly aftected by many causes which we cannot hold to be mechanical. Besides, we do ot b'el e"e that friction forms any considerable part of tl.e oppo-tion exoerienced by a vessel in moving through the water. The speed ot as?e"uve elisalways increased, at least in smooth wa er, by in- creasing her length, and in some cases, as Mr. Booth, in another place a seis by increasing the breadth ; but in both of these cases the fric- tion 's increased. Thus much we have found it necessary to say in suppor of the received theory of the resistance being as the square of Ae veloc ty; but whether as the square o the velocity or as any thinc^elsTwe donotthinkittobeat all relevant to the merits of M Bootl I's propellers. Whatever the resistance may be, it is un- changeabh' fixed in the nature of things, and has to be overcome by Mr R^o 1 's uronellers, just as much as by any others. Propel ers niay vmlnexpendin' he engine power more or less beneficially, but they cannot aUei- the ?sistance of the ship, and we are at a oss to discover the leas'm of these two questions having been mingled together in ''Tli;:S:ur:7;Sulsion Mr. Booth recommends,maybe under- stood by- supposing a double arm upon each side of the ship extending f m th'e oXary^position of the P-'f/''"'-, '",;'■;,:;''', ">„,'^td the water level, moved backwards and forwar . b> he engme, am^^ furnished with a plate moveable upon an axis at ib. lo«ei <^Yr''™»y- This arm consists of an inner and outer portion, between which the nhte is situated, and this plate is so hung that upon the advance of U from opening or shutting with an injurious force. Mr. bootti also biteiTs Un't i? project sh-.dl be in active operation during only a small port on 0 he sfroke of the engine, the power given out by the engine durnp. the remainirg portion being accumulated by means ot fly M< to ci -e a speed to the propellers during this short interval of •U' miles per hoer. The action proper to a row-boat is hus approx- ma^edto,';nd horses are imitated, 'who, in pulling a boa,, always 258 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [August, exhibit the principle of concentration. " Tims nntiire works, and we only endeavour to imitate Nature in her most successful eiforts, by the alternate concentrated operation of the patent propelli^rs." We confess it appears to us there is much want of judgment and much puerile jargon in all this. If the propeller be moved at 3i miles per hour and the vessel at only 10, every stroke of the propeller will put in motion a column of water of an area equal to the propeller, ■with a velocity of 31 — 10 = 21 miles per hour; and as this water is moved by the engine, a great part of the engine power is thus use- lessly expended. Mr. Booth is probably not aware that by increasing the velocity of the paddle-wheel by reducing the area of the float, and thereby increasing the consumption of steam by the engines, and consequently the power, the velocity of the ship is actually diminislied in some cases. Twenty strokes of the engine per minute will thus sometimes be less effectual than 15, though with the same pressure in the cylinder in both cases ; and the cause is, the difference between the speed of the paddle and the speed of the ship is then too great, and much of the power of the engine is expended in throwing the wafer back, instead of forcing the vessel forwards. As to the imita- tion of the expedients of Nature, we must beg leave to insinuate that Nature is best copied when the means devised are the most answer- able to the purposes for which they are intended ; and that to copy ducks' feet and horses' legs in works of art, merely because Nature employs such agencies, is to depart from the princiiile by which Nature operates, in the exact proportion of the fidelity' of the imitation. We are unable to extend our remarks further, and there are many heresies which must, therefore, remain unnoticed. We regret that ■we have been compelled to be so uniformly censorious, but Mr. Booth can well spare the reputation which the best of such schemes is able to confer, and neither is nor needs to be a mimdicant of praise. He will, therefore, we are sure, pardon us for stating our honest conviction, that this is one of the very worst plans of propulsion that has ever solicited the favour of the public. Transactio7!S of lite Royal Iit&titiile of Brilish Architects. Vol. I. Part 2. London: Longman and Co., 1842. " Better late than never." After a gestation of six years (for Part I. of this work bears the date of 1836), and a parturition of we know not how many months since it was advertised as preparing for the press, the representatives of the architects of Great Britain have at length brought forth what they facetiously call their Transactions : theirs, it must be presumed, upon some principle of appropriation, since, out of the one hundred and eighty-five pages of which the volume (or half volume) consists, less than thirty are the production of the professional members of the Association by whom it is published. And of this small contingent, by far the greater portion belongs to the late and present honorary secretaries, upon whom it was perhaps incumbent to contribute something ex officio — so at least it might be supposed, judging from the easy tooth-pick sort of way, in which one of these gentleman dispatches a subject upon which he might have told us a great deal if he had pleased, and per contra, the laborious illustration of an Arnott's stove! undertaken by the other. There remain, therefore, only some half dozen pages, devoted to an inves- tigation of that remarkable arch popularly called the stone beam, in Lincoln Cathedral, which it is possible to consider as a free will offering from any member of the profession, towards promoting the objects which the Institute may have in view in the publication of their proceedings, and for this we are indebted to Mr. Nicholson of Lincoln. It is very certain, as every one knows who knows anything of the proceedings of literary and scientific societies, that a paper maybe most interesting and valuable as addressed to a general meeting and accompanied by illustrations, and yet possess neither importance nor novelty to entitle it to permanent record ; and yet it seems strange that an interval of six years, during which something supposed to be worth listening to has been read at every meeting of the Institute, should have produced so little which on review should appear worth preserving. It is impossible but that the eminent architects who appear among the members of the Institute, should meet with incidents in the course of their extensive occupations which might suggest valuable communications on practical subjects ; but the fact is, that we find the names of none of those professional gentlemen whose means of obser- vation are the most enlarged, either in the body of this volume, or in the list appended to it of nineteen papers read at the ordinary meet- ings during the session of 1840-41, of which nineteen papers, be it further remarked, eight only, exclusive of two translations, are claimed by the professional members of the Institute. Wesavall this in no unkind feeling towards our professional friends. We admire sincerely the spirited endeavours of the Institute to carry out some of the most important objects for which the members pro- fessed to embody themselves, and if they have not been supported by all who are interested in their proceedings and who protit by them, the fault is most assuredly not theirs ; but if the Institute seek to be recognized by the public as a literary society, they must exhibit a little more energy in the performance of the character they assume. The profession in general may not be such ready writers as some others, vet there are those among them who are sulliciently familiar with the printer's devil; and unless some of them will show a dispo- sition to contribute at least a reasonable quota to their own publication, thev can scarcely expect the continuance of that aid from their honorary members, and others not bound to the Institute even bi' that slender tie by which alone they have been enabled to produce the volume before us. If these gentlemen hold the hunonr of appearing in the Transactions of the Institute at a discount, we disagree with them. They raav go far without finding themselves in better company. These observations must be understood as totally independent of our opinion of the volume itself, which is one of the most valuable offered to the profession and the public for a lung time past. It con- sists of ten papers or essays, illustrated by numerous engravings and wood-cuts. The first in order is a dissertation "On the mechanical construction of the Vaults of the Middle Ages," and the name of Professor Willis is a sufficient guarantee that it has been treated in the most able manner. The subject of stone vaulting in general is one which has been hitherto much neglected by English writers, and the works of foreigners, beginning with the celebrated treatise of Philibert de I'Orme, published in 156S, have been entirely devoted to the forms of vaulting peculiar to the classical and Italian styles of architecture, and they have exhausted their ingenuity in devising methods to meet all cases of obtaining, from plans and designs, the forms of the individual stones of a building for the use of the mason, and these operations have always formed a regular branch of archi- tectural science in France, under the name of the "coupe des pierres." The necessity of regular laws and systems to the Gothic architects in the construction of their marvellous vaultings is obvious, and much of their practice is probably mixed up with the problems of Efe I'Orme, who treats his subject as one well known, and claims only the merit of first reducing it to writing ; but of their peculiar methods nothing has been transmitted to us. "It becomes, therefore," says Professor Willis in his introductory pages, " a curious and interesting subject of inquiry to trace, from an examination of the structures themselves, what geometrical methods were really employed in setting out the work, and how the necessity for these methods gradually arose. Independently of the value of such investigations to the history of the science of construction, the knowledge of the methods actually employed would greatly assist us in the imitation of the works of each period. For the forms and proportions of every structure are so entirely dependent upon its construction and derived from it, that unless we thoroughly understand these constructions, and the methods and resources which governed and limited them, we shall never succeed in obtaining the master key to their principles, and instead of designing works in the style of any required age, we must content ourselves with merely copijing them. "The following paper must be considered as an attempt to sketch out an investigation of this kind, and in offering it to the body of practical men wdto are assembled in this Institute, I am not without hope that some of them may be induced to collect facts and examples by which this investigation may be carried on and completed. For it will appear, as we proceed, that most of the facts required are of such a nature that they can only be derived from the existing buildings by the aid of scaffolding, minute measurement, and close observation, which it is not often in the power of mere travelling observers to obtain. "Now professional men are so commonly entrusted with the repairs or restoration of these old structures, that if they would take the opportunity of making the required observations in every case where scaffolds were erected about a building, and if such observations were transmitted to the Institute, a few years would sutTice to bring together a body of examples from which general rules might be deduced. It is only by comparing many examples that this can be done, for general rules deduced from single instances are commonly worthless." The subject thus proposed the author follows out in four sec- tions, devoted to the consideration of — the general construction of the vaults of the middle ages ; the curvature of the ribs ; the ridge ribs, liernes (or short ribs in decorative vaulting), and bosses ; and lastly fan vaulting, upon which so much ignorance has been promul- gated, and so much learning expended, both of which are dispelled before Mr. Willis's simple and clear-headed investigation of facts. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 259 The first section begins by pointing out the essential difference between Roman and Gothic vaulting, the latter consisting of a frame- work of ribs or stone arches, upon which the real vaulting is supported, a mode of construction which the author designates as "rib and pane work." In the early stages of vaulting, during the Norman period, these ribs oifered very little geometrical diilicully, but as the number of ribs was increased, a more artificial mode of structure became requisite, and the investigation of the mechanical processes by which the arch stones might be fitted to each other, so as to produce the existing results, occupies the remainder of section 1. Among the diagrams which illustrate this portion of the work are exhibited the working lines left by the masons on the beds of the vmssoirs of ancient arches which have' been taken down. In section 2, the first point considered is the difficulty of adjusting the curvatures in groined vaults when the springing and elevation of the lateral, transverse, and diagonal arches are on the same level, but the spans different. In circular arches this difficulty is accommodated by stilting them at the imposts, or making the diagonal ribs a segment less than a semicircle. With the introduction of the pointed arc!; this difficulty was greatly diminished; " but notwithstanding the possibility of making pointed arches of any proportion of height and span with their centres of curvature upon the impost line, it will be found that the old expedient of placing the centres of curvature above or below the impost line, for the better adjustment of these arches, was still retained in pointed architecture until the four-centred arch was brought in. I shall proceed to examine this more at length, since it involves so much of the characteristic appearance of these vault?." This characteristic appearance in original Gothic vaulting arises from the curvature of" the ribs, (as Professor M'illis makes it evident by numerous examples,) being always arcs of circles, and he comments very justly and severely on the erroneous but comujou method of jjrojecting the diagonals of Gothic vaults by ordinates, to the ulter destruction of the medieval character of the work — "This is the genuine prin- ciple of the Roman and Italian groined vault, but is altogether foreign to the principles of Gothic architecture, in which every rib should spring as a separate and independent arch, and in which the elliptic curves proAiced by this method are totally at variance with the characteristic forms of the style." This mode of projecting the diagonals was taught by De I'Orme, but he was perfectly aware that it was inapplicable to Gothic vaulting, of which, as a matter of curiosity, he gives a description, making every rib perfectly inde- pendent of the rest in its curvature. This stupendous blunder is therefore due to more modern times. Even in genuine Gothic vaulting the effect becomes comparatively vapid after the introduction of the four-centered arch, owing to the regularity with which all the ribs start at the same angle from the impost. The third section is of great ] ractical utility, and treats of projecting the forms of the stones in decorative vaulting, especially of such as form the converging poiits of the Hemes. The subject is complicated, and not to be made intelligible without refereiice to the diagrams by which it is copiously illustrated. The Hemes in decorative vaulting form a variety of elegant figures about the centre of the vault, of which a star shape is the most common. Hence Professor Willis has given to one class of this description of roof the name of slellar vaulting, which very happily expresses its character. The depend- ance of the designs of these vaults upon geometrical construction is well illustrated, the form sometimes coming out in the solid when its existence would hardly be suspected from a mere view of the plan ; and on the other hand being sometimes symmetrically laid down, and disappearing under the elfects of the perspective. As vaulting advanced in complexity, a revolution took place in its mechanical construction. This occurred when the compartments of Heme vaulting became so numerous, and consequently so coi4racted, " that it was found simpler and stronger to work the small [.ortions of panel sur- face between the branches of the boss stones out of the same block, than to cut them away and drop in the panel afterwards. Then the bosses, from the increasirg complication of the patterns, began to approach so close, that it was worth while to take the pains to make them meet, and thus the crowns and ridges of the vaults came also to be built solid. Lastly, the solid construction was extended to the entire vault, and so by gradual degrees the mechanical and decorative construction of the vault, which began by being identical, ended by becoming totally different." This brings us to the subject of section 4 — fan vaulting. We must here ;.gain refer to the work and the diagrams, in which is developed the method by which the complicated forms ol the stones in these remarkable structures may be accurately modelled. The characteristics of fan vaulting are thus described : — "The ]iattern of these vaults is always a kind of tracery of the same class as the perpendicular tracery which at that period occupied the heads of windows or the surfaces of walls, the only difference being that th.e mullions, instead of leing parallel and vertical, are curved, and radiate from an impost. Instead, therefore, of the hori- zontal transoms of windows, we have level circles intersecting the ribs at nearly equal distances, and intermediate rays or ribs are inserted between the princij)al ones. The panel spaces into which the surface of the vault is thus divided are furnished with arch heads and foli- ation, exactly as the similarly produced panels are ornamented in the tracery of windows. "I have already stated that in the Heme vaults a star pattern is commonly found, which radiates from each impost in the same way as the fans of the present class of vaults. The difference between the star and the fan is, that the star is formed of ribs, which mav be and often are of different curvature, and the rays of the star of different length, but so skilfully arranged with regard to their solid effect, that although irregular upon the plan, this irregularity is not offensively perceived in the complete work. "The fan is, on the other hand, formed of ribs strictly of the same curvature and elevation, and its outline is bounded by a horizontal circular rib instead of the zig-zag line of Hemes in the former vaults by which the rays of the star are pointed. The effect of the fan is that of a solid of revolution, upon whose surface panels are sunk; the effect of the star is that of a group of branching ribs. This differ- ence of character is assisted by the mode in which the mouldings are disposed in the two cases. In the older vaults a vertical plane upon the plan line of every Heme or rib divides it into two symmetrical halves; but in the fan vaults the moulded rings and arch heads are all perpendicular to the surface of the vault. " In fan vaults the quantity of decoration is so much increased, and its parts become so small, that it is no longer practicable to frame the tracery of these vaults on the rib and panel system with Hemes and boss stones, and consequently the portions near the crown of the vault, where the decoration is compressed and crowded, are always con- structed of jointed masonry. But the branching ribs below the first series of arch heads are still built of long stones filled in with panels, and the tas dt charge from whence the ribs spring is also laid in level courses as before. There are a few exceptions to this general de- scription ; for example, the vault of Henry the Seventh's Chapel, which, however, differs in many other particulars from these fan vaults, and will be separately described. It is entirely constructed of jointed masonry without panels. Also the vault of Islip's Chape! at Westminster is a real fan vault, but without any mixture of rib and pane! work." In illustration of this portion of the subject, the author has described the vaulting of the chapel at the east end of Peterborough Cathedral, the construction of which is identically the same with that of King's College Chapel vault, on a smaller scale, but of very superior execution; that of Henry Vll's Chapel ; and that of St. George, at Windsor, tlie latter being not a real fan vault, but " a wagon vault, whose lateral or transverse vaulting cells enter it below its crown." These descrip- tions are accompanied by three elaborate engravings, exhibiting the construction in tlie most perfect manner, by isometrical views of the upper surfaces. There are also plans and sections of the same sub- jects, and of the beautiful Heme vaulting in the cloister at Canterbury. An appendix adverts to some very striking effects produced by modifications in the forms of the spandrils in the vaults of the cloister at Norwich, upon which it is unnecessary to dwell, as the paper froui which it is transferred was read lately, and reported in the Jounn ! at the time.* We hope enough has been said on this admirable essay to recommend it to all who profess the study of our mediaeval structures, whether as architects or antiquaries. The information it contains addresses itself to both classes, and if it were for the sake of this paper alone, the volume ought to be in the hands of every one inte- rested in Gothic architecture. We cannot conclude better than in the author's own words, hailing with the most sincere satisfaction the promise wliich he holds out. " In conclusion I must beg it to be recollected that I offer this paper as a sketch of an investigation, for the completion of which 1 request the assistance of the members of the Institute in the collection of facts and examples. 1 have endeavoured throughout to show from evidence the existence and employment of geometrical methods from a very early period, and have attempted to restore some of these methods. I have also ventured to assert the importance of certain forms and arrangements in imparting character to the buildings in question. The necessary limits of a paper of this kind have prevented me from introducing several topics which may appear to belong to the question in hand. Thus I have suid nothing respecting mechanical " See p. 9^— Journal for March, 1842. 260 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [AUSVBT, principles, and have confined myself to form and arrangement But ft anpears to me, from examination of the works of the Middle Age architects, that the latter considerations had an infinitely greater influ- ence upon their structures than the relations of pressure, then very little understood, and about which they made manifest and sometimes fatal errors; so that this omission may be fairly allowed, or at least the discussion of this part of the subject may be carried on separately. Also with respect to the elaborate and beautiful class of vaults which I have termed Lierne Vaults, I propose, at some future time, to otter to the Institute a supplementary paper containing many observations upon them, and probablv additional remarks upon the entire subject. Lastlv, since the methods which I have explained in this paper have been 'for tlie most part elicited from an examination ot the existing vaults, it may he worth while to compare them with those that are recommended and taught in the books of stone-cutting already quoted and referred to, as well as with modern actual practice." Mr Poynter's paper "On the contemporary styles of Ciothic architecture in England and France," supplies what has long been a desideratum. Considering the novelty and importance of the subject, we could wish, as we have already hinted, that it had been treated more at length, but we must accept it according to the intention of the author, who professes no more than some observations " oi slight texture, as an index to more diligent inquiries." A chronological table (which, with some account of the paper, was inserted in the Journal at the time it was read,) exhibits a parallel of the styles of French Gothic, as distinguished in the treatise of that eminent and candid antiquary M. de Caumont.with those of the English, as divided and designated bv Rickman, and the characteristics of each are rapidly traced in the essay. It is a masterly sketch, like the illustrations by which it is accompanied. We are not aware that any representation has ever before been given to the public of the magnificent tower at V er- neuil.a view of which forms the frontispiece to the volume. The other engravings appended to this paper are, the eastern view of the cathe- dral of Coutances, and the doorway of a small church near Dreux. The latter is designed to illustrate a peculiar form of pediment common in the Tertiary or Flamboyant Gothic of France, but un- known in England, and a custom in French architecture of making the portals of the smaller churches occupy the whole height of the centre compartment, "an arrangement which producing an excellent ettectby its simplicity, may," as the author pointedly observes, " reprove a tice too eoramun in modern Gothic architecture, of executing designson a smallscale, and little designs on alarge one." Sumraa the subject is handled in this paper, it will be found a most useful chro- nological guide to the student who is about to examine the mediaeval architecture of our neighbours. One of the marked peculiarities of foreign Gothic, glanced at in a few words in the last paper, forms the subject of the next, in which Professor Willis has treated of " The characteristic interpenetrations of the Gothique Flamboyant." The fanciful intricacy of parts which characterizes the later continental Gothic, and distinguishes it Irom our contemporary perpendicular style, has given rise to the excessive employment of interpenetrating surfaces. In English Gotliic, examples- of this sort of composition are confined to the interference ot adjacent architectural members, and even these are not common ; but in the Flamboyant style, members are introduced and accumulated one upon another, for the express purpose of showing interpenetrations. •' X hus two difterent bases mav be given to the same shaft, or even two or more difterent turretswith pinnacles may be placed in an identical position on the plan, and made to interfere and interpenetrate through- out their entire height, from the base upwards, in a manner that defies description, and can only be illustrated by drawings." We shall, therefore, not attempt to follow the various specimens ot internenctratioii which are displayed iu the diagrams but merely notice the iirincipal illustration— a doorway in the t^athedral ot Nevers, flanked by pinnacles, or rather heaps of pinnacles, the com- ' position of whicli appears at lirst sight to set at nought all attempt a ' developement or classification. Mr. Willis has, however, unravelled this strano-e tangle of architectural details, and has shewn its compli- ' cated eftfct to be produced bv " the co-existence upon the plan o 1 three distinct architectural members, each having its own set ot ' mouldintrs." These members, whicli are represented in the plate < both combined and separate, are two square shafts with their separate < pinnacles, caps, bases, &c., set diagonally, so tliat the angles of the ' one pierce through the faces of the other, and these are enveloped in ' a cylindrical column, round which are twisted spirally four shalts, each \ with its separate cap and base. j C To he concluded in the next Journal.) prac- great Mimraarily as Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Societu of JUanchester, Second scries. Vol. VI. London : John Weale. Tins Society has long stood eminent for the value of its papers, and the high character of several members for the extent of their literary and scientific attainments; it therefore affords us much pleasure to receive the present volume, which contains 23 papers, several of which are of the utmost value, both to the architect and the en- o-ineer. The researches and able experiments of Mr. Fairbairn on the strength and properties of cast iron, are particularly deserving of a careful iierusal. This paper contains " a laborious inquiry into the transverse strength of cast iron from various parts of the kingdom, and also an extended investigation into the less cultivated field of their relative values, as regards their adaptation to the arts." From this paper we hope to liave an opportunity of giving some extracts, and a more extended notice. There is also another paper by Mr. Fairbaini equally valuable— that on the strength and properties of anthracite cast iron. He first makes some observations on the nature and properties of anthracite used for the melting of iron, in Vi^ales, France, and America ; and after detailing several experiments on the strength of iron, he concludes by saying— "I consider the use of anthracite coal rather favourable than otherwise to the manufacture of iron ; and provided some well conducted experiments were made to ascertain the requisite proportions of flux and ore to this descrip- tion of coal, much might be done to improve the quality of the iron, and to bring into useful operation a valuable and important mineral production." In last month's Journal we published Mr. Greg's interesting paper on Sepulchral Monuments; by the same author we have another paper, entitled " Remarks on the Mural Architecture of remote ages. There is a paper containing some observations on Sculpture by Paul Moon James Esq., in which he takes a review of the works of our modern sculptors; and there is also one containing a curious inquiry into the orit^in of the " Babylonian arrow-headed character," by Mr. James Nasmyth, which mav be read by the antiquary with much interest. From the press of other matter, we are precluded from giving a more extended notice of this varied and extapded volume, but we shall not omit future opportunities of turning ^ur attention to it again, by giving a few extracts from some of the papers which are connected with the profession. ^ .Series of Diagrams Published by the Society for the Di_^itswn of Useful Knowledge. Drawn on Stone by H. Chapman, and Printed ,n Colours by C. F. Cheffins. Part II. London : Chapman and Hall, 1842. These diagrams not only maintain the high character with which we hailed them on their first appearance, but give an earnest ot possessing even more extended utility. In the present number the delineation of the mechanical powers is continued, and is accompanied with the section of a fire engine. We should suggest that the value of the work to students would be increased if each plate were accom- panied with descriptive letter-press, explaining the power ot the screw, pullev, &c., as appUed in the diagrams. .4 Treatise on Engineering Fieldwork, and Levelling. By Petkr BiiUFF, C. E., A. Inst. C. E. London : Simpkin and Marshall, lb42. Students have no cause to complain of the want cf books on surveying, but of the embarras ele choix, for among so many works they must certainly find themselves at a loss. The book before us forms the second part of the second edition of Mr. Bruff's treatise, with many valuable additions and improvements. When it is complete, we shall notice it at some length. NcLv Cemetcr„.--\V^ understand that the designs for laying out the nov cemetery on the lands of 15angholm. recently lued from the Governors ot (™r"e Heriot's Hospital, have been considered by the committee ot the eemeTery company, who have awarded the first premu.m to Messrs. Cousm indGale architect .Royal Kxchan^e, and the second to Mr. Ihoraas Tayloi arcbUet Mackenzie Place-all of this city. There wee 1, Jesigns sen f,reom.elton inchuling several from London ; it thereture retiects great r duTo re'siientartrsts, ihat their works should have heen pre erred, ,11 1,1 manimouslv in such a competition ; and there could be no tavou- ; ism br tCname; of t le successful competitors only became known after yw,U\,-nrtt ere preferred That for «hich tlie first premium is au;arde( nlheGothi sty and includes a chapel wherein ihe usual services ot Episcopahans. at the interment of the deadVill be pcrlormed when required. —Edinliurgli Observer. IS 42:] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 261 ANSWER TO THE REVIEW OF MR. HAYDOX'S LECTURE OX FRESCO. Sir — It is impossible not to be gratified by the tone, temper, and kindness evident in your review of my lecture on fresco. Tliere are one or two mistakes as to facts, wliicli are easily corrected, and one or two as to mv ttieories of art, wliicli it is but just you grant me an opportunity of refuting. With these exceptions, the article is so gentlemanly in its feeling, so totally opposite to the scurrility of the greater portion of the daily and Sunday press whenever my name comes under their consideration, that I was pleased and startled. At one time the whole of the press aided and supported me, and I can only attribute the change to this — that for the last 25 years the students have been brought up to consider me a monster and a rebel; that all students in art form literary connexions in their youth ; that the vounw literary men branch off into reporters, critics, or editors ; that thev have carried their early impressions with them, and that thev consider it a moral duty to drive Haydoa out of the art, or off the' face of our common mother earth, just or unjust. Be assured, therefore, to meet with jus/ice is something so novel, that before beginning my reply, your readers must pardon my allusion to it. The assertion that my quarrel with the Academy was a school-boy quarrel, and that it originated in some one saying " Hnydon'i pictures to the coal-hole!" is an entire delusion; and the President before the committee of 1830, pale and exasperated, found it anything but a " school-bov affair." But now is not the time to recur to so painful a subject: it'will be time enough to return to it when the present noble views of Prince Albert, the Commission, and the Government are baffled, they cannot tell why ; when a series of portraits are recom- mended, as most suitable to British taste, in the Houses of Parliament, instead of historical designs ; when fresco is given up, and cartoon drawings become a joke; — iill thn, let the Academy question rest, let the Royal Commission get experience, and let the public patiently w ait the unravelling this Gordian knot ! The reviewer says, " I hold high art to consist in tlie selection of the lift parts, of the best models, and in their union." So far from it, that in mv lectures I have always held up to rilicule Pliny's assertion that such was the practice of Zeuxis at Crotona, when he painted a Helen for the Crotoniates. The selection of the best model, and rejiderirg the parts defective in harmony with the parts not so, is not selecting different parts from different models, which never can har- monize at all. I have ever held high art to consist in restoring man, woman, child, and animal, to the essential physical perfection of their species, cleared from all consequences of accident and disease, as God first created them, more or less, according to the style, for art is "CES. 3/ay 30. — The reading of papers connected with the accident on the Versailles Raihcay occupied a great portion of this sitting. One of the most interesting was by M. Francois, an engineer of mines, on the means of preventing the crystallization of iron used in machinery. On the examination of the rup- tured axle of the engine, which was the cause of the calamity on the 8th ult., the conclusion come to was. that the rupture had been caused by this crystallization, the iron being of the best quality, and of a volume more than sufficient for the purpose to which it was appUed. Similar results on other railways have been ascribed to the same cause ; but no person has been successful in the means of preventing the recurrence of accident by an improved mode of manufacturing the iron, and all that coidd be done in the way of precaution was, not to permit iron axles to remain in use for so long a period as to undergo the crystalline change which is so fatal, and of which external appearances give no indication. M. Francois informs us, that, in a long continued series of experiments, be has observed that a magnetic action upon iron when in a state of fusion, will produce the change alluded to, causing the small and closely adhering grains to crystallize into coarse and larger grains, depriving it of its compact character ; and it is inferred that the action of heat upon axles employed in machines, subjected to great Telocity, will produce the same effect. This can only be prevented by di- miaishing the volume of silicate in the iron, by carefully sweating the coal employed in melting, and above all, by the use, in the manufacture of axles, of iron which has already undergone a partial change in its vitreous cha- racter, and which, on being reworked, is much less susceptible of crystalline change than new iron. Another communication on the same subject, by Colonel Aubcrt, was also read. He agrees with JI. Francois as to the cause of the imperfection complained of, but appears to think that the only real precaution is, to change the axles employed in railway locomotives so fre- quently as not to give time for them to undergo the crjstalline change, which is found to be so destructive. Another paper, by Mr. Manby, on the causes of railway accidents, and the means of preventing them, excited much attention. This engineer recommends the use of four-wheeled locomotives, but with some important modifications in the construction of them, both as regards the axles, so as to expose them to an inferior degree of stress than upon the present system, and the frame-work of the wheels, which should, he says, be within the wheels, and immediately under tlje boilers. He also lays down some practical rules for counteracting the lialulity of locomotives to run off the rails, and mentions several facts in support of the correctness of the various portions of his system. A paper, by M. Pambour, on the means of checking, or rather equalizing the velocity on railways, by the use of fans, deriving a force of resistance in the precise proportion of the velocity communicated by the impetus of a train, was next read. M. Fleurian de Bellevue made a commnnication on the deterioration of stone in bnihlings, which he ascribes to an emanation of acid gas from the earth. He recommends a series of minute, but apparently almost imprac- ticable, chemical experiments in the way of analysis of this emanation. A communication was read from M. .Vgassiz, announcing that the King of Prussia has placed at his disposal a sufficient sum of money for him to test, in the glaciers of Aar, the truth of his theorv' respecting the progressive motion of glaciers towarda the adjoining valleys. He is about to pierce an opening downwards from the highest point of the glaciers, aud expresses a conviction that the result will prove his theory to lie correct. M. Arago addressed the Academy at some length on the eclipse of the sun, then about to take place. June 6. — A paper On the nature of the air which «■« breathe, under varioux circumstances, was read. The author, M. Leblanc, has directed his attention principally to an analysis of the air in rooms, hospitals, &c., — in fact, in all situations' wherever it is vitiated by the congregation of persons. He begins by showing, tiiat the air of an empty room, the doors and windows of which are not closed, is precisely the same as that out of doors. This is, of course, natural; but he states also that he found the same to be the ease in the closed green-houses of the Jardin des Plantes, a seeming contradiction, which he explains by the absorption by the plants contained in them of the car- bonic acid of the air, and the giving nut again of this air purified by the plants which had absorbed it. But in one of the wards of the hospital of I.a Pitie, the doors and windows having been closed, the quantity of carbotiic gas — that destructive element to human life — was found to be tripled, as compared with what it was before the room was closed, and, in one of the sleeping-rooms of the SaltpetriDre, the quantity of carbonic acid in the morn- ing, the doors and windows having been closed during the night, was eight times greater than in the open air. In the great lecture-room of the Sor-- bonne, after a lecture of an hour and a half, one per cent, of oxygen had dis- appeared, and been replaced by one of carbonic acid. The quantity of car- bonic acid in one of the ecoles d'asile, of Paris, after it had been closed for three hours, whilst the pupils were taking their lessons, was found to be precisely the same as in the experiment at the Saltpetriere. At the Chamber of Deputies, he found the quantity of carbonic acid vary from two to four parts in a thousand. The latter amount approaches the limit at which res- piration becomes oppressive and injurious. In the latter portion of M. Le- blanc's paper, he gives an account of some experiments with air deteriorated bv the burning of charcoal. INSTITUTION' OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. March 22. — Joshua Field, V.P., in the Chair. On- Water Power. " Remarks on Machines recipient of Water Power ; more particularly the Turbine of Fonmeyron." By Professor Gordon (Glasgow). Notwithstanding the diminished importance of water power since the almost universal application of the steam engine, some situations may still be found, in the mining districts of Cornwall, of Derbyshire, and of Cum- berland, the Highlands of Scotland, and generally in the districts compara- tively destitute of cheap fuel, where it is desirable to render falls of water available. The theory of water power, as it now stands, may be announced in general terms thus : " The mechanical effect obtained is equal to that of the moving power employed, minus the half of the vis viva which the water loses on entering the machine, and minus the half of the vis viva which the water possesses when it quits the machine." Bernouilli recognized the second cause, and soon after Euler the first. Borda, in his " Memoire sur les Roues Hydrauliques" in 1767, gave the pro- position in precise and general terms ; whence he concluded that to produce its tot.ll mechanical eftect, " the water serving as moving power must be brought on to the wheel with impulse, and quit it without velocity." This principle being admitted, the circumstances ue.it to be considered are : The height of fall — the supply of water — and the nature of the wort to be done. These positions heing laid down, the author proceeds to examine the relative- efficiency of water wheels of various constructions. The undershot wheel acted upon by the velocity of the water when con- fined in a rectilinear course, or when hung freely in a stream : in the former case the efficiency of the machine is equal to 32 per cent, or nearly one- third ; in the latter the ratio is 42 per cent, or about ffhs. The breast wheel is gener.illy applied to falls of from 4 to 8 ft. ; in these the efficiency reaches as high as 60 to 65 per cent, of the mechanical effect of the fall of water. The buckets being filled to two-thirds of their capacity their velocity is seldom less than from 7 to 9 ft. per second. The consideration of this wheel led Poncelet in 1824-25 to the invention of the " undershot wheel with curved floats," the eiHciency of which has been found equal to from 65 to 75 per cent. The velocity of this may be 55 to GO of that of the effluent water — a velocity equal to that due to nearly the whole height of fall ; hence the efficiency becomes " about double that of the ordinary undershot wheel." This wheel has not been much employed in Great F)ritain, although frequently used in France and Germany. The overshot wheel is most generally employed in Great Britain for falls IjCyond 10 ft. in height, and some excellent examples occur for work of every description, from rolling iron to spinning silk. Its efficiency averages 66 per cent, but has risen as high as 82 per cent. The economical use of water as a moving power varying in particular cases, rendered desirable the discovery of a receiver cajiable of general ap|)licatioB, in all circumstances of height of fall, quantity of water, and .amount of work to be done; and after intense study Fourneyron produced the Twhine, tlie peculiarities of which form the subject of the paper. Tlie imperfect horizontal water-wheels which have been used for centaries in the mountain districts of central Europe and in the northern Highlands, 266 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Air GUST, are nientioiieil ; tliea are noticed the experiments of MM. Tardy and Piobert, and the allusion by Borda to horizontal wheels ; then a general description is given of the numerous experiments made up to the year 1825, when M. Burdin constnicted wheels in which the water was received at the circum- ference of a vertical cylinder, descended in conduits, placed in a helical form round the surface of "the cylinder, and made its escape at the bottom : the etficiencv of these wheels was stated to be 75 per cent., but no exact experiments were ever institvited. Tlie defects in all the previous machines led to the invention of the Turbine as it is now designed by M. Fourneyron : its construction may be compared to one of Poncelet's wheels with curved buckets, laid on its side, the water being made to enter from the interior of the wheel, flowing along the buckets, and escaping at the outer circumference ; centrifugal force here becomes a substitute for the force of gravity. The mechanical construction of the Turbine is then given, and its action is thus described. The water when admitted to the reservoir rises to a certain level, exercising a hydrostatic pressure proportional to the heiglit of the column, and on the sluice being raised it escapes with a corresponding velocity in the direction of the tangent to the last element of the guide curves," which is a tangent to the first element of the curved buckets; the water pressing without shock upon the buckets at every point of the inner periphery, causes the wheel to revolve, then passes along the buckets, and escapes at every point of the outer periphery ; by which arrangement the size of the machine even for a large expenditure of water is kept within narrow limits. The advantages of the Turbines are stated to he — 1st. That they are with like advantage applicable to every height of fall, expending quantities of water proportional to the stjuare root of the fall, their angular velocities being likewise proportional to these square roots. 2nd. That their net efficiency is from 70 to 75 per cent. 3rd. That they may work at velocities much above or below that corres- ponding to the maximum of useful effect, the useful effect varying very little from the maximum nevertheless, and — 4th. They work at considerable depths under water, the relation of the useful effect produced to the total mechanical effect expended not being thereby notably diminished. These advantages are stated to have been realized in the extensive practice of M. Fourneyron, of M. Brendel in Saxony, and of Herr Carliczeck in Silesia, as well as other engineers. A comparison of the theory and practice of the construction is then instituted, and the following conclusion is drawn : — That if one Turbine has been constructed which works well under a known fall, expending a volume of water exactly measured, this Turbine would serve as a type for all others. Knowing the fall ane the volume of water to be expended, the Turbine would be made similar to its type. Its Hnear dimensions would lie those of the type, directly as the square roots of the volume of water, and inversely as the fourth roots of the heights of fall. Its angular velocity would be to that of the type, directly as the fourth roots of the cubes of the heights of fall, and inversely as tlie square roots of the volumes of water. These pracical rules were first made manifest by M. Combe of the Ecole des Mines. A general review is then given of most of the Turbines erected by M. Fourneyron at Pont sur I'Ognon, at Fraisans, at Niederbronne, and at Inval, upon which last were tried the experiments which completely estabUshed the reputation of the Turbine as an applicable machine. The details of these experiments are given, whence the mean results appear to be, that the height of fall being 6 ft. 6 in. — With au expenditure of 35 cubic ft. of water per second, the efficiency 63 79 126 144 „ (forwhich it was constructed) = 0-71 0-75 0-87 0-81 0-80 These experiments were tried by the application of Prony's Brake Dyna- mometer, to the vertical shaft of the Turbine itself. M. .\rago's proposition for employing the power of one branch of the river Seine upon Turbines, to replace the wheels at the Pont Kutre Dame, thus giving about 2000 horse power for supplying Paris with water, is then men- tioned, as also the results of experiments with very low falls; showing that With a fall of 3 ft. 9 in. the efficiency of the Turbine was = 0-71 2 ft. „ = 0-64 10 in. „ = 0-38 The Turbines of Miilbach and Moussay are mentioned, as are the failures of several of these machines constructed by other engineers, and the paper concludes with an account of a Turbine at St. Blazeux in the Black Forest, ■where the height of the fall is 345 ft., the quantity of water 1 cubic foot per second, and the reported efficiency from 80 to 85 per cent.* Remarks. — Mr. Taylor said that Professor Gordon's Paper on the Turbine had been brought before the Institution with the advantages of illustration afforded by the model made under the superintendence of Mr. Jordan for the .Museum of Economic Geology; a most useful institution, for the present advanced state of which the country is in a great degree indebted to the ' The discussion upon Professor Gordon's, and Pmfessor Mcseley's Papers extended over several evenings, but are all recorded logelher for the sake of acility of reference. zeal and scientific knowledge of Mr. De la Bcche, who conducts tlie geo- logical survey of the kingdom ordered Ijy the Board of Ordnance. The Institution was indebted to the courtesy of Mr. De la Beche for the exhibition of the model, and Mr. Taylor had been anxious that the subject should be brought forward at this time, as the only period at wliich such a permission could have been granted ; for models once deposited in the museum were not allowed to be removed. But it had been arrested in its passage from the hands of its maker, and thus had been procured for the inspection of members of the I.stitution. Mr. Taylor then proceeded to remark, that, although the improvements in the application of steam had rendered water power of less value than for- merly, yet there were many situations, particularly in the mining and high- laud districts, where it was still employed beneficially. And as an instance of the extent to which water power might be applied, he mentioned a case in Devonshire, where in the adjoining mines of Wheal Betsey and Wheal Friendship, near Tavistock, which have for many years been under his ma- nagement, a fall of water of 526 ft. in height is employed in giving motion to seventeen overshot wheels, eight of them performing the duties of pump- ing water from a depth of nearly 200 fathoms. The diameter of the largest of these wheels being 51 ft. with a width of breast of 10 ft. clear within the rings, the smallest of the eight being 32 ft. diameter, and the others of intermediate sizes. Four other wheels give motion to machines for drawing up the ores to the surface, tlieir diameters varying from 40 to 26 ft.; and the five remaining wheels are employed for mills for crushing and stamping tlie ores. In addition to all this power, a steam-engine with a cylinder of 80 in. diameter, and 10 ft. stroke, is provided as an auxiliary in periods of drought or frost. He then gave tbe distribution of this water power in the following tabular form : — Overshot Water Wheels employed in pumping water atM'heal Friend- ship Lead and Copper Mines, near Tavistock, in July, 1841. From data fur- nished by Mr. Anthony Rouse, engineer at those mines. All the wheels operate on their pumps by means of a simple crank formed on each end of the centre axis or gudgeon, on which the wheel is mounted. Two long rods extend nearly in a horizontal direction, from the pins of those cranks, to the upright arms of two bell-crank or elhow levers, which are situated at the mouth of the pit, or shaft, and from the horizontal arms of those elbow levers, two vertical pump-rods are suspended, in the pit. Those rods and the pump-work are the same as commonly used for steam engines in Cornwall, with plunger pumps, except that there are two pump-rods in each pit, and they move up and down iu contrary directions, owing to the two cranks on the ends of the axis of the water-wheel being bended in op- posite directions ; by that arrangement the weight of the two rods counter, balance one another; one half of the pumps are connected to one rod, and the other half to the other rod, and the water is raised in the pumps by turns. All tlie wheels have a considerable length of horizontal rods, to ex- tend from their cranks to the elbow or bell-crank levers at the pit's mouth ; and in some cases a very considerable length of such rods, occasioning much friction. 1. Old Sump Wheel, 51 feet in diameter, 10 feet broad. Thewater poured into its buckets was at the rate of 5632 gallons per minute ; which, at 10 lb. per gallon, would be 56,320 lb. weight, descending 51 feet = 2,872,320 lb. per minute descending 1 foot; that is, the power of the water expended; or being divided by 33,000 lb. (for a horse power according to .Mr. Watt) gives 87-0 horse power expended. The wheel when so supplied made 5 revolutions per minute, and worked 6 pumps, as follows : — Lifts. Path. Feet. Diam. Weight. 1 3 1 1 43 If 112 3i 25 3 6 5 134 13 14 9 lb. 16,136 38,922 10,225 1,132 66,415 The length of stroke in the pumps was 6 feet; and the effective motion in the pumps to raise water, was at the rate of 30 feel per minute. The weight of the columns of water in all the 6 pumps, amounted to 66,415 lb. weiglit, whicii being raised 30 feet per minute= 1,992,450 lb. per minute raised 1 foot ; that is, the power realized or exerted in actually raising the water; or being divided by 33,000 gives 60-36 horse power reahzed. Wherefore an expenditure of water power equal to 2,872,3201b. per minute descending 1 foot (or 87'0 h.p.) produced a useful effect realized in water raised by the pumps, equal to 1,992,4501b. per minute raised 1 foot (or 60'30 H.r.) ; the useful effect or work done being at the rate of 09-4 per cent, of the power expended, the remaining 30-6 per cent, being lost, partly by friction of the pump-work, and resistance to the motion of the water 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 267 through the pumps, and partly by imperfect application of the water to the wheel. II. Taylors North TJ'/ieel, 50 feet diameter, 6j feet broad ; was supplied with 5199 gallons of water per niinute= r8""5 h.p. expended. It made 5 revobitions per minute, and worlied 6 pumps with a stroke of 6 feet ; weight of the columns of water in those pumps 44,689 lbs., which was raised 30 ft. per niinute = 40'63 h.p. reahzed ; being ol-6 per cent, of the power e.\- pended. III. Taylor's South JJ'/ieel, 40 feet diam. 4 J feet broad ; supplied with 416"-4 gallons = 30-5 h.p. expended. It worked 2 pumps. 0 feet stroke, 5 strokes per minute ; weight of columns 30-270 lb. = 27'53 h.p. realized ; being 54'3 per cent. IV. Brentoa's /(Viee/, 32 feet diam. 7j feet broad; supplied with 8897'4 gallons = S6-3 h.p. expended. It worked 5 pumps, 6 feet stroke, 4} strukes per minute; weight of column 30-092 lb. = 24-03 h.p. realized; being only 28-5 per cent, of the power expended, which is to l)e accounted for by the additional friction of a great length of horizontal rods by which this wheel works its pumps. OvEasHOT W.iTER Wheels AT Whe.^l Betsy JIi.nes, in July, 1811. I. Job's Wtieel, 42 feet diam., supplied with 2890 gallons of water per minute = 36-78 h.p. expended. It made 4 revolutions per minute. Weiglit of the columns of water in the pumps 28-314 Ih. 0 feet stroke = 20-6 h.p. realized ; being 36 per cent. II. Williams's W'Aec?, 40 feet diam. ; 3027 gallons per minute = 36-6S h.p. expended. It made 4.^ revolutions. \Veight of columns 26-434 lb. ; "i feet stroke = 26'43 h.p. realized; being 721 per cent. III. Buller's Wheel, 40 feet diam., 1912 gaIIon3 = 23-17 h.p. expended. It made 3 revolutions. Weight of columns 22-901 lb. 7i feet stroke = 15'61 H.p. realized ; being 67-4 per cent. IV. Carpenter's Wtieel, 44 feet diam., 1983 gallons = 26-46 h.p. expended. It made 4^ revolutions. Weight of columns 18-0C2 1b., 6 feet strokes 15'26 H.p. realized ; being 57'6 per cent. Conclusion. — If Brentoa's Wheel at Wheal Friendship is rejected, as an extreme case, the average performance of the other three wheels at Wheal Friendship will be 5S-3 per cent. ; and of the four wheels at Wheal Betsy 63-3 per cent. Or the average performance of all the seven wheels will be 61-2 per cent. Wheal r Old Sump 69-4 ] rriendshp. ^aylor^ North .... 51-6 I 58-5 per cent. ' L Taylor 3 South .... 54-o J {Job's 50-0 "] Williams's 72-1 ^, „ Buller's 67-4 \ ^^'^ P''" •^«"'- Carpenter's 57-6 J Mr. Jordan described the turbine to consist of three principal parts : — 1st. A cylinder with a base upon which are fixed the guide curves, direct- Big the water at a certain angle upon the buckets of tlie moving ring. 2nd. A sluice regulating the flow of water from the bottom of the cylinder upon the buckets, and 3rd. The external or revolving ring with its buckets, and its upright shaft whence the motion is communicated to the machinery to be driven. The buckets are confined between two annular plates, tlie lower one being attached to the vertical shaft, in the bottom of which is fitted a hardened steel thimble, into which a pivot of " glass-hard steel " works ; tliis inversion of the ordinary arrangement of the pivot, is to prevent any particles of sajid or other substances from getting upon the point, and producing friction. Oil is introduced to this pivot by a tube connected with a small pump, worked by the machinery at the requisite speed to keep it lubricated. The form of the buckets is a mathematical curve, and on the pertection with which this is traced, will depend tlie efficiency of tlie turbine. These parts are enclosed within a cylinder, so arranged that it shall serve as the reservoir, whence the water is admitted upon tlio moving parts by the sluice, which must be well fitted to prevent a loss of water, and is uniformly raised or lowered by gearing placed on the top of the cylinder. When the height of the fall is considerable, the cylinder is closely covered, and the moving shaft passes through a stuffing bo.x in the centre, but with low falls the cylinder is open at the top. A great advantage in the machine is, that the castings and iron work com- posing it, are (with the exception of the buckets) very simple, they require little adjustment, and only a few parts are turned or bored, so that tlie con- struction ought to be economical. Mr. Rennie had endeavoured to introduce the turbine into notice some years ago, and the nature of the curves had been examined in an article in Herapath's Magazine. Professor Gordon's statement correspondeil very nearly with what he had heard from MM. Foumeyron, Arago and .Morin, and subsequently seen of these machines when in France. He had vi.■^ited a tur- bine erected by a -Mr. Isterwood at a flour-mill at St. Maur, near Paris ; the machine drove ten pairs of millstones 3 feet 4 inches in diameter, at tlie rate of 200 revolutions per minute, equalling 40 h.p. ; subsequently three addi- tional turbines were erected for the purpose of driving ten pairs of stones each, or in all forty pairs of stones by four machines ; each turbine hail a diameter of 3 ft. 2 in. and a depth of bucket of 8 inches, with a fall of water of about 6 ft. : when entirely submerged to the depth of 4 feet, tlie turbine continued to make (as in low water) 50 revolutions per minute. Subse- quently, in September 1840, he visited the flour mills of M. D'-A.rblay at Corbeil. These mills are four in number arranged in a quadrangular form ; each mill contains ten pairs of millstones, which were originally driven by four well-proportioned cast iron wheels of about 18 ft. diameter ; two out of the four wheels were still at work, but the other two had been replaced by two turbines similar in dimensions to those at St. Maur. One of them was working ten pairs of stones. The motion was communicated to a horizontal shaft by means of bevil wheels, one fixed on the upper extremity of the up- right spindle of the turbine, the other of smaller diameter fixed ou the end of the horizontal shaft, on which also were fixed the riggers for driving, by means of straps, smaller riggers fixed on the millstone spindles. The work was very regularly done, and the proprietors expressed great satisfaction. The second turbine was then erecting, and the third and fourth water-wheels were to be replaced by similar machines. No fault was attributed to the original wheels, but their efl'ect was not equal to that of the turbines. The maker (.Mr. Isterwood) stated that he had made these machines entirely under the direction of M. Fourneyron, who alone knew how to trace the directing and emissive curves, and that unless they were properly described, the effect would be greatly reduced. He at the same time stated as his opinion, that there was no economy in the construction of the turbine over the common water-wheel, as the former is more complicated and costly. M. Fourneyron seemed to doubt whether any other machinist than himself could construct a turbine properly ; the principal difficulty being in tracing the curves, which had bean the study of his life ; he quoted several instances of failure when strangers had attempted their construction. M. .Vrago and M. Poneelet were of the same opinion ; the former stated that the effect of the curves was contrarj- to theory. M. Morin expressed his confidence in the accuracy of the experiment made with the fr'ene or friction brake of Prony applied to the axes of the turbines. Mr. Rennie had seen a cast iron water-wheel with close buckets veiy nicely balanced, 24 ft. diameter and 3 ft. 6 in. wide, made under the direction of his father, realize 80 per cent, of eifective power, and Professor Gordon ia the paper spoke of 82 per cent, for an overshot water-wheel. He did not however by these observations mean to disparage the turbine, with which the mechanical world generally was not sufficiently acquainted. r>lr. Taylor thought that Mr. Rennie had overlooked the two prominent advantages of the turbine, in comparing it with other methods of employing water power. 1st. That of its being equally adapted for very low or for very high falls; in falls under 10 feet the breast-wheel afl^orded but an imperfect mode of using the power, as the actual efficiency fell far below what ought to be ob- tained by a more perfect machine ; and in falls above 50 or 60 feet, if over- shot wheels were used, a number of them must be constructed with the dis- advantnge of increased expense and probable inconvenience in their appli- cation. Instances had been adduced of turbines working with a fall as low as 2 feet and as high as 343 feet ; the efficiency of the former being stated at 64 per cent, and of the latter from 80 to 83 per cent. 2nd. That they are not affected by back or tail water like almost all other hydraulic machines; it having been shown, by direct experiment, that when working at considerable depths under water, the relative proportion of use- ful effect produced, to the total mechanical effect expended, is not thereby notably diminished. This in his opinion was one of the most important ad- vantages of tlie turbine. For high falls, the water-pressure engine and Barker's mill, as improved by Whitelaw and Stirratt, rivalled the turbine ; and for low falls there were many machines which were very effective ; for instance the balance-engine, and the old " flap-jack," with a reservoir of water at one end of a beam and a pump at the other; he had seen such a machine working with a ten-foot stroke, pnmping from a depth of 200 fathoms ; but for falls subject to great fluctuation, none of these machines appeared to equal the accounts given of the turbine. Mr. Farey had not collected from the paper, or the discussion, how the quantity of water passing through the turbine had been measured. The power exerted appeared to have been tried by a break applied directly to the axis of the turbine, whereas ordinary water-wheels are usually tried by the work which they actually do perform, and that by the intervention of ma- chinery which causes a considerable loss of power by friction. In order to make a fair comparison, the two kinds of machines should have been experimented upon exactly in the same manner, which did not appear to have been done. When Mr. John Taylor stated, that the effect of the best of the large water-wheels used for pumping water out of the mines under his manage- ment, had been calculated to be 69 per cent, of the power expended ; it would be found that the effect produced had been computed by the weight of the columns of water in the pumps, multipUed by the height through which such weight was raised ; such being the usual mode of reckoning. But it is obvious, that much more power was exerted by the water-wheel than would thereby be brouglit to account in the 09 per cent., owing to the fric- tion of the pit-work and pumps by which the water was raised. The turbines appear to have been tried in a way which would not incur much of that loss, but which would bring to account in the per-centage nearly all the power which, in practical operations, must be lost by the friction of the machinery with which a water-wheel or a turbine must of necessity be connected, in order to perform sucli operations. 268 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [August, Professor Moseley's Constant Indicator. " Jiesul/s of a Trial of the Constant Indicator upon the Cornish Engine at the East London ITater-troris." By Professor Moselc-y, F.R.S., c&c. The oliject of tliis communication is to exliibit ami explain the results given by the author's Indicator during a continuous registration from the 28th January to tlie 25th February, 1842, the engine during that time making 232,617 strokes. The numbers registered by the counter of the engine and the Indicator were noted each morning and evening, and .ire recorded in a fable appended to the paper. The differences between each two consecutive numbers registered by the counter, giving the number of strokes made between each two observations, are contained in one column of the table, and in another column are the differences between the successive registrations of the Indicator. These arc followed by the mean registrations of the Indicator at every stroke of the engine, being the quotients of the numbers in the last-named column divided Ijy tl-.e corresponding numbers of the preceding column. The paper, after thus stating tlie numbers registered daily by the Indicator during the ]>eriod of trial, proceeds to explain the formula to which they are to be applied, in order to determine the work done daily by the engine. The formula, when reduced from the general one by the introduction of the numerical values of the constant dependant upon this engine, is U-16I-.1474 N--090J1 L. in this expression, U represents the units of work (in lb. raised one foot high.) done ujmn each square inch of the piston through any given time, during which the number registered by the Indicator is represented by N, and the space in feet which the piston traverses, by L. The second term of the formula, which is very small as compared with the first, is a correction for the influence of the friction of the Indicator on the number registered by it. The formula being then reduced by tlie substitution in it of the nu- merical values before alluded to, the whole number of units of work per square inch of the piston done between the 2Sth January and the 25th February is shown to have been 2I,464,067"1727. From this is deduced the work done during the same time upon the whole area of the piston as well as the duty done upon the piston for each cwt. of coals. These calculations are followed by a comparison of the results given by the Indicator with those previously obtained from actual experiment by Mr. Wicksteed ; whence it appears, that with a necessary allowance for a difference in the lengths of stroke at the periods of the two experiments the results of the two are almost coincident. The work per stroke upon every square inch of the piston as obtained by experiment is 120'574, whilst as shown by the Indicator it is 110-338'lb. Professor Moseley exhibited the Indicator, and described its construction and action ;* the accompanying engraving (Plate XI.) represents the Indi- cator constructed by the committee. C and D are cylinders, each four inches in length, communicating Ky the steam steam-pipes A and B with the top and bottom of the cylinder of the engine to which the Indicator is applied, and well clothed with felt to prevent radiation. In these cyhnders work two solid pistons, each four square inches in area, fixed upon the extremities of the same piston-rod E F, which piston-rod (when the steam i>assages A and B are oi)en and the Indicator is in action) sustains in the direction of its ]ength a pressure equal to the difference between the pressures upon the two pistons fixed upon its extremities, or (since these sustain the same pressure ■with equal portions of tlie opposite sides of the piston of the engine) equal to the effective pressure of the steam on four square inches of the piston of the engine. This pressure upon the piston-rod is made to bear, by means of a shoulder Z, upon the steel spring S T, which spring is connecteil by means of links at its extremities with a second similar and equal spring Q R. sup- ported at its centre upon a solid projection P, from the cast-iron frame of the instrument. The pressure of the piston-rod upon the lower spring borne at ■the extremities of the upper spring, whose centre is fixed, is thus made to separate the two springs from one another, and the separation produced is, by a well-known law of dcllection, directly proportional to the pressure sus- tained, so long as the deflections are small. The limits within whicli this !aw of deflection obtains, are greatly extended by the pecuhar form given to these springs, first suggested (it is believed) by M. Morin. One surface if each spring is plane, and the opposite surface of that well-known parabolic form by which an equal strength is given to every portion of the length of the spring. The spring being thus tapered from its centre to its extremities wittiout impairing its strength, its deflection is distributed more uniformly throughout its length, and being thus made less (for a given separation of the springs) at every point, the elastic limits arc nowhere so soon passed. By this connection of tlie piston-rod with the springs, its position is made to vary directly as the effective pressure upon its extremities, or as the effective pressure upon four square inches of the piston of the engine, so that every additional pound in that pressure will cause the piston-rod to alter Its position by the same additional distance in the direction of its length. The pulley or wheel I K (which, from the peculiar functions assigned to it Sn this machine, we propose to call the integrating wheel,) turns upon the piston-rod as its axis, and traverses with it at the same time in the direction of its length, being prevented from moving on it in that direction by means of two shoulders fixed by adjustment screws. * The Editor is indebted for the annexed engraving of the apparatus and description to a report of a eommittee appoinlcd at the tenth mei'ting of the British -\ssociaiion. Memljers of the committee, the Rev. Professor Moseley, M.A., F.RS., Eaton Hodgkinson, Esq., F.R.3., J. Enys, Esq. The arras of this wheel are pierced by apertures, through which pass three rods united at their extremities (as shown in the figure,) so as to form the rigid frame G II, which frame turns also upon the piston-rod as lis axis, but does not traverse with it in the direction of its length ; so tliat the wheel I K is made by its motion with the piston-rod to traverse the rods of the frame longitudinally, whilst it is made to sweep the frame round with it by any motion of rotation which may at the same time be communicated to it about its axis. It receives such a motion of rotation from the cone K L, which is so placed that its side may be accurately parallel to the piston-rod, and which is kept continually pressed against the wheel at K by means of a spiral spring inclosed in a tube at II, and acting continually against the extremity of the spindle on which the cone turns. A system of bevel wheels U, Y, X, communicates to this siiindlc, and with it to the cone, the rotation of the pidley N, which pulley is driven by a cord carrying a weight at one extremity, and passing by the other extremity (over directing pulleys) to the piston of the engine, or to some point which moves preciselg as tlie piston of tfie engine does, but through a less space. The circum- ference of the pidley N being thus made to move precisely as the piston of the engine, the angle described by the cone, during any exceedingly small period of time, is made to be exactly proportional to the space described during that time by the piston of the engine. Now let it be observed, that the circumference of the integrating wheel I K partaking of the motion of that portion of the surface of the cone with which it is at any instant ia contact, the number of revolutions, or rather parts of a revolution, which it is made to describe during any exceedingly small period of time, beginning from that instant, is dependent upon two causes ; first, upon the dimensions of the particular circle of the cone which is at that instant -chanics by M.M. Coriolis and Poncclet. 1 The number of units of work thus accumulated is represented in 11>. one foot high by i - D! ; whence w represents the number of lb. in the Meiyht of the moving mass, t) its velocity in feet per second reduced to the piston g = Z2i lb. The expression - i" is said to represent^the vis viva ; so that the accumulated work is equal to half the vis viva. 272 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [August, explain this, let tlie pound ■n-eight be supposed to be applied gradually to the spring liv dropping grain after grain of sand slowly upon it. The spring -nill then evidently be brought to its deflection without ever passing it. Now let it be observed that on this supposition the first grain of sand only will have descended through one inch, the next descending through less than an inch, the next through yet less, and so on. Thus the work done upon the spring by each succeeding grain will be less than that done by the preceding. Yet the aggregate work done by these successive small pressures, each working through a different space, is' sufficient to deflect the spring one inch. Non- let all the grains be placed at once upon the S])ring. When it has deflected an inch, each grain will tlien have worked through an inch, and a great deal more work will, on the whole, have been done on the spring than before, indeed twice as much ; but the work done before was enough to deflect the spring an inch ; more than enough to deflect it has now therefore been done, that is, more has been done than has been expended. The remainder is accumulated in the moving mass of the sand and the spring, and carries on the deflection greatly beyond the position of equilibrium. The Indicator was placed upon the engine of the East London Water- works, in the belief that by the experiments of Mr. Wieksteed, the work actually performed by that engine was better known than that of any other. All the calculations and inquiries which have since been made have fully confirmed that opinion. And he had full confidence in that verification of the registration of the Indicator which is supplied by its agreement with Mr. Wicksteed's estimate of the work of his engine. In reference to the use of the term " work," Professor Moseley stated, that the various terms used by foreign engineers to convey the idea attached to that term, appeared at length to have resolved themselves into the single term " travail ; " and that of the variety of corresponding terms used in Eng- land, the term " work " was probably the most obvious translation of " tra- vail; " that it moreover appeared to him the simplest and the most intelli- gible ; and that on these grounds he had adopted it. In answer to the obseriation made by Mr. Parkes suggesting the con- struction of an indicator which would register the work of the machine at the point where it is applied, instead of at the cylinder of the engine, Pro- fessor Moseley stated that such an instrument would undoubtedly be very valuable, especially if it could be made to register correctly the work trans- mitted bv a rotating shaft ; but that for the purpose contemplated by him it would be entirely useless— this object was to effect, in respect to ordinary engines working' under constantly variable pressures, that constant registra- tion of the duty, the introduction and publication of which had led to so remarkable an economy of steam power in the working of the Cornish en- gines. No registration of the work done at the working points of the ma- chine driven by the engine, would supply a fair estimate of the duty done by the engine ; a' greater or less portion of the work done by the engine being lost by reason of friction in its transfer through the machine, from its driving to its'working points, according as there was a greater or less complication of moving parts and rubbing surfaces intervening, lie repeated that his object had been to determine the working qualities of the engine itself; and that he had for this reason specially sought to eliminate from his estimate those verv influences of the friction of the machine driven by the engine which Mr. Parkes thought it so important to include in it. It would have been a fault of his Indicator (for the purpose contemplated by it) if it had taken anv notice of the effect of that change made in the machinery of Mr. Lucy's mill, which Mr. Parkes had spoken of. He had used the term effective wori; (not effective pow er) of the engine, to signify that excess of the work of the steam on one side of the piston, over that opposed to it by the im- perfectly condensed steam on the other, which it was necessary to know in order to estimate the real duty of the engine. It was solely for tlie deter- mination of that duly that the Indicator had been constructed, and the alterations which Mr. Parkes had suggested would have subjected its regis- tration to influences which, in reference to that purpose, he had specially sought to eliminate. Mr. Farey remarked, that it would lead to an incorrect appreciation of the merit of the new indicating instrument, if it were to be considered merely as a substitute for the ordinary indicator, when in fact they are two instruments, adapted to and equally useful for different purposes. The new instrument does not preserve any record of the minute details of any one stroke, like the ordinary indicator, but it records a true aggregate of all the details of any number of succeeding strokes ; it gives the same results as would be obtained if it were possible to have two ordinary indicator cards correctly taken, at each succeeding stroke of the engine, during the whole time of ob- servation, bv means of two indicators, one of them applied to the upper, and the other to the lower end of the cylinder ; and also provided, that an accu- rate admeasurement of every one of all those cards was afterwards made, at ten places in the length of the card, by the scale of pounds per square inch, in the usual manner, and the amount of the ten measurements added into one sum, and then (without averaging each card) that such sum of each card shoidd be carried to a continuous account to obtain a grand sum total repre- senting all the force that had been exerted, during both halves of each stroke made throughout the experiment, reckoned at ten stages or portions of the length of stroke. Such a grand total of all the cards would be a number representing the same fact, as is represented by the number shown by the new instrument ; and would therefore be dealt with, in each case, in a simi- ,ar manner, as one of the data (viz. that representing force) for calculating (by aid of other data representing motion or space) the whole power exerted during the time of observation. In trying the performance of a steam vessel, alternately up and down a measured mile in the river Thames, it is usual to take an indicator card from each engine, at every such run ; and by summing up each card, some diffe- rence will be found between them, wherefore an average of the results of several cards will give more authentic information respecting the force exerted by the engines during the whole trial, than could be obtained if one such card alone had been depended upon. The new instrument takes cogni- zance of every stroke that is made by the engine during the whole time of observation; and in cases (such as in the Great iVestern steamer) v\here a considerable variation of force in succeeding strokfs occurs frequently during such time, it is a desideratum to obtain the results which this instrument is intended to give, and which, as far as it has been tried, it seems likely to give with fidelity. The instrument when applied as it had been at Old Ford, becomes another mode of ascertaining performance, similar to what is reported monthly re- specting the engines in Cornwall, but not exactly the same as is there called " duty," because the new instrument would show the aggregate of the un- balanced force, that had been exerted (during a given time) by the steam, to impel the piston ; whilst the monthly reports show (by load in pounds, length of stroke in pumps, and number of strokes made) the aggregate of force exerted in the same time, in overcoming the resistance that the mere hydrostatic weight of the columns of water in the pumps, opposes to the motion of the engine. The instriimpnt (.usht always to show more force than the reports do, and the difference between the two, would be the aggregate of all the force that had been lost during the time, by friction of the moving parts of the engine, pumps. &c. Respecting that loss of force, there is no more of it than arises from such friction, from working the air-pumps, &c., and from resistance of the water, but it is wholly a mistake to .suppose that any such loss is aug- mented by producing motion. Professor Moseley had just stated the true theory on that head, which theory was demonstrable mathematically, and admitted of no ijuestion. It would be needless to go further into what had been so well explained, except to observe that the theory applies without the least abatement, or modification by incidental causes, to the case of any ma- chine which, like a steam engine, regains the same state, as to rest, (or as to motion) at the end of the time of observation upon it, as the state in which it was at the commencement of that time ; and the theory shows that in such a machine, no part of the force exerted upon it (or exerted by it) can have been expended, or lost, in producing motion, whatever may be the number or the extent of changes or variations in velocity of motion, that the machine had undergone during the time of observation ; for although force must be exerted to produce motion from a state of rest, yet all force that is so exerted will be rendered back again when the motion which was produced has ceased, and the state of rest regained ; in the steam engine that is the case at the termination of every h.tlt-struke. Respecting trials by means of the smallest force of steam, which will just press the piston of a pumping engine slowly down in the cylinder, or cause the engine to come creeping in-doors: they are not much to be depended upon as evidence of the force that is actually lost in overcoming friction ; first because no steadiness of exhaustion can be kept up beneath the piston, nor steadiness of steam above the piston, whilst the engine is so treated, and also because the counterweight of engines in Cornwall is not apportioned with any great nicety. In general they are worked with more counterweight than is requisite, and but little loss is occa- sioned by so doing ; for if the counterweight is unnecessarily great, so as to carry the engine quick out of doors (that is, to cause the pump-rod to descend briskly) then the equilibrium valve is closed sooner, and therefore retains more steam between the top of the piston and the cover of the cyl n- der. in what has been called the steam cushion, which stops the descending motion of the pump-rod ; and in consequence of more steam being reserved in such cushion to go towards the supply for the succeeding stroke, that increase in the reserved steam compensffles in part for the v\aste of force occasioned by the redundancy of counterweight, which caused the quick motion. Mr. Farey had received from Mr. John Taylor indicator cards of Taylor's engine at the Uniled Mines ; one card was taken socm after it was first set to work, with an cxtravagaut counterweight, and another card was taken imiuediately after several tons of balance had been added without alteration of the load of water m the pumps ; balance in Cornwall is contrary to coun- terweight, so that adding balance eflTects a reduction of counterweight. Now if an attempt had been made to ascertain the friction of that engine by try- ing what strength of steam would cause the engine to creep in-doors, the day before the balance was added, the friction would have appeared (by that mode) to have been 3 lbs. or 1 lbs. per square inch greater than it would have appeared to be after the balance had been added : although that was an extreme case not likely to occur often, yet errors in the imputed amount of friction, to the extent of I lb. or l^lb. per square inch would be continually made, if dependence were to be placed on that mode of trial of engines w nrk- ing with so much counterweight as they may happen to have. The friction of modern engines in Cornwall, including that of their pit-work and pump, and the resistance of the water, he believed would not be found materially, if any, greater, than was the case in Mr. 'Watt's old engines, when the depth of the mines was not half as great, and the weight of moving parts not one- third as great; for the improvement in pit-work and pumps, and engine- work, had kept pace with that increase of depth and weight.^ The pump- rods are hung more truly perpendicular, and the lengths of timber for the rods are better jointed so as to cause them to hang straighter in the pit whilst working, and avoid lateral vibratory fle.xure, and therefore the rods rub less against their guides ; the plungers are set truer, and being of larfje diameter, have less rubbing surface in proportion to their contents, the lifts being higher, and short lifts being avoided ; these and many other improve- ments tend to reduce the friction in proportion to the force exerted. The small quantity of steam expended, .and consequently of water injrcied into the condensers, as well as better joints to prevent leak:ige of air into the 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 273 exlnusleil parts reduces the ]io«cr required to wcrk the air-pump to a smaller proportion of power exerted by tlie engine than formerly. And in particular the valves and «ater-wavs through tlie pumps are made more open than for- merly, so as to diminish the lo?sof force that is occasioned by resistance of the water; that lossof force by resistance increases as the square of the velocity of the motion, when loss of force by mere friction does not increase by increase of that velocity. He believed few'larse engines in Cornivall, which are making what is now' thought tolerably good performance, lose more than at the rate of 3 lbs. per square inch of the piston, by friction of their moving parts, and by resistance of the water, and by working their air-pumps, and the best and newest engines probably still less. It would of course be understood that he meant by ."! lbs. what is commonly called li lb. fur moving the en- gine each way. or through each half stroke ; but that is not a correct way of statingit; IJ lb. friction incoming in-doors.and 1= lb. friction and resistance of water in going out-of-doors, would be more likely to be correct. AVith all that has been done in Cornwall, these matters still admit of further improvement. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Twelfth Meeting, 1842. [We are indebted for the following report partly to our ovrn correspond- ents, and partly to the Athenceum and the Manchester Guardian — the latter paper gave a verv- copious account of the whole of the proceedings, includ- ing the speeches delivered at the dinner.] Report from the Committee on R.iiLv.w Sections, presented by Professor Vignoles. A grant of 200/. from this Association was made at the Glasgow meeting in 1S40, on a joint application from the Geological and the Mechanical Sections, towards obtaining profiles of the various railways, chiefly with a view of putting on record (before tlie slopes of the excavations become soiled over and covered with vegetation) the geological appearances and strata developed in the many vast openings made through the country by the operations of modern engineering. At the Devonport meeting last year a renewal of the unappropriated balance of the first grant was made ; the whole sum has since been expended, and the results are now laid before the Sections originating the subject, in the shape of the numerous working plans and sections of several cf the railways, and of the enlarged parts of the profiles of the excavations. In obtaining these the Committee appointed by the Association have great pleasure in reporting, that they have been aided in the most effective and satis- factory manner by all the railway companies to whom they have applied, and also by their several officers, the engineers in particular having taken extreme pains and great interest in forwarding the views of the Association. M'ben so many parties have thus zealously co-operated, it might be almost invidious to name one without specifying all; but in particularly mentioning Mr. Swanwick, the engineer of the North Midland Railway, the Committee wish to do so for tl-.e purpose of remarking on the great pains taken by that gentleman in marking, as his works went on, all the geological details of the cuttings, which pass through so interejfing a region, and which has put into the possession of the Committee a vast extent of most valuable records of the kind sought for, and which at the same time forms a most striking example, well worthy of imitation, of the combination of engineering and geological information, applicable for economic purposes. The Committee were not at first able to organise a system of working the grant to their entire satisfaction ; but they found after some experience that, ■with the favourable disposition shown by all the railway companies, they might (without increasing the e.-:pense,) by degrees and in nn great time, be able to form an interesting and valuable collection, not only of the sec- tions of the excavations of the railways, but of the whole of the plans and profiles of all the lines, which, concentrated in one public depository, and open to the inspection of all scientific and literary bodies and individuals, and to the public in general, under proper regulations, would be of high interest. In fact such documents were almost necessarily required, as the mere indices whereby to identify the particular geological profiles ; and so useful and important is such a collection likely to become, that it is not unreasonable for the Committee to hope and believe, that after another year's experience shall have matured their arrangements and perfected their pro- posed system of records, and brought down the expense to a .certain and moderate rate per mile, the subject maybe taken up by Her Majesty's Government, and made to form part of the great geological survey of the United Kingdom, conducted by .Sir Henry De la Beche, in connection with the trigonometrical survey now carrying on by Colonel Colley and the offi- cers of the corps of Royal Engineers. The Committee, therefore, are nut without hopes that the geological and mechanic .1 Sections will again unite in applying to the General Committee for a further grant cf 200/. at the present meeting, to enable them to complete the organization they have began. The documents which the Committee have to submit are the following:— 1st. Plans and sections of the whole of the Midland Counties Railway from Rugby to Derby and Nottingham, about 58 miles. Knlarged sections of the cuttings on that railway, prepared to be filled in geologically. The chief characteristics of this district are the gv'psum beds, commonly called plaster of Paris, and the hydraulic lime, well known to engineers as the Barrow lime. 2nd. Plans and sections of the whole of the North Midland Railway, from Derby to Leeds, about 72 miles. The entire of the geological details have been laid down on the working sections of the cuttings ; but as it has been considered by the Committee that a uniform system should be observed- enlarged sections have been prepared, on which, as on the similar sections of the other hues, the strata should be delineated. It may be observed here, that these enlarged sections are on the natural scale of 40 ft. to an inch. that is, the vertical and horizontal scale are alike, which is not always the case in ordinary geological sections, and very seldom so with the working sections, for earth work and similar engineering purposes. This railway intersects the coal districts for many miles, and is replete with interesting objects. 3rd. Plans and sections of the Manchester and Leeds Railway, from Man- chester to Normanton. about .30 miles. These latter are not quite finished, but will be so before the close of this meeting. Enlarged sections of a con- siderable portion of the excavations on this railway, are filled up with the geological details. 4th. Enlarged sections of the excavations on the Glasgow, Paisley, and Greenock Railway, about 22i miles, with the geological details. 5th. The same for the Manchester and Bolton Railway, about 10 miles, containing full details of the strata where the remarkable fossil trees were found, and of the trees also, models of which are in the exhibition room at the Royal Institution in Manchester. The liberality of this company will afl'ord several opportunities for the members of the Asscciation to visit these trees, and the particular profile of the excavation where they are will remain in the Geological Section, or in the Royal Institution, where the models are. 6th. Enlarged sections of the Hull and Selby Railway, about 30^ miles, with the geological details. Some other enlarged sections are stated to be preparing for the Committee, but they have not come to hand in time for the present report. These records, according to the directions of the Association, will be de- posited in the Museum of Economic Geology, in London, where they may at all times hereafter be usefully referred to. In conclusion the Committee cannot refrain from observing that the docu- ments thus collected are equally important and interesting to the philosopher, the geologist, and the engineer. To the philosophical or theoretical investi- gator they present the curious and varying features of the crust of this portion of the globe ; to the practical engineer they offer a memorial of the experience of the profession, whence many a serviceable lesson for future operations maybe learned ; whereby difficulties and expense may be hereafter avoided and diminished, and from which valuable information may be derived for tlie appliance of materials in constructions, it being one of the great arts of the engineer to avail himself of the most, immediate natural resources which he has to displace in one instance, and to apply them usefully in another, when in juxta-position. And, on the other hand, the minute vari- ations of strata and soil thus accurately delineated, and referred to well- defined altitudes, with respect to the general surface of the ocean, become of the very highest interest to the geologist, and no less so to the mining engineer, more especially on the lines of railway intersecting the coal and mineral districts, where, in numerous instances, labour, directed by science and sustained by commercial enterprise, has laid bare in deep chasms the secrets of Nature, and the stores whence this country has derived so many advantages, and whose well-directed energies have drawn from our mines of coal and rude metals that abundant wealthland prosperity which the more splendid productions of Potosi and Mexico have failed to bestow on their possessors. On Straight Axles for Locomotives, by Prof. Vignoles. The fatal results of the late terrible catastrophe cii the Paris and Versailles Railway (rive gauchej has draw n the attention of the public in general and engineers in particular, to the causes which produce such fearful elVects ; and the breaking of the axle having been prominently put forward as the original occasion of this and many other railway accidents, it seems desirable that a dispassionate in(iuiry should be instituted, and an endeavour made by calm discussion to elucidate truth. It is not intended, in the present note, to allude, cwept in general terms to the above accident. It is clear that the breaking of the axles in this case was not of itself sufficient to produce such a disaster. It was not the driving axle that broke, but the fore axle of the small four-wheeled engine; and it 274 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [August, was with sre.it regret that I perceived the cause of the accident attributed to the principle of construction of the machine. It must be quite evident to all engineers who have attentively read the details of the accident on the Ver- sailles Railway, and of the one that occurred on the Lomlon and Brighton Railway soon after the first opening, that the same causes were in operation, and greatly aggravated the sad results in both instances, viz. the coupling together of two locomotive engines of unequal power and of diflercnt con- structions, the smaller in advance ; — On both occasions a long train of heavily laden carnages were moving at very high velocities on a falling gradient j on the occurrence of the accident to the smaller engine in front, the driver suddenly turns ofl' the steam ; the man on the larger engine behind, from uhatever cause, does not act simultaneously, and a few seconds continuance of the vast unchecked momentum of the heavy engine with the steam on. overwhelms the smaller machine, and the whole tr.ain is overthrown. It is scarcely possible to regulate this unity of action, more especially in the loco- motives of unequal size and construction. "Why are engines propelling from behind objected to ? Evidently because, in the event of any obstacle occur- ring in front, a simultaneous check cannot be given to the rear engine, and it drives the carriages forward upon each other, at the very moment when the opposite effect is required. There is, therefore, quite sufficient to account for the accidents in both cases, without raising the ridiculous and exaggerated cry against the four- wheeled engine per se. As respects safety to the travelling public, I believe, and I venture to say, in common with a great many engineers who are not manufacturers, that there is no material difference between the four-wheeled and the si.\--wheeled locomotives ; but that the consideration most generally influencing the selection is that of the distribution of the weight of the ma- chine, so as to impinge less injuriously on the rails ; and it is well under- stood that the system of the double trucks, or eight-wheeled supports for locomotives, tenders. Sec, as adopted on the American Railways, has been introduced on this principle, the rails and upper works in that country being in general«tiuch lighter than with us. The real and important point, and which seems to have been quite lost sight of in the vivacious discussions on what I would call the minor question of the number of wheels, is, whether the cranked axles fur the driving wheels of locomotive engines ought not to be abandoned, and whether driving a.^les should not be always made straight. The extent of prejudice in favour of cranked axles is most extraordinary. The very great increased expense incurred in making and strengthening them, the additional complexity and cramping into narrower space of all the moving parts of the machinery, and the consequent wear and tear and inconvenience involved by their use, to say nothing of the augmented risk, far overbalance, in my opinion, any theo- retical advantages alleged in their fav ur, but which advantages and supe- riority, in practice, over the straight axle engine, I could never discover and wholly deny. Eight years since, after a hard struggle with the manufac- turers, straight driving axles were adopted lor the locomotives on the Dublin and Kingstown Railway. On that line, especially on Sundays and on holi- days, the traffic is quite equal to that on any railway yet open. Trains of from 12 to 1.5 carriages (but with one engine only) are at such times sent every quarter of an hi. ur from each end of the line ; and there has been no instance of accident from any cause connected with the form of engine or axle, or with such frequent departure of heavily laden passenger trains ; and the finance accounts of the Company show that the cost of locomotive power, repairs. &c. is below that of other lines using cranked axles ; nor do I know of any cause of objection to the straight driving axle, after seven or eight years experience of their use, without, I believe, a single instance of failure which fully justifies my opinion of their superiority. On other railways I have been connected with 1 have not always been so fortunate as to have succeeded in banishing the cranked axle. As sometimes happens in Governmental and political struggles, the votes of the controlling body have overpowered the opinion of the executive, where a difference among members of our profession have given opportunities for Directors to exercise their own discretion ; and cranked or straight axles, four-wheeled or six-wheeled engines, have been alternately adopted according to the pre- vailing ideas of the majority of the several railway boards. I have, however, reason to believe that several engineers of high standing are becoming converts to the straight axle, and I congratulate the public on it. as a very important step in the right direction. In respect to the attention to be given to the manufacture of axles, it is impossible to pay sufficient regard to the importance that the scrap iron should not only be of very good, but also of exactly similar quality, and that each scrap should have gone through the same processes in its previous difierent stages. On this subject I hope some of the experienced manufac- turers who are present. will throw some light, especially on the details, for on the abstract principle there can be no dispute, although I suspect it is greatly neglected, in particular for ordinary carriage axles, and probably only scrupulously attended to in forming the driving axles of locomotives. Some of the French engineers, hov. fver, have, within a very recent period, suggested that we must seek for the causes of the often unexplained rupture 1 of axles in another way. M. Francois and Colonel Aubert have both lately read, at the Royal Academy of Paris, jiapers on the subject, and attribute the cause of the fracture of the axle of the engine on the Versailles Railway to the iron having been crystallized from the action of heat or magnetism. In support of this opinion it is stated that the axle broken was formed of the best iron, and was of sufficient dimensions; and that the fracti>re bad a de- cided crystallized appearance : and I have indeed myself often observed the same character in broken ax'es, so much so as to induce me to fancy some- times that they had Ijeen formed of cast iron. M. Fraufnis stated in his paper that he had made a long continued series of experiments, and had observed that a magnetic action on iron in a state of fusion will produce similar etiects. and change the small and closely ad- hering particles into coarse and large crystallized grains, depriving the iron of its compact character. This talented mineral engineer inferred that the action of heat upon axles moving at high velocities might produce the same effect. Both M. Frauf ois and Colonel Aubert seemed to be of opinion that the only real precaution was to change the axles of locomotive engines so frequently as not to give them time to undergo the crystalline change ; sug- gesting, however, that iron that had been previously worked up should alone be employed for axles, and not new iron, which had more of a vitreous cha- racter, and was more susceptible of crystallization. Since this paper was prepared, I have reason to believe that this crystal- lization of wrought iron has been noticed by si me of our eminent manufac- turers, whose opinions there may be an opportunity of obtaining ; and if it be. as Mr. Fairbairn informs me, that cold swaging will crystallize hammered iron, the shocks that locomotive engines sustain in their rapid transits may- well be put as a greit cause of this remarkable change. It is, however, clear, that to remedy and replace straight axles is much easier and cheaper than to deal with cranked axles, and I venture to state it as my humble opinion, that as much ingenuity and talent is thrown away in arranging locomotive engines with cranked axles, and in perfecting the manufacture of those " crooked billets," as there was in rolling iron into undulations for fish-bellied rails ; which are now almost as much forgotten as, I doubt not, the cranked axles for locomotive engines will one day be. Remarks. — Mr. Ilodgkinson was certain, from the results of his experiments, that asuccession of strains, however slight, would produce a permanent deterio- ration of the elasticity of the iron. — Mr. Fairbairn had been told by the engi- neer on the Leeds line, that he considered all crank axles to he constantly dete- riorating from percussions, strains, &c., and that they should be removed and replaced by new ones periodically, to avoid danger of fracture. — A dis- cussion arose as to whether the crystalhzed appearance observed in fractured axles arose from defects in the manufacture, in the quality of the iron, or from the effects of working, either by percussions, strains, or magnetic action. — Mr. Grantham, although a manufacturer of cranked axles, admitted that straight axles were less liable to break. Cranked axles, from the way in which they were welded together and shaped, were rendered weak and liable to fracture. On other grounds, however, he believed that the cranked axles were preferable, as they produced a steadier motion, and much heat was saved. — Mr. Garnett believed that more straight axles had broken than cranked ones. — Prof. Willis showed the effect of vibration iu destroying molecular arrangement, by reference to the tongues in musical boxes, &e. — Mr. Nasmyth believed that the defects in axles, &e., arose in the manufacture, especially from cold swaging and hammering, and also from over-heating in welding, all of which causes injured thif toughness of the iron. In small articles he found great advantage from annealing; and he believed that axles might be annealed very cheaply, and would be more serviceable. He dis- Uked the fashion of referring all unaccounted phenomena to magnetism and electricity, although he was convinced that very singular electric phenomena accompanied the transit of locomotives and the rapid generation of steam. With this was connected the non-oxidation of rails, where the traffic was ia one direction, and the rapid oxidation when the same rails were travelled over in both directions, as in the Blackwall railway. He had also observed that brasses, in some cases, had from friction entered into culJ fusion — that is, at a heat not perceptible to the eye, a complete disintegration of the mo- lecular structure had taken place, and he had seen the brass spread as if it had been butter or pitch. He had no doubt that this arose from electricity, hut had not ascertained the fact from experiment. — Mr. Fairbairn stated, that in hand-hammered rivets the heads frequently dropped off, and presented a crystallized appearance, while those compressed by machine were sound. He found that repeated percussions, from the rivetting, hammeiinp plates, Sec, induced magnetism in iron boats. — Mr. Vignoles could not, from liis experience, agree to Mr. Nasmyth's theory of the oxidation of rails by single traffic, as the railway from Newton to Wigau had been single for a long time, and was as bright as the Manchester and Liverpool. The lilackwall railway was not an analogous case, as no locomotives were employed. — Mr. Roberts disbelieved the deterioration of axles by work; he would rather trust an old axle than a new one. He believed cold swaging and hammering to be the chief causes of mischief. In fact, if axles were sent out sound and well manufactured, they would rather improve by working. Mr. Nasmyth at a subsequent meeting gave some valuable practical sug- gestions on the cause of breaking of axles, which we purpose noticing next month. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 27-5 0>' THE Action of Air and Water on iron. By Mr. JIallet. This is the third rejiort for which the association is indebted to Mr. XIallet. The ohject of former tabulated results was to determine the actual loss by corrosion in a given time, and the com])arative durabilities of rust of the principal kinds of cast iron of Great Britain, and to discover on what dura- bility depended. The tables of experiments now presented show that the rate of corrosion is a decreasing one in most cases, and that the rapidity of the corrosion in cast iron is not so much dependent upon the chemical con- stitution of the metal as upon its state of crystalline arrangement, and the condition of its constituent carbon. The present report, too, extends the inquiry to wrought iron and steel, of whicli between thirty and forty varieties have been submitted to experiment. The results show that the rate of cor- rosion of wrought iron is in general much more rapid than that of cast iron or of steel. The finer the wrought iron is, and the more perfectly uniform in texture, the slower and the more uniform is its corrosion. Steel corrodes in general more slowly, and much more uniformly, than wTought or cr.st iron. The results of the action of air and water in the several classes of iron have been examined and chemically determined. The substance spoken of as plumbago was next described. It is produced hy the action of air and water on cast steel, especially that in the raw ingot, in the same way as it is in the case of cast iron. A quantity of plumbago, found in the wreck of the Royal Geori/e, absorbed oxygen on exposure to the air with such rapidity, that it became nearly red- hot. Mr. Mallet next described a method of protecting iron by a modification of the zinc process. It was found impossible to cover the surface of iron with zinc, to which it had no affinity. The first process was to clean the surface of the iron, taking off the coat of oxide, and then immersing it in double chloride of zinc and ammonium, which covered it with a thin film of hydro- gen, by which its affinity for the zinc is much increased. The iron was then covered with a triple alloy of zinc, sodium and mercury. Mr. Mallet produced several specimens of his alloy, one of a bolt to be driven into a ship's side, and another a cannon shot covered with his prepai'ation, and exposed to the weather on the roof of a building, and which was perfectly preserved. Cannon balls were so much oxidised by exposure to atmospheric influences, that in five or six years they became useless. The French Institute had been engaged in experiments to protect these, and had been compelled to abandon it. Mr. Mallet also brought under the notice of the section a method of preventing the fouling which takes place on the bottoms of iron ships, especially in tropical climates, by means of which new invention he had ascertained plants and animals were prevented from adhering to the ship's bottom. Another series of experiments related to the rate of corrosion of cast iron, ■vrrought iron, and steel, exposed to atmospheric influences — a matter of great importance to the engineer. The characteristic form of corrosion in air, as contradistinguished from that of water, was also pointed out. This series of inquiries was now complete. The next matter which had engaged his attention was the rate of corrosion of rails on railways. The general opinion •was, that the rails travelled over were not corroded at all. He had been enabled to lay down three sets of rails on the Dublin and Kingstown Railway : one not travelled over, the second in use and not exposed to corrosion, and the third also in use, but made impervious to moisture. The loss of the first was 2-o55, of the second '2-344, and of the third '2-650, — results which seemed to indicate that the rail travelled overdoes corrode more slowly than that out of use. Mr. Mallet concluded by referring to Mr. Nasmyth's theory, that corrosion is checked by the trains passing over the rails always in one direction, and takes place when, as in the case of the London and Blackwall, trains pass both ways. ^ Tl>e Vice-President paid a high compliment to Mr. Mallet on the value of his investigations, and the success which had attended them. The cost to the association of these inquiries was far less perBaps than that incurred by Mr. Mallet in addition to the sum voted him ; while the results might have been made more conducive to his private purposes, had Mr. Mallet chosen to conduct them for his private advantage. In reply to a member, Mr. Mallet said his preparation for the bottoms of iron vessels lasted for about two years and a half in Kingston harliour, in a vessel exposed to a rapid tide-way. He did not think his preparations would answer for copper sheathing. Nothing but copper would protect wood ; but he looked forward to the time wlien the greater proportion of our vessels would be constructed of iron. " On the mode of conducting experiments on the resistance of air." Bv Mr. Eaton Hodgkinson, F.R.S. Mr. Hodgkinson said, that, having been honoured by the .Association with a request to pursue some experiments on the resistance of the air, he was desirous of exhibiting an instrument prepared for making the first series of these experiments. He proposed, in the first instance, to seek for the force of the wind moving at different velocities, upon plane surfaces of given di- mensions, these surfaces being either perpendicular, or inclined at any angle, to its current ; to determine this, he intended to ])Iace the apparatus upon the front of the first carriage of a railway train ; the road along which the train passed having for a short distance poles stuck up, one hundred or two hundred yards asunder. He would try the experiment only on days when there was no perceptible wind ; and then, if the time in seconds, taken in passing between two poles, be carefully observed, and the pressure indicated upon the discs (which were of two feet and four feet area, both roimd and square), the resistance per square foot, with a given velocity, wou'.d be o! - tained. He hoped to determine these facts, with various velocities and at different angles of inchnation in the discs, trying the same experiments with both discs at the same time, to ascertain whether the resistance to a square surface and a round one, of equal area, was the same, and that the results might correct each other. It would then be determined how far the law of resistance of air to planes moving obliquely through it agreed with the theo- retical suppositions hitherto in use. To apply the result of the proposed ex- periments to the case of bodies at rest, acted upon by the wind, he assumed that the resistance of a body moving with a given velocity through the air at rest, was the same as that of the wind moving with the same velocity, and acting upon the body at rest. The directors of the Manchester and Bir- mingham Railway had kindly consented, at Mr. Buck's request, to allow him to make these experiments ; and he was indebted to Mr. Fairbairn for the apparatus, — This was placed on the table. It consists of two discs of wood (which may be round, square, or of any other form), made inclinable to any ancle, by means of screws that fix them to their position, and having two straight rods moving in slots, and an attached quadrant to measure the angle. To ascertain the force of the wind, one of Salter's balance springs is placed behind each disc, attached to the cross piece which connects the two rods of the discs ; and this indicated the force of the wind at any moment. Several suggestions were made as to the instrument, and the mode of trying the experiments ; to which Mr. Hodgkinson said he would give every con- sideration. Experimental Inquiries on the Strength of Stones and other Materials. By Mr. Hodgkinson. After noticing the present state of knowledge on this subject, and the experiments of Barlow, Rennie, and of other experimentalists on the con- tinent, Mr. Hodgkinson said he had long felt anxious to ascertain how the three forces — the crushing, the tensile, and the transverse strength — and the position of the neutral line — (that separating the extended and compressed fibres in a bent body) — were connected in bodies generally ; and his experi- ments had for several years been directed to discovering facts upon each of these matters, in order to determine the question. His experiments some years ago, made for the British Association, with respect to the values of hot and cold blast iron, had shown that the ratio of the forces of ultimate tension and compression was nearly constant in all the species of cast iron ; and a few experiments made at that time on sandstone and marble, had led him to suspect that nearly the same would be the case in these and other hard bodies. Through the liberty of his friend Mr. Fairbau-n (who had, as usual, given him every assistance his establishment afforded), he (Mr. Hodgkinson) had made a great many experiments upon wood, sandstones, marbles, glass, slate, ivory,^bone, &.Q., to ascertain the tensile, crushing the transverse strength of each ; also, as far as possible, the situation of the neutral line in thirteen different kinds of timber (including oaks, pines, teak, &c.) All the three sorts of experiments w-ere made as far as possible out of the same specimen in each case, to render the results as unexceptionable as they could be made. The wood was of good quality and perfectly dry, having been chosen for this purpose, and laid in a warm dry place for four years or more. Previous to experiment, the bars of wood were all reduced with care to the same dimensions, and afterwards weighed, to ascertain the specific gravity. They were then laid upon supports to obtain the deflections with given weights, and the breaking weight with its deflection. The two portions into which a specimen was broken were afterwards reduced in the middle by the lathe to the form used in Mr. Barlow's experiments, in order that the experi- ments might be torn asunder in the middle, by a force acting directly through the axis, and thus to obtain the tensile strength of the wood. Afterwards, the thick ends of the specimens were turned by the lathe into cylinders, all of the same diameter and length, as nearly as practicable, and their exact dimensions afterwards taken, in order to ascertain by experiment the resist- ance of the woods to a crushing force. After describing the character and results of his experiments on the various substances named above (specimens of -which he produced), Mr. Hodgkinson gave the following summary of results of very numerous experiments on marbles and stones of various degrees of hardness : — Crusliing force per square inch called 1000. Transverse strength Tensile force of bar 1 inch square, Desciption of stone. per sqr. inch, and 1 loot spaces. Black marble H3 10-1 Italian marble 84 10-6 Rochdale flagstone l"* 9 9 High .Moor stone lO" Stone called Yorkshire flag .... _ 9 S Stor.e from Little HuUon, near Bolton 70 8 S Mean rates 100 9'8 Mr. Hodgkinson gave the following recapitulation of results :— Calling the mean crushing strength per square inch, in the different articles experimented upon, 1000, we have — 876 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT S JOURNAL. [August, Tensile strength. In timber 1900 Cast iron 158 Glass (plate antl crown) . . 123 Stone and marble 100 Ratio of mean Transverse fransile to one strenRtli. strong force. 85-1 1-55 10-8 1-66 10- 1-78 9-8 1-105 or 1-89, taking the hardest only. The ratio of the crushing force to the transverse force is nearly the same in glass, stone and marble, including the hardest and the softest kinds. Hence if we know the transverse strength or the crushing strength in any of these bodies, we may predict the other ; and, as glass and the hardest stones resist crushing 'with from seven to nine times the energy that they do being torn asunder, we may get an approximate value of the tensile force from the crushing force, or t'ice versa. These results render it probable that the hardest bodies, whether cast iron, glass, stone, or marble, admit of certain atomic displacemeats, either in tearing asunder or crushing, these displace- ments being in a given ratio to each other, or nearly so. In future calcula- tions as to the strength of bodies, the crushing strength ought to be made the fundamental datura, which I have recently done, for the reasons shown in this notice. The ratio of the transverse strength to the crushing strength is greater in cast iron than in glass, marble, and sandstones, arising from the ductability of that metal. The necessity of enlarged inquiries in these matters will he seen, when it is reflected that calculations of the transile strength of cast iron, or marble, or stones in general, made from the transverse strength by the modes used by Tredgold, Navier, and others, give the transile strength twice or three times as great as it ought to be. The Chairman said the section was greatly indebted to Mr. Hodgkinson for his very interesting communications. Those experiments had attracted much attention from scientific men, and the Royal Society had presented him their medal for a former paper on this subject. [We may here mention, that this communication was only some portion of a more full and perfect paper, to be read before the Royal Society ; such communication being now made onlv as would not preclude Mr. Hodgkinson from laying the more complete results before that society.] He might also express the opinion of practical men, that no experiments, either as to e.xtent, care, or accuracy of observa- tion, gave results at all comparable in point of value with those of Mr. Hodgkinson, who, he hoped, would have the time and inclination to pursue his experiments to a greater extent. There were no results in practical science of greater importance than those which showed us the strength and stability of materials. In the structure of buildings, upon which the comfort and wealth of so many individuals depended, and in other structures in engineering operations— an ignorance of the important facts arrived at by Mr. Hodgkinson had, in many cases, led engineers to make structures dis- proportionatelv strong or weak ; in the one case causing unnecessary waste of materials and unnecessary expense, in the other periling the stability of the structure, and the safety and lives of those within it. The Rev. Dr. Peacock (Dean of Ely) then made an oral communication " Upon the report of the fOMinlsxioner.i for the restoration of lost standards of weights and measures, and upon their proposal for the introduction of a decimal system" (during which communication Sir Wilhara Hamilton took the chair). After stating that the imperial standards of weights and measures (the yard, the lb., the gallon, and several of their multiples) had been lost in the fire vs-bich destroyed the two Houses of Parliament, he said that a commission (of which he was a member) had been appointed, to report on the best means of restoring these standards. He noticed the proceedings of a former commission, on whose recommendation the act of the 5th Geo. IV. had been passed, declaring the imperial standards of weights and measures, and prohibiting all others to be used, and pointed out the erroneous data on •which that former commission had fixed the standard yard ; by which data, therefore, the present commission did not recommend its restoration, but rather to take the extant copies of it, especially the one in the care of Mr. Trancis Baily, as the authority upon which the new standard yard should be ■formed. The commission also recommended to the government that the standards of length and weight should be independent of each other, wiiich was not the case before. The standard pound weight was Troy weight (5780 grains), though the pound avoirdupois (7000 grains) was used through- out the country, in the proportion perhaps of 10,000 to one of Troy. The commission recommended the standard pound to be the representative of the avoirdupois, and not (as before) of the Troy pound ; that, hereafter, the use of the Troy pound should be abohshed, except for a very limited number of transactions, and that the avoirdupois pound should be considered as the standard pound of Great Britain. They reconimeuded that measures of capacity should be determined by measures of weight— by far the most con- venient method, inasnuicb as weighing was a much more accurate operation than, for instance, the formation of a perfect cube. The commission also ven- tured to recommend strongly some alterations in the coinage, and the systems of weights and measures, arising out of a more extensive introduction of the decimal scale. The nearly unanimotis determination of the commission was, that any attempt to interfere materially with the primary units of the coinage,' weights, and measures, in ordinary use, would produce such confu- sion and bad consequences in the ordinary transactions of life, that they woidd adhere strictly to all those primary linits, viz., the pound sterling of our coinage, the yard, in the measure of length (and also the foot, for there were two primary units in this measure), the acre, in the measure of areaSF the gallon, in the measure of capacity, and the imperial pound in the measure of weight. As the coinage must necessarily be the basis of any changes leading to the more extended adoption of a decimal scale— taking the pound sterUn" as the primary unit, they proposed to introduce a coin of the value of 2*. "(one-tenth of the pound); another, either silver or copper, of one- tenth of 2s. (or 2d. and a fraction) which might be called a cent (the hundredth of a pound) ; and the thousandth part of the pound sterling, or nearly the value of our farthing (of which there are 960 in the pound), which new coin it was proposeer;jooi Paper. FRESCO AND ENCAUSTIC PAINTING. Mr. Simpson, the decorator, of West Strand, has devoted considerable at- tention to the subject of fresco and encausUc painting, in «»»f'l"/»;/^ "J t''^, opinions expressed in their favour by the '«'<= Committee of the House of Commons, Ld the encouragement which they appear likely to meet with from the present Commission. He has made several experiments on variou cements for the purpose of ascertaining their fitness as grounds for orna 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 279 mental and decorative paintings, and under the direction of Mr. Latilla and other artists has produced specimens of each. Mr. Simpson has, in some instances, adopted the ground of lirae and marble dust, according to the plan of the ancients, on which he has succeeded in fixing the colours, and pre- serving their iutensity and brilliancy so well that even a copious and repeated washing has not removed them, nor materially diminished their effect. Still, he has of course been confined, on this ground, to the use of such pigments as are not injured by lime. But the greatest success has attended tlie use of the beautifully white and hard cement, known as Keene's cement, n^ manu- factured by Messrs. White and Sons of Millbank, on which, when in a moist state, the colours are easily applied, and become, when dry, perfectly fixed ; and it possesses the farther great advantages of admitting of the highest degree of finish, and allowing the use of those pigments which will not bear the mixture of lime. These specimens have been repeatedly washed with soap and water. The painting in encaustic and a tempera (which Mr. Simp- son has been enabled to render permanent) on Keene's cement, when dry and even polished, has proved quite satisfactory ; as the brilliancy and clearness of the tints, contrasted and thrown out by the whiteness of the sur- face, produces an effect superior to any other ornamental painting yet at- tempted. No doubt other materials will be introduced, but it is those' above described to which Mr. Simpson's attention has as yet been principally directed. REMARKS ON THB " PONT DU CARROUSEL," PARIS.* Sir — I beg to rectify' an incorrect dimension contained in your number for July, relative to the size of the centre arch of the Pont du Carrousel in Paris, and will, with your permission, take advantage of this opportunity to offer some few observations on the construction of this bridge, erected by me, according to the plans of M. Polonceau, whose merit as an engineer of high standing is considerably enhanced by the conception of this very elegant structure. The length of the chord line of the three arches is the same, viz., 156 ft. 6 in. intrados, and the rise or versed sine is 16 ft. English measure, being full .[^ of the chord. The arch is an arc of a circle, whose radius intrados is 198 ft. 5|, and forms between the radii passing through the extremities of tlie chord line an angle of 46° 26'. The depth of the voussoir, or tubular rib, including the flanches, is 2 ft. 10|, and its breadth across the middle is equal to half its depth. Each tubular rib is composed of 23 pieces, having 11 lengths of about 14 ft. 9 in. on one side of the laminated wooden arc, whereas there are on the other side only 10 whole lengths and 2 half lengths, these half lengths being placed against the piers, in order to cross the joints so as to obtain greater rigidity, which by this combination became very considerable. The wooden arc, which is composed of good, well-seasoned fir, having been erected, greatly facilitated the work, for once cut to its proper shape, so as to leave a small space between the sides of the wood and the metal, the half voussoirs had only to be appHed thereto, bolted together and forced up into their proper place by means of struts and wedges, after which keys were fitted into grooves reserved for the purpose at the extremity of each portion of the rib ; and when all were ready they were gently forced down to a bearing, so as not to displace or deform the arc, beginning at the two two piers, and terminating at the centre, where the last key tightened the whole ; and so great was the power of these keys, that with a light hammer I could lift the whole arc from the struts, or lov.'er it again with the greatest ease imaginable. These keys enal)led us, therefore, to set the ribs with great precision, and almost simultaneously, which circumstance is of considerable importance in the construction of an iron bridge, on account of the incon- venient effect produced by expansion and contraction of the metal. The hollow rib offers considerable advantage over the flat rib, on account of its rigidity, which is so great as to be capable of resisting all lateral strain with the aid of very little cross framing, or horizontal bracing. There exists, In the construction of this bridge a peculiarity which has probably not been generally observed, although we were afraid, previous to the work being finished, that it would produce a very unpleasing eft'ect. The evil was, however, unavoidable, as it arose from the circumstance that the Administration des Fonts et Chaussees required a certain height under the centre arch at high water, and the Prefect de la Seine would not on the other hand, consent to the elevation of the roadway on the quay above a certain height. It became, therefore, requisite to inchne the chord line of the two side arches, and although there is in each a fall of 2 ft. 8 in. towards the quay, the eflFect is scarcely perceptible, unless when the water in the river rises nearly to the spring of the arch, which only takes place in the rainy season. By the above plan the road over the bridge forms a curve instead of a level, and probably gave rise to the idea that the centre arch was of greater span than that of the other two. The curve of the road was still further increased, so as to obtain tlie level of the quay, by dimmishing the diameter of the circular bearing rings against the buttress to 1 1 ft., whereas the diameter of those next the pier is 12 ft. 5|. Great attention was paid to the form of section of the tubular rib, in order '' Drauings of this bridge are given in the Jouniul, Vol. U. p. 79. to avoid any bad effect that might result from contraction in the casting, and such care was taken in moulding that very little remained to be done to the pieces when they came out of the sand. The tubular ribs were cast and faced at the Forges et Fonderies de Fourchambault, under the management of M. Emile JIartin, who paid very particular attention both to the quality of metal employed, and to the moulding of the pieces. The general allowance for contraction of cast iron in cooling is yi^, and this was found to be as near as possible the case. But the greatest difficulty to overcome was the tendency of these voussoirs to bend as they cooled, and that in consequence of the outer edges of the flanches cooling faster than the centre part, because it is well known that the slower the cooling process is carried on, the greater will be the contraction of the metal. To obviate this it was found requisite to curve the model itself about J of an inch in the length of 14 ft. 9 in. The circular rings and other cast iron pieces were cast partly in Paris, but the greatest portion in Normandy: with the exception of the facing of the voussoirs or tubular ribs, all the fitting-up was done on the spot. The object of having these circular supports for the roadway was to obtain a certain degree of elasticity, sufticient to preserve the tubular ribs against the vibration of the road when carriages heavily laden are passing on the bridge ; and this desideratum was most effectually attained, for I have fre- quently examined the effect, and have invariably found that when under the influence of a heavy load, and while the road was vibrating considerably, that, owing to the elasticity of these rings, the tubular ribs were perfectU steady. I shall be happy to add some further remarks on this subject, if you consider this paper to be worth inserting in your useful Journal. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, London, July 19, 1842. H. II. Edwards. [We shall, with much pleasure, receive any other communication Mr. Edwards may forward us. — Editor.] MR. CHARLES WYE WILLIAMS' BOILER PROJECTS. Sir— I have just been perusing a table of " Experiments on Furnaces and Steam Boilers," submitted by Mr. Charles Wye Williams to the British As- sociation, and it is with unfeigned regret I observe the valuable time of the Association is occupied with such matter. The ostensible object of this table is to show the superiority of IMr. Williams's mode of effecting combustion over the plan usually adopted, hut never was a table made less calculated to accomplish this object, and more likely to destroy the last vestige of profes- sional confidence reposed in its author. The use of coal to steam engine boilers is the generation of steam, and I should imagine that even Mr. Williams himself cannot deny that that mode of combustion is the best which practically is found to generate the greatest quantity of steam with the least expence ; and Mr. Williams may, when he first has leisure, begin to convince himself that he will not be benefitted by telling steam-vessel proprietors (to whom economy of fuel is of the greatest importance) that he has found a means of increasing the heat of flues, if he cannot also tell them that the consequence of such increase of heat is (and should not lie) an increased evaporation of water by a given quantity of fuel. Mr. Williams, in his ten deductions from his two tables, has under consideration the quantity of water evaporated per unit of coal, economy of time, as he calls it, and the perfection of combustion. In his first deduction he says, that " the quantity of watej evaporated by any given weight of fuel furnishes no test of the quantity evaporated in any given time." In the second, that " the quantity of water evaporated by each pound of coal is a very inadequate test of the quantity of heat given out by such coal." In the third, that " as the weight of water evaporated per pound of coal bears no jiroportion to the weight of water evaporated per hour, economy of fuel may be the reverse of economy of time." In the fourth, that " the area of the furnace has no necessary connexion with the heat generating power of the coal." In the seventh, that ■' the temperature of the products escaping by the chimney will be in the ratio of the heat in the flues, and both in the ratio of the r.iteof combus- tion and the quantity of heat generated," and so on through his other deduc- tions. Now, in the name of all the smoke-preventing schemers of the pre- sent day, what has any one or all of these deductions to do with the supe- riority of Williams' furnace over tlie common one, if Mr. Williams can tell, I shall be much obliged to him, for so far as I can sec, they are of use only in mistifying the subject, and enveloping it still more thickly in dense clouds of smoke. The mode of testing the economy of fuel with any kind of fur- nace or combustion, is of the simplest description, and to all schemers there is only one course open : — let them find how much water can be evaporated per unit of coal, used in the common way, with any boiler, and let them find how much fuel used in their way is required to evaporate the same quantity of water in the same time, with the same boiler unaltered, except in the furnace. Such is the way in which they will meet the case in |iractice, and such is the way in which they must treat it to jirocnrc the coiifidence of steam-vessel proprietors, and I may perhaps be allowed to add such is the way in which Mr. WilUams' table does not treat it. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, A. 2 Q 2 S80 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [AUGUSTI WOOD PAVING. 1. On the Use of Mechanical Power in Draught on Turnpike Roads, nilh Refennce to the neiv Si/stem of Wood Paving. London: Blackwood, 1842. 2. Wood Paving in Loiidon ; a practical Treatise. By J. Lee Ste- vens. London: Spencer, 1S41. 3. Wood Paving in the Provinces. By the same. 4. Prospectus of the Marykhone Practical and Scientifc .Association for the Promotion of improved Street Paving. Our earliest associations heretofore have taught us, in thinking of great roads as works of art, to esteem durability as their chief excel- lence, and a compact mass of stone as the best means of ensnring this attribute. Talk of engineering monuments, and the Appian Way rises before the mind's eye, or some of those many roads of the Romans which, after centuries of wear and tear, still bear on them the ever-flowing tide of traffic. And now this is to be as a dream ; our ancient prepossessions in favour of stone or a macadamized con- crete are to give way to what has been considered a most perishable material, one rejected in all structures in which the property of durability is to be consulted. We are not totally unacquainted with wooden roads, for the corduroy roads of America have made us familiar with them ; but whatever our ideas may be of their capaljility of holding out against the ravages of time, we have too little liking for them, too little opinion of their comfort, to give them any chance of jolting our successors, when we are able to afford a more costly road. It is, nevertheless, true that the experience of two or three years has been sutficient to establish the efficiency of wood as a paving material, and to ensure it a large future extension. Our prepossessions on the subject have been that wood as a paving material would be subject to great abrasion, would rapidly decay under the influence of weather, and would present a very slippery surface. The effect of damp upon wood, however, is rather para- doxical: if partially subjected to damp then decay ensues, but while kept constantly damp the injury is trifling. The abrasion experience has proved to be less than that of granite, while the practical opera- tion, as we shall hereafter show, is such as allays all fears on that ground. As to the slipping of horses, the greater frequency of its occurrence upon wood paving is very questionable, while it is an evil which attaches only to a partial line of wood and stone paving, for were wood used on a large scale, an alteration in the shoes of horses, such as has been well provided by several inventions, would wholly remove this cause of objection. Having, therefore, in wood a paving material of sufficient durability, whether we regard resistance to weather, or to abrasion from the weight carried on it, we have now to look at it in operation. In all specimens which have stood well we find an upper layer of wood reposing on a bed of concrete; for as to the idea of dispensing with the underlayer of concrete, it is one the fallacy of which has been shown and abandoned. The concrete we regard, therefore, as an essential feature of the system ; and thus we have a non-elastic stratum of concrete with an elastic covering of wood, or a jacket, as it may be termed, in reference to its operations in defending the con- crete from the weather, and a buffer, as repelling the shocks of the carriages traversing the road. Now it is in these elastic properties that, according to us, the whole secret of the success of wood-pav ng lies. Let us consider that there is not merely the road, which has to be provided for, but also the power which traverses it. Theoretically it might seem that the smoother and consequently the harder and more durable the road the better ; but there is, as we have said, the power using the road to be taken into account, and the difference between an elastic and a non-elastic road is great in this respect. For as in the case of resistance to impact on the part of the non-elastic medium, the whole is distributed through the elastic medium of the power, so to speak, traversing the road, so, in the case of an elastic medium, this resistance is divided, and thus apparently diminished. Familiarly, this is illustrated by the example of wood and stone stairs: while we run up stone stairs our feet are pained, and we get sooner tired, to which the softness of the wooden stairs is an imme- diate relief. Therefore, upon the elastic medium we can do more work, either as to quantity or as to the length of time in which we are employed on it. This is the case with the horse : when it gets on the wood pavement the relief is sensible; instead of the whole resistance from the impact with the stone being communicated to its feet, as in the case of stone, it is distributed. If we consider the structure of the horse's leg, the natural habits of the animal, and the serious effect of a London pavement in shortening its working life, we must feel very sure that, on the ground of comfort to the horse alone, the advantages of wood-paving are very great. Indeed, upon some lines of road, where there is much wood pave- ment, the sensible benefit to the omnibus and cab proprietors is acknowledged, and the extension of wood-paving must tend greatly to utilize the power of the horse, and so to reduce the price of his labour under every head, whether of length of life, of health, or of subsistence. Animate power is, nevertheless, not the sole power which we have to consider: a short space of time must bring the steam carriage also on the road, and we must provide for that. But the steam carriage is in a iike manner provided with delicate and elastic machinery, and we know that the effects of vibrations on hard surfaces are greatly to increase the wear and tear and consequent expense of the machine. On this ground, therefore, the wood pave- ment is also to be preferred, in which respect many advocates of the steam carriage system have admitted the superiority of wood. So far, then, as to tlie mere effect of vibration on the elastic power em- ployed, whether animate or inanimate ; but in the case of animals, there is also a voluntary action which, although little regarded, is worthy of some attention. All those who attempt to estimate dynam- ically'the results of muscular action, are well aware how much the will and disposition, the nervous condition of the animal, has to do with it, and under all circumstances, we should consider that wood would be more favourable to the exertion of the powers of the horse. What the seaman call "working with a will" is half the battle, and those who have noticed the wood pavement in Oxford-street must have seen the evident pleasure which the omnibus and cab horses have in running upon the easier surface. In thus considering the tractive power we have perhaps travelled a little out of the logical order, for we should first have considered what is the quality of a wood surface with regard to the degree of resistance it affords to the traffic passing over it. We thought this, however, less important, for the capability of having tight joints is evident, and the smoothness of wood is one of the apparent objec- tions to it. Presenting, therefore, an evident superiority over stone as to surface, the saving in wear and tear of carriages must be con- sequent. Attributing to wood that it causes much less wear and tear than stone to animals or vehicles passing over it, the converse of this is that those animals and vehicles must cause less wear and tear to the road, and, therefore, a very heavy item of expenditure be sensibly diminished, as also the amount of toll levied for the maintenance of the road. We may perhaps here mention that, according to Mr. Macneill's opinion, "based on the relative wear of the iron of horses' shoes and of the tires of the wheels, that the wear and tear of horses' shoes and consequent destruction of the road is much greater than that of wheels, and the injury, consequently, of a steam carriage would be less than that of a coach and horses. While bringing in corollary opinions of this kind, we must not dismiss the question of elasticity without referring to the evidence of Mr. Macadam, as to the good effects of laying over a bog a Macadamized road on an under- layer of hurdles, which is the system of wood-paving reversed. It may, however, suggest some ideas. As to the details of wood-paving, we are on the present occasion incurious about them, whether they ought to be cubes or hexagons, or what, provided always that they are laid upon a solid substratum. The mode in which the blocks are laid, as to the grain of the wood, is important to be considered, whether with the fibres vertically, hori- zontally, or diagonally. This is a subject well worthy of experiment, first in relation to the mechanical strength, then as to abrasion of surface, and further as to the beneficial effect or otherwise of the admission of damp by the fibres. Another subject for experiment is as to the durability of wood under several circumstances : first, under alternate wetness and dryness, and secondly, while in such condition, as to the effect of frequent traffic or otherwise. It appears at present that, while bearing considerable traffic, wood will stand exposure to all weathers; while in many other circumstances seemingly more favourable, it is attacked with rot. The cause of this has never been satisfactorily ascertained ; but it remains as the subject of experiment, like the anomalies in iron rails, where, side by side, will be found rusty rails and bright ones, under nearly the same circumstances. Looking at wood-paving in its various relations, we come to another topic— the convenience to the public from the sound of the wheels being deadened on the wood pavement. The greater quiet which ensues is much appreciated by the shopkeepers and other residents in large thoroughfares ; but the convenience is not less to the passengers. Those on the footway and those in carriages, besides having freedom from noise, which is a great relief to many, are enabled to converse, which at present, in Clieapside or the Strand, is often impossible. It is on this ground of greater quiet that wood-paving has been already adopted around many churches and public buildings, and its extended use for this purpose will not only benefit the auditories but also the THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 1842.] public, whose progress through the thoroughfares on Sundays is greatly impeded by the barriers placed for diverting the carriages from places of worship. Around the New Church in the Strand, at St. Giles s, tie Old Bailey, and many other places, wood-paving has been successfully used, and we hope it will be even more extensively adopted. Clean- liness is another requisite of public accommodation, v,h\di is a recommendation of wood-paving. ■ . > ■ On the ground of economy, the first cost of wood-paving, taken in conjunction with the outlay for repairs, successfully bears the com- parison with granite or macadamized roads, while the economical advantage in the wear and tear of horses and vehicles is still greater. Wood-paving has now been pretty extensively adopted in the metropolis, and a good part of the line from the Mansion House by Oxford-street to Regent-street, and by the Strand to Westminster Bridge, is laid with it, and these several portions we hope to see united, so that it mav be tried upon a more satisfactory scale than has yet been done. Not that we have any distrust as to it, but because "we think that scope has not vet been afforded for the lull display of its good qualities. While on this subject we may mention, inciden- tallv, that Mr. Bradwell, the machinist of Covent Garden Theatre, the inventor of the artificial ice laid down in Baker Street, in the New Road, and in the Colosseum, in 1S35 submitted to the City Paving Commissioners, a system of wood-paving, similar to that afterwards laid down in the Hay market, but the idea of wood was scouted by the Commissioners. Now let us turn to the first work with the title of whicli we have headed this article. It is devoted to the advocacy of the steam carriage system, as the best means of effecting which it maintains that it is' requisite to pave the turnpike roads with wood. Ac- cording to the author, and to Mr. Worsley, one of the steam car- riage invenlois, in a pamphlet published by him, "the only real diticultv at present to tlie general use of the steam carriage instead of horse power arises from the great inequalities of surface resistance on the coinmon roads." These inequalities of surface resistance are said in some cases to require an S- horse, in others perhaps a 40-horse power, "arising from the softness rather than the roughness of ordinary roads, which are formed of materials varying in nature and quality, liable to be affected bv every change of atmosphere." The remedy for this is said to be found in wood-paving, as it presents the same firm and even surface in all seasons and weathers. It is recommended, therefore, to wood-pave all the turnpike roads, when the superior economy and speed of the steam carriage over horse power will, it is expected, be brought to bear. Mr. Stevens is the agent and professed advocate of the Metropolitan Wood Pavement Company, the most successful company hitherto, and of course his strain is all' leather. The author of the first pamphlet has also a preference for this company, but his reasoning is general. The contest in the Marvlebone Vestry on the question of paving Oxford-street with wood was conducted with great acrimony, and with a spirit of partizanship such as to disgust all well-tlunking men. When, therefore, this matter was decided by the triumph of the wood-paving party, sober consideration as to the importance of paving as an item of municipal expenditure, and the expediency of econ- omizino- under this head, led to the novel circumstance of a local society" being founded for the promotion of improved street-paving, which has been organized, and we hope will be successful in Us exer- tions. Unpledged to any particular system, whether of wood, of stone, or of granite, the object of the supporters of this institution is to point out to their fellow-parishioners the best mode by which paving can be effected, and the funds of the parish economized. It is, in fact, a local association for carrying out similar objects to those of the Metropolitan Improvement So'oiety, but in a more restricted way. When we consider the large amount of local taxation in this country, direct and indirect, scarcely under ten niillioiis, in the shape of poor rates, county, church, highway, paving, sewer, and lighting rates, and turnpike t'olls, the class of peisnns by whom these sums are expended, and their woful ignorance of their duties, with its attendant prejudices— the Poor Law for example--we may feel fully assured that a very large amount of money is wasted which has been already raised in ways oppressive to the community. The necessity, con- sequently, of'public enlightenment ou muricipal administration is very great, and no better means exist for the attainment of this object than the formation of local societies like the Marylebone Street Paving Association. A less expenditure is not always the cheapest mode of administration, while mechanical circumstances will often impede the best-intentioned but uninstructed administration. One parish in Lon- don lost several hundreds a year by using dirty scales in the workhouse ; others have suffered by receiving hot bread instead of cold, bread losing often as much as five per cent, in cooling, a difference pocketed by the contractor. It is by intimate acquaintance with details, 281 therefore, and not by party wrangling, that the public funds are to be saved, and it is highly desirable that the well-instructed and inde- pendent members of the community should bear this in view. To Mr. Charles Cochrane, the founder of this Association, we think great prai«e is due. Being a member of the Marylebone Vestry at the time of the above-mentioned Oxford-street discussion, he employed him- self zealously in collecting all the evidence he could as to the durability of wood in various positions, the results of which investigations he detailed in his speeches to the vestry. In deciding the opinion of the vestry in favour of wood-paving his exertions had great weight, and subsequently as a permanent means of benefiting the parish he estab- lished the Association in question. Independent in his social position, of large fortune, unbiassed in favour of any particular plan, the motives of Mr. Cochrane cannot be impugned, and he may rest assured that by the example he has afforded, which will have its weight in other places, as well as by the good he has effected, he has conferred a greater benefit than if he had availed himself of his standing for those party and political purposes which are so much more tempting . Had he obtained a triumph for blue or yellow, had he turned out the functionary of one party to put in the nominee of another, he might have ensured greater applause from his constituents, but he would not have done so much good. We cannot impress too much on all parties the propriety of giving up party warfare where local interests are involved, requiring the most prudent and careful consideration. In conclusion we strongly recommend all public bodies who are about to adopt wood-paving, to take the precaution of having a good bed of concrete, of Thames sand and stone lime, with a small portion of Roman cement and pnzzolana. As to wood without concrete, it is quackery, and a waste of money. SCULPTURE IN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN. fFmn the Jltlieyueum.) If in one of its shapes, the spirit of calculation has been prejudicial to architecture in this country, it has, in another, occasionally been rather favourable to it, and given it an impulse. V, hile it has pre- vented many of our public structures from being what they ought to have been, causing them to be turned out of hand maimed, hurried oft, unfinished productions; it has sometimes, in the case of private speculations, led to a degree of architectural display that contrasts forcibly with the grudging penuriousness which has hitherto been allowe'd to manifest itself so offensively in works of greater import- ance—those from which our taste as a people is likely to be judged by other countries. On examining the numerous public structures erected within the last five-and-twenty or thirty years, we find quite as much cause for regret as for congratulation— for regret that so little should have been made of the respective opportunities afforded ; and that, too, not so much in consequence of economy, as from want of judgment and taste ; and owing to the designs not being properly matured— to their not being purged from inconsistencies— and to there being a more or less offensive disproportion between the character aimed at and the mode in which it has been carried out. Nor can we refrain from here remarking, that while architects lay so much stress on the proportions of the orders, &c., which are only matters of me- chanical routine, easy enough to be learned even by the dullest, few of them pay attention to what may be called arlmlical proportion— to that of the wsem5/e, so that this last shall be in perfect "keeping, and homogeneous in character, instead of looking, as is too frequently the case, no better than a compilation of ill-assorted fragments, where pretension and meanness go hand in hand. The list of /os/ opportumttes would be one of some extent ; and we should certainly place in it more than one structure or architectural improvement, winch less fastidious and less exigeanl or more good-natured critics have not scrupled to commend. Buckingham Palace, the Post Othce, British Museum, Mint, College of Physicians, York Column, Covent Garden Market, King's College, the Cemetery at Earl's Court, and numbers numberless would be so classed by us, notwithstanding that it is not difficult to point out in everyone of them some individual merit- some solitary feature, perhaps quite an accidental one-for which it may be praised, if we choose to shut our eyes to the solecisms and sins by which it is overwhel,ned-to the frigid dulnessand insipidity, or vulvar taste and architectural bathos manifested in each of them as a who?e. It avails not to say, that in many instances the architect has not fair play, that sufficient means are not afforded to enable him to do all be could wish; because it behoves h.m to display his ability by makine the most of the means which are aftcrded him, instead of injudiciously aiming at more than, as he must or ought to be aware 282 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [August, he can at all satisfactorily accomplish. If architects are so pinched by their employers that they cannot finish up their buildings consist- ently, why, in the name of common sense, do they squander away so great a part of their pecuniary resources upon such extraneous common places as columns and pilasters, dragged in for the nonce, as if for the express purpose of making the poverty of the rest of the building all the more apparent and offensive ; and in such manner as to bring columns and porticos now almost into disrepute? Such a system is no less at variance with economy than with good taste ; and has served only to fill the land with buildings in a pseudo-Grecian style, marked by an offensive mixture of showiness and poverty — with what is, in fact, hardly worthy of the name of style at all, it amounting to DO more than feeble, mechanical mannerism. Private speculation has, on the other hand, occasionally encouraged architectural design on a scale of liberality that contrasts forcibly with the petty parsimony observable in buildings of a higher grade, and where it becomes posi- tively offensive. The shop architecture of the metropolis has im- proved, although by no means in the degree that could be wished ; since, for the greater part, it exhibits more of expensive showiness than of either good taste or invention. The individual architectural specimens of this class, which deserve to be pointed out, are com- paratively few ; for when we have mentioned one at the corner of the Quadrant, opposite the County Fire Office, at the corner of Oxford Street and Berners Street, another by Mr. Inwood, in Old Bond Street, a fourth in Tavistock Place, by Mr. Maddox, and one just opened m Aldgate — which last is a more striking facade of its kind than, perhaps, any other in town — we have enumerated nearly all that are remarkable for more than the superficies of plate glass. There is, however, one piece of architecture which, though it does not exactly answer to the name of shop, belongs to the same caste, and which certainly may be referred to with approbation; we mean that called the Kemble Tavern, at the corner of Bow Street and Long Acre. Notwithstanding }bat it is executed merely in compo, and that it is now barbarously disfigured and vulgarized by certain very uiiclassical insignia of the business to which it is devoted ; in point of design this building puts to shame many which are constructed of far more durable material — some of them, too, by men of eminence in their profession — persons who would, doubtless, stand amazed, if asked to make a design for a similar purpose. When we look at the two new Assurance OflSces in Bartholomew Lane, at the " Atlas " in Cheapside, or the "West- minster and British" in the Strand, we feel not only dissatisfied, but convinced, that the architect of the Kemble Tavern would have acquitted himself far better, and made much more of them, had the opportunities been afforded him : in saying which we are at any rate unprejudiced, for of the individual we know nothing whatever, but form our opinion solely from that sample of ability and taste. He certainly has shown more than ordinary gusto in that little production, which, though not quite so celebrated, is, we venture to affirm, a better piece of design than Palladio's House at Vicenza. He — that is, the Bow Street, not the wonderful Vicentine architect — has there intro- duced some novel and pleasing ideas, and in adopting the Tivoli example of the Corinthian, he has not, as some others have done, omitted what is so strikingly characteristic in the original, namely, the "bossy sculpture" of the frieze, deprived of which the whole is thrown out of keeping, and the entablature no longer agrees with the columns. At the same time we must admit that he has, in one respect, deviated both from the character of the order, and from that of the rest of his own design, inasmuch as he has made the antre-caps by far too plain, so that they contrast disagreeably both with the en- tablature and the capital of the columns themselves ; which is, in our eyes, a greater blemish than the accidental disfigurement we have alluded to. Among other architectural speculations belonging to the genus "shop," we have the Pantheon Bazaar and the Lower Arcade, either of which might almost satisfy the most Pennantizing antiquary for the loss of old Exeter Change. As a speculation, it may be doubted whether the "Arcade" has answered ; neither does it seem to have conferred any reputation upon the artist who designed it; yet it is, nevertheless, a tasteful and scenic merceria, and is, besides, admirably accommodated to a climate like ours.* ' We have just heard that a similar passage, as the French call it, is about to be formed, extending from Wellington Street North, facing ihe English Opera House, to Catherine Street. The situation Joes not promise much for the scheme, becauie no additional communication or thoroughlarc in that direc- tion seems to be required ; whereas it would be a great public improvement could some of the narrow lanes and alleys, in difierent parts of the town, be converted into Hell-paved covered passages, so as to be cool in summer, and deaji and dry in wet weather. APPARATUS FOR REVERSING ENGINES. Sir — Having seen in your valuable Journal a description of a method for reversing engines, by the use of the common side valve, making the induction and eduction pipes alternately steam pipes, I submit to your notice a method of accomplishing the same in a much more simple manner, as will be seen on reference to the accompany- ing diagram, and shall feel obliged by your giving it a place in your forthcoming number. Fig. 1. Figure 1 represents the section of a cylinder and nozzle of the form generally used, with the addition of a valve for reversing, made with two pistons to obviate the pressure at- tendant on the use of the slide valve — the pressure on the pistons being the same on both ends. Figure 2 is a horizontal section of the same. Figure 3 is a section of the valve for reversing ; C passage to condenser : S steam pipe ; A and B passages leading to nozzle. The letters are the same in all the diagrams. Fig. 2. Fi?. 3 ^Jl^ - In the position of the. valve as sliown, the steam is admitted through S, passing through A into the cylinder, forcing the piston P up. If it is wished to reverse the engine, we have only to move tlie piston valves to E E, as shown ; the steam being admitted through S, as before, passes through B B to the top of the piston P, and forces it down. The slide valve will have to be made with no lap, and roust be worked by an eccentric keyed on the shaft. In large engines where expansion valves are used, they could be set so as to cut off the steam to the end of the stroke, as the slide valve would be open to the full length of the stroke. The piston valves would also act as a throttle valve, and could be worked easily 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL, CSS by one man in a pair of large engines, whereas by using the slide itself four or sis would be required. This would, I should think, add greatly to its efficacy by being so easily under control — more espe- cially in the Thames and the Clyde, in the latter of which it is often necessary to stop and reverse every two or three minutes. Mmj 17, 1842. Seyton. P.S.— Lap is not applicable to a valve to be worked by an eccentric keyed on the shaft to work the engine both ways, for if it was set right for going a-head, it would be too late to reverse. [We think very favourably of the plan for reversing engines com- municated by our correspondent. In large engines its employment might supersede the necessity of throwing the engine out of gear, and the use of starting apparatus, and would confer a faci lity in starting and reversing which does not at present exist. We do not under- stand what our correspondent means by cutting oft' steam to tbe end of the stroke. Tbe expression seems to us to involve a contradiction, inasmuch as the act of cutting oft"nieans the prevention of more steam entering the cylinder at some point of the piston's progress before the stroke is completed. We may further observe that although it is quite true that lap is inapplicable to a fixed eccentric intended to move the engines both ways, it is not inapplicable to a fixed eccentric in ordinary engines, for in ordinary engines no fixed eccentric can move the engines both ways. Lap is only inapplicable in the case of some double-ended levers, or in the mode of reversing our corre- spondent recommends. — Editor.] THE VARIATION OF THE COMPASS. Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, G. B. Airy, Astronomer Royal. Mean Magnetic Variation. Dip at 9 A. M. Dip at 3 P.M. 1842. May off/ 23 11 39 0 / 68 45 o / 68 46 STEAm MAVIGATIOIV. THE "ATMOSPHERIC" STEAM-BOAT. This vessel is adapted for river navigation, the hull is entirely of iron, but with deck and fittings of timber. Slie was built by Messrs. Ditchburn and Mair, the eminent iron boat builders of Blackwall. The length between perpendiculars is 150 ft.; breadth of beam, 18 ft.; depth of hold, 9 ft. 9 in. ; and drauglit of water, 4 ft. 8 iji. The engines were constructed by Messrs. John and Samuel Seaward and Capel — they are upon the old atmospheric principle. There are three cylinders placed immediately under the line of shafts, with the cranks set at an angle of 120 degrees, so that in every portion there is the full power of one cylinder in action, which produces an equable and uniform motion. There are no cylinder covers or piston rods, as the connecting rods communicate at once from the pistons to the cranks. The pistons are forced upwards by the pressure of the steam, and then allowed to descend again by the production of a vacuum underneath, the air constantly pressing upon the upper side. There is one condenser and one air-pump connected with the three cylinders. The engines have been worked several times, and are represented to have performed most admirably and efficiently, and the boat proved to be of unrivalled speed. The following are the proportions of the engines : — the cylinders 47 in. dia- meter, ar.d 3 ft. stroke ; the pistons make 34 strokes per minute ; tbe pressure of the steam is represented to be 8 lb. on the square inch ; the paddle-wheels are 16 ft. diameter, and have 24 hoards, 9 ft. long by 14 in. deep. The power of the engine may be calculated thus : — if we take the pres- sure of steam in the upward stroke at 6 Ih., and the pressure of the atmo- sphere occasioned by a vacuum underneath the piston, on the downward stroke at 13 lb., allowing a trifle under the full weight of the atmosphere, we shall have a mean pressure of 6 + 13 = 9.5 lb. on the upward and down- ward stroke; and the velocity of the piston (3 ft. x 34 x 2) = 204 ft. per minute ; and the area of each cylinder (47- x .785) = 1 735 in. ; we shall have for the power of the 3 cylinders ( 3 — — n^Huui ) ^ ^^^ horses nearly. And if we take the same proportion of nominal power to the effective power as in the ordinary low pressure marine engine, which is generally half, we shall have the nominal power of the three cylinders = 153 horses, which it must be admitted is a tremendous power for so small a vessel. We cannot, therefore, be surprised that the boat is one of the fastest, if not the fastest on the river. We are at a loss to conceive what advantage Messrs. Seaward and Capel expect to gain by the revival of the atmospheric engine for navigation pur- poses, except it be to get a longer stroke in applying the direct action prin- ciple. Against this we have double the capacity of steam cybnders, consequently nearly if not quite double the weight and expense, 'besides the very serious evil of exposing the interior of the cylinder at every downward stroke to the cooling influence of the atmosphere. To show that the cylinders are double the capacity of those constructed on the ordinary principle, let us lake the pressure of the steam as above at 6 lb., and the vacuum equal to 13 lb., which together is 19 Ih., just double, at each upward and downward stroke ; at the mean pressure taken in the above calculation, therefore, one half the capacity of cylinder will be sufficient. Again, let us prove this more clearly, by calculating the power of two cylin- ders working on the ordinary reciprocating principle, each 40-i-i diameter ; the area of the two being 2600 inches, rather less than half the collective area (5205 in.) of the atmospheric cylinders, tbe power will be, taking the same stroke and velocity as before, and pressure (6 4- 13) = 19 lb, /19x2600x24\ ,„. ^ I 1 =30o horses. V 33,000 / The Slcromote the interests of those er gaged in it. Hitherto the Association has been the representative, not of all the considerations proper to sleam enterprise, but 01 those only which have a commercial complexion, and which any associ- ation can do the least to ameliorate. It does not augur well to see our engineers and ship-builders present only at the annual dinners ; but we trust to see them soon taking a part in the Asiooialion's proceedings, and to see tbe Association assume its proper position — not of the representative of the counting-house — but of the representative of the science. The Locovwtive, No. I. — A boat with this cognomen is now running between the Adelpbi Pier and Greenwich. She is fitted by Messrs. Braithwaile. Mil- ner and (Vo. with a locomotive engine precisely tbe same as those working on railways, with the exception that it is taken off its wheels, and set upon bearers laid across the bottom of the boat, and instead of the railway wheels there are fixed upon each end of the driving or cranked nxle a pinion wheel, 2 ft. 4 in. diameter, which works into a cog wheel 7 ft. diameter, keyed ou 10 the shaft of the paddle-v. heels ; the shaft is in one piece, and has a beuiiinff in the centre upon the U p of the boiler, 'Ihc engine is what is generally termed a 10-ton engine, fitted with two cylinders, 12 in. diameter, and 18 in. stroke ; the pistons make 100 to 130 strokes per minute. The boiler is 3 ft. 2 in. diameter, and contains 84 tubes 2 in. diameter and 8 ft. G in. long, and a cir- culr.r fire box, 3 ft. 3 in. diameter. The pressure of the steam within the boiler is from 43 lb. to 50 lo. on the square inch. The paddle wheels are 1 1 ft. 4 in. diameter, with float board 10 in. deep, anil 5 ft. long. They have a dip of about 18 in., and when the engine makes 100 strokes Jier minute tbe padille-» heels make 33 revolutions. The length of the boat, which is iron, is 103 It. on tbe water-line, with a beam of 11 ft. 6 in., and draws 2 ft. 2 in. when light. The tot.al weight of engine, boiler, paddle-wheels, and coal boxes, is 12 tuns ; the engine room occupies 21 ft. in length of the boat. 2S4 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [August The spceil is equal 10 about 12 miles through the water ; and the consumption of fuel is about the same as on railways. In consequence of the engine being fixed in the boat instead of moving at such high velocities it does on tlie rails, there is nothing like the same wear or so much lialjility to derange- ment. Tliere are one or two evils attendant upon the ])resent use of the locomotive engine ; one is, that in conseijuence of the muddy state of the water of the river Tiiames, the boiler is apt to prime, which may be obviated by making a larger steam chest than ordinary ; there is also an unpleasant horizontal vibratory motion in the boat, in consequence of the horizontal and rapid movement of the pistons, which we think can be got rid of by placing the cylinders diagonally on the sides of the boiler. Tins alteration would also allow the moving parts to be got at much better than they now are, which, in consequence of being placed under the boiler, are very awk- ward to be got at. No doubt these defects will be easily got rid of. and other improvements introduced, under the able hands of Messrs. Braithivaite, Milner, and Co. ]HISCEI.I.ANEA. In last month's Journal we gave an account of the removal and shipment of the immense block of Granton stone presented by his (Jrace the Duke of Buccleuch for the statue of the immortal Nelson, and wdiich is intended to grace the summit of the column now erecting in Trafalgar-square by Messrs. Grissell and Peto ; we have now to record it.-; arrival into the river Thames, and removal to Trafalgar-square. On Saturday, June 25, it was safely landed at Mr. Foote's wharf, AUngdon-street, Westminster, in the presence of a large number of spectators, and was conveyed by the aid of 22 horses through Parliament-street and Whitehall toils last and final resting-place, Trafalgar - square. The crane by which this ponderous mass was landed was erected about three years since, by Mr. Luke Embleton, of Southwark, under the superintendence of Mr. Thomas Searle, of Wapping Wall, and is a beautiful piece of mechanism. The work, however, of its elevation to the top of the column still remains to be eficcted, and we hope its accomplishment will be as successful as its journey hitherto. The stone in question is slated to weigh 30 tons, and has already been reduced to favour its more easy removal from a block weighing at least 4j tons ; it is of the description known as " Craig- leith," of the liver rock, and in point of iluraliility equal to granite. We understand ihat the removal of this stone from the neighbourhood of Edinburgh to Charing-cross has been efTeeted without either the breaking of a chain, or the splintering of a handspike. Mr. Bailie, the sculptor, has now his part to perform, Claudct^s Daguerreotypes. — We were much delighted to witness at the Ade- laide flallery M. Claudet's instantaneous process of taking portraits. To him is due an improvement which, we may say. is almost equal to the original discovery. Previously to this improvement, ihere was considerable difficulty in obtaining a faidiful likeness, in consequence of the time required tor a sitting, and also the necessity for having a clear sunny day for the operation ; but now, in a strong light, it will require hut a moment or two, and even on a cloudy day. as it was when we last witnessed it, portraits can be taken in from 10 to 14 seconds. To show the instantaneousness of the process, M. Claudet is enabled to take portraits of animals, trees, plants, &c. He has also introduced another important improvement — that of introducing a back ground, representing a landscape or interior. During the last month M. Claudet was honoured with a visit from the Queen Dowager, who had her portrait taken as well as of those of the suite who attended her. With these she was highly delighted, and expressed her astonishment at the rapidity of the process. We wish we could see this valuable processs more extensively employed in obtaining copies of some of our finest specimens of sculpture, paintings, and public buildings. Although M. Claudet at first devoted his attention wiih much praiseworthy eflect in obtaining portraits, if we may use the term, of all the principal buildings in London, Paris, and Italy, he met with little or no encouragement. He was, therefore, obliged to devote his attention to a more profitable department — that uf human portraiture, and. if we judge rii^htly from the number of persons who daily flock to his studio at the Ailelaide tjallery. he will find it amply enrich his coders, and make up f(jr his prcvi(, us losses. We wilh much pleasure recommend a visit to his eslablishment where may be seen porlraits of many public characters, and of many celebrated buildings. Asphallc Roofing.— \t was remarked as a singular cirenmstance, during (he conflagration at Hamburg, that roofs covered with asphalte, of which there are some here, opposed rather than encouraged the progress of the (lames. It was imagined, on account of the substance of which Ihese roofs were com- posed. Ihat they wouki easily catch fire, and be the cause of great mischief; such, however, was not the case, for it appears that the fire had little or no cfiect on them : and when the roofs of the houses fell in, the asphalte, in which a sort of nibblt is mixed up, was found to have resisted the ellects of the heat, and like a mass of dirt, served rather to smother the flames than to give them increased vitality. — Time.K. IiIST OF NE\ir PATENTS. GRANTED IN ENGLAND FROM 6tH TO 28tH JuLY, 1842. Sir Montlis allowed for Enrolment j unless otherwise expressed. John Hakrison Scott, of Somers Town, engineer, for "improvements in metal pipes, and in the manufacture thereof." — Sealed July 6. Gbokgk Edmi'nd Donisthorpe, of Bradford, Yorkshire, top manu- facturer, for " improvements in combing and drawintj wool, and certain descriptions of hair." — July 6. JosEPU Hall, of Cambridge, agricultural implement maker, for " improve- ments in machineri/for tilling land." — July 6. Lady Ann Vavasour, of Melbourne Hall, Yorkshire, for "improvements in machinerij for tillinij land." — July 7. Richard Hodgson, of Montague-place, in the county of Middlesex, gent., for " improvements in obtaining images on metallic and other surfaces." — July 7. James Timmins Chance, of Birmingham, glass manufacturer, for " im- provements in the manufacture of glass." — July 7. Cuarle" Vugustus Preller, of Eastcheap, merchant, for '• improve- ments ir ■hinerg for preparing, combing, and drawing wool and goafs hair." .. . iraunication. — July 7. William Fairbairn, of Manchester, engineer, for " improvements in the construction of metal ships, boats, and other vessels, and in the preparation of metal plates to be used therein." — July 7. John Perring, of Cecil House, Strand, hat manufacturer, for " improve- ments in wood paving." — July 7. John Bird, of Manchester, machinist, for *' improvements in machinery or apparatus for raising or forcing water and other fuids, which said im- provements are also applicable as an engine, to be worked by steam, for pro- pelling vessels and other purposes." — July 7. William Pritchard, the elder, of Burley Mills, Leeds, manufacturer for " an improved method of consuming or preventing smoke, and economising fuel in steam-engine and other furnaces." — July 7. William Revell Vigers, of Russell-square, Esq., for " a mode of keeping the air in confined places in a pure or respirable state, to enable persons to remain or work under water arid other places, without a constant supply of fresh atmospheric air." A communication. — July 7. Jean B.\ftiste Francois Jouannin, of Upper Ebury-street, Pimlico, mechanic, for " improvements in apparatus for regulating the speed of steam, air, or water engines." A communication. — July 9. John Peter Booth, of the city of Cork, merchant, for " improvements in machinery and apparatus for working in mines, wh'ch are applicable to rally- ing, lowering, and transporting of heavy bodies ; and also affording assistance in promoting a more perfect ventilation of the mine." — July 9. James Crutchett, of William-street, Regent's park, engineer, for " im- provements in manufacturing gas, and in apparatus for consuming gas." — July 12. Thomas Deakin, of Sheflield, merchant, for " improvements in the manu- facture of parts of harness and saddlery furniture." — July 12. Jean Leandre Clement, of St. Martiu's-lane, engineer, for " improve- ments in apparatus for ascertaining the temperature of fluids, and also the pressure of steam." — July 12. William Henry Stuckey", of St. Petersburgh, novr of Upper North- place, Esq., for " a pneumatic engine for producing motive power." — July 12. Joseph Schlesinger, of Birmingham, manufacturer, ior " improvements in ink-stayids, and in instruments for filing or holding papers and other articles." — July 16. Robert Benton, of Birmingham, land agent, for " improvements in pro- pelling, retarding, and stopping carriages on railroads." — July 16. Joseph Barling, of High-street, Maidstone, watch-maker, for " improve- ments for producing rotary motion in machinery, worked by manual labour." July 10. John Chatwin, of Birmingham, button manufacturer, for " improvement^ in the manufacture of covered buttons." — July 16. Charles Robert Ayers, of John-street, Berkley-square, architect, for " improvements in ornamenting and colouring glass, earthenware, porcelain^ and metals." — July 23. Joseph Partridoe, of Bowbridge, near Stroud, Gloucester, dyer,'[for " improvements in cleansing tvools." — July 23. Eugene de Varroc, of Bryanstonc-street, Portman-square, gent., for " apparatus to be applied to chimneys to prevent their taking fire, and for rendering sweeping of chimneys unnecessary." — July 23. Alexander Johnston, of Hdl House, Edinburgh, Esq., for "improve- ments in carriages, which mag also be applied to ships, boats, and other pur- poses ivhere locomotion is required." July 23. Edward Cobbold, of Melford, in the county of Suffolk, Master of Arts, clerk, for " improvements in the means of supporting, sustaining, and pro- pelling human and other bodies on and in the water." — July 28. TO CORRESFONDSNTS. "C. B.'* — IVe cannot give any particulars at present of the progress of the large iron steam vessel at Bristol ; we ivilt try to do so the first opportunity. Wc vert/ much regret to be compelled to decline inserting Mr. Tottic's comments on our critici.vns in last month s imirnal.for if we do so, we should then have similar comments front all other parties who Jnay not like our notices of their pro- ductions. Mr. Shuttlctoorlh's Pamphlet on Hydraulic Propulsion on Railways must stand omr for further consideration. Boohs received and not noticed in tlie present Journal : — " Ila'id-Book o^^ Mawhestcr ;" " On the Evaporative Power of Boilers, by C. W.Williams, Esij. ' Errata.— In the Review of Mr. Booth's^pamphlet, p. 2.57, in the fourth paiagraph, lines 6 and 10, for two feet, read /our feet. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 285 EXPERIMENTS ON THE TENACITY OF WROUGHT IRON, By James Nasmyth, C.E. Sir — It may perhaps be interesting to some of the readers of your Journal to have an account of the results of some experiment! which I have lately been making, with a view to obtain more correct knowledge of the nature of the important changes which take place in the Unacity of wrought iron, when subjected to various kinds of treatment, more particularly as regards the employment of wrought iron in the case of railway axles, &c. At all times, any addition to our knowledge of the nature of those causes which induce changes in the tenacity of wrought iron, ought to be considered as a subject of much importance, seeing that in so many cases our lives depend on the tenacity or strength of a piece of that material. This subject has, however, of late become infinitely more important, on account of the truly wonder- ful success and extension of the railway system, and as the whole of that vast improvement, in consequence, rests its success on the strength and tenacity of wrought iron, any addition to our knowledge on that subject cannot, I trust, but be considered of value. The subject has, however, received much additional interest, on account of many theories and much controversy, which has arisen in consequence of an opinion which has been given forth from rather a prominent quarter, viz. the French commission appointed to investi- gate the causes which led to the late disastrous accident on the Ver- sailles railroad. The most remarkable part of the conclusions which that body gave forth, was in substance this : — namely, that however tough and strong a railway axle might originally be as it came from the hands of the maker of the said axle, that the very fact of its being caused to revolve day after day in connexion with the rails, would ere long, through the agency of some mysterious electrical ! or magnetical influence, have its nature, as regards the toughness or tenacity of the iron, so impaired, as to become at length totally unsafe and unfit for use. A more truly alarming and uncomfortable doctrine could not have been produced than this, inasmuch as we should never be able to know when the point of unfitness was attained, except through the occurrence of one of those disastrous and melancholy accidents which have but too certainly attended the breaking of a railway axle; and as the above opinion was based on conjecture as to the supposed influence of the most dark, hidden, and mysterious of all nature's agents, we might therefore have groped about in vain for such a knowledge of the subject as would be most likely to prevent such dangerous changes taking place in the tenacity of the iron ; and more- over, by having our attention diverted to so ;io«-understandable a class of natural causes, we should be likely to cease to search for the cause, cure, and prevention (which I trust my experiments will go to prove, have more intimate connexion with our workshops and workmen, than with philosophers and their laboratories) ; and as the results of the experiments I have made on this subject are applicable to the treat- ment of wrought iron generally in reference to its every day use, I trust that the results may be found of practical value, the more so as they go to prove that we have the cure and prevention entirely at our command, without calling for the slighest additional labour or expense in the treatment of wrought iron. From former practical experience in the working of iron in the process of forging, I had always observed that, however tough, tena- cious, and excellent in quality a piece of wrought iron might originally be, that, by certain treatment, that tenacity might be all but entirely destroyed ; and as such treatment is very frequently absolutely neces- sary in the forging of wrought iron into certain forms, the knowledge of how to remove the bad effects consequent on such, became impor- tant to know. I am happy to state that this knowledge is so simple and easily put in practice, that I trust, in future, no piece of forged wrought iron will henceforth be applied to its purpose without having been passed through so simple and salutary a process, which you will find requires neither skill, labour, or cost worth naming. Having made these observations, I shall now proceed to work. It either is or ought to be known to all practical men concerned in Vol. v.— No. 60.— September, 1842. the working of wrought iron, that if a piece of the very best and tough- est iron is hammered in the process of forging until it ceases to be red hot, that the effect of such cold hammering, as I may term it, is to cause the iron to become so brittle, that it will in many cases break across in the process; or if it does not at that time, this process of cold hammering has so removed and destroyed its tenacity, as to render it capable of being broken with the slightest blow ; in order to prove this by direct experiment, 1 took a bar of the very best wrought iron, li inch square, and subjected it to the following experimental tests : — Experiment 1. A bar of the very best li inch square wrought iron, at temperature 60°, was laid over the edge of the anvil, thus, Fig. 1, the end projecting Fig. 1. about 2i or 3 inches over at A ; with 9 heavy blows of a large sledge hammer it broke off short, as indicated in the figure, the fracture ex- hibiting that clear crystalhne texture due to a good quality of iron at that temperature. Experiment 2. Part of the same bar of iron was taken and heated red hot, and hammered till it was nearly quite cold ; when it had arrived at tem- perature 60" (same as the first experiment), it was placed on the anvil with the end overhanging as before, at A, cue slight blow broke it sharp and square across, the fracture exhibiting a most beautiful close crystalline grain, more like the fracture of steel than iron, but such a fine grain as would (and indeed very frequently is) considered a proof of good quality, that is, fitness to be trusted to ! So much for the appearance of the texture as a criterion of fitness. Here, then, we have distinct proof, by this experiment, that we have reduced the blow or shock-resisting quality of the iron fully ^ by the effect of cold hammering alone ; and what renders the knowledge of the effects of such a process the more important is, that in most cases we shall find that, in order to give the piece of forged work the requisite finish and fine surface, as they come from' the hands of our workmen in that department, that this very cold hammering and swaging, as it is termed, is required, the more so as it is by such a process that iron forgings are so finished/roni the hammer, so as to require the least pos- sible labour after, and as every good workman in that department is anxious to turn his work out of hand with the very best surface on it, which this cold hammering enables him to do, it is not a very easy matter, and (as I will soon show) not at all desirable, to require them to discontinue the practice, which many have endeavoured to do from want of a full knowledge of the subject. There is nothing inherently wrong in this practice of cold hammering— fs.r otherwise ; the evil rests with the applying such a cold hammered piece of forge work to its purpose without having been passed through the curative process, which is simply this, namely, to heat the piece of forged work in question to a dull red heat, and lay it down to cool at its leisure. The value of this most simple process will be well illustrated by Ex- periment 3. Experiment 3. A piece of the same bar iron as employed in the preceding experi- raents was, after being heated red hot and hammered till cold (which 2 R 286 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Skptkmbkr, cold hammering produce.!, as is usual, a most beautifully smooth sur- face, in which good workmen delight.), again heated to a dull red heat, and laid down to cool at its leisure; being then at temperature 60", it was placed over the edge of the anvil as before, and after receiving 105 of the most vigorous blows of the same sledge hammer as was employed in the preceding experiments, it exhibited the most extraordinary evidence of tenacity, by resisting all at- tempts to break it, having passed into the form as given at Fig. 2, that is, bent quite double, and the excessive dis- tention across the part B— C causing the width across at E to decrease at least I of an inch, while the compression at the centre of bending caused the ^^ metal to expand a like quantity at F G Every practical man knows that this is a most severe test of the tenacity of iron, and which the piece in question stood with the most perfect success, for even after having received 105 blows, no evidence of fracture was visible. This third experiment then brings us to this most important con- clusion, that there is no inherent evil or ill etfect produced by cold hammerin and wedged along com- 3ut without the wedges of See fig. 2. with the addition of a centre common way. See. fig. 3. a — 2 2" "^ pressed side. See fig. 1. No. 1. See fig. 1. plate at a. See fig. 1. ^ m c ^ O m _ . - •! rrt 'Z 2 S o S O 0) o £ 3 i! i? Remarks. Remarks. a w ig bolt, sindlar to that of Fig. 3, did add considerably to the strength.^ Synopsis of Bartow's Experiments on the Strength of Girders of Wood. No. of Experiments. Distance between the Props Depth of Girder Breadth of Girder Ultimate deflection Ultimate weight in lb Trussed or untrussed Broken or not Inches. 68 2 n 225 500 Trussed. Not hrok. Inches. Inches. 68 2 11 L55 500 50 2 n L50-H 953 Untrussed Trussed. Not hrok. I Broke. 4. Inches. 50 2 n L00-> 717 I Untrussed Broke. 2 S 294 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [September, Nos. 1 and 3 were trnssed conformaWy to plate 39 of Nicliolson's Car- penter's New Guide, the former being a model of a girder of 34, and the latter of 25 ft. span. No. 1 was a i/neen bolt truss, of three pieces ; No. 3 was a iinr/ bolt truss of iii-o pieces, similar to Fig. 3, and the weights were applied in the centre, or over the angular point of the latter truss, and midway between the queen bolts of the fornfcr. Hence it appears that whilst the queen holt truss, No. 1, was actually weaker than the untrussed stick No. 2, the king bolt truss No. 3 was Z3 per cent, sfrovger than the untrussed stick No. 4, of the same dimensions, and similarly strained. Our experiments on model No. 5, which was trussed nearly in the same manner ar Barlow's No. 3, display an augmentation of 35 per cent, over that of an untrussed beam. The close agreement of our results with those of Barlow, probably justifies the declaration that — at least whilst they are new — the common wooden king holt trusses add one-third to the strength of the girders to which they are applied. Tredgold, however, in his invaluable treatise upon Carpentry, (2nd. Ed., London, 1828, p. 79,) says that " The methods in general adopted (for trussing girders) have the appearance of much ingenuity, but in reality they are of very little use." And again—" The defects of ordinary trussed girders are very apparent in old ones, as it is not simply strength that is required, but the power of resisting the unceasing concvissions of a straining force, capable of producing a permanent derangement in a small surface at every impression." As the tendency of time is undoubtedly to impair the efficiency of all sorts of trussing, and especially of those which — like girders trussed within their own depth have rery obtuse supporting angles; more extended experiments and farther observations are necessary to settle definitively the question of strength, between beams trussed within themselves %vith timber, and plain sticks of the same bearing, and scantling. In 1828, Mr. J. Conder, soon after applying in practice the suspension truss of tu'o angular points, (see Fig. 1,) seems to have become satisfied that it was defective ; for he soon brought forward, as a great improvement, the idea of forming the truss with but one angular point, like Fig. 3, inverted ; and it will be remembered, that in our experiments we were unable to procure any benefit from the suspension truss, until by the central bearing plate at a. Fig. 1, we had, in effect, reduced that truss to one of a single angular point. In trussing a girder, the main object is to strengthen the weakest point— -which is the centre of the beam— and as Barlow's experiments upon direct gueen bolt trusses, and our own upon inverted or suspension trusses, of two angular points, indicated that no advantage was derived from either, when strained in the middle, we are strongly disposed to conclude, that whether the truss acts by tension or by compression, it should (in most cases) Itave but one angular point. In support of this view, the writer may state that he has seen a uumber of suspension trusses of two angular points— attached to the girders of bridges— which, on close examination, indicated that they bore but little strain ; whilst those with but one angular point, which he has had an oppor- tunity of examining, seemed, in most cases, to be acting with much greater efficiency ; this matter, therefore, seems to be of sufficient importance to justify our soliciting to it the attention and consideration of professional men. Philadelphia, April 28M, 1842. St. Rnllox Oi/mnft/.— This chimney is now finished. This e.-ctraordinary work was construclccl under the superintendence of Mr. Andrew Thomson, the able engineer. The extreme height, from the ground to the copesfone, is 450 ft. ; and, rising from a base forming the highest t^ble-Iand of the city, the stalk is seen from a great distance in the surrounding country. In relative height, indeprndent of the elevation of its base, it is little inferior to the lofliesi superstructures in the world ; in absolute height, it towers into the air incomparably higher. The great pyramid, Clieops, rises 498 ft., but this includes a base of 150. The Strashurgli Cathedral is 474; St. Peter's, in Eome, from ground to pinnacle, 450, being exactly the aililude of the monstrc chimney ; St. Paul's, in Lonilon,370. Tlic base of the chimney under ground is 4G ft. in diameter ; at the ground 40 ; and at the top 13 ft. 6 in. THE ROYAL ACADEMY'S TREATMENT OF ARCHITECTURE. Sir — Neitlier "The Architect" nor "Ego Quoque" is, I suspect, tlie only one, by a very great many, who have cause to be dissatisfied with the manner in vvliicli architectural drawings are treated and dis- posed of by the Hanging Committee of the Royal Academy — to say nothing of the dissatisfaction given to those who go to look at, as well as to those who send, subjects of that class. Now, though I do not pretend to be able to suggest any " reasonable crciisc " for that Com- mittee or the Academy, their mode of proceeding being in itself altogether unreasonable and irrationil, I can point out what I conceive would tend to abate, if not entirely correct, the inconveniences novf complained of. It is almost hopeless to suppose that the Royal Academy will reform any part of its system out of deference to public opinion. Your own Journal and many others have repeatedly animadverted on the very preposterous manner in which drawings are put up in the Architectural Room, many quite insignificant or uninteresting in subject obtaining comparatively good places, while others, far more worth looking at, are thrust where they can scarcely be seen at all; which is surely absurd enough, for if the space allowed to that department of the ex- hibition is su inadequate at the best, all the greater necessity is there that it should be turned to the best account— that the drawings ad- mitted should be chosen with careful regard to their intrinsic merit and interest, and that since they must needs be comparatively limited as to number, they should also be select, and also still fewer than at present, no more being admitted than what can be properly hung up— that is, than can be properly seen and examined after they have been hung up. Frequent, however, as have been the complaints and re- monstrances in regard to the utter want of good management with respect to architectural drawings, the Academy does not pay the slightest attention to them, doubtless because they are not brought before it in such formal manner as would render it impossible for some notice not to be taken of them. What I would, therefore, sug- gest is, that the Institute of British Architects should take up the matter in behalf of the profession, and formally communicate on the subject with the Royal Academy, urging the necessity for some reform and improvement in its exhibitions of architecture, and devising mea- sures whereby such reform might be secured, as far as circumstances will at all permit. Let the Institute do this, the Academy would thea be compelled to return some kind of reply; and however unsatisfac- tory the result might prove, at any rate the Institute itself would have shown a disposition to stand up for the interests of architecture and its professors, whereas the Academy's own professor of architecture does not seem disposed to interfere at all, but to leave the painters and the Hanging Committee to have it all their own way. I shall, no doubt, be told that what I have suggested is pretty much like the notable receipt for catching birds by putting salt upon their tails. I have proposed that the Institute should poke up the Academy ; very good— but then who is first of all to poke up the Institute itself to do any thing of the kind. It surely cannot be required to be told that there is occasion for something being done in order to put the annual exhibitions of architecture upon a much better, and I may add, more respectable footing than they now are ; and if the Institute has hitherto not thought fit to interfere in anv way, though for such laudable pur- pose, is it to be imagined that it will do so now at the suggestion of any one else? Hardy! no matter; it must at least do one thing, dis- posed or not, for its silence will be equivalent to a tolerably plain avowal that it is determined to give itself no trouble, to listen to nothinc proposed by others, more especially if what is so proposed does not immediatelv aftect itself; therefore it must, at any rate, let it be seen with how much or how little public spirit and generosity it is actuated, and how far anxious to exert what influence it may possess for the benefit of the public and the profession. I remain, &c. Corrector. THE PROPOSED NEW CHURCH, KENTISH TOWN. Sir- As Mr. Bartholomew expressed himself in his "Specifications" in no very measured terms relative to his brother architects, stigma- tisino- the whole profession en masse, not only for their incompetence, but for various malpractices amounting to fraud, or what he terms Faunlkroi/ism, he has no right to look for much indulgence; nor can he reasonably be surprised if he now finds his own pretensions rather sharply scrutinized. Possibly he may be the only immaculate member in a profession in which- if we are to take his word for it— it would 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 295 require the lanthem of Diogenes to discover an honest man in broad daylight; and so far he maybe an honour-to it. With that amount of praise, or rather self-praise, he onght, however, to content himself, for he is not likely to obtain much in addition to it. Two lithographs have lately appeared, purporting to be an Exterior and Interior View of the Proposed New Church, Kentish Town, St. Pancras, inscribed "Alfied Bartholomew, Esq. F.S. A., Architect, War- wick House, Gray's Inn," which unusually minute piece of information looks somewhat too much like an advertisement or shop-card, were it not for the insertion of the "^sg. .' " Still that is merely matter of taste, though too much a la John Britton, yet hardly in worse taste than the design itself, which is'one of the strangest jumbles conceiv- able both as to style (Gothic) and as to the very inequality of character, for while in some respects it is ostentatiously showy, in others it is deplorably mean and insignificant. The exterior and interior are strikingly at variance with each other; the former — at least its front, looking at first sight more as if intended for that of a cathedral than of a moderate-sized church, while the interior is homely even to shab- biness, besides being, in point of design, hardly a degree better than carpenter's or Strawberry Hill Gothic. There is no unity of principle; nor does Mr. B. seem to have paid any regard to such economic management of the funds at his disposal or intended to be raised, as would have produced a tolerably consistent keeping up of character throughout. It now looks as if he had found out that nearly all the money would be required for the front of his building, scarely any being left for the rest of it ; he would therefore have done well to have re- trenched from what now seems strange extravagance there, bestowed some decoration, or even some tolerable finish as to detail, where it is now evidently wanting, and that in a very disagreeable degree. If instead of two towers and spires, he had contented himself with one, he would have been able to bestow some panelling on the fronts of the galleries, and to pay more attention to detail generally within the building. Neither would the exterior itself have suffered by such retrenchment, for at present the front seems too crowded up and overdone ; and the little projection — apparently intended for a vestry — between the porches in the lower part of the towers, is a feature that, so far from agreeing with the rest, either as to style or any thing else, is no better than an eye-sore, and looks paltry in itself, and throws the whole out of keeping. As to keeping, however, that seems to have been scarcely attended to at all ; for as far as the side which is seen can be made out, thrown so much as it is into perspective, the front is a mere mask to the rest, the character there aimed at being carried on no farther. In fact, as shown by the interior view, the side windows have neither muUions nor tracery, but ai'e mere holes in a wall, and that none of the thickest. Whether it be owing to bad drawing or not — and the perspective at least is strangely incorrect — the whole of the interior has a very disagreeable look, it being not only very plain, but remarkably poor in character, with at the same time a good deal which is fantastic — for instance, the small round windows over the pillars that support the arches. The whole, in short, has a singular, meagre, starved appearance, altogether different from that sober style which might excuse or might readily be excused by economy. If such very rigid economy is thought necessary for this part of the building, why is there so much tawdry parade and pretension in the exterior? It is surely not at all in accordance with what either judicious economy of design, or the commonest rules of good taste, would dictate. No doubt my remarks will be thought no more agreeable and liberal in feeling by Mr. Bartholomew, than were his own wholesale aspersions of the profession, by his brother architects. Still they are such as he may profit by, unless he should find, upon further consideration, that he can really produce nothing better than this lame abortive design. At all events he will perhaps now learn to speak with a little more re- serve if not respect of others, since he has certainly not shown himself to be at ail superior to them in talent. I remain, &c. An Architect. THE INSTITUTE AND ITS TRANSACTIONS. Sir — Since no notice was taken of it in the review of the "Trans- actions of the Institute of British Architects," allow me to make some comments on what struck myself most forcibly, on looking at the title-page. I mean the appearance of Messrs. Longmans' names as the publishers. I have nothing whatevi'r to object to that highly respectable house, and had they been appointed publishers in the first instance, no exception could have been taken at it; but it does look like aa exceedingly strange " transaction " on the part of the Institute, that they should have taken the work out of the hands of its first publisher, and placed it elsewhere — that publisher being one who is in a manner identified with the architectural profession, who has done so much in undertaking and bringing out works that might else never have appeared, and who is therefore justly entitled to all the coun- tenance and support the profession as a body can show liim. Putting aside all reference to that individual, it certainly does seem — to myself, at least — very ungracious and impolitic in that body which represents — or would, in the eyes of the public, appear to represent — the architectural profession and its interests, to withdraw from Jlr. Weale almost the only compliment they could show him; more especially after receiving from him as presents, from time to time, books to which it would have become them to have been subscribers and pur- chasers ! Call you this backing your friends? Is this the way to promote enterprise in a branch of publication which, standing as it does upon a very different footing from that of general literature, requires more than ordinary encour.igemeut from those whose studies are aided by it? Probably the Institute may have made a "better bar- gain ;" by acting as they have done, they may have saved, or else they hope to get, perhaps, a few shillings extra. Perhaps — for there is room now for any suspicion — they tried every publisher in town, from Burling- ton and Great Marlborough Streets to Finch Lane, or farther, if a " far- ther" there be, before they entered into treaty with the " Row." The advantage they have gained ought to be great, for great is the paltriness of having even thought of seeking for it. But though the odium of the "transaction" falls upon the Institute, I do not imagine it met with the concurrence of all or even a majority of the members. At least, I know one or two who look upon it in pretty much the same light as I do myself. Dismissing this matter, 1 have to remark that, as far as the volume itself is concerned, there is very little in it indeed to identify it with the Institute, or which manifests any of that co-operation to be ex- pected from a body established, it may be presumed, to effect what the zeal and study of individuals cannot pretend to accomplish. What we obtain from it is altogether the result of private study and indi- vidual diligence ; and one of the most valuable papers in the "Trans- actions" is a contribution from one who is not a professional architect. Very far am I from complaining at meeting with papers of that class, the acceptance of which is rather creditable than otherwise to the Institute, because it shows liberality of feeling towards amateur students. What I complain of is, that there is nothing to show either what the Institute has done, or what has been done in architecture, during the time it has been established, and since the publication of tjie first portion of its Transactions. There are no official documents or records of any kind ; no official report upon the chief of the very numerous buildings erected or undertaken during that interval, both in this country and upon the continent; no extracts from the corres- pondence of foreign members, nor any authentic information so de- rived ; no notice of foreign publications presented to the Institute — I do not mean critical notices or reviews of them, but simple statements explaining their contents. Nay, there is not a single record of the briefest kind of any of the more eminent men in the profession who have died within the last five or six years, either British or foreign. Wilkins, Wyatville, Rickmann, Foulston, Albertolli, Antolini, Schin- kel — some, if not all, members of the Institute, have within that period terminated their earthly labours ; yet not one syllable of record has been bestowed upon their memories or their works, by the Institute whose "Transactions" are in that respect, and not in that respect alone, a complete blank. After this let us hear no jnore of the public indifference to architecture, when even the Royal Institute of British Architects shows itself to be infected with almost inexcusable apathy. The members and council of the Institute would do well to recollect, that though they themselves may choose to shut their eyes to what ought to be done by them for the advancement of architecture as a liberal study, they cannot hinder other people from opening theirs, and keeping awake to them and their proceedings. I remain. Yours, &c. A GREATER ADMIRER OF ARCHITECTURE THAN OF THE InSTITITTE. REMARKS ON THE CLAIMS OF ARCHITECTS. Sir— The first two articles in the August No. of your Journal tempt me to make a few observations; for although the remarks therein are no doubt generally good and useful, they certainly do appear to me rather too sweeping and unqualified. In the first article, the merits of the Threadneedle St. structure (and 2 S 2 296 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECrS JOURNAL. [September, 1 suppose its novelty is considered as not its least merit,) serves as a test for enlarging on the demerits of almost every tiling in tlie way of architecture that has been done of late vears, in the metropolis at least, and of underrating Grecian architecture in particular, as if it were Tesponsible for all the abuses of mere builders, decorators, would-be architects, and, it cannot be denied, of some from w^hom, as architects of hit'h standing, we might have expected better things ; and I can only account for Ihiir failure bv supposing them deficient in that natural taste and feeling for the art which is indispensable to a successful exercise of the profession. I must, however, beg to diff'r entirely as to the facilities which "Stuart's Athens" in particular affords for producing Grecian designs, as I do not see how this publication can supersede or render unnecessary study and invention, more than publications in any other style ; and I think it may be found that Mr. B-.rry himself, who deservedly stands pre-eminent as an architect, has his book of reference, too, and that the most prominent features of detail in his best designs might there be found delineated. It is not, then, the use of this or that style, this or that order, moulding, or ornament, which constitutes a good or bad design, but the spirit and mode in which they are applied and dealt with; and there can be no more good reason for rejecting any of the materials of design which former ages have produced, especially -when of acknowledged beaut v, than of sliunning the letters of a lan- guage because tbev have been used over and over again, and for the commonest purposes. There clearlv, then, must be materials to work with ; but I think it cannot be doubted that to natural taste alone, which can neither he learnt nor unlearnt, is owing those superior productions in architecture, which so few can boast of the opportunity of displaying. To afford the facilities for embodying and bringing before others, those treasures of the mind which one individual pos- sesses over another, a suitable education is, however, necessary ; and 'tis impossible (I think) to conceive it can be carried to excess. The orders of architecture, as found in OJreece, (not Rome,) are indeed beautiful, but they will not bear being trifled with; he, there- fore, displays most taste and judgment who, instead of endeavouring to drag them in on all occasions, rejects them altogether, unless he can place them in a situation belitting their high rank : fur we can well perceive, by the ancient examjiles, how much sublimity and grandeur they are capable of producing, not, however, by the Italian method of first degrading them in detail, and then forming separate pieces of columnar design, for mere ornament, to doors or windows, as exemplified at, the Travellers' and Reform Clubhouses, but by making them primary and useful parts of an edifice. The remarks in the second article, headed "Spirit of Architecture, ' are, some of them, so extraordinary, that I am rather doubtful whether to treat them seriously or not. The London architects will, I am sure, have no reason to be proud of some of them, and if any, or even the majority, are deserving of them, 'tis hardly fair to include the whole; it would be much fairer to allude to the particular parties, or at least their respective works. There are architects, however, elsewhere than in London; and I think I could point out some examples of desien in distant parts of England by native architects, that would induce even the severe author of " Spirit of Architecture" to pause in his denouncements, especially when contrasted almost side by side (as in some places they may be) with such productions of eminent London architects as alone can justify that author's severities. I never before heard of architects altogether disregarding public opinion, when not expressed in such absurdities as whited towers and churches, roughcast sculpture, and reddened plaster fronts. Indeed, to show that discretion requires to be used in yielding to public opinion, I myself have heard one of that public (and one, too, who had travelled) seriouslv suggest as an improvement that a certain public building should" be painted red, and scored in imitation of bricks ; and yet the paper quoted seems to say that the umultund mind is not only a more fitting judge of architecture, but would make a better architect than such as have spent a life in its study and exercise. Such remarks, however, are innocent enough, inasmuch as they overshoot the mark ; but, for the same reason, they must fail of doing good, which should be the object of all criticism. hSw an architect can be too architectural, or too strictly educated, I really cannot conceive ; 'tis, I fear, far too likely, in most instances, that the fault is that of deficiency ; although, as I said before, educa- tiun can neither bestow nor take away that natural taste and talent which enables an architect to excel : and to these gifts of Nature was perhaps owing that eminence in their day of those interlopers, as they are called, Michael Angelo and Sir Christopher Wren; to neither of whom, however, are parties agreed now-a-days in attributing the highest excellence as architects. The praise, too, bestowed on the latter in the "Spirit of Architecture" stands in rather awkward juxtaposition ■with the observation iu the former article, where, in alluding to the ugly churches of London, it does not except " the more admired than admirable ones by Sir Christopher Wren." If architects' duties really are passing away from them to civil engineers and decorators, that surely must be the fault of the employer, not the employed; and it would be a slur indeed on public taste and discernment to imagine for a moment that, until they have searched Great Britain to every corner, they should have recourse to civil engineers or builders, the former being almost proverbially incapable of strictly architectural productions ; while, on the contrary, architects, if educated as they ought to be, must be equal to all an engineer's duties, which they do and will perforin, when prejudice does not prevent their being called on. From builders no one, I believe, ever expects anything like architecture ; and those who do permit them to unite the offices of architect and builder too not only show themselves careless of the merits of the production as a work of art, but must find, too late, that they thereby deprive themselves of that salutary check on the builder, which it is part of the architect's office to afford. And as fur decorators, my liltle experience teaches me that they have happily much less controul than formerly. The Reform Clubhouse is not the only nor the most decided instance on which I found this observation"; and, depend upon it, it is almost invariably the employ- er's fault, either through ignorance or custom, if ever the decorator, or any other pretender, is allowed to interfere with any part of a building which has to do with its effect in the minutest particular. Much more might be said on these subjects, but I leave it to more able although not more zealous friends to architecture, and merely state, in conclusion, that, instead of issuing such sweeping denunciations, it would, I think, be a far more useful plan to bring forward, analyze, and compare the several examples of architecture separately, with a view to ascertain their merits and demerits, as such. Aus- 11, 1842. An Admirer of Architecture. [W> are at a loss to understand wherein lies the iniquity of contrasting the Threadneedle Street structure with other London buildings, and indeed we do not very well see by what means ils relative merit could have been estimated, but for some such species of comparison. We have never held Grecian architecture ansu'erable for the faults ot those i»ho occasionally mis- apply it, nor is it the use but the abuse of Stuart's Athens we have ventured to reprehend. Such works we admit may, perhaps, be perused as diligenCy by Mr. Barry and other men of merited celebrity as by the most notable im- becile of the confecliunary faction ; bat we suspect that in the one case the designs are received merely as suggestions, in the other as the responses of an oracle ; and it is scarcely necessary lo remark, that it is the latter species of appropriation we have alone reprobated. We pass over several of our correspondent's observations, and hasten to state that we have never maintained mental cultivalion to be unfavouvable or even unimportant to architectural proficiency, provided the cultivation be o/tlie right descri;,iio„. but that there is a species of cultivation productive only of weeds, and fatal to every germ of genius, nature may have implanted, it is a familiar enough remark that wherever schools of art flourish, the arts themselves decline; and if it be the property of the prevailing system of architectural instruction to discourage the growth of the natural emotions and create others that are peculiar and artificial-to superinduce an irrita- bility of taste respecting petty observances, and a disrelish of the ordinary beauties of ordinary minds-lo quench all namral sensibibty of heart, and impose upon the judgment by the authority of a senseless jargon-to eradi- cate notbingbut taste, imagination, and genius. and ioster nothing but man- nerism aflectation, and formality ; if this, and more than this, be the general tendency and general effect, too, of the existing modes of education —and all because they are t.io technical, stringent, and specific— if is easy to understand how the education of an architect may be too architectural and • his taste less true than tastes less systematically perverted. Education can never create taste, but may ennoble or debase it according as the education is in a right or wrong direction ; and the prevalent direction in the case of archileciure is, we'conceive, such as to be generally productive of unfavour- able inlluences. From such induences the architects of ancient Greece were in a great measure exempt ; they girded on their armour and went forth with theirlcllow citizens to the battle— they listened to the discourses of the phi- losophers, and mingled in the assemblies of the people, and shared in the anxieties of the cnmmonwealth, and partook of the responsibilities of the administration ; ihey felt not as architects merely but as men— their asso- ciations were not the associations of a sect or individual, but of the com- munity, and their beauties derived not from Egypt nor Phojnicia but from Nature Had they, like us. been content to be servile copyists of exotic con- structions or podantic relailcrs of authoritative dogmas— had they, like us, assumed that another people had, by some happy intuition, found out the only forms in which beauty could be embodied, and that nothing was left tor them but to multiply and combine those mysterious proportions— they woud never have risen b.-vond the limits of mediocrity, andlthe world would have 1842.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 297 been depvive.l of tlie delight, and Ihemselves of the glory, their more adven- turous career has so hounleously conferred. The insinuation that it is a distinction of the popular taste to entertain an affection for rough cast sculpture, is one of those inoperative lihels which finds its refutation in its own extravagance ; and as regards the other proofs of the depravity of the public predilections, it is sufficient to say that ne think them singularly inconclusive. A whitened tower may be a very pic- turesque object in some situations, and if it be true that a brick wall may be less displeasing than an architectural abortion, the recommendation to imi- tate brick in a certain public edifice may, for aught we know, have been far from injudicious. It is rather a novel doctrine, we think, that if a man's business passes away, it is necessarily the fault of his employers, and never of himself; but however consolatory such a conviction may he, we fear it will be found to be a poor indemnity for so serious and substantial a depri- vation. We agree with this gentleman in thinking that men excel in archi- tecture by virtue of a " natural taste and talent," but are unable to reconcile this with the declaration that engineers and decorators are necessarily in- capable of architectural productions. It is difficult to imagine that nature reserves her taste and talent for architects exclusively ; and if a fair propor- tion be distributed among engineers and decorators, those of them to whom this qualification falls, ought, by our correspondent's own canon, to be per- fectly capable of architectural excellence. M'e agree that the architect is a salutary check ujjon the builder, and the value of this check the public is well able to estimate. The praise and reprehension of Sir Christopher Wren may appear to stand awkwardly together in our pages, yet both may we conceive be perfectly just ; and the awkwardness will ne suspect appear most conspicuous to those who will not understan.l that an extensive edifice or multitude of edifices may afford matter for just ridicule and just commenda- tion, and that the genius of an artist however great, may slill be liable to some exceptions. It would have been quite foreign to the purpose of the spirit of architecture to have entered into the details of architectural compo- sition, or compared one building with another, with a view to ascertain their merits and defects j and we think the title even of tliat paper is enough to show that its concern was not with the details and specialities of archi- tecture, but with its radical and universal principles. Any remarks upon such a subject must necessarily be sweeping, simply because they are general; and we think it rather an extraordinary course to object toils strictures, not because they are unjust, but merely because they are not personal. — Editor] BEVIE'WS. Transactions: of the Royal Institute of British jirc/tiltcts. Vol. I. Part 2. London ; Longman & Co., 1842. ( Concluded from page 260. J The paper by Herr Kallmann, of Hanover, on the Greco-Russian Ecclesiastical Architecture, is a valuable contribution. As an histori- cal essay, and an exponent of manners and customs relative to the Greek church, it will be perused with interest by all classes of readers, while to the professional architect, it affords a new and instructive study on the great radical principle of his art — the adaptation of the arrangement and character of an edifice to the especial purpose for which it is destined. A comparison of the Greek and Romish eccle- siastical edifices, for which, as regards the former, this essay affords ample materials, cannot fail to impress strongly upon the mind of the British architect, that the study of combinations differing from both is demanded of him by the ritual of the Reformed Catholic Church of England. It is difficult to conceive anv thing more repugnant to reason and sound taste, than the recurrence, in these days, to eccle- siastical arrangements peculiar to the worst form of superstition and priestcraft that ever degraded the Christian coinmunitv ; and yet such is tlio style of planning churches loudly called for by ignorance and intolerance at the present moment, and dignitaries of the establish- ment are not asliamed to prostitute the influence of their station by joining in the cry, under a Jesuitical pretence of encouraging archi- tecture. But to return to our immediate subject. After a prefatory historical sketch of the progress of ecclesiastical architecture in Russia from the tenth century, Herr Hallmann proceeds to describe the plan, arrangement, and decoration of a Greco-Russian church. To follow this description connectedly would be to transcribe the bulk ofthepajier; we shall, therefore, be content to extract so much as relates to the principal feature of the interior — the Iconostasis, or screen separating tlie sanctuary from the body of the church. It is probable that many who may have had the opportunity of seeing Greek churches, may not be awarp, of all the mystical intention of tlieir ornaments : " A perfect Iconostasis is the representation of tJie universe, or rather of the cetestial kingdom. It is composed of four or live different tiers, four of which are indispensable, as will be presently explained. Each tier is com- posed of an unequal number of pictures of saints, painted on tablets or long square surfaces, the position of which is rigorously fixed. "On the first tier, which rises generally a few steps above the ground, (the number of steps is indifferent provided they do not exceed seven) are three doors ; the middle is a folding door, by means of which a view of the altar is obtained during the ceremony, and is ornamented with the Annunciation of the Virgin, the Virgin on one of the leaves, and the angel on the other, ac- companied by the heads or emblems of the four evangelists ; on the right is the effigy of Christ, on the left that of the Madonna — on the right after that of Christ, is placed the picture of the saint or of the festival of the church — then come the smaller doors already mentioned, which are single doors. Above the central door there are occasionally three angels' heads, as sym- bolical of the Trinity ; above the smaller doors are placed, on the left the Greek cross, on the right the cross of Moses, symbols of the new and old dispensations. Such are the indispensable arrangements of the first tier; if there be more room, it may be ornamented with other pictures of saints. Of these principal pictures only the heads, hands and feet are visible, the body is covered with a metallic clothing or drapery of silver or gold in very flat relief — the grounil, like that of the whole Iconostasis and often of the entire church, is gilt. Before each picture a lamp is suspended exactly in the middle, and the pictures ought not to be higher than to allow of kissing at least the feet. " On the second tier Christ is represented in the middle, seated on a throne, clad in pontifical robes. On the one side is St. John the Baptist, on the other the Madonna without the child — after that appear on each side two archangels and six apostles ; the different tablets upon which these effigies are painted, seem in the ancient churches joined to one another without ornament — in the more modern they are divided by little gilt columns. " On the third tier we find the Madonna in the middle seated on a throne, holding the infant Jesus on her knees ; on each side of her are seen the effi- gies of the prophets. " On the fourth tier Cod the Father is represented on his throne in the centre, with the infant Jesus — on each side are the patriarchs of the church; on this last tier the effigies are surmounted by small arches, the centre one being higher than the others. As the figures in the middle are seated, they are twice the size of the others which are standing. Sometimes there is a fifth tier, which is placed either between the first and second, or between the second and third ; and upon the tablets of this tier are representations of the history of the Saviour, the last supper, the passion, the crucifixion, &c. ; this tier is generally only half the height of the others. " It remains yet to be mentioned that on the vault of the great cupola before the iconostasis is generally painted an enormous head of Christ, and that a great lustre nearly touching the iconostasis is suspended before it. " The other parts of the church are ornamented with paintings on a gold ground ; even the columns are decorated in this manner ; but all these paint- ings represent miscellaneous subjects. In style they are wretched, and per- fectly resemble the art of the early Christian ages. The church is lighted generally by very narrow windows, perforated in the side walls, or in the drums of the cupolas ; for festivals there is a great display of lustres, made of plated copper, which hang from the vaulted roof. The general internal appearance of the Greek churches is on the whole extremely solemn and imposing on account of their magnificence and mystic aspect." The Institute showed their sense of the merit of this paper at the time it was read, by presenting a silver medal to its author. The editors of the volume have done him less than justice as regards the illustration of his work. There are two general plans and one ele- vation, and six specimens of Russian cupolas, crammed into one quarto plate, and the plans especially are so small as to be nearly useless. A second plate represents an Iconostasis on a better scale. The "Report of the Committee appointed to examine the Elgin Marbles" in order to ascertain whether any evidences remain as to the employment of colour in the decoration of the architecture or sculpture, will require little observation, since it was printed entire in the last No. of the Journal. It is in one sense a most satisfactory document, since it sets at rest for ever all question as to what traces of colour may or may not exist upon the marbles subjected to exami- nation. This report concludes the first portion of the volume, comprised under the genera! head of "Antiquities." The first paper of the second part, coming under the head of "Construction," contains some very important statistical facts on the cost of certain public buildings abroad, chiefly at Berlin, communicated by Herr Beutli, of that city, honorary and corresponding member of the Institute. Many of the buildings particularized are published in Schinkel's "Architectonische Entwuerfe," so that the proportionate expense of building in Prussia and England may be easily deduced from the information furnished by Herr Beuth. By a schedule of prices for labour and material.^, it appears that the former may be obtained in Berlin for less than half its cost in London, measured brickwork fur about two-thirds, and timber for little more than one-fourth. These rates must be kept iu mind in 29S THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [September, esfimatins; hy (Iir sums total the scale of liberality on wliich tlie modern public buildings of Prussia have been erected. It appears that the sum of£47,S83 has been expemlerl on the new church at Potsdam, £Of,S10 on the Theatre Royal at Berlin, £30,870 on the School of Royal Architei'ts, &e. Mr. GwilCs "Observations on the Weight of Entablatures" refer to the proportions between the supports and the mass supported, in the orders of architecture ; and he shows a jirobabiHty that tlie jiro- portions assigned by the ancients to their columns and entablatures, may be founded on a principle of making the area of the mass supported, taken on the geometrical elevation, equal to tliat of the supports, and the voids, or intercolumniations, equal to the amount of both. It is clear at first sight, that these conditions are fulfilled by any colonnade, where the intervals are systyle, and the entablature somewhat more than one fourth of the height of the column, propor- tions which are very nearly observed in the best works of antiquity. The rules laid down by Vitruvius tend to the same point, and Mr. Gwilt's position is further strengthened by the actual measurements of some of the ancient temples which he has compared in a table, though others are rather wide of the mark. It is impossible to suppose the coincidences which occur to be accidental, but they will scarcely bear out a general rule, which, to be worth any thing, ought to be of general application. The effect of such a law in architecture would be, to in- crease the load in proportion to the diminution of the support. It is obvious, that as the height of any series of supports of given diameter is increased, and their strength consequently diminished, both really and apparently, the intervals between them increase in area, and so therefore must the superincumbent mass be increased in order to ful- fil the conditions. It is true that niihin certain limits this is the actual practice of the ancients. A Corinthian entablature one-fourth of the height of the column, is a greater proportionate load than a Tuscan entablature bearing the same relation to its support, (the intercolum- niation remaining the same). This apparent anomaly has been very well explained by Sir \V. Chambers, and we object to Mr. Gwilt's view of the subject, only because it is too sweeping, and because we think he ought to have taken the limits of the ancient practice into the account. We do not understand th^ author's mode of dealing with the pedi- ment. The diagrams on this subject require explanation ; they seem to represent the entablature diminished in height until the addition of the pediment makes up the required mass; but we are not aware of the existence of any such practice either in ancient or modern com- position. Kor can we discover by what process the voids in the por- tico of the Panlheon are made cut to be equal to the solids, as stated in a postscript by Mr. Cresy, especially as these proportions are set down very accurately in the preceding page as l'S4 to 2-43. It must be observed that Mr. Gwilt does not by any means insist upon this part of the theory, but as regards the proportions between the sup- ports and the weights, he considers that there is every appearance of its being strictly true. The next paper in order is on " Lithology," or observations on stone used for building; by Mr. C. H. Smith. Mr. Smith, it is scarcely necessary to remind our readers, was a member of the Commission appointed to survey various quarries throughout the Kingdom, for the purpose of selecting stone for the new Houses of Parliament. The information resulting from this inquiry has found its way to the public in several shapes, but in none more likely to be of general practical utility than the able and well digested performance before us. The author treats principally of those extensive and useful classes of stone, the sandstones and the oolites ; but we must rather call the attention of our readers to the pertinent remarks which occur on the conse- quences of want of attention on the part of the architect to the quality of the, materials offered for his use. The effects of this negligence are particularly to be noted in the metropolis, where all stone must be brought from a distance, and where even the most inferior is scarce and dear. Mr. Smith shows that of Portland stone, so much in request in London, there are numerous shades of quality, dependent mainly on the position of the bed from which it is raised, and partly from the variation in the corresponding beds in different localities, and yet this circumstance is scarcely ever considered in selecting the material. Portland stone is Portland stone, and the architect is too ready to accept it as it comes to market. " I have carefully looked over," says Mr. Smith, " many specifications for public and private buildings, anil find the materials usually described to be of the best quality ; but the general tenour of those parts describing the •tone to be used rarely amounts to anything more than the mere well-known name, preceded by an adjective, such as " yood Portland stone," but what is to constitute that "goodness" is altogether undefined. " Large quantities of Portland stone of an inferior quality are brought to. London, not because the island is deficient iu the best kind, hut because all our large buildings are executed by contracts, at so remarkably low a price, that the mason's study is not what kind of stone will l)e most durable, but what stone can be wrouglit by the workmen most expeditiously, and thereby yield the largest profit ; and of course the proprietor of the quarries will only send such stone into the market as is likely to suit his customers. St. Paul's Cathedral, and many of the churches and other large buildings, erected in the reign of Queen Anne, were constructed with stone very superior, as far as regards durability, to the greater quantity now used ; and yet the quarries from whence those sources were derived have been deserted beyond the memory of any inhabitants now living at Portland ; and the only reason as- signed is, because the merchants find they cannot sell such stone, on account of its being a little harder, and thereby more expensive to work." " Abundant examples of defective Portland stone might be pointed out; but when we consider tliat the stone brought from the island, good, bad, and in- different, is all shipped from the same pier, which is a very small one, and that notwithstanding the blocks are marked in the quarry, so as to denote from whence they were obtained, it is possible that some of them may he misplaced, we ought not to be surprised if occasionally a veiy had stone is conspicuously placed in a building that is otherwise in excellent con- dition ; and this we find more particularly to be the case in our modern structures, arising no doubt sometimes from ignorance or inattention, but often from some trifling interest, such as using a stone because it is just of the dimensions required." " There are not fewer than fifty or sixty quarries already opened at the Isle of Portland, most of them along the north-east and north-west cliffs, at an elevation of several hundred feet above the sea. The stone from each of these quarries, and from different beds in the same quarry, almost always presents some minute particularities, which, on very attentive examination, will serve to distinguish it from others. In many instances these distinc- tions are so conspicuous as to be evident on the most casual inspection." Bath stone is brought to the London market under precisely the same circumstances. " The principal quarries are at Box, Coombe Down, and Moncktou Far- leigh. The stone from each of these districts, and even in the same quarry, where there are generally a number of beds lying upon one another, is fre- quently found to differ, in some of the minor characters, from all the rest ; such as being harder, coarser, more or less durable, &c., all of which are in- discriminately sold in the markets under the general name of " Bath stone," and it rarely happens that an architect specifies what kind of Bath stone is to be used. It is always understood that the materials are to be good, or of the best kind ; and it unfortunately too often happens that the stone which looks best when fresh from the workman's hand, is frequently of a description most subject to premature decay. If it he left to the mason's choice, he is sure to select the stone that may he most expeditiously worked." Bath stone finds little favour with our author, who disposes very satisfactorily of the common notion that it stands better in its native air than when exported to a distance. " The plain matter of fact is," says Mr. Smith in his plain matter-of-fact style, " that the stone used in the construction of the oldest buildings at Bath was procured from the Box quarries, which is in the more important quaUties very superior to and far more durable than such as is now generally used. The Box quarry stone is still used occasionally in and about Bath, but the stone merchants in London have long since discovered that the masons will not buy it on account of its being a httle coarser and harder, and thereby more expensive to work." Two other vulgar errors on the same subject are also noticed. Speaking of the decay which is already manifest in the restorations of Henry VII.'s chapel, Mr. Smith observes as follows: " That there are many stones in the building which at present show no symptoms of decomposition is readily admitted ; and those persons who advocate the use of Bath stone for such highly decorative purposes, frequently imagine that sufficient care has not been taken to place the stones on their natural bed. The importance of such precaution is generally very contide- rably overrated ; I do not consider it signifies which way a stone is fixed, unless it presents a decidedly laminated structure, which scarcely ever occurs amongst tlie oolites. A stone of an open, powdery, and slightly cemented texture, will, if exposed to the weather, decompose in a comparatively short space of time, in whatever direction it may be fixed, or whichever surface may be parallel to the horizon. " Another generally received fallacy is the opinion that soft stone will be- come hard and durable by exposure. Although this notion is true to a cer- tain extent, it is not of sufficient importance to warrant its appreciation in architectural works. All kinds of stone while in the rock, or when recently quarried, are somewhat softer and more easUy worked than after they have been exposed to the atmosphere a few months, owing to the stone in its original situation being more thoroughly saturated with moisture that can ever be accomplished after it has been once allowed to get dry. This is a principle well known to masons, for it is a general practice amongst work- men to frequently wet a stone, especially if it be rather of a hard quality, during their operation of working it into mouldings or ornaments, to make it work, as they term it " more kindly." If the stone be remarkably soft, it is advisable not to let it dry too fast after it has been taken from the quarry. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND AIlCillTECT'S JOURNAL. 2S9 for fear of its cracking;, in consequence of tlie moisture being removed from the outside before the interior of the block can have had time to evaporate; hence, while the central part remains of its original size and extremely damp, the surface will dry, shrink, and thereby cause many invisible cracks, tlie effect of which will be conspicuous after a sharp frost. " All free-working limestones and oolites become in some degree harder on their surface by exposure to weather. This arises from a very slight de- composition taking place, which will remove most of the softer particles, and leave the hardest and most durable to act as a protection to the remainder. In addition to which, the pores and interstices of t;:e surface fet filled with dust and dirt, washed in by rain assisted by powerful winds ; all which cir- cumstances help to secure the least protected grains from external violence. If the stone be naturally compact and durable, a surface of tbis description ■will materially assist its' duration ; but, on the other hand, such material as the Ileddington stone, near Oxford, or the most peris' able Bath stone, will in due time" similarly attain a hard crust, which, from tiie general body of the stone being loose and powdery, is not sufficiently compact to hold on ; water will soak in behind the crust, cause a swelling and disruption on the surface, ■which ultimately breaks. The crust thus opened gradually bends forward more and more, until finally the weight of the disintegrated portion causes it to fall off. In some instances, as in Bath stone, these defective places rarely exceed an inch or two of surface before the decomposed part falls off; whereas the crust of the buildings at Oxford is so remarkably tenacious that it peels off and hangs like rags, often as much as a foot superficial, before it entirely separates. Upon tlie' whole, I do not consider it a recommendation to a soft stone to say that it gradually becomes harder on the surface." We must fake leave of this paper, from which we are tempted to continue our extracts to a greater leiigtii than might be advisable. It is illustrated bv a map of the Island of Portland, and a. section of the strata from which the stone is raised. It concludes with some obser- vations on M. Brard's process for testing the qualities of building stone by disintegration, which Mr. Smith holds rather clieap, -as not being supported by established physical truths, tliat is to say, by the effects observed to have taken place in the same kinds oi stone by long exposure in old buildings — Barnack stor.e, for example, which remains generallv in the highest state of preservation in Peterborough Cathedral, and other buildings in the neighbourhood of the quarries, disintegrates rapidlv under the process, while others which stand high for durability under this test, are found to have suffered severely from the slow tooth of age. To Mr. Fowler's paper "On warming and ventilating the long room of the Custom House, London, upon Dr. Arnott's principle," we have but little to say. The practical application of a familiar principle is precisely one of those subjects best calculated to occupy profitably the time and attention of an evening meeting, and had we experienced the pleasure of hearing this paper read on such an occasion, we could have complimented the honorary secretary very sincerely on his pro- duction. But for its place among the transactions it has probably been indebted to its illustrations, which exhibit the only specimen of original design with which the Institute have favoured us. The composition in the second plate being quite unconnected with the practical part of the subject, it is to be presumed, from the extra- ordinary distinction with which it is treated, that the Society are proud of it. We must confess we would rather the same breadth of copper had been bestowed upon Herr Kallmann; but this, as the upholsterers say, is a mere matter of taste, and we hint an opinion upon it with extreme diffidence. The concluding paper is a report on the construction of the stone arch, (or, according to popular designation, " stone beam,") which exists between the western towers of Lincoln Cathedral, by Mr. Nicholson, accompanied by an engraving, made from very careful measurements. This arch, which is an object of curiosity from its extraordinary flatness and lightness, consists of 23 stones of unequal lengths. The width of the extrados is barely 1 ft. 9J in. ; the thick- ness of the arch is uniform throughout, and is II in. ; the span 27 ft. 11 in. between the apparent abutments, but as the walls on both sides have been cased since the arch was built, the original span is 30 ft. The arch having settled into a somewhat irregular shape, doubts have arisen as to the nature of the curve ; but Mr. Nicholson's minute investigation decides it to be a pointed arch, drawn from two centres, the chord of the southern arc being 13 ft. ll-6(;4 in., and its versed sine 2-J-J in. ; and the chord of the northern arc 14 ft. 0-234 in., and the versed sine 2i in. The object for which this singular structure was erected is a mystery, and Mr. Nicholson considers it in vain to orter any conjecture as to its purpose. Mr. Papworth, however, suggests in a postscript, that it might have been set up at the time when the vaulting of the nave was built, as a fixed point from whence levels and mea- surements might be taken. We now conclude our lengthened notice of this volume, ■with an earnest hope that the Institute may speedily be ia condition to lay before the public another, equally instructive, entertaining, and orna- mental. We can bestow upon them, at parting, no better wish. j^j.jxiidix D lo the new edition of Tredgold on the Sleam Engine and on Sleam Naviaalion. On tlie ^ichimidfan Screff, or Submarine Proptlltr. By Elijah Galloway, Civil Engineer. London: John Weale, 59, High Holborn. 1842. This is a work which does Mr. Galloway great credit, and which, we venture to predict, will be received by engineers most favourably. The subject is itself one of great interest, and Mr. G I'loway has treated it in a very perspicuous and business-like manner. He evidently understands what he talks about — has studied it deeply and well — and has the art, moreover, of stating what he knows in clear, concise, and not inelegant language. Our inquisitorial office would speedily become a sinecure, if we had none other than such books ss this to deal with. Mr. Galloway first gives us a short historical account of the Archi- medean screw as a propeller, from which we extract the following passages : — " In a work on the theory of the screw of Archimedes, published at Paris in 17G8, by M. Paucton, the following passages occur : — ' The oar is an instrument by means of which we are enabled to move a vessel on the surface of the water. It is a long lever, terminated by a flat end, by the pressure of which upon the fluid an operation similar to the action of a wedge upon wood is produced. The imint d'appui of this lever is the pin to which it is attached ; the moving power is the rower; and the resistance is the fluid : which is, however, contrary to the opinion of some writers. I am surprised that no one has thought of changing the form of the common oar, it being evident that it is not perfection. In effect, besides that the action of the rower is not calculated to make the vessel advance equably, because the oars descrihe arcs of circles in their movement, the Tovtev is obliged at least to employ a moiety of his time and strength to Uft the oar out of the water, and carry it in advance. To remedy this incon- venience, it would be necessary to substitute for the ordinary oar an instru- ment the application of which would be if possible uniform and continuous ; and this property will, I think, be found in perfection in the pternphore (the Archimedean screw). We should be able to place two of them horizontally and parallel to the vessel's length, one on each side, or one only at the fore part. The pterophore may be entirely immerged, or up to the axis only, as is desirable. The size of the pterophore will depend on that of the vessel, and the curvature of the thread on the velocity with wliich it is proposed to row.' " This is, perhaps, one of the earliest notices of the screw as aa instrument of propulsion since tlie revival of learning, but it appears to have been in use among the Chinese for that purpose from time immemorial. Some of the schemes of propelling by means of a screw, which drew the public attention about thirty or forty years ago, were simply importations from China. Mr. Galloway quotes some certifi- cates, with tlie view of showing that the screw had been introduced in some of our Government vessels as an auxiliary means of propulsion as early as 1802, and that the models of the plans then adopted were subsequently examined and approved of by Mr. David Napier — than whom there are few better judges in all such matters. He then reca- pitulates the statements of Marestier in his work on American steam navigation; the projects of Brown, the inventor of the gas vacuum absurdity ; and the speculations of Tredgold, which are shown to be in many respects erroneous; after v/hich he comes to the era created by the achievements of Mr. Smith, to whom, we conceive, any success this mode of propulsion has realized is mainly attributable. The structure and performance of the Archimedes are next minutely described : with these details many of our readers are already con- versant ; and those who are not so we must refer to Mr. Galloway's work, as no abstract would be useful, and no abridgment would be right. Of Ericcson's propeller, shown in Figs. 1 and 2, we think favourably; and Mr. Rennie's modification of the screw, repiesented in Fig. 3, is certainly very ingenious. Hunt's propeller is also inge- nious, though in its present state attended with many obvious incoii- veniencies. Capt. Carpenter's plan is a crudity, and is scarce anything more than a reproduction of one of Shorter's worst projects. On the mode of communicating motion from the engine to the screw, Mr. Galloway makes some very judicious observations. The instruments for modifying motion are toothed wheels, straps or ropes, and fiiction surfaces ; and as the screw has to move at a much greater velocity than the engine, the adoption of one or other of these agents is indispensable. Toothed wheels are very noisy, occasion consider- able loss of power from friction, and are very susceptible of injury; friction straps are liable to stretch and slip, especially when subjected to the influences of heat, sail water, and steam ; and friction surfaces Fig. 1. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [September, Fig. 4. Fisf. 2. require a degree of pressure to attain the requisite adhesion, which invariably superinduces a most injurious friction in the bearings. With the view of obviating this defect of the plan of communicating motion by friction surfaces, Mr. Galloway submits the following contrivance of his own : — "In this arrangement, shown at Fig. 4, it is proposed to use two engines of the form of which stationary engines are usually constructed, that is to say, they would have their beams above the cylinders and cranks : d d are the cranks, which are at a right angle to each other; c c the intermediate shaft; i a i is a double coned wheel connected by the cyhndric part a. this is all cast in one piece, and accurately turned on the conical parts b b ; e g and./ h are two wheels attached to axes i and ;. They are conical at the parts /and e, and cvlindrical at the parts g and h. The diameters are one-fourth of the large cones b b. The axis i is the screw axis, and ./ the adjusting axis ; k is a spring which, by means of screws, can be made to force the cone/ towards the axis c c. If, therefore, we suppose a given force to be thus communi- cated it will advance the surfaces of the cones together with four times the pressure there is exerted at i. In this condition of the parts, if the engmes be put in motion thev will cause the cones b b to turn the smaller wheels eg fh, in opposite directions ; but the pressure necessary to produce contact will be principally exerted between the cylinders ff and h, which, being a rolling motion, is free from friction, and the power of the engine wdl thus be transmitted to the screw with only a loss of power entailed by the small amount of friction at t. It is obvious also in this contrivance that there is scarcely any friction at the bearings of i andj, which, owing to the cones having the force communicated at two opposite points in their periphery, exert no pressure on their bearings, except that of gravity." FiR. 3. We question whether this expedient, though a very good one, is the one wanted. A rotatory engine appears to be the desideratum, in those cases in which the screw requires to be driven at a great speed; and in other cases it is the best plan, we think, to employ engines of a short stroke, and couple them immediately to the shaft from which the screw derives its motion. This has been done in Mr. Wimshurst s vessel with verv good effect, and, we believe, will invariably be found the best mode where the screw is employed merely as an auxiliary, or occasional impelling power. We find by a note, that Mr. Wim- shurst's vessel, in which this plan is adopted, had not been constructed until after Mr. Galloway's book was written; to which circumstance we must attribute the omission of all notification respecting her. We therefore feel it right to say, as Mr. Galloway would, we have no doubt, have said, liad the opportunity been afforded him, that Mr. Wimshurst's plan of driving the screw is the least exceptionable of any we have met with. London as it is. By Thomas Shotter Boys. Folio. 1842. Mr. Boys' " London as it is" is by no means London as it ought to be, or ought to be shown. It has, in truth, altogether disappointed us fo in no one respect is it at all satisfactory, the subjects being, with merely one or two exceptions, very badly selected, either quite stale, or otherwise of little interest, and very poorly represented, at least as views of buildings, for the architecture is very slovenly, loosely, and incorrectly drawn, and treated as altogether of subordinate interest m comparison with the figures. As far as buildings are '^""^"■f • X' ^ as eood or even better representations, and those, oo, far less sta e in noFnt of subiect, are to be met with in some of the penny and two- ^"nv perXals. There are, no doubt, many who wiU prefer Mr Boys' bustling London street- scenes, with crowds of vehicles of every description. To far abler executed architectural subjects; but we ques on whether any of that class of persons are the purchasers of four-guinra books, unless they be those whom Sir Robert Peel terms *''TheUu"of''"Londonasitis'' would naturally lead us to suppose that the work is intended to exhibit more especially the recent archi- tecture and improved parts of the metropolis, by way of contrast to London as it was about thirty years ago Yet if -f ..^^^ ''J ^f ^^^^ purpose, he has adopted a most singular mode of following out such 5lan, th«e being comparatively few subjects which might not have £een shown sixty years ago. Such bui dings as Ten pie bar St. James's Palace, and the Tower-or rather its mere outs de walls- have itte to ecommend them for selection; and the views are so mited as to number, that they ought to have been carefully chon nor do they possess novelty of any kind, having been ^ep eseite I before, over^nd over again, and in '"''".vnstances very much beUer. Nay, as if it was so exceedingly interesting and ^ea'^tiful a sub ec Una it could not be too much studied, Mr. Boys has given too d ifte ent V ;ws of Temple Bar; while of Newgate-wh.ch has so much of 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 301 character and picturesque expression to recommencl it to an archi- tectural pencil— he shows nothing ; of the Bank and its neighbourhood just as much ; and of New London Bridge, and the new street and buildings just by it, ditto, not to mention other dittos— for that would be to make a list of almost everything worth showing. It is true, he does favour us with a sight of St. Paul's, but then it is only of a mere bit of it, as seea from Ludgate, where nearly all but the dome is con- cealed, and that is so drawn as to be so unsightly, that it might as well have been kept out of sight altogether. There is very little, indeed, to show what London is at the present day, where its street architecture has been improved. There is a view of Pall Mall, and two others of Regent Street, one of them taken from Hanover Chapel, of which not the front, but merely a single column of its portico is introduced, and that drawn monstrously out of proportion, — and they are almost all. Whatever may be his ability in other respects, Mr. Boys is evidently not a very able architectural draughtsman. In fact, he seems to have considered the buildings themselves as of very secondary importance — as nothing more than backgrounds to his groups of figures ; and he would, therefore, have done better to have undertaken a work that did not require proficiency in architectural drawing, and whose title would not have held out the promise which, far as it is from fulfilling it, it now does. Foreigners, and others who have not visited Loudon, must form not the most favourable idea of it from the representations here given of it. The work is eminently calculated to dissatisfy and disappoint, if only by its challenging comparison with such works as Nash's " Man- sions," Haghe's " Belgium," MuUer's " Age of Francis L" &c., which it rivals in /;r/«, in size, and external appearance, but although in- tended so, is certainly not worthy of being placed on the same slielf with them. A similar remark applies to Morison's " Views of Haddon Hall," for though that also is livened exactly like the publications we have just mentioned, it is so obviously inferior to tliem in execution that, even if admitted to the same table, it must be content to sit "below the salt." In truth, it is very ill-timed ; had it appeared some half-dozen years ago, it might have been considered a very fair specimen of its kind, whereas now, coming after Nash's and other masterly specimens of architectural drawing and lithography, it mani- fests a very sad falling off. We are aware that the character we have here given, both of Mr. Boys' and of Mr. Morison's work, differs greatly from that expressed by other journals, who have spoken of both in terms of highest commendation — as they would probably do of anything else, no matter what — were it to come before them in the same imposing form and array. In fact, there are some journals which seem to keep blank forms of criticism, requiring merely to be filled up with the names of the publications sent to them, for the same tone, the same off-hand remarks, the same complimentary epithets occur again and again, and perhaps suit one work just as well as another. On increasing the evaporative power of boilers, icith incidental remarks on the managtment of furnaces and the prevention of smoke. By Charles Wye Williams, Esq. Whatever we may think of Mr. Williams' talents, we must at least allow that his industry is most exemplary. To an ordinary man the duties of managing director of a steam company would alone have afforded abundant occupation ; but so lightly do those duties sit upon Mr. Williams that he is able to reconcile them with the functions of an itinerant lecturer, and maintains as great an agitation respecting his patent projects as if no other subject had a claim upon his serious attention. We might applaud this diligence if exercised in a proper spirit or expended on a legitimate object ; but when devoted to the multiplication of vain and arrogant elucidations of useless and puerile devices, its only effect is to quicken contempt and provocation into active resentment. But our anger if raised is immediately softened into commiseration by the spectacle of a man so possessed with the passion for popularity, even among withered hopes and in declining years, as to hold no means unsanctified that will place in his trembling hand the glittering gaud : — querulous and irritable from the conjunc- tion of meagre abilities with measureless ambition — and growing old in dipping buckets into an empty cistern in the visionary idea that he draws something up. We entered so fully into the merits of Mr. Williams' projects in some of our former numbers that it wou'd be superflous now to re- examine them, especially as there is nothing in the present treatise capable of weakening in the least degree the furce of our former argu- ments. We showed, we believe, to the satisfaction of our readers that the spike boiler was neither original nor etiicacious, and that the argand furnace was neither more nor less than one of the old smoke burning projects raised from the dead, and disguised under a new name, and a few insignificant variations. The proofs of these facts it is needless to multiply, and would be useless to repeat; and we mean on the present occasion to limit our remarks to the characteristics of this gentleman as an author — his merits as an inventor being suffi- ciently notorious. Mr. Williams commences by giving us an explanation of the cir- cumstances which led him to inquire into the defects of boilers, and which he says " will be a sufficient answer to the assertion that engi- neers and boilermakers know their business much too well to lack in- struction from a pack of effervescent chemists and druggists." These circumstances are, that in 1S23 he established a steam company "and undertook to have the first steam vessel constructed capable of main- taining a commercial intercourse across the Irish channel during the winter months, and which till then had been considered impracticable," — that with respect to the perfection to which the hulls of steam ves- sels have been brought, he begs to refer to the specifications of those belonging to the City of Dublin Company furnished to the commis- sioners of steam vessels inquiry — and that with respect to the per- fection to which bothA!(//s and machinery have been brought, he refers us to the steam ship Oriental. Our readers will perhaps be puzzled to discover what all this has to do with the allegation that engineers and boilermakers are at least likely to know something more of en- gines and boilers than a parcel of empty and self-sufficient apothecaries; and indeed v/c are at a loss to discern any purpose in these intima- tions, unless it be to impress us adequately with Mr. Williams' im- portance. But we think the illustrations peculiarly unfortunate : the specifications referred to are very imperfect in many respects, and all the world knows that the most of the vessels belonging to the City of Dublin Company are the worst planned and most unsightly tubs afloat. The Oriental is certainly a fine vessel, though we are not aware of anything peculiar about her for which particular merit can be claimed : but nothing can be clearer than if the nature of Mr. Williams' respon- sibility be such, that to him is due the merit of success, to him should also be due the demerit of failure if failure arise. Now the Liverpool, the consort of the Oriental, and also under Mr. Williams' conlroul, was at first a failure ; yet Mr. Williams declines all participation in the blame consequent thereupon: so that it would appear to be his happy prerogative to monopolize all the credit of success, and throw the odium of failure, as often as it occurs, upon some other person. Mr. Armstrong states in his treatise on steam boilers that the return of the Liverpool on her first voyage to New York arose from the in- troduction of some species of smoke burning scheme — or at least some tampering with the furnaces of which the makers of the machinery did not approve; and altfcongh Mr. Williams denies that this was the cause of the failure, he admits that such interference actually took place with the view, he says, of relieving, if it could not remove, cer- tain supposed defects in the construction of the boiler. This admis- sion settles the question : for if the boilers were taken out of the hands of the manufacturers, and the furnaces altered to suit the views of other parties, the manufacturers could not be held accountable for the result: and as the same boilers, so soon as the furnaces were restored to their original mode of action, enabled the vessel to make subse- quent voyages to New York without any failure, it would certainly appear that the first failure arose not from any inherent defects iu the boilers themselves, but in consequence of the introduction of some improvement which when removed or discontinued enabled the boilers to operate with their proper efficacy. It had always been our impression that steam communication had been maintained across the Irish channel during winter antect-dently to 1823; but Mr. Williams assures us that up to that date the mainten- ance of a commercial steam intercourse during winter was looked upon as impracticable. Now a commercial steam intercourse could hardly be held to be impracticable if any kind of steam intercourse had pre- viously been maintained ; for the doubt was not whether a bale of muslins could be carried, but whether the voyage could be performed under adverse circumstances of wind and water; and as this doubt continued to exist according to Mr. Williams up to 1S23, when he first built a steamer, and showed it to be without foundation, we must set him down, as by his own showing, the first person who accoaiplished regular winter voyages across the Irish channel. Now in a report ot a Select Committee of the House of Commons of the date of May 2nd, 1822, and another of the date of June 12th, 1822, we find it stated tiiat a steam commiuiication hail been maintained all the precednig winter across the Irish channel, and that numerous steam vessels conunercial and others had maintained a regular winter communication upon the open sea for some time previously. We confess ourselves unable to reconcile this statement with that of Mr. Williams, that up to 1S23 when he began operations such an achievement was looked upon as impracticable ; and we trust that our readers before they arrive at 2 T 09 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [September, any conclusion, will weigh well tlie testimony on both sides of the question. On the one side they have the positive assertion of a gen- tleman of experience and station upon a matter personal to himself, and in wliich it is hard to suppose he could be mistiken. Upon the other side they have the declarations of a committee of (he House of Commons, backed by the evidence of a host of witnesses who it can- not be supposed had any desire, even if they had the power, to falsify a matter which must have been abundantly notorious. Every reader must form a conclusion for himself from the balance of evidence before bini, and will probably adopt that opinion which involves the least wonderful supposition. The general character of the present work is identicid with that of Mr. Williams' other literary productions : — intolerably prolix — mar- vellously superficial — and absurdly ostentatious : and indeed these are among the cardinal specialities of the minute philosophy and the natural concomitants of imbecile pretension. An author of this class never knows when to have done — he is unwilling to lose any oppor- tunity of making the most of his talents and materials— and takes especial care that nothing of the least moment shall be dismissed till its merits have been made apparent to the most impenetrable or inat- tentive. In the idea that anything which has once suggested itself to him cannot be unimportant to the world in general he gives his readers ' — not a selection of his conceptions — but them all, and dilates and elaborates the most paltry truism to the consequence of an important proposition. He does not possess the forbearance to state his views and arouroents in a popular and concise manner, and cast them upon the waters of public opinion to sink or swim as their merits deter- mine ; but must have long speculative introductions and learned mysti- fications— endless repetitions and digressions — illustrations and de- ductions— recapitulations of what every body knows, and demonstra- tions of things nobody ever thinks of doubting— objections anticipated and answered — and predictions as to the influence of his doctrines upon the fortunes of all men, and the destinies of all future generations; and if an idea of more than ordinary value is hit upon, it is exhibited in so many different lights and reproduced in so many different atti- tudes, that its whole force and elasticity are extinguished,— the reader is wearied, perplexed, disgusted,— and turns with aversion or pity from the perpetual display of such vain ambition and such conspicuous penury. But we question whether the operose dullness of Mr. Williatns' literary perpetrations constitutes their most exceptionable characteris- tic. There is a vein of disingenuousness running through them which often excites our shame and provocation, and their uniform tone of arrogance and pomposity cannot fail we fear to alienate every reader's affections, and give rise'to associations not by any means favourable, and nearly, if not altogether indissoluble, hideed this gentleman's arrogant and emphatic manner operating upon his habitual trick of overrating all his own conceptions, oecasionallv gives rise to the most ludicrous combinations. His revelations are preceded by such a note of preparation, and such precautions to ensure for them a distinguished reception, that the highest expectations are excited, and when after having prepared his hearers for something very impressive, he utters, as is often the case, only an italicised truism or inconceivable stupidity, the ridicule is irresistible, and its effect scarcely ever to be got over. Such a failure admits neither of toleration nor apology — it makes weakness manifest where a display of strength was intended — and must eventually be fatal to the faith of the most credulous even of his disciplef. We regret to find, that Mr. Williams has in the present work repeated the absurd charges he brought against our mechanical engineers on a former occasion, of being altogether ignorant of the chemistry of combustion, and of knowing nothing whatever about boilers. Our engineers have treated these cliarges with the significant silence to which, perhaps, they are alone entitled ; but our function leaves us no such option, and we feel called upon to tell Mr. Williams articulately and in direct terms, that his charges are unfounded. If our leading engineers know nothing about engines or boilers, where is such knowledge to be found? Does Mr. Williams imagine that he or the most accomplished master of gasconade or falsetto will be set down as the depositary or originator of that mechanical proficiency which has made this country the envy and admiration of surrounding nations — added dignity to lier sceptre, and magic to her name ? Or shall we conclude that Mr. Field, Mr. Farey, Mr. Miller, Mr. Brown, and numerous others we could mention — men who would be ornaments to any profession, and on whom the mantle of Watt has descended — have spent a life-time of laborious study and experience in achieving no progress and acquiring no knowledge, and are up to the present moment ignorant even of those elements of chendstry with which every school boy is conversaiit? One of two things is clear: either Mr. Williams makes a statement he does nut himself beUeve, or sup- poses that to be acquainted with any simple truth it is necessary to rave and fume, and vociferate respecting it. It appears never to have occurred to him that true science is a thing which shuns all display and noise, and that eminent merit is generally united with eminent modesty. The Hand-look of Manchenter. By B. Love. Manchester: Love and Barton. This is a well-illustrated work. It contains a description, with views, of most of the public buildings of Manchester ; likewise some interesting statistic information connected with its manufactures. It is a book that ought to be in the hands of every visitor to that important " Metropolis of Manufactures." REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS ON THE FINE ARTS. We, the Commissioners appointed by your Majesty for the purpose of inquiring whether advantage might not be taken of the rebuilding of your Majesty's palace at Westminster, wherein your Majesty's Parliament is wont to assemble, for the purpose of promoting and encouraging the Fine Arts in your Majesty's United Kingdom, and in what manner an object of so much importance might be most effectually promoted, humbly report to your Majesty that we have taken into our consideration the matters referred to us, and have given due attention to the Report of the Committee of the House of Commons in 1841 on the Fine Arts, together with the opinions of various other com- petent persons on questions relating to the special objects for which the present Commission was appointed, and have consulted the architect as to the manner in which various kinds of internal decora- tion would affect his intended architectural arrangements; and we beg now to report our opinion that it would be expedient that advantage should be taken of the rebuilding of the Houses of Parliament for the purpose of promoting and encouraging the Fine Arts in the United Kingdom. Having thus come to an opinion on the first point to whicli our inquiry was directed, we have, in conformity with the instructions contained in our Commission, proceeded to consider in what manner the above-mentioned purpose could best be accomplished. With this view we have, in the first place, directed our attention to the question whether it would be expedient that Fresco painting should be em- ployed in the, decoration of the New Houses of Parliament, but we have not yet been able to satisfy ourselves that the art of Fresco painting has hitherto been sufficiently cultivated in this country to justify us in at once recommending that it should be so employed. In order, however, to assist us in forming a judgment on this matter we propose that artists should be invited to enter into a competition in Cartoons, and we have prepared the draught of an announcement on this subject, offering premiums of public money, to which we request the sanction of your Majesty. In framing this announcement we have felt that, although the com- petition which we at present wish to invite has reference chiefly to Fresco painting, yet if we were to confine our notice entirely to that method of painting, an inference might be drawn therefrom that we intended to recommend its exclusive adoption for the decoration of the new buildings. We have, therefore, inserted in our announcement paragraphs intended to explain that the future attention of the Com- mission will be directed to the best mode of selecting for employment artists skilled in oil painting and in sculpture, and that due consider- ation will be given to other methods and departments of Art applicable to decoration generally. We humbly subjoin as an Appendix to this Report, some papers treating in detail various considerations connected with the subject of our inquiry. Albert— Lyndhurst— Sutherland— Lansdovrae— Lincoln — Aberdeen —J. Russell- F. Egerton — Palmerston — Melbourne — Colborne— 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 303 Charles Shaw Lefevre— Robert Peel— J. R. G. Graham— Robert Harry Inglis— Henry Gaily Knight — B. Hawes, JuD.— Henry Hallam — S. Rogers — George Vivian — Thomas Wyse. Gioydyr House, Whitehall, jSpnl 22, 1842. APPENDIX. The general object of the Commission considered in relation to the state and prospects of the English School of Painting. As the Commission is understood to take up the present inquiry where the Committee on the fine arts, appointed bv the House of Commons in 1841, left it, it will be proper, by way of introduction, to recapitulate the leading opinions expressed in the Report of that Committee. It was there observed that " the chief object aimed at by the ap- pointment of the Committee," was " the encouragement of the fine arts of this country ;" that it was " requisite that a plan should be de- termined upon, and that as soon as practicable, in order that the archi- tect and the artist or artists to be employed, may work not only in conjunction with, but in aid of each other; that thus the abilities of both would be exerted for the decoration of so eminently national a building ; and at the same time encouragement beyond the means of private patronage, would be afforded not only to the liigher walks, but to all branches of art." The report proceeds to recommend the em- ployment of fresco painting in the decoration of the new Houses of Parliament, suggesting, however, the necessity of further information and inquiry. The appointment of the Commission has fully secured the latter, and the general objects of the Committee have been recognised in the notice respecting a competition, already prepared for publication under the sanction of Her Majesty's Commissioners. It is here proposed to consider the question of the decoration of the Houses of Parliament with reference to the state and prospects of the English school of painting. And first it is to be observed that, although *' all branches of art" maybe entitled to the consideration of the Com- mission, historical painting is not only generally fittest for decoration on a large scale, but is precisely the class of painting which, more than any other, requires " encouragement beyond the means of private patronage." The want of such encouragement has long been re- gretted, not by professors only, but by all who have turned their at- tention to the state of painting in England; — a proof that the promo- tion of historic art is an object of interest with a considerable portion of the public. The inference is not miimportant; for an already existing estima- tion of the higher aims of art, is in itself an earnest of their success. The desire which has been manifested for historical painting would not be entitled to attention if it could be traced to a passing influence, or to a disposition to imitate what had been achieved in other coun- tries, since this could only lead to the adoption of superficial qualities, betraying, sooner or later, the absence of a vital impulse. Such at- tempts would be the more likely to be ineffectual, if a different style, however humble, really corresponding with the national taste, were at the same time cultivated with marked success. The history of art is not wanting in examples of schools and of periods, with regard to which it might be a question whether a sudden demand for historical painting would have been a boon to the artists or to the lovers of art. The Dutch school of the seventeenth century might be adduced as a case in point. It may here be remarked that, even where the direction of national taste is favourable to the cultivation of historical painting, the pecu- liar difficulties of that branch of art must sometimes place it in unfa- vourable contrast with inferior departments more commonly practised, and in which a relative perfection is more commonly attained. The disadvantages resulting from this contrast are peculiar to modem times : at the revival of art and during its progress to excellence the efforts in the grander style were not in danger of being undervalued, or stimulated to injudicious rivalry, by such a comparison. No school exclusively devoted to indiscriminate imitation then existed. The present influence of such schools and examples may partly account for ■and excuse the occasional fastidiousness of modern amateurs with re- gard to efforts in historical painting, and may render a consistency of style more difficult for the historical artist. These admissions with regard to the present difficulties of the highest style of art cannot, however, render it necessary to vindicate its ab- stract claims ; the sole question for consideration now is, whether in this country and at this time there exist grounds for hoping that historical painting could be cultivated with success, and whether it would awaken a more, general interesti if it were duly encouraged by the Sute. That the actual estimation of this department of art has direct re- ference to the moral wants of our own nation, is further proved by the repeated exertions of individuals in proposing plans for the promotion of the higher style of art, by the generous encouragement occasionally extended to its'votaries by'otlieis, but above all by the efforts of the artists themselves. For it must always be borne in mind that the aims of the artists are not to be considered as accidental predilections apart from the public feeling, but as representing a portion of that feeling. However variously modified by other influences, the formative arts must always express the manners, the general taste, and, to a certain extent, the intellectual habits of the nation in which they are culti- vated; the chief conditions with regard to the last being, that the objects of mental interest should be analogous to the pursuits of taste, and at the same time familiar to that portion of the public to which the arts are addressed. But to whatever extent the mind or manners of a nation may be communicable to its productions in art, the result is to be looked for rather in general tendencies than in degrees of technical excellence, and is especially to be sought where controlling influences, even of a salutary kind, are least likely to interfere with the free expression of national taste. Thus, the indications in question are not so evident in religious subjects, in which a common education, and long conse- crated themes, have tended to elevate to a common standard the taste of the civilized world ; nor are they so distinctly manifested even m certain subjects of local interest, such as the acts of illustrious indivi- duals, and the commemoration of national events ; themes which pa- triotism has everywhere supplied, and which presuppose a uniformly ennobling influence. The proper and peculiar tendency, the physiog- nomy, so to speak, of national taste, is to be detected in more spon- taneous aims ; in the direction which the arts have taken, when their course has been unrestrained, save by the ordinary influence of the in- tellectual and moral habits of society. It might be interesting to trace the connexion between the arts and national culture and character under such conditions ; but the general truth of the view above taken has been so often dwelt on by the his- torians of art, that it must be unnecessary to adduce examples of such a connexion where circumstances must render it more than commonly direct. If it were proposed to compare the English school of paint- ing (as regards its general tendency) with the schools of other coun- tries, it would, however, be just to consider the direction of taste in the latter when art has not been employed in the service of religion and patriousm, for it is under these circumstances that painting has been cultivated in England. The result of such a comparison would lend to vindicate the aim and character of the English school. But the inference from the above statement, which is more imme- diately applicable to the present question, is, that the efforts of the English artists in the higher branches of their profession are to be re- garded as an evidence of the tendency of taste in a considerable por- tion of the public, and it remains to observe that both the eflbrts and the taste may be almost irrespective of the common relation between demand and supply, since the due encouragement of the higher branches of art may be "beyond the means of private patronage." This apparent contradiction of a moral demand, for a particular class of art, existing independently, in a great measure, of its usual conse- quences—the actual employment of those who, with due encourage- ment, might respond to it, is explained by the fact that the decoration of public buildings, with a view to moral or religious purposes, has always been necessary for the formation of a school of historical paint- ing ii.f.. The history of arts shows that whatever may be the extent ot genera! education, the service of religion or the protection of the state is indispensable, at the outset at least, for the full practical develop- ment of the highest style of painting. Thus formed and thus exer- cised historic art lives and is progressive, but with the aid, however liberal, of private patronage alone, either its aim becomes lowered, or its worthier efforts are not sufficiently numerous to re-act on the gene- ral taste. ■, f ,1 To many it may appear unnecessary to assert the capacity ot tue painters or of the public for the cultivation or appreciation of e evated art. But it must be remembered that while the great stimulus and support of public employment is wanting, the exertions of the artists are gradually compelled into other directions ; and some observers, looking at this result alone, may draw erroneous inferences from it,— may sometimes hastily conclude that pictures of familiar subjects, which have been of late years predominant and deservedly attractive, represent the universal and unalterable taste of the nation. Such observers might, however, at the same time remark that the productions in question oftener approach the dignity of history than the vulgarity of the lowest order of subjects, and either by the choice of incidents, or by their treatment, still attest the character of the national taste. The evidence of an intellectual aim in familiar sub- 2 T 2 304 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [September, jects, may be therefore considered as an additional proof that the artists of England want only the opportunities which those of other nations have enjoyed, in order to distinguish themselves in the wor- thiest undertakings. But to place this question in its proper light, it will be necessary to take into consideration the peculiar circumstances under which the English school has been formed. The great impediments to the cultivation of the higher branches of art have been alreadv adverted td. With few exceptions, painting in England has not been admitted into churches, (a subject which it is not intended here to discuss) nor has it been employed to any extent in the embellishment of public buildings. Other difficulties have existed, owing to various accidental circumstances. The perfection which the great Italian masters arrived at, was the result, it is true, of slow experience, but happily for them the more ornamental and fascinating qualities of the art were attained last. With the English school it was the reverse. Its rise in the last cen- tury was remarkable for sudden excellence in colouring and chiaro- scuro, an excellence so great, as to eclipse contemporary efforts in a severer style, while it gave a bias to the school. The peculiar union of what are called the ornamental parts of the art, with those essential to history, which has prevailed in England, not unattended with some sacrifice of more solid qualities, has been generally attributed to this influence. This mixed character became more decided in consequence of the circumstances under which the school was developed ; namely, the subsequent introduction and prevalence of a style suited to small di- mensions. Most of the distinguished English artists in the time of Reynolds painted the size of lile. The experiment, as regards private patronage, seems to have been then fairly made, and the gradual change to reduced dimensions, appears to have been the consequence of the insufficient demand for large works, arising in a great degree from the limited size of English dwelling-houses. Hence the execution of small historical pictures ; a practice recom- mended by the occasional example of the best masters of every school. But where the subject is dignified, smallness of dimensions cannot consistently be accompanied by smallness of treatment. Alinute imi- tation is not found in Corregio's Gethsemane, nor in Raphael's Vision of Ezekiel, diminutive as they are. The breadth of manner which is indispensable in such elevated themes is not, however, essential in familiar subjects, and hence, when specimens of both styles, similar in size, but widely different in their technical conditions, are placed together, the impression produced by so marked a contrast is unsatis- factory, without reference to the difference of subject. Thus, partly through the influence of the "ornamental" character of the school, and partly to prevent this abrupt contrast of treatment in pictures which are to hang together in galleries, (for under such circumstances, the more abstract style appears to disadvantage,) the kind of historic art chiefly followed, is that which admits picturesque materials, thus combining' the attractions of familiar subjects, with the dignity of the historic style. Under such influences has been formed an interesting portion of the more modern English school, distinguished on the one liand from the Dutcli, and on the other, from the small works of the Italian masters, embracing a great variety of subjects, sometimes scarcely removed from the familiar, sometimes approach- ing the grandest aim. The circumstances that have led to the general adoption of a small size are thus it appears, accidental, and the actual practice of our painters cannot be adduced as a proof of their original choice of such conditions. The frequent eHbrts on their part, amid various difficul- ties, to recommend larger dimensions, are a sufficient proof of the real inclination of the artists. These efforts have not been confined to the ardour of youthful inexperience ; many of our best artists have re- turned to, or persevered in such undertakings to the last; with some, the ambition to encounter the difficulties of this style was first kindled at an advanced period of their career. In the last century all the principal English artists, notwithstanding Hogarth's success in small pictures, were in the habit, as already observed, of painting the size of life — Reynolds (considered as an historical painter), West, Barry, Fuseli, Copley, Northcote, Opie, and others. It cannot therefore be admitted that the artists of England are, by their ovin choice, confined to small dimensions ; but the questions now are — Whether it is possible to aflTord more favourable opportunities than those which have hitherto existed for the adequate display of historic art? Whether such opportunities will be sufficiently numerous ? for if not, the school, after attaining the excellence which honourable employment will assuredly call forth, may again languish ; and, lastly, Whether such encouragement will be in danger of diverting the taste and practice of some artists from that domestic art which is now so successfully cultivated ? The first of these questions, while it is immediately connected with the special object of the Commission, involves the consideration of the abstract relation of dimensions to styles of art. This subject has been often discussed on grounds independent of technical requisites, and as very different opinions have been the result, it may here be allowable, without undervaluing the conclusions derived from other conside- rations, to refer to the mere physical or external conditions which must necessarily affect the question. In comparing the treatment of cabinet pictures with that of works of tlie largest size — for example, where the figures are colossal — it may be observed that the small picture, besides being executed with delicacy, generally exhibits a certain fulness of detail, while the large work is not only less elaborate, but is composed of fewer parts. Even assuming the same subject, and one requiring a variety of minute ac- cessories, to be represented on a colossal and on a small scale, it may be safely affirmed that the degree of detail which vv'ould be admissible in the small picture would be objectionable in the larger. In a grander and more ideal subject, where such detail would be inadmissible under any circumstances, the comparison could be less fairly made, but a similar influence would be more or less apparent. Thus, assuming other conditions to be common, the greater space never allows the introduction of more detail than the smaller, but generally, if not always, requires leisi. Without entering into the examination of this question as connected with the laws of vision, it may be remarked that although the indis- tinctness arising from distance may be counteracted, as regards the most important qualities in art, by increased dimensions, and by ap- propriate style and treatment, it must still tend to exclude certain refinements of imitation which are appreciable in pictures requiring to be seen near— refinements capable of conferring an interest on de- tails that may be unimportant in themselves. The inference is at once applicable to the question proposed. The familiar subject, as fullest of accidental circumstance, must be best displayed in dimensions fitted for near inspection, and, in an advanced state of art as regards imitative excellence, must be a consequence of the habitual adoption of such dimensions. On the other hand, the larger the figures in a picture, the greater the distance at which the work must be seen; and as the omission of detail is a consequence of that reduced scale of gradation which distance supposes — as the absence of minute par- ticulars is felt to be the attribute of distance without reference to the size of objects, so the accessories in the larger work of art require to be few and important. Thus, again, increased dimensions, by involving the suppression of detail, suggest subjects of corresponding dignity. Such appears to be the relation of dimensions to style and subject, considered with reference to technical results ; as regards the question of taste, it may be observed that the involuntary conclusions derived from the influence of association agree with the practice of art. The analogy between grandeur and the absence of detail, and between minute circumstance and familiar incidents, is sufficiently apparent. With these analogies, the impressions produced by magnitude and its attributes, and by the opposite qualities, respectively correspond. The general relation thus defined has often been reversed in works of art, but not with equally good results, for it may be remarked that large works, when elaborate in detail, and lull of accidental circum- stance, have the unpleasing eft'ect of magnified cabinet pictures ; on the other hand, diminutive historical works, when treated with that breadth which belongs to the grandest style, must give the impression of large works diminished. The last-mentioned inconsistency can hardly be objected to; grandeur of conception and treatment must unquestionably be acceptable in any form, but nevertheless the abstract breadth of imitation which is indispensable in elevated subjects is, under the circumstances supposed, a kind of contradiction, inasmuch as the vague generalization of a distant or ideal effect is submitted to close inspection, and can only be so viewed. The small pictures by Raphael and Coreggio, before referred to, are of this description; but the instances of such subjects being treated on so minute a scale are not frequent. It is unnecessary to enumerate other exceptions, or to refer to larger works in which a just adaptation of style may have tended to obviate an incongruity between subject and dimensions. It may be sufficient to have dwelt on those plainer principles which result from the technical and external conditions that have been considered, but which may afford a criterion with regard to some of the more arbitrary conventions of wiirks of art. It may be added that even the extreme conclusions which might be deduced from the conditions referred to, are strictly conformable to the authority of the grandest examples of art. The loftier aim of mitation thus defined, may seldom be literally compatible with the 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 30» usual range of subjects ; but in this instance, again, the criterion, as such, may be admissible. Thus, assuming the representation to be dilated to its full measure, details of costume, ilhision, and even the more delicate varieties of colour are no longer fitted for the dimen- sions. But in proportion as the subordinate excellences of imitation are excluded by the nature of the existing technical conditions, the display of the nobler qualities still attainable becomes more necessary. As the resources of art become more circumscribed, the artist's aim becomes elevated. In the highest style of painting, as in sculpture, the representation of inanimate substances ceases to be satisfactory when they no longer directly assist impressions of beauty or gran- deur : and the styles of art in which the living form can be least dis- pensed with, are precisely those which, by the abstract character of their imitation, render it least objectionable. The foregoing considerations may warrant the conclusion that the grandest style of art is best displayed in large dimensions. It will also follow that the treatment of subjects fitted for such dimensions, must tend to ennoble the style and taste of the artist. Works of such magnitude, cannot be often in demand for ordinary dwelling-houses: hence, while pictures are excluded from churches, the places in which it is possible and desirable to employ the higher branches of art will be the national and municipal public buildings ; all localities, in a word, where painting can be displayed to the public in its highest and most didactic form. But will such opportunities and means of encouragement be suffi- ciently numerous and enduring? The answer to this important ques- tion can be best anticipated Ijy the exertions of the artists ; it may be reasonably expected that the employment of native talent in a great national building, will serve as an example throughout the country, and that the style of art which will be thus recommended and pro- moted, may he even adopted in fit situations for the decoration of the mansions and villas of affluent individuals. In answer to the third question proposed, namely, whether the en- couragement of historical painting, may tend to alter the direction of the taste and practice of those artists pursuing a hitherto more thriv- ing and popular branch afart? it may be allowable to observe that even such a danger would be no just argument against the employment of deserving candidates for fame in another department. But the long neglected interests of the historical painters, can, it is believed, be promoted without interfering in any degree with the prosperity of the class in question. That school is already formed; and the cause to which it chiefly owed its rise, — the possibility of its productions being placed in apartments of ordinary dimensions, must ensure its duration; added to which, the societies for the encouragement of art by subscription and lottery, have solely in view the acquisition and distribution of comparatively small pictures. The object now is to find opportunities as til, (they cannot possibly be as numerous,) for the development and dispUiv of historical painting on a large scale. Whatever may be the influence of the proposed encouragement on the rising generation of artists, it is at all events desirable that inclination should be free ; that the inheritors of that enthusiasm which prompted the best English artists of the last century, to ofter to decorate St. Paul's Cathedral and other buildings at their own expense, may no longer ask in vain even for space. The general tendency of the national talent, has been hitherto con- sidered in a great measure apart from the question of the actual qua- lification of the artists. It may be sufficient, in reference to this part of the subject, to acknowledge that the difficulties of the style of art which is now proposed, may be peculiarly great in England, owing to the circumstances before adverted to, and that no common energy may be necessary to surmount such difficulties. But while the artists are expected to show themselves worthy of entering on that career which is now opening to them, it is but just to remind the enlightened judges of art who refer to the great works of other countries, that those works were the result of repeated essays, and that considerable time was necessary for the formution of the taste and practice of those who produced them. In justice to the artists, the trial should be as fairh' made in England. On ordinary occasions the imitative arts may be considered as ad- ventitious embellishments, but in proposing to adorn an important national edifice where it is essential that a characteristic unity of design should be maintained thro\igliout, painting should appear as the auxiliary of architectiue. It was thus that it wiis employed in the best ages of Greece and Italy, and it was thus that its highest develop- ment was ensured. In the present instance the chief decorations in painting will be required to be on an extensive scale. The difficulty of keeping large masses of c uivas well sti etched during all changes of weather. h;is been cunsiderett an objection to the employment of that material under such circumstances. The evil here alluded to may be seeu in its worst form, in the ceiling of the chapel at Whitehall, owing to the surface of the paintings being highly varnished. The fittest kindsof painting, for the decoration of architecture, are those which can he applied, when required, to every surface, curved as well as plain, and for such general decoration, fresco— recommended as it is by the example of the great masters— appears to be better adapted than anv other method. The objections to the employment of fresco in London, on ;iccount of the smoke, have not been overlooked, and various information re- specting the mode of cleaning such paintings has been collected. The opinions of Director Cornelius on the subject will be found in his statements. Professor Hess, on being consulted on this point,* re- marked that "if frescos were painted in the open air in London, the rain would be the best picture cleaner." The observation is so far important, that it assumes the possibility of washing frescos freely without injury to the colours. Mr. Thomas Barker, of Bath, who painted a fresco of considerable extent in that city some years since, ^fites ;•(•—" To clean fresco from smoke, I know of no mode so simple and efficacious as washing the surface with pure water, using a soft sponge in the operation." Mr. Barker elsewhere observes :— " it is now seventeen years since the completion of that work;" (the fresco he painted)— "if anv change has taken place, it is in the colour- ing having become much more eft'ective than when first completed." Mr. Andrew Wilson writes from CTenoaX that frescos there are cleaned w ith vinegar, so as to look as fresh as when first painted. Carlo Ma- ratti used wine in washing the Vatican frescos, and succeeded in restoring the principal paintings notwithstanding the injuries and neglect of nearly two centnries.i> There seems, therefore, to be no reasonable ground of apprehension on this account. With regard to the effect of the English climate, no very accurate conclusions can be arrived at, as the examples of older frescos in this country are not numerous. About the middle of the last century some frescos were executed at West Wvcorabe Park, by Guiseppe Borgnis, a Milanese, under the auspices of Francis Lord Le Despenser. The paintings are exposed to the open air, yet those in the east portico and south colon- nade and loggia, are iii general remarkably well preserved. The paintings in the west portico, from whatever cause, have suffered con- siderably. The east portico is an agreeable example of the union of fresco-painting with architecture; in the soffit is a copy of Guido's Aurora. Some ceilings in the interior appear to be painted in oil. As Ion" as any doubt is expressed as to the mode in which the an- tique paintings which have been preserved were executed, II it may not be allowed to quote those works as examples of the durability of fresco painting in particular ; but they afford strong evidence of the durability of painting on well prepared walls. Sufficient examples, however, of frescos, properly so called, that have stood for many cen- turies, exist in Italv. Among them may be mentioned : at Padua the works of Avanzo, though injured in lately removing the whitewash with which thev were covered ; in Florence those of Benozzo Gozzoli in the Palazzo Ricardi, of Angelico da Fiesole, Masaccio, and others; in Perugia those of Perugino ; in Assisi those of Giotti, (the vows of St. Francis) ;1I these works belong to the 14th and 15th centuries. In S. Giacomo, Spello, Orvieto, Pisa, Siena, and Rome, various ex- amples by the earlier masters are in good preservation, when unhurt by violence. The works of Luini, at Saronno and Lugano, may be mentioned as remarkable instances of frescos in perfect preservation after three centuries.** It has been supposed thst the sea air at Venice may have affected the few frescos painted in that city ; but in Genoa, where the influence of the sea air is more immediate, and the effect of storms more severely felt, frescos have lasted on the external walls of houses for some centuries.'l"!' The practice of fresco painting, as far as description can explain it, is sufficiently detailed in the papers of the Appendix which follow, but it may be desirable briefly to examine its general qualities as a means of representation. Its difficulties are not to be dissembled; they are, however, not the difficulties of the mere method, but arise from the necessity of an especial attention to those qualities which rank highest in art; qual- *■ By Mr. Wdliam Thomas, r February 10, 1842, :, February 28, 1842, c , at i Memoir in the secoml eilitiou of Bellori's Life of t, Maratti, I! According to .Sir Humphrey Davy's experimenis, the anlKiue pauitmg called the AkloljramliLii Marriage was umiuestionaLily executed m,fresco; no colours were found in it but such as stand in Iresco, and the w nte pigment was lime. Other paintings appear, from his description ot the materials, to have been e.Kecuted in trmpna, though he calls them Iresco ; l)Ut no wax (tisedin tl>efHca«,rf;c metlKKl)Has ioun.l in ;iny ol the 5|;ecimtus exainmed bv this great chemist in Komc, (.Sec'lhe Philosophical liansaciions, Iblj, p. 97), In Pompeii specimens ul encaustic are s.tid to be tiequent, 1i Letter from Professor i'lrnst Deger of Diisseldorf, kh March, 1842, -* Communication from Mr, Liulnig Giuner, rr Letter from Mr. Andrew Wilson, Genoa, 28th February, 1842, 306 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [September, ities which, when not absolutely indispensable, are too often neglected. Defects in composition, form, action, expression, and the treatment of drapery may be redeemed in an oil |)aiuling by various merits; not so in a fresco. A style of art thus circumscribed cannot, therefore, be recommended for exclusive adoption; but if studied together with oil painting, its influence can hardly fail to be beneficial. The great Italian masters, as is well known, practised both methods; hence their employment, frequent as it was, in fresco, led to no imperfection, but on the contrary, may be considered to have been mainly conducive to the vigorous character of Italian design. The immediate and necessary connexion of this mode of painting with the highest aims of art, fits it to embody those inventions which belong essentially to the domain of thought. As a mode of decoration for public buildings it has peculiar recommeudations : no style of painting is more clear, distinct, and effective at a distance. This is partly to be referred to the thorough execution, founded on the intelli- gence of form, which it requires, and to the brilliancy of the material employed for tlie lights. But there are otlier causes of this distinct- ness of effect more directly connected with general design. With dimersions and distance, and a treatment that depends rather on power of light than on intensity or quantity of shade for its effect, a style arises which develops the elements of composition in some measure distinct from chiaro-scuro. The influence of these conditions is apparent in the best Italian frescos, which, at the same time that they exhibit the happiest adaptation of perspective and foreshortening, and often the most skilful management of gradations of light, are remarkable for impressive clearness of arrangement. This style of composition is still more apparent in the celebrated cartoons of Raphael, in which it is carried to the most emphatic sim- plicity, still combining the picturesque principle of depth, as opposed to the flatness of basso-relievo. These works were evidently treated with reference to the material in which they were to be ultimately executed, namely, tapestry ; in that material, as wrought in Raphael's time, powerful effects of light and shade were unattainable — a defect attempted to be remedied by heightening the relief of some of the objects with gold. The figures are, however, colossal in size, as the works were to be seen at a considerable distance, and the great artist attained distinctness by means of composition almost alone. The principal figures are rendered important chiefly by the place they occupy, and the story is comprehended at the first glance ; thus a skilful arrangement supplies tl.e absence of those modes of relief which might be resorted to in oil-painting ; indeed the effect of light and shade, making every allowance for the injuries of time, is far weaker than that attainable in fresco. But assuming this general style of composition to be applicable to fresco, it cannot be objected that, owing to its peculiar fitness in the case referred to, it would in any degree disqualify the artist for the practice of composition in oil-painting ; for the cartoons of Raphael have always been considered to be among the most perfect examples of arrangement and of masterly clearness iu telling a story, without any reference to the particular conditions which may have influenced the painter. In like manner as regards colouring, the practice of fresco has never been foinid to have any unfavourable influence on that of oil painting, but rather the reverse. Without referring tn particular works as instances of the perfection in both methods which the Italian masters of different schools— Francia and Raphael, Andrea del .Sarto and Guido, Guercino and Pordencne* attained, it may be sufficient to mention the example of Corregio— in the opinion of Reynoldst the most consummate of painters as regards colour and execution. This great artist painted more in fresco than in oil, looking to the quantity of surface covered. In his case it is evident that even the compara- tive absence of depth and mass of shade in fresco had no unfavourable influence on his practice as an oil painter ; while the clearness of his colouring in his oil paintings may not unreasonably be attributed in some degree to his experience in the other method.^ And here it may be allowable to express the opinion, that the great skill of the * For a descriiition of Pordenone's pr:ncipal fresco, the cupola of S. Roeco at Venice, see Boschini, La Carta del Navcgar Pittoresco, Ven. Ili60, pp. 90-91. t Notes on Du Frcsnoy, Note LV. i The works ot Corregio in fresco are here referred to merely to show that the practice of that method has no disadvantageous influence on the practice of oil painting ; but the cupolas of Corregio at Parma are by no means favour- able examples of the durability of fresco. Their decay appears, however, to have been owing to the former dilapidated state of the roots and the pene- tration of damp, as the lower figures are better preserved. The fresco in the tribune of S. Giovanni was destroyed in enlarging that part of the church ; part of the principal group, the Coronation, of the Virgin, was fortunately saved, and was inserted in the wall ot the library at Parma, It is in perfect preservation, and is one of the noblest works of the master. English artists in water colours might be the means of introducing new technical merits and a new perfection in the practice of colouring in fresco, which might again directly benefit the school of oil painters. The foregoing are among the considerations which, it is considered, might induce her Majesty's Commissioners to recommend the promo- tion and encouragement of historical painting in connection with the rebuilding of the Houses of Parliament, while a hope may be here expressed that the example will be followed on other occasions. The employment of fresco, for a portion at least of the intended works might be proposed conditionally, since it must necessarily depend on the evidence of inclination and qualification on the part of the artists, to work in that method. C. L. Eastlake, Secretary. St.itements of Director Fetes Von CcRNBtins, Hclating to the Proposed Decoration of the Hmtses of Parliament. The following statements contain the substance of some opinions expressed by Director Cornelius on the proposed decoration of the Houses of Parliament. The parliculars relating to the practice of fresco painting are e.slrac.s only from more copious details freely communicated by bim. For some few allu- sions to facts, in the history of the arts, connected witli the subjects discuss- ed, the Secretary of the Commission is responsible. These additions are dis- tinguished by brackets, or are given as notes. TIw &"/!(«/ion.— Cornelius, the distinguished artist who has executed so many wcrks in fresco at Munich and elsewhere, inspected the plans for the new Houses of Parliament, as well as the site of the buildings, during his short stay in London in November, 1811. His attention was first directed to the general situation, with reference to works in fresco. He thinks the situa- tion unobiectionable. He has no idea that the damp of the river can have any effect on fresco paintings in rooms elevated as those in question will be above the actual level of the w^ter. The effects of damp in the atmosphere are not apprehended by the German painters. Many lailures that might have been hastily attril.aited to damp, were really owing. Cornelius observes, to the use of lime in too fresh a state. Of the experimental works painted at Munich in the open air those only have faded which are known to have been done without due attention to the materials. Thus, a figure of Bavaria painted by Kaulbach. which has faded considerably, is known to have been executed vi ith lime that was fresh. Similar failures in less exposed situations have been traced to the same cause. The cupola of Val de Grace at Paris, painted in the 17th century by Mignard, faded soon after it was done, though sufficiently elevated above damp exhalations, because the lime used was too new. The damji which, in the opinion of Coirelius, is really prejudicial to fresco, is that which is occasioned by the use of unseasoned materials— new timber, imperfeclly burnt bricks, &c. The nitre which is so destructive to fresco he supposes to originate from the stones of the wall rather than from the mortar. Such causes of decay might exist m high and dry situations from want of care. But Cornelius lays the greatest stress on the necessity of using lime that has been long kept, since this comes in immediate contact with the colours, and is a colour itself* When this eminent artist, in conjunction with others, painted the house of the Chevalier Bartholdy, in Rome, an old mason who had been employed under Mengs (a not unskilful fresco painter,) directed their attcniion to'this point, and it so happened that they were then sup- plied with lime which had been pres-rved twelve years. The works alluded to, though the first executed by the modern German fresco painters, have stood perfectly well. Among other precautions it is des'rable to let the building itself dry well before painting the walls: yet Cornelius painted intheGlyptothekat Munich, not long after it was finished, from a confidence in the soundness and dryness of the materials. Ho however took the precaution to use water that had been boiled in moistening the surface and in thinning the lime. The Style of the Architecture.— Wilh respect to the question whether it is possible to preserve a due congruty between the modern taste in painting and Gothic architecture, the opinion of Cornelius is unhesitating; but this opinion, it will appear, is the result of particular views respecting the standard of pictorial excellence. He thinks the Italian works which the Germans most approve, and modem German art itself perfectly fit for such a pm-pose. The works of Heinrich Hess in the Allerheiligcn Kapelle at Munich are, he ob- serves, in one sense, a case in point, since that chapel is in the Byzantine style of architecture, the date of which is still earlier than the so-called Gothic. In tliese frescos the space round the figures is often gilt, and thus the rude splendour of a remote period is united with a grandeur of design derived from the purest examples of Italian art. It is well known that in the middle ages the cathedrals and churches throughout Europe, however varying in their style of architecture, were more or less decorated with painted and gilded ornaments and scriptural or legen- dary subjects. [Vestiges of paintings, even in churches where stained glass had been used, are often found concealed under whitewash, and every year brings some to light in our own country.jr Similar works in a ruined state have lately been discovered in the choir of the cathedral at Cologne. These are now to be replaced, Cornelius states, by Professor Steinle, and the general * As the opinion respecting the necessity of using lime that has been long kept is frequently repeated in this paper, it may be necessary to state that other German and Italian fresco painters do not consider it essential to keep the lime longer than ten or twelve months. — See the remaining papers in the Appendix. f Preston, Dartford, Rochester, the Chapter-house Westminster, &c. 1842.] THE CIA^IL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 307 style to be adopted will correspond with the architecture, although the forms and draperies will be treated with a due refcard to the best examples of art. Cornelius thinks that Westminster Hall might be decorated ..n the same principles, with a like attention to the character of the architecture. He considers that as the walls of such buildings were simelimes hung with 'tapestries, they could be quite as consistently adorned with paintings. It is to be observed that in the Hall of Constantine in the Vatican, p.iinfed by Giulio Romano and others from Raphael's designs, the edc;es ot the frescos are made to imitate the appearance o! tapestry ; this treatment is also ob- servable in some of the ceiling paintings of the Vatican, though diHeivntly contrived according to their situation. But Cornelius thinks no such ap- prcximation to the eflect of hangings necessary, since |>ainlings were quite as common as tapeslrv in ancient Gothic edifices. He considers the questions as to the appropriate style of sculpture and painting for Gothic buildings to rest precisi-ly on the same grounds, and assumes that the artists of the thir- teenth century would have added better ornaments to the architecture of the period if they had possessed the skill. He considers it nevertheless essential that a certain congruity and harmony should be preserved, less dependent on association than on general principles. He thinks that the style of some Florentine masters of the fifteenth century would harmt^nize well with Gothic structures of an earlier date or character. It is here to be observed that the question of the adaptation of the style of art to the architecture is connected in the mind of Cornelius with that of the general expediency of returning to those severer princi|iles of design which, it is acknowledged, iirst led to excellence in Italian art. With these views he connects the consideration of the nature and capabilities of fresco, as a means of ensuring attention to the elements of form and composition. The founders of the present German school, as is well known, at first proposed these principles and methods not as an end, but as .a means which it was hoped would again lead to important results. But the attempt, according to the eminent artist .so often quoted, was at the outset universally condemned. When a few individuals (wi'h that arlist himself, Ovcrbeck and Veit at their head) began the revolution which they have now rendered comparatively popular, they had to encounter the most violent opposition and the keenest ridicule from their own countrymen; and even when, after years of uerse- Terance, they had succeeded in gaining some favour at home, it was long be- fore foreigui-rs acknowledged their merit. Cornelius dwells on these circum- stances in recommending the style above alluded to. There ate other considerations connected with the application of painting to Gothic architecture particularly, on which Cornelius was consulted, and which may not be undeserving of attention. The available spaces for paint- ing in Gothic buildings are supposed to be unfavourable: the pointed arch, sometimes introduced superficially on wal's, and the acuie fiirms produced by the simplest groinings in ceilings are, it is remarked, dilTicult to fill satisfac- torily. It is here necessary to bear in mind that the taste for this style of architecture declined in Italy much earlier than in the rest of Europe, and hence the examples of celebrated paintings in Gothic churches are rare ; the works of Cimabue and other early Italian masters as Assisi,and those ascribed to Giotto in the church of the Incoronata at Naples are, however, cases in point, and had Gothic architecture continued to prevail in Italy, higher ex- amples, it may be assumed, would not have been wanting. Cornelius does not admit that there is any unusual difticully in adapting painting to the com- partments of Gothic architeciure. [li may be readily granted that .all ceiling painting is difficult to contrive and execute, but no Gothic roof, assuming the groining to be simple, could present such difliculties as Michael Angelo had to contend « ith, in the angles of the Sistine chapel (the architecture of wdiich is not Gothic), where the figures are painted on a projecting ridge formed by the meeting of two curves. The celebrated foreshortened figure of Haman is painted on such a surface. A portion of the ceiling in one of the .Sianze of the Vatican, presents similar difficulties.] The more florid style of Gothic may be acknowledged to be unfit for pictorial decoration on a large scale ; its surf:.ces being so crowded with ornamental panelling that little space re- mains for pictures. Another objection to the application of painting to Gothic architecture, is the use of stained glass. A decoration so suitable in many instances t i Gothic windows, is incompatible with ihe due effect of paintings on the walls, the colours of which require to be displayed by a colourless, and at the same time a sufficient light. This objection is met by the consideration that stained glass is not desirable nor usual in all Gothic buildings, to the extent to which it was employed in those of a sacred character. Its application elsewhere was generally less profuse, and might be so contrived as not materially to interfere with the quantity or quality of the light. In answer to a question on this subject addressed to Cornelius by letter, he replies : " The church 'in der Aue,' at Munich, which has painted window s, is not adorned with frescos, but the church of St. Francis, at Assisi, shows how painted windows and frescos may be combined. The paintings discovered in the cathedral at Cologne were without doubt executed immediately after the completion of the choir."* Fresco as compared with Oil Paintivg. — Cornelius is decidedly of opinion that fresco should be preferred to oil painting for the decoration of the new Hou.ses of Parliament. In pronouncing this opinion he is of course not alive to any of the considerations which would weigh with English judges respecting the present ignorance of the process of fresco in this country, and the compara- tive mastery of our oil painters. In no circumstances probably would he prefer oil pictures to fresco, in which he has for many years been cnnstantly engaged, and in which bis taste has been formed. He, however, supports his preference (at least with regaid to certain applications of painting) by argu- * Without reference to the style of the architecture, the highest authority for the union of stained glass, to a certain extent, wilti paintings on the walls, is that of the Stanze of the Vatican, the windows of which were enriched with figures of angels supporlin'.; the papal arms (those of Julius II., and Leo X.), by the glass painter, William of^ Marseilles, at the very time when Raphael was painting the frescos of the same rooms. See Vasari, Vita di Guglielrao da Marcilla. ment and example. He m dntains that fresco is on every account fittest for monnmental, permnnent works in public bull 'ings in which painting is to be considered as the handmaid of architecture. The Italian masters, he observes, w-ere always fully impressed with the necessity of adapting their works to the effect of the architecture, so as to make one harmonious uhole. The nature of fresco fiis it for such a purpose. It is indeed impossible to produce that illu.iion which is considered so desirable in oil pictures — the same depth of shade is not in the artist's power: but this very circumstance, while it compels attention to composition, colour, and form, renders fresco more directly appropriate for strictly decnraiive purposes. On no point is Cornelius more decided, tlian on the neces-ity of placin:r a given series of frescos umler Ih"^ controul of onedireclin-T ar:ist. This appears to be quite compatible with theemployment of many sue h directors, by subdi- viding the works; but he thinks it most desirable that in one complete series there should be a congruity of style and general e.-iecution. In Munich, where great experience has now hcen gained in these undertakings, several inde- pendent masters have formed scholars to work in ibeir style, and these have been ultimately employed on original works. This sr.adual education of scholars is observable, if we follow the career of Cornelius himself. For example, when employed in his first work in Munich (the frescos of the Glyptothek) the cartoons were all the work of his own hand ; the assistance he receiv.id v as only in the execution of the paintings. In the Pinakothek his sketches and small drawings sufficed for his pupils to prepare some of the cartoons, .and lastlyin the Ludwig-Kirche the invention even of some subjects was entrusted to a scholar, named Hermann.* No new modes of cleaning fresco have been devised in Germany. To a question on this point addressed to Cornelius by letter, he replies :— '■ The London smoke may. nndonbted'y. have a disadvantageous effect on frescos; but with a due warm'h— for examp'e, by the introduction of warm air or warm water in tubes — 1 am of opinion that, in the siluat'on where the new buildings are. no p.irticular evil etiects are to be apprehended, if. however, after fiity or a hundred years it should be found that the dirt had accumu- lated to a great extent, the suriace could be cleaned with bread. The mouldy appearance which somelimes shows itself is to be removed wi;h a wet sponge. The mouldy efflorescence which a]ipears in some cases may be owing to salt- petre in the walls: for this there is no remedy ; but, on the other hand, it never appears when the walls are built with well- seasoned and dry materials. In the Munich frescos no saltpetre has shown itself." [An artist of Rome, Cavaliere Agricola. has been lately employed to clean the old frescos in that city : he has published the result of his experience, and bis report, which has been procureil, would be among the documents to be referred to in any future inquirv relating to the modes of cleaning fresco. The method adopted by Carlo Maratti. in 1702. as I have elsewhere remarked, is also preserved,] Time necessary for the execution of works in Fresco. — The w hole scheme and invention of a series of frescos should not only be settled, but all the Large drawings made by the time the building is ready ; for the work can then advance rapiillv. .Supposing the present buildings to be ready in seven years from this time, Cornelius says it is time to begin the designs. The German artists, expert as they are in drawing, always take some years to prepare their car- toons. Cornelius'.s cartoon for the ;iltar-wall of the Ludwig-Kirche at Munich was executed in Rome : be went there for the purpose. If West- minster Hall, or any other building already in existence, is to be adorned with frescos, the wa'll should be prepared with the first rough coat of mortar at once ; for this ought to be on the wall, if possible, for some years before it receives the final preparation immediately before painting, unless very old lime be used in the first instance : but even in that case, six or twelve months should elapse before painting on it, to give it ample time to harden. The practice of Fresco paintitig. — The Cartoon.— U may be assumed that it is impossible to retouch a fresco painting to any extent. The portion of the work undertaken in the morning must be complete I during the day. The partial remedies and contrivances in case of unavoidable delay or accidental defects will be hereafter considered. Hence every part of the design must be defined in preparatory studies : the fresco is, in fact, a copy from these, the forms being traced on the wall from drawings the full size. [Cartoons of the kind prepared lor fresco (that is. without colours) may be seen in the National Gallery ; namely, those at the head of the staircase, by Agostino C::racci.T] When the painting is to be very large, and it is found inconvenient to prepare a cartoon of the same size, the drawing may be made half the size : or, the whole composition of the full size may be'divided into two or more cartoons: [thus Raphael's cartoon for the school of Athens, preserved in the Ambrosian Library at Milan, contains the figures only, without the architecture.] It is scarcely necessary to observe that the cartoon itself is, in the first instance, generally enlarged from small drawings of the whole composition, with the aid of carelul studies for the separate parts. The following is the mode in which Cornelius prepares and fixes his cartoons. A strong cloth is stretched on a frame as if to be prepared for painting ; paper is then firmly glued on the cloth. When this first layer of paper is quiie dry, a second layer is carefully glued over it in the same manner. The edges of the separate sheets are a litile scraped, where they overlap, in order to preserve an even surface. The suriace is then prepared for drawing with size ;ind alum. The drawing is made with char- coal, and, when finished, hfxcd by wetting the back (the cloth) with cold water and thin steaming' the drawing in front. The eflect of this last opera- tion is to melt the size 'a little, thus fixing the charcoal. A finished drawing of the full size being thus ready, the outline is traced from it on oiled (transparent) paper : if the finished drawing is halt the size, * The public spirit of the German artists is aiiparent ui the circumstance of Cornelius himself now underlakng to superintend the execiition of Schinkel's designs in Berlin, with scarcely any addition of his own. His own first original work in that city is to be the decoration of a Campo Sanlo. 1 Presented by Lord l'"rancis Egerlon. Agostino Caracci assisted in the frescos of the Farnese Pakice. and ibe two subjects in question were, it appears, designed and executed entirely him, dee Lauzi, y. 5, p. 74, and Malvasia, v. 1, p. 439. J 308 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [September, it is enl.irfjeil by squares to the full eatedly alluded to in this and the preceding lecture, observing forcibly, that, if the same effective results were obtainable by the latter simple method as by the former comphcated one. it H:as not only to be pre- ferred in this kingdom, but was peculiarly eligible for such countries as Russia, Poland, Germany, in general, France, and America, where wood is usually in great abundance, and where iron is comparatively scarce, especially in the form required for railway bars, and, of course, the prices became in proportion. Mr. Vignoles quoted largely from the works and reports of Tredgold. Barlow, and Lecount, and stated a number of mathematical and empirical rules laid dov\n by those authors, which, he stated, were chiefly relating to rails supported at intervals, but. though he felt it right to lay them before the class, he considered that tardier experiments and investiga- tions were requisite, and particularly in reference to the perfect combination in one support of the iron and timber in the longitudinal system, as explained and avocated by him, of which the Professor insisted, the great advantage and peculiarity was that of obtaining a perfect fastening, independent of the fibre of the wood, or the tenacity of the screws or bolts therein, and of obviating the hitherto well-founded objections to the mode of attaching rails having a continuous bearing, which had not been able to prevent a vertical play of the iron on the timber. PUOCEEBISIGS OP SCIENTIFIC SCCIIITXES. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Twelfth Meeting, 1842. — Held at Manchester. (Continued from paye 277.J Report on Experiments on the Transverse Strength of hot and COLD BLAST Iron. By Mr. Fairbairn. The bars, as described in the former reports, were supported by standards, 4 ft. G ill. apart, and were loaded with different weights ; they were occa- sionally carefully exaiuined, and showed a very slight progressive deflection. He had no doubt that they would ultimately break, but the progress was very slow. He read a table showing the weights laid on, and the deflections of each bar. — Mr. Hartopp said, that i!r. Fairbairn's former experiments ou hot and cold blast iron had created a false impression with regard to the strength of hot blast iron. Jlr. Fairbairn had found very little difference between the hot and cold blast ; but his experiments, made with great accuracy, and in which the weights were laid on with great care, were of little practical advantage, as these were not the circumstances under which iron was tested in practice : there percussion, violent and sudden impact, should be expected, and here lay the great deficiency of hot blast iron. Even in Mr. Fairbairn's experiments, Oldberry No. 2, cold blast, bore twice the percussion of Oldberry hot blast ; and Milton hot blast was only half the strength of Elsicar cold blast, made of the same ore and smelted with the same coal. Experiments had been made in Yorkshire with great care; the results being. Low Moor cold blast bar iron, 3 in. diameter, broke with 6 blows, ditto Scrap, 3 blows, ditto hot blast, 1 blow ; again. Low Moor cold blast 18 blows, Bierly ditto, 18, hot blast of as good materials, 3 bio— s; again, Elsicar cold blast, 21 blows, Milton hot blast, IJ blow ; therefore, ia iron for axles this ditference of at least five-sixths of the strength was very important. .\s to scrap iron, it bore too high a character. Scrap, made on the old plan, was all charcoal iron, but the modern scrap iron was very inferior, being 32s. 6d. per ton cheaper, so that ironmasters put off as much of this cheap material as possible. Hot blast iron was rejected now for water-pipes, &c., and even for cannon balls ; and, in flue, he had been told by very eminent marine engine makers, that where any percussion took place, hot blast cast iron was only half the strength, and wrought iron only one-sixth the strength of cold blast. Mr. Fairbairn explained, that he had found great difficulty in obtaining specimens from the ditferent iron-masters, who would of course send, when 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. .'il.'i possible, the liest specimens, but every care had been taken to insure accuracy in the experiments. Mr. Hodgkinson said that the average strength of hot blast had been ^h: ■weaker than the cold, but the inferiority was chiefly in the softer irons ; as the hardness increased, the two kinds approached to eijuality, and in the hardest irons the hot blast was the best. He thought his experiments, made without any interest on either side, and with the greatest care, were more to be depended on than experiments made by those who had an interest in the result. Professor Vignoles explained, that the question of hot and cold blast had nothing to do with the late contract for cannon balls. Ox THE Form of Ships. Mr. Scott Russell laid on the table the Rejiori of a Cnmmitlee on the Form of Ships. It contained upwards of 20,000 observations, the result of careful experiments on the resistance to models of ships of more than a hundred different forms and sizes, and extending from small models of 30 in. long, to vessels of 23 ft., GO ft., and 200 ft. 'lo:ig. and above 1000 tons burden. These experiments weie under the general superintendence of a Committee of the Association, consisting originally of Sir John Robison, Mr. Scott ilussell, and Mr. Smith. Unfortunately, the ill health of Mr. Smith's family had altogether deprived the committee of his advice and asssistance, but the observations were personally conducted by Mr. Scott Russell, who had to acknowledge the pleasure he had derived from conferring with bis friend Sir John Robison. with whom he had frequent occasion to consult during the progress of the observations. The smaller experiments had been made in a reservoir in the ground attached to his (Mr. Russell's) residence, and the larger ones in tlie open sea. It was probable that these results, maturely digested, and illustrated by accurate drafts of the forms of the ships subjected to experiment, would be published in such completeness as might be practically serviceable to the naval constructor and mercantile ship-buikler; and he would, therefore, confine the present report to a general account of the objects contemplated in the experiments, and the method by which these designs had been carried out. Several series of experiments have already been made, both by scientific bodies, and by public-spirited men, for the advancement of naval architecture. These had cost large sums of money, and consumed much valuable time and talent. To most of them it had been objected — unhappily not without reason — first, that they had not been conducted with au adequate knowledge of the wants of the constructor; secondly, that the forms of bodies submitted to experiment were by no means such as are used by the ship-budder ; thirdly, that the scale on which these bodies were constructed was too small to claim for the results, as ap- plied on a large scale, any considerable degree of confidence ; fourthly, that it bad not been established by what law the results of experiments on one scale of magnitude are to be transferred to a different scale, either greater or less ; and, fifthly that the apparatus formerly used was liable to errors which it was difticult to eliminate from the results. To ol)viate such objec- tions was one great object in these experiments. Mr. Russell bad contrived a new apparatus, which was so simple and convenient, that a uniform propelling force was obtained, by which vessels of any magnitude might be drawn by a uniform mechanical force along any given distance. The forms of the models employed were not confined to mathematical and arbitrary solids, but were those of such classes of ships as are either actually employed in navigation, or have been proposed for that purpose. Among these were some of the highest reputation. It was found that there were otlier circum- stances besides the form of the vessel which affected the result ; and that the form and dimensions of tlie channel were as important as those of the vessel in determining it. Experiments had been instituted on the largest as well as the smallest scale, to show the law of relation between difi'erent scales. These various modes of experiment were illustrated by reference to drawings and tables which were prepared for publication. As an illustration of the value of giving a proper form to ships, altogether independently of proportion or dimension, the following remarkable experiments were adduced: — -Four vessels, of about 25 ft. length, having all the same dimen- sions of breadth and depth, of the same capacity and weight, and of the same draught of water, were towed together at the same time, under the same circumstances, and at the same velocity. Some writers on naval architecture have asserted that, in such circumstances, vessels would have precisely the same resistance. The forms of these four vessels were not, to an inexperienced eye, very dissimilar : they were all good sea boats, and each of them found its admirers to give its shape a preference over the others. These vessels, alike in all their principal dimensions, and weight, and area of midship section, and draught of water, diflered so much in resistance, that the one had nearly double resistance to another : thus, at 7j miles an hour, the resistances were as follows : — No. I. form 56'6 lb. resistance. No. II : .. .. 138-5 No. Ill 102-7 No. IV 90.2 „ All of these were good sea boats, and it was one of the most valuable of these results, that No. I., the form of least resistance, was found also the hest sea boat, the easiest, and the driest. The whole of the observations, comprising luore than 20,000, were in the course of preparation for pub- lication, so that the whole body of the observations would be at the disposal of the Members of the Assocation. It had been the aim of the Committee to reduce the whole into the form most immediately conducive to the pur- poses of the naval constructor and mercantile ship-builder, and the drawings had been made on the scale and with the accuracy of the draughts of ships of the largest class. Sir John Robison felt it his duty to state to the section, that although he had cordially given Mr. Scott Russell his co-operation in forwarding these experiments, and although Mr. Russell had made frequent use of the plural pronoun, yet that the whole of the merit, both of contriving and designing, and carrying out the system of experiment, was due exclusively to Mr. Russell. Mr. Rnssell also explained a model shoving tlie waves in a channel arising from the natuia! channel wave, ai\d the wave resulting from the form of the boat. Mr. Williams wished to know how Mr. Russell tested the horse power in the two boats which he had mentioned, as nominal power was not a fair test ; and also whether he had paid attention to the difference in draught after the engines had been put in, the settUng at stern or stem, t^c, as the putting in the engine might make the vessel which had been slowest, when towed, fastest when driven by her own power — a vessel quick in slow water might be slow in a rapid current — in fact, every vessel had its own characteristic, and, therefore, many circumstances entered into the comparison between two vessels. — Mr. Russell said, that a reference to the report would show the steps which had been taken to insure accuracy. Of course in making experiments he had attended to all the circumstances which could introduce in-iccuracy. In answer to Mr. Williams, he would say, that when the vessels were towed, the engines, stores, coals, lic. were exactly the same as when the engines were working ; in fact, they had merely detached the tow rope and started the engines, and it so happened that the vessel which had been fastest in towing was also fastest in saihng with her own engines working, but he did not consider this as aft'ecting the question. Prof. Vignoles exhibited some specimens of newly invented carpet tapes- try. He explained that these works were made on the principle of the ancient mosaics, being composed of innumerable transverse sections of woollen threads. No painting, no colouring was used; all the effect was produced by ends of worsteil about J of an inch long standing vertically, one end being seen, and the other cemented by India rubber to a cloth. The exact operation was yet a secret, but he believed that two frames of fine wire or pen'orated zinc (some with even 4000 perforations in an inch) were placed over e.ich other exactly vertically, the distance being only regulated by the height of the room, in the present instance he believed about five feet. The pictuie to be copied being then traced on the top side of the upper frame, a workman passed threads of dyed wool through the corres- ponding holes in the top and bottom frames, of course, as in tapestry, varying his shades and colours until he is satisfied with the efl'ect ; this he can judge of by looking down on tl-.e upper ends of the threads, although to a person looking at the space between the frames, there seems only a con- fused and compact mass of worsted. When the workman is satisfied, the ujipcr ends of the threads are covered with India rubber cement, and a cloth is laid upon them also covered with cement ; the ends of the threads firmly adhere to this cloth. By means of a sharp cutting instrument, the entire mass of threads is now cut through transversely at about j of an inch from the cloth, and this process being repeated, a fresh copy is obtained from every ^ of an inch : in the present frames, being five feet apart, ISO copies can be cut, and as thei-e is no limit to the distance, except the height of the apartment, thousands of copies may be taken of each.. Were this not the case, the invention, however ingenious, would be too expensive to ))e pur- chased except in solitary instances as specimens of curious art : but, from the facility of reproduction, this fabric was likely to come into general use for carpets, rugs, curtains, table and chair covers, &c. ; for carpets and rugs it could be made with a longer nap, so as to give any degree of substance. A Description of the Thames Tunnel. By Sir M. I. Brunei, F.R.S. Sir M. I. Brunei exhibited a diagram of the exterior elevation of the Thames tunnel, and also a representation of the machinery by which he supported its roof and sides during the process of excavation. He said he had no paper to read, and that his work woidd be very short ; for, altiiough it might be very difficult to describe a work that was to be accomplished, there was little' difficulty in speaking of that which had been completed. All he had to say was simply to point to the representatiorr, and say, that the tunnel which he had erected was like that. The tunnel was about a quarter of a mile in lengtli, and was made under the river Thames. The difficulties were very great, and deemed insurmountable by many learned and scientific men. ' Indeed, the difficulties were much greater than what he himself had at first conceived them to be ; for the groitnd to be excavated was quite difi'erent from that which had been brought up with au augur ia the prehrainary examination of it. However, he was determined to per- severe ; and, notwithstanding the m.tny olrstacles that from time to time presented themselves, he never considered the undertaking impracticable.' Sir M. I. Brunei then directed attention to the apparatus he had devised for sustaining the arch during the progress of the works. It was upwards of 60 ft. wide, by 22 ft. high, divided into 12 compartments, each containing three arches, one above another. The top was horizontal. Each compart- 316 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [September, inent conUl be moved forward or backward at pleasure, so that, as the •workmen excavated a few inches, the superincumbent pressure was imme- diately sustained by the protrusion of that part of the machinery opposite which the excavation was made. The ground was cleared away in front of each alternate division of the moveable arches, so that six were always stationary, sustaining the roof of the tunnel ; while the other six were employed in making additional progress. Some of the strata overhead was quite dense, while part of it was in a fluid state. The workmen never advanced more than six inches at a time, and then the props were imme- diatelv introduced into the vacant place, and the building-up of buttresses and arches followed in the rear. During the progress of this extraordinary undertaking, five eruptions of the river had taken place. One of these occurred when the tunnel had been half done. This was in consequence of the men having struck for an advance of wages ; and, during the delay which ■was thus occasioned, a very large hole opened in the top, and the water came pouring in. When this occurred, said Sir Mark, every one made a hole for his stopper ; but he could get no one to make a stopper for the hole. Bv that unfortunate eruption, five men were lost. However, he succeeded in stopping the leakage, and in pushing forward the works, until he reached the other side of the river. After surmounting many difficulties, he had now the pleasure to come before the public for the first time, and say the ■work was done. Many had endeavoured to discourage him, and thwart the undertaking, but the Government were always exceedingly liberal ; and the Duke of Wellington, from the first moment that he had seen the plan, con- ceived a high opinion of its practicability, and forwarded the undertaking as much as possible. A tower, 290 ft. in diameter, was erected at each side of the tunnel, and carriages could he admitted through them with the greatest ease. In answer to a question from Mr. Roberts, Sir M. I. Brunei said, that the quantity of water percolating at present through the tunnel was about 60 or 70 gallons per minute, .\bout six weeks ago. 480 gallons oozed through ; the quantity had since been reduced to about 00 or 70 ; and, in a short time, it would be reduced to nothing. On the l.MPROVEMENT OF THE SpECULA OF TeLESCOPE.S. By Mt. FoX Talbot. The subject occurred to him about two years ago, when the Earl of Rosse (then Lord Oxmantoun) was making much larger specula for reflecting telescopes, than had ever been obtained before ; and he thought, if once we had a very large and perfect speculum, it might be possible to multiply copies of it by means of the electrotype— by galvanic means taking an electrotype cast from the existing original at a small expense — which, if not quite so perfect as the original, should be at least very fine and important instruments. He had observed, that if an electrotype cast -were taken from a perfectly polished surface, the cast was also perfectly polished ; so that no defect of form from this cause could have an injurior.s efi'ect on the speculum. The great and obvious defect was, that electrotypes being in copper, which reflected liut little light, a very large speculum of copper would not reflect more light than a very small one in speculum metal. He mentioned these ideas to Professor Wheatstone, who said the same had occurred to him, and he showed him a paper which he had drawn up some few months before, and which he lent him. Mr. Talbot read this paper of Professor Wheatstone's, in which he sug- gested the taking galvanO-phstic casts of specula in platina, palladium, silver, or nickel, and for especial purposes gilding the copper ; taking care that the two precipitations adhered well to each other. He suggested that voltaic electricity might thus enable us to copy large specula (like those of Lord Oxmantoun), at a slight expense. So that (said Mr. Talbot) the idea had suggested itself independently to both of them ; but on comparing notes they found differences. Though it had occurred to him (Mr. Talbot) to precipitate w'.iite metals, yet he did not think that platina would ha.e a sufficiently beautiful white metallic polish. Silver he rejected, because easily oxidated iiy the atmosphere. Nickel he had not tried, but it appeared likely to answer. Professor Wheatstone bad, however, made choice of platina, and varying the quantity till he found the required proportion, he obtained a mirror in platina which appealed to him (Mr. Talbot) to have quite brilliant polish enough, and to he white enough to answer the purpose; and he con- sidered, therefore, that Professor Wheatstone had proved that, at least in one form, the specula of telescopes might be made by voltaic precipitation. His own idea was, that it might be i)ossible to whiten the surface of the copper without injuring the form ; and, therefore, having obtained a speculum in very bright polished copjier, he exposed it to the vapour of the hydro- sulphuret of ammonia, which had the property of turning copper v.hite ; and it did so without, so far as he knew, in the least injuring the form of the metal. A copper speculum was subject two evils; it reflected but little light, aud it became easily tarnished ; but, when whitened by exposure to the hydro-sulphuret of ammonia, the surface was transformed into a sul- phuret of copper, and not only was a white metal obtained, but it was no iongcr subject to be tarnished by the atmosphere, the sulphuret of copper being a stronger chemical compound than the oxide of copper, and, con- sequently, oxygen had no more effeet upon it than on jilatina. Having obtained' a copper cast from a polished speculum, he, (Mr. Talbot) whitened it, and transformed it into sulphuret of copper ; and, after having retained it about a year, he did not percene the smallest alteraticn in any respect. This, therefore, appeared to him a mode by which such important results for astronomers could be obtained. For the last year, perhaps, nothing farther had been done, either by Professor Wheatstone or himself; but the other day, being at Munich, he "(Mr. Talbot) visited Professor Steinheil, who showed him his inventions, and told him he had invented a method of making specula by the electrotype. It so happened, that both Professor Steinheil and himself had published their respective methods about a month or six weeks before, the Professor having read a communication on the subject before the .\cademv of Sciences at Munich, and printed it, and he (Mr. Talbot) having published his in England. Their modes were, however, different, as Professor Steinheil precipitated gold upon the speculum of copper; and, having precipitated a certain thickness of gold, he then pre- cipitated copper on the back of the gold, to give it sufficient thickness. He (Mr. Talbot) should have thought beforehand that gold would not reflect light enough to be available ; but Professor Steinheil informed him he had fo'und, bv careful experiment, that it reflected more light than polished steel. He allowed Mr. Talbot to look through a Gregorian reflecting telescope, of which the speculum was a common one, but gilded, and he found the image perfectlv clear and well-defined. .\ slight tinge of yellow was thrown over all the objects, but the image was perfectly clear and defined. Now it was evident, that if the form of the speculum was not destroyed by gilding it, much less would it be altered if formed originally of gold. If a film of gold were precipitated upon a speculum of copper, we must, to a certain extent, alter its figure ; but that alteration must he very small, because there was no perceptible defect in the image. Professor Steinheil said, that the astronomers of Germany were much pleased with his plan, and were greatly engaged in the subject; and that in the coursi: of a year he should have a very large telescope, furnished not only with a speculum, but also with other apparatus, voltaically formed, so that telescopes might be made all from a good model, so as to in- sure greater accuracy of proportions ; and in this way even very large telescopes might be constructed at a comparatively trifling expense. With reference to the precipitating copper on the back of the gold, the Professor had a simple expedient for securing adhesion. He first precipitated gold from the cyanide of gold, and he mixed with it cyanide of copper, and kept gradually increasing the quantity of the latter sort; so that an alloy was precipitated which was continually" increasing the copper with respect to the gold, till be had a speculum whose surface was gold, and which then became an alloy, the quality decreasing, till, at the bottom, it became pure copper. This was important, because, without such experiments, one would not have known that such results would have followed ; for some philosophers supposed that, if we attempt to precipitate the salts of two metals, only one was precipi- tated ; but Professor Steinheil informed him that they precipitated in union. He thus obtained a speculum with a face of gold aud a back of copper. But, supposing the largest, cheapest, and best speculum were obtained, the frame- work of the telescope would be so gigantic, that few observers would be able to use the instruinent. With a focariength of 00 to SO ft., it would be quite unmanageable for any private individual. The idea occurred to him (Mr. Talbot) to have a tube fixed in an invari.ihle position, and to have a perfectly true plane mirror, cf a size somewhat larger than the concave speculum, placed in front of the tube, with an aiierturc in the centre. This plane reflector should be moveable .about its centre in any direction ; so that luminous bodies, falling first upon the plane reflector, were then reflected against the concave reflector, aud passed through the aperture. The only motion requisite for the plane mirror would be one about its centre. ^ The mechanical difliculties in the way of this plan would be far less than in the common method. Professor Steinheil's idea on this point was somewhat different. He (Mr. Talbot) did not think it important in what direction the tube of the telescope was directed. Professor Steinheil's idea was, that it should he pointed directly to the pole of the heavens, aud kept as steady as possible, and that the plaue mirror shoidd have a simple motion of revolution, indeed two motions, but aliout a rectangular centre. Remarks. — Sir William Hamilton expressed his pleasure at hearing this communication, and said, the want of some such contrivance as the last had become sensible to those having great command of money and power. The Eari of Rosse had lately cast a metal speculum, weighing several tons, and six feet in diameter, which his lordship intended should he moveable only in or very near t!\e meridian, on account of the great mechanical difficulty of moving so great a mass, so as to direct it at pleasure to every point of the heavens, the advantages, therefore, would be great from carrying out the plan last mentioned. It was clear, that its success and utility must depend "■reatly on the excellence of the original. Lord Rosse had, hitherto, been unriva'lled for making specula on a large scale, and for his means of carrying forward this magnification of the mirror to an unparalleled extent ; aud per- haps the degree of acquaintance with which that nobleman had honoured him, and the recollection of what Dr. Robinson had recently said in his lord- ship's name, warranted liim (Sir William) in s,aying, that Lord Rosse was disposed to give every facility to persons of science, desirous to make use of his instruments. .Mr. Isaac Ilolden said, the late Earl of Stanhope had invented and erected a telescope on the plan tas to the fixity of the frame-work) which Mr. Talbot recommended. The instrument was stationary, and he could sit still and view more than one-half the heavens, taking in even 20" behind his head, by means of an arrangement of mirrors. Sir D. Brewster mentioned a similar plan, proposed twenty years ago, by an American gentleman, to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. There the mir- ror was not vertical like Lord Stanhope's, but horizontal, consisting of a dish 184S.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 317 of metal m which a quantity of mercury was placed, and a rotatory motion was given to the disc, so that the mirror assumed a concave form, giving a paraboUc surface, of the actual form required to reflect bodies ; by which means a mirror was constructed in one instant of time. This appeared so impracticable to that society, that thev did not venture to give anv account of it in their memoirs. Photographic Discoveries. Sir David Brewster said, he was requested to communicate an account of some remarkable facts connected with the theory of photography. A new process of producing photographic impressions had been discovered bv Dr Moser, of Konigsberg ; and an account of the discovery had been brought to this country by Professor Bessel, who received it from the discoverer liimself The subject was most important, and it would have been a great misfortune '^, r?, '' ^^'^'''"' '""' ^^'^ "i'liout having been made acquainted with it The foUowing were the general facts connected with it :— A black plate of horn, or agate, is placed below a polished surface of silver, at the distance of one-twentieth of an mch, and remains there for ten minutes. The surface Of the silver receives an impression of the figures, writing, or crest, which may be cut upon the agate, or horn. The figures, ice. do not appear on the silver at the expu-ation of the ten minutes, but are rendered visible by ex- posing the silver plate to vapour, either of amber, water, mercurv, or any other fluid. He (Sir David Brewster) had heard Professor Bessel' say, that the vapours of different fluids were analogous to the different coloured rays of the spectum; that the different fluids had different effects, corresponding to those of the spectrum ; and that they could, in consequence of such cor- respondence, produce a red, blue, or violet colour. The image of the cameo oiscnra might be projected on any surface— glass, silver, or the smooth leather cover of the book— without any previous preparation ; and the effects would be the same as those produced on a silver plate covered with iodine Frofessor Bessel did not pretend that this discoverv was perfect. He also mentioned what was far more important than all this, in a scientific point of view— that Professor Moser had discovered the existence of latent light— of hght residing in bodies, and exhibiting its action after having lain in those bodies for we know not how many years. If it were an actual physical fact that latent light did exist— if light took its residence permanently in a body —if, having motion, it stood still, and did not shine— if it did not trouble the ether m any way, was its motion extinguished ? and, if so, how was it to be put in motion again ? This idea of latent light corresponded with New- ton s opinion, that light entered the surface of charcoal, and never was brought out again ; but Moser had discovered a mode of bringins it out again. ° ° .X. ^^ YH''*"^-"™"'"" " " "*^^ y" *"y account that he has discovered J', . \-~r^Y. ^^""^ Brewster : " He conceives he can prove the existence of latent hght. Professor Bessell said, he scarcely had time to obtain from Professor Moser aU the particulars of his discovery ; but he (Professor Bessel) had seen a plate of silver representing the image on a black agate cameo. This photographic image was very good, and looked as weU as any of those Ukenesses taken bv Talbot or Daguerre. Professor Moser said he had produced those likenesses even at midnight, without using any light. The exclusion of hght made no difference whatever in the phenomena. Sir David Brewster thought the image thus produced might have been as perfect probably as the first specimens of daguerreotype. He had alluded to charcoal absorbing the rays of hght— there was another analogous phe- nomenon ; if a tube were filled with nitrous acid gas, and rays of light passed through It by a lens, the fluid would almost lose its yellow colour, and be- come so white, that every object might be seen through it; but if it were exposed to a higher temperature, it became gradually vellow, then oranee, &aa at length it would become of such a deep red colour, that the liRht of the meridian sun could not pass through it-the gaseous body standing like a column of charcoal before the spectator. By allowing the gas to cool down. It gradually becomes transparent, passing backward through the same tTl y t ?*"'^ f"" ^'■°'° "'^ ^^*'i *"''' 'f ^^"^ be such a thing as latent hght, it must have acted on the particles of the gas. On the Pressure of Earth against Walls. By C. W. Buck, C. E. Mr Buck thought it desirable to investigate the resistance offered by earth to displacement, when a rigid vertical plane is thrust against it-as Tn fhtf. r °f ';"''g^\^« '""de, for economy, to depend for stabihty on the resistance of the earth behind them. In cases of this sort, the ten- dency of the pressure is manifestly to cause a rupture of the earth, and force a wedge of It upwards; and it is curious to observe that the angle at which this rupture takes place (the angle of least resistance) is the same as that given for the maximum thrust by Provy-that is, half the complement of ^L^fl^ of repose. To estimate the horizontal thrust against the waU below the spring of the arch, when this arch is sprune Irom the top of the wa^l, and when he entire height behind the wall is filled up with earth to h. Inf , }^ ? A'u ' '°°l °^ **" "''■' "'"^ "« t'^" '"''^^es of ^"th to the ton nf, !,",'*• ^^' r''^' "'^^'"^"^ acting against that portion from fitrlT?/ t' ^t "'' *,° *'" '°''u"^ ">' "''' ' ""'^^ 2nd, The quadrilateral ngureleft when this wedge was subtracted from the entire wedge from the foot of the wall to the top. It is the horizontal thrust of this latter nor- tion which ,s to be considered; and this horizontal thrust is equal to the honzontal thrust of the entire wedge ,«m,« the horizontal thL of hi wedge above the top of the wall m,«,« the friction of the base or line cf "P r/- ^,^"T "■•^''g'^- This can be found easily for anv part "ul^ twU.h ',1''^"';"''^' '° ^""^ ''"^ P^^P" ''^'g''» f^«°> «l'i'--l^ to spring the arch, so that the friction of the Hues of rupture of the two wedeef shall nentrdize the honzontal thrust against the wall below the arch. This ;LTn„f°ih "r"" f'T ^™" ""='^^^' °f'he roof of the arch t» he top of he wa 1 is equal to the entire depth, from the top of arch to the foot of wall mult.phed by the square root of the tangent of angle of maxi- mum thrust. Following out this result for fluids, where the friction is »«//»«j, he arch should spring from the bottom of the wall ; and this Mr Buck called the "Tunnelling Equation," because it shows what thickness of roof IS suflicient to neutralize the pressure of the sides, and points out how- far It IS necessary to cut the ground open, curb it, and cover it again when there is not suflicient thickness of roof for ordinarj- tunnelling. It shows also, how strong to make the side walls, and what form to give them to resist the lateral thrust. The investigation further proved the douRer of the conimon practice in sinking shafts, of sinking to a considerable depth before curbmg, or securing with brick-work, from the supposition tbat the earth must needs stand of itself; and, therefore, that it will answer as well to begm the curbing at some inferior point ; whereas the reverse is true— that If the top be well secured, the part below will not move. These remarks however, are based on the supposition that the earth is homogeneous Mr' buck was proceeding to read over the mathematical formula of his investi- gation, when — The President thought the subject was too analvtical to be interestine to the Section.— Professor Moseley stated that Poncelet had lately investigated all the conditions of subjects tnken up in Mr. Buck's paper, and given for- mula; and tables for their application, by practical men, except the one for tunnelling Poncelefs paper was published in the Memoirs of the Academy. Sir Mark J. Brunei thought it dangerous for engineers to place reliance upon tormula: which applied only to homogeneous ground. In the Thames Tunnel he had found ten or twelve different strata in a depth of eight feet • and from the constant fluctuation of the weight above, and the fluid portion of some part of the ground, theoretical inquiries would have been useless in determining the manner of his proceeding.— Mr. Buck observed, in answer, that even in the case of fluid ground, theorv assisted in determininR the re- sistance necessary. Taking the London clav as an example, the friction in the line of maximum thrust was ^ of the weight; and by comparing the specific gravity of this clay with water, he found that where, bv the infiltra- tion of water, this friction was reduced to f^, the pressure was equal to hydrauhc pressure, and when the friction was reduced to 0, it was double hydraulic pressure. Sir John Robison made a short communication on the subject of a mode of making tesselated tiles and other objects hy the compression of dru powder of clay, by Messrs. Minton cj- Co., of Sroke-upm-Trent. Sir John stated, that the advantages of the invention were the perfect truth of the tiles. When formed of wet clay, they almost invariably warped and became crooked In this invention, a mould was filled with the dry powdered clay, which was subjected to heavy pressure, which caused it to cohere suflicientlv to bear being placed in the kiln, where it was burned in the usual manner Some specimens of tesselated tUes, and also of roofing tiles of a new construction, much lighter than ordinary tiles, and by which the capiUary action of water under the edges of the tUes, was prevented, were exhibited. The tiles were' exceedingly accurate in point of form, and appeared extremely weU adapted for the purposes for which they were intended. Mr. Brockedon exhibited specimens of his patmt India rtiiber stoppers for bottles, explaining the late improvements in the construction of the cores on which the India rubber is spread. The present cores, he said, were made of cotton twisted into strands, &c., by means of a machine, which he explained by a diagram, the cylindrical rope now consisted of several strands of tightly twisted cotton, lapped with flax thread, and laid together longitudinally, loose fine cotton rovings being placed between them ; the entire was then lapped in a cyhndrical form with flax thread, attaining by this method the advantages of perfect roundness and firmness ; they also gave sufficient hold to the corkscrew, and bore the heating process well. These stoppers would slide on glass when wet, but not when dry, (although there was no cohesion m this latter state,) so that the bottler, by slightly wetting these stoppers with the liquor which he was botthng, could easily insert them ; and when this slight film of moisture mas dried up, the stopper required considerable force to withdraw it. Mr. Louis Schwabe made a short communication on theformation of arti- ficial threads of glass, for the manufacture of ornamental damasks, some very beautiful samples of which he exhibited to the section. Mr. Schwabe stated, that he had tried various kinds of glass, and found that that which was best adapted to the purpose was common window glass ; the samples before the meeting having been made from the broken windows of his own estabUsb- ment. There was one peculiarity in the matter which was worthy of re- mark, that the minute fibres of glass drawn from the lamp were always of the same shape as the bar of glass from which they were drawn. If that was round, the thread was round, if square or flat, the form of the thread varied accordingly; and, as a flat thread reflected the light better, and con- 2 Y 3l« THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [September, sequently appeared more lustrous than a round one, the hest form was a nar- row flat'sHp, such as window glass readily produced. Mr. Schwabe showed the apparatus used, and the process adopted in spinning the exceedingly minute threads, of which from one to two liundred were used to form a single shoot of the weft. He also showed the mode in which the weaving was performed, which was extremely simple. IMr. Schwahe said that he did not make this communication on account of any novelty in the use of glass, but in the hope of drawing attention to the many new materials which might be used in the manufacture of textile fabrics ; and he produced also some sam- ples of Manilla flax, the fibre of the pina plant, from which a beautifully delicate and transparent cloth could be made. The specimens of manufacture thus produced, though not very perfect at present, seemed to promise more satisfactry results when matured by experience. Mr. Hodgkinson explained his apparatus for trying the strength of mate- rials. He brought his apparatus forward, as he had made many experiments; and he was desirous to render them as trustworthy as possible, by convincing the members that every care had been taken to ensure accuracy. Other ex- periments had been rendered unworthy of reliance, from injudicious methods of affixing testing apparatus— as those' of Rennie and Captain Brown in iron ; Girard's experiments, &c. In crushing specimens, it was necessary that both ends should be well bedded, and the pressure transmitted through the axis. To this, other experimenters had not always attended, and by using the pressure of bores directly on the substance to be crushed, they introduced the different errors arising from the pressure being oblique, transmitted through the side, or being exerted on mere points, instead of equally exert- ing its force over the entire top surface : to obviate these objections, he had devised apparatus by which all these errors were avoided. Mr. Hodgkinson explained the crushing apparatus by drawings, &c. In experiments on tear- ing asunder, he had also taken great care, by means of apparatus, which he exhibited and explained, that the strain should be through the axis, and other- wise free from causes of error. Mr. Hodgkinson explained his experiments on torsion, and illustrated his observations throughout by many models and specimens of the substances on which the experiments had been made. Professor Moseley asked whether, in the experiments on beams, care had been taken to obvia'te the effects of the friction of the beams on the supports, as this would effect the direction of pressure, altering it from vertical to in- clined, and the neutral line only passed through the centre of gravity of the beam when the pressure was vertical ; also, if care had been taken in laying on the weights, as a weight suddenly laid on produced mathematically twice the effect in deflection. Theoretically, the wtight should be increased by small additions, even as grains of sand. Mr. Hodgkinson said he had taken all precautions with regard to the ■weights ; they were added by small portions, and with great care ; the beams rested on tolerably smooth cast iron, on which he believed the friction would be of little importance. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. April 5. — The President in the Chair. Menai Lighthouse. Desoription. By D. P. Hewett, Grad. Inst. C. E. The Menai Strait is peculiarly fitted for a harbour of refuge for vessels entering the rivers Dee and Mersey from the north, and the increasing number of ships frequenting this navigation, as well as the insufficiency of its beaconage, rendered it desirable that the entrance should be distinctly marked ; the Corporation of the Trinity House accordingly decided, in 1834, to effect this object by the construction of a Lighthouse, to be situated on a sunken rock about 200 yards from the Anglesey coast on the west side of the entrance, which is divided by the Puffin Island into two channels, defined by a beacon and two buoys. The principal noveltv in the construction of the lighthouse is the base, which, instead of dim'inishing, like the Eddystone, with a regular curve, recedes by a series of rectangular offsets ; the oliject of this form of structure is to break the force of an impinging wave, and prevent the whole effect of its shock being tljrown upon the uiiper part of the building, as it is when guided up bv the curved surface. The building, which was designed by Messrs. Walker and Burges, is a handsome circular tower 75 ft. high, 40 ft. in diameter at the base, and 20 ft. 6 in. diameter at the top, terminated by a castellated parapet, and entirelv constructed of Anglesey marble. The base of the building is solid to the height of 22 ft. 6 in. from the rock, diminishing at intervals of 2 ft. 3 in. bv offsets of 9 in. each, up to 0 ft. 9 in. above high-water mark, where its diameter is 22 ft. Ou that level is the entrance doorway (which is ac- cessible bv steps cut in the base stones). The interior contains six floors, forming rooms for the uses of the light-keepers, stores, &c. Every precaution has been taken to render the exterior joints of the courses water-tight; each stone is secured to tliat below it by a slate joggle, and two oak trenails, passing entirely through it, and entering 8 in. into the lower stone. On the upper bed of each course of stones is a projecting fillet, which fits into a corresponding groove in the under side of the course placed upon it, in order to prevent the water from being forced between the courses. The two upper courses project internallv and externally, to form a gallery which supports the parapet and the lantern, the foundation and the framing of which are of cast iron. The wall diminishes gradually in thickness from 6 ft. 9 in. to 2 ft. The communication describes minutely the construction of the floors, the partitions, the stairs, the lanterns, &c., and the proportions of the materials for the mortar, which consisted of three measures of sand, one of ground Ume, and one of Italian pozzuolana. The liglit is a stationarv, red, dioptric light of the first order, without mirrors. The burner consists of four concentric wicks, of which the largest is 3i in. diameter ; its ordinary consumption of oil is one pint per hour. The various bearings are given from which the light is visible at sea. After deducting all expenses, the surplus revenue derived from the light dues, during the year 1840, is stated to have been £388 13s. 3d. The lighthouse is connected with the shore by a foot bridge, which consists of a platform 2 ft. 3 in. wide, supported upon a series of iron columns placed 10 ft. apart, secured into the rock, and strengthened by stays. This sUght construction has withstood the violence of the waves for three years. The paper notices the buildings which have been erected on the shore for the residence of the light-keepers, and then proceeds to describe the beacon before alluded to, which points out a dangerous ledge of rocks on the oppo- site side of the channel. It consists of a cone of masonry, 20 ft. in diameter at the base, and 37 ft. high, surmounted by a staff and globe rising 13 ft. above the apex of the cone. The globe, which is 4 ft. diameter, is formed of copper bands, and is 36 ft. above high-water mark. The whole amount expended in these different constructions is stated to have been about .€12,800. The communication was illustrated by a series of detailed drawings and a chart of the straits. April 12.— The President in the Chair. On Breakwaters. " Observations upon the Sections of Breakwaters as Iieretofore constructed^ with suggestions as to modifications of their forms." By Lieut.-Ool. H. U. Jones, R. E., Assoc. Inst. C. E. This communication is the result of several years' observation of the effect of storms upon the sea faces of breakwaters and piers ; those principally alluded to, and of which drawings were exhibited, were Plymouth Kings- town, Howth, Ardglass, and Dunmore ; a section was also given of the sea wall of the Kingstown Railway, and of the mole of St. Jean de Luz. The mode of building with " Pierre perdue" appears to have been brought into notice about the time of Louis XV., when the cones at Cherbourg were sunk, and filled with stones as a foundation for a wall ; since then the general method of constructing sea-defences has been to throw down masses of stone, allowing them to form their own angle, subject to the effect of the sea in giving them a greater or less slope. In many instances this rough foundation has been paved down to below the low-water mark with squared blocks of stone secured with much care, and above tliis a wall is built of solid masonry, generallv with a considerable slope on the sea face. The author contends that thesvstem of assimilating the sea face of breakNvaters to the form ot the shore 'at low water is erroneous, because the sea shore is the line ot least or non-resistance, not opposing, but yielding to the sea. He asserts that, as far as he can ascertain, no pier or breakwater constructed with a sea slope has been found to resist the effects of storms without considerable repairs and expense being subsequently required. He then gives his observations upon the several sections, and states tliat the waves have the most violent effect at about half tide, hence the stones at that line are first disturbed, and then are carried down into the deep water. To parry this evd nearly 200,000 tons of stone have been deposited on the fore-shore of Kingstown Eastern Pier, vet more must still be added. Similar additions have been repeatediv mad'e to Plvmoutli Breakwater, with no better effect. At Dunmore iron chains have been fixed in the face of the walls to secure them. At Howth a slope of 3 to 1 has been found insufficient. At Ardglass the pier head and lighthouse have been waslied away. From these and numerous other examples, it is argued that piers in exposedsituations with a considerable in- ciiuafion of the sea face do not resist the violence of the waves, whereas there are manv instances of upright walls having resisted perfectly. As instances of this Old Dunlearv Pier is adduced as being nearly perpendicular, yet never having been injured' during a long series of years, although quite as much exposed as the New Pier, now called Kingstown; Kilrush Pier, although not - - ■ • • has resisted all the shocks of the heavy seas which built of heavy materials break upon it from the Atlantic. ,, From these considerations Colonel Jones proposes upon the " Pierre peraue to rise a perpendicular wall from a little below the level of low-water spring tides : this form, he contends, would resist the upward pressure of the sea upon the broad bases of the stones, and prevent their being removed. He argues that althouch the proposed walls would require to lie built witn squared stones, ins'tead of "Pierre perdue," that the cost would not t)e_ greater than at present, as the area of the section of his proposed %vaii it applied at Kingstown would be oiilv 48G0 square ft., whereas the sectional area of the present pier is 10,085 square ft. The French appear to have partially adopted this form at the new works at Cherbourg; but he considers this mode of construction objectionable, inasmuch as it leaves in front of the outer tace that part of the breakwater which is most subjected to injury. An extensive ISJ2.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 319 series of drawings, containing the plans and sections of existing breakwaters and piers, showing the injur)' sustained from storms, accompanied the same. Colonel Jones explained liy the various sections of breakwaters shown in the drawings, the changes of form, and the additions to their cubic content which had been made at different periods, In consequence of the violent action of storms. The Plymouth Breakwater has had its form altered three times ; each time the base has been extended, and the sectional area increased. At the Hosvth Pier the sections showed three distinct forms assumed by the mass of materials, in consequence of the varied action of the waves. The damage done is now so extensive, that the sea threatens to make a clear breach through the works. The sections of the Kingstown Pier showed the original form to have been a slope of 4 to 1 and 5 to 1, covered with heavy pitching, wliich had been repeatedly torn up, and some of the stones weighing 10 tons were carried to considerable distances : an external mole of rough work containing nearly 200,000 tons of stone which had been deposited upon the foreshore was almost all washed away ; while the toe of the work beneath low-water mark, although at a greater angle than the other parts, remained undisturbed. .\t Dunmore Harbour, although the long glacis with a slope of 5 to 1 is protected by pitching composed of square stones of from 2 J to 6 tons weiglit, and above .t;i2,000 has been expended, it has received very extensive damage. Many otlier cases of injury to sloped works were mentioned, and it was stated, that from these examples, coupled with observations upon some ancient piers in Cornwall and other exposed situations, wbicli, although b\iilt of rough materials and with a nearly vertical sea face, had resisted the action of heavy seas, the Shannon Commissioners had determined to iry, at Kilrush, a sea wall with a very sliglit inclination, and up to the present time it had sustained no injury, although previously the sloped work had been destroyed. Colonel Jones, being convinced of the superiority of this form, had de- voted much time to observations of the action of the waves upon works of all kinds, as well as to the various modes of using the materials composing the sea-walls ; and he felt assured that if the stones were of an average size, square-jointed, and well laid, even without cement, forming an almost vertical wall of moderate thickness, springing from a point as much below low-water mark as could he conveniently attained, the work would be more durable. "Beton" (concrete) was now much used in France for the construotion of sea defences : it was generally done by building caissons of ashlar, filling them in solid with " Beton," and then caulking all the ashlar joints with oakum : this kind of work was very durable. In answer to a remark by General Pasley, Colonel Jones believed that the greatest injury was done by the receding waves, particularly if the joints of the work were not well closed. Remarks. — Jlr. Itennie took a hasty review of the moles and breakwaters mentioned by the early writers, as being thrown out for the purpose of forming harbours; Vitruvius particularly described, among other similar works, a mole constructed with a kind of concrete composed of pozzuolana. Mr. Rennie contended that engineers were not in error in taking as their guide the natural inclination of the sea shore opposite the situation where the breakwater was intended to be placed. It would be found, in following the coast of England from the perpendicular primitive clitfs of Cornwall to the flat shingle beach of Norfolk, between which places is found almost every variety of geological formation, that the profile of the sea shore differed according to the material of which it was composed and the peculiar action of the sea upon it from local circumstances. It had been shown tliat the force of the waves acted more prejudicially upon the point above low-water than below it ; that the work would stand at a great inclination at the latter point, indeed that it was rarely injured even when all above it was carried away ; that if the water was deep, the action of the waves would extend deeper : all these and many other points required to be considered in fixing upon the slope for any sea-wall ; and therefore he could not accord with Colonel Jones's views in adopting an arbitrary form for all situations, without considering the exigencies of peculiar localities. He hauilt by .Messrs. Rennie. Her performance is remarkably good; at her first trial, we are informed that her speed at the measured mile was equal to nearly 16 statute miles through the water per hour, with 32 strokes per minute. The vessel is 160 ft. long, 10 ft. 0 in. beam, and 8 ft. deep; burthen 219 tons: draught of water 4 ft. ; midship section of immersion 44 f(. Slie has two engines of 35 H.p. each, or as 1 h.p. to 3 tons. The weight of engines, including water in boilers, wheels, &c., complete, 35 tons. Nothing can be more beautiful than the motion of the vessel through the water, which it seeins to divide without a ripple. Slie is perfectly stable and stilt'; in going down the river from Long Reach Tavern to Gravesend Church, the distance of 9 miles, with tide, was done in 27 minutes. The Megm-a steam vessel lias been fitted with tubular boilers by Messrs. Seaward and Co., being the first man-of-war steam vessel fitted with boilers of that description. The Rocket, iron steam vessel, built by Messrs. Fairbairn and Company, at their establishment in the Isle of Dogs, for the service of Government, has been taken charge of by the officers of Woolwich Dockyard. The Meteor steam vessel, Lieutenant-Commander G. Butler, towed down to Greenhithe at the beginning of last month, a chain lighter with some buoys and mooring chains, to be laid down in that part of the river under the direction of Mr. Tinmouth, master-attendant of Woolwich Dockyard, as it is intended in future that the vessels built, refitted, or otherwise altered here, be swung at Greenhithe, in order that the variation of their compasses may be adjusted under the immediate superhitendence of Captain Johnson, previous to their proceeding to sea. The Montezuma Steam Frigate. — At a trial voyage of the above-named magnificent vessel took place from Blackwall to the Lower Hope and back. It is stated that she steamed at the rate of lO.j miles an hour against tide both ways, the engines making 21 strokes per minute. The Montezuma, although of the burden of 1,100 tons, draws no more than nine feet water when fully equipped, and is built to carry two swivel guns, 68-pounders, on the upper deck, besides the usual number of small guns. She was constructed at the yard of Messrs. Wigram and Green, at Blackwall, and her engines, which are of 300-horse power, and constructed on almost a similar principle to those on board Her Majesty's steam-frigates Driver, Gorgon, Styx, otc, were supplied and fitted by the firm of Messrs. Seaward and Capel. These engines can have the steam cut off at half stroke, so as to act on the expan- sion principle. Canada. — An iron steamer, for the use of the royal navy on Lake Ontario, has lately arrived out from home. It came, of course, in pieces, but the (iovernment having sent out competent persons, it is to be put up forthwith. In the same vessel which brought out the iron steamer arrived the magnifi- cent engines by ilessrs. Boulton, Watt, and Co. of the steam frigate Cherokee, now almost ready for launching. — Times. raiSCEIiIiANEA. AVooLwiCH Dock Yard. — One of the best pieces of granite masonry that we have ever seen is now executing at this dockyard, in the construction of the new dry dock, it is built with blocks of granite of large dimensions, laid in radiating courses, and worked with gieat precision and hammer dressed. Messrs. Grissell and Peto are the contractors to whom this work is intrusted under the direction and superintendence of Messrs. Walker and Burgess. A powerful steam-engine by Boulton, Watt, and Co. has been erected for the purpose of withdrawing the water within a very limited time when vessels are docked to be examined. Some idea may be formed of the magnitude and complete arrangement of the new dock when it is stated that it is suffi- ciently large to admit, for the purpose of being docked, ships of equal dimen- sions to the Trafalgar, of 120 guns, and that the volume of water requisite to float vessels of that size could by the power of the steam engine be com- pletely withdrawn into the basin at high water or into the river at ebb tide in about 20 minutes, and in the event of the vessel examined being found sound and not in want of any repairs she might again enter the river ready for service without losing a tide. These are improvements in celerity of movement which cannot fail to prove of great importance to the country in the event of war with any foreign Power at a future period. The engine connected with the dry dock has been erected in a handsome and substan- tially constructed building, and on the top an iron tank has been placed capable of containing 190 tuns of water, and which will always be kept full in case of accidents from fire at the end of the yard in which it is situate. Stucco Paint Cement. — We have examined some specimens of this cement upon plaster, slate, and wood. It has all the appearance of stone, and forms a complete impermeable coating, and answers the combined purpose of both paint and cement ; it is manufactured and sold in a fluid state, like white lead, and when used it is mixed with sand, in the proportion of 3 of the latter to 1 of the former, and laid upon brickwork in the usual manner. If used upon brick, it requires about 7 lb. of the fluid cement, and if upon plaster about 4 lb. : it is sold at 12s. per cwt. For damp situations, and for walls exposed to a south-western aspect in the country or on the sea side, it will be invaluable. Specimens may be seen at the Bernasconi Gallery, Chenies- street, Bedford-square. /lereford.— St. Nicholas' New Church was consecrated 11th August last. This church is beautifully situated at the Friars, a very short distance from the site on which the old'church stood, leading to the Barton, extending east to west from Victoria-street to Fiiars-street. The style of architecture is that of the early English ; the plan is a parallelogram, with a tower at west, and chancel and vestry at east, projecting beyond each end. The walls are built of neatly hammer-dressed wall stone, the buttresses and dressings being tooled. The' sides are divided into compartments by buttresses in two stages ; the upper part terminating with coping of parapet by weathered canopies. In each coniiiartmcnt are placed lancet windows, with neat hood- moulds, terminating on carved bosses. The chancel is flanked by plain buttresses and octagonal pinnacles with carved finials ; in the gable is an . open trefoil for ventilation, and below are three lancet windows, united by 324 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Septkmbbb, their hood-mouldings, terminating upon carved bosses, and glazed with ground glass, surrounded by a border of rich stained glass, producing a soft and beautifnl light. The tower is flanked by massive double buttresses, the lower and upper offsets terminating in weathered canopies ; in the centre of the tower is the west entrance, the tower forming a vestibule, in which is the gallery stairs. On the soutli side is a neat porch with inner folding doors. Down the centre of the church is a very spacious aisle fitted with free seats ; upon each side is a double row of pews with stall ends and cast heads. Over the west entrance is an organ loft and gallery with cast iron railings in front. The pulpit and reading desk are on each side the aisle leading to the altar, which is approached by two steps, and surrounded by a handsome raihng. The building is ceiled to the rafter, showing the timbers of the roof, the trusses of which are filled with tracery. The church is 81 ft. long and 48 ft. 6 in. %vide in the interior, and contain 800 sittings, 350 of which are free. The entire edifice is highly creditable to the architect Mr. Duck- ham. — Hereford Times. Kentish Town Church. — A view of the exterior and interior of this intended church, designed by Mr. Bartholomew, has been published, it was chosen out of a competition of 5. It is to be built from a grant of £800 by the Church Commissioners, and from private subscriptions, towards which the Queen Dowager, the Bishop of London, Earls Dartmouth and Mansfield, and many of the wealthy inhabitants of the neighbourhood contributed largely. The site is that of the present parochial chapel : the cost is to be, including the materials of the present chapel, about £6000, and the number of persons to be accom- modated 1650. The altar, chief entrances, and principal facade, are towards the east, whence peculiarities of confrmation result. The plan is a parallelo- gram with two very short transepts. The western of these transepts spreads out the rear elevation, as seen over the Hampstead fields, to great breadth ; these are flanked by turret staircases, and the eastern transept being unen- cumbered by galleries, leaves a free and open chancel. Below the great altar window a low apsis projects, for the purposes of a vestry, and the altar recess is flanked by two steeples about 50 ft. high, to contain staircases, beU, clock, Ac. It is the architect's wish to raise these by an extra fund to upwards of 130ft. The internal effect and constniction are altogether original: arches span the fabric in all directions, interchangeably counter-abutting each other, rising from four iron columns and four piers, containing cores of iron. The arches which span the nave spring from half length figures of the four evangelists. Wherever the arches reach the external walls they are restrained by massy buttresses, detached at bottom from the walling, and ascending with lofty pinnacles, giving great strength and play of external effect. The roofing is peculiar : all the rafters are rendered passive by being laid horizontally ; those to the clerestory bear npon arches about 7 ft. apart, and the roofs of the aisles, by being gabelled against the clerestory, both restrain any ulitmate derangement which these arches might suffer, and increase the picturesqueness of the flanks of the building. All the roof work is to be stained oak colour ; there is to be no plastering whatever about it. The body of the church is to be illuminated by six plain lancet windows, four three-light columnar windows with tracery, and nine orna- mental rose windows. The altar, besides the great painted window, is to have four smaller windows to be filled with stained glass containing the decalogue, creed, &c. with sacramental borders of corn and vines ; and below these again will run all round the altar recess a series of canopies, supported upon slender columns with foliagcd capitals of stone (already in existence), and which are of rare beauty. In the centre, under the altar table, will be a relief of the Coming to the Holy Sepulchre. The material is to be exter- nally white brick, and all the canopies, capitals, (except those last-mentioned) finials, crosses, shields, panels, and most of the other decorations, are to be of terra cotta or vitrified stone, durablv emblocked into the walling, and not attached by cramps and pins. The style is the decorated early English, or early decorated, the combined mass and slenderness of the French cathedrals, Lincoln cathedral, and other buildings of similar date, being imitated : all the capitals, of which there are some hundreds, are foliated. LIST OP tfEW PATENTS. GRANTED IN ENGLAND FROM 29th JuLY TO THE 25tH AUGUST, 1842. Sir Months allowed for Enrolment, unless otherwise expressed. Thomas Bell, of Saint Anstil, Cornwall, mine agent, for " improvements in the manufacture of copper." — Sealed July 29. Jules Lejeune, of Regent's park, engineer, for "improvements in accele- rating combustion, which improvements may be applied in place of the blow- ing machines now in me." — July 29. John Stephen Woolrich, of Birmingham, chemist, for " improvements in coating with metal the surface of articles formed of metal or metallic alloys." — August 1. Alfred John Phipps, of Blackfriars-road, gentleman, for "improvements in paving streets, roads, and ways." — August 1. Joseph ^A'HITWORTH, of Manchester, engineer, for " improvements in machinery or apparatus for cleaning roads, and which machinery is also applicable to other similar purposes." — August 2. John Dry, of Beverley, agricultural implement maker, for " improvements i» thrashing machines." — August 2. Samuel Carson, of Covent Garden, gentleman, for "improvements lit purifying and preserving animal substances." — August 3. Archibald Turner, of Leicester, manufacturer, for " improvements in the manufacture of muffs, tippets, ruffs, mantillas, cloaks, shawls, capes, pelerines, boas, cuffs, slippers, and shoes." — August 3. John Lee, of Bermondsey, gentleman, for " improvements m wheels and axle-trees to be used on railways, and in machinery for stopping on, or pre- venting such carriages from running off railways, which improvements may also be applied to other carriages and machinery." — August 3. Charles Henri Perrin, of Lombard-street, London, for " improvements in the construction of certain parts of the mechanism used in watches and chronometers, which improvements are also applicable to some kinds of clocks." — August 8. David Napier, of Millwall, engineer, for " improvements in steam engines and steam boilers." — August 9. Thomas M'alker, of Birmingham, stove maker, for " improvements in stoves." — August 9. Richard Ford Sturges, of Birmingham, manufacturer, for " an improve- ment in the manufacture of Britannia metal and plated wares." — August 10. Dominic Frick Albert, of Cadishead, Doctor of Laws, manufacturing chemist, for " a new combination of materials for the purpose of manufac- turing a manuring powder." — August 1 0. Moses Poole, of Lincoln's Inn, gentleman, for " improvements in paving or covering roads and other ways." — August 1 1 . Joseph Betteley, of the Brunswick Anchor Works, Liverpool, chain cable manufacturer, for " improvements in windlasses and machinery for moving weights." — August 1 1 . John Thomas Betts, of Smithfield Bars, gentleman, for " improvements in covering and stoppering the necks of bottles." A communication. — Au- gust II. George Roberts, of Liverpool Road, miner, for " improvements in the construction of tamps." — August 15. William Raybould, of Clerkenwell, brass founder, for " a new or im- proved soldering iron." — August 1 8. George John Newbery, of Cripplegate buildings, artist, for •' improve- ments in producing damask and other surfaces on leather and other fibrous substances and fabrics." — August 18. Nathan Defries, of Fitzroy-square, engineer, and Nathaniel Fortescuk Taylor, of Mile End, engineer, for " improvements in meters for gas and other fluids." — August 18. William Ridgtvay, of Staflford, earthenware manufacturer, for " a new method of conveying and distributing heat in ovens used by manufacturers of china and earthenware, and brick, tile, and quarry makers." — August 18. GoLESwoRTHY GuRNEY, of Great George-street, gentleman, for " improve- ments in apparatus for producing, regulating, and dUipersiny light and heat." — August 18. Richard Else, of Gray's Inn, Esq., for " improvements in machinery or apparatus for forcing and raising water and other fluids." — August 18. Thomas Hendry, of Glasgow,'mechanic, for " improvements in machinery for preparing and combing wool, ami other fibrous materials." — August 25. David Redmund, of City Road, engineer, for " improvements in hinges or apparatus applicable to suspending or closir^ doors and gates, and other pur- poses."— August 25. ERRATA. In Mr. Hodgkinson's paper, at top of ccl. I, p. 275, injtea'J of the third column uf the table, read Ratio of mean tensile to crushing strength. 1 to 0 55 I to 6 6 1 to 78 I to 10'5 or 8*9 taking the hardest only. Soulh-Eastern Railway— line 25, page 262, instead of the pressure being " increased in the ratio of the square of two to unity," it should be " increased in the ratio of the square root of two to unity." Page 251, col. I, line 28, for ^vaca read Cloaca. TO CORRESPONDENTS. We have received from Mr. Sevrell, C. E., of New York, a drawing and de- scription of a disconnecting crank for marine steam engines, dated Feb. 1842; we do not consider it so efficient or so simple as that of Mr. Trewhitt, described in tiie Journals of last Feb, and June. " 0. T." — We feel obliged Jor his communications — they shall be inserted next month. Mr. Robertson's Paper on Railway Signals we have been obliged to postpone for want of room. We have been obliged to postpone our plate until next month, and instead we have given an extra sheet, with numerous wood engravings. Books for Review must be sent early in the month, communications on or before the 20th (if wilh drawings, earlier ), and advertisements on or before the 25th instant, addressed to the Editor, Ao. 10, Fludyer Street, Whitehall. Vols. I, II, III, and IV, may be had, bound in^cloth, price £1 each Volume. L 1 tt. tiJ (UJ 1842. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 325 "TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN.^ With an Engraving, Plate XII. Karnes of the Public Buildings re/erred to in the annexed Plate. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ". 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. St. Paul's Cathedral. Chichester Cathedral (repaired). St. Bride's Church, Fleet Street. Westminster Abbey (Towers). St. Vedast, Foster Lane. Christ's Church, Newgate Street. j-AU Souls' CoUege, Oxford. St. Bene't's, Gracechurch Street. Christ's Hospital. St. Bartholomew, by the Exchange. St. Magnus, London Bridge. St. Peter's, Cornbill. St. Michael's, Wood Street. All Hallows', Bread Street. Tower of St. Michael, Queenhithe. Marlborough House. St. Martin's, Ludgate. Royal Hospital at Greenwich. Winchester Palace. St. Dunstau's in the East. 22. St. Lawrence, Jewr\'. 23. St. Stephen's, Walbrook. 24. Tower of ditto. 25. St. Michael, Queenhithe. 26. Buildings in Lawrence Pountuey Hill. 27. St. James's M'estminster. 28. St. Bennet, Paul's M'harf, City. 29. Buckingham House. 30. Hampton Court Palace. 31. St. Nicholas Cole-Abbey, Old Fish Street. 32. Colonnade at Hampton Court. 33. St. Michael Paternoster Royal. 34. Entrance to Doctors' Commons. 35. Temple Bar. 36. St. Margaret Pattens, Rood Lane. 37. St. Mary Aldermary, Watling Street. 38. St. Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside. 39. The Monument. 40. Observatory at Greenwich. 41. St. Anthony, Watling Street. 42. St. Albans, Wood Street. 43. 44. 43. 46. 4 7. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. St. .^.ndrew's, Holborn. St. Michael's, Cornhill. St. George's, Botolph Lane. Morden College. Old Custom House. Chelsea Hospital. St. Margaret's, Lotbbury. Tower of Christ's Church College, Oxford. St. Edmund the King, Lombard Street. College of Physicians. St. Augustine, Watling Street. St. Bennet Fink, Threadneedle Street. Old Mansion House, Cheapside. St. Matthew's, Friday Street. St. James's, Garlick iliU. Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford. Trinity College Chapel, Oxford. St. Mary Somerset, Thames Street. Trinity College Library, Cambridge. Buildings in Doctor' Commons. The publication of an engraving from Mr. Cockerell's design, illus- trating all the principal works of Wren, appears to us a fitting oppor- tunity for laying before our readers some account of that great man, and a chronological list of his works. The drawing by Mr. Cockerell, contains no less than sixty public structures, admirably grouped to- gether, so as to produce a beautiful picturesqe effect ; it attracted much attention when exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1838. Now, by the spirited enterprise of Mr. Hill, of Edinburgh, the publisher, a splendid line engraving on a large scale has been executed by Mr. Richardson, in the first style of art, which will place this work at the command of Wren's numerous admirers in England, on the continent, and in the new world. We heartily commend it to their patronage. The key-plate, which we insert in the present number, will, in our volumes, be always accessible for reference, while the engraving itself forms an abiding record of the labours of the most distinguished master in English architecture, and a work so immediately connected with the sympathies of Englishmen and of English architects, we hope to see in the studio of every member of the profession. Christopher Wren was born on 20th Oct, 1632, at East Knoyle, in Wiltshire, of which parish his father, Christopher Wren, Dean of Windsor, was rector. In this parent he had the advantage of pos- sessing a man of learning, by whom his precocious talents were nursed, and from whom he derived his attachment to mathematical studies. After studying at Westminster School, one of the most illustrious seminaries in England, he entered at All Souls' College, Oxford, where he took the degree of Bachelor and subsequently of Master of Arts, and afterwards acquired a Fellowship. For success in life he pos- sessed strong guarantees in the shape of extensive and profound learning, and powerful connexion. The son of a dignitary who had rendered good service to the royal cause, he was also the nephew of Bishop Wren, a most violent Carlist partisan. His sister, too, is recorded as being in the good graces of Charles II. for curing him of a wound in the hand by her surgical skill. History sayeth not, but perhaps like Newtou, Marlborough, and others of his eminent con- temporaries. Wren might have been indebted for some portion of advancement to feminine interest. However leagued with the royal party, he was of too easy a disposition to allow such prepossessions to stand in his way, for we find him, early in life, commended to the notice of the Lord Protector Cromwell, and, like Dryden, commencing Ins career under his patronage. The Protector even offered him to Vol. V — No. 01.— Octobek, 1842. allow his uncle Bishop Wren's release from the Tower, but that furious zealot liked martyrdom too well to accede to the conditions. The, young Wren must, indeed, have been, as he js represented, of very unworldly character to charge himself with such a mission ; for instead cf finding it received as a boon, it was rejected by the Bishop with the greatest indignation. It was not the fashion of that day to let party stand in the way of personal advancement, and young Wren continued his court to the "greatest man" of the day, and pressed forward into the career of scientific advancement, which was opened to him. Wren's chief glory is in some degree his misfortune, the height of his fame in one department has obscured his proficiency in others, and in becoming the great architect of his day, he has lost the fame of being one of its greatest philosophers. To his precocity we have already alluded, and to his inclination for mathematical studies ; he was placed in a school well calculated to bring forth his ener- gies ; for in those days, Newton being unborn, Oxford had not yet ceded to her younger sister mathematical supremacy. Oxford was also the cradle of the Royal Society, in which Wren was early en- rolled, and he had thus full scope for the exertion of his talents, and abundant promise of their being duly appreciated. As a mathema- tician Wren ranks as one of the first of his day,* and to his last day, he continued devotedly attached to that favourite pursuit. As his youth began with that study, and his earliest compositions were di- rected to it, so the last years of his life were spent in the correction of the labours and observations of sixty years. It was Wren who suc- cessfully accepted Pascal's famous challenge to the mathematicians of England, and returned the defiance with a problem which Wren him- self was alone able to answer. As a practical and tlieoretical astro- nomer, he distinguished himself by his observations on the cometary system, and on the satellites of Jupiter, and by anticipating Huygens in assigning the theory of Saturn. He suggested the use of a certain part of the length of a degree as a standard of measure. For the im- provement of navigation and the instruments used in that art, in sur- veying and iu the sciences of observations, he gave to the world many- valuable inventions. He is a claimant for the honour of inventing the barometer, and many of its practical applications. For the study of optics he equally exerted himself; he applied himself to perspective and to the devising of optical instruments. If such was the varied range of his mathematical pursuits, natural studies did not less occupy * See Huttou's Mathematical Dictionary, article Wren. 32G THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [OcTOBERj him. He was an attentive student of physiological plienomena, and the acknowledged assistant of Scarborough and Willis, to whose works he contributed anatomical drawings. His biographers claim for him the invention of the process of injecting liquids into the veins of living and dead animals : and also, in furtherance of the study of natural history, the origin of what is called micrography, or the delineations of objects as seen by the microscope. In these studies he was the author of many useful experiments, among others, hatching eggs by artificial heat On meteorology we have a very interesting paper by Wren, pointing out a course of experiments, similar to those since carried out by the British Association, with hints for the improvement of the anemometer and hygrometer. As an artist, his architectural reputation must speak for him, and we have alluded to bis eminence in the delineation of objects of natural history, in which he had the patronage of Charles II. In All Souls' College, Oxford, are preserved many of his architectural designs, and also some of his working draw- ings, doing in the early part of liis career everything himself. For the invention of mezzotinto engraving he is one of the claimants, and also for that of many instruments used in drawing. We have yet to speak of his mechanical ingenuity, which was one of his boyish cha- racteristics, liaving at an early age devised an orrery, which be dedi- cated to his father, and a double pen, which received the approbation of the Lord Protector Cromwell. In all kinds of what are called mathematical and optical instruments, his ingenuity was, as we have said, prolific, and his skill was ever ready, in the course of the great works in which he was engaged. In a knowledge of mechanical pro- cesses, and an acquaintance with the several trades, he had few rivals in his day ; as a civil engineer he has also left proofs of his ability. His invention was most ready, like that of Watt too ready ; like that great man, too, he rarely pursued his ideas to completion, and was too negligent to put them into a definite form ; the best thing that happened to his suggestions was to become the spoil of pirates and plagiarists, to be secretly conveyed to the continent by Oldenburg, or to be appro- priated by Hooke. In reference to these failings, we are by no means unwilling to believe, that if Wren were indeed the inventor of mezzo- tint, that he would be pleased rather than otherwise with its appro- priation by a patron so powerful as Prince Rupert. We have now to speak of his literary attainments, for he was the true admirable Crichton. He made his debut with Latin verses above the youthful standard, and we find him noted by Sprat, in after years, as translating Horace into English verse. In Greek, Latin, Italian,* French and English, he was well versed, and his Latin and English prose, as dis- played in the few fragments left by him, are far purer than was the •wont of that day. As an antiquary he has given us specimens of his labours, and it is deeply to be regretted that, with his love of letters and good skill in them, we should have so few memorials of what he was able to do. Such was Wren, a master in every branch of learning, a contributor to its advancement by his example and exertions on every occasion, admired by his contemporaries, and presenting one of the brightest instances of early and diversified talent matured to pro- duce the most distinguished results. We have now to trace Wren in his career, to see how his valuable acquirements were pressed into the public service. He early re- ceived a Gresham professorship, the Savilian professorship at Oxford, and the dignity of Doctor of Law, and distinguished himself in the discharge of his duties. On the return of Charles II., his connexion could not fail to launch him on the full tide of royal and ecclesiastical patronage, and from that period we find his progress rapid. His rooms at Gresham College had become the resort of the Royal Society, and on the incorporation of that body by that patron of science, Charles II., be became one of its chartered fellows, and subsequently for two years its president. In 1G03, he received from the munificent Archbishop Sheldon, his first architectural employment, the construction of the theatre at Oxford, for the accommodation of four thousand persons, an enterprise of which he well acquitted him- self. He subsequently received a commission from his uncle the * Birch's History of the Rojal Society, Vol. II, p. 72. Bishop, to build the chapel of Pembroke College, Cambridge ; and about the same time was employed to report on the repair of old St. Paul's, his designs for which were fortunately not carried into effect. He was now the Deputy (and de facto) Surveyor General to the King, and in 10G5 made an excursion to Paris, where he employed himself in examining the progress of the arts, and the wonders of the pros- perous era of Louis le Grand. We now come to the epoch of Wren's life, which was to consign him to architecture as his chief pursuit— this was brought about by the deplorable fire of London, in 1GG6, and the consequent necessity for rebuilding the metropolis. Then, as in the recent case of the fresco painting of the Houses of Parliament, the Government had recourse to the continent, and Perrault was invited to superintend the building of the new city, but fortunately could not come. We hope that the rejection of Cornelius will produce no deeper regret than the absence of Perault. After the fire, projects poured in upon the Government for laying out the city upon a regular plan, Hooke and Evelvn sent in theirs, and Wren sent in his. After-experience has perhaps taught us that no permanent evil has resulted from the non- adoption of any one of them. Wren was appointed one of the Commissioners for rebuilding St. Paul's, Surveyor for rebuilding the cHy, and in 1069, King's Surveyor General, and a weight of duties wa's imposed upon him, which he managed to discharge, and at the same time not to neglect his scientific pursuits. Not only had he to design nearly all the public buildings, which had been destroyed, but to build and repair palaces elsewhere, to act as a Commissioner of arbitrations, to report on public improvements, to check accounts of all kinds, and to lay out and construct roads and sewers. In laying out the citv, we have greatly to admire his regard for the health and cleanliness' of the population, the attention he paid to draining, and we may record his opinion against the practice of burying in towns. Ventilation was one of the subjects to which he had turned his atten- tion ; and the internal economy of his buildings was not neglected. He it was who aided in the compilation of the rules for the governance of Chelsea Hospital. In the midst of these labours, in 1672, Wren received the honour of knighthood ; and in 1674, married a daughter of Sir John Coghill, and on her death, a daughter of Viscount Fitzwilliam, in the peerage of Ireland. By both wives he left issue. In 1G80 and 1681 he was President of the Royal Society. In 1685, in the revolution parlia- ment, he served as member forPlympton, in Devon., and subsequently for New Windsor and Weymouth. Of his parliamentary duties we have no account, but we suppose he was merely put in as a govern- ment ofiBcer to supply a fagot vote on ministerial questions. It might be worth inquiry whether Sir Christopher voted for the ejection of James IL or not. At any rate, he was a favourite of both William and Anne, the former of whom made him stand godfather to the cloisters and other barbarisms at Hampton Court, of which the King took the responsibility. To testify his obligations to Queen Ann^, Sir Christopher placed at Windsor, in 1714, a statute of Prince George of Denmark, the Prince Consort. Among his notabilia, we must observe that be was grand master of the Freemasons, and is by many good authorities considered the founder of that order. Sir Christopher Wren built St. Paul's, several palaces, many public buildings and works of art, and fifty churches ; and he attained at home and abroad the renown of a distinguished philosopher and great artist. In 1718, the Germans having got possession of the English throne, commenced their career of vandalism, by depriving Wren of his Surveyor Generalship in the S6th year of liis age, and 49th of his service, an act which met with the execrations of that age, and the contempt of the succeeding. His time and his unimpaired faculties were now devoted to his mathematical works, and his relaxation was yearly to be conveyed to contemplate his great work. In such pursuits he died happy, on the 25th February, 1723, and was honoured with a public funeral, and a sepulchre in his own immortal monument. Rarely has there been a man, who cared less for the troubles of this world, or who laboured so hard for such trifling remuneration. His salary for superintending the rebuilding of St. Paul's, was ^£200, 1842. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 327 " and for this," as tlie Duchess of Marlborougli said, " he was con- tent to be dragged up iu a basket three or four times a week." This salary was, however, in the eyes of his owlish brother commissioners too much, so that at one time they stopped half of it, under pretence of obliging him to hasten the completion of the work. Among other persecutions, they forced him against his own opinion to alter the de- sign of his building, to put a balustrade on the outside, and to have the interior of the dome decorated in perishable painting. Wren, never- theless, notwithstanding his small allowances, did not die poor, he accumulated enough to leave an estate behind him. As a man of science and of varied attainments, we have said enough to show Wren's greatness ; we have now to consider him as an artist ; and here we may observe, that of late years there seems as much disposition to underrate Wren, as formerly the contrary bias prevailed. Why this should be we do not well see — why Wren should be tried by another standard than Palladio or Vignola, or Perault and Mansard. This, however, is part of the fashion, we may say, part of the errors, of the day. The gentle madness of the age is to pUice the height of art in the mechanical copying in milk-and-water colour of some ancient ediBce, and Wren's defect vias a too g-?ner;il neglect of all rules of art. So far the antipathy is readily accounted for, but it is not on these grounds tliat the public will be induced to form its decision as to Wren's merits. The public, whatever may be its failings as to technical criticism, whatever may be its lenient tendency to grant magnificence on the promptings of ignorance, has still some claim to exercise the " vox dei " in matters of art, and will not sink, for trifling errors, prepon- derating merits. The fault of Wren, decidedly, was his unacquaintance with the details of his art, or inattention to them, and in the weighty labours imposed upon him, there is great reason to fear that he too often made his design on the promptings of the moment, without discrimination, and without subsequent correction. His poverty on many occasions, his misplaced luxuriance in others, his want of breadth and repose, weakness of proportions, and disregard of styles, are defects, which, seen unmitigated among bis successors, inspire disgust, — but Wren had redeeming qualities. He had the eye of an artist, he had great resources in unrivalled constructive skill, and ■when he chose, knew equally how to unite the novel, the grand and the picturesque. When, moreover, we consider him in relation to the age in which he lived, the equally flagrant errors of his prede- cessors and contemporaries, and that his labours in this country were unexampled, he must be acknowledged to be a great name in art. More errors, perhaps, can be detected in a single great work of Wren, than in all the productions of a modern architect, but his superiority remains unimpeached. Thus the last number of Black- wood contains a prodigious mass of nonsense extracted from Macbeth, and yet the merits of that great work of Shakspeare are still un- shaken. Many of Wren's faults arise from the attempt after novelty, a sin not too often committed now-a-days; but still "tine belle fauie vaut mieux qii'une mediocre heauU':" As to Wren's neglect of the gothic and defacement of it, however we may regret it, it was a creed as orthodox in his day as the persecution of papists, and the concoction of popish plots. Wren was only mad with tlie rest, but at least he left some specimens of gothic more decent than anything which appeared from his time to that of Horace Walpole. One of his characteristics was a hankering after domes and skylights, which he early manifested in his design for the repair of old St. Paul's. Wren had at his disposal greater means than perhaps any other architect ever possessed, and on the whole, he made a noble use of them ; but we cannot observe without regret, that sums much larger than the barn-church Commissioners allow in these days, were frequently ex- pended without producing any eft'ect. As examples of Wren's most admired works, we may enumerate St. Paul's Cathedral; the steeples of Dow Church; St. Bride's, and St. Magnus the Martyr; Greenwich Hospital; and St. Lawrence, Jewry, Cateaton Street. Of interiors— St. Stephen, Walbrook; St. Clement's Danes; St. James's, Piccadilly ; Trinity College library, Cambridge ; St. Mil- dred's, Bread Street ; St. Bride's ; St. Mary, Abchurch ; and St. Ben- net's, Threadneedle Street. Of the pointed style — St. Dunstan's in the East; St. Michael's, Comhill; St. Mary, Aldermary ; All Souls' College, Oxford; and St. Alban's, Wood Street. Of constructions — the dome of St. Paul's; the Monument; the spire of St. Dunstan's in the East ; the roof of the Sheldonian Theatre; the rejiair of Chichester Cathedral; the dome of St. An- tholin's, Watling Street, &c. For drawing up these notices, we have availed ourselves of several works, largely of those of Mr. Godwin and Mr. Elmes, but we have felt that the life of Wren is yet to be written. The Parentalia is only a chartulary, and Mr. Elmes' work, however copious, not ex- hausting the subject, and containing much heterogeneous matter. It is, nevertheless, at present, the only life of Wren, which deserves the name. Mr. Cockerell has long been understood to have turned his attention to this subject ; he has in the instance of the engraving before us, exhibited his zeal ; his qualifications are generally ac- knowledged, and he could not, therefore, do a greater service than to execute this long expected task. Among the works to which the reader may refer, are Wren's Parentalia, Elmes' Life of Wren, God- win and Britton's Churches of London, Britton and Pugin's Public Buildings, London, Ward's Gresham Pofessors, the Useful Knowledge Life of Wren, Chalmer's Biographical Dictionary, Sn;. Portraits of Wren are to be found in the Royal Society's Collection, the Sheldo- nian Theatre, and Salters' Hall, and a bust in All Souls' College, Oxford. On the 2Gth of July, 1664, the first stone was laid of the Sheldo- nian Theatre, at Oxford, (No. 58,) completed 1669, the expense of which, was £12,470 lis. \d., contributed by the munificent Abp. Sheldon. This is one of the earliest of Wren's works, and the ground plan of it was adopted by him from that of the theatre of Marcellus, at Rome, and so arranged as to receive 4000 persons. The roof, 80 feet by 70, rests upon the side walls without crossbeams, and is one of the first and most admired examples of that practice. In 1800 it was discovered to be in danger of falling, and another roof substituted (for a description and engravings of the roof, see Plot's Oxfordshire, Wren's Parentalia, and Elmes' Wren.) In 1663, he built the chapel of Pembroke College, Cambridge, at the expense of his uncle Bishop Wren. It is 54 feet long by 24 broad, and 30 feet high. The front is of four Corinthian pilasters. In 1664, he was employed at Oxford in rebuilding Trinity College. A new court of three sides is among these works, the north side of which was completed in 1667, the west side in 1682, and the south side in 1728. The first stone of the chapel (Xo. 59), was laid on the 0th July, 1691, and the shell completed at the expense of £2000, contributed by Dr. Bathurst. It is of the Corinthian order. In 1665, he was called upon to furnish designs for the magnificent Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, (No. 61,) which cost £20,000, and is 200 feet long, 40 feet broad, and 38 high, interior measurement. It has two fronts. In 1668, he was again employed by Archbishop Sancroft, to build a chapel for Emanuel College, Cambridge. This chapel, including the ante-chapel, is 84 feet long, 30 broad, and 27 high; the floor of marble, and the ceiling richly ornamented in stucco. It was finished in 1677. In 1668, Wren built the old Custom House, (No. 47,) which was burned down in 1718, being the only one of his buildings, as Elmes remarks, of which, in the course of a long life, he witnessed the destruction, a fortune not always attendant upon architects. In the same year, he was called upon to report upon the state of the spire of Salisbury Cathedral, which he did in an interesting document. In 1670, he began Temple Bar, (No. 35,) finished in 1672. In 1671, he began the Monument, (No. 39,) which was completed in 1677. Its height from the pavement, is 202 feet, (30 feet higher than the column of Antoninus,) and stands on a palladian Pedestal, of 2 1 feet square, the plinth being 27 feet. The lower diameter of the 2 Z 2 32S THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [October, shaft is 15 feet, and it coutaius a staircase of black marble of 315 steps. In 1(570, St. Sepulchre's, opposite Newgate, was rebuilt by Wren, jiuished IG74 ; but in 1700, it was again repaired, and much of Wren's work effaced. The celebrated spire of St. Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside, (No. 38,) was begun in 1671, and completed in 1077-8. tt is founded on a Roman pavement, commences from the ground, and rises nearly plain to a height above the bouses. The Palladian doric doorways on the north and west sides, are considered good examples of that kind of doorway. The tower has a second story, containing on each side a window between four Corinthian pilasters, and is then surmounted by a block cornice and balustrade, and each angle relieved by a pyramidal group of bold scrolls, supporting a vase. Among these rises a circular stylobate, supporting a temple of the same figure, and of the Corinthian order, the cell of which serves to sup- port the lower part of the spire. From the balustrade of the circular temple proceed a series of carved flying buttresses supporting another Corinthian temple, with four porticos of two columns each. On the summit is an obelisk, supporting a large gilt dragon.* The interior of the church is divided by arcades into a nave and side ailes. Lengtii 65 feet, breadth 62, height 3S. October 16, 1072, the first stone was laid of St. Stephen's, Wal- brook, completed in 1679. (No. 23 and 24.) The body of the church is nearly a parallelogram, divided into ailes. Four rows of Corinthian columns form five unequal ailes, the centre being the largest, and those next the walls on either side the smallest. Within one intercolum- niation from the east end, two columns from each of the two centre rows are omitted, and the area thus formed, is covered by an enriched cupola, supported on eight arches, which rise from the entablature of the columns. The columns are raised on plinths the same height as the pews. Inner dimensions — length 82 feet 6 inches, width 59 feet 6 inches, height to the flat ceiling of the side ailes 30 feet, and to the top of the dome 03 feet ; internal di.imeter of the dome 45 feet. The dome is formed of timber and lead. Ralph observes that this church is famous all over Europe. Perhaps Italy itself can produce no modern building that can vie with this in taste and proportion. St. Michael's, Cornhill, (No. 44,) was begun to be rebuilt in 1072, and its tower in 1722. The body of the church is in the Italian style, and is divided into a nave and ailes by Doric columns and arches supporting a plain groined ceiling. The walls of the church do not form right angles with one another, whence Mr. Godwin infers that Wren availed himself of the old foundations. The length of the church is 87 feet, breadth 60, and height 30. The tower is in the perpendicular style, in imitation of that of Magdalen College, Oxford, and rises to the height of 130 feet. St. Mary-at-Hill, near the Custom House, was rebuilt in 1072. It is 9G feet long, 60 feet broad, and to the centre of the cupola, within the church 38 feet high. At the west end is an ambulatory. Four Italian doric columns placed within the area support an entablature proceeding from pilasters against the side walls so as to produce a cruciform arrangement of the ceiling. The centre space is covered with a cupola. In 1673, St. Benedict Fink, Threadneedle Street, (No. 54,) was built. The external walls of this church form a decagon, within which six composite columns form a parallel aile in the centre, and support a small elliptical cupola. The spaces between the columns are arched so as to form a series of recesses round the building, having a singular effect. It is much admired by some of Wren's disciples, but its merits are contested by others. Greater inner di- ameter 63 feet, lesser 48, height 48. The tower and cupola are now pulled down, and the church is to be refronted as part of the Royal Exchange improvements. St. Olave, Jewry, begun in 1673, completed in 1676; the length is 78 feet, width 34, height 30. Height of tower to the top of the pinnacles 88 feet. The interior has no architectural claims. It eon* tains the tomb of Alderman Boydell. .I:.'^j_. J. * See an engraving in the 3rd vol. of this Journal, p. 32J. St. George, Botolph Lane, (No. 45,) was finished in 1674, and cost £4509 4s. \Qd. It is plain and unpretending. The interior is divided by Corinthian columns four on each side, far apart, into a nave and ailes. St. Dionis Back Church, Lime Street, built 1674, consists of a nave and two ailes, formed by Ionic columns, supporting what Mr. Godwin calls an ugly entablature and arched ceiling. On the 21st of June, 1075, the first stone of the cathedral of St. Paul (No. 1) was laid, on December 2nd, 1097, the choir was opened for divine service, and in 35 years the whole edifice was completed, under the direction of one architect and during the rule of one bishop of London. Its cost was £747,954 2s. ')d. The ground plan of the church is a Latin cross,* having lateral projections at the west end of the nave, in order to give width and importance to the west front elevation. The exterior is of two orders, the lower Corinthian, and the upper composite, between which are generally semicircular-headed windows in the lower story and decorated niches above, the whole, except at the east and west ends, crowned with a balustrade, which was forced upon Wren, by his brother commissioners, in opposition to his own opinion. The two orders he was compelled to use, contrary to his first design, being unable to procure Portland stone of more than four feet diameter. At the west end, above a lofty flight of steps, is a double portico of coupled Corinthian columns, twelve in number in the lower, and eight in the upper, terminated by a pediment, in the tympanum of which is sculptured the conversion of St. Paul. At the extremities of the front rise two campanile towers, each adorned with a range of Corinthian columns, and covered with a bell-shaped dome, crowned with a pine-apple. On the pediment are colossal statues of the apostles. The projection of the portico is about ]| diameter, but to ensure depth of shadow, the central portion of the front wall of the cathedral is set back 25 feet from the inner face of the columns. The east end of the cathedral is terminated by an apsis, or semi-cir- cular projection. At the junction formed by the nave and choir with the transepts, rises a cylindrical wall slightly inclining inwards towards the top, and from wliich springs the magnificent dome with the lantern on the summit, surmounted with a gilded ball and cross. The drum of this dome is surrounded with a peristyle of 32 Corinthian columns, rising from a plain basement. The entablature of the columns sup- ports a gallery round the basement of the dome, adorned with a balus- trade. The basement presents a series of 32 pilasters, each over the corresponding columns of the peristyle, with windows between them, and over their entablature ; from a plinth of two steps, begins the ex- ternal sweep of the dome. At its summit is a second balcony or gallery, where the lantern commences. The interior contains a nave and two side aisles, formed throughout by massive piers, dividing them from the nave and choir, and adorned with composite pilasters, from the entablature of which spring semicircular pilasters connecting the piers with each other. On the face of each pier towards the nave and choir is a single Corinthian pilaster, nearly equal in height to the under side of the crown of the arches, supporting an entablature which extends throughout the church. Above the latter is an attic story, from which, at certain intervals, springs a semicircular arch, spanning the body of the church, and over each of the spaces which occur between these, the angles being filled with pendentives, rises a small flat cupola from an enriched cornice. In the central portion of the building, over which rises the cupola, are eight solid piers orna- mented with pilasters similar to the others ; but the openings of the arches are nearly equa lin height to the ceiling of the nave and choir. Above the openings and around the dome extends a bold cornice, forming the floor of the whispering gallery, and bearing an iron railing. The drum of the cupola is adorned with a range of composite pilasters, rising from a plain basement above the gallery, and between which are windows. From the entablature of these pilasters springs the inner dome, and having an opening in the crown in order that it may * History and Description of St. Paul's Cathedral, by George Godwin, Jun., Esq., M.K. S., M.K.I.B.A. London, 1837. (Note). See engravings in the Journal, Vol. III. pp. 329 and 330, and Vol. IV. p. 375. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 329 receive lights from the lantern above. The inner part of the dome is decorated with paintings by Sir James Thornhill, although Wren ■wished mosaic to have been employed. The dome of the Pantheon it is observed,* is no higher within than its diameter ; the dome of St. Peter's is two diameters, the one appears too high and the other too low, Wren has taken the mean, showing a concave every way, and lighted by the windows of the upper order. Above the inner dome again, in order to carry the lantern with which the cathedral is adorned, (said to weigh 700 tons,) Wren has introduced a brick cone, two bricks thick, and having every five feet high a course of bricks eighteen inches long, bonding it throughout the entire thickness ; and on which is constructed the exterior of the dome, which is chiefly of wood. A want of ornament is observable in the interior, and those introduced are not in good taste, favouring too much of Sir Chris- topher's studies at Paris. Beneath the whole cathedral is a crypt. We may observe here, that some doubt may be expressed as to James IT. having interfered to alter the original plan, for in that plan the circular walk round the centre provided amplv for processions and the pomp of worship. The following are the comparative dimensions of St. Peter's and St. Paul's. St. Peter's. St. Paul's, feet. feet. Length of church and porch . 729i' 500 Length within . . . 6G9 500 Breadth within the doors of the porlicos . . . 510 240 Breadth at the entrance . . 226 100 Breadth of the front without . 395 180 Breadth at the cross . . 442 223 External diameter of the cupola . 1S9 145 Inner ditto ... 139 108 Height from the ground without to / 437 ) f 340 to the top of the cross . \ 432 / \ 330 Height of tlie church . . 14G 110 Height of columns in front . 91 40 In 1G75 the Royal Observatory at Greenwich (No. 40) was begun on the site of an ancient tower, and in 1676 it was finished. In 1G75, St. Michael's, Wood Street, (No. 14,) was rebuilt. Its interior forms a large and well lighted parallelogram, with an orna- mented coved ceiling. The exterior of the east end presents four Ionic pilasters on a stylobate, supporting an entablature or basement, and having three circular-headed windows in the intercolumniations. Length within 63 feet, breadth 42, height 31. Height of tower, 90 feet. In 1676, Wren built St. Stephen's, Coleman Street, the interior of which presents nothing remarkable. The length of the church is 75 feet, breadth 35 feet, height 24 feet. Height of tower, 65 feet. St. Magnus the Martyr, London Bridge, (No. 12,) was built in 1G7G, and the steeple in 1705. On the top of the square tower, is intro- duced an octagon lantern, crowned with a cupola and short spire. The interior is divided into a nave and ailes by Ionic columns. The ceiling is camerated. The interior is 90 feet long, 59 broad, and 41 high. St. Michael's, Bassishaw, was begun in 1676, and finished in 1679, and is a plain, substantial building. The inner dimensions are 70 feet long, 50 feet broad, and 42 feet high. The interior is divided by Corinthian columns into two ailes. St. Mildred's, Poultry, vras built 167G, and presents nothing remark- able in its interior. It cost .£1564 9s. 7ld. Its length is 56 feet, •width 42 feet, and height 36 feet. The height of the tower is 75 feet. St. James's, Garlickhithe, (No. 57), was begun in 1G76 and finished in 1G83. The interior consists of a nave and side ailes, formed by Ionic columns on high plinths. The length of the church is 75 feet, breadth '' Library of Useful Knowledge, Life of Wren. t See Mr. Godwin's note on this, p. 47. 45, and height 40. The height of the tower, 93 feet. The cost of the church was £5357 12s. lOi. St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, (No. 31,) Fish Street Hill, was built in 1677. The interior is well proportioned, with Corinthian pilasters against the walls, and the ceiling divided into panels. The interior length is 63 feet, width 43 feet, and height 36 feet. The height of the steeple is 135 feet. St. Mildred's, Bread Street, was rebuilt between 1677 and 1683. The interior is remarkable as being entirely covered with a large and highly enriched cupola or dome, formed within the external roof by means of slight deal ribs attached to the principal timbers, and lathed and plastered. The length is 62 feet, breadth 36 feet, and height 40 feet. In 1677, was built St. Mary, Aldermanbury. It is 72 feet long 45 feet broad, and 38 feet high; divided into a nave and ailes, by composite columns, presenting six intercolumniations, and bearing an entablature. The ceiling of the nave is wagon-headed. St. Michael's, Queenhithe, (Nos. 16 and 25.) was built in 1C77, and is 71 feet long, 40 feet broad, 39 feet high, and the tower and spire 135 feet high. St. Bride's, Fleet Street, (No. 3,) was built in 1680, and cost £11,430. The steeple was completed in 1703, (the first stone having been laid in 1701.) It is 226 feet high. The two lower stories of the spire, which rises from a grand tower, are Tuscan, the third Ionic, and the fourth composite. From this latter springs the tower. The exterior of the east end of the church is neat, and the dressings of the great window in a bold style. The interior of the church is ap- proached by a porch within the tower, and a vestibule beneath the. organ gallery. An arcade of coupled Tuscan columns on either side divides the area into nave and ailes. The ceiling is arched. The recess at the east end forming the chance!, is richly decorated. The inner length of the church is 99 feet, breadth 58 feet, and height to the crown of the arch 48 feet 6 inches.* St. Swithin's, London Stone, was built in IGSO. The ceiling of the church is formed into an octagon cupola, springing from half columns against the walls, and one whole column before the organ gallery. The church is 61 feet long, 42 wide, and 40 high. Tower and spire 150 feet high. In IGSO, Wren began, and in 1682 finished, the church of St. Cle- ment Danes in the Strand. He contributed his exertions to this building gratuitously. The interior, richly decorated, has a camerated roof, supported with Corinthian columns. The south front of the building has a circular portico of six Ionic columns. The dimensions are, length 9G feet, breadth 63 feet, height 48 feet. The height of the tower is about 116 feet. St. Anne and St. Agnes, Aldersgate Street, was also built in 1680. The interior, 53 feet by 53 feet, and 35 feet high, is divided into a large square in the centre by four Corinthian columns. St. Mary Aldennary, Bow Lane, (No. 37,) is in the florid style, and is supposed to be a copy of the old building. It cost £5000, contri- buted by Henry Rogers, Esq. The interior consists of a nave, two ailes, and a chancel. The bell tower is divided by string courses into four stories, and terminates with an open parapet; the octagon turrets at the four angles are panelled to the whole height, and surmounted with carved finials. "The length of the church is 100 feet, breadth 63 feet, height 43 feet. The tower is 27 feet square, and 135 feet high. It was built in 1681. St. Antholine, Watling Street, (No. 41,) was built in 1632, at an expense of £5700. The interior is covered with an oval shaped dome, worthy of observation. The length of the church is 66 feet, breadth 54 feet, and height 44 feet. The steeple is 154 feet high. St. Augustine's, Watling Street, (No. 5,) was built in 1682, and finished the 23id Sept., 1GS3; the steeple in 1695. The interior is small, divided into a nave and ailes by Ionic columns, bearing a wagon-headed ceiling. The dimensions of the church are 51 feet long, 45 broad, and 30 high. Chelsea Hospital (No. 48) was begun in 1682, and finished in 1690. * See an Engraving in the Journal, vol. 3, p. 329. 330 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [October, Tt cost ;£r.0,000. The principal buiUling consists of a large quad- rangle of brick, open on the south side. The east and west wings are each 3G5 feet in length, measured from the north front. In the centre of the front and each of the wings are pediments of free stone, supported hv doric columns. The internal centre is occupied by a yestibule, terminating in a dome, and the whole length of the prmapal building, from east to west, is 790 feet. In 1683, Wren was employed to build a palace at Winchester, for the bishop! but a great part of it has since been pulled down. He was also employed to build a palace in the same city for Charles H., (So. 20,) the foundation stone of which was laid on the "Srd March, 1'383, by that monarch. This building was never com- pleted and the remains are now converted into a barrack. The design' for the original palace, is to be found in Milner's Winchester, vol. 1, p. 433. In 16S3, the Ashmolean Museum, at Oxford, was built, i^t Clement's, Eastcheap, was begun in 16S3, and finished in 16S6, Its'interior is a parallelogram, with an aile on the south side, sepa- rated from the body of the church, by two columns, of the composite order, rising from" very high plinths. The length is 64 feet, breadth 40 height 34. The height of the tower is 88 feet. in 1683, Wren built the Chapel of Queen's College, Oxford, which is 100 feet long, and 30 broad. The design of the quadrangle, built bv Hawksmoor, is also attributed to Wren. Hawksmoor was the pupil of Wren, and his successor as Surveyor for building the fifty uew churches 'under Queen Anne's act. Wren also jbuilt at Oxford, the towers and other buildings at All Souls' College, in the pointed style, (Xos. 7 and 8,) and the octagonal bell-tower of Christ Church College, (Xo.oO,) which is also in the later pointed style, with a lantern and dome, li'ghted by eight windows. . ., u • , , St. Bennet's Paul's Wharf, (So. 28,) said to be the burial place of Ii'iigo Jones, was rebuilt in 1683. The interior, which is unim- po'tant, is S7 ft. long, 60 feet broad, and 30 feet high. All-Hallows the Great, Thames Street, was built in 1683. It is remarkable for a carved oak screen. The length of the church is Sr feet, breadth 60 feet, and height 33 feet. The height of the tower is 86 feet. , ,„ „, St. James's, Westminster, (N'o. 27,) was built in lbS3. The exterior, of brick, is plain. In the interior Wren made some exertion ; the roof is arche'd, supported by twelve Corinthian columns, and the ceiling panelled and decorated. The length of the building is S4 feet, breadth 63 feet, height 42 feet. The height of the steeple 149 feet. The 'gate of the Temple in Fleet Street was built by Wren in 1684. St, Martin's, Ludgate, was built in 1684. The tower rises from the ground in the centre of the front, and is surmounted with a spire. The length of the church is 57 feet, breadth 66 feet, height 59 feet. The height of the steeple is 168 feet. The cost of the church, £5378 ISs. 8d.; the interior is formed into a Greek cross by four composite columns, standing on high plinths. All Hallows', Bread-street (So. 15) is called of the Tuscan order. It is of stone, and was built in 16S4, and the steeple in 1697. The length of the church is 72 feet, breadth 35 feet, and height 30 feet. The tower, 86 feet high, is of stone, built square, and decorated ; the keystones over the windows being carved heads, and between each a large festoon. St. Marv Magdalen's, Old Fish Street, was built in 1685. It is a substantial fabric, with a bell-tower at the north-west corner. The south-east and east ends display a series of circular-headed windows, with trusses supporting a continued cornice above. The length of the church is 60 feet, width 48 feet, height 30 feet. The cost was £4291. 128. M. St. Benet's, Gracechurch Street, (So. 9,) was built in 1685. It is 60 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 32 feet high. The height of the tower and spire is 149 feet. The cost of the building was £3583 9s. 5d. St. Matthew's, Friday Street, (No. 56,) was built in 1685. The east end presents a series of six circular-headed windows on a lofty stylo- bate, surmounted with a cornice and balustrade. The interior, 60 feet long, 33 feet broad, and 33 ft. high, is plaui with a flat ceiling. The height of the tower is 74 feet. The cost of the building was £K8l8s;2(f. St. Alban's, Wood Street, (Xo. 42,) in the bter pointed style, was built in 1685, and is a bad restoration of the old building. The length of the church is 56 feet, breadth 59 feet, height 33 feet, and height of the tower 92 feet. St. Marv's, Abchurch Lane, was rebuilt in 168S. Tlie interior is 65 feet long, 60 feet wide, and 51 feet hrgli, covered with a large and handsome cupcla, supported on a modillion cornice, and decorated with paintings by Sir James ThomhiU. The height of the tower and spire is 140 fl. St. Andrews', Holborn (Xo. 43) was built in 1686. The interior is large. It is divided into a nave and side ailes by pillars carrying a wagon-headed ceiling. The length is 105 feet, breadth 63 feet, and height 43 feet. The height of the tower is 110 feet. In 1687, Christ Church, Newgate Street, (No. 6,) was begun, and finished in 1704. The interior is divided into a nave and side ailes by small Corinthian columns, supporting a wagon-headed ceiling. The length is 114 feet, breadth 61 feet, and height 38 feet. The height of the steeple is 153 feet. It is a pleasing object at a distance, but is a confused composition, although its parts are well propor- tioned. St. Lawrence, Jewry (No. 22), the corner of Cateaton-street, was began 12th April, L67I, and finished 1686. The interior consists of oue large area, with an aisle on tlie north side, formed by Corinthian columns carrying an enriched entablature, standing on a plinth, and supportintr a pediment, the inter-columniation being occupied by two windows and a niche. The extreme angles of the front are terminated by pilasters, between which and the columns are other niches. The steeple is 130 feet high. St. Margaret Pattens, Fenchurch-street (No. 36), built in 16S7, con- sists of a nave and aile, and chancel. The walls are decorated with Corinthian pilasters. The ceiling is flat, having a square of fretwork, and the arches similarly adorned. The length of the church is 66 feet, breadth 53 feet, height 32, and of the tower and spire 198 feet 2 inches. St. Margaret's, Lothbury (No. 49), was erected in 1690. Consists of a nave, an°d decorated with Corinthian pilasters, and an aile formed by two columns of the same order. The ceiling is coved. The length is 66 feet, breadth 54 feet, and height 36 feet. The tower and spire 140 feet high. The church of St. Edmund the King, Lombard-street (No. 51), was also built in 1690. In it was buried, in 1563, Edward Shute, author of a folio called " The First and Chiefe Grounds of Architecture," being one of the first English works on practical architecture. The interior of the church is plain, surmounted with a dome or skylight, but it is well fitted up. The length is 60 feet, width 39 feet, height 33 feet. The height of the tower and spire, which are much ornamented in an incongruous manner, is 90 feet. St. Andrews of the Wardrobe was built in 1672. The interior is divided by 12 square Tuscan pillars, in two stories, into a nave and ailes, surmounted with a camerated celling, formed into panels. The length is 79 feet, breadth 59 feet, and the height 38 feet. The interior is plain. The height of the tower is 66 feet. The cost of the building was £7060 168. Ud. In 1690, the College of Physicians, Newgate-street (No. 52), was finished. It is now converted into a meat market, and the upper part of the theatre into a brass foundry. The anatomical theatre, lighted by a lantern, was well designed for both seeing and hearing. In 1692 Wren built Morden College at Blackheath (No. 46). It is ofbrick, with stone quoins and cornices, forming a quadrangle, sur- rounded with a colonnade. In the interior is a chapel. In 1694, All Hallows', Lombard-street, was built. The interior is fine, being subdivided, and is 64 feet long, 52 feet broad, and 30 feet high. The tower is 85 feet high, and with the rest of the exterior is quite plain. St. Mary, Somerset, Thames-street (No. bO), was erected m 1695. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 33! The interior has a flat ceiling, and is divided into a nave and two side aile?, is quite plain. It is S3 feet long, 36 feet broad, and 30 feet high. The tower is square, with barbarous pinnacles, the height to the top of them being 120 feet. St. Michael's Paternoster Royal, Thames street (Xo. 33), was built in 1694, and the spire in 1713. The interior is plain, with a flat ceil- ing coved at the walls. The length is 86 feet, breadth 43 feet, and height 40 feet. From the tower rises a pleasing tower of two orders, the lower story, Ionic, bearing an entablature and vases. The whole height is OO feet. His patroness. Queen Mary IT., having died, Wren was employed by William in 1695, to design the mausoleum in Westminster Abbey. Wren was employed by Queen Mary II. to enlarge the Royal Palace at Greenwich (No. 19), which was subsequently converted into the Marine Hospital. The principal front to the Thames contains the Royal Court, 300 feet square, having on the west the courts of King Charles 11. and King William, and on the east that of Queen Anne and Queen Mary, and on the south the great hall and ctapel. The court of King Charles II., containing the great end wing, is of Portland stone, and of the Corinthian order. In the middle is a tetrastyle portico, with arcades. At each end is a great pavilion, rising into an attic order, and forming a high tower. The other wing corresponds. The Royal Court contains two colonnaaes being each 30 feet long, and consisting of 150 columns and pilasters 20 feet high. The great hall in King N^'illiam's building is 105 feet long, 56 feet wide, and 50 feet high. The painting of it cost £6,685. St. Vedast, Foster-lane (No. 5), was begun in 1694, and finished in 1698. The interior is divided into a nave and aile by a range of Tuscan columns. The ceiling is flat, and formed into one large panel, enclosing others smaller, and decorated with wreaths of fruit and flowers. The length is 69 feet, breadth 51 feet, height 36 feet. The spire and the top of the square tower are by some admired. It consists of three stories, the lowest presenting four concave faces, with clustered pilasters and piers at the angles. The centre story has four convex stories, with plainer piers ; and the third story consists of an obelisk, with scrolls at the corners of the base. St. Dunstan's in the East (No. 12), was restored by Wren in the pointed style ; and in 1698 he built the tower and spire, which are on the plan of the spire of St. Nicholas at Newcastle. The spire is sup- ported on a tower 20 feet wide, by four flying arches. Wren's nave has since been pulled down and rebuilt. He also repaired the interior of Guildhall. A theatre built by Wren near Fleet-street, shortly after the restora- tion, stood upon the site formerly occupied by the New River Com- pany's offices. At St. James's Palace Wren was also employed. He designed the Doric court, the council chamber, the audience-room, and the dining- room. Buckingham House, now pulled down was built in 1703 (No. 29). Marlborough House (No. 17) was begun in 1709. In 1713, Sir Christopher was employed to repair Westminster Abbey, when among other works he extended the west front (No. 4), and carried the towers up to the height of 225 feet. The design is Incongruous, and is far from a happy specimen of his skill in the pointed style. Mercer's Hall, Cheapside, contains a fine set of rooms and a chapel. Isleworth church is partly built on a plan designed by Wren. The new buildings at Hampton Court Palace (No. 30 and 32) were built by Wren in 1690. What are called the king's apartments are 328 feet long, and the queen's apartments, 330. The house in Cheapside occupied by Mr. Tegg was the Old Man- sion House, built by Wren (No 55.) On the south side of Queen-square, Bloomsbury, was a house built for the Earl of Newcastle. Near the south-west angle of St. Paul's church-yard is another of his mansions. Another was in Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, and also some buildings in Lawrence Pountney Hill (No. 26). At Chichester, where he very ingeniously repaired the spire of the cathedral (No. 2), are two houses of red brick, with stone architraves, and a Corinthian modillion cornice. A hunting- palace at Newmarket built for Charles II., was also among his designs. The entrance and other buildings in Doctors' Commons (No. 34 and 62) is anothtr work. The counting-house and court-room in Christ's Hospital (No. 10), were built by Command of Charles II. At Windsor Castle Sir Christopher built the Star Building about 120 feet long, now the Stuart Building. In 1676 he enlarged the North Terrace, and executed other works. A design for an Italian palace is inserted in Wyatville's Illustrations of Windsor Castle. He was also employed on the repairs of the Tower and other public buildings, and in erecting a number of buildings iu the city. It may be further observed that most of his churches are enriched with altar pieces, and carved pulpits and fonts executed under his direction. DR. PAYERNE AND HIS DIVING-BELL EXPERIMENTS. Am announcement was lately sent forth, with a loud flourish of trumpets, that a discovery had been made of vast importance in all sub-aqueous works, by which man would be enabled to surpass the fishes in their natural element, and to live for an indefinite time with- out communication with the atmosphere. Dr. Payerne, the alleged discoverer of the new process for decomposing water in quantities sufficient to support animal life by the resulting oxygen, exhibited his prowess in the diving bell at the Polytechnic Institution to the won- dering company ; and in the presence of several scientific men, re- mained under water, without any supply of air beyond the contents of the bell, upwards of three hours. The Doctor took down with him a bag, supposed to contain the mysterious apparatus by which he was enabled to generate air for the support of life so long under water, and having accomplished this feat, he was looked upon by the ad- miring crowd as a water deity, and the newspapers failed not to pre- dict the most important consequences from the discoveries of this modern Neptune. The experiment having been several times repeated in the diving bell of the Polytechnic Institution, it was determined to bring Dr. Payerne's discovery to the test of practical utility in the operations on the wreck of the Royal George at Spithead. Major General Pasley had promised to afford the opportunity ; accordingly, on the 2nd ult. the experiment was made, and was subsequently re- peated, during which six descents were attempted with various results. A very ample report of the experiments was given in the Times, and in a manner which led to the belief that the account was from autho- rity, and had been furnished by some person who took part in the proceedings. The report is too long to copy entire ; we must, there- fore, be satisfied with a summary of the two days' adventures at Spit- head, culling here and there, from the original, passages which evi- dently show, notwithstanding the care taken to produce an opposite impression, the failure of Dr. Payerne's mysterious apparatus to afford facilities in submarine undertakings, so far at least as these experi- ments may be considered the test of its value. In the introductory allusion to Dr. Payerne's previous experiments, it is stated that Major General Pasley, after having witnessed the Doctor's " performances " at the Polytechnic Institution, still enter- tained great doubts whether the apparatus would be equally efficient at Spithead ; " for, " as he told the Doctor," though he was satisfied that he could produce good air at any depth, the pressure of from 12 to 15 fathoms of water at the bottom of the anchorage at Spithead would compress the air in a diving bell so much, that though men might exi t in it, they would not be able to work to advantage, being nearly up to their necks in water." We must suppose that the reporter is here in error, for he repre- sents General Pasley to be egregiously ignorant of the commonest law of pneumatics, and of notorious facts connected with the use of the 332 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [October, diving bell. The General must surely have known that if Dr. Payerne could generate any gas with his apparatus, it must become, at the instant of its generation, of the same pressure as the air in the bell, anil, to the extent of its volume, expel the water as effectually as air pumped in, or otherwise introduced, under any state of compression. The difficulty which is represented to have been raised by General Pasley was, however, a lucky means of relieving the Doctor from an awkward predicament into which he would otherwise have been placed as soon as the bell was lowered into deep water. The thought sug- gested itself, that General Pasley's objection might be removed by attaching to the bells cylinders of highly compressed air. These cylin- ders were four in number. Each one was of the capacity of four cubic feet, and the air was compressed to ten atmospheres. The Doctor consequentiv was provided with an available supply of air, indepen- dently of the contents of the bell — and also independently of the "good air" generated in the mysterious box — equal to lOO cubic feet at the pressure of the atmosphere. Notwithstanding this ample pro- vision. General Pasley still had misgivings of the result, the reporter informs us : " When the preparations were completed, Dr. Payerne took his seat in the diving bell accompanied by Major-General Pasley, who, hating full conjdence in the goodness of the Doctor's air, but less in his expedient for keeping oat the water from the bottom of the bell, took the precaution of putting on a water-tight diving dress, offering another to the Doctor, who rejected it, in the belief that he would be able to keep the bell completely dry. They had, hoiuever, scarcely descended more than 10 or 12 ftet below the surface, when the water came in upon theyn so fast that the Doctor requested that the bell should be hauled up out of the water, as he said he was sure that it must be leaky." The fact was as Dr. Payerne suspected. The air escaped from the top of the bell, in consequence of the cap over the air hole not having been screwed down tight. During this first attempt to descend, one of the cylinders of compressed air was exhausted, though the bell had been lowered only twelve feet. It does not appear whether or not Dr. Payerne attempted to use his air-generating apparatus in this experiment. His confidence in his resources was, however, so much shaken by this first adventure, that, before going dow'n a second time, he followed General Pasley's prudent example, and put on a diving dress. In the second descent they were lowered lOi fathoms, " -when they were hauled up by mistake of a signal before they had quite reached the bottom.'" The three remaining cylinders of compressed air were ex- hausted in this descent ; the effect of it was so far successful that it kept the water within six inches of the bottom of the bell. Dr. Pay- erne's assistant and Lieut. Hutchinson next descended, but as they would not wait to have tlie cylinders refilled, "they were obliged to make the sij;nal to stop lowering after they had only descended 23 ft. the bell being at that time nearly half full of water." Thus the ex- periments of the first day ended without any result. It does not appear, indeed, (hat Dr. Payerne or his assistant on these occasions once employed the air-generating apparatus; or if they did, it was certainly of little use. On the second day, as on the first, there were three descents ; two by General Pasley and Doctor Payerne, and one by the Doctor's assis- tant and Lieutenant Hutchinson. As those were the most important trials, we will give the account of them in the reporters' words : — "Dr. Payerne and Major-General Pasley went down twice — first to the depth of 12* fathoms, when they were pulled up by mistake of a signal be/ore they reached the bottom, to their great disappointment. After the four cylinders were filled again with compressed air, which was done in about an hour, they descended a seconil time, and as the men above had strict orders not to stop lowering until the diving bell reached the bottom, and not to haul it up again, unless they pulled the signal line three or four times, Dr. Payerne had the satisfaction of getting a small piece of wood from the wreck of the Royal George, after which they made the signal to ascend. Another experiment, of still greater interest, was tried at the suggestion of Lieutenant Hutch- inson, who went down without any air cylinders, accompanied by Mr. Hardiman, having the end of one of the diver's air-pipes with them, through which air was forced into the bottom of the diving-bell by one of the small pumps which usually supplies air for a helmet-diver. By means of this pump the water was expelled from the lower part of the diving-bell, and replaced by condensed air, which enabled them to descend to the very bottom, there being no cylinders to prevent the bell from taking the ground, as in the former experiment; and Mr. Hardiman also brought up some small relics from the wreck. "The result of these experiments is, that both Major-General Pasley and Lieutenant Hutchinson expressed their high opinion of the merit of Dr. Payerne's invention, as applied to the diving-bell; for they considered that the air they breathed in the bell was perfectly good; and the whole apparatus for purifying it was contained in a case not larger than a common portable writing-desk, which gives no trouble but that of turning a small winch or handle occasionally, and. as, besides water, two very cheap and simple ingredients only are used, the manipulation requires no science on the part of the person in charge ; and, when the diving-bell is once filled with compressed air, either by letting it escape from vessels previously filled with it, as in the first experiment, or by four men pumping for less than half hour, as in the second experiment, no more pumping is necessary, as the air in the bell never requires to be changed." After carefully perusing the detailed accounts of Dr. Payerne's operations under water, we entertain a very different opinion of the merit of his invention from that which is stated to have been ex- pressed by General Pasley and Lieutenant Hutchinson. We shall now proceed to state the reasons which induce us to look sceptically on the Doctor's apparatus, and to show, from well known facts, that ttdiatever may be its capabilities for generating vital air, he has hitherto elFected nothing with it which might not have been accom- plished without any apparatus whatever, or by means that have been long known. It has been ascertained that one gallon of air will support the life of man, when the same air is inspired and expired, about one minute. In a diving-bell wdiich contained 60 gallons of air, a man should therefore be able to support life under water, without any ad- ditional supply of air for one hour. The capacity of the diving-bell at the Polytechnic Institution, which will hold six persons, is about 110 cubic feet ; which is equal to 870 gallons. This quantity of air ought therefore to sustain the life of one man for fourteen hours. The effect of breathing vitiated air for so long a time would, how- ever, be most probably very injurious, consequently though a person introduced in such air might continue to live for some time, it might not be capable of continuing to sustain the life of one who had been fur hours enduring a gradually vitiating air. But we may safely assume that a man with a supply of 140 cubic feet of air might con- tinue under water without much inconvenience for at least four hours. Here then we have a suflScient solution of Dr. Payerne's mystery, without seeking to extract the secrets of the " box." Whatever latent virtue it may contain, it is clear that the Doctor might have managed well enough without its development in the diving-bell of the Polytechnic Institution, where he remained under wa:er in his most successful experiments, three hours and a half. That he did not accomplish more than could be effected by others was afterwards proved most conclusively. Two persons, subsequently to the Doctor's experiments, determined to try how long they could remain in the bell without additional supply of air ; and without the aid of any box or any apparatus whatever, they remained under water for an hour and a half, during a great part of which time they burned a light. The consumption of oxygen gas by two persons and a burning candle for one hour and a half, must have been at least equal to Dr. Payerne's single consumption for three hours and a half. It is clear, therefore, that whatever advantage he might have derived from the superior purity of the air (if any) manufactured by his apparatus, he did not with its aid, and though he had greater inducement to suffer inconvenience, remain longer under Vfater than any other person might have done. Of the experiments at Spithead, viewed as u test of Dr. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 333 Payerne's invention, little need be said. Tliey were, with one ex- ception, decided failures; and even in tlie experiment which was most successful, the whole achievement consisted in bringing up a small piece of the wreck of the Royal George, to prove the divers had actually reached the bottom. This was the mighty result of the new discovery which, as announced, was to enable man to dwell with ease at the bottom of the ocean, and to inhale water for air! Let us examine the means by which this feat was accomplished, to gee whether, trifling as it was, any part of it can be reasonably as- signed to the operations of Dr. Payerne's box and materials. We are not informed of the size of the bell employed by General Pasley, but from the circumstance of its being constructed of wrought iron, and made expressly to carry on the operations against the wreck of the Royal George, we must conclude that it was at least of the size of those formerly employed by Dr. Halley and Mr. Smeaton, which con- tained GO cubic feet of air. The cylinders of compressed air, we have already stated, would furnish a further supply of 160 cubic feet of the pressure of the atmosphere. The two divers would, therefore, have a supply of air equal to 220 cubic feet. With this supply they might have remained under water, if consuming but one gallon per minute, for ten hours; but estimating the quantity of air requisite to sustain life without much inconvenience, from actual experiment at the Polytechnic Institution, we will take it at two hours and a half. How long they did remain below each time, the reporter fails to state, but it would appear that the bell was drawn up nearly as soon as it reached the bottom ; therefore, we may presume the longest experiment did not last more than half an hour. Conse- quently there could not have been occasion for the Doctor to have generated more air than the supply he took down ; and however simple and easy the manipulation of the apparatus may be, he might have saved himself the trouble of turning the handle of the box. Another question arises, if the Doctor did generate any gas what became of it ? It is known that the volume of air expired from the lungs is very nearly equal to the quantity inspired, and we find that even with the whole supply of air from the cylinders, the water was still six inches within the bell. This could not have been, had any quantity of gas been generated, for it must have expelled all the water and forced itself out of the bell. The naivete uith which the authorised reporter records the suc- cess of the last experiment at Spithead, is extremely amusing. Lieu- tenant Hutchinson and Dr. Payerne's assistant descended with an air- pipe supplied by a small air-pump, and with this they appear to have been more successful than was Dr. Payerne with his cylinders of com- pressed air, and his mysterious box. This mode of descending in the diving hell, which is called in the report "an experiment of still greater interest" than any previously attempted, it will be at once perceived is the plan first adopted by Smeaton, and since generally adopted ; the only variation being that the pipe was smaller, and was taken down in the bell instead of being inserted in the top. It thus ap- pears to be admitted, that so far as the experiments extended, the old plan is more advantageous and much less troublesome than the new invention, which was so extravagantly puflTed. As Dr. Payerne does not disclose the process by which he professes to be able to decompose water in sufficient quantities to supply oxygen gas for respiration, it would be useless to speculate on the practicability, if any snch plan were applied to works under water, So far as his experiments have gone, they have, we conceive, proved nothing. The Doctor exhibits u mysterious box ; he professes to have in it two simple and cheap materials, which are sufficient to generate air sufficient to support life for an indefinite time ; he tries its powers, and the effects produced are no greater than if the box and materials had no existence. Were we to speculate respecting the contents of such a box we might imagine it to contain highly compressed oxygen gas. Fifteen cubic feet of gas might be com- pressed into a case the size of a portable writing desk ; and as one cubic foot of oxygen would support life nearly five times as long as atmospheric air, he wou'.d thus carry under his arm a supply equal to 75 cubic feet of common air. This speculation, however, can scarcely be correct, or the Doctor's mysterious box would have been more efficacious than it proved. Though Dr. Payerne's experiments have, we consider, entirely failed to show that he possesses any peculiar art of transmuting water into air, they have been productive of advantages by proving that operations under water may be conducted with a much smaller supply of air than has hitherto been considered necessary. The great publicity which Dr. Payerne has succeeded in giving to his claims to be the discoverer of an important scientific principle, challenges examination, and has induced us to bestow this notice on his experiments. It would be presumptuous to assert that the Doctor has made no such discovery, but if he have, he has been most unfor- tunate in his mode of announcing it to the world ; for whilst claiming to be a philosopher, he assumes the garb of a charlatan. FIRE-PROOF BUILDINGS. Sir — The constant danger and frequent loss to merchants, solicitors, and others, through the destruction by fire of the papers and docu- ments entrusted to their care, has induced my clients to erect an ex- tensive range of " fire-proof" chambers and offices in the Old Jewry, City. At this time some description of the method adopted, viz. of omitting timber, and of using cast iron girders and brick arches to carry the floors, whereby each room becomes in a manner an arched vault, may not be unacceptable to your readers, although the idea is not new, the more especially as many professional men, engaged, as they stated, on somewhat similar works, have inspected the buildings and sketched the details, for the purpose of obtaining information respecting the construction. Fis:. 1. Elevation of iron Girder. Fig. 2 Looking upwards. r>» C5^ Fig 3. Section of Girder and Arches. c I, cenlre line. The walls are built without any bond plates, instead of which, in the height of each story, according to the height of it, 5 or 6 courses of wrought iron hooping liXJ in. is laid in the walls; it must be laid quite flat, and well lapped together or bound round a brick at the joinings and passings. The hooping was tarred and sanded for better adhesion to the mortar, and kept in about an inch from the face of the wall, as the rust would otherwise stain the plastering. The girders were of various lengths, from 11 ft. up to 18 ft. Gin. clear bearing; they rested 9 in. at each end on 4 in. York templates, and were placed 7 ft. apart from centre to centre. The girders ex- 3 A 334 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [October, plained by the di.igram were for 15 feet bearings, 12 in. deep in tlie centre, and 8 in. at tlie ends, and 1 J in. thick in the centre ; the forked or divided parts were each U tl"'^k, and the roll at the top 2i in. diameter. They were proved to 20 tons by 13 tons in the centre, although there is not a probability of their having to carry 9 tons, but the object was to give confidence to the public; the deflexion was an inch. The skew-backs were cast hollow, having stiffening pieces about 3 ft. apart, as shown by the plan and section. Between the girders arches were turned in half a brick in cement, care being taken in setting out the work to bring in the courses with very close joints, and so as for the bricks to touch each other at the lower side ; the 5 or G centre courses were put in without cement, so as to get jammed in tight, after which they were grouted. The rise of the arch was 5 inches, the spandrils were not filled in, and the bricks were well snaked in water. The centreing was in all cases held up or suspended to the girders by iron hangers, whereby the weight was gradually placed upon it; this would not have been the case if the centreing had been put up on props and afterwards struck in the common way. About 22,000 feet of these arches have been turned, and not the slightest appearance of a settlement is to be found in any part of them. The floors over the arches are formed in the usual manner, with joists and sleepers. The iiitrados are plastered, and a soffit with papier mache work is fixed to the underside of the girders to conceal them. The reliance to be placed on this method of building as a security against the extension of fire from room to room, has been fully tested in the following manner ; a large coke fire was made in the centre of each room on the basement floor (which is only 8 feet high) in order to dry the plastering, &c., and although the heat was kept up intensely strong on many successive days, yet it had no worse effect than to make the floor boards, in only two cases out of eighteen, of the rooms over, swell a little so as to be barely perceptible, and that was evi- dently caused by the quantity of steam driven through from the wet plastering of the arches and walls below. I am. Sir, 30, Guildford Street, Your obedient servant, September 2, 1842. Charles Dter. NOTES ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGES. Description of Sunderland Iron Bridge, nilh remarks on its construction, and ishy it has not been more adopted. In the " Notes on the Construction of Iron Bridges" in your July number, among other matters noticed, it is contended that no advan- tage is gained in confining the principal weight of iron in the arch at the bottom, over the equal distribution of the metal in the arch, the spandril filling and roadway bearer, and that the great elasticity of wrought iron renders it inapplicable to the purposes of bridge building. The former remark is fully confirmed, and the latter obvi- ated by a combination of the two materials, as in Sunderland Bridge, a sketch of which accompanies this paper, and which for sake of brevity, and as distinction of its construction, I will name the Vertebrated Bridge, the wrought iron bands being like the spinal chord, and the short portions of the arc of cast iron framework being the bones. When it is considered that in each of these ribs, there is a sectional area of 134 superficial inches of wrought iron employed, whose power of resistance to comjiression is within an eighth of being twice as much as cast iron, the utility of this mode of construction over that wholly of cast iron must be self-evident, and moreover, the time since the erection of the bridge under consider- ation proves its practical durability.* Should the system of a combination of the two materials be fully carried out, by making the bars of wrought iron radiate from the * 'the use of wrought iron in connexion with bridgenork, is shown in Mr. Brunei's arch, described iu Journal, vol. 1, 1838, page 119, which contained no less than 54 pieces of hoop iron, 1 inch broad, by -rj thick, interspersed between the joints. crown of the arch so as to fill up the whole of the spandril, as in the case with the filling in of the spandril of Chepstow Bridge (a plate of which is given in Weale's Bridges), I have no doubt of the feasibility of extending an arch of this description to the extent of 500 feet, an extent proposed by Telford for the bridge over the Menai Straits, or of 000 feet, as proposed over the Thames by the same engineer. Mr. Rennie's experiment on Southwark Bridge (see Journal, vol. 3, 1840, page 133) proves that the dilation and contraction of the metal is no impediment, being in that structure only -^ of an inch for an alteration of temperature of 1° of Fahrenheit, and the whole contraction of iron from a fluid to a solid state being yij as stated by Mr. Edwards, in his account of the Pont du Carrousel in Journal, for last August, page 279. I must now return to the subject at the head of the paper, and commence with its history. So early as 1790, Rowland Burdon Esq.^ conceived the idea of throwing an arch of cast iron over the Wear, at Sunderland, for whicli purpose an Act of Parliament was obtained in 1792. The foundation stone was laid September 24th, 1793, and the bridge opened August, 1796. The quantity of iron in the struc- ture is 260 tons, of which 46 tons are wrought iron. The novelty of the plan adopted on the suggestion of Mr. Burdon, consisted in retaining, with the use of a metallic material, the usual form and principle of the stone arch, by the subdivision of the iron into blocks, answering to the stone of the common arch. These blocks. Figs. 1 and 2^ are of cast iron, 5 feet in depth and 4 inches in thickness ; each block haa IS42.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. .335 Fie. 2. Q i O Fig. 1. m 0 X. o three arms, and forms part of a circle, the middle arm is 2 ft. in length, the other two in proportion; on each side of the arms are flat grooves 4| of an inch deep and 3 in. broad, into which are inserted bars of wrought iron, which connect the blocks with each other ; they are secured thereto with square bolts driven through the shoulders and arms of the blocks and the bar iron, and are fastened by coterels or forelocks. Fig. 3. Section of Roadway and Ribs. Th« blocks are cast in one piece, but their construction is more easily explained by supposing them to be formed of bars, each block will then appear to consist of three horizontal and two vertical bars ; the former cross the latter at the extremities and in the centre; there is a perforation left both above and below the centre crossing, and the vertical pieces cross the horizontal ones at a distance of 5 inches inwards from their extremities; another perforation occurs when two blocks are banded together; these perforations diminish the weight of the fabric very much, when compared with a solid arch. Fig. 4, is a perspective view showing two of these blocks united, and also a portion of two of the ribs bolted together with horizontal bolls which also form stays. FiR. 5. The whole structure consists of 6 ribs placed 6 feet apart, each containing 105 of tliese blocks, built on each other, like the voussoir of a stone arch. The abutments are of stone 24 feet thick, 42 feet in breadth at bottom, and 37 feet at top. The span of the arch is 23G feet, with a versed sine or rise of 34 feet. The height to the soffit from low water mark is 100 feet. The spandrils of the arch are filled in with iron circles, diminishing from the abutment to the centre; the superstructure is of timber, planked over, supporting the carriage road, formed of marl, gravel and limestone. The total breadth is 32 feet, with footpaths of flogs, and enclosed by an iron pallisade. The whole structure was put together and thrown over the river in the short period of 10 days, without interrupting the navigation, the centre being supported in two places by gearing or frames of woodwork resting upon piles driven into the bed of the river. The whole expense was £26,U00, of which £22,000 was sub- scribed by R. Burdon, Esq., and secured at 5 per cent on the tolls. In the centre of the pallisade on each side is a cast iron panel, with the inscription "jV;7 desperandnm, auspice dto." The bridge is free on entering the town, and id. toll is paid in recrossing or leaving the town. Mr. Thomas Wilson, of Bishopwearmouth, was the engineer, who was also engineer for a bridge at Staines, on the Thames. Mr. Wilson, in conjunction with Mr. Burdon and Mr. Scarth, took out a patent for this mode of construction, and erected a bridge at Yarm, with less success, as the following account will show. The foundation stone was laid September 3, 1803. The iron was com- menced to be laid across September 3, 1804, and the arch completed in 8 days. The arch was cast at the foundry of Messrs. Walker of Rotherham. The form was a circular segment, 180 feet span, 27 feet broad between the pallisades, with a 21 feet carriage road ; it was composed of G ribs, each containing 39 perforated blocks of cast iron 4 feet deep and 4 inches thick. The whole weight, including pallisades» was 250 tons. The abutments were of stone 30 feet thick, and the flank walls 50 feet long from back of abutments, 7 feet in thickness at base, and diminishing by G-inch offsets to 4 feet. The height of parapet walls including fascia 4if eet. The contractors were, Mr. Wheldon for the stonework, amount £2440, and Mr. Wilson, the en- gineer, for the ironwork, amount £J60O. The bridge fell at midnight, January 12, 180G. It had been open for foot passengers some time previous to the failing. Architects were called in by the magistrates of Yorkshire and Durham to ascertain the cause of the falling, who reported that the internal masonry of the abutment was insufficient to resist the lateral pressure of the arch ; they were clearly of opinion that this was the occasion of its fall; a complaint was made to the same effect by the surveyor during the progress of the work. The manner of placing the ribs was not generally approved of, as not being calculated to take an equal bearing or pressure. The old bridge, which had not been pulled down, was then repaired, widened, and substituted for the iron one. These particulars of the Yarm bridge are taken from Grave's History of Cleveland, pub. 1808, page 68, appendix No. 1^ and of the Sunderland Bridge, Surtees' History of Durham, vol. 1, page 227, and three plates now very scarce, published at the time of the erection, but I am sorry to say that no letter-press accompa- nied them. They were engraved by R. Clarke, drawn by J. Raffield and designed by G. T. Wilson. The above untoward event of the falling in of the bridge at Yarm, in ray mind, is the reason why this mode of construction has not been more frequently employed, and the distrust of iron as a material for bridge building, as it will be seen that this bridge was built only 21 years after the introduction of iron for bridges. In conclusion, I beg to offer to you, at least, the novel idea of rendering cast iron bridges less brittle by submitting the iron to the process of annealing or to assimilate it by a gradual reduction of its temperature, more to the nature of wrought iron, which ap- pears to me would also increase its capability of resistance to com- pression. The division of the portions of the arc into short lengths, as the blocks in Sunderland Bridge, has great advantages in providing for the expansion, as when so subdivided it is not so much felt, being divided insensibly among the different joints. 336 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [October, NOTES ON EARTH-WORK. Account of a Machine called a Tippler, used on the Southampton Railuay. To the most casual observer it must be apparent that the limitation of the quantity of earth-work capable of being executed in one day, occurs at the battery or tiphead, and not at the face of the cutting. The excavation he.ng almost unlimited, whereas the width of embankment limits the teaming, the greatest number of men that can be employed at one tip, being from 10 to 1" and the maximum quantity teamed in one day, being 800 wagons, and for the twentv-four hours, 1000 wagons. Side wagons from quitting their load at the side, are much used to facilitate tipping, and the return of the empty wagons from the battery to the excavation. Of the many attempts made to facilitate this operation, one of the first was used on the Carlisle and the Hartlepool railways, by Mr. Grabamsley; and the following testimony will shew the importance in which the attempt was held by the profession. Mr Vignoles sent a man to the Carlisle line, who reported that it was not worth adopting; Mr. R. Stephenson sent Mr. Copeland and Mr. Noel, contractors, to the Hartlepool line, for the same purpose; both reported it would not answer; Mr. Locke said that if found practicable, it must be for the interest of the contractor to adopt it, finally I believe it was not found to answer. Mr. Buck tried another plan on the London and Birmingham Railway at Watford, viz. projecting balks of timber over the tip, and after the first wagon was learned, it was puihcd forward until a second was tipped, and both returned together; it became useless on new embankment, and was abandoned. The ordinarv disposition of temporary ruads is generally as follows viz. two lines of road are laid down called the empty and full bne, and where the batterv head is approached, the road diverges into branches or spurrings to as many teaming places as the breadth of the embankment will allow : a horse being employed to draw the empty wagons into a sidmg. until a full set is empty, and to run the full wagons out of the full siding to the tip head. I have not seen any plan of Grahamslcy's machine, excepting the account given in evidence on the Southampton Railway in the Appendix to Brees' Railway Practice. The accompanying sketch is made from a rough sketch sent me by a frieud who saw the tippler in operation. The frame A -v^ in front, which is perpendicular and supported on two trucks with iron wheels, is provided with a screw B, to raise or lower the cross rail c, to suit the inequalities of the ground. The four balks D are in the direction of the railway ; one end of the balks rests upon the brackets E and the cross rail o, the other ends are supported on the embankment already formed ; these balks are for supporting the rails of the full and empty roads ; the balks D are tied to the brackets F with wrought iron ties jointed ; the two transverse balks with rails G are to support a low truck, having rails laid on the top on a level, and in the same direction as the rails of the two roads, the full and empty: so by a side motion the low truck tranfers a wagon on the top from one line of rails to the other parallel to it, thereby avoiding the delay of horsing as described above. A very similar arrangement is shown in the Journal, Vol. IV, p. 250, in the description of the Paris and Versailles Rail- way, for the purpose of saving the expence of a turntable opposite each pair cf rails, for transferring the carriages from one line of rails to another. I raav also mention that a precisely similar plan is in use at the Nottingham station of the Midland Counties Railway. There being no account published of this machine, perhaps your doing so may elicit further particulars, al- though there is not much facility given to publish failures. Yours truly, St. Anne's, Neit-castle-on-Tyne. 0- "• CANDIDUS'S NOTE-BOOK. FASCICULUS XLL " I must have liberty Wilhal, as large a charter as the w nds, To blow on whom 1 please." I. If it was the intention of the architect of the Alliance Office to show how completely an order may be made to lose its character, not by any alteration of, or 'tampering with' its proportions or details, but by perverse and tasteless application of it— he must be allowed to have succeeded admirably. With the Bank immediately facing bis own building, be has ventured to make use of the very same oider, so introduced, that every point of difference is most decidedly for the worst. Instead of being placed upon a simple stylobate, the columns are raised upon a basement, of such exceedingly poor and or- dinary design in its.lf, that were all the lest perfectly unexceptionable, the lower part of the building would greatly detract from the general eflTect. As it is, however, the insignificance and anti-classical taste there displayed, is of little consequence, for the upper part of the fa?ade is also poor ; therefore, so far, the whole would be tolerably of a piece, where it not that what is of excel- lent quality in itself, has been dragged in so as to lose its own value, without conferring any on the other parts. That the columns have been forcibly dragged into the design is evident enough, for not only are they introduced without motive, but quite contrary to it ; and in such manner, as to occasion glaring and offensive improprieties. It mu.t be confessed, that in the oppo- site facade of the Bank, columns are employed only for the sake of eflfect ; but then, there they do produce efTect-eflTect of a more than ordinarily picturesque and tasteful kind. There is nothing that interferes with them, or to mar the gracefulness of columnar composition-in which so very much depends upon that sort of proportion, which is, as often as not, wholly disregarded by those who afl-ect to be most scrupulous as to proportions of detail The architect of the Alliance Oflice, for one, has certainly not at- tended to the proportion alluded to, for he has put his columns so far apart, that thev serve chieflv to produce a straggling effect; and yet. owing to the windows' between them, the whole has a very disagreeable, crowded, and squeezed up appearance. The centre intercolumn, containing two treple windows, one over the other-an arrageraeut which it is hardly possible by any means to render tolerable, is so wide, as to amount almost to a gap in the composition. Of course this was occasioned by the gateway below, which is in itself so wide, that it also forms a gap, and seems to require columns to support its lintel or architrave ; therefore, unless intended for carriages to pass through-wl.ich does not appear to be the case, bad the opening, been a little contracted by two columns being placed so as just to clear the piers, the effect would so far have been better, and the passage through the building would have been just as wiile as at present. II. Professor llosking is not the only one who has expressed a very con- temptuous opinion of Vitruvius ; for a writer in the " Aunales des Bat.mens has spoken of that - venerable authority " in terms that must ■"^^;^» J"^" mireas absolutely shudder. He does not scruple to apply to the Father of 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. .337 Architecture " ami its legislator, the character of " Le plus credule et le plus ignorant des corapilateurs " ! consequently, if such be his opinion of the idol, we may take it for granted that he entertains no great respect for the intelli- gence shown by the worshippers of it — by Vitruvius' translators and com- mentators, or any of those who look to his writings as oracles. It mav, however, be suspected that a very great many who have the name of Vitru- lius always in their mouths, know ver>- little of his writings, and would be strangely perplexed if asked to explain what they bad learned from them, or in what way the study of them has conduced to more enlightened views of the art. Far easier would it be to show how such study has cramped archi- tecture, and has tended to render it a plodding pedantical system, governed not by principles and artistical feeling, but by merely conventional rules by rules which, if implicitly followed, without regard to the circumstances of the particular case, may operate most injuriously. HI. In architectural history, it is almost invariably the practice to make a full stop at the very point where preceding writers have left the suliject, and from which it is most of all desirable that it should he taken up afresh, and carried onwards. From the commencement of the 18th century, every- thing in the shape of a connected history of the art ceases. What informa- tion relative to it is to be obtained at all, is scattered about in fragments through numerous publications, either literary or graphic ; nor has any one yet thought it worth while to collect and arrange, to add to and extend such materials, and work them up into consistency and shape, .\lmost might it be supposed that the art was now altogether extinct, and that since the period above-mentioned, scarcely anything above the feeblest mediocrity has been produced ; things '• Toij vile to praise, too decent to lie damned ;'' albeit some of them have been puffed off in their day as first-rate, classical, and everything else that is excellent. Even a mere matter-of-fact chronicla would be serviceable in its way though immeasurably short of a critical history, which, by fearlessly pointing out the errors of the past, might lead to improvement for the future. So long as there was no Royal Institute, there was little hope of architecture receiving that attention to which— whether justly so or not— it is supposed to be entitled as an artistic, intellectual, and icsthetic pursuit ; and since the Institute has been established, there is not one ray of hope more ; therefore, even less hope than ever of such proving the case. Sorry I am to say that the Institute seems to be quite satisfied with having got the pap of Royal patronage— whiaii I suspect to he worth about as much as Don Armado's remuneration. IV. Putting aside elementary or technical works, there has of late been a strange dearth of architectural publications in this country, which, to what- ever else it may be owing, can hardly be attributed to the paucity of build- ings erected within the present century— many of them of a kind too, which, let them be what they may, are of considerable pretension, and ought, there- fore to be well-wortli studying for their design and the taste exhibited in them. Undoubtedly no immediate, nor very tangible advantage would be derived from the pubUcation of their works to the actual authors of them. Those who have sliown the greatest ability, have, least of all, occasion to advertise themselves and their productions ; and as an affair of pounds, shilhngs, and pence, they show their prudence bv not doing what they m.ght m the end be out of pocket by. But then, on the other hand, those who have done the most and the best, can generally verv well afford so to tax themselves-if only for the sake of showing that they have aimed at sometlung more than professional emolument; and that while thev look back on their productions with the feelings of artists, they also look forward to extended fame from them, and that not merelv at home, hut wherever the art is cultivated. Would the names of Schinkel and Klenze have been already so well known in this country-and, indeed, throughout all Europe, haa not their designs been published .> Hardly ; at least, had thev not been so given to the world, comparatively few would be able to judge what thev really are. or to profit by the studies they afford, and the ideas thev haply may suggest to other minds. This last circumstance, bv-the-bve, is "one of greater importance than is generally conceived : collections of' architectural designs seemed to be looked; upon by>ost persons-not excluding profes- sional ones, as little better than books of patterns, of no other use than as something may be copied out of them at once. Hence, not onlv the open plagiarism which in any other would be stigmatised as disrespe'ctful, but frequently the vilest botching also. Wide, indeed, is the difference between taking something out of another man's design, and seizing hold of an idea suggested by what maylthere be shown, which idea, so far from being bor- rowed may be altogether so different from anything shown in what gave rise to it, as to render it impossible for any one to trace it to its pmctum saliens. MARTIN'S CEMENT. In our last number we slightly alluded to the above cement ; since then we have been able to obtain some additional particulars, which we now lay before our readers. The common qualities of the cement are noticed in the circiUar in general terms, and the method of working it for common purposes explicitly laid down. It is, therefore, only necessary for us to point out here its various applications. First, then. Floors. These are formed with the cement laid on a bed of concrete or arching. The cement is mixed with fine river sand, or with tile dust or puzzolana, as may be most Hked, and laid on the concrete about f inch thick. If Portland or Bath stone is wished to be imitated, the grit is mixed with the cement. After being properly trowelled, it is jointed to imitate stone. If, however, an ornamental floor is wished, a ground work of cement and sand is laid upon the concrete about ^ inch thick ; colours are then mixed (dry) with the cement, and the floor may be laid either to repre- sent octagonal tiles or alternate squares as may be desired in anv colour and any pattern. If an inlaid border should be preferred, the pattern is cast in slabs, and the colours let in the spaces left according to the design. Some elaborate mosaic in imitation of tiles found in one of the courts of the Alhambra, the colors of which are blue, white, and burnt sienna, and the size about eight inches wide, can be executed (as they have been already) at about 2s. 3(f. per foot run. Of course, a more simple pattern with less variety of colour would cost less. Stairs. The steps are formed in York stone, rough, and covered with the cement to imitate Bath, Portland, or any other stone; or simply by itself, as executed by Mr. T. Cubitt with great success. JValls generally are worked in the manner described in the directions for use in the circular. At the New Sun Fire Oflnce, and generally, the panels are worked in the cement mixed with sand, and the mouldings run in the pure cement. It is, of course, easy to imitate any stone or colour. At the Swindon station of the Great M'estern Railway, it is) intended to finish the walls of the engine house of a light buff colour, rubbed down and stopped, and fiuish it with slight polish ; the cost of this would be about 4s. 6d. per yard super. Architraves, surbases, skirting, and every description of moulding can be worked in it. It presents a finer face and cleaner aris than wood ; requires less paint ; neither shrinks nor cracks ; is not so liable to injury ; and while in the most simple descriptions of work it is cheaper, in the more elaborate its economy renders it far superior to that material. Chimney-pieces, columns, pilasters, and every description of work can be executed in this cement with poUsh and splendour of appearance equal to scagliola in imitation of any marble ; and while the cost of scagliola varies from 5*. to 8*. Od. per foot, super., this cement does not exceed 4.v. 6,/. It is equaUy as easy to remove as marble, and is as readily repaired when injured. Great beauty might be derived from a judicious employment of mosaic with the imitation marble. The Grecian fret in white or blue (Prussian), let in imitation sieuna or glaUo antico in the jambs of chimney pieces, the archivolts of doors, friezes, panels, &c., can easily be conceived. The cost of such work, if the pattern were not very elaborate, involving a great variety of colours, would not be so great as if executed in finished scagliola without mosaic— merely the simple marble. In cases where polychrome decoration is sought, as in some Gothic cathedrals and the varieties of the Lombard style, the advantages of this cement is apparent ; being as hard as marble, and the colours equally as durable. Gothic pillars can be worked round a core of brick work, and an endless variety of ornament which is characteristic of the style either cast or moulded in this cement may be executed at a cost trifling in comparison with either wood or stone. 3 B aS"? THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [October, ^REMARKS ON THE LETTER BY "AN ADMIRER OF ' ARCHITECTURE." SiR_Notwithstanding that you yourself have already replied to "An Admirer of Architecture," in the pertinent and forcible editorial note attached to his letter, I could wish, as the writer of one of the articles he has commented upon, to be allowed to say something fur- ther, since he appears to have greatly misconceived one or two points. Misconceive he certainly does, when he supposes that the remarks on the "Thveadneedle Street structure" were penned chiefly for the purpose of crying up that building, and decrying almost every other production of architecture in the metropolis at all similar in style, or sufficiently so to admit of any comparison. I certainly did bring forward many instances of buildings— some of them tolerably recent ones— ■ and however unfair or illiberal my estimate of them may be, "Ad- mirer" seems to acquiesce in it, for he has not attempted to gainsay it, by pointing out merits in them, or any one of them, to which I had wilfully shut my eyes. That he objects to my having expressly named several buildings which I hold to be exceedingly tasteless and mediocre, I can hardly for a moment suppose; or if he does so he is most strangely inconsistent, because he himself says it is fairer to allude to particular parties, or to their respective works, than to deal in vague and sweeping denouncements which criminate all alike, without distinction. If, therefore, I erred at all, it was not in naming any, but in not naming every one of the buildings to which I could easily have adverted, as striking examples of false taste and the "pseudo-classical" system. I am wrong, however, in saying that I could have done so " easily " for it would have been a tedious task to point out, one by one, all the in-r stances of the kind that might be enumerated. Still, from those which I did specify, it will not be very difficult to guess what others I should include among them : nor is there much danger of any one's fancying that I should 6.rclude from my list the British Fire Office in the Strand, or the church in Wyndham Place, both of them the productions of men who rank high in their profession — men who, it is to be pre- sumed, are not of " uncultured minds," for they have traveUed, and, it may be presumed, have studied also, and applied themselves to their art" with more than ordinary diligence. Advantages they certainly have had that do not fall to the lot of every one in the profession, for they have had opportunities both ample and frequent put in their way, —one of them especially ; yet how far they have turned them to account, or what particular'talent or taste they have manifested, may be judged from the above-mentioned specimens of it: not from them alone, but their works generally. Vndtr-ratt their buildings, and many others which enjoy no small degree of credit with the public, I most certainly do, because I rate them at a very much lower value than they have hitherto passed at, and of course, as I myself conceive, at a much juster one, and more corresponding to their actual worth as productions of architecture. Sooner or later, things which have been greatly over-rated sink to their proper level ; although the first attempt to correct public opinion in regard to them may appear invidious, if not malevolent, especially in those cases where an imposing reputation has been acquired, that carries with it a degree of authority which persons in general are unable to dispute, and which those who are able do not care to oppose. In matters of literature and art, and not least of all in architecture, the influence of names is exceedingly great, to a degree that is not only magical, but positively injurious, for it causes that which requires to be assayed to be set up' as a standard of excellence — an authority to which all ought to bow down. A reputation may stand very high upon the whole, and not undeservedly so, and yet be no pledge what- ever for excellence in many productions that may be sheltered by it, as being productions of the same mind. Such I conceive to be the case with regard to Sir Christopher Wren: as the author of St. Paul's, he is fully entitled to all the honour that has been heaped upon his name, but all his other works are so immeasurably inferior— some of them, indeed, so utterly unworthy of being considered productions of intellect or art— that it is with difficulty we can persuade ourselves that they were concei)tions of the same mind. The fact, indeed, of their being by him admits not of doubt or dispute; but internal evi- dence uttbrded by the things themselves is wanting altogether. Nevertheless, because such is the fact, and for no other reason, our admiration is claimed for everything that passes under his name, ■without reference to intrinsic merit, or without the least suspicion that what is by the author of one of the noblest monuments of English architecture can be other than truly excellent in itself. Thus is a name converted into a positive standard of merit ; criticism is merged in mere prejudice or else hypocrisy ; admiration is aftected where it is not felt ; the expression of opinion is reprobated as flying in the face of unquestionable authority; and uninquiring deference to and superstitious veneration of great names are inculcated, which operate in reality injuriously to the real interests of art, and impede its ad- vancement. We bow down to names, and make them our idols. It is expected that those of Vitruvius, Michael Angelo, and Palladio, should be worshipped by us : to doubt, to call in question, or even to inquire into the real merits of those who have been so pinnacled aloft, is regarded as a species of actual profaneness ;— which may, after all, be very right and jirudent, for some reputations of the kind are by no means' of a description that will bear being handled and closely inspected ; and most unpleasant must it be to their admirers to have unsightly flaws and defects pointed out in their idols, and tohear objectio'ns started which they know not how to refute or ward oft'. 'But I am now wandering very wide astray, and must therefore skip back at once to "Admirer" and his remarks. Among them is one from which it might be inferred that I had deprecated, or at- tempted to dissuade from, the study of Stuart's " Athens," and other works of that class. Now what I complain of is precisely the reverse ; that they are learnt by rote, and copied without being studied scarcely at all ; for were they studied, their spirit would be caught, and in- fused into modern works, which would nevertheless be marked by original feeling, some novelty of treatment, and some freshness of ideas. Instead of this being done, the works alluded to are made use of as little more than mere books of patterns; and wherever they are deviated from at all, it is more frequently than not entirely for the worse, it being done not with any attempt to advance a step farther than the originals, but rather to retrograde a step or two back. Thus while we have Grecian-Doric porticos professedly after that of the Parthenon, or the Theseion, the resemblance extends to no more than the columns themselves ; for although they may be copied with fac- simile accuracy, as if fidelity in that respect was in itself all-sufficient, so very greatly are the original buildings departed from in almost every other circumstance, that almost all in them that amounts to design, or contributes to eftect, is entirely obliterated. Inner columns and depth of pronaos behind them are omitted, and metopes and pedi- ments are left blank, as if those were altogether matters of perfect indifference and no moment, although to vary ever so little from exact- ness in the minutest details in the columns and mouldings of the en- tablature would be deemed a great license. Now were Grecian architecture really studied in a liberal and artist-like spirit, such would not be the case. Its orders and other features would be looked to as standard types of the style, as models upon which our taste in that style is to be formed; not— as is now the case— as stereotype copies' which admit of no modification nor any diversity of expression, be they applied ever so differently from what they are in the structures from which they are derived. Of course the junior student must begin by copying from " Stuart, in order to familiarize himself with those models perfectly, and as preparatory to farther study of their character. But the misfortune is that very few indeed ever think of getting beyond that first step ; with copying they begin, and with copying thev end. But the ancient orders, we are told, will not ' bear being trifled or tampered with. Yet, surely, to make use of them with artist-like intelligence and freedom, and to treat them with congenial taste, is quite a different thing from tam- pering with them ; and that it is more than every one is able to do, may be taken for granted, because it is not every architect who is an artist ; but to maintain that it is more than any one is able to do, would almost be equivalent to saying that no architect is an artist, or can be trusted for a moment if he attempts to innovate in matters where others are content implicitly to follow those who have preceded them. So much for the difference between studying Stuart, and merely tearing a leaf out of his book, as may serve immediate occasion. But, it is said, " Mr. Barry has his book of reference, too" ; no doubt, otherwise he would hardly have made himself so familiar with the genius and capabilities of the style in which he has shown mastery ; but then he has evidently turned it to a very diff"erent account than those do their " Stuart," who do little more than merely take from it the exte- rior or fayade of a portico, to stick up where it shows itself to be merely borrowed, and perhaps most tastelessly misapphed. Many details and some entire features in some of Mr. Barry's most suc- cessful Italian, designs may certainly be traced to previous examples that have been delineated; yet that hardly amounts to copying, for they are frequently so very greatly improved upon, and recombined with so much taste as to acquire a heightened charm. Of many the merit hardly shows itself in the original compositions, where there is ge- nerally together with much to please, almost always something to off'end more or less, whereas our English architect's productions are stamped by a refined elegance difi'used over the whole, and kept up throughout. But if, as would seem intended to be insinuated, any one else might, by pursuing the same method, accomplish with .equal 1842.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'SPOURNAL. 339 facility quite as much as Mr. Barry, why then, in the name of common sense, do they not do so at once, and deliver us from such specimens of Italian, as the City Club-house ? And why do they not adopt the same with regard to Grecian architecture, and deliver us from the mawkish and spiritless schoolboy copies of it that are now served up to us ad nmtseam ? The reason why what is apparently so easy is not done, is perhaps that the taste requisite for accomplishing it is want- ing. And I fully agree with "Admirer," when he ascribes so much to that natural taste which can neither be learnt nor unlearnt; cordially, also, do I assent to his opinion, that quite as much depends upon the spirit and taste with which a style is treated, as upon the style itself. — But it is time to conclude this long letter, and I will, therefore, merely add that I wish "Admirer" bad distinctly speci6ed the particular parties or their works, to whom he alludes with so much approbation as "examples of design in distant parts of England." And as this letter will, no doubt, meet his eye, I hope it will induce him to do so now, for most happy shall I be to leain that there are productions of very great merit, which are as yet hardly known even by reputation in this part of the kingdom. I remain, &c., THE AUTHOR OF THE ARTICLE ON THE THREADNEEDLE STREET STRUCTURE. REVIE^VS. Architectural Illustrations of Windsor Castle, By Michael Gakby and Benjamin Baud, Architects, inih a Concise Historical and Jlrchteclural Account, by John Brittox, F.S.A., author of ^^Archi- tectural and Cathedral Antiquilies," "Dictionary of Architecture," Sfc. Folio, 40 plates. London, lS-12. Now that it is completed, or rather brought to a conclusion — a very great deal that would have been the most interesting of all as graphic illustration, and perfectly new to the public, being left altogether un- touched— and now that we have the letter-press before us, we can speak of this second work on Windsor Castle more decidedly than when our notice was confined to some of the plates during its progress. What- ever be its deficiencies in other respects in regard to illustrations, it gives us one which was neither promised, nor is even now mentioned in the list of engravings, one for which we were so totally unprepared that it made us stare ; and no doubt our readers will stare too when told that it is no other than au illustration of — "Benjamin Baud, ar- chitect " — and as it would seem, Hit architect of Windsor Castle, a large view of the building being introduced at his elbow. This is certainly original — perhaps «»j5£« /or/, and what most people may consider a piece of puppyism; at any rate it is calculated to call forth comments and remarks, not very likely to be altogether agreeable to the gentle- man who has hit upon a notable method of advertising himself. If there was to be the portrait of any one at all, it should most assuredly have been that of Sir Jeffry Wyatville — of the individual who remodelled the Castle, and gave it its present form and character— of the architectural composer and performer, not of his "bellows-blower" ! Or is there something more in the matter than meets the eye ? — is it preg- nant with a meaning that might not be expressed otherwise than thus hieroglyphically ? Can it be intended as a delicate insinuation to the effect that the designs for the alteration of the Castle, hitherto attributed solely to Sir Jeffry, emanated from Mr. Baud, and that it was he who furnished his employer with ideas for his grand work? It is possible, because such things have happened ere now; for, as his friend Mr. Britton can tell him, works have been given to the public under the names of parties who were only their ostensible authors, the real authors being kept out of sight,'behind the scenes along with other lumber. In the literary world, it is no very uncommon practice for tnose who have a name worth borrowing, to lend it — or rather to sell it to publications they never wrote— probably never read. There are tricks in all trades; why not then in architecture as well as in author- ship ? why may not "the truly estimable Sir Jettry Wyatville," as Mr. Britton here calls him, have, if not sold his name to, have purchased of Mr. Baud, services very far more important than those usually ex- pected from an architect's assistant? Strange and ugly suspicions come across us ; and so far from being removed, they are rather confirmed by another circumstance in this very remarkable portrait, which, though not exactly an architectural illustration, may be intended to throw some light upon a matter in regard to which the public has hitherto been kept entirely in the dark. What we allude to is the plan of the "West of London and Westminster Cemetery," which is also introduced as one of the accessories or "by-play" touches in the portrait. Now that is avowedly the production of Mr. Baud— one which few in the profession will envy him the creait of,however they may envy him the job — therefore the juxtaposition of the two subjects, the Cemetery and the Castle, expresses as clearly as can be done in painting, that both are productions of the same genius. If such be not the meaning, what meaning at all can there be ? Is it merely a piece of waggish mystification on the part of Benjamin and his painter? or shall we say that the thrusting in his portrait at all into the work has no other signification than as a sign of Benjamin's conceit? Be that as it may, ice have no particular cause to object to its appearance, since it has served in lieu of other proem; and al- though it has detained us rather long, it is quite as pertinent, quite as much to the point, as introductions to articles of criticism generally are ; not very much more rigmarole, not altogether so hackneyed, and probably a degree or two less dull. Possibly, too, what we have said may lead some one to take up his pen, and favour us with a volume, or at least an essay, of "Historic Doubts" as to whether Windsor Castle was the work of Jeft'ry Wyatville or Benjamin Baud. We DOW turn at once to the architectural illustrations themselves, which are certainly very satisfactory as far as they go, and of a more popular character than those in Mr. Ashton's work, because a great many of them are pictorial and perspective views, consequently pos- sess greater interest for persons in general than geometrical drawings, to which the other work is confined, and which, to those who perfectly understand them and properly value them, are in themselves most indispensable and important of all, but do not always convey sufficient idea of the effect of a building so represented; more especially when, like Windsor Castle, it happens to be a complex and extensive pile, com- posed of parts and masses receding from or advancing before each other, in a manner intelligible enough from the ground plan, but never- theless requiring to be distinctly expressed to the eye, perspectively. While the want of delineations of the last-mentioned kind as accom- paniments to the strictly architectural drawings has rendered many publications wholly unattractive except for those who make use of them as studies ; many graphic works — of first-rate merit as such — are by no means so valuable as they would be, were some geometrical explanations of the subjects they contain, introduced into them. In this respect these illustrations of Windsor Castle are got up in a judicious manner, for not only is there a series of elevations showing the whole of the exterior, but also several plates of details and parts at large. But then, there is one most unaccountable omission, which detracts very materially indeed from the serviceableness of the work, there being not a single ground plan, not even of the principal floor, consequently the book is strangely incomplete, since no information whatever is now to be obtained from it relative to the internal arrangement of the building, the accommodations provided in it, the disposition, form, or size of the various apartments, their respective names and purposes, and the manner in which they are either connected and made to com- municate with, or cut off from each other — particulars highly im- portant to be understood, and which, in this case, would hardly be passed over with indifference even by those who would bestow scarcely any attention upon plans in general. If the omission was entirely owing to oversight, it was very strange ; if on the contrary, an intentional one stranger still, and utterly inex- plicable ; nor is such omission rendered at all less glaring by the thrusting into the work such a very superflous "illustration" as is the portrait — of one, too, who is not the most illustrious in his profession. Gladly would we, and most others also, we suspect, give that, and not that alone, but one or two of the other subjects in exchange for a plan of the castle, more especially as there are one or two subjects of comparatively very little value. There, is, it is true, what is well enough in its way, and very acceptable in itself, namely an oittline block, or situation's plan of the castle and the buildings immediately connected with if, yet that shows only the external arrangement, and what might be tolerably well comprehended from the views. If therefore we wish to ascertain how the interior of the castle is laid out, and what alterations and improvements Sir Jeftry introduced into it, so as to render it more habitable than it was before, we must have recourse to Mr. Ashton's work, which gives not only detailed plans of the whole of it in its present state, but others showing what it was previously to the late alterations and additions. It is evident from them that the architect had neither few nor small difficulties to con- tend with, and it was, perhaps, rather fortunate than otherwise, upon the whole that such was the case, since had it not been for them, he would probably have missed some of the very best points in the plan, to which he was driven in order to get over those obstacles. There certainly are not only some novel, but some striking and happily-contrived parts within the Castle ; nor is it in the least degree unreasonable, therefore, if we make it a complaint against both the publications which are devoted to the subject, and against the present one more particularly, that they have done nothing to gratify our curiosity |3 B 2 340 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [October, relative to its internal architecture. To say that such " illustration" formed no part of their plan, is anything but a satisfactory excuse for the omission, the very thing complained of, being, that what was very essential to its completeness has been purposely excluded from it, and' that no cure has been taken to guard against disappointment by making their titles announce that both works confined architectural illustration to the mere exterior of the edifice. Not very much more satisfactory is to be told, as we are by one of them, that if further illustration has not been attempted, it is because Sir Jeffry himself considered the interior to be comparatively — a failure, shall we call it, or merely say, comparatively unworthy of attention ? and ac- knowledged, virtually at least, if not expressly, that instead of being left to his own judgment, he had been controlled by, and com- pelled to give way to, the false taste and the caprices of his royal patron, so far, therefore, in a manner disowning it as his own work, or a work at all worthy of him. It is alleged, in excuse for not showing the interior, that many parts of it, and much of its present decoration, are likely to be altered and fitted up afresh, some time or other. No doubt, for what structure of the kind escapes retouches from time to time ; but it is not at all likely that alterations to any extent will take place within the castle for a very long while to come ; nor whenever made, would such alterations in any way diminish the interest and value of illustrations which in such case would become faithful records of what the interior of Windsor Castle is in its present state. Whatever, too, may be the case with respect to the strictly private apartments, or to those intended for the accommodation of visitors, there must, at any rate, be some if not several which are more or less worth being architecturally explained, or graphically described, on account of their importance, their character, and their effect. Or are we to conclude after all, that as far as architecture is concerned, there is absolutely nothing within the castle that merits attention, nothing in any degree worth studying, nothing to repay curiosity ? Are we now to suppose that the" " Grand corridor" itself, which has been spoken of as something quite extraordinary and superlative, is in reality "no better than it should be " — of but very so-sois/i character — perhaps somewhat too Strawberry-Hill gothic in style ? And then the Waterloo chamber, St. George's hall, the state entrance and staircase, — are not they worth showing either in views, or by particular sections of them ? It is true these last-mentioned parts of the interior can be seen by the jjublic; but if that be any good reason for no illustrations of either kind, being given of them, the same reason might be made use of as an argument to prove that there was no occasion for either of the publications, which are now entirely devoted to the exterior of the castle, since the latter is, by far, more open to public in- spection, and that freelv, which is certainly not the case as regards any part of the interior, where no time is allowed for examining, much less for studying or deliberately taking note of what we are permitted merely to view, and of which, therefore, only the general effect can be judged. In order properly to understand the anatomy, if we may so term it, of Windsor Castle, 'full as many plans and sections (both general ones, and particular ones on a larger scale,) besides views, would be required, as there now are engravings of the exterior both in the work before us, and its predecessor. Though this is no exaggeration, as any one who understands the subject may convince himself, by examining the plan in Mr. Ashton's work, it would, we admit, be unreasonable to look for illustration to anything like that extent, except, perhaps, in a work published by government — and for that being ever done in this country, we might as well look for a miracle, or look for Windsor Castle's being swallowed up by an earthquake. Because it could not be done after that extravagant fashion — as, no doubt, what we liave above hinted at will be considered— is no reason, however, wdiy nothing of the kind should have been attempted. Thank- ful should we have been for something, had it amounted to no more than three or four judiciously chosen sections, through some of the prin- cipal and most interesting parts of the interior; ior the sake of which we would willingly give up double that number of the present illustra- tions, since some of the latter are hardly required at all, there being little in them besides what is shown in other portions of the general elevation to which they belong. With the exception of a single section, and that not through the upper floors of the building, no part of the interior was shown in that one of the two works which was first completed, it was therefore to be expected that Messrs. G. & B. would have taken advantage of that circumstance by introducing into their own publication what would have formed a new and highly in- teresting feature in it. Instead, however, of doing more in that respect, they have, as we have already observed, done less, for their work contains not even a plan, so that the interior of the castle is left to- tally unexplained bv it. However well, therefore, they may have manoeuvred in other respects, they have certainly shown no very great tact in thus flinging awav the very best trump-card of all that was in their hand. The oulv p'erson who has turned the rival publi- cation to his own advantage is their editor, and after what fashion he has done so, we shall presently say. Admitting that it would have been too expensive to employ the pencil for describing the interior of the castle or any part of it, what was not attempted to be done by the pencil, might have been accom- plished by the ;;£«— at least, as far as accurate and intelligent de- scription can supply the place of drawings, without the aid of which last, the best written description cannot be thoroughly satisfactory as explanation, however interesting it may be in itself, and however in- structive it may have been rendered, by the criticism mingled with it. For such description, however, a very different pen is required from that wielded. Mr. Britton, in the preface, boasts of his long acquaintance witU Windsor Castle, and of having repeatedly written and pronounced various historical, descriptive, and critical remarks on it. If so, he must quite have exhausted his powers of description and criticism before he wrote the present account of it, for it contains nothing that amounts to either the one or the other. Ancienl and Modern Architecture. Edited by M. Jules GAiLHABAnn. London, Dido , We have received trom the enterprising firm of Didot and Co. of Loiiaon and Paris, the first, or specimen number of a serial work intended to Ulub- trate the several stvles of architecture and their application to various classes of buildings. ' Commencing with the Celtic and Pelasgic, the rude heaps of barbarous ages, the architecture of the east and the west, ot tne Pharaohs of the present dav, is to be exhibited from authentic examples. Thus the present number contains three engravings of the Specs, dedicates to Athor at Ebsamboul in Nubia, and two of the Kailasa at EUora, accom- panied with descriptive letter-press from the pen of M. Jules Gai habaud, an eminent archaiological writer, and translated and extended by Mr. 1. Arun- dale. It is evident that the field is wide, and the mode in which it is to be entered is sketched in the prospectus. Thus we find the temple of Edfou in Egypt, that of Theseus at Athens, ihe temple of Segesta, the Basilicas of Const'antine, St. Clement at Rome, and Torcello near Venice, the Chnrch ot St. Vital at Ravenna, the Mosque of Elm Touloim at Cairo, the Certosa ot Pavia, and the Cathedrals of Bonn, Frihourg and Pans, from part of tlie in- tended course. ■ ^^ ^ -t The first and most essential recommendation of the present plan is, that it is cheap, the number before us containing four plates costing no more than four shillings ; then we may remark that the engravings are admirably exe- cuted, and 'that no expense has been spared in rendermg them worthy o a work of such importance ; the letter-press is also exceedingly good, the list of proposed contributors includes Messrs. Goraard, ChampoUion, Figeac, Langlois, .\lbert Lenoir, and Radii Rochette; while the English translation and illustration is undertaken by Mr. Arundale. All these advantages arc sufficient to recommend it to the public patronage. ON DRAINAGE. Lecture by Mr. Smith of DeansUm, delivered before the Members of the Roval Agricultmal Society, at Bristol : JVednesdai/, July 13, 1842. (From the Bristol Mercury.) I need not, before such an audience, say that to the agriculturist the dryness of land is of great importance-that, in fact the dry condition ot tlie soil is the foundation of all good husbandry. It is beneficial, in the hrst place, to the working of the soil ; it is beneficial also, to the after-growth of the plants, and there is scarcely anv labour connected with agriculture which is rot facihtated by the dryness of the soil. If we look on the face of nature we may i?ather instruction on this subject; for if «e find a tree stronger than its 'neighbour, we shall find that there the soil is deep and in a dry condition. If we see a stronger and darker coloured herbage growing on the hill side, there the soil will again be found deep, and in a dry condition. There is not one ofl he various soils on the surface of the United Kingdom which will not be much improved by being placed in a dry condition, if they are not so by nature. I would say that even on a subsoil of gravel or sand the inlroductiou of the thorough-drain system would be highly beneficial ; but as there is only a small portion of that sort of soil in this country, the oreater part being superimposed upon a wet soil, it becomes of the very first importance to the progress of improvement in agriculture that means be taken to render the condition of the soil dry. Many attempts have been made with that view, but they have generally failed, in consequence ot not having been done on a proper principle. The first system introduced into this country, was to excavate deep drains, for the purpose of catching the water that rose from below in the form of spring water. These were, to a certain extent, effectual, and no doubt removed a great deal of the diftculty which agriculturists had to contend with, on land partially wet and partially dry ; but until the introduction of the thorough drain system, there was not 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 341 he puHcr of Jiainirg laml, on whatever sub-soil, resting, and rendering it thoroughly and completely dry. The purpose of this lecture is to illustrate, first, the principle on which this system acts; then, to show the advantages which would arise to the agriculturist in carrying on the diflerent processes with respect to the various crops ; and then to explain the modes employed to render this drainage effective, both as to the cutting of them, and to the preservation of the openings made for the escape of the water. [Mr. Smith here illustrated by a diagram, his method of thorough drain- ing; the soil, the subsoil, the drains, &c. being represented.] In referring to two lines, representing the directions of drains, he stated that he had drawn one at a greater inclination than the other, to show the advantage of making the drains deeper than they generally were. The pre- vailing practice was to make the drains two feet deep, but he preferred an additional six inches — for this reason — that it was of great importance to allow the water to go off as quickly as possible, and this advantage was secured by cutting the drain to a greater declination. People were apt to suppose that at a great depth water would not go off at all, but this w,is a mistake. Another advantage arising from a deep drain was that it allowed the whole bank of soil to become completely dry. and it consequently re- quired a very heavy rain to wet it. The action of the atmosphere, too, re- quired to be taken into account. He would not enter upon the chemical question, but it was well known that soils were much improved by the action of the air, and this advantage could only be secured after the water was withdrawn. To render the field completely dry, it was necessary that a great number of drains should be cut, and that they should be laid off in parallel lines beginning at the highest side of the field. This secures a thorough dryiiicr. and it has been found that when the lines run parallel, much greater effect is produced than when they are drawn across. When drawn across, the draiUj may catch the water, but experience has shown that it does not run of! so readily. With regard to the distance at which the drains should be placed, that wil' depend on the nature of the soil. If the field has been subsoiled, it is o* less importance ; because the plough will form artificial channels in the soil below. If it is a stifl' soil, it will keep long upon the surface ; and the more free the soil is. the greater tendency it has to allow the water to pass ; so that you will find that, on a stiff soil, such as the stiffer clays, taking into account the nature of the subsoil and the soil itself, about the same drain will serve on all soils. The distances in use are generally from 1.5 to 20 feet ; in some soils individuals have been induced to put in the drains at 12 feet ; but I conceive that that is, in some degree, throwing away money. From ob- servations which I have made myself on all sorts of soil, in diflerent parts of the country, I am inclined to recommend about IS to 20 feet as the distance from one drain to the other. The way in which I usually proceed in draining, is, first to find a good bottom-level to run the drain into. And here I may remark, that in some parts of the country there is sometimes difficulty in getting an open level to carry off the whole water of the district ; but I think that by a proper ap- plication of the principles of engineering, it may be accomplished in most situations ; because it is found that if proper channels are executed, a larger quantity of water will be di>:charged with a very small fall. In an instance in which I was engaged in the endeavour to carry off water, I found that in a drop of four inches in a mile, thirty feet wide and six feet deep, I could discharge 300 tons of water per minute; which is much more than would fall in a very extensive district indeed. So that I have no doubt, it means be taken to carry off the main level, that a fall mav be had. With regard to the fall of the great main, the receiving drain, I should make that drain if possible about four feet deep— three feet six inches will do ; but in order to have a drop from the one drain into the other, I usua'ly make the main drain four feet deep, the receiving drain three feet deep, and the parallel drains two ftet six inches. When there is any rise in the ground, or any hollows over which the water can very well flow, it is necessary to make a cad's drain That should be made about six inches deeper than the other drains which fall into it ; then running on. it discharges itself into the main drain. With regard to the manner of executing the drains, there are various modes recummende.l, and I have found, on looking to land which has been drained a great many years, that when the draining has been performed carefully, all the different modes employed for the purpose of keeping the drains open have been quite effective. Indeed, a great deal of the want of effect in the duration of drains has been owing to the bad execution. In some instances faggots have been introduced for the purpose of preserving the openings of the drain, an.| these have been found to continue and to preserve the openings in a perfect stale for nine years— in some instances I have as- certained for twenty years. In Scotland the peat-top is frequently used to form the tiles for drains. It does pretty well in clays which are pretty stiff, but does not do so well in softer soils; in the same way, in some of the sandy soils, the sides not being sufficient to resist the pressure of the top. the tile gradually sinks down and closes up the drain. Another mode of filling drains is by stones broken into the usual size for making roads : and, although much has been said against the use of this sort of filling, I have found from experience that when properly executed the work is as durable as can be requireil. In most instances where stones can be had, and where tiles are expensive, I should very much prefer them to the tiles; and there is this advantage connected with it, that it prevents any virmin from travelling in the openings of the drain, such as rats and mice, which do a great deal of mischief. The great point is, to be very careful in covering over at the top. As soon as wet comes, the sand and other mate- rials silt down into the stones, and they are completely choked up. I have 'ound that drains not carefully executed, were completely destroyed in the course of a cr,uple of years. On the contrary, if drains are so packed that the water falls down on both sides, (the parts over-lapping each otherj there is no opening whatever for the sand to find its way down. If drains are carefully cleared in this manner, I will warrant their duration for almost any period of time. I have executed myself about 1.30 miles of drains in this way, and have had them all filled with stones; many of them have been done 15 years, and there has not been a single instance of failure. Many persons who have visited my farm have asked whetlier or not the drains ivould be choked up in particular positions. I liave always asked them what positions they referred to. and have opened it that they may see ; and in no instance have I found a single drain choked up. I have the drains of 100 acres all discharged into one pond, provided for the purpose of seeing how much deposit came from the drain ; and although we have had heavy rain, I have never seen the water in the pond tinged as if there was much soil in it. I can, therefore, safely recommend stones as a very sufficient drainage ; and in many parts of the country it is much cheaper than tiles. The next filling which has been used for preserving the openings of drains is the drain tile. These are usually made of clay, and burnt. They are found to be very handy and very useful : and where stones are not to be had they are to be preferred. But there are districts where the clay tile cannot be procured at any reasonable price ; they are usually 30s. a thousand, but in some districts they are not lo be had at all. Lord James Hay has recently discovered a method of making them of concrete stones cemented by lime ; and so far as I have made any calculation of the expence, I think that in most instances they » ill come considerably cheaper than the brick tile, and. If executed on the ground, where they will not have to be carried far, the breakage will be found to be very little, and they will be found to le exceed- ingly durable. We know that the cement made of lime is more lasting when covered up than if exposed to the atmosphere ; instances of this may be found in the lime frequently discovered in old buildings, which has been found to be perfect after hundreds of years. There are two other modes of making drains— peat earth has been cut into a shape somewhat like a hollow wedge ; and a sort of instrument has been made for the purpose of cutting peat earth into the form of the tile, so as to produce an opening not liable to the objection of the wedge, which frequently sinks and fills up the opening. A stone is frequently used to lay the concrete tile upon, and prevent its sinking. It is also made of concrete. Much has been said with regard to the application of this system to diffe- rent soils ; and many persons have expressed the opinion that, in some of the very stiff' clays, drains of this sort would not be eflScacious, and that the application of the subsoil plough after the draining would have no good effect. With the view of showing the beneficial results, both of draining and subsoiling, I have brought some specimens of different clays, in order to show what improvement can be made. Here is a piece from the Pass of Stirlin"-. This kind of soil has been cultivated from a subsoil, and has been known to produce excellent crops of Swedish turnips. Here is another very hard clay from Yorkshire. A gentleman inijuired how long after the subsoiling the land cssumed a different character. Mr. Smith— Almost immediately— in the very first year. It requires some years before it becomes adapted for a turnip soil. I have a specimen of some soil w hich twenty years ago was so extremely stiff from the alluvial deposit in the Pass of Stirling, that it required to be broken with large mallets, to reduce, mechanically, the great lumps of soil. Thorough draining or sub- soiling w as never thought of till about twenty years ago, w hen this land was first drained; and now they get from it very splendid crops of turnips, and in almost any season. Here is a piece of the improved subsoil before having been drained by the subsoiling, the same as the other. While we are on this point, I will produce the two specimens of subsoil from my own farm. A gentleman wished to be informed of the nature of the soil in Mr. Smith's farm. Mr. Smith — It varies. In some parts it is sandy clay, and in otiiers, clay perfectly impervious to water. When 1 first began to subsoil there was not more than three or four inches of active soil, properly so called, for growing plants; after a labour of about fifteen years 1 have nowanactive soil of six- teen inches, and can turn over that in any part of the farm. 342 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [October. A Genlleman.— How near are the drains in order to produce that result? jjr g„,xn_T»enty feet. Having thus described the various modes in which the drains have been formed, and having stated that, so far as my ex- perience antl observation go, I think a distance of about eighteen or twenty feet from drain to drain is a proper distance for almost any subsoil, I shall now proceed to detail the application of the subsoil plough. AVhen I first began to cultivate my own farm, although I had put in the drains, I found they were not so efficacious as I at first ixpected, and I then began to think of stirring up the subsoil, which gave rise to the idea of a subsoil plough. I thought I must construct an instrument which would execute the work with the least possible power. 1 made my plough very strong, and of that form to which the least resistance would be opposed, at the same time taking care to have sufiicient power fairly to stir up the soil. I will here explain the principle of the subsoil plough, because 1 have found that many persons, although seemingly acquainted with it, have Inot the proper notion of the principle on which it is based. The great principle is, that there are many subsoils, which, though capable of being converted into a good soil, yet if brought up and mixed with the active soil, will so far deteriorate it as to make it fur some time sterile. It therefore occurred to me that the great point would be to stir up the subsoil, still retaining the good soil on the surface. Stirring up the subsoil would, in the first place. very much facilitate the escape of the water into the drains; and secondly in consequence of the passage of the wafer through the stirred up subsoil' and the attendant admission of air, it would be so acted upon as to be con- verted into good Eoil, while at the same time I was having all the advantages of working tlie active soil as before. Upon the application of this principle, I found that which I had supposed before was right, and I have been .successful in every instance in which I have tried it. The process of applying the subsoil plough is this ; a common plough goes along first, and removes a furrow of the active soil. After tha the subsoil plough passes along below, and scarifies the soil to the depth of from twelve to sixteen inches, in some instances eighteen inches. This is continued furrow after furrow, the plough going first to lay the active soil on the part already opened up ; then the plough comes a second time and takes off a furrow from another part of the soil, and places it on that part which :s already scarified. Much 'has been said with regard to the proper period for applying the subsoil plough, some conceiving that it should be appUed immediately, and others, at some period after the drains have been out. I think that in places where ihe drains have much effect, the subsoil plough maybe applied the following year ; but in clay soils it is of great importance to give the clay sufficient time to dry, and to have it in a sort of friable state ; because, in the application of the subsoil plough, when clay subsoil has been recently drained, and it IS not sufficiently dry, more harm is done than good; the clay being worked in a wet state is almost prepared for making bricks ; and if we once w ork it in that state it is a long period before it recovers its friable property again. Therefore, I should say that in soils rather free, the subsoil plough may be used the second year after the drainage. The proper time to execute drains is in the summer season, because you can then get it much more tidily done, and the drainsara prevented from running; because in many places there are little sandy veins and portions of running sand, which are very apt to fall in before the drains are covered up. In the •winter season this is almost sure to be so ; and another disadvantage is, that you may be taken with frost, which draws off the adhesion of the earth, so that it falls down, and fills up the drain. It is best also to execute them in grass land before it is broken up for cropping, because otherwise it is much too soft. Executing it therefore in the summer season on the lee produces very little loss indeed, because you find that the growth of the grass in the after part of the season will be so much increased by the execution of the drains, that you will he repaid for the time lost for ihe use of the pasture durin" the time the drains were in process of execution. After the drains have been completed, I would recommend you to take a crop from the land, and if the land has been pretty good, it will, perhaps, afford two crops; at all events, one crop should be taken ; and that will pass over one summer before the subsoil is to be ploughed. During this season the earth between the tHO surfaces has time to dry ; it is much more friable, and the subsoij plough will be much more efficacious in stirring it up. Besides, it often hap- pens that there are stones in the soil, which of course, must be removed before you can proceed with good husbandry ; and it will be found that, in consequence of the contraction of the soil, they have become in some degree loose, and will be turned out very easily by the sub.soil plough. In many instances we have stones exceeding 2001b. weight, which are turned out very easily by the subsoil plough with four horses. With regard to the direction in which the subsoiling ought to be carried, I should say decidedly at right angles with the drains, because you thereby form channels, from the centre to the side, in all directions. In that manne vou form artificial ihannels from the very centre cf the ridge into the drain and. although these may partially close up, still there is an openness given to Ihe subsoil, which will permit the water to pass freely. Having thus applied the subsoil plough to stir up the subsoil, the after cul- tivation may be the common rotation of the country, such as the farmer thinks suitable to the soil. But one thing which 1 would very much recom- mend is, that when agriculturists have subsoiled their land, they should follow the practice of laying down the land flat on the surface, without any ridges or furrows. There is nothing more injurious to the land than ridging it up. In the old modes of draining, it was quite necessary to have ridges and furrows ; but now, when land is thoroughly drained, there is no occasion for it, and indeed it is hurtful ; because when water falls on a rounded off surface, it immediately begins to sink away to the lower level, and the water which has fallen on the tops and middle parts of the ridges is added to the water on the side, which thus has to bear a great deal more than its own proportion of the water; the water carries portions of the soil along with it, and the cracks are constantly filling up by the running of the sand from the higher part of the ridge to the lower part. It must be obvious to everyone that when a field is laid down with ridges and furrows, especially on stiff land, a great part of the very best of the land runs down into those furrows, and is deposited in large quantities at the bottom of the ridge, thereby doing a great quantity of materi.al mischief. If it is laid in a flat form, you get rid of this great evil, and obtain this advantage— that if the water is bene- ficial to the soil, which it certainly is, you have that benefit equally distri- buted ; every part receives its own water, and receives the benefit which the water can give. It is the suggestion of scientific gentlemen who have turned their attention to the subject of agricultural chemistry, that the rain in falling from the atmosphere absorbs a considerable quantity of ammonia ; and if there is any affinity in the soil for ammonia, if the sod wants ammonia, the affinity will extract the ammonia from the water, the ammonia remaining in the soil for the nourishment of plants. It is also known, that where artificial manure is put into the soil, some of the fibrous parts of it will be carried away with the water, and be carried down to the region to which it belongs ; and al- though not so near the surface as it was before, it is near enough for the plants to reach it when they put down their roots. A very peculiar change takes place in any subsoil— it does not matter what composed of— after it is ploughed. This change begins to take place imme- diately, and the soil gradually goes from the state in which it was before to tliat of a mould. If you examine as oil which has become mould, it is of a very peculiar structure. It appears as if all ihe particles were connected together, and it seems to have some sort of attractive property by gathering together in that way. Vacuities for the air are thus formed, and there is a great tendency to absorb and retain as much moisture as is useful to the plant. If it is filled entirely with moisture it is injurious to the plant, but if there is a certain quantity, it becomes beneficial ; and when a great depth of soil is attained, there is great advantage indeed, in anticipation of either a wet season or a dry one. In a wet season the water tlows auay, leaving the soil in a dry state ; but in consequence of the mouldering slate in which the soil is, it is very retentive of moisture, and there is a great magazine of water preserved in soil for a dry season. Being covered by the active soil, the drought may penetrate a few inches, but in consequence of the lower part of the soil being covered with this upper stratum, it is defer;ded from the ex- treme action of the rain and a very dry atmosi^herc ; consequently it will be found that in soil so treated and converted into this mouldy condition, in very dry seasons a sufficient quantity of moisture will be retained lor the use of the plants, which will grow vigorously when land in the same neighbour- hood is completely dry. , • , , A notion has prevailed with some people, that it is possible to dram land too much. I do not think so, from the fact that the mould becomes an ex- cellent magazine for the retention of moisture. A circumstance took place in regard to this in my own district, in 1826, a very dry saason. In that year there was such a long period of dry w eatlier that the pond was dried up, and there was a great deficiency of crops. I had a field which had been treated in the way I have explained, and 1 had a crop of hay on it. The hay in the country round was very poor indeed, producing not above half a crop. On this field, which I had deepened to 10 inches, I had a very splen- did crop. A proprietor of land in the neighbourhood, one of the old school, resisted to the utmost of his conviction with regard to the result of thorough draining and subsoil ploughing. A person occasionally employed by me was also engaged in doing work for him. He had asked about thi hay, and the old genlleman was rather puzzled at the state of the crop, and exclaimed that he really thought I had drained the land so much that 1 should have no crop at all. He was immediately after this completely wedded to the system, and from that day has been vigorously engaged in introducing thorough draining and subsoiling all over his estate ; and he is now having a great deal of poor soil, on a very rich and productive' estate, treated in the same way. Taking the average of that gentleman's estate, I should say that he now produces double ihe qusntity of [corn that he used to obtain. He now 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 343 grows potatoes where lie could not grow them before,, and on the old clay he produces regular and large crops of turnips. A Gentleman inquii ed « hethcr there was any land where subsoil-ploughing would be successful without tliurough draining. Mr. Smith— I am much obliged for that hint. Many persons have thought that ploughing the subsod might do without draining, but there are few instances indeed in which that application of the plough will not be hurtful instead of being beneficial. If you liave a retentive bottom which will not allow the moisture to pass away, it must remain till absorbed by the atmos- phere ; therefore the greater the chambers for receiving rain, so much the longer will the land beliept in a wet state. The practice which now prevails in the English clay districts of ploughing with a shallow harrow, has arisen from the experience of ages, which has taught them that on such soils you cannot cultivate wheat if you plough a deep furrow, because you make just so much the larger chambers to receive water. Even m open soils I would not recommend the application of the subsoil plough till the thorough draining has been executed. A gentleman atked if it was necessary to repeat the subsoil ploughing. Mr. Smith — It may not be essentially necessary to repeat it, but it is very beneficial. The practice I have adopted is to repeat the ploughing at every shift, every time I break up my fallow. Another gentleman inquired if it was always done in the same line. Mr. Smith— Generally ; sometimes I have done it obliquely. Did you ever try it diagonally ? Mr. Smith — Yes ; and perhaps it is better to do it in that « ay according to the drop of the land. The first idea I had was to use the subsoil plough ; then I thought 1 might use the trench plough, and that I might, the next shift, turn up the whole soil, so as to have a complete mixture. In some fields, where the soil was of better quality, and there was more vegetable matter, I had excellent crops ; but, on the poorer soils, I found that by bringing up the subsoil to mix with the active soil, after the first shift, I did a great deal of mischief. I found, especially with regard to grass, that I could not get that growth of plants which I had before! and immediately on observing that, I resolved a third time to go over those fields, and that I ■would again use the subsoil plough : I liave now fallen into the practice of doing so every time I turn. I took up at the first shift, perhaps about three inches, even in the poorest field ; the next time three inches more ; and by that means I gradually attained a thorough depth of soil to the extent of sixteen inches. On my own farm I have mentioned that I have a thorough depth of sixteen inches, but that is in consequence of using a trench plough on the second shift ; and in some fields that was unsuccessful. If I had had then the experience I now have, I would from the beginning use the subsoil plough at each shift ; and instead of going down the whole [sixteen inches, I vould only take up perhaps three inches the first time and three the next, till I had completed the depth of sixteen inches. The lecturer was asked if he had ever used lumps of burnt clay. Mr. Smith — I have seen it done, and it has been pretty successful, but there'is considerable difficnlty in the manufacture. A Gentleman— As regards draining in the summer season, how do you get the level ? Mr. Smith — By the spirit-level, of course. A Gentleman— The great object would be to get it done cheap; but it would be much more expensive if done in the summer. Mr. Smith— No doubt ; but if I had the choice of executing drains during the winter, at an expense of 50 per cent less than the summer, I would prefer doing it in summer. The efficiency is of far more importance than the expense. A Gentleman objected, th^t in summer sometimes the land was too hard. Mr. Smith- That maybe the case in some places, but the great bulk of the land will retain as much moisture as will enable you to get through it with the plough. Of course that will be subject to variation in different parts of the country. In some places it had better be done when the ground is more moist. Still, I would recommend it to be done, not in the winter, but in the spring or autumn. A Gentleman— I may perhaps be allowed to say that there are cases where subsoil ploughing is efleclive without thorough draining — as, for instance, in the soils of the moorlands. I have tried it myself in the moorlands, and have found that by simply breaking up that pan which holds up the water which made the lands dry in summer, and wet in winter, all the water es- caped ; and land before not worth 5s. an acre, let for 20s. after it was done. That was certainly a peculiar case. A gentleman inquired whether the rocks under the stratification were hori- zontal or perpendicular. Mr. Smith— There was very little stratification ;at all. I am perfectly aware of what has been stated with regard to destroying the pans, such as are placed upon gravel ; and though in the giavel the opening must be at a considerable distance, and consequently the water will be long in finding its way out, if it gets into tlie channel it will go off easily. These dry soils retain moisture a great deal too long Jfor agricultural purposes. A neigh- bour of mine was draining his land— a sort of irregular subsoil — and in some places had very considerable ruts or rising ground, with sandy or gravel bot- tom : he instructed his steward to stop the drain when he came to those holes. This was done, and two winters after the gentleman w as coursing, one day, and all at once his horse sank over the fetlocks in the soft ground. He called out to his steward to show the cause, and his steward explained that this was the portion of land on which he had desired the drain to be stopped. 1 mention this fact to illustrate what I have said, that when agriculturists determine on draining a field, they should resolve to drain it wholly, otherwise they are only throwing the expense away. I have seen Instances where persons have drained wet parts, and left what they consi- dered dry undrained. They very soon found that the land which was formerly the wettest, was then driest, and that when the part which had been drained was ready to receive the seed, they were delayed a few days till the other portion was sufficiently dry. In a country such as ours, where we have much changeable weather, all agriculturists know the advantage of a single day. Now, if a field is uniformly drained all over, you will perhaps be able to sow your seed one, two, three, or four days earlier than if it were not drained ; sometimes now you lose the opportunity altogether, because it frequently happens that two or three days intervene; very newly-dried will be ready for being sown, whereas other land which was not drained would require a week or fortnight before you could sow it. With regard to the application of thorough draining on porous bottoms, no doubt much good will be effected without subsoil ploughing. 1 have found it most efficacious on sandy and gravel bottom. Many persons think that by so doing mischief would result; but I have known instances of land of that nature being very greatly improved after being stirred up by the ap- plication of the subsoil plough. A Gentleman — Your observations apply to thorough draining ; many peo- ple call It furrow draining. I wish to know whether you have any reference, to deep draining, and how, as in the case of a spring lying deep, you meet the difficulty occasioned by the water. Two feet and a half drains would not touch a spring such as that described on the diagram. How do you get away the spring water, Mr. Smith — They are called furrow drains, because they ate made in the furrows. I call it the mode of thorough draining. I use the term to express the result. They are called sometimes wedge drains, top drains, and tile drains ; but the principle is, that you have the drains sufficiently close toge- ther to carry off the water quickly ; and then, that the best mode of laying them off for that purpose is to arrange them in parallel lines, and carry them as much as possible in the sloping direction of the land. With regard to springs, the spring water can do no harm till it enters the subsoil ; so long as it keeps below that, you need not care about it. The mo- ment it reaches the bottom of the drain, it finds its way into it, and will be carried off by it. I have found it necessary, sometimes, to carry a drain through the eye of the spring. Springs sometimes come in little cbaunels, at other times in a sheet, according to the nature of the subsoil. When they come in a sheet, the cross cutting completely scarifies them. If a spring comes out at a round opening and happens to fall in between two drains, I have found it necessary to cut the drain into the eye of the S[ ring. But in every instance where the water flows between two beds, I have found that, by cutting the drain across, it was completely cut off'. I will now describe to you the mode of constructing the draining tile of Lord James Hay. One way of doing it is to construct the tile on the ground , and then carefully place it in the drain. The other is to execute it in the drain as you go along, and immediately to cover it up. The composition of the tile may be varied considerably, but the proportions which I have foi;nd to do very well are — Lime. ... 1 part Blackened cinders i part Sharp fine sand . - 3 parts Gravel .... 3 parts making altogether TJ parts, or 1 measure of lime to Gi of sand and gravel ; the cinders may either be used or not. The gravel selected should not be of a large size. [Mr. Smith then exhibited the manner of forming the tiles on the ground near the spot where they are to be used. The machine consisted simply of a large box, in the ^bottom of which were placed the moulds and cores, the box having at each end holes corresponding with the size of the cores at which to draw them out. The moulds being placed in the box, the box was closely filled with the concrete, which was firmly beaten down, and then the sub- stance to form each tile was compressed by instruments adapted to the length of the tile. The cores were then drawn, the moulds and box lifted, and the tiles left behind, requiring only drying in order to be fit for use,] Mr. Smith continued — 344 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [October- In our -listrict lime is very dear ; it costs about XI per ton in tliesliell. The cost will be- ^, „ „ One ton of lime . . . il U u Half ton of cinders . . 0 10 Four tons of sand . . 0 4 0 Two tons of gravel . . 0 5 6 Grinding . . , • 0 2 6 Workmanship . • • 0 10 P £2 3 0 These quantities will make 2880 tiles, which will be about the rate of 15s. per thousand. I would recommend in all cases that the gravel and the sand should be ground together, as thereby the lime goes much farther. By grinding them, also, in a wet state, they are better prepared to make the mi.^;- ture which forms the concrete. A question has heen handed to me, as follows :-" What efiect have thorough draining and subsoil ploughing on the habit of throwing out the wheat plant by frost ?" There is no difficulty in answering this ; because it is well known' to be owing to the moisture that the wheat plant is thrown out, and whatever removes the moisture, will have the favourable tendency required I have known manv places where almost every winter the greater part of the plants were thrown out. Now. the result of thorough draining and subsoil ploughing is, that they retain the plant perfectly well, and have very abundant crops. The best of the t«o modes which 1 mentioned of forming the tiles, is to make them just where the drain is wanted, and in a few days they will become so dry that they can be placed in the drain. One disadvantage is, that these tiles will not stand carting for a length of time. They requirerseveral months before they will admit of being laid one over the other. But, in most in- stances, the making of the tiles can be accomplished on the spot, and in the course of a few days they may be put into the drain. It is, then, of great importance to cover them immediately with some light soil, free from stones, and to beat them down so as to preserve it from injury. If there are any stones in the soil, they may get down to the tile and seriously injure it. This is an instnimeut with which to form the tile in the drains. [The lecturer then exhibited the method of forming the tiles in the drains, which is done by p'acing the mould in the place in the drain to be occupied by the tile, then laying upon it the concrete, and after pressure by an in- strument similar to that used in the former process, drawing out the mould by means of a long handle attached to it for that purpose.] Mr. Smith-With reference to the tiles, I would remark that it is better to make them in moist weather than in dry. A gentleman inquired how long it would be before the drain could be filled in. , j • t Mr Smith-l consider it completed when the soil is put over the drain. In an experiment which I made in Forfarshire, as soon as the core had been withdrawn, when the soft soil had been beaten over the concrete, it was fia to be walked over in two days after. Having no greater covering than that on it, 1 jumped myself on the tile from the surface, without doing any in- jury, so that I consider beating the earth over the tile perfectly secures it from injury, and the moment it is completed it is beyond any danger-one day, at least, after the core is withdrawn. A Gentleman-If I understood Lord James Hay right, he said it is better not to let the water run through immediately. Mr. Smith— I should say that precaution was quite necessary ; there would be some risk of the lower part being washed and injured. Mr. Littledale, of Cheshire, has also made experiments on the system. I cannot catch his eye, and therefore do not suppose he is here, or he would bear testimony to the advantages of it. The old mode is to have narrow ridges not more than three yanls broad, because otherwise there would be no crop at all. There is generally a fringe like a bristle at the top of the ridge, and there is nothing Tn the furrow below. There is a gentleman who has followed the plan of thorough draining and subsoil ploughing, .and has laid down his land flat ; and he\as succeeded in converting a very sterile clay into a clay which has borne a very splendid crop of potatoes, which he has sold this season for 40/. an acre. I have an interesting communication to day from Scotland, which, though not immediately connected with the subject before us, bears intimately upon it. There are great doubts respecting the propriety of putting seed deep into the soil, or covering it very lightly. Experiments have been made on that subject, but none so conclusively as that which I huve now before me, which relates to the springing up of the more tender seeds, the grass seeds ; and it shows the great importance of having a shallow covering over them. This experiment was made by the Messrs. Drummond, of Stirling, the individuals who first introduced the agricultural museums. This experiment tends to show the great importance of a light covering to grass seeds. I have made a harrow of peculiar construction, which reduces the surface soil very much without tearing up the ground. It has no teeth, but acts by little sharp discs, closely set together, which curve very slightly 1 have found this instrument also very efficacious if used as a brush harrow. A great many questions have been put to me in the course of the lecture, which I have endeavoured to answer as satisfactorily as I could. I now take the liberty of referring to two gentleman, who have had opportunities of seeing what has been done by the application of thorough draining and sub- soil ploughing. One of these gentlemen is well known as an eminently scientific man, who has visited my farm, and has obtained information as to what it was in its original state, and to what it has attained by cultivation ; I mean Dr. Buckland. Dr. BucKL..\Nn— Gentlemen, I am one, I believe, of the few individuals present who have had the opportunity of visiting the scene of these most interesting experiments. I believe the term Dean-stoning has been applied to the process, but "thorough draining" is the designation given to it by Mr. Smith. Every word uttered by Mr. Smith I can verify from my own personal inspection of his farm. I went there disposed to criticise, and there is but one attempt at criticism that I can offer on all I have heard or seen of Mr. Smith; and that is, that he talked just now of making straight lines round the hill. There may be a rule for doing that in Scotland, but it is at present unknown in this part of the empire. I can find no other fault, and I think that what I have said is the greatest compliment 1 can pay Mr. Smith. I examined the pond which has been spoken of, and I could find nothing there which indicated the presence of earth. Tlierefore it is quite clear that there is no tendency by any natural process to fill up those drains. A most important point is the total absence of furrows-an advantage which was not so fully pointed out as it might have been. The wetting which you have m the gutter, and the too great dryness which you have on the upper part of the furrow which you have in an ordinarv field are avoided, and a healthy condition is assumed over the whole field, whether one or one hundred acres. One fact is better than any criticism which 1 can ofler. On my return I visited Sir Robert Peel, and was conducted by him to see the worst farm on his estate. One of the fields which should have had grass upon it consisted in three-fourths of it of burnt clay, and one half was full of little plashes, which the tenant had covered with rotten dung. It was impossible that the mnisture flowing from this could go down ; it therefore began to dry, and its whole virtue was going to the wind. Sir Robert admitted the badness of the tenant, and promised to adopt the system I had recommended in one of my pamphlets. I heard no more of the matter till about the end of last autumn, and then I received a letter, which stated that Sir Robert bad obtained pos- session of the farm, and was proceeding to drain it in the manner recom- mended by Mr. Smith. I hold it very important to get another experiment made in the west of England. I saw— and this shows the connexion of <»eolo>^y with agriculture— what the original condition of the soil was, as There "is a small fragment of it over the hedge. Mr. Smith's soil is more than a foot deep, while over the hedge it is not more than three or four inches of the coarsest soil, not worth more than half-a-crown an acre ; the value of Mr. Smith's I will not mention, but perhaps 3;. or 4;. an acre would be a fair guess. Now, Sir Robert Peel has in one year wholly changed this by improving the subsoil ; and you shall hear the result sent to Sir Robert by his bailiff, to be transmitted to Mr. Smith. After the land had been drained on Mr Smith's plan, it was limed with four tons of good lime per acre ; it was then ridged up. the ridges afterwards split, and rotten dimg put between. It was immediately moulded up. and the seed drilled on the ridge over the dung, so that the seed had the benefit of the dung at the first stage of vege- tation The first crop of turnips produced was four times greater than any crop produced on the same field at any previous time. The manure was ^ood farm-made stable manure and farm-yard dung mixed ; the proportion was 12 tons an acre ; the best crop was 27 tons an acre ; the seed (the Here- fordshire white) was sown the 21st of June. The second best (26 tons) was red "iant, sown the 23rd of June ; the next was red top, sown the 24th ot June" and the next the white globe, sown the 25th of June. The whole of the seed was from Skirviug's, of Liverpool, and 2*lb. per acre was sown ; the ridges were 24 inches distant from each other. That document was signed by Thomas Hill, Sir Robert Peel's bailiff. This is the result of twelve months experience only, for Sir Robert Peel wrote to me, and said he sowed under unfavourable circumstances, and his neighbours were laughing him to scorn. Whether or not 26 or 27 tons of turnips an acre is a failure, on land winch never before produced 0 tons an acre, it is for you to judge. Here is the whole expense repaid in the first year, and the land for ever worth forty shillings an acre. r d i * A gentleman from Berkshire, who had cultivated a portion of Bagsliot Heath, spoke highly in favour of Mr. Smith's system, and alluded to that .gentleman as having al nosl taught him the rudiments of agriculture. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 345 MR. VIGNOLES' LECTURES ON CIVIL ENGINEERING, AT THE LONDON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. SECOND COURSE — LECTURE XII. — R.\1LWAY ESTIMATES. Tms lecture had reference to the consideration of estimates, as applied to raihvays — that is, to ascertain lineal dimensions, superficies, and cubic con- tents, and, affixing the proper rateable prices, to work out the monied results. The Professor said, that, probably, the most ready way to give a general idea on this subject would be to go briefly over the several heads to be considered in framing an estimate. It was assumed that proper plans and sections of the work had been prepared in a skilful manner beforehand, Mr. Vignoles strongly insisting on the necessity and importance of having all such docu- ments furnished on a much larger scale, and with vastly more attention to accuracy and detail, than had often hitherto been the case, particularly for Parliamentary estimates, observing, that erroneous data and calculations could not but result from a neglect of this rule : and. he stated, that, al- though many of the standing orders of Parliament were annoying in some respects, yet the principle on which they were framed, went to compel a compliance with forms, in doing which, greater previous investigation and accuracy of plans and sections, became absolutely indispensable. The quantiiij of land required formed naturally the first item of an estimate. It was but seldom, indeed, that the very small economy of taking land for one line of railway only was adopted. To a given breadth, therefore, for a double line — say, from eight to ten yards — must be added the necessary allowance for fencing and ditching — say, three yards on each side — making a constant breadth of fourteen to sixteen yards of land throughout, indepen- dent of the necessary slopes in excavations and embankments ; the additional quantity for these, depends, of course, on the depth of the cutting, or height of the bank, in the various places, and on the ratio of the slopes of the earthwork. Suppose, in a cutting or banking of ten feet, this ratio to be one horizontal to one perpendicular, then, such slopes of one to one require ten feet additional breadth of land on each side — together, tw'enty feet — viz., twice the depth or height to be added as a further breadth, beyond the constant one for the railway and fencing. In like manner, for slopes of one and a half, two, two and a half, or three to one respectively, multiply the varying depths or heights of cutting or embanking by three, four, five or six, as the case may be, for the necessary augmented breadth of land due to the slopes, along their several extents; and thus, from the lengths measured, and the heights figured, on the section, the varying quantities of land are obtained, multiplying length by breadth, and reducing the areas to acres and parts for agricultural districts, and to square yards for land in towns and their immediate vicinities. For the prices to be assigned to these superficial quantities, the engineer must depend on the land valuer, who is also to judge of the amount of contingent damages. On an average, the actual quantity of land for a double line of railway, including the slopes of earthwork, may be taken at ten acres to the mile, but the precise areas must be ascertained in detail in the way explained. The cost of land for many of the leading lines of railway had been as much as £5000 per mile for the whole of their length. The cost of land for lines at a greater distance from the metropolis was less— still, from the numerous contingent after-charges, in respect of land, the sums were large, and had often far exceeded the original estimates. The fencing of the land comes within the province of the engineer, though it is sometimes comprised in the item of land. The mode of fencing must always be regulated upon the custom and materials of the country. Dry- stone walls, earth mounds with furze hedges, posts and rails, quickset hedges, and broad side-ditches or drains, are the principal kinds of fencing through agricultural lands ; walls of brick or masonry, set in mortar, are generally called for through towns or building land. The several lengths of each of these are ascertained from the plans ; the prices are obtained in the localities. Including farm gates, the cost of fencing varies from Is. tid. to 3s. per yard lineal in the country. In the vicinity of towns, for stations. Sec. the price will vary from 5s. up to 10s. per yard, according to circumstances, ■vhich it must be the business of the engineer to ascertain. The third item is usually that of Earthwork— thui is, to reduce the undu- lating natural surface of the ground to the railway level or gradient, by cutting through hills, and filling across valleys. Mr. Vignoles having, in the first course, entered at large into the consideration of earthwork, thought It unnecessary to say much here. The price of the earthwork depends ab- stractedly on the average work that an able-bodied man can perform in a day, in various soils— this it should be the study of the engineer to deter- mine. The mere price to the workman, for getting and filling, may be taken at from 2d. to 5d. per cubic yard, for the various kinds of sands, gravels, or clays ; and from 6d. to 2s. for harder materials, rock, &c., but, in addition, various other matters are to be provided — barrows, planks, wagons, tempo- rary railways, &c. — the present modern practice in moving large quantities of earlh is vastly different to what it was in this country thirty years ago. or to what it still is on the continent, more particularly in the greater dis- tance to which the material is carried ; these several distances between the excavations and the points of depositing them, either into embank-ment or to spoil, must be ascertained from the longitudinal section, and a careful exami- nation on the ground— these distances are technically called the lead; for distances under a quarter of a mile, the prices are higher, in proportion, than for longer distances. Taking the average description of soils, and the average distances. Is. per cubic yard may be taken as a covering first esti- mate, upon the whole number of cubic yards of excavation or of embank- ment, whichever may be the larger quantity shown upon the section. The quantities of earthwork in a railway, on an average per mile throughout the whole distance, might be taken as a characteristic of its cost, so far as mere construction went, independent of carrying establishments, stations, and land, over which items the engineers seldom had control. Mr. Vignoles said it would be very interesting to have an abstract of the quantities and cost of the earthwork, distances carried, &c., on all the railways, and indeed, of all the other items of the works, as actually executed ; they would be- come valuable precedents for future estimates, particularly if accompanied by explanations of the circumstances under which the operations were car- ried on. The great haste with which many of the railways were executed, while the late powerful excitement lasted, had added greatly to the cost, by raising the price of labour. Mr. Vignoles stated that he had already given some such abstracts of the railways that had been executed by him, or under his directions, and he was prepared to give more, and he hoped that other engineers would follow his example, as it could not but be very satisfactory to the proprietors of the different concerns, as well as a justification to the engineers themselves, and to the directors, that they could go into the mi- nutest detail of expenditure. The Professor then gave abstracts, in round numbers, of the quantities of earthwork on many of the principal lines of railway, as well as could be ascertained from the sections. He mentioned the North Union Railway, twenty-one miles long, with 125,000 cubic yards of earthwork per mile, at an average cost of lOjd. per yard, including all extras and contingencies. The Midland Counties, 57| miles, with 100,000 cubic yards of earth per mile, at an average cost of 13d. per yard, including slips and all charges, the soils nearly the same in each, and the average lead nearly alike— viz., one mile— attributing the difference to the great haste and great demand for labour in the latter. The mean of these would be now a fair estimate. Having estimated for the cost of obtaining the artificial bed of the rail- way, the next item would be the Bridging and 3/asonry— that is, to restore the previously existing communications of roads, canals, or other railways, the passage of rivers, watercourses, &c., &c., by viaducts, aqueducts, ordinary bridges, culverts, drains, Stc, and often by heavy retaining and breast walls. Under this head came the bridges of brick, timber, or iron ;— in very marshy countries, where the foundations are likely to be bad, and the drainings liable to be affected, timber may be resorted to, and used in the shape of piling, with cross beams to sustain the rails across the openings, avoiding thus the cost of arches, abutments, and wing walls. The ascertainment of the several superficial or cubic quantities in each of these different construc- tions, is a matter of simple mensuration from the working drawings. The attachment of prices to these, in all their various details, with sufficient accuracy, depends on the mature judgment and experience of the engi. neer; and it is by a long course of careful study and observation that the young student, in his employer's office, and on his works, can alone hope to acquire this knowledge. It was but too common, in making estimates, to fall short in this item, particularly in the number of occupation bridges, which, owing to the complicated holdings, improvements, &c., had to be provided for to a vexatious extent, or bought off. The masonry is generally in proportion to the earthw ork, and in many cases has happened to be of nearly the same amount of cost. The average number of bridges on a main line of railway might be taken at five for two miles. Diversions and em- banked approaches of roads, gravelling or metalling the new surfaces, and the contingent operations, 'should be separately calculated. They are in- cluded under the head of fencing,; of earthwork, or of bridging, or kept as a distinct item, according to the practice of the engineer, but they form a large sum, varying from lOOl. to 500/. per mile, according to circumstances, and, in preliminary estimates, are too often omitted, or are put into that refuge for all deficient items — contingencies. The item of Upper-Works in general, or permanent way, had been gone into so fully in the recent lectures, that it was not necessary here to do more than mention it, as forming a leading point in considering estimates. It is usua| to add 10 per cent, upon all the items of the estimate, properly belonging to the engineer. Besides these were the preliminary expenses of surveys and Act of Parliament. The management, including cost of conveying, &c.. and all salaries and expenses of direction, office, engineers, soliiitors, &c„ Jitc. Then came the expenditure on the stations, engines, carriages, repairing and building shops, fittings, and .all the carrying establishment necessary for passengers, also for goods and for warehouses, wharfs, and other accommo- dation. It was in them the heavy extra expenditure of railway capital 3 C 346 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [OCTOBBR. mostly went, and which, in the early stages of the railway system, could no be properly judged of. By way of summary, Mr. Vignoles said he would give, in his next lecture, the actual cost of one or two hues of railway which had come under his direction, and which might be useful by way of reference in making out estimates on other occasions, thout;h the construction and working of railways must be regulated on much more economical principles than had hitherto been the case, or no more of them would be undertaken. LECTBRE XIII. In continuation of the observations on Railway Eslimates, w hich had been commenced in the last lecture, Mr. Vignoles observed that, having therein gone fully into the items of construction of railways, he had only glanced at the very necessary provision to be made for the efficient working of them — viz., the Stations and Carrying-establishment, upon which he would say a few more words, for it was mostly under this head th«it the chief causes — or, rather, the chief excuses — for extra expenditure, or excess of estimates, had arisen. Properly speaking, this item, so costly, and yet so indispensable, should be taken as falling on a railway company, not as proprietors of the road, but as carriers — the distinction being, that if the railway was let on lease, as canals have been, or if everybody could carry on the railnays, as they do on the canals — if, in short, public safety and public convenience, and generally necessary arrangements, did not make it imperative, or. at least, highly desirable, that the railway companies should be carriers (of passen- gers, at all events), the expense of stations and carrying establishment would not fall on them, though they must still be incurred by some parties, hefore the railway can be brought into profitable operation; nevertheless, the public, who are to use and be benefitted by the road, having, after all, to pay in one shape or another, are greatly interested in a proper expenditure, any excess of which is sure to be felt in increased charges or in diminished accommodation, until the grievous expenditure of a rival line is introduced. In analysing the cost of Stations it is obvious that the land always forms a prominent item, for, being near towns and populous places, it is to be bought by the yard, and not by the acre— building land, villa land, &C., &c., instead of mere fields. Hence, it will not be surprising, if it is found that the cost of the land, for the stations only, on many of the great lines, has amounted to as much as one-third of the whole cost of land for the railway. The buHdings erected at stations may be divided into three classes — those for the accommodation of the passenger traffic — those for the goods, minerals, &c. — and those for the repair and maintenance of the engines, carriages, &c. At principal towns, therefore, large and distinct establishments must be erected ; and, on long lines, a principal central depot for the engines, is often required in addition. At the minor and road stations the whole may be grouped together under one roof. In no department of expenditure have so many diilerences. and so much useless extravagance in construction and arrangement, been displayed, as in the buildings at stations ; and hundreds of thousands of pounds have been absolutely thrown away from want of sufficient forethought and consideration, and by erecting enormous masses of buildings, either at the wrong places or in an Injudicious manner. It was better to wait until the character of the traffic was ascertained, before making such expensive permanent establishments, and then to increase the accommodation by degrees. As an example of a moderate expenditure under this head, Mr. Vignoles mentioned some particular instances, and went somewhat into detail. At the terminus of a railway in a manufacturing town, with 80,000 inhabitants, there had been an expenditure of £9, .500. for the passenger buddings, sheds, &c., &c. ; £5,500. for goods' warehouses ; about £2000. fur the mineral traffic ; and about £3000. for fixtures, tum- plales, &c.— say, in all, about £20,000. exclusive of the land, which had amounted to a very large sum, upwards of £13,000., including a good deal of spare space, existing buildings, &c., Sec. At a smaller town on the line, but with some extent of goods' traffic, the cost for passenger buildings, sheds, Stc, was £2500.; for merchandise accommodation, £3500.; turn-plates, fixtures, tools, SiC, &c., £1000. ; land about £3000. On the same railway the cost of six or seven various minor road stations, including water tanks coke and engine sheds, tools, &c., was £3500. ; land about £1500. ; sundries on the whole line about £1000.— being a gross expenditure of £50,000. on station, land, and buildings, for a line of about twenty -two miles, which is at the rate af £2273. per mile ; and the corresponding carrying establishment of engines, tenders, &c. (for passenger traffic only), was about £19,000. ; for passenger carriages of three classes, horse-boxes, trucks, &c., &c., about £13,000. (the wagons for merchandise, coal, &c., as well as the engines, &c., being provided by carriers on the line, who provided their own carrying stock) ; and the necessary buildings for repair and maintenance of engines, carriages, &c., with tools, fixtures, &c. &c., about £12,000.— making a gross cost of £44,000., or £2000. per mile. The whole of this concern having been arranged «ith the strictest regard to economy, may be taken as a fair ave- rage, and it will be safe to say, that £4000. per mile for an eflectivc carrying establishment, with the necessary stations, is a moderate sum. For lines of less traffic, if of considerable extent— as, for instance, say for some of the long lines from the present railway termini in the north of England, to either of the principal towns in Scotland, a smaller amount might be suffi- cient; but Mr. Vignoles considered that it would be unwise to estimate a smaller expenditure than that of £3000. per mile for Stations and Carrying- estahlisliment, on a line to be worked by locomotive engines, and it would be much safer to take £4000. ; on either of these sums, £1500. per mile for the locomotive stock and buildings must always be estimated, and almut £500.. per mile for the carriage department — leaving from £1000. to £2000. per mile fur the stations, according to the extent of accommodation ; keeping the instances of the extraordinary outlay on some of the principal railway lines as examples to be avoided, and not to be imitated, or referred to, as necessary. Under the last'head of Management, came all the various and miscellaneous items of expenditure, between the first concoction of the project, to the closing of the capital account. The preliminary expenses of examining the ground, levelling, surveying, maps, 8tc., and all the formalities in the en- gineer's department, to enable application to be made to Parliament ; the ascertainment of the traffic, revenue, travelling, and other expenses of various kinds, &c., &c., generally undertaken by tlie secretary ; the valuation of land, &c., by the surveyor; the collections of the names of owners and occupiers, notices to them, applications for their assents, &c., and the ma- nagement of the Bill throughout all its stages, fading to the charge of the solicitor. All these must be incurred before a spade was put into the ground, and had heretofore varied from £500. to £1000. per mile, according to the facilities afforded, the opposition encountered, the length of the line, &;c. In future estimates, it was to he hoped this item might fairly be put, as not ex- ceeding the smaller of these sums. Then came the setting out of the line, the detailed levels and surveys, and all the office work of the engineer, until the works are put into the hands of the contractor. The minute valuations of the property to be taken, and the juries, references, conveyancing, stamps, and all the various legal steps until the company are put into full possession. Then the office establishment for regulating all the financial and ministerial affairs, and the temporary arrangements, police, lawsuits, and legal and illegal charges of all kinds, ta.xes and rates, interest and commission to agents and brokers, travelling expenses, salaries, and a great variety of dis- bursements of a miscellaneous kind, which, in the aggregate amount to a large sum. The whole of the outlay thus coming under the head of Ma- nagement has varied from 5 to 10 per cent, on the gross cost of the railways hitherto executed, according to their extent, and the amount of capital em- barked, and especially according to the degree of vigilance exercised to keep down expenses, which depends chiefly on the director or secretary, or under whatever name the acting manager of the company may superintend. Judging from the examples past, and the deep impression which has been made on the public mind of the necessity of economy in every department, Mr. Vigmdes thought 5 per cent, might be estimated hereafter, unless the lines were very short, and the capital small. In recapitulation, the Profes.sor observed, that the young engineer should always keep in view, for his estimates, the preceding great divisions of the cost — viz,, land, including the damages, and fencing — earthwork — works of art (bridging, masonry, &c.) — upper works (the permanent railway proper) — stations and carrying establishment — management — and having, in his first es- timates, allowed amply for each of those items under their several heads, he should add at least 10 per cent, for unforeseen contingencies. .Some of the preceding items would be common to almost all railways, and others, of course, would vary greatly, according to local circumstances, chiefly regu- lated by the amount of earthwork ; for, as that is heavy, so the works of art become costly, since the works of art are merely to restore the existing com- munications of the country, and the natural or artificial water-courses and drainage to their state before disturbed, or as near as may be, and that to an extent in exact proportion to the civilisation and improvement of the coun- try, to enforce all which stringent clauses are inserted in the Acts of Par- liament, and plenty of persons are alwa)'^ on the watch to enforce them. Mr. Vignoles observed, that the land, levelling of the ground, and restoring of communications, might, on the average, including contingencies, extra land, &c., be taken as forming about 50 per cent, on the total outlay of railways hitherto executed. But, referring to the items the Professor had gone over in detail in previous lectures, it appeared that, when proper economy and circumspection was used, the necessary cost of the railway proper — that is, the necessary quantity of land for the road only, a good substantial set of upper works for a double way, and a complete and elTective carrying establishment — might, and had been, obtained for £10.000. per mile. All beyond is expenditure to obtain gradients, more or less perfect, and Mr. Vignoles thought that the great error all engineers had hitherto committed, the cardinal mistake — of which he himself was far from guilt- less— was, seeking to make railways, intended, as they were, chiefly for passengers, ioo per/fc<— that is, of cutting down hills, and filling up valleys to too great an extent, on the erroneous supposition that the engines were always to carry maximum loads, which was very seldom the case, and never would be so on lines at a distance from the metropolis, particularly such as the hnes into .Scotland, previously mentioned. In short, the Professor in- 1842. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 347 sisted that the engineer should, in such instances, and for the cross railways, which he yet hoped might be introduced, make the gradients and carves ranch less theoretically perfect ; and that the amount of expenditure, beyond the above stated necessary one of £10,000. per mile, should be reduced to the very minimum ; and lie considered that henceforth an average ot £15,000. or £16.000. per mile, and a maximum of £20.000.. or, in very extraordinary cases, indeed, of £25,000., should be looked to for the construction of double lines of railway in any country, but that in most cases, of light traffic, and consequent adaptation of gradients, for single lines, a sum of from £7000. to £12,000. per mile would be the limit of total expenditure. Mr. Vignoles concluded by observing, that the preceding abstracts were deduced from very detailed accounts, which had been arranged on a uniform system, and kept from the very commencement of each undertaking, so as to be available, at any time during the progress of the works, to show the exact state of the expenditure ; and had been finally worked out to the nearest thousand pounds, as above. And the Professor expressed his great hope and expecta- tion that this example would be followed, and that similar accounts would shortly be forthcoming, of the corresponding items of cost on all the prin- cipal railways in this and in other countries, more especially where com- plaints of improper excess of expenditure over estimates (well or ill-founded) had been charged, for the publication of such accounts— and the more in detail the belter— would be the most complete defence of the directors, and the most satisfactory explanation from the engineer, and alike valuable, as statistical information, to the country — as salutary guidance to the capitalist and speculator— and as valuable information and naming to the old as wel as to the young practitioner. The preceding is a very brief outline of this interesting lecture, and the following, we believe, is a correct abstract of the cost of the two railways quoted by Mr. Vignoles. Comparatiee Abstract of the Cost of two Principal Lines of Railway, under the general heads of Expenditure, as deduced from the very latest accounts of Actual Expenditure, brought out to the nearest ro»nd numbers : MIDLAND COUNTIES RAILWAY. [57f MILES.] — — NORTH UNION R.4.ILWAY [25 MILES.] Pr.cent whole cost. Costpr. Mile. £ Total Cost. £ — — — Heads of expenditure. _ _ _ Total Cost. Costpr. Mile. £ Pr.cent whole cost. 12 34 15 23 7 3463 1004 5455 4364 6822 6147 2182 200,000 58,000 315,000 252,000 394,000 355,000 126,000 (790 acres) (5,700,000 cubic yards) [tons / Upper r£215,000— (17,670) 1 Works! 179,000 r C-. .■ , ~l •£ 51,000 . Stations and ^^' < carrying S .,' „„ estabUshment. fil'oOO Railway land, and damages . . Fencing, gates, roads, &c Earth work (320 acres) . . (2,900,000 cubic yards) (6885 tons) £68,000 / Upper "I 62,000 I works ]" £ 18,000 r „, ,. , ~| 48,000 J Stations and 1 90 000 1 cafying > 14000 establishment. 50,000 20,000 125,000 125,000' 130,000 100,000 60,000 2000 800 5000 5000 5200 4000 2400 8 3i 20i 204 21 164 10 Works of art, of all kinds Iron rails and chairs All other materials, and labour Station land, and damages .. Buildings, tittings-up, &.C Carriage, &c. stock Management, law, interest, &c. 100 29,437 1,700,000 _ _ _ : .. Totals _ _ _ 610,000 24,400 100 PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. June 20. — A paper by M. Vicat was read, " On the nature of Poxtzzo- lanes." — M. Vicat, having discovered the nature of the substance, has been able to compose a substitute with pure clay, calcined whilst exposed to a dead heat, so as to get rid of eight or nine-tenths of the water combined with it. The best clay for the purpose, says this gentleman, is pipe-clay ; and in proportion with the admixture of iron, manganese, carbonate of lime or sand, is the defect of quahty. M. Degousue gave an account of some recent results in the making of Artesian wells. He states that he has bored for water in the plateau which extends from Lagny to the forest of Arminvilliers, at the height of 110 metres above the Marne. In one spot an abundant supply of water rushed out, although he had gone to a depth of only nine metres. With M. De- gousee's report he forwarded to the Academy a letter which he had received from Aime-Bey, the director of the mines of Egypt, who announces his in- tention of re-opening some of the bored wells of the ancients, at the foot of the Libyan chain, and requests that the necessary instruments may be sent out to him for that purpose. June 27. — A paper on the effect of oil in calming the waves of the sea. By M. Van Beck. — M. Van Beck thinks, with Franklin, that the pheno- menon may be explained by admitting that there exists between air and water a certain natural affinity or adhesion. Water, he says, takes in with avidity the air with which it comes in contact, so that it is with diihculty expelled. It results that, whilst a current of air passes over the surface of the water, the air attaches itself to the liquid, and creates small waves, which, as the wind increases, become large and dangerous. As soon as these waves are covered with a membrane of oil, the adiiesion of the air upon the water ceases to exist, and the surface is no longer disturbed. A communication was read from M. Combes, on the thermal springs of Mamant-Escoution, on the Banks of the Raz-el-Akbar, in Algeria, about thirty leagues from Bona. The waters of these springs, which rise in the midst of a plaia from Utile conical domes formed by themselves, are sulphu- reous, and of the high temperature of 80° of Reaumur. July 4. — A paper was read " On the Geological State of the southern part of Brazil, and on the Heavings-up of the Earth, which have at imrious periods changed the appearance of the country," by JI. Pissis. The ground examined is situated between the 12th and 27th degrees of central latitude, and com- prehends the space between Parana, San Francisco, and the sea. Three periods of rising or heaving up are perceptible in Brazil, the last belonging to the end of the tertiary period. The immersion of certain strata placed at the bottom of the province of Bahia, and a sUght elevation of the table lands, found between the sea and San Francisco, have been the results of it. " On the action exercised on the surface of various Liquids, hy the influence of the Vapour of certain Substances, and by their immediate contact." By M. Dutrochet. Light bodies placed on the surface of the water are repelled to a certain distance by the vapour of camphor, of ether, or even of alcohol,' and the essential oils. M. Dutrochet's experiments op|)Ose the opinion hitherto received, that this phenomenon is due to the impulsion which re- sults from the rapid expansion of the vapour, which, striking on those light bodies, produces the removal of all the liquids subjected to the experiments. Ether is the one which produces the most vigorous movement of light bodies placed on water, mercury, and several acids and alkalies, but the movement is not always a repulsion, and is subject to great variation. Thus the vapour of ether attracts flour of sulphur placed on the surface of sulphuric acid, and produces a repulsion on the surface of nitric acid. If water be added to these acids, the movement is weakened in proportion as the quantity of water is increased. M. Dutrochet attributes tiiese different movements to a modification of capillary attraction. He observes that, in reahty, there is neither attraction nor repulsion in the floating bodies, that tlieir displacement impedes the current, of which the surface of the liquid is the seat, and which has its origin in the heaving up or depression below the liquid, which may be reduced to steam. July 18. — .V paper was read by M. Rameaux, of Strasburg, on the vital heat of plants. M. Rameaux has ascertained that the heat varies materially, 3 C 2 348 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [October, not only according to the external temperature, but also in the different por- tions of the plants. This he attributes to the flow of the sap, which, having received the vital heat from the direct action of the sun's rays, carries it as it flows ; consequently, the portions immediately under the influence of the sap have a higher degree of temperature than those which are most distant. Another report was made to the Academy, on the cjiirass of cotton felt, as a means of defence in war. In the first report to the Academy, the con- clusions of the commission were not altogether favourable ; for, although it was admitted that the cuirass resisted the action of pistol balls, it bore traces of injury from the concussion to which it was exposed. In the present instance, it appears that the cuirass was exposed to a severe test, by being fired at with cavalry pistols, at the distance of a few paces, and that it effectually resisted the balls. July 25. — A paper was read by M. Vallee, " On ttie mode of rendering tfie Lake of Geneva subsidiary to tlie Rhone." Amongst the phenomena pre- sented by the Lake of Geneva is one which has particularly attracted the attention of M. Vallee, viz. the sudden changes of level which in the country are called se'ches. He attempts to account for this phenomenon by supposing the existence of a subterranean lake, communicating on the one side with the Leman, and on the other with the high valleys by means of natural wells, which are nearly vertical. In this way he endeavours to explain the rising and falling of the waters at Geneva, which have been frequently noticed to vary as much as two metres at a time, and to account for the rapid and ex- tensive changes which occur in the temperature of the lake. August 1. — M. Bessel, of Kocnigsberg, and Professor Erman, of Berlin, were present. Each read in French a communication to the Academy. The paper by M. Bessel was on the laws of atmospheric refraction as con- nected with astronomical observations. The paper by Prof. Erman was a report on a meteorological voyage of circumnavigation. In the course of M. Erman's expedition round the world, the vessel in which he was, passed four times from latitude 50' north to 58' south, and during this transition M. Erman made observations with the barometer six times a- day. He states from them that, in general, the pressure on the barometer goes on diminishing very slowly from the equator to the poles, and what proves that this depends on the general constitution of the atmosphere, is the fact that the diminution is constant and regular. Thus in the waters of Cape Horn, as well as on the coasts of Kamscbatka, the mean height of the barometer is twelve millimetres lower than the mean height of the great equinoctial ocean. Hence it follows, says M. Erman, that the pressure of the air is not the same on basins of the same level in vast seas. M. Erman concludes, from the result of his observations, that a hope may now be reasonably en- tertained of becoming fully acquainted with the general law of the distri- bution of the air over the surface of the globe, so far as that law may appear to depend on pressure. A report was read by M. Dufrenoy, on a coniniunieation from M. Araedee Burat, respecting the position of the coal veins in the basin of the Saone-et- Loire. The veins are not in strata, and they exceed in thickness all others known, but the veins are less continuous than in other coal districts in their direction and inclination, are mLxed with clay, and he concludes that they have been formed by a vegetation on the spot, periodically destroyed by the rising of the neighbouring waters beyond their ordinary level. Aug. 8. — M. Arago gave an analysis of a paper by M. de Ruolz, on the means of f. ring one metal upon another by the galvanic process. When the first paper of M. de Ruolz, on this subject, was read, the practical use of the discovery had gone no further than the precipitation of pure metals, and it remained to be ascertained whether mixed metals could be precipitated. This M. de Ruolz has done, and several specimens covered with a precipitate of copper and tin, in the proportions which constitute bronze, were submitted to the Academy. The red tint of copper, so offensive to the eye in objects of art produced by the galvanic process, has given place to the more delicate and pleasing appearance of bronze. The various advantages of the galvanic system are fully shown in the paper of M. de Ruolz. A precipitated coating must always be more regular and uniform than one laid on by hand. It can be made to any degree of thickness, and cannot be detached from the mate- rial to which it is appUed. Iron roofs, for instance, both as to frame-work and sheet-iron, may be coated so as to resist the action of the atmosphere, and this without any great augmentation of cost, for the coating may he thin, and the iron work itself, not being exposed to atmospheric action, may be made much lighter. For domestic purposes, the galvanic process as regards a leaden envelope, may be advantageously employed in various ways, and M. de Ruolz suggests that it would be well to employ it for iron shot, which undergoes great deterioration from exposure to the atmosphere. A letter was read from M. Agassiz, who has been for some time encamped on the summit of the Aar, for the purpose of studying the phenomena of the glaciers. He writes that the mass of ice in that part advances towards the valley at the rate of 220 feet annually, and the surface loses 7 feet of ice every year, which loss, however, finds its compensation in the infiltrations which become frozen, and raise the base. Aug. 15. — M. Dumas placed before the Academy some specimens of the power of the newly-invented roller, by M. Schatteamann, which, according to a former report, has been used with great effect in compressing together into one solid mass the fractured portions of the stones used for macadamizing roads. The specimens now submitted to the Academy are of two kinds. In the one the interstices of stone are filled with sand, so compressed as to be- come as solid as the stone itself; in the other, fragments of stone are rolled together, and form the most complete cohesion. Aug. 29. — A further communication was read from M. Agassiz. M. Agas- siz informs the Academy that he has ascertained that the glacier is throughout mined and sapped by watercourses, as he was convinced, from experiments which he had before performed, and of which he had given an account, that ice is porous in a high degree, and that the motion of glaciers is due in part to the infiltrations of water through the mass, thus imdermining the base ; and that the experiments on the glacier of the Aar have established the truth of this theory. M. Agassiz also mentions a fact which tends to corroborate what has been stated as to the phosphorescence of clouds. He mentions that it is more easy, on the glaciers at night, to distinguish the hands of a watch when the sky is covered with clouds, than when it is cloudless and the light of the stars is seen. He also states that the appearance of a peculiar snow, well known to all visitors of the glaciers, is not a snow that falls, but merely a modification of the frozen surface. In a paper lately read on some remarkable circumstances connected with the Daguerreotype, it was stated that a cameo having been suspended so as to hang near, but not to touch, a polished plate in a box from which all light was excluded, the engraving of the cameo was clearly and distinctly marked on the plate. M. Breguet,the celebrated watchmaker, has addressed a letter to the Academy, in which he states that he has frequently seen, on the polished inner surface of the gold cases of his flat watches, the name of his house plainly and legibly marked, the impression having been received from the engraved letters of the covering of the works, which did not touch the case. Sept. 5. — A communication was read from M. Valle, a colour-maker, on the employment of a solution of caoutchouc for canvas used by painters. M. Valle was led to the researches which have terminated in the invention which he has submitted to the Academy, by observing the injury caused to the works of some of the greatest masters by the influence of the atmosphere upon the canvas. M. Valle's method of preparing the solution is at present a secret. Although applied to both sides of the canvas, it leaves it sufficiently elastic to prevent cracking, and secures it against the action of the atmos- phere. To this discovery he adds that of a peculiar kind of varnish for the painting, and thus he defies the ravages of time. The subject of the meteors commonly called sliooting or falling stars, was alluded to. According to the last communications from M. Arago, the period between the 10th and 12th of August still retains a marked superiority for this phenomenon, which is still so little understood. M. Littrow, of Vienna, counted, on the night of the 10th of August, 129 of these meteors per hour. On the same night M. Bonard, of Rennes, counted 44 per hour ; at Tours, and in the department of the Doubs, M. Laugier and M. Mauvais witnessed a shower of these meteors. At Paris and at Toulouse the observations of M. Eugene Bouvard and M. Petit were attended with less marked results, but still they were sufiicient to prove that the period of the year above named is that in which the phenomenon abounds. In a commuuication to the Academy, M. Bourdot, of Grand-Lemps, in the Isere, states that he watched with great attention the passage of these meteors on the night of the llth ult. In no instance, when they exploded, did he hear any noise, but the explosion was, in several instances, followed bv a long train of phosphoric light. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Aiml 26. — The President in the Chair. " A description of a netv arrangement for raising S/iips of all classes out of water for repair, proposed to replace the Graving Dock or tlie Patent Slip in certain situations ; with observations upon tlie other metliods used al different periods for t Ids purpose." By Robert Mallet, M. Inst. C. E. This communication describes an apparatus proposed by the author as a substitute for the graving dock or the patent shp, in situations where such constructions would be too expensive, or an inappropriate locality prevents their adoption. It reviews the principal methods hitherto in use— such as stranding by bilge-ways, careening or beeUng over, lifting by the camel, the graving dock, the floating dock or caissoou, the screw and the hydraulic docks (both American inventions), and Morton's patent slip ; it euumerates the localities for which each of these inventions is most applicable, and then gives the objections to them. The author then describes the general prin- ciple of his invention to be, the diffusion of the load or strain over the great- est possible number of fixed points, avoiding casual and unequal strains ; that there should be uniform motion, with a power proportioned to the resistance. In providing for this, the joggle-joint is used throughout. The machine con- sists of a platform, supported upon a series of frames with joints at each end, attached at the lower extremities to fixed points in the foundation, and at the upper ends to the under side of the platform, which is traversed by a series of beams, to the ends of which are fastened rods coimected with rollers, working in grooves along a suspended railway on the cantilevers of two , 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 349 jetties, which are huilt to form the sides of the apparatus. A chain connected with all these rollers traverses in each suspended railway groove, and the power of a steam-engine and wheel-work, being applied after the vessel is floated on the platform and made fast, the frames raise the platform and vessel together gradually out of the water, permitting free access all round the ship ; and when the repairs are completed, the whole is again lowered into the water. It is contended that many practical advantages would arise from this system — that the ship would not be strained, that time would be gained, and that it is superior to the ordinary methods now practised. The calculations of the leverage, the division of the load over the fixed points, &c., are given in detail, and the paper is illustrated by a series of elaborate drawings and a complete model of the apparatus. Remm-ks. — Mr. Rendel thought that credit was due to Mr. Mallet for the science and the practical skill combined in the production of the contrivance under discussion ; it was perhaps imperfect in some of the details, but he was inclined to beUeve that, in certain situations, and for vessels of moderate size, it might be adopted. Its construction would certainly be more expen- sive than that of a patent slip, but it would be less costly than a graving dock, and not liable to injury from hydrostatic pressure, to guard against which frequently constituted a main portion of the expense of a graving dock. The foundation of this structure might be simple, as the weight was distributed over so many points ; he conceived, however, that unless it was established where the rise of tide was considerable, the foundations must be laid at a depth of 5 or 6 feet under low-water mark, to allow for the thick- ness of the frames and tlie platform beneath the ship's bottom. He was of opinion that a modificatian of the plan might be advantageously employed for canal lifts. Mr. Hawkins agreed with Mr. Mallet that a ship must be strained while on a patent slip, because the timbers were all bearing a weight at an angle ; but more particularly when leaving the slip, as the stern floated whilst the stem was still on the cradle of the slip. Mr. Palmer did not admit the advantages of the proposed plan over grav- ing docks, for, as they are now constructed, they possess every requisite con- venience for examining and repairing vessels ; the gates are made to exclude the water perfectly, and the machinery for pumping is so effective, that a very short time suflices to lay the dock dry. The plan might possess some advantage over Morton's slip in retaining the vessel in a vertical position, but it would be more expensive to construct, and he was not at all convinced that the objections urged against the patent slip were well founded. Mr. Gordon observed that the position of a ship upon a patent slip was exactly that in which it was built ; he could not therefore understand why it should be so very injurious ; besides, if the stern cradles were elevated, as was the case on some of the slips proposed by Captain Brown, the vessel re- mained nearly on an even keel. Another improvement introduced by Captain Brown was, substituting solid rollers for the wheels of Morton's slip, the axles of which frequently twisted and prevented the progress of the vessel. Among the modes of examining the bottoms of vessels enumerated by Mr. Mallet, he had omitted the " gridiron," which consisted of a strong frame of horizontal timbers resting upon the heads of piles a Uttle above low-water mark ; over this frame the vessel was moored, and on the tide receding was shored up, resting upon chocks. When it was dry the bottom could be ex- amined, and any slight repair made before the returning tide floated the ship off. " Gridirons " existed at Liverpool, at Havre, and at many other ports. The President observed, that, like the form of breakwaters, much depended upon locality. Where timber was cheap, and the rise of tide considerable, the plan might be applicable ; at Liverpool, where the tide rose 30 feet, and in the Channel Islands, where the rise was 40 feet, the platform might be 10 feet above low-water mark, and still accommodate any ordinary vessel. It certainly appeared to avoid some of the main expences of the graving dock, in which so many precautions must be taken for preventing the springs rising and blowing up the bottom. The Institution was much indebted to Mr. Mallet for the great pains he had bestowed on the communication, for the complete drawings and model illustrating it (which were presented to the Institution), and he deserved credit for the ingenuity displayed in the con- trivance. *' Account of the Machinery and Apparatus /or compressing and using Gas for Artificial Illumination at the Portable Gas Works of London, Edinburgh, Manchester, and Paris." By Charles Denroche, Grad. Inst. C. E. This paper gives an account of the improvements introduced by Mr. David Gordon into the syphon forcing-pumps, reservoirs, &c., whereby the requisite degree of compression was obtained for rendering gas portable for the pur- poses of illumination, and of the arrangements adopted in the works at Edin- burgh, Manchester, London, and Paris. A description is given of the various kinds of apparatus which were tried before a pressure could be obtained of 30 atmospheres, or 450 lb. per square inch. The portable lamps, with their ingeniously contrived graduated cocks are also described, with the several parts composing the apparatus. It appears that, owing to the cost of com- pression, which was 3s. 6(/. per thousand cul)ic feet, and that of delivery, which amounted to lO.v. per thousand cubic feet, the speculation was unsuc- cessful in a mercantile point of view, although most of the mechanical difti- culties were overcome. The paper was accompanied by a series of detailed drawings of every part of the apparatus. Mag 3. " Description of the Tunnels, situated between Bristol and Bath, on the Great Western Kailwag, with the methods adopted for executing the works." By Charles Nixon, Assoc. Inst. C. E. The works described in this paper comprised a large quantity of heavy earth-work in tunnels, &c. ; they were commenced in the spring of the year 1836, and terminated in the year 1840. The whole of the tunnels are 30 ft. in height from the hue of rails, and 30 feet in width ; they are curved to a radius of about 120 chains ; the gradient of that part of the' line is 4 ft. per mile. The strata through which they were driven consisted generally of hard gray sandstone and shale, with the gray and dnn shiver, &c. ; in a few places only, the new red sandstone and red marl were traversed. Every pre- caution was taken for securing the roofs, by lining them with masonry where the nature of the strata demanded it, and in some places invert arches were turned beneath. Driftways were driven before the tunnels were commenced, and shafts were sunk to enable the work to proceed at several points simul- taneously. The modes of conducting the works by these means are fully described, with all the difliculties that were encountered. The construction of the centres is given, with the manner of lining the arches with masonry, which is stated to be what was termed " coursed rubble ; " but was of a very superior description, and in every respect similar to ashlar-work. The author offers some remarks with regard to the expense of working tunnels by means of centre driftways. He states this plan to be costly, and in many instances without corresponding advantages, on account of the difliculty of keeping the road clear for the wagons. He recommends that when driftways are used, they should be on the lower side of the dip of the strata, as the excavation would be facihtated, and the road would be kept clearer. In long tunnels he has found the cheapest and most expeditious mode of working to be by excavating the centre part from shafts, and both the ends (together if pos- sible) from the extremities after the open cuttings are made. The drawing accompanying the paper gave a longitudinal section of all the tunnels, and showed to an enlarged scale several transverse sections of them, where the variations of the strata rendered either partial or entire lining necessary. Remarks. — In answer to questions from Mr. Vignoles and other members, Mr. Nixon explained that the extra number of shafts had been required in order to enable the woiks to be completed within a given time ; there had not been any accidents during his superintendence, but subsequently one of the shafts had collapsed. The cost of driving the driftways, the dimensions of which were 7 feet wide by 8 feet high, was ten guineas per yard lineal. He then described more fully his proposed plan of cutting the driftways on the lower side, instead of the centre of the tunnel, and stated the advantages chiefly to consist of a saving in labour and gunpowder, as a small charge sufficed to hft a considerable mass of rock when acting from the dip ; the road was also less Uable to be closed by the materials falling into it when the enlarged excavation proceeded from one side instead of upon both sides. Dr. Buckland, after returning thanks for his election as an honorary mem- ber of the Institution, expressed his gratification at the prospect of a more intimate union between engineering and geology, which could not fail to he mutually beneficial, and cited examples of this useful co-operation in the cases of railway sections, and models that had recently been furnished by engineers to the Museum of Economic Geology. He then proceeded to re- mark upon the geological features of the Soutb-Western Coal Field near Bristol and Bath, which had been described by Mr. Conybeare and himself, in the Transactions of the Geological Society of London (1824). Some of the tunnels near Bristol are driven in the Pennant Grit of the coal formation, where it is thrown up at a considerable angle, and composed of strata yield- ing slabs and blocks of hard sandstone used extensively for pavement. Iii traversing such inclined and dislocated strata, the engineer's attention should, he conceived, be especially directed to the original joints that intersect the beds neatly at right angles to their planes of stratification, and also to the fractures produced during the movements they have undergone. These natu- ral divisions and partings render such inclined stratified rocks unworthy of confidence in the roof of any large tunnel, and liable to have masses sud- denly detached. Inclined strata of a similar sandstone are ])erforated by many tunnels on the railway near Liege, in nearly all of which the roofs are- supported by brick arches. It has been found impossible to make the tunnels through Lias and Red Marl without continuous arches of masonry. In any of the tunnels which have been carried through strata of the great oolite, the parts left unsupported by masonry would, in his opinion, be peculiarly liable to danger, because even the most compact beds of oolite are intersected at irregular intervals by loose joints at right angles to the planes of the strata, and occasionally by open cracks ; and it is to be feared that the vibration caused by the railway carriages would tend eventually to loosen and detach these masses of stone. He apprehended still greater danger would exist in tunnels cut through the loosely jointed strata of chalk, unless they are lined throughout with strong masonry ; and even that, in a recent case, had been burst through by the weight of the incumbent loose chalk coming suddenly upon the arch. In open cuttings through chalk, where the numerous inter- stices and the absence of alternating clay beds prevent any accumulation of water, there is little chance of such frequent landslips as occur where beds of stone, gravel, or sand rest on beds of clay ; but until the side walls of chalk are reduced to a slope at which grass will grow, they will be subject to con- tinual crumblings and the falling down of small fragments, severed by the continual expansion and contraction of the chalk, under the destructive force of atmospheric agents, and chiefly of frost. In open cuttings, where the 350 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [October, inclination of the strata is towards tlie line of rails, the slope should be made at a Rreater angle than if tlie strata inclined from the rails ; if this be done, fewer landslips will occur from accunuilatious of water between the strata thus inclined towards the rails ; and such slips may lie further guarded against bv minute and careful observation of the nature of tlie individual strata, and a'scientific application of subterranean drains at the contact of each permeable stratum with a subjacent bed of clay. Tunnels can be safely formed without masonry in unstratified rocks of hard granite, porphyry, trap, &c., and in compact slate rocks ; also in masses of tufa, such as cover llerculaneum, and are pierced by the grotto of Pausilippo near Naples ; but in his opinion, wide tunnels driven in stratified rock could not be considered secure unless they were supported bv arches. Mr. Sopwith confirmed the remarks ou the importance to the civd engi- neer of a knowledge of tlie geological character of the strata through which tunnels or open cuttings were to be made ; the cost was materially affected, as well as the stability of tlie works. The angle of inclination and the lines of cleavage should be carefully studied ; on one side of a cutting the slope might be left steep, and all would be firm and dry ; whilst ui the other, if the same slope was adopted, all would appear disintegrated and wet, and a series of accidents would be the necessary consequence. He could not sufS- ciently urge the importance of a more intimate connexion between the geolo- gist and the engineer. , In answer to a remark by Mr Farey on the apparent advantages of Frazer s centres for tunnelling, Mr.' Bull promised to procure for the Institution an account of the execution of some work with them. " An account of the Railroad constructing between Liege and Verviers, Belgium" By Lieutenant Oldfield, Assoc. Inst. C. E. The materials for this communication were drawn from the memoranda made during a tour by the author, who is an engineer officer in the service of the East India Company. It describes the general course of the railway, descending by the long inclined planes, from the height above Liege to the valley of the Meuse, its progress along the hanks of the Vesdre, through tun- nels, and over almost innumerable bridges and viaducts, to Chaudfontaine, and thence onward through the town of Verviers, in the direction of Aix-la- Chapelle, to the frontiers'of Germany. The modes of excavating the tunnels, and the materials used in the other works on the line, are accurately de- scribed ; the general acclivities and curves of the road, the rails, chairs, and methods of fastening them to the sleepers, and the prices of labour and ma- terials, are all given in detail, and the whole was illustrated by enlarged dia- grams from the author's sketches. May 10. — The President in the Chair. " Description of a Fla.r Mill recently erected by Messrs. Marshall and Co. at Leeds." By James Combe, Assoc. Inst. C. E. The mill described in this communication consists of one room, 396 feet long by 216 feet wide, covering nearly two acres of ground. The roof is formed of brick groined arches 21 feet high by 36 feet span, upon cast-iion pillars : an impermeable covering of coal-tar and lime is laid on a coating of rough plaster over the arches, and upon that is a layer of earth 8 inches thick, sown with pr.iss. This immense room is lighted and ventilated by a series of skylights 13 feet 6 inches diameter ; one at the centre of each arch. A vaulted cellar with brick pillars extends under the whole of the building, and contains the shafts for communicating the motion from a pair of engines of 100 horses' power, to the machinery in the mill ; the flues and steam cases for warming and ventilating ; the revolving fan for urging the air into the room, with the gas and water pipes, and the remainder of the space is appropriated for warehouses. The heating and ventilating arc effected by a large fan, which forces the air through the pipes of two steam chests, each 10 feet long, and containing together 364 pipes of 3^ inches bore : the temperature can be regulated by the quantity of steam which is admitted into the chests, or by allowing a portion of cold air to pass by without traversing the pipes ; valves and doors in the flues permit any temperature which is desired to be obtained, or that degree of moisture which is essential for some part of the process of work- ing flax. The general details of the construction of the building are given with the dimensions of the brick and stone work ; the cast-iron pillars and caps, the wrought-iron tie-bars, with the reasons for adding a second set after the accident occurred to the first set ; the mode of drainage from the roof; and the striking the centres of the arches, &c. The total cost of the mill including the ornamental stone front was £27,443, which is stated to be about the same cost as that of a good fire-proof mill on the common plan ; but as this mode of construction was novel to the workmen, it is probable that a second building of the kind would be less expensive. The advantages resulting from the plan are, convenience of supervision, facility of access to tlie machines, the power of sustaining uni- formity of temperature and moisture, the absence of currents of air which are so objectionable in other mills, the simplicity of the driving gear, and the excellent ventilation which is so desirable for the health of the work- people. The paper was illustrated by two drawings with a sheet of reference, and an appendix contained the result of some experiments upon the strain on the tie-bolts, the pressure on the arches, and the deflexion of the bolts, &c. Remarks. — Mr. Smith, of Deanston, was much pleased to find this des- cription brought before the Institution, as he was the first to adopt it for a weaving shed of the extent of half an acre ; the columns for carrying the arches were 30 feet six inches apart, and the skylights were 8 feet in dia- meter ; some of the arches were of brick, with stone springers ; others were entirely built with rubble stone well grouted, which latter mode of con- stniction he found succeeded quite as well as brick : the settlement of the arches on striking the centres after standing four days was only ifths of an inch : The arches were thickly plastered with common mortar and at first were only covered with a coating of boiled coal-tar pitch, and lime fths of an inch thick, but as the wet penetrated, the thickness of coal-tar pitch was increased to fths of an inch, with a mixture of sharp sand, which had proved perfectly water-tight : for some months there was an appearance of moisture, which proceeded from the interior of the brickwork, as it could not escape outwards ou account of the impermeable covering ; after some time the copious ventilation carried off this moisture and the building be- came perfectly dry. Over the coal-tar a thickness of earth is laid, which is cultivated, and has proved a prolific garden : in severe weather the frost has not reached above lA inch deep in the soil, while it has penetrated to the extent of 12 inches in other situations. The construction of the floor is peculiar : it is desirable in such weaving sheds to have a boarded floor, to prevent the small parts of the machinery from being broken by falls, and also on account of the health of the persons employed ; but the vibration of an ordinary wood floor is objectionable. In order to meet these views, a bed of concrete was laid throughout the building, a series of small deal spars 1^ inch deep by one inch wide were set flush into the concrete whilst it was wet, and the whole surface was smooth plastered : upon this bed, when it was perfectly dry, a floor of boards Uth inch thick was nailed to the spars : it was found' to combine the solidity of pavement with all the advantages of a wood floor, and there had not been any symptoms of dry rot : which might be attributed to there being no cavities left beneath the boards, the whole being firmly bedded down. The ventilation was eft'ected by tunnels beneath the floor, the covers of which were pierced with a number of small holes to spread the air. The warming was accomplished by means of hot water cir- culating under the pressure of the atmosphere only, in " tubeS of tin plate" 4 inches diameter ; the temperature was very regular and perfectly under control. With one ton of coal per week the shed could be kept up to 70° during the winter. The cost of this building was 30 shillings per square yard of area covered, which was less than the cost of Messrs. Marshall's mill, but building materials were much cheaper at Deanston than at Leeds. He expected that this mode of building would become more general as it combined many advantages, and whatever might be the first outlay in pur- chasing ground, the cost of which was the only inducement for constructing buildings of several stories in height, it would be fully compensated by the facility of superintendence alone, as in manufactories this was of the utmost importance. These buildings would, he believed, be eventually used for ag- ricultural purposes, and when engineering knowledge was more directed to the processes of agriculture, good results might be anticipated : his attention had been particularly directed to the subject, and he was convinced of the necessity of concentrated superintendence which is not at present possible in the separate farm-steadings as they are now constructed : this might be ap- parently foreign to the subject before the meeting, hut the range of engi- neering was so wide that it was difficult to say where it should stop. Mr. Lindsay Carnegie as a landed proprietor could bear testimony to the importance of' the connexion of engineering with agriculture, and to the ad- vantages already derived from the improvements which had been introduced by Mr. Smith, who might be justly termed the father of the improved system of agriculture in Scotland. Mr. Marshall explained that he was indebted to Mr. Smith for the sug- gestion of this mode of construction, which he had not hesitated to adopt although all the plans had been prepared for mills of several stories in height — he had been convinced of the superiority of the present plan and his expectations had been fully realized. There were of course some diffi- culties to be overcome and some experiments to try, all of which had not been successful, but in all the essential points this kind of building was su- perior to any other. An equality of temperature and a facility of imparting a certain degree of moisture to the air which was indispensable for spinning yarn had been perfectly attained. Mr. Braithwaite inquired whether the arches were found to be perfectly water-tight ? On some of the railways which were laid upon arches it had been found that asjihalte had faile'd in rendering them impervious, and they were consequently useless, even for store-houses. Mr. Marshall explained that a few leaks had occuiTed, particularly near the skylight-frames, hut they had been easily repaired and were now water- tight. . Mr. Combe found that a mixture of finely-sifted engine ashes with the coal-tar pitch was better than lime. The depth of soil above the arches should be sufficieut to prevent the heat of the sun from penetrating through the cracks to the pitch and forcing it up. He hatl recently examined the roof carefully and could only discover six indications of moisture penetrating; these had been easily repaired and all was now perfectly sound. Mr. Field agreed' with Mr. Smith in his estimation of the advantages of carrying on all manufacturing processes as much as possible under one roof and'on one floor— great economy of time and labour would result, especially 1842. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. .351 where heavy masses such as parts of machinery required to l)e moved about — he would always adopt the system in constructing a manufactory. Mr. Smith observed that an arched roof would be found as cheap as one of wood and slates, and in the relative dural)ility there could be no com- parison. Mr. Marshall desired it to be home in mind that the cut stone front of the mill had greatly enhanced the cost, and that being the first building of the kind erected in the neighbourhood of Leeds, it had naturally been more expensive than others would be. " Account of the Explosion of a Steam Boiler at the Penydarran Iron Works, South Wales." By Adrian Stephens. The boiler, the explosion of which is described in the paper, was one of a pair for furnishing steam to a high-pressure engine, with a cylinder of 26 inches diameter, working expansively, tlifi steam being cut otf at half the stroke ; each of these boilers was 4 1 feet long, and 7 feet diameter, with a centre tube flue of 4 feet 2 inches diameter ; the thickness of the plates throughout was J inch ; the ends were flat, with rings of angle-iron, and the pressure of the steam to wliich the safety valves were weighted was 501h. on the square inch. From appearances after the explosion, it was con- jectured that the tube, which was collapsed in a remarkable manner in its entire length, had been softened by the heat, having probably been left dry along the upper side. No opinion is given as to the cause of the explosion, but it is particularly mentioned that the supply of feed-water depended upon the regular attention of the engineer, and that the feed-pipe was placed so that the water fell directly upon the hottest part of the tube flue, and it is remarkable that the tube is most extensively fractured at that spot. All the appearances presented by the boiler botji'before and after the explosion and the injury done by the event are accurately detailed, and the paper was illustrated by a drawing of the boiler and the setting. STONE BORING MACHINE. Mr. Carnegie presented one of Hunter's Stone Boring Machines to the Institution, and explained its action to the meeting. The raachuie is composed of two parallel bars of steel, supporting a traversing carriage, through the centre of which passes a spiral auger at- tached to a screwed bar ; this bar (its into a female screw clamp above the carnage, and on the upper end is a winch with four handles. When the ins rument is in use it is fixed by two cramps ui)on the stone to be pierced, and the auger being made to revolve by means of the winch, scoops out at each revolution as great a depth of stone as is equal to the distance which the screw descends ; the chips ascending through the spiral channel of the auger, are thrown off- at the top. The peculiar shape of the point of the auger prevents its being abraded, as it operates by chipping the stone, and not by grinding It away. This, with the means of forcing it down by the screw, IS the chief novelty of the machine. It has been extensively used at the works of the new Harbour of Arbroath, by Mr. Leslie, who speaks of it in the following terms : — " Mr. Hunter's Boring Machine has been advantageouslv emploved for above a year, in boring trenail holes in the stones used at the new Harbour of Arbroath. The holes are )} inch diameter, and from 9 inches to 2 feet in depth : the aggregate of the holes already bored amounts to upwards of 30,000 linear feet. The macliine may be adopted for boring holes of any dimensions. It does the work considerablv cheaper than the "jumper," and much more correctly, as it makes the holes perfectly straight, cvlindri- cal, and equal throughout, instead of the irregular form made bv tlie com- mon jumper. This machine is very well adapted for boring railway blocks, and has been much used in this quarter for that purpose. I consider it to be more especially valuable from the facility which it atfords of boring and trenailing down the stones used in sea buildings in any exposed situation, as I have found that trenailing is a great security to such building while in pro- gress, when the upper courses are much exposed and liable to be washed off unless they be held down by other means than their own absolute weight. The expense of boring the old red sandstone rodi, here, is about three half- pence per hnear foot. Remarks. — Mr. Vignoles bore testimony to the advantages of the machine : he was now employing it for piercing holes in stones going from Arbroath to the West Indies for the construction of a patent slip — there was great eco- nomy of cost and time by its use in addition to the superior manner in wliich the holes were made. Mr. Smith, of Deanston, was convinced of the advantage of the machine in working almost all kinds of stone, but more especially for those resem- bling the Arbroath stones, which were from a bed beneath the old red sand- stone : they were of fine grit mingled with schistose debris. The action of the tool was like that of the stone-planing machine, to burst cliips off in- stead of grinding down the surface by small portions and destroying the edge of the tool at the same time. With the planing machine it was common to take off a thickness of 3 inches at one passage of the tool — it acted hke a '- pick ;" and being fixed in a frame weighing about Ij ton, the power was great ; at the same time there was little abrasion of the tool and it never became heated or softened. It was probable that with other qualities of stone a screw with another pitch of thread might be required to force the auger forward, but with the thread now used in boring stones from the Arbroath quarries, the economy of time and cost appeared very great. In each of the blocks for the Arbroath railway it was requisite to bore two trenail holes li inch diameter and 6 inches deep— and to level a space 9 inches diameter to receive the cast-iron chair : this had been contracted for at twopence halfpenny per block, which was a material diminution of the usual cost. He was convmced that the instrument only required to be known to be extensively used. Mr. F. Braithwaite had for some years used Hunter's stone-planing ma- chines, for dressing up slate and other stones, and was well qualified to give a favourable opinion of the principle of its action : he believed that the machine under discussion being upon tlie same priuciple must he verv useful. May 24. — The President in the Chair. " On the machinery used for working the Diving Bell at Kingstown Har- hour, Dublin." By Peter Henderson, Assoc. Inst. C. E. After referring for the details of the machinery to the two drawings which accompany the paper, the author describes the foundations of the pier bead to have been laid in a depth of 20 feet at low water on rock and firm sand. For 14 feet from the bottom, the wall is formed of Runcorn sandstone of fine quality, each stone containing about 50 cubic feet and thoroughly squared. This has been preferred to granite on account of its cheapness and the fa- ciUty with which it is worked under water. After the foundation course is secured, from 300 to 350 cubic feet of this walling are frequently set in a perfect manner by the diving-bell during a fair working day of eight hours. The first stone was set on the 5th of August, and by the 1st of January 16,000 cubic feet had been laid. From 6 feet below low water to the coping, it is proposed to make use of granite in blocks of 50 cubic feet each, which is procured cheaply and in abundance in the immediate neighbourhood. The piers are finished in the interior by walling of rubble stone carefully laid. For the purpose of forming this excellent harbour, an area of 251 acres has been inclosed between two substantial stone piers ot 8,340 feet in length, affording clear anchorage in a depth of water from 15 to 2" feet at low spring tides. The interior shows no natural tendency to collect deposiis likely to reduce the depth of water, nor do any of the works exhibit symptoms of de- terioration, while its continual occupation by vessels of every description, together with the comparative freedom from accident in Dubhn Bay, afford convincing proof of its great utility. " Description of a S/eam Dredging Engine used upon the Caledonian Canal." By Walter Elliot. The machine described in this communication is not remarkable as being of the most perfect description, hut as it is stated to be among the earliest which were brought into use in this country, a certain degree of interest is attached to it. It was constructed in the year 1814 expressly for the for- THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 352 mation of the Caledonian Canal, and it was also used for deepening the channels through the shoals in Loch Dochfour and Loch Ness. The length of the vessel is 80 feet by 23 feet in width ; the bucket frame is -12 feet long, with ''5 buckets, worked bv a condensing steam engine of 6 h. p. The di- mensions of all the principal parts of the machinery are given minutely, with accounts of several experiments for extending the use of the dredger. On one occasion, as it was found that the buckets had much difficulty in pene- tratioK the hard mountain clay, every alternate bucket was removed and a pair of steel cutters substituted for each, in the expectation that the clay would be loosened and the succeeding bucket would take it up more easily. They did not, however, act satisfactorily, and a risk of fracture was incurred which induced the abandonment of the plan. On another occasion, in form- ing a portion of the canal between Loch Ness, and the lochs at Fort Augustus, where the height of the ground above the water averaged from 20 to 30 feet, and the excavation was required to be about 16 feet beneath it ; that part of the cutting above the water level was commenced by manual labour, while the dredging machine did the excavation under water ; it was soon found, however, that the engine having completed its share of the task, continued to undermine the upper portion, which, being of a loose nature, fell into the water, and was raised by the buckets so rapidly that the manual labour could not compete with the machine, and it was then used to complete the under- taking which it did in eight months, having in that time excavated about 170 000 cubic yards of material. When working in favourable situations the qnantitv generally raised equals 90 tons per hour: 1' of the buckets are discharged per minute, with an expenditure of coal of about 15 cwt. per day The communication was illustrated by two detaUed drawings of the boat and its machinery. [October, " Description of the Maplin Sand Lighthouse at the mouth of the River Thames." By John Baldry Redman, Grad. Inst. C. E. The paper commences with an enumeration of the various channels and sandbanks at the mouth of the Thames, with the floating lights, beacons, and buoys marking the entrances of the Channel, and gives the objections to floating lights, and the reasons for selecting the Maplin Sand as the position for a fixed lighthouse. „ ,,_ ■ . ii,„ In the year 1837 a survey was made by Mr. Walker, the engineer to the Trinity House, and by boring it was ascertained that the first six feet of the sand was close and compact, but below that for 20 feet the bonng rod went more easily as it descended, and it was found that it became mingled with arRillaceous earth as the depth increased. It was then decided to use for the foundations Mr. Mitchell s screw moor- ings and in 1838 the patentee, under Mr. Walker's directions, commenced fixing nine cast-iron screws of 4 feet diameter so as to form an octagon with one screw in the centre ; attached to each of these screws was a cast iron pile 5 inches in diameter and 26 feet long, which was inserted into the sand 21 feet below low-water mark. On account of the constant shifting of the sand from around the piles it was determined to place a raft or grating of timber around and between them ; the surface of the raft was covered with faggots of brushwood well fastened to the timbers, and upon them was de- posited 120 tons of rough Kentish ragstone, by which the raft was secured in its situation, and after a time no farther changes occurred in the level of the surface of the sand. In the summer of 1840 the superstructure was com- menced ; it consisted of nine hollow iron columns or pipes curved at the top to a radius of 21 feet towards the centre ; they were secured upon the piles, and two series of continuous circular horizontal ties bound them together, while they were connected with the centre column by diagonal braces— all of wrought iron. Upon these columns is built a wooden dwelUng for the light- keepers, in the upper part of which is placed a French dioptric light of the second order, its centre being 45 feet above the mean level of the sea, and at that elevation can be seen from a ship's deck at a distance of nine or ten miles ; a bell is fixed on the gallery which is sounded by machinery at inter- vals during dark and foggy nights. :, ,, j The communication gives all the details of the dimensions and the mode of fixing the cast iron screws and piles made by Messrs. Rennie's— the iron work by Messrs. Gordon's of Deptford— the wood work by Messrs. Gates and Home of Poplar, and the lanthorn by Messrs. Wilkins— and the whole is illustrated by a series of drawings which fully describe this useful construe lion, which has hitherto withstood the most violent attacks of the sea to which it is exposed. . Jtemarks.—lu answer to questions from the President, Mr. Wdkins stated that he had been in the Eddystone and the Maplin Sand lighthouses during severe gales of wind ; that as might be conceived from the nature of the con- struction, the latter building was more affected than the former by the strik- ing of heavy seas; the motion appeared to be more like torsion than simple vibration, which he attributed to the waves striking the ladder and its pro- jecting stage, and thus tending to twist the upper part. S^U the motion was not such as would cause injury to the budding. The President pointed out two diagonal braces extending downward from ihe end of the ladder stage to the piles on either side, which had been intro- duced in order to counteract the twisting described by Mr. Wilkins. In con- structions of this nature it was of importance to oppose as little resistance as possilile to the seas, especially in the upper part of the budding, a system of bracing had therefore been adopted, which consisted principally of two series of continuous circular horizontal ties between the piles at the several heights of 6 feet and 15 feet above low-water mark of spring tides. From the ex- ternal ring of piles two sets of diagonal stays extended to the centre pillar, forming strong triangular trusses in the direction of each pile, and two sets of horizontal stays stretched between the piles and the centre pillar at the levels of the circular bands. The amount of direct vibration was very small, and he did not conceive that the twisting motion which had been described was snflicient to warrant the introduction of diagonal braces, which would materially augment the surface upon which the waves would act. Mr. Vi'gnoles directed the attention of the meeting to the system of di- agonal bracing between the piles which had been adopted at the Port Fleet- wood lighthouse ; he apprehended that as the principal force of the waves would be exerted against that part of the structure which was above the high-water level, the diagonal braces extending between the upper part of the piles and the level of low-water were preferable to the horizontal con- tinuous bands of the Maplin Sand Ughthouse, although assisted by the system of radiating central truss braces which it possessed : he conceived that both buildings weie strong enough for the purposes for which they were con- structed, but he preferred the mode of bracing adopted in the Port Fleetwood house, the vibration of which he knew to be very small, although situated m an exposed position where the rise of the tide is 30 feet. _ Mr. Donkin observed that there could not exist a doubt of the introduction of diagonal braces rendering the building stronger ; how far they were neces- «arv, or might be prejudicial in offering additional resistance to the passage of the waves, should be well examined before adopting them. He considered the position of the suspended ladder decidedly objectionable, as any torsion caused by the waves striking it must tend to dislocate the fibre of the ma- terial of the piles and to fracture them. Mr. Farcy believed the construction of the Maplin Sand house to be better adapted than the Fleetwood liouse for resisting the direct action of waves, but the diagonal bracing of the latter enabled it to withstand torsion better than the hoop bracing of the former. He inquired why the lower part ot the light-keeper's house was made conical, as he apprehended that it would receive a heavier blow from a wave than if it had been flat. The President replied that the main body of the waves seldom or never rose so high as the bottom of the house, and that the conical form allowed the air and sprav to rise up and be guided off without affecting the b>"l™n P'""P:''"'„'''P?Zgh the action of niine water were very speedily destroyed; and even aHhough li inch thick, they could be cut to pieces with a knife when first taken out 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 353 of tlie pit. Tlio air-pump buckets of steam engines, in which the body was of cast iron and the valves of gun-metal, formed the most perfect kind of galvanic apparatus ; they should be made entirely of gun-metal. In manu- factories of vinegar and pyroligiieous acid the decay of cast iron was very rapid. Mr. Glynn attributed in a great degree the rapid decay of cast iron in coal mines to the presence of sulphuric acid evolved from the pyrites. Mr. Philip Taylor agreed with Mr. Glynn; even copper pipes were rapidly destroyed in the bilge water of vessels, which always contained much sulphuretted hydro- gen— he recommended the use of stout lead pipes in such situations ; they would be found much more durable. Mr. Davidson had found it necessary to substitute gun-metal gratings for the cast iron ones at Messrs. Hanbury's brewery, as althongh they were f in. thick, they bad been entirely destroyed in four years. The President gave a short account of the construction of a light-house now making by Messrs. Gordon & Co. at Deptford under his directions for the Point of Air. The lanthorn for it would be cast from a gun which had been raised from the wreck of the Royal George. Sight-tube for Marine Boilers. Mr. C. W. Williams exhibited and explained the sight-tubes which he now used for the marine boilers of the City of Dublin Steam Packet Companv's vessels. • The instrument consists of a wrought iron welded tube 2 inches diameter with a screw thread cut upon the exterior; it is inserted across the wafer spaces of the boilers, and secured by means of nuts in such positions behind and opposite the furuace, as enables the engineer to see all that goes on intenorily, particularly the degree of perfection or imperfection in which the gaseous matter enters into combustion, and the effect of admitting or ex- cluding the air. The instrument had been found very useful, not onlv in experiments, but in practice on the large scale, and he deposited it in the Gallery of the Insti- tution in order that it might serve as a model for those who were inclined to adopt it in marine boilers. THE VARIATION OF THE COMPASS. Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, G. B. Airy, Astronomer Royal. Mean Magnetic Variation. Dip at 9 A. M. Dip at 3 P.M. 1842. June 23 14 5 During the month of June, 1842, the dipping needle n as out of repair. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS ON THE FINE ARTS. (Continued from page 308.^ VARIOUS COMMUNICATIONS ON FRESCO PAINTING. The follow ing papers contain further information respecting the practice of fresco-painting, or point out the sources where the subject is more fully treated. In inserting these communications and extracts, it has not been possible to avoid occasional repetition, but in some cases coincident testimony may be necessary to establish or recommend particular methods. While the qnesfion respecting the adoption of fresco remains, for the reasons before stated, undecided, it may appear premature to describe its methods so fully, but it IS precisely because so little is generally known of the process, in this country, that it has been thought desirable to take this means of putting the artists and the public in possession of the information that has been col- lected. A communication on fresco by Professor Hess, of Munich, (to Mr. William Thomas) need not be given at length, as it agrees generally with the fore- gomg statements by Director Cornelius. In speaking of the preparation of the wall Professor Hess recommends " bricks well dried, and of equal hard- ness" as the groundwork of the mortar and plaster. Jlr. Thomas observes, " all the frescos in Munich are painted on the (plastered) brick wall : laths with wattling and copper nails are not approved of, as the risk of bulging is thus increased. The use of lafhs is sometimes necessary for certain surfaces, but the professors in Munich are decided that a brick ground is to be pre- ferred wherever it is practicable, not only on account of its soUdity, but also because it is better adapted for the execution of the painting. The brick ground absorbs superfluous water and k-eeps the plaster longer in a fit state for painting upon. The painting ground dries much quicker on laths as two surfaces are presented for evaporation. The walls ought to be thoroughly dry. A wall of a brick, or a brick ai.d a half, in thickness, is preferable to paint upon. Professor Hess once observed to me that where the walls in the lower portions of buildings were five or six feet thick, the liability of saline ick matter making its appearance was much increased, as the mass of wall remains onger i n a humid state." Mr. C. H. Wilson, professor of ornamental design in the Royal Edinburgh Institution, has contributed much useful information on the subject of fresco derived from his own observation in Italy, and from recent communications from his father Mr. Andrew Wilson, now at Genoa. He observes : " In Italy the practice of lathing walls is unknown, but many of the finest Italian ceiL mg frescos are on lath, and are in perfect condition. Most vaulted ceilines in what IS termed the „iano nobile, or principal floor of every pilace, are con- structed of wood. The lathing in this case is not attached to single thiu pieces of timber, cut to the shape of the ceiling, but to a strong gratin- ■ some cases the ribs and transverse pieces of this grating are four inches "th each way. The lathing in Italy is a very peculiar process. The material is the reed, which is cultivated so exfensivelv in that country, and used in so inany ways. It grows to the length of about 18 feet, and is rather more than one inch and a quarter diameter at the base. When these reeds are used for lathing they are split, and not being strong enough for the purpose in this state, they are wattled upon the grating. The result of this somewhat complicated contrivance is a framework of great strength." Mr. Hamilton, a distinguished architect of Edinburgh, observes- "In the preparation of walls and ceilings for fresco-painting, no expense should be spared ; battens and lath are obviously perishable materials, and therefore ought to be avoided. The damp from exterior stone walls may be guarded against by lining them with brick, and now ihat the use of cast-iron is so well understood, the girders or joisting of houses where fresco-painting is con- templated should be of iron arched with brick between, and thus a perfectly level ceiling may be formed of the most durable kind." For the more effectual prevention of damp, Mr. Hamilton recommends that the lining of brick should be somewhat detached, leaving a small space between it, and the stone wa'I, to which it could be bound at intervals. Mr. C. Wilson in communicating this opmion, remarks, that as the brick lining, added to walls of sufficient solidity for the support of the ceiling here described, would diminish the size of the rooms, tiles placed edgewise might be used instead of bricks. These should, however, be of sufiicient strength to be in no danger of fracture from any ordinary accident. To guard against damp from roofs or even occasional washing of upper floors, it is also suggested that a coating of asphalte might be applied on the upper sides of the arches of the ceiling. In some cases asphalte might be necessary in walls: Mr. C. Wilson observes, that a French architect, M. Polonceau, eftectnally checked the progress of damp from a humid soil in several instances, by covering the horizontal surface of the masonry a few inches above the level of the soil with a coating of liquid asphalte, applied with a brush ; when this w.as drv it was covered with a layer of coarse dry sand, and the building then proceeded. An external joint of hard asphalte at the same level is necessary eftectuallv to cut off all com- munication of damp. (See the " Revue Generale de I'Architecture, September, 1841). These and other remarks on the construction of walls and ceilings have been communicated with all deference to the judgment and experience of the architect of the new buildings at Westminster. In considering the question respecting the comparative fitness of laths and bricks, as a groundwork for fresco, it is not to be forgotten that the battened wall sooner adaps itself to the temperature of the atmosphere, and is there- fore less likely to be aflected by external damp ; while the coldness of the more solid wall causes the rapid condensation of moisture in humid weather. This evil might perhaps be guarded against by due precautions with rcard to temperature and ventilation. ° Mr. C. Wilson next describes the mode of preparing the lime at Genoa: — " The lime having been slaked is mixed in a trough about six feet in length, and 20 inches in width ; at the bottom it is somewhat narrower. The in- strument used in mixing it is similar to that used by our masons. The lime is worked with this, and water is thrown in till the substance is of the con- sistence of cream. At the end of the trough there is a little sluice, the open- ing of which however comes only to within an inch and half of the bottom of the trough. On being drawn up, the sluice allows the lime to escape, but small stones or impurities which may have sunk to the bottom are prevented from passing by the ledge under the opening. The lime is received in a pit dug in the mere earth (not hned) to the depth of several feet, and of any- convenient size. The process of mixing in the trough is repeated till the pit is well filled, the trough being washed out with clean water every third or fourth mixing." " The lime being thus prepared is left in the pit from eight to Iwetoe months* according to its ascertained strength. The lime for the first rough coat need not be kept more than two months : this is allowed to drv per- fectly, before the next coats are put on. The proportion of sand to lime is the same as with us, viz. two of sand and one of lime. No hair is used by the Italian plasterers. The lime of which the inlonaco or coat of fine plaster is composed, is however to be subjected to a much more careful jircparation than that used for the first coat. .Uter it has been kept the requisite time, it is taken out with a spade, the greatest care being necessary not to come too near the edges, sides, or bottom of the pit, lest any clay or earth should be taken up with the lime. It is now thrown again into the troughs, and is again thoroughly mixed with water, till it is not thicker than milk ; it is thea allowed to escape us before through the opened sluice, but this time it passes In Florence, where fresco-painting is now occasionally practised, artist are of opinion that. •' the lime slrould be kept in the moist state from .ie/i kept . (0 tweh'e months, olliernise ii will burn both colours and brushes. 3 D THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 354 through a fine hair sieve into an earthenware jar; a number of these jars are reoS and eaeh is filled to within a third of the top. The hme is allowed to settle and when the water which rises over its surface is clear, it is poured off This is repeated till there is no nihre water to pour off, and the Ume remains in the jar of the consistence of the white paint commonly used and [s ouite as smooth. It is now ready to be mixed for the in/onaco, which consists as usual of two parts sand and one of lime Great pains are «ken m Italy to find a suitable sand: it must be perfectly clean, sharp sand, the erains of eoual size, and its colour favourable, as the mtonaco should not be too dark 'the presence of any earthy particles in the plaster would mevit- ably ruin the fresco : this accounts for the very careful preparation which all the materials used undergo." , , , t t).,-= Professor Hess recommends avoiding the intermixture of plaster of 1 ans in the mortar for the first rough coat (in the finer coats it is never emploj-ed as a preparation for fresco) and advises o modcri-te use of small fliut pebbles. The rough coat should not be too compactly laid on, as its porousness is essential to the convenience of fresco painting. In like manner the last fiiier coats should be lightly floated on to ensure their power of absorption. He Droceeds • " The plaster for painting ou is composed of lime not in too caustic a state and pure quartz sand. With regard to the Ume it should be wdl and uniformly lianipulated, and should be entirely free from any small hard lumps The sand should be very carefully washed to cleanse it from clayey or saline particles, and should be afterwards dried in the open air. Sand that is course or unequal m grain should be sifted ; thus tbe plaster will be uniform in its texture. The proportion of sand to the lime is best learned from experience, and must depend on the nature of the hme. If the plaster contaius too much lime it becomes incrusted too soon, is too smooth m sur- face and easily cracks ; if it contains too little it is not easily floated, the suc- cessive patches (as the fresco proceeds) are not to be spread conveniently in difficult situations, and the plaster is not so lasting. ,,.,,, " Before laying on the plaster, the dry rough coat is wetted with a large brush again and again, till it will absorb no more. Particular circum- stances, such as spongy bricks in the wall, humid or very dry weather &c dictate the modes in which this operation is to be regulated. The plaster should be laid on lightly and freely with a wooden hand-float ; in connecting the successive patches some portions require however to be finished with an iron trowel ; in this case care must be taken not to press too strongly, otlier- wise rust spots might appear in the lime, and even cause portions of the superadded painting to become detached. [A glass float seems to be prefer- able where a wooden instrument is unfit.] The plaster should be about a quarter of an inch in thickness. The surface of the last coat is then slightly roughened to render it fitter for painting on. The wall thus prepared is to be left a quarter or half an hour before beginning to paint. The colours enumerated by Professor Hess are the following. White : lime "hich has either been long kept, or by repeated manipulations aud dry- ing is rendered less caustic. Yellow : all kinds of ochres, terra di Sienna, Red all kinds of burnt ochres, burnt terra di Sienna, [the brightest particles selected at different stages of the process of buruing, furnish, according to Director Cornelius, very brilliant reds,] oxides of iron, and lake-coloured burnt vitriol. Brown ; umber, raw and burnt, and burnt terra vert. Black : burnt Cologne earth, which when thus freed from its vegetable ingredients, affords a pure black. Purple : burnt vitriol, cobalt blue, and lake-coloured burnt vitriol. Green : Verona green (terra vert), cobalt green, and chrome ereen Blue : ultramarine, cobalt, and tbe imitation of ultra-marme ; the last h most safely used for flat tints, but does not always mix well with other colours. These colours have been well tested, and for the most part admit of being mixed in any way. Other more brilliant colours, such as chrome yellow, vermilion, &c., have been tried in various ways, but have not yet in every case, been found to stand. Colours prepared from animal and vegetable substances cannot be used at all as the lime destroys them." Fresco-painters observe that " great attention is necessary in the due preparation of tints on the palette, for if tints are mixed as the work proceeds, the pamting when dry will appear streaky ; when the colours are wet the differences are not so perceptible." In additions to hog's hair tools, which, as before observed, are longer than those used in oil painting, " small pencils of otter hair in quills are used. No other hair resists the Ume, but becomes either burnt or curled. The palette of the material and form before described, is covered with a light coloured varnish to protect the tin from rust. Rain water (that has not passed through an iron tube,) boiled or distilled water should be used from first to last in all the operations of fresco-painting." Professor Hess continues :— " After tbe painter has laid in his general colour, he should wait half an hour or an hour, accordingly as the colour sets, before ho proceeds to more delicate modelUng. In these first opera- tions he should avoid warm or powerful tints, as these can be added with better effect as the work advances. After the second painting and another shorter pause, the work is finished with thin glazings and washings. In this mode the requisite degree of completion can be attained, provided the day- light and the absorbing power of the plaster last. But if the touches of the pencil remain wet on the surface, and are no longer sucked in instantane- ously, the painter must cease to work, for henceforth the colour no longer unites with the plaster, hut when dry will exhibit chalky spots. As this moment of time approaches, the absorbing power increases, the wet brush is sucked dry by mere contact with the wall, and the operation of painting becomes more difiicult. It is therefore advisable to cease as soon as these indications appear. . ia-ntuMt^- [October. " If the wall begins to show these symptoms too soon, for example in the second painting, some time may be gained by moistening the surface with a large brush, and trying to remove the crust or setting that has already begun to take place ; but 'this remedv affords but a short respite. In the additions to the painting on successive days, it is desirable to add the new plaster to that part of the work which is not quite dry, for if added to dry portions the edges sometimes exhibit spots. Various other effects sometimes take place from causes that cannot be foreseen, and the remedies must be provided by the ingenuity of the artist, as the case may require." The following extract from a letter addressed by Mr. Andrew WUson to his son (in March last) will render the process of painting in fresco more in- telligible ; but it is almost needless to observe, that in such details, the practice of painters may vary considerably. . " I lately went to tbe royal palace (Genoa) to see the Signor Pasciano paint a ceiling in fresco, llis tints had all been prepared before my amval ; he had only two in pots, viz. pure lime and a very pale flesh tint. He had no palette, but a table with a large slate for the top : on it he set round, 1. Terra vert. 2. Smalt. 3. VcrmiUon. 4. Yellow ochre. 5. Roman ochre. 6. Darker ochre. 7. Venetian red. 8. Umber. 9. Burnt umber. 10 Black These colours were all pure, mixed only with water and rather stiff put down with a palette knife, perhaps about an ounce, or two at most, of each He mixed each tint as he wanted it, adding to each from the pot of flesh tint or that of white. Near him lay a lump of umber, and on taking up a brushful of colour he touched this with it ; the earth instantly absorbed the water, and he was thus enabled to judge of the appearance which the tint would present when dry. The painter used a resting stick with cotton ou the top to prevent injury to the intonaco. The mtonaco being prepared in the manner which I have described, the moment it would bear touching, he set to work. The head was that of the Virgin ; he began with a pale tint of yellow round the head for the glory, (the colour of the ground, owing to the mixture of sand with the lime, it is to be remembered is a cool middle tint,) he then laid in the head and neck with a pale flesh colour, and the masses of drapery round the head and shoulders with a middle tint, and with brown and black in the shadows. He next, with terra vert and white, threw in the cool tints of the face j then with a pale tint of umber and white modelled in the features, covered with the same tint where the hait was to be seen, and with it also indicated the folds of the white veil. AU this time he used the colours as thin as we do in water colours ; he touched the mtonaco with great tenderness, and aUowed ten minutes to elapse before touching the same spot a second time. He now brought his coloured study, which stood on an easel, near him, and began to model the features, and to throw in the shades with greater accuracy. He put colour in the cheeks and put in the mouth slightly, then shaded the hair and drapery, deepening al- ways with the same colours, which become darker and darker every time ■ they are applied, as would be the esse on paper for instance. Having worked for half an hour, he made a halt for ten minutes, during which time he oc- cupied himself in mixing darker tints, and then began finishing, loading the lights and using the colours much stiffer, and putting down his touches with precision and firmness : he softened with a brush with a Uttle water in it. Another rest of ten minutes : but by this time be had nearly fimshed the head and shoulders of his figure, which being uniformly wet, looked exactly like a picture in oil, and the colours seemed blended with equal facility. Referring again to his oil study, he put in some few light touches in the hair, again heightened generaUy in the lights, touched too into the darks, threw a little white into the yeUow round the head, and this portion ot his composition was finished, all in about an hour and a half. This was rapid work, but you will obserAc that the artist rested four times so as to aUow the wet to be sufficiently absorbed into the wall to aUow bun to repass over his work. , . xi_ . • " The artist now-required an addition to the mtonaco ; the tracing was again lifted up to the ceiUng, and the space to be covered being niarked by the painter, the process was repeated, and the body and arms of the Ma- donna were finished before I left him at one o'clock." The following is an extract from a second letter. " Yesterday 1 went again to see Pasciano, and I found that he had cut away from his tracing or cartoon those parts which he had finished upon the ceiUng: in fact I now found it cut into several portions, but always carefuUy divided by the outline of figures, clouds or other objects. These pieces were in some instances a good deal detached from each other, and were naUed to the plaster so as to fold inwards or outwards for pouncing the outUnes. The intonaco had just been fresh laid for the upper half of an angel supportmg the feet of the Madonna: this was one of a group much larger than those surrounding the glory and therefore requiring more colour and finish ; more than halt ol tne figure too was in shadow, with a strong ray of light on the face and on one of the arms : this was a good opportunity of observing the painter s ma- nagement of shadow. Having gone over the outUne carefully with a steel point, he waited till the intonaco became a little harder, and in the mean time mixed up a few tints, he then commenced with a large brush and went over the whole of the flesh : he next worked with a tint which served for the general mass of sliadow, for the hair, and a slight marking out ot tne features. He now put a little colour into the cheeks, mouth, nose and hands, and all this time he touched as lightly as he possibly could, not to wash up the intonaco. He then halted for ten minutes, looking at his oU study, and watching the absorbtion of the moisture, and he called my at- tention to his outline : none of it was effaced by this washing. " The intonaco would now bear the gentle pressure of his fingers, and 1842. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. .355 with the same large brush, but with water only, he began to soften and unite the colours already laid on. Observe, he had not as yet used any tint thicker than a wash of water colour, and be continued to darken in the shndows without increasing the force or depth of colour. This I before noted to you, that you can strengthen by the simple repetition of tint, but if the day be very dry, after an hour or two this process of repeating with the same tint produces an opposite effect, and instead of drying darker, it actually dries lighter. [See this explanation in the conimunieation by Pro- fessor Hess.] I now observed that the painter had increased the number of his tints, and that they were of a much thicker consistence, and he now began to paint in the lights with a greater body of colour, softening them into the shades with a dry brush, or with one a little wet as he required. In drying, the water comes to the surface, and actually falls off in drops, but this does no harm whatever to the work although it sometimes looks alarming." Mr. C. Wilson observes that the Aurora of Guido in the Rospigliosi pa- lace in Rome was painted on a copper trellis, and afterwards fi.xed on the ceiling where it still exists. He adds that this fresco was offered for sale about fifteen years since, and that its safe removal was guaranteed. Mr. W. Thomas states that some small (landscape) frescos by Professor Rottman, in the Hofgarten in Munich, were painted on an iron fjame and wire-work, and fixed in their situation afterwards. The example of Guido's Aurora, the figures of which are larger than life, shows that it would be possible to prepare movable frescos for situations where this might be thought neces- sary ; for example, before flues or tubes in walls. But it is to be remarked that flues behind frescos have generally injured them. Mr. Aglio, who painted some frescos at Manchester some years since, attributes the great alteration of the colours in them partly to this circumstonce ; but also to his having been supplied with lime that was much too fresh. Cavaliere Ag- ricola, in examining the frescos of the Vatican, found that the " Heliodorus " had suffered considerably from a flue behind it. The plaster had been de- tached from the wall, and projected in some places nearly four inches : it had been secured with nails, and the cracks had been filled with some com- position by Carlo Marotti in 1702. The fresco of the "Defeat of the Saracens at Ostia " has been injured in like manner by a chimney behind it. Detaching frescos from the wall — In connexion with the subject of move- able frescos it may be observed that the operation of detaching the mere painting from the wall, almost independently of the plaster, has been often practised with success. Although less immediately connected with the pre- sent inquiry, it is desirable to make this process known, as, in repairing churches and other buildings in England, many ancient paintings on plaster have been destroyed, from ignorance as to the means of removing them. Mr. Ludwig Gruner gives the following account of the mode in which he detached some frescos at Brescia in 1829. The convent of St. Eufemia in that city was then undergoing repair, and the excellent frescos it contained, painted by Lattanzio Gambara in the 16th century, would have been de- stroyed, when Mr. Gruner succeeded, with the assistance of some expert Italians, in removing them from the walls. The mode they adopted was first to clean the wall perfectly : then to pass a strong glue over the surface, and by this means to fasten a sheet of fine ealico on it. The caUco, after having been rivited to the irregularities of the wall, was afterwards covered with glue in like manner, and on it was fastened common strong linen. In this state heat was applied, which caused the glue even on the fresco to sweat through the clothes, and to incorporate the whole. After this a third layer of strong cloth was applied on a new coat of glue. The whole re- mained in this state two or three days, (the time required may vary according to the heat of the weather). The superflous cloth extending beyond the painting was now cut off so as to leave a sharp edge : the operation of stripping or rolUng off the cloth began at the corners above and below, till at last the mere weight of the cloth and what adhered to it assisted to de- tach the whole, and the wall behind appeared white, while every particle of colour remained attached to the cloth. This operation shows that the colours in fresco do not penetrate very deeply : the layer of pigment and lime which was detached in this instance was extremely thin, the outlines and even the colours of masses were visible at the back of the cloth. It is the opinion of some of the Munich professors that frescos thinly painted are least liable to change ; the example just given, exemplifying as it does the practice of a skilful Italian fresco painter, seems to confirm this, but in many instances the surface of frescos even by the older masters is solidly painted. To transfer the painting again to cloth, in completing the ope- ration above described, a stronger glue is used which resists moisture, it being necessary to detach the cloths first used, by tepid water, after the back of the painting is fastened to its new bed. The frescos by Paul Veronese, in the Morosini Villa, near Castel Franco, were removed by Count Balbi of Venice, a few years since : he fastened cloth to the wall with a paste composed of beer and flour, and rivetted it to the irregularities of the surface by means of a hammer composed of bristles. Several of these works when re-transferred to canvass were sold in England in 1838. The operation of removing frescos has been lately per- formed with success in Florence and elsewhere.* * The following publications may be consulted tor further information on this subject: Leopoldo Cicognara, Del dislacco delle pitturea fresco. Arti- colo cstratto dall' Aetologia di Firenze, 182-3, Vol. 18, num. 52.— Girolamo Baruffaldi. Vita di Antonio Conlri, pittore e rilevatore di pitture dal muro. Venczia, 1834.— Cenni sopra diverse pitture staccate dal muro e trasportate sutella, &c. Bologna, 1840. . ,.i S.-.-: LAST DAY OF WILKIE'S EXHIBITION AT THE BRITISH GALLERY. Sm— Do you admit gossip as a relief to Science? if so, the fol- lowing reminiscences may amuse your readers. B. R. H. An exhibition of the best works of a great artist after he is dead, at our British Gallery, is the last tolling of his funeral bell ; — the last etTort of those who respected liis character, and wish to put the seal upon his fame — before leaving both to the unbiassed and sifting deci- sion of a future generation. How must the artist and the public have been indebted to the British Gallery .'—how much the public taste has been solidly advanced by its various exhibitions of fine works ! — what good has been done — what knowledge has been indirectly inculcated; how greatly the standard of excellence in the country has been raised, since these May displays began: what a study it is to look forward to ; — now we have the majestic cartoons, then the crimson splendour, and golden tones of Titian ; now the pearly glitter of Veronese, then the startling dash of Tintoretto : at one time the gorgeous glory of Rubens, and mysterious depth of Rembrandt, at another the sunny loveliness of Claude, and savage poetry of Salvator; sometimes we are enchanted by Corregio, or instructed by Poussin ; and then came the modern school ; Reynolds who might fear comparison with none for grace, for character, for taste, for touch, for gemmy surface, in portrait, for the quivering sweetness of children, and who was equal to all and often superior to all, in the splendid depth and keeping of a back ground. Gainsborough, with his sketchy richness, followed Hogarth with his blunt touch and bitter satire, and this year we have had David Wilkie, with his sound sense, his perspicuous conception, his beautiful compo- sition, his natural expression, and his unafTected drawing ; the founder of our domestic school. In musing on the whole of Wilkie's works, from the earliest to the latest, there is the same sterling sagacity, and sense ; the story, the expression, the composition, never vary in intelligence or power. His incessant changes of practice, had something approaching to a feeble hallucination of intellectual power; why a man so consistent, and persevering, so unalterable and honest in one mode of conduct, morally which founded his domestic fortune, should be so vacillating and uncertain, so childish and changing, so furious in the morning at the discovery of the previous evening, and so disgusted the next day at what he thought such a philosopher's stone the day before, is not to be accounted for, but from some inherent imbecility. The gem of this collection, without prejudice to others, is the card players, and here his practice was perfect — this is a work, in point of vigour, depth, daylight, tone, strength, touch, expression, finish, com- pleteness, and life, no picture of the Dutch school, by Teniers, ever surpassed it in execution, whilst in point of story and sense, no picture by Teniers ever approached it. I can tell the artist why this work is so extraordinary in power. 1st, It is the only picture he prepared for ultimate glazing. Glazing softens and flattens, and if a picture to be glazed be not painted sharper in touch than nature, it will be flatter than nature when glazed. 2nd. He never lost sight of his ground in his deepest shadows, and finished his darks under the table and elsewhere by repeated thin glazings over each other — the ground always showing through. Thus, in very early life, he bit on the system of Teniers, he hit on the principle of the Venetian, Flemish and Dutch schools, though scumbling is more applicable to the two latter, as an ultimate re- source, and nothing could be so self-evident as the superiority of the picture or vigour, in spite of his greatest work, (the Duke's Chelsea Pensioners) and his Murray Group in Knox, one of tlie finest groups for everything in art the world can show. In his early work, he ruined all color, by a heavy intermixture of a heavy and hot yellow tint in every portion of his work — with the single exception of a little picture he painted in Edinburgh, belonging to Dr. Darling, of the Village Politicians ; at the repeated entreaty of the late Sir George Beaumont, of Jackson and myself, he tried flesh without it, and the right hand of the Blind-fiddler was his first at- tempt ; yet it must be acknowledged he had no eye for colour, if he had had, he would have known when he had produced a fine tint, which he certainly did not, for after producing a fine tone, you are as likely to find it ruined the next day ; not like Sir Joshua, because he was longing for something richer, but because Wilkie's eye was never satisfied till he got some other tone, not so rich. The nonsense which has been written about him this season, is 3 D 2 350 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [October, melaiiHioIy ; one man s;iys lie had no imuginalivn, because lie painted his bottles and pans from nature! — another, he had no genius, because he took so much trouble and made so many drawings of one thing, hand or foot I — a third, that he painted circumstance and not clia- racter '. — what has imagination to do with a brass pan ? — what is wanted in a brass pan or a bottle, is, the reality of a brass pan and a bottle ; now, that painting tliose things from the realities, instead of trusting to his memory, argues no imagination, is rather refined. Again, as to his taking trouble, who took more trouble than Raphael? had he no genius because he took trouble to be perfect in comprehending tlie objects to convey his thoughts? "Draw the naked figure first," said a connoiseur to a young artist, " as Raphael did." "Oh," said the young man, " Ma/ wouid be losing tinif" no, my young friend, it would be gaining lime and not losing, and when fresco begins you will find it out. The Breakfast is another of his best works, and perhaps The Servant Girl pouring out the Water, is more like a woman, than any other he ever painted of that beautiful sex. Thus then for ever ends the exhibition of a collection of this extra- ordinary man's works; his genius first startled the school from its slavish imitation of Reynolds ; and though a great sra is commencing, that oera I have always foretold and laboured hard to produce, I can imagine no period of excellence that may hereafter arise, wherein the works of David Wilkie may not be studied, with benefit and in- struction, either for fresco or oil. Poor Sir David! — how many days we have passed in early life!— after painting all day, we met at dinner, and hurried to the Academy from li to 8 — then went home to each other's rooms to criticize and advise on our mutual labours, animating each other with fresh hopes, and parted for the night with ardent aspirations for fame and dis- tinction. Lord Mulgrave was our employer and kind friend, at his table we used to meet the first men of the time; Lord Mulgrave was a noble cliaracler, and had great delight in the society of artists and connoiseurs — after the fatigues of office, nothing pleased him so roucli. What reminiscences I could write — what a guide book for students would our mutual lives be, our mutual hopes, our mutual anxieties, our mutual fears, our mutual victories, our mutual defeats. A frequent guest was George Colman, whose wit and fun were per- petual sources of sparkle; Lord Mulgrave's brother had attempted to discover the North Pole ; a series of pictures relating to the at- tempt hung round the dining parlour; before leaving the room, long discussions used to take place on art, the whole party walking round ; in Captain Phipp's hand was a boat-hook ; Sir George Beaumont once said "What has he got in his hand?" "Why," said Colman in his burly joking voice, "/ take it to be the North Pole.'" — At another time, after dinner everybody at table seemed sullen and indigestible — we had been painting ail day, and were exhausted — Lord Mulgrave was exhausted and said nothing — and there was silence so long, that all of a sudden the whole circle made a sort of spasmodic etlbrt to say something; Sir George in a lazy sort of a way observed "Theodore Hook is a delightful fellow." "Is he," said Lord Mulgrave, with a look at us all, "/ n-ish to God he ivas here now ;" this 'pnt everybody laughing, and the nhole evening was delightful. The going to the Academy every night, we always considered a necessary winding up of a days' study, but the theatres Covent Gar- den and Drury Lane were sources of dispute — when Mrs. Siddons acted I used to appeal to Wilkie, and when it was Mother Goose he used to dwell on the bill, and insist on it, \\e v/imted to study the ex- pressions in the. pit .' — sometimes he saved me from temptation, and sometimes I saved him! Once in going home through the Piazzas there was a show, a man in a thundering voice was explaining its wonders; as if by instinct we squeezed in, and getting up in a dark corner, hoped not to be seen ; at last in dropped one after the other 16 students — long before they were all in recognition took place, so that a hearty shout welcomed every new face to its utter dismay ; many of them are now living, the most distinguislied artists of the day; the show was the Baker and the Devil, and it is impossible for people who are never worn out by 10 or 12 hours' painting, to com- prehend the relish of students for such absurdities. To travel with Wilkie was entertaining; in 1814, we went to Paris, and saw the town in its glory; we were joined by a Lincolnshire gentleman, who added much to our pleasure, and the only time I ever saw Sir David yield to a true " abandon," was coming out of Rouen ; champaigne had got to his heart, and opened its natural sources ; we we were in an open carriage, and 1 proposed we should sing " God save the King," as we left the city. Wilkie joined most heartily, and on passing into the road, an elegant Frenchman and two graceful women stopped to look at ns with pleasure and astonishment! — as we concluded the last line, he turned from us smiling, and said "./?/(.' trois milords," But enough — when a dear old friend goes first in the maturity of life, one is apt to dwell too long on days which are passed for ever. B. R. HAYDON. PROTECTING CHURCHES FROM THE EFFECTS OF LIGHTNING. [The foUovking communication appeared in the Times, we believe it to be from the pen of Mr. Hood, whose scientific attainments entitle the paper to the especial notice of architects.] Many persons are of opinion that fatal effects from thunder storms are more frequent now than they were formerly. I should my- self be of that opinion if I trusted merely to the records of memory, but I find that, for more than half a century, the same opinion has been held; while at the same time observdtions made at different periods certainly negative this conclusion. Although it would beattented with much labour to collate all the accounts of accidents of this description, we may gather from the tone of the writers of former days what was the general impression on this subject. The Pluloaophical Transac- tions of the Royal Society, as well as many of the scientific periodicals published at the close of the last and the beginning of the present cen* tury, contain numerous interesting accounts of the effects of lightning; and a writer in the year 1811 states that he has made calculations of the average amount of damage by lightning in England, which he finds amounts to aboutiiJO,000 in money, and from 20 to 30 human lives, as the annual sacrifice by this destructive agent. But it is extraordinary that, notwithstanding this acknowledged loss and destruction, scarcely anything is done to mitigate its effects. Science is certainly able to mitigate these destructive effects, if it were put in requisition for tliis purpose. The vast number of churches which have been damaged by lightning within the last three or four years — of which the last instance is St. Martin's Church, the damage "to which is estimated at £3,000 — suggests the necessity for adopting some mode of protecting this description of buildings, for it is certainly most extraordinary that buildings which from their height and general form are more liable than any others to suffer from lightning should so very seldom have any means of protection. With the exception of St. Paul's Cathedral, I believe very few churches in England, either in the metropolis or elsewhere, are furnished with lightning conductors, wdiile many, or indeed most of them, are so con- structed as almost to invite the electric fluid without the means of afterwards allowing its escape, except by the destruction of some part of the building. It is singular how nearly identical are the records of all the accidents of this kind which have hitherto occurred. In 11)74 St. Bride's Church, Fleet-street, was struck witli lightning; the electric fluid entered at the top of the spire by the gilded vane, from which it descended as far as any metallic conductors extended, and then burst through the resisting medium of the stonework, shattering the steeple and throwing down several stones, one of whicli, weighing 701b., was carried a distance of 50 yards, and fell through the roof of a neighbour- ing house. With slight variations this would describe most of the accidents to chnrches from lightning; the force of the discharge of course depending upon circumstances. Nearly all writers on this sub- ject are agreed, that if churches and other similar lofty buildings were provided with proper conductors, not only would they be protected from the lightning, but they would, in most cases, also defend the neighbourhood from its effects, by silently and imperceptibly drawing off the electricity from the clouds, and thus preventing the violence of the Ihnnderstorm. In fact, this mode of preventing thunderstorms has been often proposed for adoption on a large scale : and it is somewhere narrated (though I cannot now recollect the precise authority^ that a village in France, which from some local cause had been repeatedly devastated during a series of years by storms of lightning and hail, was afterwards completely protected by the erection of a number of ele- vated conductors. It is true that it has never yet been clearly ascer- tained the greatest extent of surface which a lightning conductor will protect, and, therefore, the precise degree of protection to the neigh- bourhood may be questioned, except within a certain limited distance — the protecting power ol a conductor having been ascertained to be at least sufficient for an area represented by a circle whose radius is twice the lengtli of the conductor. The best practical instructions for the erection of lightning conduc- tors is the report made to the French Government by M. Gay-Lussac, on behalf of the Academy of Sciences at Paris, published in the .An- nates de Chimie, and also in the 24th volume of the Annuls of Philoso- phy for 1824 ; but, as these volumes are not often in the hands of prac- tical men, it would be most desirable if the Royal Society would pub- 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 357 lish, in some form applicable to the intended purpose, instructions on this subject, combining the improvements which science h^s suggested since the period of M. Gay-Lussnc's report. It is by no means impro- bable that many parishes might be induced to erect conductors on their churches, but the subject is so little understood that no one ventures to propose it ; and unless these conductors are properly erected they are more likely to do harm than good. The old cathedral of St. Paul's was twice struck with lightning, and both times seriously damaged. In 1444 the lightning destroyed the tower of the cliurch, and in 15til it set the church on fire and nearly burned it to the ground. In 1769 the Dean and Chapter applied to the Royal Society for their advice as to the best means of securing the present cathedral from the effects of lightning, and a short description of the mode adopted in this immense edifice may be interesting. The ball and cross are supported by seven iron rods; these rods are then connected with other rods (used merely as conductors) which iniite them with several large bars descending obliquely to the stone work of the lantern. A ring made of iron, one inch square, connects all these bars, and four iron bars, one inch square, connect this ring with the lead covering of the great cupola, a distance of 48 feet; and from thence the communication is continued by means of the pipes which discharge the water on to the floor of the stone gallery. From these pipes large strips of lead connect them with the pipes which discharge the water on to the roof of the building. This roof is entirely covered with lead, and from thence the communication is continued to the ground by means of the lead water pipes, which pass into the earth, tbus completing the entire commuiiicntion from the cross to the ground, partly through iron, and partly through lead. On the clock tower a bar of iron, one inch and a quarter square, connects the pine apple at the top with the iron staircase, and from thence with the lead on the roof of the church. The other tower has a bar of iron of the same size extending 88 feet from the pine apple to the roof of the church. By these means the metal used in the building is rendered available for the purpose of the conductors, the metal employed merely for the conductors being exceedingly small in quantity. The general neglect of the use of lightning conductors probably arises from the belief of their insufficiency and ignorance of their pro- per construction. But it can be satisfactorily shown that wherever they have failed to afford protection it has arisen from either defective construction or subsequent derangement. Earl-sinet, Sept. G. H. C. GREAT BRITAIN STEAM SHIP (LATE MAMMOTH). The Mechanic's Magazine, No. 99G, gives an account of the con- struction and dimensions of this ship, together vi'ith drawings of her machinery and its arrangement, explanatory, ulthongh necessa- rily drawn to a very small scale ; and useful, could we depend upon their accuracy; but the author (Mr. Hill) tells us " his rough dimen- sions were obtained by pacing, otliers by a graduated walking stick," a system of mensuration somewhat unusual among engineers of the present day. From the materials there furnished we form the follow- ing calculations: — The diameter of each cylinder is said to be 88 inches, the stroke G feet, which at 19 strokes per minute, or 228 feet, is equal to 295 horses each, or of four cylinders to 1180 horses, and not of lOUO, as 88 X 7x 2*^8 stated by the author. Th\is, area — — — _ " i=294.15 horses or ^ 33,UUU 117G.G0 for _/bur e)!^/nes, doubtless intended to be of the collective power of 1200 liorses, which in fact an additional 1 of a stroke per minute would produce. The air pumps at 3' 9 "diameter and G'U" stroke have a content of GG.24 cubic feet; one pump and condenser being apportioned to ttvo cylinders. The cylinders have a content of 253.38 cubic feet; both =506. 7G cubic feet, we have therefore — =-1 .1 G6.24 times, or about the proportions of our best engineers. The condensers are 12.0x8.6X5.0. content = 510 cubic feet, liere we liave = 66.24 7.65 times, or nearly thrice as much as experience shows to be neces- sary. If any dependence is to be placed on the boiler sketches, the Bristolians have yet much to learn in that department of marine engineering. We are inclined to doubt their authenticity, for having so good an example as the boilers of the Great Western before them they ought to have certainly produced something nearer perfection, but of course we can only reason on what is before us. For example, we have 24 fires, each 6 feet long by 2 feet wide, a total grate surface of 288 feet for 1200 horse |iower, or about 1 of a foot per horse power (nominal) 0): le»s than half the proper quanliiy. This fact, coupled with the in- different arrangement of the flues, are plain indications that the con- sumption of coals will be the reverse of economical. We make this analysis with reference to an article on "The Great . Britain, the largest vessel in the world," published in the Tinus last month, wherein it isolated she has stowage for 1000 tons of coals and 1200 tons of measurement goods. The former amount seems in- adequate for the purpose intended, viz., a voyage from Bristol or Liverpool to New York. If we take the consumption at the moderate computation of S lb. per H.p. nominal per hour, we have 1200 x 8 z= OlJOO, or per day = 103 tons ; and supposing an average passage 12 days, the consumption would in that time be 1236 tons of coals without any surplus for the contingency of bad weather and prolongation of voyage. We think the consumption of coals will be nearer 10 than S lb. per horse per hour ; and if we are correct in this opinion, we have 1200 lb. per hour, or, 129 tons per day, or 1548 for a voyage of 12 days — and mind, no surplus. But, will she make the passage in less than 12 days ? Tiie same authority informs us that her load line is at 16 feet; at this, her im- mersed section is about 600 feet. Taking the powers as the cubes of the velocities, and using the factor 1400 (which experience shews to be correct for this class of vessel) we have i- - L-' :=2S00= 600 section. 14 miles per hour in still water, presuming her to be propelled by pad- dle wheels ; but according to the Great Western experiments, as stated in Mech. Mag. p. 255, the screw is inferior to the wheel in the propor- tion of 12 to 10, or one fifth, so that instead of 14 miles her true velo- city will probably be 1 1.65 miles, in still water, as aforesaid. Now, Cunard's packets attained a greater velocity than 11.65 miles when tried experimentally, and yet their average passages, show a sea speed of about 8-i miles only, the average length of passage being 13 days 16 hours out, and 11 days 5 hours home. The passage out gives 7.86 miles per hour, while that home influenced by prevailing wind and current gives 9.3 miles, in this case the mean sea rate is 8.58 miles per hour. We take these facts from the Nautical Blagazine, subsequently published in the Times, it appears to be a compilation from registered results, and therefore entitled to the highest credit. It states the pas- sages of Cunard's line to be outwards, from 10 days 19 hours to 16 days 12 hours, and one reached 20 days 17 hours; the home passage from 9 days 17 hours to 12 days 18 hours, and this between Liverpool and Halifax only. We draw two conclusions from these data: the first, there is no reason to suppose the Great Britain will make quicker passages than the present vessels ; the second, that provision should be made for 20 days consumption of fuel, for we need not point out to our nautical readers the position of such a vessel in the broad Atlantic, minus her steam power, rigged as she is. What then becomes of the 1800 tons space for measurement goods? Supposing this vessel bulfetted about for upwards of 20 days (as one of Cunard's superb vessels has been), she would require stowage for 103 tons X 20 days = 2060 tons of coals at the moderate computation of 8 lb. per horse per hour; if we reduce it to the minimum of safety, say 16 days stowage, we require 1648 tons, at 8 lb. per horse only; which we may say is the general average of the best and most economical boilers. We know enough of marine engineering to state confidently that the boilers of the Great Britain will not reach this point. We hope we may not be misunderstood, and our remarks considered inimical ; our desire is simply to correct what we believe to be erro- neous conclusions and to put the proprietors on their guard, that they may be moderate in their expectations. It would conduce to our ut- most pleasure if their most sanguine expectations become realized, not in the narrow spirit of pecuniary gain, but as a national triumph and convincing proof that Great Britain is, and ever shall be, mistress of the seas. "THE LIGHT OF ALL NATIONS." The laudable attempt of Mr. Bush to construct a light-house on the Goodwin Sands, is now occupying public attention, we have, there- fore, obtained the following particulars of the construction of the cais- son and its progress, which we hope to he able to follow up in next month's Journal, with a drawing, and an account of the works as they progress. We are happy to liear that up to the present period, not- witbstanding some severe gales and squally weather, Mr. Bush has proceeded very successfully, and fully equal to his most sanguine ex- pectations. We sincerely hope that his praiseworthy efforts will be \ rowned with success. 358 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [October, The caisson, which is of cast iron, is 30 feet in diameter at the base, and is of a conical form, diminishing upwards 1 in 5. It is formed of a series of plates, with flinches at the joints 3 inches in width, and con- nected together by 4 inch wrought iron bolts. Each tier of plates is 6 feet in height ; the lower tier is U in thickness, the circumference is divided into 24 plates as are the other (3burses above, which are respectively arranged so as to break joint. Within the lower tier the working chamber is constructed, in which the process of excavation will be carried on as in a diving bell, and the spoil discharged through a 4-feet aperture in the centre of its domed top into the second cham- ber. The chamber above is fitted with air-pumps, gauges, and appa- ratus for regulating the supply of air to the workmen in the working- chamber; and from the second chamber proceeds a 4-feet cylinder extending upwards through the centre of the caisson for the further discharge of spoil. The height of the chamber above will be regu- lated by the depth to which it may be necessary to proceed before the chalk is arrived at, plates being added to the caisson as its descent is effected through the sand. By means of valves and man-holes, &c., the two lower chambers communicate with each other as far as it is necessary for the supply of air for the workmen, and the discharge of the sand during the process of excavation, which will be carried on from within, similar to the sinking of a shaft or the kibt of a well, the lower chamber acting in this respect as a diving bell, by which the work is carried on under water, and through the cylinder at stated periods, when external communication is cut off' from the lower cham- ber, the spoil will be discharged into the sea. The caisson has now descended 24 or 25 feet in the sand, or about 30 feet below low water mark ; the tide rises about eighteen feet, and from various indications combined with the general stability of the machine, it is presumed to rest at present near the solid chalk. When the caisson shall have been brought upon a level bed, and the sand excavated, the interior will be filled up with solid masonry and concrete, upon which foundation the light-house is proposed to be erected. PATENT RELIEVO LEATHER HANGINGS. We feel much pleasure in directing architects to the veiy great improve- ments made iu Messrs. Leake aud Co.'s Patent Relievo Leather hangings, panels, imitation oak carvings, Ac, of which they have an endless variety at their offices, 52, Regent-street. Her Majesty and H.R.H Prince Albert have more than once had a large variety of patterns sent to Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle for their inspection ; aud have shown their excellent taste in selecting many beautiful examples, for decorating step of the state apartments hotli at Windsor and Buckingham Palace. The designs are very beautiful ; indeed it is difficult to discover that some of the patterns are not carvings in xoood — so closely imitated are the chisel marks, the grain of the wood, the undercutting, and its assimilation of colour to the best oak and walnut carving of the middle ages. The hangings, friezes, heads, fruits, &c., in the various rich and elaborate styles of decoration prevalent in Spain, Italy, France, and Germany, as well as our own Eliazbethan, are here brought to their greatest perfection, and will bring about a decided improve- ment in our present mode of decorating public buddings, the baronial resi- deuces of our nobility, churches, &c. The cost of these ornaments is about half the price of carvings in wood. IMPROVEMENT IN COATING OR COVERING METALS. Mr. Henry Fox Talbot, of Laycock Abbey, Wilts, has obtained a patent for improvements in coating or covering metals with other metals, and in co- louring metallic surfaces. — They are four iu number. The first consists in adding gallic acid to the metallic solutions intended to be preciptated. Any convenient solution of sdver, gold, or platina is taken ; and to each of them is added a solution of gallic acid, in water, ether or alcohol, (the last being preferred.) Into any one of these mixtures a clean bright plate of metal is immersed until it becomes coated with silver, gold, or platina, as the case may he. A weak or dilute solution is recommended to commence with, and afterwards a stronger one. The acid need not be pure. The second is a method of silvering metallic surfaces. Freshly precipitated chloride of silver ir dissolved in hyposulphite. Into this solution a clean bright plate of metal is immersed, and becomes very quickly coated with a bright sUver coating. To obtain thicker coats of metal, a gilvauic battery is employed, using one of the liquids before described, and lakingfor one of the poles a piece of metal of the same kind as that intended to be precipitated. The third is a method of ornamenting surfaces of brass or copper, by first gilding them par- tially, according to some pattern, and then washing them over with a solution of chloride of platina, which gives a dead black appearance to the rest of the surface, and enhances the brilliancy of the parts gilt. The fourth is a method of colouring polished surfaces of copper, by exposing them to the vapour of sulphuretted hydrogen, or any of the liquid hydrosulphurets, or to the vapours of sulphur, iodine, bromine, or chlorine, or by dipping the metals into liquids containing them. The claim is to the use of the galhc acid, or any liquid containing it, or any analagous vegetable substance for facilitating the preci- pitation of metals \ipon other metallic surfaces, and coating them therewith — to the use of bydrosulphate of soda for the silvering of metals, and the employing a galvanic battery for obtaining thicker deposits of silver, gold, or platina, but only when used iu conjunction with one of the liquids so de- scribed : and to the colouring of copper surfaces by exposing them to the chemical action of the above-named substances. IMPROVEMENTS IN DAUGUERREOTYPE. M. Claudet, of High Holborn, and Adelaide Gallery, has obtained a patent for improvements in the process for obtaining images or representations of nature or art. They are five in number. The first consists in making in the front of the camera obscura an aperture large enough to admit object glasses of various foci, so as to have either large or small plates, and obtain images of near or distant objects. The second consists in substituting for the de- tached mercury box ordinarily employed, a cup of mercury placed within the camera, and heated by a spirit lamp till the mercurial vapours rise and fill the camera. The light and mercury are made thus to act simultaneously on the plate, whereby a more intense and perfect image is obtained. In the side of the camera there is an eye- hole, covered with red or orange-coloured glass, through which the operator may watch the process, and be thus enabled to withdraw the plate the instant the proper effect is produced. The third con- sists iu placing immediately behind the sitter for a portrait, painted back grounds or scenes, representing landscapes, interiors of apartments, &c., which, being thus brought within the range of the Dauguerreotype apparatus, are transferred to the plate, as well as the portrait of the sitter. The fourth con- sists in the employment, in the absence of daylight, of an artificial light, pro- duced either from the combustion of coal, promoted by a jet of oxygen gas, or from combustible gases aud carbureted liquids burning together with oxygen : or from a solid refractory body suspended iu a jet of inflammable gas, &c. Care must be taken that the burner is fixed exactly in the axis of the reflect- ing minor, or that the greatest Ught falls on the centre of the curve. The fifth and last improvement consists in performing the whole process in a lighted room instead of in the dark, as has been hitherto the case. A white light must, however, be avoided, and screens of red, orange, green, or yellow, are therefore employed. Of these colours red is preferred, as having the least injurious effect on the plates. A New Forging Machine. — This machine for the working or forg- ing of iron, steel, &c., is quite portable, occupying only a space of 3 feet by 4 feet, and cannot be deemed other, even by the most crit cal judges than one as purely original in principle, as well as practical in its application. It may he worked by steam or water power, and when moved by the former at an exhibition it made C50 blows or impressions per minute ; but from their very quick succession, and the work being efl'ccted by an eccentric pressing down, not striking the hammer or swage, not the least noise was heard. There are five or six sets of what may be called anvils and swages in the machine, each varying in size. The speed and correctness with which the machine completes its work, is perfectly astonishing, and must be seen in order that its capabilities in this respect may be duly appreciated : for in- stance, when it was put into motion for the purpose of producing what is known as a roller, with a coupling square upon it, (and which had to be afterwards turned and fluted,) the thing was accomplished in fifty seconds ! of course at one heat, to the astonishment of the bystanders. But what ap- peared as the most extraordinary part of the afl'air, was, that the coupling square was produced dbect from the machine, so mathematically correct, that no labour can make it more so ! The machine will perform the labour of three men and their assistants or strikers, and not only so, but complete its work in a vastly superior manner to that executed by manual labour. For engineers, machine makers, smiths in general, file makers, bolt and screw makers, or for any description of work parallel or taper, it is most specially adapted ; and for what is technically known as reducing, it cannot possibly have a successful competitor — in proof of which it may be stated, that a piece of round iron 1 j inch in diameter, was reduced to a square of % in., 2 ft. 5 in. long, at one heat. The merit of this invention belongs, it is said, to a gentleman at Bulton, of the name of Ryder. — Leed's Mercury. Improveo Door Knobs. — A patent has been obtained bv Mr. Daniel Greenfield of Birmingham for improvements in manufacturing hollow metal knobs for the handles of door and other locks ; the essential character of the improvement being that of forming an interior lining of stamped iron-plate to the hollow-ball part of the knob, and (in case it is preferred) an interior of cast-iron to the neck part of the knob, in order, by means of such stamped-iron and such cast-iron (if the latter be used) to give support to the brass, German silver, or other metal, whereof the exterior surface of such knob is or may be composed." 1842. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 359 ENGINESRXNG V^ORKS. SUSPENSION BRIDGE OVER THE DANUBE. Oa the 2-lth of August, the ceremony of laying tlie foundation-stone of the suspension bridge now being erected across the Danube, to unite the cities of Pesth and Buda, was enacted. Of the gigantic work now in progress, two coffer dams, unequalled in cubical dimensions by any ever yet constructed, are now completed and water tight, being those on the Pesth side, whilst those on the Buda side are in an advanced stage. That destined for the sustaining pier on the Pesth shore was the scene of the display : it was fitted up as a vast saloon, with graduated seats all round it, to acommodate 2,000 people, with a " loge^' or box, for the royal party. Shortly after 5 o'clock p. m. a discharge of artillery announced the departure of the Royal cortege from the Palatine's Palace at Buda, and in due time the Archduke Charles, descended the spacious stairs made in the framework of the dam, accompanied by the Palatine, bis Arch- duchess, and their two children, the flower of Hungary's nobles, the magis- trates and officials of the cities, aides-de-camp, and, amongst others, Mr. W. Tiemey Clark, the engineer of this gigantic work. Their highnesses having reached their places, remained there to hear read, and to sign with others the inscription, in Hungarian, to be placed beneath the foundation-stone ; which being done, it was. with the coins of the realm, placed by the engineer in its destined bed, and on a signal being given by him, the "traveller" (the machine for raising, lowering, and setting the ponderous masses of stone in such works) was moved forward from the other end of the dam, bringing with it a block of granite of about 90 cubic feet in size, and which, being lowered and fixed in its berth, the Archduke Charles was presented by the Baron Sina with a gorgeous and elaborately-worked gold and silver trowel (executed by Messrs. Mortimer and Hunt, of London) and mallet, and there- upon the usual ceremony of applying both to the stone was gone through by his Royal Highness, and then by the Palatine, his wife and children, the Primate, the magistrates of the city, the Baron Sina, the Count Stephen Izchenyi, and the engineer, which being communicated by the hoisting of a flag to those without, a response was given by a discharge of 25 cannon, and thus closed this interesting and splendid ceremonial. It is not the least in- teresting part to know, that this great work, is from the designs, and under the direction, of our distinguished countryman Mr. W. Tierney Clark, F.R.S., civil engineer, to whom the Archduke Charles on this occasion, in the name of the Emperor, presented a gold snuff box, with the cypher of the imperial donor emblazoned on it in magnificent and large brilliants. To Mr. Adam Clark, the resident superintendent of the work, his Highness presented a gold box, set in briUiants, and gave 100 ducats (£50) to be distributed amongst the men employed. The trowel, on which is a representation of the proposed work in basso relievo, with the mallet, has been handed over by the Archduke to the national Museum, as a memorial of the day and undertaking. " As soon as it is raised a few inches from the bed where it now lies, cable chains, worked by powerful capstans on shore, will be attached to it, and the wreck slowly dragged toward the quay into a position where it will be high and dry at low water. THE TELEMAQUE TREASURE SHIP. The following extracts from a private letter in the Times will be found to contain much interesting inteUigence respecting the raising of the Telemaque, which was sunk in the Seine, near Quilleboeuf, about 50 years ago. " My attention was attracted by a pile of timbers rising out of the river, at a short distance from the quay at Quilleboeuf, on which a number of men, whom by the silent energy of their movements I recognized as EngUsh, were hard at work. These were the preparation for raising the treasure-ship, I was politely received by Captain Taylor, one of the chief adventurers in this speculation, and the conductor of the operations, who during my stay took pains to give me every possible information on the subject in which I was interested. " It appears from minute examination by soundings and by divers, that the Telemaque is lying on her side on a bed of sand and rock, in about eight feet water at ebb tide, a drift of mud sloping the height of her deck, but on the Other side half of her bottom above her keel is entirely clear. The parties who have hitherto attempted to raise her have proceeded on a plan which has often succeeded in tolerably smooth tidal waters. They have passed chains round the vessel at low water, carried the ends of these chains into two large barges moored at the head and stern of the Telemaque, and then expected that as the tide rose the barges would raise the sunken brig by the chains. But as the tide in the Seine rushes up in a sudden and lofty wave or bore, the barges were dashed up suddenly, and the chains were either disar- ranged, or, being unequally strained, broke. " Captain Taylor has moored a barge near the wreck, and upon it he has established his head quarters. Thirty picked English workmen live there night and day, taking advantage of every favourable hour of the tide. In the barge they have their workshop, their forge, and berths, and kitchen, all quite man-of-war fashion. The first operations of this last undertaking were commenced by driving wooden piles pointed with iron, and on these piles a stage has been erected so as to form a solid superstructure or bridge resting over the Telemaque. Iron harpoons with barbed points were then driven right through the vessel, and chain cables were passed round the bow and the stern, and longitudinally from the stem to stern of the vessel. The next process will be to fix powerful screw-jacks, and then by them, slowly and evenly worked, to raise the brig. Opening of the Southampton Docks. — The tidal dock of this great na- tional commercial undertaking was opened in the afternoon of Aug. 29th. The dock is said to be the largest in England, the inside, from wall to wall, covering an area of sixteen acres. It is excavated to that extent, that there will be always eighteen feet water at low water spring tides. The opening is 150 feet in width, thus admitting vessels of almost any tonnage. A shed is now building on the north-east side, 360 feet in length, and fifty feet wide in the floors, for the storage of goods, from which a tram-way leads to the rail- way station, distant about 300 yards. This dock was commenced three years ago (this month), at a cost of about £140,000., and, had it not been for un- foreseen causes, would have been opened for traffic some time since. The vessels belonging to the Peninsular and Oriental and the Royal West India Mail Company, will henceforth make use of it ; and no doubt every vessel of consequence will take advantage of the facilities thus offered for landing and shipping goods. The latter company have contracted for the use of a portion of the dock for the sum of £2,000 per annum. There is another dock, now in progress, called the inner or wet dock. It is impossible to state when this will be finished. Want of funds prevents that accomplishment for the present. This dock covers an extent of fourteen acres, and is the nearest to the town. Boulogne Harbour. — We understand it is definitively settled that our jetties are to advance 600 yards further into the sea, so that vessels drawing 12 feet water, will be enabled to enter them at all hours of the day and night. When they will be commenced is one question — but when finished is another. Our English readers must not imagine that we^no, not we, but the Fonts et Chausse'es — have yet to learn how to go ahead by steam, as our unfortunate harbour too plaiuly demonstrates. — Boulogne Gazette. Colchester Navigation. — The plan for constructing a ship canal from Wivenhoe to the Hythe, as laid before the public in Mr. Bruff's plan and report has, we undstand, met with a very favourable reception among our trading community, who are of course the best judges of the merits of such a plan, and of the benefits derivable therefrom. The possibility of con- structing such a work for a very moderate sum (Mr. BrufF states £56,000, exclusive of the land) gives it a powerful claim to public attention, and the advantages Colchester would derive from its establishment are obvious. — Essex Standard. Netccastle.upon-Tyne. — The banks of the Tyne at Newcastle are very abrupt, and the breadth of the river about 620 ft., over which a timber bridge is projected on the plan of the viaducts on the Shields railway, the centre arch of which is intended to be 280 ft. span, and 100 ft. above high water at spring tides. The estimated cost is £100,000, proposed to be raised in 5000 20;. shares. The number of passengers per week traversing the pre- sent bridge is 170,000, one-third of which, it is expected, would pay toll: but the project does not progress. What a splendid opportunity here pre- sents itself to adopt the use of iron to its fullest extent, especially as the price of that material is so unprecedentedly low, and the facilities of casting large pieces and quantities has so much increased. — 0. T. Whitby Pier. — This pier has been lengthened, and is now about half a mile long. In a very short time it will be open to the public, and we have no reason to doubt but that it will equal most of the pieis in England. — Hull Advertiser. STEAM NAVIGATION. East India Steam Navigation.— The steamer India having performed her last voyage from Suez to Bombay against the height of the monsoon, a cir- cumstance unprecedented in the annals of navigation, it may be intert-sting to compare a statement of that steamer's performance on her last two voy- ages, the first having been made in the fair season, and the second against the strength of the monsoon. On her first voyage the India left Calcutta on the 10th of January last, and steamed to Suez in 25 days and 14 hours, run- ning 4,849 miles, or 182J miles per day, consuming 680 tons of coal, or 7-6 lb. per horse power per hour. On her second voyage she left Calcutta on the 9th of May, and steamed in 34 days 4,658 miles against the wind, averaging 137 miles per day, and under sail four days ; total distance 5,089 miles, consuming 900 tons of coals, or 74 lb. per horse power per hour. This result is most important, as showing that the communication by steam can be kept up with the eastern side of India at all seasons of the year. On the first voyage the Calcutta letters reached London in 46 days; the second voyage her letters were detained 24 days in Egypt waiting a conveyance. — Hants Independent. The James Watt. — Messr> Maudslays and Pield have received orders from Government to proceed immediately with the engines of 800 H. p. Cherokee. — The engines sent out to Canada for this vessel are from, the manufactory of Messrs. Maudslays and Field. 360 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [October, FRENCH STEAMERS. The following list of vessels is from the Railway Moniteur, with the ports at which they are being built, and the names of the engineers who are making the enjines. They are 14 in number, of 450 H.y. each; the UUoa, Colum- bus, and Labrador have been already launched, and it is expected that they will all be ready for sea in the course of next year. Name. Port. Engineer. Darien Ulloa Christopher Columbus Ma ellan Cacique Eldorado Carib Canada Labrador Orinoco Albatross Greenland Montezuma Panama Espador Caimar Phoque Glan Cuvier M. Cave, of Paris. Government Steam Factory at Indret M. Schneider, of Creuzot. Cherbourgh Ditto Brest Ditto L'Orient Ditto Ditto Brest Toulon Ditto Ditto Rochefort Ditto Ditto Five War Steamers of 220 h. p. are also being built. Indret "1 \ M. Stehelin. Ditto Bichwiller Ditto L'Orient M. Ilallette, of Arras. M. Pauwels. Miller, Ravenhill & Co. of London. American Mail Steam Ships. — The British and North American Royal Mail Steam Company's new steam ship Hibernia was launched at Greenock on Thursday 8th Sept. The Hibernia is about 200 tons larger and of greater power than the present mail steam ships. Captain Edward C. Miller, formerly of the Acadia, will now command the Columbia. If the new ship only equal, in general efficiency and speed, the four vessels composing the line, she will be a steamer of the first class . That she will equal, if she do not exceed them in those indispensable qualities, the skill and judgment of the managers of the company are sufficient guarantees. — Liverpool Albion. The Ilindostan. — This splendid vessel started from the Southampton Docks on the 24th ult. for Calcutta ; she is destined for the navigation of the Indian Seas, between Calcutta, Ceylon, and Suez, and forms part of the intended fleet of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company for establish- ing a communication between England (from the Port of Southampton) and our Indian possessions, via Alexandria and Suez ; between these two points the communication will be as heretofore, overland. This vessel was built by Messrs. Wilson, of Liverpool ; her length of keel is 220 feet, length over all 250 feet, beam inside the paddle-boxes 39 feet, depth 30-J- feet, burden 1,800 tons ; engines, 550 h. p. constructed by Messrs. Fawcett & Co., the eminent engineers of Liverpool. She is fitted with Captain Smith's safety paddle-box boats, which are so large that the whole of the crew and passengers could be taken in them in any sea. She has also four large quarter boats and stern boat. She is divided by wrought-iron water-tight bulkheads into five com- partments. In our next number we sliall give some further particulars of this splendid vessel. Gloucester and Ledbury Canal. — The feeder at Canon Froome, for supply- ing the canal with water, has now been put in operation It is expected that in two months boats will be able to come up to Castle Yroovae.— Hereford Journal. Portsmouth. — A new steam-frigate called the Firebrand, was launched at this dock-yard on the 5th inst. She was immediately taken into dock to be coppered, and will, as soon as fitted with her engines, be commissioned. Her original name was the Beelzebub, but when the Firebrand, after bringing over the King of Prussia to this country, had her name altered and was called the Black Eagle, the Beelzebub was changed to the Firebrand. Two other first class steamers are building at this dock-yard called the Scourge and Centaur. I.IST OF ti-ErW PATENTS. GRANTED IN ENGLAND FROM THE 31ST AUGUST, TO 22nD SEPTEMBER, 18 2. Six Months allowed for Enrolment, unless otherwise expressed. Charles Frederick Guitard, of Birchin-lanc, notary public, for " im- procements in the construction of railways." — Sealed August 31. Charles Thatcher, of Midsomer Norton, Somerset, brewer, and Thomas Thatcher, of Kilmersdon, in the said county, builder, for " improvements in drays or breaks to be applied to the wheels of carriages generally." — Au- gust 31. Rouert Hazard, of Clifton, near Bristol, for " improvements in ventilating carriages and cabins of steamboats." — September 3. William Roche, of Prince's-end, Stafford, mechanic and engineer, for " improvements in the manufacture of mineral colours." — September 3. William Warburton, of Oxford-street, gentleman, for " improvements in the construction of carriages and apparatus for retarding tlie progress of the same." — September 8. John Wordsworth Robson, of Jamaica-terrace, Commercial-road, engi- neer, for '* improvements in machinery and apparatus for raising, forcing, conveying, and drawing off liquids." — September 8. James Insole, of Birmingham, saddlers' ironmonger, for " improvements in the manufacture of brushes." — September 8. Joseph Henry Tuck, of Francis-place, New North-road, engineer, for " improvements in machinery or apparatus for making or manufacturing candles." — September 8. William Edward Newton, of Chancery-lane, civil engineer, for "im- provements in machine}^ or apparatus for making or manufacturing screws, screw-blanks, and rivets." (A communication.) — September 8. Herbert George James, of Great Tower-street, merchant, for "improve- ments in machines or apparatus for weighing various kinds of articles or goods." (A communication) — September 8. William Fotiiergill Cooke, of Copthall-buildings, Esq., for " improve- ments in apparatus for transmitting electricity between distant places, which improvements can be applied, amongst other purposes, to apparatus for giving signals and sounding alarums at distant places by means of electric currents." —September 8. Thomas Thirlwall, of Low Felhng, Durham, engine-builder, for " im- provements in lubricating the piston-rods of steam engines, and of other ma- chinery."— September 8. WiLLi.\M Crofts, of New Radford, Nottingham, lace machine maker, for "improvements in the manufacture of figured or ornamental lace." — Sep- tember 8. Thomas Marsden, of Salford, Lancaster, machine maker, and Solomon Robinson of the same place, flax dresser, for " improvements in machinery for dressing or hackling flax and hemp." — September 8. James Wake, jun., of Goole, York, coal factor, for " improvements in propelling vessels." — September 9. John Rolt, of Great Cumberland-place, colonel in IJer Majesty's army, for ** improvements in saddles." — September 15. Frederick Bowles, of Moorgate-street, London, for "a new method by machinery of preparing fiour from all kinds of grain and potatoes, for ynaking starch, bread, biscuits, and pastry. (A communication.) — September 15. Christopher Nickels, of York-road, Lambeth, gentleman, and Caleb Bedells, of Leicester, manufacturer, for " improvements in fabrics produced by lace machinery. William Henry James, of Martin's-lane, London, civil engineer, for " improvements in railways and carriage ways, railway and other carriages, and in the mode of propelling the said carriages, parts of which improvements are applicable to the reduction of fi-iction in other machines." — September 16. John Sanders, William Williams, Samuel Lawrence Taylor, and William Armstrong, all of Bedford, agricultural implement makers, and Ev.iN William David, of Cardiff, for " improvements in machinery for ploughing, harrowing, and raking land, and for cutting food for animals." — September 22. Patrick Stead, of Halesworth, Suffolk, malster, for " improvements in the manufacture of malt." — September 22. John Juckes, of Putney, gentleman, for ** improvements in furnaces." — September 22. Mr Peter Ewart. — We very much regret to announce the death of Mr. Peter Ewart, of Woolwich Dockyard, many years chief engineer in the Government service, to whom was entrusted the direction of the marine and mechanical engineering establishment at Woolwich"; his death was occasioned by a serious accident on the 8th ultimo. Mr. Ewart was present at the testing of a chain cable in the proof-house, when the cable suddenly broke, and a portion of it flying back struck him a violent blow on the body, by which he was driven with great force against the wall of the proof house. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Communications received from 0. T. on earthwork and suspension bridgt:s. — J. W, S. of New York.— Mr. Hartop.— Mr. W. Gartland.— Mr, E. B. Rowley, and Mr. Pring . .i correspondent is desirous of liuowing the maker's name of iron houses. l^hctnis. — IVe arc collecting maicriats for forming a table of lite proportions of alt our large steam ships and boilers, pressure of steam, S)C., and will thank him, or any other correspondent if they wilt favour us with any information they may possess upon the subject. Books for Rivicw must be sent early in the month, communications on or before the 20/// (if irith drawings, earlier), and advertlstments on or before the 25th instant, addressed to the Editor, No. 10, Flndyer Street, Whitehall. No. 2 has been reprinted and may now be had of the Publishers. Vols. I, II, HI, and IV, may be had, bound in cloth, price £1 each Volume. J.K Jribbma Warwick C^HoUi" J 843.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 361 THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL AQUEDUCT, (With an Engraving, Plate XIII.) (FROM THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE.) Description of the Jl'ooden J(jueihwt carrying the Pennsylvania Canal across the rieer Alleghany, at Pittsburg ; from actual meamrement. With remarlcs by JohnC.Trautwine, Civil Engineer, of Athens, Tennessee, U.S. This aqueduct was built in the year 1829, by Mr. Lotlirop, of Pitts- burg, at an expense to the State of 101,000 dollars. It has two abut- ments and six piers of stone, and seven arches of timber of 130 feet clear span each ; the whole length of the aqueduct between the abutments being 1092 feet. The masonry is of cut ashlar, in large courses, with rubble filling. The material is a gray sandstone, rather too soft, in my opinion, for such parts of a structure as are exposed to rapid cur- rents, bringing down heavy fields of ice and drift wood, as is the case with the Alleghany. The piers are 7 feet thick on top ; they batter one inch to a foot on the sides, are semi-circular at their down-stream ends, and are provided with break-water starlings. The average height of the piers is about 40 feet. The timber of the aqueduct is white pine, with the exception of the chords and the pier-posts, which are of white oak, as being better calculated to resist the great strains that come upon them. I conceive, however, that any precaution of this kind would apply with more force to the pole plates, or cap- pieces, as it is well known that t!ie resist- ance of timber to compression is much less than that to extension. Therefore, if extra precautions are requisite for the chords, they are doubly so for the poles. The width of the aqueduct, from out to out of weather boarding, is about 34 feet. The height of the trusses, from bottom of chords to top of poles, 16 feet. The canal trunk has a top width of 1(5 feel, a bottom width of 15 feet, and a depth of 5 feet. The depth of water is generally 4 ft., sometimes 4 ft. 3 in. There are four trusses to each span. These particulars, however, with the other principal dimen- sions, are so plainly indicated by the drawings as to require no farther explanation. Throughout the drawings, the same letters refer to the same parts. Scantlings of the Principal Timbers and Irons. Arch pieces, 7x 14 in., L, six to each truss, or composing each rib. Pole plate or cap, J, of inner trusses, 10 X 15 in. Ditto, F, of outer trusses, 10 x 12 in. Chords, C, of both inner and outer trusses, each in two pieces, each piece 7 X 15 in. Queen posts, Q, in body, 9 x 10 in. Ditto, in heads and feet, 10 X 14 in. Main braces, S, 8 X 10 in. Counter braces, X, 8 X 4-1 in. Butting pieces, P, at heads of queen posts of outer trusses, 5x 7 in. Ditto, T, or straining pieces at heads of queen posts of inner trusses, 5 x 7 in. Diagonal braces, U, in roof, and under canal truck, G X 7 in. Extra braces, M, on outer trusses only, 0 X 12 in. Straining sills to ditto, it, 6 X 10 in. Straining pieces to ditto,y, 0 X 12 in. Straining sills to pier posts,_;', G x 10 in. Fishing pieces to poles, b, over piers, G x 12 in. Roof tie beams, E, 7 X 12 in. Floor girders, G & H, 9 x 18 in. Additional pieces, A, under girders marked G only, 9x15 in. Plank, of footway, towpath, and canal trunk, thickness 3 in. Weather boarding, N, thickness 3 in. Iron suspending rods, R, IJ in. diam. Screw bolts, 1 in. square; spikes for planking of canal trunk, i incli square ; spikes at heads and feet of braces, % in. square. Vol. v.— No. C2.— November, 1842. In Fig. 1 it will be seen that the tops of the lower girders are not all in the same horizontal line, but that every other one, H, is raised about one foot above the intermediate ones, G. When the aqueduct was first built, only one of these sets of girders was employed, being supposed sufficient to sustain the weight of water in the trunk. Their distance apart was about ten feet in the clear. But when the water was let into the trunk, the girders began to yield under a head of about three feet, and it was found necessary to double their number, and moreover to bolt, or rather stirrup, to every alternate one, viz. those marked G, an additional under girder. A, Figs. 2, 3, and 4. The reason for thus alternately raising and depressing these lower girders was, to permit the passage of the two courses of lower diago- nal braces from one H to another, over G, (see Fig. 9, and also the dotted lines a, a, a, in Fig. 3). Where the H's cross the inner chords, (which are lower than the outer ones,) they are made to bear on them, by means of the blocks /(, li, Fig. 3. These blocks are not shown in the transverse section, it being supposed to be taken near one of the girders, G. Over the girders, G, are seen (Fig. 3,) blocks O, O, marked in dotted lines ; there are transverse timbers, resting on G, and helping to support the flooring plank of the canal trunk, as there are no longitudinal joists in the aqueduct. The pieces O, do not in- terfere with the diagonal braces, merely running from each inner chord to the braces. The floor of the trunk rests only on the upper course of diagonal braces, on the transverse pieces, O, and on the raised girders H. Each girder, H and G, is sustained by the two inner chords, and by four suspending rods of iron, li in. in diameter, of which two are shown in Fig. 4, by R,R. In the outer trusses, the tops of these rods bear on the tops of the arches, or curved ribs, (see Fig. 1,) by means of wooden saddle pieces, D, Figs. 3 and 4. In the inner trusses, they bear upon the tops of the poles, or caps, and are covered by a longitudinal capping piece, of 3 in. thickness {m, Fig. 4); this capping is rounded otTat top, so as to prevent the chafing of the tow- rope. To bring the bearing of the suspending rods more equally on all the arch-pieces, blocks are inserted between the arch-pieces, ver- tically, at the place of each rod, as shown in Fig. 3. M, M, in Fig. 1, are extra braces, employed only in the outer trusses; A, A, are their straining sills. At their upper ends they abut against short pieces of G X 12 (/,/,) firmly bolted to the poles. These extra braces are in pairs, being on both sides of the poles. j,j, Fig. 1, are the straining sills for the pier braces, S, S, serving to stiflTen the pier posts ; see Fig. G, which also shows the cast iron abut- ment plates, g, g, for receiving the feet of the curved ribs. They are merely flat plates, 3 ft. 8 in. deep, 2 ft. wide, 2 in. thick, and without any flaunches. The recess in the pieces, for receiving the feet of the ribs, and pier posts, is but eight inches deep. See also Fig. 2. P, Figs. 3 and 4 are the short butting-pieces for relieving the heads of the queen posts from the action of the main braces. In the inner trusses, instead of these short butting-pieces, long straining-pieces, reaching from one post to another, are used, T, Figs. 3 and 4. T is represented in Fig. 3, to save the trouble of another engraving. The suspending rods are about 5 feet apart; but it is seen in Fig. 1 that these rods stop short within some fifteen feet of the piers, because the curve of the ribs in that interval would not allow of the passage of girders past them. In this interval, therefore, the ends of the giiders are supported by pieces, K, Fig. 7, bolted to the ribs. s, s. Figs. 2 and 4, are uprights, placed 4 ft. apart, for spiking the sideplankingof the canal trunk to; at their heads they tenon into a continuous cap-piece, r, and at their feet they tenon between the strings e and n. v, and the blocks /, being supported by the queens, prevent s from spreading outwards. Where the curve of the arches comes below the line of /, the latter is dispensed with, and v rests against the arches themselves. r, r, are two pieces, of 3 X 6 in- spiked to the queens, for receiving 3 £ 362 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [November, the floor plank of the tow-path, on one side, and of the footway for ordinary purposes, on the other. The roof is boarded and shingled. Where the tops of the inner arches get below the line of the tow- path floor, a piece of plank on edge resting on the floor is nailed against the queens, to prevent horses from slipping into the canal trunk. Fig. 5 shows an excellent device for counteracting, to some extent, the tendency which trusses always have to settle in the centre. The poles or caps of the adjoining arches are here connected by fishing splices, each composed of two pieces of 4 x 12 in. well bolted, and trenailed together, through the caps ; and as a further security, two blocks, 5, «■, of hard wood, about 4 inches square, are driven through from side to side. By the introduction of these splices, it is obvious that the inward draw of two adjoining trusses is mutually counter- acted to a considerable extent. This arrangement, together with the extra braces, serves very much to stiffen the trusses, and something of the kind should always be resorted to in large spans. Fig. 8 shows the mode of scarfing the pieces composing the curved ribs. These pieces break joint where the ribs pass the queens, so that the bolts of tlie scarfs pass entirely through the queens, and the rib pieces on each side of them. The scarf of the poles is shown in Fig. 3 ; that of the chords is the same as that of the poles, only that •which constitutes the side view of the pole scarf, forms the top, or plan, of that of the chord. Fig. 11. As it is always a matter of importance in a bridge erected over a stream liable to freshets, to secure each span as soon as pos- sible, so as to stand in case the scaffold should happen to be carried away, the introduction of the secondary timbers is generally deferred until those essential to the support of the bridge, in such an event, are put together. Therefore, the diagonal braces are not inserted imtil after the girders are put into their places. As these braces are tenoned into the girders at both ends, they could not be inserted into the mortises in the girders, unless some play were allowed at one end ; this play is afterwards filled up by a pair of double wedges, as shown in Fig. 11. Where the counterbraces of the trusses intersect the main braces, the former are merely tenoned into the latter, as shown in Fig. 3, at Y. Where the chords and queens intersect, they are notched equally into each other, so as to bring the two pieces composing the chords within about an inch of each other. Figs. 2 and 4. The planking of the canal trunk is single, and well caulked. The courses of plank are from six to fifteen inches wide. Remarks. — This aqueduct evinces, more strikingly than any other structure I know of, the capability of timber for the purpose of bridge building. The weight of water in the canal trunk on a single span, when 4 ft. 3 in. deep, amounts to 275 tons, of 2240 lb. ; and we may safely say that that weight is frequently increased to at least 300 tons, during the passage of boats; for although a boat, of course, dis- places a bulk of water of equal weight with herself, yet it may rea- dily be conceived that the water so displaced does not instantaneously leave the span, on her entrance ; and 1 think we may assume that at least 25 tons of it are frequently on a span at the same moment with the boat. Yet on a most critical examination, made with that view, I could not detect in any part of the timbers the slightest symptom of what might with propriety be called crushing. Slight compressions, (if I may be allowed to draw such a distinction,) were visible at the heads of the queen-posts, but not to a greater extent, apparently, than invariably attends all trusses of this kind in common bridges of large sjtans, after having been some time in use. In all bridges there is a tendency to settle, or sag, in the centre ; and this tendency, of course, brings a heavy compressing strain upon the pole plates ; but beside this compression, incident to the truss considered as a whole, there is another, acting at the several points at which the heads of the posts tenon into the poles. This compound compression explains a fact for which I was for some time at a loss to assign a satisfactory reason. I have already stated that in the inner trusses of this aqueduct, a strainiug-piece, like that shown at T, fig. 3, was inserted between the heads of the posts, in preference to the short butting piece, P, figs. 3, 6, employed in the outer trusses. This was evidently done under the impression that it opposed a more perfect resistance to the com- pressions alluded to, than the shorter pieces; and, at first sight, it will probably strike most of my readers in the same manner. But it is of great importance to know, that although the long piece is almost invariably introduced, both by engineers and bridge builders, whenever extraordinary compression of the pole is anticipated, it is in fact en- tirely ineffective ; whereas the short butting pieces perform the duty assigned them perfectly, I shall endeavour to point out the cause of this. The compression of the poles evidently increases from the piers towards the centre of the span, in the same manner as in a single long piece of timber, supported at two ends, when it sags in the middle: consequently, when the bridge settles, as it always will, more or less, the head of any one post is moved a greater distance towards the centre of the span than the post behind it, that is, between it and a pier. Therefore, the opening,/'', behind the post, Q', must be a little wider than the opening/;, behind the post Q ; and, consequently, the inner end of the straining- piece, T, cannot be forced up into contact with the head of the post Q, but must remain distant from it an amount equal to the difference of the compression which takes place in that part of the pole between Q' and the centre of the span, and that part which extends fromy top. This difference in the amount of com- pression between any two consecutive posts, is very perceptible in all large bridges, being generally about i of an inch, that is if there be 7 spaces in the truss, between a pier and a king post, the opening at the inner one will generally be about | of an inch, at the next one f, at the next I, and so on to the queen post near the pier, where it will diminish to nothing. In some bridges, and those excellent ones, I have seen the openings behind the queen posts much greater than this, at least double ; but, I believe, only in such bridges as have no chords to confine the feet of the ribs. Of course some portion of these openings, in every case, is due to the compression which takes place in the heads of the posts themselves. This is frequently very perceptible. I could just detect it in a few of the queen posts of the aqueduct. But it may be objected that if the explanation I have given be cor- rect, then even the short butting piece, P, should also be ineffective ; because, if the compression of the pole increases so perceptibly to- wards the centre, then supposing the length of the butting piece to be i of the distance between two queens, the inner end of the butting piece should not come into contact with the pole, by an amount equal to i of the opening which occurs between these two queens. Plausi- ble as this deduction would seem, it is, nevertheless, incorrect, for as I have before remarked, the short butting pieces act admirably, and, as I conceive, for this reason, that although the entire length of ^that portion of a pole, or cap, between two adjacent posts, is in a state of compression, which, considering the whole truss as one great beam, gradually increases towards the centre, still the action of the main braces against the back part of the head of each post, tends to bring an additional strain upon the portion of the pole next adjoining the inside of the post head. This additional strain produces a compression of its own, which, unlike that operating on the truss considered as a whole, decreases towards the centre. Therefore, that part of the pole into which the head of any post tenons, is more compressed than the part at the end of the butting piece, and, consequently, the latter is brought into full action. This matter is a very important one, and my remarks on it were suggested by seeing that in tiiis aqueduct the long straining'piece had superseded the short butting piece, evidently in expectation of its greater efficiency. In the Market street bridge, at Philadelphia, the 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 36.3 •finest ill existence, the same defect exists ; also in the viaduct of the Columbia and Philadelphia Railroad, near Philadelphia, and many- others, built by the most talented and experienced bridge builders in the country. -But in all these bridges, as well as in this aqueduct, the inner ends of none of these long straining pieces are in contact with the heads of the adjoining posts, against which they were intended to exert a pow- erful compression. Consequently, they are not only useless, but posi- tively injurious, as they add unnecessarily to the weight of the truss, and thus absolutely increase that tendency to settle, which they are intended to prevent. I noticed a splintering, or spalling off", of the stones supporting the feet of some of the arches. The stones in this part of a bridge, as well as those forming the facing of the starlings, should always be of good quality ; and, in the former case especially, attention should be paid to their toughness; soft sandstone should never be admitted. In an extreme case like this, of such an immense weight and so soft a stone, or indeed with stone of the best quality, I should cer- tainly prefer to have the recesses in the top of the pier for receiving the feet of the curved ribs and pier posts, somewhat deeper than in this instance, where they are but 8 in. deep, figs. 1, 2, and 6. The pressure on the piers and abutments, so long as the bridge maintains itself, is almost altogether vertical, and as it sometimes happens that the bearing is not very fair, every precaution should be used to pre- vent spalling. One of the spans, at the time I saw the aqueduct, ■was (in my opinion,) in imminent danger of falling, in consequence of this. I am confident that 2 trusses, instead of 4, would have been suffi- cient to support the trunk of this aqueduct, especially if another arch-piece had been added to the depth of the curved ribs, and the height of the trusses made a little greater. This additional height would, moreover, have added to the convenience of passengers on the roofs of the boats, who are now obliged to stoop in passing through the aqueduct. As the use of but two trusses would, of course, in- crease the clear width between them, to admit the tow-path, the gir- ders might be trussed by a heavy arch-piece, which would insure abundant strength. A considerable diminution of expense would at- tend such an arrangement. As to the piers of this aqueduct, they are, as before stated, but 7 ft. thick on top, or -rrr'Ta P^f' °^ the span ; or not quite i as great as the proportion of those used in the Trenton bridge, which is the boldest one cited by Tredgold, in his table of stone piers for wooden bridges. The foundations of the piers of the aqueduct do not appear to have settled in the least, or to have undergone any derangement ; still, even in the face of this precedent, I should certainly prefer the foundation to be laid at the depth of a few feet below the bottom, in structures so important as this. There are, however, several bridges across the Alleghany, in the vicinity of the aqueduct, and all their piers are founded in this manner, (some of them, indeed, having but one course of timbers in their platforms,) which is strong evidence of the suffi- ciency of the plan, on a gravel bottom, even when exposed to tremen- dous freshets. Viewed as a whole, this aqueduct, for which, I am under the im- pression, there was no precedent, certainly reflects the highest credit on Mr. Lothrop, for boldness and mechanical skill.* There are others, * We think it proper to remark here, that in the 6th volume of the London Repertory of Arts, p. 220, is detailed at length, the sijecification of a patent taken out in England, in 1796, by Mr. James Jordan, for constriicliiig aque- ducts and bridges, with curved ribs of timber, or iron, and suspending there- frum, by iron rods, the floor or trunk, as the case may be. The colebrated bridge over the Delavvaic, at Trenton, commenced in 1804, is, in its general outline, almost a precise copy of the plate illustrating Jordan's patent, in the Repertory of Arts, and is, in principle, unquestionably an infringement of that patent. Mr. Jordan also gives a plate of a projected aqueduct, pre- cisely the same in its essential principles as that which forms the subject of the'abovc paper. of much the same kind, on the canal ; all, I believe, designed by him. The general arrangement of the timbers is not original with him, having been long before practised, in very many instances, in common bridges; but the application of it to the purposes of so extensive an aqueduct, was certainly a very bold step ; aud its entire success is proof of an intimate knowledge of what he undertook. I look upon this arrangement of timbers as the best yet devised for large spans. It certainly admits of many improvements in its details, and frotn some experiments of my own on the subject, I am under the impression that considerable modifications in some of the more important parts, might be made with advantage. I may take occa- sion, in some future paper, to allude to them. The curved rib, it is well known, is stronger in the centre than at any other point; or, in other words, a load, which, applied between the centre and one of the piers, would destroy the rib, might be sup- ported, with perfect safety, in its centre. But the truss which is con- nected with the ribs, is weaker in the centre than at any other point ; its resistance to a load acting at any point, being, as in the case of a single piece of timber, proportional to the rectangle of the distances from the point at which the load is applied to the points of support. Therefore, the combination of the curved rib with the truss, secures a more uniform degree of strength throughout the whole span, than could be attained by either one, used separately. But besides this, another very important consideration attends the combination of the curved rib with the truss, viz : that each not only contributes its own share to the support of the load, but actually in- creases the power of resistance of the other — that is, the two com- bined will support a greater load than they could separately, were the load divided between them. A curved rib, when employed by itself, is very weak at the haunches, and readily yields to a load applied there ; but if proper means be adopted for preventing the rib from changing its form, its strength is wonderfully increased, indeed to such an extent that actual crushing of the timber must take place before the rib will yield to its load. Without this precaution, its flexibility will permit it to bend, and fall through between its abutments, under a load many times less than that necessary to crush it. Such a change of form, or bending, is prevented by the truss, and thereby so great an accession of strength is imparted to the rib, that if we could con- ceive the truss acting only in this capacity of a stiffener to the rib, without itself sustaining any portion of the load, still the strength of the bridge would be increased many fold. I have seen curved ribs of 200 ft. span, bend, and fall into the river, between their abut- ments. The highest known freshet of the Alleghany, rose to about the floor line of the canal trunk; the weather boarding of the outside formed a kind of dam, against which, trees, barns, houses, &c., accumulated, until they formed a wide field of drift on its upper side. A large concourse of people stood on the banks of the river, expecting to see the whole structure lifted oflT from its piers, and floated away; but it stood perfectly firm, and I believe sustained no injury whatever. Engineermg Science. — The tunnel on the line of the Slieflield and Man- chester Railway will be 3 miles in length, upwards of 600 ft. below the sur- face or summit of the hill at its greatest height, and in rock formation throughout its entire length. The works were projected and commr-nced upwards of 2 years ago, under the direction of Charles Vignoles, Esq. Five shafts were opened, at about half a mile distant from each other, for the pur- pose of proving the formation, of facilitating the driving of the drift-ways, and ultimately, of ventilating the tunnel. Whilst these were in progress, the drift-w ays were carried on from each side, or face, of the mountain : the distance, or length, driven, on the eastern side, extending to nearly 1,000 yards, and from the next shaft 180 yards. The junction between these two portions of the drift-way was etfectcd on the 17th Sept., and the levels, w hen checked, on a tie-bench, at the point of meeting, had varied but i) decimals, or 1 in. nearly, and the range was within less than 2 in. of being geometri- cally true*:- IVeekhj Papers. 3 E 2 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 364 A FEW OBSERVATIONS ON THE FLY-WHEEL, AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE STEAM ENGINE. Till- admirable collector and distributer of power, is so important 1 feature of the steam engine, that too much attention cannot be given to determine the proportion best calculated, to insure a sufficent de- gree of regularity in its motion, to answer general purposes; it is at the same time equally important to avoid all superfluous weight in its rim, because this imperfection not only creates unnecessary expense in tiie construction, but also occasions a portion of the etTectiye power of the engine to be sacrificed, to keep the useless mass in motion. In order to obtain the degree of regularity of motion which is in most cases requisite, the energy of the rim of the fly-wheel must be so proportioned to the power exerted by the piston, as to prevent the constantly varying effect of the power of the steam communicated through the crank, from sensibly affecting the regularity of the motion of the fly-wheel. The same amount of regularity is not always required, and tre- quently, steam engines are applied to drive machinery of such a de- scription, as will to a certain extent, equalize the irregular action of the steam through the crank ; a corn-mill for instance, requires much less fly-wheel than would be imlispensable for a cotton, or flax mill, because the energy of the mill stones, produces the same kind of effect as is produced by the fly-wheel itself, and in some cases, when flv-wheels are directly attached to the machinery driven, they might be made sufficiently powerful to dispense with the engine fly-wheel altogether, in as far as regularity of motion is concerned ; but if ad- vantage were taken of this circumstance, very great strain would be thrown upon all the mechanism between the crank and the fly-wheel of the machinery driven, which being frequently considerable, would be rapidly destroyed. A fly-wheel may therefore be considered in most cases indispensable in, or very near the engine-room. Having had considerable experience in the construction of steam engines, under circumstances which enabled me to establish a regular scale of proportions, between the length of stroke and the relative diameter, speed, and energy of the rim of the flywheel, aud the fol- lowing rules having been put to the test of many trials, I am induced to submit this paper for insertion in the Journal. The following table will show the length of stroke, the speed of the piston, the number of double strokes per minute, the diameter, circumference, and speed of the fly-wheel, which I have adopted, and upon which many of the following rules have been established. TABLE A. [November, H.P. Length of Stroke = S. Speed of piston per minute Number of dble. strokes of engine Diameter of fly-wheel = Sx3-82. ! 1 Circumf. of fly- wheel Speed of the rim of the j fly-wheel per sec. = AV. per minute. = S X 12. W 10 ft. in. ft. No. feet ft. ft. 2 2 0 150 37-50 7-640 24 15- 4 2 4 157 33-64 8-913 28 15-7 6 2 8 164 30-75 10-186 32 16-4 8 3 0 171 28-50 11-460 36 171 10 3 4 178 26-70 12-733 40 17-3 12 3 8 185 25-22 14-006 44 18-5 14 4 0 192 24-00 15-280 43 19-2 16 4 4 199 22-96 16-553 52 19-9 18 4 8 206 22-07 17-826 5G 20-6 20 5 0 213 21-30 19100 60 21-3 25 5 4 220 20-62- 20-373 64 22- 30 5 8 225 19-85 21-646 68 22-5 35 6 0 230 19-16 22-920 72 23- 40 6 4 235 18-55 24-193 76 23-5 45 6 8 240 18-00 25-466 80 24- 50 7 0 245 17-50 26-740 84 24-5 60 7 4 248 16-91 28013 88 24-8 70 7 8 251 16-37 29-286 92 25-1 80 8 0 254 15-87 30-560 96 25-4 90 8 4 257 15-42 31-833 100 25-7 100 8 8 260 15-00 33106 104 26- The dimensions and weight of the rim of the fly-wheel, may be determined by the following rules; (note— in the calculation of the energy of fly-wheels, the boss and arms are not taken into considera- tion, they should be made as light as prudence will permit.) Rule 1. To determine the mean diameter of the fly-wheel, mea- sured in the middle of the breadth of the rim. Miilliply the length of stroke of the engine by 3-82, the product mill be the diameter cf the rvheel, measured in the middle of the breadth of the rim. The above proportion being adopted, will determine the following relative conditions. 1st. The rim of the fywheel will run 20 ftet per second, nhen the piston travels 3i feet per second; or in other terms, •2nd. The speed of the rim of the fywheel, will be to the speed of the piston as G : 1 ; (note— this is not mathematically correct, because for the mean speed of the piston to be 1, when the speed of the middle of the rim of the fly-wheel is (5, it would be requisite that the half circumference of the fly-wheel should be G, when the radius of the crank is 0-5, in which case the circumference of the fly-wheel being 12, the piston for one revolution of the wheel would make a double stroke — 2 feet, or twice the length of stroke, so that when the stroke = 1, the circumference of the wheel should be 12, and its diameter necessarily _ ,\,^ = 3-8197, &c., which should be the constant multiplier, instead of 3-82 that, with a view of avoiding useless decimals, I have adopted, the difference resulting therefrom being of no practical importance, since the multiplier 3-&2 gives 0'OU04 to 1 instead of G to 1.) 3rd. The circumference in feel of the flymhed, will be equal to the length of stroke of the piston in inches. 4th. The speed in feet per second of the middle of the rim, will be exactly one tenth of the speed of the piston in feet per minute. Area of cross section of the rim of the fywheel. Ten square inches area of cross section of rim, will answer very well when the peri- phery of the rim of the wheel travels at the rate of 10 feet per second, and could be adopted as a constant area for that speed, if the effective load per h. p. on the piston, was a constant load for every engine; this would be the case if the stroke for every power was the same, but the speed increases with the power of the engine, and the load on the piston varies inversely as the speed, so that the above proportion being determined for an effectual load per h. p. of 155 lb. on the piston, when travelling at the rate of 213 feet per minute, which load and speed are those of a 20 horse engine— then the ef- fective load or the speed at which it travels, must be taken into consideration in the calculation, for, with an uniform load and speed as above determined, the section of the rim in square inches per H. P., would be found by multiplying the square of 10 feet per second, or 100 by 10 square inches, and dividing the product by the square of the true velocity of the rim, the cross section of which is to be found, or in more simple terms, by dividing the constant number 1000, by the square of the true velocity per second, of the rim, the cross section of which is required. But as the load and speed vary with the power of the engine, it will be requisite to multiply the above quotient by 21-3, the standard velocity of the rim in feet per second, and to divide the product by the true speed in feet per second of the rim, the cross section of which is required, the quotient will be its area in square inches- per H. P. Therefore when V = True speed of the rim in feet per second. V- = Square of ditto. A =: Area of the cross section of the rim in square inches per H. P., we shall have Formula 1. 21-3 _ 10- X 10X21-3 io=xio X ^^^ = A, from which V2 results, Rule 2. To find the area in square inches per h. p. of the cross 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 36b section of the rim of a fly wheel, its diameter and velocity being determined by Rule 1. Divide the constant mimber 21300 by iJie cube of the relocily in feet per second, the quotient will be the area in square inches per h. p. Example. What will be the area in square inches per H. p. of the rim of the fly-wheel of a 20 H. E., the velocity of which taken in the middle of the rim is 21'3 feet per second ? When V =21-3 V» = %(53-597 21300 21300 „, . . , then J — =; , = 2-2 = area per h. p. ni square inches. For corn mills, saw mills, and other machinery not requiring great regularity of motion, or which by its own peculiar character tends to equalize the effect of the steam, 7 square inches of cross section may be allowed instead of 10, and will be found to answer very well ; on such occasions the constant mimber 21300, will be reduced to 10-X7X21-3= 14910, and the formula No. 1 would be 14910 = A = Area of cross section of rim in square inches per h. p. The area of the cross section of the rim of the fly-wheel being obtained as above, the total weight of the rim per H. P. will be found by multiplying the area in square inches by the circumference of the wheel in inches ; the product will represent the number of cubic inches of metal in the rim per H. P. ; and this number divided by 1728, will give tlie number of cubic feet of metal, which multiplied by 450, (the weight in lb. of a cubic foot of cast iron,) will give the weight of the rim in lb. per H. P. Therefore when V" = cube of velocity of rim of fly-wheel in feet per second, t = circumference of ditto in feet, we shall find Formula 2. Formula 4. 21300 V3 Xl2n 1728 450 = weight of rim in lb. per h. p., and by reducing the constant numbers to a simple denominator, we shall obtain, Formula 3. 6651J2-5 ir = weight of the rim per h. p. in lb. For corn mills, this constant number would be reduced to 53250, and formula 3 would be 46593'8 • ui !• XI • • 7i_ — ir =: weight of the nm in lb. per h. p. Rule 3. To find the weight in lb. of the rim of a fly-wheel, its velocity in feet per second, and circumference in feet, being given by Rule 1st. Divide the constant number 66562'5 by the cube of the velocity of the rim of the fy-mheel in feet per second, and multiply the quotient by the circumference of the rim in feet, measured in the middle of its breadth, the product will be the weight of the rim in lb. per h. p. Example. What should be the weight in lb. per h. p. of the rim of a fly-wheel of a 20 h. e., the circumference of the rim being 60 feet, and its speed 21-3 feet per second, (the stroke of the engine being tJO inches) ? when V =: 21-3 V3 = 9663-597 IT = 60- then 66o62'5 66562-5 9663-597 X 60 = 413-22 = lb. weight of per H.p. By the rule to find the area, the cross section of the rim of the fly- wheel per H. p. would be 2-2x20 ^ 44 square inches, and By the rule to find the weight, it is shown that the weight of the rim of the fly-wheel of a 20 h. e., would be 4 13-22 X 20 = 8264 lb. In formula No. 3, ir is the product of the length of stroke in feet, multiplied by 3-82x3-1416 = 12, so that by multiplying the constant number 66562-5 by 1-2, we shall obtain a new constant number 798750, which will admit of the following construction. 798750 S =r lb. vreight of the rim per h. p. In formula 4, S = the length of stroke in feet, this formula gives Rule 4. To find the weight of the rim of the fly-wheel in lb. per H.P., the length of stroke of the engine, and the velocity of the rim of the fly-wheel, being determined by Rule 1. Divide the constant number 798750 by the cube of the velocity of {he middle of the rim of the fy-whetl in feet per second, and multiply the quotient by the length of the stroke in feet, the product Kill be the proper freight of the rim in lb. per h. p. Example. What should be the weight in lb. per h. p. of the rim of the fly-wheel of a 20 h. e., the speed of the middle of the rim being 21-3 feet per second, and the length of the stroke 5 feet (see column 2 and 7 of table A) ? when V = 21-3 V^ = 0663-597 S = 5- 798750 "966"-'97 ^ ~ 413-25 = lb. weight of rim per h.p- giving the same result as obtained by formula 3. For corn mills, &c. the constant number 79S750, will be reduced to 559125, so that for such purposes the formula would be 559125 '3 S =: lb. weight of rim per h.p. The following table has been constructed according to the foregoing rules, and column 7 has been added for formula 5. TABLE B. 798750,. then — 77— S = Relative load on piston per Area of the Weight of H.p. that of a cross section Total area the rim Total 20 H.E being of the rim of ditto per H.p.= weight one repre- per H.p. = a X H.p. 798750 ^ of the rim sented bv H.P. \3 21300 ys S 213 v "■ sq. in. sq. in. lb. lb. 2 3375- 6-31 12-62 473-32 946 1-42 4 3869893 5-5 22- 481-6 1926 1-356 6 4410-914 4-82 28-97 482-88 2897 1-298 8 5000-211 4-25 34-05 479-22 3833 1-245 10 5639-752 3-77 37-76 472-06 4720 1-196 12 6331-625 3-30 40-35 462-55 5550 1-151 14 7077-888 3- 42- 451-40 6319 1-109 16 7880-599 2-69 43-14 439-18 7026 1070 18 8741-816 2-43 43-82 426-39 7675 1-034 20 : 9663-597 2-2 44- 413-25 8265 1-000 25 10648- 2- 50- 40005 10001 0-96S 30 11390-625 1-86 56- 397-35 11920 0-946 35 12167- 1-75 61-25 393-84 13784 092C 40 12977-875 1-64 65-6 389-75 15590 0-906 45 13824- 1-54 69-3 385-2 17J34 0-887 50 14706-125 1-44 72-38 380-17 19008 0-869 60 15252-992 1-39 83-7 383-97 23038 0-858 70 1 15813-251 1-34 94-23 387-24 27176 0-84S 80 '10387-064 1-29 103-92 389-92 31193 0-838 90 1 16974-593 1-25 11 •2-87 392-08 35287 0-828 100 17576- 1-21 121-11 393-81 39381 0-819 The precedent Rules 2, 3, and 4, will suflSce when the proportions laid down by Rule 1 are adopted, but will not answer for general pur- poses; I have given them because, having for several years adhered to the length of stroke, and other dimensions shown in Table A, these rules have answered perfectly so far as the regulation of the motion of the engine itself is concerned, when exerting her full power. The following Rules 5, 6, and 7, may be employed in all cases for the same purpose, let the stroke of the engine, the diameter and speed of the wheel be what they may. Rule 5. To find the weight in lb. per h. p. of the rim of the fly- wheel, the length of stroke, the mean diameter, and speed of the 366 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [NoVKMBSa, rim of the wheel, and the relative load per h. p. on the piston, (the load of a 20 H. E. being 1,) having been given. Divide the constant number 37500 by the square of the mean velocity of tne rim o/ the Jly-nheel in fett per second, and multiply the quotient by the product of the length of stroke in feet, multiplied by the tabular number P (see col. 7, table B.), (P representing the relative effective load per h. p. on the piston, that of a 20 n. e. being ^,) the last product rtill be the weight of the rim in lb. per h. p. Example 1. What will be the weight of the rim of the fly-wheel of a 10 H. E., when the length of the stroke is 4 feet, the diameter of the wheel in the middle of the rim 12 feet, and intended to make 48i revolutions per minute ? when V= = 928-4 P = 1-196 (see col. 7, table B.) S = 4- therefore 37500 V- 37500 928-4 Formula 5 is thus composed ~^^^ \.r. 1000 450 = -^ Formula 5. P S = weight of rim in lb. per h.p. 4-784 = 193-2 = weight of rim in lb. per h.p. *^^ 144 450 = 1000 V2 P 37-5 S = 37500 V- P S = weight of rim in lb. per h.p. Example 2. What will be the weight of the rim of the fly-wheel of a 10 H. E., its diameter in the middle of the rim being 12-733 feet, and making 26-7 turns per minute, the stroke being 3i feet. Observation ; this example corresponds with the proportion given by Rule 1, as shown in the precedent table A. then V= = 316-84 P = 1-196 (see col. 7, table B) S = 3i therefore -^^ P S = wt-tk-. 3-98G = 472 = weight of rim in lb. per H.P. For corn mills the constant number 37500 will be reduced to 10=XZp19S 700 „ ..„„„„ „^ . , , . P S = weight of rim Va 450 = V= P 37-5 S = 26250 V- 144 in lb. per h.p. Rule 5, requires a series of tabular numbers, representing the relative effective load per H. p. on the piston, the load per h. p. on a 20 H. E. piston being considered as unity — this relative load varies inversely as the speed of the piston, and will be obtained (considering the speed of the piston of the 20 h. e., viz. 213 feet per minute as the standard speed,) by dividing 213 by the effective speed of the piston of the engine to be calculated ; the quotient will be the rela - tive value P required : column 7 of table B has been calculated so as to simplify the operation. Admitting 213 to be generally allowed for the speed of the piston of a 20 H. e. in feet per minute, the calculation may be still farther simplified, because a new constant number can be obtained by multi- plying the constant number 37500 (given in formula 5) by 213, which would create Formida 6. 37500 213 "W 37500 X 213 s = 7987500 V= W S = weight of the rim in lb. per h.p. when V2 = square of the velocity of the rim in feet per second. W = speed of the piston in feet per minute of the engine to be calculated, ^i.'v-,.- ;;- S =' length ofthe'stroke in feet of the engine to be calculated, which gives us, '-y^^^fSi^i^t;:-. ' ~ Rule 6. To determine the weight in lb. per h. p. of the rim of a fly-wheel, its speed in feet per second, the speed of the piston in feet per minute, and the length of stroke in feet being given. Divide the constant number 7,987,500 hy the product of tite sijuare of the velocity in feet per second, of the rim of the fly-wheel, mulliplied iy the speed of the piston in feet per minute, and the qnotient multiplied by the length of the stroke in feet, will give the weight in lb, per h. r., of the rim of the fly-wheel. Example. What will be the weight in lb. per h. p. of the rim of a fly-wheel of a 10 h. e., its diameter in the middle of the rim being 12-733 feet, and making 2G-7 revolutions per minute, the length of stroke being 3i feet? then V= = 316-84 W = 178- S = 3i ■,987,500 3^ _ 4-2 = weight of rim in lb. therefore ^-S^S = V^ W " 56,397-52 per H.P. For corn mills, &c. the formula would stand thus: 5 591 250 ' „ ' S = weight of the rim in lb. per h.p. the constant number 7,987,500, being reduced to 5,591,250. To avoid misunderstanding it may be proper to repeat in this place, that Rules 2, 3, and 4, are applicable only when the length of the stroke and diameter of the rim of the fly-wheel, are made to cor* respond with columns 2 and 5 of table A, according to Rule 1, and when the fly-wheel makes the same number of revolutions as the crank ; whereas the Rules 5 and 6 may be made use of on all occa- sions, be the length of stroke, diameter of the wheel and its speed what they may. It is occasionally desirable to make use of a fly-wheel, that has not been expressly made for the engine to which it is intended to apply it, and it is then requisite to determine the speed at which the rim should travel to produce the usual effect on the motion of the engine; the following rule will determine that speed ; the weight of the rim in lb., and the circumference of the rim in feet being given. Rule 7. \st. Divide the total weight of the rim in lb. by tlie number of n.v. of the engine, the quotient will be the weight of the rim in lb. per h. p., divide this weight per h. p. by the length ofstroie of the engine in feet, and reserve the quotient for a divisor. 2nd. Divide the constant number 7,987,500, by the divisor found above, and divide the quotient by the speed of the piston in feet per minute, which will give the square of the velocity of the rim of the fly-wheel in feet per second, and extract the square root thereof for the velocity of the rim in feet per second. 3rd. Divide the velocity of the rim in feet per second by the mean circum- ference of the rim in feet, multiply the quotient by GO, and the product will be the number of revolutions the fly-wheel should make per minute. This rule gives Formula 7. Vr, ,^r,M ,.,^n /total Weight of rim in lb. . , ., r . , . j... \ 7,987,500 -r- ( ^3— r length ofstrokeinft. 1 speed of piston in feet per minute V =: velocity of the rim of the fly-wheel in feet per second. V circumference of rim in feet wheel per minute, or X 60 =; number of revolutions of Formula 8. V - „«- „„ /^total weight of rim in lb. „ 1 r • . 7,987,500 -~( „ „ ^ . ■ — r -■ , X speed of piston in ' ' V H.P. X stroke in feet 60 V I number of revo- feet per minute I ^ V, and -: — . . ,. , / circumference in leet lutions of wheel per minute. Example. If a fly-wheel 15 feet in diameter, measured in the middle of the rim, and weighing (the rim only) 5000 lb., is to be ap- plied to a 20 H. E., what number of turns should this wheel make per minute, the length of stroke of the engine being 5 feet, and the speed of the piston 213 feet per minute? 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 367 Length of stroke of engine in feet = 5- Speed of the piston in feet per minute = 213- Total weight of rim in lb. = 5000- Mean circumference of the rim in feet = 47'1 Then by formula 8. /^ 7,987,500-;- (^^^ X 213) = 27-4 = speed of the rim in feet per second, and ^-~~ = 34-90 = nearly 35 revolutions per minute. For corn-mills, &c., this formula would only vary by reducing the constant number 7987500 as stated above to 5591250. therefore ^5591250 -^(g|_X 213) = 22-9 = speed of rim in feet per second, and ^Hl^GO ^ ^^ ,e^„,„ti„„^ p^^ ^j^^^^^ That IS to say, that for machinery requiring regularity, the fly- wheel applied to a 20 h. e. should make 35 revolutions per minute, but if required to drive machinery for which regularity is not neces- sary, the same wheel need not make more than 20 revolutions per mmute. "^ Formula 7 and 8 are obtained by reversing formula 6. London, Ochber IIM, 1842. H. H. Edwards. NOTES ON STEAM NAVIGATION. The management ef the furnaces. —It is a common practice in steam vessels to pile the coal much too abundantly on the fire grate, the stratum of incandescent fuel is too thick, and the generation of car- bonic oxide is the consequence, to the manifest diminution of calorific effect. The coals should be strewn upon the grate bars evenly and equally ; the depth of the stratum should be about three inches, but this is a point dependent in a great measure upon the intensity of the draught ; the stronger the draught the thicker should be the stratum of incandescent fuel. The bars should never exceed 7 feet in length, and should be as much less as possible ; 6 feet is a good length, and not an uncommon length in the best boilers. It is impossible to fire long furnaces properly, especially in a sea way. We have known the length of the fire bars to be reduced from 8 ft. 6 in. to 5 ft. G in. with a great accession to the steam-producing powers of the boiler. The bars should always have a considerable inclination, both to facilitate the transmission of the fuel from their foremost to their aftermost extremity, and to diffuse the air more equably over their lower surface. The skill of firemen varies greatly, and due attention should be paid to their selection. A dead plate at the mouth of the furnace is a good thing, and combined with a slow combustion will obviate smoke and save fuel. These are the true secrets of combustion on chemical principles. Boilers, near and /car.— The wear of boilers is not unfrequently chiefly from the outside round the steam chest, from the dripping of -water from the decks, in the ash-pits from the wetting of the ashes, and on the bottom of the boiler from the action of the bilge water. This last source of wear is now almost altogether obviated in some of the best steam vessels, by placing the boiler upon an eflicient caulked platform, bedding it in putty— not an incorporated mass of lime and oil, but really sound substantial putty, such exactly as glaziers use. A cooming of timber is attached to this platform, encircling each boiler, and the interstices between the timber of the cooming and the iron of the boiler are filled in with roman cement, and sloped off on the upper side, so that no water can lie on the cement or cooming. It Might be expected that these coomings would be disturbed by the ex- pansion of the boiler when heated, but we find that the expansion is so inappreciable in practice as not to be productive of any visible derangement. The upper parts of boilers should be covered with felt and sheet lead, soldered wherever there is a joining ; the practice of covering boilers with felt and sheet lead is now almost universal among the best engineers. Blom-off cocks are a perpetual source of annoyance if they be not well made at first. The metal of which they are composed should be hard and tough, without any lead in it. The plugs of the cocks, if made with too little taper, will be very apt to jam, and after having been ground a few times, will sink so far into the socket as to come in contact with the bottom, if there be one, and diminish materially the effective area of the water way. If the taper be too little on the other hand, a great strain will be thrown on the gland, which keeps the plug in its place, and if they give way it will be driven out with great force. This did occur in the Great Western, and the engineer was scalded to death. The durability of brasses is dependent upon a variety of circum- stances, but chiefly upon the quantity of rubbing surface and the quality of the metal. We have seen a brass of Boulton & Watt's which had worked for thirty years, and was at the end of that time in good preservation, whilst we liave seen other brasses which, in the course of a couple of years, were quite worn out. De omnibus rebus et quibmdam aliis. — Should the engineers be sub- ject to the captains ? Ingenerals, YES— in particulars, NO. The Ad- miralty regulations in reference to engineers are just as preposterous as might be expected, inasmuch as the Admiralty is invariably a cen- tury behind the merchant service, but in their regulations respecting engiueers, they have out-Admiraltied themselves and earned a title to a squabash with our tomahawk, with which we may probably honour them on an early occasion. The Admiralty desires to have young men of education as engineers, and yet with Admiralty consis- tency rates the engineer beneath the ship's carpenter— and what engi- neer of talent and education would place himself in so abject a situ- ation, or submit to be snubbed and brow-beaten by every whiffling lieutenant or embryo midshipman who does not know the garboard streak from the log line ? As to your amateur mechanics, we always shun them as carefully as we would do a rabid dog; their bite is dan- gerous, and their bark— why that of Cerberus was heavenly music to it. We have never recovered from the alarm we once experienced from the spectacle of one of these cognescenli with blackened fustians and white kid gloves, crawling daily, for the space of a whole week, through the labyrinths of an oily steam engine, to vindicate his title to engineering proficiency. We bethought ourselves of Nebuchad- nezzar, and betook ourselves out of reach of the saliva. When we take upon ourselves the administration of the Admiralty, which, be- tween this and 1942, we may perhaps be prevailed upon to do, our first operation will be to get a leviathan besom constructed to sweep away all such incurables preparatory to placing engineers in their proper position. Ventilation is a thing greatly neglected in steam vessels, although so many facilities exist for establishing an effectual system. Every vessel should be fitted with one or more fans, or Day's patent Archi- medean Screw ventilator, worked by the engine for exhausting the air from the different cabins, gratings being left above the doors and in other suitable places for the admission of fresh air from without. The same mechanism might be made to draw air from the holds and other parts of the ship, so that any bad smell from bilge water, &c. would be entirely obviated. In tropical climates, in particular, no steam vessel of any considerable size ought to be unprovided with a ventilating apparatus. The rolling of steam vessels in a sea way gives a lateral impulse to several parts of the machinery, which it is often not well calculated to resist, without a considerable jolting. Thus the side levers will, when the vessel rolls heavily, slip in and out upon the main centres, and the shafts will move endways. It is true there are collars to pre- vent this, and in new engines no great movement of this kind can take place ; but the collars are in most cases much too small — they are deficient in rubbing surface, and they consequently wear, in a short time, considerably into the brass, leaving a lateral play upon the jour- nal which admits of no adjustment. To obviate this evil, Messrs. SOS THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [November, Maudsbys & Co. are in the habit of making their journals with very large fillets in the corners, so as, in fact, to make eacli end of the journal a short frustrum of a cone. This has the desired effect, but occasions a wasteful expenditure of the oil. Mr. Robert Napier makes his cranks to bear against the flanges of his brasses. This plan obviates the rapid wear, but still leaves any wear that has taken place unsusceptible of re-adjustment. The best plan, it appears to us, would be to make each journal bulge out in the middle, so as to con- stitute, in fact, a portion of a spheroid, and recess each brass corres- pondingly. The act of tightening the top screws of the journal would then have the effect of preventing the shafts from moving on end, as well as of preventing them from moving up and down. The outer bearing of the paddle shaft should be always so made as to admit of easy adjustment. A common plummer block with the top constructed for holding tallow, placed upon a good stout carriage bolted to the fore and aft bearers, is, in our judgment, the best arrangement. The plummer block bolts should be so made that they may be dropped down to admit a piece of plate iron between the sole and the carriage at any time the shafts may require re-adjustment. A brass in the upper part of the plummer block at the outer end of the shaft is un- necessary, as there is no upward strain, and the cover bolts should be merely sufficient for holding it on in a sea way. This journal always wears forwards as well as downwards, and the brass should be so made as to admit of the aftermost side being turned before. The sides of the brass should also be thicker than in journals where this action does not exist. Pisston Rods. — The best mode of attaching the piston rod to the cross head is by means of a cone and cutter and gib, and a screw above the cone; this cone should have considerable taper both to obviate any injurious expanding action which a cone of little taper would occasion, and to facilitate the disengagement of the rod when it requires to be taken out. Some of Boulton and Watt's cross heads are made close over the piston rod, except that a little hole is left in the top to admit the introduction of a drift to start the piston rod when it requires to be disengaged. This we think is a very objec- tionable plan, and we have known it in practice to be productive of the most serious inconvenience ; for a small drift will not start a rod on which the taper is not considerable, and which is rusted into its place. The drift may indeed be assisted by a cutter driven into the cutter-hole, and so contrived as to force the rod down instead of keeping it up; but even with this aid we have known the largest drift that could be introduced through the top hole to be quite ineffectual in starting the rod. It is a bad practice too to make the upper part of the rod that fits in the cross head eye parallel ; a blow or two upon this parallel part will stand and swell it so as to rivet the rod into the socket. Iron Ships have been much cried up of late by iron ship builders. We admit their claims to favourable consideration, but at the same time maintain that they are attended by many serious disadvantages. In the first place the accumulation of sea weeds and barnacles is a formidable objection. We have seen indeed a scheme of a scraper for removing these accumulations whilst the vessel was under weigh, but it is in our mind puerile aud impracticable. Again, the iron of which vessels is composed has been found to become brittle in the course of years, so that although tough at first, it will in the course of time star like glass when struck by a hard and sharp body. The action appears analagous to that which takes place in railway axles. Mr. Nasmyth, indeed, has shown that railway axles are rendered brittle by cold hammering, and maybe toughened again by annealing; but he has not shown that axles are not rendered brittle also by continued wear, or that this species of brittleness admits of the same remedy. Bilge Pipes are best of lead, both because lead resists the action of the bilge water better than any other metal and because it is much cheaper than copper, but the blow off pipes should never be of lead ; lead blow off pipes bulge and burst from the continued heat and fragrance to whicl: they are subjected. We find that Mr. P. Taylor at the Institution of Civil Engineers, a short time ago recommended all the pipes exposed to the action of the bilge water in any measure to be of lead, and his recommendation was allowed to pass without comment. We therefore think it expedient to say that we altogether differ from Mr. Taylor in this particular. Neither the blow off or deck pump pipes should ever be of lead though they are always more or less exposed to the action of the bilge water. No engineer in this country ever thinks of making blow off deck pump, or injection, pipes of anything but copper. jraslc Sltam Pipe shou'.d be as high as the funnel, especially if situated before the funnel. When the waste steam pipe is shorter than the funnel, the action of the steam on the iron of the funnel rapidly oxidizes it and speedily makes the funnel very thin in that part of the ascent to the mouth of the waste steam pipe. When the pipe is made as taunt as the funnel the steam is carried clear of the funnel altogether. Slop ralvts bebceen the boilers should be permitted always to act of their own accord, and should never be opened and kept open by drawing up the spindle and keeping it up. Unless the stop valves be allowed to act spontaneously like the safety valves, they will soon become so fixed by corrosion that they cannot be shut at all, and are consequently of no avail. If the increased pressure incident to the weight of the valve be objected to, that weight may easily be ba- lanced by a weight and lever attached to the spindle, where it emerges from the stuffing bos of the valve box cover. Rudder. It is a judicious practice to make the rudder rather shorter than is requisite to reach the keel— the rudder will thus be unaffected if the vessel takes the ground. The keel should always project a little beyond the rudder joint so as to prevent warps or ropes of any kind from catching in the joint as the vessel passes over them. The rule joint is the best species of joint for a steam packet rudder, and bv far the neatest : the rudder head should be round and should fit accurately in the rudder trunk, which of course should be a cylinder. " Paddle box boals of Capt. Smith are we think inconvenient— un- sightly and ineligible. It would be greatly preferable to have a dozen boats stowed inside one another like the nests of pill boxes of the apothecary. In a heavy sea the paddle box boats could not be raised without great difficulty, and when raised could scarcely be ap- proached. Their proximity to the paddle when launched is dan- gerous, and the waves would fly up through the paddle box in a sea way with great force, and cut off all communication between the boat and the ship. We regret that Capt. Smith has not found a better vehicle for his ingenuity than this cumbrous, ineffectual and unsailor- like contrivance. CANDIDUS'S NOTE-BOOK. FASCICULUS XLII. " I must have liberty M^itlial, as large a charter as the winds, To blow on whom ] please." I. Mr. G. R. Lewis' notions in regard to " intelligence of design" and symbolical expression in ecclesiastical architectures, are too tran- scendental, not to say, whimsical, to be adopted by our modern church builders, and perhaps it is well that such is the case, since the fanciful myiiticism which he recommends might lead to conceits that had better be avoided, ambiguous at the best, and occasionally susceptible of very sinister interpretations. A very great deal of symbolical meaning, whether intended or not, shows itself, for instance, in the design of Bernini's celebrated bronze baldachino in St. Peter's, al- though critics who look no further than their noses have never detected it. Many of them have reproached the artist for his bad taste in making the shafts of the columns tmsled, and as far as mere external form goes, they are right ; but then they quite overlook the mystic meaning couched under that form. Those columns wind themselves in folds like so many huge serpents, rearing their heads aloft, and thereby typify, in the most expressive manner, both the sfrpenl-like 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 369 mihtktij and the crooked policy of the Romish church. This instance, however, is not even alkuled to by Mr. Lewis ; so far from giving modern architects and artists credit for any ideas half so ingenious, he complains that they have not only abandoned all " intelligence of de- sign," but more or less paganized our churches, and made them com- pounds of " classical heathenism." In his horror of heathenism he is, in fact, a second Welby Piigin, .ind perhaps the more consistent writer of the two. Yes, he is consistent and he is honest, wliich, as the world goes, are two especially rare merits, although his honesty is not of a kind at all likely to recommend him, because he blurts out sundry highly disagreeable remarks against many of our architectural idols — " tiine-liallowed " and "book-hallowed " structures, for which our implicit and uninquiring admiration is claimed as matter of course, or rather as matter of faith. So far from sparing the " wonderful " Sir Christopher Wren, Mr. Lewis treats that " illustrious architect " very cavalierly indeed, calling him, in all but direct terms, an igno- ramus and a bungler ; for which he will, no doubt, now get a sound drubbing from Professor Cockerell. But it is not merely particular buildings or architects that Mr. Lewis attacks, he goes much further, and loudly reprobates the whole of the present system of our archi- tectural doctrine and taste, urging us to "shake olFtlie trumpery tram- mels that have been placed upon us by unnatural education"! This is, indeed, startling, and most awfully so ! What is, in such case, to become of such venerable authorities as the great Vitruvius and the great Palladio ? — what of the Professors who look up to them for in- spiration? The former would be damned, the others "unfrocked." Neither is this all ; for Mr. Lewis is such an ultra-reformer, and so obstinately consistent that he is not disposed to tolerate heathenism in our literary education. The man is so blind tliat he does not perceive how highly proper it is that our youth should be early initiated into the mysteries of heathen mythology, become familiar with the lewd amours of Jupiter ana the other Olympian scoundrels ; or with revolt- ing and unutterable impurities in the classic poets, which elder school-boys translate for the edification of their juniors. He is for tolerating nothing of the kind ; on the contrary, he would fain cleanse the Augean stable of classical art, and ruthlessly despoil our galleries of their most valued treasures, — even of such innocent subjects as combats between Centaurs and Lapithae, and Greeks and Amazons. With reference to these, "Who would suppose," he asks, "that such disgraceful acts should be considered as fit and proper subjects of study for our youth in this Christian country ? Is the act of one man chopping down another worthy of imitation, or the monstrous brute in human form running his sword through the body of an Amazon an idea sufficiently refined to place before our youth — for their improvement ? Perhaps we shall be told, that as they have been considered by com- mittees of art to be most exalted works, that they are perfection, and therefore placed in the Museum and National Gallery, that the public may learn how to admire acts of cruelty, and our youth to become skilled in murderous and artificial attitudes, that they may be enabled to produce such sublime and beautiful works as will tend to the en- lightenment of the irreligious and immoral. Such are some of the absurdities that are established for the improvement of the rising generation. Need we wonder, then, at our inability to produce origi- nal designs? Can it be otherwise ? Certainly it will not be while Pagan, Greek, and Roman works of art are to be considered the foun- dation on which our youth are to be instructed. No style should be held up for imitation, however sublime it may be. Every work of art should be purely an invention; and whether it is to be a church or a picture, the designs for either should arise out of the subject." This will serve as a specimen, though but a mere specimen, of Mr. Lewis' doctrine — singular, perhaps offensive, nor the less so because it is impossible to gainsay it without touching upon very dangerous ground, and attempting formally to defend a very great deal that our convenient hypocrisy now winks at. II. The " Institute," it may be presumed, are very little aware what a dreadful architectural heretic they have admitted among them as one of their foreign members, in the person of Alexander Brnilov or Brinlov of St. Petersburg. In a letter of his dated from Naples, April ilst, 1S25, and published shortly afterwards in a Russian jour- nal, he expresses himself not a little contemptuously in regard to the manner in which architects who go thither for study and improvement occupy themselves in Italy. " It may appear," he says, " exceedingly strange and even absurd to many — more especially to i\io%e. fanatics in architecturt who have no notion of, nor care for any thing beyond their compasses and rule — that an architect should employ himself with painting brushes and palette ; but without attempting to justify my- self, or to point out what does and what does not belong to au archi- tect's studies, I will only say that the more variml thev are by being extended to other branches of art, the more likely are architects to become ai/isfx, and to give evidence of being such, in their immediate profession. Therefore, although I am very far from reckoning my- self among those who are gifted with a variety of talents, I do not scruple to take up with other pursuits besides those which more di- rectly belong to me as an architect. Is it not far better, in fact, to occupy one's-self with what will improve one's taste and imagination, than to pore over a shapeless mass of stones and rubbish, idly con- jecturing to what edifice they once belonged, or as idly pronouncing what such edifice originally was ? — yet, after such fashion it is that many of those who visit Italy pursue their architectural studies. I do not, however, go so far as some do, and say that the architect can learn nothing in Italy that he might not equally well do at home, but I will say, that if, after wandering through the Vatican, and among the temples and other ruins of ancient Rome, an architect does not feel that he has caught something like inspiration from them — does not feel elevated by the idea that he also is called to be an artist — the only, at least the best thing he can do, is to fling away his compasses, and betake himself to any other calling." How far Bruilov himself de- serves to rank as an artist in his profession, I am unable to say, nor does Nagler afford me any assistance, for he merely mentions a single work of his, viz., the new Observatory at St. Petersburg; it may therefore be a welcome though small addition to that meagre piece of information to state that among other buildings by him are the fol- lowing ones : The Mikhailovsky Theatre, opened in 1S38 ; the Lu- theran Church, St. Petersburg (Gothic) ; several of the apartments in the new Winter Palace ; and a Gothic Church at Pargalova. III. A writer upon architectural subjects in the Spectator, who, upon the whole, exhibits both cleverness and smartness, is occasionally sadly at fault, .and most assuredly so when he expresses somewhat like sur- prise that bow windows should not be thrown out " in front of almost every London dwelling." No doubt a bow window is very agreeable in a room, but then it is so only so long as it is a privilege. Were every house in a street to have such windows, instead of being able " to see up and down the street," people would only see that their neighbour's bows on each side of them were very great bores — posi- tive nuisances, not only as intercepting their prospect, but destroying their privacy, rendering it impossible for them to pass to and fro that part of the room without being subjected to the importinent gaze of the " peojde at the next door." A single bow-fronted house in a spacious street or square may be a luxury to the fortunate occupier ot it ; neither would there be much inconvenience attending the making a bow to every house, provided every house had a frontage equal to that of the National Gallery ; but for our scanty and narrow-fronted London houses, they are out of the question. A series of bows would cut up the side of a street into a series of awkward projections, sepa- rated from each other only by narrow strips of flat wall. So far, therefore, our street architecture would not be at all imjiroved. In fact, unless a "bow " be of such extent as to be, not a mere feature in it, but a portion of the entire front, it would be exceedingly difficult to make any thing tolerable of it externally, in either the Grecian or Italian style. After all, too, the sitting at a window merely to look up and down the street is very melancholy work. J congress of nrcltiucts at Lcipsic— ihe first assemblage of arti.sts ever held in Germany— met on the 14th Sept., U) the number of 517. nini> of whom were Englislnncn. The town cf Biimlirrg, in Bavaria, has been fi^eJ on .is the place ul' llieir meetiiiiT next year. 3 r 370 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [November, ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SEMI-ARCH WITH THE FUTURE ADVANCEMENT OF ARCHITECTURAL ART. By Robert Carey Long, Architect, Baltimore, Maryland. In au article which appeared in the Franklin Journal some months back, we attempted to show that the charge of degeneracy was laid against modern architecture, and that this charge could be sustained, inasmuch as in architecture the law of imitation was substituted for that of originalities, the copying of the external forms of the archi- tectural remains of the past for living principles of composition, so that now instead of an architectural work being an organized body, where the external features were the natural result of its internal ar- rangements and uses, it was, in fact, a mere mass, the parts of vyhich were held together by the arbitrary laws of external form. We took occasion to say, that the merely changing the style, or fashion of architecture, would in no way effect its regeneration, for, as long as we follow the law of imitation, it makes little difference whe- ther Grecian or Gothic be our model— and yet, we caimot but think the art capable of being roused from its present prostrate condition. For although its forms lie shattered and almost in decay, yet there are living principles of construction from which these very forms have originated, which, if properly understood, and infused into these ap- parently dead elements, would effect a reorganization, and architecture would once more exist, in newness of life, and perfectness of beauty. In this all architectural critics agree. No one who knows anything of the subject but admits, that, ever since the downfall of the gothic, architectural art has been in an unprecedented state of degeneracy, that not only has no new architectural style been formed, but not a single element of construction, wall, column, arch or buttress has been developed beyond the condition in which the 15th century left it. Deplorable as this condition is, it is not yet hopeless. We may even discern in the fact of the growing dissatisfaction manifested towards almost all the modern specimens of architectural design, the dawn of a better era. When the architect looks back into the past, and reflects upon the progress of architecture in all time, observes the sublimity of its forms, and the stately solemnity of its measured foot- steps among the Egyptians— sees its aspect of grace, proportion, de- licacy, and consummate beauty among the Greeks — notices, among the Romans, the change that takes place in its forms and expres- sions, its massive piers, its overhanging domes, the triumphal arches, and the fantastic and luxuriant character of its decorations, mingling like the slern battle cry, and the shouts of victory and dominion with the dulcet notes of love and revelry— when he observes also, how this architectural system is broken up before its discordant elements have formed themselves into a consistent whole, now, while a constant struggle is still going on amognst them, the Roman empire falls, and from its fragments new nations arise, and a new arc.liitecture comes forth, built as it were upon the wrecks of the whole of the past, rising lieavenward, and like an organ symphony, combining majesty with grace, solemnity with fancy, with a dim mysterious connecting melody running through all its changes. When he again beholds how even this form of art endureth not, but changes, and as tiie master spirit abandons the keys of the instrument, (to continue the simile), sees fancy overpowering dignity, harmony becoming wild and rapid, till at length the connecting melody is lost and universal discord reigns su- preme ; when the architect views all this, can he help feeling that his individual genius can do but little in his art, that the spiril of the age must be manifested in its architecture, and that he must be inevitably overruled in his efforts towards a regeneration of the art, unless the community can be made to understand and feel this state of degene- racy, so as to call for and second any movement that shall be made to- Vfards the formation of a style of architecture peculiar, characteristic of the age, suited to its wants, its desires, its demands. Since it is the sincere wish of every lover of architecture to see this art leave the trammels in which, at present, it seems bound hand and foot, and take once more that rank among the arts of design which it held among the Egyptians, the Greeks, and the architects of the early Christian church, it becomes all such to look around and en- deavour to discover some means of effectuating this important result. It is granted by all who know anything of the subject, that archi- tecture is not now even what it was during the development of any particular stvle, that the law of imitation instead of originaltty having become the rule of design, precedent must be quoted for every indi- vidual feature, in short, that the architect is bound down to a pattern —a isliile ; and that the best he is expected to do is to produce some- thing similar to what has been produced, only sufficiently common and cheap to be built at the present day, all departures from this pattern being considered necessary or accidental faults. None can feel so deeplv this degraded state of this art as the pro- fessor of it, when called 'upon for a design for a building, to be con- secrated to the service of his country, or of his religion. Wherefore, he says within himself, should I study the principles of architectural construction? Wherefore should I know that no beauty can be pro- duced without truth of design ? Wherefore should I feel all this love of the beautiful in my art, this perception of its capacity for perpetual rejuvenescence and perfection, if I am still obliged to grope on and produce something so far, so very far, behind all that has been done in the days that are gone ? Yet what can be done? Can the architect be before the age in which he lives ? Can he do anything to counteract the law, that the peculiar genius of every people must be impressed on their archi- tectural works ? How little evidence of individual genius is ever pre- sented in architecture I Look at all the great works cf the past ; no feature in any style but must have had a beginning, and that too in the mind of man, and yet style after style has arisen and departed, without bearing witness to the genius, or perpetuating the name of the individual minds producing it. Though these reflections are chilling to the heart of one who is an ambitious struggler after perfection in his art, tliey should not yet paralyze all endeavour after progress, for, although the architect cannot be in advance of his age, he can at least diligently observe and faithfully interpret its tendencies. To that which in the community already exists as a feeling, he can give a body in thought, and make visible to the senses in form. Now who has not observed in this day not only a growing dissatis- faction towards all the productions of modern architecture, but also a spirit of hope, a desire after progression and improvement. Let the architect make his building Greek in all its parts and proportions, ob- jection at once is made that it wants originality, or that it is not equal in ornament or richness to the model from which it is copied. If he should choose the Gothic as the mould in which his ideas are to be cast, his production is laid side by side with a magnificent old cathe- dral, on whose construction and decoration were lavished the wealth of a monarch, the piety of a whole people, the genius of almost in- spired artists, and in the consummation and perfecting of which, the most powerful hierarchy that the world ever knew spent century after century. What comparison can be drawn between the meagre pro- duction of a single brain, and the manifestations of the maturely de- veloped combination of such elements of greatness? But let the architect be so unfortunate as to design a building in what is called the Roman style, that absurd conglomeration of arches, pediments, columns, piers and pedestals, domes and porticos, and, although he may cite a precedent for every abomination he may commit, though he mav by line and rule perpetrate the greatest violations of every principle of truth and beautv, and cry out to every objection raised, that his design is Roman and must be judged by Roman law, the day is past that the declaration can avail him anything; he too must be brought before the bar of universal criticism, and be made to answer before the tribunal of taste. Now the question is, where is improvement to commence, from what point must progression take place? Can the architect invent a new style ? What architect ever has done it? Can he even improve on what is alreadv invented? Let him try to alter one jot or tittle the law of Grecian proportion, and witness what a mis-shapen abor- tion is the result. Let him add but one more to the number of the 1SJ2.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 371 three orders, and order is changed into confusion. Let him attempt to combine the purity and perfectness of the Grecian features of de- sign, with those of any other style of architecture, and he will be made at once to acknowledge that the beauty of Greek design de- pends upon its purity, the perfect consistency of all its parts, and their unity of expression. A Grecian building is one thought, one full har- mony: to catch its expression, it must be unmodulated, unaltered, un- alterable. To effectuate this, the architect cannot dare to depart from the known proportions used by the Greeks themselves, until he has discovered tlie law from which those proportions originate. Until he makes this discovery, the Greek models he must continue to copy, line for line, he must measure every moulding with the most slavish accuracy. Let his design differ in the least particular, the charge of ignorance or presumption may be raised at once against him, and that too, his own good sense will acknowledge with perfect justice. What too can the modern architect do with the Gothic \ Can he improve upon this style as manifested in some of the old cathedrals of the middle ages ? As well might he attempt to revive the feudal tenure, to raise another crusade, or re-establish the institution of chivalry. He can do little in the Gothic except to study the won- derful science of its construction, the exquisite beauty and melody of its details, the picturesque effect of its arrangements, and beneath the vault of its o'erhanging roof, or looking round at the clustered co- lumns, the glowing windows, and the saintly shrines, bow down in mute wonder at the genius that could project, and the science and skill that could execute such a miracle of beauty. The utmost perfection to which an architect can now attain in the Gothic style falls immeasurably short of the excellence of the olden time, neither can rce ever expect to see the day in which such struc- tures as the cathedrals, castles and mansions of the middle ages shall be needed. Modern gothie, or the manner in which Gothic architec- ture has been latterly revived and applied to the uses of modem times, has brought upon the profession such merited derision and contempt, that we need not fear an universal adoption of this style at the present day, however much it has been denuded and brought down to a bare-bone state, to suit the economical display-loving spirit of the age. Still the architect who wishes to bring about a new era in architecture must study the remains of this last great style, in order to see manifested in it, those universal principles of truth which are the tests of the excellence of all styles, principles which are discon- nected with that idiosyncracy which constitutes a style, principles by which the architect must be governed in the formation of any new one. Since, then, Grecian and Gothic architecture as styles exist, in an unimprovable condition, so that perfection in them depends upon accuracy in copying existing forms and details, which copying can never raise architecture from its present state of degeneracy, seeing that this same copying has been tried for 300 years, the architect must now take some other method of resuscitating it. He must infuse some principle of organization into the very elements of its being, the ultimate atoms (if we may so express it), of architecture niust be transfused into some medium where they may arrange themselves according to some law of affinity which must exist among them. Among the different modes of architecture that are at present in use, it appears to us, that there is but one in which an architect, to be great, must use the principles of its comtruction only, without adhering to the details of any model. This is what is called the Roman style, that which is distinguished by the use of the semi-circular arch and the dome. The people to whom the invention of these modes of build- ing is generally attributed, were prevented, by many reasons, from formin g them into an architectural style, notwithstanding the fact of their great capability of being so formed. Possessing little artistic genius themselves, the Romans had the good sense to reverence its manifestations among other nations. They acknowledged the supre- macy of Grecian taste, and admitted the unrivalled excellence of Grecian architecture. The Greeks were then their teachers in this art, but unfortunately, at a period when tlie life and liberty of Grecian art was but a name ; the consequence of ail this was, that instead of the Roman arch being used as a legitimate architectural feature, bearing the same relation in a building to the part it supports as a Grecian column does to its entablature, it was used as a mere clement of construction, or as a fanciful form for an opening in a facade, while in that same fayade v>'ere placed the horizontal lines of a Grecian entablature, with its own appropriate columns. Thus, two forms of support were used in the same building, to perform the same office, and an architectural pleonasm engendered, whose progeny exists even to this day. That Grecian columns and entablatures could not long preserve their character in such association was soon made evident. The Romans wanted to increase the height of their buildings beyond Grecian proportions, the use of the arch permitted them to build story upon story, and in so doing, every story was accommodated with its own string of entablature, and its own columns. When the story was too high and the space between the arches too small for the due proportion of a Grecian column, by the invention of pedestals, the columns were mounted upon stilts to stretch them out sufficiently, and we thus see Grecian architecture entirely passed away and nothing worthy of the name of a new style substituted in its place, where nevertheless an architecture could have risen, for the germ of a glorious architecture is there. It seems to have been the peculiar fate of the semi-circular arch, in its different development as a constructive feature, to have failed entirely in creating a distinctive style of architecture, founded upon its use, and characterized by individual features, resulting from its use alone. Kot only did this principle of construction fail of a per- fect development among the Romans, by whom it was first, as far as we know, extensively used, but at a later period, when, in what is called the Norman style, it seems just arousing itself and coming forth with a freshness and vigor that shows the promise of a new and appropriate style, its progress, by some fatality, was cut short, and all the energy manifested in it turned into a new channel opened by the introduction of the pointed arch. Had this latter never been invented, and had the same genius which produced such a wonderful architec- ture from this modification of the arch brought its powers to bear upon the semi-circular form of construction, may we not with propriety be- lieve that a style would have arisen out of this latter curve as magni- ficent and sublime as the Gothic, and when we look at what has been produced in this case, is there not something in the fact to tempt tlie aspiring architect to study out, and aid the more perfect development of the semi-circular arch. A style of architecture in which the semi-circular ar(Ji shall be used may combine in perfect harmony with every element of con- struction which has been developed, in all ages past. It may call into use the wall, the column, and the buttress ; columns not necessarily Grecian, walls no longer Egyptian, buttresses not of necessity Gothie — a mode of architecture, which, while it may admit the utmost gor- geousness of ornament, expensiveness of material, solidity and dura- bility of construction, with vastness of magnitude, may yet be beau- tiful in its simplicity, and by the manifest use of all its parts, be satis- factory to the mind which desires sense, with utility and unpretend- ingness — a unique mode of architecture, suitable alike for the palace and the cottage, the church and the theatre, the villa and the home of the citizen, the light pavilion of pleasure, and the gloomy portal of a prison — in short an architecture which will take its character from the use to which it is applied, and which can be judged by no rules but those arising from common sense, perfected judgment, and refined taste. In such a style the arch must have its own place in a building as the support of the shelter, and to the shelter, as its appropriate form, must be given the shape of the dome, so as to appear to have, and to have indeed, some relation to that on which it rests. A foundation too must be provided on which the supports sh,.ll stand, of some just proportion ; the entrances and openings must all be arranged in sym- metry with the whole ; an architectural beau ideal, in fine, must be formed, for the realization of which we shall search Rome in vain. In using thus the semi-circular arch, that is, in combining it with other elements of construction, it will be necessary that it should hold 3 F 2 372 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [November, the supremacy, and tliat these other elements should be made subser- vient there, the wall— the column— the buttress, all can be employed as accessories, and this latter with especial propriety, as having far more use to perform in a building in which the semi-circular arch is used than one in which the pointed arch prevails ; for the form of the latter is such that it seems almost fully adapted to dispense with such assistance, and though we would not use Gothic-shaped buttresses and pinnacles with the semi-circular arch, yet why may we not rea- dily use the thing itself, letting peculiar forms arise from its new as- sociation and adaptation ? A mode of architecture would thus be formed which would be ca- pable of every variety of use, and which would give scope to the highest flights of genius and originality, borrowing even its decora- tions from no arbitrary model, but creating them out of the very ne- cessities of the case — an architecture whose primitive form could be traced neither in wicker work, (according to Sir James Hall's theory of the Gothic,) nor in log huts, (according to the Vitruvian account of the Greek orders,) cotemporary tents, like the Chinese style, nor sub- terranean excavations, the supposed prototype of the Egyptian, but as essentially a creation of the art of building as when that art was best understood. Such an architecture the world has been on the eve of beholding twice, and yet it has never attained to the blessedness of seeino- it accomplished ; the early Christian before the Gothic style was formed, evincing, as we have just said, a decided tendency to the formation of a perfect style of architecture, on the semi-circular model, and the taste of the age, after the Gothic fell from its "high estate," the age of the reformation, seeking out again the Roman arch, but falling into the error of imitating Roman architecture, as it is called, the architecture of Palladio and others, with all its absurdi- ties, which unfortunately it look for a model, instead of developing still further what previously had been attempted in the Norman style. The formation of an architecture such as we have here imperfectly sketched out is the work of all succeeding ages, it is what this age is asking for, but without obtaining it, for false taste, the laws of prece- dent, the idea of orders and styles (which never prevailed during the formation of any real architecture) in fact the very reason which pre- vented the Romans from creating an architecture, out of the very principle of construction we have been considering, still prevail, and are preventing us from producing anything in this art which we can call our own. The architect who shall be bold enough to commence the innova- tions necessary as preludes to such a state of art must stand in an im- minent deadly breach. He cannot answer the question "In what style is your design?" He cannot call it Roman, for it must violate none of those principles of taste which they who have studied the architecture of all nations — the well-informed — know to be true: it is not Greek; it is not Gothic ; it is not Egyptian. The sentence will be " away with it, we know not what it is I" But should there be found men sufficiently unprejudiced to suffer such a style to be formed, one will arise admitting of all the excel- lence of Roman construction, Grecian beauty, Gothic grandeur, and Egyptian sublimity, with propriety of plan, purity of design, simpli- city and utility in all its details; the days of small things shall have passed away, and geniua will be no longer considered a supernumerary qualification in an architect. BaUimore, Maruland, Ang. 26, 1842. MEMOIR OF THE LATE JOHN GOLDICUTT, ESQ, F.R. I. B. A., &c. It is with deep regret that we have to announce the decease of John Gol- dicutt, Esq., artliitect, of Clarges Street, Piccadilly, who died on the Srd of October, aged 40. His father was, for many years, the chief cashier and confidential clerk at the banking house of Herries, I'arquhar & Co. ; and observing in his son an early predilection for drawing, he placed him in the office of the late Mr. Ilakewill, who executed considerable works at Kugby School, and built St. Peter's church, Pimlico. Mr. Goldicutt soon acquired considerable skill in drawing, and evinced a happj disposition for colours, a most important branch in the education of the architect. He soon joined an association called the Architectural Students' Society, consisting of young men, who met every fortnight in order to make sketches from given subjects, .md thus acquire a facility of design. He on two occasions was a competitor for the silver medal at the Royal .\cademy, and with this view measured and drew out the facades of the India House and the Mansion House in successive years, and was successful in carrying ofl" the prize for the latter subject. Mr. Goldicutt throughout his life evinced the same ambition of distinction, and on all public occasions was sure to enter the lists in any competition with his professional brethren, which seemed to offer the prospect of a fair and honourable adjudication. After avaiUng himself of the experience to he acquired in the office of Mr. Hakewill, Mr. Goldicutt was sent by his father abroad, and went first to Paris, where he entered the school of Monsieur Achille Leclere, a distinguished pupil of Monsieur Percier, whose reputation he sustained by tlie brilliant fruits of his studies as Pensioner of the French Academy at Rome. Mr. Goldicutt completed, under this master, his studies as a draughtsman, and regularly competed with his fellow students for the monthly prizes in the Academic des Beaux Arts. He then went to Rome, where he carried out his predilections for decorative architecture by making a rich collection of sketches from the most valuable fragments of the ancient monuments, llis most remarkable work, while residing in this capital of the tiuc arts, was a splendid transverse section of St. Peter's church, which he most elaborately worked up, representing the splendours of that remarkable edifice, with all its sumptuous decoration of gold and colour, and splendid pictures hy the first masters. This production, which is the hajipiest effort at drawing of the English school of architecture, excited so much admiration that he was prevailed upo'.i to submit it to the inspection of the Pope, who presented him with a large gold medallion as a mark of his gracious approval. After an absence of 3 or 4 years, Mr. Goldicutt returned to England, and commenced his professional career of practice as an architect ; and soon his refined taste, lively imagination, and facility of drawing, introduced him into considerable private practise, and he severally carried off prizes in compe- tition for the Post Ofhce, for the Limalic Asylum, and other buildings. Mr. Goldicutt always entertained a most active and generous enthusiasm for his art, and was ever one of the foremost to join in any proposition which he thought would honour it and raise the profession in the estimation of the public. He was one of the original foundtrs of the Royal Institute of Bri- tish Architects, of which he was one of the first Honorary Secretaries ; and in his own house originated the proposal of the Soane testimonial, in carrying out which he devoted much time. The whole arrangements of decorating Freemasons' Hall on the occasion of presenting Sir John Soanc with the medal struck in his honour, devolved upon him ; and the taste and skill with which he arranged the embellishments, excited the admiration of all present on that venerable night. Mr. Goldicutt was elected Member of the Academy of St. Luke's at Rome, and of the Academy of the Fine Arts at Naples. He was a competitor for the Nelson monument, and sent in a design consisting of a colossal figure of Nelson, standing on an immense globe, which reposed upon a pedestal in the centre of a large basin, which served as a fountain. The novelty of the design excited great attention at the time, hut so little prepared is the public mind for any new conception at variance with its old establishcii notions, that exception was taken to the daring project in many of the public criticisms of the day. But we cannot but concur with the re- mark of a distinguished amateur, who observed to us recently, that if such a design had been executed in Germany to one of her great men, within 50 miles of the banks of the Rhine, there would not be a traveller on the waters of that river who would not have made a point of going to see it. Mr. Goldicutt and Mr. Gutch were appointed by the vestry of Paddington to carrv out a design which they bad submitted for the new church now in course of erection in the Grand Junction Road. The style is Gothic, and the accommodation is calculated for 1650 persons, 600 of the sittings being free, and reserved for the poor. He had lived long enough to cover in the body of the church, and had just commenced the steeple, to which he purposed devoting great attention, in order to render it a masterpiece of taste iu design and skill in execution ; hut like the lamented architect of St. Dunstan's new church in Fleet Street, the late Mr. Shaw, his fate was not to live to see the completion of a work in which he took the most intense interest up to the moment of his decease. In fact, there never was an architect who felt a more generous and devoted enthusiasm for his art, as all his feelings were sure to be absorbed in any interesting subject which presented itself in con- nexion with architecture ; and if he bad a drawing in hand, the midnight hour and the earhest dawn of the morning found him unremitting iu his application, until he had completed the pleasing task. His knowledge of 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 373 the works of tlie ancients and moderns was extensive, and he was so feelingly alive to pro|iortion of parts and the effects of light and shade, and of contrast and barmony in colour, that he was continually studying the difterent parts of his buildings up to the moment of their completion, not being satisfied until he had tried every modification which could tend to improve them. Mr. Goldicutt published some ^^ews in Rome, and a series of etchings of views in Italy and Sicily. He was the author of an elegant work on the paintings in the Pompeian buildings, and of ^n interesting small volume in illustration of Ileriot's Hospital at Edinburgh, the plates of which he etched bimself. He has left a widow and 5 sons to lament his irreparable loss, and lies buried in the New Cemetery at Kensal Green. The death of such an artist is a loss to bis family, to his friends, and the public. Mr. Goldicutt was Surveyor for the District of St. Clement's Danes, and St. Mary le Strand, and one of the Justices and Commissioners of Sewers for Westminster and Mid- dlesex. PATENT GUIDE SCREW STOCK, Manufactured by Joseph Whitworth & Co. of Uonchesler A. the top plate, fastened Ly screws, a, a, n. B, a stationary die. C, C. moving dies. D, a sliding piece with inclined sides for moving the dies. E, a nut for drawing up the piece D. The guide stock is entirely new in principle, and will cut a screw scarcely inferior to that obtained in a slide lathe from a true guide. The name,has been chosen from this circumstance, as expressing the peculiar feature^of the invention. The thread produced is not only true and of the exact pitch required, but perfectly formed throughout, being cut clean without distortion of the metal. Iq all these respects the advantage of the guide over the common stock is remarkable. The latter, it is well known, will not cut a screw in any degree perfect. The thread, besides being irregular, is never of the right pitch. It is also more or less swollen by the violence done to the metal, so that the diameter of the screw is often considerably greater than that of the blank shaft on which it is cut. These defects are attended with the most serious practical inconvenience. They often render it extremely ditlicult to obtain a fit between the screw and nut, and consequently occasion a considerable sacrifice of time and labour. They necessarily impair, in a very great degree, the efficiency of the screw bolt, which cannot possess either the strength or mechanical power which it would have if the thread were cut true and clean. The defects in question are variously modified according to the size of the master tap used in cutting the dies. If they have been cut by a master tap double the depth of the thread larger in diameter than the shaft to be screwed, they will act very well at first, and the thread will he started true ; but as the operation proceeds, they become altogether unsteady and uncertain in their action. If, on the other hand, they have been cut by a master tap of the same size as the shaft to be screwed, the thread is made untrue in its origin. They first touch the shaft only on the extreme points of their outer edges, as shown in the annexed sketch. They have neither sufficient guide, nor steady abutment, till the operation is on the point of being completed. It is not unusual to em- ploy a master tap of an intermediate s/ze. In this case, however, it is ob- vious, the dies will combine, in a modified degree, the defects peculiar to each of the cases before mentioned. In the guide stock this perplexity is entirely obviated, and the dies act with full advantage from the commencement of the operation to its conclu- sion. They are cut by a master tap double the depth of the thread larger in diameter than the screw blank; while their general form, and the direction in which they are moved forward, are such as to preserve their cutting power and steadiness of action undiminished to the full depth of the thread. The plan of the guide stock will be easily understood from the sketch prefixed. The interior of the stock is shown in dotted lines through the top plate A. B is a stationary die ; C C arc moving dies, brought up by a piece D, sliding in a recess in the stock, and bearing with a distinct incline against the back of each die. The piece D is drawn up by a nut E, on the outside of the stock. The dies having been cut by a full-sized master tap, as before mentioned, the curve made by their outer edges is that of the blank shaft they are in- tended to screw. Hence in starting the thread, they bear at all points of the common curve, and the impression made by indentation is the exact copy of the thread of the die. The parts indented serve as a steady guide to the dies in cutting round the blank shaft. A groove in the stationary die facili- tates the operation. Four cutting edges are brought into action at points of the circumference nearly equidistant, so that by little more than a quarter turn the thread is completely started round the shaft. The difficulty involved in the operation by the common stock is entirely removed. After starting the thread, the stationary die serves principally as a guide and abutment for the others. The moving dies are peculiar in their form and direction, both peculiarities depending on the position of the arc in the shank of the die. The tn o sides have each a different inclination to the arc. As the dies move forward, one side becomes prominent towards the screw shaft, and its cutting edge continues in contact with the thread, till it is formed to the full depth required. The prominent sides of the moving dies are those turned towards each other. The direction of the common die is necessarily towards the axis of the screw shaft. In the guide stock the direction of the moving dies is that of two planes, meeting beyond the centre of the stock, in a line parallel to the a.xis of the screw shaft, and considerably behind it. This direction is deter- mined by reference to the change which takes place in the relative position of the screw shaft, as the thread is cut deeper. One of the three dies being stationary, there must necessarily be a constant change in the position of the screw shaft in relation to the two others, the ttfect of which, if not coun- teracted, would be to deprive the cutting edges of the requisite prominence. By giving them the direction before mentioned, the proper degree of promi- nence is secured, notwithstanding the change of position. The latter, when combined with the eccentricity of the dies, so far from being any impediment to their action, materially assists it. The neniy formed thread is thereby kept in contact with the dies for some distance behind their cutting edges, affording them the same kind of support throughout the operation which they have at its commencement, when, as before observed, the curve made by their outer edges is coincident with that of the screw blank. This con- tinued support, which is necessary to steady their action, could not he ob- tained without a change in the position of the screw shaft. They would otherwise acquire too much clearance, as they form the thread deeper, and their cutting edges would be apt to dig. The steadiness of the guide stock, and its easy action in screwing, are equally remarkable. In using it, not one half the force consumed by the common stock is required. The inner edges of the moving dies (which principally act in cutting out the metal,) are filed oft" to an acute angle. This enables them to cut with extreme ease, and without in any degree distorting the thread, while they take off shavings similar to those cut in a lathe. Their action in cutting is in effect the same as that of a chasing tool, to which they bear an obvious resemblance in form. They may aha be sharpened or. a grindstone in the same manner. A practical difficulty has hitherto attended the use of the screw stock, arising from the wear of the taps and dies. The tap becomes less in diameter and consequently taps the hole too small, while the opposite effect takes place with the dies, which, being unable to cut a full-sized thread, leave the screw too large. The only mode of counteracting this two-fold error, so as to obtain a fit between the screw and nut, is by forcing the dies forward, fill they have reduced the diameter of the screw a proportionate quantity. From what has been before observed, it is evident that this cannot be done in the case of common dies without injury to the thread. In using the guide stock, on the contrary, it is attended with no disadvantage. Lest the diiiaeter of 374 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [November, the screw should be inadvertently reduced more than necessary, figures are stamped on the sides of the set nut E, to indicate when the thread is full. HEREFORD CATHEDRAL. Report on Ihe present stale of the Catliedral at Hereford, and on the causes which have led to it. By Robert Willis, M.A., F.R.S., of Caius College, Cambridge, and Jacksouian Professor of that University. (IJ'ith Two Enyravinrjs, Plates XIV and XV.) Every part of the building exhibits settlements and consequent distortions to a much greater degree than is generally the case with buildings of the same age. Thus, the eastern gable of the choir inclines considerably to the east, and the south wall of the Lady Chapel to the south ; the walls of the north transept incline northwards and outwards in all directions, and the buttresses of its western wall are also thrust northwards. The north porch, commonly attributed to Bishop Booth, is also considerably inclined to the nortli, and the piers of the nave to the west; in short there is scarcely a vertical wall or pier in the whole building, with the exception perhaps of the Audley Chapel. When these several settlements are carefully examined, they appear to be of such a nature as would arise more from compression of the ground or oundation upon which they stand, than from weakness of the walls them- selves, for these walls and piers are not bent into a convex form, as they ■would be if they had given way from constructive weakness, but are thrust bodily over, sinking into the ground on the yielding side. This may, for example, be observed in the piers of the nave, near the great tower, both on the north and south sides. The greater part of these settlements however, cau be shown to be of great antiquity, having as might be expected, taken place very soon after the building was finished, and there is no fear of their going any further, except in those cases in which the original settlements may have so weakened the walls, by fracturing and displacing their materials as to allow them to sink under their own weight or that of the subsequent additions. For the purpose of examining the nature of the foundations, excavations have been made by Mr. Cottingham, at the bases of the piers on the south side of the nave, aud about that of the northern piers of the tower. From these, as well as from an excavation in the centre of the nave, it appears that at a depth of about seven feet below the present pavement, there is a firm bed of gravel, wliich, from deeper sinkings in the neighbourhood of the Cathedral, is ascertained to extend to a great depth, forming what must be considered to be an unexceptionable foundation ; and since the new work of ilr. Wyatt, as well as the Audley chapel, remains perfectly upright, it is thus shown that the ground when properly treated admits of a solid bearing. Again, as the settlements might have been supposed to have arisen from springs of water immediately under the building, search and inquiry has been directed to this point without discovering any. Immediately upon the surface of the bed of gravel, a wall fh, k, Fig. ij about 5 ft. high, is placed. The stones of which it is built are rough from the quarry and are in seven courses ; they are from 15 to 18 inches long at the lower part, and rather less at tlie upper, and the breadth of the wall is about 4 ft. greater than the bases of the piers which stand upon it ; two of these walls appear to ex- tend from one end of the Cathedral to the other — from west to east — the one receiving the northern and the other the southern range of piers as well as the piers of the central tower. The squared masonry of the bases of the piers fP, E, G, &c.) rests upon the upper surface of these walls. Of course the rough structure of the walls prevents the detection of any settlement or displacement ; but I am of opinion that it is rather this basement wall, than the gravel below, which has given way, and allowed the piers to sink down and lean over as they do at present. The walls of the Audley Chapel are, as already stated, perfectly upright, but the south wall of the Lady Chapel, against which it is erected, and into -which its masonry is bonded, declines very considerably to the south; plainly, therefore, this settlement must have existed before the Audley Chapel was erected, and cannot have increased since the year 1500 ; on the other hand, the eastern gable of the Lady Chapel is in a state of ruinous disintegration, and requu-es immediate repair to save it from the fate of the west end of the Cathedral. The inclination of the walls and buttresses of the north transept, and of Booth's Torch, are original settlements, and nothing is to be apprehended from them or from that of the eastern gable of the choir, the entire ponderous Korman wall of which, has evidently gone to the east, and possibly its upper gable may have been reduced to such a ruinous condition as to have justified the rebuilding of it by Mr, Wyatt. But my attention has been more particularly du-ected to the state of the tower, and to make the result of my observations intelligible, it will be necessary to say somewhat of the history of its erection. It is clear that the piers and the four great arches that rest upon them are of Norman work, and that at some subsequent period, the present tower, which rises above the roofs, was added. Whether a Norman tower was ever carried above the roof, and consequently taken down to make way for the present erection, is uncertain; I am inclined to think not. The line of de- marcation between the Norman wall and that of the added tower is easily traced. The upper limit of the Norman work is marked by a string course, (A, B, Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5,) ornamented with a double row of little arch-heads, aud the additional work commences just above this, in a manner that will be described below. The erection of this tower is not recorded, but from the style of its ornaments, may be fixed at the beginning of the fourteenth century. The date usually assigned to it is a century earlier— it being supposed the work of Bishop de Braos ; but this date, repeated by every successive historian, merely rests on a passage of Godwin, who in his bio- graphy of this Bishop,* says, " That his effigy has a model of a tower in its hand, whence he conjectures that he must have been the builder of the central tower." This date is thus founded upon no document, and being contradicted by the now well-understood architectural style of the tower, may be dismissed as possessing no authority. It is much to be regretted that tliB period of erection of no one part of this Cathedral has been re- corded, with the exception of its first foundation. It is established, how- ever, that Bishop Cautilupe died in 1282, and was buried in the Lady Chapel, that his reputed sanctity and the miracles which were said to have been wrought at his tomb, brought considerable sums to the church, and that his body was removed to the north transept in 1287; also that he was canonized in 1307. The style of the north transept agrees with the supposition that it was erected for the reception of the shrine of Cantilupe, between his death and the translation of his body ; and the superior magnificence of the design bespeaks the increase of riches and consequence which this event had brought to the Cathedral. To the same source and the same circum- stances may be attributed the new tower, of which, if we place the date at about 1300, or a little later, it will appear to have been undertakea immediately after the completion of the north transept, and probably from the funds which still arose from the same profitable source. And this may- account for the omission of any recorded founder or benefactor in con- nexion with either the work of the north transept or of this tower ; for it may be generally observed, with respect to the buildings of the middle ages, that when they were carried on by their monasteries, no record is preserved of the work, but only when some considerable portion of it, as a tower, a transept, or the vaulting of an aisle, was undertaken at the expense of an individual. Thus it happens in the present instance, that the building of the Lady Chapel and its Testil)ule, the clerestory and vault of the choir and nave, all of them works of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, are not recorded. To be sure Leiand has recorded of Bishop de Vere, who died in 1109, that he constructed many remarkable edifices (on the authority of his epitaph), and we may assign some of these works to him if we please. To return, however, to the tower ; it is evident that at the time of the addition of the present tower, the piers and the four great Norman arches, upon which it was placed, were in a state of great dislocation and settlement. If the south-east pier (H, fig. 3,) be examined in connexion with the east Norman wall, E, F, G, of the south transept, it will be seen that the masonry of the latter wall near this pier has been dragged downwards by the settle- ment of the pier. This is very visible on the inside of the building above the vault, at E K, as weU as on the outside of the clerestory. It is also shown by the bending downwards of the string mouldings in the interior of this transept, at F, and also by the difference of level of the opposite impost mouldings of the small Norman arch, at G, which opens between this south transept and the south aisle of the choir ; for we may assume that all these things, namely, the courses of the masonry, the string mouldings, and the two imposts of the arch, were originally respectively level. But when the respective downward dislocations of these three things are carefully measured, they are found to be exactly the same, namely, 34 inches ; and as they are situated at different altitudes, we may conclude that this pier has sunk bodily > Ue PrKSulibu'-, 1616, p. 536. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 375 downwards into the foundation thrtnigh the vertical space of SJ inches with respect to tlie wall of the south trausept, which is of the same age as itself; but as the foundation is thus shown to he compressible, it must be supposed that the wall itself must have sunk, although in a less degree than the pier, and therefore that the actual sinking of the pier must have been greater than 3J inches. In fact, by levelling the courses of masonry in the clerestory wall of this transept, immediately above tlie vault, from E to K, I find a difference of level of about 10 in. between the southern and northern extre- mities, which is manifestly due to sinking, and not to inaccurate workman- ship, because the courses run nearly level over the piers, and sink in stages over the window heads. A great settlement or subsidence is thus shown to have taken place be- tween the Norman pier and the Norman wall in connexion with it, as well as a positive sinking of each into the foundation. The Norman wall of the choir has also sunk to the same extent, and as the Early English string moulding of its clerestory exhibits the same depression, we must either sup- pose that the depression happened after the clerestory was added, or that this string moulding was laid upon the Norman wall without levelling it, a supposition which is not inconsistent with the known roughness of the work of that age. The settlement of the south wall of the south transept cannot now be measured, because a large Perpendicular window was inserted on this side, and the wall over it entiiely rebuilt during the fifteenth century; most likely because this part of the wall bad been entirely shattered by the sub- sidence of the tower. Neither can the settlements of the tower piers, with respect to the walls of the nave, be ascertained, in consequence of the entire rebuilding of the clerestory and triforium by Mr. Wyatt. The two southern piers of the tower being in immediate connexion with walls of their own age, their subsidence is thus as it were recorded for our information. But the two northern piers, as R, Fig. 3, are now connected with the northern orCantilupe transept, which was built more than two centuries later, and probably replaced a Norman transept similar to the southern. The eastern clerestory wall of this north transept, is. however, not at all dis- turbed by dragging downwards with the pier, and we may therefore conclude that the subsidence of the piers had ceased before the year 1300, for it will be shown, from other symptoms, that the two northern piers had in themselves suf- fered quite as much, if not more, from settlements than the southern ones- If then, their junction with walls two centuries later, exhibits no signs of rela- tive motion, we may plainly infer that all the subsidence of the piers had taken place before these walls were connecteii to them. It is true that the western wall of the north transept exhibits a great dislocation of form ; the entire mass of masonry which forms the southern side of the lofty window, forty feet high, has shrunk and slipped away from its junction with the Norman ■wall, and settled downwards and northwards, bulging out and bending the iron bars of the window, and rendering an immediate repair necessary. But this is a local settlement, unconnected with that of the Norman pier, and occasioned by the difiiculty of establishing a lirm bond between new work and old, for the clerestory and the upper part of this wall between the roofs exhibit no signs of having been dragged downwards by the tower pier. ■When the great piers themselves are examined below, especially the two western, it is evident that they have suffered great disturbances. The greater part of the original Norman ashlering is now either covered by sub- sequent casing, or has been removed and rebuilt ; nevertheless, the Norman capitals, from which the four tower arches spring, remain, and on several faces of the piers, the position of the corresponding shafts can be ascertained. This is the case with the southern face of the north-western pier, POT, Fig. 2. The lower portion of the pair of Norman shafts, L M, remains with the bases, and one of them, M, still exists to the height of 33 feet. These shafts are still vertical, but the capitals, II K, which undoubtedly were ori- ginally placed immediately over them, are now removed by settlements, together with the entire western arch of the tower, through the enormous space of lOi in. to the west. Also two cylindrical piers, E,F, of the nave on each side, and contiguous to the piers of the tower, are pushed bodily over so that their impost mouldings are now 4.j inches to the west of their true position ; in fact every pier of the nave has gone to the west in a slight degree. The Norman nave-arches which rest upon them have suffered a corres- ponding distortion of form, which is the most evident in that arch which connects the first cylindrical pier E on the north side, with the half column G that projects from the tower pier ; for the half column has remained up- right while the cylindrical pier has been pushed over as already described. The Norman triforium and clerestory which once surmounted these piers, were destroyed by Mr. Wyatt, but the nature of the settlements just de- I scribed — niamely, that the capitals of the tower piers have gone so consider- ably to the west, while the lower half of the same pier remains vertical, and yet that all the piers of the nave are also driven to the west — demonstrates that the upper part P Oof the pier must have separated itself from the lower, G, by a diagonal fissure extending from tlie upper eastern portion to the lower western, and that the western half of the mass so separated must have slipped downwards, and by pressing against the walls and columns of the nave, have produced their present change of position. And that the upper part of this pier with the entire western tower arch, sank in this manner downwards and westwards, will also be shown from the present state of the Norman string course, A B, over the great tower arches. I should also mention that the capitals of the shafts on the western face of the north-eastern pier, Q R, have been similarly driven to the north about four inches, and that the south-western pier has undergone nearly the same settlement as the north-western. Now the upper extremities of the great piers having thus moved from their true position, the four great Norman tower arches which rest upon them, are necessarily distorted in a verv great degree. Two of these arches, the north and south, are smaller than the east and west, the respective spans being about 10 and 31 feet. Immediately above these arches, the Norman string course, A B, projects from the wall ; this was of course horizontal when first executed, and its deviations from horizontality serve to mark the extent of the dislocations of the arches below it. The western arch appears to have preserved its form tolerably well, and in fact, as the two piers upon which it rests have gone together towards the west, without diverging, this arch appears to have settled bodily with them without change of form. The other three arches have suffered great disturbance ; their original semicircular outline being now converted into an ellipse by the sinking of the crowns, occasioned by the divergence of the piers ; for since the capitals of the north-west and south-west piers have each moved 10 in. to the west, and that of the north-east 4 in. to the north, it follows that all the four arches, except the west, have spread at the feet, and therefore must have sunk at the crown. I have levelled and examined tbe present state of the Norman string course, and I find that its north-west extremity, A. Fig. 2, is 7 in. lower than its north-east, B, showing the sinking of the north-west pier, which has been already detected from other appearances. Also the north-east end, A, Fig. 3, is 2 in. higher than the south-east end, B, and on this side the string course has sagged in the middle so as to fall about C in. lower in the centre than at the two ends, this is produced by the sinking of the crown of the eastern arch; again, the south-east angle is \}, in. higher than the south- west, and the string sags about 4 in. in the middle; over the western arch the string course has been removed, but the south-western angle is 3^ in. higher than the north-western. These differences are too great to be attri- buted to bad workmanship, and they all point to the same facts that have been attested by the other appearances described, namely, that the piers have all subsided and that the north-western has suffered the most ; besides these appearances, the masonry of the spandrils — that is, of the walls included be- tween the Norman arches below, and the string course above, is in a frightful state of dislocation ; for the change of form in the arches has twisted and fractured the stones in all directions, besides drawing them asunder so as to open the joints in many places to the extent of 2 in. or more. The rubble work in tbe heart of the wall has lost all cohesion. Upon these arches, however, and in this state of ruin or very nearly so, did the architect of the tower in 1300 proceed to erect his work. That this was the case is shown by the following evidence : — The masonry of the new tower begins at the level of the Norman string, A, B, or a little above it, the junction of the two works being very easily traced. About 4 feet above tbe Norman string, a second or Gothic string course, C, D, Figj. 2, 3, 4, 5, is placed at the same level as the passage or gallerv' which runs in the thick- ness of the wall all round tbe tower, and upon this string course is sup- ported the singular row of piers, W, W, Figs. 2 and 3, or P, Q, R, Fig. 4, which constitute the interior lining of tbe tower. Now the Norman string course has been shown to be completely out of level at the corners, besides sagging in the middles. But this gothic string course on the contrary, is now so nearly level with respect to the corners, that the diiftrence may be attributed to errors of workmanship, and it has only sagged in the centre about half an inch on the east and north, and not at all on the other two sides. Also the lower bed of the first course of gothic masonry which rests upon the Norman wall, is eTnctly shapcil to ac- comodate, the sagging already described, but its upper bed is straight and level, proving decidedly that the entire present settlement of the Norman 37f> THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [November, work had taken place before the tower was added, with the exception of a slight subsequent disturbance, of which I shall speak presently. On the north and south walls, immediii'ely above the Norman string course, may be traced a regular series of apertures, a, b, c, d, e, Fig. 2, in the face of the wall about 11 inches square, in which were evidently once in- serted the beams of a floor or ceiling. These apertures follow the sinking line of the Norman work, and not the level line of the tower work ; conse- quently they indicate the position of the original Norman ceiling, which is now replaced by a vault of the fifteenth centurj'. As the lines of this vault cut through the level of the floor, this last was necessarily removed to make way for it. These holes on the north side, have been rudely stopped up with blocks of tufa — the light substance used in vaulting — from which, we may suppose that the beams were removed and the holes stopped when tlie vault was in progress, and consequently this material at hand. At all events, the jointing of the masonry shows very clearly that the floor beams were not removed at the time the walls were carried up ; for it is evident that the new masonry was built round and about the beams, in a way that it is not easy to describe, but which plainly shows that the beams were left undisturbed. (Vide Figs, t and 5, and the explanation of them at the end of the Report.) At each angle of the tower, as at g andy, and at the same level as these beam holes, is a diagonal aperture higher than they are, and exteuding nearly through the wall; now the purpose of the beam holes cannot be mistaken, and we have seen that the new masonry was built round them without dis- turbing them, and 1 conclude that these diagonal holes also received some timber work, which in like manner was allowed to remain undisturbed. The interior walls of the tower are of a very singular construction: 12 piers, W, Fig. '2, on each side, of compact masonry, beside angle piers, are carried up to the height of 20 ft., and connected half-way up by a horizontal course of stone, X, X, in long pieces, and by an iron bar, which runs all round im- mediately under this bonding course. Upon these gigantic stone gratings, if I may be allowed the expression, the interior wall of the tower rests ; and they also carry the entire weight of the bell-chamber and bells. I believe this construction was entirely adopted for the sake of lightness. It is clear that it was never intended to be seen from below, for there are no means provided to illuminate the chamber so formed, which at present derives all its light from the apertures in the floor of the bell-chamber above it. The external walls of the tower were at the time of its erection buried in the roof, of which the pitch was much higher than at present ; and if windows be now inserted in these walls, I am of opinion, that besides weak- ening the tower in a manner, which considering its antiquity and shattered state, cannot be recommended, they will prove wholly inadequate to supply sufiicient light to the chamber in question ; for the piers of the grating are only 4i-in. asun.ler, with the exception of the middle interval, which is 18 in. Moreover the piers of the grating are of different widths, and their bases ir- regular, (Figs. 4 and 5,) and the whole has no decorative character; and in addition to the fact that no light was supplied to this room in its original state, which plainly shows that it was never intended to be seen from below, 1 have shown good reason for supposing that the ceiling which concealed it was only removed to make way for the vault, so that in fact it never was seen from below. I have now shown, that notwithstanding the shattered state of the piers and arches, the architect of the tower imagined that they might be trusted with the support of his new work. We may at least infer from this, that the settlement had ceased to increase long before the year 1300, for it does not even appear that any attempts were made to repair or fortify the piers for the reception of the new load, with the exception of the north-western. The arch which connects this with the first pier of the nave had a new arch, Z, Fig. 2, inserted uniler it, and the arches which connected tliis pier with the north transept, both on the ground, at (/, Fig. 1, and at the triforium, were tilled up, leaving only a small doorway below. The ball-flower ornament, which is given to this new pier arch and to a string course on the west wall over this small doorway, serves to show that this work was done at the same time as the tower, which is covered with a profusion of the same ball-flowers. However, the confidence of the architect in his old piers and arches was unhappily misplaced ; the new walls which have been described as resting on the Norman string, exhibit settlements and fractures not nearly so great as those of the Norman work immediately below them, but still of a very alarming character. In the interior of the tower it is evident that the worst of them IS due to the fractures of the stones over the apertures, which as already described, were occupied originally by the beams and ancient wood work_ At thCi^ngles ejpecially, the corner piers of the gratings are carried by large stones which cover the diagonal apertures, and are thus unsupported in the middle, and these stones have fractured in every instance, allowing the piers to descend more or less. Also the great eastern arch, the crown of which had sunk so considerably before the tower was added, appears to have sunk about an inch subsequently, which has allowed the stone grating on that side to descend, and has produced rents and fractures at its junction with the walls. The outer surface of the tower walls exhibits similar symptoms to those already described of the interior. .\t the junction of the Norman and Gothic masonry, the same sagging of the old work over the arches, and the same shaping of the new course of masonry to accommodate this sagging, may be observed, and it will also be seen, that the worst and most alarming settlements are in the old work. Nevertheless it is evident that the dislocations of this old work had pro- ceeded so far as to destroy the cohesion of the walls, and allow crushing of the stone work to begin, which has proceeded, and probably continued from time to time up to the present, and has now reached to such an extent as to make a thorough repair and renewal of tlie ashlering of this portion of the walls necessary to prevent the entire ruin of the tower. The upper part of the tower was originally so substantially built, that when the older portion has been reinstated, this will need comparatively little repair to make it per- fectly sound. Having now disposed of the tower, I will return to its piers in the church below. These piers have evidently been subjected from time to time to a series of repairs and casings which it is not very easy to understand. I may here refer to a curious document preserved in the archives of the Cathedral which will throw some light upon their history. In this is a bull of Pope John XXII., dated 1319, by which the churches of Shenyngfeld and Swalefeld are assigned to the uses of the fabric of the church of Hereford in the usual form. But the preamble recites that whereas sometime since the dean and chapter of Hereford did, upon an ancient foundation which in the opinion of skilful masons was held to be firm and solid, erect a sump- tuous budding upon which more than 20,000 marks were expended ; that now from the weakness of the foundation, this building so threatens ruin, that the entire fabric must be completely repaired from the foimdations up- wards ; which they are unable to undertake, being also burthened with debts incurred in the procuring of the canonization of Thomas of Cantilupe, &c. This document must allude to the tower and north transept, which were both of them built upon or in connexion with Norman work, the "funda- mentum antiquum " here mentioned. It is important, as showing that the settlements in the new work, consequent upon its erection on so shattered a substructure, must have begun to show themselves immediately after its completion. But as the repairs which were intended to avert this threatened ruin, appear to have been confined to the piers below, and not to have been extended to the great arches and their ruined spandrils, we may conclude that the settlements were imputed to the failure of the piers alone ; and it may be presumed that the movement was arrested, since we find that the present vault was substituted for the wooden ceiling sometime in the fifteenth century, to judge by its mouldings and fashion, and probably at the same time that the similar vault of the south transept was erected ; for if the tower were then in a threatening state, it would hardly have been tampered with by such an alteration. It must be confessed, however, that the ribs of this vault are remarkably thin and light, and that it stands com- pletely free of the walls on all sides, resting merely upon the four corbels. This vault must be taken down to obtain proper access to the spandrel walls in the course of the proposed repairs, but it may be replaced. I will now describe the present state of the four piers in order : — I have already shown that the south face of the north-west pier was ori- ginally traversed by a fissure, which allowed the upper western portion to descend ; and it is easy to see that the whole of the Norman ashlering to the west of the fissure has been removed and entirely rebuilt. At the upper part, where the shattering and dislocation was the greatest, the face of this new work is brought forwards a few inches ; but the remaining portion has the same face as the Norman work, which shows that this repair was not a mere casing like some of the others, but an actual renewal of the original ashlar. This repair is crowned by a Gothic string moidding which lies immediately under the Norman capitals ; one of these capitals, K, Fig. 2, having been, as I suppose, crushed, has been replaced by a plain block of stone, and the whole of the capitals on the eastern face of this pier have been also removed and the new masonry carried much higher than on the southern face. This work, or at least the southern face of it, is probably an ancient repair con- sequent on the threatened ruin mentioned in the bull of 1319 ; but the re- maining Norman face of this pier seems in course of time to have again 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 37: exhibited threatening symptoms ; for it has been fortified in a very singular and unsightly fashion by cramping against its face a shell of masonry, T, 9 in. thick. This masonry is composed of very long and narrovp stones set end- long, but is traversed in the middle and terminated at the height of 33 ft. by horizontal courses which serve to bind the work, and probably contain iron bands for the purpose of assisting in keeping the pier together. This casing extends round three sides of the pier, occupying portions of the north and south faces, n, p. Fig. 1, and the whole of the east face, o, o ; but the original Norman shafts still remain upon this latter face to the height of 23 ft., and the surface of the Norman wall, beneath the casing, does not appear to have been broken into. The whole work is apparently the contrivance of a country mason, and as such, its efficacy is not much to be depended upon. The object of the vertical beds may have been to reduce the number of horizontal joints, and thus to avoid or diminish the shrinking of the work, which is always a source of difficulty when new work is united with old. But more probably the evil to be remedied, was a bulging out of the Norman asblering, like that which now appears on the north face of the south-western pier, and on the spandrils of the great arches, and these long stones were intended to act like the splinters applied to a broken leg. The north-east pier, A, Fig. 1, is repaired in a totally different manner, being completely cased or enveloped in a coating of solid masonry, Q, R, Fig. 2 laid in the usual manner in horizontal courses, which have thickened out the pier upon the plan 9 in. in every direction, as shown at a, b, z, :, d, e, Fig. 1. Whether this masonry is also a mere shell cramped against the undisturbed Norman face of the pier, or whether the Norman asblering has been re- moved and the additional work properly bonded into this pier, I cannot tell, but it is very desirable that this fact should be ascertained, as its present effi- ciency depends very much upon that circumstance. However this may be, it is the work of two different periods. The southern face of the pier shows a nearly vertical fissure or separation of the masonry, and the lines of the beds will be found on examination to be at dilferent levels on the two sides of the fissure which at the bottom and near the top is a mere vertical straight joint. The westein half, Q, Fig. 2, of this casing is the more recent of the two, and their line of juncture at present exhibits the appearance of a dan- gerous crack. This is occasioned by the inevitable shrinking of the late work from the earher ; and as the pier shows no symptoms of giving way in other respects, it does not appear to impair its stability. The south-eastern pier, B, Fig. 1, retains its Norman face, on a portion of the southern side, /(, g, but the western and northern faces, as well as the rest of the southern face, have been entirely and substantially rebuilt ; for although the present face advances a few inches beyond that of the original Norman pier, it is evident that the Norman asblering was in this case removed. This pier is in excellent condition, and appears to need no repair or alteration whatever. This work may be attributed to the period immediately succeeding the bull of 1319. The corbel which sustains the tower vault, and which rests upon the string moulding which caps this new asblering, is formed in such a manner as to show that it was intended to rest upon this string course, and consequently must have been inserted after the string course was completed ; the repair therefore in question, must have taken place before the tower vault was inserted in the fifteenth century ; but the western face of this pier seems to have been subsequently under-pinned. The south-western pier, D, Fig. 1, retains on its northern face, r,s, a por- tion of the Norman asblering, with about 1 1 ft. of the shafts ; above, and to the east of these, from s to /, the Norman asblering has been removed and rebuilt, probably in the 14th century, when the other piers were repaired. A long corbel is advanced near the upper part, which carries a projecting pier of ma- sonry, for the purpose of supporting the original Norman capitals, which have been respected and preserved as much as possible throughout all these repairs and alterations. This pier, has at some subsequent period undergone a second repair upon its eastern face, which has been underpinned and brought for- ward al)0ut 10 in. to the east. This work, t, v, which is also carried round the southern part of the pier, only extends to 20 ft. in height, and then falls back with a chamfer to the original face. It exhibits no signs of settlement, and appears to have been firmly and substantially executed ; but the junction of these three different works upon the plain northern face of this pier, greatly increases the shattered appearance of its masonry, for each boundary line, at first sight, looks like a fissure. Also the half round pier, r, w, which received the first arch of the nave, has been rudely cut into for the insertion of the pier of a pointed arch, which has been substituted for the Norman arch on this side of the nave ; for as the tower pier in question had declined to the west, as already explained, exactly as the opposite pier had done, the Norman arch, on this side, must have been distorted and shattered in the same manner as the opposite one, Z, Fig. 2, and probably in so great a degree as to render it necessary to replace it entirely. In addition to the various repairs of the piers thus detailed, most of the Norman arches in connexion with these piers have been filled up with solid masonry, leaving only doorways. The only one in fact which remains un- touched, is the arch which opens between the south transept and the side aisle of the choir. At what period these and the other repairs were exe- cuted, it is not easy to determine. However, these fillings up, as well as the. piers of the ox-eye masonry, are shown in the plan of Hereford Cathedral given by Browne Willis, in 1727. This is, I believe, the oldest plan extant, for the Monasticon contains no plan of this Cathedral. Perhaps some of these works are due to Bishop Bisse, who is recorded in the former work a^ having caused the whole fabric to be repaired, and the choir new beautifieil throughout. He occupied the see from 1712 to 1721. The ox-eye mnsonri.' is so termed, because the centre of it is pierced by an opening in the form of the ancient vesica piscis, called by workmen, an ox-eye. This masonry, W, Fig. 2, completely fills up the two smaller arches of the tower, namely, the north and south, and is itself supported by two segmental arches branching from an octangular central column. It was, of course, in- tended to support the arches and tower in their evident state of dilapidation, but it is impossible to conceive a more injudicious or useless work than it presents ; in fact, the masonry is so absurdly arranged, that it is unable even to support itself. Its mass has settled in two parts upon its two segmental arches, straightening them and descending and abandoning the arch it was intended to support. The settlements and fissures which now appear in this masonry, are merely the effects of this change of form, and as I do not be- lieve it has had the slightest influence, either for good or evil, upon the build- ing— it may be with safety entirely removed. I have thus attempted to develop the causes which have brought the buihling to its present state ; and have endeavoured to show that the settle- ments are of great antiquity, and that many of them are of such a nature, that no apprehensions need be entertained from them, they having taken place immediately after the completion of the work, and not having yielded since ; also that many of them have arisen from the injudicious junction f the new work with old. But when the facts of the fall of the west end in 178G, and the evidently impending ruin of the eastern gable of the Lady Chapel are considered, there is too much reason to fear that some of these early settlements may have extended so far, in the first instance, as to weak :n and destroy the integrity of the walls, so as to allow them to sink and lie crushed under the weight of the subsequent additions. This is evidently lie case with the four great Norman arches, the masonry of which and of the spandrel walls above, is in such a state of ruin as to make an immediate repair absolutely necessary for the preservation of the tower. The piers upon which these arches rest, have been, as we have seen, subjected to a series of repairs, many of which have been so substantially executed as to make them perfectly safe. This is especially the case with the south-eastern pier, which is in excellent order, and with the north-eastern, which exhibits only an original vertical fissure, from which nothing need now be apprehended. The two westerly piers are not in such good condition, and these, as we have seen, did, in the first instance, snfter much more from settlement than the others. The mode in which the north-western pier has been repaired or bolstered is unsightly, and may conceal a state of ruin which it is inadequate to prevent. Also the north-western portion of this pier exhibits some frac- tures, from which there is too much reason to suppose that the heart of tlie work is in a very unsound condition. For which reasons it would lie de- sirable to remove this casing, and subject this pier to a thorough repair, in the course of which the real state of the internal parts will become evident, and an opinion may be formed of the necessity for a similar operation upon the south-western pier, of which the northern face exhibits in some parts signs of weakness, which may be merely superficial, but which at all events call for examination and repair. I do not think it necessary or expedient to restore the original form of the Norman piers. The repairs, which are, as I have shown, themselves of a sufficient antiquity to claim respect, have so far advanced the faces of these piers in many places, and removed the Norman shafts in others, and the set- tlements have so disturbed the capitals from their true positions, that any attempt to restore the original form and to replace the shafts must be at- tended with very great expense. The existing mode of capping the restored asb- lering with a Gothic string, immediately under the Norman capitals, answers every purpose of uniting the two works, with a due regard to appearance. To the very Itcv. Uoukrt Willis. The Dean and Chapter of Hereford, Cambridrje, Oct. 12, IS-1 1. 3 G HEREFOffl) C^AT3IE3WAI JR.Jobbuis UXhoWixrwidcC* 380 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Novembkr, Additional Remarks. Fig$. 4 and 5 (Plate XIV) represent on a scale of J inch to a foot, the portions of masonry above the vaults of the tower, for the purpose of ex- hibiting more clearly the nature of the dislocations and the union of the Gothic masonry with the Norman. In these drawings the separate stones are laid down with great precision from actual measurement to a scale of a i of an inch to a foot. Fig. 4 corresponds to the upper part of Fig. 2, and shows the state of the masonry of the portions of walls marked r and s, in Fig. 2, as well as the bases of the tower grating. The surface of the wall below the vault at E and F, (Fig. 4), was covered with paint so that the joints of the masonry could not be seen, but the sur- face above was easily accessible, and had never been painted or stopped with cement. Fig. 5 represents the portion of east wall marked t in Fig. 3. In both these drawings A B is the Norman string course, and C D the Gothic string course. As Fig. 5 is the simplest case I will explain that in the first instance. The Norman string course A B is 3^ in. lower at b than it is at a, and is besides dislocated ; the masonry beneath it is also dislocated and exhibits two great fissures, ce, df, of which the first is 2^ in. wide at e, and the second IJ at/. The north wall of the tower, shown in section at X, is also thrust back very considerably from its proper place. The masonry above the Norman string course is on the contrary close jointed, its beds remain very nearly level, the Gothic string course C, D having only sunk about i. an inch in the centre. There is a slight fissure or dislocation at g, and in some of the other joints, but not at all of the dangerous character of those in the Norman work below A B. There is also a settlement accompanied by fractures at the angle i, but this is occasioned by the sinking of the angle pier M, of the super- structure. The diagonal aperture N, which extends into the heart cf the wall, and m my opinion formerly contained some timber work, was allowed to remain open when the tower was carried up, and the stone k, which covered it having fractured, has allowed the angle pier to descend, dragging with it and fracturing the other stones in its neighbourhood, but producing more dislo- cation in the northern wall, Fig. 4, than in this. In this east wall there can be no doubt that the whole of the Norman work was taken down as far as the level of the string course. A, B, when the tower was carried up, and that the Norman spandrils were at that time in very nearly the same state of settle- ment as they are now, for the first course of Gothic stones, a, b, that lie upon the Norman string are cut below to fit the sag of the latter, and their upper bed, m, n, now is level. I It wtll also be observed that the next course of stones upon m, n, has been laid in long thin pieces to give more cohesion to the wall. The smaller fis. snres at g shew that the rotten substructure had sunk subsequently to the erection of the tower. In Fig. 4 the appearances are more complicated. In this northern wall there is a row of apertures, G, H, I, K, L. that plainly once received the beams of a floor or ceiling. Now on this side of the tower the Norman string course, A B, is 7 in. lower at A than at B, while the Gothic string course, C D, is level. But the beam holes are equi- distant from the Norman string course, and are raised about 5^ in. above it. Plainly, therefore, they belong to the Norman structure and not to the Gothic, for they have sunk together with the Norman work, while the Gothic remains level. When the Gothic work was raised the Norman masonry could not have been taken down on this side completely to the string course. A, B, but the Norman stones beneath the beams must have been at least left un- disturbed. That this was the case is clearly seen at K and L, for the stones i, m, that laid under these beams, are 5J in. thick, but the stones of the same course n,p, q, are of different thicknesses, n being 7 in. and q G in. so as to restore the level for the upper beds. The little square stones which are packed in at the corners of these holes, and the correspondence of the ge- neral level of the intermediate masonry with that of the Gothic string course, all show plainly that although at this end of the wall the beams were undis. turned, yet that the whole of the masonry was removed above them, and on their sides with the exception of the stoues, k and m, that supported them. At the other end the Norman masonry between the beams, G, H, I, ap- pears to have been quite undisturbed ; r, «, and (, are in this case the upper remaining Norman stones, and this is also shown by the fact that the plane of the whole Norman wall, including these stones, is 4 in. in advance of the Gothic wall above. At the other end, B, (as already mentioned and shown in Fig. 5 at E,) the Norman is driven behind the Gothic wall. Upon ex- amining the wall below the vault at E, the projection just mentioned may be seen to die away to nothing in the middle. On this face the dislocations of the Norman wall are again much greater than those of the Gothic wall. But it will be seen that the stones of the latter have fractured over every one of the beam apertures. The sinking of the angle pier, M, has also produced a set of crushings in the masonry below. These figures also show the dissimilarity between the piers of the grating, their difterent bases and the different widths of their chamfers, some of which again are plain, and some swelled with the usual moulding. Compare for example P, Q. R, Fig. 4. ECCLESIASTICAL COMMISSIONERS' MONOPOLY AND CRUSADE AGAINST THE EMPLOYMENT OF ARCHITECTS. Sir There are no very cheering prospects held out to the architects of this day , if the intentions of the " Ecclesiastical Commissioners " as regards " houses of residence for the Clergy," and of the " Education Commis- sioners " as regards schools and houses be carried out to the letter. Amongst the regulations adopted by the former Board is the following ;— " Every house proposed to be purchased must be surveyed by the architect of the Commissioners ; and every new house be built according to his designs, and under 'his exclusive superintendence." Now in cases of this kind, wherein an outlay of £900, the Commissioners require to have advanced t/iem from X45U to £540, this monopoly of patronage is somewhat startling. Is it to be argued that there are not many architects whom the Clergymen would prefer to employ, whose taste and local knowledge of cost and material would be quite as valuable as that of the London architect to the Commissioners ? Surely it would be sufticient that he should exercise controul as to their cost and construction. There would be as much reason in the metropolitan and Diocesan Church Building Societies refusing grants to all applications, but those in which their own architects were employed in the erection or altera- tion of the churches. In the case of the Education Commissioners, independently of their having pubbshed " cut and dried " plans, elevations, and sections (of very question- able merit) for school houses of every size; apphcants are advised, " If their j.lans do not exactly suit to point out such alterations as may be desired, and the architect of the Commissioners will send down careful drawings of the ground plan and elevation ; " and clergymen are advised " not to avail them- selves of the services of the local architect until this stage of the proceed- ings," when he may be " requested to prepare specification and working drawings for the execution of the work." Really this is too impudent ! Men of taste and education are not to be supposed capable of properly ar- ranging a trumpery little parish school, and yet are to be called upon to prepare a specification and working drawings to carry out another man's design ! I trust no respectable architect wdl so far forget what is due to his profession as to comply with such proposals. I must leave to more experienced beads the suggestion of a remedy for these barefaced joljs, (for really they deserve no milder terra) ; I could not refrain from calling attention to them. Your obedient servant, London, Oct. 1842. T. II. W. [We are sorry to say that there is a strong desire to adopt this centralizing system, not only by the above Commissioners, but also by other public boards, which requires the active perseverance of both professions, the architect and engineer, to counteract. We shall be happy to receive any information on so unjust an encroachment, that we may grapple with such a formidable enemy, and endeavour to put a stop to the system at the onset.— Editor.] Wood Pavemf.nt.— The first wood pavement that was put down in London, at Ibe east end of ONford Street, four years since, is now being reversed and relaid. and causes much surprise by ils great durability, many of Ibe blocks nut being reduced hair an inch of their origmal length, which was one foot, though exposed to all the trallic of Oxford Street. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 381 MR. V1GN0LE3' LECTURES ON CIVIL ENGINEERING, AT THE LONDON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. SECOND COURSE — LECTDRE XIV. — WORKING EXPE.NSES OF R.VILW.VYS. Mr. Vignoles commenced by reminding the class, what he hoped they duly felt, that Ihe great object he had had in view during the present course was to consider, in every bearing, the proportion between the cost and expendi- ture upon any work, as compared with the probable profitable returns. Al- though this consideration, and that of the good result of any such specula- lions, might be tliought not to C(ime strictly within the duties of an cngiueer, and until of very late years had Ijeen neglected, and, in some striking cases, absolutely repudiated, by eminent men, yet Mr. Vignoles was of opinion that it must ever be kept in view, and should absolutely form a branch of the en- gineer's study, for he ought to feel that any works he may be called on to construct should not only be such as will reflect credit on him, as a profes- sional man, for design, arrangement, and execution, but, as the Professor had often urged, such as, in this commercial country, where private enter- prise and speculation attempts and elfects so much, will, by their success, prove the accuracy of his judgment, and his capacity, as an adviser, to lead spirited undertakers into future operations of Ihe same kind. In short, that the success of an engineer depends, perhaps, more on the beneficial results of liis works to the proprietors, as commercial speculations, than on his own masterly conquest by art over natural difficulties. But the engineer should further look at this subject in a higher point of view, and consider that all unprofitable expenditure is so much waste of the resources of a country, and that, of all professions in society, his is the one most called upon to direct the laying out of large sums on what may truly be considered national ob- jects, for the judicious and beneficial results whereof he is responsible, and, consequently, whereon his reputation must ultimately depend. Referring to an expression in a late lecture, the ProfeESor observed, that he by no means intended to represent that it was not necessary, in the construction of rail- ways, to reduce the natural undulations of a country to uniform inclinations, but that it was to be maturely considered at what cost such advantage is to be acquired, keeping constantly in view a cumparison of this cost with the working expenses of a line more or less perfect. It was the investigation of these worKing expenses that Mas now to be entered on. In proceeding to do this, Mr. Vignoles observed that he considered it by far the best way to re- duce to a mileage not only their gross sum, but also each of the items, these being again subdivided as far as possible. By a "mileage" he understooil the result arisiug from dividing the periodical amount of the expenses by the total number of miles run by locomotive engines wltli Imins after them. The Professor insisted that th's was the proper way, and gave a number of rea- sons for his opinion, and for not at all considering the expenses with refe- rence to any proportion they might form of the gross receipts — the two sources of income and expenditure being perfectly independent of each other; and Mr. Vignoles further thought this mileage comparison was the only one from which correct results coul 1 be drawn, and wiiereby materials and experience might be collected, so as to result in the practical benefit of companies being able, before long, to enter into contracts for most of the items of expenditure at given rates. Some companies had already contracted with each other for the supply of locomotive power, carriages, &c. at a mile- age ; the maintenance of the way was now almost universally I'aid for by the hneal mile of rail, and he had no doubt but that, after a little more e;^peri- ence. other of the working expenses of railways would form subjects of such a kind of contr.act. Mr. Vigiioles then proceeded to enumerate the general heads of these ex- penses, viz. 1, loeomotiec power, subdivided into drivers' wages, fuel, oil, hemp, &c. ordinary repairs, water and iuel stations, reserve fund; 2, eurrlages ; 3, ma'uttenaucc of line ; 4, police ; 5, condtictUig trafic and stations : 6, rates and taxes: 7. Gooernment duty; B, miscellaneous charges; 9, management. These were the proper items, exclusive of interest on loans, which, altliougli to be deducted before a dividend could be made, of course formed no [^art of the positive working expenses of a r.uUvay. The Professor then went into a minute analysis of tliese several items, as actually disbursed on certain rail- ways of various lengths, and particularly of various gradients, explaming the reasons of excess or of diminution in one or other item on ihe respective lines, exhibiting als.t comparative tables, and making many valuable oljser- vations upon obtaining the best attention and greatest economy from the servants of a public company, by instituting premiums graduated in propor- tion to the diminution of annual working expenses. Loeomotiec poivcr. — In considering this item. Mr, Vignoles showed, from an average of a number of lines, where the arrangements were properly esia- blishc'd, and the railway hail been long enough at work to have got all mat- ters systematically arranged, the subdivision per mile per train might be taken as folluws^viz. wages, 2d. ; fuel, id. ; oil, hemp, &c., Irf. ; making T(/. per mile as the mere cost of motion, exclusive of repairs of any kind. This might be considered as applicable to an average of six or eight carriages per train. Heavier trains only came occasionally in the course of the 2-1 hours, and unless upon linos having exceedingly favourable gradients, auxiliary en- gines were then applied, the cost and mileage of which being included in the annual accounts, the above rate of calculation would still apply. On railways not having a very considerable traflic, the number of carriages, on the ave- rage, were fewer than above slated, and the engine and tender might be fairly taken as constituting half the gross load of each train. The items of wages and oil, hemp, fcc. would not materially vary on different lines, except, per- haps, the first, or on short lines wi!h very great traffic, with quarter or half- hour trains, such as Ihe London and Greenwich Railway, the Dublin and Kingstown, Sec. The fuel would be a variable quantity, but it would rarely exceed Gd. Next must be taken the ordinary repairs, and the Professor stated that in no case was the old adage of " a stitch in time " so applicable as in a constant vigil.ince and daily inspection and remedy of the smallest defect in locomotive engines. A plentiful stock of engines of t!ie very best ma- terials and workmanship, and an efficient and roomy repairing establishment, though somewhat costly at first, would be found to be the means of keeping don n the expense of repairs to a low figure. The amount of this item spread over a year's working appeared to average, on well-regulated lines, about Id. to 8rf. per mile; some instances had been as low as Gd. The expense of water and fuel stations varied from \d. to hd. per mile. The reserve fund was an arbitrary charge ; Mr. Vignoles assumed that about 10 to Ij per cent, on the ordinary repairs would be sufficient— say Urf. Thus it would seem that the total cost of locomotive power ought to be about lad. or IGrf. per mile per tram. In some instances it had been reduced so low as Is. ; in others this amount had swelled to 18rf. and even up to 2s. Mr. Vignoles then analysed the other heads of the working expenses — viz. carriages, which he seemed to consider an expensive item, varying from IJ. to 6if. per mile per train— say from irf. to Irf. per carriage per mile, including the various descriptions of vehicles for passenger traffic. The maintenance of the railway varied most remarkably, from 2rf. per mile per train (which had been the cost on the Dublin and Kingstown Railway, and was now even lower, and Mr. Vignoles believed that on the Greenwich Railway this was also a small item, since they had replaced their stone blocks by timber sup- ports), up to \s. per mile per train, which was the cost on several lines ; but, on a railway with Ihe upper works properly constructed, he thought that 6rf. to 8rf. per mile per train ought to keep a double road in good order, including a reserve or dcpreciati :n fund for reneiving the iron rails — a contingency that should by no means be lost sight of. The Professor here made a long digression on this item, as to how much of Ihe cost should be assigned to atmospheric causes, and all collateral and contingent circumstances ; how much to the mere dislocation of Ihe upper works ; and how much to the positive wear and tear of the iron; and pointed out some remarkable in- stances of saving in maintenance, where the lungituJinil limber hearings had been adopted. The charge of police varied from Irf. to Grf. per mile per train, according to the vigilance exercised ; in placing 2rf. per mile as an average it was to be considered only as an approximation. Conducting the traffic and stations was an item that did not seem to differ much on Ihe various lines ; for the passenger department it appeared to he about 5rf. Local rales and taxes woul.l, of course, vary materially; the poor rate formed a serious charge on all railways; this item was inJircctly contingent on the actual profits of the company ; it appeared, however, to be seldom less than 3rf. per mile per tr in. Government duty had heretoi'ore be^n computed at |rf. per passenger per mile — henceforth it was to be calculated at .3 per cent, on the gross receipts for passengers only. This would, of course, make greater dis- crepancies ; still, as tlie new duty on the gross was estimated to be equiva- lent to the old duty, an account might be obtained if the number of passengers per train were known. Assuming this number to average forty, taking all the railways of the United Kingdom, Ihe Government duty might be esti- mated at 5rf, per mile per train. Taking a mean of four or five railways, the miscellaneous expenses were found to be about 2rf. and the management about 3rf. per mile per train. Now, to make a summary of all these, which was, however, to be taken generally, and, of course, liable to be affected in the details, but was still interesting to be submitted in a popular form, and might be useful as giving a comprehensive view of the system ; Abstract of the average working e.Ypenses of a railiuaij per mile per train. Locomotive power — viz. wages, 2rf. ; fuel, 'Irf. ; oil, hemp. ordinary repairs. Id. ; water and fuel stations, Irf. ; fund, Urf. Carriages Maintenance of line .. .. .. Police Conducting traffic and stations Local rates and taxes Government duty on passengers Miscellaneous expenses Management ic.lrf.; reserve s. d I 4 0 4 0 8 0 2 0 5 0 3 0 J 0 2 0 3 Total 4 0 3 H 382 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [November, Mr Vignolcs did not, by any means, pretend that this was other than a pro- bable anproximation. Some lines had been worked at a lo.ver rate per mile per train. incUuling all the above expenses ; for example, the latest accounts of the North Union Railway show the co,st to have been only 3s. id., not including any funds for reserve. The Professor himself thought that 3s. was a fair sum, exclusive of taxes and duty, which, however, together forma large proportion of the expense. On the other hand, there were instances m which the expenses had gone up to 5s. per mile per tra n. He consdered it would be a great public benefit if all railway companies, in their reports, would give fuller details of the working expenses, and state the niiniber ot miles run b,/ trains. Some few boards set a very good example in this re- spect. This was sometimes done for locomotive power, but the miles should only be computed as actually run with the trains, and not to include the various extra distances passed over in manoeuvres, piloting, signals, &c., which, though necessary, were not part of the actual mileage of trains. The Professor then dre.v the attention of the class to the fact, that the locomotive power formed about one-third of the gross expense, and of that one-half only is likely to be aflected Ijy the gradient or load, being only one-si.-cth of the whole of the working expenses, which was but a small item upon which a saving was to be made, to justify a railway being con- structed theoretically perfect, unless the traffic was likely to be continued, regular, and very heavy. He further observed, that though he had proposed, for the sake of an easier comparison, to reduce all the items of the working expenses of a railway to a mileage per train, it was manifest that a consider- able addition to the number of trains daily, and, of course, to the number of miles run, would very materially aflect the locomotive power only. The taxes would he contingent on the receipts ; and all the other items would be increased but in a very small degree, on the annual totals, by an increase in the number of the trains, with a carriage or two less at a time. It was im- portant to remember this, as it aftected greatly the question of laying out railways. Mr. Vignoles insisted that the extension of railways in England, especially in remote districts, wotdd not be carried into effect until this sub- ject had been more closely analy.sed, and had become better understood. Looking at the practical working of the Newcastle and Carlisle, the North Union, the Manchester and Leeds, the Sheffield and Manchester, as far as opened, and flther lines, all having very heavy gradients, and contrasting their working expenses with those of lines whose inclinations were much more favourable, the average cost per train per mile did not vary greatly. Lines which had been formed at a cost of from £50,000 to £60,000 per mile, a large portion of which was to obtain perfect gradients, seemed to require little less to work them than lines costing only from one-third to one-half that sum. It is true they might be able to carry heavier trains, and did so carry them occasionally, but the average was very nearly what had been stated, and, besides, the public were best accommodated by lighter trains going more frequently. The Professor said, he could only hope that his arguments would draw attention to the subject, and that when, after the analysis of the cost of all the railways had been brought out in the way shown in his last lecture, and that of the working expenses, as in the present one, materials would be obtained for the solution of the problem, of what must be the rule for constructing hnes of passenger railways hereafter. LECTUBE XV. — WORKING EXPENCES OF RAILWAYS (continued J. Having, in the last lecture, analysed the working expenses of railways, in reference to the train— that is, reduced to a rate per train per mile, with an average l^ad at the usual velocity, the Professor considered it might be well lo consider the same subject in another light. In the preceding mode of cal- culation no regard was paid to the amount of what might be called the useful weight carried. It seemed to the Professor, that the proportion between the dead weight of theengine, tender, and carriages, and the wei,-;ht of the pas- sengers and their luggage— in short, between the unprofitable and the profit- able load— formed an important element for consideration, even if it did not affect the principle on which railways ought to be worked. In the common omnibus, with a full complement of passengers, the proportion was one to one— taking the average load, about five to three— or including the weight of the horses (the moving power which has also to carry itself) about three to one, or, with a full load of passengers, something less than two to one. But, on the railway, owing to the far greater weight of the carriages, and general arrangement on most lines, the proportion of dead weight is much greater. In a first class carriage, as adapted for long lines, and fully loaded with passengers and their luggage, the proportion is two and a half to one, hut, taking the average load, it is about lour to one, and, when but little luggage is taken, four and a half and five to one. On short lines, where the trains run often, with many carriages, the proportion is sometimes as high as eight to one, or, including engine and tender, as twelve to one. In an ordinary train of about seven carriages, their weight, and that of the engine and tender, may be taken at about filty tons ; the average number of pas- sengers has, on a former occasion, been shown to be about sixty per train, or four tons without, and, periiaps, five tons with, their ordinary weight of luggage, and say one or two tons of packages and parcels paying freight, being a proportion of six or seven of unprofitable to one of profitable load"; and if the carriages were all full, about four and a half or five to one, as above, and on the average, the proportion might very fairiy be taken as at least five to one. It appeared to the Professor that there was some radical error here, and that some arrangements were wanting to reduce this propor- tion as far as the carriages were concerned, for of course, as long as the locomotive engine was used, its weight would always form a large proportion of the load, particularly with light trains-though the carriages certainly required to be made strong and heavy on this system-and this seemed an inherent defect on this principle of locomotion, perhaps quite irremediable. Yet at all events, on many lines the proportion of dead weight of carriages was'much too great, and might be remedied. Of late this had lieen done on the Greenwich Railway, where, by combining two classes of seats in the same vehicle, much fewer carriages sufficed. There was a great contrast to this on tlie Blackwall Railway, where, from Iiaving a separate carriage for each station, according to the peculiar mode of working that line, the pro- portion of dead carriage weight was generally about three, and often tour, times as much as on the Greenwich, though the carriages were of the same buil.l 0»ing to this and to other causes, extra guards, rope, &c., notwith- standing the generally admitted economy of stationary power, the expense of working the Blackball Railway, per train per mile, was double what the Professor found was the average for the working on several locomotive lines, and quite as high, if not higher, than the present rate of working on the Brighton Railway, which was the highest of any that had yet come under his connisance. Although, abstractedly, this over proportion ot dead weight carried was not always connected with the moving power, yet an engmeer ou^ht to point out, and. when within his control, to remedy such an evil, as the^loss consequent on carrying useless weight is equivalent to that arising from increased resistance of gravity in surmounting an unnecessary ascent— a case which every engineer is naturally anxious to avoid. In the mode of reducing railway expenses to a mileage, adopted in the last lecture, the number of passengers, and their proportion to dead weight ot carriaoes, had not been considered, for it was clear that the arrangement ot carriages in any train being supposed to be duly proportioned to the average traffic, any addition to the average assumed load would be pure profit, and would not cause any sensible addition to the cost of the transit of the regular load for which all the necessary arrangements of engines, tenders, carriages, guards, stations, and the whole working and carrying establishment of the railway was already provided and paid for. But, suppose another mode of considering the working expenses be adopted, viz. from the number of pas- sengers in a train, deduced from an average of many lines for several years, or from any assumed number per train, let the cost per passenger per mile be worked out. and this will lead to the consideration of the true policy tor attracting the greatest number of persons, and trying lo fill the trains up, as they must go, at any rate. The Professor then went through the various items of railway expenses stated in the former lecture, and brought them out in decimals of a penny per passenger per mile-the result being, that, taking account ot experience »ained and applied, and economical arrangements duly introduced, the ex- pense of locomotive i.ower might be taken at id. per passenger per mi e, which was coming back to the original estimate made for the working of the London and Birmingham Railway. Other expenses, including Government duty, would bring the total up to two-thirds of a penny, and, under favour- able circumstances, of well filled carriages, this might sometimes be brought down to id., but taking the average of lines as now worked, the cost was about W'per passenger per mile. On many of the American railways the cost was as low as id., and for long lines on the continent, m India, &c. where wages were low, and coal or wood might be got very cheap for loco- motive fuel, and no rates or taxes on profits and passengers were laid, the charge nf carrying passengers per mile might he fairly taken at id. only. Now, if the propi^rtion between the unprofitable and the profitable parts of the load were reduced to three to one, as regarded carriages only, and six to- one as regards the whole weight of the train, the expense of carrying pas- sengers, taken by weight, will be still at least three times as expensive as. carrying goods only at the same velocity, the proportion being of wagons to goods as two to three, and of the whole train, including engine and lender, at less than two to one, and with heavy trains, of go. ds only, about one to one, and for coal and mineral traffic, at diminished rates of travelling, still less The Professor observed, that the cost of conveying merchandise might be taken at about Irf. per ton per mile for railway expenses only, exclusive ot collection and distriljution at the termini of lines, and that of coal and mine- rals at about id. per ton per mile. With these elements, therefore, of the expense of working railways either per train, or per passenger, or per ton, it is for the politic manager of a public concern to consider what should be the rate of charges above these cost prices to make to the public, so as to induce the greatest amount of traffic Mr. Vignoles then observed, that tliere was. a third way of considering the subject of the working expenses ot rai »ays, in reference to the number of engines employed, which was the mode adopted by the Irish Railway Commissioners, and which was, perhaps, tlie piopec 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 383 way of calculating the annual cost on lines of little intercourse, on which, however small the traffic might turn out to be, yet a certain number of en- gines must be kept to do any worlv at all. The commissioners, in following out this inquiry, endeavoured to determine the proportion the cost of loco- motive power bore to the total working cost of a railway. For the Liverpool and Manchester line it was found that this proportion was only one-fourth the gross annual charges on that line, including much town carriage of goods collected and delivered ; but on the Dublin and Kingstown Railway the proportion was, at that time, nearly one-half. It was observed Ly the Professor, in a digression, that for the average of railways it was now deter- mined to be about one-third. The commissioners finally assumed the cost of locomotive power to be one-third of the total expense of working a line of mixed traflic, and that to run a given number of trains per day, a certain number of engines must be provided ; it was then calculated that £1750 a year would be the cost of each engine to work about from 25,000 to 30.000 miles annually, and then they computed the amount of gross receipts neces- sary to cover those expenses and interest of capital. This was working back- wards, to ascertain whether it is justifiable to make a railway at all in cer- tain districts. The result of the commissioners' calculations were, that, sup- posing there went only two trains daily throughout a given line, the average load of each train ought to consist of either fifty tons of goods or eighty passengers, or a mixed load of twenty-five tons of goods and forty passengers, or in that proportion, in order to justify a line being made — the average charge for passengers being assumed each IJrf. or for goods 2d. per ton per mile, which, it may be observed, is scarcely th: half of the average rates of charge on the principal English railways. Mr. Vignoles observed, in con- clusion, that having shown that the cost of conveyance of passengers, mer- chandise, minerals, &c., could be nicely calculated from the experience gained, and could be brought to the definite mileage rates before mentioned, he thought the proper raiiway charge should be, double the cost for working; which, when the railways had been judiciously constructed, and without extravagance, would sufficiently remunerate the undertakers, as such mode- rate principle of charging would bring the most traffic. PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. May 31. — The President in the Chair. On the cons/ruction of Model Maps, as a better mode than Sectioplam- graphy for delineating the Drainage and Agricultural Improvements of a Country, or projected lines of Railways, Canals, Sfc." By John Bailey Denton, Assoc. lost. C. E. This communication was accompanied by a map in relief of an estate, as a specimen of the method which the author recommends. The subject of mapping in relief is not new, and the author had previously published a treatise on the subject, but having made extensive experiments, he was ena- bled to bring the subject before the Institution in a more defined form, showing that the construction of the models had been reduced to a simple and cheap method. These models are pecuharly recommended for pointing out the capabilities of a district for drainage either for agricultural purposes, or for collecting waters together for manufacturing power. They are superior to maps, as they show at a glance the relative heights of the various points, display the geological phenomena, and may be made to delineate the state of cultivation of the districts. The lines of railways, of roads, or of canals, can be more clearly defined upon them, and they'are stated to be peculiarly adapted for parish surveys. The expense of making a model ot an estate of compact form is stated to be from 2s. 6d. to 3s. 6d. per acre. " Observations on the Periodical Drainage and Replenishment of the Sub- terraneous Reservoir in the Chalk Basin of London." By the Rev James Clutterbuck. This paper, which formed the substance of a letter to the Reverend Dr. Buckland, and was by him communicated to the Institution, consists of a series of observations on the periodical drainage and replenishment of the subterranean reservoir of the chalk basin of London, especially that part of it which lies in a N. \V. direction between London and the Chiltern Hills. The author divides the district into two portions, that to the north and that to the south of the river Colne. The northern portion is mostly covered only with a bed of gravel, through which the rain water percolates to the chalk, in which, being upheld by the retentive strata helow, it accumulates until it finds vent by several deep Yalleys which incline southward, and carry off a large quantity of water by the streams Ver, Gade, Belbourne, and Chess, into the river Colne, which runs in a S. W. direction under the escarpment formed by the outcrop of the London and plastic clays. The surface of this reservoir on the water level, regulated by these vents, dipping towards the south at an average inclination of nearly 300 feet ia fourteen miles, may be represented by a line drawn from the upper district at an angle, and terminating at the river Colne. The southern portion is almost entirely covered by the London and plastic clays, from the surface of which the rain water flows in open drains and water-courses. A considerable portion of that which flows towards the Colne, sinks into the subjacent chalk, when it arrives at the outcrop of the sand of the plastic clay formation, and assists in the replenishment of that portion of the reservoir that underlies the London and plastic clays. Here the water level, or the height to which it would rise through perforations in these clays, where its continuity is interrupted by them, would be repre- sented by a line drawn from the Colne to mean tide level in the Thames below London, the only apparent vent for their waters. In the upper dis- trict during the replenishment of the reservoir, which usually occurs be- tween December and March inclusive, the water accumulates in a proportion increasing with the distance from the river or vent, and falls off in a cor- responding ratio during its periodical exhaustion, which usually takes place between April and November. This alternation of level, which'in the upper districts exceeds 50 feet in perpendicular height, would be represented by a Une fixed at the river or vent, and rising at an angle proportionate with the increase furthest from it, the extent of its rise or fall being determined by the quantity of rain percolating the chalk. The ratio between these ex- treme points is so exactly maintained, that if the difference of rise or fall in two wells, one near, and another at a distance from the vent be ascertained, the alternation in the intermediate wells will be determined with consider- able accuracy. The progressive rise of the water level is apparent at the sources of the streams which break out at higher levels in the valleys in which they run, or when brooks or burns burst forth and run during a certain period, when the surface of the reservoir attains a certain level, previously to which, the water rises in every depression till it reaches the height at which it can flow away ; the converse of the effects which preceded their bursting may be seen as they cease to flow. When no water percolates the surface of the upper district, the flooding of the Colne by heavy rains, together with the sinking of the water into the chalk at the outcrop of the sand of the plastic clay formation, raises the level in that locality, and by checking the drainage retards the exhaustion of the reservoir. When this occurs during the replenishment, and from con- tinued rain the level near the river maintains an increased elevation, the water checked in its course towards its vent accumulates in a ratio increasing with its distance from it, a process of adjustment to be traced throughout the district during the replenishment, and conversely during the exhaustion of the reservoir. The geological condition of the lower portion of the district, together with the paucity of wells, make it difl5cult to ascertain the extent of the natural alternations of that part of the water level which underiies the London and plastic clays ; the difficulty is increased by an unnatural depres- sion caused by the exhaustion of water under London, which is said to in- crease yearly, and indicates that the rapidity of the demand exceeds that of the supply : the alternation at that point may be from 2 to 4 feet, and is coincident with the rising and falling of the levels in the upper district. If water be discharged from a shaft in the chalk by a power not capable of exhausting it entirely, the rapidity of the reduction of the level wUl gradually decrease until it is exactly balanced by that of the supply ; when the exhaustion ceases, the level will rise in the inverted ratio of its reduction ; if the level be measured in a line from the point of exhaustion, a similar re- duction will be found, faUing off at an angle decreasing with the distance from it. The aggregate discharge of water from under London produces a similar effect : daily measurements in one well, confirmed by some coincident mea- surements in another more than a mile distant, show that beginning on Monday, the level is gradually reduced during the week; the cessation of pumping on Sunday is marked by the rising of the level by Monday morning; if any great quantity of rain falls, a sudden rise or check in the periodical fall takes place ; the resumption of any extensive or continued discharge of water may be traced ; a general coincidence of rise and fall in different wells is apparent ; holiday times, such as Christmas, Easter, and Whitsuntide, may be distinguished. Thus, the measurement of a chalk well in London, would show the days of the week and the great festivals, by the daily variations ; the seasons would be indicated by the average difference in the height of the level at different periods of the year ; and the changes of the weather by the falling of the rain, would also be shown. The chalk under London is of a much closer nature than that in the upper districts ; it yields the water sparingly but steadily from orifices beneath those beds or bands of flint which are the most unbroken and the strongest, and from faults and cracks which are frequently met with. The constant and increasing demand not only depresses the level under London, but must accelerate the exhaustion of the reservoir above. When the water level near the Colne is suddenly raised by heavy rains, a simultaneous effect is produced on the chalk wells in London. This suggests the possibility of connecting a periodical defalcation of water observed in that stream, and the river Lea on Monday, at those seasons when the water is short, with the exhaustion of water under London. The courses of both these streams is somewhat similar with reference to that place, though they flow in opposite directions. There is some evidence in favour of this supposition, which may 3 II 2 384 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [November, be cotablishcd when more information is obtained, wiiieli will be best effected bv keeping registers of the daily variations of wells in different localities, aiid determining the height at which the water stands with reference to Trinity high-water mark. Such ir^formation, if brought together, would well repay the labour bestowed on its collection. The author's views were illustrated by a number of sketches and enlarged diagrams of the geological formation of the district, &c. Jfemaris. — Dr. Bucklaud was desirous to bring the subject of Mr. Clut- terbuck's paper before the Institution, because he was impressed with the value of a systematic series of observations upon a matter so intimately con- nected with' engineering as the tbeor)- of the causes of the supply of water to springs and rivers, and the rise of water in Artesian wells. In his Bridgewater treatise, pi. C8 and pi. 69, he had illustrated by dia- grams the causes of the accumulation of a subterranean reservoir consisting of sheets of water diffused through strata of gravel, sand, and chalk within the basin of London, and of the rise of water in wells and small perfora- tions through the London clay, under the influence of hydrostatic pressure. Mr. Clutterbuek's observations and experiments confirmed the general opinion as to the existence of these subterranean sheets of water in the chalk basin, and indicated a connexion between their distant parts, by the svmpathy he had observed between the sudden floods at Watford and certain wells in London, the level of which had been carefully observed and found to rise a few hours after the occurrence of the floods at M'atford. In London also, he had confirmed observations already made upon deep wells at con- siderable distances from one another, and found that any large quantity of wafer taken from one well reduced the level of those adjacent. It had been questioned whether the communication between wells of this kind took place solely through the medium of large cracks and fissures, or whether the entire masses of the permeable strata, beneath the level of the lowest springs which flowed from them, had all their pores and minutest in- terstices so entirely filled with water, that any abstraction of this fluid from one well was more or less rapidly replaced by a general flow towards it from every part of the water-logged stratum of sand or gravel or stone in which it was excavated ; on the latter hypothesis during such a flow the surrounding wells would be affected in the direct ratio of their proximity to that from which large quantities of water were taken. It had been found at Brentford fliat, as the number of Artesian wells in- creased, the force and quantity of each became diminished ; a similar effect followed in the case of adjacent wells in Lnndon ; the inference he would draw therefore was that a very extensive supply for the metropolis could not be obtained from deep wells of this kind, although a few wells might he sup- plied abundantly. The district called the London Basin is made up of a contimious seam of chalk from 300 feet to 500 feet in thickness, which on the S.E. of the Colue is covered with beds of sand and gravel, alternating with plastic clay, and over all these, a thick covering of London clay : whdst the country N. and K.W. of the Colne is for the most part composed of naked chalk. Beneath the whole chalk basin lies a sub stratum of clay or gault which is imper- meable by water, and upholds the reservoir in question. Tlie valleys in this chalk are traversed by the rivers Ver, Gade, and Chess, whose chief perennial supply of water is from springs that issue out of the chalk ; in one of these valleys Mr. Dickinson had proved by experiments made with Dalton's rain- gauge (which, being buried 3 feet beneath the surface, received only such water as descended more than that depth) that during about two-thirds of the year the rain which fell rarely sank 3 feet into the earth ; but in No- vember, December, January, and February it passed down into the subjacent chalk, in proportions which accorded so constantly with the greater or less amount of rain falling in these four wet months, that he had been accustomed to regulate the amount of orders undertaken to be executed in his paper- mills during the following spring and summer, by the indications on this rain-gauge, of the quantity of water that descended more tlian 3 feet in the preceding winter. The Colne is often flooded by the effect of sudden rain which is retained upon the surface of the London clay ; but that portion of its water which is derived from perennial springs is supplied from the overflowings of the natural reservoirs, or subterranean sheets of water which fill the interstices of the chalk, and also of the sand and gravel beds of the plastic clay for- mation. The surface of this reservoir is marked by the outbreak of a suc- cession of springs, at levels gradually rising as they are nearer to the upper regions of the chalk; and as the entire supply of this subterranean stock of water is derived from rain that falls on the surface of permeable strata within the London basin, the abstraction of water from any part of this reservoir would. Dr. Buckland conceived, diminish the quantity remaining to he dis- charged by springs into the rivers in the vicinity of such abstraction, by the total amount of water so transferred to any other than its natural channels. It was asserted that the surface of the water in this subterranean reservoir did not maintain a horizontal level, but that it rose nearly 300 feet in four- teen miles, between the town of Watford and the highest spring that issued from the neighbouring chalk hills. The molecular attraction of the particles of chalk tlirough which this sheet of water is diffused, and the obstruction presented by friction to its descent through the numerous pores and miinife crevices by which it has to pass in adjusting the line of its upper surface, might account for this deviation from the level line which fluids assume, if left to act freely in open spaces, or in large and continuous conduits; Mr. Clutterbuek's repeated observations upon wells along the line in question must be considered to have proved the existence of this inclined level. His^ observations were also very important, as to the floods at Watford raising in a few hours the level of the water in deep wells in London, and as to the eflfect of a steam-engine erected to pump water from a large experimental well near \Yatford in lowering the water in smaller wells in that town and the country adjacent to it. Mr. Dickinson had made very accurate observations upon the absorption of water by the chalk, and was convinced of its being always in a wet state almost amounting to saturation ; but few cre\ices and fissures exist in the chalk of the district under notice, the rain therefore occupies a considerable time in overcoming the molecular attraction of the pariicles through which it passes. Wherever fissures exist at a certain depth below the chalk, they become channels which collect and facilitate the flow of water to maintain the springs ; the accumtdations of the winter rain sink slowly down in sum- mer, and by a series of vents or springs furnish a supply for the rivers which run in the deepest valleys of the chalk district ; a long cessation of rain lowers the level of the water in the rivers, at an interval of some months after the drought, and any extraordinary demand by pumping from the wells in the chalk, would lower the water in the wells around, even at a consider- able distance. From experiments with the rain-gauge buried 3 feet below the surface, he found that but little rain penetrated to that depth until the months of No- vember, December, January, and February — the total quantity per annum was shown to vary between 17 inches and 6 inches, which latter amount sufficed to fill the principal springs. He was induced to believe that if a large supply of water was drawn from the chalk it would eventually have a prejudicial effect in diminishing the water in the rivers of the district. Mr. Clutterbuck said that the sphere of his observations extended over a line of wells 20 miles in length, and in the whole of them there was the most perfect accordance between the alterations of level of the water and the indi- cations of the rain-gauge, allowing the time necessary for the rain to sink into the chalk ; as also there was between the fall and replenishment of the wells at Watford and those in London, whence large quantities of water were obtained by pumping ; he could always tell, by measuring the height of water in one well of the series, what would be that of any other well along the line ; he therefore was satisfied of the accuracy of the observations in his paper. Mr. Dickinson observed, that he corld not satisfactorily account for the greater amount of variation in the wells at the higher part of the district, when compared with those of the lower part ; the alternations of the former amounting frequently to 30 feet, while those of the latter were only 10 feet iu the same time. Dr. Buckland believed this fact to arise from the hydrostatic pressure being less interfered with by friction and capillary attraction, in the lower part of the district than in the upper part. Mr. Clutterbuck accounted for the alternations of level in the sand springs, being greater than in the chalk springs, by the relative degrees of opposition the water met with, from the friction in passing through the two kinds of strata. Mr. F. Braithwaite had made many borings and sunk several deep wells into the chalk — he would instance particularly the wells at Messrs. Meux's and Messrs. Reid's breweries, and that at Greenwich Hospital ; in these wells he had used cylinders of iron to shut out the sand springs. He did not find the chalk so spongy or saturated witli water as had been stated ; he imagined that the supply of wafer was derived from tlie crevices in the chalk, and in many instances water had not been arrived at, because one of these crevices had been missed, whilst in a well of less depth nearly adjoining, in which they had fortunately hit upon the crevice, a plentiful supply of v.-ater was obtained. In the first and second beds of flints under London there was very little water; from the third to the fifth bed the quantity increased, and at 30 feet lower down a continuous fault or crevice was generally found which conveyed a good supply of water — the rise and fall of water in wells in the chalk did not accord with those of wells in the sand beds above the chalk ; the alternations in the former amounting to only a few inches in a given time, while those of the latter were as many feet. He placed great confidence in the observations made by Mr. Clutterbuck. That gentleman had told him accurately, from the variations of the well in the llampstead Road, all the difl'erences of the quantity of water drawn from iMessrs. Reid's well, arising either from an extra demand or from cessation in the pumping. The brewers of London could be supplied by the water companies at a cheaper rate than by pumping ; but as a large quantity was used for refri- gerating the wort, it was important to have the wafer at a low temperature, they therefore were obliged to pump it up at a great expense. The quantity raised at Messrs. Reid's well was about 7,700 barrels of 36 gallons each per day, which was calculated to be a suflicicnt supply for 5,000 families ; there was already a decided diminution manifested in the supply from the sand springs, and an extension of these eflfects might be anticipated from the sinking of any large number of wells into the chalk. Dr. Buckland ascribed the difference of the supply of water in sand springs, and in those originating in chalk, to the relative extent of surface of the sandy and cretaceous strata in Hertfordshire, by which alone they receive their respective supplies of rain water, the amount of sandy surface being to that of naked chalk about as one to twelve. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 385 The rain filters more rapidly thro'.igh the sand than through the chalk. In beds of hard and compact 'chalk at great depths, the water sometimes finds no passage except through occasional fissures, but where the chalk is soft, loose and fragmentary, it percolates rapidly. In the deep well now sinking near Southampton, through London and plastic clay into hard and solid chalk, it would probably be necessary to con- tinue the boring or excavation down into some loose and more permeable stratum below the chalk, before any very large supply of water would be obtained. Mr. Palmer directed the attention of the meeting to the account of the wells in the London Basin, given in Conybeare and Phillips's Geology (book 1, chap. iv. sect. 11.) It is there stated that at Tottenham, which is about ro feet above high-water mark, after boring through 123 feet of clay and 2 feet of calcareous sandstone rock, the water rose to within a short distance of the surface in a few hours. At Epping, where the summit of the well is 340 feet above high-water mark, the extreme depth of the bore was 420 feet, but it was abandoned because no water was found ; at tlie end of five months the water rose to within 26 feet of the surface and it has so continued, at 314 feet above high-water mark. These recorded facts induced him to receive with much caution the state- ments in Mr. Clutterbuck's paper, especially since he doubted the ready flow of water through the chalk by which the sympathy between the various wells was demonstrated ; he had found that chalk might be used as a good puddle for holding water, and therefore as it was certainly more compact when in sifu than when it bad been worked, unless the water flowed along the faults and the beds of flint, he could not understand how it passed so rapidly as had been stated. The chalk no doubt contained some water, but if it was saturated why did not the water in all the wells assume one uniform level instead of heights varving between 20 feet and 314 feet above high- water mark ? Mr. Clutterbuck contended that the main points of bis statement were borne out by Mr. Braithwaite's experience at Messrs. Keid's well. A clear distinction must be drawn between the water derived from strata above the clay and that from the chalk ; in some elevated spots near London, situated like Hampstead, the clay is capped with gravel, which on being tapped, yielded a supply of water ; at Stanmore the water from the gravel at the top of the hill is u^ed ; and in a well sunk through the clay at the bottom of the hill, the water stood at 140 feet below the surface, lie could not under- stand why at Epping there should exist any variation from the usual observed facts; the case deserved very careful examination, as it might arise from some local cause. In the course of his observations upon the levels of the wells in London, he found on one occasion that no depression occurred on the Thursday which had hitherto always been the case ; he therefore sought for the cause, and found that the Elstree reservoir had been opened on Wed- nesday, June 1st, which satisfactorily accounted for what had occurred, as from the diT state of the water-course not more than half the quantity of water which passed from the reservoir, reached the river Colne, the rest sank through swallow holes down into the chalk ; this showed the attention to collateral circumstances, which was demanded in investigations of this kind. Mr. Frederick Traithwaite presented and explained a model of a well sunk by him in the year 1841 at Messrs. lleid's brewery, in order to obtain water from the chalk, which had become indispensable, in consequence of the decrease of the supply of water from the sand spring. On examining the lower part of the well, whicii had collapsed in 1814, he found that the dimensions of the cast-iron cylinder to be introduced, must be limited to 5 ft. 3 in. by 3 ft. 2 in. ; it was commenced at the depth of 87 ft. from the surface, and carried down 135 feet, to within 1 ft. 6 in. of the face of the first bed of flints in the chalk. Being desirous of retaining all the water from the sand spring, he inserted an internal cylinder which was sunk into the chalk at a depth of 138 feet from the surface, thus eflfectually shutting out the sand spring from that of the chalk, but permitting the former to flow to its accustomed level in the space between the two cylinders; and to make this supply available in case of need, cocks were inserted in the internal cylinders at convenient depths. He then proceeded with the excavation in the chalk, increasing the dimen- sions at every foot in depth, until at 178 feet from the surface, the diameter was 16 feet 6 inches ; the excavation was continued at that diameter to a depth of 202 feet from the surface. In the progress of the work, water was found under the second, sixth, eighth, and tenth beds of flints, and the total supply at this period was two thousand barrels or seventy-two thousand gallons per day of twenty-four hours. At 19G ft. from the surface the first tunnel was driven 91 ft. N. W. in the direction of another well, which only increased the supply 400 barrels or 14,400 gallons in 24 hours. The eighth bed of flints, at 154 ft. from the surface yielding the largest quantity of water, (300 barrels or 10,800 gallons per day,) he drove a second tunnel 6 ft. high by 5 ft. wide, for 16 ft. E. to \V. and then N. and S. for 108 ft., by which he obtained an increase of 1500 barrels or 54,000 gallons, per day. Having ascertained by boring, that a further supply of water could be ob- tained at 20 ft. below, he continued the excavation 22 ft. deeper by 7 ft. di- ameter, when be found water flowing from two horizontal fissures in the chalk without flints ; at that depth he drove 2 tunnels, one N. W. connected with the first tunnel 91 ft. long, by which he obtained an increase of 3100 barrels or 121,600 gallons per day, the second tunnel in a S. E. direction was driven for 24 ft., when he obtained a further increase of 800 barrels or 28,800 gallons per day. The total quantity of water thus obtained from the chalk, was 7700 barrels or 277,200 gallons per day of 24 hours, or 192 gallons per minute, forming at the same time a reservoir in the chalk which could contain 100,800 gallon. lie stated the total expense to be under £7000 including the hire and repair of temporary pumps, and the cost of two new sets of permanent pumps. June 7. — The President in the Chair. " An Account oftlte Alieralians to Tullow Bridge." By Charles Forth. The old bridge at Tullow, over the river Slaney, was very dangerous from its steepness, its narrow roadway (only 18 feet wide) and the awkward ap- proaches to it ; alterations were therefore determined upon, for which the author submitted a plan and also superintended the execution of it. The floods forbade any diminution of the water-way, and it would have been in- convenient to have raised the approaches on the low banks on either side, flat arches of the following proportions were therefore decided upon. Span. Versed Sine. Proportion of Versed Sine to Span. Diameter of Circle of which the Arch is a Segment. Feet. Ft. In. Feet. Land Arch . . . 17 0 7 ^ 120 Second Arch . . 22 1 6 Vi 110 Centre Arch . . 28 2 3 1% 110 The inclination of the roadway was thus reduced from one in seven to one in forty, wliile at the same time by adding to the abutments on the up-steam side, the width of the roadway was increased from 17 feet to 23 feet, and by completing a portion at a time, the thoroughfare over the bridge was not at any time stopped. For the sake of economy, the work was done in un- dressed rubble granite with an ashlar face, taking care that the stones abutted well against each other, and on removing the centres, no settlement of any importance took place, and the traffic of loaded cars weighing 35 cwt. each, was carried on without any danger, within a week from the time the arches were keyed. The expense of the alteration was only .€485, and it has stood well although it has been subject to some heavy floods. A detailed drawing of the bridge, before and after the alterations, accom- panied the paper, and Mr. Vignoles sent with it an enlarged plan, section, and elevation for the purpose of more fully illustrating what he considered a successful work. " On the Introduction of Letter-Press Printing for numbering and dating the Notes of the Bank of England." By Thomas Oldham, Assoc. Inst. C. E. The author commences by noticing the numbering press invented by Mr. Bramah, and adopted in the Bank of England in the year 1809, by which the expense and uncertainty of finishing annually a large number of bank notes, with the pen, was materially diminished, and forgery was rendered more difficult, although the machine was so far incomplete, that it produced only units, the tens and hundreds requiring to be brought forward by hand. In that year (1809) the late Mr. John Oldham, (the father of the author,) offered unsuccessfully to the Bank of Newry, a machine similar in principle to that of Mr. Bramah, but with the additional power of efl'ecting numerical progression, from one to one hundred thousand by its own operation. In 1813, these machines were adopted at the Bank of Ireland, and one of them was subsequently attached to each press for printing the body of the notes, in order to register and check the number of notes passing through the press. In the year 1819, Mr. Bryan Donkin invented a counting machine, which is described in vol. 37 of the Transactions of the Society of .Vrts ; it is called " a machine applicable wherever it may be desirable to keep an account of the number of revolutions or strokes, which may be made by the wheels or levers of any other machine, in a given time or space ; as for instance, the number of revolutions made by a mill wheel, or of the strokes of a steam- engine beam in a given time, or the number of revolutions made by the wheel of a carriage or perambulator on passing over a certain space." This machine, like all the others used for a similar purpose, depended upon the relative motion of a series of ratchet wheels with projecting rims, having as6 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECFS JOURNAL. [November, notches cut in them, so that when the first wheel counted units, the second wheel indicated tens and so on progressively. The principle of these machines was carried out in a complex manner which required very neat adjustment to prevent their being deranged while working; the author after he succeeded liis lather as engineer to the Bank of England turned his attention to this point, and the result has been the production of the machine described in the paper. Four wheels, each divided by 10 notches, leaving a facet between each, engraved with constructive numbers from 1 to 0, are placed upon a shaft, a portion of their breadth being turned down .about one-half of their depth, having a boss or collar between each ; upon these bosses and tilling up the spaces, rest latches, and over each wheel is a pall, the width of the first being equ.!] to that of the unit wheel, and the breadth of the others equal- ling that of the wheel and latch ; — the palls are driven by a crank, by each revolution of which, the first wheel is moved tliroiigh a space equal to one- tenth of its entire circumference, bringing regularly forward the numbers from I to 0, at which point, the latch of the second wheel is depressed, and the wheel moves forward one division, marking the tens ; the same process is repeated with regard to the other wheels, and thus any amount of num- bers can be registered, by simply increasing the number of the wheels in proportion. Machines on this plan are now generally adopted in the Bank of England with perfect success, and in some cases they are added to the Bramah num- bering machines; and as the author believed that they might be adapted to other purposes than Bank-note printing, he presented the drawings and des- cription of them to the Institution. June 14. — The President in the Chair. " On Iron Sheathing, broad-headed Nails, and Inner Sheathing for Ships." By J. J. Wilkinson. These three papers complete the subject which the author commenced in the year 1841, and continued during the present session.* The first treats of the use of beaten iron, and iron nails, even in Ycry an- cient vessels, their corrosion, and consequent abandonment ; the attempted introduction of rolled iron for the purpose of sheathing. It touches hghtly on the construction of iron vessels, and on various atteraps to protect them, which experience has now shown to be unnecessary, as the first iron steamer built by Mr. A. Manby in 1821, at the Horseley iron-works, has been in con- stant use on the river Seine up to the present period, without showing any symptoms of oxidation, although the only precautions taken, have been to apply a coat of pitch, as often as to a wooden vessel. Extracts are then made from Mr. Grantham's treatise on " Iron as a material for Ship- building."t A list is then given of the patents connected with iron sheathing » Minutes of Proceedings, 1841, pp. 318, 357, and 360, Vol. IV, and 1842, p K9. + Iron ns a Material for Ship-luilding. By John Grantham. .Simpkin and Co., 1842. Pages 6, 7,' 8. and 9. " The first iron steam-vessel, and the first that ever put to sea, was built at the Horsiley Iron Works, for the IliTer Seine, and called the ' Aaron Manby,' after the name of the projector and builder. I have lately been favoured by Mr. Manby viith the parliculars relating to this vessel, which are very interestins; as recording the origin of iron steam-vessels. He slates in his communication, dated 19th February. 1842, that under a patent «hich he took out in France for iron steam-boats, in 1820, he, with his friend Captain (now Admiral Mr Charles) Napier, formed a society, and immedi- ately be^an to construct the first boat at Horseley, but owing to some cir- cumstances connected with the parties at Pari.';, she was not completed till the fnd of 1821. .She was then sent to London in parts, and put together in the .Surrey Canal Dock. She took in a cargo of linseed and iron castings and Captain Napier took charge of her, and navigated her from London direct to Havre, and thence to Paris, withoutunloading any part of the cargo, she being the first and only vessel of any description that ever went direct from London lo Paris. Mr. Manby continues, 'Some time after, I built another iron steam-vessel of the same description, with a few alterations, at Horseley; bit, owing lo the navigation laws in France, she could not be admitted, and w."S obliged to be shipped in parts, anil 1 put her together at Charenton. near Paris, w here I had then established iron-works, and where I subsequently ronslructed two olher iron steam-boals, the whole for the navi- galion of the .Seine. They continued prosperously at work till 18.30, when, owing to the Revolution, and some disputes among the shareholders, they were sold to a new society. In this new society I had no further interest, but they continued navigating up to the period of my quitting France, and I believe" are all at work at the present time. From 1822 to 1830 the hull of the ' Aaron Manby " never required any repairs, although she had been re- peatedly aground, with her cargo on b ard.' '• The next iron steam-vessel with which I am acquainted was one built by the Horseley Company, under my father's (Mr. Grantham, sen.) superintend- ence. This vessel was commenced about the year 1824; was put together in this port (Liverpool^, and after a series of delays, crossed the Channel in 182.5, and proceeded to her destination. Lough Derg, on the river Shannon. .Since then she has been constantly at work, and is now in good condition. ".Shortly after this time, Mr. John Laird of Nnrlh Birkenhead, com- menced building them on a large scale, and has since been extensively and successively engaged in this pursuit. Mr. Fairbairn, of Manchester, also very early took an interest in iron-vessels, and was a party to a series of experiments made at Glasgow, in which iron vessels were employed. •' The ' Ironsides ' was the first iron sailing vessel of any magnitude that and the various modes of preserving it from corrosion, alluding particularly to the valuable labours of Mr. Mallet (of Dublin) on this subject in the archives of the Institution.* The next division treats of metallic sheathing or a coating of metallie o.xide, formed by driving broad-headed nails nearly in contact with each other, into the sheathing board ; this process is called filling. The nails used for this purpose by the Romans, were of the same form as those of the present day. There are autlientic records of " filling " being generally ia use in this country in 1660 — but it is conjected that it was practised much. antecedent to that time, and it has continued in use until recently in Swedish and Danish ships. This mode of protecting the piles of harbours and piers from the ravages of the worm is then treated of, and examples are given of its success in various situations. The third division treats of the inner coating or sheathing, which it has been found necessary to use, independently of the external metallic sheathing. It is stated, that some of the stronger and more adhesive kinds of inner sheathing, have proved mainly instrumental in preserving vessels from sink- ing, when the outer sheathing has failed or been destroyed. Hair is noticed as among the earliest materials used for inner sheathing ; it was usually applied in a loose state and fixed by pitch or other resinous substances; it was subsequently woven into and used as a cloth — the coarse part of flax was in the time of the Romans bruised and driven between the seams of their galleys. A vessel was discovered in the Mediterranean Sea (between the years 1458 and 1464) in a depth of water of 12 fathoms, where it is supposed to have lain for nearly 1400 years; the deck and sides were covered with paper, linen, and leaden plates. In all the oldest vessels which have been discovered the hair was perfectly fresh, although the timber was in a state of decay, and it is stated that the worm never penetrates through an inner sheathing of hair. In the year 1701, when copper sheathing was introduced, experiments were tried upon dift'erent kinds of paper for lining, and after trying white-lead and other substances, thick brown paper dipped in tar was found to be the best. A list is then given of the patents for different kinds of "felt" now used for inner sheathing — noticing particularly that of Messrs. Borrodaile and Co. which appears to be that wliich is most generally approved. Cocoa-nut fibre and cork, and many other substances, which have been tried at different times, are noticed, and the paper concludes with a copious list of the ex- periments upon the subject, which the author has compiled from various sources. " On the Sinking and Tut>l/ing, or Coffering of Pits, as practised in the Coal Districts of the North of England." By Robert Thomas Atkinson, M. Inst. C. E. This communication describes the means usually adopted in the Northern coal districts, for effecting the " winning" of those valuable mines, and the author expresses the obligation he is under to his uncle Mr. Buddie, to whose valuable documents he had free access during the progress of liis labours. It commences with noticing the early periods of mining, before the intro- duction of steam power for pumping, when the extraction of coal was almost wholly confined to such tracts as could be drained by free water-courses, " adits," or levels ; the chain and bucket pumps, and other limited and ex- pensive means, are then explained, with the principles of free drainage, showing that it was generally only applicable to districts of small extent, and that the best mines were left untouched. Steam-engines upon Newcomen's principle, were first used in the New- castle district in the beginning of the last century, and they underwent many modifications, before they were superseded by the Boulton and Watt engines now generally used. The consequence of this introduction of steam power for raising coal, instead of accomplishing it by means of horse gins and other rude contrivances, is that the capability of supply appears only limited by the demand. Over and above the weight of coal raised, it is necessary to draw immense quantities of water for the purpose of draining the mines. In some col- lieries the weight of water pumped up, amounts to as much as four times that of the coal raised. At the Percy Main colliery (which is rather an ex- treme instance) 3922 tons of water are pumped up daily, while only 636 tons of coal are raised in the same time. At the Benwell colliery, which is an average case, the weight of water amounts to 2020 tons per day, and the coals raised to 768 tons or 38 per cent, of the weight of water. The principal technical mining terms in use in the northern districts, are then explained, and the author proceeds to describe the methods of sinking the shafts, noticing the difficulties which occur in traversing strata of various kinds, and the modes of overcoming them — the temporary timbering with " cribs " and " deals " pievious to walling — and the diflferent kinds of " tub- was employed for sea voyages, and she has been highly successful. She has made three trips to and from South America, and fully realizes all the ad- vantages proposed in her construction." In a letter from Cliarles Wye Williams, Esq., dated Dublin, August 21, 1842, he says, " The old iron steamer called the ' Marquess Wellesley.' built for Mr. Grantham at the Horseley Works, is sliU working and in good order. I went in her recently through Lough Ree and some of the tributary streams that run into the Shannon,'"— (Sec. Inst. C. E.) » Minutes of Proceedings, 1840, p. 387,Vol. IIL 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 387 bing or coffering" of wood, stone, or cast-iron, used in passing wet portions of the strata or perishable rocks ; this part of the subject is treated of very fully, with all the details of the construction of the different kinds and the methods of using them. The cast-iron tubbing, wliich was first introduced by the late Mr. Huddle, is particularly noticed, as is also its use in segments at the Percy pit in the year 1779; some instances are given of the decom- position of cast-iron tubbing and pumps, when exposed to the smoke of underground furnaces and the action of mineral water, the combined action of which has been found to reduce the metal to the consistency of plum- bago. The construction of the pumps, buckets, clacks, rods, &c. composing the apparatus for raising the water from the mines, is then fully described, with the " off-take joints " and the " fish-head " for drawing a " drowned clack." The " hanging sets " or columns of pumps, with their " ground spears " used in sinking the shafts, are also described, with the method of fixing the cis- terns at interrals in the shafts, for the different sets of pumps, which are all of the " lifting" kind. Accounts are then given of the sinking of Percy pit, Flatworth colliery, commenced in 1799 — of Howden pit, Percy Main colliery, in 1804 — and of a pit at the Barrow Field coUierj' ia 1822, in all of which, great difficulties were encountered. An explanation is then given of the extensive and complete set of sections of pits, drawings of the machinery, and of the models which accompanied the paper, and the author promises to extend the subject on a future occa- sion, as this communication is less comprehensive than was intended and has been sent in its present state for the purpose of complying during the session, with the usual condition of election. June 21. — James Simpson in the Chair. " The History of the Canal of Kalmyk, CHolland,) with a Description of ihe principal Works." By the ChevaUer F. W. Conrad, translated by Charles Manhy, Secretary, Inst. C. E. This communication is divided into three parts: — 1, The introduction; 2, The history of the Canal of Katwyk ; and 3, A description of the prin- cipal works. 1. The introduction gives the general outline of the locality of this canal, which is probably one of the most useful and extensive works undertaken in Holland, for the purpose of draining the low lands and rendering them capable of cultivation ; it is carried in a north-east direction from the village of Katwyk-binnen through the sand-banks to the North Sea, where it is terminated by five sea locks : it was undertaken for the purpose of draining the district called " Khynland," a succinct account of which is given, with details of the early attempts at draining, such as the embankments of Ma- rendyk, those of Spaarndam, &c., tracing them up to the time of Count WiUiam the Second, king of the Romans, in the year 1253 ; at which period the level of the district was identical with that of medium tide, and each " Polder " (or spot of cultivated land) was separately protected from the spring tides by an embankment ; a change has occunred in the relative levels, whether by the sinking of the land or the elevation of the sea is, it appears, a subject of dispute, but it is certain that the level of the river Y and of the Zuyder Zee is now much above that of the Rhynland district. The natural consequence of this change, has been to increase the demand for artificial drainage by canals, and of windmills for pumping, and also the establish- ment of local boards of direction, whose duty is the superintendence of the works for the protection of the lowlands. The district of Rhynland contains 127,000 bonniers or 317,500 English acres, which is thus divided : — Bonniers. English Acres. 1. Polders, or Districts embanked audi drained by windmills J 2. Lakes and Peat-bog already laid dry 3. Land without mills and sandbanks onl the borders of the North Sea . . . J 4. Lakes, Canals, Ditches, Peat-bogs aban-1 doned, &c j 54,831 15,262 32,630 24,277 ="""60,692-5 = 137,077-5 = 38,155-0 = 81,575-0 127,000 = 317,5000 The drainage is efifected by 268 windmills, working scoop wheels or Archi- medean screws. Within this district, is included the Lake of Haarlem, which alone extends over 18,000 bonniers or 45,000 English acres; the drainage of it is now commenced and will restore a tract of very valuable land. The enumeration of the original locks at Spaarndam and other places, is given, showing their incapacity for carrying off the waters, particularly when unfavourable winds prevented their free current into the Y, and hence the necessity for the canal of Katwyk and the choice of that particular spot, which is not aflfected by the prevailing winds. 2. The historical portion of the memoir, treats of the naturally unfavour- able position of the district for drainage ; it mentions a project for a canal at Katwyk in the year 1404, as related by Professor Lulofs,* on the authority of the historian Van Mieiis; and enumerates all the various examinations of the levels, the projects of tunnels, canals, lic., the appoijitmcut of numerous committees, the local opposition to the several plans, the repairs of the em- bankments, which had become so expensive that the landholders abandoned their estates, rather than pay the cost of preserving them ; the attempt to form a small canal through the sandbanks, which was either closed by a heavy storm or was suffered to fall to decay; the eflect of the siege of Leyden by the Spaniards in 1573-4, when instead of draining the country, every attempt was made to cause an influx of the waters to annoy the in- vading army. It appears that subsequently the expense of renewing the hydraulic works would have been so considerable, that they were in a great measure abandoned for a time. In 1627, attention was again given to the subject, and Katwyk was pointed out as the only spot for an effectual svstem of drainage. The map by Bolstra, which the author promises to send, shows all the plans with great precision. The reports are then given of all the various engineers and scientific men, on the drainage of the Lake of Haarlem, in all of which the Canal of Katwyk is a principal feature. The very able tract by Mr. Twent on the state of the drainage of Rhynland, and the necessity for a canal at Katwvk, is mentioned as one of the principal causes for its final construction. After the publication of this tract, Mr. Brunings, in the year 1802, caused the nomination of Mr. Conrad (the father of the author) and Messrs. Blanken, jnu. and Kros, to report upon the project ; which they did with such effect, that in May 1804, it was ordered to be executed by the reporters, under the superintendence of Mr. Brunings, the director-general of the " AVatersfaat ;" the plan selected being that which was laid down by Mr. Conrad. In August of the same year, the works were commenced, and in 1805 were so far advanced, that in June the first stone of the inner lock was laid : Mr. Conrad, who in consequence of the decease of .Mr. Brunings had assumed the chief direction, carried on the works with such activity, that they were entirely finished by the month of October 1807, without the occurrence of any accident, although they had to support several very severe storms during their progress. On one occasion just as the masonry of the locks was finished the level of the tide was raised by a storm 2-36 metres (2-5 4 yards) higher than usual, carrying away the external cofferdam, but such was the solidity of the masonry that it resisted perfectly. A steam-engine was fixed for pumping up a head of water for scouring the sand from the exterior canal ; and the final opening of the canal took place with great ceremony on the 21st October, 1807, when a medal was struck to commemorate the event, a copy of whicli is given by the author to the Institution. Mr. Conrad made a series of experiments which completely proved the ef- ficacy of the works, and then was carried off within the short space of three months from the termination of his successful labours, which will hand down his name to posterity, as the projector and executor of one of the most useful engineering works on record. A slight sketch is then given of the origin of the Lake of Haarlem, the causes of its extension, and the works already executed in anticipation of its eventual drainage. The third part consists of a detailed description of the principal works at Katwyk, with their dimensions, and the necessary references to the drawings which accompany the paper. The length of the canal from the Rhine to the sand-banks near the lock, is 2260 metres (2471-53 yards) of an average depth of 2-20 metres (2-40 yards) beneath the conventional height of tide for the kingdom of Holland, from which all tidal measures are taken ; it corresponds with the average tides of the river Y; the common tide at Katwyk falls 0-60 metres (0-65 yards) below and rises 1-02 metres (1-115 yards) above that standard. From that lock to the next, is 490 metres (535-86 yards) of the same depth; the additional canal is 1108 metres (1211-70 yards) long, the widths at the standard level vary between 13 and 40 metres, (14-21 and 43-74 yards) and the side slopes, which are all puddled and covered with turf, vary between 1 to 1 and 3 to 1. The outer canal which has been made chiefly by scouring, is 151 metres (165-13 yards) long, to low-water mark, at a depth of 0-47 metres (0 5139 yards); below that point, it is 37-67 metres (4119 yards) wide and the sides are constructed of fascines covered with stone. The principal works enumerated are — 1st. The sea locks (buiten sluis.) 2nd. The interior lock (binnen sluis.) 3rd. A bridge of three arches at the sea locks, with balance gates and rising sluices. 4th. A bridge of two arches over the canal in the Noordwykcrweg. The five sea locks are each 19-78 metres (21-63 yards) long and 3-77 metres (4-12 yards) wide; with the mouths of the out-fall culverts 1-88 metres (205 yards) below the standard tide level. They are founded upon piles of red and white deal, with sleepers, and the whole faced and covered with deal plank sheathing. The masonry of the foundations and of the principal part of the con- struction, is of blue limestone from Escosine, squared and well bedded. A • Lulofs' Treatise on the Elevation of the Sea and the Depress ion of the Land on the coasts of Holland, Transactions of the Society of Haarlem p. 1, f. 88. 388 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [November, hard stone called " klinkers " is also niucli used for ashlar work, and an in- ferior quality of stone for rubble-work, with bricks. The mortar used up to a short distance above the standard tide level, vfas ni;:de from stone lime, and above that, of lime made from sea-shells ; cement was alao used in several parts. The modes of constructing these various works are given in minute detail ; many of them, ditt'ering materially from the English method of construction, possess great interest ; particularly those v/hich relate to the embankments and the fascine work. A description is then given of the Canal of Oegstgeest, which is a pro- longation of the Canal of Katwyk for the purpose of bringing into the latter, the waters from the Lake of Haarlem ; as well as a means of carrying off the waters of a portion of Rhynland, during and after the drainage of the lake. In consequence of the establishment of this canal, the Canal of Katwyk required to be enlarged, which was done to the extent of rendering it 52 metres (50'S6 yards) wide, with an average depth of 2'20 metres (2'40 yards) below the standard level. The bridges were also enlarged, and it is now contemiilated to add two openings to the inner lock, those of the sea locks being already of sullicient capacity. Having described the works in detail, the author enters into some general remarks upon the effuct produced by the canal, one of the principal being its beneficial use in determining the possibility of draining the Lake of Haarlem. Thirty-five years of experience, have demonstrated that this canal is the surest remedy for the peculiar position of the district of Rhynland with regard to drainage ; the constant action of the North Sea has made no im- pression upon the simple but solid masonry of the sea locks, in fact, the Canal of Katwyk appears to be one of the most remarkable hydraulic works ever constructed for the protection of Holland. The author concludes the paper by stating, that although he could with difficulty spare the time from his professional labours on the Amsterdam railway, of which he is the engineer, he was induced to undertake the labour of drawing up this memoir, by the subject being one of those proposed by the Institution of Civil Engineers, in the list for Telford and Walker Pre- miums for 1842, and by the desire of doing justice to the memory of his father, whose early decease alone prevented his name from becoming as ex- tensively known ps his talents deserved. The paper is illustrated by nine comprehensive drawings and charts, with some lithographic views, a portrait of Mr. Conrad, sen., and the medal which was struck on the occasion of the first opening of the sluices. " On the Construction of the Bridges on the Bolton and Preston Railway." By A. J. Adie. This paper, which was written at the request of General Pasley, and by him communicated to the Institution, contains a description of the bridges over the Cowlin firook, the Lancaster Canal, and the Chorley Road, which alone possess any peculiarities of construction, and they formed the types upon which the other bridges were built. In Colonel Sir F. Smith's report upon the Cowlin Brook bridge, he advised great attention being paid to the bridge on account of its " unusual slight- uess, and the badness of tb.e ground upon which it was founded." The author states, that the latter circumstance induced him to design the present proportions of the work as he' wished to reduce the weight of the piers as much as jossible; he therefore ventured to deviate from the original design given by Mr. Rastrick. The result has justified his anticipations, as " after the mo^ careful inspection not a single crack nor a splnitered stone can be detected." The ground where this bridge was to be placed, was found to be a rotten and compressible mixture of moss, decayed wood, and sand, ^\ith a few large stones; a foundation was made for each pier by driving in piles 20 feet long by 12 irches square; upon these were placed the footing courses of Lim- erick stone 8 inches thick ; the piers were built hollow, so that the utmost weight placed upon each superficial foot should not exceed 5-2- tons, which the author states to be a light load for ashlar work : — " In Edinburgh there are old rubble walls 34 in. thick and above 100 f(. high, which in addition to all their proportion of eight floors, and a roof, have 6J tons on each su- perficial foot of the bottom courses, and there is a brick chimney in Bolton, the bottom courses of which support 8. J tons on the superficial foot." The bridge consists of eight arches, each of 30 ft. span ; the arch stoues are 18 in. thick, of hard sandstone from the Whittle hills, except seven courses at the crown, which are from a better quarry at .\ckrington, near Blackburn. The author then mentions, as a precedent for such dimensions, some arches constructed under Mr. Jardine's direction on the Edinburgh and Dalkeith Railway ; they were of Craigleith stone, semi-elliptical in form, of 24 ft. span, with a rise of 4 ft., or ^th of the span; the stones for these arches were 12 in. deep at the springing, and 9 in. deep at the crown; the abut- ments of one of them are founded on platforms of timber, without piles, resting upon soft plastic blue clay ; they have been standing for upwards of ten years, and exhibit no signs of failure. Another arch is also mentioned, constructed by the same engineer, over the South Esk, near Dalkeith, the span of which is 55 ft., and the versed sine 12 ft.; the keystone is 18 in. deep, and the springers 21 in. in depth. The author objects to placing a mass of earth upon the haunches of the arch, as, from the tremour caused by the passing of the railway trains, the eaith has always a tendency to be wedged in between the side walls and to force them out ; he therefore left voids above the arch stones, allowing only sufficient weight of masonry upon the haunches, and thus securing the rapid hardening of the mortar ; for this latter reason also the walls of rnbblc-work never much exceed 3 feet in thickness, and they have been found much stronger in consequence. The railway is carried over this viaduct on longitudinal bearers, 13 inches deep by 6 inches thick, laid on planks 3 inches thick ; the bearers and planks are not fixed together with a view to diminish the vibration of the passing trains : this method of laying is stated to be very effective in tills respect. The Lancaster Canal Bridge was originally intended to have been a direct span of 00 feet, constructed of iron, but the directors subsequently decided on building a skewed stone arch of 25 feet span on the riglit angle. The arch is semi-elliptical on the square, with a transverse axis of 41 feet 2 inches and a semi-conjugate axis of 8 feet 9 inches ; the arch stones are 2 feet 3 inches on the square at the springing, and 1 foot 6 inches at the key-stone ; the bed joints intersect at right angles all the lines of sections of the intrados, made by vertical planes, parallel to the elevation; and it is that property that causes the chamfer lines of the beds of the stones to diverge from the springing to the crown. These lines of the curved joints are easily laid down on the sheeting of the centres from a full-sized development, and by lines drawn at different heights, parallel to the springing of the arch. The lines of the radiating bed joints are always perpendicular to the tangent of aa ellipse of the same form as the elevation of the bridge, the moulds used to form this being applied in the plane of the elevation. The twist on the length of the beds of the courses was taken from full-sized skeleton moulds of the form of the oblique elli|)se or elevation. The five courses running parallel to the abutments are all of the same form and have the same amount of tv(ist on the beds of each stone, except the end stones of the courses, which are varied in length to suit the general breaking of the joints of the courses resting together. The centre pait of the arch is plain square work. This mechanical method of finding the lines, and the twist of the radiating beds for an elliptical skewed arch, is destitute of the scientific accuracy of the mode by which Mr. Buck calculates his spiral lines for oblique bridges, of which the section at right angles to the abutment is an arc of a circle ; but the workmen had no difficulty in putting it in practice, and the author states that he would have had more trouble in constructing trussed centres for a flatter curve of a circular arc, and at the same time keeping the towing path of the canal open. He states that he has not met with any description of an arch executed in this manner, but he considers it the only true prin- ciple. Every very thin section par.iUel to the elevation is a proper elliptical arch, and there is a very great saving of stone from the smallness of the twist on the curved beds as compared to the common method of working them. The Chorley Road Bridge is a compound of the common and skewed arches, which the author finds convenient and economical. He has executed several upon this plan ; they are as perfect as the best common arches, and free from skirting of the soffits of the stones. The section of this bridge at right angles shows a rise of 5 feet, with a span of 25 feet. The springers at this part are 15 inches deep, and the key-stone is 13 inches deep; on the oblique section, or the elevation, the span is 37 feet 9 inches, and the rise 5 feet ; the springers are 24 inches deep, and the key-stone is 17 inches deep. The straight part of the arch is formed vfith courses about 10 inches on the soffit, and these are turned round in curved lines which are portions of circles, the straight parts of the courses being then tangents, and they cut the lines of the elevations at right angles, so that there is no more tendency of the arch to sink at the elevation than would be the case with any elliptical segment of similar dimensions worked in the ordinary way. The part of the acute angle of the arch is formed with courses which converge from the ele- vation to the abutments, on account of being arcs cutting the elevations at right angles, and then becoming nearly taugential at the springing. The curves for these courses were transferred from the development to the sheet- ing, iu the same way as those for the Lancaster Canal Bridge, and the twist of the beds was taken off full-sized sections of the arch, made in the direc- tions of the converging lines of the extremities, so that at each of these places the beds were worked as if for part of a true eUiptical arch, and the beds between the points thus formed were worked off with curved rules found from the development. After the masons got into the way of working this kind of arch, they of their own accord preferred it to the complete skewed arch. In brick work built in this way, it would be very easy to skew the ends of a long arclnvay by having the bricks moulded to the curvature of the key-course, as with a very little alteration they would fit any part of the concentric courses, and a few tapered bricks would facilitate the fiUing up of the fan-shaped part of the haunch of the acute angle. The communication was illustrated by several detailed drawings and a model of the bridge, with schedules of the prices and cost of the woiks. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECrS JOURNAL. 389 DR. PAYERNE'S PURIFICATION OF FOUL AIR. The notice taken of Dr. Payerne and liis diving-bell experiments in the last number of tbs Journal, bas elicited a long article in the Times, evidently from the same pen which recorded the performances of Dr. Payerne at Spithead. The tone of the article is, however, altogether ditierent from the preceding ones, being rather apologetic than laudatory. Though the writer deprecates the manner in which we analysed the Doctor's performances, he tacitly admits that the result of our analysis is correct ; — that nothing, in short, had been accomplished by the apparatus which might not have befn done without it. This admission of Dr. Payerne's apologist formed the sum and substance of our remarks, the object being to guard against the adoption of any plans founded on such an unsatisfactory basis. We did not deny Dr. Payerne's power to purify air; we merely as- serted that if he possessed such power, he had afTorded no sufHcient proof of its agency. The insinuation of charlatanry is censured by the writer in the Times, but he, at tlie same time, admits that such an accusation is partly justified by the foolish and absurd paragraphs published in tlie papers respecting the wonderful powers of a sub-marine boat proposed by Dr. Payerne for navigating the bottom of the ocean ; and the writer seems particularly anxious to ex- plain, that Major-General Pasley never sanctioned that peculiar plan of navigation. Since our former article on this subject was written, we understand that some trials have been made of Dr. Payerne's apparatus in the puriiication of the air of mines. The experiments are briefly and unsatisfactorily recorded, but they are represented to have fully answered. If the invention be applicable to the purification of foul air in mines, the apparatus will be far more valuable than it could have been in its first proposed application for sub-marine operations; and the Doctor will deserve well of this country for his invention. We confess, liowever, to have misgivings of such a desirable result, and wait for further proofs. In the mean time, the secrets of the " box" begin to ooze out. The French Academy of Sciences, at some of their recent sittings, have had inventions submitted to them for the purification of air in diving-bells ; and though Dr. Payerne's name does not appear in the reports, we imagine that the plans proposed and his are the same. It may be remembered that we before hinted the box might contain highly compressed oxygen gas. This seems ac- tually to form part of the plan submitted to the French Academy of Sciences, but the ingenious inventors propose to use oxygenated water instead of oxygen gas alone. Absorption of gas, as well as its generation, is likewise contemplated ; for it is proposed to absorb the carbonic acid gas expired from the lungs by caustic lime. If this constitute the whole of Dr. Payerne's secret, we conceive it will avail him nothing. The absorption of carbonic acid gas by caustic lirae might possibly be effected on a scale sufficiently great to produce practical results ; but unless there be invented some more ready and more economical mode of obtaining oxygenated water than at present known, no real advantage could be derived from the application of any such plan, either for the purification of the air in mines, or for sub-marine explorations. We subjoin abstracts of the reports read to the French Academy of Sciences to which we have alluded : — Sept. 2(5. — A communication was made by M. Thi-nard, on the means for remaining for a long period in a limited quantity of air, by the absorption of the carbonic acid gas exhr.led, and the renewal of oxygen in proportion to its consumption. That the carbonic acid gas exhaled, luul which, in excess, ln'comes fatal, miy be absorbed by lime is a well-known fact, but as it is necessary, in the purification of air, to replace the oxygen, which is the vital principle, as well as to get rid of the excess ot^ what is injurious, the great object to be attained in cases where, as in diving bells, it is important to make the same limited volume of air serve fur several hours, is to produce oxygen with ease and certainty. M. Tluiiard proposes to employ oxygenated water, and has shown that not less than 47o times the volume of water of oxygen-gas may be compressed in this vehicle, and subsequently liberated as required. But to produce this result, great care and expense are necessary, and, when obtained, the ditliculty of prevent- ing the escape of the oxygen, when not wanted for immediate use, is also very great. Oct. 3. A communication from M. Sondalo was read, on the means of purifying the air which has been already taken into the lungs from the carbonic acid gas with which it is charged. This gentleman informs the Academy that be remained under water an hour, clothed with a waterproof dross, and having with him, in a small vessel, the prepara- tion of lime required for the absorption of the carbonic acid and the oxygenated water, in order to renew the oxygen of which the air already breathed had been deprived. With the aid of this small apparatus, contained within his dress, he was able, during the time above stated, to purify the air which he took down with him. [Since the above was in type and as we were closing tlie Journal we received a communication from Dr. Payerne, commenting on our strictures of last month ; we regret that it arrived too late for inser- tion in the present number, it shall however appear next month.] THE ECCLESIASTICAL COMMISSION. [In another part of the Journal we have inserted a letter from a Correspondent respecting the conduct of the above commission to- wards the architects; since then we have procured a copy of the A report from which we give the following extracts.] " The commissioners have agreed to certain regulations respect- ing grants towards providing houses of residence. They are as follow : — Grants towards purchasing or erecting houses of residence will, for the present, be made only to meet benefactions from other sources, except in cases coming within the third class, and under other special circumstances. All benefactions must be paid to the commissioners before they can enter into any arrangement either for purchase or for rebuilding. Every house proposcd'to b-T purcliaaed must be surveyed by the archi- tect of the commissioners, and every new house must be built according to his designs and under his exclusive superintendence, the commission- ers entering into the necessary contracts. Plans approved by the commissioners have been transmitted to the several archdeacons, diocesan registrars, bishop's secretaries, and chapter clerks, with a request that they will allow them to be in- spected by the clergy; and the plans may also be seen at the office of the commissioners. Before a contract for building is entered into, reasonable variations in these plans may be allovved, to meet local or other peculiarities ; but no extensive deviation from the general design of the commis- sioners will be permitted, uor any alteration which is calculated to en- tail additional expense upon succeeding incumbents. In meeting benefactions towards providing a house, a general rule of proportion will be observed, by which a house built according to the plans of the commissioners (painted, papered, and fitted with grates, bells, &c.), being about £900, the benefaction required will be about £450 in cases of public patronage, and about £540 in cases of private patronage. "BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF ARCHITECTURAL DRAUGHTSMEN." The formation of an institution for aflfording relief to distressed architectural draughtsmen, and for ameliorating the conditions of that class of artists generally is an object which would comniand our best wishes, and particularly when we see so laudable an eftbrt as the for- mation of an annual exhibition of architectural drawings conjoined with it; but we are not prepared to admit that the plan now proposed is the best for carrying the object into effect. The rules are too much on the trades-union system to agree with the respectability ot the body in question. An annual dinner is doubtless a very good thing, but we do not approve of one levied by fines on the members at large; neither do we think that a dinner is the most appropriate time for our artistic exhibitions. We should, therefore, recommend the abandon- ment of the whole penal code, the adoption of a more suitable pe- riod than August for an exhibition, and an extension of the plan so as to include engineering draughtsmen. The whole system of manage- ment must also be revised, and the names of the managers published, and with such amendments, we have no doubt that the plan being well meant will meet with the strong support it highly merits. /JWi'mH Kmlron.ls.-llnisitU, Oct. 21.-M. NucI, Inspector ot brid-es and highways, bas visileJ the whole sfclicin of the railway from Omirlray to Tovu-nay. 'l liougl. llie buililinj;s are not laiishod, the road miy be opened to Hie public on the 23i-.l <-f Ociobcr. Tlie Minisler of Public W orks «ill be iiiesent at the (.peiiing. For ibe present there will be only two trains m .a. (lay from Tournay to Brussels, and vice I'crsa. With respect to the section oi Turco ns. it seems iha; a trial will be made on the first KUlaysot Noveinjer, and that the inausuratiou will be on the lath, when the Kins has niMmiscd to be present. The Fivneli trains have arrived at Lille ; there is therelore nothinc to prevent the liains trom immediately be(;iimins to run ; but the French train at present takes only p:isscn;;ers, aiul no r. mis. lliesecuon ot St. Saulye will probably bo opened about I he same time. 3 1 390 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [NOVEMBKR, REVIS'WS. Arlick "Theatre," Penny Cyclopaidia. Since our last notice of tliis publication, one or two other inter- esting arcliifectiiral articles liave appeared in if, and among tlieni, tliat of "Temiile," wliicli, if it does not contain much upon the subject that can be said to be new, treats it so as to give it con- siderable freshness, and brings forward many remarks that we meet with for the first time. Were it only on account of the table which accompanies it, that article conveys a good deal of inforraulion not to be obtained elsewhere. What architectural articles of this class are introduced at all into other encyclopffidias, are for the most p^irt ex- ceedingly meagre, and little better than mere compilations— taken at once from the most accessible source that first presents itself, ap- parently without any further research, and with very little previous study of the subject itself. As to the general execution of the Penny Cyclopedia in its other deparlraenis, we do not pretend to offer an opinion, but we will sav— and that without fear of contradiction, that its architectural article's are both more numerous, and more instructive than those in similar works— a remark which is, perhaps, almost super- fluous, after the extracts we h.ave given from those on " Portico," "Spiie," "Staircase," &c. iNIany articles of architectural biography have likeuise been introduced, which are not to be met with in any other Enolish publication— not even in those which are professedly biograplncal ones— such as Rodriguez, Quaglio, Temanza, Tessin, &c. Were there nothing else to stamp the articles in the Penny Cyclo- padia, many of them are rendered more than ordinarily valuable and useful bv communicating a great deal of information in a condensed tabular 'form, which is'an exceedingly convenient one for reference and comparison. And although such tables amount to little more than compilation, it is such as requires considerable research and di- ligence, and shows that no trouble has been spared to render the ar- ticles as complete as may be, by collecting together into the briefest possible compass what is scattered about in fragments, and through a great number of volumes. The article Theatke is certainly not one of the least interesting of tliose relative to architecture which have appeared in this Cyclopedia, for it affords a clearer insight into the subject than has been done any- where else ; and sets in a very forcible light the vast difterence be- tween the system of the ancient and that ot the modern theatre and stage, in favour of which last the writer most expressly decides, llie arguments for so doing are tolerably cogent ones, and must, we think, carrv conviction to all who are not thoroughly Winded by their clas- sical prejudices ; at any rate it will be for those who dislike what he savs as to the defects of the dramatic performances of the ancients, to refute it by proofs to the contrary. The very circumstance of their taking place in the open air, and by daylight, must, as he observes, have proved more or less injurious to scenic illusion, as ar as sucli illusion was at all attempted, fur at the utmost there could have been no very great degree of it. The permanent architectural scena or facade at the back of the stage, is tolerably satisfactory proof t^liat there could have been no iccncry ; and even what is said in regard to the magnificence there displayed, chiefly shows how extravagant and prepcsterous such decoration must have been. In fact 1 liny s ctes- cription-if description it maybe called-of the scena of hcaurus theatre is hardly credible: when he tells us that it was ornamen ed with no fewer than 3GU columns, and 3000 statues, we think that either he himself MmicUav.umscs very cutvageously, or tliat some such small mistake as that of turning tens into hundreds and thou- sands, has been committed by the copyists of manuscripts. Besides, as that theatre was merely a temporary one, and was taken down again long before Plinv's time, he could speak of it only from hearsay, nor does he appear to'huve been at all deficient in credulity, and an appetite for the marvellous. Could the matter be sifted, it won d nribably turn out to be just such another story as that of bt. L-rsula and the"da'£nrfo«Sf-«d>irgins-a little inaccuracy arising from mis- luking the name Undtamilta for a numeral to that amount. Not content with drawing upon our belief so largely in regard to his forest of columns and mob of statues, Pliny further assures us that the middle part or second order of the scena was of glass ! His words are " ima pars scena: e marmore fuit, media e vitro, maudito etiara postea genere luxuriffi, summa e tabulis aurstis." \yonder ul, how- ever, as it is, he neither doubts, nor allows any one else to doubt tins strange statement. He neither gives us the slightest authority tor it, nor aueinpls to offer any explanation, but relates it in the most aconic manner possible, just as if it were a self-evident fact. \\ hat kind ot authority then, we ask, is Pliny himself, for he seems to liave swal- lowed with greedy gullabilitv all the incredible stories he could pick up ? Scaurus' theatre was after all merely a temporary structure, how then came Plinv to be so well informed as to the exact number of columns and statues? or knowing so much, how happened it that he knew no more, and could not explain how they were disposed, or how room could possibly be found for that enormous number ; or again, what was to be understood, or what he himself understood by the ex- pression " media i vitro ?" Does nirum here mean glass at all ?— or had not Plinv himself taken a glass too much when he was writing that passage'? And how comes it that the name of the architect who contrived such a truly astonishing work has been nowhere recorded ? Admitting Pliny's account, however, to be true, it is not very credible, because so exceedingly vague and obscure, that it is impossible to understand or make anything out of it. Nevertheless, it is from such vague hints and surmis'es, that modern antiquaries have formed their ideas of the magnificence of the ancient theatres, and that not only in regard to the edifices themselves, but the stage itself and its appar- atus, and whatever enters into the system of dramatic representation. Not so the writer in the Penny Cyclopaedia; since so far from af- fecting to admire the ancient theatre, he dwells at some length upon its great and numerous defects, and upon those of the stage itself. For what he savs on that head, however, we must refer to the article itself, from which we quote nothing relative to the ancient theatre than the following list of some of the principal ones now known. Ancnuirium Aspendus (scena Ionic and Corinth.) Athens, Tlieatrc of Bacchus ,, Odeion Cnidus llelos Dramyssus, or Joaunina Ephesus Epidaurus Herculaneum HierEpolis 'aodicea, Great Tlieatre Limyra Mantineia Miletus Myra Xicopohs (in Epirus) Orange (scena only remaining, 336 ft. Patara Pcrga Phellus Pola, about (destroyed 1636, but plan preserved Pompeii Pompeiopolis Rome, theatre Marcellus Sardes Sollnus (in Cilicia) Sicvon Side Sparta Stratonicca Syracuse Tauromenium Tecs Tralles Dlam. Orchestra. 197 feet. 400 25 rows of seats. 250 90 400 175 440 660 370 180 IGrow 346 304 19.) 227 474 360 360 wide, 114 ft. high.) 255 72 ft. 36 78 240 55 of seats. 100 136 not known not known 224 120 120 400 200 bv Scamozzi) 190 96 25 rows of seats. Scena 150. 68 62 138 172 162 212 517 395 114 313 100 390 120 453 217 390 106 440 330 width of scena 132 285 70 540 150 " Of some of these theatres scarcely anything remains, little more than their general shape and extent being now distinguishable; accordingly the state- ments of their dimensions are not to he strictly relied upon, though they are siifKcient to enable us to estimate their comparative size." In what is said on the subject of modern theatres we meet with many useful hints, and other information, and shall therefore venture to borrow pretty largely from that part of the article, where after specifying many fa'ults and disadvantages in olden structures ot the kind the writer proceeds to say — ■ Very great reforms have now taken place, yet there is still room for fur- ther improvements, obvious, though not likely to be adopted so long as it is considered a matter of course that the space before the curtain must be made to contain as manv persons as can possibly be packed into it, and tliat an audience must be 'piled np around the whole house to the very ceiling. We do not say that modern theatres are too lofty ; the error does not ho there hut in carrying up the boxes, tier after tier, to such apropos erous height that the uppermost box is several feet above the top of the curtain or stage- openings, and the back scats of the upper-gallery are actually on a level with 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 391 the ceiling over the pit. Such accumulation of diminutive stories gives a crowded appearance to the wliole, and leaves no space for architectural de- coration around the upper part. No doubt a very striking appearance of a ditFerent kind presents itself from the pit and from the stage, when the house is entirely filled to the very top ; and if we consider merely the coup- d'ceil from such points, it may he allowed to be imposing. But then, as re- gards that part of the audience who occupy the upper part of the house, tlie arrangemeut is bad. From the seats which are at all above the level of the top of the curtain, there is only a bird's-eye view of the stage and the sce- nery, and that only from the front seats, and also facing the stage, for from those on the side of it it is impossible at that height to obtain a sight of the scene or even the actors, unless when they come forward tov.ai ds the foot- lights. There should be no seats at a greater height than midway that of the curtain, or the level of what is now the second tier of boxes in our large theatres; for, as the sealery can be painted only to one horizon — generally that of the stage itself — its perspective effect is more or less impaired when it is seen from either very much above or below that level. No less pre- posterous is the practice of continuing the side-boxes up to the proscenium, and sometimes (as in the Opera-house at London) quite up to the very cur- tain, so that there is no proscenium tt all, unless the space on the floor of the stage, between the curtain and foot-lights can be so called. While those ■so seated lose the scenery altogether, they have the disadvantage of seeing between the wings on the side opposite them; and although the positive inconvenience resulting from such arrangement is felt only by a portion of the audience, the bad eft'ect occasioned by it extends to the whole theatre. Not only ought there to be a distinct proscenium, serving as an architectural frame to the stage and its scenery, dividing that part of the theatre from the rest, but it ought to be of much ampler proportions than are now given it. It should extend so far as to leave some interval — a sort of neutral ground- between the curtain and the boxes, so as to remove the nearest spectator in them to a tolerable distance for properly viewing the stage as a picture ; for it is possible to be as inconveniently near the stage as distant from it. Where, in order to contract the stage, or to render the pit and general dia- meter of the house considerably greater than what is required for the width of the curtain, the plan is made to approach a circle (as is the ease in nearly every theatre built within the last 20 years), the boxes should be contiued to the semicircle facing the stage ; and, so far from being a blank, the curved space on each side between them and the curtain might be matle to contri- bute very much to the architectural appearance of the whole house. This would not take away any thing from the pit, and if it materially diminished ihe number of the boxes and seats in them, it would be only where there aught to be nothing of the kind. The banishing of boxes from such situ- ations, and making also no more than two tiers, would certainly greatly abridge the present capacities of theatres ; a house of the same size would not contain the same number of persons as at present, when a large part of the audience are put where they cannot well see the performance. It is likely, therefore, to be objected that such a system would be too expensive, since a large house would be requisite for a comparatively moderate au- dience ; but curtailments might very well be made elsewhere, tor at present the whole building is frequently very much larger and more costly than actual necessity requires, the " house " itself, be its dimensions what they i may, taking up a comparatively small area of the entire plan, while th; rest is occupied by stately approaches and saloons, which, where economv ren- dered it expedient, might be greatly abridged, and much plainer in style, and some of them omitted altogether as superfluous appendages. In some of the modern continental theatres, the pomp displayed in such accessory parts of the building far exceeds anything of the kind in this country. In that at }5erliu, besides several other spacious apartments, is a music-saloon 38 ft. high, -14 wide, and lOS ft. in length in its upper part, wh-re there is a screen of C Ionic columns at each end; the whole highly decorated, and forming one of Schinkel's richest pieces of interior arcbitec- tuiv. The theatre of Miinieh has two staircases to the boxes, witli flights nf marble stops 1.3 ft. wide; and besides two saloons for the public" (each 82 X 31 ft), there is a very magnificent one communicating with the royal box — not a mere ante-room, but what would be termed a noble room even in a palace, its dimensions being 4ij x 44 ft., and 25 in height. In both these theatres, and in that of Genoa, the royal or state box is itself a room of some size, about l.j by 18 ft., more or less ; and according to the general custom of the continental theatres, this box (which occupies the height of two tiers, and is adorned with caryatides in front) is directly in the centre of tlie house, facing the stage, consequently in the very best situation of all ; whereas the situation assigned to royal visitors in our theatres is almost the very worst, as far as seeing the stage and the performance is concerned. In regard to the form of the " house," a decided im irovement has taken place of late years; and the circular plan, or one approaching to it (either extended by the curtain being a tangent to the circle or somewhat beyond if, or reduced by the curtain intersecting and forming a chord to the segment), may now be considered the one established as being the most pleasing and commodious — that which is best adapted for affording a distinct view of the stage to the majority of the audience. But there is considerable difference of opinion .is to its being the best form in regard to hearing. In fact, the science of acoustics is not yet brought to exactness as regards practical pur- poses in building : it is easy enough to ascertain beforehand how much of the stage will be visible from different parts of tlie theatre, but not so what will be the result as to soimd, since that will depend upon a variety of cir- cumstances, some of them connteraeting each other, and not every one of them to be guarded against or foresee. The shape of the house is but one of them out of many: much will also depend upon size, much upon the depth of the boxes and galkries, and also upon accidental and such trivial matters, that any defect of advantage so occasioned is not likely to be traced to them. Here the chief guide is experience ; and experience seems at pre- sent to be in favour of, at least not at all against, tire circular form ; for the new theatres at Mayence, Dresden, and other places where it has been adopted, are said to be perfectly satisfactory in regard to the actors being distinctly heard in every part. The article concludes with a table of modern thealres, dntvvii up on the same |>laii as some of the other very useful tabular synopses at- tached to previous architectural articles in this Cyclopajdia, and from which we have occasionally borrowed. In the pi-esent instance we must content oursel"-es with a small portion, namely that section of (he table which relates to Germany and Belgium. Germany .\nd Belghjm. .\rchitecf. Date. From Curtain to Back of Pit. = • Stage. CO Berlin, Opera-house „ Great Theatre Dresden Hamburg Mannheim . . Mayence Miiiiich WoUenbiittel, in the palace Ghent . . . . Voa Knohelsdorf 1 740-3 Schinkel Semper Scbinlcel Ant. G. Bibbiena Moller K. von Fischer Ottmer Roelandt 1816 1837- 1841 1826-7 Fin 1833 Open 1818 1836-7 1837-9 26 43 40 30 54 39 64 42 1 62 1 69 to 50 ! back of boxes 46 74 78 62 44 29 including boxes 1 59 1 1 42 58 j 44 I i 56 I 60 I i 64 1 I 1 27 50 deep 52 wide 66 deep 86 wide 60 deep 80 wide 71 deep 56 deep 80 wide 91 deep 94 wide 36 deep 56 wide 60 deep 78 wide An insulated building, 214 x 78 feet. Principal front, Corintnian portico, hexastyle raonoprostyle, on low basement. .\ magnificent structure, with Grecian Ionic hexastyle portico on a lofty flight of steps. Plan of auditory nearly circular, i.e. a circle of C6 feet diameter, to which the curtain is a tangent. Four tiers of boxes, aiul amphitheatre formed by a colonnade of 22 pillars. Insulated, about 250 x 140 feet, with semicircidar projectioi, 140 feet diameter on one of longer tides or facade. Burnt Jan. 14, 1823; restored 1824-25. Octastyle Corinthian portico, inohuling boxes, the auditory, a circle 72 feet diameter, between which aud curtain is a space of 9 feet. Five tiers of boxes. Private theatre, fitted up in Gothic style, but detail in poor taste. Fayadc 300 feet. Oval saloon 91 x 59, making, with smaller saloon and concert room, an cxtnr.t of 270 feet. 3 4 2 392 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [November, Electrotype Manipulalion, Parts I and II. By Charles V. Walker. Tenth edition. This little manual, published by Messrs. Knight and Sons, contains a most complete account of the whole process of electrotype manipu- lation, so that by its instructions any novice may become a proficient in this interesting art. The first part is devoted more particularly to the reproduction of medals, it enters largely into the consideration of those difficuUies which may be expected to present themselves to the unexperienced, and states clearly the modes by which they may be avoided. The second part of the work relates to the more general applications of electrotype in the arts, particularly those of iilating, gilding and etching. The directions are given minntely and clearly, and with a view to conduct the experiments by the most economical means. We have seldom, indeed, met with a work professing to give instructions in the manipulation of any art or process of manu- facture so pratically useful as tliis small volume. Gas Meters — tlteir Unfairnest London : G. Mann, 1S42. Demonstrated. By Henry Fi.owek. This pamphlet explains the construction of the gas meter, and in what manner it may be affected so as to show a false register of the quantity of gas consumed, to the great loss of the consumer. "An undue quantity of water in a meter will make a difference of about 20 per cent, in the amount registered over the quantity actually consumed, but let the water in a meter be ever so nicely apportioned, still the consumer will sustain a loss of something like 10 per cent. "Blame, therefore, attaches both to the consumer and to the Com- panies, but more especially to the latter. It is not to be supposed that the consumer can enter into the niceties of a complex machine like a meter. The Gas Companies take good heed that the meters shall not and cannot give more than a nominal thousand feet for tlie thousand feet registered, which my experience shows to be not nine hundred feet for "the thousand," but they leave theirtenants to run the risk of defrauding themselves out of from 1 to 20 per cent, of gas as well. If, as the companies construct their meters, that too little water in them will occasion an impossibility of obtaining a supply of »as, wdiy should they not be so gauged as to declare to the consumer, that if he has above a certain quantity of water in his meter, that he is registering water as well as gas ?" At the conclusion, Mr. Flower explains Mr. Lowe's ingenious plan for napthalising coal gas, which appears to be an invention of great importance. A Series of Diagrams Itlustraliee of Mechanical and Practical Philosophy and their Practical Application. London, Chapman and Hall, Part III. (Published under the superintendence of the Useful Knowledge Society.) The present number, which illustrates the wheel's axle, has shown several practical applications of that power. For instance, we have toothed gear, the crane, friction bands, and a circular saw. Thus, a more mechanical turn has been given to the work, and we can anticipate that it will in its progress form a portfolio of working drawings of all the principal machinery and mechanical applications, suitable for the mechanics' institutions and the work- shops, and for instruction in all our colleges and academies ; for such views its value is much increased. Professor Jfoshi/ig, of King's College, is preparing for publication " Pro- fesbional Notes on some of the Flem sh and Rhenish Cliurchrs, made during a recent tour in Flanders and Germany, wilh notices of llie ficlgian and Prussian Railways, and of the railway works now in progress between Liege and Aix-lH-Chapelle'' — and he has in ihe press, a work "On llic Princi[)les and Practice of Archilcclurc, with Remarks on the modern practice of Com- petition." THE VARIATION OF THE COMPASS. Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. G. B. Airy, Astronomer Royal. Mean Magnetic Declination. Dip at 9 A.M. Dip at 3 P.M. 1842. July .. .. Of// 23 17 14 68 34 68 39 THE TEMPLE CHURCH. TuE restoration and repair of the Temple church, at once the most beau- tiful and perfect memorial of the Order of Kniglits Templars now in existence, cannot fail to be a subject of congratulation to the country at large. It is pleasant to reflect that beneath the surface of this bustling and money-loving world there is a strong mulercurrent of enlightened feeling respecting the care of our national edifices. The ancient abbey of St. Alban's, Crosby Pa- lace, and Our Ladye's Chapel, Southwark, are among the more recent struc- tures preserved from decay by the honourable and ready contributions of subscribers from all ranks of society. The expense and magnificence of the repairs in the Temple Church promise to surpass any similar attempt in this country, the whole of the enormous outlay required being jointly borne by the two societies of the Inner and Middle Temple. Those persons to whom the Temple Church wastHimiliar in its late dress of plaster and whitewash will scarcely recognize the ancient structure in the gorgeously decorated appearance it now presents. The repairs were com- menced in 1840. The dilapidated state of the building, in great measure owing to the reckless manner in which the walls and pillais had been over- laid with heavy monuments, rendered these works necessary, and, in accord- ance with the improved taste now prevalent in the public mind, tlic benchers were led to extend the mere repair into a restoration of the building as nearly as possible to its original state. The architect. who commenced these works was Mr. Savage, but owing to some differences between that gentleman and the building committee of benchers, the charge was transferred to Mr. S. Smirke on the part of the Inner Temple, and Mr. K. Burton, on that of the Middle Temple. It is, however, due to Mr. Savage to state, that the plans prepared by himself have been in a great measure carried out by Ids suc- cessors. The Entrance Porch is for the most part new, the e.xcessively orna- mented old doorway having been partly renewed, and the remainder reworked .and restored. The Circular Nave. — The six clusters of old Purbeck marble columns, which formerly supported the whole superstructure, have been removed and new columns of the same material substituted. The ceiling of the centre part (a trnncafed dome of comparatively modern erection) has been taken down, and a new oak vaulted and grained ceiling substituted, painted by Mr. ^A'ilIement, strictly in accordance with the style of the period. The whole of the walls, arches, and aisle vaults have been reworked, and new polished marble shafts substituted for the old columns. The sculptural figures of the Knights Templars have been restored in the most perfect manner, and will again occupy their former positions. The TriI'Orium of the Nave has been converted into a depository for nearly all the monuments which formerly disfigured the walls of the church. This gallery, common in all cathedral edifices, now" forms a handsome pro- menade of 12 feet wide and 15 feet high round the circle, the mural tablets of most of the eminent lawyers of the last two centuries being carefully arranged on either side. They are much better seen than formerly, and form an interesting collection of monumental sculpture. The SaoARE Chancel. — This part of tlie church, hitherto filled with pews, which concealed the bases of the marble columns (themselves hidden by a tliick coating of plaster and paint, through the over-anxious desire to efface all emblems of the Popish faith on the part of the Protestant lawyers shortly after the reformation), and encumbered to a height of eight feet from the ground with oak wainscoting, shutting out the view of the elegant marble piscina on the south side of the budding, has been entirely cleared of these unsightly additions. The huge pulpit and organ screen are also removed, and a new and elegant gallery for the reception of that instrnment has been erected on the north side, occupying one hay, with a vestry beneath. The walls of the latter small apartment are studded with monuments, among which the most conspicuous are those of Lord Eldon, Lord Stowell, and Oliver Goldsmith. The north and side aisles are eacli divided into five com- partments ; the eastern division will be occupied by the benchers ladies, and tliat adjoining by the benchers themselves, every seat having distinct and elaborately carved elbows. The two next are occupied by the barristers, and the remaining division by the barristers' ladies. The members of the Inner Temple will occupy the south, and those of the Middle Temple the northern side of the church. The whole of the centre is fitted up with sittings for the students, in the cathedral style of arrangement. The most prominent object on entering the chancel from the western porch is the triple-lancet window over the altar. This beautiful specimen of stained glass, executed by Mr. Willemcnt, F.S.A., is intended to represent the prin- cipal events in the life of our Saviour. The prevailing colours used for the decoration of the walls and roof of the chancel are blue and red. The ceiling is divided into compartments, alternately ornamented with the armorial bearings of the two Inns. Figures of several of the early kings of England arc emblazoned on the western wall, and the shield of the holy cross worn by the Knights Templars is fre- quently introduced. The altar is entirely new, from the design of Mr. Smirke. The creed and commandments are painted black, on a gold ground, with illuminated initials, producing a remarkable richness of effect. The whole of the designs for the stall-ends and elbows, consisting of grotesque heais and foliage of the most elaborate description, have been furnished hy Mr. Cottingham, of the Waterloo-road. The floor is paved with glazed encaustic tiles, copied exactly from ancient examples. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 3!)3 The bell, v\hicli was formerly in the roof of the circular nave (although that vas not its original place), has been removed, and hung in a new stone helfrv turret erected over the Newell staircase on the north side. THE NEW ROYAL STABLES AND RIDING-HOUSE AT WINDSOR. These extensive buildings have just been completed (the sum expended having been brought within the amount of the Parliamentary grant of f 70,000), according to the original designs of the late Sir Jeffrey M'yatville, under the immediate superintendence of Mr. Ashton, his successor. Messrs. Grissell & Peto were the builders employed. The buildj(^s (the architectural style of which is in perfect keeping with tliat of the Castle) are on the south side of, and about ITjO yards from, tlie Royal residence. The whole frontage, towards the Home Parle, extends to upwards of 300 feet. The stabling and coach-house department occupies three large quadrangles, quite distinct from each other being divided by high stone walls. ♦ Accommodation is alTorded, in the aggregate, for 102 horses (exclusive of 13 loose boxes) and 36 carriages. In the angles of each quadrangle are extensive forage lofts, constructed with every regard to convenience. Each quadrangle contains extensive sad- dle and harness-rooms, cleaning-rooms, and other appropriate and necessary offices, with water laid on throughout, large coppers for heating water, ex- tensive dung-pits, and other appurtenances. The harness-rooms, which are heated by stoves, are about 20 feet square. The cleaning-rooms are of rather larger dimensions. The coachhouses, which are very lofty, are heated by means of hot air. Some idea may be formed of their dimensions, when it is stated that the extent of room appropriated for each carriage is 8 feet in the width, and 20 feet in lengtli. An apparatus for heating water for the use of the men, and for warming the coach-houses, iXC is attached to each quad- rangle and situated in the basement, with pipes communieatiiig to every part of the building where it will be required. The width of each stable, from the back of the manger to the opposite wall, is 22 feet — thus allowing plenty of space for the men behind the heels of the horses. Each of the stables, which are ventilated by means of an admirable contrivance, through an aperture leading to the roof (and which can be opened or closed at pleasure), will be lighted at night by gas. The whole of the flooring is composed of Dutch clinkers. In the centre of each stall are iron gratings, communicating with cross drains which run into the heel drains, under the flooring of Dutch clinkers, and through these, by merely turning a tap at the upper end of the stable, a strong course of water is forced, cleaning every accumulation away from the under drains into the common sewer to the river. The poney stalls, the partitions of which are exceedingly massive, and con- structed of highly polished oak, are 13 feet long and 6 feet wide. The stalls (the same material being used for the partitions throughout the stabling de- partment) for the carriage and riding-horses are a little larger. The fronts of the mangers, and also the walls at their backs, extending 4 feet in height, to the top of the hay-racks, are of slate. The front upper edges of the mangers consist of a revolving cast iron roller, about 3 inches in diameter, extending their whole length ; thus offering an insuperable bar to the practice of crib-biting. The new riding-school, as has been before observed, divides the upper or northern quadrangle from the centre one. This spacious building is 170 feet in length, 52 feet in width, and nearly 40 feet in height. At niglit three splendid gas chandeliers along the centre of the building diffuse a clear and steady light throughout the interior. Over the riding-school are most convenient dormitories for the use of the single men connected with the stables ; these consist of 30 apartments. ST. GEORGE'S CHAPEL ROYAL. This beautiful chapel was re-opened for divine service on Sunday morning, 23d ult., after having been closed for some days to enable the workmen to complete the large west window, and another of stained glass in the choir. The following description of the former window will enable the reader to appreciate more justly the alterations : — In the year 1774, the Kev. Dr. Lockman, canon of Windsor, collected, from various part! of the chapel, a great namber of detached figures in stained glass. These were placed in the compartments of the great west window, on a ground of plain white glass. The number of figures not being sufficient, however, to fdl the whole of the openings, the glazier ingeniously composed some trelllce patterns, which were formed in colours of the most discordant kind, to fill the remainder. The ramifications of the arched head were occu- pied by plain surfaces, chiefly of glaring orange and purple-stained glass ; yet, with all these violations of good taste, perpetrated at the expense of the then chapter of 6001., there was a certain degree of effect produced, par- ticularly at sunset, which g.ive great brilliancy to the architecture. In the new arrangement by Mr. Willcment, the whole of the ancient figures have been repaired, and instead of the crude ground of white glass, on which they were placed, each compartment has a dispered ground of a warm yet quiet tint, with an architectural frame to each, formed by a base. columns, and eniiched canopy, corresponding in design with the style of the chapel. Ten ancient figures, and as many entirely new, have superseded the formal and patterns of the glazier. The lowest range of openings being con- siderably higher than the others, that space is now occupied most appro- jiriately by a long label inscribed with the prayer, " God save our gracious Sovereign, and all the Companions of the Most Hon. and Noble Order of the Garter " Within the arched head of the window the four principal compartments are filled by the initials, crown, and badges of King Edward III., the founder of Order of the Garter; of King Edv,-ard IV., who began the erection of the present chapel; of King Henry VIII.. who complefcl it; and of Queen Elizabeth, in whose reign so many additions were made to the Castle. The smaller openings are strewn with the Tudor devices on rich grounds of ruby and garter blue ; in the centre, above a sfiulptured panel of the Pvoyal arms, are placed in stained glass the arms of the patron saint, with the initials of Sanctus Georgius ; and above these, in the extreme apex, the sacred mono- gram I. II. S. By tlicse judicious .alterations, the whole surface of the window has become replete wi^the richest tints, suflieiently varied to obviate any monotony, and producin|Brith the greatest fullness of tore, an entire absence of that unseemly gla^\vhieh too often pervades almost all modern attempts in this class of art. The arrangement conduces essentially to develop the great beauty of the stonework — a point most sadly neglected in most cases. D!>!-selsliir<\.—The roof of St. Mary's Church, Wareham, having been fjund about two years ago (o be in a very decayed condition, and the accommo- dalion being inconvenient, and the pews cold and damp, the rector and cluirchwarJens had it survtyed by Mr. Donaldson, who ultimately furnished drauinss for rebuilding the liody of the church, providing accommodation for 1000 persons, 600 being devoted to the poor. 'I he to'.ver and chancel, w hich are fine specimens of simple ecclesiastical Gothic, still remain, and the church has been executed in the same style to accord willi them. The new body consists of a nave separated from the lateral aisles Ijv three octagonal piers on each side, surmounted by lofty arches, above which lises the cleres- tory with its ceilings to the height of 40 feet above the pavement of the nave. The church was re-opened for public worship on Michaelmas-day, the Bishop of Salisbury and a numerous body of the c'etgy assisting on the occasion. Some very curious fragments of a very old date, possibly as remote as the Saxon times, were dug up or discovered worked up in the old walls, and have been carefully preserved as memorials of the antiquity of the sacred edifice, width must have been built and rebuilt three or four times. Archileclure on the Continent. — In speaking of Cologne Cathedral, the j-llhenieum observes that something of the same spirit of reparation and restoration and completion of ancient monuments, which has set these vast works in progress, is diffusing itself very generally over the Continent. Our readers have learnt how actively this taste for the renewal and perfection of historical monuments has been engaged in France ; and Belgium lias not been behindhand in the work of restoration. The two towers of Sainte-Gu- dule, at Brussels, have been carefully repaired, and all tlie delicate tracery which time had injured has been renewed, stone by stone. The chureli of Notre Dame de Finisterre is surrounded by seafloldings, which announce extensive repairs. So with the light and graceful spire of the Cathedral at Antwerp, " whose 622 steps" it is said, "may now be ascended, and the upper gallery reached, without ihe adventurer fearing to be carried away by the wind, in ci mpany with some decaj ed and tottering pinnacle." In the same structure, M. Geerst is still labouring at the Gothic stalls, which are said to be master-pieees of their kind. At Ghent, the Cathedral of Saint-Bavon is in course (f complete restoration. At Bruges, the churches of Saint Salvador, of Notr.'-Dome, and the chapel of Saint Basil, have been repaired ; anil the venerable Cathedral of Tournai, the most ancient religi ,us m nument in Bel- gium, has, for upwards of a year, been the subject of important works in- tended at once to strengthen it and restore its ancient character. The Ilotel- de-Ville, of Louvain, unequalled for the delicacy of its fretwork and tracery — a gem without rival in llie florid-Gothic style, has also been carefully re- stored— and the Kotel-de-Vil!e of Brus.sels is now in course of restoration. St. Martin's Church. — The steeple of this church, which was struck by lightning about three months ago, and suftered such extensive damage as to render it necessary to be taken down, has just been rebuilt, and was on Tues- day, the lOtli ult.. finally completed. The conlract wa? undertaken liy Mr. Hemming, of Regent Street, for the sum of £101)0 . w hich included the taking down of the Old steeple and the building of Ihe new i ne, and wliich sum will be paid by the Phcenix and .Sun insurance- ofliees, by whom the church was insured about four years ago. The ball and vane on the summit have been regilt, and present a very showy appearance. BoLOOXA. — Academy of Fine Arts. — The programme has been published by the Academy of Fine Arts for the competition for 1843. We merely give the subject proposed for Architecture. Designs for a Cu.stom-hou.«e on a great scale, for a large city. Besides the elevaiions of the building, lliere must be given, on a larger scale, separate drawings of the princii al parts, and a clear account of the artist's viiws as to the disposition of the whole. Rentals of Metropolitan Commissioners of Setcers, North of the Thames. — West- minstcr, &'c., commission, 4:2,788,1!I0 ; 'llolLorn and lln.,l)iirv, £1.316,013; Tower Hamlets. £888,596; Citv of London. 792.S04; Poplar, £78.411 ; St. Katharine's, £12,964. Total, £5,877.078. The city of London having sent in no return, the above amount is taken frtm their return to the llou.se of Commons in August 1834. BrieKs lighter than U'oter.—Some bricks m-.dc of a clay of a porlicii of the soil of Berlin, which, on acctunt of the quantity of fossil intiisoria contained in it, will float in water. 394 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [November, ELFXTRO-MAGNETIC RAILWAY LOCOMOTIVE. A trial of lliis very ingenious machine, constructed by Mr. Daviilson, was made last montli on 'the Blinliur-li and Gla.'gow Railway, in [iresence of a miniher of genllemen. mariy of whom were eminent for ihoir scientific knov- lerige. The cunslriiction of ihe carriage is the first atlemrt which has been made in Ih's country to apply the powers of electro-magnetism to railway Iraflic, and from Ihe success which attended this trial, sanguine hopes may be entertained that lh« period is not distant when it will eitlur supersede, in many cases, the employment of steam, or lend a powerful aid to tliis mighty instrument in all the operations in which it is at pre.-ent employe. I. Tlie carriage was impelled along the railway about a mile and a half, and travelled at Ihe rate of U|)Hards of four niiUsan hour, a rate whicb might be increased by tiving greater power to the batteries, and enlarging the diameter of the wheels. We understand that the carriage was built :.t the e.\pense of the Railway Company, ami we cannot but congratulate them in having the dis- cernment to emjiloy Mr. Davidson, a gentleman of mucli priactica! knowledge and talent, to whose genius great discoveries have been made in electro- magnetism, by whom the carriage was projected, and to whose unwearied exprlions the practicability of the sclieme isalmost placed beyond a doubt. The dimensions of the carriage are IG fee^Kg by 7 feel wide, and is pro- pelled by 8 powerful electro-magnets. Tl^tarriage is supported by lour wheels of 3 feet diameter. On each of ihe two axles tbere is a wooden cylin- der, on which are fastened three bars of iron at equal distances from each other, and extending from cnil to end (jf the cylinder. On e.ach side of the cylinder, and resting on the carriage, (there arc two powerful electro-magnets When Ihe first bar on the cylinder has passed tli(|.faces of two of these mag- nets, the current of galvanism is then let on to the other two magnets. They immediately pull the second bar until it comes opposite Ihem. The current is then cut otf'from tliese two magnets, and is let on to the other two. Again they pull the third bar until it comes opposite, and so on — the current of galvanism being always cut ofl from the one pair of magnets when it is let on to the other. The manner in whicli the current is cut off and let on is simply Ihus ■ — At each end of the axles there is a small wooden cylinder, one-half of which is covered by a hoop of copper ; the oth^r is divided alternately with copper and wood (three parts of wood and three of copper). One end of the coil of wire which surrounds the four electro-magnets, presses on one of these i-ylinders, on the part w hich is divided with copper and wood ; the other end of the coil presies on the other cylinder in the same manner. One end of the wires or conductors which comes from the battery, presses constantly on the undivided part of Ihe copper on each cylinder. When one of Ihe inn bars on the wooden cylinder has passed Ihe faces of two magnets, the current of gal- vanism is let on to the other two magnets, by one end of the coil « hich sur- rounds the m.ngnets, passing from the wood to the copper, and ihereby form- ing a connexion with the battery. This wire continues to press on the cop- per until the iron bar has come opposite the faces of the two magnets, which were thus charged with magnetism. On its coming into that position, the current is cut off from these two magnets, by the wire or rod of copper pass- ing from Ihe copper to the wood, and ihereby breaking Ihe connexion willi the baltery. But when the wire or rod of copper leaves the copper on the one cylinder, it leaves the wood, and passes to the copper on the other cylin- der at the other end of the axle, and in so doing connecis the other two magnets with the baltery, ami they pull the next iron bar in the same man- ner. At tlic oilier end of the carriage there are otiier four magnets and Kooden cylinder, with iron bars arranged in ihe same manner. The battery which is used tor propelling the machine is composed of iron and zinc plates immersed in dilute sulj Iiuric acid, tlie iron plates being fluted so as to expose greater surface in the same space. The weight propelled was about six Ions. — EdiubiiraJi Ecmiina Jcunml. .IMPROVEMKNT IN SlilP BUILDING FOR .STEAM NAVIGATION. A most ingenious model has fallen under our observation, of which Captain Drew (the destroyer of the piratical Caroline) is ihe inventor, /or strength- ening ships of war, so as to make il all but impossible they shall become hogged. To steam-vessels of the larger class Ihe adoption of this simple and comparatively inexpensive machinery will prove of most vital impor- tance. The immense weight of the engines requ'site for a steam-ship render her more than ordinarily liable to break amirlsliips. C'a(itain Drew's plan was, we are told, suggested by the ingenious and admirably effective opera- tion lately performed on the Penelope. The grand feature of his project is to relieve a steam-vessel from the vast weight of machinery amidships, and to throw it upon two distant parts of the ship, n,uch more capable of sustaining it ; and if there be any one vessel to which such an adjunct will be more especially necessary than another, it is Ihe Penelope, whose maeliinery will be placed exactly in the space occupied by the 60 ft. of timber which remains to be added to its length. Captain Drew's plan consists of two longitudinal pieces of limber firmly trussed to- gether, constiucteil on something like the principle of llie arch of a bridge, which will be capable of bearing an immense weight. These bearers are to be covered by a platform for the machinery of four-inch plank ; so that tlie strongest part of the vessel will, in future, be that which has hitherto proved the weakest. It is well known that Ihe unlbrtunate President was broken- backed before she loft the British Ch inr.el on her last trip, irom the immense weight of her machinery amidships — ;lie undoubted cause of her melancholy catastroj he. The owners of the British Queen are, we are told, about to cut her intotwo, for ihe purposeofavoiiling a similar catastrophe. And it is well known that ihe loni; steam-vessels running in Canada seldom last more than 5 or (i years, from the same cause. If, Iherefnre, Captain Drew's plan should realiiie the expectations we have formeil of it, it cannot fail of proving of most vital iinijurtance lo Ihe navy at large, and to steam ships in particular. VVc h.ad almost forgotten to notice another important advantase that will be gained by Captain Drew's plan. The circumstance of the machinery being placed upon a iilalform that will be, to a certain extent, ekislic, will obviate in a great degree that constant jar which is so trying to the timbers of a steam-ship, and so inconvenient to iis occupants. We have tiie greatest pleasure in speaking of this invention .as we think it deserves, inasmuch as we have understood that Captain Drciv has no inter- ested motives in [dacing it before the public, lie seeks no patent, and de- sires no reward beyond the credit of being instrumental in preserving not only valuable properly, but human life, from destruction.— - t.'/ij(erf Sen-ice Gaze/te. STEAM NAVIGATION. The Itiunch of the *' Prince Albert " Iron Steitm Ship took place on Friilay, the 30th ."'ept., at Mr. Coutts's yard, at Newcastle. The following are her proportions; — Length between per]iendiculars l."« ft., length over all 180 ft., main breadth 19 ft. 6 in., depth of hold 9 ft.^G in., draught of water when light with machinery 3 ft. 6 in., and when loaded with passengers 4 ft. 6 in. The ribs or frames of this vessel are formed of angle iron, 4 in. broad on the web, placed 2 ft. apart, and Ihe tliickness of her plates are three-eights, five-sixteenths, and one-fourth in. respectively. She lias four longitudinal kelsons 14 in. deep, \ in. tliick, with 8 cross kelsons of the same size of plate ; the whole of these kelsons have strong angle iron fixe 1 on their upper edge and riveted lo the ribs and plates of the vessel, thus forming tlie bottom into a level platform of great strength, on which the engines anj boilers are placed. There are other parts of the Prince Albert novel in their construction, such as the iron deck beams and gunwdiale stringer, the former is formed of plate J in. thick and 8 or 9 in. deep, with a piece of angle iron on each side to which the deck deals are attached by screw bolts; these beams form a diagonal knee at the sides of the vessel, and are attached to every alternate rib, forming one of Ihe strongest and lightest beams yet con- structed. 'Ihe iron gunwale stringer is formed of plate J in. thick, and from 9 to 11 in. broad, wilh a flange turned downwards, and covering the plates of the vessel to which it is riveted, and another flange on its inner edge, tur.ieJ upwards and let into the waterway or covering board ; this stringer is fixej down to the ribs and beams of the boat, and will form one continuous hori- zontal knee from stem lo stern. The covering board is of pitch pine, 3 in. thick and 14 in. broad, bolted down to the gunwale stringer, and forming wilh it a very strong protection from accidents or damage by collision with vessels or otherwise. The deck deals are only 4 in. wide, and are tongued w ith iron hoop let in, with white lead in the grooves so as to preclude th« necessity of caulking or pitching the joints. There are two iron (vater-tight bulk-heads, forming the vessel into three distinct compartments. The lines or model of the boat are considered by judges to be laid down on the most scientific principles ; and altogether she forms one of the finest specimens of scientific skill and mechanical arrangement of marine architecture that we have witnessed. And should her machinery prove equally complete and effi- cient, which, from the m.anner Mr. Coutts speaks of it, we believe will be the case, tlie Prince Albert will be one of the fastest boats yet started on the Thames. The Prince Albert will be towed to London to receive the engines which are made liy the owners, Messrs. Brailhwaile, Milner & Co. The boilers are of Spider's patent tubular, somewhat like locomotive boilers, with this dillerence, that the water circulates through the tubes instead of the fire. They were made and put on board Ihe boat here by Mr. Coutts, and are said to be capable of generating sufficient steam for 130 lo 140 h. p. in a space of about 7 ft. in the length of ilie vessel.— .Vt'!«cas(/c Paper. Naval Experiments on Ihe Defences of Steam Boilers. — A highly interesting experiment was tried at Portsmouth last month, on board the Excellent gun- nery-ship. Captain Sir Thom.as Hastings, to test the efficacy of the defences of the boilers in steam-ships of war. One of the greatest difficulties lo sur- mount in order to render the steam navy of greater efficiency in action, is to afford adequate protection to the boilers ag.iinst the shot of the tnemy, as a ball perforating Ihem would at once pla;e the vessel hors de combat. With Ihe view of aHording this protection to the boilers, several war steamers have been fitted up with extra defences at the parts where the boilers are fixed. 'These defences consist of 15 plates or layers of metal, e.ich ^ inch thick. The object of the experiment on board the Excellent was to ascertain « bat resistance these defences of boilers would offer to a cannonade at point blank distance, which is 400 yards. An iron target was prepared, made ex- actly of the material wdiich constitutes the protection of ihe hoilers of a steamer, and placed at the distance of 400 yards from the slii|i, from which guns at difleient calibre were fired at it. Admirals Sir E Codrington and Parker, and a great number of naval ollicers, including those from the Aus- trian irigate, were present to witness the experiment. The first shot that was fired was an eight-inch hollow shot, and was projected from a ti8-pouniler, medium gun. It s'ruck the bull's-eye, or centre of the target, and, slightly indenting it to the depth of about ,') in., rebounded therefrom, and was split into several pieces by the concussion. The second shot was a solid 32- pounder, and was fired from a gun of 9 ft. 6 in. ; it struck the edge of the target, glanced oil', and was split into two pieces. The third shot hit the centre of the target, where it lodged, having peneir ited several plates. The fourth shot struck Ihe third, and sent it clean through all parts of the iron, splitting it into numberless pieces, which were found on the off-side of the V, ooilen stage on which the target was fixed. The fifth and .sixth shots went through the perforation made by the third and fourth. About 10 oilier shots were fired, all striking the target in various parts, and completely destroying it. The residt of this experiment has shown how totally inadequate are the present defences of the boilers of war ster.mers to protect them from the as- savilts of the enemy where a precision of fire had been atlained. — Times. Sale of the Great Western Steam Sliip.—On Monday afternoon, the Utli October, at two o'clock, the steam ship Great Western was oflcred for saU 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 3^ by public auction in Bristol. The bidding was verv spiritc^I, but sbe «as ultimately bought in at £40,000. Ro}iai Navy. — The launch of the " Crimhcrlnnd " 70-;T"« altip took place last month on the .anniversary of the glorious victory of Trafalgar, at Chatham dockyard. Her dimensions are as folloivs : — Length on pun-deck, 180 ft.; for tonnage, 143 ft. 51 in. ; extreme breadth, 51 ft .3 in. ; for tonna^u;e, 53 ft. G in. ; moulded, 52 ft. 9 in. ; depth in hold, 22 ft. 4 in. Hir tonnage is as follows— burden by the old rule, 2,244 tons 40 II). ; ne-.v rule, 2,055 tons 88 lb. Her armament — louer-deek, 4 guns, 8 in. in diameter, 65 c«t., length 9 ft.; ditto, 22 guns, 32-pounders, .'6 c»-t.. lenuth, 9 ft. (i in. ; mid He-deck, 2 guns, 8 in. in diameter, 65 ewt., length, 9 ft. ; ditto, 26 guns, 32-l)uunders 50 cwt., length, 9 ft. : quarter-deck, 10 guns, 32-pounders. 39 cnt., length, 7 ft. 6 in.i and poop. Tlie light drauglit of water of the Cumberland is, afore, 13 ft. 4 in., and abai't. 17 ft. 9 in. tihe broke (as it is technically termed) in launch- ing 1| in. She is not a particularly elegant craft, but is well calculated for the shallow water of the north seas. MISCEI.^AKEA. lirmeihj for Broken Axles. — M. Huan submitted to the Academy of Sciences his invention for preventing accidents on rail May.s by tli- breaking of the axle, which consists of a modification of the Hlieel c f tbe locomotive, that if the axle should break, the wheel itself becomes an axle! and prevents further accident. * E!ectriclt!) of mirheinds. — M. Arago, in allusion to the opinion expressed by several persons in this subject mentionei! to the Acadeinie des Sc'ences, some observations, made by M. Horlol.a on a storm, on the 2ith ult., in the department of the Aude. This gentleman relates ih.at on the occasion re- ferred to, the iron bars of windows, the gutters of sheet iron, the plates of insurance companies, and other metallic objects were carried away by flie wiiirhvind, thus indicating the presence of electricity. OsciUatonj Movement of the Sea. — The Academy of Sciences of Naples hav- ing charged M. A. Nobi'i [0 inquire into tlie circumstances connected with the oscillatory movement of the sea in the Gulph of Naples, it appears that he has stuilieil the variations of the mean level according to the direction of the wind, and has found that the greatest elevation of the mean level takes place in the west-south-^\'est winds, ami the smallest in those of the north- nortli-east. This is also the case on the western coast of Sicily. M. Cha- zallon has also taken some observations on the tide at Toulon, from which it results, that the full tide of the evening is much higher than that of the morning. Improved Fowling-piece. — M. Matthieu, a Frenchman, has invented a gun which, immediately after it is discharged, recocks itself, and a new charge is conveyed in the direction of the barrel. This is repeated five or six limes. and with such rapidity, that the gun can be discharged five times in three seconds. If the sportsman does not wish to fire with this rapidity, he can stop the action, and wait any time he pleases between each discharge. The combinations of tlie mechanism are such as to prevent accidental explosion. This invention is not new. Baron Heurteloup, more than two years ago, pro- duced a fowling-piece and a musket on this principle, and, according to report, he has made such improvements that double the number of charges of M. Matthieu's gun may be fired in almost the same sptiee of time. The Gahnno- plastic Process. — A proposition has been made by M. Corney to employ this process after embalmment, for the preservation of the human body after death. The idea, however extravagant it may appear, is said not to be original, and that beautiful specimens are to be seen of small animals, birds, insects, &c. which have been thus preserved by. M. Soyez, of the Place Vcndome. the Green Park. — The site of the house and grounils of the late ranger has been levelled, new foot-paths laid out, and the whole thrown into the park, and it is now open to the public. The projected widening of Piccadilly from Devonshire House to Hyde Park Corner, is deferred for the present, as an act of parliament is said to be required. 5/. Piinl's Cathedral, w hich has been closed for some months, has been thoroughly cleansed, and is now re-opened. The old oak panellings and carvings ol the choir have been varnished, the seats and pulpiL covered with new clulh. the monuments purified, and the interior generally cleared of the accumulated soot and dust of years, so that the whole has a comparatively cheerful apjiearance. Tlie Artesian Well at Grcnelle. — The new tube is now comiileted to the sur- face. M. Arago is of opinion that when the tube, beyond the opening of the well, shall have been carried to the proposed height of 33 metres, (108 feet), and the force oi' the rush of water have bten thus diminished, it will become quite dear. It appears that the new tube, iihich has been introduced into tlic well, does not reach to the bottom ; a portion of the former tube, which couhl not be extracted, has forced its way transver^'ely, and prevented llie end of the tiew tube Irom penetrating as fur as was intended. Mr. Jeffrnj's Cement.— Some further experiments have been made in the marshes at Woolwich. A block of wood submitted by Mr. JrfTrey was l;ored to the centre, exactly in the middle of the joining, and a 51 inch shell in- serted, for the purpose of tearing it to pieces. On a port-fire being ignited, the shell soon exploded, tearing the solid wood in ail directions, and into nu- merous fragments, but in no part separating the pieces where the joining witli the cement was made. Caoutchouc Cement. — M. Valle, a colour maker, observing the injury caused to the works of some of the greatest masters by the intluence of the atmos- phere upon the canvas, has invented a solution (said to be of caoutchouc) which, although applied to both sides of the canvass, leaves it sufTicienily elastic to prevent cracking, and secures it against the action of the afmoa- phere. To this he adds a peculiar kind of varnish for the painting, which is said to defy the ravages of time. Survejj of the Skies. — A survey of the skies was made on Monday, the II th inst. in all parts of Ihe kingdom, on a plan arranged at the last "meeting of the British Royal Society of Agriculture, for the purpose of ascertaining the form and positiun of the clouds in the mor;ting. at noon, and in the evening, together with a great variety of other facts respecting the force and direction of the wind, Ihe state of the thermometer and barometer, and otl'.er meteoro- logical appearances and phenomena. The object of this extensive survey was to collect .acts respecting the weather, for the guidance of practicil agricul- turists.—C/oie. National Museum of ylrtilleni, Madrid. — This museum lias been removed to the Palace of Buen Ketirn. It is now under the active direction of Don Leon Gil de Pal cios, a distinguished artist and antiquary. The wrought iron cannon made by the C'arlists in Bisctiy are described as' of great merit. .Some r.ncient cannon from Andalusia are to be added. Among tlie objects of curiosity are th ■ armour of Garcia Paredes, the lance of the Km|>ecinado, the sabre of T. rrigos, the knife of JIanzanares, the uniform of Morelas, the founder of American independence, an 1 the lance of Leon. It has been sug- gested that the Museum of the engineers and the Royal Armory be united 10 the Museum of Artillery. Electrical Experiment — In tlie course of experiments instituted by Messrs; AVright and Gain for ihe improvement of their electrical telegraph, iliey discovered that the elctric circuit of a galvanic battery is as ell'ectuilly comideted through a large body of water as through an insulited wire. They have applied this curious discovery so elTectually as to be now able to dis- pense with two of the wires heretofore thought necesr.ry for the acticn of their printing telegra])h ; and they are thus enabled to piint all communica- tions, either verbal or symbolical, at any distance, by ihe use of a single wire. "We understand they are now in treaty with 'the government to construct a telegraph < n this principle lu-t'^een the admirtilty and Portsmi uth. One in- sulated wire would be laid down between the two points, to connect the gal- vanic battery of the oulport "ith the printing apparatus of the Admiralty, and the return current woulil be sent through the earth, in lieu of u.sing a second wire to c mplote the circuit. Should the moisture in the ground not prove sufficient to conduct the electricity, the inventors propose to transmit the return current by water ; making it pass diwn the Tliames to the German Ocean, and thence along the Channel to Portsmouh ; this roundabout voy- age to be performed instantaneously. By thus simplifying, and consequently greatly reducing the cost of the elecirical printing telegraph, the inventors havegtne far towards rendering it generally available ; another step in ad- vance will dispense with all iq^Wic coiinexion whatever. — Spectator. Extraordinanj Excavator. — "Wankec Geologist.'' — The following is a des- cription of the'wonderful machine, called the " Yankee Geologist, which has recently obtained great celebrity in the United States, for performances, which, for their extraordinary nature, and the peculiar manner in which they are described, will give them almost an air of romance ; but, neverthe- less, having reason to believe the " Yankee Geologist" to be an extraordinary invention, and capable of astonishing deeds, if not of all that is here set forth, I consider a notice of it sufliciently interesting to be deserving a place in your columns t^" We paid a (lying visit on Saturday last to Otis' steam- excavator, in Brooklyn, where it'is at work digging down the hill formerly known as Fort Green, and filling up the shallow inlet and quagmire, entitled the Wallabout, or so mucli of it as lies above the old road to Flushing. The ' Yankee Geologist ' is surely a great curiosity. He walks right into a moun- tain as though it were a plate of hot cakes, and dips up a cartload at a shovelfull, as fast as you please. He cuts right and left a path some six rods wide through a hill, and then takes a new swath. He is locomotive, and .ad- vances by his own steam- power, whenever the earth has receded before liim, grades aiid stakes down for himself, and only requires one man to shovel and another to look after the fire and engine. thou:4h one or two others are ge- nenally requiretl to smooth the track before him, &c., besides tet.ding the carts, which approach to be filled on one rail track, and go off loadeJ by another. If he comes to a stone weighing only a ton .or such a matter, the ' Geologist' ' makes no bones ' of it. but pitches it into the cart like a peck of gravel ; if he comes to a stone weighing some 4 or 5 tons, he takes him up more carefully, and lays him out on the side of his path. AU lliis is ef- fected by an immense shovel wiih a sliding bottom, at the end of an immense and complicated arm, worked by much ingenious and novel machinery. The inventor is now dead ; the company have spent 30,000 dolLars upon the in- vention before the first machine «as made, and much more afterwards. The patent, which is now secured throughout Europe, is jirobably worth 1.000.000 dollars. An excavator complete costs about 6000 dollars, and will dig and load 1000 cubic yards of earth per day— equal to the labour of 150 men.— Mining Journal. The Manufacture of Watches bi/ Machinery.— A gentleman, wdio has devoted 20 years of his lile to the subject, has made a variety of machines by which an incredible num'ier of watciies, of every variety of size, may be made in a day. By one of the machines 300 perfect plates can be prorluced in a-day, by another the same quin'ity of barrels; by five machines the requisite number of centre, thirl, and fourth wheels (crossed, pulished, and cut) with balances for 300 movements. By another 200 pinons can be cut and rounded ; by another the holes are lirilleil. the tapping, the screw-holes, the various parts in the plate are sunk, planting Ihe depths .and escapement, itc. and all with such exactness as cannot be excelled, another for the making and polish- ing of pivots, S:c. Four other machines will lie sufficient for making pivots for 50 movements a-d.ay ; and to add to these, there are 20 other machines for every description of work connected with the wach-making. and which altogellur constitute a set. The inventor has submitted these machines to he scrutinizing inspection of the most experienced makers of chronometers nil watches in Ixmdnn, and not one has expressed a doubt of the work so reduced being incomparably superior to tliat done in the usual way. Among 396 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [November, other (listinguislifd names in the trade we have observed those of Mr. B.ir- wise, Mr. Karnshaw, Mr. Hewctt, Mr. Vieyre.s, Messrs. Frod.-ham and Co., with about a IiiMi'lred walchmakers mi the country. «)io. «illi tlie Duke of Hamilton aud Mr. llowell (of the firm of ilowell and .lames) at tlicir head, are engaged in carrying out the great and national oliject of restoring this lost and important inanufaeture to England by means that wlnlc they greatly lessen the price, will improve the quality, and entirely undersell our foreign rivals, and be very largely profitable to all parlies concerned. ,1n Astronomical Phenomena. — Mr. Glaisher, of the Cambridge Observatory, reports the following nmarkable appearance on the 4ih October : — " At mid- night the sky had become perfectly clear and the air frosty. At 21 minutes after twelve! was much startled by what seemed to be a vivid flash of light- ning, but on turning to discover its direction I saw a bright streak of light in Orion, about 20" in length at the moment of discovery ; its centre was as bright as Jupiter, and the light plainly emanated from it in quick flickering waves on each side simultaneously, and at each wave the length an(I bright- ness decreased. Tliis part of the (ilienomenon lasted 10 seconds ; I therefore had time to recover my surprise and perceive the w orking of it. When the waving ceased there appeared to be a bright star in the place where I liail seen the centre line of the streak, but whilst considering what star it could be, that I might note with accuracy the place of the phenomenon, 1 perceived that it gradually faded, and in the course of about two niinuies it entirely disappeared, having, unlike the generality of meteors, maintained the same position all this time. The line of direction of the streak made, with Orion's belt to the south-east, an angle of about 40°, the centre light being 3" north of the upper star of the bell, and in the same strai"ht Imc with the three stars in it. I liope this very s ngular meteor may nave been observed by others, that this account of it may be verified.'' — Noneirh Mercury. Astronomical Clod: at Sliashur^. — An astronomical clock of remarkable in- genuity has lately been constructed at Strasburg by a M. .Schwilguc. It is composed of three parts, respectively indicating the time of the day. the day of the month and year, and the movements of the constellations. The cen- tral moving power, which is another and very exact timepiece, shows on the face the hour and its subdivisions, strikes the hours and the quarters, and puts in motion several curious allegorical figures. The cock-crow, which had been mute since 1789, has been reproduced, and a procession of the apostles takes place daily at noon. The calendar shows the months, the days, and the dominical letter, as well as the Catholic calendar, showing every Saint's day in the year. The plate or face on which these figures and signs appear makes one revolution in 36-J days for the commun, and 3fi:> for the liissexlile year, always reproducing the irregularity which takes place three times in every four secular yeais. The moving fasts and feasts are shown by an ex- tremely ingenious process. On the 31st (ABecember, at midnight, Easter day and the other moving feasts for the yealRjpear on the calendar. The third division is the triumph of the artist's skill. A complete orrery after the Copernican system is produced. The movements of all the planets visible to the naked eye are represented. The earth is shown accompanied by her satellite, the moon, which accomplishes her revolution in one month. The dilierent phases of the m. on are represented on a dilfercnt and separate globe. Ano- ther globe represents the ap|iarenl movement of the heavens, making one revolution in the sideral day. This movement is subjected to that almost imperceptible jiower, known by the name of the procession of the equinoxes. The mechanism, besides many other things, shows the apparent movements of the sun and moon with worderlul precision, and for an indefinite period, 50 that the rising and setting of the sun. its passage to the meridian, the eclipses of the sun and moon. See., are all represented on the face of the ap- parent time in a most ingenious manner. Dreilgc's Suspension Bridge. — A new iron su;pen;ion biidgc on Mr. Dredge'^ principle has just been completed, at Wrayhury, in Buckinghamshire, abou 20 miles west of London. It is stated to be a very light and powerful siruc ture, and is net half so expensive as is the timber centreing for a commo stone bridge of the same magnitude. It is 17 ft. wide. 100 It. span, and in intended for every description of traffic. It is perfectly level from end tos end. It was completed in three weeks after tlie foiuidation stone was laid. The New River Head. — A number of labourers have been emplo ed for some days past in cleansing the immense reservoir belonging to the New River Company, in Clarcmoiit Square, Pentonville. 1'he seillment has been allowed to accumulate for 11 years, until at length the present measure be- came necessary. In some pl.aees there are 11 ft. of mni\.— Times. LIST OF N-EW PATENTS. GRANTED IN ENGLAND FROM 29tH SEPTEMBER TO 27tH OCTOBER, 1842. Six Months allowed for Enrolment, unless otherwise expressed. Edward Cell, of the College of Civil Engineers, Putney, professor of practical mechanics, for " improrements in applying heal in the manufacture uf artificial fuel, which improveviienis are applicable to the preparation of iisphalte, and for other purposes." — Sealed September 29. Samuel IIensox, of New City Chambers, Bishopsg.ite-street, engineer, for " improvements in locomotive apparatus, and in machinery for conceying tellers, goods, and passengers, from place to place throngh the air, part of which improvements are applicable to locomotive and other machinery to be used on water or on land." — Sep. 29. ■William Smith, of Crosvenor-street, Camberwell, gentleman, for " im- provements in treating certain animal matUrs, to obtain products applicable to the manufacture of candles, and other purposes." — Sep. 29. John Uand, of Howdand-street, Fitzroy-square, artist, for "improvements in making and closing metallic collapsible vessels." — Sep. 29. James Hyde, of Duckenfield, Cheihire, machine-maker, and Jonx Hyde, of the same place, cotton-spinner, and manufacturer, for " an improvement or improvements in the machinery used for preparing cotton, wool, silk, lla.v, and similar fibrous materials for spinning." — Sep. 29. John Ridsdale, of Leeds, for " improvements in preparing fibrous ma. terialsfor u-eaving, and in si::ing warps." — Sep. 29. John Fry Wilkey, of Mount Vernon, Exeter, commission .agent, for " improvements in carriages." — Sep. 29. John George Shipley, of Bruton-street, Berkeley-square, s.iddler, for " certain improvements in saddles." — Oct. 6. John Oliver York, of Upper ColeshiU-street, Eaton-square, for "im- provements in the manufacture of axles for railway wheels." — Oct. 8. Wilton George Turner, of Gateshead, Durham, doctor in philosophy, for "improvements in the manufacture of alum." — Oct. 8. Claude Edward Deutsche, of Fricour's Hotel, St. Martin's-Iane, gen- tleman, for " improvements in combining materials to be used for cementing purposes, and for preventing the passage of fluids, and also for forming or constructing articles from such compositions of materials." — Oct. 8. Samuel Dotchin, of Myrtle-street, Hoxton, jeweller, for "improvements in paving, or covering, and constructing roads, ways, and other surfaces." (A communication.) — Oct. 13. William Edward Newton, of Chancery-lane, pateut agent, for "cer- tain improeements in the manufacture of artificial fuel." (A communica- tion.)—Oct. 13. Charles Thomas Hoi.combe, of Valentines, near Ilford, Essex, Esq., for " an improved mode of rising certain materials as fuel; also an apparatus or method for collecting the smohe or soot arising from the combu.^tion of such fuel : which o/iparatus or method is applicable to collecting the smoke or soot arising from the ordinary combustion of fuel, and also the application of the products arising from the combustion of the first mentioned materials, ns a manure, and for other useful purposes." — Oct. 13. Robert William Sievier, of Henrietta-street, Cavendish-aquare, gen- tleinan, for " certain improvements in looms for weaving, and in the mode or method of producing plain or figured goods or fairies." — Oct. 13. Peter Karenbusch, of Lyth, in the county of York, dyer, for "certain improvements in the treatment of the alum rock, or schist, and in the manu- facture aud application of the products derived therefrom." — Oct. 13. Henry- Brown, of Selkirk, manufacturer, and Thomas Walkiui, of the same place, manufacturer, for " improvements on woollen carding engines. — Oct. 13. Thomas Seville, of Royton, Lancaster, cotton spinner, for " certain im- provements in machinery used in the preparing and spinning of cotton, fia.v, and other fibrous substances." — Oct. 20. James Palmer Budd, of Ystalyfera Iron Works, Swansea, inerchaiit, for " improvements in the manufacture of iron." — Oct. 20. William Longmaid, of Plymouth, accountant, for " improvements in treating ores and other minerals, and in obtaining various products therefrom, certain parts of which improvements are applicable to the manufacture of alkali."— Oct. 20. James Statham, of West-street, St. Giles's, Venetian lock maker, for " improvements in the construction of locks, for Venetian blinds used in car- riages." — Oct. 29. Gilbert Claude Alz\rd, of Tichborne-strect, gentleman, for "certain improvements in bread, biscuits, macaroni, vermicelli, and paslrif, and the mode of making the same." — Oct. 20. George Hazeldine, of Lant-street, Southwark, coach manufacturer, for " certain improvements in omnibtises." — Oct. 27. James Gardner, of Banbury, ironmonger, for " improvements in cutting hay, straw, and other vegetable matters for the food of animals." — Oct. 27. John Mullins, of Battersea, surgeon, fiir "improvements in making oxides of metals in separating silver and other metals from their compounds, with other metals, and in making white lead, sugar of lead, and other salts of lead, and salts of other metals." — Oct. 27. Rowland Williams, of Manchester, fustian shearer, for " certa'n im- provements in machinery, or apparatus for raising, shearing, and finishing velvets, or other piled goods by power." — Oct. 27. TO CORRSSFONDENTS. L. K. — If'c cannot inform itini. \\.— Sometimes ; if he will call at our office, he can consult the Editor. W. WWWams.— Address ' The Secretary of the Society of Arts," Sfc. Adclphi, London. . T. B., Self-actini; river talve—A paper by Mr. Haydon on the Schools of Design —Notice of Mr. Shuttleworth' s Hydraulic Railway— V. W. S. " Improvement in the process of Sugar-mnkinj; — will appear next month. O. T. — We have received his last communication on Railway Curves. Mr. Jnmcs Ji'hites' " elistic friction driver" in the Mech. Mag. No. 1002, Oct. 22, is a ilceiiled infringement on Mr. Trcwhitt's patent, described in the Journal for last February and April. JSool(s for -Review tnust be S'nt early in the month, communications on or before the 20th (If with drawings, earlier), and advcrlistmenls on or before the 25tU instant, addressed to the Editor, No. 10, Flndyer Street, Whitehall. No. 2 has betn reprinted and may now be had of the Publishers. Vols. I, II, HI, and IV, may be ha 1, bound in cloth, price £1 each Volume. FU 1 SCOTSWOOD SUSPENSION BRIDGE OVER THETVNE. JOHNCREEN. ENGINEER tl^ u. ELEVATION OF SUSPENSION TOWEB. SIDE VIEW. J.K Jot^tm. i.WarwiA C* 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 3P7 SCOTSWOOD SUSPENSION BRIDGE, Erected over the Tyne, near Newcastle. — Engineer, John Green. ( With an Engraving, Plate XVI.) We are indebted for the accompanying drawing and description of tlie above bridge, to our valuable correspondent O. T. of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, who has favoured us with several practical papers of great utility, part of which have appeared in the Journal. Sootswood Bridge is erected over the Tyne, in a very picturesque situation, 3 miles west of Newcastle; it was commenced in August 1829, and opened on 12th April 1S31. The two suspension towers in design approach tlie Norman style of architecture, and have a very noble appearance when viewed from the water; they are, together with the land abutments, constructed of solid masonry. The distance between the points of suspension of the centre opening is370fi.; the two half arcs 130 ft. span each, which with the two towers make a total length of G70 ft. There are four suspension chains, two on each side, one over the other; each chain is 742 ft. long, the chord line of the centre span 370 feet, and versed sine or deflection 2ti ft. t> in.; the links of the chains consist of four flat wrought iron bars 10 ft. long, i in. deep, and 1 in. thick, placed parallel to each other, terminated with an eye at each end, and coupled together with live ■wrought iron plates o in. deep in the centre, and 9 in. across the widest part, and 1 in. thick, connected by bolts 2i- in. diameter, with octagon nuts 44 in. diameter and 2 in. thick ; the bolt holes of the long links are 9 ft. 14 in. from centre to centre (see Figs. .5, G, and 7.) The links above the suspension towers have bars 7 in. deep and 1 in. thick and 20 in. long from centre to centre, and connecting plates lO^-g in. long from centre to centre ; the roadway is suspended by bars li in. square to the centre coupling bar, which has a lug on the underside with an eye, through which and the forked end of the suspending bar passes a screw bolt ; the lower end of the suspending bar is attached to a stirrup iron grasping each side of the longitudinal string piece, ■which is carried by the iron wedges, as shown in fig. 4. The suspen- sion bars are alternately suspended to the upper and lower chains. Each bar was proved to 40 tons. The suspension towers are 78 ft. high from the bottom of the footings to the top, and at the base 42 ft. long by 20 ft. li in., and above 37 f(. by l(j ft. tj in., the footings are surrounded with sheet piling. The roadway is 23 ft. broad^ ■which is constructed of Meniel timber placed 8 in. apart, the ends resting upon and bolted to the longitudinal string piece on each side, as sliown in tig. 4, and the top overlaid with planks covered with a composition of tar and gravel. The masonry was executed by Messrs. Welch and Son of Gates- head, and the ironwork by Messrs. Walker and Yates of Birmingham. The estimated expense was £12,900, but from unforeseen difficulties in the foundation requiring extra work both in masonry and coffer- dam, the total expenditure was £15,000. At the completion of the bridge the committee for the construction, in order to testify their high approbation of the masterly manner in which Mr. Green dis- charged his duties as engineer, presented him with a handsome silver claret jug. Reference to Plate. Fig. 1, Elevation of suspension tower. Fig. 2, Side view, and Fig. 3, Plan of footings, and the piers of the arch. Fig. 4, Enlarged view of the timbers of the roadway. Fig. 5, Side view of the main ■chain, coupling links and suspension bars. Fig. G, Cross section of ditto, and Fig. 7, Plan of top of ditto. GrK'enhitlir Pier.— On Monday, Oct. 31, the retired and beautiful village of •Greenhitlie assumed a most animated scene, upon the occasion of the opening of this Pier. On the •irri\al uf the first steam-boat at the Pier, wnicli con-.eyed several of the Directors and Shareholders of the Pier Com- pany, they were received by a muneroiis assemblage of their friends. The Pitr is constructed of timber, and is remarkable for durability, chastc- ness, and elegance, and. reflects great crclit on Messrs. Birch, the engineers and designers. No. 63.— Vol. V.— Decembek, 1842. CANDIDUS'S NOTE-BOOK. FASCICULUS XLIII. " ] must have liberty Witlinl, as large a charter as the iv mis, To blow un ttliom 1 please." I. "Barry's Book" seems likely to become a by-word, and many are now endeavouring to pick a leaf out of it, some with very fair success, others with none. Rarely can imitators discern the dlBerence, ■wide as it is, between mamitr and manmr-iam .• they just catch hold of some of the more prominent characteristics of the former, and then apply them at hap-ha-^ard and on all occasions. There is almost always something to betray that they do not enter into the spirit of what they evidently propose to themselves as a model. .So long as they have some express model to go by, and adhere to that, they may get on well enough, but no sooner do they begin to deviate from it, than they render manifest how very different their own unguided t-aste is from that which they have assumed, but which sits upon them most awkwardly and ungainly. It may be said that Barry himself is but an imitator, and that most of his ideas may be traced to direct authorities for them. Still, if this may seem to detract from him in some degree as an inventor-, it also shows how very differently from his prede- cessors he looked at Italian architecture. How happens it that that particular mode which he introduced, and has brought into vogue, should, till then, hardly have been known in this country? The same sources fi-om which he derived his taste had been open to others for at least two centuries, without their benefitting by them, or being able to perceive their value. Neither has he followed his models impli- citly, even where he is most open to the charge of dir-ect imitation : on the contrary, he has discriminated between their beauties and their defects, of which latter some are glaring enough, even in works that are stamped by no ordinary merits. Those singular inequalities of taste which mar or disfigure some of the finest, and what may be called the purest, examples of the Italian style, he has happily avoided, giving us, as it were, the very cream of that style. It has been remarked before now — probably by myself also— that one very great, and, I am sorry to say, uncommon merit in Barry's designs is, that thev are all of a piece, and all carefully finished up. In others there may be very happy ideas, and great merits in parts ; but then it is gener-ally only in parts, and in many instances the faults preponde- rate over the beairties ; at least neutralize them, jarr-ing most harshly, like so many false notes in music. II. Jlr. Barry's example and that of others, who, in re-adopting Italian architecture, have gone to what may be distinguished by the name of the Ante -Palladian style, may be taken as a tacit confession on their part, that the Palladian itself is greatly inferior to the other; and however disposed they may be to join with those who cry up the Palladian school — for the sake, perhaps, of quietness — their practice unequivocally condemns it. Iirdependently of its intrin^ic merit, one thing wdiich at present recommends the species of Italian introduced among us is its novelty; but as that attraction can be of no very long duration, it could be wished that an attempt were made to throw more variety into it, instead of invariably aiming at the same or nearly the same character, not only as regards the general mass, but also the individual features and members. The same style would admit of great diversity of treatment in regard to windows, a source of variety all the more worth being turned to as much account as possible, be- cause little scope for variety is afforded in regard to the general com- position. Fortunately, Bari-y himself has furnished me with an illus- tration of what I could wish to see pursued and carried much further, —in the south facade of the Travellers' Club-house, where the win- dows are of more ornate character and more original design than usual, and the whole is more playful, yet the style is not at all violated; its breadth and repose are preserved, and there is simplicity combined with richness, and what is more, that richness is combined with grace- fulness. That front is also a happy instance of what miiy be done by merely having recourse to rustication as a means of embellishment. 398 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [December, III. Ill continuation of the remarks on tlie styl? above spoken of, one thing that is not lo be lost sight of is, that justice cannot be done to it, nor its cliaracter kept up even tolerably well, if the proportions be neglected— proportions all the more deserving of notice, because little mention is made of them, and little attention paid to them; namely, the proportion of solid wall to the apertures, both as regnrds breadth of piers between windows, and breadth of horizontal surface between the separate floors and their windows. If sufficient space cannot be allowed for these proportions, very much that is essentia! to character is forfeited, althougli the composition and all its details may be just the same as where the due proportions are observed. All grandeur of manner is lost, and is replaced by a certain littleness and offensive "squeeziness,"— a term, by the bye, that may very well be allowed to pass current, as it is sufficiently expressive ; nor is exception to be taken to it, when the fault itself which it describes is tolerated much more than it ought to be. It is this "squeeziness," among other things, that causes those long slips ycleped Terraces, in tlie Regent's Park, to look like so many barracks flashily bedizened out with all sorts of Brummagem architectural tinery— sham pediments, columns, (crammed in between windows;! pilasters, fluted in order to make amends for hole-in-the-wall doors, and here and there a jjamfed sham window— to say nothing of garrets peeping over balustrades, and chevaux-de-frize of chimneys, bristling like so many porcupines on the roofs. Compare Chester or Cumberland Terrace with the Reform Club-house ; the first are all bloated littleness, made up of would-be finery, and without the least refinement. On looking at them, you long to block up every other window, to take away their columns and starved entablatures, and to give them a cornice where a cornice ought to be, above and not below the uppermost windows. IV. If a memorial of nothing else, the column in— or rather poked out of— Trafalgar Square, will serve to keep in recollection the extra- ordinary fact, that after two competitions, and from among nearly 200 designs, some of them by our chief architects and sculptors, no greater effort of genius could be selected, nothing better worthy of being carried into execution, than the hackneyed common-place idea of a huge column, which any one who can draw can design. It will now stand as a monument either of the utter incompetence of British artists to accomplish anything superior, or of the utter incompetence of the Committee to form any opinion; and of their sulky obstinacy in persisting to adhere to their unfortunate choice, after the extreme dissatisfaction expressed at it, and after they had ac'ually held out . the hope of abandoning it, by allowing a second competition to take place, thereby affording themselves an opportunity for correcting their former mistake. Far more creditable, because far less impudent, would it have been on the part of the committee, to have at once refused all further competition, contenting themselves with disap- pointing our expectations once. If they were determined to stick up a long pole, there was at least no occasion to make of it two baulks. One baulk was quite enough, in all reason; the second might, in de- cency, have been spared us. The only excuse is that they seem to have taken Nelson's own motto for their guidance, but construed it most unluckily, supposing " Palmum qui meruit, &c." to mean " Any- thing may be palmed upon poor John Bull." They may have honoured Nelson, though very equivocally, but they have most unequivocally disgraced themselves by erecting what will be an object of contempt and derision to all persons of taste. V. Common as it is, it is a very lame and shuffling excuse when those who profess to give us historical and critical remarks on architecture, break off as sooo as they approach their own period, under the pre- tence of being restrained by " delicacy " from speaking of their con- temporaries. In most cases the real truth would be, that they have no opinions of their own to offer, and can get no ready-made ones out of books, as they can respecting persons and things that have been spoken of repeatedly. A nice man. Swift has told us, is a man of nasty ideas ; and so, in the delicacy of these over-scrupulous writers, there is something the reverse of complimentary. The inference to be drawn from their silence is, that were they to offer any opinions at all, they would be highly prejudicial and offensive ones. They are too good natured to censure, and are by far too scrupulous to com- men'd, against their critical conscience. Delicate souls! but then why do they meddle with what requires a firmness of purpose which they do not possess? why do they undertake an office so highly disagree- able to their feelings, and so much at variance with their notions of propriety and discretion? VI. I have often observed that those who affect to attach little or no importance to " matters of mere taste," are apt to be excessively sore if you venture to find fault with their own taste. After telling vou that what they have done makes no pretensions to merit of de- sign in any respect, after assuring you that there is nothing to admire in it, such persons will look confoundedly nettled at you if you point out faults that might easily have been avoided. While with mock humilitv they disclaim your admiration, they not only expect you to express it, but are sulky if you do not. While they profess to have built merely to please themselves, they are angry if every one else does not profess to be. equally well pleased also. I well remember one captious individual of the kind, who was so excessively indignant at some comments on the taste shown in the front of his house, which had a large bird-cage-looking viranda on Ionic columns, that he blus- tered most terribly, and talked of bringing his action against the pub- lisher of the periodical wherein they had appeared ! Most uuques- tionablv everv one who builds has a right to please himself— to erect a row of brickbat battlements on the top of a cockney-looking sash- windowed house, and call it a castle; or to commit any other absur- dity. Yet while he in that manner avails himself of the Mium side of the privilege, let him not forget the Timm one, but bear in mind that people are just as much privileged to laugh at him, as he is to make a fool of himself, and have just as much right to ridicule his bad taste as he has to display it. VII. Not much dependence is to' be put upon Naglev's "Kiinstler- Lexicon ;" at least not for its notices of English artists. The article on the late Augustus Pugin, is little more than a tissue of blunders from beginning to end. Although he died at the end of 1832, he is spoken of as still living ; and although he was about G3 at that time, he is said to have been born in 17S0, and to have been a native of London! For a long time, we are told, he devoted his attention to the public buildings of the English metropolis, before he began to direct it to the study of Gothic architecture, travelling through his native country for that purpose ! In the year 1839, it seems, he began the Roman Catholic church at Manchester, one of the finest specimens of Gothic in this country ! It is a pity that Nagler did not mention the " Contrasts " as one of his publications ; more especially as he has not scrupled to attribute to him the illustrations in Britton's Cassiobury— or as he spells it, Castuobimj. Nagler, it is to be hoped, does not blunder quite so much by wholesale, in his notices of Con- tinental artists, because he is perpetually quoted as the authority for articles of that kind, in the new "Biographical Dictionary." VIII. Whatever the reviewers may say of Mr. Gwilt's new work, they will hardly accuse him of servile adulation to the powers that be! When speaking of palaces— instead of sliding in a graceful compliment to Windsor Castle as being the bright particular gem which redeems this country from the reproacli of having no worthy abode for its sovereign, he damns it with faint praise, uttered in a very sneering tone. Windsor Castle, he gives us to understand, is very far from being a model for a palace, and that its attractions lie more in its site and scenery than in its architecture. He has taken care, however, that posterity shall not learn from him the name of the architect employed upon it, for no where does he mention Sir JeffVy Wyatville, whom he has excluded from his list of architects— as he has, likewise, James Wyatt, although he has given a place in it to some individuals of far less note. Of course the omission must have been intentional, since it is not for a moment to be supposed that either Mr. Gwilt or anv one else at all acquainted with the history of modern English architecture, should not know of, or forget, such per- sons. Surely James Wvatt might have been admitted into the com- pany of Isaac Ware and James Payne, neither of whom were very brilliant luminaries in the art; although the first of them edited Pal- 1S42.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 399 ladio — a very great merit indeed in ]\Ir. Gvviit's eyes. Whatever his real abilities, Wyatt was incontestibly a celebrated architect, and eu- titled to notice, if only as forming an epoch in the art, by being the first to revive in practice, with any tolerable sncc^^ss, the pointed style. If such omissions are to be understood as tacit condemnations of the parties so excluded, they are not on that account tiie more warrantable. Mr. Gwilt holds his St. Peter's keys rather too tightly : since he passes over the name of Borromini in his list of architects, he would probably exclude that of Cromwell from a history of Eng- land, or Nero from that of Rome. Were biograpliical works to be drawn up on the same principle of exclusiveness, were the names of only the pre-eminently great and worthy to be admitted into them, the 70 volumes of the Biographie Universelle, would shrink down to seven. After seeing Mr. Gwilt's Paradisto, we should like to take a peep at \i\s Inferno ; and as we do not meet with Cngnola, Schinkel, Wilkins and VVyatville in the former place, we shall, no doubt, find them stowed away in the latter. THE ECCLESIASTICAL COMMISSION AND THE ARCHI- TECTURAL SOCIETIES. Otii present number aftbrds much matter for meditation, and par- ticularly to those who think these are times to set the public and the march of intellect at defiance. To the unprejudiced observer it will be pretty evident, that if the architects neglect their public duty, there are others who will do it for them. The profession must, there- fore, be up and stirring, or the Architectural Societies will play the JVIairea da Palais to iheir fainrantisnx. Wliile the Royal Institute of British Architects can scarcely find matter for its papers or for its transactions, or any thing to do, lay architectural societies are spring- ing up over the country, which find plenty to do, and seriously threaten the prerogatives of architects. With the progress of these societies we are much pleased; they are a good sign of the times, they promise to educate the public, to employ the architect, and to preserve our ancient monuments. But here we must stop — we cannot allow the societies to be supreme judges of architectural merit and the dis- pensers of patronage ; we think that they cannot become so without injury to the art and its professors : it must take away the responsi- bility from the architect and tend to patronize show instead of soli- dity. As an instance showing some of the fruits of the proposed system, we call attention to an advertisement from the Yorkshire Architectural Society in our present number, calling on architects to send in designs, without stating whether they are to receive either premium or employment. We also invite attention to the outrageous proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Commission, by which all the parsonage houses of the country are to be put under one architect ; and the same steryotyped designs universally distributed. Now is the time, therefore, for the Institute to exert itself, to show regard in its proceedings, to defend manfully the rights of the profession, and to keep pace v.ith the spirited exertions of the architectural societies. DIRECT ACTION ENGINES, As it has been our good fortune to have published drawings and descriptive letter-press of various engines of this class — the pro- ductions of some well known tirms, it is now our intention to give an analysis of the same, as it relates to their general proportions and arrangements, strictly adhering to information derived from the pub- lished statements, making t'ew comments, detailing facts, believing the same will be interesting to our readers. We began with Mr. Field's 2 cylinder engine in March IS-lU, Mr. Joseph Maudshiy's an- nular engine followed in October 1841, which was succeeded by the l^irago engine of Boulton and Watt, in its turn followed by the In- Jernat's engine of Miller and Co., ending with a design for a pair of engines by Borrie and Co. of Dundee. We now propose to analyze these in the order jf their pablication. Mr. Field's doalle cylinder e7ig:ne, publiaied March 1S40, p. 73, Tol. 3. Eac/t cylinder 35 in. diameter and 3 ft. 9 in. stroke, regular speed say 21) strokes per minute, or 105 ft. Then 35 inches diameter = 962'115 inches area X 2 = 1924-23 inches and 19:^4-23 X 195 X 7 -^ — .,„ . ' =^ 79-593 horses for both cylinders, or in round Co JUO numbers, say 80 u.p., for which they were probably intended. Piston Rods 3i in. diameter = 10-21 in. area, less than^ diameter of cylinder. Connecting Rod r>g in. diameters 23-75 in. area, a little more than both piston rods. Air Pumps 24 in. diameter and 2 it. 4 in. stroke. The area = 452 X 28 in. stroke =: 12'ju6 cubic inches contents, and the cubical contents of both cylinders, (area 1924-23 X 45 in. long) = Si)5'J0-35 cubic inches ^= Ij-S5 times the contents of air pumps. Condenser 3 ft. 10 in. across, 1 ft. deep, by 7 ft. G in. long = 28 ft. 9 in., say with convexity of cylinder bottom = 30 ft. cube. 30 We have -— = -375 of a foot per horse, or for air pump (contents SO 30 = 7-318 cubic feet) ,-;-— = 4-1 times. ^•olS Shafts. Centre of shafts 12 ft. 0 in. above bottom of condenser, or top of vessels floor timbers, adapted to a ship of 8 ft. 3 in. draff, wheel being IG ft. 3 in. diameter, x 5-3 long and 21 in. breadth of paddle, necks 9A in. diameter and 8 in. long, same as annular engine. Slide opeuinga, or ports. Hi in. long X 3 in. wide for each cylinder r= 69 in. area. Slide va'.ve round, 15 in. diameter and 7 in. motion. Space required. Fore and aft r= 10 ft. 9 in. Over all athwart = 12 ft. 9 in. or say a superficial space of = 132 feet. Mr. Joseph Maudslaifs annular engine, puh. .Vor. 1841, p. 369, vol. 4. Cylinder, 54 in. diameter := 2290 in. area, and diameter of internal tube = 25 in. = 491 in. area, and 2-230 — 491 = 1799 in. the area of the working piston. Stroke 4 ft. =: 200 ft. per minute at 25 1799 X 200 X 71b. strokes. We have 70-3 H.p, 33001) Piston Rods. Two in each cylinder, each = SJ in. diam. =: 11-044 area X 2 = 22-088 or 5i in. diam. if in o:ie, rather less than -^ diam. of cylinder. Connecting Rod, = 5 in. diam. =z 19-ij3 area, or less than both piston rods. Shafts, necks 9^ in. diam. by 8 in. long, same as in the two-cylinder engine. ..^ir Pumps, 2o in. diam. = 531 in. area x 2 ft. stroke = 7-372 cubic ft. content. Cylinder 12-5 ft. area x 4 ft. stroke = 50 ft. cube 50 contents, and -— — ^ C-75 times the air pump. / -3.' 2 Condenser, „(is near as can be obtained from drawing,) is i ft. X 325 6 ft. 6 in. X 12 in. = 32-5 cu. ft. content. Then i^-^ = •125 of 76.3 H.p. 32-5 a foot per horse, or for air pumps v-^, = 4-4 times air pump. t ''oi'2 Slide openings, 19 in. long by 3i in. wide = 66-5 in. area, or smaller in proportion than the two cylinder engine. Space nquircd, is fore and aft, 8 ft. 6 in. Athwart, with 3 ft. passage between, 16 ft. 3 in. Say a superficial space of 138 ft. Virago Engine by Boulton, ll'att and Co., pub. Feb. 1S4-2, p. 65, vol. 5. Cylinder, 64^ in. diam. = 3292-8 in. area, 5 ft. stroke, and 21i strokes 3292-8 X 7 X 215 per minute, or 215 ft. = 150 horses each. Thus • = 150 B.r. 33U00 3 K 2 400 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [December, Piston Rodi, (i in. diam. = 2S'27 in. area, say about -^ of cylin- der's area. Connecting Rods, (ij in. diam. ends, and 7i middle, say GJ. m 33" 18 area, or about an J^ more, than piston rods. Length of Rod, is S ft. 2 in. Shaft being 19 ft. ;> in. from top of floor timbers of slup. .,1tr pumps, section not shown on drawing, but appear to be 37 in. diam. = 7'4Glj ft. area X 2-5 stroke = iS-60 cubic ft. content per stroke. Cylinders 643 diam. = 22.70 ft. area x 5 ft. =r 113-5 cu. ft. con- tents, and 113-5 18Mi6 := six times the air pump. CowrfCTSfO-s, each engine separate, 10ft. 10 long X Oft. 3 X 2 ft. 8 deep = 180 cu. ft., but deducting slides, air pumps, foot valves, &c., the con- tent is 100 cu. ft., or 50 for each engine, or ^ of a ft. per horse, and for air pump, — = 3-7 times its contents. Shafts are 1 lA in. diam. at necks, and bearing 13 in. long, the centre, bearing a crank to work air pump, is 15 in. diam. by 6 in. long. Slide Valves. Thoroughfares or ports, 5 in. X 24 in. ^ 120 in. area. Hot Water Cistern, is 2 ft. 10 in. wide, 3 ft. 11 in. long, and 4 ft. 1 in. high, contents 45-3 cu. ft. less exhausting passages = 35-7 ft. true contents. Air pump contents 18-6G ft. we have :r^~ ^ 1-92 times, say twice the contents of air pump. Waste Water Pipes, 9 in. diam., the hot water cisterns acting as an air vessel. ColunDis, wrought iron 7 in. diam. at bottom and 5 in. at top. Lower columns, cast iron, 10 in. diameter. Space occupied is IS-G athwart, and li- 1 fore and aft, the width of cylinders. Air pumps being in centre line of ship, thus, IS-Gby G-4 = 117-2 sq.ft. Air pumps 4 ft. 8 in. X G-6 = 30-4 „ 147-G sq. ft. Mr. Joseph Miller's Direct Action Engine, published June 1842, p. 177, vol. 5. Cylinder, G5 in. diam. (331S-31 in. area) 5 ft. stroke, 21g strokes or 215 ft. per minute, power 151-33 horses. thus 3318-31 X 7 X215 = 151-33 X 2 = 302-GG h.p. 33000 Piston Rods, 6 in. diam. = 28-27 area, less than -^ of cylinder. Connecting Rods, 6(j in. diam. at end, and 7^ in. at middle, say Gi, =: 33-18 in. area, or about J more than piston rod. Length of rods, 8 ft. 6 in. Shaft, 19 ft. G in. from floor timbers. ^lir Pumps, 30 in. diam., (70680 in. area, or 4-90 ft.) and 2 ft. G in. stroke ; 4-90 ft. X 2-5 = 12-25 cu. ft. contents. Cylinder = 23-04 sq.ft.X j'O = )15-20c.ft. contents, and "^^9-4 times the air pump. Condenser, each engine separate, 3 ft. 2 in. wide x 2 ft. 6 in. fore and aft, and 4 ft. G in. high contents := 35 cu. ft. for each engine, 35 35 and -— = -233 of a foot per horse, and -r; ,. = 2-S5 times the contents of air pump. Shafts (as far as drawing shows) are 12 in. diam. by 14 in. bearing. Slide openings, 24 in. long, depth not shown, hollow slide, exhaust- ing between the two faces, steam given at top and bottom. Hot Water Cistern, 2 ft. 3 in. wide, 1 ft. 4 in. fore and aft by 1 ft. 8 in. deep. Contents = 5 cu. ft., or half air pump's content. Waste Water Pipes, 12 inches diam. =: 113 in. area, say — 1 lO = -r-T part of air pump's area. Hot Water Pumps, 6 in. or Gi in. diam. and about 21 in. stroke. Columns of wrought iron, 5 in. diaui. bolted to the top flange of cylinder, and not proceeding to their bases. Space occupied is marked S ft. by 18 ft. G in., but over the feeding pumps and slides it measures 9 ft. 3 in., and athwart over tlie steam pipes and expansion valves it is 19 ft. G in., according to tlie di- mensions marked 8 ft. X 18 ft. G in. ^= 148 ft. superficial. Mr. Peter Borries Engines, Diinda, designed Nov. \&\\ , puhUslud July 1^42,;;. 213, vol. 5. Cylinder 71 in. diam. (3959-2 in. area) and 5-G stroke, 22 li ft. or 19i strokes per minute =: 186 horses each, or 372 H.P. for bot : en- ,, 3959-2x7x221-5 ,^,, ^. „., gines, thus ^ = ISG h.p. X 2 ^ 3*2 h p. ^ 33,000 Mr. Borrie calls the collective power of the two engines 352 H.p., at 210 ft. per minute, and 71b. pressure; and further says, supposing pressure 8-51b. and 210 ft. = 426 h.p. We suspect these data to be taken from the government contracts, probably coined at the Wool- wich mint ; as we prefer the authority of the late James Watt, we have followed his system, his proportions and pressure. Piston Rods. 7 in. diam. or about -^ the cylinder's diameter. Connecting Rods, 7 in. diam. at end, and 9 in. in the middle, say 7 in. area = 38-48 or same as the piston rod. Length of t/ie Rod, is 8 ft. 4 in. only, shaft being 21 ft. 3 in. from floor. ./lir Pump, is peculiar and novel in its application only, being De- sagulier's double action pump, ' solid piston, valves and side pipes. Its diameter is 48 in. and 2 ft. stroke. We liave 48 in. = 12-56 area 151-195 X 2 = 25-12 contents, and —- — - = f contents of the cvliuder. 2o-12 Condenser, one for both engines, as well as one air pump; it is 7 ft. wide, by 7 ft. long, and 7-5 high = 367-5 total contents. Deducting 225 air pipes and valves, &c., its true contents is 225 cu. ft., and ; =: -GO of a foot per 225 372 horse, and x^--,=: 9 times the air pump, and 2.'5-12 - ^= 4-5 times, supposing two air pumps, or one half to each engine. Shafts, bearings are shown 15.5 in. diam., and 22 in. long, or 1 to 1-4 of the diam., or about 3 in. larger in diam. than the proportions of the engines before detailed. Slide Valves, are circular, 19 in. diam., ports 30 in. long, by 7 in. deep, =: 225 in area. Expansion Slidts, are very simple and effective, its motion very small, and worked without noise. Hot JFater Cistern, is 12 in. fore and aft, 6 ft. high, and 4 ft. G in. wide, = 27-0 cu. ft., or for each engine = 13-5 cu. ft. or about half the air pump. Waste Water Pipes, and hot water pipes, not clearly shown. Columns, lower, of cast iron like J'lrago engine, and same diam. := 10 in., top part is a cast iron framing of tolerable design, heavy, though firm. We observe a good arrangement — the means of re- moving and replacing tlie steel strips in the cylinder guides, which soon wear from the great pressure. All engines of this class (with guides) should be so made. Space occupied, is 10 ft. G in. from back of cylinder to face of ex- pansion slide, and 12 ft. 3 in. over the steam pipes, and 22-6 from out to out transversely, being a rectangle of that size, or say 236-25 ft. We have now analysed each of the five engines separately w ithout drawing any comparison between them, or oflfering any comment or observation on their construction, or the adaptation of the direct action engines for vessels of the tirst rate class, such as are now being constructed by Governnjent. Our only object fcr the present was sim; ly to ascertain their relative proportions, and which we now pro- pose to give in a tabular form. ' To be seen ai the 8oiiihwark Water Works and S:. Katharine's Docks ; particularly the fitter, there ueing six pumps of this i escriplion worked by tHu aU horse enyu.es, ereclcil t^j Boullou :.ud Walt m IS28. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 401 Table OK PROPOaTIONS OF DiRECT ACTION' Engines. 2-Cylinder Engine. Annular Engine. Virago. Miller's. Borrie's. Horse power ' 80 76 150 151 186 Cylinder, indies diameter 35 each 54 64| 65 71 ,, length of stroke ft. in. 3 9 4 0 5 8 5 0 5 6 „ speed per minute feet 195 200 0 215 0 215 0 221 5 Piston rod, inclies diameter 3i- 2 of 3J 0 6 7 Proportion of ditto to cylinder . . Vu Va -LU tV tV . Connecting rod, indies diameter 5i 5 6; 6i 7 Length of ditto ft. in. 8 2 8 6 8 4 Air pump, diameter inches 24 26 37 30 one 48 „ length of stroke ft. in. 2 4 2 0 2 6 2 6 2 0 „ contents . cubic ft. 7-348 7-372 18-G6 12-25 25 12 „ proportion to cylinder 1 to 6-S4 6-75 60 9-4 6 0 Condenser . cubic ft. 30 0 32-6 50 0 350 225 6 (one) „ space per h. p. . cubic ft. •375 •425 •3 -231 •6 ,, times larger than air pump . 41 4-4 3-7 2-85 45 Shafts diameter . . inches H 9,V in 12 15i *' length inches 8 8 13 14 22 I Slide opening inches 3x114 3i X 19 5x24 x24 7^x30 Hot water cistern . cubic ft. none none 35 7 5 0 13 5 Waste water pipes inches square square 9 12 Hot water pump diameter inches 7 6,'. Stroke length of ft. in. 2 G 1 9 Space occupied hy engines. area ft. in. 131 8 138 10 147 6 148 0 236 25 " fore and aft feet 10 9 8 6 6 4 9 3 10 6 " athwart feet 12 3 16 4 18 G 19 6 12 3 THE LIGHT OF ALL NATIONS. In our Journal for October last, we gave a description of the vrorks then being carried on of the lighthouse proposed to be erected on the Goodwin Sands, and promised to give a drawing showing the construction of the caisson ; since then the whole of the works have been destroyed, in consequence of a vessel in one of the severe gales in the middle of October last, during the night running fonl of it. Notwithst.inding this disaster, we think it will be interesting to our readers to know in what manner the works were carried on, and the construction of the caisson ; as the record of failures is frequently of as much benefit as the record of successful works, we have therefore obtained the following reports of its progress, for which and for the cuts we are mainly indebted to the Naitlical Magazine. "On the 28th July, at half-past 10 o'clock, p.m., the Monkey steam- tug succeeded iu getting .Vir. Bush's caisson afloat. She went off from the bead) in fine style, maintaining a vertical position during her transit, although she made a good deal of water. The pumps were kept going nearly the whole of the way out. About 5 o'clock, r.M., being at the appointed place, the tug cast off the towing rope, and the caisson soon settled down, (hough a little out of the perpen- dicular. She at present declines from north to south about 2 ft. in 24, yet it is believed that, in the operation of sinking the foundation, Mr. Bush will be able to rectify this. One of the large boats from the dockyard accompanied the caisson to the sand, having on board plates for commencing the necessary work immediatelv. "On the IGth August, Mr. Bush reported that the caisson was sunk below the sands l(i ft. at low watermark, and that the whole portion was then 4'2 ft. high, being '.) ft. above high water, and that, in the course of the following week he hoped to add 10 ft. more, with every prospect of speedily finding a foundation suitable for the base of such an undertaking. "The annexed wood-cut represents the appearance of the caisson on the morning of the 21st of August, showing the mode by which the couseculive iron cylinders were placed over each other to form the building for the lighthouse; and showing also the settle- ment whi':h hrtd gradually taken place, as well as its inclined position, owing to the sand beneath it giving way over the foundation which is sup])(jsed to be of chalk. This inclination Mr. Hush appeared to have overcome by the report, dated the 12th September. Fig. 1. .._H!^tK!j!nL_ Ty^WitgL-me, " Sept. 2. — Mr. Bush reported that lie had in conjunction with Lieutenant Batt, R.N., minutely surveyed the caisson, and found, that after the late stiff breezes it had adjusted itself to a more upright position; that there were 18 ft. of water around it at lovv water, but at 2U ft. distance there were only 5 ft. A basin had therefore been formed by the strong tides, which proved most satisfactorily that he was but a short distance from the chalk ; this was also confirmed by the caisson nut having sunk for the three previous weeks more than 5 inches. 102 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Deoemeer, •' Sept. 12.— Mr. Bush again reported that he, accnmpanied by Lieu- tenant Batt, R.N., in Her Majesty's cutter Sealarlc, matle a minute siuvey of the caisson after the gale, (of the Gtb instant,) and found that It had not tlie slightest effect upon it, and tliat it remained quite perpendicular alter having been subjeoled for many liours to the violence of the storm." A small stage was washed oti', which was not of any importance whatever; and the spar aud derrick. The part shown by the dotted line was also broken away. Fig. 2.— Section of Caisson. llcif^Hi^fffCaissoon By a reference to our description in the Journal for October last, the annexed engraving, Fig. 2, will explain the construction of the iron caisson. NOTES ON EARTH WORK, EXCAVATION, CUTTING, AND FORMING EMBANKMENT UPON RAILWAYS. Article III. — Extent, Form, and Proportions. " Modern practice has reduced it to a price per cubic yard." Professor Figjiolcs' Lecture. Dec. ISil. In my two previous communications (see pages 84 and 18G of the present volume,) I have endeavoured to show what is tlic price of earth work, taking ordinary soil as the standard, and then stated the price of excavation to be 4id., and of forming embankment under one mile in length to be 12d. and 3d. extra per additional mile ; and taking the average length to which earth has been led, I find earthwork to liave cost on the following lines, Midland Counties, 13> This gentleman, having occasion to put in operation a " Steam mill," in St. Croix, conceived the project of converting to the purpose of generating steam for the engine, that vast proportion of the heat from the " megass fire " which is wasted beyond the " coppers." In order to effect this, he placed the steam boilers directly behind the " trains," in such a manner as most effectively to apply the waste heat from under the " coppers." In this he so far succeeded as to require no other fuel for generating steam, than sufficient to "put the mill about" in the commencement of each day's work. His attention was next turned to the employment of the " exhaust steam" for clarifying the "liquor." To do this, he employed tanks of sheet iron, with double bottoms and traversed by a tier of copper pipes, into which was introduced the escape steam from the engine. The process of claiifying was in this way effectually carried on; and by closing the escape pipe with a loaded valve so as to maintain a slight pressure within, the effect was so much increased, that by means of two or more sets of these tanks, the one discharging into the next, a part or the whole of the process of concentration might be thus performed, ami thereby dispense with a part or the whole of the train of eoppers, rendering the megass fire more effective under the steam boilers. Now, it is a point pretty well established iti practice, that in the evaporation of saccharine juices, the less the temperature of the heating surface, the less of oxidation takes place in the saccharine matter, and the more perfect the crystallization ; consequently yielding a greater proportion of sugar and of better quality. Admitting this, it will be perceived that if, instead of the intense heat of the megass fire and the limited heating surface, we employ the temperature of skam with an unUmittd extent of heating surface, a decided advantage is gained in these important particulars — the quantity and quality of the product. The simple sketch accompanying this, will scarcely need further explanation ; being merely a section of a reduced train of coppers, A, A, A, with its flue, B, passing from the furnace, C, under and through the two steam boilers. D, D, also two clarifiers, E, F, re- presented, showing their construction and the manner of admitting the steam. . The whole arrangement and operation is extremely simple, ana very readily encompassed by such talent as is to be found on every "sugar estate;" which has been satisfactorily demonstrated during the last two years in St. Croix, and also during the past season on the estate of Don Gasper Hernandez, Cuba, West Indies. Keiv York, July 1842. F. W. S. [Although portions (if not the whole) of the apparatus above de- scribed are not new, we have thought proper to give our Transatlantic correspondent's communication an insertion, as it shows what economy there is exercised in the distribution of heat in the process of sugar making. We may at some future opportunity, publish the process ot sugar making in vacuo. — Editor.] 1842.1 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 411 THE PROFESSORS OF ARCHITECTURE. 1. Iiitrodiictonj Lecture at King's College. By William Hoskino, F. S. A. ; Architect and Civil Engineer, Professor of the Principles and Practice of Architecture, and of Engineering Constructions. London: Weale, 1842. 2. Preliminary Discourse at Universily College. By Thomas Lever- ton Donaldson-, Vice Pres. R. Inst. B. A. &c. ; Professor of Archi- tecture. London : Taylor & Walton, 1842. It would be unfair, at the present moment, to compare the Pro- fessors at the two rival colleges, particularly as one is but on the threshold of his career; we shall therefore consider separately, as far as we can, the discourses by which each opens the present session, giving precedence by seniority to that of Mr. Hosking. The ground- work of this is in the usual introductory lecture style, but the author has managed to introduce his favourite theories. Here he repeats Ids definition of a civil engineer, that he is only an hydraulic architect, and defines the duties of an architect as those of a civil engineer. Of the propriety of such doctrines we have before intimated our dissent, and also of Mr. Hosking's implied definition, that an architect is not an artist. The architect and the civil engineer have one study in common, that of construction, but they are no more identical on that ground than any two substances are identical, each of which contains an element in common. The design of a civil engineer, and conse- quently his career, is as distinct from that of an architect as light from dark. St. Peter's and the Birmingham Railway have masonry in common, and they have arches, yet few but Professor Hosking ■would propose to interchange Bramante and Stephenson. Again, we cannot but note the contemptuous terms in which Mr. Hosking speaks of the artist and of the arts. "The qualifications of an architect — place him as far beyond the mere artist as the artist is beyond the artisan." " Architecture and architects sufter together from their association in the public mind with the imitative arts and with mere artists." "Artists being not unfrequently linked in the same category with players, fiddlers, and dancers." Judges are linked in the same category with pettifoggers, physi- cians with quacks, and clergymen with itinerant fanatics, yet we never lieard the respectability of law, medicine, or divinity impugned, or that of their professors, and we can conceive no disgrace to a man from being put in the same class with Michael Angelo, Raphael, and Rubens. Mr. Hosking, however, seems determined to treat both ar- chitecture and engineering as mere building. Another of Mr. Hos- king's peculiarities is about the gentility of architects, and that at present it is scarcely a profession for a gentleman. How this may be we do not know, but we fear that at present neither lawyers, physi- cians, nor architects, are employed for the length of their pedigrees, the number of their quarterings, or the purity of their descent, but on account of their ability, and that their gentility is in virtue of the liberal nature of their professions. We think it much better that architects should stick to the arts instead of the Herald's College, for the present generation of architects surely cannot be accused of the sin of too much artistical feeling, which is just the quality most de- ficient. Public opinion and competition are especial bugbears to the Professor, and he recommends his pupils to set both at defiance. We are only fearful that if they do, they will find themselves equally wanting of reputation and employment. The present is not the period'either to hold public opinion as naught, or to run counter to it; there are too many educated critics and amateurs, there is too much intelligence in the press, for the old mysterymen to hold their ground, architects must be prepared to account for the faith within them, to defend their errors as well as their merits, and to do as every other art and profession must do, look to the public voice for direction and reward. It is too late to stem the current. As to his depreciating opinion of Vitruvius, Mr. Hosking defends it, and repeats his well known assertion, that " a student would acquire as correct a knowledge of history and of geography from the ' Seven Champions of Christen- dom' and 'GiulUver's Travels,' as of architecture from Vitruvius." We are not surprised at hearing this, for we know a similar diversity of opinion prevails among lawyers as to the adoption or rejection of "Coke upon Littleton" as the foundation of legal studies. In both cases, however, we consider that the class book is to be esteeined as indispensable, not on account of its positive instruction (which in both cases is of little value), but as the instrument by which the minds of the profession have been moulded, and so, essential to the new student. Mr. Hosking's remarks on competition we must pass over, as also his plan, for they are so foreign to the present state of public feeling, as to be entirely futile. As to the assertion that no competition should take place between architects, because none exists among lawyers and medical men, it is quite unsupported, for a lawyer or a medical man may have a thousand cases or more in the course of a year, but few architects have half a score buildings to erect in the same period. Mr. Donaldson begins by recognizing the importance which archi- tecture, within the last twenty years, has assumed in this country, and the deep interest which all classes have taken in its progress, as evinced by the attention paid to it by the public press. He then takes an extensive view of the artistical triumphs of architecture, and concludes by sketching out the main features of his two courses, the artistical and the constructive. The composition is brilliant, and the range of investigation wide, perhaps in some cases too wide, but giving good earnest of the extent of the author's acquirements. We note an opinion as to the merits of Vitruvius, opposite from that we have alluded to in the case of Mr. Hosking. The following extract of that portion of the Lecture in which the Professor takes a rapid glance of the various styles of architecture, will exhibit to our readers, particularly students, those high attain- ments, which so well qualify Mr. Donaldson for the responsible office he has undertaken. Follow me up the Nile which winds its sinuous course through 1000 miles of country, from 10° within the tropic of Cancer to the Mediterranean, pre- senting a line of abundance and verdure through an expanse of desert. The attention is first attracted bv the Pyramids within wlsose dark recesses may still lie hidden all the secrets, that have hitherto eluded research, to make us acquainted with the arts, the manufactures and the science of the dynasty of the Pharaohs. Memphis and Thebes, Phyle and Abussambul offer their monolithic tombs, their immense excavations, their gorgeous temples, and superb palaces, enveloped in hieroglyphic inscriptions, which still elude our research or ill repay the indefatigable zeal, the unwearied patience and the vast stores of erudition brought to the task of decyphering them ; for in- stead of being pictures of thought they contain the bare records of names. The contemplation of these masses makes the mind of the traveller revert to the period of Egypt's ancient greatness, when she was the cradle of science to the whole 'world, and by her progress in the arts and letters in- fluenced the rising genius of Greece. The intelligent observer gives order to the confused piles which lie around him, and fills up the void space from the writings of Dionysius the Ilalicarnanian and of Strabo. We shall attempt to describe one of the Egyptian fanes. An Egyptian temple appears to have been one of the most imposing as- semblage' of buildings, that can be well conceived. Avenues lined with hundreds of sphinxes on each side, led the worshipper to the sacred precinct for the distance of thousands of feet ; and thus the mind, even when remote from the vicinity of the Temple, received an impression cal- culated to excite veneration. This avenue was terminated by a stupendous mass of pyramidal form, above 200 ft. wide and about 80 ft. high, whose enormous proportion was naught diminished by the vastness of the plan m which it stands, nor bv contrast with the mountains that overhung it. Itt the centre of this propvleura is a door, flanked in advance by iin obelisk on each side, about 90 ft .'high, and beside which are figures of colossal di- mensions, 45 ft. high, sitting as guardians of the sacred portal. The eftect of the whole is gigantic and calculated to impress the coming worshipper with the fullest notions of his insignificance in the scale of material nature. The triumphal gateway being passed, a magnificent court meets the eyes of the beholder, having on each side a colonnade; and this court led to a densely columned hall or veatible, under the shades of which the crowds of Egypt's sons and daughters reposed to recover from the exhaustion and fa- tigue caused bv their journey under a burning sun to the fane of their crea- ture god. Anil here tlie mind also dwelt awhile on the first impressions produced by the contemplation of the overpowering majesty of the gorgeous mass. For the huge popylea, which enclosed either end of the court, and the hall with its forest of clustered columns, which the eve could not number, and the playful varietv and copiousness of channelled hieroglyphics which left not a space uncovered, and the brilliancy of the pigment which gave an endless variety to the shafts and capHals of the columns, to the beams, the walls and ceilings, bewildered the attention, and left not a mo- ment of repose to the wondering stranger. A lofty central avenue of co- lumns, above 60 ft. high, forming as it were a triumphal way, leads under a third portal, of dimensions by no means inferior to the others just men- tioned, and marked with what care and with what sanctity the priests guarded every approach to the inner parts of the temple. But this gateway passed and a'scene the most sublime burst upon the view. An ample peris- tvle, much larger than the one already passed, presented itself to the eye, probably planted with trees, cio\vdcd with metaphoric statues; on either hand a double avenue of columns less for convenience than dignity of effect. In the centre uprose the portico of the mass of building, which formed tlie Temple itself— the columns in dimension more' ofty, in decoration more rich, in proportion more graceful than those of the courts. The dynasties, that had ruled over the country up to the period of the erection of this temple, have their histories graven on the walls and on the columns— the same pyramidal form gives an appearance of endless durability to the mass, which is surmounted liy an immense hollowed cavetto having the centre oc- cupied by the sculptured form of the agatho demon, or winged globe and 412 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [December, serpents, with outstretched wings extending over the centre intercoUimnia- tion of the facade, and seemingly a being of another world. Admitted be- neath this porch, the minds of the worshippers are prepared for the gloomy inner penetraHa, where every object was mysterious and emblematic. Nu- merous doorways closed by curtains succeeded each other, and led from vestibule to vestibule, which hindered the eye from penetrating with sacri- legious gaze into the inmost sanctuary, all access to it being forbidden to the multitude. To these vestibules the light of day was denied, and the mind was subdued by the gloom of the spot : for the attention was absorbed by the contemplation of the sacred mysteries of the place, and by the effects produced on the attention by the huge incongruous figures of granite — mon- strous reflections of the gloomy minds of the religious inhabitants of the sacred precinct, who sought to deify matter and the animal instincts. IIow sad a contrast, that they, who by their mental powers could command such mechanical forces and make such progress in art, should be so debased as to worship the human form distorted by the addition of the head of a bird, of a cat, of a ram, or some such brute object. We thus see the impressions which Egyptian architecture is calculated to produce, reahzing the delinition of beauty given by Aristotle, who says that it consists in magnitude and order. — To yap KaAof fv fieyeBei nat Ta^ei (n. Poet. p. 2, 5 i- One of the temples of Thebes exceeded 800 ft. in length by nearly 300 in breadth exclusive of the avenues which led to it. This vastness of extent in the plan; — gigantic grandeur in the ponderous masses; — colossal proportions in the details;— a rapid succession of similar objects ; — the brilliancy of the gold, purple, scarlet, azure, green, and every splendid colour that shone upon the surfaces of the stone ; — liable as all this may be to the charge of monotony, yet a series of lively impressions must have been extorted by the grandeur, the pomp, and profusion, which these imposing edifices offer to the bewildered attention. * * Who would brave the sandy wastes of Syria, unless impelled by a glowing love for that sacred volume which records the history of the favoured race to whom were confided the oracles of divine truth, were it not to visit the De- capolis still profuse with architectural remains, almost unexplored, certainly unillustrated. Would the traveller quit the fertile and sublime valley of Baalbec, whither comparative ease and comfort have hitherto accompanied him. Would he plunge into the dangerous track of ancient commerce, beset with hordes of .A-rab robbers, deprived of every convenience and means of subsistence, hut that which he carries with him, were not his privations, his anxieties and his perils to be rewarded by the sight of that which was once Tadmor of the desert, the Palmyra of Zenobia and Longinus. These vast piles of ruins seem the works of those days when " Giants were on the earth " rather than the production of a race like ourselves. Temples en- closed in courts seven or eight hundred feet square, surrounded by circum- ambient porticos of colossal dimensions — now inhabited by a score or two of wretched families in their mud cottages — avenues of columns, miles in length — a profusion of triumphal arches, lofty towers and tombs, and marble beams in single blocks of 70 feet in length attest the mechanical skill, if not the pure taste of its ancient merchants — for it was a race of merchants who dwelt in this emporium of the commercial traffic from the East, at that time forming the hahing place for the caravans, which poured forth the riches, the refinements and the productions of India to gratify the craving appetite for variety and luxury of the pampered nations of Europe. But let us accompany the traveller in his circuit of these shores and exa- mine with him the coast of Caramania, and we shall find it abounding in a profusion of architectural embellishments. But as soon as he reaches Gnidus, sacred to the queen of love, monuments of the refined taste of the most refined periods again offer themselves, and the ruins of temples, pro- pylea, theatres and in fact every species of edifice offer themselves to notice in Halicarnassus, Miletus, Priene, and Magnesia and the numberless cities which peopled each side of the Micander, the Nile of Asia Minor. Still further north, Teos and Smyrna, Pergamus and Sardis show how truly ar- chitecture flourished under the fostering generous splendour of the great Alexander and his successors. But the traveller, whose mind is imbued with all those associations con- nected with the study of the literature of Greece, visits Athens as the zealot does the shrine of his saint. When Europe was roused from barbarism her first thought was directed to Athens — " What is become of .\thens ?" was the universal cry, " and when it was known that her ruins still existed, the learned and ingenious tlocked thither as if they had discovered the lost ashes of a parent." (Chateaubriand : Voyages.) When the traveller treads the soil, which had been for so many centuries polluted by the presence of the Moslem, all his feelings arise witli double force. He thinks that he now breathes the same pure air, fixes his glance upon the same enchanting scenes, contemplates the same noble monuments, as once did Pericles, Socrates, Demosthenes, Xenophon, Thucydides, Sophocles, and Plato. Pos- sessed however as are his feelings with such thoughts, his attention is more than divided by these majestic ruins, which throw around the spot an air of sanctity. Here Phidias has still his chefs-d'a?uvre, here the genius of Ictinus St. 11 reigns preeminent, and the space encircled by the walls of the Athenian Acropolis maybe termed the if pof of architecture, containing temples, altars, statues, groups, trophies, chapels — the spoils of their enemies and the plunder of their allies and friends. See how much .\thens gains upon the affections of every people, of every age, by her architectural ruins. Not a traveller visits Greece whose chief purpose is not centred in the acropolis of Minerva. How dif- ferent from this the renown derived from arms alone. " While the name of .Athens is in every mouth," exclaims Chateaubriand, " Sparta is totally for- gotten. Sparta in arms the rival of Athens — the cradle of warriors— the school of hardihood and all the sterner virtues of humaiiifv. But she dis- dained the accessories of our art, and not our art only, but of everv other, for she never offered the smallest incense in the temple of geniusj nor on the altar of the arts. !u fact, to use the words of one of Sparta's warmest panegyrists, the Lacedemor.ians drove away from her walls literature, science and the arts, and now not a single monument arrests the steps of the traveller. Civilization is now as far distant from the Eurotas as in former times, and he hurries from tlie unfriendly spot having cast a rapid glance upon a plain, where nothing records the existence of former times, and a mound at best reminds one, that here has been a city. Even the haughty spirit of the Romans bowed before the mighty influence of the superiority of Athens in art, science, and literature. When Greece was conquered by Rome, Sparta became a mere province, but Athens although depressed, a slave and helpless, without her Pericles, her Phidias, her Ictinus, her Demos- thenes, her Sophocles, still asserted her mental superiority, and held in slavery the proud spirits of Rome her conqueror. " Grxcia capta fernm victorem cepit, ct artes Intulit agresli Latio." — Horace Kpist. lib. 2, cp. 1. What trial can equal this of the fine arts. 0 ! could the Spartans of old have thus looked into futurity, and they would have emulated that bright love of art to which ancient and modern Athens now owes so much of her perennial glory — for as the refined and accurate Barthelemy has justly and eloquently observed, " the history of the monuments of this people is the history of their exploits, their gratitude and their religion." But perhaps the attention is wearied by dwelling so long on this portion of the subject, and yet it is impossible to omit all reference to Rome as she is. It is there that a willing homage is yielded to the architecture of ancient periods. The soil which time has accumulated upon her ancient pavements is now being cleared away. Each excavation brings to light some precious fragment, some interesting object connecting antiquity and modern times. Her fora, her temples and circuses ; her triumphal arches and lofty sculp- tured columns ; her aqueducts and baths; her palaces and amphitheatres are now minutely investigated by the antiquary, the scholar, and the artist. Hundreds flock annually, less to witness her pomp of religious worship than to imbibe, at the very fountain head, a true love for achitecture and a re- fined taste to appreciate all the excellencies with which the eternal city abounds. Nor shall Pompeii be altogether unnoticed — hid for centuries from the view of man — her site questioned and her very existence almost doubted as the fable of historians, the ashes are now removed from the tomb in which she had lain for above 15 centuries, and the traveller fancies as his footsteps are echoed through the tenantless fabrics, that the next moment he will see her ancient citizens emerge from the courts of her dwellings, from the shops of her insulae, or from the baths, which still preserve traces of almost recent occupation. It seems as though it were but yesterday that her thousands flocked to the fora, temples, and theatres; and the spot brings us in almost immediate contact with the inhabitants of the olden times. * * Such then are the emotions inspired by the ruins of the ancient monu- ments of architecture, and such the claims she has upon the gratitude of ancient and modern times, as forming one of the main links, that unites us with those, who have gone before us. Languages become obsolete, but the language of architecture endures for ever. The pages of history may be lost or destroyed, but who can for a moment admit the thought that time can obliterate, although he may deface her monuments. The pyramids and temples of Egypt are imperishable. The habits, the customs, the re- ligion, the wants, the luxuries of man change with each century and with each clime, but for all and every new necessity and fresh desire architecture amply provides. But in thus rendering the homage due to ancient art it were unjust to pass without notice those sublime edifices due to the genius of our fathers. It is now unnecessary to enter upon the question, whether the first ideas of Gothic architecture were the result of a casual combination of lines or a felicitous adaptation of form derived immediately from nature. But graceful proportion, solemnity of efi'ect, variety of plan, playfulness of outline and the profoundest elements of knowledge of construction, place these edifices on a par with any of ancient times. Less pure in conception and detail, they excel in extent of plan and disposition, and yield not in the mysterious effect produced on the feelings of the worshipper. The sculptured presence of the frowning Jove or the chryselephantine statue of Minerva were neces- sary to awe the Heathen into devotion. But the presence of the godhead appears, not materially but spiritually, to pervade the whole atmosphere of one of our Gothic cathedrals. This style, which has aptly been termed Christian architecture, has produced edifices of all descriptions, not only ecclesiastical but civil, evincing great variety and originality; so numerous that we cannot but feel surprised at the public spirit, the devotion and liberality, which could contribute the means recpiisite for such vast buildings, and at the skill that could, with a hardihood verging on infatuation, so daringly sport with danger, and yet in- spire confidence in the wildest flights of Gothic fancy. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 413 GRADIENTS ON RAILWAYS. The readers of your valuable Journal will, I have no doubt, be aware that, but a short time since, the opinion of many, if not most, of the eminent engineers of the present day, was, that gradients only of the very first order ought to be employed in the construction of railways intended for passenger traffic, whatever might be the consequent cost. Under this impression we have now completed in this kingdom some of the most magnificent and easy lines of railway in the world, for instance the Great Western, and many others, on all of which, though, it must be owned, that thousands upon thousands of pounds have been expended in order to attain such perfection in gradients. This supposed absolute necessity for easy gradients seems now, however, to be fast losing ground with many of our first engineers, and the result of past experience seems now to say, that " one may pay too dear for one's whistle." So great have been the improvements in the locomotive engine within the last few years, that in the construction of railways at the present time, instead of aiming at absolute perfection in levels, our aljlest engineers are now looking more at the original outlay, and the purchasing of good levels only at what they are really wortli. For improvements in railways and locomotive engines, people now, how- ever, generally look to the south, instead of the north of England, and in many cases rightly so too, because the improvements in tlie north have been transferred to the railways in the south, and these improvements have, in some instances, been improved on again ; yet methinks the hot-bed of rail- ways may still be inspected with profit by an inquiring mind, neither ought one to be disrespectful towards the birth-place of railways, or to pass by un- noticed that part of the kingdom where the locomotive engine, rude as it was at first, came from its maker's hands a hideous monster, alike the terror and wonder of every spectator, — I mean the counties of Northumberland and Durham. And to show that gradients which, by many, are condemned as impracticable for the use of the locomotive engine for passenger traffic, may still be employed where the nature of the surrounding country forbids an alteration for the better, I will state a few particulars as to the work per- formed by that beautiful machine tlie locomotive engine, on one of the northern lines, viz. on the Hartlepool Railway. In the year 1832, an act was obtained for the making of the Hartlepool Railway, and at that time the science of railway engineering had hardly ad- vanced" so far as to demand such absolute perfection of levels; consequently, the Hartlepool Railway can by no means be classed amongst the number of those possessing gradients and curves of the first order. The railway was certainly not made to suit the peculiarities of the locomotive engine, conse- quently the locomotive engine has been obliged to be made to suit it, and upon it may be daily seen a single locomotive engine, with its train cf car- riages, running up a gradient of 1 in 3-4 for a mile and a half, at the rate of from 25 to 30 miles an hour, and, notwithstanding all the inferiority of gradients, the passenger trains on this railway equal in speed and punctuaUty any of the more refined and southern hues. The length of the main line over which the passenger trains run is 121- miles, and in this short distance it rises nearly 450 feet. For a mile and a half there is a gradient of 1 in 34, and the prevailing gradients for the re- mainder vary from 1 in 164 to 1 in 274. The gross load, including engine and tender, varies from 35 to 40 tons, and the number of passengers in each train from GO to 100, and occasionally 120. The engines, "Albert" and " Victoria," with this load mount with ease this tremendous gradient, and I think it may be fairly said that for hard work their Majesties set an example worthy of imitation by their subjects both far and near. A few remarks also as to the other traffic on tliis railway may, perhaps, be worth a passing notice. The number of trains (exclusive of passenger trains) that pass along this railway in a day varies from 60 to 120, and at times amounts to 140. The time occupied for the transit of this enormous traffic is about 13 hours per day, or an average of a train in every 5^ minutes to 11 minutes during the day. The gross weight that passes over the rails varies from 7 to 12 tons per minute for 13 hours per day, and occasionally, during the present year, it has exceeded an average of 13J tons per minute for 13 successive hours ! What but an iron road could withstand such a traffic as this. So that, instead of the passenger trains on the Hartlepool Railway meeting with peculiar facilities, both as to gradients and non-obstruction in consequence of heavy traffic thereon (as the charge for fares would seem to warrant), the reverse is the case. Seldom during tlie running of the passenger trains are there less than six other trains on the railway at the same time, in the first four miles. So that what with the engines having to wind their way through this labyrinth of engines and trains, and at tlie same time to encounter gradients tliat would frighten some of the first engineers of the day, the passenger trains are performing daily, unheard of and unnoticed, on the Hartlepool Railway, what may be safely said is not being performed on any other railway in the kingdom, and probably in the world, and that at a charge, too, to the passenger, very considerably lower than on other railways possessing gradients so immensely superior. The table underneath shows the comparative cost per mile of travelling on the following railways, and without further comment thereon for the present, I will conclude these remarks : — 1st class. 2nd class. 3rd class. London and Brighton . . 344 2-26 1-42 London and Birmingham ., 3-20 2"13 Great Western . . 305 2-13 1-27 Hartlepool Railway .. 1-47 1-22 0-81 S. T. N. SCHOOLS OF DESIGN. Sir— In the Somerset House Drawing Book, No. 1, it is laid down :— 1st. That ornamental art, as an imitative art, ranks midway between fine art and mechanical art, and partakes of the nature of both. 2nd. That the fine arts, in dealing with poetry, history, and moral expres- sion, occupy a ground in which the oninmentist has no riglil to enter ! And yet thirdly, that on beauty, the artist and ornamentist occupy the same ground ! Again, the author says the power of imitating objects artistically, is not adequate to the ends the ornamentist has in view-, and yet at page 3, the author says, " It is not merely with lines the ornamentist lias to do, he has often to represent the colour and effect of metallic substances, the glitter of gems, in short to make a picture of the article manufactured, which shall show its general character and appearance, rather than the exact details of its form and ornament, and there is no other leaij of acquiring the power of doing this, than by the habit of copying, as an artist, the objects themselves or simitar ones." Again he says, the ornamentist arrives at practice through science— the artist to science through practice. And yet he sa\ s in the same page. " a saving of time would be effected, if the chief labour at commencement were bestowed (by the ornamentist) on drawing by the hand ! In reply to these inconsistences,*I beg leave to state that — 1st. The ornamentist and the artist, both express their thoughts and in- ventions by the mechanical operation of imitating natural objects by form, colour, and light and shadow. Imitation of natural objects is, therefore, the basis of both ornamental art and high art, and the easiest plan of practising the eye to see, the brain to conclude, and the hand to obey, is the best plan at the beginning, both for ornamentist and artist. A student may puzzle his memory so long by scientific distinctions, if he begin by science, as to find when he has acquired science his hand per- fectly helpless ; and, therefore, both in the case of the ornamentist and artist, a certain degree of purblind practice of hand, eye, and brain, is absolutely necessary for the highest genius in each department, as well as the humblest, so that «hen their minds comprehend any principle of science, or any object of nature, their hands may at once be able to illustrate them by design. No great artist of the Greek and Italian schools was considered a great artist without science, and no great ornamentist was considered a great orna- mentist unless he was a great artist too. Rafl'aello was a great ornamentist ; Giovanni d'Udine, and Cellini, were artists as well as ornamentists, and the foundation of both characters is first, a power of imitating what you see. There is no doubt the imitation of senseless angles and cones, and octa- gons and pentagons, may generate a dead sort of mechanical imitation, but the mind uf the mechanic an.l artist sleeps, because there is nothing whatever to interest their sensibilities in the progress ; give them beautiful eyes, their svmpathies are excited, and the circle and ellipsis being portions in the shape of eyes, they acquire the same power of imitation, and exercise their powers of thinking too-folluw eyes by the nose, they learn the perpendi- cular—let them then practice the mouth, they are obliged to make it hon- zontal, or at right angles with the perpendicular of the nose ; the shape of the head is an ellipse, the forehead and chin, portions of the circle. A human head is thus got through— combined with a human look, and a human expression ; the students feel as they proceed ; what practice for geometrical designs is left out in the figure ? Then come action, repose, in- tention, and thought, by circles, ellipses, angles, and perpendiculars, but combined as a whole to convey a meaning ; when the artist and mechanic are got thus far. show them if you please, where is the geometry of the head and figure, practice thorn in angles and circles, that they may know 3 M 414 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Dkoember, their meaning ; make lliem both men of science, if you like, and let the me- chanic begin to branch off— but begin with making both skilful in hand, eye, aiiJ brain, by imitating the same object, for according to our author at Somerset House, ''a saving of time would then be engendered, if the chief labour at first teere drawing by the hand." If the power of imitation be the first power to be acquired, as I have proved, both from what I have said and what our opponent saj s, why sepa- rate the education of artist and mechanic? Bat what will you say, or he say, when he acknowledges that in the most important of all qualilies of design, viz., beaut;/, the artist and mechanic stand on the savu- ground, and yet he would separate their education? And though he admits, page 1, they stand on the same ground, yet, he again says, they proceed to exhibit beauty by a method totalli/ the rererse to each other .' " Beauty,"' says he, " with the ornamcntist, is a quality separable from na- tural objects." I reply it cannot be. Beauty, with the ornamentist, from whatever form taken and applied, excites the emotion in the work of the ornamentist. not because it is separated from the object to which it naluraUy belongs, but because to whatever object applied, it has the power of again exciting the emotion, as it did when a component part of its natural object at first. If a sculptor, says he, makes a lily, he models a lily. '• Not so the orna- ment st — the lily appears in his hands with a new individuality." Of course, but it is still a lily — the ornamentist makes it a cup, a vase, but I reply it is still a lily turned into a'vase and cup— and if it be not like a lily, w hat would a sensible master say to a mechanic who showed him a cup made of a lily. "A lily ! it is not a bit like a lily. Pray did you model a lily, or draw a hly ?" " No Sir, I did not, because we ornamentists treats lilies with a new individua- ality." Very true, my pupil, but to be able to give a new individuality to a lily, you must first be able to form a lily in clay, or by drawing; to model or draw a lily, you must get a lily and study it ; 'after studying it, you must imitate it by modelling or drawing. Imitation is the foundation of all arts or design, whether for the artist or ornamentiit, and though the ornamentist turns a lily into a new office, if he cannot imitate a lily or a human figure, somebody else must be employed to do them lor him, and this must prove to you, my pupil, the necessity of the ornamentist and .the artist beginning alike. Because what applies to the lily will apply to the figure, and the ar- guments are as good in one case as the other, and both prove the same truth. The author proceeds to say " that the ornamentist and the artist are imi- tators of nature, but in different senses — in the one, the resemblance is ficti- tious, in the other a^reality."' I reply the resemblance in both is fictitious, and in both a reality, though the application is different. The basis of all this sophistry is simply this; the London leading artists had been so accustomed to be by their rank, their payment, their honour, and their privilege, o dislincl clas.'i, that they were shocked by any attempt to revive the old connexion between artist and artizan. It v»as a sculptor, though liiing from, humble but respectable parents, who first intimated the insult of giving the artizan an education, which would rank him more as an artist than, for 300 years, he had hitherto been_ in England, and, of course, without any imputation on the honourable molives of any one now; we all know there is a degree of sensibility as to duty, in defending the views of our superiors, if to them we owe our station and our existence in life — it is tight it should be so, perhaps I do not know if one is not inclined to respect gratitude, if even it lead a man into the most egregious folly. It is a question, if the education of the mechanic be not of more importance than the great artist's. See how he worms himself into all the ramifications of domestic decoration, and consider, if he had, like the German and the Frenchman, the power of conveying his thoughts by drawing the figure, how prettily, at a little cost, the drawing-room of the middle classes, or their parlour, or their bed-room, might be made vehicles of history, and poetry, and design. The more the poiver of design is diffused, the greater, and not the less will be the employment of the great painters. The wealthy and the noble will always have the best of everything, and they who love the hand- somest women, drink the best wines, 'ride the best horses, and claim the high- est stations, will not be very apt to desert the best artists, when they want their efforts. I am decidedly of Burke's opinion, " whatever turns attcniion to art, even the purchase of old pictures," said he " reflects again on modern painters." Never, I assure you, was British art in greater danger than now . This London school, by separating the artist and the meclianic, and promulgating the doctrine, that sound art and decorative art are distinct, will, in all proba- bility, do more mischief than a century will remedy — because the facility of admission is great, young artists go to it, and all the horrors of gaudincss, glare, hardness, and false taste, wiirspread like wildfire amongst the rising generation. What reason can be given, that a flower should look in decoration like botanical preparations, pasted flat on lime? Distinctness is necessary, of course, but why cannot imitations of nature be distinct, without being incon- sistent with the eternal principles of the great masters, established by the grealest geniuses the world ever saw. Titian. Velasquez, Rubens, Rembrandt, and Reynolds, made their imitations of nature on the basis of the philosophy of human sensations. E'lualities of effect distract! variety is necessary, but if carried too far, pains. Il is the same with every quality of imitation in the great works of the great masters, no individual requisite of imitating life is ever obtruded, whereas, by the separation of the education of the artist and the mechanic, the imitations of the mechanic at present are all obtrusion and totally incon- sistent with sound art. If a race of this offensive description issue out, as designers for glass paintings for rooms, for halls, what will the art be like in a few years? The combination of sound art can be seen to perfection in a glass window at Liverpool, where a fine picture has been copied, with all the principles of imitation ; it is a fine work of art in manufacture, and that is what should be the object in all Schools of Design. Not long since, returning from Windsor, I went into the coffee-room of the Royal Hotel, at Slough, and found the paper on the walls full of pretty designs, from Kaust (I believe). " Is this English," said I. " English." said the waiter, with an air quite insufferable, "French, sir, of course!" Here is another case in point. Had the same principles of educating the mechanic been acted on at Lyons as in London, would this French artizan have been able so to please us in the middle class by such a display, and is not every visitor excited and improved by such a simple way of recalling the scenes of some beautiful poems ? I apologize for this long intrusion ; my engagements preclude the possibility of continuing this important question, but I promise it shall not rest whilst I live, for I know its vast national importance and that we have only to add mastery to design to our indisputable quality of material, to take the lead in the world. In conclusion, I deny in toto, that the mechanic has no right to mingle history, poetry, and moral expression, in his manufacturing design; what right has any man, or any body of men, to fix a limit to the exercise of human ingenuity ? The Almighty sometimes gifts a Byron, and sometimes a Burns, and reflects on the principles of our own noble aristocracy. Who, more tenacious of their rights, but who more useful as a check on the Crown and the people ? and who is refused admission into their class, even from the humblest amongst us, if genius, guided by conduct and decorum, prove any individual worthy to be a great lawyer, toldier, sailor, or statesman ? If it were not for this wise decision, what would have become of the Aristocracy long ago ? — and with such an aristocracy in Government, are we to establish one in art, where no genius, no decorum, and no conduct, will procure ele- vation and reward for the humble mechanic ? Ridiculous — the bare thought and promulgation will make us the laughter of Europe, if this preface has not done so long since. The artists must become more workmen, and the workmen more artists, before the great revolution, beginning will begin aright ; but it will not be by putting forth theories which will separate them more and more than ever, but by being convinced, as the great Continental schools have long been. that as imitation is the basis of both arts, the students in each should begin alike. At the revival of art in Tuscany artists were artificers, and artificers were artists, in the strictest sense of the words. " It was not in the academy, but in the workshop, their genius was nurtured — the arte degli orejici." " The goldsmith's craft was the chiefest school ; hence came the best artists of all the three arts of architecture, painting, sculpture — Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Orcagna, Luca della Robbia, Massolino, Ghirlandaijo, Pollajuolo, Botticelli, Verrochio, Francia, Finiguerra, Andrea del Sarto, Baccio Bandinelli, Cellini, .Salviati, Lioni, Vasari, and a host of inferior names, all were brought up to this good trade.' Painters were chiefly employed as decorators of houses and furniture, &c." In all the associations of artists, trunkmakers, varnish- ers, saddlers, cutlers, and all workmen in wood or metal, w hose crafts had any connexion with design, were admitted ; and yet in England they are to be separated in education ! I think, therefore, tliut tliere is nothing " veryierroneous in saying that the power of imitating natural objects artistically, ought to be the first requisite in the education of the ornamentist, or that the artistic imitation ought to begin by the human figure, since the mastery of this would render every other attainment compar.-itively easy." - To conclude, the error of the First Council of the London Schoul of Design » Murray's Hand Book to N. of Italy. - Drawing Book, page 2. 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 415 was this; — viz., adopting the German instead of the French principle in edu- cating the mechanic. The French begin by tlie figure and sound art— and the artizan thus educated carries sound art to ornament. TheGerm.ins begin by ornament, and mal■ of Iron Limestone do. . . 0 14 3 23-1 made. And in comparing this with the make by hot air, in December iS3li, (one Against this may be set down — A greater quantity of ironstone used per ton of iron made . Extra wear on ditto Coal to heat the air used 8 G 2 0 0 I 3 0 3 6 0 0 10 £C 5 7 Saving in materials by the use of hot air, per ton of iron . . 0 7 11 To which saving may be added a further sum of is. Id. per ton, for the greater quantity of iron produced from each furnace, when hot air and coals are used, making the total saving of 12.!. Grf. per ton of pig iron. But in 1835, the deterioration in the value of iron so made was about 17s. 6rf. per ton, as I stated at Dublin, and at the present time, (March 1842,) I have no recantation to read so far as the above observations go. In Dublin my observations on the deteriorated value of hot blast iron in the market of 17s. 6d. per ton were contradicted, but after seven more years of unceasing application, practised in the manufacture on a very large scale, of numerous experiments by indefatigable practical men of great abiUly, of the attention of learned professors of chemistry, mineralogy, and geology, together with the aid of that no inconsiderable engine the public press, the price of pig iron so made is .32s. G . • • • • • • 6 Scrap . . . . . . . . . . • . 3 Hot blast . . . . . . . . . . 1 The second and third set of bars you have now before you, ths result of ex- periments on which stand thus : Blows required to break them Diam. of bar. Area of see. with a 171b. in. where cut. hammer. Low Moor cold blast .. 2-66 ., 3-976 .. 18 Bierley cold blast .. 275 .. 4430 .. 18 Milton hot blast .. 275 .. 4-430 .. 3 Blows required to break them with a 201b. hammer. Elsecar cold blast . . 2-58 . . 3-976 . . 21 •> Milton hot blast .. 2-58 .. 4203 .. U J- Made from the same materials. ) So that the proportionate resistance of hot blast wrought iron to impact is still less than that of cast iron. I need scarcely say, cold blast iron was ordered at probably Gt. per ton more than the hot blast iron might have been bought for. 1 may here take leave to mention the circumstance of scrap iron being any thing now but what it was formerly, when its name and excellent quality were synonymous. In former times the importation of scraps from the con- « They took place from August, 1840, to February, 1841. Breaking weight cwt. qr. average 25 2 do. 24 0 do. 23 2 do. 17 2 do. 16 0 Bierley jiig iron, No. 3, made with cold blast Elsecar do. 3, do. Low Moor do. 3, do. Summerlee (Scotch) 3, hot blast Level Staffordshire 3, do. Mixed pig iron 3, 5 parts Low Moor, 1 part Elsecar do. 30 0 Mixed pig iron 3, 5 parts Bierley, 1 part Elsecar do. 33 0 Mixed pig iron 3, equal parts Bierley, Elsecar, Low Moor, Staflbrdshire, (Cylinder iron in the market,) and Level iron, also, Summerlee ^o- ^0 2 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 417 tinent of Europe took place to a very considerable extent, all of u hich were mar.ufacUucd iu this country into bars, sheets, &c. ; and from the circum- stance of these scraps, being all of charcoal iron, the bars, &c.. so made, could not but deserve the good name they acquired and long maintained- Tlie flow of scraps into England has, however, long since ceased, and the ex- portation from this country having become a considerable trade, it follows, of course, that scrap iron now must be made from our own scraps ; and when it is remembered how small a proportion of good iron to bad has for many years been made liere, bars. See. manufactured from them cannot but be of very irregular and dubious quality, hence it is that the best scrap iron cuts so poor a figure when compared with a well made iron from known good minerals. The remarks I have made are in reference to irons of known good quality, but I am ready, and have pleasure in admitting that the use of hot air has been of very great advantage at those iron works whose produce had not a first-rate name, by enabling their proprietors to make it at a less cost, without a proportionate deterioration in quality ; and there are some few works whose iron, made with cold blast, was so bad, that any change could not be but for the better. There is also at present a strong impression that iron cannot be made with anthracite coal only, but with hot air, and that iron so made is better than any other. The goodness of its quality is, however, due lo the great purity of that coal. But even here we are told, in a paper read before the Polytechnic Society of Cornwall, by a gentleman of great prac- tical skill, that iron made with such proportions of anthracite coal and coke as enabled him to use cold blast, became much weaker on his using hot air, all other circumstances being the same. My apology in troubling you so far must be in the importance of the sub- ject, and the daily increasing importance to society of the strength of that material by which the locomotive power is applied that so rapidly conveys a very large portion of the human race both by land and sea. When we are about to purchase a horse which is to convey ourselves and families at the moderate rate of 8 or 10 miles an hour, with what inherent caution our first object is to examine his knees, to ascertain his safety '. In the steam-engine we are prevented taking this precaution, and yet in travelling three times as fast, our risk is in very much greater proportion. Now in this fast travelling it must not be forgot that in the engines which convey us there are two cy- linders, and at least 280 returns of the piston, and therefore there are 280 percussions each minute of 9,2'lOlb. pressure in the power itself, and also the tires of about 42 wheels and axles in each train, passing over a joint of the rails every 5 yards of our journey, the percussions of which are very sensibly felt, with numberless others of minor effect, by which it will be at once seen of what inestimable importance it is that all iron used for such purposes should not only be strong, but be so under percussion ; for I need only remind you that it is more than probable, should any one of the numerou.? parts give way, by any one of the many percussions they have to sustain, that an acci- dent of the most calamitous nature would be the result. With this view of the subject I may probably be excused, if I so far further trespass on your patience as at least to endeavour to point out a duty which the public only can perform for itself, namely, to take especial care that the needful protection is given to that class of iron makers whose first care it is to maintain its utmost strength, regardless of the expense of doing so. And in order that it may be understood how far such protection is required, the following statement should be made known. In the year 1830 the total quantity of pig iron made in Great Britain was about 6.53,500 tons. In 1840 the make had increased to 1,396,400 tons; and although the stock of pig iron at the latter date was very smill, the price of No. 1 had declined since the use of hot air from 8/. 5s. in 1836, to 51. 5s. per ton in 1812 for cold blast iron ; and from 71. 5s. to 3/. 12s. 6rf. per ton for hot blast iron, ' although the workmen's wages throughout that period were rather higher, which item forms nearly 75 per cent, of the cost, from which circumstance it has been very fairly concluded, that the price of the best pig iron made has been brought down at least 30s. per ton lower than it would otherwise have been ' 1 have been informed that No. 1 hot blast iron has been delivered in L,?eds for Zl. 2s. Gd. per ton, the average of former years being 9/. lOs. per ton for No. 1 cold blast pig iron. by the badness of trade gonerally, had not the use of hot air been intro- duced in its manufacture. In addition to the observations I have already made on this subject, I may refer to the price current of the present day, and those who do so will see the price of cold blast pig iron in South Wales stand at 3/. 10s. per ton for No. 1 ; hot blast pig iron in the Clyde, 21. 10s. per ton for No. 1 ; and, upon the whole, it seems this case may now be thus summed up, that — The saving in the make of pig iron by the use of hot blast may per ton. (generally speaking) be . . . . . . £0 12 6 Deteriorated value of such iron in the general market . 10 0 Deteriorated value in the Yorkshire district . . . 12 6 Deteriorated value of castings made of such iron, in the simple article of railway chairs, as reported to the Institution of Civil F.ngineers, on the 1st day of March last, by one of their own body, of the first eminence, and of very great experience in such matters . . . • • . .400 Deteriorated value of wrought iron when manufactured from pig iron so made, in the market . . . .600 Indeed, of the last-named iron, engineers and intelligent manufacturers are agreed, and the experiments I have before referred to, show that 6/. per ton is far too little a deterioration for bar-iron of such a quality, and parti- cularly when we reflect how very much bar (and other) iron has now to do with the personal safety of millions of our fellow-creatures. Barnborough Hail, near Rotherltam. SHANNON IMPROVEMENTS. Lieut. Col. Harry D. Jones, R. E., Shannon Commissioner, and Thomas Rhodes, Esq. Principal Engineer, were at Killaloe, on the 17th and I8th Octo- ber, to witness the discharge of the river over that part of the weir which has been completed, owing to the active exertions of the contractor, Mr. W. Mackenzie, who has advanced the works at this station so rapidly, that they may be said to be fast approaching completion. The weir forms the principal feature of the improvements at this station, having for its objects to modify and regulate the great rise of the annual floods, by giving greater freedom of discharge and making a consequent re- duction in their altitude, at the same time preserving a sufficient depth of water for the navigation. The weir, when finished, will be 1100 feet in length, of which 618 feet are now completed. All things having been prepared, the dam which excluded the water from the weir while building, was broken about lialf-past 3 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, under the immediate directions of the Commissioners' engineers, Thomas Rhodes and Thomas Barton, Esqrs. The water having been let into the space above the weir, began to flow over it about 5 o'clock, and though the quantity passing over at present is small, yet the effect was grand. It is calculated that during the flooded seasons there w ill be little more than three feet of water flowing over it, although, in seasons previous to the improve- ments, the floods have risen to a height of nine feet, thus showing a general reduction of si.y feet in the height of the flood waters, and proving with what eflect the hand of science can grapple with this mighty element. The above operation has opened the canal from Killaloe to Cussane, which had been closed for some weeks, and the communication is now complete from Limerick to our pierhead. No accident of even the slightest description occurred, and the whole went off to the evident satisfaction of all present ; the day being fine, the number of spectators were very considerable. The Lord Bisliop was present at inter- vals during the day, and the spectacle was heightened by the prt-sence of many beautiful ladies, (of whom our gay little town has certainly an unusual share,) together with many of the gentry from the surrounding districts. The town and neighbourhood possess great interest, both from its natural beauty and its commercial character. We here see the imprint of the Dublin Steam Company, whose great and liberal exertions in the cause of commerce and navigation, under the masteily guidance of C. W. Williams, Esq., aided by the scientific intelligence of their agent, Joseph Clarke, Esq., and the in- defatigable attention of Captain Tully, keeps the curling volume from the steamers' tube gracefully mixing with the beautiful outline of our mountains, while she bears along the noble Shannon the produce of our lands, our trade and fortune, and connects our interests with the world. From the bridge the scene is one of exceeding beauty, and becomes en- hanced by historical recollections, for while we here meet, upon the banks of Shannon, many of Ireland's fairest daughters, we see reflected in the bosom of its waters the beautiful hills where, eight centuries ago, dwelt the bravest and best of her sons— Kinkora's Prince, Clonlarf's hero, the great and virtuous, the immortal Brian ! 41S THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Dkokmbkr, PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. June 21. — fconiinued.J " On Kome peculiar Changes in the Internal Structure of Iron, intlependenl of, ami subsequent to, the several processes of its manufacture." By Charles Hood, F.R.A.S., &e. The singular and important changes in the structure of iron, which it is the ohject of this Paper to explain, arc those which arise in the conversion of the quality of iron, known by the name of " red short iron," which is tough and fibrous, into the brittle and highly crystallized qnality known hy the name of " cold short iron." This change the author considers has never been attributed (as it ought to be) to the operation of any definite and ascertained law, but has generally, when observed, been supposed to arise from some accidental cause, and been considered as an isolated fact. The fracture of railway axles, by which some of the most lamentable ac- cidents liave occurred, arises from this molecular change in the structure of iron, by which the axles lose a vast proportion of their strength. The principal causes which produce this change are percussion, heat, and magnetism, and the author traces through a great number of practical cases of ordinary occurrence the joint, as well as the separate effect of these three causes; showing that the rapidity of the change is proportional to the com- bined action of these several causes, and that in some cases where all the three causes are in operation at the same time, the change of structure is almost instantaneous ; while in other cases, where this united operation does not occur, the change is extremely slow, extending over several years before it becomes sensible. Among the examples given, and of which the causes are explained, are the conversion by means of heat, as in the case of wrought- iron furnace-bars, and other analogous cases, particularly when any vapour is present : the operation of the tilt hammer in the planishing of iron, by which both vibration and magnetism of the bar is produced, when the tem- perature is within a certain Hniit, beyond which limit the bar loses its mag- netic power, and no crystallization occurs ; and the instance of piston-rods and other cases, where from any accidental circumstance a peculiar jar or vibration has been given to particular parts. The effect of the continual jar or vibration upon the axles of common road carriages is a case of the oppo- posite kind, where, notwithstanding the continual vibration, this molecular change does not take place u-lien the a.rle is insulated from the effects of magnetism. In railway axles, however, the case is very different. The rapid rotation of the axle produces powerful magnetic action, while the friction causes much lieat ; and these effects, added to the constant percussion which is prod\iced by the peculiar motion of railway wheels, causes the crystal- lization to be produced with extreme rapidity; the effect being probably further increased in the axles of locomotive engines by the magnetising power of the electricity generated hy the effluent steam. The crystaUized structure being the natural condition of iron, as well as of several other metals, the author considers that in these changes we observe a constant effort to return from the artificial to the natural and primal condition of the metal, and the conclusion arrived at is, that this crystaUization is not neces- sarily dependent upon time for its development, but is determined by other circumstances of which the principal is undoubtedly vibration: that heat, al- though it assists, is not essential to it, but that magnetism, whether induced by percussion or otherwise, is an essential accompaniment of the phenomena. The paper concludes by pointing out the increased effects likely to result from the rigidity of the springs, the looseness of the brasses, and other causes which increase the vibration on tlie axles of railway carriages. Several samples of broken railway axles were exhibited ; some of them being cut from different parts of the same axles, showed that at the journals, where the vibration was the most intense, the crystallization was increased to a great extent beyond what occurred in other parts of the same axle. Kemarks. — Mr. Moreland had frequently noticed that pins for chains, and pump-rods, although made of the best iron, would, if subjected to concus- sion, after a certain time break suddenly, and that the fracture would exhibit a large crystallized texture. This was also frequently observed in the broken axles of road-carriages, although they were generally made of iron of the finest quality. Mr. E. Woods had observed the crystallized fracture in all the broken axles on railways which be had seen. Mr. Hood exhibited some specimens of broken axles, all of which showed a large crystallized fracture : he believed that the iron from which the ma- jority of them had been made was of the best qnality, and in the p.irts not immediately subjected to concussion the fracture was quite different. One of them had been in use only three months, and had become so brittle that, on attempting to break it, it jarred off at the shoulder of the journal, al- though an incision was made all round at the spot where it was intended to be broken. Mr York would account for the tendency of the axles to break at the journal, by that part being subjected during the process of forging to more hammering than the body. ,Mr. Hood agreed that such might be the case, but he conceived that it was more probably produced by cold hammering. He had taken a sample frimi the body of a hrolicn cranked axle, from the (irand Junction Itailway, the iron of which was evidently of the best quality, but at tlie point of frac- ture, which was certainly at that part where it had been most hammered, the fracture presented a large crystallized texture. A large anchor, which had been in store for more than a ccnturv', at Woolwich Dock-yard, and was sujiposed to be made of extremely good iron, had been recently tested as an experiment, and had broken instantly with a comparatively small strain ; the fracture presented very large crystals : in this case he believed the length of time which the anchor had remained in the same position had produced the same effects as magnetism and vibration. Mr. Lowe stated that at the gas-works under his direction wrought-irou fire-bars, although more expensive, were generally preferred ; a pan of water was kept beneath them, the steam from which woidd speedily cause them to become magnetic: he had frequently seen these bars, when throw down, break into three pieces with a large crystallized fracture. Mr. Miller had frequently seen in manufactories, that when the smiths had forged parts of engine-work which from their intricate forms had required to be much hammered, the ends were jarred off while they were being worked upon. He instanced particularly the side rods of the engine for the " Lord iMelville " steamer, of which, while shutting up the middle, one of the ends of each rod was jarretl off, and presented large crystals in the fracture ; being well assured of the good quality of the iron in the rods, he had the same ends welded on again, and although the circnmstancc had oc- curred 20 years since, they were still at work, and had not shown any symp- tom of weakness. It must be evident that iu this case, the fracture and the crystallized appearance of the metal must have been produced by the cold hammering to which it had been subjected. Mr. York agreed with Mr. Hood in the fact of a change taking place in the texture of the iron, but he was of opinion that it more frequently oc- curred during than after manipulation ; he alluded more particularly to rail- way axles, in which he believed the injury to be done by tlje cold hammering or planishing after they were faggoted; he had frequently seen one end of an axle fall off while the other was being hammered : in all such cases, and those of accidental breakage, such as recently occurred on the Versailles Railway, and in other places, the fracture always presented a crystallized appearance. He then exhibited and described a railway axle, which he stated to possess the combined advantages of rigidity and toughness, and avoiding entirely the crystallization of the iron during the process of manufacture ; this he des- cribed to be effected by maintaining the axle in a hollow state during the whole operation of hammering, thereby avoiding the vibration and concus- sion, to which cause he attributed the crystallization of the iron in solid axles, being of opinion that the repeated blows of the hammer on a solid mass, particularly during the process of " planishing," were the chief, if not the only cause of the ductile quality of the iron being destroyed. He stated, that he had made numerous experiments for the purpose of ascertain- ing this fact, and in every instance when the axle was sound, the iron pre- sented the same crystallized fracture, although the bars, previous to their being welded together, were of the most fibrous quality, but if the axle was not quite sound, and the bars not perfectly welded to the centre, then the fracture was somewhat fibrous, the axle being partially hollow and thereby avoiding the vibration to a considerable extent. This fact suggested to him the propriety of keeping the axle hollow ; and the mode of manufacture he described to be by taking two dished half-cylindrical bars of iron, of the entire length of the axle, putting them together and welding them under a hammer in swages, by which means the particles are not driven asunder by the heavy blows and the axle of faggot lengthened, but are driven together and towards the centre. The axles produced by this means, he stated to be as perfectly ductile as the bars in the first instance. A further advantage, he stated to consist, in being able to make half the whole length of the axle at one heat, thereby avoiding to a considerable extent the danger of burning the iron by repeatedly heating it ; the iron in the axle he described, as being a uniform cylinder in thickness, and consequently requiring a uniform lieat, whereas the external bars of a faggot for a common axle were liable to be burnt, before the centre was heated to a welding state. The diameter of the hollow axle was increased from 3^ in. (the general size of a solid axle) to 4 in. in order to give a proper degree of rigidity, but without increasing the weight. The usual proof to which solid railway axles were subjected, was by al- lowing a weight of C cwt. to fall upon them from a height of 9 ft. ; with that force they were frequently brol.en at the second blow, and sometimes by the first — he had tried some of tiie hollow axles, by letting fall upon them a weight of 10 cwt. from a height of 15 ft., without breaking one of them. Mr. Simpson expressed the obligation of the Institution to .Mr. Hood, for bringing before the nieetiug such an interesting communication, upon a sub- ject which it is of the utmost importance to railways, should be carefully examined. It was to be regretted, that the late period of the Session had prevented the attendance of those members whose attention had been more particularly directed to railways ; but on the renewal of the subject next Session, upon the production of the report upon the projected experiments, promised by Mr. Hood, a very useful discussion might be anticipated. June 28. — The Preside.\t in the Chair. " An Account of the Uridyl- over the Thames, at Kingston, Surrey." I!y John lirannis Birch, Crad. Inst. C. E. Previous to the vear 1828, when the present bridge was opened to tlie 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 419 public, the communication between the to%vn of Kingston-upon-Tbames in Surrey, and tlie hamlet of Hampton-wick in Middlcbcx, was carried on by an old and incommodious wooden bridge, which was so dilapidated that any attempt to put it into a substantial condition for the service of the public, would have been equivalent to an entire rebuilding of the structure. The corporation of Kingston, therefore, resolved upon erecting a new bridge, on a design by Mr. Lapidge, their architect, and in the year 1825 obtained an act of Parliament, granting them ihe powers necessary for that purpose. The trustees appointed under the Act applied to the Exchequer Bill Loan Commissioners for pecuniary assistance to the amount of £45,000. but the application was not entertained until the working drawings, specification, &c. had been submitted to their engiueer — the late Mr. Telford, when he gave the following opinion : — " Having carefully inspected all the working drawings, I consider it only justice to Mr. Lapidge to say, that they are very complete and do credit to his judgment and assiduity; and as the blue clay has been found quite across the bed of the river, I am of opinion that with the precautions provided in the working drawings and specification, that the work is very practicable, and if well executed will prove a substantial and useful edifice." He also said. " 1 have gone through the detailed estimates, and compared the same with the proposal accepted by the corporation, and am satisfied that the works may be properly executed for the sum therein mentioned, viz., Xi31,300 ;" and he stated " the amount of the general esti- mate including the above sura — the expense of houses and ground — the flood-arches and roads of approach, &c. to be £47,457." Upon receipt of this report, the Commissioners consented to make the re- quired loan, but it being found that the Act limited the amount to be raised to £40,000, alterations in the structure were suggested by Mr. Lapidge, which received Mr. Telford's approval, and the works were commenced on the reduced scale. The bridge is of Grecian architecture and consists of five elliptical arches ; it is constructed chiefly of brick, with ashlar facing. The abutments are terminated by towers, and the structure is surmounted by a cornice and balustrade, with galleries projecting over the piers. The span of the centre arch is 60 ft., with a versed sine of 19 ft.; the side arches are 56 ft. and 52 ft. span, and 18 ft. 3 in. and 16 ft. 6 in. rise, respectively. The highest flood rises 6 ft. above the springing line, and the lowest summer level is about the same distance below it. The foundations are all laid upon the substratum of blue clay. The length of the bridge is 382 ft. to the ex- tremes of the abutments, and the width between the balustrades is 25 ft. The proportion of the piers to the span of the arches is about ^th. The roadway is formed at an inclination of 1 in 40. The author then describes fully the constrution of the abutments, piers, arches, and the superstructure. The work occupied about 2J years to the completion, the first stone having been laid on the 7th of November, 1825, and the bridge opened in form on the 17th of July, 1828. On the completion, Mr. Telford again made a report to the Exchequer Bill Loan Commissioners in these terms : — " With Mr. Lapidge, I examined the whole of the bridge and approaches, and taking it for granted that the foundations of the piers and abutments, which are under water, and which I had no opportunity of inspecting while in progress, are according to the working drawings, all the other parts are found in a very perfect state, exe- cuted in a workman-like manner." The bridge has in every respect answered the object for which it was in- tended, and it has justified the good opinion Mi. Telford originally formed of it. During the 14 years which have elapsed since its erection, it has required none other than the most trifling repairs, and the expectations of the trus- tees have been realized by the tolls having paid the allotted portion of the principal, up to the present time, as well as the interest of the money bor- rowed for its execution, and the cost of it did not exceed the amount of the estimate. The communication was accompanied by seven remarkably well-executed drawings, showing accurately all the details of the construction, and the paper contained all the quantities of metals in the work, together with Mr. Telford's reports upon it, with other documents of interest. " Description of Ihe Harbour of Port Talbot ( Glamor (jmishire)." By Henry Robinson Palmer, V. P. Inst. 0. E. The harbour described in this communication is situated upon the outfall of the river Avon, on the eastern shore of Swansea Bay. The adjacent mountainous district terminates abruptly at about half a mile from the shore, in a tract of marshy land, for the most part composed of sand, with de- tached beds of clay and peat of various thickness, at about 10 ft. below the surface. The river, which, at its issue from its rocky channel, had been diverted from its course by accumulations of sand, nearly at right angles with its point of discharge into the sea, would appear at some period to have bad a direct channel thither. It has been the object of the author, by whom the works were designed and executed, to restore this obvious course for tbe land water, and by means of embankments, to convert into a dock that por- tion of the old channel which extends through the marshes. A new channel has also been formed from the outfall to a convenient part of the dock, with a lock 48 ft. in width for the passage of vessels. As the works were undertaken by a few private individuals, every proper economy was enjoined; and in order to diminish the expense of excavating by manual labour, a channel of 100 ft. wide and a mile in length, Mr. John Vigurs (whose extensive tin-plate and copper works are situated in the ad- joining valley) proposed that the new channel should be formed by the force of the land floods, which descend with great impetuosity. A trench of 20 ft. wide by 10 ft. deep, was therefore cut in the line of the proposed channel ; and a few days after it was finished, a heavy land flood descending from the mountains rushed through it, carrying out to sea from the sides and bottom of the trench an immense quantity of the soil. Every succeding flood in- creased the size of the trench, and by judicious guidance of this natural ex- cavator, the channel was formed of the requisite dimensions; and it is now generally kept clear from accumulation by the land floods, but in dry seasons by the sluices in the lock-gates. The bed of the channel is stated to form a regular inclined plane of more than a mile in length, free from a shoal or any other impediment. The confluence of the two channels has been rendered permanent, by a pier of copper slag, with an active slope of 5 to 1. When finished, this pier will extend full half a mile in length. The paper then describes generally the ordinary modes of constructiou adopted in the works, and more particularly the lock, the cill of which is 23 ft. below the level of an ordinary spring tide : the coping is 2 ft. above that level, and the gates are 23 ft. 6 in. high. The fabric of the lock is composed of hard silicious sandstone, cemented with blue lias lime water. The ashlar work of the walls is 4 ft. in thick- ness, witli counterforts, and the spaces between them are filled with rubble, grouted with lime and sand. Tbe whole thickness of the walls may there- fore be taken at 8 ft., excepting at their bases, where they are 10 ft. The walls rest in part upon an inverted arch, 3 ft. in thickness, and tbe whole mass, including the invert, rests upon a concrete of large and small rubble. The harbour is stated to be in immediate connexion with extensive copper and tin-plate v;orks, and also with a great extent of coal-beds bordering the valley of the Avon, and the trade is rapidly increasing, its position in the Bristol Channel being highly favourable to a foreign trade. A plan of the harbour, with tbe streams and channels, and a transverse section of the lock accompanied the paper. " Desei-ipticn of the Colder Viaduct, on the Wishaw and Coltness Railway, with the Specijicafions, Estimates, and a series of E.xperiynents to ascertain the Deflection of tiro of the Strutted Beams." By John Macneill, M. Inst C. E. ■ When first the author v\as called upon to carry out the extension of the Wishaw and Coltness Railway, he found that the funds for that purpose were very limited, and that it was necessary to construct the works in the cheap- est manner possible. To accomplish this it was necessary to design and lay out a single line of railway, which would be sufficient to carry on the trade by H. p., but if possible, and consistently with limited funds, to construct the viaduct over the valley of tbe Calder (the principal work on the railway) in such a manner as to be able to vviden it hereafter, and to make it suitable for locomotive power, in tbe event of the trade being increased, or of the railway forming a part of the great line of communication between England and the West of Ssotland. Having these objects in view, and being so res- tricted in funds, he was obliged to lay out the works in the first instance, very ditferently from what he otherwise would have done, if there had been ample funds. The valley of the Calder, which the railway had to cross, was nearly half a mile in length, and tbe elevation of the line over the surface of the ground, varied from 50 to 130 ft. The first intention was to construct a viaduct, 480 ft. in length, of stone arches, 60 ft. span and 12 ft. wide between the parapets ; but as this mode of construction would have been the cause of much expense, when it became necessary to widen the viaduct for a double line of railway, and would also have involved an embankment of nearly 60 ft. in height, composed of clay and marl, which was considered unsafe and likely to slip, an effect which subsequent experience on other portions ot the line, has since fully proved would have been the case ; it was determined to ex- tend tbe viaduct to about 1200 ft. in length, and to construct it of timber resting on stone piers, which allowed the means of widening and strength- ening it hereafter, without stopping the trade or incurring more expense than would have been necessary in tbe first instance, if built to the full di- mensions. The piers and abutments are built hollow, of grey freestone from the ad- joining quarry of Dalziel ; the trussed wooden beams rest in metal sockets, and the springing plates are laid, for supporting the under arches of bent timbers, which are now in progress of construction, to render the viaduct capable of supporting safely the weight of locomotives and heavier trains than now pass along it by h. p. The usual load for horses is 4 wagons, each weighing 1} ton, and carrying 35 tons of coal ; there are frequently 3 of these trains in a single arch of the viaduct at tbe same time, and 30 loaded waggons weighing 120 tons exclusive of the engine and tender, have frequently been taken over ; on one occasion a train consisting of 65 loaded wagons of 4 tons each, making a gross load (including the engine and tender) of 279 tons was taken over the viaduct, but the usual load is restricted to 30 tons, until the under arches are fixed. The details of tbe construction of the general work are then given, and 42ft THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [DECEMBEa, the total c«3t of the single width is stated to be about jEId.OOO; this sum includes the metal castings for the future widening, and when the strength- ening and wiilening of the whole will he completed the total cost will not exceed .£25,000, which is stated to be a low price for a viaduct of 1200 ft. long, and varying from 50 to 130 ft. in height. X description is then given of the experiments upon the deflection of a trussed l)eam. Two stone piers were erected 100 ft. apart, with metal caps and sockets built into them ; two beams were laid ami strapped together and the struts fi.\ed, precisely as they would have been in the bridge; along each side of these beams, but quite unconnected with them, posts are driven in the ground, to which a horizontal beam was attached; six rods of deal, carefully divided into inches and tenths, were then screwed to the outside faces of the beams. The beams were, in the first instance, brought as near as possible to a hori7.ont.il line, by means of a spirit level, and the zero points on the rods made to correspond with a fixed line on tlie horizontal bar. When the beams were loaded, and the deflection from the original level took place, it was marked by the divisions on the index rods, which being firmly screwed to the beams rose or fell with them, and showed the quantity of deflection as marked by the line on the horizontal bar ; after each load was put on the beams, it was allowed to remain au hour or two before the deflection was measured, and after the load was taken ofl", the de- flection was again measured at an interval of some hours to ascertain the iiermanent set, before anotlier load was put on. The load made use of was railwav bars ; they were distributed over the beams in various situations, and in various quantities, varying from 1 to GO tons ; the results of which are stated in a series of elaborate tables : and a large collection of diagrams show the situation and form of the load and the space covered at each ex- periment, liy examining these diagrams, the situation of the load, its weight, and the deflection caused by it, will be at once seen ; the results of these weights are given in the tables in feet and decimals, which will be more satisfactory than the diagrams alone would be, to those who raay wish to make any calculation, or to form a practical rule upon them for their own guidance. The appendix contains the specifications for all the artificers' work, with the dimensions of the several parts and the priced estimates ; — the drawings accompanving the paper were executed by .Mr. Macniell's assistant, George Ellis, Assoc. Inst. C. E. " Description of the mode adopted for sinking a IVell, at Messrs. Trnman, Hanburi/, Buxton, and Co.'s Bretcery." By Robert Davison, M. Inst. C.E. The author commences this communication, by stating that one of the principal objects of the brewers, is to obtain a constant supply of water at a low temperature, for the purpose of cooling the worts, particularly during the summer months. The quantity of water to be obtained from the land- springs has (he says) been represented as not to be depended upon ; this would probably be correct, if required, as frequently proposed, for the supply of all the wants of a city, but if a well is properly sunk, there can be no doubt of obtaining a supply of 80 to 100 gallons per minute. W'itli regard to the quantity of water obtainable from the chalk stratum, the author believes it to be more precarious, for while instances occur occa- sionally, where a considerable opening is found in the chalk and a plentiful supply is obtained ; the cases it is believed are as frequent, where fissures arc not met with and a failure ensues. He then proceeds to give a narrative of the facts which occurred during the progress of an attempt to sink a cast-iron cylinder from the surface down to the chalk, a depth of about 200 ft., intending to admit the springs at the different levels, as might be considered most advisable. The well was commenced in the middle of a landspring well 10 ft. di- ameter, and in order to avoid tlie usual inconveniences of pumping and ex- cavating, Mr. Clark of Tottenham performed a large part of the work with the " Miser" instead of by the usual methods of well-sinking. The landspring well was drained January 25, 183y, and the excavation of a well 1 1 ft. diameter was commenced ; this was carried down of a clear diameter of 8 ft. C in. inside the brick steiuiug, and when it had arrived at the depth of 115 ft. 3 in-, the first cast-iron cylinder was lowered, and others were gradually added, shutting out the springs as they were passed, until April 3, when, at the depth of 135 ft., in a bed of yellow clay and pebbles, the water overpowered the excavators, and after trying many me- thods of continuing the excavation, the use of the "miser" was resorted to, when the cylinders had gone down to 114 ft. On the Uth of May the oyster bed was reached, at 103 ft. depth; and after some deliberation, it was resolved to continue sinking down to the chalk. For seven da; s the men were employed in "jumping" a heavy chisel bar to break througli the hard rocky crust of this oyster bed ; at length between the 25th and 27tli of May the cylinders suddenly sunk 5 ft. C in. ; the niisering was continued until the depth of 180 ft. 10 in. was attained, and tlie cylinders were found to be completely fixed. A pressure of nearly 100 tons applied hy powerful screws was tried without producing anyeflfect; it was therefore determined to fill all the space between tlie stcining and tlie exterior of the cylinder wiih con- crete, although a portion of the steining was discovered to have given way ; it was supposed that the cylinders would have been held up by the pressure against the steining and tlie earth; the pump-work was therefore fixed, and after a time the pumping commenced ; on the 21st October, after no more than the usual pumping (the water generally containing sandy sediment), it was observed that the pavement round the well had given way ; the ma- chinery was stopped, and immediately there occurred a rumliling noise within the cylinders which lasted probably 4 or 5 minutes ; on examination, it was found that the cylinders had sunk 4 inches, the main girders across the top were broken, and on sounding the well it was discovered that an extensive " blow " of sand had taken place, and filled the bottom of the well for nearly 28 ft. ; this was cleared out by niisering, and after recom- mencing pumping for some time, on the 14th December a separation of the cylinders about 2J in. wide was discovereil at about 73 ft. from the surface. Mr. J. llraithwaitc and >Ir. J. Simpson were consulted as to the best method of proceeding ; the former was of opinion that there was such a subsidence behind the cylinders, as would endanger the safety of the surrounding build- ings. The latter did not take so serious a view of the matter; but he sug- gested the sinking of an internal cylinder, if the original one could not be forced down. After this examination, a portion of one of the cylinders was cut away at 72 ft. from the surface, where the soft part of the clay commenced, and a dome was constructed with brick and cement all round the exterior of the cylinder, with the intention of supporting the brick steining and strata above, and also to carry oft" the water and prevent its softening the clay and the concrete. On the 18th of ilarch, 1840, an internal cylinder of 2 ft. diameter was lowered, within the original cylinder, and continued sinking until it reached the chalk, into which it was driven 4 ft.; the space between the large and small cylinders was then filled in with granite paving stones from 5 ft. in depth, and then with smaller stones, broken bricks, &c. mixed with hydratdic cement, to the depth of 25 ft., thus forming an eflfectual barrier against any future " blow " of sand from the original bottom of the well. .\fter all was imagined to be secure and the pumping had recommenced, a second separation to the extent of 4 in. was discovered in the cylinder ; the gap thus formed was first filled in completely with wooden wedges, and a cast-iron cap was afterwards bolted withinside. The well was then drained, and 400 holes ^ in. diameter were drilled in the cylinder, immediately be- neath the oyster bed, to admit the water from that level. It was ascertained also by experiment, that tlie quantity of water obtained from the 2 ft. bore in the chalk, was about 22 gallons per minute ; the bore was then continued for a depth of 200 ft. making the total depth of the well and the bore from the surface, nearly 400 ft., when a supply of water was obtained of 33 gal- lons per minute ; some of the joints of the cylinders were then picked out, to admit the water, and from all the sources combined, the quantity of water obtained, was about 81 gallons per minute, or 135 barrels per hour; that is, 55 barrels from the chalk spring and 80 barrels from the sand-spring per hour. The cost of the well and the bore was .-£4444, to which must be added the expense of a 12-horse steam-engine and pumps ^1351, making a total cost of j;5795. Appended to the paper is the report of Mr. James Simpson, which gives a very clear account of the state in which he found the well, and the remedies which he suggested, for the accidents which had occurred. It is illustrated by two drawings, showing in detail a vertical section of the well, with all the pumps and machinery, and also tlie tools used in the excavation and the bore. " Description of a Self-aciing Signal for Railways." By Charles Berwick Curtis, (of Acton,) .\ssoc. Inst. C. E. The object of this invention is, that notice shall be given by a marked signal, both by day and night, to the trains on the railway, that they may proceed with safety, and to regulate their speed. The signal being worked by machinery, the policemen would not be required, as at present, to remain on one spot, but could extend their sphere of inspection ; aud thus, by fixing the apparatus at given intervals along the line, the passage of the trains could be arranged with such precision as to render collision less frequent. The apparatus consists of a round signal, composed of glass, the up- per third part red, aud the remainder green, descending into view from a casing of three colours, such as black, green, aud red, in equal divisions: upon the signal is a white plate, which projects in front of aud through a slit in the casing; and in order that the signal raay be used by night as well as by day, a lamp is placed immediately beneath the centre of the casing. On the near side of the rail, at a suitable distance, anil at a proper height to be cleared by the steps of the carriages, is fixed a trigger, which is at- tached to a horizontal shaft revolving on bearings, with a counterweight, and these are connected by suitable shafts and levers with the signal-field. When an engine passes and depresses the trigger, the signal-field is released, and falls below the casing ; by this means the machinery is set in action, and in a given time (which is regulated by clock-work) gradually raises the signal- field up again, within the casing, indicating by the coincidence of the co- loured compartments of the casing with those of the signal, the length of time which has elapsed since the trigger was depressed. \A"hen the signal has returned entirely into the case, the apparatus has resumed its original state ready to be again acted upon. Several ingenious modifications of the apparatus are described ; and it is stated that the signals which have been at work for a considerable period at the London and Birmingham and Great Western Railways, have fully answereil 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 421 Fi£. 1. Fig. 2. F.: tte expectations entertained of their eificacy. Detailed drawings of the signals and machinery accompany the paper. The following description of the apparatus we have obtained from Mr. Curtis, which will more fully explain his ingenious inventions than the pre- ceding brief minutes of the Institution. Fig. 1, is a front view and section of the apparatus, with a round signal field descending into view from a bojiiug. The arrangement of the con- trivance is as follows : — By the left or " near " side of the Rail, at a suitable distance, and at a proper height to be cleared by the steps, and other pro- jections of the engines or carriages, is fixed a trigger or camb, to the end of a horizontal shaft, revolving on bearings, upon a sleeper of wood or stone, properly secured, and is furnished with a counterweight. The trigger is made to the radius of 1 ft. G in., of strong wrought iron, and for the pur- pose of securing a smooth surface, is covered with a plate of brass ; at the other end of the shaft is a double joint, from which rises an upright rod, secm-ed by guides, to the wall or framework ; the upright I'od terminates in an obUque hnk and l)ent neck, working in a bearing, at the point of which neck is a hammer head, which, as tlie trigger by the side of the rail is depressed, is forced inwards, and drav.n back again by the counterweight of the hori- zontal shaft on which the trigger is fixed. The signal field is fixed on a lever, having its fulcrum or bearing at about one-sixth of its length from the other end, and is sustained out of sight, that is, behind the boxing, by pins placed equidistant at three points upon a ring fixed upon the centre arbor of wheelwork, whicli centre arbor is immediately opposite to the hammer head of the bent neck of the upright rod, and re- ceives its blow. The centre arbor being forced in, and thus withdrawing the pin from holding the end of the signal lever, releases it, and it falls by its own weight. The wheelwork of which the motion is sustained by a weight, and which when holding the signal lever is kept motionless, is now set in action, and the ring having the three pins revolves, and the pin next in ro- tation travels towards the end of the lever, consuming three minutes and a half before it comes in contact j when in contact it gradually depresses the end of the lever, and raises the signal ; the white plate now leaves the red compartment, and passes on the green, and the upper limb of the field is withdrawn from view, and continues to rise with the white plate, in the green compartment, till it is wholly out of sight, and tlie white plate appeai-s GO the black compartment, and arrives at its resting place, whereby the wheelwork is stopped. At night the lamp being lighted, the colours of the glass indicate the signal according to the same periods, viz. : three minutes and a half red, and six minutes and a half green light, and afterwards exhibiting the white light. The wheelwork is so arranged that 40 trains may act upon it for one winding up. It comprises a wheel working into that attached to the barrel, the arbor of which wheel is elongated and made square, and carries the ring npon which the three equidistant pins are placed, which ring is fixed on a ioss, made to shde backwards and forwards npon the square elongated end of the arbor, furnished at the back, or between the ring and the face of the frame of the wheelwork, with a spiral spring to drive the ring with the three pins back to its working position, when forced in by the hammer; the only other wheels necessary are those leading to the escapement, which consist of a simple balance wheel. A striker must be attached to the engines or tenders, made of ash, or other long grained wood, 4 ft. long, and 0 in. wide, cut lengthways of the grain, and inclining to the extent of oue-third the length from each end towards the centre, the intermediate one-third being left straight, and so fitted that it shall depress the camb or trigger 2 in. rig. 2, is another apparatus, with a fan of two colours, one-third red, and two-thirds green, enlosed within a suitable boxing, having a triangular opening. The wheelwork and action are precisely the same. The train passing and acting on the trigger, the fan falls aud presents its red portion in the opening, and on being drawn back its green portion, and being at the extremities fimiished v.ith glass of those coloms to correspond, so as to pass before a lamp, gives the colour signals at night. The fan signal must be erected upon a pedestal, at a convenient distance from the side of the rail, and high enough to insure its being visible to the drivers of engines. Fig. 3, is the third mode of arrangement, that of the signal mast, wliich is made to tiurn one quarter, thereby exhibiting a change of figure. The machinery apphed to this is of the same nature as the foregoing, but placed horizontal instead of vertical, and in place of a lever being released from the pins, as in t/iem, a sector, with teeth working on a bearing or gudgeon into a segment attached to the mast, is employed. A weight and line is fixed to the mast, which upon one of the pins being released from its hold, as in the other arrangements, draws the mast round one quarter, ex- hibiting thereby the signal to indicate " stop " or " danger ;" three minutes and a half are consumed in the approach of the pin to the end of the sector, and six minutes and a half from the time the pin comes in contact, tUl it has drawn the mast back again, and restored the signal of '■ safety." A lamp is fixed on a stationary standard, but is enclosed in a three-sided lantern, with coloured glass, red, green, and white lantern traversing with tlie mast, in front of the lamp, showing thereby the colours according to the position of the mast : red, green, or white. One apparatus is placed at thi; south entrance of the Primrose Hill tunnel, and an engine fitted for the purpose of operating upon it, which it has done since the autumn of last year, and still continues to do daily with the 3 o'clock train. And on the Great Western Railway the (/irte distinct forms, above described, liave been erected at the Paddington Terminus. END OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SESSION, 1842. The Institution will resume their Meetings on Tuesday, the 10th of January next. YORKSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL SOCIETY. First Report, read at the General Public ileetiny, October 'th, 1842. A REPORT of the past, as connected with a society which awaits its formal constitution at the present meeting, must of course be meagre ; l)ut the mem- bers have a right to know how tlie Yorkshire Architectural Society originated, with what support, witli what field of usefulness before it, and with what prospects of success. When several persons had already expressed a wish that in this county, which presents perhaps the host field' of architectural study in the kingdom, an .Architectural Society should lie formed, several of the clergy of the dio- ceses of York and Ripon having been invited to attend, a meeting was held at Leeds, the Rev. tiie Vicar in the chair, on the 26th of July last. At this meeting, with the approbation of many who n ere absent, and with the united N2 422 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [December, care of those present, provisional rules were framed, and officers pro tempore appointed, and it was determined that all the parochial clergy in the county should he invited to join the society in its earliest stage. That the greatest deference might he paid to authority. His Grace tlie Archbishop of York, and His Lordship the Cishop of Kipon were requested to extend their patronage to the proposed society, and the Lords Lieutenant of the three Ridings were requested to accept the oflice of Presidents. The sanction of tlicse great names was most kindly alforded ; and we were also permitted to number among our Vice-presidents the Archdeacons of most of the archdeaconries within the two dioceses, and many noblemen and gentlemen whose names must give strength to our cause. Of ordinary members we have already, and before any public meeting, more than 300 names on our list ; and many of those who were among the first to give their names to the society, have ex- pressed most strongly their opinion, evidently not newly formed, that such a society was much needed. With regard to the objects of the society, they are stated briefly but com- prehensively in the second resolution passed at the prelimioary meeting, as follows : — "That the objects of the society be to promote the study of ecclesiastical architecture, antiquities, and design, the restoration of mutilated remains, and of churches or parts of churches which may have been desecrated, within the county of York; and to improve, as far as may be within its province, the character of ecclesiastical edifices to he erecteil in future." If we may he allowed to expand this resolution, we may say that whatever tends to the knowledge of the principles or details of church architecture, as it was practised iu the middle ages; and whatever may suggest any im- provements in the general style of ecclesiastical edifices in the present day ; that whatever may tend to explode the anachronisms and other solecisms in church building now so common ; that whatever njay serve to extend a taste for the higher branches of the art, and to inculcate reverence for it in its most sacred applications: that whatever may indirectly encourage, or directly effect the restoration to their pristine beauty, or to their sacred use, of any ecclesiastical remains, or any part of the essential furniture of the sanctuary; whatever may come under any of these heads, the Yorkshire Architectural Society proposes to itself as the scope of its operations. How far it may be obliged to do this indirectly only by suitable publications, and by suggesting an object of study to its members, and those who may interest themselves in its proceedings, and how far directly, by rendering assistance, pecuniary or otherwise, to those who will gladly avail themselves of its aid in the repairs or constructiun of sacred edifices which Providence has committed to their charge, must of course depend on the resources which the society may have at its disposal, from the number of its members, or the liberality of more wealthy supporters. That some stimulus, of some kind or other, to cultivate a better style of church huikiiug, and some riireclion of the public taste in matters even of the minutest detail, and most trifling repairs, is needed, must be clear to every one who will take the trouble to run over the churches, ancient or modern, williin a drive of his home. With regard to new churches, there is scarcely a populous district in the kingdom which does not possess one of the churches built in pursuance of the "Million act," as it is called; a huge cumbrous erection, Gothic in its details, without any principle, or if following any principle at all, probably Grecian in its proportions ; in size beyond the ci,mpass of most voices, and in arrangement destructive of all articulate sound. The floor is divided be- tween pews and benches, making an invidious distinction between Christ's poor, and the world's rich, and galleries destroy whatever there would have been of ecclesiastical effect. The consequence of this complication of dis- orders is a church empty, in proportion to its size at least, and therefore cold and comfortless to the worshippers ; whereas the same sum would have built two, or perhaps three churches, not so vast, but far more beautiful, accoiu- modating a much larger aggregate of worshippers, and forming each a centre, far more satisfactory, for the exertion of a larger number of pastors. And this there can he no doubt would have been the happier result, had the pub- lic mind been indmed, by whatever means, with those principles of eccle- eiabtical taste and feeling in such matters, which it is the object of such so- cieties as this to inculcate ; had those who gave their best energies to the perfecting of so good a work, been prepared to think with good taste, good feeling, good judgment, and what is inseparable from these, real utility upon the subject. In speaking of new churches, we have chosen those which were in every sense a public work, and the responsibility of which was so greatly divided between the several parties concerned in their erection and arrangement, that they arc open, with as Httle invidiousness as possible, to free criticism, and that it would be impossible to lay blame any where, if blame is due, but on the deficiency of the ]iulilic taste at the time, for which no individuals can be accountable. Hut though some of the very best churches lately built have been erected under the auspices of individuals, yet to whatever class of churches we turn we still find excellence, and even propriety, the exception; and are the more confirmed in the conviction that a little greater cultivation of ecclesiastical taste would tend to the erection of far more beautiful churcho, without any addition of expense, and sometimes even at a maieriiil saving. In the repairs of churches, to which we would next direct the attention of the Society, the same thing is equally true ; as we shall abundantly prove by an enumeration of some of the more common errors into which the re- pairers of churches are continually falling. We will again refer to actual instances though without mentioning names. In a district of this county, the chiu'chcs of which amply repay attention, there arc two towns about ten miles apart, to which aiul to the several vil- lages between which we will make an imaginary tnur of observation. The first church is a magnificent cross chuich, with a hjfty spire, supported by flying buttresses, and must have been, when in its best state, among the most beautiful ecclesiastical structures in the kingdom. At present, the lower part of the great east window is blocked up by the i>ainted canvas containing the creed, the Lord's prayer, and the ten commandments; the west window being equally spoiled bj a gallery erected before it. The font, a very fine one, is not used for Holy Baptism, but only as a receptacle for a fair yellow wash-hand bason, which has usurped its use; the pewing is very irregular, and destructive of all eftect ; yet this is the least harbarised of all the churches we are visiting, and is indeed far less so than most others throughout the kingdom. The next church is very small, and most unpretending, though containing some good monuments. It has a pretty screen between the nave and the chancel, which was very graceful in efl'cct so long as it retained its original hue, hut it is spoiled by white paint, and all its eftect is destroyed by the emidous vicinity of the tall open panelling of a squire's pew. The next church consists of a nave and two aisles, with a spire. The wooden roof has been lowered to so painful an excess, that the upper part of the east window is cut off by the new ceiling ; the same window has also suffered the loss of a whole couipartment, which is wantonly blocked up. Over the south door of the chancel is a stone with an inscription offensively commemorating a lord of tlie manor, who was probably art and part in some of these improvements. The fourth church consists of a nave and clerestory, aisles and chancel, with a tower and spire. The roof of the nave is lowered, hut it is still a pretty good oak roof. The tower arch is blocked up, and a gallery extends across it. The seats arc arranged in the most originally fantastic manner possible, bending towards each other, like two marks of parenthesis, extend- ing along the opposite sides of the nave. The font has lately served the purpose of a plasterer's bucket. A little chapel, once very pretty, next occurs, but its effect is quite de- stroyed, both internally and externally, by a low square brick tower erected upon it, three sides of which have no other support than wooden props and beams. Perhaps by this time it has fallen, for the beams were very visibly and even alarmingly declining two years ago. If the tower has fallen with, out further damage, and has been replaced by a bell gable, which would cost a third part as much, the chapel is again a pretty ecclesiastical looking object. Sixth and last, is the most beautifid edifice of all, a cross church, with a central tower, and s]ilendid in all its parts, except where it has been barba- rized at considerable expense by late improvers. The altar screen is of Grecian design. The roofs are lowered throughout the whole church, and those of the nave and south transepts are plastered. The west window is utterly spoiled, the nave is cut off from the transepts by galleries. The beau- tiful font is furnished, as almost all fonts are in these days, with a small basin for the water at Holy Baptism. The repairs on the exterior wotdd have demanded so considerable an outlay, had they been leally and wholly in keeping, that they could hardly be meutioned among things that would require only greater knowledge to have rendered them appropriate, hut still they might have been less dissightly, to say the least, than they are, at the same cost. In all these cases, such trifling matters as the glazing of windows and the like have been omitted, not as unimportant, but because they would have recurred so often as to be tedious. It is not necessary to prove our point to give the names of the several churches we h,ive visited, for every neighbourhood will furnish iiarallel cases, as each member of the Society may prove for himself on inspection. Now, what we said of the " Million Churches," and of the divided respon- sibility of all persons concerned in the fabric, we repeat of such repairs. Had there been Architectural Societies in existence, or had the ecclesiastical taste been cultivated in any adequate degree, these things woidd have been diffe- rent. More money would have been expended in fact, because devotional feeling would have been more stimulated in that direction; but this we will not assume : we will oidy assert that the same money woidd have been ex- pended to very much better purpose. To undo gradually and ultimately such evils as are here mentioned, and at the very least to prevent their so frequent repetition, is among the objects of this society, as well as to imjirove the character of churches newly erected. The field of usefulness (for surely such an object will be admitted to he use- ful) is co-extensive with the county, and every Yorkshireman will tVel that it ought to be fairly cultivated. The means of effecting any good results may seem more limited, but the difficulty will vanish before a little con- sideration. The first tangible operation of the society will probably be to obtain accu- rate information concerning the character and state of the churches of York- shire, and to collect and record whatever there may he curious and instruc- tive in their arcbiteclural details; forming at the same time, as we maybe able, a collection of casts and drawings, not from Yorkshire exclusively, but from any interesting soincc which may he open to us. Such a collection may seem only a museum of curious fragments, and the more extended pub- 1842.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 423 lications of the Society mere barren records of what was once effected ; and yet, even if the funds of the Society should not he adequate to any direct exertions, much will be effected by this means. For the stuily of ecclesiastical architecture cannot be pursued without originating and fostering a degree of interest and enthusiasm which must be influential on the many, although it be called into active exertion only in a few. The very collection of information, with the examination of churches requisite to that end, will enlist many on the side of propriety and good taste, and there are many cases in which these appeal so intelligibly to com- mon sense, and even to mere utility, that they have only to be fairly stated to be acted on. Every member, too, of this society will feel himself pledged, by the very fact of his membership, to exert himself in the furtherance of its objects ; and at least when he has any voice and intiuence in the erection or repairs of a church, (and veiy few indeed of the clergy, at any rate, are wholly without such occasions of influence.) he will feel bound even at a little self-sacrifice, to care eftectually for the appropriate character of the House of God. Nor ought we to refrain from the praise which is due in general to churchwardens and others who may be charged with the main- tenance of the church's fabric. In rural districts they are generally chosen from among those whose very different pursuits leave them little opportunity for a personal acquaintance with ecclesiastical architecture and design ; but good feeling they have to a great extent, and good sense ; and when they find one, as for instance, the clergyman or squire of the parish, to direct them, they will seldom be found opposed to those measures which are really the best. But we may surely anticipate the time when the funds at our disposal shall enable us to do something, as a society, in the way of restoration ; and something, also, towards raising the architectural character of churches still to be erected. There are churches and chapels in this county diverted from their holy purposes, which we should wish, and which perhaps we may even- tually be able, to rescue from secular and degrading uses. There are beau- tiful structures, with enough of them left to show what they once were, which we may hope gradually and one by one to restore. There are churches worthy of being imitated, which we may hold forth to the admiration of church builders, and the adoption of the plans of which we may procure by a seasonable addition to the building fund. Meanwhile the members who may be really disposed to enter into what may be called the business of the society, will find it one of great interest, and will be amply repaid for their contributions to the society's museum aud stock of knowledge, by the pleasure which the pursuit has afforded. The value of an oljject of interest in our rambles is proverbial, and hence a great part of the pleasure of the botanist, the mineralogist, and the painter. The student of ecclesiastical architecture is not less abundantly stored with inte- resting objects wherever he goes. With an interest attached to that par- ticular object, and none other, every one, though but a wayfarer, with a few minutes' leisure, turns at once to the village church ; but the members of our society will go thither with far greater assurance of pleasure and instruc- tion, and stones will be vocal to him that are dumb to others. Every church has a history which may be read in its walls, its buttresses, its doors, its windows, its mouldings, its font, its roof, its seats, its chancel, its altar; a history with his eras, its incidents, and its episodes marked in broad lines, ami in traces deep and vivid of the chisel of the mason and the sculptor, and of the brush of the plasterer and painter; in the restorations and additions of medieval architects, and in the perversions and monstrosities of modern carpenters and masons. The history is one of interest and of value, and one which he can transcribe and bring away for the amusement and instruction of others, and not without a hope that he is acquiring and conveying infor- mation which will be practically applied in many future instances. But let us attempt to convey some impression of the interest of the pur- suit which we are entering upon, by a particular instance. Three years ago, two persons, now enrolled among the original members of the society, were walking on the banks of the river Ure, near Ripon, when their attention was arrested by what seemed in the distance a neglected ruin, but of what cha- racter, whether a church, a house, or a barn it would be ditficult to say. However, they bent their steps towards it, and first approaching a cluster of alms-houses, found the supposed ruin to be a little chapel, sadly neglected, and almost desecrated, by the near approach of houses, farm yards, pig sties, and every kind of rubbish. The exterior, besides being extremely pictu- resque, chiefly from the effect of a tall bell-gable, afforded indications of great antiquity, and of very consi.ile, 1S12. Mr. Wicksteed lias been unceasing for tlie last live years, in bring- in" ri>rwarlyiiig steam power to pro- pelling purposes." — Nov. 8. , . , t i John Bap.ni s, of Church. Lancashire, manufacturing chemist, ani John Mercer, of O.ikenshaw, Lancashire, calico printer, for "improvements in the mnniifiel lire of articles used inprinting anddyeing cotton, silk, woollen, and other fabrics." — Nov. 10. , , <■ CiiAK-LEs UowLEv and James Turner, of Birmingham, bill Ion-makers, for ■' improecnicnts in the rnanufactnre nf perforated metal buttons." — Nov. 15. Andre Eustache Gratien Algi-.ste M.-vckras, of Cornhill. genlleman, for '■ imprnrenients in the process and apparatus for filtering water and other liquids." (Partly a coninuinic.ition.)— Nov. 1.5. Charles .'i^mith. of Newcastle-street, Slrand, for '■improvements in the ma- nufacture and application of bricks, tiles, and other plastic articles or surfaces, and fur cements or compositions to be used with, in, and about the same, for build- ing and other useful purposes.'' — Nov. 17. LIST OF KEVW PATENTS. CBANTID IV ENGLAND FROM NOVEMBER 2nD TO NOVDMIIER l/TH, 1842. Six Months allowed fur Enrolment, unless otherwise cxpresstd. MATTHEW Gbeoson, of Tosteth Park, Liverpool, esquire, for " impruveinenls amlienhlo to the sawing or cutting of veneers. (A communication.)— .Sealed November 2. , , - , .losf.i'ii EnwABPS. of Bloomsbury-square. clerk, for '• «'j improved raxor- slrirp. or instrument for shrirprning certain cutting edges, and an improved material for covering the same, tehich material is also applicable to other purposes' — Nov. 2. , . , „ X- o .Sir J. SroTi Lillie. of Chelsea, for " improvements in roads. — Mov. I. Pierre Pkllitan, ol Bedlord -square, esquire, for " improvements in thepro- duclionnflight."—'i