(I-:, ii;!; mi JliiHiiifl 11 ;it r> JUihrarg J •\ THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL SCIENTIFIC AND RAILWAY GAZETTE. VOLUME IX. 1846. LONDON: R. GROOMBRIDGE & SONS, 5, PATERNOSTER ROW; J. WEALE, 59, HIGH HOLBORN; WILEY & PUTNAM, NEW YORK; GALIGNANI, AND MATHIAS, PARIS. Printed and Published by WILLIAM LAXTON, the Proprietor, at No. 10, Fludyer Street, Whitehall. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL INTRODUCTORY NOTE. In commencing the lOOlh I'art, and a new volume of this work, the con- ductors of it venture upon a few introductory remarks ; the object pro- posed is not, however, merely to offer the courtesies of salutation, though, were it no more, we might well be excused — at a season of universal greeting and goodwill — for expressing to those who have accompanied us, and those who have assisted us in the prosecution of our task, with how much gratification we arrive at this epoch of it, and commence a new portion of our labours. In a periodical devoted, not to the general purposes of literature, but to the publication of information on specific subjects, and these of a very extended and frequently complicated nature, the reader has a right to expect that the mode of selecting and communicating information should be guided by certain fixed principles ; for it is certain that, were no other rules adopted in conducting such a work as this, than that of setting down whatever appears to possess a passing interest, and that of recording the information just as it is supplied to us, the reader would no longer find what he would most anxiously seek for in these pages, professional in- formation selected for its intrinsic importance, and referred to certain fixed principles as tests of its value and accuracy. In Engineering, the first branch of ourlabors, it is by no means difficult to explain the rules here adopted. The theory of the operations of the engineer belongs, fortunately, to a philosophy the most accurate and complete, of all which the range of human thought encompasses — the philosophy of motion and equilibrium ; and the application of this phi- losophy to practical mechanics is founded on a system of experimental knowledge, far exceeding in extent and the uniformity of its results all that has been obtained in other practical arts. For while, on the one hand, none of the operations of nature have been so successfully theo- rised as the mechanical, and on the other, none have been made so gene- rally the subjects of practical industry. In examinining, then, the labours of the engineer and mechanist, we have first to see how far their notions accord with the pure theory ; se. condly, how far the details of their works stand the test of experience. There once prevailed, unfortunately, an idea that the theory and practice of mechanics were inconsistent with each other ; but the new and constantly increasing requirements of modern engineering are now fast dissipating the error ; for, while the theoretical student finds it impossible to render his knowledge available without actual experience, the practical ope. Mo. 100.— Vol. IX.— Januaby, 1846. 9 ) <- rator frequently finds, from the rapid advances of modern engineering, that he is placed in circumstances altogether new to him — discovers that his notions of the laws of mechenics picked up here and there, without any system, and generally mixed up with a vast amount of extraneous matter will nut always suffice, and that he must frequently submit his judgment, in a measure at least, to that af the theorist. It is quite true that the actual operations of engineering generally de- pend on natural laws so complicated as to render direct mathematical investigations, either impossible, or rendered possible only by hypothe- tical simplifications of the cases examined. It is not, therefore, to the immediate results of mathematics, that we are to look for the most general benefit derivable from pure theory, though even here how much has been done for the assistance of the engineer, labours such as those of Coulomb, Poncelte, De Pambour, Hodgkioson, Moseley, and Professor Willis amply testify. But there is another far more common benefit which the engineer will derive from mathematical knowledge, which, if duly con- sidered, ought to remove from the mind of the practical student sU coldness and suspicion respecting the results of theoretical mechanics. It is not to be expected that an engineer, however high his mathema- tical attainments, could determine, numerically, the velocity of every engine he constructs, the pressure on every tunnel, or revetement wall which he builds ; but this is certain, that his mathematical education will have so systematised and simplified his mechanical conceptions, ihat he will examine his works far more critically than he possibly would, were his physical notions derived merely from his own experience or popular treatises. It may be unhesitatingly affirmed that the perspicuous general insight into the laws of mechanics, afforded by the study of mathematics, is not tt be obtained by discursive reading and casual experience how- ever exle.'sive or varied in ils nature. It were easy enough to give in- stances of men eminent for their practical labours, who, from lack of syste- matic knowledge, frequently utter notions the most confused on mechanical subjects ; or — to refer to more immediate instances — we might, from our own pages, point out repeated cases of inventors obtaining patents for the supposed attainment of physical impossibilities. That chief value of the mathematical theory of mechanics to the prac- tical engineer would seem then to be, not so much the prediction of the exact result of his labours, as the general guidance afforded to him in conducting them — the knowledge by which, without the toil of experi- ment, he distinguishes between what is physically possible and what im- possible, and is directed in choosing the mechanical appliances best suit- able to effect his objects. Who can estimate how vast an amount of intel- lectual and experimental labour might have been saved, had thoet who THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [January, so long long strove to discover " perpetual motion," and the means of making water raise itself, known that they were, in fact, striving to give to matter la%vs altogether diverse from those assigned to it in the economy of natare? And yet the same efforts (applied to different objects) are made in our own day. It may, therefore, be safely assumed that we can- not greatly err in recording the progress of engineering, if we constantly refer to pure llieory as a test of the accuracy of our judgment — if we apply constantly the principles of mathematical philosophy divested of its language.— The lanauage of symbols is requisite only in determining exact statistical results, but the general principles of pure mechanics are of universal application, and are capable of being expressed in ordinary language with a facility and accuracy far beyond what might be naturally anticipated, had we not eminent proofs that the attempt may be made with success.* In Arciittectbre the determination of fixed rules of criticism is not so easy a natter. Taste refuses to be fellered by the strict laws of natural philosophy, and the canons of the fine arts are seldom demonstrable. Still we have even here some fixed principles which rest on the safe foundation of universal consent, and are susceptible of very extended ap- plication. The general law that architectural beauty is dependent on utility was universally recognised by those from whom we borrow the only kinds of architecture adopted by us — the Classic and the Christian — and it is a law which at a time like the present, distinguished by a grow- ing interest in the philosophy of the arts, few will be bold enough to con- trovert—the simple and indisputable rule that architectural members ap- plied without use, or to wrong use, are deformities per se, will of itself frequently be sufficient in determining our judgment. It is not however to be concluded that this principle is the only one which the Classic and Mediajval architects held in common ; and it may here be remarked how little progress has been made in discovering the abslract principles by which these masters were guided. Of the actual forms adopted by them there has been no lack of study. The lines and dimensions exhibited hy standard specimens of architecture have been noted down and catalogued with wonderful and praiseworthy minuteness. But may it not be doubted whether the neglect of principles for the sake of forms, savour not somewhat too strongly of servile coyping! An in- telligent student-artist %vill, it may be fairly supposed, endeavour rather to become imbued with the spirit and genius of his master, than to reproduce every minute mark and characteristic of his works. Here seems to be the real cause why some who in our own time have laboured zealously to restore one kind of architecture to its original purity, have failed of the full recompense of their talents, industry, and zeal. An indiscriminate adherence,to precedent hasjproducedjits never failing fruits — bigotry and intolerance. Had the same labour which has been spent in recording proportions and copying outlines, been devoted to the exami- nation of the beautiful philosophy of which those dimensions and pro- portions were the results, we should hear of few eSTorts to exalt one system of pure architecture at the expense of auother, and we should probably have far advanced in reducing our knowledge of ancient architecture to a system by which alone we can hope to rival the masterpieces of that art of which we profess to be disciples. But there may be some who would say further that we ought, not only to avoid servile adherence to precedent respecting architectural forms, but even to disown all obligation to be bound by the abstract principles of the old architects. To this it seems sufficient answer that in that case we must no longer profess to adopt the old modes of architecture ; we must discover for ourselves some altogether new system. And though we have no warrant for denying a priori, the possibility of such a discovery, still until it be made — until we disown all similarity of our works to tliose of the classic and niedieeval architects, we are clearly mere mimics, when we borrow from them some of the forms which they adopted, and ap\ily them without any regard for their original purposes. This at least is certain that if we endeavour to confound together principles, which are not merely different, but directly antagonistic, the result must be discordant and inharmonious. It surely were no difficult task to show that the genius of Greek and Gothic architecture are diametrically opposed to each other. Where we see the two brought iuto direct contrast (as for instance in the interior of a * We may refer, in proof, to Airy's Ttieory of Gravitation, a work whicll exliibit3 in a most extra>jrdinary manner tlie practicability of eiplaioing, in ordinary iaugULige, the results of elaborate mattiematlcal researclies. cathedral which the admirable taste of the last age has decorated with Corinthian columns,) the discordance is so offensive to the eye as to be immediately condemned. But why should we not carry the principles of the condemnation a little further, and condemn buildings when the details belong to the one system, and the outline to another system of architecture — I>uildings, for instance, in which it is enduavoured to give a lofty vertical efTect by architectural members, which were originally proposed to produce a horizontal effect f It is not to be denied that even where these considerations (indisputable as they seem,) have been neglected, there have been produced buddings, which, by the richness of their decorations, fail not of a certain claim oq our admiration. Hut this is certain, that though the elfect in such cases be gorgeous, it cannot, in the very nature of things, be pure. To copy ench work is, at least, but to copy second-hand; and surely, if we be not going altogether wrong iu our endeavours to purify our taste for Christiaa architecture, it is but a legitimate extension of our efforts to free classic architecture of the foreign ideas which have been imported into it. It may be, indeed, require a certain amount of adaptation, in the application to modern purposes; but the requirements of those who invented, and first used classic architecture, too nearly resembled our own to permit the sup- position that the adaptatioa would involve a total subversion of their origi- nal principles. These considerations will explain, with sufficient accuracy, the course wc would endeavour to adopt with respect to the two leading divisions of our task. We make no profession, however, of being always able to attain the true philosophy of architecture and engineering. It is safe, semetimes, to simply record facts, and to wait until direct experience shews the value of them. In such cases, our labour is little more than that of compilation ; and even where we undertake the more hazardous labours of direct criticism, we have frequently to confide in the consideration that our readers are, for the most part, those who are practically aware of the diversity and complexity of our task, and will make full allowance for the difliculties of it. At the same time, we are well persuaded of the importance of rendering all knowledge syBtematic ; ind we have this trust in the principles here set forth, that if they do not always lead to rapid discoveries of great truths, they will at least prevent the admission of great errors— that even if ws sometimes loiter ou our road, they will keep us from wandering altogether out of it. ARCHITECTURAL DECEPTIONS. To restore to architecture the excellence which it attained in the periods of its greatest purity among the Greeks and Mediajval Christians, it seems absolutely necessary that it should regain that hold on the popular mind which it possessed during those epochs. With the Athenians the erection of a temple, with our Christian forefathers, the buildiug of a Cathedral was a work of no isolated or merely local import, but one which engaged the interests and tasked the energies of a whole nation. Whiel printing wae not jet discovered, architecture, according to the beautiful theory of a great writer of our times, was the only method by which the mind of a people could express itself — and this at least is certain, and independent of all theoi7, that public architecture engaged far more of public attention here- tofore thau now. The slighest reflection will show that the national im- portance thus given to the constructive arts must have contributed much to their perfection and purity, and also, that on the other hand the very ex- cellence of those arts, by re action, greatly advanced the public estimation of them. Nothing seems more fatal to the progress of architecture in modern times, nothing a greater obstacle to the resumption of its former rank than the custom which has unhappily crept iuto modern practice of using imitative and therefore deceptive materials. The feeling of honesty and candour which characterised the olden architects seems fairly out of date : and in its place we have almost universally a spirit of ostentation, an all'ectalioa of show, the dishonesty of pretension, the vulgarity of making things ap- pear something different from, something better than, what they really are. Where we cannot afford to build expensively, it would seem the best taste to use what humbler materials are at command honestly, and without auy attempt at disguise ; and to compensate as far as may be, for the want 1846. J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. of more costly appliances, by simplicity and correctness of design. This rule ought ut.Ieast to be observed in public buildings. For domestic archi- tecture, the showy system of building is so nearly universal that it seems hopeless and useless to utter one word of protest against it at present. In this latter case there seems no better course than to wait patiently till another race of builders may arise too free from vulgarity to emulate the jackdaw iu his assumption of the finery of the peacock. Rut with respect to public erlifices the case is dillerent, and against the building them of de- ceptive (and for the most part perishable) materials, a public protest ought to be decisively pronounced. If it be desired to determine on what principles good taste universally decides against architectural imitations, the answer appears to be two fold, lathe first place deceptive materials are almost always less durable than those substances which they imitate ; whereas one of the chief sources of the pleasure of viewing beautiful architecture is the consideration of its per- manence. In admiring an ancient ediflce, we shall find on analysing our own minds, that a great part of our gratification arises from the reflection that this very building, the object of our admiration, has beeu the wonder of many by-gone generations ; and if, again, we are delighted by a noble work of modern architecture, our delight is in a great part made up from the consideration that we have bequeathed to posterity a worthy monument of the skill and intelligence of our own times. But a second argument against architectural deceptions may be alleged which cannot be like the preceding one answered by the allegation that the deception may be made as endurable as the reality. An important source of the pleasure alTorded by pure architecture is the recognition of the skill and energy of the architect. The curiously fretted roof and the elaborate window tracery delight, not only because of iheir intrinsic beauty, but because of the labour and patience exhibited on the part of the work- man. If it were possible to conceive that these beautiful forms were ready made to the builder's hands by some fortuitous process, the feeling of ad- miration would be greatly moderated. In all masterpieces of architecture (and not of architecture only, but of all other noble arts) a distinguishing characteristic is that their full beauties are ascertained only by reiterated examinations. Every closer inspection serves only to reveal fresh instances of the skill and perseverance of the builder — but if these closer and more penetrating examinations should disclose traces of deception only, and want of candour, if we find that there has not been all that skill and per- severance bestowed which were promised at first view, the feeling of dis- appointment is proportionate to the former feeling of admiration, the mind retaliates by contempt of the juggle — retaliates iu the same degree as it has been misled. We have been led to make these observations by observing one of the most flagiant instances of the vulgarity of " make believe" building which we remember to have ever met with. The fault is aggravated by appear- ing in Church-architecture, where, if any where, everything should be real. "The church at Piatt," says the Builder, " is being erected from the de- signs of Mr. Sharp, who was the architect of a church at Lever-bridge, near Bolton-le-Moors, previously noticed, also built of terra-colta. The plan consists of nave and aisles, chancel, a sacristy south of the chancel and a tower at the south-west of the nave. The siyle is decorated. The architect has probably had many restrictions to contend with, to which we may attribute the slightuess of the internal piers, and increase of distance between the buttresses. The tower is united to the aisle by a lofty arch, which is worthy of praise. The church has more than the usual amount of decoration, and ornament is introduced with good effect in capitals and buttresses. The windows have two lights with foliated heads, and are, in tire aisles, of two varieties. The design is evidently the production of a dever man, but we are compelled to express aa unfavourable opinion of its execution. — Each separate piece of the terra-cotta is cast to the required form, and is much about the same size as a corresponding block of stoue. Every piece is hollow, being, as it appeared, afterwards filled or backed up with concrete. TUey are all nothing more than pots, and from the trial we made, seem to have less cohesive power than brick. Nevertheless, they are made to support great weights. The piers of the church, which, as we have said, appear remarkably slender, are entirely composed of these pots. The plan is the clustre of four shafts. There are the usual defects incidental to the burning ; parts of the rjullions are out of the per- pendicular, and the lines of the window-sill undulate in a very unsatisfac- tory manner. Indeed, the whole building, though good in design, and not deficient in ornament, will not bear a near approach. The face of each piece is scored with lines to imitate the tooling ; and the mortar Joints are large, and obtruding." A church " built of terra-cotta" ! Piers " composed of pots" ! Lines scored "to imitate the tooling" ! The faults of execution are not the only faults of such a building — are far outweighed the errors of principle which produced them. The notice which has just been copied is fol- lowed by some judicious general remarks — so judicious that we cannot but regret their brevity. " Unless the skilful hand" it is remarked, " be apparent, the result is disappointment rather than delight, and regret that the mind of the artist should have conceived it vain." Here truly there was no appearance of the skilflul hand. Let us rejoice that it was KH-skilful — otherwise perchance unskilful observers might have applauded an essay which the judicious would censure in proportion to its success- fulness. ARCHITECTURE IN MANCHESTER, LIVERPOOL, AND BIRKENHEAD. Sir, — I resume my notices of the Building Arts in Manchester, and, having lately had opportunity of looking over sjiue of the principal works going on iu Liverpool and Birkenhead, propose adding a few remarks upon the progress there, which may be acceptable to your readers. In my former letter I alluded to the proposed extension of the present Manchester Exchange, as designed to be carried into effect by Mr. A. W. Mills; since that time two great schemes have, with Mr. Mills's design, divided the attention of the public. The first was for an erection in Market-street and High-street, and a design of considerable merit was prepared by Mr. Gregan. The second scheme was to erect the Exchange on a site iu Mosley-slreet, on part of which the Theatre Royal formerly stood. The latter seems now to have been decided upon, as on Thursday, Nov. 13th, the proprietors of the present exchange agreed to dispose of their buildings to the Musley-street committee, on the condition that an Act of Parliament be obtained, in the next session, for the erection of the Exchange and other public buildings on the site in Mosley-street. It is to be hoped that on this occasion an opportunity for public compe- tition will be afforded to Architects, and doubtless the committee will have many first-rate designs sent in, from which they may select one which shall be an ornament to the town. The head offices for the Manchester and Leeds Railway, at Huntsbank are advancing rapidly to completion, being raised to the level of the second floor. Much delay VTas experienced at first, owing to the unstable character of the ground on which the building is placed, and the archi- tects, Messrs. Holden, have taken all proper precaution to have the foundations firm aud secure, going down in some parts to a depth of 43 feet below the ground level. It is pleafing to notice instances of care and atteniion in I'ouudmions, as so many fine buildings are sadly deficient in this respect; as for example the Town Hall and the Athena;um in Man- chester, both of which show cracks ia stonework, arising from a sinking in the foundations. The erection for the head oflices is built of Yorkshire stone, and the design is in the Italian Palatial style of architecture usual in the IGth century. The site is an irregular pide of ground, the principal front being 76 feet long, from which the building extends back about 96 feet. The height from ground line to cornice is about 42 feet, divided into two lofty storeys. The whole of the rooms in the basement is fireproof, and of •>ery strong construction. Below the level of the ground floor windows is a broad tooled string course, under which is rustic worked masonry, Jn the centre of the principal front is a handsome Italian doorway, with the customary mouldedjambs,deutelled cornice, trusses, &c. The ground floor windows, two on each side of doorway, have unusually bold broad moulded architraves; and the upper storey has Italian corniced windows ; level with the bottom of the latter runs a moulded string course- A bold dentelled cornice will surmount the whole. The back parts of the erection are in rockfaced Yorkshire stone. These oflices, with the arching over of the River Irk, will when completed materially improve the approach to one of the handsomest railway stations in Ih kingdom. The station for the Manchester and Leeds, and Manchester and Liverpool railways, which I allude to, ranks high as an enginering work, having two iron bridges of great span, and embankments of considerable height. The erection for refreshment and waiting rooms, offices, &;c., are designed with a substantial simplicity and fitness, which we look fur in vain in structures of greater pretension. Warehouses. A warehouse of novel character is near completion in Faulkner-street, for Mr. Denlith the drysaiter. It has an elaborately worked stone front in 1* tHE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [January, the Grecian Doric style, and U the design of Mr. Thomas Fish Taylor, Architect. The width of frontage to the street is about 40 feet, and below the level of footpath are two cellar storeys, and above it four storeys. The basement, up to the ground floor window sills, is of large blocks of \berdeen granite, which from its hardness will resist any of those casu- alties which so frequently disfigure basements of our usual soft stone. The remaining height of the ground floor is built of faced Halifax stone, having segment headed windows and doorways. Above this floor are two pilasters and four three-quarter columns, fluted two-thirds down, and two stories in height, with suitable capitals. The windows are in the recesses formed by the columns and pilasters. The architrave, frieze, and cornice break round with the columns, and the frieze is enriched with a Grecian fret deeply cut, and presenting a varied play of light and shade. Upon this cornice and over each column stand bold double pilasters of natural faced wallstone, with tooled bases and caps ; on these, and on cantilivers between them, is the horizontal part of the pediment. The pediment spans the entire width, and would have had a much better efl-ect, if more boldness of projection could have been obtained laterally: this, I suppose, is pre- vented from a fear of encroaching on a neighbour's territory. It is said that the original designs were for a fire-proof building, and it seems a pity that a building intended for the stowage of sucb combustible materials, and in the design and erection of which such pains and expense have been gone to (though I understand the whole will not exceed 2,400i.) should not have been built on the fire-proof principle. It seems doubtful policy to run the risk of total destruction, if a fire should occur, for the sake of saving 20Ui. or so, in original outlay ;— as the warehouse is now built (with wooden trussed beams, joists and boards), if a fire took place the whole would, ten chances to one, be destroyed; if built fire-proof, the chances are that one storey only would be burnt. A large warehouse, of four storeys besides the cellar, has been built for Mr. Carver, in Portland-street, from designs by Mr. Uonnisoo. It is of brick, with stone basement, doorways, window sills, and cornice, and is of plain and substantial construction. The same Architect has another large warehouse in progress for Mr. Behrens, of five storeys and cellar. The first storey is externally of tooled stonework, and has coupled pilasters between the windows, and a dentelled cornice runs below the second floor windows. A stone cornice resting on corbels surmounts the whole. Messrs. R. H. Greg and Co. are having a warehouse built in Tib-street, from designs by Mr. M-hittaker,and Messrs. Taylor and AViUiams are the builders. The basement is externally of vermiculated stonework. The first storey is of good tooled ashlar, with a dentelled cornice. The upper part of the warehouse will be of best brick with handsome stone quoins, and all the windows will have moulded stone architraves. It is intended to place an elaborate stone cornice at the top. The whole is fireproof and of good strength, and I understand that the cost cannot be less than 8,000i. Mr Lane, the Architect, is at the present time employed in entirely re- modelling the old " Queen's Theatre," in Spring Gardens, and from what I can learn of the alterations it seems likely that a most convenient and beautiful interior will be the result. The walls of the building have been underset, the stage and pit lowered five or six feet below the original level, the pit extended under the boxes, and the stage enlarged. It is intended to erect a new proscenium, and to alter the whole decorative character of the house Mr. Bellhouse's workmen are now busily proceeding with the alterations, and it ii intended that all shall be ready for an opening in March next. ^ , , Scliools. The Manchester Commercial .Schools are now nearly finished, and are to be opened in January next. They have been built under the auspices of the Church Education Society, from the designs of Messrs. Holden, Architects, on a plot of ground in the Stretford New Road. The building is three storeys high, and in the Tudor style of architecture. The front is of stone, and the first story has two entrance doorways, with three windows between them, the centre one a triplet, and the others double windows, with flat or four-centred arches ; the second story has an oriel window with enriched panneling above and below, and two smaller windows with hood mouldings on each side of it; the upper storey has a large window in Uie centre, with a depressed four-centred arch, and rich tracery in the head, and two smaller windows with hood mouldings on each side. The ground floor contains the assistant-master's offices, porter's residence, &c., and also a covered playground, about 42 feet by 30 feet, comrauui- .aling with a spacious play-yard. The second floor is set apart as four class-rooms, a large hall, and a book and model room. The whole of the upper floor will be occupied as the general school room, 55 feet by 42 feet, and as the roof is open to the rafters the room is an airy one. In these schools a good church and commercial education will be afforded to the youtli of the middle classes upon reasonable terms. The Roby Day and Sunday Schools, for children of the independent denomination, situate in Aytoun-street, were built a short time ago from designs by Mr. A. W. Mills, Architect. The building is in the Elizabethan style, and of best brick and stone. Considerable skill is displayed in the arrangement for supporting the building so as not to interfere with the burial ground over which it is erected ; the front wall goes down to good brick foundations, but the back part is carried on iron pillars and beams. There are three gales into the yard through the lower part of the front wall, and also other smaller arches which are filled in with ornamental iron- work. Above are three projecting oriel windows of two storeys; the front is surmounted by ornamental gables. The internal arrangements are spacious and well ventilated. Roman Catholic Church, Salford. The largest ecclesiastical building in the neighbourhood of Manchester at this time in progress, is the edifice being built by the Romanists in Chapel-street, Salford, from designs by Messrs. Hadfield and Weightman, of Sheffield. The general plan is cruciform, with a central tower and lofty spire. The cardinal points have not been regarded in the placing of the building, as the chancel is towards the north. On the south side of the tower projects the nave, which is divided into four bays, and has a lofty clerestory. The principal entrance doorway is at the end of the nave. On the north side are the choir and chancel, which are now intended to be carried out about the same length as the nave. The original desigQ showed it projecting only one bay beyond the tower, but a school-house has been taken down to allow of the extension. The transeptal chapel is on the western side of the tower, and will be lighted by a large wheel window ; there will be an entrance to the chapel from the outside, and the vestry adjoins it. The transept on the east of the tower has a central entrance doorway. The roof of the choir will be groined iu wood, and that of the nave framed in square panels, and painted in light colours by Bulmer. Sticklers for orthodoxy and correct imitation will discover little to cavil at in the details of the work, such as tracery of windows, arch mouldings, &c.; they are generally copied from Howden church, Yorkshire, or from contemporaneous structures ; indeed the principle of imitation seems to have been carried too exactly throughout, for the most elaborate mouldings of that exquisitely delicate period of architecture the early decorated, are given in places where a simplification of them would have produced aa adequate effect; if this be an error, however, it is on the right side. Newark furnishes a model for the spire, Howden for the nave, and Selby for the chancel ; indeed the last will be a counterpart of its prototype, even to the canopied niches over the columns. The Irish Presbyterians are now erecting a place of worship, session- house, schools, &:c., in New Bridge-street, Strangeways, from designs which are highly creditable to;the architects, Messrs. Travis and Mangnall. The style selected is the Gothic, which prevailed in England during the reign of Henry VI. There will be a tower 80 feet in height, next to the street, which will be flanked by bold diagonal buttresses ; these will diminish in size towards the top, and will finish at the battlements with crocketted pinnacles above. The central entrance doorway will have bold moulded jambs, and a label finishing upon carved heads ; above this doorway will be a large window with perpendicular tracery and moulded jambs and labels; similar windows will be situated at each side of the tower on the front face of the building, and in the back will bea four-light perpendicular window. There will be two side entrances near the tower end, having square-headed doorways with labels, &c. The sidesof the building will be divided by massive buttresses into five bays each, and the windows between them will be enriched with tracery and label's terminating on grotesque heads and shields, and will have a transom in the middle on account of their height. The roof will be open-timbered, and in one span of 47 feet. At the back of the chapel are buildings to be used as session-house, schools, and residence for the minister, the whole of which are built in the style of the domestic buildings of the period. Mansion*. A mansion in the Italian style for Mr. Percival, situated near Ksrsal Moor, from designs by Messrs. Dickson and Brakespeare, is in a forward state ' There are two good specimens of gentlemen's residences nearly ready for occupation in Victoria Park ; one for Mr. Critchley, designed by 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. Mr. Walters, in the Italian style, the Trailing being 'of -rough pierrepoiots with tooled stone dressings : and the other for Mr. James Bellhouse, in the Tudor style, having the fronts of tooled stone, and the back of rough pierrepoiots, Mr. Bowman is the architect for a bouse lately commenced in the same park for Mr. Langworthy. A residence is also in course of erection for Mr. Wilson Crewdson, at Moss-side ; it is being built from designs by Messrs. Holden, and is ex- ternally constructed of stone; the style of architecture is the Oonjestic Tudor. The residences we have mentioned are in good taste, but there are many houses in the suburbs which are in the style which will be known by the title of " Gingerbread Gothic," which style appears to have professors in every locality. I am glad to observe, that in and about Manchester, the use of stone is becoming more general ; the " Yorkshire pierrepoiat" rough dressed on the face, and in courses of five or six inches, is the kind most in demand at this time, which, although more expensive than brickwork, is not so much so, but that the effect obtained fully compensates foradditional outlay. The yellow firebrick is occasionally used for dwelling houses, and the effect is very good. LIVERPOOL. St. George's Hall. In Liverpool, that magnificent pile of buildings, St. George's Hall, is assuming an imposing appearance, and already justifies the high expec- tations which have been entertained with respect to it, and all who view the structure must agree that the Architect, Mr. H. Lonsdale Elmes, has produced a noble design, and that the superiority of the workmanship in each department proves that he has been ably seconded by the contractors, Mr. Tomkinson and Messrs. S. and J. Holmes. I had prepared a description of the plan and different elevations of the building, but on referring to vol. vi. p. 329 of your journal, I find excellent drawings and a well written account of the whole ; I therefore proceed to notice only the present state of the work. The exterior of the building is now in a very forward state, the parts most behind being the row of columns on the east front, and the covering in of the large hall. The north end of the building (that having a semicircular projection) is completed ; and when I visited the place the workmen were engaged in laying the top stones of the south portico, The great hall is 1G9 feet long, and 75 feet wide, and is intended to be covered by a semicircular arch, springing from the side walls. The height from the floor to the top of the arch will be 87 feet. Around the large hall in the interior will run an ornamental moulded plinth, with 24 projecting pedestals, similar in character, and 24 columns upon them: the plinth, pedestals, and columns are of highly polished Scotch granite. Some of the columns are in their places, and are as beautiful specimens of workmanship and materials as it has ever been my lot to examine; they are each 31 feet long, and average 3 feet in diameter. The columns and the die of the pedestals are of red granite, from Peter- head near Aberdeen, and the plinth and impost of the pedestals of grey granite, from the same neighbourhood. The whole of the parts have been worked and polished at Aberdeen, and when put together in their places, the joints are perfectly true and good. The mechanical arrangements for the removal and working of the large blocks of stone required in this building are admirable, especially the powerful and lofty derricks with steam engine and boiler complete, working along the lines of railway laid parallel to the main walls of building; and also the various railways with travelling cranes over the stone yards. Docks. The Albert Dock and warehouses now being built by the Liverpool Corporation, under the able superintendance of Mr. Jesse Hartley, the Dock engineer, are nearly finished ; the dock, with all the entrance gates, &c., is complete, and several of the immense piles of warehouses are in a condition to receive goods. These erections are ex- ceedingly strong, and built throughout on the fireproof principle. The iron beams are somewhat different in form of section to those generally used, inasmuch as they have inverted V grooves running along the un- derside of the beam, so as to divide the web near the bottom into two parts, and forming a good abutment for the brick arches to be built against thus : — The beams are also slightly curved longitudinally. The columns and beams are of massive proportions ; indeed the whole of the work is strong and of good design. The well-holes for the purpose of hoisting the goods up are large, and surrounded with strong iron curbs, and enclosed by wrought iron doors. All the window frames are of cast iron, and the entrance doors of wrought iron plates strongly put together. The roofs are framed in iron, with a covering in some cases of sheet iron, and in others of zinc. Some of the floors are covered with tiles, others with planed flags, others with asphalle, &c. ; indeed there seems to have been a disposition to give each kind of roofing and flooring a fair and impartial trial. This is as it should be, as these experiments can best be made by a public body ; it is to be hoped that the results of a due trial of the different kinds of material, as regards cost and duration, may be published for the benefit of those engaged in building similar works, in the Journal. The approaches from the town to St. George's Hall, and the railway station, have recently been considerably improved by the widening of Lime- street, Charlotte-street, and Kanelagh street. Rows of shops are being built; and a Register OfMce is nearly completed in Lime-slreet, from designs by Mr. Clayton, Architect. The building is fronted with tooled stonework, and consists of three lofty storeys. The first floor has circular- headed windows, splayed from the outside, with plain moulds round them. The upper windows are square headed with moulded jambs and caps. A plain cornice runs alone above the first floor windows, and at the top of the front elevation is a stone cornice with scroll corbels. The safe is spacious and of good construction; the floor, side walls, and arched top, are of fire- brick, and the arches are built upon strong iron beams, and skewbacks connected by tie rods. A set of double iron doors, with Chubb's Iocks,are strongly fixed in the safe doorway. BIRKENHEAD. At Birkenhead, on the opposite side of the Mersey to Liverpool, we have the strange spectacle of a noble city springing, as if by magic, into existence; numerous spacious streets and squares have been layed out sewered, paved, and lighted with gas, and rows of splendid shops and comfortable habitations are being erected with unexampled rapidity; whilst thesurrouuding neighbourhood is becoming diversified by picturesque mansions and villas, which are intended for the residence of the wealthy. The new Docks at Birkenhead are speedily progressing, and a visitor cannot but admire the manner in which the natural advantages of the locality have been made available. The site of the docks was formerly Wallasey Pool, a large area which was entirely sand bank at low water but covered by the tide at high water. The Woodside Pier has been con- siderably widened and improved, and will form one side of a tidal basin of IG acres in area. Between this basin and Seacorabe will be two spaces of quay 00 acres each, between which will be a large low water basin of 37 acres, forming the main entrance to the Great Floating Dock, which when complete will have an area of 150 acres, and be 19 feet in depth. There will also be a small dock near the entrance. The land adjoining the basins and docks, and the reclaimed land, will be used for quays, yards, &c., and will be built upon with warehouses, depots, offices, and other necessary erections. Mr. Tomkinson has undertaken the contract for the whole of the dockwalls, Sec; and the energy with which the work is being executed is highly creditable. Several steam engines have been put down which are working mortar mills, and hoisting the materials from the bottom of exca- vations to I he lop of Ihe quays; two limekilns are in full operation; and a range of workshops and smithies are occupied by arlizans busy preparing the ironwork requisite for the railways, cranes, &c , about the works. The cost of the dock walls and gates is expected to be about 400,000/. Bii'htnhead Park, The Commissioners of Birkenhead have set apart a space of 190 acres as a park ; 60 acres to be appropriated to detached villas and grounds, and 130 acres devoted for the use of the public for ever. Mr. Paxton has made the most of a very flat and unlikely piece of ground, and laid out the whole in an admirable manner, and the trees and shrubs appear in a healthy con- dition. Two lakes with rustic bridge and boat house are well situated, and add to the interest of the scene. There will be six fine lodges or gate- houses, three of which are now completed ; Messrs. Walkers, builders* have contracted to complete two grand entrance lodges of stone for the sum of 3,642i. It is said that the total cost of the enclosures, lodo-es and laying out of the park, will amount to 20,000J. Netv Market. The New Market is now open for the use of the public, and is a great attraction, as it combines every modern improvement. The building is 430 6 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Januart, feet long, and 131 feet broad, and is divided into Ihreeavenaes by two rows of iron columns, vliich sapport a light iron roof in three spans. A haud- Bome fountain is situated in llie nenlre of the building, and a row of elegant gas pillars run along each of the three avenues. Light is admitted from two rows of semicircular windows at the sides, as well as from skylights in the roof. The whole is cellared below, ami tlie floor is arched on iron beams supported by columns. Messrs. Fox, Henderson and Co., of Birmingham, were the contractors. Four new churches are being provided by the munificence of private individuals. I had not opportunity of learnnig particulars about them, but from what I saw they appear to promise well. In concluding this sketch of what is doing in architecture and building in the localities I have had opportunities of visiting, it may be well to state that, generally speaking, the works in progress are decided improve- ments, as regards taste in architecture, skill in construction, and quality of materials used, upon previous works of a similar character in those localities. There appears less disposition to substitute the sham for the real, and it seems as though people were at length becoming more generally acquainted with the fact, that it is in reality little more expensive to erect buildings which shall be ornamented and not offend good taste, than it is to provide those which have no pretension to design. December 12ih, 1845. A. B. THE COLOSSEUM IN THE REGENT'S PARK. There is a Colosseum at Rome, and another at London, but their likeness extends no further than their names, for hardly can any two things similarly denominated less resemble each other; the first being one of the most stupendous monuments of antiquity, — a truly colossal fabric, which, though deeply scarred by time, or rather by the hand of man, still bears the look of being eternal ; while the other is merely a thing to day — a toy in comparison with the latter — an architectural buttertly as contrasted with an architectural megalherium. The Flavian Amphitheatre or Roman Coltsto — for such is the Italian ortho- graphy of the name — is a work to be classed only with the pyramids and some of the gigantic temples of Egypt; sucli an enormous mass, that it would seem to have required not merely a few years but a century to quarry the stone and put the materials together. It is to ancient Rome what S'. Peter's is to the modern city, the "sovran" pile among conntless others, the leviathan structure that engages attention, whatever else be passed unheeded ; the object of universal admiration, be the admiration genuine, or, as no doubt it frequently is, merely afl'ecled and acted for fashion's sake. The Roman Colosseum has been a theme for poetry,both in verse and prose: sublime in itself, it is also arrayed in the halo of antiquity, and an imposing one it is, for it is apt to plav tricks with and delude the iraagiiration. Whereas our modern Colosseum is the very antithesis to all this: to the anti- quarian it is a mere nullity : if he looks at it, it is only to turn up his nose at it with a contemptuous sneer ; with him its very name crushes it into insignificance, by calling up more forcibly the image of the other to bis mind. Still, there is something — nay, very much — to reconcile us to the disparity between the two buildings — to the disparity of their purposes, if nothing else. The arena of the ancient one was drenched with human gore. "There man was slaughtered by his fel- low-man," to gratify the passion of a brut ilized population, lor spec- tacles of carange and bloodshed. Humanity will rather exult than sigh over the proud ruins of the Colosseum, though it must at the same time blush with indignation for the race who could coolly look upon the cold-blooded and wholesale murder of wretches, "butchered to make a Roman holiday," and call it atnusement / Most happy is it for us that the exhibitions at our modern Colos- seum are of a far different character from the savage pomps and proudly atrocious spectacles of the ancient and right imperial one. This consideration may more than console us for the inferiority of our own edifice in comparison with the one after which it is named — or rather m/SKamerf, because, leaving the vast difference as to size, "between the two, out of the question, they bear as little of archi- tectural resemblance and analogy to each other as they do of similarity of purpose; whereas the modern structure docs really bear a strong likeness to another ancient Roman edifice that is of no less celebrity than the Colosseum itself. But the title of "Pantheon" had been preoccupied by the building in Oxford-street, which, even now that it U completely altered from its original shape, still retains a name that though in some points apjilicable when first bestowed, has nov» become a complete misnomer. Therefore, as ancient Rome possessed no more, one Pantheon was considered quite enough for modem London, vast as it is; accordingly the building in the Regent's Park was dubbed the Colosseum, for even the veriest Cpckneys would have been scandalized at the absurdity, had it been named after the great pyramid. Of the exterior of the main building we m ly be allowed to say a word, because it is of considerable merit as a piece of archi" lecture, — better vcorth than many that have obtained an infinitely greater share of notice from critics, and which, notwithstanding that they are now quite eclipsed by later productions of the art, still retain the rank first assigned them, owing to the character given of them being scrupulously transmitted from one book to another. The portico of the Colosseum is by very far the noblest specimen of one in the Grecian Doric style that we possess in London, one upon a nobler scale than any other, before the magnificent portico of the new Roval Exchange was erected, the columns full as lofty, (10 feet,) and of course of much greater diameter, those of the Exchange being Corinthian, consequently of slenderer proportions. The situation, indeed, takes off somewhat from the effect of size, for did the building stand in a street or other confined space, we should be more impressed by its magnitude of. It possesses, however, one very decided advantage over almost every other of our attempts at pure classicalitv of style, inasmuch as nothing is mixed up with the portico itself to disturb the antique physiognomy aimed at by that feature ; there are no modern windows peeping out betv\een the columns, or showing themselves elsewhere; — none of that intermixture of co'.itmniation and ftneitration which is so contrary to correct Grecian architectural idiom. Except that it has been renovated, the exterior of the building remains in statu quo, but the interior has been, if not absolutely re- modelled in plan, metamorphosed into something altogether different in character, — transformed into one of the most captivating and fascinating pieces of internal architectural scenery that can well be imagined. The exquisitely tasteful rotunda or circular colonnaded saloon, into which it is now converted, stands almost unparalleled for both beauty of design, and felicitous originality of idea. If there be anywhere aught comparable to or resembling it, our acquaintance with matters of the kind does not extend to it. Although rooms far more sumptuous may be found, enriched with treasures of art, and set off to all possible advantage by the costliest furniture, we know not of one that is so charming for intrinsic beauty of design. Neither any of our royal palaces, nor of our most palatial club rooms, the Reform and Conservative not excepted, can show an aparlment that is at once so novel and so impressive, so fraught with loveliness and witchery, as in this saloon or gallery of the Colosseum. Loveliness is the epithet that best di scribes it, since striking as the coup d'oeil on first entering it may be, whether in the day time, or when lit up of an evening, the effect is not so much that of showy splendour, and dazzling brilliancy, as of mild and serene elegance, and of that tasteful sim- plicity which satisfies the eye, every part being complete and in perfect keeping, nothing superfluous and nothing deficient. In order to convey to our readers something like a positive idea of this truly charming interior, we may begin by describing it as a circular hall, completely surrounded by a peristyle of twenty Grecian Ionic columns, which divide the entire circumference into the same number of inter-columns or compartments; within, and corresponding with which, are as many recesses, the two compartments excepted, one on the west and the other on the east side, which serve as entrances. The columns are of scagliola, or to be more exact, of Keene's cement, in imitation of polished white marble; and the mouldings of their bases and capitals being gilt, produces a peculiar delicacy of enrich- ment, in which the monotony of uniform white, and the spottiness occasioned by scattered masses of gilding, are equally avoided. The entablature corresponds with the columns, with tins difference, how- ever, that the frieze being enriched with basrelief, (copied from the Elgin marbles,) the figures are raised upon a ground of a blue grey tint. The attic over the entabulature is ornamented with twenty oblong panels, containing allegorical subjects painted in frtsco; and the ceiling or roof is divided into the same number of compartments by as many ribs, between which the light is admitted, the compart- ments being entirely glazed, yet not after the manner of a skylight, but so as to produce the appearance of a transparent roof, since it consists of te>>serm of cut-glass set in reticulated framing; consequently the light is somewhat refracted, and the raw look of a room almost uncovered and open to the sky, is avoided. Thus far, description has been easy to ourselves, and, we trust, suf- ficiently intelligible to our readers, but without some drawing of it, it becomes dilhcult to explain that peculiarity which renders this rotunda so unique in plan, and so widely different iu character from 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. every other interior of the same class. Instead of the whole space that is surrounded by the colonnade being entirely open, so as to be fully exposed to view from every part, and be completely covered by a dome, the centre of the rotunda is occupied by a mass of cylindrical form, whose diameter may be about a third of that of the larger circle. Thus the rotunda assumes quite a different character from what is usually understood by that term, it being converted into a spacious 'n«g gallery' enclosing and running round another portion of the structure. Now, there is such a general prejudice in favour of having as much open and uninterrupted space as possible, that most persons may be apt to consider it a pity that the structure was not planned as a simple rotunda or single circular hall. Those who af- fect connoisseurship may eveu go further and say that we have here only [the noble idea of the Pantheon spoiled by the excrescence in the middle of it, obstructing a perfect view of the colonnade in its entire expanse and circumference. Happily, however, or else un- happily for ourselves, we do not hold with such narrow and one- aided criticism which, instead of estimating things according to what they are, depreciate them very summarily for not being what they are not designed to be. The same flower cannot be both a lily and a rose, nor can the same fruit give us the flavour of both the peach and the pine-apple. But for a circumstance which we shall presently explain, we might have had a copy of the interior of the Pantheon- nay, one that might in some respects have been rendered an improve- ment upon the original ; yet, though that would have been positively and exceedingly good in itself, we should not then-by have acquired something altogether new in character, and which, if iliey are able or care to profit by it, opens quite a fresh train of ideas to architects for hitherto untried and unadopted combinations of plan. Had the striking peculiarity of plau in this structure been chosen solely for its own sake and that of the effect attending it, we should even then have been disposed to welcome so graceful a caprice; instead of which, it was a matter, not of choice, but actual necessity — a most fortunate necessity — compelling the architect to deviate from all pre- cedents, whether he would or no, it being indispensable to obtain a staircase in the centre of the building, leading up to the platform gallery, from which the panorama is viewed. That staircase is accordingly concealed within the upright cylindrical mass, or tower- like shalt, that forms what may be called the core of the entire struc- ture ; and this staircase encloses within itself, and winds round ano- ther shaft, which is also hollow, and which is turned most admirably to account. Within it is a small octagon room, or cabinet, capable of containing seven or eight persons, and fitted up in a fanciful yet tasteful manner, having, among other decorations, a transparent ceil- ing of coloured glass, through which it is lit up by means of a gas- burner fixed over it. You enter this very fairy-looking closet, seat yourself on one of the velvet-cushioned benches, and before you have finished examining its embellishments, the door opens, and yon find yourself at the top of the building — that is, on the platfurm of the panorama — without having been sensible of any motion during your ascent. Here then, we have not only a quite novel idea and most ingenious contrivance, but one that may occasionally prove essen- tially serviceable. Most assuredly Catherine II. would have liberally rewarded the inventor of such an enchanted flying cabinet; for when she began to grow infirm, and found it too fatiguing to go up and down a staircase, her architect was ordered to construct one that should be less toilsome of ascent, but he could hit upon no better ex- pedient than that of substituting a series of inclined [ilanes, or slopes, for steps, which, besides being not very satisfactory in itself, was attended with the inconvenience of rendering the distance to be walked over very much greater; whereas an ascending chamber, like the one at the Colosseum, would have spared Her Imperial Majesty the trouble of walking, or even standing. There are also others be- sides empresses who would be glad to be spared the trouble of going up a great number of stairs. To ascend, for instance, to the top of the Monument, toiling up a frightfully narrow, dark, and winding staircase, is not only a laborious task, but a somewhat formidable ex- ploit : an ascending closet, or even mere platform, within the shaft of the column, instead of stairs, would have obviated all dilhculty and danger — though, we ought to observe, it would have required a different mode of construction for the shaft itself, as there would have been neither newel nor steps within it, which now serve to hold it together. But there are far more probable and frequent occasions where the same mechanism might be employed: a single visit to the top of the Monument, or other structure of that kind, is sufficient for the curiosity of most persons; but, if it is to answer its purpose, a lofty prospect tower, or belvedere, whether in the grounds of a man- sion or attached to the mansion itself, ought to be as easy of access as possible, or it will very rarely be made use of; whereas it would be most pleasant and couvenient to be able to step at any time into a , handsome little closet adjoining your sitting-room, and a minute or two afterwards step out again into another room in the upper story of a lofty belvedere tower, where, secure from intrusion, you might, like the tower-loving Bcekford, enjoy both the wide expanse of sur- rounding landscape and literary study, merely glancing your eye from the book in your hand, or the well-stored portfolio on the table befors you, to the prospect stretched out below and around. But halt! or our readers will fancy that we ourselves have ascended into an alti- tude, and taken a flight very far away from our proper subject; so we will descend as expeditiously as we can, without so much as stop- ping to speak of the "Panorama of London," which part of the Co- losseum remains w statu quo — that is, in the day-time, for in the even- ing it produces quite a different effect, it being then transformed into a veritable bright moonlight night. However it be managed — and of course there must be a good deal of artifice besides the painting itself — this view is the triumph and perfection of scenic skill, for the full moon actually shines out from the picture, shedding its radiant light upon the platform and the spectators themselves; its beams flicker upon the surface of the Thames, while the mighty labyrinth of streets presents a flaming network of gas-lights gradually dying away into the far distant horizon. Happy magic ! that can create for us brilliant moonlight on any or every night in the year, in the despite of the almanac. Bidding adieu to the upper region of the Colos- seum and its moonshine, we again enter the Rotunda, and find it quite as charming as at first ; nor must we hurry through it, for though we have already reconnoitered it, there is more to be said concerning it, — very much more, in fact, than can even be touched upon in an article like the present. One thing which we have notyet told our readers is, that which is now denominated the Glyptol/ieca (or Repository of Sculpture), in consequence of its being made to serve as an exhibition room, for casts of statues and groups by many of our principal modern English sculptors, including one or two by Thorwald- sen, and other foreign artists ; all of them disposed in the most tasteful manner between the columns and within the recess, so that the mere arrangement of them becomes in itself a picture; the architecture and sculpture mutually set off each other to advantage, and both together, thus harmoniously combined, render this Glyptolheca the most admirable sculpture gallery in the world. It would be absolute folly to pretend to compare it with many others either for its magnitude, or for the value and excellence of the works of art which it contains ; what we mean is, that taken in its ensemble and as an architectural picture, it has no rival, if only because there is nothing at all similar to it. The sculpture galleries at the British Musenm are very little more than very large yet blank-looking rooms, that would be quite empty were it not for the sculpture itself; and many other places of the kind also, look very little better than so many statuaries' ware- houses, or show-rooms, when their works are exhibited for sale. As to the sculpture room at the Royal Academy, that is so utterly unfit for its purpose, so wretchedly confined, and contemptibly mean, as to be little if at all better than a mere lumber-room, into which things sent to be exhibited, are stowed away during the exhibition. Yet that dismal " black hole," as it has been called, belongs to an academical body rejoicing in the ear-tickling epithet "Royal," where the delicious Glyptotheca, — and "delicious" is the epithet it truly deserves — to- gether with all the rest of the Colosseum, is merely a private specu- lation, of course with a view to ultimate profit, which it richly deserves, but entered upon in a most liberal spirit, and carried through with admirable ability. It is moreover no less striking an instance of sound economy than of liberality, the best of all economy being to do well what is worth doing at all; although it is a species of it, which very few seem to understand ; for how frequently do we observe some little paltriness suffered to peep out amidst splendour, some mark of penny-saving niggardliness to betray itself amidst extrava- gance, some jarring deformity to obtrude itself amidst beauty. RtjNCORS. — STDPEsnous BEinoE. — We have been favoured with a view of the pliins of the Graod Junction Extension Railway from Astou-griicge to Huyton, and also with those for the bridge in comiexion therewith, to cross the river Mersey at Ilua- corn. Our readers may form idea of its magnitude when we state that there are to be live wet arches of 2riU feet span, 101) feet above high water mark at spring tides, and \fiS dry arches of 'M feet span, and 51 feet high, making a total of 2,4aO yards of arching, which will be, when cumpleled, the greatest work of the kind in Europe. This great a'chitec- tural design will be a boon to the counties of Chester, Laneastei-, and Stafford, giving the required laciUty to the Potteries and to the fertile mines of Cheshire. We predict that the risirig port of Runcorn is destined to becoma a great emporium of commerce; and Lord Francis Egerton. with a desire to meet the coming exigency, is about to erect docks of great extent on the shore of the Werseyi and will also apply, at the next session of Parliament, for a trunk railway ; thus affording the port a ready transit for goods, in ati- dition to the two canals in his lordaliip's possession. We are credioly informed that it Is the intention of Lord Francis Egertou to erect a new Custom-house, the present editice, now in use tor the Customs, being tound most inconvenient for the growing trade of this tliriving port. We congratulate the otEcers who are immediately concerned, and the trade generally, upon tins wise and judicious measure, and are much pleftBed to find that hi^ LordfiUip Uteods to act with so tuuch liberality. 8 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECrS JOURNAL. [Jakuabt, ARCHITECTURAL SYNOPSIS OF SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS IN EDINBURGH. Buildings. Datf. Architect. Remarki. Academy, New Edinburgh ■ • W. Burn Said by Britton to be " illustrated by a beautiful portico." Advocates' Library __ W. H. Flayfair New Room, 140 x 42 x 28, recesses with Corinthian colonnades along sides, central compartment with low dome and skylight. Assembly Rooms 1787 Plain Roman Doric on basement — tetrastyle portico (added 1818). Ball- room 92 X 42 X 40. Assembly Hall 1841 J. Gillespie Graham Gothic, with spire. Bank of Scotland •• R. Crichton Corinthian on rusticated basement. The south front very mnch in Adam's style — petty and pretty. „ Royal •• Sir W. Chambers Originally the mansion of Sir Lawrence Dundas. Tetrastyle Corinthian pilasters, on basement, and crowned by a pediment. „ Commercial 1845 D. Rhind On site of Physician's Hall. Portico Corinthian, hexastyle in antes. Bridge, North 1765-9 W. Mylne Connecting High-street with Princes-street. Three arches 72 feet span; entire length 310 feet. Chapel, Catholic 1813 Gillespie Gothic. Internally 110x57. „ St. George's 1794 R. Adam An octagon structure in Pseudo-Gothic style. „ St. John's 1816-18 W. Burn Gothic of feeble character. „ St. Paul's 1816.18 A. EUiot Gothic, perpendicular style, internally 105 x 63. „ Dr. Jamieson's .. 1819-20 Gillespie Church, St. Andrew's .. Portico, Corinthian, tetrastyle, monoprostyle. Body of chnrch an ellipsis. „ St. George's 1811-14 R. Reid Ionic loggia ; dome 60 feet diameter externally 140 high from ground to summit ; style poor. „ St. Giles's Nearly consumed by fire, 1844. A heavy and patched-up Gothic mass. „ St. Stephen's about 1826 W. H. Playfair Plain Doric, on a basement story ; square tower of two stories at one angle. County Hall 1816-19 A. EUiot East front, tetrastyle Grec. Ionic portico. Exchange 1754-61 Irregular in style, partly Corinthian. Heriot's Schools 1845 Alex. Black High School 1825 T. Hamilton The happiest and most picturesque application of Grecian style in Edinburgh. Centre portico hexastyle, lateral colonnades of seven intercolumns, and end pavilions with four antae-pilasters in front. Hospital, Donaldson's . . 1842, &c. W. H. Playfair Elizabethan style. Building 269 x 275 feet. Internal quadrangle 176 x 164. Holyrood Palace .. Sir W. Bruce The quadrangle and chief part of the actual buildings by Sir W. Bruce. Hospital, Heriot's 1628-50 Inigo Jones .' Style later Elizabethan, but rather poor, yet the building interesting as an architectural monument. „ Merchant Maidens' 1816 W. Burn Grec. Ionic, tetrastyle portico ; in other respects of quite ordinary design. „ Watson's .. W. Burn Doric, hexastyle, monoprostyle portico, ditto, ditto. „ Gillespie's 1801 W. Burn A mixture of castellated, Tudor, and ' sash-window' styles. „ Lunatic Asylum 1810 R. Reid Not completed. Monument, Melville 1821-2 W. Bum A fluted Doric column, 136 feet high, including pedestal (18 feet). „ National 1822 Cockerell ? Intended to have been externally a copy of the Parthenon, but was discon- tinued after a few of the columns had been erected. „ Nelson A lofty circular tower of five stories — style intended for castellated. „ Flayfair •• W. H. Playfair This cenotaph a square mass formed by four Grec. Doric columns on each side, on a lofty solid stylohate. „ Scott 1840-5 G. M. Kemp A Gothic Cross, with pinnacles. „ The Martyrs 1844 T. Hamilton Egyptian Obelisk. Observatory 1818 \\^ H. Playfair A low Grec. Doric structure, with dome and hexastyle portico on each of four fronts. Parliament House •• R. Adam ? The building towards Parliament-square, a rather handsome elevation in the best Adam style, but disfigured by the second floor windows having no dressings. Physicians' Hall, Old .. 1775-7 J. Craig Tetrastyle Corinthian portico. Now taken down. New 1845 Thomas Hamilton Tetrastyle porch with statues over the end columns, and a diatyJe over the two centre columns. Post Office .. Plain Grec. Ionic, on a basement floor. Register Office 1774 R. Adam Considered one of his best works. Royal Institution 1825 W. H. Playfair Grecian Doric, portico double octastyle, recessed colonnades alone sides. Regent's Bridge 1815-19 A. Elliot Carried over Carlton-street in continuation of Waterloo-place, on an arch or tunnel 40 feet wide, 55 high, and 80 in depth. The parapet adorned on each side with a small colonnade, and an open arch and Corinthian columns in the centre. University or College .. 1789, &c. R. Adam The largest pile of building in the city — about 400 x 250 feet. Handsome, but not sufficiently dignified ; the original design, as then intended, pab- lished in Adam's works. St. Bernard's Well, Leith Waters . . 1790 A handsome small open circular temple or monopteros, of Doric order, on stylohate and basement ; but now in a very ruinous condition. Debtors' Prison 1845 T. Brown Carlton Hill. GREAT BRITAIN STEAM SHIP Flah I -4^ ^^ t.,.j--4^^4. .^A 1846.'] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 9 GREAT BRITAIN STEAM SHIP. ( With an Engraving Plate I.) It is with great satisfaction tliat we commence the series of plales illustrating this volume with a subject of so general and valuable interest to engineers, as the engines of the " Great Britain." Plate I. is a c(jpper. plate engraving representing the position and general arrangements of the engines. The vessel is supposed to be cut a-midships ; so that one half the machinery is shown ; two of the four cylinders, half the drum whicq drives the endless cogged chain, &c. A full description of the Great Britain was given in the last October and November numbers of this journal, which it is not necessary here to report, as the engraving is not sufliciently explanatory of itself. It has been carefully reduced from the original drawings of the Great Britain, which were courteously placed at our disposal of the purpose : the scale of the plate is a quarter of an inch to the foot. EXPERIMENTS ON STEAM. A paper by M. Regnault was read at the Paris Academy of Sciences, on Dec. 15, relative to his experiments on steam. The Minister of Public Works assisted M. Regnault with the means of making these ex- periments on an extensive and practical scale. The questions to be de- termined by M. Regnault were — 1. The law which unites the tempe- ratures and elastic powers of aqueous vapour at saturation. 2. The quantity of heat absorbed by a kilogramme of water at 0 degree, to be converted into steam for saturation at dill'ereut degrees of pressure. 3. The quantity of heat absorbed by the same quantity of water, in order lo raise the temperature to the point in which it assumes the state of vapour under different pressures. 4. The specific heat of aqueous va- pour at different stages of density, and at different degrees of tempera- ture. 5. The co-efiicients of dilatation of aqueous vapour in different stages of density. In his present paper M. Regnault gives the law of the elastic powers of steam up to 23 degrees cenligrade, which tempe- rature corresponds to 28 atmospheres and a half. He next fixes the total heat of steam taken at different pressures, from l-5th to 15 atmos- pheres ; and finally, he treats of the calorific capacity of water from 0 to 190 degrees. Many distinguished men have devoted their attention to the elastic powers of steam. We may mention Achard, Greu, Dallon, Christian, Arzberger, AVatt, Robinson, Betancourt, Schmidt, Southern, Ure, Gay-Lussac, August, Kaemtz, Dulong, and Arago, the two latter of whom commenced their experiments in 1S23, at the request of the Mi- nister of the Interior, and published an account of thera in 1829. They carried their operations up to 25 atmospheres. About the same period a commission of scientific Americans performed a series of experiments on this subject, but went up to only 10 atmospheres. The results, how- ever, of these different experiments were not alike, consequently IM. Regnault had lo take entirely new ground, greatly aided, however, by the progress which science has made since the period alluded to. In his re- sults he agrees most with Mi\I. Dulong and Arago, particularly as re- gards high rates of pressure. Watt had supposed that the total quan- tity of hejt necessary for the transformation of a kilogramme of water into the state of steam was certain under a constant pressure. The num- ber admitted was 650. This law, although not exemplified by any pre- cise experiment, had been, until very lately, regarded as positive, and so adopted in theory and practice. M. Regnault, however, has ascertained that this number increases constantly from 622 under the pressure of one- fifih of an atmosphere up to 670 under 15 atmospheres. At the ordi- nary pressure the average of 3S experiments gives G36-37. As to the calorific capacity of water, it is 1,000 between 0 and 30 degrees, 1,005 between 30 and 120, 1,013 between 120 and 190. The Cathedral of St. Denis. — The monument erected to the memory of Louis XVII I. iu the vaults of the Cathedral of St. Deuis Is about being completed, and, when finished, that of Charles X., his Euccessor, nill be proceeded ivith. When this Is done, all the French Kings and Princes uii to lt<30 will be there represcnred either by a tomb, a moutimeut, or a statue. CHRIST CHURCH, PLYMOUTH. We have received some information respecting the architecture of this church, which has recently been completed, from the designs of .Air. Wight- wick. The dimensions are about 70 feet by 90 feet. The style. Perpen- dicular. The western front presents three entrances and three gable roofs, of which the central or highest gable reaches the height of 50 feet. Be- tween it and each of the wing gables rises an octagonal turret, aud at the outer sides of the wing gables are pinnacles. It will be concluded from this description of ihe western front, that the interior of the church is divided into three compartments — of these the central one, or nave, is divided from the lateral aisle by piers. There are five arches on either side of the nave, and over them clerestory win- dows, which give the principal light ; for owing to the contiguity of neighbouring buildings, there are no windows whatever iu the side aisles, and consequently there is no means of lighting the church except by these clerestories and the windows at the east and west ends. Our informant says it was absolutely necessary to introduce galleries. However, it appears that the galleries are set so far back, as not to abut on the piers, and as they do not cross the aisle windows (there being none to be crossed,) this " absolute necessity" is not so much to be regretted as it otherwise would have been. The architect has shown great judgment in the selection of some of his details, from ancient examples. The western entrances are copied from those of Tattersall Church, the crockets and finials of the octagonal turrets from those which many of our readers may remember at Magdalene Col- lege, Oxford. The nature of our information does not warrant a very decided criticism on the merits of the new church — the general character of the architectural details is probably unexceptionable. Unless, however, we be greatly mis- taken, the building has one great fault — a show front; the elevation to- wards the street exhibiting considerable pretensions, while the other sides of the church are merely plain masonry. If misinformed on this point, we shall be glad to be set right. If, however, the fact be as here assumed, it cerlainly will materially diminish the architectural value of the building. One of tlie most admirable characteristics of the old Christian architects was their total freedom from pretence. They never adorned one side of a church and left the other three sides plain — taking care to turn the dressy side where it would be most seen. There is no ancient cathedral, minster, abbey, church, or chapel in Christendom with a show side. The old architects never attempted to cheat beholders into a belief that their works were elaborate, when in truth they did not deserve the character. Of course these remarks must not be considered to imply a censure on the architecture of the Plymouth Church. The architect cannot of course be blamed for the defect alluded to, if he had no power of remedying it. Still it is greatly to be regretted tiiat he should have had to exert his talents under circumstances which would of necessity produce an unsatisfactory result. At the east end of the Church, in the place where the chancel is usually built, is a " communion recess," ten feet deep. Since the above was in type, we have received a description of the cliurch, taken from the Plymouth Journal. As however this description is very similar to that given above, we avail ourselves of the following part only of the extract sent to us. " The interior presents au effect of lightness and elegance which is admitted by all who have seen it, aud fully justifies the architect in his idea, that the details of Gothic architecture may be employed in the fullest consistency with that expression of ojienuess whicli should characterize a Protestant church. In fact the public of these towns have now an opportunity of making a fair comparison between the pecu- liar characteristic of the Camdenite structure, and tliose of the Reformed Church. St. Michael's, at Stoke, and Christ Church, at Plymouth, are now before them. In the former, we have the picturesque — in the latter, the elegant. The first shows a handsome, though unfinished exterior; the latter its single front of far more ornate character, the means of the archi- tect being concentrated on one point, and that being brought to perfect completion. St. Michael's is of the most simple plainness within, and affects no more than a general expression of shadowed gloom. Christ Church exhibits, within, the decorative amount pror..ised without, and unites solemnity with grace. Though ' cheerful as the day,' it is not less, as Cowper would say, the house of ' true piety.' What the cost of St. Michael's may be, we have yet to learn ; but we know, that Christ Church has been completed, including 85i. for extras, for only 01. 3s. 6d. above the architect's estimate— the total cost of the building beiog 3,475/. The ac- 10 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [January, commodation is for 1120 sitters, of whom 3 j may, hereafter, have to make ■way for an orgau. The clear internal dimensions of the church are, from «ast to west, 87 feet, and from north to south G8 feet." ON THE CHANGE OF OSCILLATORY INTO ROTATORY MOTION. By F. Uashfop.tii, B.A., Fellow of St. Johu's College, Cambridge. Notwithstanding all the disputes respecting the crank, it appears that no better substitute has been or probably can be found. In fact, the beau- tiful adaptation of the velocity of the end of the connecting rod to the re- quirements of the piston is such as cannot be surpassed. Still there ap- pears to be a great objection to the present method of employing it in locomotives and some of the steamers, as the Great Britain. The piston rod and the connecting rod are inclined at a considerable angle during the most important part of the stroke, and this gives rise to very considerable friction. In the beam engine, and where there is room for its application, the parallel motion of Watt has been found to answer completely every pur- pose, but in locomotives, &c. there is not the necessary space. For this purpose it is proposed to make use of the well-know property, that if a circle of radius r roll in the interior of a circle 2 r, any point in the cir- cumference of the former will constantly describe the same diameter of the latter. This geometrical principle has been already applied in me- chanics, but never, it is believed, in the manner about to be explained. In figs. 1 and 2, H K represents an arc of a circle, having equal cylin- Fig. 1. / V / Fig. J. drical studs fixed at equal distances in the pitch circle of radius 2t,c being its centre. These are fixed firmly to the frame. The bar c E, re- presented by the dotted line, is capable of moving about the fixed centre c, Hind at E carries the centre of the segment F G of radius r ; e E = r C D is the piston rod, and during its oscillations C F is compelled to roll oa H K, and C will describe a perfectly straight line. The piTot Ehad belter be rigidly connected with the arm c F. The figures represent a projec- ion on a plane perpendicular to the axis, which is turned by the crank; The diameter of K H must not be less than the length of the stroke of the piston. The figures represent the necessary sines of the several parts to ensure a stroke C 15, the whole of the guarding machinery being on one side of the i i-ton rod. Figs. 3 and l represent two differnet states of the same contrivance for Fig. 3. Fig. 4. communicating motion directly to the crank, without the employment of any connecting rod, and so that the axis to be turned may be placed at little more than half the length of the stroke from the end of the piston. The letters refer to the same parts as before, the pitch circles alone being represented. In this arrangement the cranks must be at the end of the axis to be turned. This, however, would not be of great importance in its appli- cation to the screw propeller, or to locomotives, where the connecting rod acts outside the wheels. It is evident, from an inspection of the figure, that the velocity of C is greatest when passing c, and that it is gradually brought to rest at each end of the stroke, although e E may be revolving all the time. In order, however, to render these suggestions of any practical utility, it will be necessary to point out the method of rendering the motion extremely easy and durable. The studs should be made sufficiently strong to with- stand the forces to be applied, and covered by short triblet-drawn brass tubes, and left at liberty to revolve. These could easily be changed in a short time, if they should become bruised or worn, and would save from injury the constant parts of the machinery. It is well known, that by the geometric chuck almost perfect epicy - cloids and hypocycloids can be traced with ease and rapidity. Now, hese are the curves required wherever pin wheels are used. Suppose t hat we have a large chuck, and that we replace the tracing point by a circular drill or cutter kept constantly revohiig with its centre in the place of the point, as the chuck, on which the wheel to be cut is mounted, is caused to move slowly, the exact form of the teeth will be given. The teeth ought to be cast sufliciently large to bear shaping by the revolving tool. On account of the certainty with which almost perfect forms can be given to the teeth of such wheels by ordinary workmen, it appears that this method of changing angular velocity would be useful where strength and freedom of motion are required, whether for turret clocks, or for in- creasing the angular velocity of the screw propeller. The methods of forming the teeth of spur wheels in common use appea to be very defective. There are so many chances of error in the setting out and cutting of patterns, and afterwards in the alteration caused by unequal construction of metals, that it appears desirable that 90m^ im - rovenient should be made ; and I am in hopes of being able to point out a method by which teeth of any pitch may be formed without any change of cutter, and approximating very nearly to the forms recommended by Professor Willis. THE RAILWAY SUSPENSION BRIDGE. Patented by Mb. H. H. Rcssell. (With an Engraring, Plate II.) The accompanying illustrations (Plate II.) exhibit the constrnclion of a recently patented suspension bridge, which the inventors propose to apply to the purposes of railway trafiic. We have been favoured by Mr- Lapidge, the county surveyor for Surrey, at whose expense the patent was secured," with a description of this invention, written with a mo- * A model of the bridge, upon a large icat«, may be seen at Mr. l.aptdge*s offices, Derby-8tr«et, Westminster, < o >— I CO 'Z w 0^ p CO I— I < H W H <1 Ph F^ J ^ ja 1 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECPS JOURNAL. 11 deration all the more praiseworthy hecause it forms a nearly unique con- trast to the extravagant encomiums which inventors usually bestow on their own productions. As, however, on consideration, we think we can discern advantages in the present invention which are not quite apparent at first sight, [and which are^not commented on in the description which we have received, we have ventured to give our own version. The inventor ■will have no cause to complain of the determination. It is not, however, to be understood that on a] subject so complicated as the theory of suspension bridges, any judgment, however carefully con- sidered, can have'xtlio same value as one pronounced ■ in simpler cases. The general problem of the equilibrium of suspended chains is so dldicult ■when applied to practice, that it is impossible to predict with certainty the exact practical efl'ect of any untried arrangement. However, as in the present instance, the inventors do not apply themselves to the compli- cated questions respecting the relation of the various tensions to the strength of material, but confine their attention to the means of preventing oscillationt and undulations of the platform, the subject can be satisfac- torily examined without the use of mathematics. The leading idea of the invention is so simple, that a very few words will suffice to explain it. Each chain of the ordinary suspension bridge is replaced by two lighter chains crossing each other. Each of these cross- ing chains is suspended by its highest and lowest points, aid the two may also be fastened at their points of intersection. The suspending rods are fastened to each chain alternately, ;and the edge of the platform will be therefore supported, throughout its length by a series of alternately long and short rods. Every practical 'engineer 'knows 'the importance of strengthening a structure by supports or ties arranged cross-wise. The roofs of railway stations may be referred toas familiarjnstauces of the value of cross lies. Wooden bridges, in which the beams are arranged diagonally, and cast iron girders, with] cross ribs, are examples of the same principle. In factt it may be laid down as a general principle that all structures where the points of support are at considerable distances from each other, derive stability and rigidity from a system of oblique rods or beams. Let us now see how this principle applies to the case before us. The disturbances to which a suspension bridge is liable, from external forces, are of two kinds — first, oscillation, or swinging of the chain from side to side — secondly, undulation, or the vertical rising and falling of the several parts of the platform. Now, with respect to this first kind of disturbances it is obvious that a chain suspended from the tops of two piers must be more pendulous than one fastened by its highest and lowest point. That a catenary suspended by its two highest points is readily set in motion, and can be maintained in motion by a slight force, may be readily seen from the familiar instance of a child's swing. But it may also be seen from the same instance, that if the lowest point of the curve be fastened, the liability to oscillation is almost entirely removed. In the invention before lis, this method of preventing oscillation is adopted, and the advantage is further increased by the union of the two cross chains at their points of intersection. The second kindof disturbances of suspension bridges — theundulatory — is by far the most important. The height of the undulations of the Menai bridge in a storm has been known to be some 8 or 10 feet, while the trans- Terse oscillations were scarcely observable. By far the most important part, therefore, of the invention of intersecting suspension chains is the means they afford of preventing the rising and falling of the platform. This effect is, however, not immediately obvious,' and we shall perhaps have some little difficulty in rendering the explanation of it intelligible. What we wish to show is this — that theeflTect of two chains, both united to the platform, is such that, where the deflection of the one chain would tend to raise the platform, the other chain would tend to depress it — so that the two chains would, during the passing of a load, counteract the tendency of each to elevate or depress the several parts of the roadway. To make the point clear we will refer to the figure of the single-span bridge in the accompanying plate. We will suppose that a heavy carriage has got some distance across the bridge, but has not yet reached the centre of it. Now let us see what is the effect of this load on each chain sepe- ratelij — first, for instance, oa the chain which at this place is the highest. The load rests on the platform, and tends to sink it, and this tendency is communicated by one of the long rods to the upper chain. If, however, the action of the rod pull down the chain at this point, we know by the nature of suspended chains, that the whole of the curve will be acted upon, rising at some"points and sinking at others. Now let us see what the effect of the passing load is on^that chain which at the place in question is lowest. Here the effect of the load is transmitted by one of the short rods, which tends to depress this chain also ; and here again,5 if the chain be actually depressed, the whole curve will be acted upon, [rising at some points and sinking at others. But if the matter be attentively considered* it will be found that the parts of the one chain which tend to rise are directlij above those parts of the other chain which tend to sin/c, so that these tendencies are opposite to each other, and are counteracted by the attachment of both chains to the platform. Or, to express the same thing another way, a passing load tends to alter the whole curvature of both chains — to draw the two chains, in some places, closer together, and, in others, wider apart, than they are in their positions of equilibrium. In the ordinary single-chain suspension bridges there is nothing but the weight of the chain and platform to resist this tendency to alter the forms of the curves; but in this double-chain bridge the alteration is resisted by the tensions or thrusts of the connecting rods. If we have succeeded in making this point clear, the reader will see that these counteractions occur, not at one or two points of the bridge, but at every point of it. Everywhere therefore there will be a tendencyito bring the two chains closer together, or move them wider apart, and these effects are everywhere prevented by the connexion of the vertical rods, each of the rods exerting either a tension or thrust to resist the effect of the passing load. The two curves cannot either recede from or approach each other on account of the rods, so that the case is altogether different from thatjofithe ordinary suspension bridge; for there a passing load acts only on the suspending rods immediately adjacent to it— but here every vertical rod of the whole bridge is acted upon by the load, and resists its tendency to depress the platform. The effect therefore seems to be to convert the whole structure into a system almost perfectly rigid, to give it, without any additional weight of iron, nearly the stiffness and stability of a girder. This is by far the most important part of the invention, and deserves the careful consideration of the engineer. It is a point worth noting, that the vertical rods would not always be in a state of tension as in other suspension bridges, but occasionally would have to resist compression also, (where the load tended to bring parts of the two curves closer together), and therefore these rods would have to be made with more than the usual rigidity. Of course on so complicated a subject as that of suspension bridges, no opinion on practical points is perfectly trustworthy till verified by experience. We cannot determine exactly to what extent rigidity might be attained in a suspension bridge on this new principle, still we think enough has been said to show that the rigidity would certainly be far greater than what can be obtained in the common suspension bridges, without additional stiffening by strong diagonal ties. These greatly increase the weight of the structure, and are generally inapplicable from the difficulty of finding convenient points for attaching them. BEVIBV^S. Companion to the Almanac, or Year Book of Information for the year of-^t our Lord 1840. London : Charles Knight, Vimo.ipp. 260. This is the nineteenth of a series of annual volumes published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. The information in this volume is collected under two heads — first, "mathe- matics, natural history and philosophy, chronology, geography, statis- tics," &:c. — secondly, " the legislation, statistics, public improvements, and chronicle of 1845." The first chapter is on the " earliest printed al- manacks," and treats very fully of the history and successive improve- ments of the calendar. This paper is written by Prof. De Morgan ; it contains, however, no display of his mathematical genius, but exhibits a vast amount of antiquarian erudition. Wc have chosen one or two short extracts, as well for the curious nature of the information they afford, as to give a general idea of the style of the paper. Speaking of the difficul- | ties which the Church experienced in determining the time of Easter, and reviewing the various remedies proposed for these difficulties, it is ob- served— " Regiomontanus is the next after Bacon who declared that the nsus ecclesim was not in accordance with the decrela patrum ; he does not attempt the '■ usual historical falsehood of fixing the existing method upon Eusebius and j the other Nicene bishops, but refers it (and truly, as we showed in our last 12 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [January* number) to the Abbot Dionysius, " whose pascal calender," savs he, " wc are using to this day." He mentions tlie diffusion of tlie Scriptures among the people in their native tongues as giving rise to many doubts and ques- tions upon the suhject ; anil alludes to this diffusion as having taken place in Italv, and specifically as having caused a reference to Cardinal bessarion ■when he was legate at Venice. He further says that the Jews very frequently raised objections to the existing Christian mode of determining a feast which •was asserted to be connected with tlic Passover ; ami so far bad the dissatis- faction gone, that some priests of liremen* (sacerdote.': jiremmses) liad un- dertaken to correct the error themselves, and liad kept Kaster a month before all tlie rest of the Cburcli — fordoing which the adjective ;jremcnifs had be- come a standing joke against them with a double meaning. Between clocks and watches, lighted roads, and public announcements, we are now so well provided with information, that an almanac is not a matter of the first necessity to most persons. It was otherwise io the fifteenth cen- tury ; and if we consider bow much comfort must have depended upon being able to arrange business with reference to the numerous holidays and tlie moonlight, we shall see that the mere list of saints' days and moons must have been a matter of consequence." The topic of astrology is naturally touched upon as pertinent to the subject in liand. "There are many manuscript almanacs of the fifteenth century yet remain. ing. They may lie divided into what we now call asl roloijioal (a word which was then frequently used in its original sense), and those which were simply astronomical. Tbe majority of the astronomers in the middle ages believed in the prognosticating power of tbe stars : even Koger IJacon inclines to the supposition tliat tliey have a physical influence on tbe body, and through it on the acts of tbe mind. The Church of Home always, collectively, set it- self against this absurdity. Not that its popes and cardinals were by any means universally free from belief in it ; but those who believed considered it as magic, while those who disbelieved thought it of course an organized fraud. So that, upon the whole, divination by the stars met with little public encouragement, and its professors were obliged to write about it un- der modified phrases. We have never found, in ancient astrologers, such impudent pretensions as those which have been published in London in our own day. If the members of the Stationers' Company, who still continue to publish an astrological almanac, could see this trash, and could know that there are shops in London which sell nothing else, and that there are per- sons who make a trade of imposing on the ignorant, and who doubtless quote their authority, we suppose they would not allow any consideration of profit to induce them to lend their names to the continuance of so vile an imposition. We should recommend them never again to do what they have done in Moore's Almanac for the present year, namely, insinuate that un- belief in astrology is infidelity, and denial of the providence of God. This is an oversight, arising from an unskilful attempt at imitation of the old almanacs ; it must show the Stationers' Company that if they will play with edge tools, andjcall it sport, they ought to]be very careful how they use them." The note referred to in the above extract is as follows : — " We quote our ground for this charge from Moore's Almanack for IS 15. The iialics, when mixed wilh Roman, are our own." 'Astrological Predictions. Judicium Astrologicum, pro anno 1845. Vox Calorum, fox Dei : The Voice of the Heavens is the Voice of God. He speaketh in all the Changes of the Seasons and of the Times. — Courteous Keader, — In this my annual production, I have a long time sounded the aiove important truth in your ears, and I trust not in rain. It is, however, to be lamented that there is a great deal of infidelity upon tbe face of the earth, and even no small portion thereof cleaves to the skirts of Britannia. .... That wonder-working Hand, which placed each mighty orb. ... is clearly manifest in our earth by the changes of seasons Let those who are dis- posed to deng the existence of Divine Providence reflect on these words of holy writ. Not a sparrow falleth ' — Such an innuendo would have been loo bad for the sixteenth century." The following extract is taken from a foot note, p. 17. " Those who observe that Boyle has let Melancthon off for bis astrology with two words and a reference, would hardly imagine the lamentable extent to which this weakness was his master. On his death-bed, he half predicted that be should die on tbe day on which a conjunction of Mars and Saturn would take place : and on one occasion, being seen bathed in tears, and showing every sign of the greatest grief, it was found on inquiry tliat cm looking at the stars in his evening's walk, he saw that a dreadful war was going to burst upon Germany. 'The first story is from his most accredited biographer, Melch. Adam ; the second from a less respectable source, tbe " Jocorum atque Seriorum Centuriae" ofOtho Melander, whose grandfather, Dion. Melander, was the person who asked Melancthon what was the matter with him. This same Otho relates a severe rebuke which Melancthon re- ceived from Luther, for saying that persons liorn when Libra was in the ascendant must be miserable through life: and a ridiculous attempt to cast the nativity of an infant child of his (Otho's) grandfather, whom he sup- posed to be of the male sex, and to whom be promised learning, honours, and religious contests. Being told that the child was a girl, he was out of * At least Rremen is called Premis and Premen in contemporary cosmopraphies : but it may be tb.it these priests were of Parma, and that Parmcuscs was altered into Pre- menses Tor the joke's sake. countenance for a time, and at last said — then she will rule her husband. But on second thoughts he cast a new scheme, in which be condemned her to death at seven years old, and staked the validity of his art upon the pre- diction. The girl lived, however, till the age of fourteen. Otho was of the reformed church, and was therefore free from one bias against Melancthon, at least." The paper of Prof, de Morgan is followed by a very useful article on foreign exchanges, and some elaborate tables of the fluctuations of tbe" funds. We sliouhl have liked to have made some extracts from the tables of the " statistics of crime," as the subject is intimately couuected with one for which we have frequently endeavoured to enlist the attention of our readers — the sanatory conditions of large towns. We must, however, for lack of 'space, pass on to a subject more immediately connected with the objects of this work, "the railways of Great Britain." Under this head there is a brief abstract of all the railway acts passed during last session — forming a synopsis somewhat similar to that which appears in our present number, excepting that no notice is taken of tbe amalgama- tions and other private arrangements of companies. The following ex- tract is likely to be read with interest, as giving a good compendium of parliamentary proceedings respecting railways during the past year. " On the 31st of December tbe Railway Department of tbe Board of Trade issued the first of a series of reports upon the schemes thus examined by them, in which reports, after enumerating all the projected lines in a certain district, they expressed their intention to repnrt to parliament in favour of certain schemes and against some others, while they recommended tbe post- ponement to a future period of such as they considered might be modified to advantage, or might be rendered unnecessary by the introduction of better or more comprehensive schemes. The more detailed reports in which they explained the reasons which had influenced their selection, were not, in most cases, published until some weeks after tbe announcement of their decision. In selecting from a mass of rival, or partially rival, projects, the Board usually gave their recommendation in favour of the new lines projected in friendly connection with, rather than those in opposition to or competition with, already existing lines ; and in cases where the engineering features of two or more rival schemes were essentially different, they entered, in their detailed reports, at considerable length into such questions as the compara- tive merits of the locomotive and atmospheric systems of propulsion, of different systems of gradients, of width of gauge, and other peculiarities of construction. In consequence of an idea that such reports would decide the fate of railway bills, some projects which had been prepared for parliament were withdrawn in deference to the recommendations of the Board of Trade; but in many instances the promoters determined to proceed with their bills in the face of adverse reports, a course which appears to have been by no means disapproved by parliament, since many such schemes were successful in obtaining their acts, while some of those most warmly supported by the Board of Trade were defeated in Committee upon their merits, and others, in consequence of informalities (resulting, in some cases, from the impossi- bility of preparing the requisite parliamentary plans and sections by the appointed day, or of submitting them to the searching examin.ation necessary for the detection and correction of clerical errors, when the demand for surveyors, levellers, draftsmen, and engravers was so urgent as in the autumn of 1844), were thrown out for non-compliance with Standing Orders. It being very evident that, whether the Railway Oflicers of the Board of Trade had or had not exceeded the powers committed to them, their recommenda- tions were distasteful to tbe Select Committee of tbe House of Commons, upon whose right of decision they appeared to trench, the Railway Depart- ment has been completely remodelled by a minute of the Lords of the Com- mittee of Privy Council for Trade, dated the 10th of July, 1845, by which the distinct Board constituted by the minute of tbe 6th of August, 1844, was discontinued, and it was determined that in future all railroad business should be transacted by the Lords of tbe Committee of Privy Council for Trade in the same manner as the ordinary business of that Committee. In the House of Commons, the enormous amount of railway business formed the most remarkable feature of the session, and such of the Standing Orders as relate to the composition of the Committees on private bills were suspended, so far as railway bills were concerned, it being impossible, under such extraordinary circumstances, to adhere strictly to the usual practices of the House. Railway bills were, at tbe commencement of the session, divided by a " Classification Committee" into groups, each of which was referred to one Select Committee, who were allowed to sit during any ad- journment of the House, in order to get through the immense mass of business before them. Notwithstanding every exertion, many competing schemes failed, from want of time, to obtain a hearing; and some bills which were virtually passed, were necessarily left over to next session, a special arrangement having been made to allow the privilege of i^e-intro- ducing in 1846, and carrying on from the point where the proceedings left off in 1845, such bills as bad been ordered by the House of Commons to be ingrossed. Before the close of the session some alterations were made in the Standing Orders, by which the additional maps and statements required by the minute of the Board of Trade above quoted, are required to be de- posited, and the amount of deposit required before presenting a petition for a railway bill is again increased to ten, instead of, as in the last session, five I84G.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEU AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 13 per ceot. of the amount subscribed. This increased deposit, however, is not required in tlie case of bills which have been before parliament in 1S4j, and may be re-introduced in 1S46, or of undertakings provisionally registered before it was issued, or such as had their subscri[)tion contract executed, or partly executed, on the 29th of July, 1845. Among the important parha- ♦nentary proceedings of tlie session we may refer to the passing of tlie Rail- way Clauses' Consolidation Act, by which all fnture railway acts will be much sir.iphfied ; and the appointment, in consequence of a motion in the House of Commons by Mr. Cobden, of a Royal Commission " for inquiring whether, in future I'rivate Acts of Parliament for the construction of rail- ways, provision ought to be made for securing a uniform gauge, and whether it would be expedient and practicable to take measures to bring the railwavs already constructed, or in progress of construction, in Great Urilain, into uniformity of gauge : and to inquire whether any other mode of obviating or mitigating the serious impediments to the internal traffic of the country, which are represented as likely to arise from the want of a uniform gauge, could not be adopted." We regret we cannot find space for more tbau a brief enumeration of the greater part of llie remaining subjects of information. There are some very valuable tables comparing rates of life insurance in dilTerent com- panies, abstracts of public acts of parliament, and parliamentary docu- ments, a chronicle of the sessions, and a numerical account of petitions and private bills. The informatiou throughout these chapters is arranged in a very careful and satisfactory manner. The thirteenth chapter treats of " Public Improvements," and is divided into three sections headed respectively, " General Improvements," " Churches," and " Miscellaneous Buildings." Of this part of the work we regret to say that we cannot speak in the same terms of commendation as of the rest. "Whether it be that the conductors have here towards the end of the volume been compelled to put their remarks together in a more hasty manner than iu the preceding parts, we cannot tell ; but the diction is careless and very frequently ungrammalical, and many sentences re- quire to be read several times before the meaning of them can be ascer- tained. Of these faults however we should not complain, (as we do not here profess to write a literary criticism) were the language s flicieuUy perspicuous to explain the views of the authors. This however is by no means invariably the case, and even when we succed in finding out what ideas on architectural subjects are intended, we are seldom recompensed for the labour of discovery. The first piece of criticism is on the architecture of the new buildings behind the Royal Exchange. Unfortunately enough these buildings are praised for the qualification which they least of all possess. Speaking of the arrangement of the windows, it is observed that it '* is such as not to cut up the mass itself into littleness, as is too generally the case owing to the windows being put too closely together, which inevilably occasions an ordinary dwelling-house look to prevail." Now without otTering any opinion of our own on the merits of the building in question we may state, as a simple fact, that the ground floor of the building exhibits one continual series of arched window-openings. separiUed only by piers. Iu many of the conservatories which are attached to large country seats, and are built to assimilate in architecture to the contiguous buildings, the aggregate surface of the windows is not so great compared with that of the masonry, as it is in the ground floor of the buildings behind the Royal Exchange. The observation that " this arcade is exceedingly well proportioned as to the quantity of window opening as compared with the entii-e surface," was written, it may be suspected, before the writer saw the building.* The next subject of commentary is Trafalgar Square. Of this it is said, " The two fountains seem to have altogether disappointed the public; for not only have they been ridiculed by those who make mere ridicule pass for criticism, but have been spoken of seriously by those who profess to deal in sober criticism as things of 'intense ugliness,' which is rather too severe, since the insignijicance of their aiipcaraiice is at least an equal defect." This passage, of course, contains a reference to the criticism of the Trafalgar-Square fountains, which appeared some time since in the Civil Engineer and Architects' Journal : the objection now raised to that criticism is odd enough. First, insignificance of appearance is spoken of as something distinct and separable from ugliness ; secondly, the former of these qualities, though it is said to be an "equal defect" with the latter, is assigned — not as an additional * By these obsercations we do not intend the slightest censure of the actual arrange- ment of the windows, which is perfectly unobjectionable, considering the purpose and site of tile buildings; we state tlie simple facts of the c ise to shew the ridiculous and ignorant absurdity of the criticism. From a rouRh admeasurement which we have made, we are quite certain that the space for glass occupies upwards of two-thirds of the ground frontage— which is, in fact, no more than a continued series of glazed arcades I reason for its condemnation — but on an altogether new system of logic, as a proof that our criticism was "rather too severe"! — "which is rather too severe, since the insignificancy of their appearance is at least an e'lual defect" ! -\nother " defect " is discovered in the architecture of Trafalgar Square, which certainly never suggested itself to ourselves. The writer, whose knowledge of the English language is as profound as his know- ledge of architecture, says that "a singularly disagreeable effect" is produced, because "the tops of the wall are not nude to rise and fall like hedges ." We confess that this plan of making Trafalgar-Square " agreeable " never occurred to us. An excuse for all the defects noticed, is, however, found in the consideration that the site was a very bad one! "Barry certainly here undertook a very ungrateful task, it-being hardly possible to make anything satisfaclory out of such an ill-arranged spot." We always imagined that the principal cause of the public disappoint- ment respecting Trafalgar Square, was, that "one of the nobli-st sites in Europe " was sacrificed in an abortive attempt at architectural display. In commending the new buildings in Lincoln's Inn, it is observed that the ceilings, "though only of deal iinpainted, have the appearance of being of a superior kind of wood, great depth of hue and lustre being imparted to it by some novel process or preparation." The word " uu- painted " is marked in italics, to intimate, we presume, that the imitation is excused from censure, because it is not produced by paint — that the weight of the censure depends not on the simple fact of deception, but the method of ellectingil. This principle is that of the Spartans who used to punish their children for larcenies — when they committed them clumsily. Had the writers on "public improvements" been accustoiueose. William Robinson IMilley and George Mason, jun., of Ipswich, contractors, for " improremcnls in coUeclinff mil raising stone or substances from below tta/er."— Granted April 2 ; Enrolled October 2, 1845. This invention is chiefly intended for raising cement stone from below water olT West Hock, near Harwich, or other places similarly circum- stanced, which at present is performed by sailing vessels, the dredging hags being raised hy manual labour. The object of t'his invention is to apply the power of steam in a suitable vessel to drag dredging hags, and to raise them and cement stone, or other matters collected thereby, into the vessel. Thomas Moss, Esq., of Gainsford-street, Barnsbury-road, for " Improte- ments in printing and preparing bankers' notes, cheque's, and other paprrs,for ihe better pretention of fraud." Granted, April 22 ; enrolled Uctober 22 1845. This invent:on consists in impressing patterns on the surface of paper used as bankers' notes, and other documents, on which designs or letters have been or are intended to be printed, that the paper so treated will he smooth on one side, whilst the other side will have a pattern indented thereon, so as to produce the appearance of a reticulated surface. The apparatus consists of a pair of steel rollers, one plain and the other engraved with the reverse of the pattern to he formed on the paper; and pressed heavily down upon tlie plain roller. The paper then becomes indented with the pattern or design ; and if the engraved roller he inked, as in surface printing, the indented pattern will at the same time be eoloured. Joseph Hill, of Ipswich, Suffolk, wireworkcr, for "Improvements in manufacturing wire fabrics for blinds and other uses." Granted May G ; enrolled November C, 1815. The first improvement consists in giving a corrugated form to woveu wire fabrics, to obtain greater stiffness, and render them more useful for making blinds, and other purposes. Ihe corrugated form is given by passing the wire between two grooved iron rollers ; the side of the corru- gations will generally vary from A to f inch. The second improvement con- sists in submitting woven wire fabrics to a process of embossing, so as to produce ornamental patterns thereon. A die is formed of brass or other metal, with the pattern upon it in relief; over this is placed a sheet of " vulcanized India-rubber," \ inch thick; and then, by means of a powerful screw-press, the wire fabric is pressed down upon the die, and the required embossing is produced. The employment of the India-rubber renders a counter die or matrix unnecessary; and the same sheet of India-rubber may, as it is plain, be used with different dies. Fredebick Ransome, of Ipswich, engineer, for " Iicprovements in combining small coal and other matters, and in preserving icood." Granted May 10 ; enrolled November 10, 1845. The invention consists in combining small coal with a solution of silica or siliceous cement, mads by dissolving 1001b. of crystallized carbonate of soda in as much WF.ter as will make a solution of 1,150 sp. gr. at a tempera- ture of 00', and the soda is rendered caustic by the addition of lime ; or, instead of carbonate of soda, 501b. of carbonate of potash are dissolved ia the requisite quantity of water, and rendered caustic by means of lime. This caustic alkaline solution is introduced, along with about 1001b. of finely-bruken flints or other siliceous substances, into an iron boiler or digester, and the mixture is kept for ten or twelve hours at a temperature of about 300° Fahr.. being at the same time frequently stirred. When suffi- ciently incorporated, the mixture is passed through a sieve, to remove any undissolved stone therefrom, and it is then evaporated until its specific gravity is increased to 1,500, at a temperature of 60°. The cement or solu- tion is now fit for use ; or, if too thin, it may be brought to the required consistence by evaporation, or by the addition of sand, or of calcined flints in a finely-powdered state ; if too thick, it can he reduced with water. The mode of combining small coal into blocks is, by mixing any suitable quan- tity of coal-dust or small coal with from A^jth to i^th of its weight of the siliceous cement, which is put into moulds, and subjected to pressure ; after which it is allowed to dry in the air, and then placed in an oven or hot room. For pressing timber, the wood is saturated or impregnated with a solution of silica, in such a manner as to cement the fibrous part of the wood with the silica, so as to form a solid and durable mass. The wood is placed in an air-tight vessel, from which as much air is abstracted as is practicable, by an air-pump or other convenient means ; a sufficient quantity of siliceous cement to cover the wood is then admitted, and, in order to cause the cement to penetrate further into the pores of the wood than would he effected naturally, artificial pressure is applied, by means of a pump; when removed, the wood is immersed in some acidulated or saline solution, which will render the silica insoluble. 18-16] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 17 RAILWAYS OF BELGIUM. By JoHiN ANDtRsoN, Esq., F.R.S.S.A. {Abrirlgef! from a Taper read before the Royal Scottish Society of Arts.) The accumul,ited leDgth of the Belgian railroads amounts to 348 miles. They consist partly of a double and partly of a sinftle way of 4 ft. ?.;, in. betwixt the rails of the track, and a distance of G ft. GJ in. betwi.vi ihc iaii- roads. — Tlie following table sives the length and cos! of tlie ditiWreut lines, the stations thereon, and the total cost of the whole establishment : Lines. Length of Cost of Lines. Cost of stations Total Cost. Cost per Remrirl:.'?, with reference Lines. per Line. ' Mile. to the Estimate:;. £ £ £ £ Brussels to .\ntwerp (including branch from the station of Borgerhout to tlie Scheldt) 29-028 303,378-12 228,061-48 531,439-60 18,308 Double way. JIalines to Ostend 76-025 633,350-24 84,847-76 718,198-00 9,447 Double way to Ghent. Malines to Ans (including branch to the Canal at Lou- vain) 55-100 743,458-92 42,658-08 786,11700 14,267 Double way. Ans to the Prussian frontiers (including branch to the interior of Liege) 29-500 1,240,303-47 132,40000 1,372.703-47 46,532 Double way to Verviers. Landen to St. Trond 6-350 48,336-72 6,82308 55,159-80 8,686 Single way. Ghent to Cmirtray 27-130 170,923-88 17,900-00 188,823-88 6,960 Single way. Courtray to the French frontiers 9-359 131,00000 8,920-00 139,920-00 14,950 Double way. Monscron to Tournay 11-890 iii,5(;o-oo 10,520-00 122,080-00 10,2S7 Single way. Urnssels to Quievrain 50'127 648,875-94 99,011-96 747,887-90 14,920 Part double way. Braine-le-Comte to Namur . . 50-699 563,239-39 75,S00;i)0 639,039-39 12,004 Single way; but embankments for a double w-ay. Junction of Stations at Brussels 2-914 29,546-04 29,546-04 10,139 348-122 4,623,972-72 706,942-36 5,330,91508 15,313 Material of Transport .. Total General Expense. . 823,921-12 0,154,836-20 Up to the end of 1842, 271 -oST miles had been constructed ; and in the autumn of last year the first way, and piobably more, of the remaining lines had been completed. On taking an average of the cost of the British railways, it will be found that those in England cost fully double, and those of Scotland and Ireland fully a thiid, more than those of Belgiiini. Eien the French railnays.on the following average, are constructed at nearly double the expense of the Belgian lines : — Per Mile. £10,000 20,000 S9,000 The line from Lyon to St. Etienne cost, in round numbers I'aris to Versailles Pitris to St. Germaia In (he Belgian lines, both parallel aai fish-bellied rails are used. Thci-e is nothing particular iu their mode of laj ing them down. Tiie ballasting consists.of sand and giavel, and, from various circumstances, formed a con- siderable item in the expenditure : — f. d. Between Waremme and Ans, it cost h 5:^ per cubic yard. Louvaia and Tirlemont 6 9i TirlemODtand Waremaie 5 6\ Denvze and Courtray 5 1 Landen and St. Trond 4 / Malines and Antwerp 3 113 aialines and 'Terraonde .-i liij Glicnt and Deynze 3 10 Bruges and Ostead 3 H Maliaes and Louvain 2 8i Teroioode and Ghent 2 s Glieot and Bruges 2 71 Brussels and Tu'jise 2 rt lilalines and Brussels 1 115 Weight and cost of rails. The rails were furnished in 18:i4-35.3G 37, and at different times in the follovs'ing years, iu lengths of 15 feet, IG4 feet, and 14-8 feet. Those of 15 feet were furnished of diiferent weights, weighing 40-1 lb., 39 71b., 35-3 lb., 43 71b., 54 5 lb. to the lineal yard ; those of 17-4 feet weighing o0-41b., and those of 14-8 feet weighing 50-4 and 48-S lb. to the lineal yard. Tlie whole rails are of the manufacture of the country, with the exception of about 200 tims, which were brought fiom England in IS34, to serve as model.-;. Their price during the tirst four or live years varied very much ; no doubt fruiu the coriipetitioo to which the extensive demand give rise. The ton of rails, which could be furnished at Malines, for instance, in 1834, for \Al, {'2s. 6(i., rose to 15/. 4s. 6d. and 18^ \s. Gd., and descended again to nl. Is., 13/. 16s., and came even so low, in 1840, as lOZ. Gt/., but rose again the stime year toll/. 8s. Gd. Those, however, produced in 1840 were much inferior to the rails first manufactured in the couuti-y. Until 1838, chairs, keys, and spikes, were fui-nished with the rails ; but since that time the contractors have bargained to supply them separately. The ton of chairs, in 1834, was supplied at 10/. 7s., but rose the year following t«> JO/. 1.5s., and, iu ISSli, to 12/. 16s., 13/. 4s., and 14/. 4s. ; aiid. in ge- neral, fluctuated with the price of rails. Keys and spikes, iu 1834, cost 22/, 7s. per ton, and rose the following year to 24/. 3s. Od.,21/. lis. 6d. In 1S2C-7, they varied from 2S/. 9s. to 30/. is. ; and, in 1838, came down, after many fluctuations, to 24/. 7s. Cd., and 23/. 19. 7d In short, the cost iu general, likewi:>e varied iu proportion with the rails and chairs. ' Principal Works. From inexperience or oversight, the section from Brussels to Malines was made upon so low a level that it -was often overflown by the Seuue which greatly damaged, and sometimes even perfectly obstructed, the rail- way. I'he rails, moreover, were too weak, and Ihe sleepers made from white and [line wood. Froim these circumstances, it became necessary to raise the railway at least upwards of a foot and a half, and protect the banks, and form viaducts through which t\ie waters could flow. The old rails were nearly all thrown aside, and others of greater strength laid down, and the sleepers subjected to M. Bouchene's process for the preservation of wood. Between Brussels and Quievrain. the ground on several sections consists of peat, and bogs; on this account it has been necessary to build a greater part of ti.e bridges on piles, aud raise the railway in some places 13 feet; the tunnel of Braine-le-C'omte is 16 4 feet of span, and 25-7 chains in length. From a short distance from Malines the railway begins to ascend to Ans. The works upon the line, though numerous, are light. The greatest un- dertaking is the tunnel of Cumpiich, which has been lately cmistrucied for the double way. It is entirely built of brick, and is 20-6 feet in height ani 45 73 chains in length. The heavy works, however, of the Bel>>-ian railroads only begin at Ans, where the railway descends into the valley of Ihe Meuse. The Liege lacline. Ans stands upon the west bank of the valley of the Meuse, about 581 feet above the level of the sea ; and Liege is situated in the bottom of the valley, about 358 feet below Ans. The distance betwiitt Ans and the .Meuse at Liege is 4 miles 9 chains, thus making on the length of the line the general gradient about 1 in GO. To descend ibis valley'was a matter of no little difiiculty, and it was only after many years' study, in whii-h time numerous projects were examined, that the ailministratioQ saw the necessity of descendiug it by inclined planes. The plan adopted by them consists of two inclined planes of equal lengths, with a platform or level space of ground, on which the engines are placed, situated at the bottom of the first and the summit of the second incline. The platform is about IG; chains in exteut, and the inclines 1 mile llr| chains each of length, of a rise of 1 in 36, both of which are constructed with a double way, the one beiug employed for ascendiug, and the other for descending. Referring to the section, the railway proceeding from Ans describes a curve of 1 mile 37 chains of radius, and descends the lirst incline. Having crossed the platform, it descends the second iucliue, and arrives at the principal station of Liege. The trains descend the inclined planes by gravitation, their ve- locity being regulated by drags attached to the carriages and wagons. Two lixed engines, of 160 horse povver each, are placed on the platform for raising the trains, which is accomplished by means of an endless rope. Both engines being situated cl"Se together, are supplied with stuam from tl^e same boilers. The system of signals, we are tohl, they employ, is some- what noiel : — -\. lube of fully one inch diameter is laid along the railwi-.y. E loh of its ext--emities communicates with the interior of a bell, the moeti of which is immersed in water. Into the top of the bell a whittle is fixed 18 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [January, which, 89 in the caso of the lonomotite whistle, acts by the vibration of the nielal. When it is required to cnmniunicate the rime if departure of any of llic trams from either station, the signal-man has oul> to shut offconi- niuDicalioii with the whislle, and immerse the bell further amongst the water. The air in the one btll will thus be forced, by pressure, ibrough the tube into tlie other bell at the further end of the tube, and will escape by passing tlirou);h, and at thi- same lime acting upon, the whistle. Nothing strikes the traveller sn much with astonishmi-ut, when he de- scends the valley ol the Meuse, and enters that of Verviers, as the contrast the face of the country presents to that which he a few minutes ago left. The scenery, indeed, as soon as he leaves Aus, is entirely changed. In- stead of the Bat and monotonous country through which he has just passed, he is ushered into a finely varied district of lulls and valleys. The number and extent of the dill'erent works of art he observes, tell him also of the na- ture of the country through which he is passing, and the difficulties which the engineer encountered iu the execution of this part of the national system of railroads. It may be remarked, that, in the execution of the different works o''art throughout the different lines, the workmanship is inferior to that of similar undertakings in this couulrj ; and that also in their construction, due at- tention has always been paid to the fortifications of the towns by which the Tculway passes. Curves and Oradkiits. The curves and gradients, as necessarily follows, from the extent of the different lines, vary very much, and present many of the results which arise from their existence on railways in general. The radii of the principal curves are as follows :— 3-73 chains ; 944 chains, (both on the branch of Louvain to the canal); 9 94 chains; 1243 chains; 17-4 chains; 18 14 chains; 19-88 chains; 24 25 chains; 2'J-83 chains; 348 chains; 37-28 chains; 39 77 chains; 43-74 chains; 44 74 chains; 49-71 chains; 54-68 chains; 59-65 chains; 62-14 chains; 67 I chains; 69-59 chains; 72 58 chains ; 74-56 chains ; 7954 chains ; and I mile 45 chains. The most important gradients are : — That towards Waremme, at the station of Landen, of 1 in 241, of 2 mileS 39 chains in length.— That towards Tirlemont. at the station of Louvain, of 1 in 250, of 3 miles 58 chains in lengih. — That between Tubiseand Biaiue- le-Comte, of 1 in 200, of 5 miles 47 chains in length —That on the branch from Louvain to th'' canal, of I in 71, of 32 chains in length. — That be- twixt Jurbise and Hraine-le-Cumte, of 1 in 250, of 4 miles 3 chains in length —That betwixt Mous and Jurbise, of 1 iu 250, or 6 miles 42 chains in length. Slat ions. The stations throughout the difTerent lines are numerous, and, in generab neat and commodious buildings. Antwerp, Brussels, Malmes, and Ghent, are reckoned of the first order, and comaius the warehouses and arsena' for provision and material. Ample accommodation is set apart in them for passengers ; one large room bdiiig always devoted to first and second, and another to third class, passengers. The next stations in importance to these are, Bruges, Termonde, Louvrin. and Tirlemont ; and then the minor stations upon the diH'»renl subdivisions of tlie line. Malines was, from th.- very first, chosen as the central station through which the greatest numbei of passengers was expected Inflow; and it was al»o fixed upou as the workshop for the repairs of the heavy machinery, and ofthe railways in general throughoi.i the country, the workshops at any ofthe other sta- tions being only of a secondary importance. But. notwilhslanding its many advantages, Brussels has become the principle station, and draws one-fourth of the receipts ofthe whole ofthe ditlerent lines. In consequence of tins uuexpecied result it became necessary to build a more extensive st.itiun at the north of Brussels. The stations, with the exception of Ostiiid, Bruges, and Ghent, are placed without the towns, for the purpose of evading the local taxes, which can only be accomplished by placing them beyond the houndarh s of the excise. Tickets for the trains are is- sued from the windows of the dilierent offices ; and, to avoid conlusiun during a crowd, stalls are erected tlnongh which the pa>sengers pass one b> one, ri-ceive their checks, and return by a passage parallel to the one h\ whiih they entered If the traveller has luggage exceeding 44 1b. weight, he has to proceed to the luggage depot, where it is weighed, and he IS charged a trilling sum per lb. L'pon paying this su u he receives a ticket with a number marked upon it, corresponding to one which is put upon his luggage. From this time he sees no more of his property until he arrives at hi= destinaii.m, wliere it is brought from the luggage-wagon, and rhe nnmiier marked npnu it called out by one of the olHcers in attendance, who reiurus it to its owner on pieseuting the ticket which he had received. Locomotive Engines. The locomotive engines, at the Ist of January 1843, were 129 in number, 42 of which were made in England, and the ri-niaiiider in Belgium. Of tiicse, '.;5 are in good working order, and 34 undergoing rei airs. In addi- tion to tlie.-e, however, 10 were iu course of being consiriRted, which »« ill make, in all, 139. The following table gives the makers' names, and the niiiiiher each has made; with the diameter of the cyliuders and driving wuceU ; — Diameter Diameter Number by Makers* Names. of of DrivinR Numltpr of each Cylinder. WtieeH. fach ftize. Maker. England. fll inches 5 feet n 12 .. Il2i .. ^ 12J .. 5 .. 6| Stephenson 54 .. ;[ 30 . 11 .. 4i .. ■\ lu .. 5 .. ij Londgridge and Co. 12J .. 5i .. 10 10 Fenton and Murray 12 .. 5 .. 1 1 Sharp, Koberts, and Co. . . 12 .. 5 .. 1 1 Belgium. ni .. 5 .. 12-] Cockerill J 12 .. 1 12J .. 5 .. 27 1 20 69 Ll4 .. H .. 10, Soc. St.-Leonard r 12 .. tl3 .. 5 .. 5^ .. 5} 7 (12i .. 5 .. 1 Soc. du Renard i 12i .. 5^ .. 5 . 11 Il3 .. H .. 5. Total. . 129 Fuel. The coke r* quired for the consumption ofthe locomotives is manufactured at Monplaisir, Malines. Antwerp, Ghent, Ostend, Aus, and Hal: and costs at these places respectively, 1/. 4s. 2ir|., \l. 3s. Il^d , 1/. 7s. 7|d., \l. 3s. 8id., \l 5s. 2Jd., 17s Ojl., and \l. Is. 5d. per ton. The quanuty consumed in 1841, in running over 927 080 miles, was 29 303 tons, or 70-80 lb. per mile. This is including, however, the quantity required for the rewrve ■>ind lighting. v!\\\A\ amounted to 4399 tons, and which, if deducted, will make the consumption 60 17 lb. per mile. In 1842, the distauce run over was 987,432 miles, and the total quantity of coke consumed was 28,317 tons, or 64 24 lb. per mile. The quantity required for the rtserce and lighti'ii; was 563 i tons, and which, if deducted, will make the con- sumption 51-46 lb. per mile. Cai-riflg-fs. The carriages consist of three classes, as they do in this country, hut are much more commodious, and. in some cases, vastly superior in comfort. I'or example, second class carriages possess not only windows, but the seats are cushioned, and almost as coinl'orlable as those of the first class, though, perhaps, a little less elegani. F.ven third class carriag-s have covered seats, and very often roofs supported upon perpendicular iron rods fixed at the corners ot ihe carnages. The seais are placed iransversely, and wi'huut any proper mode of entrance, which is a great inconvenience to passengers; and the doors are, in every case, unlocked, but are held close by a catch, which can bj opened and shut from either aide of the carriage. The rate of travelling, generally, is about 2ft miles per hour ; but on some lines, on account of the gradients, it varies from 19 to i5 miles per hour. Power of the Engines on Inclines. The greatest gradient, with the exception of that betwixt Ans and Liesre, is I in 71 on the branch Iroin Lonvain to the canal. A locomotive, ol a 12J inch cvlindcr, and driving wheels of 5 J feet diameter, can ascend tins slopt- with A train of three loaded and three empty wagons, of a lotul weight of about 44| Ions; but a locomotive of a 14 inch cylinder, withinupled driving wiieels of 45 feet, can ascend it Willi six loaJed and tliree empty wagons, of a total weight of about 09 tons, Ihe rate of travelling in both of these cases being three miles per hour. From a curve in several parts of this lin-, however, of 3 73 chains of radius, it is thought to be more con- venient to work it with horses. .\ strong horse npnu this incline can diavir a wagon ot about six tons w eight, at the rate of 2i miles per hour. On the luclinatiiiu beiwixt Tubise and Braine le-t'onite of 1 in 200, two trains, of 16 and 17 carriages each, with a total weight of 88j to 9si tons, and a lucomoiive of a I2J inch cylinder, and driving wheeU ot a\ leei dia- meter, were unable lo proceed in iiiifavourable vvea.her. At aiioiber time, equally unfavourable, an engine »t ah Ihe same of cylinder, however, eilher of these iu. nncs can oe ascended wiili 09 tons, at a velocity from about Vil to laj miles per hour; or, wi.li an engine of a cylinder of 14 inches diameter, about 108^ tons can be taken up, at the rate ol about i:'i miles per hour. IS JO.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. J9 On the inrlination betwixt Loiivain and Vertryck of I in 250, the follow ins traius ascended witli difliculty in unfavourable weather : — Tons total Feet. Carriages. weij;)>t. Dconio- Inch tive. cylinder. 1 14 with couple 1 14 1 1-.' not coupled 1 14 CL'upled 1 14 2 1 1 1 14 14 14 14 20 1373 23 147^ 16 SSJ 18 13/3 24 1474 39 2703 18 lit* 22 1373 22 137J From 1 6 . .„..i these experiments it was concluded, that a locomotive of a 14 inch cyUnder. and coupled driving wheels of 4^ feel diameter, could asc( nd this incline vviih ditliculty i" ordinsry weather, wiih from 137 1 to 117 J tons, but during times of snow with only 09 Ions ; and a locomotive of a 12 inch cylinder wilh driving-wheels of .i feetdiarneter, not coupled, could ascend, in ordinary weather, with from 7!-;; to 'JSJ ions, and in times of snow with from 44i lo 4'.) Ions. They ascend this slope regularly, however, with trains oH^ii and lOSj tons, including the weight of Ihe locomotives of 12 and 14 inch cylinders, about the rate of 15j, and from 12| to 15j miles per hour. The whole railway buisness is under the management of a director, who is under the control of llie Minister of Public Works. Il is divided into four branches— namely, the general mar agement of the whole fystem ; the management of ihe lines ; the l.icomotive depaitmeul ; the Iraffic of the railway ; and the managemeni of the stations. The first of hese, generally speaking, includes ihe other three, one of which consists in the manage- ment of Ihe lines, and tlie finishing and constructing of new works of art ; another in llie traction of the trains, the luanufaciuie of coke, and the ma- na^enientof ihe arseusal at Malines, including the workshops for repairing tbeloconioiives and carriages; and the third, in the niaiia;,ement of (he stations and the passenger and merchandise tiatlic. Over each of ihise four deparlmeiils a functionary, entitled Engineer-in-Chief, or Inspector of Adminislraiiou, is placed, who furnishes an account of the proceedings of his department to the Minister, and makes such proposals to him as he thinks nece-saiy or advantageous. The propositions he submits are sent fur examination to ihe Council or permauenl Commission of Ways and Bridges llesides the surveillance exercised by the director, and the ag<'nts under his orders, the Miuis'er causes all the works to examined by the Inspecior-General.andby the Divisionary Inspector of Ways and Bridges; and with the documents receiied from the dillereut departments, renders an elaborate report of the whole business annually to the Chamber of De- puties. ICEBERGS OF THE ANTARCTIC SEAS. " Icebergs were seen in all stages of formation, from five to two hundred feet above' the surface, and each exposed its stratification in horizontal layers from six inches to four feet in thickness. When the icebergs are fuilv fiirmpd they have a tabular and stratified appearance, and are pertectly wall-sided v'aiyingfrom one hundred and eighty to two hundred and ten feet in heiKht ' These were frequently found by us in their original situation, attached 'to the land, and having the horizontal stratification distinctly ^"•'■'in' some places we sailed for more than fifty miles together along a straicht and perpendicular wal', from one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet in height wilh the land behind it. The icebergs found along the coast afloat were from a quarter of a mile to five miles in length ; their separation from the land may be etfected by severe fio.t rending them asunder, after which the violent and frequent storms may he considered a sufBcieut cause to overcome the attraction which holds them to the parent mass. In their next stase they exhibit the process of decay, being found fifty or sixty miles from the land.' and for the most part with their surfaces inclined at a con- siderable angle to the horizon. This is caused by a change in the position of the centre of gravity, arising from the abrading :.etion ot the waves. " Bv our observations on the temperature of the sea, it is evident that these ice islands can be little changed by the melting process before they reach the latitude of 6U°. The temperature of the sea (as observed by the vessels going to and returning from the south) showed hut little change above this latitude, and no doubt it was at its maximum, as it was then the height of the summer season. During their drift to the northward, on reaching lower latitudes, and as their distance from the land increases, they are found in all stages of decay, some forming obelisks, others towers and eothic arches, and all more or less perforated; some cxhinit lofty columns, with a natural bridge resting on them, of a lightness and beauty inconceiv- able in any other material."— A'orra^jjie of Ike United States Exp.ormg Expedition. The Rattier screw-propelled steam-sloop, Commander Smith, is having an aUered screw fittert ; the screw having proved a great drawback to her speed wh^n under t^l a hachway is being cut from the upper deck down into the dead-wood, by which means the sc"ew may be lilted up so as n ,t to impede her pro ress when under canvass, ^nd may heal ogether removed or replaced, if damaged, without g„ing into dock. An ex?ra mfmber of miUwriBhls were put upon her yesterday to eet he. out ol hand as quickly as possible. EAST INDIA COMPANY'S NAVY. The comparative strength of the East India Company's Navy at several periods, from 1829 to the present day, will be seen from the Table here subjoined. 1829. Elphinstone . . Amherst Clive Coote Benares, 14 guns, surveying ship. Ternate . . . . 12 guns Thetis .. .. 12 „ Nautilus .. .. 12 „ Euphrates .. ..10 „ Tigris .. .. 10 „ Falinurus, 8 guns, surveying. 1832. Hastings, 30 guns, frigate Elphinstone .. 18 guns"! Amherst ..18 .i I Clive .. .. 18 „ f Coote .. .. 18 „ J Benares, 14 guns, surveying ship. Ternate . . 12 guns'] Thetis ..12 „ i Nautilus .. 12 Euphrates . . 10 Tigris .. 10 Palinurus . . 8 Shannon, 4 guns, schooner. Royal Tiger, 4 guns, ditto. Steam Vessel. Hugh Lindsay. 1831. Elphinstone Aniherst Clive Coote Benares, 14 guns, surveying ship. Ternate .. 12 guns ~| Thetis .. 12 , Nautilus ..12 , Euphrates ..10 , Tigris .. .. 10 , Palinurus .. .. 8 , Royal Tiger, 4 guns, schooner Hastings, 30 guns, frigate. Steam Vessel. Hugh Lindsay. I 1839. Hastings,* Receiving ship. il J ;: j Coote* .. 18 guns 1 i Clive* .. 18 „ M Elphinstone* ..18 „ [^ Tigris* ..10 „ 1 i Euphrates* .. 10 „ \-^ Taptee* .. 6 „ \'t Constance* .. 3 „ •u Shannon .. 4 „ S Rnyal Tiger .. 4 „ Mahi* .. 3 „ OT Nerhudda* Margaret* .. 2 „ .. 2 „ 1" J" Palinurus* .. 8 „ Brig Steam Vessels. Atalanta. Berenice. Zembia. Victoria. Hugh Lindsay. Seniiramis. Euphrates . . ~| Indus Iron Comet .... Vessels. Meteor .... The Sailing Vessels marked thus * were attached to the Indian navy at the close of 1844. List of Steam Vessels attached to the Indian Navj a< the close of the Year 1844. Name. Tonnage. Horse Power. No. of Guns. Achar 1143 350 6 Auckland 946 220 4 Sesostris 876 220 4 Semiramis 960 300 4 Atalanta 617 210 3 Berenicef 664 230 3 Cleopatra 770 220 6 Hugh Lindsay 411 160 2 Victoria 705 230 3 Zenobia 684 280 2 Indus 304 60 n Medusa 432 70 3 Assyria 153 40 5 Comet 204 40 2 A Conqueror — — — u Meteor 149 24 — >> Meance — — — c: Nirarod 153 40 5 o Napier — — — "" Planet 335 60 2 Satellite 335 60 2 2.^ Nitocris 153 40 t It is understood that this vessel has been condemned, and the ' Queen,' from Bengal, put on as a packet in her room. 2D THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [January, EVAPORATIVE POWDER OF TURF, COMPARED WITH THAT OF COAL.* The following results, as to the comparative effective poster of turf and coal, are deriveil from the working of the Lansilawue, one of ths steamers of the Inland Xavigasion Company which ply upon the Shannon with goods and passengers. I'hcy have been kindly placed in my hands for my present object, by Mr. C. \V. Williams. Before the use of turf was introduced there was burned in a week, which comprises forty-nine hours of work, twenty- four tons of coal, which, costing on an average at Killaloe 13». per ton, amount to 18/., or 7s. 5d. per hour. To do the same work at present, burn ing nothing but turf, there are consumed per week 31.? boxes of turf, which, at 7rl. per box, costs 9/. 12s. 7d., or 3s. lid. per hour of work — but a shade more than half the cost with coal. The engines of the Lansdowne are con- densing, of thirty-eight inches and a half diameter, and three feet and a half stroke. The usual velocity is twenty-five strokes per minute. The bo.x of turf contains twenty cubic feet ; not very closely packed. It weighs about Si cwt. ; so that the ton weight of turf costs about 3s. 6d. The weight of 315 ho.xes is hence fifty-five tons and a quarter, and the practical value of the turf is to that of the coal as 24 to 55^, or as 43 to 100. It is interesting to consider the influence which the substitution of turf for coal in the Shannon steamers has on the population residing near its banks. In the year 1839 there was no turf burned, and the coals consumed on board the company's boats amounted to 3,108 tons. In 1843 there were burned but 724 tons of coal, although the amount of trade was much increased. The quantity of turf consumed was upwards of 7,000 tons, which, at 3s. Gd. per ton, gives an expenditure of more than 1,200/. distributed in wages of labour, by which almost the entire cost of the turf is made up. The equi- valent quantity of coals would have cost above 1,800/., so that at the same time the Company saved 600/. a-year. Those remarkable facts are well exhibited in a letter written hv Jlr. Williams to the Board of Admiralty, which is subjoined, as it illustrates some additional circumstances. Mr. WiUiams's estimate of the saving is greater than mine, for, in the preceding analysis of the results, I have taken coal at a lower price than is assumed in his letter. The reason is, that it has fallen since those results were obtained, and I have calculated from what the price is, whereas he calculated from what it was at the time quoted : — " 6, Princes Street, Cavendish Square, July 21st, 1843. " Sir, — I have had the honour to receive your letter of the 12th instant, addressed to tlie Secretary of the City of Dublin Steam Packet Company, inquiring, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of the Ailmiralty, the proportionate duration of turf to coal in the Company's boats which ply up the Shannon from Limerick, to which I beg to give the fullowln" reply, derived from experience of the boats on that river. " The Lansdowne, a steamer with two engines 3S^ inch cy- linders, at 3 ft. 6 in. stroke, consumed upon an average 120 tons of coal per month, running daily (except Sunday) a dis- tance of forty-six miles, at 18s. per ton, covering expenses . £103 0 0 "The same duty is done with 1419 boxes of turf of twenty cubic feet, about 250 ton weight, at 7d. per box 41 7 9 Difference in the cost of the fuel per month .... £60 12 3 "2. The difference iu weight is, therefore, as two of turf to one of coal, and on the Shannon the difference in price is less than one-half that of coal. " 3. Its proportionate duration may be estimated by the quantity required, compared with coal to perform the same duty, that being double its weight ; its duration in the furnace is half that of coal. "4. From recent experiments with turf in the experimental boiler in the Company's yard at Liverpool, it is found that turf can only be profitably used when it is of the quality that is obtained in good seasons. If bad or damp, its evaporative power is reduced one-third and more. To improve tlie evaporative power of this fuel, however, results have shown that an addition of 40 per cent, of a preparation of turf by an improved method, which I have been engaged upon for some years, will render it cheaper than coal used with bad turf, or than coal burned alone ; and that the same per tentage of this prepared fuel added to good turf, greatly increases its eva- porative power, with a very trifling addition to the cost. " From these facts it is evident that turf may he used advantageously in localities where it al)ounds, and where there is an aljsence of coal. Care, however, must be taken that the furnace bars are lowered, not only to admit a greater bulk of fuel, but also to prevent too great a volume of air passing in the ash-pit, and then through the bars. I may add also, that in burning turf it is highly essential that air be admitted in the air chamber behind the bridge, in consequence of the rapidity with which tlie gases from this kind of fuel fly off. If it be e.xcluded there upon the common furn.ice principle the weight and bulk of fuel will be increased, tlie evaporative power reduced, and the cost proportionably greater. " It will give me much pleasure to furnish you with any further inform- ation in my power. " I have the honour to be. Sir, your obedient humble servant, "To Sidney Herbert, E.«q., Admiralty.'' C. W. Willums. 1 have already noticed, that from ray own inquiries the best turf niav be had in the turf districts for 3s. 6d. per ton, and as it is a fuel that will never be drawn far for any industrial use, we may take 4s. per ton as the practical * From the " Industrial Resources of Ireland," value of turf well dried within the range of the central counties. At the price, and allowing it 44 per cent, of the calorific effect of coal, the horse power should cost 6d. per day, that is, one-fourth cheaper than coal. Mr. Williams, using the same sort of fuel as is employed at the corn mill, and paying 6(7. per box, but drying it w^ll, found that, with a large working wagon boiirr there were 3-87 lb. of water evaporated per pound of tnrf, and that it cost 3s. 7d. to evaporate 100 cubic feet of water. Now this is at the rate of 5|c/. per horse power per working day. When the turf was burned in the furnace without Mr. Williams's peculiar mode of effecting perfect combustion, the cost per horse was G^d., coinciding with the result which I have derived from other sources. From all these examples, it may be decisively con^udcd, that in Ireland the horse power of steam costs per day in fuel : — Using coals, whether British or native . . 7J(/. Using turf, properly dried Cd. Using turf in Mr. Williams's mode . . . b^d. COLOURED DECORATIONS. At a meeting of the Decorative Art Society, on November 26th, a paper " On Chromatic Decorations," was read by Mr. E.Cooper. He commenced with a chronological review of various modes of applying or using colour in Egypt, and on the continent of Europe, from remote times to the end of the 17th century. In referring to the stupendous and richly-decorated remains of temples and porticoes in Egypt, he commented on the dull and opaque colours, contrasted with mat and burnished gold (laid on in leaves) which are found therein, and also upon mummy cases ; he described the coloured intaglios on the walls, and the painted ceilings of deep azure, studded with stars in the temple of .\Iedeenet Haboo, at Thebes ; he exhiljitcd drawings of Egyptian ornament of excellent design, and remarked that no progressive improvement in decorative art is discernible in these works. The temples of Greece were then noticed, where colour was applied to capitals, frieze, entablatuie, and the backgrounds of the tympanum ; also on the ogee mouldings, where honeysuckle, egg, and other enrichments were painted or stencilled ; and it was observed that, although no remains have been discovered, it was reasonable to infer, from the eminent state of plastic art, tliat contemporary pictorial art had arrived at considerable perfection, and the names of some Greek artists were given, on the authority of Phnv and Qniutilian. After some remarks on the vases of Greece, and 'the mural decorations of the sepulchres of Etruria, he directed especial attention to the ma^riilicent baths, or therma;, of Titus, at Rome (erected a. d. 70), and (referring to the illustrations by M. Ponce), he observed that the fresco paintings found there display, in the grouping, drawing, and management of drapery, a refined feeHng and knowledge of art ; and in his remarks on the colour used, he observed that the decorations were executed, most probablv by Greek artists. ' ' The decorations of Pompeii and Herculanenm, being of the same period, were then described ; hut, as might be supposed, from their being proviacisl towns, they would be found inferior in execution and splendour to those of the capital. The arrangement on the walls, of masses of black, red, and white, exhibited a principle which was commented on at some length; and it was also remarked, that these examples do not afford an absolute crite- rion by which to estimate the perfection of the arts of that or the preceding age. Passing over several centuries, he next noticed the eaily efforts of Christian art, remaining to us in the mosaics of the churches and palaces of Italy ; and after some remarks on the productions of Ciniahue, Giotto, and Leonardo da Vinci, he entered upon a consideration of the decorative works of Michael Angelo and [Japhael. In this period of Italian art, the anachronisms and disregard of relative proportion, in the parts composing arabesque or grotesque decorations, were especially noticed, as well as the enrichments, similarity in design and colouring, existing between the works of Kaphael and his school, and those in the baths of Titus, before alluded to, and which were discovered at this time : a striking instance was exhibited, in the decorations at .Mantua, by Giniio .'Joniano, and Andrea Montagna. (See Gruner, plate 24, and olate 5 of the Baths.l • The magnificent decorations hy the Venetians were next described, in which massive mouldings richly carved and gilt, divided the surface of ceil- ings and walls ; the coffers or panels being filled with paintings by Titian, Tintoretto, &c., produced a gorgeous effect. The decorations of the ceiling of the sacristy attached to the Duomo, or cathedral at Venice were said to he worthy of recommendation, on account of durability and splendour, for open colonnades in this country (such as at the Royal li.xchange) ; the back grounds were of vitrified gold, aud exhibit all the beauty of ancient mosiac combined with the harmonious colouring and beautiful ornamint of the six! teentb century. This century witnessed the rise and decline of fine art in Italy, and in the following one, although we meet with some good artificers, they were mere copyists and mannerists, and not great artists. In discussion, the terms arabesque, grotesque, moresque, &c., were argued- the modes of lighting, and the principles of gravilation of colours oil walls of apartments were commented on, and a regret expressed that deco- rations in the houses of nobility are not sufficiently known or accessible to the inspection of decorators and artists. I.s,6.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 21 BELFRY TURRETS. No large tower can be considered complete without a staircase-turret of stone, containing an ascent by a newel stair to the bell-cbamber. This very important feature of a church tower has bien singularly neg- lected in modern designs, in whicli the effect has been often much ini|iaiied, and an essential part of the construction omitted, under the idea that it is either a useless appendage, or an awkward and unsightly excrescence. Both these notions are extremely rrroueous, and in urging upon architecis the more general adoption of belfry turrets, we will endeavour to show that both utility and the principles of effect suggested their use to the ancient builders. Belfry turrets are usually placed in the south-west, more rarely in the norte-west, angle of towers ; they occur also in the south-east and north- east. They are polygonal, and project half externally and half internally, and liave a small doorway opening into the inside. They are carried up either to the height of one or two stages, or to the belfry windows, and then weathered oif with a bold and picturesque slope, or they rise above the parapet, and form a kind of castellated pinnacle turret, sometimes carrying a weathercock or other pointed termination. Very frequently they are lost in tile buttresses, which are, as it were, thrust prominently outwards bv a bulging swell of the masonry in one angle, reacldy distinguished from the rest by its visible protuberance, and by small slits to admit light and air air into the staircase within. Sometimes, as at All Saints, Paston, near Petert/orough, the head of the turret merges into a broach of the spire, which gives an extremely bold and irregular effect. There can be no doubt that irregularity gives effect to a tower, or indeed- to any Gothic building. Not irregularity for irregularity's sake — that becomes affectation. But such irregularity as arises from the absence of hypocrisy, or show, or making one side the same as tlie other, or the like. There is no need to fear a broken or shapeless mass as the result ; uiiif irmity is far le.-s ple-ising than variety ; and the eye can never be offended in Gothic buildings by a door, a window, or a buttress, beirrg fairly pushed aside by the inter- vention of any necessary constructive feature. Nothing was mor-e fully felt by the ancient architects than this ; wliile nothing is more cautiously and timidly adopted by modern imitators. We have seen with much pleasure, in very elaborate and splendid towers, one belfry window placed quite on one side, instead of in the middle, even though the belfry staircase which caused this remarkable irregular-ity wns scarcely visible on the outside. Examples of this are St. John, Hyhall, and All Saints, Oakham, in Rutland. Sometimes, as at St. Wuitran, Granthanr, the splendid decorated tower of which has scarcely a rival in the kingdom, one of four pinnacles is considerably larger and higher than the other three, because it forms a capping to a staircase turret. Yet who shall be bold to say tlris is a fault ? We would say, by all means break up monotony and sameness uf sides by some such expedient ; and a belfry turret seems rvjoit admirably adapted to produce almost any kirrd of bold picturesque effect. From a distance, the lights and shadows, the peaks and the broken lines, are vastly imposing and arresting to the eye. On a near view, the bold abutment of an angle seems at once to flank and to prop the stages of a lofty tower ; and on every point whence the effect is visible, the mind is gr'a- tiiied by the idea of ingeirniiy or pleased by tlie suggestion of necessity made subservient to decorative effect. Some beltVy turrets are corbelled off a little above the ground externally. This, though not a material difference of construction, is to be deprecated, because the tower is apt to appear overbalanced by an excrescence which emerges from the wall itself, and does not rest uporr its own ba:is on tlie ground. We have seen (as in St. Peter, Barton, near Cambridge) the south- west angle singularly prolonged into a wedge-like form from the internal formation of a belfry tower; and again, we have noticed the most beautiful forms and enlargenrerrts of buttresses to give scope for tire staircase. It is true that many ancient towers were ascended by ladders, and in a few we have seen wooden stairs inclosed in wattled or boarded turrets con- structed in the interior. The ascent to the floor on which tire bell-ringer-s assemble, if above the ground, should he the belfry turr-et ; though we may here repeat what we have often urged before, that the entrance to it should never be from without, independently of any other comruunicaiion with the interior of the church. Modern architects are generally compelled to construct a staircase in their towers; but then they strive to hide rather than boldly to display it exter- nally ; and herein consists their error. We are inclined to prefer those belfry turrets of which three or four sides project extermally, sometimes even irr the middle of the north or south side, and are weathered off at the upper or belfry stage, to those which are only partially developed from the outside. The attention, however, of architects needs only to he directed to the sub- ject, and their observation will abundantly supply fit models and devices for imitation. — Ecclesiologist. Lightning Rods. — In a recent communication in the New Haven Courier, respecting some recent instances of houses beiiii; struck by li^-htmng, Professor Silliman states that the liglitoing rods caanot be relied upon unless ttiey reach the earth, wliere it is permanently wet, even in times of the severest drought; and tliat ttie best security is afforded by carrying the rod or some good metallic conductor, duly connected with it, to the water in the well, or to some other water that never fails. Professor Sillimau's house, it seems, was strnclt ; but his liglitning rods were not more than two or three inches in the ground, and were therefore virtually of no avail in protecting the house. He states that his contidcnce in the efficiency of rods is in no degree diminished.—* New York Ob. server,' SYNOPSIS OF RAILWAYS INCORPOR.\TED IN 1845, WITH THEIR ALLIANCES. [For the following important paper we are indebted to the indefatigable and well directed e.\ertions of an old correspondent, who under the signature O. T., has tontri. buted several invaluable papers to this Journal. In the formation of the i ollowing synopsis, the Supplement of the " Tim es," Nov. 1 7, 1345, the Railway Almanac and Directory for lS4ti, the Companion to the British Alma- nac for 1S46, the Railw.iy Shareholders' Manual, by Henry Tuck, Gth edition, and two Par- liamentary Kelurns, dated July 17th and Augrrst 4th, have been consulted. None, how- ever, of these authorities give the alliances of the new lines which are here added. The parhnmentarv return of August 4th, 1845, which is important, as it gives the number of shares subscribed for. as well as the number of shares empowered to be created, which shows the statistics of eiiclr line in public opinion, and the means of the directors in con- trolling the market by gradually selling shares where the number authorized exceeds the number subscribed for.] 1. Irish Great Western, 20.000 shares of 50/. each ; capital 1,000,000/. From Dublin to Mullingar, connecting the Valley of the Shannon with the Irish capital. 'J"o commence in connection with the Dublin and Cashel line, near Luccan, passing near the towus of Leixslip, C'elbridge, Maynoolh, Kilcock, Clonard, Kinnegar-, and Kilnear, to rMuUingar, and thence by Meale to Athlone. Length of line 77 miles, 2 furlongs, 4 chains. Reported against by the Board of Trade. Capital subscribed, 903,000^. and 1S,0U0 shares. Esti- mated cost, ysC,05U.. Power to borrow on loan 333,000i. Embodied in group Z, and recommended by the committee. forking expenses estimated at 40 per cent. Royal Assent July 21. Sir John JNl'Neil engineer. 2. Lomlondernj and Coleraine. 10,000 shares, of 50/. each; capital 500,000/. To commence at Londonderry, passing the border of Lough Foyle, and terminating at Coleraine. with a br-anch to Newtown. Length of main line and branch. 38 miles, 6 furlongs,3 chains. .'Vinount subscribed, 380,U00<. Power to bor-rovv 168,000/. Reported against by the Boar-d of Traiie. Considered by committee of group S, and recommended. Worting e.v- penses \l,000l. per annum. Ro^al Assent August 4. Charles 1 nyon, engineer. 3. Belfast and Balhjmena. 7,700 shares of 50/. each ; capital .SH5,nOO/. From the former to the latter place, with a branch to Carrickfergus. Deposit 2i. 10s. per share. Amount of deposits l'J,2.50Z. Total length of the line 37 miles, 7 furlongs. Power to borrow I2S,33;>/. Recommended by the Board of Trade, and recommended by the committee of group S. Single line. Estimate of working expenses 11,000/. Hoval Assent, June 21. Charles Lanyon, engineer. 4. Dublin and Belfast Junction {and Nacan Branch). 19,000 shares of 50/. each ; capital 950,000/. Deposit 21. 10s. per share. Amount of deposit 47,500/. Total length of the line, from Drogheda to Portadown, 73 miles, 4 fui-longs, 8 chai'ns. Estimate 950,733/. Power to borrow 316,06f)/. liecommeuded by Board of Trade ; also by committee of group R. Branch to Kells. Work- ing expenses 40 per cent. Royal Assent July 21. Engineer Sir John M'Neil. Meeting August 20. Miles Reck, Secretary. Office, 2, Talbot- street, Dublin. Call September 10, 21. 10s. Proposed Great County Down company are to iuspect a trial section of the line to Hillsborough. 5. Dundalk and Enniskillen. 15,0f 0 shares of 50/. each ; capital 750,000/. Deposit 2(. lOs. .Amount of deposit 37,500/. Total length of the lice, inchitling branch to Mouaghan, 40 miles, 6 furlongs. Estimated expenses 450,000/. Power to borrow 250,000/. Recommended by tlie Board, also by tommiitee of group R. Working expenses 30 per cent. Rnyal As- sent July 21. Engineer Sir John M'Neil. Register of scrip Oct. 18, l!545. Hatfield Nicholson, secr-etary. Office 72, Talbot-str'eet. Dublin, Company operates and in conjunction with Dublin and Drogheda aa Belfast Junction and Irish North iMidlaod. 6. Cork and Bandon. 4,800 shares of 50/. each ; capital 240.000/. To connect lire towns of Bantry, Bandon, Krnsale, Berehaven, and Castletown with a I'ich asriculturiil and mineral drstrict and the city and harbour of Cork. Length of Line 20 miles. Power to borrow 80,000/. Subscribed 200,000/. in 4,000 shares. Recommended by the Board of Trade, and by committee of group XX. Working expenses 40 per cent. Royal Assent July 21. Engineers Jlessrs. Sealey. Secretary J. M'Donnell. 7. Great Southern and Western. 34,ii00 shares of 50/. each ; capital 1,200,000/. Extension to Limerick and Cork. The extension to Cork will com- mence between Holycross and Cashel, in conjunction with the Great Southern and Arestern line, and pass near the towns of Tipperary, Kil- mallock, C'haileville, and Mallow. The extension to Limerick leaves th« main line near Tipperary, passinj the towns of Pallns Green, and Cahir conlish. Length of line 98 miles. Subscribed 1,181,100/. Power to borrow 400,000/. Recommenuea Dy the Board of Trade, and comiaitt«e 22 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [January, on eroup AA. Working expenses 40 percent. Royal Assent July 21. Ensint-er Sir J. M'Ncil. bubacribed to Irish Great Western (Dublin and <;alwHy; 8UU.UO0/. to Wexfurd, Carluw, and Dublin Junction lUO.OllOi. to Killaruey Junction iiU.UOO;. Also new line proposed, Clon- mel, Cashel, Teniplemore, Nenagli, Borris in Ossary. to Ro^ciea, Par- boiislowD, Knnis, Killaloe, and Walerford and Kilkenny, for which an Act is obtained. Mr. Taylor, secretary. 8. WaUiJurd and Limerick. 15.000 >har«8 of 50/. each j capital r.Vl.uOOI. To cmnmenre at the city of Waterford, proceeding thtough the towns of C'Krrj(k on Siiir, Clonmel, C'ahir, and Tipperary to Limerick, atfording acconiniotialion 1o a population of more than a million, and giving 10 a rich agricultural district an excellent port for the shipment of produce to England. Length of line 77 miles, 7 feet. Subscribed 590,300/. in llS.OliS shares. Power to borrow 250,000/. Recommended by the Board of Trade, and rommitlee of group AA. Working expenses 40 per cent. Royal Assent July 21. 9. Neu-ry and Enniskillin. 18.005 shares o! Ml. each ; capital aoO.OOO/. To commence, in junction with the Dublin and Belfast Junction, at Newry, passing through the towns of Monaghan, Clones, and Enniskillen. terminating, in juuctiim with the L'lster railway, at Armagh. Length of line 75 miles, S furlongs. Capital subscribed 14,210/. in 284 shares. Estimate 833,847/. Power to borrow 300.01)0/. Recommended by the Board of Trade, and by tummiltee of group R. Working expenses 335 percent. Royal Assent July 21. Engineer Sir JohnReuute. Mr. Saunders secretary. 10. Walerford and Kilkenny. 12.500 shares of 20/. each; capital 250,000/. On this line the wooden rail is to be used as a substitute for iron. The wood i.( to be prepared by Pavnes process, and the engines and carriages are to be titled with Prosser's guide wheels. Length of line 37 miles, 3 furlongs. Subscribed capital 201. 000/. in 10,000 shares. Power to bor- row 83 000/. Keconiineuded by the Boaid of Trade, also by the com- mittee of group BB. Working expenses 40 per cent. Royal Assent July 21. J. Valentine, Engineer. Office, 34, Broad-street buildings, Lon- don. Thos. Prosser, secretary. 11. Londonderry and Enniskillen. 1' ,000 shares of 50/. each ; capital floO.OOO/. Commencing at Londonderry, and passing through Carrigans, St. Johnston, Strabane, ClitToid, Newtownstewart, Dromore, Trelluk, to Enniskillen, in juuclion with the line to Dundalk, thus forming a direct communication between the north-west of Ireland and Dublin, and the east coast. Length of line 50 miles, 1 furlong. 4 chains. Estimate 462,123/. Sub^'cribed 380,000/. in 7,()00 shares. Power to bonow 106,(iUO/. U ork- ing expenses 40 per cent. Royal Assent July 21. Sir John M'Seil. Engineer. Register of scrip 21 Oct. Fred. H. Hemming, secretary, Jloorgate-street chambers, London. 12. Dublin and Driigheda. Capital 150,000/. Howth extension. Length 3 miles,5 fuilong3.4j chains. Estimated ex- pense 40,000/. Power to borrow 60,000/. Working expense 30 per cent. Royal Assent July 21. Engineer Sir J. .M'Neil. 13. Ulster Extension. Estlinate 133,03.'i/. From Portadown to Armagh. It was originally intended to run the Ulster line from Belfast to Armagh, and capital was taken tor that pur- pose so that it will not be requisite to issue any new shares. A thirteenth call for 2/. 10s. has |usl been made. This will make the amount paid up on 32/ on shares ol 50/. Leuadiof line 11 miles, 4 furlongs. Working estimate 33 per cent. Royal As^ent July 21. Godwin, Engineer. Raised 50 000/ on loan, and it is proposed to lake interest. Newry, Baubridge, and Belfast Junction ; the engineer to survey the country between Newry, Moira, and Li^buin, as also Louglibrickland, Dromore, and Hdisborough. 14 Leeds and Thirsk. To commence at Leeds, and terminate at Thirsk, passing through the most populous part of the West Riding of Yorkshire. Lengih 46 miles, 1 furlou'', I chain Amount subscribed 863,100/. in 17.362 shares Power to borrow 299,000/. Repori-d against by the Board of Trade, and re- commended by committee of group B. Working expenses 40 percent Koval Assent July 21. J. tiiainger, engineer. Pa>ne, Kddison, and Ford solicitors. Office, 58, Aloionsireet, Leeds. Proposed exiension through the Valleys of Wharfe to Skipton and the Nidd to Pateley, also to the north-east to Stockton. 15. Leeds, Dewsbury, and Manchefter Junction. 18.006 shares of 6(1/. each ; ccuita'. 650.0OO/. To commence at Leeds in junction with the Leeds and Bradford, pass- ing through Dewsbury, towards HuddersBeld, and terminaling, in junction with the Manchester and Leeds, half a mile west of Dewsbury station. Length of line 20 lnile^, 3 furlongs, 5 chains. Estinialed ex pen -e 6:iti,000/. Power to burrow I07,00u/. No report from Board of Trade. Heconi- uiended by committee of group B. Working expenses 35 per cent. Royal .Assent June 30. Messrs. Grainger and Miller, soliciiois. Office of the company, Leeds. Wni. Eagle Bott, secielary. 5/. call 23 Oct. Interest paid Feb. and August. 16. Slireushury, Osu-estry, and Chester Junction. 20,500 shares of 20/. euch ; capitaUlO.OOO. Will form a continuation of the North Wales IMiueral railway, and will complete the direct line of railway from Chester to Shrewsbury. Length of lii.e 23 m.les, i furlongs. Estimate, 37 1,000/. Power to burrow 130 000/. No report from the Board of Trade. Recommended by comiiiittee of group Q. Working expenses 50 per cent. Royal .Assent June 30. H. Robertson, engineer. Amalgamated with North Wales Mineral railway, allowing to the latter company for 20/. shares 26/. 13>. 4d. stock, and for 10/. shares 14/. lis. 8ii. and issuing new lo/. stock for extension, one for each 20/., and one for two 10/. Norih Wales .Mineral railway, 17. Ely and Huntingdon. 10.800 shares nl 25/. eath ; capital 194.400/. To commence at Ely, in junction with the Eastern Counties and L\nn and Ely railway, passing through St. I ve's, Huntingdon, and St. Neot"s to Bediord. Length of line 22 miles, 6 chains. 87,298 shares ; subscribed a capital of 157,1::5/. Estimate, 190,046/. Power to bornnv 64,800/. No report from the Board of Trade. Recommended by coniniittee of group 1, Working expenses 30 per cent. Royal Assent June 30 J.U. Raslrick, engineer, (all of 3/. lbs. Oct. I. Offices, Lyno, Norfolk. Secretary, W. W. Williams. 18. Gravesend and Rochester [Thames Medway). 6,000 shares of 20/. each ; capital »5.000/. To commence between the Town and Terra, e Piers, through the Ter- race Gardens and groumls of the Fort, over the lands adjoining tlie Marshes, under Gad's Hill, crossing the Midway, near Kochesti r bridge and terminating at the (iibralter Inn, Chatham. Lengih of line 0 miles' 7 furl' ngs, I cnain. Amount of capital subscribed 127,500/. Estiniaie 170,000/. Power to borrow 56,006/. No report from the Board of Trade. Recomiiieniled by committee of group A. Royal Assent July 31. Ei- tension ^ mile. J.U. Rastrick, engineer, 19. Preston and Wyre Branches. 12,000 shares of 20/. each ; capital 100,000/. To commence at Preston, injunction with the Preston and W\re pass- ing th rough the populous manufacturing district of Over D-irweu 'term - natiug, in junction with the Blackburn, Bolton, and D.irwen railway at Lower Darwru. Length of line 8 miles 2 furlongs, 6 chains. Estimate 50,000/. Power to borrow 33,333/. No report from the Board of I rade and recommended by committee of group HH., as Lyiliam Branch and' Blackpool Branch. Working expenses 32 per cent. Royal Asstut July 21. G. P. Bidder, engineer. 20. .Vor//i Wales. 12 000 shares of 25/. each ; capital 300,000/.— Amalgamated. To commence at Bangor, in junction with the Holyhea.l and Chester railway, passing through the slate disiricts of Caernanun.-.hii-e and Snow- don, and terminaluig ai Port Dynllacn. Length of line 45 miles. 10 629 shares. Subscribed, a capital of 265,000/. Power to borrow lOOtiuu/ Uorking expcuaes 40 per cent Royal Assent July 21. Sir John Reu- nie, engineer. Isegotiating with Chester and Holyhead Railway. 21. Brighton and Chichester (Portsmouth Extension). 6,000 shares ol 50/. each; capital 320,000/. -Amalgaoiated- From the Rope-walk, Chichester, to St. James'sroad, Portsea, with a branch commencing at the Farliugton Waterworks to the Gosport branch of the Loudon and South H estern railway. Length of line 22 miles. Repotted against by the Board of I rade. Single line, Itoyal Assent Augusts. J. V. Rastrick, engineer. Mr. Oltley, secretary. Office, Deau-slieet. The abo\e shares issued and sold to the Brighton Railway' Company. 22. Oxford, Worcester, and Woherhampton. 3i),0oo shares of 5it/. each ; capital 1,5 0,000/. To commence at Wolverhampton, diverging from the Grand Juoclioo, passing through the districts in llie vicinity of Bilslon, Tipton, Dudley', Stourbridge, Kidderminster, Stourporl, Droitwich, Worcester, Per^hoj'e', Evesham, Morelon, and Oxford, in junction with the Great Western railway. Leased in perpetuity to ihe Great Western railway at 3^ per cent, on 22,500/., and capital 1,125,000/. Authorised loan, 500,uo0/. Working expenses, 40 per cent. Royal Assent .August 4. Brunei] engineer. N. T. Smith, secretary, Worcester. This Company have' b, Yeovil, Dorchester, Wey- mouth, and Bridport. Guaranteed 4 per cent, by the Great Western railway. Lengthof line, 33 miles, 2 furlongs, 6 chains. Number of shares subscribed, 23,046, and capital, 1,152,300/. Authorised loan, 500,000/. Estimated expenses, 1,500,000/. Board of Trade reported in favour, and committee of group G conlirmed their report. Working expenses 40 per cent. Kojal Assent, June 30, I. K. Brunei, engineer. Leased to the Great Western at 4 per cent., and J per ceut. increase, should the Great Western railway pay 8 per cent. Interest paid, June 30, Dec. 31. Propose to alter the line, and extend it to Salisbury, with the consent of the South Western company. 33. Southampton and Dorchester. 10,000 shares of 50/. each ; capital 500,000/. From the former to the latter place, by way of Redbridge, Brocken- hurst. Hurley, Kingwood, Wimbourue, Hanworthy, and W areliam. Length of line, 62 miles. Number of shares subscribed for, 7,6'25, and capital, 381,260/. Authorised loan, 166,666/. Estimated expense, 500,000/. Recommended by the Board of Trade, also by committee of group ti. Single line. Working expenses, 40 per cent. Koyal Assent, July 21. Captain Moorsoiii, engineer. 31. Guildford, Chichester, and Portsmouth. 20,000 shares ot 60/. each ; capital 500,000/. Commences at Guildford, in junction with the Guildford and Woking line, passing through Godalmiiig to Chichester, in junciioii with the Brighton and Chichester line ; thence, through Emsworth and Havant, lu Portsmouth and Fareham, terminating injunction with the South Western line. To be leased by the South Western railway, and guarauteed 4 per cent, on the outlay. Estimated expense, 350,000/. Authorised loan, 166,900/ Length ot line, 60 miles. Recommended by tlie Board of Trade, and committee of group L Working expenses, 93,000/ per an- num. Rojal Assent, July 21. J. Locke, engineer. Purchased by South W estern, also Fareham Branch. 35. Newcastle and Beriiick onTweed. SC.OOO shares of 2.'i/. each ; capital 1,400,000/. Commences injunction with North British line at Casile Hill. Berwick- 011 Tweed, and terminates, injunction with Bradley junction hue, in Gates- head, with a branch to Neville-street, to join the Newcastle and Carlisle line, and a brancli, 7 miles, to Blylh, and one 5 miles, to Alnwick. Length of line, 95 miles, 3 furlongs. Number of shares subscril)ed for, 39,725, and capital, 993,I:!5/, Authorised loan, 166,066/. Esiimateil expense, 1,400,000/ Recommended by the Board of Trade, and commiitee of group E. Working expenses, 40 percent. Koyal Assent, July 31. R. Stephenson, engineer. J. Close, secretary. 36. Richmond, Surrey, and West End Junction. 13.000 shares of 20/. each ; capital 260.000/. To commence at Richmond, and terminate at a junction with the South Western, at Falcon Lane, Battersea, passing thus the districts of Wands- worth, Putut-y, Karnes, aud Moitlake. Length of line, 6 miles. Number ol ,^llares subscribed, 8,715. Capital, 164,300/, Authorised loan, 86 000/. Estimated expense, 200,000/. Recommended by the BoartI of 'Trade, as also by the committee of group LL, Rojal Assent, Juli, 21. J Locke, engineer. Secretary, Kichaid Meade. Office, 3, Moorgate-slreet. Call of 4/. Aug, 30. 37. Lynn and Ely. 12,000 shares ot 2.')(. each ; capital 3''0,000;. From King's Lynn to the city of Ely, meeting there the Norlhtri and Eastern line and its exien-.ion to Norwich anil Peierborou,:h. Leu^ith of liiie,37 iiii'es, 5 tiiilongs, Ocliains. N umberof sliaressubscnbetl for. 11,629, Capital, 29J,7iO/. Autiiorised loan, loO,000( Estimated expense, 300,000/. Recommended by the Board of Traile. ami committee of group 1. Branch to Wi-beach. V\ orking expenses, 13,433/. Koyal Assent, June 30. J. U. Kastrick, engineer. Call ol 2/. 10s. Oct. 1. Oliice, Ljun. Secretary, W, W. Williams. 38. Trent Valley. S2..')00 shares of 20/. each : capital 1 2-i0.0"0/. Commences at Rugby, passing through Nuneaion, Atherstone, Tam- worth. Lichtieltl, aud lermiuates, in junction with the Grand Junction line, at Castle Church. Lt-ngtii of due, 49 miles. 3 furlouus. 4 chains. Number of shares subscribed for, 57,442. Capital, 1,14-i. 840/. Autiiorised loan, 417,666/ Estitnaied expense, 900,000/. Kecomiuended by tiie Board of Tratle. also the committee ol group O. VV tieii conipteie, to be leased in perpetuity to Hie London and Biriiiingliaiii railway, guaranteeing the same iliviilend as their owu line. Working expenses, 40 percent. Koyal .As- sent, July 21. 'T. J. (ioiich, engineer. Se. lelarj, E. J. Cleatiier. Of- lice, 68, George sireet, Manchester. Reaistereil, Aug. 21. iMeeticg, 20 Sept. Subscribed 306,000/. towards the North Staliordshire. 24 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [January, 39. South Wales. 56,000 «har,:« ; capital 2,H()0,eC(l). Commences at a junction with tbe Cliellenliam and Great Western rail- way, at Gloucester, crossing the Severn, through the forest of Dean, by Monmouth to Chepstow, Newport, and Caidiff; thence to CowbriUse, Bridirend I'ort Cawl, Nealh, Swansea, and Caertnarthcn, terminating in two braoJhL-8, one to Pembroke and the harbour of Milford Haven, the other to 1-ishgiiard. Length of line, 183 miles, 4 chains. Number of shares subscribed for, 42,000. Capital, 2,100,000/. Authorised loan 233 333i. Estimated expense, 2,o00,000(. Uecommended by the hoard of Trade also by the committee of group P. Leased to the Great \\ est- ern railway. Working expenses, 40 per cent. Kojal Assent, Aug. 4. Brunei engineer. Secretary, N. Armstrong. Office, 4'JU, West Strand, London. Uegister of scrip, Sept. 8. Meeting, 31 Oct The GlaM.orgau Central Mineral, late Daffryn, Llysard, and Port Cawl, have resolved to unite with this company. 40. Monmouth and Hereford. 11,000 shares; capital SSO.OOO/. Length of line, 30 miles, 2 feet, 8 chains. Number of shares subscribed for siso. Capital. 412,500/. Authorised loan, 183,333/. Lst.mate of expense, 550,000/. Recommended by the Board of Trade also committee of group P. Working expenses, 40 per cent. Royal Assent, Aug. 4. Brunei, engineer. 41. Blackburn, Darwen, and Bolton. 12,000 half shares of .')0/. each ; capital 300,000/. To connect the towns of Blackburn, Darwen, and Turton with Bolton, by which a railway commuuiraliou will be established with Maucbester. Len 'ih of line, 14 miles. Estimated expense, 300,000/. Authorised loan" 100 000/. Recommended by the Board of Trade, and committee of grou'p d! Working expenses, 40 per cent. Royal Assent, June 30. J. Watson, engineer. F. H. James, secretary. Ottce, King street, Blackburn. Registered Aug. 20. 42. Blackburn, Burnley, Accrington, and Colne Extension. 21 200 shares of 25/. each ; capital 530,000/. Commences, in junction with the Manchester, Bury and Rossendale line near Haslingden, connecting the populous towns of Blackburn Burn- ley! Accrington, Clitheroe, Colne, and Whalley with the town of Man- chester Length of line, 24 miles. 7 chains ; number of shares subscribed for 19 013, and capital, 475,325/.; authorised loan, 176,066/; recom- mended'by the Board ofTrade, and committee of group D; working ex- nenses 40 per cent.; royal assent, June 30; — Collister, engineer; regis- tered 19th July ; James Smithers, secretary, Market street, Bury. 43. Wliitehacen and Furness. 17,500 shares of 20/. each ; deposit \1.; capital 350,000/. Commences, injunction with the Furness railway, in North Lancashire, now in progress of formation, and eventually to extend, by way of Ulver- stone to Lancaster. Length of line, 34 miles, 8 chains ; number of shares subsc'ribed for, 14,237 ; and capital, 284,740/.; authorised loan 110 000/. ; estimated expense, 350,000/.; recommended by the Board of Trade, also by committee of group II; single line ; working expenses, 11,392/. per annum ■ royal assent, July 21 ; J. Stephens, engineer; John Meyer, secre- tary l' Guildhall-chambers, Basinghall-street, London; call of 3/. 20th Oct • p'roposed extension of line to LUverstone and to Lancaster, 25 miles, at an'cstiraale of 7.'>0,000/. for which the stock is issued. 44. Caledonian. 42,000 shares of 50/. «ach ; caoital 2,100,000/. Commences at Carlisle, junction with Lancaster and Carlisle, passing through Lanarkshire and Dumfriesshire, and tenuinatmg, in jiinctiou with the Edinburgh and Glasgow railway. Length of line, 1S7 miles, 2 furlongs, 5 chains Number of shares subscribed, 34,460/.; capital, 1,723.000/. ; authorised loan, 700,000/.; estimate, 2,100,000/ ; recommended by the Board of Trade, and the committee of group DD ; working expenses, 47 per cent. ; rojal assent, July 31 ; J. Locke, and J. E. Errington, engi- neers; secretary, D. Rankine ; office, 122, Princes-street, Edinburgh; registered 1st October. 45. Scottish Central. 34,000 shares of 25/. each ; capital 850,000/. Length of line, 47 miles, 3 furlongs, 3 chains ; number of shares subscribed for 20,311 ; and capital, 657.775/. ; authorised loan, 283,330/. ; estimated expe'ns'e, 850,000/. ; recommended by the Board of Trade, and committee of group DD; working expenses, 40 per cent.; royal asseu:, July 31 ; Messrs. Locke and Errington, engineer; secretary, Robert D. Ker ; of- fice, 34, St. J ohn-sireet, Perth; registered, 20th Aug.; Leased to Edin. burgh and Glasgow at 6 per cent. 40. Aberdeen. IC.COO shares of 20/. each ; capital 830,000/. Connects the city of Aberdeen with the towns of Stonehaven, Montrose, Brechin, Arbroath, Forfar, Dundee, Perth, Siirling, Edinburgh and Glas- gow. Length of line, 51 miles; uuiubcr of shares subscribed fur, 12,925/.; and capital, 040,250/. ; authorised loan, 270,000/. ; estimated expenses, 830,000/. ; recommended by the Board of Trade, and coniniiitec of group EE ; working expenses, 33 per cent. ; royal assent, July 31 ; lubitt, eni;i- neer; Geo. Keith, secretary, S3, Union-s'.reel, Aberdeen; call of 2/. 10». Not. 1 ; amalgamated with the proposed Great North of Scotland. 47. Clydesdale Junction. Ofim shares of 60/. each ; capiuil 330,0001. Commences at Glasgow termini of railways, and passes through the Valley of the Clyde, aud near the towns of Hamilton, Buthwell, Mo.her- well, and Wishawton. Length of line, l5 miles, 2 feet, chains; number of shares subscribed for, 4,393; and capital, 219,650/.; auihorised loan, 110,000/. ; estimate of expense, 200,000/. ; recommended by the Board of Trade, and by committee of group DD ; working expenses, 40 per cent. ; royal assent, July 31 ; J. Locke, and J. E. Erriugton, engineers; secre- tary, Alexander Grahame, 124, St. Viucent-st., Glasgow ; registered, Aug- 27 ; am-jlgamated wiih the Caledonian at par, and guaranteed 6 per cent. ; with division of profits ; brought Pollock aud Govan railway for 120,000/. 43. Edinburgh and Northern. 20,000 shares of 26/. each ; capital GSO.OOO. From Edinburgh, through Fife, to Dundee. Length of line, 41 miles, 7 feet ; number of shares subscribed for, 19,830 ; and capital, 495,750/. ; authorized loans, 210,060/. ; estimated expense, 050,000/. ; recommeuded by the Board of Trade, aud committee of group FF; single line; working expenses, 30 per cent.; royal assent, July 31; T. Grainger, engineer ; The Company propose various extension, and have issued new shares, 20,000, ol 15/. each, and allotted oue to two old, and one to every three of New port ; extension shares of 15/. previously issued ; secretary, Mr. Henry Lees, 4, St. Andrew-square, Edinburgh. 49. Glasgow, Barrhead, and Ncilston Direct. 6,000 shares of 25/. each ; capital 150,000/. Length of line, 8 miles, 7 feet, 8 chains ; to form a direct line of commu- nication; number of shares subscribed tor, 5,142/.; capital, 128,550(. ; auihorised loan, 50,000/. ; estimate of expense, 142,500/. ; recommeuded by the Board of Trade, and committee of group GG ; w orking expenses, 45 per cent.; royal assent, June 30; Neil Robson, engiuecr ; meeting Sept. 30; the Glasgow and Greenock railway work the line, the loll arranged with Glasgow, Kilmarnock, and Ardrossau company. 50. Scottish Midland Junction. 12,000 shares of 25/. eacli ; capital 300,000/. Passes through the Valley of Strathmore, and will form a link of com- munication between the Scottish Central railway at Perth and ihe Ar- broath aud I'orfar and Aberdeen railways. Length of line, 33 miles, 2 furlongs, 2 chains; number of shares subscribed for, 10,740; and capital 208,10.1/.; authorised loan, 100,000/ ; estimated expense, 300,000/. ; re- commeuded by the Board ofTrade, and committee of tjroup EE ; working expenses, 40 percent.; royal assent, July 31; Messrs. Locke and Ecc- ringlon, engineers. 51. Dundee and Perth. 18,000 shares of 25/. each , capital 200.000/. Joins the Dundee aud Arbroath line, and is 20 miles, 5 feet, 8 inches iu length ; number of shares subscribed tor, 7,899; capital, 147,475/.; autho- rised loan, 60,000/.; estimate of expense, 200,000/.; recomui.udud by the Board of Trade, and committee of group EE ; working expenses, 33 per cent.; royal assent, July 31 ; J. Miller, engineer. J'ue Company have agreed to lease the liue in perpetuity the Dundee and Newtyle, guarantee 1 pt-r cent, upon a capital stock of 115,000/. and issue new stock for a aiw company, the Dundee aodSlrathmore Junction, who are to have 0 per cent, dividend, the Newlyle subsequently to participale. S2. Kendal and Windermere. 5,060 shares of 25(. each ; capital 125,000/. In junction with the Lancaster ond Carlisle line, at Kendal, temiinat- ing at Windermere, and the Lakes. Length of line, 10 miles, 2 furlongs, 4 chains. ; number of shares subscribed tor, 152; and capital, 3,821/. ; au- thorised loan, 40,000/,; estimated expense, 125,000/.; recommended by the Board of Trade, and committee of group II; royal assent, June 30; John Harris, engineer; T. Hudson, secretary ; meeting, Sept. 23; a com- pany is proposed for a line from Cockermonth, by Keswick, Ambleside, to \Vinilermere, called the Furness and M indermeie ; deviation of liue at Kendal proposed at an increased cost of 25,000/. 53. Lowestoft Railway and Harbour. 6,000 shares of 20/. each; capital 120,01)0/. From Lowestoft, through Thorpe, Loddon, and Reedham, terminating in junction with the Yarmouth and Norwich line. Length of line, li miles; number of shares subscribed for, 5117; aud cipital, 103,920/; auihorised loan, 40,000/.; estimated expense, 120,000/.; rcconmieiided by the Board ofTrade, and by committee of group K ; single line ; work- ing expenses, 2,760/. per annum ; royal assent, June 30 ; G. P. Bidder, engineer; secretary, Richard i'ill, oUices, Guildhall-cuildiugs, Luuduu, aud at Yarmouth and Norwich, J846.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 25" 5-1. Manchester and Leeds Branches Junction. Capital 3IW,000(. Exfension of tlie Oldham anil Heywood I5raiirlies, also of liurnley BiMncli to join ihe iM:iuchester, Bury, and Ifosspmlale line ; cupitiil sulj- scribed, 340,000i. ; auihurised loan, 120,000/.; length of line, 13 miles, 7 feet, 8 chains ; estimated expense, SbO.OOO/. ; lecommended by the Board of Trade, and committee of ^ronp 11 ; ro^al assent, June SO. J. Stephenson, engineer; office, Palatiue-buildings, Hum's UaiiU, Jlan- chester; P. Laurenlz Campbell, secretary. 63. Bedford and Loudon and Birmingham. 2,600 sh:ires ; capital 125,1100/. In junction with the London and Birmingham at Bletchley, running through a rich agricultural district by Maiston, terminating at Bedford. Length of line, 15 miles, i furlongs, 4 chains ; number of shares subscribed for, 2.187. aud capital 10'J,350/. Authorized loan, 41,050/. Estimated expense, 125,000. Kecommended by the Board of Trade, and by com- niitlee of group T ; working expenses, 40 per cent. Koyal assent, .lune 30; IJ. .Stephenson, engineer; scrip exchanged for certificates 25th July ; B. V. Scott, Secretary, 1 1, Old Jewry, chambers, London. 66. Wakefield, Ponlefract, and Goole. 7,380 shares of 50/. each ; capital 355,000/. Connect the port of Goole and Pontefract wiih the districts of Lanca- shire and Yorkshire, and by a junction with the York line near Siiaith, with all parts of the Kingdom. Length of line 28 miles; capital sub- scribed, 360,000/. ; authorized loan, 121,(i00/. ; recommended by the Board of Trade and conmiittee of group \V ; working expenses 40 percent.; royal assent, July 31 ; J. Harris, engineer. IMethley extension, 25 shares, 1 new for 1 old, and new slock for proposed Great Grimsby, and Sheffield, and Wakefield, and Pcntefract, and Goole, is to be raised j by Grimsby, t by Wakefield and Goole ; the latter iy shares of 20/. each, one new for every old. 57. Great Grimsbij, and Sheffield Junction. 12,000 shares of .59/. each ; capital 600,000/.— Amalgamation. To open a communicalion from Liverpool on (he west of Giimsby, on the Eastern coast, and furnish the manufacturing and agricultural districts ■with a communication with each other, and access to a safe port on the Eastern Coast. Length of line, 5!) miles, 4 furlongs, 5 chains ; the whole subscribed for ; authorized loan, 20;00;i/. ; estimated expense 590,750/. ; working expense, 30 per cent.; royal assent; June 30; J. Fowler, engineer ; anialgamaled with the Shi-fiield, Maucliester, aud Sheffield, aud Lincolushire com|)auies, as also the tireat Grimsby dock and railway, and propose to include the intended East Lincolushire Company ; Secretary, J. H. Humfrey, Sheffield. 5S. Midland (Extension.) Ernra Nottingham to Lincoln, 33 miles, 5 furlongs, 3 chains, for wiiich the authorised loan is 130,000/., and an increase of the capital siock of 408,000/., estimated expense 403,009/., extension from Lyston to Peter- borough, 15 miles, 7 furlongs, 4 chains, for which the authorised loan is 41,050/., or 250,000/. The increase of the capital stock 750,000/. ; estimated expense 750, oao/. ; c ipital subscribed, 109,330/. more for the Nottingham and Lincoln; royal assent, June 30; working expenses, 14,000/. per annum for X/yslon and Peterborough ; engineer, Ulessrs. Gaud, R. Stephenson, and F. Swanwick. Bought the Ashbyde-la-Zuuch canal for 110,0001. ; proposes to make a line by Hinkley and Muira, to Burton on Trent, also a canal railway, of IMidlaiid gauge, to Grislcy Common, also Leicester, Swanningttm railway, for 140.000/. at 8 per cent, 10,000/.; for working stock; 7,000/. debt redemp'.ion in 3 years. 59. London and Suutk Western, {Metropolitan Extension, No. 1.) From Nine Elms to Waterloo and Hungerford bridges; length of line, 2 miles; capital subscribed, 739,180/. ; authorised loan, 233,000/. ; esti- mated expense, 800,000/. ; capital stock, 800,000/. ; recommended by the Board of Trade, and committee of group LL. ; royal assent, July 31; J. Locke, Engineer. CO. Bristol and Exeter (Branch.) 5,000 shares ol lOj/. e.3ch; capital 5;l0,000/. Length of line, 29 miles ; number of shares subscribed for, 2,S50/. ; and capital 205,000/.; authorised loan, 100,000/.; estimated expense, 375,000/.; forming a junction between Bristol and Exeter, and the Great Western line in the city of Bristol, willi a branch to Yeovil ; recommended by the Board of Traile and committee of group G.; working expenses, 35 per cent; royal assent; July 31 ; I. K. Brunei, engineer; leased to Great Western Railway, aud proposed sale as follows: on capital, 1,080,000/., and 430,000/., to call up at 10/. each, at intervals of six months, until January 1849; for 100/. shares and until January 1,1852, for the | shares. After January 1st. 1838, to have G per cent on a capital of 2,000,000/., contingent on any new line or narrow gauge between Exeter and London; if much is passed only to have 5| per cent. 61. Leeds and Bradford, (Extension) Shipleij to Colne, Ciipilal 500,000/. From the Leeds and Bradford Railway at Shipley in Bradford, to Colne, in Lancashire; length of line, 30 miles, 4 furlongs, 5 chains; capital subscribed, 382,500/. ; power to borrow 160,606/.; estimated expense, 500,000/.; recommended by the Board of Trrde, and committee of group 1).; working expenses, 40 per cent.; royal assent; June 40; H.Fulton engmeer; Office, Hunslet lane, Leeds; Secretary, W. E. Greenland. ' 02. Birminsham and Gloucester, (Gloucester Extension, Stoke Branch, and Midland Junction.) Commences at the junction near Birmingham, and terminates injunction with the Midland Railway at Aston, with branches to Stoke Prior, Wor- cester, and Droitwich ; length of line, 1 mile, 0 furlongs, 1 chain; no shares subscribed or power to borrow obtained ; recommended by the Board of Trade ; viorking expenses, 40 per cent. ; Angusl4 ; J. Baylis, engineer. 63. Aberdare. 1,000 shares; capital 50,000(. Length of line, 8 miles, 5 furlongs, 2 chains, from Aberdeen to Taffs Vale Line, near Ynys; authorised loan, 10,000/; siugle line ; royal assent ; July 31 ; Vv'illiam Barber, engineer. 04. Ashton, Staleij Bridge, and Lirerjwol Junction. (Ardwick and Guide Bridge Brunches.) Length Ij miles, Manchester and Birmingham Line, and Ardwick to Ashton, Sialey Bridge, and Liverpool Line, and Newton; estimated expenses, 90,000/. ; capital, 90.000/. ; authorised loan, 30,000/. ; working expenses, 33 per cent. ; date of act, July 21 ; Haukshaw, engineer. 65. Berks and Hants. 8,000 shares; capital 400,000/. Length of line 39 miles ; Termini, Newbury, Hungerford, South Western, near Basingstoke, and Great Western near Reading ; authorised loan, 133,330/. ; expense 40 per cent.; June 30, 1845; I. K. Brunei, engineer. 60. Blackburn and Preston Deviation. Capital 52,458/; loan 10,000/. Length of line, 3 miles, 4 furlongs, 3 chains ; Termini, Blackburn and Preston Line in Blackburn, aud Blackburn, Burnley and Colne line, ia Blackburn ; capital, 30,000/. ; estimated expenses, 00,989 ; royal assent ; July 21 ; CoUister, engineer. 07. Brighton, Lewis, and Hastings (Branch Extension). Keymer branch, 9 miles, 1 furlong, 2 chains ; 2,800 shares ; authorised loiin, 40,000/. ; Hastings, Rye, and Ashford extension, 29 miles, 7 chains ; 10,000 shares ; authorised loan, 100,000/ ; increase of capital, 500,000/. ; and for Keymer branch, 140,000/. ; and extension of Brighton and Chiches- ter (Portsmouth Extension), 22 miles; 6,400 shares; increase of capital, 320,000/. ; single line ; authorised loan, 100,000/. ; dale of act August S ; J. J. Rastrick, engineer. The Portsmouth Extension is from the Brighton and Chichester line, to Fareham, on the Loudon and South Western, and the Hastings, from Hastings to Ashford on South Eastern. The Brighton, Lewes, and Hastings line is extended from Soulhover and Lewes, to the Brighton line at Keymer. Sold to the Brighton line for 71. per share premium, by act had power to sell at 482,000/., the estimated act, aud 10/. per share additional. Boyman, Secretary, Office, 11, King William- street, City. 08. Ciiestcr and Birkenhead] (Extension.) Length, 7 furlongs; capital subscribed, 225,000/.; authorised loan, 100,000/.; capilal stock, 300,000/. ; estimated expenses, 250,000/. ; from Grange-lane to Grange-end ; date of act, July 21 ; G. T. Payne, engineer. 09. Chester and Holyhead. Length, 4 miles, 4 furlongs, 0 chains; estimated expense, 500,000/. ; date of act, June SOth ; Robert Steplu-uson, engineer; Secretary, George King ; Office, 02, Moorgate-street, London. 70. Cockermoutk and Workington. 4,000 shares ; capital 80,000/. Length of line, 8 miles, 0 furlongs, 7 chains: estimated e.xpense 30,000/. ; authorised loan, 20,00u/. ; number of shares subscribed, 3,113 ; andcipilal, 02,100/.; working expenses, 40 per ceut. ; single line; daieofact, July 21; John Dixon, engineer. From Cockermouth to 'iVhitehaven line at Workington Harbour; G. H. Barnes, Secretary, Cockermouth. 71. Direct London and Portsmouth. Capital 1,.500,000/.: loans 500,000/. Estimated expenses, 1,450,000/. ; returned as passed in return of House of Commons, printed August 8, 1815. 72. Dunstable, London, and Birmingham. 2,500 shares ; capilal 50,000/. Length of line, 7 miles ; authorised loan, 10,600/.; number of shares subscribed for, 119; capital, 2,392/.; estimated expense, 50,000/. ; workini; expenses, 1,720/. per annum; single line; date of act, June 30; Rober Stephenson, Engineer; Secretary, Thomas Long; registered, August 27 ; Office, Eustou-square, London. 26 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [January, 73. ItasteiTi Union (Ipswich and Bury St. Edmn7>ds.) 16,0"0 shares ; capital, 4ijO,buU/. Length of line, 2fi miles, 0 fiirlonps, 3 chains. Number of shares sub- scribed for, 1,'JGSO, and capital, 317,000;. ; aulhorized loan, i;{3,33:!/. ; esti- mated cost, 400,000/.; from ICastern Union line at Ipswich to IJury St. Edmunds; working expenses, 10 per cent.; date of act, July 21, 1»45 ; P. Brufl, engineer; ollice, Brook-street, Ipswich; secretary, James F. Saunders. 74. Edinburgh and Glasgow. Length of line, G miles, 2 chains ; capital subscribed, 210,000/. ; autho- rised loan, 23,000/. ; capital slock, 100,000/. ; estimate of expense, 52,000/.; working ejpensc, 30 per cent.; date of act, July 31; J. 31iller, eogiaeer; branch lo Stirling, 75. Editil>ttrgh and Hawick. 32,000 shares ; capital, 4ilO,U(JU/.— Amalgamation. Length of line, 45 miles, 2 furlongs, 8 chains. ; authorised loan, 133,333/.; single line; working expenses, 40 per cent.; date of act, Aug- 6 ; J. Miller, engineer. 76. Eretrash Valley. 3,.S00 shares i capital, l;)o,Ono(. Length of line, 13 miles, G furlongs ; shares subscribed, 2,920; capital, 146,000/. ; authorized loan, 03,000/. ; estimate of expenses, 187,000/. ; date of act, July 21; working expenses, 30 per cent.; engineer, G. Cope; from the Midland line, at Lawley, Derbyshire, to Mansfield and Pinxton line at Selston, Nottinghamshire; secured to the IMidland at 6 per cent. 77. Epping {Eastern Counties Junction.) 8,000 sliares ; capital, 2000,000/.— Amalgamation. Length of line, 1 mile, 0 furlongs. Authorised loan, 00,600/. Num- ber of shares subscribed for, 750, and capital 18,750/. Estimate of ex- pense, 200,000/. From London to I'lackwall and Eastern Counties' line. Date of act, Aug, 4. Kobert Stevenson, engineer in Blackwall. 7S. Glasgow Junction. Capital, 150,0001. Length of line, 2 miles, 2 furlongs ; capital subscribed, 224,0001. ; au- thorized loan, 50,000/.: estimated expense, 150,000/.; date of act, 3d and 2Ist July ; engineer, J. Miller. 79. Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock, and Ayr {Cumnock Branch in Extension.) Capital, L'04,000/. Length of line, 18 miles, 3 furlongs, 0 chains; estimated expense, 350,000/. ; authorised loan, 68,000/. ; working expenses, 30 per cent., and estimated expense, 440,000/. ; capital stock in trade, 312,500/. ; authorised loan, 104,106/.; engineer, J. Miller; printed in parliamentary return as haying passed the House of Commons. 80. Great North of England {Clarence and Hartlepool Junction.) Capital, 21,000/. Authorised to borrow 7.000/. Length of line, | of a mile ; date of act, July 21 ; engineer, Joseph Stevenson ; estimated expense, 2,773/. 81. Great North of England and Richmond, 150,000 shares; Length of line, 9 miles, 8 furlongs, 3 chains; capital subscribed, 242,340/.; estimated expense, 112,383/.; authorised loan, 50,000/.; work- ing expenses, 40 per cent. ; date of act, July 21, 1845 ; engineer, Joseph Stevenson. 82. Guilford, Chichester, and Portsmouth. Ca])ital 5110^ Amalgamation. Guilford Junction, purchased by South Western ; capital stock in shares, 500,000/. ; authorised loan, 100 6GG ; length of new line, 15 miles ; Fareham branch ; estimated working expense, 9,300/. per annum ; date of act, July 21, 1845; engineer. J. Locke; capital, 885,000/. ; — Rand, secretary. 83. 1 Uuddersfield and Manchester Railway and Canal. 21,000 shares; capital, 6.10,000/. Length of line, 22 miles, 7 furlongs, 1 chain. Number of shares sub- scribed for, 700, and capital, 500 130/. ; authorised loans, 210,000/. ; esti- mated expense, 630,000/. From SheOield and Manchester line at Slaley- Bridge to Manchester. Leeds, at Kirkheaton ; estimated working ex- pense, 40 per cent. ; date of act, July 21 ; engineer, J. Locke ; secretary, Edward Ledgard, Guildhall, HuddersCeld, Aug. 18. 84. Huddersfield and Sheffield Junction, lO.noo shares; capital, i;30,00iW. Length of line, 15 miles, 4 furlongs, 6 chains. Number of shares sub- scribed for, 9,229, and capital, 401,000/.; authorized loan, 177,333/.; estimate of expenses, 531,258; from Huddersfield lo the Sheffield and Manchester line at I'enistone ; dale of act, 30th June; engineer, A. S. Jee ; amalgamated with Manchester and Leeds, 10,040/. ; stock of latter company interested .in proposed Huddersfield, Halifax, and Bradford, AVest Hiding and West Yorkshire Companies, and propose to extend from Huzins to Barnsley. 85. Hull and Selby (Bridlington Branch.) H.CAD shares ; capital, 2,161,0l>UI. Length of line, 31 miles. Number of shares subscribed, 6,612, and capital, 105,300/.; authorised loan, 72,000/. ; estimated expense, 210,000/. ; From Hull and Selby line to Bridlington; date of act, 30th June ; engi- neer, K. Stephenson. 86. Liverpool and Bury (Bolton, Wigan and Liverpool, and Bury Extension.) lti,'J40 shares; capital, 1^12,000^ — .\malgamation. Length of line, 34 milis, 1 furlong, 20 chains. ; number of shares sub- scribed for 13,978, and capital, 098,900/. ; authorized loan, 304,030/. ; esti- mated expense, 982,000/.; estimate of working expense, 40 per cent.; date of act, July 31, 1815; engineers, James Thompson and Sir Joha Macneill; 5th call, October 18; aiualgamatcd with the Manchester and Leeds, Monday, October 8. 87. London and Croydon Enlargement. Capital, 180,000/. Length of line, 12 miles, 4 furlongs; capital subscribd, [140,000/.; authorised loan, 00,000/. ; date of act,] August 8 ; engineer, C H. (iregory. 88. London and Brighton (Horsham,) Capital, 100,000/. Length of line, S miles, 3 furlongs; capital subscribed, 73,000/.; au- thorised loan, 33,333/. ; estimated expense, 100,000/. : from Three Bridges Station, on the Brighton line, to Horsham ; working expenses, 40 per cent. ; date of act, July 21, 1845 ; J. H. Kastrick, engineer. 89. Manchester and Birmington (Ashton Branch.) Length of line, 54 miles; estimated expense, 93,000/.: from Heatoa Norris to Sheffield and Manchester line near Guide Bridge ; working expenses, 30 per cent. ; date of act, July 21 ; engineer, W. Baker. 90. Manchester Sottth Junction and Altrinchain. Capital, 400,000/. Length of line, 9 miles, 3 furlongs; subscribed capital, 400,000/. ; au- thorised loan, 133,333/.; estimated expense, 400,000/. ; from Manchester and Birmingham, and Manchester and Liverpool lines at Altringham; working expenses, 40 per cent. ; date of act, July 21 ; engineer, W. Baker ; secretary, John Latham ; office, Manchester and iiirmingham Station, Manchester. 91. Tlliddlesborough and Redcar, 720 shares; capital 36,000/; deposit 2/. 15s. Length of line, 7 miles, 5 chains ; number of shares taken, 569 ; capital subscribed, 28,450/. ; authorised loan, 12,000/. ; estimated expenditure, 36,000/.; working expenses, 40 per cent.; date of act, July 21 ; single line ; engineer, John Harris ; amalgamated, and guaranteed 5 per cent by the Great North of England and Stockton and Darlington companies, and division of half the profits; 10/. paid November 4 ; Mr. Magnay, secre- tary ; office. North Gate, Darlington. 92. Monmouth and Hereford, 11,000 shares; caiiital 5.'>0,0OU/. Length of line, 36 miles, 2 furlongs, 8 chains ; shares subscribed for, 8,250 : capital, 412,500/.; authorised loan, 183,333/.; estimated expense, 550,000/.; working expenses, 40 per cent.; date of act, July 31 ; engi- neers, George and Robert Stephenson ; from the Cheltenham and Great Western Union line to Monmouth and Hereford ; sold to Great Western. 93. Newcastle and Darlington (Brandling Junction). Capital 0500,00/. Length of line, 5 miles, 7 furlongs; capital subscribed, 13,000/. ; autho- rised loan, 210,000/ ; estimated expense, 90.0(i0/. ; working expenses, 4,087/. per annum ; date of act, July 21 ; engineer, T. E. Harrison. 94. Newcastle-upon-Tyne and North Shields (Tynemouth Extension). 1,000 shares; capital 58,000/. Length of line, 1 mile; authorised loan, 10,fi0G/. ; estimated expense, 49,091/. ; working expenses, 40 per cent. ; date of act, June 30 ; engineer, Itobert Nicholson. 95. Newport and Pontypool. 1,191 shares; capital 119,100/. Length of line, 14 miles, 2 chains; number of shares subscribed for, 900; capital, 90,000/.; authorised loan, 78,163/.; estimated expense, 129,000/. ; working expenses, 40 per cent. ; date of act, 31 July ; engineer, T. Marsh. 96. North British, Capital 20,000/. Length of line, 1 mile, 7 furlongs ; estimated expense, 47,000/.; aatho- rised loan, 53,333/. ; date of act, 21 July ; engineer, J. Miller; secretary, J. F. Davison, 24, St. Andrew-square, Edinburgh. 97. North Union and Ribble Navigation (Branch). Length of line, 01 chains, 7 furlougs ; from North Union line to Vic- 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 27 toria Quay, Preston ; estimatad expense, 16,000/. ; authorised loan, 6,606?. ■working expenses, 2j per cent. ; date of act, 21 July ; engineer, MiUiani Coulthard. 98. North Woolwich. 1,200 sllares ; capital 30,000/. " Length of line, 2 miles, 6 furlongs, 6 chains; number of shares taken, 900; capiial, 22,000/.; authorised loan, 10,000/.; estimated expense, 30,000/. ; Eastern Counties ; single line; working expenses, 40 per cent, date of act, July 21 ; euRineer, G. P. Bidder ; from the Eastern Counties ^'^e, near the mouth of the Lea, to North Woolwich, 99. Nortvich and Brandon {Deviation), and Diss and Dereham {Bra/iches). Capitiil 320,000/. Length of line, 17 miles; capital subscribed, 170,210/.; authorised loan, 73,300/. ; estimated expense, 100,000/. ; working expenses 27 per cent. ; date of act, 31 July ; engineer, G. P. Bidder. 100. North Wales Mineral. 15,000 shares ; capital 150,0110/. Length of line, 12 miles, 1 furlong, 9 chains ; number of shares sub. scribed for, 11,415; capital 114,150/.; authorised loan, 50,000/.; esti- mated expense, 45,536/. ; from North Wales Mineral line to Kuabon ; -working expenses, 40 per cent.; date of act, July 21 ; engineer, P. Ko- bertson; secretary, John Marriuer; meet at the Loudon TaTern. 101. Sheffield and Rotherham. Capital 45,000/. Length of line, 3 furlongs, 2 chains ; estimated expense, 45,000/. ; from Sheffield and Rotherham line to Sheffield and INIanchester line, in Bright- side, Burlow, Sheffield ; amalgamation with the Midland ; date of act, July 21 ; engineer, Mr. Swanwick. 102. Wear Valley. 1,650 shares ; capital S2,000/. Length of line, 11 miles, 0 furlongs; number of shares subscribed for, 1,300 : capital, 05,000/. ; authorised loan, 27,300/. ; estimated expense, 82,000/. ; from Crock branch of the Bishop Auckland line to Watchlass Hill, Frosterley ; date of act, July 31 ; engineer, John Dixou ; Thomas M'Nay, secretary, Darlington. 103. Whitby and Pickering. Capital 135,000/. Sale to York and North Midland ; estimated expense, 135,400/. ; autho- lised loan, 45,000/. ; date of act, 30 June; engineer, J. Stephenson. 104. West London. Capital «0.000/. Length of line, 1 mile, 5 furlongs, 1 chain; from West London, at Ken- sington, to a point near Battersea Bridge; estimated expense, 60,000/., authorised loan, 20,000/.; working expenses, 40 percent.; date of act, July 31 ; engiueer, K. Stephenson. 105. i'armoiith and Norwich. Capital 40,000/. Length of line, 2 furlongs, 5 chains; estimated expense, 40,000/.; date of act, June 30; engineer, J. P. Bidder; see also Lowestoft railway; office, Guildhall-buildings, London ; secretary, Richard Till, 106. Hayle and Redruth. From Redruth, through Caiu Brea, Camborne, to Hayle, in Cornwall ; negotiating for sale to West Cornwall ; secretary, Mr. Fleming, Old Broad. street, London. 'Thr Magnetic Telegraph. — The establishment of magnetic telegraphs, radiating from New York to the east, west, and south, to the extent of three or four hun- dred miles, so as to connect all the large cities of the Atlantic border with this metropolis, is now in a rapid state of progress. The line between this and Buffalo is under weigh, and so also is the one to Boston, so likewise that between this city and Washington, in- cluding all the intermediate points. There is also a line commenced between this city and Coney Island. All these lines are conducted by associations of individuals who derive their powers from the inventor, Professor fliorse, now in Europe. It is supposed that the whole of them will be finished ia the course of three or four months ; and that the principal line between this city and Washington will be completed in time to transmit the next message of the President to this city, and to enable the publishers to issue it simultaneously with the Washington papers. V.'hen completed these united lines of telegraphic communication will embrace a territory of nearly 50'l miles from south to north, and from east to west— including w:tbin its ramifications the metropolis, Wash- ington, Buffalo, Boston, with all the intermediate cities, as parts of the grand scheme of communication. Such a system of telegraphic communication of all descriptions of news will make the gre.it Atlantic cities suburbs of this metropolis, and all animated by the same spirit and the same impulses, numlieiing, probably, a population of nearly two mil- lions of the most active, talented, intellectual, impulsive, and most energetic business men on the face of the earth. It will not be forgotten that this vast and comprehensive scheme of telegraphic communication will be completed in tne course of a f«w months, and be in the hands of inrlividnals for their own advantage and purposes, without any responsibility to government or society in any particular wliatever. One of the lines of telegraph, and the shortest and most unproductive, that between this city and Coney Island, has already made propositions to the newspapers, offering to give them intelli- gence of ship news and other marine matters at the rate of 50 dollars per week— a sum nearly double that which is now paid under the old method. This is a sample of what maybe e.-ipected from the other companies and associations, provided they should be allowed to estsb.ish their vast and comprehensive schemes without being liable and re- sponsible to any of the legislative pouevs of the country. In fact, we believe that the magnetic telegraph is goini^ to produce a greater change in gomeof the social institutions of the country than any one now imagines. — ' New York Herald.* PROCEEDINGS Ot SCIENTIFZO SOCIETIES. ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. 1st December, 1845. — J. B. Papworth, V.P. in the Chair. A paper was read by John Whichcord, jun.. Associate, on Kentish Rao Stoni; as a Building Material. This stone, now so much used in the metropolis, is principally quarried in a district extending about 30 miles east and west, through the centre of Kent, and having a breadth of from 4 to 10 miles. This district, which comprises the towns of Sevenoaks, Maidstone, Leuham, &:c. has its sur- face within the limits of the green or Shankliu sand. The character of the sand varies considerablj' in the district alluded to, and the qualities of the building materials which it yields are therefore very different. Geological Character, The Kentish Rag Stone is usually found in beds of from 0 inches to 3 feet in thickness, and these dilierent layers are invariably separated by a species of sand, known by the name of Hassock, which, in some cases, is sufficiently indurated to present a tolerably good working stone, used fre- quently in the neighbourhood as an inside lining to external Rag Stone walls. Mr. Whichcord principally confined his remarks to the quarry at Boughton, in the neighbourhood of Maidstone, from which jthe best qua- lities of Rag are now obtained, and a drawing was exhibited to the meet- ing, which represented a section of the strata in this part of the district. The quarry at Boughton has been worked for some centuries, and from it was very probably procured the stone employed in the metropolis during the period when the pointed style of architecture prevailed. Stones of a spherical shape, such as were used in the 14th and 10th centuries for artillery, are still found among the accumulated rubbish. At Boughton, as in most of the Rag Stone districts, the surface layer of vegetable mould is succeeded by a bed of loam, which is sometimes 15 feet in depth, and varies in ita character as it descends, changing from a stilf brick earth to a kind of gravelly loam, called in the district Red Finn. It is succeeded by three veins of ferruginous sand of a red colour, alter- nating with the same number of layers of fine Hassock, which in this case retains its sandy character, and forms, with the Rag Stone lime, a very excellent mortar. Beneath the third bed of Hassock is found the first of about 20 layers of limestone, which bears the name of Land Hag, and is found much broken. It continually occurs, that this bed thins off into detached mo- dules, and sometimes ceases altogether. Its thickness is therefore verj variable, but blocks of from 6 to 6 feet in length, and 8 to 10 inches deep, can occasionally be procured from it. The stone is here tolerably free to work. As previously stated, this bed of stone is (as are all others of the strata) followed by one of Hassock. The second bed of stone is called the Header-Layer, used for headers. The next is the Green Rag, which fre- quently divides and reunites, the intervening space being filled with the Hassock sand : it is green in colour, and free to work, though not very sound. The layer of Hassock, which succeeds the Green Rag, is work- able, and is much used in the neighbourhood for the purpose before men- tioned ; it requires very little labour in dressing, and in the quality of resistance to moisture is superior to brick. The next bed of stone is called the Yellow Rag, and is used principally for pitching ; it is succeeded by the Pelsea, from which the largest blocks can be procured, some of 12 inches in thickness ; it is very hard and strong. The next two layers of Rag are called the Coleman and the Little Cole- man, and are of a hard flinty nature; they are sometimes used as headers. We have theu the Great Rag, which is a bed of considerable depth, some- times as much as 3 feet; but as it very often cleaves into two thicknesses, and is full of crosses, no stones of a large size can be procured from it ; it is much used for lime, of which it affords the best quality. The bed of Hassock immediately under the Great Rag is of a very superior quality, being of a fine, close, and free working grain, resejubling the Reigate Stone, and stands exposure to the weather exceedingly well. It is fol- lowed by the Newington Clcares, which, like the Great Rag, often splits into two layers ; it is very hard and flinty. Two beds of Hassock, sepa- rated by a thin flinty lajerof Rag Stone, intervene between the cleaves and the Whiieland Bridge, which is equal in quality to any in the quarry; blocks of 12 feet in length, and of almost any breadth, can be procured from it; its workable thickness is about 14 inches. The next in order is the 3Iainbridge, similar to the preceding bed, though no stones of such large scantling can be obtained from it. It is separated by a layer of inferior Hassock fiom a bed called Garl, used generally for headstones.. The Hursebridge succeeds it: this is a good stone ; blocks can be procured from the bed 15 feet long, and 16 inches thick. The next layer, called Headstone Layers, is about 7 inches thick. This is followed by two or three header layers, inferior iu quality, and alternaling with their respective beds of Hassock, below which are what are termed the upper and under bottom layers. These yield stones of good quality and colour, aud of considerable size. Next comes the White Rag, a soft stone, resembling chalk, and crumbling on exposure to the atmos- phere; it reposes on a bed of hassocky clay, below which the quarrymen have not penetraied, it being very doubtlul whether any lime-stone would be found beneath it ; indeed, in some quarries, it has cot been thought 28 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECrS JOURNAL. [January,. ■worth while to work even as low as this. Mr. 'Whichcord then mentions that the most fatourahle nianni>r of working these quarries is to expose the whole section of the elilT, and carry on the work in such a way as to lay open the upper surfaces of each of the best layers of stone in some conrenient part of the quarry. IJy this means the largest scantling can be procured at once, and the frequent diRiculty attending the working of quarries in a dillerenl manner (that of obtaining large stones when wanted in hasle). Pracliciil Properties. ■\Vilh respect to the mechanical proi)erlips of the stone, it stands next to granite in the list of British slones in respect of rcsislance to pressure — but the vents to which even the best quality of this stone are liable, render is unsafe when applied in such a manner, that the strain acts transversely to the length of the block. Mr. Whichcord then described the various modes of working and dressing the Kentish Hag .Stone, meulioiiing that, as Ashler, it is usually worked with a pick, instead of being tooled, as the "Hassocky" spots which continually occur in it give it, when smooth, the appearance of bad I'oriland. With reference to the mortars made witli lime burnt from this stone, it was mentioned, that it attains, after a time, a degree of hardness equal to, and, in some cases, even greater than the liag Stone itself. The durabi- lity of liag Stone wall-work can therefore best be depended on when used vrith this mortar. Mr. W liichcord referred to the mode of burning lime in the neighbour- hood of the quarries, and the quantities used in making concrete, viz.— six of broken stone, two of sand, and one of lime. He also gave a list of the prices, botli at tlie quarry and at London, of the various qualities of stone, and of the prices of labour at Houghton. Chemical Aiiabjsis. The following analysis of the Kentish Rag Stone was made for Mr. "Whichcord's paper by Mr. I'liillips, of the Museum of Economic Geo- logy :— Carbonate of lime, nith a little magnesia, .. ..92 6 Earthy matter, .. .. .. .. (J'S Oxide of iron, .. .. .. .. 0*5 Carbonaceous matters, .. .. .. .. G'4 Hassoclcs. Carbonate of lime, Eartliy matters. Oxide of iron. 26'2 722 Royal E\ch*ngf.. December 151h, 1813. — Mr. Kendall, V.H. in the chair. Mr. Tite read a paper, " On liu'i Ori<;in'd Fmnilatiim and Erection of the Roijal Exchange, by Sir TItomas (iresham, with some Notices of the late Building destroi/ed by Fire, and an Account of the lioman Antiquities discorered in excavating for the Present Edifice." The first branch of his subject IMr. Tite illustrated by numerous extracts from the records of which the corporation of London possesses a rich collection, commencing with the original charter granted to the city by William the Conquerer, a document wliich he incidentally describes as being comprised in a few lines in the Anglo-Saxon language. Coming, then, to the authorities more immediately connected with the subject, Mr. Tite detailed the transactions relating to the buililing of the Royal Ex- change, through the inunilicence of the princely merchant, by whom the ■whole expense of the structure was undertaken, on cortdition that the site should be provided by the city, from his first proposal to that efl'ect in 1504. The purchase of the site cost the citizens 3,r)32;. 17s. 2d., including freeholds, leaseholds, and tenants' interests ; and it is to be noted that tlie former class of properly realized ahcuit twentj -three years' purchase — a value not very dili'erent from the average of later times. The building was completed and opened for use in 1507. During tiie progress of the work, a question apjiears to have arisen between Sir Thntnas and the city respecting the ;)rw;ierariety of olijects in metal, and a quantity of shoes and sandals in excel- lent preser\alion. The whole of these curious olijects were found in one spot, at a depth below the general level of the solid ground, and bedded ia black mud — evidence that it had been a pond, and the receptacle of rubbish for the neighbourhood during the period of Roman London. Mr. Tite concluded with a powerful appeal to the members of the profesiion in general, on the subject of the preservation of Antiquities, and of sup- porting the measuies recommended by Mr. Hawkins, in his letter read at a former meeting. SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF ARTS, T/ie First Meetiny of the Society for the encouragement of Arta, Manu- factures, and Commerce, took place on the 17th, in the great room of the Society, in the Adelplii, which was completely filled. B. lioND Cabbull, Esq., F.R.S., one of the Vice Presidents, took the Chnir, and an address from the Council was then read by the Secretary. The Council congratulated the society on the auspicious commencement of their ninety-second session. During the recess the society had undergone a com- plete reorganization, and the new system of management proposed by the Council had been almost unanimously confirmed by two general meetings, so that the society being thus rewarded, its youth would, it was anticipated, display all the vigour and energy of a new institution, combined with the stability and influence of an old one. It was the intention of the council to add largely this year to the value and number of the premiums. In the fine arts, the mechanical arts, the manufactures, agriculture, and commerce of the country — rapid improvements were in progress, which it had been the peculiar province of this society for nearly a century to encourage and direct, and in which nearly 100,000^ had already been expended by it with great public advantage. In the present session many valuable subjects were about to be offered for competition by premiums, and so large a number of important papers were coming forward for notice, that the Council believed the auspicies under which tliis session commenced were unusually bright, and they thercfoiehad to congratulate the members upon the improved prospects of the society. Broad and Narrow Gauge The first enmmunicatioa read to the society was a paper on certain im- provements, in constructing the Locomotive Engines, and permanent Way of Railw.iys, with reference to the question of wide and narrow gauge, by J. G. Bodmer, Esq., formerly of Manchester, now of London. In this paper the author examines ihe question of the relative merits of wide and narrow gange ; he ascertains that the question is not one either of relative safety or danger, but that it resolves itself ultimately into this question, 'vbich gauge will admit of the most perfect means for obtaining high velocities with greater regularity and economy. At present he admits the broad gange has the advantage in more powerful and speedy engines. lint he then (iroceeded to show that by placing the cylinders outside, and by increasing the firebox and the flue surface in the manner he proposes, and by adopting the principle of compensation as in his doulile piston locomotives, high velocities may he obtained with security, safety and advantage. In short, that as powerful an engine in every way may be placed on tlie narrow gange as on the wide one, and one equally well adapted to high velocities. He then went on to show how the chief limit in increase of power, and the corresponding increase of weight in locomotive engines, consists not so much in tlie con- struction of the engines, as in obtaining a permanent way suitable for the support of such enormous loads. By these loads travelling at high velocities concussions are produced which derange the permanent way, and are at present the chief sources of danger and cost, and the chief limit to the speed. He ap|iroves of the triangular sleeper, originally invented by Reynolds, and he proposes to use a modification of that on a larger scale, as a longitudinal bearing, lie also propos^^s that the breadth of the rad should bejso increased as to diminish the continual attrition so destructive to wheels, and procure greater durability. In the conclusion of the paper he suggests th,it an ex- perimental railway ought to be constructed either at the expense of the government, or of the joint railways, for ascertaiiung the best means for giving the increased velocity wnich the public are beginning to demand in the 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. Sd best manner. The paper gave rise to a long and interesting discussion, whii-.h elicited tlie opinions of engineers and scientific men present on the merits , Mr. Bcdmer's plan. Tlie principle on which his engines are constructed were approved by all who spoke on the subject, and the thanks of the meeting were unanimously accorded to the author. The next paper read was a sequel to the former by the same author, on improved crank axles and axle boxes, by which greater security and economy are obtained in railway trains running at liigli velocities. There were other papers on the list of the evening, one of them containing a valuable discovery by Mr. Nott, on the nature of the Photographic rays, and a method by which a great improvement is effected in Daguerreotype pictures. But the lenstb and interest of the discussion rendered it necessary to postpone that and the other communi- cations to a future meeting. The meeting was crowded and deeply interesting, and augurs well for the prosperity of the society under the new regime. ROYAL SCOTTISH SOCIETY OF ARTS. Monday, Nov. 21, 1845 — John Beatson Bell, Esq., in the Chair. The following communications were made : — " Description niiil Dr vegetation, as recommended by Dr. Foster, were first stated, the wire* being applied to cabbages, &c. In these experiments Dr. Fyfe did not find the slightest benefit to accrue. At the time that the trials were in progress, experiments were also instituted with the view of ascertaining whether there was an electric current along the wire, which was done by the use of the gold leaf electrometer, and by delicate galvanometers. In all of these, there was not the slightest indication of electric current. Dr. Fyfe's paper afterwards gave the results of trials on the applicatioQ of galvanic electricity, this agent being applied in a varietv of ways, to peas, beans, onions, potatoes. In some of these the galvanism was applied by sinking metallic plates in the ground, and connecting them with wires, sometimes sunk in the earth, at other times left above it, and in contacti with the plants. In other trials the galvanism was applied by the use of batteries, with wliich galvanometers were connected ; the trials, in some cases, being continued forseveral weeks. In all, not the slightest dillerenco could be observed between the products of the galvanised and non-galva- nised vegetable. Iu the case of the potatoes the products were, in one trial, as 37^ for the galvanised to 3;i for the non-galvanised. In another, it was as 4(i^ for the galvanised to 5U for the non-galvanised. Taking th-; average of aM the trials, the results were as lOU for the galvanised to 10f« for the non-galvanised. From the results of his numerous trials, Dr. Fyfe concluded that no benefit whatever was observed to follow the application of electricity, either by the mode recommended by Dr. Foster, or by galvanic ■di'Ctricity — at the same time, he stated, that though in these trials no benefit resulted, he VNas far from asserting that electricity would not be found beneficial ; th© subject was worthy of prosecution, and he hiiped that others would be in- duced to prosecute it, and to give it the scrutiny to wiiich it was entitled. AT.MOSPIIERIC TRACTION. The power employed in exhausting the Main Pipe compared with the power- exerted 6y the Train Piston ; Friction a«rf Leaka HE heiny disreyards't m both cases. » I presume that Mr. Ilaydon's formula;* are general ones, i. e. independenj of the dimensions of the tiilies and pumps, as likewise of the length of the stroke of the jiunip and the number of the strokes ; and that consequently i may assume, ./"or the purpose of explanation, any dimensions, &c., which I find most easy to deal with, however extravagant such dimensions ma/ otherwise appear. The preliminary exhaustion 1 will suppose to be effected by means of a piston placed witiiin the main pipe itself. To produce the degree of ex- liaustion assumed by Mr. llaydon, viz: one third of the atmospheric pressure, or 511), per square inch, such piston must obviously be moved along two- thirds of the length of the main; its motion terminating at the end opposita to that from whieli the train piston is to start. The power, necessary so to move this piston, may he estimated as follows, (taking each side separately and considering only the effect upon one square inch). Call the length of the main a, call f of its length b, and ^ of its length c,, then a = b + c. Opposed to the motion of this piston, through b, there would be the constant atmospheric pressure of lolb = 15 b. Assisting its motion throughout i, there would be a pressure varying froiG lalli at the commencement, to 61b. at the termination : if we call the avej-ayo- of this varying pressure ,r, then the assisting force would be x b, and the general expression of the resistance is 15 b — x b, or (15 — x) b, to be over- come in effecting the preliminary exhaustion down to 51b pressure per square Inch. Thetrain piston being now ready to start, the next object is to maintain, iii front of it, while it travels, the degree of exhaustion just specified, viz. : 51b per inch ; and for this purpose, I will suppose a second piston to bft placed also within the main pipe, at a point some little in advance of tin train piston, and that the power by which it (the second piston) is to b( moved along the main, is so regulated as to draw it along exactly at th« same rate as that at which the train piston itself travel?, whereby the space between the two, may not become larger or smaller, as that, if it occurred would change the degree of exhaustion in front of the train piston. The power necessary to move this e.i'/ia(«''0« '«a"'''2!'""y piston may hi estimated as follows : It must move through a, (the length of the main): opposed to its motioi> there would be a pressure at the outset of 51b, but by the time the»pistonr had moved through ; of the length of the main (or b) the pressure woul* have increased to 151b. This varying pressure being precisely equal ii> continuance and intensity to the assisting pressure of the preliminary ex- haustion, its averaye may like that be called ,r, and its total .r b. * Pan 98, page 335. ^0 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Januart> This piston must be further moved through the remaining I of the length of the main (ore) against an opposing pressure of 151b=15 c, the sum of the opposing force is therefore .i- 4+ 15 c. To assist its motion there would be a pressure of 51b throughout the length of the main a = 5 a. The general expression of the resistance of this piston is therefore x A+15 o— 5 a ; and for both pistons (15 — x) b + (i 4+ 15 c— 5 a) or 15 (i + c)— 5 a: But (i+e) being equal to a, therefore 15(4 + c) — 5a = 15o — 5a = 10a. The power operating upon the train piston is (15 — 5)a = 10a; therefore, (leakage and friction excepted,) no power is lost. It may be thought necessary to enquire, whether, if an air-pump be used, this reasoning still applies. To talie the secondary exhaustion first, I think that Mr. Haydon's formiila ;s just as applicable to the supposed piston, as it is to that of the air- pump ; as each stroke of the pump would be merely a diminished represen- Jation of the one long stroke of the supposed piston. In respect of the preliminary exhaustion, it is most easy to form a judge- ment by making a calculation of the effect of one or more strokes of a pump of dimensions assumed with reference to [convenience of calculation only. For instance ; we may assume that the pump has twice the capacity of tlie main, in wliich ease it would effect the preliminary exhaustion by one vptvard stroke. The power necessary to effeiit this stroke may be estimated as follows : The opposing power is 2 ox 15. The necessary power is therefore (2 ax 15) — (2 a j) = The assisting power 2 a .»-, (15 a). 2 a. And as a = 3 * ,, • /,r X (3 4x2) ,,. — ' the power IS (15 — x). — - — -' = (15- -x). 3 b. Now as upon the other supposition the preliminary exhaustion of the main •was found to require a power=(15 — ,j) 4, there would he a loss in using the pump of (15=ij) 2 i ; but this amount represents exactly the powercon- sumed in exhausting the cavity of the pump itself, which by the supposition is twice the size of tlie main. In my last communication I stated that the only loss (disregarding leakage and friction) was that of the power employed in exhauting the pumps and branch pipes j and tlie above reasoning confirms that view of the matter. I may observe lastly that, with small pumps and branch pipes, this loss cannot bear more tlian au insignificant proportion to the whole power expended. It has been argued that atmospheric traction is like traction by means of a liighiy elastic rope, which requires to be stretched, at the expense of much power, before it becomes rigid enough to overcome the resistance of the load, and which being so stretched, is assumed to afi'ord no advantage over an ordinary rope. Now it would be easy in this case to adopt an arrangement which would recover all the power employed in stretching the ropef. And in the case of atmospheric traction a mere glance at the subject shows that such a recovery of power must take place ; for otherwise, the preliminary exhaustion being analogous to the stretching of the rope, the subsequent exhaustions, to complete the analogy, must require as much power as would be sufficient to drag along the train piston by means of a rigid medium ; i. e. a power equal to that of the train-piston itself! a proposition all hut self-evidently erroneous. The power acting upon the train-piston as previously shown being constantly 15 — 5 = 10; while the resistance to the air-pump piston is 10 through one third only of its stroke, with an average of about 3 during the remaining two thirds of its stroke, making a total resistance equal to about one half oi the power acting upon the tram-piston. E. H. [We have to thank our correspondent for taking great pains to investigate the subjects of certain papers in this journal, and for communicating his observations in a most obliging manner. We cannot, however, carry our courtesy so far as to assent to his conclusions. His arrangement of a supposititious " exhaustion maintaining piston," " some little in advance of the tiain-pislon," is wholly different from anything that occurs in practice. It docs not appear how this exhaustion maintaining piston is itself to be moved — not by stationary; air-pumps, for the degree of vacuum in front of it is !uppnsed to constantly diminish, until the air actually recovers its natural density ; and this cinikl only ^take place on the supposition that the air-pump ceases wurkinrj directly the train starts. The mere consideration, that in the air-pump the air is alternately dilated, and condensed, ought of itself to shew that some power is lost, independ- ently of leakage and friction. If the particles of air be at constant intervals t Suppose a weight is to be raised from the bottom of a well 100 feet deep, by means of an elastic rope loij feet long, passing over a puily at the top of the well, aud being drawn along hurizontally by a man. Suppose the man found the rope to stretch to ■ double its lvn!,'tli ; i. e. to UOl) feet, by the time it began to lift the weight. Being BO -stretched, lei its upper end (the 100 feet from the well head) be secured upon the ground, (by spiking or otherwise) ; and let the man then take hold of the rope close to the well head; the slightest force applied there will make the weight begin to rise; because the man has in his f.ivour the reaction of the half of the rope which lies behind him, but as the weight riKea, this half of the rope will shorten, and its reaction will diminish constantly ■ till it ceases just when the man has moved iO feet from the well head, raising the weight 50 feet. In this oper.'ition however one half of the power, originally employed in stretching the rope, will have been recovered. In like niniiner let the man make fast upon the ground the part of the rope which he now holds,— go back to the well head, and draw the rope forward !'."» feet, raisijlg the weight '27i feet ; and he will ftn'ther get back one quarter of the said power. He may regain ^ ~q t^V &c. so long as he goes on 3 whereby he may regain all b lufinitesimal fraction. moved closer together, and farther apart, than they are in their naturel state, it is clear thit force must be absorbed for the purpose. For to sup- pose that an elastic fluid has the power of contracting and dilating itself i» to indue inert matter with an inherent power of motion. The principles assumed in Mr. Haydon's paper were so entirely in the ordinary routine course of mathematical investigation, that no mathemati- cian would dream of disputing the nature of the loss exhibited ; all that can possibly be done is to question the amount. If our correspondent wish to do this, he must do it not as here, indirectly, but b y directly show- ing some error in Mr. Haydon's paper. He must make no suppositious arrangements of pumps and pistons, but must follow themethod of thepaper in question, by taking the dimensions of the pump and tube, and the number of strokes to be exactly what they are in practice. The illustration of the man drawing a weight from a well is accurate enough, except that the man's journeys would be less and less eachtime, while the stroke of the air-pump is always of the same length ; Jthe consequence would be that in the former case the loss of power might be made much less than it could possibly be in the latter. Our correspondent himself says, that there would be some loss in the former case, — that the power usefully applied would never exactly equal the power expended ; the question there- fore is, as we said, not one of principle, but a question of mere amount.] THE PROPOSED EXPOSITION OF MANUFACTURES AND INDUSTRIAL ART. The preparations for the proposed exposition of Manufactures and Indus- trial Art, in connection with the Manchester School of Design, under the direction of our talented townsman, Mr. George Jackson, are in a forward state, and the exhibition will be ready for the Christmas holidays. Mr. Jackson and his colleagues are gentlemen fully competent to the task they have undertaken, and their success so far has even exceeded their antici- pations. It is now expected that every nook and corner of the Royal In- stitution will be required for the display of the articles, so numerous will they he. From the answers already received, it is expected that the contri- butions from the Potteries will be rich, indeed magnificent — several houses of eminence in the china trade having promised contributions of the highest class, and of considerable amount. From Stourbridge and Birmingham they have promises of an extensive collection in glass, comprising chandeliers and articles of general utility ; and from the latter place there will be a consi- derable quantity of japanned goods, brassworks, and manufactures of other descriptions peculiar to the town. There will also be some very brilliant specimens, both in gold and silver, of the electro-deposit. From Coventry splendid specimens of ribbons and gauzes will be forthcoming, and watches equal to anything of foreign production. From Leicester a display of ho- siery ; and from different places in Nottingham a splendid collection of laces are promised. Sheffield is to contribute specimens of its steel and other goods, comprising grates, fenders, fire-irons, cutlery, &c. Glasgow is under contribution for carpets, and some magnificent articles of large dimensions woven in one piece are amongst the specimens. From Paisley, shawls, scarfs, and other woven fabrics peculiar to the district are bespoken. From Ireland specimens of linen are to be exhibited, manufactured from Irish- grown flax. London is to send silversmiths' goods, including splendid spe- cimens of plate ; and some magnificent collections of testimonial plate are on their way to Manchester from thence. Among the manufactures of our town an effort is making, and the contribution will include a large collec- tion of printed cottons, de laiues, and silks. The exposition of the latter description of goods will also include silks from Macclesfield, Spitalfields, and other places. The Council, we learn, have not restricted the exposi- tion to articles of home manufacture only, but have induced several foreiga houses to exhibit and forward specimens of their manufacture. As a favour- able sample of the spirit in whit-h they have been met on this point, we may mention that one house in London declined answering the application till a partner in Paris bad been consulted. His reply was not very favour- able, but be added, that in his opinion the Council had adopted " a prin- ciple with regard to this exposition that ought long ago to have been adopted on the continent, in allowing the foreigner to exhibit in competition, and that the exoosilions on the continent would never be successful till they adopted the same principle." The Council, however, confine the exhibi- tion to the production itself, and do not contemplate exhibiting, as at the Parisian exposition, the means of production. With regard to the School of Design itself, it is expected that on this occasion it will fully bear out the »>vticipations which the public have been led to draw, and that the spe. cimens will show the utility of such institutions like this, where they cau be properly conducted. We are also glad to find that the prizes offered by the Council, to stimulate designers of the town generally, have had a good effect ; and that the drawings sent in for competition are numerous, and many of them talented. — Manchester Times, 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 3l EAILAYAYS NOW AT WORK IN THE UNITED STATES, (Together with the length Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts. Portland, Saco, and Portsmouth, 50 m. Concord, 35 in. Boston and Maine, 56 m. Boston and Maine Extension, 17| m. Boston and Lowell, 26 m. Boston and Providence, 41 m. Boston and Worcester, 44 m. Berkshire, 21 m. Charlestown branch. Eastern, 54 m. Fitchburg, 50 ra. Nashua and Lowell, 14-J m. New Bedford and Taunton, 20 m. Northampton and Springfield. Norwich and Worcester, 59 m. Old Colony. Stoughton branch, 4 m. Taunton branch, 11 ra. Vermont and Massachusetts. West Stockbridge, 3 m. Western (117 miles in Mass.) 156 m. Worcester branch to Milbury. Housatonic, (10 months,) 74 m. Connecticut. Hartford and New Haven, 38 m. Hartford and Springfield, 25^ ra. Stonington (year ending Sept. 1) 48m. New York. Attica and Buffalo, 31 ra. Auburn and Rochester, 78 m. Auburn and Syracuse, 26 m. Buffalo and Niagara, 22 m. Erie (446 miles). Erie, opened, 53 m. Harlem, 26 m. Hudson and Berkshire, 31 m. Long Island, 96 m. Mohawk and Hudson, 17 m. Saratoga and Schenectady, 22 m. Schenectady and Troy, 20^ m. Syracuse and Utica, 53 m. Tonnawanda, 43 m. Troy and Greenbush, 6 ra. Troy and Saratoga, 25 ra. Utica and Schenectady, 78 m. New Jersey. Camden and Amboy, 61 ra. Elizabethtown and Somerville, 25 m. New Jersey, 34 m. Paterson, 16 m. of each railway in miles.) Philadelphia, Beaver Meadow, 26 m. Cumberland Valley, 46 m. Harrisburg and Lancaster, 36 m. Hazleton branch, 10 m. Little Schuylkill, 29 m. Blossburg and Corning, 40 m. Mauch Chunk, 9 m. Minehill and Schuylkill Haven, 18 m. Norristown, 20 m. Philadelphia and Trenton, 30 m. Pottsville and Danville, 29i m. Reading, 94 m. Schuylkill Valley, 10 ra: WiUiamsport and Elmira, 25 m. Philadelphia and Baltimore, 93 m. Delaware. Frenchtown, 10 ra. Maryland. Baltimore and Ohio (Oct. 1), 188 m. Baltimore and Susquehanna, 58 m. Baltimore and Washington, 38 m. Virginia. Greensville and Roanoke, 17J m, Petersburg and Roanoke, 60 m. Portsmouth and Roanoke, 78J m. Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Poto- mac, 76t' ro. Richmond and Petersburg, 22 m. Winchester and Potomac, 32J m. North Carolina. Raleigh and Gaston, 84 m. Wilmington and Raleigh, 161 m. South Carolina. South Carolina, 136 m. Columbia, 66 m. Georgia, Central, 190J m. Georgia, 147 ra. Montgomery and \Vest Point, 89 m. Kentucky. Lexington and Ohio, 40 ra. Ohio, Little Miami, 40 m. Mad river, 40 m. Indiana. Madison and Indianapolis, 56 m. Canada. Champlain and St. Lawrence, 15 m. FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM. The Syndicate appointed to report on the state in which the designs for the building are left, and of the engagements made with the contractors for the execution of the work, have reported as follows : — " The Syndicate find by an examination of the drawings left by Mr. Basevi (which have been sent for their inspection by his brother, Mr. N. Basevi), that the designs for the greater part of the work remaining to be executed are in a forward state, but they conceive that these designs not having been perfected, require, for the completion of the work, the assistance of an architect of the same order as Mr. Basevi in professional eminence and skill. " The Syndicate think it highly desirable that the building should be com- pleted with a close adherence to Mr. Basevi's intentions, so far as they appear in a settled form in his designs. " The Syndicate have also ascertained, by inquiry of Mr. N. Basevi and Mr. Baker, the state of pending engagements with Mr. Baker, and the results of this inquiry will be laid upon the registrar's table. " The Syndicate, considering the high professional character of Mr. Cockerel], and the confidence already reposed in him by the University, beg leave to recommend that Mr. Cockerell be appointed Mr. Basevi's successor as architect of the new Fitzwilliam Museum, with instructions to adhere as closely as may be to Mr. Basevi's designs in carrying on the work to its completion." In; accordance with that report a grace passed the Senate to appoint Mr. Cockerell architect of the Fitzwilliam Museum, in the room of the late lamented Mr. Basevi. Newcastle Philosopliicut Society.— An excellent paper has been read by Mr. Armstrong (the inventor of tiie hydro-electric machine,) on the appli- cation of water pressure as a motive power, to be supplied from street mains. The lecturer illustrated his remarks by a model of a crane for lifting heavy weights, aud he had the complete control of the motive power, and speed for raising, lowering, or turning round variab:e loads. He referred to a paper in the Mechanic's Magazine of April, 1840, on the subject, and wished his claim of priority of application of this povter lo be confirmed. The mechanical arrangement was very perfect. The lecturer exhibited also a machine for circular motion ; a a curved pipe, with water pres- sure beneath ; b a circular disc, or piston, with otiiers similar to it, arranged at equal distances ia the periphery, and they are, like the reefing paddles, made to enter edgeways into the curved pipe, and to turn transverse to act as pistons ; each succes- sive piston entering before the preceding leaves the curved pipe. The machine is applicable to copper- mill lathes, where a motive power of amount is required at intervals, and the cost of power is estimated at only one-third the cost of manual labour. MISC£Z.I.Arj£:A. Astronomical Oesf.rvations. — A parliamentary document has just been printed, in answer to a return of fllr. Hume, for a copy ot inslructions to astronomers ot the several observatories at home and abroad in the year lt*3r-8, with tlie number of vo- lumes ot astronomical observations made at each observatory since that year. It appears that no instructions were sent by the Board of Admiralty to the Astronomer Royal ii: 183r-8. One volume of astronomical obs&rvations is printed in each year by the Royal Observatory. A report is annually made in the month of June to the Board of Visitors by the Astronomer Iloyal on the stale of the observator>, and communicated to the Board of Admiralty. It is added, that at the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope no astronomical observations have been printed since the year 1838, the astronomer and his assistants having been chiefly employed in the measurement of an arc of the meridian. Dili'erent volumes of astronomical observations made at Greenwich and elset; here have been printed since IS'.C, under the superintendence of the Stationery-office. St. Mary's Church, .at Beverley. — A local paper says that the restorations of this tine ediQce are progressing satisfactorily, and the work already executed is done in a substantial manner. A barrel drain of sufficient dimensions has been laid at a consi- derable depth round the church, which proves very efficient in keeping not only the floor of the nave and chancel, but the whole building perfectly dry. The flagged area and parapet wall, and the approaches to the five entrances, are finished. The foundations of the fabric have been carefully examined, and the basements of the buttresses, the walls, aud their respective weather mouldings, repaired and restored to a considerable height; so that the stability of the structure may so far now be considered as secure as when Inrst erected. The interior of the crypt is being proceeded with, and what has lor ares seemed only a miserable-looking cellar, choked up with accumulations of soil,, and bones and debris of every kind, already assumes a haudsome appearance. Present of Medieval Antiquities to the British MtsEt.M. — AVe understand that Lord Prudhoe, anxious for the formation, in England, of apublic national collection in illustration of national antiquities, and persuaded that the British Museum is the best and most extensively available place o- dejiosit for sueli a collection, has made an offer on subjrct to the Archteological Institute, — whose authority in such matters he desires'to recognize and reserve. He proposes, we believe, to present to the JIuaeuui, through the nredium of the institute, and as a result of the ntceling at Winchester, his collection o remarkable antiquities which were exhibited in the Museum on that occasion, — on con- dition that the trustees shall undertake to set apart a proper place for collections of the kind. Such is the report in antiquarian circles ; and we have reason to believe that the example of Lord Prudhoe has already been fruitlul in other otfers of a similar kind, in the event of the arrangement which is its condition taking effect. We have little doubt that a proposal of the kind will determine an arrangement for a separate assemblage and exhibi- tion, in our great national institution, of the works of British and T-Iediieval Ait : and the influence of the Institute will then have been early felt, in the formation. throtM^li their means and authority, of a department which has been so long felt to be a necessary feature of such an establishment. At the same time the Institute has no intention, while ministering to their larger object, to abandon the formation of similar collections for itself. Contributions to its library are, wc are glad to hear, rapidly coming in ; and one of its projects is to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by its extended corres- pondence, in the collection of materials for local history. A large number of impressions from sepulchral biasses have also been presented ; aud the Society purposes, we believe, to form, if possible, a complete collection of these memorials, tor the sake of their valuable testimony on subjects of costume, family history, heraldry, and other antiquarian sub- jects.— ' Athenaeum.' It is reported that an experimental squadron of steam vessels will put to sea to tr/ their respective rates of sailing and steaming, and other features, as efficient and seri-ice- able vessels of war, early in the ensuing spring, and that gunnery exercise will be a lead- ing item in their trials, in order to ascertain which armament is best adapted for vessel* of their class. The competing vessels named are the — Horse Power, >S0IJ 8UU 650 4 <0 4.50 -'00 200 Vessel. Tons. Terrible 1,847 Retribution .. l,e41 Avenger 1,444 Gladiator .. .. 1,11)7 Sampson (frigate) Ardent (sloop) .. Rattler ^screw) 888 Scourge 1,124 Black Eagle.. 495 32 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [January, Early PAiNXF.n Df.corations. — Some curious remains of the early art of pointing, as practised in England, liave been lalely brought to vit-w, at Southcrop, in Gloucestershire. The chuncel of the parish church, of the AnKlo-Norman era, ri-cpiiring restoration, on removinR the accumulated coatinis of whitewash irom the walls, il \v;>m diecorere^l that it lia I beecn at one time a perfect j^atlery of scriptural and other sui'jccts, not the smalU'jfl uortion, from the r<:of to the fluor, having been Wt't unadorned. RIost of these quaint designs were loo far advanced in decay to he deciphered ; hut ilie Nativity, be Annunciation, and the Decapitation of St. John the Baptist, arc stili apparent, and hotv that th(. recluse and devout designers possessed all then known o( art, as well as 11 the learniiii< of the time. A remarka'de device for the de^-oraliitn of a sacred edifice cmains in one of tlie deep recesses of the laiic-t shaped windows; it is the figure of a outh, in a red tii ic, shoo:iag an arrow at a red squirrel in a bright yel'ow tree, the bow eld in the rik'Iit hand, 'i'he costume of this figure seems to make the date somewhere »out the middle of tlie fourteenth centurj*— five hundred years since. Vai-UABI-i: Discuvkry. — A French mi'chanic formed tlie idea that I)y sub- Ctlng iron dross to the slow cooling process which is known to produce a total cluinf^e 1 the nature ot glass, a new and useful species of stone might be o!):ained ; and as iron- rosfl, such as thu large furnaces yield, is a wholly useless substance, the announced sue- tssful result of his persevering attempts cannot hut be matter of great interest, more tpecially at the present time, when the smelting furnaces of Kngland ore in a hitherto nknown st;ite of activity. The object which the Frenchman sou.rht tti atcompli;li was, o impart to iron dross the compactness and hardness of granite, und at the same time to ave the cost and labour which the hewing of the real stone requires. To this end he ^■ouirived to let the iron refuse, while in a fluid stale, run into iron forms, which were previously hrouglit to a red heat by being placed so as to receive the superfluous flame which issues from the mouth of the furniice ; and in order to inru-e the slow cDolin^-, these f rms are provided Willi double sides, between which sand is introduced, which is ivell known to be a bad conductor of heat ; the whole is then brought again to a glow heat, and in lil^e manner ajjain cooled olf. By this procedure, it is asserted, the inge- nious (discoverer has succeeded in forming paving stones, flags, large building blocl; and «ven pipes, of any given firm, of u degree uf hardness nnd jmlish, equnl, if not superior, to the best hewn natural granite, and at the moat trifling conceivable cost. The Iron Trxdk in America.— Hy an arrival fmm Keu York, on Mon- day, we have the hilku\ing interesting particidars relaiive to the developnu-nt of the iron trade there:— "The production of iron in Pennsylvania in l.':^-!-! was about yuu.tiuu Ions «iul it is estimated that this year it will amount to about 350, udO to 4ilO,0l)(l tons. It is, also eslimnied from pood data that the total production of in the United States this year will not fall short of 7uU,OliO tons, and that the consumption will amount to about. tdO.OOO ton?, leaving a deficiency, to be supplied by importation, of about IdO.UUO tons. We annex rv table exhiliiling the quantity and value of irou and steel of all kinds imported into the Onited States for the last sixteen years. Aggregate Quantity and V;:lue of Iron and Steel imported iulo the United States. Value. Per Ton. Years. Tons. Pol.ars. Dollars. 1828-23 .. 30,;il4 .. 2,4l7,2a2 .. dij ldi!'-.!0 . . 4(J.';-I4 . . 2,:i40,yt>4 ., 56 l}iM.:i] .. 51,.%-! .. 2 235..iG3 .. -iO ls/.l.;^_' . . 7a.97y . . 3,61)7,380 .. — lSi-.;i;i .. 80.2'<9 .. 3.37l,b67 .. — l.-si.j-:;4 . . 78.UI0 . . 3.9dd.396 . . — K .. i>9777, .. ^7UK\'J3 .. — la3;i-.s(i .. '.K\,22tt ., 5,:io9,i3i .. — lS.io-;^7 .. 102.8(:6 .. 6,36.M88 .. — lH37-::8 . . 74.762 . . 4M*>,'.H*ii •• 54 I83ri-;i;> .. li.V"37 .. C,ti8S,59t> ., ,07 iMlt-AO . . 72.7(;:) . . 4.;i4l,0^6 . . 59 1.-4.1-I1 .. 112.111 .. (1.020,416 .. 44 IMI.42 .. I(i7,.i;i2 .. 4,332.0.00l' tons can homage in a year. Some of t!ie eastern railroads now ibcilding are supplied with nuls by this company. The mines of the Mount Savage Com- pany, and in fact all the iron mines of Maryhind, are situated iu the Cumberland coal re- Sion, which, for the manutacture of iron, is said to be superior to any other." LIS? OP 2KiS\^ PATEICTS. GRANTED IX ENGLAND FROM NOVEMBER 27, TO DECEMBER 2^, 1315, Six Months allowed for Enrolment y unless othenvise ex2jressed. ■John White, of Salford, Lancaster, engineer, for " certain Improvements in engines, machinery or apparatus for raisiitg and forcing wati^r."— Sfuled November 'J.7 . Peter Spence, of Buvgh, Cumberlnnd, for *' Imprcveracnts iu the manu'aclure of cop- peras and alum." — November 27. Moses Poole, of Scailc-street, Middlesex, gent., for *• certain Improvements to hinder th.e oxydation ol iron to all its various sti.tes of cast inetai, hteel, malleable iron, and also to rentier malleable irou more hard and durable." (A comnuinication ) — November 27. Eden Thomas Jones, of Bristol, manuiacturing cliemist, for " improvements in the a;jpatatus used in the concentration of sulphnric acid.*' — November 27. William Maui;liam. of Newport. stri-et, Surrey, consulting cliemist, and Archibald Dun- lop, the yonti'.;er, of Upper Thames-stieet, gent., for " Iin|)roveme:.ts in the :nanufacture of ale, porter, and otlici ferment-^d liquors."— November 27. Edward Del', of Wtolwich, wine-merchant, for "certain Improvements in apparatus for lieating and warming." — December 4, Robert Uettie, civil engineer, of Glasgow, for ** an Improved method of signalizing, or tt'.egraphing on sea or land, preventing collisicn at Fca. and giving signals of distieas by imj>roved burrcrs with glasses coloured, and signal card^^, iip| iiculde to railways in all the various departments, i:s wfll as prevwntitig of accidents when the traiu is ai lull speed, showing Ihe state of the tide in Imrbouis, also the diurnal for railways, towns, villages, ■itc."— Deceniher 4. William Gossage, of Neath, metallurgist, for " Improvt-mentg in obtaining products from ceriain ores und other compounds of certain metals.'*— Oecember 4. John Leslie, of Conduit- street, Kanover-square, tailor, fur " Improvements in the com- bustion of gas."— December 4. Moses Poole, of Serle-sireet, Middlesex, gent., for " Improvements in locks." (A com- munication.)— December 4. James Meacoik. of Kingston, Jamaica, niercljant, for " Improvements in pulping, dreBsing, and sorting coffee." — D«c«mber 4, Archibald Dunlop, jun., of Thames-street, London, gent., for " Improvements in the manufacture of aerated waters." — December 4. Henry Bessemer, of Baxter House, Old St. Pancr,is-road, Middlesex, engineer, for "certain Improvements in atmospl!<;rtc propul.ion. and in app.tratus connected there- with, part, or parts of which improvements are applicable to the manufacture of columns, pipes and tubes, and other parts are applicable to the exhausting and impelling of air and other fluids generally. " — December .1. John Robert Johnson, Alfred-plnce, Blatkfnars. chemist, for "Improvements in the materials employed in constructing and working atmospheric railways."— December C. Henry Heaihcote Russell, of Millbank-street, Westminster, civil engineer, for " Im- provemeiiti in construc'.ing suspension bridges and viaducts. "—December 6. Josiah Wilkinson, of Lincoln's Inn-fit*lds, gent., for " ceitain Improvements in filtering water and other fluiiii." (A communication.)- December tt. Henry Augustus Rox, of Great Titchlieli. street, St. Marylebone, decorator, for "A new method of pjlli-hing, dyeing, fnd colouringmarb!e, stone, and certain olhtr materials used in the construction or decoration of houses and other buildings, '* — December 10. Edv/ard Green, of Waliefield, York, engineer, for " A new method of economising fuel, and ceriain imiirovements in retaining and applying heat for generating steam and beat- ing water." — December 10. Thomas Williiims, of Norway. street, iV'iddlesex, gent., for " a ceriain Improvement or improvements In wrenches or spanners." — Dfcemher 10. William Dines, of Oldston, near Dartmouth, Devon, Esq., for *' Improvemcnlg in the making and fixing window glass."— December 10. George Mordey Mowbray, of Paternoster-row, London, wholesale dniggist. for "an Im- proved method oi commimrcation between the person or perscn:^ having the charge of a railway train and the controller of its motive power." — December 10. Robert William Thomson, of Adam-street. Adelphi, civil engineer, for "an Improve- ment in carriage wheels, which is also np[)licable to other rolling bodies." — December 10, Henry Lawrence, of Wigmore-street, Cavendish-square, geuileman, for •' an Itiproved t uckle, suitable for harness and other purposes." — December 10. George Leach Ashwonh, o! Rochdale, Lancaster, cotton spinner, and Wilson Crossley, of the same phice. nianayer, for "certain Improvements in m « chinery or apparatus for preparing and spinning cotton and othtr librous substances." — December in. James Garforth, of Dunkinfield, Chester, engineer, for " certain Improvements in ma- chinery or apparatus tor connecting of boilers, and other purposes "—December 10. Alfred \''incent Newton, of Chancery-lane, mechanical draughtsman, for " Improve- ment in printing and dyeing various fabrics." (A communication. — December 10. Christoplier Dunkin Hays, of Rermondsey, master mariner, for " Improvements in the construction and adaptation of apparatus for propelling and steering vessels on water.'* — December 10. Charles Dowes, of Camden-town, gentleman, for "an Improved paper or material." — December 10. William Mushet and Robert Musbet, iron founders, of Dalkeith, Scotlaad, for " Im- provements in moulding iion." — December 10. Thomas Victor Allier, of Quai Saint Michel, Paris, gentleman, for " Improvements in breaks or machinery for stopping or retarding carriages." — December 10. Frederick Gye, jun., of South Lambeth, for "Improvements in preparing aerated waters, and in vessels to contain aerated and mineral waters." — December 10. Moses Poole, of Serle-streel, Middlesex, gentleman, for " Improvements in apparatus to be used for drawing aud marking." (A communication.) — December 10. William Mac Naught, of Robertson-street, Glasgow, engineer, for "certain Improve- ments in the steam engine." — Decembei lO. Isaac Hawker Bedford, of Birmingham, for " Improvements in the manufacture of windowand other glass." (A communicution.) — December 12. flioses Poole, of Serle-sireet, MiJdlesex, gentleman, for " Improvements in filling bottles and otlier vessels, and also in covering, stopping, or securing liquids and other matters in bof.les and other vessels." (A communication.) — December 12. Samnel Cunllffi; Lister, of Manningliam, Yo^k. gentleman, for " Improvements in card- ing, combing and spinning wool." — Di,'cembcr 12. Thomas Findler, of Flint, miller, for " Improvet^^ents In the construction and opera- tion of certain parts ut fliut-grluding mills, and other grinding mills or machinery for grinding." — December 15. John Robert Johnson, of Nelson-square, chemist, for " Improvements in purifying gas, and in tl'.o treatment of products of gas works " — December 20. Henry MandcviUe Meade, of New York, America, gentleman, for " certain Improve- ments in the inanufacturw of bread.'* (A conifliunication.) — December 20. Georjire Fergu^son Wilson, of Helmont, Vauxhall, gentleman, George Gwynne, of Re- gent-street, gentleman, aud James Pillat:s Wilson, of Belmoat, aforesaid, gentleman, for " Improvements in treating certain inflammable matters, and in the manufacture of can- dles."— D;;cembcr 20. William Ilannis Taylor, of Picc.",dilly, gentleman, and Franc's RouViliac Conder, of Birmingham, civil engi:iter, for "certain Improvements in propelling." — December 20. Jabe/. Clmrch. of CoUlicster, gas engineer, for "Improvements in the mai-ufacture of coke, and in the ovens for producing the same." — December HU. Joiin IJlyih, of Limehou^e, en-ineer, for "certain Improvements in diminishing th« risk of accidental explosions of gunpowder and other substances which are liable to ex- plode, or ignite by contact with fire."— December 20. William M'Hardy, of Salford, for "certain Improvements in machinery or apparatus applicable to the prep ^ration and spinning of cotton, wool, silk, lia."!:, and other fibrous suhstatices."— December 22. Alfred Vinc3nt Newton, of Chmicory-lane, draughtsman, for " Improvements in comh- .iig wool." i..\ communication.) — Dect;mber 22. Samuel Heseltine, jun., of Bromley, Middlesex, civil engineer, for " Improvements in machinery orapparatus for dressing stones for grinding corn, grain, and other substances.*' (A communication.)— December 22. Philip Smith, of Hiijh-street, Lambeth, lock-smith, for " Improvements in locks, latches, and other similar fastenings." — December 22. CORRESPONDENTS. Mr. Henry Carr, engineer of the Croydon Atmospheric Kailway, in con- sequence of numerous inquiries, is anxious to state that the autliorship of cei tain papers, which have appeared in this journal, with the initials *' 11. C/' apppndrd, is not to he attributed to himself. Dr. Shokhtz, Limhurg, Austria. On examining the invention, it appears to us so very impriicticabie, that we have not thought it worth while to give an account of it. Next mouth, " rrcshyteriau Church, Dublin," and " Railway Key, Cardiff." J846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 33 ON LIMES, MORTARS, AND CEMENTS. From the Report to the Chamber of Deputies nf the Commission ap- pointed to consider the proprietij of i;ranting a pension for life to M. Vicat; Engineer in chief, and Superintendent of Bridges and I/ighwai/s. By M. Arago.* {Translated from the French for this Journal.) Your Committee, from the time of their first sitting, have fully assented to the motive which suggested the proposition on which you are called to deliberate. They felt convinced that in submitting the great discoveries of our countrymen to the appreciation of the three constitutional powers of the kingdom, that in having recourse to all the solemnities of the law in regulating the reniuuerations which inventors may have deserved, they stimulate to the highest degree, and in the most beneficial manner the ztal, the ardour, the perseverance of men of genius. We speak, solely of great discoveries. Respecting extensive works, however admirable in themselves, as this character does not legi- timately belong to them, it does not appear our duly to invite the atten- tion of the legislative Chambers. These considerations mark out distinctly the course which we have to take. We have to examine whether M. Vicat is to be placed among the privileged men whom posterity will hold in remembrance ; whether his works, when they came before the public, had the indisputable character of novelty : whether they possess general interest; whether, in Doe, the results arising from them ought to take their rank among the brilliant in- ventions for wliich our country justly claims honour. This brief preamble will justify the detailed observations which you are about to hear. We considered that in submitting to analysis the strictest and most minute a merit, so well recognised as that of M. \''icat, we should inspire a salutary distrust in those mediocrities who would have their names resound in this place. If the Commission have attained this end, they will, without doubt, have satisfied beforehand one of the objects of the Chamber. Manufacture of Hydraulic Limes. Lime, whether in a state of purity, or, as is more usual, mixed with other substances, is the material used from the remotest times to bind together stones and all the constituent parts of buildings. If lime be not found in any part of the globe pure, the rocks from which it may be extracted — the calcareous rocks — exist almost everywhere. No mine- ral is so widely distributed by nature. It is rare that calcareous stones are entirely pure, or exclusively com- posed of lime and carbonic acid. Their substance is usually made up of silex, aluminum, magnesia, oxyde of iron, manganese, &;c. Thence the terms adopted by mineralogists of argillaceous, magnesian, ferruginous, or inanganesian limestones. These limestones furnish by roasting very different limes. Builders distinguish many kinds of them — rich lime — poor lime — hydraulic lime. Eich lime increases greatly in bulk when slaked; its weight is then more than doubled. This property would be very valuable in respect of eco- nomy did not rich limes remain a long time without hardening, especially in the centre of masonry, and particularly where they are kept from the action of the air; rich limes, moreover, are dissolved to their last particles in water frequently renewed ; this solubility of the lime in time converts ma- sonry into mere heaps of stones : quay-walls, for instance, which have been supposed to have been built of strong masonry, and with the greatest solidity. Is it necessary to cite examples to shew that the rich limes will not harden without the action of the air? We may point to the fact that M. Treussart having had to reconstruct in 1S22, at Strashurg, the foun- dations of a bastion built in 1(?CG, found there the mortar as fresh as if the masons had laid it some few hours before. A similar circumstance was observed at Berlin by the architects who took down one of the pillars. of the tower of St. Peter, built about SO years ago. Are we required to shew that the constant action of water dissolves rich limes in masonry ? We choose among a thousand examples the de- molition of the remains of the ancient sluices of the Vilaiue. During this operation, it was found that, by the dissolving of the rich lime, there re- mained behind the revetement walls nothing but masses without cohesion, simple heaps of loose stones. Poor or thin lime has all the defects of rich lime, and moreover, as its name indicates, but slightly increases in bulk. The use of it is therefore, as much as possible, avoided. * Notices of M. Vicat's Iiydiaulic lime, for resisting the action of water, will be found in the tirst volume of this journal, p. 4, and in vol. VI., p. '2'1'J, No. 101.— Vol. IX.— Feeru.\rv, 18-16. Builders who desire to make their works lasting, must employ exclu- sively hydraulic limes, especially for foundations resting on a damp soil. Hydraulic limes are those which readily harden under water. This property ";'l|e f.^/''^^. reason wh tar We re-ret also to he compclird to refrain from the a-rce-ible task oi rendering fuU justice to the admirable experiments of M. lierihicr, one of the best chemists of wiiom frauce can boast. Cements. M. Vicat has occupied himself with equal success in investigating the properties of cfinin/s. , , . . , Architects distinguish cements from mortars by their natural appear- ances. The sand contained in tmrUtr exists there in the form o, gravel more or less coarse, and more or le.ss apparent. The cunipusition of ce- ment appears homogencons, although it contains lime, sdex, and alumina. No substance has gained more celebrity among builders than that known at the present day as Homnn Cement. This cement, called on- ginallv anuatic cement, was made in the year ITPG by IMcsi^rs. Farker and Wyatt. It was the result of subjecting to heat certain nodules of limestone of an ovoid form found in great abundance at some disiance from London. Koman cement, mixed rather thick, solidiufs in a few minutes either in air or water. There are certain works, Ihe Thanies Tunnel for iustKnc(^ which could not have been executed wiihout Ko- man cement. Vm\ev other circumstances this rapid solulilicalioa is a real obstacle ; and in such cases it is necessary to suustitute hydraulic lime, of wliich the price is much less. , . , , r I'arker and Wyatt mannlactured their cement, and found a sale for it throughout Europe; builders used it, but no one took notice of the real cause of its singular properties. The discovery of this cause be- longs incontestibly to M. Vicat. We find, in fact, that ailer I'-'ving in- dicated the proportion of clay which renders lime hydraulic, the skilful experimenter published in 1817 this categorical observation— "When we increase the proportion (of clay) to 33 or 40 per cent., we obtain a lime which does not slake; but it pulverises readily, and pro- duces, when wetted and mixed up, a composition which quickly sets under water." , . ^ ., u . The proportion of clay indicated is precisely that of the substance ma- nnfactured by Parker and Wyatt. M. Vicat made, then, from 1S17, every kind, not only of hydraulic lime, but also of Roman cement. The duty assigned to your Committee does not permit the citation of facts purely scientific; they therefore desire to remark tliat the discovery of our engineer respecting cements comes, in a great measure, under the description of practical applications. Here, as m the case ot hydraulic limes, and as in other cases to be explained hereafter, geology, enliglit- ened by iM. \icat as to the industrial value of limes coulainiug a quantity of clay, has directed its attention to these useful investige and the French builders, not long since dependent on England, ha> ; a large gations, have dis- covered a great number of places"where they can prepare Roman cement. M Vicat himself has pointed out more than 400. This new branch of industry is carried on with much success in many depar'.ements of France. If the limits of this Report permitted, we could mention here many per- sons who have deserved great credit by the discovery of quarries of Ro- man cement, and, among others, a skilful engineer, whom the Chamber of Deputies reckons among its members, M. Lacordaire. POZZOLANAS AND TaRRAS. The natural pozzolanas, in the hands of ancient architects, farras in the hands of medi;eval architects, have played too important parts to have escaped the attention of M. Vicat. Despite all Ihe difficulties of the sub- ject, success, as regards practical results, has completeiely crowned the patient and laborious investigations of the engineer. Thenaiiie ofpo::uM;ia is given to a volcanic substance found m great abundance in the neighbourhood of Po/.zala, and of Rome. Tunas is a conglomerate, also volcanic, found on the banks of the Rhine, and especially in the environs of Andcrnach. To render rich lime hydraulic, it is sullicient to wet it in proper propor- tions witli pozzolana or tarras. What more simple or convenient mode could be imagined? IJut in many localities the expense of conveyance renders it impossible to use either pozzolana or larras. Many attempts have been made to prepare substances which possess the same properties. Chaptal thought he had resolved the problem by very much calcmaliiig certain schists or ochreous clay. But even supposing the properties of tarras and pozzolana to be reproduced in this manner, the difficulty was only shifted. The schists experimented on by Chaplal are not common in France; and there is, moreover, in Ihe operation recommended, even if ochreous clay be employed, a circumstance the very high temperature requisite, which opposes an irremediable difficulty. M. Vicat resolved the questions into its elcmcu'.s. This solution is as follows : — Artificial pozzolana superior, or at least equal to the best Italian pozzo- lana may be obtained by a simple manner of using clay of the purest kind. This method consists in sli^hthj calcinating tlie clay, in merely driving off the water of combination, and always keeping Ihe tempera- ture between OOO' and 700' centigrade (1-112° lo 1 292° Fahr). The mind rests with satisfaction on the solutions of problems of practical art when they possess this admirable simplicity. On the other hand, one is astonished lo see an operation so easy that the workmen call it a tour de main, enrich a kingdom, or rather the whole world with a substance eminently useful, and which appeared as if it must inevitably remain the privileged property of a corner of the earth once the seat of volcanic erup- tions. , 1 ,• r -.r We should fail of our duty if, after having cited the discoveries of M. Vicat in the diliicult subject of pozzolanas, we omitted to mention that M. le General Treussart, whose premature loss the whole army deplores, has left a work on this subject tilled with useful observations and valuable remarks. The publications of M. Vicat have long since satisfied all the necessities of art, for liie execution of works in fresh waier, in canals, rivers, and streams. The sea water gave rise to grave difTiculties which no one had anticipated. M. Vicat has the double merit of having pointed out the evil and indicated Ihe remedy. According lo new and quite recent researches of M. Vicat, sea water has some tendency to decompose cements of every kind. It attacks in- discriminately those which contain rich limes or hydraulic limes, natural or artificial pozzolanas. This tendency results from the presence in the water of certain acids whicii have a great alllnily for lime. M. Vicat has found the means of resisting this pr.judicial effect and removing it. He is at this time preparing to point out the limes, pozzolanas, and cements which, prepared according to the old methods, will resist the destructive action of the sea ; and with respect to others, to shew the modifications to whicli they must be subjected, to acquire the same power of resistance. Jt will be appreheuJud that in so nice a question M. Vicat will be in no haste to announce his discoveries. We may, however, state that the public will in a short time be put in possession of them. It is just to state that they already tend lo the rejection of a certain kind ol pozzo- lana proposed for Ihe port of Algiers, and Ihe employment of which has led to such disastrous consequences. The reserve wisely maintained by M Vicat gives him the opportunity of supporting his system by deci- sive experiment : the artificial pozzolanas employed with so much success at Calais by M. Nehou, Engineer in Chief, are found to satisfy Jortiiitously the conditions, laid down by M. Vicat in his new labours, of preservation against the sea. Statistics of Hydraulic Limes. The materials forbuildina recommended by JI. Vicat did not meet with the usual fate of new things. Tue proofs of superiority were palpable, and the old system at once acknowledged itself vanquished. Scarcely had a few mouths elapsed after the publication of the memoir of the En- <'ineer of the SouilUic bridge before the artificial hydraulic lime was brought into use at Paris for quays, at the landings of the bridge of Jena, for the construction of four large uOuttoirs, and for the works on the Canal St. Martin. , , , . . Since then the artificial hydraulic lime has been less used ; for it is now usually substituted for the natural lime of which the price is lower, and which possesses the same qualities. But we hasten lo repeat the remark that it is principally owing to M. Vicat, that constructors daily avail themselves of new wealth in every part of the kingdom. _ ,, . ., Our engineer had too much penetration to avoid the conjecture that If, according to his discovery, lime became hydraulic by the simple addiUon of clay, there must be innumerable formations of argillaceous lirae-stones throu>'hout the kingdom capable of allbrding hydraulic lime by roasting. The idea having taken possession of M. Vicat, he has for twelve years explored almost everv one of our Departements. His publications under the modest title Statistics of Ilyilraulic Limes, have revealed tins invalu- able wealth in numberless localities where its existence was not even sus- pected. The Departements where natural hydraulic liine is found in the rreatcst abundance are Lot, Lot-el-Caronne, Tarn, Dordogne, (..arel, Ar- deche, Drome, Gers, Charente, IlJrault, Cher, AUier, Nievre, Vinne, C5te-d'Or, Ain, Isere, Jura, Doubs, Haul Khin, &c. Of twenty-four Departements already explored, there are no more than six or seven, ot primitive earths, where hydraulic lime is entirely wanting. We proceed to relate two facts which exhibit in a striking manner wh^ was the state of the knowledge of practical men respecting the wealth ot our country in hydraulic limes when M. Vicat commenced histsanina- tions for it. , ■ j rn „ M'hcn he visited Marseilles, a new basin was being dug. I he con- tractors were at great expense to get rid of an immense quantity of calca- reous refuse. On examination M. Vicat found that this matter would furnish sufficient hydraulic lime for the construction of the who.e basin. I8J6.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 35 The following is a still more remarkable fact, especially when esti- mated by its consequences. — At tlie time of coustrurlinR the canals of l!rctaf;ne there was great difficulty in proctiring hydraulic lime. M. Vicat uiidertook the mission of visiting the localities, and almost immediately discovered iu the quarries of Ponpean, near Reon^s, between the beds of rich lime whicli had been worked from time immemorial, a bed of greenish marl known by the name bruletnori-veri, which the limemakcrs rejected. This rejected bed, after the examination of .M. Vicat supplied nut only all the works ol the Vilaine, and the canal of Isle-et-Kaiice, but has become the sole re- source of that part of the kingdom for all hydraulic works. Economical Considerations. The price of lime almost always forms a considerable item in the cost of masonry. Limes have very dilferent properties which determine the duration of works and the mo(/c of executing tbem. In countries where lime is abundant and of good quality, the buildings last for ages without having required great expenses for their erection. In such districts ha- bitations, even for the poorest classes, may be built with strict regard to healthfulness and preservation from accidents by tire, by the violence of storms, and the destructive elfects of inundations and great rains. It is on account of such useful applicaiions as these that the labours of engi- neers and chemists deserve the attention of the public authorities and the legislature. Let us consider for a moment this phase of the question ; let us seek to value the number of the services which, iu this respect M. Vicat has rendered to his country. It was at Paris that the discoveries of M. Vicat first received a power- ful impulse from the influence of M. IJruyere, it is at Paris that we fiud a valuation of the economy effected by these discoveries. Before 1818 tlie hydraulic works of the capital were almost all exe- cuted in plaster or with rich lime. Thence arose tlie annual expense of numerous and costly repairs. From 1818, the date of M. Vicat's first publication, recourse was had to hydraulic lime. It is hydraulic lime which gives to new buildmgs an almost infinite durability. The same solidity might have been obtained with the lime of Senou- ches ; but tlie lime of .Seuonclios conveyed to Paris costs 80 to 90 francs the cubic metre, while the lime from the quarries from which plaster is obtained, that lime which, before the researches of M. Vicat, was rejected as refuse, costs about 40 francs. This ditfereuce of cost reckoned for 37,000 cubic metres of lime, the quantity used iu Paris from lS18 to 1841 in the construction of sewers, resei'voirs, canals, &:c. gives a total saving of more than 1,500,000 francs.* One of the members of your Commission superintended part of the works of the fortifications round Paris. He has laid before his colleagues detailed tables, from which it is concluded satisfactorily that at Belle- ville alone during the years 18401-2-3-4 a saving of more than half a million [of francs] has been tlie consequence of using certain lime which ■was found on the spot, but which would have been considered of no value before the learned publications of M. Vicat. We now proceed to ofl'er some tables, iu which the saving resulting from the labours of the celebrated engineer appear on the grandest scale. Sluices and Barrages constructed in France in accordance with the laws of Aug. 5, 1821, and of Aug. 14, 1822. NAMES OF CANALS. ^'siuk«.°'' Number of Barrages, Rhone and Rhine Somme Ardennes Isle Aire and Bassee Boiir^ogne Nantes nnd Brest Isie.et-Rauce Blavet Aries and Bone Niveniaia .. .. .. .. .. Berry Branch to the Loirs Tarn Olse In acciirdnnce u-ith the laics of July 3, 1S3S, and July 8, 1840. Marneand Rhine Branch to the Garonne Improvemcnis of Rirer Navigation. Branch to the Mame Charente , Dordogne .. ., .. .. .. Tarn Lot Totals 1S2 24 49 :)9 lyl 234 28 28 4 114 115 4-5 9 7 ISO 50 14 10 9 <; 39 28 i 9 7 6 47 1348J 136 * About 60,0001. English, The metre is rather more than 3 feet 8 inches.— £d. LARGE BRIDGES OF HEWN STONE, &C. To establish a comparison sufficiently exact between the cost of bridges erected on caissons and piles, and of those which, at ihe present day, are erected on a foundation in concrete, it will be necessary to take some unit of comparison which is independent of the number of arches and their size. ^Ve will choose the area of the surface between the parapets for our pur- pose. Proceeding thus, it is found for bridges, where it has been possible to substitute the modern method for the ancient that the square metre costs, on Ijie average, 1,312 francs.* Now, for bridges erecled under altogether similar circumstances, but on foundations in concrete, the square metre has cost, on the ave- rage 023 francs. The proportion of the expense of the old system to that of (he new, is as 100 to 47. According to this calculation, if a bridge erected on foundations like those of Jena or of Sevres cost, on the ave- rage, 2,000,000 francs [104,000/.] a similar bridge built iu the modern plan would not cost more than 1,222,000 fr. [18,880/.] consequently the saving would be 1,378,000 francs. Since ISIS there have been 19 great bridges built on foundations in concrete, which, therefore, may be reckoned a saving of 20,182,000 francs [1,047,280/]. Of bridges of the average size having a span of 15 or 10 metres for each arch the number is about 30. For each, reckoning in proportion there would be a solving of 23.).000 francs, or for the 30 the saving would be 7,050,000 francs [282:000/.]. As for bridges of a single arch of 15 to 20 metres span, there have been constructed more than a thousand during the interval of five and twenty years on royal highways and deparlemeut-roads. In each of these the average saving by Ihe substitution for coH'ei' dams of hewn stone with concrete, in the foundations has been 25,000 francs, or for the whole 25,000,000 [1,000,000/.]. Siisi'ENSiON Bridges. Prior to July, 1843, there were authorised to be constructed 327 sus- pension bridges of one, two, three, or four spans. If we calculate each to have a span of 100 metres [325 feet English], each costing 100,000 francs [4,IJ0U/.], deducting from this sum 30,000 francs [1,200/.], the cost of the platform and means of suspension, there remain 70,000 fr. for the founilations and masonry. Experience having showed that for bridges, as for lodis, the expense has been reduced more than one half, there would be grounds for reckoning here a reduction still more consi- derable ; still, we will estimate it at one half, and then the saving will be 22,890,000 fr. liecapilulation of the Economy effected. francs. XVcIrs 67.3.10,000 Barrages or sluice gates .. .. 13,t)00,UOO Locks, &c 20,000,000 Large bridges 2<;.1>2,000 Common brid{,'e 7,050,000 Single ?paii bridges JS.oCO.OOD Suspension bridges 22,S90,000 182,072,000 [if7,2S2,880] Other constructions in which economy has been eflTected but without sufficient documents to shew the actual amount are, 1. Wooden or iron bridges, on foundations of masonry. 2. Bridge of a single arch, of from 0 to 10 metres span. 3. Marine quays, dikes, basins, &c. 4. Foundation of public and private buildings in towns. 5. Military VI'ouks. It is important to remark, that we have not taken into account the ques- tion of time. Now, in these matters, time is money, and becomes, finan- cially speaking, a consideration of the highest importance. The new system of foundations allows the execution of works to be done in one or two years that formerly took five or six. There is therefore iu this res- pect also a considerable saving. One conclusion springs out of all the preceding evidence — it is that sup- posing the constructive arts such as they were before 1818, the period of the discoveries of M. Vicat, the greater part of the important works in course of execution would have stopped by the considerations of tims and expense. If we did not estimate, how much the remuneration demanded will acquire value from the imposing manner in which it is granted, we should have omitted all these sums and the accompanying re- marks. In a purely financial point of view, what are 0,000 fraiics pension beside the colossal economies for which the country is ia- debted to the labours of M. Vicat? The AVorks of M. Vicat compared with those of the Ancients Certain of the learned profess an admiration, absolute, passionate, for the monuments of antiquity. According to them, the Greeks and Ro- mans had discovered everything in the constructive arts. The solidity of edifices yet remaining show that the moderns are the real disciples. BI. Vicat has simply rt-discuvercd the methods practised in Egypt, at Athens, at Rome, of which the remembrance was lost in the times of barbarism. , Although we do not perceive any injury that these reflections Tvill do * About H, Os. 6. per square foot. 5* THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [February, 36 to the labors of M. Vicat-although the discovery of lost truth seems to «« a together similar to the discovery of a new truth-your Comm.ssioQ hasdevoted it elf to a n,inute examination of the pretended snpenorUy nf the ancients over the „>oderns in the art of h.nldmg. A e l>uve exa- mined moreover, whether this superiority can he main.a.ned on reference To ?he progress due to the discoveries of our illustrious engmeer. "So^ie of the Roman mortars have lasted eighteen centunes. A great number of modern buddings are in a deplorable conuit.on ! Jhs comparison is essentially erroneous. To give .t any value ve must draw a parallel between none but the greatest monuments of the twoepo^h^- The results will then be very different to those on wh.ch fhp learned support their position. . . , The Ramparts of the ISastille were of extreme solidity even in the centre ofThe masonry. It was necessary to use gunpowder to des roy them Gu powder Ls also found necessary a few y^^- »g» '» ""''-y at A-cn the ruins of a bridge built about the year 1200. M J -c, h mself ascertained that the mortar of the bridge of Valentre, built at Cahors in HOOrsurpassed in hardness that of the ancient theatre, of which the ruins are seen in that town. ,. . „ . r ,i,o Ancient architects, like modern, built according to the nature of the materials atUieir disposal, and also according to financial exigencies, either edifices whidiwei; indestructible, or with the same oxter.or forms temples, palaces, and houses, without solidity. The construct.ons oftTelitter clas rapidly disappeared. The others a^one have resisted the ravages of time and -fhe violence of the seasons. The blm; ladnnrers of by 'one age have they forgotten the words of Piny, " The cause from«hichaaionieso many buildings fall is the bad quality o, the ce- "Tf'asit is pretended, the Romans knew certain methods of preparing good mor ta we ought to find this substance in all their pu M.c nionu- ments with qualities -dmost identical. Now this is not even the case in ron°pari,.g dillerent parts of tlie same edifice. The Commission have le- na ked n many pub ications of M. Vicat's experiments which throw great Stonthi"subject; those, for instance made with mortar taken >« 'f "''^ "^.^ ''^'^.^J: Vicat has been led to the important discovery with which he has enriched the arts. The state in which he found the question renders the discovery the more remarkable." ^ ,,-■.. a We could borrow proofs equally flattering from a host of writers, and especiallv from two excellent articles by M. Chevreuil, inserted in the ZLl L Sarants. These opinions, notwithstanding the high authorities ?,om whom the, emanate, ought not, doubtless, to prevent ''je commiss ma from making the minute enquiry of wh.ch the Chamber has beaidthe results, but your commission, since they have by their own researches b en led to the opiuions professed by the Academy of Sciences, and the judg- ments of Gay-LusL, of Beiiier, of Chevreuil, of Dumas of Bruyere desire to avail themselves of a circumstance which proves they have not erred. Conclusion. M.'vrcat' was the first to demonstrate that the properties of natural hydraulic limes depend on clay distributed throughout 'l^^'r substance ha^ is, on a particular action which silex united with alumina exeicises on lime when these substances are brought by heat to a proper state. M. Vicat has been the first to make hydraulic lime of all ' '^^ , "o only in small quantities in the laboratory, but in large q"^'" 'f, ^^^'''= ^^ '^f^ tions of his bridge of Souillac. The piers of this ""^le budge rest on a foundation of concrete formed with artificial hydraulic lime Since he labours of M. Vicat, means have been found of procuring, whenever it is necessary, lime, which readily sets lu water. i, u certain M. Vicat has liberally given his discovery to he P"bl'<=. I^ ^ "^ hv° that if he had secured by a patent the privilege of making the ai ncial by draulic lime, this engineer would have acquired an •■"»;° \f"'^"."^; . The first discovery of M. Vicat has faded, if the "P'*^^.^/;" "^l "" PfJ, netted, beside the important results deduced from it. \«. ''^^: ^J!^;" "'^ Uidefatigable enginee. traversing France step by ^'^P, seek ng beds olcal careous^narl, clay formations in which were united nat.u> ally in proper proportions, the constitutive elements of liyd'-f 1"= l'""^^ '-nme fo siccessfal him during twelve years in this search winch has '^^'^,7f/°^7<^'=j;"i' that there are now known on French ground by the ol'; 1^^""= "Jj^; Vicat 900 quarries capable of furnishing hydraulic limes, while belore U ere were 'reckoned o^ly eight or ten. M Vicat has - "f J^P-^^^' f the houour of having discovered and placed in the '^'^"''^^."/j^^' ""';;'.' such wealth hidden in the bowels of the earth, or been ^^J^f ^ at lU, sur face, that in order to complete this work he has ^«7™^"'^f'li''^,^f;j'"^'„d ment to which his standing and merit give him claims uncontested and '" Xwo'ikfof M Vicat on po-.:ola„as have been equally decisive. They ha^ prov d thit the pj:-ent c'lays aflord a'tificial pozzolanas superior, o. at least equal to the Italian; and as nature has ^-stribu ed chiy «ith a kind of profusion on the surface of the globe, °»'f '"^ Pre;;-^^; "^ j^' present day from easily obtaining excellent pozzolana in every regain ^ France, which before the time of W. Vicat, was tr.buaiyto^Lngland for Roman cement, could now supply the wants of ''>« v^l'o'e », ^urop^ The general system of foundations, by means of concrete, dates Irom tne * M. Vlca.. appointed divisioo.ry '"r'rZT:j:{,X::^':{^<^^'^^^^^^^^ pritL his rank of eneineer iu duel tu contiuue the investieatiou wiutu , commenced. 1846.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 37, discoveries which we have analysed, and particularly from the admirable ■works of the bridge of Soiiillac. Engineers, to their honour, never refuse to assign a large share to M. Vicat of the success which they obtain, even when circumstances permit them to have recourse exclusively to natural hydraulic lime, and natural pozzolanas. Thus, for example, on the occa- sion of the entirely successful completion of the new basin for repairing vessels at Toulon, founded 42 feet above the level of the sea, the able director of these works, M. Noel, wrote on the 24tli of April last to the Under Secretary to the Department of Public Works ; "At a time when the law respecting M. Vicat is about to be discussed, it will not be super- fluous to bring to your knowledge a fact which gives a new importance to the labours of the illustrious engineer who lias done so much for the ad- vancement of our art." Thanks to the laborious and patient researches of M. Vicat, works once deemed impossible, are executed at the present day safely in every part of the kingdom, and without requiring enormous expenses. We will not repeat the numerical computations already given respecting the economy efl'ected in public works by M. Vicat's invention. Those computations should be retained in every mind. It would, in fact, be dif- ficult to cite a discovery which, in t!ie short interval of 26 years, has pro- duced such colossal and useful results. The Commission are unanimously of opinion, that in voting, without some modification, the law which has been proposed by the Minister of Public Works the justice rendered to M. Vicat would not be complete. They would desire that the pension of 0,000 francs should be accorded more explicitly under the title of a i^'ational Rt'compctise. This is the only change of which the Government proposition appears to us susceptible. We trust that the Ciiancellor, adopting our opinions respecting the services rendered to the country by JI. Vicat, will assent to the amendment which we have the honour of suggesting, and which has already received the sanction of the iNIinister of Public Works. ATMOSPHERIC TRACTION. Sir — Since the appearance of Mr. Haydon's paper in your November Part, I have been inclined to pay some attention to the atmospheric sys- tem. The favourable results actually obtained after so few attempts led me to expect some error in the numerical example appended to the fore- mentioned paper, especially when the length of the formula and the diffi- culty of substitution were taken into account. I made several attempts with the formula as it now stands, but in every case arrived at different results, and each of them at variance with that deduced from the work done each stroke. One source of error seems to have arisen from taking !0.)390(J n R = 99, instead of its exact value ^^^ for if R =^ we get n = lll or 87, nearly according as the former or latter is used. I was surprised at the difference in the results, but it teaches us how careful we ought to be to ensure approximations in our results. In my application to the example at Dalkey, I shall suppose the whole length of the connecting pipe to be used for propelling the train, as local circumstances compelled them in that instance, to place the engine at an inconvenient and extravagant dis- tance from the main tube. Let u„ denote the work done during the nth stroke of the air pump. W^ denote the work done at the end of the nth stroke. ^^' n '^'^""''^ ^^'' '"''"''' '^""'^ during the motion of the train, their hav- ing been n strokes of the air pump before the train started. W, the useful effect communicated to the tube piston. Then it is found by Mr. Haydon, that Wn =I5afcR"~^(l-^rrilog,R + ^Z:i log -^ 1 fl R" X S A X Where R = B-hC (1-R) = 1-- A + B + O B + C r, andA + B + C = S _A. S-A S K, log R after the proper substitutions have beea made. (A) The correctness of the simplification may be tested in the following man- ner : W|j — Wj|— I rework done at the nth stroke— that done at the end of the n-l'h- 15 a ic ■d-R" + U nlog R-(l- - R + n - 1r" 'log p.) I liak(„n~l nil / ,„n— I ,.n, n — 1\, „) =-_-^|R -R+^-hCR -R ) +R I'oSe^j = 15 « A: r"-^ / 1 + (i^r") '""^ " } = 15 a fc r"~ 1 1 + ( « ) 'ogj R I =W =work done during the nth stroke. Let n have such a value that R„ = J '" then n=;S7 nearly. W« 15 a 7c f , , , ) = — j^l 2 — (1-098612) j =5afc_(-90138771) = 720 S X 90 1 3877 1 lb. raised one foot. Where S = vol. of the tube and air-pump cylinder expressed in feet. Wg, =720x 10673-74X -90131771 = 6,927,242. W-8,=5 X 176-7 X 8588 = 8,335,720. W = 10 X 176-7 X 8588 = 15,174,926. Wj, +W'g, = 15,274,926 = work done. W = 15,174,996 = useful effect of work done. Subtracting, 87,972 = loss. Hence the loss is about y},-, of the power given out by the engine. Let B-|-C=V = vol. of lube to be exhausted ; w = vol. of air-pump cylin- der; S =: V 4- V. ^„ = li^Jl_R«,R'.,0,^R»} W. = 15afc(.Il^(l-R%R"log R"l = 2160 (V + f) f l-R" + R"log, R| Where V and i- are expressed in cubical feet. W'„=2100 R" V loge — = -2160 r" V log R" W = 2160 V(l-R") W „ + W'„ = 2160(1-R" + 2160d | i_R« + R" log^ R" | .-. Loss = 21G0xt> ■[l-R''-t-R"logeR"| For the loss in the Dalkey line we have = 2160 x 134-65 x \ (-90138771) = 720 X 134-65 x -90138771 = 87,387 lb. raised one foot high. This agrees very nearly with the former result, and therefore we may suppose that the necessary loss is correctly determined. This we see varies as the volume of the air-pump. If W^^ be a maximum = 0 li n 0 = R"-llog^R(l+ (^^-") log«K)-l^ n-1 Jog R, orO=- — n, K= — = 79 nearly. A R'3 = 11 nearly, which agrees with Mr. Stephenson's experiments. It may be observed that the above formula; are true, for positive inte- gral values of «. By examining the diagrams which accompany the Re- port to the Directors of the Chester and Holyhead Railway, it will be found that the pressure of the air in tlie pump became equal to the pres- sure of the atmosphere sooner than we should have expected from theory. This would no doubt be caused in some measure by the heat developed during compression, but before the stroke commenced, the pressure in the pump cylinders generally exceeded that in the branch pipe — so that pro- bably more air rushed into the pump each time than was sufficient to re- ^ THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECFS JOURNAL. [FEBRtTART, store the equilibrium with the main tube and its retreat being cut oBf by the valve, it was expelled by tlie piston. I remain, Your obedient serrant, F. Bashforth. .linder oscillates, of which the amount is insignificant. Upon the stuffing-box, indeed, the tendency to wear oval mav be more operative, but, to counteract this tendency, it is made of unusual depth, and a very substantial brass bu.sh is fitted into its interior norlion. The piston rod, moreover, is made of cast steel ; ana, with these precautions, oscillating engines are found to work, for a number of years, without inconvenience from the causes mentioned. " Many nautical men, and some engineers, have objected to oscillating engines on account ofthe movement ofthe cylinder, which they imagine, would become a formidable evil in the case of a vessel rolling heavily at sea. These objectors do not seem to have remarked that the ic cylinde pari. ng ofthe cylinder is neither dependent upon, nor proportionate to, the rolling ofthe sliip, but is regulated exclusively by the movement of the piston ; and we 18J6.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 39 really do not see why a mass of matter, in the form of a cjlin Jer, slioiild be more formidable or intractable in its movements than a similar quantity of matter in the form of a side lever, or in any other sliai)e whatever. " It has also been objected against the oscillating engine, that the eduction passages are more tortuous ihan in coninion en;;iues, so that the steam gets out of the cjlinder less freely. We do nut believe such lo be the fact, if the comparison be made with the ronimnn run of marine engines; and in practice, no diminution of elMcacy from this cause is appreciable. The fact is, all the objections ibat have been raised lo the oscillating engine are merely hypothetical; they are anticipations of defects to be found out in large engines on the oscillating plan, and would probably be plausible enough to carry some weight, were it not the fact, that they have been completely controverted by experience. The remark, indeed, is heard Bometimes even yet, that the oscillating method may do very well for small engines, but is of doubtful efficacy for large ones. But the definition of large en"ines has been continually changed, to escape the contradiction ex- perience afl'orded, and that size is, in every case, decided to be large, which just exceeds the size of the oscillating engine last constructed. It is plain, however, that the grounds of tnis scepticism are being fast contracted; and, indeed, we think it requires a little cojitroversial intrepidity to set down engines of C2-iuch cylinders, which is the size of those of the '• Black Eagle," as among the number of small engines. And if engines of this size are found to operate well — and those of the '• Black Eagle" have been found to perform most satisfactorily — it really appears to us impossible to suppose that engines of 5 or 10 inches more cylinder would not be found correspondingly effective." The points here discussed are many of them of that complicated nature, that independent reasoning will not suflice for the decision of them. The ultimate verdict must depend on a much more extended experience ihan we at present possess. However, notices such as the above, in which engines of each kind are examined together and their defects compared, have the happiest elfect in removing prejudices. Weale's QuarterVj papers on Engineerhi!;. Part IX, quarto, p. p. 240. 23 engravings, Weale, High Holboru. The present Part of Jlr. Weale's series of magnilicently printed and illustrated volumes, is that for Michaelmas 1845, but the publication of it has been unavoidably postponed to January 1846, owing, as it is stated, to " the engagements in Railway matters of two of tlie gentlemen contri- butors." There are four papers in the present number ; of which the first and third may be considered together, as both are chiefly of a historical nature ; the subjects of them being respectively " iheProgressof Machmery and Manufactures in Great Britain, from the earliest times to Queen Elizabeth," and "a memoir of the Thames Tunnel. Section II., by Henry Law." The first of these papers gives a historical account of the progress of the arts, year by year, in England ; the principal enactments affecting manufactures and inventions, the importation of foreign improve- ments, &;c. Some of the notices are very curious and interesting. — In 1404 ■we fiud Henry IV. ordaining " that none henceforth shall use to multiply gold or silver, nor use the craft of muliiplication under the pain of felony." The paper closes with an account of the disputes between Elizabeth and her Parliament, respecting the royal, fondly -cherished, privilege of granting patents for monopolies. Mr. Lasv's paper is also interesting, and will be very acceptable to those who feel the value of tracing the /tjsfory of Engineering. This branch of knowledge is much neglected at the present day; we seem content with ascertaining the actual state of Engineering, and care but little to know how and by whom the advancement of practical science has been effected. The paper on the Thames Tunnel supplies a very important point in the annals of mechanics. It details in distinct and forcible language the wonderful skill and patience by which the difficulties attending that great work were overcome, and deserves to be read with the greatest attention. The second paper is entitled " Praclical and Experimental Researches in Ilijdraulics, by R. H. Peacocke, E. C. ;" the object proposed is to suggest formula; for calculating the discharge of water from pipes, inc. The first investigation which the author makes, tends to show that the curve which water assumes when discharged from a pipe is not a parabola. It m ly be as well to remark, in limine, that the form of the curie in which water actually falls is never taken to be exactly a parabola; because it is natural to conclude that if a projectile in air do not describe a parabola neither will falling water. Mr. Peacocke, suggests a formula for calcu- lating the curve of falling water in the following terms ; " The hydraulic curve consists of ordinates of a parabola plus, (some- times minus) a certain constant quantity which increases arithmetically as the corresponding abscissse increase." p. 3. .. It is not very easy to see how a ''certain constant quantity" can increase arithmetically ; and we find out afterwards that this quantity is no /«c(o?- at all, but something to be simply added to, not multiplied by, the length of the ordinate. He apprehend Mr. Peacocke's meaning to be— that his curve is found by adding to, or substracting from, the ordinates of a parabola, quantities proportional lo the corresponding abscissa;. For instance, in his first experiment he substracts from each ordinate the decimal part .07 of each corresponding abscissa, in the second experiment he substracts '09 of each abscissa;, itc. Butone great defect which seems fatal to his formula is, that it leaves quite undetermined ivhat proportions of the abscissa; are to be substracted. These decimal parts .07, .09, &c., are wholly empirical, and only suitable for the particular cases to which they are respectively applied. He, himself says, of his " factors," as they are termed throughout, '• In Experiment 1. The factor is — .07. „ 2. Ditto -.09 „ 3. Ditto —. a minute quantity not ascertained „ 4. Ditio -f.03 „ 5. Ditto 0 On comparison of these factors, and consideration of them with reference to the lengths and diameters of the tubes, and the amounts of " head" — it is not observable that the factors follow anij definite law ; though it is probable that a greater number of experiments would have proved the ex- istence of a definite law. But the farther prosecution of the subject in that way, though it would have been interesting, was not necessary to my present purpose." So that we really cannot see in what way we are the wiser for his ex- periments. In two out of five of them he does not determine any " factor" whatever, and in the remaining three the factors apply only to the particular cases and suggest no general law. It is important to remark that Mr. Peacocke merely observed the form of the curve near the orifice. His experiments for the determination of the curve do not extend to a fall of four feet below the discharge pipe. Now it is very possible the proposed formuhe may represent a curve, re- sembling that of falling water near its source, but widely diverging from it at a great distance from the source ; for with short lengths of the curve, errors would not be easily detected. It may readily be conceived that by Mr. Peacocke's system of " factors" (determined, it is to be observed, separately for each case,) he may get a formulae which coincides with the results of his experiments as far as they extend, but not much farther ; — and we must be excused for adding that it is also possible to conceive the existence of a formula of entirely different shape, and involving altogether diflereut functions, which would represent the form of the curve both near and at a distance from the origin. The experiments are followed by an examination of formula, proposed by Mr. Smeaton, M. Prouy, Dr. Young. Chevalier Dubuat, M. Eytelwein, &c. for the discharge of water. The following conclusions are ultimately made. "Isf. How nearly the experiments are a mean of the two extreme formulae, namely, those of 51. Eytelwein and M. Genieys. 2ud. How nearly the experiments are a mean of the two next formulae, namely, those of Sir. Smeaton and Chevalier Dubuat. 3rd. How very nearly the experiments are a mean of the two most ac- curate formulae, namely, those of M. Prony and Dr. Young. I think no scientific man will,after satisfying himself that my calculations are correctly made from M. Eytelwein's and M. Genieys' directions, make use of either of these gentlemen's formula;." Having some curiosity to know on what data the condemnation of Eytelwein's formula;, which has considerable reputation, was founded, we turned to Mr. Peacocke's examination of that particular formnlfe, and found that he had by his own showing, taken the value of one symbol at ouefourth of that intended by Eytelwein. He says that Dr. Young understands the symbol d in the formula; " to signify the diameter, (of the discharge pipe) while I understand it to mean the hydraulic mean depth, or one-fourth of the diameter of the pipe," and then adds in a note that he finds on reference to the original work in German, thatDr. \oung is ■ right, but that he himself was misled by the Encyclopiedia Britannica. " I have, since this essay was in type, referred.to M. Eytelwein's original work in German ; and have found that rfsigciiSes the diameter, consequently the writer in the Encyclopa;dia Britannica has (unintentionally of course) mis-stated M. Eytelwein's formula." The paper certainly evinces great labour, but such an error as the above is rather a serious one; and the writer must nut be surprised to find that in a subject which has baflled the sagacity of the acutest philosophers, the proposition of new empirical formula will be regarded with distrust, unless they be supported by a weight of testimony far exceeding any hitherto collected. The last paper is a report of the Institute of France, on M. Arnolett's system of Atmospheric Railway. This paper is translated and prepared THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [February, 40 for publication by Mr. R. Mallet, A B. CE., who prefixes an introductioa explaining "the views and objects" which inOuenced h.m m p»bl>sh,ng the report in I'nglish. After assigning various reasons, he brings forward the following in a paragrapli by itself. «Mv principal inducement, however, has been to make readily avail- able to\heEngUsh engineer the mathematical notes of M. Lame, appended to the report of the commissiou." Now when we find, as we presently shall, that these "mathematical notes" are not only incorrect, but that there is scarcely "nehoejcee lom -ross errors, we can scarcely be expected to give great credit to Mr. Mallet, for bis judgment in selection. It is necessary to state that M. Lame s investigations exclude the supposition of leakage in the main pipe : he reason. Slated in the body of the report, is that "as this defect of the apparatus and the loss of power which it occasions have not yet been sufliciently considered, we shall neglect it in comparing the two systems. We take the first dozen lines of the " notes" as a sample of their general character The object is to calculate the power required in the prehmmary exkaustion of a tube of the length A and section S, from a density H to a density n- , u • • «We will assume the tube to have a fixed bottom, taken for the origin of a- and that it is closed towards its other end by a moveable piston, f, bevond which the tube is indefinitely prolonged. We readily perceive that the power sought is equal to that which will be required to draw out the piston P, placed originally at a distance .r = 4^'from the fixed bottom to the distance A. H being the density of the H air contained in the tube of the length ^y^let ;; be the elastic force of this &ir for any length, x ; we then have p— or H — p — H — A 1 (1)" and the power sought will be given by the definite integral. /"^ S (h =i^) d .=8 A (h =. ^ - ^ log. ^) . IT In this calculation we first of all observe that the alternating action of the air-pumps, and the influence of the external valves (those aKongh which the air is expelled from the pump) are totally neglected But th Zhole amount of error is not perceived till we come to see to what use this formula (1) is applied. The conclusion from it is thus expressed, at p. 14. '< Hence we conclude that in the English system, the available power_ ex- pended, however the engine work, is exactly equal to the work done. Now the full force of the reasoning amounts to this-the passage quoted above, and commencing " we readily perceive that the power -"; >'-' ^;; assumes that the po,oer e.rpended may be measured by the «.e/,J effect pro- duced: having made this assumption, M. Lam^ gets a formula from it which he concludes that the power expended is equal to the nsefal cffec produced, that is-he assumes a proposition in order to prove the truth ""^The mathematical reader will have no difficulty in seeing that this logic is as bad an example of reasoning in a circle as can possibly be found. But we want, if possible, to convince the ««mathematical reader- for it is he who is most likely to be injured by errors so gross as this appearing in a work like the " Quarterly papers." M. Lame totally overlooks the loss arising from the employment of an elastic agent for communicating power. This sample consideration, as we said last month, will shew that the power expended cannot be mathematically equal to the effect produced-the alternating action of the pump-piston alternately dilates and condenses the air in the pump-dilates it while draining it from the main tube - condenses it while expelling it into the external air. Con- senuently all the component particles of the air in the pump are first drawn further apart, and secondly are brought closer together, than they are in their natural state. Now to suppose that no force is expended in thus continually altering the constituent arrangement of the particles of a.r is equivalent to assorting that the change takes place spontaneously, that the molecules can of themselves approach and recede from each other-that is, that they have a kind of vitality in them, an inherent power of moving themselves. It may seem bold to attack opinions sanctioned by such high authority as that of INI. Lame ; but philosophy does not recognise the weight of personal testimony. It is the obvious.duty of the reviewer to point out errors wherever be finds them, and his duty is only increased in importance where errors seem confirmed by the celebrity of their advocate. The proposition of SI. Lamt, to somewhat vary the view of it, may be stated thus:— The requisite exhaustion miff/U be produced in the tube by moving a piston within it through a certain distance ; and hence the force required is the same whether the elTect be produced by this hypothetical arrange- ment, or by that rra/Zy employed in practice. That is, provided the result be the same, the means of eliecling it are matters of indifference ! Now this assumption that no more force is lost by the use of air-pumps than by an arrangement more direct, but entirely imaginary, what is it but an assumption of the very question in debate, namely, whether the power, expended by the air-pumps &c., be equal to the useful ellect.' It is clear that the mechanical means by which the effect is produced cannot be neglected in the calculation, for it would be easy to contrive machines which would effect the requisite exhaustion with a loss of 99 per cent of their power. , . ., It is very true, that the investigation of Mr. Bashforth, in another page of this number, shews that the loss under consideration is but «»«// ,• but the mathematical truth remains independent of the actual amount of the loss Whether that amount be 1 per cent, or 99 per cent., the fact remains the same, that mathematics founded on the assumption that the effect pro- duced is equal to the power expended must be erroneous. If any conflrmation of this opinion were requisite, the following extract, from the "notes" of 31. Lamfc, almost immediately following the one made above, is perfectly conclusive :— " Thus the power expended to form the vacuum in the tube before the starting of the^rain is to the whole power as (2 - log. 3 is to 2, or since the hyperbolic logarithm of 3 is = 1.09801- the time of woiking of the engine'^isto the time of transit of the train as 2 is to 1.09«t,l, that is to say, a little more than double, or more exactly, as 9 : 5. Here it is asserted, that for a working pressure of 10 lb. to the square inch, the preliminary exhaustion will be a/icnys 5 of the whole power ex- pended And it is particularly to be observed, that this conclusion is inde- pendent of the length of the main tube, or the size of the a.r pump ; whereas, in truth, the power expended in the preliminary exhaustion de- pends most materially on the relation between the solid -content o he pump and that of the tube. Every tyro in pneumatics knows that he density of air in an exhausted receiver depends on a formula in which the number of each stroke appears as a pccer or index. For instance, if the capacity of the pump and receiver together were to the capacity of the re- ceiver alone as 20 : 19, the density after the first stroke would be expressed by' ; after the second stroke by the square of J? ; after the third by he cube of '^; after the fourth by the fourth power of Ja after the hundredth by the hundredth power of Jg. Now these considerations, ^vhich are to be found in every elementary book on pneumatics are totally neglected by M. Lam^, not only in the passage here quoted, but through- out his investigation. „ The "mathematical notes" next discuss " M. ArnoUet's system, m which magazines of power are obtained by the exiiaustion of large air- ti<.ht reservoirs. The mathematics are here founded on the same reasoning aJbefore-that is, the alternate acuon of the pump and the proportion of i,s size to that of the tube are quite left out of sight. It would be worse than useless to quote conclusions obtained under these unsatisfactory cir- '"whradds greatly to the regret, excited by finding these calculations in a report by a commission of the Institute of France, is the circumstance that M. Arago's name is attached to the report. _ En-rineering seems fated to be particularly unfortunate, in being ob- scured by incorrect mathematics. Were the confused heaps of mathema- tical symbols which beset the path of the engineering student merely worthless, we would not say one word respecting them. They might safely be consigned to oblivion. But, unfortunately, these errors have the most pernicious effect on those who are least able to discover them Mathematics of the very worst kind are constantly receiving the highest s ion when applied to engineering. In any other department of science he authors would infallibly meet with condemnation. We can only g e general advice to the student who is likely to be affected by these evils, !!never to take on trust any mathematical conclusions except those sanc- tioned by time,and embodied in works of accredited autbority : respecting aU new investigations, we recommend him to reject them alogeher un .1 be ?eels his physical views sufficiently matured to enable h.m to investi- gate and confidently decide for himself. IS46.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 41 RAISING THE SPIRE OF A CHURCH. (From the American Franklin Journal.) " Account of the Raising of /he Spire of the Nativity, in Spring Garden, Philadelphia county." By N. Le Brun, Architect. The Doric tower on which this spire was raised, faces the east, and is 90 feet in height ; it is strengthened at the angles by four buttresses, project- ing at the base four feet ; the projection of these buttresses is diminished at four stages in their height. The interior figure of the tower at the base is a square, but mid-way it assumes the figure of an octagon by gathering over the brickworli at the angles ; the whole forming a construction of the most solid character. The octagonal spire, which was finished complete in front of the tower previous to rising, is 80 feet high, including its crown- ing ornaments ; its width at the base is 12 feet 6 inches. The spire was raised by means of two derricks situated on the north and south wall on the top of the toner, and placed about 18 inches behind the front posts of the spire, or about 3 feet back from the front of the toner, and were 13 feet, 6 inches apart, allowing about 6 inches on each side be- tween them and the spire. Their feet were made convex and fitted into corresponding cavities worked in the oak sleepers which were securely bolted down into the sills of the spire, which sills were themselves secured to the tower by IJ inch rods 36 feet long, and built in the angles of the tower walls. To avoid all the strain being thrown on the top of the walls at these points, diagonal braces were placed, extending 40 feet down the tower, and as an additional precaution to prevent the derricks from slip- ping at the heels, they were connected by la<.hings fastened to iron bolts passed through them,— the heads were coniiccted by two tackle blocks, which were only of use to keep them in their position till the spire was being raised. The guys from each of the derricks, extended in three direc- tions over the neighbouring commons. The spire was connected with the derricks by four double lashings, (each end of which was fastened to one of the spire posts at the foot,) and two spans ; the belt, which connected the spans, was 30 feet high above the base of the spire, (being about 5 feet above the centre of gravity) and passed through the straps of the purchase blocks. The falls from the treble blocks on the derricks to the leading blocks, were in the interior of the tower, and the two capstans used, were placed in the main story of the church, and were each manned by twenty men. Attached to the base of the spire were three guys, and at about 25 feet from the head were four more guys, all secured to guy posts. All the arrangements having been made with the greatest care, on the 1 0th of February, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the raising was com- menced, and it was performed with the greatest ease. The spire was kept plumb by the management of the guys attached to it. As the derricks were but 42 feet high, and the belt to which the purchase blocks was fastened ■was 30 feet from the base, (at which height the distance from each der- rick head to the spire would be about 3 feet,) there would be but 6 feet between the blocks when the spire would be raised ; — they would thus necessarily have lain almost horizontal, and caused a great strain on them ; to avoid this strain, as the raising was progressing, the north and south derrick guys were slackened to make the purchase blocks work more per- pendicularly. When the spire had been raised to its proper height in front of the tower, the two west derrick guys were worked by two crabs to draw over the der- ricks and swing the spire to its destined position. It had been deemed most prudent to work them in that manner, as in the hauling in of the back guys in the usual manner, an oscillatory motion might have been com- municated to the spire, which would have rendered it difficult to manage at this most critical moment. The raising lasted an hour and thirty minutes, and thirty minutes were required to secure it firmly to the sills onlhe tower by the iron straps ; — thus the whole operation occupied two hours. METHOD TO PROJECT CIRCLES ISOMETRICALLY. By Thomas Prosser, C.E., New York. Fig. 1. Draw the two Isometrical diameters ; {i. e. the two exi-conjugate diameters of the ellipse which is to represent the circle,) unite their ver- tises so as to form a rectangle with its diagonals ; circumscribe the whole with a circle passing through each angle of the parellelogram, the sides of which will thus form chords to its segments ; with the chord of half the arc of a lesser segment as radius, describe another concentric circle cutting the diagonals of the rectangle, at a, a, a, a. From each angle of the rectangle as centres, and with its largest side as radius, describe arcs cutting each other within the rectangle as at b, b. 6 '12 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Februabt, I'rom Hie same centres, and with the diagonal of th« rectangle u radini, describe arcs on the opposite side of the figure, a< at e, e. From each of the points a, a, a, a, as centres, describe arcs pasting through the vertises of the isometrical diameters which are on the same fide of the conju^nte axis, but on the opposite side of the transverse one. From the points A, 4, and c, c, as centres, describe arcs in continuation. IJEPORT FROM THF, INSTITUTE OF THE FINE ARTS ON PU15L1C COMPETITIO.NS. " Gentlemen — Competitions in art are now so frequent and so fully re- Sfionded to that, without sound principles in their management, thi-y must necessarilv be very injurious to the artists, hovvevur advantageous lliey may appear to the' public ; for instance, in the case before us, if l,(IOO(. lias lo be competed for, and lifly artists enter the lists and ?ppnd I,hilOi. of monev and an amount of time equal lo twetiiy-nine yeard of bumdn lite, as tliis iiHiuiry will demonstrate, they evidently luse l.SOOi. and the whole of that lime, unless there is compensation by reputation, by acquired know- Jedu-H which may be turnt-d tn account, or in the sale of lb'' compelilion pictures. If wbidesome condition of public taste, good sense in the ar- rangements, and strict justice in the awards at competitions, would, in some measure, afford this compensation, but tlie usual modes adopted in th<-s» trials of skill afford none ; on the contrary, tliey are attended with many cirronislances that embitter the feelings, aggravate Ibe sufferings, and uikiie the reputation of enthusiastic competitors. Such a course must ultimately be injurious to the public as well as to the artist. 1 he system has indeed mucli of the excitement and immoral tendenc.es of a lottery. In (irdir to arrive at a bet'er principle, we have inquired into the results of varirius competitions in dilferent ages, and in several countries ; we have endeavoured to trace the amount of competency in the judges and of equity in the mode of arrangement, or of good faith in the superintending authori- ties. Among tlie aucient Greeks various jilaiis were adopted, according to the mure or less popular political inslitutioua of the commuuity. AVhere the arts flourished most, public opinion, in whatever form expressed, was the basis of public patronage. In some cases the cnnimunity, considering the ciunpeling artists most interested in a fair decision, actually left that decision to them ; in others the opinion of the people was paramount ; but even then suggestions from the artists were attended to with deference and respect, and not disregarded or condemned as is too often done among us. When I'hidias and Alcamenes competed for a statue to be placed on a column or other eleialed siluaticm, at first sight all opinions weie in favour of Alcamenes, but I'hidias demanded that both figures should be placed at the intended elevation, previous to the award being made. This was done, and such was the consideration of perspective effect by the one artist and its netrlect by the other, that the people uo sooner saw them at their re- quiri-d elevaticm, than they changed their opinion, and decided in favour of I'hidias. Id this instance it is clear tliat the judges, i. e. the public, were not fully competent to their task, but it is also obvious that such artists as Alcamenes would have been equally unlit or even worse; for, in all probability, relying on their practice and skill, they would not have taken tlie trouble lo raise the competing statues lo the proposed elevation, and in all likelihood they would have been more tenacious of a first opinion than the people were. In the case of the ciiizens of Cos choosing a statue of Venus from two by Praxilelles, so far from delegating their judgment to artists, they se- lecled, from a motue of delicacy, that which the technical connoisseurs denounced as inferior. Posterity has decreed lliat in this, good sense triiimiihed over conventional excellence. iMuch has been said of a mode of deciding some competitions among artists III aniit-nt Greece, in which the competitors were each allowed two votes, under the notion that in the ballot, each would give one vole in favour of his own performance, and Ihe other lo the best of his rivals ; as though all the candidates, after imlulging a sellish conceit, would, as soon as that first impulse was gratified, become perfectly candid ; as though the act per- formed by one hand, and its motive, were unknown to ihe other? Unless lliev were strictly lionourHble and impartial, it is more likely that they Wood give both votes to tlieir own work, or the second vote to the most uidikfly rival ; thus might the least talented stand at the head of the poll : \^e have been informed of occurrences which confirm this opinion. On one decision at one of our distinguished instiluliuns, a candidate was elecled to an iinporiant office, for which he was so totally unfit, that the self-de- graded electors had to request their own nominee to resign ; on another, an iiiduidual of considerable reputation, after proposing and making a warm eulogy of a friend's qualifications, was proTeil, by the unanimity of the voles in favour of himself, to have sacrificed that friend to his own conceit. If candidates are honourable and true, one vole is as good as two ; and so il would be if they were all selfish and cunning. Karly in the fourteenth century, a very important competition took place at Florence, between Brunelesuhi, Donalcllo, Ghiberli, and four other eminent sculptors; for under good aud honourable regulations, the greatest \\ere not loth to compete. Sulijects, to be executed in bronze, for the ornament of Ihe gates of the Uaptistery of Bt. John, were confided lo their euiulatiou, each b.iog provided, at the public expense, with every con- venience of Btadio, furnace, and other accommod.ilion, that could ensure Boccess, and a sura for personal expenses. Having done so much for Ihe comfort of the artists during the period of their exertions, a compi-teut tri- bunal next recei'ed the consideration of the Flureatines ; thirtyfour men of taste and talent, some artists and some amnteurs, were appointed judges to determine which was entitled toespecial admiratiou, and public employ- ment. Their votes were divided, and no .lecisiou obtained froia them ; but the magnaniinuus candour of Bruneleschi and Uonalellu, who had each the same number of votes as Ghiberli, at oni-e settled it in his favour, and proved the tribunal incompetent : those generous rivals saw nu room u> doubt his superiority in that contest ; and posterity has sanctioned iheir opinion. The incompetency of this tribunal was, however, but n-gativrly bad ; it allowed the scales of justice lo remain in doubtful suspension, but il did not actually reverse its tendency, and cloud the prospects and fame of a deserving candidate. A similar diffidence, or modest ignorance, wai remarkabl"! when Leimardo da Vinci, and Jlichael Augelu Ijuonarolti, made their great trial of skill at the Council Chamber; the splendour of the one did uot eclipse the majesty of the otlier,a3 the success of one man's talent invariably smothers the fame of every other in our modern competi- tions. In France, during the period of religious animosity, from the reign of Francis the First to that of Louis the Fourteenth, public com|)eliiious were often productive of fine works, as the best portions of the palace of Fon- taiuebleau, aud the beautiful square of ihe Loutre attest. In those in- stances, native talent, both Catholic and Protestant, in worthy emulatiou, stands triumphant amidst the performances of foreign rivalry. The same system was resorted to for the east front of the Louvre, and the award of superior merit was in favour of Claude Perraull, ihe physician aud ma- thematician, but a corrupt court, where the spirit of intellectual freedom had not survived that of anarchy and rebellion, could uot rest satisfied with the result of competition and public opinion. Louis the Fourteenth endeavoured to set aside the design of Perrault, and invited lierniiii, the fashionable Italian architect and sculptor of the day, to vi,it his court aud design something worthy the magnificence and splendour of that pompous monarch. Princely honours attended on the foreign artist in his progress lo the French capital, but Colbert found it advisable to lean towards the popular opinion : the king relented, Iternini retireil with Ihe snme affected magnificence that accompanied his arrival, and the design of Perraull, ihe masterpiece of Ihalera, before which even Whitehall sinks in comparison, was completed, at once a monument to French taste aud a trophy lo public opinion. Under Napoleon, competition was far from pure. The jury of artists for the Decennal prizes adjudged the great prize for a subject of ancient history to (Jirodet, for a scene of the Deluge. The emperor was disap- pointed : he had expected that pi'ize to be given lo his first painter, iJavid, for the intercession of the Sabine women between iheir enraged relatives and Iheir Uoman husbands. The judges could not indeed be induced to convict themselves of incompetency in that decision ; but, to conciliate the sovereign, in the next trial, they conferred the prize for a modern subject on Uavul's coronation, and not on the plague of Jaffa, by G.'os, wduh they individually preferred. A sad example of artists, eminent fur talent and character, rendered dishonest by the interference of a potentate. At the present lime in France, where artists constitute an infijential portion of the intellectual aristocracy (the aristocracy of talent and prol'es- sions); wdiere authority and intrigue are variously apportioued. uo one ronipetitiou is of much importance, for the elfect of a partial decision by the court parly, is frequently neutralised by an equally unsound award in favour of the injured artist, by some municip dity of opposiliou politics, lu whose prejudices an appeal is made, aud who have in their gilt a provin- cial commission. In our own country, competitions are very unsatisfactory, and frequently alike absurd and unjust : in Ihat for the Nelsou memorial, the vacdlaiioo of the committee in setting aside their first hasty award, aud advertising a new contest and exhibition, with their final connrmation of tliat firat very doubtful judgment, coiupromised the dignity of the committee as much a6 its taste, ami unnecessarily increased by many thousands of pounds lh« expense (besides trouble) of the artists. That competilion w.is fatal lo the confidence of artists in a tribunal of amateurs of rank and fortune, but that of the Uoyal F.xcbange with a tribunal of artists was still noiie : the jury of three eminent architects, refused any premium to the design which ibey acknowledged lo be the best, under the plea that it could uot be built for the sum stipulated ; nor was ihat decree reversed when contractors of reputation ofi'ered to undertake it under securities ; but they gave the pre- miums to other cainlidates, whose designs they declared lo be quite im- practicable. They were next requested to prepare a design themselves. It is understood, that two of those three judges, after examining aud cuu- demuiiig all the designs, actually consented to do so, but the unseemly proceeding was checkeil by public opinion. The ultimate conipetilion wits between two architects of considerable and ueujiy equal iufiuence among the civic authorities. The recent competition exhibitions at Westminster Hall, for the decora- tion of the Parliament Houses, were at first hailed as the beginn ng of a better system, more intellectual and pure ; but up to the preseni lime, the results have led ouly to disappointmenl among the great body of the candi dales, and growing indifference in the public, ^oiue artiets, after being rewarded the first year, had their works treated as unworthy even to be publicly exhibited at the second, Hbilst others bavu beeu appointed for 1x46] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 43 actual employment on one trial, or even withoat passing through the pre- scribed ordeal at all. Several who have appeared honourably and with general approbation at all the exhibitions, have been utterly neglected or discarded by the royal commission, although tlie leading object of its ap- pointment was the encouragement of native talent in the higher walks of art, and the commissioners had pronounced the works of many of those artists " highly creditable to the country." The wheile of the evidence on competitions, tends to prove that in respect of matters of art, a competent tribunal and equal justice have scarcely ever been obtained. In questions of taste, there is indeed so much room for doubt, that prevarication and partiality are less obvious and disgraceful than in simple questions of properly, and yet the injury done to the suf- fej'ers is far greater where professional reputation as well as fortune is in- volved. A\"hy should not artists, whose fame and means of existence are at stake, have as good protection from a committee of taste, as persons in trade are sure to find in a court of justice? Why are not committees, like judges and juries, responsible fer their proceedings, either to a higher tri- bunal or to public opinion ? Why are they not, in like manner, obliged to examine and consider both sides of ihe question ? Our juries are selected fiw their impartiality, and every accident in that respect is rectified, by allowing each contesting party to challenge the jurors ; no false delicacy towards jurymen is allowed to Keigh against the welfare of the parties be- fore the court and the strict ruli-s of justice. To see that they attend to their prescribed duties, and that the evidence is fairly placed before them, and not to interfere with the verdict, a judge presides who, after a long career of study and experience, is placed above ordinary rivalry and cou- teulion. in circumstances that render character, especially for impartiality and judgment, to him, all-important. Should he, forgetful of his high re- sponsibility, lean unduly to one side and misdirect the jury, an appeal lies to a higher Court, where his error or misinterpretation is sure to be severely discussed, and, if a case is made out, the trial is set aside or the verdict is reversed, without the least complacency fur his authority and feelings. Thus is the property of the humblest trader protected ; thus the life or liberty of the poorest wretch accused of crime, is held paramount to all considerations of rank and station. In questions of property, every possi- ble discussion has long been afforded; witnesses are examined, cross-ex- amined, and re-exaniined, by contending advocates. The same protection has of late years been granted to persons criminally iudictetl. — And why should this wholesome respect for mutual rights, be denied to men of iutel. lectual pursuits — authors or artists, who embark fame and fortune on the tide of public competition ? W by should those to whom they cutruat all that is precious in their estimation, think lightly of their responsibility. Something like the system of judge and jury, or an assimilation to the best of our prerogative Courts can alone render competitions among artists fair, honourable, and efficient, and give to the emanations of genius their proper value among us. In the case immediately before us, it is proposed that a prize of l,00fl/t be given to the artist who, in general competition, shall |)roduce the bea painting 12 or \.i feet one way, and 10 or 12 the oiher ; the subject is de- fined, and, in several points, the precise mode af treating it. With so great a templaticm, it is reasonable to suppose that many will overlook the expense, trouble, disappointment, and serious inconveniences that await all but the one fortunate candidate ; it is reasonable to suppose that fifty artists may risk comfort and reputation in the attempt. VV e feel as- sured that the gentlemen who propose this competition, besides the desire 10 obtain as fine a picture as possible, are anxious to make it worth while to men of talent and character to vie with each other iu honourable emu- lation. They would evince generous delicacy towards the less successful artists who gave proof of lii^'b talent in ihe contest ; for their object is not to encourage speculators to make a heedless dash at the 1,000/ , nor can they wisii for a gantly meiilricious picture, but one wherein the subject is fully considered, the character of each figure is faithfully studied and pathelically delineated; — where the action of all is in due relation one wiUi the other, and the whole is combined into a rational and picturesque coinpo>ition. Such are the essentials of high art ; they are best attended to in the simplest and least expensive inaierials, such as involve a larger outlay of mind in proportion to that of numey. Thus may the best results be obtained with as little injury as possible to the candidates, as all vir- tuous and religious men must wish to do. We now proceed to state the artist's case in two ways: — first, as it will stand if the advertised regulations are carried out; and next, as it would be, if our suggestions were adopted, suppo.-ing iu either case the number of candidates to be fifty. Fifty finished paintings, varying from 12 feet by 13 to 15 feet by 12, would involve the artists in expenses (actual outlay) from 30/. to 40/. each ; average, 30/. ; total in money, 1.800/. In time expended, average 7 months; total 29 years; which, at the low estimate of 150/. a-year amounts to 4,350/., making the whole out- lay equivalent to G. 150/. ; a positive loss in the aggregate of 5,150/. be- yond the prize of 1.000/. As pictures so large, all of a given subject, peculiarly treated, and blighted by Ihe vulgar stigma of defeat, stand no chance for sale, but really become a trouble and a nuisance to the artists, we may fairly say that in the aggregate this loss is wholly unmitigated, and that ten such speculative competitions would be equivalent tu a loss among them of 50,000/. or l.OUU/. each, or in other words, a toial loss of two hundred and ninety years of human life, and 8,000/. of the artiste' money. By the mode we would suggest, the loss on Ihe present occasion may be reduced to about 300/. in money and 17 years of liiiie ; that is, com- pared with the above, a saving of .025/. in money, and of nearly 12 years of time and exertion, whilst four or five paintings and twice that number of artists would be held up to distinction, instead of one, who in the ordinary way, engrosses admiration. On a plan somewhat similar to the double competiton trial, adopted by the French institute at the election for students for residence at lionie, w would have two exhibitions; thus, supposing ihe number of compe- titors to be as above, fifty. The first exhibithm would be of 50 car- toons, half life size, and 50 studies, of hall figures, life size.' From these, eight or ten should be rewarded with preliminary prizes. To each the sum of 40/. or 50/. should be paid, i. e. an equal portion of 40(1/. These distinguished candidates are then entitled and invited to compeie with each other for the ultimate object. Thus the final great slrugiile would be between these eight or ten, and the second exhibition woiTid consist of their eight or ten cartoons and studies from their first exhibi- tion, and eight or ten finished pictures full size. Four or five prizes should be awarded iu this competition according lo the number of good productions, i. e. 200/. among them. Thus four or five would receive 40/. or 50/. each, and as many would have ^iO/. or 100/. Of these twice rewarded four or five, by the final decision, one would receive the great prize of the remaining 400/. in addition to his previous rewards, amounting together to 4bU/. or 500/. Surely the honour and ad- vantages of such a victory, if properly awarded, would satisfy an ambi- tious enthusiastic artist. Could any one, amidst the honours and comfort of the glorious harvest, envy his less successful rivals the small reluru their gleanings had procured them ? Uy this arrangement the outlay of money and time of the competitors would be, For 50 cartoons, average 13/. and 3 months each Total £G50and 12J years. 50 studies, average 8/. and 14 days 4oO — 2 8 or to (sav 9) paintings, at 25/., and 5 mouths' average 225 2J General Total £1,275 — 17J yei>rs. Let us now consider the best mode of awarding the prizes, and the way to secure a competent tribunal, without which uo good result can be depouded ou. Much of the difficulty come* from the uncertainly of what is considered excellence in art; some adjudging by the diclates of com- mon sense, untutored to the technical rules of art. others guided almost entirely by conveutiuual techuicalites. Again, personal or professional prejudices have nut been sufficiently controlled by principles or by res- ponsibility. The following regulations appear to us entitled to consideration and adoption, viz. the judges should consist of three, elected by the parlies interested in the purchase; and three elected by the artist competiiors ; iu all six persons. They should be elecled by ballot after nomination : at least, this rule shouhl be strictly observed in respect lo those who repre- sent Ihe artists. Each of the judges should separately, from others, examine and criti- cise the performances, and wrile his opinion of each, and of every work, of art; and, naming those which he considers entitled to distinction, give his reasons for that opinion. These written opinions to be given in previous to the opening of the ex- hibition to the public ; but the result not to be confirmed until a cerlaiu number of days after its closing. Then the judges should, lor the first tim^, meet and discuss each other's opinions, and the merits of the compe- titors ; and, recording their matured judgments, decide by Ihe majorily ; the contrary opinions being also recorded, in order ihat public opiniuu be not smothered, as it now usually is, under respect for a supposed unani- mous decision. Gentlemen — Your committee beg to observe that, in this inquiry, they have considered it of the utmost importance to discuss both sides of every question, and on several occasions, its members have abandoned old fa- vourite views, when the evidence or the argument outweighed a favour- ite prejudice ; they are therefore the more confident in their anticipation of this report meeting wilh favourable attention, and serious consideraiiuu at your hands, and they sincerely hope it may eventually lead to changes equally advantageous to artists, and lo Ihe public ; to the establishment of regulations more consistent with the immutable principles of equity and good sense, than those which have too often rendered competitions illu- sive and hurlful ; and they trust that apparent difficulties in the opera- tion of a wholesome system, will not weigh against the best inttrcsls of humanity, and the progress of the Fine Arts. French Railways. — The Journal rles C/iemins de Fer publishes the receipts of the French railroad companies for the year 1845, by which it ap- pears that the railroads have produced sufficient to pay a dividend of 6 per cent, on the amount of capital subscribed, besides a prospect of a consider- able increase in fuluie years. " This result," observes the journal, " without being extremely brilliant, is sufficiently favourable to encourage inve^tments in railroad speculations ; for not only is the increase of the receipts certain but a reduction iu the expense of working them may be expected." 6* 44 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Febhuart, MODEL OF THE PARTHENON. Tlie principles of pure taste are best taught by examples. One single specimen of ilie sublime and beautiful will exhibit the nature of it more clearly than whole folios of discussion about the abstract idea. It is for this reason that we must look to the actual restoration of works of ancient architecture, to their original purity as the principal means of elevating the public taste. That architecture has made rapid advances during the last few years, and has attained a higher position than it formerly held in popu- lar estimation, is undeniable ; but it is still far from its true place, and not until the works of the architect become, as they once were, works of na- linnal importance, not until architecture be restored to perfect purity and be tlioroughly purified of all taint of barbarism and all the stains con- tracted during the debasement of the arts, will those who labour now so zealously for the Revival of the Art, have thoroughly accomplished their great task. The Parthenon is universally esteemed by the architectural student as the exemplar of one of the two great modes of architecture recognized amongst us. The perfection of Classic An— the complete realisation of its true principles— the last appeal of architectural discussion must be looked for amongst the ruins of the Acropolis— whatever disputes we may have respecting the true spirit of classic architecture must be ultimately settled by reference to this great authority. So that it is impossible to overrate the importance of ascertaining clearly the precise nature of the original architecture of the Parthenon. It is the his;hest architectural Pandect; the true and right understanding of the code of laws which it embodies must be the sole foundation of all modern Commentaries. In examining the results of Mr. Lucas's talent and labours now de- posited in the British Museum, we criticise a work which is calculated to woik an important (ffect on the public laste. The model of a restoration of the Parthenon, placed where it is universally accessible, aflbrds to the people a type of that of which they possess no actual specimen — pure Grecian architecture. Of the thousands who will inspect this model, there will be scarcely one, even of the most unrefined and uueducated, who will not be led to admire the wonderful beauty of the temple represented — for this is the distinguishing feature (is it not, rightly considered, the being criterion ?) of perfect architecture, that its beauties are apprehended by the simplest understanding, and yet for their full appreciation task the energies of the most erudite observer. It may well be imagined that many of those who look with admiration on the representation of the masterpiece of Grecian art will enquire how it comes that we have nothing so perfectly beautiful in our country, as we may reasonably hope that the eye becomes more and more familiar with the principles exhibited in tlie Parthenon, it will grow more and more dissatisfied with those of modern works in which these principles are most flagrantly violated. We intend to confine our notice of Mr. Lucas's works to the architec- tural considerations. A criticism of the elaborate sculpture which the models exhibit does not come immediately within our province, except in so far as the arrangement of the sculpture all'ects the architecture of the building. With respect to the external architecture of the Parthenon there are happily but few opportunities for controversy. The remains are in a suffi- ciently perfect condition to exhibit in a clear and indubitable manner, all the great features of the exterior of the temple. With respect to the in- terior, however, our knowledge is not so satisfactory. Time and violence have worked so busily within this glorious fane, that now the best evi- dences of the original design are often no better than mere conjectures. We know the interior of the building was divided into two great chambers, the Opisthodomus or ti'easury to the west, and the chamber which con- tained the great statue of Miverva, to the east ; but few traces remain of the architecture of tl)ese two great divisions of the temple. In the restoration by Mr. Lucas, the roof of the Opisthodomus is sup- ported Irom the ground by Ionic columns ; the roof of the principal or eastern chamber is supported by a double order of columns, the lower tier Ionic, the upper Corinthian, and for this arrangement Mr. Lucas assigns the following reasons in a small octavo volume, entitled Remarks on the Parthenon, being the result of studies and inquiries respecting that noble building, "In the restoration of the interior, I have adopted that view of the case which is set forth in the seventh volume of the Museum writings, pub- lished by the Trustees. Mr. Cockered has, in that volume, given a res- loratioa which is mainly based on the discovery I have alluded to, of the Corinthian capital in the eastern chamber ; • and supposing that this beautiful combination contains the result of all the information on this branch of the subject, I had implicitly adopted it; con3ideral)le diflference of opinion, however, exists as to the propriety of placing the Doric order over the Corinthian, as Mr. Cockerel! has done, or even using the Corin- thian at all with propriety. This objection was urged with great force by the celebrated Sicilian antiquary, Le Due di Serradifalco, on his recent Tisit to this country. Col. Leake's observations, however, appear con- clusive as to the Corinthian order ; the Doric over it does not appear to rest on any sure data, as in the Walhalla the caryatides are used inst«-ad of the Doric. As tliis restoration is purchased by the trustees of the British Museum to illustrate the Elgin Gallery, I consider it needful this work should have the advantage of all the recent information that has resulted from Iho excavations and discoveries of King Otho ; and by the kindness of Col. I'ox and Major Parker, I am placed in correspondence with the architects of the Walhalla, and also those now employed by the King of (jireece at Athens, so that all information will be exhausted in the restoration of the interior. In Inwood's folio work, published in 1827, is engraved plate 22, a portion of a Corinthian capital that was brought by liim from the Parthenon, and which he considered a fragment of one of the lower tiers of columns of the interior ; and of the fragment, and his restoration from the same, an etching is here presented, t In regard, however, to the roof of the chamber being open over the statue of the goddess, that question has been much discussed ; and it ap- pears probable that the aperture over the statue was filled with some transparent substance, cunduciug alike to the double purpose of the pro- tection of so costly a work, and rendering its effect mysterious. Note. — The following communications on the subject of the interior of the Parthenon have been obtained from Athens, through the influence of Sir Edmund Lyons, the British Minister at that Court, from Mr. Piitakis, the present Curator of the Parthenon ; and also from Mr. George Finlay, who is esteemed a great authority on ibis matter. Questions submitted to Mr. Pittahis by R. C Lucas. 1st. — Is the capital of a Corinthian column which Col. Leake alludes to in his work, as having been found in the eastern chamber of the Par- thenon (and on which discovery Mr. Cockerell has based his restoratiou of the lower tier of columns in the interior of the Parthenon) in Athens ; or can any account be given of it ? 2d. — Can any data be given for the upper tier of columns or support to the roof of the eastern chamber ? Mr. Cockerell has used the Doric placed over the Corinthian in his restoration. Mr. Pittalcis's Answer to Mr. Lucas's Inquiries. In answer to the first question, around the altar, which was the an- cient Hecatompedon, the sod of which is lower than the rest of ihe Par- thenon, appear signs of double columns. The first, which Mr. Cock- erell saw, are about three feet in diameter; and thus it has been sup- posed, wrongly, I think, that those small columns supported the roof of the temple ; but when the mosque, which stood on the south side of the temple, was knocked down and cleared away in 1814, traces of columns of five feet in diameter were discovered on the flooring, and are still visible ; these columns, which, from their size, were able to support the weight of the roof, were up to the half the height of the Temple of the Doric order; above them was another tier of columns of tlie Ionic order; so that the lower tier was Doric, and the upper Ionic. The same order of architecture prevailed in the Temple of Minerva. The traces of the Doric order appear in two places, and I have shown the same to several travellers, particularly to Mr. Bracebridge, who may assist in this explanation if referred to. As for the upper range of columns, they were certainly Ionic. This I have ascertained from fragments of this order which I have found in the difl^erent excavations I have superintended in the Parthenon ; and I also believe that the traces of those columns which Mr. Cockerell gave were made in the time of the Romans, when the Parthenon was restored ; and I have found in excavating up to the present period four pieces of the frieze of the Roman era, and they made use of the same upper tier of column^ tliat is, Ionic. As to the second question, six traces of the slylobates exist towards the south of the Parthenon, and four on the north side ; but they are of the Roman epoch, as I said before. I do not agree with Mr. Cockerell in placing the Doric order on the Corinthian; and, if I may be allowed to oBer my opinion, I should * Note. — (From Cnl. Leslie's Work. vol. i. page 334, Second Edition.)— In the e»sl- tern chambi-r of the Parthenon, a Coriutliian capital has been found of such dlmansioos as leads to the belief that the columns were of that order. The smallness of their dia- meter leaves little doubt that there was an upper range, as described by Pausanias at Olympia, and as still exempliljed in one of the temples at Pieslum. In the interior of the temple of Phygalia are two new varieties of the Ionic order, one of which by its helices and leaves of acanthus must be considered as the ord^r afterwards called Corin- thian, It proves, therefore, this order was employed Id the time of Pericles ; Id fact, Vitruvius gives the honour of its Invention to Cidliinachus, who lived about that time. t This restoration, Inwood himself says, Is merely ideal. He observes, that there is a peculiarity in the fluting, being difierent on different sides of the volute. This peculi- arity exists also, according to Mr. Cockerell, in the fragments of Corinthian capital in the Temple of Apollo Epicurius, at Phygalia, which was built by Iclinus ; bul it doei not appear that the fragments were similar in other respects, and, even if they did, there is no argument for a range of Corinthian columns in the Parthenon, for iu the other temple (that of Apollo, at Phygalia,! the Corinthian column was a solitary one. In " this" case, there is no donbt whatever that the column was a '* single " one (not one of a range), and its office was to support the south end of the cellar. 184G. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECrS JOURNAL. 45 say, that in aocient times, vehen good taste prevailed in Greece, the Greeks never made use of the Corinthian order to support weights, because this order is only an imitation of flowers, and naturally cannot support anything heavy ; they, therefore, used Tripodcs, or other archi- tectural ornaments ; and used the Corinthian for small, pretty, elegant buildings, such as the Tomb of Lysicrates ; but the Romans lost this fine idea, and made the Temple of Jupiter Olympus of the Corinthian order, as also the Gale of Adrian. From Mr. Finlaij to Sir Edmund Lyons. My dear Sir Edmund, — I have read over Mr. Lucas's questions and Pittakis's replies, and which I now return. The question is one of evidence, and I am not aware that enough exists to decide on how the Parthenon was roofed, or how that roof was supported. There were certain columns ; but the very vagueness of Pittakis's conjectures, about which are the Roman restorations, show how much uncertainty reigns concerning the subject. The Corinthian was just as much used to support an entablature as any other order from its earliest ex- istence, as may be proved from many Attic examples. This subject, therefore, has been discussed, and it appearing probable that in the recent excavations the foundations of the old Parthenon, that exist on the site of the present building, have disclosed traces of the Doric columns that supported the former building ; as five feet in dia- meter is too great for the required height of the lower tier of columns in the interior ; and the evidence for the Corinthian order appearing con- clusive for the upper tier, as the fragments that Inwood discovered in the Partlienon, from their size, must have belonged to the upper tier, and the size of the Ionic according with the required size of the lower tier, this restoration is now completed with the lower tier Ionic, and the upper of the Corinthian order. From the above extracts it is obvious that traces of the interior arrange" meet of the Parthenon are eo indistinct as to leave the matter at least a fair subject for controversy. In the sixth volume of the large work published by the Trustees of the British Museum as a catalogue of the Aucient Mar- bles in tlie Museum Collection, Mr. CockereH confesses that the orders of the columns are not clearly ascertainable. We have endeavoured to collect all the principal facts and arguments respecting the internal architecture of the Parthenon, and give them in this place, because, as had been said, no subject can be so important to the architectural student as a precise knowledge of the construction of the great type of Cirffcian architecture. The reasons for supposing a double tier of columns in the cella of the Parthenon seem to resolve themselves into these two. 1. The presence of the fragments of a Corinthian capital delineated above. S. Indications in the floor of the interior that columns once stood there of BO small diameter that if of proportionate height they would not have reached the roof. We propose to examine each of these reasons separately. With respect to the first it may, we think, be safely pronounced that the fragments of the Corinthian capital belong to a far more ancient date than the erection of the Parthenon. In Inwood's large folio work, he gives an ideal re- storation of the capital to which these fragments belonged, but whether his restoration be correct or not, this is certain that enough of the frag- ments remain to show that they are to be assigned to an epoch when the arts were in a very diS'erent state to that manifested in the building of the Parthenon. Inwood indeed gives a collateral testimony in favour of the hypothesis of a double tier of columns which appears at first very plausi- ble, but which on examination will not be found to have much weight in it. He says that there is a certain peculiarity in which this fragment re sembles another found in the temple of Apollo, near Phigalia, Vt^hich tem- ple was built by the architect of the Parthenon— Ictinus. The point of resemblance between the fragments is this — it is observed in each volute that it is not fluted in the same way on both sides. It does not appear that the resemblance extends any further than this — that the general form and indications of date are the same in both capitals. But even supposing that the similarity were carried much farther than it really is, what does the argument amount to? In two difl'erent temples built by Ictinus, we find two columns somewhat resembling each other. But surely this is no proof (of itself) of the existence of a double tier of columns in the Parthe- non. For in the other temple built by Ictinus (that at Phigalia), it has never been even surmised that there was a double tier of columns. Hiiti it is quite certain what were the purposes and situation of the Corinthian column. It is stood near one end of the cella and midway between the lateral walls, and supported the roof from the ground. It has never been questioned that this column was a single one, not one of a ran^e bu standing in the isolated position described, and supporting the centre of the roof by itself. lu the case of Ihe Parthenon, however, the circum- stances are altogether different, for there the fragments are so small that they could never have belonged to a column which discharged the same oflice as that at Phigalia. The argument seems therefore reduced to this — if an analogy be made between Ihe two cases, we must infer the use and situation of the one column from the use and situation of the other : and yet from the different sizes of the fragments it i,s impossible to conceive that they belonged to columns which discharged the same offices. So that even if it be conceded that the Corinthian column was actually made use of at the Parthenon, the accidental presence of two small frag- ments seems but scanty data for the supposition of a whole order. To the objection that the Parthenon fragments are of a date anterior to the temple itself, it may be replied that perhaps some of the materials of the old Par- thenon were used up in the construction of the new. (For the Parthenon now existing is the second temple built on the same site ; its predecessor, the ancient Hecatompedon having been destroyed during the invasion of Xerxes, and the stones of it having been carried away to make military fortifications.) Now it is scarcely to be supposed, the old temple having been violently destroyed, and the materials of it used for fortification, that at a subsequent period part of those materials (namely, the columns and their capitals) would be found so perfect as to be worthy of being used again in the building of the new temple, which was to be the wonder of Greece. There is every reason for thinking that Ihe Athenians were de- termined that the new Parthenon should be, what in truth it is, the mosf perfect specimen of Grecian art. The construction and decoration of it taxed the energies of the greatest artists and sculptors of that age, and not only the Athenians but the whole Grecian race looked to the perfect com- pletion of it with the greatest interest. Is it then to be supposed that the poor economy of using up old materials would be readily allowed under any circumstances? And is it not in the highest degree improbable that columns would be employed which in the important points of their orders and their dates differed from the other columns of the temple, and which had moreover suffered all the mutilations inevitable in the rough usages of warfare ? 2. The second argument for the upper tier of columos is that traces have been found in the pavement, from which it is concluded that columns of email diameter once stood there — so small that the columns could not have 46 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Fkbruart, been high enough to reach the roof. This certainly is a more formidable argument than the last; it shows that if columns corresponding to these indications actually existed, there must hare been another order of columns or some other architectural members between them and the roof. This conclusion seemed perfectly unavoidable when Professor Cockerell wrote ; hut we seem now relieved from all necessity of a supposition of the kind by the subsequent discovery of traces of larger colums which icuuld have reached the roof. There seems no reason whatever for supposing that these columns rather than the small ones were vestigies of the old Hecatorape- don. It may be conceded that such traces would remain of the foundations of the first building as would exhibit the position of its columns ; and there is no great improbability in snpposing that these traces would no' be wholly effaced by the erection of the new Parthenon. — We ourselves have repeated experience of the same stale of things in our own mediajval edifices. But there seems no reason for preferring the small columns to the large ones as having been those actually constructed in the new Par. thenon. If either set of remains are to be assigned to the previous build- ing, we have a perfect right to choose which we please— so that there is no absolute necessity for supposing that the small columns rather than the large were those of the Parthenon. But there are several general considerations of a very weighty nature which lead us irresistibly to choose the larger columns reaching from the pavement to the roof as the set actually belonging to the Parthenon. In the sixth volume of the work on the Museum collection of marbles, already referred to, Mr. Cockerell gives a representation of the interior of the temple restored ; his drawing resembling the illustration of the present article, excepting in the orders of the columns. Now it will be observed that iu Mr. Cockerell's drawing, and also in the woodcut here given, the ower order of columns of the cella are between two and three times the height of the npper order. It seems to us perfectly impossible that such an arrangement could have actually existed. The upper range of columns would be considerably lejs than half the size of the lower range, and con- sequently one of these two thinsrs must have occurred — either the upper columns must have been constructed in total defiance of all due proportion of their height to their diameter (a deformity which such an architect as Ictinus could never have permitted), or else the columns of the upper tiers must have been of less diameter as well as less height than those of the lower tier — an arrangement as awkward and ungraceful as can possibly be imagined ; for Ihe intercolumniation ought to be proportionate to the diameter of the columns, and here we should have the large columns of the lower tier and the small upper columns arranged at the same distances from each other. This objection appears perfectly fatal to the existence of the upper range. It >Jiay be added that, viewed quite independently, the second tier of columns is but a poor make-shift contrivance for getting addi- tional height, and one which we should never altribute to the archi- tects of the Parthenon. The whole building — that is, where the archi- tecture is clearly determined — exhibits a perfect simplicity and one- ness of design, totally at variance with this supposition, for which we have shewn that there is no absolute necessity, and against which there are so many powerful a priori arguments. In the exterior of Ihe temple the columns were all of one order, and all supported the roof from the ground : if, in examining Mr. Lucas's beautiful model, the observer will imagine that the same arrangement was observed in the interior of the ouilding, he will, we think, be disposed to agree with us, that the beautiful symmetry and unity of the whole is greatly enhanced on this supposition. If we suppose the great chamber of the temple supported by a mag- nificent range of lofty columns rising to the roof, the mind instantly pictures a noble interior, harmonising in its severe and simple beauty with what the eye has been taught to expect by surveying the exterior of the building. If, on the contrary, we suppose in the interior a range of diminutive columns supporting others still smaller than them- selves, our preconceived notions of the dignity and simplicity of the Parthenon are entirely overturned, and we are forced to allow that the Greeks themselves gave a precedent for the later parodies and barba- rous adaptations of their beautiful architecture. There is good reason to hope that before long this matter will be settled beyond all dispute. Mr. Lucas is far too energetic a lover of the arts to leave his task half done. He purposes to show shortly the very scenes uf which he has furnished so admirable representations, for the purpose of examining, in the minutest manner, all that remains of the Parthenon, and of clearing up, as far as possible, all controversies respecting it. All disciples of true architecture will await the true result of his mission with interest, as tending to elucidate points of the very highest architectural importance. It may not be inopportune to call to remembrance that the distinguishing characteristic of Grecian architecture is unity aoii simpli- city, and that therefore, in all cases of doubt, we should lean lo Ihe opi- nion which favours the simplest form. In nothing is the simplex mundi- His so admirably developed as in pure classic art, as distinguished from the subsequent imitations of it ; and therefore it is by folluwing up those traces which are inry, (Jber- wesel on the Rhine, and S. Leonhard, at Frankfort-on-the-iMainc, are examples in point. It may be questioned whether this licence is to be extended to more dignified churches. We cannot object to a fireplace and a chimney in a Sacristy : let them be boldly and uudisguisedlj treated. Still we are not sure that a too secular style has not been sometimes ad- mitted. Keipecting large or town churches, the rules are not so stringent. In theoe the Sacristies may be in any convenient situation ; of course, nearer the altar than otherwise. Thus at S. Mary, RedclilTe, they are on the north side, and have an upper story of rooms fitted for residence ; in the abbey church of S. Mary, Tewkesbury, they are beautifully vaulted apart- ments to the south. In such churches the Sacristy ought to glow with C(Jour and ornaments no less than the more sacred parts of the building. The Sacristies at S. Miuiato, I'lorence, and .Sta. Maria Gloriosa di' Krari, Venice — the first south of the south chancel-aisle, the latter south of the south transept— are remarkable examples. S. Anastasia, Verona, hiis a notwe Sacristy, north of llie north transept. The Duomo, at iMilun. has Sacristies north and south ; an arrangement adopted, not unhappily, in S. Paul's, London. At Cologne they lie to the north ; and the detached .S«cristies at S. Peter's, Rome, lie also to the north of the nortli transept. On the whole the noilh, for dignified churches also, is the better side. The Vestries of the churches in London built after the great fire — which provoke many a sneer from superficial observers for their supposed com- fori — «ire rather to be regarded as instances wherein the architects have mastered the true idea of what they were building ; placing it where most convenient, fitting it for its various ii.ses, (unfortunately not solely reJigious ones,) and making it a not unworthy appendage to their costly churches. It waa neither practical skill, nor boldness, nor animus that was wanting to our then architects. The Paganism of their age spoilt it all. And this consideration leads ns naturally to observe the importance of an architect's clearly mastering the idea of what he is going to de- sign before he begins. There is no part of a church which has no) its peculiar use, and ought not therefore to have a peculiar character. One does not see how a northern or southern porch could be otherwise than a gabled building, with its axis at right angles to the church. Again, nothing can be more distinct, or peculiarly appropriate to Ua use, than the character of a chapter-house. Similarly, a chantry, or an aisle with eastern altar, would seem to require a gabled roof: a lean-to roof, again, befits the subsidiary use of a Sacristy. The selection, then of the detached chapterhouse form for the Sacristy at a new church at Keswick, and at S. John Baptist's, Eastover, was a great mistake arising from a want of discrimination between the two kinds of build- ing. But a less pardonable confusion of ideas is to be observed in the restoration of S. Martin's, Canterbury, where a nondescript building part aisle, part chantry, is added as a Sacristy, and a cellar for the stove, towards the western part of the north side of the chancel. It is a great mistake also to build parvises for Sacristies. The position is most inconvenient, besides that the parvis had, and might have again an appropriate use. Nor can this use of an ancient parvise be well defended, even where the sacristy has perished. This was the case at Kemerlon, Gloucestershire, and led perhaps to the blocking up of the priest's door in that church. We have seen a modern design in which the chancel is raised and a Sacristy formed like a crypt below it It is conceivable that great peculiarity of site might justify this arrangement- but it is not to be recommended. ° ' It will be at once seen that if our observations be true, few devices are more essentially objectionable than one we have often deplored • namely, the use of a building, opening to the church, aisle-wise or chantry-wise, by an arch, and purclosed off fur a Sacristy, the ofan perhaps being pl.iced above. It is altogether a confusion of ideas. ° Any secular uses of a vestry are so incompatible with the religious ones, that we cannot conceive any arrangement which shall unobjec- tionably suit the two combined. We have confined ourselves to point- ing out the best course to adopt with reference to the Sacristy consi- dered only in ita higher use. — Ecclesiologist, SUSPENSION AQUEDUCT OVER THE ALLEGHENY RIVER, PITTSBURGH. This work, recently constructed under the superintendence of John \ Roebling, the designer and contractor, has supplied the place of the, 'hi wooden structure which originally was built by the State of Penusvlva nia at the western termination of the Pennsylvania Canal. The Council of the city of Pittsburgh, by whom, iu co'n^eauence r.f j,. gross sum of 02,000 dollars, including the removal of t'hTolTuouderou^ structure and the repair of the pier and abutments ; a very ^nall indeed for a work of such magnitude. As this work is the first of u'e kind ever attempted, its construction speaks well for the enterprize of the city of Pittsburgh. ^ ' The removal of the old work was commenced in September 1844 aud boats were passed tlirough the new aqueduct in May 1843 ' ' two courses crossing each other at right angles, so as to form a solid lat tice-work of great strength and stiflcess, sufficient to bear its own wei„i,t aud to resist the effects of the must violent storms. The b,.ii„n, ..."h , I , , , . ''"""ms. The bottom of th, trunk rests upon transverse beams, arranged in pairs, four feet aoarl • between these, the posts which support the sides of the trunk are let in Willi dove-tailed tenons, secured by bolts. The outside posts which Mm port the sidewalk and tow-palh, incline outwards, aud are connected w, I.' the beams in a similar manner. Each trunk-post is held by iw„ brace 2i X 10 inch, and connected with the outside posts by a double ioisi of 25 X 10. The trunk-posts are 7 inches square on top, and 7 x 14 at th • heel ; the transverse beams are 27 feet long, and 16x6 inches • the snare between the two fiamii.gs is 4 inches. It will be obseried that all nans , f the framing are double, with the exception of the posts, so a. to admit the suspension rods. Each pair of beams is supported on each s.Je „f the trunk by a double suspension rod of l|th inch round iron beut'iu the shape of a stirrup, and mounted on a small cast-iron saddle, which rests on the cable. These saddles are connected, on top of the cables bv link ■ which diminish in size from the pier towards the centre. The side ''f the trunk set solid against the bodies of masonry, which" are erected" tV each pier and abutment as bases for the pyramids which support the cables. These pyramids, which are constructed of 3 blocks of a durable coarse, hard-grained sandstone, rise 5 feet above the level of the sid ' walk and tow-path, and measure 3X5 feel on top, and 4x0' feet at base. The side-walk aud tow-path being 7 feet wide, leave 3 feetsnait fur the passage of tlie pyramids. The ample width of the tow and foot path IS therefore contracted on every pier, but this arrangement proves ni inconvenience, aud was necessary fur the suspension of the cable* „^,. :o the trunk. "' 48 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [February The caps which cover the saddles and cables on the pyramids rise 3 feet aboTe the inside or trunk railing, and would obstruct the free pas- sage of the tow-line ; but this is obviated by an iron rod which passes over the top of the cap, and forms a gradual slope down to the railing on each side of the pyramid. The wire cables, which are the main support of the structure, are sus- pended next to the trunk, one on each side ; each of these two cables is exactly 7 inches iu diameter, perfectly solid and compact, and constructed in one piece from shore to shore, 1,175 feet long; it is composed of 1,900 ■wires of Jih inch thickness, which are laid parallel to each other. Great care has been taken to insure an equal tension of the wires. Oxidation is guarded against by a varnish applied to each wire separately, their preservation, however, is insured for certain by a close, compact, and continuous wrapping, made of annealed wire, and laid on by machinery in the most perfect manner. A continuous wrapping is an important improvement, which, in this case, has been for the first time successfully applied. A well-constructed and well-wrapped cable presents the appearance of a solid cylinder, which in strength greatly surpasses a chain, made of bars of the same aggregate section or weight. It is not only the great relative strength of wire which renders it superior to bar iron, but its greater elasticity, which enables it to support strong and repeated Jtibra- tions, add still more to its value as a material for bridge building. The extremities of the cables do not extend belou- ground, but connect with anchor chains, which, in a curved line, pass through large masses of masonry, the last links occupying a vertical position. The bars compos- ing these chains average IJ X 4 inch, and are from 4 to 12 feet long; tliey are manufactured of boiler scrap and forged in one piece without a weld. The extreme links are anchored to heavy cast-iron plates of 6 feet square, which are held down by the foundations, upon which the weight of 700 perches of masonry rests. The stability of this part of tlie structure is fully insured, as the resistance of the anchorage is twice as great as the greatest strain to which the chains can ever be sub- jected. The plan of anchorage adopted on the aqueduct varies materially from those methods usually applied to suspension bridges, where an open channel is formed under ground for the passage of the chains. On the aqueduct, the chains below ground are imbedded and completely sur- rounded by cement. In the construction of the masonry, this material and common lime mortar have beeu abundantly applied. The bars are painted with red lead. Their preservation is rendered certain by the known quality of calcareous cements to prevent oxidation. If moisture should find its way to the chains, it will be saturated with lime, and add another calcareous coating to the iron. This portion of the work has been executed with scrupulous care, so as to render it unnecessary on the part of those viho exercise a surveillance over the structure to examine it. The re-painting of the cables every two or three years will insure their duration for a long period. AVhere the cables rest on the saddles, their size is increased at two points by introducing short wires, and thus forming swells, which fit into corresponding recesses of the casting. Between these swells, the cable is forcibly pressed down by three sets of strong iron wedges, driven through openings which are cast in the side of the saddle. When the merits of the suspension liar were discussed previous to the commencement of the structure, doubts were raised as to the stal)ility of the pyramids and the masonry below, when unequal forces should hap- pen to disturb the equilibrium of adjoining spans. It was then proved by a statistical demonstration, that any of the arches with the water in the trunk could support an extra weight of 120 tons, without disturbance to any part of the work. In this examination, no allowance at all was made for the great resistance of the wood-work, and the stiffness of the trunk itself. During the raising of the frame-work, the several arches were repeatedly subjected to very considerable unequal forces, which never disturbed the balance, and proved the correctness of previous cal- culations. The stiffness and rigidity of the structure is so great, that no doubt is entertained that each of the several arches would sustain ilscl/ in case the wood-work of the next one adjoining should be cousumed by fire. The wood-work in any of the arches separately may be removed and substituted by new material, without affecting the equilibrium of the next one. The original idea upon which the plan has been perfected, was to form a u-uoden trunk, strong enough to support its own weight, and stiff enough for an aqueduct or bridge, and to combine this structure with wire cables of a suflicient strength to bear safely the great weight of water. The plan of this work, therefore , is a combination which presents very superior advantages, viz., great strength, stiffness, safety, durabilUy, and econnmi/. This system, for the first time successfully carried out on the Pitts- burgh aqueduct, may hereafter be applied, with the happiest results to railroad bridges, which have to resist the powerful weight and "^reat vibrations, which result from the passage of heavy locomotives and trams of cars. Kemark. — The qaantities in the following table are calculated for a depth of water of 4 feet, which has been in the aqueduct ever since the opening. The depth contemplated was J J feet; a greater depth is at present required ou account of the raising of the bottom of the canal by bars and sediment, which have to be removed before the level can be lowered. Table of Quanliliea of the Aqueduct. Length of Aqueduct without evtensioas 1,140 feet. Length of cables, 1,175 feet. Lengtli of cables and chains, 1,283 feet. Diameter of cables, 7 inches. Aggregate weight of botli cables, 110 tons. Section of 4 feet of water in trunli. 59 sup* feet. Total weight of water in aqueduct, 2,100 tons. „ ,, one span, 295 torn. Weight of one span, including all, 4.0 tons. Aggregate number of wires iu both cables, 3,800, Aggregate solid section of both cables, 53 sup. inches. „ „ anchor chains, 72 sup. inches Deflection of cables. 14 feet G inches. Elevation of pyramids above piers, 1(1 feet fi inches. Weight of water in 1 span between piers, 275 tons. Tension of cables resulting from this weight, 3112 tons. Tension of one single wire, 2LitJlb. Average ultimate strength of one wire, l,loO lb. Ultimate strength of cables, 2,0'JO tons. Tension resulting from weight of water upon one solid square inch of wire cable, ll.BOOlh. Tension resulting from weight of water upou one square inch of anchor chains, 11.000 lb. Pressure resulting from weight of water upon one pyramid, l.?7^ tons, „ ,, „ „ one superficial foot, 18,400 lb. COLOGNE CATHEDRAL. It appears from the forty-ninth Report of the Committee of the Society for the Restoration of Cologne Cathedral, that the advance made during the period embraced in the present Report consists, on the south side, in the additional height to which the pier of the transepts have been car- ried. In the same part, the western entrance has been completely vaulted in, and the eastern begun to be so. A great quantity of stone is Iving ready cut for the work, and still more is expected from the quarries, in order, if possible, to vault-in the middle space also before the end of the year. Similarly, only somewhat further, advanced are the works in the north transept. Here the three spaces are for the most part already vaulted over, and they will at all events be quite completed in the course of the present autumn. The works in the northern nave aisle were put in activity immedi- ately after the illustrious visit of Queen Victoria, it being necessary that the old roofing should be retained till up to that time. This has now been removed, and scaffolding is in course of erection in order to set to work upon the new vaulting. Seven bays of original vaulting- as is well known, already existed on the north side; so that there remained but five to construct. Dut on the removal of the old roofing and woodwork, the south-eastesn pillar of the seventh bay was disco- vered to be built of brick in the most slovenly and insufficient manner. The groining bands and ribs of tuffstone springing from it were in the same way most meanly put together, the lines broken so as to form polygon*, and the joints very faulty. Still, supposing this defect could have been partly discovered from below by the naked eye, and the con- clusion thence arrived at that this vaulting was of later origin than the other portions of the beautiful vaulting of the cathedral, with which it ad- mitted of no comparison, this would not have prevented it from being retained from antiquarian considerations, had the previously-concealed pillar proved at all adequate to support the pressure of the mass rising from it to the additional height of ninety feet and more. This not being the case, this pillar and the vault belonging to it had to be given up to destruction. This is at present being accomplished, and the construction of the remaining spaces of vaulting suffers some delay in consequence. In general, the works will be carried on uninterruptedly with about four hundred men. Meanwhile the supply of stone is by no means kept up with the regularity to be desired, notwithstanding tha IS-16.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 49 arrangements have been entered into with tendilTerent contractors. There is considerable diBiculty in procuring stone of good quality in a suliicieiit quantity ; and even were these stones obliged to be delivered in all at once according to given dimensions, the due succession would not be always observed, as the quarry-men work out the material only as it can be procured to best advantage from the rock. At a previous meeting of the Committee, the following order of the King of Prussia was read : — " I have received the report of the Central Restoration Society's opera- tions during the last three years, transmitted to me the 2nd of last nionlh, and have taken cognizance of its contents with true satisfaction, l-'mm it I perceive with pleasure the constantly growing synipatliy for the grand object of the Society in most of the provinces of Ciermany, and am much graiilied in recognising the credit which the Society's Committee lias gained itself by its wise and strenuous conduct of the concerns en- trusted to its care. The judicious administration and application of the resources placed at its disposal are sufficiently attested by the perform- ances of the Society during the short period of lis existence. These fully answer every reasonable expectation, and justify a still higher confidence iu the successful prosecution of this sacred and noble work. To promote this success to the utmost of my power and with undiminished interest, forms one of the objects to which my life will be devoted." Frederick AVilliam. Siinsnuci, Sepl. I, 1845 To the Central Society for the Restoration of Cologne Cathedral. The total receipts of the Society amount to about 22,130i. BROAD AND NARROW GAUGE EXPERIMENTS. We are indebted for the following particulars of the experiments made before the G'uHg-f Commissioners to the Morning Herald, at present the oliicial account has not been published.* Broad Gauge Experiments. started from PaddiDgton First mile post WestLondon crossing rly Ealing Hpnuell Soulhall West Drayton Sloui;li Maidenhead Tirj-lord Reattine Paugboitrne Goring Wallin^ford Road Didcot Total time on tlie road. . First Day. First Trip. 8 Carriages of 10 tons each, 81 tons 13 cwt. gross wht. exclusive of en. gine and tender. Second Trip. Carriages of 10 tons each, 71 tons gross weight ex elusive of engine and tender. Down, a.m. h. m. 9 68J 10 2i 10 (ii 10 U 111 13 10 143 10 20 10 25^ 10 30i 10 40 10 46 10 521 10 56^ 11 0 11 64 1 4 Up. 1 43 1 2i 12 5:i 12 .V 12 .i5i 12 oOi 13 44i 12 40 12 31 12 26 12 20 12 16 12 13 12 4i 1 li With 6 carriages and gross weight 60 tons exclusive of engine and ten- der. Down, a.m. h. m. 2 4i 2 8! 2 12" 2 16 2 13 2 20* 2 2.ij 2 .-ll" 2 36 2 46i 2 52 2 5SJ 3 2i 3 6 3 12 1 3i Up. a.m. h. m. 4 51 4 50 4 47 4 4.'! 4 4oJ 4 3LI 4 .14 4 2Ui 4 2IJ 4 16 4 10 4 6 •14 3 54i 0 56i Second Day. Down, a.m. b. m. 10 24 10 6i 10 0 10 14 10 16i 10 17* 10 22i 10 274 10 32 10 4:'i 10 46 10 52 10 65J 111 59* 11 5" 1 2i Up. a.m. h. m. 1 4 1 0 12 50 12 56 12 .54i 12 62 12 474 12 42J 12 38 12 20 12 24 12 20 12 15 12 Hi 12 3 0 60 Gradients. From i to 21 rise 3 feet per mile. 21 .. 7i „ 4 ilitto. "1 .. OJ „ 4 ditto. OS .. Ill} level, lol . . l:- J fall 4 feet per mile. 12J .. 15* level. 15* .. 171 ^all 4 feet per mile. 171 • • 20 rise 2 teet per mile. From 20 to 23 rise 4 feet per mile. 23 .. 325 „ ditto. 32S .. 36Jfall ditto. 364 .. 42 Tlie ditto. 42 .. 43 levl. 43 ..44 rise 2 MOth per mile. 44 ..63 rise 4 feet pel mile. On Saturday morning, January 10, two more experimental trips were made on the broad gauge (the Great Western Railway) in the presence of the Gauge Commissioners; the weather was rather unfavourable, the morning being dull and damp, and very little wind stirring until the after- noon. The Hercules was again selected for the purpose ; it is a powerful engine, having connected wheels 5 feet in diameter, cylinder l(j inches, stroke 18 inches, and weighs 22 tons. At 7h. 52m. 24s. she started from the one mile post, Paddington, with a train of 13 trucks, coal-laden, an additional tender, and a first class carriage, which was occupied by Sir F. Smith, Professor Barlow, Mr. Watson, Mr. Saunders, secretary to the company, Mr. Harmer, and Mr. Gibson; on the engine were Mv. Firunel, engineer of the line, and Mr. Gooch, superintendent of the locomotive de- * The first experiments were made in the midfile of December last on the Great Western Railway. The Hercules locomotive engine was selected for the purpose. parlment. This experimental train was driven from Paddington to Did- cot, a distance of 62J miles, where it arrived at lOh. 19m. 38s. having made stoppages at Ealing, Soulhall, West Drayton, Slough, iNIaidenhead, Twy- ford, aud Goring. For the exact time of arrival and departure from the several stations the reporter has been indebted to Mr. Seymour Clarke, the principal superintendent of the line, and it is as follows : — flfiles from Paddington. Paddington 5* Ealing '1 Hanwell 9 SouUiall .. 13 West Drayton 18 Slough 22J Maidenhead 303 Tvvyford 35 J Resding 411 Pangbourne 441 Goring 474 WalHngford-road 52I Didcot Arrival. Departure. Stoppage. h. m. 8. h. m. R. h. m. 8. 7 S2 24 — 8 4 63 H 7 42 0 •> 49 8 12 36 8 16 62 R 20 41 0 3 49 8 36 25 8 40 33 0 6 8 8 61 38 H 65 4;i 0 4 6 9 6 41 9 11 32 0 4 51 9 28 33 9 33 44 0 A 11 9 44 42 — _ 9 54 8 10 0 8 10 2 0 0 I 52 10 9 30 — 10 19 38 — 1 stoppage — Tota 0 26 66 The distance was accomplished in 2h. 27m. 14s., or at a rate of2Q'75 miles an hour. The weight of train propelled, exclusive of the engine, was 204 tons 18 cwt. 1 qr. 31b. Soon after the arrival of this tr^iin at Didcot.the Ixion, a powerful passenger engine, having driving wheels 7 feet in dia- meter, came up with a train of 15 trucks, laden witli coal, to be attached to the train of the Hercules, making in all 28 trucks aud one first class carriage. After all matters were arranged this leviaihian train proceeded on its journey ; its weight, length, and the time it passed the different sta- tions, are given from the same authority as that of tlie down trip : — weight 400 tons, 3 cwt. 1 qr. 10 lb. ; length of train, 232 yards. From Paddington. Miles. h. m. 3. Started from Didcot 53 1 22 15 — Wallingford road 474 1 38 0 — Goring 44 1 49 0 — Panybowrne 411 1 57 0 — Reading .. 35J 2 8 30 — Tivylord .. 30J 2 22 15 — Maidenhead 224 2 41 0 — Slousjh 18 2 51 0 — West Drayton 13 3 7 0 — Soulhall .. ;) 3 23 0 — Hanwell .. 71 3 25 0 — Ealing 54 3 29 V Arriving at the U mile-post from Paddington . . 3 39 u Performing the journey in 2h. 10m. 45s., at an average rate of speed of 23 miles an hour. The duration of this trip was 54 minutes, 0 seconds, which shows a speed of upwards of 47J miles per hour. The mnxinium rate, betweeu the 18th aud 191b mile-posts, was somewhat above 54 miles per hour. Narrow Gacge Experiments. The experiments for testing the tractive capacity of the narrow-gauge engine commenced on the 30tli Dec. last, upon the Great North of Eng- land line, between York and Darlington. The distance run was that be- tween ihe first and forty-fourth mile-posts— viz. 43 miles. This piece of railway has been selected in consequence of its being nearly a direct line throughout its whole course, and from the very easy character of its gra- dients. The en-ine selecte 19 38 mile.-post at 2 39 0 76 2 11 48 1.30 24 2 40 18 78 3 2 13 18 90 25 2 41 40 83 4 2 14 .34 76 26 2 41 0 80 6 2 16 62 78 27 •> 44 20 80 6 2 17 U 79 28 2 46 34 74 7 2 18 25 74 29 ■I 46 60 76 8 2 29 40 75 30 2 48 14 84 9 2 20 62 72 31 2 49 .12 78 10 2 22 s 73 32 2 50 50 78 11 2 23 11 73 33 2 52 8 78 12 2 24 39 73 34 2 63 25 77 13 2 25 48 78 35 o 64 42 77 14 2 27 8 80 36 2 56 0 78 15 2 28 26 78 iS7 2 57 28 88 16 2 .39 40 74 S8 2 69 0 92 17 2 30 54 74 39 3 0 .30 90 18 2 32 13 78 40 3 1 65 85 19 2 .33 84 82 41 3 3 IS 83 20 2 35 0 86 42 3 4 42 84 21 2 36 22 82 43 ,1 6 66 84 23 2 37 44 82 44 3 8 8 118 Krom this table it is seen that with good weather to-day, the same en- gine upon the same line, and going over the same gradient (for curves there are none), took 80 tons 43 miles in 58 minutes, 30 seconds, or in 15 minutes, 23 seconds, less than she took 50 tons yesterday with a side wind against her. IS-J6.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 51 Third Day. — In consequence of an accident by the engine running off the rails, the experiments could not take place. Fourth Day. — Two more experiments were made with the goods train of 200 and 400 tons respectively. The engine employed was the Hercules. She is a six-wheel coupled engine, with 4 feet (i inches driving-wheels. Fire-box, 00 feet surface; tubes, 900 feet; cylinder, 15 inches; stroke, 24 indies ; weight. 20 tons. The engine started from the first mile-post beyond York at 9h. 3Gs., made seven stoppages, amounting to 40m. 50s., and arrived at the 43rd mile-post at 12h. 31m. 40s. The actual time of running therefore, was 2h. 1 4m. 203., or upwards of 18 miles per hour. The return trip from Darlington was with 400 tons, the train being above 300 yards long. The train left the 44| mile post at 2h. 5m. 5s., and arrived at the first mile-post at 4h. 22m. 24s., without making any stoppages. This gives something like 19 miles per hour. The following is the working of the engine with the monster train, viz. 47 wagons. m. 8. m. s. Ut mile performed iu. . . ..4 6 i^lth mile performed in . . ..3 1 2 1 20 ".i 2 60 3 2 10 26 2 .'<» 4 3 30 27 3 10 5 6 20 28 2 ."JO 6 3 40 29 2 30 7 2 20 30 2 40 8 2 10 31 2 40 9 2 10 32 2 35 10 2 20 33 2 36 11 2 40 34 2 60 13 3 20 35 4 0 13 3 0 36 6 10 14 3 0 37 7 20 15 2 40 38 6 30 16 2 20 39 3 30 17 2 10 40 .'i 30 18 2 10 41 3 0 19 2 4 42 3 0 21 2 30 43 .. .. . 3 0 22 3 25 +1 3 20 It will be seen that the maximum speed was nearly 30 miles per hour. THE LATE ACCIDENT UPON THE NORFOLK RAILWAY. At an inquest commenced in December last, in consequence of a fatal accident on the Norfolk Railway, considerable interest was excited on account of the contradictory opinions expressed by two gentlemen of the highest eminence for their knowledge of engineering — General Pasley and Mr. Bidder. General Pasley did not hesitate to assert in his evidence that Mr. Bidder had, in the course of his examination, expressed opinions " quite erroneous and contrary to the first principles «/ mechanics. It is of the highest importance to the engineering profession to ascertain the truth respecting several very important views propounded during the inquest. It does not lie within our plan to give a detailed account of the accident, it will be sufficient for our purpose to state simply that it arose from the engine running off the rails. The following extracts from the evidence of Mr. Bidder embody the notions which General Pasley declared to be con- trary to sound philosophy. ' " The inclination of the line where the engine had run off was 1 in 100. The permanent way was as good a piece as any in England. It was con- structed on a chalk embankment, the most favourable soil for such work. At the point where the engine left the rail the embankment was raised about five feet above the oidinary surface of the eartn. The chalk in the embank- ment was used in large lumps, and he thought the late wet weather would have no effect upon it. On examining the engine he found the steam-regu- lator indicated that the steam had been turned off suddenly, tlie effect of which would be precisely similar to that which had been described by the previous witness. The speed of the engine would be more retarded than the carriages, and the train would urge the engine on, forcing it ofi' one side of the rail, and the carriages on the other. He attributed the accident to the impropriety of the engine-driver ;jrocee/:?;H^ at a very hiyh veloeily and tsuddenly shutting off the steam. Moreover, the line near Tlieti'ord lieing tmder repair, it required particular caution in passing over it, and if the deceased did not exercise that precaution, it showed a great want of care on his part. He had no means of judging the exact speed the engine was going, but his opinion was, that it must have been very great, far beyond that of the pro- per speed, viz., 'M miles an hour." The evidence of the next witness examined after Mr. Bidder is im- portant, not for matters of opinion but matters of fact ; for it appears that he distinctly stated the circumstances on which Jlr. Bidder founded his opinion to be, in reality, quite different from those under which the acci- dent took place. Coleman, the chief guard of the train says, that '• no alteration was made in the speed more than usual," that the speed of the train " up to the period of the accident did not exceed 35 miles an hour," and that " he had travelled on the line frequently as fast as he did on Wednesday." He says also that just before the accident, the engine gave a" tremendous jump ;" that he could see distinctly what the engine-driver was doing, and that "the moment the engine jumped, Pickering turned round and looked on one side, and then cut off the steam." He swore positively that " Pickering did not shut off the steam until after the engins had jumped off the raits," The evidence of Major-General Pasley is as follows. General Pasley — My opiuion is, that owing to the peculiar construc- tion of the engines, like the one that met with the accident on the Norfolk line, they are not the most suitable to the narrow gauge, as they do not admit of any great speed without danger. They are perfectly secure OQ the narrow gauge at a certaiu rate. For instance, the distance from the Harsling-road station to Thetford is eight miles, and 20 minutes is allowed to accomplish that distance. The distance and time noted in the Norfolk Railway Company*s time-bill can be travelled over without any excessive speed. If by any extraordinary neglect 10 minutes should be lost between those two stations, there is IG minutes to go the eight miles, a rate of 30 miles per hour. Coroner — Can you account for the broken chair, which was 22 feet from the sleeper, that was cut apparently by the engine when it got olfthe rail? General Pasley — I should say that the chair was broken by the motion of the engine. If it was defective before, the motion might contribute to its breaking entirely. Coroner — What description of engine was it that met with the accident ? General Pasley — One of most extraordinary length of such a length as "was never used on the narrow or any other gauge before. If you will allow me, I will mention a circumstance respecting these peculiar class of engines. Some months ago thei'e existed doubts as to the safety of express trains to travel by, and knowing that oscillation of carriages was no proof of danger, or that their steadiness ensured perfect safety I determined to ride upon the engines, with a view of more easily detecting their unsteadi- ness— their oscillating indicating danger. 1 travelled lines in different parts of the country, and the only engine I found having such an oscilla- tion was one on the South Eastern Railway, called the White Horse of Kent, manufactured by Mr. Robert Stephenson, and of the same peculiar construction as tiie one that went off the rails on the Norfolk line. I went on that engine at the rate of 44 or 45 miles an hour, and at that speed she rolled something like a ship at sea. The oscillation, when the train is going at such a rate, indicates a danger of running olfthe rail. I told the engine- drivers and other authorities that if they ran 50 miles an hour, like the ex- press trains on the Great Western Railway, the greater likelihood of the engines rolling over. I have slated that opinion to the Gauge Comrais- siouei's. The dilierence between the engine jou have alluded to as manu- factured by iMr. Robert .Slephenson and those employed on the Great Western, is thus- — The narrow gauge not olfering so great a diameter of boiler as the broad, Mr. Stephenson, to remove the obstacle, constructed the long-boiler engines to equal them iu power, and they have failed in the purpose for which they were intended. The lung boiler engines, which Mr. Stephenson persevered in, are four or five feet longer than those of original construction, the smoke box overhangs the fore wheels, and the fire box and dome the hind wheels, which will cause theni to oscillate. I think such an engine as the one in question can go at 30 or 35 miles an hoar, and I think I have gone at 45 miles an hour upon them ; but when they ap- proach 50 I think they are unsafe, and that is an opinion not hastily formed. I have mentioned it fi"equeutly to engineers and superintendents of rail- ways, as well as to the Gauge Commissioners. The Great Western Rail- way has been worked by engines of one pattern for the last five or sis years. The motive fur forming the long-boiler engine was to gain a larger evaporating surface, and thereby obtaining greater power of steam. That however has failed, owing to the tube at the fore part of the boiler being so far distant from the fire-box, and not being exposed to the full action of the heat. The engine on the South Western, JNIauchester and Birmingham, and Grand Junction Railways, of the make of Messrs. Sharp and Brothers, with boilers of moderate leiii;lb, have equal, if not more power, and are capable of going at any speed they will admit of, providing the ground is in good order. I Ihink these long boiler engines, if they are going at a rate exceeding 40 miles per hour, are liable to oscillate and run over the line. The cause is the defect in their formation. It is the wheels huddled together, or the axles under the boiler, that gives so much overhanging dead weight at each end, which 1 have not found with any other engines but those of Mr. Stephenson. Coroner — Did you ever anticipate an engine of this description meeting with sucli an accident? General Pasley— -The fact is, I did not expect such an accident could have taken place. I did not think that such an engine could have gone at the speed it did in running oil the line. It is a rule with engine drivers to shut off the steam on a descending gradient, and in all my journeys iu railway travelling 1 never found them neglect doing so. I have frequently informed the engine-driiers of these engines of the danger they were in- curring when driving them at a r.ite verging upon 50 miles per hour. Iu the north of England, however, I remember being on one of Mr. Stephen- son's long-boiler engines, and two pair of the wheels were coupled to- gether, and in riding upon it I fi It more secure than I would upon the two other ones, as the coupling produces steadiness, and consequently safety. I wish to explain why I consider that the sudden shutting off of the steam could not have led to the accident — the grounds upon which I difl'er with other opinions. AVhen the steam is shut olf suddenly, more especially on a descending gradient, the momentum will drag the tender and carriages 52 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND AllCMITECT'S JOURNAL. [!•' K ;< R u A a Y , for a considerable distance, and presuming that the engine should become detached from the tender, its impetus would carry it far in advance; so much so, that the train would fail in overtakin;; it. The engine would proceed faster than the carriages. In order to show you the eli'ect of sud- denly shutting oil' the steam, I was lately on an engine on the Bristol and Gloucester Railway with Mr. Connell, the locomotive superintendent, the Gauge Commissioners being in the train, when I desired a greater speed to be put on, and then requested the steam to be turned olT suddenly. It was done so, and not the slightest effect was produced. Again, on the (Jreat Western Railway I was on an engine with Mr. Brunei — two tenders at- tached and a goods'-train of 2,000 tons, with a speed of 30 miles an hour. I desired Mr. Brunei, when they had to stop at a station, to sliut oil the steam suddenly a minute before the breaks were applied. It was done frequently, and not the least elfect felt. The tender did not crowd upon the engine, and neither did the wagons crowd upon the tender. In short, shutting oil' the steam produces no effect, unless the breaks are applied, more especially in descending an inclnie of 1 in 20U. At the New Cross incline, which is 1 in 100. the trains are always stopped by turning the sleum ofT suddenly, and applying the breaks immediately, and if the cause of the accident was really the shutting oil' the steam, accidents would be constantly occurring at New Cross. Whenever there was a necessity for such a step I should have no hesitation in adopting it. Coroner — Then, Sir, you quite disagree with Mr. Bidder's opinion as to the cause of the accident.' General Pasley — I consider IMr. Bidder's opinion perfectly erroneous ; at the same time I « ish to observe that INlr. Bidder is a gentleman of much ability, but in this case I think he is much mistaken ; his opinion is con- trary to the first principle of mechanics. Tlie dimensions of the engine are 19 ft. Gin. in length, without the foot-plates which the engine-driver and occasionally the stoker stand upm, which gives about 2 feel more. The distance from the centre of the front and hind wheels is 10 ft. 3 in., so that the smoke-box is projecting befitre the fore wheels, anti the tire-box and dome overhanging the hind wheels. In all engines, before Mr. Stephenson look out his patent for the construction of the long-boiler engines, the hind wheels are in the rear of the fire-box and dome, and consequently there is nooverhanging dead weight at the rear of the wheels. W'lien I first saw the engines I thought them very good in travelling at a moderate rate, but 1 now see no advantage in their construction or improvement. The fore part of the boiler being so far from the tire-box, the tubes being so much distant, the engines do not afford the power that was expected from them. The engines of Sharp, Brothers, and Co., with moderate length boiler, possess equal or greater power, and are free from danger. Coroner — Are there any signal posts to denote gradients General Pasley — After the first accident on the Eastern Counties Railway, the Earl of Dalhousie .wrote to the board desiring that all the inclines should be marked out with posts, which had been done to guide engine-drivers ; for at the accident at Liltlebiiry, on that line, the superintendent of the locomotive departuifut, who was on the engine, and the driver, were really descending a gradient without knowing it. Coroner — Mr. Bidder has told us that on gradients of 1 in 200, engines are in the habit of travelling at the greatest velocity? General Pasley — Then that is contrary to my general experience. I never travelled an incline but that the steam hnd been partially or perfectly shut off. It is a general rule to shut it off on going down an incline. I do not think that on a gradient of 1 in 200, engines are in the habit of running at the greatest possible velocity. Coroner — Then we perfectly understand you to say, that shutting off steam in descending a gradient would not cause an engine to stop ? General Pasley — Certainly, if the breaks were not applied. If the de- cline is 20 miles in lengtii, it will not stop until it comes to a level. It is the source of gravity. Its momentum forces it along. The learned Coroner proceeded to sum up the evidence, anti after com- menting on the principal facts as related to tlie unfortunate occurrence, re- marked upon the wide contrast of opinion enleitaiued by .Major-Geneial Pasley and Mr. Bidder. It was for liic jury to determine, knowing well that they would so decide as would ensure the public evei;y safety. The verdict was " Accidental death, caused by the imprudent conduct of the engine driver in going at an excessive speed." General Hasley, on his return to town by ilie last train, rode on the en- gine of the Eastern Counties („"oinpdny, one of the same description as those that ran off the rails at Liltlebury and U'aterbeach, built by Stothart, Slaughter, and Co., in order to test ils capabilities 'I'he speed ou one por- tion of the line between Bishop's Siortford and Sti-aiford was for a short time upwards of 4.'> miles an hour, anil the engine rode very steady ; and in two or three instances, on nearing a station, he directed the engiue-driver to turn the steam off suddenly, full a minute before the breaks were put down, and not the slightest effect was produced. The reply of Mr. Bidder appears in the form of an advertisement, pub- lished in the Times, from which we make the following extracts: — • "The substance of the evidence nhich I gave was to the effect, that by the sudden shuttini; off of the steam of the engine, the carriages were no longer drawn by the engine, but that the engine was propelled by the car- riages, and that this, in combination with other circumstances which (as I then stated) might not occur once in a thousand times, had, on this occa- sion, the effect of forcing the engine off the line. '• The grounds upon which I formed tliis opinion are based upon what I must still believe to be a well-established law of mechanics — viz., that in any system of bodies moving together, if there be no resistance, or if the resistance of each body be in the like ratio to its weight, when the motive power ceases to act upon them, these bodies will exert no influence upon each other in any direction, but if the resistance to the motion of the bodies in front be greater than that which is required to sustain the motion of those which are liehiud. the retardation of the former will be more rapid than that of the latter, and will be impelled by them, and rice versa. "Applying this to the case of a railway train in motion, we have this fact for our guidance — that an engine requires from 7 to 12 lb. per ton more to sustain its motion than the cairiages — it must inevitably follow, that the effect of suddenly shutting off the steam causes the carriages to overtake and impel the engine forward, as staled by me in my evidence." It certainly must be conceded that assuming with Mr. Bidder, the re- sistance to motion to be 7 to 12 lb. per ton more for an engine than for car- riages, the carriages will exert a pressure against the engine when the steam is suddenly cut off. But the misapprehension on which General Pasley grounded his censure of Mr. Bidder appears to be this — that he presumed Mr. Bidder's notion to be that the carriages acted on the engine not by a continuous pressure, but by impact or collision. There is no ground however for supjiosing that Mr. Bidder entertained this idea. At the same time while defending him from the charge of having erred in the first prin- ciples of mechanics, we do not hesitate to deny the possibility of the acci- dent having arisen from the causes assigned by him. It appears from the very careful and elaborate experiments of M. de Paiiibour, that the friction of an engine when not drawing a train (the case here supposed) is about 14 lb. per ton. The friction of carriages is 61b. per ton. This gives an excess of 8 lb. per ton for the friction of the engine. But from this must be deducted the resistance of the air, a most important item in considering high velocities. The resistance of air on the carriages is much greater than on the engine in proportion to the weight of each. We should be quite safe in supposing that at velocities ranging from 30 to 50 miles an hour, the resistance from this cause is 3 or 4 lb. greater per ton on the carriages than on the engine. So that on the whole we may safely conclude that when the engine and train are disconnected at a high velu city, the steam being cut off at the same time, the excess of resistance on the engine is certainly not more than 5 lb. per ton. Now we shall have no difficulty whatever in showing that the pressure which the carriages will exert on the engine under these circumstances is no greater ihan that which could be easily exerted by a boy 12 or 14 years old. By the very simplest mathematics it may be demonstrated that the pressure is equal to 5 times the product of the number of tons which the train and engine weigh respectively, divided by the sum of those num- bers.* For instance if we suppose the weight of the train 40, and of the engine 10 tons, the product of tho.se two numbers (400) being divided by their sum (.'jO) gives 8, which multiplied by 5 gives 40 lb fur the pressure on the engine. Again, take the weight of the train at 60 tons, and of the engine at 12 tons, 12 x CO is 720 and 12 + 00 is 72 ; dividing 720 by 72, and then multiplying by 5 as before, we ^et 501b. for the pressure on the engine. It must be carefully uoled that the pressure here calculated represents the wlwle effect of the train on the engine. There is nothing like impact or collision because the velocities of both engine and carriages are in- itially the same, Hud ure grail ualhj retarded. Now it would be perfectly ludicrous to imagine that a pressure of 40 or 501b. would injure au engine or force it oU' the line. Taking the weight which a man can usually raise at 2001b. (no very high estimate) we have for the pressure in question one-fifth to one-fourth of tlic average of human strength. Even if we take Mr. Bidder's own account and assume the excess of resistance to the engine over that to the train at 7 to 12 lb. per ton, the case is made very little better, for even then the pressure is not nearly so great as that which could be exerted by one man. * Let BI be ttie number of tons which the train weighs, F the resistance per ton to ilt P th'.- ii)>ilual pressure betwreii tile train and engine; then nieasiinng Ihe accelerating lorce t'runi the time ul discuutiecting the two, in the direction of uiotioii, we have U- — =-MF-P d t- for the motion of the carriages. For the motion of the engine we have, putting M' lor the ouLQbtT of tuns, uiii'l K' lur resistance per ton, M'— i^=_M'F' + P dt' P here changing its sign. Equating the values of the diSferentiat (which we may cleirly do since the carriages and engine an supposed to continue mtviog al the saioe vtlocit;) we get the pressure P equal lo M M' M + M' (F-F). HIG.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 53 So that if we leave mere generalities and come to actual calculation, the whole theory seems fallacious enough. M'hat is the pressure in the case in question compared with that which the carriages aad engines exert ou each other when the engine has to be reversed to move carriages back- ward? And this occurs daily and hourly without any rery disastrous con- sequences. A much more serious source of accidents on the Norfolk Railway ap- pears to us to be the manner in which the tranverse sleepers are laid. Being made from unsquared timber sawn in half lengthways, their form is hemi-cjlindrical. Now these half cylinders are not (we understand) laid with tlieir flat sides downwards, as in many other railways where they are of course (irmly supported by the soil : but in the Norfolk Uailway the sleepers are laid with the flat sides uppermost. The hold which the rounded sides have on the soil is comparatively small, and it is obvious that a pressure on one side of the upper side of the sleeper might easily cause it to slip round. If for instance, a stone resting on the edge of the sleeper were pressed upon it by the passing of the train, it would certainly tend to shift the position of the sleeper, and therefore of the rails. Mr. Robert Stephenson's Report. The following report upon tlie causes of this deplorable occurrence has been presented by Blr. Robert Steplienson to the directors : — To the Directors of the A'oi/o/A; Railway. Gentlemen, — Absence from London on urgent business has prevented me complyiiis earlier with your request that I should report to you my ob- servations on the statements made in tiie evidence given at the inquest on the late (.ccident upon the Norfolk Railway. I returned to town last night, and now proceed to lay before you such remarks as have suggested themselves. In the outset 1 may state, thai 1 concur generally with the engineering evidence given by Mr. Bidder and Mr. Marshall. I shall therefore contine my observations to the evidence of General Pasley, but before I direct your attention to the individual siate- roeuts, I must observe, that I have experienced considerable difficulty in dealing with them, in consequence of their being merely expressions of opinion, without adducing arguments or specific facts to support them. If the General had, after giving an opinion, stated the particular reasons or result of calculations which led him lo such conclusions, then their validity mioht have been tested. In the present instance such a course is duulily necessary, because the subject, from the tone assumed, is made not merely a scientific one, but one involving professional character. I shall, however, confine my remarks to the former. General I'asley commences by stating that the description of engine was one of "extraordinary length, of such a length as was never used ou the narrow or any other gauge." From this statement everybody would conclude that this class of engine was not in very general use ', that little or no experience bad been obtained of its peculiarities ; that it was an experimental engine, possessing several obvious defects. Against this assumption 1 only think it necessary to state the fact that upwards of 150 engines of this description have been in daily use in this country and ou ihe continent for the last two or three years ; that the long boiler has, by evei'y experienced and impartial locomotive manager with whom I have communicated, been received as a decided improvement; so much so, that since this class of engine was first introduced, the boilers of old engines have been, in several cases within my own knowledge, very considerably lengthened ; thus ofl'ering the most incontestable proof that the old construction of engine is admitted lo be deficient in length of boiler. You will bear in mind that I am now speaking of the boiler simpl\ ; tiie olher parts of the construction of the engine upon which General Pasley oilers an opioiou I shall come lo afterwards. I need hardly say, that dur- in'Tthe working of such a number of engines over such a length of time, it is impossible to conceive the avoidance of accident, if this construction of engine involved danger to the extent stated by General Pasley : but, us if to meet this argument, the (ieneral in his evidence qualifies his opinion of danger by saying, "that such an engine as the one in question Ciin go at SO or 35 miles an hour, and I think 1 have gone 4:') miles upon them." I can only state my own experience leads me to a different conclusion, and that I have frequently been upon this description of engine when the speed far exceeded those above referred to without the slightest accident occurring. Oscillation in the body of the engine at high velocities I regard as in- evitable, no matter what the construction may be ; but this oscillation arises from causes which cannot have come within Ihe Inspector-General's sphere of observation. It is only the practical man whose opinion on such points can be depended upon ; it is not the occasional riding upon an en- gine that can enable any one lo decide between the construction of one class and another, or to decide that dangerous oscillation is caused by an overhanging firebox or a long boiler. In a word, to decide a point of this kind it is absolutely essential to examine the condition ef the engine as well as its construction ; for instance, the steadiness of all six-wheeled en- gines essentially depends upon three conditions, — 1. The distribution of the weight upon the three axles. 2. The lateral play in the bearings. 3. The distance betw. en the extreme axles, that is, the extreme length of bearing upon the rails. Of these the last only is permanent ; the two first are constantly subject to change. An engine which is perfectly safe and comparatively steady to-day may become unsuady, and even dangerous at high speeds, in a short time by an alteration either in tlie springs or by the lateral wearing of the bearings. Now, I have reason to know that Ihe While Horse of Kent, the only engine which General Pasley quotes as having oscillated excessively, allhongh he has tried several others, was not in tiie best work- ing condition at the time he made the experiment ; no opinion wiih refe- rence to its motion could therefore with propriety be drawn without taking into account the condition in which Ihe bearings were at the time, together with the disposition of weight upon the wheels. All eugines when allowed to get play upon the bearings become un- steady at high velocities, and oscillation from this source is aggravated if more than a due proportion of weight be thrown upon the middle pair of wheels. I believe nearly all the accidents which have occurred by eugines leaving the rails are mainly attributable lo want of attention to this condition. In bad weather, when the rails are slippery, the temptation to the en- gineman to increase the weight upon the driving wheels is very great, and I have frequently known it carried to an improper extent. How far this may have operated in the Norfolk Railway accident cannot now be ascer- tained, but, referring to that which took place during the progress of Ihe experiments on the Great North of England Railway, under the Gauge Commission, 1 have ascertained that this improper distribution of weiaht was one of the cliief causes of the engine leaving the rails. Ou a piece of absolutely perfect road this cause would in all probability not have pro- duced the result, but in cases of this kind the ultimate result seldom, very seldom indeed, flows from one cause ; it is the concurrence of two or more circunl^tances operating in the same direction. If accidents on railways arose from any pecularities of construction in the engine, we ought to have them every day. If the overhanging firebox so much objected lo by General Pasley were dangerous, it would be ab- solutely impossible to work the London and Birmingliam one day wilhout a Scries of accidents. The engines upon that line have fireboxes projecting beyond the bearing axle fully 4 feet (i inches, being 5 inches more than the corresponding projection of Ihe Norfolk engine. The Londou the dimension of t^langhter's engine, which Ihr- Cieneral reUiriietl totov\n upon, and declared safe and steady, and lliose of the Norfolk eugiue, which he condemns : — Ft. In. Slaughter's engine, distance between extreme axles .. II (i Norfolk eugiue, distance between extreme axles . . 10 B 54 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Februaby, I leave the fienoralto say wlielher this iliffeience of six incliesjiistifies the epithet, " huddled together," as applied by him to the wheels of the Norfolk engine. Thf General, ia another part of his evidence, says, " These engines (alludiug to Slaughter's), although they are of a long boiler construction, have DO overhan;;iDg weight like Mr. .Stephenson's." This, like the last, is merely a question of dimension, tlie fact being that at the cliimney end Slaughter's engine overhangs precisely to the same extent as the Norfolk engine — viz., 4 feet 9 inches ; at the lireliox end in Slaughter's engine the axle is placed underneath the n]iddle of the lirebox, whereas in the olhers it is placed imniediately in front o( it, without, however, giving the engine more than G inches additional base upon the railway, and this in a distance of 11 feet; yet this shade of dillVrcnce, according to the (Jenenil, makes the one engine safe and steady, and the other dangerous, and apt to '* roll like a vessel at sea,*' and this without reference to the fact that the centre of gravity of the Norfolk engine is fully a foot lower than Slaughter's. Were it necessary to adduce any further evidence it wlied the place of hangings of Arras, towards the close of the seventeenth century. , „, . . . ... , Two drawings, on a verv large scale, of early Christian, inscnbed and senlpturcd crosses at Nevin and Carew, in Pembrokeshire, were exhibited by Mr Westwood. Mr. Westwood stated, that these were the two finest speci- mens of this class of monument that he had been able to discover, and that their date was prohablv the eleventh century.— The representation of a re- markable sculptured monument, at Auldbar, near Brechin, was exhibited at the same time, and several features of resemblance in design were noticed. This curious early Christian memorial had been communicated to the Insti- tute bv Mr. Chalmers, of Auldbar. Several communications were read to the meeting, among which was a letter from Sir Philip Egerton, stating some singular facts connected with the Roman occupation of Cheshire, as detailed by Mr. Hostage, of North- wich. Letters were also read from the Rev. Hugh Jones, D. J., and the Rev.H. Longueville Jones, announcing their intention of commencing exca- vations'on the site of Segontium, near Caernarvon, where it was anticipated that intere'tins discoveries would be made. Dr. Jones stated that the walls of Caernarvon Castle had recently been repaired in a most satisfactory man- ner, hut that some portions of the town walls, the property of .Mr. .\iheton Smith and Lord Newborough, were in a very decayed state. DECORATIVE ART SOCIETY. A continuation of the paper " On Chromatic Decorations in England," was read by "ilr. E. Cooper. He commenced by noticing the progressive regard for coloured decorations exhibited during the Norman and Gothic epochs • alluding to the simple and chaste effect produced by the polished Purheck marble shaft at Elv, and the Temple Church, the rich grandeur of the earlier stained gbus windows at York and elsewhere; with the at- tendant painted decorations on ceilings and walls, and the pavements of encaustic tiles. He attempted to elucidate the principles which predomi- nate in the b-tler examples, by explaining the general application of the three primary colours, and the more usual construction ot the designs. He then noticed 'the stained glass windows at King's College, Cambridge, where the whole of the subject and detail are designed with a teelmg of Renaissance (it is supposed by Ciiulio Romano) ; he said from personal observation, that nearly all the coloured glass is what is technica ly termed poi-raetal, so that where it is not so, as probably in the finest colours, it is enamelled glass ; and be observed that drawing and shading were placed upon these, as is evident from the disappearance, in many cases leaving the pot metal only. A discmsonance was alluded to, arising from the colours of back-ground and foreground in pictorial subjects being of the same intensity ; and a method of producing light and distance by removing more or less from the thickness of the enamel was suggested as applicable to windows, and a specimen was exhibited. Mr. Cooper then commented on the agreeable elfect of stained glass windows when the walls are of a simple or uniform colour, but urged careful consideration when the walls are decorated with pictures. He observed that the altar piece at Kiug s Colleeen un- successfully applied, instancing those in the Temple Church as partaking too freely of yellow ochreous tints, the Royal Exchange as being too petite and paltry for their purpose, the Conservative Club as presenting a be- wildering profusion of trifling ornaments devoid of any important chaiactet 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. or r, else he wmild hardly have ventured upon asssrlions ealcuiated to induce people to Uirn at once to the Com- panion, for the purpose of ascerlaimug whether the remarks on Public Improvements were as nonsensical as he has represented tliem The Reviewer commences his attack on (hat chapter in the Companion with what IS rather an unlucky slip for a gentleman who pretends to take otbers to task, for carelessness of espress.ou, and inaccuracies of lan^ua'^e giving It as his opinion-aad a Reviewer's opinion can be nothin-^- les°s tlfan a pi«m;,<;r-that ihe new range of buildings near the Royal Exchange, called treemans Place, is praised for the " 'juali/ication"\ which it least of all possesses. Here then, vve (iud '• qualification" confounded with ' quality, ' aud though what the writer means to say is obvious eaou-h he has no right to expect that his own meaniogs will be iudulgentiv made out for him, when he himself studies to misinterpret the at least eauallv plain meanings of other writers. Perhaps he thought that " oualificatioa'' being ihe longer one, was the liner sounding word of the two and .ave it the preference accurdm-iy. Still, however awkwardly exoressed the censure itself may be just; and it is certainly no slight censure upon one who pre.ends to speak of architecture, to say that he praises buildings for quahties which they do not at ail possess ;-i,ot but that such malaprop praise has been U-alt lu very largely by architectural critics The particular mem cLaimed for the building above mentioned is, that It ,s a hae and well-proportioned architectural mass, as will hard y be disputed by those who ha.e seen it. Therefuie, in order to make ev dent with what pains aking ingenuity the Reviewer has proved it to be wholly undeserving of the character given it, it is necessary lirst to give The re- marks in the ' Companion' at length, and then consider what ^ort of fl!r constructiou the Reviewer has put upon Iheiu. "Freemim's Place, is in a manner so connected with the Roval Fv change (mentioned just before in the book) " to which it may be con" sidered a sort ot architectural satellite, that we proceed to notice it at once before we come to other general improvements and alterations of the kmd, more especially as it dutiuguisbes itself from all the rest by havin- more the air of a single large editice, than a mere piece of stree- arrhi" tecture. This range of building, which immediately faces , I 'e^Vront' of the Royal Excnange, and forms the opposite side of a wide pa°"d avenue between the two Ouildings, that is reserved for foot passen-ers onlv IS in a sty e of noble simplicity that says much for the good !ae and judgment ot its architects, Messrs. E. I'Anson and Sou. ° Ennaly flee from the usual common-place of pretensions decoration-apt to run i lio he merelricious, and Irom baldness and lusipidity-apt alio to be mixed up w^ith the former, ,t is at once sober and digniUed-wilh neithe" too much nor too little ot embellishment, but consisrent througuo ",?ani all of a piece. Not only is it a hue mass as far as mere size .-oes but the importance so derived is well kept up and preserved by the°charac"er of the .fenestratiou," which is sucn as not to cut up the mass itselt- i,u, littleness, as is too generally the case, owing to wfudorv b ,ig p"t "oo closely together, which inevitably occasions an ordinary dwelling house to prevail in spue ot every attempt to mask it by ornament; wl erfas this fa?ade"-et this be particularly attended to-'- is exceed, igly well pro! portioned both as to the quantity of window opening as compeared w hX entire surface, and well-proportioued also iu regard to mass fabou 1 0 ^:^^i^!:r::i;::;^'"'-''^-^' -'- ^" ">« whole of it:s^fd:^i;:it More need not be quoted, there being already enough for the purpose and also to show the kind ot writing and architectuTal comment in the Companion, which, it none of li.e best, are quite as good as what we frjil ^' '^"^ ^™"' '^'•'^'^''•^'='"™' J-'--''^'^'- Novi, after reading he utv, would any person m hi:, senses suppose that bv ■' fenestraiin„-'^t i det-stood merely the ground-Uoor "Lows wh'.ch l^l rarch^e^cturUr; and artistically, answer much better to the nauie ot'glazed^rcades than i^f windows? Ihe design would have been precisely the°same hid the tround flcor arches been entirely open, as tor instance, in what is ca td'coveu (warden Piazza. And did the Reviewer understand any th^i of arch^ tecture beyond a few crude notions about it he must know hS, f , tiou aud arcading require very dilierei.t prip'ortions n it'a d to the "atij between souls and voUs. So desperately determined,Cvee,rs he o ^z i^ui^^^^^i^ii^he ;:;l:;:;; zix-^rT'h'-'^^^T^^ term " fenestration "-for of the „' ndows and ^ih- " ," '""'''" ^^ ""^ the fasade he takes no not.ce-lbut nvTouslv c^nharr!' T'T"'" f to the ground.floor, the very p.rt whfch "s irromTei' '"nT' ofn tfclt ui^iSsrcLt:;^? ^;::^;:/^^t:;;:;::i '^s^^^-^'j ^"'-^" ^" plausibility to his own distorted rep resen atiln of thi IT, '" f '" '"'r converts the words '-this F.c.nc," into "^"aI^^IP"^'"'-'^' ^l pri^t u'L it"wasTmo';"'','" "?' ''"' "" """"""" ^^^ - ™ere mis- i"iui. II so, It was a most pat and convenient om. a, ,i,= t; i i accordingly took care not to auer lh,a when cori" ctm" Uie p ouf \"'. t " muake is so unluckily lucky aud con>euient, that widiout U the quotation aAfnt M™ 7r «""«.'•'•'' ?'« pvrpose at all, but wotild rather have told somewha, Jfti M '" '""^^equence cut off, having exerted his ingenuity, .somewhat after the manner of the fellow in one of Ho-arth's Electioa Ihe grc. und"'"'"' '^'" ^'' ""^' ''« »"=' certainl/come to ' To make assurance doubly sure,' the Reviewer takes some pains fo convince us of the marvellous fact, that when Conservatories are buil to cor espond with the architecture of the mansion they happen to be con- nected with-whether designed as arcades or olher^4e-the spaces be- tween the glazmgs are quite as wide as tha piers of the grounTfloor in Freeman s Place. What a notable piece of information ! how wonderfL" that an arcade forming the ground floor of a street building should resemWe any o her arcade, more especially one used as a conservatory ' Fortu"a e was It for the Roya Exchange that the Reviewer did not turn round upon ha'oTthet'n""' ";«^Sg.-egate surface ofthe windows, compared vvkh r ic r 1, '■^' '? ''" '", S''"' °'" S''"'*'^'- ""'" " is !« many conserva- tones, for the reason that "the grouud-lioor of the building exhibits one continued series of arched window-openings, separated only^by piers '' Of course he himself has seen the building-or if not, there is a partial elevation of it m the Companion to inform him what is its design, and what are Us propor ions. Besides seeing it, he gives us to see that he examined It very carefuily-so very carefully indeed, as to see nothing at all in it except the single part which it served his purpose to look at,-which he took a "rough admeasurement of," and concerning which he had written Zl^r,? ™"^: ' ■■""".'■'"• . "^''"^ ""'y ''""S i" "l''^!' !"• shows any smooth- ness ,s the gentle protestatiou-flung out as a sop to the architects Ihem- selves-that ne does "not intend the slightest censure of the actual arrangement of the windows." How vastly candid and generous ' how- soothing and flattering it must be to them to be assured that their buildincr IS passable enough, only it does not at all answer to the character n-iven of It in the Companion as being a noble aud well-proportioned aslylar facade not cut up into littleness by too great a number of windows. Ho\v far such really is or is not the case will be rendered tolerably evident by statinsr that m a frontage of 160 feet or thereabouts, there are only thirteen window! over the (craz-o or groundfloar, which being treated as an arcade has, of course very much wider openings than the rest of the facade. The -'eneral Ia9ade IS assuredly quite as solid in its proportions as those ofthe Reform and other palatial club-houses,-at least as regards the fenestration of the several Hours, for it must be admitted, that there is not quite so much space between one floor and another as could be desired. Still, upon the vvhole, the Freeman's Place facade is marke.l by the quality— or as the Reviewer has it, by the qualification of bre,ulth-by which, I ought for his beueht to explain, is not to be understood width. The next subject of commentary, observes the Reviewer, is Trafalgar Square; whereupon he proceeds to comment upon the commentary in tha CorapanioD, alter his own ingenious and iugeuuous fashion. The Civil hngineer pronounced, some time ago, the two fountains in Trafal-'ar Square to be not only far from beautiful, but positively ugly, aud not only ugly but of "intense ugliness!" which the Companion opines to be rather too severe,' assigning as reason for such opinion, that " the insigniScance ot tlieir (the fountains) appearance is at least an equal defect." Which observation has not been thrown away on the Reviewer, for he seizes hold of it m two ways, first to broach a novel and very peculiar notion entirely his own, and next to expose the writer's false and absurd logic. Accordins to the Reviewer, Insigtiijimnce of appearance and Ua liiiess, —hiihevto con- sidered two uistinct and very separable, although not always separated qua iiies, are so incorporated together as to constitute one and the same • so that whatever is ugly must be also iusigniucani, whatever is insi-ni- beaut, ugly ; whence it should follow that what deserves either one oi-°the other epithet in the superlative degree is superlative with regai-d to both attributes at the same time, and "intense ugliness" is equivalent to intense lusignihcauce. Hence— if such very curious argumentbe worth any thing— a pigmy must be a far uglier monster to encounter than ugliest Polyphemus, or what IS the same thing a hideous monster of agiaut more insignificant than a pigmy. Alter this, it will be absurd to talk of things being " too insig- nificant and contemptible for notice." Nevertheless, there are some diffi- culties attending the doctrine aud its application. 'Insignificance' has till novv passed for being rather a relative than a positive quality : the same thing may be either insignificant or the contrary according to place and circumstances. What would be admired as a very elegant aud tasteful ornament upon the mantelpiece of a lady's boudoir, uught'make but a very insignificant appearance in a stately and spacious saloon, yet would it therefore become at all ugly in itself ?— hardly. To such awkward conclu- sion, however, those must arrive who go along with the Reviewer, the curiousness of whose ideas on that point of theory has seduced me into something like digression. The notion which he has briefly thrown out is by far too good to be thrown away ; wherefore it is to be hoped that he will evolve, expound, and elaborate it, tiking it as the germ of a now " Philosophy of .Esthetics," which, if it should not edify will at least astonish the public. Besides the mistake of supposing there is any distinction at all between ugliness and insignificance, the Companion has committed the egregious error of assigning one defect, not as additional cause for censure, but in mitigation of very strong censure on account of some other imputed defect, let there is surely nothing illogical in that, unless logic consists more in verbal forms than ideas. The Reviewer excepted, every one is aware that 8* CO THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [February* opposite defects neutralize each other more or less ; consequently what is so far from being noticeable as to be insignificant, cannot be especially remarkable or olTensive for its ugliness. Neither does the remark in the Companion admit that Mr. Barry's fountains deserve to be called ugly at all. It is ratlier levelled against the outrageously vituperative criticism ■nhich brands them with that epithet in the hyper-superlativc decree as if they exbibiteil the very ' pricterplui)erfect' of hideousness. AVIien it was first bestowed on them, the expression "intense ugliness" seemed to Ije uttered very inconsiderately, but as it has been brought into notice again without any admission of it's impropriety, or with the least attempt to soften it down, we must perforce conclude that it was penned deliberately at the time, and that its author still maintains it most resolutely. That critic's vocabulary must be exceedingly limited indeed, who can find no terms for the uunu-rous intermediate gradations between beauty and positive ugliness and tlie extreme of hideousness. The lieviewer seems to have only black and white upon his palette, and to daub every thing he notices with one of those two colours, as best suits his purpose at the moment. In point of design the Trafalgar Square fountains are not remarkable for any particular beauty, neither are they so for the opposite reason. "What is most to be complained of is that they are not uijnu a snfliciently noble scale. A single fonnlain equal in capacity to both the present ones would have formed a noble decoration — a far more imposing object in the centre of the square. But I forget— the lieviewer has an inUnse horror of every thing that is imposing or partakes of imposition. Let us, however, see what sort of imposition be can, nevertheless, stoop to himself, — what sort of sense, or nonsense he has made out of what is said in the Com- panion respecting the general appearance of Trafalgar Square. And here it is necessary to quote from the book. " A more striking architectural fault as regards the enclosure m Square itself is, that the two side boundary walls, east and west, are made to slope according to the fall of the ground from north to sontii, although the enclosure itself is on a uniform level plane. Within the enclosure this produces a singularly disagreeable eOect, for the tops of walls are not made to rise and fall like hedges according to the iucqualities of ll:e ground." Undoubtedly, this is not so well expressed as it might have been ; still the meaning is sulliciently obvious, viz. that an unpleasing efiecl is occa- sioned by liie tops of those walls being made to slope, instead of being carried horizontally, and parallel to the flat pavement of the area. Yet the Reviewer has made it appear that it is complained of by the Com- panion, that " the tops of tlie walls are not made to rise and fall like hedges." How came that remarkably significant "The" to be conjnred into the text? — or did it jump in entirely by accident, and just into the very place where it so admirably suited the purpose of the honest and conscientious Ueviewer? Can that, too, be a mere mistake ? If so, the mishaps which liave occurred in printing the Reviewer's comments, are not so much mistakes and mishaps as actual miracles. Still, prodigiously lucky andconvenient as they may have been just at the time, they prove anything but agreeable in their consequences, when they are pointed out. They oc'casion not only ugly, but " intensely ugly" suspicions; and those suspicions are rather confirmed than at all lessened when it is perceived how studiously the Reviewer labours to fasten upon the Companion more silliness than it really contains. AVhere did be find in the book itself such a Balaam expression as that of "making Trafalgar-square agree- able ?— and, if it be not in the book, but one of his own concocting, where- fore should " agreeable " be printed with inverted commas, as if it was the very word there made use of, and the one constituting the silliness of the phrase employed. It is also in some degree made to appear that, while it speaks of Trafalgar-square as an "ill-arranged spot," the Compa- nion calls it " one of the noblest sites in Europe," those words being also printed between inverted commas, as if a quotation from the book ; which, not being the fact, the Reviewer ought to have guarded against misconception by saying, " irlmf lias been called by some, ' (most ptople) one of the noblest sites in Europe.'" It is, however, absurdity in me to talk of his guarding against miscon- ception, when misconception and misconstruction, and misrepresentations are what he has evidently laboured at in all that he has said of the sec- tion headed " Public Improvements" in the Companion to the Almanac. In like manner as he has reiterated his crushing condemnation of the Trafalgar-square fountains, he has again attacked— for there can be very little doubt that the former attack proceeded from himself— the new building at Lincoln's Inn, on account of deal being used for the ceilings of some of the rooms, which he not only derides, but absohilely vilifies as mere sham and deception, notwithstanding that it is the real wood which shows itself, without pretending to be any other material than what it actually is. In asserting that the members of the Inn themselves vote the ceilings in question to be Brummagem, he may be right, for if he assists at the " Hall dinners," he of course can best tell whetlier they do or not— and his veracity is of course also unimpeachable. Still, few will agree with him that the sneering exclamation " Brummagem " is at all the criticism of " gentlemen and men of educated taste," On the con- trary, it is a very Brummagem sort of criticism, to which those only have recourse who have neitlier reasons nor arguments wherewith to support the opinions they pretend to hold. Singularly enough too, just after seemiug to allow that it is the clum- siness of the deception which renders imitative materials despicable, he is shocked at the Companion fur its commending the columns in the Co- losseum because they imitate white marble " most deceptively." Admi- rable consistency, truly ! Are we then to suppose that, in his opinion, the imitation wonld have been all the more praiseworthy had it been less successful and less deceptive ? — that the paltriness of deception is in pro- portion to the exactness and truthfulness of the imilation. At any rale he has started a fieali and fertile topic for discussion — one which I must here pass over, contenting myself with keeping it in reserve for some other occasion, only remarking that the Reviewer seems to con- sider Design as altogether secondary to Material ; wherein he shows him- self to be a much more matter-of-fact kind of person than he has done as regards sticking to matlerof-fact quotation. According to his notions, Pompeii, with its stucco columns, Venice, with its so called " marble pa- laces," and Vicenza, with its Palladian facades of brick coated over with intonaco, ought to be scouted as exhibiting the mere Brummagem architecture. The Travellers" Club House, Pall Mall, is but of mock, material ; and there is plcntv of ISrummagcin, viz. sham marble, or scag- liola, not only in the other ciub-houses, but in Buckingham Palace and Sutherland House. Nay, there is even mock masonry— wood-work ceil- ings painted to imitate stone vaulting, in some parts of both \ork Min- ster and Ely Cathedral, surely, therefore, the deal ceilings at Lincoln's Inn are not such very dishonest things after all— perhaps houest enough to satisfy most people, if not one who is as straightluced in his notions of honesty as the Reviewer h.is shown himself to be. * * To your own Readers, Mr. Editor, I leave now to judge if I am the ridiculous ignoramus which your publication has represented me ; and whether I am capable of writing tolerably correct and intelligible Eng- lish. This letter contains some pretty plain English, and also some suf- ficiently intelligible and significant hiuts, which you ought to thank me for not having made plainer. I remain. Sir, Yours, &c. &c. Thi; AVbiter in tul Cumpamon to the Almanac. CHRIST CHURCH, PLYMOUTH. Sir— In reference to your observations on the fault of a " show front," the " other sides" of my church being " merely plaiu masonry," it is only necessary to inform you that the sides of the building unite with the buildings on either hand: that the Eastern end is entirely concealed, with no more than a space for light of ten feet deep ; and, m short, that the front alone is visible ; or that it alone iciH be visible when the intended school is built against the Southern side. The church is already built in on the nurlh side. Of course, nothing can be worse than the making of an insulated building with a " show front." Yours truly, G. M'iGHTVVICK. [Amon" the difficulties which architects meet with from the injudicious wi'^hes of"those who employ them, not the least is that of erecting buildings on sites wholly uusuited for them. A church of which the sides '• unite with the buildings on either hand," must have three great defects : 1st. It has a show front which greallv diminishes its architectural value. 2nd. The difficulties of procuring light must be obviated by some unchurchlike arrangement : 3rd. The adjacent houses produce inharmonious combinations ,and secularize the character of the church.] — Eu. ICKWORTH. SiK— In a memoir which I have just been reading of Mario Asprucci, an Italian architect who died in 1S04,— and who, I may observe, is omitted not only in Na-ler's Kunstler-Lexicon, but in the enormously copious Bio- graphical Diclimary of the Society for the Diliusion of Useful Knowledge, —it is stated that he designed for " Milord Ervei," a splendid palace which that nobleman afterwards began to erect in England. By " Milord Ervei" —that "■'ran mecenate delle belle arti," is of course meant the eccentric Hervev. Earl of Bristol and Bishop of Derry, but is it Ickworth that is the edifice alluded to? In the " Beauties of England and Wales," that mansion is said to have been begun from the designs of two Porfw^iicsc architects, named Carialho, — which has always struck me as an improba- bility. Supposing, however, the latter account to be correct, what is the other " palazzo" which " Milord Ervei" erected or began to erect in Eng- land ? Or is that a mistake on the part of the Italian writer, who perhaps confounded Ireland with England, in the former of which countries there is or was somewhere in the county of Derry— the name of the place, I do not now recollect— another stately country-seat, built by the " Bishop ; and which like Ickworth was remarkable for the singularity of its plan, the body of the house, being in both instances, an ellipsis. M'hct'herthe mansion in question be really Ickworth or not, the designs for it were engraved and published, that circumstance being alleged as sufficient reason for merelv mentioning that specimen of Asprucci's abili- ties, " che tutti, perchi- inciso, baslumenle conoscono"—it being what is so well known to every one by means of those engravings. Be they ever so well knowu'in Italy, no copies of such work or engravings seem to have reached this country,— at least uot for sale ; nevertheless I take refuge NEW PAT E N T S FT, ATE lU mj^itr , which has just beeii emptied, to be moved in its axis or trunnions, so as to assume a vertical position, rn order again to be filled with clay. I, I, are catches which re- tain the vessels, b, in the horizontal or in the vertical position. It may be remarked, thai although the vessels, b, I,, are preferred when mounted on axes to be of the form shown and dcscribe What will serve for a I'ost-Oliice, will serve it seems, equally well for a Museum ; although there had m-ed be some- thing more than usually striking iu the order to make amends for the tame- ness and monotony of the general design. In our altered version of the Elevation, the Ionic order becomes a se- condary one, and as such contributes to contrast with and set otT the Corin- thian octastyle, which though considerably loftier (being somewhat higher than the portico of the Uojal Exchange) would nut in its turn have theef- 66 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [March, feet of diminishing the other columns by comparison, the Uller being on nnite as large a scale as we are accustomed to. By exceeding tl.at scale and rising up higher than ihe Ionic colonnades, the central port.co would confer dignity on the whole faya.le. That such combination of two d.t- /erent orders is not in strict accordance with Grecian precedent, .s what we need not be told; vet it seems to us that, instead of requiring excuse, such deviation from the letter of Greek architectural law, would rather tend to excuse those violations of it which there will now be, by pro- claiming at once that the building does not alVect to be severely Grec.an. The I'lan ace .mpanying the Elevation, shows the Connth.an octas yle to be bron-ht forward two intercolumns in adva-.ce of ihe adjoining colon- nades ; owing to which it would be rendered unusually spacious, and would constitute a rather striking piece of architecture interndly ; while another advantage would be that the portic would display itself more pro- minently in an oblique view of the facade. In the external elevation of our Corinthian Portico, there is nothing either amounting to design, the sketch merely indicating the order and showing that the frieze of the entablature, and the pediment would be enriched with sculpture. But perhaps some little degree of novelty may be claimed for the mode in which the portico is connected with the lateral colonnades, which latt.rare entered through open doorways or portals, answering to the extreme intercolumns of the oetastyle. Thus treated the portico would be better enclosed than if open at its ends, into the colonnades, and a greater variety of eliect upon the whole would be produced. One other thing that may deserve to be pointed out as partaking of novelty, is the position of the two statuesaga.nst each of the extreme columns of the oetastyle, iu which situation such figures would, we conceive, tell very forcibly, and throw a good deal of plav into the architecture. We are aware that such a portico as we have imagined could not be applied to the building in its present state: it would be necessary to carry up th. back wall of the portico higher, and also to raise the cen re of the roof to the pitch of the loftier pediment. What then ? there would be nothing of very awful or unheard of extravagance in doing that ; far better that, than to erect what may sometime hence be doomed to be ta^ea down a-rain to make room for something more digniBed. If Sir John Soane built the exterior of his Law Courts twice over ;-if the wings that were first put to Buckingham Palace were no sooner up than they were taken down again, the mere consideration of a little more expense and a little „,„re delay, ought not to deter from elTecting even at the eleventh hour an alteration greatly for the better in the fa?adeofthe British Museum. That we ourselves consider it would be one greatly for the better is evident ; and most persons we fancy, will be of the same opinion ; stil others may think very dilferently, in which case they are heartly welcome to be as free in their strictures upon us as we have been .n speaking of the design which is now being carried int) execution. DECEPTIVE ARCHITECTUR.\L MATERIALS. II. We published last month a long letter subscribed "The Writer in the Companion to the Almanac," controverting certain criticisms which have appeared in former numbers of this .lournal. It is not worth while to pro- Ion- an uninteresting and unprofitable controversy by replying categori- cairy to the letter; at the same time, there are views suggested by it on one subject-that of deceptive materials-which are certainly worth ex- amining It is a matter of very general interest to architects and those w-ho employ them, that the general question as to the propriety of using deceptive materials, and also the specific questions as to what particular materials are to be considered deceptive, should be clearly and debnit.vely answered. „. • . n But a mere unsupported dictum will not be a sufticient answer. On subjects like these the reader claims the right of reasoning and examining for himself and will not be satisfied with simple statements of opinion, however autlioritatively pronounced. It will be necessary therefore to observe some sort of method in considering the question, and as we have already assigned in the former paper with the same title as the present one, the abstract reasons for condemning architectural de. eptions, we now purpose to examine the specific applications of the general rule. It may then be first remarked that every rule of art which is of the na- ture of a restriction must be applied more strictly to works of the highest order than to those of a trivial or unpretending character. So that, ia condemning architectural deceptions, the condemnation must be con- sidered to fall far more heavily when it aliecls important public edifices, churches, collegiate buildings, iic, than when it refers to ordinary domes- tic architecture. There would, for instance, be no dispute as to the impro- priety of making the great doors of a cathedral of some common wood painted in imitation of oak, but it would be mere affectation to object to the use of " grained" deal in an ordinary dwelling room. Neither, we presume, would there be found at the present day many defenders for an architect who constructed an elaborate roof like that of Henry the Seventh's Chapel, of some cement or stucco resembling stone ; but it would be ab- surd to conclude that there was any impropriety in using plaster ceilings in priva'e bouses. Neither, again, would it be possible to deny that a chimney piece of wood painted and varnislied to resemble marble would appear contemptible iu a noble banquetting hall ; but it is quite possible to conceive instances where wood painted like marble might be introduced without any grievous ofi'ence to good taste. The more immediate occasion of the present paper arises from the re- marks which have been made in defence of the use of varnislml deal, and as this material has of late been very frequently used in buildings of the highest pretensions, it becomes a matter of great interest to the architect to ascertain under what circumstances its use is justifiable. It is clear that no reason exists for making it an exception to the remarks just made respecting the ca-;e3 where imitative materials may be allowed, and those remarks are of the more importance with respect to varnished deal, because there are methods of using this substance by which it altogether avoids the risk of being ranked among deceptive materials. In many of the old mansions and seats of the nobility the wood-work is of the Norway pine timber, varnished ; and this wood from its superior hardness and closeness of texture compared with common deal, admits of considerable delicacy and minuteness in carving. The grain of the wood also is free from that coarseness which renders deal generally inapplicable for ornamental pur- poses. The colour of the Norway pine wood when varnished somewhat resembles that of pear wood, and produces a very agreeable elfect ; the varnish also improves the appearance of the wood by developing its texture and " bringing up" the graiu, which often exliibits considerable delicacy. This point however is particularly to be noticed— that where the Norway pine wood has been used with good effect, there has never been any attempt to yroduce deception by artificially disguising the natural colour of the wood. This remark is most important, because, otherwise, all attempts to improve the natural appearance of architectural materials might be con- sidererl synonymous with architectural deception. It is very necessary for the consistency of our argument, that this distinction should be clearly made ; for otherwise it might lead to most absurd inferences. An un- thinking person might, for instance, condemn the polishing of marble on the mere ground that marble when polished presents an appearance alto- gether different to that which it has in its natural state. But the essential distinction between the improvement of natural materials and architectural deceptions is— that by the latter, a poor and cheap material is made to look like some other well known material, which is more rare and costly. Marble, by being polished, cannot be said to be made to resemble anything more costly than itself; neither can varnished Norway pine ulun unstained be supposed to be a spurious and deceptive substitute for a more ex- pensive wood. If, however, some cheap common wood, such as the ordinary pine be . stained of a dark colour, altogether dillerent from its natural hue, and if moreover, as iu the case of the timber roofs at Lincoln's Inn, the stained wood is placed at such a height that the eye cannot detect the poverty of the material by its shapeless knots and coarse graiu, it seems impossible for any one but a mere disputer about words to deny that in such a case varnished deal must fairly be reckoned iu the list of deceptive materials. It does not appear any answer to our objection to say that ia this case the wood is not painted. Of what consequence can it be whether the de- ception be produced by painting the wood or by staining it.' The object of the discuasou is to ascertain the/)c( of the existence of deception— not the mode of producing the deception. So long as it remains undisputed that a common material is made to look like another, better and more ex- pensive than itself, it really seems wholly immaterial to dispute about the specific means by which the deceptive resemblance is effected. The notice of ceiling at Lincoln's luu, copied into our pages from tlie Atheiucum, stated that the wood was first stained and then varnished, and that the colour of the wood was entirely changed ; these facts are perfectly suffi- cient for our argument. IS-iO. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 67 It may appear perhaps that we are prolix and annecessarily minute on a point of comparatively little importance. This however is not the case. The parliculur kind of deception which we now nolice seems growing into fashion, and believing, as we do, that a great— if not the icnj grcatesl— barrier to the improvement of modern architecture, is the tendency which has unhappily crept in of using all kinds of tricks and artilices and make- beliefs, we do not think that we can be mispending the time of our reaervable among nations least elevated by moral and intellectaal energy. Wonderful stories are told of the miuuteness with which the Chinese and Japanese imiiate natural objects, but none of the lofty beauty of their sculpture, paiuting, and architecture. The mimetic faculty is seldom predominant in men of original genius, and is never dis- played in their greatest works; the subsUiutiuu of the fictitious for the real, the minute for the beautiful, has uniformly been found to presat,e the neglect and speedy degrada;ion of the fine Arts. .ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH, PIMLICO. Notwithstanding the rapid advancement of church architecture during the last few years, it must be confessed to be siill in a state of transition from the barbarism of the last age, and to have as yet but imperfectly regained its original purity. A characteristic defect of modern Pointed architecture appears to us to be the want of that boldness and niassiveness which dis- tinguished the architecture of the fourteenth century. There is in modern art a general tendency to what may be called, for the want of a better term, prettyism. This afl'ectation of smoothness and delicate ornament is espe- cially observable in sculpture and architecture, and iu neither of those arts have we the energy and boldness of the old artists. We seem altogether afraid of exercising that kind of courage which produced the strong simple lines, the bold salient angles, the sudden alternations of lights and shadows which distinguish Westminster Abbey or King's College Chapel. And it is the more to be regretted that these simple means of rendering architecture effective should be altogether missed in modern buildings, because they seem to be the very means which should be most valuable at a time when architects are constantly complaining of the parsimony by which their elforts are restricted. Speaking economically, it must be clear that bold simple ornaments must be cheaper than those of more delicate workman- ship, and the architect can complain of no one but himself if fur want of the former his works appear ineli'ective. The new church of St. Michael's, Chester Square, built from the designs of Mr. Cundy, possesses in a great measure that necessary play of light and shadow without which the first and distant view of a church can never be satisfactory. The plan of the building is cruciform, there is a bold tower surmounted by a lofty spire, the roofs are of high pitch, and the combina- tion of the various parts produces a very picturesque specimen of the style adopted— the Decorated. The entrance is not at the west, but beneath the tower which stands on the north side near the north west angle, and is strengthened by buttresses divided into three stages, and panelled. The buttresses are surmounted by pinnacles with crockets and tiuials ; between these rises the spire which is surmounted by a vane at the height of ItiO feet from the ground. The roofs of the church are slated and ha>e floriated crosses at the gables. The whole of the exierior is faced with Kentish ragstone, with Bath-stone dressings oiled to resist the ellecl of moisture. The entrance to the church is beneath the tower, of which the lower part is entirely open, and forms an arched portico. Similar examples exist at West Walton, Norfolk ; at Dedham, Essex, and in one ot the churches at Cambridge. Within the church there is accom.i odation lor 1200 persons, 7.i0 in pews and 450 in free seats. The roof is of open wood-work, and is supported by piers between the nave and aisles. The font which is at the west end, has a cover of carved wood, and the pulpit and reading desk are low, and stand on either side of the "communion recess," which is paved with encaustic tiles. The comm.indments are written in panels beneath rich canopies, and on the south side are sedilia. If these are to be used there can be no objection to them in an architectural point of view, if how 68 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL, [March, ever they be useless and are merely for show, the architect would have certainly done well to have omitted them. Where there is much to praise it is very painful to have to find fault ; truth and consistency however compel us to stato that there are many things in the interior arrangement of the churcli wliich cannot be praiseil. There are galleries intersecting the piers and blocking up the side windows ; the shafts attached to the piers have poor bases which are hoisted on a species of stilts to the level of the pew-seats. But above all there is an appearance of unrca;;;;/, objectionable in all kinds of architec- ture, but perfectly indefensible in that kind which ought to be the very highest and most truihful— church architecture. The walls of the church and of the staircases are coated with plaster on which black lines are drawn to imitate, or rather, mimic the courses of real masonry. Some of the window mouldings are "run" in cement, and are the more deceplive because the mullions and corbels are of stone. The same remark applies to the shafts attached to the piers, which are partly of stone and partly imitations ; the piers themselves are all of plaster decorated with the black lines aforesaid. The pews are of stained deal. Of the value of this ma- terial we have pronounced a sudiciently explicit opinion in another part of our present number. It may be added that here the coarse shapeless knots of the wood and the harsh lines of the grain have a very disagreeable effect The glazed and shining appearance of varnish is, to our taste at least, very objectionable. This however is merely an individual opinion, — but it is a matter of certainty that the effect is very unchurchlike. We regret also to find the appearance of sham windows — indentations or shallow recesses in the plaster of the walls, with imitation hood-mouldings in cement. In the exterior of the church there is also apparently an un. truthfulness about the western side which is treated as if it were the 6/ic/v of the church, (a church ought to have no back or inferior side,) for on this side we find nothing but plain blank walls of masonry without ornament^ and with a surface entirely unbroken, except by one or two very small windows in the upper part. This defect is certainly not necessitated by the site of the church, which is quite isolated. The western side is not quite so conspicuous as the other sides, still it is far from being actually concealed. There are indeed houses on the north side, but at such a distance as to leave plenty of room for viewing the building in that direc- tion. It is very tedious to have to repeat the same obvious truths over and over again. But till the lesson is perfectly learned and practically exem- plified we must not cease to set forth the truthfulness and honest sincerity which the old builders scrupulously observed in their works. To express a species of excessive vulgarity by a vulgar phrase, there is in modern church-building a tendency to show-iiff, which is utterly repugnant to the principles of good taste. And not only is this ostentation and afi'ectation of fictitious magnificence contrary to reason, but it is agaiust precedent also. The old architects uniformly used real materials and were never guilty of leaving one side of a church poor and unembellished that they might lavish richer ornaments on the conspicuous parts. Until our own times the art of make-belief decoration has been monopolised by milliners and scene- painters. We must not be understood to express these sentiments in an unfriendly spirit. The architect of St. Michael's Church cannot be censured for the existence of a widely-spread error which is doing the greatest possible in- jury to architecture, and which we boldly affirm must be corrected before the constructive arts cau regain their original excellence. At the same time we must express regret that in the present case the architect should have fallen in with a bad custom, and we sincerely hope to see many ex- cellent works of his, as bold and effective in design as St. Michael's church, but free from its faults in detail. There is one good arrangement with respect to the comfort of the future congregation of the new church which must not be passed over. The church is warmed by hot-air pipes, which are contained in channels in the floors covered by grating. There is nothing like concealment here ; the pipes honestly reveal their purpose — they are not concealed, but they are put where they do not obtrude on the siglit, and are simply ren- dered inconspicuous. W'e have no doubt that the titled cougrec^alion who will frequent St. Michael's, will prefer this arrangement to the delightful inventions of the Cambridge Camden Society. The first stone of the church was laid on the 20th of May 1S44, by the present iMarquis of Westminster, who subscribed 5000/. towards the building, and gave the fee simple of the site. The remainder of the cost must be raised by subscription before the church can be consecrated. There is at present a deficiency of 5,200/., which includes the cost of an organ, bell and clock, and of inclosing the church-yard. CHRIST CHURCH, PLYMOUTH. The accompanying illustration represents the elevation of a Cbapel-of- ease recently erected in the parish of St. Andrew, Plymouth, from the de- signs of Mr. Wiglitwick, to whose courtesy we are indebted for the sketch from which our view is copied. Mr. Wightwickhas also favoured Ui with some brief but very pertinent observations on the strictures which appeared in the January and February numbers of this Journal, respecting the manner in which light was obtained in the new building. He says, " I do not exactly see that a church united with other buildings is ne- cessarily so beyond all successful treatment as you suppose. Is it quite fair to call the only front that shows " a show front >" Is there any thing " unchurchlike" in the " arrangement" by which I obtain light f viz., by a clerestory ? 3rd!y. The adjacent buildings harmonise with the church in style; the one being a residence of a simple Tudor character; and the other a School-building literally belonging to the church. Furthermore the building is but a Chapel-of-Ease." A\ ith respect to the use of the word " unchurchlike," we would observe that it was meant to refer, not to the admission of light by clerestory win- dows, but to the Bon-admission of it by aisle windows. It must be obvious that wheu a church is lighted by clerestory windows alone, either the amount of light obtained must be insufficient, or else these windows must be so enlarged as to become very prominent features of the architecture, or at all events, to lose that subordinate relation which they bear in ancient churches. The omission of aisle windows has also this disadvantage, that the whole of the north and south walls are broken and unbarred : and this again is con- trary to precedent, for in ancient examples large surfaces of " dead" wall are uniformly avoided. Another disadvantage arising from the same cause is that the quantity of light obtained in the centre aisle must far exceed that in the north and south aisles. In Christ Church the lateral aisles contain galleries extending from the walls to the piers of the nave;* and it is certainly against usage that a lateral aisle of a church should as in this case be divided into two stories or compartments, each of which constitutes a spacious wiodowless recess. Light obtained from upper windows alone produces an effect very dif- ferent to that to which we are accustomed in Pointed Architecture. The lights and shadows are, so to speak, reversed. This may seem at first siglit an unimportant remark, and one rather of an artistic than architec- tural nature, but if the reader will compare a building lighted by vertical * We h.id formerly undsrstoou ttiat these galleries did not iatersect the piers. IS^G.l THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 69 lights in the roof (such as the National Gallery, the Elgin Room of the British Museum, ice.) with a chamber ia which there is a series of side windows, he will see that the ellects produced are totally dilTerent, and as the beauty of Christian Architecture depends most materially on the dis- position of light and shadow, this consideration is by no means to be neg- lected. We never should expect to meet with an ordinary akylight in an ancient church ; in that case, it is immedM^e/i/ obvious that the effect would be contrary to the spirit of Pointed Architecture. It needs, however, but little reflection to be satisfied that there is a similar objection to the exclusive employment of clerestory windows. By the arrangement of win- dows similar to that in the National Gallery the light is so generally diffused that it nowhere casts strong sharply defined shadows; this arrangement is therefore very advantageous in a Museum of Art, but the effect produ- ced is essentially secular, and very different to that " religious light'' which is so beautiful a characteristic of the Mediaeval churches. It is however by no means necessary that a church should be built in a perfectly isolated situation. Our noblest cathedrals have attached to them accessory buildings (Cloisters, Chapter-houses, &c.) of corresponding date and architecture. Much injury has indeed been done by the injudicious temerity of modern "restorers" in their zeal to isolate ancient churches. Vi'e may here perhaps refer to M. Didron's vehement denunciation of the Vandalism which has recently destroyed the Chapter-house at Troyes, and which contemplates a similar destruction at Rouen under the pretext of revealing the beauties of the Cathedral itself. But though it be perfectly allowable, and frequently desirable that a church should have dependent buildings attached to it, there seems no warrant whatever for so placing those buildings as to prevent thfe admissioQ of light to the church by aisle windows. Of course these remarks must be considered perfectly general in their tendency ; it would be absurd to censure the architecture of the new chapel at Flymoulh because the architect has not performed physical impossibili- ties. On the contrary, there is every reason to suppose that his expedient is the very best which the circumstances of the case admitted. At the same time it is one which can never be defended, except on the ground of absolute necessity, and we certainly should never feel disposed to approve of the omission of aisle windows, unless the question lay between building the church without them— or not building it at all. AMALGAMATION AND LEASING OF RAILWAYS. In continuation of the papers on this subject, that appeared in the Journal for October and December 1845, my only apology is the difficulty ofgetting this description of information after until the period at which it appeared in the public papers, and although these papers may not claim the merit of original thought, yet their computation at the period of the Railway Fever of 1845, the one previous and the other after the dreaded month of November, may in itself be some merit. In the last paper speaking in reference tolhe new infusion of lines of the session of 1845, and the positionof the remnant of the new lines that has not formed any alliance with the old companies, an alliance was indicated as probable, and which has since taken place, as will be found in the after part of this paper. The remnant of lines not yet allied to, the old companies is reduced to the Kendal and Windermere, Cockermouth and Workington, Newport and Pontypool,WeirValley, Richmond (Surrey) and Leeds and Thirsk and these may be further reduced as the latter line, and the Great North of England have come to an understanding so as not to compete, and the Weir Valley may be said to have the same interest as the Stockton and Darlington. As regards Scotland, the following are the groups into which the railway interest have naturally divided this country entirely from the East Coast; we have the North British, Edinbu.gh and Hawick, Edinburgh and Dalkieth, and meeting with the West Coast Interest at Peebles, which may be considered as a fixed point. The Western write to be obtained from Carlisle, is by the Caledonian Line, 137 miles long, which is united with the Clydesdale Junction, Pollock and Govan, Glasgow and Garnkirk, and Caledonian and Dumbartonshire Junction, and West of the meridian of Glasgow, and North of Carlisle, is the group proposed to be called the Great South Western of Scotland, composed of the Glasgow and Greenock ; Glasgow, Kilmarnock and Ardrossan, and Glasgow, Paisley Kilmarnock and Ayr, and Glasgow, Banhead and Neilston Direct, and tiking the parallel of Edinburgh and Glasgow, we have the Edinburgh and Glasgow, and Lanarkshire Lines, viz: Ballochney, Slamannan and Monkland and Kirkintillock, also the Glasgow Junction, Scottish Midland and Scottish Central, and Coupar Angus, and Glammis ; and East of Edmburgh, and North of the Firth, we have the Kingdom of Fife group the Edinburgh N orthern, and Edinburgh, Leith and Granton, and from Perth Northward, we have the Dundee and Perth, and Dundee and Newtyle, and its continuation by the Dundee and Arbroath, Arbroath Forfar and Aberdeen. ' The following are the groups of alliances in England. South of London, and to the East, we have the South Eastern to the West, the South Western, and intermediate the group of Lines compressed in 'the London and Brighton. The district asems fairly assigned to each, and the three companies are on friendly terms, and disposed to become consolidated ; indeed, two years ago, the South Eastern offered 100,000/. per annum, for the Brighton, which would have been just equal to the present dividend. North of London, ani to a\e East, is the group composed of the Eastern Counties, Northern and Eastern, with proposed Extension to York, and the Norfolk, East Anglian, and Eastern Union, and its Extension. North of London, on the East Coast, is the Midland, from Bristol to Berwick. North of London, on the M^est, the Great London and Liverpool extension to Carlisle. ' London to the West, the first group Line is the Great Western, which with the London and Birmingham occupies the whole of Wales, the one South, the other North. T/ie Second Cross Line is from Liverpool to Hull by the Manchester and Leeds. The Third Cross Line is from Jlanchester, by the Sheffield and Man- chester, Hull and Barnsley Junction, and Sheffield and Lincolnshire. The Fourth is from Shields on the East to Maryport on the WestjCoast, by the North Coast and Carlisle. The above general view may be confirmed in detail by a reference to the former papers, and the amalgamation there indicated, and since taken place, is the East Anglian. The Board of Trade having ceased to report on new schemes, I record their period of influence. The total notices together were eleven, the first appeared 31st Dec. 1844, and then in January, 14, 17, 24. Four in Feb. 4,7,18,28. Three in March ; and nineteen reports were published, accompanied with twenty-one maps of districts into which they had divided the country, and the name of the different districts and date of reports are as follows. First, Feb. 1 3. Kentish and South Eastern. Second, Feb. 24, Manchester and Leeds, and Newcastle and Berwick. Third, Feb. 28. District of Berks, Hants, Wills, Dorset and Somerset, —District, London, Worcester and Wolverhampton— District, Birmingham and Shrewsbury. Fourth, March 4. Norfolk and Suffolk, Cornwall and Devonshire. Fifth, March 13. Trent Valley, North and North West of Ireland, approaches to the Metropolis and Scotland. Sixth, March 20. London and York, West of Dublin, South of Ireland South Wales. ' Seventh, March 31. Colchester and Harwich, Portsmouth, North of Leeds and West Riding. Eighth, April 16, 1845, Lancashire. The influence of these reports will be felt in the present session. The Chairman of the Great Western at the Meeting, Feb. 12, 1S46, sajs, "There could be no doubt that under the report of the Board of Trade,;the traffic of Exeter and Yeovil was to be provided for by the Great Western." The Chairman of the South Western at the Meeting, January 21, says, the Great Western would not treat for a friendly alliance until the Board of Trade reported in January 1845; the Board of Trade made their report, and was appointed mutual arbitrator and sole referee betwen the two com- panies, which, however, tbe G. W. R. now decline, and the Board of Trade declined to interfere, and the Chairman further says, " An opposition was eventually made to that board, which could not he foreseen. Lord Howick commenced it in connexion with the atmospheric, and others followed by which the Board was overthrown." From the above there can be no doubt the quarrel between these two powerful Companies will be much perplexed, by the record of the Board of Trade Report. Neverthe- less we have the experience of the last session, that the Committees of Parliament are jealous of this interference, and are prepared to act inde- 70 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Mabch, pendently as they sanctioned the following lines contrary to the report of the lioard. Leeds Dewsbury and Manchester, Exeter and Crediton, Lynn and Dereham, Londonderry and Coleraine, Londonderry and Enniskillen, J-ish Great Western, (Dublin lo MullinKar,) Leeds and Thirsk, Shrewsbury, Oswestry and Chester, Kly and Huntingdon. The abandonment of a portion of the Great North of England and Eastern Counties Line, seems to have had great influence with the Hoard. I have been curious to know what lines, for which Acts of Parliament had been obtained, havebeen abandoned, they are as follows : 1«1 1 ; I'-erwick and Kelso; 1812, Peurhynn; 1814, Mamhilad ; 1816, Peak Forest;1825, West Lothian; 1S-2G, Dulais, Manchester, Oldham, Limerick and Water- ford; 1831. Rutherglen and M'ellshot, Lanarkshire, Sheffield and Man- chester; 1832 Exeter and Crediton; 1S3G, London Grand Junction, Thames Haven, Launceston e.id Victoria; Deptford Pier. In looking over the above it will be seen at a glance that many of the projects are carried out by Companies incorporated since. I will now proceed to give a general summary of the acts of each Session, and those which were refused the sanction of Parliament, although from want of data I cannot separate those refused into the two heads of New and independent Lines, and those promoted by Old Companies, or being amendments of former Acts. The first Act was passed in 1801, and; inl802,two; 1803, one; 1, one ; 8, one ; 9, two; 10,one; U, three; 12,two; 14,one; 15, one; lG,one; 17,one; 18,one; 19.one; 2l,one; 23,one; 24,two; 25, live ; 20, six ; 27, six ; 2S, eleven ; 20. nine ; 30, eight ; 3 1 , nine ; 32, eight ; S3, eleven; 31, fourteen; 35, eighteen; 30, thirty-five ; 37, forty-two; 38, sixteen; 3',), twenty-six ; 40, twenty-four ; 41, nineteen; 42, twenty-two; 43, twenty-four; 44, forty-eight; 4.3, one hundred and twenty ; and 1846, sevenhundred and twenty-one applications. And commencing with the same period, there are distinct titles of new Companies, and old ones with a distinct application exclusive of amended Acts, 1801, one; 2, two; 3, one i 4,one;8,one;y,three; 10, one; 11. two; 12. one ; 15, one; 17, one; 18, one; 19, one; 21, two; 24, two; 25, seven , 2'j, seven ; 27, one; 28, Ave; 29, six J 3ui five; 31, three; 32, four; 33, five; 34, five; 35, nine; 36, twenty-four; 37, thirteen; 38, two; 39, three; 41, one ; 42, four; 44, sixteen; 1845, sixty-two; being upwards of 200 Kadways with distinct titles, no Act is dated in 1805, 6, 7, 'or 1813, 14, or 1815, or 1820, 22, 23, or 1840, and 1843. Commencing with IbOl, the number of liailway Bills, that was passed in eachsession.that I can find account of is the fallowing: in 1826, two; lS2C,one; 1830, five; 1832, four; I833,five; 1831, four; 1836, twenty-four i ISSTjorty; 1839, nine; 1840, seven; 1841, six; 1842,five; 1843,ten; 1844, twenty-three; 1845, one hundred and five. I will now proceed to give an account of the alliances formed since the preceeding paper, viz: Dundee and Sewtitations are witnessed, yet they are not without their benefits to the great bulk of mankind. John White. Paddle Box Boats Abandoned — The Rdributmi steam-frigate, Cap- tain Lhshington, ha\in^' retnmefl her pa(i(ile-bo.v bouts to Ihe Portsnioulh dockyard on account of their great vrelght(12 tons,) will not have any more paddle-box boats litted, and the padule-box is accordingly already built up in the usual way, it being apparent that the vessel can carry conveniently as many boats as are necessary on board and upon her quarters, without encumbering herself with such heavy appurteuanccs. The removal of the paddle-box boats has given this fine vessel a much more sightly and light appear- ance, and no doubt will ease her in sea-going. She is being fitted with a connecting beam u> strengtbea her paddle, boxes. REV1E\VS. An Essay on an Improved Method of Construction for Viaducts, Bridges, and Tunnels, being an .ipplication of the Principle of Universal Gravitation, as illustrated in the Solar System. By Messrs. Blair and Phillips, .\rchitects and Civil Engineers. London : Weale, 1845. 8vo. pp. 10. We are constantly called upon to criticise opinions which evince incorrect conceptions of mechanics, but we seldom or never have criticised any dissert, ation in which the laws of nature are so gloriously confounded together as in the pamphlet before us. To most (we hope, all) of our readers its title will sufficiently explain its merits : the laws of motion and those of equili- brium are throughout ttiken as identical ; the equilibrium of arches, &c. is referred to the " principle of gravitation as illustrated in the Solar System .'" Risum teneatis amici ? We will not attempt anything like serious argument respecting the views propounded in the pamphlet. It is necessary to a satisfactory discussion that the disputants should have some similar views : we should imagine, however, that Messrs. Blair and Phillips have not one idea in common with us respecting the theory of the arch. Dissimilarity of opinion may reach a point beyond which argument is fruitless. It is possible to diverge so far from the highway of received opinions as to render a return to it absolutely hopeless. Our authors seem in this predicament. However, that the reader may judge for himself as to tl)e possibility of their hereafter returning to the paths of orthodoxy, we give one or two short extracts. " If an arch be turned over any opening, and a wall be built upon it, the arch supports very little besides itself. There is no weight for it to support, because the position which a regular wall takes is that of a continued series of corbels, which corbels meet in the centre, and form a direct line from the centre to each pier. This reminds us of a general law of gravitation by which all bodies, when unimppded, fall directly to the earth^s centre, and, if im- peded, take a direct line tending in some degree toxcards that centre. With this law of nature before our eyes, let us examine — 1st, the semi- circular arch. This form of arch is used very much, and is by many con- sidered of great strength. Now we wish to show- that of itself this arch is very weak. It is weak, because, when a weight is placed on any one part of it, there is great danger of it becoming deformed." The remarks are illustrated by absurd diagrams in which arches are re- presented as distorted by a superincumbent pressure into all kinds of im- possible shapes. The authors seem to think that when an arch fails it is by the slipping of the voussoirs on each other ; whereas in practice it is uni- versally found that the friction of the voussoirs is so great that they cannot slide, and that the arch can only fall by the opening of the joints. The point endeavoured to be elucidated by these diagrams is that all curved arches must be distorted by pressure upon them, and that a perfectly flat arch is alone free from this danger. The reasoning is as follows : — " Why is this ? The reason is evident. The line of the arch is curved, and as curved (and in proportion to its curve) liable to bend. " Ve come then to our great point, namely, that weight falls in direct lines, and not in curves, as is supposed ; and the nearer our supports ap- proach to a straight hne, the more strength we obtain. If this is true and it cannot be denied, the elliptical arch is of all arches the weakest." It really is no more than charitable to inform the writers that the strength of an arch depends not only on its curvature but also on that which they have altogether neglected to consider — the depth of its voussoirs. We are informed by our authors that they take no credit to themselves for the plan of building arches flat, but they pronounce the whole body of civil engineers blockheads for not having previously thought of it. " It may, however, and, we doubt not, will be said, that what we advance is plain and easy, and that we need not claim to ourselves any credit for in- troducing it. \Ve acknowledge that it is both plain and easy; indeed we stated this at the commencement of our description. Cut who is he that has apjiliid this plain and easy method.' If we cannot claim any credit, surely they that have overlooked what we have now taken up may be set down as ignoramuses, and not df. serving the name and title of civil engineers. For why should the best method of construction be set aside, and an inferior one adopted .= Why should thousands and tens of thousands of pounds be thrown away in that which is worse than useless — injurious ? And why should we praise men trho, directly in face of the laws of the universe, would erect a fabric whose stability they doubted, or which would not stand the test of time and the researclies of science.'" After this the least that the Institution of Civil Engineers and the Institute of British Architects can do, is to ordain a fast and go into mourning. 18-16.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 73 A Complete Treatise on the Oblique Arch. By Peter Nicholson. Third Edition. London: Groombridge, 1846. 8vo. pp. 110; 43 lithographic plates. This is a new edition of a work reviewed in a former volume of this Jour- nal. The object of the treatise is confined to the explanation of the geome trical forms and position of the Voussoirs of Oblique Arches, and does not comprise the mechanical theory of these structures— the subject is in fact a particular branch of Descriptive Geometry. The three preliminarv chapters treat of those principles of plane and solid geometry which are neceisary to the explanation of the construction of oblique arches ; the theory of which IS divide-} into two portions-the theory of oblique arches, with spiral joints and that of oblique arches with plane joints, the distinction between the two kinds of arches is thus defined. J'^ oblique flrcA with spiral joint., is that in which the surfaces of the beds and the surfaces of the joints are both spiral surfaces. If an oblique arch with spiral joints be executed accordine to the nrinci pies here established and cut by a plane perpendicular to the axis of the cv" bnder, the section w,ll exhibit a series of straight lines, dividing the are of i circle^ into smaller ares, and the lines being prolonged, would meet in the An oblique arch with plane joints is that in which the beds of the stone, are planes, passing through the axis of the cvliiider. The iilane-T nf ti joints being parallel to the axis, intersect each face of the arch in verv oblique angles, and only one of the joints can be perpendicular to tl"e flee AI the 0 her joints, as they recede from the centre, are more and m^,?; oblique till they reach the summit of the arch. As eve v oblimie ini^f the angWs made by the face and that joint to beve^y "i^qu^ 'eoM e::!' will be muchstrongerthan that which is acute, theseandesbeinff ,,,„?! V t:fT"- Vr'^'l """'^"^ ^^^''^ "'«■ PlanrgLts'sh'o ^'"n'eTert used where great strength is necessary; and where the angle of obliouftv is very acute, tteobhque arch with spiral joints should only be emSe7 Im admit!"" '''"'"'' perpendicular to the face as' the construction Of course in a work like this one of the first requisites is simplicity and precision 0 language. The dimculty of conveying by words (and even by diagrams) clear ideas of solid geometry can only be overcome by the mos scrupulous adherence to the plain and uncomplicated modes of expression* Our author seems to have generally paid great attention to this point" Among the new portions of the present edition is a description of an oblique budge over the river Gaunless, to which the following general observation, are appended. ' it 'i'7^r" u"i" '" ""'''"' '''■' ""''■■'"'5' °f ^'""e is. in some countries where It IS difficult to procure, verv expensive. However in nrrlp,- 1„ i -ij which will be sufficiently strong at'a moderate pr" i s ecTs sary that "Z imposts or spriugings should be of stone, and, to have thetppe^tf .good work, the quoins which form the ring.stones and the head of the arch should also be of stone Then the intermediate parts of the courses may be of brick, (allowing perhaps fou, courses of bricks to each stone sprTn/erl depenmng on thickness at the abutment. To work the springers and^ the quo.n heads the same templets will be required as if the arch had been con structed entirely of stone. Previous to setting the brick eourserthe board! .ng or laggings should be truly adjusted and fixed ; and, for th; regularion of the work, the bed-lines should be drawn thereon in the r true Sn^n order to try the work as the bricklayer proceeds, he ought to use a ki, d of set-square, made of thin board, containing an angle exactiv the reverse of the templet; and, consequently, the curved edge will be concave instead of he ne convex, as in the arch-square. The sides of each course being m de "o a'ef vvith every application of the set-square, will be what it oSg" to be In stone courses, if he stones are truly wrought, the spiial surfac^e of the'beds w, I all agree with a set-square ; and, therefore, in this case it will be unne cessary to provide one. uc unne- There are several useful trigonometrical tables appended to the work in order that the mason may find in it all the information which he requires without the rouble of referring to other books. The plates are well exe: cuted. At the end of the volume we regret to see several '■ testimonials re- garding the success which the author has had in the appHcaHon of his prin- ciples to the execution of oblique arches." These testimonials appear to be satisfactory in themselves, but thev arc nut nf „i„» <-. . ■ . ' J. . ' "" ""^e out of place. Geometric princ pies are not patent medicines. '^ Coneise Tables to FaoilHate the Calculation of Earthworks required in the Construction of Railways, &rc. Bv Tohv HTTr-nro w • r , T?(K k ITT-, ,„,f. ' ^ Hughes, Engineer. -London: Effingham Wilson. 1846., 12nio., pp. 26. This is a very useful litile book, and th^ portable form which it assumes is not Its least recommendation. The object is to determine the volume of the solid formed by earthworks in cuttings and embankments I There is this difficulty in determining this solid, Ihat'only one side of it ' is rectangular or of the same width throughout— namely, the plane sur- face of the roadway itself,, which, in embankments, is the highest, and ia cuttings the lowest side of the prismoid; the other sides of this solid vary in all their dimensions, and though two sides opposite to each other may be of unequal areas. For instance, in a cutting which commences at the foot of a hill and terminates at a tunnel, the depth of the cutting gradually increases, so that the perpendicular face at the mouth of the tunnel is of greater area than the parallel vertical plane, supposed to be drawn at tho base of the hill. The two oblique sides of the cutting also necessarily widen as they approach the tunnel. Opposite portions of them may also be unequal to each other, the depth of cutting to the right and left of the railway depending on the original form of the hill. Mr. Hughes takes a very simple method of ascertaining the solid content of the prismoid. He imagines it divided into numerous small portions by vertical planes pa- rallel to the faces at the commencement or end of the cutting: so that la fact, the solid is considered as made up of numerous tliin slices of equal thickness, but varying in their vertical areas, v.hicli are trapeziums. It is clear, that by ascertaining the area of each of these trapeziums, takeo at a certain determinate interval, the solid content of each slice may be de- termined by knowing its thickness; and, adding all the solid contents so found, we have the total volume of the cutting. The same method of course, applies to embankments. It is important, however, to remark re- specting the method here adopted, that the more numerous the cross seclions are, the more closely will the result approximate to absolute accuracy. It is clear also, that Mr. Hughes's method contemplates the case in which the upper side of the solid is curved. The tables hitherto published have referred only to the particular case in which the solid is bounded by planes only. Tiie following extract may be introduced to show how far the present work differs from those of an analogous nature which bavei preceded it : — In extensive works, snch as railways and canals, the value of the earth- work is about one-fourth of the entire cost of construction ; and, therefore we find that engineers have given their attention to correct the approxima- tions with which, in past times, the parties were satisfied, as well who executed road and canal works, as their superintendents. The appearance of the elaborate tables of Macnedl, and of those in a more condensed form attributed to Bidder, went far to eradicate the practice, almost universally prevalent, of taking average heights from a longitudinal section, or of averaging the areas of the cross sections; a practice recommended by its facility of application, and having nothing in its form, until reflection was bestowed upon it, to excite suspicion of erroneous results in the minds of those who were deeply interested in its truth. The damage to the interest of contractors, in point of quantity, was, however, in all probability no more than equivalent to the additional price paid to them for executing the work ; but all arrangements which depended on balancing embankments and cuttings were frequently found to be unavailable, and the disappoint- ments from this source were set down to a change of bulk in the material removed, which was assumed without sufficient examination, and which until more competent persons took such arrangements into their own hands, covered the ignorance of the surveyors from the eyes of their em- ployers. Bidder's table requires that the longitudinal dimensions should be taken with a Gunter's chain, a standard never introduced in the drawings or specifications of the architect; and, as well as Macneill's tables, does not extend to heights greater than 50 feet, whilst cuttiugs occur on railways more than 100 feet in depth. At the entrance of tunnels they are rarely less than 70 or 80 feet, and embankments of 80 feet in height are not un» common. I naturally, therefore, directed my attention to the means of obviating this inconvenience by employing the general formula for the con- tent of a prismoid, of which Macneill gave a demonstration as applied to a restricted case, and upon which restricted case both his tables and Bidder's were calculated. The particular case taken by Macneill, is that of a solid bounded by a horizontal rectangular plane at the bottom ; by two parallel, trapezoidal, vertical planes, of unequal heights, at the ends; by two trapezoidal planes, equally inclined, on opposite sides of the ver- tical, at the sides ; and by a sixth plane at the top, passing through the parallel bases of the end trapezoid. The Sdipension Bridge at the Falls of Niagara. — It is proposed to construct a auipenslon bridge above ttie Falls of Niagara, so as to join the Canadiaa Railway and the United States. The execution of It is to be conSded to Mr. Charles Ellett, of Philadelphia, or to Mr. John A. Roehliiig, of Pittsburg. Mr. Ellet lately visited the spot, for the purpose of examining the locality, and to ascertain the practicabilUy of erecting so great a desideratum, There is a bridge which exists about a mile and a half belew the cataract, and near the gulph, or whirlpool, where the distance of the two chief abutments, from oae side to the other, does not exceed (J40 ft. The expenses for con- structing this bridge are estimated by Mr. Ellett at 43,200/., for wflich aum he offers to build it, and he lubscribes Imngelf to the amount of 4,J20f. 10 74 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [March, THE BROAD AND NARROW GAUGES. Ki:voET OF TEiE Royal Commissioners. May it please your Majesty, — AVe, the Commissioners, ajipoiuted Iiy writ, UDciur your Majesty's I'rivy Seal, bearing date the 1 1 tli of July, in the ninth year of your Majesty's reign, to inquire whether, in future private actsof Parliament for the construction of railways, provision ought to be made for securing an uniform gauj'e, and whether it would be expedient and practi- cable to take measures to bring the railways already constructed or in pro- gress of construction, in Great Hrilain, into uniformity uf gauge, and to in- quire whether any other mode could be adopted of obviating or mitigating the evii;apprchemJed as likely to arise from the break that will occur in railway communications from the want of an uniform gauge, big dutifully to submit, that we have called before us such persons as we have judged to be, by reason of their situation, knowledge, or experience, the most com- petent to afl'ord us correct information on the subject of this inquiry, and we have required the production of such books and documents from the various railway companies as appear to us to be the best calculated to aid our researches. We have personally examined into the usual course of proceeding on various railways both at home and abroad, especially those which are in- cident to a break or interruption of gauge, and we have personally inspected several locomotive engines as well as mechanical contrivauci'S invented, either for the general use of railways, or for obviating the sjiecial difficulties presumed to arise from the break of gauge, or otherwise connected with the subject of our inquiry, and as we believe we have now carried our in- Testigation to the utmost useful limits, we feel iu a position dutifully to offer to your Majesty the following report. DKEAK OF GAUGE. 1. Our attention was first directed to ascertain whether the break of gauge could be justly considered as an inconvenience of so much import- ance as to demand the interference of the Legislature. Gloucester is the only place where a break of gauge actually exists at the present time. It is caused by the meeting at that place of the broad or 7 feet gauge with the narrow or 4 feet 8i inch gauge. There are other points, however, where a transfer of goods occurs similar to that which must result from a break of gauge, and persons well acquainted with rail- way traffic have no difficulty in seeing the nature of the inconvenience that would arise from any further intermixture of gauge : and we humbly sub- mit the observations that occur to us as to the whole of this important part of the question. We will divide the subject of the break of gauge under the following heads : — 1st, as applying to fast or express trains; 2dly, to ordinary or mixed trains ; 3dly, to goods trains, and 4thly, to the conveyance of your Ma- jesty's forces. 1st. Fast or express trains. We believe that the inconvenience produced by a break of gauge will, in some respects, be less felt in these than in other trains, because the passen- gers travelling by fast trains are usually of a class who readdj submit to many inconveniences for the sake of increased speed on the journey, and who are perhaps generally less incumbered with luggage than persons tra- velling by the slower trains; and as it is understood to be the t;eueral prac- tice that no private carriages or horses are conveyed by these trains, the inconveniences of a break of gauge are reduced in this instance to the re- moval of the passengers and a moderate quantity of luggage ; and, although such removal must create delay and some confusion, as well as personal dis- comfort, especially at night and m the winter season, besides the risk of a loss of luj^gage, yet we do not consider the break of gauge, in this instance, as being an inconvenience of so grave a nature as to call for any legislative measures, either for its removal or for its mitigation. 2dly. Ordinary or mixad trains. In these trains thepasseagers considerably exceed in number those who travel by the fast trains, and they have generally a much greater quantity of luggage. To such travellers a change of carriage is really a serious incon- venience, and it is a well known fact that persons travelling by railways in communication with each other, but under different managements endea- vour to make such arrangements as to admit of their travelling by those trains which atibrd them the accommodation of occupying the same carriage from the begirming to the end of their journey. The managers and directors of railways are well aware of this feeling, and in some instances where they do not allow their carriages to run through, yet with a view of diminishingthe inconvenience to which this ex- poses their passengers, they send a luggage train from terminus to terminus, to prevent the evil of a removal of the passengers' luggage ; and some rail- way companies incur considerable expense in running trains of return empty carriages, in order to accommodate the public by enabling travellers to avoid a change of carriage on the journey. It is by the ordinary or mixed trains that private carriages and horses are conveyed, and the removal of either from one truck or horsebox to another, at any part of the journey, would be attended with inconvenience and delay ; and with regard to the hurses, it would involve considerable risk. Me arrive, therefore, at the conclusion that the break of gauge would nflict considerable loconvenieuce on travellers by the trains now under consideration, and that this inconvenience would be macb increased at points of convergence of more than two lines. 'The change of carriages, horse-boxes and trucks, and the transference of luggage of an entire tram of much extent, must even iu the day time, be an inconvenience of a very serious nature, but at night it would be an into- lerable evil, and we think legislative interference is called for to remove or mitigate such an evil. 3dly. Goods trains. From the statement? made to us b) carriers on railways, and from our own observation, we are induceil to believe, that not only a considerable degree of care, judgment, and experience is necessary in the stowage of merchandise in railway wagons, but also, that it is desirable that when properly packed the articles should, generally speaking, not be disturbed until the journey is completed. We find that in the arrangement of mer- chandise, the heavier goods are placed at the bottom, and the lighter at the top of the load, and so secured as to prevent friction us far as practicable from the jolting of the wagons; audit is considered very desirable, with a view to prevent loss by pilfering, that the sheeting, which is placed over the load, should not be removed till the completion of the journey. Indeed, acting upon this principle carriers find it profitable to scud their wagons partially filled from various stations on the line, thereby increasing their toll to the railway company, rather than incur the risk of loss by theft, to which they would be exposed by uncovering the wagons on the journey to fill up with intermediate local goods wagons that may have started with light loads from one of the termini. The stations for re-arranging the goods trains are therefore as few as possible ; thus, between Leeds and London, the points for unsheeting the goods wagons are only Derby and Leicester, and iielween Liverpool and Loudon, the re arrangement is confined to Birmingham and Kugby ; and even at those stations the proportion of wagons which are uncovered is very small : indeed, it is slated that at the important town of liirmingham five-sixths of the wagons pass without rearrangement. In the conveyance of machinery and articles of a similar class, which are both heavy and delicate, it is of the utmost consequence that the load should not be disturbed between the beginning and the end of the journey; a change of carriage, such as would result in all probability from a break of the gauge, would altogether prevent the transport of such articles by this mode of coveyance. M'e belitve that the traffic upon the line of railway between Birming- ham and Bristol has been greatly restricted by the interruption of gauge at Gloucester. In respect to the conveyance of minerals, the inconvenience of a break of gauge would be very serious; the transfer being attended with aa expense which would be sensibly felt in consequence of the low rate tolls charged on such articles ; moreover, many descriptions of coal, such as a considerable proportion of that of the Blidland Counties, are subject to great deterioration by breakage. In regard to various articles of agricultural produce, the loss b^ removal would be less than on other classes of goods; much inconvenience, how- ever, would be found in the transfer of timber ; and the difficulty of shifting cattle would be so great as to present an insurmoontable obstacle to such an arrangement, from the excited stale of the animals after travelling by railway, and the resistance they in consequence oB'er when it is attempted to force them a second time into a railway wagon. 4thly. Conveyance of Troops. There is another use of railways which we have deemed it necessary to consider; we allude to the transport of your Majesty's troops, with their military stores, &c., either in the ordinary movement of corps through the country in the time of peace, or in the mere pressing and urgent case of their movements for the defeuceof coast or of the interior of the country. We have carefully weighed the important information given to us by the Quartermaster-General of your Majesty's Forces, as well as by the In- spector-General of Fortifications, both officers of great experience; and we deduce from their opinions, that although a break of gauge on the line of route would produce both delay and confusion, yet that, as in time of peace it is usually practicable to give notice of the intended movements of a body of troops, the inconvenience of the break of g:auge might be so re- duced as not to bean evil of great importance; but, iu the event of ope- rations for defensive objects against an enemy, the inconvenience would assume a serious character. It would appear, that for the defences of the coast, the proper course would be to retain the great mass of troops in the interior of the country to wait until the point selected by the enemy for his attack should be ascer- tained with certainty, and then to move upon that point such an over- whelming force as should be adequate to the emergency. It is obvious that the success of such a system of defence must depend upon the means of conveying the troops with great dispatch, and without interruption on the journey. The troops should be carried with their equipments complete in all their details, and with their artillery and ammunition ; and it therefore appears indispensably necessary, in order toinsure the requisite supply of carriages where perhaps little or no notice can be previously given, that the whole, should be conveyed in the same vehicles from the beginning to the end of the journey. The effect of a break of gauge might ia this view of the case expose the country to serious danger. < 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEERAND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL 75 To all classes of merchandise, as well as to all military operations con- nected with railways, one general remark will apply, that in starting from any one point it is usually practicable to obtain a sufficient number of wagons for whatever may be required to leave that point, however irregular the traffic may be ; but, at the convergence of several lines, where the greater number might be of a gauge not corresponding to the gauge of the other lines, if it happened that all were unusually loaded at the same time, it vi'ould probably be impossible to provide on the latter an adequate Dumber of wagons to carry off all the loads thus brought ; the alternative would be, on the one hand, to submit to great confusion, delay, and incon- Teuience, on all the converging lines having the majority on the same gauge ; or, on the other hand, to maintain ou the hues being in the minority a very extensive stock of carriages, which in general would be totally useless. There is oue point which forcibly presses on our attention, and the truth of which must be readily acknowledged, but of which the importance is Dot at first equally obvious ; it is, that the greater part of the incon- Teniencies to which we have alluded are not iucouveniencies of rare oc- currence, and which would affect only a small number of persons, but, ou the contrary, that many of them would occur several times in the course of every day to a great number of persons at each point at which a break of gauge might exist. The cumulative amount of such inconvenience would of necessity be very considerable, and we feel bound to sum up our conclusions by stating that we consider a break of gauge to be a very serious evil. II. Mechanical means of transference from one Gauge to the^other. We are now brought to the second stage of our inquiry,-which is, to discover the means of obviating or mitigating the evils that we fiud to result from the break of gauge. The methods which have been laid before us, as calculated for this pur" pose, are as follows : — 1. AVhiit may be termed telescopic axles; an arrangement of the wheels and axles of carriages, permitting the wheel to slide on the axle, so as to contract or extend the interval between them in such a manner that they may be adapted to either of tlie gauges. 2. A form of truck adapted to the broad gauge, but carrying upon its upper surface pieces of rail 4 feet 8^ inches asunder, so that a narrow gauge carriage may be run upon these rails without any disturbance of its wheels. 3. A method of shifting the bodies of carriages from a platform and set of wheels adapted for one gauge, to a different platform and set of wheels adapted to the other gauge. 4. A proposal to carry merchandise and minerals in loose boxes which may be shifted from one truck to another and of which only one would probably be carried upon a narrow gauge truck, while two would be con- veyed on a broad gauge truck. ]. Telescopic Axles. Of these various methods, the first — if it admitted of being used safely and extensively — would be, in its application, the easiest of all. — By the operations of detaching the wheels from one limiting hold, of pushing the carriage along converging or diverging rails, until the wheels were brouglit to the required width, and of then connecting them by another limiling bold, the transformation of the narrow gauge carried to the broad gauge carriage, or vice versa, would be completed. But this construction is liable to grave objections. It is stated to us as a matter of experience (and we believe it admits of satisfactory explanation), that very small un- steadiness of the wheels o' a railway carriage upon the axle renders the carriage liable to run off the rails. A far more serious objection, however, is, that the safety of a carriage and the whole train with which it is con- nected would depend ujion tlie care of the attendant, who has to make the adjustment of the axle-slide. It is true that there are other cases, as in the attendaat on the switches and signals, which depend upon the care of the person who is stationed to work tiiem : but the circumstances differ very \videly. In these cases the attendant has a single act to perform (or at the utmost, two acts only,) he is not hurried, and his whole attention is concentrated on very simple duties. In respect to the shifting axles, the attendants would have to adjust a great many carriages in succession (as there are sometimes a hundred wagons in a goods train), the adjustment must be made hurriedly, and often in the night; and the attendant's thoughts would probably have been partly occupied with the loading of goods and other station arrangements. On the score of danger, therefore, we think that the construction must be at once abandoned. But we think it proper to add, that even if there were DO such essential ground of objection, a construction of this nature could not be adequately useful unless it were extended to every carriage which is likely to pass the station where the break of gauge occurs. Under the existing system of interchange of carriages, which is adopted by all the railway companies whose hues communicate, and of which the advantages are recognised in special clauses of the acts of Parliament applying to several railways, carriages belonging to distant railways will frequently be found a the place of junction of the two gauges, lliis construction therefore, would lose much of its utility unless every railway carriage were made in conformity to it, that is, unless a vast expenditure of capital, and a corres- ponding annual expense in replacing worn-out carriages. is:c., were in- curred even on railways very distant from the break of gauge. 2. Shifting Narrow Gauge Carriages on to Broad Gauge Truclis. 2. The plan of placing a narrow gauge carriage upon the top of a broad gauge truck has, on the face of it, this obvious difficulty, that a broad gauge carriage cannot be placed in the same manner upon a narrow gauge truck, and therefore, unless not only the broad gauge railway, but also as others communicating with it, be furnished with trucks proper for carrying narrow gauge wagons, and with narrow gauge wagons also, and unless the loads travelling towards the narrow gauge be placed only in these narrow gauge wagons, the system effects nothing as regards the passage in one direction. But even with regard to the passage from the narrow gauge to the broad gauge, the system will not bear examination. If the trucks are supported on springs, there is practicnllv a difficulty in running the wagons upon them ; and if they are not supported on sprino-s they will sustain great injury on the journeys. If they are loaded singly there will be a great delay ; if they are placed in a row, and the narrow" gauge carriages are run through the whole series, very great caution will be necessary to secure each carriage both in front and in rear. When heavy loads are thus placed in elevated positions, and when the security of each depends upon adjustments hurriediy made, there will be the danger to which we have alluded in uoticing the first proposed construction. Finally an enormous amount of dead weight will be carried ou the broad gauge I'ine We reject this proposal as entirely inapplicable to the traffic of railways. " 3. Sliifling tlie bodies of carriages from oue set of wheels to another. 3. The system of shifting the bodies of carriages from road wheels to railway wheels is practised successfully in France, where the diligences from Paris to distant towns, proceeding on road wheels from the Jless'agerie of Paris to the railway station, are carried on a peculiar railway truc°k as far as liouen and Orleans, and are then again placed ou road wheels to continue their journey. At the low speeds of the French railways this system is safe, but we doubt whether it would be safe with the speeds of the English railways. Moreover it deprives the railway system of one of its greatest conveniencies; namely, its readiness to receive almost any number of passengers without warning, and to carry them to any distance, small or great. Carriers' carts are also conveyed (but to no great amount) jD the same manner. In France, as we understand, it is not thouiiht likely jhat the system will be in any degree retained when those railways shall l^ave been extended further. The same remarks, we conceive', would gPply entirely, or in a great measure, to similar proposals for the shifting J the bodies of railway carriages ; but as this plan has never been gtrenuously urged, it is unnecessary to criticise it more minutely. 4. Conveying Goods in Loose Boxes. The system of conveying goods in loose boxes, carried upon railway trucks, has been seriously discussed. It has been repealcHly tried, and we are able therefore to give an opinion on it, founded on experience. The result of this experience is, that in one instance of a temporary character, where the whole operation was under the control of one engineer , it succeeded , in other instances, although always under the controf of one engineer or one company, it has usually failed; and these failures have occurred where from the deterioration, caused by hand-shifting, to the mineral conveyed, it was matter of anxiety to avoid transference of the load from one box or wagon to another, and where no expense was spared in the erection of machinery proper for the transference of the loose boxes. These failures, it is to be remarked, occurred in a traffic which is com- paratively regular, viz., that of coal ; in traffic of a less regular character the causes tending to produce failure would be very much more numerous. We consider that this method is totally inapplicable to remedy the in- conveniencie of a break of gauge. Some of the witnesses whom we have examined are of opinion that there would be less difficulty in unloading the wagons of one gauge, and placing the articles in wagons of the other gauge, by having two rows of wagons on the different gauges, marshalled alongside of each other; but having witnessed this process at Gloucester, we are of opinion that such a system is totally inapplicable to an extended traffic. Me sum up our conclusion on this head, by slating our belief that no method has been proposed to us, which is calculated to remedy in any important degree the inconveni#ices attending a break of gauge. III. Policy or Uniformity of Galge. Considerations on the general policy of establishing an uniformity of gauge throughout the country. Me approach this momentous question with a full convictiou of its im- portance, and the responsibility that rests upon us. That an uniformity of gauge is now an oliject much to be desired, there can, we think, be no question. In the earlier period of the railway history of this country the great trunk lines were so far separated as to be indepen- dent of each other, as it were, isolated in their respective districts, and no diversity of gauge was then likely to interfere with the personal convenience or the commercial objects of the community; but nowtfiat railways are spread- ing in all directions, and becoming interlaced with each other in numerous places, that isolation is removed, that independence has ceased, and the time has arrived when, if steps cannot be taken to remove the existing evil of the diversity of gauge, at least it appears to us imperative that a wider spread of this evil should be prevented. If we had to deal with a qnestion not affecting the interests of parties, who are not only unconnected, but who are opposed to eaih other in a spirit uf emulation, it not of rivalry; or if we were dealing with the property of the J« THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [March, public, and not of private trading companies, we should merely have to consider whether that uniformity of gauge which we deem to be so desirable would be to dearly purchased by an alteration of one gauge to suit the other, or of both to some fresh gauge which might be considered preferable to either, if any such there be. . , . , But our position is diflFerent from this, since we have to consider not only the relative length of the different systems, the comparative mechanical effi- ciency of eacli, the general superiority of one above the other, their adapta- tion to the wants of the country, and the possitiility as well as the policy of a change, but also the pecuniary meaus of effecting it. We have further to ook to the consequences of an iuterruption of the traffic during the progress of an alteration. X)ouble Gauge Railways. — There is still another fiew of the question, and that is, the expediency of having, on lines of railway, additional rails, 10 as to afford the facility of using engines and carriages on botli gauges. This expedient, in whatever form adopted, cannot be considered as free from difficulties. If two rails, forming a narrow gauge way, arc placed be- tween the two rails which form a broad gauge way, carriages of the different gauges may run in the same train, without alteration even of their buffers, which in the ordinary construction of the carriages correspond exactly on the broad and narrow gauges. But the expense of such an insertion would probably be not less than that of an entire change of gauge, including in the latter, tiie change of engines and carrying stock ; and the complication which it would introduce at the crossings might produce danger to rapid trains, unless their speed were diminished at approaching such points. The difficulty of packing the rails, if longitudinal sleeper* were used, would also be much greater than if rails of only a single gauge were employed. If a lingle rail were inserted eccentrically in a broad gauge way, so as to form, in conjunction with one of the broad gauge rails, a narrow gauge way, the expense of the insertion, and the danger of the crossings, as well as the difficulty of packing the rails, would be somewhat diminished, but it would be imprudent to run carriages of the dilfeient gauges in the same train, and •I it would probably be the policy of the railway company to adopt for their own stock of engines only one of the two gauges, and to interpose those difiiculties which amount to a prohibition of the use of other com- panies' engines, the inconveniences of a break of gauge would exist in almost all their force at every junction of a branch railway on a different gauge. We consider, therefore, that the general adoption of such a system ought not to be permitted. We remark however, that the difficulties to which we have alluded may be greatly diminished on any railway where the system of combiued gauges is cordially taken up by the company ; and we think that great respect ought to be paid to the rights which the companies may be supposed to possess in the methods or systems which they have devised or adopted. At the same time, we lay it down as the first principle, that inter-eomniunication of rail- ways throughout the country ought, if possible, to be secured. If, to obtain the last-mentioned object, it should be necessary to alter or make a change in any existing railways, we think that it may be left as a matter of ulterior consideration for the Legislature, whether in these limited instances the com- bination of gauges may not be allowed. Whatever may be the course which at the present time circumstances will permit, it will appear from the opinion we have expressed, that we think, abstractedly equalization desirable ; and we shall therefore proceed to consider what gauge would be the best in such a system of equali- zation. We shall examine this part of the question under the following heads : — 1. Safety. — 2. Accomodation and convenience for passengers and goods. — 3. Speed. — i. Economy. I. Comparative Safety. We are of opinion that experience will, in this matter afford a better test by which to compare the systems of the broad and narrow gauge than any theory ; and we therefore have made inquiry into the nature of the acuidents recorded in the official reports of the Board of Trade, as well as of such as have happened since the last report was published. We find that railway accidents ariie from collisions, obstructions on the load, points wrongly placed, slips in cuttings, subsidence of embankments, a defective state of the permanent way, loss of gauge, broken or loose chairs, fractures of wheels or axles, &c. ; and, lastly, from engines running off the line from some other cause. |t- Of these several classes of accidents, all except the last are obviously inde- pendent of the gauge ; and with reference to this last class, we have thought it right to endeavour to determine whether the advocates of either gauge could fairly claim, in regard to these accidents, a preference for their respec- tive systems, on the score of greater security to the traveller. In these lists we find only six accidents of the kind we are considering recorded from Oc- tober, 1840, to May, 18-l.j, whereas there have been no less than seven within the last seven months, and these are attributable to excessive speed, the majority having happened to express trains. Of the whole number of these accidents, three have occured on the broad gauge and 10 on the narrow ; the former, however, differ in their character from the latter, the carriages only, in the last two cases, having been off the line, whereas, in all the 13 narrow gauge cases, the engines have run off, and the consequences bare been more fatal. We must here observe, jhowevcr, that the extent of the narrow gauge lines is 1 ,901 mi'es, and that of the broad only 274 ; there- fore the comparison would be unfavourable to the broad gauge if considered merely with regard to their relative length ; but it must he borne in mind that the general speed of the Great Western considerably exceeds that of many of the narrow gauge lines, and that some consideration is on that ac- count due to the broad gauge. The primary causes of engines getting off the rails appear to he over driving, a defective road, a bad joint, or a badly balanced engine. If, in con- sequence of heavy rains or other unfavourable circumstances, any part of the road becomes unsound, the engine sinks on one side as it passes along such part of the rail, suddenly rises again, and is thus thrown into a rocking and lateral oscillatory motion, with more or less of violence according to the rate of speed, and a very similar effect it produced in passing at high speeds from one curve to another of different cunature. A succession of strains i» thus thrown upon the rails, and if, before tlie rocking subsides, the wheel meets with a defective rail or chair, which yields to the impulse, the engine and train are thrown off as a necessary consequence ; but, as far as we can see, such carnalities arc equally likely to happen on either gauge, other cir- cumstances being similar. It has indeed been stated by some of the witnesses whom we have ex- amined, that the broad gauge is more liable to such accidents, from the cir- cumstance that the length of the engine, or rather the distance between the fore and bind axle, is less in proportion to its breadth than in the narrow gauge engines, and that therefore the broad gauge engine is liable to be thrown more obliquely across the lines, and in case of meeting with an open or defective joint, more liable to quit the rail; hut we cannot admit the va- lidity of this objection against the broad gauge lines. It may be that the proportion between the length and breadth of the engine has some influence on its motion, and that the motion is somewhat less steady where the dif- ference between the length and breadth is considerably diminished; but practical facts scarcely lead to the conclusion that the safety of the trains is endangered by the present proportion of the broad gauge engines ; for it appears that on the London and Birmingham Railway, where the engines hitherto employed have been, generally, short four-wheeled engines, the distance from axle to axle not exceeding 7 feet, or 7 feet G inches, no such accident as we are considering has been reported ; and we are informed by Mr. Bruyeres, the superintendent of that line, that no such accident has ever occurred. The same remark applied to some other narrow gauge lines; and if, as has been stated, exemption from these accidents has resulted from the close fixing of the engine and tender adopted on this line, the same system might be adopted on any other line, whether on the broad or narrow gauge. An evil may also sometimes arise in six-wheeled engines, by the centre of gravity of the engine being brought too much over the driving wheels, and the springs being so adjusted for the sake of the adhesion of the wheels to the rails, that the front wheels would have little or no weight to support, and would be thus in a condition, by any irrpgularity in the road or other obstruction, to be more easily lifted off the rails. But here again, if this fault in the construction or adjustment has been anywliere committed, it is a fault or defect wholly unconnected with the breadth of gauge. Another cause of unsteady or irregular motion, dangerous to the safety of the train has been stated to be the great overhanging weight beyond the axles of some engines of recent construction, and of the weight of the outside cylinder beyond the axle bearings. So far a& this construction is concerned, it certainly appertains to narrow gauge lines only ; Init at the same time we must remark, that it is not essential to their working. Upon the whole, therefore, after the most careful consideration of this part of the subject, we feel bound to report, that as regards the safety of the passenger no preference is due, with well proportioned engines, to either gauge, except perhaps at very high velocities, where we tliink a preference would be due to the broad gauge. On this part of the suKji-ct we would beg to point to the nature of the evidence of Mr. Nicholas Wood. Relative Accomoflation for Passengers .lod Goods. • Passengers. — The first-class carriages of the broad gauge are intended to carry eight passengers in each compartment, and the compartments are sometimes subdivided by a partition and inside door. On the narrow gauge lines the first-class carriages are usually eonstructtd to carry only six pas- sengers in each compartment; and we find that about the same widtli is allowed for each passenger on both gauges. Some of the original mail carriages were adapted for four passengers, and we believe that the public had a preference for these carriages over butli the other descriptions. Until lately the broad gauge carriages were altogether more comraodioiis than thuso of the narrow gauge, but recently carrii^es have been introduced on several of the narrow gauge lines nearly as lofty as those on the broad gauge, and equally commodious ; in short, we now see no essential difference as regards accommodation and convenience to individual passengers in the first-class carriages of the two gauges. In the second-class carriages on the broad gauge, six-persons sit side by side, each carriage being capable of holding 72 passengers. On the narrow gauge generally, only four passengers sit side by side, the total number iu each carriage being i2 ; in this respect we are inclined to consider the latter are more comfortably accommodated. With reference to the case of the carriage, and the smoothness of the motion, we have had very contradictory evidence, and it must be admitted that great difference is experienced on the same line at different times, depending upon the state of the road, the springs of the carriage, the number- 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. of persons in a carriage, to bring the springs into action, the position of the carriage in the train, and the speed at which the train is propelled, of all vrhich conditions are independent of the breadth of the gauge. We have however, with a view of making our observations on this question, travelled jeveral times over all those lines having their stations in London, and after making, to the best of our judgment, every allowance for the circumstances above-mentioned, we are of opinion that at the higher velocities the motion 13 usually smoother on the broad gauge. Merchandise.— \t is now to be considered whether either gauge has a luperiority over the other in regard to the conveyance of general mer- chandise. Under this head we class manufactured goods and their raw material, mineral products, such as coal, lime, iron, and other ores ; agricultural produce, inch as corn, hops, wool, cattle, and timber. On these points we have taken the evidence of persons well acquainted with the carrying trade, and from their information, and our observation, it does not appear to be of consequence to the parties sending or receiving goods whether they are transmitted in wagons containing five or six tons, or in wagons of larger capacity, provided that the cost and security are the same, and that the carriers undertake the responsibility of any damage that may result from the size of the load. But Messrs. Home and Chaplin, »nd Mr. Ilayward, who are largely interested, and have had great experience in the carying trade, have expressed a strong opinion that the smaller wagon is far the more convenient and economical. The satpe opinion is still more strongly expressed by those witnesses we have examined who have experience of our mineral districts. These persons state that the smaller wagon can be more easily handled, and can be taken along sharper curves than would be suited to a broader wagon ; that such sharp curves are very common in mineral works and districts, and that the broken nature of the ground would render curves of greater radius inconvenient and expensive. Another important difference between the two gauges, in this commercial Tiew of the question, would present itself in localities in which there may be a difficulty of readily obtaining full loads for the wagons at road stations. Here the defect of the dead weight, which we find to apply more particu- larly to the broad gauge , would be greatly increased unless another evil of bUU greater commercial importance were created, that of detaining the ■wagons to receive full loads. On the whole therefore, we consider the narrow gauge as the more convenient for the merchandise of the country. 2. Relative Speed. With a view to form our judgment on this subject, we have examined the time-tables of the several companies having express and fast trains, and the returns furnished by those companies of the actual speeds attained by the express trains, on 30 successive days, from the 15th of June to the 15lh of July, 1813. We have also, on various occasions, travelled in the express trains, and noted the speed, mile by mile. The result has been, that we are fully satisfied ihat the average speed on the Great M'estern, both by the express trains and by the ordinary trains, exceeds the highest speed of similar trains on any of the narrow gauge lines. But some of the latter have trains which exceed in speed the cor- responding trains of the Bristol and Gloucester line, and also of the Swin- don and Gloucester line, both of which are on the broad gauge ; but these latter, it is to be remembered, are still of recent conslrnction with unfa- vourable curves and gradients; and we have been informed by Mr. K. Stephenson, in his evidence, that at one period the speed on the Northern and Eastern line even exceeded that of the Great Western. In treating of a difference in the speed, other circumstances besides tlie mere gauge must be considered. The inclinations and curves of the Great Western Railway, between London and Bristol, and even for 40 miles be- yond Bristol, are, with the exception of the Wootton-Basset and the Box inclines, particularly favourable to the attainment of high velocities ; and it is important to remark, that the inclinations and curves on that part of the Nortliern and Eastern Railway where the competition iu speed with the Great Western was the most successful are generally of a similar cha- racter. O ne of the principle motives professed for constructing the Great West- ern Railway on the broad gauge was the attaining of high speeds, and the credit of the proposers and defenders of that construction has therefore been deeply engaged in maintaining them. The elfsct of gradients on the speed of the Great Western trains, even with the powerful engines used on thatline,is shown in the Time Table, page 24, where we find that while the speed from Paddington to Didcot by the express train is 47^ miles per hour, from Didcot to Swindon it is only 41'1, and from Swindon to Gloucester ouly 31'7 ; from Swindon to Bath it is 482, but returning only 37 2 : from Bristol to Taunton the speed is 4t}'3, and from Taunton to Exeter only 39'2. Possibility of Future Increase of Speed. — We must observe, however, that while the Great Western Company have not altered in any degree the plan of their engines, the higlier velocities of the narrow gauge lines have been attained by the introduction of a more powerful kind of engine than was employed at an earlierperiod, and probably the new engines now used on the narrow gauge are as powerful as they can well be made within the limits of their gauge; whereas the broad gauge lines have still a means of obtaining an increase in the puwer of their engines, and of increasing their speed, providing the road be in a condition to sustain the great increased force which must result from any increased weight of the engine moving at such high velocities. Whether the permanent way is in such a state at present is very question- able, or even whether it bi' posiblein all vicissitudes of weather to main- tain it in such a condition. We ought not to lose sight of the fact, that, since the introduction of express trains the accidents arising from engines running off the line have been much more common than in former years ; indeed, these accidents have been more numerous within the last seven months than within the preceding five years, and it is questionable whether this contest for speed ought to be carried to any greater length. We are, indeed, strongly inclined to the opinion stated by several engineers in their evidence, that it is the stability of the road, and not the power of the engine, that will prescribe the limits of safe speed. On the first introduction of passenger railways, speeds of about 12 miles per hour only were anticipated ; the rails then employed weighed ouly 35 lb. per yard, and the engines about six or seven tons. As soon as speeds of 20 and 24 miles per hour were attempted, it was found necessary to have rails of oOlb. per yard, and engines weighing 10 and 12 tons. Since that time the rails have been increased in weight progressively to G5lb., 75lb., and 85lb. per yard, and the weight of the engine on the broad gauge exceeds 22 tons, and on the narrow gauge it now approaches 20 tons ; indeed, we have seen a narrow gauge engine on six wheels weighing 3il tons. We doubt, however, whether a corresponding stability has beea attained in the road itself. Outside Cylinder Eagine». — Amongst other changes for increasing the power of the engine and the speed of the trains of the narrow gauge lines there have been the giving an increased length to the engine, and the placing .. the cylinders on the outside of the framing ; but it is the opinion of some oC the witnesses we have examined, that this position of the cylinder has a, tendency to produce a greater wear and tear of the journals, and a conse- quent rocking and irregular motion of the engine on the line. This, however, while the engine is of medium length, has been denied by Mr.- Locke, who has had great experience in the working of outside cylinder- engines. But it is stated by Mr. Gray and Mr. Gooch, that where the length of the engine is greatly increased, this increased length, by causing the extremities of the engine to overhang very considerably the fore and. hind axles, has a great tendency to increase the irregular motion producsd- by the outside cylinder. iVIr. R. Stephenson admits that in some of the later engines this irregu- larity does exist, but he attributes it to the weight of the piston and its appendages, observing, " I do not believe that it is the steam that causes the irregular action, but I believe it to be the mere weight of the pistons themselves, and therefore if we could contrive to balance the piston by the. weight upon the wheels, we should get rid of that very much." At all events, from whatever causes the motion may arise, the oscilla- tions are very considerable in some of these long engines, and such as can scarcely be considered safe at high velocities. This great length of engine is, however, by no means essential to the attainment of high speeds on narrow gauge lines. We found by timing the express trains on four different journeys on the South Western line, in both directions, that the whole distance was per- formed very satisfactorily in about 1 hour and 52 minutes, including the time of two stoppages, being at an average rate of 41 miles per hour, on a line which, in one direction, rises for a length of more than 40 miles oc a very prevailing gradient of 1 in 330 ; and in the other rises for several miles on a gradient of 1 in 250. On each occasion a distance of five miles, on a level part of the road, was passed at the rate of 53 miles per hour. The length of the engine boiler was only eight feet seven inches, the driving wheels six feet six inches in diameter; the leading wheels haa both inside and outside bearings. The diameter of the cylinder in one case was 15 inches, in the others 14^ inches, both outside, and attached to the smoke-box, Evaporative Power of Broad and Narrow Gauge Engines. — In proceed- ing to compare the locomotive engines, we remark, in the first place, Ihat the fire-boxes, boilers, &:c., of the narrow gauge engines still possess a smaller evaporating power than those of the broad gauge engines, al- though recent attempts have been made to raise the former to the level of the latter ; but those attempts have not succeeded ; and it is indis- putable, that whatever can be done for the narrow gauge, in this respect, can be surpassed on the broad gauge. And we concur in opinion with many of the ablest engineers, who have stated, that the engines of both gauges have nearly obtained the speed and power which it would be justifiable to employ in reference to the present strength of the rails and the firmness of the earthworks. Diameter of Driving Wheels.— We remark, in the next place, that the diameter of the driving wheels of the broad gauge engines is greater than than that of the driving wheels of the narrow gauge engines, and, al- though, in many of the narrow gauge engines the use of the externa! cylinder has enabled the manufacturers to bring the boilers nearer to the driving wheel axles, and has thus permitted an increase of the diameter of the wheel, still it is always in the power of the constructors of broad gauge engines to make a corresponding change, and thus to mamtain the superiority; for the larger diameter of the wheel is unquestionably favourable to high speed, both because the steam is used to greater advan- tage, and because the alternating shocks upon the machinery are less rapid. It is, however, extremely difficult to say at what speeds this ad- vantage becomes appreciable. We think it likely, that as far as the speed 78 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [March, of 40 miles an hour, tliere is no great dilTerence between tlie two, but that for speeds of 5(1 or GO miles an hour tlic dilference may be wortliy of COtice. It becomes iiiipurlant, then, to intjuire what may be the preatest speed that will probably be desired or mainiained on railways for ordinary purposes. It is certain that the wishes of the public will be limited only by consi- derations of economy and safety. Tlie greater llie speed the Krcater will be the cost ; and it ajipears to be the opinion of many of the oflicers of railways, that it would be diflicult to maintain wilh safely the present express speeds upon the great trunk railways. The chief impediments to mahitaiuing tite present exjiross speeds are — 1. The diniculty of arrangiuclhe trains, where the traffic is frequent, so that the first traiiis shall be entirely protected from the chance of inter- fering with or coming into collision wilh the slower trains, or those that slop at numerous stations. 2. The difficulty of seeing siEtials, especially in foggy weather, in time ■to enable the engine-driver to stop the fast trains. We feel it a duly to observe here, that the public are mainly indebted for the jircseut rale of speed, and Ihe increased acconimoduiinn of the railway carriages, to the genius of Mr. Brunei, and the liberality of the Creat Western liaihray Company. As regards ihe applicability of the atmospheric principle of traction, or of any oilier priueiple differing from the locomotive, we see no difference between the two gauges. 4. The Question of Ecnnomij .—V ai'.er this head we have to consider the cost of constructiou.the purchase of the plant, which consists of engines, of carriages, and of other carrying stock ; aud lastly, the cost of working. There can be no tjueslion that, in the lirst construction of a railway, the narrower tlie gauge, the smaller will be the cost of the works. This ap. plies to tunnels, bridges, viaducts, embankments, cuttings, sheds, work- shops, turn-tables, transverse sleepers, and ballast, aud the purchase of land; but it does not affect the mils, fences, drains, aud station houses. The exact difference, however, must depend in a great degree upon local circumstances, and no ojiiuicin can be given of the precise ratio of dif- ference without going inlo a very minute calculation of each line on which the two systems are to be compared ; for instance, in a line free from tun- nels or viaducts, and in a flat country, where there are neither cuttings nor embankmenls, the difference would be limited very nearly to the quantity of land to be purchased (llie severance and damage being about equal in both cases), the amount of ballasting, and some increase iu the cost of Ihe sleepers; whereas, in a very undulating country, the dilference ■would be more considerable. As to the cost of the maintenance of way, supposing the construction to be the same, that of Ihe broad gauge must be rather the greater of the two. Cost of Locomotive Puiccr.— In respect to the cost of the engines and carrying slock, we have to observe that they are generally more expensive on the broad than on the narrow gauge. But, on the other hand, it is as- serted by the advocates of the broad gauge system, that as the engines ■svill draw greater loads, as the carriages will accommodate a grealer number of passengers, and as the wagons are capable of conveying a larger amount of merchandise, the work can be, and is done, at a less charge per ton, and ihat a compensation is thus obtained for the increased outlay. How far this is found to be practically the case is the next sub- ject for inquiry. We were very desirous, if it had been found possible, thoroughly to in- vestigate this part of the subject by means of the official data called for by us, and furnished by some of the principal companies, containing a statement of their working expenses ; but we find the circumslances so different, tliat very little satisfactory information can be thus obtained, tliat has been obtained, Ihat has slriclly a reference to the economy of the two gauges. There are, of course, various matters Ihat have an influence on the actual cost of locomotive power aud general traffic charges, ihat are in no way connected wilh the breadth of gauge; such as the nature of the curves and gradients, the price of coke, the general nature of the traffic, the mode of working that traffic as adopted by diderent companies, the employ nient of en-ines of greater or less power, that increased accom- modation to the pulilic which involves an extra expense for return car- riages, &0. The London and Birmingham, and the Great Western Railway, as me- tropolitan lines of great traflic and of considerable length, would at first .sight appear to furnish the best means of comparison, and there is, iu fact, j!0 diflicully iu comparing the actual expenses; but these lines differ es- sentially in the character of their gradients and in the amount of traffic, estimated at per mile, aud, above .ill, they dili'er in the character of the engines they employ. Four Wheel Engines. — The London and Birmingham Company have, from the commencement, persevered in the use of light four-wheeled en- gines, while the Great Western, availing themsehes of the facilities their gau;;e all'ords, have adopted large aud powerful engines, which are worked at nearly the same cost per mile as the former; and if such en- gines, as those on the London and Birmingham line, were essential to the narrow gauge, the question, as to the economy of working, might be at OBce decided iu favour of the broad gauge ; but this is by no means the cas^'.; several narrow gauge lines employ engines of great power, and work, in cunsequente, much more cheaply than the London ami llirming- Jiain ; therefore, the comparison between the working expenses of this line aud of the Great Western can only be considered as a test of the prin- ciple of working wilh light and with heavy engines, and not as furnishing a test of the working ecouomy of the two gauges. It is a common practice wilh different railway companies, in their half- yearly reports to their proprietors, to stale the per centage of their various expenses, under a few distinct heads, as compared with their revenue ; and from these it appears Ihat on the Great Western, the locomotive charges, during a period of three years, have varied between 8 8 and 11.1, ave- raging 9.7 per cent on their income, and on the London and Birmingbatn they liave varied, within the same period, between 7.'J and 9.3G, ave- raging about 8'G per cent, on their income ; and, therefore, on a superficial view of Ihe (juesiiun, tlie London and liirminghani would appear to have worked their line at a cheaper rate ; but valid objections have been made to this comparison on the part of the Great \lestern; because it is obvious, from the several returns we have received, thai the London and Birming- ham Company has far the more abundant traflic per mile, and ought, therefore, to be expected to perform its work at a less per centage on its income. It has been stated by Mr. Gooch, that as locomotive superin- tendent on the (Jreat Western, he is called upon to supply a certain amount of locomotive power, and that the cost of such power is almost entirely irrespective of the load or number of passengers it is made to draw ; but that these numbers are of great importauce in comparing the locomotive evjienses wilh the revenue. In page 27 of the appendix to this report, an abstract and comparative table are given, founded on returns furnished by the Great Western and Loudon and Birmingham Hailway Companies, showing that the revenue derived from the passengers' Iraiu is 01 per cent, greater per mile worked, on the latter tlian on the former line. It must, therefore, be obvious that, as a test of economy for working, we cannot adopt the principle of a per centageon the revenue, neither will the cost per mile run give a more just comparison as to the ecouomy of the two systems, because it is a well- known fact Ihat the London and Birmingham Company have been con- veying their traffic wilh engines of inadequate power, and that great eco- nomy would result to them by the adoption of larger engines. Other dilliculties also occur in the comparison of these expenses on dif- ferent lines, in consequence of the difference in the form of the accounts, aud of the circumstauee of oue company adopting Ihe principle of having a reserve fund for renewals, and other companies having no such fund. Probable Cost of Locomotion on Great Western if made uitk Narrow Gauge. — We are, therefore, of opinion that the most satisfactory compa- rison that can be made of the economy of working the two guages, will. be, by applying to first principles, endeavouring merely to determine what the working expenses of the Great Wesleru line, wilh their present amount of traflic, would have been, provided it had been made a narrow gauge line, aud worked with such engines as iHiose employed on the South Western and some other narrow gauge lines. The average weight of a passenger-train on the Great Western Railway (independent of llie engine and lender, which weigh 22 tons) appears, by the returns sent to us, to be C7 tons ; aud the average number of passen- gers per train for the half-year ending the SOlli of June, 1845, as appears by our comparative table, page 27, is only 47"2, whose weight, including their lu:;gage, may be estimated at about 5 tons. Mr. Gooch estimates Cttch carriage and its passengers on the broad gauge, to weigh about U-3- tons, and therefore there would be seven carriages to make up the G7 Ions above specified. The most commodious carriage on the narrow gauge lines, such as those on the .South Western, weigh less than 5 tons ; seven such carriages would therefore weigh about 34 tons, and being capable of containing 12G first-class passengers, weighing, with their luggage, iL'J tons, the total load would be only 4GJ tons. Now we find, that even niUi a traflic as large as that on the Loudon and Birmingham liaiUvay, the average per train would only be 81-9 passengers, weighing about 8 tons ; so that, under the supposition of a traffic of this extent, the luad of the seveu narrow gauge carriages so occupied would only be 42 Ions. But JNIr. Gooch estimates, from his own experiments, the relative powers of traction of the broad gauge engines, and of the narrow gauge engines of the Souih Western Kailway, wiien working at the same speed, as 2.067 to 1,39s, or as GT per cent., the load of the broad gauge iu tons, to 45 tons whicli would be Ihe corresponding load for the narrow guage, so that the narrow gauge engine has more power over the 42 tons it would have to draw than the broad gauge has over its average load of 07 tons, both ex- clusive of the weight of the engine and tender, the narrow gauge carriage in this supposition being supposed to contain 84'9 passengers, and the broad gauge only 47*2. If, however, it were necessary, 224 first-class passengers might be placed iu the seven broad gauge carriages, and, as it has before been said, 120 in the seveu narrow gauge carriages; but it appears likely that this extent of accoinmodalion would only be called for on such rare occasions, that the question of providing for it, except by assistant power, cannot betaken into consideration in the present comparison. It is obvious, from the foregoing statement, that the narrow gauge en- giiie of the class we have been considering has more power over the seven narrow gauge carriages, and a load of 120 passengers, than the broad gauge engine has over the seven broad gauge carriages, and the load of Ihe same number of passeugers ; and that, therefore, if the Great M'estern had been a narrow instead of a broad gauge line, the South \\estern en- gines would have had the same command over the existing passenger traffic of the Great \\ estern as its owa.,engines now have with the present construction of that railway. ,,.■ . 1846.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 79* We musl remark, however, that this calculation is for trains consisting exclusively of passengers and their personal luggage. In the Great "Western average trains of 67 tons there is an allowance of about IG tons for passengers and luggage, including gentlemen's carriages. Allowing the same weight of luggage on the narrow gauge line, the train would still not exceed 50 tons, which is considerably witliin the power of the narrow gauge engine. For it appears, by the evperimeuts that liave been recently made ou the Great Western Railway, the details of which are given in the appendix to the evidence, that the Great Western engine is capable of propelling 13 Ions at a greater speed than the average speed of that line ; and, conseijuently, by the proportion above slated, the narrow- gauge engine would be capable of propelling .53 tons at the same rate. 'We conclude, therefore, that the work would be performed at about the same expense for locomotive power. That there may be cases in which not only the full power of a broad gauge engine is required, but even the assistance of a second engine is quite certain, but such trains form the exception, and not the rule, in rail- way passenger traffic, and we doubt the soundness of a principle which involves a great expense in construction, for the sake of possessing capa- bilities so seldom called into action.* It is proper to observe, that the foregoing comparison would have ap- peared to stand more in favour of tlie narrow gauge, had we taken for the engine of comparison, one of those engines, of whose increased capa- bilities some of the supporters of the narrow gauge system have informed us ; but we have preferred the comparison afforded with the South Western engine, from its being the one on which Mr. Gooch of the Great AVestern Railway, superintended the recorded experiments — hence our deductions are made from data furnished by the advocates of the broad gauge system, without drawing anything from the evidence on the other side ; and as these deductions snliicientiy demonstrate that there is no economy in tlie locomotive expenses for passenger-trains resulting from working a line on the broad gauge system, even on such lines as thusi; which have at the pre- sent moment the most abundant passenger traffic, any analyzation of the evidence offered in support of the narrow gauge system appears to us to be quite superfluous. Gross and Net Loads. — There is one point, however, stated in Mr. Gooch's comparative table, and repeated in his evidence, which appears so much at variance with the results we have obtained from other data, as to require explauation. Mr. Gooch has asserted that the Great Western Company work their pas- senger-trains at half the expense per ton, at which ihe London and Bir- mingham Company work tiieir passenger-trains. Tlie fact is, however, that Mr. Gooch's calculations refer to the gross and not to the net loads; and therefore, the comparison is not applicable, so far as regards the profits of these companies, and atfords no proof of economy in working the pas- senger trafHc on the Great Western system. There can be no doubt, judging both from Mr. Brunei's evidence given to us, and from his report to the directors of the Great Western Railway Company, that he originally expecteil there would be on the Great Western Railway a demand for carrying great numbers of passengers at high velo- cities, but from his own evidence it appears that the only heavy passenger traffic upon that railway is between London and Reading, and between Bath and Bristol, being a total distance of about .iO miles, out of 2-15. On the remaining part of the line the passenger traffic, per train, is small. Division of Traffic. — If the convenience of the public would admit of the whole of the passenger traffic of this portion of the line being con- veyed daily by two or three large trains, Mr. Brunei's views would have been perfectly correct in providing such powerful means; but experience has proved that the public require passenger-trains to be run many times during the day, and with this frequency of trains, such numbers of pas- sengers as Mr. Brunei has provided for cannot be expected even on rail- ways of the largest trafhc, so that practically there is a waste both of power and of means. In the case of " goods' traffic," the circumstances are not the same, railway conveyance for merchandise seems only to be re- quired a few times in each day, and the trains are generally large. The " through" wago»s have, for the most part, a full load, and the dispro- portion between the gross and the net weight is consequently much kss than in the passenger trains ; still, however, it appears from the evidence of Mr. Home, and of other persons connected with the carrying trade. that on the London and Birmingham Railway it frequently happens that wagons are forwarded to a considerable distance, to " road-side stations," containing not more than a ton of goods : and there can be no doubt that this must happen on any long line of railway. The same also occurs in wagons coming in from branches along the trunk line, and in all such cases the heavy large wagon of the broad gauge must be disadvanta- geous ; but although the evil is not so great with goods' wagons of the hroad gauge as with their passenger carriages, still the loss by dead weight is greater with these than with smaller wagons, and we do not perceive any advantages in the broad gauge to counterbalance it ; for where speed is not an object, and this is the case with goods' trains, we believe from the evidence we have received, that engines of nearly the same jtractive power are to be found on many narrow gauge lines as those in use on the broad gauge. * It appears that during the half-year ending June 3U, 18J5, the number of miles run by coupled and assisting engine* for passenger-trains on the Great Western Kailway, •rnounted to 11,628, and for goods trains to 51,15.5. The total number of miles run bv the former trains being 761,-)i«, and of tlie latter, 169,324. New Railways. — Thns far we have considered the question with refer- ence to the railways as they now exist, and composed, in a great measure,, of trunk lines of considerable traffic, but the railways to be made in future will, in some degree, be branches or lines in districts having traffic of less magnitude than is to be provided for in the existing railways ; and hence, if for the greater trunk lines a superiority werel due to the broad gau'e system, that superiority would be less for lines yet to be constructed of a smaller amouut of traffic; and, necessarily, if the preference were given- to the narrow gauge for the existing lines, that system would be still more entitled to the preference for the railways of smaller traffic to which we look forward . Experiments on Broad and Narrow Gauze. — We must here add that towards the close of our inquiry, Mr. Brunei requested, on the part of the broad gauge companies, to institute a set of experiments to test the power of their engines, and Mr. Bidder, on the part of the narrow gauge companies, undertook, in consequence of such application, to make corre- sponding experiments ou the narrow gauge. After sanctioning these trials, and being present at the performance of them, a record of which will be found in the appendix, we may observe, without entering into a minute detail of the results, or the discrepancies between the returns as furnished by the two parlies themselves, that we consider them as conlirniing the statements and results gives by Mr. Gooch, in his evidence, provin» as they do, that the broad gauge engines possess gi-eater capabilities fur speed with equal loads, and, generally speaking, of propelling greater loads with equal speed ; and, moreover, that the working with such engines is econo- mical where very high speeds are required, or where the loads to be con- veyed are such as to require the full power of the engine. They confirm, also, the evidence given by Mr. Bidder as to the possibility of obtaining high evaporative power with long engines for the narrow gauge ; but under somewhat peculiar circumstances. It appears, moreover, that the evupo-- ration thus obtained does not produce a corresponding useful effect in the- tractive power of the engine ; a ciixumstance that would probably be dif- ferently explained by Mr. Gooch and by Mr. Bidder; but as we do not refer to the power of this description of engine in the deductions we have made, it is unnecessary for us to allude further to tliem. Conclusions. — .\fter a full consideration of all the circumstances that have come before us, and of the deductions we have made from the evidence, we are led to conclude — 1. TIcat as regards the safety, accommodation, and convenience of the pas- sengers, no decided preference is due to eitlier gauge, but that on tlie broads, gauge the motion is generaUij more easy at high velocities. 2. That in respect of speed, ice consider the adrantages are with the broad gauge, but we think the public safety would be endangered in employing the greater capabilities of the broad gauge much beyond their present use, except on roads more consolidated and more substantially and pirfectty formed, than those of the cristiug lines. 3. That in the commercial case of the transport of goods, we believe the narrow gauge to possess the greater convenience and to be tlit more suited to ■ the general traffic of the country. 4. That the broad gauge involves the greater outlay, and that we have not been able to discover either in the maintenance of way, in the cost of locomo- live power, or in the other annual expenses, any adequate reduction to com- pensate for the adtiitional first cost. Therefore, esteeming the importance of the highest speed on express trains for the accommodation of a comparatively small numoer of persons, how- ever desirable that may bo to them, as of far less moment than affording convenience to the general commercial traffic of the country, we ai'e in- clined to consider the narrow gauge as that which should be preferred for general convenience; and, therefoi'e, if it were imperative to produce uni- formity, we should recommend that uniformity to be produced by an alter- ation of the broad to the narrow gauge, more especially when we take into consideration that the extent of the former at piesent in work is only 274 miles, while that of the latter is not less thau l,i)Ul miles, and that the alteration of the former to the latter, even if of equal length, would be the less costly as well as the less difficult operation. Intermediate Gauges. — We are desirous, however, of guarding ourselves^ from being supposed to express an opinion, that the dimensions of lour feet eight and a half inches is in all respects the mosts suited for the geueral objectsof the country. Some of the engineers who have been examined- by us have given it as their opinion, that fire feet would be the best di- mension for a railway gauge ; others have suggested .5 ft. 3 in., .5 ft. G io.,, and even tt ft., but none have recommended so great a breadth as 7 ft., except those who are more particularly interested in the broad gauge lines. Again some engineers of eminence contend that a gauge of 4 ft. 8j in. gives ample space for the machinery of the engine and all the railway requirements, and would recommend no change to be made in the gauge. '-We may observe, in reference to this part of the question, that the Eastern Counties Railway was originally constructed on a gauge of 5 feet, and has since been converted into a gauge of 4 feet 8\ inches, to avoid a break of gauge ; and we have been informed that some lines iu Scotland, originally ou the gauge of 5 ft. 3 in., are about to be altered to 4 ft. Si in. for the same reason. Gauge of Foreign Railways. — AVhatever might be the preferable course were the questions now to be discussed of the gauge for an entiie system of railways, where none previously existed to clash with the decision, yet, under the present state of things, we see no sufficient reason to suggest or recommend the adoption of any gauge intermediate between the narrow gauge of 4 ft. 8.^ in., and the broad gauge of 7 ft., and we are peculiarly "•SW'' THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [March, struck by the circumstance, that almost all the continental railways have beea formed upon the 4 ft. 8J in., gauge, the greater number having been aadertaken, after a long experieuce of bolh the broad and narrow gauge in this country ; nor must the fact be lost sight of, that some of these railways hive been constructed as well as planned by Knglish engineers, and amongst that number we find Mr. Brunei, the original projecter of the uroad gauge. Mr. Brunei was also theengiueer of the JlerthyrTydvil and Cardiff Line, wliiuh is on tlie 4 ft. 85 in. gauge ; and we think that the mo- tives wliich led to his adoption of the narrow gauge in that instance would equally apply to many English lines. We are sensible of the importance, in ordinary circumstances, of leav- isg commercial enterprise as well as the genius of scientific men un- fettered ; we therefore feel tliat the restnclion of the gauge is a measure ihat should not be lightly entertained; and we are willing to admit, were it not for the great evil that must inevitably be experienced when lines of unequal gauges come into contact, that varying gradients, curves, and traffic might justify some difference in the breadth of gauge. This appears to be ihe view which Jlr. Brunei originally took of the subject; for the Great Western proper is a line of unusual good gradien:s, on which a larger passenger Iraflic was anticipated, and as it touched but sliglilly on any mineral district, it embraced all the conveniences and advantages of the broad gauge system, and was comparatively free from the influence of those defects on which we have commented ; but such a breadth of gauge, however suitable and applicable it may have originally been considered to its particular district, appears wholly inapplicable, or at least very ill suited to the requirements of many of our Northern and Midland lines. In references to the branches already in connexion with the Great Western Railway, we may observe, that the greatest average train on the Oxford branch, for two weeks in July and October, was only 43 tons; on the Cheltenham branch, it did not exceed 4G ; between Bristol and Exeter, 53; and between Swindon and Bristol, it was under 60 tons. With such a limited traffic the power of the broad gauge engine seems beyond the requirements of these districts. Expense of Altering Broad to Narrow Gauge. — We find from an estimate furnished to us, and the general grounds of which we see no reason to dispute, and the expense of altering the existing broad gauge to narrow gauge lines, including the alteration or substitution of locomotives, and carrying stocks, would not much exceed l,00O,OO0i. ; yet we neither feel that we can recommend the Legislature to sanction such an expense from the public monies, nor do we think that the companies to which the broad ^auge railways belong can be called upon to incur such an expense them- selves (having made all their works with the authority of Parliament), nor even the more limited expense of laying down intermediate rails for narrow gauge traffic. Still less can we propose, for any advantage that lias been suggested, the alteration of the whole of the railways of Great Sritain with their carrying stocks and engines, to some intermediate gauge. The outlay in this case would be very mucli more considerable than the sum above mentioned ; and the evil, inconvenience, and danger to the traveller, and the interruption to the whole traffic of the country for a con- siderable period, and almost at one and the same time, would be such that £his change cannot be seriously entertained. Guided by the foregoing considerations, we most dutifully submit to jour Majesty the following recommendations : — 1. That the gauge of 4 ft. 8J in. be declared by the Legislature to be the gauge to be used in all public railways now under construction, or hereafter to be constructed , in Great Britain. 2. That unless by the consent of the Legislature, it should not be permitted to the directors of any railu-ay company to alter the gauge of such railway. 3. That in order to complete the general chain •/ narrow gauge commu- nication from the north of England to the southern coast, any suitable measure should be promoted to form a narrow gauge link from Oxford to Jieading, and thence to Basingstoke, or by any shorter route connecting the proposed Rugby and Oxford line with the South Western Railway. 4. That as any junction to be formed with a broad gauge line would involve a break of gauge, provided our first recommendation be adopted, great com- mercial convenience ti-ould be obtained by reducing the gauge of the present broad gauge lines to the narrow gauge of 4 feet 8^ inches, and we, therefore, think it desirable that some equitable meant should be found of producing such entire uniformity of gauge, or of adopting such other course as would admit of the narrow gauge carriages passing, without interruption or danger, along the broad gauge lines. (Signed; J. M. Frederic Smith, (L.S.) Lieut.-Col. Rojal Engineers. G. B. AiRV, Astronomer Royal. (L.S.) Peter Barlow. (L.S.) Broad and Narrow Gauges C Rtturn of Railways furnished by the Board of Trade, 1845. RAILWAYS % Completed ,. •• .. SaDCtioned In 1844 ?a»Bed the House of Common*, Seaslona 1845 and seem likely to tM aanctioued in Ses- sion 1S46 Total leagth ., Narrow Gau^e, 4 ft. HJin. miles. ISOl 6024 Broad Gaage, 7 feel. miles. 2/4 63 K2S 4,131*^ Irish Gaii^, 5 ft. 3 in. miles. tl9 983J The Broad Gauge includes the Great Western, Cheltenham branch, Ox- ford branch, Bristol and Exeter, and the Bristol and Gloucester completed. The South Devon now progressing, and the Bristol and Exeter branches, Cornwall, Exeter, Crediton, South Wales, Wilts and Somerset, now in parliament. The Narrow Gauge includes 32 miles of the Arbroath and Forfar and Dundee and Arbroath Railway, Oft. 2 in. gauge to be altered to 4 ft. SJin., and the Irish gauge is confined to .-ailways m Ireland. Table exhibiting the Expenditure of the Great Western and London and Birmingham Itailwaysfor Locomotive Engines, Carriages, and Magons, from the commencement of the traffic to the present time ; also the Re- venue Returns of each for the last two years, and the Expense of Loco- motive Power, as deduced from the Half-yearly Reports of each Com- pany. Great Western.— Total cost of locomotive engines, lenders, carriages, ^ a. d. and wagons, to SOth of June, 1845 .. .. .. 622,0;8 12 0 London and Birmingham. — Total cost of locomotive engines, teodera, carriages, and wugoos. to ^Otb June, 1-4^ .. .. .. 4M,403 6 These sums are exclusive of the cliji^ci for locomotive, carriage, and wagon repairs, includ«d in tlie half-yearly accounts. These latter have amounted in thi- 3;i-st '^o yara to — Great Western.— From 1st July, Ic-!". to :; itii .luiie, IW5 .. .^«,932 17 London and Birmingham. — From 1st J J0> is4^i to ayth June, I;v45 67,578 3 The cost of locomotive power, incluiiiiig repairs of locomotive en- gines, coal, coke, wages, and all incidental charges, have amounted in the same period to — Great Western— From 1st of July, lti4.!, to 30th of June. 1844 .. 155,902 3 London and Birmingham — From 1st of July, 1843, to 30th of June, 1^45 .. .. .. .. .. .. 146,172 3 The revenue for the same two years, for the carriage of passeagers, mails, goods, &c. — Great Western.— From Istof July, 1343, to 30th of June, 1845 .. 1,617,995 8 London and Birmingham.- From 1st of July, 1843, to 30th June, 1845 .. .. .. .. .. 1,735,795 14 3 The total mileage of every passenger for the last two yean amounts to — Great Western.— Total mileage from 1st of July, 1?43, to SOth of June, 1845 .. .. .. .. .. 128,524,232 London and Birmingham,— Total mileage from lit of July 1M3, toSOthof June, 1845 .. .. .. .. 121,529,606 Ratio of coat of engine and carriage plant Ratio of repairs of engine for 2 years Batio of cost of locomotive power for 2 year» Ratio o( passengers' mileage for 2 years Ratio of total passengers* revenues for 2 years Great Western and London and Birmingham. to 763 1 to 1031 I to -Oit I to -9-15 1 to -low During the periods which these returns embrace, the lengths of line worked by the Great AVestern have varied by the opening of diflferent lines and branches ; but from the SOth of December, 1S44, to June SOth. 1845, the number of miles worked have been constant, viz., 222 miles. The length worked by the London and Birmingham has also becnj constant during the same period, and Mr. Creed in his evidence states (excluding the branches) that the distances worked was 113 miles, and the revenue and mileage on this length, that is still excluding the branches, he gives aa below. Similar statements are given in the appendix of the rerenne, mileage, 6cc., on the Great Western for a like period ; from which we have the fol- lowing comparisons : — MUea. Great Western, length of line worked .. .. .. ,. 223 London and Birmingham, length of line worked .. .. ,, 113 Great Western, total passengers* mileage .. .. .. .. 35,967,713 London and Birmingham, total passengers* mileage .. .. ,. 3^,758,260 Great Western, miles run by passent'er trains .. ., , 761,-1^ Lrfjndon and Birmingham, miles run by passenger trains .. ., 4.'>6,529 Great Western, average number of passengers per trains .. .. 47'2 London and Birmingham, average number of passengers per trains .. H4'9 Great Western, average passengers' revenue per trains per mile .. i's. London and Birmingham, average passengers* revenue per trains per mile .. 14s. 9d. Improvement of the Severn. — The River Severn, which is subject to alternate floods and droughts, has. during the last two years, been greatly improved by dredging, and by the erection of gigantic weirs andlo-.ks. These works are now completed from Bewdley to Worcester, a distance of seventeen miles, and from Worcester to Glou- cester the river is being deepened by dredging and closer enbankment, the Sever* Act limiting the erection of weirs within the county of Worcester. By the operation of dredging, long rocky shoals have been entirely removed. The hardest rtx-ks are first blasted under water.and, therefore, easily removed by the dredging machines. L'pwardi of 200.01J0 tons of marl, rock, gravel, and soil have already been raised from the bed of the Severn by Messrs. Grissell and Peto's dredging machine alone, besides what has beea removed by another contractor. At Gloucester it has been necessary to remove the entire foundation of one of the piers of the old bridge, and in tha course of this operation some curioBS relics of ancient coins have been discovered. - Sheebness. — The whole of the guns for the old fortifications have novr arrived from Woolwich. They are t^3 in number, and are of the following description: — 4 eight-inch guns, 9fl cwt. each, II feet long; 29 eight-inch guns, f^6 cwt. each, 9 feet long; 20 t>4.incb guns, .^>t> cwt. each, 9 ft. 0 in. long; and 4 6^ inch guns, 32 CA-t.eacb, 6 ft. 6 in. long. The workmen now await the arrival of the carriages and platforms from Woolwich ; tlie masonry- on which they are to rest is all ready to be laid down. The guns are to be placed as follows: — 20 on the Halfmoon Battery at the Point, 13 on the AdmiraFs platform overlooking the said battery, and the remaining 30 along the works protecting the barracks. The new works progress rapidly ; the battery forming opposite the dockyard gate is now carried to the height of the platform ; its further progress has, however, been deferred till the formation of the deep ditch by which it is to be protected, and on which all the workmen are now concentrated, ^\'ooden protiles are now up for another battery, with which this is to be connected by a musketry wall, while to the east- ward it will be continued into the bastions extending from the Thames to the Aledway. IS 46. J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 8b NEW CHURCHES. All Saints, Rise, Yorkshire.— CmisHis of a nave and cliancel in the First Pointi'd style, a. .1 cnst ab()ut4000i ; it is cajiable ofconlaining 20i) persoin. The cliancel is asccnilfd by one step at llie uave and two more at tlie altar. The stalls and the fittings tliroushout are of oak ; the Boor is laid wilh encaustic tiles; Jie wall as higli as the string-course is inlaid with tiles. A recess in the wall is used for a credence. The east window of three lancets, is filled with stained glass by Wailes. The stonework between has received decora'ive colouring, and the walls are ornamenled wilh scrolls. The spacej between the beams of the rouf are painted blue with gilt stars. The capitals of ihe pillars are gilt. Ilomerton. — A uutv church is building in Homerton from the design of Mr. Ashpitel. When we have praised ils malerial, Kenti.-b rag with the dressings, &c., in Caen atone, and its general plan, chancel, uave, soulh- aisle, porch, and wesi >ower, we have said all that we can in ils favour. The chancel is very short, and a sacristy is add.d to the north-west , instead of the nortli-east of the chancel. Again tlie style chosen is Third Pointed, but witl: a poor attempt at tracery of tlie Middle pointed period. The mouldings throu^AHout are very inaccurate. The west lower is si|iii;n-, wilh a corner turret; all on too small a scale. The aisle is to haie a separate gable, wilh great haunches. St. Jiilin, Eitst Chisleliurst, Kent. — The ground plan of this church is a wide oblong, without any pretence to a chancel. There are iiorlh, south, and west galleries, the latter conlaining the organ. -At the east end of Ihe south cloister (here is a door labelled '■ Chiipel Cleric's Office." (.'orres- poniling with this on the north side, is another door, with the inscription " Minisier'.s Vcstri'" upon it. The altar, an old oaken table well carved ; altar chairs the same; an altar-piece of Carrara mirble ; altar-rails of massive grey marble ; a pulpit of oak paneled with has relief, a hcxa^^otial font of white tinrblo ; a brass lectern; a litany desk (turned the wrong way), these form a catalogue of gems seldom met with in this country. Indeed the whole have been imponed from the continent. There are two thin western towers capped with short shingled spires. One of them con- tains six bells. The style of the church is inteiidt d to be Italiati. The windows are all roundheaded triplets glazed with ground glass ; that at the east end is included in an enormous arch of construction. The nia.^onry is of Umt, with dressings of red and white brick, and white ashlar. The roof is of stained deal. The church is said to have cost nearly 800l>/, and holds 500 v.orsh>ipers. The architect is a Mr. Wolla^^on. Here one has again to lame;:'; the lavish expenditure of mouey upon an unworthy design. West Mean, Hnmpshire. — Consists of a ch&ncel, (SOfeet,) nave, (70,) with aisles, south porch, and west tower. The style is the transilicui between First and iMiddle Pointed, and yet there is not to be a spire. The material is iiint dressed with stone. The reredos is a trefoiles, and levy such dues as shall he judged iitting and proper. They will thus, in the opinion of the Com- mittee, give great facility for the conveyance of minerals, country produce, and traffic of every description to and from the Harbour; and v\hatisof equal, if not of greater importance, they will, by the reressiou of the tidal waters, be enabled to k'ep the whole channel of the river clear at a very moderate expense, and thereby be enabled to devote several thousands, a year, now expended in dredging the River and Harbour, to other purposes. The Committee farther recommend that the Clyde Trustees intimate to the Bridge Trustees their intention of going to Parliament next Session, in order to prevent the Bridge Trustees from conslriicling a weir across the River Clyde, w ilh a lock or works therein, and lliat the Bridge Trustees, in the erection of their Bridge, do not in the meantime interfere with the bed of the River, so as to prejudice the Clyde Trustees in their position as regards the AVater Company and other parties. Before concluding their Report, the Committee also beg lo direct the at- tention of the Trustees to what is already partially before the Trustees, viz. — the attempt upon the part of a Canal Company, to take possession of the River Cljde at and above the proposed new weir at Hutcheson's Bridge, and to make additional works in connection vvilli (hat weir. The Commitiee have not been able to procure a sight of the jdans of the works which the Canal Company propose to attach to the weir; but as the w-hole scheme implies the existence and continuance of a weir across the Clyde, the Committee trust the Clyde Trustees will not be consenting parties to any such scheme, but will oppose it with all their ])owerand interest, and compel the Canal Company to terminate their works withiu the northern line of high water. And the Committee fartlier recommend that a copy of this Report be sent to the Lords of the Admiralty, and another copy to the Tidal Har- bour Commissiouers. Archd. M'Li;llan, Cottrencr of Commitlei. PROCEEDirTGS OP SCIENTIFIC SOCIETISS. INSTITUTE OF BRITISH AKCIIITECIS. January 2C. — J. B. Papwoetb, V.P., in the Chair. The Very Rev. \V. Buckland, D.D., was elected an Honorary Member, and F. C. Penrose, Esq., an Associate. A letter was read from Herr Zanth (honorary and corresponding member of the Institute), at Stutg.ird, descriptive of a Ca-iino, now nearly completed from his design and under his siiperintemlence, for tiie King of Wirtemburi.'. The structure— named after the royal owner, " Wilhelma," is of stone, in the Moresque style, the courses of the masonry being coloured white, yellow, and red violet, and covered with copper, partly gilt. It is situated in a winter garden, in the midst of four conservatories with pnnieoes, steps and terraces, and parterres;— it consists of a vestibule, an Oriental court. !«-J6.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 85 with a fountain, a |jicture gallerv, a divan, a saloon, an eating-room and i|i|jurleiiances, a sli:eping and dressing room, and a liath with an arched ruof, decorated with pendants. The conservatories and porticoes are of cast iron, very slender, and richly ornamented ;■ — in tlie same taste, the con- stirvatonus divided into two aisles, containing various rare flowers, alut against two pavilions, surmounted by glazed octangular cupolas, for tmpieal plants ; — the entire extent is about 350 feet ; at the end of the conserva- tories the porticoes commence, which form the enclosure of a flower-gar- df 0, for the private use of the king. Mr. C. Fov\ler, Fellow, on presenting some plans and designs relative to the proposed Thames Embankment and railway street, read a paper on the piojecti'd lines of railway in the metropolis about to be submitted to Parlia- ment. Mr. Fowler stated that he was indebted for most of the details to Mr. .Austin, the engineer (Hon. Secretary to the Metropolitan Improvement Society), who had been at considerable pains to prepare a plan of the whole of those linei for which the deposits had been completed. He need scarcely say, that there had been a number of other schemes, which had not survived the fatal effects of the panic ; of those that remained, it appeared from the plan tiiiit there were iwenly-onf diffimU lines, comprising 100 miles of proposed railway, within a circle of five miles from St. Paul's. The spaces scheduled for termini w ithin a circle of fourteen miles of St. Paul's, together with that necessary for the construction of so much of the lines, constitute an area of little short of 20U rcres, being equal to that portion of london extending from High-street, Whiteehapel, to St. Paul's Cathedral, included between Leadenhall-street, Cornbill, the Poultry, and Cheapside, on the nortli, and the river Thames on the south : nearly equal to one-third of the City, and little less than one-half of that devastated by the conflagration of 1C66. On a moderate calculation, it would involve the destruction of be- tween 9,000 and 10,000 houses, and cause an expendituie, for the purchase of pKiperty alone, of about fifteen millions sterling, Mr. Fowler stated, tliai a memorial on the sul'ject bad been forvrarded to the First Coramis- kioner of Woods and Forests by the Metropolitan Improvement Society, suggesting that the Metropolitan Improvement Commission should take the suljject into their consideration at an early period ; and observed that it he- hovei not only all piofessional men, but all who desire to see a right direc- tion given to this extraordinary movement, to assist in promoting the same in order that this branch of railway communication may he dealt with sepa- rately and distinctly, so that a comprehensive and systematic plan may re- sult from what at present is aheap of confusion, arising from the fact that each line has been separately laid down, without reference to, or the know- ledge of, what is proposed by any other. Mr. Fowler alluded to the new principle of railway streets, and to the double object that the Thames Em- l)ankinent and Railway Junction Company had in view in adopting it, namely, that of carrying out a great public improvement in conjunction with the ex- tension of railway communication ; likewise that, in ttie event of Govern- ment acceding to a separate and distinct consideration of metropolitan lines, an opportunity was at present afforded which could never again occur of effecting the improvement of this great metropolis, as to salubrity, con- venience, and splendour, without, probably, any sacrifice ou the part of the Government. Mr. Fowler adverted to his design for carrying a railway over London-bridge, as one of the means proposed to connect the lines now ter- minated at the south end of the bridge with that projected through the City from Hungerford-market to the Blackwall line. This was proposed to he elfected by the addition of arcades ; covering the footways with iron frame- work, extended over the carriage-way to carry the rails : the former of these additions had been projected by him in one of the designs submitted to the House of Commons, when the reconstruction of the bridge was under con- sideration. February 9. — Mr. Tite, V. P., in the Chair. NEW MODEL OF THE PARTHENON. A discussion took place which excited more than ordinary interest, nnd attracted a very crowded meeting of the members of the Institute, the sub- ject being the consideration of certain questions respecting the original arthitecture of the Parthenon, suggested by Mr. Lucas's models recently dejiosiled in the British Museum. Mr. Lucas commenced the discussion by reading the following paper, of which he has obligingly furnished us with a copy. .^lr. President and Gentlemen, — I beg to oiler you my best thanks for your obliging courtesy, in the opportunily thus ali'urded me of introducing the subject of the Restoration of the Parthenon, before it may be, the most s vire, but at the same time certainly, the most competent tribunal — and I bring this subject before you wilh much anxiety, conscious as I am Ihat Ihe poriion of my work you are most likely to sit in judgment on, is that 111 which my previous studies had been but cursorily directed, and but Ihat I appear before you rather to court correction than to impart infurma- lion, 1 should now feel as though 1 were bearding the lion in his own den. Sir, it is our lot to live at a period when improvements in every de- partment of science have been carried to great results ; and though in Ihe line arts, a commensurate development of successful energy is not yet ap- parent, the time is now come when the artists whose works are Ihe must tnduringchrouiclesuf the great events of their period, should bestir them- selves, for it cannot have escaped our observation, that within the last few years simultaneously and apparently without any connection, a general tendency to revive the study of high art has sprung up in (he most intellec- tual parts of Europe, in Germauj, England, Denmark, France — while in England, from many happy circumstances, arl appears likely to assume % high position. i have. Sir, in the course of my reading met wilh Ihe observation Ihat to have a difiicult subject Ihoruughly investigated, we should set to the task one who has a fitting amount of natural qualifications, but who is entirely ignorant of the theme ; place at his disposal all means and appliances of study, and if it be his aim (as mine is) to investigate solely for the pro- duction of the truth, jou may then gel the subject treated with all the leal of the advocate, united to the calmness and sobriety of the judge, even ihoiigh the subject matter be so important as the master work of Ictinus, or the profound science displayed in the Iriiimph of I'hidias ; a theme so glorious immediately roiijcs in the mind of the investigator all the latent or dormant energies of his nature, with no inaccurate early impressions to remove from his mind, no erroneous foregone conclusions to bias his judg- ment, he surveys with ardour and enthusiasm, but records with calmness and indifi'erence, untramelled by the vividness of early impressions; he is compelent to seize and to anahze all the salient points of controversy, and to arrr'. e by inductiou at sound conclusions. Ijiil iVom this mode of proceeding one defect may be anticipated which ought to be guariled against, namely, that in investigating the details of an inleretting subject, a few points already too partially iuvesligated may be liiken for granted, and therefore some matters not apparently important to the high bearings of the case may be overlooked or underrati d ; but it is my good fortune to introduce Ihe result of my labours wheu the spirit of them will be fairly appieciated, will for minor blemishes not materially pfl'e"t Ihe whole performance in its general appeal to :\,e ondersianding, and lam sure that you. Sir, will always appteci;.ii5 a work accordii.g to its merits, and judge the artist wilh respect to his iulenlions, and Ihe peculiar circumstances under wliiJi his work was executed. Our subject, Sir, appe.iis naturally to resolve itself into a recapitulation of the known and ndiiiifted facts of the case, includmgits general history^ architeciral con- structi(m and sculptural adoriimenls, with a consideraliot. of the doiibiuil or uncei tain portions, !n(duded in w hicli is lo be placed the qupslion i elal''. e !o the interior of the Temple, its polychromatic adjuncts, the Chrys-elephaa tine statue of the Goddess, the central portion of Eastern Pediment, with the missing metopes frieze-shields, &c. and having examined these matters 1 pro- pose very briefly to investigate the principles that f tided these great artists in Ihe adornment of th»ir works. It is necessary for the unity of the subject I should notice the known parts, but only very brielly. It is V ill known that the Parthenon was erected at Alliens about B.C. 410, in the most nourishing and glorious period ol Ihat g: 'jat republic, under the auspices of her greatest statesman, Pericles, and from Ihe designs of ihe greatest sculptor and of the most celebrated architect of the ancient world, Phidias and Ictinus. It stood on the summit of the Acropolis, was a Doric temple, 227 feet in length ou the upper step, by 101 feet in breadth. It was conslructed entirely of Peutelic marble, and, including a slylobale of four steps, was GG feet in height; it was called Hecatompedon, or tl;e building of a hundred feet ; and trom its united excellencies of desigu, de- coraliou and material resulling from the fine taste, unbounded means and munificence of Pericles, it may be recorded as the most perfect that was ever executed. In ihe Parthenon was consummated the noble triple union of architecture, sculpture and painting; in it was the artist'r triumph complete, and art reached its acme. In the construction of the columns of the exterior much subtlety of management appears lo ha\e been used, such as the well known facts of the inclination of the columns ] J inch inwards, and that of the outer or angu- lar ones of the exterior being larger by 2^ inches diameter than the others ; and I have also been informed that the enstasis or swell is dissimilar ia Ihe dillerent columns, and that the diameters of others besides the end ones are also different; but the most curious circumstance is the last I have heard, and which I believe a talented member of your Institute, recently arrived from Athens can testify to you, viz., that all the viipitals on the south side of Ihe temple are 6 inches smaller llian any others, and 1 hope also now to learn if the diminution of these capitals be confined to Ihe ovolo under it, or whether it serve to increase llie entasis of the columns gene- rally ; other further peculiarities of structure may here he alluded to. Mr. .1. Per.nelhorne in his w'ork obseives, Ihat he found the upper step of the I'arthenon to form a simple curve rising S inches in the cenire, that liigher iu the front the curve changes its character, and in ttie architrave becomes a curve of a double curvature. And Mr. liracebridge informed me that fin stretching a string from the two ends of the front lower steps he found that the cenire of it receded two inches from the string, [Mr. Lucas then detailed at sonie lengih the history of Ihe Parthenon from the time when the Acropolis was beseiged by the X'enetians iu IfiHT, to the time of Lord Elgin — the general character of the sculpture, kc, hut as these points are fully considered in Mr. Lucas's pubII^Iled observations, they are here omitted. After a minute exaniiaatioii of the designs of the ' sculpture in the pediment, the lecturer proceeded as follows.] In restoring the Parthenon the question that is most difficult to grapple with, and least likely lobe successfully investigated, is the interior of the Temple, it having undergone so many transformations, each possibly leaving some trace or vestige, and those vestiges so comniinated together Ihat little satisfactory information can be expected to result from the most determined application, 'i'hose most competent to judge on this mittter generally arrive at different coiulusions. As regards Ihe roof, some sup- jiose it was open, and nthcrs Ihat it was enlirc'y closed, and that Ine natural light of the heavens was supplied by artificial light, but both these suppositii'"S appear lo be untenable; the open roof hypothesis being met 86 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Makch, by an ancient epigram on (he statue of Jupiter in ivory and Rold, in a tem. pie similar to the I'arlheuon, namely, that if the god rose he would carry the roof with him ; while the eiilire closing the roof and consequent ex- clusion of the best light for a statue, the light of day, seems very impro- bable- A partial opening admitting light, by the means of some semi- transparent substance, appears in the absence of all proof the most feasible supposition. As to the columns that supported the roof equal obscurity exists, the most probable supposition being the last one on the subject, and which has only been lately brought to light on destroying the mosque, in 1814. M. Pittakis, in a letter to me on the subject, gives it as his belief, that the traces of Doric columns found on this removal of the mosque, with a diameter of fire feet, supported an upper tier of the Ionic order. This statement of the diameter of the lower or Doric tier, being of the proportions of live feet in diameter, is confirmed by the personal observations of Mr. ISracebridge, and of Mr. Penrose. On the other hand, in letters read at this Institution, from Mr. Knowles, a month since, the diameter is given at 3ft. 7J in. I am at a loss to account for this great discrepancy on a subject so interest, ing, and apparently so easy to be ascertained. Now admitting the Doric to have been the original structure, and live feet the diameter, it then appears from the following diagram that there would be no space for an upper tier, for if it be an Ionic one, it must have been disproportionately 8niall compared with the bulky Doric below. Supposing the Doric to hare been used, I am rather disposed to believe that an upper tier could not have been used, but that some other architectural feature must here be substituted. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3 6 feet 2. fi feet 6. S feet. 3 feet 6. No. 1 Outer Column.— No. 2 Column of the Pronsus.— No. 3 Size of the traces of Columns lately discovered.— No. 4. The arrangement of the interior in the restoration. AVith regard to the chief sources of authentic information as to the use of colours by the ancients, the subject has beeu exhausted by the able remarks of the various writers on this matter; Mr. Hamilton, in his translation of the report of the committee who investigated the mar- bles of the Parthenon, appears to have had no biason the subject, and the inferences I derive from his translation are, that someof the early temples must have been white, and that others were certainly painted, but no hint is given as to the period, and as to the actual tintsonthe most perfect specimens of remaining colour in the temple of Theseus, Semper found some blue colour ■nder the necks of one of the anta:, and therefore drew the conclusion that the whole of the wall of the cella was blue. Scheubert on the other hand sayshe found on thesame spot colour, and that it was yellow, and yellow in his opinion was the colour of the cella. Another observer found what he con- sidered red, and draws similar conclusions. But although this discrepancy exists on this point, all agree in stating that above and below the frieze, iu the Parlhenon, the meander ornament was painted in a reddish brown. On that brown, gold has been discovered, and therefore some suppose the colour to have been the ground for the gold, and this also applies to the elegant palm leaves, on the facia, below the triglyphs and the ornament on the pediment. Admitting as we must, from the amount of evidence that the Greeks did use much colour on their works, yet with regard to tlie actual mode of applying it, or the period of its most general use, we are in a state of great uncertainty. It has been observed respecting the purity or impurity of taste in the use of colour by the Greeks, that this consideration was foreign to a resto- ration, that it was for us to decide on the question by the proofs as adduced, and that in restoring we must restore colour as demonstrated, and that wo have no right to set any fastidious idea of our own in the use of colour ia opposition to the practice of the Greeks, where that practice admits of proof. To this however I would beg to demur, that from our practice in the use of colour, we have no right to assume, that the ancient Greeks «sed colour as we now apply it, especially in their application of it to their highest uses in painting their divinities. We have it in eridence that the columns of the Parthenon were painted red, but the circumstance that the paint exists iu the openin); of the joints of the columns demonstrates that the colour was applied at a late period, subsequent perhaps to some earthquake or other commotion, because on the completion of the temple the joints were so close as to prevent the insertion of colour. Now it does ap- pear to me, that of a style of art so severe and chaste as the architecture and sculpture of the Parthenon, the high excellence can only be com- prehended and appreciated, by our having still in existence enough of the precious fragments to form some conception of theeffectsof the whole. What kind of idea could we have formed of the architecture and sculpture from mere description or fragmentary evidence? Let us reflect — wtiat idea does our own art give us of the perfection of Greek art, except as a close imitation of that which actually exists. M'ithout the actual work of the Greek artists before us, who could have propounded any resuscitation of its high excellence eiiher in form or execution ? And in like manner from the nature of things, I am entitled to contend that in the best times of Greek art, where colour was applied, it was used with equal severity, chastity, skill and purity, as the sculpture and architecture demonstrate, and therefore reasoning from analogy as from fragments alone, we could not hope to restore as a whole, neither can we in colour hope to reconstruct with our limited opportunity of observing, not so much perhaps as to the actual tints as to the mechanical application of them, after the beautiful sculpture had received all its wonderful discriminative touches, th* marking of bone, tendon and muscle. Does it seem probable that men of such cultivated tastes would have smeared over these highly wrought forms with oil and earth ? Does it not. Sir, seem more probable that the surface was stained with colour, not coated with a pigment? in using colour to embody the forms of their deities, we may be assured that the same amount of skill, pure taste, and beautiful appliance would be used as was shown in producing and finishing the actual form. Viewed in this light, it is by the power of the imagination, and this power alone, that we of these latter dajs can comprehend the glorious aspect of the Parthenon, in its integrity of colour as well as form. It may be that my bias may render me an incompetent judge on this subject, but I have searched with much assiduity, and I believe that all the colour I have seen results from the surface being stained, not painted. In some parts colour re- maining, shews the pure surface of the marble where it has been protected by the pediment; and where exposed. In some parts the original surface is still preserved by the means applied to tint it, and as the other surrounding portions are deeply corroded by time or drip, so I believe that the process of tinting hardened and preserved the semi- transparency of the marble; and of that mode of execution as applied to sculpture, I do not thiuk we have acquired the secret. Having thus briefly explained the structure and decorations of the Parthenon, we proceed in our endeavours to investigate the principles of design that characterise this great work of Phidias and Ictious. The etfect which their work creates on our minds appears everywhere to be produced by the same means, — variety and contrast in unity — whether in its architectural construction, in the selection of the subjects for the sculptures, or iu their composition and treatment. In the architecture, the solemn and rigorous uniformity of its masses, and the severe proportions of the columns, contrast marvellously with the boundless diversity of the lines of the sculpture. And while unity is thus preserved by the symme- trical character of the whole structure, clearly and intelligibly stated to the eye, and commanding the observance of the mind, the attention is enchained and preserved by the beautiful and harmonious play of light and shade resulting from the inner columns of the pronaus being smaller than the outer, and being placed on steps, which c.irry the inner architrave higher than the outer. The beautiful frieze is thus placed above the spectator's first glance, and reserves for him beauties veiled from his first impression, and therefore far more effective in their unobtrusive display at the proper period. It was thus, by an inexhaustible power of invention that Phidias pro- duced that great impression, which all minds gifted with a perception of the beautiful acknowledge, in the contemplation of the Parthenon; and, for ourselves, let it be our study to dwell on these noble works, and to seek to imbue ourselves with their spirit and power, in the choice of noble theme, in composition and treatment. This, then, is the proper influence these noble examples should exercise on our art, to produce a truly National School of Sculpture; for we cannot be blind to the circumstance, that merely re- peating the /wrms of Greek art ; must altogether fail in producing such a desideratum, (Jreek art was perfect because it was national, because its peculiarities suited alike the national feeling and the national religion. An attempt to repeat the mere forms, whether united to their myths or without that appendage, must fail to satisfy in any department of art, as far as regards the producing an English School, either in poetry or sculpture, painting or architecture ; yet the contemplation of the myths of the Greeks is full of interest and use, as adding to the amount of our knowledge of the operations of the human mind, and here we may learn how man sometimes produces results so perfect as to become laws, and at it were to form an eternal model of fitness and propriety, the result of wants perfectly supplied, of ideas perfectly embodied, of uational feelings incorporated with and represented by national emblems. It requires indeed a considerable knowledge of (ireck art to be able to appreciate the full amount of influence it may exercise, and a still more Iborongh acquaintance with their works, to comprehend their real scope and 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 87 depth, and it is not therefore surprising that a high general estimate of this art should prevail, and yet Ihai it should be but little understood, or that its inlluence should In' limited. It may be said — what are the excellencies we are to seek and to use, to form as it were part of our national]!)' ? 1 answer the general comprehensiveness of plan, ils fitness, its grandeur, ils profound science, and general nobility of treatment, so unlike the meanness of plan, rigidity and utter prostration of science, so often discoTerable in works, produced oui of the paleof Gi'eek art. The whole chain of dependent facts was evolved and laid out to be examined; the most delic-ile shades of truth scrupulously distin- guished, and as no science can exist without demonstration, the whole ex- isted as one. Architecture and Sciiliiliire, and Painting blended into con- summate harmony : the Parthenon \Tas a magnificent poem, comprehended at a glance, and in this poem of a thousand stanzas, every separate verse was a poem in itself, but subdued and aiding to the general eii'ects by the fitness of its application, and the harmony of its proportion. This accurate systematic form which gives to Olreek art its utility as an example, indeed is to be found no where else, and without it we cannot understand the science of art in its truth. Now to speak of a general system as applied to i\ledia;val art sounds rather curious. I speak here of the adornments rather than construction ; they seem a collection of fragments — here a con- sistency, there an absurdity, hint and hypothesis, doubt and dogmatism, feeling and reason, cold mathematical iibstraction, and the most gorgeous poetry, the drama and the lecture, the serious and the ridiculous, all thrown together by a hand careless in its profusion of riches, both disjointed, and constituted — these are the characteristics of the most perfect specimens of i\ledia;Tal art, and in this art they often seem to have overlooked that great advantage in Greek art, the exquisite beauty of their forms. Whether it was climate or natural temperature, or education, or social circumstances that gave the Greeks their delicate perceptions of universal beauty, no people ever existed in whose happiness it was so necessary an ingredient, or to whom it was so profusely ministered by the genius of their composers. Their whole nature was so refined that truth stripped of grace and beauty, could no more touch their minds than religion their hearts, unless veiled under a gorgeous mythology . The Greeks succeeded in producing perfection in the art or science of pourtraying thehumanformiu its most perfect beauty : this we also must use; for wiihout it our art must retrograde. Hut we require something more than the science of beautiful form: we must use the form, and superadd a spirit of nationality. The sculpture of the ancients is the most faithful, the most eloquent, the most enduring chronicle of their greatness. If, in his solemn discourse over those slain in battle for their country, Periclescould say that of illustrious men all earth iciis their tomb, and that their names were not merely graven on the sepulchral marble among their own kindred, but stored[up fur erer, in the unwritten registers of memory in other lands; so may we say, at the close of this our essay on Phidias, that though the glory of it, manifested to his countrymen in distinct and familiar characters and in the fulness of its meaning, is to our distant age only dimly and distantly revealed ; if we know it only by the few frag- ments we have preserved, or by those scattered in foreign lands, or by cold delineations and still colder descriptions, yet the image of the art survives in the mind of man, to be reflected again and again in the thought of remote posterity, an unwritten record and silent witness of the great- ness of the Athenian people, and the genius of their sculptor. " They so sepulchered in such pomp do lie, That kings fur such a tomb might wish to die." When Mr. Lucas had finished, Mr- Donaldson read the following remarks : You will doubtless, gentlemen, have been struck with the energy and fixedness of purpose with which Mr. Lucas has followed up his project of working out a reputation for himself by a restoration of the Parthenon, the fame of which, he hoped, would bring him favourably before the notice of the public, and no less pleased by the frankness with which he has com- municated to us his ideas on the subject. But there are other consideratiojis of very great importance, which offer themselves in connection with so vast an undertaking. The boldness of the attempt must be justified by the qualifications of the enterprising artist. The taste and practical skill of the sculptor must be seconded by the learn- ing of the antiquary, llie professional experience of the architect, and the precision of the modeller. It seems beyond the range of human probabi- lity, that any thing less than a visit to this noblest of ancient monuments, and many weeks, nay months, devoted to the study of it on the spot, could enable any one, however gifted, to solve satisfactorily the many doubtful ques'ions which hang over its complete restoration. We know that Palla- (lio thiice visited Rome ere he ventured to publish his monuments of Roman architecture. Brunelleschi returned again and again to study the baths, the temples, and the ruins of that ancient city ere he felt satisfied to under- fake t!u> construction of the dome of Santa Maria dei Fiori, at Florence. Mazois repeatedly went to Naples to measure and draw the remains of Pompeii, in order to ensure a scrupulous and faithful record of the exca- valid liuildings. If iMr. Lucas had published his model and descriptions of it, as a re- storation of the sf«/p(Kr(?s of the Parthenon, if the laudatory paragraplis, inserted by his admirers and friends in the public prints, had confined tlieir eulogies to this, and had laid no higher claim than to the merit of having restored the work of the immortal Phidias, I should have left to others mure compt-tent than myself, and better acquainted with that sister art, to have examined into the proprieties of the restoration in that department. Ijut the title-page of Mr. Lucas's own pamphlet, copies of which we owe to his friendly courtesy, slates that one of the models exhibits the temple as it appeared in its dilapidated state in the seventeenth cent ur if, and executed from the existing remains, or from authentic drawings. The" other being (in attempt to restore it to the fulness of its original beauty and splendour. It is upon the fallacy of these statements, as regards its architecture, that I feel obliged at once to protest against the models— the one as not being a faithful representation of it in its dilapidated state, not executed from ex- isting remains nor from authentic drawings— the other being inaccurate generally in its architectural details, and being deficient, instead of ex- hibiting the/i/^ncss of its original beauty and splendour. I feel called upon to examine the subject thus specially, for the archi- tectural errors are so contrary to the canons of the art. that the character of the profession is implicated, when we see that the Trustees of the British Museum give the stamp of approbation to these mistakes by purchasing the models, and exhibiting them in juxta-posiiion with the very marbles of the Parthenon itself. We must give them full credit for wishing to do full justice to the high reputation of Phidias; it is only to be regretted that, from parsimony or ignorance in themselves or those around them, they should have forgotteu the claim of Ictinus to the character of the first archi- tect of his own or any age, and as having produced in the Parthenon a work free from every defect, pure in every detail, graceful in every pro- portion. In the model of the Parthenon in its dilapidated state, Mr. Lucas has erroneously represented on the architrave over the columns of the Posti- cuin, the fillet caps over the guttse. He has not placed them at the angles, and has continued them along the flanks. They now exist at the angles, and at equal spaces along the front, as shown by Stuart, and there were none as usual along the Uank. Blr. Lucas has continued the antae cap mouldings along the wall of the Posticum, and along the_Uank wall of the cella, in both which positions they never existed. Mr. Lucas has represented cornices on the inner face of the cella wall where they do not exist, nor according to the most probable mode of restoration, ever could exist. These introductions are totally at variance with the drawings of Stuart and cannot possibly be extant in any other authentic drawings as staled in the title-page of the pamphlet. I must now venture to allude to the restored model. In the first place, it is less accurate as regards the steps, than that of the mined temple. In the latter there are only three, in the former four. Upon referring to my own studies made on the spot, I find three steps of marble, and below the Knvermost a slab of the same height and about the same projection of stone, and thus specifically staled in my sketch. There is then a much wider slab of stone, and a drop beyond of 3 ft. 4 in. It appeared conclusive to my mind, that the stone slab was a portion of the pavement of the area around the temple, which was laid with slabs of stone, the upper surface being level with the upper face of the stone slab under the third marble step. In fact, it would have looked incongruous to have had one step of sione and then three of marble. Besides which we have the testimony of Vitruvius, who says, Book III. c. 3. ''The number of steps iu front should always be odd, since in that case the right foot, which begins the ascent will be that which first alights on the lauding of the temple." We know that our great master borrowed all his canons from the Greeks, and that the superstitions of the ancients had a common origin and a common acceptation. The restored model shows no traces of the plinth which existed between the lower parts of the columns of the Posticum, and of which there are in- disputable signs in the Parthenon. This plinth, which was 9 feet I inch high, and half as wide again as the centre fluting, received the standards of the metal grating which inclosed the intercolumniations up to the sum- mit of the capit.ils, as is ascertained by the mortice holes still existing in the antie. This metal work was for the purpose of giving security to the Posticum, as within it were exjiosed to public view many of the votive ollfiings of beauty and value, the riches of the temple, and being placed within the metal railing, they were prevented being injured by accident or purloined by the evil disposed. This grating was probably of bronze gilt, and many Roman bas-reliefs offer authority for a restoration. The next inaccuracy to which I wish to call attention, is the doorway. The old aperture had been uarrowed long since, either by the Venetians or Turks, by the introductiim of slabs in irregular courses ; beyond these slabs the wall is perfectly plain. Reasoning from the magnificence and importance of the Parthenon, which would be evidently deficient in ell'ect if the doorway were a mere square aperture ; reasoning from the analogy of the Ereciheum, which has a magiiificf-nt doorway, although an edifice of less importance than the Temple of Minerva, and reasoning from the evidence to be found on the apertures of the Propylea, which had evidently bronze dressings, I have littie hesilatiou in stating my opinion, that the dressings of the Partiienon were of bronze, and that the model is singularly unfortunate in having consoles or trusses, which support nothing, are ac- companied by no corresponding embellishment, and are contrary to all rea- son, propriety, and example. I have already alluded to the continuation of tlie mouldings of the aut^e caps, retained in the restoration, and quite contrary to fact. We now come to the interior of the cella, and consider- ing the complexity of the opinions ofl'ered by Messrs. Pittakis, Fiulay, and others, who were consulted by our author, it is not surprising ihat tie should have found himself involved iu a maze of difficulty. It appears that Mr. Cockerell, iu tlie seventh volume of the Museum Publications, has restored the interior with two orders of columns ; the lower are Co- rinthian, the upper arc Doric. All the rules of the art, all analogy, and all S3 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [MAKCrt, pro'iability havp run counter to iliis daring arrangement. In the l-^mples of Pa;itii'n we Bud a double tier of columns, one over the oihir, to sup- port the rouf of tlie hypcihrnm, bo'h Doric; but the casual staemcpt of Mr. Inwood, (hat a portion of i: t'oiinlhian capitnl was brought by him from Ihe Parthenon, and a similar fragment discovered in the Temple of Apollo Eiiicurius, at IJassa;, near Phigalia, seein to have been considered Butlicieuily grave auihority for the introduction of the Corinthian, as one of the inner orders of tlie Panhenon. .Vssuming at once that Mr. Inwood g.)t it from Ihe Parthenon— How did it get there? Was it there originally .' Had any other traveller — the precise Spon and Wheller, or liie lahorious Stuart and Rcvctt ever seen it ! Among the strange metdmorphoses by Venetian, Turk, and Greek, may it not have been converted to the pnrpo^e of construction frcji some stray fragment beyond the verge of the Parthe- non, as being lighter and more easily applicable for their purpose than the ponderous blocks of the construction of Ictinus? May it not have been purposely placed there by some wily Greek to give it additional value in the eyes of one, who was eager for any fragment of .\ttic art. and pro- fusely liberal to every one who contributed to his collection? The intro- duction of the Corinthian orderintothe Parthenon involves so many serious questions in the art, that ils adoption must rest upon some more au'hentic proof than that which accompanied this questionable fragment. Outlet us assume that it cam_- from the I'arlhenon, and was always there; is it too much to require the restorer to pause and consider whether this may not have b ei a fragment from some object quite distinct from the archi- tectjnre > for we know, from Pa'i:;anius, that all the Greek temples of auy iize aud reputation were filled with statues, groups, pedestals, candelabra, cars, tazza?, tripods, vases, seals, and other articles of wood, metal, an.l bronze; the votive olferings of the conqueror, the supplicant, and the superstitious. Mr. Lucas has introduced the Ionic as his lower order, aud the Corinlhian above ; a restoration more consistent with our precon- ci ived notions, yet siill open to serious objection. However, he has given a regular entablature to his lower order, whereas, judging from the P.-estan Temple, and the reason of the tiling, a mere arciiiiiave or beam were more fitting. IJot a mure serious objection presents itself in the arrangement of the ceiling, which is made to overhang the upper range of columns for the purpose of contracting the aperture of the hypelhriini. This presents so much difiiculty of C(m>truction, and seems so much in advance of the science of tiie Greeks at that period, that I cannot but consider it as apo- cryphal, as alsj the pedimental form of some of the compartments of the ceiling, and the sloping roof over the aisles of the cella. I have not wished to lengthen my remarks by allusions in detail to some questionable portions of the sculpture. I may, perhaps, be venturing on ground for which I am as little qualified to judge, as Mr. Lucas is to form an opinion of the architv-tlure: but I must own, that I could have wished that the sculpture had been modelled with a refiuement and liuisli more corresponding with tlie exquisite execution of the matchless original. I could have wished that one's ideas of the dignity, the splendour, and pro- portion of the Chryselephantine statue, and the grave majesly and beauty of Minerva herself had been more realized than it is in tliis conception; and it appears to me that the want of pure drawing, the total absence of Attic elegance aud correct proportion in Ihe rude illustralions of his pam- phlet, do little justice to the intelligence of the author in the letter-press. I could have desired that the modelling and putting together of the archi- tectural details had been less characterised by coarseuess aud want of delicacy. Aud I must own, that the prominence given to the sculptures of the pediments, the projections of the heads and limbs of so many of the figures, seem to me so much to interfere with the liues of the architecture, aud themselves to be so much cut up by the intersection of the corona, as to produce a most uusatisfaclory iniricacy, and disagreeable contrast. Neither the drawings of Carry (perspective views taken iVoin a low point), nor the casual signs of a water drip, which may ha\e arisen from a mis- placed slab above, nor the solitary instance of a questionable indentation of a fragment head— more than probably a rebate to receive the bronze helmet, nor the projecti.m of the horse's jaw at a part where no shadow broke the continuous line of li;;ht, seems to me to justify the solitary instance of so marked a principle, which would have itself established a rule in all future cases, but which has never, that I am aware, been followed in any suc- ceeding instances in ancient or modern times, that have pietensions to be considered as classic works of art. 1 shall cmiclude with one more reference, aud that is to the polj chromatic embellishments timidly indicated over certain parts. Mr. Lucas states, thai he is not called upou to run any risk of making a ^'■auJ of this restoration of the Parthenon, or to depart from the severe simplicity, which is the characteristic of all the art of Phidias. The testimony of trailition as recorded in the Transactions of this Institute, the evidence on the monument itself, the fragments recently dug up, all prove that polychromy had its full development in the Parthenon. The fragments di>tovered in the foundations, attested the antiquity of the practice" Will Mr. Lucas venture to say, that ihe Parthenon, when so embellished, was a gaud f Mill he assume the question, and say tliat the simplicity characteristic of all the art of Phidias was colourless? \t hat is the lestiiiiouj borne by the monuments of ancient Egyptian architecture? What by the producliuus of mcdiiieial art? If, in regard to the exteut of polychromatic embellishment, Mr. Lucas nesit'ated among conflicting opinions to go to the full extent of some of the advocates for nnqualilied adoption of colour, I could understand his pru- dence ; but it seems equally rash to reject all colour as to adopt it through- out : iind reasouing do-.-s cot seem to justify the iutroducliun of colour iu one or two parts only, which by their rery Bolitariaess contrast most harshly with the rest of the modi I. In subini ting to jour notice these observations upon these models, I have felt called upon to do so, in order to vindnate the professional character of the English architect, which is perrilled by the conspicuous position given to a work of art, professing to be a restoration of ;he noblest monument of antiquity, a 1 uniting the knowledge, science, and learning of this country. The acc.iracy of the English architect has been acquired by many personal sacrifijes, laborious iuvestigalions, and pains-taking accuracy. The work of Stuart and the productions of the Dilettanti Society, had established tiie fame of the English, as the revivers and best illustrators of Greek art. But what will be the opinion of foreigner.* upou English architects, if this defective and erroneous restoration be assumed, as the proof by which to estimate the res earch, and knowledge, and skill of the English architect in 1840. In this I do not so much allude to Mr. Lucas, as to the Trustees of the British Museum. Mr. Lucas has been imprudent in calling this a restoration of the Parthenon in all ihe/u(n«» of its original heauly unJ siilendjur, Hehas looked at it merely as a sculptor; and the architecture he has considered as subordinate to that his first object. The Trustees should have called in the advice of some one or more of the many architects who have measured the Parthenon stone by stone. They should have provided Mr. Lucas with Ihe most perfect model of the building that modern research could have produced; and our sculptor rould hive worked on his restoration of Ihe sculpture, nnem- barassed by considerations of the details of the architecture, for which he WHS neither prepared nor fitted by previous study, as he has himself modestly avowed. I now conclude these remarks, put together in the brief interval of numerous and important professional avoca'ions, not to detract from the merit of Mr. Lucas's courageous attempt, but, as 1 have said before, lo vindicate my profession from the imputation ot those unfortunate blemishes, which, although ihey may not afl'ect the reputation of Ihe author as a sculptor, seriously peril the fame of the English architect, scholar, and antiquary, in the esliiuation of the accomplished and learned foreign artiiit* 01 Europe. Mr. Lrc\s in reply, observed that he felt much indebted to Mr. Donald- son for his valuable suggestions, and for the obliging manner in which they were conveyed. He was not prepared to accede to the propriety of all the alterations proposed by that gentleman, but he readily allowed that in several points his own opinions were modified by what he had just heard. Much applause was expressed by the meeting at the frank manner in which Mr. Lucas made this avowal. He said that with respect to the io- troduclion of tour steps instead of three at the base of the temple, he had been guided by the authority of Colonel Leake. In the small model which was made as a preliminary lo the execution of the larger work now in ihe British Museum, there were but three steps: but the alteration had been made in consequence of the statement in Colonel Leake's book, that the number was four, and his determination had been confirmed by a letter which he had received from Mr. Walter Grenville, stating that there was a fourth step now obscured by rubbish. He felt however the full force of Mr. Donaldson's argument, and in fact he had, from an anticipation ihat an objection might be made on this point, so arranged his model that the requisite alteration could be immediately efl'ecled if he should hereafter feel himself sulliciently authorised in making it. With respect to the continuation of the mouldings of the antae all round the temple, he had beiu guided by the drawings of Stuart. .\s the fascia and string course certainly went all round, and as in the plates published by Stuart, the lines benealh those members were alsodrawu us continued, he considered that he had accurately interpreted the intention of the draw- ings by the arrangement observed in the model. It was also necessary t;> observe that his original uiodels had been submitted to the inspection of many highly competent persons, but thoui;h he was inilebted to them fur several valuable suggestious, no objections had been expressed as to tha particular architectural features in question. With respi'ct to the strictures on the inclination of the doorway and the form of thf- consoles, he had no defence to offer. He was convinced of the propriety of Mr. Itonaldsun's remarks, aud intended to adopt his sugges- tions. With respect however to the introduction of railings at the en- trance he could not express the same concurrence. It appeared to bim that these features were purely matters of detail, and it was obvious that there were many mere details of the interior which it would be not only impossible, but improper also, to represent in a model. In cases of this kind, especially where the artist had no guide from the remains of ancient fragments, some liberty must be given to him of using his own discretion. It certainly appeared lo him Ihat the railings iu question might be with propriety omitted. The first part of his work which he had finished was the Chrys-elephan- tine statue of the goddess. In tiie course of this work the idea had oc- curred to him of making a niudei of the temple, but he had originally en- tertained no higher aim than that of making the model a sort of cover for his statue. He observed that he agreed with Mr. Donaldson in not liking the present statue, and had pledged himself, without solicitation, to the trustees to replace it by another containing the result of his latter expe- rience. The objection that he had made, that some parts of the sculpture in the pediment iuleisectid and protruded beyond ihe corona, aud had thereby broken the continuity of the CJiuicc, was the objection of an architect rather than of a eculpior. His answer was this— on eiiaminiug the ihuulder 1S46.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 89 of the Ilissus, it would hfi found (hat Ihis part of the statue was markfd and ^^■ora by the constant dripping of water, and it was llieretbre clear that this part of the figure could not have been sheltered by the projection of the cornice. The liissiis was only a fragment, still from the attitude it could at once be seen that the heail nuist have been higher and raore for- ward than the shoulder; and as the shoulder must luive been, at the very least on a line with the cornice, the head must have projected considerably beyond it. His reasoning was confirmed by the drawings of Carrey, who had represented the sculpture as intersecting the line of the cornice. The case of the Jlissus was by no means a solitary one, as, for instance, the horse's head and the fragment of the head of the IMiuerva of the western pediment, and Carrey represented the same state of thing as existing in numerous instances throughout the temple. Mr. Lucas said he was tiiere- fore by no means prepared to assent to any change iu this respect, but firmly maintained his original opinion. He had made preparations for shortly visiting and minutely examining the temple. He felt very much indebted to the Institute for the sugges- tions which had been e.\preised there, and for the manner in which his ex- planation had been received. His great and anxious desire was to render the model as perfect as possible, and he earnestly assured the members that he was desirous of hearing every objection that could possibly be brought against it, as by these means errors would be corrected and doubtful points as far as possible explained. For his own part, he pro- mised that no effort should be wanting towards the fulliliuent of these im- portant objects. The PRtsiDENT expressed in warm terms the obligation of the society to Mr. Lucas and Mr. Donaldson for the information which they had afford- ed. He would observe respecting the railings of (he Opisthodonius, that as that part of the temple served as the treasury, and contained the votive offerings which were of immense value, it seemed necessary that it should be guanled by railings, and he thought they might properly be represented in the model. He invited Mr. Lucas to examine some models of the Par- thenon in his own possession, which had been made by a gentleman who had measured every square inch of the ground. A great benefit arising from the exhibition of Mr. Lucas's models would be the enlightenment of public taste, and the illustration it would aiford to those not conversant with architecture, of the form of the Parthenon. He was convinced that many who visited the Uritish Museum, had an impression that the Elgin Marbles were hung round the interior walls of a room resembling that iu •which the remains are now deposited. The new model would serve to correct this error. The President concluded by expressing in very happy terms the thanks of the meeting for the papers which bad just been read. Mr. Donaldson said that he must make one remark before the meeting separated. He trusted that the Institute would render every assistance to Mr. Lucas in the investigation which he was about to commence, and would use its inSuence with the Trustees of the British Museum, that they might liberally offer to Mr. Lucas every possible facility and assistance in the prosecution of his undertaking. Feb. 23, Mr. Tite, V. P., in the Chair. Mr. Penrose read a paper on the entasis and other carved lines observed in the architecture of the Parthenon, but as the paper of Mr. Lucas, on a somewhat similar subject occupies a large part of our present number, we must defer the report of Mr. l^enrose's paper till next month. ROYAL SCOTTISH SOCIETY OF ARTS. January 2G. — The Prj;sident in the chair. The following communications were made : — In place of Mr. Lawson's Paper on Hurricanes, which was postponed till next meeting, the Secretary gave an Account of Mr. Jacob Owen's (of Ire- land) Paper on the Results of Experiments on the relative Strength of diffe- rent forms of Retaining Walls. 2. Accoimts of some Eieperimcnts on Electro mid Galvano Culture. By \ViLLiAM Fraser, Esq., Aberdeen.; In this Paper, Mr. Fraser gave an account of the results of numerous experiments he had made on the effects of electricity and galvanism on the growth of seeds and vegetables. In one set of experiments, he had passed a current of electricitv through the seeds before sowing, and in others, he passed the galvanic current through the earth i.i which the seeds were sown, and he also applied it to the plants. He experimented in various ways, but with no benefit to vegetation, either from electricity or galvanism ; for, although the seeds through which he had passed a current of electricity previously to sowing, sprung up quicker than those not subjected to that process, just as seeds do which have been previously steeped m water, yet, after a while no perceptible difference could be seen betwixt the plants from electrified seed and those from seed not subjected to that process. Mr. Fraser, in conclusion, suggests the form of an apparatus by which he thinks, it could be clearly seen whether galvanism produces any benificial effect upon plants. 3. Description of a Drawing of a Horizontal Condensing Pump, for honzonlal condensing Steam Engines. Bv Mr. M-illiam D. Meiklejohv. In this condensing pump, Mr. Meiklejohn states that the condensation will take place much more rapidly, and that there would be a very considerable saving in the first cost of the condenser. • wl'u^^"," •^"*»'''«'« ./<»• Railway Bridges. By Mr. James Miller, Watchmaker, Perth. Mr. Miller submits, that in small bridges for railways there is too great a rigidity, when built of stone or brick, and that they are liable to he destroyed by their want of elasticity, and their not yielding to the vibration of the train ; and he suggests tliat they should lie made of strong rings of iron, upon which longitudinal iron bars should be rivetted somewhat in the form of a cooper's chauffer. They could be made at a distance, in pieces, and carried to the spot, and there bolted together. February 9.— George M'ilson', M.D., F.R.S.E., in the chair. The following communications were made : — 1. Description of a New Clod; impelled ly a combination of Gravitation and Electro-Magnalism. Invented by Mr. Alexander Bryson, Chrono- meter, Watch, and Clock Maker, Edinburgh. In this clock the common pendulum is used. It is kept vibrating, in equal arcs, by a small falling bar, or detent, which is raised every second by the attraction induced in a soft electro-magnet. The magnetism is excited by constant batteries placed in the bottom of the clock-case, which may be kept in action for any desirable period, and when changed it is not necessary to stop the clock ; as before the spent battery is out of action, the otlier, which is newly charged, is in full operation. The wheel work, showing minutes and seconds, is moved by the gravitating bar or detent immediately on its being attracted by tlie elec- tro-magnet. When this clock is made to show minutes and seconds only, as in observatory clocks, it consists of two wheels only, and when it is made to show hours, three wheels are necessary. The contact-breaker is sus- pended on knife-edges immediately aliove the pendulum bob, having a gold concentric arc, on which press two very slight gold springs. In tliis arc is inserted a piece of ivory, which breaks the current, and permits the falUng bar or detent to fall on the pendulum so as to keep up its viliration. By the method of coincidences it was stated, the pendulum was found to keep its motion witli the utmost steadiness, as compared with a compensation mercurial pendulum beating seconds. 2. On the Causes of Hurricanes in the TTest Indies, with illnstrative Diagrams. Ey Robert Lawson, Esq., Assistant-Surgeon, -1 7th Regiment. Communicated by Alexander Bryson, Esq. In this paper .Mr. Lawson gives further instances, both from personal and recorded experience, of hurricanes in the West Indies, exhibiting phenomena not conformable to the laws of Hare, Espy, Reid, or Redfield ; and while adopting as true many points insisted on by these eminent observers, endeavours to prove the dependence of those mighty convulsions on the moon's influence, which seem to have escaped all observers in this field of inquiry except the indefatigable Howard. 3. Description, illustrated with Drawings, of an Improved Method of Manufacturing Pyro.vilic Spirit fH'ood Naphtha of CommerceJ, Pyro- ligneous Acid, and other products, from the destructive distillation of Wood. By Captain George Dacres Patersox. This communication contained a description of the manufacture of Pyroxile Spirit and Pyrolignite of Lime, with various improvements, the principal of which consisted in a new menner of stifling the charcoal, so as to free it from the noxious gases, and in the distillation, which is conducted on the principle of distillation in vacuo. The arrangements were stated to effect great saving in fuel and labour. The vacuum is formed by steam, and by a simple arrangement the condensed vapour is entirely drained off from the;still prior, to the supply of liquor being forced up from the charging Back. A simple apparatus was described for guiding the workmen as to the different strength of the liquor ; and a plan of a rectifier, by which the essential oil is more easily separated from the spirit, was also given, by which means, and others farther described, the Pyroxile Spirit, it was stated, could be procured in great purity. SOCIETY OF ARTS, LONDON, January 28.— W. F. Cooke, Esq., in the Chair. The first paper read was by Mr. Claudet, on " some principles and practi- cal facts in the art of Photograp/iy," ami contained a series of vary inte- resting scientific researches, and communicated several important discoveries in this new and curious field of research. It was a sequel to a communica- tion read by Mr. Nott on a previous evening, in which he had endeavoured to establish that the rays which make the photographic picture are different from those which produce light, and this he thought he had proved by means of pictures formed with a polarized ray reflected from parallel plates. Mr. Claudet contends that the rays of hght are the agent. He had made many experiments on forming pictures by reflection, but had not been able to dis- cover any essential difference betwixt then* and such as are formed by the direct ray. — His next series of experiments regarded the photographic quali- ties of light of different colours; blue proved to be the most powerful photo- graphic agent, yellow the weakest. One of the most beautiful experiments by which this was proved, consisted in throwing the prismatic spectrum on paper and on the silver plate, the colours being marked on the paper and the effect remaining on the photographic plate — be thus showed that the photo- graphic prism presents effects very different from the apparent intensity of the prismatic spectra. A remarkable specimen was shown of a silver plate, on which the rays of light had brought out a powerful picture without the action of mercury. — ,\nother series of experiments made was on the photo- graphic action of the rays of the moon, which had formed a powerful picture by five minutes exposure ; he hoped to be able to obtain a very accurate Daguerreotype of the moon's surface, drawn by herself, on a silver plate. Considerable [discussion followed, ami the announcement in the paper as received with much approbation. 12 00 THE CIVIL ENGIXIEli AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [March, " On a Xew Code of Signals and Me Conslruolion of the Si^al Lamps." — By Mr. Rettir, and illustrated by models and experiments. I!y the simple use of a pair of slidfs attached to an ordinary lantern, a comtiination of sig- nals is effected, ly which the loss of life and property by the collision of steam boats and sailin\; vessels, might be simply and cheaply avoided. February J— William Pole, Esq., F.U.S., Vice-President in the Chair. The foUowini; papers were read: — The first communication was " On the Theory of the Comfruc/ion of Vk Portland Vase'' Uy ilns P. Exsell. — .Vliss Ensell considers the Portland Vase to have been constructed in the following manner. A jar of blue glass was formed in the usual way by the glass blower, and its whole surface roughened — it was then encloied in a mould similar to those used for the for- mation of alabaster relievos ; the jar and mould were then exposed to the action of one of the petrifying springs of Italy, and thus a clear transparent substance wa» deposited on the vase, in such proportions as to form the figures in that beautifully white semi-transparent material, wliich is exhibited in the Portland Vase. She then gave various details for the practical carry- ing out of the operation, and suggested the propriety of undertaking a series of experiments, with a view to constructing vases of a similar di'scription. Mr. Doubleday, the gentleman who was charged with the restoration of the Portland Vase, and which is now under his care, having examined its struc- ture most minutely, proceeded to give the following account of tlie manner in which it had been formed. The base is of blue glass and has been made in the usual manner by the glass-blower, the white figures are also of glass and perfectly united with the base. The blue jar having been formed, was dipped into a pot of white metal, and so the lower part of it becauie entirely covered with a uniform coating of white glass. The material to work upon, •which is thus described is in all respects similar to the cameo, an. I has been operated on iu the same manner. Mith some talent and considerable artis- tic skill, by a process like that of gem engraving or cameo cutting, the white glass has been cut away in different forms, and various thicknesses by tlie artist; he considered that not less than 3 or 4 years of continuous labour would be required in order to produce such a work of art. — Several other gentlemen then joined in the discussion, the result of which was to establish the fact that we possess in this country both materials, mechanical means, and artists capable of executing similar works to the Portland Vase, and that those works, if executed, would necessarily, from the length of time and skill required to execute them be the most rare and most costly that art can produce. " On a Xew Theory of the Formation of Meteoric Stones." Cy .Arthur Wall, Esq. He considered they were derived from subterranean origin ; he showed by analysis that abundance of materials and means arc presented for the formation of those meteors in the bowels of the earth, and their descent from the atmosphere without going into the planetary spheres to seek for their cause. February IS. — E. Speer, Esq. in the Chair. The discussion on the Portland Va\e was resumed. Mr. Doubleday, of tlie British Museum, who has repaired the Portland Vase in a manner so admirable that the fractures are scarcely visible, pre- sented a number of specimens of ancient manufactures in glas'i. illustrative of the theory which l.e ileduced on the true principles of its cousUnc'iiin. Sir. .Vpsley I'ellatt, who was present, exhibited to the socicly, through Blr. Illashfield, a very beautiful model of the Vase, it being one "of the ori- ginal and most perfect copies made by Wedgwood. He ex|ilaincil fully to the meeting, as a practical manufacturer of slass, the exact process by which he conceived that that vase was originally formed. He explained how such objects of art might be constructed at the present day, and the diliiculties which stood in the way of their couslructioii. Mr. Christie, of tlie ^'auxhall Glass-works, explained another mode in which the two co- lours of classes might have been originally united. " On Hiiihriiy Lucomotinn, tcitli reference tit. 4. That the committee of classilicalion shall form into grovips all olher raihviiy bills ■ft'hich, in their opinion, it would be expedient to submit to the same coimnittee. fi. That as soon as tile committee of cla«sitication shall hare determined what railway tJUs are to be grouped together, they shall report the same to tlie House, and all peii- lians a^aiust any of the said bills shall Le prvseuled to the House three clear days before tlie meeting of tlie committee thereon. G. That no railway bill be read a fust time later than the next day but one after the re- port of the committee on i)etitions or of the standiru' order committee oii «tich bill, as the case miv be. shsdl have lieen laid on the table, except by special urder of the House. 7. That there be not more than seven clear il;iys between the first reitding of any rail- way hill and the second reading thereof, except by special order of the House. 8. That the brevipte of every railway bill shall he laid on the tabic of the House, and hs printed and delivered one clear day before the second reading. II. That such railway bills as shall have been read a tirst time before the House shall agree lo ihese resolutions, shall be read a second time within seven clear days thereafter. 10. That such of the standing orders as relate to the composition of the commiltets on private bills, and the orders consequent thereon, be suspended so iar as regards railway mis pending in the course of tlie present session. 11. That committees on railway bills during the present session of Parliament shall be composed of a chairman and four members, to be appointed by the committee of selec- tion. 13. That each member of a committee on a railway bill or hills, shall, before he be en- titled to attend and vote on such committee, sign a declaration that his constituents have no local interest, and that he hitJiself has no personal interest for or .-ifainst any bill re- ferred to him ; and no such committee shall proceed to business until the whole of the !;. embers thereof shall have signed such declaratiwn. 13. That the promoters of a railway bill shall be prepared lo go into the committee on the bill on such day as the committee of selection shall, subject to the order that there be seven clear days between the second reading of every private bill and the sitting of the committee thereupon, think proper to appoint, provided that the classification committee shall have leported on such IjiU. 14. That the committee of si-lection shall give each member not less than 14 days* no- tice of the week in which it will be necessary for him to be in attendance, for the purpose cf serving, if required, on a railway bill committee. lo. That the committee of selection sliall give each member a sufficient notice of his appointment as a member of a committee on a railway bill, and shall transmit to him a copy of the I'ith resolution, and a blank form of the declaration therein required, with a Yequest that he will forthwith return it to them properly filled up and signeii. W. That if the committee of -election shall not within due time receive from each such member tlie aforesaid declaration, or an excuse which they shall deem sufficient, they ■E'lall repoit lo the House the name of such defaulting member. 17. That the committee of selection shall have the power of substituting at any time Vefore the first meeting of a comnr.ittee, anoilier member for a member whom they shall deem it proper to excuse from serving on that committee. ly. That power be given to the committee of selection to send for persons, papers and records, in the execution of the duties imposed on them by the foregoing resolutions. I'.t. That no member ol a cnmmitr*c shall absent himself from his duties on such com- Tnittee, unless in the case of sickness, or by leave of the House. 20. Tr.at all questions before committees on ra'lway grorps or bills shall be decided by a majority of voices, including the voice of the chairman; and that %vhenever the voices shall be equal, the chairman fhnW have a second or castinu: vote. '21. That if the chairman shall be absent from the committee the member next in rota- tion on the list (wlio shall be present) shall act as chairmau. 22. That committees shall be allowed to proceed so long as three members shall be pre- sent, but not with a leSB number, unless liy special leave of the House. 2."{. That if on any day within one hour after the time appointed for the meeting of a ■committee three members sliall not be present, the committee shall be adjourned to the same hour on the next day on which the House shall sit, which had been fixed for that day. 2-1. That in the case of a member not being present Avithin one hour after the time ap- ■pointed fur the meeting of the comiaittee, or of any member absenting himself from his idu(i*'S on such committee. such member shall be re)torted to the House at its next sitting. 'j'k That eicJi committee shall be appointed to meet on each day of its sitting, not later than 12 o'clock, unless Vjy the regular vote of the committee. '2G, That committees on railway bills have leave to sit io the present session, iiotwith- 'Etandii'd any anjournment of the House, if the committees sliall so think fit. 27. That every committee on a railway bill shall fix the tolls, and shall determine the maximum rates of charge for the conveyance of passengers (with a due amount of luggage) and of goods on such railway, and such rates of charge shall include the tolls, and the costs of locomotive power, and every other expense connected with llieconveyar.ee of (i;assengers (with a due amount of luggage) and of goods upon such railway; but if the committee shall not aeem it expedient to determine such maximuifi rates of charge, a special report, explanatory of the grounds of their omitting so to do, shall be made to the 'liouse, which special report shall accompany tht report of the bill. THIRD REPORT, FEB. ]7. The number of petitions for railway tilts, which have been prasented this session, have "leen st:.tcd by your committee to amount to .'(02, viz. :— For railways in England and Wales .. .. ,. 3i(5 ,, Scotland . . . . . . . . 120 „ Ireland .. .. .. .. 47 The above numbers include petitions for amalgamation bills, and in some cases there Tire more petitions than one for the same sclieme. After the deduction to be made on ■this account, the number of distinct railway shemes appecra to be — For England Scotland Ireland 47 As, however, many of these schemes may fail, from non-compliance with the standing orders, the number of bills presented to Parliament may possibly fall coiisiderably short of this amount, and your committe« are of opinion that it will not be necessary or ex- pedient io the present session of Parliament to refer mere projects to committees, as was done, owing to peculiar circumstances, in the last ses<^io^. From a statement prepared 1 y the officers of the hoard of Trade, it would appear, that if the same piinciple of grouping which was adopted last year should be followed in the present session,) the riiilway schemci in England and Wales might be formed into .51 groups, and those for iicotland into lU ; about Gl select committtes would therefore be retpiired. As the bouse has already ordered, that all Irish railway bills, and a certain limited class of English bills, (the hitler of which are included in the foregoing siatement), should commence in the House of Lords, it is impossible to say how many of these may be sent down tu the House of Commons. The number of gron;)s into which railway schemes for the United Kingdom were divided last year was ^2; but, owing to various circumstances, only 45 committees appear to have actually sat. The necessity of considering so great a number of railway billf, in addition to other .private bills, ma; certainly be expected to produce an unusual and inconvenient pressure upon the time of members of the house ; but your committee trust, that as committees on railway hills may in this session begin to sit at an earlier period than in the lust, it will not be found impracticable to constitute the requisite numbw of committees during the progress of tht session. Under these circumstances, your committee have not deemed it advisable to recommend to the house to make any selection from, or to place any limitation on, the number of railway schemes to be submitted to the consideration of Parliament during the present session. As your committee, howfver, believe that much of the time of the select committees on railway bills is consumed, with little public benetit, Ui miHUte and detailed inquiries into the amount of traffic and the probable profit lo the projectors, your committee are of opinion that the stamling orders on these points should be altered, and that it should no longer he obligatdry on conimitiees on railway bills to make special reports on them. At the same time, yonr committee have no K-ish lo fetter the discretion of the select committees to make such intjuiries as they may judre proper wiihregard to population, and to the extent of accommodation that would be afforded to the public, where they con- sider such infoimatiou to be requiresed railway bill included in" the group referred to them to the chairman of Ways and IMe.ms, and the members ordered to prepare oud bring in the bill, to be dealt with as other unopposed bills. Standing Ordi;r, No. 87. On Thursday. Feb. 19, in the House of Commons Nos. 7, 8, and 9, of the Standing Order ; No. 87 were rescinded, this will get rid of a very ex- pensive, tedious, and troublesome part of railway proceediug, as it wdl no now be compulsory to produce evidence relatixe lo traffic. Datum Line, Order No. 25. A doubt arose in the minds of tlie committee respecting the London and Brighton (Dorking Branch) Railway, whether the datum line taken from tlie proposed junction with the Loudon and Brighton Railway was taken from a sufficiently tixed jjoint, and was in compliance with order No. 25, The comiiiiltee accordin^^ly postponed their decision, but subsequently de- cided that in this respect the standing orders liad not been complied with. The reception of the petition of the London and South AVestern (Romsey and Redbridge Junction) Railway, was objected to on several technical grounds. Among other objections, it was urged that the datum line taken Jrovi the top-'iiattr of the Andover and Reigate Canal was not sufficiently fixed. One engineer stated that the top-water was always nearly on the same level, it being regulated by a weir, but two olher witnesses gave evidence of a very different nature on this point. One of tlie latter, who was employed on the canal itself, stated, that so far from the weir being suflicient lo preserve the level, it was very small, and when there was much water he had to open a hatrh to let it fiow out. The sub-committee declared thai the stauding orders iu this case had nut been complied with. It appeared that in the North Stafibrdshire (Churnet Valley Line) there were three fixed points given in tlie plans from which a datum line was to be drawn, one only of which, however, was the subject of controversy be- fore the committee. The petition stated tliat one datum line depended oa a point 418 feet below tlie " sollit" of the arch of Cocksliott-bridge, and his agent contended that this point was not fixed, but variable and uncertain. The whole turned ou the meaning of the "soffit." The opponents called several wituesses. among \\ honi were Mr. Leather, a civil engineer of some years' practice, Professor Hosking, of King's College, London, and Mr. Tite, the architect of the Royal Kxchange, «lio stated that by *' soffit" they understood the whole of the interior surface of an arch from springing to springiug, and not the top or crown. One of these witnesses said, that with such a point given to him he should consider himself at liberty lo take the measurement for the datum line from any part of the interior surface of the arch, and tliat, therefore, this was a fluctuating and not a fixed point. On cross-exaniitiation, most of these witnesses admitted, that from this word being used in reference to a level, they might probably suppose it meant the top of the arcb. , Mr. Burke, on behalf of the line, brought many experienced engineers among them Mr. Vignoles, IMr. R. Stephenson (the engineer of this rail- way), and Mr. ractical man as to its meaning, especially in a case like this, where height or depth was to be measured from it. These gentlemen distinctly stated, \\\M none but a tyro in engineering could suppose it to mean auj other por- tion than the top of the arch. The Chairman announced that the committee (No, 1) considered the ttauding orders complied with in this case. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 9^^ Tlie iliitum line of the Lancasliire anJ YorUsIiire North Eastern Railway, ■was taken on a level with the topnater of the Leeds anil Liverpool canal, ■which wonia be crossed by the proposed line. The Cliainnan doubted whether this could be allowed as the ti\ed point to which the diitum should be referred. The engineer explained that there was a weir of stone work close to the point from which tlie level was taken, the water had not fallen below a certain point for the last 10 years. This being considered satisfactory, the committi-e decided that this bill should be reported as having complied with the standing orders. In the committee on the Great Grimsliy and Sheffield Junction Extension Raihvuy (No. 2) Bill mis opposed, and the lirst alleB^tion w:is that tlie ■ datum' line slioivH upon the sections of the plans wits not the same throughout the line, as two ditlerent ' datum' lines were shown iu ditierent lengths or parts of the line. lilr. Parkes obJL^eted to the aileyation that it was not sulheiently stated, hut was so vague that it was impossible to Hnd out to what part it aliuded. Mr. Dernlit s.iid that it referred to the fat-t that one 'datum' line was taken from the High-street at Liiitoln, and the other from Grimsby Dock. Rlr. Fowler said the latter • liatura' line was in a branch not included in the present bill. Mr. Dernht said the second allegation was that the point from which the 'datum' line was taken was the level of a stalie driven into the ground at the point of junctloH with the Nottinyliani and Lincoln Railway, now in course of construction ; but did not state whether it was the upper part of the stake or the lower part of it. He called a gardener of Lincoln, who staled that the stake was in his orchard, ne.\t to the wall, and was the "crown stake" of the Nottingham and Lincoln Itaihvay. There was no stake in the street. The Chairman said that it appeared the stake was not on the west side of the High-street, but iu the orchard, and therefore was incorrectly described. Mr. Parkes said the reference that it was at the point of junction with the Nottingliain and Lincoln line, on the west side of the High-street, clearly described the point meant, and that the stake was correctly described as being on the west side of the High-street. He called .Air. Fowler, Sir. .loieph Gibbs, and Mr. Harrington, who all said that no engineer could mis- take as to the point referred to, and that they should consider the stake a lixed point as it was protected by law, it being an ofience to take any of them up. The 'datum' stakes were kept standing for a long lime alter a railway was completed, as it was from them that the levels were kept up along the line. The Chairman said, that the Committee were of opiiiii,u that the description was not accurate enough, besides having some doubts as to the sufficiency ol a mere staK-e as a fixed point. They must, therefore, report the case to the select committee. The standing orders had not been complied with in this case. SiiBSCRiPTio.v Contract. M'hen the South-Eastern (from the M'aterloo-road, near the Hungerford- Bridge, to the tireenwich Railway) K.iilway, had been gone through, the Chairman stated that the committee (No. 3) could not decide that the pro- moters iu this instance had complied with the standing orders, inasmuch as a considerable doubt was raised in his mind, as well as in the minds of the other members of the committee, whether the subscription contract entered into was such a one as, consistently with the intentions of the house, they could consider sunicient. The contract presented to tiiem was one ■which combined several dill'erent projecls, for which separate and cjjslinct estimates had been made — i. c, there were several classes of works to be coustrucled, but only one subscription contract for the whole, and not a separate one for each of the estimate.^. The contract certainly provided iu its pages for the parties binding themselves only for so much as would be applicable lor the particular work or works, A, B, and C respectively, to which they might have subscribeti. Unt, lu order to prove the sub- scription contract for A, itappeared to them it was necessary to admit the proof of that for B and C, a course wliicli he considered was not a strict nor such a conpliance with the standing orders as was contemplated. Mr. Burke, on the part of the promoters, urged that a precisely similar contract had been considered sulficient in one case last session. The Chairman said, that was in the case of an nnojiposed petition, and might have been overlooked, and could not therefore form a precedent in this instance. The question, consequenlly, whether this project had com- plied with the standing orders must remain over until he had consulted the Speaker and the diiierent chairmen of the other committees. An objection was made to the Staines and Richmond Railway, an account of the deposit of 10 per cent, nol having been paid by the subscribers according to the provisions of the Joint Slock Act. It was admitted however, that 10 per cent, had been paid into the Court of Chancery, in compliance with the standing orders of the House of Commons, but it was contended that the deed itself proved that 5 per cent, only had been paid by the sub- scribers themselves. — The Chairman, after hearing the objection, stated that this point had repeatedly been decided; and that if the amount re- quired were actually deposited iu the Court of Chancery, the cominillee could not inquire by whom it had beeu paid ; whether it was by the sub- scribers or by some person for them was quite immaterial. The chairman accordingly decided that the standing orders had been in this case com- plied with. An objection was made to the subscription contract of the Ayrshire and Galloway Railway, on the ground that Richard Hodgson and William Macdonald were parties to the deed in a double capacity, as trustees of the first part, and as subscribers (with others) of the second part, and thus covenanting with themselves for the performance of certain matters ; which he contended was repugnant to the practice ia England and to common sense, inasmuch as it placed the parties in a position in which they might be called upon to sue themselves for a breach of their covenant. Mr. Connell, for ihe promoters, stated that the contract had been drawn up in conformiiy witli the practice and the law which obtains in Scotland, ■where it was competent, in certain cases, for a man to sue himself under a deed. He apprehended also that, in the case of a debt due from one member of a lirm to another, the firm might legally sue that member. Mr. R. Mackay, Writer to the Signet, on the same side, said that a legal objection had never been stated in Scotland efi'eclually against the power of any party to sue because he was a shareholder. Under the common law of Scotland a parly could sue himself. It was of daily occurrenc He had taken the opinion of the Lord-Advocate on the point thatmorninff who ridiculed the idea that a party could not sue himself by the law of Scotland. The Chairman desired the room to he cleared for a division. On our* re-admissioii, he stated that, iu regaril to the objeciion of Mr. Burke, the committee had decided that-the standing orders had not been complied with, inasmuch as the subscription deed was invalid, in that it did not biud the subscribers, within the meaning of the standing order 40. The committee ou standing orders coulirmed this decision of the sub- committee, but subsequently in tlie House tlie Attorney General declared that the contract was not illegal, consequenlly the report was referred baci-j to the committee. Notices. — Order, No. 17. It was contended by Mr. Counel, on the part of Sir W. Napier, that the section of Ihe proposed Ayrshire, Bridge of Weir and Port Glasgow Junction Railway, so far as it related to Ihe parish of Kilbarton, was not in accordance with the stantling orders, iu that the notice which had been served ou his client. Sir William Napierg. did not inform him how a road in that parish which tiie petitioners intended to lower 15 feet would alfect him, as they were required to show in tha heading of the schedule (form referred to in standing order No. 17); secondly, that in respect to the position of the road, the level of the same,, and the manner in whitlitlie railway would affect it, these particulars were all inaccurately described. I'he committee, after minutely examining the sections on tliis point, and considei^ing the order referred to, overruled the objections. Hcfereucfs.- — It was contended by the opposition, that a narrow strip of ground in the parish of Port (ylasgow, and tlescrihed as vacant ground, was in the occupation of the Gourlock Ropeworks Company, and belongetl to the Glasgow and (Jreenoek Railway Company, and not to the partici named in the book of reference. The petitioners' agent called a witness to prove that he had made diligent inquiries as to Ilie ownership of the land in question, and that in prose» cutiag those inquiries he was referred to one of the servants of the Glasgow and Ureenock Railway Company, at the station adjiuning this piece of land; who informed him that he (the servant) had received instructions front liead-quaiters to vvithold information from parties concerned in the pro* jected line. The Committee were of opinion that the petitioners had used du& diligence in ascertaining the ownership of the land, and that if partien refused to give such information whereby ihe promoters of a railwa> were led into error, the allegation of error came with bad grace from such partie»i Therefore, in this case, the standing orders had been complied with. Imfortant Dccision with regard to oppo.iiNG A Bill before th.'. Standing Ohder's Committbe. Mr. Burke, on behalf of a petitioner against the London, Newbury and Bath Railway, stated that he could prove that the books and plans deposited in the office of the House of Commons dill'ered from those which had been deposited with the clerks of the peace. He contended that the jietitiou was snlliciently in compliance with standing order No. 9 to entitle him to be heard, for as the plans and books of reference were incorrect, na landowner or occupier could know whether his land would be affected or not. and, therefore, was entitled to petition. The Chairman said he had conferred, not only with other commiltee?, but also with other persons, to whose opinion he was inclined to bow, ami he had come to the conclusion that where the objection had reference toth» subscription contract, or other matter allecting the public, tlieu any one of the public miglit petition. M'lieie there wan nut aiiij fiirtij affected, then the stnnding order A'o. 9, did not apply, hut it tfiis made fur the protection of indiridunis, where there ifiis a party affected, then that party must be cognizant of an assent to such petition. He would not say the party affected must necessarily be a landowner or occupier. The committei might liold that under special circumstances some other person uiiglit be alfected within the meaniug of the order. Mr. Burke expressed himself much pleased at the decision, which Ik? was certain would affect some hundreds of petitions. He then withdrew., the petition. An important allegation was made by Mr. Coates against the Bill of the Berks and Hants, (Hdngerford Extension) Railvvay, on behalf of a petitioner opposing the bill annexed to the promoters' petition, ihat power, was sought by tlie Great Western Railway Company to raise the sum of S.50,OUOJ., yet the said notices did not make mention of any application t'j I'arliament for the amendment of the acts relating to the said company, nor had suck notices been published in all the counties in which the works of the said company were situate. Mr. Pritt read the notices from the Gazette, and contended that they were amply suflicieut, and given in compliance with the standing orders. The Chairman desired the room to be cleared ; and on our re-adniissioc, after an interval of upwards of ha!f-an-hour, the Chairman intimated thai with respect to this allegation, the committee had come to the following resolution, namely that the committee were of opinion that the standing orders had not been complied with, inasmuch as the notices of application to Parliament to make a railway did not state the inlentim of the Great Western Railway Company (though subsequently staled to be the owners yS THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [March of the said Berks and Hants Railway) to amend their acts for the purpose of raising a furllier sum of money, but a separate notice of the feume dates respectively was givt-n by llie Great Western Kailway Company to amend their acts, yet such lasl-mciiliuut-d notice did not contain ihe uumes of places through wliicli the works were intended lo be made. KoYAL Observatory, Paris, — A contemporary states that there is being consiructcil on the top of this tiuUding, a study cabinet, Itie walls of which, as well as thtt Cfiline, are of pure crystal. It is in this chamber tb.it I^I. Arago wiil work and watch the stars, planets, and comets, by the assistance of a monstor telescope, which is now being made. It is expected ttiat this new transpurenl ob^ervutory will be tetmi- naled by Ihe oionth of July neit. The Dauntless and Jrrof^ant frigates, on the designs respectively of Mr. White, of Cowes, and Mr, Fincharn. master shipwright of this eBtablitlmient, are pro. greasing very rapidly toM-ards readiness for launching; their timbering is finished, and their ceiling and planking. The Dauntless ;Mr. Finchani's design; is intended as a steam frigate, 'but the Aoirgant will only have steam as an auxiliary to work a screw. The follo«'ing are the pruuiple dimensions oi the Arrogant. Lt-ngtli between the perpen- dic'ilars wMU feet; Length of keel for tonnage, 17a feet; Breadth extreme, 40 feet, 4 in ; Breadth moulded, 44 feet J Depth of bold, j;;t feet ; Burden in tons, l.K'U; Horse-power for screw, .'iOO. This bne ship is in the moat forward state of the two, and presents a boldness ot outline very much admired by all who have seen her since shir has been planked. She presents a very handsome looking mudel, and is expected to prove a per- fect man of war. LIST OP NEVSr PATENTS, GRANTED IN ENGLAND FROM JANUART 2U, 184G, TO FCBRCARY 25,1840 Six Months allowed for Enrolment^ unless otherwise expressed, George Frederick Hall, of Norfolk-street, Fitzroy-squarii, in tlie county of Middlesex, pawnbroker, for "certain m;ichinery or apparatus for writing and Ijookiug, numbering, cutting, checking, and expediting the delivery and receipt of pawnJiokers* duplicates, pass-tickets, and other like documents."— Sealed January 29. James Brown, of Ball's-row, High fields, Coventrj-, for "certr-in Improvements in V7eaving." — January 2!'. Aucustus Turk Furder, of Leamington Priors, in the county of \\'arwick, solicitor, for •' an Iinj^roved pump or enpiue for raising and inipelling inelastic lluids, and producing motive power." — January I'y. Charles Cowan, of Valley-field mills, in the county of Edinburgh, paper manufacturer) for " Improvements in the manufacture of paper mill-board, and other similar sub- stances."— January 29. John Greenwood, of Church, in the county of Lancaster, manuficturlng chemist, for *' Improvements in dyeing Turkey-red, and other colours." — Januaiy 29. George Howell, of Larkhall-lane, Clapham-common, Surrey, for " coating with a metal the surxoce of articles formed of copper, or copper alloys, or iron, whether wrought or cast." (Communication.) — January 29. Michael Rimington, of No. In, Rufford-row, Islington, In the county of Middlesex, gen- tleman, for '* Improvements in obtaining and applying motive power." (Comnmuication) —January 31. George Hir.ton Bovill, of Millwall, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, for " Improve- ments in the manufacture of iron." — January 31. Andrew Etienne, of Hatton-garden, in the city ofLcndon, gentleman, for "Improve- ments in the construction of railways, railway carriages, and in the means of preventing accidents on railways." — January 31. James Pilbrow, of Tottenham, in the county of Middlesex, civil engineer, for " certain Improvements in propelling on land and wator." — January 3l, Henry Highton, of Uugby, in the county ot Warwick, master of arts, for "Improvements in electiic telegraphs." — February 3. Edwin Chesshire, of Birmingham, surgeon, for "Improvements in apparatus to be ap- plied to railway carriages to reduce the prejudicial effects «f collisions to passengers in railway carriages." — February 3. Samual Brown, of Gravel-lane, in the county of Surrey, engineer, for " Improvements in gas engines, and in propelling carriages and vessels." — February 3. Thomas Foxall Griffiths, of Wolverhampton, for " Improvements in stamping and shaping sheet metal." — February 3. William Garnett Taylor, of Halliwell, in the county of Lancaster, cotton spinner, and William Taylor of Halliwell, aforesaid, labourer, for " Improvements in consuming smoke and economizing fuel." — February 3, William Malligan, of Bradford, in the county of York, manufacturer, for •' certain Im- provements in the power-loom-"— February 4. William Greener, of Birmingham, gun maker, and William Edwards State, of Peck- ham, Surrey, estiuire, for "improved means of ignition and illumination." — February 7. Thomas Clarke, of Hackney, Middlesex, engineer, Mark Freeman, of Sutton, in the county of Surrey, gentleman, and John Varley, of Poplar, in the county of Qliddlesex, for "certain Improvements in obtaining and applying motive power, parts of which are rjplit-able to the regulating and controlling of fluids."— February U. James Palmer Budd, of Vstalyfera Iron Works, Swansea, merchant, for " Improve- ments in the manufacture of iron."— February 11. J ohn Keating, of North-niews, Fitzroy-stiuare, in the county of Middlesex, scagliolist, lor "certain Improvements in the manufacture of cement." — February 11. Joseph Pierre Gillard, of Rue Martignac, in the city of Paris, professor of mathe- matics aud philosophy, for •* Improvements in the production of heat in general." — February 11, Charles Tetley, of Bradford, In the West Riding of the county of York, stock and eh are broker, for " certain Improvements in machinery for raising and impelling water an d other liquids, and also thereby to obtain mechanical power." — February 1 1. William Edward Newton, of Chancery-lone, in the county of Bliddlesex, civil en- B ineer.for " Improvemunts in the construction of instruments or apparatus for ascer- t aining, registering, and regulating the speed of carriages and machinery." (A communi- cation.)— February 11. Andrew Smith, of Prince's.street, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, for " Im- provmeiits in coating or covering metals for the purpose of preventing oxidation." — February 11. Alfred Vincent Newton, of Chancery-lane, mechanical draughtsman, for "certain -m provements to be applied to the grindlDg of grain and other substances."— February U James Murdoch, of Staples-inn, in the county of Middlesex, mechanical draughtsma for " an Improved process for preparing a certain material for the purpose of painting," [A comrnunication.) — February 11. George Sterenson, of Tapton-house, Chesterfield, In the county of Derby, engineer, aod William Howe, of Ncwtastle-upon-Tyne, in the county of Northumberlaud, me- chanic, for " an Improvement in bicomoliYe slcam-eiigines."— February 11. William Wharton, superinterdent at the Enston-square station of the London and Birmingham Railway, for Improvements in straps and bunds."— February 11. Charles Uft#lev, of Birmingham, button manufacturer, for " Improvements in buttons and other fallen. ngs for wearing apporcl, and iu thcmachinery for manufacturing parts of the said faAtenings."— February iH. John William Stnnbrldge, of .'^S, Brudenell-place, New-road, Middlesex, gentleman, for " an Improveniertt in the manufacture ot certain descriptions of aliks and other fabrics."— Febraary lb. John Brockiehurst, of Holborn, In the county of Middlesex, lamp manufacturer, for "Impruvemeiits In the hanging and disconnecting of window sashes and frames." —February U. James Nunmyth, of Aruudel-street, in the county of Middlesex, gentleman, for " cer- tain Improvements in engines or machines for ob tail. iug and applying motive power. "^■ Febmary l(i. William Edward Newton, of Chancery-lane, in the county of Middlesex, civil engineer for "Improvements in thw preparation or manufacturing of thread or yarn." (Acorn* muqication.)~February 17. Jacque Cloet, of Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, gentleman for " a certala Improved combination of materials lo be used as a substitute for leather or for water- proof clolh aod other similar uselul purposes."— February 17. Juan Nfpomuceno Adorno, of Mexico, in the republic of Mexico, gentleman, for •• Im- provements in manufacturing cigars and other similar substances."— February 17. Edonard Auguste Desire Guithard, of Rue des Feuueurs, Paris, in the kingdom of France, for " Improvements iu printing calieo and othur fabrics."- February 17. Stephen Etievant, of Church-strcct, Sobo, in the county of Middlesex, for " ImproTO- meuts in stores." (Communication.)- February 17. Nicholas Francois Corbin Desboissierres, of Rue Saint Pierre, Montmartre, in the Kingdom of France, gentleman, for "Improvement! in preparing and burning fueU"-* February 17. Joseph Clinton Robertson, of 166, Fleet-street, London, civil engineer, for " Impr»TO- ments in nail making machinery." (Communication.)— February 18. Robert Nisbet, of Lamden, in the county of Berwick, esquire, for *' certain Improve- ments in locomotive engines and railways."— Febmary 19, Peter Claussen, of Leicester-square, Middlesex, esquire, for "certain Improvements in machinery for weaving, and iu preparing materials lor weaving." (Communication.)— February 20. John Piatt, of Oldham, in the county of Lancaster, machinist, for "certain Improw- ments in machinery or apparatus to be employed in the preparation and spinning of cotton and other fibrous substances." — February 25. John Britten, of Liverpool, chemist, for " certain Improvements in the method of ap- plying heat for the purposes of iieating, cooking, and evaporatuig, aud iu the apparatus cunnectcd therewith." — ■Fehiuary 25. Peter Bancroft, of Liverpool, merchant, for " certain Improvements in the method or process of refining and purifying animal and vegetable oils and grease." — February 25. John Harcourt Brown, of Brunsuick-place, Barnsbury-road, gentleman, for " Improve- ments in securing letters, envelopes, covers, despatches, packets, and parcels.**-^ February '2h. Thomas Murgatroyd Dean, of Rtockpoit, in the county of Chester, engineer, for " certain improvements in machinery or apparatus applicaL-le to to the furnaces or fire- places of steam-engines or otbur boilers." — February 25. Moses Poole, of the Patent Oiiice, London, gentleman, for " Improvements in cleaning and separating grain and other seeds." (A communication.)— February 1'5. Antonio James Mayer, of Ashley-crescent, City-road, for ** Improvements in certain wood-cutting machines."— February 25. Josue Heilmann, of Mullhausen, in the Department Du Haut Rhin, France, machine maker, for " Improvements in certain raacbinea used for preparing to be spun cotton, wool, and other fibrous materials." — February 25. William James Cantelo, of Paris-street North, Lambeth, for " Improvments in appa- ratus for hatching egijs and raising the young, aud for heating hot-bouses and other buildings."— February 25. Thomas Pemberton, junior, ot Birmingham, manufacturer, for ** a newer Improved method, or ue-v and improved methods of ornamenting window- furniture and articles of upholstery in general."— February 25. William Robertson, machine maker, of Gateside, Renfrevvshire, for *' certain improve- ments in the machinery for spinning and twisting cotton, silk, wool, flax, and other fibrous substances." — February 25. George Alexander Thompson, of Connaught. terrace, Hyde-park, gentleman, and Josejjh Weight, of Holborn-bars, mechanic, for" Improvements in propelling vessels.** — February 25. John Maddock, of Binstern, Stafford, earthenware manufacturer, for " a new and im- proved method of building and constructing kilns and ovens used by potters and manu- facturers of china aod eathenware."— February 25. CORRESPONDENTS. Mr. Foster's book on Book-keeping relates to subjects which do not fall within Ihe scope of this Journal. Received — Mr. Neville's paper '' on the pressure to sustain banks of earth ;" notice of this paper is in type, but is unavoidably postpoueci to next month. The notices of new and restored churches in the present number are abridged from the Ecclesiolojist. Can any of our readers refer us to books or docutnents containing the history of St. Margaret's Church, Westminster, ami detailing the nature of the modern alterations. M. The restorations of Notre B&me at Paris are made at the expense of the French Government. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 97 ON THE ENTASIS AND OTHER CURVED LINES OF THE PARTHENON.* By F. Penrose, M.A., Magd. Coll., Cambridge, Associate of the Institute. Read at the Rayal Institute of British Architects. {With an Engraving, Plate V.) It is an admirable principle of this Institution that it has for its object the bringing together of various points of information from its different members, inasmuch as no one can see or understand everything. It would be contrary to the spirit of this proposition, to eipect that no one should get op here to speak who had not materials for an entire evening's lecture. In accordance with these views I shall only detain you a short time, to inform jou of the results which I have arrived at, in a limited survey of the Par- thenon ; all the measurements I took having reference to its scientific, not its decorative construction. It is a very convenient season for such discussion, after the very edifying and agreeable evening which we passed here on the last occasion of our meeting, when the zeal of Mr. Lucas and the remarks which he called forth from Mr. Donaldson, brought the subject so vividly into discussion. However I will proceed at once to what I have to say — The first point to be considered is the carvature of the steps — it is obvious that the earlier investigators of the Parthenon had no opportunity of observing this as the ground was covered with rubbish, and it is so slight as to elude the eye unless brought down to the level of it. Had Vitruvius however been in credit, the following passage would have Bnfficed to suggest it, " The stylobate or step should be so set out as to have in the middle an addition by means of unequal/oofsfoo/s (literally), t. e. unequal blocks. For if it be made level, it will appear to the eye Bunk in the middle (literally channelled) to the eye." Again, " When the capitals are finished they must be arranged on the shafts of the columns. Dot level, but according to the same measurement as before, so that the symmetry of the architraves and upper members may correspond to the same addition as was made in the stylobate," This was first observed in the Parthenon, I understand, by Mr. John Pennethorne. He unfortunately, however, allowed the Germans to have the credit of prior publication ; it made its appearance in a Vienna archi- tectural journal, four years ago. I have a drawing (see plate), made from my observations of the east front of the Parthenon. I levelled it, I believe, very correctly, as my instrument, on being taken to the opposite end, gave exactly the same line. I have drawn a black line along what I suppose to have been the original line ; the shaded line marks that which I obtained from my measurements ; these, in which I was assisted by Mr. G. Ken- nedy, were taken with the French metre, and I have reduced them to English feet and decimals of a foot, which, I think, is the best system we can use for scientific mensuration — it were much to be wished that it should become universal. A circumstance which would render this change less troublesome to workmen is, that the 100th of a foot is nearly the same as the eighth of an inch. Now, observing that the sixth column from south-east angle is the highest for its situation of all the columns, and that the architrave above has a crack about -06 feet in width, I infer that that point has been set most firmly in the foundation, and the rest have all settled more or less about it. This may perhaps have been all the result of earthquakes, as I found that the base of the central columns of the west front were -08 feet higher than those at the east end, and the base of the south angle column of west front was -09 feet higher than that at its north angle. In the east front it will be seen by the drawing 4hat the north-east angle of upper step is -028 feet lower than south-east angle, showing a settle- ment in that part of the building, which is also attested by the aforesaid eiack over the architrave of the sixth column. It will be seen that on the south half of the front the step runs very nearly straight, except that at the angular column there is a little more shoot, probably to throw off the ■water better. And the angular column is about -02 feet longer than the others to compensate for this. The step, at this point, has a gradient of about f^, afterwards ^ nearly. The chief rise is -022 feet, which is about the same as the amount which the columns lean from the perpendicular. • The curvature of the itvlobate of the Parthenon It briefly noticed In the Seventb Volume of this Jouroal, p. 16. No. 103.— Vol. IX.— Apbu, 1846. The height above level of fourth column from the cast on the south flank is •23. It is quite clear that the step has been lowered a trifle by settlement, as the stones of the step immediately under the columns adhere so closely that they have actually grown together, as Stuart found to be the case; but lower down the joint is apparent enough. An hyperbola may be drawn approximating very nearly with the line after allowing a very little for these settlements, which have unquestionably taken place, and as the conic sections have been applied constantly in the construction of this and the other temples at Athens, I think it not im- probable that they were regulated in this matter by that curve. Can any geometrical or optical considerations suggest the ntcessity for this addition in the middle of the stepf Vitruvius does not go so deep into this as he usually does on optical questions ; he merely says that the step if level will look channelled. It occurs to me that it is in the pediment and not in the step that we are to look for the necessity of this correction. It is a matter of constant experience that the presence of a curved line distorts any right line in its vicinity, as for instance, the tangent to a circle always looks bent contrary to the curvature of the circle, and the same thing is no less true of the chord. A small segment of a large circle may be made to look straight, or even bent contrary to its real direction, by the juxta-position of a curve of greater curvature. The same thing obtains more or less in a pediment where the converging lines have ultimately exactly the same relative position as an arc and its chord. And any portico to which these corrections are not applied will give something of this feeling, if we look attentively at its angles. Another confirmation of this view of the matter is, that in the great temple at Paestum, (undoubtedly built some time before the temple of Theseus, )tlie addition to the stylobate and entablature is applied only at the ends; the flanks are horizontal. At Segeste, whose greatness is probably posterior to the glorious days of Athens — and consequently their temple is to be referred to a later period — the addition is on all sides as at the temples of Athens. This adjustment could only be required in temples seen directly opposite. So in the Propyloea, we do not find any addition made to the stylobate. We have heard something of a curvature of the entablature in an horizontal plane as well as the vertical. Mr Lucas stated last meeting that he understood from Mr. Pennethorne that such was the case. I admit that both the fronts of the Parthenon are bent inwards, but not that it was so originally. In the east front of the Parthenon Ihe four first architrave stones are in a continuous plane nearly vertical ; the fourth is bent slightly inwards away from this, the rest are quite irregular. The entire deflexion in the east front is not more than -09 feet. I observed that the joints of masonry on the fronts are almost all crus'hed, so that it is clear that there has been a slight disturbance of the original plane of the building ; indeed, the angular columns give less declination than the central ones. I found that the fourth column from the south-east angle leant '235 feet ; (this is the same as that given in the supplement to Stuart.) From the north-east angular one I deduce '225 after allowing for the amount of set- tlement due to the crack above the sixth column. I cannot admit that such horizontal curvature was ever intended. Vitruvius does not mention it, nor can any reason be assigned that I am aware of for the use of it. Constructive and optical advantages are obtained both by tlie leaning of the columns and the raising the stylobate and epistyle. It is evident that, in a country liable to earthquakes, a certain degree of pyramidal construc- tion given to the building must be of statical advantage. The slight dis- turbance which has actually taken place has thrown the north-east angle column about '07 feet to the right hand, and it would have leant away from the building in an unsightly manner had not there been an original declination three times as great inwards. Still I do not compare my argument a priori with that drawn from marks of crushing and settlement on the building. As Wilkins fell into a sad mistake when commentating on these very subjects in Vitruvius, when he states his belief that it was only a fancy of Vitruvius, and did not enter into the works of the ancients. Vitruvius is very positive about the lean- ing of the columns, and states that their inner face should be parallel with the wall of the cella. The columns of the Parthenon have not nearly eo much lean as this, however owing to the nature of the curve of their 13 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHlTECrS JOURNAL. [April, eotasis, they are bo at their springing, which may perhaps be Vitruvius's meaning, as lliere is no instance, except, I believe, the temple atTivoli, of so great a declination as he describes. It was well known generally among the ancients that such was the case. Cicero relates an amusing story, in his oration against Verres, how Verres was very anxious to do Bomelliing in the building way, and restore a certain temple of Castor at Syracuse. He came into the temple, and on examining it, found every thing sound and in good repair. He turned about him, and asked his conlideulials what he should do. One of them jokingly said, '• Why, Verres, you have nothing to do here, unless, perhaps, you would like to set the columns perpendicular." That man (Verres), most ignorant on all subjects, asks, " What do you mean by perpendicular ?" They answer him, that there was hardly any column which could be perpendicular. Then said he " By Hercules, let us do so, and put them perpendicular." Cicero thus holds up Verres for derision, for being ignorant on matters of taste. It seems to me that the following consideration suggested the inclina- tion given to the columns : — In consequence of the diminution of the columns, the upper spaces become larger than the lower, and as the eye measures the whole length of the architrave by the sum of the inter- columniations, it would appear longer than the step, and consequently the columns would appear to diverge from the ground, unless such inclination be given to the angular columns as shall correct this false impression. Vitruvius states that all Ihe members above the capitals should lean outwards ■}^\h of their height. This, 1 believe (and 1 have seen some very careful measurements of Mr. Scoles's, made with reference to this), does not obtain iu any Greek building. The corona of the Parthenon, indeed, has an inclination outwards of 1 in 100, but all the rest of the members lean inwards in the direction of the columns ; it is clear that -j'jlh would be too much, and especially at the angles would appear nearly J(h, which would look preposterous. I have no doubt that the I'/h in the text of Vitruvius is corrupt, or else Vitruvius must have generalized too much; I should prefer the former hypothesis. There is a small dill'erence both iu the west front and east front. In the outer intercolurauiations of the Parthenon, that to the south is in both fronts about ^'jth ofafoot wider than the northern one. Can this have arisen from a desire to make the intercolumniations towards Ihe south — which are more seen, both on account of sun and situation — more nearly equal to each other? In the temple of Theseus the same holds but vic^ versi. In both cases the addition is given at the side which from its position is most com- manding. The joint of the stone of the architraves next the angles is on both sides made to lie a little within the centre of the column (or towards the centre of portico), by means of which the two metopes next the angles are squares, and the next two diflcr, by a small quantity, from that figure. It must have been thought that it was more important to get the angular metopes exactly symmetrical im each face, than two contiguous ones on the same face. This adjustment, however, is not so apparent on the flanks and west front as it is in the east front ; but the east was the principal front theo- retically, though in the Parthenon the west front was seen more from the town. There are some small and curious varieties in the abacus in different parts of the Parthenon. The more ordinary one on the east, west, and north sides is -['jth upper step. The abacus of Ihe angular column is Ij Attic dactyli, or nearly j'jih greater. I divided ^J^th of the upper step of the Parthenon (i. e. one Allic foot, according to Ihe Greek fashion) into 16 dactyli, and have found these divisions to agree very well with the smaller dimensions, which were taken by myself as well as by others, and with fragments in Ihe British Museum. If the abacus be divided into 30 parts, 28 such parts will give Ihe lower, and 22 parts the upper, diameter of Ihe column. The angular abacus is ^th the height of Ihe column; the thickness of this abacus is Jlh of its breadth. On the south side every abacus is less by -2 feet than those on the north side and fronts, and is equal to Cj' Olympic or Attic feet, or y-jjjof upper step. These capitals, being always seen either from the city below, or from the very narrow space between the temple and ihe wall, on the platform itself of the Acropolis, in quick perspective, a large portion of their under sur- face would be seen, which would give them a greater appearance of size than the others, which are not generally viewed from a similar situation, and which would, therefore, appear more as in elevation. The abacus in the British Museum is from the south side. 1 now come to the entasis of the columns. In the Parthenon it is so slight as merely to correct the false impression which the eye always receives from columns wnose sides are really straight lines, for the eye naturally fixes upon and measures the column at the neck, and the spring- ing or base, but has nothing to compare it with in the middle, so it loses at that point in importance and requires compensation. The entasis of the columns of Ihe Parthenon is about that which would be given in an Ionic column of Ihe same height, according to Vitruvius's rule, viz., the thickness of the fillet of one flute. I have found, from measure- ments taken at the edge of the flutes, that this curvature results from the columns being hyperboloids of revolution. The generating hyperbola has a principal axis equal to I Attic foot, a focal distance equal to 30 Allic feet ; i. «., the distance between foci is equal to CO Attic feet, the line of the foci at a distance of twice the abacus below the upper step. It is well known that the conic sections have been used very generally in these Greek buildings, but 1 am not aware that the exact nature of the entasis has been before demonstrated. In confirmation, I will only appeal to Mr. Scoks. Hearing that he had some accurate measurements of one of the columns, I asked him for his vertical measurements, and promised to bring him Ihe horizontal diameters corresponding. On comparing these with his measurements the coincidence was so striking that I am morally certain that 1 have obtained the true nature of the curve. I have also consulted the dimensions of the columns of Ihe Parthenon, given in the supplement to " Stuart's Athens," wiih a highly satisfactory result ; I have also found the columns of the Theseus.to be hyperbolic. A curve obtained geometrically with line and rule, owing to the unequal action of the elasticity of Ihe string, gives a trifling deviation from the curve obtained by calculation, and approximates still nearer to Ihe entasis of tlie columns. It is not to be supposed that, in forming their columns, the Atheniaa artists struck the hyperbola full size, for then they would have required a straight-edge about fifty feet long, which would have been very unmanage- able ; but any hyperbola, constructed with the same principal axis, viz., 0 = 1013 feet, will have its horizontal abscissa full size, and the vertical ordinates in some proportion, which can be easily determined. Conse- quently, to obtain any number of dimensions for constructing a column like those of the Parthenon we should proceed thus :— Take a straightedge H h, about five feet long ; fix a string at one end of this straightedge /i, and let the other end traverse, upon a table or drawing-board, round a fixed point, H, by means of a pin or awl. Let the siring be cut off exactly 2025 feet shorter than the length, H A, of the rod. The string being fixed to the moveable end of the rod h, and to a fixed point S at some convenient distance H S, from H, viz., about three feet. Now let the straight-edge revolve about H , and keep the string tight against it with a pencil, as alQ ; thus will an hyperbola, P Q A, be traced on the board, having all its horizontal dimensions equal to the real size, and its vertical according to some scale which can be very easily determined :— Draw A V perpendicular to H S, aud, at a distance, N P = 10 13 feet been using, v 11 -=•092 feet, draw J P F parallel with A Y. Then set off FQ = 'G9G feel, which is equal the entire diminution of the column, and the segment Q P will be proportional in height to the shaft of the column, and if it be divided so as to represent 31-4 feet, the scale so ob tained will give the full size entasis at any ^ point required. jj A somewhat similar method may be used to obtain any desired entasis for any column that may be required, having first fixed upon the amouut of the entasis and the diminution of Ihe column by first drawing the curve as here described, with any convenient axis and foci, and then applying a straight-edge until we get exactly or approxi- mately the amount of entasis and dimiuulion required; dividing the length of the arc so obtained for a vertical scale of Ihe column ; but as this im- plies something of Uie loose natur e of a tentative process, itwould of 18-16.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 99 coarse be more satisfactory to fix exactly the upper, lower, and middle points of tlie proposed curve, tbe distance below the springing of the focal line, and then obtain the curve by an analytical, or, when possible, by a rigid geometrical process ; the first method, however, is very easily done and capable of great exactness. The hyperbolic form is admirably adapted for Doric columns. The conchoid of Nicomedes, which is so very beautiful in Corinthian, has a point of contrary flexure near the neck, which is inconsistent with the solidity and dignity of Doric. Before I leave tliis subject I will say that by slightly modifying the points, he, and string in the geometrical drawing of the hyperbola, multi- tudes of beautiful curves are produced, some of which are very like those of the vases and amphorae of antiquity. There can never be any need of drawing cnrves arbitrarily by eye, as there are an infinite variety of regular curves, suited to every possible want of art or science. I cannot help alluding to the exceeding beauty of the curves produced by Professor Willis by his epicycloidal chuck. Are these isolated principles? Or are they not rather connected by someone beautiful connecting link? — I cannot yet attempt to decide: fomelhing must have been left to the eye and judgment. But it would be extraordinary that such wonderful adjustments — such subtle corrections, worked too with such precision and geometrical accuracy, should be in each case merely empirical. Without the most accurate measurements of these small differential quantities, taking into consideration every crack and movement among the blocks of marble, it must be hopeless to discover it. There is ample field for a work which shall be the standard of the scientific, as that of Stuart is of the decorative architecture of the Greeks. Reference to the Engraving. The engraving is a sketch showing the rise in the stylobate and the in- clination of some of the columns in the East front of the Partlienon. The differences in the steps, &c. are drawn to a scale equal to one-fifth of tlie real size, and the remainder one 150th of the real size. The dimensions are given in feet and decimals of a foot ; the figures under each column show the height of the steps above or below the level line. The irregular line at the foot of the columns shows the existing line of the steps, and the line above it the probable original form. Tlie upper and lower courses of the columns are the scamilli hnpares of Vitruvius ; all the rest are symmetrical and perpendicular to the axis of the column. The left baud outer column leans to the right '206, and the right hand one leans to the left -15. THE DECORATIONS OF THE OPERA HOUSE. The example that is to be, of the New Palace of Westminster, and wbich is now only in prospectu, may be said to be operating by anticipa- tion. All branches of decoration connected with architecture are, in city phrase, looking up, and even mural pictorial embellishment, in encaustic, if not yet in fresco, has begun to be introduced among us, — and that, per- haps, with more hurry than good speed. What was the first application of it is by no means a very prepossessing specimen, the decorations in the arcades of the Royal Exchange being almost ludicrously inconsistent with the purpose of the building, — so greatly at variance with all propriety of character, that were they very much better both as to execution and gene- ral effect, they would still be unsatisfactory. Strange to say, although De- coration would seem to hold out the fairest opportunities for the exercise of inventive talent and the indulgence of fancy, it seems to be shackled by and under the thraldom of " Precedent." Even in Ornameulation we either can, or else allow ourselves to do nothing without asking permission of Precedent. Our most approved novelties— our newest fashions in furni- ture and the fittiiig-up of rooms seldom amount to more than the re-intro- duction of obsolete and by-gone ideas, — not of ideas legitimately borrowed in order to be modified and so remodelled as to be made our own, but taken bodily, and copied with scrupulous exactness, on which very account what is intended for fidelity becomes no better than absurdity, and what was ex- cellent in its own time — in accordance with the spirit and circumstances of that time, is rendered more or less ridiculous by misapplication. Me hut>- and pique ourselves upon our wonderful talent — the only wonder beiu" that it should be thought such — for imitating what has some time or other been done before. We plume ourselves upon being p/us araie que I'Aruhie, — more Pompeian than Pompeii, more d la Qaatorze, than the great Louis* All (5 la grecque and A la Hope one day, we are all Elizabethan the next ' Renaissance, and Roman, by turns ; Gothic or Grotesque, according just as fashion dictates. The Opera House has just been embellished A la Raffaellesque, and by good luck — by sheer good luck it happens that that style — in reality the >«7''''°;°'; '^."f^e „a'>s, margined with lines of scarlet as parchment, rather lighter than the 'J- („„,i5.ima mona- _the texts in the <^\"-''^;^ PJ^^^^'^fii ^ L lesser mouldings of the clu^tes) m the P^^^^f/^^lt, '„■:., Le arches red and blue, with caps and bases are gilt, the follows a , ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ the under sides of the -°;'^;"°X colour-pale blue ; the light reflected the windows are coloured -"^ "^^^^ ~ ^^ ,bewn to great advantage from this pale '>'"?--;[;;" J":,' /elne absorbed the light. A cor- during the execution of the ""'■k'^^ '^^^ . ,„,„^,, m,„. „ice of wood covers the --''%l\^^''2Tl narrow in proportion to its duced, the gilding, answering for the ^^^^Jf ,,i,dows! by Wailes, «!>;= mas a "iraall extravagant building, Dliea wiiu oduuj this was a smau eiua j, u-t,„t;al pdifice the material coursed, T^L ;;r ::: uiS:::^::-- --- on .e tr. .... Trirc les even to the n,ou:dings_«o./ii«, strictly coJ,^e and on the convex side to be tightly stretched or actually burst asunder. The chief difliculty in the above familiar instance, and one which indeed Bernoulli's theory is generally subject to, is tlie determination of the pre- cise place where the material is neither stretched or compressed. But there is also another objection which will frequently hold — Bernoulli adopted so much of Leibnitz's theory as assumed that the tension of any part of the beam varied as the distance of a fixed line — that line being ac- cording to Leibnitz in the upper or lower surface — according to Bernoulli the neirfra; (in< between the two surfaces. Bernouilli's law of the mole- cular forces was in fact this, that if at any purl of the beam, a plane be drawn perpendicular to the neutral lines, the elastic forces perpendicular to that plane (whether of the nature of pressures or tensions) are propor- tional to the distances of the molecules from tlie neutral line. This law was founded on Hooke's principle that the restituiive forces of a body are proportional to the amount by which its natural length is increased or diminished. But it is found in practice that it is possible to apply so great a strain to a body that Hooke's law ceases to be true ; in^other words, that there is a degree beyond which if the extension or compression of a body be carried, its restitutive powers will no longer continue to increase with the strain, but will actually diminish. The point is called the "elastic limit ;" the nature of it may be illustrated by bending a flexible strip of metal or wood to such an extent that the restitutive forces are no longer able to restore the original form of the body, which remains permanently bent. The difficulty certainly is often opposed to the application of Bernoulli's laws, because it is a matter of common experience that beams may be so much strained and bent as to permanently retain their deflection when the load is removed. The most celebrated of the modern writers on the theory of the strength of girders are M. Poncelet and Prof. Moseley. The elaborate researches of the latter contained in the fifth part of the Mechanical Principles of En- gineering, are well known to the English reader. In these researches however, the weight of the girder itself is neglected as small compared with the load to be supported : but as in the case of the Menai bridge, a great proportion of the strength of the material is required to support its own weight, a separate investigation seem to be required. Distinctions between girders, arches, and suspension bridges. It is very necessary that the effect en girders by which the molecular action on their upper and lower sides have opposite tendencies should be clearly conceived in the mind : for it is this opposite tendency which con- stitutes the essential strength of girders. It is also their characteristic, by which they are distinguished from the other structures for supporting loads between piers or abutments. In the arch the material is entirely in a state of compression, in the suspension bridge, of tension — in the girder alone part of the material resists compression, and part resists extension. Did not this property exist, the girder must, like the arch, and the suspension chain be more and more stretched, the more nearly it was horizontal. It is known that no finite tension will make a suspension chain quite horizon- tal, and that when the deflection is small the strain and tendency to rup- ture is very great. In the arch'also it is known that where the curvature is small, the lateral thrust is greatly increased, and that when the height of the arch is very great compared with its span, the strain on the material i« not much more than that of the superincumbent mass. In the girder, how- ever, it is found that no advantage is gained by giving the surfaces a great curvature ; the strongest and most useful form which can be devised is that for which the girder is equally strong in every part, and for the at- tainment of this object, the curvilinear surfaces of the girder may be made very much flatter than would be the curves of an arch or suspension chain, eabjected to equal strain under similar circumstances. Another important characteristic of the girder, due to the opposite ten- dency of the molecular action on its upper and lower sides, is that unless it be positively bent by its load, it exerts no lateral force on its abutments A beam supported on two props will exert upon them a vertical pressure only, and however much it may be loaded will exert no horizontal force at its extremities unless the load be suflScient to alter its geometrical form. In an arch or suspension-chain, however, the smallest load requires a cor- responding lateral force, this force being in the former of the nature of a thrust, in the latter of a tension. The distinguishing property of a girder in this respect is due as has been said to the antagonism of its molecular ac- tions, for it is demonstrable that whatever lateral forces its particles exert on the lower side are counterbalanced by equal and opposite forces on the upper side, so that ultimately the resultant horizontal force is zero. Form of section of greatest strength. Before proceeding to determine the amount of the strains actually ex- erted in the proposed Menai tubular bridge, it is necessary to consider what form of the transverse section of the girder gives the greatest strength. These considerations cannot be expressed more clearly than in the following quotation from the fifth part of Professor iMoseley's work already referred to. The extract deserves careful perusal, as the correct comprehension of it will clear up all difficulties as to the means by %vhich the strength of girders is obtained :— "Since the extension and the compression ofthe material are the greatest at those points which are most disiant from the neutral axes of the^ection, it is evident that the material cannot be in the slate bordering upon rup- ture at every point of the section at the same instant, unless all the material ofthe compressed side be collected at the same distance from the neutral axis, and likewise all the material of the extended side, or unless the ma- terial of the extended side and the material of the compressed side be re- spectively collected into two geometrical lines parallel to the neutral axis ; a distribution manifestly impossible, since it would produce an entire sepa- ration ofthe two sides of the beam. " The nearest practicable approach to this form of section is that repre- sented in the accompanying ligure (tig. 1), where the material is shown collected in two thin but wide flanges, but united by a narrow rib. Fig. 1. "" [:>^«ps»->^ That which constitutes the strength of the beam being the resistance of its material to compression on the one side of its neutral axis, and its resistance to extension on the other side, it is evidently a second condition of the strongest form of any given section that when the beam is about to break across that section by extension on the one side, it may be about to break by compression on the other. So long, there- ^jgi fi>re, as the distribution of the material is not such as that 1-''''^'' '^^'1 the compressed and extended sides would yield together, the strongest form of section is not attained. Hence it is apparent that the strongest form of the section collects the greater quantity of the material on the compressed or the extended side of the beam, according as the re- sistance ofthe material to compression or to extension is the less. M'here the material of the beam is cast iron, whose resistance to extension is greatly less than its resistance to compression, it is evident that the greater portion ofthe material must be collected on the extended side. " Thus then it follows, from the preceding condition and this, that the strongest form of section in a cast iron beam is that by which the material is collected into two unequal flanges joined by a rib, the greater flange being on the extended side; and the proportion of this inequality of the flange being just such as to make up for the inequality of the resistances of the material to rupture by extension and compression respectively. " iMr. Hodgkinson, to whom this suggestion is due, has directed a series of experiments to the determination of that proportion of the flanges by which the strongest form of section is obtained." Effect ofthe vertical ribs. Now it will be seen from the representation of the trans- verse srction (fig. 2) of the Tubular Bridge that it is in fact a girder of the required form, except in that it has two lateral ribs instead of one central rib. These ribs, it will be seen from the quotation, contribute to the strength of the r^.^^x^Njig girder, not so much directly by their own strength, as Fig. 2. indirectly (I) by separating the upper and lower flanges, and (2) by establishing that rigid connection by which the opposite tendency of the molecular action already spoken of is maintained.. These two offices of the vertical ribs ought to be rightly understood Respecting the first, it may be observed that for a given quantity of material, the strength of the beam increases with the distance by which the upper and lower flanges are separated. This increase of strength does not arise from the increased mass of the rib, so mach as from the circumstance that the further the flanges are apart, the further are they from the neutral line within the girder, and, consequently, the greater U the leverage of the molecular forces. The advantages of 102 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Aprii., making the molecular forces act at a great distance from tlie neutral is illustrated in a very striking way in the floor-joists of a house, which are uniformly laid on their thinnest edges, in order that their upper and lower surfaces may be separated by the greatest possible interval. Again, if a tlat slip of wood, such as a fiat drawing rule, be pressed on its broad side, there is no difficulty in bending it; if, however, it be pressed on its thin edge it will be almost impossible to produce a deflection. Now, it 13 carefully to be noted that in both experiments the nature of the forces called into action are precisely the same ; the material remaining un- changed, of course the cohesion or elastic force is unchanged also ; the only dilTerence is that, in the second case it acts with much greater advautase than in the first, simply because its leverage is increased. It is but a very slight extension of Ibis idea to conclude, that the form of the greatest possible strength is that in which all the elastic force acts at the greatest possible distance from the neutral line, or in which all the material is collected in the upper and lower flanges, except what is abso- lutely necessary for the due connection of them by the rib or ribs. This brings us to consider the second oflice of the rib — the establishing a rigid connection between the flanges. It is not sufiicient that the flanges should merely be kept asunder: for this purpose an open railing of vertical bars would be sufficient. But it is easy to see that if such a contrivance ■were substituted for the solid rib, the "antagonism" of the molecular forces would not be maintained. It is absolutely necessary that the upper and lower flanges should be in opposite states of elasticity and that they •hould mutually counteract each other. These requisites cannot be an- swered unless the web be rigid — not only vertically, to prevent the flanges approaching each other, but also laterally, so as to act in every part as a rigid lever, of which the fulcrum is in the neutral line, the molecular actions of the flanges constitute the balanced forces. Before concluding these preliminary remarks, it may be as well to notice one passage from Mr. Stephenson's Report, published in the last number of this Journal. He says — " Another instructive lesson which the experiments have disclosed i«, that the rectangular tube is by far the strongest: that the circular and elliptical should be discarded altogether." It may, however, be fairly asked, whether it were necessary to make that a matter of erperimfnt which might be unhesitatingly predicted by the ordinary laws of mechanics ? It is clear that, comparing a curvilinear and a rectangular tube of given depth and containing a given quantity of material, the latter is that in which the greatest proportion of the material has the maximum leverage, and confequently that the rectangular form is that of the greatest strength. 1. Practical Limits to the length of the Girder. It will be found in the following methods of calculation that the particu- lar form of the transverse section adopted by Mr. Stephenson, aiTords peculiar facilities for the determination of each problem without incurring the diffi- culties which are usually opposed to the application of the theory adopted by Bernoulli. It will be assumed in all that follows that the ribs are only sufficiently strong to bear their own weight, and to maintain the necessary rigid connection between the upper and lower flanges— that is that the whole of the available strength of the material is applied where it may have the most useful eff'ect. It will remain to show hereafter how the flanges may be made to satisfy this assumption, or how far they will mo- dify it. It is proposed for the Menai Bridge that the plates of iron shall be one inch thick ; this construction very nearly satisfies the conditions of the greatest strength as laid down in the extrnct from Moseley's Engineering given above. The flrst problem which will be the determination of the* greatest possible length of a girder of the depth proposed (30 feet) so that it may bear its own weight. It is found by experiment that wrought iron will bear with safety a strain of nine tons to the square inch, and if that amount be much exceeded, the material begins to stretch. Now as the beam cannot be deflected without some part of its material stretching, the point to be determined is this— what is the length of the beam when by its own weight a strain of nine tons to the square inch, is applied to the metal. It is obvious that if the beam be of uniform depth, the longitudinal strains will be greatest in the miildle. Let A B C D, fig. S, represent a longitudinal section of one-half the girder, which is supposed to be cut in half by a vertical plane at C D. If we suppose the half beam to be acted upon at C D, by forces similar to the Fig. 3. I molecular actions which actually exist at C D in the undivided beam, it is clear that the conditions of equilibrium will not be affected. The forcesacting on A B C D are— lst,P the upward pressure of theabut. ment (the beam being supposed uniform P = ^ the weight of the beam, br the ordinary conditions of equilibrium). 2nd, a downward force W equal to the weight of A B C D, and acting at the centre of gravity half way between A and D. 3rd, the molecular actions at C D. Respecting these molecular actions it is to be observed that they are wholly horizontal ; for P and W being both equal to half the weight of the beam P=W, and therefore if a third vertical force were introduced the equation of vertical forces could not hold. The molecular forces are there- fore horizontal ; they are also equal and opposite, for otherwise the equa- tion of horizontal forces could not hold. As therefore we have supposed the plates A C, B D to be of comparatively small thickness, we may sup- pose the molecular actions to be represented by two forces H, M, in the directions indicated by the arrow beads. The only eff'ect of representing all the forces of compression by one single force, and all the forces of ten- sion by another single force, is the assumption of that which is practically true, that all parts of the section C exert equal pressures, and all parts of the section D equal tension, and that all the forces at C and at D, act so near each other that they may in each case be represented by a single force. Taking moments about B, W ) A Dr:M. A B. (1-) Now we suppose the tension at D to be 9 tons or 20,160 lb. to the square inch ; consequently if we call the area of the section D, a inches, M = 20,100 a. W is the weight of the plates B C and AD : if the length of each of them be I inches, its solid content is a I cubic inches, and since the weight of a cubic inch of wrought iron is about -28 of a Ih. the weight of each plate is a ix '28, and W is double this or 2 a ix-28. Substitating in (1.) a(ADx-28 = 2O,lC0aAB (2.) j5_2oj^i A B = 72 000 A B. •28 A B the depth of the girder is in the proposed bridge 30 feet or 360 inches. Therefore multiplying 300 by 72,000, and extracting the square root, we get the value of ( in inches : this value will be found equivalent to 421-26 feet. Hence we arrive at the following conclusion, I being half the length of the girder ; The greatest length of a girder 30 feet deep, which trill support its own weight safely is Si&fcet. It will beobsened that this conclusion is independent of the arch of the cross sections C and D. or of the width of the girder. This circumstance arises from the tension and weight being both proportional to the cross section. 2. Tension at the centre of a Girder iSO feet long. The length proposed by Mr. Stephenson falls far within the limits of length determined by the last proposition. The next point to determine is the actual tension per square inch when the length is that of the Menai Bridge— namely, 450 feet. Using the figure and notation of the last proposition we have putting io 2), the value of / or A C = 225 feet (-2700 inches), and the value of A B c 300 inches ; and putting also t for the tension per inch at D. ax(2700)2x28 = " , suppose Also P" = n R , for the rarefaction of the air goes on slowly, and it is in contact with so large a surface of metal, that we may consider the tern, perature to be uniform, and . • . the pressure and density. The tend, ency however would be in favour of the atmospheric traction, k a p , = mass of air inclosed at the commencement of nth stroke =. k x p. 2=_i-. AisoP = P Y-^-^''=nr'*-'^''^''' when the exit valve opens P = n, and suppose i = a, ,K =__!.. Aisop=p r-^-^''=^R'-Y''^•'' pn—1 n—l\Pn~lJ \x/ "/•a a /^a K oft then,=R"-'(^) Work done in compressing the air = _ n g fc ( i- n— 1 J ~K^^R — R ^ Work done in expelling the air = n fc x = 11 R a k. Work done by the assistance of the air in the tube y'a V d X „n— 1 V V+(a-x) " k log, K Hence work done during the nth stroke, = .^=nak[ r"-' ;- log, U+^,(K k"-=1 -k"-' ) } Work done at the end of n strokes. n /i_R>»v 1 / 1— R" i_R"\ > l-R' Ifw n =a. maximum, dn This gives n = 100 nearly corresponding to a rarefaction of between 91 and 22 inches, which agrees exactly with experiment. If we do not allow for the heat developed, theory gives 19 inches. K-1 STEPHENSON'S REPORT, TABLE NO. V. Diffe- Height Theory pence of of baro- Theory. Diffe- Eiperi- ivith Theory meter. rence. mentg. heat. and Ei- perimen The numbers found in Table V. of Mr. blephen- son's Report correspond to 6 7 2-6 30 0-8 0-8 S-4 3-8 2-6 3-0 0-8 0-3 8 3-4 07 4-1 3-4 07 "'n\ the valves of (—/ fcr 9 3-7 0-8 4-6 3-8 07 10 40 0-8 4-8 41 07 11 12 4-3 46 0-8 0-8 6-1 5-4 45 4-8 0-6 06 every inch of the barome- 13 4-8 0-8 6.6 6'1 U-6 ter from 5 to 27 inches. 14 50 0-8 5-8 5-4 0-4 where n = 15 lb. and K 15 16 4-2 5S 07 07 5-9 6-0 8-6 67 0-3 0-3 ^ 1'416. The value found 17 6-4 07 «-l 61 0-0 by comparing the theore- 18 5-5 0-8 6-3 6-2 0-1 tical and experimental ve- la 20 6-5 i'5 1-1 1-2 «-6 67 6-3 6-4 0-3 0-3 locities of sound. The 21 6-4 1-4 6-8 6 4 0-4 accompanying table ex- »2 5-3 1-5 6-8 6-4 0-4 hibits the theoretical and 28 24 25 61 48 45 1-4 1-4 12 6-6 6-2 67 6-3 6-1 6-9 0-2 01 -0-2 experimental values of the mean resistance to the pis- 26 40 09 4-9 6-5 —0-6 ton. 27 3-4 0-9 43 4-9 —0-6 In addition to the above test we may construct theoretical diagrams, and compare them with those found by experiment. The equations to the part described before the exit valve opens a') is onry. If it appear very bold heterodoxy to adduce such an instance as this, we will bring the architect himself as a witness to cunoborale our opinion. Il wdl be remembered that the original design submiited by Sir Christopher W req, for St. Paul's, was rejected. In this first design, of which a model exists in the present cathedral, "he endeavoured to gratify the taste of the connoisseurs and criticks with something coloss and beautiful, wi'h a de- sign antique and well studied, conformable to the best style of Greek and Bonian architecture." Respecting this second design however— that ulti- mately adopted, we are told in the Parcntalia, that be " then turned his thoughts to a cathedral form so aUered m to reconcile as near as possible the Gothic to a belter manner of architecture." — That is, he attempted an impossibility. The character of St. Paul's, as has been recently stated by Professor Cockerell in bis lectures, is (independently of the individual members) that of a Medisial Cathedral. A cruciform building with a lofty central dome, it is obviously as different in form as it possibly can be, from the ancient classic models. And consequently in reconciling classic architecture to forms which it never contemplated, and for which it was not desifiied it was necessary to import numerous contrivances which never belonged to the original style, and which therefore of necessity involved the violation of the principles of apparent construction. To take another instance, and perhaps the most flagrant one in the same building,— who would imagine by inspection fio n the exterior, that the whole of the upper order round the church is nothing but a mask to conceal the flying buttresses behind it which are similar in purpose to those which in the ancient cathedrals are not only displajed openly, but are among the most beautiful features of the architecture. (Jf the hundreds w ho pass St. Paul's daily, how few are aware that the whole masonry which appears above the lower range of columns is an isolaied mask, that it has nothin" to do with the interior of the building, that it might be removed without pro- ducing the slightest change in the interior, that in fart it is merely an ap- pendent excrescence answering no purpose whatever except that of con- cealment.* It can scarcely be denied that the adaptation of classic architecture to the mediaeval form involves incongruities and necessitates unfaithfulness of construction. The mere consideration that the characteristic of the one style is verticality, and of the other horizontality, s. ems sufficient proof that the two can never be successfully rei onciled. lu these particulars Damelj — the predominance in the one of vertical, and in the other of horizontal lines — the two styles are not merely different but are diametri- cally opposed to each other. And it is clear that this antagonism is so direct, that it can never be avoided except by the violation of the principles of one or both kinds of architecture. This truth has been laid down with sufiicien! distinclnes's by others than ourselves ; but there is another great distinction between Christian and Classic Architecture, which though generally neglected is a most frequent cause of architectural unfaithfulness — Classic Architecture is characterized by DNITY— Christian Architecture by multiplicity. In the most perfect specimen of theClassic stjie, the Parthenon, the ground plan is the simplest possible, a rectangle, and all the details are combined so as to represent to the mind one single uncomplicated idea. In the most perfect specimen of the Media-val style, — Cologne Cathedral, perhaps — the effects of awe and astonishment are produced by the combination of an infinite number of the most varied forms: the effecis therefore in these two cases depend on en- tirely diflcrent principles. M'e endeavoured to explain this distinction io a former paper, by designating the one style as statuesque, that is, resem- bling a statue or sculptural group, in which every part contributes to the development of one single thought or action, and the other as pic/urcsji/e, because it derives its beauty from the same various and complicated group- ings which characterise the highest kind of painting. If it be once admitted that Grecian and Christian Architecture are re- spectively distinguished by unity i)i>ii multiplicity, it follows as a necessary consequence that an edifice in which the design as a nhole is Mediajval, and the individual members Classic, must be incongruous. It would, we think, be scarcely denied that, were it necessary at the present day to build a new mefiopohtan church of the same iinporlauce as St. Paul's, notwith- standing the general admiration of the architeciure of Sir Christopher \\ ren, the attempt to combine the cathedral form with the elements of Corinthian architecture would not be renewed. Archiieclural criticism has frequently been censured for deficiency in fixed leading principles. Those whose office it is to pronounce on the * Ttiat we may not appear singular in th'S criti' ism, we quote the foUowing from the i!e5c:iptioii ot this church in Gvvilt*s Kiityclupedia of Architecture. " tVe must here niutition une of the most unpardonable de'ects or rallier abuses which tliis church ex- h'tjil^ Tite enormous expense ot tile second or upper older all around the church was incurred lor no other purp. &e than that of cotitealing the flying bullresses tlut are uset) to coui.teract the tlirusls of the vaults of the nave, ctioir, a.iil transepts- an abuae that aduii'.s of no apoloyy. It is au architectuiul fraud."— B. I. ch, HI. sect. 7. 14 106 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [April, merits of modern buildings are accused of forminK their judgment on cir- cumstances peculiar to each individual case, and not on broad general rules. The criterion however which we here advocate, that of faithfulness is certainly suHiciently general and definile. It were difficult to overrate the advance which modern architecture might make, were the necessity of using forms and materials faithfully once fully established in the minds of architects and critics. Even if such an obvious truth as this could be once firmly established— that a col.imn when not used as a support, is simply a deformity— that the hoisting of a column on the first floor of a building, or the slicking it against the face of a wall, where instea.l of supporting the building it is supported by it-if only such plain lessons as these could be learned°we should have made a bold step towards the attainment of purity of taste. , , .. J Those who really love the art, and feel a generous zeal for its advance- ment, should devote their best energies to the development, and establish- ment of philosophical principles in it. It is a painful but unavoidable re- flection that while in most other professions the ability of the practitioner outrunsthe desires of the people, modern architecture scarcely ever satisfies their expectations. There is no difficulty however in assigning a sufhcient reason for these deficiencies. Almost all other branches of modern skill ex- hibit a spirit of a philosophical accuracy which exactly accords with the intellectual genius of the age ; iu architecture alone we are still tramrnelled by obsolete forms, and instead of adopting the principles and emulating the excellence of the purest ancient architecture, continually reproduce the barbarous incongruities invented by our more immediate ancestors. CHURCH ARCHITECTURE, AND CHRIST CHURCH, PLYMOUTH. Only by the encounter of opinion with opinion is it that prejudice can be overcome, and truth elicited in matters of opinion, criticism and taste. Such encounter, however, cannot take place unless contrary, and conflicting opinions are brought forward in the same quarter, so that the same ,Tad rs may learn vvhat is said on both sides of the question ; otherwise hevTet on y one-perhaps the weaker half of the argument, "I'-b passes for being uuLswerable, merely because it is unanswered, or -t allow d 0 be answered, all that would make against the side which has been taken up, being studiously suppressed. Such conventent -e-sidede generally takes the plausible name of consistency, and it certainly flatters the indolence of those who having made up their minds upon any subject „f inquiry, once for all, do not like to be disturbed and put to the troubk of reconsidering what they would fain believe to be incontro- vertible Yet even sound opinions are apt to grow rusty by tune, and the advocacy of them to degenerate into mere dogmatism, if they be not oc- casonaly stirred up and turned over afresh. This has been decidedly the case w ith regard to architectural opinion and criticism, in which brow- beating assertion founded chiefly upon previous autborat.ve dicta, has been substituted for convincenient, whether in confirmation of o, in opposition ,0 such authorities ; for nearly the same superstitious reverence (or precedent „hich prevails in regard to architectural styles, prevails also in regard to Trchitectural doctrines. Nevertheless, even doctrines that are sound in the ml n, require sometimes to be further explained, to be illustrated by posi v -nV.-dtobeset in a fuller and clearer igt ; and ,t is owTngtothisact being done, that so far from being able to defend the uTdifional opinions and arguments which they have adopted at the outset 'their studies, people feel bewildered when they find them impugned ind unable to defend them, though they may be obstinately determined not to irive them up, or even admit any qualification of them. Wherefore should not architectural criticism, instead of being confined to the narrow and beaten track in which it is now made to move-or raUier hobble along just at the heels of precedeut-a sort of lu^uais de paceio it, and sometime a Will-o-.the.Wisp,-why, I ask, should it not be allowed to IgeTre y and exercise itself as it lists 1 It is time for us now to turn our atte ntion to something more than the consideration of styles alone and 2 mere settling ofdates and matters of that kind, to which the study of *e"t as a branch of literature and criticism has hitherto been almost delusively limited, the merely historical and antiquarian quite over- ZlLnX.sthetic; whereby such study has been rendered one Uiat chiefly exercises the faculty of memory, leaving that of taste inactive, and inert. If in addition to the historical and non-architectural we obtain tolerably full matter-of-fact description, it is nearly the utmost that we ever do. Take our English Cathedrals — for they have been more frequently and more minutely spoken of than any other structures of the tint ; which among them all has been made the subject of a complete critical and rtsthetic examination, noticing every peculiarity in it? In other words, have we any urtiftical descriptions of them ?— that sort of description which not only illustrates but illuminates, kindling up into beauty, irradiating and making clearly perceptible what is also hardly discernible to ordinary eyes ? No wonder, therefore, that persons in general hold architecture to be a dry study, and find it to be a distasteful one, encumbered with grave and learned pedantry on the oue hand, and a dully plodding, and mere mechanical pursuit on the other ; while as to the vaunted mystic excellence of 'proportions,' thanks to those who have systematized them, they are to be got at ready-made— for the matter of that so is criticism too, and the essence of it consists not in judging of buildings according to their in- trinsic and individual merit as productions of architecture, but in prejudging them according to certain conventionalities, and wherever those are broken through, in condemning without further inquiry. Nearly the same one- sidedness which once scouted Gothic architecture tl ogether, as barbarous, prevails now, the difference being that it is in contrary direction, pushing veneration for it'to superstition. Cumbersome tediousness, amounting to nothing as architectural inform- ation, and bewildering unreadableness are the prevailing faults of most of the recent publications which profess to speak at length of our ancient architecture as exemplified in particular buildings. As to modern churches, though they obtain more frequent and a far greater share of notice than almost all the other classes of buildings put together, they are criticised only £«- cletiologicalhj, or else cried up as wonders in newspaper paragraphs that read very much like paid-for newspaper puff's. Mr.Wightwick may, there- fore, consider himself singularly fortunate, and his Christ Church at Ply- mouth especially favoured by the latter having been made the subject of remarks partaking of controversy ; and as I myself think think it has been captiously censured for what I am inclined to look upon as an improve- ment rather than the contrary, in modern church architecture, — at least where galleries are introduced, I avail myself of the opportunity arising out of what has been said to offer some further observations. Besides that, I honour Mr. AVightwick for being one of the fevr of the profession who think for themselves, without waiting to be prompted by precedent on everv occasion. Caadidus owes him some reparation for having pub- lished, sometime ago, a paper in one of the leading periodicals, entitled "Wightwickism," intended to be commendatory, but which some dull matter-of-fact blockhead in a Plymouth newspaper pronounced to be nothing less than a complete cut-up !— whereas, had that been my object, I should have exhibited my ability in cutting-up after a very difl"erent fashion. Perhaps, for the benefit of the country gentlemen, that is, country newspaper editors, I ought to give warning that I am not going to cut-up Wightwick now; tout au contr aire, to give him my good word— and it may go for just as much as that of many others. In his reply to the strictures upon his church at Plymouth, Mr. Wight- wick asks if it be "quite fair to call the only front that shows a j/tow front." Most certainly not, if that terra is to be;taken, as was evidently meant in an injurious and reproachful sense ; and if not so intended, it is only an Anglicised version of the Italian 'fnciuta,' and our naturalized Anglo-Italian word '/«(adc.' As a term of a reproach in contradistinction to ' facade,' that [of ' show-front' applies only where the other sides of a building are seen, yet are quite out of keeping with the display affected in the principal one. The British Museum, for instance, will have a veritable show-front, and even that front will be in some measure disfigured by the paltry buildings which are allowed to come into sight between the main body of the edifice and the west wing. It will be said by some that a church ought to stand quite apart from other buildings, so as to show more than a mere fafade towards the street : yet such 'ought' is not very evident, it depending in a great measure upon circumstances, and even where there is nothing to prevent a church from being quite insulated; that may be rather a disadvantage than not in regard to architectural design, because if the funds are limited, either architectural finish will be contioed almost exclusively to the west or entrance end of the building, which therefore becomes a mere show-front, or such inconsistency is avoided only by im- poverishing that and making the whole exterior equally poor and insipid throughout. One or other of these flagrant defects is exemplified in most I of our modern structures, whatever merit some of them may possess in 1S46.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEERAND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL 107 other respects ; and one of the latest of those erected in the metropolis, which sliows very well from one point of view, looks almost ludicrously mean, owing to the body of the church being fully exposed to view on the north side, it being a mere pigmy in comparison with the tower and spire, at the foot of wliich it seems to have squatted down. After all, 'show front,' perhaps, might pass, were it not for something much worse, the unpardonable prc/ii' T/ior/s/ of Mr. Wightwick's church being that it is lighted on the sides only by clerestory windows, there being Done in the aisles. This is found fault with as un*Imrch-like, — and if by ' unchurch-like' were meant nothing more than that it dill'ers from what ne are accustomed to see in churches, the epithet would be suitable enough ; but it implies a very great deal more— nothing less than something unbe- coming to, and what ought on no account to be adopted for cliuiches. Vet vrliy not? — more especially if situation requires it, when such mode of ob- taining sufficiency of light in spite of the external obstructions oc(-asioned by surrounding buildings, ought to be prizad as a great advantage in itself atid one immediately derived from the Gothic style, and in efl'ect character- istic of ecclesiastical examples of it. Were it found that an interior tivving no other side windows than clerestory ones, can be but imperfectly lighted, the objection might be considered tolerably valid ; but such cer- tainly does not appear to be the case in regard to Christ Church, because ID the extract given from the Plymouth Journal it is spoken of as being " cheerful as the day," though that may be only a flourish of newspaper rhetoric. Be that as it may, we need not travel to Plymouth to ascertain whether it be possible for a church so circumstanced in regard to windows to be adequately lighted, because there happens to be one now erecting, and fast advancing to completion, near Fitzroy-sqnare, which instances erery one of the points that are deemed architectural heresies aud devia- tions from orthodox ecclesiology in Mr. Wightwick's structure, it being built in between houses, consequently having only a show-front, and being lighted on its sides by clerestory windows only. In regard to tiie Plj mouih structure, it has been assumed somewhat confidently that it must be either insufficiently lighted, or the clerestory windows so enlarged as to become " very prominent features" — of course disadvantageously so. Excess uf size in its clerestory windows is certainly not the fault of the other church just alluded to, for there they consist of very small apenures put in pairs over each arch of the aisles; yet so far from there being any deficiency of light, there seems to be rather too much, and that it requires to be mode- rated by diapered glass, notwithstanding that at present one of the end windows is covered up by temporary boarding before it. Little, indeed, can be said in favour of the interior itself, since it is bare and poor, but iis unsatisfactoriness is certainly not occasioned by there being no windows in the aisles, since were there any, the efl'ect would be rather for the worse than the contrary. " We never should expect," it is urged in argument against Mr. Wight- wick's building," to meet with an ordinary skylight in an ancient church," which remark, as far as it has any drift at all, seems to imply that such is, neverlheless, the case in his modern one, although to answer to the name of skjlight at all, his clerestory must be a very exiraordiiianj skylight in. deed. That the exclusive employment of oli-reslory windows, or in other words, of windows placed aloft, so that light streams down into the build, ing, is contrary to the spirit of pointed architecture, is more easily asserted than to be borne out by proof. The efl'ect so produced is certainly a pe. culiar and unusual one, but it has generally been prized accordingly as of rare merit. This it is which if it does not constitute, contributes so greaily to the peculiarand charming efl'ect of the octagon in Ely Cathedral. To say that and similar instances do not answer to the title of ■' clerestory would be only cavilling about words, because the point for actual consideration is, not whether such term can be correctly applied to instances of the kind' but whether such mode of lighting a Gothic interior principally, if not en- tirely, from the upper part of its sides, be contrary to the spirit of the style itself or not ; or if not exactly that, be " un-church-like." That it must inevitably be the latter, and that the character of an interior so lighted must partake of that of an exhibition-room or picture-gallery has been do. cisively taken for granted, else why should the National Gallery be referred to as proving most convincingly that the elfect attending light admitted from above must be " essentially secular.'' Why ! except that single circumstance, there is not a single particular of resemblance, and even in regard to that there is a difl'erence, the rooms alluded lo being lighted by sky-lights or lanterns in the ceilings. Undoubtedly the light is there generally difl'used, because it was intended to be so, neither is "there •ny decided architectural expression or any play of light and shade, there being nothing whatever to produce either the one or the other. Does it follow that every other interior into which the light is admitted at all after the same manner as in a picture-gallery or museum, must on that account resemble an apartment of the kind ? Can no diflerences as to style, as to design, as to arrangemeDt, as to fitting up, as to quantity of light, Sec, overcome such fatal resemblance to a secular buildin"' ? Had it been intended to judge fairly what striking architectural ex- pression and efl'ect may be achieved almost entirely by admitting light from above, a very secular builduig indeed— namely the Bank of England, might have been referred to as exhibiting a variety of modes and ideas of the kind, all of them attended with diflerences of efl'ect. There might even have been policy in especially pointing to the halls and offices in the Bank, as that would have furnished a very plausible protest against the unseemli- ness, ifnot actual profaneness, of adopting for religious buildings au arrangement in regard to lighting, that could by any possibility be likened lo one desecrated by having been made use of in a temple of mammon. It is amusing to observe how readily people allow themselves to be scared by bugbear words aud mere names, 'secularity' is one of them, as if everything in and about a church ought to be totally distinct from, and bear no sort of resemblance whatever to anything else of the same kind employed m buildings of a dilfereut character. If such ought to be the case, we ought to be informed hoiv it is to be accomplished. Some of the leaven of secularity is freely enough tolerated iu churches without scandalizing even the most scrupulous, — coats of arms, for instance monuments with fulsome epitaphs, and other mundane varieties. Rooms with either laulern lights, or with windows only overhead in the upper part of their walls, are not so exceedingly common that such mode of lighting can be regarded as secular and uuchurchlike on that account. And if there be anything at all in symbolism, light from above, proceeding immediately as it were from heaven, while all external objects reminding us of this every-day world are excluded from view, might surely be thought equally appropriate and significaut in a church. It is not denied that side windows in the aisles are characteristic of our ancient churches, and if in modern ones they are made worthy features in themselves, and the character established by precedent can be fully kept up in all other respects, well and good ; but where aisles serve only as recesses for seats and galleries, windows in them chiefly render the deviation from ancient precedent all the more olleni-ive- in fact, a positive^ solecism, exactness being profusedly aimed at under circumstances which render it unattain- able. If we can imitate with perfect consistency, with such thorough observance of former architectural costume, aud with such deceptive fidelity that a modern structure can perfectly counterfeit au ancient one, correct- ness, though after all it amounts to no more than copying, may pass for a merit ; but when altered circumstances require a dilferent mode of treat- ment, it is for the architect to comply with the exigencies of circumstances without forfeiting any of the spirit of the style he adopts, but on the contrary to engraft upon it fresh ideas that may serve as precedent hereafter. Truly it is not every one or any one that can do this ; otherwise architecture would nut deserve the name of Akt. All the more honour therefore be to those who can. Ca.n'didus. PAESEV'S AIR ENGINE. The facility with which unprofessional observers are deceived respect- ing the value of mechanical inventions is really lamentable. The locomo- tive air engine is a case in point. This contrivance was described with an engraving in our last volume, p. 298, and we should have contented our- selves with the notice then given, without again alluding to the subject, but that we find this inveution lauded in newspaper paragraphs as calculated to produce a revolution in the system of locomotion. To the scientific man the language of the paragraphs alluded to will suffice to prove that they are written by incompetent persons, but the general reader has not the same means of ascerlaininj; the value of these encomiums We wish to call attention to a notice which has been forwarded to us by a Dublin Correspondent. The object is briefly to show thht for ajour- ney of thirty miles there would be required 37,200 cylinders full of air, or as many c'u/)(i- /"<■«<, if each cylinder full be a cubic foot, (a very low estimate); and that supposing this air ten limes as niiich compressed in the reservoir as in the ( ylinder the capacity of the reservoir must be equal to one-tenth of the 37,2U0cubic feet; that is, the magazine if eight 14* 108 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [April, feet diameter, would be required to be 75 feet long. Of course it would be preposterous to carry with the engine a vessel of this magnitude. In the first place, no power is f;uinid by using compressed air, because as much force must be employed in condensing the air into the receivers, as the condensed air can exert when brouglit iuio action. Next let us sec what size of magazines or cases would be required for a railway locomotive worked with compressed air, for a thirty mile stage. " The cylinders of a modern locomotive are about 14 inches diameter, that is, the pistons have each an area of about one foot; the stroke is usually about IG to 18 inches, and the circumference of the driving wheels is almut 17 feet ; they will consequently make about 310 revoUilions in a mile ; the pressure in the pistons is about 50lb. on the inch. Then, assuming that the air is compressed toa pressure of about 5000 lb. on the inch, we have the elements for calculating what size of magazines or cases would be re- quired." "As the wheels would make 310x30 = 9300 revolutions in 30 miles, and as the two cylinders would each be filled twice during each revolution, there would be 9300 X J = 37.200 cylinders full of compressed air required to carry on a locomotive 30 miles ! Assume that the air was worked ex- pansively in the cylinders, and that only a cubic foot was admitted at each half stroke, the quantity of air compressed to 50 lb. on the inch, would be 37 200 cubic feet ; but as the air is supposed to be compressed to 500 lb. on 'the inch in the portable magazine, its cubic contents would still require to be 3,720 cubic feet ! To hold this would require a cylindrical magazme of abou't 8 feet diameter, and 75 feel long ! Kalhcr a bulky case to move about, or carry along a line.''* We have only one remark to make in support of these conclusions, and that is, that not only would there be no gain of power by the above arrangement, but many sources of absolute loss. lu the liist place there would be the friction of the engine pumping the air into the magazine, and in addition the friction of the locom.itive engine worked by the compressed air. So that comparing Mr. I'arsey's system with the pre- sent locomotive system, there would be for every journey the friction of two engines instead of one. Another source of loss would arise from the fact that all elastic fluids when compressed develop their latent heat. Now as the elasticity of air is greatly increased by an increase of heat, it is clear that the development of latent heat would in the present cnse greatly increase the labour of pumping. This increased elasticity by the genera- tion of heat would hovve.er be all lost, for the magazine would be rapidly cooled by the radiation of its metallic surface. Another loss would arise from the refrigeration of the air by its dilation when passing from the magazine to the cylinder. It may be said that air could be pumped into the magazine so slowly that the development of heat would not be apparent to the senses. But this is only concealing the evil instead of removing it. It is true that the heat might be generated so slowly that the radiation of the cylinder would carry it°off as fast as it was produced, but this would simply render the evil non npjinrent. Contrasted with the previous quotation which avoids all diBiculties arising from the variation of the pressure in the reservoir, we have a letter addressed to the Mining- Journal in favour of the new invention. We wish to draw attention to one error in it, because it is one very likely to be com- mitted by a person not familiar with the theory of pneumaiics, and as it entirely vitiates the calculations. The writer calculates " that to draw a train CO miles with a tractive f.irce of 3000 lb. the work done must be 1,188,000,000 lb. moved through one foot," and the letter concludes in the following manner. " Let it be propo'jcd.to compress the air to 1000 lb. pressure, which will give a medium working pressure of 500 lb. per square inch ; 1000 lb. pres- sure per square inch is equal to CC atmospheres-consequemly, a column of a,r compressed into 60 times its density-«u> foot iiigh, and inch IZ at"lu. base-will lift 500 lb. GO feet high, or 33,000 lb. 1 foot high ; consequently, a column of compressed air of (iG at.nospheres, being 1 foot higraml 1 f^ot square at the base, will lift 33,000 X 141 lb. 1 foot high, or 4,752,000 lb. I tout high. Then, as 4,752,000 lb. "'H ■■"qun.-e one cubic fool what v^ill l,llS,000,UOOIb.r..quire?-Auswer 2.(7 cubic feet. In iL' manner, if the air were compressed to 2000 lb., the contents of the magazine required would be 60 feet. A magazine of 3 feet diameter J feet lon4pt4 VIZ ' ^^ Ist'.-The velocity of waves is retarded as they advance into shoaler water. I have actually seen a wave overtaken and emerge into another, 2nd".— The velocity of waves is not dependent on their height, No. 8 and 3,.d iThese experiments on a large scale appear to prove a result ob- tained by Mr. Scott Russell on a small scale, viz., that when the depth of tl.e water equals the height of a wave, it breaks, and becomes a wave of translation. (See No. 8, remarks.) 4th -Deep water facilitates the undulations of waves, (September 28th, No. 6 and 7), the tide rose eight feet, and the increase in velocity of Uie waves was one-and-a-half feet per second. Leaving your readers to make comparisons or draw conclusions, I may briefly assert that the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic force that water ex- erts is far from being so well understood as it should be by those who as- sume the duties or appellation of "civil engineer." The man who con- trived the huge iron tank, which burst the other day at Liverpool, when only two-thirds full, destroying much property, and drowning several per- sons, knew nothing of the pressure that his tank would have to sustain when filled with water. The hydrostatic pressure at any depth, is as the anuare of the depth = the sum of all the pressures above it.» In comput- ing the force that a wave is capable of exerting upon a solid immersed in the sea we have to take into consideration the rate at which the water moves or impinges against the solid, in addition to the hydrostatic pressure "poa it. There are many gentlemen who add C.E. to their names, and who believe that the impulse of a volume of water iu motion upon a solid gtructure opposing it, will be as the volume into the velocity, as is the case when one solid impinges upon another, as a mass of ice upon a stone But a little reflection will convince us that the force which a volume of water moving exerts upon a solid obstacle, is not proportional to the velo- Ty of water but to the s,uare of its velocity. The velocity with w ich a wave is thrown forward is equal to the velocity with which the unduluUon was previously moving, and although a very high wave is always danger- o«s, it is not always the very highest waves that are the most destructive If reference be made to the table of observations, it will be seen that No. 7 had waves moving at the rate of forty-six feet per second ; these waves were far apart, and of middling height. They were however washing the huge blocks of marble about on the breakwater, and knocking down the cranes upon it, whilst much higher and more crowded waves moving at the rate of 41-8 feet per second, were less destructive to the " The ett'^btin'g, (ceteris parib„s).as the square of the 'e'ocity, we may estimate what the height of the waves, moving at the rale o 46 fee,, shou d Te, to equal the impulse of the waves 27 feet high, and travelling at the rate of 41-8 feet per second. Put X - the required height. . , , r oo c.„, Then 41-82x27 =46^ x. Now by this equation the value of .r = 22 feet. Hence it would appear the height of the waves on the 28th of September must have been greater than twenty-two feet to produce the lesults upon the breakwater, although their height was certainly less than the height of those measured on the following day. ^^_^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ — •~ T r," V. „.w.^,;,„ hrrr It is the total amount of pleasure on the vertical ,id^s^f"L'l.nk '.^hiVr;arfe's'a?thl sqiLr: of the depth-the pressure on any one po,„t varies as the depth simply. resistnnre of the wave does not follow We are told further on, in he '« • '^^t;^ ^','',\^;',fr.he velocity. Views so vague as the laws of impact of so'.ds. bu '^"'"■' »J '^'^h' "^s upon him to condemn the philoso. these ounht not lo be e.prcssea ' V » ""J^" "",''( t^e resistance of fluids varies as the ph, of others. 1 1 is indee.l "»''"''V »'*""'?i ''V, „ „inUy But this law is only approxi- extent of surface and Oie square oahe velocity 00^^^^^^^ „, ,n,th. as that can only be S^risTnti'M-rcltre'rim:-: «n'd'cannoTbr;r"ved by indepeudent reason,ng.-[Ed. C. E,& A. Journal.] ON THE TEMPERATURE OF THE EARTH AND SEA. A Lecture on this subject was delivered at the Royal Institution, by Mr. S. A. Tayliir. He observed, that the atmosphere is an ;erial film sur- rounding the earth, but, although of almost inappreciable thinness when compared with the earth's diameter, it forms a non-conducting investment resisting the radiation of terrestrial heat into space. The mean density of the earth, according to Haily, is 5 CO, or about twice 28, the density of rocks and strata constituting its surface. We infer from hence that the mass of the earth, must be formed of materials lighter than the common metals, as iron, tin, lead, &c. Its specific gravity falls between that of titanium and tellurium. From careful inquiry it appears that the tempe- rature of the surface of this planet depends entirely on heat acquired from the sun. Part of the heat thus received is conducted to a certain depth below the earth's surface ; and part radiates into space. The greatest natural cold on the surface was observed by Erraan at Yakutsk, the capital of Eastern Siberia, where the thermometer stood at 72 deg. below the zero of Fahrenheit. The temperature of space beyond the limits of the atmo- sphere must therefore be much colder — too cold to admit of the mainten- ance of life under its present conditions. The heat of the sun penetrates the earlh to but a very small depth. Diurnal variations of temperature are not perceived below two or three feet, while the annual variations do not affect the earth's crust below l-400,000lh of the diameter of this planet. On the alternate heating and cooling of this film of depth depend the vicis- situdes of climates, seasons, aud cycles of years. Mr. Taylor then stated, that, at a certain depth below the earth's sur- face iliere is a stratum at which the thermometer is almost stationary. This stratum is consequeully termed the stratum of inrariahic temperature. The depih of this stratum depends— 1st, on the directness wilh which the sun's rays fall ; and, 2nd, on the conducting power of the superficial strata. It must, therefore, be dilTerent at different localities. At Paris the depth of this stratum has been accurately ascertained to be 90 feet below the sur- face, at which deplh the temperature has, for 50 years, remained constant at 53 deg. Fah. In other different parts of the world, this stratum varies in depth from reasons already assigned. In the tropics it is three or four feet, iu the temperate regions from 55 to CO feet below the surface, while in the regions of extreme cold, solar influence does not extend beyond three or four feet, the ground below this deplh being found always frozen, to the extent of 400 feet. Generally, however, the temperature of this invariable stratum differs but little from the mean temperature of the place. Mr. Taylor then directed attention to the important aud universal truth, that, when carried below this stratum of invariable temperature, the thermome- ter rises. The rise is not, however, the same at all depths in all places As there are isothermal lines on the earth's surface, so there are iso-geo- thermal lines beneath it. Many localities, as five of the principal mines in Cornwall, the well of(JreneUe at Paris, the Monkwearinoutli mine of Sunderland, Joseph's Well at Cairo, &c., were noticed as indicating the great curvature of the iso-geothermal line. The theory of the existence of internal heat was then established from — 1. This progressive rise of the thermometer in descending inlo mines and other excavations. 2. The high temperature of the water of artesian wells. 3. The high temperature of natural thermal baths or springs. 4. The phenomena of volcanic eruptions aud earthquakes. From accurate examination of these sources of inquiry, there has been found that the thermometer rises in mines one degree for about every 50 feet of depth ; a result confirmed by the fact that the temperature of water in artesian wells increases in about the same proportion to their depth. The heat of thermal springs has been found equal to that of boiling water, and the perfectly fused condition of substances ejected from volcanoes in- dicates a tempeiatiiie of 1000 deg. The opinions of various philosophers respecting the cause of the central heat of the world viere reviewed. Buffon held that the earth was a vitrified ball in the act of cooling ; Leslie and Halley that it was a hollow sphere, made up of stories like a house ; others that the interior of the earth is iu a perfectly molten state, the heat at twenty miles below the surface being suflicient to melt granile. Having pointed out llie objections to these various hypotheses, Mr. Taj lor aflinned, as an apparently certain fact, that this internal heat does not ali'ect the temperature of the earth's surface. He particularly dwelt on a calculation made by Arag", that if iu the period of 2000 years the earth had cooled only l-300lh of a degree, the fact would have been indicated by adiftereaca in the length of the day, in consequence of that contraction of its diameter 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. Ill which any diminished temperature of that planet would have occasioned. Mr. Taylor quoted also records which proved that the climate of Tuscany has undergone no change during the last 200 years. With respect to the temperature of the sea, many difficulties are offered to accurate observation. The uncertainty as to the depth to which thermometers can be sunk, the influence of cold and warm currents, the laws regarding the circulation of heat in liquid.i, and the effects of heat on the density of water, present serious obstacles to accurate results. The most careful observations and calculations give an oceanic temperature of from 34 deg. to 44 deg. It is probable that the submarine strata are sufficiently thick to prevent the free conduction of central heat, while the effects of heat on the density of water, together with its rapid diffusion throughout the mass of the ocean, would render a high temperature imperceptible at any one point. On the other hand, the abundance of insular volcanoes sufficiently testifies the existence of igneous matter beneath. From these considerations, Mr. Taylor concluded — 1. That, at a certain de|/th below the surface of the earth, there is a source of heat which increases as we descend. 2. That this heat cannot be derived either from the sun or from chemical changes. S. That this heat neither perceptibly affects climates or seasons, nor in- fluences the lemperature of the surface of the earth, nor of the depths of the ocean, nor of the atmosphere. 4. That the vicissitudes of climates and seasons are entirely referrible to solar influence. 5. That this influence, even at its maximum, does not penetrate below l-400,000th of the earth's diameter. fl. That, although we have positive evidence that subterranean heat ex- ists, we can neither measure its intensity, nor determine the exact ratio of its increase towards the centre of the earth. 7. That there is no evidence to show that the earth is gradually cooling from a high temperature. EXPLOSION IN A SEWER AT IXELLES. A report has recently been published in a Brussels Journal on the causes of an explosion which occurred on the 2nd of January last, at Ixelles. The following account is taken from this report, which however we have not translated very faithfully, as in several places we have made omissions for the sake of brevity. The report is signed by M.M. Nollet, Dieudonn^ and Spaak : their principal object seems to be to remove all ap- prehension as to the possibility of explosive gases being generated in sewers. It is stated that the street gas pipe under the Etterbeek road was broken, aud that in consequence there was an abundant escape of gas wliich pene- trated the sewer in which the explosion took place. Another main gas pipe under the Ixelles road was also broken; but this second accident might have resulted from the explosion, which caused a great deal of damdge in the neighbourhood. The sewer in which the explosion took place had been in use only twelve days. The commissioners on entering the sewer in which there was rooji to stand upright, found in it water slightly blackened ; but the flame of a candle burned in it as brightly as in the external air, respiration was not impeded, and there was but very little odour. The water from the Ixelles road after passing through trapped gratings falls into a brick cistern, from which the overflow, after leaving the heavier deposits in the cistern, passes into a conduit from which the liquid de- prived of the insoluble matter* passes into the sewer. Much rain had previously fallen. The water was consequently con- stantly renewed ; the temperature of it was also below zero (centigrade), and there was little vegetable matter present. Two questions presented themselves. Was it possible, as had been *-0n ttle other baQd it is stated in a memoir, by IJupuytrea, on the mephitic air of cesspools (Journal de Medecine, Vol. XI.) that on analysing the air iu one of tliese [Jaces tilere were— Aeote . , . . 94 Oxygen . . . . . , 2 Carbonate of ammoata . . . . 4 Id znother case there were — Azote Oiygen Carbonic acid gas 100 IDO suggested, that carbonated hydrogen could have been generated in the sewer itself, and there formed an explosive mixture? Again, in what manner could this mixture have been produced .' The reply to the first question is, that carbonated hydrogen could not have been formed either in the sewer or the branch pipes ; that neither the nature of the substances, nor their stagnation, nor the degree of tempera- ture, nor the length of time, four conditions requisite for the supposed de- composition, permitted this hypothesis. If it be true that in the Pontine Marshes and other marshy places where there is a large quantity of mud, composed principally of the detritus of vegetable matter, and constantly covered by water heated by the sun, bubbles of carbonated hydrogen escape, especially when the mud is stirred, it is when the four conditions determined above concur to produce the phenomenon. But it may be said that sewers contain faeces and other animal sub- stances. The examination of the nature of the gas emanating from these substances has been undertaken by a commission appointed in Paris to superintend the purifying of ancient sewers. The average of 21 experi- ments gives the following result -.^ Oxygen .. .. .. 18-10 Azote .. .. .. 7870 Carbonic acid gas .. .* 2*30 Sulphuretted bydrogea .. . . -yO 100-00 In no instance was the gas inflamed during the visits: on the contrary it was remarked that the flame of a candle burned feebly and sometime* was extinguished. This was a necessary consequence of the compositioa of a gaseous mixture in the sewer of Kue du Chemin Vert at Paris, of which the following is the analysis. Oxygen .. .. .. 13-79 Aiote .. .. .. 81-21 Carbonic acid gas . . . . 2-01 Sulphuretted hydrogen .. .. 2-99 This gas was asphyxiant ; it instantly extinguished the flame of a taper. In one instance only M Serpette, Inspector-General ofSewers, at Paris, found a gas which inflamed on the introduction of a lamp ; the flame of the gas went out and again caught fire, but this phenomenon which never oc- curred, but iu this one instance, took place in a sewer of the Rue du Pon- ceau, where the mud was very deep aud had long been undisturbed, and the gas burned without explosion. All the facts are detailed in the work published by Parent du Chalelet on the sewers of Paris, and in his treatise on public health published iu 1836. One more instance is known of fire occurring in a sewer at the approach of a flame, but this occurred from the passage into this sewer of a liquid refuse containing a large quantity of tar produced at some neighbourii>g gas works. With respect to the explosion in the main sewer at Ixelles, it is ascer- tained that the main gas pipe was broken before the explosion near the drain of the Etterbeek road took place. Several days before the accident occurred a stiong odour of street gas was perceived in the neighbourhood. This odour is easily distinguished from that of drains, and it was so stroog that notice of the escape of gas had been given at the gas works. It is to the mixture of this gas with the air of the drain that the explosion must be attributed. To prevent the recurrence of so serious an accident, it ii proposed to make the gas tubes of increased thickness where they traverse cross streets, and to imbed them in brickwork. It is also proposed to replace the exist- ing close covers of the drains by openings which will facilitate the renewal of the air. The inside of the drains also has been carefully coated with plaster, so that there is no cause to apprehend that a detonating mixture can be again formed under circumstances resembling those which led to this disastrous explosion. Height of Vesdvids. — According to the latest observations of the scientific men charged with the geodelical works of the kingdom of Na- ples, the height of Vesuvius, at its most elevated point — a point which has undergone no change for many years — the punta del Palo, is 1203;^ metres (3948 feet) above the mean level of the sea. 112 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [April STYLES AND METHODS OF PAINTING SUITKD TO THE DECORATION OF PUIiLIC BUILDINGS. By C. L. Easti.ake, II. X. Secretary to the Commissioners on llie Fine Arts. External Conditions of Works of Art. Tlie materials and dimensions of works of Art, and the situations and lights for wliich tliey rnay be intended, are termed extirnal imuiitiotis ; as di&lin{;iiished fnini the character of subjects, the aims of individual artists, the tendencies of general taste, and similar influences. The former class only, as afr^nling dt-fmile prounds for investigating and as suggesting practical iuf«*rences. can here be considered.' Whatever be the external couditions, it is essential that the visible im- l)ressit)a (if the work j-hould, iindtT the circumstances, be as complete as possible. Tu insure this, not only tlie executive means, but the qualities to be represented still require to be adapted or selected accordingly as c(mdi(iuns vary. Such methods and resources constitute in each case a specific and appropriate style ; the criterion of which is, that the amount of excellence resulliug from it is unattainable in the same degree by any otJier means. The (juestion respecting the relation of painting to external conditions is not uuimportant in coupidering the tendencies and claims of dilferent schools. In general, the great masters seem to have inquired what the outward resources at their command could best elTect. Such a habit, instead of confining, was rather calculated to enlarge their invention and to vary its forms. The result of tlieir labours is the sulhcient ground of the world's admiration ; but their docility cannot be duly appreciated without a reference to the local circumstances under whicli they worked. An inquiry into the principles which may regidate such varieties of style appears to be especially requisite when painting is employed in the permanent decoration of public buildings, and may now be resumed with a more direct object, as particular localities in the new Houses of Parlia- ment approach their completion. In such furtlier invesiigatmn it may sometimes be necessary to advert to the statements and illustrations that have been before submitted. The conditions now proposed to be considered are — Dimensions^ Situation, Light, and the Means of Repreaentalion, Large dimensions fin respect to the size of the entire painting), requiring a correspnnding point of view ; the height at which the work may be placed, requiring a distant point of view independently of dimensions ; imperfect liglit ; and a method of painting posses>ing limited tectinical re- sources, are all to be considered as causes of indistinctness,- requiring to be counteracted by such means as the method of art adopted can command ; by such means as may appear preferable on general grounds, and whicli, supposing its practical difficulties overcome, may render that method tl-e fittest. The relation between the longest dimension of a picture, and the distance from which the work requires to be viewed, may here require to be agaiu remembered. Once and a half the extent of the longest dimension (whe- ther in width or height is inimaterial)is the minimum of distance to which the spectator can retire in order to see the entire surface. A circle cannot be enibraced by the eye till the spectator retire to a distance equal to once and a lialf its diameter. The law relating to the next cou. lit. ~ It 19 necessary to separate the causes from the renierlies of indistiiutnesa. A distant point of view, whether the cnnsecpieme of thesiieofihe ivoik or ot its situation, is in itself a cause of indistinctness ; tlie size of the objects represented, if cakulaied to coun- teract this, is amon^ iherenriedies, but. it will appear, may sometimes be overlooked. 8 The hei^rlit of the compHrtments to the point of the (Gothic) arch is IG feet j but the picture, properly so called, uiay he considered to terminate two lect kwer. some experience to solve. Fortunately, a reference is possible to the example of great artists under similar circumstances. Dimensions. Tlie instances are not frequent in which the size of the objects repre- sented on a large surface is too small for the distance which the size of the entire painting requires. Ifaphael's tirst work in the Vatican, called 'Tlie Oispute of the Sacrament,' would be such an instance if the room in which it is painted were large enough for the spectator to retire to the requisite distance. This is not possible ; the w hole of the painting cannot be embraced by the eye at once. The experiment can, however, easily be made with the engraving; the small size of tiie figures, as compared with that of the entire work, is then apparent. This imperfection, as is well known, was rectified by the artist in his subsequent works in the Vatican. Situntion.* The next condition — situation, without reference to dimensions, presents greater dilliculty. Michael Angelo, after having painted the second com- partment in the ceiling of the Si?tinc Chapel — about GO feet high — appears to have found (as is, in fact, the case) that the size of the figures was in* adequate to the distance at which they were to be seen. Comlivi relates that the artist was on the puint of abandoning the work because of some supposed defect in tlie lime ; but the real cause of his temporary dissalis- factiou is apparent iu tlie subsequent change in his stjle; tlie figures in the compartments last executed being more ihau thrice ihe size of those in the first paintings.^ Thus, w halever nuiy be the dimensions of the picture (and in ceilings the compartmeuts are commonly smaller than the distance would require), the size of the figures must always have reference to the place of the spectator." In this instance, therefore, although the space was scanned by an expe- rienced e}e,lhe means emplo}ed to counteract the eflect of (he existing conditions were miscalculated. The example shows tlie necessity of sim- plicity, magnitude, and distinctness for works requiring to be seen at a distance, and is also valuable as afiordiu^ encouragement to our artists, should they think that their first efforts are in any respects not altogether adapted to the place for which they were iuteuded. Li^rht. It will appear from the practice of another great painter, that imperfect light required, in like manner, magnitude and simplicity of parts ; while, at the same time, large masses of deep shade were avoided. The frescoes of Correggio, in the tribune of the church of S. Giovanni in Parma, werq remarkable for these qualities. An idea may be formed of their general style by the portion which remains (now in the library at Parma, repre- senting the * Coronation of the Virgin'}. Pungileuui remarks' that the figures generally were considerably larger than life, not so much in this instance on account of their distance from ihe spectator as because ihey were seen by a subdu<'d, reflected light. The result was probably satis- factory ; fov objects require to be magnified, even when seen near, to coun- teract the iudi&tiuctness arising from want of light. Means of Representation, A fourth case is that in v\hich the indistinctness to be guarded against arises from the means of represeuiation. Fresco, with its limited scale of colour, cannot produce such varied elfects as oil-painting ; but a much stronger instance of defective means and of the excellencies which the ne- cessity of counteracting them may induce, is to be found in the Cartoons of Haphael. The ullimale works lor which the Cartoons served were copies wrought in tapestry — a mode of representation which, iu the early part of the sixteenth century. Wits far from exhibiting even the compar^live force of colour, and light and shade which it afterwards attained. ^ With a view to such faint transcripts, however, tlie great artist worked ; he knew that his iine chapel must have been, even at first, almost invisible from below. They are, however, to be re- garded as mere decurntions. 7 Afetnoiie Isioriche Ui Antonio AUegri, P.irma, 1817, vol. i.,p. 134. 8 The admiration of Italian contemporaries is excusable. Iioni the novelty of the manu- facture at thai period. The praises of Paris de Grassis, Vasjiri, and others may be com- pared Willi the just er remarks of < Minn, Cart.. nensia, London, \S'6'2, p. 3-* j aud Cattermole, The Book o the Cartoons. Lonilon, IMll, p. :'I. s Such designs were treiited as mere working drawings ; they were cut into slips f«r the execution of the tiiueslries. and were then thrown aside till again wanted for the same purpose. It was in this niutdated state that the cartoons at Hani) ttm Cuiiitwere first brought from Klundes. Sie Quiitiemere de Quircy nt-d bonjihena, I--lorin, &c., dl Kaffaello Sanzio, Milan, lH2U, p. 'M>i ; and Trull, Raphael Vindicated, Loudon, 1840, p. 9 18-lG.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 113 with these requisites — when we find that such apparenlly unpromisin;; conditions had the eflect of raising even Raphael above himself, we can hardly refuse to admit that a due eniploynieot of liniiled means of repre- sentation may, at least, invite atlentioa to the most important attributes of art. In cases like those that have been adduced it is probable that the qua- lities which might fit the worlss for the circumsianees of place, light, or materials for which they had been calculated, would be looked upon as defects on near inspection. The critics on art who have had the best right to exercise an unrestricted judgment, have ever dwelt on the neces- sity of inquiring what qualities are to be chiefly looked for in the subjects of our observation.'" It may be sometimes requisite even for persons of cultivated judgment to bear in mind that the excellencies on which the highest reputation of great anists is founded, are to be sought, not so much in the beauty of parts as in the grand or tasteful arrangement of the com bined work, in the harmonious relation of entire masses, and the grace of entire forms. These qualities, which suppose the labour of the mind be- cause they have reference to a whole, have ever constituted the worthiest criterions of merit, in the practice of the arts. The influence of conditions, similar to those in question, on every depart- ment of painting, may be traced in the works of great artists ; for, from whatever cause the sense of vision is imperfectly addressed, the selection both of qualities in nature and of the technical means fitted to represent tbein, will be influenced accordingly. But, before pursuing the inquiry, it may be desirable to state the elementary facts connected with visible distinctness, since these, though familiar in reference to nature, are more complex in relation to works of art when seen under particular circum- (tances. Causes of Distinctness in Nature. They have been defined as follows : an object in Nature can only be ap- parent, by ditfering in its visible attributes from what surrounds it. The chief causes of this distinctness are — dilTerence of position ; of mere niag- nitude ; of light and shade ; of form, and of colour. Accordingly these attributes constitute the general resources of the artist ; but it will be for him to inquire which of those means are more especially calculated, under any extraordinary conditions, to produce a result which shall satisfy the eye. The nature of the resources themselves will require to be first considered. Position. The differences of Position exist either superficially or in depth. In basso-rilievo. for instance, they are (eitlier in the horizontal or perpen- dicular sense) superficial. In painting, on the other hand, alllioiigii they are superficial as regards the actual plane, they are chiefly sought and expressed in (apparent) depth ; one of the great aims of this art being to conceal the flat surface and to represent space. Various practical and other considerations, presently to be noticed, tend, however, to limit this attribute iu works executed under the conditions before supposed. Magnitude, The difl^erences of Magnitude are either real, "^ as at one and the same distance; or may be only apparent, as the result of perspective. The Bubdivisions of the remaiuing causes of distinctness above enumerated will be referred to hereafter. It must be evident that gradations in magnitude will be more full and Taried when they comprehend, if only in a limited d' gree, the perspective diminution of forms. The great Italian artists seem to have considered this essential to distinguish painting, however severe in style, from basso- rilievo, in which the varieties of magnitude are real.'^ But iu the works before referred to by Michael Angelo and Raphael, this perspective dimi- nution of figures is confined to narrow limits ; partly because the technical means may have been wanting to mark the relative distances of objects when the work was seen under the conditions required ; but chiefly because figures much reduced in size cannot be consisiently rendered expressive as actors or spectators. In the second compartment of the celling in the hisline Chapel before mentioned, the effects of tlie perspective .ire expressed without restraint ; hut the indistinctness which was the consequence was probably among the causes that induced Michael Angelo to reduce the space in depth in the other comparlments (as regards the figures) almost to the conditions of sculpture. In Raphael's Transfiguration the figures on the Mount are supposed to be distant with reference to tlose below; but, had they been so represented, they would have been devoid of meaning and importance: they are, therefore, by a judicious liberty, brought within that range of vision where expression, acluin, and form are cognizable. On great exception is, however, not lo be overlooked. Correggio, who was devoted to picturesque gradation under all circumstances, and some- times at any sacrifice, adopted a dillerent course. The perspective diminution in the cupolas at Parma (to say nothing of the objects being 10 See Reynolds, Fourth DiscoHrse, and the Idler, No. 79. li Position is added by Proft-ssor Wheivetl (Bridgewaler Treatise, p. 130). Abstract inaf»iiitudt may be allowed to form a separate class, as splieres (for eiample; of ditfercnt sizes may be said to dllfer rathur in magnitude than in torn). i - The term ' real magnitude,' in painting, is restricted to such superficial dimensions as have a permanent relation to each other. Undef this category may be classed propor- tion or symmetry. » 3 The style of basso-rihevo, as generally practised t-y the Italians, was not strictly in eonforniity with this definition, as they injudiciously endeavoured to represent in it the effects of perspective. represented as if above the eye) is extreme; so that even the principal figures are altogether subservient lo the expression of space. This was the chief object; but the grandeur of form and characti r which the nearer figures exhibit has been justly considered to place these works far above subsequent elTorts of the kind, which, iu the hands of the ''machinists,'' soon degenerated to mere decoration. If the criticisms which the frescoes in the Duomo at Parma called forth on their completion had any foundation, it may be inferred that the great distance at wh.cli the figures were seen rendered it impossible, in some cases, to discern the nicer grarlations of light and ^hade which are essential to make perspective appearances intelli.;ible. Such considerations most, at all events, operate to restrict foreshortening under similar circumstances. But here, again, it is to be rememliered that painting is siill distinguished from basso-rilievo. Examples of foreshortening are accordingly to lie met with in works intended to be seen at a consideralile distnnce. and in which the technical resources were very liiiiitert; tor instance, in the Cartoons of Raphael. The amount of fo^e^horteniug which is introduced in them may be considered to be the just medium. Its effect in rounding and connecting the groups, and in giving a due impression of depth, is in accordance with the troth of those works in other respects, and (even in the tapestries, while iu their unfaded state.) may have beeu quite compatible with dis- tinctness. The transition from this picturesque treatment, and still more from the unlimited depth of Correggio's compositions, to ihe flatness of a style re- sembling that of the early mo-aics, is violent indeed.** In cases where a gold ground is introduced behind the figures, painting really approximates to basso-rilievo, and to the conditions of the Greek monochronis, \\itliout even Ihe advantage of the figures and the ground being of the same quality. Under such circumstances, neither [lerspective nor foieshorlening can be introduced to any extent. Tiie varieties of *' Position" are almost con- fined to one and the same plane, and consequenfly the relations of Magnitude are real. The splendour of the gilt field, though subdued by being roughened (for this is absolutely necessary), betrays Ihe comparative dulness of the painted surface, and the final outlines on the ground (even making allowance for the gradation of real light on a large resplendent surface) are in danger of being too uniformly distinct, unless a daikeuing colour be partially added to the gold. The union of absolute reality with imitation is rarely, if ever, satisfactory, as it is essential that the most Imporlaut qualities should exhibit the nearest approach to nature. As an accompaniment to paiuting, there is, therefore, no defence for the gilt ground, when it appears as such. For the rest, it cannot be admitied, on the one hand, that art newd be reduced to mediaM al penury in order to agree with this hard condition, if adopted ; nor on the other, that even the extreme restrictions in repre?enlatiou which it actually involves, considered in IheiuseUes, necessarily suppose incompleteness. An analogous style springs from those restrictions which, in adhering to its own resources, may still have its charai teristic perfection. Wherever there is gradation, wherever a greater quality becomes conspicuous by comparison with the lesser (even if abstract lines alone be the means of representation), we recognize an imporlaut principle of art. Light and iShade. The influence of the general conditions before mentioned may next be considered with reference to Light and Shade. The varieties of this source of distinctness, though inlinite, are, like those of Magnitude, merely differences of degree. The circumstances best calculated to display it will be again considered in examining its relation to colour. The example of Correggio, which was adduced with reference to per- spective and foreshorteuiug, may also appearlo recommend the employment, of chiaro-scuro without restriction, under any circumstances ; but this, his favourite attribute, was confined, in the instances of the cupolas at Parma as compared with his oil pictures, to a light scale, especially iu the upper portions of those cupolas, it is evident that a dark etfect would have ill suited both the places and the subjects. The instances are rare, and not always successful, in which extensive surfaces, whether on canvas or on walls, have been covered with masses of low half light and deep shade. Such masses, as is well known, are especially ill adapted for fresco, on account of its tendency to reflect light only from its sur lace.'* Among larger works of the kind, one of the best S|peciniens is perhaps Raphael's fresco of the Deliverance of Peter from Prison. But, although successful iu this instance (as far as the material permitted), the great artist did not resort to tlie same style on other occasions ; on the contrary, in a subsequent work, the Incendio del Borgo, in which the subject might have justified a free use of chiaro-scuro, he did not employ it to any great extent. The reasons for employing it in the first instance appear to ha\e been accidental.'" 1 4 The general predilection for all the modes of ilecoration which belong to the '* re- naissance" may be an excuse for here briefly reconsidering the claims ol the gilt ground in itself, and with relerence to peculiar conditions in representation. 1 5 It may at tirst appear that all pictures reflect light trom their mere surface, but this is not, stiiclly speaking, the case. One great ctiarm of oil-painting is its power to reflect light from an internal surface, throuch superpi'seii substances more or less (li;iphanous. • s Among the painters whose frescoes, previously executed on the walls of the same apartment, were destroyed to make room fur the superior worbs of Kaphael, Vasari men- tions Pietro riella Francesca. This artist was remarkable for his study of chiaro-MCuro, and in that department of art had probably considerable influence on his contetnpoiaiic s and successors. The sulject of his work here referred to is unknown, but supposing it to have exhibited a striking effect of light (like bis Vision ot Constantine), it is quite con- ceivable that Raphael sliould aim at sin ilar qualities in substituting for ita wuik of his own, — See Vasari, -Vita di Piero della Francesca, and Vila to Raflaello, and Passavaut, 15 Ill THE CIVIL ENGINEKR AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [April, Other examples, with all their excellence and even with the advantages of the riclHTinclliDd of oil painting, are more or less unsatisfaclorv, from causes inili'pcncli-nt of llif materials. Tlie »ii;ht scene of the IMartyrdoin ofS. Lorenzo, by Titian, is heavy in its elfect. " Of Tiutoret's darker works it would he unfair to speak, as the shadows have too often hecome hiack, either Ijy time or by some mischievous technical process.'" The celebraled Nij;hl"alch. as it is called, by Uembrandt, isgenerally acknow- ledged to be overloaded with shade;'" and tlie Santa I'etronilla of (Juercino is a mmiument of great, but in that iiislance, niijdirecled powers. These a'e the n)o?t remarkable examples ot' dark pictuies on a colossal scale. The La!.t Judgment, by Micliael .\ngelo, now obscured by time and the smoke of candies, must always have had a solemn elfect from the depth of the flefh colour (a treatment w hich may be traced to llie iuUuence of Sebastiao del I'iombo), but there are no niahses of deep shade. As the work is in fresco, mere blackness would have been the result had such been iutroduced. The unfitness of masses of extreme shade in paintings of considerable dimensions (wilhoul reference to the material) is explained by the fact that the distance at wliicli the work requires to be viewed tends to obliterate the fainter lights and relleclions in such masses, thus changing dc|)th to flat obscurity. -° In subjects which require gloom, it is still essential that the iniiislinctness should be felt to be intentional, and not to be the result of such distance. The size of the work should admit of the spectator being Si) placed as to see all that the artist intended to be seen. The ' Notte' of f Jorreggio can be thus perfectly seen at the distance which its size re{!uires ; but, in looking at the 'Night-watch' of Uembrandt, under like conditicms, the spectator is presently compelled to draw uearer. The conclusion is, that the amount of darkness in the latter is too great for its size, and on the other hand, that moderate dimensions may render such a treatment, if suitable on other accounls, not only unobjectionable, but desi- rable. The finer gradations of low tones can be apprei-iated only on near inspeclioM. Subjec's, the intended place of a work, or other circumstances, independently of dimension-, 2» may interfere with this consideration, but it is not the less true that the scarcity of light which would be inappro- priate in a collossal picture is quite compatible witli the physical condi- tions here referred to, in regard to works of smaller size. The A^enetian painters, as compared with those of the schools of Lom- banly and the Netherlands, appear with few exceptions, to have systema- tically avoided a preponderance of deep sliade.-'' This must be uuder- htood as meaning no mure than that their treatment of light and shade was calculated for works of large dimensions. From the lirst, the great Veue- tian colo iri=ts were accustomed to execute frescoes in the open air, and sometimes in siluatiuus where the distance at wiiicii the paintings could be viewed was far greater than their size required. -^ The elements of distinctness and breadib were thus familiar to ihem, and, it must be con- fessed, were sometimes transferred to works whicli, admitting of near in- spection, might have suggested a different treatment. "Venetian shade," which, notwithstanding t!ie occasional darings of Tintoret in more capricious directions, is characteristic of the school, and which the praise of Agostino Carracci has rendered proverbial, is the worthy auxiliary of composition on an extensive scale, and is fitted, by combining distinctness with breadth, to correct the uncertainly which arises from distance or want of light ; it is calculated to give place and meaning to form, lo fiisplay the remembered attributes tif colour, and, while it ren- ders force (,f local hues indispensable, to combine solidity with clearness. The view which the Venetian artists took of nature was consistent with the ordinary destination of their works. They appear, in most cases, to have assumed that the objects to be repre- sented were seen by the ditl'used liglit of the atmosphere, as opposed to the case where the light is derived from a particular source. 'I'he practical result of tliis is that intense shadtiw is smaller in quantity, and that the picture is chiefly composed of gradations of half aud reflected light ; bright- ness thus marking projections^ and obscurity, depth. It has often been Rafael von Urbino, Leipzig. 18:19, vol. i., pp. Iil2, 4;i4-5. Of Ritphael's fresco Wilkie ob- serves, " the 8t. I'eter in Prison, tinely as it is airunged, is biacit tiiid c-olou ies3." Set* ThoUBlits on the Uelative Value of fresco and Oil-painting, by B. 11. Haydon, I>onaon, 181'.', p. 31. 17 Compare Burnet, Practical Hints on Light and Shade in Painting, London, 133S, p. 4 1 8 This is the case even with some of the fine worlds in the Scuola di 5. Rocco, io Venice. lu See Reyno'ds, Journey to Fl.inders and Holland; and Kugler, Handbuch der Geicii chte der Malerei, vol. ii., p. 17H ^*> It has been before observed tiiut although an object may he increased in magnitude to any extent, in proportion to its distance, and in order to accomniorlate the spectator, yet itsforce ot light and shade cannot be increaseri lieyund a cert.tin |)oiat, and Ihat point is B'ippo3«d to be already attained in pictures requiring to be seen near. Not only is force not to be increased in proporri-m as distance increases, it is unavoidably diminished by it, in coiisei)ueiice of interposed air. a» lu modern exlitljitions where no space is lost, and where, conseqnently, the eye is influenced by the elfect of the mass, an entire wall approaches tlie conditions of a large picture. Hence the amount of light in the component p;*rts of tins decoration is required to be great. A subdued window light may also liave its influence. 22 The relative amount of light, shade, and hail-iight, in tlie worlis of the colourists, as given by Iteynolds, is well linown, and it will lie remembered that lie made his obser- vations chiefly from large pictures. See notes to ilu Fresnny. 2a Tile circumstance of Titian and (iiurgione painting on the farade of the Fondnco de' Tedeschi is well ki:own. (The remains of some of the figures there painted by them, now quite obliterated, were etched l)y Zaneli in the last century : two were engraved by Giacomo Piccino at an earlier period.) Kxampies of a similar bind by Pordenoue anil other artists still exist in Venice and in various towns of Friuli. 24 The "central liglit of n globe" fKiiseii, Second Lecture) would not be the most fa- vourable, with reference to the spectator, foi displaying the object, or for eusuriug a said that in Venetian pictures (more constantly than in those of other school-) the foreground objects are, relalively to their hues, the lightest; the retiring ones being lower in tone. The diminiiiion of the force of shade in remoter masses, the iulroduction of accidental cast shadows, of dark hues near, and bright objects, buildings, or sky in the background and dis- tance, may conceal without allering the arlilice. This system of eflect in Venetian pictures corresponds with that of general nature, and, like that, is too familiar to be remarked ;"* but its apparent sim|ilicily conceals a scale of grailation the fulness of which may be more difficult to compass than the pronounced ellects of confined light. Hence the unaflVcted cha- racter of " Venetian shade ; and hence, at the same time, its powers in marking the essentials of form, while it leaves the general idea of colour unimpaired.-' If the artists of the northern schools may be accused of sometimes em- ploying the ellects of a confined light for scenes supposed to take place umler llie broad atmosphere, the Italian painters (for the practice was not confined to llie Venetians) must be acknowledged to have as often adopted the opposite course ; viz., that of representing scenes in interiors as if seen under a diffused light. They appear to have thought that objects so illu- mined are more intelligible in pictures requiring tube seen at a distance (as was the case with altar-pieces), and that such effects are in themselves more large and beautiful. The ellects themsehei, though derived from the observation of nature in the open air, were produced by various artitices in Italian painting-rooms. The mobt common (still in use) was that of employing oiled paper iubtead of, or before, the glass of the window. A Mationna of Uaphael's takes its name (dell' Impannata) from the oiled paper window, probably that of the painter's studio, in the background. Leonardo da A'lnci, who is careful to distinguish between ombrii, " the diminution of light," aud tencbre, "the privation of light,"-' frequenily recommends attention to the effects above described, and speaks of the modes (probably then coiumoii) of producing them. He remarks that objects seen in a diffused light are more beautiful than when lighted from a confined source, and that when represented in pictures they are more intelligible at a distance.^® He recommends the mitigated light of evening, or of cloudy weather, in preference to the direct light of the sun, in order that shadows may have due grada- tion.^^ He observes, that not only the equal force but the hardness of the boundaries of such shadows, if imitated in pictures, tends to render objects confused when seen at a distance. ^o The latter appearances (hard-edged shadows), he adds, "are especially condemned by painters." His contri- vance for securing the larger effects which he recommends, is to stretch a linen awning across an open court. In one instance he suggests that the walls should be blackened ; in another, that they should be painted flesh colour, and be altogether open to the sky. Elsewhere he mentions the "Impannata" (forordiuary lights);^' aud again proposes an expedient, similar in its resulls, for softeuiug the edges and varying the strength of shadows liy lamp light. Neither Leonardo nor the Venetians were ever deficient in force ; but the latter in making the fullest use of the principle thus dwelt on by the Flo- rentine compensated for their comparatively small amount of ' tenebre,' as nature compensates for it, viz., by intense local colours. This resource never led them lu ueglect the study of chiaro-sciiro on their own large, aud, it may be added, difficult principles, but only served to conceal its artifice. So inlent were they on securing relief, as well as breadth of general effect by means of light and shade, that they frequently defined the perspective balance of light and shade. The expression is, however, usual and allowable, and the Venetians themselves w ere not more accurate ; their technical term tor ' lighting up' with the brush, was • coimiiare,' from colmo, summit, most prominent point. See Uoschini, la Carta del Navegar Pitoresco. Ven. 1660, p. 2t^8.— Light in hnllows, or rather slight concavities (called by the French artists 'aillons luminenx'), is hardly an Jexception. In some cases, for exam[)le in plai^ter casts, the appearance is assisted by a difference of tint. 25 Tiuis in some of the vast compositions of Paul Veronese, although every figure keeps its place, the artifice of the gradations of light escapes observation, as it does in na. tnre. The Venetians seem to have considered that the oflice of light is ratiier to exhiliit tile qualities of material objects than to display itself. EtTects of light are generally con- fiiiefi in tiieir worlis to the distance, where, as regards figures, form and colour are no longer important. 26 Zanetti (Delia Pittura Veneziana. Ven. 1771, p. 1*9) justly observes, that in the hendsof 'litian tile broader siiades do not approach the lorce of the shadows under the features. Compare IJarry, Worlis, vol. ii., pp. 4.'i, 411, 51. 2 7 I'rattato della Fittura. Roma. 1817, p. 274. 2 8 Ih., p. '6b7. " Distinctness of local colour and precision of outline, are the peculiar character of objects placed out of the eH'ect of strong (sun) light." Burnet, Practical Hints on Colour in Painting, London, 184a, p. 18. 2 9 I [J., p. SM>. When Reynolds, speaking of Vandyck's St. Sebastian, now at Munich, ohseives. Hint it is painted in ills first manlier (when lie imitated Rubens and Titian;, wliicb "supposes tlie sun in tile room," lie can only mean the reilected or diifused rays, not the direct light, of the sun. 'Ihe picture which he describes, sufficiently proves that the latter eflect is not imilaled. In some of Rubens's works, however, the elfect ap- proaches tliat of the direct sun-iipht. 3o lb., p. 71. He elsewhere observes that objects represented with masses of intense shade, instead of appearing distinct at a distance, appear 'tinted.' Dark shades undtr such iircuuistances, ^ilaving no longer the quality of depth,) assume the elfect of neutral colours. lb. 248. — 1 he eiiual lorce of shade in many of tiuercino's pictures might exem- plify tiie ju-stness of Leonardo's remarks on that poiut, but the works of Paul Veronese olten cxhiliit a modiiied an'l agreeable use of cast shadows. In preserving their com- parative sharpness he reduces their force, so as to give the impression of a mitigated sun- light. 3, lb, p. 711. The impannata mny mean cloth as well as oiled paper, fifost of these contrivances, although not without interest as connected wiih the Italian practice of ait, are obviously fit only for a brigiit climate; but the observation of nature and the technical expedients which were then habitual to the artists had also relation to the due effect of works in vast localities. It was tlie more essential to preserve the general appearances of natnru in colour and light aud shade, because the forms in votive altar-pieces were often individual. 1846. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 115 depth of their compositions and the place of each figure by means of chiaro- scuro alone. Tintoret was in the habit of placing large paintings thus studied, but before any colour was added, in the situation which they were ultimately to occupy, in order to judge of their elTect and keeping =*- The habits of the Venetian and other colourists in thus occasionally prepar- ing their pictures may be adverted to hereafter in au inquiry into the early methods of oil painting. Form. The treatment of form^^ which is applicable to pictures intended to be seen at some distance, has been already partly considered in reference to certain works by the great Italian masters. It is further to be ohservrd that the means employed to insure distinctness in this department of paint- ing may, without due caution, tend to confound its style with that of sculpture. It is obvious that forms are most intelligible when they are freest from peculiarities; iherefore when in any extreme case it may be necessary to counteract indisiinclness, it would appear that a generalized treatment is indispensable. But in sculpture this intelligible appearance can only be produced by means of form ; whereas in painting, colour (which in like manner admits of a generalized treatment) can powerfully contribute to such a result. The representation of figures of unusually colossal dimensions need not be supposed '■'* The grandest examples of painted figures on a colossal scale — the Pro- phets and Sibyls, by Michael Angelo, in the ceiling of tiie Sistine Cliapel — do not exceed 15 feet. In such representations, as those celebrated works prove, painting can still maintain its complete independence as compared with the sister art. The figures in question though, strictly speaking, abstract conceptions, have the force of cliaracter of real beings. It is also to be observed that in the subjects by Kaphael in the Vatican, the treatment of form does not approach the conditions of sculpture ; as a proof of this it is to bt remarked that the portraits introduced in those compositions do not appear incongruous. Thus, although it ma) be ad mitted that the most intelligible forms are those which are freest from accident, and that such forms must be best calculated fur works intended to be viewed at some distance, yet it appears that, even in the most limited styles of painting, the degree of generalization which is necessary, with a view merely to distinctness, need nut be confounded witli the more abstract beauty of sculpture. If, again, the subject should require an approxima tion to the latter, the full display of the proper attributes of painiing, which may be compatible with the existing extermd conditions, is indi- spensable. Thus colour enables painiing to vary its forms and characters consistently with the intelligible ell'ect at present assumed to be requi.-.ile, and is, therefore, the department of this art in which au abstract treatment can be best adopted consistently with its independence of sculpture. In general, the region of the 'ideal' (the largest view of nature) is more safely approached by means of artributes which are exclusively character- istic of the art; the poetic impressions of each mode of representation are then of a distinct order. But to whatever extent characteristic details in living forms would be admissible in the higher styles of painting, the causes referred to wouhl unquestionably operate to limit the introduction of in.iuiinate objects and accessories, and would influence their treatment. It is unnecessary to repeat what has been before observed on this sub- ject ; a consideration in connection with it is how ever not to be overlooked. Next to the great requisite that each mode of representation should rest chiefly on its own resources, the works of great artists teach the principle that the notilest object of imitation should always be the nearest to nature. In sculpture, and in painiing when employed to represent human actors, this noblest object is life, with its attributes of action and thought. VV hen the field fur displaying this quality is even confined to a head, it is still required that no circumstance represented should surpass it in complete- ness of imitation. Rarely in the works of the best Greek sculptors or in those of the excellent modern painters does an inanimate object exceed in truth the representation of the living surface. The contrivances with a view to insure this insubordination are, necessarily, most daring in sculp- ture, in which certain qualities are in danger of being confounded with reality. It will generally be found that tlie en ployment of cunventionul methods (as opposed to the more direct truth of lepresentation) increases in proportion as objects are easily imitable, and, consequently, in danger of interfering with the higher aim. Thus, to take an extreme case, rocks, 3 2 Seethe introductory "Breve Instruzione" in Boschini's Ricche Minere delta Pit- tura Veneziana. Van. 1674. Tintoret and Bassan, ttie darkest of the Venetian painters, are still examples, in their main aim, of llie principles ol the school, 'their study of chiaro-scuro was, however, more derived from interior and evrn from nocturnal effects. Both were in the habit of using Lmall modyU illumined arUhcially ; less (in Hassan's cast) for the sake of noting accidents of light than for the purpose of observing its gradrttion on objects more or less removed from its SLturce. Boschiui remarks tliat, with the Venetian painters, "every room answered the purpose of the open air;" meaning that they could give the eflfects of open light, either from contrivances like those above mentioned, or from observation and practice, wherever they might be placed while painniip. See La Carta del Navegar, &c., pp. 72, l;i7, &c. ; and Ridoifi, Delle fltaraviglie dell* Arte. Ven. 16-IS. vol.2, p. 5-5. 8 3 The 'differences of form' (almost another word for the visible world) can only be classed in their abstract elements, viz., as mere lines. These may vary in position, direc- tion, and eiLtent. Lines are said to be massed by extension ; they may be contrasted in their direction, and are repeated by parallelism. 3 4 It is reuiarkable that the only ancient example on record of painting thus employed (bycommnud of Nero) was a portrait. The figure, painted on cloth, measured more llian 101) feet. The extreme modern instance, a consequence of the folly of the artist rather than of his employers, is the cupola of the cathedral at Florence, begun by Vasari, and finished by Zuccaro. One of the fig\'.res, if erect, would be about 50 feet. See Puny, 1. 35, c. 7, and Kugler, ib., p, 385. which in marble are sometimes made identical with nature (thereby be- traying the incompleteness of the art), are generally conventional in fine sculpture. Witness the basso-rilievo of Perseus and Andromeda, anil various examples in statues where rocks form the support of the figure. In order to reduce what would easily amount to literal reality to the con- ditions of art, the substance in this instance is, so to spenk, uncharacter- ized.^-'* In painting, the instances are rare in which such absolute identity with nature is possible's The represenlation of a flat surface, of coloured patterns, and painted objects, are almost the only cases ; and fjir less arti- fice is sufficient to reduce them lo the conditions of imitation. But as regards the necessity of superior truth in the living surface, compared with all other objects, the principle is the same as in sculpture. The contriv- ances to insure this superiority, without violaling nature or betraying the artifice, are among the distinguishing merits of fine pictures. Inanimate objects may often form a considerable part of a composition, and therefore cannot be neglected; the colourists, as has been often observed, have contrived to give interest to such subordinate materials, by dwelling on a portion only of ihe qualities of the substance, and selecting such qualities, willi a view to give value to the flesh, as if they were merely forced into notice by the existing comparison. In the instances in sculpture where absolute identity with nature is to be guarded against, it appears that the substance requires to be in a great measure uncharacterized ; in the cases now referred to, the objects are only partially characterized. The principle is, however, the same in both methods ; art is permi ted, or rather required, to be ap- parent, in proporiiou as nature is in danger of being too nearly ap- proached. Colour. The general treatment of colour which is calculated to assist distinct- ness, cannot be better exemplified than by the practice of the Venetiaa school. It may be first necessary lo recur to the elementary facts before noticed. It was observed, that an object in nature can only be apparent by dif- fering in its visible attributes from what surrounds it ; its distinctness iu a word, supposes the presence of some or more qualities which are wanting elsewhere. Thus, the imitation of the appearances of nature is especially conversant wilb diHereu'^es ; it is opposed lo (absolute) equality, and is founded on Gradation and Contrast. The Ursi, a dilleieuce of degree, comprehends Magnitude and Light- and-sliade. By means of their varieties, — peispective, depth, relief, and roundness, in other words, substance and space ate represeuled.3 ' The second, a difterence of kind, comprehends Form and Colour; by means of which physical and even moral characteristics are expressed. Position, as an incommunicable attribute, belongs to the same category. The possible inlerchaiige of these two sources of variety (as regards their effects), is constantly exemplified in nature and iu art. An abrupt difference of degree amounts, practically, to contrast; the full scale of diH'ereucesof kind involves gradation. Contrast itself is imperfect with- out the auxiliary element, by means of which equality even of antagonism is prevented and one impression predominates. The great oflice of colour is then to distinguish. Each object in nature has its own hue as well as ils own form, and hence the origin of the painters' term 'local colour.' This characleristic diflerence becomes more strikingly conspicuous at a moderate distance, when objects are seen as wholes, and in their largest relations and oppositions ; for in a nearer view, the eye is necessarily more confined to their component varieties. On the contrary, light and shade, being common to all substances, and presenting differences of degree only, is less powerful at a distance as a means of distinguishing objects from each other; but in a nearer view, when its infinite gradations are appreciable, it is sufficient, without the addition of colour, to express the relative position even of contiguous objects, as well as of their component parts. Accordingly, while chiaro-scuro in all its richness and delicacy is in- dispensable in pictures that are to be viewed near, colour is no less desirable in colossal works, or in such as can only be seen at a distance. When emplojed under such circumstances by the Venetians, its larger app arance, above described, was selected in preference. The ' local hue,' displayed and influenced as it must be by what surrounds it, was espe- cially dwelt on by them as a means of insuring distinctness. The union of due variety (a union which, in all cases, taste alone can define), with this integrity of local tint, has been considered to be one of the great excellencies of Titian, who, uevertlieless, changed his style — accordingly as his works were to be seen in vast balls and churches, or in ordinary apartments — from the most daring force of local colour to the fuller har- as The same liberty is obseivable in sculptured armour as treated by the antienlj • sharpness is avoided, and the polish does not surpass, sometimes does not eijual, that tf the flesh. In like nicnner steps, or any purtions of architecture, arc irregular. On a similar principle, p-obably, the iiiscriptious on the finest antique medals are rudely form- ed ; for it cannot be supposed that the artists who could treat the figures aud heads so exquisitely could have been at a loss to execute mechanical details with precision. 3« fliere form is, or may be such an iusi-ance ; but as, in painting, the imitation ol sub- stance and space is more or less incomplete, the literal truth of the mere outline, whea present, is in no danger of confounding the work with nature. 3' The diherences of degree which all visible qualities and their 'forms' may exhibit arc perhaps to be resolved into modifications or abstractions of Magniiude and Light, the representatives of mere gradation. Position comprehends augmenting or diminishing in- tervals. Colour, degrees of warmth and coldness, transparency aud opacity, purity and commixture, intensity ami lightness. The boundaries of substance, degrees of sharpness and softness in their relief. Mere lines, degrees of extent. 15* 116 Till? CIVIL KNfilNEKR AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [April, iiiony of bri ken tinU iiliscnalilp in mar objprls. The abstract Irealmf-Dt IS more exrlusively ih ■ sijl.- of Gicirgione ;'» by him il was liret carried 10 its utmost lull. Is, anil was siimetiiiies, pc-ihaps, too iQciiscrimiuatrly I'nipl ijecl, wiihitul re'ereiice lo (iiiiiensions and distance. The Reiiiial style in qiii-stiim lias been nell defined (making some allow- ance fur the stress on its learlin;: attribute), by Ment;s, whose observations on this snt>jftt are adopted b) Kuscli. The.-e writers observe, thai ** the breadth of loi al lint" referred to was attained by taking the predominant quality in a colour for the only quality ; by painting a complexion, for mstance, *' which abounded in low tones, entirely in such tones, and by generalizing, in the opposite sense, another near it, of a lighter character ; by painting a carnation, abounding in ruddier lints, entirely in such tints, and by depriving of all such tints its neighbour thai had few." The aim being distinctness, qualities that were common to several objects were exaggerated in the one that had most, and comparatively suppressed in the others. The same principle, deiived from the observation of nature in her largest aspects, was extended lo e»ery risible 'difference of kind,' i'he soil elasticity of flesh (ever a great object of the colourisls) was, if possible, more than usually dwelt on in the neigbiiouriiood of substances which, eiiher from their general nature, or from the character which they were made to assume, were calculated to give it value ; for not only in- flexible and sharp substances, but sometimes drapery was made to serve this end, independently of colour, by abrupt folds, and crisply painted lights. The shine on the surface of ^kill was omitted generally, but most so when polished surfaces were near it ; while these were allowed to reflect light like mirrors. Gradation supported the comprehensive system ; colours were varied not merely in their hues, but in Ihcir mass degrees of brilliancy, and other qualities. Vivid colours were therefore few, and thus the end even of distinctness was harmony. Lastly, the same breadth which obliterated differences in detail, obliterated them also, to a ceitain extent, and according to the scheme of effect, in opposing masses; thus was insured, yet without the appearance of artifice, that pleutitude of im- pression which the eye requires. It must be apparent that not all the contrivances above adverted to would be applicable in works intended for a near view. The emphasis on local colours, for example, is in them no longer necessary to insure dis- tinctness, and, moreover, might supersede peculiar beauties; yet the ex- ample of the colourisls may show how much of this greatness of style may be sometimes infused with effect, even into narrow dimensions. The system of the Venetians comprehended other methods, which may be considered, iu a great n;easure, peculiar to the school, and which were equally calculated to counteract indistinctness. Among the means adojited bv them for securing such a result, their treatment of certain colours, as atfected by light and shade, merits attention. The artifice was, as usual, derived from the observation of nature in the open air. At that distance where the entire object acquires full force of local hue by the opposition of what surrounds it, the focus (if the expression may be allowed) of its colour will vary, according to the real depth or lightness of its tone. That focus will sometimes be in the illumined parts, sometimes in the ' dimin- ished light,' which we call shadow, accordingly as the particular hue requires more or less light to display it. All forcible colours are most apparent in their brightest parts, even when the light is powerful. All delicate colours are impaired, and sometimes nearly effaced, iu strong light, and are then most apparent iu their shadowed portions, where they bei'ome deepened by means of reflection. I5ut, let the same object be transferred from the open air to a confined or less vivid light, and the effect is reversed ; the shadows become dark and, generally, neutral, and the colour is displayed iu the light only. The larger system, though adopted by the Venetian painters from habit and pretlilection almost indiscrinii- nately, was especially employed by them iu works intended to be seen at some distance. Fullness and bieadlh were iu such cases indispensable; and by a judicious use of the effects in question, they increased colour without sensibly diminishing light. The extreme and exaggerated in- s:ances of this treatment weie generally in situations which admitted only of a distant view. The abu^e of the sijle was indeed sufficiently guarded against by the principle, seldom forgotten in pictures of the school, that coJonrs require iu all cases te be more or less subdued and broken, fur the sake of general harmony. Tiiis object was even partly attained by the practice referred lo : the ordinary (and most commonly applicable) prin- ciple is, that colours should be neutralized in shatle ; but, in the excepted cases above described, where they are most displayed in reflection, they require to be, and are in nature, in a great measure suppressed and neu- tralized in their illumiued parts. This is assisted by the colour of ihe light, which, although assumed to be nearly white, appears comparatively warm on cold light cidours, and the contrary on warm ones. Harmony, there- fore, was also promoted by this method. The influence of certain conditions on the leading departments of paint- ing has now been considered. In this examination, the effects of distance on objects in nature, and also on their painted representations, have been adverted to. The two are not to be confounded ; but the question respecting their relation presents no difficulty in a practical »iew. It is quite certain that the most distinct and easily recognized appearances are ^ « From the scarcity of tlie worlfs of lliis great artist, filengs hesitates to believe that ,^ was ttie inventor of the dt-ep mid gtovviog style of colour vvbich his Italian eulogists ^{irilintetn him ; the latter are. however, safer goidfS. 'J'tie early i,iotures of Titian, and tbe works of Bcbasiloji del PiumbL', esjiecialiy bis portraits, attest the influence of tiior- best adapted for pictures requiring lobe viewed at some distance. Tha machinery of art is selected accordingly. The point, or degiee of remote- ness iu nature, where colour is most distinct (that is, most l.irge and power- ful), is not the point where form is so; for figures must, even at such a moderate distance, be considerably reduced by perspective. It is not the point where outline is so ; for, in ordinary cases, outlines are soon blunted by distance. 'I'he artificial combination of the breadth of general appear- ances with due distinctness of form is not dictated merely by the neces- sities of particular conditions, nor is it confined to particular school... ; it is a liberty which all have taken, and is one great source of what is called ideal beauty; for the "enchantment" which "distance lends' is thus combined with precision. Such are among the expedients adopted by the great painters, in order to counteract indistinctness. The considerations who h weighed with them niay not only be applicable in similar cases, but may show the necessiiy of employing the resources of art generally for the same great object, viz., that of satisfying the eye in order to aflTect the mind. The selection and adaptation of particular resources, uith reference to par- ticular conditions ; the view of nature, and the use of art which may be calculated for different circumstances ; have all one and the same imme- diate end. r>ut the test of a due application and economy of the means fitted lor such various cases will be, that their conventions should be unmarked, and that art and its contrivances should be forgotteu iu their ultimate impression. It remains to observe that if the qualities in various departments of ait above considered are fit for works executed under the conditions of dimen- sions, situation, and light, before enumerated, then fresco-painting (sup- posing due practice in the method) is calculated to display lliose qualities. For example, its unfitness to represent large masses of shade is not objec- tionable because such a treatment is not desirable according to the above conditions. In colour, the stress on local hues and the integrity of masses (nut incompatible with harmony and due gradation) which have been employed by great painters iu works chiefly intended to be seen at a distance, are quile consistent wiih the resources of fresco; while in form, the distinctness and siuiplicily which appear to be desirable are especially adapted for its means. It has been already observed that the Venetian painters were in a great measure indebted to the practice of fresco painting for that comprehensive style of colauring which treats objects and their surrouniling accompani- ments in their largest relations. The early rivalry in fresco of Titian and Giorgione, on the exterior of an edifice near the liialto, in A'cnice, has been already noticed, 'i'heir works, chiefly consisting of single figures, were there numerous. Besides that building, the following houses iu Venice were painted on the outside by Giorgione. A fafade near Santa iMaria Zobenico, another near .S. Vilale, two others in the same neighbourhood, the Casa Soranza, near S. Paolo, his own house, near S. Silvestro, and the Casa Griniani, near S. Ermacora. The houses painted fresco on the ex- terior, by Tintoret, Paul Veronese, Zelotti, Pordenone, Schiavoue, Salvi- ati, and others, would form, iu each instance, a longer list. The modern revivals of fresco on the continent appear to have chiefly had the Florentine style iu view ; it may remain fur the English artist to engraft on this and on the maturer Roman taste Ihe Venetian practice. It was formerly a question whether Venetian colour was compatible with the grandest style of paiuting, but that prejudice may be consideied extinct. Unfortunately, the best of the Venetian frescoes were painted in the open air, and most of them live only in description. The frescos of Pordenone, in Piacenza,and two of Ifapliael's (the mass of Bolsena and the Heliodorus) in the Vatican, are probably among the best examples of colour in this method now existing. The last mentioned, according to every hypothesis, were painted under the influence of an artist of the A'enetian school. Their date corresponds with the arrival in Rome of Sebastian del l^iombo, whose powerful style of colouring may have been emulated by Raphael; and IMorlo da I'ellre appears to have been employed ou them. Both were of the school of Giorgione. Opposite conditions to those first enumerated. The resources which have been here dwelt on are to be considered as applicable, in many cases, to one class of conditions only. The different means and aims, « hich entirely opposite circumstances might require or suggest, have been already occasionally noticed, and may now be recapitulated; with a view to obviate the partial conclusions which u somewhat exclusive view might appear to involve. The external conditions, relating to light, situation, dimensions and metbodi, at first proposed for consideration, were called " causes of indis- tinctness." Let those conditions now be reversed. Let the dimensions of the picture and of the objects represented »° be such that the spectator may contempldle the work at the tlistance of two or three feet (or whatever distance may be requisite to insure most distinct vision). Let the picture be opposite the eye. Let the light be altogether adapted. And let the means of representation be oil-painting, the resources of which are all- sufficient for complete imitation. 39 A small picture may contain portions of large or even colossal 6gures, In which case the distance o( the spectator from the work is no lonfrer regulated by ttic dimensions of the frame, but by those of the olijects represented. A distuiK-e corresponding with the average limits of moat distinct vision is here purposely assumed. 18JG.] THE CIVIL P:NGINEER and ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. ir: Consequences in sti/le. Oq the former principle thfse conditions may be called causes of dis' linctness. Tliey are ciinipatible will), and therefore invite the introduction of, all (agreeable) qualities which iu nature can be appreciated only by near inspection. Such qualities uow become characteristic of the style, for the above external conditions— involving a just adaptation of technical means, not only permit, but require that every excellence which was iu- admissable or unattainable under other circumstances, should now assert its claims. ()u the same principle, provided the work can be seen with perfect convenience, the means before employed to counteract indistinctness may now be thrown aside — not merely as unnecessary, but because Ihey may interfere with the complete representation of a new order of facts. These appear to be the general principles of the school of the Netherlands, especially in subjects of figures. The leading qualities which are the result may be thus enumerated. The assumed near point of view, permits and invites the iutroduction of a large proportion of low tones, all the gradations of which are now ap- preciable. These are rendered luminous by intenser but still transparent shades and acquirn richness from the scarcity of strong light. Accidents of light — not excepting sun-light, are admissable, and often even desirable; they are no longer in danger of interfering with the intelligible represen- tation of form and colour, and may be necessary to give that degree of interest which the subject cannot always command. The employnu'nt of perspective and foreshortening is unrestricted; the last appears to be avoided in no case in which it would be intelligible in nature. \'arielies iu the place or " position" of objects are especially Bought in depth. An assemblage of broken, harmonious, and nameless hues is next to be remarked, among which the slightest approach to what is called positive colour is efleclive. This sobriety has nevertheless the elfVct (with oc- casional exceptions in the school) of giving a predominant impression of warmth, and of thus vindicating the general character of colour as distin- guished from mere chiaro-scuro. The varieties of sharpness and softness in the boundaries of forms and in their internal markings, must ever exist where there is a background and light and shade; the relation between them is therefore the same as on a larger scale, but the extreme diminution of figures in cabinet pictures generally induces utmost precision in the sharper parts. Lastly, where each object may be discerned without difficulty, yet by means of delicate gradations of light can keep its place and thus be easily intelligible, details may be copious and forms altogether individual. Thus is again furnished the link between appropriate technical means and the choice of incidents, and hence the predilection with the masters of this style for familiar and even trivial circumstances. On this last point it is however to be remarked, that where so much juiigment and well-directed skill are present in the work, our respect is commanded even by the unpretending nature of the subjects ; and where these are not offensive, they cau hardly be said to diminish the satisfaction of the spectator who is alive to the higher objects of the artist. A greater danger to which this style is liable (in finished pictures where human actors form the subject), is that of making the accessories aud inanimate objects truer to nature than the representation of life. This defect is, however, avoided, even iu elaborate works, by the best masters of the school. To conclude; the resources, whether abundant or limited, of the imita- tive arts are, iu relation to nature, necessarily incomplete; but it appears that, in the best examples, the very means employed to compensate for their incompleteness are, in each case, the source of a characteristic per- fection and the foundation of a specific style. As it is r. ith the arts com- pared with each other, so it is with the various applications of a given art; the methods employed to correct the incompleteness or indistinctness which may be the result of particular conditions are, in the works of the great masters, the cause of excellences not attainable, to the same extent, by any other means. In the instance last mentioned— the school of the Nether- lands— it is apparent that no indirect contrivances or conventions are ne- cessary to counteract the effects of indistinctness ; on the contrary, all that Would be indistinct in other modes of representation is here admissible with scarcely any restriction. The incompleteness overcome, which is here the cause of peculiar attractions, therefore resides solely iu the conditions and imperfections iu the art itself, which, on near inspection, are in greater danger of being remembered. These are a flat surface and material pig- ments ; and these are precisely the circumstances which, by the skill of the artists in the works referred to, are forgotten by the spectator. The conse- quences of the d.lliculty overcome are, as usual, among the characteristic perfections of the style. The two extremes of "external conditions" and their corresponding styles have been here chiefly considered. The intermediate modes and com- binations are innumerable; but in considering the question to what extent and in what respects the extremes of style may be tomp.itible with each other, it will appear, on a review of what has been stated, that the grander view of nature and of the technical means fitted to represent it may be satis- factory in reduced dimensions in the department of form rather than in those of colour and light and-shade ; and ihat, on the other hand, the com- bination of the usual characteristics of small pictures with large diuicn-ions, if possible in light-and-shade and colour, is impossil.le in fjim. The last- named attribute being the indispensable medium of the artists' conceptions, it follows that the interchange of subjects fitted respectively for the two styles can only be admissible as regards the trealmeut of grand subjects in small dimensions, and even then at the risk of the conventions of the grander style being too apparent. ON THE QUALITY OF LIME PRESERVED FOR FRESCO PAINTING. By Professor Faraday. Led by the statement that the keeping of the lime in a slaked conditioa for a couple of years is a great advantage to it, I took some specimens from the stores which have been so laid up at the Houses of Parliament, for the purpose of examining them in this respect. It appears to me that this lime (which is in a stdte of paste) is in a very soft and sniouth condition in comparision with what would probably be the condition of the lime re- cently slaked ; a condition which seems to be due to its thorough disinte- gration as a mass, and its separation particle from particle. On analysing it I found that it contained a little carbonic acid, but not much ; for in 101) parts of the dry substance there were but 5^ parts of carbonic acid ; these 100 parts, therefore, would contain 88 parts of quick or uncarbonated lime, and 12 parts of carbonated lime, which considering the processes of burning, carry ing, slaking, &c., that it had to go through, and the necessary time of exposure to air before it was laid up in store, is a very small pro- portion. I do not believe that the lime, which is more than 4 inches in, from the exterior, has received any portion of carbonic acid during the two years of its inhumation. In respect of the etiect of keeping lime for a time, I am led to think, without however having formed any strong opinion on the subject, that the benefit is due to the fine texture which it gradually acquires ; and as there is no doubt that if two surfaces were prepared, the one with fine sand and lime in particles comparatively coarse, and the other with the same kind of sand and lime in particles comparatively far more perfectly divided, that these two would act very differently both as to the access of carbonic acid from the atmosphere and the transition of lime dissolved in the mois- ture of the mass from the interior towards the surface; so there is every reason to expect that there would be a dilTerence in the degree ofactioa upon the colours at that surface, and also in the time at which that action would come to a close. WOOBCROFT'S SCREW PROPELLER. WOODCROI^T r. SMITH. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council met March 11, Lord Brougham, Dr. Lushington, the Duke of Bucrleuch, and Lord Cottenhaiii being the members present, to decide upon an application for the extension of bis patent made by Mr. Woodcroft, the inventor of a particular form of screw propeller. Mr. Jervis appeared to support the application ; and the Solicitor-Gene- ral, besides waichiug the proceedings on behalf of the Crown, appeared in opposition ou behalf of Mr. Smith and the Ship Propelling Company, who have adopted his patent. Mr. Jervis, iu stating the case for his client, said, that the invention for which a renewal of his patent right to which application was now made, dift'eied entirely from every other kind of propelling screw in existence. It was formed on the principle of a spiral, represented by the winding of a circular hue round a cylinder. The patent was granted iu March 1832, and he now applied to their Lordships for an extension. The history of patents for screw propellers (of which he enumerated the advantages) was as follows: — In 1794 Mr. Littleton had takeu out the first patent for an invention of that kind, which he proposed working by band with the cap- stan, and which was to be either partially or totally immersed iu the water, according to circumstances. The next patent for a screw was Mr. Shor- ter's, taken out in July, 1800. It consisted of the two vanes of a smoke- jack, not submerged, and adapting itself to the movement of the vessel by a universal joint. In ISl.i Jlr. Trevethic proposed the Archimedean or fixed screw, working in a cylinder. In July 1810, Mr. Millington got a patent for the application of a smoke jack placed beyond the rudder, and worked with the universal joint. Iu February, 1S25, Mr. I'erkins patented an invention for having two vaues, working in opposite direciions, placed at the side of ihe rudder. In I82'J, Mr. Commcraux patented a perfect one-turn screw fixed paralhl to the keel, and held by a stage erected for that purpose beyond the rudder. The date of Mr. U oodcroft's patent was in March, 1S32, and the difl'erence between his spiral and the screw of his predecessors was, that whereas the former consisted of a straight line coil- ed round a cylinder, the latter was made by a circular line so coiled round. The effect of this invention has been to economize the power of the engine, to destroy the vibration, and to produce a greater speed with fewer revo- lutions. If a spiral worm was coiled round a cy linder, the angle given thereby would decrease, and the " pitch" therefore increased throughout the length of the shaft. Mr. Woodcroft, in his spi-cificalion, proposed ap- plying this " spiral" in d.fferent parts of the ship, and amongst ether places before the rudder-post, by cutting away a part of the bull. Mr. Smith's patent, which wms on the application of a perfect screw of one turn placed in the centre of the dead wood, was takeu out in May, 1830. In 1837 Mr. Ericson patented an invention which dilTered from that of Mr. Perkins 118 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITIXT'S JOURNAL. [April, only in beinj; submerged and placed behind tlie rudder. In 1838, it being ascertiilued that a perfect screw of one or two turns could not be worked by the obstruction of the back water, Mr. Lowe took out a patent for cut- ting the screw into arms or blades, which worked between the rudder and the stern-post. In April, 183y, .Mr. Smith entered a memorandum of dis- claimer, by which he slated that he found that a screw of two turns would not do, that the true principle was to take two half turns of a screw planted in the centre of the 'dead wood." After explaining the evidence that he had to produce as to the usefulness of Mr. \V oodcroft's invention, jMr. Jer- vis concluded — Having expended 1,201)^ and upwards in pushing his in- vention, and having only received in return about 130(., Mr. M'oodcroft was entitled to such a renewal of his patent as would enable him to re- munerate himself, not only for capital laid out, but for the trme and talent which he had spent upon it. Mr. W'oodcroft had made several other in- veulious, and in appljing for a renewal of his patent, he proposed intro- ducing an improvement on the original plan, by which to alter at pleasure the variations in the " pitches." Mr. Carpniael stated that he had studied the subject of the screw pro- peller for several years. In the use of ordinary screws, tiie water was put in motion by the first part of the screw, and being of ihe speed of the second part of the screw, choked the screw. The advantage of this screw was that the second part was so constructed as to outstrip the motion of Ihe water, so that the instrument was an operative one, whatever might be its length. All other screws consisted of a straight line wound round a cylin- der, but that of Mr. Woodcroftwas a circle, or segment ot it, wound round a cylinder. Tredgold, in his work on propulsion, proposed that the screw should go on with a decreasing angle on an increasing pitch, but he stated nothing about a circle wound round a cylinder, which was Jlr. Woodcroft's principle. Cross-examined by the Solicitor General. — Mr. Corameraux's patent was a spiral by language, but a screw by description. The word " spiral" or " screw" did not truly designate the distinction. The word " helix" was used at present. He had seen the screw of Mr. Woodcroft in a vessel at Bristol, which had come in from sea about three years ago. With that exception he had never seen it in use. He had never known a screw used practically till the time of the Archimedes, in 1839 and 1840. From that time the use of the screw had increased greatly, both in the Royal and mercantile navy. The screw he saw at Bristol was only one fourth of a convolution, and a three-threaded screw. lu practice it was called the one-eighth of a convolution. He had never seen the ordinary screw in operation of more than one convolution ; but as far as his experience went it would not work. He was satisfied that Mr. Woodcroft's spiral would work with more than one convolution. The varying angle would, he thought, operate all through. The spiral was between the stern-post and the rudder-post, raised for the purpose. Smith's patent was placed in the dead wood. Woodcroft's was not technically a spiral, because it did not run up to a point. Mr. S. Slaughter said he bad built two vessels fitted up with Mr. Wood- croft's ''spiral." He had tried other screws in the vessel before Mr. Woodcroft's, and he greatly preferred the latter. Cross examined by the Solicitor-General. — The other screws he had tried were not under any patent, and had varied from one-fourth to oue-tenlh of a convolution. He tried nine screws of varying diameter and the same pitch. Being dissatisfied he tried an increasing pitch and found the ad- vantage of it. He had thus accidentally stumbled on Mr. Woodcroft's in- vention, and finding thai, he applied for a license. Wilh Mr. Woodcroft's he had attained a speed of i4 miles an hour, while with others he had only secured a speed of seven or eight miles an hour. In the one case the water " slipped" olTthe blades, and in the other it did not. Mr. Murray, assistant-engineer to the Admiralty, said that he could speak to two trials, one on Ihe 13lh of April last, and the other on the 18th of March, in which Ihe relative merits of Mr. Smith's and Mr. Woodcroft's invention had been attested. With that of the former the results were as follows : — With the engine giving 26-28 strokes the rate of speed was 8- 18 knots, the slip being 3 143. or 27-758 per cent., and the revolution per minute 104.34. Mith that of Ihe latter the results were— wilh the engine giving 24-152 strokes a revolutio.-i per minute of 95-99. a speed of 8-159 knots and a slip of 2-155, or 23502 per cent. The result exhibited in Mr. Woodcroft's favour a speed nearly as great, with less power of the engine, and much less slip. If the facts which he had staled were reduced, a dif- ference would be shown of one-sixth of a knot per hour in favour of Mr. Woodcroft. He was aware that by other experiments Mr. Smith's screw had attained a greater velocity. Mr. Cowper, an engineer, said, that the invention was a new and very ingenious one. He illustrated its effect by an experiment on the air with tin blades modelled after Mr. Woodcroft's screw, and which when spun rapidly round on an axis by a piece of twine, as a lop is spun by a boy, flew up wilh great force to the eeiliug. When the side was reversed, and the experiment repeated, the model was not moved from the axis it re- volved on. The Solicitor-General submitted that the present was no case of a useful invention at all. There was nothing new in the idea of using a screw for propelling vessels, as it had been in existence as long ago as 1794. It wa» Mr. Smith's discovery that the screw should be placed in the centre of the dead wood which first led to its practical utility. When Ihe screw was so placed and reduced to between one-fouith and one-eighth of a convolution all other points with regard to its construction became immaterial. Before Mr. Smith's invention the screw was placed in unsuitable parts of Ihe vessel, and none of them had ever succeeded. The Solicitor-General then proceeded to explain, wilh reference to the models produced in court, that it was only by adopting Mr. Smith's discovery and inserting the screw in the dead w-ood that .Mr. M'oodcroft had succeeded in making a practical application of his patent. He read an extract from the specification of the latter gentleman, the strongest point in which was as follows : — "The spiral propeller may also be placed under the stern of the vessel, as seen in figures 5 and C, where a part of Ihe hull is removed." The improve- ment claimed by him had nothing to do with Ihe position, but was one in reference to an increasing angle. At the time when Mr. Woodcroft took out his patent it was no improvement at all, for want of the discovery that it should be placed in the dead wood. Lord Brougham. — But it is now beyond a doubt that some steamers may have no " dead wood" at all. The Solicitor-tieneral. — I'ractically it might be so in the case of a Dutch built vessel, but not one for steam communication. In all vessels there was but one slerupost, and it was playing wilh language to introduce the terms which had been used in the evidence, lie should refer to Mr. Wood- croft's specification hereafter, but in the mean time he would ask if the space filled by Mr. Woodcroft's screw were not so occupied, would it not be the "dead wood." If so, then Mr. Woodcroft's screw was inserted in the dead «ood. In his drawing there was no continuation of the keel, but an undue prolongation of the deck, and a stern-post to which Ihe rudder was attached. No particular ratio of angular increase or decrease was claimed by Mr. Woodcrofi, and Mr. Conmieraux had already discovered the principle. In the patent of the latter the term •' spiral" was used, and in the drawing the increasing angle was clearly marked. The convolutions in the drawing were as three to two. Mr. Cowper was here recalled, and stated that there was no intimalioo of an increased pitch in the drawing, even taking into account the word spiial in the specification. The Solicitor-General then gave up that point, and proceeded to argue that as Mr. Woodcroft had in his specification only provided for one con- volution or more, and as there was only evidence of its answeritig for one- eighlh of a convolution, there was no direction in the specification which would guide a workman to the only form of the invention which bad prac- tically been found to answer. Lord Brougham. — The drawing No. 12 shows only one-eighth of a con- volution, being esaclly what is now used. His claim is quite general. The Solicitor-General. — Mr. Carpmael had stated that Ihe spiral would work wilh any number of convolutions, but notwithstanding the amount of experience on the subject now, not more than one-quarter of a revolutioQ had in any screw been found to answer. Afler 14 years' opportunity for experiment, it had been so, and the onus probajidi therefore lay on Mr, Woodcroft, for showing that the spiral would work at more than one revo- lution. Lord Brougham delivered the judgment. In all cases where there was a disputed right as to patent, and where Ihe validity of the patent might come into question, there were two things to be considered. 'The first was whether Ihe case to prove the invalidity of Ihe patent was so clear as to remove all prdiiiary doubt ; the second was whether the case was so doubt- ful that that Court would rather retire from its consideration and not de- cide it. In the former case they would nol grant the extension, because they did not see the merits, and because they would not put Ihe opposing parlies to the vexatious process of bringing their scire facias in the law courts. But %vhere Ihe matter was doubtful — where confiicling evidence and questions of law equally arose, that Court would not refuse the discre- tionary power vested in them by Parliament merely because it was also a case in which the valid:ty of the patent was contested. The present case came under the first principle he had slated. There was nothing to make it clear that the patent should not be sustained until they took away the merit of the invention. If the patent turned out to be invalid, it would only be the extension of such a patent for so many years. Now, as to the merits in this case there could be no doubt. His Lordship gave it as his own opinion on a scientific point, that Mr. Woodcroft's invention was a most ingenious application of mathematical principles to mechanical ends, and he commented on the evidence which had been adduced on Ihe subject. It was not enough to object that Ihe patent had been long in coming into operation, for the steam-engine, and many other discoveries, were open to the same observation. All his time, his ingenuity, and his labour had pro- bably been exhausted by Mr. Woodciott on this work. They had every reason to believe that he would be for the next few years in happier cir- cumstances, and more likely to receive compensation. On the grounds he had staled, their Lordships were of opinion that a period of six years should be given by way of extension to the petitioner. What he had said was without reference to Mr. Smith's invention, which might be a most ingenious one. The Skew Arch an Old Invention. — "Now visiting the Alcazar (cathedral at Sevdle), but first observed a singular Moorish skew arch, in a narrow street leading from the cathedral to the Piierla de Xeres ; it proves that the Moors practised Ibis now assumed modern invention at least eight centuries ago." — Ford's Spain. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEERAND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL 119 THE BOODROOM MARBLES. For the following comniunication from Boodroom, Asia Minor, we are indebted to a correspondent of the Times. Our arrival at this once celebrated place, anciently called the city of Halicarnassus, is caused by a request from his Excellency Sir Stratford Canning, the Minister at Constantinople, to remove and receive on board for conveyance to England some ancient marbles, supposed to be a part of the tomb of Mausolus, erected by Artemisia to the memory of her husband, and which was, in the days of the kings of Caria, considereil as one of the seven wonders of the world. The monumeul, in question was, no doubt, a mass of unusual splendour, and from this magnificent sepulchre tombs and the like edifices received their names ; it was built by four dilTerent archi- tects— Scopas erected the east side, Timotheus the south, Leochares the west, Brucis the north. Pithis was also employed in raising a pyramid over this stalely super.structure, and the top was adorned by a chariot with four horses ; the expense was immense, and called forth the remark made by the philosopher Anaxagoras, when he saw it, "How much money changed into stones." The marbles were found inside the fortress, and built into the ramparts, and counterscarp and bastions, at various heights from the ground, varying from 10 feet to 12 feet ; are of considerable size, being from 7 feet by 5 feet, and of great thickness, varying from 25 to 46 cwt., and 14 in number. This fortress withstood many sieges, especially the one maintained against Alexander the Great, under Wemna, and another during the time of the knights of Malta and Rhodes. It is now a Turkish castle, miserably pro- vided with the munitions of war, and bearing striking evidence of the state of Turkish command. Three ot^ the friezes were outside facing the north, one was embfdded under a high wall on the left side of the second en- trance, three were under the drawbridge leading to the citadel, three more were taken from an outer wall of a moat or trench ; two from the right of a wall in the fourth portal, and two from the south-east wall. They were thickly coated with whitewash to correspond with the rest of this strong- hold of chivalrous knights, and the greater part resisted, for some lime, the impression tried to be made upon them in loosening the brickwork tor their extraction. It may here be mentioned, that the citadel of Boodroom, as it is called, has, on its various walls, ramparts, and bastions, many shields in marble, and near to every one of the antiquities were specimens of the same. No doubt they were considered by the holders as ornaments to their heraldic devices, and their position evidently bespoke that they were so placed as a commemoration of some gallant achievement of the warrior who defended that particular spot. In the inside of the largest lower there appeared one with the figure of St. George and the Dragon, having on each of its sides nine lesser shields, and over the first gale of the draw- bridge one betokened that the knight had served in Palestine, bearing un- derneath the following inscription : — " I. H. S. "Salve, nos, Domine vigilantes; " Nisi Doniinus custodierit civitatem " Frustra vigilet qui cusludit." Leaving, however, these mementos of peculiar interest, it may be men- tioned that ihe figures on the marbles are in a very masterly style. The majority of them are sadly defaced by time, weather, and lime ; from their character they are evidently meant as a picture of the wars of the "Ama- zons;" a few are in a state of preservation, and present to the eye a rare specimen of the sculpture of the age in which they were executed ; some pourlray women stricken down by the ruthless hand of the warrior, and their subdued bodies are exquisitely chiselled. But to illustrate this re- mark, there is one which cannot fail to impress the spectator, and W'hicli I think stands preeminenl — it is the death of a woman by the hand of a man, stretched on the ground, with her head fallen on the left arm, the right hand clenching the earth in the last struggle for life, her conqueror, with head bent and shield before his breast, stands looking with peculiar ferocity on the bloody deed he has committed, whilst an Amazon, with out- stretched body and uplifted arras, appears in the act of wreaking vengeance on him who has slain one of her sex. The village of Boodroom, for it cannot be called a town, is a specimen of Turkish indolence, and were it not for its ancient site, would otter little pleasure to the visitor. There are some fine remains of what Ihe city of Halicarnassus was, on a hill, besides what was most likely an amphithea- tre; and though many of its massive stones and marble seats lie scattered in the grass and rank vegetation with which it is overgrown, still there is a sufficient perfeclness to denote that 6,0;-0 people could have witnessed the scenes tberein enacted. On a sumn.it at a short distance from this spot are several catacombs, containing chambers or vaults for their dead, some were sealed by stone slabs, and so firmly, as to resist an iron crow- bar ; one of them was found to contain nearly 40 lachrymatories. These chambers of death have a very curious appearance from Ihe entrance of the harbour, and are seldom visited either by Greek or Turk. About a mile in the country stands in tottering form what was once a gateway, but which is in a very ruinous state, and not far from this place are several small arched buildings, near which must have been an entrance to the city, as several parts of the wall can be traced through the rich olive groves. Adjoining, under the wide spreading branches of a tulip tree, is a sarco- phagus, apparently of great antiquity. Time and weather have completely destroyed its sculpture. In another orchard stands the ruin of a frontal piece of a temple, much decayed. Several rams' heads can be traced on it, and the pillars are in a very tottering condition. There are about 2,000 houses in Boodroom, inhabited by Turks and Greeks. The soil is rich, but in lieu of green pastures, unwholesome weeds spring up before the eye, proving how much given to indolent habits the Turks are,how they manage to sustain life cannot be told. There is the appearance of their cultivating the olive, fig and almond trees, but even these require but little manual assistance. Some coins of ancient dale were obtained; sickness and dis- ease appear iu almost every family, and some, from want of medical as- sistance, were found to be beyond human skill. Thanks to Sir Stratford Canning, England may now congratulate herself on possessing some of ihe finest specimens of ancient sculpture in existence; for althougli those in the interior have been guarded willi such Jealousy bj the Turks, that no eye, save those of the officers of the Siren, have ever been set on them, those on the sea bastion have been visited by celebrated travellers, and pronounced to be little inferior to those of the Parthenon. REPORT OF EXPERIMENTS ON GUNPOWDER, MADE AT WASH- INGTON ARSENAL, IN 1843 & 1844. By Captain Alfred Mordecai, of the Ordnance Department. This Report embodies the results of many thousands of accurate experi- ments made by Capt. Mordecai, under government authority, with instru- ments constructed in such a manner as to ensure perfect accuracy. Having had the satisfaction of inspecting the instruments, and of hearing from Capt. Mordecai an account of the methods of experimenting, we can speak of them with the greater certainty. The force of gunpowder, since the time of Hutton and the French experimenters, has been calculated by means of the balistic peiiduluyn and of a gun penditbim. The yww (in these experi- ments a twenty-four and a thirty-two pounder) is suspended in an iron frame, hung on knife edges of hardened steel, like a balance beam, the whole supported (a load of 10,500 lb.) on massive stone pillars. The recoil is measured on a limb of brass, having a curve, of which the frame work and the gun are the radius, and graduated to read to seconds by means of a vernier which is moved by the recoil, and retained at the point of greatest vibration by a slight spring. When the gun is adjusted and at rest, its axis is a horizontal line, and the vernier stands at zero on the scale. At a distance of only fifty-five feet (between the centres), is inserted the pendulum block for receiving the shot and measuring its velocity. This/)en- dulum is a counterpart to the gun, as regards its mode of suspension and motion, which is also measured in like manner on a graduated arc. This " block" as it is called, resembles a mortar or wide howitzer, with a bore of four and a half feet deep and fifteen inches calibre, and filled with leathern bags of sand, and a bedding of lead. This block, the frame and counter- poise weights, weighed 9, .358 lbs., and was suspended so as to hang when at rest, with its axis perfectly mi one and the same line as the axis of the gun. When prepared for use, the aperture of the pendulum block was covered by a sheet of lead, which served to make the deviation of the ball from a right line, by the hole which was pierced in it. This deviation was found to be very slight. It seems, to a person unaccustomed to such experiments, a rather daring attempt to fire a thirty-two pound shot, at the distance of only 50 feet, in the mouth of another gun. But that velocity which, left unrestrained, would serve to carry the shot for miles, is in this apparatus restrained within the range of a few feet, and imparts only a moderate motion on the great mass of matter on which it impinges, which can be wholly and accurately esti- mated. Capt. Mordecai remarks, that "an observer, placed in such a posi- tion as to see the face of the block uiiobscured by the smoke of the gun, perceives, at the moment of impact, a circle of reddinh white flame surround- ing the hole made by ths hall." He supposes " that this flame may be pro- duced by the combustion of minute particles of iron and lead ignited by friction." He further remarks, that " in firing a thirty-two pound ball into the pendulum block with a charge of eight pounds, the sand immediately before tlie hall was compressed into a solid mass, forming an imperfect sandstone sufiiciently firm to bear handling. A specimen is still preserved in that state, after a lapse of more than eighteen months." This sand, when examined, was found quite free from any calcareous cement. An apparatus of quite similar structure, on a proporaionaie scale, was used for muskets. In these experiments powder from a great number of manu- factories, and of great variety of compobition, grain, and finish, was tested. The eleiuen's for calculating the strength of gunpowder, obtained by these experiments, were resolved by the formula; of Hutton and those which more recently have been employed by the French at .Metz. This portion of the labour is performed with the accuracy and skill which characterize all the highly educated officers from West Point Academy. Capt. Mordecai con- cludes from the results of his experiments, that the only reliable mode of proving the strength of gunpowder is to test it, with service charges, in the arms for which it is designed; for which purpose the balistic peadulumi are perfectly adapted. In the twenty. four pounder gun, new cannon powder should give, with a charge of one-fourth the weight of the ball, an initial velocity of not l-ss than sixteen hundred feet, to a ball of medium size and windage. 120 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [April, The initial velocity of the musket ball, of 003 in windage, with a charge of one hundred and twenty grains, should be With new musket powder not less than 1,500 feet. " rifle " " •' l,fiOO " fine sporting " " " 1,800 The common eprouvettes are of no value as instruments for determining the relative force of different kinds of gunpowder. The proportions used in making our best powder, 76.14.10, and the Eng- lish "5.15.10, appear to be favourable to the strength of powder. The best mode of manufacture is in what is called the cylinder mills under heavy rollers, and this process alone is considered capable of making good spurting powder. The English have employeU this process for fifty years, but the French still use the old method, by stamping or pounding. The *' yravime- trie demily" should not he less than 850. nor more than 920. The charge for cannon for all ordinary purposes should be one-fourth. No purpose, even breaching a battery, requires more than one-third the weight of the hall. For small arms the following charges are proposed ; for the percussion musket, 110 grains; the percussion rifle, 75 grains; the percussion pistol, 30 grains of rifle powder. It is proposed that musket and rifle balls should he nia.e by compression, instead of casting, as at present. — Silliman'n Amer. Journal. REGISTER OF NEW PATENTS. If additlorol Information be required respecling any patent, it may be obtained at the office of Itiis Jourual. FIRE ALARUM. Francis Taylor, of Romsey, in the county of Hants, surgeon, for " Jm- provements in giving iilarum in cute of fire, and in extinguishing Jire." — Granted August G, 1845; Enrolled February 5, 1846. Fig. 1 shows a transverse section, and fig. 2 a front eleva'ion of an ap- paratus for giving alarum in case of fire ; a is a tube of glass having a bulb or enlargement about the middle part thereof, this tube which is to be filled vvith mercury and hermetically sealed at both ends is supported in Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. -0^ K ^^ X_'i- two brass sockets; b c, d d, h & brass ' ' or other metal box composed of two parts, the frout part d being attached lo the back part by the strength of the glass tube ; e e are two pieces of tape of about half a yard each, more or less ; one end is attached to the upper and lower, or front and back part of the box, the opposite ends being joined to a de- tonating packet containing some explo- sive mixture. This apparatus may be hung up in any part of a room most likely to give immediate alarum in case of fire, which fire on attaining a few degrees of heat above the temperature of the room would expand the mercury, and have the ell'uct of bursting the tube, and thereby let fall the front part of the box, and cause the explosion of the detonating mixture, which would give the alarum required. The specification shows several modifications of Ibis principle ; it also shows the application of one for stopping the draft of the chinmey, so as to impede the progress of the lire. I'ig. 3 i^ a transverse section of the chimney, having fixed therein a few feet from the bottom, a rectangular frame a, and plate i, which i)late is kept in a vertical position by a chain c passing over two small pullies, the opposite or lower ends of this chain are attached to au apparatus cun- structed on the same principle as that above described, fixed over the man- tle-piece, which in case of fire would burst as aforesaid, and let fall the plate i,and have the efl'ect of stopping the draft, thereby impeding the progress of the fire. COPPER ORES. Frederick Bankart, of Champion Park, Denmark Hill, in the county of Surrey, Gent., for " certain improtj emcnts in treating certain metallic ores, and rejinint/ the /iroJacts t/iere/rom."- -Gnntci August 7, 1845; Enrolled February 7, 1846. The improvements relate to ores containing copper, whether combined with sulphur or not ; and consist in mixing the diti^erent ores in such a manner, that those which contain sulphur in excess may compensate for the deficiency of sulphur in the other ores, and submitting the ores so adjusted to successive roastings and lixiviations, whereby a solution of sulphate of copper is obt.iineil, from which the copper may be precipitated in a refined meta'lic stale, which is dotie in the following manner : — The copper ore is first reduced to powder, and the relative proportions of sulphur and copper which it contains are ascertained by analysis ; then if the sulphur bears a less proportion to the copper than one to two, iron pyrites or copper pyrites, also pulverized, are added, in such quantities as will bring it to that propor- tion. If two or more descriptions of copper ores are to be treated, they must be mixed together in such proportions as will make the sulphur of the mixture bear to the copper at least the proportion of one to two ; iron pyrites or copper pyrites being added, where necessary, to ensure that pro- portion of sulphur. And there must always be a sufficient quantity of sulphur ores for the conversion of the copper into a soluble sulphate, and also to allow for the escape of part of the sulphur during the processes. The copper ore, prepared in this manner, is then submitted to such a degree of heat, in free contact with atmospheric air, as will oxidize the metals not already in a state of oxide, and convert the sulphur into sulphuric acid. For this purpose, a common reverberatory furnace is used, and the ore submitted to a dull red heat, in free contact with the air, until the mixture attains a state of seeming fluidity, and it is retained in that state until the evolution of sulphurous vapour nearly ceases : the whole of the mixture is not put into the furnace at once; hut it is divided into several portions, and one portion being put into the furnace, another is added when the first hat attained a dull red heat, and so on until the whole has been introduced ; — the mixture is frequently stirred during the process. The evolution of sul- phurous vapour having ceased, or nearly so, the mixture is removed from the furnace to a vat or pit, and water (or a weak sulphate liquor from a previous lixiviation) applied at about the boiling temperature, and retained at that temperature for some time, by means of injected steam, to ensure the solution of the sulphate of copper. When the sulphate of copper liquor is drawn off from the residual mixture, the latter is mixed with as much iron pyrites or copper pyrites as will supply the requisite proportion of sulphur; the while is then subjected to a second roasting, and to a second lixiviation : this process of adjusting the proportion of sulphur in the mixture, and roasting and lixiviating, is repeated until the w hole of the copper is obtained from the ore. The next process is to precipitate the copper from its sulphate solution ; after which it is to be fused, and run into moulds, for sale as fine metallic copper. Various modes of precipitation ma> be adopted ; but the patentee prefers to employ cast or wrought iron plates, keeping the solution at a temperature of from 120° to 150" Fahr., and as nearly as may be of the same strength, by means of a circulating stream of fresh sulphate solution, which, entering at the top. and being conducted by a pipe downwards, tends, by its greater specific gravity, to displace the lighter solution; the latter, overflowing, is to be returned into the lixiviating vat, to be recharged with sulphate of copper, and this again precipit.ited, until the refuse liquid becomes a nearly saturated solution of sulphate of iron, when it is set aside to crystallize. The claim is for mixing of the different ores of copper and iron pyrites in such proportion, according to the quaniity of sulpliur relatively with the copper which they respectively contain, and adjusting them in such manner as that ores which hold sulphur in excess may compensate others which are wholly or partially deficient in sulphur, and subjecting such mixture to a succession of roastings and lixiviations (the residuum, after each roasting, having the proportion of copper to sulpliur adjusted as before), and thereby obtaining a solution of sulphate of copper, whence the copper is obtained, by precipitation, in a refined metallic state. Charles Searle, of Bath, in the county of Somerset, doctor of medi- cine, for " improvements in stoves." — Granted August 9, 1845 ; Enrolled February 9, 1840. The improvements consist, firstly, in the employment of a heat retaining mass in connection with the fire-chamtier, for the healed gases to pass through on their way to the flue, instead of the vessels now in use as the conceding medium between the fire-chamber and the flue. Secondly, in so constructing the fire-chamber or furnace as to obtain solidity of substance, and isolation from surrounding conducting media as far as may be practic- able, with confinement of space or closeness of the fire-chamber : the patentee's object being to absorb and retain as long as possible the heat derived from the combustion of the fuel, to prevent its escape, and to con- centrate its operation upon the fuel, in aid of its more perfect combustion. JS46.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. The annexed figure shows a vertical section of a stove, a is the fire-cham- ber, of fire-briclis, about two inches thick, of a cylindrical shape (or eitlier conical, square, or polygonal, if prefer- red), and the lop is perforated with nu- merous holes, from ith to ith of an inch in diameter, on the side, as shown at y, for the escape of the gases from the lire; at the bottom is an iron grating b, and beneath it an ash-pit or chamber ■"'"' form shown aT^A fP?"'''"'^ ">« engine, which consists of a vessel of the rhow",.. /' .° ''." °P'=°J"Satci this vessel is supported upon ^ hollow aiis d, so as to admit of the same turDiug freely ;e e are one 121 two, or more, coils of pines, and are marlp in ti,a e r double threaded screw.^^^nd'ngTportt LtLT.SetZlt:^ tach of these pipes commuoicale with the hollow ax s j hv T*^ ^ ; Pipesyy, and are provided with outlet pipes ., ,, madrto 'paL thro^^h Fig- 2. flf^^'' "^ ".f ''^'''' '' *' "'^^ P'S- 2. which shows a plan of two pipes coiled one w.thm or between the other, h (Fig. I) is a pipe leading from a torce pump (worked by the engine), and is intended to supply the pipes wiin water, k k represents the combustible matter of which the fire is composed winch is lighted within the vessel 6 i, and provided at the lower end with a number of openings, i i, for supplying the fire with air. 1 lie action ot this engine is as follows : the pipes e e being filled with watei, a file is lighted within the vessel b b, and steam is generated withia tne pipes e e, which is allowed to escape through the outlet pipes g- g, the reaction of which against the air causes the vessel b b, together with the pipes ec and hollow axle d, to rotate. Upon Ihe hollow axle d is keyed a Wheel (not shown in the diagram) for the purpose of imparting such mo- tion to the force pump, which supplies the pipes e e with water as steam is „eneiated; trom such wheel, motion may also be imparted to other ma- climery intended to be driven by the aforesaid engine. I I is the ash-pit which receives the ashes as they fall from the openings m m. IMPROVED CUPOLA FOR MELTING IRON. Constructed by Messrs. Franklin Townsend, & Co., Albany, N. Y. This cupola is of the ordinary construction, only being of enlarged di- mensions and made ot cast iron. Us diameter at the Uyives, when lined with fire brick, is three feet ; and its height, from the hearlh to the charg- ing door eleven feet. When charged full, it will contain three tons of pi- iron, and IS capaole of melting upwards of twelve tons at one blast ThS air IS admitted into the cupola by six tuyeres, which are placed about fifteen uiches above the hearth, aud equidistant on the circumference of the cylinder. To avoid the number of pipes which would be necessary if the air were conducted into the cupola by the usual method, an air cham- ber IS made to surround the cylinder and enclose all the tuyeres, and into this the main blast pipe is introduced. An opening is made throu-h the outside of this air chamber, and directly opposite to each tuyfere which being protected by a plate of glass, allows the mdUr to observe the world lug of the furnace. This plate of glass is so attached that it can be easily removed, and tuus give free entrance to clear the tuyeres whenever it mav be necesssary. ■* The air is heated by being forced through a number of small pipes, placed in such a manner in the interior of the stalk immediately above and directly over the cylinder of the cupola, that their outside surfaces are exposed to the full action of the waste heat of the furnace. For reason of the diihculty caused by Ihe expansion of Ihe metal when healed, these pipes are required to be of peculiar construction. By this arrangement, tlie air becomes heated during iis passage from the blast reservoir to the tuyeres, upwards of 400° Fahrenheit's thermometer. This cupola has been in operation during the past three months, meltin>r en tons of iron daily. The iron is charged in the shape of ],ig and scran (sprues, gates, S,-c) in about equal proportions, and is cast into stove plates which require that it should be very hot and liquid. The average con- sumplion of coal (Lehigh) in melling this quantity of iron, is 225 lb to the ton of iron, and the rate of melting is from two to three tons per hour Ano;dmary cupola, operated with cold blast, consumes upwards of 5001b ot coal to the ton of iron, and its rate of melling is from one to two tons per hour. Not having the results of the operation of any hot blast cupola in this country, the comparison of the working of this improved cupola with them cannot be given ; but its evident superiority to those of England is shown by the following extracts from a report made by M. Dufresnoy, chief en- gineer of mines; — " rbe cupola furnaces at the Tyne Iron Works are operated with heated air. Ihe consumption of coke is 309 lb. to the ton of iron : rate of melt- ing, one ton per hour. " At Wednesbury, the cupolas are operated with hot blast, and consume ]6 122 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [April, *287 lb of coke to the ton of iron. Before the adoption of the hot blast, the consumption of coke was 411 lb. to the ton of iron. The same quan- tity of iron is melted in oue-half of the time that was required before the adoption of this process." — Franklin Journal. AUST I'ASSAGK BRIDGE. (With an engTaning, Plate V.) The proposition to build a bridRe across the old passage of the Bristol Channel, at Chepstow, has arisen from the intended improved connection of South M ales with I'.ngland by means of railways, and whatever may be the objects of crossing the Bristol Channel elsewhere, the old passage is unquestionably the point where the nearest junction of South M ales with Bristol, the West of England, and London, can be effected. In the session of 184.i I recommended, in my evidence upon the South "Wales Railway, that this bridge should be constructed with a span of 1,000 feet from pier to pier, and height of 120 feet above high water mark of spring tides. Since then, I have had a correct plan and sections made of the Channel, from which I find it practicable to place the piers on rock foundations, accessible at low water, but at distances of 1,100 feet apart. The bridge will therefore require four spans of this length, and one at each end of nearly 5o0 feet. In addition to which, another bridge should be built across the Wye, with one span of about 500 feet in length, and one at each end of about -.250 feet each. I expressed ray opinion in the ses- sion of 1815, that the suspension principle adopted at Meuai Bridge and elsewhere, would not be sufficiently steady for the Aust Bridge without material improvements in it. I have accordingly, in conjunction with Mr. Francis Bashforth, Fellow of St. John's, Cambridge, designed a bridge for the Aust I'assage, which the accompanying engraving represents (see plate V.) ; the calculations for which are subjoined, for the scrutiny of scientific men, and I have great pleasure in associating my name with Mr. Bashforlh's in this work. Francis Giles. Experience has shown that the instability of suspension bridges is their great defect, whilst they may be made of sufficient strength to bear any load that can ever be placed upon them. To guard against their liability to undulation an arrangement is proposed, so that every part may be always in its proper position to support any heavy weight plared on the roadway. The bars radiating from the tops of the piers are of variable thickness, so that each is capable of sustaining the same weight as when placed at its extremity on the platform (supposed to be a rigid lever move- able about the end). These radiating bars are kept straight and connected together by transverse rods, but the former alone are calculated to sustain the whole of the load, the latter being employed to keep them in their proper position and to ensure the assumed rigidity of the platform. The supporting bars are attached to the platform at equal distances and are passed over the top of the pier (side by side or otherwise). On account of their number the space covered would be considerable, but this would be an advantage as the tendency would be to keep the platform steady. In addition, the main chains are proposed to be connected by rods overhead to within about 20 feet of the roadway. So as to form an immense trussed beam. Let ( denote the number of Ions that a bar of iron of 1 square inch E. 01 * B section would bear without injury. A B =A ,EB =s, BC = C D=: D E = &1C. = 5. Let A F be the r the bar from A B. Then B F = rS •»-, the weight supported by A F at F on the platform, /i^ weight of a bar of irou 1 foot long and 1 square inch section, n = number of bars between B and .1. A F A F 'AB = "' h The tension of A F : Weight of A F =K tensio" "''■*■ ^ v A F -1."^' _«C|W. +r= 8» t ^ ~t h t K'- k--> and giving to r successively the values 1, 2, 3 n we get the necessary •veight of each bar, and four times their sum will be equal the weight of the supporting bars between the piers = W suppose W =4) A a •■'I = ..A« f, .!ill"(l.^l^_L.U But if W be the weight to be supported on the platform when nDiformly g distributed , W = 4 « u and n J =— •W xh t ( ' ■" 4A-' "-S " 2n It is manifest that W' cannot be made a minimum by the variation of n, but as n increases W decreases, and the least possible value is given by W«A ( S' W'= / S' , 1 1 , 1 , \ »=B ID which case W' {•*iS^} Id this case we should have the bars replaced by a very great number of wires, but there would be no rigidity for preventing the platform being raised in the middle. A bridge so constructed in Scotland was soon destroyed by the wind and replaced by one of the common form. Hence the greatest number of bars must be made use of, consistent with the rigidity of the whole. W is also a function of A, the height of the platform above the roadway. Making dw s /"i i r dh 0 we find d2_W' rfA= A = + — A / —.—. — J. The positive value a positive quantity and . ■ . gives the minimum vakie of A makes of W. But the expense of raising the piers to a height necessary to ensure the minimum quantity ol iron being required must be taken into account. Let 11 denote the height of the roadway above the ground, and x the height of a course of stones on the pier above the platform. Suppose now the cost of any course of stones varies as (height) s, where s is integral or fractional, and also that n is the expense of a course at height unity from the ground, expressed in terms of a weight of iron of equivalent value. Expense of the pier above the platform, =^J (H + x j \ln =g^ I H + A must have such a valu s+i_jjS+n, i : such a value as makes WkA f S- 1 1 Hence A must have _ J_ t \ 4A= ^3 ■'"2n"*'CB2 It must be remarked that the extremities of the radiating bars would re- main in the same straight line for all variations of temperature, provided each bar expanded in proportion to its length. Thus the equation to a straight line is f cos e=a (1) If we suppose p to receive an increment ^ p proportional to its lengtli, the radius vector then becomes p + ynp = p' (2). (suppose) and eliminating p between (1) and (2) we get p' cos 6 = a (l+t«) • • • (3), which is the equation to a straight line, paralUI to (1) and at a distance jl a. For a span of 900 feet ; a ^ 00 feet suppose, and for ordinary changes of the atmospheric temperature 1 90 ,.. 12.. . Iia = . feet = — inches : 20 •0 inches. It has been objected that there would be a tendency in the network to " buckle ;" this would be perfectly correct in the case of a girder bridge, but there would be no occasion to fear that defect if the proposed plan were properly carried out. For it must be remarked that everything is made subordinate to the radiating bars. The straight horizontal rods are in- tended to insure the rigidity of the platform. \t hen a weight passed over the bridge, the tendency of the supporting bars would be to rotate about the top of the pier, but these straight bars acting directly by tension on one side and compression on the other, prevent this, and cannot buckle unless the rods stretch. The bars must be coimected so as to admit of adjust- ments without injury to the strength of the material. The weight of the material required for the supporting bars on this plan would be from half to two-thirds of that required for the main chains of a catenary of equal strength, but on account of the numerous cross pieces, the saving effected by this plan would not be important, but it is satisfac- tory to know that suspousiou bridges may be made much firmer and free from undulation without increasing the cost and adding to the weight to be supported. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 123 RESEARCHES IN HYDRAULICS. Sir— In Weale's " Quarterly Papers on Engineering" for Michaelmas last, there is an article, " Researches in Hydraulics," by a Mr. Peacocke, in which he attempts to prove the several formulae of Genieys, Dubuat' Piony, Eytelwein, Dr. Young, and Smeaton, for calculating the discharge of water from pipes, are incorrect, and joins his faith to that of ivfi-. Provis, whose formula, he thinks, might be carried out for a length of pipe of 1,500 feet (!) at least, without any considerable inaccuracy. Ignorant he must be that mains are sometimes three or four miles long, and even more than that. It would be doing Mr. Peacocke and the profession a service, were you to review this in your usual clever style and expose its absurdity. In Smeaton's Reports, vol. 1, page 231, you will see that by measure- ment, one of the mains of the Edinburgh M'^ater Works is 4'.5in. diameter, and delivered 21 97 cubic feet per minute. By calculation with Ey tell wein's formula he gives 4-4!) in. for diameter and 12 feet discharge ; and again, vol 3, page 231 (1st edition), the actual velocity from a main of the same Water Works was 1,815 feet per second, whilst the calculated ve- locity was 1,810 feet per second. I remain &c. Macclesfield, March 14th 184G. ' $. o. S. [A review of Mr. Peacocke's paper has already appeared in our janu • ary number.] THE BRITISH MUSEUM FACADE. Sir— The " Idea" shown in the last Number of your Joarnal would effect so decided an improvement in the facade of our national museum, that it is a thousand pities it did not originate with the architect himself its adoption being nosv altogether out of the question, unless it could be' made compulsory. Such an important public edifice is a very legitimate subject for public interference; it ought, therefore to be made a matter of consideration whether something; of the kind at least ought not to be now done. 15e such the course or not, it is highly to the credit of your .Tournal Jo have shown what might be done to redeem the Museum facade. I remain. Sir, London, March 11th, 1840. A Constant Reader. PROCEEDINGS OP SCIEJNTZPIC SOCIETIES. ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. Feftruary 23.— The successful competitors for the Prize Medals of the institute, for the year 1845, were announced as follows :— To Mr. T. Worthington, of Manchester, the Medal of the Institute for the best Essay on the History and Manufacture of Bricks To Mr. S. J. NichoU, the Medal of Merit, for his Essay on the same subject. To Mr. J. F. M^admore, of Upper Clapton, the Medal of Merit, for a Design for a Royal Chapel. March 9.— J. B. Papworth, Esa., V.P. in the Chair. Mr. E. Woodthorpe was elected a Fellow. Amongst the donations an- nounced, was a Medal struck by the Society for the Encouragement of the Industrial Arts in Prussia, in honour of their President, the Chevalier Beuth, presented by the Chevalier Hebeler, who likewise exhibited Herr iernite s work, " On the Frescoes at Herculaneum and Pompeii " A portion of the Prize Essay, "On the History and Manufacture of Bricks by Mr. Worthington, was read, and comprised chiefly an account of the earliest recorded instances of the application of brick, both in a crude and burnt slate, in the walls and structures of Baby- Lon, Nineveh Lcbataua, and other cities of Assyria, in China, Egypt Greece and Italy, involving frequent allusions to the Sacred Writings, and lengthened quotations from Herodotus, Pliny, and other well-known an- cient authors, as well as modern travellers. JV/arcA23.— W. Tite, Esq., V.P., in the Chair. Mr. Poynter, the Honorary Secretary, read a highly interesting and valuable paper on the Stained Glass in Sainte Chapelle, at Paris. We must defer this paper until next month, when we propose to give it fully, illustrated with several engravings. A paper, by Dr. W. Bromet, (accompanied by a drawiag,) descriptive «fsome moulded bricks o( various forms, found in the walls of a church, at Sanson-sur-Rdle, in Normandy, taken down a few years ago, was read. From the circumstance of these bricks being of ornamental form, and from their being found imbedded as materiel in the walls of a building which IS mentioned in a book of the year 1210, they are believed to have been portions of the abbey founded at Sanson, in the siith century, by King Childebert, but destroyed during one of the incursions of the Northmen m the ninth century. From the pyramidal form of most of these bricks and the similanty in shape of some to the stones in the Tour-Magne, at Nismes, it is thought probable that they were made after Roman models, if not in Roman times. On the church walls of Ainay, at Lyons, at Tour- ness, on the Saone, and of Notre Dame du Port, at Clermont,-aIl nearly of Car ovingian times,-there still exist moulded biicks, geometrically ar- ranged as ornaments; and Dr. Bromet thought .t probable, that durin- Saxon times many of our buildings were adorned with moulded bricks, Tr,f Vr^- r™'"^ ? ''*"'', "" ""^ "'^^^'' "f Sompting Church, in Sussex and which Rickman deemed to be Saxon, because never seeu by him in Normandy or elsewhere. " In conclusion," says Dr. Bromet, " I vvill ven- ture to express an opmion, that, in no part of the Romanized world could so useful an art as brick-making ever have been lost ; although Eginhard ffl T,l. n, T r ''' '"l'^ '\V''' "■"^'^^' Cl>arlemagne, re-introduced it from Italy into his French aud German dominions The Chairman drew attention to the expected arrival in England from Boodroom of a valuable addition to the treasures of ancient sculpture which nntHT'\ '' 7 ■ r''"''''- "^^^ """'^^'^ •-'"'"''^d '» a'-" generally sup- posed to have formed a part of the tomb erected by Queen Artemisia to the memory of her husband, Mausolus, though the fact is quesEiooed by r , , 1 i^ '';,^",'' \''°^ occasion to express his satisfaction at the sue- cess which had attended the efforts of the architects of England, in 1841. to merest the Government in the preservation of these valuable relics, at which lime a representation was made by the Institute, to Lord Palmer- ston, of the importance of rescuing these antiquities from the degradatiou and destruction to which they were exposed. The suggestion had been tor resuu" '""''^^°°^^^ ^""^ '"^'^'^ "P"" '° * way to eliect this satisfac ROYAL SCOTTISH SOCIETY OF ARTS. February 23, 1846.— Sir George S. Mackenzie, Bart., r.R.S.E., President, in the Chair. The following communications were made : 1. Notice of an Improvement in his Model of a Self acting method of Throwing the Shuttle in the Common Hand Loom, &c. By Mr James Miller, Watchmaker, Perth. In this model an improvement is introduced, calculated, in Mr. Miller's opinion, to prevent the recoil of the shuttle, viz., by interposing a driver, as in the common loom. He has also made simple arrangements by which the strength of the driving springs may be tempered or increased at pleasure. = .> r 2. On the applicability of the Electro-Magnetic Bell to the trial of ex- periments on the Conduction of Sound, especially by Gases. By George Wilson, M.D., F.R.S.E. The apparatus was exhibited. The object of this paper, and his illustrative experiments, was to show that the Electro. Magnetic Bell is a better and cheaper means of ascertaining the capabilities of diflTerent gases to conduct sound than the method of a bell struck by clock- work, as hitherto commonly used. The Electro-Magnetic Bell is much more under command, and we are not troubled with the clock-work running down, and being obliged to remove the receiver of the air-pump to wind it up again. It was exhibited to the Society, by means of the Electro-Magnetic Bell ; the difference in the conduction of sound betwixt atmospheric air and hydrogen gas, showing that the latter has greatly less capabiUty to transmit sound. He experimented by placing the bell within the glass receiver of a common air-pump, full of common air, and making the hammer strike the bell by connecting the wire of the temporary magnet with the battery, when the sound of the bell was distinctly heard ; and then by exhausting the air from the receiver, and introducing hydrogen gas, and again making the ham- mer strike the bell, when the sound produced was so weak as to be scarcely audible. ' 3. Description and Drawings of an Improved Crank Planing-Mac/tine, and of lis advantages over the Common Crank Planing-Machine. Manufactured by Messrs. Thomas Shanks & Co., Engineers, Johnston, Renfrewshire. This IS a very beautiful application of the ellipse to produce alternate quick and slow motion. Two elliptic wheels are made to work into each other, the driver working round the one focus, and the follower working round the opposite focus of the ellipses, by which means the two ellipses roll upon each other, and always keep in contact. When the driver has its shorter lever turned towards the longer lever of the follower (to which the crank is fixed), a slow motion is produced, suitable for taking the cut : but when the driver 13 turned round, and its longer lever becomes opposed to the shorter lever of the follower, a quick motion is produced, thus sending back the planing table very rapidly, so that little time is lost betwixt that and the next cut of the tool. 4. Description of a Modification and Improvement of the Voltaic or Elec- tro Chemical Telegraph. Invented by Mr. R. B. Smith, Lecturer on Che- mistry, Blackford. This is an improvement of the Electro-Chemical Tele- graph formerly communicated by Mr. Smith. In this telegraph a ribband of cotton or paper, which has been made to pass through a trough filled with a solution of ferro-cyanide of potass, to which has been added a few drops of nitric acid,— is drawn by clock- work, or otherwise over a cylinder of lead, which is in communication with the negative wire of the battery; while there is in communication with the positive wire an impress iron wire, rest- ing immediately on the cotton or paper ribband as it passes over the leaden cylinder. When the circuit is completed by pressing down a key with the finger, the electricity passes along to the impress wire, and a blue coloured mark is printed on the paper, or cloth, caused by the action of the electric fluid decomposing the ferro-cyanide of potass, and forming ferro-cyanide of 124 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [April,. iron. If the circuit is closed and broken rapidly, a succession of marks or dots will be printed on the ribband ; but if closed for a longer time, and then brckjn, the marks are longer; so that long spaces, and short spaces, dots, long and short lines, are formed at pleasure. An arrangement of these marks constitutes the Telegraphic Alphabet. Monday, IMarch 9. John Adie, Esq., F.R.S.E., V.P., in the Chair. The following communications were made : — 1. "Description of a Machine for draxi-ing the perfect Elale glass, and is the emplyingglass out of the pot by casting it out upon a table, the casting of glass as metal is cast, being yet unuraclised ; blowing applies to all other descriptions of glass. The tools used by the glass-maker are simple : the blov\'ing-iron — simply a hollow tube ; uith this the serai-liquid glass is gathered from Ihe pot and blown out into shape ; the punly, for attaching to the bottom of glass afier blowing, so that the blowing-iron may be detached, and the glass, being heated up, may be cut with scissars, and afterwards formed. 'J'he shears or procellos, for shaping the glass whilst it is turned by the workman upon the arms of his chair, or working bench. These, with the addition of a pair of scissars and pincers, are the whole of the tools. All glass requires a'inealing or cooling ; the process is performed in a furnace called a lier, from the French liei\ — figurative, perhaps, of the change in stale, as well as atomic arrangement, which takes place during the cooling. We know that a change dots take place, from the fact that glass before cooling is of greater bulk and less specific gravity than when cold ; that it parts with a portion of colour during the process, probably by giving off ox J gen ; and that though, whilst in a fluid slate, glass is a good conductor of electricity, when cold it is a non-conductor. The object of annealing is, by a gradual diminution of the temperature, to allow of that arrangement of particles necessary to the body at a low temperature, and which particular arrangement alone enables the glass to support sudden changes. The base of all glass is silica : the most convenient form in which it is found is in fine sand; upon the due pi'oportion of this substance in glass depends its compactness of body, brilliance and capacity to withstand sud- den changes- 1( often happens, either on account of want of sufficient heat in the furnace, or in order to save time in the melting or founding, that too small a proportion of silica is employed, tilass which has this fault may be known oy its rapidly attracting nioisiure. The diflerent descriptions of glass made are known by the names of plate glass, German sheet or Ijritish plate, crown or window glass, bottle glass, and flint glass ; there are others, but they are merely modifications of these, and need not be noticed. Plate Glass is composed of sand, carbonate of soda and chalk, with small quantities of arsenic and manganese ; the proportions vary at diflerent works, but llie general proportion is — Lynn sand, 400; carbonate of soda, 250 ; ground chalk, 3.5, by weight. The quality of the glass depends upon the quality of the alkali. Plate glass is melted in large open pots. The furnaces are square, conlainiug sometimes 4, sometimes (i pots each ; when the glass is melted, which takes 22 hours, it is removed to another furnace, where the pots are smaller, of a cylindrical furni. Here it is fined, which occupies 4 10 G hours, and when free from air bubbles and impurity the pot with the glass is removed bodily from the furnace by means of a crane, and hoisted to the end of the casiing table, upon which the glass isempiied; a large iron roller vhich works inside the flangesof the casting table, is then made lo pass over the melted glass, in order to flatten it out; it isihen removed upon a wooden table on wheels to the annealing arch, which is BOW at a high lemperalure, and here it is excluded from the atmosphere until cold. The glass is rough and uneven, but is afterwards cut flat by machinery, and then smoothed and polished; it is these processes which render plate glass so cosily. Crown, or window glass is of much ihe same composition as plate glass, except that a cheaper description of alkali is used ; Ihe ordinary mixiiire is, 500 cw I. Lynn sand, 2 of ground chalk, and 1 cwt. each of sulphate and carbonate of soda. The square furnace and the open pots are used, there being generally G pots on each furnace. It lakes from 14 to 20 hours to melt this glass, aud it then requires lo stand 4 lo S hours lo allow it to become free from all air bubbles, and to cool sufliciently for working. Window glass is formed by blowing : upon the blowing-iron is gathered at three several times ^the fluidity of the glass never allowing fewer) the weight of glass necessary to produce the table, and which weighs U lb. ; this is then blown oul, leaving a solid lumj) at the farthest extremity from the blowing-iron, for atlaching the punty ; this is called the bullion. The punty being fixed to the bullion, the blowing-iron is relieved by merely touching the glass with a wet iron ; being firmly attached to the punty, it is removed lo a small cylindrical furnace, called a flashing furnace, where a rotatory motion being given to it, increasing as the glass becomes softened by the heat, Ihe centrifugal force, together with a little sleight of hand oq the part of the workman, produces a flat circular plate or table, as it is then called. British plate, nr German sheet-glass is of the same composition as plate glass, but the nuiuipulalion is diflerent. The glass is blown into open cy- linders, and, when cold, these are cut open along the length with a dia- mond, and placed in a flatting furnace, which is at a sufficient heat to bring the glass into a semi fluid state, so that it falls quite flat. The sheets thus made are afierwards cut flat and polished. The size of the sheet is restricted to what can be blown and worked by one man ; it is cheaper than plate glass, because all waste is avoided, and less cutting is re- quireil. Bo(' whillt tie "a ol the shank, 1 at had not been under the hammer, showed ucarlv every of toe frUish f:'S'""'rf ^O':''"''''- "'"'^'' by 'I'e timely interposition tion isnn.nf H f^'f ^'"'"''"°"'"'''"^"' preserved from destruc- about 2?8 feet hv l^f >nteresting of our national antiquities. The area is moTnH i? t I M .u\ " " "^ '° "'^' ^°™' ^'"^ i' surrounded by a TeT. "f .<^°''^"i^'-''''le thickness, formed of blocks of chalk cut from the wal"'abouN'nfrrh''"f°''-;r"^'^ ^7" ''"''" *'>•= -'^-^> surface Thi wall is about 20 feet high. The amphitheatre at Silchester is of aame form and dimensions as that at Dorchester feet state of preservation. nearly the er, but it is not in such a per- larirer hein. 9fi'? r t i, \J. "^\.°^ ""= Coliseum at Rome is a trifle larger, being 263 feet by 165 feet. Mr. I. K. Brunei, the engineer of the he amphitheatre, nre«pri7atin„ „<• .i ■ ■ ^' '"' ■' — "■ """ association tor the fhe toe. ' *""""^ monument, and took proper measures to divert Weymouth Railway, which was planned' to cut throuKh the Tery readily and courteously admitted the plea of the ass f . .-, „ """elty of design,— in which some good as well as fiesh ideas are thrown out. At the same time it is to be regretted that it betrays great inequality of taste. While there has evidently been a -cod dea of petty parsimony in some respects, money has been not only use- lessly, bu rather mischievously expended on what are intended for orna- n e'«n".ir "-^^'"y <'y^^»'-««.-"'« tnean the trumpery obelisks stuck up at the angles of the building, and producing at a little distance the effect of pinnacles, consequently quite inconsistent with the style On the other hand, something certainly ought to have been done to what was left of the old gab e and the belfry lantern upon it, for the latter is not at all in keeo- ing with the new exterior, and the other shows most awkwardly as a mere riangular bit of wall, seen poking up behind the front, but not at all be- onging to or connected with it. Another very great blemish marring the front- which would else possess considerable merit-is occasioned by the wo sma ler , oois next to the middle one, being out of the centre in regard to die intercolumns or arcades, in which they come. This very disagree able irregularity might easily enough he remedied even now, by merely hanging additional outer doors before the two mentioned, so as to be flush vvith the wall, and painted or coated over so as to be of the same colour, m other words those should be what are called jtb doors,-as is the case House """"*' •^"'■'■•ase entrance in the front of Northumberland Sir Kobert Peel has announced to the House of Commons her Majesty's intention ot appomtiug a Koyal Commission for considering the vaiious projects for railway termini in the Metropolis. In consequence of the valuable collection at the Museum of Ecraowif Geology having increased so rapidly, it has been found necessary to build a larger museum, for which purpose a large plot of ground has been cleared ot its buddings in Piccadilly, near St. James's Church It is proposed on the projected railway from Lyons to Vaise, to haye a tunnel on that part of the line under Croix liuussc; with shafts to com- municate with the commune above, through which the passengers are to be raised and lowered, seated in elegant boxes or apartments Travelling by Steam ou the nver Thames between London and West- minster Bridges IS reduced to the low fare of one penny for each passenger. Ihe Jletropolitau Improvements of New Oxford Street are fast approach- ing completion, and it is expected that the roadway will shortly be thrown open for the passage of vehicles ; the whole of the buildings having an architectural frontage, presents a pleasing appearance. It IS stated that the laying down of wooden pavement and subsequent removal for the old granite, cost the city of London £40,000 last year rhe new street (rom Farringdon-street to Clerkenwell is to be called Victoria Street. >.»"<=i* The site for a new church has been selected by the Metropolitan Church Commissioners in Old-street, City-road, the first stone of which will be almost immediately laid. The repairs and restoration of Chester Cathedral are nearly completed with the exception of the pulpit, for which orders have just been given It 1.S to be constructed of Painswick stone, from a design by Mr. Hussey, ot Birmingham, under whose superintendence the restorations in the choir have been eilected. .ioJ"" '^f^^t^i-'^ War STEAMER.-Tbe Terrible war steamer is in commis- Sv Ue No?/"l'l','"''l "'.''" '""^ ''°"" '•"' ■'""'«"" f™"' Woolmoh «> cania... and f^' % "' 'T""'' 6""' mounted, also a brass field-piece and tan age, and a wagon for powder to accompany it. On her uuner deck each sId, with the te^l'^n.'''''^'"-'"'""'"^^''' """^'^ '' f"' 8"-. to fire^e audafti^a nl sweep 'otnd 'to hl^T ""7"''" °" " f?"' "'"' "'" "°'^ ^"^ '"'^ each other, and also croS3''a'od "teen ,„ h V '""T'" "l"?" ''""^ B""'' "«"' "'t i» the steri,; will also /uns ifren!,Tref *» '''^,,''™"'«"ie on their pivot, so as to lire forward, acting as chase shot whicraf, he , ? H 'f '"'" «»:?'"'"<'«•» <>■> "'^h broadside, to carr, shells or solid which is also fl.f,'',"'. '^ "'„'""^'' '"i'-T^'-'S t" "Circumstances. On the deck below. ' Runs 1 feet ?onl in IT,""'^ ""■ ^"^ ^>ht guns. ,1,., two long ,56.pounders, Wonk-» lreesoftr„i^in"^;,?h 1^ bow pons, to fire in a line with the keel, and also .-everal de- ?an Bive such de^reL ''""t'"'"' """^ '"■" "'""^ """^ S""' *■> the stern, right aft, which with fonr^nn. ,v . "' '° ''u'^'""" '"'"' " '""'" '"""t from coming under her stern ; si^ialler J,f„?^; ih '""""'"^ "" *"" •"•""dsides, for shells or solid shot. There are fou; naddebThnar. f"P''"''H",'''""'' traversed to any place or carried onshore in her ^r, i„,;„n?nH . ' '■"I,""'':'* to-- '"^ in landing troops, &c. She has four separate boil- one oe?chhnl! f^'"""";' ""''''' °"'y"'= connected when required ; four funnela. set when .ain' ^^V^V ^"" »"" strike down, so as to allow a square mainsail to be set wnen sailing, and still using the two foremost boilers, thus working half her power, at TlieT»rrii",i„ k" ".~~ '■" """ """s vnwicu awaj; her one funnel lost, she has lost all. r„„m a^,H ! ,"? mjgaiineB, and two shell-rooms, one of each beiore the engine- loo n'wh. r- i °' ""^ '""'ty "' t''^ "''"^'' "> ?■•""" any powder passing the engine urenaredTn h""^ 'h-^B^^- She can store 4(J0 tons of coals below the lower deck, and is ade/enrlfJV,^ '.!'"",■""' "' ""^ '^""^ to take 200 or :W« tons more, packed ia baas, as ?io„tnhi,K L ','" ""^^Pn" and boilers, lilUng up a space oflSfeet. lo'addi- Darti;.?,l,r ' '"^^""""''' """'' <>'">"<' ^l'<^ bas good capacity, and if required for any The can hprfri'n, n" ''anymore coal in sacks. VVithregaid to the conveyance of troops, comnam, ,i ■ '■ !^t" ""'''''' ""^^ "" *""■ =^"™"'l g""-'ieck, independent of her ship's soTh'L, J.; , ^"r'] ^""^ ''<^'°"' ""'"'arcl, and the officers' cabins, gun-room, &c. abaft : bulkhead „ ?","-'<"■'' 'S entirely clear and always ready for action, without removing a the ves,ei i "■ ""* ""'"S P,"-"^"'' "" ""^ ""-* "capt'-'in's cabin abalt, to the bow of I an^^=1„ . '^ constructed in the strongest and most substantial manner, on Mr. ,„^h.„ ""P''"'e'^ method of uniting the frame timbers, making her perfectly water-tight, method iS^rd '"■","■ ''T \l "'T "■"'"'" ""' ='"" l''-"" ""'e "f 1=" bottom. This "n t fs in in w f k'","'? ''T' ^nl""'' '^^ '='"''> ""''' "' "" '""*' »■>■< >""y be seeu on tiic shp in Woolwich dockyard. The engine-room of the Terrible is most spleodid ; ]28 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [April, nn.lprk the whole lenRth of Ihe cnpoe-room, are gtallngs open and nell venliUted by l,auhwiv7«"v?nglshiand air to .he engineers, stokers, &c. It is an adm.rab e plan sud. r/no ,'eaZ as yet has the advantage of; and each boiler has a fP-J"' ^^'^''^^V- and nJavte readily uken out for repair, without mlerlermg w.th the other hollers, fhs ^PtW of Mr I-aL's invention prevents the necessity of ripping up the deck, which is rhec^ewilhoihe ste.mers when the boilers are re.,ulred to be taken out .roiu. hose l«,eU and there too, the .leek covering the boilers, tile engineers and stokers have the Tleht admUted by the hatchway over the engines only. The Terrible-s enpr.es are mos ,i&tic hVyare HOO-horse power, the produelion of Maudslay, Sons, and Field, and r^iXo advantage in thi, large war steamer. Her decks have hatchways in "riou parts. ^"" . p ,;l..,l..„ ,V,a ol, n l,v..n tn Hi,. IrtWer liartS of hkT hull : aHQ how to advantage in IIII3 laiyewui aii^ai"-;'. ••^. "V-..- ..-.- .,- , ,,„ii . ^„a (■Mtlles Bkv lights, &c., for ventilating the ship even to the lower parts of her hull , and there are many other conveniences too numerous to mention, contributing to the efficiency f the ship and the comforts of the officers and crew, so that she may be said "be the ' lue snip ail" " = ^, _ __ _^^^ i^,,.|, ,p|,^ Tprrihle iH tommaiided by Captain 2^1, officers. fargest and most perfect war steamer ever built. The Terrible is coinraaiided by Captain Ramsav late of the Dee steam-vessel, and she is to have a complement of 1'- _ me" ana boys. At the trial, when she was off Sheerness, her rate of speed, by Massey s log. was 10-« knots per hour ; the engines making 14 to 14.J strokes per minute. 1816 LIST OF riEW PATENTS. GRANTED IS KNGLANU KROM 1 EURUARV 2b, 184G, TO MABCH 25, Six Months allowed for Enrolment, unless otherwise expressed. John Samuel Templeton. of Susscx-place. Kensington, artist, for '•improvements in propelling carriages on railways ; and improvements in propelling vessels.' -Sealed Feb- "peu'r'Armand Lecomte de Foiilainmoreau. of New Broad-street. London, for "a new mode of manufacturing and glazing cotton wadding, and its application to the making o. mattresses." (A comunication.) — February .'8. ' an improved pump, applicable to steam- James Soulier, of Limehouse. engineer, for engines, or other purposes.*'— ftlarcli 'i. John Fuller, of Beacham- well, Norfolk, farmer, for " improvements in apparatus for sowing corn or other seed."— March J. ,,. , v c William Nicholson, of Manchester, Lancaster, engineer, and George \V ardsworth, of Sutton glass-works, iu the same county, manager, " certain improvenienls in the roaou- facture of glass and other vitreous products."— March 5. Robert Lewis Jones, of Chester, railway agent, for " improvements in reducing char- coal and other similar matters, to powder, and in treating the same when in a state ot powder, so as to k luler them suitable to be used in place of vegetable black-drop, DlacK, lamp-black, and other matters."- March 5. Robert Warrington, of Apolhccarics'hall, London, chemist, for " improvements in preserving animal and vegetable substances."- March 5. William Green, of Hyde, Cheshire, baker, and Mark Walker, of the same place, grocer, for " certain improved apparatus for lacilltatine tlie putting on of boots to the feet. — March a. . - „ Godfrey Woone, of Kensington, Middlesex, gent., for "certain improvements in the art of engraving in relief.'"- March 1 1. Jean Joseph Ernest J!.irruel, of No. 172, Hue St. Jacques, Paris, chemist, for ■' improve- ments in working of certain snlphurets to transform them into metal or oxides, and to collect the latter ; also to collect the oxides from oxydised ores, equivalent to these snl- phurets."—March II. William Nairn?, of MiUhaugh, Perth, North Britain, flax-spinner, for " a new mode, or new modes, of propelling carriages along railways.— March 1 1 . Parfait Grout, of Rouen. France, but now residing at Leicester-street, Leicester-square, doctor of medicioe, for " improvements iu the manufacture ol plaster-ot-paris, lamp- black, and coke." (A communication.) — March 11. Frederick Grace Calvert, of Paris, for " improvements in the preparation of the article called ' Jute," rendering the same suitable for various useful purposes."— March 11. William Price .Strove, Swansea, civil engineer, for " improvements iu ventilating mines."— March 11. Erasmus B. liigelow, Boston. Massachusetts, for "certain new and useful improve- ments in looms for weaving certain kiniis of carpets, or other fabrics of like character. —March U. George Hinton Bovill, of Millwall, and Bobert Griffith, Havre, France, engineers, for "improvements in apparatus applicable to the working of atmospheric and other rail- ways, canals, and mines, and in improvements iu transmitting gas lor the purpose ot lighting railways and other places."— March 11. Benjamin Shaw, Bradford, York, overlooker, for " improvements in preparing for spin- ning worsted and oiher yarns."— March 11. Thomas Vaux, Frederick-street, Gray's inn-road, Middlesex, land-surveyor, for " im- provements in the manufacture of horse-shoes, aud horse-shoe nails."— March 11. Cbales Ucbert Robinson. Strines, Derby, calico-printer, and William Bowden, ol the same place, mechanic, for certain improvements in machinery for washing and cleansing cotton, liuen, or woollen fabrics." — filarch 11. John Benfieid, Birmingham, Warwick, organ. builder, for "certain improvements in making signals and communications on railways, and bet-reen railway- engines, carriages, end trains, which are also applicable to other localities."— March 1 1 . Henry Austin. 10, Walbrook, London, civil engineer, and Joseph Ijuicll, Summer- Street, Southwark, Surrey, engineer, lor *' improvenienls in the construction of railways, railway-carriages, and conveyances."— March 11. Thomas Hancock, Stoke Newinglon, Middlesex, esquire, for "improvements in the manufacturing and trealing of articles made of caoulcliouc, either alooe, or in combina- tion \vilh other substances, and in the means used or employed in their manul'acture."— March 18. JohnLongliotlom, of F.dwordstreet, Leeds, mechanist, for "improvements in the manufacture of oil-cake, and in the machinery and processes for pressing and moulding the same: which macliinery and processes are also .applicable to the manufacturing of other articles from plastic materials."— March I.s. Bennett Woodcroft, of Manchester, iirinler, an extension ot letters pa'ent for the term of six years from the I'Jiid ilay of March, IhJlj, being the expiration ol the first term of fourteen yeai s for his invention of " certain improvements iu the conUriiction and adap- tation of a revolving spiral paddle for pronellmg boats and other vessels on water."— March '-'1: John Haskins Gandell and John Brunton, of Biikenhead, Cheshire, civil engineers, for " an improvement in the construction of, and in the mode of opening and rtosing of moveable bridges or arclies for the purpose of carryinif railways, tramways, or other roads acruss canals, locks, docks, or other ojien cuttings."— March 25 ; two months. Charles Robert Robinson, of Strines, Derby, calico printer, for " certain improvements in machinery lor tiering, in the printing of calicoes and other fabrics."— March 'Jo, Charles Hes, of Bordesley, Birmingham, machinist, for " an improvement In the method of carding certain descriptions of dress fastenings, and other articles, and in the fabrics employed for that purpose." — March -5, Thomas Howard, of the King and Queen Iron Works, Rotberhithe, engineer, for "im- provements ill steam-engine comlensers."— March I'.^i. Robert Warrington, of South Lambeth, Surrey, gentleman, for " improvements in the operation of tanning."— March 2'i. Thomas John M'Sweeny. of Killainey, gentleman, for " improvements in steering ships and other vessels." — March -5. George Fergusson Wilson, of Belmont, Vauxhall, George Gwynne, of Chester Terrace, Regent's Park, Jamas Pillans Wilson, of Belmont, aforesaid, and John Jackson, of South ViUe Wandsworth, gentlemen, for " improvements in producing light, and in materials and apparatus applicable thereto ; and in treating fatty and oily matters."— March 2i. Alexander Parkes, ol Birmingham, artist, for "improvements in the preparatioQ of certain vegetable and animal subswnces, and in certain combinations of the same sub- stances alone, or with other matters."- March 25. Thomas Pope of Kidbrooke, Kent, gentleman, for " improvements in apparatus for moving railway carriai-es on to railways, and in machinery for lifting and moving heavy bodies." (A communication.)— March :.'.'i. Louis Setbat of Saint Soulve. in the departmentof the Nord, in Franc, chemist, for " a new method of constructing the roofs of houses, buildings, sheds, and all other erec- tions."—March I'.''. William Unsworth, of Derby, silk manufactnrtr, for " certain improvements in looms for weaving." — Marcli iiS. Charles Smith, of Newcastle-street, Strand, Middlesex, for " improvements in cookinp andculinaryuli-nsils, aud methods of heating and suspending, or fastening articles of domestic use, and similar purposes."— March 25. Joseph Needham Tayler, of Chelsea, captain in the navy, for " certain improvements iu propelling vessels; and also certain improvements in constructing vessels, so as to be used in combination with certain machinery or apparatus lor movng sand- banks and other obstructions to navigation, part or parts of which machinery or apparatus may be used on railways, or may be adapted and applied to carriage or common roads. — Marctt 26th. Edward Crump Deli, of Ilighgate, Middlesex, surgeon, for "certain improvements m apparatus for lighting the magazines and other paits of ships: applicable also for the general purposes of lighting buddings, roads, or ways."-March 25. Edwin Cotterill, of Birmingham, manufacturer, for " certain improvements in articles applied to windows, doors, and shutters, part of which has been communicated to bim by a certain foreigner residing abroad." — fliarch 25. William Carpenter, of Bridge.street, Banbury, Oxford, watchmaker, for " certain im- provements in thrtshing.machincs."— I^Iarch 25. CORRESPONDENTS. Messrs. Blair and Pliillips have written to us denying that they have confounded tlie laws of motion and equilibrium in their tract, reviewed in this .lournal last moiUh, and entitled " Au Essay on an Improved Method of Construction for Viaducts, I'.ridges, and Tunnels, being an Application of the Principle of Universal Gravitation, as illustraied in the Solar Sys- tem." If they really have not made this mistake we cannot help saying that they have been particularly unforlunate in the choice of a title to their work. Their opinions have certainly the merit of novelty, but as they are not supported by any proof except those which may be supposed to be de- rived from an inspection of Ibeir diagrams, it seems no more than fair that they shoulil point out where the standard writers on the theory of the arch— Moseley, I'uiicelet, IJondelet, &c.— have failed in their reasoning. Christ Church, I'lymouth.— In answer to our old contributor Caodidus, fsee page 08), we would observe that we assumed it to be an essential principle of Pointed Architecture that the north and south walls of a churcli should have windows, simply because we find this to have beeu universally the case, without one single exception, in the ancient examples of Ihe art as practised by its inventors. It is al.so an indisuensible princi- ple of n// good architecture that the light should be generally difiused, so that no part of a building may be rendered inconvenient or useless by its darkness. In a church lighted by clerestories only, the noitb and south aisles being deep recesses witl.out windows, this defect must exist; ami it will be only aggravated bv bisecting the recesses by galleries— unless indeed the light be of Ihat'conveuient nature that it can shine round a corner. The extent of unbroken surface of the north and south walls is also a great objection. It is a characteristic distinction between Christian and Greek architecture that large continuous surfaces without openings are contrary to the spirit of the former. The case of the lanthern of Ely Cathedral is a .strong precedent— for our view of the question, for at Ely it is a matter, not of opinion, but fact, that the intersection of the nave and transepts is lighted not only by the lanthern but by the lower windows. The main principle for which we contended is that in Ecclesiastical archi- tecture, the vertical lights are modified by the horizontal. Amicus. — Simnis on Levelling. ERRATA.— Page lOG. In the article on " Unfaithfulness in Architec- ture," in the concluding sentence of the last paragraph but one, after the words, " instead of supporting a building, it is supported by it,' add " are instances of architectural unfaithfulness." I'age 108. " Parsey's Air Engine." In the last paragraph but three, 10(1 , , 1000 for dx, read ax. Page 102. " Tubular Bridge over the Menai." In the last paragraph of the section on the " Practical limits to the length of the girder, for " independent of the arch of the cross sections," read " independent of the area of the cross sections." I if,- o Q CD S < > 5 f 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEERAND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL 129 THE FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM. ( With an Engraving, Plate VI.) Possessing some points of resemblance, the fafade of the Fitzwilliam and that of the British Museum are the antitheses of each other in regard to architectural composition and taste. The Cambridge edifice was in- finitely more fortunate than the metropolitan one will have been ; and per- haps very much better than it might have been had there been no compe- tition— no trial of skill, but had the building-trustees merely placed them- seWes in the hands of some "crack name" in the profession. And what- ever may be said against the littledirty jobbing that is so rife in the paltry hole-and-corner competitions in which ten or twenty guineas are offered for the successful design, — the Fitzwilliam Museum is a proof of the bene- ficialness of Competition when conducted with good faith, and with the sincere intention of obtaining a good design, no matter by whom it might be. At that time hardly would the name of George Basevi have been any recommendation, for he had given no great promise of particularly good taste in any of his previous works, — to own the truth, we ourselves should have felt more prejudiced against than prepossessed in favour of him. However, when the opportunity for accomplishing something of note did present itself, he responded to it worthily, and produced what is by far the most elegant structure in the classic or modern style that Cambridge can show, — beyond all comparison superior to the affected would-be Gre- cian style, and miserable pedantic dulness of Downing College. Had not the latter been so decided a failure, it is probable that its architect would have been engaged to make designs for the Museum, yet we question whether he would have produced anything so good by many degrees, for Milkins was not at all gifted with imagination or invention : he had in him more of the archaeologist than of the architect— that is, the artist;— he had too much of the mere rust of antiquity, and too little of the sterling metal of his art. Pre-eminent among all the buildings at Cambridge with which it at all admits of comparison, the Fitzwilliam Museum, at least its fafade- is hardly rivalled by any other of its time in this country, in point of novelty and felicity of idea, and for equally captivating and striking effect. Or if there be any other which has so much of picture, and of the poetry of the style in it, we shall be glad to learn where it is to be found, in order that we may honour it accordingly, and have something we yet wot not of, upon which we can bestow our cordial admiration. Were it little remarkable in any other respect, the facade we are speak- ing of, most strikingly exemplifies the possibility of obtaining decided novelty of composition, and consequent originality of character, in perfect accordance with the style followed. The idea here adopted is so exceed- ingly natural, that our chief wonder is at its having been missed so long ; and that it was, is to be accounted for only by that unlucky adherence to routine, which apparently prevents architects from seizing hold of fresh ideas, and new combinations. We do not say that all fresh ideas are to be laid hold of indisoriniinately and actually adopted ; all we mean is that those which can be made something of, and be satisfactorily matured, ought to be brought forward whenever opportunity offers. Nevertheless in regard to columnar composition architects seem to have voluntarily re- nounced all originality of design. Modern porticoes— and their name is " legion"— are almost one and all the most common-place affairs imagin- able,—(he work of the stone-mason rather than of the architect, consisting as they do only of so many columns in front- four, six, or eight, wrought after some prescribed standard example. Dulness seems to have set "its mark upon almost every thing of the kind, for out of some hundreds of modern examples— or, we should say, instances— there are hardly half a score which exhibit aught of design, or even study. Indeed, the majority of them are no better than arrant " Brummagem,"— a few columns be- neath a pediment tacked on to a front which in many cases would be a de- gree less intolerable, certainly less paltrily vulgar without them. Among the exceptions, the portico of the Fitzwilliam Museum deserves an honour- able place : instead of being after some antique specimen, it has the better merit of being be/ore almost all modern ones, in respect to beauty of ar- rangement, in which respect it can be but imperfectly appreciated from the elevation alone, much of the peculiar merit of the design arising from the plans, and not to be understood, except in the building itself, where it is plainly enough felt, without a drawing of the latter kind. The Fitzwilliam Museum has in consequence been taken in the article " Portico" in the Penny Cyclopajdia, as an example of peculiar arrangement, and we might fairly call it one that at present constitutes a class by itself, or else the No. 104.— Vol, LX,— May, 1846. model for a class that would afford scope for design. Confined as they now are to mere columuiation in its simplest mode, porticoes are made features stamped by most monotonous and wearisome sameness ; yet after all that can be done, there must ever be enough of characteristic resem- blance and conformity to the original type, llie frontispiece or external ele- vation of the prostyle or portico division, invariably consisting of a line of columns beneath a pediment. In that respect there is but one stereotype idea to work upon, and all the Tariety that can be imparted to it amounts to no more than minor differences as regards matters of detail and execu- tion. Still it is this mere stereotype frontispiece that chiefly obtains notice, and if that be but secundum artem, and upon a tolerably imposing scaled the whole obtains credit for being a fine portico, let its other deficiencies' and defects be what they may. Such is most assuredly the case with re- gard to the extravagantly cried-up portico of St. Martin's, which is so far from possessing any unity of design, that it rather exhibits two decidedly opposite styles brought into violent contrast with each other, the inner ele- vation* forming the back ground to the external one or Corinthian hexa- style, being the very reverse of the latter in character and taste— positively barbarous in comparison with it. To say the truth, as usually treated, a portico is little more than an arrant plagiarism, and as frequently as not betrays equal sterility of imagination and vulgarity of taste, there being nothing at all in common between such pretentious feature and the building to which it is applied, but to which it does not seem at all to belong. Thanks, however, perhaps to the intense vulgarity and dulness together of many things of the kind, the portico-mania which prevailed some yean ago, has latterly subsided. Nothing could be more desperately dull and dowdy than the majority of the things of that kind which were then perpe- trated, when in order to provide for what after all looked no better thau an excrescence, if not actually an encumbrance, all the rest was left quite bare or nearly so, instead of being decorated and finished up in accordance with the other. Thus instead of encouraging architectural de- sign, the application of ready-made porticoes became a substitute for it • and instead of improving the appearance of the buildings themselves, they were actually the cause of their being left more bare and poverty-stricken than they else might have been without at all greater cost being incurred. A portico is so decidedly a feature of parade, and such a direct avowal of pretension to classical dignity of manner that unless the latter can be fully maintained, it is what had better not be attempted; and in regard to convenience such architectural appendages are in general so exceedingly deficient in depth that so far from affording adequate shelter at the entrance to a building, they rather express the want of it, by making it too evident that what seems to be thought requisite is not obtained. In order to be effective a portico demands depth and spaciousness of plan ; yet it is very rarely indeed that they can be— at least, are afforded, which becomes an additional reason wherefore things of the kind should be reserved for suit- able occasions —for those rare opportunities when they can be treated with gusto, and made to partake of the poetry of the art. The facade of the Fitzwilliam Museum answers truly to the latter cha- racter, nor is there aught of the ordinary and prosaic to disturb the im- pression produced by the general composition. As the front or external line of the plan, it consists almost entirely of columuiation, regularly dis- posed (all the intercolumns being equal throughout), yet so as to combine play and variety with continuousness, in which respect we consider this de- sign to be an improvement upon Schinkel's fafade of the Berlin Museum, —we know not if Basevi took a hint from it,— which is too much of a mere colonnade (eighteen columns in antis), and would be rather tame and mo- notonous were not some effect thrown into it by the disposition and decora- tion of its background and interior. In the Cambridge edifice the projecting octastyle and its pediment are now so well proportioned to the rest, and maintain such superiority in the composition that more prol)ably would have been lost than gained had the extent of front been greater, unless the whole could at the same lime have been on an enlarged scale, so as to ob- tain increase of height as well as of length. For although extent of fafarle is generally held to be a positive merit, it may be carried to excess; and when it exceeds a certain ratio as compared with height, instead of at all conducing to grandeur, is rather apt to induce littleness of manner, as may be seen by the facade of ti.e unlucky National Gallery, where in order to give due importance to the portico as the main division, the architect broke up the rest into insignificant parts ; besiiies which, its length— or, speaking * It is to be wished tliat this inner front wall were refaceil and subjected to such " re facciamento" as would bring it into something like keeping with the character indicaterf by the order of the portico : the central duornay which although arched, is not loftier than the others, looks quite depressed in consequence, as compared with them and aim gether evidences most vile and barbarous taste. ' 17 13U THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [May, of a fafude, thp correct eTpression would be its icii/tft— causes that build- ing to look lower than it otherwise would do. The Fitzwilliara fajade, on the contrary, presents itself to the eye as a whole, sufficiently consistent and compact, without too moch of mere re- petition of parts ; and the lateral extension of the portico, in immediate connection with the octastyle, produces a peculiar richness of columniation thai instead of being increased, would rather hare been impaired had those parts been carried on further so as to be equal to or wider than the octa- style itself, because in such case the arrangement would have resolved ilselfinlothe somewhat hackneyed one of a portico between wingcolouuades. There is indeed one fault — or if it be not positively a fault, it is what might have been managed gn ally for the better, as in our opinion it de- cidedly would have been, had insulated square pillars been substituted for the t»vo columns behind the eitreme ones of the prostyle, (which alteration together with the further one of pilasters, instead of attached columns, we have made in the sinister half of the ground plan). A square instead of a circular shaft at those re-entering angles would not only have produced the appearance of greater solidity, but have conformed better with the junction of the enlablalures uniting at right angles. Another advantage gained would have been that of increased variety, and the other columns would have told all the more forcibly in consequence of the contrast so produced. Neither could it by any means have been called a caprice, or have been said to have been done for the mere sake of novelty, the motive for it being sufficiently obvious and legitimate. Bather would there have been a de- cided expression of intention, inasmuch as those two pillars or pilaster- piers would have plainly demarcated the three divisions of the general colonnade, whereas it now looks as if the architect had at first intended to carry it in a single line the whole way, and afterwards thought of breaking it, by advancing an octastyle crowned by a pediment. There would be- sides have been more of unity of design in one respect, because each of the lateral divisions would have been in antis, and the composition would thereby have gained in distinctness of articulation.* It deserves to be remarked that though the shafts of the columns are plain, the pilasters are fluted — quite contrary to Grecian practice, in which a similar degree of contrast and distinction was produced by a precisely reverse mode of treatment ; while in the Roman and modern styles the principle of uniformity has generally been followed, and columns and pilasters made, either plain or fluted, alike. Each of the three modes has something to recommend it, and it may therefore be left to circumstances to determine which is best suited to the particular design or occasion. In support of that here adopted, it may be argued that the principle of con- trast being assumed, there is very sufficient reason for bestowing what consti- tutes it upon that which most requires it. Although left quite plain, the shafts of insulated columns always express themselves to the eye with suf- ficent distinctness ; whereas, the faces of pilasters upon a wall require something to distinguish them from the general surface, without which they show themselves very feebly, and chiefly in their capitals and bases, which thereby become spots. The requisite difference of surface between that of the wall and the pilaster faces, is hardly to be obtained except by one of two modes, that of rusticating or showing the joints iVappareil of the wall, or fluting the pilasters, which thereby acquire richness as well as distinction, and are made, in artistical phrase, to " hold colour." Differ- ence of application demands didereuce of treatment ; the Greeks employed pilasters merely as antae at an angle of a building, or at the ends of the side walls inclosiug a portico in antis, where they exhibit themselves not only plainly but forcibly ; whereas, as decoration upon a wall, pilasters require to be relieved from it. In the building under notice this is done by fluting them,t notwithstanding that the shafts of the columns are plain, wherefore it may be thought that, in comparison with the latter, an undue * In the portico of the Hoyal Institution at Manchester, which we might have before observerl Iti bo very similar in composition to that of the Fitzwilliam Museum, that the idea of the latter seems to be derived from It, Barry has hoUlIy detined the junction of the lateral lot^giaa and proalyle, the point ol union beini; a pier, whose solidity is increased by anise pilasters b;icklng the extreme columns of the prostvle (an Ionic hexastyle) and flanking tliuse of the loggias. That building may therefore be quoted as affording an ex- ample of picturesque combination, and a highly favourable exception to the equally in- sipid and common-place things constituting the majority of the class. We regret that having no plan ot li, we are unable to say bow far in that respect it differs from or is interior to the Fitzwilliam. t Barry, who has true artistic feeling for effect and finish of detail, has fluted — and, no doubt, with reason to himself for what ho was doing — the pilasters to the windows in both fronts of the 'i'ravellers' Cluli House. Apr poa to which we m.iy observe that we dissent trom the opinion which has passed unqualified condemnation on the practice of decorating windows with columns, pilasters, and pediments. U'e cannot pretend to Justify the propriety of it here in a note, therefore content ourse'ves with remarking for the present, that if it be contrary to sound architectonic principle, we must abate our admiration of Ooth'c, in which nearly all the minor features and decoratloti in general are made up of forms borrowed trum and repeating those of the principal members of the structure. degree of decoration is bestowed upon the pilasters ; yet, independently of the reasons already alleged for it, the greater richness conferred on the pilasters is no more than what serves to equalize them in importance with the columns. .Still it strikes us that in this instance a very good though unusual effect might have been produced by fluting some of the columns, viz , the eight in front beneath the pediment, whereby the octastyle would have been distinguished from the rest of the colonnading, and the columns in that division of it would have been decorated in accordance with the pilasters at the extremities. Nay there is direct precedent for the combi- nation of fluted or plain columns, not only in the same design but almost in juxta-position with each other, namely, in the beautiful loggia forming tke north-west angle of the Hank, — a composition distinguished by pictu- resque effect of the most striking and sterling kind. The portico of the Fitzwilliam Museum exhibits kindred taste — some of the best quality of that work of Soane's, without the tincture of Soane- anism. It is full of perspective effect, mainly produced by arrangement of plan, which, though apparently complex, is not at all tovrmeuti ; on the contrary, exceedingly simple, it being in three divisions in both directions, i.e., upon both the longitudinal and transverse section, through the portico. The first gives us the body of the portico and the two lateral colonnades ; the other, the projecting octastyle, the lateral colonnades, prolonged to ao avenue extending through the building parallel to its front, and the re- cessed portion corresponding with the projecting one. It is this beautiful combination of plan, in which regularity and variety, harmony and con- trast, are all united, which constitutes the surpassing merit of this portico. Its external design is the least part of its merit; and even in regard to plan, it would have been of a superior kind even had it been less perfect, complete, and symmetrical than it now is. Do away with either the pro- jecting or recessed portion of it, and it would lose half its peculiar charm ; or had the colonnades terminated against the masses which form the ex- tremities of the elevation, or else been continued by another open inter- column instead of a closed one, while the facade itself would have been impaired, two most charming effects would have been entirely lost, viz., those of vista, whether as seen from end to end on approaching by one of the side entrances, or on entering through the octastyle in front, when that transept suddenly reveals in the most captivating manner. The promise made by the exterior is found to be more than fulfilled by the interior of the portico, which is, in fact, so replete with effect as to be all picture, and at every step some fiesh combination of perspective lines and of light and shade is produced : no single view, even were it the very best that could be selected for giving some general idea of it, could do more than convey an imperfect because necessarily a very partial and limited one. However, we should have been glad of even something of the kind in the " Memo- , rials of Cambridge," where it would have formed a most interesting illus- tration; whereas only the fa9ade is shown, and that in such manner that the effect attending the interior is very poorly expressed. Still in one respect the Fitzwilliam Museum has been more honoured in that work than any other structure in the University, it being almost the only one on which anything like satisfactory architectural description is there bestowed. Possibly this may have been in some measure owing to there being nothing but the building itself to speak of, — no ready-made history, or history at all, belonging to it ; and perhaps it was considered indecent to make the article a mere peg for hanging Earl Fitzwilliam upon it in eliigy, alias in memoir. If our remarks have been somewhat in extenso—aoi, we hope, prosingly prolix — we are not likely to be equally diffuse again in a hurry on a simi- lar subject. Very few things indeed of the kiud afford aught for either description or comment. Our modern Anglo-Grecian and Uomao porti- coes are, for the most part, the merest architectural humdrum imaginable. We may fairly apply to them what Pope said of women, namely, that they "have no character at all;" though book-makers and guide-books are ready enough to extol every " four-posted" production as " a fine portico!" In conclusion, we may express the hope that the gentleman to whom the completion of the Fitzwilliam Museum has been confided since its archi- tect's death will adhere to his intentions, for be is not very likely, we con- ceive, to improve upon them. Most assuredly, he has oever yet conceived anything at all comparable to that facade and portico. I8J6.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. I3[ STAINED GLASS WINDOWS AT SAINTE CHAPELLE, PARIS. (Paper read at the Royal Institute of British Architects), By A. PoYNTER, Esq., Hon. Sec. The excellent restoration now in progress at the Sainte Chapelle, in the Palais de Justice, at Paris, has caused it to be lately mentioned in this room on several occasions, on one of which a wish was expressed by some of the members present, for a more particular account of the stained glass with which the windows are decorated, and which, notwithstanding some serious dilapidations, has remained, on the whole, more perfect perhaps than any similar work of the 13th century. I fear the subject will scarcely prove so interesting as may have been anticipated, owing to the want of the illustra- tions necessary to do it justice; the developement of the details, to any great extent, being obviously a work of time and labour. The Sainte Chapelle, it need hardly be repeated, was built by St. Louis in the 13th cen- tury. Previously to the restoration of the polychromatic decorations of the interior, the Sainte Chapelle attracted little attention from our travelling students. The decorations had either disappeared or were covered up behind the cases and presses with which the chapel was filled, in order to fit it up for a depository of records connected with the Palais de Justice ; and this use to which it was put was a sentence of exclusion to strangers from the interior, seldom remitted. I was however fortunate enough, some years ago, to penetrate into this mysterious sanctuary, and at my leisure to make notes on the stained glass, (at that time the only object worthy of study which the chapel afforded,) the results of which I am about to submit to yon. The Chapel contains sixteen windows — four on the north side, four on the south, and seven in the apsis, which forms the eattern termination of the building. These are all the original windows ; the sixteenth is a rosace at the west end, which has been restored, both stone work and glass, in the style of the Gothique flamboyant, probably not earlier than the middle of the 15tb century. The side windows are in four lights each, with circles and tracery in the heads, and the windows of the apsis in two lights, the compartments being extremely lofty in proportion, as is usual in the French Gothic. The iron work of these windows, forming the frames of the com- partments in which the glass is arranged, is well worthy of attention for its beautiful and varied form of composition, producing, in the tall spaces which it occupies, an effect which in some measure supplies the place of tracery. This is especially the case with the third window on the south side, which will be further noticed in its turn. In the state in which the chapel was when my notes were made, — and indeed as it may be still, for I believe the restoration has not yet arrived at the glass, — many of the lower compartments of the windows, hidden behind the presses for the records, were destroyed. Some of the glass was probably abstracted when the presses were fixed, and it was unknown what had become of it ; but it is probable, from the confusion which exists in some of the windows, that a portion may have been taken to make good defects in those parts which remained visible, for in one or two places, which will he noticed in their turn, the glass has been much damaged, and badly patched up; but these losses are small in comparison with what remains in a high state of preservation, and which may be stated to amount to about 800 com- partments, representing subjects of scripture history, and containing from two figures each, up to as many as nine. The total number of figures may amount to between two and three thousand on the most moderate calcula- tion. They exhibit nothing remarkable either in drawing or composition beyond the art of the period; on the colouring there will be some observa- tions to make presently. The grounds and borders of the lights are more worthy of attention. The fleur-de-lis and the arms of Castile, in reference to Blanche of Castile, the queen of Louis VIII, and mother of the king by whom the edifice was founded, are conspicuous throughout these details. The first window on the north side (to take them seriatim) is one of those which has suffered most wrong from time and violence. Part of the more modern erection of the Palais de Justice is built close against it, so that the light is shut out, and the glass is either entirely destroyed, or so patched up where it has been kept in its place as even to render the suljects undistin- gnisbable. The iron work of this window is arranged in circles and semi- circles. (Fig. 1.) No. 2, on the north side, contains seventy-two compart- ments above the line to which the presses [formerly reached — eighteen in in each of the four lights, besides those in the circular compartments of the heads; the compartments are disposed in the form of lozenges and portions of quatrefoils on the iron frame shewn at fig. 2. The subjects are all from ir Fir- 1. Fig- 2. the book of Exodus and in high preservation throughout, except that, in some repair, the drowning of the Egyptians has been turned the wrong nay upwards. The ground of this window is a sort of trellis, not very remark- able, with a border of the arms of Castile. In the third window fifty-six compartments remain above the press line, arranged in portions of quatrefoils, and in the vessica piscis form (fig. 3), each of the latter containing two subjects; the eight lower compartments represent coronations of the kings of France, and more remained at the time these notes were made, behind the presses, which are now brought to light. In the upper part is contained the history of Moses, who is intro- duced into most of the groups. Among these subjects the plague of flics is represented with the most amusing naivete, the faces of Pharoah and his court being covered with the insects after a fashion which renders the subject quite unmistakeable. The ground of this window is magnificent, being entirely semt of fleurs-de-lis, with medallions of Castile. It is to be re- gretted that it should be placed in the north side of the chapel, from which circumstance, and from being pressed upon by the Palais de Justice, it has not the benefit of a due share of light. The border is not so remarkable. The whole of this window is also in high preservation. No. 4 exhibits thirty-six compartments, very elongated quatrefoils, each divided into two subjects, wrth quatrefoils of tlie ordinary form betweeu. (fig. 4.) The subjects are principally from the book of Joshua, and for the most part represent battles (certainly not of the crusades of St. Louis, as a French artist has supposed), among which the fall of Jericho is conspicuous. Most of the compartments are in high preservation, and it is unnecessary to say that the Israelitish warriors are clad and armed in the fashion of the 13th century. There is nothing very remarkable either in the ground or border of this window, except that the sun and moon are introduced in the heads of the lights. All these windows contain nine compartments in the heads — one in each of the curves between the circles, one in the sixfoil light of the middle circle and one in each of the quatrefoils, which compose the tracery. The first of the seven windows o( the apsis is filled with plain rectangular iron work (fig. 5). This is one of the windows which has sufl'ered the most dilapidation, and only some of the lower panels remain entire. Among the surviving subjects is Sampson, with Dalilah cutting his hair. The ht^ad consisting, like all those in the apsis, of three trefoils, contains a cherub in the upper trefoil, and an angel in each of the others ; these figures are in m THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Mat, eirclei inscribed within the trefoils, and the surrounding spaces are filled >rith the arms of France and Castile, Fig. 5. Fig. 8. Fig. Fig. 8. The first light of the second window in the apsis is in sixteen compart- ments— lozenges and half-quatrefoils (fig. 6). The subjects are generally obscure and do not appear to belong to each other ; the ground, which is in figured circles crossed by a trellis, is very handsome ; the border, plain red with small blue rosettes. The second light is unlike the first, and differs totally from anything else in the chapel ; it fits its place too well to have come there by accident, but the style plainly indicates its date to be the 14th century. It is divided by plain iron work into rectangular compartments (fig. 7), of which twelve remain. Each of these is subdivided into three, and the same subject, with Tariations, is repeated in eleven of them, viz., in the centre a throned figure, placed within the convolutions of a rich flowing arabesque, and a standing figure under a canopy on each side ; the upper figure of the eleven is God the Son, the next below, the Virgin. It is evidently a portion of a Jesse window. In the centre of the upper compartment and in the head of the light the arabesque is beautifully developed, and the Dove appears among the scroll work. In the head is God the Father and two angels, filled up with the arms of Castile. The whole of this light is in the highest degree brilliant and harmonious, and in the best preservation. It is impassible to believe it contemporaneous with the rest of the glass, though how it came to be thus interpolated where all the rest is uniform in style it would be difficult to conjecture. No. 3 in the apsis contains twenty-two compartments, in the form of the vesica piscis (fig. 8), each divided into two subjects, generally referring to the Nativity, but some do not appear to belong to the rest ; some of the damage and patchwork previously noticed is to be observed in this window. In the top compartments and heads of the lights a building is represented, with figures incensing, probably the holy house of Loretto. In the head of the window is an angel, the Virgin and child, and God the Son, with the arms of France and Castile. The ground of the window is a plain trellis, with a border of fleurons. No. 4, thirty-eight compartments, in squares and quadrants, relating prin- cipally to the crucifixion and events connected with it, with groups of saints and angels in the upper compartments. What is not actually destroyed is mostly in high preservation, but three of the principal compartments are lost and the squares filled with patchwork, and two others are misplaced. The ground of this window is a rich and beautiful trellis, with medallions of the arms of Castile, and a border of fleurons, and iu the Centre of each division of the four quadrants a very rich quatrefoil. The first light of No. 5 shows eleven compartments, in lozenges, and a sort of quatrefoils (fig. 9), with a common trellis ground, and a border of very Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. 11 graceful fleurons. The second light is difl'erent,— regular quatrefoils (fig. 10), on a ground semf' of Castile, and a sort of festoon border, rather un- graceful. The subjects are generally obscure, and apparently unconnected. The circumcision and the beheading of St. John are the only two which are obvious in the first light, and Moses with the tables in the second. In the head are three saints with the arms of Castile misplaced. This window i> not in very good preservation, and the glass itself is much corroded and perished. In No. 6 there are twenty compartments in quatrefoils. The subjects appear to be from the history of Noah, but they are for the most part obscure. This window is in rather better condition than the last ; the ground and border the same as in the second light of the last window ; seme of Castile with festoons. No, 7, twenty compartments, in circles and half of the vesica piscis (fig. 11); the subjects obscure, but Tobit and his dog, and Daniel in the den, with a lion with a human face, are to be distinguished ; the ground it a handsome trellis pattern, with a border of fleurons. This completes the windows in the apsis. The first window on the south tide contains forty compartments, all in circles (fig. 12); the ground a trellis, with a fleur-de-lis in every square formed by the intersections. The subjects in the two first lights are from the book of Job ; of course the devil plays a conspicuous part in the history, and is represented with much liveliness of imagination ; the burning of Job's bouse is represented with edifying simplicity, his satanic majesty per- forming the incendiary in person. In the other two lights the subjects ar« not so clear ; in the four top compartments are angels incensing. The head of the window is arranged as described on the north side, hut the quatrefoil compartments represent buildings surrounded by arabesque work. No. 2 on the south side is a window of extraordinary beauty ; there are eighty compartments, quadrants, with a quatrefoil in the centre of every four (fig. 13); in each quatrefoil is Castile, and between the quadrants ii also a medallion of Castile on a ground of rich mosaic. The subjects are various and abound in royal personages — those from the book of Esther are the most obvious. The head of this window is similar to that of the last. This window is particularly to be noticed for its rich, brilliant, and harmo- nious eff'ect, aided no doubt by its position to the south. The form of the compartments, which the iron work follows throughout, fall in well together, and leave no awkward or irregular shapes in the ground. From the number of thrones and tabernacles on red grounds, there is more rich colour than 1846. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 133 usual, and this, with the repetition of the arms of Castile on a large scale, effectually balances the general blue tone which pervades this and the rest of the windows. Notwithstanding what has been said of the last window, No. 3 on this «ide is perhaps the finest of the whole ; the iron work already referred to is remarkably elegant ; there are eighty compartments, the centre of every five being a very graceful compound form (fig. 14), and as they fill very nearly the whole space without interstices, the colours, of which a great proportion is very rich, are spread without any inharmonious spots. King David figures as the princpal personage in the history illustrated by this window. What little ground there is, is a mosaic, and it is remarkable that the border, which is in fleurons, is the poorest of the whole set. This window is in good preservation generally, but not altogether so perfect as the last. No. 4, the last of the series has all the appearance of having once been a brilliant window, but it is in bad condition and patched to confusion. The form of the iron work and disposition of the compartments are the same as No. 4, on the other side. There is a large building represented near the centre of the window, which judging from others of the subjects, the priests carrying the Ark for instance, may be conjectured to be Solomon's temple. The ground of this window is particularly fine, diapered circles with the fleur-de-lis in the centre, and Castile in the spaces between. It is to be feared that this description will have conveyed very little idea in the absence of illustrations, of anything beyond the quantity of matter contained in this glass, and the pains with which it has been elaborated. It may be well to add a few words on the eflfact produced. Bvery one is fami- liar with the blue tone of the early style of stained glass, arising from that colour being almost exclusively used in the back ground of the compartments. Such is the case with the glass of the Saint Chapelle, and as the harmony of the general effect is supported by the introduction of a preponderance of the same colour in the general ground works of the lights, this tone prevails very greatly through the whole surface of the glass, reds, greens, and violets, with only a small proportion of yellow, flesh colour, and other light tones, form- ing the reliefs and contrasts. The glass therefore admits but little light, and on the north side under the influence of sunshine on the opposite side, fails even in its effect of transparency, a result which must have been noticed by all who have had the opportunity of examining glass of this kind under different aspects. It appears, however, from the restoration of the Poly- chromatic decoration, of the authenticity of every part of which, I believe, no doubt can be entertained, that the architects of the Middle Ages were well aware of this inconvenience, and took very good measures to counteract it, (he (tonework of the windows being coloured of a sort of deep maroon ; and the effect of the glass set in a framework of this tone, is something very dif. ferent from its appearance between jambs and mulliona of dead white as it is most generally seen, and as it really was in this instance, when my notes were made. The confusion which results from the collocation of such an infinite number of small pieces of coloured glass as we find in the composi- tions of this style, has been sometimes considered one of its beauties, and w« hear glass commended because it looks like Turkey carpet. This is cer- tainly the case with the glass of the Sainte Chapelle. The first impression conveys nothing to the eye or the mind, but the unmeaning variety of the kaleidoscope— but let it be observed, that to produce this effect with dis- tinctness is no small triumph of the art of the collocation of colours. And here a remark may be made upon the general belief that there is some ex- traordinary quality in the colour of the ancient glass. That it is so in many cases is unquestionable, since the fact has been recognized by those who are practically acquainted with the manufacture of glass ; but there are instances, and the Sainte Chapelle is one, where much of the red glass is far from being of a good quality ; but this is by no means perceptible on a general view, and it proves that the brilliancy of the old red glass depends no less upon its collocation and the effect of judicious contrasts than upon the indi- vidual character of the colour. To return to the glass in question, if the forms are confused, the colours are not confounded ; and when it is considered how easy it is by the injudicious disposition of small surfaces of transparent blue and red, to fuse them into a general effect of purple, of all results the most disagreeable and inharmonious, we must admit that their art was well understood by those who combined them, as they were combined by the glass painters of the 13th century ; and it can hardly be doubted that the result produced was that calculated upon by those artists, viz., the effect of a rich and harmonious couj) d'mil at the first view, heightened by the obscurity and mystery enveloping the details which a more deliberate survey and examina- tion brought to light. If this were really their purpose, their success is un- doubted. Whether this be the best mode of treating stained glass is another question altogether, and opinions may differ upon it. Stained glass wa« certainly very differently treated when it became combined with fine art, a quality to which the early glass can make no pretence. Perhaps the later Flemish and German glass displays the greatest perfection to which this art has been brought, exhibiting a combination of the qualities of good drawing and composition, with those conditions which are indispensable in glass painting, and separate it altogether from the art of painting on canvass. One of these conditions which was never neglected as long as glass paint- ing was understood, and which will be found invariably attended to in every successful specimen of stained glass, whether ancient or modern, is the pro- fusion of detail. The earliest and the latest glass, however differing in every other respect, possess this in common. In the glass of the 13th century this quality is produced by the minuteness of the parts. In that of the 15th when the large treatment of the subjects necessitated large masses of the same colour, it is obtained by the introduction of diapered grounds, or some- times by the minute elaboration of the draperies. It is not enough that thi» diaper work should be introduced when the eye can distinguish and appre- ciate it; in the old glass it is developed in situations, and on a scale, where it is inevitably thrown away, except in contributing to the general effect, which would as inevitably be marred by its absence. The rosace at the west-end of the Sainte Chapelle to which reference was made at the beginning of this paper, is a strong instance of the truth of these observations, so far at least as re- gards the practice of the Middle Ages. In this rosace there are eighty-one principal compartments containing a series of subjects from the Apocalypse, of which about sixty-six remain entire. The style in which this glass is executed exhibits the strongest possible contrast with that of the older series — there is very little colour of any kind — instead of strong contrasts the effect is brought out by chiaro-scuro. In which colour there is the pre- dominating tone is yellow, but there are vigorous touches of red of great value to the effect. There is of course none of the depth and richness which characterize the original windows, but there is a transparency, and a sparkle, scarcely less imposing in its effect, and when to this first impression succeeds the examination of the detail, a proficiency in drawing and composition is developed, united to a refinement and delicacy of execution which can be fully appreciated only by means of an opera glass, and which might be thought thrown away, did experience not prove the elaboration of the detail, whether in one form or another, to be the one thing needful to the full effect of stained glass. A few words may be added in conclusion, on the phlychromatic duration 134 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [May already referred to, by which this gorgeous display of transparent colour is harmonized and supported ; every portion of the interior surface of the Chapel is covered with the richest and most positive colours, relieved by gold. The shafts of the columns, hoth principal and subordinate, exhibit the briglitest vermilion and green, the vaulting shafts, which present the largest surfaces, being broken up by gold lines, disposed in various patterns ; the lines themselves being eral)osscd and minutely diapered, and the intervals filled with the embossed arms of France and Castile. The removal of the presses has revealed a magnificent dado, resembling that in Westminster Abbey and other buildings of the period; the back ground elaborately diaper. ed and all the foliage gilt. In the spandrils of the arches are sculptured angels on grounds of blue enamel, diapered with gold. As the dim religious light admitted into the building is too feeble to prevail against the immense mass of colour, au ingenious and successful device is adopted to supply the place of light and shade in the sculptured details, and to give them the sharp- ness in which they would otherwise be deficient, by defining the edges of the foliage with a thin black line. Against the pillars are brackets destined to receive statues, some of which are restored, but not yet placed; they are all of that superior class of sculpture as compared with contemporary works elsewhere, which marks the French school of the Middle Ages, and are ela- borately decorated with enamel and jewels. The only part of this splendid interior not perfectly satisfactory is the vaulting, of which the plain blue ground seme of fleura-de-lis is too simple for the rest, and from this ob- servation must be excepted the apsis, where a border round each compart- ment affords the necessary relief. Under the Chapel is a crypt or sub- Chapel, partaking of the same style of decoration, but not yet restored. CANDIDUS'S NOTE-BOOK. FASCICULUS LXVIII. " I must have liberty Withal, as large a charter as the winds. To blow on whom I please." I. Of all the ancient orders the Grecian-Doric is by far the most in- tracticable — almost to impracticability, although it has been largely intro- duced into practice in this country. By impracticsbility is to be under- stood not any difficulty as to construction or ei«cution,but the impossibility of applying it consistently or naturally in buildings which are altogether differently constituted from those in which it was originally employed. It is so obstinately stern and iutlexible, and so strongly marked in character, that it will suffer nothing else to come in contact with it. Nevertheless it has been patched up with, and patched upon, everything, Gothic alone ex- cepted. So long as the mere columns and entablatures have been correct, that is, mechanically-produced fac-siiniles of some aoci«nt example, and so far, bearing noiniual resemblance to Parthenon or Pitstum, the most ex- cruciating violations of the style have been tolerated^why do I say tole- rated?—they have even been regarded with self-complacent wonder ; and because we have copied it piecemeal, we have given ourselves credit for ap- preciating and relishing the severe simplicity of that order. Though it has been repeated ad tiauseam, in hardly any one instance has the sentiment of the style been fairly expressed; and notwithstanding, too, the lackadaisical prating about " proportions," very rarely is any kind of proportion at all observed between the order itself and the structure to which it is applied. Instances have occurred before now, where otherwise very plain ordinary buildings have, the in attempt togive them somethingof style, been croshed into insignificance by huge Doric columns of greater diameter than the breadth of the openings for windows; while, in others, the same order has occasionally been reduced to minikin dimensions, anil applied as de- coration to subordinate parts of the general mass ; which is surely a very great mistake, there beiug nothing whatever in the constitution of the Grecian-Doric — an order rigidly expressive of architectonic purpose and nothing more, and possessing no elenieuts of coiubiuatiun and variety — to recouimeud it for purposes of embellishment. There would be something rational in taking the order merely as a type to be modified according to the exigencies of the particular design, and if needs be, even enriched. But no ; that must not be thought of,— that would be quite illegitimate, and would be reprobated aa " tampering with the orders," whereas the abusing or misusing them by preposterous mis-application is, it seems, perfectly le- gitimate and secundum artem ; though, in my poor oi>inioo, au architect may as well give us columns of his own invention at once, as mar the effect of an ancient order by joining it on, and mixing it up with, what does not at all agree with it. At the worst, were the invention bad, the whole work would be as likely as not to be of a piece throughout ; at any rate the genuine and classical would not be degraded by being made to associ- ate with the vulgar and mean. Architects should learn to rely more upon themselves for detail, and less upon their barefaced and wholesale bor- rowings, which borrowing system has, if nothing else objectionable in it, this unlucky tendency — that it relaxes industrious study, and renders ar- chitects prone to rely upon the merit of what is not their own, as excusing the bad that really belongs to them. II. It would seem that professional men, who may be supposed to have studied the orders thoroughly, can do no more with them than those who are not architects. Just as they find them ready prepared to their bands, so do they make use of them, without any more ceremonious process of appropriation than that which is expressed by the euphuistic term "ab- straction." Perhaps their study of them is not of the most fructifying kind : to learn to talk learnedly about dales and the histories of styles, and to know to the fraction of an inch all the dimensions of the Par- thenon, is a very dillerent matter from understanding architectural design ; knowledge of the former kind constitutes for the architect only the mate- rials for and aids to his proper artistic study. After all our so-called study of Grecian architecture, what have we made of it? Have we acquired from it the power of producing anything in congenial taste ? \t itb copy- ing we began — which was excusable enough, — and wiih copying we go on, and are likely to do so to the end of the chapter, till we lay it aside altogether, for we do not care to take the first step towards any advance beyond the mere copying point. Truly, we have most singular notions of studying the antique, for we learn nothing more from it than what lies on the immediate surface, and mimick rather than imitate it ; nor do we even avail ourselves, as we easily might do, of the varieties of the Greek orders which the Greeks themselves have left us. Have we as yet even so much as attempted to turn to account the idea for a four-faced Greek-Ionic capi- tal, held out to us by that singular example in the temple of Apollo, at Bassoe, — an example, perhaps, all the more valuable because it is sug- gestive of further improvement ? We seem to search out and accumulate examples only in order to bury them again in museums and in books. There are a few charming specimens of antique inventiuns for capitals in the British Museum, but for any use that is made of them they might about as well be at the bottom of the Thames at once. Has any service been rendered to architecture practically by the specimens lately discovered in Asia Minor by Texier, (who, oddly enough, was sent out thither by the French government, for the French make no use of the Creek and Asiatic orders,) — has a single idea been adopted from them ? III. If it may be judged of in its present state, Cockerell's building for the new Bank at Manchester does not promise to be any great architectu- ral achievement. It may not unfairly be said to exhibit a sort of traresti Greek style, a Doric order, borrowed from that of the temple of Nemesis at Rhamnus(the shafts of whose columns are fluted only just at foot and top), being employed not for the entire elevation, but merely as decoration to the lower division or ground floor, in three-quarter, consequently, attached columns, and so wide apart (for there are five trigljphs over every inter- column) as to be totally contrary to Greek ideas of proportions for inter- coluuiniation in that order. Greater conformity to charateristic proportions might have been expected from one who descants so flueutly ex cathedra-^ more fluently, perhaps, than perspicuously — on the doctrine of propvrtiom. However, such violation of strict architectural Dorism is not greater than that of filling in the three centre intercolumns with large arched triple or Anglo-Venetian windows. The upper part of the front will be a sort of heavy Attic, of which the merit may be that it is unborrowed. It could be wished thai the order had been equally nondescript, for then the whole would have been stamped by greater uiiginality — at least, greater con- sistency; and whatever his invention for the purpose might have been, the Professor could hardly have been a degree more heterodox than he has been in the use which he has now made of Greek orthodoxy. IV. One of the objections raised by way of answer to what I said in regard to a church being lighted on its sides by clerestory windows alone, does not apply either to Mr. Wightwick's building, or the other mentioned by me, because that circumstance does not, in either instance, in the slight- est degree affect external character, no part of the exterior being visible except the froat, M'indows are so expressive io a Gothic church, and 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 135 design depends so mainly upon them, that to erect an insulated structure of the kind, without other windows on its sides than those of the cleres- tory, might be deemed improper and perfectly arbitrary; not that I myself should despair of something good as well as striking being produced with- out any windows below. But did I in what I said, go to the extent of recommending the banishment of side windows, except del eslory ones, from churches? I think not; at least, I did not intend to do so, and tlierefore, I snppose, expressed myself very muddy-headedly. But what Mr. Wightwick has done is— oh horrible '.—not according to precedent. Now ten thousand maledictions upon that 'said " prece- dent"—or rather the servile doctrine founded upon a blindly super- stitious reverence for it,— doctrine that entirely denies to art the power of further production ; or if it does chance at any time to throw out or begin to throw oat a fresh shoot, it must be extirpated at once. Mhat is good requires no precedent to justify it, and what is bad is not to be justified by a thousand precedents in support of it, for if the latter be iu themselves good, they rather convict the thing that appeals to them of departing from iheir spirit. Your precedent-mongers do not even know whether they ought to admire or censure what is shown them, until they refer to authorilies. Tell them that such or such idea is quite new, and they will instantly begin to frown, although they may just before have seemed disposed to relish ; or, on the contrary, they will, on hearing that there is valid authority for what appears to be quite a novelty, be instantly propitiated in its favour, yea, even though an energetic " Damnable !" were actually hovering upon their lips. The present overweening rever- ence for precedent in some quarters, is likely to prove the Dry rot of Art. PRESSURE ON RETAINING WALLS. Sir— In your remarks, at Page 109 of the Civil Engineer and Archi- tect's Journal, on a paper of mine on the pressure to which retaining walls may be subjected, a necessary preliminary investigation has, apparently, been mistaken for one on retaining walls. The subject was pressure, not retaining walls ; and you may have seen from the conclusion of the paper, and other parts of it, that it was merely introductory. It is best to calculate the pressure free from all considerations of mo- mentum at first, because when once this pressure is determined, it can be readily applied to the determination of the strength, &c., required in a retaining wall, so as it may resist being overthrown, being moved forward, or being fractured, by the resultant of its own weight and this pressure. Mere formulae without calculations from them are, to the practical man, nearly useless. I have therefore given tables of pressure ; but tables of momentum would, in my judgment be useless. Telford gives pressure, not momentum, very properly ; and gives separately the leverage, or the po- sition of the centre of pressure ; I have not done so, because it was not necessary to do so in this part of my subject, and because, also, any ana- lyticiil determination of the position of the centre pressure must depend a good deal on an hypothesis, which may be considerably modified by the manner in which a wall is brought up and the filling behind it. Friction at the back of the wall belongs also, most properly, to the next part of my subject. The formula / p x dx is a correct representation of the momeatam, but ^o make it useful, take p=w (A — x), a fraction of x, the height k, and a known quantity w: we find then, by integration, &c., the momentum w =tcl — — — 1 = ^when x=h) — — x - and, as it is easy to show that IV h^ h . — ;r — is the pressure, - is the leverage ; but there are many circumstances in practice which may alter the position of the centre of pressure, whilst the pressure itself remains unchanged. With respect to the conclusion of your remarks, I believe yoa will find on a re-examination, that I am not mistaken here. I have benefitted a good deal by the study of Telford's works, and if I have pointed out some of his mistakes— which every investigator is subject to — it was for the purpose of warning those who, not being disposed to investigate for them- selves, may adopt them without consideratiua. The mistakes of 6ucb men as Telford are doubly dangerous, from the position which bis works justly hold. May I request insertion for this in your next number. I am Sir, Your obedient servant, Dundalk, April Zrd, 1846. John Neville. [Jlr. Neville having stated his intention of completing his memoir in the particular to which we alluded, there now remains but slight dilTereuce of opinion between us. We still, however, are unable to assent to the expe- diency of considering the resistance and the moment of it separately. Mr. Neville says, " there are many circumstances in practice which may alter the position of the centre of pressure, whilst the pressure itself remains unchanged :" he could not have made an admission more in our favour, for this shows that the determination of the pressure by itself adds abso- lutely nothing to our stock of knowledge. In the case taken in the present letter — and, indeed, in all other cases, where the sum of the pressures varies as h'^ or the square of the distance from the top of the vvall — it is easy enough to find the centre of pressure, because the pressures themselves follow a known hydrostatic law. But in some of the most important cases the pressure does not vary as /i^; for instance, the equation 8, page 4 of Mr. Neville's memoir, which refers to one of the very commonest cases, that of a wall supporting a bank sloping upwards behind it, gives an altogether difTerent law. We do not at present see how it is possible to ascertain the centre of pressure in this instance. (The result, by the way, is identical, mu(o(« miidini/is, with equation 453 in Moseley's " Principles of Engineering," and Mr. Neville's investiga- tion, though more general, has the advantage of much greater simplicity.) Is there not an error in equation 28, page 1 1 of (he memoir ? Putting 5=0 fthat is, supposing the upper surface of the bank inclined at the angle of repose), the right hand side of the equation vanishes, and, consequently, on the left-hand side cz^

e Doric is even worse than a due dTr' .'"k '""PP^^-^^'^'l^egrand-the sublime effect pre SIV, °K k' f '?, '^"''"''' "■" ""^ ^^^'« ^"'l constructed on the principles to which the Greeks trusted for producing effect, they appa- rently cast this order aside ; in the first instance, leaving it for homeir practise perhaps ; then its new patrons finding it, when deprived of all embellishments, the least expensive, and, therefore, when magnificence was not requisite, the best adapted for their purpose, may have turned it into the order now called Tuscan, as spoken of by Vitruvius; and although subsequently, in such erections as the temple of Hercules at Cori, we see that some vague idea of its former state may have been entertained, yet in Roman hands, neither ancient nor modern, has it up to the present day been treated as if its real beauty were either felt or understood ; for the thing which the Romans have left us, and the modern restorers of the Greek style have served up to us as the Doric, is no more like the noble order whose name it bears, than Alexander the coppersmith was to Alex- ander the Great. Nor did the other orders altogether escape modification, as for instance the capital of the Ionic, which, instead of presenting, as in the Greek, two faces and two sides, is made, by the angular arrangement of the volutes, to give four faces precisely similar. There is also a very striking differ- ence between the flowing lines of the Greek and the spiral formation of the volutes of the Roman Ionic. Our knowledge of the Greek Corinthinn IS very scanty, but we may, at least, hope its capital, in the best of the Roman examples, has in some measure escaped unscathed, although in various other matters, such as the contour of the mouldings, the stylobate, and the cornice, extensive alterations were made, both in the voluted and foliated orders. Some person has called the Tuscan the modified or emasculated Doric ; this idea must be grounded on the notion of Vitruvius, who likens the Doric to a man robust and well-proportioned, for take away this character from him or it, and you take away the virility— that is, according to John- son, the physical character— of a man. The strength or characler of au order depends on the proportion of its intercolumniation and height of the shaft to the diameter of the column itself. Now the Tuscan, as given by Palladio, has an intercolumniation from centre to centre of five diameters and an elevation of seven, and, according to the same author, the Doric has an intercolumniation of nearly four and " an elevation of eight or seven and a half at least." Viola and Vignola give the same elevation, and Scamozzi eight and a half, and the same intercolumniation as Palladio, whilst the Athenian Doric has an intercolumniation from axis to axis of little more than two diameters, and an elevatiun of about five and a half. The ancient harridan, in modern times, finding that the blush of early beauty has deserted her cheek, and that time has bleached her scanty locks, seeks with pigments to give a colour to the one, and supplies the place of the other wilh the stolen ringlets of youth : but do such dire ex- pedients as the application of paint or the rape of the lode deceive any one save herself? So it was also with Palladio and the rest when, with Vitru- vius for their guide, they took the attenuated Tuscan and proceeded to dress it up in the Doric garb, giving the shaft a kind of colour (as it were) by fluting, and hanging a profusion of ringlets, i. e., triglyphs on the brow, the frieze of the order. It is, however, to the credit of the ancient Romans that this modified order, even when dressed iu the manly garb, found little favour wilh them ; consequently, we have but few remains of it— some amphitheatres, the' theatre of Marcellus, and the temple at Cori, being the only ones handed down to us. Of the deterioration of the other orders, on which the Ro- mans appear to have bestowed their patronage, our proofs are not so strong: they were the orders which the Greeks, for the most part, used in cases were magnitude— so essential to the full development of the Doric— was not required ; hence examples of them were more likely to suffer from the hand of time, and to offer to barbarians and others more portable materials for the erection of their own temples and domiciles ; besides, in the age of darkness and ignorance, when Grecian art was as it were eclipsed, men would naturally view the vast remains of former times (the use of which, as well as the means by which they were or could be eiecied, were totally unknown to them,) as invested with something of a superstitious character —the works of genii or giants, who, although unseen, had still the power to avenge their overthrow ; to this may we not, in some measure, be in- debted for those precious remains of the Doric order still existing ia Greece and elsewhere, and to the absence of its protection ascribe°the paucity of examples of the other orders in the same localities? It has been stated by an accomplished writeron architecture, Mr. Hosking, that if two persons, acquainted with the Doric order, were desired each to give a design of a Greek temple of any specified class (the dimensions of a single column and the proportion the entablature should bear to it being given), the designs would be exactly similar in size, arrangement, features^^ 18 138 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [May, and general proportions. Such is tlie stringent nature of the Greek Doric, in wbicli respect it is unique. The trigljplis, when yiven, are the index of this proportion, and, except oier the columns at the angles, we find one over the axis of each : at the angles of the edifice the column is placed so ucar to its proximate, that a line let fall from the outer edge of the triglypb will touch the circumferential line of the column at its base, thus giving increased strength to the strncture. Stuart makes the measurement of the columns at the angles of the Parthenon G' 3" 5'", and those bctrteen them 0' 1" 8'", and the iiitercolumuiations 5' 8" b"' and 7' 11" 5'". Hut the restorers have modilied this either by giving half a metope outside the triglypb at the angle, or by showing a disregard to any rule, as we see in the portico of the University Club, in SulTolk-street, London. In such cases as the last-mentioned, would it not be in better taste to omit the trii^lyphs altogether (as we find they are in the pronaos of the tireek ex- amples), and substitute sculpture in their stead. V, e stated that it was the rule to have only one triglypb between those over the axis of each column; there is, however, an exception of high authorily, as may be seen in the I'ropylea, — but it forms the exception, not the rule ; and although this structure is very beautiful in other respects, yet did we not know that it was erected in the age of Pericles, when art was in its zenith, we should, on account of this deviation from the general rule, have ascribed it to a period subsequent to the Itomau conquest. It would appear that the reason of this wide intercolumniation between the centre columns of the Propylea was, that a larger space might be left for the passage of eques- trian processsions to the Acropolis. If we were constrained to assume the functions of the judgment-seat when the example was pleaded as a precedent, our decision should, in legal phraseology, be, " Like case only like rule." But let us not forget that although we may pay the closest attention to all the miuutia) of the Greek models, yet a repetition of the Doric in small cannot be effective, for magnitude is indispensable. Although tlie Romans proved by conquest that they were superior to the Greeks in arms, yet they were inferior in arts, and for a time had recourse to the importation of Greek artists, and, in the reign of Bomitian, columns were taken from an edifice in Greece for the purpose of rebuilding the Capitol ; but such was the taste of the Roman architects, that they were altered under the pretence of being polished, and, as Plutarch, who saw lliem previously in Greece, says, " they gained not so much in the polish as they lost in proportion, for their beauty is injured by their appearing too slender for their height." In the old church of Araceli, on the Capi- toliue hill, which contains many antique columns, tliere are some, not diffi- cult to imagine as being the identical ones alluded to by Plutarch. But the wholesome stimulus of good taste in the employer could not be im- ported as early as the artists themselves, and it is in the nature of the mind not to produce beyond what is required of it. Mho will be at the pains of cultivating a flower that must be -born to blush unseen. And waste its sweetness on the desert nir?" It may be replied to this that the ancients, both Greeks and Romans, put the highest degree of finish on parts that never could come under observa- tion as long as the buildings stood — but not so; for superstition invested their gods with the power of visiting their temples, and hence every part which might possibly come under their scrutiny was made as perfect as possible. Another cause for the modification of the transplanted archi- tecture was the scarcity of materials of sufficient magnitude to construct buildings with on the Greek models : if, under such circumstances, Greek employers had been substituted for Roman, and Rome had become a Greek colony, then, indeed, there can be no doubt that all the modifications which materials rendered necessary, would have been guided alone by those prin- ciples which had sustained the character of Grecian architecture as the first in the world — superior to the Egyptian in this respect, that whilst, wiih less bulky materials, it preserved the character of grandeur, magnifi- cence, and simplicity of outline, it imposed thereon an elegance and har- mony of detail, which made it rise superior to its prototype. But no such fostering influence met it on the banks of the Tiber: the ancient Romans, like some moderns, had indeed a great desire — a longing after magnifi- cence, without being aware of what its constituents were;— possessing the superiority of conquerors, they were too ignorant — too vain, to learn, or rather submit, to the taste of the vanquished, whose productions they con- descended to appropriate in order to grace atriumph and mark a conquest; and although we see in the earlier works of Italy many vestiges of the good taste of their instructors, yet a history of its progress under Roman patronage would be a narrative of its decline and fall, for other principles guided them Bubsequemly, aud they in vain sought to give their edifices that grandeur, which the Greeks had been able to effect by a far different method. The art appears to have run riot io Roman hands, if we are tij ascribe to them the erection of Baalbcc and Palmyra, entire cities built on a scale of maguiCcence and splendour which would not be credited were the fact not attested by their existing ruins.; yet these ruins, exten- sive as they are, possess no feature worthy of our imitation, except it be a few details of mouldings which have been introduced into the interiors of our domestic edifices. The principles of the one school were sure and fixed, and incapable of being perverted, whilst those of the other were unstable, and led to every possible variety, until they brought ruin on the art, and so early as the times of Diocletian, obliterated almost every vestige of its origin. In suc- ceeding ages, which we call dark, architecture lay buried under its ohq ruins : but the most sanguine enthusiast could scarcely have anticipated that out of this chaos a new style should have been created, having claims on the admiration of posterity ; and that, in the hands of men who have left no wriltcn or other record of their knowledge of science or art, the examples of the florid Gothic of the middle ages should have been brought to thai state of perfection wliich v^e cannot surpass; this, however, forms no part of our present enquiry. Subsequent to this period, there arose in Italy another set of men, who did nut aim, like the Freemasons, to create a new style, but professed, by the aid of the works of Vitruvius, to resusci- tate the ancient one out of the incongruous materials by which tbej found themselves surrounded. If, instead of doing this, they had consigned Vitruvius to oblivion, and followed the example of the Freemasons, they might have given us some thing good — at all events, they could not have given us anything worse than the so-called revival. Greek models they did not seek for, but even if it had been otherwise in this respect, vre hare no reason to suppose that the purer specimens would have found more favour in their eyes, than the best of the Roman did. Serlio and Palladio drew and published almost all the Roman examples existing in their day, yet, in their own designs, show how little they studied the best of them, except to copy a capital or a cornice. The restorers who flourished principally in the fifteenth century are called for the sake of brevity, the Cinque-cento school ; they were all of the same country as the earlier debasers of Grecian art : eminently snc- cessful in painting aud sculpture, the Italians fell far short indeed in ar- chitecture. Unacquainted with the Greek models they yet set about the restoration of the style ; their country never possessed any example of the pointed Gothic worlliy of attention, and indeed the very name Tedesca im- pinges harshly on an Italian ear, and the mere suspicion that Germania was the country of its birth was sufiicient to create a prejudice in the mind of an Italian patriot ; so it was altogether passed over without notice, and our ov^•n Jones and Wren, not finding any mention made of 11 by any of the admired authors of the Cinque-cento school, at once stigma- tised it as barbarian ; but it is remarkable that in proportion as the beauty of the pure Grecian is known and felt, so is that of the Gothic appre- ciated ; and so it ever will be in art, a correct taste in one branch leading to the due estimation of others. It is true that the change of habits and the difference of climate may, in many respects, render what was once appropriate not fitting now, and it must also be admitted that all the examples of Greek architecture which we have, are either of the templar or monumental description, and therefore may not be suited for domestic edifices. We know from the somewhat Greek town of Pompeii, that a great difference existed during the first century in the style of domestic edifices, and no attempt was made to ren- der the former similar to the latter, but, on the contrary, it was at ona period unlawful to make the attempt in Rome, and not customary io Greece ; for Julius Cassar obtained permission by a decree of the Senate to make the front of his house like a temple, and Demosthenes, about a century after the death of Pericles, directed the thunder of his eloquence against the practise as an innovation. Columns, both square and cylindri- cal, were however much used for internal decoration and construction in Roman houses, but the exteriors were plain, and for the most part, devoid of all architectural ornament : according to Vitruvius, the exteriors of the town houses were quite plain, all ornament being reserved for the interior; just as we see at Pompeii, and as is the custom in the towns of China at the present day. However, in the so-called revival of Greek architecture, any building, although its outline might be broken up by receding or ad- vancing wings — although it might have a pediment in mockery only of a gable, or not extending the entire length of the fafade — although it might have its frieze pulvinated, its stylobate not graduated, its intercolumoia- UoD3 extended, its columns (some of them sinecure) of different orders— 1816.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 130 attenuated, unflated, coupled, and mounted on stills : its antae fluted, di- minished, and capped, as cylindrical columns should be; its cornice crowned with an attic, or perhaps a balustrade; its shallow portico a mere afterthought, advanced in front, and thus made the only prominent feature in the composition; instead (as tlie painters would say) of every part being worked into each other, so as to produce one whole ; — or, in short, although it might have all the characteristics of the cinque-cento school, provided that iu some respects it bore the resemblance of a caricature to the original, it was designated as a Greek composition. In this so-called revival, abundant use is made of columns, particularly as dressings for windows and doors ; and here there is a marked departure from the principles as practised by the ancients and even as laid down by the restorers themselves, namely, that the intercolumniation should not ex- ceed a certain width. Palladio. in the 13th chapter of his first book, says that " the intercolumniatious of the ancients never exceeded three diame- ters except in the Tuscan." Now if only three diameters, or four from centre to centre, be given, the opening would be too narrow either for a door or a window ; hence the use of them in such situations in practice is contrary to the principles so peremptorily laid down in theory. The great object to be attained in the use of columns is the depth of shadow, which has been called the chiaro-scuro of architectural composition, but as win- dow dressings are stilted on a lofty slylobate they degenerate into mere q%iisi ornaments, alfording no shadow that can be seen. The practice of wide intercolumniatious in order to admit a window or door is defended on the ground of the columns being attached, and therefore not requiring to be limited in the interspaces ; but this seems like doing a thing in the first instance, and finding out au excuse for it afterwards ; and there appears to be no good reason for placing them in such situations, as they then convey no idea of utility, and a wide intercolumniation and lofty situation prevent their being ornamental ; besides, attached columns are only to be defended on the ground of their harmonising with those that are insulated, and tliis they do not when placed as door or window dressings ; but it can scarcely be said that when so placed they are attached in the usual acceptation of the term, for the architrave, or whatever may supply the place of one, has uot the aid of any other support. For the practice of coupling columns, an expedient by which the sim- plicity of the composition is marred, without any commensurate advantage being obtained, we are said to be indebted to him wlio was justly called the Prince of Painters. We must not omit mention of the practice of adapting single columns for monumental purposes. The first example we have of this is the Alex- andrine column, called Pompey's pillar; then the column of Phocas at IJome ; these are both of the Corinthian order. Of an earlier date than the latter, we have modifications of the Doric in those of Trajan and An- toninus ; and iu our own times, a copy of Trajan's in the Napoleon at Paris. In England we have several of both orders, but we are not aware of any in the Ionic. The legitimate practice of architecture rejicts a column in the singular number, except as a fractional part of an edifice, und always requires, in the horizontal styles, that it should be surmounteil by a suitable entablature, in order to give it that completeness which the eye seeks for from association — the architect's line of beauty, from wbiili lie is slow to admit of any deviation. Although, by their sculptured reliefs, the columns of Trajan, Antoninus, and Napoleon, are in a great measure taken out of the class of edilicial columns, yet they, as well as those not so circumstanced, are unsuiled for the reception of figures on the summit; for if the figure be badly designed and executed it should not have place anywhere, and if well designed and executed it is lost to the eye by its exaggerated elevation. An Irish round tower or an Egyptian obelisk oS'ers a more appropriate model for a monument or landmark than any modification of the classical orders.* In a Greek composition the columns may be said to form the building itself (supporting its entablature, on which the roof is imposed) ; not ranged in broken lines, for the purpose of pictorial effect, but presenting an integrity of outline — giving the idea of completeness and unity of one whole, and not several parts badly suited in size and form to be joined together; for, as an accomplished writer has said, "however starlliug it may be in geometry, it is true in taste that a great many little things do not make a great one." It has been justly said that all the parts of a Greek composition which are useful or necessary are rendered pleasing, and what is beautiful appears to be necessary. The aspect of a building of this description will be a bold unbroken outline; the ornamental parts * See a piper ob Obeliskg in tlie " Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal," Vol. VIII. 1845. from a distance, will appear subdued, so as not to interfere with the ap- pearance of unity, and merely solicit a closer examination ; and wlien, to obtain this, the eye approaches, the most highly finished details aloue lay claim to inspection,— fitness, completeness, and harmony, will be the dis- tinguishing characteristics throughout the entire. Let us bring some of the edifices erected in the so-called revived style to this test, and the difler- ence in the effect produced shall at once be evident. If then our most elaborate and expensive compositions fail in this, should we not inquire how the defect might be remedied? Perhaps it may be urged that gran- deur, magnificence, sublimity, and harmony, have all been attained in tlw florid Gothic ; but it must be considered that although in detail this style is trifling, weak, and often ridiculous, yet the parts in themselves are so minute, and the outline so bold, as rather to afford a proof of the contrary. There was a man who dared to work out the Greek principle, and that man was Michael Angelo Buonarroti— a name that stands second to none either as painter or sculptor,— a name which it is difficult to decide as meriting more praise or censure as an architect. In the noble cornice of the Farnese palace, and the daring dome of St. Peter's fane, we have the principle carried out on another model ; the remainder of the Farnese palace was designed by San Gallo, and cannot be laid to the charge of Michael Angelo.* But if, after seeing the dome of St. Peter's, we cross the Tiber, and look at the Capitol, we find it hard to believe that it is the production of the same hand, and would willingly ascribe it to some other San Gallo did truth permit. The beauty of the dome almost covers all the architectural sins of the rest of the edifice, but the Capitol presents no such redeeming feature ; all is trifling and unworthy of the name and site, and fit only for the habitation of the feathered guardians of the mount — whose efligies in bronze it contains, — but not to crown a Roman Forum even in ruins ! It must at the same time be mentioned, to the credit of Buonarroti, that his plan was to make St. Peter's in the form of a Greek instead of a Latin cross: with the former figure the dome would have been more effect- ive exteriorly, and on this account it is to be lamented that a sectarian feeling of preference for tlie abstract figure subsequently prevailed over the belter taste of the architect. We participate with Sir Joshua Reynolds in the admiration he expresses for "this truly great man," and gladly turn from his faults to admire his excellencies, and see in the dome and corni- cione the elforts of genius emancipating itself from fhe trammels and false principles of a vicious school. He also intended to have given a portico to St. Peter's on the plan of that of the Pantheou of Agrippa, instead of Carlo Maderno's miserable fafade ; such a portico, with a colonnade of the same order, on the plan of the present one, but having its entablature and stylobate on a level with those of the portico, would indeed have ex- hibited what the art was capable of effecting, and given a coup d'leil supe- rior perhaps to anything in art the world has ever yet beheld. The genius and taste which designed such examples as the dome and cornicione are exactly what we most require in modern times ; not, indeed, for the pro- duction of isolated features to redeem a composition from censure, but as parts only of works in which the same character shall be carried through- out the entire. Much has been written by accomplished authors on the subject of taste, and rules have been laid dowu for the formation and diiection of it. In au altogether artificial art like architecture — a mere creation of llie mind we can glean but little from nature for our guidance, and are driven to refer to the best models of each particular style to form our rules from what we there observe ; and it would be wise to take it for granted as a general rule, that those who had the genius to invent a style or sub-divisiou of one, were the fittest persons to give rules for the guidance of those who were to follow them as copyists; therefore it would, in most cases, be more desirable to invent a new style for our purpose in preference to violating the rules observed in the old ones, or applying tlicir peculiar and striking details to other purposes than those for which we find tbeni invented. The architect who does so may indeed lay claim to a kind of invention, but it is of the lowest description, and is anything but a proof of genius. Had we known nothing of Greek arcliitecture save what we see in its restora- tion, doubtless we should have thought these restorations very beautiful, and have been perfectly satisfied to have fumed our tastes on such models; but a single glance at a Greek peripteral temple would awaken in us new sensations of pleas re, and leave an impression that would never after- wards be obliterated from the mind. Seldom do our climate and wants admit of the erection of such a structure, but happy indeed must be the lot of the architect to whom such an occasion shall fall of oHering that, the * The d«t(iils of tbt doce do not deserve commendation. ]&« 140 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Ma, sight of which is pre-eminently calculated to form the tasle both of the public and the profession. It was utifortuiiate that architecture, at the period of the revival of the (ireek stjle, was taken up as a profession by painters, whose minds are too much imbued with a love of the picturesque ever to admit of their producing a good ell'ect with such materials as wood and stone. The car- penter's plane and the mason's chisel completely remove all that gives pic- turesque effect to the tree and the rock ; and the painter seeks, by the ar- rangement of the principal parts of an architectural composition, to pro- liuce what a skilful architect will elTect by the minor details, namely, a variation of light and shade — not as the principal feature of his picture, but merely as a tinting; to obtain which he has not sacriliced either unity or simplicity. It matters not then to the painter-architect whether his columns be fluted or not ; all he cares for is to avoid what is not his line of beauty — a straight one, which happens to be the very main-spring of beauty in a Greek composition. The generality of mankind are betler informed on the subject of painting and are belter judges of it than of architecture ; hence, so many side with the painters, and architects are driven to succumb to the ruling taste of the day, and to fashion their de- signs, not with reference to how thi-y must appear in the solid, but to how they do appear as pretty pictures on paper. It will not avail anything to argue this with the painters, fur — *' Convince a painter against liis will, And he'll hold the same opinion Btlll." Nor still less can it avail to argue with those who are led by the opinions of the painters, and such are the great mass of those who compose what are called Committees of Selection, who must be treated as children — as babes in knowledge ; and, instead of giving them a toy, which they would in a state of innocence seize with avidity and soon afier as capriciously throw aside, something that they would prefer and continue to estimate when their judgments shall be more matured and their taste improved should be given. It is generally admitted that the Propylea at the London terminus of the Birmingham Railway is one of the best examples in this country of the Greek style, and justly, one of the most admired ; yet we should tremble for its fate if its geometrical elevation were to be exhibited before a Committee of Selection in competition with one of the facade of the Goldsmith's Hall, the production of the same architect : in short, the latter would appear on paper, to the eye of a commitltee-man, as much preferable to the former, as it does in stone to the eye of every one. An architect of genius will reject the opinions of such tribunals. Let com- mittees say what they require, and proviile the funds — that is their legiti- mate portion of the division of labour. Would any of the great painters (to whom their art is so much indebted for a true revival) have submitted to the control of ignorant monks (who wore their best patrons) in handling their works? Did Titian alter his style because these monks objected to his figures appearing to stand out from the canvas ? And shall architects be less free from the intermeddling of ignorant pretenders? It is greatly to be feared that too many in the profession are fettered by the opinions and taste of persons who neither know, nor even profess to know anything about the art — a state of things which it is neither the interest of the public nor tiie profession should be maintained. In reviewing the modificalions which the style experienced in the hands of the Romans, one of the most important is to be found in the arrangement of the portico, which, in all the edifices remaining in Cireece, Magna Grecia, and Sicily, with the exception of the two porches attached to the little octagonal tower of Andronicus Cyrrhestes, called the Temple of the Winds, forms an integral part of the design, from which it is impossible to consider it separately. The earliest example we have of the Roman mo- dification is that of the Pantheon of Agrippa. This magnificent portico, raised on a graduated stylobale of nine steps, has eight columns in front, and, reckoning those at the angles, three and an anta; at each side ; if the columns were lluted, and the aniaj not, and these latter had suitable mouldings instead of foliated capitals, this portico would perhaps possess all the excellence that taste could require or fancy conceive. The neces- sity for an isolated portico in that instance is obvious both from the form and magnitude of the principal building, which, for the latter reason, at once forbids the attempt to make the cornice of the one correspond in line with that of tlie other. The unornaraented state of the Great Rotunda also suggests that probably it either was, or was intended to be, concealed from observation by surrounding buildings, leaving only the stately portico itself in view; however this be, the idea of what may be either called an attached or a detached portico seems to have been seized with avidity in modern practice, where it is made not ttu ornamented part of the design, but rather a mere ornament attached to it. In many instances the difli- culties arising from considerations of expense seem to be more porterful than good taste in influencing the selection of a starved-lo-.ikiug poiiico of four columns only in front, instead of six or eight or more, which would have occupied the entire field ; and for the same pecuniary reasons, ilia rear ranks of colunms, which, by the depth of shade they afford, are so essenlial to the beauty of a portico, too often are dispensed with. In the instance of the nine column portico at Pa;stum, we see how indispensable the Greeks considered it to be that the integrity and unity of outline should be preserved. In more modern practice, a building of ibis description would probably have been furnished with only four or six columns in front, leaving the angles of the exterior of the cella either naked or witli a pilaster ; thus making the cornice of the portico and that of the rest of the building on different ranges. One of the most beautiful, as well as one of the most perfectly preserved cxamjiles of Roman taste we have is the little pseudo-peripteral temple at Nismes, calJMl the Maison Carrte '. If, with a Iransposable model, we take away the Hanking columns of the portico, or attempt any other arrangement of them, unless it be to make it peripteral, it will be seen how much it may be deteriorated in effect ; but it seems unnecessary to enter into a lengthened condemnation of a niodiS* cation which no one attempts to defend on the score of good taste, though many practice it on the plea of saving expense, as it must be their poverty and not their will which consents. Another departure in most of the Roman examples, from the plan of the Greek portico is the larger space left between the two centre colunms. in the Ionic and Corinthian orders if not carried to excess, this is scarcely perceptible, but in the Doric it necessarily requires an additional triglypb, and is highly otl'eusive and painful to the eye, as the architrave is elongat- ed, and of course apparently weakened at the place where it has to suslaio the loftiest and weightiest portion of the pediment; for although in build- ing (using the term in contradistinction to architecture), it may answer every purpose if the supi)orling parts be sufficiently strong to bear the im- posed burden, yet in the higher branch which commends itself less to the judgment than to the eye, that organ must be satisfied both from analogy and comparison : for instance, the inclining tower at Pisa was erected, and acquired its present inclination of about twelve feet from the perpendicular about 670 years ago, and although the spectator may be assured from the experience of so many centuries that it may remain some years longer, yel after the first ell'ects of astonishment subside, it is a painful object, between which and the eye it is impossible to effect a reconciliation. It was the practice of the Greeks to make the base of the triangular pediment correspond in length with the cornice on which it was imposed, just as we see a capital correspond in diameter with the neck of the shaft which it crowns ; but it is now the practice either from poverty of taste or of purse, or both, to place on the cornice a pediment with a shorter base; it would not be more at variance with good taste were we to suggest that for the sake of harmony the capital also should have a less diameter than the shaft ; and again, the pediment was the crowning feature of the composition, and had no wall, attic, or parapet either pierced or unpierced above it, but just as the capital was placed on the summit of the shaft; modern practice in the management of pediments is frequently otherwise, and we might with propriety propose that when it is deemed advisable to surmount the pediment with a mass of building, the columns also should have their elevation increased by the addition of a portion of shaft placed above the capital,* but if any object to this suggestion, then we have only to reply that our proposal is as capable of defence as their practice, and we are willing to let both fall together. Me are coafideut that Mr. Hay will agree with us on the justness of the hypothesis, and from Lis admirable works on the harmony of colour, form, and proportion, we could not appeal to a more able judge. The rage for pediments appears to have commenced in the reign of Diocletian ; not satisfied with one at the gable ends of each edifice, the exaggerated taste of that day required that they should be represented ia small, and turned into dressings for doors and niches ; the latter in some measure corresponding with our windows, thus making a kind of moch- gable where no real one could possibly have place. Such a description of window dressing, although more expensive than appropriate mouldings, ig very fashionable in our own times, and was also much used by the ciuque- cento restorers. The discovery, or as we should rather say, general introduction of win- • We do not lay any claim to originality in offering this suggestion, for we have In our possession a much adiulied coiumuor cUiiuoey piece of ciDque-ceato design, from vblvla we t&ke the hint. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 141 (low glass, causes a great difficuliy in the arrangement of the (Jreek tem- plar eililiies. That the Romans were aware of this use of glass is evident from the discovery of it at Fon)peii, as noticed in the secoudjseries of Sir William (iell's work, but they appear to have availed themselves of it so Geldoni that for a long time it was thought they were not acquainted with it. The little use made of it by them is to be accounted for, partly from the bad quality of their glass, and partly because their plans of buildings were matured before the inveutioa was known ; and their in-door worship did not require that the light of day should be admitted into their temples. It is (juite idle now to dilate on the disadvantages of introducing windows into (ireek compositions ; the necessity for them is paramount, and all that remains for us to do is to render them as little discordant as we can ; nor are we without Greek and Roman models to guide us, as may be seen in the temple of Erechlheuni, at Athens, and that of the Sybil at Tivoli. In both instances they are of the size and form of ordinary windows, and Bierely ornamented with mouldings. The inside of the jambs of those in tlie Erechtheum are revealed, as if for the insertion of window frames, and tJiey were most probably filled up with thin plates of semi-transparent marble, such as those spoken of by Pliny, and found in the Parthenon by M' heeler. The Chinese sometimes use thin lamina of the mother of pearl oyster-shell, but more generally oiled silk for the same purpose. lu the palace of Diocletian we also find the pulvinated frieze which was taken inlo high favour by the Restorers, and not yet entirely laid aside in modern practice, though otherwise left undefended from the condemna- tion it has met with from all authors who have written on the subject : it imiks in ell'ecl as if the frieze had been made of some soft material, and hnd given way under the pressure of the cornice, a semblance of weakness winch may harmonize with the works of the cinque-cento school, but is totally inconsistent with Greek principles of construction ; indeed it is dif- iicult lo conceive on wnat ground it could be recommended, or to guess why, except from carelessness, any architect of ability should disgrace his composition by its introduction, as we see it in the facade of one of the most admired Club-houses in London; but as this edifice, like the Farnese palace, has also a redeeming cornice, may we not be indebted for its win- dow pediments, pulvinated friezes and balustrades to the taste of some n>oderu Sau Gallo ! The pulvinated frieze was thought to be a proper accompaniment to the Roman Ionic capital, and it must be admitted that the capital is quite good enough for such a frieze. Many and great as the modifications of the Romans were, they are diargeable with nothing so preposterous as turning the graceful column into a hideous pigmy, for such is the dwarf column or baluster of the Re- storers. Florence, the Athens of Italy, ia said to have been the city of its birth in the first century of the revival ; that it ever could have entered into the head of an architect to invent such a thing, is somewhat difficult lo believe, indeed as much so as to discover the reason of its preservation in modern practice in preference to various other forms of rails and piercings. It may be described as an unhappy little column compressed into deformity by some process analogous to that by which goblii (for which Italy also is celebrated), are made; and it is often introduced into a composition into which columns of due proportion enter, doubtless in perfect consistency with some laws of harmony with which we are unacquainted. A striking difference in the practice of the Roman and Greek schools is to be found in the formation of curved mouldings ; those of the former being parts of a circle may be formed with compasses, whilst those of the latter being excentric can only be drawn by the hand, and are in fact the line of beauty of Hogarth, in whose time what are now known as Roman, were supposed on the authority of the Restorers to be Greek mouldings. For a careless architect, and an ignorant employer, the Roman forms may do well enough, but by those who have eyes to see them the Greek will be preferred. Both schools (as far as our observations extend) appear to have agreed in all cases on the necessity for a stylobate, although they diH'ered much as to its form ; in that respect modern practice is not similar— for we have seeu many porticoes without any, though none so circumstanced that would not have been improved by the addition. With the Greeks it was formed iQ three receding courses, proportioned to the diameter of the column ; but with their imitators no rule of any kind seems to have existed, except in- deed, that the ancients, when it was formed in receding courses, (bought it necessary that the number of the courses should be odd, in order that the innple might be entered with the right foot in advance. It might appear without due examination, that the triple arrangement of the stjlobale was iq, itself a matter of small importance, but those who have observed the Greek plan particularly, in the Doric order, will not be of this opioion, or admit that any other numerical arrangement could produce the same pleas- ing effect. The most searching scrutiny into the practice of the Greeks, not only in this but in every particular relating to the art, must end in con- vincing the mind that they exactly attained the point of beauty. It would appear from all the Greek examples, with the exception of the Choragi;isting in Spain is very similar as regards the support of the arch to that at Spalatro, but ■when we consider that all the Mediterranean coast of Africa was a Roman province, and see in it the remains of an earlier and purer state of art, we may reasonably infer that Africa was also indebted to the Romans for the iatroduction of the method of raising their horse-shoe arches on columui. Of Grecian domestic edifices we absolutely know nothing, except through those of Roman taste, and we may fairly conclude that those of the former ditTered as much from the latter as the public edifices of the two people did : however it is in vain to speculate on this point, and we must lake the Romans as we find them, in the disinterred city of Pompeii. One thing very worthy of observation in the interiors of the edifices of this place in which they differ so much from those of more modern times, is that in almost every instance the hand of the architect is seen, and not the mere monotonous arrangement of a common builder. It is very true that diffe- rence of climate and habits prevent us from taking the Pompeiian houses as models for the construction of modern domestic edifices, yet much may be learned from a study of them, and the pleasing variety of character that may be given to interiors by a judicious architectural arrangement too often overlooked hy us. An inspection of the house of the late Sir John Soane will show what can he done in this way even in an edifice of ordinary size and exterior, and in this point of view, independent of the models and treasures of art which it contains, the legacy of it to the nation is a bequest that can scarcely be too highly valued. It is curious to observe the simi- larity in the ground plans of the domestic edifices of the Chinese and those at Pompeii ; and also between the temples of the same people and those of Egypt, the details indeed have nothing in common in either case, but the plans are much more similar than anything to be found of a modern date either in Italy or Egypt, are to the ancient buildings of those coun- tries. Koth the Elizabethan and the Italian villa style are modifications of the Greek ; and it is remarkable that when once we leave the fountain head, the farther we go from the source the clearer the stream runs, i. c, when the modification ceases to bear that kind of resemblance that a caricature has to the original, it presents something original in itself, and ceases to be ofl'ensive to the eye. Perhaps the great merit of these styles when used for domestic purposes consists in their pliancy and freedom from strict rules. When well designed they present pleasing compositions, but never can aim at anything higher. The Greek style has sulfered much from its professed admirers and re- storers, and it has now to sustain an attack from its avowed enemies ; for in onr own times and country the senseless cry of no Pagan, no Heathen, is now raised against it ; as if the style which the short-sighted bigots have selected to supply its place were not equally obnoxious to the charge. Do these anti-Pagans not recollect that many of the sacred writings from which they profess to draw their religion, were written in a Pagan tongue; and that to acquire a knowledge of it and enable them to teach their reli- gion to others, they store their minds with the history of all the abomina- tions of Paganism? ^Vhetber the Greek style be more suitable than the one they have selected for the erection of e subject of tlie present essay. Let us commence then by discarding, in tvlo, the emasculated Doric, and when we compose in the Doric itself let us recollect that onr conceptions must be the works of giants, and not tbe etl'urts of pigmies ; aud in the Ionic and Corinthian, that the ornate capi- tals require ornamented shaft.s, and that sculpture adds much to the beauty of the frieze in all the orders. We must also guard against breaking up the entablature, and in the treatment of porticoes bear in remembrance that those which are wanting iu depth must be deficient in beauty. Let us also remeoiber that although windows be necessary evils, yet it is not necessary to increase the evil by incongruous ornaments ; nnd that our designs must have unity and be one whole, not a collection of separate and distinct parts. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 143 For ourselves, alihoagh in various countries we have seen " cloud- capp'd towers, gorgeous palaces, and solemn temples," of christian, pagan , heathen, and moslem constructiou, yet vre remain convinced that (as has been well said) " for all the higher efTects which architecture is capable of producing, a Greek peripteral temple of Uie Doric order is dnbivalled." THE PRINCIPLES OF CHURCH RESTORATION. Thofe who can distinguish between the revival of the ancient principles of pointed architecture and a mechanical imitation of ancient forms, have no diUicull) in recognising the propriety of restoring the numerous eccle- siastical aud civil edifices bequeathed to us by our medix-val ancestors. An important distinction between the renewed appreciation of pointed architecture now, and the Renaissance of classic architecture in the fifteenth century — and one greatly in favour of modern taste, — is that no effort is now made to reconcile styles which depend on opposite causes for their beauty. The modern revival, on the contrary, is marked by an anxiety to pijrge our churches of the barbarisms of the Debased and pseudo- dassic revivals, and to render our national architecture as free as possible from foreign admixture. If we define the principle of church restoration to be the removal from our churches of everything that is absolntely incongruous xfHb their archi- tecture, and if we apply this principle consistently, we shall have no dif- ficulty in ascertaining what is to be retained, and what is to be rejected where several styles of architecture are exhibited in the same edifice. It is necessary that this definition should be established, because re- storers have frequently contented themselves with the object of ascertain* iDg aud carrying out the original iiJea of the building restored. Now, what we look upon as a fatal objection to this principle is, that in the ma- jority of cases it is incapable uf a practical application. We suppose that there is no one, really zealous for the advancement of pure archi- tecture, who would not rejoice to see every oue of our glorious cathedrals thoroughly and efliciently restored ; and yet, if the task were to be set about with the view of realizing exclusively the intentions uf the first founders of these vast piles, which are the growth of successive ages, the most enthusiastic lover of mediaeval art most oppose a work which tended rather to destruction than restoration. Supposing, for instance, it were determined to perfectly restore Ely Ca- thedral, and suppose ample funds existed for this purpose, so that there were absolutely no restrictions whatever on the eflbrls of the archi- tect except those imposed by his own taste and judgnieut- — would any one be insane enough to attempt to restore Ely Cathedral to one uniform style.' Or, supposing that one style only ought to be retained, by what rule should the selection be directed ? Should all the cathedral be destroyed except those parti which exhibit the Norman architecture of the Prior's En- trance ? — or, all except the Early English similar to that of the presbytery ? — or, all except the Decorated of the choir? — or, all except the Perpendicu- I.ir of Bishop Alcock's Chapel ? Is it not obvious that it would be im- possible to retain any one style exclusively ? By what principle then ought the restoration to be directed in the in- stance supposed? Obviously by this, — of removing all the additions and repairing all the mutilations by which the church has been defaced since tlie Reformation, and of retaining the uhole of the genuine architecture. If the difl'erent styles adopted by our ancestors had been so essentially discordant as to be absolutely irreconcilable to the same principles of beauty, — if it were impossible that forms successively developed in Chris- tian architecture could be combined harmoniously, — if, in every case where the same building exhibited more than one style, the variety ap- peared harsh and offensive to the eye, — then, indeed, there might be some pretext for the advocates of uniformity. It is a matter of fact, however, Bnd one that speaks loudly for the merit of Christian architecture, that it is consistent with itself, and that different forms of it may exist together wiihout producing a discordant etfect. When, indeed, we come to the Debased period, we find contrasts repugnant to pure taste, because arising from the combination of pointed architecture with a style diametrically opposed to it— the Classic. The elfect of Grecian mouldings introduced in tho woodwork (and sometimes, alas, as iu Westminster Abbey, in the masonry) of an English cathedral, is monstrous and insulferable. But the case is altogether different where Norman architecture is combined with Early English or Decorated with Perpendicular ; for here, the very fact that each style grew out of the preceding — that there was in each case a Transition style — proves that there cannot be incongruity or discontinuity iu these successive developements of mediaeval art. There is moreover a tacit homage paid to the principles of our ances- tors by the very act of restoring their architecture, which is inconsistent with the destruction of any part of it. M'ilhout adopting a vague ad- miration of old things simply for their antiquity, independently of their excellence, we yet must concede thus much : — that, iu destroying the ad- ditions made to our churches after the Reformation, we, in fact, give our adhesion to the architec'.iral principles of those who preceded the Reform- ation. We say, iu fart, this, by our preservation of the existing monu- ments of Norman and i'ointed architecture, that those edifices exhibit merits totally overlooked or mis-apprehended by the classic innovators. Now is it not palpably absurd and inconsistent, when we have made this profession, to destroy any portion of the genuine works of the mediajval architects ? Must we not, to speak plainly, condemn this destruction as sheer Vandalism — a Vandalism, too, which is inconsistent with itself, and works all the more fatally because disguised by a profession of reverence for antiquity ? The restoration of St. Sepulchre's Church, at Cambridge, was disgraced by this reckless and irremediable desecration. The ancient Perpendicular architecture of the fifteenth century was destroyed in the western part of the building by those who, by a singular perversity, erected at the east a chancel in the Perpendicular style of the nineteenth century ! And this destruction, under the name of restoration, was the work of those who take to themselves kot' f^oXI" "i^ character of guardians of English church architecture. Well might M. Didron complain that the injury which modern restorers have, in their self-sufficiency, done to our ancient monu- ments is far more irreparable than the ravages of time and neglect. In a recent number of the Ecclesiologist we find a complaint of the de- struction of the old gateway of the British Museum. This complaint is founded, not on tlie consideration that the structure has any merit in itself, — it is not attempted to be denied that it is a hideous specimen of bastard architecture, — but simply on the grouud that the architecture is " genuine '." Senseless inconsistency ! A vile mass of brickwork, decorated with some contemptible imitations of Grecian mouldings, is to be preserved, sim/i/i/ because it is old ; and yet these blind admirers of mere antiquity cannot consent to the preservation of that which is much more ancient, and pos- sesses moreover the merit of architectural beauty aud the claim of rever- ence for sacred places. It is well nigh time that some effectual means were taken to prevent injuries which once effected are irremediable. We speak thus boldly of them because there is a growing spirit for tampering with ancient archi- tecture in England and France which has already produced the most per- nicious effects and tends to produce more. The injuries that have been committed in the cathedral of St. Denis, near Paris, under the pretence of restoration, ought to move the indignation of every lover of Pointed archi- tecture. At Rouen, too, aud Amiens (we believe) also, the same work of destruction has been commenced, and under the same pretext. One zeal- ous and uncompromising denouncer of these innovations — M. Didron — has, indeed, been able, in many instances, by the respect attached to his pro- found antiquarian learning, to restrain the progress of the mischief — and, in a country where the reparation of public monuments is in the hands of the government, his voice must have effect; but here we have no such general supervision, and can only trust to the slow progress of public opinion for the protection of our churches.* If there must be a destruction of ancient architecture it ought, at least, to proceed on principles which are consistent with themselves, but even this is not the case. Before taking a step which cannot be retraced, the least exercise of prudence is to lay down a general plan of our future progress ; and yet, iu church-restoration this has been hitherto impossible. • We do not mean to assert absolutely that It is impossible for a case to arise where the partial demolition of ancient work is justihable, but we certainly are quite incapable of foreseeing such a case. It may be as well to allude here to to an instance where a laud- able work of restoration is likely to be marred by indiscretion in the particular noticed in the text. Oue of the proposedalterationsof Jesus College Chapel, at Cambridge, is the sub- stitution of an Early I^ngiish east window fi^r that ot ancient 1 erpendicular architecture, at jireseut existing in the choir. On what principle this demolition Is commenced it is not very easy to see : it is not even pretended that it will be possible to adopt lancet archi- tecture throughout the entire building, tor the Perpendicular windows in the transepts and nave are not to be removed. In fact, a destruction of all the chapei except the lancet architecture would almost involve the rebuilding ot the whole edihce. Besides, there 19 no more reason to retain parts anterior th in those posterior to the lancet period, and, to be consistent, the piscina aud the Norman gallery in the north transept ought to be de- stroyed—or rather, it the principle be to carry oat the original idea of the edihce, then the Norman ought alone to be retained. It the great east window be, as we believe, the work of Bishop AlcocU, the founder of thecoUege, to whom the present institution is chiefly indebted for Us existence, respect for his memory should be an additional mgtive for preserving one, and hot the least, of the records of Lis munUiceuce, 144 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [May, The modern science of medijEval arcliitectore is at present an immature sci- ence ; every day is adding to our stock of knowledge or correcting false impressions. It is not many years since Hickman introduced the classifica- tion and nomenclature of the difl'erent styles now in use. How is it possible •lien that in so brief a period «e can hare learned all of the science that is worth knowing — that we have now learned so much that we may venture to correct the errors of our teachers, the medixval architects? At least, there is no harm iu wailing awhile till we be quite sure that our corrections are not the result of imperfect knowledge. Of this there will be no debate, that no mischief can arise from confining our endeavours, fur the present, to careful reparation. The removal of Hat plaster ceilings, of Grecian or Elizabethan screens, of the defilements of stucco, paint and whitewash, and the other inventions of churchwardens and parish architects, are works that may be undertaken without the chance of their propriety being hereafter disputed. Add to these, the repair of parts which have decayed by process of time or been mutilated by violence, the restitution of adornments where clear traces of them re- main, and the scniiiulous preservation of every portion of the genuine meduE- ral architecture, and we have done all that the present, or, probably, any future, state of our knowledge can justify. BLAST FURNACE. Observations on the more recent lieaearches concerning the Operation) of the Blast Furnace in the manufacture of Iron. By Dr. J. L. Smith. [From Silliman't Journal for March, 1846.] The great difference existing between metallurgical operations of the pre- sent day, and those of a former period, is owing chiefly to the ameliorations produced by the application of the science of chemistry to the modus operandi of the various changes taking place during the operations, from their com- mencement to their termination. Copper and some other metals are row made to assume forms in the che- mist's laboratory, that formerly required great artistical skill for their pro- duction— the chemist simply making use of such agents and forces as are at his command, and over which he has, by close analytical study, acquired perfect control. Our object, at present, is only to advert to the chemical investigations more recently made on the manufacture of iron, treating of those changes that occur in the ore, coal, and flux, that are thrown in at the mouth of the furnace, and in the air thrown in from below. For most that ■will be said on this subject, we are principally indebted to the recent inte- resting researches of M. Ebelman. The importance of a knowledge of the facts to be brought forward in this article, will be apparent to every one in any way acquainted with the manu- of iron. It will be seen, tliat the time is not far distant when the economy in the article of fuel will amount in value to the present profit of many of the works. The consequence must be, that many of those works that are abandoned will be resumed, and others erected in localities formerly thought unfit. It is well known that the blast furnace is the first into which the ore is in- troduced, for the purpose of converting it into malleable iron, and much therefore depends upon the state in which the pig metal passes from this furnace, whether subsequent operations will furnish an iron of the first quality or not. In putting the blast furnace into operation, the first step is to heat it for acme time with coal only. After the furnace has arrived at a proper tempe- rature, ore, fuel and flux, are thrown in alternately, in small quantities, so as to have the three ingredients properly mixed in their descent. In from 25 to 48 hours from the time when the ore is first thrown in, the entire capacity of the furnace, from the tujer to the mouth, is occupied with the ore, fuel, and flux, in their various stages of transformation. In order to explain clearly, and in as short a space as possible, what these transformations are, and how they are brought about, we may consider : — 1. The changes that take place in the descending mass, composed of ore, fuel, and flux. — 2. The changes that take place in the ascending mass, composed of air and its hygrometric moisture, thrown in at the tuyer. — 3. The chemical action going on between the ascending and descending masses. — 4. The composition of the gases in various parts of the furnace during its operation. — 5. The causes that render necessary the great heat of the blast furnace. 1. Changes that take place in the descending mass, composed of ore, coal, and flux. — By coal is here meant charcoal ; when any other species of fuel is alluded to, it will be specified. In the upper half of the fire-room, the materials are subjected to a comparatively low temperature, and they lose only the moisture, volatile matter, hydrogen, and carbonic acid, that they may contain ; this change taking place principally iu the lower part of the npper half of the fire-room. In the lower half of the fire-room, the ore is the only material that under- goes a change, it being converted wholly or ia part into iron or magnetic oxide of iron — the coal is not altered, no consumption of it taking place from the mouth down to the commencement of the boshes. From the commencement of the boshes down to the tuyer, the redaction of the ore is completed. Very little of the coal is consumed betweeu the boshes and in the upper part of the hearth ; the principal consumption ol it taking place in the immediate neighbourhood of the tuyer. The fusion of the iron and slag occurs at a short distance above the tuyer, and it is in the hearth of the furnace that the iron combines with a ])ortion of the coal to form the fusible carburet or pig-iron. It is also on ihe hearth that the flux combines with the siliceous and other impurities of the ore. This concludes the changes which the ore, coal, and flux undergo from the mouth of the furnace to the tuyer. If the fuel used be wood, or partly wood, it is during its passage thronuh the upper half of the fire-room that itsvolaiile jiarts are lost, and it becomes converted into charcoal. M. Ebelman ascertained that wood, at the deplli of ten feet, in a fire-room twenty-six feet high, preserved its appearance alter an exposure for 1| of an hour, and that the mineral mixed with it jireserved its moisture at this depth; but three and a half feet lower, an exiinsure o( 3J hours reduced the wood to perfect charcoal, and the ore to iiiiignetre oxide. The temperature of the upper half of the fire-room, when wood » used, is lower than in the case of charcoal, from the great amount of heal made latent by the vapour aiising from the wood. In the case of bitumiiiouj coal, liunsen and Playfair find that it has to descend still lower before it is perfectly coked. After the wood is completely charred, or the coal become coked, the sub- sequent changes are tlie same that happen in the charcoal furnaces. 2. Changes that take place in the ascending mass, vhich is composed of air and hijgrometric moisture. — The weight of the air thrown in at the tuyer ia twenty-four hours is twice that of the ore, coal, and flux, thrown in at the mouth during the same lime. The air, as soon as it enters the tuyer and reaches the first portion of coal, undergoes a change — its oxygen is converted into carbonic acid, and its moisture decomposed, furnishing hydrogen and carbonic oxide — after as- cending a short distance (12 or 18 inches,) the carbonic acid is converted into carbonic oxide — between this point and the upper part of the ho»hes it undergoes but very little change, having added to it a further small amount of carbonic oxide. So the ascending column at the top of the boshes » composed of nitrogen, carbonic oxide and hydrogen — from this point it t>6- gins to undergo a change ; the carbonic oxide diminishes, carbonic acid ap- pears, and goes on increasing for about half the way up the fire-room ; after which the carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, and nitrogen remain the same, when the hydrogen increases, and moisture begins to appear and augment up to the mouth. The ascending mass, as it passes out of the mouth, con- tains the vapour of water, carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, hydrogen, and nitro- gen. The nitrogen undergoes no alteration in its passage through the fur- nace, and the same is true of the hydrogen formed at the tuyer. If wood be used, the gases passing out of the mouth are the same as tliose just mentioned, with an increased quantity of moisture, and the addition of those pyroligneous products arising from the dry distillation of wood. In case of the use of bituminous coal, the gases, first alluded to, have added to them ammonia, light carburetted hydrogen, olefiant gas,carbuietted hydrogen of unknown composition, and sulphuretted hydrogen. 3. rite chemical reaction occurring between the ascending and descending masses. — From the foregoing statements we can at a glance see what are tU« materials to be met with in the dill'erent parts of the furnace, and can there- fore readily study their reactions upon each other. In the upper half of the fire-room little or no chemical action is taking place, the ore, flux, and coal, as already stated, simply losing their volatili parts. In the bottom of the upper half and the entire lower half of the firs- room a reaction is taking place between the ore and the carbonic oxide of the ascending column ; iron or magnetic oxide of iron and carbonic acid being the result. It must be borne in mind that the coal has played no pari in this reduction down to the commencement of the boshes, lietween the boshes, and in the hearth, no reaction appears to take place between the ascending and descending masses, but the reduction of the ore is completed by the direct action of the coal upon the remaining portion of the undecom- posed ore ; carbonic oxide being formed ; — and here is the first consumption of the coal in its passage downwards. According to M. Ebelman, the ore loses in the fire-room fs of its oxygen by the reaction of the oxide of carbon, and the remaining -/^ disappears in the boshes and hearth, in the manner already stated, at the expense of from T^ to ~ffj of the entire amount of charcoal used. The ore being now completely reduced, unites with a portion of carbon in the hearth, melts at about 13 inches from the tuyer, and descends into tlw crucible ; and here also the flux, combining with the impurities of the ore, forms the slag, which melts. The coal and the air react upon each other most powerfully, just in the neighbourhood of the tuyer, where the most intense beat is produced ; tbs oxygen becomes converted into ( arbonic acid, which acting upon a portion of the ignited coal, is almost at the same moment reduced to carbonic oxide; the moisture of air acting on the ignited charcoal undergoes the decomposi- tion already mentioned, hydrogen and carbonic oxide resulting therefrom. When the ore is easy of reduction, the gas at the boshes is represented by 100 nitrogen and 52-d carbonic oxide, ;)/«« the quantity of carbonic oxide and hydrogen afforded by the moisture. It must be clearly understood, that these rules d« not apply to eiery 18J6.] Tm<: CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 115 »arietjr of ore. They are especially applicable to the hemetites and such nrei as are either naturally porous or become so in their passage through the fire-room of the furnace, thus increasing the surface of contact exposed to the action of the reducing agent (carbonic oxide), so that when it has reached the boshes the reduction is nearly complete. The specular, magnetic, and siliceous ores, are reduced with much more difficulty ; most of the ore, in these cases, reaching the boshes but slightly titered.they being principally dependent upon the direct action of coal for their reduction. This circumstance largely increases the consumption of •oal when any of these ores are employed; and the amount of caloric made latent, in consequence of the reduction requiring the direct action of the coal, ia very great; whereas in the reduction of the ore by carbonic oxide no heat becomes latent, for the heat rendered latent by the oxygen of the ore be- coming gaseous, is compensated by the sensible heat produced by the com- bination of the carbonic oxide with the oxygen. Where the reduction is produced by the carbon, with the formation of carbonic oxide, 1598 unities of heat are made sensible, while C216 are rendered latent, giving a ditference of absolute loss of 4618. It should be the object of the metallurgist to reduce as much of the iron at possible by the oxide of carbon. Magnetic, siliceous, and other hard ores, should be reduced to smaller fragments than those softer and more easily managed. Were it possible to reduce them to ponder without the danger of choking the furnace, it would be all the better, as the great object is to have a large extent of surface exposed to the carbonic oxide. The dif- fercTit capacity of different ores for reduction shows the necessity of having furnaces of different dimensions for them respectively. The matter which covers the melted metal in the crucitde, and that which adheres to the interior of the hearth, contains silicate of iron and charcoal in a pasty state, and there is consequently a constant reduction of the oxide of iron, which gives rise to carbonic oxide; this gas bubbles through the Blag, which, if drawn off at this time, will, when cold, present a porous • tructure, — a sure indication that the furnace is not working well, and that the slag itself contains much of the ore in the form of a silicate. 4 . Composition of the gas in various parts of tlie furnace during its opera- tion.— The analyses lately made by Ebelnian are the most accurate and best detailed that we are in possession of. What follows has reference to a fur- nace worked with charcoal. Gas taken from the mouth of the furnace and dried: — Carbonic acirl .. .. ..12 88 Ciirbontc oxide .. .. .. 2;i'51 Hydrogen .. .. .. .. 582 Nitrosren .. .. .. .. 57'"y The vapour of water in a hundred volumes of this gas, varies from nine to fourteen volumes. Examinations made at different times show the propor- tion of hydrogen and nitrogen to be nearly uniform, and that the sum of the Tolunies of carbonic acid and carbonic oxide is constant, but that there is a variation in their respective proportions. (jas taken from the interior of the fire-room at 5 to 10, and 13 to 17 feel from the mouth (fire room 36 feet). From five to ten feet the proportion of moisture diminishes, the other ingredients remaining about the same. From 13 to 17 feet the proportion of carbonic oxide increases, while the aarbonic acid and hydrogen diminish. Gas from the bottom of the fire-room and top of the boshes: — This is re- markable for the constancy of its composition, and for the absence of car- bonic acid and v^atery vapour. Composition : — Carbonic oxide .. .. .. 3501 Hydrogen .. . . .. .. 1 92 Nitrogen .. .. .. .. 63'07 Gat from the bottom of the boshes and commencement of the hearth ; — Carboidc acid .. ,. .. (i-31 ('arbonic oxide .. .. .. 41*59 Hydrogen .. .. .. .. 1*42 Nitrogen .. .. .. ,. SGGb Gas from the neighbourhood of the iuyer: — Carbonic oxide .. .. .. 5r3i Hydrogen .. ., ,, ..1-25 Nitrogen . . . . . .. 47 40 The two last statements would appear to contradict the rules previously laid down, as regulating the operation of the blast furnace ; for, according to them, the proportion of carbonic oxide, at the top of the boshes, should be a little greater than in the hearth, whereas the reverse would appear to be the case by the analyses here given. Besides, from a glance at the com- position of the three last gases alluded to, it would appear that the gaseous products, as they ascended the furnace, lost completely a portion of the car- bonic oxide, without a replacement by carbonic acid or oltier compound ; in other words, a portion of it would appear to be completely annihilated, which of course is an impossibility. This apparent anomaly is easdy accounted for, when it is stated how the gas was collected. In order to obtain the gas from different portions of the furnace, holes were bored into the side, and a tube inserted, by which it was drawn off. Allusion has already been ccade to the fact that a pasty mass adheres to the ridei of the hearth, containing silicate of iron and charcoal, in which there i« a constant reduction of the iron, with the formation of carbonic oxide. How it is evident that the gas drawn off by a hole bored into the side of the beanh, will be largely mixed with this carbonic oxide forming in the imme- diate neighbourhood of the opening, and that it cannot serve as an index to the character of gas passing through the centre of the hearth. M Ebeliuan was aware of this fact, but he was not able to overcome the difficulties in tlia way of obtaiuing the gat uader the proper circumstances. Gas taken at the tuyer. — Here it is little else than atmosphere mixed with a few per cent, of carlmnic acid. From these results it will not be difficult to admit, that the oxygen of the air ia converted immediately into carbonic acid, which is rapidly changed into carbonic oxide, under the influence of an excess of carbon and the high temperature developed near the tuyer. 5. The causes that render necessary the great heat of the blast furnace. — The weight of the ore. flux, and combustible, which enters the furnace, being only one-half that of the ascending column, and as the specific heat of these three materials is very much below that of the gas of the ascending mass, it is not the heating of them that explains the necessity of the very great heat of the blast furnace. But the principal cooling causes are, — 1. The drying of the ore, flux, and coal, and the expulsion of carbonic acid from the flux, &c., rendering much of the heat latent; for what was solid is now transformed to the gaseous state. 2. The reduction of the ore, or in other words, the transformation of the solid oxygen of the ore into gaseous oxygen. If the ore has been deprived of its oxygen by the action of carbonic oxide, with the formation of carbonic acid, the heat rendered latent by the oxygen, is compensated for by the heat developed by the reaction between the oxygen and carbonic oxide; which is the character of the operation that principally takes place in the lower part of the fire-room. If the ore has been deprived of its oxygen by the direct action of the coal, the amount of heat rendered latent is enormous, as already stated ; for carbonic oxide is the result of this reaction, and the amount of heat developed by it falls far short of that rendered latent by the oxygen that has entered into its formation, assuming the gaseous condition, — this is the character of the reduction taking place in the boshes and hearth. 3. The conversion of the carbonic acid near the tuyer into carbonic oxide has a powerful influence in cooling the upper part of the hearth ; for of the 6260 units of heat formed by the first action of the air upon the coal, 4662 are rendered latent by the conversion of this carbonic acid into carbonic oxide. This terminates what it was proposed to treat of; it is little else than a sketch of the chemistry of the blast furnace, sufficient to show its im- portance. In a future article, some remarks will be made upon the amount of com- bustible lost in the operation of this furnace, the recent methods employed to prevent this loss in the complete combustion of coal, the action of the hot blast, theory of the refining furnace, charring of wood, and other points of interest. STEPHENSON'S TUBULAR BRIDGE. Mr. Fairbairn's Report. Abstract or tliorl Summary of Hesults from Experiments relntire to the proposed Bridge across the Menai Strui(s, addressed to Robert Stephenson, Esq. By. W. Fairbairn. After a series of experimenls undertaken at your request, for ascertain- ing the strongest form of a Sheet li'on Tubular Bridge across the Menai Straits, i have been induced, in order lo meet the requirements for such a struclure, and lo ensure safety in the cuustruction, to call in the aid and assistance of my friend Mr. Hudiikinson. The flexible nature of the material, and the diflicullies which presenleii themselves in retaining the lighter descripliou of tubes in shape gave ex- ceedingly anomalous results ; and having no formula on which dependence could be placed for the reduction of the experiments, 1 deemed it necessary, in a subject of such importance, to secure the co-operation of the first authority, in order to give confidence to the Chester and Holyhead Rail- way Company, with whom you are connected, and the public geuerally. It will be observed, that the lirst class of experiments is upon cylindri- cal tubes ; — the second upon those of the elliptical form ; — and the last upon the rectangular kind. Tubes of each sort have been carefully lesled, and the results recorded in the order in which they were made ; and more- over, each specimen had direct reference to the intended Bridge, boih as regards the length and thickness, as also the depth and widih. In the first class of experiments, which are those of the cylindrical form, the results are as follow : CTLINORICAL TUBES. No. of Distance Diameter Thickness Ultimate Breaking Experi- between in of Plate Deflettion weight Aemarks. ments. the supports. Inches. in inches. in iiicbes. la lb. ft. in. 1 17 0 12i8 ■0408 •39 .■(.OJO Crushed top. 2 17 0 1200 •O.i70 •65 2,704 Ditto. i 15 "i 12-40 1810 1-29 11.440 Torn asunder at the bottom. 4 23 5 18-2S 0582 •56 «,400 Ditto. i 23 5 17-fi8 •0(i31 ■74 6.400 Ditto. e 23 5 18 18 •UW 119 14,240 Ditto. 7 31 »i 2400 •0W4 ■63 9.760 I'itlo. 8 31 3i 24-3U •13.'.U1 •S5 14.240 DlLtO. 9 31 3i 84-20 II9..4 •74 lO.BbO Ditto. 19 14(5 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Mat, With the exception of the first two, nearly the whole of the tubes were ruptured bv tearing asuniler at the bottom through the line of the rivets. Findion the cylindrical form comparatively weak, the next experiments were upon tubes of the rectangular shape, which gave much better results. For the present it may, however, be more convenient to take the elliptical kind, as being the nearest approximation, as regards both form aud strength, to the cylinders recorded above. ELLIPTICAL TUBES. Distance Diametera, No. of between transverse Thickness Ultimate Breaking Esperi. the and conju- of Plates Deflection weight Remarks. mtnta. ■upports. gaie in Inehea. in Inches. In iocUes. in lb. ft. in. 19 17 0 /1402 •041C •«2 2,101) Crushed on top. 20 24 0 /21 W \ 13-50 1-1320 1-3G 17,070 Broke by extension. 21 24 0 f 21-2.5 U412 •0688 •45 7,270 By compression. r -By compression. 23 i 18 6 I 1 2-00 j 7-.'iO •0776 •95 fi,8(;7 This tube had a fin on the top . side. 34 17 6 ; 15-00 •1430 1-39 15,000 /Both sides were l ruptured. It will be observed that the whole of these experiments indicated weak- ness on the top side of the tube, which, in almost every case, was greatly distorted by the force of compression acting in that direction. It is proba- ble that those of the cylindrical form would have yielded in like manner, had the rivetting at the joints been equally perfect on the lower side of the tube. This was not, however, the case, and hence arise the causes of rup- ture at that part. The next experiments, and probably the more important, were those of the rectangular kind ; they indicate a considerably increased strength when compared with the cylindrical and elliptical forms : and, considering the many advantages which theypossess over every other yetexperimented upon, I am inclined to think them not only the strongest but the best adapted (either as regards lightness or security) for the proposed Bridge. RECTANGULAR TUBES. No. of Distance Depth Width Thickness Ultimate Break- Experi- between in m of Plate Deflection ing Remarks. ments. Supports inches inches. in inches. in inches. Weight iulb. bot- ft. in. too. tom. Broke by 14 17 6 96 9^6 ■075 •075 MO 3.7.-!8 Compression. 14 17 6 9-fi 9-6 -272 •075 M3 8.273 (Reversed.) Extens. 15 17 6 9-6 9-6 •(175 •143 0-94 3,788 Compression. 15 17 6 9-6 9-6 -14-J •075 V88 7.148 Extension. 16 17 6 1825 9-25 -059 •149 0-93 6.812 Compression. 16 17 6 1825 9-25 •149 •059 1-73 12.188 Ditto. 17 24 0 16-00 2-26 •IHll •160 2-6S 17,600 Ditto. 18 18 0 13 25 7-50 •142 •142 1-71 13,680 Ditto. [■Compression. Cir- 23 18 6 13-00 8-00 •066 •060 1-19 8,812 cular bottom, fin at top. 29 19 0 15-40 7-75 •230 •180 1-59 22.469 r Sides Olstoited. I Corrugated top. On consulting the above table, it will be fou nd that the results as respects strength are of a higher order than those obtained from the cylindrical aud elliptical tubes; and particularly those constructed with stronger plates on the top side, which, in almost every experiment where the thin side was uppermost, gave signs of weakness in that part. Some curious and inte- resting phenomena presented themselves in these experiments, — many of them are anomalous to our preconceived notions of the strength of mate- rials,— and totally diflerent to any thing yet exhibited in any previous re- search. It has invariably been observed, that in almost every experiment the tubes gave evidence of weakness in their powers of resistance on the top side, to the forces tending to crush them. This was strongly exempli- tied in experiments 14, 15, 16, &c., marked on the drawings and the table. With tubes of a rectangular shape, having the top side about double the thickness of the bottom, and the sides only half the thickness of the bottom, or one-fourth the thickness of the top, nearly double tlie strength was ob- tained. In experiment 14, (marked in the margin of the above table,) a tube of the rectangular form, 9 J inches square, with top and bottom plates of equal thickness, the breaking weight was 3,738 lb. Rivetting a stronger plate on the top side, the strength was increased to .. 8,273 1b. The difference being 4,535 lb., — considerably more than double the strength sustained by the tube when the top and bottom Bides were equal. The experiments given in No. 15 are of the same character, where the top plate is as near as possible double the thickness of the bottom. In these experiments, the lube was first crippled by doubling up the thin plate OQ the top side, which was done with a weight of . . 3,788 lb. It was then reversed with the thick side upwards, and by this change the breaking weight was increased to . . 7,118 Making a difference of .. .. .. 3,360 1b. or an increase of nearly double the strength, by the simple uperatioo of reversing the tube, and turning it upside down. The same degree of importance is attached to a similar form, when the depth in the middle is double the width of the tube. From the experiments in No. 16, we deduce tlie same results in a tube where the depth is 18J, and the breadth yj inches. Loading this tube with 6,812 lb. (the thin plate being uppermoai), it follows precisely the same law as before, and becomes wrinkled, with a huramoc rising on the lop side so as to render it no longer safe to sustain the load. Take, however, the same lube, and reverse it with the thick plate upwards, and you not only straighten the part previously injured, but you increase the re^isti^g powers from C,812lb. to 12,188 lb. Let us now examine the tube in the 2'Jlh experiment, where the lop is composed of corrugated iron, as per sketch, forming two tubular cavities extending lon- gitudinally along its upper side. This, it will be observed, presents the best form for resisting the ** puckering," or crushing force, which, on almost every occasion, was present in the previous experi- ments. Having loaded the lube with increasing weights, it ultimately gave way by tearing the sides from the top and bottom plates, at nearly one and the same instant after the last weight, 22,469 lb., was laid on. The greatly increased strength indi- cated by this form of tube, is highly satisfactory, and provided these facts be duly appreciated in the construction of the bridge, they will, I have no doubt, lead to the balance of the two resisting forces of tension and compression. The results here obtained are so essential to this enquiry, and to our knowledge of the strength of materials in general, that I have deemed it essential, in this abridged statement, to direct attention to facts of immense value in the proper and judicious application, as well as distribution, of the material in the proposed structure. Strength and lightness are deside- rata of great importance, — and the circumstances above stated are well worthy the attention of the mathematician and engineer. For the present we shall have to consider not only the due and perfect proportion of the top and bottom sides of the tube ; but also the stitfening of the sides with those parts, in order to effect the required rigidity for retaining the whole in shape. These are considerations which require attention : and till further experiments are made, aad probably some of them upon a larger scale, it would be hazardous to pronounce anything definite as to the proportion of the parts, and the equalization of the forces tending to the derangement of the structure. So far as our knowledge textends, — and judging from the experiments already completed, — I would venture to slate that a tubular bridge can be constructed, of such powers and dimensions as will meet, with perfect security, the requirements of railway traffic across the Straits. The utmost care must, however, be observed in the construction, and probably a much greater quantity of material may be required, than was originally con- templated before the structure can be considered safe. In this opinion Mr. Hodgkinson and myself seem to agree: and although suspension chains may be useful in the construction in the first instance, they would nevertheless be highly improper to depend upon as the principal support of the bridge. Under every circumstance, I am of opinion that the tubes should be made sufficiently strong to sustain not only their own weight, but in addition to that load, 2,000 tons equally dis- tributed over the surface of the platform, a load ten limes greater than they will ever be called upon to support. In fact, it should be a huge sheet iron hollow girder, of sufficient strength and stiffness to sustain those weights ; and, provided the parts are well proportioned, aud the plates properly rivetted, you may strip off the chains, and leave it as a useful monument of the enterprise and energy of the age in which it was con- structed. In the pursuit of the experiments on the rectangular as well as other description of tubes, I have been most ably assisted by my excellent friend Mr. Hodgkinson ; his scientific and mathematical attainments render him well qualified for such researches; and I feel myself indebted to him for the kind advice aud valuable assistance which he has rendered in these and other investigations. I am also deeply indebted to yourself and the Directors for the confidence you have placed in my efforts, and for the en- couragement I have uniformly received duringthe progressive development of this enquiry. But, in fact, the subject is of such importance, and the responsibilities attached to it are so great, as to demand every effort to demonstrate, cal- culate, and advise what in this case is best to be done. Both of us have therefore laboured incessantly at the task, and I am indebted to my friend for the reduction of the experiments which I would not attempt to weaken by a single observation. IVm. FaIRBAII!N. Mr. Hodgkinson's Eeport. Summary of Results offered, in conjutiction with one by William Fair- bairn, Esq., M.Inst. C K , to Robt. Stephenson, Esq , M. Inst. C.E , &c., &c.,/or the Directors of the Chester aud Holyhead Railway, on the subject of a proposed Bridge across the Menai, near to Bangor. — By Eaton Hodg- kinson, F.li.S. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 147 Having in the month of August last year been requested to render assistance, principally in a scientific point of view, wilh respect to the experiments to ascertain the practicability of erecting a Tubular Bridge across the Menai Straits, of suflicient strength for railway trains to pass through it with safety, I attended twice in London for that purpose : and as the experiments made there were on tubes of various forms of section, including several elliptical and circular ones, I investigated formulas for reducing the strength of the leading ones. It appeared evident to nie, however, that any conclusions deduced from received principles, with respect to the strength of thin tubes, could only be approximations ; for these tubes usually give way by the top or compressed side becoming wrinkled, and unable to offer resistance, long before the parts subjected to tension are strained to the utmost they would bear. To ascertain how far this defect, which had not been coutemplated in the theory, would atfect the truth of computations on the strength of the lubes proposed to be used in the bridge, — and also to show whether the principles generally received could be applied with certainty in reasoning as to the strength of the bridge from that of models comparatively very small, — lor these two pur- poses I urged the necessity of a number of fundamental experiments, which, besides supplying the wants above mentioned, might enable me to obtain additional information to that from Mr. Fairbairu s experimenis, wilh respect to the proportions that the dilTerent parts of the section of such a bridge ought to have, as well as what form it should be of, in order to bear the most. Feeling that there might be objections against allowing me to follow the courses I proposed, however necessary it might appear to myself, I sug- gested a much more limited series of experirueuts than now appear to me to be necessary ; and, as the time consumed in getting the plates rolled and the tubes prepared, caused the experimenis to be deUyed till the beginning of the year, the time given me has beeen too limited to obtain all the facts which the few experiments proposed would have ati'orded. I will now give the results, so far as they have been obtained and seem worthy of reliance, subject to correction from future experiments ; begin- ning with the reduction of Mr. Fairbairn's experiments on the strength of tubes of wrought iron made of plates rivetted together. Cylindrical Tubes. — The strength of a cylindrical tube, supported at the ends, and loaded in the middle, is expressed by the formula 'a I {a*-a">). )■ Mean 29887 lb.= 1334 tons. Where I is the distance between the supports ; a, a' the external and internal radii ; w the breaking weight ; / the strain upon a unity of sec- tion, as a square inch, at the top aud bottom of the tube, in consequence of the weight «•; ir = 3'1415'J. From this formula we obtain wl a ■^^ n{a^-a'*)' As it will be convenient to know the strain /per square inch, which the metal at the top aud bottom of the tube is bearing when rupture takes place, this value will be obtained from each of Mr. Fairbairn's experi- ments : the value to being made to include, besides the wei",ht laid on at the time of fracture, the pressure from the weight of the lube between the supports, this last being equal to half that weight. Computing the results wtr have, from Experiment 1, / =33456 2, / =33420 3, / =35462 4, / = 32415 „ 5, / =30078 6, /= 33869 „ 7, / =22528 „ 8, /= 22653 „ 9, / =25095 J Fracture in all cases took place either by the tube failing at the lop, or tearing across at the rivet holes ; this happened on the average, as appears from above, when the metal was strained 13^ tons per square inch, or litlle more than half its full tensile sirengih. Elliptical Tubes. — The value of/ in an elliptical tube broken as before, (the transverse axis being vertical), is expressed by the formula w la f= •' IT (ba^ — 6' a"-') Where a, a' are the semitransverse external and internal diameters ; b, b' the semi-conjugate external and internal diainclers ; and the rest as before, w including in all cases the pressure from the weight of the beam. Computing the results from Mr. Fairbairn's experiments we have from Experiment 20, / = 36938 lb. ] „ 21, /=29144 ^ Mean 37089 lb. = 16-55 tons. 24, / =45185 J Rectangular Tubes— li in a rectangular tube, employed as a beam, the thickness of the top and boitom be equal, and the sides are of any thick- ness at pleasure, then we have 3u)' in which d, d' are the external and internal depths respectively ; b, b' the external aud internal breadths ; and the rest as before. Mr. Fairbairn's experiment No. 14 gives by reduction / = 18495 lb. = 8-2566 tons. This is, however, much below the value which some of my own experi- ments give, as will be seen further on. The value of /, which represents the strain upon the top or bottom of the tube when it gives way, is the quantity per square inch which the material will bear either before it becomes crushed at the top side or torn asunder at the bottom. U ut it has been mentioned before, that tbin sheets of iron take a corrugated form with a much less pressure than would be required to tear them asuuder; and therefore the value of/, as obtained from the preceding experiments, is generally the resistance of the material to crushing, and would have been so in every instance if the plates on the bottom side (subjected to tension) had not been rendered neaker by rivet- ting. The experiments made by myself were directed principally to two objects : — I. — To ascertain how far this value of/ would be affected by changing the thickness of the metal, the other dimensions of the tube being the same. II. — To obtain the strength of tubes, precisely similar to other tubes fixed on, — but proportionately less than the former in all their dimensions, as length, breadth, depth, and thickness, — in order to enable us to reason as 10 strength from one size to another, with more certainty than hitherto, as mentioned before. Another object not far pursued, was to seek fur the proper proportion of metal in the top and bottom of tlie lube. Much more is required in this direction. In the three series of experiments made, the tubes were rectangular, and the dimensions and other values are given below. Last ob- Value of . ■a Distance Thick- served Corres- Break- .'. lor Length. a between Weight. ness of Deflec- ponding ing clubbing 5 n supports Plates. tion. Weight. Weight. Strain. In. In. ft. In. cwt. or. Inch. Inch. Tons. Tons. Tons. 31 6 24 16 30 0 44 3 •525 3-03 !i63 57- 5 1917 31 6 24 l(i 30 0 24 1 •272 1-63 •io-i 22-75 14 47 31 6 24 16 30 0 10 1 lb. oz. •124 1-20 5 '04 lb. 5 S3 lb. 7-74 3 2 6 4 7 6 78 13 •132 •66 9,416 9,976 23-17 8 2 6 4 7 6 38 U ■UBS •32 2,696 3,156 16 31 8 2 6 4 7 6 •• •• 4 2J 3 •f 3 9 10 12 •061 •435 2,4eii 2,464 24 56 4 H 3 o 3 9 4 li •1)3 •13 560 672 1342 The tube placed first in each series, is intended to be proportional in every leading dimension, as distance between supports, breaiith, depth, and thickness of metal, — aud any variations are allowed for in the com- pulaliou. Thus the three first lubes of each series are intended to be similar ; and in the same manner of the other tubes, &c. Looking at the breaking weights of the tubes varying only in thickness, we find a great falling oil' in the strength of the thinner ones ; aud the values of y show that in these — the thickness of the plates being -525, •272, -124 inch— the resislance, per square inch, will be 1917, 14-47, aud 7-74 Ions respectively. The breaking weights here employed, do not include the pressure from the weight of the beam. The value of/ is usually constant in questions on the strength of bodies of the same nature, and represents the tensile strength of the material, but it appears from these expennienls that it is varittble in tubes, aud repre- sents their power to resist crippling. It depends upon the thickness of the matter in the tubes, when the depth or diameter is the same ; or upon the thickness divided by the depth when that varies. The determinatiou of the value of /, which cau only be obtained by experiment, forms the chief obstacle to obtaining a formula for the strength of tubes of every form. When/ is known the rest appears to depenU upon recened prin- ciples, and the computation of the strength may be made as in the Appli- cation de la Mecanique of Navier, Part 1st, Article iV. ; or as in Papers of my own in the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, vols 4 and 5, second series. I have, however, maile for the present purpose, further invesiigatious on this subject, but defer giving them till additional information is obtained on the tlitferent points alluded to in this report ; and this may account lor other omissions. In the last table of experiments tlie tubes were devised to lessen or to avoid the anomalies which rivettiug lutrocluces, in order to render the pro- perties sought for more obvious. Hence, the results are somewhat higher than those vihich would be obtained by rivetting as geueiallj applied. The tube 31 feet 6 inches long, 24 cwt. 1 qr. weight, aud -:i72 inch in thickness of plates, was broken by crushing at the tup with i;i-7o tons. This tube was afterwards rendered straight, and had its weak top replaced by one of a given thickness, which I had obtained from coiupulatiuu ; and the result was, that by a small addition of metal, applied in its proper proportion to the weakest part, the tube was increased in strength from 22-75 tons to 32-53 tons ; aud the top and the bottom gave way together. If it be determined to erect a bridge of lubes, I would beg to recom- mend that suspension chains be employed as an auxiliary, otherwise great thickness of metal would be required to pioduce adequate stitiuess and streDgth. EATU^ HODGKINSON, 19* 148 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Mat, TIDAL HARBOURS. Second Report of the Commi99IONer9. A more eitcnilpd inquiry has fully confirmerl the views which the limited eiamination of last year led ua to submit to your majesty. Not only Is there a ceneral want of control over the manageiiient and revenue of the ports, but tlitre is not a single exception aiuon^ the numerous cases which have come hefore us in which such a control might not have been the means (if saiing unnecessary outlay; of preventing encroachments that can now scarcely he remedied; or of stopping works that must be removed in order to necure the objects to which the attention of the commission is directed. The necessity of such supervision has alio become more apparent since the publication of the returns to the orders of the House of Commons of August last, from which we learn that the income of Ihe various ports of Ibe United Kingdom considerably exceeds the sum of £HO(1,0(IO a year — the whole levied bv charters and acts of Parliament, or otherwise, from dues on shipping, anil on goods borne hy shipping, but over the expenditure of which I'arliament has not at present the slightest control. That much of this money has been and is misapplied will excite no sur- prise, when we find that several harbours are governed by numerous sclf- ebcted, irresponsible Commissioners, (in some places exceeding even 100 in nunihcr), often conducting their proceedings in private, auditing their own sicounis, publishing no statement of income or ex|ienditure, and lading out Urge sums of money without the advice of an engineer ; and that these commissioners are frequently landed proprietors, sometimes non-resicient, Iind occasionally a shipowner, hut rarely a sailor aniong them. Such, how- ever, is the constitution of many of the harbour boards of this country, acting under authority conferred by Parliament. Since the date of our first report we have, in compliance with that clause of her Majesty's Commission which directs us to visit and personally inspect all the harbours and shores of the United Kingdom, examined the chief ports on the east coast of England, from Ihe river Thames to the Tyne,thu3 including Yarmouth, Hull, and the principal coal potts of Durham and Northumberland, which, owing to the extraordinary increase in steam navi- gation, are daily rising into greater importance. On the west coast we have personally inspected the rivers Lune, Wyre, Rihble, and Dee ; and the ports of the Isle of Man, which, although of small extent as harbours, become of consequence from their position in the centre of the Irish Channel, and as the head-quarters of an extensive and increasing tiihing trade. In Ireland we have been enabled to visit most of the ports and fishmg- piers around the coast, and have been strongly impressed by a sense of the great value of its natural harbours, their depth and capacity, and the extent and capability for improvement of its fisheries, which, even in their present itate, and with the fishery-piers often in ruins from neglect, afford employ- ment to 19,880 vessels and boats, and 93,000 hardy fishermen. But these natural advantages are very far from having been turned to the best account. The harbour of Dublin and the river Liffey offer an instructive example of the correctness of this statement. Within the last 30 years many improve- ments have taken place. The depth of water over the bar and up to the city quavs has been increased several feet, by dredging, and by the bold measure' of running out the great north wall. The tratKc and consequent revenue of the port have more than doubled, and the latter has risen to jE34,000 a yoar. Yet the evidence shows that the foundation of the quay is generally so imperfect that they will not, in their present state, admit of the river being further deepened; that the south quay, the resort of three- fourths of the shipping of the port, is encumbered at its foot by heaps of mud ; that the entrance into the grand canal dock is all but blocked up hy sand-banks ; that there is a great want of graving docks ; that there is but one pulilic crane ; that the port charges are very high ; and that the ballast, of which, hy Act of Parliament, the ballast-office has a monopoly, and for ■whi( h it charges about double the market price, is in many cases bad. The Isle of Man occupies an important position in the Irish Channel, di- rectly in the track of commuication between Liverpool, Glasgow, and Bel- fast, and of the coal trade from Whitehaven and Maryport to the whole of the east coast of Ireland. It has been aptly termed the " Beacon of the Irish Sea," and as such everything that care and skill can suggest, as to lights, beacons, and improvement of its harbours, would be well bestowed, »nd tend to prevent that recurrence of the numerous wrecks that have taken place around its shores. Yet such is far from being now the case; on the contrary (with the exception of the coast lights maintained by the Board in Scotland), marked neglect prevails throughout ; and here the evils of irre- dponsible, seif-elected authority are but too manifest, the commissioners meeting onlv once a year to go through the form of auditing their own ac- counts, keeping no regular minutes of their proceedings, and practically leaving the whole power and authority in the hands of a single person. On the north-west coast of England, the river Lune and the port of Lan- saster are capable of much improvement. The river Kiiible and port of Preston offer a proof also of the value of skilful engineering, as applied to navigable rivers. Only five years since, •pring tides rose hut six feet, and neap tides not at all, at Preston quay, so that vessels were obliged to unload their cargoes at Lytham, near the mouth of the river, and send them up to Preston in lighters or flats drawing but six (cet of water ; whereas uow, by means of straightening the channel, »ud deepeLing its bed, spring tides rise ten feet, and vesiels of 200 tons, drawing eleven feet of water, come up to the quay. It appears from the Parliamentary returns that the aggregate debt of the several ports of the United Kingdom, exclusive of ducks in the port of Lon- don, exceeds jLM.OOO. 000 sterling ; one-fourth part, therefore, of the whole harbour income of £800,000 a year must be annually appropriated to pay the interest of this ilebt, which will consequently materially cripple the means for future improvements. This Uirge sum, although borrowed with the sanction of the Legislature, has been laid out entirely by the several local hoards, without the sli;;btest control being exercised over it either by Par- liament, or by any other power specially charged to watch over the iuteresU of the public. Among the numerous cases of the misapplication of the harbour fund?, to whiih we have already had occasion to refer, the sura of more than £28,000 expended last year in Parliamentary and legal expenses connected with bills for the improvement of harbours, seems to your commission to b« a most impolitic unnecessary outlay, and one which might he entirely pre- vented hy the establishment of a Harbour Conservancy Board, such as we have hiinihly ventured to submit for your Majesty's consideration. From the competition already commenced between railroads and the coasl- ing shipping, we fear that unless immediate measures be taken to improve the harbours and navigable rivers of this kingdom, and, where practicable, to lessen the dues, a large portion of the goods which these vessels now carry will soon he conveyed by the railroads rapidly extending to almost every part of the coast. ' We would, therefore, strongly urge such assistance, not only on economical hut on political grounds of the highest importance to the mantiine interests of the kingdom, as the coasting trade has ever been the best nursery for the hardy race of seamen who have so ably main- tained the honour and power of the country. We alluded in our first report to the obstructions and shoals which so seriously impede and endanger the navigation of the Thames, betwee» Gravesend and London-bridge; all the additional informaiion and evidence we have received since that report was presented, fully convince us of the correctness of the opinions we then expressed, and we feel confident that, if the various and frequently conflicting authorities to whose guardianship the conservancy of this noble' river is entrusted, could be induced to co-operate cordially in its improvement, and to carry on their operations jointly on one sound and uniform system, the impediments which now discredit the local administrations and endangered the commerce of the metropolis, might he speedily and cheaply removed. And in strong corroboration of our own view of this 'subject, we subjoin the following extract from the report of a select committee of the House of Commons in the year 1836, specially appointed to inquire into the state of the port of London: — "That this committee are of opinion that the various conflicting jutisdit- tions and claims of the Admiralty, the Trinity House, and the Corporation of the Citv of London over the river Thames heluw the bridges, have had a most injurious effect upon the interests of navigation; that it is desirable they should be consolidated and vested in some one responsible body, and that means should be found to provide for the removal of shoals and ob- structions in the bed of the river." All these facts and considerations induce us most earnestly to repeat the recommendation, which we ventured dutifully to submit to your Majesty in our former report, that all the tidal harbours in the United Kingdotu be placed under the special care of a hoard of conservancy, to be formed under the authority and provisions of an act of Parliament, being fully convinced that any less stringent and decisive measures will be found wholly inadequate for the accomplishment of the great national object which your Jh.jesty has been graciouslv pleased to direct us to consider and examine. ' All which we humbly certify to your Majesty, W. Bowles, Ke'ar-Admiral, M.P., Chairman. J. J. Gordon Bremer, Captain R.N. Joseph Hume, M.P. Aaron Chapman, M.P. Edward R. Rice, M.P. Thomas Baring, M.P. F. Beaufort, Hydrographer. G. B. Airy, Astronomer Royal. John Washington, Captain R..N. Richard Godson, Q.C. and M.P., Counsel to the Admi- ralty. London, March 20, 1846.' The Valve of Smokf.. — A strikin;; instance of economic talent came !• our knowledge in the district of Alston Moor. From the smelting earths of one " honse," nn arched tunnel conducts the smoke to an outlet at a distance from the work., id a waste spot, where no one can complain of it. T]|9 gathering matter or " fume" resBltog from the passage of the smoke is annually submitted to a process, hy which at thnt ti»e it yielded enough to pay for the construction of a chimney. A slmilarlnnntl chimney three n;lle» In length was erecting at Allenoale. Its fume will yield thousands of pounds sterlinBP'rM'""". Truly, here it maybe said that smgk. doea ngt end in smoke.— * British tjuarterly UcTiewr.* 18 J6.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 149 PAINTING ON GLASS. There are tliree kinds of paintings on glass ; paintings will) (he diflVrent •oloiirs on separate pieces of glass, painting on uncoloured glass, and painting on crystal. The first two methods are frequently combined so as to constitute a fourth kind of painting on glass. The first kind of painting is inconlestably the most ancient. Glass is prepared in sheets, blue, »iolet, jellow, green, and red, and after being divided into pieces of the proper size and shape, the separate portions are put together by glaziers' lesd. The preparation of purple glass has fallen into such disuse, that till very recently, the art was considered to be entirely lost, but this is not the case, for there stdl exist printed receipts which describe all llie details of the operation. Haptiste Porta, wlio was born in the year 1540, has given one of the receipts in his Magie Naturelle, and he has taken care at the same time to warn us of the dilHcully of obtaining a successful result. Other receipts are found in the compilations .of Neri, Merrel, and Kunckel, »nd have been transferred to the encyclopa;dia. No information, however is given respecting red glass. It is not prepared with the purple of gold, for this substance gives neither ascarlet red nor the red, of clear wine: in- stead of osyde of iron, the protoxyde of copper is used. 15ut as this last produces an exceedingly deep colour which deprives the glass of its trans- parency, the usual plan is to cover white glass with a thiu layer of red j^lass, so as to form a kind of plated glass. The process is as follows — there are placed in the furnace two crucibles, of which one contains com- mon glass, the other glass of ihe same composition, but coloured with pro- toxyde of copper, to which is added protoxyde of tin. This last body tends to prevent the oxydation of the protoxyde of copper ivhich would have the eflect of cultuiring the glass gieen. A small addition of protoxyde of iron gives a scarlet red or flame colour. If the glass take a greenish tint a little bi-tartaiate of potash will renew the colours by restoring the bi-ox\de of copper to the state of a protoxyde. The workman commences by taking (m his •' blowing-iron" a small quantity of red glass ; he then plunges the tube into the white glass, of which he takes a much largerquantily, and he (hen blows it out accordiug to the ordinary method of making " tables" of crown glass. This n;eibod was employed for the ancient glass of church windows ; at the present day this glass is manufactured at Hoirniungsthal, in Silesia, by the Tyne Company in England, by Bonteinps in France, and at Besan^on, The glass, as has been said, is cut up into coloured plates. The tints and half tmts are applied by means of coloured enamels on one face or the other of the glass, which is exposed to heal, and the different pieces are joined by glaziers' lead according to the pattern or d^sign. If the paintings be small, and designed to be viewed close, plated glass, and not glass coloured throughout its thickness, is employed. Parts of the coloured layer are removed at the requisite places, and on the while glass thus laid bare, the colours required for the painting are applied. In this way de- signs are obtained of which the colours differ altogether from the ground- colour. Instead of removing the coloured layer by mechanical means, it may be destroyed by fluoric acid. The effect of the wea'her insensibly alters the colours of ancient paint- ings on glass. Painting on glass properly so called, that is to say, the application of coloured enamels to uncoloured sheets of glass was little known to the an- cient artists, and it is only in our own day that the progress of cheiuistry has advanced this art to auy degree of perfection. Painting on uncoloured glass was executed in 1800 by Dihl ; it consists in tracing the same design on two sheets of plain glass, which are sub- mitted to the action of lire, and then the faces on which the designs are drawn are laid one upon the other. To fix by heat the colours on glass without altering its form, or fusing it, it is necessary to add vitreous matters, which are readily fusible, fluxes, which vary according to the nature of the colours. Silicate of lead is employed with or without borax, minium and very fine land are fused together, and different proportious of calcined silex and quartz. For instance, take . 3 parts or Borax calcined . y ,, Quartz 1^ „ Alinium The quantity of flux required for each colour, so that it may have the required fusibility aud clearness is very variable, the necessary proportion is in general three or four parts. All colours are not adapted for the same flux ; the purple of gold, the blue of cobalt, require an alkaline flux ; the minium injures iliese substances, while other deep colours are not injured by fiuxi-s into which lead enters. Some substances require to be vitrified with the flux proper to them, be- fore they can be employed in painting, as the feeble heat to which they are •ubsequently subject is not sufficient to develop the colour properly. The deutoxyde of copper, and the yellows, blues and violets, are among these »ub^^ances. \\ lib purple of gold aiidoxyde of iron on the contrary, great precautions are necessary to prevent the injury of the colour by too great beat. The coloured enamels when prepared are reduced to powder, and preserved from the action of moisture. . All kinds of glass are nut suitable for painting. Fxcess of alkali is destructive ; preference is therefore given to the hardest glass, which con- tains a great deal of silex, aud which dues not attract muitture, as the bo- keuiiau glass for lustance. Quartz Alinium Burax calcined d parts. 3 „ 1 .. Before applying the colours with the brush, they are mixed on a palette with turpentine. When the painting is finished the colours are fixed by heat, an operation which requires great rare and experience. Pots oi fire- clay closed by a cover of the same substance are placed in a support of iron, so that they can be enveloped on all sides by the flames ; the method adopted in France for cooling the glass is to put it in separate furnaces heated by charcoal. The plates of glass are laid one upon another on clay slabs, supported on props of the same material. The heat is judged of by trial-pieces, which are introduced with the rest of Ihe glass into the fur- nace, and are withdrawn with a spatula. When the colours are well vitri- fied, the plates are put in the annealing oven and gradually cooled. It is necessary that this last operation should be conducted very gradually, to ensure the permanence of the colours. The colour communicated to glass by the protoxyde of copper is. as has been observed, too intense to be employed alone, for it causes the " metal" to appear opaque of a deep brown. It is necessary for procuring a trans- parent red that the glass should be extremely thin. Consequently, the only means of getting red glass of a proper thickness is by covering plain glass by a thin layer of red. The plated glass has the advantage of allow- ing the partial removal of the red layer in order to obtain white figures or add other colours. The glass of the Middle Ages shows that this method was adopted by the ancients. In order that, when the red and white glass are blown together, they may be well united and do not separate during cooling (as happened in some of Engelhardt's first experiments), the " metal" of both must be the same, or at least analogous. It is best to make the red a little weaker than the while ; the latter must not contain any oxydising substance, which would injure the red colour. Great care is required to avoid air bubbles in the glass. The red and white must be ready at the same time, in order to work together well. The beauty of the glass depends also materially on the skill of the workman, for it is easy to understand that the coloured glass is always thicker near the orifice of the blowing-iron than at a distance. It is on this account that Ihe glass is seldom of a uniform colour, except in the middle of Ihe plate: at the extremity of it the red layer is sometimes so thin that all trace of colour is lost. Dr. Engelhardt has preseried several ancient specimens, in which this gradation from a deep colour to a light one, has been made use of in a very happy manner to produce striking effects. After a certain degree of practice, the workman is able to oblain a tolerably uniform colour, and Ur. Engelhardt expects to effect this object completely in a gla^s manufactory where he has directed attention to this particular branch of the art. It is sometimes necessary, when the glass has once beeii painted and the colours fixed by baking, to add a second coat of painting ; and as it is then necessary that the glass should be again subjected to heat, the colouring matter must be lenilered so fusible by an additional proportion of flux as to avoid all risk of fusing Ihe colours first painted. — Translated from tlie Recue Scieyitijiqae et liulustrielle. CLERESTORIES IN MODERN CHURCHES. Christ Church, Plymouth. Sir, — I am really most reluctant to intrude myself again upon your pages; the more so, as " Candidus" has so kindly and (of course, as / think) so ably defended the principles on which I have acted. The answer, however, which you have made to " Candidus" seems to require from m« a word or two in explanation. In the first place, Christ Church, Plymouth, isTiot l.ghted by '• clerestories only." There are windows at the east ends of the aisles on the gallery floor, besides the two great east and west win- dows, which literally do make the main body of the interior as " cheerful as the day;" and in the darkest seats beneath the galleries, on a gloomy day, you can see perfectly well. There is no part " useless" or even " in- convenient," "by its darkness." The body of the church is so wide, and the gallery recesses so comparatively shallow, that the "defect" which you say " must exist" does not exist. Though a positive sun-beam cannot " shine round a corner," it is equally certain that where there is a great central reservoir (if I may use the expression) of daylight, it will expand its illumination even into corners which the sun's immediate rays can never reach. Again, " the extent of unbroken surface of the north and south walls" is not so great as you seem to imagine. There a e recesses for seats where, under other circumstances, there would have been windows; and these (had our means allowed it) might have been rendered highly ornate. At all events, here are admirable localities for mural monu- ments. You are, likewise, under a misconception as to the reference made by " Candidus" to the octagon of Ely Cathedral. The "lower windows," as jou term them, are only "lower" than Ihe lantern, Thej are the cltrtttor^ 150 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Mat, windows of the octagon, above the arches opening into the aisles, and ranging with the clerestory of the nave. In assuming it to be an "essential principle of Pointed architecture that the north and south walls of a church should have windows, because you find this to have been universally the case in ancient examples of the art practised by its inventors," you, in fact, deny the applicability of Pointed architecture to any church that is not insulated ; or, in other words, you declare that no circumstances can warrant the construction of a church in immediate contact with other buildings on either hand. This may, or may not be. All I desire of my critics is a fair consideration of the conditions under which my church has been built. They were imperatively these : — the Gothic style, and no north or south windows ; the latter resulting from the economy which required a maximum building on a minimum space, and therefore precluded any north or south area. The question was, whe- ther a certain number of Christians should remain without church sitting- room, or whether a church without north or south windows (in the Gothic style) should be built? I shrunk not from the attempt to reconcile the demands of my employ- ers with the limits of my means ; and considered, that no " essential prin- ciple" of architecture (be it " Pointed" or otherwise) would be compro- mised by the modification of ancient example to modern purposes. I did as I conceived the old architects would have done under the different necessities of protestant worship and other peculiar circumstances of means and situation ; and I am not aware that any, who have seen the result of my endeavours, have pronounced them unsuccessful. I am, Sir, Yours truly, George Wightwick. [The difference between Mr. Wightwick's opinion and our own respect- ing the subject of the letter which he unnecessarily apologises for sending, is, probably, less than he himself imagines. Where the question arises, as he has stated it, " whether a certain number of Christians should re- main without church sitting room, or whether a church without north or south windows (in the Gothic style) should be built," we must answer at once that the attainment of the main purpose of the building should be preferred to all considerations of architectural beauty. It is conceded, however, by the phrase " modification of ancient ex- ample," that the mode of construction suggested is modern. The only nuestion between Mr. Wightwick and ourselves is, whether the ancient architects could have been induced to adopt this mode. We think not, and will give the reasons of our opinion consecutively. I. Ancient precedent is universally in favour of this opinion. In all ancient churches, without one single exception, the aisle or nave windows are an essential part of the edifice. We do not mean to strain the argu- ment of precedent beyond its proper limit, or to advocate the imitation of the practice of our forefathers without examining the correctness of their principles. But the plea of precedent is at least valuable thus far — that the universality of it indicates something more than the uniformity of mere rontine. It seems obvious that if the niedi;eval architects, under whatever different circumstances they constructed churches, whether isolated in vil- lages or among the crowded buildings of large towns, or within the walls of fortresses, colleges, or abbeys, — whether the site were on a plain or on the precipitous declivities of a feudal fastness, — under conditions the most varied and frequently the most difficult, adhered to the principle of build- in" nave windows, we have at least a presumptive proof that the inventors of Pointed architecture, who may be supposed best acquainted with its •ssential nature, considered this principle of paramount importance. It is to be remembered that the ancient architects frequently built churches under the same difficulties, arising from the contiguity of secular buildings, which embarrass modern architects. In the old cities of Nor- mandy and Flanders the careful observer will notice cases of churches to which large additions had been made after the site was closely hemmed in by other edifices ; and it is frequently very instructive to observe the skilful means adopted to procure access of light to the lower part of the added portions of the building. II. The light of the clerestories was always subordinate to that of the aisles until Pointed architecture began to decline. In Early English and Decorated architecture, clerestories are not nearly so large as in Perpen- dicular buildings. In the former styles the clerestory is in by far the greatest number of examples omitted altogether ; and where it exists, the windows are always small, and the light from them greatly subdued. la churches these windows are trefoils or quatrefoils or other single-light apertures : clerestory windows of more than one light are confined to Ca- thedrals or very large churches. In the Perpendicular architecture, how- ever, especially in the latter and worst part of it, the fatal principle of enlarging the clerestories was first introduced, and became a powerful cause of the debasement of Christian architecture. To the very last, however, the construction of nave windows was universally retained, even when the art exhibited that sure and certain mark of decay — the substitu- tion of elaborate details for simplicity and excellence of design. The preceding arguments are of the nature of historical considerations. We wish, however, to guard ourselves against the snpposition that we over-estimate the value of precedent. We trust that we shall never be accused of irreverence for antiquity ; but, at the same time, it is mere pedantry to affect ancient rules which have no intrinsic merit to recom- mend them. Precedent always furnishes ]resumptice evidence, but there are three causes from which it may become valueless. First, — an ancient practice may have originated in prejudice or accident and not in fixed principles. Secondly, — the fixed principles which influenced the ancients may be proved, by subsequent knowledge, to be erroneous or insuthcient. And lastly, — principles which were perfectly sufficient when first acted upon, may, by time and change of circumstances, become obsolete. It is therefore necessary, for the completeness of our argument, to show that none of these causes operate in the present case to destroy the value of the precedent. We proceed, therefore, to the arguments derived from general considerations of the nature of Pointed architecture. III. The clerestory admits light in that part of the church which appears most beautiful by a subdued light. The soleuinity then of the appearance of a church is derived in a great measure from the com- parative obscurity of its roofs. The dark shadowy roofs of Pointed ar- chitecture have been favorite subjects of admiration with those who are excellent judges of general architectural effects — the poets. In questions like these, one example is worth a folio of dissertation, and if those who are really anxious to get at the truth in this matter will take the trouble to observe the difference between the mode of lighting the interior of the nave of Westminster Abbey and Henry Vllth's Chapel, they will have no diffi- culty in arriving at a conclusion. In the former case, the great body of light (notwithstanding that much of it is unhappily obstructed by preposterous monuments) comes from the aisles, and produces the most beautiful effect by the shadows of the piers and arches. The light of the clerestory is comparatively small, and must have been still less when the windows were filled with stained glass. Let the reader, when he has carefully ob- served the effect of the light in the nave, especially at the western end of it, proceed to Henry the Seventh's Chapel— a building belonging to the very last period of which the Pointed architecture continues to claim our re- spect. In this chapel he will find enormous clerestory windows, admitting a flood of light near the roof. The lower windows give but little light, and that little is almost entirely obstructed by the stalls. Here, therefore, the observer has one of the best instauces which ancient churches afford of the effect of light admitted by clerestories. We have never heard any difference of opinion among unprejudiced persons as to the solemnity of this effect. It is not solemn — it is scenic— theatrical— the glare thrown from the upper part of a stage when the foot-lights are lowered. Compared with the effect of the nave of the Abbey, there cannot be a doubt which exhibits the " dim religious light" of a Christian edifice. The gorgeous multiplication of ornaments which profusely decorate Henry the Seventh's Chapel dazzles the eye, but produces nothing like a solemn impression, and the judicious observer goes away satisfied that the design and general arrangement of this structure is incapable of that stately grandeur which imposes a feeling of awe and reverence. Westminster Abbey is by no means the most favourable instance which we could have selected, but it was the most familiar. 13ut imagine some of the more magnificent cathedrals of the continent lighted by the clerestories alone- Antwerp, or that of Cologne, or Rouen ! Suppose, if it be possible, the dim obscure roofs of these glorious edifices suddenly illuminated by a flood of light ; — where would be the solemnity of the "long drawn aisles" then ? Suppose the windows of these aisles darkened and every shadow reversed, — will it be denied that the effect would be absolutely hideous ? Or if it be objected that the question in dispute refers to a church and not to a cathedral, we will cite the well-known instance of Great St. Mary's Church, at Cambridge, where the dazzling light of the clerestory is not only destructive of all solemn effect, but actually painful to the eye by its violent contrast with the comparative darkness of the aisles. IV. By the undue enlargement of the clerestory, the piers and arcbeg \S46. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 151 become subordinate parts of the structure. This result is produced not so much by the actual dimiDution of the size of these members as by the pro- minence given to the clerestory by the light proceeding from it. Now the consequence of this is, a violation of the rules of "apparent construction," for the greatest weight to be supported being that of the nave-roof, the arches and piers should be treated as of primary importance : the archi- tectural effect of them is destroyed directly they become subordinate, and accordingly in the best churches the piers of the nave have great strength, and the weight of the roof appears directly imposed upon them. Where, however, the wall above the arches is perforated by numerous windows (sometimes so numerous as to give this part the appearance of a huge lanthorn), the roof never seems adequately supported ; there is an appear- ance of instability produced, which is directly opposed to the canons of architecture. And this instability is not always merely apparent. It is frequently a matter of observation that the walls of the clerestory, where they have been weakened by the size of the perforations, are thrust out- wards by the pressure of the roof. This deviation from the perpendicular is especially observable in cases where a Perpendicular clerestory is a subsequent addition to a Decorated or earlier church. V. A church is not a mere fafade. That word /af«d« is Italian in its origin, and both the word and thing signified belong exclusively to Italian archi- tecture. The Christian architects viewed their churches not as mere sur- faces or fronts, but as possessing the dimensions of length, breadth, and height. The superficial style of architecture is a modern invention, doubt- less derived from that habit of making up elevations on the Italian principle which characterized the last century. Of the reversal of the shadows where the light is obtained from a cleres- tory exclusively, it is not necessary to speak at large, because we have else- where spoken of it. We may observe, however, that in the mouldings of nave-arches and the deep undercut capitals of pillars the shadows must be exactly reversed when the light is obtained from a clerestory, instead of the aisles : in the one case these shadows are thrown downwards — in the other upwards. Consequently the architect, if he have a due sense of con- structive propriety, will never dream of using ancient mouldings in churches built on the new plan— he must devise new mouldings suited to the novel disposition of the light. This point is not one of speculation but observation, as any one familiar with ancient mediaeval mouldings may satisfy himself by examining the result of introducing them into some of the new London churches, windowless aisles. The breaking the continuous surface of the north and south wall by re- cesses instead of windows, is an expedient which by no means removes the objections here assigned. We have, in a previous number, guarded ourselves against the conclusion that churches are necessarily to be isolated. There are many cases where chapter-houses, cloisters, &c. abut on churches without marring their architecture. If however we be asked whether a church built in the line of a street, between adjacent houses, and only dis- tinguished from them by having its gable instead of its parapet turned to- wards the street, and by the display of a few Btock-in-trade Gothic orna- ments, satisfies the essential principles of mediasval architecture, we answer emphatically and unhesitatingly — No. By no means — if the laws of style are to be interpreted by the spirit instead of the letter — by the general artistic efiTect of a design, and not by minute resemblances of detail. We know that architects have much to contend with in the injudicious wishes and erroneous taste of those who employ them ; but we are also convinced that they may frequently get over these difficulties by firmness, and by explaining the reasons which fortify their own opinions. Of course when an architect is told to build a maximum church on a given area, or a church of given cubic contents on a minimum area, the question becomes one of simple geometry — all idea of architectural pro- priety must be given up. In less hopeless cases, however, we would ven- ture to recommend the architect to leave a little space, if only of two or three feet, between the walls of the church and those of the adjacent houses, — to provide at least enough space for the construction of buttresses. It will require some additional expense to render the north and south walls uniform in architecture with the rest of the church, and the architect will have to practise some self denial, since he will not have so much money to expend on the more conspicuous western end. But this self denial will be well rewarded, for though there will not be so much to attract the eyes of mere lovers of show, the homage paid to the principles of pure taste will claim the admiration of the judicious observer, "the censure of which one must, in your allowance, outweigh a whole theatre of others." Of course this advice is given on the most unfavourable supposition, namely, that there are not funds to purchase the adjacent buildings. In this case it may be well left to the munificence and good-feeling of future benefactors to contribute the means of removing these obstructions, and displaying in all its dimensions, the edifice which then, and not till then, will exhibit the character of a Christian Church.] THEORY OF THE ARCH. Sir— In our last letter we endeavoured to show that your review of our pamphlet was written under a misconception of the principles therein advanced, and hence the wholesale condemnation with which you were courteous enough to favour us. You have challenged us to show where the standard writers on the theory of the an h have failed in their reasoning. We should consider it presumptuous to entertain any doubt of the accuracy of the statements of Professor Moseley, neither does his theory of the arch, and the method by which he arrives at the line of resistance and the line of pressure, militate against the observations which we have ventured to bring forward. We maintain that the voussoirs of an arch, of any form, have'only to support that portion of the superstructure where the corbelling ceases to ' ' L3 I 1 1 h 1 1 h 1 : , ' 1 1 1 1 ■ __l 1 "n—^ 1 1 Tl ■^ I I II . j- mh r exist (represented by the shaded lines in the accompanying diagram). Now, if the " two-centred pointed arch"— not the plate bond, which you have erroneously put forward as our proposition,— shown at A, A, is sub- stituted for the semicircular, segmental, or elliptical, is it not manifest that there IS greater strength obtained, with less amount of material? The beds of the voussoirs being nearly parallel, and the key stone of the arch bemg the only portion at all affected (in a downward direction) by the supermcumbent weight, it appears to us to possess advantages coequal with the " merit of novelty." We do not consider it worth while to occupy your pages with any re- marks respecting the title of our tract; if we have demonstrated that a stronger arch at less cost is obtained by our method of construction, we shall consider our labours amply repaid. We are. Sir, Your obedient servants, Blair and Phillips. ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITION. Sir— The recent award of premiums of competitors for the Leeds In- dustrial Schools, affords another source of encouragement to young archi- tects, and is too good an example of what professional men have to con- tend with, to pass unnoticed. The Committee was composed of one respectable innkeeper, a fourth- rate manufacturer, a maltster, a drug dealer, a house painter, a leather dealer, a grocer, and an apothecary. The Plans were hung up for the private inspection of the committee and friends by a joiner, who gave the names of the competitors to the parties, but to appear decent, they called in a reputable architect, from a neighbouring town, to decide upon the merits of the designs, and on his decision this Committee professed to act. Among the competitors were some four or five architects (one of whom* took care, with all due nort/tern foresight, to describe by letter his pertiekltr plans to his friends on the Committee, lest they perchance might favour those of older and better rivals) ; another competitor was a joiner, preacher 152 THE CIVIL ENGIiNEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [May, and conventicle builder; another, a pothouse keeper, who began his career as a joiner, and perfected himself asi a toll clerk of a market house. The Judge made a just award, upon which the committee did not act, but, contrary to all reasonable expectation, they gave the lirst premium to their friend whose hranily-anduater and pennyworths of tnbacco had oft regaled the majority after closing their shops. Much more might be said, but this suffices to show the state of art in this great niauufdcturing place, and how hopeless is the chance of any young or old architect to erect a public building here, unless expressly oummissiuned by some of the few men of education and taste who remain to us of llie ancien regime. I remain, Sir, Your obedient servant, Lttit, April 18, 1846. Viator. REGISTER OF NEW PATENTS. IfaddiHoral Informatiun be required respecting any patent, It may be obtained at tlie •fice of thii Jourual. MOTIVE POWER, David Wilkinson, of Potters Bury, near Stoney Stratford, Gent., for "improvements in obtaining motive power." — Granted October 10, 1845; Enrolled April 9, 184G. This invention consists in a mode of combining heated air with steam, instead of using air or steam separately. In carrying out this invention the patentee proposes to apply an air pump of about half the cubic contents of the cylinder, by means of which air is to be forced through tubes or other suitable apparatus, such apparatus being heated externally, so that the air may become highly heated, which is afterwards admitted into the steam boilers or generators, that the heated air may combine with the steam «nd go together into the working cylinder of the engine. This invention is more particularly intended for high pressure engines, notwithstanding, the patentee states the same is equally applicable to low pressure or condensing engines. The claim is for forcing air through pipes or other suitable heated sur- faces and then mixing the same with steam, and working the steam and heated air conjointly. SLIDE VALVES OF LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES. Robert Bewick Longridge, of the Bedlington Iron Works, near Mor peth, Northumhi?rland, for " an improved locomotive engine." — Granted Jan- uary 13; Enrolled March 13, 18-16. This invention for improvements in locomotive engines relates to the slide valves and mode of working the same. The accompanying figure shews a transverse section of the slides and steam ports leading to the cylinder. a a are the induction ports leading to the cylinder ; i is the eduction port ; ec is a slide valve for opening and closing the ports in the cylinder, and is worked by an arrangement of levers and excentric, which latter is capable of being moved upon the shaft say 30 degrees on each side the centre of the crank, for backward and forward movement of the engine. The induction ports of the valve pass through to the back thereof, at which place there is a second slide c' for cutting ofl" the steam at any required parti.f the stroke. This Utter valve or shde is worked by an excentric, keyed fast on the shaft. and an arrangement of levers shown at fig. 2. d is the excentric rod, the outer end of which is connected to a levtr keyed on the weigh shaft e ; ujion this shaft is keyed a slotted lever/, which receives a stud attached to the end of a link g; the opposite end of the link g is attached to the valve rod A, so that by raising or depressing the stud in the slotted lever / the amount of motion imparted to the valve rod A and valve or slide c' can bt varied at pleasure. The end of the link g is raised or depressed in the slot by means of a rod i, attached to the end of a bell-cranked lever i ; to tht opposite end is attached a rod /, actuated by a lever placed near the engine. driver. Another improvement consists in heating the water supplied by the feed pumps previous to entering the boiler. For this purpose the inventor proposes that the water, after leaving the feed pumps and before entering the boiler, shall pass through a chamber or series of pipes exposed to tb« action of heated vapours, which pass through the tubes into the smoke box, BO that the water may become highly heated before entering the boiler. LOCOMOTIVE ENOINES. Henry Samuel Ravser, of Ripley, Derby, Gent., for "certain imfrrore- ments in locomotive engines." — Granted September 4, 1845 ; Enrolled March 4, 1840. The object of the inventor is to construct a locomotive engine, which it to be propelled by the pressure of the atmosphere acting upon the exterior sur- face of a vessel or vessels exhausted of air. The annexed diagram shows a side elevation of Mr. Rayner's locomotive, which may be termed a perpt^tual locomoti\e, being of that class of machines when once started will continue its course so long as liie parts of the apparatus will hold together ! a re- presents a rectangular or oblong vessel of a wedge-shape form mounted npua the carriage framing ; above this vessel is fixed another (marked i) of the same construction, but in a reverse position ; the object of reversing the two vessels being for the backward and forward movement of the apparatus. Each of these vessels are made hollow and perfectly airtight, and are con- nected, by means of a pipe, with an air-pump c, also (ixed upon the framing of the carriage. Now, in order to start the locomotive, Mr. R.iyner gravely proposes to exhaust one of the two vessels a or b, when the locomotive will be propelled either backward or forward as may be required. For the in- ventor states, if the vessel b be exhausted of air, a certain amount of pres- sure will be exerted on the whole of its exterior surface; that is to say, there would be a vertical pressure on the upper or inclined surface, which the in- genious Mr. Rayner supposes would propel the locomotive ; in order therefore to counteract this propelling power, he proposes to luve the " wheels, rail», and axles'* at an angle, so that the locomotive under such circumstances would remain motionless. He then states that the sides of the vessels being equal to one another, the pressure wnuld be equal ; that is to say, the pres- sure on one side of the vessel would he counteracted by that of the other. Now, the pressure on the under surface, the inventor states, is counteracted hy the gravity o( the carriage (this would not have been a bad idea for Ilansnii's ■■enal machine). Again, the pressure on the ends of the ves-el is also the same per square inch as the other parts of the vessel ; but one of the ends is double the area of the other, consequently, there will be double the pressure on the larger end of the vessel b when exhausted, tending to propel the carriage in the direction of the arrow ; and in order to reverts the motion of the locomotive, it will only be necessary to exhaust, by means of the air-pump c, the vessel a in place of the vessel b. In conclusion, it would perhaps not be out of place to recommend the inventor to pay a littlt more attention to the study of pneumatics before he attempts to bring his invention before the public. PROPELLING POWER. John Lake, of Apsley, in the county of Herts, civil engineer, for " t*r- tain improvements in propelling." — Granted October y, 1845; Enrolled April 'J, 1846. This invention consists in a peculiar mode of propelling carriages on rail- ways and common roads, and also barges or boats on rivers and canals, la carrying out this invention it is proposed to lay between the rails a continuous pipe, having a longitudinal slit or opening similar to those em- ployed on atmospheric railways , as will be seen on referring to fig. 1, which represents a longitudinal section of a portion of a tube showing the other arrangements necessary for propelling a train of carriages upon a line of railway, between the rails of which is placed the tube a, and continued throughout the whole length of the line. Within this tube there are tw« pistons b b, connected together by meant of a pipe c with a stop-eock d\ 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 153 this pipe is firmly attacheJ to a vertical arm that passes through the lon- gitudinal opening and attached to the leading or driving carriage of the Fig. 1. train, a portion of which is marked with the letter /. Fig. 2 represents a transverse seciion of the apparatus taken through the line A B of fig. 1, in which is shown the mode of closing the longitudinal opening hy means of a Talve g sliding edgeways into a groove or recess formed in the upper part of the tube. The operation is as follows : — At certain intervals along the line are to be erected steam boilers ; and in order to propel the carriages, steam is to be admitted into the tube a a throughout the whole length, for the pur- pose of warming the tube and driving out the air. The ends of the tube and longitudinal opening being closed, a communication is to be formed with the tube and a condenser, similar to those employed in steam engines, for the purpose of condensing the steam, leaving the pipe empty or nearly so ; when this is done the piston d d\% brought near to the opening leading from the boiler, when a fresh supply of steam is admitted, which will have the effect of propelling the piston and train of carriages along the line. The specification states that the condenser may be dispensed with by open- ing the cock rf, so as to let the steam first introduced into the pipe pass up the funnel h for the purpose of driving out the air. i i is an arrangement of levers for opening the valve d. In place of having stationary boilers, the inventor proposes to have an ordinary locomotive boiler, and instead of the steam working the engines as heretofore, such steam is allowed to pass through the pipe e e into the main, either from behind or in front, depend- ing upon the direction in which the carriage or train is to be propelled. In descending inclines, the inventor proposes to fill the tube with steam, which will have the effect of a break, the motion of the carriage being regulated by opening the valve d so as to allow the steam to escape from the main a a through the funnel into the atmosphere, k k (fig. 2) represents a covering for the pipe, composed of felt, straw, sawdust, or other bad conductor of heat. White Gravel. — Upwards of 7,000 tons of white gravel have been sbipped from this city to Loudon since the 1 5tb of September last. It is taken from the beach at Long Island, and used to beautify the parks and gardens of London .—AVii- lor A' paper. A NEW GONIOIVIETER AND CRYSTALLONOME. At a recent meeting of the Chemical Society, Dr. Leeson read a paper '' On crystalhii^rapliii, with a description iif a gfniiometcr tind crif^tutlonome, or instrument for studi/ing cryslah, in reference totlieir gubernatorial aies." The author commenced by observing that discriminative chemical researches have not received that assistance from crystallography which might reason- ably be expected from the natural distinction of form peculiar to various different substances. The particular design of the author's present paper was to introduce greater facility and simplicity in the classification and determination of crystalline forms, both by improved methods of observation, and also by a system of classification founded on the three gubernatorial axes, for the happy discovery of which we are indebted to \\'eiss, by whom, however, as well as by olhers who have succeeded him, systems have been proposed by no means realising that simplicity and perfectiou of which the funda- mental principle is believed to be susceptible. To prove that the nomen- clature and classification of the dilferent authors were both confused and complicated, various tables were referred to, showing the systems respec- tively adopted by them. By referring to which it was apparent that dif- ferent authors nsed the same terms for totally different fundamental forms ; and also that by many of them terms were employed which, having reference simply to the miinher of planes bounding a given system, were, in fact, as subsequently demonstrated, applicable tu every class and order, and there- fore not discriminative of any one in particular. Any one who may have carefully examined the first crystals depositing from solutions of different substances, will be struck by the general prevalence of the prismaiic or hexahedral form, or of some modification thereof; at the same time, he will observe great variety in the number of planes bounding many of the crystals. Under the microscope he will not only be struck by the general prevalence of parallelograms, or sections of the prismatic forms, as well as hexagons, triangles, and other sections, resultiug from hemihedral modifi- cations, but also by the primii facie similarity of the sectional forms pre- sented by totally diflferent substances. It is in the discrimination of these forms that the principles of classitication now about to be proposed, and the goniomeier subsequently described, are peculiarly applicable. Before describing the system itself, the author requested to explain an instrument which he exhibited, and stated he had contrived some years ago, for the purpose of studying the relative character of crystals derived from different positions and lengths of the three gubernatorial axes, and for which instrument he requested to be allowed to propose the name crystallonome. The author showed, with that instrument, that whatever be the length and relative position or inclinalion of the three axes, a prism or hexahedron must necessarily result from a set of planes terminating the extremities of the respective axes, such planes terminating one axis, and being parallel to the other two axes. These planes were represented by a contrivance for attaching pieces of stiff paper or card-board to the extre- mities of the axes. The author then showed that an octahedron must ne- cessarily result in every case from a set of planes cutting all three axes, and which octahedron might easily be built up and represented by threads connecting the extremities of all the axes. The construction of other forms was also demonstrated. The crystallonome, although constructed with only three zones placed at right angles to each other, is nevertheless capable of showing the posi- tion of the axes in every class, even where all the axes are oblique ; this was illusirated by the iustrument itself. It was also shown, that whatever be the class and order of a crystal, there are always two zones in which all three axes will be fuuud. It having been already stated, that the three gubernatorial axes form the basis of the proposed system, it w ill be evi- dent that the discriminative iirinciples of the system must be dependent on the position and length of the respective axes. Since the relative position of the axes occasions the greatest difference in the appearance and character of a crystal, it seems natural to take that as determining the class ; and we shall find that as regards this distinctive charactLr, there are but three classes to which the variation of position can give origin, viz. :— I, where all the axes are situated at right angles to each other ; 2, in which one axis is at right angles to the other two, which are obliquely placed as regards each other, one rectangular axis and two oblique, being, in fact, the same as thoush we represented it as two rectangular axes and one oblique; 3, in which all the axes are oblique to each other. We have thus three classes, which we term respectively : — l.reclaugular; 2, right oblique ; 3, oblique ; and these we again subdivide into three orders, dependent on the relative length of the axes, viz. : — 1, all the axes equal ; 2, two axes only equal, the third being longer or shorter than the other two ; 3, all the axes of different lengths. These orders we term— 1, equiaxial ; 2, binequiaxial ; 3, inequiaxial. M'itb these three classes and three orders we obtain nine distinct crys- talline bases, which, the author trusts, will be found easy to remember and simple to distinguish. Generally speaking, few substances will be found to crystallise in forms belonging to distinct classes or orders. Without, however, passing any opinion on the subject of dimorphism, the author showed, by reference to the native crystals of sulphur, and also those obtained by fusion, that, according to the system now pro- posed, sulphur cannotbe considered as dimorphous, the native crystals being, in fact, modifications of the octahedrons, or the rectangular in- equiaxial system ; whilst those of fusion are prisms or hexahedrons be- longing to the same system. Both were exhibited to the meeting, and the goniometer, subsequently described, applied to tlie measurement of the 20 154 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Ma*, angles of the crystals of fusion. Whilst a chemical substance usually crystalii/.es in forms pertaining to the same class and order, it may never- theless, as has been already shown, assume a great variety of forms, if reference be had only to the number of bounding planes ; and these forms constitute what may be termed the genera of the author's system, which were shown by reference to diagrams, as also the symbolic nutation recom- mended by the author. The author concluded by exhibiting bis goniometer, consisting of a double refracting prism, placed in a vernier revolving round a graduated circle, and applicable either to the microscope or to crystals placed on any convenient stand. He stated, that in must cases of crystallisation, particu- larly under the microscope, some crystals will be observed presenting the prismatic or hexabedral form ; and knowing that the gubernatorial axes of any prism must terminate in the centre of the sides of that prism, we are at once directed to the position and length of the axes in any given crystal ; whilst, by examining the angles formed by the sides of the parallelogram constituting the section of Uie prism with the goniometer, we may deter- mine the inclination of the several axes. In all natural octahedrons formed by inaxial planes, the axes will be found, as shown by the crystallonome, by taking the points where four planes meet. Although octahedrons may be mathematically formed by biaxial planes — that is, by bending in the sides of the prism — it is believed that such octahedrons do not occur in nature, as it would contradict the general laws of symmetry, inasmuch as that, whilst the perpendicular axis terminated at the meeting of four planes, the middle and transverse axis would be situated in the centre of an edge bounding two planes — a state of things that could not certainly occur in the regular system ; the general condition of natural symmetry being, that whatever disposition takes place at any one extremity of an axis of equal length, the same will take place at its other extremity, and also at the extremities of every other axis of equal length. REVIEWS. Parish Churches, beiiif! Perspective Views of English Eccksiatlical Structures, accompanied by Plans, drawn to a uniform scale, and letterpress dtscriptions. By R. and .J. A. Brandon, Architects. Bell, Fleet-street, 1846. No. 1, 8vo., pp. 12 ; fourteen lithographic plates. Messrs. Brandon are already favourably known to our readers as authors of the Ayialysis of (iothick Architecture, reviewed in this Journal for August 1844. The publication now before us is the first of a series in- tended to illustrate " such Churches as from their beauty of design and peculiar fitness for the sacred purpose for which they were reared, seem worthy of being adopted as models by those engaged in Church building." The principal distinction between the present work and the " Analysis," is, that while the latter was exclusively confined to the exemplification of architectural details, the new series gives views of entire buildings only. Our old English Churches are so beautiful, and contain such treasures of architectural science, that we naturally commence the examination of any work, which professes to contribute to our knowledge of them, with a favourable prepossession. We cannot suggest a work which we should study with greater personal gratification than one which gave a compre- hensive, systematic, and minute record of all that is valuable in our national church architecture. Such a work, however, to be satisfactory, must be conducted with liberal and extended views ; it should be a very cyclopEe- dia in which nothing is left out that deserves a place in it. The chief value, or to speak more truly, almost the only value of such a publication would heUs completeness. Of course we do not mean that the work should be a confused mass of facts— a collection of knowledge so ill assorted and so crammed and crowded together, as to become, like certain modern cyclopa-dias, that we wot of, absolutely unintelligible. But we repeat a deliberately formed conviction that the most valuable contribution to archi- tectural literature which could now be made, would be a digested and complete pandect of church architecture — not concocted hastily as a pub- isher's speculation to meet a transitory mania for old churches, but ar- ranged, slowly and carefully, from a mass of information collected by pains-taking and unwearied research. The work before us certainly does not reach this mark. The plan of it, as far as we can see, does not make any pretensions to system, and is by no means comprehensive enough. Each number of the series is to can- tain eight perspective views of churches, selected at random from different counties and in different styles, and the work will be completed in twelve parts: so that, altogether, we shall have ninety-six churches delineated. But what are these among so many ? If Messrs. Brandon would multiply the proposed number by ten or twenty, their undertaking might assume an importance commensurate with the object in view. Not, indeed, but that he work is in many respects a valuable contribution ; and if we speak of it in terms of qualified praise, it is on the score of sins of omission, not commission. The views here given are not absolutely faulty, but there are numerous drawing-books, published as first lessons in pencil drawing which frequently contain sketches which are quite as good. The letter- press descriptions, again, are not nearly copious enough, and this defect might be remedied the more easily as the authors state that they intend to visit personally every church illustrated. In the number before us, the description of each church is comprised, on the average, in thirty lines. One other point to which we must allude is important. The authors state their intention of selecting churches which seem '' worthy of being adopted as models." AVe hope they will give up this part of their plan. Nothing can be more fatal to the progress of architecture than the mo- dern idea of model churches. Let us study the principles and the forms devised by our ancestors, and their modes of combiniug them with the zeal and reverence of learners ; but let us not grow mere copyists of ancient churches. This contentment with mere reproduction marks the lowest ebb of artistic feeling — the very last stage of architectural degene- racy. The vilest modern plaster-gothic travestie is better than absolute copying; these abortions, hideous as they are, mark at least a desire to regain something of the glorious art lost among us during the Reformation; but mere mechanical imitatiou argues absolute hopelessness — the indolence of despair — that we have given up all endeavour to recover the ancient excellence of our national architecture, because satisfied by experience of the absolute futility of the attempt. Besides, even supposing the copy to be fairly made, and to be a faithfal transcript of the original, there are ten chances to one, that some local cir- cumstance, an irregularity in the site, the proximity of secular buildings, or even local customs and requirements, may render it inconvenient or unfit for its purpose. Our ancestors did not design churches and stick them down anywhere : on the contrary, they examined the site of tlie new building, the nature of the soil, the particular wants intended to be sup- plied, the character of the surroitnding scenerij, and a thousand accidental local circumstances, before projecting the form to be adopted. A church built on a hill top would, according to their exquisite feeling of propriety, require different treatment to a church on a hill side or in a valley. A. church hemmed in by woodland scenery would of necessity be different from one built on a wide open plain. Modern practice does not recognise these subtle distinctions. We get up a dozen or score of designs for new churches, send them to a picture exhibition to be duly admired by fashion- able visitors, and duly be-paragraphed in the newspapers, and are fully prepared to execute our plans (any or all of them,) in any given spot of this island, or if need be, in the most distant quarter of the globe. They are building now, in Calcutta, a cathedral with roofs as sloping and windows as numerous and large as those suited for a similar edifice in latitude 51°. Even if we conceded the principle of adopting architectural models, we certainly ought not to take those selected by Messrs. Brandon. A model church ought, at least, to have a uniformity of plan — a consistency of de- sign in it. The examples before us show, on the contrary, such a remark- able diversity of style, that we might almost suppose them selected for that very peculiarity. The first church delineated, Little Caslerton, Rut- landshire, is Early English, with Norman piers and arches. Perpendicular clerestory, and a Decorated piscina^ the second, Apstoti Church, in the same county, is Perpendicular externally, with the exception of some De- corated windows ; in the interior, the arches on the north side of the nave are circular. Duddington, Northamptottshire, the third specimen, is in the transition from Norman to Early English, with a north aisle Norman, and a Perpendicular clerestory. Heme Church, Kent, is apparently the most unmixed in style, being almost entirely early Decorated, with, however, some Perpendicular details. Brampton Church, jS'ortliamptonshire, the last example, has an Early English chancel and a Perpendicular nave; this church, by the by, has (on paper at least) somewhat too much of the prim pert look of modern Gothic. We hope that as the work proceeds, the plan of it will be extended, and that all idea of furnishing models will be abandoned. It certainly would be preposterous to re-construct buildings which, like those here pour- trayed, are the growth of successive ages. The authors of the present work are fully capable of contributing largely lo the science of mediaeval architecture, and we trust will greatly extend the limits which they have assigned to their undertaking. Reply to " Observations" of the Great Western Railway Company on tlie Report of the Gauge Commisioners. Vacher, Parliament-street. 1846. 8vo. ; pp. 75. This rather long " reply" is ia the form of a pamphlet, which, if we mis- 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL 155 take not, claims Mr. V^yndham Harding for its author. The style pos- sesses the clearness, and the views are expressed with the moderation, by which Mr. Harding's dissertations on the gauge controversy have been characterised. Without involving ourselves in the discussion, vpe cannot help expressing an opinion that those vfho have read the " Observations" of the Great Western Railway Company ought certainly to examine the present pamphlet, which meets each argument consecutively, and treats the general question with great perspicuity. We wish, however, more had been said about the Intermediate Gauge. There are many competent persons — Messrs. Bury, Vignoles, and Cubitt, Col. Landmann, and Gene- ral Pasley are among (be number — who think the broad gauge too broad, and the narrow gauge too narrow. In the present pamphlet this opinion is dismissed in twelve lines; in the Commissioners' Report scarcely more space is occupied with it, and the view there taken is supported by very inadequate and inconclusive arguments. Tables and Rules for facilitating the Calmlation qf Earthwork, Sjc, of Railways, Roads, and Canals. A Iso essays on the prismoidal formula, and on the power required upon inclined planes. By J. B. Hdntinoton, C.E. Weale, Holborn, 18-16. 12mo. pp. 286. The object of this work in some measure resembles that of a smaller one by Mr. Hughes, reviewed in the March number of this Journal. The present treatise, however, embraces several subjects in addition to the cal- cnlation of earthworks. Tables are given for the calculation of the areas of slopes, the offsets and radii of curves, &c. The first 170 pages are occupied by the tables for the cubic contents of cuttings and embankments. Kext follows a demonstration of the prismoidal formula and illustrations of the accuracy of the calculation by this method compared with that generally used by contractors. After explaining the method of using the foregoing tables, the author gives a description of a graduated scale for measuring earthworks, without the necessity of referring to tables. A woodcut, respresenting one of these scales made by Elliot, accompanies the following description : — " I now proceed to give an explanation of a scale for measuring earth- ■work, which I have successfully used on the Eastern Counties Railway. The vertical and horizontal scales, and also the base and slope, must be pre- viously determined for each scale, and then a set can be formed embracing the required slopes of the railway. My scales were made four in number, for base 34 ; slopes 1, IJ, IJ, and 2 to 1 ; and on the back of each was properly described the slope, base, and vertfcal and horizontal scales to which they were applicable. All the dimensions were taken in yards lineal, superficial, or cubical, as required ; the application being precisely the same as the use of the tables, and the rules being the same to find the ai'ea, using 2 as a co-efScient instead of 6. Owing to the fineness of the graduations, 1 would not advise, to insure accuracy, that the vertical scale be made less than 40 feet to 1 inch, and, generally, the larger the better. 20 feet to 1 inch vertical is a good working scale. The lengths can be made to suit conve- nience. There is no necessity to measure the heights or lengths previously, and the same form must be used as before described. To Measure a Cutting by the Scale. — Apply the zero of the scale of sec- tional areas vertically to the gradient or formation line, and read off where the surface line intersects ; put this in column 1 or 2, as the case requires : then, at the smaller end of the prismoid, upon the scale of vertical yards, with zero on the surface line, observe where the gradient intersects, then place the same point of intersection on the gradient at the other end, and read off above the zero on the scale of differential areas, where the surface line insersects; put this in column 4, and then, having measured all the lengths by the scale of horizontal yards, proceed as in the use of the tables. To save time, it is desirable to take a pair of dividers, and mark off at each division the difference of the heights in succession, and then the differential scale above zero need only be applied. This method of computing cubic contents of cuttings and embankments is very expeditious with a little practice, and is quite as accurate, and gene- rally more so, than the calculating by feet and the tables ; because, in a working section, the paints of intersection of the scale and surface line can be estimated readily by the eye ; but, in using an ordinary scale of equal parts, we are compelled to neglect the fractional parts of a foot." The above extract is followed by tables of areas required on a railway for cuttings and embankments of various heights and slopes; tables for estimating the superficies of slopes ; for finding the radius of a curve of which the chord and the angle contained between the tangents to the two extreme points of the arc are known, &c. The part of the work which refers to mensuration is followed by essays on the resistances to locomotives, and the relation of the power of the engines to those resistances. These essays, however, are not altogether satisfactory ; for instance, the resistances in question are stated to be these threej— the friction of the carriages, &c., the resistance of air, and the re- solved part of the weight on an incline ; the author has, however, neglected the resistance due to the blast-pipe, which frequently at high velocities causes a pressure of 8 or 9 lb. per square inch on the piston. The follow.- ing passage is altogether erroneous— the author is calculating " power" necessary for drawing a given load ; D is the diameter of the driving wheel, a the area of the piston, I the length of the stroke : — " Letp represent the pressure (CO lb. on the inch), and let the previous notation be used, then the general expression of the power hpal-^T> for one cylinder only. The ratio between the greatest effect of one crank, and the mean effect of two acting simultaneously at tight angles to each other, is nearly as 10 to 16 ; and adopting this proportion, we have 1-6 x^aA^D = power of two cylinders." This short extract contains three errors, either of which would be fatal to the conclusion arrived at. First, the pressure in the cylinder is sup- posed to be the same as that in the boiler, whereas the relation of these two pressures to each other depends on the velocity or number of strokes per minute ; for the more frequently the cylinders have to be filled in a minute, the more will the steam be dilated in passing from the boiler. Next, the "general expression of the power" po/-r-D is erroneous, for the relation of the pressure on the piston to that exerted by the driving wheel depends on the proportion of the distance traversed by the piston, to that traversed by a point in the circumference of the driving wheel ; conse- quently, supposing the above formula correct in all other respects, we must substitute the length of the circumference for that of D the diameter. Lastly, the ratio 10 : 16 could not have been arrived at sxcept by a stati- cal process, that is, by supposing the engine not in motion ; for when it is moving, the ratio will depend on excessively complicated relations between the velocity, the load, &C. ; moreover, the application of this rela- tion here is hopelessly erroneous, for {inter alia) it is in direct opposition to the law that in machines force is neither gained nor lost by transmission, excepting so much of it as is absorbed by friction of the mechanical organs. It is due, however, to the author to state, that the theoretical essays are not considered as integral portions of the work, and that in the part which refers to mensuration everything has been done to facilitate calculation and to render the tables convenient for reference. Ancient and Modern Architecture ; consisting of views, plans, tfc. Edited by M. Gailhabaud. Parts 43, 44, and 45 ; quarto. Didot. 1846. The concluding parts of the second volume of this series, which has be^n before favourably noticed in this Journal, are now before us. They contain views, sections, and details of the Treasury of Atrens, at Mycenaa, a monument of Pelasgian architecture, and five plates, illustrating the Church of St. Francis, at Assisi, in Italy, built in the Pointed style of the thirteenth century. We have little to add to our former notices, except the necessity of making the plates architectural instead of pictorial seems to have been more carefully regarded in the latter parts of the work than in the commencement of it. The following extract from the description of the church at Assisi may suggest some reflections to those who advocate the universal adoption of high roofs in Pointed architecture :— " The lofty gable which surmounts the front does not attain the object aimed at by the architects of the North in the pointed forms of their Gothic fronts. The climate of northern countries required the roof to have a very high pitch ; the architectural decorations were conceived so as to harmonise with this necessity. In Italy it had always been usual to cover buildings with low roofs ; and architects even in the Middle Ages should have con- formed to this long establised practice. This high and useless gable, form- ing an isolated wall of a very uppleasing efiect, and exposed to all the winds of heaven, is an anomaly that would seem to indicate th? northern origin of the architect of the church of Assisi. .... In the upper nave, the trefoil arches, the tall openwork gables, the capitals with vegetable ornaments, all so common then in the North, are too boldly em- ployed to be attributed to Italians, who were then novices in this Northern style. Let us add, that the muUions of the windows have the shape and outline of those executed at the same date in France and Germany ; and that this edifice is the only one beyond the Alps that contains a series of painted windows so complete and so strictly in keeping with the general cha- racter of the building. The Pointed style was still a novelty in Italy at the beginning of the thirteenth century, when the church of Assisi was built ; it was called tedesco, or German, and only a few essays had been made. At this epoch, what Italian artist could have conceived so perfect, so well-pro- portioned a whole, in a style then quite new to him ? The isolated gable, which serves no useful purpose in the cHmate of Italy, though so appropriate in the North, seems to prove the northern origin of the architect, who could not allow himself to disfigure the pointed forms to which he was accustomed, by reducing them to the low pitch of Italian roofs — a modification which Niccola Pisano introduced in Gothic architecture, when he built the charcb. 20» ]56 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Mat, of Saint Antony, at Padua ; as Simon Andreozzi did in the side elevations of the AraCccli. at Rome ; and as many other Italian artists contemporary with the Fiiinted-arch period have done, hut in general very imperfectly, in numerous edifices scattered about Italy, from Venice to the kingdom of Naples." The last number contains the title-page and index of the volume. The third volume will be published in December. NEW LAW OF COMPOUND MOTION. At the last soirt'e of the Slarquis of Northampton there was exhibited an instrument by Mr. I'erigal for developing a peculiar law of com- pound circular motion ; the following description we extract fnom the Literary (iazette. It is an instrument for " generating rclrugressive or recurrent curves, by which the moving body, when it has reached the extreme points of the curve, retrogrades or returns back in exactly the same line along which it advanced ; constantly moving forward and back- ward from one extremity to the other; and always tracing and retracing the same line as it alternately advances and recedes." These curves were produced by a complicated system of wheel-work, which Mr. Perigal stated lo be capable of generating numberless varieties of curves dependent upon the ratio of the velocities of the movements ; but the instrument was, on this occasion, adjusted for the production of para- bolas or hyperbolas, and a sort of figure of 8 curve, resembling a lemnis- cate, which he showed to be different forms of one and the same curve, just as circles and right lines are (limits or) varieties of ellipses. M'hen the tracing- point passed through the centre, the curve was at one of its extremes or limits ; and the two ovals of the figure of 8 were opened to their fullest extent of roundness; but alterations in the angular adjustment of the movements caused these ovals to become more and more flattened, till they ultimately converged or collapsed, and became in appearance a single line, terminating in points, with the form of a parabola or hyperbola ; and the tracing-point travelled forward and backward from one extremity of the cur\e to the other repeatedly, without in the least degree thickening the line in one part more than in another ; evidencing that it advanced and receded in exactly the very same path ! In fact, the line of return might be considered as superposed upon the liue of advance; as Mr. Perigal remarked, in reply to a very eminent mathematician, who objected that the figure of 8 cui-ve was a liue of the fourth order, inasmuch as it could be cut by a straight line iu four places, while the parabola was a line of the second order, because it could be so cut only in two places; but the suggestion of its being a double line superposed seems to remove the difficulty. Mr. Perigal informed us that one of his objects was to exhibit the para- bola in the novel character of a retrogressive or recurrent curve of definite range ; whence he inferred, that (/' a comet mored in that curve (as most of them are said to do) it might return after it had performed its allotted journey, and continue to visit us periodicalli/, as several do, which are therefore supposed to travel in very elongateii ellipses, although their ap- parent path more resembles a parabola. We do not take upon ourselves to decide that this " retrogressive" curve of Mr. Perigal is or is not identical with the parabola of Apollonius ; but we can bear testimony to its striking resemblance to the conic section; and atlording at least primafacie evidence of its relationship, however much its newly discovered properly of " periodicitij" may shock the pre- judices of those who have hitherto thought themselves learned in such matters. Besides, it is well known that reciprocating straight lines can be produced by combinations of circular motions ; and, therefore, we can- not see why it should have been deemed impossible so to produce para- bolas and hyperbolas, which, being curved lines, would even appear the less unlikely. Of the importance of the discovery in reference to the cometary theory, our scientific readers can judge for themselves ; and such of them as are mathematicians can, for their own satisfaction, put the question to the proof by submitting the problem to analytical investigation. POWER TO OVERCOME INERTIA OF RAILAVAY TRAINS. Paper read at the Royal Society, on the Investignlion of the Power con- sumed in Overcoming the Inertia of Railway Trains, and of the Resistance of the Air to the Motion of Railway Trains at high velocities, by P. \V . Barlow, Esq. — The object of the author iu this enquiry is to obtain a more correct knowledge than has hitherto been possessed of the resistance which the air opposes to the motion of locomotive engines at high veloci- ties, and of the loss of force arising from increased back pressure, and the imperfect action of steam. For this purpose he inslitutes a comparison between tie velocities actually acquired by railway trains with those which the theory of accelerated motion would have assigned ; and his ex- periments are made not only ou trains pro|)elled by a locomotive engine, but also on those moving on the atmospheric railway, which latter afford valuable results, inasmuch as the tractive force is not subject to the losses at high velocities necessarily mcident to locomotive engines. A table is given of the theoretical velocities resulting from calculations founded on the dynamical law of constant accelerating forces, in the case of trains of various weights, impelled by different tractive forces, moving from a state of rest, and is followed by another table of the observed velocities in Mr. Stephenson's experiments on the Dalkey line ; the resultof the comparison being that, in a distance of a mile and a quarter, the loss of velocity is about one-half of the observed velocity. A series of experiments ou lo- comotive lines is next related ; but the comparison is less satisfactory than in the former case, because the tractive force cannot be so accurately estij mated ; it is, however, sulliciently so to establish the fact, that the power lost by the locomotive engine below the speed of thirty miles per hour, is so small as lo be scarcely appreciable; and that the time and power vshich are absorbed in putting a railway train in motion are almost entirely re- quired to overcome the inertia of the train, and do not arise from any loss or imperfection of the engine. It appears from these experiments _lhat above one-fifth of the whole power exerted is consumed in putting the train in motion at the observed velocity. In the atmospheric railway the author finds that the tractive force of a Dfteen-inch-pipe is so small (being less than half that of a locomotive engine) that the time of overcoming the inertia must limit the amount of traflic on a single line, especially with numerous stations. When a great velocity is obtained, the tractive force of the locomotive is much reduced, and, therefore, a much greater velocity can be attained on an atmospheric railway. The inquiries of the author into the amount ol resistance exerted by the air on railway trains, lead him to the conclusion that on the atmospheric railway the loss of the tractive power of the piston from friction, itc, is very inconsiderable, and that the resistance of the air is less than had been hitherto estimated, not exceed- ing, on an average, ten pounds per ton on the average weight of trains. A tabular statement is then given of the results of the experiments made by the British Association for the purpose of comparison with those obtained by the author. The general conclusion which he arrives at is, that the resistance of the air in a quiescent state is less than had been previously estimated, and that the ordinary atmospheric resistance in railway pro- gression arises from the air being generally itself iu motion, and, as the direction of the current is not always oblique, from its producing increased friction in the carriages. This kind of resistance will not increase as the square of the velocity ; and as it is the principal one, it follows that the resistance to railwaj trains increases in a ratio not much higher than the velocity, and that the practical limit to the speed of railway travelling is a question, not of force, but of safety. FROCBSDINGS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. ROYAL SCOTTISH SOCIETY OF ARTS. March 23. — John Clerk Maxwell, Esq., F.R.S.E., in the Chair. The following communications were made : — 1. Description of a Water wheel with Vertical Axle, on the plan of the Turbine of Fourneyron, erected at Balgonie Mills, Fifeshire. By Joseph Gordon Stimrt, Esq. The paper gave an interesting description of a Wheel on tliis principle recently erected by him at his tlax-spinning works at Balgonie, in Fife, and a summary of its general advantages. The Turbine is, in general appearance, like an overshot wheel, laid on its side, and wrought at the bottom of the fall. The water enters it from the inner circumference of the crown, and quits it at the outer circumference, impinging on every bucket of the one, and flowing from every part of the other, at the same instant of time. The water is supplied from a reservoir rising above the wheel, in which it stands to the full height of the fall, and is discharged from the bottom of this reservoir tlirough a cylindrical sluice, so as to be delivered not only on every bucket or curve of the wheel at the same time, but also with the full velocity due to its head. The problem sought to be solved in the construction of the curves is, that the water, which has entered without shock, should quit without velocity. On the nicety of this con- struction will depend the economy of power, but in general the useful etfect obtained will be equal to that of the best constructed overshot wheel. The turbine has the advantage of the overshot wheel in being adaptable to any height of fall (such wheels are working on the continent on falls from 332 feet to 13 inches), in being generally cheaper in constrnction, and always much cbeai>er in maintenance, — in being little disturbed in its economical arrangement citheir by changes in the quantity of water supplied, or by being thrown in back water — and in going at such speed as greatly to eco- nomise the necessary connecting gearing for factory work. Mr. Stuart's paper, with the illustrative drawings and model, was remitted to a committee of the Society that they may report fully on the merits of that (in this countrj) novel mode of economising water power. M'hen that committee have made their report it may be expected that the result will he laid more fully before the public, especially if it be such as to justify the expectations entertained by Mr. Stuart, of this being a most valuable improvement upon any water wheel hitherto in use. 2. Xotice of a Double Bell- Jar, — or Receiver, — for the Air Pump. By James Ton, Esq., W.S., .Sec. On a late occasion, in treating of his experi- ments on the relative capabilities of different gases to convey sounda. Dr. M'ilson having stated that he had constructed the plate on which the bell-jat 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 15^ of the air pump rests of thick plate glass, but that on exhausting the bell- jar, the pressure of the atmosphere had shivered the plate glass into pieces, Mr. Tod, in this paper, suggested a plan by which the necessary strength might be obtained, while, at the same time, all parts of the interior would be as visible as when the plate glass disc was used. Mr. Tod suggested that, by taking two semi-elliptical bell-jars, the one of which should be per- forated at the bottom, and fixed in a brass or other collar attached to the pump, and the other made to fit upon its ground lip, there would then be a double bell-jar formed of great strength, able to resist the atmospheric pressure equally from above and from below ; and that the galvanic wires could be introduced into the interior of the jar through perforations in the collar at the bottom and properly insulated. 3. A Communication from Australia on a new arrangement of the Screw- Propeller. By Mr. Ja.mes P.iterson, engineer. Melbourne, Port-Philip, Australia. In this new arrangement of the screw propeller, the screw is made to traverse in an angle of 30 deg., by means of a Hook's joint, and is thus intended to serve the purpose not only of a propeller but of the rudder. It is not fixed, as usual, in the dead wood, but at the outside of the steru post, just where the ordinary rudder is placed. April 13.— Sir G. S. JIackenzie, Bart., F.R.S.E,, President, in the Chair. The following communications were made: 1. Verbal observations on the use of the Fibres of Plants, and jiar- ticu'larly on the use of the Plantain Fibre : illustrated by Drawings and Specimens. By Professor Balfour, F.R.S.E. — Dr. Balfour made some general observations on the plants which furnish fibre for the purposes of manufacture. He noticed the dillerence iu the tenacity of the woody fibre of various species of plants, such as flax and hemp, and illustrated by drawings of the form and nature of the fibre, as contrasted with the other tissues,''and its distribution in the stems of herbaceous plants. Fibres, from various plants belonging to the nettle and mallow tribe, from screw pines, pine apple leaves, and palms ; also New Zealand flax, Pita (lax, African or Bowstring hemp, Bengal hemp, Coir, kc, were brought under consideration. Dr. Balfour then alluded to various trees, the bark of which furnished cordage, and such as the lime or linden tree, the lace-bark tree, and the East Indian sack tree or chandul (a species of Antiaris), which grows iu the deep ravines of Kandalla, and iu the jungle near Coorg. He then proceeded to notice various species of plants belonging to the banana and plantain tribe, as Musa textilis, jiaradisaica, sapicntum, and rosacea, from which fibres have been prepared, the mode of prepara- tion, the quantity yielded, and the nature of Ibe fibre. Specimens of plan- tain fibres, in various states, were exhibited. In some of the specimens not fully prepared, the microscope showed, in addition to woody fibres, spiral and dotted vessels, which are by no means so tenacious as ligneous tissue. The fibres, although tliey bear a considerable weight, are not well fitted for the ordinary purposes of manufacture : they break easily wheu a knot is made on them. The communication was illustrated by fresh specimens of the leaves of many of the plants, from the Botanic Garden, and by a large drawing of the plantain. 2. Description and Drawing of a Cabinet Lock and Key of a new con- struction. By Paul S. Samuells, SI.D. There are three plates in this lock, a bark, a front, and a centre plate. A square hole is formed in each, but it is only the middle one which can be moved by the key ; so that un- less the key go down to the proper depth and no farther, the bolt cannot be shifted. There is also a back spring behind the bolt, ou which two pins or studs are fixed, the one of which enters a hole in the bolt, which pre- vents it shifting until the spring be depressed by the key. The other pin or stud enters the pipe of the key ; so that unless it exactly fits the length of that pipe, the key will not depress it far enough to relieve the bolt, or if too long, the key vvill not get into its place, but be caught by the outer square. Another advantage of this lock is, that on withdrawing the key, the bolt is necessarily locked. 3. Description,' with Diagrams, of a Uydrn-Pneumatic Railway. By Mr. George Clark, Edinburgh. The weight of water is made use of to compress the air, which is forced into the tube laid betwixt the tvi'o sets of rails. He then contrives an apparatus for opening the continuous valves of the tube, and for conveying the compressed air from it to the boiler of the locomotive, from which it is admitted to the pistous of the cylinders, as the steam is used, in the common method. 4. Description of a Model of an improved method of Hanging Windows, zvhereby, at small expense, windows in common use can be so altered, that the Sashes can be taken out and cleaned, painted, or glazed, from the interior of the room. By Mr. John Steven, Edinburgh. This simple method can be applied to all windows as now constructed at a very trifling expense, probably under five shillings for each window. The sashes can be taken out with ease and in about two minutes. There is nothing liable to get out of repair; and it possesses other advantages, such as allowing the upper sash to come down to the very bottom, the steps covering the pocket holes being removed to the inside frame. As a separate improvement, Mr. Steven recommends that in new windows the sashes should be made with a slight taper, so as to fit closely when shut, but to move freely wheu pulled up or down. 5. On a Machine for Beating Carpets, Wringing and Drying Clothes, l(c. By Mr. John Baillie, Edinburgh. This consists of a broad wheel with four arms, on each of which leather is stretched — and on being turned round by a handle, these leaves strike on the carpet, while the broad lea- ther fan drives away the dust. The wheel is then reversed, which beats the under side of the carpet, which is brought in successive parts under the beaters. By having a hook attached to the axle of the wheel, heavy- clothes, such as blankets, may be easily wrung ; and the wind of the fans speedily dries them wheu suspended within its influence. SOCIETY OF ARTS, LONDON. March 25. -G. Moore, Esq., V.P., in the Chair. The first paper read was, by the Rev. Dr. Thompson, " On the Earth- quakes of Peru and Chili." The paper also described the peculiarities of the mountains of North and South America, and concluded with an ac- count of the most celebrated earthquakes that have occurred in America. The second communication was, " On an Improred Safety Lamp for Miners." By Dr. Clannv. The improvement consists in preventing cur- rents of air coming in contact with the flame ; a glass, or other transparent substance, being substituted for the wire gauze at the lower part of the lamp. It is also less liable to be blown out than the Davy lamp. April S.—W. F. Cooke, Esq., V.P., in the Chair. Ths following communications were made by Dr. Green, " On a Neio Portable Stand for Telescopes with an Equatorial Movement, but witliout a Polar Axis." The subject of the improvement was introduced with au account of the telescope from the time of its discovery, and the improve- ments which have been made upon it up to the present time. He next alluded to the stand ordinarily used, and pointed out the peculiarities of the Herschelian, achromatic, and other stands, and the objections to them, arising either from their unsteadiness, unportabilily, or other causes; he then proceeded to point out the improvements which he had ell'ected, by- describing his own stand. The true principle upon which every stand ought to be constructed (observed Dr. Green) is to have the heaviest end of the telescope supported on a solid foundation, and the moving power should be placed as far as possible from the centre of motion. To ellect both these conversions has been my aim in the stand which I now submit. As a triangular support is found to be the most steady, it has been adopted in this case, and pervades almost every part of the stand. The object-end of the tube containing the great mirror rests upon a circular disc, having a diameter about one-half larger than that of the tube. It is supported by three feet, which are not more than three-quarters of an inch high, so that it may be said to rest solidly on the earth. To admit of easy rotation, a second disc of the same diameter rests on the surface of the one described, and moves on three friction wheels round a pivot passed through the centre of each. Near the periphery of this upper circular disc, upon the opposite sides of it, are fixed, vertically, two flat pieces of brass, about half the dia- meter of the tube iu height; upon these the telescope rests by means of two horizontal arms projecting from the sides. The object is to form a universal joint, and prevent the telescope rotating on its own axis. The upper end of the tube rests upon a pair of shears a little inclined towards the tube, thus the entire fabric is one large triangle, possessing the greatest steadiness. The shears are attached at their lower end to a horizontal bar, which slides in a groove. The bar is worked by means of a universal joint and rack and pinion, and by which the slow motion in azimuth is given. The shears are so constructed as tu admit of being lengthened or sliortened. The fine movement in altitude for finding a star is provided by a slide on the outside of the under part of the tube, to which slide the shears are attached. The slide is moved by a rack and pinion. The equatorial movement is the link of connexion between the head of the shears and the slide for the fine altitude movement, and is thusetfected : the two legs forming the shears are hinged together at the top by a circular joint, in the centre of which is inserted a piece of brass, which carries the equatorial movement slide, and is worked by a toothed-wheel and pinion. The equatorial slides are attached to the altitude slide by a universal Joint. By placing the lower end with the discs it rests upon,ona tripod, this frame may be made to suit the Newtonian telescope for viewing terrestrial ob- jects. 2. " Ok a Process for the Preservation of Animal and Vegetable Sub- stances with their forms and colours unimpaired." By Dr. J. Silvestri. — A number of specimens of preserved animal and other substances were ex- hibited. 3. " Specimens of a new process of dulling the surface of electrotypes." By Mr. Colchester, and also specimens of a new method of brjnzing, by Mr. Loope, were also exhibited. April 13. — T. M'ebster, Esq., V.P., in the Chair. The first communication was on " Mr. Rand's inventions for the Manu- facture of Flexible Metal Vessels for preserving paint and otlw.r matters." By W. Carpmael. Mr. Carpmael slated that Mr. Rand, who is an artist, had, from the inconvenience and waste of colour which takes place when it is put up in the bladders ordinarily used, been led to endeavour to find a substitute, and the use of metallic vessels suggested itself. After ex- periments he succeeded in forming them of so thin a body of metal that they are capable of being collapsed so as to shut out all air. The tubes are made of block tin the 150th part of an inch in thickness, and have at their upper end a nozzle and screw cap, and are closed at the bottom by being folded over once or twice with a pair of pincers so as to exclude all air. .A.S the colour or other matter which they contain is pressed out, the tubes are collapsed and thus the upper part of the tube always remains full. Each tube has to go through the following process of manufacture. 158 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Mat, A small piece of block tin is put into a die upon which a punch worked by a fly-press descends and forces the metal up, of the required thickness, between the surfaces of the die and the punch ; thus by a single blow the body of the tube is formed. It is then removed to a second press, by which the screw on the neck of the tube is formed, and by a second blow, in the same pres<, the maker's name is stamped upon it. The cap is formed in a similar manner by a third machine. The tube when struck is placed on a lathe and cut the required length. Thus an air-tight bottle is formed with- out seam in a few seconds. The second communication was by Mr. Banks, on the Cotton produced in Honduras and Yucatan, and the practicability of introducing free-labour cotton from Africa and other countries into the British market. The ob- ject of the communication was to point out the importance of our cotton manufactures — the successful competition of white and grey fabrics with those of Britain in foreign markets — the great production of raw materials by slave labour in the States — the general inferiority of the cotton imported from India — the practicability of obtaining larger supplies by free labour, from other quarters within our reach — the improvement of the staple, and consequently of the fabric, and the opening of a new market with Africa and elsewhere. April 22. — R. TwiNiNS, Esq., V.P., in the Chair. The first communication was by Mr. Hanks, who resumed his paper on cotton produced in Honduras and Yucatan, &c. Heproceeded to show why the American white and grey fabrics maintained a higher price and so snccesfuUy competed with the British manufactures in foreign markets. He next described the peculiarities of the kinds of cotton ; and means re- sorted to by the Americans for cleaning or freeing the cotton from the seed, — namely, the Saw Gin. The amount of cotton exported to England from America he stated to be 1,500,000 bales per annum ; while that from India and other countries amounted to only 500,000 bales. He next proceeded to show that the sea-coast of Africa presents a large territory which is capable of being made to produce cotton in larger quantities, and of a quality equal, ifnot superior, to the American. From inquiries which had been made at the Wesleyan and Baptist Missionary Societies, he had as- certained that the missionaries of both those Societies have instructions to promote such objects as the cultivation of cotton among the natives at their several stations, which extend ail along the coast of Western Africa — and he strongly urged the necessity of their introducing the saw gin, in lieu of the roller gin and hand labour, to free the cotton from the seed, and the screw-press for packing it into bales. The second communication was by Mr. Keyse, on an apparatus for pre- scrrm? life htj supporlin/; persons when in the water. It consists of a covering for the arms, which are made of mackintosh cloth, and are capable of being inflated, of a pair of webbed gloves, and also a pair of cork clogs, ■with concave bottoms. The apparatus is stated to give an additional buoyancy of 35 pounds to the body. EOYAX INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. Extract from the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting, held on Monday, March 23, 1846. Resolved, — That the Medals of the Institute be awarded next year to the Authors of the best Essays on the following subjects : — 1. On the Adaptation and Modification of the Orders of the Greeks by the Romans and Moderns. 2. On the best system to be adopted with regard to the arrangements for the thorough Drainage of a Town House, and of a Nobleman's JIansion and Offices in the Countn.', respectively. Comprising the general arrange- ment for carrying off the Waters and Sewage, the sizes and most convenient forms for the Drains or Conduits, the requisite fall, the description of ma- terial to be employed, and the several precautious for the prevention of damp, smell, and passage of vermin ; — to be accompanied by block Plans and Details. N.B. Each Essay to be written in a clear and distinct hand, on alternate pages, and to be distinguished by a Mark, or Motto, without any name at- tached thereto. Resolved, — That the Soane Medallion be awarded to the best design for an Edifice, suitable to the Congregational Worship of the Church of Eng- land, and capable of accommodating One Thousand Persons, without Gal- leries. The design to be Roman or Italian, expressive of its purpose both intern- ally and externally, presenting as little obstruction to sight as possible. The Chancel to be properly marked in Plan and decoration, with reference to its Protestant uses. All the Windows to be charged with stained glass. There must be a conspicuous Belfry, but the body of the Church is not to be surmounted by a Dome. The Drawings of the Elevations and Two Sections, to be to a scale of one-quarter of an inch to a foot, — the Plans and Perspective View to one- eighth of an inch to a foot, and tinted with India ink or sepia only. The competition is not confined to Members of the Institute. Directions for Candidates. £ach Essay and set of Drawings is to be accompanied by a sealed letter, containing the nameof the writer within, and on the outside the same motto as that attached to the Essay or Drawings ; this is to be enclosed in a sealed envelope, containing an address to which a communication may be sent of the decision of the Institute, and directed — To the Honorary Secrefarieg of the Royal Institute of British Architects. Essay for Medal (or) Drawings for Medal f Motto). The Packet, so prepared and directed, is to he delivered at the Rooms of the Institute, on or before the 31st of December, 1846, by Twelve o'clock at noon. The Council will not consider themselves called upon to adjudge a Pre- mium, unless the Essays or Drawings be of sufficient merit to deserve that distinction ; and, if the best Drawings should be by a candidate who has been successful on a former occasion, the Institute reserve to themselves the power of adjudging such other adequate reward as they may think fit, and of awarding the medals offered to the second in merit. The Essays and Drawings, to which Premiums are awarded, become the property of the In- stitute, to be published by them if thought fit. In case of the papers not being published within eighteen months after receiving the Medals, the authors will be at liberty to publish them. The object of the Institute is not merely to draw the attention of the Students, and younger members of the Profession, to the importont theo- retical and practical subjects which are annually brought forward as subject matter for the Prize Essays, — they have a still higher aim ; — they would wish to enlist the experience, the judgment, and the taste of those profoundly acquainted with the several departments of the .\rt, whether Members of the Institute or not; in the hope of collecting a series of authoritative Es- says upon every branch of Architecture, considered both as a Fine Art and a Science, so as ultimately to form an important body of information on Ar- chitecture, both decorative and constructive. The Institute trust that this appeal to professional men will not be in vain, and when they consider the honoured names of Palladio, Chambers, Ron- delet, Smeaton, Tredgold, Nicholson, KrafTt, and others who have done so much, and deservedly gained so much honor in like investigations, |they can- not but confidently hope that many other men of erudition, taste, and science, will be induced to add in like manner to the stores of Architectur»l knowledge. April 20. — Earl de Grev, President, in the Chair. A paper was read by the Rev. Richard Bdrgess, on " The Ancient Triumphal Arches." The paper commenced by explaining the purposes for which those monuments were erected ; that they were properly divided into two classes, arches of triumph and honorary arches. The former placed nowhere but across triumphal roads, like the Via Appia, Via Flaminia, and other great approaches : the Via Sacra, by which the pro- cession moved to the Capitol, was distinguished by several. The honorary arches were placed where the acts they commemorated had taken place, as the Arch of Trajan at Ancona, where that Emperor had built a port, the Arch of Augustus at Susa, at the foot of Mount Cenis, where Augustus passed in journeying to or from the transalpine provinces. Mr. Burgess having established this distinction, then enumerated all the arches now ex. isting or known to have existed in Rome or Italy, in chronological order. Before proceeding to the description of the principal existing arches, he described a triumphal procession, especially taking Vopiscus's account of Aurelian's triumph. After disposing of the provincial honorary arches, and some general remarks on such as might be termed mere gateways, the paper contained an historical account of the arches of Drusus, Titus, Sep- timius Severus, and Constantine in order, and to the historical account were added various architectonic observations, and illustrations of the or- naments which still exist upon those arches. Mr. Burgess pointed out the decline of Art in the arch of Septimius Severus, and the perfection of it in that of Constantine, which he showed to have been an arch belonging to the best age of sculpture, and was adopted but not erected by Constantine, In the course of the dissertation Mr. Burgess paid a tribute of respect to the memory of the late Mr. Basevi, and mentioned the Fitzwilliam Museum, at Cambridge, as a fine example of genius soaring above the littleexpedient of loading with ornament that which was deficient in architectural result. Mr. Burgess took occasion to compare the pageantry of the Roman triumphs with the modest deportment of our commanders, and drew some parallel between the Indian victories and those of the Romans iu Asia, and the paper was concluded with a reference to the influence of Christianity in moderating the proceedings of modern warfare. The President announced that the Academic Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux Arts de Belgique had expressed a desire to place it- self in communication with the Institute ; and likewise that the Accademia Olimpica, of Vicenza, had acknowledged the receipt of the report of Messrs. Poynter and Donaldson, the honorary secretaries, on the colleclion of drawings by Palladio, in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire, and as a mark of their sense of the courtesy of the Institute on the occa- sion, had elected Messrs. Poynter and Donaldson, Members of that Aca- demy. The Honorary Medal, voted on the 17th of November last, to the Che- valier Beuth, as a testimonial of the sense entertained by the members of the Institute of the benefit conferred by him on the art during the period he held the important oliice under tlie Prussian Government, from which he has retired, was presented, with an appropriate address, to the Chevalier Hebeler, who had been requested by the Chevalier Beuth to receive it oa his behalf. The Prize Medals awarded on the 23rd of February, were presented by 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 159 Earl de Grey :— to Mr. Wortbington ; to Mr. S. J. Nicboll ; and to Mr. J. F. Wadraore. The President announced that the Queen had been graciously pleased to bestow a further mark of favour upon the Institute, by giving annually a gold medal for the promotion of the useful purposes of the Society, and that the regulations connected with this gratifying instance of Her Ma- jesty's continued favour, would be forthwith determined and communicated at the earliest opportunity. DECORATIVE ART SOCIETY. Mr. E. Cooper exhibited a process for producing a volute by means of a natural form. He had selected a shell, the Buccinum spiratum, or Syra- cuse whelk, and affixed it to a board ; a string with crayons attached was then wound along the spiral hollow of the shell, and this, in the course of its convolutions, delineated what he assumed to be the Greek volute. He compared the result, satisfactorily, with engravings, by Nicholson, from the Ionic capitals to the Temple on the lUissus and the Temple of Bacchus at Teos, and he also had detected an exact correspondence in size in Inwood's Erechtheion, plate 21, from the Temple of Victory on the Acropolis. BIr. Cooper then explained that, in an examination of an Ionic capital in the British Museum, he observed that the eye had been litted with a stone simitar to the other parts ; and, further, that in another instance the eye had been lost out. The orifice thus exposed, he conjectured, had been ne- cessarily made to receive an instrument for guiding the tools used in work- ing mouldings on the face of the volute. Its diameter agreed very nearly with that of the lower part of his shell, and he presumed that a modified cast in metal from the shell would supply an instrument suited to such a purpose, and which, at any rate, oft'ered an inexpensive and ready mode of striking scrolls for hand-rails, &c. Mr.Tapling tested the volute described by Mr. Cooper by a notation of eight radial intersections, and he contended that the scale of expansion was ditfereut from that of the Greek volute. His remarks were afterwards sustained by a comparative experiment upon a rubbing which Mr. Cooper had in his possession. It was also said, that the engravings referred to by Mr. Cooper were incorrect. NOTES OF THE MONTH. One of the entire floors of the new Houses of Parliament of the build- ing|facing the river, is to be completed forthwith for the numerous commit- tees that are likely to be called into action by railway proceedings in the Houses of Parliament. Mr. Ambrose Poynter, the indefatigable Hon. Sec. of the Royal Institute of British Architects and the architect of numeroua ecclesiastical buildings, and Mr. John Shaw, architect, of Christ's Hospital, have been appointed, under the new act, official referees in place of BIr. Higgins, who some time since resigned the appointment. We feel assured these appointments will give great satisfaction to the profession. We regret to announce the demise of Mr. Le-keux, justly celebrated for the accuracy and neatness of his engravings connected with architecture. Lord Mahon has been appointed President of the Society of Antiqua- rians. It is time that this Society commenced a revolution in its proceed- ings ; it ought to embrace all the intentions of the two rival Societies — the Archaeological Institute and Association. The Royal Academy has announced for its architectural prize, to be awarded on the 10th December next, a silver medal for the most accu- rately finished drawings of St. Peter's, Cornhill ; the plan, elevation, and section to be drawn from actual measurement. The progress of the new Houses of Parliament have been greatly de- layed on account of Dr. Reid's system of warming and ventilation ; serious disputes have arisen with Mr. Barry, the architect, who was obliged to take his stand against the enormous inconvenience Dr. Reid's works occa- sioned to the progress of the building. At length Government has taken the dispute in hand ; in the House of Lords, Viscount Canning announced that three gentleman had been selected to enquire into the whole subject connected with both the warming and ventilation, and to advise Go- vernment thereon. The gentlemen to whom instructions have been ad- dressed are Mr. Hardwick, so well known as the architect of the new dining hall and library at Lincoln's-inn; Professor Graham, the Professor of Chemistry at tlie University of London ; and Mr. George Stephenson, the engineer, a gentleman who, apart from his general scientific reputation, has given much attention to the subject of ventilation. The ancient temple of the Knights of Malta, at Laon, has been com- pletely restored under the auspices of Government. A statue of Sophocles is on its way from Athens to Paris, to be placed in the Louvre. It is said to be one of the most remarkable antique works of art. At New York, the new Trinity Church, said to be one of tlie best ex- amples of Gothic architecture in that city, is nearly [finished. It has a tower and crocheted spire 300 feet high ; and the windows are filled in with stained glass. M. Blouet, architect to the Arc de I'Etoile (given in the Journal, vol. II., 1839), has been elected of succeed the Baltard professor at the School of Fine Arts, in Paris. The restoration of the works at the Chateau of Blois, by M. Duban, is making great progress. An electroiihonic telegraph, the invention of Chevalier Laskott, has been presented by Professor Jacob to the Imperial Academy of Petersburgh. It is composed of a clavia of ten keys, ten bells of different sizes, and ten conducting wires, by which the letters of the alphabet, and words which they form, are expressed by sounds and harmonics. On the Dublin and Kingstown Railway the consumption of coke per train per mile is 2G|lb., and the total cost of power and maintenance of way 10-7 pence. Mr. Bidder, in his report on the recent gauge experiments (detailed in the Journal for February last, p. 49), gives the following results : — Broad Gange. Narrow Gaupe. Date of experiment Dec. 30. Dec. 31. .-.0 8i lot; 12 19708 232 Dec. 31. 1 Draft in tons 5tt »U Distance travelled in miles 42 42 Time in minutes and sec. 72 i; •tCi 52 Water evaporated lb. 12215 H90O 23.V7 Ditto do. per mile lb. 291 Ditto do. per hour lb. lOlCO lllSO 1 04.10 Cubic feet per hour 162i 1"« lt>7 Coke consumed lb. 13H1 1176 Water evaporated per lb. of Colie lb. <»-3 'J-6 8-8 Coke consumed permilelb. 31-2 24 26-t; Pressure n 60 Engines A Surface of fire-box feet sq. OS Areas of blast pipes in cir- cular inches S3t)41 1 ContsQts of cylinders do. 472.') 1 Dec. 17. Dec. 16. Dec. 16. 60 SO 60 1014 lOOJ loii 112 42 117 4 131 3- 22596 23489 24838 232 2335 24* 11820 12020 12300 198 mi mi 7-8 7-12 7-12 29-6 133-6 33« Ixion 97 372U 4961 The friction of air through tubes, Mr. Bidder observes, is tolerably well ascertained ; it appears that, with a pressure of -04 lb. per inch, the velo- city of the air through the long tubes of the A engine used in the narrov^ gauge experiments was 16 miles per hour, and through the shorter tubes of the Ixion 18 miles per hour. ARTESIAN WELLS IN CHINA. It is about twenty years since the report of Artesian wells in that coun- try has reached Europe, through the medium of the French missionaries. According to these statements, one single district of the Celestial Empire, equal in size to one of the provinces of France, contains more than 10,000 (?) Artesian wells, some of which attain the astonishing depth of 8 to 900 metres. These extraordinary soundings of the earth's surface are, it is said, made by very simple means, and for various purposes, of which one, certainly, is most extraordinary, and altogether peculiar to the Chinese. Some of them discharge a water greatly impregnated with, common salt, others bring to the surface a bituminous oil, others in fine, seemingly by passing through coal measures in the state of ignition, exhale constantly combustible (hydrogen) gas. These are the so-called fire-wells of the missionaries, with which the Chinese procure the gas which they use for the evaporation of the salt brine of the adjacent wells. The importance of these statements is easily conceived, not only in a scientific but also a practical point of view, as we might be able thereby to furnish our cities, at a nominal rate, with that vast quantity of gas we now consume, but the jealousy hitherto of the Chinese authorities prevents travellers pushing to that quarter. The French Academy of Sciences has, therefore, of late inspected with great interest the specimens of bitumen and brine which the director of the French missions in China has addressed to them. The only fact of importance elicited by the chemical analysis which these substances have been submitted to is the complete absence of iodine in the brine. M. Boussingault acted as reporter in this important transaction. J. L Y. THE AURIFEROUS SAND OF THE RHINE. Some observations on the utilizing the hitherto hidden riches of this river have been laid before the French Institute, by M. Daubr^e, Engineer of Mines at Strasburg. It has been calculated that the amount of gold contained in the sand of the above river amounts to 35,916 kilogrammes, of the value of 114 millions of francs. M. D. has made many experiments to determine how the particles of gold detached from the Alpine rocks are distributed in the alluvion {atterissements) of the banks of the Rhine. The pebbles most usually searched after for gold are those which the river deposits at a short distance from the stratum, subjected to the abra- sion of the waters.. It is on the upper part of banks thus formed, in the midst of large pebbles, to a depth of not more than 15 centimetres, that gold is to be met with. Out of the actual bed of the river, gold is also to be met with in the ancient deposits of the river, which form a band of 4 to (> kilometres broad. In the fine sand without pebbles, such as is deposited in the hollows of the bed, no gold is to be found, any more than in the alluvial soil (slime), which, nevertheless, is of Alpine origin. The sand which is usually searched after for gold contains generally from 13 to 16 160 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [May "hundred millionth parts ; it is rare that this richness passes 7 ten inillionths. The revolulione, therefore, which the Rhine. occasions, at times, in the contents of its bed changes the amount of gold from 1 to 70. The parti- cles of gold are always very small, 17 to 22 making only a kilogramme. Compared with the sand of rivers worked in Siberia and Chili for gold, the former are r> times, the latter 1 0 times richer than those of the I?hine. The ffold of the IJhine sand seems to be derived from the tertiary formation, and, in the first instance, from the schistous crystalline rocks of the Alps, as is the case with most other rivers which descend from these mountains. J. L V. STEAM NAVIGATION. Three steam vessels of war. the Sidoyi, the Odin, and the Termai^ant, m course of construction at Deptford Dockyard, are on the eve of being launched. The Sidon steam frigate is constructed on a plan of Sir Charles Napier's, and appears a rer^* fine looking vessel, very stronglv put together. Although only two feet longer, and two feet broader than the Odin sleain vessel building in the same yard, the Sidon is intended to carry 40(i tons more c( als than that vessel. She was jjlaced on blocks on the LMth of June, \Mb, and in exactly 10 months will be ready to enter her future element. All the parts of her machinery above water mark are to be constructed of malleable iron, and of ifreat power to resist injury during actual warfare : and every beam across her decks has been secured with strong iron kneedbolts to the powerful timbers of her sides.— The Odin steam frigate was designed by Ulr. Fincham, master-shipwiight at Portsmouth Dockyard, and the whole of her frame is put together, and she will soon he ready for launching. She was placed on the blocks on the 19th of Febniarr, 184.>.— The Terma- Kant steam-frigate, constructing from a design by Mr. White, builder at Cowes, is a ves- sel of the same length as the Odin, designed by Mr. Finchnm ; but 3 feet fi inches greater dimensions in htr extreme breadth, and will have engines of GOO liorse power.— The fol- lowing are the dimensions of the three vessels ;— „ _, The Sldon. The Odin. The Termagant. Length between perpendiculars 210 ft. 0 in. L'Ogft. 0 in. 208 ft. 3 in. Ditto of keel for tonnage . . 18.^ n \B:i 6i 181 M Breadth extreme . . . . 37 u 37 0 40 6 Ditto for tonnage .... 3« 6 .^6 6 40 U Ditto moulded .. .. 3.i 10 35 10 39 4 Depth in bold .... 27 U 24 2 , J': ^ Burden in tons 1.323 1,.V.>6 l.MO Horsepower 560 500 600 Launch of Two Iron Steam Ships, at Liverpool.— The Diamond — This vessel was launched from the yard of Messrs. P. Cato and Co., south end of the Brunswick Dock, and the second of two fine iron steamers built by them for the City of Dublin Company, to run between Dublin and London. She is the sister-ship of *' The Emerald," (and from the same moulds). She is to be propelled (in addition to sails) by the screw, with engines on the direct action principle. The model fas of the Emerald) ■■was furnished bv Mr. John Grantham, C.E., and is well adapted for the donble object of ■considerable stowage and rapidity of propulsinn. The vessel is lap jointed, or " clincher- iuilt," in her upper-works, as well as below the water-line, a plan which, in vessels of her comparatively small burthen, is more expensive than the flush joint, but is not only ■stronger, but quite as pleasing to the eye, if the workmanship be equal to that in ques- tion. The Diamond is built in the most faithful manner in every point, and does equal credit to the spirited owners in the outlay, and to Mr. Cato and those under him. — The Antelope— her model, by Mr. Grantham, is fine, and, though sham at the extremities, of Buch rotundity and swell in the body, without *'a lump" in any part, that she promises to carry and to sail well. She is the property of Messrs. M 'Tear and Co., who have spared no expense in her construction, and the builders, Messrs. Hodgson and Son, have 4/. ; and in 1C45, 656,415/. The amoiint in 1^.'^9, in the London district, was 2.^,yll/. ; in the Manchester district, 34.7yi/. ; and in the RochestT district, '2A,IT3L In lH4.i, in the London district, ;il, 267/. ; the Manchester district, 44, 2W/. ; and in the Ro- chester district, 44,6-14/. Including the metropolis there are 56 separate collections: in five of which, during the last year, the amount received was less than bOOl. LIST or NEVir PATENTS. (From Messrs. Robertson's List.) BRANTED IX ENGLAND FROM MARCH 31, 1846, TO APRIL 25, 1846. Six Months allowed for Enrolment, unless otherwise expressed, William Henry Moggridge, of 13, Old Burlington-street, Middlesex, dentist, for " cer- tain improvements in the plates or pieces for the roofs and gums of th« mouth, for attaching thereto artificial teeth."— Sealed March 31. John Ainslie, of Alperton, Middlesex, brick and tile manufacturer, for "certain im- provements in the arrangements for the manufacture of bricks, tiles, and other similar articles from clay and other plastic substances, and in the machinery' or apparatus for the manufacture of bricks." — March 31. William Spiby, of Carrington, Nottingham, engineer, for " improvements in the con- struction of furnaces used for heating water and other fluids." — April 1. Harold Potter, of Darwen, Lancaster, paper manufacturer and stainer, for "improve- ments in printing or staining paper." — April I. Henry Crossley, of King William-street, London, engineer, for " certain improvements in the manufacture of sugar, and in the machinery and apparatus employed therein."— April 3. Ferdinand Charles Warlick, of Deptford, Kent, gent., 'for "improvements in the manu- facture of fuel." — April 7, William Thomson, of Kilmarnock, North Britain, manufacturer and fur merchant, for " improvements in machinety for operating upon wool and other fibrous material, intend- ed to be wrought into felted fabrics." — April 7. George Lewis, of High Cross-street, Leicester, locksmith, for "improvements in the constructioR of shutters and blinds for windows aud doors, and in the construction of doors." — April 7. James Allingham, of Dublin, gent., and James William M'Ganley, clerk, of Dublin, aforesaid, for " certain Improvements in steam engines." — April 7. Joseph Hunt, of Brixton, Surrey, chemist, for " imjtrovements iu the manufacture of soda." — April ;i. Joseph Bunnett, of Daptford, engineer, for "certain improvements in water-closets, part of which improvements is applicable to other usetul purposes." — April l.'>. Peter Armand le Comte de Fontainemoreau, of New Broad-street, London, for "an Improved mode of constructing certain paits of the harness of horses and other beasts of burden." A communication. — April 15. Simeon Hyde, of the Strand, merchant, for "improvements in refri gir at ors."— April 1-j- William Tutin Haycraft, of Greenwich, doctor of medicine, for " improvtments in steam engines." — April 1.^. Charles May, of Ipswich, Suffolk, civil engineer, for " improvements in machinery for punching, riveting, and shearing metal plates." — April 15. Henry Mandeville Meade, of New Vork, America, pent., for "improvements in pre- paring food for animals when Indian corn is used." A communication. — April 15. Elijah Galloway, of Buckinghant-slrset, Strand, engineer, for "improvements in loco- motive engines." — April 18. Joseph Clinton Robertson, of Fleet-street, civil engineer, fer "certain improvements in the manufacture of pins." A communication.— April IS. John Gillett, of Brailes, of the firm of Ward, Colbourne. and Gillett, of Stratford on Avon, and Brailes, near Shipston on Stour, Warwick, agricultural implement makers, for " an improved machine or machines, for cutting, slicing, and otherwise dividing hay. straw, turnips, and other vegetable substances."— April IS. Peter Bishop, of Birmingham, manufacturer, for " a certain improvement, or improve- ments, in the manufacture of bayonets. " — April 21. William Heward Bell, of Edmondsley, near Chester le Street, Durham, for "improve, ments in working coal in coal mines." — April 21. Arthur Philip Perceval, of East Horsley, Surrey, clerk, for " improvements in communi- cating between places separated by water." — April 2.^. William Ashby, of Croyden, Surrey, millwright, for " certain improvements in the manu- facture of fiour." — April 2fc. George Philcox. of High-street, Southwark, watch-maker, for " improvements in the- constrtiction of chronometers and other time-keepers."— April 23. C HURCH OF SACROW • N 6. A R P O T S D MV1 1- V h £ '.•■ ^1 -^_^:r^iirfc;W C Bo/qstrr y««? ;HURCH of S t C « 0 W ■ g t_AR__P 0 JLS,Q-'l" l-L-ATEVllI i' Ha^i^f lUi " 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 161 CHURCH AT SACROW NEAR POTSDAM. ( With Two Engravings, Plates VII. and VIII.) Of considerable merit in itself, the subject of our engravings this month acquires additional interest from its being, besides the representation of an actual building — one moreover of very recent date — a work of Persius's, the present king of Prussia's architect, who died last summer. Relative to the individual himself we are unable to add any particulars to our notice of his death at page 348 of our last volume ; for besides that he is distinguished by Naglerby being omitted in his tremendously comprehensive ' Kunster- Lexi- con'— comprehending everybody who is of no note at all, — he is not given in the ' Conversations-Lexicon der Gegenwart,' notwithstanding that several German architects of the present day are there spoken of. Still we now know something positively both as to what he executed and what he merely de- signed; and sketches showing examples by him of both kinds have rather exceeded than fallen at aU short of our expectations, for, to say the truth, some remarks which we had met with led us to apprehend that his works partook too much of flimsy showiness, of fantastic spielerei — as it was termed — and of hurried sketchiness, without due consideration as to detail and finish ; — a not uncommon fault among those who study composition and general eflfects, while, on the other hand, those who are meritoriously atten- tive to beauties of detail and execution are apt to be either very indifferent to, or else negligent of, original composition and the character derived from it. The Church at Sacrow, — one of the numerous structures with which Per- •ius embellished the environs at Potsdam, is both picturesque in itself, and placed most picturesquely — even romantically, immediately on the Havel, where that river expands into a lake, and just over against Prince Carl's Park. We have before us a general " situations-plan," exhibiting the whole environs of Sacrow, as far as the Heiliger See, the Marble Palace, and Pots- dam in one direction (West), and the Pfauen-insel, and Griehnitz See, in the other (East) ; which, map as it is, is also a picture, calling up images of landscape scenery interspersed with sinuous lakes, and enlivened by architec- ture— palatial residences, villas, casinos, bridges, belvederes, and what tanta- lizes us by its name of the Maurische Tempel. To confine ourselves to the Church of Sacrow itself, — it is charmingly placed — put just as a painter would hare it, and perhaps just as a pedantic precedent-monger would not, for the latter prefers the prosaic in architecture, and leaves all touches of poetry in it to artist. architects. Taken merely by itself, the Church would be more than ordinarily striking, not on account of situation md position, alone, but for regularity and consistency of design, kept up throughout, since so far from consisting chiefly of a show front, or making most show just at that end, it captivates from every point of view, by its singular completeness, and also by its originality, the external arcade being a happy innovation upon the basilica character, from which class of ancient ecclesiastical buildings, the style has been borrowed, — but also freely treated, with artistlike feeling, and with many tasteful modifications — albeit the precedent gentry here may shake their heads at them. The Church, however, is only one feature in an architectural group, even the campanile only one of its accessaries; and that tower, a graceful object in itself, contributes to variety in a very unusual de- gree, inasmuch as by standing detached, it comes difl'erently into combination with the main building, according to the direction in which they are viewed together. Architectural ensemble is greatly promoted by the enclosed area in front, a paved fore-court surrounded by a low parapet wall, partly forming a terrace, above river. Independently of its effect in other respects, this enclosure, simple as it is in character, is of great value, because it plainly connects the campanile and church together. In our opinion, too, such well expressed demarcation of site is a propriety which, notwithstanding our pre- cise and affected scrupulousness in some matters of ecclesiastical architecture, is frequently most strangely overlooked by us, for we have churches in coun- try as well as towns, that seem to have fallen down/rowi heaven, alighting by road-side or street-side just as chance might direct, without any sort of in- terval or intermediate space between the secular and the ecclesiastical. Both this fore-court and the external ambulatory around the church may look to us like innovations ; yet the one and the other hold out hints to us well worth adopting ; and the one and the other afl'ord excellent situations for monuments, — the walls of the church, for instance, wiihin the arcade, might in time be quite incrusted with marble in monumental tablets, — but unless they were allowed only under proper restrictions — such as would ensure general symmetry as to arrangement and size, and further, preserve some keeping as to style, therefore nothing at all like the RagrtiDt post mortem ad- Tertisements of quacks and charlatans which disgrace the Kensal Green Ceroe- No. 105.— Vol. IX.— June, 18-16. try, and render it at once disgusting, and ridiculous, — embellishment of the kind would be only disfigurement. The church at Sacrow, begun in 1842, and completed in all but its inte- rior decorations the following year, is of very economic materials, nearly the whole of the exterior, excepting the columns of the arcade, which are of stone, being only of brick, nevertheless very ornamental, every four courses of the general brickwork being relieved by two others of coloured bricks (as shown in fig. 4), and similar ones, with a figured pattern upon them, form a sort of frieze or string-course just beneath the principal cor- nice. The pavement within the arcade is also of bricks of various sizes, so skilfully though simply disposed as to produce considerable richness of effect. All the other details, including those of the two cornices (that of the body of the church, and that over the arcade), are carefully studied, and manifest much clever invention as well as good taste. These minutiae and pecuUari- ties are, however, lost in drawings on the scale of those herewith given; wherefore it becomes necessary to observe that the capitals (fig. 3, plate Vlll.) of the columns are also of novel design — partaking of Grecianism in taste, though quite dissimilar from Grecian examples, — without the name of a new order being therefore arrogated, even thought of, for them. The interior of the church is sparingly, but tastefully, decorated : the walls are wainscoted for about the height of seven feet, and above that, are coated in imitation of pale green marble, whereby, at the same time, that offensive raw blankness of surface is avoided, the fresco-painting in the large altar or chancel tribune (designed by Professor Begas, and representing Christ and the four Evangelists,) is made to tell more effectively. The ceil- ing shows the timbers of the roof, which are partly relieved by colours, while the intermediate spaces are filled in with stars on a cobalt blue ground. The pavement forms a sort of mosaic work of three colours (dark green, dark red, and black) on a general ground of a pale reddish hue. The metal- work for the glazing of the windows is of ornamental pattern, the effect of which is heightened by some intermixture of coloured and ground glass ; and it should be, remarked, that if they do not exactly constitute what we should call a clerestory, there is only one tier of windows in the upper part of the walls. Taken altogether, the church at Sacrow will, we think, recommend Per- sius as one who thought for himself, and could seize upon and turn to ac- count such points as opportunity and subject afl'orded him. For our owq part, «e like it very much better than some of Scbinkel's designs for churches on about the same scale, which, to say the truth, are in a somewhat cramped and affected style, owing, perhaps, in great measure, to his deviating too far from, and yet keeping too close to, Greek orthodoxy. The sketch of another church by Persius, since erected at Sans Souci, shows a somewhat similar design, exclusive of the external arcade ; yet, though the church itself is so far plainer than that at Sacrow, it forms only a portion of a widely-extended architectural assemblage of various buildings (some of them erected), all so happily brought together as to form quite a Poussin-like scene. His talent for combination, and his predilection for extending archi- tectural accessories for some distance around the main building, so as to blend natural and artificial objects into one captivating tableau, are forcibly manifested in a design by him for altering a villa residence, which he has distributed in the most piquant masses, prominent among which is a noble belvedere tower (circular in plan), so placed as to form not only an adjunct to, but an object from, the mansion. This design, it appears, was intended for some place in the neighbourhood of San-Souci ; whether it has been carried into execution we know not ; but if the environs of San-Souci an Potsdam have been embellished in other instances by Persius, in a manner and taste at all similar, they must present some very charming architectural pictures, and we heartily wish that some such artist as Allom would visit — with quantum sat of drawing paper — Berlin and Potsdam — or, we might say, discover and explore them, for they seem to be utterly unknown to Eng. lish artists. We regret that we are unable to specify with tolerable certainty any other of the various buildings on which Persius was employed for some years pre- vious to his death, and which, whatever their faults may be, no doubt dis- play considerable power of fancy and warmth of imagination. It has, indeed, been said of him that he sacrificed too liberally to picturesque eflFect, yet, in an artistic point of view, that ought hardly to be made a reproach, provided the effect aimed at was really secured. Here, we frequently sacri- fice a great deal in the shape of cost, without getting any return at all for it in the shape of art. Before we lay down our pen, we may as well mention that we have^now ascertained the exact date of Persius's death, viz., July 121b, 1845t. 21 163 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Junk, ON THE EMPLOYMENT OF COLUMNS AND PEDIMENTS AS WINDOW MOULDINGS. *' Why, His a cockle or a walnut shell, A knack, a toy, a trick, a baby's cap ; Away with It ! come, let me have a bigger. Taming the Ahreui. In inirsuinK the consistent development of the subserviency of decoration to utility iu chissic architrcture, we crae to a division of our subject con- cerninir which it is almost impossible to obtain information from authentic examples. Kespecting the forms of windows adopted by the founders of classic architecuire, we have little to guide us except mere surmise for ot the domestic architecture of the Greeks we are entirely ignorant, and tbeir temples, as far as we know, were lighted exclusively by the doorways or from the roof. . . n r _ The modern forms of window-architraves are derived principally frorn the architecture of the period of Revival, as it is called, in the fifteenth century And notwithstanding the multiplicity of forms of wmdow-deco- rations which this stjle exhibits, we may observe one general characteristic which distinguishes them from those of Pointed architecture. In I ointed architecture the sides of the window-opening, in the thickness of the wall, aresplayed-tl.atis, the jambs, the lintel, and the sill are not at right angles to the face of the wall, but inclined obliquely. In the splay are sunk mouldings, frequently of the most elaborate description, which con- stitute the principal, and commonly the only, decoration of the window. I he decorations on the face of the external wall are comparatively unpretend- ing-cenerally no more than a simple label or hood-moulding. It is true that a"s the art advanced, and especially in the last period of it, the square- headed windows were decorated with elaborate spandrels, &c. But still, as a generHl rule sufficiently accurate for our purpose, we may slate that Pointed windows are characterized by the decoration of their splayed sur- faces * In buildings of Classic architecture, on the contrary, the decora- tions of the windows are almost universally in the plane of the exterior wall, and the jambs and lintel are seldom moulded or cut obliquely in the thickness of the wall. . . Among the commonest ornaments of Italian windows are miniature pediments stuck upon the exterior wall, and apparently supported by con- soles or by miniature pillars. There are several reasons for concluding that this use of pedimeuts and pillars is contrary to the principles of pure taste The most obvious reasons are that these members, when so ap- plied, are factitious appendages, that they unavoidably have the appear- ance of being s<«cA: «», and that they are dwarf imitations of members whichalwaysare,orought to be, used constructively. But it may be answered, that all ornaments of windows are subject to this latter objection, that they are not used constructively ; that this objec- tion necessarily applies to all decorations on the surface of external walls -to the hoo.i-mouldi.igs, for instance, of Pointed windows. This coa- sideratiou certainly lessens the weight of the original objection when ap- plied to pillars and pediments ; so that it is impossible to consider the use of small pillars for the decoration of windows quite so flagrant an offence against •'ood t»ste as the hoisting of full-sized columns to the upper story of buildings. But still, the minor fault is not excused by the existence of a greater one. To window columns is attached that sense of the ludicrous which is inseparable from diminutive resemblances of things noble and dig- nified iu themselves. A dwarf may be extremely well formed, but no one can attribute to him ihe idea of digmUj. A little column may be a symmetrical „bi..ct but It can never be a dignified one, simply because of its resem- blance to architectural members, which, in all pure architecture, are made of great strength and size in order that they may perform their natural " Thu»-e isolated column used to support a monumental statue, and a ni.nny c'olunin used to decorate a window, are the opposite extremes of ah'^surdity The one has the hideous coarseness and exaggerated fea- tures of a giant, the other the ludicrous littleness of a mannikm : they should be transported to the kingdoms of Brobdignag and L.lliput respec- " The real objection to window-colomns is-not so much that they are not used constructively (for in that respect they resemble all other window decorations) as that they are copies of members which ur,: used couslrnctively. Simple mouldings like those of the h,rer range of win- dows in the Reform Club House may be extremely graceful and appropriate to their purpose, but window-columns have too much the appearance of * W.. are here of course. speakinK of ancient Pointed architecture. In some of the starved muJm specimens the'walla are so thin, that they do uot admit of any splay. caricatures: the resemblance to their prototypes is, to use the mildest term, extremely unfortuuaie. If window-dressings be-and they must be —merely decorative, it is at least unnecessary that their forms should re- mind us of what are by far the principal members of classic architecture —the gable-end of the roof and the columns which sustain its weight. Imagine for a moment the same anomaly existing in Pointed architec ture Let us conceive the effect of diminutive buttresses or miniature spires stuck against the sides of the windows! Can anything more lu- dicrous be imagined ' And yet it is very difficult to see why this degrada- tion of the most m.jestic architectural forms to base uses should be more absurd in one style than in another. It may here possibly be replied, that in Pointed architecture, door-ways, and arches of entrance (which, in many respects, fall under the same rules as windows), are decorated with series of shafts or slender columns. But this objection is entirely obviated by the consideration that in these cases the columns are not merely decorative-that they have an ofhce to perform, and perform it ; being, in fact, the imposts of arches which sustain the superincumbent masonry. But even supposing the above considerations insufficient, what we look upon as a fatal objection to window-columns and window-pediments is the utter barrenness of invention which they display. By the adoption of them, we seem to say to the first great founders of Classic architecture, " You have given us full and explicit information on every point of your system but one-the treatment of windows. It is the only point on which you have left us to our invention ; but we are unable to invent or think for ourselves, and therefore we copy over again some of your forms, and apply them in absolute indifference of their original purpose." Now this hu- miliating confession is all the more unnecessary, because the possibility of designing window-mouldings which are not only intrinsically beautilul but perfectly appropriate has been proved by actual example. The palaces of Italy exhibit a great number of these designs, and we have already in- stanced the exceedingly graceful forms of the windows of the ground floor of the Reform Club House. We said that it was difficult to see why the application of architectural members to ignominious purposes should be more ludicrous in Classic than in Pointed architecture. And yet, perhaps, it may be easy to find a rea- son for this inconsistency. It is that in the one case we are reconciled by long custom to absurdities, which in the other, either never existed or have lon^ been lost si^ht of. We have, in our own country, pure and genume specimensof the skill of the Mediaeval architects; consequently, we are able to study these great masters in their own language, so to speak, with- out the intervention of translations. With respect to the Greek architects, however we have not these advantages ; we take our notions at second- hand from the Romans, or at third-hand from the Italians, and, conse- quently, frequently make gross blunders from mistaking the meaning of our teachers. Mediajval architecture has now, happily, begun to be stu- died philosophically-that is, we are not now content with mechanically copying the forms adopted by the Christian architects; we study the principles which produced those forms. Why should it not be so with Classic architecture also? Why should the most monstrous absurdities be perpetrated daily, because we will uot leave the beaten path of mere imitation, and think for ourselves? Sydney Smith defines wit to be the discovery of a real and accurate rela- tion between sufijects, which to ordinary understandings, do not appear con- nected. All the great emotions of the mind and the idea of utility are inimical to wit. "There are many mechanical contrivances," says he (Collected works. Vol. 1.), " which excite sensations similar to wit, but the attention is absorbed by their utility." The converse of this idea is also true- for when things to which the idea of utility is attached are, by accidental circumstance, rendered useless, they seldom fail lo excte lu- dicrous emotions. It is for this reason that a man who is so fat that he is incapacitated from active exertion is usually an object of ridicule, and that a man confined in the stocks gels mure laughter than pity. An ex- tremely small model of a steam-engine frequently elicits from the observer a smile which if he were to analyse his own feelings, is caused by a mental comparison of the obvious inutility of the model with the g.gani.c power of a large engine. Again, there is a story of some one, who in speaking of the rapid advance of the mechanical arts in modern times, suggested (perhaps rather irreverently) that we should soon have "cast-iron parsons. The absurdity of the notion evidently arises from the consideration that however much the machine might resemble the minister in outward form, there would be no hope of rendering it capable of performing the ministe- rial functions. Many other instances might be adduced in which the m- 18 J6.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 163 capacity of things for the purposes which their forms suggest renders them absurd ; the application of this theory to the subject of the present paper will not be very difficult. Whatever is opposed to the principles of common sense must be opposed to the principles of good taste; and if architects have determined thai they will not recognise this axiom, they will find out sooner or later that the people, at least, have done so. We have endeavoured on a former occasion to show why Pointed architecture is gradually subverting the Classic. Every day adds to the strength of our conviction that this tend- ency can only be resisted by studying Grecian architecture in the same spirit as Pointed architecture — that is, by investigating its genius and spirit. The greatest injury which it has received has been inflicted by in- judicious admirers, for they have endeavoured to incorporate with it forms and ideas which can never amalgamate with it, because repugnant to ils very nature. If it be not purged of these inconsistencies we may be quite certain that it will soon altogether fall into disuse. The taste of the people will pronounce for mediaeval architecture, not on the ground of ils abstract superiority, but because it is more philosophically studied and practised, — and unless architects will lead the popular taste, lliey will certainly be compelled to follow it. Not that we wish to advocate the exclusive adoption of pure Classic architecture — this pure classicality is generally nothing better than insipid imitation — but what we contend against is, the alfectation of classicality where there is no chance of its being successfully realised. Surely it is better to erect a building without columns at all, than to stick columns on the surfaces of the walls, here, there, and everywhere, and to jumble to- gether columns of all sizes (and belonging to three or four different styles) in the same edifice. To look at some modern edifices, one would think that the architect had ordered his columns at so much a dozen, and that it was quite an after-thought where he should put them. This indiscriminate predilection for columns aud pediments (and the pigmy resemblances of them) is in the vilest taste. Is it quite impossible that a huildiog can be beautiful without these appendages? On the con- trary, we are not certain whether columns and pediments might not be entirely banished from domestic architecture with advantage. If stuck on to the front of a house, they are mere caricatures ; if used according to their original and proper purpose, they generally obscure the light of the building and diminish its convenience. VV'ith respect, however, to the more immediate subject of this paper — the form of windows— there are one or two things besides the bits of columns and pediments, which might conveniently be suffered to go out of fashion. There is, for instance, a poor contrivance for breaking the con- tinuity of surfaces by bevilling the edges of the stone; it is, at the best, a wretched expedient. The architect has not skill enough to group his sha- dows in masses, and, therefore, to render the flatness of the unbroken sur- faces somewhat less intolerable, he gives the masonry the appearance of being badly jointed. Cognate to this flimsy artifice is that of scoring in the surfaces of the stone deep irregular channels which give it the appear- ance of being worm-eaten. This kind of masonry receives the gentle ap- pellation of " rustic masonry," — we should have thought " tattooed ma- sonry" a more appropriate term. l''ancy the Parthenon thus gashed and cicatrised ! Another practice in the construction of windows is the placing them so that the architraves intrude upon the frieze of an order, the continuity of which is broken to make way for the intruders. This practice is so evi- dently indefensible that it is not necessary to waste argument upon it. The fault is happily not very prevalent, but if the reader require an in- stance, we will refer him to the cathedral church of St. Paul. The last solecism we have here to notice, is the construction of sham- windows (and also of sham-doors, for most of the rules respecting win- dows are applicable to doors). These, like other shams and pretences, generally reveal their own dishonesty. The architect who makes use of these expedients reflects far more severely on himself than the strictest critic could, for he confesses that he has managed his design so badly that, for the sake of uniformity and symmetry, he ought to make more windows than the purpose of the building requires, and that he has no better way of getting over the difficulty than by building sham windows in places where it is either unnecessary or absolutely impossible to construct real ones. With respect to these and all other artifices and make-beliefs, we have one safe and certain rule to guide us — architecture is not a system of artifices. Its claim to elevated rank among the fine arts rests on much higher aud nobler principles than those of trick and show. But there is BOW, unhappily, in all the fine arts a fashion for imitation, which is dia- metrically opposed to true artistic feeling. In painting, we have minute resemblances of leaves, fruit, or the pattern of silk and embroidery. In sculpture, sublimity of general expression is thought less important than accuracy in chiselling each particular hair, vein, or wrinkle of the skin. In music, we have clattering railway overtures, crashes iu the base to re- present thunder, and runs in the treble to imitate the nightingale. And in architecture, we must have stone look like lace, and iron like stone ; we consider it imperatively necessary that every material which we use should look like something else than what it really is — above all we prefer the fop- pery of sticking on a few bits of finery here and there to the harmony of composition, the due disposition of light and shadow, the adaptation of every member to its appropriate office, and that general dignity which results rather from the conscious possession of beauty than the ostentatious display of it. A NEW THEORV OF THE STRENGTH AND STRESS OF MATERIALS. By Oliver Byrne, Professor of Mathematics. I do not intend to occupy much space or time in dilating on the import- ance of my subject, or in giving a history of its rise and progress, or in making apologies when I differ from my predecessors, however instructive entertaining, or judicious an opposite procedure may be; but when I do differ, I will give my reasons for doing so without a circumlocutory apo- logy. Theory tells us that if a uniform bar — no matter what the figure of the cross section may be, or what substance it may be composed of— be sus- pended by one extremity, and loaded at the other till it is on the point of being torn asunder, the weight and the corresponding transverse sectional area are proportional. The bars or rods compared requiring only uniform- ity and equality of texture, we may lay down a general law, the lateral resistances (in the direction of a perpendicular to the transverse sections) are in proportion to the areas of these transverse sections. This law is very evident, for if a bar or rod were conceived to be longitudinally divided into any number of equal strips, no reason could be assigned why one of these strips should support a greater portion of the weight than any of the others, so that each would support an equal part of the weight, in the same manner as an assemblage of equal parallel ropes divide the weight of an appended body equally among them. Experiments on lateral strains prove these deductions to be correct, and it affords an instance iu which theory and practice may be said to coincide. The contrary is the case when the beam or bar is supported in a horizontal position, for then, the law of re- sistance, opposing fracture by an incumbent weight or force, is more diffi- cult to establish, because we do not so readily see how the resistiu" forces exert themselves. Unlike lateral strains, the discrepancy existing between the results given by theory aud by experiments is very great indeed • so much so, that very little can be relied on the theoretical results thdl are beyond the range of experiments. Indeed, with experiments of a ran^e sufficiently extensive, no very great mistake can be made, however loose and uncertain the theory may be ; but when we require a step far beyond our experiments, such as the determination of the best form and dimensionj for a tubular bridge like that proposed by Mr. Stephenson, then the want of a theory, supported by experiment is a very great requirement. Fig.l. Galileo was of opinion that if a beam were supported ai its extremities as iu fig. 1, and loaded by a weight at the middle, that all the fibres or fila'. meats would exert equal resistances to prevent fmcture, aud that when these were overcome the whole would tend to turn about that boundary A B, in contact with the weight. As this view of the subject supposes all the fibres to exert equal resist- ances, aud in the direction of their lengths, these resistances will be's* 21* THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. rjuNE, 164 „,anv equal an.l parallel forces and may be considered as acting together ZZ centre of ,Liy of .he section, so ,hat denoting "- -.stance a single 6bre by /, and supposing the section to be a -^""^'fj^p;;^, and height ft. then will/i ft express the sum of .he '^'^^'1°'''' ^"'\~^ acts at the centre of gravity of the section, which is at the d.s.ance of Jft A _ /*" fromtheline AB.itsmoment to turnabout AB will be/ftftXg - 2 Leibnitz gave another hypo.hesis, which agreed with that of Galileo with respect to the position of .he axis about which the segments would turn But Leibnitz supposed .he filaments or fibres to exert forces proportional to their dis.ances from the axis ; so that the middle fibre, according to .he theory of Leibnitz, exerted but half the force of the extreme fibre. LM- ing the force of the extreme fibre /, the sum of the forces would be-^- i and since the centre of such a system of parallel forces is at the distance of " from the axis about which the whole is supposed to turn, hence the and I will give you something like the result of experiment from a line so determined Let j Y Z be a portion of a beam in the locality of fracture, caused by the forces F F acting in the direction! of the arrows. The same process of reasoningwhich points out a neutral axis in the whole A H D C, will point out a neutral axis in any portion of the body ^ a6x and p = \]i, for a cubic foot of malleable iron weighs 475 lb. nearly. Now it isevideut',ifthe elastic limit of malleable iron were such as to allow it, and that the elongation was in direct proportion to its strain, that it would require 1400 times 17,800 lb. to extend this foot of iron till it becomes two feet long, or which is the same thing, till it becomes a foot elongated. Now 1,400 ' "' .u times 17,800 =24,920,000 lb., or, 17,800 -^i,U = 24,929,000 =- i this, to muke the matter assume a learned appearance, or rather, a more college appearance, we shall represent by M^; the modulus of elasticity and its reciprocal -^ by jj ; so that E = L -^ [ ^+ f L | may be written of terms, we have^l 1+2 + 3 4-4-1- 1 L L>£ 2 w the elongation may be determined thus :-Let :r be^the length in feet mea- sured from the lower extremity, then ,„ ; ;, ^ : : e : ^"= the elongation of a foot in length from the strain of the weight ;<.r. And let d x, as wri- ,Z ON THF. CaLCDLUS SAY, BE THE LENGTH WHICH IS NEXT TO NOTHING. foot . feet . . iP^ .IE xdx =the elongation of the length which was ■.•—-- j^ .. u' ■ ic » . „.^tv,incr Intezrating between the limits .r = o and supposed to be next to nothing, inicgia & L ^W e=m:( A+2 "t ' A bar of malleable iron, one square inch of se«- tional Irea and 7,550,000 feet-nearly 1,430 miles long = 24,920,0001b ; from which circumstance 7,550,000 feet is called the modulus in feet ; That is, — -i-p — pe -^e^P-> ■ PhiE J _ 9 ,n — L2. So that a bar 1 inch square I =L; that and L feet long wiU be elongated by its own weight ^ X U . i indeed, let the sectional area be what it may, the bar will be elongated by its own weight the same length, because the body is uniform, and each loch of sectional area is circumstanced in the same manner. 24,920,000 -r fi5 = 7,550,000. this modulus Hodgkinson dilTers 400 miles of iron from Tredgold, and Barlow about 250 miles of iron from Hodgkinson. So much for the mo- dulus of elasticity. The elongation of a bar suspended vertically, and sustaining a strain of W lb. —the influence of its own weight not being taken into account— was c W L , „ „ , found to be— • -^, which we shall call I :— by substituting for -^ its value -rjr- . Before we eiplaia .1- what is meant by the modulus of resilience or fragility, it is necessary to eaj what is meant by a unit or work. A pound weight raised vertically 1S46.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 167 one foot is a unit of work done. A spring that lifts 1000 pounds ^Jjj part of a foot does a unit of work. It is evident, tiiat to elongate a bar an ad- ditional length I, the weight necessary to keep it elongated needs not be applied from the commencement of the process of elongating ; for half I would be produced by half the weight, and one-third of / by one-lhird the weight, and so on. It is evident thatWi would be too much, for the weight W would not be actually employed in the business of elongation in moving from » to I. Let L be the length of the bar before the weight W is applied ; A, the area of its cross section ; as before, I = elongation consequent on W. And let X be any elongation between o and /. The weight necessary to keep L stretched to L + a; will he - x '^V i this weight may be said to be fully employed while it passes through dx at the very extremity of L -f .r. W 7 xdx expresses the work done W pi is \\i, 2 the whole units of work. We have shown that I — M.A! WL M,A W I ■ .fJi^Xl = WL M A/2 ^ = the units of work. h ^ 2 L Also, the work done, or the resistance overcome, expressed in units of hence it is evident that the work, = M ^'^ = I M f 2 L e amount of work to be done to elongate different bars of the same material, any fractional part of its length expressed by -r, which must not exceed theelasticlimit, will vary as LA; for in every case ^M (^\ remains constant. The work done in elongating a bar to its elastic limit, (To be continued.J FITZVVILLIAM MUSEUM. The following particulars respecting the site and purpose of this noble building may be interesting to those readers who are not acquainted with the topography of Cambridge. The situation of the Museum is one of the most favourable which an architect could desire. It is near the entrance of the town from the Lon- don road, in a broad open part of the main street. When first erected the building was hemmed in by several mean and decayed tenements which have since been removed. The edifice is now perfectly isolated : on three sides are broad spaces of lawn, on the fourth or principal side is the open thoroughfare. So (hat the architect has had the advantage of placing his building where it may be readily seen, and where it is the conspicuous ob- ject of a place of public resort, without the architecture being marred or concealed by the adjacent houses. The material of the masonry, pure white Portland stone, contributes much to the architectural effect— and especially in summer by the contrast of the dazzling colour of the building with the dark fol.age of the trees in Peierhouse gardens. The whiteness of the stone is really extraordinary, and generally gives to strangers the impression ihat the building is con- structed of pure marble. Those who are merely accustomed to see Port- land stone of the colour which it assumes in the smoke of London, can scarcely imagine the almost slariling effect produced by the brilliant ap- pearance of the Museum at Cambridge, when seen for the first time: there are few strangers who on entering Cambridge are not impressed with a feeling akin to amazement when they suddenly come in sight of this gorgeous monument of classic architecture. The effect by night, espe- cially, when the moon is shining, is very striking. The columns show in the moonlight as white as snow, and there is somelhing almost magical in the manner in which they contrast with the dark shadows of the sur- rounding trees. It must not be supposed, however, that the whole of the effect is to be attributed lo the accidents of situation and colour : these serve only to ex- hibit fully the excellence of the architecture. It has been Mr. Basevi's good fortune to place his masterpiece where it will be seen and appreciated ' by men of taste and education ; and it has successfully undergone the 1 ordeal of their criticism. This ordeal is the more severe, because, as most of the readers of the Journal are aware, there is in Cambridge a strong and energetic party of amateur architects whose exclusive tenets would lead them to regard with little favour such a building as the Filzwilliam Mu- seum. Even from the hands of these, however, its architectural character has escaped safely. The most zealoos of the Camdenists will generally allow (in moments of candour and liberality) that the Museum is on the whole an exception to the usual hideousness of Pagan architecture ; and some of them have gone so far as to say that the building exhibits positive merits, and that they look upon the lofty columns and the sculptured pedi- ment not only without disgust, but with a feeling very like absolute satis- faction. But the Fitzwilliam Museum has undergone a test even surer than the judgment of the members of the Camden Society. The test is this— that the architecture appears more beautiful as the eye becomes more familiar with its character. There are many buildings which appear well at first sight, which cease to please on a second inspection; but this is by no means the case in the present instance. If on his first visit to the Museum, the stranger be gratified by the boldness and richness of its architecture, his pleasure will be only increased in subsequent examinations, when he begins to criticise the architecture in detail. Perhaps no one feels a greater admiration of it than the old Cambridge man after having been familiar with the building during the whole time ot his residence, examines it afresh after the interval of several years. That the architecture is not perfect it is useless to deny. The square mass or hump which rises above in the rear of the pediment sadly injures its effect, and this injury appears far greater on actual inspection of the building than could possibly be supposed from an examination of a view of the elevation. The reason of the injury produced probably occurs to few, though all are able to pronounce as to the reality of it. There can be no doubt Ihat this reason is to be found in the fact that the rules of "ap- parent construction" are violated. The pediment, instead of being, as all pediments should be, the gable end of a roof, assumes the appearance of a factitious appendage-it looks stuck on and not an integral and essential portion of the structure. This effect is certainly produced by the " hump" in question, which destroys all idea of the continuity of the roof. To the same cause must be assigned the disfigurement produced by the lateral wings flanking the portico. This criticism rests not merely upon an in- dividual opinion— the defects to which it refers are universally condemned by those who are familiar with the building. The superstructure above the apex of the pediment, and the wings to the right and left of the portico are equally destructive to its chaiacter-and from the same cause :-they show that the portico is not treated constructively, but is merely an ornament — an appendage. There is a phrase among sculptors for a group of which the several parts are not sufficient separated— they say of such sculpture that " it does not show enough day-light," and the cutting away the marble so that limbs appear distinct and the light shines through in different parts of the group is called " letting in day-light." To apply this phraseology to a portico which like that of the Fitzwilliam Museum is flanked by wings-it ex- cludes too much light. In pure architecture such as that of the Parthenon, the Temple of Theseus, or that of Neptune, at Pa;stum, a most beautiful effect is produced by the light shining in between the extreme columns of the portico and the angles of the cella.* The relief thus given by the corner columns standing out distinctly against the sky or background is neces- sarily lost in the Fitzwilliam Museum. It may also be fairly objected that the character of the street front of this edifice is not maintained in the other sides of it. Not indeed that we accuse the architect of masking it with a " show front :"— that utter viola- tion of the rules of architecture— that hopeless vulgarity of taste, was re- served for our two national repositories of works of art, the British Mu- seum and the National Gallery. Of these buildings the less conspicuous sides have about as much architectural pretension as a factory or union- workhouse, being in fact built of the plainest brickwork, so that the shovf sides, even if they were tenfold better than they really are, must be pro- nounced absolutely devoid of artistic value. It is however but fruitless labour to criticise these monuments of perverted taste ; they display that entire want of all true architectural feeling which renders animadversion obviously useless, and we merely notice them to institute a contrast in favour ,1,= T of the very few good qualities of the architecture of Budsiugham Palace, is that the columns ol the pediments at the wings stand out in this manner. The only oh« ments, and they are but negative merits, of this building, are that the pediments at the THE CIVIL ENGINELR AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 168 of another museum of art, which though situated in a provincial town, and built neither by the national wealth nor under the auspices of the govern- ment, is the only one of the three worthy of the high purpose for which it was designed. Of the architecture of the other parts of the building, besides 'hose ex- hibited in our drawings, it must be allowed that though not absolutely bad in themselves, they by no means correspond to the elaborate magmhcence of the portico. This is the more to be regretted, because from the nature of the site the sides of the Museum are quite as conspicuous as its front, and the observer can never approach it without being made aware of be disagreeable contrast. The elevation next Peterhouse Gardens has tbe raost°architectural pretension, and it, as well as the sides, are of the same beautiful stone as the front ; but still the surfaces appear comparatively flat and unbroken ; and what is perhaps even of more consequence, tne few ornaments displayed by no means correspond in purity of taste to tne character of the portico. The interior of the building is still in a very unBnished state; the com- pletion of it is assigned to Mr. Cockerel), and it is earnestly to be hoped that the decoration, will be as real as possible, and that there will be no attempts to make plaster look like stone or cast iron, and deal boards look like oak. The building when completed will hold the statues, pictures, cameos and engravings bequeathed to the University by the Earl of Filzwilliam, and also another very valuable collection of pictures at present m the Fitt Press. [Junk, ARCHITECTURAL RECOLLECTIONS OF ITALY. By Frederick Lcsh. From some ornaments taken in Italy I select the accompanying sketches for your Journal, on account of their beautiful forms, and because they might serve as a model for our English knockers, or at least suggest a more graceful and pleasing feature than that which is generally placed Pig. 1 else which passed through tbe hands of these cunning goldsmiths and m- dustrious sculptors, there is an elaborate finish, of which they are quite worthy, and which for the most part challenges the closest inspection. Fig. i. on our doors. Figures 1 and 2 are from Venice, but most probably of Florentine workmanship, and fig. 3 is from Verona. Whoever has seen these small though magnificent objects abroad, mus have felt how much they ennobled the entrances of the old palaces, and how delightful it was to Imger on the threshold and admire them. It is .iran.e that in England, where within the last few years so much has been done^to improve every kind of decoration, these things have been ne- glected as though they were consi.lered beneath the notice of '''e ,«^ J^ • Tl names of such men as Ghiberti, John of Bologna, Benvenuto Celhn,, and others, who have left us th.ir beautiful works, along with larger ones, could not sutler such an opinion for a moment to be entertained ; but it is well known, as in the examples before us, the beauty and pa uresque effect which is infused into the smallest th mgswhen genius has laboured upon them. In the design of these knockers, as well as in everything Leaf flower, bird, or figure, were executed with so much feeling, and such trulli' to nature, that even the simplest articles of common use or ornameutj in dress were real works of art ; nor could a censer, salver, goblet, or a crucilix, that was fashioned by the same hand as that which wrought the Perseus, be otherwise than a gem in the collection of a prince or in the cabinet of the virtuoso. ^, . . ~ The high opinion conceived by the Italian artists of the humblest de- partment of art; the intense care and industry bestowed on small things as well as great; and their associating together in ooe common brother- hood where none was excluded from the rest, were circumstances which acted most happily towards the development of taste and the per- fection of Uie arts, and of which Lanzi speaks in his history of the Italian nainters The result of these ideas and the strength acquired by this union is epeciallv evinced in Italy. Common objects, which in Britain seldom receive any attention, there reveal some striking artistic beauty. It is sufficient in addition to what has been already referred to, to mention 1816.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. lo;) the famous lam pholder in the Siroizi palace, Florence; the dolphins and •ea-hoises sculptured on the top of the tall mooring-posts in Venice ; llie lanterns on her canals ; the ornaments of the Ca' d'oro ; the pedestals to the Grecian standards in the Piazza di Sau Marco; or the bronze cis- terns in the quadrangle of the Uucal palace. HOYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITION: ARCHITECTURE. We will not disturb the opinion which attributes improvement to the pre- sent Exhibition as far as the painters are concerned, — although for our part we do not perceive the slightest general advance at all,— but matters have most assuredly not mended this season with regard to architecture. How ever, we are tired of repealing the same complaints year after year, and th.it to no purpose. The Academician architects take pattern by Sir Robert Smirke, and their quality brethren lake pattern by tbera, therefore from those v^'ho, it is to be presumed, could show us most, we get least; nor have we much from other quarters to inform us what is going on in various parts of the country. Liverpool, Manchester, and many other important places are wholly unrepresented in the present annual parliament of art in Trafalgar Square. Where are all the things whose fussy " lirst-stone-lay- ing" ceremonies are recorded with such " wink o' the eye" admiration by newspapers? Where, all those drawings which have borne off five and ten pound premiums from liberal and self-enlightened competition commit- tees? We see them not here : but to speak of what we do not see would be a much longer tale than to enumerate what we do find, that either de- serves commendation or is worth mention. In an exhibition of architec- tural drawings we have a right to look for interest of some kind— either that attending designs adopted or proposed for particular buildings, be the talent shown in them, what it may ; or else that which is produced by the intrinsic merit of the subjects themselves, though they may be merely ima- Kinary ones. This year there is an unusual dearth of interest of eiiher kind. Tliere are besides a number of drawings, which though put into the architectural room hardly belong to it at all, more than the unlucky oil paintings which are stuck up there in order to be out of harm's way, till their owners send for them again. We allude to mere views and delinea- tions of buildings, whose execution gives them no pretensions whatever as productions of the pencil, while the subjects they represent are either so exceedingly hackneyed, that their titles in the catalogue operate as a warn- ing to pass them over; or so trivial, that we turn away from them as soon *i beheld. Not a little provoking is it to find that few of those who do bring home any architectural sketches and studies from abroad, care ever to hunt out any thing fresher than such wonderful rarities as the Athe- nian Acropol.s and Parthenon, and the Roman Coliseum and Forum. Does the actual capital of King Otho afford nothing whatever at all worth re- presenting upon paper? Is his " Modern Athens" so deplorably insipid as not to have a single marked feature, or even any general physio-^nomy ? It would seem that even our architectural draftsmen and sketchers are so infected with the " precedent-mania" that they dare not show us any building unless there is precedent for so doing by its having been repre- sented times innumerable before. Whether it be abroad or'at home that they go in quest of subjects, our architectural likeness-takers, seem terri- bly averse to novelty, or else they must fancy they have no right to lake subjects from buildings which are so recent, that the office of showin- ihem seems to belong exclusively to those who designed and erected them" The latter, however, do not always consider it worth their while to do so • cer Urn at least it is that we do not find at the Royal Academy's exhibitions many 0 the things which are best of all suited for pictorial representation The Co osseum »n the Regent's Park, for instance, might have supplied more than one unusually striking subject, since, besides its beautiful Glypto heca-perfeclly unique as an inteiior-it offers many scenic archi- tectural bits in other parts of the place, which would show still better in picture than they do in themselves, because in picture they would look like realities, whereas as seen in reality tiiey are most undisguisedly only .lever imitations and fictions. There might, again, have been one or two drawings of some of the apartments in the new budding at Lincoln's Ion, nd among them, both a general view .nd a partial one of the Library Yet somehow or other,-and it may perhaps be as well not to inquire too •wely into the reaaoo.-architeots are apt to be of most stepmotherly dis- position towards their own productions, begrudging what it would cost !• let us behold them in pictorial effigy. Few of them take any generous in- terest in their art, as a fine art, and fur its own sake ; therefore they cannot with any sort of fairness complain of or express surprize at the indifference ofthe uninitiated, and the apathy of the general public ;-and the latter seem to consider the architectural drawings little better than a dead weight on the Exhibition. Not a little mortifying is it to witness the hurried, listless glance bestowed on architectural subjects. If there be ever any thing of the kind among the oil paintings, it is never estimated except according to its execution as a picture. Even one of Scarlett Davis's glorious achievements of pictorial and architectural art,-one of Scandretl's fascinatingly exquisite groups of detail, or scenic views, has been known to engage attention far less than such horribly trivial subjects as swill-de- vouring pigs, turnip-munching boys, and strapping country wenches wash- ing their not over and above delicate feet ! How refined and poetic we English are in our ideas I What sort of relish there is among the public for any thing relating to architecture is most disagreeably apparent from the circumstance of archi- tecture being passed over altogether by the daily critics who profess to en- lighten us in matters of art. The " big Times" has spoken of the present Exhibition without bestowing even so much as a syllable upon the archi- tectural drawings. So that unless the " Times" be very much behind the times we actually live in, its silence as to our art is significant and ex- pressive enough.-Aud what, all the while, is the Institute about?— has it done, is it doing, can it do, or does it care to do any thing, to give the requisite impulse, and bring architecture forward -and not only bring It forward, but force it upon the attention of the public? Leaving it to answer the question as best it can. Of about two hundred and thirty subjects placed in the catalogue under the head " Architecture," barely one-half belongs to it, the rest consisting of graphic odds and ends-the very " tag-rag and bobtail" ofthe pictures ; nevertheless the half constitute more subjects than can be properiy seen and the deficiency to be complained of is not so much that of quantity at of quality and interest. There certainly is very little of architectural in- terest in the solitary production contributed this season, after a couple of years' absence, by Professor Cockerell, for he makes his appearance rather as a truant from his own art, and ambitious of signalizing himself in another. This is all the more singular, because St. George's Hall, Liver- pool, for the sculpture of whose pediment he here exhibits a design in No 125 1, (showing only the pediment and upper part of the columns, on a large scale), is the «,ork of a different architect. Leaving more competent judges to determine the technical merits of the composition as one intended for sculpture, we can only say it strikes us as being so very Greek and classical as to forfeit character for originality; and at any rate there is nothing peculiar in the mode of its combination with the architecture un- less a return to the Greek system of placing entire statues within a pedi- ment, can pass for an artistic conceplion; whereas by venturing to depart from ancient authority-as he has oft-times done in architeclure-the Pro- fessor might have " initiated" a still more effective as well as perfectly new mode-produced by omitting the tympanum, and leaving the pediment quite open, except as filled iu by the statues, (so fixed as to support th« raking cornices); which would then tell all the more vigorously seea against the vacant space behind. Once adopted, this idea might be made to lead to other quite novel yet adequately matured effects, which we can- not now stop to point out, wherefore leaving this hint to suffice ad interim, we shall perhaps explain ourselves more fully at fitting opportunity. In taking leave ofthe Professor, we express the hope that we shall see him again next season somewhat more inpro;;rio personi, and in his character of architect. With the above exception— St. George's Hall-Grecian and Roman ar- chitecture does not appear to be in great request for au; buildings of im- portance actually projected. The principal object of that kind which ws here meet with is No. 124U, " Elevation ofthe new Theatre to be built on the east.side of Leicester-square," F. C. J. Parkinson ; which, though it has been spoken of disparagingly by a contemporary, who calls it « an in- different transcript of the Haymarket Theatre," appears to us a pleasing and tasteful composition, with some clever touches of original detail and not only ornate but consistently so; and further, possessing more strongly marked and appropriate character than any of the existing theatres. If any resemblaace can bs traced between this fajade aud that of the Haj. 28 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Junk, m market it most assuredly does not amouat to that of " transcript" or copy, ZZ, ,;. ,o that of an " indifferent" one, since the " Hayn.ar.a w.^ it. common.place straddling portico stuck up before a parcel of ordinary doors and windows, is in barbarously vile and vulgar taste. The drawing ^e are speaking of is not treated very happily as to colour, and we thmK it roust be exceedingly incorrect in one respect, for according to the >..ze o the figures, the columns must be forty feet or more in height, which is no very likely, the portico not being the centre height of the edilice. In all drawings of the kind, the only use of dgures is to serve as a scale, there- fore, unless they are strictly according to scale, they are neither more uor less than falsifications— sometimes even ludicrous ones, as, for instance, in the view of Sir R. Peel's new Picture Gallery, last year, where the figures in the room were only half the size of those representing the portraits on the walls ; therefore, either the former were dwarfs, or the latter were co- 1oSS3.1 Critics differ ; and it is, perhaps, but right that they should do so, since one opinion frequently helps to correct another, and where with dissent on some points there happens also to be conformity on some one other, the judgment passed in regard to the latter becomes tolerably well confirmed. Differ we do from the critic-one apparently very eager to get through his task with all possible dispatch-who, besides detecting in the preceding .ubiect an unlucky resemblance to the Haymarket Theatre, regards with complacency such a production as No. 1174, « one of the designs submit- ted to the grand jury of the county of Clare for the Ennis Courts, as possessing claims on the score of originality of treatment. If not remark- ably original, the treatment may be allowed to be unusual, jet hardly ap- propriate ; neither the particular species of " Italian" adopted, nor the irregularity of the composition, befitting a public building in a town, es- pecillly one that ought to command attention by an expression of sober dignity, without playing at the picturesque. Let us hope that the design actually chosen is some degrees better than this " submitted" one. The two subjects just mentioned are almost the only designs this year for what can be called public buildings— that is, secular ones, and in other style than Gothic. We have, indeed, in No. 1214, what rather innocently calls itself a " Gothic design" for a town-hall and public assembly-room in the West of England, but as to its exact " whereabouts" we are left in most comfortable uncertainty, since it would be anything but comfort to be assured that there was any likelihood of so preposterous an affair being perpetrated anywhere. In this scarcity of designs for public buildings— except those which are evidently merely visionary ones-we may refer to No. 1217,—" The Lord Warden's hotel, &c., now erecting at Dover," (J. Beazley)-a3 a ?uasi-pubUc structure, and what will certainly be a suffi- ciently conspicuous one-more so than it merits to be by the taste dis- played in it. The main idea must, however, be a very favourite one with Mr. B., it being a repetition of what he showed us last year in what was then called a design for the Carltoa Club House. What may be the dif- ferences between the two designs we are unable to say, but the principal portion is the same in both, and consists of a large Corinthian order above the ground floor, in coupled columns, with arches springing from their en- tablatures. (See our last Vol., p. 214.) It might have been thought that revision of the first design would have led to the adoption, for an arcade of the kind, to the more compact and legitimate combination of arches spring- ing immediately from the capital of single columns.* The display affected by this columnar-arcade is, besides, far too pretensions for the building itnelf, which is so decidedly— don't print it " deucedly"— poor and unstu- died in style, that the ostentatious decoration affected for it strikes as vul- gar, tawdry, in buutiquier taste. When will architects learn to give more attention to what Cockerell calls "eurytliym of quantities," ar.a to con- si, tency of expression, be it that of richness or plainness, or of any inter- mediate degree between the one and the other ? What could induce either Hopper or Railton to thrust forward into notice this year, their respective designs for the Nelson Monument, (No's. 1171 and 1»13) we cannot imagine. Hardly can it have been any particular admiration which the former obtained at the time of the competition, that encouraged its author to bring it into notice again ; yet, whether the draw- ing itself attracts notice or not, he has taken care that the subject shall not be overlooked in the catalogue, where it is spoken of more lengthily * Tht church at Sacrow. ghowa ia Our preteot aumber, «empllfl«8 luch eompoucd ^plicatioa of eoluma and axcti. than intelligibly, it being impossible to make out how the little Ua-^arde, esoue temple which constitutes the design, can possibly form part of a group of buildings for picture-galleries and exhibition-rooms. By singu- L coincidence, Kailton's " Nelson Colun,n"-too well known to require any remark, from us here-makes a gallant show in the catalogue but n absolutely a nonentity in the Exhibition in comparison with his Beau Manor Park," last season, of which mansion we should very thankful y have received an additional view this year. As to his " R.seholme Hall, adapted and enlarged for the Bishop of Lincoln" (No. 1194), it possesses no -reat architectural interest, though it certainly looks like a very envi- able residence, and shows that bishops have no disrelish for the comfort, and luxuries of this worid. No. 1306, " The garden-front of Chfton Hall, Notts" (L. N.Cottingham), did not impress us at all favourably. In fact while as to composition it isalmost a nullity,-tbe house being a mere lumpish mass,-as to the style affected for it, it shows the worst exlrem. of the latest Elizabethan, when our renaissance had become prematurely exhausted and worn out, and had fallen into all the forced conceits and drivelling of blasi imagination. Whatever it has recommended itself by on this occasion, it can hardly be by its economy, since its criukum-crankum ugliness must be of a rather expensive kind. Neither is it any advantage to this garden front that instead of being raised upon a terrace, it has a terrace rising up immediately before it. However, the painter has done all lie could to command admiration by a bravely showy display of flower* and peacocks.— Infinitely more to our taste is No. 1326, " Laraboaro Place, Berks, the seat of H.Hippesley, Esq., (F. L. Donaldson). If cot very striking, this subject is a very agreeable and satisfactory one, both for its execution as a pictorial drawing, and for its unaffected yet suffi- ciently marked character as a design in the more sober style of the Eliza- bethan Tudor period. To say the truth, the'style of house is rather that of a former period than of what any one might be likely to build at the present day, there being more of ancient gentility about it than of modern refinement.— As the immediately preceding No. is by the same archi- tect, (almost the only member of the Institute who exhibits) we will speak of it here although it belongs to a different class of subjects. It is entitled the " Elevation of a design for an Insurance Office, being an attempt to adapt the cinque-cento style to the street architecture of the metropolis :" in- stead of " to adapt," the more suitable expression would have been " to intro- duce," because, as it seems to us, there is very little that indicates adaptatioD of the style to modern town-architecture in general, too much of what bear* an antiquated and exolic look in it, being retained, for instance, in the form of the windows. There might have been more freedom, and less timidity and dryness of treatment ; nor would it have been amiss had the drawing ifelf, which is now merely slightly shaded in India ink, been such as to ensure attention to the subject. Still it must be confessed that its utter want of pictorial attraction of any kind serves to distinguish it rather markedly from the subjects around it. To return to mansions— Capernwray Hall, near Lancaster, shown ia Nos. 1263 and 1310 (Sharpe and Paley), is one of the most ambitious, and shows careful attention to detail and individual parts, yet for a modern re- sidence it looks but a gloomy sort of pile, with too much of the castle in iti character. Of mansions or villas in the regular Palladian style there ar« none, but No. 1187, " Allenheads, now erecting on the property of T. J. Beaumont, Esq., in the county of Northumberiand" (E. B. Lamb), is an application of what may be called the rural Italian villa style, that shows very great talent of a peculiar kind-the talent of accomplishing much with exceedingly limited means, for though the structure itself is simple even to plainness, it is rich in picturesque effect, and in well expressed character of an excellent kind, without artifices and affectations.— There are four designs for villas by Mocatta, small and rather showily coloured drawings, so unfavourably placed, however, that we did not give them much attention.— Of suburban villas and mansions similar to the " Ken- sington Garden" ones in last year's exhibition, there are none this season, although one since erected at Kensington would have furnished a subject. With respect to town and street architecture, designs for it are almost in- variably confined to those for public buildings ; we, however, get some- thing so denominated in No. 1275 (W. H. Leeds), a design for a house- front, unusually ornate, though far from being violently showy, still it i» what we must not hope to find the least favour with those ultra-orthodox and rigidly puritanical critics who turn up their noses at the Travellers and Reform Clubhouses, and who look upon Barry as being scarcely a 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECrS JOURNAL. m degree better than Borromini. By this remark it is not to be understood that the design we are speaking of is indebted to either of the two build- ings just named for any of its features ; on the contrary, it difTers altoge- ther from Barry's mode of composition, the middle window of the principal floor being not only distinguished from the others, but distinguished in a very eminent degree, for although the window opening is of the same size, its decoration forms a larger and loftier central compartment. There is some novelty also in introducing a bas-relief as a frieze between the prin- cipal floor and the one over it, where figures of the kind would be more distinctly seen than higher up.— We meet with subjects of street architec- ture for projected metropolitan improvements in Nos. 1175 and 1185 by W. J. Donthorn, and 1319 by AUom, the two former being designs for a new street in a direct line from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey, and for a new Square adjoining the Abbey ; and the other for improving the North bank of the Thames between London and Blackfriars Bridges. This last is a very able drawing, but the architecture is rendered quite iubordiuate, being treated as little more than background to the splendid and animated river view, which, as picture, would have been just as good had the present houses been represented. Perhaps it would be unfair to con- eider the buildings here put in as intended to do more than convey a gene- ral idea of the proposed line, fur they are made up of just the same sort of showy fronts as are now in vogue for new trading streets. Were the sepa- rate elevations drawn out as usual and left to speak for themselves as de- signs, some of them, we fancy, would cut but a sorry figure. The same remark may serve for Mr. Donthorn's jirojc'f .- as a street it would be a very great improvement, but as street architecture no great improvement if any upon the samples we have got. The transition from streets and the outsides of houses to the insides of the latter is so natural that " Inturinrs" seem to claim our attention next, almost as matter of course, but we must reserve our remarks upon them and the remaining drawings, for a second notice. NEW METROPOLITAN CHURCHES. St. John's, Charlolle-street, Fitzroy square.— This church is now nearly eompleted. The style adopted in the more conspicuous parts of the build- ing is Norman, or rather the modern mongrel between Norman and Ro- manesque. The west front exhibits two towers divided into stages ; of these towers, that at the north-west angle is surmounted by a slate-covered spire. The rest of the facade consists of a gable, containing a triplet of round-headed windows, with a wheel-window above, and the west door below them. The surface of the west front is broken by small arches and columns of decoration, string courses, and a corbel-table. These members and the dressings are of Bath stone, the rest is faced with Kent- ish rag. As might be anticipated in a Loudon church built in the line of a street and crammed in between the neighbouring houses, neither the in- terior nor the exterior of this edifice has the slightest pretensions to the spirit of Norman architecture, notwithstanding the imitation of some of the forms peculiar to that style. The cumbrous massive grandeur pro- duced by the colossal proportions of the Norman era are here missed al- together. Instead of vast towers, walls of enormous thickness, and columns no more than three or four diameters in height, we have all the principal parts of a Norman cathedral comprised in the narrow space of a street elevation. The pigmy dinieusions which the architect has conse- quently been compelled to adopt, give the idea that the building is meant rather as a sort of illustration or reduced model of a Norman church, than as a real attempt to build such an edifice in all the amplitude of its di- mensions. The church has neither transepts nor a central tower — almost universal features of ancient Norman churches. The dimensions of the interior are fully as diminutive as those of the exterior : the nave and aisles are divided by pillars and arches with wretched mouldings ; the roofs are of open wood-work ; the aisles are bisected by galleries, and the light is ob- tained from couplefs of circular headed windows in the clerestory ; con- sequently the north and south walls are blank, and the light is very un- equally distributed. The back of the church (we regret to have to apply the word "back" to a church, but the east end cannot in the present case be distinguished bj a more honorable term,) is. in a mews-yard, and it is needless to say that the architecture here exactly accords with that of the neighbouring slacles and coach-houses, being of the commonest brickwork. The de- signer seems to have been content with making a show, such as it is, io the main street. French Protestant Church, Holborn — The plan of this church, which has recently been consecrated, is a rectangle. The eastern end is in Bloomsbury-street, and the western in George street: the north and south sides are in the course of being blocked up by houses. The eastern ele- vation consists of a gable, without towers, and contains a large centre window with two lateral windows ; underneath are doors, the entrance being— not at the western — but the eastern end (for the sake of facility of access, as the Ecdesiologist suggests, from " the more genteel street.") The great east window has five lights ; but the floriation does not show much invention, being simply a number of trefoils contained within a pointed arch. The lateral windows in the same front are almost close to the central window, and in their proportions display a ludicrous contrast to it, being very narrow compared with their length, whereas the centre window is disproportionately broad. The group possesses neither the in- dividual beauty nor the family likeness which would remind the observer of the three Graces. The west front displays two long windows with a triangular window above, and beneath a string course, three lancets. This and the east sides of the church are faced with rag; the north and south are plain brickwork without any windows or mouldings. There has not been any absolute ne- cessity for this nakedness, as on one side, a large open space of ground at present intervenes between the church and the neighbouring houses, and on the other side the architect himself has built a school abutting on the church. The interior of the church has of course the advantage of north and south walls perfectly blank. At the end of the same street is another church which has recently been " done up." The style is one of which there are happily so few specimens that it has not yet received a name ; we are therefore relieved from the ne- cessity of a detailed criticism. We have only to notice, on account of (heir profanity, some extremely otTensive ornaments with which the upper part of the exterior walls are decorated. On three sides of the building, which is bedizened in all the glories of plaster, in which it rivals most of the gin- palaces in the neighbourhood, are stucco ornaments bearing respectively the semblances of an equilateral triangle, a lamb bearing a flag, and a dove. It is needless to state what is typified by these figures, which are repeated several times in the order mentioned, so as to form a kind of frieze to three sides of the building. We trust that the incumbent clergyman will use his influence to get these profane and hideous symbols removed : as works of art they are on a par with the plaster images sold at fairs as toys for children. Catholic Church, Farm-street, Berkeley-square. — This church is a very gratifying example of the rapid advances which have been made in the science of mediaeval architecture during the last few years. While iu Classic architecture the most barbarous periersions and absurdities — pedi- ments surmounted by spires — columns supporting nothing — stilted bases — shafts broken by dies, &:c., — are still tolerated, our national architecture is cultivated with a purer and more philosophical taste, which is fast eman- cipating it from the hideous deformities of the last age. IMr. Scoles' de- sign for the Catholic church near Berkeley-square is a satisfactory proof that our self-complacency is not without foundation. The situation of the building is by no means advantageous ; it is, indeed, almost impossible to get a good view of the exterior. From one corner of Grosvenor-square a glimpse may be obtained of the east gable, the beauti- ful Decorated tracery of the great east window, and the bell-turret; and another view from beside the ugly plastered church io Mount-street dis- plays somewhat more of the new building. But still it is so hemmed in among the houses, that it can scarcely anywhere be viewed as a whole. The difticulties to be contended with in obtaining a suitable site may be judged of by the fact that the west entrance is in a mews yard. The ar- chitecture of this part of the building will not however be made inferior to the rest because comparatively little seen : on the contrary, if there be one thing more to be admired than another in the design, it is that it dis- plays perfect faithfulness and uniformity, and betrays no anxiety for what is coUoqually termed " showing off" The plan of the interior is nearly a rectangle (about 150 feet long) with aisles extending about half the length of the church from the east-end. Tliese aisles are separated from the chancel and nave by piers and arches. There will be three altars — the high altar at the end of the chancel, and one at the east-end of each aisle. The side altars will be dedicated to the 22* 172 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECFS JOURNAL. [June, Virgin and the Sacrament respectively. In the south aisle are three con- fessional* and the saoristy, and above the south arches in the chancel is the tribune. The light will be obtainid from the east and west windows and from clerestories in the north and south walls. It is worthy of notice that the tracery of no two windows is alike, though the patterns of all of them are extremely rich : the design of the east window espei ially may be safely compared with some of the noblest examples of ancient Deco- rated architecture. With respect, however, to the absence of north and south windows below those of the clerestory, we have already siven a ge- neral and distinct opinion. Our views on this subject have been so recent- ly delailed that we need not now say more than that the examination of the churih which we are describing suggested uoihini; which would modify our opinion. On the contrary, we can state positively that the elTect of the light thrown down from above by no means harmonises with the cha- racter of the church, and that the large surfaces of blank unbroken walls are great defects. We say this the more freely because the excellence of the general design is sufficiently great to afford some drawbacks, and twcause the architect may justly plead the difficulties of the site as an excuse. Parts of the interior walls will be plastered and painted with frescoes. This use of plaster is perfectly legitimate, for there is not the slightest pretension of making it look like masonry ; it reveals itself honestly in its true character— that of a ground surface for the pniniing. No deceptive materials whatever are employed in the church. The external masonry is •f Kentish rag ; the mouldings, window-muUions, piers, &c., of Bath •tone. There is a temporary brick wall at the west-end : this is about to be removed for the purpose of completing the west gable, which will display three windows, with a door b-low the central window, and a trilateral window near the vertex of the gable. There will also be a bell-turret at this end of the church in addition to that now existing over the^ chancel arch. The roofs incline to the horizontal at an angle of about 00° ; on the north and south sides of them are rich perforated parapets. We hope to be able hereafter to give a more complete account of the cturch, and to accompany the description by illustrations. NOTES ON ENGINEERING, V. MENAI TUBULAR BRIDGE. Since the former paper (see ante p. 100), on the application of the theory of the strength of beams to the case of the Tubular bridge was published, » report has appeared of experiments by Messrs. Hodgkinson and Fair- bairn, with reference to this particular subject. As far as analogy can be drawn between the method of those experiments and the investigation of which the present paper is a continuation, the results agree exactly. It will be observed however that the experiments had reference solely to the ultimate strength of the girders experimented npon-that is, to the ex- treme weight which they would bear before breaking, the present investi- gation however relates not so much to the strength of the girders as to the ttrain which they must have to bear; and as the results here arrived at are obtained from the fundamental laws of statics, and not from any as. •umptions respecting the nature of the bodies operated upon, the points of resemblance between this theoretical examination and the reported experi- ments are few. It has seemed sufficient in the present paper to point out the precise nature and amount of the forces which the metal will have to resist ; leaving it to the engineer to contrive the proper means of fultilling Ite requirements here pointed out. We now proceed with the subject from the point where we left it in the former paper. 5. Form of the Girder of uniform strength. When the girder is of uniform strength throughout, the strain on it is greatest at the centre for two reasons. First, from the weight of the girder iuelf independently of the load: for when a vertical section is made through the centre, it is seen that the molecular forces of the metal have to resist a greater moment of external forces, than when the section is sup- posed to be made elsewhere. Secondly, the load is a moveable one, and has the greatest moment when its centre of gravity is over the centre of the bridge. It is possible to vary the dimensions of the bridge so that the tlrain on ench square inch shall be uniform throughout almost the whole length of the bridge. There are three ways of effecting this object — either by increasing the thickness of the plates towards the centre of the bridge, or by increasing the depth of the bridge towards the centre, or by combin- ing both these methods. The second methoil is however the preferable one, because it does not require any considerable addition to the quantity of metal. On narrow gauge railways the proportion of the loading of the goods trains to the length of the wagons is such that about 4 tons of load extend over about 9 feet of railway ; consequently on the Menai girders (the length of which is 4.'iO feft; we may take the extreme load to be 200 tons uni- formly distributed over the length. We have now to find the law of the variation of the depth of the girder, so that its own weight, and lb« load together shall produce a uniform strain on the metal. Let 21 be the length of the bridge, and m the weight of load and bridge together for a unit of length, and 21 m will be total weight supported. Consequently the pressure on each abutment will be tm. Let a vertical section CD' be supposed to be made at a distance x (=AD') from the end of the bridge. Then replacing the molecular actions by a vertical force along C D, and equal horizontal forces at C and D' ; these new forces may be equated with the external forces, which are — first, the vertical pressure at the end A, which, as has been said, is equal to m / ; secondly, the weight of the part A B C D' ( = mx), which may be supposed to act half way between A and D'. And aa wt B A ml ^__3^==n ■m ■ inx> *=- ' 1*^ 1 1 ^ shall hereafter find that the curvature of B' C is very small, it will ba seen that the error arising form this supposition is quite inappreciable. Taking moments about D' and calling the depth C D', y, we have — My = m i J- — m X . J X. Now y is supposed to vary so that M remains constant. Consequently the equation to the curve B C will be y = jjj- (i X — 1 x') a parabola. It will be observed that by this equation y = 0 when x rz 0 or 2 /, th«t », the depth is zero at the two extremities of the beam. It is impossible, however, that this condition could be satisfied, since room must be left for the passage of the train. The height of common railway bridges usually allowed for this purpose is 15 feet, which gives a sufficiently clear spao» above the funnel of the engine ; y, therefore, in the above equation, after it has attained the limit of 15 feet, must remain constant. The only elfecl of this will be that the bridge will be stronger than theory requires it l« be, since, of course, if the depth towards the ends be greater thaa reqai- site, the result is an increased strength in those parts. To determine the numerical value of m ; the weight of a square foot of iron one inch thick is about 10 lb. : and since the Menai Bridge is to b« 15 feet wide, the weight of one foot of the upper and lower plates together will be 1200 lb. The weight of the train we have supposed 4 tons to 0 feet, or about 1000 1b. to a foot. Consequently m =: 2200 ; we will, fkir convenience of calculation put m = 2240 or 1 ton M is to be found by determining its value at the centre of the bridge. Here y = 30 feet and x — 225 feet. Substituting these values in tb« equation to the curve, we find M = 844 tons ; and since i = 225 aotl m = 1, the equation becomes — y = Bj,(225-Jx)x. The following are some of the values of y, corresponding to given value* of*:— 210 feet y = 39-8 feet 20O 29'B 130 J8-* 1«0 27-4 140 267 IM M-4 IM 20-r SO 17-«. lHi6.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEERAND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL 173 When X is between 70 and 60 feet, y will be reduced to 15 feet, and inii»t not be farther lessened. By adopting then the form here indicated, »he tension will be for 160 feet on each side of the centre uniformly equal to 841 tons, and for the 05 feet near either extremity will be less. Taking it however at 841 tons, we observe tiiat, since the plates are 15 feet wide and 1 inch thick, and the cross section consequently contains 180 square inches, the strain per square inch on the metal plates is about 4| toni. Iron will bear a strain of 29 tons per square inch without breaking, and D tons without permanent injury ; but the diminished strain here as- Mgned to it is not too great an excess on the side of safety, when the dimi- nation of strength at the places where the several pieces composing the ■ pper and lower plates are welded or rivetted together is taken into con- tideratioQ. 6. Necessary strength of the vertical rihs. The beam of greatest strength for a given quantity of material is that in which the material is collected in two wide horizontal flanges, separated bj a thin vertical rib. It has been usual to consider that no more strength ii requisite in this rib than will suffice to keep the flanges apart; and the consideration seems to have been hitherto neglected in all philosophical idiestigations of the subject, that the longitudinal strains which the flanges «ert upon the rib, render it necessary that the latter should have much more strength than what is required for the mere separation of the flanges. A very simple method may, however, be given for determining the exact amount of strength actually required in the rib by its connection with the other parts of the beam. As the subject appears to be an entirely new oor, no apology is necessary for discussing it fully. The most convenient method of determining the strains upon the vertical web or webs is to consider the vertical strains and the horizontal strains <)uite separately. This plan of keeping the two kind of forces perfectly distinct has been observed throughout these papers, and is by far the best for getting clear and precise notions of the subject. We will first consider the Inngitudinal strains which the flanges exert ■ pon the rib. Now it is to be remembered that the upper flange is in a »tate of more or less compression throughout its length ; and the lower flange in a state of more or less tension. We know, however, that a string stretched by two forces only, one at each end, is in a state of uniform ten- tion throughout its length ; but if forces be applied to the string at inter- mediate points along it, the tension will vary in various parts. For instance, suppose that a string, A B, is fastened at B to a staple firmly fix°d in a wall, and at A, passes over a pulley, and is stretched by a weight P,, it a clear that if no weight but this act on the string, it will have a uniform -VI, AS Pi "T3I ff^ tenaioD = P,. Suppose, however, that at the points Aj, A„ A^, other weights are hooked on to the string and made to act upon it horizontally by means of pulleys, it is obvious that the tension of the string will now vary in various parts ; between A^ and B all the weights are acting on the tiring, and consequently the tension of this part = P, + P^ + Pg + Pj ; between A3 and A4 the tension = P, -f" Pj + P3 i between Aj and A, the tension = P, + Pj ; between Aj and A, the tension = P,. Now, to apply this consideration to the lower flange of our girder — we cbserve that the tension of it varies in every part ; this variation, therefore, wises from the action of horizontal forces at every point throughout its length, and it is certain that these horizontal forces have been communi- •ated by no other means than by the vertical ribs. In order to estimate the amount of the strains communicated by the bot- tom flange to the ribs, we must find out the law b; which the tension of the ' fh» former varies. Let us first for simplicity suppose the depth of the girder uniform throughout and = a. Also let the whole length be uniformly loaded, and let one foot of the length of the girder with the load upon it = m ; then if 2 i be the length of the girder, 2 ml will be its weight, and the reaction on the abutment A = ml. Also, if a section be made at any part C D and A D = X the weight of the part A B C D = m r. Let the tension at D = M. Then taking moments about C M a = m i X — m X . J X =: m{lx - 4x2). Similary, if we had supposed a section made in the girder at a distance x-' from the end, and that the corresponding tension was M', we should have the equation M'a = m (i x'— J i' ). Consequently (M-M') a = ,n{t (x-x')-i (x'-x'=} This last equation gives the law of the variation of the tension. We have now to see how this variation is produced by the vertical ribs. Let us first of all suppose that the connection between the upper and lower flanges is maintained— not by continuous plates — but by a lattice consist- ing of vertical and horizontal bars crossing each other. Now the upper horizontal bars will exert thrusts, and the lower, tensions. In the follow- ing figure, let A B represent a portion of the lower flange resting on the abutment at A. Above A B are represented some of the horizontal bars of the lattice, but those only which exert tension ; those which exert thrust as well as the upper flange being omitted in the figure. Now by this arrangement the tension of the portion of the bottom flange, between any two vertical bars is constant. For instance, the tension of that part of A B which lies between a and b is uniform, and of the part between * and c the tension is also uniform, only it is greater in amount than the tension between a and b. Call the tension between a and b, M and between b and c, M,, then it is clear that the vertical rod b b' is solicited at the point 6 by two diflerent horizontal forces, M^, at the left of b tending to pull it towards the abutment, M^ to the right of b tending to pull it further /roni the abutment. But M^ is the greatest: therefore on the whole the rod b b' is acted on by a force M, — M^ tending to pull it towards the rigbu For the equilibrium of this rod therefore we must have equal forces tend- ing to pull it towards the abutment. These forces are supplied by the tension of the horizontal bars above a b. Hence this conclusion— the aggregate tension of the horizontal bars above a b=M M Now if we suppose B the tniddle point of the beam, we know that the tension is equal and opposite on both sides of that point ; that is, the ten- sion of c Bis equal to the tension to the right of B. Consequently the vertical bar at B will stand of itself without any tension of the horizontal bars above c B. The tension of these bars is therefore zero. The bars however above 6 c are in a state of actual tension, the amount of which equals the diflTerence between the tension of the portion B c of the flange and of the portion b c. Let the successive dilTerences of the successive portions of the flange be represented by P,, P^, P3 P„,then the bars above A c are stretched by a force P, at c ; the bars above a b are stretched by a force P at c and a force P^ at 6 ; the bars next to the left are stretched by a force P at c, P^atft, aidPj at a, and so on. Consequently the tensions of the hori- zontal bars are, to the left of the first upright rod, P, ; to the left of the second, l\ -1- P„ ; of the third, P, + Pj + P, and so on. The tension to the left of the rth vertical rod =:P, + P„ + P + + p. But the forces P,, P^ P^are respectively equivalent to M — M M.-Mj M„ _ , — M^. HenceP,-hP2 + P,+ .... +P^ = M - M , + M . — M2 -H + M^ . ^ — M,=M — M^, or the aggregate tension of the hori zontal bars at any point is equal to Ibe THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 174 difference between the tension of tlie flange at that point and its tension at ^uTlThave just shown that the tension of the flange at a distance x from the abutment [Junk, a -i'")- Putting in this equation x = J, we have for the tension of the flange at the centre ^(r-lJ»)ori(»". Hence finally we get the tension of the horizontal rod. at a distance ^ fro" the end by subtracting the first expression from the second. This gives We will apply this very simple formula hereafter to show '^e necessa^ thickness of ihe vertical and horizontal bars, suppos.ng the "PP- -J^° ^ flanges to be connected by a lattice work. For the present t suffic en to point out that the same mode of investigation ''PP'^ " "^^ ^e 'a, ribs are not lattice work, but continuous plates. For though we have ppo^^l the points of application of the forces which the ^^^^^^^^ .be nbs to be separated by determinate intervals, ^\^\f^jj2TeZl going reasoning that the result is the same whe her those ■"'"^^'^JJ =7\' 'r small. So that if the intervals be indefinitely d;«'--t>;d 'h^ ^ '^ "^ rib and flange be joined at every point throughout the.r ^'^,f^'l^''^ll'f s!on for the strain which the one exerts on the other wdl be t^e s.me m both cases. REVIEWS. The Place of Egypt in the History of the World. By Chevalier de BtJNSEN (^.ypteos^Stelle m der Welt-Geshichte.) Hamburgh, 1S45. 3 vols. 8vo. Plates. , The object of Dr. Bunsen is to prolong the incipient portion of man s history fo about 2000 years, and to show, that where b.therto oolj an unconnected \i.i of obscure names and dates was to be met. real history and ch onologv may be elucidated by our increased knowledge of anc.ent reco d , and he monnmea.s of the land of the Nile. If the work be ore U3 were one relating to a country un-monununtal, it hardly would fall withm the scope of our Journal; but being one of Egyptian ax>t.qu>ty, we may 2ive a brief account of its contents. ^Looking over the numerous dates and names, and Usts and tables of the th.^e volumes before us, one hardly can .magine that one man sabour w u d s ffice to construct such an array of chronological forn.ula,, as .t were 7rom out ot the/.» given data of such remote antiqu.ty. But cons.denng haTwe are now in .846, and that Dr. Bunsen says that h>s research on I-gypt began in 1812, ,he thing becomes plausible Besides, there .s no e| p ian scholarof the age wUh whom the author had not been ,n.,mately connected ; and his work is a resunU of all what the grea Irench expe- dition 1 ad begun, and such men as BeUoni, Salt, Champoll.on, Rosselm, tminson. Col. Vyse, Perring, and last but not least, Leps.us, had brought tn a orettv satisfactory close. "To restore," says Dr. Bunsen, "the chronology of the oldest monn- uiental nation of the world, from Menes to Alexander the Great for an Extent of at 1-^' ^""O >-^^' ^™"'^ ''""' '^''" ""''""'" "I, T M 'T facte ucidation of those monuments and partly documents, whuh Mane.ho and Eratosthenes had before them. As geolog.sts have endeavoured to find a plrm in the forn.ation of the strata of the globe, an,l .herefrom deduce the epochs o. our earth, we may accompHsh a similar ta.k, . , as ?, tl^ case tlfe monuments of high antiquity of one of the most nuportant ^oHds'.nat ons be not wanting. To sift the chronology of these anc.ent t.mes ^il b m St feasible by the aid of ,nonu,nents. Those n.onu.nents do not :„ datTfrom much earl.er times than the publ.c in gene.-al (w.th exception liieEgyptiologisis) are accustomed to expect ; but they are of far great r iport tha.' eve,: these have h.therto thought, because the chie monuments "'h old reigns are the kings' sepulchres, and these sepulchres are he pyramids ; and amongst them the world-famed three are cer aiuly, not the oldesT It is very remarkable, that we find on the field ot the Pyramid (Piram;.ionA(.;e)almostallkingsoftheMemphisdynasty,.>utnonames..h,eld iNumeuschild) which can appertain to the thinHe kings Those, ho»e, , »ay yet be discovered .n the ruins of Abydos-thal pr.m;.val tnetropol.s of ancient Egypt which, notwithstanding the report of Strabo and the great import of the kings' table [Konigstafel) has been entirely neglected bv travellers. It is also remarkable that the building of Thebes is neither ascribed to the second thimte dynasty, nor to the first memphitic, which, as we said before, lays (according to all reports, traditions, and even his- torical traces) beyond the times historical. A builder of Men>ph,slo„. ever, is mentioned by Diodorus, according to a fragment of a P^P" " 'f^" dition. According to this author, the eighth successor of Bus.r.s II. built Memphis-then proceeds tradition: his daughter Memphis had conceived, from father Nile, a son Egyptos, a mild and just king, his successor. Busiris II forms the concluding link of the anle-historical Thebaic tradi- tions-he is the builder of Thebes. After him succeeded another dynast,, and the last king was the eighth of the successors of Busiris II , conclud- ing therefore a dynasty of nine kings. His name was HUmphU; he founded Memphis, and built a royal palace, not surpassed in after tunes- still, not approaching the older royal palace of Thebes. ' (p. 105, vol. 2.) It was on this very ,;,o(-".liat originated with Herodotus that part of his wonderful description of Egypt which treats of the Pyramid^epoch. Before him, the older Hecat.rus had been in Egypt. \V hat had become nearly clear by the discoveries of Belzoni, is now completely ascertained bv the labours of Vyse and Perring, viz., that the regular entrances to tb. Pyramids were (at the close of the original construction and the interment of the builder), shut from inwards by granite trap-doors, and slabs of rock • that from that time, to tlieir forcible opening, none had ever viewed their 'interior A tablet sunk in the granite blocks of the dressing seem, to have contained the hieroglyphic inscription, wuh the name of the buried and other particulars. The assertion of Niebuhr and W ilkinson, that the dre.sin- was simply formed by the exterior slabs being subsequently (be- einnin- from above) cut ofi-at the angle of the slope, seems to be confirmed bv Pe^rin- and he adds that the surface was moreover carefully polished. The history' of the destruction of these wonders of art shows, that curiosity and thirst after concealed treasures enticed the ancient caliphs, most pro- bably fir=t the son of Harun al Rashid, Mammun, to track an entrance ; subsequently, especially under Salad.n, the Pyramids, especially the.r dressing, were regularly used as quarries; in hue, the recklessness aiid destructiveness of the Mamelukes completed the sacrilege. (p. 149, ""Thelistorical details of the building of the thirty Pyramids of Egypt, put forth by M. Bunsen, are numberless, but cannot be brought within the compass of this Journal. The biographical notice of the builders of the two largest pyramids will, however, interest our readers. " M ith the ex- tinction of the two Menes lines, the southern and northern, after the death of Amchura-Bicheris the ninth king of the first Memphis dynasty ,-another familv probably a memphitic one, related to the former, ascended the throne of E"vpt The fir=,t two rulers were the brother-kings Chufu. The elder builtTbe second greatest Pyramid, and made a commencement of the stu- pendous stone wall; the largest also was probably begun during his reign. The younger brother, erected (according to Manellio) the largest, as a seoulchre for himself, wishing to surpass his brother by its size, as well as bv Uie splendour and solidity of construction. He, however, disdained the dressing of the lower part with the reddish granite of Syene, which distinguishes the second largest Pyramid." ■,. i- . A Treat part of the second volume of our author is taken up with a bislo- ricil disquisition ou the Moeris Lake-the most stupendous, hydraulic work which has been constructed in auy age. Situated at the confines of the Lvbian Desert it escaped Uie notice of travellers, until M. Linanl, chief engineer of roads and bridges to the Pacha of Egypt, made a considerable steli towards exploring it.* " Egyptian irrigation," says Dr. Bunsen, •• re- quires two ihings-canals and dykes. The system ol the former, in the district alluded to, may be traced out so far, that the mam canal had to serve the purpose of retaining the water on the upper slope of the land and then to distribute it to the right and left, as well as westward to the second slope. The canal leading on the right side to the lake, caused an iiuiuediate connection of the Bahr Jusef with the Lake, and would at least serve for the irrigation of those lands it passed through, if the waters were dammed up in it. The second s>slem is that of dykes, for the purpose of retaining the flood-water at the height to which it had been previously r!ise or wedges are made of oak, and are small ia size. 176 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [ J t' K K , " It seems generallv agreed, that the bearing surface for the wheels to run upon, without being too heavy, or so narrow as in an additional degree to wear the wheels, should be about 2J inches ; and hence this Size of a head is generally adopted for public railways. Although, both theoretically and practically, it has been assumed, by Messrs. N. Wood, Barlow, and h. Wood, that the strongest form of rail is that of which, with sufficient depth for rigidity, the base does not contain too great a quantity of material,— and though Mr. Barlow has given a formula for calculating the section of great- est strength,— still the great object tliat the public are interested in, is the best form of rail for safety ; and of which, while it has sufficient strength to bear upon it heavy loads in motion, the bearers should not be too far apart, to increase in the least degree the amount of either vertical or lateral deflec- tion. When a rail possesses these advantages, its exact shape on mathenaa- tical principles is of less importance than its convenience of being easily fixed, and qnicklv shifted. Hence, while the single parallel rail is decreas- ing in practical application, the double one, from its convenience, is progress- ively extending. A knowledge of these facts is essentially necessary for everv one engaged or connected with railways, whether he be a director or shareholder, whether an engineer or manager. With all the knowledge yet acquired, there is ample ,-vidence of tlie uncertainty which still hangs around the subject ; and the great expense it has already cost some of the older companies in making alterations, shows that experience to them has been dearly boiii;lit. For example, it has been shown that the Liverpool and Man- Chester Kailwav Companv has had several times to alter the rails on that line ; to increase the weight from 35 lb., the weight of the original rail, to 50 lb., 65 lb., and 75 lb. per yard, successively; while the London and Bir- mingham Railway Company, nntwithstanding the advantages derived from Mr. Barlow's able report, was obliged to reduce the width of the bearings or supports from 5 feet to 3 feet 9 incjies, and to increase the weight of the rails from (A Ih. to 75 lb. On other railways equally expensive alterations have been made. There is every probability, therefore, that, so long as that plan of railway construction continues, whatever may be the first cost to railwav companies, a still greater weight must be given to the rails, and a still farther reduction of the width of the bearers must take place, in order to adapt the stabilitv to increased rapidity of traction. " It mav he observed that the rails have gradually been increased in strength since steam power was introduced! the bars are usually made in 12, 15, and 16 feet lengths, with square or butt ends, and are laid end to end, the earlier complex contrivances to secure the joints being all dispensed with, and the half-lap joints now rarely used. About j\ of an inch, at least, should be left between the ends for expansion ; for it has been ascer- tained that a bar of 15 feet in length will expand about ^\ of an mcli at 7^° F. Some have, indeed, proposed to place a small piece (t wood between the ends of rails, as the difft-rent expanding properties of wood and iron would fill the space, the wood expandmg as the iron contracts: but such a plan is liable to ol.jection from tlie wood being likely to be shaken out, and the space being left vacant. There is no part of railway construction that requires more accuracy of fitting than the joints : the squareness of the ends, and tlie space allowed for expansion, cannot be too carefully regulated. In- stead of that, bow often are seen spaces at the joints of difTereut widths, and the ends of the bars in juxtaposition, without paiallelism and uniformity of level ; thus increasing llie amount of friction, adding to the joliiug and rocking motion, and to the risk of the wheels of carriages being thrown off the rails." This little work contains a large quantity of information in a very small compass. The information is not perhaps quite profound or minute enough to be of great value to the experienced engineer, but the student who is commencing the subject will find here a general and compendious view of it. which will form a useful and certainly a very interesting introduction to more recondite researches. Railway Map of England and Wales.— Vlessrs. Arrowsmilh and Basire have recently published the large railway map of England and Wales en- graved by them for the Board of Trade from plans deposited there in November last. Having only printed a few copies for the Committees of the Houses of Lords and Commons, the publishers purchased the plates from the Government, considering them interesting to the public, as giving an authentic account of all railways up to the commencement of the present time, showing those in oi>cratwn—\n progrcxs—iirojected—lUose tliat failed at the Private Bill Office the end of December— and those for which peti- tions were not presented to the House arterwards. A similar map of Scotland, and one of Ireland, are soon to appear. Of the map before us we can give no better encomium than by saying, that its magnificent size and the style of execution render it fully worthy of the rei:u aliiin of the publishers, and of the occasion for which it was origin- ally engraved. The size is 4 feet 9 inches by 0 feet. OBSERVATIONS OX CAPILL.iEITY. By Prof. Henry. In 1830, the author presented the results of some experiments on tha permeability of lead to mercury ; and subsequent observations had led him to believe that the same properly was possessed by other metals in rcfe- rence to each olher. His first attempt to verify this conjecture was mad« with the assistance of Dr. Patterson, at the United Slates Mint. For Ihia purpose, a small globule of gold was placed on a plate of sheet iron, and submitted to the heat of an assaying furnace ; but the experiment was un- successful; for, although the gold was heated much abovr its melting- point, it exhibited no signs of sinking into the pores of the iron. The idea afterwards suggested itself, that a difltreot result would have been ob- tained had the two metals been made to adhere previous to heating, so that no uxide could have been formed between the surfaces. In accordant* with this view, Prof. Henry inquired of iMr. Cornelius, of Philadelphia, if, in the course of experience in working silver-plated copper, in his ex- tensive manufactory of lamps, he had ever observed the silver to disappear from the copper when the nutal was heated. The answer was, that tha silver always disap|iears when the plate is heated above a cerlain tempe- rature, leaving a surface of copper exposed ; and that it was generally b«- lie»ed by the workmen, that the silver evaporates at this temperature. Professor Henry ^-nggested that the silver, instead of evaporating, merely sunk into the pores of the copper, and that by carefully removing the sur- face of the latter by the action of an acid, the silver would reappear. Td verify this by experiment, INlr. Cornrlins heated one end of a piece of thick plated copper to nearly the melting-point of the metal; the silver at thu end disappeared, and when the metal was cleaned by a solution of diluia sulphuric acid, the end which had oeen healed presented a uniform sur- face of copper, whilst ihe other end exhibited its proper coating of silver. The unsilvered end of the plate was next placed, for a few minutes, in a solution of muriate of zinc, by which the exterior surface of < opper wa» removed, and the surface of silver was again exposed. This method of recovering the silver before the process of plating silver by galvanism caii>a iuti) use, would have been of much value to manufacturers of plated ware, since it often hapiened that articles were spoiled, in the process of solder- ing, by healing them to the degree at which silver disappears. It is well known to the jeweller, that articles of copper, plated with gold, lose their brilliancy after a time, and that this can be restored by boiling them in ammonia ; this elfect is probably produced by the ammonia acting on the copper, and dissolving oti' its surface, so as to expose the gold, which, by dilfusion has entered inio the copper. A slow diirusion of one metal thiough another probably takes place in cases of alloys. Silver coins, after having lain long in the earth, bate been found covered wiih a salt of copper. This may be explained by sup- posing that the alloy of copper, at the surface of the coin, enters into coni- binaiioo with the carbonic acid of the soil, and being thus removed, ill place is supplied by a iliHusion from within ; and lu this way it is not iiu- probable that a considerable portion of the alloy may be exhausleil in Iba process of tune, and the purity of the coin be considerably increased. Perhaps, also, Ihe pi.eoomenon of what is called Sfgiegution, or the formation of nodules of Bint in masses of carbonated lime, ami of indurated marl in beds of clay, may be explained on the same principle. In break- ing up these masse.-, it is almost always observed, that a piece of shell or some extraneous matter occupies the middle, and probably formed tha nucleus, around which the matter was accumulated by attracuuu. Tha difficulty consists iu explaining how the attraction of cohesion, which be- comes insensible at sensible distances, should produce this elTec. To ex- plain this, let us suppose two substances uniformly dillused through eatk olher by a slight mutual aitraction, as in the case of a lump of suj;ar dis- solved 111 a large quantity of water, every particle of the water will attract to Itself its proportion of the sugar, and the whole will be in a state of equilibrium. It the diBusion at its commencement had beeu as.-isted by heat, and this cause of the separation of the homogeneous particles no longer existed, Ihe dillusiou might be one of unstable equilibrium ; and the sliglilest exir.ineous force, such a.i the atiraction of a minute piece of shell, might serve to disturb the quiescence, and draw to itself the dillused pai- tules which were immediately contiguous to it. This would leave a ve- cuum of the atoms around the alliacling mass : for example, as in the case of the sugar, there would be a porliou of the water aiouul the nucleus de- prived of the sugar; this poilioii of the water would attract its portion of sugar from the laver without, and into this layer the sugar from the layer next without would be dillused, and so on until, through all the water, tba reiimiMiiig sugar would he uniformly dillused. The process would COD- liuue to be repeated, b> the nucleus agaiu attracting a portion of the sugar from the water ininiediately around ii, and so on until a considerable uc- cuinulaliou would be lornieU around the foreign substance. Wf can iu this way conceive of the manner by which the inolecular aclion, which is insensible at perceptible distances, may produce resulu which would appear to he ihe elft-i t of attraction acting at a distance.— From llie Pruc. of the American Philosophical Society. IS16.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. IT- KENTISH RAGSTONE. To Mr. Whichcord we are indebled for the following practical informa- tion regarding Kentish Ragslone, used by our forefathers rather largely in many of our Gothic edifines, and at the present period it is again introduced with considerable advantage ; it afl'ords, combined with dressings of Caen stone or Bath stone, an economical and, at the same time, a durable material for the construction of the walling of our ecclesi- astical edifices, for which purpose it bids fair to supersede facings of white, red, and yellow bricks, and when it is judiciously introduced is very little, if any, more expensive. There is not a question as to its superior advan- tages in an architectural point of view. Mr. Whichcord is an architect of extensive practice in Kent, and has had an opportunity of watching the working of Kentish ragstone, both in the quarry and in the building ; he is, therefore, fully qualified to give us an opinion of its merits, which he lias done in a pamphlet just published,* containing the whole of his paper, read at the Institute of British Archi- tects, noticed in the Journal for January last, page 27, where we gave an account of the geological character of the stone, and which we now propose to follow up by adding some iuforraation regarding its practical uses. " The larger blocks of Kentish Rag Stone of superior quality, are locally known under the name of ashlar, which comprises all work that is bedded or jointed ; in fine, the stone when applied to any of the uses for which Portland or York are generally available. Stone of this description is sold by the cuiiic foot, and fetches a much higher price in proportion than the smaller kind. The stone, when quarried, first has its rough projections knocked anay, and for economy in transport (as the blocks cannot be sawn) is usually re- duced as nearly as possible to its required dimensions. This process is technically called " skiffling," (termed " kiiobbling" in the neighbourhood of London, and also in the west of England.) and is performed with a heavy, double pointed hammer, such as is used in working granite. The necessity for this practice would cause great waste upon the stone, if the fragments of the better description were not available for burning into lime. The best lime, however, is usually burnt from the best stone. Raifstone usklar is usually dressed with the hammer, either roughly or with more care, in which state it is said to be *' rott^hlij piclced" or *' close picked.^^ In the better kinds of wark it is usual to run a tooled draft round the arris of the stone, which gives to the blocks a very neat appear- ance ; sometimes the whole face is tooled, a process which greatly in- creases the labour without adding to the beauty of the stone ; even the best kinds are full of small hassocky spots, which show themselves upon a smooth face, turn rusty upon exposure to weather, and facilitate the decay of the stone. A building faced with tooled ashlar, even when newly erected, exhibits the appearance of bad Portland when going rapidly to decay : an evil that is not lessened by the frequency of the joints, neces- sarily caused by the small size of the stones, and a defect which is not so observable when the face of the work is picked. Sunk work and mould- ing upon ragstone should, as much as possible, be avoided, both from the great cost of executing them in so hard a material, and the rapid decay that so much wrought surface causes in this stone. The mediaeval builders were well aware of this fact, and while they used ragstone extensively in the more substantial parts of their structures, preferred Caen or even fire or sandstone for the decorated portions. Caen stone is more peculiarly appropriate to be used with ragstone, on account of the small dill'erence of the two materials in colour, a distiuction entirely obliterated by time. In using '* ragstone ashlar'^ great care should be taken to have the stone laid upon its natural bed, as any other proceeding will almost certainly be followed by rapid decay ; not but that I believe the stone in its soundest form to be almost beyond the influence of time or the elements, but that from the thinness of the strata, blocks of a large size can seldom be entirely freed from hassock ; and even what appears to the eye as blue stone, does, for a considerable distance inward, retain the perishable nature of its en- veloping crust. A block of ragstone (if the face be worked) will present, in damp weather, an appearance precisely similar to the heart and sap of timber. When it is necessary (as in case of copings, &c.) that one bed should be exposed, care should be taken in skiffling the stone to reduce its dimen- sions as much as possible from the upper side, so as to expose only the soundest portion of the stone to the action of the atmosphere. In scmie situations, such as mullions, and door and window jambs, an unsightly appearance would be produced by too exact an attention to the beds of tiie stone, as the ashlar is generally too small to range with more than one course of headers. In these cases the old masons seem to have departed from their usual rule, and to have set the blocks on end so as to embrace two or three courses; but as the depth of the block required to work an ordinary jamb or mullion is not very great, it is not a dillicult thing to get the whole thickness required out of the heart of stone, and where this has been done, the work will be found pretty free from decay. Stone of the smaller layings is generally worked into headers, and used for the facing of walls, or for paving. In dressing headers for build- ing purposes, it is common to work one side of the stone to a rough face with parallel sides, without paying much attention to the beds and joints, * A Pamphlet, " Observations on Kentish Ragstone aa a Building Material." By John Wtiicbcord, jun., architect, London : John Weale, which often recede at an acute angle with the face, so as to bring the stones, when laid, to a closer joint. Attention, however, should be paid in building to have the stones pro|ierly pinned in behind, and carefully bonded with the work at back. Headers are generally knocked out to six, seven, eight or nine inch gauge for the height; the length and tail being deter- mined by the size of the stone. Most headers, however, on face do not vary a great deal from the square form. No attention is paid to setting headers on their natural bed, as the appearance of the work is not so much injured by any superficial decay. It is not unusual, however, to tiud stones in an old wall entirely gone from this cause. " Coursed header wurlc." — There are several modes of building with rag- stone, either now iu use or practised by our ancestors. That most fre- quently adopted in the better kind of modern buildings is the coursed header work, iu which headers of an equal height and parallel joints are laid round in a similar manner to brickwork. There is always something stiff and formal about this kind of work, from the large size of the joints marking out eacli stone in distinct individuality. To make the matter worse, the work is generally finished with a raised or a sunk joint, and the mortar coloured of a deep blue colour ; sometimes we see the work eren tuck-pointed, as though it were designed to set each stone in a frame. Coursed header work is pariicularly inapplicable to the free forms of pointed architecture. If used at all, the stones should be laid in ragstone lime mortar, not chalk lime, aad the joints simply struck. As far as appearance goes, it would be ahnost better that they were left rough. Chalk lime should be especially eschewed as both aislhetically and practically bad. It will not adhere to the ragstone, and the difference of colour is more offensive than when hlue moriar is used. " Random coursed work" seems to have been an improved mode of build- ing, viz., the carrying up all the walls as nearly as possible together ; this led to the practice of levelling out the work in a rough manner at every foot, or sixteen inches in height, carrying up each portion with stones of various sizes, roughly headed (as facing ihein is termed), and without much attention to jointing. It consequently occurred that one stone would some- times occufiy the height of two or three, while the rough sides caused con- tinual irregularities in the joints. Great care is, however, frequently shown in tilting smaller stones to the irregularities of the larger ones, anj the result of the whole is a more substantial mode of biiikliug, and greater uiiifuriuity of surface; the joints, from not occuriug in straight lines, being much less observalile than in header work. Tlie bond, too, is much more complete, and an inspection of our county churches, of wliich mo^t have the towers executed in this style, will convince any one of i'.s durability. " Random header work." — There is, however, now in use a kind of ap- proximation to " randoincoursed work," that is even more objectionable than header, or rubble work; I mean "random header work." This, though only applied iu inferior situations, is nearly as expensive as coursed header work, which it is in fact, only done in a more slovenly manner. It is executed with headers of the ordinary description, but of unequal sizes, as though attempted to be carried up in courses. The joints of the mortar are generally left roMff/i; this lessens the bad effect that would otherwise be produced by the arrangement, or rather ho arrangement, of the headers ; but when the whole is done, ti>e courses are only crooked, when, to all ap- peflrauce, they were intended to be straight. " Random work^' is a style now much used in ornamental buildings, such as lodges, cottages, almshouses, dairies, &c. &c. It is commonly executed with unsquared stone, with the joints carefully fitted together and piuned in with smaller stones. W hen this description of work is well done, the joints never run in continuous, horizontal, or vertical lines, and every stone oufjhi to break joint. The appearance is very good, but considerable time and much skill and nicety are required for its performance. Of course, from the mode of building in this style, it is scarcely applicable to large works, both because there is a certain littleness of appearance about it, and that it is wanting in the requisite stability. " Rough random work" may be placed in the same class as that just de- scribed, but executed in an inferior manner. In this descriptiou of work it is not customary to give the stones any dressing at all, hut merely lay them together with as much compactness as their irregular forms will allow : filling iu between the larger stones with smaller pieces. When this kind of work is well done, it will be found very durable, and it is not an uncommon practice, where ragstone abounds, to build mclosure walls in this manner, but without using mortar or any cementing substance; and walls thus constructed will last for a considerable length of time. It is the cheapest kind of building, as there is less waste in the sloue, and the expense of heading is saved, besides that a good workman will do more of it than of header work in the same time. Foundations are usually laid in rough random work, and it is applied to inclosure walls and interior buildings. Galleting. — It is customary in many parts of the county to " gallet" the joints of ragstone work ; that is, to stick small " stone pinners" as thickly as possible in the pointing mortar. Galleliug* is applied iud.ffereutly to every description of work, and it has the good effect of securing the joints in a great degree from the action of frost, (?j and iu some situations ii im- proves the appearance of the work. Mention has already been made of the use of hassock as an inside lining to walls built with ragstone It is usually roughly squared, an ope- ration that should never be neglected, as thecrumhliug nature of the stone * The masons call the pieces of stone chipped off by the stroke of the chisel " ga,l«ts,'* probably from " galette" (French) a small cuke. 23 178 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [June wotilj eiulanper the pecnri'y, if Iho work is exposed to the unequal pres- fine that would result from the use of irregularly shaped slonrs. Care should betaken not to place hassock in situations « here ii is exposed to very sreat pressure. For jambs, arches, &c., sound bricks are best to be (i«ed with it. W hen the work is of a superior description, and the ma- sonry intended to show inside, as is sometimes the case, tlie hassock is capable of heinfj worked to a very good surface with close joinis ; and as it can be procured in blocks of a considerable size, hassock is very appli- cable as an internal facing. RnxntoTie Paring.— \n Kent, ra{;stone is much used for paving. Inmost of the towns of this district the streets are laid with rH;>stone headers, iu the same manner as granite is used in London; stables and yards also are paved with headers, which are generally preferred for these purposes to anv other paving material. It is better, liowever, in public llutroughfares where exposed to heavy draunhts, to make the kirb stones of granite. The iiurahilitij of l)uHili»;;s erected with ragstone depends mainly upon the qualities of the linif from which the mortar is made ; it can only be depended upon when executed wiih mortar made with lime burnt from the ragstone itself; this niorlar becomes in the lapse of time so very hard as to form almost one and the same body with the stone. Many buildings may be seen that have been erected a number of years that retain the ori- ginal pointini; In the joints, fair as when first finished, aud so hard as to resist the blow of a chisel. Ragstone lime is usually burnt in inverted conical kilns from seven to ten teet diameter at the lop, such as are ordinarily used in this neighbour- hood in common for burning either chalk, or ragstone lime. The process is the same in either case, but the ragstone requires more fuel for its con- version into lime. A kiln of the ordinary size will burn from one and a half to two loads per Hay, each load averaging 36 bushels. A load of lime requires for its production about four chords of stone, and one third of a ton of coals. Although ragsione lime may be said to be ofaverystrongnature.it will f'Ot take so great a quantity of sand as most other linies ; two parts of sand by measure to one lime, is the proportion generally used. If an excess of sand be employed, the mortar becomes short, and drops from the trowel. iMortar made from ragstone lime nevei exhibits those proper- ties common with the chalk limes, and technically known as " fatty." A concrete of ragstone C" Betun" J, and ragstone lime, is much used in this part of the county ; the stone is broken small, uo piece larger than a hen's egg, wiih half i's bulk of sand added, a quantity about sulHcient to till up the interstices of the stone. The usual proportions may be stated at six parts of stiuie, two of sand, and one part of lime. It is needless to say tl.at the lime should be well burnt, ground, and used hot. A very good practice is to dispose the broken stones and sand in layers, alternately, with lime, in the proper proportions of each, then to be picked, and twice turned over, and a sufficient quantity of waler added to reduce the mass to a proper consistency. In other respects the us3 of ragstone concrete is subject to the same regulations as concrete made from ballast. Pi icts. — Subjoined is an average list of prices of stone of various kinds in the quarry, aud the rate at which it can be supplied in London along- side ' the wharf, tugether with some prices paid for labour upon the stone: — Rough rag. per ton Headers, per ton .. Rag lor breaking, per chord .. Rag for lime, per ctiord Hassock, roughly squared, per chord Hassutk, beat, per cliord ., Ashlar, scapled out, per foot cubic Aatilar, large acaritlings Lime, per load ot' 36 bushels It would, in most cases, be cheaper and otherwise preferable to burn the lime in Loudon. Prices of labour on ragstone in Maidstone. ». d. Beds and joints (usually measured as plain work) . . . . 8 Plain picked face ., .. .. .. 8 Plain close picked in a superior manner .. .. .. 10 Tooled face . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Sunk work .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 Sunk and tooled .. .. .. .. .. 18 Moulded .. .. .. .. .. .. as Circular plain .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 Circular and tooled .. .. .. .. .. 18 Circular sunk and tooled •. .. .. .* 2 0 Circular moulded and tooled .. .. •■ .. 3 6 For ragsione concrete, the quantities may be slated at eleven chords broken rag, one hundred of lime, and four bushels of sand, for ten yards of concrete. Breaking the rag may be reckoned atone shilling the chord. it Quarry. ^ s. d. 1 6 In London. s. d. 5 0 8 0 12 6 1 6 5 0 2 6 6 0 3 0 6 6 4 0 7 6 2 0 2 9 2 6 ■i 3 1 0 0 1 4 0 FICTILE MANUFACTURES— POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. At a meeting of the Archjeological Institute, May 1, a very interesting paper, by Mr. I5irch, was read,on " Fictile Manufacturen, including Pottery and Porcelain of alt countries and all periods." The subject excited great interest, and causeii llie table to be covered with numerous and valuable ex- amples of the art, from the earliest to the most recent period. Specimens of liahylonian, Greek, Roman, Mediaeval, Italian, and German pottery were grouped according to date; and, to continue the aeries to our own time, a large case presented specimens from the collection of the late Enoch Wood, and the manufactory of the Messrs. Minton, illustrative of the progress of the SlafTordbhire manufactories, from the time of Queen Elizabeth to the present day. Among the contributors to the exhibition were the Marquis of Northampton, Earl Spencer, Viscount Strangford, Sir Philip Egerton, Bart., Mr. Talbot, Mr. Jekyll, Mr. Bidwell, Lady Brancker, Mr. Strutt, .VLK, Mr. J. \V. Burgon, Mr. Dilke, .Mr. M'hincopp, Mr. Cole, .Mr. Mayer, of Liverpool, the Kev. H. Addington, Mr. Gowen, Dr. Bromet, and Mr. Engle- heart. Mr. Birch commenced by giving a brief, but eompreliensive history of an- cient Fictile Art. He observed that the most ancient pottery extant was, probably, that found at Babylon and Nineveh ; some of this was of a fine red clay, and at the latter place varnished and enamelled ware, probably of the time of Sardanapalus, had been found in the recent excavations of M. Botta. It was, perhaps, from Babylon that Fictile Art was transmitted to the Egyptians, who appear to have exercised it at the earliest known period of their history. Vases are found in the tombs in the vicinity of the Pyra- mids, of a date probably 2000 B.C., of baked clay, some glazed and of vari- ous colours. The ornaments of Egyptian pottery consist chiefly of flowers; with occasionally a few human and animal forms traced in black outliue, but the designs are coarse, and show little taste or invention. Mr. Birch proceeded to describe the Fictile Art of Greece and Italy. The vases of the archaic period are, \. the Athenian, of a light and fine clav ; the ornaments are on a fawn-coloured ground, and consist of bands and Meander borders. Animal forms occur but seldom in these designs — the human form never. 2. The black ware, ornamented with figures in relief, found throughout Etruria ; and which we must coi.sider the \Nork of the Etruscan people, from about 6G0 B.C. to 416 B-C, when their power began to decline. The subjects of these vases are the most early Greek myths ; some of the figures exhiliiting monstrous combinations, borrowed from the oriental religions, and to be ifaet with on the Babylonian cylinders and in the art of Persepolis. The material of this ware is black throughout. Be- sides this class of vases, the indigenous product of Etiuria, we find in that country specimens of the Fictile Art, imported by the Greek settlers, and resembling the vases found at Corinth by the traveller Dodwell. These are known by the name of Nolan-Egyptian or Phcenician. The ground of this ware is a pale straw colour, with animals painted iu maroon ; the details and inner markings being given with the point of the graver, and some accesso- ries picked out with crimson. The date of these vases is piobably from 600 B.C. to 5-10 or 520 b.c, — corresponding v\ith the mythic arrival of the Greek potters, Eucheir and Eugrammos,said to have been brought to Etruria by Demaratus, from Corinth. To these earlier specimens, succeed the vases with black figures laid on a light ground. These are made of red clay, tinted with an orange-coloured varnish : the design was drawn in slight dark outline, or traced with a point, and the whole internal part of the figure filled up with black. The light inner markings of the figure were then incised on the black pigment with a craver, which cut down to the yellow ground of the vase itself; the accessories being picked out with pur- ple and white, as in the class last described. These vases are often accom- panied by inscriptions recording the name of the artist, the maker, that of the person to whom dedicated, and of the personages represented, — which are particularly valuable as evidence of the early forms of the letters. The subjects of these vases were all taken from the most ancient Greek legends, — the Capriaca, the Iliad and Odyssey, the Hymns of Homer, and the works of AlcEeus and other early Greek poets. The figures on them are Btill drawn in the archaic style, and resemble those on the early coins of Sybaris, Caulonia, Tarentum, and other places in Magna Grascia. This class of vases is found associated with Etruscan art and inscriptions in the tombs of the Etrurian Lucumos. They also occur in Greece Proper, — but with certain differences of fabric which forbid the supposition that they were all manufactured there, and imported thence to Etruria. It is more probable that, while those found in Greece itself are the indigenous product of that country, the Italian vases were the work of the Greeks who settled in tb( Etruscan cities. Second Period. — After the above archaic period, succeed the va^es of the best time of Greek Art, from the epoch of Phidias and Polygnolus, B.C. 470, to the urchonship of Euclidcs, B.C. 404. These vases have red figures on a black ground. The material, like that of the earlier vases, is a fine red clay. I'he artist, having traced out the design, then filled up the whole of the background with the black pigment, following the contours of the group. The inner luarkings of the figures, which iu the former style bad been in- cised with the graver, were sketched in with a brush dipped in the black pigment which formed the ground. This change in the technical jirocess gave scope to the freer and mure refined treatment to which the Art of the period had attained. The subjects of these vases are apparently suggested by the works of the 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 179 great painters of the day. They chie6y represent myths ; historical subjects are rare, and seldom of later date than the time of Cyrus. Representations of Crcesus on the funeral pile, Musaeus, Anacreon, and the Athenian Codrus, have been found. In the inscriptions of these vases, the use of the E and 0, instead of the II and n, affords a strong presumption that their date is earlier than the archonship of Euclides, b.c. 40-t, — the recorded epoch of the introduction of the double letters into the Greek alphabet. The finest Bpecimens of this style are from Campania, Canino and Vulci. Of the Athe- nian school of pottery contemporary with these vases we have examples in the lecythi buried with the dead, and the alabastra, or phials for unguents, so called from the material of which they were originally made. They are of a fine red clay, covered with a white pigment, on which designs were traced in black, sienna, brown, or scarlet. The subjects of the lecythi are, principally, the meeting of Electra and Orestes at the tomb of Agamemnon, and other scenes from the Oresteid of the three tragedians. On the alabas- tra are represented the meetings of Athenian ladies and their lovers. Be- sides these kinds of pottery, the vases with red figures on black grounds are also found at Athens, — but are not so peculiarly the product of the Attic school. The third period of Greek Fictile Art may be considered to range from the close of the Peloponnesian was, b.c. 404, to the time of Alexander the Great, B.C. 333. To this time belong the fine vases of Apulia, — particularly those of Ruvo, the ancient Rubastini. Among the most beautiful examples may be mentioned the vase of the potter Meidias, in the British Museum, with the subject of Castor and Pollux carrying oft" the daughters of Leucip- pus, — the vase with the subject of the Toilet of Aphrodite, belonging to Mr. Rogers, — and that with the myth of Dionysos and the Camel, the property of the Duke of Hamilton. The design, in these vases, is characterized by greater freedom and technical skill in drawing, and more complexity of group- ing ; the lines of the composition are more flowing and luxuriant. — This fer- tility of invention and dexterity of execution immediately preceded the com- plete decadence of vase painting. In that part of Italy now called the Basi- licata, a coarse style arose after the time of Alexander the Great ; — the ex- tant specimens of which enable us distinctly to trace the progressive decline of the art. Clumsy, full forms, like those of the Flemish school of painting, were substituted for the graceful proportions of the earlier Greek style ; the ornaments are crowded and ill designed, and the subjects almost limited to the Dionysiac rites, — then very prevalent in Italy. The taking of Syracuse, by Marcellus, 212 b.c, may be considered the final epoch of the art of Greek vase painting ; after which time it is probable that the manufacture of them ceased. From a survey of the history of (5reek Fictile art, it appears that, in each successive period, the subjects represented on the vases were supplied from the myths commemorated in the popular poetry of the day. It is remark- able, that the epoch when the art of vase painting ceased is distinguished in the history of the Greek mind by the extinction of poetic invention, the cor- ruption of taste, and the decay of ancient faith and regard for national tra- dition. It would seem that Fictile Art obeyed the general law of national decadences; and that when the subjects of the vase painter ceased to be of popular interest, his art was no longer needed. Mr. Birch illustrated his remarks by the fine collection of Greek vases on the table before bim ; and, after describing the painted vases, called the at- tention of the meeting to three fine examples of the black Greek ware of the latest period from Benghazi, the ancient Berenice, near Tunis, — one of which had an inscription of palaeographic interest. These rare specimens were ex- hibited by Mr. Bidwell. Mr. Birch then proceeded to give an account of some varieties of Roman ware found in this country. 1st. The so-called Saraian or red ware, appa- rently imitated from the fabric of the early Etruscan black ware. It is or- namented with reliefs, the whole vase being either cast in a mould, or por- tions of embossed work laid on the plain surface. The clay is red, and ap- parently an artificial compound ; it is generally glazed. The reliefs are coQimonly hunting subjects, but are sometimes mythological. This ware is found in great abundance in Italy and throughout the Roman provinces. It is called by the Roman writers Aretine ware, from Arctium, or Arezzo, — where a celebrated manufacturer of it continued probably till the 8th cen- tury, AD. — I'his ware is generally stamped with the name of the potter, who appears to have been of servile condition, and occasionally of a barbarous race. The recurrence of the same potter's name in the specimens found in England, Holland, and other parts of the Roman Empire, would lead rather to the inference that it was all issued from one or more great central manu- factories in Italy ; though it has been strongly maintained that the speci- mens found in Britain and other provinces were the product of native pot: teries. Specimens of this ware were exhibited by Sir Phihp Egerton, Bart., from Northwich, in Cheshire, — where a Roman pottery is supposed to have existed, — and also by Mr. Talbot.— Mr. Birch proceeded to point out and compare a variety of specimens of the coarse j allow, dark blue, uiiglazed red, black, and light red terra-coua tioman ware, — chiefly from the collec- tion of the Marquis of Northampton. Some interesting examples of Celto-Roman ware, recently discovered at Harpenden, Herts, were exhibited by the Rev H. Addingtun. Mr. Birch pointed out the distinction, in fabric and material, between these works of the Romanized Britons and the genuine British ware of ruder and coarser character, found in barrows. Excellent types ot the latter were exhibited by E. Strutt, Esq., M.P., and by Sir Philip Egerton, Bart. Among the specimeas illustrative of viediaval pottery may be noticed a remarkable fragment from the collection of Mr. Whincopp. It appeared to have formed part of a vessel ornamented with a Gothic architectural design, in high relief, and bore a very brilliant green glaze. The specimens of Maiolica, or Faenza ware, contributed by Mr. Mayer, of Liverpool, and Mr. Gowen, were numerous and good. The Secretary, in alluding to them observed, that Dr. Klemm, of Dresden, was of opinion that this ware was first made suosequently to the introduction of Chinese porce- lain into Europe, by the Portuguese, in 1518. The earliest manufacture was at Faenza ; but Urbino and Sienna became afterwards celebrated for it. It has been supposed that many of the designs are from the hand of Raf- faelle himself; but although a letter from the great painter to the Duchesa d'Urbino has been cited, stating that the drawings ordered by that princess for porcelain were in progress, it is probable that most of these subjects were furnished by engravings after the great masters. Mr. Mayer also exhibited some curious landscapes in terra cotta, which he purchased in Calabria, where they were made; but he had not been able to ascertain where the manufacture was situated, except that it was in the "interior." Mr. Octa- vius Morgan, M.P., with reference to these specimens, made a few remarks on the terra-cotta decorations of the Furstenhof at Wismar, in Mecklenburg, — which he considered to be of Italian workmanship. The discussion was closed by Mr. Cole ; who observed upon the examples illustrating the progress of the Staffordshire pottery, ancient and modern, procured by Mr. II. Cole from an extensive collection made by Mr. Enoch Wood, a cofemporary of M'edgewood — and from the works of Messrs. Min- ton. Among the modern specimens were a copy of the Portland Vase, moulded the size of the original, and reduced by firing ; a Sleeping Figure, after Dresden China, with lace introduced; Encaustic Tiles (of the revived manufacture of Messrs. Minton) of three colours, similar to those making for the new Houses of Parliament; — and other interesting specimens of this branch of our native manufactures. Sir Philip de Grey Egerton communicated an account of the discovery of a sepulchral urn in a tumulus on Delamere Forest ; it is of earthenware, ap- parently slighlly baked or sun-dried. The marks of the lathe are visible in the interior; but, for want of support while the material was soft, the form of the vessel is not symmetrical. Its largest circumference is 2 ft. 11 in.; diameter of the foot, 5 inches; height, 1 ft. 1 in. It is rudely ornamented on the upper part with parallel lines drawn diagonally in various directions. — Mr. Willement sent for inspection a plaster cast from part of the iron- work which formerly inclosed the monument of Queen Eleanor, in West- minster Abbey. Although rough, it was sufficient to show the great beauty of the original. A general sketch of the whole screen is given in " Carter'* Ancient Architecture," Vol. 2, pi. vii., — in which the juxta-position of the several varieties of patterns is shown. Mr. Willement considered this work to he quite equal in design and execution to the more celebrated iron-work on the doors of Notre Dame, at Paris ; and expressed a hope that, at the recommendation of the Institute, the Dean and Chapter of Westminster miglit be induced to restore this beautiful work of Mediaeval Art to its origi- nal situation. THE GAUGE COMMISSION. Analysis of Evidence given before tfie Royal Commissioners appointed to Investigate tile subject of the diversity of Railway Gauges. Robert Stephenson, Esq. : Witness's father, Mr. George Stephenson, v^'as chief engineer of the Manchester and Liverpool Railway, completed in 1S30. The giuge of 4 feet 8^ inches was adopted by his father, as it was the original gauge of the railways about Newcastle. The Manches- ter and Liverpool was the brst line in this country worked by locomotive engines. After the Liverpool and Manchester had been established, it was considered imperative that all the lines in that ueighuurbood should be of the same gauge. It is difficult to say where a break of gauge in the northern lines could have been made with the least inconvenience, as it involves the questioa where is the line of uiioinium traffic. — When travelling on the Man- chester and Liverpool Railway, before laying the gauge of the Loudoa and Biriniogham, it appeared to witness, as an engine-builder, wheu called upon to construct engiues of greater power, that an increase of three or four inches in the gauge would have assisted him materially, but since, Ihe iin|>ruveiuents in the luechanisni of the engines have rendered that increase quite unnecessary ; they have ample space and to spare. In the arrange- ment of the machinery, which is ihe main question, having reference to the width, the working gear has been much simplified, and the commuai- catiuus in the most receut entsines between the eccentric and the slide valve have been made direct commuuicatioDS ; whereas formerly it was made through the intervention of a series of levers which occupied Ihc width. With refeieuce to the increase of power, the size of the boiler is iu point of fact the only limit to the power, and they have been increased iu length on the narrow gauge; the power is increased by iucreiisiiig iheir length both iu the fire-box and in the tubes ; in fact the power of the engine, supposing the power to be absorbed, may be taken to be directly as the area of the fire-grate or the quantity of fuel contained iu the fire-box, Ne incuuveiiieuce results from leugtheuing the engines to tlieir present extent, and their steadiness is increased ; they are at present 12 feet between the Iruut and hind axles. The iucrease of length between the axles reodeit ISO THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Junk, the engines less liable to get nffthe rails; the short engines on four wheels were liable to violent oscillation "when nieetini; any inequality, the front ■nheeU being sometimes actually lifted olf the rail : believes the accidents on the Brighton line and on tlie Hrcntwood inclined plane were attributable to this pilrhins; niulion. The thickness of the crank of the original engine on Ihe iManrhester and Liverpool was 3J inches. There were various plans of reversing Ihe engine at that time. Kvery engineer, in fact, at that time, had his own plan; some were extremely complicated, requiring lime for Ihe reversing to be elfected ; they moved in fact, the eccentric. For a long time they moved the eccentric, which slipped upon an axis, and thereby move{i the eccentric from one side of the axle lo the olher, and conse(iiiently reversed the engine ; but it ie(iuired a lateral motion of some- thing Ilk*- 3^ inches ; and there being two eccentrics, of course, Ihe mere act of changing Ihe g^ar occupied G or 7 inches of the axle, independent of the m00/., besides the extra cost of station. This is on Ihe sup- position that the broad gauge is first laid down on transverse sleepers, but the expense would not be materially different in either case. The rails would not be packed well with longitudinal sleepers, on bolh systems. In adding a pair of rails within the broad-gauge, witness would lay down Ihe transverse sleepers independenlly ; for with other longitudinal sleepers, there would not be room for another bulk like the present, and the ballast of the weight would nol be in the centre. Could not mix the systems of sleepers, on account of the length of the transverse, which would almost cut the longitudinal in two. It would be impracticable to lay down Ihe broad on Ihe narrow gauge, without sacrificing one line in tunnels, which would, from danger, amount lo a prohibition. On Ihe narrow gauge 24 feet are required for tunnels, and on the Great Western 4 feet to 6 feet more. Four feet is the minimum space between the two, just room for a man to stand, and Ihe same spaces at each side of the tunnel, and any diminution would be fatal. Recesses might be made at intervals, to meet a diminution, bul a man might not be near a recess when the train came. Recesses could be made after the tunnel is formed, but in many cases the brick-work would thereby be much injured. Impossible lo' place the broad gauge on the London and Birmingham, without enlarging the tun- nels and closing the line for two or three years. Would rather make a new one than enlarge the present Kilsby tunnel. A cutting could nol be kept open there, and it would be a gigantic work. With reference to Ihe present and future meeting of Ihe broad and narrow-gauge lines, does not apprehend much interruption lo the express and other passenger trains at the points of junction, if they are made at the proper places ; thinks Bris- tol and Oxford two places where Ihe two gauges ought to meet, as at these two points he believes there is the least quantity of cross traffic ; ihis ex- plained by witness. The principal Midland Counties traffic, from Rugby to the Great West- ern, supposing the double line were constructed from Oxford, would be coals going towards Oxford, and corn coming back. Looking to Southampton as the port, it would only require, supposing the narrow gauge carried down to Oxford, a line from Oxford to the South Western to complete Ihe narrow gauge system over the kingdom, as far as South- ampton is concerned ; the Great Western Company have a line from Read- ing to Basingstoke, and if that were laid on the narrow gauge, and the double system from Reading to Oxford, there would be no break in the country at all ; commercially, Southampton, London, Bristol, and Liver- pool, would interchange with each other, and with Ihe manufacturing dis- tricts, by the same carriages. No extension of the wide gauge towards the London and Birmingham would relieve Lancashire or Yorkshire from a change of gauge, but an extension of the narrow from Oxford to Bas- ingstoke would relieve Ihe whole question of embarrassment. The Great \V estern Company can be compelled to lay down the double gauge from Rugby to Oxford, and on the greater portion from Wolverhampton to Ox- ford, and to Worcester, as Ihey agreed to do that. The loss of lime in transferring a passenger train at Rugby to go lo Oxford on the broad gau^'e would depend on the amount of passenger traffic; it is a point of small passenger traffic; it may be a large one of coals and corn; the extension of the wide gauge into that district must multiply the points of junction of the two gauges, and the chances of interruption : passenger trains could Dot be changed in less than half an hour. Has experienced Ihe incou- venience of changing carriages, and scrambling for Inggage on ihe Bel-ian railways, at Malines. Was detained the last time about half an hour If the change of gauge took place at Rugby, a new station would be're- quired. With regard to agricultural traffic, at any point of change, the beasis would require to be grazed before removing them from one carriage lo another, and is afraid the loose bodies would be required for pi^s • thev conld not be managed otherwise ; they must be lifted en masse. The" wagons themselves upon Ihe narrow gauge vary from 2 tons 10 cwt to 3 tons'- some recent large ones run as far as 3 Ions 10 cwt., and they will carry 5 and 6 tons of goods. I think the latter is as near two to one as possible ; that is, that if the dead weight is one, the useful weight is two The difference is here against the broad gauge ; the trucks for intermediate traffic seldom average more than a ton each, so that all the intermediate (rathe on the Great Western is carried on with trucks of five tuns, with one ton of goods in them. As railways extend into every comer of the country, the advantages of the narrow gauge would be most apparent and asthe wide is more expensive than the uarrow, the former would limit Ihe ramifications of railways. The narrow gauge wagons are infinitely supe- nor for mineral traffic, particularly coal ; if the mixed gauge system be allowed to extend in this country, the charge on coal will amount in many cases to a prohibition. Thinks the broad gauge has a disadvantage as to horse-boxes ; Iheir m.otion is sometimes fearful ; they want length with re- ference to their width, while on Ihe narrow gauge a carriage of the same length might be very steady. Prefers the narrow gauge passenger car- nages, carrying three in width, to those of Ihe wide, carrying four • the latter are cold in winter, and want ventilation in summer. There has not been so much attention paid to Ihe construction of the narrow gauge pas sengers carriage as to the broad, but the narrow could be made 6 feet high so that a person might stand up in them. The lowest longitudinal dis- tance between the axles of 4 and 6-wheeled engines on the narrow gauo-e IS 10 feet, and Ihe highest 12 feet 9 inches ; Ihe last are too long ; witness' adopts a maximum of 12, and a minimum of 10 feet ; relatively the centre ofgravity is the same height , in both gauges. Though there would be great difference as to the cost of constructing the broad and narrow lines cannot say there is any difference in the cost of working. Whether the traffic be much or little, it is merely a question of expenditure of power and though the most powerful engine is cheapest to work with a propor- tionate load, each may have engines of the same power. The wide gauge engines are not more powerful, but are heavier in pro- portion to their power; everything in Ihe width gives the engine no power at all, but is an encumbrance. Neither commercially nor mechanically has the wide gauge any advantage over the narrow, but rather the contrary. The driving wheels of the broad gauge engines are not generally of greater diameter than the narrow ; 6 and 7 feet engine wheels are used on the Great Western. The greater diameter of the driving wheels has a ten- dency to reduce the axle friction ; but comparing 6 and 7 feet, the amount of this is not worth measuring, but if by increasing the gauge, the axle has to be increased in size for strength, what is gained on the one hand is lost ou the other. The friction of the flange of the wheels against the railway has a retarding effect on curves, but not much on straight lines. Any- lateral friction arises from the angle of the wheel against the line, and must be greater on the wide than the uarrow gauge ; round curves the slidmo- motion must be directly as the width of the gauge. " The evaporating power of a passenger engine, on the Northern and Easiern, is about 130 cubic feet an hour; he has some evaporating 160 feet The most powerful engines are constructed with either oulside'or inside cylinders; the largest are inside. Certainly, some engines that have been recently made with outside cylinders have too much of that motion than I like. It is exceedingly difficult to say how the motion is produced • if yoii consider the action of the cylinder, it is perfectly rigid metal— eng'ine and cylinder altogether. Now, when the steam presses upon the piston it is at the same time pressing against the lid of the cylinder ; the action and re- action must be equal. Therefore, that it is not the steam that causes the irregular action, but the mere weight of the pistons themselves, and there- fore if we could contrive to balance the pistons by the weight upon the wheel, we should get rid of that very much ; but in Ihe most recent de- signs of engines of that kind, he has brought Ihe cylinder much nearer to the driving wheel, and nearer to Ihe centre of the engine; at present Ihey hang over the wheels a good deal ; now he has brought them wilhia the wheels. It is now an indispensable part of the broad-gauge system to use the longitudinal bearings ; it is a question of expense. As you increase the widlh of the gauge, of course, ou the longitudinal system, it leaves the ex- pense Ihe .same ; whereas, if you adhere to the transverse system you in- crease the size, and, of course, you increase the expense more rapidly ■ therefore Ihe transverse system with a very wide gauge would be very ob- jectionable on account of its expense, but I think the principle of couslruc- tion would be better. With reference to the maintenance of the way imagines that the way is kept in better order upon the transverse system than upon Ihe longitudinal at the same expense ; has never seen any por- tion of longitudinal bearing railway in perfect order. It is more difficult to pack, and there is always more friction in a longitudinal railway than in a sleeper railway. The Hull and Selby is part of it longitudinal and part of It transverse. The engines, where they were heavily laden, upon the longitudinal bearings would just creep along ; the moment they got to the transverse bearings they went 5 or 6 miles an hour more directly, from the yielding in one system, which gives a little less noise and a little softer motion which the Great Western has. Does not think that in that parti- cular case it resulted from the longitudinal bearings being of insufficient dimensions and slighter than the Great Western, thinks they were the same size ;— Memel balks, 12 or 14 inches square, cut up; and the Great Western are 14 inch balks. In the longitudinal system there is a little less noise, and there is a little softer motion than upon the transverse sys- tem, but there is a great deal more motion ; there is far more actual motioa upon every longitudinal railway than upon the transverse sleeper system If Ihe London and Birmingham had originally been made on the broad gauge, estimates that it would have cost about 3000^. a mile more without including the additional cost of the central slalion at M'olverto'n which must have been much larger. As lo altering Ihe existing gauge'ou the London and Birmingham, thinks as it would slop the line for at least two years, that it is practically impossible. It would cost about 15/ a yard 182 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [June, for tunnelling, taking good ground and bad. To make the Kilsby tinnel as [age a7 he Great Western tunnels, it ^vouM have cost a great deal more than titat On the other hand, in increasing the size of the tunnel ,n good ground, such as chalk, the addUioual cost would not have been so muh States the results of experiments, showing the consumption of '''e'»°'} water by an engine with difTerent load. Found that the consumption of fuel f'r drkwing the engine without a load, was equal to about the consumption of fuel to overcome a load of 15 carriages at 30 miles an hour ; that is, it Lk as much .0 move the engine and tender as it did add. .onalto move 15 carriages. There have been many reasonings upon that without con- sidering the precise application of it. A large proportion of the fuel in 1 ov ng the engine alone is consumed in overcoming '^e resistance of he Ltmos^here to the pistons; it will not require more than three or four pounds to overcome the friction of the engine and tender proper, but ,t re- quires 15 pounds in addition to that t" overcome the engine and tender taking into account the atmospheric resistance to the piston ; so that there ralways 15 pounds of pressure of steam in all high-pressure engines ab- solutely lost ; it is not the friction of the engine ; certainly it is a defec in the engine frim its being a high-pressure engine, but on »o other accoun It is not a peculiar loss applicable to locomotive engines alone, but to al hi-h-pressure engines ; and therefore in estimating the consumption of fuel and dividing the proportion of expenses, it became important o ascer. ain what was the relative expense of conveying 8 carriages, and o con- veying 15, because all the trains of the Croydon Company were small, and all thetra ns of the Dover Company were comparatively large; and from tl s exper ment it appears that as to the cost of coke, whether to convey 8 carriages or 15, there is a very small difference. Therefore, if you pro- no ion you expenses by the lold, you give the small load very greatly the advantage, because you charge them only half the f-x^'-.^ay^s 8 i to 15 whereas you ought to charge them as 8 plus the engine is to U plus the engine, which will make a very great dillerence. ,■•„,«„,„ hp r Believes the gauge of the Dutch railways, constructed m 812, to be 6 feet 5i The Amsterdam and Haarlem Railway is essentially level, and aid o. longitudinal timbers, which are best suited to the unsound ground of Holland. The line laid over Chatmoss is laid on transverse sleepers but the moss there has much more tenacity than the substratum of peat n the low part of Holland. Mr. Conrad constructed or projected t^e line in Holland ; he examined railways in this country, but does notknow whether '%re^.„" tV-K^E^q^ii^^th^^ntnerwho completed the Grand June tionRa'way This line was opene"d to the public in .837. Wl^en witness assumed the office of engineer on this line, the rails and sleepers had been contracted for, the bridges designed, and some portion of the work com- menced for the narrow gauge. Alteration of gauge at this time would have been attended with considerable expense ; narrow gauge selected for this line because surrounded on all sides with lines of^'milar gauge and it was desirable to preserve uniformity of gauge in the district. Great Western Railway not commenced at this time. Narrow gauge rails may be laid down on a broad gauge railroad, so as to carry on the narrow gauge traffic continuously ; this process is very expensive, and in reference to the stations, very inconvenient. Where two gauges meet, the station by his plan must not only be made larger, but also of a different construction than [f made for one gauge only. If called upon to project a series of rai road in a new country, would prefer an intermediate gauge, between 4 feet 8i inches and 7 feet' wide gauge not necessary for machinery ; carnages on narrrw'gauge liles^an be m'ade longer and loftier than at P-ent, giving as much space to each passenger, three on a side, as in broad, as four or '^'neight'l.'f'carriages on narrow gauge lines lately increased 6 or 8 inches At high speeds hisher wheels are necessary ; the centre of gravity would consequently he raised, rendering wider gauge than 4 feet 8J niches desir- ableTat The same time, witness is of opinion, .hat looking to the construe- tion of the road, the speed now attained is as great as is consistent with safety, and would neither increase the gauge, speed, nor size of wheels without more experience in the construction of engi.ies and strength of materials; inequalities of road from change of temperature and weather mpos ihi; to be overcome ; some engines on South Western .R*'l;YJ"'h wheels 6 feet 6 inches diameter, where the boilers are -jot higher than on engines with wheels of 5 feet 6 inches ; this done by P'^<='»g '^^j''"'!^^ outside the boiler, and bringing the boiler nearly on to the 'V'le; tl"*^ =«°'^; of gravity as low with the large wheels as the small ones by this arrange- ment. No disadvantage caused from this change ; application of power "uts de The wheel does no. produce a rocking motion Great changes have been made on engines on narrow gauge lines, with a view to obia.n in- creased power; engines of enormous power have -cently been constructed on North Midland Railway to carry heavy trains of '"'''«"'^- ^^I;'" '^^ space between wheels and boiler in engines on narrow gauge l'"es caused ,ome inconvenience in the attempts to obtain increased P^"- T"/""* his attention to improving the engine and altering the arrangement of nia- chinery; and now gets all necessary power on narrow gauge ''"es- ^e-igth of boilers on Grand Junction and South Western lines increased fiom 8 feet 6 to 9 feet 6. . . Cannot tell the velocity attained upon the Great Western ; express rains on South Western line travel 40 miles, and could no doubt run dO miles an hour. Does not think 50 miles an hour can be done with safety on any line that witness has been on ; is much opposed to such excessive speed Curves more difficult to traverse with broad than narrow gauge, taciliiy for turning curves ia inverse ratio to the width ot gauge. Broad gauge gives greater facility for conveyance of heavy trams, by giving larger space to put the power in, but witness considers that as muc-b Ld :ven more power than is necessary can be obiained on the narrow gauge ; disapproves of throwing a large force upon one engine. Has heard of trains of CO and 70, and in one instance of 77 wagons >»o"e train would alto^'ether prohibit such trains ; would divide them, and not a low mo"e than 40 wagons, each weighing 5 or 6 tons, at one time ; more than tha"number strains the wagons, the frames are l^-- out of square the chains are broken, and cause delay and inco.ivenience on the road. Would norhavt greater power than sufficient to drag 00 wagons ; the enS'^es on North MfdTand' with large boilers, cylinders, and fire-boxes, can drag 100 wagons ; they generate more steam than they consume Wide eauge more expensive than narrow; it required longer sleepers, greater fpac'e for emba'nkmeats. cuttin-s, f.c. ; Mr. Brunei «. a contrary opinion; his calculations were fo"n;led upon using smaller tiinbrs and lighter rails .ban he is now using. The South Western rail i, 75 Ih to the yard- both the Grand Junction and London and Birmingham were origi- n!lly 651b. ; have been recently increased to 75 lb. Increased expense of b?oad gauge would be in bridges, tunnels, cuttings, and embankments Outside rail of Great Western nearer the slope or ditch than upon other Une^ If engines get off the lines, more liable to fall over ; witness pre ers a wide em^ankm'ent, and where possible, always gives a-l^'tiona width Estimates that a broad gauge transverse sleeper would cost aO per cent more than a similar sleeper on the narrow gauge ^''^'"^nj" ^\^{ bankments 30 feet, giving 7 feet on each side between edge and outer ra 1. In such roads if engine got off one rail, it would remain on embankment ; f off both rails It would go over. Cannot say how far the extra width in G^eat Western engines would prevent them getting over the embankment^ Would gfve a space of 7 feet beyond the rails in wide as well as narrow ^'Kffls laid upon longitudinal bearings give greater elasticity to the work, and tend to throw the engines and carriages off the line; tried wth lo. gi- rnHinal bearinffS two viaducts, Dutton viaduct and Birmingham viaduct, and could neve^r keep them in order ; considers the principle bad ; prefers 'ransverse"leepers. This opinion the result of actual observation. Rad- ^ys laTd with'transverse sleepers more easily repaired than a longitudinal ™Hks not seen the contrivances used at Paddington f-^ '^^ff ^'" V^1^= from one gauge to another. Believes the transfer can easily be made The machine itself very simple ; the practical difficulty is in use of carriages carrying oose box buddies to be tranferred ; a machine was formerly used on Live'rpooTand Manchester for lifting ^"^.e co.Ubo.es ■r..ch.nee.c,X lent and saved much labour, but the boxes were so much broken and in- ured in lift.no-, that the contrivance was abandoned ; carriages with oose same manner, and dropped on to a trame oi 'our i journey. Th^ contrivance is very simple and '^.^ f'', '« '^^" /,^1j\7. safe Thev take the truck as it stands when the diligence is '< a"eu h ;isfirsIo?alll.truckmade for the diligence ''-.;';;;- ^.^.'^ a simple bottom to it, but has sides to it, and it is hen Ike an ord nary truck ; and 1 believe that when the diligence is "?"" ^^''';''^"';v'' '%'"' you might have a --^^t "f^'y about five or ..^s^^^^^^ carriage you are carrying a great deal oi oeau „ .„nision on the the necessity of changing the carnages. There "''^^ * <="' '"^"ji" ^ce. Orleans Railway by some sudden stoppage ; one of those very diligence, was thrown off Its position. j„ „:n, „„tairlfl cvlindere : Engines on narrow-gauge lines are not all ™'* tached to or released from the rope which dtaws them. Thirdly, in causing the trains to pass upon the surface wiihout any obstruction to the usual traffic along the highways; and fourthly, in conveying the machine and rope below the surface, and also in a new mode of connecting the tractive power to the ropes used in railways. The first part of this invr ntion consists in the application of an additional rail on each side of the line of rails, as shown ia the accompanying sketch, in which a a represent the additional rails, having projecting ribs at right angles to the rails, on the underside of these rails there is fixed the segment or portion of a rail ; i * is a piece of timber 1 1 - '1 r - i;;] ft- '••^^^ 1 M b i\ I. firmly attached to the framing of the carriage, the ends of which are made to pass underneath the projecting parts of the rails a a, preventing the car- riage from getting off the line, "without producing any shock," which we very much question. The remaining portion of this invention appears to be a pack of nonsence, the drawings and description of which are very imper- fect, indeed so much so that it is next to impossible to understand them. arresting railway carriages. Dylrymi'LE Crawford, of Birmingham, for " certain improvements in the means of, or machinery for arresting the progress of railway carriages and trains."— Granted October 31, 1845 ; Enrolled April 31, 1846. The first part of this invention relates to a mode of working the breaks, and consists in the application of a cylinder fixed in a br)riznntal position on the top if one of the carriages. This cylinder is provided with a piston and piston rod passii'g through a stufiing box in the usual manner at each end of the cylinder there is a stop-cock. To the piston rod is attached a chain, the opposite end of which passes round a pulley, fixed upon a short vertical shaft this shaft gives motion by means of two S|iur wheels to a vertical shnft, the lower end of which extends to the underside of the carriage framing, which by a peculiar arrangement of mechanism causes the breaks of the several car- riages to be brought into action in the following manner. Suppose the pis- ton to he at the bottom or further end of the cylinder, the stop-cock tl that end is closed, and the cock at the opposite end, opened the piston, is there drawn by means of the chain and handle to the opposite end of the cylinder, the consequence is that a vacuum will he formed in the cylinder, and a pres- sure exerted on the piston in proportion to its area, both cocks are then closed, .ind the mechanism for withdrawing the piston is put in gear with the vertical shaft which gives motion to the breaks. It will therefore he seen that when it is required to put the breaks into action it is only necessary to open the stop-cock at the near end of the cylinder, when air will be admitted to the cylinder, the pressure of which upon the piston will be transn,itted in the manner describi d to the breaks. For the purpose of opening the stop- cock a chain or rope is attached t'l the lever, and extemls the whole length, of the train, sn as to be under the cnntiol of the engine driver, or any of the guards upon the train. Another mode of wi king the hreaks is shown in the annexed diagram. The top of the carriage there is a bent lever a, mov- o^ ^ o — <> -HJ ing upon a fixed centre at a, b' ii a heaTy weight mounted opon wheels nd supported by the lever a a, c ia a chain extendiDg along the carriages of the 1846.} THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 187 triin to liny convenient part, and is worked by mpans of a winch or handle, so that by drawing the weight along the lever a a' to the opposite end to that where the weight is shown, the end a of the lever a a' would be pressed down when the breaks d d will be brought into action by the arrangement of levers shown in the diagram which w'll be understood without further description. Another part of this invention consists in facing that part of the break which comes in contact with the wheel, with a casing or covering of wood, having a number of conical holes which are to be filled witli chalk or a mixture of sand gravel, asphalt, or other attritive material. The inven- tor also proposes to attach to the back of the break a vessel containing a liquid for tiie purpose of keeping the break moist, and carrying off the heat. ) Fig. 2. JUNCTION OF THE BROAD AND NARKOW GAUGES. The following is a descripliou of a plan patented by Messrs. Austin and Quick, for obviating the difficulties of diversity of gauges. It consists merely in the application of additional sets of wheels to each axle of the carriages, so that the same carriages may travel with equal facility both on the broad and narrow gauges, and pass from one to the other without stoppage or inconvenience of any kind. Fig. 1 is a section of a wagon, P'S- !• and fig. 2 of a carriage provided with the double sets of wheels. The locomotives of course would not require the proposed alteration, as each line would possess its own establishment of engiues which would be changed at the break of gauge. On lines of uniform gauges a similar change of engines usually takes place every forty or fifiy miles, without the least inconvenience to the pas- sengers. The carriages employed for the purpose would be of narrow gauge dimensions, the axles being lengthened sufficiently to receive the additional wheels. The axle bearings would be most conveniently situated between the wheels on either side, the grease or lubri- cating box being so placed as to be readily accessible between the spokes of the outer wheels. As the steps of the narrow gauge carriages now project invariably beyond liie broad gauge dimensions ; the additional wheels would involve no alteration whatever of bridges, tunnels, or even tiie station platforms of the narrow gauge lines. The only alteration re- quired, throughout the works, for the uninterrupted passage of these car- riage>, would be an addition to the rails, at the crossings, to sidings, to allow the flanges of the wheels that are not travelling on the rails to pass through. It would be necessary at crossings to make two openings instead of one in each rail which is crossed, so that both sets of wheels might. At the junction of the gauges nothing more is requisite than that the sets of rails should overlap for a few feet. Fig. 3 represents the means of pass- c4 h ing from gauge to the other. Fig. i. =^ The inventors calculate that the al- teration of the crossings would at the utmost not exceed 25/. each, so that ' the cost on this head for a long line of railway would not amount to 1000/. In the case of a wheel breaking or a train getting off the rails, additional security would result from the extra wheels, as tending to preserve the car- riages from upsetting and preventing their running entirely off the railway. The proposed invention has certainly the merit of simplicity, and it is to be regretted that the Gauge Commissioners had not the opportunity of ex- amining it. It is certainly much superior to the plan of shifting carriages from frames with narrow gauge wheels to frames with broad gauge wheels ; an operation which must always produce delay besides lessening the se- curity of the carriages. The telescopic axles are also liable to the objec- tion of insecurity. The only danger from the new plan would arise from the accidental olistruction of the additional set of wheels by obstacles which did not lie across the rails. The additional dead w-eight would also be an objection of some importance. We can scarcely regard the invention as anyibing but a temporary expedient, but we are inclined to consider it much superior to those which have been hitherto proposed. The double wheels would only be required for those carriages which were intended for through traffic. The Nelson Monument is once more in progress towards completion, the brickla3ers are at work forming the foundations for the Sights of steps and stooe bases. DAMPNESS IN BUILDINGS. ITS CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES, AND THE MEANS OP PREVENTtNG IT. (Translated from the Magazin PitloresqueJ* Dampness penetrates into the lowest floor of buildings either from the soil itself or by means of the foundation v, nils ; it frequently arises also from rain beating on the surface of the exterior walls. The influence of the difl'erent causes of dampness varies according to the nature of the soil or climate, the aspect in which the houses are built, the materials employed in their construction, md the different modes of coQ- struction. To get rid of humidity in the lowest story, it is ordinarily sup- posed, that all that is required is to elevate the foundations within the building above the level of the external soil ; but if no other precautions were employed, this super-elevation would not diminish the dampness which rises from the earth itself, and that from the walls would be very imperfectly remedied, supposing the buildings constructed without cellars. Among the numerous bad consequences of dampness we must reckon as the principal its unhealthiness, and its destructive efl'ect on almost every thing subjected to its action ; it causes plaster to fall, ceilings and floors to decay, paint to peel off, paper to become rotten : furniture, pictures and books are rapidly injured by it, and even the materi:.ls of the walls them- selves undergo a gradual alteration which diminishes (ueir solidity. A constant moisture is not however nece';;arily destructive to buildings built of stone : stones laid in the ground although constantly immersed ia water, will remain uninjured ; although this will not be the case where the stone is exposed by turns to dryness, moisture and frost. It is a common expression that damp always rises : and it might thence be supposed that moisture, in order to affect a hygrometric body, must come from below it, whereas in reality moisture is also diffused down- wards, horizontally, and in every other direction. Now the materials ordinarily employed in building, wood, brick, rubble, and stone of every kind, including even marble and granite, ; re more or less hygrometric; that is to say, if carefully weighed after having been immersed in water, are found to be heavier than they were when completely dry.^ It is there- fore clear that the opposition which the nature of the materials offers to the progress of moisture is much less than is commonly supposed, Inefficacy of the ordinary remedies. Till lately attention has been confined to the means of remedying damp- ness in buildings after they have been constructed ; precautions have seldom been taken to prevent it in the first instance. Recourse is generally had to cements, plasters, and paint, applied to the interior surfaces of the walls so as to substitute by means of a body supposed to be impermeable, a dry surface for one more or less humid. Without desiring to analyse the qualities of the plasters usually employed, we do not hesitate to say that these various compositions, not only do not prevent, but do not even diminish, the real cause of the evil. The luoisture which has penetrated through the walls is an agent of which the operation is continuous, and cannot be stopped. Its action cannot be diminished except by the action of air. The pretended hydrofuge cements merely disguise the evil for a certain period ; they are even liable in many cases to the grave ohjectioQ of diminishing the chances of absorption, and instead of helping to dry the building, tend to retain its moisture. It is then the first cause of the evil which must be attacked. The only useful means are those which prevent the moisture from penetrating into the walls of the building, for when once it has entered them it is almost impossible to remove it. Means of preventing dampness in the construction of buildings. With respect to the dampness arising from the soil, the best means of preventing it is by interposing at a certain height some impermeable sub- stance which will prevent the moisture passing beyond it. The only sub. stances of this kind are lead, bituminous or resiuous cements, and certain kinds of mortar.' The interposition of a plate of lead or a layer of some bituminous sub- stance in the thickuess of the wall has been already tried with success, and is found to stop the progress of the moisture absorbed by the lower « Tills paper I? an abstract of an Essay for which tlie Brst prize was aivarderi by tlie Society "U'i':ncouiagement pour I'iodustrie natiwiale." The aullior o» the priie eM»y is M. Vandoyer, government arctlitect. s From eiporicnenls made on llie powers of absorption of different liinda of stone, It appears thai a (ubic metre of marble will lioirt SJ piuls of water. A metre laSlt. 3ia. 3 The nature of ihe mortars best adapted to resist vaaiaiaie is explained In M. Viat'Jt worli. See tlie C. K. and A. Journal fur februwy last. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [JVVK, portion of the wall. This plate or layer should be a little above the inter- oal level of the fouodatioDS. This method, however, though efficacious in resisting the dampness aris- ing from the ground, does not prevent the efTects which the humidity of the atmosphere produces on the exterior surface of the walls in their lower part. In ordinary buildings we may point out as an excellent preservative against atmospheric moisture, a rev^teraent of flag stones placed against the external face of the wall, and reaching to about a yard above the ground. If the fonndations of the walls be of good limestone or grit-stone, this re- v^tement will not be necessary. It is well known that in the lower parts of walls to a certain height above the ground, the mortar of hydraulic lime should alone be used, and that when there are means of resting the found- ations on an impermeable concrete, the best effects may be anticipated. The precautions, then, to be taken against humidity in the walls are these— a foundation on hydraulic cement, the employment of hydraulic mortar in the lower parts of the building, the use of calcareous stones or refitement built against the walls, and the interposition of an impermeable substance through the whole thickness of the walls between the exterior and interior levels of the soil. ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY. Sir — 1 think your correspondent S. T. is labouring under a mistake when he epeaks of monthly attacks on the atmospheric system. The com- parison of theory and experiment shows that the development of the latent heat of air, during its sudden compression in the pump, causes a small and unimportant loss when the degree of rarefaction does not exceed the limits assigned by the patentees. The losi by leakage depends on the degree of perfection in the machinery, and remains to be determined by experiment. The regularity with which the Dalkey line has acted during the past jear, as well as the high velocities attained on the Croydou line, are very satisfactory. The failings of the engines and pumps in the latter case have been frequent, but few will be inclined to doubt the possibility of surmount- ing this diOScuIty. After examining all the tables and writings that I can find respecting the practical working of a very defective example, I can see no good reason to doubt the capabilities of the system. One fair trial of the constancy of the system will be of more value than volumes %vritten on the subject. In the mean time it is very desirable that the opponents of the system, should patiently await the result of the experiment that is now being made, for they may rest assured that the case will be decided on its own merits, and (juite irrespectively of their assertions. In the mean time it will be remembered that the losses inherent in the system are very trifling A few years ago it was believed that the adhesion of the driving wheels of a locomotive to the rail was insufficient to enable it to draw its load and Dumerous walking machines were patented. A simple trial would have saved much time and money. It will be better to test the constancy of the atmospheric system rather than trust to doubts and surmises. It has lately been asserted that the power of the locomotive is nearly double of the Croydon atmospheric. However, if the greatest evaporating power of any locomotive engine hitherto constructed be combined with any cylinder and driving wheels, in actual use, I think it will be found that at velocities of GU to 70 miles per hour, the efficient power of locomotives falls couiiiderably below that of the Croydon Atmospheric. I remain, Sir, Your obedient servant, F. Basbfortii. Semper has been chosen architect of the new Picture Gallery at Dres- fled. At Berlin, the king has ordered the erection of a vast cathedral ; the spires are to be 300 feet high. The new Campo Santo, which will be connected with the cathedral and palace by a collonade, will be a large open square, of whicli the sidts will be 180 feet long. There will be a covered arcade or ambulatory all round the square ; and the inner walls •f this arcade will be covered with frescoes from the designs of Cornelius. PBOCEEDINGS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. May 11.— Mb. Tite, V.P., in^the Chair. Mr. Scoles, honorary secretary, read a letter from Mr. Myers, dated Rome, contradicting the reports which were current a abort time ago, that the dome of St. I'eter's was in danger. Some repairs had been made last sum* mer, one or two of the string courses bad been restored, and this had pro- bably given rise to the assertion. A contradiction of the report appeared immediately after the statement was made. With reference to the fact that there had long been numerous cracks in the dome, the chairman reminded the meeting of an anecdote, respecting some figures erected in the cathedral, the architect, on being asked his opinion of them, said there was too mnch flutter in the drapery. " That ;" replied the sculptor, " is caused by the wind through the cracks you have made in the dome."' A paper by M. De Lassaux, on a preparation of plaster of Paris, proposed to be used in England as an improvement on that now sold. In France, plaster is employed extensively for external work, and endures well ; whereas that in England will not stand the weather. The buildings in the Champt Elyse'es, erected on lease for forty years, are mainly constructed of plaster. The Circus there, a model in its way, is chiefly of iron and plaster. The English plaster-stone might be called a sulphate of lime; and he considered it was the presence of a small quantity of sulphuric acid in the plaster which prevented its endurance. The plaster, for which he had established a depot in England, might be used externally, as in France ; and, moreover, was very moderate in cost, being 30s. per ton. As a guide, the paper stated, twenty-six pounds of the plaster, costing 4 Jd., would cover one yard of wall ; and thirty-two pounds, the cost of which would be i^i., a yard of ceiling. Mr. Bellamy observed that the price at which it was stated in the fore- going paper that the plaster could be supplied, was most materially lower than that of English plaster. He wished, however, to know whether the price mentioned included the import duty. The present cost of plaster ia England was 3/. 10s. per ton for the coarse, and H. hs. for the fine; so that the difference between this and the plaster introduced by M. de Lassaux was very great. M. De Lassadx replied, In French, that there was no duty on plaster im- ported into England. He alluded also to the valuable property of this plas- ter when used as a coating to iron, of preventing oxidation. The plaster was thoroughly dried in eight days. Mr. Tite remarked on the very extensive use of plaster for external deco- ration in Paris, \fhich was a principal cause of the difference between the appearance of the streets of that city and those of London. A great diffi- culty in introducing cement into general use here was its shrinking in the drying, and this difficulty was especially felt when the material was employed for " pointing," or filling crevices. .Umost every kind of cement, except plaster of Paris, diminished in bulk in setting, and consequently was apt to fall out when used in pointing. Plaster of Paris, however, expanded in set- ting : it probably contained a portion of carbonate of iron as well as sulphate of iron. A remarkable illustration of this property of expansion was afford- ed by the method in which party-walls were usually built in Paris. They were never connected with the external walls, as in this country, but were separated from them by a considerable interval. The reason of this was, that the party-walls being built of rubble, it was necessary to make consider- able allowance for their expansion in drying. When used for external mouldings, it was usual in Paris lo protect the upper surface of the plaster, which was most exposed to the weather, with thin plates of zinc. Mr. PovNTER thought that the great difference between the climates of London and Paris must have a great effect on the durability of these mould- ings when used externally. Wooden blinds which, when exposed to the air, would not last more than a few years in London, would in Paris remaia sound almost as long as the houses themselves. Canvass blinds, in England, generally perished in two or three years. He considered that this rapid decay was owing not so much lo the actual quantity of rain which fell in a year, as to the general humidity of the atmosphere. This was particularly observable in the vine, a plant which, it was well known, endured a degree of cold far more intense than it was ever subjected to in England, and yet never flourished in this climate on account of its constant moisture. Mr. Bellamy remarked that he had observed, in Nottinghamshire, two instances of houses being thrown down from space not having been left for the expansion of the party-walls when built with plaster. Mr. Tite did not think the humidity of the air here was a sufficient cause for the explanation of the rapid decay of plaster. The climates of some parts of Switzerland and Bavaria were fully as humid as our own, and yet these effects were not observable there. At Freiburg, for instance, block tin was very much used externally without decaying or becoming tarnished- The angles of the spires of churches were frequently covered with sheets o£ tin, which, when the sun shone on it, looked as bright as silver. In the same way, tin was used for the heads of water pipes and other purposes with equally good effect. In Canada, also, the same thing was observable, and it could hardly be disputed that the climate of many parts both of Ca- nada and Switzerland was quite as damp as that of London. He thought there must be anotlier agent at work to produce the destructive effect alluded to ; he was, however, unable to indicate the true cause. It was well knowa 1946.1 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 189 tint the air here contained * certain qnantity of sulphuric acid, arising from the combustion of coal ; the quantity of the acid was, however, 30 small, that it was difficult to detect it by chemical analysis. He had enquired of several excellent chemists, but they were unable to state what effect the sul- phuric acid in the atmosphere had upon building materials. Mr. Godwin alluded to the necessity of seeing that work of every kind was perfectly dry before the cement was laid on. He had recently had oc- casion to use Jardan's cement, and had, as he thought, used sufficient pre- caution in waiting till the work was dry. Owing, however, to the slight quantity of moisture which it retained, the plaster all fell off. Mr. TiTB observed, that all cements of this class, beginning with mastic, were, chemically speaking, nothing more than very coarse paints, mixed up with oil or grease. The disadvantages attending this class of compositions wa« that the sun and wind dissipated the fatty matter or oil with which they were combined, and the cement soon decayed. The Portland-stone cement, which was, in fact, the hydraulic cement of the French, was an excellent material, and was in almost universal use in France. It was absolutely ne- cessary that this material should be mixed with a certain proportion of clay: it was also of the greatest importance that after it had once been " gauged," it should never be disturbed or touched till it was thoroughly hardened. Unless this precaution were strictly observed, the permanence of the work could never be ensured. It was also a good rule that were patent cements were used, the patentees should be required to use it with their own work- men, and not with strangers, who were ignorant of its nature. Mr. PoTNTER referred to the use which Mr. Nash had made of the oily cements in his own house in Regent-street, as a proof of the disadvantages to which those compositions were liable. It might be supposed that the cement being applied to the architect's own house, the work would be done in the best manner possible. It was found, however, that the oil soon fried out, and the surface became discoloured with the well-known stains resem- bling the lines in maps. Mr. TiTE remarked that the Portland-stone cement was, in fact, an artificial imitation of the nodules of lime, from which Roman cement is prepared. The nodules are found in great abundance on the coast near Harwich. They fall from the cliffs, in which they are imbedded, on to the beach, and are there picked up. They are compact masses of carbonate of lime con- taining a small quantity of iron, to which latter substance they owe their dark brown colour. The chatix hi/draulique was precisely the same sub- stance, without the colour derived from the iron. He thought, however, that the iron added materially to the strength of the cement when hard- ened, and that for this reason the Roman cement would never be equalled in strength by any artificial composition. Atkinson's cement was made of nodnlee in which the iron was not present; the advantage of this and the hydraulic lime was, that they naturally possessed a good colour and did not require painting. SOCIETY OF ARTS, LONDON. Jpril 29.— W. F. CooKE, Esq., V.P., in the Chair. The first communication was " On Mr. Godson's Patent Furnace for con- turning smoke and economising Jiiel." By W. Spence, Esq. The general features of the furnace and the parts of which it is composed uiay be tnus described : — A box with a moveable bottom, or feed-plate for the fuel, and fitting its internal surface, is substituted for the ordinary bars in the middle of the furnace, and is capable of being raised or lowered within the box or chamber, and which is made to occupy a position in the ash-pit below the furnace. The fuel is fed on the plate while in its lowered position ; and when raised it is introduced into the centre of the fire, by which means the smoke evolved from the fresh fuel is consumed. In order, however, to ren- der such a mode of supplying fuel available for its purpose, it is necessary that at the time when the feed-plate in the centre of the furnace is to be lowered to receive its charge, the portion of burning fuel resting thereon should be supported : for this purpose two plates of metal are made to enter the furnace, one on each side, and meet in the centre. Again, it is requisite for the due promotion of the draft into the furnace, that inasmuch as the centre support of the fuel consists of a dead plate, that plate should be kept a little below the fire bars, and that a series of oblique bars should be formed, and extend from the ordinary fire bars to the plate. A model and diagrams of the invention were exhibited, and a lengthened discussion took place as to its merits. The second communication was " On a Machine to Register the Velocily Iff Railway Trains when in motion," by M. Ric.\rdo, Esq. The machine consists of two parts : one receives motion from the carriage, the other by clock-work. They are arranged in the following manner ; — an excentric is placed on the axle of the carriage, and gives motion, by means of a con- necting rod, to a lever atladied to the machine, which lever acts upon a ratchet wheel, and is so arranged that each revolution of the wheel of the carriage advances the ratchet one tooth. An endless screw is turned on the spindle of the ratchet wheel, and gives motion to a small toothed-wheel telow, and on the spindle of which is fixed what may be termed a lateral ticcntric (as one part projects more than the other on the side of the wheeJ). Against this the short end of a horizontal lever is pressed, by means of a ipting. As the excentric revolves from the projecting to the lower part, it moves the lever, and with it a pencil fixed at its other end, in one direction, till it reaches the lowest point ; when, by a spring pressing upon it, it lakes the opposite direction, till It reaches the" highest point, when it returns again. The wheels are so arranged, that the excentric makes one revolution in each mile that a train travels. The clock-work is used to turn a drum, upon which a ruled paper is wound. When the train is stopping at a sta- tion, the pencil is stationary, and marks only a straight line; but when in motion, diagonal lines are drawn by the action of the lever as described. The extreme distance between the two points of the diagonal lines deter- mines the velocity at which the train has been travelling. Thus, the train is made, by this apparatus, to keep a perfect register of the work done, which would at all times indicate the neglect of either the engineer or conductor. Mag 6. — Thomas Websteh, Esq., M.A., V.P., in the Chair. The following communications were read : — 1. On an Improved Poppet Head/or Turners, by W. E\ekett, Esq. The first attempt at improving the poppet head (observes Mr. Everett) was to take off the point and insert a screw carrying a spindle and wheel fitted up as a drill, to be driven by the overhead motion, and this he found to answer very well when the hole to be drilled could be brought in a line with the drill. Having done this he still anticipated that he could make this partjf the lathe more useful, in fact a substitute in a great measure for the slide rest. The following motions have therefore been given to the point. Ist. An upward and downward motion so that it can be applied to all lathes. 2d. A circular motion which enables it to be applied at any required angle ; and 3rd, a motion directly across the mandril, and there is no motion but what is strictly mechanical, as each has a scale to guide the workman in its use. Several gentlemen present examined the instrument and its arrangements and considered it likely to prove a valuable addition to the ordinary lathe. 2. On the Ventilation of Buildings. By Mr. A. J. Greex. — The paper com- menced with an account of the various plans which the author adopted for the purpose of ventilating the sick ward and other rooms of the Sudbury Union Workhouse, and it then proceeded to point out the way in which he would propose that all large buildings about to be erected should be built. Where a double chimney is to be erected, he proposes that two air flues should be carried up in the stack as near the centre as they can be got. If the chimneys are not in the centre of the side or end of the room, the flues should be carried so as bring them as nearly into that position as possible. The flues need not he more than 14 inches by 0 or 7 inches, or 9 inches by 9 inches, and should be commenced from the first floor and continued through every successive story to the top of the chimney, in the same way as the flues for the smoke. One flue of the above size would be sufficient to ventilate four or five stories, if each room required it — valves would require to be fixed in the wall or ceiling in connection with the flue. This system of ventilation, he considers, would be very applicable to smoking rooms, tap rooms, eating houses, or any buildings where a large number of persons as- semble. 3. On. the Concentrated Gravy of Meat. By Mr. Warriner. — This arti- cle is manufactured at Sydney, New South M'ales, from the carcases of oxen and sheep, which are bred there for the sake of their tallow, wool, hides and bones. The value of oxen in Australia is from 15s. to 20s., and of sheep Is. 6(/. to 2s. 6d. each. During the last year the leg bones of upwards o£ 109,000 oxen were sent over to this country, the greater part of the flesh of tne anima.s oaving oeen nrown away. Ihe object of the present manufac- ture is to render down the lean of the carcase into a solid portable soup, by stewing it down in its own gravy, without water, in double pans ; by re- ducing it in this way the water in the lov er pan prevents the fire passing through, and giving to the soup the burnt flavour which it has always hitherto had. When manufactured it is sold in cakes of various sizes, at the rate of 2s. per lb. One pound of the soup is said to be equal to 24 lb. of the best gravy beef. CHEMICAL SOCIETY. April 20. — A paper was read by Messrs. Joule and Playfair, " On the maximum density of water." In this the authors contended that the point of maximum density is the proper standard at which waler should be taken as unity for the purpose of comparing specific gravities. There are two methods for determiuing the point of maximum density of waler; one of these being the comparison of water in its expansion with that Of some other substance the expansion of which had been already determined ; the other virtually consists in weighing water in water, and was pursued by Hope iu his original researches on this point. The authors adopted the latter method as the one most likely to yield correct results, but altered the method of experimenting, and the nature of the apparatus employed. Their apparatus consisted of two vessels connected at the bottom by a pipe with a cock, above by an open canal. One of these vessels was made to contain waler at a temperature decidedly below that of the raaximum density, the other being above that temperalure. On opening the stopcock, a current took place from the colder vessel to the hotter, until a certain time, when Ihe current became reversed. The rapidity and direclioo of the current was determined by hollow glass beads. The experiment was tried under varj log condiiions; and, as a mean of several series of experi- ments, the authors fixed 39- 101° Falir. as the point of maximum density, stating ihat Ihey believed ihis 10 be within -^th of a degree of the Irulh; at all events, that it could nut be ^'j,ih of a degree in error. 190 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [JtTna. I AUST SUSPENSION BniDGE. S[R I observe in your number of last month a letter signed " Francis Giles," relating to the Aiist Suspension Bridge, to wbicli is appendt^d a diagram aud eome calculations respecting it. On these latter it is not my intention at present to offer any remarks, beyond expressing my satisfac- tion that Mr. Gil'-s llius publicly makes known an opinion, which I before tnew he entertained, of the perfect practicability of erecting a bridge upon the suspension principle, suitable for railway purposes across the river Severn, between Beaobley and the Aust Cliff. It is the general inference from Mr. Giles's letter to which I wish to direct attention : as I feel, though it may not be designedly intended, it 13 calculated to incline those who may peruse it to the impression, that the idea of erecting a bridge at this lo- cality originated with him. It will be found upon reference to the evideDce given before the same Committee upon the South Wales Bill in the Session of 1845, to which Mr. Giles refers, that I had previously expressed a decided opinion upon this important subject ; and that prior to this, James AValker, Esq., had made the following mention of my views in his Report to the Lords Com- inissioners of the Admiralty as to the crossing the River Severn as pro- posed by the South Wales Railway Company, viz., " Mr. Fulljames, county surveyor of Gloucester, considers that a Suspension Bridge, 120 feet above high water mark, at the Old Kerry, or Aust Passage, is pradi- cable. He thinks the piers might be placed on rocks which are bare at low water; but being particularly dangerous at some states of the tides, would have their situations defined by the piers." These views were based upon the results of observations and soundings taken by me at 'he Old Passage in the year 1838. Whilst engaged upon this, I found that in the year 1 825, Mr. Telford, the late celebrated engineer, was consulted upon the improvement of the communication across the River Severn at the Old or Aust Passage, and the New Passage three miles to the southward ; and though his attention at that time was specially directed to ascertaining and reporting upon the best situations and mode of constructing landing piers for the convenience of the steam boats, the peculiar inducements and natural facilities for the erection of a suspension bridge at the Old Passage did not escape his acute and comprehensive observation; and though foreign to the subject on which he was called upon to report, so strong was his conviction of its desirableness, that he gave a most decided opinion in favour of a suspension bridge at the Aust; particularly advert- ing (as the reasons for so doing) to the great height of the banks at the Old ''assage, to the fact of the bed of the river consisting wholly of solid rock, and to the circumstance that suitable materials for the work could be procured within a reasonable distance. During the summer of last year I have been professionally employed by the Bristol and Liverpool Junction Railway Company to report upon this site, and the kind of bridge best adapted for it, both as regards their pro- posed railway and the navigation of the river, and under their directions have prepared designs for this bridge, on one of which, the opinion ex- pressed by James Walker, Esq. (to whom it was referred by the Admiralty ■to report as regarded the interests of the navigation), has induced the Lords Commissioners of that Board to consent to the principle of the bridge proposed. The reports and plans have been published, together with the design approved by the Admiralty ; of these I enclose you copies, by which you will perceive that Mr. Giles is not the only party whose at- tention has been directed to this truly national and most important subject. I beg to remain, Yours obediently, Gloucester, May 25th, 1846. Thomas Fulljames. FOREIGN PUBLIC VtrORKS. Recen t Prizes proposed by the French Institute (accessible to all nations). —Prize of Mechanics, founded by M. Montyon, gold medal of 500 francs, for the discovery or perfecting of instruments useful in the mechanical arts, sciences, or agriculture: term of competition, April 1, 1847. — Prize of Hygiene, for the discovery of a remedy for making any art or trade less insalubrious : term, the same. The Prize of mechanics of last year, as well as the great one of 6000 francs on the application of Steam, has been adjourned, and that on the insalubrious arts decreed to M. Cbausserat. Expulsion 0/ Foul Air from Mines. — An engineer (M. Halaud) has forwarded to the Academy of Sciences at Paris, a very interesting mtnioir on the expulsion of foul air from mines, pits, cellars, and similar places. It consists in the pumping of steam into places thus contaminated, which, if the foul air consists of hydrogen gas, acts merely as a forcible expeller; but if it be carbonic acid gas, the steam will also absorb that substance. As most places where deep excavations are now made, are near steam en- Itines, the pumping of steam into mines, &c., becomes the easier. It is to be done ihrougli elastic tubes covered with india-rubber. The inventor £tates, that in a deep pit, where the work had been suspended by necessity for several days, the emission of sliani purified it to that extent, that the Workmen were able lo go down as usual. Public Works in France. — A report of M. Oger has lately been dis- tributed at the Chamber of the Freuch Deputies, to be laid before the commission appointed to examine the fill foe the completion of several public edifices. The first of these struclures is the Palace of the Archivia of the realm. The commission, in lamenting the mistakes and disappoint- ments to which the erection of this edifice has hitherto given rise, propostB a grant of COO.OOO francs, on condition that the stuccoes, gilding, and paint* ings of the original project should be replaced by cases more adapted lo a dep6tof archives. It further alludes to the dangers of the steam engine of the Royal printing oBices being so near this invaluable collection of na- tional records. — The Conservatory of Arts and Trades (C. des arts et mftxers) figures for a sum of 1,411,000 francs, which is to employed in the restoration of such portions of the edifice, which have been completed in augmenting the number of its halls of exhibition, and opening a princi- pal entrance in the Rue Saint Martin by the j'urcbase and demolition of two houses.— 250,000 francs is to be expended on works of the Royal Veterinary School, at Alforl; 050,000 francs at that of Lyons; 89,000 francs at the School of Arts and Trades of Chalons* ; 180,000 at the bui!d« ing of the Ro>al Observatory of Paris. — 180,000 francs are proposed for the Palace of the Chamber of Deputies. The ancient chapel, says the report, is in the worst possible state, and although used but very rarely, its restoration is desirable as a matter of public decorum.— The offices of the secretary of state for agriculture and commerce require a sum of 43,000 francs ; and, finally, 45,000 francs are to be expended in the demo- lition of the belfry of the north tower of the church of St. Denis, whicU menaces ruin. Archaological Society of Rome, — At the auniversaiy lately held, Dr, Biiiun slated the present prospects of the great publication undertaken by the Association — the Monumenti inediti. Cavaliere Canina spoke of the discovery of the eleventh mile-stone of the Via Laurentina, which has thrown much light on the position of the laurentine villa of Pliny and the city of Lanrentium. The elucidation of some ancient inscriptions of Cora was also alluded to. Munich. — Independent of the great progress which inrentire art is con- stantly making here, the multiplyiug of objects of art is equally advancing. The great engraving of Professor Amsler, after the picture of Overbeck— " Triumph of Religion in Arts," — which was begun four years ago, is near its completion. Kaulbacb's great picture of the destruction of Jerusa- lem, has also been begun by M. Charles Waagen. The Architectural Drawings in the late Art F.xhibition of the LoHtere— are not much praised, as they consist mostly of restorations, of good ap- pearance— at least on paper — of ancient, mediaeval, and renaissance structures. I he only specimen of interest bearing on a practical subject is the plan for uniting the Louvre and Tuilleries by M. Badenier, of which, the artist had already exhibited some studies in 1844 and 1845. It is, however, not probable that amidst the many plans of a really practical nature, the French government will embark an immense sum in a plaa^ after all, but ornamental. French Architectural Exploration ttf the Island of Cyprus.—^, Mas Latrie, commissioned by the Secretary of Public Instruction for the above undertaking, has addressed the following remarks to His Excellency: — " Everywhere in this island I have found traces of the former sway of France. There is scarcely a town or village which does not contain either a church, or abbey, or castle of the French occupants in the Middle Ages. I have made careful tracings of the slabs best preserved of the sepulchral monuments of her once great families, the Ibelins, Brunswick, &c. The Gothic edifices constructed by the French in Cyprus can be divided into two classes — military, and religions. I have especially studied ia each of those the modifications which ojiyaj architecture has undergone in Cyprus, compared with the Gothic in France at the same period. I have ascertained the position of the principal castles aud monasteries, and laid down by the compass many points and localities important lo mediae- val geography. I have also somewhat swerved into the domains of Classic antiquity, and have discovered several iuedited Greek inscriptions, and, by the means of excavations made at Dali, brought to I'elit several frag- ments of statuary, &c. I have ascertained the real position of ancient Larnaca and C'itium, the birthplace of Zeno the Stoic. In excavating a place near the high city of Larnaca, we have found a basalt slab of 7 feet high, 21 feet broad, and 1 foot thick. It is covered with cuniform in- scriptions, and the figure of a king or priest, bearing the garment of those figures discovered by Mr. Botta in Mesopotamia. I think this to be a tomb, and one of the rarest monuments of the dominion of the Assyrians in Cyprus." M. Mas Latrie proposes, in fine, that some of the speci- mens should be deposited in the Museum of National Antiquity at Cluny. Model Raihvay in France. — It seems that Aries, the place where Roman structures 1800 years old exist in such perfect preservation, is prompting French engineers to similar exertions. The following is a short extract of the projects for the present buildings. — The viaduct of the railway of the Durance River, will hare a length of 493 moires between the abulmentSj besides 20 mfeires of abutment at each side, which will give it an absolute extension of 533 mclres. Its height is to be 9 30 metres, computed from low-water mark to the level of the rails ; its breadth 8 metres between the parapets. It is to be supported by twenty pier.-i of 3,50 metres thickness, combined together by Iwcniyone elliptic arches of 20 mdtres opening. Thcclpg.iiici' of the piers, ihe gracious opening of tlie arches, and the im- posing mass of the Viaduct, wid make it one of Ihe finest siruciures of * Our readur* will |icrceiK Ibittitli tbeu puliiii: Ju«tiiuUoi.» ait umiiit-ineil b/ puU.C money. J846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECrS JOURNAL, 191 she whole line. After this imnienge art-structure, the thing next worthy of admiration is the cutting of the rock of la Roque — an immense mass of stone, which was to be ci.t through from top to bottom to the extent of 125 metres by 25, which yielded a mass of 42,000 cube metres of debris of rock. Especially also is to be noticed the nicety of the nineteen cot- tages of the guards of the line, between Aries and the Durance. To each a little garden has been annexed, to employ profitably the leisure of the men and families. Follows then, the monumental viaduct of the Khone, which will coanect, by the way of Tarrascon, the Avignon line with that of Bordeaux to Cette. This gigantic structure is already begun. It is ooly 370 metres from the suspension bridge of Beaucaire ; thus two of the finest and hugest modern structures will be erected at a short distance from each other. The activity on the railways in the south of Fiance is now so great, that in the arroudissement of Aix alone, 1390 workmen arc employed. New Hospilal at Consianlinople. — The East, which, during the cru- sades first established those — unknown to the ancients — institutions of public benevolence, is it seems, reverting again to that praiseworthy prac- tice. A new hospital is to be erected, by the voluntary subscription of the Protestant inhabitants of the Turkish metropolis. New Hxcavations in Assyria. — From the head quarters of M. Laynard, at Nimrud,at the embouchure of the Zab in the Tigris, the following is reported. The mound at which M. L. is digging is an arliiicial one, like that of Chorsabad, and the ruins are covered by soil; but the stratum at Nimrud is less than that of Chorsabad, so much so, that many of the basso-relievos are broken off at the upper part. The vestments of the figures are different from those discovered by Botta ; but there is no doubt that the ruins are also of Assyrian origin. There are more basso-relievos of a mythological character at Nimrud, but the structure of both the palaces is^the same. Here also are door-ways of colossal winged bulls, lions with human heads and arms, in which they carry flowers, &c. The number of inscriptions is very considerable. Campo Santo of Berlin. — The celebrated painter. Baron Cornelius, is expected shortly in the Prussian capital, on his return from Rome, where he went to compose the cartoons of the Frescoes, which have to adorn the walls of the great cemetery, which is to be erected in the neighbourhood of Berlin, similar to those of Munich and Pisa, Safety Harbours in France. — The Lower House of the French Legisla- tion has, of late, received the Report ol M. Felix Real on the above sub- ject. The Commission, convinced that every facility alTorded to commerce will react on all other brandies of public utility, has sanctioned this Re- port, with rescinding only the execution of the maritime canal between the harbours of Bouc and the £tang de Berne. The Commission has moreover recommendeii that Government should employ some professional persons to study the means, by which the mouth of rivers can be made ac- cessible to ships during low water tide. Directorship of the Dresden Picture Gallery. — M. Julius Schnorr Ca- rolsfeld, of Munich, has obtained the above situation, with which also that of a professor at the Academy of Painting is combined. The King of Bavaria has given, but reluctantly, his consent ; the more so, as a number of Munich artists had addressed his majesty for the sake of retaining this great artist amongst them. As M. Schnorr has yet to paint several fres- coes of the Niebelungen Song in the new royal palace, he will not leave the Bavarian capital until the end of summer, and will return every season until these great mural pictures are completed, which will occupy him many years to come. The Iron Trade in Austria and the Zollverein. — All the iron to be used for the railroads of Austria must be of home consumption, foreign metal being excluded by a heavy duty. This has advanced their forges aud fur- naces lo a great extent. But it is to be seen, whether this exclusive and protectionist principle will work well in the long run. The Bronze Statue of Charles John, King of Sweden — has just been cast at the foundry of Munich. According to all appearance, it will be a su- perior work of art, and ready for being conveyed in a few months to its destination at Norrkiiping, in Sweden. The Monumental Fountain of the Place of St. Sulpice, at Paris — will be completed this season. Fur mouths past, the square has been encumbered by immense blocks of stone, which have been cut for forming the immense basin of this monument. ' M. Jules de Saly, architect of the Chamber of Commons of Paris, has been elected houarory and free member of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts at St. Petersburg. Monument to the Duke of Belluno. — An enormous block of white mar- ble, from the quarries of Laveline (Vosges), of the weight of 10,000 kilo- grammes, has been of late conveyed to Epinal. It is to form the basement of the statue of the duke, which is to be erected to his memory at La- marche, the little village where this distinguished warrior first saw the light. . Trying of Railway Bridges. — It appears that these strnctures are not made use of for public trathc in France, until their solidity has been tritd, by oOicial persons. Thus the elegant bridge over the Seine, at Courcelles, near Paris, on the Rouen line, has undergone that ordeal, and been found completely safe. Orgixnizalion of Public Works in Algtria.—Tlie French GoTernment has created an especial direction of Public works for Africa, and a member of the Council of Slate is placed at its head. Even the name of the supremo office of public works is to be changed, which will henceforth be called Direction of the Interior and of Colonization. Chief Engineers have beea nominated for each piovince. The hydraulic works of the harbour of AI- gii IS aud the service of mines in that province, are under the charge of especial government engineers. Railroad through the Continent of South America.— Ueaas have been discussed at Rio de Janeiro, to connect, in the first instance, Liverpool and Para by the means of steamboats, from which latter place minor crafts have to ascend the Amazon river so far as Bolivia. A railroad has to traverse the latter country aud to extend as far as Arica, on the shores of the South Sea. The government of Bolivia has already given its assent to that plan, and a similar step is expected to be taken by that of the Bra- zils. New Structures at Berlin. — Much scope to the industrial exertions of the inhabitants of that capital will be afforded shortly by the constructioa of the new navigation-canal, and the buildings over that large area now called Kopenicker Fields. The latest news from Berlin, state that an especial commission foi carrying these plans into execution has been ap. pointed by the king. The plans proposed exhibit a thorough ornamental, spacious, and sietimg ensemble ; and amongst the public buildings, new parochial churches, both Protestant and Catholic, occupy the first place. It is generally hoped that they will approach the grandeur of the new re- ligious structures at Munich.] NOTES OF THE MONTH. The first stone of a new wing of the University College, in Gower- street, has been laid. The ceremony was performed by Lord Brougham, the president of the council. A new story has recently been added to the Treasury and adjacent Go- vernment offices, under the superintendence of Mr. Barry. The show sides fronting Downing-street and Parliament-street are nearly completed; the columns are hoisted to their former position on the first floor. An equestrian statue of the Duke of Wellington is about to be put on the top of the triumphal arch in Piccadilly. A huge arch supporting nothing is bad enough ; but the proposed addition makes it absolutely too ridiculous. Even members of Parliament have been able to dedect the absurdity, and have complained of it in the House of Commons. The view of the statue will be the exact reverse of a bird's eje view : an ad- mii ing public v, ill have excellent opportunities of contemplating the burse's belly and girth, and the soles of the hero'a shoes. The evidence before the Royal Gauge Commissioners and their report have been referred to the Board of Trade. The Archoeological Congress of France will commence on the 1st of June. The proceedings of the British Association for the advancement of science will commence at Southampton on the 10th of September. Masses of iron and nickel, having all the appearance of aeorolites or falling meteoric stones, have been discovered in Siberia, at a depth of 10 metres below the surface of the earth. From the fact, however, that no meteoric stones are found in the secondary and tertiary formations, it would seem to follow that the phenomena of falling stones never took place till the earth assumed its present form. The restoration of the western part of Ely Cathedral progresses. Fears are, however, expressed as to the stability of the octagon tower. The lauthern is of Perpendicular architecture, and a subsequent addition to the octagon, which is of much earlier date, and does not seem to have beea built of sufficient strength for sustaining the load now resting on it. The Cathedral of Spires is to be adorned with frescoes at the cost of the King of Bavaria. A great black stove has been placed in the choir of Bristol cathedral, Tith a black chimney mounting straight up to the vaulted roof, which is pierced to make a passage for the smoke. LIST or NEW PATENTS. (Front Messrs. Robertson's List.) ©RANTED IN ENGLAND FROM APRIL 28, I84C, TO MAY 26, 1846- Six Months allowed for Enrolment, unless otherwise expressed. William Edward Newton, of ChaDcery-lane, civil engineer, for " certain Improvement lo clocks or time keepers." (Being a commiinioation.)— Scaled Apnl ib. Samuel Pickford, of Stockport, glass dealer, for "certain Improved apparatus applica- ble to casks or vessels for preserving ale and other fermented liquors, and also for raising or forcing the same for draught."— April ^8. Isaac Henry Robert Mott, of 76, Strand, for "certain Improvements in musical lastrii- ments, whereby they are rendered much more durabl,, much rnore capable of re.istlDg the injurious and destructive effects of tlie atmosphere, (especially of extreme climates,) and whereby the quality of their tone is greatly improvsd and remains good for a muctt longer period. "^-Aprli 2S. 192 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [JVVB' Williiin Higgs, of Weslmintter, cberoist, for " the means of cpllectlng the contents of Sewen and drains In cllies, towns, and vlllsgos, snd for treating chemically the same, and •pplyloi! such contents when so treated to agricultural and other useful purposes. "— April 28. Anthony Nathan de Itothscbild, of London, merchant, for ** ImprovemcDts in beating apparatus and buildings." (Being a communication.)— April 28. William Mather, of Salford, near Manchester, and Colin Mather, of the same place, miliivrlKhts and engineers, for " Improvements in metallic pistons."— April 28. Charles de Bergue, of Arthur-street weat, London, engineer, for " ImprovementJ in atmospheric railways." — April 28. James Timmins Chance, Handsworth. StatTord, glass manufacturer, and Henry Badger, of West Bromvkicb, glass stainer, for " Improyeraents in the maiiufutture of glass." — .April 23. Joseph Douglas, of Newcastle-upon-Tyue, rope-roaJcer, for " Improrements in the manufacture of yam, twine, and cordage." — April ao. ^ Joseph Toncbe, mechanist, of Rue St. Antoine, Paris, for " Improvements in lamps.' — April .'<0. Edward Aupustiu King, of Wiirwick-street, Charing Cross, Middlesex, gentleman, for ** Improvements in the production of magnetic electricity." (Being a communication.) — April .'10. Thoinas Lambert, of New Cut. Blatkfriars, brass founder, and Charles William Rowley Blcbards, of Charlotte-street, Blackfrlurs, engineer, for " Improvements in cocks for drawing ofi" liquids anhe pistons, slides, &c., to work un- truly. It has been found, however, by actual experience, that the evil in ques- tion may be entirely removed by accuracy of workmanship, and by skill in the arrangement of the working parts. And on the other hand the dimi- nution of the weight of the engines and of the space occupied by it, are ad- Tantages of so great importance in navigation, that they far outweigh the supposed disadvantage of removing the beam. The Gladiator, one of the vessels forming the " Squadron of Evolution," is a beautiful example of the perfection of workmanship exhibited in the construction of British marine engines. Before, however, describing those peculiarities in the engines of the Gladiator, which are illustrated in the accompanying plates, we wish to remark willi respect (o the observations which have been made on the per- formances of the steam vessels of the Squadron of Evolution, that those remarks apply exclusively to the powers of the steam vessels as sailers when deprived of the assistance of their engines. To compare the powers of a steam vessel as a sailer with those of a ship built to be propelled i)y its sails exclusively, seems to us as absurd as to compare the speed of two animals possessing altogether dilferent organs of locomotion. It can be no matter of wonder ihat a vessel containing the enormous weight of marine engines, and built of a form suitable for containing them, should not sail so fast as one which does not contain this load, and is built of the form best adapted for sailing. Between steam-ships and sail ships no correct com- parison can be drawn. Not only are iheir means of propulsion entirely dilferent, but tlie circumstances under which each acts most usefully, are altogether dissimilar, so that for the purposes of war each in its turn would be invaluable, where the other would be inefiicient. The most rational method therefore seems to be to keep the individual characteristics of the two classes of vessels perfectly distinct, — to render each as perfect as pos- sible in those qualities which consiitute its peculiar advantages — in other words, to speak to those whom we have the most interest in addressing, to render the war-steamer as perfect as possible us a stemner, and not to injure her powers by injudicious attempts of combining with them the peculiar qualities of sailing vessels. The engines of the Gladiator were constructed by the well-known firm of Miller, Ravcnhill, and Co., of Blackwall. The principal feature of these engines is their compactness, the cranks, and consequently the cylin- ders being brought close to each other, to give deck room for moving the cannons fore and aft. The air pumps are constructed on a principle pa- tented by Mr. INIiller, being inclined towards each other, and worked by a crank common to botli, on the same shaft with the cylinder cranks. The following are the references, I'lales IX and X. A A, Cylinders 7b^ inches in dia(i:eter, 5 feet *J iuch stroke. B B, Piston rods. C C, Conoecting rods. D D, Cranks ou working sliaft. E, tJprigbt sleatn.pipe. At its lower end are bracketfl e €» cast on ttie slide-valve casing, to support tlie steam-pipe. F, Expansion valve box. G, Beam working the refrigerator pump of Howard's patent condensing apparatus. Ttie beam, of which the bearings are supported by the upright steam-pipe, forms part of the parallel motion. H, Slide valve casing, h h k> Openings from the steam. pipes on wtiicb the expansion TBlves work, I I, Cross-bar, and K K, Eccentric rods, for working the slide valves. I,, Opening between slide valve casing and condenser. M M, Condensers. N N, Air-pumps, n n. Delivering valve openings. O, Crank for working air pumps. P P, Hot water cisterns. Q Q, Feed pumps. R R, Bllgs pnmps. The annexed may be applied at the top of the covpr L of each air-punip to discharae ilie water into the space above the upper partiiion n. which space constitutes the hot well M, and may be coniniun to both pumps. The condensers will have the same kind of flarif^es, with vertical surfaces of contact and union, with the corresponding surfaces of the two steam cylinders, as already de- ■cribed, except that those surfaces will not be quite at the angles of the condensers when the same are made as shown, but the mode of uniting the two steam cylinders to the condensers by such surfaces, with holts through the flanges thereof, wdl be the same as hereinbefore described, and need not be repeated. And note, it is not necessary that the inclined air-pumps should be put within the condenser, as is there represented, for each pump may be joined to the condenser at bottom, beneath the lower partition m. by means of a branch projecting laterally from the bottom of the pump, or el^e projecting laterally fron) the condenser, and by an(,ther branch projecting from the top of the pump it may be connected with the upper part of the condenser above the upper partition n. Those branches Fig 2.— Section of Air Pumps end Contlenscra. being united to the condenser at the lower and at the upper parts thereof, in a similar manner to that whereby the air-pump of a marine steam en- gine, of the kind heretofore made by Messrs. Boulton and Watt, with side- levers, is most commonly connected to the condenser and hot-well of such an engine, except that the pumps will be inclined instead of being vertical, and the pumps may, in that last-mentioned case, be somewhat more in- clined than they are represented, if that is requisite, in order to give as much more space of condenser between the two pumps as will give the required capacity of condenser. The lower branch by which each air- pump is joined to the lower part of the condenser (whether that branch is formed as part of the pump, or as part of the condenser,) will join to the condenser below the loner partition m, and the foot-valve o may be within the interior of the condenser, or it may be within the lower branch thereof, to which the air-pump is joined. If the said lower branch is formed in the same casting or piece of metal with the condenser, it may project out from the lower part of the condenser, and the air-pump may join thereto, with a bottom flange around the lower end of the pump, or if the branch is formed with the air-pump, it may join laterally to the front side of the condenser, at the lower part of that side. The branch at the upper part of the air-pump will have the discharge-valve or valves applied to it, those valves being within the hot well, which hot well may either be a space M within the condenser at the upper part thereof, above the upper partition, or inside of the condenser, or the discharge valves may be in a hot well, which ib formed bj a vessel distinct from the condenser. Although two distinct condensers and two distinct air-pnmps have been described (that lieiug preferable in most cases), nevertheless, that is not essential t* my improved arrangement and combination ; but the same is equally ap- plicatile if the condenser is made without ihe parliliim fc so as lo be only one condenser, and with only one large air-pump, equivalent in ltd capa- city to the two air-pumps represented in the drawing." NEW METROPOLITAN CHURCHES. Westbuurne Terrace, Hyde Parle. — The plan of this church is nearly a rectangle, and comprises a nave with low pitched roofs, north and soutk aisles, wiih lean-to roofs, a chancel, an octagonal vestry at the north-east angle of the church, and a tower and spire at the west end of the nave. The spire is very lofty, and rises to a height of 212 feet. The length of the church from east to west is 130 feet. In the interior of the church the nave is divided from the aisles by pier» which are intersected at mid-height by galleries, which of course partially obstruct the north and south windows. There is also an organ gallery which communicates with the staircases by d.^ors having straight jambs and lintels like the doors of an ordinary dwelling house. The walls of the church, the piers, the groined roofs, the walls of tb* porches, staircases, &c. are all coated with stucco, on which are drawa lines to mimic the jointing of masonry; the hood mouldings of the win- dows are run in vile patent cement, the bosses of the roof, the capitals and bases of the columns are all of the same material — moulded first and stuck on afterwards. You see lying about the church the halves of bases, black dingy things, not yet whitened by drying, that resemble detached hoofs rather than real architectural members — these are to be fitted into their places directly they are dry, and if coated with a delicate layer of colour will defy detection. — Boz describes one of his humble heroines who had small means of gratifying her love of dress and consoled herself with tb* reflection that " a brave show may be made with ribbands for sixpence." The ceilings of the church are quite dazzling with white wash. Tb» connoisseur in imitations will not fail to admire also the stained deal pan- elling, and probably will not object to the indentations in the plaster which suggest sham windows. The architecture of the exterior perfectly corresponds to that of the in- terior. To those who have familiarized themselves with the architectura of our English country churches, the tracery of the windows of the new church might appear of somewhat " formal cut," but then it is very showy for the money, and an approved specimen of jjaiitrn Gothic. Beneath the parapet, which is panelled, is a row of grotesque masks; for the archi- tect, determined to have at least some point of resemblance to ancient Christian art, has selected for imitation the least admirable feature of it — those barbarous and ridiculous imitations of the human form which wera excusable in an age, when a familiar connection of solemn and ludicrous subjects was tolerated, but which would now be pronounced impious or indecent. But here the disciple has out-done his masters ; in his reverence for antiquity he has produced forms more monstrous than ever disfigured ancient freemasonry — Bacchanalian visages with huge tongues hanging below their chins, or with fists forced into theirdistcnded cheeks, and similar distortions which might make the fortune of the clown in a penny theatre but seem rather out of place in a religious edifice. To compensate how- ever for these barbarities we have over each porch an angel, who fervently clasps a shield to his breast, and by his beaming countenance exhibits a perfect ecstasy of pious beatitude. The general character of the architecture is ostentation in the fomia and unreality in the materials— two things, by the by,. which always accom- pany each other ; for where fictitious and dishonest materials are employed, the fatal facility which they alTord for introducing ornament is usually too strong a temptation for vulgar display to be easily resisted. Of this truth the multitude of terraces and crescents which are springing up in the vici- nity of the new church are lamentable examples. They look uncommonly showy and fine in the lithographic views which are got up for the purpose of letting the houses, but we trust that the time is not distant when by the force of universal public detestation this common-place architecture will be abolished forever. Soulk Hackney. — A new church is keing erected here from the design of Mr. E.G. Hake will, and although the building is not in a very advancid 1816.1 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 105 stale, the proRress made is siiSicientto lead us to hope that this new church when conipleled will be an addilional proof of the advancs made ia the knowledge of Christian architecture during the last few jears. 169 feet. 61 „ 92 „ 34 ,. 37 „ 65 „ 200 South Haciney New Church. The plan of the building shows a nave, transepts and chancel, and a western tower. The archway of the entrance in the tower is aeren ftet in liepth,— a gratifying contrast to the miserably shallow doorways of some •f our recent churches. The following will be the principal dimensions of «ii4S Church when completed : — Length from east to west internally Width of nave and aisles Length from north to south in the transepts Width of the transepts Heishl internally to the top of the walls . Height to apex of the roof Height of tower and spire Unlike the churches which we had occasion to notice last month.'thised fiee will ha\e north and south windows in the aisles, and will not be lighted by a clerestory exclusively. We should however like to have seen more light admitted from the lower, and less from the upper, windows. It is not necessary to repeat what we have already insisted upon, that to let in a euod of light near the roof is to admit it lo the grea est disadvantage as regards picturesque effect. The roofs ought to appear dim, shadowy and ftbscure— especially in a church of the early style here chosen; it was not imtil the decline of art in the Perpendicular period that the upper parts of •hurches were brilliantly illuminated. No criticism is complete without it delect some faults, we roust there- fore endeavour to find some, though we confess that our feeling in favour of the general merits of Mr. HakewiU's design renders the task somewhat difficult. The tower is perhaps too much cut up into parts by string Bourses, &c. ; some of these might be omitted with advantage, for a tower •hould have the character of massiveness and strenalh, and consequently the parts should be large and well defined. Neither do we much admire the position of the statues at the base of the spire : there is always an idea of awkwardness and insecurity attached to a statue perched upon a point, or in any way overhanging its base. In the drawing which Mr. Hakewili baa been kind enough to send us, the form of the flying buttresses seemed rather formal, and the manner in which the upper parts of the buttresses at the angles of the transept met the wall appeared abrupt. , However, these ar* matters of deUU whieh the architect will be able to alter, if he see fit, during the progress of the works ; the general character of the church, (he massiveness and boldness of the features, and the conse- quent depth of the shadows contrast very advantageously wiih \.be flattest and showiness which modern churches too frequently exhibit. The mate- rials are Kentish ragstone, with Bath-slone dressings ; the good taste of the architect will, we are confident, lead him to reject fictitious or imitative materials. Our acknowledgements are due to several architects, to whom we have applied, for the readiness with which they have afforded information of churches in the course of erection under their superintendence. We shaU feel obliged by receiving notices of new churches in or near London : these notices should be accompanied by a list of principal dimensions, and must not contain any remarks of a critical character. We shall also be glad lo publish views of churches of which the general composition is good, or illustrations of interesting details ; in the latter the jointing of the masonry should always be distinctly shown. BOYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITION: ARCHITECTURE. SECOND NOTICE, It might be imagined that of Interiors there would be an abundance rather than a deficiency, because eacli single building contains a great many divi- sions within, and although only two or three of the principal parts or apartments may be of any architectural importance, subjects of that kind would still greatly out number the buildings themselves. Nevertheless such drawings— whether designs or views— are rarities and exceptions notwithstanding that designs for rooms and their decorations would be somewhat less chimerical than those for cathedrals and other buildings on " monster" scale. Unless the private mansions and other edifices of which we meet with drawings at the exhibiiions, be totally devoid of archileclu- ral interest within, there must be a great deal that is withheld from as • which is the more lo be regretted, because it is through drawings alone that the public can become acquainted with what lies on the other side of the threshold of a private residence. We should therefore have been thank- ful had we been favoured by the sight of a drawing or two— nay, even of a single one, in evidence of the taste displayed by the noble President of the Institute of British architects, in his newly fitted-up mansion Wrest House. Either it has been fulsomely flattered by newspaper paragraphs and the " suraptuousness" which, it seems, characterizes it, is after all little better than extravagantly costly commonplace, or there must be some- thing in it well worth seeing ; whereas now we hiive neither verbal nor graphic description lo give us any idea of what it really is. Earl de Grey however, chooses to conceal hi» light under a bushel,— at least, from £u«h as ourselves, and by so doing he shows one thing— thai he is oblivious of or else indifferent lo, his connection with architecture as the President of the Institute ;— whose members, by the by, require to be spurred on to support the Academy's exhibitions. After these very grumbling remarks, it may be some relief when we say that the present season is not more barren of Interiors than usual for which we have chiefly to thank Mr. Sang, who exhibits four subjects of the kind, Nos. 1202, 1336, 1337, and 1358, the first of them a sectional view of the ambulatory of the merchants' area in the Royal Exchange and Ihe other three, views of Ihe Grand Staircase, Lower Hall, and Up- per Hall of the Conservative Club-house. These last are especially wel- come, because the Club-house is not open to every one, as the Exchange is, and even those who like ourselves have had Ihe opportunity of going over the building, cannot have such favour renewed at pleasure. Yet for teeing any drawings of it at all we are perhaps entirely indebted to Mr. Sang's share in the work, which, we hardly need say, is confined to the encaustic polychromic decorations of the architecture. Except that Ihey are in perspective, the drawings themselves make very little more preten- sion to pictorial expression than coloured sections would do, artist-lika treatment and effect of light and shade being renounced in them for the purpose of showing with all possible distinctness the actual colours and ornamental patterns. Hence they are to be looked upon not as pictures but merely as graphic descriptions aad explanations of those parts of ihe interior which they represent. As respects the decoration, we think it is rather too minute and showy to be altogether in character for the places where it is iniroduced.themost effect of all in the building being thrown into what requires to be rather subdued than exaggerated, and not allowed to 2S« im THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [July, overpower all that follows. What strikes us as a fault in the general de- sign— one, however, for which Mr. Sang is not answerable — is the want of stained glass of some kind in the glazed skylight dome of the upper hall, which is now rather too much of a blank, and whicli must, we think, have not only a blank, but even a biack and therefore dismal look by night, when it must show as a dark yawning void overhead. Such, in- deed, would still have been the case had it been tilled in with painted or embossed glass, unless it could also have been lighted of an evening from the outside ; wherefore it would perhaps have been belter to close the opening of the dome by a cove and plafond or horizontal ceiling, with trausparent panels of painted glass, letlmg ihe present dome be an exter- nal skylight, and within the intermediate space there might have been gas-burners to shed light through the panels of the ceiling by night. But our pen is running away from us, and we are running away from our proper subject. So let us return to the Exhibition, — No. IIGO, *' A Library," (W. \V. Deane) possesses much merit in its idea, and a very un- usual degree of scenic effect is produced by the semicircular recess lighted from above and separated from the room by a screen of Corinthian co- lumns (forming live open intercolumns) ; which order is continued by aula' on the other walls, those on the window side being placed not as pilasters against the piers, but at their angles, with Ihe draperies hung within the embrasures or window recesses, so that, instead of at all concealing, those curtains serve to relieve and set off the archiiectural forms. So far, this design seems to us to fulfil even better than No. 127(1 does the title given -to the latter, viz., " A design to illustrate an architectural arrangement of draperies in a drawing-room," (J. Dwyer). Though drawings of the kind are so few that as much show as possible should be made with them, Mr Dwyer's is so placed as to fruslrate examination, but were it not for the ■ intimalion in the catalogue we should never have suspected it to be intended as a study of " arrangement of draperies," there being nothing at all novel — as far as we can perceive — in that respect, except it be that what is either an open doorT\ay or mirror at the end of the room, has a drapery - corresponding with those of the windows. — Nos. 1279 and 1355 show us the " Staircase and Music Hall of Mr. Hullali's Singing School." (VV. Westmacott) ; but where the building is, or is to be, is not said. The style partakes of Tudor, modernized and enfeebled in character ; how- ever, we have not a right to expect much in what we suppose is only the speculation of a private individual. Less indulgently are we disposed towards the very next No., viz. 1356, "The hall and staircase of a gentle- man's residence executing from the designs and under the superintendence of G. Mair." In its general idea it is rather the reverse of what would be thought of as suitable in a residence at the present day, it being upon the old system of hall and staircase thrown together, so as to form a lofty ■ space that seems to occupy too much of the house, unless it be a very large one. Neither is space here made to contribute to display ; while as to character and detail, there is more of what is faulty, objectionable, and in- convenient in Ihe Elizabethan style, than of what is meritorious in it, and applicable in modern houses ; in short, it is rather what one would pre- ' serve, had it previously existed, than now produce. — No. 1312, " Interior of the Upper Chapel, Sau Benedetto, Subiaco" (D. Wyatt), is the finest picture drawing iu the room — others equal to it we may occasionally have seen — certainly some that we should prefer in point of subject ; for in- stance, the Loggia of the Villa Madama, by G. Moore, — but for power and mastery of execution, we cannot call to recollectiou anything superior. With the force of oil it has a clearness which we seldom find in the very best architectural pictures in oil, although there seems to be nothing to biuder the highest finish and most deceptive degree of imitation being ob_ taiaed in them, just as well as in still-life subjects — seldom worth the skill and labour bestowed upon them. This production of Mr. D. Wyatt's — whom we cau hardly suppose to be a young hand, although we never met with his name before — is a perfect study for its execution, all the details and different materials being most admirably expressed ; yet the whole is in perfect keeping. — No. 1312, " Milan Cathedral," (F. W. Stent) is an- other interior not a little remarkable, but more so for the singularity than the excellence of its execution, force being here exaggerated into carica- ture, for the tone of the whole is soexceedingly dark, and the lights which fall upon a few prominent parts, so unnaturally brilliant, that the latter look like so many pieces of mother-of-pearl inlaid on a ground of ebony. — No. 1258, " Interior of the Church of the Apostles, Rome," (J. P. Crew), is a drawing marked by the directly contrary fault of want of depth and solidity, not however to such a degree as to be therefore faulty in itself, and we only wish the artist had employed his pencil upon a better subject, the building being in poor and tawdry taste :— however, rather this than so very stale a subject as that of Mr. Crew's other drawing, (No. 1248, A View of the Coliseum from Ihe Arch of Titus). Sadly at a loss for sub. jects for interiors must architectural draftsmen be, when they give us such a one as No. 1I7G, than which one more destitute of merit or interest Oj- any kind could hardly have been found in all London. Had the author of that production walked into Moses' shop, he might hate found a rather striking subject, at all events something quite fresh, but that any one should think it worth while now to show us the " Interior of the Chapel of the Foundling Hospital," is to us perfectly unaccountable. Me should have been very suspicious of its being merely a copy from a print. There are still one or two drawings of interiors, which we have not yet mentioned, because they belong rather to the class of designs for churches • — of which it will be expected ihat we tliould say someihing, yet it is but little thrtt we have to say, there being few of them at all distinguished by any thing particularly good in them, or the contrary, except it happen to be by the sort of merits and defects that are extolled or viiuperaled by the " Ecclesiologist." What strikes us as rather singular, is, that among them there are scarcely any drawings of Churches or Chapels in or near the metropolis. St. John's, Charlotte-street, Filzioy-square ; St. Michael's Pimlico; St. Andrew's, Mell's-street ; the Catholic Church, Farm-street ; Bedford ( hapel, the newly erected campanile of the Caiholic Chapel in Spanish-place, Manchester-square — not one of these are in the Exhibi- tion. Those which are, are exclusively in ihe Gothic or mediaeval style there being not a single drawing for church or chapel in any other although Grecian or rather Greco-Italian seems fitter for buildings of Ihe kind iu towns, and so far from being prejudiced against such style, by the wrelched and insipid productions in it twenty years ago, tliey might now be serviceable to us as warnings, and might convince us that should we resume the style at all, we ought to treat it very differently from what it then was. As lo (jothic, it is undoubtedly very much better understood and practised than it was a quarter of a century ago or even much less still it seems now to be got into a sort of respectable mannerism and me- thod. Instead of design being left to be moulded by circumstances, every part of a church must be shaped according to ceriain arbitrary regulations; there must be this thing or that, though so far from its being at all re- quired, inconvenience should be incurred by adopting it. Lucky is it for Eton College Chapel that it is not a modern structure, since it falls short of the present orthodox standard, in having ueither aisles nor chancel, nor spire, nor even tower ; neither has it more than a single range of windows, and those at a considerable height from the floor; yet it is not only a very fine specimen of architecture both internally and externally — but also ex- ceedingly well suited for the Protestant worship. Nor is it without reason that we here mention it, there being three designs (12ti8, 1290, and 1290) by J. M. Derick, and J. Shaw, fur restoring the interior. — No. 12CU, de- scribed only as " View of a Church, designed by G. Alexander," without the name of its locality ; — and Nos. 1295 and 13U7, exterior and interior of "St. .lames, Seacroft, near Leeds, Yorkshire," (T. Hellyer,) are among the best productions of this class. But none displays more forcibly the enviable talent of being able to infuse a strong degree of character and originality into what in most hands would prove a very insignificant sub- ject,— than No. 1329, " Healy Church, now erecting in the parish of Masham, Yorkshire," (E. B. Lamb). Small as it is in dimensions, and simple as it is in style, this little edifice is so full of piquant expression that it might pass for the ideal of an English tillage church. There is a great deal of effect with scarcely any thing lo account for it, — it being that of a fel icitous aggregate, and artist-like combination of parts. A design of this kind is a very severe reproach upon the soulless and idealess compounds of vulgar tawdry calling themselves designs for cathedrals and townhalls, which however we will pass by, in mercy, without pointing to them by their numbers or names. — The show of models this season is even poorer than usual, and things of the sort are always so badly shown at the Academy, so huddled up and jumbled together, that wc almost wonder any should be sent at all. SUPPRESSION OF SMOKE. A report has been recently addressed to the Government by Sir Heory De la Beche and Dr. Lyon Playfair, respecting the means and effects of preveuting the smoke of furnaces. The following extracts will sulHcientlj explain the conclusions arrived at. " The general principles upon which the combustion, or rather the pre- vention of smoke, may be effected are now well known, and admitted to be 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. J97 . applicable in practice. Smoke consists of vapours produced by the partial conibustioD or distillatiou of coal, carrying up small particles of the fuel in inechauical suspensioD, and deposilinp, by the combustion of one of their fonstitueuts, carbonaceous matter in a fine state of division. The mode of preventing this smoke is to admit a sufficient quantity of air to efl'ect the conibustiou of the carbonaceous matter, when the vapours are of a suffi- ciently elevated temperature to unite entirely with the oxygen of the air. If the temperature be not sufficiently elevated, the hydrogen of the vapours alone is consumed, and the carbon is separated in the fine state of division referred to. The gases produced by the complete combustion of fuel are colourless and invisible, and therefore do not come under the definition of ihe term smoke. " As the prevention of smoke implies the complete combustion of fuel, the result, as an abstract statement, always is, that more heat is generated, and a saving of fuel effected, when it is so consumed as to prevent the emission of smoke ; but although this theoretical conclusion is undoubtedly correct, the practical results are not always consonant with this statement. " lu consuming smoke in the usual way a quantity of cold air is intro- dnced into the tire, and as this must be heated up to the temperature of the surrounding fuel, the loss of the latter may be equal to, or even greater than, the saving of the fuel from the combustion of the products of distilla- tion. This often results in the careless use of furnaces constructed on the principle of smoke prevention, and thus leads to the contradictory state- ments given by those who have used such furnaces. But in all carefully conducted experiments the saving of fuel has been considerable, and the reason of this will be at once perceived, when it is considered that in addi- tion to the combustion of the products of distillation there is a large amount of fuel saved by the combustion of a gas called carbonic oxide, formed by the proper product of combustion, carbonic acid, taking up in its passage through the incandescent fuel, another portion of carbon, which escapes useless as regards the production of heat, unless burned by the air intro- duced at the bridge of the furnace, for the purpose of consuming the pro- ducts of distillation. " From these considerations, and from experiments conducted under our inspection, with a view to determine this point to our satisfaction, we ar- rive at the conclusion, that although from careless management of fires there is often no saving, and that indeed there is frequently a loss of heat in the prevention nf smoke, still that with careful management the preven- tion of smoke is in many cases attended with, and may in most cases be made to produce, an economy of fuel. " It may be unnecessary to remind your lordship that the cause of th* emission of smoke in manufactories may be classed under three different heads, the relative importance of which involves very different considera- tions in any attempt to legislate for its prevention. These are— 1. The want of proper construction and adjustment between the fire-places and the boilers, and the disproportionate size of the latter to the amount of work which they are expected to perform;— 2. The deficiency of draught, and improper construction of the flues leading to a chimney of inadequate height or capacity ;— 3. The carelessness of stoking and management by those entrusted with the charge of the fire-places and boilers." It cannot for a moment be questioned, that the coutinued emission of smoke is an unnecessary consequence of the combustion of fuel, and that as an abstract statement, it can be dispensed with. But your lordship will perceive that there are grave difficulties connected with a general law to the effect that it shall be unlawful for chimnies, after a certain date to emit smoke. With regard to steam-engines, the processes fur the preven- tion of smoke have been matured, and in very many instances successfully employed. In this case, therefore, a law to that effect could be most easily and promptly carried out. In other cases mentioned in Lord Lincoln's letter, such as distilleries, dye-works, &;c., the legislature has already granted powers in the Manchester Local Act; and as there are certain in- stances in which processes for the prevention of smoke have with theiu proved successful, it may be anticipated that the nuisance arising from these sources may be much abated, if they be subjected to the general law with that forbearance and caution whicli, under certain cases, is so advisa- ble. There are certain processes in glass-works, iron-furnaces, and pot- teries, in which it is neither possible nor desirable to apply a general law for the prevention of smoke; although the nuisance may be partially miti- gated, by causing the steam-engines employed in them to be so constructed as not to emit siuoke. It is useless to expect, in the present state of our knowledge, that any law can be practically applied to the fire places of common houses, which, in a large town like London, contribute very materially to the pollution of the atmosphere; but it may confidently be expected, that by a wise ad- ministration of a legislative enactment, carefully framed, a great progres- sive diminution of the smoke of large manufacturing towns will be effected, and that the most happy results will thus flow from this improvement, in the increased health and moral feeling of their population, the intimate connection of which with facilities for cleanliness has been so often pointed out. PLATE-GLASS MAKING IN ENGLAND IN 1846, CONTRASTED WITH WHAT IT WAS IN 1827. (Compiled from authentic data by Henrv Hovvard, Blackwall, and 4, Railway-Place, Fenchurch-street. 1846. In 1840. Coals are landed at works near Loudon at about 13s. per ton. An annealing kiln contains 400 feet. A casting furnace produces 4,000 feet per week. Open pots are used, requiring less fuel, and containing about 20 cnt. each. Pearlasbes are about £23 per ton. The casting-table is heated underneath by cylinders, at scarcely any ex- pense. An engine of GO-horse power will grind and polish at least 3,000 feet per week. A grinding bench at Works grinds about 500 feet per week. A grindiugbench may be constructed to grind COO feet per week. A polishing bench at — Works polishes about 500 feet per week. A polishing-beoch can be constructed to polish better and cheaper nearW 1,000 feet per week. •' A company near London is making 8,000 feet per week, or more than 400,000 feet per annum. And that is insufficient, but they can make no more, having no room to extend. The price of rough plate (i and } of an inch thick) is Is. 6d. to 2s. per foot; (cost lOd. to Is. per fo»t.) And one compaujr has an order for 43 000 feet ! Wages are high, hut they do not amount to so much per foot as in 1827. The largest plates are made with perfect facility, at less than Ss per foot. And this amount may be still further reduced to about 23. 6d. per foot. None of the houses can keep stock, but can only supply their customers from hand to mouth, and that very inadequately. Summary — Average. — In 1827 Plate Glass sold for about 12s. per foot, to the extent of about 5,000 feet per week. " In I83G Plate Glass sold for from 85. to Os. per foot, to the extent of about 7,000 feet per week. In 1844 Plate Glass sold for from 63. to 7s. per foot, to the extent of about 23,000 feet per week. In 1846 Plate Glass sells for Ss. to Os. per foot, to tiie extent of about 40,000 feet per week. May 30. — Now nearly 45,000 fett per week— (Exclusive of foreign glass ) Looking at the extraordinary increase that has taken place, notwithstanding the severity of excise restrictions, and seeing that the demand now nro- grtsses more rapidly than ever, even at Ss. to 6s. per foot,— if the price were reduced to 43. or 3s. 6d. per foot (which, free as the trade now u from excise interference, would aUbrd ample profit), what must then be the demand ? In 1827 Coals in London were about 31s. 6d. per chaldron in the Pool, which, with lighterage, wharfage, and cartage to the works, rendered them about 40s. per chaldron, or 30s. per ton. An annealing kiln contained 200 feet. A casting furnace produced, say 1,200 feet per week. Hooded or covered pots were used for melting the glass, containing about 12 cwt. each. Pearlashes were at a high price, and heavy duty on alkali made there- from. Pearlashes were in 1836, £43 per ton. The casliug-lable was heated on the top by charcoal, at an expense of £500 per annum. An engine of 32horse power ground and polished (12 hours to the day) from 800 to 1,000 feet per week. A grindiug-beuch ground 200 to 250 feet per week. A polishing-bench polished, 200 to 250 feet per week. A plate-glasswork in London manufactured about 60,000 feet per annum The price of rough and moulded plate varied from 5s. to 6s. per foot. Wages were comparatively low. Large plates were made with great difficulty, and thecost on the average is estimated at about lOs. per foot. The manufactures kept a very large stock on hand. m THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [JULYI TRIAL OF MAIL STEAMERS. The Lords Commi9«ioDera of the Admiralty, having ordered a compara- tive trial to be made, to ascertain the speed of three new boats, recently built for service as mail packets, on the Dover station, the trial was made, and the following is given from impartial persons who were present during the whole time: — " Dover, May 31. "A most extraordinary trial of speed took place yesterday, between three of Her Majesty's steam-packets — Garland, Onyx, and Violet — the former being of wood, and designed by Mr. O. W. Lang, jun., assistant to the Master-shipwright at ('hatham Dockyard (son of Mr. Lang, Master- shipwright at Woolwich Dockyard), and built by Messrs. Fletcher and Sons, of Limehouse ; and the two latter well-known iron-boats, the fastest ever built, by Messrs. Ditchburn and Mare, of Blackwall; the dimensions uf the vessels being the same, and the engines also of equal power, by Messrs. Penn and Co., of Greenwich. "The Garland, under the able command of Captain Smithett, and the Onyx, Lieutenant-Commander Mudge, left Dover xi 7 o'clock, a.m , the latter having the mail and passengers for Ostend, Captain Mercer, R.N., Superintendent of Her Majesty's packets on this station, being ordered by the Admiralty for this purpose on board the Garland. " Off Dunkirk these two vessels were met by the Violet, Captain Sher- lock, who came out of Ostend to meet them and to return with the otheri. At this time, about 10 o'clock, the Garland had gone by and distanced the Onyx about a mile and a half. "The great trial of strength then was to beat the Violet, and although there was a decided superiority in this vessel over the Onyx, the Garland in less than three-quarters of an hour was far enough ahead of the Violet to be able to cross her bowes. After this a second trial was made, the Violet altered her trim, but in this the Garland showed a still greater supe- riority ; and in a third trial it was conclusive that the Garland could beat Violet about one-third of a mile an hour, and Onyx half a mile an hour, which has established the fact that the ' Wooden Walls of Old England' are not to be beaten by any other material or power, and we ought to con- gratulate ourselves and the country on the fact. "The Garland returned from Osiend to Dover this day in 3 hours 55 minutes, which is by far the quickest ever known, and has established her reputation a* being the fastest steamer in England. " The Garland also fell in with the Queen of the Belgians, the fastest of the South-Eastern Uamsgate steamers, and went round her in less than a quarter of an hour," THE NEW LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE "THE GREAT WESTERN." On June 13th an experimental trip was made on the Great Western, from London to Bristol and back, for the purpose of trying the tractive powers of the new monster engine "The Great We-tern." The train weighed ino tons, and consisted often first class carriages, seven of which were ballasted with iron, the other three being occupied by the directors and those intere-^ted in the experiment. The traiu started from Paddington at 11 hour 47 inin. 52 sec. It passed the 1st mde-posl at 1 1 hour 51 min. 1 sec, and came abreast of the 52Dd mile (immediately after which the breaks were put on for the stoppage at Didcot), at 12 hour 4.i min. 21 sec, running, therefore, the 51 miles, with a rise of 1 18 feet, in a few seconds over 51 minutes, or at an average speed of upwards of 50 miles per hour. At Didcot a stoppage of 5 min. 15 sec. took place. The mile-post beyond Didcot, viz. the o4th, was passed at 12 hour 54 rain. 27 sec, and the 75lh mile post (just after passing which the breaks were put on for the stoppage at Swiudoii) was reached at 1 hour 18 min. C sec, the dis- tance of 21 miles having been passed ovt-r in 23 min. 39 sec, or at the average rale of upwards of 54 miles an hour. At Swindon there was a stoppage of 4 min. 27 sec. The 78lh mile-post was passed at 1 hour 29 min. 30 sec, and the 98lh mile-post, which is a short distance on tlie Paddington side of the Box Tunnel, was reached at I hour 49 min. 26 sec, the 20 miles having therefore been accomplished in 19 min. 56 sec. or at upwards of a mile per minute. The train came abreast of the 117th niile-post at 2 hour 12 min. 3 sec. This gives the time occupied in running the distance lielween the 7Slh and n7th as 42 min. 33 sec. for the 39 miles, or something like 53 miles per hour. The maximum speed on the down journey was obtained between the 83rd and 92 mile-posts. Trom the 80th to the 84lh mile there is a falling gradient of 8 feet per mile, and from the S.i.lih to about the SGAth mile there is a falling gradient of about 1 in 100, and a fall of 8 feel per mile then reaches to about the 90J mile-post; a rising gradient of 8 feet per mile then succeeds, and exteiids beyond theI22iid mile-post. The train came abreast of the 63rd mile-post at I hour 31 min. 5G sec, and passed tlie 92nd mile-post at 1 hour 43 min. 8 sec, performing the 10 miles in 9 min. and 8 sec, or at an average speed "of nearly liO miles per hour. The 87th and 8Hth miles, on a falling gradient of 8 feet per mile, were run over at the rate of sixty nine miles per hour. The train arrived at Bristol about 15 min. past 2, thereby making the time occupied in starting from a state of rest to coming to a state of rest, or, in other words, from platform to platform, 2 hours 20 min., including stoppages, which averages a rate of 50 miles per hour. At Bristol, a collation awaited the invited goeslB, Mr. C. Russell, M.P., in the chair. In the course of his speech took occasion to remark that a greater speed mif,'/i< have been attained, had not one of the pumps for supplying the boiler wiih water given way shortly after passing Slough, to remedy which they were under the necessity of reducing the pressure in the buders. The train afterwards returned to London. Mr. Brunei drove the engine both ways. The principal dimensions of Ibis great locomotive are— Cylinders, 18 is. diam. and 2 ft. stroke; driving wheels, 8 ft. diain. ; supporting wheels, 4 ft. G in. diam. ; has six wheels and uiicuupled ; 27S tubes, 9 ft. long and 2 in. diam.; fire-box outside, 5 tt, G in. by 6 ft. ; inside, 4 ft. 10 in. by 5 ft. 4 in., with a partition through the middle, giving 160 ft. of heating surface, and 20 fts for area of tire-grate ; total heating surface, 1,750 ft. ; from level of rail to lop of cylindrical part of boiler, 9 ft. fl in. ; and from level of rail to lop of chimney, 14 ft. 8 in.; supporting wheels 16 fU apart, with ihe driving wheels in the centre ; total leiiglh of engine, 24 ft. ; tender on six wheels ; weight of engine, 30 tons ; lender, 15 tons. The following statement of the time kept between London and Bristol takeu from the Times slightly differs from the preceding slalemeut, which is given on the authority of the Railway Chronicle, Paddington Ist Utile 2nd „ 3rd „ -Itll „ ;.th „ fill) .. 7ib „ Stti „ Kih .. KHh „ 11th „ l-'ih ,. 13ili „ 14lll „ 15lli „ lUlb „ i;tli „ IStli „ I'J b ,. 20tli „ 21st „ Z'.'nd „ Maidenhead Twylord 32nd mile ixrd „ .■)4lh „ Reading; iAlh „ Slilll „ ,')7tli „ 38111 „ 3:jtll „ h. m. 8. 11 51 50 U 54 0 II .)5 2i U 5'i 40 1 1 57 4 ; U .W 4d II 59 51 0 57 1 55 2 56 3 58 4 59 5 58 6 51) 7 55 8 52 9 49 10 48 11 4« 12 12 45 12 13 45 12 14 4>! 12 U AH 12 16 48 12 25 4u 12 26 0 12 .7 10 12 28 i8 12 30 10 12 311 29 12 31 33 12 32 37 12 33 -Jl 12 34 47 40th „ 41st „ 42nd „ ••3rd „ 44lll „ 45lh ,. 46th „ 47th „ 481h „ 49th „ 50th „ Didcot Started again 53rd mile 64lh „ 55th „ 56th „ 57th „ 58lh „ 59th „ 60th ,. 61st „ 62nd „ 63rd „ 64th „ 65lh „ 66th „ 67th „ 68th „ 69th „ 70th „ 71st „ 72iid „ 73rd „ h. m. 8. 12 85 55 12 37 3 12 38 11) 12 39 l.i 12 41 21 12 41 2 12 42 34 12 4.1 40 12 44 4.< 12 45 65 12 47 4 12 50 10 12 .')5 25 12 .W 10 12 58 15 12 59 40 1 0 48 2 4 3 9 4 15 5 21 6 26 7 32 8 38 9 46 1 10 55 1 12 0 I 13 7 1 14 15 I 15 19 1 16 2i 1 17 27 1 18 32 1 19 38 74th „ 75th .. 76th „ Swindon St.nrted again 78ili mile 79th „ 80lh „ 81 St „ 82nd „ 8.(rd „ 84th „ 86lh „ 86th „ 87 th „ 88ht „ byth „ 90tb ,. 9>st „ 92nd „ 93rd „ 91th „ 9«th „ 97lh „ 98th „ mist „ I02iid „ lll3rl „ 104 h „ li'Sih „ liioth „ 118ih „ Biistol Time occupied b. ro. 1. 1 20 4S 1 21 Mt 1 22 »7 I 24 40 1 29 » 1 .12 U 1 33 3S 1 34 4a 1 85 4» I 36 4S 1 37 40 1 X8 at I 39 » 1 40 24 1 41 1» 1 42 It 1 43 3 I 43 57 1 44 5S I 45 51 I 46 4a 1 47 48 I 50 H 1 51 2 1 52 « 1 55 85 I 56 66 1 58 0 1 59 4 2 0 8 2 I 2« 2 15 12 2 16 :12 2 2i 41 •,* The results of this experiment are deemed by the advocates of th« broad gauge to settle the controversy in their favour, or, as Mr. Uusse II, M. P., chairman of the company, expressed it with more empha-is than elegance, " to put an end to the 'humbug' uf the narrow gaiigf." With great deference, however. It may be submitted that this is not quite cor- rect. The observation, that the engine would have gone faster if one of the pumps had not broken, seems a rather innocent one; for that "if" contains llie whole gist of the matter. They never get up any astonishing perfonnauces on the Great Western Railway without one of these casual- ties ociurriug. We are constantly told of the wonderful feats of the ex- press trains, but tliose wlio are accustomed to travel by this railway are always on the look out for some accident especially, which, if it do not involve loss of life and limb, causes a detention. There is always "a screw loose somewhere," or if it be not loose at starting, it works loose during the journey. Now what is wanted in an important commercial agent such as the Great Western or the Birmiiigliam Railway, is not a lew showy results now and llien, but coll^laut uniformity and punctuality — not an excessive speed, but oue which may be thoroughly depended upon. Until, tl erefore, the Great VVe^terll Company can work their engines at these high velocities for tniiHlli.i together, and pass over the points and crossings at llie interme- diate stations, without accident, they will not have proved their point. We offer no opinion here as lo the superiority of either gauge ; it seems to us that too many opinions have been offered already. As far as we can judge, the best laiUvay gauge, if we had to begin de nolo, would be one of intermediate width. but whether excess or deficiency of width be the great- est evil we cannot decide ; of neither gauge have the powers been yet suf- ficenlly developed lo render it possible to pronounce an authoritative opio- lon. However, this is certain, that the diversity of gauge has at least one beneficial result; it stimulates the rival eugioeers to exert ihemseltes lo the utmost. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECPS JOURNAL. 199 ROMAN REMAINS AT COLCHESTER. The fifth mimber of the Journal of the British Archaeological Association •ontains a descri(.tion of some remarkable specimens of Roman art, discover- ed at Colchester. Among them was a sphynx, sculptured in stone, found in the garden of the General Hospital, about ten paces from the west wall, and about fifty-five paces from the London Road, at two feet from the surface of the soil : close to it was dug up a fragment of the tibia of a human leg, bones of oxen, deer, pigs, and fowls, with Roman pottery ; and between twenty and thirty paces from the same spot, part of a scpulnhral inscription to the me- mory of one or more legionary soldiers. Within the hounds of the hospital were dug up at the same tijne a large quantity of building materials, ted and white tiles, coarse and unhewn stones, used probably in foundations, and a great many well-hewn fragments of a stone called swanage, from a place in the Isle of Purbeck, where it is chiefly dug; the fragment of the inscription above alluded to is of the same material. The stone in which the sphvnx is sculptured is freestone, brought probably from Portland. Very recently, Mr. Taylor, the resident surgeon, has noticed, in the same locality, a Roman wall, from four to five feet wide, and from ten to twenty feet in length, as far as it was excavated. A bronze statuette of a sphynx, about an inch and a half high, was found in 1820, within a few yards of the stone figure. As a work of art, the sculptured sphynx exhibits a good taste and executive skill of no mean order. The fabled monster of Thebes, combining the five-fold attri butes of a virgin, a lion, a bird, a dog, and a serpent, is correctly exhibited in accordance with the ancient myths in which it figures so conspicuously. The head, breasts, and arms, are those of a beautiful virgin ; the fore-paws are of a lion; the body and fecund dugs indicate a bitch ; the hinder part takes the lion's form ; and the tail, doubled upon itself in short foldings, is the serpent in repose. The mangled remains of a human being lie beneaih the figure, and protrude on both sides. The head of the victim is extremely well executed ; the eyelids are closed ; the mouth is drawn down at the cor- ners; muscles are strained and set, and the countenance, sunk in death, con- veys an expression of exhaustion and agony. Altogether, the composition is good and harmonious, and is probably of early date. On the base is cut a large S, douhtU ss a mark of the quarrier or of the sculptor. In the collection of Mrs. Mills, of Lexden Park, is a bronze figure of Cupid riding on a sea-griffin, discovered some years since in excavating for laying the foundations of Colchester bank, but which has been hitherto un- published. The god of love is often represented riding on the back of a lion, or on dolphins and sea-monsters, emblematical of his omnipotence, which is well symbolised in the triform griffin, a combination of bird, beast, and fish, ebedient and tractable under the gentle sway of the youthful divinity. AUST PASSAGE BRIDGE. Sir— With respect to Mr. Fulljames's letter on the subject of the Aust Passage Bridge, I beg to state that in the paper published with the names of Mr. Giles and myself in your April number, there was no claim to originality in the proposition to build a bridge across the Old Passage of the Bristol Channel at Chepstow, the idea having been originally suggested by Mr. Tellord many years since. A mere reference to the map will at once point out the Aust Passage as the narrowest part of the channel in that neighbourhood. The occurrence of rocks, visible at low water and suitable for the foundation of piers, is a still further recommendation of that locality for a suspension bridge. The span of the bridge at Freiburg is 820 feet, and Telford proposed one of 1,000 feet at Runcorn. There is no doubt that this could be con- structed so far as the mere strength of the main chains is concerned but the liability to undulation is a very serious obstacle. I see no reason to alter the opinion already expressed that the plan which I have been anx lous to lay before the public, would completely remedy that defect which has proved very injurious to the most celebrated of our suspension biidses iQ exposed situations I believe that a bridge with radial bars would if properly constructed, be quite capable of allowing the passage of railvv'av trains, and that opinion is confirmed by considering the strenglb which lat Uce brulges have by actual experience been found to possess wIm^'^T,"''. ""i^ '''^P^''*7 bridge proposed by me was firs't published in Weale s Quarterly Papers for Lady-day, 1845, and I there gave an outline of the design, which was afterwards described in a more complete form ,n your Journal, f,.r a bridge over the Aust Passage. Mr. Fulljames appears to intimate some intention of commenting upon my calculations 1 shall feel very much obliged to him for pointing out aT/ Hie errors which he is able to detect. ^ I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, Francis BAsiiFonTii. REVIE'WS. Studies of Ancient Domestic Architectdre, with obsermtions on the Application of Ancient Architecture to the Pictorial Composition of Modem Edifices. By Edward Buckton Lamb, architect. Twenty Plates 4to London, Weale. 1846. A book, that comes with a quotation from Candidus for the motto on iU title-page, brings with it, as may be supposed, a letter of recommendation to us, nor has the prepossession in its favour, so caused, been at all de- ceived. Mr. Lamb-whose name has repeatedly been mentioned by us for praise in our notices of the architectural drawings in the Royal Aca- demy's exhibitions-has here produced an exceedingly clever work, re- plete with original remark and sound instruction. In the generality of architectural publications in which engravings constitute the leading and foremost feature, the letter-press is either of very subordinate quality- little better than mere filling-up stufi-, or anything but architectural-some- limes evidently the compilation of some book-maker, who besides pillagiDR not only bis matter, but entire paragraphs verbatim from others, does 00*1 seem to have even so much as looked at the plates to which he was writing. Such is not the case here, for, though all the subjects represent actual ex- amples of ancient-that is, Old English-domestic architecture, instead of cramming his pages with gossip history about the houses themselves and the people (all their kindred included) by whom they have been occupied, Mr. Lamb leaves those readers who have a taste for such " information'' to seek it in professedly topographical works, contenting himself with speaking of the respective subjects, " exclusively with reference to artistic criticism elucidated by direct example." Criticism of that kind— espe- cially so good of its kind as what we here obtain— is rather a scarce arti- cle ; at least, it is very rarely served up to the general public, who are kept upon a water-gruel diet of discussion about "styles" alone ; as if people needed to have such incipient information to be dinned into them on every occasion, and needed no other instruction at all. A very great deal more, it may be suspected, is requisite for enabling them to make use of such " first-step" knowledge, when we find that even those who can show off very fluently, so long as they stick to styles and dates, either become quite mule in regard to anything further, or else betray that their knowledge is all got by rote, and does not reach beyond what just enables them to dis- criminate between one style and another, but leaves them incapable of judging of individual productions of the art, except as they happen to con- form to or deviate from precedent. So strongly, indeed, is a blind and servile regard to Precedent now insisted upon, that nothing seems to be left for us to do in architecture but to copy literally what has been done; be- sides which, it might be thought that those who lived in former ages had so completely foreseen and anticipated all the wants of the present one and of our actual social condition, as to render any further modification of the styles we borrow from them wholly unnecessary— and not only unneces- sary, but dangerous. If Precedent is to be so followed— not as a guide merely going before us on the road, but one on whose footmarks we must plant our own feet at every step,— we may as well renounce at once, both for ourselves and for architecture, the power of doing anything that has not been done before. Those who cautiously follow Precedent step by step generally hobble along though they may not stumble ; yet better is it that some should stumble— perhaps, break their necks— than that a whole generation should go hobbling along, and perhaps, at last, get angry and shove Precedent aside, and fairly take their leave of him altogether. We are not losing sigbt of Mr. Lamb all this while, for we are glad to find that he has not at all more respect for that same bugbear Precedent than ourselves. He too considers Precedent- that is, that " slavish ad- herence to it which paralyses all invention"— to be the " very rust of art —the canker that feeds upon its vitality." After all, too scrupulous a regard to precedeet aflfords not the slightest defence against bad taste in architec- ture and decoration, for, as is here observed, " the worst conceits of the Pompeian, ihe tawdriest crinkum-crankums of the Louis Quatorze style, are facsimilized by our decorators, as if the taste displayed in them were so pure and perfect, that to deviate from it would be profanity." — But let us begin at the beginning, taon ami Belier, and, certes, the opening para- graph of the volume is well penned, and serves as a very appropriate ves- tibule—to express ourselves architecturally— to what follows. " At the time of its being re-introduced and adopted into modern prac- tice, so very ill was our mediaeval architecture understood, so great was the ignorance that prevailed even as to its very nature, constitution, and physiognomy, and so completely was even thatordinary sort of good taste which is founded upon good sense disregarded, that notwithstanding lis evident and almost total unfitness for the purpose, the ecclesiastical style 200 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [July, of former times was taken-or, to speak more correctly, mistaken— as one for imilation in modern residences, while our ancient Domestic architec- ture" (Mr L. rejects the orthodox final k of the Camdenists in Uomes- ti-k") a -examples of which are, or were then at least, suflTiciently nu- merous and varied, both in towns and in the cnuntry,-was overlooked altoeeth-r. Church windows — or something like church windows- spruced up and divested of all characteristic finish and detail, entitled a modern house to be called a Gothic mansion. In like manner a line ol battlements, and perhaps a turret or two besides, were deemed quite f,ut- ficient to constitute a very passable ' castellated style. Then again, we bad Gothic cottases-perhaps the race is not yet quite "'""^'-'P"'" little thinirs, whose Gotldcism lay in their having po.nted-arch apertures tor windows In short, had it been intended to parody and burlesque our former styles of architecture, for the purpose of bringing them into con- tempt, hardly any better mode could have been devised. This is most true; and not the least singular part of the matter is, that the most egregious parody and burlesque of all should have been perpe- trated by one who not only set up for but actually was, and by some still is, looked upon as an accomplished antiquary and a profound authority in matters of taste ; for in both the one character and the other, most cora- pletel) does Strawberry Hill damn the credit of Horace Walpole. The Strawberry Hill humbug, however, is over; and, as Mr. Lamb says, " We can now laugh at such things as supremely ridiculous, although the laugh will not bejoined in cordially by every one,-not by those who have had such flagrantly absurd taste entailed upon them by their immediate predecessors, and perlwps at an enormous expense. Even yet, however, he continues, " Ancient Domestic architecture is not suHicien ly under- derstood. In regard to certain individual features that serve as distinctive marks of buildings of that class, it may be allowed to be tolerably well understood at the present day ; yet hardly is it so in iis nature as a style —as one capable of expressing itself distinctly, decidedly, and without any alfectalion, even on ordinary occasions. In like manner, as there may be a great deal of ami at character by means of certain pretensions fea- tures, yet. after all. little of it in general composition, and just as little of artistic effect,— so may a very strong degree of character be kept up or produced where there is apparently scarcely anything to account for it. In art— and I would wish to assert such title for architecture— it is only what would be called a few trifling touches that frequently contribute all the difference between the masterly and the trivial. Unfortunately for architecture, it has not been considered necessary to teach more than ele- mentary forms, without regard to their value and elTect in combination ; in other words, without regard to composition and character. It is true, the really ariivdcaMies beyond the limits of the teachable, yet for that very reason ought students to be impressed with the necessity for striving to advance beyond mere rules— with the necessity for self thinking. Now, confound the book ! we go on transcribing and transcribing with- out knowing where to stop ; and feel ourselves shrunk from a reviewer into a mere copyist. And, as if on purpose to vex us, what is said is so much to the purpose and so well expressed, that we cannot attempt to condense it without injuring it. We must, therefore, skip over a very great deal^ and content ourselves with producing some of the passages which have most arrested our attention, or which are sufficiently intelligible in the separate form of extracts. The following is one of them : — . " The reproduction of ancient forms cnn never be the means of continu- ing (Iw art as it was practised by those whom we afl'ect to imitate by merely dning exactly as they did uniler widely different circumstances. The adoption of the improvements necessarily resulting from advancing refinement has ever influenced architecture. The whole history of the art, in our own country in particular, attests this. Almost every successive century produced some markeil change — some one of those distinct modes which we designate styles, though all belonging to one general style. Be it especially observed, loo, that such successive changes were always gra- dual and uniformly progressive : ihere was in those days no such thing as the re assumption of any torraer style. Wherefore there is reason to be- lieve, that had not an eniirely new direction been given to architecture in the sixteenth century, the very latest (Jolhic or best Tudor might have been carried on much longer, and would have acquired fresh spirit and energy. We of the present day are, on the contrary, at once exceedingly strict, and exceeilingly lax, — most bigotii-d in some respects, and most latituilinarian iu others; for although sliockeil at the idea of presuming to treat any one style with artistic freedom, our taste is so pliant that it accommodates itself to nearly all styles alike, just as whim or fashion brings them by lurns into vogue. For all the styles we possess we are eniirely indebted to those who have gone before us, not even attempting to make any addition of our own to the general stock ; whereas, by continuing the same spirit winch marked the works of preceding ages, we should in a short time work out a stjie accommodated to our actual requirements, and at the same time marked by asthetic quality." Very different is this from— we need not say how much more rational and how much more cheering than — that doctrine which would convert art into mere mechanical routine, and which tacitly proclaims— (mark the bull!) — disbelief in the ability of architecture to do more ihan copy and repeat its former deeds and doings. It would seem that, though its hands may be as strong as ever, its intellectsareimpaired— its imagination completely gone / so that it has become not only prosaic, but a twaddler and proser at once boastful and desponding, and for ever and anon exclaiming "Oh! the days when I was young!" Not content with its keeping to one route, pedants and sticklers for precedent insist upon architecture being handcuffed and manacled also. If it presumes to put forth a finger or make a single movement of any kind that is not in conformity with their instructions, they stand aghast at iis temerity and audacity. Yet surely there is nothing un- reasonable in demanding that we should be allowed to continue any style which we have taken up, by modifying and adapting it to existing occa- sions and purposes. The right of such continuation-process has been claimed in Germany, where its good effects have shown themselves in several instances. That it has been uniformly attended with success we do not say ; but for what style, we would ask,— let it be adhered to ever so slavishly,— can uniform success be insured ? Some have gone astray, quite astray perhaps ;— well, what then ?— are we to have no more wine because some people get beastly drunk with it ?— or " are we to have no more cakes and ale because Sir Robert is virtuous 1" Let it also be care- fully borne in mind that the ultimate efficacy of a continuation-process is not to be prejudged from its beginnings. It must have lime to operate. A tree does not bear the desired fruit the very day after it has been engrafted. At any rate, those who do not care to venture upon any fresh ideas them- selves, ought not to discourage others by " pooh-poohing" and sneering. To say the truth, their doing so betrays what they would most studiously of all conceal, namely, their apprehension not of failure for others, but of their success, — apprehension lest ihose who are more enterprising and pos- sess more artistic stamina than themselves should get forward by leaping over the fence that bounds the beaten pathway. It is easy enough, it will perhaps be objected, for any one to say that we ought to modify those styles belonging to former periods which we novy make use of; the difficulty lies in the doing it. True: and to be re- proached for not doing it might seem too much like an inconsiderate if not , insolent taunt on the part of a mere writer on architecture, totally unprac- tised in design. Such a one speaks uuder the comfortable assurance that his o«n ability will never be put to the test ; but the author of the present volume has shown that he is capable of acting up to his own doctrine, and . that while treating a style freely, he can be truer to the spirit of it than many one who pique themselves upon copying from it literally, and can produce " certificate" for each separate pait in their designs. There are buildings which cut a very brave figure in descrip'ion, yet a very sorry one when beheld; for we then ofttimes find that the great something in words, turns out to be a nothing in reality, or at the best, something very feeble and poor. Nor is it iu the treatment of style alone that Mr. Lamb shows /orul falls on ti.e fi«.l suidecnrves F,F; from these ,t r,.she9 in horizontal streams a-nirist the pa.Mle.s in the revolviog-wheel D D and finallv escapes at the cirnumfer.-nce D I). Tl'e revolvinc wheel is connected by CC with a shaft R 15, whifh turns on a pivot at its lower extremity. B B carries a main axle A A, which goes up throneh the water cylinder, and is applied to tiiru the ma< liinery of the cotton factory. J J as has been explained, is the sluice which resulates the supply of water' The manner in which .1 J may be raised or lowered is easily seen from the diagram. The arms ()..0 contain ma-rices, in which the screws P !• work : these screws are at the ends of hmg rods Q, Q, lurneTl by winches not shown in the diagram. It is clear that by turning Q, Q one way or the other, the sluice will be either raised or lowered. L K, M, show the means of packing .1 J to keep it waler-tiiiht. u'is a little conduit hiy which oil is conducted from a small reservoir to keep the pivot R constantly lubricated. The main shaft and pivot are of steel, the wheel of wronght-iron, and all the other parts of cast iron. Though the wheel is only 124 inches in diameter it drives 8,000 water spindles, the roving frames, carding engines, and all 'the accessory machinery. The number of revolutions with i of an inch sluice opening, are 2,200 per minute. The available fall of water is 3.50 feet. The following is Ruhlman's account of his first impressions on examin- ing this machine: — r n r The second turbine erected by the inventor at St. Blas.en, with a fall of 1 17 ards, has become more important than any other. 1 can best descrihe this turbine bv detailing what 1 myself saw and learned upon the spot duru g be journev already referred to. Already, half an hour before a r r i - in^ at the remarkable locality of St. Blasien, situated in one of the most beautiful huralso of the wildest and londiest parts of the Schwartzwald of Baden, a curious noise announces the uncommon spectacle, which becomes more estraordinary as you approach. On entering into the wheel-room one learns t''"-^,. *'^'.'''''* ^l*^'.;" heard at a distance about this place was not merely mystification, hot reality. One then feels seized with astonishment, and wonders, more than in any other place, at the greatness of human ingenuity, which knows how to ren- der suhiect to it the most fearful powers of Nature. , , . ■ At every moment the powerful pressure appears likely to ""- •" f-"^ the little ^heel, and the spiral masses of water issuing from it threaten o de-troy the surrounding walls and buildings. Often when I went out of the wh l.room, and looked at the enormous height from which the conducting Tubes bring down the water to the wheel, the idea f-™", '" rZk into .- that it v.w'LS impossible," but that idea passed away when I went back into ''Fomnejr^rhas here, for the first time, solved a P™"'-;. -';'=^,;'" [- ever render his name historical in the technical and scientific world a pro- blem in which he had to overcome not only the greatest ^'''•'^'l"^''"''; but also disfavour and prejudices in a thousand '"'""■ ^''" •=""''' '!"'„, 7 other means of utilizing this existing water power ? Perhaps a water-pies- sure e"L, might be applied ? Certainly not ; since even without pro ing, by ca ad Uo^ low little that kind of machine is suited for rotatory triotion t is only necessary to consider the very difficult and very power-destroying conversion of a vertical reciprocatini; moti.m into an uniform rotatory mo- tion, in order to sufliciently appreciate the difficulties. The conclusions arrived at respecting the general merits of the invention Beem well worthy of attention, fur they are expressed by an impartial wit- ness, who has taken great pains to get at the troth. „ ,. , . It is certainly not true that turbines are capable of totally displacing ver- tic. wate wh els, as was at first asserted. The greatest obstacles to the er?cti^n,corstr:.ction,audworkirgof turbines, at least in Germaiiy ari frnn the fact that many years must elapse before our m.lUrigl ts will have a red the necessarV theoretical knowledge an practical "penence With these machines everything must be really calculated. 1 Ml not do lo construct one wheel after the pattern of another, or to trust to what s iiTt! P nractical shape But also the construction of these wheels, in h Irk hlo e machine-maker, requires the greatest care, ohserva. on td prudence, otherwise, no matter how it may be calculated, a good wheel "^riluovralt'udiyadmittedlhatFourneyrondeceived himself in supposing tl a h e wtel VcLmized 80 per cent, and more of the total available that "«^«^ « "f ' ;™ ^„,, f„iiest expeiience has shown that they economize c'^Uinlv from cot 70 per cent., wh'en those precautious are taken which 1 \A i.fl QftP.irlpH tn in t\ieir formation. ' Fma 1 as to the cl oice between vertical wheels and turbines, in any par- .. -'p it is decidedly to lie considered that in every case where an Vnrwi;eel or a whee \..i,h tolerably high breast, and what are termed refill slu^eolbre ted. such is to be preferred to the turbine ; since llefomrw,;™ carefully constructed, easily economizes more than 70 p^r ient of the puwer. Yet in cases, as in cornmills, where the horizontal mo- " a 0 lb turbine may be immediately made use of, or where there is much hack water to contend against, this assertion may require to he modified, since, as mentioned already, the turbine may be sunk to a considerable dei.th in the back water, without losing any material proportion of its po-.ver. In every ca'.e of a fall, eilber higher or lower than that ^u.talile for an overshot v^-bcd, the turbine deserves decidedly the preference, and th.-ir not being erected in all such localities can only arise from "ant of knowledge, the apprehension of their being badly made, or of their cost being greater than that of the vertical wheel, which it should not really be. The share which Sir Hubert Kane has in this work as translator is by do means an unimportant one. He ha? reduced all the German and French measures to the English standard, and has interspersed the test with useful notes. Hi? introduction is also valuable, for it directs the inquiries of those who require more iuformalion than that given in the present treatise, and h.s undertaking is, on the whole, a very valuable coutribulion to the literature of engineering. The principal practical objection to the use of the turbine is, we believe, the difficulty of preventing the smaller parts of the machine from being stopped up by impurities in the water. The velocity with which the water is required to be discharged from the wheel renders it difficult to strain or filler the water sufficiently without impeding the current. It may be useful to observe that in order that the full effect of the water may be obtained, it ought, when issuing from the circumference of the wheel, to be moving with the same linear velocity as the point from which it issues. For this is clear, that if the water be moving with gieater ve- locity than the extremity of the channel between the paddles from which it issues, then, had the length of the channel been greater, the water would have co'utinued to impinge on the paddles, and would have done more work. Again, if the vyater be moving at l^ss velocity than its point of exit, it is obvious that, for some distance before the exit, tlie channel has been urging the water forward, instead of the water impelling the channel. But iu°the°case where the velocities of the water and its point of exit are equal neither acts on the other: the water no longer impels the channel, which shows that all the work is got out of it; and the channel does not urge the water, which sho«3 that the motion is not impeded. This is the reason why turbines are made to revolve with so great velocity as that stated above. Very similar reasoning will show that the end of the channel ought to be a lan-ent to the circum'erence of the wheel ; for in that case neither does the'water act on the wheel nor the wheel on the water at the point of exit- whereas, had the channel been more or less oblique, either the wate'r must have been pressing on the paddles, or the paddles on the water, at the moment of issuing. It may be useful to some of our readers to know that there is a model of Fourneyron's turbine in the model-room of the Museum of Economic Geoh.gy in Cr,,ig's-court, Charing-cross-a museum little visited, be- cause, we suppose, it is one of the most interesting in Loudou, and is per- fectly open to the public. Wealv/s QiiARTiiRLY PAPERS ON ENGINEERING, for Christmas, 1S45 ; part X., published June \st, 184G. Weale, pp. 204, 16 PlaUs. The present part contains four papers: the first, a continuation of the "History of the IMachinery and Manufactures of Great Britain," occupies 137 pages; the "Memoir on the Thames Tunnel," 29 pages ; " an ac- count of the Construction and Statistics of the liailway from Frankfort to Wisbaden," 27 pages with 15 plates ; " a description of the proposed Wet Dock on the Wear at Sunderland," 11 pages, with one plate. The first paper is devoted to the manufactures and improvements lO machinery during the seventeenth century, and displays considerable an- tiquarian research. It contains, among other subjects of interest, an ac- count of the efforts of Parliament to remedy the abuses arising from the royal privilege of granting patents. That wise and revered monarch, kin- James I., seems, lo use a common phrase, to have made a good thing of l°is power of protecting inventors, for he frequently managed lo share the profits, without bearing any part in the risk of the speculation, ror example, in 1612 was granted "a patent to Simon Siurlevaut for diver, mechanic arts aud mysteries of his own invention, whereby all kinds of metal woikes now made after the ordinaric course with wood- fuel and charcoal, may bee as well made and wroughte with sea coale, pit coale, earth coale, and brush fewel." The agreement was this- the profits were to be divided into thirty-three parts, ten of which were to go to the King, five to Prince Henry, two to the Uuke of York, and one to Viscount Rochester: the remaining ./?/tec« shares were to be the property of the patentee, who was to find all the money and run the "■''"*'■;»*■•• Fortunate Simon Sturtevant - The paper contains also a copy of the Mar- 1846. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 203 quis of Worcester's celebrated " Centurie of Inventions." The marquis mii^t have lici-n an eMniurdiimry man, for, by his own account, he eliected several physical iiiipossibililies. The coiiliniiatiun of the memoir of tlie Thames Tunnel follows. The account of ihe repeated discouraging failures to whicli Sir 1. Brunei was aubjected iu the progress of Ins great work, and the courage witli which he persevered, is very inleresling. There are not, however, in the present Dumber any of tho;-e adniiralile plates, representing the mechanical con- trivance employed by Hrnnel in the Thames Tunnel, which rendered the former portions of this memoir of speciliu value to the engineer. The letterpress description of the Krankf irt and Wisbadeu railway does nut possess an interest cummeusurale with the excellence of the engrav- ings by which it is illustrated, for the ground traversed by the railway is so level that there are few, if any, engineering works worthy of detailed description. We can speak from personal knowledge of the excellent regulations by which this railway is nwiiaged, and the convenience of di- viding the pas-ieiigers iii\o four clauses, all of whom travel much more cheaply than ihey would iu linglaad, and are seated in comfortable car- riages defended from the weather and the smoke aud hot cinders of the engine. In (lermany, the comforts of the poor are less lallud about than in England, but we are not certain that they are less attended to. The new dock at Suudt-rland is designed by Mr Stephenson and Sir. Murray, and is to be 27 acies in extent. The following extract from the report of iMr. Walker, who was commissioned by the Lords of the Admi- ralty to examine the plan proposed, will explain the principal novelty in Ihe design : — "The lift of a spring tide heing only 14 feet 6 inches, the dock is to be 6 feet under low water, giving 20 leet (i inches water in the dock on a spring, and 17 feet on a neap tide. The above depths can he maintained in the dock, liut the riepih at the bar at the harbour mouth is two feet less, so that with the " scud " of sea during a north-east gale a vesel drawing more than 14 feet cannot venture over the bar with safety. To have the dock so much deeper than the approaih to it would be of little use, and yet, from the great draught of ships from foreign ports, it would be very . • " This is one of those close approximations which, though not rigidly correct as an abstract mathematical proposition, is much too uear the truth to permit any discrepancy to appear after the most critical examination ; It being understood that when the radius is as snail as twenty chains, the length of the tangent io restricted to three chains, and when it is three miles radius It is restricted to eight chaius, it is between these limits that rail- way curves are supposed to range. " In Ihe praciical slaking out of curves the offsets from the tangent to the circle at each chain length, expressed in inches, or feet and inches are made use of, aud from ihe preceding paragraph it will be seen that having the oS'set from the tangent lor one chaiu length given, the succeediug chaius will be deduced from it by miilliplyiiig by 4, 9, 10, 23, &c. " It perhaps will not be amiss at this stage to point out a rule for finding these offsets, which is panicularly cunveuieiit when the radius is some aliquot part of a mile, like the principle euunciated iu section 2, to which it IS so closely allied, it is practically correct, but not mathematically true. Its somewhat singular phraseology runs thus — from the square of the tan- gent in chains subtract Us ,Jjlh part ; divide the remainder by the diameter of ihe circle in miles, aud ten times the quotient is the required oti'set in inches. A Treatise on the Steam Engine. By the Artizan Club. Parts XXIV. and XXV. Longmau : 1S40. As these are the concluding parts of the treatise, we may as well say a few words respecting its general character, notwithstanding that the work has already been frequently noticed in these pages. Excepting an excellent folio plate giving views of 14 of the most cele- brated varieties of direct action marine engines, the present numbers con- tain little that possesses independent interest, for they are chiefly occupied by the index. We have however the introduction, by the editor, Mr. Bourne, aud the character which he gives his own performance is on the whole so nearly correct, that we are content that it should be taken as an expression of our Judgment on the work. "The circumstance of having been published in monthly numbers fur- nishes, of itself, au explanation of many imperfections ; for it can hardly be expected that works produced under the exigencies of periodical pub- lication should be distinguished by the perfections which belong to literary leisure aud fastidious ePaboratioo. I have been obliged to confide the greater portion of the theoretical part of the present work to some mathe- matical assistants, whose algebra has, I fear sometimes risen lo a needless luxuriance, and iu whose superfine speculatious the engineer may perhaps discern the hand of a tyro. In spue, however, of its iniperfeclioiis I be- lieve that the present Treatise on the Steam Engine is likely to prove the most useful yet published ; and it is the only one, 1 believe, which can be regarded as of a really practical character. Although falling far short of my conceptions of what such a work should be, 1 believe that it substan- tially fulfils the promise held out iu the prospectus; and having now col- lected the rough materials, I irust to be able, should another edition be called for, to clear them of the drojs by which they are now didgured, and present them ia a form that will in some measure justify ihe public appro- bation. '• The preliminary and practical portions of the work have, for the most part, been executed by me, the disquisitions upon the slide valve and parallel motion are taken from the 'Artizan,' aud oiher portions of the work are by various members of Ihe Artizan fraternity. In the praciical part of the work I have been able to obtain but little assistance from pre- Mous auihors, and many of the subjects discussed are now brought for the first time bef(»re Ihe public. Mr. Farcy's work, though of great merit, gives but little iuforniation of any kind touching modern engines; and Tredgold's work is chiefly made up of mathematical sublimities, whicii have but little relation lo practice." The acknowledgement of the theoielical errors is made in a manner which disarms criticism. As far as we could judge the errors arose from an attempt to coiubiue the theory of De Pambour with that of Tredgold — that is, the true with the false. We have uo besitatioa in saying that 26« THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 204 Tredgold's theory of the stcan. en;;inc bears the sr.me relation to the truth v,bich the speculations of the old (ireek philosophers respect.ng planetary motion bore. The evaporative power of the boiler as an ,ngred>ent of nu- : al calcula.ion is e'ntirely neglected in Tred^old's theory, and the gross Trrors of principle with which his work is mied are made ten t.mes wo .e bv Mr. Woolhouse's profession of having corrected the,,,. It .s really too late, now that De Parabour's masterly investigations have been for s,. or .even years before the world, to endeavour to revive Tredgold s exploded views and we regret that the trealise before us should have been .n- j„red by this injudicious attempt. However the reader is, we are very Mad to find, put upon his guard in the preface, and it is therefore h>s own ''r;.r^^m:nr:;'i,e present work is the vast quantity of inh^rmation whicl. it alfords as to details of construction. In this respect ■' f-ms un- nvalled. The only thing to be complained of under .h,s head >s that a large amount of matter is frequently compressed into so small con, pas. that he eader will often have a difliculty in finding the informat.on for wh.ch he s in search. The book is not sufficiently digested-not systemat.c enoug It contains avast store „f invaluable facts, but these l.keoter warehoused commodities, are frequently so crowded together that U .s d.f- hcult to get at them. Mr. Bourne talks of having a new ed,t,on we hope ,1 a he n ay be encouraged ,o do so, and that he will adopt >n U a s.mp le lid Let arrangement by vU.ich the reader may find " every th.ng >u .ts place, and a place for every thing." [JULT, Hand Book of Mapping and Engineering Drawing. By B. P. 'W iI-ME. London: Weale, 1846, quarto. Parte. Page 6i). This is the concluding part of a practical treatise on engineer.ng draw- i„g, which has been already favourably noticed by us. The P-^n part contains a comparison of the different methods of copy.ng maps « descr.p- tl of drawing instruments, methods of representing geological strata, &c. There are some useful suggestions respecting the execution of Parliamentary Plans, which will be of interest to some of our readers, and may be quoted as a fair specimen of the character of the book. " By the standing orders of the House of Commons, engineers and snr- vevorsVre required to plot their railway plans at a scale of no le^s than veyors are icquii ."p,,, ^,,:j,i, of railway surveys vanes from 5 to 20 20 chams to an inch, fhe width ot f^' J ■ j^,, ,■„( ,„ i,, ^,. ft' Uo s^:' Tef IV ir e plot; nnd number all honsls, fields, &c., tended to '%*^° .^■'^^;"2lil,„' rhe limits of deviation are certain lines vvnen ran ^jy pnlareed plans of those subdivisions of land usual C<=°"P" f° 'y '° f !" '" dX ,P„„ses, &c., subdivisions being often tXVesXl ho.h by drawing and numbering ; a -P-^ ^-^f^ -'f J "id'JLf be written, an'd of late days the co«„/, -- -^P -^me ^f Inn of each sheet. The sheets are numbered 1,2, 3, iit., ana tne name oi he hue of railway is sometimes written over the number o the street as Elvertou No 1. The enlarged plan should be p aced in each case direcUy tumbled together that H '^^l^i^-if j-;:;-^ 7 1 1^ in ^'::^ It: c"reVo°cc;: ; t tt ^lu i-i-- «' a scale of 20 chains to an rncMtee'aUrged plans are usurUy plotted at a scale of five chains to an '"The scale of si. chains to an inch is one frequently adopted (or F^vli^- .1^ frradw.y pi^ ; ^f^^^^^^ :^^:z:.'::z:^n^ mmmmm ^r^ca;:: Tins is done with a ;>- . ..bscure a. - - P-^^> ad«,iS of plans being drawn at a large scale it ''/f '^^^^ ';'" "^^ "' the time be sbojt, the work will be sooner done at a small scdlt. « \gain for the duplicate plans ; this becomes a consideration. Litho- Eraphers charge a less sum for lithographing and printing plans at a small ^cale, than at a large one. Lithography has of late years become a very favourite medium with engineers and surveyors, for the production of dup- licate plans for parliamentary deposit. It certainly has much to recom- mend it, and in proper hands, it would he a most invaluable medium. It is to be regretted tliat this art, (as applied to the purpose above named), almost essential to the surveyor, has fallen into the hands of an ignorant class of persons, viz., the picture-copiers and lithographic printers. It were impossible to detail the mischief annually done by persons being in- trusted with this class of business, who are totally ignorant of the construc- tion or use of maps. The numerous railway schemes brought before I ar- liament during the last two sessions have compelled engineers and other persons intrusted with the getting up of plans and sections to employ a miscellaneous collection of persons, who had never before been similarly enaaaed A proportionate amount of mischief has been the consequence. It is painful to see even the professed picture-copiers or lithographic artists attempt to copy plans. The most ridiculous blunders are made, as nnght be expected : but of this no more. The remedy is simple ; at least the evil may lo a great extent, be le5sened,if not altogether removed. Letsurveyors lithograph their own plans, or employ their draughtsmen upon them ■ much tine and expense would thus be saved. The picture-copiers and litho- ..raphic artists would no longer have their brains addled with pursuits ^bove their capacity ; and the lithographic p'inters would have the plans put into their hands in a perfect state, instead of being oh iged o send them back to the lithographic ignoramus for every alterauon of his blunders required to be made by the engineer, on examining proofs. In fact, by tb« method recommended above, the necessity of proving may be m a great measure dispensed with. i i „■ • . "The principal point to be attended to in getting op such drawings is to draw them accurately. There is seldom time for pains-taking with em- bellishment, and the plainest style of execution is quite as useful as the most elaborately finished production." The work is illustrated by excellent plates, and seems to convey detailed information on every point connected with the execution of architectural and engineering drawings. THEORY OF THE STRENGTH OF M.VTERIALS. In our last number we published a paper on this subject, by oar old correspondent Mr. Byrne, and as some of the arguments on which his viewsare founded, seem insufficient, we do not hesitate, iiot«ithstanding our respect for Mr. Byrne's scientific attainments, to state where his opinion differs from our own. The new theory proposed seems to be founded on the idea that there does not exist in deflected beams what is termed a neutral line. Now it appears to us that the existence of this line is capable of being proved by several methods which possess the strictness of mathematical demonslra- tion Before however, detailing these proofs, it may be as well to define what is meant by a neutral line, and to reply tp the argument brought to disprove its existence. j „ . , i • . i The originators of the term " neutral line" stated that when a honzoDtal beam supports a transverse weight, the upper part of the beam exerts a thrust and the lower part a tension, and since these two portions of the beam exert opposite kinds of action, there must be in the beatn sonie in- termediate part which marks the transition from one state to the other- where therefore, there is neither thrust nor tension. They asserled more- over that the actual position of this neutral line, or rather neutral boundary, depended on the dimensions of the beam, the degree of deflection and the wei-ht supported ; and their theory has hitherto been considered incontro- vertible Mr Byrne however brings forward this argument against ,t- he savs'that if a beam be deflected and a slice be taken in the upper part fit(fi- 3 P 164). ""is slice has the same form as the whole beam, and consequently there is as much reason for assigning a neutral line to the slice as to the whole beam. The consequent inference would be that the beam has an infinite number of neutral lines, but this absurdity is to be deduced, not from the original theory, but merely from Mr. Byrne s method of stUing it. For when he says that the/orm of the thin upper slice is an argument for the existence of a neutral line in it, he makes the neutral ,ne depend merely on the form of the beam and not on its mechanical action an t ,e connection of Us parts. If the slice a were actually cut off and ' parated from the retuainder A, so as to have no connection with it then whe bent ,t would no doubt have a neutral line of its own. And if ben^ Ts represented in the figure, while lying upon A, the lower side o a would Tot le "omuch extende^d as the upper side of A, but there would be some such difference as that in the diagram. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 1846.] Bot in an undivided beam owin? to the connection between its parts the portion a could not assume the form here represented. Its lower surface 205 must coincide with and be of the same length as the upper side of A, and be much more extended than when separated from it. Consequently no argument taken from the consideration of the slice a, in its separated atalei will apply to it when considered as an integral portion of the beam. We proceed now lo the direct arguments establishing the actual existence of the neutral boundary. Whatever may be the degree of deflection of a beam, and however great the load which it bears, it is clear that while the system is in a state of equilibrium, the internal forces of this beam and the external pressures upon it are subject to the ordinary principles of statics. Let A B C D be -II one-half of a uniform beam resting on an abutment at A. Then if we sup pose for simplicity that the beam is loaded uniforndy throughout, the centre of gravity of the system is half way between the two abutments; that is, the pressures on each abutment are equal. Hence the pressure on A is the weight of A B C D, and the load on it. Or if R be the reaction at A, and W the weight of the beam and load together, R=4W. Now if we suppose the beam actually cut in half at CD, it is certain that ihe equilibrium of A B G D will not be altered if we consider the molecu. iar forces which the supplied by the connection with the other half of the beam to be external forces acting at C U. And whatever these forces may be, they are capable of being resolved parallel to three co-ordinate axes, and the resultants maybe equated with the remaining forces of the system. Let the axis of x be parallel to the length of the beam and horizo>.tal, let ,he axis ofy be vertical, and that of s perpendicular to the two former. Tlienif 2 (X), 2 (Y), 2(Z) be the sums of the corresponding molecular forces we have equating all the forces of the system, 2(X)=:0, 2(Y)+R-iW = 0, 2(Z) = 0. With respect to the second of ihese equations we have since R — JW _ 0, 2(Y) = 0, and since these forces represented by 2 (Y) are all parallel and lie in one plane, they have a single resultant, and this resultant is zero, consequently there is no vertical force at CD. Similar reasoning applies to the forces represented by 2 (Z). With respect however to the longitudinal forces 2 (X) the case is diffe- rent • for these though parallel to each other do not lie all in one plane. Consequently they do not necessarily have a single resultant. The equa- tion 2 (X) = 0 may be interpreted by supposing it to represent a couple M -M ■ and if we take moments about A we shall see tliat this is the correct interpretation, for the moment of JW about A must be balanced by some equal and opposite moment, and this can only be supplied by the "Thl final conclusion is therefore that the resultants of all the molecular forces at C D are two equal and opposite forces M,-M, such that if the distance of the centre of gravity of A B C D from A be called a, and the distance between the points of application of M and - M at C D be called b, Uh- iW a. It is certain also from the direction in which M acts that it arises from the compression or tendency to compress the upper part of C D, and in the same way - M arises from the extension or tendency to extend the lower ^*We have therefore the upper and lower parts of C D in opposite states pf action and these two portions must be perfectly distinct from each other. It IS quite impossible to conceive that the compressed and extended parts can alternate, that as we examine successive portion of C D, we shall have first an exteuded part, then a compressed part, then again an extended part, and so on. The portion of the beam exerting thrust cannot contain any part in a slate of tension, and the portion exerting tension cannot con- tain any part exerting a thrust. Neither can these two portions overlie each other, for then vie must have some part of the beam exerting both ten- sion and ihiust, which is as absurd as to suppose a man can pull and push a thing at one and the same time. It is clear then that the two parts of the beam in opposite states of action are perfectly distinct from each other, and there must therefore be some boundary which marks tlie transition from the one state to the other, some place where the one kind of force ceases and the other begins. This place is called the neutral boundary. It will be observed that this conclusion is deduced from foundamental principles of statics and not from hypotheses respecting the molecular structures of the beam which, however ingenious, are seldom trustworthy. It is a necessary consequence of the existence of a neutral line that the compression of the upper side and the tension of the lower should vary in decree, and gradually diminish towards the neutral boundary, so that there should be no abrupt transition from one state of action to another. It is impossible to imagine that the molecular action can suiideiily char.ge in any part; from the connection between each two successive Iamina3, it is clear that the extension or compression of the one must be affected by the exten- sion or compression of the other. We are therefore perfectly safe in sup- posing that there is some general law by which these variations of action may be represented, thisis,thattheamountof molecular force at any point of either side of the beam is a continuous function of the distance from some fixed point. Now this function changes its sign in passing through the neutral boundary, for on the upper side of the beam it represents forces contrary in direction to those on the lower side, and therefore, since no continuous function can change its sign without passing through zero or infinity, and since iu the present case it is obvious that it cannot pass through infinity, it must pass through zero, and consequently there is no longitudinal action whatever at the neutral boundary. It is usual to represent the molecular forces as a function of their dis- tances from the neutral boundary. This is perfectly arbitrary and merely corresponds to a convenient choice of co-ordinates, for by properly altering the form of the fuuction we might make the molecular forces depend on their distances from any other point of refereuie. The determination of the actual position of the neutral boundary may frequently be dilficulf, but the fact of its existence does not depend on the labour of calculating its place. It fortunately happens however that for the cases which most commonly occur in practice — those in which the de- flection of the beam is small — the place of the neutral boundary can be as- certained with quite sufficient accuracy to answer all useful purposes. It may be as well to point out to those not familiar with the subject that this neutral boundary is not a mere matter of curious speculation, but one of direct practical importance. Every thing depends upon it. Without we know its position, we cannot tell how much of the beam is in a state of compression, and how much in a state of tension— in other words, we can know nothing about the strength of the beam. We have wished to confine attention here to those things only which may be strictly deduced from the fundamental principles of mechanics, an which cannot be controverted without attacking those principles. We therefore do not enter into the consideration of the /or/« of the function above alluded to. The assumption usually made accords perfectly well with the results of practice, and there does not seem the least reason for disputing its accuracy. At the same time we must remember that its cor- rectness depends on experiment, and not on independent reasons. When, indeed the beam is perfectly homogeneous, there are good theoretical reasons in favour of the usual assumption, and of this at least we are certain, from both theory and experiment, that the true law must be so near the assumed one, that any error introduced into the calculation by this assumption will be inappreciable iu the general result when the deflection oi the beam is small. We have slated our objections fully and freely, because if any mistaken conclusion be here set forth, Mr. Byrne will be able to correct them. If in error, we shall be sincerely obliged to him for setting us right, for we have no other object but the advancement of the trulh ; but till he does this, we shall confide little on a theory of the strength of beams founded oo a denial of the existence of a neutral boundary. 206 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECFS JOURNAL. [JULT, MAGNETIC EXPERIMENTS ON METALS, ALLOYS. AND METALLIC SALTS. A paper on tliis sutiji-rt was lately read hy Mr. William Sturgeon, at the Manchealer Literary md Philosophical Society. After liaving talicn a retro- .pectivr view of th.- lahimrs of ,illwr .xp'-iiincntali-ts in this liepartment of magnetics, llie author proceedeil to ilescrihe a novel apparalos liy means of which liis own experiments liad heen made. It eoiisisls principally of a po^^■erf^l magnet and a liglit wooden lever, delicately suspended hy a few silken tihres, the whide lieing enclosed in a glass rase. By means of tins apparatus, Mr. S. lias found that gold, silver, copper, platinum, antmiony, bismuth, lead, till, and some other metals, when pure, art peifcclly neutral to the action of the magnet, but that when some of tliem are comhined they become maKiietic in an eminent degree. Some of his eacliest experiments, especially those on hrass, many specimens of which he found to he magnetic, led him to suppose tliat their magnetic actions were due to small portions of iron which they contained ; for in some of the metals of commerce on which he experimented, iron was ahsolutelv present. In a mass of hismuth, for in- stance, iron was found in consideralile proportions. Mr. ,S. has discovered that all our silver coinaue is magnetic, hut in difTirent degrees, according to the dates of its production. Domestic articles of silver, as spoons, &c., are itill more magnetic than silver coins. Gold coins are also magnetic, hut not 80 highly as silver ones. The gold of articles of jewellery is more magnetic than gold coins. Mr. S. was still of opinion that these alloys might possihly contain iron, and their magnetism be therefore dependi-nt on that metal, al- though he had met with some facts which he could not reconcile to that view. Having found much more magnetism in an old half-crown piece of William and Mary than in any other coin, and the histniical report heing that the silver coinage of that period was in a very hase state, he supposed it possible that the high magnetic action of the old half-crown might he due to the extra proportion of copper, which led him to (orni an alloy of pure silver and pure copper, in which the latter metal formed ahout one-sixth part of the whole ; and what is very remarkahle, this alloy was more highly magna- tic than any siUer atticle he had previimsly examined. The copper and silver of this alloy had previously been ascertained to ne non-magnetic ; they were melted in an earthen crucible, and no inm entered the alloy. This fact, and »ome others which he subsequently discovered, shook the opinion Mr. Stur. geon had first formed respecting tiie pre ence of iron in brass, and the other alloys which showed magnetic action. Cavallo had discovered the magne- tism' of hrass, and showed that hammered hrass was never more magnetic than when unhammered, which facts corresponded to Mr. Sturgeon's own observations, liul the most capital discovery bad yet to he made. Mr. S. formed an alloy of iron and zinc in equal parts, and, to his surprise, found that this alloy was almost neutral to tin- magnet; so much so, that it would not move a magnetic needle at half an inch from the pole. In another alloy of those metals, the iron being about one-eighth of the zinc, magnetism was quite extinct. These novel facts naturally led to the inference, that as zinc is an essential constituent of brass, the magnetism of that allov could not be owing to its containing iron ; and subsequent experiments, both magnetic and chemical, have shown that this is the fact. Antimony has long been known to deteriorate the magnetism of iron, but Mr. S. has ascertained that its neutralising powers are much inferior to those of zinc. An alloy of anti- mony and iron, in which the latter metal was less than a twentieth part, still showed magnetic action, though in a slight degree. Mr. S. had also dis- covered that nickel loses all its magnetic powers when alloyed with about ten times its weight of zinc. Antimony also counteracts the magnetism of nickel, hut not so powerfully as zinc. German silver, which conlains a large proportion of nickel, is slightly magnetic; but in the inferior kinds of this alloy, where nickel is less abundant, no magnetism is perceptible. The neu- tralising metal in these cases is zinc. The salts of iron which have been examined are mostly magnetic ; but what is remarkable, their magnetism hears no proportion to the proportions of iron thev contain. In conforming bis theoretical views to the fads thus developed, 'Mr. i. now considers all bodies to be more or less magnitie, and classes them into two grand divisions— those that are palpably magnetic, and those that are hut obscurely magnetic. The former class he calls sapho- magnetics, and the latter asapho maynelics. Sapho magnetics are again divided into mono-magnetics and suno-magnetics, accordingly as tluy consist of indiviriu.al or compound bodies respectively. Those bodies which counteract the magnetism of others, Mr. S. calls kaialo- magnetics, because many of them, if not all, have the power of completely neutralising even the highest powers of mono-magnetic bodies. The mono magnetics at present known are iron and nickel, and perhaps cobalt. In the class suno magnetics. .Mr. S. places alloys of silver and cop- per, gold and copper, and zinc and copper, under the expectation that many more will soon be added to their number. The katalu-magnelics are very numerous, being all those that deteriorate the magnetism of other bodies. Amongst the metallic iatalo magnetics, Mr. S. has found zinc, antimony, tin, and lead. Giber ialalo magnetics are sulphur, oxygen, chlorine, cyanogen, and the generality of those bodies which combine with metals. RAILWAY STATISTICS. The annual return of the Board of Trade, recemly published, coutaiu* some very vnludble informatiou on the subject ot rail»a> suii.lics. 'i ho following lufonoHtiou is taken in a condensed form Irum that itluru:- The toial number of passengers, as giveu lu the returns lor the year ending 30tb June, 1844, and for the year ending 3Uth Juue, ls4o— 1844. 1845. 1st class .... 4,874,;i32i 5,474,103 2ndcla=8. . . - l2,2S...(ii.O 14,3-.i..,b2.5 3rd class .... 8,5b3.li85i lJ,l.io,b;iU Mixed . . . • 2,Oli'J4>Jo4 8 5,445i 27,703,002^ 33,7yi,-,!531 The rate of increase of travelling in each class is— Ist class 12 per cent. 2iid class " percent. 3rd cla=s 15 upwards of . . • 50 per cent. The amount received for each class is as follows :— 1843 4. 1844 5. 1st class . . .£1,432 088 £l,.il0,8ti5 2nd class . . ■ 1,3(5 071) l,oU6,.l5 3rd class - - • 4S3,u09 twi,-JU3 Mixed . - • 147.ftob 2uy,.)18 Total . . £3,43y,2'Jl £3,070,341 The increase of n turns on the year 1844 5 w,i3, thtreiore, upwards of half a m.llioii on tasscugcr traUic alone. Ou gioas receipts from all sources it stood thus : — 1843-4 £.-.,071.074 la44-4 WMUi Increase . . 1,135,040 The rale of fares on the lines included in the above returns, and the re- ductions in liie two years, staud thus al the eud of tne year 1845 :— Ex- press. C d. 300 ; m 2-88 : 2-44 ■ester '■ (1. ; J . 3-4G ; 2 97 ; 2-87 igbam 2i7 ton 3*23 : 245 nd Catllt', Sheeji, Ifc.—TUe total number of cattle conveyed in the year 1844-5 IS nearly two millions. The gloss auiouuis received range as lot- lows : — London and Kirminghani Oil eat Western Midland, and Bristol and Birmingham Kastern Counties South Western Manchester and Leeds York and North iMiiIlaud Oreat North of England Horses. — The number conveyed is as follows : Bristol and Birminghaiu Chester and Birkenhead Eastern Counties Noriheni and Eastern . Grand Junction Manchester and Birmiiighaui . Great Nortii of England Great Western London and Birmingham London and Souih Western London and South Eastern Londou and Urightou Manchester and Leeds 1.S45 lieduction. Ex- 1st 2ii-l 3rd 1st tlncl Srd urrss. Class. Cliiss. Class. Clus Class CUss d. d. d. d. d. d. d. Great Western 300 274 1 60 1- London and Birmingham 2-88 245 1 81 1- •74 •32 •48 Grand Junction . 2-44 2-08 1-71 1- •02 •41 •5S» Midland . 3'21 2 19 1- •41 Birininghain and Gloucester ilti 2-37 1- Chesier and Birkeuiiead. ■mo 1 00 1- Great Norib of England . 3-4G 2U3 213 1- •53 -20 Ot Hull and Selhy . ru3 1-54 -907 Lancaster and Preston . 3 30 2 10 1 . Leeds aud Sclby . 20G iOO 1- Brighton . 2 97 2-3T 1 78 1 18 •47 •11 Croydon . 1-42 1-14 •85 South Western 2-87 2-48 1-91 •70 •42 •26 Manchester and Birmingham •.i-47 211 162 1- 112 •17 Manchester aud Leeds . 2-28 2-00 1- •!i4 •23 •41 Newcastle and Darlington 3-23 3 07 it-la 1- •15 •30 •jH Newcastle aud Carlisle . 2 40 1 80 1- Nortli L'uiou 2 45 163 1- •54 •51 -iO Prestou and Wyre 2 52 1 -jO !• South Kasleru 245 204 1-30 -82 •48 •28 •10 York and North Midland 300 225 1- •50 •25 l^Utt £50,000 17,000 9,000 5,300 4,0u0 4.00U 3,200 3,200 2,879 664 2,160 2.706 4,207 785 2,709 10.504 10,749 5,570 2,714 4.303 1,409 i846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEERAND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL 207 Midlands S/'^S North I'nion . . . . • ""sO York and Norlh Midland . . . "J.l'J^ Tnii Tivi/^e.— The fdilowins shows tI)P sross tonnase and amounts re- eei»ed on the iind.Tnieniinned lines io the year beginning 1st July, 1844, aud ending 30th June, 1815 : — Arhroalh and Forfar Ardrossan Balloiliney Bristol and Birmineham . Canterbury and U'hitstable Clarence . Ounferudine Hurhiiin and Sundeiland . rdinburgh and Dalkeith . Olassow and Ayr Glassow and Garnkirk . Great North of Enf;land . Harilepool Ha>le Leicester and Swannlngton Liverpool and Mani-hester Llanelly and Llanililo London and Croydon London and Sotiih Eastern London and Brighton London and South Western Manchester and Bury Marvport and Carlisle Midland , Newcastle and Carlisle . Newcastle and narliii^too Newcastle and North shields North Union Pontop and South Shields Preston and Wyre St. Helens and Runcorn Gap ShefSt-ld aud Manchester Slieflield and Kotherhain Stockton and Darlington Tatr Vale Ulster Whitby and Pickering \V)«liaw and ('tdtness York and North Midland Bale per mile for toll only, and for total charges : — Canterbury and Whitsfable . Dunfermline and Charlestown Bodmin and W'adebridge Hayle . Dundee and Newtyle . Maryport and Carlisle Arbroath and Forfar . Monklaad and Kirkiotillocb South Western Wishaw and Coltness . Manchester and Bury London and Croydon . South Eastern Brighton Newcastle and Carlisle Leicester and Swannington Llanelly and Llandilo Bristol and Birtniniiham Durham and Sun-Ierland St. Helens and Uunrorn Gap Pontop and South Shields Garnkirk and (ilasijow Newcastle and Darlington Edinburgh and Dalkeith Preston and Wyre Taff Vale Manchester and Leeds Clarence Hartlepool York and North Midland Great North of England The above are not in all cases the average charges, but the maximum oharges ; as on 'nmi lines, a higher rate is charged for going up hill thaa far going down bill. Tons. £ 12,01)0 1.700 42,141 2 100 . 2S2,622 3,-20G 70,000 3,7(18 13,000 1,188 . 300,000 20 010 28,177 3,142 . 372,714 2.',7I2 118,310 4,800 120,000 8,000 . 1,761 000 7,000 . 181,012 13 079 . 790,186 32,027 20 000 2,400 . 178,506 1 ,'-.,827 . 133,396 9,414 92,381 6,067 6,000 500 22,519 30,000 2,400 4,000 49,8-'0 3,332 . 119,375 7,214 . 313,854 42,000 . 205,500 19,476 . 4110,000 20,930 1,103 . 321,923 . 602,829 49.S91 21,538 4,289 , 229775 9,702 58,608 2,447 16,000 977 . 900,000 80 000 125,980 19,939 807 130 1.708 241 . 390,210 9,909 47,529 2,419 charges : — Toll. Total Charges, d. d. , 0 00 4-29 4 25 4-20 3 37 110 3 33 3 30 300 3 00 2-27 2-90 230 200 2i5 2 12 '. -25 210 2-00 1-75 100 1-50 143 r40 1-10 •75 130 127 1-25 1-25 1 25 •66 116 100 ■91 •75 •75 •50 VIBRATION OF TRAINS IN TUNNELS. Report on the vibration proilucid hij trains in passing tUrough the tunnel of liiHsiil Green. To R. Stiphenson, Esq. Sir — I hare the honour to submit to you the results of the series of ex- parinients perforjned at Ken.sul Green, with the view of ascertaining to what distance the vibration produced by a train in passing through the tunnel may be sensible. In these experiments. I employed a basin of quicksilver, which was placed on the ground and fixed as tirmly as possible. A lens carrying a set of cross wirts wan attached, in such manner that the imaxe of the wires could be reflected in the mercury, and therefore any vibration of the mercury could be easily detected by the oscillation of the reflected image. A piece of glass etf.'ctually protected the mercury from currents of wind, and the experiments were thereby rendered very satisfactory. In observ- ing tl>e reflected wires. 1 did not employ a telescope, as a previous trial had convinced me that no material advantage would arise from the use of a lelesci>pe, since the sensibility of the eye in detecting the least vibration of the mercury was far greater than I could have exoecled, and more than sullicieully dflicate for the purpose in view. The situation selected was a field belonging to Mr. Sullon, on the north side of the tunnel. Th.* distances were measuied with a land chain from the northern side, as nearly as its position could be ascertained. April lOih. — The day cloudy, but without rain, a moderate breeze blow- ing from the eastward. Distance liO feet. Down train very great vibration, the reflected image of wires was quite invisible from agitation as the train approached the centre of the tunnel ; the vibration commenced immediately the train en- tered the tunnel, and ceased the moment that it left. Distance 138 feet. Down train — the vibration began about two seconds after the train entered, and ceased about the same tune before it was out of the tunnel ; though the amount of oscillation was much less than at 60 feet, it was still considerable. Distance 30.< feet. Down train— the vibration began immediately the train was in the tunnel, and continued about ten seconds alter it had left ; the train was in the tunnel twenty seconds. Distance 472 feet. A heavy down train — thirty-two seconds in passing through the tunnel. The vibration was seen about seven seconds after it was in the tunnel, and ceased four seconds before it left. The amount was rather considerable. Distance 572 feet. Up train — twenty seconds in tunnel. The oscilla- tion of the mercury was sensible five seconds alter the train entered, and ceased ten seconds before it emerged from the tunnel. Another up train produced the same i li'ect. Distance 644 feet. A down train — twenty seconds in the tunnel — pro- duced not the slightest effeei. The obsei vulion very salisfactory. Distance 609 feet. A down train — twenty-seven seconds in the tunnel. The vibration so excessively small as to be visible only by transient glimpses when the train was lairly in the tunnel. I consider this to be the distiince where the ribration becomes sensible, and beyond U the trams Wilt have no perceptible effect in this locality. The following estimated values for the amount of vibration, though ne- cessarily very rude approximations, may still be interesting : — Distance 60 feet. Amount of vibration 100 138 „ „ 40 300 „ „ 25 „ 472 „ „ 10 „ 572 „ „ 5 609 „ „ 1 044 „ „ 0 On April 11th, some observations were attempted in a field adjoining that belonging to Mr. Sulion, at a distance from the tunnel of 400 feet, but the perpendicular drawing from the place of observation to the tunnel, would fall not more than 50 ftet from the entrance, and this circumstance, in addition to most unlavoniable weather, probably prevented my seeing any vibration. An objection being raised on this day against the perform- ance of the experiments on iMr. Su lion's propel ty, I was unable to proceed until the 15th, when that gentleman was kind enough to allow me the use of the field on the north side of the tunnel, a most favourable locality for the purpose. On April I5th, I made some experiments to ascertain whether a hori- zontal wire of a transit telescope placed at difierent distances from the tunnel to bisect a distant objrcl would show tiie vibration at those dis- tances to be sensible. I very soon found that this method was not suf- ficiently delicate, as no vibration could be detected even at 60 feet distance from the side of the tunnel. The experiments with mercury on the follow- ing day were made under very favourable circumslauces, aud the results are, I believe, worthy of great confidence. Mr, Biship's Observatory, Regent's Park, April 17, 1846. J. R. HiNU. 208 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [July, EXTRACTION OK COPPER FROM ITS ORES BY ELEC- TRICITY. The a.lmiral.Ic researches of ISecq.ierel upon the chemical actions eflecle.1 under the influence of weak electrical currents liave opened a p-dlh destined to lead. metallurgy to results of which we are even now un- able to annreciate the full importance. Havin'/for their object the application of these actions to < >e ext--aa,on of copper from its ores. M. M. Dechaud and (iuaUier l)e CUub have long been engaged in researches which they now cons.der s.-llicenl y ma- rred to command attention, being destined to elfect a complete '"■. "nna- tion of the existing processes. The following is a bnef account of their results reduced to the simplest form. ... • r The exl a<^tion of coppeJ from pyrilous ores is divided into two series o operatioL entirely distinct, the roasting the ore, and the precp.tat.on of ^'' IVuTf"'s/i«!r.-This is elTected in a reverberatory furnace, either by the direct conversion of the sulphuret into sulphate by the sole action of he air, or else by another reaction of useful application which cons.»ts m the transformation ot the oxide of copper into ^'''l'''f ^ ''>',,"\';'7{:;i' ",' ^ sulphate of iron, at a dull red heat in a current of air, the iron being lelt *" S^.abtwllinrett^acts the sulphate of copper, which contains neither arsenic nor antimouV, so that the most impure minerals, as the;aft/fi.s, w. 1 airord copper equally pure with the carbonates or oxides of copper which contain no oiher metal. . i .• „ -„ The PreaiJiMion.-The precipitation of copper from its solution re- fluires in tlie galvano plastic processes, batteries of wdiich the co,t i= fa i'oo gr^at to be en.ployed in metallurgy. It has therefore been attempted to obtain the same elTcct without the use of exterior batteries. Ihe prin- ciple upon which the apparatus depends are these. If we place, one over the other, two solutions, one of sulphate of cop- per very dense, and the other of sulphate of iron, less t"-ng to proht ,l,e observation that after some minutes' action there exist, our s rata in the liquids ; at the bottom we (iod the dense so ution of j'"! ■"??"' then a less dense solution of the same salt which has been 'l>-P"^"l "' '^ copper bv precipitation ; next is sulphate of iron become "'"'e - -^e by the solution of the cast-iron ; and last, on the surface, the same salt in us "'rtlleSfatthe level of each of these strata we arrange suitable apertures for the addition or removal of the liquids in P^"^''"" J*^ '■;« chemical action goes on. we can easdy preserve these ''q"'J» "' »°'^"™ states of density; and thus the copper is always pure and in the same phj- *'7i thrSu-ation of this process to metallurgy, the extent of surface of land required to precipitate a large quantity becomes an importan con- sideration ; it is, however, easy to modify the torm of apparatus, tboui.h preserving the same principle, so as to avoid this olijection. ,..„. With this object we arrange the liquids in vertical instead of horizontal layers; they are now to be separated by a diaphragm very P-^n, ^^ble to electricity but not to liquids. Paste-board answers perfectly fo. h,s pur- pose : it lasts for months without undergoing any alteratmn, and the quan- tity of sulphate of iron which penetrates into the sulphate of copper i. stiil too small to elTect the operation. The apparatus is therefore arranged in the following manner :— , • A chest of wood, lined with lead or some suitable mastic, contains he solution of sulphate of iron ; through an opening near the top, we add the liquid until the proper degree of density is attained, while through d louver onenin" the saturated solution is allowed to escape. 'Tnto''this chest we plunge a number of cases, made of a frame having its ends and bottom formed of iron plate coate.l with lead ; the sides are ,ade of a sheet of paste-board. The strong solution of sulphate of copper nlers through a p.pe near the bottom, and escapes in its «eaU slate through an opening at the top. I. each case is P'-"' , "j''-' "^ 7/;„'' iron ■ helween each case, and outside the end ones, are plates of cast iron. Separate rods connect each plate with the common conductor vyhich is supported above the apparatus. Two large reservoirs of constant levels, receWe the solutions and furnish them continuously. H e adjust once for ,11 the densities of the liquids, and then the apparatus works on for whole liths without requiring any ^'"\°^ ,''^''^"''""- .^^^^VZlZt strength of the solution of copper wh.ch escapes from the apparatus is fron" one fourth to one-half of a saturated solution. The copper is pre- cipitated on both sides of the sheet of metal forming the cathode. As the paste-board prevents ilie imumliaU contact ot the two liquids, «e ellecl this bv making small holes lloough its upper edge, taking care lUt t'!^y are Jome distance above the highest p.irt of sheets of metal f,.ruin.Mhe cathode ; the sulphate of iron can thus lloat above the solution of sulph. copper, and the vertical apparatus now fullils all the conditions pf the hortiuntal one. /,,>-,,„ n N „f At a tciupcia'.ure of 20 Cent. 08 F. one square metre (10.3 jq. ft.) of surface will receive as much as 1 kilogramme (15-144 grs.) of copper ia twenty four hours. 1 he precipitateil copper is pure and is always in the same physical con- dition ; the tlitets obtained are tit for immediate working under the ham- mer, or to pass through the rolling mill ; four or five passings through this gives the metal a density of 8'y5 ; we therefore avoid all the operation* required in the common process to reduce it from the form of bars to that of sheets. The manufacture presents no diflicullies, requires no refining, and gives no scoria. In a regular manufacture as much as 75 per cent, of the copper has been obtained in the form of sheets, the remainder being precipitated, partly in pure fragnieuts, and partly in powder of cenieniation. The authors consider, as a metallurgical result, at the lowest, 50 per cent, of the copper in sheets, 25 per cent, in fragments which only require fusion to be reduced into bars or plates; and 25 per cent, in powder requiring subsequent refining. The question as to the applicability of galvanic action to the extraction of copper, appears to be reduced to the simplest possible form. It is hardly necessary to remaik that elecirotyp. s on the largest scale can be thus ob- tained.—Juuniui nf Franklin Institute. THE LEANING TOWER OF PISA. " The moon was shining when we approached Pisa ; and for a long time we could sec, behind the wall, the leaning Tower, all awry in the uncertain l,gl,t,— the shadowy original of the old pictures in school-books, setting forth ' The Wonders of the World.' Like most things connected in their first as- sociations with school-books and school-times, it was too small. I felt it keenlv. It was nothing like so high above the wall as I had hoped. It was another of the many deceptions practised by Mr. Harris, bookseller, at the corner of St. Paul's Churchyard, London. His Tower was a fiction, but this was reahtv — and, by comparison, a short reality. Still, it looked very well, and very strange; and was quite as much out of the perpendicular as Harris had represented it to be. The quiet air of Pisa too; the big guardhouse at the gate, nith only two little soldiers in it; the streets, with scarcely any snow of people in them ; and the Arnn, flowing quaintly through the centre of the town ; were excellent. So, 1 bore no malice in my heart against Mr. Harris (remembering his good intentions), but forgave him, before dinner ; and went out, full of confidence, to see the Tower, next morning. I might have known better; but, somehow, I had expected to see it casting its long shadow on a public street where people came and went all day. It wat a surprise to me to find it in a grave retired place, apart from the general re- sort, and carpeted with smooth green turf. But, the group of buildings clustered on and about this verdant carpet — comprising the Tower, the Bap- tistery, the Cathedral, and the Church of the Campo Santo— is perhaps the most'rimarkalile and beautiful in the whole world; and from being clustered there, together, away from the ordinary transactions and details of the town, they have a singularly venerable and impressive character. It is the archi- tectural essence of a rich old city, with all its common life and common habi- tations pressed out, and filtered away. Sismondi compares the Tower to the Usual pictorial representations, in children's books, of the Tower of Babel. It is a happv simile, and conveys a better idea of the building than chapters of laboured description. Nothing can exceed the grace and lightness of the structure; nothing can be more remarkable than its general appearance. lu the course of the ascent to the tup (which is by an easy staircase,) the in- clination is noi very apparent ; but, at the summit, it becomes so ; and gives one the sensation of being m a ship that has heeled over, through the action of an ehb-tiile. The ell'ect upon Ihe low side, so to speak — looking over frona the gallery, and seeing the shaft recede from its base — is very startling; and I saw a nervous traveller hold on to the Tower involuntarily, after glancing down, as if he had some idea of propping it up. The view within, from the ground— looking up, as through a slanted tube— is also very curious. It certainlv inclines as much as the most sanguine tourist could desire. The naturalinipulse of ninety-nine people out of a hundred, who were about to recline upon the grass below it, to rest, and contemplate the adjacent build- ings, would probably be not to lake up their position under the leaning side, — it is so verv much aslant." — Vicierui' Pictures from Italy. Steam Factory in America. — The central part of the Portsmouth steam fuilory, ivtiich Is •J04 fttl long, Is now two-ttiirds up. Tbe Cfnlre part ii to be tlx stories tiigh, the wings Bve slories. Heigllt of the lower story 13 l«t, of the otlier sto- ries 12 feet. Tlie lenglti of llie front will be J04 feet, or about a tenth of a mile. There will be about four aires of Sooriiig in the factory. Number of spindles, 60,001); number of operatives, l.iOO to 1,500. In the rear, two parotlel buildings, two stories high, wilt be extended 100 fret back from the junction of the main building with the wings ; aod between those buildings, 50 feel from tlie main structure, the l>oiler.house is to be erected. The fouudaliou of the chimney, which is to be 140 feet high, is laid, and Is in progress of erection. A genlleman who has been travelling the last year in pursuit of iiilorm3tiou_ respecting manufacturing establishmenls, and who has Tisiled more than a thousand fac- tories, informs us that the largest factory building he has seen or heard of is at Wanches- ter in this Stale, which is 440 feet in length. There U oc fa»;lorjf In England to sompaia with it for siie.— " American Paper." ■PLATEXI- K . H.SHARP- ARChT. 1845.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECFS JOURNAL. 209 RESTORATION OF ST. SAVIOUR'S CHURCH, YORK. ClFilh an Engraving, Plate Xl.J TTie ruinous condition of this church having excited very serious appre- hensions, a subscription was raised in 1843 under the patronage of the Arch- bishop of York, for the restoration of the decayed portions of the edifice. The work was assigned to Mr. Sharp, architect, who generously offered to •uperiatend the restoration gratuitously. The church now affords accom- modation for 1000 persons, of whom 423 have seats in the galleries. The report of the subscription committee expresses a regret that the funds raised did not suffice for the restoration of the tower and east wall of the chancel. A well-deserved compliment is also paid to Mr. Sharp for his liberal exer- tions, and the ability with which be has drawn up the report, which appears below. The plan and section of the church here given are taken from drawings •(»t by Mr. Sharp. We avail ourselves of his permission to print those por- tions of the letter sent with the drav>ings, which are of a public nature. "Sir — Having received much gratification from able papers in your later numbers on Church Architecture, I am tempted to send you a " slip" of some observations I had occasion to offer to the Restoration Committee of one of our old churches in York, not so much from the importance of the work done, as that the opinions contained in the notes seem to harmonize with those of your talented correspondents .... My only object in these communications is to answer the call that has been several times made on architects to supply notices of their works, and if I may be allowed to do so, to hint that letterpress of late usurps the place which we should all like to see filled with drawings. After forty years study and practice of the profession of architecture, praise and censure are alike indifferent to me. I send at the same time a carefully reduced plan and section of St. Sa- Tiour's church, the one side showing the former condition, and the other the present state. I am. Sir, with great respect. Your obedient humble servant, Richard Het Sharp, Architect." The total receipts and disbursements for the restoration amounted to £1300. At a meeting of subscribers recently held, it was agreed that a tomraittee should be formed for considering the best method of presenting * testimonial to Mr. Sharp, in acknowledgment of his services. The Architect's Report. It woold appear that the edifice lately restored was erected about the year 1420, at a time when the perpendicular style of Gothic architecture had su- perseded the decorated or flowery style. Traces, however, of this last re- mained in a beautiful four-light window, at the east end of the north aisle, which retained its painted glass. This circumstance prompted the retention of the flowery or undulatory style of tracery in the present eastern windows. Whatever merits the perpendicular style had over the earlier one, it is un- questionable that it was inferior in the adornment of the windows. A much earlier edifice, probably of the twelfth century, existed on the spot, the ma- terials of which, including several gravestones, had been very unceremoniously employed in the walls of the later building. It is not unreasonable to sup- pose that the extreme badness of the foundation (the church is styled St. Saviour's in the Marsh) caused the premature ruin of the earlier building. Kven in the later one, the south-west angle had sunk very considerably. On digging down to obtain a more secure foundation, the cause of the failure vits plain enough. After passing through what appeared to be Soman rub- bish, at the depth of 14 feet below the floor of the church, several ruda coffins were found, which mny not unreasonably be referred to a British ara • they were made of slabs of oak, 2J inches thick, fastened by wooden pins or dowells, and contained skeletons in a very perfect state, but perfectly black from the infiltration of water from the bog in which they were laid. One of these cofiins was directly across the angular buttress, so that there is no wonder that it should have sunk. The coffins were too much decayed to admit of removal, and the bones were laid in some of the vaults which the excavation had laid open. The usual methods of rubble foundation, now called concrete, were r.-sorted to, and the corner is now perhaps more secure than the rest of the fabric. The eastern end of the church, as far as the chancel extended, had declined about eight inches, and it became a matter of urgent consideration with the architect, whether to take up the whole of this wall, and to refound it in the same manner; but as the settlement wa» of ancient occurrence, and did not appear to have increased of late, it was thought that the old foundation might be trusted to, and the more so as the new weight to be borne would not materially exceed the old one, which had been supported for so long a time without increase. The event has justified the opinion of the architect, as no settlement has become visible. As a mea- sure of precaution, however, this half of the south wall was bound together br an iron tie-bar, ending in a stout anchor, which may be seen at the east end". A similar one is placed in the north wall, but the anchor is concealed within the buttress. These bars are connected with the large stones forming the window Sills in what is thought to be a novel manner. What may be termed double lewises are inserted into the middle joints of the stone sills, and run with lead so as to connect them firmly together, the chain bars before men- tioned are then scured by single or ordinary lewises. In this manner a powerful and permanent bond or connection is obtained. This detail is en- tered into, as the method may be useful in similar cases, or in new works. A satisiactory foundation having been obtained, the main walls were car. ried up in a solid manner, and the windows inserted. This part of the work, and one of the most important, is executed in a very satisfactory manner, and is highly creditable to the contractor. The settlement before mentioned had extended to the arcades separating the aisles, which, when the plasteiing was removed, exposed cracks of an alarming character. Relying on the fore, going considerations, it was thought sufficient to wedge them up with solid oak, we believe from the Minster, and the result has been equally satisfac. tory. The paramount consideration of economy doubtless pressed on the architect's mind throughout all the operations. The next main point wai the roof. It appears probable that the church had originally three roofs as at present, but at the time of important repairs, in the time of Charles 1st, the roof, whatever may have been its pristine form, was reduced to an uni. form plane from the ridge to the eaves. In order to obtain this plane sur. face, the depth or thickness of the limbers was from 18 inches to 2 feetabout half way up, the outer roof being separated from the lower and original one. The existence of several churches in York, All Saints, North-street, St. Samp. son, and others, corroborates the notion of the triplicate roof. Indeed, so long as side galleries are demanded of the architect, this is perhaps the best form that can be given to a church, as it affords the requisite height to the side walls. It is to be hoped, however, that these abominable contrivances will either be abandoned, or that the Gothic stjle of building with which they are whol'y irreconcileable, will be relinquished for the churches of Queen Anne, with which they are in perfect harmony. Sufficient sound oak timber was obtained to frame the new roofs in a sub. stantial manner; the old tiles were re-employed as more in character than slating, and as in lapse of time the defective tiles have perished, the remain, der, although not very sightly, promise to endure for a very considerable period. An opportunity offered of procuring some excellent slates from the Minster, which were used in the inside roofs. The main constructive points being obtained, the roof was lined with thin wood, the ribs intended to strengthen the roof added to the beams, which the safety of the church did not allow us to remove, and some ornamental work added. In uncovering the old pews, which had been suffered to remain all this while, by reason of the uncertainty of obtaining the funds necessary for the repewing, a discovery of the original pews was made, and to the great gratifi- cation of the architect they were found to be almost identical with his de- sign for the new ones, and for which the contract was made. It is not pre- tended that these fittings were the furniture of the church of 1400, or 1 120. No doubt that edifice was prepared for the Roman Catholic seiviee in a very different manner. Screens, oi parcloses, doubtless then separated nearly oae half the church from the people. The altar of the Saviour would occupy the eastern end of the nave, that of the Virgin Mary the end of the north, an of St. John Baptist of the south aisle. Near the second pillar Iruin the east end screens, or reredos, would be placed across the aisles, against which stood altars belonging to the chantries, founded in the ehurch by individuals. A piscina still remaining in the south walls confirms this opinion. Another, much defaced, existed in the north wall, and there were traces of others near the eastern walls. The particulars of these chantries are adiled below, but the business of the architect is not with them. The seven chantry priests presided over by the rector, would form a choir sufficiently numerous to oc- cupy the middle chancel, and it would be for their use that the stalls, of which two have been preserved, were doubtless provided. Each of the»« priests had an equal endowment with the rector, and if these emoluments, properly reformed, had been continued to the church throughout the land, bow different might the present state of things have been. 27 210 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [July, All these decorations had probal)ly disappeared when, in the time of Charles 1., the church was thoroughly repaired and fitted for the Protestant service. Many churches in York felt the henefit of similar, and as it often happens, simultaneous efforts. In St. Cuthbert's we have the date I63fi on pews of a character precisely similar, and others might be named. At that pcrind York was often the residence of the Court, and would partake in the advantages of it. The architect decided that it was fruith'SS, with the extremely limited means at his ilisposal, to attempt any decorations of the fifteenth century, and that it was in better taste to adhere to the Protestant moilel of the first Charles. The lectern or reading desk now placed by the font is of this time. The font is of the time of the restoration, when the clergy exerted them- selves, it has been said, with more zeal than taste to repair the ravages of the Puritans. The altar pieces of Belfry's, of St. iNIartin's, Coneystreet, and St. Martin's, Micklegate, are of this epoch, and, aUhmigh out of place, are very handsome in themselves. The style, however, of the time preceding the rebellion retains enough of the Gothic character as not to shock the eye, and may therefore, it is conceived, be eroployeil where circumstances forbid recourse to an infinitely more elaborate ornament. Of the fittings up of the Norman and early English styles we have in this country at least very scanty remains : the fifteenth century seems to have been the time of a general re- furnishing, so to speak, of sacred edifices, in a manner more suitable to the greatly increased luxury and wealth of the age. In the more important edi- fices this change was not confined to the wood work ; in Gloucester C'athe- dral the vaulting and pannelling are " spread like a network of embroidery over the old .\orraan work"" Ijtfore fixing the pews, precautions were taken to ensure dryness, and to prevent the ascent of noxious gases from the grouud beneath. Means have since been employed to give sufiicicnt warmth to the church. It now only remains to the architect to acknowledge very thankfully the obligations he feels under to the restoration committee in general, and to the church-wardens in particular, for the great confidence they have been pleased to have in him during the progress of this tedious, and somewhat difficult work, without the succour of which trust his efforts would have been unequal to cope with the discouragements inseparable from such undertakings, where the funds are necessarily precarious. It should have been noticed that considerable expense has been incurred in rebuilding the church-yard walls. The public spirit of the Improvement Commissioners came to the aid of the committee to carry out the very de- sirable object of insulating the church, and at the same time affording a double width to Hungate. A substantial wall and railing have been carried along St. Saviourgate and west end of the church, and although it is difficult in such matters to reconcile old ideas with modern ones, yet recourse has been had to Lincoln Minster for the pattern of the iron work. The external drainage of the church has been thoroughly completed. When it is remem- bered that the earth on three sides reached up to the place where the new works begins, about three feet above the door, it is no wonder that damp and rottenness should have prevailed within. To complete the perfect restoration of the church there remains only the tower, some parts of which are in a state of rajjid decay. To remove the un- sightly roof, to repair the mouldering stone work, to renew the dilapidated windows would be a most desirable thing, and after what has been done, it is surely worth an effort to accomplish it. Another work, hardly less desir- able, is to remove the hideous vestry to a situation on the north side of the church, insulated from the church, but connected by a passage, where its being constructed in a plain manner would be of less importance ; to renew the very beautiful eastern window, and so restore to this elevation its very handsome former appearance which has not, it is hoped, been injured by the elevation of the side aisles. Without having entered into a minute estimate, it is thought that .€300 would suffice to carry out all these objects, and it is worthy of consideration by the benevolent persons who have already done so much to the restoration of an interesting and highly useful structure. Ricii.iRD Hey Sh.mip, Architect, Y'ork. There were formerly no less than seven chantries belonging to this church, all of them of considerable value. The first was a very ancient chantry, founded at the altar of St. Mary, in this church, for the soul of Robert Ver- denell, whose tomb-stone is under the present floor in the north aisle of the chancel. There was another chantry founded in this church, at the altar of St. John the Evangelist, for the souls of John de Ilathelsey and Emma his wife. In 14G8, this chantry was united to another chantry in the same church, founded for the souls of William Burton and Ivetta his wife, at the altar of St. James the Apostle and St. Lawrence. M'Mliam Burton, of Y'ork, founded another chantry in this church, at the altar of St. Anne, for his soul and the soul of Ivetta his wife. There was another chantry founded in this church, at the altar of St. Thomas the martyr, for the soul of Adam de Spiriden ; also one founded by Richard Watters, of great value; a chantry founded by William Frost, alderman, and Isabella his wife, in 1399 ; a chan- try founded by William Gilliot. Besides these chantries there was also a gild or fralernity of St. i\lartin in this church, which was founded by letters patents from Henry VI. DECISION OF THE BOARD OF TRADE ON THE GAUGE QUESTION. The Minute of the Board of Trade, containing their lordships' deliverance on the Report of the Gauge Commissioners, is dated the 6th of June, 1846. It commences by stating that — " .My lords fully and entirely concur in the general conclusions at which the commissioners have arrived with respect to the advantages of uniformity of gauge for the conveyance of the internal traffic of the country. They are of opinion that the facts set forth in the report, and the evidence by which they are supported, incontestably establish the conclusion, that a ' break of gauge is a very serious evil,' and they see no reason to doubt the soundness of the opinion the commissioners have expressed, that none of the mechanical contrivances, or other methods proposed for mitigating the evil, ' are calculated to remedy, in any importanc degree, the inconveniences attending a break of gauge.'" The Minute then quotes at length the conclusions and recommendationi of the commissioners. The recommendations are in substance : — 1st. That equitable means should be found of producing entire uniformity of gauge, by reducing the broad gauge lines to the narrow gauge. 2nd. That all public railways now under construction, or hereafter to-be constructed in Great Britain, shall be formed on the narrow gauge. With respect to these proposals, the Minute remarks: — " After long and anxious deliberation, my lords are unable altogether to concur with the commissioners in the full extent of these recommendations. "Adverting to the vast expense which must be involved in an entire al- teration of the broad gauge, and having regard to the circumstances under which the companies employing this gauge were established, and to the in- terests they have acquired, my lords cannot feel themselves justified in re- commending that it should be proposed to parliament to compel the entire reduction of the 7 feet gauge. They feel, with the commissioners, that 'they cannot recommend the legislature to sanction such an expense from the pub- lic moneys, dor do they think ttiat the companies to which the broad gauge railways belong can be called upon to incur such an expense themselves (having made all their works with the authority of parliament), nor even the more limited expense of laying down intermediate rails for narrow gauge traffic. " Still less can they feel themselves justified in proposing that the expense of such alteration should be defrayed by a contribution levied, as has some- times been suggested, on the rest of the railway companies in Great Britain ; and they are unable to suggest any other equitable or practicable means by which the desired uniformity of gauge could lie obtained. " The conclusion to which my lords have come respecting the reduction of the broad gauge on existing lines necessarily affects their opinion with regard to the future gauge lines now in course of construction." The Minute goes on to state that all that seems now possible is to prevent the further extension of the evils arising from different gauges, and reduce the inconvenience inflicted on goods and passenger traffic within the nar- rowest possible limits. To this end it is recommended that "The lines for which acts have been obtained, but which have not yet been completed to the south of the line from London to Bristol, should be permitted to be constructed on the broad gauge, as originally intended. They have had some difficulty in coming to a conclusive opinion on the case of the South Wales line. They ate aware that strong arguments may be adduced in favour of requiring this line to be constructed on the narrow gauge ; but, adverting to the great public importance of a continuous line of communication with the south of Ireland, and of a second line of railway communication from Lonon to Ireland generally; and having regard to the value of a continuous line to Milford Haven, &c., for the furtherance of the public service ; they are of opinion that, on the whole, it would be advisable that the South Wales line, together with its branch to Monmouth and Here- ford, should, as originally sanctioned, be formed on the broad gauge." The districts to which the Board of Trade has directed most of its atten- tion are those which are to be supplied with railway accommodation by the Rugby and Oxford, and by the Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton lines. 1. Uugly and Oxford lines, " In the last session of parliament an act was obtained for forming a line of railway from Rugby to Oxford. The act contained the following clause : — "' Cap. 188, sec. 35. That as a commission has been appointed for in- quiring whether provision ought to be made for securing a uniform gauge in tlie construction of railways, and for other purposes in reference to the mode of obviating impediments to the internal traffic of the country ; if, in con- formity with the report of the said commission, it shall appear to the Board of Trade expedient that rails of the same gauge as the rails of the London and Birmingham Railway should be laid down on the line hereby authorised between Oxford and Rugby, it shall be lawful for the said hoard to ord^ and require that such railway upon the said gauge shall be laid down and maintained, and that the company hereby incorpora.ed shall thereupon pro- ceed with reasonable despatch to execute the same to the satisfaction of the Inspector-General of Railways for the time being. Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the said company from laying down and maintaining, on the whole or any portinn of the said line, rails of the same gauge as those now laid on the line of the Great Western Railway.' " It is their lordships' intention, in the exercise of the powers granted t» 1S46.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 211 them by this clause, f o require that tlie narrow gauge rails shall be laid down from Rugby to Oxford forthwith. They would, therefore, submit that it is not necessary to interfere with the construction of the line on the broad gauge, as authorised by the act. In order to complete the general clain of narrow gauge coramunication from the north of England to the southern coast, they beg to repeat with a slight variation the suggestion of the com- missioners, that ' any suitable measure should he promoted to form a narrow gauge line from Oxford to Basingstoke,' or l)y any shorter route connecting the proposed Oxford and Rugby line with the South-Western Railway. With the same view they beg to sujgest that any suitable measure should be promoted for forming a narrow gaugf link from Gloucester to Bristol, and so completing the general chain of narrow gauge ccunmunication between the manufacturing districts, the centre and north of England, and the port of Bristol." 2. Ojiford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton line. " In the act by which the company was incorporated in last session the following clause was inserted : — " ' That the said company hereby incorporateii siiall, and they are hereby required to lay down and maintain upon the whole extent of the railway hereby autliorised, between tlie point of junction thereof with the said Bir- Diinghara and Gloucester Railway at .\bbotswood, and the point of junction thereof with the said Grand Junction Railway near Wolverhimipton, as well as on the said branch railways by this act autliorised to Kingswinford and Stoke Prior aforesaid, such additional rails, adapted to the gauge or the said Birmingham and Gloucester and Grand Junrtinn Railways respectively, as may be requisite for allowing tlie free and uninterrupted passage, as afore- said, of carriages, wagons, and trucks passing to or from the said Birniingliam and Gloucester, and the said Grand Junction Railways respectively, or from the last-mentioned railway to the said Birmingb.im and Gloucester Railway, or passing from one portion of the said Birmingham and Gloucester Railway to another portion thereof, or to or from any intermediale place between the two said railways to the one or the other of them ; and such additional rails shall be laid down, and maintained and used, to the satisfaction and approval of the Board of Trade, and all necessary facilities and accomodations shall be afforded by the company hereby incorporated, or their lessees, lor the convenient use thereof; aiid it shall be lawful for the said buaid at any time, on complaint made by any company or person interested in the ques- tion that such aiUlitional rails have not been laid, or that such facilities or accommodations are not afforded, to order anil direct the said company hereby incorporated, or their lessees as aforesaid, to adopt such regulatinns as they may see fit to require with reference to the laying down of such additional rails, or to the use of the said additional rails and other conveni enees as aforesaid, and for the purpose of securing such free and uninter- rupted passage thereon as aforesaid.' " It is their lordships' intention to exercise the power given to them in this instance, as in the case of the Oxford and Rugby line ; and on the same grounds they would submit that it is not necessary to interfere with the con- struction of this portion of the line on the broad gauge in the manner autlio- rized by the act. And, since they regard the break of gauge as a most serious evil, more especially in the conveyance of goods, they conceive that a con- tinuous and a second line of communication between London and the district of Statfordshire, &c , must be regarded as of great value and importance. They accord ugly submit that the line from Worcester to Oxford should be made as proposed on the broad gauge. They regret that the provision fur the formation of a second line of rails was not inserted iu the act affecting the portion of the line between Oxford and Worcester, in the terms of the clause regulating the portion lying between the Birmingham and Gloucester line and Wolverhampton ; and they would recommend, that if it should hereafter appear that there is a traflic requiring accommodation on the nar- row gauge between the Staffordshire districts and the southern coasts, any suitable measure should be promoted by Parliament to form a narrow gauge link from the Birmingham and Gloucester line to Oxford, on the same grounds and in the same manner as the commissioners have recommended that it should be formed between Oxford and the South Western Railway." The Board of Trade declines to give an opinion on the merits of the 4 feet 8,^ inches gauge. They do not think that its ado|>tion by the legislature as a national gauge — recommended by the commissioners — ought to be positive and final. They would leave an opening to adopt what may be recommended by the experience of Ireland or foreign countries. " With this explanation, my lords beg to recommend, that no line shall hereafter be formed on any other than the 4 feet 8^ inches gauge, excepting lines to the south of the existing line from London to Bristol, and excepting small branch lines of a few miles in extent, joining the Great Western Kail- way, and conveying to it the traflic of places in its immediate vicinity ; and they further recommend, that no bill for any such line as above exiepted shall be passed liy parliament, unless a special report shall have been made by the committee on the bill, setting forth the particular reason which have led the committee to advise that such line should be formed on any other than the 4 feet 8 J inches gauge. They concur, also with the commissioners in recommending that, unless by the consent of the legislature, it shall not be permitted to the directors of any railway company to alter the gauge of such railway." The suggestions of the board, recapitulated in a condensed form at the close of the minute, are as follow : " 1. That so line shall hereafter be formed on any other than the 4 feet 85 inches gauge, excepting lines to the south of the existing line from Lon- don to Bristol, and excepting small branches of a few miles in length, in immediate connection with the Great Western Railway ; but that no such line, as above excepted, shall be sanctioned by Parliament unless a special report shall have been made by the committee on the bill, settine forth the reasons which have lead the committee to advise tnat such line should be formed on any other than the 4 feet H.J indies gauge. " 2. That, unless by the consent of the legislature, it shall not be permit- ted to the directors of any railway company to alter the gauge of such rail- way. " 3. That, in order to complete the general chain of narrow gauge com- munication from the north of England to the southern coasts, and to the port of Bristol, any suitable measures tlioiild be promoted to form a narrow gauge link from Gloucester to Bristol, and also from Oxford to Basingstoke, or by any shurter route connecting the proposed RugOy and Oxford line with the South-Western Railway. " 4. That the South Wales line, and its branches to Monmouth and Here- ford, should be permitted to be formed on the broad gauge, as sanctioned bv their act. " 5. That the Rugby and Oxford line, and the Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton line, should he peiniitted to be formed on the broad gauge, as saiictiuncd by tlieir acts; that the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade shall exercise the powers conferred upon them by the several acts, and shall require that additional narrow gauge rails shall forth- with be laid down fmin Kugl.y to Oxford, and from Wolverhampton to the junction with the Birniingliam and Glnucpster line ; and that if it should hereafter appear thai there is a traflic requiring accommodation on the narrow gauge Irom the Slatfunlshire districts to the southern coast, any suitable measure shall be proumted by Parliament to form a narrow gau^e link from Oxford to the line of the Birmingliam and Gloucester Kailwav." THE GAUGE COMMISSION. Analysis of Evidence given before the Royal CommissioDera appointed to investigate the subject of the diversity of Kailivay Gauges. {Continued from page 183.) Mr. James Edward MConnell: Is, and has been for upwards of four years, superintendent of the lucouiotiie deparlment on the Birmin"ham 011(1 Gloucester Railway, now part of the Urislol and Birmingham. If as large an amouut can be got of evaporating space, compared with the Height of the engine, on ihe narrow as on the broad, they would be equal in that resp> ct. Dimensions of Mr. M'Connell's Locomolive Engine ut BromsTore. The dinieusiuus of ihe Great Britain Locomotive Engine, constructed at Broiiisgrove Slatiou and now emplojed to work Ihe heavy goods trains upiMi the Lickey luclioe on the Bristol and Birmingham Railway, are as foliOw, viz. : — Diameter of cylinders . . 0 LeOKtl' or stroke ... 0 Diameter of each of the six wheels 0 Distance trtiin centre lo centre of Iroiit wheels ... 6 Distance trom centre to centre of hind wheels ... G Leng h of boiler . . . IJ Length of tank over bjiirr . II Breudth ot ditlo. . . S Depth of ditto ... 2 Distance from centre to centre of cylinders .... 6 Length of tubes. No 134. . 12 Diameter or nitto ... 0 Didineter of piston rods , . 0 Ft. In. Diameter of pump rams . , lireadth of shell of tire-box . Length of ditto, outside . Height from bottom to top Heigh' of lower edge of cylinder Length of chimney ... ti Circumference of ditto . . 5 Total weight of ensine . aO tons Weight on front wheels . 9 tons Weight ou centre wheels IL' tuns Weight on hind wheels . y tons Height of smoke-box . . 6 Width of ditto. . '. . 4 Diameter of boiler cylinder verti- cally 3 Ditto ditto horizontally 3 In. H 4i II s 0 9 6 The Lickey incline is one in thirty. seven, which is a very steep gra- dient, and has always beeu worked by a locomotive eugiue. For the last four years, engines were >■{ so light a construction that they had not soflicieiit adhebion on Ihe driving wheels; in order to test the relative eco- iiiiuiy of a heavy and light engiue in v%orking this steep gradieut, witness made an engiue which lias beeu at work now the last two months, with a cjlinder 18 inches diameter, stroke "JO iuches, and the driving-wheels 4e inches diameter, SIX wheels, ad coupled. The eugiue carries its water in a tank ou the top of a boiler, so as to give it the advauiane of all the weight possible to increase the adhesion ot the wheels, and it weighs in working order somewhere about aO tons. There is a great variety in the weight of the engines ou ihe tv\o lines, from I04 up to 30 tons • the average weight of the 30-iiich cjlinder passeuger-eugiaes is about 123 tons, with 5 feet driving wheels. Four have 5ft. (iin. wheels, for mail and express trains, and weigh about 13 tons. The average speed of express trains about 30 miles an hour, with 15 tous load. The luggage van is about half a tou lighter than Ihe passenger carnages, and is placed next the engiue. For the last three years, the van has beeii placed there, on the recommendation of the Board of Trade, for public safety, and if they had two, or any empty carriages, they would be placed there lo prevent risk to passengers. Is aware that ihe lighter the cairiaga 27» 212 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Jolt, •with biRh velocitj, the greater it ihe tendency to rnn off the rails, hot thinks when the luftgage-van is luaded, the weight is suflicient ; and the empty carriage is about as heavy as ihe loaded van ; should not place an empty van there; would place two loaded vans if he had thera. The re- lative speed of heavy goods trains on ihe two lines averages on tlie broad 8| milefl and 13 on the narrow. The broad gauge wagons do not load more heavily Ihan the narrow ; that is Ihe result of ibe regular work ing of the traffic. 135 wagons upon the narrow gauge carried 13h tons net; and that on the broad gauge, 135 wacons carried 131 tons net. On one occasion, the gross load upon the broad gauge conveved by Mr. Slaughter's engine was 235 tons 2 cwt. ; the lare was 137 Ions 12 cwt. ; the net was 97 tons 10 cwt. On the narrow gauge Ihe gross load was 254 tons 0 cwt., the tare 101 tons 17 cwt , and the net 152 tons 12 cwt. The wagons were taken and loaded expressly, that there should be as liitle dead weight as there possibly couhl ; and this is a further proof of the comparative net and tare upon ihe two gauges. There were 30 wagons upcm the narrow gauge, and 25 wagons upon the broad gauge. On the latter the gross load was 235 ; on the for- mer 254. With 35 tons 15 cwt. less tare, there was on the narrow gauge 65 tons 2 cwt. more net. Went up iwo iodines of 1 in 100 at a speed of 8 miles an hour. On other portions of the line, that is, on level portions of the line, and slight inclinations, our maxinunn speed was 25 miles an hour. Size of the engine on the broad gauge : rj Under 16 inches diameter, stroke 21 inches, wheel 64 inches, gross weight of engine and tender 23 tons. Size of engine on the narrow gauge: (jlinder 15 inches diameter, stmke 84 inches, wheel 54 inches, weight of engine and tender 27 tons. All six wheels were coupled in both cases, so as to t-et the uttnost adhesion 'o the engine. The Birmingham and Gloucester is laid with longitudinal hearings, thinks the Bristol and Gloucester is also laid with them. An increase of the boilers would increase the weight of the machine, and thinks that, at a high velocity, a very heavy engine would act very injuriously on the rails; so far as it is safe for the rails, the increase of the weight and power of the engines to produce speed, can be gut on the narrow as well as on Ihe broad gauge. The consumption of coke, consequent upon the generation of more steam, would be greater, butlhiiiks it ii> cheaper to work with one large powerful engine, than with two small : has an engine on the narrow gauge capable of taking 600 to 700 tons, and his engine wdl take 1000 loos on lines of easy gradients, at 10 or 12 miles an hour. Thinks the injury to the rails and permanent way would be very much increased by increased weight and speed. Believes the injury to the permanent way on both gauges is more cau.t^ed by high veUicily than increase of weight. Has observed that the shocks received from the fast trains appear to affict the rails more than the slow, and the contractors for the repairs do nut like fast trains so well as heavy ones at slow speed. Has not seen the fractures of axles on Ihe broad gauge ; has seen them on the narrow. A very extraordinary change takes place in axles from the constant blows the wheels receive ; it amounts to what is called cold swedging on the anvil, and renders them more brittle, which must exist to Ihe same extent on the broad gauge ; on Ihe narrow, axles have broken that had worked three or four years, and though at first they might be fibrous in their texture, yet on fracture they appeared as if broken up inio amall crystals ; considers the breakage of axles roust arise generally from this, and the greatest care is required to get them of the best manufacture, and of the toughest and strongest iron. Prefers those of the patent axle company, near Wednesbury, with radial bars all weldi-d together, and finds them, from experience, superior to the Low Moor. The elasticily of the IoOr bearing of the axle would affect Ihe wheel, throw it out of the per- pendicalar, tend to injure the railway, and force it out of gauge; on curves, an objection arises again to the broad gauge, as one wheel has to travel over greater surface than the other, there is either a straining of the wheel, or a twisting of the axle ; the axle will be strained and deteriorated in this manner more on the broad gauge than on the narrow. 100 miles is a fair day's work for an engine, but he sees no objection to doing more ; thinks that by seeing that the engines are in good order, and changing them once a fortnight, there is economy in working as much as 150 miles; the steam being raised in fewer engines would save fuel. Is aware that the London and Birmingham Company change their engines at Wolverton ; they make a trip each way, being 120 milfs aday, without putting out the fire. If the gauge were uniform at Gloucester, one-third of the present staff of porters could do the goods trade ; at present they are kept for lifting goods from one wagon, and repacking them in another, which requires five to six hours from their arrival. The guards' returns show, during the month of August, an average detention of 16 minutes for passenger trains. The detention to goods trains by transhipment from one gauge to another cannot be estimated at less than from 4^ to 5 hours. Thinks the alteration of gauge matter of necessity, and that the cost would form a very small practical part of the ultimate profit. Supposing the cost to be £6,000 a mile, has no doubt the increased profit would mure than cover the interest of the outlay, but thinks £5,000 is very much too high a sum for the alteration, for this reason — with respect to the wagon-slock, it would take for instance for 60 miles of railway a certain number of wagons, but for iOO miles of railway it does not take a double number of wagons, because if the wagons work through, a small addition, compara- tively speaking, would work the 100 miles beyond what is required for the 60. And so with respect to all the carrying stock. Having the carrying ilock for the Birmingham and Gloucester portion, it would require a very ■mall addition for working the other portion of the line, comparatively •4ieakiug. To lay down the broad gauge to Birmingham would amount to a complete demolition of the present works; the bridges and tunnels are loo narrow, and the stations must be removed. Imagines Ihe expense would be very great, almost a re-making of the line. The largest good* train he ever knew to arrive Irom the north at Gloucester «a» 320 or 330 Ions gross weight, but thinks only a small quantity was transhipped to the broad gauge, as it consisted chiefly of salt shipped at Gloucester. In many ca..es, a day is occupied in traushipping Recollects 40 or 50 loaded goods wagons waiting at Gloucester a fortnight for bmad gauge wagons to come up, and that may occur either way. No met haiiical arrangenient at (Gloucester for transferring goods, but manual labour and cranes At first, shifting on low trucks was proposed, but on inquiry, they did not go to tliis expense. Goods wagons placed on additional trucks would not pass under the narrow gauge bridges, but they could on the broad. The weight of the additional i rucks on the broad gauge would be about 3 Ions 5 cwt. Although merhanical arrangements may work well experimeiilally, be- lieves they will lie found in practise totally unfit for every day tralhc. The strength of the railway carriage and body is increased liy their being united, and being exposed to rough usage, a separation -Houid be a con. slant cause of damage to the carriage and the goods in it. Thinks that detaching the bodies of passenger carriages from the vvheels and framea would be highly oljectionable. High velocities would not increase the expense on the narrow as much as on the broad, Ihe lighter machine oa the narrow having less tendency to damage Ihe rails. The permanent way on both lines is kept up by contract, and the expense on Ihe Birmingham and Gloucester is about £100 per mile. The rails on the latter were originally too light, and the timbers and cross sleepers of the embankments not sutlii ieiitly seasoned, nor put into the Kyauizing process, so that the expense of repair has thus been increased. A line well made would be kept up at a very low expense. Believes that 75 lb. rails are now adopted on all lines, and they are to be substituted for those on the Birmingham and Gloucester. Descri/itiott of the improrements on the narroiD gavge engines vith lix uhe, the paikiiiL; and unpacking at Gloucester might be avoided. The passenger carriage-borlies may be transferred, as at Rouen, to the frame of the railway carriage, wilhoiit any risk or difiiculty. Has ridden in one of those carriages, and been lifted up with it, without any practical inconve- nience. It is bolteil down, and is as perfect as if it were the railway car- riage itself. A carriage put together in ihat way is as strong as a usual one, in case of collision ; it is strong enough to be lifted, and, being re- quired for the road, is strunger than the railway carriage. Considers the 7-feet gauge w'di'r Ihan is necessary ; the wider the gauge, the more the effect of curves is felt ; does not think the gradient at all enters into the question. The dlri'at Western have large driving-wheels, not with regard to garige, bu' velor ity ; there is no necessary connexion between the dia- meter of the wheel and the gauge. Would not adopt the 7-feet wheel on the narrow ^.'auge ; but Ihat is a proof that it must be steadier on the broad. A great number of things were proposed in adopting the broad gauge, which have not jet been carried out with efl'ect. Were he the en- gineer of a broad gauge line, should avail himself of the increased space to make engines more powerful. The necessity of increasing the engine is every tlay apparent, and lo have engines so far above the work that there can be no question about tlieir power. The driving-wheel of the engine will regulate Ihe velocity ; one of the Great Western engines, with the large ilriving-wheel, would give Ihe same amount of speed, whether OD the brrtari or Ihe narrow gauge. The diameter of the driving-wheel is quite a dili'erent question from that of gauge, except as regards the ia- creased steadiness arising from the wider gauge. (To be continued, i VENTILATION OF THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. The second Rejiort from the Lords' Select Committee to inquire into the Prof^ress oj the Building of ike Houses of Furliument, That the Committee have again met. and having examined Jlr. Golds- worthy Gurney as lo the best system of ventilation for the new Houses of ParliamenI, are of opinion that further inquiries and experiments should be marie, under Ihe direction of her I\Iajesty's Commissioners of Woods and Forests, before the final adoption of any plan hitherto proposed for that purpose. And the Comiuiliee have directed the evidence of the said Mr. Goltlsworthy Gurney, taken before them, to be laid before your lordships. [We select frnm the appeudix the following extracts from the evidence of Mr. GuLiisvvoBTnY Gi r.vev ] Are \ou aware of all the plans proposed by Dr. Reid, for ventilating the new Houses of Harliameut ? — No. Tlieiefore ynu do not know what his scheme is, and how he proposes to force a due drllusiou of air over all parts of the building? — Except from hearsay. I have no accurate information. In what niaunerdo you understand that he intends to do it? — By a large upcast shaft, the base of which is to communicate by air passages to Ihe varirius aparlments in the building. Do you suppose that that is to be assisted by any power either of fur- naces or steam power.' — I suppose it must be assisted by a blowing cylin- der, or a centrit'iigal fan. Those adjuvants would be unnecessary if the nprast shaft had suflieieut power. They are always objectionable, in con- sequence of involving machinery, and being liable to get deranged. Vet some mechanical assistance must be had ; for if this extensive building is to be ventilated by the upcast shaft it must fail. The size of a shaft would be inadmissible, for it will be evident to your lordships that the whole of the air drawn from the whole extent of the building ventilated must pass through it. This is not all ; the whole of the air drawn out of ihe diflerent ap-irtmeuls, and passing through the shaft, must be raised to the tempera- ture of 500° of Fahrfuheit, otherwise it will have no power. That is a very important point ; one to which I wish to fix your attention, and ex- plain as clearly as possible. Suppose the buildings of the new houses ex- tend over ten acres of ground; suppose five acres — one half only — occu- pied by rooms, Ihe sectional area of the five acres of rooms will be, in round numbers, 200,000 feet, accurately 217,000 feet square, which is about the square surface of live acres of ground. Suppose the moremeat of air to be 1816.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 215 at tbe rate of 11 feet a minnle, which it must be for good ventilation, the quantity of air discharger) must be 2,303,000 cubic feet per minute. Now the whole of this 2,000,000 cubic feet of air must be heated sulliciently high to produce an available power, by the difference in the weight or balance of the internal and external columns. A temperature of 300 degrees Fah. believe, is necessary to produce any available pressure. The whole of the air must, therefore, be passed up the chimney, and then raised to a temperature of . 500 degrees of heat as it passes. This appears to be im- practicable. But supposing it possible, the quantity of fuel burnt could never be suffered. On referring to experiments made by myself some years since, I find a pound of charcoal will heat 1,000 cubic feet of air from 60 degrees only to a temperature of .500 degrees. Therefore, if we take this as sufficiently accurate and favourable data, we shall find that we require at least 2.000 lb. of fuel per minute. The impossibility of being able to consume this quantity of fuel is evident; it is not possible to burn this quantity of fuel. To produce practically a discharge of that quantity of hot air, or effect an available power, it must be borne in mind that air raised from CO degrees to 500 degrees doubles its volume. You object, also, to the system of ventilating from the floors or sides of the room instead of from the upper portion of the apartments? Yes ; there is a practical objection to this direction, which will be seen by looking at the subject carefully. These retrograde currents produced from air entering at a low level into a room are practically very objection- able ; they produce an increased rate of evaporation upon the skin, which produces a sensation of cold. Although the temperature of the air in mo- tion itself may be warm — say 70 or 80 degrees — it will produce a tempera- ture very considerably lower on evajiorating surfaces. The skin of the human body is essentially an evaporating surface, and suffers much from this law. The feeling of cold in the parts of a room where retrograde or direct currents act is not due to the actual temperature of the currents, but to the increased rate of evaporation produced by them. Evaporation pro- duced by retrograde currents rapidly absorbs heat. A person cannot get out of the influence of the direct or retrograde currents if they enter near the floor or at a low level, but if the openings are made in the ceiling or at a high level, then they are mixed with the atmosphere of the room above, and cease or become destroyed before they can possibly reach any one standing on the floor.j Although not evinced by the common thermometer? Not by the common thermometer, but instantly by aa evaporating ther- mometer. It does not depend upon temperature, but evaporation ? It is entirely due to the increased rate of evaporation produced by a cur- rent of air passing over tiie surface. It is said, "If you cover the skin with ether, or some other rapidly evaporating substance, you may freeze a roan to death in the height of summer." A current moving at the rate of three miles an hour, acting on highly alcoholic ether placed on (he surface of a thermometer, will occasion the mercury soon to fall to the freezing point, notwithstanding the current of air may he at 80°. Evaporation where there are partial currents goes on unequally ; there is a feeling of heat out of the currents, and a feeling of disagreeable cold when in them. You cannot get out of them if the entering current is anywhere where it impinges upon the person. There is a great objection to air for ventilation entering a room anywhere at a low level; it must necessarily irapigne upon the person. Will you state what force you propose to apply to set the atmosphere in motion ? — I prefer the ris . ^^ 3, efifectually to exclude the a,r, and often b:^^:^^.S^tr=df:";E^r«^ tt "■nu'^shmad be L much as possible '"''^'^'ai/ Tf^.^ c'n:r. '^^ '- f "'fisnj^n -^r^xr.^ r:i='b! 1 -ti^Jtr^iiate/air , heVure ^"r t^ b^e atn,:.^; wUhin 3 or 4 feet of the ^oor and to be «a„. by all of the nre-place. The v-Jo"^ P -^^^^^ ^^'Z': ^^ 4-ntW died, and important advantages gamed. In^P^^mg of the ™eaus ^^ Tf the foom,-from which there ^^''f ' f f,^^ ';^,^pre a d on'sa'nds of Arnott's valve had been S'^""^''^"^! ^"V ! i7health If it were the Commission, oflfered some remarks on the '"^^f^'/'^f^ "ratings in the freVh air into the engine-rooms and other conBned parts of vessels. FRENCH ARCIl.EOLOGICAL CONGRESS. At the annual meeting of the Congress held at MeU^v^rajsubieots of great interest were proposed for ; ,\Xjr if, nd ahhatial and parochial ehurehes and hierarchy, by which all '^''^"'="/'' ' , . , ., according to certain dispositions even P"vate chape s, wxre sev a b bn.l =^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ .^^^^^ ^,^ and dimensiODb ?— Is not tne puia J, ;_-m.,, „„ not trace the pro- in Germany ?-K, as ^"PPO^^" ^^'^ ,a,„ the numerou3 exceptions to churches due east and «est, how can ^« "P" >_\Vhat is the origin of the ,uch rule observable in L.rraine ^";^;''ou^ '''''^Ji^,,-;^ ^';,:,^^^^^^^^ Uttle gaUery so comr^on^ ^und^ „„, ? rSo^i^ o' thX statuary be "»''- J^e .e,nte.;s^ont...^d^o^^ of coloured glass as church ornament ? SIR JOHM RENNIE'S CONVERSAZIONI. manufactures, among the former were Jlr- ^.''J^^^^^y Leans of a platform conveying Railway '^i^'"'. "^^ '''!,,'^ ' ,e riv; -A model of the Pre- travelling upon rails lixed on P'l'^^/^O'! !?!. ' ^y.;,,, in Lincolusiure, by T-u^ Cf K-.th.Tinp s Point and Menai L-iguinouses. -^s. .. — The 3t. Kdtnuiue & i uiut a n „ ■ , D,-onosed harbour .U'satmospJ-ericraiiway-PansoM,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "an"[h!''new Srea" W^t^ern' en,ine.-Mr. Ricardo's instrument for show- '''^'^^I'n::!^:^ "^.-S eoHapslble tubes e.ei.etl a go.l^dea. of att^nuJJ: as a skilful aJaptationof aj^uowu ^l;^:^^^^:^^^ subject a high pressure It may be m^^^^^^^^ A flarcap.ule In the machine exhibited the P"^-:^^"";"''; , „„ and embracing of tin being struck by a -''^.^''^frper •» "^ ' 'hese tubes are in- {^:^dt^;:^srU^ia':J^:;:.l:f cl^as artist, colours), which it .s ^i5:-f-j^^=r^--^ j^^r.^i^;-% :^ The assembly rooms, "'"^" ' ^.r^mihstautiallv and were elegantly ii-:r^:d -^i^^hro^ :^yi::i.""->-^ -^^ -- ^-- - - • luarkable persons present. RAILWAY GEOLOGY. lew, and chiefly confined to the upper beds. REGISTER OF NEW PATENTS. If .dditiocal information be required respecting any patent, it may be obtained at the office of this Journal. ATMOSPHERIC PROPULSION. loHN Reld Hill, of Upper Siamford-street, Lambeth, civil engineer, u-dl as land carnages. (A communicatio.i.)-C.ran ted Oct. i, 1845 , tu rnllpd Auril •-',1840. With an Engraving, see Plate A.1. The iinnro^eiuents relate-Fir»tly, to the mode of constructmg pneuma- tic"^ inl'^'thrcou^eyance of goods and passengers '^>-'-^J--/^- pulsion, combined with the description of carriages and piston» herein '"^coudl'y, to the removal of the air through the piston oj FSto-carriages of tne mains, and also through the pistons of metallic cylinders, as now used by means of tubes communicating with the external carnages through "^ tSI^^SvI^'S^^o :i;;^;^, ia the manner hereafter described, without the aid of a pneumatic main. 18-16.1 TtlE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 219 And Fourthly, to (he mode of applying this power to the I--';P"'^i<"' »f passage-boats oVother vessel on water, by placing the mams herem de- «!rribed on the banks of canals. , , v*«« Fiffl I'late XI, IS a transverse section of the main closed, w. h the p.ston- carr f ge, c, and ai^-tubes././; for the removal of the air fron, the mam, t le annaratJs for that purpose being attached to the p.ston-carriage. gg, the vSwes or rorf of the main, to be Uned at the points where they close ^^.th so . leat" e'rc oth, or other elastic material, attached to thm boards or other flexible maerials and covered, as indicated, with a flexible cap u«, wood navi"' with iron edge-rails between the blocks, level w, h the sur- ^.ce 'ng 2 iVa transverse" section, with the main open aud carnages passino- tiTrough it. h ft, steps for ascending to the roof or top ,of the ca, - S 6 dwarf walls, c, concrete foundations, or ballas . d phmlung or sleepe s. e, wall-plate and hinges. Fig. 3, long.tudmal section. The ?,s'oncarra,e, in its practical application, is to be placed at a greater Si'l'ceahefdof thelirst carriage of the train '1'- jV^P^-f;;^; »;;;■ dicated by the break in the connecting-bar; a tram of '^^'"^Sesfo, heavy goods may be continued from the piston to the passenger carnage, instead of this connectio<--bar, if preferable. Fig. 4 is a ground-plan. The en"?avi g^hov^s a main of sufficient width to admit of trains mov- ing inside, each carriage is provided with rollers to throw open the upper sides if he mains are not of sufficient size fur that purpose, he carriage .s to move in.ide, at a certain distance behind the piston, in order to throw openTheTe valves by means of such horizontal wheels or rollers attached to the upper parts of the side of the carriage, which carriage should also serve to'connect the trains to the piston when moving outs.de ortoconnec barges on water, by such mains being laid on the bank of the canals, and this power substituted for horse-power for the purpose of »"«'"= ^"' barges The roof, or valves, are to be composed of a series of rafte s, aUached bv axles or hinges to a wall-plate bedded on the dwarf walls, fnd tvere'd tntde and outside with asphalted felt, or "''>- A-'b-ia.e rials, rendered impervious to air and water, and of sulhcient ^ ■•eng'h ° resis the atmospheric pressure; a covering of india-rubber, o^oter im- pervious material, should likewise extend to the dwarf walls in order o render the joints air-tight. A comnmnication is also intended » be made between the roof of the carriages, thus represented, and «,e n'" or means of stairs, or a step-ladder, to enable passengers to ascend or le c "U as from the deck of a ship to the cabin. It is proposed, also, to convey goods and passengers by means of pistons moving on wheels, as thus de- fcribed, and propelled by atmospheric pressure through close tunnels or galleries, somewhat similarly constructed, but with arched roofs, and the side-walls of greater elevation, in order to afford suflicient carnage room and such tunnels or galleries may be illuminated by artdicial lights when necessary, or by davlight through strong glass, and provided with doors in the sides for the admission of passengers, placed at any convenient dis- tances, opening outwards, so construcled as to exclude the external air and resist the atmospheric pressure. It is likewise proposed to put car- riages in motion by means of rapid currents of air ihus driven through cylinders, traversing such carriages from front to rear, without the aid of a pneumatic main ; the apparatus for such purpose being placed in such carriages, and the velocity with which such carriages can be moved vvill be in proportion to the amount of power applied to the area of the cy in- ders, and the rapidity with which the air is propelled through such cy in- ders or other channels, which should traverse these carriages from front to rear. HILL'S P.\TENT PRINTING PRESS. John Reed Hill, of Stamford-street.— Granted August 2, 1844 ; En- rolled September 2, 1845. (See Engruving, Plate A/.) This is a very ingenious invention, by which, by means of hand labour, and without the aid of steam power, a hand printer is enabled to produce impressions with a rapidity far beyond anything that the handpress, or any press not worked by steam, has hitherto produced. The simplicity of con- stuction is also a great advantage, for it has neither tooth wheels, rack, or pi- nions for giving motion ; neither has it the tapes for conveying the paper A strong lad can work off from 1,200 to 1,500 impressions per hour with less labour and exertion than is required by the common hand-presses to ■work off 300 impression." , . , ,. • , ,, We are indebted to our contemporary the Mechanic s Magazine, for the following description. A A are the side-standards of the machine ; B B honzontal frame for sup- port of type-table; C C tvpe-table running on wheels or rollers ; D, print- ing cylinder, revolving on horizontal axis ; E E, inking rollers ; F, distribut- ing rollers; G ink trough and supplying roller; H treadle for foot motion; I flv-wheel for rendering the motion uniform ; J grooved wheel for driving the machine ; K K lever for throwing off the printed sheets ; L receiver for sheets when printed ; M register plate for receiving or " laying on the sheets to be printed ; N part of top of machine, forming a table when in use, but which is turned up to afford access to the type-talile . Motion is given to the machine by means of a treadle, which the pressman works with his foot, whilst his hands are employed in laying on the sheets ; but this is an arrangement intended to be confined to presses for small work : in presses of larger dimensions it is proposed to use hand-wheels. Originality cannot of course be claimed, either for producing the impres- sions by cylindrical pressure, or for the mode of working the cylinders, la both of which respects Mr. Hill's press differs in little, if anything, from the (now) common steam-press. The chief novelties in this press we conceive to be these ; />-s^ the peculiar arrangement for moving the ' m-'^^le ; and second, the apparatus for taking off the sheets when printed. In both ot thcie respects the simplicity of construction and working efficiency of the machine are such as apparently leave nothing more in the shape of improve- ment to be desired. tu t n( The manner in which impressions are taken is as follows :— the form oi tvpes being fixed and made ready for printing, and motion being given to the wheel the pressman connects the motion of the wheel to the axis of the printing cylinder by a sliding clutch ; he then lays a sheet on the register- plate, with its front-edge and one of its ends in contact with a guide, and on the printing cvlinder arriving at a certain position of its revolution the front edge of the sheet is secured to the cylinder by claws, which carry it round to meet the tvpes and receive the impression. By the time the im- pression is completed, the cylinder has brought the front edge of the sheet within the claws of the removing arm, which claws then close, and secure the sheet; and simultaneouslv, beneath, the cylinder claws open and allows the sheet to pass from the cylinder by the removing claws, and to be depo- sited on a shelf ready for being removed by hand. On the end of the cylinder spindle outside the frame, there is a crank- arm which pushes back the type-table after an impression has been taken, and on its arriving at its most backward position, the crank-arm quits its connection with the table, and a connection takes place between the end ot the printing cylinder and the edge of the type-table, by which means a firm contact takes place between the two surfaces, which produces the forward motion of the tables and types to produce the impression. The supplv and distribution of ink are effected by the table and types running under the inking rollers in the ordinary manner of steam printing machines. EXCAVATING MACHINE. Moses Poole, of the Patent Bill Office, London, for "Improvements in raishig and transporting earth and other heavy bodies." A comniunication. Granted Nov. 18, 1845 ; Enrolled May 18, 184G. (Witli an Engranng, see Plate XI.J This invention, for improvements in raising and transporting earth and other heavy bodies, consists in the application of certam mechanical ar- rangements or combination of parts for facilitating the removal of eartt^, stone, and other matters, when constructing or forming cuttings for rail- ways, canals, and other similar works, which will be understood by the following description, reference being had to the drawing, which shows a section of the earthwork and side elevation of the apparatus fo""""? '^e subject of this patent, and consists in the application of endless pitch- chains in the following manner :- a a is a framework of wood or other suit- able material, forming an inclined rail or tram road, and supported by props or standards 6 b b, capable of being lenglhened or shortened at plea- sure. At the top and bottom of the incline there is a wheel c c , round which is made to pass an endless chain d d. e e is also an endless chain passing round a wheel fixed on the axis of the wheel e' and also round a wheel keyed upon an horizontal shaft/, g is a vertical shaft, ''h.ch may be driven by a horse or other suitable power, and gives motion to he shaft /and pitch chains by means of a pair of bevil wheels, h h are the carts which are drawn up by means of the chain d d, which is provided w. h e that it will be easy tu detect those men who are not doing their dut) ; also, a greater pressure per square inch will be obtained upon th* sorfttoe of the water; and lastly, Ihe pumps may be worked alternately, whereby a mure regular supply of water will be obtained. Fig. I. Fig. J. Another part of this invention consists in the construction of air-veaselg for regulaling the flow of water through the pipe. Fig. 2 shows a sectional elevation of one of these improved vessels, in which a u represents the vessel, on the top of which there is a perforated plate A, and on the lop of this plate there is stretched a piece of vulcanized india-rubber c ; d is an hemispherical vessel forming a cover to the whole, which are firmly bolted together; within this last vessel the inventor proposes to compress atmos- pheric air to about two atmospheres, or thirty pounds, which forms a re- sistance or elastic cushion for the water to press against. By this ar- rangement it will be seen that the water in the aforesaid vessel does not mix with the air ; Ihe consequence of which is, that the air cannot pass off from the vessel through the pipe and form the crackling noise which is so frequently heard when working engines of the ordinary construction, llx air in the air-vessel being kept entirely distinct from the water. GAS BURNERS. John Lesslie, of Conduit-street, Hanover-square, tailor, for " Imprure- ments in the ctmbustion of gas." Granted, Dec. 4, 184S ; Enrolled, Juua 4, I84C. This invention is for certain improvement' in the construction of gas burners, the object being to obtain a greater supply of atmoi<- pheric air for the more perfect combostion of : the gas. The peculiar form or construction of this improved burner will be clearly seen on referring to the annexed drawing, in which fig. 1 shows a sectional elevation of the burner and glass, and fig. 2 is u plan view of the burner, the glass being removed, a a is a circular tube, having a branch pii>e t for the purpose of fixing the burner ou the supply or gas pipe ; c is the glass, wliich the inventor prefers to be of the form sLovvq in Ihe drawing; on the top side of the circu. Fig. 1. lar tube, a a, is fixed a number of small bent tnbet **t, throagfa wkieh Ihe gas passes, the point of ignit-iou being at /, just t>elow the prujevting or bent part of the glass, as shown in the drawing. 222 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [J ri.Y , FILTKRER. JOMA.I Wilkinson, of Lincoln's inn-fields, gent., for" certain /""P™"; ments in filtering tvater and oti.er fluids." A communication, t-rantea Dec. 8, 1845 ; Knrolled June 8, 1846. This invention consists in a peculiar mode of arransin? » f.^^Jlf .P"'; forated metal or wooden tul.es tilled with spon.-e, annual '^' "^ "'•/J^,^;^'^; other suitable material. The mode of constructing ''"V""? "f^*-' ^^'^^ as follows :-I'ig 1 shows a plan, and C-. 2 an elevation, of a series ot Fig. 1. QOO JG 0 i'- 0 C cu ■ The Augsburg Gazette informs us that Cornelius has completed and ex- hibited at Rome his cartoon for the mausoleum of the royal family of Prussia. It is made the subject of the following piece of magniloquence— '• The cartoon represents the four powers described in the Apocalypse, •which are to appear at the end of the world. They ride through the air on horses that seem more intimately connected with them than the centaur with the animal of which he forms a part. In the van is a Tartar chieftain, who sends from his twanging bow-string, like unto Homer's Apollo, the shaft of Pestilence before him. Hunger folovvs. Corn is so dear that it must be weighed in the scales which he holds ou high, while a figure to the left with horrid mimicry proclaims the high price to which all food has risen. Now follows Mar; a youth of exceeding beauty, swinging the bloody sword of battle above his head, with the united strength of both arms; and lastly comes Death, mowing down all that the others have left him. A chorus of the de- parted accompany the dreadful host with cries of woe, whose tones seem to sound from out the picture and become audible to the spiritual .sense. The tone prese>rved in this part of the painting is, it is said, inde- scribably beautiful. Eleven figures, three of whom are children, represent the perishing human race. And yet in this group is contained a represent- ation of all the horrors which the .magmation of man can take m at a e ance In more ihan one figure wc see the celebrated motive of Timan- fhes employed, who, in the sacrifice of Iphitenia, represented Aganiei.,n.,u veiler Hut ;iiat is not expressed by the gestures, by the figure of a youth who, amid the agonising struggles of death, covers his eyes with convulsiveW-closed hands I What name might be given to the sutfering ex- ™d on the countenances of the won.en, who imploring mercy and pty fln'°l>emselveson their knees before the mighty band ! Hut above a is ATi^uish, represented with a wonder ully deep knowledge of the hun anioul in he iwo little children, invested as they are with a sublime beauty. The young too, the age of innocence, all is unsparingly swep awav Despa r is foreign to such tender souls; but in the countenance of nem"an, who with cla^p'ed hands has fallen to the ground, we buhold it la 'r,K horror ■ and this figure forms the centre of the picture." From this descript.o" it'may be concluded that the German school has exceeded even itself Cornelius seems to have painted with a thousand horse power and prepared a rich treat for the admirers of the '• intense and convulsive ■^ A euer from Cairo (May 17), written by an intelligent traveller, mforms usThat the temple of Dendera had been completely cleared of all the rub- bish with which it was encumbered, and was now to be seen as one of the mnct n«rfect of the Egyptian temples. ■llie arch tects at Haniburgh appear to have imbibed the taste for the chromatic .tyle. Biilau, the architect, in his buildings, does not use stucco, but introduces ornamental bricks of different colours. A fiue mosaic pavement has been discovered in the church of St. Paol at Nimes It represents a warrior in his car driving his fiery coursers at full sTeed, with the body of a man fastened to the tail of the car, and ,s suDDOsed to represent the triumph of Achilles. , o i- X ic rfc J. des Sciences at Paris has elected M. Jacobs of Berlm one of its foreign members, to supply the loss occasioned by the death of '" ThrghTl"'ex:rTons of Sir Stratford Canning, England is likely to possess the treasures discovered by Mr. Austen Layard, at Nimroud The Times gies us the following particulars of these antiquities :-" The dis- 00 ver'es of M. Botta, at Horsabad, are well known to the learned world. Those in which M. Layard is now engaged at Nimroud promise to be much more interesting and extensive. The mound is eight or ten times irgerThan at which was excavated hy the French. It contains the re- mains of a palace, a part of which, like ihat at Horsabad, appears to have beenburnt.^ There is a vast series of chambers all buil with marble, and covered with sculptures and inscriptions. The inscriptions are in the cSneXrm character, of the class usually termed Babylonian It ,s possi- b"e that this edifice was built at an epoch pnor to the ov^erthrow of the As.vrian empire by the Medes and Babylonians under Cyaxares,-but whether u'nZ the fi>st or second Assyrian dynasty is doubtful Many of he cu ptures discovered by Mr. Layard are even in the smallest detail as sharp and fresh as though they had been chiselled yesterday. Amongst then, is a pair of winged lions with human heads, which are about twelve feet hgh.'^ They fornfthe entrance to a temple. The execution of these wo figures is admirable, and gives the highest idea of the knowledge and civilization of the Assyrians. There are many monsters of this kind, lions and bu 1= The other reliefs consist of various divinities ; some with eagles' heads,-others entirely human, but w,nged,-w.th battle-pieces and sieses, as at Horsabad." . , A letter from Alexandria states that the barrage of the Nile is proceed- ing with "reat vigour, and the men are made to work both night and day nirder to take ev'ery possible advantage of the present low state of the water The Pasha's frigates are employed in bringing cargoes of tirahei from the coast of Caramania; these are immediately squared and sent up o t"e s te of the barrage with all possible speed. '/.OO men, -mprising soldiers and country people, are at present employed at the barrage, and, ow^ig to n,e great fatigue and privations of these poor people, the deaths are verv numerous. . The Cathedral of Durham is now undergoing various repairs and re- storations. Among other sacred edifices that have sufiered by the hand of the despoiler, this venerable cathedral has not been ^^'''''"f'^fj^l one who visited it a few years ago must have been greatly oUended at the disfigurements which would meet his view at almost evei^ step tor some time the Dean and Chapter have devoted themselves to the task of restor- ngthe interior to something like its original beauty A highly valuable and important restoration is being made in the Chapter-house M hen m its original state, the Chapter-house of Durham was justly described as the finest in the kingdom. It was built by Bishop I ufus, 1133 43 and the only subsequent additions were some buttresses at the end, a large perpend,cularliiidow above the doorway, formerly toll of f^'ned glass knd tracery, with stained glass in the east window. Its whole 'enS'h was 77 feet, width 34 feet U inches, and the height at the western arch of the groinin- 45 feet. The east end was of a semicircular form, and when m fts original state, with its fine columnar work and beautiful tracery, must have been an object of great interest. ,,„.,, .. „i„,„i, iWnt On removing the oak stalls from the chancel of St. M»7,^.^,''";,'=^'i;°'- tingham, preparatory to repairing tlie roof, a sculptured 'a^'-^' °f "™ was discovered, buried with its face downwards, w-^hich Prob^bW h^» been lying there since the Reformation. It is said to be a spirited and well- executed bas relief, consisting of eight figures, and represents the Pope seated on a canopied and elevated throne, consecrating a bishop. ueMOe he Popearet-vo'cardinals wearing their hats. The bishop is attended by his apparitor, bearing the crozier, and three other attendant figures com- 18-lG.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEERAND AllCHlTECT'S JOURNAL 223 plete the group. The tablet is above two feet in height] and one in width, and has been curiously paiuted and illuminated, the traces of colour being ^"iXraiVnVs of the Royal College of Chemistry.— On the ICth of June the tirst stone of these" buildinss was laid by Hrince Albert on the north side of Hanover-square. The show front of the structure will ap- pear in Oxford-street, and will combine the usual aDsurdiliesof modern debased architecture-a ru.Ucaled basement and columns hoisted to he arst lloor. Heally there are so many instances of columns thus elevated out of their places, that it is surprising that architects do not now and then, for the saUe of mere novelty ulone, and irrespectively of all sense ol pro- priety exhibit designs with the columns in Iheir right places. St JnhirsGate, ClerUenwdl.—rhe resioralion of this ancient monument is commenced ; the owners have consenled to case the buihliug with stone and cover the roof with lead. The restitution of the decorative parts is to be effected by public subscription. Botanic Gardes at Camhriilge.—A proposition to levy a small tax on the members of the University, to raise a sum fur torming the new I.otauic Gardens, has been rejected by the senate. „ , , , , Booksellers' Proeidcnt Institution.— The " Retreat" of the aged and destitute lielongiug to this institution is progressing ; the first portion ol the building is nearly finished. The new College at Galuwj.— The design selected by the Board of Trade is staled to be that of a magnUicent edifice m the style of Henry the Eight's time ... <■ o- Scott's Mniiument in Eitinlmri:U.—Mr. Steel's colossal statue of bir Waller Scott will, it is expected, be erected in its place in the moniiment in Princps-slreet on the anniversary of Scott's birthday— the ISth of Au- .'ust In Kri'dand we have an invariable rule of lilevatiug honorary sta- t"ies out of sight : we trust that our northern neighbours will not disregard this sage and venerable custom. Vicioria Fomitain at Bridtlon.— A new fountain has been erected on the S,eyne at a cost of £1000. The design is appaieuily vei7 unsatisfac- tory. It has the appearance of being designed by an upholsterer, it is de- lici.-nt of solidity, and looks as if it were made of zinc or tin bronzed over. Jhc Brf'klonand Chicliester UaiUcai is now open. The drawbridge over the Arun, described at length in a former number of this Journal, acts quite successfully. . , , 1,1, Conversion of tlic Regent's Canal mio a Railway is abandoned, the re- quired amount of capital not having been subscribed. Tlie Eastern Union Railu-mj is o^eued. The fares between London and Ipswich are 1.5s., iOs., and 5s. Sd. A longboihr engine of Mr. Stephenson's construction lately ran from Birmingham to W'ulverton, 52.i miles, in 70 minutes, drawing 100 tons of goods. At Ackemon bridge, the funnel of the eajine was struck down, it being SIX inches higher than the arch. FOREIGN NOTES. Emhanlcment of tlie hid of the Adige in T,jrol.-The floods of this river have of late caused such damage in the south of the I yrol, that its embank- ment has been decided upon— the more important, as its valley is one of ,l,e c eclino- links between Italy and Germany. 1 he court councillor Das-elli has just completed his report, which is accompanied by an instruc- tive litLo-rapl.ed map of the valley of the Adige, from Meran to boschetfa. After the completion of the cut at Ischia Peratti, another more expensive will be commenced at Ischia Lidorno. The plans for damming up the "Noce one of the most impetuous and mischievous Alpine torrents, are also to be 'commenced- The expenses will be very great-but only apparently so as by the regulation of this mighty Alpine stream, b,800,000 square klafter (cubits) or boggy land will be restored to its pristine fertility, an equal area preserved from the destroxiug inliuence of Goods, and the air improved for about 50,000 people, who have, hitherto, constantly suffered from fevers and other diseases iniierenl in damp localities. Public Baths on the Continent.— 'ni>fiie are now being established very extensively in almost every town. At Amsterdam a huge swimming basin has been laid out on the Y. ; at Paris the old established and extensive salle de natation de I'ile St. Louis has been much unproved. , . , ■ General Canal eonslruclions en frunce.— Never before has any legislative session been taken up by so many subjects reUting to constructions, for the improvement of the working classes, &c. The following is extracted from tbe Journal des Traraux Publics,— ''TUe original plan for the maritime canal of Caen is still carried out with energy ; ■2,S00,000 francs have been aione expended in the erection of one of the four walls of the basin, a new bed for the Orme 2,700 metres long, and the two yeliier of Oysterham. Some an-'ry observations have been made on account of the opening of the Orme having cost 800,000 francs, while the original estimates amount- ed only to 280,000. 1,200,000 francs have been voted for improving the navi-'ation of the Vilaine in the environs of Rennes, comprising earthwork, excavations, aqueducts, bridges, &c. Now a credit of 15,000,000 rancs is asked for the completing of the branch canal to the Garonne, between Toulouse and C'asterts." The allusions made by M. Adolphe Beaumont to EnWish canals, in the Chamber of Deputies, are not without interest. " In England," said he, " canals give way to railroads. I have spoken in London of our proposed canals, but no one would believe me. The can. 1 from London to Birmingham, which yields 4 perct. is merely an adventitious exception, because their has sprung up on its banks manufactories, which are its main support. The only remedy against the monopoly of railroads are the railroads themselves. The expense of 15,000,000 of francs for a canal at the present time is an anachronism." Submarine Vessel. — Some experiments have been, of late, made with a boat constructed after the plan of Dr. Payerne, and called by him bateau cloche (bell-ship). It is made of iron, and to be seen near the Pont Iioyal at Paris, where it is now moored. On its last experimental trip, elevea persons were on board, and the craft passed (invisibly to the public) through the space between the Pont Royal and that of La Concorde. None of the passengers felt the least inconvenience, although there was a sort of telc- iM-aph established for communicating with those above water. " Completion of E. Gerhard's work on Ancient Sculptures hitherto unpub- lished.—Ihis work, which was formed after those of Winkelman's " Mo- numenti Inediti," and that of Zoega, has, at length, reached its concluding parts, not without many a sacrifice on the part of the author and publisher. The plates are folio lithographs, the letter-press r.ijal Svo. They contain a rich harvest of sculptures collected by U. Gerhard in his many peregri- nations Ihrough Italy. The publication extended over the period froni 1828 to 1841. M. Gerhard was one of the contributors to the splendid work on Ancient Rome, in which Chevalier Bunsen also took a share. Supjjhj of Water to the City of Uladrid.— Tins metropolis is very scan- tily supplied with water, which the poorer classes have to purchase. An extensive contract (su6h6( proveuients in r.;ilwavs and raiUvay carriages." (A communication-)— June 4. George Lowe, of Finsbury.ciicus, civil engineer, of an extension of a patent for tha term of bve years, from the tith Jnoe, 18-l»'. for iiicirasing the illuaiinating power of such coal gas as is usually jiroiiuced In gas vvflrks. aU.) lor converting the reluse products fnuo the iiianufaclure of coal gas into an article of commerce not heretol.ire protlucrd there- Irum. and also of a new mode or conducting the process of condensation iu the niaoufav- ture of gas lor illumination." — June 4. John Tayler, of t'arlisle. miller, for " certain Improvements in flour mills, and in ma* chinery ci-nuccted therewith.". June 11. Hnhert Rettie, of Glasgow, civil engineer, for " certain Improvements In the manufac. tiire nffnel, parts 01 vvliich iniprovements are app icat'le tor the purposes ctf purifying, conipiessinr. or extrjcting vegetable and other substances, an-1 tJuiJs, and in the m^ chinery or apparalus to be used for the s^me."— June 12. Kdward Cottam, of St. John's-wood, for " Improvements in bedsteads." — J«ir.e 16. Fredeiic Handell Burkinyoung, of Baker street, Middlesex, gentleman, for "Improve- ments in piano fortes." — June I'i. Benjamin Fotlierfiill, of Manchester, machine-maker, and Itichard Johnson, of Clitbe. roe, in the same county, cotton-spinner, (or Improvements in certain l-'arts of machinery used in the pa parat-on for spinning, and iu the spinning and doubling of cotton, wood, and other librous substances."— June 16. Robert Reyburn. of Brown. street, Glasgow, chemist, for " Improvements in making extracts from animal and vegetabia substances."- June 17. William Cormack, of 'I'hsmes-street, Greenwich, chemist, for " Improvesientj in ob- laiuicg motive power." — June i7. Alfred Uicbard Johnson, of the firm of Messrs. Johnson and Co., of Regent-street, and Messrs. Giilfilhs and Johnson, of Old Bond-street, hatters, for " ceriain Improvements in hats, caps, and bcnnets— June 18. John siuison, of Riches court. Lime-street, merchant, for "certain Improvements Id machinery tor jireparing and spinning tl ix, and other hbrous materials." — June 20. Henry Austin and Thomas Webster Rammell, of 10. Walbrook. City, civil engineer, fo» " Improvt-menis in woou, mosaic, and tessellated work." — June 22. Spencer Thomas Garrett, of Clitf-bank Lod^'e, Stoke upon. Trent, Ksq , for " certain Improvements in cements, b icks, tiles, quarries, slabs, and artiliiial stones." — June 22. Benne't Woodcr.jft, of Manchester, consulting engineer, for "an Improved mode of printing certain colours ill calico and otlier fabrics."— J uue 22. Thomns Walker, of Birmingham, stove. maker, for " Improvements in shipsMogs and In sounding inacliines." — June 22. John Mercer, of O.kenshaw, chemist, and John Greenwood, of Church, in the sane county chemist, lor " ceriain Improvements in dyeii'g and |.riutlng Turkey red, and other colours " — June 22. William Slathers Hall, of Leeds, brass-founder, for " a certain improvement, or certain Improvements ill, and applicable to sliding gas pendants, lamps, lustres, and chandeliera.'* —June 22. Josei h Renshaw, of S ilford, Lancashire, meclianic, for " certain Improvements in ma- chinery, or apparatus, for tinishing velvets and other piled goods or fabrics."— June 2^. William Cotton, of Louehborougli, manufacturer, for " certain Improvements in Itult-. ting machinery."- June 22. John Giilett, of Brailes, Warwick, agricultural implement maker, for " an Improved apparatus for protecting property by sounding alarums, or giving signals." — Joseph George, of Chelsea, Middlesex, coal and twine master, tor " Improvements la the construction ol bouses, builoings, and other erections." — June 22. Thomas Jones, of Salford, Lancaster, niachuie-maker, for "ceriain Improvements in machinery or apparatus for preparing, slubbing, and roving cotton, wool, ana other filjrous materials."- June 22. William Topling Nesham, of the London Docks, engineer, for " certain Improvements In the apparatus and mode of applying power for raising and lowering weiglits or heavy bodies " — June 22. Ambrose Lord, of Allerton, Cheshire, toll-collector, for " certain Improvements in fur- . naces and tbe tiues of steam-boilers, for the purposes ol consuming thu smoke and rcoDo- niisiug the fuel." — Juue24. CORRESPONDEHrs. J. M. — The abstracts of the proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engi- neers which appear iu the weekly periodicals are generally of too popular a character to be of much value tu the professional engineer. By the courtesy of the Institution we have been hitherto supplied with au ulhcial ac- count of the proceedings, but owing to some unexplained delay, the pub- lication of the papers of the present Session has not yet been commenced and consequently we are deprived of our usual source of mfoimation. It is reaMy of no use in a work making any pretensions to philosophical accuracy to give any but authentic reports. For example, a long paper has recently been read at tbe Institution, by Mr. W. llirding, on resistances to Railway Trains. The only part of bis conclusions winch /,v at all new, is what ha calls " resistance from concussion ;" we therefore naturally wished to confine our attention to tliis part of bis paper, hut on turning to the reports in the weekly publications, we can find neither an explanation of what is meant by the phrase " resistance from concussion," nor any account of the reasons for adopting the expression " ^ V" as the measure of this resistance. A Working Mechanic, and J. B. will be auiwered next month. l'!4rt.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 225 THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE. Modern ecclesiology is the revived study of a neglected branch of human knowledge; and like all similar revivals compensates for previous neglect by present enthusiasm. It is by no means an uncommon occurrence in the history of literature and art that a zeal for reproduction and servile imitation should suddenly spring up which threatens, at first, to destroy not only all hope, but even all desire of originality. These indications, so prejudicial to the true interests of art are however transitory — at least they have always hitherto proved so, as far as we are acquainted with intellectual history, and we may safely hope that they will be 30 with respect to the modern study of Mediicval architecture. While the first impulse and freshness of the novel pursuit lasts, all attempt to gain a characteristic individuality is sacrificed to an unthinking and undiscrimi- Dating admiration of the ancient models; but after a while the votaries of the new science become weary (and perhaps a little ashamed) of being mere copyists, they find for the first time that all the features of their idol are not admirable alike, that some parts are far more worthy of study than others, and then finally, if they themselves possess creative power, adopt those parts, not as patterns, but as so many hints — way-marks, as it were — of the direction in which their own genius may most successfully pursue its course. Just in the same way— the greatest orators, writers, sculptors, and painters have been content to be for a time disciples of ancient masters, in order that they might form their own style on the classical models, of which their creative genius forbad them from copying the actual ideas or modes of expression. In accordance with these considerations it becomes a matter of great practical importance to ascertain exactly the degree and nature of the ad- miration with which we should regard Mediaeval art, to discriminate be- tween its merits and defects, and above all to determine which of its nume- rous varieties or styles are most worthy of being studied with a view to further development. We by no means claim the merit of originating this investigation, it has already been pursued to a considerable extent by others, although the conclusions at which they have arrived are extremely various. One class of writers, who represent a considerable portion of the English students of Jlediaeval architecture, recommend the exclusive adoption of the second great style of Pointed Architecture, commonly known as the Decorated, which, to use their own peculiar mode of expression, " is the style of Pointed Architecture which we consider to have the mo.st nearly approached perfection, or, as we should more truly say, the furthest de- parted from imperfection. It was but an approach, and but for an instant. It just unveiled to men a distant glimpse of heavenly things and dazzled his [their] poor eyes with that imperfect vision." Another class of writers describe Perpendicular as the most perfect style of Pointed Architecture, but recommend Romanesque for exclusive adoption in building new churches, as being the most suitable for modern purposes. These contending opinions represent, we believe, with tolerable accuracy the respective views of two bodies who have rendered themselves cele- brated by the zeal with which they pursue the study of church architec- ture— the Oxford Architectural Society, and the Cambridge Camden or Ecclesiological Society; and seeing, as it is impossible not to see, that these ^two bodies have promulgated, among much which is inconsistent, and much which is controvertible, a large mass of sound and valuable in- formation respecting Pointed architecture, it is useless to treat their opi- nions with indifference. We are very anxious to contribute to the attainment of a sound conclu- sion as to which of the styles of Mediaeval architecture should be preferred but in stating the views and arguments of the two Academical bodies men- tioned, we are met by this difficulty, that the discussion has been made to assume a theological character, which renders it in a great measure un- suitable for these pages. The advocates of one or other of the various styles of Mediaeval architecture do not rest the claims of either merely on its intrinsic beauty or constructive value, but chiefly on its typical refe- rence, or supposed reference to religious doctrines. For the completeness of our argument it will be necessary to allude in general terms to the latter class of argu ments, and show that even if we allow to them the weigh t gi veu by their authors, they are still so nearly balanced as to leaye the main (juestion unaiTected. Ho. 107.— Vol. IX.— -Ac6dst, 1346. It is indisputable that during the middle ages there was a tendency to establish resemblances between material forms and abstract ideas. This tendency may probably have arisen from the prevalence of monastic insti- tutions; for in the vacuity of thought unavoidable in a state of monotonous seclusion, the mind must either be occupied by some fanciful unreal em- ployments, or become enfeebled by pure inaction. (.And it may be remarked in passing that this consideration is a reasonable explanation of the fact that symbolic speculations are in our times most rife among academical and cathedral bodies, wherein the manner of life most nearly resembles ancient monachism.) These speculations were anciently applied to all the sciences — chemistry was neglected for alchemy, astronomy for astrology. The study of botany became a mere collection of comparisons between Bowers and church festivals— the snow drop and Candlemas, the daffodil and the Annunciation, the ranunculus and the Invention of the Cross, the white lily and the Visitation of our Lady, Skc, the passion flower being however the favourite subject of this species of mental indulgence. To the same source must be attributed the cabalastic interpretation of myste- rious numbers, and lines on the human hand, the black art and the whole cycle of occult sciences. The whole material and intellectual world were arranged in a universal system of type and antitype ; and all things visible were supposed capable of a recondite symbolic interpretation. The Ger- mans in modern times have somewhat refined on this method of doublg- signification by their system of esoteric and esoteric ideas, that is, in sim- ple English — the system of saying one thing and meaning another. It is easy to suppose that in the Mediaeval times the love of syuibuli«m would be frequently exhibited in architecture, and as a matter of fact thers is no doubt that it frequeally was so exhibited. For to what other cause can we assign the cruciformity of churches, the position of the foot near the entrance, and orientation or the position of the chancel at the eastern end ? Occasionally the symbolism seems to have been carried into minute particulars, and atibrds a curious reflex of the mind of the architect, for it is generally observable that where these indications of trivial resemblances exist, the architecture is of a feeble character, and does not exhibit that boldness and vigour of conception which belong to a vigorous mascuUn* intellect. But that symbolism of every kind, whether minute or general, depended on the individual caprice of the architect, and not upon any accepted lavr of church architecture, is evident from the partial manner in which it in exhibited. Taking all Christendom through, the number of churches with cross transepts is far exceeded by those of which the plan is rectangular or irregular. In the same way the orientation has been as frequently dis- regarded as observed ; in continental churches especially, the disregard of orientation was so great that in one church the chancel is sometimes nearly opposite in direction to the chancel in a neighbouring church. Of the position of fonts it is not so easy to speak, because, being moved with tolerable facility, they have been frequently displaced from their original situation. Another architectural form, which has been supposed to bear an obvious symbolic meaning, the eastern triplet window, is by no means of universal occurrence: in every successive style of church architecture there are numerous examples of other kinds of windows at the east end of the church. And it is important to observe also that the Mediaeval archi- tects were by no means jealous of restricting to ecclesiastical uses the forms which are capable of a symbolic interpretation, for the triplet window is commonly found in edifices constructed for secular purposes. That the general affectation of analogies and fanciful conceits wbich prevailed in the middle ages should be occasionally displayed in architec- ture was naturally to be expected — that it should be universally displayed was practically impossible. And this reason, if no other existed, would have sufSced to prevent symbolism becoming a positive law of church building. If for instance it had been determined that one essential re- quisite in the construction of a church was that the plan of the building should typify the doctrine of the Cross, if this kind of teaching were cod. sidered a religious necessity, then it is evident that a church without tran- septs must exhibit some other kind of teaching, that it must inculcate a heresy, and that the worshippers in it must be heretics. It would how- ever be frequently necessary to build churches where it was physically impossible that the plan should be cruciform. This necessity alone would prevent symbolism from assuming the sanction of universal custom ; for it is to be observed, greatly to the credit of the Medieval architects, that they never sacrificed real palpable advantages for the gratification of their 29 220 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECrS JOURNAL. [August, speculative prejudices — that their mioda constaotly exhibited a practical tendency entirely unknown to or unappreciated by those who now ape their idiosyncrasies. We trust that the reader will perceive in the sequel that nur argumfnt on the point before us has not been unnecessarily minute, for the whole question of the luture development of Mediaeval architecture depends upon it. If those who assume the oflice of pronouncing publicly on the merits of ninderu church architects ground their criticisms on speculative doctrines, such as those here alluded to, it becomes the direct interest of architects to ascertain how far those doctrines are correct. What seems a fatal objection to doctrinal instruction by the aid of mate- rial forms is, that the system never did and never can becoiue gene- ral, and moreover that if it could, it would never be free from ambiguity. This kind of teaching must belong to one or the other of two classes— sug- Restive or conventional : that is to say, the forms in which it is embodied must be either suggestive of their intention, or if they bear no outward re- semblance to thethingtypified, their signification must be purely arbitrary. To the first of these classes belong cruciformity and orientation which as we have shown are liable to the objection of want of generality, because occasionally they would from local circumstances become practically im- possibilities. In the same class .if suggestive symbols most be ranked the eastern triplet: a species of symliolism which makes out a case stronger even than that derived from the two former species. In the case of the eastern triplet the deviation from the general rule (if such rule existed) was perfectly gratuitous and unwarranted by necessity : for it is impossi- ble to suppose that the architect was ever practically compelled by local requirements to build a window of five or seven lights in preference to a triple window. What then shall we say of a conventual church like that of .lesus College, Cambridge, for example? Were the worshippers poly- theists? They must have been so if they derived a symbolical teaching from the eastern window. The argument respecting ambiguity applies with equal force. If the eastern triplet consisted of three separate and distinct windows, then it tau?ht a heresy, and if the centre window were larger and more important than the rest, it taught another heresy. The nature of these heresies need not be here specified, they are both denounced in the Quicunijue milt, in the expression " una est divinilas, oequalis gloria." But the ambiguity would become absolutely inextricable confusion when forms possessing siinilar peculiarities were made to represent difi'e- rent doctrines. For instance, if anything like system and distinctness were to be maintained, it would he obviously necessary that all forms of which the most distinguishing mark was their triplicity, should suggest one and the same doctrine. The fleur-de-lys, for instance, three component parts united by a band, ought to teach the same thing as the eastern triplet em- bniced by one hood moulding. The fleur-de-lys however teaches some- thing altogether ditVerent. It has, says the Ecclesinlogisl, " from the twelfth ceotury at least, probably fur ages long anterior, been the recognized em- blem of the Virgin Mother as such." We must beg the reader to take no- tice of the wordg " recognized emblem," because we will show by another quotation from the same place how far the emblem actually was recognized. The reason of its being " appropriated as an oroamsnt to the seats of the Laity in particular," was that it suggested what was peculiarly ■' the peoples' doctrine." Now then how far did the people understand the suggestion ? We are told that the popular name of this ornament (popie) was derived from its supposed resemblance to a bundle of hemp. The old church-designers had however "something more significant in view than the mere giving of an ornamental finish to an otherwise plain seat-end. Nor had they any intention of imitating ' bundles' of hemp or of any other substance: that teas a mere fancy of the uorkmen." It appears therefore that whatever may have been the intcJiiion of the designers, it failed of its effect. The workmen misunderstood the meaning intended, and the people generally committed the same error, for the name " papie" seems to have been a popular one, and the result of a vulgar error similar ta that by which " Pau and his Bacchanals" was corrupted into " the devil aad his bag o' nails," which was a corniHoa sign of old inns. .So much for the efficacy of symbolic teaching, where the form of the symbol was suggestive : with purely conventional symbols the matter must have been still worse ; for here even the memoriu lechnkn, which afforded some little help in the former case was wanting. To understand at all the aaeaning of the types, constant reference must be bad to a written code. like that now used in the navy for interpreting signals made by flags or rockets. Such a code has been compiled by Durandai, though never authoritatively recognized. We confess, without much shame, that we know as little of this work as we do of the " Aurea Legenda," or Butler's marvellous " Lives of the Saints," and that little is obtained from merely meeting with a few occasional extracts. Still, we apprehend, the great body of the people, in the most flourishing times of the unreforraed church, were in the same state of lamentable ignorance. At least we are certain they are at present, and that there would be some slight difliculty in getting them to read Durandus now, — if they did not, really we cannot see what the use of the symbols would be. Itwould become the case of the rockets without the signal book. Butsuppose the difficulty removed. Suppose the people were at last got to study Durandus (which by-the-by seems as likely as that the inhabit- ants of St. Giles's should take it into their heads to commit the Nautical Almanack to memory), would not the labour of teaching be twice as great as that required by a more direct method ? First the forms are to be learned, then the code of interpretation has to be " got up," then the application of the interpretations. But why go by such a circuitous route ? We are convinced the thing would never answer. Among so many scholars with very dilierent degrees of desire and aptitude for learning, so many mistakes would occur that we should soon have to revert to the more direct process. Complicated machinery is seldom successful in practice. But there remains another argument fur symbolism, one derived from mere architectural considerations, and not connected with theological doc- trines. It is this, that symbolism is a source of the beautiful— that truth and beauty are so nearly allied, that material representations of truth must exhibit beautiful forms. This is one of those showy sentiments which en- trap unwary readers, especially if they have a taste for magniloquence. But what is the fact? The beauty of the symbol depends, not on the na- ture of the truth symbolized, but on the method of representation adopted by the artist. If the artist have taste and genius the symbol may be beau- tiful, if not, the symbol will most likely be absurd and ugly. The restric- tion put upou the designer that the forms adopted by him shall typify ab- stract ideas, will add so much to the difliculty of his task, as to have in all probability the very reverse of a beneficial tendency. The design instead of being improved (as it is arguedj by syniboiism, will most likely be greatly injured : unless we suppose that the desire of symbolizing reli. gious truth will necessarily be accompanied by the faculty for doing it in a graceful manner — which is much the same thing assuft)osing that every religious person is ipso facta imbued with good taste. We will not cite examples to the contrary,* but we may at least mention one or two in- stances which disprove the converse proposition, namely, that men imbued with good taste are ipso facto religious. Material beauty is far better re- presented in the paintings of Salvator Kosa, and Raphael, than moral beauty in their lives and conversation. There seem therefore no reasons (except those which fauatacism would suggest) why ecclesiastical symbolism should be more beautiful tliau any other. The Chinese characters are a kind of symbolism, for they originated in the representation of natural objects by conventional forms, so did Egyp- tian hieroglyphics, so did our own heraldic devices. Is there any thing of beauty or propriety in these forms ? We fail of discerning the graceful- ness of a rampant spare-waisted unicorn, or a double-headed dragoa covered though they be with Mediaeval rust, and honestly coufess that we prefer the Elgin marbles. We have alluded in another place to the significant symbolism of skulls, cross-bones, and chains, which decorate the front of Newgate gaol, as a proof that symbolic architecture is not always beautiful, hut we have not spoken yet of the profanity aud indecency occasionally exhibited by Me- diieval symbols and grotesque carvings. The sculpture of the Hotel-de- Ville of Louvain, for exampie, representing the mortal sins aud their punish- ment, displays forms revolting to any but the foulest imagiuatiou. AgaiD, tlie constant collocatiou of serious aud ridiculous subjects sanctioned by Mediieval architects would be deemed intoleiable now. We have seen ia an old continent churches an absurd representation of a raonk with his toe in his mouth, &c. These and similar extravagances might be permitted in * Vet we may be allowed under this head to remind Ihe Ecclesiologiat of the fact men- tioned Iiy our coleoiporury, ttial AtL-liljistiojj liaud ^uic tlKine niKt admiiatiou o( all ritUA* lists) caused Inip-o .tout's to distiijure oue otlhe noijleiit 01 our CatUedrait, ola Si. Paul's, wilb a dctesluLde Cormthiau porUco. 1 846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 227 the time of the ancient " moralities" or " mysteries," religious dramas in which the Divine names were freely introduced among the dramatis jier- sona, but no amount of precedent would suffice for their revival now. If there be one instance more striking than another uf the necessity of distin- guishing between the valuable and the valueless parts of Medieval art, it is this of grotesque or monstrous devices. Nothing which is unnatural can be beautiful, for nature is the source of all ideas of beautiful forms — the heraldic monsters of the new Palace at Westminster, the hideous encaustic tiles recently laid in the Temple Church, and if we remember rightly, similar modern absurdities in the Round Church at Cambridge, are no better thau simious displays of the faculty of imitation. Symbols such as these will never probably be ranked in serious argu- ment among the valuable parts of Mediaeval architecture. But there re- mains yet another class to be alluded to which may be termed historic symbols, symbols employed in church architecture to represent not doc- trines whicii are true through all ages, but current facts of ecclesiastical history. We are not certain that this distinction was really made by an- cient architects, hut notice it because it is laid down by Duraudus, and adopted by modern ecclesiologists. To take an instance — " It is well known that all Media?val cathedrals either do now or did formerly contain stalls in their choirs : we know also that in the primitive basilcs there were no stalls in the choirs, but that the Divine offices were sung standing. We know from history that stalls were not iutroduced without a struggle. They however became a " fact," (to use a mueh abused word), and what does Durandus say of them ? 'The stalls in the church signify the contemplative ' Truly the con- templative life in a healthy state of churchmanship is a mnst tit vocation for the canons of a cathedral-church, and it is certainly not very hard in this case to discern the analogy between type and antitype. But suppose a vast increase of Bishops to be made in England under an improved slate of churchmanship and cathedrals to be built in our poor and teeming trad- ing and manufacturing town — Liverpool for instance and Sheffield— charity and common sense would dictate that the canons of these cathedrals would have a very diflerent vocation from their brethren at Liclifield or Ely ; that ttiey would have in the strictest sense of the word to do the work of Evangelists ; that they have to go forth us preachers of the rcry first riidi- mcnts nf religion to a virtimUy heathen ynjiulation. Contemplation there- fore to tliem must be a recreation not an occupation, and the symbolism that should point them out as contemplatives vouhl not he borne out by facts . . The cannn of the symbolism of choirs would then be embodied in the fol- lowing form : — In some churches are found stalls. These stalls signify contemplation, &c. (as in Durandus). In other churches built in large towns to serve as missionary staliims, there are no stalls, but there the Divine office is performed standing.* These choirs signify wretchedness as it is said in the Prophet. ' How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of bim that bringeth glad tidiugs.' "We have, we trust, sufficiently vindicated the truthfulness of that minute system of symbolism which is found in the writings of Duraudus and other authors of the middle ages"! ! — Ecclesiolagi.it, p 226. After the reader has carefully perused this extract and noticed the pas- sages which we have marked in italics, let him retiect on the result likely to follow from the system here impliedly recommended. How much grati- fied the good people of Liverpool and Sheffield would feel to have cathe- drals on the terms suggested ! To be reminded continually by visible signs that they, in contradistinction to the people of Ely, are heathen idolaters ! The proposition forcibly reminds us of Sydney Smith's celebrated selections from the Evangelical Magazine — "Christianity introduced into the parish of Launton, near Bicester in 1807." " Chapels opened— Hambleton Bucks— eighteen months ago this parish vras destitute of the Gospel: the people now have one of the Rev, G. Collisou's students," &c. But the principal consideration in an architectural point of view is this — we are told in the extract before us, that the kind of symbolism which would be appropriate to a particular church at one time, at another " would not be borne out by facts." How then shall the species of symbolism be appropriate to each locality be decided upon ? Who will undertake the delicate task ? And for localities halfway between the heathenism of Sheffield and the godliness of Ely, what intermediate system of symbolism shall be adopted ? Who will invent a finely gratuated scale of symbolism which will exactly suit all the variations of that spiritual thermometer of which Ely and Sheffield are boiling point, and zero respectively > And * We have alreaiy noticed the circumstance that tlie writers here quoted do not co:i- aider it always imperative to observe tlie ordinary rules of Eimlisll composition. In 'he expression " the Divine office is performed standing," the participle "standnitj" should by the principles of" Syntax refer to the preceding noun " office ;" the Meaning is htvr- ever. not that the Divine office stands— which is nonsense— but (we presame that the canons stand when the Divine office is performed. when Sheffield has begun to improve— when the influence of the standing canons has begun to tell upon the people— when the original symbolism is no longer " borne out by facts," who is to make the alteration, and how is to be ascertained the exact moment for making it? We are told that the main object of symbolism is not so much to teach religion, as to honour it. We will not stop to prove that the system here advocated would lead to the grossest materialism and dishonour religion by making it appear ridiculous ; it is enough for us to show that the scheme is impracticable. It would be beyond the collective wisdom of the Cambridge Camden Society, it would be beyond the compass of all human sagacity and invention to overcome the practical difficulties here mentiooed. If the system were a mutable one—true at one time and not true at another, then it, or at least the mutable portion of it, even though we wave all dis- pute as to its actual merits, must yield to the fatal objection of its impracti- cability. A large proporlion of the whole number of church symbols, namely, the historic class is thus disposed of. Respecting the remainder, those sym- bols which refer to immutable truths, we may be certain that the greatest part, like the " popies" aforesaid, would be the subjects of vulgar perver- sions, which would render them useless if no worse. The representation of abstract truths by material forms is difficult enough even when those forms are the 20 letters of the alphabet combined into words and sentences. If the greatest of philosophers and divines have found all the resources of written language scarcely sufficient for the perpicuous explanation of their thoughts, if the church herself have been unable to express her articles and rubrics with a distinctness which would place them beyond insidious mis- representations and additions, what shall we say of the difficulty of ex- pressing the same abstruse doctrines by the unyielding form of architecture? To every unprejudiced mind it must be obvious that bricks and stones, however contorted, could never answer the purpose elfectually, that the architecture must become a congeries of hideous and absurd devices, and above all, that where honour and reverence were intended vulgar ridicule and desecration must infallibly ensue. This consideration disposes of the second sort of symbols ; and so the whole delusion melts into air — thin air. To some of our readers we may perhaps appear to have been unneces. sarily minute in the arguments by which tve arrive at this conclusion. There are some who would have us treat church symbolism as an obvious absurdily, not worth arguing about : and the whole doctrine is doubtless one which might easily be made the subject of sarcasm and ridicule, but we have been careful to view every part of the question seriously and pa- tiently, because upon the due settlement of it greatly depends the future development of Medieval architecture. The principal arguments brought forward by those who advocate the exclusive adoptiou of the Decorated style are founded on symbolic considerations ; those who would adopt Ro. manesque exclusively rest their case entirely on the supposed doctrinal interpretation of the prevailing forms of that style. Having then explained to the best of our power the grounds on which we would exclude from the question of the future developmeut all symbolic considerations, we shall have less difficulty in discussing the remaining part of the question, namely, the purely architectural considerations. To begin with the consideration of the architectural value of Romanesque or Norman architecture, our own opinion is decidedly against any very general re-adoption of that style. It is essentially imperfect in its general character and individual details. It is a transition style — not a transition from one of two congruous modes to the other — but a transition from the Classic mode to another in every way antagonistic to it, the Pointed. Ro- manesque constantly exhibits traces of the effort frequently made iu Roman, namely, that of reconciling two directly opposite and irreconcileable modes of construction, tiiabeation or construction by straight beams, and arcua- TioN or construction by arches. Every transitional or mixed style must of necessity be incomplete : and for this reason a great objection will always exist against the revival of Romanesque, It does not however follow that because it is an incomplete style that it is absolutely valueless. It is an important rule of criticism that a work of art may have beauty and yet not be perfectly beautiful. Now this we apprehend is precisely the case with Romanesque architecture; the very eflbrt to combine two incongruous modes was the source of beauties which belong exclusively to this faulty but effective style. The enormous massive pillars and walls are evidences 29* 228 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [AUGUST» of imperfect knowledge of construclion. Had the Normans possessed the constructional skill of later architect?, had their knowledge of mechanics enabled them to construct a spire wilji the magical appearance of lightness which belongs to the Strasburg spire, they would certainly have availed themselves of that knowledge. Modern ecclesiologists tell us that the Normans built massively and imperfectly, because their mode of contruc- tion typilied the slate of the church in their own times. The reason which we sliouhl assign is far too simple and unsophisticated to find much favour iu the Universities, but we are disposed to think that if ihe Normans did Dot build with the symmetry and graceful proportions which distinguish later architects, it was simply because they could not. Uomanesque, like all mixed architecture (cinque cento for instance) abounds in surface decorations. For the reason of this circumstance we need not look far. A style which combines incongruous modes of con- struction must aflTord means for masking the inconsistency : and accord- ingly we find in Italian and Romanesque, and every other impure kind of archileclure, that the construction is never clearly exhibited, the decora- tions do not arise naturally from the constructive arrangements, and that the architect is compelled to resort to surface ornaments as alternative ex- pedients for producing variety. The arches of decoration which characterise Romanesque towers, ice. are examples of these inconslructive ornaments. A practical objection to the general adoption of Romanesque — an objec- tion which perhaps will weigh more with the professional than the amateur architect — is that it is a very expensive style. The modern kickshaw Romanesque structures with thin walls and slender pillars are not very costly ; but we speak here of real Romanesque — not of a mongrel architec- ture which mimics the details of that style without possessing the least - portion of its spirit. The characteristic solidity and massiveness of Ro- manesque masonry can seldom be reproduced in modern times. Besides, it is poor alTectation to copy defects — to return to imperfect modes of con- struction when we possess more perfect modes. The advocates of Decorated architecture are not quite so exclusive as the advocates of Romanesque. It is true that the former usually condemn new churches built in any style but their favourite one; they admit how- ever the merits of other styles. " Willi t be maintained," say they, " that though Middle Pointed be as a whole more perfect than First Pointed, yet that there are not parts and details in the latter more perfect than in the former, and that it is primA facie clear that there can be no absolute impossibility in engrafting them upon Middle Pointed? Therefore any style which shall combine them with the mass of Middle Pointed must be a more perfect form of architecture than has yet been produced. We ad- mire the smooth flowing delicate sweep of a Middle Pointed moulding, still we cannot but desiderate the wonderful boldness, the solemn depth of light and shade in a mass of First Pointed mouldings Again, we will be bold to say, why should not back surfaces and splays display that prodigal variety of surface ornament which is the di=tinguishing em- bellishment of Romanesque?" This question appears to us capable of a satisfactory answer. The at- tempt to combine twodifTerent styles has always failed — always will fail— because it destroys the individuality of both. This necessity of character- istic physiognomy is quite independent of intrinsic beauty, and is much overlooked in modern art. The artist who endeavours to give a water- colour painting the effect of oil colours — the musician who would impart to the violin the peculiar ictus of the piano or intonation of the organ — the sculptor who by piercing the eyes of his statues borrows the efl'ects of colour, entertains, we hold, defective notions of the true purposes of art. Kach of these combinations is made at the sacrifice, so to speak, of identity. The mixed result instead of preserving the merits of both its archetypes usually injures both. To view the subject historically — had not the architects of the Decorated Period fully as many opportunities of combining with their own architec- ture, the characteristics of the previous period as we have? The very fact that they did not avail themselves of these opportunities is a strong pre- sumptive argument against the expediency of making the attempt now. We see, as the second great style of Mediieval architecture approached perfection, the characteristics of the first style, one after another, volun- tarily relinquished. The deep undercut mouldings of Early English, the exquisite lancet windows with detached shafts, &c., fell into disuse. Can we imagine that men who fliowed such a thorough appreciation of the beautiful as did the architects of the Decorated period, would have given up forms of so much beauty wantonly, and without they had entertained a lixed purpose for which those forms were incompatible? If we examine au Early English church or a Decorated church separately, we shall find that the details of each are exactly consistent with Ihe general character of the building. And this observation applies not only to the actual forms but the modes iu v\hich those forms are applied. In Early English some parts are elaborately ornamented, which in Decorated were left plain. It is diflicult to explain these characteristics by verbal description, but we feel convinced that the architectural reader who has become familiar with them, by actual observation, will bear us out in the assertion that the cha- racter of each style so thoroughly prevades every portion of it, and is so strongly marked in its minutest details, that the attempt to transfer parts of one style to another must produce coufusioo. This unsatisfactory result may be partially traced in the transition styles of each period. It cannot be denied that the monuments of transition ar- chitecture are usually very interesting, and that their prodigal display of rich embellishments elicits the highest admiration. But these buildings seldom have a distinct character of their own. They are, as it were, bor- derers on the confines of two countries, and exhibit some of the good and bad qualities of both, without possessing the nationality of either. The remainder of our space must be devoted to the defence of Perpen- dicular architecture from the obloquy to which it has been subjected. The principal objection urged against this style is that it is not symbolic. We do not consider it necessary to resume the discussion ; we shall merely make one observation with respect to the absence of the Triforium.. The symbolists protest against the disuse of a feature which, with the clerestory above and the arcade below it, constitutes the triplicity which they love to trace in every part of a sacred edifice. To ourselves, however, a sufficient argument against the re-adoption of Triforia is that they are useless. In the unreformed Church they appear to have served as galleries from which were hung draperies on high festivals. It is clear that they could never be applied to such purposes in modern English churches, and it must or ought to follow thence, that all who advocate faithfulness in architecture must object to the introduction of members which are not merely useless but fictitious also, from assuming au appearance of utility which dues not really belong to them. The objection that the mullions of Perpendicular windows are incon- structive has but little weight, for it applies to all mullions whatever, whether they meet the soflit of the arch vertically or obliquely. Any one who is acquainted with the mechanical properties of an arch knows that it ought to be supported on its abutments only — that it does not require support from intermediate props. If, then, such props be applied either by the vertical mullions of Perpendicular windows or by the curved tracery of Decorated windows, these additional members are alike incon- structive; and quoad hoc the Lancet style is more constructive than either of the other two. But it would be impossible to fetter art by these minute restrictions. If a comparison be established between two styles to ascer- tain which is the most constructional, it is not the ornamental details, but those larger parts to which the building owes its stability, which should be compared. Viewed in this manner, we have no hesitation in saying that Perpendic- ular is the most constructional of all the styles of Pointed architecture. Its very name implies as much. It might be pronounced a priori that a style distinguished by continuous vertical lines would alford the most convenient bearings for sustaining superincumbent weights, and would therefore be the most useful for lofty buildings. Accordingly, we find vertical shafts, such as those which run up between the windows of King's College Chapel, from the ground to the vaulting, support the roof more directly, and therefore more efficiently, than do the clerestory walls of a Decorated church. At all events, it cannot be disputed that the construc- tion is more apparent in the former case. Vaulted roofs appear more consistent with Pointed architecture thaa wooden roofs, because the construction of the latter is usually of the kind which we have termed trabeate. The principle of arcuation has never oeen so thoroughly and magnificently developed as in the fan-vaultiog peculiar to Perpendicular architecture. It has been objected to the panel-work of this style that it produces "an easy but gaudy system of surface decoration." The ohjectors seem to forget that each style is capable of being treated skilfully and unskil- fully, and that, after all, its excellence depends principally on the com- petency of each individual architect. It cannot be denied that throughout the Perpendicular period the facility of produciug embellishment Ijy panel-work was frequently abused — ^jnst as in the Deoorated period Uovving tracery frequently became entangled and confused. The Medi- eval architects with all their skill were not infallible {honus dhrmitat Homerui). M'hat then .'—because the use of panelling was sometimes 18-16,] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 229 excessive was it always so7 Was the whole character of Perpendicular an easy but gaudy system of surface decoiation ? Look at the external architecture of King's College Chapel. Not much surface decoration there ! Plain almost to severity — bold almost to ruggedness, this glorious pile exhibits more massiveness than any other Mediajval monument what- ever. In the colossal disposition of its parts, it outvies even Norman ar- chitecture; as for Decorated buildings, there is not one of them that ex- hibits the same play of light and shadow. It seems alm»st incredible that those who have constant opportunities of seeing this Chapel should speak of Perpendicular architecture as characterised by superficial decora- tions. If art is to progress, its resources must be increased — cot diminished. Yet, how much must we relinquish if we decide on abandoning Perpen- dicular architecture? Fan-groining, the most magnificent of all methods of roofing ; the four-centred arch which, not to speak of its constructive value, exhibits in its outline when correctly worked a peculiar grace which no other arch possesses; the curves of contrary flexure in Perpen- dicular canopies ; the square headed Tudor arches with their exquisite spandrels ; these are part only of the wealth which we lose by the rejec- tion of Perpendicular architecture. In no other style were the windows entirely incorporated with the rest of the building. In Early English they were frequently nothing but mere perforations ; in Decorated they appear more connected with the rest of the architecture, but it was not until the Perpendicular period that the problem of identifying them with it was truly solved. There are many Decorated churches in which some of the windows might be blocked up without any perceptible alteration in the character of the architecture ; but it would be absurd to make the same experiment in a Perpendicular edifice. Unity and harmony are essential elements of beauty, and the most perfect architecture is surely that in which each member is an integral and essential portion of the whole sys- tem. The most eflfeclive way of advancing Pointed architecture seems to be the liberal adoption of all three styles, and the careful preservation of the distinctive characters of each. They who object to this course would have us give up all the peculiar beauties of the third style, and would recommend Decorated architecture, or rather a transition between it and Early English, as the model for invariable adoption. A new church of the pure Lancet architecture, or Romanesque, or Perpendicular, ipso facto, meets with their condemnation. They affect a zeal for the future progress of Pointed architecture, and yet would confine it within the narrowest compass. They would SU the land with buildings of which the variety and originality should be a minimum ; Facies non omnibus una, Nee diversa tamen. Such edifices would bear the same relation to the glorious works of our ancestors which prize poems do to poetry. They would bear all the aca- demical polish and insipidity of the former, without a particle of Iha genius and spirit of the latter. It remains with architects to judge for themselves which path they will choose — whether they will limit themselves to one style, or adopt the catholic feeling which we have here advocated. Me have, however, one parting word of advice to those who presume to build in styles proscribed by either of the Universities. These architects are almost certain to be condemned by one or the other class of academical critics, and if the cri- ticisms be founded merely upon the distinctive prejudices of either body, may safely congratulate themselves that no more serious objections have been alleged against them. We are sorry to have to inculcate a certain amount of indifference to criticism, but it is necessary for the purpose of our present paper— a more liberal and extended view of Pointed architecture— that we should do so. At the same time, the architect must be warned that if his efforts be con- demned on purely architectural grounds, the condemnation usually pro- ceeds from those wlio are qualified to pronounce it. We have no reluct- ance in sayiiii; that we have learned much from the pages of the Ecclesio- logist acid the Keports of the Oxford Architecture Society. With respect to our contemporary especially, we have seen with great satisfaction the tendency recently exhibited to advocate progress in architecture : instead of being told that antiquity and perfection are synonomous, we are now bidden to look forward to a perfection of English architecture, compared with which the glories of Cologne shall be as nothing. There are many other points of sympathy between us — the war against unfaithful architec- ture, which, however, we do not limit to the lUedia:val styles — the con- demnation of superficial " save-trouble" expedients — the admiration of such men as Didron, Willis, and —let 03 add — the author of the Manual of Gothic Mouldings. We recognise the general soundness af the archi- tectonic criticisms of the Ecclesiologist, and if ever we dissent from them it is with regret ; but we have uniformly found the most liberal and gene- ral views of art to be the most valuable, and are unwilling to sacrifice its interests to an exclusive spirit which, we believe, will be found on exa- mination to result from the prejudices of academical education. Our paper has already reached considerable length, and this must be the excuse for not fully examining the proposed alterations in the nomenclature of Pointed architecture. Brevity on this subject is the less to be regretted, because names are less important than things. A good nomenclature is that which is definite, generally received, and not liable to be changed. For this reason we are unwilling to disturb the well known appellations in- vented by Rickman for the three great divisions of Pointed architecture- Early English — Decorated — Perpendicular. These names have certainly the fault of want of homogeneity : the first refers to a date, the second to the amount of ornament, the third to the character of the ornament. The dissimilarity between the second and third is however avoided by remem- bering that Rickman spoke of Decorated in contradistinction to Florid, one of his names for the third style. These names however are well understood, and being suggestive are easily remembered. ^The titles First, Second, and Third Pointed, are not so suggestive, and besides are unnecessary innovo- tions. They are also deficient in homogeneity. For the term Pointed should be balanced against the term Round, as the Ecclesiologist tacitly confesses, in the same way as the French term Ogival is balanced against Plein Ceintre. Yet the advocates of the new names inconsistently call the style anterior to Pointed — " Romanesque," from the name of the People from whom this style was mediately derived. The term Third Pointed has also the grand defect of confounding Perpendicular with a style alto- gether different — Flamboyant. The old nomenclature is not theoretically perfect, still it is more so than the new one, and besides is sufficient for all practical purposes. We agree with the Ecclesiologist in condemning the term Gothic. His- torically speaking, it involves an anachronism, and, moreover, it was in- vented as a term of reproach by those who knew nothing about it. For the latter reason we also object to calling Classic architecture Pagan — we would as soon speak of classic literature as Pagan. The term confounds a style which the EcciesioZog^ijt confesses to be "faithful," "beautiful," and to have been produced by a " beauty-loving people," with the archi- tecture of the Hindoos and Mexicans. There can be no objection, how- ever, to the application of the term to the mongrel architecture of " Classic" cathedrals, and to all attempts at combining the horizontal con- struction of the Grecian with the vertical construction of the Mediaeval architects.* ARCHITECTURAL RECOLLECTIONS OF ITALY. By Frederick Lush. {Continued from page 109). In considering any ornaments in connection with the architecture of Italy, or the numerous bronze and marble works which adorn her piazzas, we see how much the grander and more imposing chdracler of buildings is set off by these smaller embellishments. In Tuscany, and elsewhere, in the time of Lorenzo Ghiberti and Donatella, the churches and cathe- drals were decorated with apostles and scriptural subjects, and heroes occupied her colonnades ; in the same way as formerly fables were re- presented by Phidias on the temples, and statues of gods and sages stood under the porticoes of Greece. Aud the similar works were attended with corresponding happy results. In each epoch and country, the artist " felt himself a public benefactor ;"t aud he was one. Now, in Italy, the respect paid by ihe fuwest and most uneducated classes to artists, whether native or foreign, is greater, perhaps, than it is in any other country ; and we think this is chiefly owing to the exhibition of works of art in all her public places. However easy of access they may be, museums and pic- ture-galleries will do little towards enlightening the people and interesting lliem in the cause of the line arts, compared with the good derived from tlie works of acknowledged artists, in spots which men habitually frequent Nothing has had such a tendency in the south to engage the feelings and * We must guard ourselves against appearing to condemn the use of heraldic devices u-l.ere occasion renders them necessary, 'i he condemnation in the text refers to the gra. tiuluus cnjflojuient ol mouatrous and unnatural forms as purely arctiileclural ornaments. Hulilt. 230 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [AU6U3T< induce the mind to reflect and grow refined, or instil into it patriotic ideas, as the presence of Buch productions in the squares and in the streets. The public taste is thereby constantly exercised. Indeed, so many are the portions of ground appropriated exclusively to works of genius, that it may be said the taste of the people coold not degenerate, even were the treasures of the Vatican or Uffizii unknown to them. The effects, also, of viewing these works in the open air are more healthful, and, on account of the freedom and independence of the spectator, yield a pleasure superior to that afforded by works of the same description within a palace ; the glorious sun that heightens these beautiful objects rendering the Italians at the same time susceptible of every emotion which it is in the power of art to inspire. Every traveller must have heard the exclamations of praise that are uttered by mule-drivers, beggars, porters, and boatmen, when looking on the colossal figures which adorn some fountain, or a noble group of statuary in one of their favorite squares. And all admire these places abroad, from prince to peasant. It was gratifying to me, vphen in Venice, to see the blind Holmein feeling and passing his hands over the beautiful bronze and marble works in that city, and to witness the lively pleasure he experienced from such monuments. The impressions thus produced only make us regret that art does notdevelope itself to the same extent in Eng- land and that such things are not carried out ou that magnificent and liberal scale we see in the Italian cities. An opportunity which was lately offered for making one of the most splendid piazzas in the world, in front of the National Gallery, was thrown away ; and, with the exception of the equestrian statue to King Charles, the whole is now a disgrace to the nation, and one mass of rubbish. This is the more to be regretted, because the artists of our time take precedence of the moderns in Italy ; and were there less /a/se and more real patronage, some of our first sculp- tors would have graced the spot with subjects rivalling the best produc- tions of ancient Greece. To those men who contributed so much to the restoration of art in Italy, we owe the most beautiful works in her great squares ; and we cannot forget that the sculptors of those grand works in the Piazza del Gran- duca, at Florence, of the bronze gates to the Baptistery in the same city, of the fountains in Rome, Perugia, and Bologna, whilst they attained excellence in that high style of art which they exhibit, were at the same time or had been, jewellers, mosaicisti, and medallists; and that the prac- tice of putting together the minute fragments of stone or glass, or cutting the shell or cornelian into admired cameos, did not prevent them from exe- cutiu" some of the grandest works ever known in sculpture ; works, of which the reputation is sealed by the encouiunis of Michael Angelo and of our own Flaxraau. II. "Fe« of these palaces are of good architfcture—somp of very bad; others are whim, sical, but present among their strange forms many happy ideas."— Wood's •• Letters of an Architect," &c. The details of the Venetian palaces are valuable, because they lead the mind, like all eccentric but beautiful things, to think and invent for itself. Their peculiarities and caprices of style are positive faults if tested by the standard of the Classic examples, or by Palladio ; yet, for all thi», we see in the composition of the windows, balconies, and other parts of the palaces of Venice, principles of real beauty. An early and too ex- clusive admiration of the Roman edifices is apt to prejudice the mind against them ; but we think they must be studied by all who would not separate the painter from the archilect. The architecture of Venice is what the city itself is in its history and associations— strange and romantic; and her Doge's palace, fairy-like and Eastern in its appearance, reverses the principles of all other architecture. As Forsyth* says, — " Here the solid rests on the open, a wall of enormous mass rests on a slender fretwork of shafts, arches, and intersected circles. The very corners are cut to admit a thin spiral column, a barbarism which I saw imitated in several old palaces. A front thus bisected into thick and thin, such contrast of flat and fretted, can please only in perspective. It is not enough that the structure be really durable, it should also appear 80 " The writer had, however, formed his notions of arcliiiectural beauty and propriety on the precepts of Vitruvius and Palladio, and anything contrary to these was immediately ridiculed and censured by him. Now, the sketch of the Doge's palace (fig. 1) shows, with all its defecls, what a pleasing beauty it has about it; an effect which it owes solely to its de- parture from tbose prescribed rules. Ou the other hand, we see edifices which the judgment might pronounce faultless, most correct in the propor- tions usually given to them, Uiosl perfect in the features suitable to their particular class, and, indeed, without any of those vagaries which are * " Anti«iuilies, Arts, and t.etleis in Italy," here displayed — before which the mind remaios cold and nnexcited. A total incapacity of raising pleasurable emotion must beget apathy, if not Fig. 1. disgust, towards an object. A building, like a book or a picture, may be without a single absurdiiy, yet be very far from beautiful. Now, iu the works of those men who thought for themselves, and were more ambitious to be artists than imitators, we often find that, in departing from conven- tional rules, the defects (if such they were) were redeemed by the inven- tion of some striking beauties which pleased the imagination, exercised, whilst it fascinated the eye, and at least possessed the merit of originality and that charm which all works of great invention have — of which dull copies are always destitute. Instances of these abound in Venice, and in many of the Italian cities, exhibiting an approximation to the Gothic in feeling, although that result was attained in quite a different way ; in the Loggia of Sansovino, for example, and that of Lanzi, and in the cornices and other parts of these celebrated designs, on which has been bestowed great attention ; in San Michele, Florence, also, remarkable for the beauty of its crowning member and the tracery of its windows : and in the Palaz- zo Publico at Piacenza and Cunio.* It should only be remembered that whilst on one side, by too strictly following precedent, we often substitute elegance for seniiment ; ou the other, a too open defiance of it, might lead to a corruption of true taste. It is observable in the Ducal palace, as in many other Venetian build- ings, how well the contrast between the fiat mass of wall and its windows is effected ; how admirably one part serves to relieve the other; also how the coloured diamond patterns on those masses reduce the heaviness which might otherwise appear too great for the light, ornamental corridor below. The angular balcony and recess (fig. 2) from another palace is a " bar- barism" perhaps not likely to be committed by many English architects. Nevertheless it is very beautiful. It was ingeniously contrived for com- manding, from one point, different views on the canals ; but for this and a thousand other similar picturesque features in her buildings, with the me- mories they awaken of her former pageantries, Venice would lose more than half its enchantment. .Such things fully express their meaning in this wonderful city, and impress the mind with all that poetry and ro- mance that is infused over it. They must be applied, however, with great caution to other places and circumstances, for, bearing, as they do, more the stamp of power and the force of original thought, than the evidence of good taste, they should serve rather as stimuli to invention than as ex- amples for imitation. The danger of sacrificing correct drawing and just representation to a love of splendour, of which Reynolds, Fuseli, and others, warned the student in the fascinating colours and wild compositions of the great Venetian painters, might equally be incurred in an immode- rate fondness for the florid palaces of Venice and the fanciful creations of the Moor. * See "Illustrations to Hope's Historical Essay on Architecture," and CIcognara — Fabbriche pin cospicae cii Venejia. 1846.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECPS JOURNAL. 231 It is eajy to recognise a correspondence in the principles and effects both in the painting and architecture of Venice. Pig. 2. That variety of tints, of forms, of colours, and of the manner of break- ing and blending them into one another, which is seen, with one or two exceptions, in the Venetian painters, was in itself extremely attractive; but its merit of beauty and picturesqueness was fatal to all grandeur and dignity. So in the architecture, there were such a richness, such an intri- «acy, so many curves of contrary flexure (archi proteiformi), and, as it would sometimes seem, such a positive avoidance of anything lil^e uni- formity or along continuatiuo of lines, that, picturesque though it be, and interesting for reasons already given, it was yet far removed from simpli- city and grandeur of effect. All these highly ornamental qaalities were rejected by the Roman and Florentine schools, which excelled in the grand and imposing style; and those palaces of Rome and Florence, which have (be national features most strongly marked on them, as the Farnese, Strozzi, and Pitti, contrasted with those in Venice most remarkable for their peculiarities, present the opposite characteristics of grandeur and mere picturesque beauty as much as objects totally diOering from each other possibly can do, III. Although the marked characteristics of these styles arose out of pecu- liar times and circumstances ; yet it must be allowed that the details of these edilices are attributable partly to tie amount of the labour bestowed on them and, in a great measure, to the degree of artistic skill and know- ledge of picterial effect possessed by the Italians. At a period happy for art they united the painter with the architect. Dominichiuo, Raphael, Michael Angelo, were the better able (as were also our Christopher Wren and Vanbrugli) to impress some originality and power on their works, from possessing this combination of taleut. Ornaments, showing great attention to chiar' oscuro, and a knowledge of the artificies of contrasting light with shade and producing relief, and executed with reference to the distance at which they would be viewed, are well displayed in some of (bedetaili of buildings in Italy, as well Roman as Italian-Glothic; although in a different, rather than, perhaps, to a less extent than that seen in the elaborate enrichments of Gothic architecture. Thus in many of the Italian cornices,* as in the brick and terra-colta ones in Padua and Ferrara, but especially (as being likewise of superior material) in that to the Strozzi palace, there is such a union of boldness and richness— and sometimes these qualities stand out so conspicuously singly, that they make all the impression on the spectator which it is pos- sible for such things to do ; deriving their etfects from bold projection, breadth of shade, and judicious arrangement of surfaces ; and not these members only, but the chimneys, which make such sorry figures on our roofs, are remarkable for their beauty and the outline they offer against the sky ; and tbe deep effective border ornaments and decoration to doors and windows often receive all the character and importance of which they are susceptible. Let any one compare this Strozzi cornice with any cornices in England, designed on buildings of an equal size with that palazzo, and he will see and lament the difference. The former has been accused of " projecting beyond all authority" — by so doing it becomes a bold and spirited produc- tion. In England, too often this feature, even in large public buildings, where it is capable of being made imposing, and ought to be so, dwindles into insignificance and meanness ; for their parts are seldom large and definite enough ; but often too small and too confused ; no account is taken of the point of view whence they are beheld ; and little attention is given to increase as much as possible the effect of light and shade, by making some parts prominent and deepening the recesses of others, as, for instance, in the dentiles, and egg and tongue moulding. From neglecting this, those portions of the cornice are often entirely lost in the open air to the eye, and require, in order to be seen at all, to be brought within the bounds of the architect's own room, or else to be viewed through a telescope. * " when they came to the cornices — the massive unbroten cornices of their palaces — the littleness of the other parts is so completi ly lost, that it is evident they wore actuated by the same feelings of unity and breadth titat lent so much value to the best works of the ancients I cannot refrain from calling the attention of the student to the cornices employed by the Florentine school, inasmuch as there is no member of a build- ing from which it receives so great an assistance and effect as from the cornice. In the best and most celebrated examples, such us the Strozzi and Pandollini palaces, and the Picolomini palace at Sienna, whose court and staircase are of extraordinary beauty, the cornice is proportioned to the whole height of tlie building, as the height of an order, notwithstanding the horizontal subdivisions and small cornices that occur between th« ground and ihe crowning members. Not less celebrated than those just meutioned, is that of the Farnese paliice at Rome, which has always been considered one of the most powerful architectural effort* of Michael Angelo."— Givilt's " Elements of Architectural Criticism.'* A NEW THEORY OF THE STRENGTH AND STRESS OF MATERIALS. By Oliver Byrne, Professor of Mathematics. (Continued from page 167.) The work done in elongating a bar to its elastic limit, whose sectional area is one square inch, and length one foot, equal '" i ^^ ( 77 ) i sup- l posing the limit to be expressed by the fraction i, ; in this case A L= 1 The units of work done in elongating any other bar of the same material as the last, whose length equal L, and sectional area equal A, t* its elastic limit,-=JM^ ^-j-^ (I \2 T ) elongated to their elastic limit, i "^I, ( T" ) '^ called the modulas of Resistance, and may be written M^, and is sometimes called the modulus of longitudinal Resilience. If the work of elongating goes on till fracture is produced M^ the work necessary to cause fracture in a bar a foot long and an inch square, is styled the modulus of fragility, so that My L A, will express the units of work that will cause fracture, in Ihe same manner that M- L A expresses the units of work to extend a bar to its elastic limit. By-aod-by we shall explain what is underslood by the term Modulus of Rupture in Transverse Strains. The modulus of fragility. My must not be mistaken for the unit of tenacity, which is the number of pounds that would tear asunder a bar one square inch in section. Length is not taken A L. It is evident that -r- is the same value as in ' is the same in all cases with bars of the 232 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [August, into account in the nnit of tenacity, but as the strain is supposed to be on the highest section of the bar, it is therefore at this section the rupture will take place, hence the length mast be taken into account in determining the weight that produces fracture. Condition of rupture in a rectangular beam under a transrerse strain. Let us next consider the nature of the forces exerted by the filaments of the cross section, near g, when the beam is in the state bordering upon rupture. Let g' be any point of the curve g g', very near g ; and let the normals teg and t' e' g' meet in the (point o. Let p = the radius of curvature of the mean filament, e e', at the point e, that is, the filament which i.s in a middle slate between 1 1' and g g' ; it is represented by h k in the cross gection through t g; hk is in such a position that it is equal in length to abor p q, the breadth of the beam before the weight W was applied. It must be observed that fig. 14 is part of fig. 13 enlarged, the same Fig. 14. 3 S letters represent the same parts, and that e e' is not considered neutral. Let a — ee' ; i = the distance of any filament whatever as//, from the mean filament, and a' the length of //' of— p + s — radius of curvature of//', at the point/, then, .' . a p — a p -\- K a, a =: a -\- On account of the forces applied, the longitudinal filaments undergo »mall dilations, which will destroy the equality that existed between a and a' before the forces were applied. Let o = the primitive magnitude, then, supposing 5 and 5' very small fractional parts of a, so that ^ of 'I"- I'eam bulsed out. the depth of the upper 81.,. a.eiits would he , ImMnshed and the width increrijed-if we afsume the density to rem ,in Hike's Law- Ed* °"'""'P''''° "'" '" contrary to our knonkiige of elastic bodies and to I • . the 1 breadth of the fibre. at//- = ^^ + "-i^ 0" (TT^Ji) fir ^ ~"i i "i" f 1 — ^1 1 y^ L- The force arising from the action of //' is proportional to 6', and may be represented by m 8', m being a con- stant depending upon the nature of the material of which the bar con- sists ; therefore, the normal force which corresponds to the point /, normal totf, IS represented by ~^ a,— / 1 — , , , I x \ml dx, and the moment of all the forces normal to eg- with respect to the asis A fc = M = '^/""["■-O-raV}'' xdx (1 -f 8) .r but 5 _ 8 -| ; Iience, by substitution, Therefore M equal — S rc — 4(1— _i ~)18pa? + r4 — Sri — _J_M/, . « .1 (l-t-8) (2 (1+01 + 4) ( p e «,) + ( (l-f e)J- -f 3) (I + .) a. | This being established, we shall next determine the nature of the for(»» between e and t, or on the area hkdc. The breadth of the extreme fibres 6 at tf aj :y:: ot zz p — n„; ol = p — y, S - - y . 1 (T=^i-^:^((-i=7yi-^)' breadth of the fibres at 1 1'. The elastic forces of compression between e and t, as well as those of extension between e and g, tend to turn the surface of rupture in the same direction about the axis of rupture. The moment of all the forces normal to e t, with respect to the axis h k which we shall call M, is equal — a. , , „, 6, p — (i;-f (1— <,'ly but 8 =: , p — a^ forp — o, : p — !/ :; o(l — «,) : a(l — J"). _a,fp-o, • "■ - m,i8 ^ .•.M, = ""^^^ X • latp-a,) (l-,,)i ^ {(-' »(l-*.)i +4) («,p-a,)-f( -3 + 7 (l-€,)i )(!-.,)«. I Now the elastic forces M and M,, when th« beam is on the point of breaking, together wilh the pressure applied at B or A (fig. 7), which it equal to half the weight W and half the weight of the beam. Espresenting, therefore, by ir the weight of the beam, M + M, = 4(W + t() X rB Let rB = p = half the distance between the supports =:the perpendicular let fall from the axis round which the section of rupture turns upon the direction of the pressure at A or B. In the next number will be pointad out the erroneous principle upon which Hooke's law is founded. (To be continued J 1810.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEERAND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL 233 CANDIDUS'S NOTE-BOOK. FASCICULUS LXIX. "I must have liberty ■Willial, as large a charter as the wiuds, To blow on whom I please." I. Even should Burton's arch prove able to bear Wyatt's Wellington com- fortably, it is more than in all present likelihood good taste will be able to do. If those vvlio are mainly concerned and interested in hoisting up the statue to that " bad eminence" and unenviable point of exaltation for it, have felt all along so assured of a satisfactory result, how happens it that they have not imparted some degree of that same comfortable assurance to the public, if only to stop the mouth of criticism ? Some half dozen years ago, indeed, a mere flat pasteboard sort of scheme of the figure was stuck up on the top of the arch for a day or two,— and a strange figure it cut, which may have heen one reason for taking it down again as expeditiously as possible, instead of allowing time for its being generally seen. In the interim, which has been a tolerably long one, nothing farther has been done in the way of precau- tionary trial, or if it has been done, the public have not heen informed of it. Yet most assuredly it would not have been amiss, had a good-sized model of tlie structure with the equestrian figure upon it, been prepared, and exhibited at the lioyal Academy ; besides which there should have been perspective views also taken from dilTerent points, in order the better to determine what would be the effect of such contemplated " improvement" of the arch, upon the other buildings and objects in its immediate vicinity. Hardly could the expense attending such model and drawings have been made any objection or difficulty, where so goodly and serious a sura as Thirty-thousand pounds or thereabouts was to be expended, and that upon a single work of art. It is well should the managers not prove to have been penny-wise and pound- foolish in the matter, and should the work so liberally subscribed for, not verify the proverb of buying a pig in a poke. The thirty thousand pounds for the bran-new statue by our modern Phidias, is not much less than what the priceless Elgin Marbles cost the country ; or than what would have secured to us theentire Houghton collection, and prevented its going out of the country, Alas ! for those days ! Among the whole monied aristocracy, among all our wealthy collectors, nay among our city millionaires, there was not one who cared to glorify his own name by inseparably uniting it with that of the Houghton Collection. Many could easily have snatched the prize from the grasp of the Russian Catherine, by merely taking up a pen, and giving a cheque for the sum demanded — a sum that has frequently been staked at the gaming table without compunction or hesitation. II. By way of apology for, or in order the better to reconcile us to the Wyatt Wellington — which might adorn some other situation , being put where it will prove a Wellington " out of place," we are told that the idea has been sanctioned by the consent of thelateandpresentSovereign. Now as to William IV. it is notorious tliat he neither had nor pretended to have any taste at all for art — and that last was some merit; he neither knew nor eared about it ; and as to the consent of her present Majesty, it may fairly be suspected that it is merely a negative one. Like Dickens' Mrs. Davis^ — if such very un- courtly comparison be allowable — she does not care to be " worritted" about the matter, — though of course there is no such word as " worrit" in the vo- cabulary of royalty, — so leaves the managers and subscribers to please them- selves in the aftair. — Granting that the Arch may be able to bear the enor- mous weight that will be put upon, secure enough for some time to come, yet the time will come, sooner perhaps than is thought of, when the structure will require repair, and when it be so loaded, will not that be an operation attended with some hazard, as well as very great difficulty ? It will not be matter for much surprize should it eventually be found necessary to fortify the work by converting the hollow parts within the structure into •olid masses of earth, concrete, and brickwork. At all events should the scheme be persisted in, we shall have a huge Wellington mounted on guard before little A psiey House, which for an ^rcA-duke's mansion is as lilliputian in taste as it is in dimensions. Instead of giving us a mere " sentinel" statue, might not the artist have properly thrown a little allegory into his work, — have represented the hero of Waterloo not exactly fast asleep, but merely taking a nap, while perfectly wide awake ? — or rather, putting that said Nap to flight. HI. Speaking of the decoration of rooms and of his conversations with the late Stuttgart architect, Thouret (who died January 17, 1845) on the subject, Goethe says that the imifa/ion of granite, porphry, and all sorts of marbles, &c., is matter of great importance (se/irtmc/iti^). Constquently he for one — and his opinion may be allowed to stand for something, even should it not entirely remove the scruples of the ultra-conscientious, — did not look upou such imitation as mere " sham," unworthy the dignity of genuine archi- tecture. The deception is surely of perfectly legitimate as well as innocent kind, for we all know that in the most sumptuous palaces or other buildings the internal walls never are or can be of solid marble, at the utmost are only incrusted with such material. So long as the construction of a build- ing be sound, and calculated for durability, what matters it though the beauty which array it, and captivates the eye, be only skin-deep ? Fresco paintings themselves are only superficial ; the external surface once gone, no redressing or repolishing can revive it. It is no argument against the imita- tion of costly and perhaps somewhat inapplicable materials also, that it is apt to be very paltry. It certainly is not necessarily so, for it may, on the contrary, be very excellent ; and as the processes by which it is produced partake more of mere manipulation tlian art, excellence — positive merit can safely be ensured for it beforehand, which is assuredly no small advantage. Those who affect to despise all deception of the kind, may be left to recon- cile to themselves as well as they can, that of gilding, by means of which the most valuable of all metals is counterfeited for purposes to which that or any other metal would be perfectly inapplicable, — picture frames, for in- stance, which though apparently of gold are, and are known to be, only of ordinary wood gilded over. IV. Barry is now not only eclipsing Soane, but absolutely extinguishing him hit by bit, at least in the purlieus of Westminster. Poor Soane ! not only has the exterior of his " Board of Trade" been so completely refashion- ed, as to be metamorphosed into a different piece of architecture, but his Scala Regia and Gallery, and his Law Courts — on which last he prided himself so especially, are doomed to pass away,without leaving a wreck behind, or other memorial of them than the wretchedly vile engravings of them in his " Pub- lic and Private Buildings," a work remarkable for nothing so much as the extraordinary penuriousness with which it was got up, more particularly the old architect's character for " munificence" considered. Poor Soane ! pity that he had not the heart to he a little more liberal towards himself, — some- what less positively stingy. Poor Soane ! too, it will be doubly, if Britton should now pass by him without mention, when recording the other distin- guished patrons and persons of talent whom it has been his good fortune to attract to himself during his long and industrious career. Will he now cut " his esteemed friend Sir John Soane," or will he recant, — at least qualify his former admiration by giving a dark a la Rembrandt portrait of him ? — Nous verrons. V. Welby Pugin has obtained a distinction very rarely conferred in any shape, upon members of the architectural profession, however eminent they may be, namely, that of having an engraved portrait of him published. To say the truth, architects are treated as a sort of Impersonals by the public, — creatures without bodies, therefore it is to be presumed, all intellect, all mind. At any rate, it seems to be taken for granted that no one cares to behold what manner of men they are in outward shape and physiognomy. You shall look over catalogues and hsts of portraits, and among thousands will scarcely find one of a single architect. It fares very little better with foreign architects than with English ones: portraits of recent or living ones are rare phenomena. Things of the kind may be painted, but they are not transferred to copper or stone, ^ro lono pullico. There is a published por- trait of Cagnola, one- — nay two, if not more, of Schinkel ; beyond which number the list can hardly be extended. It may be questioned if there be one even of Zwirner, although a likeness of him ought to be in request with the multitude, he being the architect employed upon the works at Cologne Cathedral- What Nagler will say of Zwirner is not likely to be known — at the rate his work progresses — till some twenty years hence- When he does reach him, it is to be hoped that he will not blunder so egre- giously, as he did about Pugin — or rather the two Pugins, father and son, of whom he completely made mincemeat, by chopping them both up together, and stuffing the compound into one article. VI. The second series of Allom's " France Illustrated," is decidedly infe- rior to the first, as regards interest of subjects. In that respect it exhibits a deplorable falling-off ; and hardly less than deplorable it is to find him, after giving us such delicious interiors of the Madelaine, the Pantheon, and several of the apartments at Fontainebleau — that excepted, called the Salon d'Abdi- catioii, a very commonplace room, remarkable for nothing more than a very big-headed Napoleon in an arm-chair, — he should dish up for the second course, such watergruel things as monotonous landscapes — chiefly all moun- tains and skies, that we seem to have met with before, again and again, there being nothing in sceneiy of the kind to individualize and extinguish one par- ticular spot from another, wherefore one or two specimtns are as good as 3U •2M THE CIVIL knginh:er and architects journal. [August, a score or two, — nay, very much better, because there is then more room ior better subjects. And pray, has Mr. Allom taken leave of Paris? — does he not intend to let us have from his truant pencil — views (interior and exte- rior) of Notre Dame de Lorette, and St. Vincent de Panle, of the Ecole dcs Beaub Arts, the Hotel du Quai Orsay, the Hotel of the Banker Hope, and many other edifices which would show his forte? Let him labour in his own proper vocation and be will be almost unrivalled in that department of architectural illustration in which he has evidenced such captivating talent in his "Constantinople," and his " France." As much cannot be said for the putter-together of the letter-press in the latter work, for of architecture he seems to know actually notliing, — is altogether unable to speak of buildings, except by sometimes blundering most deliciounly, as when he talks of the Theatre at Bordeaux been adorned with " interesting" ! Corinthian pilasters, wliich is nearly all that he snys of it ! VH. Schlegel was not very wide of the mark in saying " Art has become a slop-shop for pedantic antiquities." Those who pretend most to busy themselves and to take interest in it, give their attention chiefly, and some- times exclusively, to what is not of the slightest aesthetic or artistic import- ance. In what are called Celtic monuments, for instance, there is no archi- tectural articulation, they consisting of no more than so many brute stones, — unshapen, shapeless, or misshapen. Such tilings are wholly destitute of organization; hardly can they be called the work of man's band, being .merely rude blocks of stone in their natural form, testifying that those who set them up, had no architectural skill or science, and were unable to reduce them to even the simplest artificial regular form, as the Egyptians did the monoliths which they erected as obelisks. Yet though they possess neither pictorial nor architectural interest, several plates are devoted — literally sa- crificed to the subject of Celtic monuments, in both the first and second series of Gailhabaud's Ancient and Modern Architecture. Surely a single plate of specimens of them would have sufBced, would have been quite as much as was their due share ; whereas modern architecture has as yet come off very poorly, and must do so at last, unless the work is intended to be carried on indefinitely. A really new and fresh subject has not yet been given in it at all : they are all old acquaintances derived from other publica- tions,— new only to those who are themselves new in architectural study. Yet if unedited subjects — such as have not yet been made known in this country at least, there is abundance, — even perplexity of choice. Out of the number of recently erected structures at Paris, there are some infinitely more worthy of notice than those which have been selected from that capital. There is for one the new church of St. Vincent de Panle, also that of Notre Dame de Lorette ; and a section of the Madeleine, which seems to have never yet been so shown, would be very acceptable. The new Theatre at Dresden by Semper, the new Palace at Brunswick, by Ottmer, would be novelties worth setting before us ; whereas the modern specimens selected are stale and mouldy, — are of what, in speaking of ladies, is termed a " certain age," being neither old nor young, neither lovely, nor venerable. Vin. Architectural description is generally very dry stufT; few bring that rich poetical imagination to it, or scatter such flowers of " gay rhetoric" over it, as does the accomplished George Robins. As an example take the fol- lowing elTusion from bis pen, which appeared the other day in the Times, ri'laiive to a place distinguished by the not particularly inviting name of Thistle Grove, but he has such a Midas touch tliat he makes every subject he handles glitter like pure gold. — " The house," he teils us, " is a solid piece of architecture based on the Corinthian order, adorned by a conservatory in capital taste, with painted glass ; and within this little Elysium comfort is conspicuous in every department." An uncomfortable Elysium, however, would be something more marvellous. " The tact tliat prevails is of peculiar cast; it disdains the prevailing order" ! This is somewhat transcendental in meaning ; and requires some cniitation to make it out. The prevailing order, by which it may be presumed the above-mentioned Corinthian order is to be understood, is it seems after all, prevailed over — even disdained by the still more prevailing tact. The tact and the order contend for pre-emi- nence, and poor order comes otf with the worst of it, wherefore there is likely to be some disorder in the matter. — " The doors of the drawing-room arc distinguished by plate-glass ;" what an ingenious and delicate way of Eiving us to understand that there is no plate glass in any other part of the house '. Passing by the rest of the description, it will be suflicient to give the conclusion — a climax not to be surpassed : " These apartments are so perfect that really Elysium is brought to recollection" 1 ! As George Robins is the only mortal upon earth who recollects Elysium, be cannot possibly do better than enlighten the world by an accurate topographical descriptiun of it from his own poetico-graphic pen. RUSTIC MASONRY. The value of what is termed rustic masonrj' has been alluded to incidentally in the paper on the employment of pediments and columns in the decoration of windows ; we now propose to consider the aesthetic propriety of " rustica- tion," a little more generally. Of this kind of masonry there are two principal species. In the one ex- terior surfaces of the stones are indented to resemble imperfect tooling; in the other the walls are streaked viith prism-shaped channels in imitation of defective jointing. Both kinds of rustication are studied counterfeits of de- formity— not merely deceptive imitations, but imitations of defects. Were not our eyes familiar with every absurdity important into classic architecture, during what is termed the Revival of the Arts, it would not he necessary to defend by argument the condemnation of studied defects. As it is, however, it will be necessary to show in what manner the defects under consideration violate the fund.imental principles of classic architecture. The origin of rustic masonry was necessity. At a very early period of Grecian architecture, while the mechanical arts were rude and immature, the irregularities in the masonry were unavoidable evils, and the edges of the stones were chamfered to palliate in some degree the defects in the jointing. In proportion however as art advanced, the surface of the stone was more smoothly wrought, and the arris better squared, till at last the Greek masons were able to build that which is or ought to be a pleasing object to every architect — perfectly finished masonry. In this manner and no other were built the glorious temples of the age of Pericles. Many centuries however after these monuments of perfect art had been forgotten, and when also the decay of mediajval architecture evidenced how rapidly the principles of pure taste were being abandoned, an Italian architect, Brunelleschi (the same who built the cupola of Sta. Maria del Fioreat Florence, a structure in which the essential feeling of classic architecture is systematically misinterpreted throughout) re-adopted rustic masonry along with a multitude of similar solecisms, for which be has received, facetiously we suppose, the title of Re- storer of Architecture. A writer who has attempted to defend the propriety of rustic decoration, observes that though it be the imitation of defects, it exhibits a studied in- tention, which is a suflicient excuse for its adoption ; and yet the same writer, by a singidar inconsistency, condemns the use of rustic dies on columns in which, beyond controversy, studied intention is more distinctly exhibited than in rustic or tatooed masonry.* But we wish to found our condemna- tion of the practice not ou the inconsistencies of a single writer, but oa general principles. It has been shown in a previous paper, and will therefore be taken for granted in this, that the distinctive characteristics of Pointed and Classic Architecture arc multiplicity in the one, and simplicity in the other. The former style (when correctly developed) consists in the picturesque combina- tion of a multitude of dissimilar parts ; the latter exhibits but a very few forms, and those of the simplest kind. Now directly chamfered masonry is adopted, this essential character of simplicity is lost at once; each stone as- sumes a separate individuality and appears as if set in a frame ; instead of showing but few lines the structure exhibits an infinite i.umber everywhere intersecting each other and forming a rectangular network. Where columns are employed, as in porticoes, the horizontal lines of this reticulation appear- ing beliind the columns, appear to cut tliem athwart, and destroy that idea of verticality which is their essential attribute. A remarkable instance of the injury produced by horizontal lines crossing or appearing to cross the columns of a classic edifice, is seen in the church La Madeleine at Paris, certainly as far as regards the exterior, one of the most successful of modern attempts to revive pure classic architecture. The channels scored on the masonry of the cella have a most injurious efl'ect on the cbaiacter of the columns, and this injury is further increased by the im- perfect (French) workmanship of the columns themselves. The shafts are composed of stones so imperfectly united that they appear encircled with a series of hoops or rings which, except the observer be at a considerable dis- tance, cause the columns to appear discontinuous and vertebrated, * We presume that there are few people who think at all on the subject who would advocate the employment of rustic dies in columas. The French apply the word " Bos- sage," the derivative of which signilies a tumour or hump, to projecting stones left rough iu building, to be carved and bnisbed subsequently; jus* as we now see in new churches. &c., corbel stones or crocl^ets merely boasted out in the tirst Instance and sculptured afterwards when built into their places- There is no doubt that rustic dies originateii la a stupid blunder by which mere Hossages were mistaifeii f"r iinished work. What shoaliJ we think of the taste which would leave the irrtgular lumps of stone now to be seen in some of the arch-lnouiUiogs oftho Palace of Westminster in their preseot uuHnished State' 18^6.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECrS JOURNAL. 235 It is obviously impossible that mere streaks and crevices on a wall can be dignified by the appelatioa of mouldings, for they never tould be made to have tlie same value and importance ; but even if for the sake of argument, we set aside tliis unavoidable inferiority, is it not palpably absurd to decorate a building all over with mouldings ? These decorations owe their effect to their rarity and their contrast with the simpler portions of the structure ; and the value of them if applied every where indiscriminately is entirely lost. There is nothing in which the Greeks showed' themselves more eminent than in introducing mouldings just where they were required and no w/tere else. It cannot be expressed too emphatically that the whole effect of mouldings, the whole of the relief which they afford, arises from their being used sparing- ly and marking distinctly the outlines of separate portions of the building. If they be used otherwise CEmfusion — not enrichment — is the result. The dressings of a doorway are not new accessories, but answer a distinctive purpose : the listel or horizontal fillet, which in a Doric order separates the triglyphs and metopes from the architrave is essentially a constinctive decoration for it exhibits the method by which the joists of the roof are supported by the columns. And in the same way we might explain the purpose of every moulding used in pure classic architecture ; but mere channels cut in the sur- face of the walls canhot answer any purpose either real or imaginary : they do not serve to mark distinct parts of the building, for they merely separate one portion of the wall from auother exactly similar portion ; they do not, like mouldings properly so called, divide the building into large well-detined masses, but cut it up into a confused multitude of little parts. If the composition of a building be properly managed it will present no large continuous surfaces which unless so scored all over appear blank and naked. If we examine actual examples of rustication we shall find it to be a mere make-shift expedient, the palliative of an evil which if the architectural grouping had been duly attended to, would never have been called into ex- istence. It may be safely asserted that no buildings whatever, be the style adopted, can be architecturally effective unless some portions of the building throw shadows on the remainder. This consideration is much overlooked in the present age. The great defect of modern architecture is that it seldom displays sufficient depth of shadow ; it is usually to shallow and flat ; it is not made up of large strongly defined masses, and the variety which ought to be obtained by depth is imperfectly compensated for by surface-decorations and minute details. Rustic work is essentially a surface-decoration, aud for that reason alone, if no other existed will find little fevour among those who would restore architecture to that place among the fine arts which it once If the architect had to deal, not with solids, but surfaces, he might take lessons of a line-engraver and the River farade of the Palace of Westminster would be perfect. A mere fafade however no more constitutes a palace, than a modern church-front constitutes a church. Much more than this is necessary — especially in classic architecture of which the constituent forms are so few and simple that unless the effective disposition of light and shadow be observed, meretricious ornaments mjist be resorted to prevent the mono- tony and nakedness becoming absolutely intolerable. There is scarcely any thing which has more debasing and fatal infloence upon art than a system of tave trouble expedients : among them must he reckoned all supertlaus sur- face-decorations, and especially rustication. We know but one class of build- ings for which this kind of masonry is appropriate— namely, prisons, which it seems agreed should be as ugly as possible, consistently with security. In them at least rustic masonry is in sufficiently good taste and accompanied by the ornaments of skull and cross-bones, and iron chains will constitute a species of perfectly symbolic architecture which may be safely recommended to the admiration of the Cambridge Camden Society. The subordinate decorations of a building ought, it is clear, to correspond in character to style of architecture to which they are adopted. A most im- portant consideration under this head is that while Medioeval Architecture delights in free forms, in Classic architecture, perfect finish and accuracy are essential. An ancient church-tower of rough rubble work is a picturesque object, however simple and unpretending the architecture may be, but if the cella of Greek temple were built in a similar manner, can it be denied the coarseness of the workmanship would be totally out of character with the rest of the building. The delicacy and accuracy of outline which distinguish Greek architecture are characteristics which would be naturally looked for in a southern climate ; the bold and alpost rugged lines of northern architecture «eem exactly to correspond to the energetic character of the people, among whom they were produced. Now these considerations, simple as they ap- pear, are of the utmost value in determining a question like that before us. Rustic masonry displays ruggedness and coarseness of execution which, if what has just been said respecting the distinctive character of Classic and Pointed Architecture be correct, show it to be inappropriate to the former style. This brings us to our last argument. These who defend the propriety of rustic work seem totally to overlook this consideration — that they ought to be prepared to adapt it to Pointed architecture as well as Classic, or else to point out some characteristic differences between the two styles which render rustication suitable for the one and not for the other. This however has never yet been done ; on the contrary, any argument drawn from the com- parison suggested would lead to the conclusion that if there be any style for which this mode of decoration is suitable, it must be Pointed architecture. The attempt to so apply it would, we apprehend, meet with universal ridi- cule ; should not this feeling be a sufficient argument for abandoning rustic masonry altogether ? To what heresies have we not given utterance ! We have condemned the use of columns which support nothing, of show sides used as masks, of pigmy columns used as window mouldings ; we have declared the attempt to combine Classic and Medijeval architecture absurd ; and now we include rustic masonry in our list of barbarisms. But what an amount of precedent and written testimony is against us ! Does not evert/ one of the things which we have condemned exist in St. Paul's Cathedral, the pride of the metropolis, and one of the wonders of the world .' And yet we maintain our position, simply because we have in no case substituted assertion for argument. If we have in any case failed to prove our point we shall be very glad to be set right. That in promulgating these opinions we must contend against an enormous amount of educational prejudices is unavoidable ; but it is better to do this than to let pure Classic architecture be forgotten in the detestation of debased Classic architecture which the modern improved taste for the Medixval styles has justly inspired. RESTORATION OF ST. BOTOLPH'S CHURCH, Boston, Lincolnshire. Among the Church Restorations, which the revival of Christian architec- ture in the present century has instigated, few deserve more the public at- tention than that of the Church of St. Botolph, Boston, Lincolnshire, both from the celebrity of the edifice itself, and from the extent and excellence of the work of which we make this brief notice. The church is a Decorated structure of the 13th century, originally con- sisting of a nave aud chancel with side aisles as at present ; to this a magni- ficent tower in the Perpendicular style, was added in the beginning of the Hth century. The dimensions are — Ft. In. Exterior length, including buttresses .. .. 305 8 ,, breadth, including porch .. .. 138 6 Interior breadth of nave . . . . . . 98 6 Interior height of inner roof of nave . . . . 62 8 Span of arches . . . . . . . . 18 8 Height of ditto .. .. .. .. 40 H r Ft. In. "I r, , ) Base o 9 I or o Columns -^ gj^^f^ 22 lO^f" •• •• ^' ^ Leap 1 Oj Tower — From the ground to coping stone of lower battlement I'lO 11 From do. do. of upper battlement 55 4 From base of lantern to top of stone-work of ditto . . 59 2 From base of lantern to top of vanes .. .. 5 0 Whole height of tower . . . . . . 269 5 Tower base interior . . . . 22 ft. 5 in. x 26 5 Glazed part of windows in tower (length) .. .. 52 0 Below windows in nave . . 4 6 Above ditto . . 4 8 Being the largest church in the United Kingdom without cross aisles. The tower is a feature of such beauty and architectural celebrity as to need no descripition here. The octagonal lantern by which it is surmounted furnished the model from which that at St. Dunstans, in West Fleet-street, was designed. The building is constructed of an oolite of great durability, procured, it is 30* Thickness of walls I ] 23(5 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [August, supposed, from the quarries at Ketton, near Stamford, Northamptonshire. The inclemencies of the weather during the winters of 5 centuries (for there arc no traces or records of suhstantial repairs since the original erection) have but slightly impaired the general effect of the structure, though the corroding influences of damp and exposure had long been seen in the lighter and ornamental parts, and here and there on the surface of the stone work in the walls and buttresses. The circumstance, not unknown to architects in the present day, deserves a notice here, that the stones placed in a hori- zontal position, corresponding to that which they occupied in the quarry, have entirely escaped corrosion, while those in other positions are invariably injured). To vindicate the integrity of this chief ornament of the pro- vince of Gothic architects, the first efforts of the Restorer were directed to the mullions and arch-mouldiiigs of the windows, and these have been re- placed almost throughout with fresh stone, the glass-work of the windows being at the same time re-arranged in diamond squares, for which the oblong arrangement had been substituted at a comparatively recent date. The whole of the pannelled parapet of the nave and parts of that of the aisles and chan- cel were next rebuilt, the use of iron braces to compact the stone work, having caused considerable distortion, especially of the south side where the variations of temperature are more felt. The stonework on this side was so much injured as to require in a great measure to be replaced by new work, in which either copper or stone has been used. At the same time the decay- ed stone in the walls of the church were entirely removed and fresh stones substituted. The restoration of the woodwork in the roof was one of the heaviest of the expenses to be incurred in necessary repairs : the ends of the larger heams being decayed to some distance from the walls, which imperfectly supported their vast bulks, sound timbers were dovetailed with that part of the larger beams which still remained sound, and along their whole length on either side strengthened by cast iron bars, which have secured the stability of this part of the structure probably for centuries to come. The restoration necessary for the safe continuance of the structure thus provided for, the ornamental parts were next proceeded with. Four large pinnacles of 16 feet in height, and of elaborate workmanship, standing at the east and western corners of the north and south aisles were entirely rebuilt for the most part with fresh stone, and the ornamental heads of buttresses, crocketed finials, &c., throughout the structure restored or replaced. The work of reparation was conducted by Messrs. Scott and Moffat, who have, as usual, evinced their appreciation of the spirit of mediaeval architecture. The following are some extracts from the report presented by the former gentleman to the Restoration Committee. The remarks re- specting the restoration of the ceilings are worthy of attention. We need scarcely say how fully we agree with the condenination of the painted imitations of stone and oak. The church appears, from the style of its architecture, to have been built during the reign of King Edward the Third, a period during which a great niovemeut in the way of church building seems to have taken place throughout this district, as nearly every church in the neighbourhood seems to have been, either wholly or in part, rebuilt at the same time. It origin- ally consisted of a nave with aisles (perhaps the largest to any parish church in the kingdom); achaucel of three bays only in length ; a south porch of one story only ; and a chapel at the south-western angle. It ap- pears to have been begun and completed in the first instance without any tower — the original wtst wall being built perfect aud distinct from the jireseiit tower, and the arch now leading into the tower having evidently been the western wiudmv, which was converted into a tower arch, by re- moving its tracery aud uiullious, and lowering the cill to the floor. At a subse(iueot period, priibably about tiftv years from its first completion, the present most W(icderful aud maguiOcent tower was addi*d : and at about the same time the additional bays were added to the chancel, bringiug the church to its present splendid proportions. The porch has since been in- creased in height by the addition of the chamber now used as a library, and some other minor additions have beeu made, and agaiu removed, but in the main the church rctoius tlie same appearance which it must liave jiresented on the first completion of the tower, at the commencement of the fifteenth cr-nlury ; and considering its a^e, and the neglect which it has suffered, it is in a remarkably tine stale of preservation. Navi; Roof. The nave, or central portion of the church, is the most iin|)ortant as being of the greatest span, and is unfortunately in the worst condition of any part of the roof, so far as can at present be ascertained, it was at first very securely aud substantially constructed. The walls were tied together by fourteen beams of most poufJerous dimensions, which were se- cured to wall plates sunk in grooves in the stone cornice, which runs in one width of stune through the whole thickness of the wall. Tliese beams have in parts become much decayed — the ends of many having in fact completely perished, so much so, that had it nut beeu for some rather clum- sily contrived precautions, which have from time to time been taken for their support, they could not have retained their position, but must have Jiillen in. The precautions alluded to, may possibly be suOicient to provide for the immidiatc security of the roof (though even of this I cannot speak with certainty), but there can be no doubt that it is anything but a satifaclory state for so essential a part of the fabric to be allowed to remain in ; and that if the decay of the beams should increase, very serious cunseqiiences might be apprcliended. lu addition to this, I find, on a closer inspection, that the wall plates (of which there are two ou each side) are (so far as 1 have been able to get at them) entirely perislied, by which the connecliuu of the timbers with the walls has in a great measure been destroyed. An attempt has been made (pmbably at a very early period) to remedy this, by the introduc.ion of the huge irou hooks which so much disfigure the exterior of the clerestory wall ; these, however, obviate the evil in a very partial manner, being ill-ciuistructed for their purpose. Th-re are soniK further defects in others of the timbers, particularly in the feet of some of the upright wall-pieces and braces, which have been partially decayed through the water having been allowed to get down into the pockets or springing points of the groined ceiling, aud to saturate the masses of dust and decayed wood which have there accumulated. The extent to which this defect exists it is almost iinpuisible at present correctly to as- certain, the parts allected being completely c incealed by the mouldings of the groining; but I am inclined to think that it has not proceeded to a very serious extent. The effect of these different defects has been to cause an undue thrust upon the southern wall, the timbers being most decayed on that side, which has occasioned a considerable curvature in the length of the wall. The wall having been, by flie joint pressure of the rafters above, and the braces below, thrust outward, and partially drawn off from the ends of the tie-beams ; and the enormous weight of these (each beam of itself weighing nearly three tons) being thrown in great measure upon the braces, has tended still further to increase the evil, which must even now be constantly becoming greater; and must, if not remedied, greatly en- danger this part of the building. The north side of the roof not being so much decayed as the south, — and the latter having been the first to give way, — the effect upon the north wall has been of a contrary nature to that on the south ; aud, as might have been expected, this wall has been drawu inwards, though to a much less extent than the outward teudeLcy of the other. It would probably be hopeless to attempt to restore these walls to their proper position, and the utmost we can do is to previit their getting worse, and to do this we must endeavour — 1st, to restore that lunguudinal stiff- ness to the walls, which has been lost through the decay of the wall plates. — 2nd, to complete the connection between the opposite walls, which has been cut olf, partly by the same cause, and partly Oy the decay of the ends of the beams : and jrdly, to support the tie-beams themselves in such a manner that by their own weight they may not be causing the failure* which they were intended to prevent. The first object cannot, I fear, be effected without the introduction of new wall plates of oak, where the old ones are decayed ; this appears particularly necessary on the soutli side. The second aud third objects I should recommend to be provided for, by cutting oil all the decayed ends of the beams, and replacing them with new oak, well scarfed, and with strong iron plates above and below the scarfe ; and by introducing to each beam a chain truss of wrouglit irou, on such a coustrucliou that it would at once form a perfect tie to the roof, and would in great measurse support the weight of the beam. Such other timl)ers as are decayed should also be replaced with new. The above re- pairs could be effected without materially disturbing the covering of the roof, with the exception of the gutters and some other parts of the lead work, which must be taken uji aud relaid. ExTi-BNAL Stone Work. The stone work generally is just in that stale which renders it most dif- ficult to determine the extent to which it requires reparation: it is in many parts much decayed and injured, but still not to that extent to warrant the renewal of all the decayed parts; indeed, it is generally the smaller por- tions of the ornamental work which are most affected ; the more solid features generally remaining tolerably sound. The great object appeal's to prevent it from getting worse, by relixing or renewing all such parts as are in a shaken and dilapidated condition, or which are so decayed as to endanger their stabiliiy, aud to replace all those detached ornamental fea- tures, such as pinnacles, finials, &C., which have been displaced or shaken, and such other injured parts as can be repaired without interfering loo much with the more substautial parts o( the building. There are some decayed portions of such a nature as to render it doubtful to what extent it might be prudent to attempt to replace them, such as the base-mouldings of the tower and church, and other parts which are intimately connected with the strength of the buildings, and the decay of which has not gone further than partially to eti'ace the mouldings on their surface. No general rule can be laid down for liiese, but ihey must be viewed separately ou their own merits, and accordin;.; to the extent of their dilapidation, aud the comparative dilliculiy aud importance of replacing them. 1 will now attempt to enumerate, in order, the several parts requiring reparation. Clerestory. SoiTM Side. — The upper part of the stair turret i« in a very shattered ISiS.] THE CIVIL EN^GINEER AND ARCHITECFS JOURNAL. 237 state. This stair bflongs to llie nave rather than the tower, havinfc in fact existed before tlip tower was built. It appears to be quite distiuct from the tower till within a few feet of the top, where it has been connected vvilh it by turnins the stairs into (hose of Ihe tower. It is this connection ■>vhich has caused its dilapidation ; the settlement occasioned by the weisht of the tower having completely crushed it and disjointed the stone work, which has from time to time been further injured by the iron ties which have been introduced. I am of opinion that it will be necessary to rebuild it from the gutter upwards, a height of about S or 10 feet. The Pariqiet on this side has been much injured by the undue pressure of the roof, and by the improper use of iron cramps. It is twisted into every variety of curve, and in some part overhangs considerably. Many of the stones have been split bv the iron wedges impriidently used by the plumbers, and the whole is in very bad condition; so much so, that I thiuk it necessary that it should be taken oil' and re-set, using uew stone for such parts as are injured. The Buttresses to the sides of the clerestory have lost their linials, and the heads are a good deal broken. The niche-heads on the same side are much decayed and broken, and all Ihe figures but one are gone. The Windows require considerable repairs. The midlions are many of them very much out of the perpendicuLir, and the tracery is displaced and broken, both by the settlement of the whole, and from the effects of the iron-work. The ashlar-work also requires to be generally repaired, that which is decayed being replaced, and the whole pointed where neces- sary. North Side. — The stair turret is as bad, or worse, than that already described. T/i« Parapet is not so bad, but some parts at least must be rebuilt. The eastern pinnacle is not quite so bad as that on the other side. The Side Buttresses, with their heads and linials, aie not quite so much injured as those on the south side, but the linials are all gone, the niche heads are much decayed, and only four figures remain. The windows and ashlar require similar repairs, though to a less extent. South Aisle. The Parapet is in some parts shaken and crooked, and the ornamental tracery decayed. The part of Ihe west end, and some few other portions, must be taken down and refixed,and the decayed parts generally repaired with new stone. The Buttress heads have generally lost their finials, and are in other respects defective ; these must be eflectually repaired, and new finials provided. The two large angle pinnacles are very much shattered, and will require very considerable repairs. That at the western angle is particularly dila- pidated, almost every part of it being more or less shaken or defaced — this must in a great measure be worked anew : that at the eastern angle is not so bad, but slill requires considerable work to make it perfect. The figures from the niches are all gone, and should be replaced with new ones. The greatest care should be taken iu the restoration of these beau- tiful features, as if repaired by men who are ignorant of the style and character of the ornamental work of the period, their beauty would be entirely destroyed, which would be far worse than leaving them iu their present dilapidated state. The buttresses, string courses, and ashlar on this side are in parts de- cayed and defaced, and will require general restoration where injured. The South-West Chapel. (Xow used as the Vestry and F.ngine-house.) The exterior of this chapel is more dilapidated than any other part of the building ; it is needless to enter into particulars, as nearly all the stone.vvork is more or less decayed. It is a very beautiful feature, and merits a perfect restoration. North Aisle. The parapet is generally substantial, and requires but little repair; ex- cepting the exquisitely pierced parapet at the eastern gable, which requires some restoration, lieing in parts decayed. The buttress heads require some general repairs, and new finials throughout. The large angle pinna- cle at the western end is sadly shattered, and requires the same extent of repair with that on the south aisle. That at the eastern angle has been partially repaired, but without much regard to correctness of detail ; it requires still a good deal of work, and the figures should be made perfect. These, like those on the other side, require a very careful study of the details, to render them correct. Interior. Stoneicork.— l should recommend that the entire surface of Ihe freestone work, such as doorways, windows, pillars, arches, &c., should be carefully cleaned from the yellow-wash and paint by which they are at present dis- figured, and tliat they should, where broken or injured, be repaired and brought to a clean and perfect surface. The parts which have always been rough, should be carefully pointed, and those which have always been plastered, should be re-coloured and repaired. This would improve the general aspect of the interior more than anything, and would remove that plosfei'!/, disagreeable character which now so much injures the elTect of the building. The great surface of the building causes this to be a rather more expensive operation, than might at first be expected, but the cosl would be amply repaid by the improved aspect of the building. The Ceilings wonlii require painting, but on this a question might arise as to the colour which should be used. There are three ways in which it might be done. First, to paint it in imitation of stone, which I think ob- jectionable, as being an imitation of a totally different material from that of which they are actually constructed, and one of which, in their preseut form, it would be hardly possible that they could have been made. This system of imitation of one material in another, is so contrary to the prin- ciples of the ancient church builders, that I think it very desirable to avoid it; particularly in restoring an old building. The centre ceiling is ancient, though not so old as the church ; it was originally all of oak, though much of the boarding has since been replaced in deal. Strictly speaking, it should not be made to appear like anything but oak. The second kind of painting would be graining it iu imitation of oak ; this would be coming nearer to the truth than the former method, but is to a certain extent open to the same objections, as being a mere imitatii>n. Perhaps, therefore, the most correct way would be that which was fre- qupntly used in old churches, for the decoration of wood ceilings, viz. : — merely ornamental panning, not imitating any particular material. Some of Ihe ancient ceilings were most richly decorated in this way, and it pro- duces a very beautiful effect. It might perhaps be practicable to take olf the present painting alto;;ether, and to restore the original surface of the wood ; which would, if it could be done perfectly, be preferable to any kind of paint: iu ihis case the oak boarding must be restored throughout. The experiment might be tried on a portion of the ceillug. Tliis would not, however, apply to the ceilings of the aisles, which are of deal. The Stone Floor Is in many parts very much broken, and is throughout very damp. I should think it desirable to relay it on a good bed of concrete or shingle. I would, however, strongly recommend that the ancient monumental slabs should be retained, and that wherever they are found to be over the graves, they should be relaid in their proper places. They add much to the in- terest of an old church, even when worn and defaced, and should uot be removed merely to gratify a love of neatness and novelty. The Glass. The glazing throughout is in a very imperfect state, and needs extensive repairs. It has been much weakened by the removal of the upright iron staucheons, with which every light was formerly strengthened. Its strength has also been much diminished by the use of squares instead of diamouds, which are much less capable of withstanding the effects of the wind. These repairs may be varied greatly in their cost, according to their greater or less conipletness. Should the funds be suliicient, I should recommend the whole to be re-glazed iu diamonds, with new iron-work, which would vastly improve the appearance of the church, both externally and internally, which is much disfigured by the bad character of the present glazing. To the above suggestions I will add a few more, which though not im- mediately necessary are still requisite, to render the state -of the church worthy»of the original ma-inificence of the design. The first is the ex- pediency of raising a separate fund for refitting Ihe interior in oak iu a manner worthy of such a building, the present fittings being so mean iu their appearance, and absurd in their arrangement, as to destroy the whole effect and propriety of the internal character of the building. Should thii be done, a more suitable situation might probably be found for the organ, which is a great obstruction to the chancel. The second suggestion is, that the external and internal restoration should be extended to the chan- cel, and that its beautiful stalls should be cleaned from the thick coatings of paint with which they are disfigured. I would thirdly suggest that the portion of the south-western chapel, now used as the engine-house, should be united to the remaining portitm which is used as the vestry, and that the arches between the latter and the church should be thrown open, eu- closing the lower part only with an oak screen. And also that the beau- tiful roof and other internal features of this chapel should be restored. It would also be a most noble restoration if Ihe present ringing floor coula be removed, and the magnificent story above, with its groined vault- ing and its beautiful windows, restored to its original intention. This would then be one of the finest things in existence, of this description. I was, on the first examination of this part of the building, at a loss tn imagine how the bells were originally rung, but on a closer inspect iun, I Sud that they were formerly rung from Ike litile stone galleries, whicli run round the second story on the level of the window cills, the ropes pa?»jug through the beads of the windows, thence for a considerable beigl.t through the interior of the wall, and over blocks or pullies set in openings in the walls of the bclfiy. The holes through which they passed, may jet be seen in each window-head, and also in the belfry above. I will now conclude by strongly urging the necessity of a faithful ad- herence to the ancient details, which can only be doue by a most carelul study of their existing remains, and a comparison between them, and those of other churches of a corresponding age : without this, the beauty of the building will be destroyed, and the preseut work become a subject more to be lamented than rejoiced in. I would beg to add, as a practical suggestion, that io restoring the stone- work, the use of iron should be as much as possible avoided ; its plucit being substituted by stone plugs and capper cramps, or dowells. 238 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [August, ST. EDMt'XD'S BURY GATE-TOWER. WEST VIEW. Much interest has recently been excited among the reatling portion of the public respecting the antiquities of the Great Abbey Church of St. Kdinunrf, at Bury, by the Camden Society's publication of the Chronica Jocelini de Brackdonda. This work contains the earlier auuals of the Monastery, Written by a monk of the bouse, named Jocelyn ; the reader who is curious in such matters may obtain a most vivid and graphic pic- ture of the monastic life in the times of Kings Henry 11 and Richard I, by referring to the republished " Chronicles," or to the interesting and most original analysis of them iu Carlyle's " Past and Present.'' Of the Abbey Church little is now preserved. The magnificence which from the existing remains and the testimony of historians, we must suppose to have characterisi-d its architecture, did not preserve it from the effect of Vandalism which accompanied the general Dissolution of Monasteries. The Norman gate tower, the Abbey Gateway and parts of the enclosure walls are now the only vestigia of glories which caused the historian Leland to exclaim enthusiastically, " The sun has not shone upon a monastery more illustrious, whether we consider its wealth, its exient, or its incomparable magnificence. Vou might indeed say that the monastery itself is a town ; so many gates are there, some of them of brass ; so many towers, and a church than which none can be more magnificent, and subservient to which are three others also splendidly adorned with admirable workmanship and standing in one and the same churchyard." The growing zeal for architectural restoration has never shown itself more worthily than in the efibrts now making to preserve to posterity so much of the inestimable monumental legacies bequeathed to us by our an- cestors, as yet remains at 15ury St. Kdmunds ; and accordingly we view with great satisfaction the works in progress for repairing and reinstating the Norman gate or campanile. 15y the terms repairing and reinstating, must not be understood merely the removal of rubbish and plaster, and the obliteration of churchwarden " beautifyings," but those substantial works also which are requisite to preserve the building from actual destruction. For it appears from a well written pamphlet now before us, in which are described the present state of the tower and the steps taken for its restora- tion, that it has suffered so much from violence and injudicious repairs as to threaten imminent danger by its fall. The masonry, six feet in thick- ness, displays numerous fissures in every part ; several stones of the prin- cipal arch have fallen out; and the walls have swerved considerably from the vertical. This dangerous condition of the tower has during the last few years been the subject of serious apprehension, and attempts have beeo made to repair the evil, or at least prevent it from increasing. In ISU , the parish being threatened with an indictment, some injudicious patchings were commenced, and an elegant " pepper-box" was erected on the top of the tower. The fissures however increased ; in 1818 two of them extended from the very summit to the lower or ground arch. The cause of this last disaster appears to have been the vibration pro- duced by the ringing a large peal of bells in the tower. All that was done was however to replace some of the stones which had fallen out, and to JiU up the fissures witU cemait ! They did " but skin and film the ulcerous place." , . At len-th however the work of restoration was commenced in earnest. A minu'e" report of the state of the building having been drawn up by Mr. Cottingbam a commiltee has been formed for the purpose of superintending the works recommended in that document, and raising funds for defraying the expenses. In the progress of the survey there have been removed nearly ino tons of rubbish and bricks, the weight of«hich added to the insecurity of the building. The adjacent ground has been cleared of the mean tenements with which it was encumbered, and the general work ot restoration is now proceeding in a very satisfactory manner. The Restora- tion Commiltee have published " a [n] historical and architectural notice of the Gate-tower ;" the profits arising from the sale of this notice are to be presented to the restoration fund. This tract, which contains a view of the lower, is exceedingly interesting, and displays great research. We should have liked however to have seen a more minute account of the na- ture of the reparations proposed, and of the advance which has been made in them The following extracts from the architectural description wdl .how how worthy the building is of the efforts made for its preservation, and may perhaps awaken the interest of some of our readers and render them anxious to aid the undertaking. '• The Tower is in height, from the plinlh to the parapet, 86feet, and in arei 30 feet 'square. The walls, nearly six feet in thickness, are built with rubble and boulder, and faced with an ashlaring or Barnack stone. The Lsblar stones as usual in the most finished buildings of the Norman era a e hewn o/'.he size which a labourer could carry on^his back, without much inconvenience, to the top of the building; and which the Norman architects, from their knowledge of the principles of equilibrium, knew so ''' " TheVur^stories of the tower are marked on the exterior by horizontal fascias.or string-courses, of varied mouldings, which go uniformly round the four sides. The first string-course is ornamenled with the chevron or zi-za- moulding, the most comiflon and distinctive characteristic oi Nor- man architecture. Here it is tilplicale, wiih pendant drops somewhat re- sembling the gutiiE of a Doric entablauire. The second string-course ex- hibits the plafn nebule corbel table ; and the third is a simple tile mould- '"''"Inthe lower story is a large archway, lofty and wide, for carriages, and in the centre of the South wall is the postern entrance, being a Norniaa transom dourway, the lintel of which has b.en cut out of solid stone. I his doorway has been blocked up and hitherto unobserved, from being princi- callv in thai part of the wall which is below the present road. Ihe prin- tipal entrance of the archway is to the West, under an elaborate deeply recedinu arch, with an angular pediment projecting from the lace ot the tower about five feet. This noble arch springs from three single pillars and a triplicate column on each side; and its mouldings are plain, with the exception of ihe outer one, which exhibitsthe double n.ll billet. Ihe bases of these pillars are bold and plain, but being below the leve of the road have been long hidden ; the capitals are cushion-shaped and plain, vvitli the exception of those to the triple-columns, which are sculptured--that on the South side with a representation, in bold basso relievo, ol a lion Ue- strovin.' a serpent, which is subdued and under his feet ; the other with a human figure between two winged dragons, who are biting their tails. A print of St. James's Church and Tower, engraved by Godfrey m 1779, re- presents the great arch as tilled up, above the capitals, with masonry and sculpture, similar to that of the Abbey Gateway. "The pediment is formed by two angular lines exhibiting the cable moulding; and Ihe tympanum is decorated by a kind of diaper work of small sesments of circles in lines, somewhat resembling scale-armour. » The^main entrance arch is flanked on either side by a square turret ot three stories, terminated by a pyramidical apex. The lower story has a semicircular niche with the nail head moulding. The second story has a similar niche with the double rod billet moulding on each jamb, and around the curve of the niche. In this niche, in the south turret, was a marble sculpture, which has been removed by Mr. Cottingham as it evidently formed no part of the original edifice. It appears designed to represent tlie castingof the apostate angels out of heaven. rc.„„. "The corresponding niche in the north turret had also a piece of stone sculpture, till removed by Mr. Cottingham, which, though of more ancient date, was evidently an interpolation into the original buildmg, tlie souiii lamb of the arch having been cut away to admit of its insertion. It must have been sculptured for the corner of some building, having two sides finished in high relief. It was probably found at some distan period among the Abbey ruins placed here for preservation of which it is sldl worthy. The thud story of each turret is ornamented with an arcade of 1S46.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECrS JOURNAL. 23!? interlaced arches springinj; from duplicate columns, and above is a corbel table cornice, with the corbels carved intoheads, some of which are in good preservation. The whole is finished by a pyramidical apex. "The second story of the Tower is pierced by two blank arches, each enclosing a small duplicate arch, which served as lights to a small gallery, constructed within the thickness of the wall, to permit iif ihe warder's ob- serving what might be going on in the town, 'i^hese lights, wiih the ex- ception of a small loophole in each, were blocked up till Mr. Cottingham's survey, when they were opened, and now add u)uch lo the beauty of the fa9acle. Vilhin the tower on this story, and near lo the western piers, are small doorways on the north and south sides, which communicated by a few steps, still remaining, with the parapet of the embattfed wall that sur- rounded the entire groumls of the Abbey, Their position is indicated on the north and south faces of the tower, liy simicircular apertures in small flat buttresses. There must have been an unbroken communicatiim along Ihe whole line of the Ahbatial walls, and these doorways show where the warders enieredfrom the noiili, and passed to the south battlements. They also render it certain that there must origmully have been a floor, in a line with the string-course, over the arcliway ; and the contrivance by which it was thrown across was developed during a recent survey, by Mr. Cotting- hani. Equilateral spaces were left in tiie ashlaring on one side, for the in- sertion of the floor-beams, and on the other side were obhuig spaces, be- tween two and three feet high, into w liich the beaius were dropped to their level. This plan of flooring furnished the old builders with great facilities for the repair of the floor; and avoided the necessily for those unsightly trusses introduced in modern carpentry. The architraves of the two front arches in this story exhibit some unusual and very beautiful mouldings, with a kind of arabesque and chain work, of a rare and singularly rich character. The masonry above the duplicate arches is oruamented by rows of small cones, resembling sugar loaves. " The third story exhibits an arcade of three arches, divided into two stories by a plain transom running through the whole. The lower story is decorated by a duplicate blank arcade ornamented by a net-work. The bases of the two central pillars have groups of caried heads on their faces, and those of the lateral pillars exhibit a single head. "The fourth story has an arcade of three lights with a circular panel in ecah base. The architrave is plain. Immediately above this arcade is the tile string-course marking the line of the embattlements, which ai'e pre- sumed to be the original finishing. " The ascent to the embattlements is by a circular stone staircase in the north-west pier ; entered through a narrow doorway in the north wall, which was origiually approached by an external flight of steps." In speaking of the manner of flooring the second story, the writer tells lis in a note that in one of the caissons for the ends of the floor-beams, Ihe workmen found the perfect mummy of a cat, who had probably taken re- fuge there when the building was in the course of erection, and had been immured by "the ignorance or wantonness of a Norman mason." By the licence of an abominable figure of speech, Ihe caisson in which puss was found is termed a cafacomb. Mention being made of a resica piscis, sup- posed to have formerly adorned the great arch, the following account of Ihe term is given in a note, page 4. '• The " Oxford Glossary" describes the vesica piscis *' as a mystical figure, of a pointed oval or egg-shaped form, originating in the figure of a fish, one of the most ancient (Jhristian symbols, emblematically signilicant of the word 'x^vs, which contained the initial letters of the name and titles of our Saviour. The symbolic representation of a fish we find sculptured on s(Mne of liie s^irropliagi of the early Christians, [who, Tertulliau says, called themselves t*isciculi, considering that the Christian life commenced in the waters of baptism] discovered in the catacombs at Home; but the actual figure of Ihe fish afierwards gave place to an oval-shaped compart- iiu'ut, pointed at both extremities, bearing the same mystic signification as Ihe fish itself, and formed by two circles intersecting each other in the cen- tre. This was the must comnmn symbol used in the middle ages." In this country it is loiind in a variety of positions, and of various dimensions, both in stone and on painted glass. It is lo lie seeu over many Norman doorways enclosing the figure of Christ ; in the form of certain windows, as in the beautiful chancel window at Mildenhall parish Church ; in the shiipe of Ihe seals of religious houses; and to it some writers have attri- buted the origin of the pointed style of .4.rchitecture. French antiquaries see nothing in this oval but "a glory;' and IM. Didrou says the term "■ tecisii piscis," which was invented, and is abused, by English antiquaries, ought to be repudiated for its grossness. The term, however, is spoken of by Albert Diirer, at the commencement of the IGth century as one well understood at that time. An interesting paper on this subject, from Ihe pen of Mr. George Godwin, Jun., F.K.S., illustrated by various examples of its use, will be found in the Civil Enginter und Architect's Journal, for April 1842." The attempt to derive the forms of arches and plans of churches from the form of the bladder of a fish was made by Mr. Kerrich, of Cambridge, in the Archa;ologia. The able pamphlet from which the preceding extracts are made is, we believe, written by Mr. Tymms, the secretary to the Re- storation Committee, to whom we are indebted for the wood-cut at the head of this paper. RAILWAY SYSTEM. The following extract is taken from the Evidence of Mr. Cuhitt before the Select Committee of the House of Lords. Instead of recommending for general adoption the gauge of those railways in which he himself ij particularly interested, Mr. Cubitt appears to view the question on its general merits. I think an uniform gauge might be made throughout the kingdom, which will be better than either of the present gauges, and at a very mo- derate cost ; at a cost which would be scarcely felt by the railway com- panies. Can you make any sort of estimate of what the expense of the altera- tion would be? — Not a decided estimate what it would cost to alter the gauges; but I could stale a minimum and a maximum. I would say it would cost from £500 lo £1,000 per mile to alter Ihe gauges. That is not a large sum. Will you state how you would propose to alter the gauges? — It is a thing very easy to do practically; but liicre is a little to be cleared away first. Almost all persons think, or are taught by a certain class of persons to think, that if we were to alter the narrow gauge to a wider gauge it would be necessary to alter the existing bridges and tunnels, and soon, through which the carriages pass. Now that is not at all necessary ; the carriages on the Birmingham line, and the generality of carriages almost, are sudiciently large for any gauge whatever ; their post ofiice carriages, and their large horse boxes, and the very largest trucks, are suflicieiitly wide for any gauge that could be a fair workable gauge. They are big enough for the wide gauge, for I believe their post olTice carriages are as large as the Great Western passenger carriages. That being premised, it will be evident that if we take for example the large carriages ot the Lon- don and Birmingham Railway, which now pass upon that line through the bridges and tunnels, and pass within a certain distance of each other, and pass safely, you have only to suppose the carriages to remain uumoved sideways, and simply to imagine that the wheels are slipped right and left, brought out a little, about six or eight inches. A six feet gauge would work with the wheels set within the breadth of liiose large carriages, and the carriages would run exartly in the track as tliey did before. Conse- quently if you do that there is no necessity for any alteration of the tun- nels, &c., about which so much objection is luade. If we want to make the gauge wider, we have only to bring the rails out about eight inches ou each side, and there is still pleuty of room. You only alter Ihe under carriage? — Yes. You put Ihe wheels at a greater distance ? — Yes; and the wheels will still be within the width of the carriages. Therefore, as the carriages pass each other now at a certain distance, they will still coulinue to pass each other at the same distance. The gauge will be a better gauge, aud it will enable us lo bring Ihe centre of gravity of the engine lower down, us well as lo widen the gauge. Do you consider that the bringing the centre of gravity of tlie engine lower is a very important point for safety ? — Yes ; but that has never been done yet. And practically the carriages now in use upon the narrow gauge are of such a width as to allow of that operation .' — Yes. Since this thing lia^ been rather more upon my mind I have given particular attention to it. I have now ihe prospect of having some control over nearly 1,000 miles of railway between the north aud south, in large and direct lines, and I should be most happy if I could see my way open to improve the gauge which might be udupled in the first instance. Vou have staled that there is no difficulty as to bridges and tunnels ; is there any as to embankments? — There is no difficulty as to embaukmeuts ; no carriage overliaugs the embankments. It ought not lo do so? — I believe it never does. The means of widen- ing that I should employ would be very simple. The rails are almost all laid upon cross sleepers or upon stone blocks; now witli respect to those which are laid upon cross sleepers, it has been stated that it would cost a great deal to alter the railway because of the cost of taking it up and re- laying it altogether. Now I will undertake lo widen the gauge, if the road is in good order, iu a very little lime and at very little cost, and wiih- out disturbing a single rail on its chair, or a single chair iu its sleeper. I should simply cut with a saw through the sleeper in the middle of llie liue, and just put each out eight inches, and then nail a short piece of wood in to connect the two parts of the sleeper. The thing would cost very little to do. Would that leave you with a trustworthy sleeper? — Yes. And we will take the case of stone blocks. A great many miles of some of our great- est lines are laid with stone blocks ; simply a small block upon the bal- last. They will only want removing six or eight luches out. The alteration, at all events, of the permanent way could be made with- out stopping the traffic? — Cerlainly. I am now going to relay a line en- tirely ; a new set of rails and fixtures altogether, and I shall not stop the traffic ; yet there are 80 trains a day on that line, or 40 each way. Where is that ? From London lo Croydon. Do you consider that there is room for great improvement in the perma- nent way ? — The permanent way is the most defective part of the railway system. Are not many of the rails that hare been laid down upon the lines at prtsent at work loo light? — The rails are, many of them, too light ; but we 240 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURXAL." [AUGVST, can always nxel light rails by a different mode of layin?; them. But the great defect is the want of ]no\)eT attention to the fastenings of the rails and the chairs. I attribute almost all the accidents that have happened from engines and wagons and carriages getting off lines of railway to the imperfect state of the road ; and yet no sooner has an accident happened, than the engineers go to examine the engines, and examine the carriages, to tind out what is the matter. The fact is, the caun- is done away with ; because it generally happens in most of those cases from the ends of the rails gelting out of the joint-chairs, or the end getting loose, that it must inevitably throw off the engine, and throning off the engine it tears up the line at the place, and we never can see it, because it is done away with. I have seen 100 yards of line torn up entirely frdin an engine running off be rails. ^ ■ • i There was an accident not long ago upon the Urnndling .Junction, where the engineering officer sent down to report ujion it stated that he could dis- cover no cause for it. Do you thiuk that it probably was from some defect of this kind ?— No doubt of it. 1 have witnessed an accident upon that vi-ry line. The engine and carriages tumbleil over one another, and the line was lorn up for 100 yards ; but I knew from whiil had taken place inst before upon the line that that was from the defective state of the road. And you think that in the case referred to in the preceding question, when it was clearly proved that there was no fault in the arrangement of tlie points, or m the engine, in all probability there must have been some fault in the permanent way ?— Yes. M hen the permanent way is a little defective the shock become? very sharp, and the rails, resting in an imper- fect chair, are apt to work ont. I am now having chairs made with a very long socket, to prevent the ends of the rails getting out, for when one of those ends gets loose it jumps up or gets sideways, and it must throw the engine otl', and in doing that it must break the chair to pieces. One of the witnesses has stated, when the Gauge Commissioners were duwn near York, the engine they had went off the line, and was upset; and tliat that was occasioned very much by the great length of the engine; and that they found on the rails the marks showing where it had struck, by tlie great sway backwards and forwaids, till it found a defective rail, aiid then it went off?— I have seen rails and sleepers moved out of their jilHie from the oscillations of an improper engine upon a badly laid road. 1 mean an engine not well balanced, and having too much play. Do you thiuk that if it were possible to get the weight lower down, by a greater width of gauge, it would in a great measure obviate that?— The difficulty would be obviated altogether by a wider gauge, a better road, and an improved engine. AVe might then go 100 miles au hour with as great safety as we no now do 30 ; there is nothing to limit the speed. Is not it from the increased rate of speed that engines so frequently burst ?— No ; it is a small tube that bursts ; a tube about two inches dia- meter. There are about 90 to 120 of them in each boiler. After they have been used some time they wear thin, with the draught and the fine particles of coke ; one tube may be a little defective in its making; and when a great pressure of steam and the action of the wear upon them cut them thin, sometimes they will burst, and the water will flow into this tube, and the steam will flow out, and stop the engine going. Does that ever happen with any but fast trains?— Yes ; but you do not hear of it. Indeed it would be rather less likely to occur with an increas- ed rate of speed, because when the engine is driven very fast there is less pressure upon those tubes.* When the directors of a railway are desirous of remedying the want of power, what is the expedient to which they have recourse?— To build larger and more powerful engines. They require to be made either longer or larger to make them more powerful. Some of the engines on some of the lines, I believe, are worked up to more than lOOhorse power. That is an enormous thing in that space. If for the purpose of increasing the power the expedient adopted is that of lengthening the engine, does nut that increase the danger upon the nar- row gauge?— No ; not the lengthening it, but the raising it higher makes it more dangerous. They have to make them higher when they make them larger and more powerful. A wituess staled the other day, that projecting the engine very much over the wheels, if they could not extend on account of the turn tables, caused oscillation from the w eight being fore and aft ?— So it does. That was the great defect of the engines on the Eastern Counties Railway, and caused the late accident on that railway. In making them longer it brings the wheels too far apart, and there was an overhanging weight. Would not also the great length of the engine be inconvenient in a curve? The longer engines are between the wheels the more they are likely to im- pinge upon the rails in going round very sharp curves ; but that is obviated in America upon another plan, and I recommend the plan very much to the Gauge Commissioners. I told them that all those things may be over- come v/hh proper arrangements. On narrow gauge railways they cannot go so fast as on broad, because they cannot get as large driving wheels ■with safety, without carrying the centre of gravity too high. I could make an engine of any length which should be better adapted for going round curves than any engines now are. For instance, au engine 20 feet long might be made perfectly safe and steady with veiy large driving wheels upon a narrow gauge, even with wheels as large as the Great Western wheels, simply by having what the Americans call a " Bogy" carriage— a « It is a^l^fd «itli great deftreiice wbetlier lliti opinion be quite consistent with known me^auical piiiiciplee. ILe pressure on the tubes will generally increase willi ;ui increue ot velocity!— Ed small cairiage with four low wheels moving upon a centre horizontally. Imagine a small truck with four w heels upon the line ; then imagine an- other small truck behind it with four wheels. Now those wheels and axles would be stronger than the present ones, and lighter. 'lhen,if we support a very long boiler indeed upon tliose trucks, the trucks with four wheels can each turn independently at each end. Then anywhere be- tween those we may have large driving wheels without flanges, there being eight other wheels to take the weight at both ends. \t e might have the driving wheels of any height; then they would turn round curves very rapidly indeed. I explain this to show that there are no insurmcuntable dillicullies mechanically, for the wheel might be improved in every re- spect. Still you would recommend, as the best security for safety, an alteration of the narrow gauge to a wider gauge'- Yes; to a reasonable gauge. The lower the centre of gravity the greater the safety. Will you state what width of gauge jou would consider the best? — A six feet gauge I take to be ai)outthe best that could be adopted, or it might be live feel eleven or six feet one ; a few inches more or less is of no con- sequence, but six feet is about the best gauge; it is an integral measure, it is an even measure, it is an easy measure, and il is of easy reference, and well understood. Is that the gauge which was recommended by the commissioners upon the Irish railways ? — They recommended six feet two inches ; but 1 do not know why the two inches were put on. Have you ever made any estimate of the cost of altering the carriages or wagons? — The first, second, and third class carriages will cost about the same sum almost to alter. The average passenger carriages may be altered from a four feel eight inches and a half to a six feet gauge at an average cost of ±130 each, and I think for less. By multiplying the number of carriages constituting the stock of the different companies at present at work you could ascertain the total cost of altering the carriages ? — Yes ; and it would cost fS.'JO to ±1400 to alter an engine and tender, leaving the working parts exactly as they are now. So that it would be perfectly possible to ascertain the total cost of the alteration ? — "^'es. Have you ever turned your attention to the means of providing the ne- cessary sum to defray the expense of the alteration? — 1 think it should be paid for partly by lime gone by aud partly by futurity ; that is to say, money might be taken up at a certain rate of interest for doing this work, either from Government or by transferable bonds, payable off by lot; any thing of that sort. Then ihe works should be paid for as they were done. Athatever they cost should be apportioned, as nearly as it could be, over about 40 years ; that is, 20 by-gone years, and 20 future years of railway extension; and all newly-made railwajs should pay their quota of the alteiation as the past had paid ; so that in 40 years, or 45 or 50 years, the thing should be paid ofl', aud the work all done. The work should be all done at once, for the sake of the public. It would be paid for in a long time, for the sake of the parlies. It would not lax any company harshly to make the alteration, and therefore they could not complain of it in point of expense. AU the new railways would have to pay a quota for the same thing, although they would make their gauges right in the first instance. I think thai is but fair. You have no doubt that it would be of considerable advantage to the country in many points of view that there should be but one uniform gauge? — There can be no donbt about that. Both for traflic and for the military defences of the country ? — Yes ; in every respect ; I w ill not make one exception, because 1 do not think one can be made. But I should be sorry to see olher narrow gauge lines granted if there is likely to be an alteration, because there will be many miles of new railway ; many more than are made ; I thiuk twice as many. You think this is a good opportunity for making the alteration? — I think if the thing is ever to be done there should not be a season lost, cer- tainly. I think the thing may be easily done, and economically done, and done without loss to the public and without loss to the companies, and ia a very short time, and at a very moderate expense. ■ You tliink it very important that if anything of the kind is contemplated it should be settled with the least possible delay, in consequence of the numerous railways now in progress? — I think so. It is a very serious subject, but almost all parlies who speak upon the subject are in some way or other interested in this, that, or Ihe other gauge. You think it is very important that it should be practicable to go at high speeds on railways for persons who have to go great distances? — I think that Is evidenced every day, for if we put on express trains every day, and advertise to go at 60 miles an hour, people will risk their necks as long as you will carry them, and therefore it is highly necessary for the safety of the public (for people will not take care of themselves) to have all the ma- chinery of the best kind, and if Ihe permanent way is perfect, and the gauge a proper gauge, there is nothing to limit Ihe speed but the resistance of the atmosphere. Tiiat I am sure of, as far as safely is concerned there is no dauger. No greater danger in going CO than in going 30 miles an hour ? — On a perfect railway there is no more dauger in going 60 miles an hour ihau ia going 30. But the mere alteration of the gauge to the improved width which you propose to make It would not at once allaio the Increased speed which you hope to attain ? — It would be the greatest step to it. 18 iC] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 241 GASES AND EXPLOSIONS IN COLLIERIES. Tlie following interestinj: document is the report of a commission ad- dressed by L"rd Linroln to Sir H. De La Berlieanil Dr. Lyon I'iayfaii-, for tlie purpose of obtaining information as lo llie best means of preveolius, or niiiiRatins, tlie fatal eiiVcts wliicli are so frequently the reiult of the gene- ration of noxious gases in coal mines : — My Lord, — Havinj, in conformity villi the instructions contained in t!ie E«rl of Lincoln's letter of the 27ih of August, 1815, directed our attention to the composilion of the gases evolved from coal beds, lo the mode of ven- tilating collieries, and to the subject of explosions in them generally, we have the honour to submit the following statement for consideration. With respect to the gases evolved from beds of coal, they may be viewed as the result of the continued decomposition of the vegetable matter from whicli coal is derived, a decomposition which may be regarded as still in progress under favourable conditions. Omitting the mineral substances. which, when burnt, are known as ashes, coal is essentially composed of carbon, oxygen, h\drogen, and nitrogen; and the quality of the coal de penfis upon the relative proportion of these ingredients. When the propor- tion of the carbon to the oxygen and hydrogen does not exceed about 75 per cent, the coal, in common terms, is called "bituminous;" when the carbon amounts to about 8) or 90 per cent, it is termed " anthracite," or stone coal : or, in other words, the most advanced state of decomposition of the original vegetable matter bears the latter name. During the decomposition a portion of the carbon is removed by its union with oxygen, forming carbonic acid, and another portion by combining with hydrogen, as carburetted hydrogen. Thus by continued decomposi- tion the carbon gradually becomes a more important constituent in the re- maining part of the original vegetable mass. The change from bituminous coal to anthracite can be produced artificially, and in a manner to illustrate the subject, considered geologically.* Though carbonic acid is, no doubt, found in many of our collieries in such a manner as to show it to be derived not only from the lights, horses, and workmen employed, but also to be partly the result of the progressive decomposition of the coal, it is with the carburetted hydrogen, or firedamp, as it is termed, that the collier has chiefly lo contend. This comes upon liim in various ways. Some coals more readily emit it than others, and hence they are locally termed fiery seams, beds, or veins. From some coals it would appear to escape more generally from the mass of the bed than from others, the gas gradually accumulating from the discharge over a wide surface. Other beds, again, are more fiery in the softer than tlie harder portions, and where joints or fissures are common. M'hen two or more seams of coal, having different qualities, make up a workable bed, one will sometimes be more fiery than the other. Again, much depends, all other circumstances being equal, upon the kind of roof or covering rock of a coal-bed. If this be sufficiently porous, as many sandstones are, the conditions for the escape of the firedamp upwards through superincumbent rocks are more favourable than where the roof is composed of clay or ar- gillaceous shell. The dislocations of the strata termed " faults" or " troubles" act fre- quently also as channels for the passage of the firedamp into the works, as they conduct the gas from coal seams beneath, yvhich may be highly charged with it, although the seam underwork may be free.) Although we may regard a large proportion of this gas as previously fo'nted, and ready to escape when the necessary conditions, sucii as those of colliery workings, present themselves, we can scarcely suppose that carburetted hydrogen is not also formed during the time occupied by the progress of Ihe same workings, much being evolved from the older portions of tiieni. The manner in which splinters of coal are thrown off during the cutting of some beds has led to the hypothesis that the gas may be present in a liquid slate, produced by condensation, so that when the needful pres- sure is removed during the progress of the work, the sudden expansion of the " fire-damp" from a liquid to a gaseous form throws oft' the fragments. The force also with which the gas bursts suddenly fonh from clefts or joints in some beds of coal is so considerable as to prove much previous compression, particularly when those bursts or blowers last only for a short time. When they continue for prolracteil periods, we may infer a more constant supply from continued decomposition of the coal, though the first sodden burst would point to compression. It has been inferred that Ihe small cavities in yvhich the fluid gas is confined can be detected by the mi- croscope in some coals. It is probable tiiat soft places, the sitles of joints and fissures, and the walls or faults, are more favourable to the decomposi- tion of the coal than its more solid poriions. The escape of fire-damp is generally influenced by the barometrical slate of the atmosphere, especially yvhen much of the gas has become accumu- lated in the wastes or goafs. This is more or less experienced in all pits; but one striking case was pointed out to us by Mr. Jobliiig, of Jarrow Pit. In a pit of which he is the viewer the gas issues from cracks in the roof of the seam, and in low stales of the barometer is evolved in considerable quantity. When the barometer is high, instead of this issue of gas, there is a sensible current of air which enters into the cracks. When this in- ward current takes place the pit is worked with naked candles, but when the evolution of fire-damp commences Davy's lamps are employed. Assailed in this manner by a gas which, when mingled wilh atmospheric * Specimens in illustration of this, made by coking coal in a very ^adual monuer, are lieposised in Che Museum of Ecoaomic Geoiogf. air in certain proportions, is highly explosive, a knowledge of its exact composition becomes a subject of great importance lo the collier, since ell'ective precautionary measures, more especially as regards the lights em- ployed, must necessarily depend upon such knowledge. Dr. Henry, Sir Humphry Davy, in this country, and Bischoflfand othen on the continent, have examined into the nature of the explosive gases of mines, but wilh results differing from each other; for while the English chemists found them to consist of carburetted hydrogen, with litde or no admixture, the continenlal chemists have described Ihem as very complex, mixtures of olefiant gas, carburetted hydrogen, carbonic oxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbonic acid. On such a point ignorance would be culpable; and we were instructed lo bring our knowledge up to the present advanced stale of chemical an.ilysis. Whilst we were engaged in this research. Professor Graham made a report to the Chemical Society on the sa'iie subject. The previous invcsiigations of this chemist had render- ed him well filled for the task, and Ihe results of his inquiries (according, as they do, with our own) amply guarantee that the subject, as far as re- lates to this country, may noyv be considered as decided, and show that the importance of an exact determination had simultaneously engaged the attention of the public. It is unnecessary to describe in detail the methods which we pursued in the analysis; it may be sufficient to state that we adopted the methods mentioned in a report to Ihe British Association on the analysis of gases by Professor Bunsen, and one of us. We may, therefore, at once tabulate our results, merely slating that we have devoted much attention lo this in- vestigation, so a« to remove doubt upon a subject so important lo the in- terests of Ihe public. The gases were collected in various ways, some from blowers, others from the freshly exposed surfaces of the coal while the gas issued out wilh a singing uoise, others from the explosive atmospher* of pits. Q. fe - ►*" a s B -E S Ies •2 " <; ■c* S a a ii JSi ^^s Gasej. SS B n II a is ^ O a> t: ^ m o ill ■3St 5« = Carburetted Hydrogen 92-8 77-5 83-1 860 79 7 93-4 98-2 92-7 Nitrogen 6-9 26-1 H-2 12-3 14-3 4-9 13 6-4 Oxygen 0-0 00 0-6 00 30 00 00 00 Carbonic Acid 0-3 13 21 1-7 20 1-7 0-5 09 Hydrogen . . 00 00 0-0 00 30 00 00 00 The general result of this examination is, that the only inflammable con- stituent present in the explosive gas of collieries is carburetted hydrogen or fire-damp ; there is not a trace of olefiant gas, and only in one out of Ihe eight gases analyzed is there hydrogen. It follows from the previous analysis that Ihe issue of fire-damp into the atmosphere of a mine must de- teriorate the air, by adding an undue proportion of nitrogen gas ; in one case this gas amounts to 21 per cent. During an explosion the oxygen necessary to the respiration of the workers is removed by uniting with the carbon of the fire-damp, and thus producing carbonic acid, a gas most fatal to animal life. This carbonic acid, mixed with Ihe residual nitrogen of the atmosphere, and that present in the explosive gas itself, forms what is termed after-damp, which produces eflecis more fatal even than those aris- ing from the explosion. It often happens, that after an explosion a sulh- cienl quantity of oxygen remains to support the respiration of those wh» survive its effects, were it not for the presence of carbonic acid. This gas, when present in no greater pi oportiou than one or two per cent., is capaljle of producing Ihe most injurious efiects. It has therefore been snggcsicil, that cheap mixtures, made of substances capable of ab.sorhing carbonic acid, such as glauber salts and lime, would prove useful to those who try to aid the suflerers after the explosion. Such a mixture placed in a coarse bag and applied to the mouth would elfectually absorb the carbonic acid, and prevent it exercising an injurious effect on respiraiion. Certainly the want of some such precaution in the case of Ihe Jarrow explosion causeJ the death of a very meritorious man Jacob Uifty, Ihe overman of the pit. An explosion is, however, generally attended with much more complex results than those described as attending the combustion of carburetted hydrogen. The amount nf fire damp which may be first ignited may be trivial, and yet produce the most disastrous efiects. From its lightness it accumulates at the upper part of the passages, and diffuses with consider- able difficulty, often acting as a train, and comniuuicaling the explosion to the pent-up reservoirs of gas in the goafs. It is thus that in almost all ac- counts of explosions two are generally described as taking place ; Ihe tii-l local, and at the seat of the explosion ; the second more general, and aideii by any accumulation of foul gas in oilier parts of Ihe pit. In the case nt .1 arrow. Ihe heat attending the explosion was so intense as lo have thoruin>bly cukeU to the de^ih oi nearly one quarter uf an inch the cual lining part ul 31 242 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [August the walls of one of (he passajps ; an effect which conld scarcely be con- ceived without supposing that the flame played for some time upon it with the intcnsily of a blow. pipe flame. The surface of coal thus acted upon was so considerable that the amount of explosive gases e\olve(l (luring this eoUing must have been far fiom insiKnificanl, and may liave aided llie ex- plosion itself. Atl<\ to this, lliat the lirst effect of llie explosion is to blow up and ignite the immense quantity of coal dust lyin^ about the pit, and not only produce from it an evolution of gas, but also occasion the produc- tion of much carbonic acid. And it cannot escape attention that the whole fobject becomes involved in much complexity. It is known tliat a certain mixture of air with carburettiloyment of women and children in our mines, and the labour in our factories, be thought good, that eli'ective discretion- ary powers should be vi sted in properly qualified persons, appointed in convenient districts, so that the needful adjiistments to conditious may be effected, and no single'system be attempted, napplicable to our collierie* as a whole. Any general system of legislation for conditions so different could only be productive of failure or nf injurious consequences, both to owners uud workers; but a local examination and inquiry, with power to adjust to special conditions, would, v.'e apprehend, remove the difficulties which the Legislature has felt in dealing with inierests so important. Jealous as the coalowuers should properly be of any undue intermed- dling with their collieries, it may nevertheless be true that a judicious sys- tem of superintendence iu a district, by which the pi'oper ventilation of collieries, efficient knowledge on the part of subordinate agents, and proper punishment for fool-hardiness or carelessness on the part of the colliers may be secured, would be a great advantage to them individually and col- lectively, and be the saving not uuly of lives but of much capital, securing them, in the case of accidents, from many au unjust accusation for ne- glect. On the other hand, careful but not overmeddling supervision would afford confidence to the collier. Proper persons being appointed as super- intendents (and, if improper, their deficiencies would soon become ajipar- ent, and their removal the consequence), he would feel that he li-is the ad- vantage of the existing knowledge of the day brought to bear upon tha particular conditions iintler which Ihe colliery iu which he labours is worked. Iu some districis the working collier is far better informed upon the general principles which should receive attention than may be cum- mooly supposed, and he would feel far more secure from danger than ha now does, if assured that the State was not neglectful of his safety. Though several collieries in particular districts possess good plans and sections of their workings, and an inspection of such plans and sections ali'ords a view of the system of ventilation and general mode of working adopted, this is far from being the case generally, and has been much re- gretted alike by the enlighteued coalowuers and by the public. The im- portance of correct plans and sections has been prominently pointed out, both by the Committee of the House of Commons of 1835, and in the report of the South Shields Committee of 1843; indeed, the necessity of them is sufficiently obvious. Should the suggestion of a system of judicious inspection be considered worthy of consideration, the ready access to proper plans and sections uf collieries, brought up to given times, would necessarily form a part of any general system of regulations. If correct (.and power to ascertain that they were &o would be essential), they would at once UiAcluse the sytlcut 31* 244 THE CIVIL ENGIiNEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [August, of norkini; and venlilalion adopted, and, uitli information respecting the police regulatious, and an arcoiiut of ihc kind of liglits employed, would at once afford a general view of tin- morle of nonduciing any particular colliery, and of tlie adjustment of the workings to comliliuns It being considered that safety lam])S, pioperly used, du elfect much se- curity in the working of coal, and that in so mauy cases explosions do take place when tliey are nut eiuployed, it has often been su;;gested that the Legislature should compel the general use of safety lamps in coal nnnes. I'.ut, on the other hand, there are many collieries in which lire- damp never appears, and it would juslly.be considered a hardship in such cases to compel a precaution altogether unnecessary. We would suggest that it could not be considered unjust for the Legis- lature to coinpi'i the use of safely lamps in all liery collieries ; and, in the present stale of the law of property, it niinht even be prudent to assume Ihat all collieries iu districts where' explosions have been frequent are fiery, putting the onus probandi that they are not upon the owners of su'h col lieries. If proved to the satisfaction of the inspectors that no reasonable danger was to be apprehended in their collieries, license might be given for them to work with naked candles, this license ceasing at short periods, hot being renewable on ascertaining that the conditions of the mine had not allered. Careful investigations into the causes of explosions in collieries, only part of which arrest public attention by Iheir magnitude, appear to have led to the very general conclusion ihat the coiidilion of our collieries is most unequal. While iu some localities there is so little to imp'ove that it liecomes subject of regret that such examples shouhl not more generally be follov^■ed, in others it becomes a matter of surprise how the works can be permitted to remain in so defective a state, seeing tliat the owners them- selves sull'er much loss thereby. Under such a state of things, and con- sidering the number of valuable lives annually lo-t by colliery explosions, the continued risk to which so many are daily exposed, the national injury sustained by the imprudent and careless mode of extracting coal in many localities— one often felt oppressively also by the parties engaged in col- liery speculations— and that the workings for coal must be adjusted to local conditions, we are led to consider that these evils might be at least mitigated by the careful and judicious inspection of convenient districts by competent |>ersons, the necessary funds to be raised from such districts by a very slight impost, not even exceeding one farthing on each ton of coal raised in it; and we believe that the cause of humanity and the interests of the coalowners would be alike benefited by a well-considered legisla- tire measure of this kind. We Lave, &c.. H. T. De La BiiCHE. Lyon Piaypair. THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. The following are portions of Mr. Barry's evidence before the Committee appointed to inquire into the progress of the Houses of Pailiaraent ; — "The committee had an impression, from evidence given by you on a former occasion, that you would be willing to undertake to warm and ven- tilate the new House of Lords upon a system of jour own? — I believe I GO stated. If you were to adopt a system of your own, would it render it impossible hereafter to revert to such a system as Dr. Reid has in a general way re- commended or suggested ! — Is it meant that that question should apply to the House of Lords exclusively, or to that and any other portions of the building 7 To the House of Lords exclusively ? — As the subject is altogether new to me, I could not at the present moment answer satisfactorily ; but if your lordships would give me fonr-and twenty hours to consider that point, I will then be prei>ared to give you a definite answer to the question. Do you think that you could prepare the apartment for the Peers by the commencement of the session of 1847, if it were ventilated and warmed according to your own system, and without any interference with your »y»teni from any other quarter? — Until I have determined what that sys- tem shall be, it would be rather dilhcult for me to answer that question. With respect to the fixing of the joiners' work, as unfortunately a very large portion of the year, and the portion best adapted for fixing work of that description, has been suffered to elapse, I should be sorry to pledge myself that I would compleiely finish the House of Lords by the time men- tioned, viz. the commencement of the next session ; but all I can say is, lliat I will do every thing in my power to accomplish the object, and 1 trust that i should at least be able to bring the House into such a state as, if not completely finished, it might be occupied by your lordships. The " session" is rather an indefinite word ; do you mean by the 1st of February? I understand the commencement of the session to mean the lit of February. Vou think 5 ou could get the House ready by the 1st of February ? — I sltojuld not wish to pledge myself to have the House completely finished in all respects by that time ; but I think I could finish it so completely that it might be occupied by yoiir lordships. You mean that every convenience for the sitting of the House might be supplied, aUhough the more ornameutal parta luight not be finished? — £i«ctly. Has any further advance been made in the arrangements of Dr. Reid since you were last examined before this committee ! — Not that 1 am aware of. Have you the slightest hope, from what has already transpired, and from what you are aide to collect, that the work would be at all advanced by this lime next year, unless some new anangements were made with regard to the ventilation ? — I must say that I have no hope whatever. All the fittings are prepared ?— They are, with the exception of portions of the throne, and they would be prepared during the time that the rest of the fittings were being fixed. Ill making any arrangement for the ventilation, you do not conceive it will be necessary to destroy any piirt of that which has already been pre. pared in connection with the arrangements suggested by Dr. Reid ? — I du not think it would be necessary to destroy any part; it would be necessary, probably, to modify some of the arrangements, in order to make them avail- able to my own system, if I may so call it. In the arrangement that you would contemplate for warming, you would not have to alter the ceiling, or any thing thai has been done there? — Not at all. Is the putting up of the ceiling a very expensive work ? — The putting up of the fittings is a very expensive and rather tedious work; the work is of an unusual description, and will require the greatest possible care ia fixing. Are you in such a slate that you could proceed immediately towards the completion of the House if jou received the necessary authority .' — Yes ; I am quite prepared to do so. Will you describe the state of forwardness of the building adjoining the House, including the lobbies ? — The Victoria Hall, which is the apaninent immediately ailjoining the throne end of the House, is covered in, and the ceiling is nearly fixed. I think it possible to make that room available as well as the House, althou;;h the fittings which are to he placed in it might not be completed. The public lobby is also roofed in, and the ceiling is completed, and if it were necessary, that portion of the building also might, I think, be got ready for use. The finishings of the corridors adjoining the House ou each side are entirely prepared, and I think, if the time is sufli- cient for fixing the work, which is very minute and elaboraie, there is no reason why the corridors should not also be made available for occupation with the House. What is the state of the royal gallery ? — The roof of the royal gallery is on, and a commencement is made w ith the fixing t claim the mode of shaping or manu- facturing tilt gla^s, but only for the f.irra or shape of the glass and for the purposes of rooliug, as above described. ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAYS. John Robi;rt Johnson, of Alfred place, Blaclifriars, in the connty of Surrey, chemist, for ^' Imjirovemeiits in the nutttriuts emiihijid in constriut- ing and tvofking almusiiheric railivuijs." — Granted December 0, 1845; Enrolled .lune 0, 184C. This invention relates, first, to a new composition for sealing the longi- tudinal vaUes of aimospheiic railway tubes. It is made by adding to various mixtures of resinous, oily, and bituminous substances, dry clay, ochre, and chalk, in powder, as much as will make the composition of the proper confistency ; the following mixture is preferred and found to suc- ceed : 1 part palm oil, 2 parts brown resin, and 4 parts china clay, in fine powder. Insoluble soaps, prepared by a combination of fat and an oxide or earth with oily or resinous substances, may answer the same puipose. The second improvement is a composition for lubricating the interior of the traction tubes, made by mixing with fat or oil, and resin or pilch, a quantity of earihy malter, as before described ; the following proporlions are recommended : 7 parts rrsin, 4 parts slearine, 4 parts tallow, and 12 parts clay. The third improvement is for making fabrics impervious to air and moisture with elastic varnish, for the purpose of using them instead of leather for the longitudinal valves. The fabric may be made eillier of cot- ton, flax, hemp, or wool, in the form of a belt, of the breadth and thicKness required. The varnish must be such that oils or fats will not act upon it when dry, and it must possess sufKcient elasticity to bear the bending re^ suiting from its use; linseed or nut-oil is pre:erred, particulaily boiled linseed oil, v\hich is made to penetrate the fabric by healing the oil to 250°, and immersing it therein until the air and vapour is expelled from tbf in- terstices of the fabric. The fabric is then passed between a pair of iron rollers, to squeeze out the superfluous oil, and dried in a warm room, and afterwards again passed through oil healed to 200% and also between the rollers, and dried. Ihe operations are repeated until the interstices are filled by the successive (oats of varnish and the fibres cemented together into one mass. To remove the inequalities, if any, on the surface, pumice Btone must be used, after which a finishing coat of varnish is to be ap- plied. The fourth and last improvement is for constructing the traction lubes of materials not before used for that purpose, such as calcareous cement, Keene's cement, Roman cement, and the like, which can be cast in the form desired, and do not require burning. The cement may be mixed ■with sand or fine gravel and r.immed into moulds of the form required. The patentee prefers to form the pipes by the aid of an apparatus made with a cylindrical case and a hollow core for forming the inside of the pipe. When the tubes are dry and seasoned they are rendered impervious lo air and moisture, by causing the cement to absoib coal-tar, which has had its more vol^ttile portions separated by distillation. STEAM ENGINES AND PROPELLERS. John Penn, of Greenwich, engineer and manufarturer of steam engines, William Hartrlb, the younger, and John Matthew, of Greenwich, en- gineers, for " the inventton of certain improvements in steam engines and machinery fur ]iro]jelling vesstls, which irnvrcvements are also appltcable lor »lher purposes.'— Gianieil December 25, 1845; Enrolled June 25, 1846. — Reported in the Patent Journal. (6'ee Engraving, Plate XUi ) These improvements in steam engines relate to a certain mode heretofore invented, of making the piston rod of steam engines of enlarged iize, and hollow, like a tube, to admit a long connecting rod to be received within the hoUon of the piston rod, for transmitting the force and motion of the piston to the revolviii:: crank on ilie axis, which is to be turned round by the force of the steam cnfine, likeibe direct acting steam engines, the said connecting rod being jointed to the piston at that end of the rod which is fuitiiist with- in the said hollow of ihe pinion rod (and which for distinction may be Icriu- ed its inner end), and the other (which may be termed the enter end, because that end extends out from tlie said hollow beyond the hollow end of the piston rod) being jointed upon the crank pin of the revolving crtnk, so as to operate ly direct action for turning the crank ami axis thereof round. The said hollow within the piston rod is sufficiently wide for permitting the vibration of the connecting rod, without touching the inside of the hollow, so that the connecting rod liciiig moved round with continuous onward mo- tion in the circumference described by the crank pin, the joint at the inner end of the connecting rod will move with alternating motion in a line which is central with the line of the piston roil, the said joint being guided in the said line by the sliding motion of the hollow piston rod, thrcugh its stuffing box in the cylinder covers, as the mution of the crank piu in the circumfe- rence of its orhit will occasion a very considerable extent of vibration of the connecting rod within the hollow of the piston rod, which is of so large size externally, in order to have sufficient hollow to allow its vibration without touching. The large size of the hollow piston rod deducts materially from the surface of the piston against which the steam is to act for impelling the piston in that direction which will move the large hollow pi^lnn rod (through its stuffing boxes in the cylinder covers) into the interior of the cylinder ; consequently the piston will lie impelled with less force than if the rod were small, or of proper size to such piston. But, on the other hand, steam will operate against the whole area of the piston, without any such deductiou therefrom, when steam operates for impelling the piston in a contrary direc- tion to that already said, or in that direction which will move the large hol- low piston rod (through its stuffing box), out of the interior of the cylinder. Hence, the piston of a direct-acting steam engine, with large hollow piston rod as afonsaid, will move by the steam with more velocity in one direction (luring one half of the stroke, than in a contrary direction during the other half of the stroke. And to avoid any unnecessary size of the hollow piston rod, the same (instead of being of cylindrical form and circumference in its transverse section), has been made oblong in its transverse section, having two flat sides and two semicircular ends, so that the lengthway or oblong should allow as ninth room within the hollow of the connecting rod as re- quired for the performing of its vibrations, hut in breadthnay the oblong hollow being no wider between the two flat sides than necessary fur admit- ting the connecti.ig rod to move freely. The stufbiig box in the cylinder- cover was adapted to the oblong form of the said hullow piston rod. In direct acting steam engines, with such oblong flattened form of hollow piston rod, have been called trunk engines, and were subject of patent granted to Francis Humphreys, fur England. 2Slli March, 1835.* Our improvement in steam engines of the aforesaid descriptiun, consists in extending the afore- said hollow piston rod or trunk each way from the piston, instead of merely on one side as heretofore. And with that improvement, the suiface against which steam will operate for impelling the piston, will be the same when impelled in one direction as the other. Also, the guidance of the piston in its alternating rectilinear motion within the cylinder, will be rendered more complete in consequence of llie said prolonged hollow piston rod passing through the stuffing boxes at both ends of the cylinder. Also, the joint at the inner end of the long link or connecting rod, is rendered more accessible than heretofore. Fig. 1, is a horizijiital section of an engine constructed ac- cording to this part of our impruvcments ; a a, is the steam cylinder ; 6 b the steam piston lifted ii to the cylinder, and moving up and down therein; e c, the hollow piston rod or trunk, fastened to the piston, and moving therewith ; dd, the end of the cylinder ; and E E, the cylinder cover, having the stuffing box, e e, at the centre pait of it for hollow piston rod, c c, to pass through ; y is the long link or connecting rod, jointed at its inner end U|)on a pin, A, at the centre of the piston, and jointed at its outer end upon the crank pin, B, of the revolving end of the crank, G, which is on the main revolving axis of the steam engine; ; i, is the frame-work for sustaining the said axis. The hollow piston rod may be either of cylindrical or oblong form, as aforesaid, but must be truly prismatic. In the motion of the en- gine, the centre of the joint-pin. A, at the inner end of the connecting rod, will move along the cylinder with an alternating rectilinear motion, whilst the centre of the crank pin, B, at the outer end of the said rod,/) is moved onwards around, in the circle described by the crank pin with a continuous rotary motion, and during such motion the connecting rody will require to vibrate from the direction ol the central line of cylinder to the extent of the internal diameter of the piston rod, with alternate deviation on opposite sides. The hollow within the hollow piston rod c c, is sufficiently large to permit of such extent of vibration of connecting rodyon either side. Ihns far this engine is the same as other trunk engines, or hollow piston rod en- gines ; hut fig. 1 show tlie hollow piston rod c, c to he prolonged at 1, 1, Irom opposite side of the piston b, b to that side thereof from which the aforesaid part c, c proceeds; the prolonged part 1, 1 passing through, and being fitted with a stuffing box 2, 2, at the centre part of end, d, d, ot cylin- der, and the part 1, 1 being a continuation of the part c, c, which, together with the said part 1, 1, forms a long hollow piston rod, c, c, having piston b, b fastened to it at or near the middle of such rod, and the said long hol- low rod c, c, being cuided by both stufling boxes at e, e and 2, 2; the piston A is thereby securely retained in a proper position at the centre of the cylin- der when moving with its altrrnating motion therein, without any undut rubbing with more force at one side than the other of the inside ot the ey- hnder; and the sa d lung hollow rod c, c bring open at the end of the pro- longed part 1, 1, the joint of the inner end of the connecting rody upon * See C, E. and A. JounuU, vol. 3, 1840, page 142. 248 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHlTECrS JOURNAL. [A.UGUST, the pin A can be got at for screwing up or tightening brasses of such joint when the engine is stopped. Fig. 1 is supposed to be in every other respect exactly like other direct acting engines, which, being well kiiDwn, need not be described. The air pump may be worked by means uf another short crank or an eccentric upon the main revolving axis. Such an engine may iiave the tly wheel on its main axis, and may be applied for actuating any ma- chinery requiring a continuous rotary motion , or may be applieil in steam vessels, in which case the main axis would be prolonged eai.-h way across the vessel to serve as the axis for wheels on each side of muMiip line of vessel with the main axis of both engines in the same horiz mtal line across the •vessel, the air pump or pumps being amidship in a spai'C left for the purpose between the two engines, and the air pump or pumps inay be >orked liy a short crank or cranks, or eccentric or eccentrics on the main axis, all which being the same as iu direct acting engines need not further be described; and in consequence of the effectual guidance of the piston during its motion in the cylinder, which results from the long hollow piston rod passing through stuffing boxes in both ends of the cylinder as above described, such an engine is well qualified for working with the centre line of the cylinder in a horizontal position, as in fig. 1, because the weight of the piston and its hollow piston rod is effectually sustained by the fitting of long hollow piston rods into and through the stuffing boxes at both ends of the cylinder, and therefore that weight will not cause the circumference of the piston to rest with any more force at the lowest part of the internal surface of the cylin- der than at the upper or other part of that internal surface. Engines of this description are well adapted for steam vessels having revolving propel- lers at the stern under water, or nearly so, operating in water by an oblique or spiral screw, or windmill-shaped propeller, that require their axis to be low down within the vessel, and to be turned round with a rapid motion. Several different engines are given in the drawings attached to the specifi- cation,— some vertical, others with the connecting rod projecting from the lower part of the hollow piston rod, with the cylinder at right angles to each other, and attached to the same crank, or the end of the propeller shaft. Another part of the said improvements in steam engines relates to the air pump, or rather to the valves of the air pump in cases where the air pump is placed in a central line in a horizontal position, and is double acting, so as to draw water and air from condensers, when the piston of the air pump is moved either backwards or forwards in its horizontal barrel ; an air pump, disposed in a horizontal position, double acting, as aforesaid, must have four valves and a solid piston ; such air pumps have been proposed, and are not new, but, according to this part of the improvements, those valves, and the seats to which they fit, are so dispoi^ed with respect to the barrel of the pump, as to be able to be removed with ease, and spare valves and seats sub- stituted when required. Fig. 1 contains a longitudinal section of a conden- ser and air pump, or a pair of condensers and air pumps, suitable for a steam engine or pair of steam engines, as already described, y. y is a me- tallic vessel, serving for condenser and hot water cistern. It may be divided with a vertical partition to divide its internal capacity into separate conden- sers for the two engines, or else may be two separate vessels, disposed side bv side. In either case, the air-pump barrel, r, r, extends in a horizontal direction through the inside of each compartment (or of each condenser), with an opening into an end of the barrel, whereof one opening may be closed bv a door, q. and the other by an air-pump cover, U, U, which has, as usual, a'shifting box at the centre of it, for the rod, s, of an air-pump, to pass through the piston, /, of the air-pump, wliich is fastened on the rod s, > is solid. The space left within vessel y, q around the extent of each hori- zontal air-pump barrel is further divided by a horizontal partition not shown in drawing, but it is nearly at the level of the upper part of eacli barrel, r, r, and so much of the upper space as is beneath the level of the horizontal partition is the actual capacity of the condenser for reception of steam that is to be condimsed, and of the injection of cold water by which the conden- sation is to be effected. The eduction pipe, K, from the cylindir of the en- gine, joins by a side branch to that lower part or condenser; the space above the level of such horizontal portion is for the hot water cistern or hot well, into which the air-pump is to discharge the hot water, and air is extracted by it from the condenser, and the surplus of which hot water will pass away as usual by the overllow pipe, v. The air-pump, btiiig double-acting, requires to be constructed with four valves, two at each end of barrel, r, one of these valves being a foot-valve, for admitting water and air to pass from the condenser into the baricl, r, when the air-pump piston, i, is moving away from that end of barrel, r, at which such foot-valve is situate, and the oilier of the said two valves being a discharge valve for allowing air and water to pass out frum liarrel, r, into hot well, u', when air-pump piston, /, is movinn towards that end of barrel, )-, at which such discharge-valve is situated. This part of the improvements consists in disposing the said two valves, which are at the same I'lid of the barrel of air-pump with said discharge-valve, exactly over foot-valve, so that the same upri:;lit spindle or guide rod will serve for both valves, and will also serve to keep seats for bnth valves in tnnir respective olices in the metal work at the end of pump-barrel, into which places the said valvcseats are accoratelv fitted, lint when the guide-rod is withdrawn, then the valves become loose', and can he taken out for exaniin:itlnn or repair, and the valve seats can also be removed out of their said places, if necessary, and other spare valve seats put in, and valves thereon. 0, and 4, are the lower or foot- valves, and 5, upper or disih.argc at caetuwidwf air-pump barrel, r, li and 7 being their respective valve seats, accurately fitted into recesses in the luetal at end of barrel, r, those recesses being bored correctly circular, and slightly conical, so as to be correctly concentric with upright guide rod or spindle, 8, which passes through central hole of upper valve seat, 7, and into central hole of lower valve seat, G, and has suitable shoulders formed upon it, for confining both seats, 6 and 7, down in their respective places, when rod 8 is forced and held down end-ways, by a cover, g, screwed down over a bole in upper part of hot water cistern, q, and which cistern bears on the upper end of the rod, 8, so as to press and hold the same down, and consequently fasten down the tv>o valve seats, 6 and 7. Valves 4 and 5 have central holes through which the rod 8 passes, so as to allow the valves to fall and rise on the rod which guides them when so rising and falling, and the rod has suitable slip shoulders formed or fastened u;)on it, to limit the height to which the valves shall be allowed to rise. Valves 4 and 5 may be fitted to their seats, G and 7, with llat surfaces, or with conical fittings, when the door, q, or air-pump cover, R, is also eorrespomling with the door, in same end of hot water cistern, \V, or one door on the top thereof, and likewise the Co 9 ; then the upright r^id. 8, being withdrawn upwards tnrough hole 9, will leave valves 4 and 5 loose, and at liberty to be removed through doors or openings aforesaid ; and the valve seats, 6 and 7, may be also lifted out of their respective recesses into which they are fitted, with a sutScient tapering to be tight, hut without any other fastening than by means of rod 8, as aforesaid. And the upper valte seat, 7, may be made so much larger than the lower valve seat, C, as well as the upper one, through the hot water cistern, w, and its doors, a? aforesaid. The upright spindle, 8, of two valves, .'i and (J, which are at the same end of the barrel, r, as its cover, R. is so much on one side of the central line of the barrel as to avoid any interference with the air pump rod, *. But s can be disconnected, and, together with the air pump present, can he withdrawn frimi the barrel, r, through the door, q or R, and the packing of piston /, can be performed at those doors. The reces-es into which the valve seats for the foot valves, 6, 6, are lodged, should be continued downwards, as at s, s, near toward the bot- tom of the condenser, in order that water may be effnctually dra»n up from the lowest part of the condenser by the action of the pump; and as to cur said improvements for propelling and other purposes, the same are, for the most part, applicable to vessels, with revolving screw propellers for diminishing friction and wearing which takes place at that extremity of the horizontal axis of the revolving propeller within the vessel, and which extremity, at the same time it is turning r.'pidly round, must press endways against some suit- a'de fixed end bearing in the vessel, so as to transmit to that bearing the whole endway force of the propeller, by which the vessel is to be urged on through the water. This part of the improvements relates to such fixed end bearing or extremity of revolving axis, or any other end bearing for quick revolving axis in mill work or machinery of any kind, and consists in apply- ing a flat circular disc of hardened steel or other hard metal, in a vertical plane at the proper place for receiving the flat end of the revolving axis, which end is also to be hardened steel, the said disc being larger in diameter than the said flat end, and being lodged in a cell at the central part of a toothed wheel, which is mounted at the end of a short horizontal axis, sus- tained in some suitably fixed socket, so as to be somewhat eccentric to (be central line of the axis of the propeller, and the said toothed wheel being turned round by means of other wheel work, carries the steel disc slowly round with it in the same direction as the end of the axis of the propeller is, at the same time, revolving with a rapid motion ; and owing to the said slow revolving motion of the disc being eccentric to the quick revolving motion of the end of the axis, fresh parts of the said surface of steel iii>c are con- tinually brought opposite to, and in contact with, the same end, in order to avoid any tendency to wearing the rubbing surfaces into rings, as usually takes place, and also to introduce oil or water more effectually between the rubbing surfaces. Figs. 2, 3, 4, show some of the improvements by way of example, but the details of construction there represented may he greatly varied. Fig. 2 is a longitudinal vertical section; fig. 3 a plan view, and fig. 4 a horizontal sec- tion taken at the propeller shaft. The box A, A, is to be securely fastened in the vessel, so that a spindle, H, will correspond with the direction of cen- tre line of the axis of the propeller, the said spindle, H, being inserted and fastened into the end of the axis; but there is another suitable bearing not shuwn, which sustains the axis laterally on its intended place as it revolve*. The spindle, 11. passes through a hole in one end of the box. A, A, whieli has partition across it at A, through which the spindle, II, also passes in a stutling box, b, the smaller compartment of which box contains the circular steel disc before mentioned, and filled with oil or water for keeping rubbing surfaces cool. This is better shown in fig. 2. B circular disc, and Z* is a tootheil wheel into the cell, at the centre wheteof the steel disc, B. is inlaid and fastened, so as to be held on vertical plane, and so as to be carried round with slow revolving motion of wheel, D, which is sustained by means of prominent central boss, e, e, on opposite side of it, to that side on which disc, li, is fastened, which boss, e, e, is received in, and fitted to, correspond- ing circular cell, y,/", which may for the present be considered as immoveably fixed, with its centre somewhat eccentric to centre line of spindle, H, as is apparent in tig. 3. I'lie toothed wheel D, is capable of turning round in said CR\\f,f, as though it were mounted on the end of the horizontal axis, and revolving therewith in a vertical plane, and carrying the disc B, round with it in such miition, and there may he a horizontal centre pin at ^, in centre of the said ell. A/, fixed to or part thereof, and fitted into the central hole of the wheel 1). arouud its prominent boss t, e, applies with close contact against tht Oat ENOINE.S OF HER MAJES TY8 ST£AM FRICAT E. P £izfiier. LONOITUDINAL ELEVATION - 1. CLA DIATOR- Cylinder J^f DiaMiet«r, Slroke5^i M/LLEK , KAYENHILL ■ %, ■ Qi - C &a,gst!cr NEW PATENTS PLATE XU ,immmm,tumiiwuiHiiiyiimnHHuwmmw"v 18-16] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 249 circular border around cell/,/, and by the aforesaid fittings and contact over a considerable diameter, tlie wheel D, and disc B, are securely sustained in their intended vertical planes, and qualified to bear the endway pressure of spindle H, notwithstanding the eccentricity thereof to wheel D, as shown ip fig. 4. The aforesaid slow-revolving motion of the disc B, and wheel D, is given thereto by means of the endless screw E, on the cross axis F, which is turned round by spin-wheel G, on the end of it, that wheel receiving motion from another spin-wheel N, on the end of another cross axis I, whereon is another screw wheel J, which is turned by the endless screw,;, on spindle H. The aforesaid wheel-work and screw-work will give a very slow revolving motion to wheel D, and the disc B, compared with the rapid revolving spindle H; hut the proportions of the said wheels and screws may be varied, and the endless screws, E and j (or one or them), may be made with 2 or 3 spiral threads, in which case the revolving motion given to disc B will not be so slow. And if the parts are constituted according to the drawing, so that the cell // is not immnveably fixed, the degrees of eccentricity can be varied at pleasure, and the motion quickened merely by turning the lever handle K, which is fastened on tne extreme end of the axis i in figs. 3 and 4, which axis is part of the metal of the cell //, but eccentric thereto, as shown in fig. 4. It is easily seen that the said axis i is fitted into a socket, perforated through the end of the box A, and fiat vertical surface of the said end around that socket affords a flat bearing for the flat vertical surface at back of the cell,//, around its axis /c. The socket for the axis i is somewhat eccentric to central line of spindle H, as shown in fig. 4, and by the position of the parts there shown, the eccentricity of axis 4, in respect to spindle H, concurs with the eccentricity of the cell//, in respect to its said axis R, for giving tlie full degree of eccentricity for disc B, in respect to spimlie II, that the disc B, and of the end of the spindle H, will permit, as is shown in fig. 4. But if the handle K, and axis R, with the cell//", were to be turned half-way round from their said position, fig. 4, then the eccentricity of the axis R in respect to the spindle H ; and those of the cell //, in respect to the axis k, would counteract or neutralise each other, so as to give little or no eccentric motion to the disc B in respect to the spindle H. On the han- dle K being turned to any intermediate position between the aforesaid ex- tremes would give any intermediate degree of eccentricity as may be pre- ferred. The axis R should be made less tight into its socket, and to fasten them by screwing a nut on the end of the axis. The lever handle K should have some adequate means of holding it fast in any requisite position. And whereas the motion so given to cell //, in turning it with its axis R by the lever handle K, as aforesaid, would derange the position of the wheel D in respect to the glaring of its teeth in spiral threads of endless screw E, the cross axis F of that screw ; and if the spur wheel G must be allowed to to rise and fall in its bearings, but it will be retained at its proper distance from the cross axis I of the other spur wheel N by means of two levers rr, formed by bearings for the cross axis F, which hearings will rise or fall freely with it, but will always keep it horizontal. Also, the endless screw E is fitted upon iti said cross axis F with feathers or keys, so as to be capable of sliding along that axis F, end-ways thereon, but so as to be compelled to go round therewith, and the place the endless screw will occupy in lengthening of its said cross axis F is regulated by two bearings 1 1, which are Utted on axis F, 80 as to include the screw between those bearings, 1 1, as projected from the collar, PS, fitted around the outer circumference of the «ell // and are collars made on two halves united by screws x j:'^ the said circumference is concentric with the interior of the cell//, and consequently with the wheel D ; wherefore when the cell// is turned round by the lever K, the collar vv, by its projections 1 1, will cause the endless screw E to rise or fall, together with the axis F, or move sideways along that axis with such com- pound motion ; t will always preserve proper contact of its spiral threads with the wheel D, for turning the same round, as aforesaid. Claim first : for improvements in steam engines, which have hollowed piston rods and con- necting rods in the hollow thereof; of making such hollow piston rods ex- tend both ways form the piston, and passing through stuffing boxes in both ends of cylinder, in order to obtain an equal surface of piston for receiving pressure of steam, and impelling piston in both directions in cylinder, up, down, back, and forwards, at same time obtaining secure guidance of the piston in such motion, in consequence of long hollow piston rod sliding through stuffing boxes at both ends of the cylinder, also rendering joint at inner end of connecting rod accessible within the hollow piston rod; but no claim is made to extending of piston rod each way from the piston, and guiding such long piston rod by passing through stuffing boxes in both ends of cylinder, when that is done for the mere purpose of the guidance of the piston in its motion within the cylinder ; hut claim is only made when the long piston rod, which is so guided, ia hollow, for the purpose of receiving the connecting rod within the hollow, as before described. Secondly, ia improvements in disposing the valves of horizontal double-acting air-pumps, with the lower or foot valve directing beneath the upper or discharge valve, and holding the valve seats for both those valves fast in the proper place, and ^Iso guiding the valves in their rising and falling motions by means of oue forced upright spiodle. IMPROVEMENTS IN GOVERNORS OF STEAM ENGINES. Charles Wiliiam Siemens, of Finsbury.square, Middlesex, engineer, for " Improvements in steam engines and in regulating the power and velocity of machines for communicating power." — Granted December 24, 1845 ; Enrolled June 24, 1846. See Engraving, Plate XII. The first part of this invention consists in some further improvements in the chronometric governor, a patent for which was granted to Mr. Joseph Woods, of Barge-yard Chambers, Bucklersbury, April 18th, 1844. Figs. 1 and 2 represent the improved chronometric governor, which is generally applied to steam engines. The differential velocity between the engine and a revolving pendulum P is obtained by means of three bevil- wheels. A, B, and C. The wheel A is firmly connected with the arm or crank E of the pendulum by means of the upright shaft K, and revolves always in concert with the pendulum. Tlie under wheel B is fixed to the pulley D, which is driven by the engine with its uncertain velocity and in contrary direction to the motion of A. Both these wheels move in gear with the third bevil-wheel C, which runs perfectly free on its axis, and is also permitted to travel round the perpendicular socket d. It is obvious that whenever A and B revolve in contrary directions, but with equal velocity, C will also revolve on its axis, but will not change its angular position, while any difference in velocity between A and B will cause C to follow the direc- tion of the faster wheel, which will at once alter the supply of steam, the double arm m being attached to the throttle valve T by means of the lever and connecting rod /. To maintain the motion of the pendulum a constant power is required, resembling that of a falling weight in an ordinary clock. This power is given out by the weight w, which tends to pull the wheel C ' permanently to one side, and this strain being borne equally by the wheels A and B, causes A, and with it the pendulum P, to revolve, while B, which revolves in the contrary direction to A, is constantly engaged to lift W back again in its proper position. In practice, it has been found that the power requisite to maintain the action of the pendulum is much less than that required to effect the movement of the valve, and the inventor now adopts the principle of driving the pendulum with an excess of power, which shall he neutralised by a friction apparatus when not wanted, and shall be allowed to act freely when the governor requires its assistance to move the valve. This is effected as follows : R is a ring of cast iron or other proper material, against which a surface of steel or other material g, revolving with the pen- dulum, is pressed by its short lever, a spring s being placed between the point of the rod and the steel rubber, to let the pressure come on gradually. It is evident that whenever there is an excess of driving weight, which causes divergence in the arc of vibration, the surfaces of the steel rubber and of the fixed ring will be pressed in contact together with a force exactly sufficient to produce the required amount of friction necessary to counter- balance the excess ; and so soon as the pendulum falls back towards a smaller arc of rotation it will reUeve the friction apparatus, and permit an increased supply of power to overcome the resistances of the valve, &c. A second spiral spring t is laid in the groove of the arm F, behind the point of the pendulum, for the purpose of never allowing the latter to drop quite in its perpendicular position, and also to facilitate its starting with the engine. There is also described another mode of obtaining the differential velocity between the pendulum and the engine and a governor of a more powerful description, which is calculated to move the gates of water-wheels or the expansion gear of large engines, but the general principle of these governors is the same as we have already described, and we therefore omit them. The great advantages of the chronometric governor over Watts's Centri- fugal governor, or others which have hitherto been proposed, are — that the engine must always keep pace with an " independent" pendulum, which will travel only with its proper velocity according to its perpendicular length — no matter whether the engine has to overcome the maximum of her loatl or none at all; and another principal advantage is, that the adjustment of the valve is done at the very instant when the equilibrium between the load anil power of the engine is disturbed ; there is no variation in speed visible, even if the whole amount of load of an engine is suddenly thrown off, an advance of about ji^th part of the revolution of the fiy-wheel being sufficient to shut the throttle valve. The patent has been applied to engines at the Steam Flour Mills of Mr. Carpenter, Shad Thames ; at the saw mills of Mr. Rosliug, Southwark-bridge, and Messrs. Ransome and May, Ipswich, and several other places. ELECTRIC CONDUCTORS. William Young, of Paisley, manufacturer and dyer, and Archibald McNair, of the same town, merchant, for " certain improvements in the construction and tneans of manufacturing apparatus for conducting electri- «7y."— Granted August 4, 1845; Enrolled February 4, 1846. (With En- gravings, Plate XII.J This invention of improvements in the construction of apparatus for con- ducting electricity consists of a new and improved method of manufacturing electric conductors. The electric conductors are formed of one or more copper, tin, or other metallic or mixed metallic wires, which may be covered with cotton, woollen, or linen thread, in a manner similar to those termed " bobbin wires," aied in the maoafactare ot caps and b^wisM ; or the wir«« Si 230 THE CIVIL ENGINEEK AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [August, mav be covered with threads in a plaited or braided form, by means f a bra'idinir-machine ; such description of covering being much stronger and less likelv to be disturbed or rubbed off when passing through the machinery hereafter described, than the coiled coverings of the ordinary bobbm-wires, or anv other description of covering hitherto employed for that purpose. As the liabilitv of the wires to come into contact, and thereby disturb the elec trie circuit is greatlv diminished by braiding tlieir surfaces, the patentees consider this mode of protecting the wires as one of great importance in the construction of electrical conductors. , , , .,,. ,, The wires so covered are to be introduced into and enclosed within a tube or pipe composed of lead or other similar soft metal ; which tube or pipe is filled with asphalte, pitch, wax, resin, or other substance, being a noncon- ductor of electricity, and capable of being liquified by heat, and afterwards becoming concrete by cold. ... . , The wires being covered with thread, as above mentioned, are prevented from coming into contact with each other, or with any adjacent conducting medium which might divert tlie course of the electric fluid; and the spaces between the covered wires being filled with pitcli or other suitable noncon. ductor of electricitv, as before mentioned, and enclosed in pipes or tubes of lead or other soft 'similar metal, the wires will be cfl'ectually preserved in an insulated state, and protected from damp as well from other sources of '" xlfe means of manufacturing the improved electric conductors will be best understood by reference to the drawings in Plate XII. F.g. 1, is an eleva- tion nartlv in section, of a machine for effecting this object, a, is a cistern or vessel formed of iron or other suitable material, for containing the bitu- iiiinous o'r resinous matters which are intended to surround the wires in the leaden pipe • b, represents a tubular or hollow rod or mandril, open to and descending from the bottom of the vessel a ; which mandril is preferred to be made of polished steel, and fixed, by means of flanges and screw-bolts, to a triangular plate or head, q. c, is a tubular core at the lower end of the mandril b, also made of polished steel ; and d, d, is a circular hollow die, resting on the top of the ram e. The ram e, is cylindrical, having a perpen- dicular opening through its centre ; the lower part of the ram is enlarged at f with a transverse slot tiirough it, and is bolted firmly upon a triangular Dlate s ff is a piston, working in the hydrauliccylinder i, having a projec- tion or enlarged diameter A, to be packed with leather or otherwise, so as to fit the cvlinder i, accurately. This cylinder is of cast-iron, bored, and lined with copper, and is bolted to the ground ; i, is a ring or cap-plate, over the end of the cvlinder, embracing the smaller diameter of the piston g, winch is to be properly packed ; i, is a malleable iron cylinder, having a chamber >n, within it and an aperture to admit the sliding tubular mandril « ; it is also provided with a small opening at o, for filling the chamber m, with lead or i.ther soft metal. p,p, are pillars, fixed upon the plate q, and intended to support the cistern or vessel a ; the plate y, has an aperture in its centre to admit the tulmlar mandril b, shown in the drawing, r, r, are three sliding- rods (two onlv are shown in fig. 1,) which pass through the snugs or ears of the plate g. aiid are fastened thereto by nuts ; their other ends are attached in the ^ame wav to the plate s. These rods pass freely through a heavy cir- cular plate r, which, bv means of a ring.plate bolted to its under surface, supports the cvlinder/; a ledge or belt being provided at x, to rest upon the inner edge if the plate y. z, z, are six iron pillars, with screw-nuts at their eads, for binding the plate v, to the cylinder i. The covered wires which form the electric conductors a, are intended to oroceed from reels, placed in convenient situations (but which reels are not represented in the drawings), and pass through the vessel a ; the reels should be loaded with a weight or drag to keep the wires always at a certain ten- "'"The relative position of the hollow circular die d, d, with regard to the tubular core c, of the mandril, will be clearly seen in fig. 1. I'he core c, is screwed into the tubular mandril b, and is tapered off and terminates before it reaches the most contracted part of the opening in the hollow circular The mode in which the machine operates is as follows :— The wire or wires, covered as before described, are introduced into the machine through the vessel a where thev become coated with pitch or other similar material. They are'then brought down through the tubular mandril b, the hollow core c the hollow circular die d, and the tubular ram c, to the opening at/, where they issue from the machine. The asphalte, pitch, wax, resin, or other nonconductor of electricity, capable of being liquified by beat, and afterwards becoming concrete by cold, is put into the vessel a, and brought to a liquified state bv means of heat applied to that vessel. The l.qu'fied Ditch or other similar substance, will descend into and fill the tube of the mandril b, and the hollow core c, and during its passage oown the said man- liril the pitch or other matter will remain in a liquified state. The chamber m of the hollow cvlinder /, is filled with lead or other similar soft metal, introduced in a molten state through the opening at o. The metal in this chamber is to be forced therefrom by the action of the hydraulic ram, when in either a heated or cold state ; but the patentees prefer to operate upon it in a heated though solid state, varying from 250 to 400° of Fahrenheit's thermometer. This degree of temperature may be preserved in the cylinder by anv convenient means. . , , . . ^ , ,, • , t When the chamber m, is filled with lead or other metal, the said mass of metal will assume the form nf a thick hollow cylinder or tube, of which the mandril b, and the core c, form the centre. The cylinder i, and piston g, constitute a common hydraulic press, and water being forced into the cylin. der i, at the opening w, below, by means of force-pumps in the usual way, the piston y, will be made to ascend, and with it tlie rame, and the whole of the superstructure attadied to the plate y. As the ram ascends, it will force the hollow circular die d, against the mass of the lead or other metal in the chamber m, which, having no other outlet than the channel between the core c, and the hollow circular die d. the thick cylinder of lead in the cham- ber m, will be forced into the form of a small pipe or hollow tuhe, and de- scending through the tubular ram e, will he delivered finished at the opening at/, with the wires firmly secured and enclosed within it. When the charge of lead has been pressed out of the chamber m, it is again to he filled with melted lead or other metal, to be operated upon in the same manner, and the charge repeated, until a proper length of tube is produced. The metal being hot when it is poured in, will amalgamate with the remaining metal of the previous charge, so that one continuous perfect tube will be formed. Previously to commencing the operation of forming the pipes, the wires must be carried down to the opening at/, and when the first portion of the pipe is produced, it must he made fast to the wires; the further operations will then draw down the wires from the reel or coil, through the pitch vessel a, and tubular mandril ; so that the pipe or tube, during its whole formation, will always have the wire or wires and the non- conducting material encloed within it. The screws at each end of the rods r, and corresponding nuts, are intend- ed for adjusting the mandril and die. The vacancy formed in the cylinder i, between the projection li, in the piston g, and the ring k, is to admit of water being injected through a small opening by force-pumps, for the pur- pose of accelerating the descent of the piston. Figs. 2, 3, and 4, represent various views of another construction or ar- rangement of machinery, which is a modification of the one above described ; for although the arrangement of the parts is somewhat different, the princi- ple upon which both machines are constructed is the same, and the effect produced is identical in both. Fig. 2, represents the machine in vertical sec- tion. As many of the parts in both arrangements are the same, their situa- tion only being changed, it has been thought unnecessary to give a detailed description of this machine ; but similar letters of reference are employed to denote the corresponding parts. The hollow mandril in this machine is made of much greater length than that in the first described machine, and the position of the core and die is consequently changed, which is poured in at the top, by raising the ram or plunger e, out of the chamber. In this machine the hollow mandril and the die do not move up aud down with the other moveable parts, but are stationary, and only so far moveable as to allow of their proper adjustment. The die d, is placed in a recess made at the bottom of the malleable iron cylinder /, and is secured therein by means of a plate d*, bolted to that cylinder. Through the cover of the hydraulic cylinder passes the hollow mandril 4, surrounded by a strong tube n, which is a prolongation of the piston g. The ram e. is firmly bolted to the lower end of the piston or plunger y, and the hollow mandril i, which, at this part, is contracted in diameter, is passed through it. The lower end of the ram e, is furnished with a steel plate, which accurately fits the chamber m. The cylinder /, is suspended in a strong circular plate v, firmly secured to the frame work, and is prevented from moving from its seat by means of a ring y, which is bolted to that plate. q, is a circular plate, supported from the top flange of the hydraulic cylinder, i, i, by means of rods, and has an aperture in its centre, through which the hollow mandril i, passes; 7, is another plate, supported above the plate y, upon vertical worm-shafts a*, a*, which pass through holes made in the plate; and to the centre of this plate j, the hollow mandril b. is secured in such a manner that by moving tlie said plate ^^ up and down, the hollow mandril is moved also in a corresponding ratio. The vertical worm-shafts a*, a*, each carry a toothed |>iuion b* \ aud upon a horizontal shaft c*, mounted in bearings on the plate q, are small endless screws or worms e*, e*, which gear into the pinions 4*. Vi hen ihe pinions 4*,i*, are made to revolve, the worm-shafts a*, a*, will raise or lower the plate j, and, consequently, the tubular mandril A, to which it is secured. By this contrivance the dis- tance between the core c, and the die d, is regulated, and, consequently, the thickness of the pipe is determined with the greatest nicety. The mode of operating with this machine is very similar to that first de- scribed. Ihe wires being enclosed in tubes or pipes, filled in the manner aforesaid, may be laid down or otherwise used, either abo\e ground in the open air, or underground, or below the surface of water : and when so con- structed, according to this improved method, will present outwardly the ap- pearance of a common leaden or soft metal pipe. The improved conductors may be manufactured, by the machinery and means described, in longlengtbs, and may be rolled upon reels. If the electric conductors are to be used in great lengths on land, it is proposed to carry them on reels, on a wheeled carriage; and while the pipe is heing laid down, ose end is to be held fast, as the carriage proceeds in the direction in which the pipe is to be laid, so that the reel may revolve on its journals or centres, and thereby allow the pipe containing the wires to be unwound and delivered on the ground, with- out risk of injury, and with great facility. Should the conductors be re- quired to be laid in water, it would be advisable to employ a floating vessel, propelled at a suitable speed, by drawing upon ropes or chains, made fast to the bottom or banks ; or by steam-boat machinery, applied so as to regulate the speed. When the electric apparatus is laid down or used on land, it may be laid in a trench made in the ground ; and at regular or convenient distances, the , ends of the pipes should be raided above ground, and placed in a cast-iron or 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL 251 other suitable case or box, provided with a lock or other means of safe keep- ing, so that the wires may be easily accessible to the examination of parties wishing to communicate intelligence by them. The ends of the individual wires may also be disconnected from each other in these boxes, and the cir- cuit with the corresponding wires belonging to the adjoining tube completed, when required, by means ol small pinching screws, or by causing the ends of the wires to dip into a hollow space, filled with mercury, or an amalgam of that metal, so as to produce metallic contact, in order that the conductors may be sn joined as to form a continuous length to any extent, but capable of being disconnected wheu required. For this purpose the patentees propose to employ an apparatus, shown in plan view at tig. 5, which represents the terminations of two pipes of soft metal, each containing three conducting wires a, b, c. The ends of these wires extend beyond the termination of the pipes, and are bent downwards into cups of mercury g, h, i. By this means the connection of the conduc- tors is restored through the mercurial medium ; that is, the conductor a, by its end being immersed in the cup g, oonimunicates with the wire d; and the wire i, in the cup h, communicates with the wire e ; and the wire c, through i, with/; connection is also made with the ontsides of the pipes a, and b, by thick wires /(■, and ;, soldered to the pipes, which are made to communi- cate through the mercurial cup m. This apparatus, placed at any desired part or parts of the line of communication, may be enclosed in a box n, and locked up securely. The improved electric apparatus may be used not only as conductors for telegraphs, either by land or water, but also for firing mines, or other pur- jinses for which electric co!iductors have been or may hereafter be employed. It is likewise proposed to use the leaden or other aforesaid metallic pipes or tubes, as means of returning the electric currents conveyed by the metallic wires enclosed in such pipes. Metallic contact is produced through the whole length of these tubes, so as to complete the electric circuit, either by soldering a piece of copper or other metal to each end of the leaden tubes, and bringing these pieces of copper or other metal into metallic contact through the mercury, or by other means, as above said. When the conductors are used for electric telegraphs, these ends and the wires enclosed therein are attached to the wires proceeding from the clock- work of such telegraphs, in the usual way ; but which may vary according to the construction of such telegraphs. If the conductors are to be employed for igniting gunpowder, a short piece of metalUc wire, of small diameter, may be placed in any convenient situation, so as to form a part of the elec- tric circuit ; and if the electric currant be sufficiently powerful, this small wire will he made hot enough to ignite gunpowder, when a current of elec- tricity passes along the wires. The patentees, in conclusion, state, that they do not intend to claim the adaptation of wires, surrounded with nonconducting substances, enclosed in tubes for electric conductors ; but that which they do claim is. the construc- tion and manufacture of electrical conductors, by the employment of ma- chinery having a tubular mandril or hollow rod, through which wires may be drawn, whilst the leaden or other soft metal tube is forming, by pressure between a core and die; such wires being at the same time imbedded in pitch or other nonconducting material. PROPELLING ON RAILWAYS AND CANALS. William Hannis Taylor, of Piccadilly, gent., and Francis Eoobi- LIAC Condor, of Birmingham, civil engineer, for *' certain improvements in propelling," — Granted December 20, 1845 ; Enrolled June 20, 1846. (See Engraving, Plate XII.) The object of this invention is to propel a train of carriages by means of electro magnetism in connection with the atmospheric principle, in the following manner : — A tube a is laid betwixt the rails throughout the whole length of the line, having two pistons h moving within it, similar to the present mode of working atmospheric railways, with this difference, that in place of forming the connection between the piston and leadiijg carriage by means of an arm passing through the longitudinal opening. The in- ventors efTect the above by means of powerful magnets c attached to one or more of the leading carriages of the train. On the top of the atmos- pheric tube a, which is provided with an opening of about three inches wide, there is firmly fixed a rectangular box of copper, d, projecting above the tube about three inches, so that the longitudinal opening is covered as it were with an inverted trough. Wiihiu this box there is a piece of soft iron, f, supported from the piston by means of a wood frame and arms,/. The magnets e are bent of such a form that the two ends or poles approach the sides of the copper box. or covering to the longitudinal opening, and fixed to the underside of the carriage ; then being charged with the mag- netic inSuence, by a galvanic battery, are attracted by the piece of irou e, attached in the manner before described to the piston, so that the connec- tion between the carriai;e and the piston is effected by means of powerful magnets, in place of an arm passing through the longitudinal openiog as heretofore.* * The application of the above principle will be fouod in the ipecifivatlon of a patent (ranted to lUr. Heorir finliui, in the ytar 1834- CONNECTING OF BOILERS. James Garporth, of Dunkinfield, Chester, engineer, for "certain im- provements in machinery, or apparatus for connecting of boilers, and oilier pur/joses "—Granted December 10, 1845; Enrolled Ju'ue 10, 1S46. ( Wiili Engravings, see Plate XII. ) These improvements for connecting metallic plates fur the construction of steam boilers consist in the direct application of the expansive force of sleam to the dies for rivetting the plates together, and in the inachinerv or apparatus, whereby such force is brought into action. Fig. 1 is a side view of an arrangement of machinery for rivetting metallic plates for the construction of sleam boilers, and fin. 2 is a vertical section of the cylinder ; a, a. is the frame work supporling the steam cylinder A, b, in which a steam-tight metallic piston c, is mounted upon the rod d, d. which passes through stuffing boxes e, e, at each end of the cylinder A ; in the end of the piston-rod the die/ is fixed, the other die g, being rarnin^ed in the pillar /i, which is firmly secured to the frame-work. Steam being admitted through the entrance or feed-pipe i, it passes onwards through u common slide or other valve A:, to the cjl.nder, and after having performed its office, is allowed to pass out through the pipe (, the slide valve k, being worked by hand by means of the lever m, so as to admit (he steam on either side of the piston, as required. The operation of the apparatus is as follows :— steam of sufficient pres- sure being admilled by means of the slide vnlve k, on the left hand side of the piston c, it will force it, together with the piston rod ine: Cylindrical part of boiler 3 6 8 0 Outside fire-box 3 8 7 iOi 4 2 Inside fire-box 3 0 4 0 S 7 Smoke-box .. 2 li 4 3 Tubes, 9H 0 2 8 5 Chimney 1 H »• Cylinders, 1 ft. G in. stroke . . 1 2 .. Driving wheels 5 1! Distance from Centre to Centre of leading and following Axles. Stephenson . . 44 Sharp ., 8 Bury .. 23 Bury . . 39 Sis wheeled, Passenger Engine ., 10ft. 35 in. Ditto ditto .. U 34 Four wheeled, ditto .. 7 2 Ditto, coupled .. 7 8 The passengers of an ordinary train of 10 or 12 carriages could not be changed from one train to the other under 20 minutes. With engines on narrow gauge, even with outside cylinders, there is more difficulty in get- ting access to the axles to clean and oil them than in the broad gauge. This difficulty of oiling the axle depends upon the circumstance of the cylinders being outside, and not upon the breadth of the gauge. It is easier to do this with the wide gauge engines ; on the crank axles the bearing is taken on the outside of the wheels ; on the four-wheel engines the bearings are inside bearings, and there is a difficulty in gelling the men to keep those bearings clean. If the gauge were increased from 4 feet 8i to 5 feet 3, the weight of the engines would be increased from 10 cwt. to a ton. Average weight of engines on South Eastern Railway, about 14 tons ; on Great Western about 17 tons. Considers that the general construction of th^ roads will admit of heavier engines being placed upon them. Weight of rail upon the South Eastern line S5 lbs. a yard. The bear- ings average 3 feet apart upon a cross sleeper. The sleepers are triangu- lar; they are four triangles cut out of a 13-inch square. The rails are fastened to chairs with wooden keys ; and the chairs are fastened to the sleepers by wooden treenails. The boilers upon Great Western are not much larger than those upon the Brighton line. If witness had the con- trol of the engines of the Great Western, should certainly make larger Ix)ilers. There is room to get sufficient strength and cranks, with inside cylinders ; but the engine and the boiler have to be raised, which ig a great objection. Would like to have the cranks more separated, and keep the boiler still the same height. To give the cranks strength, obliged to make the baariugs lihorter to get room for the cranks. The thickness of the side of the crank, which is perpendicular to the axis, 4 inches ; some IJ. Does not think it necessary to make that thicker; the great advan- tage would be In getting the bearings longer. The eccentrics are reduced as much as possible. When they are very short bearings, they are apt to heat and get dry; then they cut away the journal, and it is reduced and made weaker. With the present con.struction of the Soulh Eastern Rail- way, should venture to Increase the speed by having much more powerful engines. The quickest train is upon the Brighton line, which runs from Brighton to London in an hour and a half ; that is 50J- miles, stopping once five minutes. The distance is often run in an hour and a quarter; some parts of the distance cannot be run at 40 miles an hour, on account of the gradients ; and other parts have to be run at more than that speed, in order to keep the time. There are 120 engines for the three Companies, working 166 miles. This includes the Dover, Brighton, and Croydon, and two miles of branch to the Bricklayers' Arms, and the branch to Maid- stone. William Cubitt, Esq. : The limit to safe speed on narrow gauge lines is the want of evaporating surface and space for the fire boxes, the want of solidity and perfection In the road, the want of base for engines or car- riages, the want of greater strength In the rails, and greater security ia connecting them with sleepers ; many accidents have been caused by at- tempting to go too fast upon a bad road. And that danger Is very much increased by Increased velocity. A speed of 15 or 20 miles an hour may be safely attempted on a bad road, while double that speed would throw engines and cariages off the line of road. Attention to the state of the road has not kept pace with the improvement in the driving machine. Before increased speed is attempted that particular should be attended to. The perfection of the permanent way has been less thought about than almost any other part of railway mechanism, and that Is the basis upon which it all rests. Does not think that the speed might be increased, without a corresponding increase of danger to the traveller, by adding to the width of the narrow j^auge; considers the narrow gauge wide enough for safety at almost any practicable speed, but not wide enough to get the most perfect machinery for speed. An addition of C or 8 inches over the present nanow gauge is wide enough, perhaps, for all practical purposes of machinery of locomotive engines and carriages. A gauge of about 6 feet would be the best. Has often heard that an increase of gauge would involve the necessity for widening the tunnels; does not concur in this opinion ; if the size of the largest loads is not altered, nothing need be altered but the gauge. Does not think that if they had carriages upon a wider gaui,'e, they would wish to carry larger loads ; in railway opera- tions would rather adopt the same width, making the vehicles of greater length, which, would produce greater safety and greater convenience thau by shortening them, so as to produce greater width and greater height. The adoption of a wider gauge in tunnels would not restrict the room for workmen, as regards trains passing ; the wheels are always far inside the outside of the trains, and so they would with the 6 feet gauge, because the loads are 8 feet ; the only difference would be that the two inner rails would be nearer to each other, and the two outer rails would be nearer to the walls ; the centre of gravity would be the same if the loads were no higher. An increase of the width of gauge would not render it imperative to have a corresponding increase of the radius of the curves. Au increase of the gauge would not render necessary a corresponding Increase of the height of the driving wheel. Does not think that In reference to the num- ber of miles run on the broad gauge, and the number of miles run on the narrow gauge, that there are fewer accidents on the broad gauge than on the narrow. The superiority of either gauge depends not upon the gauge, but upon the condition of the permanent way. Gradients are of less im- portance If the road Is in perfect order. Rigidity in a road is preferable to elasticity in a road. With elastic rails, it becomes like driving over a series of points. If there be any elasticity at all, it is best to have it in the whole road, like having a perfect road laid upon a bog, as In Chat Moss, or any other soft ground, where the whole railway itself could, in a very great length, have a very slight elasticity. There Is less cost in the repair of Chatmoss than any other part of the Manchester and Liverpool Railway on that account. It always will be so upon soft ground. If you have a good permanent way, thick enough and strong enough in itself, and lying upon a substratum, which has a little tendency to elasticity, it is most easily kept in repair. Cross-sleepers are belter than longitudinal sleepers for keeping in repair. Any sleeper of a proper form can be packed, whether it lies longitudinally or transversely. There is a greater length of bearing to be obtained upon cross-sleepers than upon longitudi- nal sleepers. If we were to have a railway laid from end lo end, all upon cross-sleepers, there would be a much greater length of bearings than upon a railway wheie it is all upon longitudinal bearings; and the greater number of sleepers we have the better the road will be. Is not aware of the exact limits of contraction and expansion, by cold and heat, of a 16-foot rail ; has known the road lifted up ; has known it bent sideways by expansion; has never had time or opportunity to mea- sure it exactly ; it Is a difficult thing to ascertain what the expansion is iu certain cases ; it can be done best off the line, by ascertaining the tempera- ture of certain lengths of bar uniformly. Expansion and contraction oo 31" 25S THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECFS JOURNAL. [August, longitadinal beariDgs have a tendency to loosen the screws which bind the rail lo llie balk. Break of ;;augp is of little consequence in reference to passengers, but becomes a great difficulty in transferring heavy i;,iods. It becomes a mat- ter of importance lo devise the best, cheapest, and quickest mode of transhipment from the one gauge to the other, whelher it be by removing the goods from one carriage to another carrlHse, or by moving the boJy of one carriage on to another set of wheels by mechanical power; it becomes a question of cost. The measure of the inconvenience is the cost per ton to do it quickly. The expense of constructing powerful lifting machines of little importance where the traffic is large; has lanl out 1130,000 to save about a halfpenny per ton upon the shipping of coals. Could put up apparatus to move 25 wagons in one minute, or in a couple of miuules, requiring the employment of not less than 50, nur more than 100 men. The cost of transhipment would be a triQe upon a long line, but a large item upon a short one. It is perfectly easy lo make wagon frames and wagon bodies for a large trade that wonid go to any part iif the country ; the bodies must go quite through, and return again ; the frames would keep on iheir own lines, and the wagons would simply drop into them. There would be no difficulty in constructing passenger carriages lo move in the same way ; if there is Iraflic enough to render it worth doing, there is no difficulty in doing it. THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT. Ventilation has taken the character of stagnation in its effect upon the progress of the Houses of Parliament; more especially those parts of the interior whose completion is soonest required — at legist impalieutly demanded. Talking and Reidhig have considerably retarded operations. l>io one room is yet anything like Bnished, — or much more than merely sketched out,— though the main work, that of construction in the rough, is nearly terminated in the House of Peers and the royal approach lo it. At present, the picture is merely drawn in and dead-coloured ; llierefore we pretend not — especially from such cursory insperticm as ours has been — to judge of intended effects otherwise than conjecturally, and with due sub- mission to correction for any misunderstandings into which we may have fallen. To begin, then, with the royal entrance from the giganlie porch beneath the Victoria Tower :— the Scala Regia, which is parily lighted by lanterns in its vaulied and groined ceiling, ascends in a direction, as seen from the entrance, turning to the right or southwards, in two successive flights. We forgot lo count the number of s'eps in eacli (light, which Lord Sudely found fault with as being too many for architectural dignity. But there is a precedent for more multi stepped, and certainly for loftier, flights, in what is, perhaps, as magnificent an example of a staircase as any we know of — viz., the Parade trep/ie in Giirtner's new building of the Biblio- thek at Munich. This greatly exceeds in point of amplitude, splendour, and perspective display, what the Westminster staircase promises to be. In one respect, indeed, the latter is almost unparalled, — the risers being unusually low, and the treads broad ; so that what, iu moderation, contri- butes to elegance and convenience, is here carried to such excess as to be likely to prove an incommodity. It is not only somewhat fatiguing to walk up such very shallow and broad steps, but rather difficult to do so without seeming to stride or jerk along, or making two steps of each stair. Some little practising will be necessary for either ascending or descending majestically. Passing through the sliell of the Victoria Gallery and an- other room, we enter the House of Peers, at Ihe w est, or throne, end ; — the first glance at its ceiling, a wide expanse of gorgeously carved and gilded work is already striking enough. How far more imposing — almost bewildering — will be the first coup d'ccil of this spacious and niagniHcent ball when completed in all its decorations— its walls arrayed in gilding and emblazoning, displaying a series of coniparliuenls of fresco below, with a corresponding range of richly painted windows (six on each side) above. Still, we have our misgivings : because, though casual visitors may be more than satisfied— even enchanted—" My Lords," themselves are likely to ftel sated by Ihe constant blaze of so much anhiteclural and pictorial pomp. Such a sumptuously, not lo say extravagantly, adorned ball, would be more in place within the walls of Windsior Castle, for royal banquets and fcslivilies, Ihan as a place for solemn debate on grave and anxious matters. Putting propriety of purpose out of the question, we entertain great doubts, too, as to Ihe effect which such profusion of painted glass as is intended will have upon the fresco paintings. Hesides that gleams of coloured light may occasionally fall from the windows upon parts of Ihe mural pictures, quite different in hue from the colours on the latter, — will not the windows overpower the paintings, anil cause them to look flat and dull, by comparison? — or can that inconvenience be remedied by exaggerating the colours of the frescoes, and palming them up accord- ingly ? We may be allowed also to ask, whetlur another matter has been taken into consideration — because if it has hitherto been forgotten or over- looked, attention should be directed to it wilhoiit further delay. Will not the ellect and character contemplated for the " House" be, in great mea- sure, lost at those particular times when the pla' e will be chiefly used for business? After dark, the painted windows will not show themselves otherwise thau as gloomy gaps and vicancies, occupying the upper half of the two side walls. A singular degree of brilliancy might, however, be obtained at niglil, by lighting up the house chiefly, if not entirely, from without, by means of gas burners on the outside of Ihe windows. This would be further useful as helping ventilation. The plan appears to us to have, independently of its novelty, much to recommend it; should there be objections lo it, not perceived by us, we yet hope that while they have their due weight, the suggestion itself will not be wholly disregarded, merely because it is a suggestion. — Athenceum. PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES. ROYAL SCOTTISH SOCIETY OF ARTS. June 8, 1846, — John Beatson Bell, Esq., V.P., io the Chair. The following communications were made : — 1. Description of the machinery us.'d,arid of the manner in which the land at the sides and end of the open-cutting was supported during the excavating and buildiny of the works of the Edinburgh, Leilh, and Granton Railway Tunnel in Scotland Street. I5y Mr. William PATtRSON, F.R.S.S.A., Resi- dent Engineer of the Tunnel. In this communication, Mr. Paterson described the machinery used, and the manner in which the sand at the sides and end of the open-cutting was supported during the excavating and building of the works of the tunnel in Scotland-street. A beautiful and accurate model was at the same time exhibited, representing the face of the tunnel, and the man- ner of disposing the beams to resist the pressure. There were also plans and sections of the works shown. The Society were greatly interested in this communication, which was cleaily illustrated by the model and drawings. Referred to a committee. 2. Description qf a Patent Crane, by Datid Henderson, of Renfrew, ia which the important peculiarities of his improvements will be illustrated by drawings and a working model. Mr. Slight described this patent crane, dis. tinctly showing the important peculiarities of Mr. Henderson's improvements by the aid of drawings and a working model. One of these patent cranes is at work in Mr. Slight's own works, and the valuable invention is coming into general operation in the west. In the ordinary crane as the Derrick rises the load also rises, and much time and labour are wasted ; but the relative forces of the present have been all calculated by Mr. Henderson with mathematical accuracy, so that it combines great power and efficiency with safety. The barrel and wheels are so constructed as to afl'ord a self-acting check ; that is to say, although several tons weight weie suspended, and in the act of being raised or lowered, the handle of the crane can be let go at once, and the ma- chine remains in statu quo. Mr. Slight pointed out several other valuable properties of this invention, the principle of which consists in the Compensa- tion Barrel, by which after the load is raised as high as necessary, it is then brought in nearly on a level, although the Derrick be raised. This of itself saves much lime and labour. 3. Description of a Revolving Valve for Locomotive and other Steam En- gines. By John .\ndlrson, Esq. The principles and construction of this valve are entirely new. Instead of the reciprocating or alternating motion, so long in use, Mr. Anderson adopts a continuous rotary motion. The valve may be said to consist generally of two circular metal discs, connected to- gether by a tube, placed opposite the ports of the cylinder. These discs are divided into two chambers, the one having communication with the steam, ' and the other with the exit passage. Into each of these chambers ports are cut so as to form, al certain parts in the revolution of the valve, a free pas- sage, either for the ingress or egress of the steam, the disc for the npper part being so placed that Ihe one may be admitting steam into the cylinder while the other is allowing it to escape. The whole valve works in a cylindrical case, having ports corresponding with, and opening into, those of the cylin- der, the same as that of Medhurst's, but with this important difference, that the one revolves, while the other moves in a vertical direction. The revolv- ing valve, Mr. Anderson states, possesses the following advantages : — 1. The valve, by its continuous rotary motion, effects a great saving in power, especially in locomotive engines, where the motion is very rapid. 2. The valve is devoid of pressure, and superior in that respect to the long and short D, or slide-valves. 3. The valve creates no loss of steam in the ports, as is the case in the short D, or slide-valve. 4. The valve wears equally, and can, at a comparatively small expense, be given any length of lap or lead. 5. The valve can be easily examined and packed when required. COLLEGE FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS, PUTNEY. It is very gratifying to those who take an interest in the advancement of practical science to find that a sound knowledge of the exact sciences is be- coming more publicly recognised as a necessary part of the education of the engineer. Compared with the stupendous public works which have been undertaken during the last few years, the greatest engineering labours of the ancient world are as nothing : and when it is reflected that the lifes of I84S.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 25r -thousands may prohably depend on the construction of these works with a due knowledge of the mechanical sciences ; it becomes a matter of direct public interest that those to whom the task is confided should possess a tystemalic knowledge of their profession. That the importance of this knowledge is becoming publicly recognized, we have a gratifying proof in the condition of the College at Putney, and the results of the recent ex- aminations there. We have to regret that the limits of our space will not permit, at present « detailed account of the course of the examination, and an analysis of the printed examination papers now before us. We can do little more than re- cord the names of the students who obtained honorary distinctions, and principal circumstances of the annual meeting, which took place on the 21st June, for the distribution of these rewards. The following is the list of prize-mea. MATHEMATICS.— 1st Class, Stephenson. „ iilmrp. 2nd Class, W. Clark. 3rd Class, Coghlan. CHEMISTRY.— I.alloralory Class, Newsoine. Ward. 1st Class. Codrington. 2nd Class, Bennett. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND ARCHITECTURE.— 1st Class, Sltpheusoii. 2nd Class, W. Claik. 8rd Class, Crump. UACHINERY.— Ist Class, Dratiing Prize, Male. 2ad Class, ditto, Hawsen. Examitiation, Willett. GEODESY. — Trigonomptrical Surveying, StepiieuBon. Ordinary Survey and I'lan Drawing. Coghlan. Dilto, 3rd Class. Christie. Military Class, F. Davidson. „ the Hon. P. Feilding. UANUFACTUBE OF IRON AND GENERAL PRACTICE OF MACHINERY.— Pontifex. Descriptive Geometry, sharp. French, Baldry. German. Hansen. Landscape Drawing, F. Davidson. The chair was taken shortly after two o'clock by the Duke of Buccleucb, who called upon the Reverend the Piincipal to read the report detailing the examination. Of these reports we can say no more than they must have been satisfactory to the most sanguine supporters of the Institution. The certificates for prizes were given by the noble chairman to the students as their names were successively mentioned in the Reports. The noble Chairman in the course of his address showed in very clear terms the fallacy of the notion that mere professional " experience," un- guided by preliminary systematic education, was sufficient for the purposes of the engineer. He argued that modern engineeiing had made such ad- vances and was now frequently applied to purposes so perfectly new and Unprecedented, that cases must continually occur where the " rule of thumb," as it was called, would be of no avail. He took occasion also to compliment Mr. Cowie on the successful issue of his labous. The Bishop of London, in his usual felicitous manner, eulogised the moral and gentlemanly deportment of the students. From living in the vicinity he had taken great interest in this subject, and had uniformly found that his neighbours concurred with him in giving the college this merit. Their tes- timony was of the greatest value because founded on impartial personal ob- servation. The Earl of Devon proposed and Sir Charles Lemon seconded a vote of thanks to the Duke of Buccleuoh. Sir Charles Lemon observed that the enlightened sentiments of the Duke had never been more conspicuous than in his zealous support of the College, and his talents had never been belter exhibited than in the clear views which his address contained of the results of the system pursued in the education of the students. The following were among the noblemen and gentlemen present ; — Duke of Buccleuch in the chair ; Bishop of London ; Earl of Devon ; Earl of Den- bigh ; SirC. Lemon, M.P.; Sir J. Duckworth, A1.P. ; Hon. U. Howard; E. Antrobus. Esq., M.P. ; the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor; Major Olephant ; Gen. H. Thompson ; Col. Sykes ; Capt. Moorsom ; Col. Devereux ; Dr. .\r- nott; J. C. Whiteman, Esq. Mr. Walker and Mr. Cubitt had both promised to attend, unless prevented hy urgent business, and the Bishop of Oxford sent a letter regretting that buisness prevented his presence at the College. A NEW THEORY ON THE STRENGTH AND STRESS OF MATERIALS. Sir — Although I did not intend to answer queries, or discuss dilTerences respecting the theory of ihe strength of materials, which I am advancing, unlil I should have the whole developed, jet I Ihink it my duty to stop and more fully explain one or two points lo whicl; you have alluded in your laot number. My iheory is nut founded un Ihe idea, "that there does not exist in deflected beams what is teimed a neutral line," yet I deny the existence of a neutral line, or a neutitil surface as some wrilers term it. Your definition of the neutral line dill'ers a little from that given by Barlow, Tredgold, Moseley, &c.; be good enough lo look atTredgold's flefiaitiou again, I gave it io my lirbt article. Moseley says, " One surface of a beam becomiuj;, when deflected, convex, and the other concave, it is eviilent that the material forming that side of the beam which is bounded by the oue surface is, in the act of flexure, extended, and the other com- pressed. The surface which separates these two portions of the material being that where its extension terminates and its compression begins, and which sustains, iheiefore, neither extension nor compression, is called the* neutral surfui-e.'' If jou look you will find that your deliuilion of the neutral line dill'ers a little from this also. Vou say that " the originators of the term neutral line staled that wheu a horizontal beam supporis a transverse weight, the upper part of the beam exerts a thrust and the lower part a tension ; and since these two portions of the beam exert opposite kinds of action, there must be in the beam some intermediate part which' marks ihe transition from one state to the other — where, therefore, there is neilher thrust nor tension." Now this is the truth, but not the whole truth ; consider two sections in a beam deflected by a weight, one in Ihe centre and the other anywhere between that and one of the supports ; the- compressions and extensions in these sections will dilTer in inleosily, and if we suppose a libre v\ho.se breadth is very small, dx, if you please, I say that the state of neutrality of this fibre, at one of these sectious, dillers ia degree from that at the other, without reference to the action wiiich in- creases or eudeavouis to increase the thickness of the beam at top and decreases it at the lower part, which action has been neglected by every writer on the subject. For argument sake, let the line which separatee Ihe thrusts and tensions of every section be a mathematical line, then Ihe only change that cau lake place in this line is in its length and deflection ; then ask yourself the question, as the beam becomes loaded, is not this neutral line, under one amount of pressure, longer and more deflected than under any less aniouut. However, my great diflerence with other writers is not about the neutral line or surface. Other writers might have estab- lished their theory iodepeudent of the thickness of the beam, for they state that no action lakes place in the direction of ihe breadth, that is, ia the direction of your axis of Z. I show that there does exist an action ia the direction of Z- I say that if a body becomes extended, or compressed, its cross sectional area is diminished, or increased, or has a tendency to dimmish or increase, although the cross sections present similar figures : I am now speaking of the elongation of bars suspended vertically, and sus- taining a given strain in the direction of their length. Other wrilers go so far as to suppose that the cross sectioo remains the same till the body be extended to ivvice its length ;— of this matter I will speak by-and-by. AVhen you refer to fig. 3 of my last article, page 104, " he says," speaking of me, 'that if a beam be deflected and a slice taken from tlie upiier pari of it, this slice has the same form as the whole beam, and consequently there is as much reason for assigning a neutral line to the slice as lo the whole beam." You will find that I did not take a slice from the upper part, and that I said, " the same process of reasoning which points out a neutral axis in the wiiole, will point out a neutral axis io any portion ot the body, no matter where it is situated." In this instance you will find that I attacked the reasoning employed by others. Lower down it is said, " For when he says ihat the Ibriu of the tUin upper slice is an argu- ment for the existence of a neutral ia it, he makes the neutral depend merely ou the form of the beam and not on the mechanical aciiun of its pans." Vou will find that I said no such thing, nor made use of no such argument; what I siid 1 will repeat; it follows immediately what I quoted above, — " in fact, every fibre may be said to be compressed on one side and extended at the other, while the whole or each is bent round a common centre, entirely outside the body." When I select a porlioii I do not take an upper slice, for I say, '• Now let us lake g-cdxt 1/9 : (fig. 3, page 104), any poriiuu of tlie beam, it is evident that the tilameuts in the upper part near dtq are expanded, and those near to xyz are compress- ed ;" mark what I say, — " according to this reasoning there is a set of fibres between iltq and xyz which are neilher compressed nor expanded ; hence, etch poriiou of the beam is entitled to a neutral axis, which is rela- ticetij correct, but eacli neutral axis is itsiilf bent round a centre." I hope you do not mean to say •' tiiat the form of the beam is not inliuenced by the mechanical action and connection of its parts," for I think that it will not be denied that the mechanical action is influenced by the form, and also that the form is influenced by the niechaoical action. I have got to the place where jou say, '• We proceed now to ihe direct arguments establish- ing the actual existence of the neutral boundary." Neutral wilh respect to what? Neutral wilh respect to thrust and tension? Neutral wilh re- spect to what degree of thrust and tension? You might as well try to upset the truths of the mulliplicatioa table as 2(X) = 0, 2(V)-|- K— iW = 0, 2 (Z) = 0 ; aud you might as well try to undersland what ihe author of ihe work on ihe ''Calculus," published by the Society for the DitTusion of Useful Knowledge, means when he describes the third difl"er- eutial cuefhcieiil, as to try to uudeisland what writers on tuis subject mean by such terms as " the iulernal forces of he beamy' " the molecular action of the forces in the cross section," &c. ; or, in other words, tlie equaiions have nevf r been satisfied. If K = J W, it is evident that 2 (V) = 0, but how is2(Y) made up? This would be of no consequence, only the thrusts aud tensions of 2 (X) are uninfluenced by it. You, or rather the writer of the arlicle in question, having despatched 2(Y), says, ■' similar reasoning applies to the forces represented by 2(Z)"; uow this assertion is not correct. 1 have before stated (page IG5, tig. 1 1) the nature of the actioa of the particles in Ihe direction ol Hie axis of Z, so I need not dwell upon the mailer here ; ami although 2 (X) = 0 may be represented by ihe stati- cal couple -{- M,— M, little is knowu with respect to iheir actual amount, and as the distance between their points of appiicatiaa vary, your equation f 258 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [AtreiM*, M6 = iWa, although true, leaves us in the very same ilidicultj- as j/X\— ;0. Ab (> is variable, it would have been better to have said My = iW«. Indeed, in taking moments about A ffig. 2, p. 205), it would be as well to call the perpendicular let fall from A, on the direction of -)-M, ^; and the perpendicular on the direction of — M, .r' ; then, 4- M X ^ added to — M x x' = M (x-x') = 5 Wu ; this supposes both forces to be directed at the same side of A ; however, if one acts above and the other below, then we have M (x + .r') = JWa, but in both cases, the quantities between the brackets is the distance between the points of application of the forces. At first sight, the equation M ij, or iM 6, or M (x + x'), or M (a:— a;'), =: J Uu would appear to involve but one un- known quantity ; but it involves two, for there is as little known about M as there is about y. I cannot see for what purpose these equations were introduced, except to show, if we were able to do it, how the principles of statics might be applied to the problem under consideration ; however, I can see no connection between them and what follows, but perhaps others may. The next four paragraphs, beginning with "We have, therefore, the upper and lower parU of CD in &c.,'" at the bottom of the first column, page 205, contains very little more than diiferent methods of stating the same thing, or some general expressions that would be true in almost any inquiry, such as, " We arc, therefore, perfectly safe in suppos- ing that there is some general law by which these variations of action may be represented, that is, that the anouut of molecular force at any point of «ither side of the beam is a continuous function of the distance from some fixed point." You must not be oflended, for I am mow speaking plainly ; to beat round the bush would take up too much space. Lower down, ■where you come to the conclusion, " Consequeolly there is no longitudinal action whatever at the neutral boundary." If you reflect for a moment, you must admit that this boundary might be elongated, for it is only capa- ble of being elongated and deflected, without altering the thrusts or ten- sions, except with respect to their intensity, of which there is but little known. For the present, I beg you will excuse these few remarks, hastily made, tictil I b£.v3 dsTelopsd the vvisole of my Theory, then I will be glad to cDter into any explanation that may be required. I am. Sir, yours obediently, Oliver Byrne. NOTES OF THE MONTH. Wellingtm Memorial. — The newspapers announce the gratifying intel- ligence that, in consequence of a discussion in the House of Commons, the preparations for raising the statue of the Duke of Wellington to the lop of the triumphal arch in Piccadilly will be discontinued. JFitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. — We learn also with great pleasure that Mr. Cockerell has obtained power to deviate from the original plan for completing the Fitzwilliam INIuseum, by substituting real marble for imitation marble in the internal decorations. Jesus College Chapel. — Among the contemplated alterations is the sub- stitution of an arcade of five lancets (according to the original plan) for the present Perpendicular window. A Norman triplet in the north tran- sept will be displayed. The choir had formerly aisles extending as far as the present lancet windows ; the northern aisles will be rebuilt. We are not quite reconciled to the destruction of any of the genuine architecture, but the restoration is superintended by Mr. Salvin, and is therefore in safe bands. Ely Cathedral. — ^The restoration advances rapidly. All the plaster work is bein^ ruthlessly destroyed. The great tower is opened to the second story. Two painted wintlows by Mr. Wailes have been completed. A painted window will be inserted in the lanthern at the expense of the members of the University of Cambridge in statu puppillari. The French Minister of Public Instruction has informed the Ecclesiolo- gical, late Cambridge Camden Society, that a complete set of the works of the ComilI. Rabinet, sculptor, under the direction of the architect, M. Ram^e. ' The French Chamber of Deputies have voted a sum of money for the publication of the work by MM. Cotta and Flandin on the ruins of Nin- eveh. It has been suggested that the fields north of the Model Prison at Pen- tonville should be converted into a park. This, if done at all, must be quickly ; otherwise, there is every reason to suppose, from the rapid in- crease of buildings in this neighbourhood, that the ground will be soon built upon. A park in this locality, which is far removed from any of the existing " lungs of the metropolis," would be an incalculable benefit to the poor inhabitants. Electric Clucks. — By means of the electric telegraph on the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, Mr. Bain has exhibited a clock of which the pen- dulum at Glasgow regulated the movement of the dial-wheels and hands at Edinburgh ! The Presbyterian Church, in Lower Gloucester-street, Dublin, has re- cently been completed, from the designs of Mr. D. Ferguson, a young and rising architect. This building is the first in the Grecian Doric order that has been erected in Dublin, with fine Irish granite, and the execution -is highly creditable for a first attempt of the workmen. The Acroteria are perfectly new in this country, and have a very pleasing eflect upon pedi- ments too small for the support of statues. The lighting of this church is effected by a most economical plan, costing not more than half the ex- pense of lighting in the usual manner with pillars and brackets. Mr. Ferguson holds the Mastership of the Architectural School of the Royal Dublin Society. An Institute going a begging. — Under this title theAthenceum alludes to a circular issued by the Institute of British Architects, soliciting archi- tectural essays from men of erudition and science. The paper in the Athenteum contains some valuable suggestions, to which we must refer next month. Comparison of the economic properties of coals. — A most important series of experiments is about to be undertaken at the College for Civil En- gineers. Putney, on the part of the Admiralty, in order to a comparison of the relative evaporative powers and facility of combustion of different kinds of coals. The examination will be conducted by Sir Henry de la Beche and Dr. Lyon Playfair. A enormous mass of iofortnation on the same subject is conlained in a report published by order of the American Congress, which was noticed in our last volume, p. 242. The French Geological Society meet at Alais on the 14lh of September. St, Mary's Church, Kidderminster, is to be restored, at a cost of £2,000. The Isthmus of Panama Railway will be commenced, it is said, next November. The Hungerfurd Bridge Terminus of the Southampton Railway. — Several houses are being cleared away for the construction of the viaduct from the Nine Elms station. Bridge over the Mersey at Runcorn. — The Admiralty requires that the arches shall have a clear headway under their centres of 100 feet, and a waterway between the piers of 280 feel. If flat girders be substituted for arches, 250 feet between the piers will be sufficient. British .Museum. — Sir R. Inglis has stated in the House of Commons, that the works will be completed in three years time. Geology. — A very curious theory has been propounded by Commander Morton respecting the columns at Giant's Causeway and Staffa. He asserts that molten lava in crystallising could never form blocks fitting into each oeher with sockets or joints ; and that, consequently, the usual opinion that the columns in question are formed from molten basalt is untenable. He asserts that they are petrified forests of gigantic bamboos ; and refers to the well-known fact that bamboos and canes, when growing, secrete silex. The divisions in the basaltic columns resemble in form an(f position the joints of growing bamboos. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECrS JOURNAL. 959 Professor Donaldson invited all tlie principal members of the Architec- tural profession to a soiree at his house at Bolton-gardens, Russell-square, on Tuesday, 7th ult. ; it was well attended. Several works of art were laid on the tables, and a sumptuous eotertaiumeot provided at the close. Westminster Bridge. — It is reported that Mr. AValkerand the committee have had several consultations respecting the condition of M'estminsler- bridge, and the general opinion entertained by them is that the present •structure should be pulled down and a new one substituted. Mr. Walker has already drawn out plans and specifications for the new bridge. He proposes that a temporary wooden bridge should be erected, and the new bridge commeuce eastward of Ginger's Hotel. Substitute for Gunjiowder, — Professor Schonhriuhas just presented to the Society of Natural History, Basle, a specimen of cotton prepared by him tvhich is more inflammable than gunpowder, and explodes within a cap- sule. Sevaral trials have been made of it, from which it appears that a small quantity, equal to the sixteenth part of au ounce, placed in a gun, projected the ball with such force that it perforated two planks at a dist- ance of fifty-eight paces, and at another time, with the same charge and at the same distance, drove a ball into a wall to the depth of nearly four inches. Coloured Glass. — Mr. Hoadly, of the Hampstead Road, has shown ns several patterns of a new description of coloured glass borders which pos- sess considerable elegance, and can be produced at a very moderate price, a handsome border with a ruby or blue ground and a silver and gold em- bossed ornament can be sold at 5s. Cd. per foot, and a ruby blue or gold ground with silver or white embossed ornament at 2s. !o 4s. per foot. Fortifications at Sheerncss. — The new works continue to progress slowly and steadily. The scarp of the battery forming opposite the Dock- yard gate is now being proceeded with. The musketry walls connecting it to the old works of Garrison Point on the one hand, and to the line of bas- tions extending from the Thames to the Medvvay in the other, are well nigh completed. Each wall is upwards of 120 yards in length, three feet thick, from 10 to 12 feet in height, and has loop-holes for musketry at every three and a half feet distance. A ditch 50 feet wide, and 15 feet deep, is to sur- round the battery. It is almost formed, and will communicate with that from the Medway, which is to be cleared out and deepened, and the bas- tions extending along it are to be heightened with the mud procured by the excavation. The following guns have been ordered for the new works ; One 66-pouDder, 97 cwt., 11 feet long, 17 eight-inch guns tii cwt. each, 9 feet long — 28 32-pounders,56cwt. each, 9 feet long — and 12 2-l-poundcrs of 20 cwt. each, 6 feet long — total, 58. The 24-pounders will be mounted on iron carriages, but all the heavier guns on wooden carriages with Ira- ▼ersing platforms. Sixty-three guns of a similar description have already been received, and are to be mounted on the old works surrounding the garrison. The alterations and repairs there are progressing favourably, the pivots and tramways for the traversing platforms of all the 32-pounders being already laid down ; the parapet has also been heightened along its whole extent. One or two companies of artillery are to be in future per- manently stationed here, and new and extensive bai'racks are to be erected for their accommodation, the present being conlined and incapable of ac- commodating more than 300 men, which is the average number of troops forming this garrison. THE BASILICA AT ROME. The Times correspondent of Rome gives us the following description of the Basilica : — The Basilic is the metropolitan of Rome. The original structure was commenced ten centuries ago, but the building was twice burnt down, and the Basilic, as it now stands, was begun in 13G$. Several Popes, including Clement V., Urban A'., Alexander VI., Pius IV., Sixtus v., and Clement XII., lavished enormous sums of money on it, so that, although the proportions are not so vast as Si. Peter's, it is almost equal in magnificence, and certainly far superior to all other churches of the Eternal City. Severe taste will, however, condemn the gilded roof, though by the crowd it is very much admired ; but where mosaic marble, painting and sculpture abound, the meretricious ornament of gilding should not be introduced. The bijou of the cathedral is the Chapel Corsini ; it is per- fection, and within that little space there is more to be found to satisfy the eye and exalt the mind than in any other part of the immense pile of build- ings. The altar-piece is a mosaic, copied from a picture by Guido, exe- cuted with so much delicacy that you almost desire to touch the work to be convinced that it is not a painting. The bronze statue of Clement XII. is also admirable. The expression of the face is perfect ; and every line traced by care and age is reproduced with the fidelity of nature. There are two groups of marble in tlie niches at each side of the bronze statue by Monaldi, on which it is said Canova studied intensely. There is a female figure in one which is almost the model of his Venus, but the neck, bust, and arm are far superior to anything that Canova ever produced. The mosaic floor is very remarkable, as well as the precious marbles, which are used with an unsparing hand; but the wonder of the place is a subter- ranean chapel, where the tombs of the Corsini family abound, and where a marble group of the Virgin and dead Christ are not inappropriately placed. Bernini is given as the sculptor's name, but I imagine that much of the fame which the group has acquired is owing to the purity of the material, which admits a little of trick in the exhibition, and to the place where it is situated disposing the mind to religions meditation. The man who shows the statue does so by the light of a small wax taper, and as he passes the light along the lifeless body of our Saviour it appears to be wax, not mar- ble. The hands are positively transparent. The agony of life in the Virgin is finely contrasted with the inert weight of the corpse which hangs from her embrace ; but I believe that the group, however beautiful, would lose much of its value if exposed to the open day. The late Count Somariva, "at Paris, used to show Canova's JNIagdalen in the same manner ; but good judges condemned him, as the eye never embraced the whole figure, but was carried from one littleness, such as the graining of the skin, which Canova introduced, to another. There is a chill of death in the subter- ranean chapel of the Corsini, and the sacristan who shows it not only covers his own head, but carefully recommends you to do the same. The cere- mony at St. John de Lateran was limited to the celebration of mass, and the Pope returned to the Ciuirinal in the same simple manner that he leftiU THE CHANNEL SQUADRON— TRIAL OF STEAMERS. On the 30th June, the steamers were ordered to try rate of steaming. At 10 a.m. the Retribution, Gladiator, and Avenger, started, full power, with a strong breeze six points on port bow. In two hours the Retribu- tion gained on Gladiator If miles ; on Avenger three miles. At noon altered course to wind on port beam, and tried until 4 p.m. — at each suc- cessive step of expansion gear — during the whole of this time the relative distances were perceived as near as possible as during the trial from 10 to 12, At 4, being about seven or eight miles dead to leeward of the Admiral the signal was made to prepare to steam to windward. Topmasts were ia consequence struck, and everything got ready to join the ships to wind- ward. At about 4'30they started abreast. Retribution soon got the lead, although Gladiator stuck very close for a few minutes; but once clear of her, she soon shot ahead, beating her in the run about two miles, and Avenger four miles. Gladiator and Avenger were each working up to 10 lb. tlie square inch, having tubular boilers Retribntioa can only work up to 61b,, having the old common boilers. July 1. — The Terrible having joined the fleet during the previous night, a signal was made to try rate cf steaming with her. They accordingly- started at about 10 a.m., with full power, the Terrible, with her tubular boilers, working up to 13 lb. the square-inch, and after steaming dead to windward, with a strong breeze and heaiy head-swell for three hours, she beat Retribution as near as possible half a mile an hour. Unquestionably she is a noble ship ; but, nevertheless, I am inclined to believe she beat Retiibution principally by the great command of steam generated by tubu- lar boilers. Had both ships been titted with similar boilers, probably the result would have beeu diQ'ereut. One thing by this trial appears to be clearly settled — that where two ships of similar tonnage, or nearly so, and equal horse power, but fitted with tubular and common boilers, are matched, the former must have the advantage in speed over the latter. This was very evident in the trial the day before with Gladiator, for with Retribu- tion's immense engines of 800 horse power, over Gladiator's 450, the former certainly ought to have beat her double the distance, had they both been fitted with similarly constructed boilers. At 1 p.m. a signal was made to Terrible to steam with 6 lb. pressure only. At first Retribution gained rapidly on her, but as soon as this was perceived on board she shot ahead again. In short, this trial is not wortli relating, it being almost impossible to keep steam at any exact pressure. A few stiovelsful of coal, or slightest alteration of throttle valve, more or less, will always cause an alteration. In the evening they both banked the fires. July 2, at 9 a.m., we tried rate of sailing on the wind, starboard tack. Terrible, under all plain sail ; Retribution, with single-reefed topsails. At 11, the wind falling light. Retribution shook out first reefs. At 1*30 p.m.. Retribution being about one mile ahead, tacked. At 3, having weathered on her opponent about three quarters of a mile, bore up and set port stud- ding sails. Ran until sunset without any difference of sailing; then lighted the fires of two boilers and steamed all night. Terrible gained two miles all night. Arrived at Cove this evening, July 3, at 7 p.m. Found the squadron lying there. iaiSCEI>I>AMEA. ScuLPTDRE Machine. — During a recent visit in Boston we were shown specimeos of the production of a wonderful piect of mechani»m, which were, indeed, truly aitonishing. They were miniature busts of Daniel Webster, Abbot Lawrence, and Levi Woodbury ; being perfect facsimiles of their distinguished originals, and HTOught out of beautiful American marble, and by a machine which has been invented by Mr. Thomas Blanchard, of Boston. This invention certainly sstablishes a new era in the art of sculpture, and promises to dispense almost entirely with the deep thought, and classic study, and indefatigable labour of the artist, in his etforts to put life and poetry into the marble, for nature, art, every thing tangible, can be copied by Ihic machine, with a pre- cision which defies the chisel, even when guided by the most skilful hand and directed by the most gifted talent. The machine, too, can be graduated so as to give reduced copies of any statuary, which shall, in their miniature, be perfect and exact copies of the ori. ginals in everything else but size ; preserving every line, furrow, and dimple, and giving prominenct to muscles and veins, and every particular liiieamaal and feature, ia exact THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 260 „rtin. Bv the tmt oBchlDerr. the roo»t correct and perfect ba..rellef profile like- •rr,. i av' be cut on the harde.1 material, and of any sue required, from half an .nch to ?,rnf."iri.e.Ue We»"» .trikingly exact can^eo r'ofile .,f Henry Clay. a. perfect a 1 L i that » a esman as we have erer seen in any of the busts or csts to be found, and if ,te fashinnaWe size for a lady', breaat-pln. Among the specimen, shown us, too, ° Ithe heads of sereral of vi,h most positive .ecu- raf^- and the block of shapeless marble put into its power will, in a few hours, stand fothaperfectcopyof the most beautiiul and animated statuary the grea est sculptors ever nroduced And, what is most wonderful, this machinery may Ije readily gra.luaed to increase ordiminish the copy, so as to furnish a colossal or a mii.ialure l.gure, with equal precision, and in all respects exact proportions.-" American paper AiiiGAToK Oil.— A letter from St. Augustine, dated April 12, says.— •• I suDDO..' that you may not liave heard that wo have discovered the utility of alligators. A^ Xator ist^lSnd to be as valuable in his way as a spermaceti whale. An expedition h" lit iWs Place for the river of St. John's, and the dark tributary stream of Black Oeeiwarml^nglith these hideous creatures, with the view of killing them to obtain fhnir o:l The oil of the allifcator is said to be better for lamp, than even whale Ml. and t u ex r'acted from he animal in considerable quantity and without any grea. difficulty. F,^rthi^ discovery wc are indebted to the Indians, who have been in the habit, for how lonVa tin e I know not. of extracting the oil of the alligator and ...10. it for various pur- nose. I make, a fine transparent fluid and burns admirably. Yon know how many of these enomouV'nimals are .hot out of wantonness from fe decks of the .teamboats Jharnlough our waters. 1 expect he-eafter to hear of laws passed for their protection. Every ti^e an alUgator of 18 feet long is shot iu the long grass ot the river banks, or while hl^ss,rimmlng, a barrel or half abarrel of oil, a. the case may be, is wastet^ This Thould nit be We must allow them to be killed only at a proper season when they a^e JaUest and not permit their destruction at the season when they lay iheir eggs. 'Hie Slgator is a formidable looking creature, it is true, but he i. generally harmless. Hi. office is to prowl in the sluggish waters of this southern region, pick up what he can, and S^e!ttinU) excellent oil fir the illumination of our houses. Alligators will l.e hereafter eXemed as u" ful animals as pigs-perhaps more .0. for their keeping costs nothmg. The danger is, thai now that the world has discovered what they are good for, their race .Bill lip exterminated." — * filontreal 'J imes.' ,..,.,. MaiTmoth LocoMOTivEs.-The Great Western have just completed three most Dowerful locomotive engines, built upon the plan and under the superi.itendence of Sr Brunei a sisted by Mr. Gooch. the superintendent of the locomotive riepartmen . I'h^dimen.ons of the Great Western engine ftlie leviathan of locomo ives) are as fol- lows -D°ameter of driving wheel 8 feet ; cylinder. 18 inches : siroke. 24 inches ; boiler between 1." and 16 feet; weight of engine, »6 tons, without water ; weight of the tender, wHhou? ei her coke or water 10 tons ; making a total of 4i; tons. This splendid engine, h, ItTor nassenger trains, drew a train weighing 130 tons up the incline at Wootton Bas- ^ett «°[h as much -.ase and as fast as one of the smaller engines would a passenger train. Th;,r„or„eO?,eeu is likewise for passenger trains, and was built at Swindon: Driving ISee"Tfee?m.metin stroke, fs inches ; cylinder. 16 inches; boiler. 14 feet i weight of engine without water, 26 tons ; weight of temler. it tons, without coke or water. The Sbove^ ng'ines, whc„ their machinery get into perfect order, are intended to be employed Tu propelling the express trains. The other is ;. luggage engine the I remier. having he ^x wEs of 5 feet diameter connected. The dimensions of this locomotive are in other ^sjVcts similar to the Great Western passenger engine. The Premier is d^'ded'y the most Dowerlul employed on the broad gauge, surpassing in itrengtli and speed the Her. "u°es engine"which propelled 406 tons on the experimental trip with the gauge conims- ^loners -An™ and powerful locomotive, the Goliah, was lately tried on the Sheffield. ASn.under.Lyne. and Manchester Railway. It is the largest crank.axle locomotive engine ever built! The cylinders are 18 inche. in diameter, with two feet stroke, mounted on six wheels of four feet six inches in diameter, allcoupled. so that they will not be liable to .npTn wet weather, or with a heavy load, a, is often the case with those constructed ipon the present pr nciple. The engine is calculated to take a load ot up.var,l. of 1,000 toM on a level, at the rate of 20 miles an hour. It has given every satisfaction to the company, who have nine more engines of a similar description in progress of building at tho works of Messrs. Sharp, Roberts and Co. [AueuST, Thomas Parkin, of Hoxlon. in the county of Middlesex, engineer, for " ImprovemenU In the means of giving motion to locomotive carrl-ge.. with or without bearing wheel* attached to them, and in the construction of ways, pmaages, and roads, on which the said carriages arc to travel."— June 2H. Charies Clark of Cornhill. City, merchant, for "certain Improvement, io the pyro- hydro.pneumatic apparatus lor generating, purifying, and condensing, .team and oth«f vapours, and for obtaining vegetable extracts. "—June 29. James Hastings, of Havre, in France, for " an Improved machine for making bricks, tilss, quarries, and cornice ornaments."— June 30. William Clarke, of Hoxlon. Middlesex, machinist, for "certain Improrements la weighing machines, steel yard., and scale beam.."— June 30. James Thompson, of Liverpool, engineer, for " certain Improvements in machinery ot apparatus for obtained motive power, part or parts of which improvsments are apphc*. ble to other useful purpose.."— July 6. Peter Ward, of Oldbury. county of Worcester, chemical manager, for " ImproTcmeiltt in the manufacture of certain saluof soda and magnesia."- July 6. Richard Wright, of Hermitage-terrace, in the parish of Bow, .ngar refiner, for " Im provements in refining sugar."— July 6. George Donning, of Birmingham, steel pen tool maker, for " a certain Improvement In the manufac'ure of penholders."- July 6. Frederick Kansome, of Ipswicli, engineer, and John Crabb Blair Warren, Little Hork^ lev Essex clerk, for "certain Improvements in the manufacture of bricks, tiles, plpe^ and other articles composed of plastic male-ials, and in the preparauon of plastic mate- rials to be used for such purposes."— July 6. .,.^^, John Palmer De la Fons, of Cariton-hill, St. John's Wood. In the county of MiddlMei, Esq.. for " Improvements in the manufacture of loc^. andjjther fastenmg..^ J..' ^ililam M'Gary, of Hoxlon. Middlesex, for " " — " '" '" ' "'"• candles, and shades." — July 6 1 improvements in lamps, lamp gluses* Improvementa in IiIST OP NETV PATENTS. CFro7n Messrs. Robertson's List.) CHANTED IN ENGLAND FROM JUNE '27, 1840, TO JULY 23, 1846. Six Months allowed for Enrolment, unless otherwise expressed. Joseph Storer, of Stanhope street. Mornington- crescent, musical Instrument maker, for " Improvement. in organ., seraphines, and other free reed instruments, part of which inatrument. are applicable to piano fortes." (A communication.)— June 2". John Davie Morris Stirling, of Black Range. North Britain, esq., for "certaiij new alloys and metallic compound, with a method of welding the same and other metals. — June '29. Francois Stanllas Meldon de Sussex, of Millwall, Middlesex, manufacturing chemist, for " Improvements in the manufacture of soda and potash."— June 29. Thomas Lane Coulson. of Assington Hall, Asaington, Suffolk, esq., for " Improvements In the construction of chair.."— June 29. Charles Payne, of Whitehall wharf. Cannon row, Westminster, gentleman, for " Im- provementB in preserving vegetable matter."— June 29. William Mill, of Newhall street, Birmingham, manufacturer, for "Improvements in Instruments used foi writing and marking, and in the construction of inkstands."— June 29. Moses Poole, of London, gentleman, for " Improvements In regulating the velocity of steam engines." (A communication.) — June 29. Joseph Moreland, of Old. street, Middlesex, copper still and boiler setter, oven builder, constructer and designer of fumaie. generally, for " Improvement, in setting and fixing toppers, stills, and boilers, and in the construction of fun aces."— Juue 29. William Smith, of the city of London, gas meter manulacturer, for " certain Improve- ments in gas meters."— June 29. Antolne Perpigna. of Pari., advocate, for "Improvement, in regulators for qnalifying the action, of mechanical powers." (A communication.)— June 29. John Tatham, of Rochdale, Lancaster, machine maker. David Cheetham, of the same place, machine maker, and John Wallace Duncan, of Manchester, gentleman, for " tain Improvements in machinery or apparatus, to be used in the preparation and spin «f cotton and other fibrous .ubstaaces." — June 29. Joseph Seraphin Faucon. of Rouen, In France, banker, for " Improvements in com- bining mate ialg to be employed in fulling cloth "—June 29. Sir James Caleb Anderson, of Buttevant castle, Ireland, baronet, for "certain Improve- ment. In obtaining motive power, and In applying it to propel carriages tui ntscli, and to tL« driving of macbinerr,"— Jime 29. Thomas Wooiley, of Nottingham, piano forte manufacturer, for piano fortes."— July 8. Robert Beart, of Gudmanchester, in the county of Huntingdon, fanner, for Imptore- ments in liling land." — July 10. William Middlemore. of nirmingham. manufacturer, for "a certain Improvement, Of certain improvements in saddles."— July 13. William Seed, of Preston, Lancaster, machine maker, for " «rt»i° '■"P'^™"'' '» machinery or apparatus for preparing, slubbing, and roving cotton, and other 6brou« substances." — July 14. George Knight, of Southampton, wine merchant, for " cerUin ImprovemenU in cica. vaUngfnd dredging; also in the form.ition of permanent and temporary harbours,.^al.. bridges, docks, Ind other similar works, and in the apparatus to be employed thereln."- July 14. Odert Gripenberg. of Finland, Russia for "Improvements in machinery for Mwing grain and other seed."— July 14. ^ William Watson Pattinson. of Felling, near Gateshead. Durham, manufacturing che- mist, for " Improvements in the manufacture of chlorine. —July 14. Charies Frederick Bielefield, of Wellington-street. Strand, papier raach^ manufacturer, for ••Improvements in the m'aking of moulds or d vs used in the manufacture of paoier mach^, and other matters, and in moulding or forming articles from certain plastic m.- tcrials."- July 14. Gastaf Victor Gustafsson, late of Sweden, but nowof Warren.street, Fit.roy-.quare, engineer, for '•certain Improvements in steam engines. —July 14. Lawrence Hill, iuii.. of Glasgow, civil and mechanical engineer, " for Improvernents In the manulacture of iron for building ships and boats, and other vessels ; and in the con- Ifmron 01 sh[ps and boats, and other vessels ; and In instrument, machinery, «.d ap- paratus to be used in the said construction. (A commuiilcation.j-July 14. Sir Samuel Brown. Knight of the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, and Captain in oar Navy.ot Blackheath. for ••Improvements in railways and carnage, to run «n rallw.n, and In the con.lruction and arming ships or vessels."— July 14. David Yoolow Stewart, of Montrose, Scotland, for "Improvements in moulding Iron and brass."- July 14. „ . . i . Thomas Symes Prideaux. of 5iouthampton, genUeman, for Improvements In no, chinery for excavating. •■— July 15. .... . t William Thomas, of Cheapside. London, merchant, for "certain ImprovemenU l» frames, locks, and fastenings for carpet-bags and purses, parts of said ImprovemenU being applicable to all other locks."- July 1.5; two mootts. Thomas Boiiser. of Merton. Surrey, and Edwin Walker ^.1 .•■». Wy"" P« ".«. of Yorkroad, Lambeth, civil engineer, for " certain Impr.vements In machinery for tlUlng land."— July 15. , ,. , ^ .. .. • i_ William Shurman. of the town and county of Nottingham, hosier, for certain Im- provemenu in the manufacture of glove., .lockings, and other hosier, goods, -•'"'y '»• James Napier, of Shacklewell. in the county of Middlesex, op.nllve chemist, for Im- provemenu in smelting copper ores."— July 20. , .,. v John Boyes. of Mincing-lane, gentleman, for " Improvement, in mnchloery for thiub- log and winnowing grain and seeds."— July 23. Augustus William Hillary, ol No. «■ Cadogan-place. Chelsea at present reading »t No. 146. Avenue des Champs Elysees, in the city of Pans, esq., for Impror.meaU In the mnnufacture of gas." — July 23. cer- splnnlng CORRESPONDENTS. <■ A Working Mechanic."— The improvement of the hydranlic press is yery ingenious, but the small end of the pump piston roust wtjrlk. lo the air • for if it work in a reservoir couiainiug water, the water will be forced through the upper compartmenl into the main cylinder, and consequently the quantity of water pumped in at each stroke will equal the sum and not the difference of the volumes of the two parts of the plunge If our cor- respondent will allow us 10 make the necessary alteration, the descripliOD shall appear next month. If we understand the action of the Arcbimedeao air pump, the mouth of the spir..l tube muit alternately rise above and sink beloW the surface ot the mercury. Hut as the exhaustion advances, the mercury would be elevated, till the mouth of the lube became whoUy submerged. From press of matter, the Reviews and several communications are an. avoidably postponed. ERRATUM.-Page-223. col. 2. The name of 't^^ architect of tfce New Host Office, at Hamburgh, misprinted " »'• Char e. "lenuneuO should be " M. Alexis de ( haleauueuf," author of " Archtlectura Do»e.- tica," a work published in Ibis country in 18S9. MlpM. a B^l.t.r l^i Jtmi* if K~ ISIOMffi ©FIFKeS. 3B©AmB @W TmABS. &o. WMSTBHALIL. CHARLES BARSy E80"" ARCHITECT. 184(5.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 261 HOME OFFICE, BOARD OF TRADE, &c., WHITEHALL. CJI'ilh an Engraving, Plate XIII) Twofold interest attaches to this subject heeause, as it exhibits a rifaccia- nento — sire-dreasing, so to call it, of the former csterior, while the structure itself remains in other respects nearly as before, we have to consider not only the building as it now presents itself, but also what it has replaced. We have, besides, here a very remarkable ease, — that of a building of quite re- cent date being subjected to complete alteration ; while many others that might he materially improved by a much slighter degree of it — some of them even by a few corrections, remain in statu quo with all their blemishes : let US hope therefore that the example thus set will not he thrown away. Sir John Soane himself, we dare say, would not greatly have relished the idea of his " Board of Trade" coming to a second edition after his death ; more especially as it was, with the exception of the " Bank," his principal and best work : but his design is now expunged, and what is more, after other things will have disappeared — as will shortly be the case — the front of his own house in Lincoln's Inn Fields will remain and be preserved intact to posterity as a monument of his taste. Hardly could Soane have conceived it to be at all possible that any thing which he had done should pass away, or else he would doubtless have ensured the perpetuity of his designs and ideas by means of the graver. It is true he did publish many of them in a folio volume, but they are so incorrect and exceedingly rude in execution, many of them of such paltrily diminutive size, and altogether so insufficient and unsatisfactory, as to be in some respects worse than nothing — more in- jurious to his reputation than the contrary. Were they to he judged of from jhat work alone, it must hereafter be thought that at the time of its pro- duction, both architectural drawing and engraving were at the lowest ebb in this country, since with all his wealth, and also his soUcitude about his works, Soane could find no artists capable of doing them justice. — And here we may just remark en passant Hitt engraving might almost as well be ex- tinct among us, for any advantage that is now taken of it by English archi- tects, wo hhave executed structures, that if adequately represented would ob- tain for them celebrity where their names are now not so much as heard of. In the volume above alluded to, there is a plate containing several varia- tions or different ideas of the design of the " Board of Trade," including the one adopted, hut they are upon so preposterously small a scale (attached scale there is none) — the entire height, 54 feet, being only j% of an inch, — that they are mere diagrams, from which no more can be made out than the general composition, and the number of columns and windows. There would have been no harm in giving that plate, had there been also another showing the executed elevation at large, or rather only so much of it as could be shown on the largest scale the size of the plate would admit of ; whereas now only the mere skeleton of, the elevation is there given, all its lineaments being suppressed. In the " Illustrations of the Public Buildings of Loudon," again, it is shown very unsatisfatorily, — only a small oulline perspective view ; wherefore we purpose to record it faithfully next month in another engraving, in like manner and upon the same scale as the present one of Mr. Barry's new front to the Board of Trade. Were there nothing else satisfactory, it would be so to know that the building will now forthwith be carried on northward as far as Dover-house, and the entire facade at length completed, as perhaps it would have been done before ; had it not been for a most strange oversight in setting out the line of front, owing to which the North Pavilion could not have been erected without advancing considerably upon the pavement. Therefore if that really was an oversight on the part of Soane — and we can account for it no other way he has been punished for it, since the consequence of it may have decided for remodelling the fa9ade in order to get rid of the advanced hexa- ityles at its extremities. Besides which, even had there been no obstacle to completing the building according to Soane's design, it would, when so ex- tended to half as much again in length, have looked still lower than it did : whereas now there will be better proportion in the ensemble, and the entire fa9ade will form a noble mass, — one that will show admirably well in itself, but which will perhaps overpower that little architectural gem Dover-house, and will certainly cause the Horse Guards (that is, its street front) and Ad- miralty to look more indignified than ever. In one respect, indeed, the con- trast is an agreeable one, inasmuch as Mr. Barry's new piece of architecture shows, as compared with the two last-mentioned structures, the very great improvement that has taken place ail at once in the quality of official and No. 108.— Vol.. IX.— September, 184C. government buildings, which have hitherto been mostly made jobs of, and instead of conducing to the advance of taste, have in some instances been quite discreditable to the nation. The National Gallery stands a monument of the wretched system of doing things of the kind by halves : either a great deal too much was there attempted, or a great deal too little done ; and should any thing more now ever be done to it, the expense will be very much greater than if it had been done properly at first, for there will be much to correct as well as to supply. In the present instance every thing has been done most liberally : we have got, not as repeatedly before, what might have been good, or a good thing spoilt, but a really excellent one — a very superior example of its particular style, one that is thoroughly studied, and which therefore both deserves and cannot fail to become an instructive study and authority. While elaborately ornate it is marked by such refined taste, that rich as it is, it is the very re- verse of tawdry. Numerous as the details are, there is not one that seems to have been neglected, or not to have been carefully considered by the architect. The whole and every part appears to have been done with relish — with true gusto, — without which, what is called art is only manufacture. If there be any thing which we could wish had been otherwise, it is, that the heads of the second floor windows had not been carried up quite so high, because they now break into the line of the lower edge of the capitals of the columns, which if not actually objectionable, is what is much better avoided ; and no doubt Mr. Barry would have done so, had he not been over-ruled in that particular. It is quite unnecessary for us to enter into a minute architectural descrip- tion, because the engraved elevation, from Mr. Barry's own drawings, is upon such a scale that even the details are shown sufficiently distinctly, — an advantage that very far outweighs that of having the entire front represented in a plate of the same size. Had there been a marked central feature — one principal in the composition, the case might have been different j but as there is not, it being the extremities alone that are distinguished from the rest, and that only by the addition of an attic, both the composition itself is clearly enough made out, and the character of the whole intelligibly conveyed by as much of the elevation as is here represented, — which is rather less than half, there being thirteen windows on a floor, between the two end pavilions. To remove all doubt as to one point, that might otherwise be felt by those unacquainted with the building itself, we should observe that the middle compartment resembles the others, there being not even so much as an en- trance there to mark it out at once to the eye as the centre. Perhaps a doorway there, of more ornate design than the others, either in addition to the four present ones, or as a substitute for the two in the middle division of the fafade, might have been an improvement, but Mr. Barry was obliged to conform to the number and situation of the entrances determined by Soane's plan. There is also one peculiarity which has been forced upon him, in order to accomplish the raising of the columns to the level of the first floor ; for they are placed upon projecting breaks or piers in the ground floor, that serve as pedestals to them ; had not which been done, the thick- ness of the wall there must have been very greatly increased. While these breaks below produce a certain degree of variety and richness, they are in conformity with the treatment observed for the order itself, whose entabla- ture is now made to break over the columns, and thereby, itself conforms to the treatment of the order, both the columns and their immediate portions of the entablature, being "engaged." Whether such effect has been an in- tentional or incidental result, this continuation of breaks upwards, throws a strong expression of verticality into the design, more especially at its ex- tremities, where the vertical lines are prolonged by the attic pilasters, and their breaking cornices, and after being further carried on by the pedestals in the halustrading, terminate in the pyramidal vase-shaped acroteria. The character of the rustication for the ground floor or basement of the order, has moreover been influenced and determined by the necessity for breaks in it, below the columns, it being thus reduced to nearly horizontal channels alone, with only a single vertical one in the alternate courses of each pier : what is here done however explains itself, and the effect is very different from that monotonous and jo/a/ii-like appearance (without any in- dication of bond in masonry) which takes place when horizontal channels alone are continued uninterruptedly on the surface of a wall, without auv jointing. In both the order itself and the attic, the rustication is treated with some degree of novelty, the channels not being continued quite up to the columns, but stopping against the edge of a narrow plain surface ; where- by the rustics themselves are let into a sort of upright panel, not wider tiiaa 34 262 THE CIVIL KXGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Sept. half the diameter of the columns. And the panels thus formed, appear very much to assist the expression of verticality, which we have pointed out. We hardly need call attention to the development which Mr. Barry has given to his attic, — rendering it not a mere addition or excresence to the order, but identifying it with the latter in point of Inxuriant richness, and thereby ren- dering those portions of the design crowning ones in it, — parts which are to the general mass — what its capital is to a column, or its cornice to an entire order. The example of an attic,whichhe has here given us, is compared with the things of the kind we are accustomed to, what the comicione in his Club- houses is to the meagre shelf-like cornices in that lean starvation style which so long prevailed in every style we affected. Barry will have given embon- point to our architecture. Leaving our readers to note for themselves minor specialities of design, which if their attention has been at all excited by what we have said, they will no doubt do, we will merely add that the north pavilion (the one shown in the engraving, and which is for the Home Office), together with the two adjoining compartments, has yet to be built, and will, we understand be commenced almost forthwith. When the entire front is completed, it will extend 29G feet, and be 56J feet in its general height, and 67^ at its ex- tremities.* The structure is not only admirably finished up, hnt all of a piece through- out, every part that is at all visible, being strictly in accordance with what is completely seen. Thus the West side 'of the attic of the South or Down- ing-street pavilion, is finished-up like the others, although seen only partially above the adjoining buildings ; for Barry does not countenance that misera- ble system oi pinafore design, which leaves the end of a building — that is, as much of such end as really shows itself — whether intended to do so or not — quite bare and unfinished ; as is the case with Inigo Jones' Banquetting House, just by, which as there is no probability of its unsightly ends being shut out from view by other buildings erected against them, ought to be completed externally. Unless that be nowdone, it will cut but a poor figure in comparison with Mr. Barry's new work on the opposite side of the street. The South-east view of the latter presents a striking contrast to the South- west view of the other, whose South end is a mere brick wall ; whereas the South end or elevation of the Downing-street pavilion (the Council Office), is precisely similar to the East one (therefore to the one shown in our en- graving), with the slight dillerence, that there are five windows to the ground floor, there being no entrance on that side. If there be much to excite admiration in the building, there is also some- thing to excite surprise, for surprising it is or would seem to be, that so superior a piece of architecture should have risen up almost all at once with- out any flourish at all of newspaper trumpetings, while the most vulgar non- sensical fuss is made about the most trumpery buildings imaginable, merely because somebodj or other who is a somebody, performs the farcical cere- mony of " laying the first stone," as it is called, to the great edification of all the nobodies who assist on the important occasion. Fig. l.-Plnn of First Floor, Windous and Columns. Fig. 2.— PIftn of Ground Floor Windows and Balustrade. * Height from pavement to bases of coltimna 19ft. Oiii. Height ol'culunios .. .. ., '^ia ^ „ entaMafjre .. .. .. 7 rt „ balustrade .. .. .. 4 6 ,. altic .. .. .. 11 0 Entire height . f,- CANDIDUS'S NOTE-BOOK. FASCICULUS LXX. " I must have liberty Withal, as large a charter as the winds, To blow on whom I please." I. As Wigbtwick vows to go, D.V., to Naples and eat macaroni there, it is to be hoped that he will not forget to bring back with him some pen- and-ink sketchings — and if he like, some pencil sketches, too, of the recent architecture of that city. There is suflicient ^aiu/um of that kind for his pen, — the church, for, inslance, by that unl^'agkrized uobody, Bianchi. And let him portray ihat aud whatever other buildings he speaks of, archi- tecturally, so that we may be able to make out a tolerably distinct image of it, not a mere forndess, shapeless Ossianic spectre. Let him take a lesson from the novelists : — they after all are the people for exact and con- scientious description ; they are content with nothing less than that of giv- ing us a complete inventory of a heroine's "personals," noting every item separately, — though with all their exactitude they uever inform us of her exact weight — the weight of a mortal "sylph." As to Vesuvius, we can very well dispense with any remarks on that from ^V'ightwick ; so let him eschew speaking of its crater — that bore of tremendous calibre, — or we shall wish that he had fairly Jumped into it, and like Empedocles, distin- guished by extinguishing himself within it. II. It is curious that we should be indebted to a Cookery book for a detailed plan of the kitchen offices in the Keform Club-house. Al. Soyer has supplied a leaf that was very much wanted in architectural lore, for those who have published plans of town mansions, have never revealed t us the complex arcana of their below-ground territories, but have literally passed over them, as matters altogether beneath them, — low, vulgar, and infra dig. Yet the arrangement of the numerous separate rooms requisite for an extensive domestic establishment, vvithiu the basement of a town residence, calls fur the exertion of more than ordinary ingenuity and con- trivance. A collection of a dozen basement plans, minutely detailed and explained, would form a series of valuable and useful lessons. There then, is an idea at once for a publication of entirely new character. So let some one now take it up. But no, — nothing will take or go down with the profession or the public, that does not address itself to and flatter the present church-mania, and the passion fur studying Roman Catholic "rub- bish," What with churches, church furniture, and church upholstery, on the one band, and with railways on the other, the demand for architectural publications of any other kind, seems to have ceased. Archaeology is all very well io its place, as the handmaid to architecture, but it has of late given itself such airs, and domineered at such rate, that it is time for it tu be taken down a peg, and not be suBered to keep poking all sorts of paltry old trumpery in our faces, and insist upon our admiring batched-faced saints, and angels with dislocated limbs. — Let us escape to the kitchen. III. Talking of escaping to the kitchen, reminds me that the kitchen it- self has completely escaped the attention of that great architectural ency- clopasdist, Gwilt. Even so ; his fat FalstaS" tome contaius nothing what- ever on the subject of kitchens and their accessories, and the multifarious apparatus belonging to them ; an omission the more remarkable consider- ing how much stufl' — stuffing I mean — he has crammed into bis book, that one would never think of looking for in it. He has indeed given the word " kitchen," a place in his Glossary, — and very properly, it being so strictly technical a term, as to render explanation of its meaning, indispensable,— indispensable at least for the information of those over-and-above genteel young ladies in middling life who are presumed never to have entered a kitchen, or to know what sort of operations are carried on in one. It is only thus that the insertion of such a word can be accounted for, while so many strictly architectural terms which are not to be found in general dic- tionaries, or even in encycloptedias, are omitted. Nor are ouiissionsof the last-mentioned kind the most remarkable of all in Gwilt's book, because he has chosen to omit Kickman's well known work in the list which he gives of publications on Gothic architecture. I say " chosen" to omit, be- cause it is not for a moment to be supposed that he was ignorant of the existence of a work which besides being exceedingly useful as a synopsis or catalogue of English structurei in that style, is continually referred to as an authority. There are besides what look very much like instances of intentional forgetfulness, in regard to other publications, which though not mentioned by him were as well or better entitled to such distinction as very many of those which obtained it. That on Barry's Travellers' Club- house, is of sufficient merit if only on account of the examples of Italian 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL S63 detail given in the plates, to have been worthy of a place in the list of works on Italian architecture ; and its non-insertion is all the more re- markable because Gwilt himself points out for particular admiration, and as example in which " the principles of that style are so admirably de- veloped," the fafade of the Palazzo Pandolfini, to which the Clubhouse above-mentioned bears a more than casual general resemblance. Possibly, however, Mr. Gwilt never saw or heard of the book ; and if so, he will thank me for pointing out both that and Rickman's, that he may insert them accordingly in the next edition of his valuable Encyclopaedia. — Apropos to RIckman, — the German Nailer (Nagler) has not nailed him in his Lexicon, though he has nailed up there an immense number of obscure or else quite forgotten names — some of them tlie smallest of the small-fry artists. Well then, all the more industry and greater research does it show to go and pry about with a farthing candle, and peep into all the crevices and crannies of tenebrous obscurity, and turn out the poor little things that lay there ensconced. IV, The " Times" has been very pleasant a la Punch, on that iVas/iional calamity, Buckingham Palace, which it is now discovered is hardly habit- able, neither Nash nor George IV. having any idea that rojal nurseries could ever be wanted within its walls, and not nurseries alone, but apart- ments for a whole colony of tutors and preceptors. As to a mere nursery — that is already provided, there being nothing more required than to make use of the " Garden Pavilion" for such purpose, for which indeed it ap- pears to have been actually intended, it being so very pretty, all covered over with " nice darling little pictures"^-e3iactly what a royal baby-house should be, with a kitchen and other " conveniences" attached to it, — a proof that it was built not only for show, but for service. The idea of so making use of it, was perhaps abandoned, because it was found not suffi- ciently large for the purpose ; yet surely it is just as easy, and would be as CHEAP to build additional rooms out behind it, as to enlarge the palace itself. If Mr. Blore will take this hint — and he ought to jump at it — it will spare him a great deal of pathos, and perhaps no less perplexity also, since perplexed he, no doubt, will be to patch up decently the Park front of the Palace, on which side it is proposed to add another range of build- ings, filling up the space between the wings, and enclosing the open court in front. In doing merely that, there will be no particular diflicully ; but Dnless the wings themselves — the ends of them at least are to come down, and to be taken into the new East front, either what comes between them must be accommodated to them — made of a piece with them, in which case the architecture will be just as mesquin as at present, or the whole will be more or less a piece of patch work. It will be necessary also no doubt lo advance the new building before the present line of front, and continue the wings also for the same distance, because unless that be done, what will then be an inner court will be smaller than the present open one; besides which the side elevations of the wings towards the court most either be altered accordingly, or their regularity would be destroyed ; — as may be seen by one of the plates of plans and elevations of the Palace in the im- proved edition of the "Public Buildings of London," — which, if never looked at before, are likely to be so now, out of curiosity, and in order to judge what contrivance can do for improving the building. V. Whether Blore be a great master as to contrivance, I know not, but it may be questioned if he be exactly the right Bfor the occasion, or likely to improve the architectural quality of the Palace. What I have seen of his, is marked by littleness and feebleness of manner; and though he has had some favourable opportunities — Lambeth Palace for instance, he has done nothing at all of a superior kind, nor is any work of his ever quoted as manifesting more than ordinary talent. In one respect he is a copyist of Sir Robert Smirke, for like him be has a horror of exhibiting at the Royal Academy, and exposing any of his designs to the profane gaze of the multitude. Pity that such architects can not keep their buildings as well as their drawings secluded from public view. VI. There is one notable inconsistency in what is rumoured relative to the alteration of the Palace : the works, it seems, are to be carried on with all possible dispatch when once commenced — the necessity for which is sufficiently apparent, and yet only £30,000 per annum is to be voted for the purpose, although £150,000 is the estimated expense — at present, and if there has been any miscalculation at all in the matter, it is easy enough to guess on which side the mistake will be found to lie. But I forget, — the Pavilion at Brighton is to be sold towards paying expense — of taking it down, perhaps, unless some railway millionaire should happen to take a fancy to it, and offer to give a good round sum for it. — about a tenth of what it has cost first and last. Yet that would be horrible ! — only think of some mushroom man of money installing himself in the pet place of George the Fourth. Poor George! poor Nash! poor Soane I methinks I hear the ghosts of all the three abusing " Posterity" for its villainous taste, and for committing such deadly havoc with their works. Carlton House gone, George Ill's Golhic Palace at Kew gone, the Pavilion going ; Soane's "Board of Trade" so metamorphosed that it does not know itself, the Scala Regia going, " my Law Courts," too, going— about to be knocked down, though not by George Robins' hammer, and now Buckingham Palace to be improved I— improved indeed ! as if what the newspapers, at the time of its being built, and John Britton also spoke of as an august metropolitan palace becoming the dignity of a British sovereign, could possibly admit of improvement. Oh dear !— but it is all owing to the March of Intellect. VII. One comfort is that it will now be more work for the "Silver Trowel," as no doubt the first stone of the new front of the Palace will be laid with all due pomp and ceremony, if only for the benefit of the news- papers, which invariably take prodigious interest in such operations. Prince Albert must by this time be quite a proficient in the art of handling the trowel, if in no other; but his Royal Highness seems more ready to lend a hand that way, than at all to care what the buildings themselves will turn out. There is a little pigmy— I might almost say piggish or priggish —thing growing up in Oxford-street, the first stone of which was laid by the Prince on the 10th of last June— happy and memorable day !— but all the other stones after that first one have changed into bricks, which are to be compoed over; and whatever it may turn out in other respects, the front will be a most minikin affair. Moses — Minories Moses, I mean — will turn up his nose at it, as a thing that he could easily stow away in his own shop. Of course the Prince did not see the design, or he would have employed the trowel differently from what he did, by plunging that instrument into it. Hard work that some first-stone-laying, considering the precious balaam that must be listened to on such occasions. However the Prince is relieved from the drudgery of Cabinet-makiag. ARCHITECTURAL RECOLLECTIONS OF ITALY. By Frederick Ldsh, {Continued from page 231.) " Architecture (where it was not a mechanical art dependent on mere convenience, and upon the rule and plummet) was an emanation of the arts of design, and consequently, in everything that regarded its more liberal concerns, its beautiful and majestical effects, as a whole and parts, it was the pure offspring of drawing or modelling, and ab- solutely and solely depended on the composition of forms, and the compositions of chiar'oscuro and relicTo which those forms produced."— Barry's " Lectures on Painting." The most important constituents of beauty and grandeur in architec- ture are mentioned in the above quotation. They can only manifest themselves in art in proportion as that mind is imbued and acquainted with the principles of beauty which we find are requisite for the painter, and by which alone the architect is distinguished as an artist who thinks and feels, from the mere mechanic who measures and builds. How necessary then it is to possess these principles will be very apparent. Architecture, as a fine art, must be judged of by its agreeable effects and expressions — a cultivated eye or mind being the arbiters in these results. But the architect must need have a strong per- ception of several painter-like qualities — of the composition of beautiful forms, chiar 'oscuro, and relievo — before he can give that expressive cha- racter to his works which fills and elevates the mind, iu the same manner as poetry and painting. To accomplish this end is the chief glory and ambition of the architect. But to what motives and to what ignorance are such noble ends too often sacrificed ? This art being in its nature so utilitarian, necessarily demands an ac- quaintance with those general principles of art which, combined with its utility and fitness, may afterwards invest it with that poetic character which all works must have whose ultimate and grand object is to affeet the imagination. The Italians, at the revival of art, who applied the principles of painting, i. e., drawing, harmony of light and shade, &c., lo architecture, eminently succeeded in this particular ; but their works, and the effects they produce, could never have been created but by this com- bination. Were proofs wanting, look at Michael Angelo— perhaps the grandest painter, one of the greatest architects ; look at St. Peter's and his other works. Then Raffaele, greatest in expression and beauty as a painter, is he not elegant and beautiful in his architecture? Villa Madania ana other buildings may occur to the reader as illustrations of this truth. Again, what is more elegant, simple, and lovely, than the Campanile of the Duomo, at Florence ? And was this not the work of a painter, and when painting was in its early days of purity ? Yes ; Giotto was great 34* S64 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Sept. both 83 a painter and an architect. And why are the works of such masters never forcotlen when onee seen ; that even in presence of them they seem as if they had been called up by enchantment ; and that at an after period they so frequently come before the imagination like dreams? Why, but because of their extraordinary and powerful effect ; because of that beauty and grandeur in composition, which give life and intelligence and poety to building. They well knew that architecture required to be distinguished by such forms, such magical effects, such prominent bulks in the grand mass, as would produce this, ar.d with it a most lasting im- pression. Where such thought and mind is evidenced in the works of the Italians, there is ample atonement for their defects, which are numerous ; just as in the earlier paintings fine feeling and expression, make us forgive every anachronism and absurdity. The noble group of buildings in that solemn square at Pisa, the cathe- dral, baptistery and campanile (whose beauties we owe more to painters and sculptors, than architects,) whether each is viewed as a whole or in detail, are further instances of the incalculable benefit architecture de- rives from a thorough understanding and practice of the union of the principles of the sister arts. Very many other names might be brought forward and examples mentioned to show that these men, when they took upon themselves to build and adorn, possessed a painter's percep- tion of beauty. Each brought to the task and ennobled his design by apply- ing the principles of painting and grounding it not so much on antiquated rules and precedents, as on the eternal laws of taste, harmony, and pro- portion existing in the mind ; who, from the enlarged and comprehensive view he had of art, knew more than the subject demanded when he com- menced the work ; felt the nature of the idea his building was made for ; saw bis work was made (or the place, and took care the place was adapted to his work. Now, the neglect of these principles of painting among English ar- chitects is, wilh some few exceptions, the main cause, we think, of bad architecture, want of originality, &c., and one reason why we observe the art so often degenerates into a mechanical trade. We seldom see origin- ality,—and where it does occur, there is little taste; and beauty is another word for the evidence of the existence of pictorial faculties, and indicates or reflects a mind that is conversant with the beautiful forms in nature. Those principles (referred to by Barry) of uniformity and variety which must be pursued in the arrangement and construction of all forms which enter into the composition of buildings— are executed with the greatest success by him who is most capable of conceiving and delineating fine forms— aud this power of drawing is very much neglected by the English student. I of course allude to the study of the human figure, for all drawing implies a knowledge of that, and deserves first consideration, as it is this alone which is the best means, in the first, as well as in the last step of the art, for cultivating the eye and filling the mind with ideas of beautiful form, which facilitate and ennoble design, composition, and all the effects of chiar' oscuro resulting from them. The prevailing practice is to begin with architectural inanimate lines, and copy ancient examples, before any part of the human body or even ornament is attempted to be drawn : the one has a vicious tendency — cramping both the hand and intellect; and the neglect and ignorance of the latter makes the power of adding the beauties of ornament, the foliated capitals, the enriched friezes, &c., at first an unconquerable and disgusting diflSculty to the tyro. Without a knowledge of the principles of design, we cannot give that contrast, elegance of line, and variety of form which, bearing in mind the purpose of the building, add to its beauty. A knowledge of chiar' oscuro will enable the architect to combine the various parts of his work witli such general effects that, while every part may be beautiful in itself, such beauty will be but a part to increase the ensemble of the whole building. " It is he alone," as Barry says, " who, from the sure and expansive prin- ciples of composition and chiar' oscuro, can pursue beauty and sublimity in a thousand different ways; whilst, without these essential requisites of dosi'Mi, men are but mere builders, and must unavoidably copy or plunder from the works of those who are gone before them ; and in either case, the absurdities that may result from the difference of climate, local situa- tion, and from ill-according particulars, however beautiful in their own original proper arrangement, are too obvious to be mentioned." But a knowledge of chiar" oscuro will prompt him to dare to give relief and power to his work as he can combine light wilh shadow, and play with relief till his idea of effect is fully carried out. In our old Gothic cathedrals, what richness and variety— what effect ! how powerful they look, and eloquent and grand they are ! In the numerous churches that have been erected in imitation of them, we see, with only a few excep- tions, in their effects, the deficiency of architectural spirit and talent in their authors. In general what sameness — how barren and unmeaning they seem ! as if they had tottered out of their places — and could not stand there long. So far short do they come of those glorious models of the I3lh century — such meanness is there instead of profusion — such sav- ing instead of cost— such reduced proportions and littleness of manner — that although the Gothic may be more appropriate to our Christiaa churches than the Classic Roman, there is far more beauty and skill obserr- able in the spires of Sir Christopher Wren, than in those of the modera Gothic builders. The skill displayed in the construction of the spires of Wrrn, and the ingenuity with which he applied the ancient orders to the modern Campaniles, for which he had no authority, deserve our admira- tion. They exhibit, too, — many in an eminent degree — the principles ad- vocated in this paper. We observe such simplicity, yet such variety^ such a fine relief aud " making out" of the parts, and to an extent which IB vain we look for in the flat modern Gothic towers, 6:c. It is a knowledge of these principles — valuable in their application to every branch of an, but more especially to architecture — that is the source and inspirer of originality. Hence the old Italians, though little profess- ing architecture, possessed qualifications which raised and ennobled it; their inventions are steeped in beauty, for they were drawn from the infallible principles wliich guided their practice. And the opinions upon architecture as a fine art are always to be accepted and preferred before the judgment of architects, why then separate from tbtir professiua a knowledge of painting. STAINED GLASS WINDOWS. St. James's Church, by Mr. Wailes. — Woolwich Church, by Mr, Hood- ley ; from a Cartoon, by Mr. Corbould. The two new windov\s lately completed, in the opposing styles — modern and ancient — which now engross so much attention, afford a good oppor- tunity for instituting a contrast between them. The ancient window, or rather, leries of windows, at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, consists of an upper and lower range of compartments, separated by a deep enta- blature. In each range are three lights, divided by columns : the painted glass with which each light is filled exhibits a scriptural subject con- tained m a panelled centre or medallion, «hichis surrounded by a wide border of mosaic woik, with an additional circular mosaic ornanii nt introduced in the lower part of the upper centre compartment. The drawing, though superior to that of many of Mr. Wailes's former produc- tions, is very inartistic, — the arras aud legs appear to have been stuck on, as though the painter had copied some Dutch doll, made to scale, and wrapt round with cloth of various hues, for a model. The flesh tints and other colouring must have been done from some of those Italian glass paintings frequently seen decorating (!) many of our agricul- tural labourer's cottages— they exhibit about tl.e sunie taste. The Mosaic work has little pretension to consisteut design; it is distinguished by all the beautiful " regular irregularity" of the kaleidescope, and could not, we should have thought, by any chance have been executed in any other way, — the colours are so varied and the pattern so heterogeneous. As we happen to be a little in the secret, we may perhaps be excused in explaining how this competition was managed. We believe it to have been all fair and above board at first, and that many of the committee did, after looking many times over tlie several designs, choose one, esioUed it, and were delighted with its originality, grandeur of conception, and extraordinary talent. It was but a sketch — hut we all know what the sketch of a good artist is, — aud they determined to make it their own. It appears, however, that after the committee had come to this resolution, they were informed by the Bishop that he liked not this modern style of glass painting — that it must be ancient '"for his money;" mosaic work, with figures and all that sort of thing ; which he thouglit the best adapted to this window ; — and then, by some extraordinary argument, dictation, or power of patronage, did he win over this said committee to his views, and the result now appears to stain, not the window only, but the character of England, as a nation of taste. The sketch first chosen we have seen, and pronounce it to be, in our humble judgment, one of the best conceived designs we ever beheld, either from ancient or modern paiuler. The lower part was the re- lS-)6.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 265 raoval of Our Saviour from the Cross, and a cross on each side for the thieves. The principal cross and figures would have occupied the centre compartnient, and one of the other crosses, with the thieves and subordinate ligures, the sides ; — but although thus separated, the sulyect was so well managed and balanced, as to appear one picture. The whole was treated as a night srene, and lighted up with burning fuel in vessels with long handles, held by attendants ; giving a sombre and grand effect to the solemnity of the scene. The upper windows would have contained the " Wise Men's Olfering," consisting of splendid figures of all nations, attending on camels with canopied seats, and other display of Oriental magnificence, seldom before embodied in one picture. These would also have occupied the three upper compartments, as one picture. Thus would have been exhibited the Birth and Death of Our Saviour, treated in a bold and original manner, and, from the well-known talent of the artists, could have been executed in a way that would have revived the art of glass painting, and have been a proof that tliere are now those who can produce better things than ever ancients did, and redeem the art from its present degraded state. This sketch was by Mr. Corbould, and was to have been painted on glass by Mr. Hoadley,from Mr. Corbould's cartoon, who would otherwis* have assisted in the progress of the work. The St. James's window has been in contemplation so long back as thirty years, when Mr. Backler was actually commissioned to make a de- eign from the Transfiguration by Rall'aele, and was engaged to execute the work, but by some unforeseen circumstances has been unfuriunately delayed to this day to give place to another, who declared himself incom- petent to paint the window in the style required, but was nevertheless chosen for that purpose! We do not so much complain of Mr. Wailes, — he would have been to be pitied, had he not pocketed the good round sum of 1,000Z, for his labours, which may, in some measure, cover any little annoyance he may receive from the iadignation of the public ; but we do blame the eommiltee, with- out the least reserve, for allowing themselves to be seduced from the right path and dictated to in a matter of such importance ; for it is not the St. James's window alone that may be subject to this degradation, — but the tendency to imitation is so strong in this country, that many other parishes will follow this vile example, for although many excellent examples of painted glass have been done of late years in distant parts of the country, yet this abominable trash, called Mosaic work, is still patronised and se- lected by a committee who, of all others, from its position in society, should have known better. The pleasing effect of old stained glass, we well know, is not always caused by good drawing; on the contrary, it is produced by harmony of colours and a mellowness obtained by time. This gives that richness and beauty so much extolled in ancient windows ; but it is no argument that bad drawing should be used ; as it stands to common sense, that were the subjects belter treated, the beautiful effect would have been greatly en- hanced and the educated eye would not have been subject to the disgust now experienced on viewing the caricatures so often seen on old glafes. Let any one attempt to decipher the subjects of many ancient windows, and he will find it as great a difficulty as transposing an Egyptian hiero- glyphic* The Woolwich window, painted by Hoadley, is in the pictorial style, from a cartoon by Corbould. By a singular coincidence, these are the same artists who were to have executed the St. James's window, if the committee had not been deterred from their good judgment by the ecclesias- tical dignitary. This window is 14 feet high and 6 feet wide, circular headed, and contains but a single figure — that of Christ bearing the cross, with a wide border and pedestal beneath, the latter having been judiciously designed to shorten the window and give the picture a better proportion ; upon this the emblems of the palm branches are introduced with the touch- ing motto — " Christ bearing His cross went forth." Ihe figure is colos- sal, being at a great height and generally viewed from a distance; the fea- tures of the face depict sorrow and suffering, and the hands and arms are well executed and doing duty— not mere puppets to the figure, as at St. James's ; the drapery is broad, and allows of a depth and mass of colour which give dignity to the picture, exhibiting those splendid ruby and purple tints said, by the ignorant, to be lost; the border judiciously intro- duces the passion flower, well executed aud entwined in scroll work. There is a grave solemnity about this single figure that strikes the be- * At tUe time of ttie Revelntion. many of the painted windows in our catiiedrals were taken down and pacj^t-d away in tiiding places, to be secured irom the violence of the Puritans. When th- glass was subsequenily replaced in the windows, the wnrk was fre- quently confided to those who were iKiperfectiy acquainted with the original design and therefore unable to reproduc* it accurately. holder with religious reverence, at the same time there is a pleasing har- mony in the colouring and design of the rich border, which relieves the principal composition. It is a contrast — and a bold one too— to that style we have just denounced in the St. James's window, and so much admired by ecclesiastic patrons of the art. We would seriously advise these gen- tlemen to look '' upon this picture and on this," and try for once to clear their vision, so as to distinguish gold from tinsel, art from kaleidescope, talent from mechanism, and then decide whether 'twere better to remain in ignoi'auce or to recant those bi^olted notions they have heretofore so strongly held, and, although at the elevenlh hour, to assist this degraded art, and make it one worthy of an intelligent nation. ARCHITECTURAL IMITATIONS. esse quam videri malebat. In the introductory note to the present volume it was stated that our architectural criticisms would be based on the doctrine of faithfulness in architecture; and accordingly in the paper immediately following, the prac- tise of using imitative materials in building was discussed and condemned. It was hoped that this and similar papers, if they failed of producing absolute conviction, would at least preclude the chance of our views on the subject being misapprehended. It appears, however, from some observations in our last number, that this hope was ill-founded, for we are by a side-wind ac- cused of uttering sentiments which, if legitimately carried out, would lead to a condemnation of the use of gilding in architecture. Gilding, as ordinarily employed, is not a deception. No one who looks at the gilded boss of the vaulting of a church-roof is deluded for an instant into the idea that what he sees is solid gold. Not only is he not deceived, but there is no attempt made to deceive him; for the position of the boss among other stones sculptured in a similar manner, and many of them painted of different hues, plainly shows that the gilding is nothing more than a means of giving to the stone a beautiful colour. When however gilding is used to make the substance beneath it seem to be solid gold, it becomes at once a paltry contemptible deception. The flashy gentleman (or gent) who wears gilded rings will generally prove, like his jewellery, a counterfeit : not in outward appearance only, but in education, feeling and language also, he will be found to be a gentleman in semblance alone. What matter, it is nsked, though the beauty which invests works of art be only skin-deep.' If it be no matter ai aW, why then should stone and marble and costly woods be in any case preferred to less expensive materials ? If the deception can be practised to perfection, why should we have the least preference for the reality.' But as a matter of fact we have that preference — there is not an architect in England who would not always, if he could afford it, use real stone rather than the most perfect counterfeit. The ex- istence of this feeling proves that the mere excellence of the counterfeit does not remove all objection to it — that the imperfect nature of the deception is not the onli/ argument again t its employment. Let us suppose it to be discovered hereafter that the noble piers of the nave of Canterbury Cathedral are not Portland stone but Portland cement, and that the shafts of the Norman choir are not Petworth marble but stucco overlaid with black varnish, and that the beautiful foliated ornaments of the crockets, pinnacle-work, &c. were not sculptured by the hands of skilful artists, but were run in moulds by common workmen — would our admiration of the building be increased or diminished ? Why should it be diminished .' The imitation was perfect; we have supposed it to remain for centuries without being discovered, and though the beauty be only skin-deep there was no outward signs to reveal that circumstance. Or to take a commoner illustration — the descriptions of public entertain- ments usually enlarge on the magnificence of the display of gold and silver plate, and the splendour of the jewellery work by the guests. Would the description be more or less glowing if it were found that what seemed gold or silver was merely electro-plated, and that the diamonds were only paste? Why should people care to have the Hall-mark on their dinner-service.' Britannia metal is exactly the same colour as silver. But we are told that it is no argument against deceptions, that they are " apt to be paltry." This may be disputed — for if all the paltry imitations were got rid of there would be scarcely any left todispute about. And is it not obvious moreover that those who practise p.iltry imitations will shield themselves under the sanction of those who defend more costly deceptions ? So that in fact these defenders are in fact fairly chargeable with providiug excuses for the most miserable expedients of sham showy architecture. 266 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECrS JOURNAL. [Sept. Let u« consider for a moment what are the imitations most generally prac- tised. By far the most common of them is the expedient of smearing over the honest hricks actually employed in the construction of a house with a coating of plaster, on which vertical and horizontal lines art drawn with the point of the trowel. It may be fairly assumed that at least half of the newer houses in London are ornamented in this way. Occasionally the lines, espe- cially inside churches, are drawn in black lead ! What miserable expedients are these ? Can any one for a moment be induced to suppose that a few thin black lines represent the joints of real masonry? They show all the intention of deceiving, but are too clumsy to effect the deception. Another favourite expedient is to paint the stucco of a uniform colour, and then. ?pa< ..1 207.. 1 27 ..1 37 ft. to a ton 13 3 to I ■18.. 1 lOi ft. to 1 h P 20li ft. 34 ft. 4 In. 2107 40rt 14 17 ft. 3 in. 7.. 6 .. 6.. I .. 6068 4.'<7 1-5 to 1 2.. 1 3 9.. 1 3-3 . . 1 4-2 . . 1 6.. 1 9.. 1 11-6.. k 14.. 1 1-5.. U3 ft. 37 ft. 9 In. 3.. 2262 1571 304 13 ft. 9 in. 18 ft. 6 in. 7 .. 7.. 2 in. 5882 635 390 1-5 to 1 2.. 1 6.. 1 3.. 1 4.. 1 4» .. 1 8.. 1 10.. 1 13 220 ft. 40 .. 23 ft. 6 In. CaOvSlJ" ca.side) -5" 283« 2068 517 16 ft. 6 in. 19 ft. 7 ft. 2 In. 7540 CIS 468 l-.'i to 1 2 . . 1 4 .. 1 3-34 . . 1 4-4.. 1 107 h.p. to 1 ft 1-5 .. 1.. 1| tons. 8i miles. 72 12 roiles. 144 Two 74 in. 7 ft. Inettrly 2-4.. r 3-8 .. 1 2-87 .. 1 12-.i.. 1 16 .. 1 15 .. 1 0-84 1 U6 1 ton 3 cwt. 8J 72 12 144 Two 72 6 ft. 10 In. 7 .. 1 2.. 1 2-1 .. 1 37 .. 1 2-6 .. 1 11 .. 1 15.. 1 19.. 1 0-67 078 1 ton. 8 64 11 121 Two 64 5 ft. 6 in. 64. t*i. 12 . 14 . 17. 2 1 . »-6.. 1 2-66 .. 1 12-2.. 1 16.. 1 14i.. 1 0-85 11 H tons. 8 64 II 121 Two 62 10 ft. i« n. 36 ft. 10 in. 70" 2400 1907 476 14 ft. 6 in. 18 ft. 6.. 8. 6633 488 337 4 . 3-9 . h:i . 6 84. 84 . 12 . 14 . 1-5 . 25 . 35 . 2 76 . Ul-6 . IS . 14 . 0-97 1-3 U Ton. 84 72 114 132 Two 60 9 ft. 10 Id 2iiS ft 36 ft. 10 in. 23 . . 4 . . 2360 1776 14 ft. 3 in. 18 ft. e.. 7 .. 522 386 1-65 to 1 2-09 . 405.. 3 4S.. 4-6 .. 6-65 .. 84.. 11-6 .. 14.. 1-6 .. 2-07 . , 1 ta.p. 1 ft. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2'5 .. 1 S-66 ft. to 1 t. 277 .. 1 12 5 .. 1 16-B .. 1 14-6 .. 1 h.p 0-86 115 IJ Tons. bi miles. 68-8 114 132 Two 664 in. 7 ft. 10 in. iKl It. 6 in. 34 .. 6 .. IJ .. 66" (28") 68" 1320 750 302 lift. 12.. 21n. 5 .. 44 in. 6024 3.'i4 320 1 26 tol 1 26.. I 2-48 .. I 2-1 ..I 2;i4 . . 1 6-22.. 1 il5 16 16 2-9 2-9 2-9 67 »-8 142 167 16-6 .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 154 ft. 168 ft. 30 ft. 8 in {32 ft. 7 in. 14.. 8. .113.. 2.. 0-85 0-94 14 ton. 11 121 114 132 Two 5j In. 9 ft. 933 650 166 8 ft. « in. 10.. 12.. 4.. 7.. 4.. 6.. »85 285 187 1-6 to I 2-2 .. 1 4 16 . 2-3 . 3-6 . 6-4 . 184 . 13 19 , 1-8 .. 1 2-4 .. 1 »-4 .. 1 5-8 4 134.. 1 20 .. 1 24 .. 1 1126 700 229 9 ft. 8 in. II .. 3 ft. 6 in. 4.. II . 320 253 1-38 to 1 1-73.. I 3-32 . . 1 22 3-42 5-3 13 14 17 2-8 2-66 . . I 31 .. 1 fij.. 1 »-9 .. 1 1372.. 1 17-8 .. 1 20.. 1 0-56 0-81 4 too. 8 64 11 110 Two 42i 4 ft. 7 in 07 .. 1 «-86.. 1 1 ton. 94 miles. 92 111 121 Two 47 I 6 ft. 9 in. SPECIFICATIONS AND PROPOSITIONS. CLASS C. CLASS D. General average of General average of South Gladia- Neptune." Naragansett. America. New York. Class C. Balloon. tor. Class D. 221 ft. 212 ft. 6 in. 260 ft. 230 ft. 228 ft. 160 ft. 190 ft. 176 ft. 25 .. 27., a .. 23 .. 25 ft. 6 in. H .. 22.. •JO .. 13.. 6 in. 10.. 4.. ight load tine. ^50 (124" ea-) 9..3ln. 15" 74" each. U .. 11.. 7 ..6in. 9 ft. 3 in. 8 ft. 3 in. deep 30" 230 114" each. 324" lejo each 28" 645 654 621 496 580 206 430 318 745 596 624 682 637 216 3d7 301 193 242 216 181 208 58 130 94 6 ft. 6 in. 6 ft. 6 in. 6 ft. 4 ft. 9 is. 6 ft. 8 in. 4 ft. 6 ft. 5 ft. 7.. 6.. 7.. 6.. 6.. 6.. 7..1 5 .. 6 11. 9 in. 6 .. 7.. 9.. 5.. 6 ft. 3 in. 6ft.9io. 6 ft. 2 in. 4 ft. 3 In. 4 ft. 6 in. 4 ft. 6 hi. 3.. 1.. 3 .. 1 in. 2.. 6 .. 2.. 7 .. 2.. 10.. 3.. 4 .. I..64.. 2.. 5 .. 4126 ft. 4218 4528 38.''0 4180 2160 2934 l.'>4 166 134 115 142 72 111 91 130 140 108 93 118 64 95 74 2-26 to 1 1 -81 to 1 1-86 to 1 2-6 to 1 211 tol 1-8 tol 1'8 to 1 1-8 tol 2-67 . . 1 2-3 ..1 2-85 .. 1 2 91 .. 1 2 68.. 1 2'25.. I 2 .. 1 212.. 1 1-8 .. 1 2-46.. 1 3.. 1 i-2 .. 1 31 .. 1 37 .. I 3 .. 1 «-4 ..1 h.p. 4-8 . . 1 foot. 3-6 .. 1 4-S .. 1 5 .. 1 4-6 .. 1 2-86.. 1 3-6.. 1 3-18.. 1 foot. .57 .. 1 4-2 .. 1 6-8 .. 1 62 .. 1 64.. I 4.. 1 4.. 1 4 ton to 1 9 . . 1 nearly 8 .. Inear. 94 . 1 1(1 .. 1 9 .. 1 near. 9 . . 1 near. 87 .. 1 8-9 ..1 16.. 1 204.. 1 27 .. 1 20 ..1 214.. 1 21.. 1 20 6.. 1 208 .. 1 294 . . 1 28 .. 1 36 ..1 38 .. 1 33 .. 1 32 . . 1 28 . . I 30 .. I 34.. I 324.. 1 414.. I 48 .. 1 39 .. 1 4».. 1 32.. I 36 .. 1 1-9.. 1 2 6 .. 1 3 .. I near. 2 .. 1 2-4 .. 1 2 5 .. 1 2-4 .. 1 2-5 .. 1 3i.. 1 3-6 .. 1 44.. 1 3-8 ..I 3-8 ..1 3-5 .. I 3-3 . . 1 3-4 .. 1 4 . . 1 nearly 4 .. 1 6-4.. 1 4-8 ..1 4-5 .. 1 44.. 1 3-6 . . 1 4 .. 1 5-5 .. 1 7-8 .. 1 7 3.. 1 6-6 .. 1 68 .. 1 ton. 10.. 1 7-58.. 1 8 8 .. 1 ton. 6-4 .. 1 6 6 ..1 87 .. 1 7-8 .. 1 7-4 .. 1 .. 107 .. 1 7.. 1 8 8 ..I 27.. 1 25-6 .. 1 34.. 1 M .. I SO .. 1 24 . . 1 26.. 1 26 .. 1 32.. 1 .30 .. 1 42 . . 1 41 .. 1 36 .. 1 30 . . 1 31.. 1 304 . . 1 21 .. I 1/ . 1 21 .. 1 21 .. 1 21 .. 1 h.p 37 .. 1 23 . . 1 30 .. 1 1-2 h. p. to I ft. 1-46 .. 1 1-61 .. 1 1-H ..1 1-47 ..1 foot 0-8 . 1 1-17 1 h.p. to afoot 1-4 . 1.. 17 .. I 2 .. 1 2 nearly. 1-8 ..1 107 .. 1 i:)8 l':2 h.p. to a ft Uton. IJ ton. 1 ton. 1 ton. 14 ton. 10 cwt. 15 cwt. 124 cwt. 12 12 13 13 124 miles. 12 124 124 miles. 144 144 169 169 156 144 156 160 14 14 15 15 144 miles. 14 miles. 144 144 196 19 i 226 225 210 196 210 203 •'>0 in. 56 in. 54 in. 62 in. 53 in. 28 in. 42 36 in. 11 It. 6 in. lift. 6 in. lift. 10 ft. 1 1 ft.! 11 It. lift. 11 ft. 1 Length between perpendiculars 2 Breadth between paddle boxes 3 Depth of hold 4 Dividing angle of the bow at deep load line 51 . . .. at ihe deck 6 Entire weight with full load, (chiefly estimated) 7 Measured tonnage, as per rule offered 8 Horse power of engine, as per rule offered 9 Draft of water at common or light load lOi . . n*ith fuel and stores for 1000 miles route ll| .. .. .. 3000 .. 12 Height of deck line (top of midship beam ends) above I water, at greatest load 13 Depth of centre of gravity of displacement of midship cross section, at full load 14. Area of deep load line, or water surface covered by the vessel 15jArea of midship cross section, immersed at greatest load. 16 ,. .. .. common or light load 17 Buoyancy to entire weight at full load (reukoning top of beam ends midship) 18 . . . . at common or light load l9. Proportion of measured tonnage to horse power 20 .. to each foot of immersed cross sec, full load 2l| .. .. .. .. light 22i Proportion of length to breadth .. 23 .. depth of hoi 24 . . draft of water at full load 23 .. .. light load 26 ., breadth to depth of hold 27 .. .. todraftof water at full load 28 .. .. .. .. light load .. 29 Area of bearing surface (No. 14) to measured tonnage .. 30 ..to en'.ire weight at full load 31 .. to area of immersed cross section full load 32 .. .. .. .. light load 33 .. to horse power of engine 34 Horse power to each ft. ot immersed cross sec. at full load a!* .. . . . . . . at light load 36 Estimate of coal used per hour with full fires .. *. 37 Estimated average spted at full load 38 Comparative efficiency of movement at this speed 39 Kstiraated average speed at light load 40 Comparative efficiency of movement at this speed 41 Diameter of cylinder In inches 42j Length of stroke .1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECrS JOURNAL. 269 ON RUSTICATION. By Candidus. Taking at his word the writer who has just decried Rustication as being no better than the counterfeit of deformity ; and believing, or at least pre- tending to believe, him sincere when he declares his willingness " to be set right," I purpose to do so — at any rate, to make it apparent to others t hat he has been setting them wrong, — to expose the futility and one-sidedness of his objections, and to convict him either of great intolerance in some mat- ters, or of great inconsistency in tolerating in others what may have similar objections may be enforced against with equal plausibility. That Rustica- tion is most decidedly expressive of stonework construction, and that it renders the articulation of masonry more prononci, is not to be denied. Buildings are not supposed to be e.xstructcit or carved out of solid masses, they being known to consist of separate stones put together in courses ; wherefore there can be no impropriety — nothing irrational in permitting such compaction and bonding to declare itself* to the eye, and become a mode of decoration for the general surface of the walls, which, accord- ingly as it is treated, may be expressive chielly of rude strength and energy, or of finished elegance and elaborate symmetry. While it is so uni- form that it does not at all cut up the surface and distract the eye — there- fore, is not destructive of simplicity — it gives the surface richness, crisp- ness, and colour, and forms a ground that greatly relieves pilasters and other architectural members, causing them to appear more distinct. So far from deserving to be stigmatized as a deformity or studied counterfeit of it. Rustication appears to me to be perfectly legitimate and ajsthetic — at least in itself, for like everything else, it may be made to minister to bad taste as well as to good. One formidable argument levelled against Rustication, and intended to operate as a complete demolisher, is that it was not practised by the Greeks ; at least, not at the best period of their Doric style. Yet what then ? — are we at once to condemn, without further inquiry, everything that does not accord with Greek practice? Is it pretended to be affirmed that the Greeks, who contented themselves with just one or two ideas in their temple architecture, so completely exhausted all the modes of beauty, and all the resources of design available for any similar style, as to leave 113 no other alternative than either doing precisely as they did, or plunging into deformity ? Because severe simplicity was the character of the Par- thenon, is it to be that of every other structure ? Are critics to be allowed to make use of the Parthenon for ever as a bed of Procustes, by which they take measure of every building, lopping off from the unlucky one which has fallen into their clutches, whatever of it exceeds that infallible standard of excelleuce ? The Parthenon w as, unquestionably, most ex- quisite both as to material and execution, as it was constructed of large blocks of white Pentelic marble, so admirably wrought that the jointings of the masonry were imperceptible. But to that kind of beauty our buildings may not aspire — we have neither the marble nor the climate of Greece. Our best ashlar stone-work will not retain perfect uniformity of tint and surface, and even were it to do, and could it be so wrought that the masonry joints would not at all be seen, the effect, it may be presumed, would be no other than that of good stucco, — of course more durable, but no better in appearance than the other, so long as the stucco remains in good condition. It is, therefore, an advantage that we are enabled by means of Rustication to turn the masonry jointings to account, and to pro- duce a difTereut species of regularity and beauty of surface. If we are to abide by Grecian architecture alone, and to reject all that has been added to or engrafted upon it, only as so many corruptions of it, we ought not only to protest against Roman and Italian architecture, but ought to abandon the study of them, lest we should catch infection from them. The Florentine style more especially must be held in aversion by those who perceive neither grandeur, vigour, nor any other merit in Rus- tication, but only unqualified deformity, and what the writer whom I am trying " to set right" is pleased to brand by the intended-to-be-ignominious terms of " tatooed masonry" and mere " surface decoration." He will have it that '' as soon as chamfered masonry is introduced, all simplicity is lost at once, each stone assuming a separate individuality ;" yet, as it appears to me, he might just as well maintain that a striped dress is incon- sistent with perfect simplicity of attire; or — to keep to architecture— that a striped — in other words, a fluted — column is contrary to simplicity and is a barbarism, a shaft so decorated being in fact neither more nor less than " tatooed," while each of the fillets " assumes a separate individuality;" and the beautiful rotundity of the shaft itself being greatly impaired by * The reader will excuse the singular or can substitute the plural number for it. such unlucky " surface decoration." Even the Greeks themselves then, it would seem, were not altogether infallible; and besides being at vari- ance with what appear to be some persons' notions of true simplicity, what meaning is there in the fluting of a column ? — what does it express? — most assuredly nothing constructional, whereas Rustication docs. It has been supposed by some that the first idea of fluting was derived from fissures in the shafts of wooden columns, or from channels worn by the rain ou the surface of stone ones, — an hypothesis, however, that must henceforth be rejected with scorn, because it would make out the Greeks to have been guilty of such very bad taste as to condescend to counterfeit defects and deformities, which would have been an inexcusable enormity, notwithstanding that so counterfeited what were originally defects became beauties. There were very strong aesthetic reasons — too generally known to require to be stated here — which induced the Greeks to adopt the prac- tice of fluting, if such term be not " too dignified" for the scoring produced by " mere streaks," and for the absurdity of covering the shafts of columns ^•tillovci' with mouldings," May not the deep channels employed for the flutings of Ionic and Co- rinthian columns be reproachfully described by the terms " gashes" and " incisions," with just as much fairness as the channelled joints of rus- ticated masonry ? Diflicult it surely would not be for any one so disposed to get up — upon paper — a pretty strong case against the practice of fluting columns as an unmeaning one at the best, as one at variance with simpli- city, and partaking more of disfigurement than of embellishment. It is contended by the writer who has laboured to prove — and who, no doubt, fancies that he has clearly proved, both the irrationality and bad taste manifested by Rustication — that when employed together with columns, the horizontal channels appear to cut athwart the shafts of the latter and "destroy that idea of verticality which is their essential attri- bute;" of which injurious eflect, he quotes the peristyle of La Madeleine as an instance. Now, had he chosen to say that the columns appear to cut athwart the horizontal lines of the rusticated wall behind thein, he might have done so in welcome, and have made out of that circumstance as much as he could for argument against Rustication ; but as he did not do so, it is for him now to make out how the columns appear to be cut through by lines which they themselves cut by interrupting and iutercept- ing. It is, therefore, rather the idea of horizonlaliUj as expressed by the courses of masonry is destroyed, than that of verticality, which latter is rendered all the more evident by the direct contrast between horizontal and vertical lines so produced. But of the value of contrast the critic who has detected such equally unlucky and curious appearance in La Madeleine seems to have no idea. Fortunate, therefore, is it for the credit of the Grecian-Doric style itself that it is protected by the aegis of classical precedent and authority, else were it ever to suit his immediate purpose to do so, the same writer would probably not scruple to censure as an ab- surdity the intermixture of triglyphs and sculpture iu the Doric frieze. With far greater plausibility of argument than he has now used, he might urge that if sculpture is to be introduced, the triglyphs ought to be dis- missed ; or if the latter must be retained, the metopes ought to be left plain, since sculpture and triglyphs together mutually destroy each other's effect, and produce a most unsatisfactory jumble the very reverse of sim- plicity. Instead of being kept continuous, the sculpture, it might be argued, is cut up into bits and fragments ; each piece of it assumes a separate individuality, and really appears to be " set in a frame ;" besides which, the sculpture of course seems to cut the triglyphs themselves athwart, precisely in the same manner as the rustic joints ou a wall behind columns cut athwart the columns in front. After being so exercised, cri- ticism might descend — might stoop down to examine the steps of Greek Doric temples, and attack with ridicule the deep moulded channel cut below in the front of each of them, as being a marked defect, and causing the steps to appear undermined and weakened. To be sure, those grooves contribute to a;sthetic effect; and if that be sufficient excuse for what, if now done for the first time, would be reprobated as a caprice, excuse may be extended to other cases. Having pointed out circumstances in pure Greek architecture, upon which the same sort of captious hypercriticism might be brought to bear which protests so peevishly against Rustication, we follow the writer's remarks, and next find him just after observing that the sunk-channels in Rusticated work cannot be received as " mouldings" — and who has ever called them such ? — talking of the absurdity of a building '■ all over mould- ings ;" so that in one and the same breadth, he denies and admits them to be equivalent to mouldings. As to confusion being produced by so many lines of that kind on a building — that may be left to contradict itself — is, 35 S70 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Skpt. in fact, BfroDsW contradicted by the exterior of Newgate, which is cha- racterized by breadth of surface, but which, had it not been Rusticated, would have been comparatively an insipid blank; although admirably combined in its general composition, in which respect it fulfils a condition which the writer in question has made a very stringent one, although it is frequently quite impracticable.. "It may be safely asserted," he says, that no buildings, whatever may be the style adopted, can be architectur- ally effective unless some portions of the building throw shadows on the remainder." No doubt, bold relief and chiaroscuro contrasts are highly valuable and impart unwonted spirit and energy to a composition ; and the same distribution of projecting and receding parts which produces shadow, produces also great varietyof perspective effect. Yet, except in some few cases, how is it possible to plan town buildings so as to obtain tlie requisite breaks for the purpose in the general line of frontage? Of what can street architecture chiefly consist if not of what so greatly excites the writer's positive indignation, viz., " show fronts" towards the street, and "surface decoration" upon them,— terms which are quite favourite and pet ones with him, and invariably intended to be emiuently reproachful ? If, wiihout regard to its merits in what it does show, we are to be dis- satisfied with every building that does not stand quite Insulated, and so as to show itself on every side,— if that is to be made a sine qua non, we must be prepared for being very much out of humour for a very long while locome. There is no help for it; so let us console ourselves by fairly damning modern architecture altogether, as our philosophical writer appears disposed to do himself, and, if he can, to prevail on others to do 50 likewise. We cannot, however, afford to damn it just yet, because we have not yet quite done with Kustication.— Rough rubble-work, we are told— not that there was much occasion for the information,— would be unfit for the cella of a Greek temple, because " the coarseness of the workmanship would be quite out of character with the rest ;" and by this it is intended to be insinuated that every mode of Rustication must be equally unsuitable for the same style. Is there then, I ask, no distinction of character be- tween rubble-work and rusticated masonry ?— none between the coarse workmanship and rough surface of the one, and the uniform regularity and elaborate workmanship of the other? This dilference— which striking as it seems, the writer does not perceive, or else wilfully shuts his eyes to it, — n-oes very far towards answering what he says when he calls upon those who would defend Rustication, to point out wherefore, if unexceptionable ir. itself, such mode of masonry should not be equally proper for buildings in the Pointed as in the Classic style. He affects very innocently to won- der what can possibly be " the characteristic differences between the two styles," that they require, at least admit of, different modes of masonry for them, just after he had himself said that rubble-work would be incoa- gruiius in a Grecian edifice. If Rustication is to be held illegitimate, and to be renounced because it does not become all styles alike, the irregular masonry of the stonework in Gothic buildings, together with brickwork, flintwork and rubble, may be all set down as vicious and absurd, unless it can be shown Ihat Ihey are just as appropriate for the Classic as in the Pointed and Old English styles. As well might we be told we ought to be " prepared to adapt" flutings to columns in the Pointed style as well as in the Classic, or else abandon such decoration altogether. Thediflerence ofcharacler between the twostyles,orrat'herthetwodistinct architectural rncfs, is so great that hardly any one except the writer whose opinions and dicta I am controverting, would propose to reject Rustication because though it accords with the idiom and practice of the one style, it is contrary to the practice, and therefore to the idiom of the other. Had rubble-work been used in classic buildings, it would have belonged to the classic idiom of the art ; and in like manner had that species of masonry which is distinguished by the term Rustication been practised by the me- difcval archilecis, it would have been incorporated with the rest of their system of design, and would have become idiomatic and characteristic. Separate styles have, like separate languages, their respective idioms and peculiarities ; but though peculiarities widely differing from each other, it does not follow that tliey are therefore contrary to those universal and ca- tholic principles which apply to all styles of the art alike. In architecture a very great deal is purely conventional, and might be applied indiffe- rently were it not tliat custom has stamped such or such particular mode as belonging to a particular style, as being a part of its costume, conse- quently proper to that, though in any other it might show as a decided impropriety. Possildy, therefore, it will still be pertinaciously maintained, that Rustication is foreign to pure Grecian architecture— a departure from its costume : true; but it is Roman, and so far legitimately antique and classic, quite as much as the Roman, or what we call the Corinthian, order itself And if the nom,wism which so decidedly pervades La Madeleine in all other respects be not objected to, wherefore should its Romanism in legard to Rustication and the " surface decoration" of its walls be con- demned as nothing less than a barbarism at variance with all classical pre- cedent' If we ought henceforth to abide strictly by pure Greek architec- ture, just as it was practised by the Greeks themselves in such temples as the Parthenon, without presuming to adopt into it innovations of any kind -not even those which have become to ourselves rather arcUisms than in- novations, let us be told so explicitly ; but let those who would enforce such doctrine, keep to their own bond. Let them reject and discard all and every thing that is at variance with Grecian practice and costuine-- that is, the costume of Greek temples, almost the only class of Greek buildings which we are sufficiently acquainted with to be able to judge of them correctly asa class,-aDd then perhaps they will discover to what ex- ceedingly limited resources they will have restricted architecture; yet whether even then all of them would actually confess as much, may be questioned, for some of them might feel far more exultation in having gain- ed their own point, than any sort of concern for the consequences to archi- tecture itself And this seems to be the case with some who not having any real affection for the art, seem to regard it only as a very good subject for them to discourse and debate about, more or less fluenlly, caring for little else than displaNing their own expertness in logomachy. One cha- racteristic of such critics and criticism, is that bigotted intolerance which peremptorily decides every thing to be wrong which differs from their own exclusive standard of what is excellent and right ;-nor is it at all difficult to make it appear to those who are content to look merely at one side of a question, and take up with a decisive and seemingly firmly settled opinion without further trouble to themselves,-that whatever deviates from such standard must of course be wrong. My opponent— at least, the writer to whom I have here presented myself as an opponent, is certainly most intolerant of Rustication, for he insists that it is absolutely intolerable-a gross abuse and absurdity that ought to be no longer tolerated by us at all, nor any longer be recognized as a mode of decoration to which the architect can have recourse on suitable occasions. How greatly I differ from him is sufficiently attested by this vindication of Rusticated masonry.-which, indeed, I could wish to see more frequently and more effectively made use of among us than it now is I am very far, however, from intending to recommend it as an infalli- ble nostrum, or as what ought to be applied iu all cases. Rustication may be well or ill applied ; may be either very good of its kind, or very bad; yet the bad is so far from justly discrediting the good, that it rather adds to the merit of the latter. Were not such the case, some of our modern specimens of it would long ere this have brought -pure Classic architec- ture" into utter discredit among us, they being far more deserving of " detestation" than that " debased Classic architecture" which had openly revolted from Classic precedent, had thrown off allegiance from it, and had rendered itself independent of it. FENESTRATION AND WINDOWS. Audi Alteram Pastem. Although another writer has in the interim taken up the subject of the Decoration of Windows, and given his opinions upon it, especially as regards the emploving columns for such purpose, that is so very far from frustrating the intention hinted at by us in a note (page 130), in the article on the FitzwiU^am Museum, by forestalling what we meant to say, as rather to stimulate us to take up our pen without further delay. Having thus ap- prized the readers of this Journal that the remarks, in the May number, on the building just mentioned, proceeded from ourselves, we may be permitted to confess our surprise at finding, the following month, a second paper on the Fitzwilliam Museum, denying it all those particular merits as a piece of architecture, which had been claimed for it by ourselves. Had that second article distinctly announced itself to be the production of a second writer, and intended to reply to and correct the criticism that had just before ap- peared, the sort of mvstification that must now have been occasioned by it would have been avoided. Strangely enough, it did not even take the slightest notice of what had been previously said,— no more than if nothing had been said at all, at any rate nothing more than a mere account of the building, without any criticism upon it. Admiration was still professed ; IS 16.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 271 only it was made out after all that every tiling in it which had leen espe- cially admired just before, was naught, and that the uesign would have heen infiuitely better, were it almost the reverse of what it is ; wherefore we may consider is fortunate for us that what we had said was not formally contra- dicted and cut up. Tardy as it is, this explanation is due both to ourselves and to the Journal,*— for the latter not undesirable, since it exculpates it from what must have looked like inconsistency. We are very far from wishing — to say the truth, have more conceit of our- selves than to desire that opinions which militate against our own should be suppressed ; and we only claim in return that ours be not suppressed, be- cause they happen not to accord with those of other persons. Differ we most assuredly do very strongly, both from the author of the article " On the Employment of Columns and Pediments as Window Mouldings,"— (mouldings seems a terra very oddly applied to columns), — and from Dr. Fulton, — who has mistaken a ludicrously droll and whimsical comparison for argument ad alsurdmn against window pediments, and has flourished it about accordingly for the purpose of intimidating those who allow themselves to be scared by words and nicknames. But before we begin to speak of windows themselves, it may be as well to say something on "Fenestration" generally, — its influence on design and composition, and the characteristic physiognomy occasioned by it. Rather strange to say, it is one of those subjects which so far from being taken up are scarcely even approximated to in architectural " treatises," and didactic writings of that kind ; and when it has been touched upon elsewhere, it has been only aslant, and to fly ofi" from it again in a tangent. While of speaking of columns there has been no end, hardly a word has been uttered as to the essentials and conditions of Columni- alion ; and in like manner, instruction with regard to windows is confined to a few ordinary matter-of-fact rules — without anything being said of Fene- stration as a system. Nevertheless that and Columniation are two such de- cidedly distinct systems, that buildings now classed together as belonging to one general style might properly enough be further distinguished accordingly as they belong to, or most partake of the one or the other of the two diff'e- rent modes. Neither are the two systems merely different forms, but hostile and repugnant to, and almost incompatible with each other. They conflict so obstinately — what is required by the one is so strongly opposed to what is demanded by the other, that scarcely any treatment, however dexterous, can efl^ectually reconcile them, or effect more than a tolerable compromise. That windows are totally at variance with the effect attending genuine antique columniation, whose columns are backed by a continuous surface of wall, unbroken by openings for admission of light, is indisputable. If not destructive of beauty, they are destructive of the effect — associated with ideas of classical taste — which results from their absence. Wherefore it generally happens that the more ambitiously and rigorously classical purity of style is aimed at in all other respects, columniation included, the more offensive and incongruous does fenestration show itself. It avails not to say that it is matter of sheer necessity, — that windows there must be, unless the building — however else it may be divided within — has no division of floors, in which case it may be best of all lighted through ceilings and roof. If such unavoidable necessity sufliciently excuses the fenestration, it at the same time condemns the practice of mixing up that and columniation for the nonce, when it is, or to be, known beforehand how greatly the effect of the latter must be impaired by the former. That very necessity which is pleaded by way of apology, ought to be sufficient argument against a style which, however scrupulously copied in regard to matters of mere detail and mechanical ex- ecution, must be violated altogether in what constitutes its genuine and pe- culiar physiognomy. The necessity for numerous apertures in the walls for windows proves thatapjwcGreekstyle is not the one for us at the present day, it being only in very rare cases, and under peculiar circumstances that it can be adhered to with tolerable fidelity and consistency. Quite idle is it to point out to ns the Parthenon as if it were a model expressly fitted for mo- dern purposes. At any rate it ought at the same time to be pointed out also that the sine qua non condition of being faithful to its Doric idiom, as well as to individual forms of detail, should be observed and attended to. In such modern structures as the Walhalla near Regensburg, and the Ma- eleine at Paris, which being lighted within entirely from above, could there- fore be made peristylar externally, without any intermixture of windows, • There was a signature attached to the second article on the Fitxwlltiam Museum, which would plainly have distinguished it, as coming from another writer, but it hap- pened, moat uofortunately, to be omitted hy the printer.— £d. C. E. and A. Jommal, the simple dignity of columniation and the repose which ought to accompany it, can easily enough be kept up. So also is it when columniation in the form of portico or colonnade is employed for embellishing that side of a building, where windows can be dispensed with, as is the case with the fa9ade of the Berlin Museum, the Filzwilliam Museum, and the East or principal front of St. George's Hall, Liverpool. Fenestration and Columniation are two modes of architectural composition, requiring such very different treatment, and productive of such opposite character, that they mutually neutralize the good eft'ect which e.ich might be made to ensure separately. What would be well proportioned and dignified as an astylar front, becomes almost inevitably more or less discordant, and out of character as the background to any colonnade whose pillars are erected in advance of it. Either the colonnade itself has the lock of being an after- thought, an addition — whether made for convenience sake, or for mere ostentation, — to what was or ought to have been complete without it. On the other hand, the main structure itself looks as if it had been erected be- hind a previously existing range of columns, originally belonging to an edifice very differently constituted. While the columns seem as much to encumber as to adorn the front behind them, certainly not to belong to it by evidently growing out of the general organization, the windows — be they ever so un- exceptionable in themselves, become blemishes, inasmuch as they cut up the general composition, nay, the graceful simplicity of a colonnade, and contra- dict the would-be-classical taste which is affected by merely sticking up a few classical columns. Many preposterous instances of the kind are to be met with in the buildings erected some few years ago when we were in the heyday of our Greekomania. Of such examples we might mention scores, but will content ourselves with one — nor is it by any means the worst, viz., the Law Institution in Chancery Lane, which exhibits the front of a Greek Ionic tetrastyle in antis temple, stuck up before one that is totally different in costume, filled in with windows— it being bouselike, and therefore posi- tively undignified, intimately associated as it is with what reproaches it for being homely and dowdy. Well is it, perhaps, therefore that columns can- not kick, or they would frequently be tempted to kick down what stands just behind them. In fact so far from being at all fit to become yoke-mates, Fenestration and Columniation pull in such contrary directions as to leave only a choice of in- conveniences. One of them may be good, or the other may be good, but hardly can both be rendered so or if it be attempted, the result is likely to be that both the one and the other, will prove on a par by being equally un- satisfactory. While good Fenestration requires wide spacing, good Columnia- tion requires just the reverse, otherwise it is attended with a look of meagre- ness and meanness — the very same defects that are- produced by close spacing or joycnos/y/e disposition of the piers between the windows in Fenestration. If there are windows in a wall behind a range of columns, corresponding with the intercolumns, harmony requires that those openings should par- take of the proportions of the intercolumns themselves, that is, be very nar- row and lofty, and even then such openings will appear crowded together and be destructive of all breadth of surface and repose behind the columns, they being confined to the alternate intercolumns, as is the case in the portico of the Chambre des Deputes at Paiis, which consists of twelve columns in front, consequently eleven intercolumns, but has only five aper- tures (doors) in its background. Therefore in that example — and we are not aware of any similar one, the two different systems are admirably re- conciled, and for each the particular mode of spacing which it demands, it duly observed : — a merit which, remarkable as it is, has never before been pointed out by any of those who have spoken of that facade, — not even by Woods himself. In some cases the Gordian knot has been attempted to be cut by putting the columns in pairs, thereby obtaining great width for the intercolumns, and the breadth of two columns and a half between them. Yet although this obviates the inconvenience of thick set windows and narrow piers, it ij objected to as an impropriety — by architectural puritans at least, who will have it to be a downright solecism, because not sanctioned by classical /jrc- cedent ; which is surely being over scrupulous and hypercritical, for where can they find precedent for windows at all within a Greek or Roman colonnade ? If they can tolerate the one innovation, they have no right to be very much scandalized at the other. One not unusual mode of getting over the difficulty — at least so it seems to be thought — and obtaining sufficiently narrow iutercoiumuiation, at the 35* 272 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Sept- same time avoiding disagreeable narrow proportions for the piers between the windows, is to adopt a macrottyle order for the colonnade, including two floors of the building behind it, and two scries of windows. Consequently these latter become small openings, in height at least, as compared with the columns, and by their frequency tend still more than ever to cut up and dis- turb the surface behind the columns. Uhile greatness is aifected by the order, littleness — comparative littleness at least, is expressed by the fenestra- tion, and the inner wall assumes a most unlucky resemblance to an astylar composition, in whose physiognomy Fenestration is intended to predominate, and from which Columniation is intended to be excluded ; so that while the windows are a sad drawback upon the pomp and classical style affected by the order, the order itself serves chiefly to put us out of conceit with the Fenestration. Your Pecksniffs, indeed, get over the difficulty very easily by making no difficulty of it at all. They merely make so many holes for the windows, which being left quite bare of dressings, are not to be considered as belong- ing or intended to belong to the architecture it all: the columns are the things to be looked at ; the windows to be overlooked. Yet would it not he far more economic and answer the purpose just as well, to leave it to the imagination to put in columns, in the same manner which it is now called up to put out windows, by fancjing them away ? .\11 things considered, if an order must be employed in conjunction with Fenestration, the best way perhaps, is to make use of it avowedly as decora- tion, either with pilasters or attached columns, so that the intercolumniation can be regulated according to, or rather accommodates itself without further difficulty to the spacing which is most suitable for the windows ; without occasioning that straggling look which would attend a colonnade whose pillars were at the same, or any thing near the same intervals apart. There J3 at least a certain degree of compactness and solidity attending such inti- mate combination of columnar architecture and fenestration ; whereas co- lumniation is mostly so employed as to appear something quite adscititious— a mere hors d'ceuvre, and perhaps an inconvenient and encumbering one into the bargain. Wilkins, who plumed himself so much upon his rigorous observance of classical proportions as to intercolumniation in the portico of the \ationaI Gallery, does not seem to have duly considered the consequences of it in regard to the interior of the portico. Had there been within only a single door of loftier proportions, recessed as at present between two columns in antis, there would have been nothing to contradict or disturb the close interco- lumniation affected for it ; whereas now the interior looks crowded-up even to confusion, and the end doors are of too wide and low proportions, so as to appear crammed into the spaces they occupy, although those spaces cor- respond to two intercolumns in frout. There is another species of combination of the two systems (columnar and fenestrated) which ought to be noticed, namely, that wherein columniation is employed only for one or more distinct portions of a facade, the rest of it neing astylar and fenestrated. The Post Office exemplifies such combination the centre portion exhibiting columniation without windows, and the two next fenestration only ; while the extreme compartments of the front display, both fenestration and columniation together ; the latter however as mere embellishment, because though the columns are insulated, they do not form any sort of practicable colonnade or loggia, therefore seem still more idle and useless than such as by being attached to a wall appear in some degree to per- form the office of buttresses to it. 'Well, what is the effect of the combina- tion alluded to ? — does it not partake rather too mucn of the sandwich, the composition being that produced by mere juxtaposition ? 'We behold a por- tico of temple-like aspect clapped between what look like two distinct build- ings, altogether different from it in character and style — constituting a sort of macaronic architecture — and by no means very satisfactory in themselves. Of the window dressings we need not speak, they being Utile more than architectural fig-leaves to screen positive nudity ; but the fenestration itself is poor and undignified; the windows are too close together, neither is there sufficient space between the two tiers of them ; whence there is nothing of that simplicity which arises from breadth and repose. Notwithstanding however the odd patching together of modern poly fenestration with the windowless system of the Greeks, the Post Office was hailed at first by the Greekoraania of the day, as something vastly classical ; and so well satisfied with it is the architect himself, that he is now giving us a second edition of it in the facade of the British Museum. — Pity, he is so slow about it, for Greekomania will be all evaporated before that chef-d'ceuvre of pure classical taste, " neat as imported," be completed. Id the two buildings erected as detached wings to the Museum fayade, we have fenestration between a single order of pilasters, carried the height of three floors, which mode certainly preserves due width of spacing as regards the pilasters themselves, but it causes the windows to appear meagre and insignificant, and too much cramped up. One Greek example of a design for windows there is, namely that atTorded by the Triple Temple at Athens, which we could wish had never been made known to us, because then it is most likely that when they wanted windows for buildings in the Grecian Ionic style, architects would have derived ideas for the purpose, from the exquisitely beautiful doorway in the tetrastyle por- tico of the edifice just mentioned, whose highly finished and delicate ornate- ness correspond perfectly with that of the order ; whereas the window does not partake of, or agree with the order at all ; there being no more than a very plain border round the aperture, deflned by an external moulding. Yet this unlucky precedent has been taken by us, in our Greekomania, as an authority to be impUcitly adhered to on all occasions — no matter how diffe- rent those occasions may be in themselves. Be the order Doric or Ionic, or if the latter, the plainest or the richest in character, we find that unitfrsal window perpetrated everywhere alike, as if no modern architect could muster up imagination enough to design a dressing for a window aperture just as easily as for that of a door or a fire-place. Thus instead of being made cha- racteristic features in our modern Greek style, windows are suffered to be- come quite negative ones, — monotonous, feeble, and inexpressive. In the Gothic or Pointed style, on the contrary, fenestration is so charac- teristic, as to be almost indispensable on that account alone ; and is besides differently constituted, and accordingly subjected to other conditions, — most certainly is emancipated from most of those restraiuts and regulations which it has to submit to in Greco-Koman, and Italian architecture. But leaving our readers now to cogitate upon what thus far we have said, we reserve our remarks upon Gothic fenestration till we return to the subject next month, — " che '1 Canto presente Non e bastante a dirla degnamente." PRACTICAL PRODLEMS IMPORTANT IN PLANE TRIGO- NOMETRICAL SURVEYING. By Oliver Byrne, Professor of Matheroalic*. Sir, — In the October Journal of last year, you published a portion of an article of mine, entitled " Problems on Plane Trigonometrical Surveying," as soon as convenient, I hope you will insert the remainder. That spirit of fairness, which has ever been an ascendant property of yonr valuable publication, will secure also, I feel confident, a corner for the succeediuR remarks. The subjects upon which I have written, if they have no other recommendation, have at least the quality of being oris;inal ; but, in the case of these problems, originality has been questioned by Mr. TurnbuU, which, I believe, could not have been done, had the whole of my paper appeared. But, for the following editorial remark, appended to Mr. Turn- bull's communication, I would have attended more promptly to the matter: — "Me regret to say, that iNIr. TurnbulTs present letter appears to have been written under most painful circumstances; they are of too private a nature to be made public, hut we cau assure the reader that they entirely preclude any further strictures on Mr. Turubull's past productions." Mr. TurnbuU says, speaking of me, "The principle from which the Professor deduces the solution was first employed by me for that purpose in 1829, when all the cases of the problem were resolved exactly in the same man- ner as in your Journal." \A by did he not state his principle and compare it with mine ? He further adds, "The problems, with their solutions ap- peared in one of the earliest numbers of Colburn's United Service Journal, but, being without signature, tlie author's name was unknown to the pub- lic." Under the head " Stasimetric Surveying," Colburn's United Ser- \ ice Journal, second part, page 75, 1S29, the first four or fire problems 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEERAND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL 273 given by me in your Journal, were soWed from the following principle ; " The angles of the figure can be ascertained in terms of those observed witliout ioTolving any of the containing or subtending parts, and hence the distance between two remote objects become known in terms of the observed angles and the measured base. If to all the angles of any plane polygon figure, right lines be drawn from a point within it the product of the sines of the alternate angles will be equal to each other." From what Mr. TumbuU calls an obscure and neglected proposition in Emerson's Trigonometry, the abnre principle was tery readily drawn. It will be found that the principles on which Emerson, Gregory, and the writer in Col- burn's Journal, proceeded, are but particalar cases of the very extensive one, upon which I have based my solutions ; this will become very evident when the whole of my paper ii published. You will find that I Worded my general principle tiius: — "If any number of lines A, B, C, D, kc, be drawn, the ratio propounded of the ratios of A ; B, B ; C, C ; D, &c., con- tinued in order to A, is a ratio of equality : or which is the same thing, when each becomes an antecedent and a consequent, taken in the above mentioned order, the continied product of the antecedents is equal to the continued product of the consequents." My application of this proposi- tion I consider entirely original ; I have used it in the solution of numerous problems, a few of which I have submitted to you for publication. TVhen the whole of them appear, I will revert to the subject again. I am, Sir, your's sincerely, Oliver Byrne. Continued from Part XCVII., Oct., 1845. (5.) In order to determine the horizontal distance between two remote objects, O, B, a base line A C, of 500 chains was measured, then at each extremity of this base the following angular distances were taken : — At A,OAB = 75=50' = a, BAC = 45°03' = i ; at C, OCB = 75°30' = c, and OCA =: 40" 20' = d. Required the distance between the two objects ? From having the angular distance a, b, c, d, all the other angles of the Fig. 1. figure may be found, without knowing the lengths of any of the lines; there- fore, from having the length of any of the lines, under such circumstances the remaining linear distances can easily be determined. Let angle OBA = x, AhC=lSO° — b — c — d = e. Then OBC = e-fj-. .'.OA; OB =sin.j: : sin. a ; OB : OC = sin. c ; sin. (e + x); and OC : OA = sin. (a + b) : sin. d. Hence, sin. (a -f b) sin. c sin. d sin.(e-f i); sin. (a -|- i) sin. c — sin. a sin. d sin. (c -f- x) sin. e cos, x + cos, e sin. x sm. .r = sm. a sin. (e + x) But, sin. j: cot. X -\- cos. e. . • . sin. (o + b) sin. c = sin. a sin. d (sin. e cot. x -f cos. e) ; sin. (a + b) sin. c ^ sin. a sin. d cos.e = sin. a sin. d sin. e cot. x. . • .cot. sin. (n 4- ') sin. e X — :; — cot. e; or, cot.x^cosec.a sin. (a-fo) sin. ccosec. sin. a sin. o sin. e ' ' \ i / rfc osec. e — cot. c. Rcle. — Add together, the log. cosec. »fa, the log. sin. of the »um of a und b, the tog. sin. of]c, the log. cosec. ofd, and the log. cusec. of e; the natural number corresponding to this sum, rejecting 50 in the index, mide less by the natural co-tangent of e, will give the natural co-tangent of X. log, (« + *) = 75° 50' = 120 — 75 = 40 = 19 65 , log. 30 , log. 20 , log. 05 , log. cosec. sin. sin. cosec. cosec. The natural number corresponding =: The natural cot. of 19° 05' (e) =: = 100134127 = 9 0334445 = 99S59416 = 10-1889391 = 10-4855279 0-6072758 4-0483290 2-8905407 Natural cot. of x = 1-1577823 . • . ir = 40' 49' 04" = ABO ; and c -f x = 59" 54' 04" = OBC. Hence, OC = 1JS4-49, and OB = 1493-34 chains respectively, which may be found by Plane Trigonometry. Suppose the angles a, b, c, d, remain as before, but it is found impossible to measure AC with any degree of accuracy, OB being on a plane it is measured and found to be 18G09 links. Required the angle x, and the distance AC in feet? In this instance, x = 40" 49' 04" ; and 4C = 4112-227 feet. This could not be solved by the rules of pla'ne trigonome- try. (6.) There are four stations on the same plane, the linear distance be- tween every two of any three of them being given, as well as the angular distance of the fourth from each of the other three ; to find the remaining parts. Let A, B, and C, be the three stations whose distances are known ; ^en<:e the three angles a, b, and c, of the triangle ABC may be found. [See Problem III, in the Journal for Octo- ber, 1845.] Having these three angles, and also m, and n, taken at the fourth station, we can find all the angles of the figure without any reference to the lengths of the lines. Let X be the angle made by the dian- onal .4D and the side AB ; then will the angle BCD = 6 — n -f x. Hence, AB ; BC = sin. c ; sin. a ■ CC : BD = sin. (m -f n) ; sin. (6 — n) + x ; and BD : AB = sin. x ; sin. m. . - . sin. c sin. (m + n) sin. x =z sin. a sin. : (4 — n) -|- x i sin. m. sin. c sin. (m-f n) sin. {(«.— n) -f x} \ » , -^ -' -' = — = sin. (0 — «) cot. X -L COS. sm, a sin. m {I' sin. csin,(m + n\ - ")• • ■ • sin. a sin. m " "'"■ ^* ""^ = ''°- (^ " ") ™'- •^- sin. c sin. (m + n) ^ : — r, : — cot. (b — n) = cot. x. .• . cot x=cosec. a sic. sin. a sin. m sin. i,i — n) ^ ' c cosec. tn sin. (m -{- n) cosec. (6 — n)— cot. (i — n). If i=n, the problem will be indeterminate, for cosec.(i — k)i or cosec. o,is infinite. It also shows that a circle can be described through the four points .4, B, C, D ; so that the point D, when such is the case, will have an infinite number of posi- tions all satisfying the question. When A, B, C, are in the same right line, this problem is readily solved by problem 2. Or when any two of tlie stations A, B, C, and the station D, are in a straight line, the problem falls under the resolution of plane triangles. It may also be remarked, that the angles b and c, are negative when the point A is below the line BC. Rule. — Add together the log. cosec. of a, the log. sine of c, the ksr. cosec. of m, the log. sine nf{m-^n), and the log. cosec. of(b—n) ; the natu- ral number corresponding to this sum after a proper allowance is made in the index, made less by the natural cotangent if (i — n) u'ill give the naln- ral cotangent of x. This problem, of which the three following examples are particular cases, was first proposed by Richard Townley, in the Philosophical Tram, actions, where also is inserted solutions to the different cases by John Col- lins, No. 69, 1671. The first of these examples is given in the Lady's Diary for 1723, by John Richards, and answered the following year ty John Topham. Dr. Hutton in his edition of the Diaries gives an addi- tional solution, with a geometrical construction. Professor Leybourn, in his edition of the Diaries, gives a second additional solution, also with a geometrical construction ; and in his appendix to the same work, he gives a general one from " Cagnoh's Trigonometry." However, none of lhe.se solutions are as simple or as practical as the one htre given. Cao-noli < sin. c sin. (in -f n) makes cot. x = cot. (B_«) < ^Z'HACTin. m sin. (B - „) ~ ^ i It sin.c sin, (m -|- «) .-1? should be cot. x = cot. (B — n) , .. , ,, — n ^ ' ( 5111. bAC sin. m cos. (B — n) This must be a misprint, for it cannot be supposed that either Cagnoli or Leybourn could make such a mistake. I. It is required to find the distance from the Edysfone Lighthouse to Plymouth, Start Point, and the Lizard, respectively, from the following data: — The distance of Plymouth from the Lizard CO miles, from Lizard to Start Point 70 miles, and from Start Point to Plymouth 20 miles; also Plymouth bears due north from the Edystone Rock, the Lizard W.S.M'. and Start Point N. by E. Let E represent the position of the Edystone, L the Lizard, P Plymouth, and S Start Point. When a right line is sui:- 274 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Skpt Fig. 3. posed to be drawn from L lo S, it is evident that the point E falls within the triangle LPS, the angles of which are found by problem (3) to be as follows : — ylSPL = 112' or 27" = a; ZPLS = 15 21 32 ^ h; Z PSL = 52 37 01 = c; we have also Z PES = 112 30 00 = »« = 10 points, or W.S.M'. / PEL = 78 45 00 = n = 7 points, or N. by E., and Z LPE = X. Then by the general rule we have, log. cosec. a ■=10-0339082 log. sin. c =9 9001454 log. cosec. m =10 0313847 log. sin. (m + n) =9 2902357 log. cosec. (6— n) =10.0486213 Reject 50 and 49'30G2953= 1-3062953 = log. of 0-2024395 ; from which substract — -5002568, the natural cotangent of (6— n), and we have, 0-7033003 for the natural cot. of a-, .•. ^■=54'' 52' 40"=L P E. The dis- tances L E, S E, C E, can be found by Plane Trigonometry, and are 53-11906; 17-1334; and 1391746 miles respectively. John Topham makes them 53-04; 17-36 ; and 14333 respectively. II. Being at a town in Kent I observed three objects on the other side of the river Medway, a castle (C), a windmill (W), and a spire (S), whose distances from one another are known; from the castle, (the nearest object seen,) to the spire, (CS) is 10 furlongs ; from the castle to the windmill (W C), 23 furlongs ; and from the windmill to the spire (W S), 25 furlongs. I took with a theodolite, the angular distance between the castle and the spire (CT S) and found it to be 28° 34', and between the castle and the windmill (C T W) 57° 45' ; what dis- tance did I stand from each of these objects ? From having the three sides of C S W we can find the three angles by problem 3 ; hence we have. Being calculated independant of each other, and making 180° affords a proof. Fig. 4. a -89o 30' 06 6=23 34 38 c =66 65 16 nj = 57 45 00 n=28 34 00 m + n) = SG 19 00 (4 + 7i) = 62 08 38 } 00; and instead of (4 — n) take negative. Putting a-=zTCW; and proceeding according to the general rule, we find the sum of the five loga- rithmic quantities to be 501382785, or 0-1382785 which correspond to the natural number 1-374923, which is negative. From — 1-3749236 take the thenat. cot. (52° 08' 3S") = 0-7772423 and it leaves — 0-5976737 :— this nat. cot. corresponds to 59° 08' 04" ; . • . .t = 120° 51' 56". Then (59° 08' 04") — (S7° 45' 00")= 1° 23' 04 '= Z T W C. To find the remaining parts fall under the head of common-place Trigonometrical calculations, T W = 23-3439 furlongs, T 0 = 0-6570643, and C S= 10-57215. III. In a garrison there are three remarkable objects. A, B, C, the dis- tance of which from one another are known to be as follows : — B A = 213, B C = 424, and A C = 262 yards. lam desirous of knowing my position and distance when standing at a station A, with respect to the three points A, B, C ; at A T observed A to be the nearest object, and the angles BS A=13° 30', A S C = 29° 50'. This example was originally propesed in Dr. Hutton's Conic Sections, then reproposed in the Lady's Diary for 17B7, where two ditferent solutions are given the following year ; but none of the different solutions to any of the cases of this problem are as practical as following the general rule here given. A S will be found = 429-6814 • C 8 = 524-2365 ; and B 8 = 605-7122 yards. (7.) In running a mean line through a country, I arrived at the bank of » river, B ; and having booked a station at O, I find by subtraction that O B is 25-36 chains : causing a flagstaff to be plaied at O, and another at B, I crossed the river in a boat, and set up a third at A, in a right line with B and O. Proceeding along the line to O', a distance of 2536 chains, a fourth flagstaff is set up ; then continuing the line to a convenient point T, a theodolite is set up and the point in each staff as O, B, A, O', which is cut by the same hori- ^ zontal plane is noted. Now at C any station where the points O, B, A, O', can be seen, I take the angles a, b, c and find them So be 12° 05'' 28° 25', and 17° 23' respect.' ively ; required the breadth of the river A B ? Let B A = j; the angle A O' C = x, then will zB A C-c + x, and A B C= 180°— 6-c-.r = <;-x;also(i=180°-4-c=134°12': BOC = 180°-a- 4-c-x, putting e=180°-u-6-c = 122° 07'. In this problem we shall compare the ratios round two points O and O'. First round O, O B ; O A = n In + ij; O A: O C = sin. (0 + 6) : O C : O B = sin. {tl-x) ; Second round O', O' A- -O' B = k ; n -|- 1/ ; 0'B;0'C = sin', (4+.;); O' C : O' A = sin. (c + .r) ; sin. c. ^Ve obtain directly from compounding both the analogies and expunging the common factors. ; sin. ; sin. , {c-l-x); : sin. ('i — x) ; sin. (d — t) /siu. a sin. ^\/ sin. c siu. (6 + C-) {b + a) Let the right hand member of thi> sin. (c + x) equation for the sake of brevity be called K. But, sin. (d — x) sin. {b + (c + x)} (180°-6-c-i-) = sin. (4 + t + ar). .• . • . sin. 4 cot. (c -f a-) + cos. 6 ^ K. sin. (c + x) = K. cot. (c + x) = ^ cot, 4. sin. 4 X = cot. '{(n sin. a sin. (4 -)- c) sin. c sin. (4 4- a) sin jt^J-cot. 4j- From this equation the rule is deduced. We need scarcely remark, that before finding any of the distances is necessary to find the unknown angle x. Rdle. — Add into one sum the log. sin. of a, and the log. sin, of {b -\- c) ; then add together the lug. sin. of c, the log. sin. of {b -j- a), and twice the log. sin. of b: subtract the latter sum from the former and divide the re- mainder bij 2, the neutral number coj responding to the or E. It is required from this data to find the length of the different lines; not having any information from the first assistant as to the distance he placed the pickets, and ou returning to re- measure the distances, the exact place where they stood could not be as- certained. Now, we have given, the distance CD = DE = EF ; and DG = DH ; also HK = 1.500 links. Likewise, Z FGE = 16° 16' 10" (a) ; EHD = DGC=31°34'34"(i); and FKC = 70° 10' 10" (c). Let Z DGE = X, DEG = y, CKG = s, and ERF = v. . • . CDG = {x + y), FKD = (c — :), and EKG = (c — ti). Hence, by comparing the ratios round two points C, and E, we have CD : CE = 1 :2; C E : CG = sin. (4 + ■^) = sin. y ; CG : CD = sin. (x + i/) : sin. l ; FE : FD = 1 : 2 ; FD : FG = sin. (o + ^) : sin. (x + y); FG : FE = sin. y : sin. «. By com- pounding these six ratios and expunging the common factors we have, sin. (a + x) sin. (6 + jr) = 4 sin. a sin. b. cos, (i — a) — COS. {(a -f i) + 2.r} ^ 2 sin. (a + a') sin. {b -\-x) = 8 sin. a sin. 6. Cos. (a — b) — 8 sin. a sin. b = cos. {(a + 6) + 2.r}. But, — 8 sin « sin. i = 4 cos. (a — i) + 4 cos. (u + ii) ; . • . 4 cos. (a + i) 3 cos. (a — b) = cos. {{a + b) + 2x} . An arc whose cos. is 4 cos. (n+b) = 3 cos. (a — b), written thus; — Cos. 4 cos. (a-hi) = 3 cos. (a— i) ; made less by (a+b) =2x. .•• 2.r = cos. ^{4 cos. (a -f- 6) — 3 cos. (a — b)} —a—b. Whence tiie Rule.— From /o«r times the nntural cosine of (a + b), take three tintes the natural cosine of (b-a) ; an arc whose natural cosine is the remainder, made less by (a + b), and divided by 2, will gire x. (a+b) = 50° 50' 50", 4 nat. cos. = 2-5235C16"l (4-a) = 18° IS' 18", 3 nat. cos. = 2-8481913/ subtract. Difference = 0-322G327 negative. The angle which corresponds to this nat. cos. in the table is 71° 10' 41'' ; but as the cos. is negative, the angle may be 108° 49' 19", or 251° 10' 41"; bnt it cannot be the latter, because the angle FGC is known to be acute. Then from 108° 49' 19" take 50 50 50 = (a -f i) half of 57 58 29 = 28° 59' 14'-5 =:ar= KGE. In order to determine y, let us compound the ratios of the lines drawn from E, which are compared in the foregoing ratios. Hence we have sin. (a -\- x) sin. y = 2 sin. (.«■ -|- y) sin. a. But, sin. a cos. x sin. ;/ -f cos. a sm. X sin. j/ ^ 2 sin. x cos. y sin, a + 2 cos. x sin. y sin. a. This divided by sin. y, gives sin. n cos. x -f- cos. a sin. .r = 2 sin. x cot. y sin. a -j- 2 cos. X sin. a. . • . sin. a cos. x 4- cos. a sin. x — cos. x sin. a = 2 sin. x sin. a cot y ; sin. x cos. a — cos. x sin. a = 2 sin. x sin. a cot. y. .' . sin. (x—a) it sm. a sin. x ~ '^°'" ^' '^''°'" ^'^ '"'^'"^ "*" '^°'' ''' "^^ following method of calculating y is deduced : Rci.e. — Add together the log. sine of (x—a), the sub. log, of 2, the log. cosecant of x, and the log. cosecant of a ; the sum will be the log. cotangent of y. By this rule y is easily found, and x is I known, — call their sum m. [Which will be found too by 79° 57 35"-5]. Then to find z, we have FD:FC = 2:3; FC; FK = sin.csin.(OT-2); and FK ; FD = sin. m sin. (c—z) ; .-.2 sin. csinm = 3 sin. (m— :)sin. (e — z; cos. (m-<:)-cos. {((n + c)-2i} = 2 sin. (m + :) sin. (c-t). ^ 2 S'°. « sin. m; cos. {m—c) — \ sin. c sin. jn = cos. {(,« — c) —2:}. But, COS. (in-i;)-cos. (m -j- c) = 2 sin. c sin. m . • . f cos. (»n-c) — f COS. (m-\-c) = ^ sin. c sin. m J COS. (m-(;) + f COS. (m-fc) = cos. {{m^c)-2z}. .-. 2z — (m + c)— COS.— i {cos. (m—c) -^2 cos. (m + c)}, EcLE. — Add together the natural cosine of (m — c) and twice the natural cosine ' fi"d^f Accordingly, a weight " amounting to 12,000 tons" was laid on the sink- fng pie, Ipparently to sink it lower; and it "continued sinking several- months Lfter the weight was laid on." Three whole years was the use of this noble structure retarded by this accident, pp. 111-13. it '^ 'r"e. however, as the late Mr. Telford observed, in a memorable repo t wh. h he addressed to the commissioners of Westminster bridge, on ihelilU Mav 1823 that "the dangerous instability of the piers of AV estmins ter bridge seems to have passed into oblivion." It is true, ^l^^'-'^f'' •/*''" Walker observed in his evidence, that, "in the '='>''''<' ''..ZlLo'dol fabric had come to a stale of repose, comparatively, until oU London br dge was removed, the eilect of which was to ^^?''l''Z"-Z\'''ZJerl tidalcurrent. This deepened the ground under the bridge and the pier, being thus deprived partly of lateral support, and some of he fine and also getting from under the caisson bottoms, they began to be restless ''^Tbe cause of the original failure in 1747 was the omission of driving pills under the piers ; but the miserable economy "f^Yt 'to'be'th—u sand pounds, for which Mr. King (whose name ought to be there"pou preserved in honour) oflVred to execute the work, P^.^''^^'^,' f,rf(j was " not one part in GO or 70 of the whole expense of 'h^ b"dge (Ge vhiiralo'rm pp 96, 97). Hence, the first faduie ; and hence all the sub- ^e^uent°wea'kl;ess;s of the struc'ture, and the enormous expense of make- shift repairs. lu n „- When engineers like the late Mr. Telford and the present Mr. Walker suggest a remedy for an evil, occuring in the line of their own professiou Tnf fn n'a te" d'aily under their eyes, those who have not 'l-e advantage of their science and experience ought to be slow '" P™""""^?, ^° °P'^^~d favourable a priori to any suggestion so made. Mr Td o^d ■^^!';7"\',"„^?J that, as piles had not been originally driven under the PerSP'le should be driven round the piers, using the d.ving-bell for P ac.ng hem and cut ting them. A number was done in this way ; but even those tha were done did not seem quite at rest; and the commissioners, f^rom the expen^se, uncertainty, and delay with which the operation "''.^/"^"'^f,'^' ^™: before I was called in" («aid Mr. Walker in his evidence) o have n^^ solved, for a time at least, not to enclose any >>'ore of the p eis -n the way I have described." Then came the system of coffer-damm.ng^ M> de cided opinion is that cotlei-damming is the best plan : and that P'^n « -'S thereupon adopted; but while "r. Walker discontinued Mr. lelfords useof the diving-bell, and did not concur in Mr. Cubuis pan of paving "hebedof .l.erfver,Mr.Cubitt, on the other '-"<»,. eq-'f,,-"~f. the use of colierdams in the case of Westminster bridge ; s'*' "S f '=""" ly " That in the case of Westminster bridge, ''^e'.r.g.ual construction and p^resent state of the foundations are such as wdl ^''[^t . r.^ei dam plan being carried in.o effect with safety to the bridge, " « je go"nded certainty of asuccessful result" between these tvvo d'scordiu t Lthorities, the commissioners made their election, a»d »?;,'? edMy;;,. ker's plan of cofler damming, and in the course of the following year tered into contracts for completing it. _ It is due, however, to both gentlemen to state that, even m 1837 mey each recommended a new bridge, if the pecuniary means ««"'^ ^f,^ ^J^J in preference to any attempt to repair the old structure, f "^"j;! I'^^'j';^. " l^iat there is no doubt but a new bridge would cure all the ev Is com plained of." And Mr. Walker enumerated those consideration which "would probably turn the balance in lavour of the new bridge. At a 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 279 later period, the committee of 1844 received from that gentleman this fur- tlier statement : " Without hesitation I say there is no art that can make the piers of this bridge so secure as I could have made a new one." Nevertheless, upon a review of all the case, he added : " I did not doubt as to the security of the whole superstructure. When I say this, I must at the same time allow, that the sinking which has taken place in the 17- feet east pier, after the water was admitted within the coB'er-dam, is a drawback." meaning, of course, the only drawback, " which has at all raised a doubt on my mind ;" a sinking, be it remembered, which has gone down nine inches, and has left that pier three inches out of the perpen- dicular: "but ever since last October that pier has been, as every other part of the brid^je has been, perfectly motionless : and therefore I have reason to think that the cause which created that movement in the 16 and 17-feet piers is at an end, and that these also are secure." At this time, the 16-feet pier had gone down two inches, and the 17-ft. pier nine in.: " all the piers," indeed, " sunk a little during the operation of driving the piles." The confidence, however, or to use Mr. -Walker's wordsin another place, ** My faith, which amounted to conviction previously." {i. e. to the sinking in October, 1S13), " was somewhat shaken" by that sinking; but he adds, " it is proper also to say, that my confidence has revived, by the entire freedom from all movement since that tiaie," viz. up to the date at which he was then speaking, 10th June, 1844. If, however, the confidence re- vived solely because the piers had ceased to sink, it must, of course, die again when they again begun to sink. And this is the fact. The sinking has begun again; and, though in no one week considerable, or indeed ob- eervable except by very nice tests, yet the aggregate sinking in the course of mauy weeks becomes perceptible to the eye; and above all. as it is pro. gressive, must, at some period, terminate in the destructiou of certain por- tions of the bridge, even if it do not endanger the whole fabric. So early as 1837, Mr. Walker's recommendation to the commissioners, as already seen, had been to build a new bridge, if the funds could be obtained. On the 7lh May, 1845, he stated to the commissioneis, still more strongly, — ** to the reasons I then gave for recommending the new bridge, there is to be added the bad foundation which has caused the sinking in the two piers ; for even half an inch in two years is enough to prove the want of perfect stability, and to weaken that confidence which I ought to feel in order to justify my recommending an outlay of £100,000, in addition to the £90,000 already expended. 1 have before staled, that all the othe piers, which have been finished, are secure ; but two piers on the Surrey Bide next to the defective piers, remain to be coder-dammed round and, piled ; and if the sand under those two be of as loose a nature as those adjoining, they may cause further trouble and expense. Should they re- quire to be taken down, the difference between the partial plan" (i. e. con- tinuing the system of repairs) " and the entire renewal" (i.e. the removal of the old bridge and the construction of a new bridge) ** will be consider- ably lessened." The causes which induced Mr. M alker to recommend a new bridge in 1837 and in 1844 and in 1845, have not ceased to operate. The sinking in the 17-feet pier since the 7th May, 1845 to the 19th May, 1846, has been 1 J inch, and in the 16feet pier about 1^ inch ; and it con- tinues in both. 15y the report of Messrs. Walker and Bulges to John Clementson, Esq., Secretary to the bridge commissioners, dated 20th July, 3846, those gentlemen state that they have this day taken the levels of the piers of Westminster Bridge, and have to report a further sinking of fjths of an inch in the 17-feet east pier, and ^th in the 16-feet east pier, since their report of the 6th instant." [6lh July, 1846.] They go on to say, " The movement of ^ths of an inch in the 17-feet pier is double what -we have had occasion to report for a considerable time. The continued sinking in the two piers has affected the stones of the 72-feet arch which rests upon them, an open joint being perceptible in the soffits between two of the courses near the crown, and one of the south-face stones having dropped down about half an inch." Messrs. Walker and Burges concur, accordingly, in the statement, " that a way or thoroughfare over the river at Westminster, consistently with the safety of the public, can be best secured (or perhaps we ought now to say can be secured only) by a tem- porary bridge ; and that no time should be lost in proceeding with it." More than a month earler (11th June, 1846), Mr. George Rennie gave, in substance, the same opinion, namely, that no time should be lost in making ariangemeuts for the construction of a new bridge ; and being asked, ** Might not the present bridge serve as a temporary accommodation while another bridge is being constructed ?" he replies, " It might;" but he adds, " with all the chance belonging to it." It is true that Mr. William Cubilt, the contractor, whom your committee felt it to be their duty to call as their first witness, inasmuch as the pro- gress of the New Palace was a matter, as has already been observed, of comfort and convenience to the two Houses of Parliament only, whereas the safety of the bridge was of paramount importance to hundreds of thousands of the Queen's subjects, stated in answer to the second ques- tion, " 1 do not appreheuJ the bridge to be otherwise than safe." • • " I do not mean by that, that it is in a state of perfect stability ; that there may not be from time to lime slight settlements in it : bui I am very strongly of opinion that no settlement will ever take place to a degree that should endanger the public safely." The same witness, indeed, had stated in 1844, that he thought the bridge may last for two or three centuries ;" " that the bridge, W/th a very mode- rate repair from time to time, is captible of carrying the piildic sufely for centuries to come ;" and he added, accordiugiy, " I know uo reason why it should be pulled down." On (he extent, however, of the knowledge of the witness as to the facta connected with Westminster Bridge, it is due to the other gentlemen who gave a very opposite opinion, to slate, that Mr. W. Cubitt, being asked whether he can state the depth of the river at Westminster Bridge now, as compared with its depth before the removal of old London bridge, an- swered, " I cannot ;" and being further asked, " Have you ever understood that it has already (1844) deepened as much as five or six feet? ' replied, " I have never hard such a thing : if that has been stated, it can only be in one particular place, where, from some cause or other, there has been a gullying out by a peculiar current:" and when again asked, " You are not, however, aware of the depth which has been given to the river by the removal of old London bridge ?" he replied, " I am not aware of it ; but I am pretty sure that it has not given an average of 18 inches." The com- mittee understood, of course, that in this answer Mr. W. Cubitt was speaking at the time of the locality in question, namely Westminster Bridge, and not of the Thames at Staines or Walllngford ; and therefore proceeded to put the following question : ■' You conceive that anything less than an average of five or six feet would not endanger the security of the sheet-piling round the piers, by which they are surrounded?" to which Mr. W. Cubitt answered, " I rather hesitate in giving the precise line : if it came to five or six feet I should begin to feel uneasy, if I was sure it ever came to that." It appears, by sections of the river taken by Mr. George Rennie, and laid before this committee, as furnishing a very curious and interesting view of the changes produced by natural causes in the bed of the river, that between 1823 and 1835, the river, 50 feet below West- minster Bridge, had deepened between six and seven feet ; proving the tendency of the river to "engineer for itself," to use Mr. Page's expression, to a greater degree than was previously anticipated; and this measurement near Westminster Bridge proves that the very case had happened which as Mr. W. Cubitt stated, would have made him " begin to feel uneasy," namely, that the bed of the river had there deepened at least five or six feet : it fact, it has done more, inasmuch as, " by a longitudinal section of Westminster Bridge which appeared in Appendix 15, G. 1, to the Report on the Thames Embankment, and upon which," said Mr. George Rennie in his evidence, " 1 have coloured by a dark line the existing bed of the river in May 1846, it will be seen that the sixth and seventh piers from the Surrey side have their fouudations exposed eight or nine feet." On the whole subject of the effect which the deepening of the river or any other cause may have had iu unsettling the foundations of Westmin- ster bridge, and consequently its superstructure, the committee feel it to be their duty to recal two circumstances to the attention of the House: first, the settlements which did take place in the autumn of 1843, which as already noticed, caused the bridge to be closed and shut up for car- riages during a portion [of the winter following; and secondly, that the favourable answers already quoted as to the stability of the whole struc- ture, depend on the assumption that the whole structure is to be subjei:ted to the same process and system of repair which has already been applied to parts. Now, the amount of the contract — remaining so to complete the repairs — was, in 1844, £52,870, together with a lurther sum of £40,000 to make the bridge of the same width as London bridge. This aggregate of £92,870 was therefore necessary, in 1844, according to the then views of the commissioners, to the repairs of the existing bridge ; aud might have been saved accordingly, and made applicable to the construction, in part, of a new bridge, if the repairs had been then discontinued, and if a new bridge had then been substituted. In addition to this, it must never be forgotten, that Mr. W. Cubitt being the contractor for the works commenced in 1838, gave evidence as strong as that of any other witness, on the question of the original vice of the foundation. In 1844, he referred " to the original defect in the surface of the foundation ;" adding, " I mean that it never was correct and proper." "There was one pier which had always been called the sunken pier; that was the one they were obliged to uuload when the bridge was first built. Then these two other piers in the bridge which were called sinking piers: they had that name given to them because they had been in the habit of sinking more than others." And being asked, in reference to a subsidence of nine inches in one of the piers, whether such subsidence shakes his belief in the future stability of the foundation, he replies, " 1 always had au impression that the bridge would be liable to sink a little;" and being further asked, whether, " When you say ' a little,' do you consider nine inches a great or a small subsidence ?'' ue replies, " I consider nine inches to be a great deal ; but with reference to an arch of that form aud with stones of that thickness, it is of very little importance with regard to the safely of the bridge." While, however, Mr. W. Cabitt states, that, so far as the original defectiveness of the foundation is concerned, tlie bridge is sufficiently stable for all purposes for which it is required, that no disaster ever can accrue by which the public would be damaged from that cause, he does not retract his preceding opinion, "that the bridge always must be an imperfect structure" in reference to the mode in which it was built • and, though be may contradict the opinion of others, he cannot gaiusav the fact, that the bed of the river has been gradually deepening, and the foundations of the bridge abraded aud laid bare in co;!stquence ; and the committee feel, that if this be so, Westminster bridge cannot he "as stable as it ought to be. The very remedies, indeed, which have been applied to strengthening the foundations of the piers may in fact ha\e loostced them, by loosening the ground on which they rested. Even so early as the 16th of May, 1823, the late Mr. Telford himself admitted, in reference to bis own sug- 36' 280 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Sept. eestionof sheet-piliDg, " I believe I did not sufficiently explain that by driving piles through loose sand and gravel, that the matter is always dis- turbed, and, during the operation of driving, liable to be washed away, and of course produce more risk to the piers than if left undisturbed. And iMr. \V. Cubitt being asked, as the contractor engaged on the ^^■urk, " Can you stale to the committee whether it be or be not the fact, that every pier, as has been alleged, with only one exception, sank, more or less, after the sheet-piles round it to secure the bottom of the caissons from being underwashed by the general deepening of the river, were driven ?'' Iklr.W. Cubitt replies, "they have not all sunk;" and being thereupon reminded " The question implies that one was an exception; do you wish the committee to understand, that all the piers, with one exception, have sunk more or less since the piles were driven ?" Mr. W. Cubitt answers, " I am not prepared to state positively that they may not all of tbem have sunk a Utile. I am not quite sure but that they may have sunk an inch or half an inch, or some very slight thing ; but one of them sank nine inches, and another sank two inches." And as to the future, Mr. W. Cubitt bad already stated his previously formed opinion, that the bridge was not in any part of it in a state of perfect steadiness ; that it might always be liable to subside a little, from the defect of the foundation." The result of the whole question connected with this species of repair is slated by Mr. Walker in answer the question, " Do you think that the tiridge will now be brought to a state of as perfect security and stability as a new bridge, if you were called upon to construct it?"—" Certainly not" And in answer to the next question, "Do you think that by any resources of your professional art, this bridge can be brought into a state of perfect stability and security as compared with a new bridge?" Mr. Walker replies, " Without hesitation, I say, there is no art that can make the piers of this bridge so secure as I could have made a new one." It is right, however to add, that Mr. Walker staled, in his examination this session, " Ihat the measures which had been adopted had been completely successful in preventing any further movement in six of the piers: * ^ * there has been no movement since" (i. e. since the 7th of May, 1845,) "in any of the piers, except the two I have already referred to." Neverthe- less, in answer to the question, " Are you, or are you not of opinion, that with a due regard to the public convenience, and to avoid danger, arrange- ments should be made, without loss of time, for building a new bridge?"— INI r. Walker's answer is distinct : " Certainly, without reference to money, I say ' Yes.' " As to the mere durability of the bridge, by which the committee under- stand ihe perfeclness of the masonry both in the arches and in the piers, excluding always the question already discussed as to the stability of the foundation, there appears no reason to doubt the accuracy of Mr. Walker's opinion : "There is no part of the work which will not last for ages;' but a qualification to this opinion must here be given on Ihe authority of Mr Walker himself, who, in 1837, stated as follows:— " From the piers being intended originally to carry a wooden bridge, and being cased round when a stone bridge was resolved to be substituted, and from the very had quality of the masonry, the superstructure never can be made a very secure and solid work ," and even admitting Ihe superior accuracy of his later opinion, when, during the interval, be had had fuller opportunites of ex- amination in relation to the durability of the superstructure of the bridge, it is obvious that this admission does not at all establish the expediency of maintaining the present bridge so long as Ihe first and main question, as to Ihe sufficiency and stabiliiy of the foundations on which the structure rests, remains in a stale so unsatisfactory as at present. It was not contended in 1844 that the bridge was then in a " perilous' state- Mr. Walker expressly repudiated the word; and, even before the new system of repairs, he had sUted, " that the bridge is not in immediate danger;" and W. Cubitt, Esq., the civil engineer (and not the gentleman of the same name, who is Ihe contractor for the bridge), being asked, in reference to the state of the bridge when the repairs should be completed, " Your conclusion is, that the bridge will be an insecure bridge ?" replied, " A very doubtful one." " You will not say it will be an insecure bridge? ' —"No" He had been previously asked, " Do you regard it possible, with any talent and any expenditure of money, to make Ihe foundations of Westminster bridge as secure, under existing circumstances, as the founda- tions of a new bridge could be?" replies, " Certainly not." Mr. Cubitt, C E further states, that " from what I have seen, 1 would rather build a new bridge than spend more money upon this, seeing it has done exactly what 1 cxpecied it would do when I made my report in 1837. My opinion is that it IS best not to go on spending a great sum of money to repair and w'iden and beauiify this bridge, which never can be good, either in its road- way or in its foundations." Therefore, under all the circumstanres, the hridge having proved to be too heavy for the nature of the clay it stands upon It being very difficult to protect it without piling and paving, 1 say, asanengineer, that the best thing is to dispense with all further repairs, and make a new bridge. I said so before, and Mr. \\ alker said so also, and I am confirmed in that by what has subsequently taken place." And when asked in the next question, " You consider the only question to be one of finance ? ' he replies, " Certainly ; the bridge is a mass of rubbish. The piers and the masses of masonry and rubble were lirst built for a wooden bridge, which was afterwards converted into a stone bridge, and heavy arches were put upon ihat which was not more than strong enough f..r a wooden bridge." * * The small piers were then cased round to make ihem larger ; and springings were made for stone arches, and a very biavy bridge was put on those foundations," Though Westminster bridge so constructed, — without piles and on the imperfectly-levelled natural bed of the river, — did actually fail during its construclion, yet, " after it was constructed, and the arches which had failed were rebuilt, it stood for some 60 or 70 years unmoved." • " On the removal of the dam caused by old London bridge, "a wider passage was opened to the Thames, and the foundations of the arches underneath Westminster bridge began to weitr away ; so much so, that they caused a great apprehension of the bridge falling ; and from time to time they were repaired by the diving-bell, and various other modes. Mr. Telford was called on, and advised stones being thrown in ; and he advised also to pave underneath the arches between the piers, so Ihat the bottom might not be washed away. After his death, the commissioners did me the honour to call upon me to advise them. I considered the thing, and felt quite aware that disturbing the bottom would not be a good thing ; but that if we could continue the bottom exactly as it always was, the bridge would stand the same as it had done ; that there would be nothing to prevent it ; and to do that, I propose to pave with large stones, two feet tliick ;" * • • •• to pave a perfectly fiat floor down as low as the frames which form the foan- dations, and have been carried into the soil." • • • " J proposed, paving under the whole of the bridge, and 50 feet parallel along it, above and below, so as to make a perfect stone pavement ; with such pavement the bottom never could have washed away ; and without washing away, the piers would not have fallen down." A suggestion made by such an authority as Mr. Cubitt, C. E., is of course entitled to Just attention ; but your committee, after bestowing that attention upon it, feel bound to state two objections to it, which, in their judgment, are insuperable. They relate to the effect of the plan upon the navigation, and to its cost. The one may be conveyed in the admission of Mr. Cubitt himself — " The only disadvantage (if disadvantage it can be called) of this plan is, that it limits the depth of the navigation under the bridge to the level of the stone paving; but as this would be greater, by about three feet, than originally existed, and till after the removal of the old London bridge, I imagine that no complaint could arise on that head." • • The answer to this observation is, that those concerned with the state and probable condition of Westminster bridge have to deal with Ihe river, and its actual depth in 1846, and not with its depth in 1823; and must not forget that if the river has deepened under the arches, say six feet, the proposed plan of raising a pavement of something like three feet, would take away a depth of three feet from the actual navigation. The second objection is, that irrespective of all repairs to the bridge; and leav- ing that bridge as it is, the probable cost of the paving would, in Mr. Cu- bitt's own opinion, be about £120,000. It is not necessary, therefore, to pursue this subject. Another remedy was proposed by another gentleman, Wm. Hosking, Esq., architect and engineer, and professor of the principles and practice of architecture in King's College, London. While he differed from other witnesses on some important points, and specially in his belief that " the present foundations might be rendered sufiicieuily secure to be entrusted with a new superstructure, especially if the superstructure was not an unnecessarily heavy one," he concurred with almost all in the opinion that the present bridge cannot be made " permanently available," to use his own words, " without the bar or weir I have spoken of, which I consider to be an absolute essential to the security of the existing foundations." Now, inasmuch as the bar or weir in question is, in the judgment of the same witness, a necessary precaution " at the other bridges" also, as otherwise "all the other bridges will be undermined as well as Westminster bridge," it ii clear that his remedy must be viewed in relation to the whole of the river as it flows through the metropolis ; and irrespective of the objections to which the plan, if ever adopted in any one breadth of the river, would be liable as an obstruction to the navigation at that part (which, even Ihe witness admits, " it certainly would not improve,"), and so on, wherever adopted, the ultimate expense of making successive weirs above each bridge would be obviously immense ; and the committee — to confine them- selves to the consideration of this project in relation to Westminster bridge alone, the immediate subject referred to them — cannot recommend any further attention to it. However wonderful as a structure Westminster bridge was regarded at the time of its erection, and there is reason to believe that at that time it was the longest stone bridge which covered water all Ihe year round, not in England only but in Europe, Mr. Hosking expresses an opinion, in which your committee fully concur," that a bridge, in every respect better, would be produced at the present time by almost any man of moderate ability, who is conversant with the subject." On the general subject, both of the present state of the bridge and of the expediency of subsistuting a new one, other professional gentlemen, of the first character for skill and for experience, give evidence to the same effect. Mr. Rendel states, " I should be very indisposed to risk any professional reputation upon giving to the present structure that permanent character which is adverted to." — "The foundations are wholly different from the foundations of any other bridges across the Thames." — "I do not believe that any talent or any skill, or any application of that skill, could, at a cost which 1 should call justifiable, give to the preseut bridge that security which its importance demands." Mr. George Kennie states, " I should decidedly condemn the old one (the bridge), and recommend the expediency of its being taken down, re- garding It us an engineering question entirely," — "Setting aside that (i.e. 1846- J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECFS JOURNAL. 2»l moncj), I should condemn the present bridge decidedly, and hare a new bridge; not only Ihat, but you may be liable to very considerable further repairs besides those at present contemplated ." - " 1 have no other observa- tion to make, but that I consider it a great pily to devote that money to the repairs of an old siruclure which might and ought lo be devoted to a new one, on the ground of the insecurity of the present bridge, and that there is no safe guarantee for the money laid out upon it being properly spent." In bis evidence before the present committee, Mr. George Kennie stated that he retained precisely the same opinion: " I think it would be throw- ing away good money after bad to attempt to repair the bridge so as to make it a permanent structure." The removal of from 20,000 to 30,000 tons, as slated by Mr. James Walker in 1844, in order to lighten the verti- cal pressure upon the piers, by means of the abstraction of that material, has, in Mr. George Rennie's judgment, not succeeded in preventing the further subsidence. In fact, the further subsidence is stated distinctly in the evidence of Mr. James Walker this session. The committee could readily extract, for the more easy consideration of the House, numerous other passages in the evidence of 1844; but they have perhaps suflicieotly selected some of the most striking answers which have been given to the inquiries made on the subject of Westminster bridge ; and they leave the remainder, without further selection, to the at- tention of the House, But they cannot conclude this collection of ex- tracts from the evidence of 1844 without adverting to the fact, that the witnesses who depose the most explicitly to the propriety of removing the existing bridge are men of the highest engineering talent and experience in the empire ; while the only witness, however excellent and respectable in his profession, who gave in that year any testimony in favour of main- taining the present structure, is the contractor employed to repair it. Mr, Walker, while, as already stated, he repudiated the word "peril- ous," as applied to the bridge, distinctly stated that the want of money for a new bridge would alone induce him to propose the continuance of the actual structure. When examined in the present session, Mr. Walker admits Ihat, so far as regards one of the piers, " My opinion of being able to make the bridge perfectly secure, has not been a correct opinion, as far as it is shown at present. There is to be set against that, the expense to which the commissioners have been put, in repairing and strengthening the other piers ; but, on the whole, my opinion is now, that, but for the question of expense, the better way is, under all circumstances, referring to the im- provement of the situation, the future stability of the work, the giving an easier approach, an easier inclination, a wider bridge, a better water-way, and an improved navigation by a smaller number of piers, the safer and better course is to rebuild the bridge." This answer well embodies the chief considerations which induced the committee to recommend, by unanimous resolution, the removal of the ex- isting structure, and the substitution of an entirely new bridge. Other considerations, however, have not been without their weight on the minds of the committee in the resolution which they adopted. The traffic over Westminster bridge has greatly increased within the last few years, " so much that it is difficult at times to get over it." It is obviously immense. Sir James M'Adam stated, in 1844, that he had been directed to cause lo be counted the number of horses which passed Charing-cross annually, and Ihat it had been ascertained that it was 6,600.000 ; and though there was no record of the proportion which passed over the bridge, he added, " I consider that the larger proportion of that thoroughfare, particularly the heavier carriages, passed over the bridge." It is stated further in evidence, that the inclination of Westminster bridge was in 1844 probably greater than that of any bridge over a tidal river in England ; that its inclination was, at its commencement, i. e. for a distance of 50 yards at each end of the bridge, about 1 in 14^, and about 1 in 33 for the re- mainder. It is true, that the inclination has been reduced since 1844, but it has been reduced by the sacrifice of a quarter, at least, of the carriage- way of the bridge. As a general principle, it is clear that the wear and tear, both of the animals which draw a carriage on a steep inclination, and ot the surface of such inclination itself, must be considerably greater than on a level, or than on any road-way in proportion to its approach to a level. When, in addition to this, it is recollected that, in the course of the system of repairs recently adopted, and for the purpose of lightening the vertical pressure on the bridge, such a mass of stone has been displaced as has reduced the present surface of Ihe road by a depth of tive steps below the footpath, on both acclivities, and that the carriage-way has thereby been contracted about the width of a carriage, it is sufficiently evident, that almost in the measure of the increase of the traffic has the accommodation for its passage over the bridge been diminished, When, further, it is recollected that the headway under the existing Westminster bridge is lower than the headway under any of the bridges in the metropolis, and until reaching Battersea, it is clear that, as favour- ing the navigation of the river, it has no special claims to consideration. New Bridge. The committee of 1844, whose report has been referred tu the considera- tion of the present committee, look evidence on the question whether in the event of its being decided to pull down Ihe present structure, and lo erect a new bridge, Ihe material should be of iron or of stone ; and if of iron, whether in suspension or in Ihe form of arches ; and if of stone, whellier of granite or what other material. And the committee, in the present session, examined at some length bolh Mr. George Rennie and Mr. J. Walker, on this general subject. The committee do not feel it necessary either to analyze this evidence, or to come lo any formal conclusion on the subject, except to recognise the two following propositions, namely, (1) Ihat a suspension bridge, though aflbrding greater facilities to the naviga- tion than any other form of bridge, is inexpedient; and (2) that irrespect- ive of expense, a granite bridge is expedient. On the first point, Mr. George Rennie compressed into one sentence the whole question: — "The great inconvenience of suspension bridges is, that they are always at work, that they are always in a state of degradation ; whereas, bridges by com- pression are always in a state of equilibrium." The illustrations which he gave will well repay Ihe attention of Ihe House. On the second point, it is clear that, in proportion to Ihe strength of the material, may be its thinness ; and a greater waterway can be afforded by an arch of granite than by an arch of Bath stone. From this gentleman, from Mr. Walker, from Mr. Barry, and from Mr. Page, the committee have received designs for a new bridge, and have directed them to be lithographed. All have great merit; and perhaps the one which possesses the least might, if it stood alone, have satisfied every requirement. But Ihe committee do not feel it within their province lo give any opinion on the relative value of these productions. They do not, however, consider it to be inconsistent with their duty to recall lo Ihe attention of the House a suggestion appli- cable to the erection of all public works ; it was made lo Ihe committee of 1844 by a gentleman already cited, who appeared to have given par- ticular attention to Ihe subject. The substance is slated in the next para- graph. Competition Designs. — On the mode by which competitioi might best se- cure the application of the first talents to the production of the best designs, and might thence enable some superior authority to select one from all, or to combine different parts from two or more, Mr. Hosking stated as follows (and the committee concur generally in his opinions) : — The essential mat- ters should be defined by the proper authorities, in the first instance, and before attempts are made to obtain designs. A specification of what is required should then be made ; and this should be more or less particular, as it may be determined either to fix a sum of money as the limit of ex pense ; or, on the other hand, to receive designs with reference lo the object and without limiting Ihe expense. Such a specification should be put into the bands of a reasonable number of competent practitioners, with a request that they would each make a design for the contemplated work in accordance with the stated conditions. All the designs so obtained may be examined and investigated with Ihe advantage of the presence of their authors to explain what they may have intended, and to correct what may be misunderstood. In this manner the best energies of competent men would be applied lo the work, and it is probable Ihat the best result would follow. * * * A general competition would end in general disap- pointment ; • • • as none of the persons who would be recognized as most competent, would send designs without being specially applied to for them. * * • At Ihe lime London bridge was in contemplation, advertisements were issued for designs, with offers of some three or four premiums. Drawings were sent accordingly by 70 or 80 persons, and the premiums were awarded to the three or four which were said to be the best designs ; but not one of them was used ; they were immediately thrown away, and a design was taken up which had not been in the com- petition ; but which, indeed, had been in the hands of the bridge commit- tee befurehand, and the author of which was already dead. The late Mr. Rennie's design was executed. In order to avoid this apparent invidioDs- ness and unfairness, and lo secure the real benefits of a competition among competent men, the selection of Ihe architects and engineers should be limited ; and each should receive a certain remuneration for the work which he might send in. No man can afford to work for nothing. Every design asked for should be paid for; and no one ought to be asked, either directly or indirectly, lo make a design, unless it be intended to pay him for it. If this system were adopted, the properly in Ihe designs so sent in would belong thereafter to Ihe authority, by the directions of which they had been sent in ; so that the good parts of one design might be accommo- dated lo the good parts of other designs, and Ihe combined result of the whole would be something superior to that of any one individual design. This is one of the advantages from requiring designs from persons of known ability, and paying for them, so that all the designs obtained may be turned to account. Il is the parlies seeking designs, and who desire to derive advantage from the application of many minds lo the same subject, that are to be benefited ; and they who seek a benefit must be contented to pay for it. It can never happen, but that in several designs for the same thing there will be some points or parts in some of Ihe designs, other than that which may be generally the best, better than the same points in the best design. When all are paid for, all may be used; and the best design in a " concurrence" may be greatly improved by the incorporation of the ex- cellencies of the others. Site of the New Bridge. The House will observe Ihat Ihe committee, in their resolutions herein adverted lo, have not pronounced any opinion as to the precise site of the new bridge; but it is obvious that, while many considerations might be urged for the removal even lo a distant position, other considerations, en- titled to the highest attention, might be adduced in favour of the existing line, or one in immediate juxtaposition to it. It has been suggested by a high authority that it would be very desirable to remove the bridge to the south of the Victoria Tower, thereby opening a more direct communicatioa 282 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Sept. from the region of Belgrave-square to the right bank of the river, and generally to Lambeth, Southwark, and London bridge, and the railway termini now established in its neighbourhood, or hereafter to be so estab- lished. It has been also suggested, as a consequence of such removal of M'estniinster bridge, tliat a new bridge might be thrown over the Thames at the east of Whitehall yard, with an access from Charing-cross, and another access from the Horse Guards. But independently of the objec- tion, more or less valid, of ilisturbiog the present traflic from Charing-cross to the north, and from George-street, the rest of \t estraiuster, and the parks to the west, the committee think it right to refer to the evidence of Mr. Kendel in 1844 ; '■ I do not believe that there is a part of the Thames better suited for a bridge, by which I mean a permanently founded bridge, to stand upon, than the site of Westminster bridge." It is right to add, that the approach to the actual bridge from the left, or Middlesex bank of the river, is carried along Bridge-street, almost the whole of the property on the north side of which is part of the bridge estates ; and therefore, that a new bridge, on the existing site, would be erected with little sacri- fice of that property ; and that a new bridge erected to the north of the present structure, that is, further down the river, and at a better point of view for regarding the New Palace, need involve no other sacrifice of the bridge estates than that of the ten houses forming part of the north side of Bridge-street, and without any considerable outlay in the purchase of the other houses on the same side. In connexion with this consideration, it was at one time assumed, that, though there was no prospect of perma- nently preserving the present bridge, it might, nevertheless, continue avail- able for the temporary passage over the river, while the new bridge was in the course of erection in Juxta-position to it on the north. But Mr. Wal- ker urged, in the spring of 1845, the erection of a temporary bridge as even at that time desirable ; and he has urged it with increasing earnest- ness in the course of the present examination. He estimates the first cost of a temporary bridge, of which he has prepared a plan, at £40,000 ; and he considers that a certain portion of that expenditure might be recovered by the sale of the timber forming the materials of that temporary bridge, when the new bridge should be opened ; and that the remaining portion of the cost of such temporary bridge would be met by the value of the mate- rials of the existing bridge, if used up ou the spot. Estimate of New Bridge. Your committee will now proceed to consider what means remain in the hands of the commissioners of M'estminster bridge, in aid of the expense of a new structure; and what, in the first instance, is the constitution of the commission itself. The management of Westminster bridge is in the hands of 94 commis- sioners : 26 sit by virtue of their offices ; 57 by virtue of their seats in the House of Commons, as representing the metropolitan counties ; and 11 sit as elected by virtue of the Bridge Act, 9 Geo. II. The annual expense of that management, irrespective of the expense of repairs, is in salaries : £ s. d. Treasurer . . . . 300 0 0 Clerk . . . . 40 0 0 Cleik of the Works . . . 140 0 0 Sir James M'Adam for "coating the road," including a small sum to himself for superintendence . . . 772 10 0 Police . . . . 169 10 0 Gas .... 65 0 0 1,487 6 0 The general expenditure in connexion with the bridge from the 5th of April, 1810, to the present time, that is to say, to the quarter ending 5th of July, 1846, has been £190,221 ISs. lOid. There is a further sum re- maining due to Mr. W. Cubitt, under his contract ; and another sum due to Mr. Walker in respect to his per-centage. Probably, if the account could be closed at the date of this report, the aggregate charged and chargeable upon Westminster bridge would not be less than £200,000 from the 5th April, 1810, to the Cth July, 1846. The sum actually expended is distributed over three periods : I. From the 5th April, 1810, to 5lh April, 1838, when the commissioners began their great system of repairs and alterations in the structure and founda- tions of the bridge. II. From the 51h April, 1838, when that great system may be held to have commenced, to the 5th April, 1844, which may be taken as the period when the attention of a committee of the House of Commons was called to the question of the expediency or inexpediency of continuing that system. III. From the 5th April, 1844, to the 5tb July, 1846, namely, from about the period when the said committee concurred in the expediency of con, inning the system of repairs, and thereby encou- raged the commissioners to proceed therein, to the period when the present committee, on a review of all the circumstances which had occurred up to the 15th July, 1846, unanimously, on that day, recommended the removal of the existing bridge and the erection of a new bridge. The sum for the repairs under the old system, and for management, &c. was for the first £ s. d. period 83,097 6 9i The sum for the repairs under the new system, and for management, &c. was for the second period 81,341 16 8 And for the third period .... 25,782 12 o 190,221 15 li)i In addition to this sum, in addition to the two items which remain chargeable upon the bridge estates for work already done, and for the per- centage upon it, it must always be remembered that, in order to complete the great system of repairs commenced in 1838, two, at least, of the piers remain to be included in that system, at an expense proportionate to that of the others, and the widening of the bridge 12 feet to make it equal in width to London Bridge, that is to say, building a bridge 12 feet broad, in union wilb the existing bridge, on its south side, at a cost of £40,000, the aggregate of all which was stated by Mr. \\ alker, the professional adviser of the bridge commissioners, at £100,000, about the time when the works generally were discontinued on the bridge ; namely, in the early summer of 1845. The House will observe that the committee in their resolutions took the sum remaining to complete the repairs, and which might be saved and applied to a new bridge, if those repairs were discontinued, at no more than £70,000 ; they also took the amount which might be raised on the credit of the bridge estates, in aid of the fund for erecting a new bridge, at no more than £100,000 ; — in both cases preferring to understate rather than to overstate the facts on which their recommendation has been found- ed ; — but, as they have placed on record the evidence, parole and docu- mentary, which they received on the general subject, — the excess of charge which might remain to be incurred if a new bridge were not built, and the excess of assets, above the amount which they have been willing to take as available for a new bridge, if such new bridge be built, \\M be open to the judgment of the House. The commissioners began the works with an amount of £51,124 19s. 6d. in the funds, and a cash balance of £4,299 Os. lOJd., being the accumula- tions of their income above their expenditure. Since that time, besides the expenditure of their current income, sales have been made, in order to provide for the repairs which they had undertaken. These sales have reduced the capital to £10,000 Consols, giving an income, after deducting the properly tax, of £291 5s. The value of their estates was estimated by their architect and surveyor, Philip Haidwicke, Esq., in 1843, at £172,521. The aggregate of this sum, and of the funded property, might almost have suiHced, according to some of the plaus before the committee of 1844, to build a new bridge ; or if not, at all even's to have required but a com- paratively small sum from the public Exchequer in order to complete the whole structure, as well as the approaches, of a new bridge. It is right to recollect that the case of bridges in the metropolis differs widely from the case of those in the counties of the empire ; not only in- asmuch as all the Queen's subjects have a common interest in their resort to her capital, and a share in the fame which its aggrandisement rellects ou all her dominions ; but specially, because, perhaps from this cause, the State did, in fact, erect the only bridge which for centuries existed in London; and in the last century did create, directly and indirectly, by grants from the Treasury and by money raised by lotteries, the very fund from which the present Westminster bridge was actually itself builtaiiun- dred years ago. If, therefore, it be said, that the nation does not erect bridges in the county towns of England, or did not erect the other existing bridges in the metropolis, it may be replied, that the case of Westminster bridge, built in a large part by annual votes from the Treasury, stands on difi'ereot and now exclusive grounds ; that the structure has been adopted by the nation ; and that when Parliament enacted, — see 9 Geo. II., c. 29, s, 20, — that it should be extraparochial, and should not be a couuty bridge, chargeable either to Middlesex or Surrey, — see same Act, s. 21, — it sanctioned its claim to be national, and to be sustained at the expense of the empire. The expense however of a new bridge, if a new bridge shall be deemed essential, will not, as alreudy shown, necessarily fall on the State exclu- sively. It was calculated in 1S44 that a sum of £172,521 could be raised on the credit of the bridge estates, irrespective of a comparatively small amount of funded properly then in the hands of the commissionei's: and even deducting from the number of their houses, those which would be required for the completion of a most magnificent approach on the West- minster side, if that site should be adopted, and indeed on the Surrey side also, there will still be left, in addition to the balance of the fuuded pro- perty, enough to raise at least ±;100,000 Resolution of Committee. — In this slate of things, the committee felt themselves justified in coming to the resolution which on the 15th of July they adopted unanimously, — That it is expedient that the present bridge be pulled down, and that a new bridge be constructed ; and it is further ex- pedient that a Bill be brought into Parliament next session to transfer to Her Majesty's Commissioners of Woods, ic. the property of the bridge commission; just consideration being had to the claims of those officers of that commission whose services should be discontinued. Partial Dkstkuction of the New Locks at Bristol. — By the pressure of the high spring tide, on the nigfat uf August i^tti, at CumberlaDd basin, the extensive works now- in progrsss by the dock compacy, with a view to widenhig tlie soutbero entrace lock sulaciently to ndmit of the ingress to the port of vessels of the ca- pacity of the Great Western ai'd Great Briiaiu, were seriously iujured. In order to admit of the necessary excavations and ercLtions, the tlow of the tide had to be kept out of the lock in question, and this was sought to be effected in the usual way, by driving double rows of piles and loading the interstices, so as to form po\ver.*'ul dams. 18 iS,] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 283 ON THE PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF THE ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT, THE BUILDER AND MACHINIST. The Classes of Architecture and Engineering at University College, under Professors Donaldson and Harmau Lewis, closed on the 15th of June. The distribution of prizes, of which we were compelled last month to defer the notice, took place ou the 1st July as follows : In Architecture. — First year's course in Fine Art : Prize and First Cer- tificate to J.Benwell; Second Certificate to F. Lawrence (see below). First year's Class as a science : Prize and First Certificate to G. P. Boyce and F. Lawrence, equal (see below) ; Second Certificate to B. J. Benwell (see above). Second year's course : Fine Art Prize and First Certificate to John Pollard Seddon ; Second Certificate to W. Wood Deane (see below) Second year's course as a science : Prize and First Certificate to J. G. D. Allasou ; Second Certificate to W. Wood Deane (see above). In Engineering:. — Prize and First Certificate to F. Lawrence (see above); Second Certificate to — IVlackenzie. The advantages of the courses of instruction followed at this Institution must be obvious to every one. It has hitherto been too much the practice for young men in this country, in almost every department of professional knowledge except the medical, to neglect a systematic elementary course of education, and to rely upon the experience of actual practice to carry them through their arduous career. 'The consequence has been that men of an inferior rank in society, moved by greater energy of purpose, more self denying habits and activity of mind, have devoted their spare hours to master the elementary branches ; and thus having fitted themselves for great undertakings, have stepped forward and acquired reputation and wealih, while their more genteelly connected competitors have been thrown in arrear by the weight of the more solid acquirements of the humliler aspirants. Nay, we feel assured, that if, in the inferior ranks of construc- tion and mechanical science, those connected with such pursuits as build- ings and machinery would make themselves acquainted with the element- ary principles of science, their inventive genius would receive greater development, obstructions would be more readily overcome, and they would find less difficulty in giving reality to their conceptions. In every dep^riment of knowledge there is now a great advance, and those, who wish to succeed in the contest for wealth and fame, must piepare them- selves for the struggle by their superior attainments. The student, the apprentice, the mechanic, the foreman, the clerk of the works, niay, iu such courses as these, learn to regard their pursuits in a methodical system of instruction and reasoning. Commencing from first principles and mas- ters of ihe elements, they proceed to the consideration of their applicaliou. The choice of materials, their applicability and adaptatation for economic purposes, are brought before them ; a wide and comprehensive view of the world of science is opened ; they acquire the habit of reasoning with precision and of a systematic consideration of objects; they have explain- ed to them, in addition, the finest examples ; they learn the history and progressive development of invention, with the names and characters of the most illustrious men ; they are also made acquainted with the value and importance of the best scientific liteiary works. They are thus tho- roughly grounded with a fund of knowledge, which the hurry of subse- quent practical life forbids their ever acquiring, and which they canuot gain in the oflice of the professional man. It were idle to suppose that this system can supersede the knowledge to be gained under the architect, engineer, or builder ; but it completes, at all events, the practical experi- ence acquired on the works of the master: and the education of the young roan being perfected by tiiis combination, he is enabled to follow up his pursuit, the matured and well grounded architect, engineer, builder, or njechinist, and not with the raw inexperience of unskilled youth. Both the Professors accompanied the classes during the session to works in progress, and explained the principles which directed the conception and execution. Professor Donaldson has had to acknowledge the liberal courtesy of the Deans and Chapters of VFestminster and St. Paul's, they having granted unrestricted permission to the Professor and his pupils, to visit every part of those edifices, the examination and description of which occupied in each case many hours. To give an idea of the habits of thought inculcated in the class rooms, we transcribe merely two of the questions out of the series which the students had to answer for the prizes ; and we will ask, if the qualification to answer these does not presuppose a course of previous study of incal- culable benefit to the future candidaie for fame : — " Take a review of the history of architecture from the third century of the Christian era, and investigate Ihe influences which probably caused the modifications of sentiment perceptible in the edifices of the diil'ereut epochs of niediteval art in various countries." — " Supposing that the ex- pres.-.ion of a leading principle in buildings may be distinguished, accord- ingly as the leading lines of ihe elevation may be either vertical or hori- zontal; examine this theory by reference to the ed.fices of ancient and n.odern art, and state under what class respectively should be ranged the uiouuweuls of Egjpt, Greece, Rome, and the Middle Ages." REGISTER OF NEW PATENTS, If additional informatioD be required respecting any patent, it may be obtained at Ulc office of this Journal. PURIFYING GAS. John Robert Johnson, of Nelson-square, Surrey, chemist, for " Im- proremeni sin Purifying Gas anilin the treatment of products of gas-works." —Granted December 20, 1845 ; Enrolled June 20, 1846. This invention relates, first, to a new mode of purifying gas used for illumination, from those impurities which consist of ammonia and its com- pounds. The inventor ellects tlie separation of the ammonia, by using the substances possessing the property of absorbing ammonia or its com- pounds in the dry, or more properly speaking, solid state, instead of in the state of solution, as has hitherto been practised. Among this class of substances are comprised, the solid acids, such as the phosphoric, boracic, and other acids ; the salts with excess of acid, as the bisulphates of pot- ash, of soda, and of ammonia, the biphosphates of these bases and other salts of this class ; the salts of alumina, and of some other earths. Those substances which absorb the compounds of ammonia entirely, acid as well as base, entering into combination with the components of the substance used. The metallic sails, containing the requisite quantity of water, will serve more or less perfectly for the purpose required ; but the salts of iron and manganese, from their cheapness, will be found preferable to others. These salts are reduced to powder, and used precisely as the moistened lime is used in dry lime purifiers. The second part of the invention consists in a new mode of treating the ammoniacal liquor of the gas-works, for the purpose of preparing the salts of ammonia in a purer slate than they have been usually obtained, and without the noxious exhalations which attend the ordinary mode of operating. The liquor is placed in a vessel A, similar to an ordinary steam-boiler, and heat applied through the furnace B. The liquor consists principally of hydrosulphuret and carbonate of ammonia, with small quantities of other salts of that base. As soon as the temperature rises, the hydrosulphuret of ammonia comes over, it being the most volatile pro- duct. A slow fire is kept, so as to volatilize this product exclusively, and during its passage is conducted by the pipe a, into the vessel C, contain- ing a solution of some substance which has the property of absorbing the sulphuretted hydrogen and Ihe deleterious gas, as the salts of iron and manganese. The product, after sufficient of the vapours have passed to saturate the material employed, is a solutiou of a salt of ammonia, holding iu suspension the sulphurtt of iiou or manganese. In this plan, one vessel for holding the material through which the vapours are passed is sufficient, but if more be employed they are charged with the same solution. W hen lime or alkali is used to absorb the sulphuretted hydrogen, the ammonia is liberated and must be conducted into a second vessel D, charged with an acid. At the end of this part of the operation, that is, when all the hydrosulphuret of ammonia has passed over, the products found in the first vessel are sulphuret of lime and some free ammonia, and in the second a solution of a salt of ammonia. If the acid was but slightly diluted, the solution may be obtained saturated and fit to christallize on cooling. The liquid remaining in the boiler, and now consisting principally of carbonate of ammonia, may be treated in the ordinary way for preparing the salts, or the evaporation may be continued in the boiler at a higher temperature, iu order to drive over the other volatile sails and the vapours passed through acid to absorb the ammonia. In the latter case the apparatus just described may he used, the cock E being opened. The vapours then pass through the pipe b, and through the acid in the vessel D, without entering the vessel C, containing the lime, and are then absorbed. The evaporation is continued until the volatile salts of ammonia are all driven oft", when the liquor in ihe boiler may be rejected, unless it be found that Ihe fixed sails remaining in the liquor are iu sufficient quantity to be worth extracting, which may lie asceriaiiied approxiniatively by evaporating a drop of the liquor on a strip of glass, or accurately by evaporating to nearly dryness a known quantity of the liquor, and by weighing the re- sulting salt. These fixed salts may be obtained by entirely evaporating Ihe liquor in a lead vessel, or by adding to the liquor, while in the boiler A, a certain quantity, more or less, according to the quantity of the fixed suits present, of sulphuret uf lime ia solutiou. This substance may b« 284 THE CIVIL ENGINEtR AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Sept. obtained from the first part of the operation when lime is used, or from the liquor of the wet purifiers of Ihe gas-works. The sulphuret of lime decomposes Ihe fised salts of ammonia, liberating the latter substance in the state of hydrosulphuret, which may be treated in the same manner as that erolved in the first stage of the process. STEAM ENGINES AND PROPELLERS. John Seaward, of the Canal Iron Works, engineer, for " Improvements in the steam engine, and in macliinery for propeUinj;. Granted January 12; Enrolled July 12, 1846. — Reported in \he Patent Journal. With Engravings, see Plate XIV. Guide hlock. — The first part of this invention relates to a guide block (fig. 1) for preserving the parallelism of cross-heads of steam engines, and other machinery, a a are two guides, bevelled on both sides, forming an- gular edges, to which are fitted two sliding pieces, b b, c is a block titled between the pieces bb and their respective lugs or projections, dddd. Two powerful spiral springs, as shown by the dotted lines, are compressed within the block c, forcing the pieces 6 b against the guides, and in order that they shall not cause the friction to be too great it is furnished with two bolts ee on each side side, and thus regulated at pleasure ; /is a hole for the reception of the cross heads. Plumber block. — Secondly, this invention relates to a plumber-block, to be used where the force acts longitudinally, or at an angle. It is fitted with two sets or pairs of brasses, one being divided longitudinally, the other vertically ; the last-named are closed by keys placed vertically at the back; these are furnished with screws and nuts similar to the key of a connecting rod ; the others by bolts, as usual. Valves. — Thirdly, these improvements consist of an apparatus for work- ing the valves of such engines as are fitted vith a double set. Fig. 2 shows a fore and aft vertical section of a cylinder fitted with a double set of slide valves ; and fig. 3 an external side view of the same, li is a horizontal slide, which moves in dove-tailed grooves, b b, and is con- nected to the bent lever c by a rod, as shown by dotted lines. This lever works on a fixed fulcrum at rf, the short end being connected in the usual way to the eccentric or other rod by which it may be worked, eeee are four weigh shafts connected in pairs by the levers////, and cross rods g-g-. The levers A A A A on the weigh shafts are connected by links to the valve spindles, as shown in fig. 2. Now, it will be observed that when the slide a is moved to the right by the motion of the engine, the tappet h will come in contact with tl>e lever J, thereby closing the steam valve_;, cutting off the steam at any part of the stroke according to where Ihe tappet may be set, and partially closing the escape valve fc, as shown in fig. 2. On the slide moving still further, the lever i will slide along the back of the tappet h, till it meets with the tappet /; this will entirely close the eduction valve k; the lever m will be acted on in a similar manner by the corresponding tappets producing the motion of the opposite valves as before described, when Ihe lever > is moved by the tappet I. The toe n (fig. 4) is caught in the step o, and held in that position till relieved by the opposite toe p coming in contact with the corresponding step, which, it will be remembered, does not take place till the tappet q closes the eduction valve s, the weight on the weigh shaft bringing it smartly back to its original place ; the spiral springs, r r, are for keeping Ihe steps moreeirectually to their work. The tappets are fitted with regulating screws 1 1, for the purpose of altering their position so as to cut off the steam at any required part of the strokes, uu are rods by which the weights are hung on the weigh shaft to alter the valves for the return stroke of tiie engine. Steam Pipe. — The fourth part of this invention relates to an apparatus for the better separation of the steam from the water in boilers, thereby preventing what is usually called priming ; it consists of three circular concentric casings, a (/ c (fig. 5); they are attached to the upper parts of the boiler in the space occupied by the steam, b is filled with a conical bottom, terminating in a pipe d, reaching nearly to the bottom of the boiler; the upper part of this casing is perforated with a number of small holes to admit the steam which passes up between it and the outside casing a, thence downwards under tiie inside casing c, where the water separates and runs down the pipe d ; the steam again rising, passes off by the steam pipe e to the engine. Screw Propeller.. — Fifthly, this invention has relation to an improved metho*' of shipping and unshipping, or in other words, raising and lower- ing screw propellers, and the means of fixing them to the shift. Fig. G is a view of the stern ((uarters of a ship fitted with these im- provements. Figs. 7, 8, and 9, show some of Ihe parts separately, n a is a swinging frame furnished with bearings and journals, in which the pro- peller revolves freely, b h are two sliding bearings to support the journals of the swinging frame, and ^uide it in its ascent or descent. The lever c is for swinging the frame on its bearings dd, for the purpose of placing or displacing the propeller on or from the shaft, which, it will be observed, is conical at the end, for its more easy entrance and removal. Fig. 8 shows part of Ihe propeller shaft ce in section, having an internal shaft, the outer end of which is furnishced Avilh a screw/, the inner with a screw wheel g, gearing into a screw spindle by it turned round. The action of this is as follows : — The swinging frame and propeller being placed within the sliding pieces h b, it is lowered (by Die. ins of the chain and crab placed in the stern, as indicated by dotted lines) till, opposite the end of the shaft, the lever c is forced back ; this will place the propeller on the shaft, and, by turning the screw wheel, the screw will enter the propeller, thereby firmly securing it. The reverse of this operation will unship the propeU ler. By another plan the swinging frame is dispensed with, in which case the shaft is supported by two stays, as seen at fig. 9, by dotted lines. The propeller is raised and lowered by means of two round bars, pointed and screwed at Ihe lower ends, and placed in a vertical position immedi- rtely over two holes formed in the blades near the centre ; these bars slide vertically in guides, and are connected near the lower ends by a yoke, which is attached to a crab by a chain, as shown in the last case; the boss is drawn on and secured to a conical wedge-shaped clutch on the propeller shaft, by the means before described ; when it is desired to unship the pro- peller blades, they are placed in a horizontal position, with the holes before mentioned uppermost; the round bars are lowered and screwed into them ; the shaft is then withdrawn from the propeller, and purchase applied to the crab, which will bring it above water under the counter of the ship. The sixth and last part of this invention has also relation to propelling machinery, and is for the purpose of reducing the friction on the end thrust of the propeller shaft, by introducing a thin film or stratum of oil or water between the rubbing surfaces, which are of hardened steel. The face that receives the pressure from the propeller shaft is secured to some convenient part of the engine, or beam of the ship, and has a channel bored through to the centre of Ihe steel face, which is turned concave about one-third its diameter, as also that on the end of the shaft. A con- tinuous stream of oil or water is forced by three pumps through this chan> nel into the hollow faces, and escaping at the circumference, where it is collected by a casing, is returned through a tube to Ihe tank below the pumps ; thus preventing the rubbing surfaces from coming in contact, and thereby reducing the friction. Claim : — First, the forming of guide blocks of steam engines of three several pieces, having springs and adjusting screws, as before described. Second, the improved compound plumber block, having two sets of brasses, one pair divided longitudinally, the other vertically, as before de- scribed. Third, the working of steam engines having double slide valves, by means of horizontal slides having double tappets at each end, as before de- scribed. F'ourth, the adaptation of an apparatus to steam boilers, for the preven- tion or lessening of priming, as before described. Fifth, the methods of connecting and disconnecting the propeller to or from the shaft, in screw-propelled vessels, as before described. Sixth, the means of reducing the friction consequent on the end thrust of the propeller shaft, in screw-propelled vessels, as hereinbefore de- scribed. PLATE AND SHEET IRON CUTTER. William Vincent Wennisgton, of Goscote ironworks, Staffordshire, Esq.. for " Improvements in or improved methods of cutting plate and sheet iron." — Granted January 20 ; Enrolled July 30, 181(i. With Engravings, see Plate XUT The improvements consist in the combination of a rotary and horizontal continuous movement, by which means plates of iron of any length may be cut without curling or buckling. The rotary movement consists of a circu- lar cutter a, set in motion by the gearing hereafter explained and the hori- zontal movement of another cutter b, attached to the traversing table c, upon which the iron plate is laid. An alternate rotary motion is produced by the circular cutter a being fixed on one end of a shaft d, revolving in bearings fixed between the standards e, and over the bearings are regu- lating screws//; on the other end of the shaft is a bevelled wheel g-, which takes into either of the bevel wheels h or ;', keyed on to the hollow shafts ^j, and which slide on the main shaft k, set in motion by steam or any other known power. For the purpose of giving a horizontal move- ment to the traversing table, there is a cog wheel keyed on to the shaft d, immediately at the back of the cutter a ; this cog wheel takes into the rack I and causes the table c to move on the \ rails m m. On the under side of the table are tappets n, which act on a lever, n', fixed on the small shaft 0 ; and at the other end is a forked lever p, which acts on the clutch g, for throwing the bevelled wheels h i in and out of gear ; thus an alter- nate backward and forward movement is given to both the revolving cutter a, the traversing table c, and cutter b. The claim is for the combination of a rotary and horizontal motion for cut- ting plate and sheet iron. COKE OVEN. jAnr.z Chcrch, of Colchester, Essex, gas engineer, for " Improvements in manufacturing coke." — Granted December 20, 1845 ; Enrolled June 20, lb4(i. With Engravings, see Plate XIV. The improvements consist in the construction of coke ovens with regu- lators, valves, and flues for admitting cold air to the inside of the oven during the niaaufacturing process and to cool the coke within the oven at the end of the process. Fig. I shows one half of the front elevation and one half of the transverse section of a coke oven ; fig. 2 the side eleva- NEW PATENTS TiS-i Fiif.Z. ^ /""""^^^ IS _o^ \'fr—>^^ - ./.- -_-•-. — ^. ■ l- i ; ~ igt j-^..^^''. __.._. ^^^.. \V^^--^^-'-^f-^:,^ Fiff.4,. «. c d^^' ^' ^^;^;«fc/^ ico| i^d CReHNHOWe rmlway cawriaoe - fty S. -Pig- C. t=l 18460 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 285 tion ; fig. 3 one half of a horizontal plan of the coolins passages under the oven, on a level with the line Y V, and one half of the plan of the oven on the line Z Z. The other half in each figure is similar in construc- tion to the half shown iu the engraving, and similar letters refer to similar parts in each figure. A is the mouthpiece of the oven (see enlarged view, fig. 4) with a tem- porary wall of bricks b, built up as the coke is put in ; <; cast iron door with oblong apertures (/, fitted with vertical slides e, for regulating the size of the apertures, or entirely closing them; //are two passages on each side of the oven mouth, fitted with regulating valves and incliDing upwards towards the top of the interior of the oven ; g is the floor of the oven ; h the flue leading from the interior to the chimney !. jj (fig. 1) are two vertical pipes with hinge caps and covers, opened by the dependent chains, to allow the escape of the air employed for the cooling down pro- cess from the interior of the oven to the external air. kk (tigs. 2 and 4) are two openings with regulating valves, / Z (fig. 4), through which, after the coal has been converted into coke, the cold air is introduced to the horizontal passages m, under and round the oveu fbut not communicating with the interior), for cooling down the coke: Those parts marked n be- tween the brickwork forming the pa.ssages are filled in with concrete. The mode (tf operation is as follows ; — The floor of the oven is covered with coal to the thickness of about two feet, the surface inclining a little from the front and sides towards the centre ; the brickwork h to the oven mouth is built up as the coal is introduced, and the bricks luted with fine clay ; a shovelful of burning coal is thrown in at top, and when the coal is fairly ignited the regulators of the door c are then closed; the aper- tures d. as well as the passages//, are kept open until the coal is fairly ig- nited, and at the same lime, the passages fc k are kept entirely closed. At the conclusion of the process, the valves II of the openings k k are opened, for admitting cold air to the chambers m, to cool down the c*)ke, and at the same time the caps ot the exit pipejj are taken off. The coke is not to be removed from the oven until it has been thorougly cooled down. Another part of the patent is for the application of electricity to purify- ing of coke from sulphur and other metallic mixtures, which is done in the following manner: — As soon as the flame on the surface of the ignited coal begins to die away, the apertures s of the door c and //are closed ; an iron rod is then introduced through the temporary brickwork of the mouth into the coke near the bottom, and passed through to the back of the oven to the flue A. A second rod is passed over the surface of the coke, so that it stiall rest and be in contact with it. The Ibrmer rod is connected with the positive pole of a powerful electric battery, and the second rod with the negative pole by means of copper wire, leaving the body of coke iu the oven to complete the electric current. If the mass of coke be equal to eix tons, it ought to be subject to the electric action for about two hours. TANNING. RoDf.RT Warrington, of Apothecaries' Hall, London, for " Improve- ments in the operation of Tanning." — Granted March 25; Enrolled July 25, I84G. This invention consists in the application of certain mixtures or com- pounds to be employed in the process of tanning hides or skins, the several mixtures being divided into three classes, which are as follows : — First, in order to prepare the skins for unhairing, the inventor proposes to employ carbonate of soda or potass, in the proportion of from one to two pounds to ten gallons of water. The second class is also intended to prepare the skins for unhairing and also to swell them, for which purpose the inventor employs various agents, such as baryta, potass, and soda, dilute muriatic, nitric, oxalic, or any other acid, except sulphuric acid. The third class consists of vegetable matters, such as rhubarb, sorrel, apple, mare, vine cu tings, and other similar vegetables, which may be economically employ- ed. In the first class, from half-a-pound to two pounds may be added to ten gallons of water, the same being rendered caustic by the addition of fresh burnt lime ; of the second class, the inventor prefers about the same proportions of muriatic acid, of specific graviiy 1-17, to the same quantity of water; of the third class, the inventor prefers to employ culinary rhu- barb. The following is a summary of the claim :— First, the applu:ation of carbonate of soda or potass when soaking the hides or .skins, for facili- tating the removal of the hair; second, the employment of baryta, soda, potass, and muriatic, nitric, oxalic, or any other acid, except sulphuric, together with the above named and other similar vegetable matters, for facilitating the removal of the hair and also swelling the hides or skius. He also claims the application of vegetable matters and chemical agents for retarding oxydation, which agents are to be used with the tanning liquor ; and lastly, he claims the application of bi-carbonate of potass and dilute sulphuric acid for preserving the skins and other animal substances. RAILWAY SAFETY BUFFEH. Edwin Chesshirb, of Birmingham, for " /m/jrorpmcHis in apparatus to he applied to railicaij carriages to reduce the prejudicial effects of collision ta passengers in railway carriages." — Granted February 3; Enrolled Au- gust 3, 1S46. The apparatus consists simply of a strong straight inflexible rod of cither iron or wood, or both combined, placed lougi:udiually under the centre of the carriages ; the ends of the rod are to have enlarged heads, and the length of the rod to be somewhat less than the carriage, to which it is attached, and the buffers when in ordinary contact. This rod, which the inventor calls a " safety buffer," is not intended to have any effect in stopping the motion of the train in the usual manner, but only when a violent collision, either before or behind, occurs, — then the heads of all the bars will be brought in contact, and " form one straight, inflexi- ble, unyielding bar," by which means the effect of the collision will be neutralised. ELECTRIC LAMP. William Greener, of Birmingham, gunmaker, and W. E. State, of Peckham, Surrey, Esq., for " Improved means of ignition and illumina- tion."— Granted February 7 ; Enrolled August 7, 1846. The inven'ion is for the purpose of effecling illumination of public and private buildings, streets, 6ic., by means of solid or hollow prisms or cy- linders of carbon (purified from impurities), or rods or strips of platinum, or other difficult fusible metal, enclosed in transparent air-tight vessels, and rendered luminous by passing currents of electricity ; the carbon or metal is to be divided on the surface into numerous acute points. Hollow cylinders of carbon may be used, partially inserted within, and placed in perfect contact with, hollow cones of platinum, either plain or acuminated, and enclosed as before described. CEMENT. John Keating, of North Mews, Filzroy-square, Middlesex, scagliolist, for " Improrements in the manufacture of cement," — Granted February 11 ; Enrolled August II, 184G. This invention consists in mixing borax with gypsum (sulphate of lime) in the following proportions : — 5 lb. of borax and 5 lb. of crude tartar are each to be dissolved in G gallons of water, and when dissolved the two solutions to be mixed together. Gypsum in lumps (first deprived of its water of crystallization by heat) is to be put in this solution till it has absorbed as much as it will take up, and then put in an oven and heated red hot; afterwards it is allowed to cool, and ground, and then again mixed with the above solutions and heated in an oven ; when taken out, it will be ready for use. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES. George Stfphenson, of Tapton House, Chesterfield, engineer, and William Hovvb, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, mechanic, for an " Improve- ment in locomotive steam engines." — Granted February 11 ; Enrolled August II, 1846. The iraprovemeot consists in the application of three steam cylinders to locomotive engines, two to be of the same diameter and capacity, and together to be equal in capacity to one large cylinder. The pistons of all the three cylinders are to move simultaneously in the same direction ; the large cylinder is to be placed exactly in the longitudinal central line of the engine, and the other two cylinders on each side at equal distances from it. The piston of the centre cylinder is to drive a crank on the axle of the impelling wheels, and the pistons ot the two smaller cylinders are to be connected with crank pins fixed on the naves of the driving wheels; the crank lo be fixed at right angles to the crank-pins. The intention of this arrangement is to neutralise any tendency that the oblique action of the connecting rods on their crank pins may have to produce a lateral vibration on the supportiug springs of a locomotive when travelling very rapidly. RAILWAYS AND CARRIAGES. Conrad Haverkasi Greenhow, of North Shields, Esq., for" Improve- menls in the construction of raitu-aijs and railway carriages." — Granted January 6 ; Enrolled July G, 1846. VVith Engravings, see Plate XIV. The improvements relate, first, to forming the tyre of the wheels and rails so that they can be adjusted and adapted to each other. This is etfected by using a convex rail and a peculiar formation of a concave wheel tyre, combined with inclined spokes, whereby, in the event of one rail sinking below the level of the other, the tyre of the sunken wheel will bear on the rail with an increased diameter, so as to compensate in surface motion for the depression ; and from the peculiar concave shape, the wheel and the rail will maintain a correct adjustment in respect to each other. Notwithstanding any varying elevations and depressions of parts of the length of rails, ilie wheels on the opposite rails will at all times be running on such diameters as to muke the distance moved through (by the common axle) the same, without any drag or friction corresponding with that here- tofore consequent on the flanges, when moving against rails similarly cir- cumstauced. Aud owing to tins constant adjustment between the running surfaces of the wheels aud the rails, the rails may be laid with the gauge so correct as not to allow of any play, for the adjustment which takes place will prevent, or tend to prevent, any rebound from rail.to rail, besidea 37 2S0 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Skpt. 111! rd will he no tendency lo run ofl' the rail ; and should there be any im- jiedinient lo the «heels on one of the rails, those wheels may rise over «uch impediment wilhout injury, owing to the opposite wheels retaining their correct contact with their rail, so long as the raised \^heels do not rise olf their rail lo an extent which will throw the diagonal line on the opposite wheels bejond the perpendicular line. Figs. 1 and 2 ^huw the secliuu of r.tils upon ihe improved form, which may be of wrought or cast iron. The invenlor does not confine himself to the section shown, but the rail is such that the surface on which the wheels C'ime is to be a portion of a cylinder, and part of ihe running surface of the wheels is lo be struck to the same radius ; hence, the two cylindrical surfaces will correspond. Fig. 3 shows a section of one of the wheels on an axle, and also one of the rails ; Ihe spokes are to be set at an angle of 22J' Fig. 4 is an enlarged view of the rail and tyre. The second improvement relates to suspending the body of thecarriagea, as shown in tigs. 5 & 6, on axes at each end at /;, bearing on uprights c, lix< d on the frame of the carriage d ; the body is prevented oscillating by means of chains or straps c, which allow suliicieut movement to the body as may be required. The frame (I is fixed on the springs mounted on the lower frame e. The cl.iirn is for combining the suspension, as described, with the use of straps or chains. The third improvement relates to applying ''an uncontrolled locking action to the axles and wheels of radway carriages," as shown at tig. 7. a is a strong bar formed into the arc of a circle, sliding in bearings li, fixed on the frame; the bearings c of the axle of the wheels are made fast to this bar, and can only move vvilhin a short space, there being stops at d d. l>y this means, when a carriage is going round curves, the wheel accommo- dates itself to the curve. REVIEWS. Metropolilan Bridges and fJ^es/mrnsfer Improvements. By Sir Howard Douglas, M.P. Second edition. London : Boone, 1S46. pp. 27. The second edition of Sir Howard Douglas's pamphlet appears opportunely at a time when much public interest has been excited by the report of the dangerous condition of Westminster Bridge, and the proposal to replace it by a new structure. The old bridge was erected about one hundred years ago, and considering that it was built with scarcely sufficient strength to re- sist the comparatively gentle current of the Thames when its tidal waters were impeded by the huge piers of old London bridge, it would need no prophet to predict that the removal of those obstructions must ultimately involve the destruction of Westminster bridge also. The pamphlet before us describes the defects in the original construction, and the progress of the consequent injuries, but as these subjects are investigated with considerable minuteness in the official report now before the public, it is not necessary to enter into detail respecting them here. We shall prefer giving one or two extracts in which Sir H. Douglas describes his proposition for the improve- ments between Charing Cross and the river. "All that can be expected from the expedients which have been tried is, that they may retard the ruin, which nothing, in fact, can avert — so that, with proper precautions, the bridge may serve as a temporary means of com- munication while a new one is being constructed ; but even for this it would be prudent to lighten it as much as possible, by removing the masses of ma- terials which form the foot-path on both sides, down to the level of the car- riage-way, and to replace the stone balustrades, with a temporary railing or parapet of wood. Should the piles, which form the present caisson or coffer- dam about the pier on the Surrey side, be not removed, they might be cut down ; and if that or any other pier should seem to be in danger of settling further by the deepening of the water-ways, the expedient already pro|)osed, of paving the bed of the river in those parts, or depositing there masses of stone, might he adopted ss a temporary measure. It is somewhat remarka- ble, that, notwithstanding the defective mode of construction of Westminster bridge by caissons, and the large sums of public monev laid out in vain at- tempts to rescue this bridge from destruction, it should be seriously proposed to adopt the like expedient on an immense scale in Dover Bay :— to strand caissons containing large portions of ready-made break-waters in 7 or 8 fathoms water for the formation there of a harbour of refuge ! A new bridge cannot be constructed on the present site without previously removing the old one; and this would involve an expense of at least 40,Oo6;. in erecting a temporary bridge, to avoid stoppiiig altogether, the communication between the Borough and Westminster, whilst the new work is proceeding. There is no room for a new bridge between the Parliamentary Palace and the present bridge, for these are already in contact ; and the construction of a bridge any where below the present site, say from Maudslay's premises to Man- chester buildings, would occasion a very great outlay in providing new ap- proaches. But, if leaving Westminster bridge, in its present state, "as a tem- porary communication, a new bridge were constructed from Lambeth stairs to t' <■ reirest pnrt of the opposite bank, no expense for new approaches wotild be incurred, a direct communication with Westminster would he esta- blished, and a magnificent entrance into the capital formed, at an interesting jj and venerable part. The river face of the new Parliamentary Palace, would 1 be seen to great advantage ; ami, no longer disfigured and obscured on the other flank when the distasteful structure which now defaces it shall have been removed, the edifice standing gracefully and boldly out, would form a beautiful object upon the concave sinuosity of the river, extending thence to Blackfriars' bridge, and Somerset House, wbicli, for this purpose, should be reclaimed from its present unwholesome and disgusting slate by the proposed embankment and terrace, which it were easy to show is an interference with the state of the river much required at that part, — and thus that pestilential locality would be transformed altogether into a beautiful and highly embel- lished portion of the metropolis. From the Westminster end of this new Lambeth bridge, a street should be opened to lead directly to Shaftesbury terrace, Eaton and Belgrave squares, or to communicate with some part of that which is now being executed under the provisions of a bite act, &c. ; and another formed by the river hank, to Victoria Tower ard Whitehall, passing between Westminster .\bbey and the Parliamentary Palace. Enter- ing the Court end of the town by this magnificent porial— ^l. Margaret's church removed, in conformity with the unanimous reconinrendation of a Select Committee, from the immeiliate vicinity of a splendnl and ample place of worship, which requires not the aid ol an iiiljnimug chore h, and the relies which lie around that incongruous building, exhumed — the western face of the quadrangle, by which, according to the present design, it is in- tended to enclose Westminster Hall, set hack, to give greater space between it anil Henry the Seventh's Chapel ; — I'arliauieiit street widened, by remov- ing the block of buililiiigs between it and King-street — Downing-street finished — and the Board of Trade completed, a majestic CDiuniunication would be formed, between the Regal and Parliamentary Palaces ; and if Whitehall-street may not, or cannot be straightened throughout, those build- ings at least should he thrown back, which, on approaching Trafalgar-square, obtrude, more immediately on the left, to destroy its symmetry." The last sentence of this extract pleases us but little. We would much rather see St. Margaret's Church restored than destroyed. It was once one of the most magnificent churches in London, as those who have seen the old prints of it can testify ; the work of desecration has, it is true, proceeded very far, but not beyond remedy ; and in the hands of a judicious architect St. Margaret's Church might once again raise its head unmarred by the vile barbarisms of the last age. The desire of removing this structure for the purpose of obtaining a clear and uninterrupted view of Westminster Abbey, proceeds from ignorance of the true principles of Pointed Architecture, which always appears most beautiful when it alfords picturesque combina- tions of numerous detached parts. ^A'e accordingly see that the mediaeval architects loved to group a great many difTerent structures together, and ad- jacent to a cathedral usually erected its cloister, chapter house, baptistery or collegiate buildings. It is precisely this combination of a crowd of pinnacles and towers, steep roofs and massive buttresses, from which arises the magni- ficence of a pile of Pointed buildings : and for this reason also (though there are many others) the demolition of an ancient church in the neighbourhood of a cathedral can never be justified except on the plea of unavoidable neces- sity. St. Margaret's is at present covered over with a thick coating of plaster, the tracery of the windows has been destroyed, the panel-work of the tower concealed by stucco, the finials and crockets churchwardenised ; but great as are these injuries, they are not past all surgi ry, and we unhesitating re- peat that a judicious restorer of this ancient church would have the honor of adding one more to the number of beautiful buddings with which this inte- resting spot is crowded. For the same reason that we would retain St. Margarets' Church we would resist any project for erecting a continuous pile of buildings concraling W'est- minster Hall. The irregular outline of the Palace of Westminster on the Abbey side is far more in accordance vi'ith the spirit of Pointed architecture than the flat unbroken surface of the river front. It is most desirable that the present pseudo-classic law courts should he removed, and that the mag- nificent flying buttresses on either side of Westminster Hall should be dis- played; hut the proposition for enclosing it altogether is unjuslifiable. Neither do we see the necessity of throwing down the buildings which " on ap- proaching Trafalgar-square obtrude more immediately on the left to destroy its symmetry." We quite concur with the general opinion that for the sake of the national character for good taste, Trafalgar-square ought to be kept out of sight as ranch as possible. To turn to a difl"orent subject, we must notice what seems an error of principle in a note (p. 7 — 14), the object of which is to prove that Hunger- ford bridge is not built with sufficient strength. It is first shown that the utmost load which can by any chance be put on the bridge at one time is less than one-third of the weight which would impair the chains. This ex- cess of strength is pronounced insufiiiient ; hut the opinion is not confirmed by very conclusive reasoning : among other things the curve of the chains is assumed to be a common catenary, which it is not. The note then proceeds IS 16.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 287 " There is one additional point still to be noticed, namely, the pressures on the piers. It is shown by writers on mechanics, that the horizontal ^^train at every point of the chain is the same, and equal to the tension at the lu.Test point of the curve. Wlicn a bridge is properly constructed, the catenary on the other side of the pier is a portion of the same curve as the first. The horizontal strains on the two sides ol the pier will then be equal, but in op- posite directions, and, therefore, they will counteract each other: the two vertical strains will also be equal, and in the same direction : and as it is evident that each of those strains is equal to half the weight of tlie chain between the piers, the vertical pressure on eacli pier is equal to the weight of this chain. (See MilUanj Bridges, p. 311). In the case of the Hunger- ford Bridge, however, the catenaries at tlie two ends when completed, have a considerably less span than the central curve, but they have the same droop or deflection. Hence if 2 y he the span of the centre arc, 2 y' the span of the curves at the two extremities when completed ; and a, a', the corres- ponding tensions at the lowest points, we have 3yH^ 6 X 3 y'- + J^ t> X And as y' is considerably less than y, a' will evidently he less than a in a still higher ratio. Hence there will he a constant horizontal strain, equal to (a — a') actinir at the top of each pier, (which the ingenious contrivance of the shifting saddles at the summits of the piers cannot remedy.) which will of course tend to pull and shake the piers, and may ultimately overthrow them, founiled as they are, without underpiling, on the natural bed of a river, which is continually becoming deeper." The conclusion here arrived at is erroneous, and the error arises from the application of a formula to a case with which it has no connection. The value given for a' is taken from the expression for the tension in a chain at its lowest [}oint, when the chain is suspended between two piers of the same weight, and the lowest pohtt is consequently /lorizontal. But here the shorter chain at ihe end where it is attached to the abutment on the banks of the river is inclined to the horizontal at a considerable angle. Moreover if the saddle (which is furnished with friction rollers) were acted upon by an acce- lerating force a — a', it would be set in motion. And lastly, however, the question may be complicated by mathematical symbols, the general truth remains indisputable, that the pressure of the rollers upon the top of the pier is normal to tlie surfaces in contact, and is therefore wholly vertical. Con- sequently the reader, whether acquainted or unacquainted witli mathematics, will not have much ditliculty in concluding tliat the danger of the piers of Hungerford Bridge being overthrown by the unequal strain of the suspension chains is purely imaginary. A Critical Dissertation on Professor Willis's Arcliitectnriil History of Canterbury Cathedral. By Charles S.^ndts. Smith, Old Compton-street. 18-16. pp. 02. Canterbury Cathedral is in one respect pre-eminent beyond dispute above all other ecclesiastical edifices in England ; more has been written about it than about any other. Not only is its library rich in manuscript chronicles and records of the erection of diflferent parts of the building written con- temporarily by resident Monks, but the number of Itineraries, County His- tories, &c., of comparatively recent date, in which this cathedral is described as unequalled with respect to similar buildings. The work of description seems to have gone on nearly continuously from the time of the Conqueror to the current year 1846, and probably is not yet finished : for the dissertation by Mr. Sandys, is of too controversial a nature to remain long without an answer. We have no intention of plunging our- selves or readers into the labyrinth of a purely antiquarian discussion; still as the name of Professor Willis of itself carries considerable interest with it, and as his opponent has displayed great learning and accumen in conducting the controversy, a good many architectural readers will be anxious to know what the dispute is about. Simply this : Professor Willis ascribes the architecture of a large part of the Cathedral to an architect who, Mr. Sandys says, has no claim to the merit. There is something very laudable in this anxiety to commemorate not only the building but the name of the builder, which might he imitated with advantage in more modern instances : still we apprehend that the ques- tion whether Archbishop Anselrae built merely the choir of the present ca- thedral, or the external walls of tlie choir-aisles, the Trinity chapel, and the east transept also, will not attract so large a share of public attention as to render it incumbent upon us to give more than a brief outline of the discus- sion. The dispute seems of long standing. We have before us an old and we believe rather scarce copy of Somner's Antiquities of Canterbury,* published * Mr. Samiy3 quiues trum ibe Siime boot:, but from a niuc-li later edition : the orif^inal work i3 ttie more interestuig because written before the commeauement of the Civil wars, ia wlik-h the Cutbeiinil greatly suITered, in 1640 (the imprimatur is dated from Lambeth, October 1639.) Now Somner alludes to the subject of this very dispute — namely, what parts of the cathedral are to he assigned to Anselme and Ernulpli — in the following terms. " Matthew Paris Records a dedication of the Church o{ Canterbury in the yeare of Christ 1111. being the yeare of Anselmes death. Haply it was of that new piece or new work, as Edmerus cals it. This doubtlesse is the part meant by Malmesbnry. ascribed to Er/iul/jhiis the then Prior of the Church, and of him (erroniously it seemcs) said to have beene built in the place of a like part then demolished, whereof he hath these words Cantim (saith he) dejectum priorem partem ecctesiie qnam Lanfrancns cedificaverat, adeo splen- dide erexit^ ut nihil tale possit in Anglia videri, in vitrearuinfenestraum luce, in marmorei pavimenti nitore, in diversicoloribus picturis qua mirantes oculos trahunt adfastiyia lacunaris." The above extract proves at least thus much, that there has long been a dispute respecting the architects of the eastern part of the church. Mr. Sandys has not referred to this circumstance ; he gives however the Latin sentence from Malmeshury, with his own translation, which commences " Ernulphns having thrown down the front (or fore part) of the church which, &e." It may be observed that the assumption that Ernulph was the author of the work of demolition is Mr. Sandys's own. The original Latin simply states that part of the church was thrown down — but does not inform us whether destruction was accidental or intentional, or who was the de- stroyer. The whole dispute turns on the interpretation of the words " priorem partem," which Mr. Sandys takes to mean the choir and no more ; whereas Mr. Willis gives the^ihrase a much wider signification. The former takes it to mean the choir, the latter the whole eastern part of the church. Might we not translate priorem simply" former" or "older".' In that ca?q the meaning of the quotation would be that " Ernulph rebuilt an older part originally erected by Lanfranc, which had been thrown down." The author in the present dissertation gives several extracts from Edmer, iXc, in confirmation of his opinion, but his translations are in one or two cases made more favourable than they ought to be, for his own side of the ques- tion. For instance, " super hcec, ipsum oratorium quantum a majorc turri in orientem porrectum est. ipso Patre Anselmo providente disponente, aucturti est." he translates thus, " Moreover this oratory [choir or chancel] so far as it stretches from the great tower eastward was enlarged, Anselm himself providing for and directing the works." The words super haec are not re- presented with sufficient force in the translation. In addition to tliese tliinys Anselm enlarged the oratory itself — meaning that he had undertaken otlier works besides that. This interpretation, if it do not specifically assign to Anselm the works which Professor Willis assigns to him, at all events leaves room to suppose that be did more than Mr. Sandys would have us believe. He neglects also the word ipsum which adds force to the super lime : and his assumption that oratorium means the chancel or choir is at least contro- vertible. An oratory is a place of prayer in distinction to auditorium, the place for hearing. We may therefore suppose every part of the church set apart for prayer, to be included in the word oratorium. Mr. Sandys quotes the expression ^nis ecclesice ornabatur oratorio beatm Matrix Dei Marice, and this instead of confirming his interpretation seems to show that there were all over the church parts distinguished by the appellation oratorium, which therefore is not limited to the choir. The sense of the passage seems there- fore—that in addition to other works Anselm's labours extended to that part of the church which is devoted to prayer, and that he enlarged so mu'jh of it as was built to the east of the great tower (intimating, it may be sur- raised, that there were parts to the west also set apart for prayer.) Mr. Sandys states, page 43, as a conclusive objection to Professor \Villis'» opinion, respecting the architect of the present Trinity Chapel, that Lan- franc is expressly stated in the Latin history to have been buried in Trinity Chapel, which must therefore have been standing at the time of his death. But this difficulty is entirely got over if we suppose Trinity Chapel to have been one of those parts of Lanfranc's works which were subsequently de^ stroyed and then rebuilt by his successors. In an architectural point of view it seems difficult to suppose that Anselm could have enlarged the choir without rebuilding the choir aisles and their external walls. There seems nothing unreasonable in Professor Willis's supposition that " the increased space must h.ave aft'ected all the arrange- ments of the choir of the monks." We throw out these suggestions merely to show that Mr. Sandys argu- ments are not of such a nature as to preclude reply. We are tolerably well acquainted with the architecture and history of Canterbury Cathedral, and 288 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Sept. ave eiamincd the choir with Mr. Sandys's book in our hand, but confess ourselves unable to form a decisive opinion on this question. There is no doubt that Professor Willis's reply will clear up many apparent difliculties : at the same time Mr. Sandys has the merit of arguing his case acutely, and of duly acknowledging the learning and research evinced by his opponent. The following extract from the publication before us is selected rather as a specimen of the general style than as referring to the particular question above alluded to— there is little in it which will gratify the lovers of mongrel architecture. " The Dark ylgen C\(Jlh to \9l/i Cen/ury.^— England at the commence- ment of the sixteenth century possessed in its cathedral and parochial churches, abbevs, priories, and other monastic and conventual structures, the most splendid specimens of the Saxon, Norman, early English, decorated, and perpendicular styles of architecture; whilst Henry VII, in his newly erected chapels at Westminster and Cambridge, had carried the floiid Tudor style to the utmost perfection. These temples were, however, the abodes of the most abject and degrading superstition, of the most revolting and dis- gusting idolatry. Hence arose the fierce and hitter contest between truth and error, between the pure and undefded religion of the gospel, and the legends, Iving miracles, and extravagant pretensions of the See of Kome. This struggle terminated in the Reformation. Glorious as was the emanci- pation of the human mind from the degrading influences of superstition and Papal tyranny, yet we cannoc but deplore the iconoclastic zeal of the re- formers and puritans, which, not satisfied with removing the idolatrous shrines, altars, and chantries, violated the sacred reiiositories of the dead, destroyed the tomlis and sepulchral monuments which pity had raised to the memory of departed worth, and levelled to the dust some of the most beauti- ful rem'ains of the architectural skill of our f„refathers. Then also arose the Royal Ruffian, at whose name humanitv shudders, and religion herself grows pale '. This ruthless tvrant having dissolved the monasteries, extorted from his parliament a grant of the possessions which were annexed to them, a large portion of which he afterwards parcelled out amongst his courtiers and flatterers. This led to the rapid decline, and at length, total extinction of English ecclesiastical architecture, and the revival of the classical style, (shortly afterwards introduced from Italy,) comphled the downfall ot a science which hsd for many centuiies been the pride and glory of our coun- trv In these more enlightened days we are astonished that men of the greatest genius should so long have continued blind and insensible to the sublime beauties of our native architecture. But to show their utter igno- rance and contempt, they have even branded it with the approbiious name of 'gothic' Inigo Jones (the English Palladio) with most inha-monious taste added a Corinthian portico to the west front of the venerable gothic cathedral of St. Paul, London ; and Sir Christopher Wren (struck with its want of harmonv) afterwards wished to replace the whole of the gothic church by another to accord in style with Inigo Jones's classical portico. This scheme, though opposed at the time, was afterwards rendered inevitable bv the great fire of London, which involved both the gothic cathedral and it's classical portico in one common ruin. So great indeed was the darkness of this period, that even Addison's cultivated and enlightened mind could not appreciate the exquisite beauties of Gothic architecture. It is at once amusing and instructive to hear hisremarks If to the illustrious names of Inigo Jones, Wren, and Addison, we add those of Somner, Battely, and Gostling, (the learned historians of Canterbury Cathedral), no aomirer of that venerable and exquisitely beautiful church will censure us for appro- priating to the last three centuries the opprobrious appellation of ' the Dark Ages.' " Our author might have added that the ignorance of the true principles of architecture extended to the Classic as well as the mediaeval styles. It is not so many years since a great architectural authority expressed his opinion that the Parthenon would he improved if surmounted by a steeple ! Mr. Sandys scolds Professor Willis for not describing the restorations which the present Dean and Chapter have efl'ected in the cathedral, under the supervision of Mr. Austin, their architect. Mhy did not Mr. Sandys supply the omission ? He is an inhabitant of Canterbury, and probably has had ample means for fulfilling the task. Description and uses of the Byrnegraph, or neii- propnrlional comrassrs, an instrument /or viultiplying. dividing, ami comparing lines, angles, sur- faces, and solids: by Oliveu Byrne, formerly Professor of Mathematics, College for Civil Engineers. Adlard, 1816; pp. 38. The purposes of this publication are the explanation and illustration of the uses of an instrument invented by Mr. Byrne, to which the British Association has given the not very descriptive appellation of the " Byrne- graph." The object of this invention is to attain increased accuracy in the use of proportional compasses, or rather, to so extend the use of them, that the improved inslrumeut bears to its prototype much the same relation as a Manton to a matchlock. With the old proportional compasses, lines could not be reduced with even tolerable accuracy to less than one-ninlh their original size ; but, by combining with them the vernier scale, the new instrument not only eflects much greater reductions with perfect accuracy, but may be made to indi- cate proportions which extend to several places of decimals. For instance, at page 20 is explained how the compasses may be set to the proportion 1 : 31110, the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference. These refined adjustments are perfectly unattainable with the old instru- ment. I'ig. 1 is a side view of Mr. Byrne's invention, of which fig. 3 re- presents the plan when the instrument is open ; fig.4, when it is shut. Fig. 2 is a separate view of one end of the compass. t\ ;. ti.. s'V^fT ! The principal feature of the invention is that the moveable centre E F, about which the two arms turn, is provided with a vernier, and that the points X, I/, are moveable and also provided with verniers. Beside this, there are tightening screws to fix all the points when they have been ad- justed. " The framework of this instument may be made to assume differeot proportions and forms for the sake of ornament, compactness, or conveni- ence, according to the fancy or design of the maker; the first completed was constructed by Cary, 181 , Strand, London, and explained at York, before the iSritish Association, in 1844. A view of the instrument, which ive shall describe, is given (fig. 1) ; it diflers but little from that construct- ed, according to the directions of the inventor, by Desire Lebrun, of Paris. The two boxes E^ ^, F/i g, are so adapted to the beams AB, CD, that they may be moved together by sliding to any part and fixed in that posi- tion by tiglitening the clamp screws E and F. When the moveable centre E pq F, is clamped in any position, the instrument turns on an imaginary line or axis passing through EF, perpendicular to a plane passing through P <], the junction of the boxes E p 9, F ;> 9, the friction of the planes meet- ing at pq renders the motion uniform. Connected with the brass boxes at K and L are two points of the instrument meeting at x : at K and L there are two clamp screws to fix the boxes, which must be moved together. M hen the points are in their proper places, the proportions of the instru- ment that we are describing are these : — Suppose st — \, then (k:^24, and «i'=5. The points at .T are represented in proper adjustment, but those at If must be moved till y comes up the liue r u', and then made fast by the clamp screws at Q and K." The faces of the arms are graduated to four scales, which mark the pro- portions for straight lines, circumferences of circles, surfaces, and solids, respectively. Tables of the numbers corresponding to these graduations are given in the publication before us, and as instances of the applicatioo of them, we quote the following problems, taken at random: — "In the circumference of a circle A B B' it is required to lay off aa ar« 1 846. J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 289 equal to 3° 39' 37'''26."— Page 20. " Let it be required to describe a figure abcde, similar to A B C D E, whose area will be ^ of it." — Page 21. " Let it be required to construct a parallelogram whose area shall be equal to that of a given circle." Page 2G " Describe a circle whose circumference will be llj inches."— Page 27. " Given the diameter of a globe, to find the side of a cube whose solid- ity will be equal to that of the globe."— Page 28. , ^ . . , " In a certain construction the square root of 33 equal parts is required with great accuracy ; at what point must the centre be set to eliect this object?" — Page 28. Mr. Byrne has not spared his labours. The tables which he has given for the purpose of graduating the instrument are very extensive and carried to a greater number of places of decimals than would be generally re- quired in practice. The enplanations are so ample and precise that, with this book before him, the draughtsman can never be at a loss respecting the various problems which he is constantly called upon to solve by prac- tical construction. It has been remarked truly that, while the theodolite, SEXtant, and other instruments of surveying, have been brought to extra- ordinary perfection by the refinements of modern ingenuity and workman- ship, the constructions obtained from these exact instruments are reduced in a very rude manner. While almost everthing that could be done for attaining accuracy in the original trigonometrical operations has been effected, the means by which they are rendered practically available have been comparatively disregarded until the iuveution of the simple instru- Hient which we have been describing. Proposal for a general Metropolitan Railway. By J. C. H. Ogier, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. London : Weale, 1846. pp. 14. This pamphlet is published in the form of a letter addressed to the Com- missioners for inquiring into the various railway projects of which the ter- mini are proposed to be established in or near the metropolis ; the object of the letter is the discussion of a plan for uniting the various metropolitan railways in such a manner that they may be rendered accessible from every part of London. The impartial opinion of an unprejudiced person, on a subject usually debated with reference to individual interests, is generally worth having : and accordingly in this pamphlet we find the various schemes for perfecting the railway communication with London put in a new light, because for the first time examined by one who has no private interest in the settlement of the question. Mr. Ogier observes truly that with respect to the project for uniting the various great lines which now radiate from London, " the greatest impediments arise from the clashing of the various interests connected with it, rather than from the impracticable nature of the undertaking." The proposal that a line of railway should be laid down according to a scheme agreed upon by representatives of the interests of each railway com- pany, the city corporation, and the government, appears very practicable, and moreover it is suggested by the wise policy which avoid obstacles in- stead of overcoming them. There is no doubt that by a little tact all the companies might be enabled to come to an agreement respecting the method of connecting their lines, and the course so agreed would probably be the best that could be devised. In all other great cities but London the tra- veller is able to pass from one line of railway to another without incurring the wearisome and unnecessary delay of traversing the extreme length of the city through crowded streets ; whereas facility of uninterrupted communica- tion with opposite parts of the kingdom is the most important with respect to London, where the traveller is frequently delayed as many hours as would suffice for the rest of the journey. The object is one of national interest, and impartial practical suggestions such as those here offered towards the effecting so important an undertaking, deserve the attention of all who would have the subject fairly discussed. A Series of Letters on the Improved Mode of the Cultivation and Manage- ment of Flax. By James H. Dickson. London: Groombridge, 1846. pp.248. This book deserves attention, as the result of the observations of one who bas devoted fifteen years assiduously to the examination of the subject. We confess ourselves incompetent to give an opinion as to the merits of the several improvements suggested by Mr. Dickson ; still we imagine that his object will be sufficiently answered if we draw the attention of those interest- ed in the cultivation of flax to the fact that they will here find detailed inform- ation on every point connected with its agricultural and commercial purposes. The machinery for spinning the yarn, &c., the economic value of the plant, ascertained by a comparison of the cost of cultivating it> and its productive- ness, and the methods of cultivation and preparation for manufacture pursued in various countries, are fully and clearly described. Got hie Ornaments, being a Series of Examples of Enriched Details and Accessories of the Architecture of Great Britain, drawn from existing autho- rities. By James K. Colling, Architect. Bell, Fleet-street, 1846. Nos. 1 & 2. Every contribution towards a more accurate knowledge of the beautiful architecture of our ancestors is worthy of commendation; and the work be- fore us is one of the most elaborate which has been published with this ob- ject. Each part contains one illuminated, and three uncoloured, lithographic plates. The subjects are the decorative enrichments of Pointed structures, and will comprise " bosses, canopies, capitals, crockets, corbels, dripstone terminations, finials, foliated cusps, gurgoyles, paters, poppy-heads, span- drils, subselloe, string-courses." The subjects of the first illuminated plate are portions of a Perpendicular rood-screen in Langham Church, Norfolk, showing the manner in which it is enriched by painting. The colours are magnificent, and beautifully printed. The other plates contain poppy-heads from Paston Church, Norfolk, wooden spandrils from North Walsham Church, and capitals from the choir of Ely Cathedral. The subject of the illuminated plate in the second part is diaper enamelled on copper gilt, from the tomb of William de Valence, in St. Edmund's Chapel, Westminster Abbey. The other subjects are details from Lincoln and Norwich Cathedrals. We certainly object to the use of the word " Gothic" as applied to forms so beautiful as those here depicted, but it is difficult to find a substitute for it. We are not favourable to the unnecessary invention of technicalities, but certainly wish the continental term " Ogival" were in more general use in this country ; the word is expressive and does not involve an architectural or chronological blunder. The ornaments delineated by Mr. Colling are Ogival — not Gothic. We must not conclude without speaking in commenda- tion of Mr. Jobbins, for the very beautiful manner he has got up the illus- trations. Tables for setting out Curves for Railumys, S(c. By G. C. Darbysbirb, land-surveyor. Weale, 1846. pp.16; foolscap. The review of a series of tables can contain little more than an opinion respecting the general method of calculation ; an examination of the accu- racy of the numerical results cannot be expected. As far, then, as concerns the general method, this little work has our unqualified approbation : there are many grounds of superiority to similar publications ; in the first place, instead of mere rules for calculation, which, in practice, would be found tedious and liable to error, the actual figures are here given, and can be referred to at once ; in the second place, the curve for which the calcula- tions are made is the arc of a circle, and not a parabola; lastly, alterna- tive methods of calculations are employed, so that where the nature of the ground does not admit one set of tables being used, another may be substi- tuted. The following is the author's preface, which, being brief enough, may be given entire : — " The author calculated the following tables for his own private use, but at the solicitation of several friends, he has been induced to publish them. He can speak with confidence of their accuracy, great pains having been taken to prove every figure, and the utmost caution observed in correcting the press. When the calculation of these tables was nearly completed, the author's attention was directed to the ' Civil Engineer and Architect's Jour- nal' for January, 1840, containing tables (calculated by Mr. A. A. Mornay) on the same principle, but having only the column headed t for finding the tangent to the curve : and it was satisfactory to find that the principle he had adopted had been approved of by the conductors of that Journal." A table shoiving the Contents of Excavations, derived from Mr. G. P. Bidder's furnmlie. By C. Creeoy. Maynard, Earls Court, 1846. 24 mo. pp. 24. This is a pocket edition of Mr. Bidder's tables, of which the utility has been greatly increased by Mr. Creedy's additional calculations for muc& 290 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Sept. greater depths than those for wliicli the original tables were formed. Mr. Bidder's formula appears quite correct, Imt has this defect — that the api)li- cation of it is limited to those cases in which the cross section of the surface of the ground is horizontal. For the admeasurement for sidelong ground and excavations of which the vertical depths depend on the inclination of the natural surface of the ground, we must refer the reader to the more comprehensive tables by Mr. Hughes. (See ante p. 73.) COMPKTITION DESIGNS. Sir — It is time for Ihose who regard either the interests or the credit of the archiiectural profession, to protest iu \Up most unqualifieil manner against a most scaudalous practice that has of late come up, and vt-iiich if not openly repmbateil and stigmatized will become confirmed. Tlie prac- tice 1 allude to is that of obtaining designs for a mere nominal price, by means of a very plausible artifice, yet at the same time so very Irausparent that it might be thought no one could possibly be gulled by it; neverthe- less that it does succeed is but too certain, since otherwise it would not be continued. Either a builder himself or those who intend to employ one without calling in an architect, wants a design, and accordinglv resort to the following clever expedient of getting one as cheaply as i>os»ible. They know very well that ihey cannot apply to an ardiitect only to make them drawings for the purpose without paying him a fair equivalent for his time and trouble. J'-ven their own sense of common decency deters ihem from going to i\lr. A. or Mr. Z., and saying : we do not intend to employ you as our arcliilecl, all we require is a set of drawings, and if you will ])repare one for us, for Five Pounds or so, you are our man. They have an instinctive suspicion that such an otfcr would be received not as a kind- nes?, but a personal insult. What therefore they dare not propose to an individual, they do to the profession generally. The additional cost of the advertisement, will they know — at least hope — procure for them, not only one design, but many, from which they can choose. Accordingly the ail- vertisement is fniili/ drawn up, and it very hiim'slli/ stated in it, that the architect whose design is approved will not be employed, but that he will be eutilled to a small I'REMIum I — so very siuall it seems that it is not at all adviseable to give it its money name, lest it should operate as a scare- crow instead of a bait. Nevertheless, small as it is, the premium is not to be flung away, but is to purchase for the liberal advertisers the possession o( the fortunate drawings ! After all. loo, wl-.al assurance is there that there may not be some dirty trickery at the bollom of this apparent fairness, — though at the best very evident paltriness ? — What assurdnce that the premium is paid to any oue ! If when ihe designs are looked at, it is found that there is no occasion to retain any one of them, for expressly making use of it, all that each com- petitor knows IS that he gets back his own, and that he is not the/oWuno(c man. After thai, nothing further is heara of Ihe matter, till, perhaps some local newspaper informs its readers that : "the new is just com- pleted, and cannot fail to obtain for their talented townsman, Mr. , the title of the FuilgcaU Vitrnvius ; it is particularly chaste, the windows being quite unencumbered by any mouldings," and so forth. Wliat is the Institute about- — what the profession, and also you Editors, that one and all suiTiT such iniquitous and shameful transactions to pass unrebuked, instead of exposing them, and branding and cauterizing those who are implicated in them? How much longer do you mean to tolerate such skulking hole-and-corner proceedings, — such a species of systematic swindling — for in reality it is no better, though not of that kind which the law can take notice as illegal ? But if not illegal it is base and scound- relry, and if nothing else can be done to check if, it is probable that in- sulting advertisements would not be hazarded, were public indigna- tion to be most strongly and unequivocally expressed against them. Or are the whole profession so vThite livered and pluckless to a man,— each one so entirely for himself alone, that none care for aught beyond self — beyond what concerns self directly and immediately, that they can put up with such abuses without the slightest elfort to repress them ? The ques- tion will be answered one way if not another; for should the matter be let drop, that of itself alone will confirm the opinion of ViNDLX. THE CATHEDRAL OF COLOGNE. The following extract from the Alhenaum will be read with interest, and the concluding suggestion especially is worthy of attention : — " Before the Germans, incited by the example of the King of Prussia, began to take up the matter so warmly as they have lately done, one of your correspondents wrote with animation and interest on the subject of the works executing at the Cathedral of Cologne — undertaken to redeem what poor Hood so poetically called a " broken promise to God." The pine years which have since elapsed have done wonders ; opened many a journal besides yours to the subject, — enlarged progressively the interest of Europe in an undertaking, the accomplishment of which need no longer be considered a chimera, — and added largely to the funds provided. The Cologntse gentlemen and Merr Zwirn>-r, the gifted and indefatigable ar- chitect, now say with confidence tiiat, in twenty-five years the Dom may be completed, even to the spires; — and this, not iu bravado, but from cal- culation, based upon present progress. To the tourist, approaching the building at railway speed, who sees, as yet, no appreciable diminution in the enormous gap betwixt the choir and the crane on the western tower — such promise seems au extravagance ; hut Ihey who have had the privilege of look ing into the deuils, in company with the architect, may admit the possibility of the feat. "In two years, as Herr ZwirnersAoirerf us, the nave, aisles, and transepts of the Cathedral may be thrown open — not, in truth, to the entire height; hot complete to a level above the clerestory windows. The vaulting of the side-aisles will be then completed ; and a temporary roof will be easily placed over the central portion, — leaving, within, the upper part of the wails, vaults, SiC, to be raised : — without, the flying buttresses, pinnacles, and other garnitures, are a more serious busiiirss. The raising of the transept walls to their present important height, HerrZwiruer assured us, was a heavier two years' task than what remains to be done in realization of a scheme so attractive to the fancy. Moreover, the casual visitor is little aware of the vast collection of ornamental sculptures, ready to be placed, which the worksli >ps contain. The canopies round the retreating portal of the norlhern transept are already fixed : the capitals of the pil- lars of the clerestory gallery are waiting, by Ihe score. Let not my state- ment mislead any one into imagining a case of manufacture. The old ca- pricious variety of fancies in ornament has been as religiously carried out as every other intimation of the nameless architect's intention. The small grotesque figures at the angles of the canopies aforesaid (which are merely shelters for statues of saints, angles, &:c.) are as minutely finished and whimsically diversified as if they could be seen without the aid of an opera-glass when they shall be raised to their destined position. The foliage, again, of the capitals has the sharpness of the best period of cut- ling. No two devices are alike. The stoue used for these iimre delicate portions is of peculiarly fine and close quality, from lioclieforl. Nothing seenis slighted or overlooked ; and the workmen, nf course, become more skilful as they proceed, and fuller of spirit and invention. A growing confidence that all this labour is not to be in vain as regards Ihe grand result, probably animates those who have contributed to a scheme so mag- nificent, but for a loug time deemed so visionary. W indows are beginning to drop in. The King of Bavaria's donation of six for one of the side aisles will be ready in 1848 ; and then, it is said, the spell is to be broken — the wall thrown down betwixt nave and choir, with splendid festive ceremonies. This will give an immense impetus to popular feeling, I was shown the corner where our Queen's donation is to be phiced. Whea I saw this, and was told of one window contributed by Herr at a cost of thirty Friedrichs iror, and of another promised by some other en- thusiast— a wish arose in my mind, to which you will, perhaps, not object to give currency. Mould it not be a pleasatt thing to the English artists and lovers of art to have (/leir memorial in such a building? One of the smaller windows — presuming their zeal unequal to vie with that of Royal donors — might be haudsomely compassed for fifty sovereigns : or, let us say — to state the sacrifice more tangibly to those whom I fain would in- terest— fifty white-bait dinners! Could not so much as this be done, with- out injustice to any of our own works of art or benificence ? It is true that the offeriug, when completed, would make little more show thau the hatchments or votive tokens which cover the w alls and pillars of the Ca- tholic churches abroad ; but it v\'ould be, still, "Ihe Knglishmen's win- dow," for the father to show his son — a token of brotherly kindness and sympathy, especially grateful to such lovers of memorials and celebrations as are our German friends ; — who, let me add, are more abundantly irri- tated by the sneers and exactions of our swarm of vulgar summer tourists, than soothed by the courtesies of the refined and intellectual among us. At all events, my hint can do no oue harm." To the above, the following particulars, taken from the report of Zwir- ner the architect, may be added. The past winter was chiefly occupied ia preparing the stones required for the triforium of the nave and the north and solith transepts. On examining the foundations of the great north tower, they were found to be so imperfect that it will be necessary to ex- cavate to the depth of thirty feet in order lo renew them. This discovery will lead lo great delay and labour. Zwirner complains that the employ- ment of workmen on dve difl'erent portions of the budding simultaneously leads to needless trouble and expense. The list of royal donations is as follows: — Emperor of Austria, £833; King of the Netherlands, £84; Grand Duke of Baden, £170; King of Hanover, £80; Prince of Lich- teustein,£9G ; Queen Victoria, £523. The most favourable signs of pro- gress are the arching of the south aisles and the completion of the north and south portals, The latter are already arched over. Considerable controversy has existed respecting the manner of erecting the south portal ; certain traces of foundations which have been discoveied, and which are said to indicate the form which this part of the cathedral was intended tu assume, have been disregarded in the restoration. The restorers appear, however, to have acted on mature deliberation, and the restoration of the north portal, which is indisputably in accordance with the original plan, furnishes a powerful answer to the otijections raised respecting the south portal. IS-IG. THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 291 NOTES OF THE MONTH. The Tubular BrUlgie. — It appears from the report of the engineer of the Chester and Holyhead railway, that the model tube constructed by IMr. Fairbairn, one sixtli of tlie actual size, has been subjected to such experi- ments as he considers sulliciently justify the company proceeding with tlii' works. He reports: — " In tlie former preliminary experiments, I Has led to the conclusion tliat gi'eat care would be required to prevent the npfier side of the tube from crushing, — that, In short, the main object to be aimed at was to give the top of the tube the requisite stiffness. In this respect, the result obtained from the model has been highly satisfactory ; and, being upon so large a scale, may be deemed perfecly conclusive upon seveial important points. The dimensions of the tube were as follows: length, 75 ft. between the supporters; depth, 4 ft. 6 in. ; width, 2 ft. 6 in. The total weight a little above five tons. When progressively loaded, the mean deflection was about one-tenth of an inch per ton ; and with a load of thirly-tive tons suspended in the middle, it gave way on the under side, — the upper part not having exhibited the least sign of failure up to the mo- nient of fracture. Hence, therefore, we have arrived at a most interesting result ; viz., that the liability of the plates on the upper side to crush has been completely removed from the construction in compartments. The experiments having now furnished us with the necessary means of calcu- lating the relative thickness and proportions of the several parts of the tube, we are in a condition to contract at once for their construction.'' .Supposing the strength proportional to the size, the real bridge ought (o break with six times the load on the model — that is, with 210 tons, ami the deflection would be 21 inches. Mr. Stephenson stated, in his report, that 747 tons on the centre, or double this distributed over the whole bridge, though equal to any weight " that can in practice be placed on (he bi'idge, is not sufhcienliy in excess for practical purpctses." But the 6. CORllESPON DENTS. Received " Ilodgkinson on the Strength of Cast Iron,"' " View of Christ Chuich, Po^t^wood," " Noniiullus," \\ e are agi.in coinpelled to postpone several papers for want of room. Correspondents who wiih to have their communications in?eitcd must send them eaily in the month. PLATE XV I SCALE or U> ■ ' I ■ i®AM© ©F Tiai-DIE^&e.WIHIIITISIHIAJLIL. SIR JOHN AOANt - ARCHITECT. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 293 THE BOARD OF TRADE, WHITEHALL. fjnth an Engraving, Plate XV.J ■ffe have reserved till now, when we exhibit an elevation of it, our re- marks on the " Board of Trade," as it was originally designed by Soane, and we may commence them by observing that though he selected a singularly ornate and highly finished example of the Corinthian and adhered to it with that literal exactness which though merely belonging to the province of architectural orthography, is allowed to pass for a positive merit, he deviated widely from — at least did not at all enter into, the spirit of it. Were the rest of the elevation shown before the columns were put in, hardly would it be imagined that the latter were to be of the Corinthian order, least of all that example of it ; or rice versa, were it the order that was drawn in first, we ibould naturally anticipate a corresponding degree of richness for the other features, whereas they are of such marked plainness as to be both inconsistently and aflTectedly so. It is rather strange that as he did not intend to keep up to tone of the order, he did not adopt the middle coarse of sobering it down to that of the rest, preserving its proportions and profiles, but retrenching its luxniiance. But like many others, Soane was content to take orders and apply them just as he found them without endeavouring to make them in- fluence the composition. He could copy Corinthian columns — and we are certainly indebted to him for the introduction of the Tivoli example — but fae had no clear perception of Corinthianism, still less of lonicism, for his Ionics are intolerable. 'With all the originality, too, that he possessed, or had the credit of possessing, he does not appear to have ever turned any of it to the composition of a well studied and carefully devised example of his own, — we say example, for we are not so absurd as to expect any one to originate and perfect a new style of order — a preposterous idea that has proved a stumbling-block to those who have attempted to do so, and whose extravagant and tasteless conceits have caused those to exult who comfort themselves with that good old orthodoxy which spares them all trouble of invention, and which by making the whole profession mere copyists in re- gard to the orders, puts all of them so far upon the same level. — But all this may pass for digression, and we therefore break away from it. In his " Board of Trade," Soane kept up uniformity of intercolumniation, but not to the very great advantage of that portion which had insulated columns, the latter being like the attached ones, four diameters apart ; which occasioned in the building what does not show itself in an elevation, more especially an outline one, namely, a certain degree of meagreness as to co- lumniation, at variance with the character of richness aimed at by it, and certaiuly at variance with the intercolumniation in the original example, where it is only one diameter and a half. Another disadvantage was that the effect of shadow was greatly diminished in consequence of the width of the intercolumns. What is more, those advanced columns were quite as parasitical, and more decidedly for mere embellishment than the others, for instead of the order being a portion of the building, it was merely stuck up against it, the entablature being actually detached from it, and having imme- diately behind it small windows to a mezzanine floor. It would seem there- fore that those columns were brought forward chiefly in order that the en- tablature might be so also, for the purposing of masking the unsightly aper- tures required in so ungainly a situation. As an expedient in urgent neces- sity, such Concealment of what would else have blemishes, might have passed for ingenious and legitimate, had not the artifice manifested as much bungling as contrivance by being allowed to show itself; whereas had the sofiit of the entablature been closed up, it would not have been even suspected, while at the same time by the entablature being hollowed out, so as to form a mere parapet in front of those windows, the light to them would have been hardly at all obstructed. In one respect the fenestration of Soane's building was praiseworthy, for the heads of the second tier of windows and their dressings — in builders' phraseology those of the " one-pair" — did not break into the line of the capitals of the columns, owing to which the latter display themselves with more dignity. Nor can we help being of opinion that in this particular point Mr. Barry has not improved upon the original design. We expressed some disapprobation last month of the infraction of linear harmony by the second floor windows being allowed to rise up between the capitals of the order, but we did not mention — in fact had not then considered how the difficulty was to be overcome, the columns being just of the same height as before, and the windows in question considerably taller. As to difficulty, indeed, there was no such word in the case, nothing being more easy of accomplishment, No. loa.— Vol. IX.— October, 1846. for there was only to raise the columns to the level of the window balus- trades, which done, their bases would have ranged with the sills of the first floor windows, and their capitals would have cleared the line of the top of the upper windows. The building would thus have gained an addition of three feet in height, which increase would hardly, we conceive, have been an objection, though decrease of height, to the same extent, might very justly have been so. Soane's attic looked more like an after thought, and excrescence than as having been designed in conjunction with the order. Instead of contributing any of that play of outline and concomitant piquancy of composition, which so happily mark some portions of the Bank, it produced only monotonous and spiritless heaviness. If that be any great merit, it was certainly free from Soaneisms, but unluckily when Soane was not somewhat oddly fanciful he was dull, and sometimes even without a decent idea at command. We have, however, his architectural autograph here in some of the chimneys, which have certainly more of Soane than of Corinthianism in them. Pity that with his ambition to he original, he got out of the beaten track only by fits and starts ; he jumped out of it onlyto jump back into it again, or only to jump about the new track he thought he had discovered, but without making any progress in it. He had ideas of his own, but he was apt to put them forth to the public in too raw a state, and he almost invariably left some grating incongruity — some trait of littleness and meanness in every thing he did. His choicest piece of design was the Loggia forming the north-west angle of the Bank — from which, most strange to say, no one has ever taken an artistic lesson in composition. FENESTRATION AND WINDOWS. SECOND ARTICLE. Although there are other characteristics which more or less strongly mark Gothic exteriors, particularly in regard to outline and composition, it is in the apertures alone that the arch, which prevails throughout the entire organization of the interior of the fabric (at least, in ecclesi2istical edifices), manifests itself externally, for open arcades corresponding to porticoes, on the outside of buildings are of such exceedingly rare occur- rence in the Pointed style, as to be only exceptions. We shall perhaps be reminded of the open arches of porches; but they belong to doorways, and do not form continuous arcades, of which latter, however, or what may else be called a portico of three lofty arches, the front of Peterborough cathedral affords an instance, and is accordingly very remarkable. This comparative absence of the arch from exterior situations has led Schnaase — if we mistake not the writer — to give it as his opinion that the Pointed style seems to have been calculated chiefly for internal effect, inasmuch as it is within buildings that it displays itself in all its completeness and with perfect homogeneousness — not in doors and windows alone, but in a suc- cession of arches, combined with vaulting and its arched surfaces. Ex- ternally, therefore, windows are valuable features, because strongly ex- pressive of the style, even should there be, as is sometimes the case, very little besides to indicate it. Nor is it only on account of the presence of the arch in them that they are thus expressive, for in the later Perpendicu- lar the arch is sometimes almost lost, or even entirely so as regards the general form of the aperture, since square- headed windows occur even in ecclesiastical buildings as well as in secular ones; notwithstanding which, the character and constitution peculiar to Gothic windows are strictly kept up. It becomes necessary to consider in what respect Gothic windows are differently constituted from others, and so very much more advantage- ously, that what renders them both highly characteristic and orna- mental externally, renders them also such internally, or vketersi. Per- haps the matter is so exceedingly obvious as to require neither considera- tion at all, nor explanation, — at least it would seem to be so, for we do not recollect to have seen it adverted to by any one of the numerous wri- ters on the subject; nevertheless, we will, at the risk of putting forth an oflicious and superfluous observation, lay it down as the distinguishing constitution of Gothic windows, when the style is fully developed, that tbey consist not of one, but of many apertures united together into a general composition. However large they may be — and they may be extended to any practicable dimensions — they are not mere gaps in the wall ; 00 the contrary, the larger they are the more decorative they be- 38 294 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Oct. come, the increase of size being obtained by an increased number of lights and mullions, and a consequent increase of tracery ribs in the " head" of the window ; whereas, unless the general opening were divided in its lower part into lesser apertures, there could be no tracery above. After the idea of them had been fully developed and brouRht to ma- turity, Gothic windows exemplify very strikingly how admirably that disposition of them which originated in conveuience if not in actual neces- sity, was made to conduce to both character and decoration ; for the division into separate compartments or " lights," systematically combined into one general whole, resulted in some degree from the exigencies of construction — not indeed as regards the arch which is so filled in, but in order to afford due support, and also the appearance of it, for the glazing ^nd its lead-work. Instead, therefore, of causing mere vacancies and voids in the walls, and of being little better than dull gaps and blanks in the architecture, without any of the bold effect attending unglazed open- ings, the apertures themselves become positive features in it, they forming so many perforated screens inserted into the arched voids which they occupy. Hence, they dilfer not only most decidedly but most advantage- ously from windows in the Greco-Roraan and Italian styles, in which or- namental design is entirely confined to the dressings enclosing the aper- ture, which, however rich they may be in themselves, contribute nothing whatever to internal effect, the aperture itself remaining nothing more than a mere large circular — or square-headed, opening, without any possible variety of design for it; whereas, in Gothic architecture, the ac- tual windows, and not the mere external framing around them, admit of almost inexhaustible diversity ; and however plain they may be in their splays and external mouldings, they are both integral and ornamental parts of the structure. In some instances, however, much external and adscititious decoration is bestowed on Gothic windows, — even such extraneous additions as small crocketed gables enclosing their heads, which therefore seem to offer a direct precedent for the application of pediments to windows in Italian composition, and must accordingly be condemned as gross solecisms, — that is, by those who are intolerant of window-pediments, such gables or (iothic pediments being, like the oihers, merely " stuck on," and minia- ture resemblances of constructive forms diverted and perverted from their original intention into mere accessories for the sake of embellishment. Indeed, miniature gables, we may stop to remark, are so exceedingly common in Gothic architecture, that the term Gablet has been expressly invented for them ; and some of them— ej-. grat, on the several stages of buttresses — are so diminutive, that they ought to be held very " ludicrous" tilings indeed by those who adopt the profound dictum that " the ludicrous is inseparable from diminutive resemblances of things noble and dignified in themselves." To return to windows, — those who denounce the application of pediments and columns to windows in the Italian style, must be equally scandalized at those examples of Gothic windows in which miniature buttresses fortify the lower part of the principal mullions, and again, at such enormities as "embattled" transoms. In claiming for Gothic windows the merits and advantages we have done, we must of course be understood to refer to genuine and worthy examples, since we can by no means extend the same praise to that sort of "something like Gothic" that gives us little more than the mere skeletons and rudiments of mullioned windows and tracery, — such as, till very lately, we have been doomed to behold in churches and other modern Gothic buildings, for whose windows, proportions as to the mullions and intervals between them are totally disregarded; — probably, because it has not been even so much as suspected that there are any pro- proportions at all to be attended to. Nevertheless, though it may not have been formally entered among bookish rules, the same principle regulates the spacing of mullions — or, what is the same thing, the breadth of the mullions in proportion to the width of the lights — as regulates intercolum- niation. The mullions should not be further apart than 3 or 4 at the most of their diameters, so to call tliem ; — or, in other words, should not be much narrower than from about a third to nearly a fourth of the width of the " lights." It is owing to the non-observance of such proportions that so many modern Gothic windows are very unsatisfactory in character, even when correctly designed in other respects, the mullions being reduced comparatively to mere upright bars, so that the whole window has a wiry and meagre appearance, as offensive to the eye as yawning and stran- gling intercolumniation, the disagreeableness of which is felt even by those who are unable to account for it. Another point to be attended to, yet frequently disregarded altogether in modern practice, is sijstcmalic unifurm- ill) of division of the windows for all of them alike, both large and small ; that is, the width established for the lights in one nindow shonid be ad- hered to for those in all the others, whether the number of lights be more or less ; instead of which, modern architects — even those who are very particular and exact indeed in matters that are comparatively quite indifler- ent and unimportant in compostion — do not scruple to vary the width of lights, just as suits their convenience or their indolence. f attention to uniformity with regard to the width of the lights seems to be a fettering restriction in Gothic design, there is freedom enough in all other respects as far as windows are concerned, for their dimensions, forms, and position may be varied in the same building, as circumstances require. Nor is it the least recommendation of the Gothic style, that even where exact uniformity, both as to dimensions and general design, is required for windows, they need not be precisely alike in pattern. It is, again, in favour of Gothic windows — at least, for churches and other spacious halls— that even when there is no stained glass in them, the light is con- siderably moderated by the mullions, transoms, and tracery. As the value of advantages is generally best appreciated by comparing them with contrary deficiencies, we will now consider how the case stands with windows for churches in other styles of architecture, nor have we long to consider since it is easy to perceive immediately that they have been and continue to be made blemishes in the architecture. Nothing equivalent to tracery has ever been invented or adopted for them, accordingly they are invariably mere vacant though glazed spaces, and as the glass is always of a very ordinary sort and in small panes — in conformitj with churcli etiquette, we presume, — they become actually mean in appearance, and externally pre- sent only so many dingy and paltry-looking surfaces, which contrast rather grotesquely with the dressings around them, if these latter are at all noble or elegant in design. The larger too the window the worse does the defect become : the glazing appears insecure and to need support ; and no better method, of strengthening it can, it seems, be devised than that of employing sometimes rude metal bars which have an equally mean and clumsy appear- ance. If Wren's churches in general are not disfigured by their windows, it is — we make bold to say — because there is nothing to be disfigured in them, they being exceedingly uncouth both in composition and style, though there may be a bit of tolerable detail or good feature in their elevations here and there, hut the system of design adopted there is radically faulty and taste- less, it being modelled upon the Gothic without possessing any of the quali- ties or resources of th.it style : on the contrary, windows which are the source of so much character, beauty and variety in the Gothic style are at the very best only dull, insipid and monotonous features in the other, and to make matters worse, very obtrusive ones. In that otherwise noble edifice, St. Paul's, the windows are sad drawbacks on the architecture generally, both within and without ; and within, although thire is not that offensive rawness which is occasioned tiy undue quantity of light scattered in every direction to the destruction of that valuable ingredient — shadow, there is no effect of light — no brilliancy, no relief, for the windows show as so many harsh and cutting spots or holes, in comparison with which the rest looks gloomy. Never do we enter the building without regretting that Wren did not bethink him of getting rid of side windows altogether except those form- ing the clerestory of the nave ; nor would it have cost him much study to do so, the mode of effecting it being obvious enough, for he had only to open the small blind domes in the vaultings over the aisles, and there would have been not only abundance of light but a charming effect of it. In that case the spaces occupied by the present windows would have afforded large compart- ments for fresco painting, which if such decoration for the edifice was ever con- templated at all, could not have been introduced half so effectively any where else, since the light would diffuse itself upon them from above, and from the nave each picture would have been seen in succession, framed in, as it were, by the arch between the nave and aisle. At the time St. Paul's was built, Hijpatliral Fenestration — as we may for distinction's sake call that mode in which the light is admitted from above through the roof of a building, does not seem to have been even so much as thought of, not even for domes, since the light was made to pro- ceed chiefly from windows in the tambour beneath the dome, where they form a circular clerestory. A most noble object externally, the dome of St. Paul's shows itself almost the reverse within, presenting to the eye little more than a mass of sullen gloom, rather increased than the contrary by Thornliill's paintings. It seems therefore to require to be lit up by the most lustrous surfaces and ornameuts of the purest white and gilding, which might perhaps sufficiently overcome the obscurity which now prevails in it. As to obtaining a sufficiency of light in a single volume of it by enlarging the eye 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEERAND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 295 of the dome, that was and is an impossibility, owing to the great space be- tween the external and internal cupola. Should the modern Greco-Roman or Italian style be resumed by us for churches — as as it is to he hoped that it will be, at least for those in towns, let us look forward to its being treated in a very different spirit from what it hitherto has been either in the last or present ;century, and to its being enriched by new elements and combinations. There certainly is abundant opportunity for imparting to it a new and more refined character by correct. ing it in regard to fenestration, so as to convert what has hitherto been a •ource of deformity into one of beauty and captivating effect. All the various mode of hypathral fenestration — and they are exceedingly numerous, might be employed according to circumstances, very successfully, although they have hitherto been obstinately rejected for churches, — perhaps with a sort of puritanical horror, — assuredly more for conscience sake than for taste's. We can, however, vouch for the equally novel and happy effect produced in a re- cently built — in fact not yet finished chapel at the West-end of the town, where the light is admitted entirely from above, and on one side only, and in such manner that the windows themselves are not seen on entering, or afterwards, except by standing on the opposite side to them, and looking directly up at them, when they are discoverable, but even then only partially so. The idea thus thrown out — and to us it is quite new — is a valuable and fertile one. Owing to the beautiful effect of light and half-light — and the breadth of chiaroscuro, the interior we allude to is a complete picture. Possibly, the peculiar mode of lighting was forced upon the architect by circumstances of situation and juxta-position to houses ; and if so, he has to bless his stars for the felicitous necessity which compelled him to step out of the hackneyed prosaic track of ordinary church-builders into the picturesque, the artistic, and the poetic. How fortunate would it be for many, were they to be equally favoured by untoward circumstances. — Our subject is not ex- hausted, but we will here close our present paper on it. GOETHE'S HOUSE. As the German Diet have resolved on purchasing Goethe's house, and on having it preserved in its present condition, as a monument of national re- coguitlon, the following description, derived from the German, and written by one of Goethe's friends, will, we trust, be acceptable to the reader: — " On a roomy place (square), enlivened by the murmur of a fountain, stands a two-storied house, painted reddish-grey — the windows surrounded by a black border. Although apparently of spacious dimensions, it in no way exceeds the size of the dwelling of a respectable commoner. We pass the threshold, and enter a brill, whose colouring, resembling yellowish stone, renders it of a light and cheerful appearance. We now ascend the staircase, surrounded by a massive entablature, which leads us, by its broad steps, almost imperceptibly upwards. Its breadth must astonish any one, being disproportionate to the other dimensions of the building — occu- pying, nay absorbing, the whole lower part of the structure. It is interesting to know how it came to be such. During Goethe's stay at Rome, the house presented to him by the Grand Duke was to be finished, and an appropriate staircase was all ready, when the poet saw one at Home which enraptured him. Having procured a drawing, he sent it to Weimar, with orders to make a similar one in his house. Vain were all remonstraces sent over the Alps ; — there was no help but to obey him. When he returned, he saw, not without surprise, this huge structure, which deprived him of the lower part of his house, — ascended it, shaking his head ; and never spoke of it afterwards. In the upper vestibule, the statues of Sleep, Death, and the colossal head of Juno, gaze at the visitor from their mural niches. Roman land- scapes and views, also, remind us of that land, after the leaving of which he said he never more enjoyed perfect happiness. A small yellowish saloon is now opened. There he dined with his guests. Meyer's drawings of antiques, and Poussjn's master-pieces, cover the walls ; aud behind a green curtain he preserved the Aquarcll copy of the Aldobrandini nuptials, also by Meyer, which he considered his great- est treasure. The adjoining localities also exhibit only such objects which appertain to that period of art, and to that lendency of Goeihe. Here, everywhere the past and its recollections speak to us, and to any one familiar with his works, — ' the stones have tongues, and the walls fea- tures." A string of historical associations seizes us, — that sensation which alone can make us theroughly happy ; because nolbing is here which had nut been touched, as it were, by him during the period of his life-apprentice- ship ; — and to everything new or different, the access was hereafter rigour- ously prohibited. It is with a deep feeling that we survey those trifles and minor things, in which this great man found such high edification. To the right of this saloon we see the so-called ceiling-room ; it is not known why Goethe thus called it, as all the rooms have ceilings made of stucco. To the left is his blue receiving-room, and behind it the Urbino- room, thus called after a picture of a Duke of Urbino, which Goethe had brought with him from Italy. On the threshold of his receiving-room greets us his friendly ".S"«(t'e.' " When he received strangers, he never came the way which we had passed from the staircase, but went from his study by a passage to the Urbinoroom, and from thence he stepped forth, prepared and composed. He did not like — " That moments, blind-passioned and dark-ruled, Should have their sway." These, therefore, were the rooms accessible, in the main, during his life- time. To his study he admitted no one, with the exception of a few of his most intimate friends — C'oudray, MUUer, Uiemer, Eckermann. When the King of Bavaria paid to Goethe his famous birthday visit, he asked the poet to allow him also a view of the laboratory of his mind. Goethe looked perplexed, and intimated that his study was not adequately filled up for the gaze of Majesty. The king seemed resigned, but feig ned soon afterwards a bleeding at the nose, declined any one to follow him, and or- dered the servant to conduct him to Goelhe's washing-basin. The fellow, surprised and perplexed, brought him into Goethe's bed-room, which ii behind the study, and left him alone, according to the king's desire. He remained long absent. Goethe, at last, went himself to look after the king — and found him in his study, absorbed in the observation of its con- tents. The descriptions which I had found in memoirs and travels, of these rooms had all given me but an incorrect idea. I expected a certain splendour, as it might well be met with now in the bouses of those who have talent and means to ornament their alentours. It was to that sup- position that the flimsy words of visitors had led me. They saw Zeus, aud therefore the walls surrounding him widened in their eyes to temple- halls, resplendent from his lustre. Most probably, I should have found myself in the same position then. Now, as we pass through the widowed rooms, illusion vanishes to give way to modest truth. It is a dwelling, comfortable, cheerful, decent, but thoroughly simple, in the fashion of a time rather passed away— in some places even the worse for wear. It is the dwelling of a patriarch, whose best recollections are attached to some piece of furniture, sashes, or colours, of former days, and which he there- fore wishes to be preserved around him, even if they have begun to be unseemly, and are fading away into a duller colouring. The death of the master has now broken the spell ; we pass freely through small closets of communication, right through the house, to his library and study. In one of the rooms, we stopped a moment — it was that in which he dined, when alone, with his children ; a blind throws a green shade around. With one step we were in the garden, in which the poet was accustomed, in time of leisure, to enjoy every clear glimpse of the sun. In the corner is a little garden-house, where he used to keep his physical apparatus. In the fore-room of the museum we saw, in little presses and under glass frames around the walls, minerals, pieces of rocks, shells, fossils — in fact, all which had become a subject of his studies in natural history Everything was kept very clean, and arranged with good taste. A door to the right opened into the library. For such means as were here avail- able, it may appear small ; but Goethe purposely did not collect many books, as the libraries of Weimar and Jena were at his disposal — nay, to avoid the accumulation of such sort of treasure, which appeared superflu- ous to him, he gave away most of what had been presented to him from far and near, after having perused them. Assistant-librarian Kriiuter, clerk to Goethe before he took John as a copyest, now the faithful guardian of this sanctuary, opened the door of the master's study. I recollected from Eckermann's conversations, the occasional allusions of Goethe, which prepared me to find here high sim- plicity ; still, even here, reality was somewhat different. This small, low, unornamented, green cabinet-closet, with the dark bliuds of serge, IU» worn out sills, the nearly decayed frames, was therefore the space whenc* such an abundance of the most splendid light has poured forth ! 38* 296 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Oct. Nothing is moved from its place ; Kr'auter adheres with pious rigour to bis cliarge ; every leaf of paper — every worn out pen — remains on the spot where it was when the poet fell asleep. The clock yet shows the death-hour — half past eleven ; — it stopped then ; an accident almost mi- raculous ! Near it, to the right of the window, stands the small writing- desk, which the grandfather had made for his grand-children, who«, after the death of the father, he took under his care and immediate protection. Wolfgang was his favourite ; next to him, Walter ; Alma, for the sake of learning to sit still, was obliged to pluck pieces of silk next to her brothers at the little desk. There they are yel, in the envelope of a letter. Here every spot is holy ground, and a variety of objects, of which the room is full, bespeak the being and actvity of such a mind. Around the walls run rather low presses, iu which MSS. and other papers are kept; above are shelves, in which Goethe placed the objects with which he chanced to be occupied. The wood is browned by age, which is much contrasted by a chest of drawers of well polished cherry-wood. It was Goethe's daughter-in-law who gave this piece of furniture to him ; but he could not long suffer its insinuating appearance, saying that it " dis- tracted his thoughts." On that account also, there is no object of art in the room, and the visitor seeks in vain for either a looking-glass or a sofa. The latter he was not iu need of, on the account that he either stood or moved about the whole day ; — he read standing, wrote standing, and even took his breakfast on a high table. A similar conduct he recommended to every one in whose welfare he took any interest, designating it as " life- prolonging," — as well as the keeping of the hands behind the back, by which, he added, " every narrowing and compressing of the chest is avoided." Let 113 look a little more around this reverenced workshop of a great mind ! There, at the left of the door, hang a sort of historical testimonials of ctuiracter. Goethe had, at a certain period, written out one column in which was a list of celebrated men and public bodies who, according to bis opinion, promised to bear some political fruits ; and in the next column was remarked, whether and how far they had yielded, iu subsequent years, the result which had been anticipated. Of General Jackson, Goethe had great hopes ; his behaviour, however, towards the Indians was subsequently marked in black. A triangle of pasteboard, which he had himself made, and which occu- pied the next shelves, is interesting as a sort of physiological jeu d'esprit. Goethe wanted to illustrate to himself the action of the powers of soul. The senses {Sinnlichkeit) appeared to him the basis of all ; to it, therefore, the lower part of the triangle was devoted, and he painted it green. Imagination received a dark red; intellect (Ffni«)i/4), a yellow; reason ( Versiani/), a blue colour ; and occupied each one of the sides. Next to it is a black hemisphere, also of pasteboard, on which, by the aid of a glass ball filled with water, Goethe used to depict all colours of the rainbow, in moments of clear sunshine. With this he could pass his time for hours, especially after the death of his son, and he enjoyed great plea- sure when the motley glare was developed right powerfully. And thus he found thorough happiness whenever a phenomecon of nature came wilhin bis reach. There stands the small bust of Napoleon, made of opal-llux, which Eckermann brought him from Strasburg, and on which he found confirmed some of the assertions of his doctrine of colours {Farbenlehre), which filled him with extacy. A sealed bottle, which we see on one of the tables, he exulted in like a child. There had been some red wine in it, but had long been put aside, and Goethe once holding it towards the light, saw therein the finest crystals of cremor tartari in the shape of leaves and flowers. Like one inspired, he called those around him, or- dered a candle, and put, with an air of festivity, his seal of arms on the cork, that no chance should any more destroy this fine phenomenon. The bottle henceforth never came out of his room. From Napoleon he received revealings in tlie sphere of light ; but he acted also demoniacally upon him from that region, to which, it seems, no ray of an upper world can ever penetrate. On the day of the battle of Leipsig, a medallion of plaster of Paris fell from the wall ; a piece of the margin was broken off, without, however, the portrait of the hero being injured. There— in yonder recess— the image is yet to be seen, around which Goethe, parodising Lucan, had placed in red letters : " Scilicet im- tneoso superest ex nomine multura."* Thus stand's Goethe's house — tasteful, simple, as it behoves the man of mind and letters. A monument of his life and being, it will remain a beacon for others, pointing out the track they have to follow ; although there is no person living at present, to whom a similar public recognitioa could, by any possibility, be ever decreed. J. L Y. * Of a great name much remains. ARCHITECTURAL RECOLLECTIONS OF ITALY. By Frederick Lush. (Continued from page 26-1.) The depeodance of architecture upon painting and the composition of forms, for its most beautiful and majestic effects, and consequently the ne- cessity of studying its principles in the works of eminent painters, was shown merely as an introduclion to, or foundation for any remarks which I might subsequently make on the buildings of Italy ; for a knowledge of these, forming the judgment to speak accurately upon the effects and com- binations of visible objects, seemed the only sound basis for architectural criticism. Writers on art have oftentimes evinced much classic learning, and in some instances much taste ; but these are not necessarily connected with each other ; in some they are found existing together, though in others not. Wood and Forsjth,to whom the architectural world is indebttd for a geat deal of learnmg, sagacity and research, iu some of their critiques, do not appear to have alwajs appreciated those excellencies in Italian build- ings which to others were so striking, so obvious, and so often praised. The faculty of looking at them with a painter's eye, seemed to have been deadened, or not called into exercise; the want of perceiving beauty where it existed Ijing in the temperament or condition of mind under which it was viewed, but sometimes bigotted and pre-conceived notions of what was beautiful, and of a beauty altogether different, perverted their judg- ment, and they have sentenced a budding, as ugly and monstrous, because it was so contrary to their previously imbibed ideas, and exhibited that which was totally at variance with the rules which guided the architects of their own favourite edifices. In these cases, their opinions were pro- duced not upon the feelings or impressions which the objects were capable of making on their minds— or at least on minds not possessed of such an- tipathies— but from iheir dissimilarity from other styles to which their thoughts had been restricted. Now a building which has made a wonderful impression upon myself and many other travellers, is St. il/arfc'a, Venice ; but this has been severely censured both by Forsyth and W^oods. Here it is evident their senses were blind to its magic effects ; to those effects at least which other minds differently constituted have experienced. But because they saw beauty iu one style of architecture, will thej deny it in another? The beauty of one flower differs from that of another — but if we admire the loveliness of the rose, are we to despise that of the lily 1 Because we have received one kind of emotion in beholding the awful ruins of the Coliseum and have felt the gloomy grandeur of Rome, is the heart incapable of admiring the splendid and magnificent architecture of Venice? The grand simplicity and convenience of the Colisco adapted for the cruel, barbaric daylight spectacles of the Romans cannot be compared with any modern theatre, nor can the massive architecture of the Romans, or the purity and sublimity of the Greeks be placed in juxta-position with the rich fantastic Gothic of Britain, Normandy, and Belgium. But can we infer that one is bad or faulty, because it differs from the other ? It seems that the romance of St. Mark's could in no manner operate OQ hearts steeled against its influence by a confirmed partiality for the stern, grand, and diametrically opposite features of the Roman school. The dislike to it extended so far with Woods, that in his " Letters," &c., we find him, after blaming this thing and the other, suggesting such additions and alterations as he thought would improve it. I believe it was the same, or a similar person, who thought it a pity the Parthenon was not surmounted by a steeple ! Here the greatest deformity was in the mind, but none whatever in the work, its beauty, along with many another, being that of fitness, whose necessary quality the change proposed would in- stantly destroy. The architecture of St, Marks, beautiful in spite of its want of purity and many anomalies, is, as an Italian says, loi grotesco,ma un groteaco vmgnifico. Exhibiting a happy mixture of different styles aud ditierent materials; making the rules which have limited the conceptions of all other buildings only subservient to its purposes, it can have nothing in common with them, and is put out of the scale of comparison. "There 184G.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 29.7 is no law — sayB Charles Lamb — to judge of the lawless, or canon by which a dream may be criticised." Seeing, therefore, by what false criteria St. Marks has been judged, and consequently how Ihe beautiful characteristics of ibis strange pile, have been misunderstood, I speak in praise of it now, out of pure love and recollection of the feelings which it gave on the spot, and am grateful — as those who have seen and been wrought upon by it must be — for the proud vision which memory frequently brings before the fancy. Its effect on the mind, as well as of tlie scenery amidst which it is placed, should be pon- dered over, as a means of raising the taste and increasing our ideas of the beautiful in art. This Basilica (combining, as it were, the Mosque or Mahommedan house of prayer, with the Christian temple), both in its parts and as a whole, is magical in the extreme. Look for a moment at the profusion and magnifi- (*nce of its ornaments. The Byzantine-Greeks, unlike their forefathers, avoided the horizontal line as much as possible, and indulged in the curve- the fondness for it resulting from their co-operations with the Saracens ; and the commuDication of the crusaders with the East served to spread it over mauy parts of Europe.* This love of wavy lines and intricate forms characterises the Venetian architecture, and is most conspicuous in St. Marks. (See Ihe annexed engraving of a portion of the vestibule.) The object of the designers was a great richness of effect — which certainly the nature of the ornaments produced, and often also a gran- deur of ensemble, — although, on a close examination into their minu- tiiB, we find much that is defective : as in the ornate and kindred style of the Alhambra, or that of the Elizabethan. But with all the blemishes in its details, the mind is presented with a view, resulting from the union and consent of so many opposite parts, which is a principal cause of its beauty. The wildness or irregularity in the simplicity of the whole affect the mind with a series of strong impulses, more delightful than that mono- tonous, though sometimes agreeable, sentiment which is experienced in works built after ordinary rules and common -place precepts. Even the * An Infnaton of the Saracenic style Is seen in many parts on the continent— from Venice, traces of it along tbs road to brescia, and in other directions- The border orna- oent so common in the Venetian palaces, is round the windows of St. Peter's cethsdral, Geneva; and the minarets and metal globes on the towers of many churches in Switter- laad, give to the towns a rather Eastern appearance. For details, sculpture, &c., of St. Uarks, tee the works of Clcognva, Zanotto, Kieutter, Cwaletti, kc. littleness and multiplicity of the ornaments, spreading over a vast surface, produce a great eflect-beau.iful and rich in its mass.s, l.ke the foliage o a majestic and wide-spreading tree. The nch colouring of the many mosaic pictures also greatly add to the splendour of San Marco. Here Iris may be said to have dipt the woof. These mosaics are described by Northcote in his " Life of Titian " This painter as also Giorgione (who first introduced frescoes to the Venetian palaces), contributed much by their pencils to the architectural decoration of A enice ; delighting the eyes of the inhabitants with that colour, a love of which they imbibed from the gorgeous landscapes of their native city. The effect imparted to most of the churches in Italy, and abroad generally, by mosaics, painted glass, frescoes, tapestries, carvings, .^c, makes one regret that these arts are not more in use amongst us. Or, without refer- ing to the decorated and impressive interiors of the foreign churches we have eminent examples at home, in the magnificent cathedrals of our Gothic ancestors. In looking at the rich mosaics in St. Marks, and observing what taste and skill are displayed in shrine, altar, screen, lamps, candelabra, and, in short, every work which the ceremonies and splendour of the church re- quired, we see how every art, that was known at the time, was had re- course to for heightening the eOecl, both of its exterior and interior. Every object that enriched it, received an additional attraction from, and was in keeping with, the splendid crosses and reliques borne by the processions in the celebration of the festivals ;-witiiess it, for instance, on the festa of Corpus Domini. The one absorbing object in its erection and adornment was to render it as splendid and symbolic as possible,-most precious in all materials and workmanship, and to surpass even the Orientals in its magnificence. This was Ihe purport of its inscription : " Istoriis, auro forma, specie tabularum ; hoc templum Marci fore die decus ecclesiarum " Its interior, though far from " glooray"-as it has been miscalled-has, it IS true, become somewhat dimmed by age and the frequent burning of incense ;-but in its palmy days, how bright and glittering must have beeu Its gold ! what life and light must it have transfused around, by reflection and refraction i There is another point for our admiration. Placed in one of the finest piazzas in the world, can anything be conceived more enchantin- on such a spot, viewed from the Palazzo Reale, either at noon, when the sun pours lis full brilliance upon it; or at night, when the numerous lights below bring out in all their contrast and colours and proportions the wonderful details of its facade ;-the moon shedding a bright light on its cupolas and pinnacles, and the dark blue sky around heightening its effect ) Can any object be more appropriate than this to Venice ? Wealth and gaiety luxury and romance, make the character of the city,-and the irchitecture' partakes of it. \ et the vesture of mosaics, and gold, and sparkling mar- b es, in which it is arrayed, seen anywhere else but in Venice, would look like a mountebank in a company of diyines. 208 THIi: CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Oct. nOTBS ON ENGINEERINQ, VI. MENAI TUBULAR BRIDGE. (^Continueil from page 174). In the lasl paper on llie Menai Tubular Bridge (ante p. 174), a formula was given for calculating the lioyizontat strains to which the vertical plates of the tube would be subject, and a truth hitherto entirely overlooked was demonstrated, that these plates ought to be sirongcr towards their ei- tremities than at the centre. To complete the investigation of the forces to which these plates are subject, the amount of the rertical strains ought also to be determined. But as these papers were already been carried to some length, it is ne- cessary tos'udy brevity; and it will be sufficient to point out the general steps of the calculation. The vertical plates consist of two different portions discharging two dif- ferent ollices. That part of each vertical plate which lies over the abut- ments supports the upper horizontal plate upon the lower : the pari between the abutments and clear of them suspends the lower plate /rom the upper. In the following diagram, then, the vertical forces of those parts of the vertical rib which are over A a. and B b, are Ihursls.and the vertical forces of the part of A B, tensions. To consider tlie latter first, let us suppose 41 I A B 1 1 1 1 sections made at A and B, and that the connection between the upper and lower plates is made not by a continuous rib, but by a number of vertical rods. Then it is clear that we may consider ihe lower plate and the load on it suspended by means of these rods from the upper plate. We must also take into account the vertical molecular at the sections at A B. But as it is impossible to calculate their amount exactly, it will probably be sufficient for practical purposes to suppose that they sustain half the pres- sure of the load, and that the other half is communicated by means of the Suspending rods to the upper plate. Hence the total tension of these rods will be equal to half the weight of the train -\- the weight of one of the horizontal plates. If we suppose the rib couliuuous and not formed of robs, the conclusion will not be widely ditl'erent. A continuous rib indeed would be cut by the section through A and B, but the molecular forces of the rib at the sections would be small compared with the total tension dis- tributed over its whole length. Hence we conclude that the vertical plates between A and B must to- gether possess suflicient strength that half the load and the weight, one of the horizontal plates may be suspended from tliem without injuring them. To consider next the vertical thrusts on the portions A a, B 6 of the side- plates, it may be easily seen by similar reasoning that these portions sup- port half the load and the weight of one of the horizontal plates resting on them. An important practical conclusion from this is that the portions of Ihe vertical plates over the abutments should be much stronger than the remainder, for they have to resist an equal amount of force distributed over much less surface, and moreover the power of wrought iron to resist thrust is greatly inferior to its power to resist tension. We cannot conclude this part of the investigation without expressing a conviction that the connection between the upper and lower plates should be maintained, not by continuous plates, but by a lattice of vertical and horizontal rods, firmly clasped together at the points where they cross each other. The necessary strength of them might be calculated w ith con- siderable accuracy, they would accommodate themselves far better than continuous plates would to the variations of form produced by changes of temperature, would oflTer less resistance to the wind, and v>'ould admit light and air to the interior of the tube. 7. Variationt of Temperature. It may be demonstrated in the simplest manner, that on account of the expansion and construction of the tube from variations of temperature, it would be absolutely necessary that the ends should be left free to move in a horizontal direction. It is shown by a very common experiment that a plate of metal if fasten- ed in a horizontal direction between two props, and then considerably heated, will, if prevented from expanding laterally, become bow ed or de- flected. The same thing would happen with the tubular bridge if it were so fastened that it could not expan^l laterallv. In order to ascertain the amount of deflection let A B be half of the length of the bridge before, A C after, expansion. We will first for sake of simplicity suppose A C a straight line. Then B C is the deflection, and BC= = AC» — AB2 = (AC + AB) (AC — AB). It is usual to reckon the limits of expansion of iron at j^^ of the length. Therefore if A B be 225 feet or 2700 inches, the expansion to be allowed for is 2J inches each way, . • . A C = 2700J, A C + A B = 5400f, AC— AB = 5. Hence 8^ = 12150 inches, and BC = 1I0 inches nearly. Therefore the amount of deflection by expansion would be rather mare than nine feel. A C has been here assumed to be a straight line : if however we suppose as a probable approximation to the truth that it is a segment of a circle we shall find that the amount of deflection is not materially diminished. It may b^ iscertained by a laborious numerical operation which it is not ne- cessary here to repeat that the amount will be about 8 feet. It is clear that a much less distortion than this would suffice to fracture the vertical plates, or wrench them from the horizontal plates. 8. Effect of Wind. A subject of the utmost importance with respect to llie permanent stabi- lity of the Tubular Bridge is its power of withstanding the lateral pressure of wind. It appears from the experiments of Smeaton, detailed in the Philosophical Transactions for 1757, that the extreme pressure of Ihe wind, when blowing violently, is 49'2 lb. to the square foot. This probably is an amount of pressure which the wind rarely exercises except at sea or when confined between hills. It is said, however, that in March last the force of a gale in Scotland, as registered by an excellent anemometer, was 45 lb. to the square foot. We are also to consider that the situation of the Menai Bridge is one exceedingly subject to Ihe violence of storms, and that Ihe sea-winds confined between the high lands on either side of the strails would exert their force perpendicularly upon the Tubular Bridge, which of course crosses the straits at right angles. We therefore shall not be exaggerating if we estimate that 45 or 501b. per square foot is the amount of lateral pressure which the tube ought to be capable of resisting. In this ease we shall find that as the area of one of the vertical sides is 13500 square feet, each span of 450 feet would sus- tain a pressure of 271 or 301 tuns. Now the utmost vertical pressure which the weight of a train will exert on the same length of the bridge is 200 tons — that is 71 or 101 tons less than the lateral pressure of the wind. It would therefore seem to follow that whatever precautions be necessary for vertical strength are still nwre necessary for lateral strength, and if it be requisite to strengthen the top and bottom of the tube by a collection of rectangular cells or compart- ments, the same apparatus (or rather one much stronger) ought to be ap- plied to the sides of the tube. It is quite impossible to assign any solid reason for preferring the consideration of vertical strength to that of lateral, or for endeavouring to obtain Ihe two kinds of strength by dissimilar me- thods. Tor it is clear that if the apparatus of cellular compartments be Ihe best possible for ensuring strength vertically, it is also the best for en- suring strength laterally. It might be answered perhaps that the cellular compartments gi»e to the top and bottom of the tube an excess of strength which will never be required in practice : but then it may be replied that this excess of strength is just as requisite for Ihe sides of the lube ; for Ihe efl"ecl3 would be equally disastrous whether the structure broke laterally or vertically. If the tube require an excess of \ertical strength, it equally requires an ex- cess of lateral strength : if it do not require an excess of lateral strength, neither does it of vertical. In which latter case the cellular compartments are simply superfluous. , The force of the wind on one span only of 450 feet has been reckoned. If we calculate Ihe force of the two spans of that length, and Ihe force on tlie two smaller spans of 250 feet each, we shall have Ihe total force tend- ing to overturn the piers er otherwise displace Ihe structure. 9. The hest form (f the vpper and lower sides. In calculating Ihe strength of Ihe tube, the course taken in the preced- ing parts of this investigation has been to estimate Ihe sectional area of the IS-iO.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 299 metal composing the upper and lower sides of (he tube, and to suppose the strain equally divided over the whole area. In order however that the latter assumption may obtain, it is necessary that the lop and bottom of the tube should be of a particular form. We shall proceed to show that where the lop aud'bottum consist of continuous plates, esteodin;;; from one side of the bridge to the oilier, or where they are formed of cellular comparlnients such as those described in another part of this Journal, the above requisite is not answered, but that on the contrary, a large proportion of the metal is placed where it is almost entirely inoperative, and that consequently any calculation founded on the supposition that this metal contributes to the strength of the tube must lead to dangerous results. It the reader will take hold of the page which he is now perusing, at the tup and bottom, and pull it, he will see that if the paper were torn the rent would commence somewhere in the neighbourhood of the straight line joining his two thumbs. If, for example, he held the paper by the two right-hand corners the rent would commence on the right side of the page, and the material on the left side would contribute nothing to resist the tear- ing. Again, if he took the page near the two ends of the black line, sepa- rating the two columns of letter-press, the rent would in this case com- mence in the middle, and the material to the right and left would not under these circumstances contribute anything to the strength of the paper to re- sist tearing. These experiments may appear very simple, and perhaps very puerile. But it is precisely these simple illustrations which give us accurate notions of the action of forces. The case of tearing the paper is exactly analogous to that of tearing the lower plale of the Menai Bridge. It has been shown that owing to the connection of the lower plale with the two side plates, the latter communicate to Ihe former a longitudinal tension which acts all along its two sides. Now this tension is most effective in the immediate neighbourhood of the line in which it acts. If the bridge were overloaded and the bottom plate torn, we are sure that tUe rent would cummence at the edges, and not in the middle of the plate. If a piece of India rubber, originally square, be stretched by four forces acting in the directions represented by the arrows, it will be found to as- sume the form here represented; that is, the extension will be greatest in the neighbourhood of the lines joining each pair of opposite forces, and least midway between those lines. In fact if the forces be not loo great it is possible to extend the sides of the india-rubber without extending the middle portion at all ; so that a small slit made near the centre will remain closed. There is probably some law for the decrease of tension from the sides towards the centre, but there seems no way of ascertain- ing it except by experiment. In the recent discussion respecting the Tubular Bridge, in the Mechani- cal Section of the British Association, it was asserted by Mr. Lamb that provided the lop and bottom plates of the lube were of a given sectional area, it was immaterial what proportion Ihe thickness of the plates bore to their width. If this theory be true, it must be true in the limit; and con- sequently if the top and bottom plates were rolled out till they were no thicker than the finest gold leaf, or the film of a soap-bubble, they should retain their original strength. The mere statement of this notion might be considered a sufficient proof of its absurdity, had not something very similar been sanctioned by high authority. Professor Moseley states in a passage already quoted, that the strongest form of a beam would theoreti- cally be that in which the material of the extended and compressed sides is " collected into two geometrical lines parallel to Ihe neutral axis." Now this would be perfectly true were we dealing with mathematically rigid bodies, but with extensible and compressible substances it seems obvious that the extension or compression could not be uniformly distributed over two indefinitely thin flanges, but would be greatest in Ihe neighbonrhnod of Ihe vertical rib. Professor Moseley has throughout his investigation assumed that in the vertical section of a deflected beam the extension or compression is proportional to the distance from the neutral axis, and i' seems curious that he should have overlooked the fact that in a girder with wide flanges Ihe extension and compression of the flanges also would be, not uniform, but greatest in the neighbourhood of the rib. M'ecomethen with the utmost security to this conclusion, that the strongest form of a beam is one in which Ihe material of Ihe flanges is collected as closely as possible to the upper and lower edges of the vertical rib. This form is very nearly approached in (he rails in most general use on our rail- ways, and may be easily imitated in the case of the Tubular Bridge. The accompanying diagram shows a section of the bridge with the principal portion of the material collected at the four angles. If we suppose these four masses to have circular sections, it is easy to calculate what diameter they must have in order to satisfy the conditions of the preceding investigation. It will be remembered that the sectional areas of the upper and lower plates were each taken at 18iJ square inches, and if the half of this area be as. signed to each side of the lube, the area of each of the circles represented in the diagram must be 90 square inches, and the diameter will consequently be about 10| inches. Let us take the diameter at one foot. Then the thickness of the solid masses at the angles will be equal to one-lhirlieth of the height of the bridge. These masses should not be united by continuous plates but braced together by a laltice of iron rods. There are many reasons for pre- ferring open lattice — they are chiefly these— superior sirength for equal weight of material, diminished resistiince to the wind, admission of light and air to the interior of the bridge, equalisation of Icmperalure by which the danger of distortion by unequal expansion is avoided, and lastly faci- lity of construction. The bridge is to consist of two parts, containing two parallel roadways. These two parts should be united so as to afford mutual support ; the sec- tion of the bridge would then appear as in Ihe accompanying illuslralion. The upper and lower sides of the bridge would be braced together by lat. lice work similarly to the vertical sides. By these means it will be seen from a mere inspection of the section that the lateral strength would even exceed the vertical. This may be considered another most important advantage aris- og from the disposition of the material in masses at the angles. If the bridge be covered above and below by cellular compartments extending across it, the same apparatus ought to be applied to the vertical sides, as has been clearly proved ; whereas by dis- posing the material in compact masses it is made to answer both purposes al once — it resists the lateral pressure of wind and the vertical pressure of a train with equal efficiency. There is one reason more to be assigned for the employment of the upper and lower lattice work. It was observed during one of Ihe recent experi- ments that the top or compressed side of Ihe tube bulged out transversely; and it may be seen that with a bridge of the construction here suggested, the masses at the upper angles would, when in a stale of compression, tend to be similarly bent. They would be likely to be bowed outwards or inwards^ and this tendency is restrained by the horizontal bracing. These con. siderations confirm, to a certain extent, the views of Mr. Byrne, recently propounded in this Journal. The particular mode of calculation adopted by him may fairly be subjected to discussion ; but it cannot be doubled tliat his general views respecting Ihe horizontal transversal strains to which de- flected beams are subject, when they tend to break rather by the distortion of the material than the disruption of it, form a valuable addition to the theory of the strength of beams. 10. The employment of Suspension Rods. The reader who has followed the course of the present argument will have no difliculty in understanding that the strength of Ihe bridge depends on the moments of the molecular forces about the abutment — that is, the molecular forces multiplied into their perpendicular distance from the abut- ment. And it will foUovf as a necessary coasequeace of this consideratioa- 300 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Oct. tliat by a proper disposition of stispensiou rods, aa enormous saving of niult-rial may be elfecleil. In some ofthe piiblislicd views of the Tubular Urid^^'e, llirre are repre- sented curved chains, similar to those of coninion suspeusion bridges, meet- ing llie tube at a very acute angle. The only points where these suspen- sion-chains are attacked are their extremities, and as they are unprovided ^ith vertical rods, their action is extremely indirect, the greater part of the tension being revolved horizontally instead of vertically. A more in- efficient contrivance could scaicely be suggested. If hov\ever ruii/infu/ rods be applied according to the plan explained by Mr. Bashforth, in a former number of this Journal, the result is very differenl. Let the diagram represent a section of part of the bridge and one abutment-tower. BD E one of the straight suspending rods joining the points D and E of the bridge directly with the top of the tower. Then the perpendicular distance of B E from the abutment is equal to A C, and the moment of the forces about A is the tension of the rod multi- plied by the length of AC. This length may be termed popularly the leverage of the rod. But the leverage of the horizontal forces in F D will never exceed A F, the height ofthe bridge, and consequently the efficiency of the material in B D, over the material in F D is the proportion A C : A F. If we suppose the height of the towers to be 80 feet, (the height of the towers ofthe Hungerford Bridge), and E to be at the centre of the bridge, we shall find by simple trigonometry the proportion A C : A F equivalent to 2'985 to 1, In other words by putting the material in the form of a straight rod the efficiency is in this particular case nearly trebled. The enormous increase of strength for a given quantity of material which this reasoning demonstrates ought scarcely to be neglected. Even if we look at the question practically without regard to definite mechanical prin- ciples, it seems clear from a mere inspection of the diagram, that the rod B D exerts au upward pull or strain applied directly to sustain the bridge and that the action of F D is comparatively indirect and inefficient. But there is another great advantage in the use of suspending rods — that they act by tension only. Where the metal is applied to exert a thrust it will give way far sooner by bending than by actual disruption, as the recent experiments abundantly prove : but where it exerts a tension it can only fail by being torn asunder. If it were accidently bent, a thrust would tend to bend it still more,— a tension to straighten it again. It will be seen by reference to Mr. Bashforth's paper that the effect of the expansion of the rods in summer would be so small that it might safely be neglected, and small as it is, it would be almost entirely compensated for by the expansion of the masonry of the towers. The sinking of the bridge from this cause would not be nearly equal to that due to a heary load. The rods could never become loose and cease to exert a tension. Even if we suppose they could do so, their value as means of security would still remain the same : for this is certain— the bridge could never actually give way under the elfect of a heavy load until the rods were broken. The experiment of the applicalion of rods to the tube has not yet been tried. If this were done, it may be safely predicted that the amount of the breaking weight would be very greatly increased. It would be diffi- cult to calculate beforehand the exact increase of strength, but if the com- parison be fairly instituted by experiment between a bridge with cellular compartments and without suspending rods, and one with suspending rods and the material collected in masses at the angles of the bridge, it may be confidently anticipated that the strength would be increased to three times probably many more times — its former value. The suspension chain should be relied upon as the principal means of security, the masses at the angles of the bridge as the principal means of rigidity. By thus assigning to each part its separate appropriate office, the efticiency ofthe whole is most likely to l.'e ascertained. The preceding invesliga'ion has been earned to so great a length tiiat many things are necessarily omitted which are important with respect boih to the theory and to the practical construction ofthe bridge. The circum- stance of the eiperimeuls being confided into such hands as those of Messrs. Fairbairn and Hodgkinson has prevented the appearance of many suggestions which otherwise might not have been superlluous. If however the remarks here oflered conduce to any improvements in the particular structure which has been here considered, or should facilitate the applica- tion of simple slaiical principles to the general theory of the strength of materials, the labour of the writer will not go unrewarded. H. C. SETTING OUT RAILWAY CURVES. Sir, — In reference to Mr. George Heald's communication to yon on the subject of laying out railway curves, I beg to say that I have occasionally used a method which is, I think, more simple and accurate, which is as follows: — Take any given curve, and fix the two extremities of tt by two polea and flags. Then run a right line between these two points, which will, of course, be a chord to the curve. Divide this chord line by two, which point of division will be its centre, and each half will = sine of i the whole arc, and iis versed sine will be the perpendicular to set off at this point; and this r.s. is found by multiplying the tubular t.s. by radius of curve. Then proceed to ascertain, in a similar manner, the centre points of each of the two halves of the curves, by running chords, dividing them in two parts, and setting off the perpendicular from the centre by means of its versed line. When the curve has been divided into a few parts in this way, the small divisions, being now equal and close at hand, may be ascertained by strik- ing one of them on a large size, and, by a scale of equal parts, ascertain the ordinates of one part, which serves for ail the other parts, I am your obedient servant, An Engineer out of Employment. Oswestry, July 18, 1846. [The suggestion above is well worth recording. The method described by our correspondent appears to be very practicable, and is geometrically accurate. Whether, however, this method, or that requiring tables of rail- way curves, similar to those reviewed by us last month, require the least labour, can only be determined by actual experience.] — Ed. THE PROBLEMS IN "PLANE SURVEYING." Sift — Such communications as those of your correspondents, Messrs. Byrne and Turnbull, are little calculated to support the high credit to which your work aspires, and to which by the general ability of your articles it has attained. In common, therefore, with other of your readers with whom I have conversed on the subject, I could not but feel indignant at the unwarrantable pretensions to originality which characterise both ; and still more, at the accusation brought by one of them of bad faith on the part of the late Dr. Olynthus Gregory. At the same time, it was a source of real regret to see your pages made the medium for claims, which, to say the least, are preposterous; but much as I should dislike any personal dispute, or other inlercouse, with either of those writers, I consider that the importance of any otherwise unworlhy statement which may appear in your pages, is so far enhanced by that circumstance, that il ought not to be alhiwed to pass into currency without a caveat from those who set an estimate upon truth, and are iheniseives cultivators of science. In the first place, Mr. Byrne's "fundamental principle," upon which he sets such extraordinary value, was given by C arnot, nearly half a century ago, in his Ge'uin&'trie dt Position^ and in his Essai sur la Tke'orit det Tranxiersates. The application of it to the problems in question have been given over and over by Dr. Gregory in successive editions o! HiUtnn's Ma- Ihematict, and there they still remain in the last edition of that work, pub- lished in 1842, in a form only differing so far from that in youi pages as would follow from a wish to conceal their origin. So much for Mr. Byrne's boasted '■ quality of being original." With respect lo your other correspondent, Mr. Turnbull, 1 have in the second place to admit, that against his opponent his claim is conclusive for as much as it is worth. That worth is however, inconsiderable, in a prac- tical point of view, at least ; and beyond being useful exercises in trigo- nometrical reduction, they have no scientific value whatever. Under either aspect, no person whose inventive powers in mathematics is ofthe average order, would consider the discovery worth a moment's dispute. It is to the grave charge made against Dr. Gregory by Mr. Turnbull, (who should have been the last man to make that charge against him) that I 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 301 take the most decided objection, and to which I will wholly confine my remarks. It was ia your number for October 1845 that I believe this strange charge was first made, and on the same page you refuse to allow any anim- adversions on Mr. TurnbuU's writings— merely from private reasons affect- ing that person. It must have escaped your notice, at the time of writins; that interdict, that you had just marked for press a communication from him which casts a serious imputation upon the memory of a distinguished geometer and truly good man, whose name is justly endeared to the en- gineering profession. Now it appears lo me that notwithstanding any private considerations affecting Mr. Turnbull, you and the public are entitled to demand of him his evidences of the truth of the statement which he makes respecting Dr. Gregory. Mere allegation in such a case is not enough from any man — from Mr. Turnbull certainly not. The question is one between Dr. Gre- gory's honesty and Mr. TurnbuU's veracity : it is a question of character, and must not be slurred over as one of no moment. Originality is in this case a question of such minor importance as not to deserve a single thought, except so far as regards its decision upon a question of personal character. I at once apprize Mr. Turnbull that his explanation will be submitted to a scrutiny so rigid, that it will be desirable that he attend more closely to strict accuracy than usual : for the character of public men, and especially of such men as Dr. Gregory, is public property, and will be guarded with corresponding vigilance. Pending Mr. TurnbuU's proofs that Dr. Gregory appropriated his dis- coveries " without acknowledgment of the source from which they were derived," I only claim that due weight shall be given to the admitted charac- ters and known talents of the accuser and the accused : — and that with this shall be coupled a recollection of the triviality of the scientific part of the •question at issue. I am. Sir, your obedient servant, ViNDEX. September 15, 1846. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. The British Associaton for the Advancement of Science held its annual meeting at Southampton during the past month. The President's address appears on another page. The following report contains merely a selec- tion of those parts of the sectional proceedings most interesting to the engineer. The proceedings of the mechanical section are the most fully noticed, and are followed by some editorial notes. The report will be con- cluded next month. On Thursday, Sept. 10, the General Committee met in the Town Hall over the Bargate, Sir John Herschel in the chair. After the minutes of the committee meetings, Cambridge, were confirmed. Colonel Sabine read the following Report of the Council, being the account of their proceed- ings since June, 1845 : Report of the Council to the General Committee. 1. The Council have the very satisfactory duty to perform of reporting to the General Committee that the Resolutions of the Magnetical and Me- teorological Conference, adopted by the General Committee at Cambridge on the 22th June, 1845, were submitted to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Bart., by the president, Sir John Herschel, Bart., accompanied by a communication from the Marquis of Northampton, president of the Royal Society, conveying the concurrence of that body in the recommenda- tions contained therein : that they received a very favourable consideration from her Majesty's Government, and that the recommendations connected ■with the British observations both at home and in the colonies are in pro- gress of being carried out. Tbe resolutions relating to the East Indian observations and surveys have met with an equally favourable reception from the Hon. Court of Directors of the East India Company, and the recommendations which they contained have been approved and sanction- ed. In accordance with the resolutions passed at Cambridge, therefore, the Magnetic Observatory at Greenwich is permanently continued upon the most extensive and efficient scale. The magnetical and meteorological observations are constituted a permanent branch of the duties of the As- tronomical Observatories at the Cape of Good Hope, Bombay, and Ma- dras, and arrangements are in progress for making them also a permanent branch of the obserations to be made at the Observatory at Paramatta. The detachment of the Royal Artillery, by whom the duties at the Cape of Good Hope have been hitherto performed, has been relieved by a perma- nent incretise in the civil strength of the Astronomical Observatory ; and in like manner the officers of the Royal Navy and the marines who now form the establishment of the Observatory at Van Dieman's Island, will be relieved as soon as the establishment at Paramatta is completed. The Ordnance observatories at Toronto and St Helena are to be continued until the close of 1848. With reference to the recommendations relating to magnetic surveys, a magnetic survey of the Indian Seas, by Lieut. Elliot of the Bengal En- gineers, has received the sanction of the Hon. Court of Directors of the East India Company, and arrangements are in progress for its commence- ment. Also, early in the present summer Lieut. Moore, of the Royal Navy, proceeded under the direction of the Lords of the lAdmiralty to Hudson's Bay, in one of the vessels belonging to the Hudson's Bay Com- pany, for the purpose of connecting the observations of the Canadian Sur- vey with those which the expedition under Sir John Franklin is making in the seas to the north of the American Continent. In accordance with the recommendation concerning the co-operation of foreign magnetical and meteorological observatories, communications were made, on the application of the president, by the Earl of Aberdeen, her Majesty's principal Secretary of State for Foreign Aflfairs, to the govern- ments of Russia, Austria, Prussia, and Belgium, from all of whom very favourable replies have been received. 2. The resolution passed by the General Committee to the effect "That it is highly desirable to encourage by specific pecuniary reward the im- provement of self-according magnetical and meteorological apparatus, and that the Presidents of the Royal Society and of the British Association be requested to solicit the favourable consideration of her Majesty's govern- ment to this subject,' has been brought under the notice of government, and favourably received, and arrangements have been made to carry the recommendation into effect. Whilst on this subject, the Council has also much pleasure in noticing that the President and Council of the Royal Society have granted £50 from the Wollaston Donation Fund, to assist in the construction of apparatus devised by Mr. Ronalds for the self-registry of magnetical and meteorological instruments, and which apparatus is in progress of completion at the observatory of the British Association at Kew. The Council are persuaded that the CJeneral Committee will view with satisfaction this co-operation of the Royal Society and British Asso- ciation for objects common to both, and for which the observatory at Kevr furnishes a very convenient locality. 3. The General Committee at Cambridge having passed a resolution, " That it be referred to the Council to take into consideration, before the next meeting of the Association, the expediency of discontinuing the Kew Observatory," the Council appointed a committee, consisting of the Pre- sident (Sir John Herschel), the Dean of Ely, the Astronomer Royal, Pro- fessors Graham and Wheatstone, and Lieut.Col. Sabine, to collect informa- tion on the scientific purposes which the Kew Observatory has served, and on its general usefulness to science and to the Association. The report of the committee was as follows : — "Kew Observatory, May 7, 1846.— Present : Sir J. F. W. Herschel, Bart., the Astronomer Royal, Professors Graham and Wheatstone, and Lieut.-Col. Sabine. After an attentive examination of the present state of the establishment, and of other matters connected therewith, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted, viz. : " That it be recommended to the General Committee that the establish- ment at Kew, the occupancy of which has been granted by her Majesty to the British Association, be maintained in its present state of efficiency. 1. Because it affords, at a very inconsiderable expense, a local habitation to the Association, and a convenient depository for its books, manuscripts, and apparatus. 2. Because it has afforded to members of the Associatioa the means of prosecuting many physical inquiries which otherwise would not have been entered upon. 3. Because the establishment has already become a point of interest to scientific foreigners, several of whom have visited it. 4. Because the grant of the occupancy of the building by her Majesty, at the earnest request of the British Association, is an instance of her Majesty's interest in, and approval of, the objects of the Associa- tion. 5. Because, if the Association at the present time relinquish the establishment, it will probably never again be available for the purposes of science. 6. Because it appears, both from the publications of the British Association, and from the records in progress at the establishment, that a great amount of electrical and meteorological observation has been and continues to be made, and that a systematic inquiry into the intricate sub- ject of atmospheric electricity has been carried out by Mr. Ronalds, which has been productive of very material improvements in that subject, and has in effect furnished the model of the processes conducted at the Royal Observatory: and because these inquiries are still in progress under local circumstances extremely favourable. 7. Because other inquiries into the working of self-registering apparatus, both meteorological and magnetical, are in actual progress at the establishment, and that there is a distinct prospect of the facilities it affords being speedily much more largely pro- fited by. 8. Because the access to the observatory from London to mem- bers of the Association will shortly be greatly improved by railroads, and because the local facilities and conveniences of the establishment have been very greatly enhanced by alterations in its relations to the Commis- sioners of Woods and Forests." " J. F. W. Herschel, Chairman." In laying before the General Committee the report received from this committee, the Council desires to add the expression of its own opinion in conformity with its resolutions. 4. The Council has received a letter from the honorary secretary of the Literary and Philosophical Institution at Cheltenham, expressing on the part of the members of that Institution deep regret that circumstances have arisen which render uncertain their being able to give the British Associa- tion that welcome and generous reception which it would be their desire to do, and which they last year felt they could have done had the Associatioa been so circumstanced as to have accepted tbe invitation for the summer of 1846. 5. The Council has been informed by a letter from W. R. Grove, Esq., F.R.S., that a deputation has been appointed by the Mayor and Corpora- 39 302 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. fOcT. tion of Swansea, Ihe principal inhabitant?, magistracy, and (lie country gcDllemen of (he neighboiirliood, and by tlie memljers of the Royal Insti- tution of South Wales, to attend the meeting at Southampton for the pur- pose of inviting the British Association to hold their annual meeting at Swansea at as early a period as may suit their convenience. The (ieneral Committee will therefore have before them at this meeting invitations from Oxford, Norwich, and Swansea. Southampton, Sept. 9, I84G. Proceedings of Sections. SiiCTio.s A. — Mathematical and Physical Scienci;. President: Sir J. F. VV. \\tric\\t\.— Vice-Presidents: Sir D. Brewster, Prof. AVheatslone, Col. Colby, Dr. M hewcll.— ,S>iTW«r(es; Dr. Stevelly, Messrs. G. G. Stokes, J. Drew. — Committee: Prof. Oersted, M. Svan- berg. Prof. M'ortmann, Messrs. .Vlkn, W. R. Birt, Hon. and Rev. C. Harris, Messrs. W . S. Harris, R. Aunt, Dr. Lee, ^\\■. J. Phillips, Rev. Dr. Robinson, j\lr. F. Ronaldo, Capt. Sir J. C. Ross, R.N. Mr. .1. Scolt Russell, Col. Sabine, Rev. Dr. Scoresby, Rev. Dr. M ilson. Rev. R. Walker, Mr. J. A. Dale, Dr. Green, Col. Everest, Mr. R. W . Fo.x, Prof. Eicenlohr, Sir J. I". M. Heijschel, President, on taking the chair, explained the objects of the Association. The first paper read was a Report, " On Gauss's Magnetic Constants," from I'rofessor Erman. — The author, aftor pointing out, by several ex- amples, the uselessness of accumulating, beyond certain bounds, mere observations, without subjecting them to scientific reduction, and llie im- portance now attached on all hands to such reductions — as exempliljed in the case of the reduction of all the Greenwich Observations, lately executed by the Admiralty, at the solicitation of the British .Association — a work ■which M. Ressel welcomed in the last moments of his life as the beginning of a new period in astronomy ; and, after instancing the fact ihat the Asso- ciation had been compelled to discontinue many valuable and systematized courses of meteorological (ibservations, in consequence of the stores of un- reduced observations outstripping their power to have them reduced, stated, that the determination of the Gaussian magnetic constants had ap- peared to them at the meeting at Cambridge last year, of such importance, that a sum of 59/. was entrusted to him, for the purpose of reducing certain observations made by him on terrestrial magnetism during the year 1S29, at several stations round the earth ; and applying them to the purpose of determining those constants for that year. The present report was a state- ment of the results already obtained from this arrangement. The obser- ■vations to be reduced had been made by M. Erman, from the year 182S to 1830, at 650 nearly equidistant stations, along a line encircling the globe between the latitudes 02° N. and 60°S.:— at each station the dip, the horizontal direction, and the intensity had been observed. The labour of reducing these had not only far exceeded Ihat which he (M. Erman) could afford to bestow on it, but even the leisure of an industrious and intelligent young mathematical friend, M. Petersen, to prosecute the task ; and the report now detailed the extent to which he had gone in his labours. " On the Bands formed hij the Partial Interception of the Prismatic Spectrum." By Professor Pow ell. " On the C'liistitution a':d Forces of the Molecules of Matter." By Dr. l,AMi>G.— This was an elaborate theory of the molecular constitution of matter ; applied in forty-two distinct propositions lo the explanation of gravitation, temperature, and specific lieats of gases, cohesion, allinilies, Jatent heat, volume, disturbances of electrical eipiililirium, and other electrical phenomena, with electro motion and cleclro-chemical deconi- posiiion. One remarkable consequence of this theory is, that gravitation depends on the electrical atoms ahme; and tliat hence a positively elec- trified body must be heavier, and a negativdv eleclritieil body, lighter than the same body with its electricity in the onliiiarilv undisturbed state. This the author projiosed to prove experimentally to the Section by an expe- riment to which he was conducted by the th'eorj-, as soon as he could pro- cure a cylinder electrical machine with an insulated rubber. The pre- sident proposed that discussion on the communication should be suspended until Mr. Laming had exhibited this experiment. " Reiwrt on Recent researches in Hydrodi/namirs." By G. B. Stokes. —This report was divided into the following heads:— 1. General theories connected with the ordinary equations of fluid motion. 2. Theory of waves, including tides. 3. The discharge of gases through small orifices. 4. Theory of sound. 5. Simultaneous oscillations of fluids and solids. 6. Formation of the equations of motion, when the pressure is not sup- posed equal in all directions. The first head referred to investigations of a rather abstract nature. L'uder the second, the researches of Mr. Green, Professor Kelland and Mr. Airy, on the subject of waves, were particu- larly alluded to, and the accurate agreement of theory with the experi- ments of Mr. Scott Russell pointed out. The important investigations of Mr. Airy on the the theory of the tides, were also mentioned. Under the next head were mentioned some experiments of MM. Barr^ de Saint- Tenant and Wantzel, by which an empirical formula was obtained for the velocity of discharge of air through a small orifice, when the discharge is produced by a considerable dillerencc of pressure. The common formula does not apply to extreme cases. A memoir, by Mr. Ureea, on the reflec- tion and n fraction of sound was then alluded to — a memoir which is re- markable from its bearing on the physical theory of light. The investiga- tioDs mentioned under the fifth head related principally to the motion of pendulums in resisting media. Mr. Green has solved the problem in Ihe case of an o.-icillaMng ellipsoid. The last head contained a notice of the theories of i\lM. Navier, Poisson, and others on the irregularity of pres- sure in dilTereut directions about the same point. This theory may be con- sidered to be that of the internal friction of fluids. Dr. WiiEWELL thought he had ample reason to congratulate himself and the Section on the success of the advice which he had given when, in the year 1830, his friends Mr. Harcouit and the Dean of Ely, had consulted regarding the proper objects which such an association as the then con- templated British Association should propose to itsidf. He had then advised that one very prominent object should he the preparation of reports on the actual state of human knowledge in the several deparlnients of science. — and one of the frnits of that advice had been the very able report which had just been presented by his friend Mr. Stokes. Mhen he contracted the present scientific position of British philosophers with what it had been only sixteen years ago, when Britain was vastly behind the continental philosophers, not ouly in scientific attainments, but even in the knowledge of what had been achieved by others, he could not but congra- tulate all concerned that that stigma bad been so completely wiped away. Dr. Whewell then proceeded to comment on several parts of the report and pointed out the importance of keeping distinctly before the mind the essential dilference between two kinds of waves, in one of which the mo- tions of the particles of the fluid were the same from the top to the bottom, in the other, the mulions of the particles, while all circular, or rather elliptical, diminished rapidly until at the bottom it became nothing. Of this latter kind a familiar illustration could be had by watching the waves which the wind produced as it swept over fields of standing corn or long grass. He then adveited to the formation of the double wave — an example of which was afforded by the tides at Southampton; and which had been investigated by Mr. Scott Russell in the Forth, and by others at Ipswich. He then briefly reviewed the theoretical researches of Weber, iiellaud, and Airy, on the subject of waves; and concluded by sajing, that as waves of sound were reflected eciioes, so he conceived they must suffer refraction, though the observing of this was attended with experimental difticulties ; but that these waves were diflracled, he conceived no one could doubt who would attend to the varying sound of a cascade as you approached it round a bending course, it being at first hidden from sight by interposed rocks, banks, or other obstacles. The President agreed with Dr. Whewell, and not only did he conceive that sound could be re- flected, refracted and diflracled, but pointed out several cases, as in some of the phenomena of the tuning fork, where something closely analogous, at all events, to polarization must take place. " Notice of a New Property of Light exhibited in the Action of Chrij- sammatc of Potash upon Common and Polarized Light." By Sir D. Brewster. — The chrysammate of potash, which chiystallizes in very small, flat rhombic plates, has the metallic lustre of gold, whence it derives its name of golden fluid. M'hen the sun's light is transmitted through the rhombic plates it has a reddish yellow colour, and is wholly polarized ia one plane. AVhen the crystals are pressed with the blade of a knife on a piece of glass, they can be spread out like an amalgam. The light trans- mitted through the thinnest films thus produced, consists of two oppositely polarized pencils —the one of a bright carmine red and the other of a pale yellow colour. AVith thicker films, the two pencils approach to two equally bright carmine red pencils. It is to the reflected light, however, and its new properties, that 1 wish to direct the attention of the Seciion. Common light, retiecled at a perpendicular incidence from the surfaces of the crystals, or of the films, has the colour of virgin gold. It grows less and less yellow as the incidence increases, till it becomes of a pale bluish white colour at very great incidences. The compound pencil, thus re- flected and coloured, consists of two oppositely polarized pencils — one polarized in the plane of refleciiou, and of a pale bluish white colour at all incidences, ami the olhtr polarized perpendicular to the plane of refleition, and of a golden yellow colour at small incidences, passing successively into a deeper yellow, greenish yellow, green, greenish blue, blue, and light pink, as the angle of incidence increases. This very remarkable property, which I have discovered also in some olher crystals, is not caused by any film of oxide formed upon the natural surface of the crystal, nor is it the result of any change produced upon the surface by external causes. It is exhibited, under the usual moditications, if the surface of the chrysammate is in optical contact with fluids and with glass : and when the crystal is in the act of being dissolved, or when a fresh surface is exposed hy mecha- nical means, the superficial action uf the cryslal upon light is in both cases the same. When the chrysammate is re-ciystaliized from an aqueous solution, it appears in tufis of prisms of a bright red colour, the gulden rellection being overpowered by the transmitted light; but when these tnfts are spread into a film by pressure, the golden yellow colour re-appears. When the crystals of chrysammate are healed \\ ith a spirit lamp, or above a gas burner, the}' e.rplode with a flame and smoke like gunpowder; aud, by continuing the tieat, the residue melts and a cross of colourless amor- phous crjstals is left, i have found the same explosive properly in the aloetinate of potash. Dr. Whewell conceived this was raiher a curious action of the chry- sammate aud aleotinate of potash on light than any new property of light. 7he President, Sir .1. HEnscHi L, was inclined to agiee in that opinion, since nothing was more clearly established than that the colours ultimately exploded by light reflected i'rom the surfaces of bodies depended on the number of superficial particles which (he light penetrated in the first in- 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 303 stance, and their power of absorbing or extinguishing a portion of that light during that penetration. This had been experimentally decided by thin plates of gold, through all the various shades of that melal, down to the red of copper. Whether the title of the paper, however, exactly agreed with the observed tacts or not, all must admit that tliese facts were most important, and deserving of serious attention. He was not acquainted with the substance — chrysainmate of potash — but its properties, both op- tical and mechanical, seemed to be interesting. The plasticity which it seemed to exhibit in particular occurred to him as curious ; and this re- minded him of a somewhat analogous property lately discovered in the substance plumbago, or the black lead which pencils are made of. It is w ell known lluit that substance can only be obtained in any purity at Bor- rowdale, in Cumberland, and is lately becoming very scarce. Now, al- though the powder of plumbago is one of tile best materials for preveutiog friction, or the partial adhesion of other things, yet it has been lately found that the particles of the powder themselves are capable of being made to adhere i[]to a mass — indeed, more compact and uniform in its texture than the best mineral plumbago, by simply inclosing it in a case, extracting the air from among the particles, and subjecting the mass to violent com- pression. Professor Powell said that the young gentleman who sat near him was the discoverer of the chrysammic acid, and would, perliaps, be kind enouah to describe its mode of production. Mr. ScH^I^CK (of Kochdale) said that he had discovered the acid, which was part of the composition of the salt of which Sir D. Brewster's paper treated. It was formed by the action of boiling nitric acid upon aloes, and was one of the last products of that action. The chrysammate of potash was a beautiful and curious salt ; and although so plastic as to be readily moulded into thin plates, was yet so si)aringly soluble as to require above 1,500 times its weight of water to dissolve it. " On Elliptic Polarization." By Mr. Dale. " On certain Cases of Elliptic Polarization of LiglU by Reflection." By Prefessor Powell. " On some of the Results of the Magnetic Uhsercalions made at General Sir T. M. Brisbane's Observatory, Makerstoun." By J. A. Broun. — 1st. Magnetic Declination. — The annual diminution of westerly declina- tion at iMakerstoun is 5' 8". M'hen proportional parts of this have been added to the monthly means, from January 1814, till August 184fi, their whole range is only 2' 1" ; that is to say, the mean position of tlie magnetic needle fur any month, freed from secular change, has not been about 2' 1" farther west than the mean position for auy other month. Mr. Broun conceives that he has found the annual period of westerly declination to consist of a minimum at the vernal, and of a maximum at the autumnal, equinox : the mean range being under 1' 2". From the observations for 1843, Mr. Broun has concluded that there is a maximum of westerly de- clination when the sun and moon are in opposition, and a minimum when they arc in conjunction ; that there is a maximum of westerly declination when the moon has its greatest north, and also when it has its greatest south declination, minima occurring when it crosses the equator, in the diurnal jieriod, the double maximum and minimum have been found to exist in each month of the year. In the " Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh," Mr. Broua'has given certain results relating to the horizontal and vertical components of the earth's magnetic force; but these results were obtained in scale divisions corrected tor temperature by his metliod. In order to deduce the variations of magnetic dip and of the total magnetic force, from the variations of these components, it was neces- sary to determine the values of the scale divisions in known units. Jlr. Broun had previously shown* the inapplicability of the method given by the Committee of Physics of the Koyal Society of London for the balance magnetometer. He now described a metliud by which the \a!ue of the micrometer divisions may be satisfactorily determined. This metliod will be found in the Introduction lo the Makerstoun Observations for 1S43. He has applied the same method lo the biSlar magnetometer, and has found that the value of the scale divisions, obtained in the way recoiu- inended by the Committee of Physics, is also inaccurate for this instru- ment. With the aid of the values obtained by the new method, the follow- ing results have been deduced 2ad. Magnetic Di/i.—Tlte dip is a niini- inuin when the sun and moon are in opposition. In the mean diurnal period for the year, Ttie priDcipal miiximum occurs at lOli. lum. a.m. „ miiiimutn ,, o 40 p.ui. A secondary maximum „ 2 0 a.m. ., minimum „ -S 40 p.m. iMakerstoun mean time being always used. These periods vary to some extent throughout ihe year, the principal minimum occurring at G a.m. in winter; the two minima being nearly equal to the cquitioses, and the diurnal curve being smgle in summer. Mr. Broun has found that there is a maximum of dip about four hours and a half before the iikkjo's passage of the superior meridian; a inininiiiin about half an hour after the passage; a secondary minimum about three hours after it ; and a secundary max- imum about eight hours after it. 3rd. Total Force of the Earth's Mag- netism.— A minimum occurs s\bi n the sun and moon are in opposition, equal maxima near the quadratures, and a secoudary minimum at the time lit conjunction. In the mean diurnal period for the year, * Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. vol. xvi. The principal maximum occurs at 5ti. 40m. p.m. „ minimum „ 2 10 a.m. A secondary maximum „ 7 10 a.m. „ minimum „ 10 10 a.ni. The periods of maxima and minima shift about two hours in the course of the year, and in summer the principal minimum occurs at lOh. 30m. a.m. The variations of force with reference to the moon's hour angle were found by Mr. Broun as follows: — The principal maximum occurs about two hours after the moon's passage of Ihe inferior meridian ; a secondary mini- muni about fiiur hours before the passage of the superior meridian; a se- condary maximum about one hour after the superior passage; and the principal minimum about six hours and a half after that passage. Curves were exhibited illustrating these results, and also the diurnal motion of a magnetic needle freely suspended in the direction of the magnetic force. From the latter some curious results have been deduced, which will be found elsewhere. It will be enough to mention, at present, that in the mean for the year, the motion from 6 a.m. till 6 p.m. is very trilling ; be- tween midnight and 6 a.m. the needle is almost stationary, nearly the whole motion occurring between G a.m., noon, and G p.m. The end of the needle describes an ellipse whose major axis is at right angles to the magnetic meridian ; but the direction of this axis varies throughout the year. Blr. Hopkins, " On the relations of the Semi.Diurnal Movements »/ the Barometer to Land and Sea Breezes." — Mr. Hopkins exhibited diagrams, drawn up from Col. Sabine's paper " On the Meteorology of Bombay," of the diurnal temperature curve, total pressure curve, and gaseous pressure curve; with a diagram representing the swelling and sinking of the land and sea breezes ; and endeavoured to show that these were inconsistent with the explanation given by Col. Sabine, but harmonised with alterna- tions of pressure caused by the alternate extrication of heat and absorptioa of it during the alternate evaporations and depositions of water, in the state of clouds and dew. Capl. Shortrede asked Mr. Hopkins several questions ; and, from his own observations in India, extending over many years, must dissent from Mr. Hopkins, as to the manner in which he supposed clouds to form and disperse. The effects he ascribed were disproved by the fact, that several miles inland, when there were no land and sea breezes, the clouds were formed and dispersed in precisely the same manner. Section B.— Chemistry and Mineralogy. President: Mr. Faraday. — Vice-Presidetits: Prof. GJrove, Dr. Andrews, Prof. Johnston, Dr. Daubeny. — Secretaries : Dr. Miller, Messrs. R. Hunt, M'. Randall. — Committee: Prof. Rose, M. Dumas, Prof. Oer- sted, Dr. Playfair, Prof. Solly, Mr. J. Prideaux, Prof. Schcjnbein, Prof. Forchhammer, Messrs. R. Mallett, H. Osborn, W. West, R. WarringtoD Dr. Leesou, Messrs. J . Wilson, \V. Lucas, T. J. Pearsall, T. AVard,' Capt. Ibbetson, Dr. Percy, aiessrs. W. Sharpe, T. P. Gassiot, Prof* Counel, Mr. J. P. Joule, Dr. Schunk, Messrs. T. Henry, W. Francis* Rev. J. Barlow, Dr. Letheby, Messrs. P. Johnson, — Maskelyo. " On the Pirserice of Atmospheric Air and Uncombined Chlorine and Carbonic Acid found in the Water of some of the Wells in the Suburbs of Southampton, and their Action on Lead." By H. Osborn. — The principal object of this paper was lo caution persons residing in the neighbourhood of Souihauiptoii, against the use of leaden pipes for conveying water, and to induce them to avoid the use of lead in auy form lor that purpose, with- out having the water previously examined in order lo ascertain whether it possessed the property of acting upon the melal and holding it in solution. The author brought forward several instances of the serious cousequences which had resulted from the use of water impiegnated with lead, and pointed out the ditlerent solvent principles found in the water; one of which was uncombined chlorine discovered in a spring in the New Forest. The water possessed the property of bleaching brazil paper, and reddening litmus paper by evaporation. The amount of uncombined chlorine was estimated as cliloride of silver, — by deducting the amouut of the latter contained in 20 ounces of water from that of the chlorine contained in the solid contenls, the former weighing 1'2 more than the latter — thus indicat- ing 0'296 of uncombined cjhloriue, which is capable of uniting with 0-864 of lead, forming I'lG of chloride of lead in the imperial pint. The lead held in solution by carbouic acid, and the oxygen of atmospheric air, was converted into chromate of lead, and estimated as chloride of lead; which indicated 0*2.j or 0'2 of the oxide in twenty ounces of water. I'he solid contents in an imperial pint were found to vary from one grain to three grains, and to be composed of Ihe chlorides of sodium, calcium, and mag- nesium, sulphate of lime, silica, and vegetable matter. Notwithstanding the preservative property, which the salts contained in spring water are said to possess, by forming an insoluble crust in the interior of the pipes, it was found that the leaden pipes had been in use foj some years, and the action of the water on the lead still continued with as much energy as when they were tirst laid down, thus showing the presence of the above solvents, and that they met with no resistance from the presence of the saline matter. Dr. Dai Biisv made some remarks pointing out the importance of the inquiry of Mr. Osborn, and the necessity of paying attention to the condi- tion of the water supplied to towns through leaden pipes, or received in leaden cisterns. — Mr. Pearsall stated that he found that the presence of lead may be constantly removed from the water by the action of carbon, and that lead may be always separated by well agitating the water in conj 3J* 304 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Oct. tact with the air, and mixing up the sedimentary deposits. — The subject excited considerable attention, and many gentlemen joined in the conversa- tion, all of Ihem adducing additional evidence of the importance of in- vestigating the coudilioD of water supplied to large towns. Section C. — Geology. Prenidmt: Mr. L. Horner.— IVce Presidents.- The Dean of Westminster, Sir H. T. Ue la Heche, Dr. W. 11. Fittoii, Mr. \V. Hopkins, fFor Ceo- graphtj) Mr. G. li. GreenhouKh.— SecrWaWes; Mr. R. A. Austin, Prof. Oldham, Mr. J. II. Norton, (For Geography) Mr. C. T. Beke.— C'om- mitiee: I'rof. Agassiz, Prof. Ansted, Mons. Le Blanc, Major Gierke, Messrs. C.Darwin, Duncan, Prof. E. Forbes, Mr. G. W. Featherstonhaugh, Mons. Graves, Messrs. R. Hutton, \V. J. Hamilton, Capt. Ibbetson, Mr. W. King, Mons. dc Koninck, Mr. C. Lyell, Prof. Von Middendorf, Mr If. Mal- let, Marquis of Northampton, Mons. de Pinteville, .Messrs. W. Sanders, W. Sbarpe, Rev. Mr. Walker, Mr. J. Yates, Lieut.-Col, Colbr, Messrs. G. W. Ormerod, J.Phillips, Sir P.de M. G. Egerton, Dart., Dr. Pye Smith, Hon. and Rev. C. Harris, Mr. J. 13. Jukes, Capt. James. " On the Artesian Well on the Southampton Common." Bv U. Keelk, Esq. — The town of Southampton has hitherto dei)ended for a supply of fresh water to private wells, which are attached to almost every house. They are sunk through a bed of gravel, and vary in depth from 10 to 20 or 25 feet,— at which depth the London clay is reached. An uncertain quantity has also been obtained from the public VN-ater-works, supplied by land springs. These sources being insufficient for a growing town, with 30,000 inhabitants, other njodes of supply have long been contemplated. The river Test was con- sidered too distant ; and the commissioners could not accede to the terms proposed by the proprietor of the most convenient part of the river Itchen. lu November, 1835, Mr. Clarke, of London, made an experimental boring on the Southampton Common, through 80 feet of alluvial strata, 300 feet of London clay, and about 100 feet of plastic clay ; and afterwards the boring was extended 50 feet into the chalk. The supply was ample ; and an Act of Parliament was obtained for providing the means necessarv to construct a well which should supply 40,000 cubic feet of water daily. Mr. Clarke estimated the expense at i/.OOO. In 1837, a contract was made with Mr. Collyer, who proposed to sink an iron cylinder, having a diameter of thir- teen feet, to the depth of 160 feet, and from that point to bore to the fur- ther depth of -100 feet, commencing with a bore of 30 inches, and graduallv diminishing to one of 20. The estimate amounted to £9,980. The cyliu- der was found inefficient ; and a brick shaft, of 14 feet diameter, was con- tinued to the intended depth of ICO feet. Two pumps were employed to raise the water, which amounted to 4,000 cubic feet per diem. Here, in- stead of commencing the boring, the brick shaft was carried on, by advice of the consulting engineer. At the depth of 164 feet, the diameter of the shaft was reduced to 1 1 ft. G in. At this period, the candles could scarcely be kept lighted ; and an air-tube of zinc, with a pair of bellows worked by the steam-engine, was attached, for the purpose of ventilation. Masses of limestone, five or six tons in weight, had frequently to be raised. There was a considerable escape of gas from the sides and bottom of the well, which, together with the vapour that filled the shaft and the impure air caused by so luany men at work, occasioned some alarm. At the depth of 214 feet, the shaft was reduced to 10 feet in diameter; and at the depth of 270 feet, to 8 feet G inches. The work was then suspended till more pow- erful pumps could be obtained. On emptying the shaft, and deepening it 23 feet, the influx of water became so great that iron cylinders, 7 feet in diameter, were again resorted to, instead of brickwork. At 322 feet the brick shaft was resumed; the quantity of water raised bv the engine amounted to 30,240 gallons in twenty-four hours. At 380 feet from the top of the well, the plastic clay was reached, and the brick shaft continued through it to the chalk. Little or no sand or water was found in the plastic clay. The work w.is continued day and night till December 4. 1841, when the shaft was 520 feet deep; about three gallons of water flowed into it per minute, its temperature at the bottom ranging from 61° to 62° Fah. The atmosphere of the well at 50 feet was 54°; at 160 feet, 60°; at 543 feet, G5°. The temperature of water at the surface was 44". In March, 1842, the shaft measured 562 feet ; and the pumping having having been suspended for a week, the water rose 400 feet, amounting in quantity 'to 21,578 cubic feet. Tins supply being insufficient, the contractors commenced boring with a 7J-inch augur, attached to a rod, conducted to the bottom of the shaft by an iron tube, fixed in the centre of the well. The total depth of the shaft and boring amounts to 1260 feet; and at the time the boring was suspendeil the water rose to within 40 feet of the surface. In 1 845, during upw.irds of four months' daily pumping, the delivery of water was at the rate of up- wards of 1,500,000 gallons per month; and afterwards, in eight davs, the quantity raised exceeded 725,000 gallons . When the pumping was discon- tinued in November, 1845, the water rose, as before, to within 40 feet of the siu-face. Mr. Hopkins, in reply to questions as to the advantage of continuing the operations, and the probable supply, stated that the example of the artesian well at Crenelle was calculated to give confidence in similar undertakings where a general analogy existed. The comparison, however, between Paris and Southampton was not complete. Paris was in the verv centre of a ter- tiary, and probably over the deepest part ; the water flowed to it in all di- rections ; the inclination of the beds, too, was gentle ; and there were no dislocations. Here, however, the chalk of North Hampshire inclined gradu. ally towards the sea, and, passing under it, rose again, with a much greater inclination, in the Isle of Wight. There was no reason for supposing that Southampton was situated over the lowest part of this basin ; and since, in the Isle of Wight, there was an enormous dislocation, there might be other dislocations or fissures in the intermediate space, which might afford an out- let for the water below. The height to which water would rise in an arte- sian well would be affected by the construction of other wells in its neigh- bourhood. The first artesian well at Cambridge rose 15 feet above the sur- face, but other wells had reduced its height to 4 feet below the surface. The borings in these instances were only 4 or 5 inches in diameter; but the sup- ply was large, and independent of the eristence of any large caverns or fis- sures. The water came from the iron sands below the gault clay ; it had a sUghtly ferruginous taste, but was quite good. No water was obtained in the chalk, nor could an artesian well be expected in that formation, which is too permeable to hold water. In conclusion, Mr. Hopkins said that he should himself recommend the continuation of the boring, as the trial was not complete till the beds below the chalk were reached. Mr. Greenuoigh remarked on the extent of the dislocation which ex- tends through the centre of the Isle of Wight. He believed geologists had done more good by discouraging hopeless speculations than by encouraging useful experiments ; and they would not give a positive recommendation, except from experience. He alluded to the artesian wells of Lincolnshire, in a district before scarcely habitable, on account of the scarcity of fresh water, and the thickness of clay impervious to water. Porous beds, resting upon others which were not porous, could alone afford a supply of water. " On the Origin of the Coal of Silesia." By Prof. Gobppert, of Brcslau. This paper was an abstract of an essay which received the prize offered by the Society of Sciences of Holland, at Haerlem, in 1844. Prof. Goeppert remarks, that hitherto few well-preserved plants had been obtained from the coal itself, but its composition had been inferred from the plants which lie in the associated shales. In the coal-fields of Upper and Lower Silesia, which yield four millions of tons a year, he had met with extensive layers, in which the plants were so well preserved, that he could distinguish coal formed from Sigillaria; from that formed by .\raucaria; or Lepidodrendra. In most instances the bark alone was preserved — the specimens being flattened ; but the Araucaria;, being much harder than the rest, often retained their woody tissue and medullary rays. The species, 80 in number, were found to be differently grouped in the various coal strata, and also under different conditions ; and this, with the delicate preservation of the ferns, the multi- tude of upright stems, of which 200 have already been observed, and the uniform thickuess of the strata over a space of many miles, are considered by the author a proof of tranquil deposition on the present localities. The Silesian coal strata are from 30 to 60 feet thick ; a larger portion of which M. Goeppert supposes to have accumulated after the manner of peat, during the lapse of time. He has ascertained that, by keeping vegetables in boiling water for three months or a year, they are converted into brown coal (lig- nite), and, by the addition of a smaU quantity of sulphate of iron, a salt which occurs commonly in coal, acquire, a; last, a totally black, coal-like condition. Sir R. I. Mi'RCHisox expressed his readiness to receive this explanation for the origin of many extensive coal strajo. There were other large coal- fields to which the explanation would not apply at all, the materials having certainly been drifted to a distance by currents of water. Mr. J. Phillips retuarked, that although even fragments of coal-plants were uncommon in the coal of England, yet, with the aid of the microscope, coni/eroiis tissue might be detected in much of the fibrous coal, which dif- fered only in being less bituminous than the rest. In the ashes of coal, sili- ceous casts of vegetable tissue were always to be found ; and Mr. Bower- bank had detected traces of structure on the fractured surfaces of ordinary solid coal. SECTION F.— Statistics. President: Jlr. G. R. Porter. — Vice-Presidents: Sir V. Lemon, Colonel Sykes, Messrs. Hey wood, E. Nightingale. — Secretaries: JMessrs. W. Cooke Taylor, J. Fletcher, F. G. P. Neilson, Rev. T. L. Shapcott. — Com- mittee : The Mayor of Southampton, Messrs. W. Duckworth, H. Hallam, M. PhiUips, .M.P., M. Ricardo,J. C. Sbarpe, J. Shuttleworth, T. Tooke, G. S. Kenrick, Dr. King, Mr. M. MUnes, JI.P., Capt. Allen, Rev. Prof. Elton. Among the papers read was " yi Jteview of the Mines and Mining Industry of Belgium." By R. Valpy, Esq., of the Board of Trade. It stated that, as a coal-producing country, Belgium ranked the second in Europe. The ratio of the coal district to the total area is Tons Acres. annually. Great Britain ^, or 2,930,000 producing 34,000,000 Belgium jiji or 335000 „ 4,500,000 France -rns> "^ 630,000 „ 3,783,000 Germanic Union 3,000,000 In 1838 the total number of coal-mines in Belgium was 307, with 470 pits in work, and 172 in process of construction, employing 37,171 persons; being an increase of 8,454, or 28 per cent, on the number employed in 1829. The increase of the quantity of coal raised was not accurately ascertained, but it appeared to be about 37 per cent. The average cost of production is 10s. 8d. per ton, and theaverage price 23s. Id. forfirst quality, and IGs 6id. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 805 for the second quality of coal ; the average rate of wages is Is. 6.j",jd. per day. The establishments for preparing other mineral productions for market in 1838 were, for iron 221, copper 8, zinc 7, lead 2 ; tlie total num- bes of furnaces was 132, of which 47 used coke and 22 charcoal. The total number of accidents from 1821 to 1840 was 1,352, which occasioned severe hurts to 882, and deaths to 1,710, making a total of 2,592 sufferers. A paper was read " On Plate Glass-making in England in I84fi, con- trasted with K'hat it was in 1827." By Mr. H. Howard. — The writer fur- nished carefully all the materials for establishing this comparison. Amongst other results he stated, that in 1827 plate glass was sold for about 12s. ave- rage per foot, to the extent of about 5,000 feet per week ; in 1835, for from 8s. to 9s. per foot, to the extent of about 7,000 feet ; in 1844, for from 6s. to 7s. per foot, reaching about 23,000 feet ; and in 1846, for from 5s. to 6s, — about 40,000 feet per week. The sale is now about 45,000 feet weekly. He mentioned that, in 1829, a plate glass manufactory ceesed operations because of the small profit realized when selling at 12s.; while, in 1846, a company, with a paid-up capital of 130,000^., reahzed a net profit of 30,000/. selling at from 5s. to 6s. Looking at this extraordinary increase, in spite of the severity of excise restrictions, tlie author asks, what would be the probable demand if the price were reduced to 4s. or 3s. 6d. per foot, which, free as the trade now is from excise interference, would yield an ample profit ? Section G — iMechanics. Professor Willis in the Chair. Vice-Presidents: Rev. Dr. Robinson, IMesisrs. G. Rennie, J. Scolt Russell, W. Snow Harris. — Secretaries: Messr. C. Manby, W. Belts, juu. — Committee: Messrs. J.Taylor, J.Walker, K. Stephenson, J.Locke I. K. Brunei, C Vignolles, W. Fairbairu, E. Hodgkmson, E. W. Dent W. Chiitfitld, J. Whitworth, J. Nasmyth. J. G. Bodrner, J. Fincham R. C. Grantham, T. Hoblyn, Dr. Phipps, M. Ricardo, Mr. R. Roberts, Sir J. Guest, Messrs. Grant, Brockedou, C. H. Gregory, W. Harding, Dr. Robinson gave an account of a " Modification of Dr. jr/ieivell's Anemometer," for measuring the velocity of the wind. He explained to the section verbally the nature of the various anemometers hitherto employed to measure the Jorce of the wind, and distinguished Whewell's from them, as a measure merely of comparative rate. The fault of it was, that the instru- ment gave no absolute measure of velocity in miles per hour, and that it re- duced the rates to no standard, and therefore the observations made at one observatory were not capable of comparison with those at another. He had applied an obs«rvation of Mr. Edgeworth, who was a family connexion of his own, to the constrnction of such an addition as would render Whewell's anemometer more perfect in this respect. He mounted on a vertical axis three or four arms, carrying hemispherical cups at their extremities. These cups opposed much less resistance to air acting on the concave sides than on their convexities, and in such ratio that uniform revolution was produced, at the rate of one-third of the velocity of the wind. From this measure, which would be the same for all sizes of the instrument, and at all places the mean velocity of the wind during a given period could always be ob- tained in miles per hour. He concluded by reading some of the determina tions of his own instrument at the observatory at Armagh. The Chairman, in giving the thanks of the Section to Dr. Robinson, ex- pressed their sense of the scientific elegance and great practical value of an invention applicable generalU- to the measurement of velocity of fluids ; and he called their attention to the dexterous logical process by which the one definite desired term had been eliminated from a multitude of unknown quantities, as exhibiting an admirable example of the combination of sound mathematical reasoning with sagacious experiment. Mr. Vignolles read a paper furnislied by M. Arago, for the express purpose of being communicated to the Association, at which M. Arago was prevented by illness from attending, " On a new metlwd of boring for artesian springs," by M. Facvelle, of Perpignan, in France. The paper, which was an abridged translation of M. I'auvelle's own account, stated that — " Id 1833, I was present at the boring of an artesian well at Rivesaltes ; the water was found, aud spouted up abundantly. They proceeded to the tubing, and for that purpose enlarged the borehole from the top downwards. I was struck by observing that it was no longer necessary to draw the boring tools to get rid of ihe material, and that the water, risiug from the bottom, brought up with it, in a slate of solution, all the soil which the enlarging tools detached from the sides. I immediately observed to my friend, M. Gassal, who was with me — " This is a remarkable fact, and one very easy to imitate ; if, through a hollow boring rod, water be sent down into the bore-hole as it is sunk, the water, in coming up again, must bring with it all the drilled particles." On this principle I started to establish a new method of boring. The ap- paratus is composed of a hollow boring rod, formed of wrought iron tubes screwed end to end : the lower end of the hollow rod is armed with a per- forating tool, suited to the character of the strata which have to be encoun- tered. The diameter of the tool is larger than the diameter of the tubular rod, in order to form around it an annular space through which the water and the excavated material may rise up. The upper end of the hollow rod is connected with a force-pump by jointed or flexible tubes, which will follow the descending movement of the boring tube for an extent of some yards. 1 his boring tube may be either worked by a rotatory movement or by percussion with a jumper. The frame aud tackle for lifting, lower- ing, and sustaining the boring tube, ofl'er nothing particular. When the boring tube is to be worked the pump must be first put in motion. Through the inferior of the tube a column of water is sent down to the bottom of the bore holes, which water, rising in the annular space between the exterior of the hollow boring rod, and the sides of the bore-hole, creates an ascending current which carries up the triturated soil; the boring tube is then worked like an ordinary boring rod, and as the material is acted upon by the tool at the lower end, it is immediately carried up to the top of the borehole by the ascending current of air. It is a consequence of this operation that the cuttings being constantly car- ried up by the water, there is no longer any occasion to draw up the bor- ing tube to clear them away, making a very great saving of time. An- other important and certainly no less advantage, is, that the boring tools never get clogged by the soil ; they work constantly (without meeting ob- structions) through the strata to be peuerated, thus getting rid at once of nine tenths of the difficulties of boring. In addition, it should be men- tioned, that experience has shown there are no slips in any ground which ordinary boring-rods can penetrate ; that the boring tube works at 100 yards in depth with as much facility as when only ten yards down, and that from the very circumstances of its being a hollow rod, it presents more resistance to torsion than a solid rod of equal thickness and quite as much resistance to traction: these are the principal advantages of the new system of boring. Indeed these advantages have been fully confirmed by the borings which I have just completed at Perpignaa, in St. Dominico's- square. This boring was commenced on the 1st July, and was completed ou the 23rd, by finding the artesian water at a depth of 560 feet. If from these twenty-three days, each of ten hours' work, are deducted three Sun- days and six lost days, there remain fourteen days or 140 hours of actual work; which is upwards of one yard per hour, that is, ten times the work of an ordinary boring rod. In the method I have described, it will be perceived that the water is injected through the inferior of the boring-rod. Experience has taught me that when gravel, or stones of some size are likely to be met with, it is better to inject the water by the bore-hole, and let it rise through the bor- ing tube. The additional velocity which may be thereby given to the water, and the greater accuracy of calibre of the tube, allow the free ascent of all substances which may be found at the bottom of the bore hole, and which the former mode of working may not so readily accom- plish. I have brought up by this latter way stones of 2J by 1^ inches. The idea of making the water remount through the interior of the boring tube suggests an easy mode of boring below a film (sheet) of flowing water: it would be sufficient to close the orifice of the bore hole hermetic- ally, still however so as to allow the boring tube to work, but yet so that the flowing water should be always forced down to the bottom of the bore hole to find its way to a vent : it would thus draw up and carry away all the detritus. If, in addition to the above, we consider the possibility of making the hollow stem of the boring rod of wood, and of balancing it so that it would weigh no more than the water in which it bus to move, the problem of boring to depths of 1100 yards and upwards would appear to be solved. In the square of St. Dominique at Perpignan, a boring had been carried on upon the old method for upwards of eleven months for the purpose of forming an artesian well, and the water had not been found. Fauvelle placed his new tube alongside the old boring tackle, aud soon got down to a depth of nearly 100 yards, when an accident occurred which would have required some days to remedy. Fauvelle decided upon abandoning the bore hule_ already sunk so deep, and commencing a new one, satisfied that there would thereby be a saving iu time. The rate of sinking was equal to four feet per hour of the time the hollow boring rod was actually at work, the depth of 560 feet having been obtained iu 140 working hours, for a bore hole of about six inches in diameter. M. Arago, who had seen the rods of Fauvelle at work, mentions how fully they answered, and that the large powerful tools at the bottom of the hollow boring rod cut easily through the hardest strata ; he confirmed the fact of the large sized stoues and gravel coming up with tlie ascending current, himself having watched them. He also mentioned tiiat such was the opinion of the people in the vicinity of Perpignan, and so much was water wanted, that orders for the sinking upwards of 2U0 artesian wells had been given to Fauvelle. The introduction of this system into this country, especially if combined with the Chinese or percussive system of boring, as practised with bore holes of very large diameter, at the Saar- bruch mines, and at many other places on the continent, must be product- ive of great beuefit, aud wuuld not merely effect a saving of money aud labour, but the paramount advantage of immediately solving the question of the existence of coal, minerals, water, &c." [By reference to the last volume of this Journal, page 50, it « ill be seen that a patent was granted lo Mr. R. Beart, July 12, 1844, for a nielhod almost identical with that of M. Fauvelle.] — Ed. C. E. aud A. Journal. Sir JoBX Guest asked Mr. Vignolles to explain the system of percussion boring, for the information of ihose gentlemen present who might not be acquainted with it.— Mr. Vignolles said, instead of boring v\ith augurs or rods, there was a heavy weight suspended by a rope and pulley ; and fixed to the bottom of the weight was a tool of the crown form, viz., a circular tool of iron, indented at the bottom. There was no description of rock on which he had tried it that this tool did not penetrate with faciUty. The prejudice of English workmen, however, had hitherto prevented its intro- 306 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Oct. duction in this country ; but he had no doubt it would make its way, ]nrti- cularlv if it could be combined with I'auvelle's system. — J. Lobb, Ksq., Mayor of Southampton, wished to ask a question relative to the applicabi- lity of FauTelle's plan to tlie boring of the Southampton artesian well They had got to the depth of 1 ,200 feet with a bore of G inches in diameter- and the expense had been nearly 20,000/. ; this system, however, seemed to, diminish the expense of boring in an extraordinary manner; and lie wished to ask if it could be applied to the present boring at the Southampton Com- mon .' — Mr. ViGNoi.Lts, as an engineer, had no hesitation whatever in saying that it conld be applied without dilliculty. If they wanted force to send the water down tlie tube, they might use a steam-engine. — Dr. RoBi>r- SON suggested that a deputation from the Section should go to the works of the Southampton well, and inspect them. — Mr. J. Hill said that percussion had long been used in this country. They had used that plan whenever they came to hard substances in the Southampton boring. The rods were drawn up by a windlass, and dropped down a foot or six inches ; and after the material was loosened the rods were drawn, and the pulverized material raised up by a cylinder. — Mr. Vignolles said this was different from the Chinese system of percussion, where a rope was used, which saved the trouble and loss of time in drawing the rods. The power required for sending down the water on Fauvelle's plan was much less than might be supposed. — The Marquis of Northampton suggested that a committee of the Geological Section should be invited to accompany the committee from this section. — Dr. Lankuster expressed his warm approval of M. Fauvelle's plan, and his opinion of its applicability. — V conversation followed, in the course of which Sir John Guest said tlie weight of a hollow rod, three inches in diameter, and the iron a quarter of an inch thick, would be less than that of a solid rod of an inch iliameter ; the weight would be further lessened by the rod floating in water. Mr. Sharp read a paper on improvements in the construction of gas- meters. Mr. RicARDu explained the construction of a machine which he had used for registering the velocities of railway trains. An eccentric is keyed on to one of the carriage axles and gives reciprocating motion to a rod which turns a ratchet-wheel by engaging with each of its teeth in succes- sion. By these means, a drum, provided with a paper for indicator-dia- grams, is made to revolve with a velocity proportional to that of the train. A separate part of the machine contains the mechanism of a common- clock, attached to which is a tracing pencil, which moves with a velocity proportional to the clock's rate of going. Consequently, the diagrams register the velocity of the trains for every period of time during the tran- sit of the train. IttsisTANCE to Railway Trains. This paper was of considerable iinportaace, and we are the more glad to have the opportunity of expressing an opinion respecting the formula proposed, because it is the same as that of which Mr. W. Harding re- cently gave an account before the Institution of Civil Engineers. Mr. Scott Russf.ll commenced by briefly reviewing the labours of those who had gone before him in the in\e.'!tigation of the subject. The report on the experiments, instituted at the instance of the British Association, concluded by observing that tlu' results were so anomalous, that uo satis- factory law could be deduced from them. He had undertaken a large series of experiments, but only collected those on which he could place perfect reliance. The trains varied in size from one one to fourteen car- riages. Mr. liusseil thcu exhibited his results in three columns of figures ; the first column showing the velocities iu miles per hour, the second the resistance experimentally determined in ijouuds per ton weight of the train, the third the resistance determined by I'.is formula. It would be seen from the second coltimu that it was not very easy to elicit a law : the resistance was very variable with respect to the vt-locity ; for instance, in certain cases the resistance actually appeared to diminish as the velocity increased. The old theory had been that the total resist- ance was about 8 lb. per Ion, and remaiued constant at all ordinary veloci- ties. It had been found, however, that this theory was quite untenable. The next iiuiirovement was to add for the resistance of air a term varying as the square of the velocity. This, however, was still iusuflicient to re- present the experimental results. He was therefore iuduced to propose a modification of the formula, which be by uo uieens asserted lo be theoreti- cally correct, nor did it exactly coincide with the experimental results ; but which, however, came nearer to them than did any of the old formula", and might be used till a better one was discovered. Mr. S. Russell's formula is — R = Api-'-' + Bwii-f C ;« where K is the total resistance, A the area of the front of the train, >■ the velocity, m the weight of the train ; B, ;), aud C empirical constants. The last term of this equation represented the resistance from the trie t Ion of the axles. The value of C, as determined by the experiments of M ood and llip llritish Association, appeared to be six pounds per ton, so that the whole of the resistance = 0 times the number of tons weight of the train. The next element of resistance was that of the air, which ilepended rather on the surface exposed than on the weight of the train. The greater number of experiments under this head were few and inapiilicable. Smeatou's were made by observing the rotation of thin disks, which pre- sented no analogies to the present case. It ajipeared, however, to be pretty clearly established that the total resistance could be deduced from multiplying the area of the front of the train bv the square of the velocity, and by multiplying this quantity again by a certain empirical constant, which he had represented by p. After deducting these two resistances, namely, A p t = and C hi, there Btill remained a considerable residue, which indeed was, in many cases, more than half the resistance determined experimentally. Now the general appearance of this residue was, that it was a quantity varying as the velocity multiplied by the mass of the train ; and therefore v being the velocity of the train, m its mass, and B a constant, B m v represented the remaining term of the expression for resistance to trains. The whole argument turned on this question — Does the expression hmv represent with sufficient accuracy the residue, after substractiug from the total resistance, as experimentally determined, the theoretical quantities for friction and resistance of air? In answer to this question, Mr. Russell proceeded to exainiue the two columns of figures before him, one of them showing the theoretical, the other the practical, resistance. In many cases, the accordance was very exact: in others, he confessed, there were great discrepancies. There were anomalous results in both columns of figures ; for instance, in the column of experiments, the resistance to the the train at 3i miles was actually less than it was at 31 miles. In fact, there were frequent iustances iu both columns of the resistance diminish- ing when the velocity increased : the resistance at a given velocity was often no greater than, and often less than, the next less velocity. Mr. Scott next considered the physical causes which would account for the new term. A most important element of resistance was the concussion sustained fay the wheels of the carriages as they passed over the joints of the rails. This concussion produced a noise aud vibration of the earth, which was sometimes perceptible at extraordinary distances. It was fre- quently so great as to derange the position of the rails, aud was a constant cause of wear and tear of the road. This was one most important ele- ment of his new term. Another was the lateral abrasion of the flanges of the wheels against the rails — this abrasion representing, of course, a loss of force. Another loss was occasioned by the vertical movement of the carriage.s on their springs, which was, from the imperfect elasticity of the springs, equivalent to a loss of vis cica. There were other elements of his " remainder" or new term, but these were the principal. In conclusion, Mr. .Scott Russell stated that all the experiments were not his own ; that some of them were the previous property of the Biiti?h Association, made on trains descending inclines by their own gravity. The dynamometer %vhich he had employed was an excellent one, made by Morin ; it was placed between the tender and the first carriage. He exhibited the dia- grams which had been actually drawn by this dynamometer, aud which were traced in red ink by a camel's hair brush. The following is the table referred to : — Velocity in Sliles Resistance by experiment Kesistance by for- per liour. in lbs. {)er ton. uuila in lbs per ton. h hi) i-T 14 12 « 13'9 ■Ji) 16-5 157 ;il 33 34 3.5 .11) 37 3:i 41 4.1 4fl 47 50 .'■I ■l ll'H 16-5 23-3 22-6 166 22"5 22 .'> 17.') 30-0 32-9 23-1 S3-7 32-S 2C-4 4I-" 62-6 . 25-4 227 2?7 17-3 22.4 25-.5 18-2 31-6 19'6 21-0 23-3 33-1 36-3 23-0 421 54-8 Dr. RoiiiNsd.N said that though great credit was due to Mr. Scott Rus- sell for putting the invetlii;ation in an improved form, there were still seve- ral elements of resistance which he thought ought to be taken into con- sideration. He then proceeded to write on the diagram-board a formula, of wdiich each term explained some kind of resistance, which he explained as he wrote down the corresponding expression. The loss from concus- sion at the joiuts should vary as (velocity)^. The resistance to the motion of the wheels, regarded as separate bodies acted on by the air, was two- fold ; aud arose, first, from their rotation, secondly, from their longitudi- nal motion. The one resistance would vary as the velocity ; the other, as the square of the velocity. In like manner, the resistance from the air lo the carriages themselves was composed of two terms; the one representing the resistance to the front of the train, the other lo its sides. Mr. Sraup thought that Jlr. .Scott Kussell ought to have taken into ac- count many contiugencies w bich occurred in practice, such as the efl'ect of curves in the railway. The axlc-fnction was far greater in some carriages than in others. Blr. l.'oiititis confirmed the latter statement : be had constantly observed that the w heels of carriages were out of their proper place, and consider- ably inclined to the axle. In many cases which he had examined, the divergence from the perpendicular was so great, that the resistance must have been enormous. The learned professor did not, however, appear aware that Mr. Russell's formula applied lo the resistance of the train only, indepeiideully of the engine : nor did he seem to have a very clear idea of the line of argument pursued, for he look occasion during the dis- cussion to obserie that Mr. Russell had proved everything experimentally, aud that " he had not taken anylhiug for granted," whereas he had taken for granted an integral point of his argument, namely, that the accuracy of 1816.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 307 the first and third terms of his formula had been proved by the labours of preceding investigators. After some further observations, Professor Willis closed the discussion by remarldns on ihe reciprocal action of the pistons as a fruitful cause of resistance aiRl loss of power. [It remains only to give our own opinion on the result of JMr. Russell's labour. On a subject of such great moment to the engineer, a general account of the deductions to be made from the arguments employed in the discussion cannot fail to be acceptable, ^^e must begin then by according to Mr. Russell the merit of having approached tlie subject in a philoso- phical spirit. He says that his conclusions are the results of a great number of careful experiments, but he does not dogmatise upon them. On the contrary, he tells us plainly, that his formula has been suggested for want of a better. M'ith respect to the '' remainder" term, which consti- tutes the novelty of his results, he rather asks whether it may not repre- sent physical facts, that asserts that it actually does so. This is precisely the language of a. true student of science. AVhile, however, we feel that Mr. Russell has made a step in the right direction, we unhesitatingly deny that his formula will account even appreximately for the resistance to trains. There appear snIHcieut reasons Un- questioning tlie accuracy of each of the three terms of his expression. The last (C in) makes the axle- friction independent of the velocity; whereas it depends materially on the velocity, as we will show. Mr. Russell says that the friction of the axle is proportional to the pressure, and he evidently takes it (or granted that the only pressure is a vertical one, namely the weight of the carriage. This looks very like an error of principle, for it is obvious that if no hori- zontal pressure acted on the axle, the wheel would not move forward. The wheel is subject to two retarding lorces, — Ihe action of the rail on its periphery, and the action of the air on its whole surface. Now, these forces both depend on the velocity of the train, and their sum is equal to the accelerating horizontal force on the axle ; on the principle that when a body is moving uniformly its accelerating and retarding forces are equal. The pressure, then, on the axle is a function ()f the velocity, and conse- quently the axle-friction also depends on the velocity. It may be further observed, witli respect to the retarding for'ce on the circumference of (he wheel from the rad, that it is made up of three parts — rolling friction on the tire, iatei'al friction on the flange, and concussion at the joints of the rails. The efl'^ ct of all these probably, or at all events of the latter of them, depends materially on the velocity, and also greatly aifecls the pres- sure, and consequently the friction, on tlje axle. Next, with respect to the term (Api;-), Mr. Russell here assumes that the whole resistance of the atmosphere varies as the square of the velocity of the train. Now it seems certain, that whatever law represents the re- sistance to the front of the train cannot apply to the wheels; for the latter rotate as well as move forward. The action of the air on them difl'ers so greatly from its action on the rest of the train, that the resistance must be expressed by dilferent functions of the velocity. Moreover, the symbol r ought to express not the actual velocity of the train, but the relative velo- city of the irain and tlie wind. For if the wind and the train were both moving in the same direction, with the same velocity, the resistance on the bodies of the carriages would he zero. And lastly, whatever function be adopted ought to l)e a discontinuous one, for this reason : if the wind moved faster than the train, it would urge the train forward and be changed from a retarding to an accelerating force. In this case, v (the relative velocity) would be negative ; but i-^ would still remain positive, which it ought not to do. This contingency ought to be provided against. We know that the expression for the motion of a projectile in air is discoQ- tinuoiis : the resistance during the ascent of the projectile is not the same function of the velocity as during the descent. Lastly, in the term Bmw, it is assumed, without sufficient data, that all the other resistances besides those of the air and at the axles, vary as the velocity simply. We may decide wiib absolute certainty, that this cannot correspond to physical fads. The concussion of the joints, for instance, is more likely to depend on the second than Ihe first power of the velocity. It is shown in Moselpy's Engineering (p. 59-1-C), that when a body in mo- tion impinges directly on a body at rest, the mutual pressure at any period during impact is expressed by certain quantities, which represent the hariJness o' the materials, multiplied by the product of the mass of the moving body into the square of the velocity. There are many other in- gredients of the calculation for which it would be difficult to prove that they vary as the velocity simply. It may be also observed, that Mr. Rus- sell's formula frequently did not agree with his own experiments. In about a dozen cases tiiere was an analogy; but the coincidence seems purely accidental, and it would be easy to invent a score of different formuliie which might be supported by similar comparisons. — [Editor (J. E. and A. Journal.] A paper on Imjirovcmcnts in Sttam Engines, by Mr. Lamb was read. One object ol Ihe paper was to suggest an improved method of ** blowing off." It was found by experiment that the scales which formed the concre- tion in boilers weri> bojed on the surface of the water when boiling, and that they were not precipitated to the bottom till ebullition had ceased. Mr. Lamb proposed to take advantage of this circumstance by putting the blowing otf pipe near the surface of the water. The subject of the next paper was The INIenai and Conway Tubular Bridges, The subject was illustrated by a large number of diagrams, sections, and "working drawings; a view of Ihe Menai Bridge with two long and two shorter spans was shown, and on the table was a large model of the bridge which it is proposed to erect over the Conway before the Menai bridge is commenced. The model of the Conway bridge shows a single span ; the abutments are two massive towers rising to about twice Ihe height of the tube ; the sides of the tube have a series of cruciform aper- tures for the admission of light and air. Mr. Fairbairn commenced by detailing the course of the experiments which had been made to ascertain the strongest form of the tube. The tube generally gave way on the upper side, and it was first attempted to strengthen it by making the top plate of corrugat- ed irou. This being found insufficient, the next proposition was that the top of the tube should contain long tubes between two horizontiil plates ; the form of the section being that represented in the accompanying diagram. This form was afterwards modified by making the top with rect- angular cells or compartments, and a model of this form was made one-sixth the dimensions of the proposed bridge ; that is to say, of one- sixth the length, breadth, and height, and with plates rolled as nearly as possible to one-sixth the thickness of those intended to be adopted. The following diagram represents the section of the model at the middle, and also of the Conway Bridge for which the dimensions will be as fol- lows : — '^ '>■ ,i»" i— 2'/-— > '^-'2's"—> « 1-- '6 1 ^ ^ ir "--^ 1 ^ 1 ) / " V 1 t ■<; i i 1 1 1 ij lo 1 1 V 1 V ; 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 j 1 [ 1 I I 1 1 1 1 4'.«i' 1 1 _-> 1 k / 1/ 1 1 1 1 " X'^ > 1 ^ir ^ \ 1 iS . ;i T — 1 ^'z <- — 2.'j,"—>\ <-. _oj'.._,i 14'. S" [Section of the Conway Bridge at the middle.] Dimensions. Hsight outside *• inside Breadth outside " iuside Thickness of side plates ft. in. 27 er hour, and the quantity o£ water evaporated was at about tile rate of 190 feet per hour. Tliis engine was a lung tube engine ; the tubes are 13 feet long, 15 inch cylinders, 22 inch stroke, 5 feet G inch wheels ; the area of the lire-box is 49 7S0 feet, and the heating surface of the tubes 738 ft. Then the letter from which I take this goes on, — "To prove the tempera- ture of Ihe heat in the smoke box I suspended four pieces of metal, viz., one piece three parts tin and two pai'ts lead, one piece one part tin and four parts lead, one piece lead, and one piece zinc, their melting poiuts , respectively being 33 1^ 470'', 59'J°, and GSO^". Tliese metals being sus- pended immediately above the top row of the tubes, about one inch from the tube plate. I fouud at the end of the journey ihat the three first-men- tioned metals had melted, but the zinc did not melt in any of the three trips, proving the temperature of the heated air to be about 691)°." Now that shows that the temperature oV the stcaiu iu the boiler being about 312', and the air, when escaping from the tubes, being about COD°, it is quite clear that every part of those tube; must have been available in heatiug the water, and in the evaporation of steam ; and by a comparison, taking the different loads and comparing them with tlie experimiuls of the goods engines, which are of a similar construction, with the same area o fire-box, and the same tube surface, you will find, as nearly as can be, that the evaporating power is a function of velocity, and also the funclioa of the area of the cylinder. This clearly shows that the long boiler not only increases the evaporating power, but increases the economy in the conversion of water into steam. ["This clearly shows" nothing of the kind. To get at anything like a trustworthy conclusion, Ihe same experiment should have been made with a short-boiler engine, and the results compared. We are not told who made the experiments, or how they were made, and consequently do not know how far they deserve to be trusted. Our confidence, by the by, is not increased by reading that the fact the zinc did not melt proves " the temperature of the heated air to be about 600°" ; this makes well for Mr. Bidder's side of the question, but all that can be legitimately concluded is, simply, tnat the temperature was under GSO°— it may have been 670°. The fact that the temperature of the air was about double that of the steam, shows that not nearly all the heat of the former was usefully ap- plied. To economise the whole of it, the hot air must continue to act on the steam till it can impart no more heat to it — that is, till the temperature of both is the same. How c.-»n we tell, a priori, that if the experiment had been tried on a short engine, this result would not have been more nearly attained than with the long-boiler engine, especially if we are to conclude that "the evaporating power is a function of velocity and also the function of the area of the cylinder," and does not depend on the amount of heating surface. It is to be observed the words, " is a function of," are incorrectly used as synonomous with " is proportional to."] "In those experiments are you well assured that there was no priming ? — Yes, especially in the goods engine ; because, if you take that particu- lar experiment to which I have alluded, where she took 385 tons gross up 16 feet a-raile ; if you take the area of the cylinders and see what quantity of steam must h^ve passed through them in passing over that gradient, and see what was the volume of the steam at the requisite pressure to con- vey that train, you will find that the quantity of water is more than that which appears to have been consumed, which I attribute to the fact that they must have been using steam at rather a higher pressure than ordinary iu the boiler. " How did you ascertain the amount of evaporation ; after the experi- ment was over, how did you ascertain the quantity of water? — They take the gauge of the tender, and the gauge in the boiler, aud theu they have the superficial area of the boiler at the different heights, and the area of the tender. It is ascertained with very great exactness, and great fa- cility." [Here Mr. Bidder assumes his proposition in order to prove it. He takes it for granted lhat there would be no priming, in order to show that there was none. First, wilh respect to the means of ascertaining the amount of evaporation : his method simply shows the quaniity of water got rid of — not the amount converted into steam and usefully employed. The water mijht have passed away by leakage or priming,* or the steam might have escaped by the safety valve. But he is assured these contin- gencies could not have occurred, for he calculated the amount of work done, and the quantity of steam required to do it. He is certainly the first person who has been able to ascertain the resistance to a train with anything like the accuracy necessary fur a calculation of this sort, and has increased the simplicity, If not the accuracy, of his operations by taking it for granied that 700 tons on a certain gradient are equivalent to 348 on a level. To find the quantity of water required to do the work, the recipe is to "take the area of the cylinders and see what quaniity of steam passed through them," but who but Mr. Bidder could tell a /in'ori how much that steam was dilated iu coming from the holler, and what was its precise etlect when acting expansively — in other words, the exact nature of its mechanical action ? Both problems are, considered separately, so intricate as to baffle all human ingenuity. The first, the resistance oflered to the train depends on the wind, concussion at the joints of the rails, fric- tion of Ihe axles of the carriages, and other complicate mechanical actions, varying with every variation of velocity. The second, the mechanical efliijct of the steam it is equally impossible to predict. The relation of the power of the steam lo Ihe quantity of water used depends on the tempera- ture and tension in the boiler and the temperature and tension iu the cylinder ; the latter varying not only at every stroke, but (when the steam is used expansively) at almost every part of the stroke. It is therefore quite impossible to take the two problems separately ; they must be con- sidered together, as De I'ambour has considered them. We have quite suflicient proof, however, that Mr. Bidder's calculations were all wrong, * Pe Pambour shows ttiat of the whole quantity of water consumed, one-fourth is, on the average, wasted by being drawn into the cyliiuiers in a liquid stale. So Diuch lor there bdng no priming 1 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEERAND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL 311 from his anomalous conclusion that mure water was required than was actually expended ! In accounting for this anomaly, he let us into a se- cret;—he confesses that he did not know the pressure in the boiler, which of course should have been an essential ingredient in his calcula- tion.] A law seems to exist that the power of producing steam is as the velo- city, that is, the number of blasts and the volume in the cyliniier; that is, as long as the fire-place will supply you with combustion to that amount ; but as you increase the blast the combustion goes on in that ratio ; and eveu with the Great Western experiments, and those taken with a short boiler, it is found almost invariably as the result, that 1 lb. of coke evapo- rates 7 lb. of water. With the long boiler we hardly ever get an effect of less than 8 lb. of water to I lb. of coke, and in some of these experiments it is as much as 10 lb. And we get economy in another way. In a com- parison of engine power and of the consumption of coke, you may get a fallscy from not knowing to what extent there may be pilotage in one line or another. If an engine on one line has double the amount of engine piloting which there is on another, her consumption goes into the general mileage ; whereas the consumption of coke while running may be very much less. On Ihe Northern and Eastern, when that line was 6rst opened to Broxbourne, their engines only consumed 20 lb. of coke while running, and yet the daily returns showed 36 lb. ; that was from llie quantity burnt at the stations. Now a long-boiler engine is economical in tliat respect, because, no doubt, from the length of lubes, the quantity evaporated whi!e standing and the coke consumed is very much less ; in fact, an engine with 13 feet tubes burns only half the coke standing that is consumed by an engine with 8 feet 6 tubes. [In the first part of this paragraph the blast is supposed to increase the evaporation, but to also increase the consumption of coke in ihe same raliu; so that though more coke is burned in a hour, the effect of each pound of coke is not increased. In other words, the blast is supposed not to increase the economy in the use of the coke. Now, it has always hitherto been supposed that a strong current of air (and, therefore, of oxygen) rendered the combustion not only more rapid but more perfect also, and that where the supply of oxygen was insufficient, a great part of the fuel was wasted and passed away unconsumed, or without developing its evaporative power. It is, therefore, concluded that the rapidity of the current of air (within certain limits, of course,) increases the actual economy in the con- sumption of, fuel. In the last sentence of the paragraph, the "quantity evaporated while standing" by a long-boiler engine is supposed to be less than by a short boiler engine ; and yet the principal argument in favour of the long boilers has always been understood to be their increased amount of heating surface, which mig ht be supposed to increase the quantity of water evaporated, whether the engine were standing or in motion.] " Do you lliink any good would result from the use of corrugated metal for fire-boxes? — I do not think there would be any. They get apparently a larger surface ; but I think the effect upon that surface must be weak- ened to the same extent as >oh happen to extend the gauge. With a cer- tain amount of combustible matter in a pound of coke, if you get the whole of that out, which we do with a long-tube engine more eB'ectually than they do with a shorter one, from the fact that we get 8 lb. of water evaporated instead of 7 lb., I do not see myself how you can do more than extract that matter and apply it usefully ; it does not matter whether it is in the fire-box or in the tube." [Mr. Bidder does not see any use in increasing the surface of the fire- box, because " you can do no more than extract the matter and apply it usefully." But, then, that is assuming that all the matter is applied use- fully in the long-boiler engines ; whereas, he himself has proved that this is not the case, from the fact that the temperature in the tubes is twice that of the steam.] There is a great dilference of opinion respecting the atmospheric resist- ance ; the fact has come before me from the experiments not only with the locomotive engines but on the atmospheric railway, where I see the power that has been expended and the result, and I cannot account f\tr the ex- penditure but by atmospheric resistance, or some resistance which is a function of the velocity. For instance, I false a locomotive engine. No. C, on the Northern and Eastern. I put behind that engine a tiain of 100 tons, she will travel with that train at the pace of 30 miles an hour, and she will evaporate at the rate of 80 feet per hour. I reduce those 100 tons to 20, that engine goes at 50 miles an hour and evaporates at the rate of 150 feet per hour ; and I find, as nearly as can be, that the same quan- tity of water is converted into steam per mile with the light train as with the heavy train, showing that the pressure ujio'i the pision is nearbj the same, and that the power has been absorbed by this great augmentation of resistance. [The blunder marked by italics rivals the celebrated notion started in the investigation of the Norfolk railway accident {ante page .^1), that au engine can be forced off the rails by the suddenly shutting off tlie steam. lu the present case, Mr. Bidder evidently disregards the fact that the quantity of water drawn into the cylinder in a liquid state is much greater at high than at low velocities. Otherwise, how could he conclude that, because the same quantity of water was consumed during a slow as during a fast journey, the cylinder-pressure was the same in both cases.' It is impossible to estimate Ihe effective vaporisation by the water con- sumed; for even the mere circumstance of the boiler being fuller at one time than another will account for an enormous increase of priming. The inconsistency of this paragraph with that in which Mr. Bidder states that he is "well assured there was no priming" is also to be noted. There he was able to calculate Ihe resistance to the train with the utmost exactness ; all language of uncertainty was avoided, — we were told to " see" the resistance of a train in passing over a certain gradient, as if this seeing were the easiest process in the world. }lere, however, the resistance is treated in quite a difl'erent manner — it is some very vague uncertain thing, which Mr. Bidder " cannot account for" but by supposing there is "some" force or another (he knows not what) functional of the velocity. Here, too, Ihe resistance can only be ascertained from the vaporisation. There it could be calculated independently of the vaporisation — aye, and with that precision that Ihe amount of priming could be deduced from the cal- culation. It is important to observe that at ordinary boiler pressures, steam occupies/rom/o«r iofite humh-cd times Ihe space of the water from which it is produced. This shows how enormously the evaporation is exaggerated by neglecting the effect of priming.] The following are extracts from Mr. Bidder's report on the results of the experiments tried with the broad and narrow gauge engines : — " Before calling your altention to the facts shown in these experiments, which cannot be influenced by any circumstances, and which, in my opin- ion, are alone worthy of your notice, I will repeat that the object proposed was to ascertain the truth (and that alone) of statements which had re- spectively been made by Mr. Gooch and myself, as to the comparative power and economy of engines now in operation on Ihe broad and narrow ■raune lines, and more especially with respect to the importance of surface obtained by increasing the fire-box, or lengthening the tubes, and that any inference drawn from the results which shall bear on the merits of Ihe two fauces will be foreign to the objects proposed, and false, as Ihe circum- stances of the experiments are not found to obtain in practice. Supposing, however, that they were, and that an in increase of power were deemed desirable, I do not hesitate to say that that which is at present found ample for all purposes might be doubled, or more than doubled, on either "aufe.* 1 shall now proceed to examine Ihe evaporating power of Ihe en- gines, as well as the relative economy of evaporation and eflicient application of the' steam evaporated. It will be recollected that on Ihe part of Ihe broad "anoe, it was alleged (in reference to the statement Ihat on the narrow gauge, not only economy but power was obtained by lengthening Ihe boiler) that the area of the fire-box alone was Ihe test of the power of the locomotive engine, and that 2 cubic feet of water per hour per superficial foot of fire-box have the capacity of evaporation of locomotive engines ; and thus it was alleged, that the Great Western engines could evaporate nearly 200 cubic feet per hour, while the narrow gauge engines could only convert into steam 100 cubic feel, the comparative fire-box surfaces being as 97 feet to 50 feet. In order at once lo lest this principle, let us examine Ihe facts shown in the experiments. By reference to the particulars of Ihe experiment with 50 tons with engine A, on December 31st, 1845, between Darlington and York, a distance of 88^ miles, it will be found that the water evaporated is 20.520 lb., being at the rale of 232 lb. per mile. In the (up) journey the fir:>t mile, as well as the last 1-}, were passed over slowly ; as also were the first quarter and last mile on the return trip, in all 3i mile>i. In order, therefore, to get at the maximum a\erage rale of evaporation on Ihe trial, I take 20,250 lb., less 812 lb. (the water consumed in passing over the above Sj miles, at llie rate of 232 lb. per mile), 19,700 lb., the weight of water evaporated by the engine in passing over the re- maining 85 miles, which was eliected in lOG minutes 12 seconds, being at the rale of 11,150 lb., 178 cubic feet per hour. I will now compare ihis with the experinii nt most resembling it iu regard to the evaporatmn tried on the broad gauge. I lake Ihe experiment with CO tons on December 17lh. The total water evaporated was 24,0-10 lb. on 100 miles, or 232 lb. per mile ; deducting from this 1,041 lb. for water due to H miles passed over slowly, leaves 22,596 lb. of water evaporated in 112 minutes and 42 seconds, being at the rate of 11,820 lb., 189 cubic feet per hour, that is little more than the evaporation of the narrow gauge engine. When, how- ever, we compare Ihe coke, we find in Ihe case of the broad gauge engine, that 7'8 lb. of water only were converted into steam by 1 lb. of coke, whilst the narrow gauge engine evaporated 96 lb., being a difference lu regard to economy of fuel of 23 per cent, in favour of Ihe narrow gauge engine." ^ * " In evidence given by Mr. Goucli, the average gross weiglit of passenger trains on some or" tile principal railways is given as follows : — Great West- ern Railway Average gross iu tons . . iveight Granfl Junc- tion Railway. London and Birmingham Railway. Birmingbaro and Gloster Railway. 42 38 South West- ern Railway. SB The lightest of the trains included in the above average .ire express trains,- theie are now, therefore, engines in use on both gauges cn-pable of taking trains ot double lUe weight of those required in practice ol the expiess speeds." 312 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Oct. From the cnncliiding senlence of lliis quotation, it is clear lluit Mr_ Bidder's only lest of the relative economy of the two engines is — not which does the greatest quantity of work for a given quantity of coke — but, which gets rid of the greatest quantity of water for a given quantity of coke : and, accordingly, he has drawn up a tabular account of the ex- periments, wherein, in the very cases in which the broad gauge engine evidently did the most work with a pound of coke, he concludes that because it did its work with a small quantity of water, therefore the engine was comparatively ineconomic ! If the table «ere not actually printed and published, our readers might perhaps doubt whether we had fairly represented its conteuts. The following, however, is an exact copy : — Experiments. Engine. Water evaporated per niile. Coke consumed per mile. Water evaporated per lb. of coke. No. 1 80 Tons. 2 70 „ ;i 00 „ Ixion Ix'on I.\ion lbs. 2-63i 232 lbs. 33-0 33-6 29-6 lbs. 712 7'12 7-8 Broad gauge. No. I !>0 Tons. 2 50 „ 3 80 „ SOlliDec., A. 3Ist Dec, A. alst Dec, A. 291 232 2367 .■)l-2 24- 266 9-3 96 8-8 Narrow gauge. The fifth column gives, according to Mr. Bidder's views, the flgures by yhich the economy of the engines is to be tested. Let us take the first experiment in each case. In the narrow gauge experiment, No. I, the train was 50 tons, and the consumption of coke 3r2 lb. per mile; in the broad gauge experiment the train was 80 tons, and the consumption of coke 7iot 2!^\h. more per mile. It is obvious that the 21 lb. will not alone account for the enormous difference between the two loads — namely 30 tons. The only conclusion which any rational unprejudiced man could draw would be that more work was got out of the coke in the one case than in the other. And this conclusion would be greatly conBrnied by observing what Mr. Bidder omits mentioning, that the broad gauge train moved fourteen miles an hour faster than the narrow gauge train. And yet, because the water evaporated was less in one case than the other, we are provided with a fifth column of " water evaporated per lb. of coke," from which it is gravely iiiferred that the narrow gauge trip was performed the most economically ! We must protest against this wholesale method of jumping at conclusious which shows a lamentable confusion of ideas respecting the mechanical action of steam We said that Mr. Bidder's own figures contradicted his hypothesis that "the quantum of evaporation is a function of [i. e. is proportional to] the number of blasts per minute." Taking Nos. I and 3 of the broad gauge trips, which were respectively the slowest and fastest trips, the quantity of water in the first case was the greatest (viz., 243 lb.) and in the second the least (viz., 2321b.). We get precisely the same result with the fastest and slowest of the narrow gauge journeys : so that if Mr. Biddei's table prove any relation of the evaporation to the blast at all, the conclusion must be the very reverse of his theory. It has been ascertained that if an engine be deprived of its blast pipe, the rate of evaporation will be re- duced to about one-fiflh ; but from the few experiments instituted under this head, it would appear that uuder ordinary circumstances, when the blast is in action, its effect on the rate of evaporation varies as the fourth root of the velocity. Before concluding these observations, we ought to ofler some remarks on the particular circumstances under which the narrow gauge experi- ments were made. The following extracts from Mr. Gooch's report are Dot a little surprising " The ensi'n- was on each occasion placed at Durliut;- ton over a powerful stationurij blast for the purpose of getting xerij hot uater in the tender and a bright fire to start with." 15y these means, the water in the tender was raised to IhU". In the experiments witli goods trains, " tlie engine teas placed over the blast, and remained there an hour and a half. The tender containing warm water teas tuUcnfrom another engine and attached to the regular tender, and men were prorided to bucket the icater from one tender to another as the train uas moring." Mr. Gooch plain- tively observes that this contrivance would have been of great use in the broad gauge experiments. The love of philosophical accuracy displayed by the- conductors of the narrow gauge experiments precludes the supposition that theij sanctioned these devices, which must therefore be attributed to the subordinate ofiicers of the railway. But, at all events, they suHiciently aecouut for the cir tumstance that the narrow gauge engines got rid of more water for each pound of coke (although they generally did less work for each pound of foke) than the broad gauge engines. It is, of course, more easy in the dead of winter to boil water previously raised to a temperature of 180 than water originally at the temperature of the atmospliere. We must guard ourselves against the supposition that the experiments prove decisively the superiority of the broad gauge engines. In fact, they prove nothing. They were so few and so improperly conducted that no trustworthy conclusion can be derived from them. They ought to have been repeated several times over, under ihe superintendence of disinterested persons, whose object was — not to get up a series of showy results — but to exhibit, as nearly as possible, the ordinary working of either kind of engines. However, the observations here made will have, at least, one good elTect: they will enable the reader to appreciate the philosophy givea in evidence before public commissions o i engineering questions, and to estimate the value of the experiments authoritatively sanctioned. ON MASONRY. [From the F.cclesiologist.) The writer of this paper remembers an incident which puis in a rather striking light a very puzzling questiou about masonry, that must have often occurred to some or grey of suven centuries upon it, always presents.* The answer was not what he expected. In- stead of joining in his praises, his guide began to lament that the ancients could not do better, because Ihey could not draw stones of any consider- able size from Ihe quarries. They had made good use, he allowed, of the small broken bits of stone they could dig out ; but our mechanical advan- tages enabled us, willi larger blocks, to adopt a more perfect kind of ma- sonry. Now it is difficult to answer this. There is no doubt that some of the finest buildings of antiquity are constructed of stones of immense size. The Pantheon may be quoted for this ; and every one will remember the huge blocks that must have been quarried for monolith columns. The general declme of art shows itself in this respect perhaps as well as others. There is a great gap between such a building as the Porta Nigra of Treves, and the best of early jiomanesque masonry. Art in all its branches was, it seems, almost to die: in order perhaps that Christian .\rt might be less a development than a new creation. The Pharos in Dover castle is a fine specimen of Koman excellence : iis builders could not get hewn stone ; hut they so bound their flint rubble with bands of brick, that the tower stands like a rock. Close by is the desecrated church with a good deal of undoubted British masonry in its shell. Here too, there is '' Uoman brick" in tiie qn:ilus, &:c. ; but the general inferiority of tlie ma- sonry to the real Kiiman Hork is very sinking. Then, again, the fine Ro- manesque ashlar in the chapel of the Norman keep in Ihe same fortress, is a specimen of the reviving art of masonry ; but it is in kind like that of the little parish church near the Caen quarries. t The stones are all small, tliough beautifully and effectively used : there is no single slone to tempt you to measure its length and width, and to exclaim at its bulk : which seems to be the general ellect produced on people's minds by modern ma- sonry. As a mailer of fact, it must, we suppose, be granted, that the ar- chitects of the Romanesque and Early-Poinled slyles could not procure large stones : they were compelled to use even line building stone, like that (which they so highly valued) of Normandy, in small masses, as they could iuartilicially oblaiii it from the quarries. So late as 1841 there was not a single crane at Caen, by which to ship the slone, had it been extract- ed in very large blocks, — a fact that may assist us to comprehend the great mechanical disadvantages under which the lUKlia-val architects laboured. But though their stone was in such small pieces, how beautifully they used it ! Of course, there is a great deal of ancient work that is very bad ; although m hat has stood for six or seven centuries, may seem fairly eniitled to enliie exemption from any blame. But as a general rule, early nia.sonry — at least after Ihe later Romanesque liad superseded the Anflo- Saxon kind — is surprisingly excellent : not only for solidity, but for keep- ing and harmony. It suits the stjle. The eye is saiisfied entirely, wilhout knowing or inquiring why. You admire the design, and feel almost un- consciously that it IS worthily embodied in its material exhibitum. ^ uu are neither induced to examine and commend the ingenuity wilh which the difliculiies of a bad building stone are overcome, nor are you called on In join in the vulgar admiration of " such big blocks." lu a word, you for- get such a mere detail in the whole : but when jou can descend I'roin the whole into particulars, you find ihem all that can be wished. There is so much that might be said about masonry, that we are unwil- ling to open the subject from a consciousness of our owu ignorance. No * Ttiis efi'ect may be partly judged of from an examination of the drawings of Than church, in the elder Pugiu's '■ Normandy." t Nut nearly eiidugh attention has been paid to the subject of masonry, if only tn de- termine dates. Let any one compare the excellent asiilar of lliis cliapel, und the wretched rublle of St. Seimlchre's Cuinljridwe, which is later in pLiiut of age; or even \vilh the White Chapel iu the Tower of London. 1846.1 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 313 quostion more deserves study, and few are less attended to. The Cam - bridge Camden Society very early called attention in its church-schemes to the nature of masonry and joiuling, but with small results. The nature of buildins slones, and the peculiar treatment of each, particularly as regards mouldings, — In granite for example, where from tlie hardness of the stone they are of necessity superficial, and in Kentish rag, where they are broad and coarse because the stone will scarcely take an edge, — are points for further investigation. At present, we propose only to make some general remarks, chiefly on llie treatment of Kentish rag, whcih seem called for because this stone is coming happily into more frequent use in London. In the beginning of the present revival of Church Architecture, the masonry, where brick was not used, was quite of the modern kind. Squared stones, as large as could be easily procured, were laid very neatly and closely, with as much regularity as was possible. This kind of ma- sonry is by itself enough to spoil the effect of a Pointed building ; as will he evident to any one comparing the new Pointed work at King's College, Cambridge, with the masonry of the chapel on the opposite side of the quadrangle. The same defect goes through all the modern Pointed work in Cambridge. It is curious to notice how truly small stones seem to be appropriate to the requisites of Pointed architecture. An arch is the skilful adjustment of stones not long enough to go across, so as to span over a space and support a weight. Hfuce a metallic development of architecture would probably reject the arch, because a strong metal bar may be of any length, and would be sufticienily strong for the top of almost any aperture. Whence it seems to be a gross unreality to cut a whole window-head, with arch and tracery, out of one block of stone large enough to cover the whole window opening. Vet this mockery has been resorted to in the New Houses of Parliament, — to mention a rather con- spicuous instance. But without any reference to principles, few will doubt that, for whatever reason, the small masonry of ancient work is far more effective than the finest building on the modern plau with huge stones laid in regular courses. Some have thought that this diflerence arises from the fact that the smalluess of parts gives increased scale to the whole; others, that from the regularity of courses in modern masonry there comes a too great preponderance of the horizontal lines in the buildiug. But this question we cannot now discuss. Suflice it to say, that it is now be- coming generally acknowledged that there is a great ditfereuce between Pointed and Classical masonry, and that the smaller size of the stones and the irregularity in laying them are main characteristics of the former style. But of the attempts to copy ancient masonry there are few which are not great failures. It was easily seen that the primness of modern quoining was not only taiue and dull but utterly unlike old work ; but it was not found so easy to remedy the fault. Builders began to try irregu- lar quoining, and we soon saw prodigies of irregularity. On one side of the angle there would be three stones of different leiigtlis running into the wall ; then two running into it on tlie other side ; then perhaps one, and again three, on no plan or principle whatever. The quoins became dis- tressingly jagged; and after being pained one wonders why it need be so jagged. A more close observation of ancient work would enable us to detect some principle of order in its seemiug irregularity. We believe that the very natural and reasonable alternation of long and short stones,— which is seen in its primitive simplicity in Anglo-Sasou masonry, of which indeed it is considered a great characteristic, — was always retained, though not in so harsh and cramped a form. The mason took long and short stones alternately, but was not careful to make them all tail into the wall of the same length, nor even to keep them of the same thickness. Perhaps this is one great reason why brick quoins to a random wall are so particularly ugly, as brick can scarcely be used for quoins unless witli the strictest uniformity. So much for quoins. With respect to walling, the days are happily fast going when people were not satisfied without at least a scored stucco sub- stitute for large ashlar. Architects are beginning to venture upon using local stones, rag and rubble. This is a very great change for the better in all respects. ; and it is proportionately a matter of regret that these mate- rials should not be rightly treated. Kor example, that useful stone, Kent- ish rag, has been already several times used in London; as at St. Michael's Chester-square, St. John, Charlotte street, and Christ Church, Broadway. No one can doubt that this is a great gain over brick or stucco : this rag- stone being both very durable aud of a good colour. It would also be an economical material if used as the ancient architects used it ; but in these churches it is used iu regular square blocks, producing no better effect than that of bricks of a new colour, and being very costly to boot. For no stone is less adapted for squaring than this, owing to its hardness and its decided grain. Any one who would visit the quarries near Maidstone and watch the process of squaring would be astonished at the wasie. The small pile of squared material contrasts most strikingly with the huge heap of refuse stone, which, being rejected as unfit for building, is used merely for road-mending, for which purpose it is transported to great distances. And besides this waste, a good deal of labour has often been spent upon refuse stones, which, when nearly squared, have been shatte ed by some unlucky cross-grained blow. But to what purpose is this expensive squaring in a stone which seems only adapted for cleavage ? In effect, a random wall, properly treated, is far better than one of squared bloclis. AH Saints, Maidstone, is built, we are aware, of squared rag; but it is squared in thinner layers than is now usual. St. Peter aud St. Paul, Lmgfield, is an example of the extremely bad appearance of very large and unwieldy masonry.* As for the expensiveness of this squaring pro- cess, the reader may judge when lie is fold that the s'one may be drawu from the quarries in a natural way f'.ir half-a-crown a ton ; the squared stone costs eight shillings and siN pence a ton. It really becomes a duty of church-builders to lake care that their architects do not waste so much money in a process which is at best so unsuccessful and unsatisfHCtury. There have been, however, several aftempfs, particularly in the neigh- bourhood of Maidstone, to use Kentish rag properly, that is, as irregular (or random) walling. But here again we have to find the same ^ult as with most modern attempts at irregular quoining. The irregularity is overstrained. There is not one stone at rest; not ime seems to have .a lied. They lie at all angles : some even stand on their points, merely propped by the contiguous stones. The masonry looks more like an intricate puzzle than anything else. Instead of this, in ancient random walling we may trace this principle, — always to lay every stone iu its best bed, lifting up any part of it which may want thickening by means of thinner pieces. Regular courses are not studiously atlempted ; but any stone that comes to hand is laid in, provided it has a good plain bed. These brief remarks must suffice, upon ihe use of Kentisli rag more partitiularly, in quoining and walling. Many of them also apply however to other stones ; for example, to the lieautifiil Bramley-Fall stone of York- shire, which is squared iu the new church of St. Saviour, Leeds, for the walling as well as for the dressings. As a general rule then we would give this advice to church-bnilders ; — use the material of which the neighbouring churches are mostly built, aud in the way in which they are built. If we study carefully the method of masonry employed formerly, we shall avoid both needless expense and eccentricity. For example, if flint is the material most easily procured, let us use flint; but only as it was used iu old churches. We will not uow enter on the nature of fliut masonry, but would contrast only the absurd modern plan of using Idaclc luorlar, from a fear of the wide joints iu while, with the old way of " garrettiiig" flint-work, that is, of inserting small flint-shivers in the mortar of the joints. I!ut we purposely keep ourselves more particularly to the use of rag-stone ; and upun this we may, in con- clusion, remark that, without attempting to solve Ihe general question started at the begiuning of this paper, as to Ihe su|iposed unreality of using small stones for masonry when we can get large ones, we may surely lay down that it is wrong and absurd to spend much money in squaring stones, the nature of which does uot easily jield to the process, and which have lasted so well and with such good effect as used in random work by ancient builders. What we want tor cliurch-work is that the material should he good and substantial, and the best that we can afford. We do not object even to brick iu a bad stone district, and wfiere Ihe funds are small. Only let the brick be honestly and ino'lligenlly used On the other hand we see uo objection to importing Caen stone for rich and stalely churches in any district; though perhaps we shall rather rejoice than la- meut that the architects of Carlisle and Chester used the perishing red sandstone of their neighbourhood. For nothing can be more tilting than that we should press into the service of Cod whatever suitable materials His wonderful Creation may offer us. The very difference of material is a sign of the unity of the purpose to which they are consecrated, namely. His honour in His sanctuary. We would use flint, granite. sandstone, and ragstone, each in its proper district, in the spirit of the hymn, ** Beuedicat terra Dominum: Benedicite montes et codes Domino." * All Saints, Maidstone, is built altogetlier iu u very costly style, and bas no pretensiou to random walling; the quoins and jambs are all iu the same squared ra^. The neiv churches we aie criticising have their dressings in Caen slone, and the squared rap is used as if for random work. This is a great .ibsurdity. One ought always to quoin With the strongest stone: if, therefore, one can afford to square so sliong a stone as rag for the walling, it ought to be also used lor the quoins. To use a soft stone like Caen for quoins to walling of a strong rag-stone is preposterous. BRITISH ASSOCIATION. Session IGM, held at Southampton, Septemier, 1846. Address of the President. Sir R. MURCFtlSON, after complimenting the late President for his distinguished abilities and efficient services, addressed the association as follows :— Ladies and Geullemen,— After 1,') years of mi|;ratiQn to various cities and towns in the United Kingdom, you are for the hrst time assembled in the South-Eastern districts of £lngland, at the solicitation of the authorities and inbabitants of Southampton. Easdy accessible on all sides to the cultivators of science, tills beautiful and flourishing sea-purt is situated in a distiict so richly adorned by nature, so full of objects for scieulinc con- templation, that, supported as we are by new friends in England, dnd by old friends from the farthest regions of Europe, we shall icdeed be wauling to ourselves, if our proceed- ings on this occasion should not sustain the high character which the British Association lias hitherto maintained. For my own part, though deeply conscious of my inferiority to my eminent predecessor in the higher branches ot science, I still venture to hope that the devotion I bare mani- fested to this Association from its origin to the present day, may be viewed by you as a guarantee for the zealous execution of my duties. Permit me then, gentlemen, to offer you my warmest acknowledgments for having placed me in this honourable position: and to assure you, that I value the approbation which it implies as the highest honour which could have been bestowed on me — an honour the more esteemed from its being conferred in a county endeared to me by family connexions, and in which I rejoice to have made ray lirst essay as a geologist. The origin, progress and objects of this our " Parliament of Sciet\ce'' have been so thoroughly explained on former occasions by your successive Presidents, particularly in reference to that portion ot our hotly vi-bich cnltivales the mathematical, chemical aiul inechanicai sciences, that after brietly alluding to some of the chief results of bv-gone 314 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Oct. vears with a view of Impressing upon our new members the neneral advances we have maile' I shall In this discourse- dwell more parliiularly on the recent projiress ail present stjle of natural history, the department of knowleclBe with irhlch my own pursuits have been most connected, whilst I shall also incidenally advert to some of the proceedings which are lila.ui , ... ,...^.., ,,..,..-., .... manlledof its astronomical instruments, has been converted by us into a statiuu for ob servations purely physical, and especially lor those details of atmospheric pheoomem which are so minute and numerous, and rmiuire such unremitting attention, that the; imperiously call for separate establishmenls. In realising th's principle, we can now re- fer Biitish and foreign philosophers to the observatory of the British Associalnm at Kew, where I have the authoritv of most adequate judges for sayi.>g they will hnd that a gieal amount of electrical and ni.leorological observation has been made, and a systematic in- quiry into the intricate suMect of atmospheric electricity carried out. by Wr. Konalds, under the suggestions of Prof, ssor Whcatstone. to which no higher praise can be given than that it 'has. in fact, famished the model of the processes conducted at the Koyal Observatory at Greenwich. This establishment is besides so useful through tiie facilities which it oilers for researches into the working of stlt-repistering instruments which are there constructed, that I earnestly hope it may be sustained as heretofore by annual grants from our funds, particularly as it is accomplishing considerable results at very small cost. Transactions of I'ol. 1845. — Physical Science. Our vo'iime for the last year contains several communications on physical subjects from eminent foicign cultivators of science, whom we have the pleasure of reckoning amongst our corresponding members, and whose communications, according to the usage of the Association, have been printed entire amongst the reports. In a discussion of the pecniieiities by which the great comet of 1SJ3 was distinguished. Dr. Von Bogiulawski of Bresliu has taken the occasion to announce the probability, resting on calculations wh'ch will be pulilished in Schumacher's " Aslronomische Nashrichlen." of the identity of this comet with several of a similar remarkable character recorded in history, commencing with the one described by Aristotle, which apreared in the year 371 before our era ; should bis calculations be considered to establish this fact. Dr. Von Bognsinwski proposes that the com:t should hereatlcr be distinguished by the iia'i e of " Aristotle's Comet." This communication contains also some highly ingenious and important considerations relating to the physical causes of the phieiiomcna ol the tails of comets. Dr. Paul Erman of Berlin, father of the adventurous geographical explorer and magne- ticiaii. who was one of the active members of the magnetic congress at Cambridge, has cominnnicated through his son some interesting experimeuis on the " electro-dviiamic elfects of the Iriction of conducting substances." and has pointed out the differences be- tween these and normal thermo.electric effects. Baron Von Senftenberg (who is an ad- mirable example of how much may be done by a liberal zeal for science combiaed with an iiidepenilent tortunc) has published an account of the success with which self-registering meteorological instruments have be n estnblishsd at his observatory at Seutenberg. as well as at the national observatory at Prague. Of our own members. Mr. Birt has cnnfibuted a second report on "Atmospheiic W.ives." in continuation of the investigation which orginated in the discussion by Sir .lobn Herscheil. of the meteorological observations which, at his sugsestion. were made in various pans of the globe, at the periods of the eiiuinoxes and solstices, commencing with the year 1813. In a communication to the meeting of the Association at York. Colonel Sabine traced with great clear ess (from the hourly observations at Toronto) the effect of the single diurnal and single annual •• Progressions of Temperature." in producing on the mixed vapours and gaseous elements of the atmosphere, the well-known progressions ot daily and yearly barometrical pressure. To tlm conclusions which he then presented, and whicn aiipiy. perhaps generally, to sit'iations not greatly elevated in the intci lor of large tracts of land, the same author has addtd. in the last volume, a valuable expliination of tlie more complicated phenomena which happen at points where land and sen breeses. Ilowiiig with regularity, moiily perloclicallv and locally the constitiilbn anil pressure ot the atmojpliere. Takuig tor Ibis dat.i the two-hourly observations executed at the Ob- servatory of Bombay by Dr. Bulst. Colonel Sabine has succeeded in demonstrating for this locality " a douldo daily progiessioii of gaseous pressure." in accordance with the How and te-flow of tlie air from surlaces of laud and water which are iiiieqimlly atlected by heat. And thus the diurnal variation of the daily piessure at a point witliin the tropics, and on the margin of the sea, is cx|ilained by the same reasoning which was sug- gested by facts observed in the interior of the vast continent of North America. Amone the many uj.ful national object, which have been promoted by the physical researches of the British Association, there Is one which calls for marked notice at this time in the nrouosal ot Mr. Robert Stephenson to carry "An iron tube or suspended mne over theTenai St-aits'' to sustaln'the great railway to Holybead. This bold pro- Do.al cimld never have been realised, if that eminent engineer had not been acquainted w-ith the k-reat progress recently made in the knowledge of the strength of materials, and snetialivotiron; such knowledge being in gieat measure due to investigations in which th. Association has taken and is still taking a conspicuous share, by the devotion ol its friords and the employment of its influence-investigations which have been prosecuted with great zeal and success by its valued members, Mr. Hodgkinson and Mr. Fairbairn. gaveVeVti'mmiy to the practical value of our researches iiy .adopting their results. However imperfect my knowledge of such subjects may be, I must also notice that the Inst volume of our Reports contains two conlribnlions to expeiimental philosophy, in wHch subiects o' the dc'epest theoretical and practical interest have been elucidated, at the reipiest of the Association, by the labours of its forsign coadjutors. That some substance of a peculiar kind everywhere exists, or is formed intheatmo. snhere liv " Electrical Agency." both natural and artiticial. had long been suspected, especially from the persistency of the odour developed by such agency, and its transler- ence bv contact to other matter. Professor Schoiibein. to whom I shall hereafter advert as the author of a new practical discovery. Is, however, the hrsl phdosopher who under- took to investigate the nature of that substance ; and, though the investigation is not yet complete, he has been enabled to report uo Inconsiderable progress in this difficult and refined snbiect of research. -,, , j A reoueat trom the Association to Professor Eiinsen, of Marburg, and our countryman. Dr I von Plavfoir coopled will! a contributiou of small amount towaids the expenses In- Tol'ved in the undertaking, has produced a report - On the conditions and products of iron furnaces." which is of the greatest value in a commercial view to one ol the most important of our manufactures, and possesses, at the sanie time, a very high interest to chemical science in some of the views which It develops. On the one hand it exhibits an entirelv new theory of the reduction, by cyanogen gas as the chief agtnt. ot iron Irom the ore- oil the other, it shows that, in addition to a vast saving of fuel, about two cwt. of sal 'ammoniac may duly be collected at the single establishment of Allrclon. where the exucrimeiits were made i thus Icadidg us to inter that in the iron furnaces of Britain there niav be obained from Vapour which now passes away, an enormous quantity of Ibis valuable substance, which would materhilly lessen the dependence of our agncul- •uriats on foreign puaiio. It is. indeed, most fralifying to observe, that in pursuing tbia innuiry into tile gaseous contents of a blazing tiunace ot great height, our associates traced out foot by foot, the most recondite chemical processes, and described the fiery products with the Slime accuracy as it their researches had been made on the table of a laboratory. Weiehed however only in the scales of absolute and immediate utility, the remarkable results of these skilful and elaborate experiments give them a character of national im- poilance, and justly entitle the authors and the body which has aided them to the public thanks. Natural History. After this glance at the subjects of purely physical science treated of in the last volume of our Transactions, let us now consider lb., domains of natural history ; and as ono of the cultivators of a scienca which has derived its main support and most of its new and enlarged views from naturalists, let me express the obligation which geologists ars under to tlus Association, for haviog aided so effectively in bnnging forth the zoological re- searches of Owen. Agassiz. and Edward Forbes. These three distinguished me., have themselves announced, that in default of its countenance and assistance, they would not have undertaken, and never could have comp eted, some of their most .inportant inquiries. Airassiz for example, bad not otherwise the means of comparing the icbthyolites of the British Isles with those of the Continent ot Europe. Without this impulse. Owen would not have applied his profound knowledge of comparal.ve anatomy to British lossil saurians: aid Edw.ird Forbes might never have been the explorer ol be depths ol the /^gean, nor have revealed many hitherto unknown laws of submarine life, .t his wishes and suggestions had not met with the warm sujiport of this body, and been supported by its strongest recommendiilions to the naval authorities. These allusions to naturaPsts, whose works have afforded the firmest supports to geo. logy, might lead me to dilate at length on the recent progress ol this science, but as the subject has been copiously treated at successive anniversaries of the Geological Society of London, and has had lis recent advances so clearly enunciated by the actual President ot that body, wlio now presides over our Geological Section, I shall restrain my "esprit de corns" w-hiist I advert to some of the prominent advances winch geologists have made. When our associate Coiiybea.e reported to us, at our second meeting, on the actual sla e and ulterior prospects ot what he wall termed the " archieology ot the globe." he dwelt withjusticeonlhe numerous researches in diSerent countries which had clearly estab- lished the history of a descent, as it were, into the bowels of the eartn-which led us. in a word, downwards thiough those newer deposits that connect high antiquity with our own period, into those strata which support our gieat British coal-delds. Beyond this, however, the perspective was dark and douiitlul — " Kes altfi terrl et caiigine mersas." Now however, we have dispersed this gloom, and by researches first carried out to a dis- tinct classification in the British Isles, and thence extended to llussia and America, geo- logists have shown that the records of succession, as indicated by the entombment of fossil animals, are as well developed in these very ancient or palieozoic strata as in any of the overlying or more recently rormed deposits. After toiling many years in this de- partment of the science, in conjunction with Sedgwick, Lonsdale, De Verueuil, Keyser. line and we have reached the very genesis of animal hfe upon the globe, and that no further "vestigia retrorsnm" will be found beneath that protozoic or Lower Silurian group in the great inferior mass of which no vertebrated animal bus yet been delected, imid the countless iirofiision of the lower orders of marine animals entombed in it. But however this may be, it is certain that in the last lew years all Central and Eastirn Furopc, and even parts of Siberia, have been brought into accordance with Britisn strata. France has been accurately classified and illustrated by the splendid map of Elie de Beau- moot and Dufrenoy; and whilst, by the labours ol Desbayes and others, its tertiary fos- sils have been copiously described, the organic remains of its secondary strata are now undergoing a complete analysis in the beautifni work of M. Alcidc d'Orbigny. Belgium, whose mineral slrnctuie mid geological outlines have been delineated by I) Omabus, d'Hailoyand Duraont. lias produced very perfect monographs of its palKiozoic and ter- tiary fossils, the first in the work of M. de Koiiingk. the second in the recently published loiiograph f,f Jl. Nyst. Germany, led on by Von Bui h. has shown that she can now as . ., _. ._ ... .1... i.,„: ...I I I ;,...l ..r..,,nHiL'MrL-a nf the ScieOCe. aS lU the SI ecifv the names of individuals in n country wbich boasts so many who are tread.ng closely in the steps of an Ehreiibcrg and a Kosc\ As distinctly connected, however with the objects of Ibis meeting. I must be pcrmitteil to stale that the eminent botanist Ooep- pert whose works. In combination with those of Adolphe Brongniart in !• ranee, nate slieil so much liisht on fossil planU, has just sent to me. tor communication to our Geolo- gical Section, tlie results of his latest inquiries into the toimation ol the coal ol SUesia-- results which will be the more nteresling to Dr. Buckland and the geoloBists of hnslano, .lS-i<5.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 315 because they are founded on data equally new and original. Italy has also to a great ex- lent been presonfed to us in its true general geological facies, through the labours of Sismonda, Marmora, Pareto, and others; whilst our kinsmen of the far Wfst have so ably developed the structure of their reBpective Statea, that our countrymen Lyell has informed us, that the extelient map which accompanies his work upon Nurth America is simply the grouping togeihtT of data prepared by native State geologists, which he has paralleled with our well-known British types. If then the astronomer has, to a vast extent, expounded the mechanism of the heavens ; if lately, through the er^at telescope of our associate the Earl of Rosse, he has assigned a fixity and order to bodies which were previously viewed as mere nelmUe floating in space, and has also inferred that the surface-cavities in our nearest neighbour of the planetary system are analogous to the volcanic apertures and depressions of the earth ; the geolo- gist, contributing data of another order to the great storehouBe of natural knowledge, has determined, by ibsolute and tangible proois, the precise manner in which our planet has been successively enveloped in divers cerements, each teeming ^vith peculiar forms of distinct life, and has marked the revolutions which have interfered with these successive creations, from the earliest dawn of living things to the limits of the historic sera. In short, the fundamental steps gained in geology, since the early days of the British Asso- ciation, are si remarkable and so numerous, tliat the time has now coine for a second report upon the progress ot this science, »vhich may I trust be prepared for an approach- ing, if not for the next meeting. Intimately connected with these broad views of the progress of gaology is the appear- ance of the first volume of a national work by Sir Henry De la Beche aiul his associates in the '* Geological Survey of Great Britain." Following, as it does, upon the issue of numerous detailed coloured maps and sections, which for beauty of execution and exact- ness of detail are unrivalled, I would specially direct your attention to this new volume as affording the clearest evidence that geology is now strictly brought within the pale of the fixed sciences. In it are lound graphic descriptions of the strata in the south-west of England and South Wales, whose breadth and length are accurately me isurcd, wliose mineral changes are cheniicallv analysed, and whose imbedded remains are compared and detftmined by competent pakeontologists. The very statistics of the science are thus laid open, theory is made rigourously to depend on facts, and the processes and produce of foreign mines are compared with those of Britain. When we know how intimately the Director-General of this survey and his associates have been connected with the meetin^js of the British Assoc ation, and how they have freely discussed with us many parts of their researches — when we recollect that the geo- logist of Yorkshire, our invaluable Assistant General Secretary, around whom ail our arrangements since our origin have turned, and to whom so much of our success is due, occupies his fitting place among these worthies— that Edward Forbes, who passed as it were from this association to the iE^can, is the pal;t?ontolo^ist of this sur\'ey ; and again when we reflect, that if this association had not repaired to Glasgow, and there discov- ered the merits of the survey of the Isle of Arran by Mr. Ramsay, that young geologist would never have become a valuable contributor to the volume under consideration — it is obvious from these statements alone, that the annual visits of our body to ditferent parts of the empire, by bringing together kindred spirits, and in testing the natural capacity of individuals, do most etlectnally advance science and benefit the British community. Whilst considerint; these labours of the government geologists, I shall now specially speak of those of Professor E. Forbes in the same volume, because he here makes him- self doubly welcome, by bringing to us as it were upon the spot the living specimens of submarine creatures, which through the prai geo- logy and geography. In short, this paper may be viewed as the first attempt to explain the caases ot the zoological and botanical feat:ires of any region anciently in connexion. Among the new points which it contiius, I will now only mention that it very ingeniously (and I think most satisfactorily) explains the origin of the peculiar features of the botany of Britain— the theory of the origin of Alpine Floras distributed far apart — the peculiar- ity of the zoology of Ireland as compared with that of England — the presence of the same species of marine animals on the coasts of America and Europe— the specialities of the marine zoology of the British seas called for by this Association— tlie past and present distribution of the great ilediterranean Flora; — and, lastly, it applies the knowledge we possess of the distribution of plants to the elucidation of the superficial detritus, termed by geologists, the " Northern Urift." Amid the numerous subjects for reflection which the perusal of this memoir occasions, I must now restrict myself to two bridf comments. First, to express my belief that even Humboldt himself, who has written so much and so admirably on Alpine Fioras, will admit that our associate's explanation of the origin of identity removes a great stumbling- block from the path of botanical gecgraphfrs. Secondly, having myself for some years endeavoured to show that the Alpine glacialists had e-roneously applied their views, as founded ou terrestrial phenomena, to large regions of Northern Europe, which must have been under the sea during the distnbution of erratic blocks, gravel, and boulders, I can- not but consider it a strong confirmation of that opinion when I find so sound a natural- ist as E iward Forbes sustaining the same view by perfectly independent inferences con- cerning the migration of plants to isolated centres, and by a studious examination and comparison of all the sea shells associated with these transported materials. And if I mistake not, my friend Mr. Lyell will find in both the above points, strong evidences in support of his ingenious climatical theories. Recent as the blocks and boulders to which I have alluded, may seem to be, they were however accumulated under a glacial sea, \vhose bottom was first raised to produce that connexion between the Continent and Bri- tain, by which the lantl animals migrated from their parent East to our western climes; a connexion that was afterwards broken through by the separation of our islands, and by the isolation in each of them of those terrestrial races which had been propagated to it. This latter inference was also indeed tliorouijhly sustained by the researches of Professor Owen, communicated to this Association : first, in the generalization ijy which his report on the extinct mammals of Australia is terminated, and still more in detailed reference to our islands in his recently published work " On the Extinct Fossil British Mammalid" — a work which he has staled in h'S dedication originated at the call of the British Associa- tion. Professor Owen adds, indeed, greatly to the strength of our present meeting, by acting as the president of one of our sections, which havmg in its origin been exclusively occupied in the study of medicine, is now more peculiarly devoted to the cuiiivation of physiology. Under such a leader, I have a ri^ht to anticipate that this remodelled sec- tion wdl exhibit evidences of fresh vigjur, and will clearly define the vast progress that has been made in general and comparative anatomy since t!ie days of Hunter and of Cu- vier, for so large a pari of which we are indebted to our eminent associate. Assembled in a county which has the good foitune to have been illustrated by the at- tractive nnd pleasing history of ihe naturalist of S«lborne, I am confident tbat out fourth Section, to whose labours I wouUl now speciaKy advert, will yield a rich harv^*st, the more bu as It is presided over by that great zoologist who hai enriched the adjacent Mu-euai of the Naval Hospital at Haslar with so many animals from various parts of the world, and has so arranged them to as to render them objects well worthy of your notice. The re- port of Sir John Richardson in the last volume, on the Fishes of China, Japan, and New Zealand, when coupled with his account in former volumes of the Fauna of North Ame- rica, may be regarded as having completely remodelled our knowledge of the geographical distribution of fishes; first by affording the data, and next by explaining ths causes through which a community of ichthyological characters is in some regions widely spread, and in others restricted to limited areas. We now know, that just as the lofty mountain is tlie barrier which separates diiferent animals and plants, as well as peculiar varieties of man, so the deepest seas are limits which peremptorily check the wide difl'usion of certain ponera and species of fishes ; whilst the interspersion of numsrous islands, and still more the continuance of lands throughout an ocean, ensures the distribution of similar forms over mauy degrees of latitude and longitude. The general study, indeed, both of zoology and botany, has been singularly advanced by the labours of the Section of Natural History. I cannot have acted for many years as your General Secretary, without ohserviiig, that by the spirit in which this section has of late years been conducted, British naturalists have annually become more philosophi- cal, and have given to their inquiries a more physiological character, and have more and moJe studied the higher questions of structure, laws, and distribution. This cheering result has mainly arisen from the personal intimacy brought about among various indi- viduals, who, living at great distances from each other, were previously never congregated ; and from the mutual encouragement imparted by their interchange of views and their comparisons of specimens. IVIany active British natur^dists have in fact risen up since these meetings conimi^nced, and many (in addition to the examples already alluded to) have pursued their sJence directly under the encouragement we have given them. The combination of the enthusiastic and philosophic spirit thus engendered among the natu- ralists has given popularity to their department of science, and this section, assuming an importance to which during our earliest meetings it could show comparatively slender claims, has vigourously revived the study of natural history, and among other proofs of it, has given rise to that excellent publis^Jingbody, the Ray Society, which holds its anni- versary duiing our sittings. Any analysis of the numerous original and valuable reports and memoirs on botanical and zoological subjects which have enriched our volumes is forbidden by the limits of this address, but I cannot omit to advert to the extensive suc- cess of Mr. H. Strickland's report on Zoological Nomenclature, which has been adopted and circulated by the naturalists of France, Germany and America, and also by those of Italy headed by the Prince ot Canino. In each of these countries the code drawn up by the Association has been warmly welcomed, and through it we may look forward to the great advantage being gained, of the ultimate adoption of an uniform zoological nomen clature all over the globe. Whilst invastigations into the geographical distribution of animals and plants have occupied a lar=;e share of the attention of our Browns and our Darwins, it is pleasing to see that some of our members, cliiefly connected with physical researches, are now bringing these data of natural history to bear upm climatology and physical geography. A committee of our naturalists, ti» whom the subject was referred, has published in our last volume an excellent series of instructions for the observation of the periodical phe- nomena of animals and plants, prepared by our foreign assoL-iate iVI. QietelJt, the Astro- nomer Royal of iJelgium. Naturalists have long been collecting observations on the eftVcts produced by the annual return of the sea.sons, but tkeir variou'^ natural history calendars being local, required comparison and concentration, as originally suggested by Linnseus. This has now for the first time been executed by the Belgian Astronomer, who followed out a p'au suggested by himself at our Plymouth meeting, h>i3 brought to-, gether the contributions and suggestions of the naturalists of his own country. When M. yuetelet remarks, "that the phases of the smallest insect are bound up with the phases or the plant that nourishes it ; that plant itself being in its gradual development the prodijct, in some sort, of all anterior modifications ot tlie soil and atmosphere," he compels the admission, that the study which should embrace all periodical phenomena, both diurnal and annual, would of itself form a science as extended as instructive. R«ferring you to M. Quetclet's report for an explanation of the dependence of the vegetable and animal kingdoms on the meteorology aud physics of the glob?, and hoping that the simultaneous observations he inculcates will he followed up in Britain, I am glad to be able to announce, that ttie outline ofamt;moiron physical geography was some months ago put into my hands by Mr. Cooley, which in a great degree c )inciding vvith the system ot M. Quetelet, has ultimately a very diffijrent object. M. Quetelet chiefly aims at investigating the dependence of organised bodies on inorganised matter, by ob- serving the periodical phenom-na of the former. Mr. Cooley seeks to obtain an acquaint- ance with the same phenomena for the sake of learning and registering compirative cli- mate as an element of scientific agriculture Speaking to you in a county which is so mainly dependent on the produce of the so 1, 1 cannot ha.e a more favourable opportunity for inculcating the value of the suggestions of this British geographer. The complete establishment of all the data of physical geography throughout the British Islands ; i.e. the Tt-gistration of the mean antl extremes of the temperature of the air and of the earth; the amount of conduction, radiation, moisture, and magnetism ; the succession of various phases of vegetation, &c. (with iheir several local corrections for elevation and aspect), must certainly prove conducive to the interests of science, and are likely to promote some material interests of our country. A minute knowledge of all the circumstances of climate cannot but be of importance to those whose industry only succeeds through the co-operation of nature, and it may there- fore be inferred that such a report as that with w!iii_h I trust Mr. Cooley will favour us, if followed up by rull and cimplete tables, will prove to beamost useful public document. Imbib ng the ardour of t mt author, I might almost hope that such researches in physit-al geography may enable us to define, in the language of the poet, " Et quid quseque ferat regio, et quid quieque recuset." At all eve nts, such a report will tend to raise physical geography in Britain towards the level it has attained in Prussia under the jegis of Humboldt and Hitter, aud by the beau- tiful map s of Berghaus. Though our countryman, Mr. Keith Johnston, is reproduc np, in attractive f jrms, the comparative maps of the last-mentioned Prussian author, much indeed still remains to be done in Britain, to place the study of physical geograpliy ou a basis wjrthy of this great exploring and colonising nation ; and as one of the highly useful elementary aids to the training of the youthful mind to acquire a right perception of the science. I commend the spirited project of a French geographer, M. Guerin, to establish in London, ageoirma of vast size which shall teach by strong external relief, tlie objects and details ot which he will in the course of this week explain to the geographers present. Reverting to economical views and the improvement of lands. I would remini our agricultural members, that as their great practical Society was founded on the model of the British Association, we hope they will always cone to our Sections for the sulution nf any questions relating to their pursuits to which can be given a purely scientific answer. If they ask for the explanation of the dependence of vegetation upon subsoil or soil, our geologists and botanists are reidv to reply to them. Is it a query ou the comparison of the relative value of instruments destined to economise labour, the mechanic ans now present are capable of answering it. And if, above all, they ask us to solve their doubts respecting the qualities of soib aud the results of their mixtures, or the eliects of various manures upon them, our chemists are at hind. One department of our Institution is in fact styled the Section of Cnemistry and Muieralo^jy, witu their applicati »ns ti Agricul- ture and the Arts, and is officered iu part by the very men, Joansion, Daubeny, and Playfair, to whom the agriculturists have in nearly all cases a*,)pealed. The first men- tioned of these was one of our earliest frien Is and founders; the secon 1 hid the merit of standing by the British Association at its first meeting, and there niviting us to repair lo that great Uuiversiiy wheie he is so mmh respected, and whe-e he is now steadily d-ter- mming, by elaborate (rxperimenls, tfie d--veadeacp of many s lecies oi plants on soils, air, 31(3 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Oct. and stimulus; whilst the third bag already been alluded lo as one of our best contri- butors. If in reviewing our previous labours I have endeavoured to gain your fltteotion by some incidental allusions to our present proceedinits, I have yet to assure you. that the me- moirs communicated to our secretaries are sufliclently numerous to occupy our sectiona (luriog the ensuing week with all the vitrour which Las marked imr opening day. Among the topics to which our assembling at Souihampiuu «ives peculiar interest, I m;iv s'ill say that If foreign and English geologists should lind muci to interest them in ibc Isle of Wight, the same island contains a fieUl for a very curious joint discussion bi'twten the iiiaiht'matieians and the geologists, with which I became acquainted In a previous visit to this place. It is a discovery by Colonel Colby, the Director of the Trigonomeirica! Sur- vey, of the existence of a considerable attraciion of the plumb-line to the south, at the irigonometrical station called Dunnose, on Shanklin Down. The details of this singular plienomenon, which has beec veriUed by numerous observations with the best zenith sec- tors, will belaid before the Sections. In the mejntime, we msiy well wonder ihat this low chalk range in the Isle of Wight should attract, in one jmrallel at least, with more Ihiio half the Intensity of the high and crystalline mountain of Stbehallton in the High- lands of Scotlanrt, whilst no other chalk bill in the South of England exhibits such a phenomenon. Can those of our associates, who like Mr. Hopkins have entered the riih field of Bcological dynamics, explain this remarkable fact, either by the peculiar structure and distribution of the ridge of upheaved strata which runs as a back-bone from east to west through the island, or by referring it to dense plutonic masses of rock ranging be- neath the surface along the line of displacement of the deposits ? The SuuihumptoH Well. Another local suhject— one indeed of positive practical interest— that stands before us for discussion is, whether, by persevering in deepening the large shaft which lliey have sunk so deep info the chalk near this town, the inhabitants of Southampton may expect to be eventuaity repaid, like those of Paris, by a full supjily of subterranean water, which shall rise to the surface of the low plateau on wbich the work has undertaLeti ?' On no occasion, I must observe, could this town be furnished with a greater number of willing couiisellers of divers nations whose opinions will, it is hoped, be adequately valued by the city authorities. 'I he question whether this work ought to be proceeded with or not, will however. I apprehend, be most effectively answered by those geologists who are best ac- quainted with the sections in the interior of this country, and with the levels at which the upper greensand and subcretuceous strata there crop out and receive the waters, which then flow southwards beneath the whole body of chalk of the hills in the south of Hampshire. Naval Architecture* Considering that we are now assembled iu the neighbourhood of our great naval arse- nal—that some of its funcrionahes, incluHing the Admiral ob the station, have honoured us with their support, and that, further, I am now speaking in a tuwu whose magnificent new docks may compete with any for bold and successful engineering, I must say a few uopds on our naval architecture, the more so as we have here a very strong Mechanical Section, presided over by that ingenious mechanician Professor Willis, supported by that great dynamical philosopher and astronomer Dr. Robinson. Duly impressed with the vast national importance of this subject, and at the same time of its necessary depend- pure on mathematical principles, the British Association in its earliest days endeavoured In rouse attention to the state of ship-building in England, and to the history of its pro- greps in France and other countries, through a n^emoir by the late Mr. G. Harvey. It WPS then contended, that notwithstanding the extreme per!ection to which the internal mechanism of vesFels ha* been brought, their external forms or lines, on which their sailing so much depends, were deficient as to adjustment by mathematical theoiy. Our associate Mr. Scott Uussell has, us you know, ably developed this view. Experimenting upon the resistance of water, snd ascertaining with precision the forms of vessels whicb would pass through it witli the least resistance, and conbequently with the greatest velo- city, be has cmtributed a most valuable serws of memoirs, accompanied by a great num- ber of diagrams, to illustrate his opinions and to show the dependei-ce of naval architec- ture on certain mathematical lines Employed in the neantime by merchants on their own account, tfi p'an the consfruction of sa- ling ships and steamers, Mr. Scott Russell has been so successlul in combining theory with practice, that we must feel satisfied in having at dilfeient meetings helped him onwards by several money grants; our only regret being that our means should not have permitted us to publish the whole number ot diagrams of the 1 nes prepared by this ingenious author. But however desirous to promote knowledge on this point, the men of science are far from wishing not tn pay every deference to the skilful artificers of our wooden bulwarks, on account of their experience and practical acquaintance ivith subjects they have so long and sn successfidly handled. We are indeed fully aware that the naval arc dtects of the go\ which alone I can venture to judge o( the progress which others are making, let me houever say, that no member of this body can appreciate more highly than I do, the claims of the mathematical and experi- n.wntal parts of philosophy, iu which my friend Protessor Baden Powell, who supports uie on this occasion as a Vice-President, has taken so distinguished a part. No one has witnessed with greater satisfaction the attendance at our former meetings of men (rom all parts of Europe the most eminent iu these high pursuits. No one can more glory in Jiaving been ;in officer of this Association when it uas honoured with the presence ot its jlii.siiious conesponrient Bessel, tli.jn whom the world has never produced a more pro- lt)und jistr nomer. If aoiong his numerous splenuld d'scoveries he furnished astrono- meis with what they had so long and so ardently desired— a fixed and ascertained point in the immensity of space, b^-yond the limits of our own sid« real system, it is to Bessel, as I am assurer! by a contemporary vvoithy of him, that Englishmen owe a debt of grati- tude for his elaborate discus^ion of the observations of their immortal Bradley, which, in his hands, becamo the base of modern astronomy. Foreign Contributors. Passing from this recollection, so proud jet so mournful to HS all as friends and admir- ers ot the deceased Prussian astroncmer, can an> one see with more delight than myself tbe brilliant concurrence at our present meeting of n.ituralists, geolo^dsls, physiologists, ethnologists, and statists, wi>h mathtmalicians, astronomers, ntechauicians, aud experi- mental philosophers in physics and in chemistry? Surely, then, Imay he allowed to signalise a particular ground of gratification among so many, in the presence at this meet- ing of two Individuais in our experimental sections, to one of whom, our eminent loreign associate. Oersted, we owe the first great link between electric and magnetic phenomena, by shotting the magnetic properties of the galvanic current; whilst the other, our owa Faraday, among other new and great truths which have raised the character of EngUsh fcieiicc throughout the world, obtained the converse proof by evoking electricity out of magnets. And if it he not given to the geologist whom you have honoured with this chair, to explain how such arcana have been revealed, still as a worshipper in the outer portico of the temide of physical science, he may be permitted to picture to himself the delight which the Danish philosopher must have felt when, on returning to our shores, after an absence of a quarter of a centurj*. he found that the grand train of discovery of which he is the progenitor, had just received its crowning accession In England from his former disciple, who, through a long and brilliant series of investigations peculiarly bis own, has shown that magnetic or dia-magnetic forces are distributed throughout all oa- ture. And thus shall we continue to be a true British Association, with cosmopolite con- nexiuns, ao long as we have among ua eminent men to attract such foreign contemporaries to our shores. If then at the la».t assembly we experienc; d the good eff"ects uhich flowed from a concentr.\tiou of profound mathematicians and oiagueticians, drawn together Irom different European kingdoms — if then also the man (Mr. Everett) ot solid learning, who tlien represented the United States of America, and who is now worthily presiding over the Cambridge University of his native soil, spoke to us with chastened eloquence of the benefits our institution was conferring on mankind; let us rejoice that this meeting is honoured by the presence of foreign philosophers as distinguished as those of any former year. Let us rejoice that we have now among us men of science from Denmark, Sweden, Rus- sia, Prussia, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, and France. The King of Denmark, himself personally disiiiitiuished for his acquaiotaHce with several branches of natural history, and a warm patron of science, has honoured us by sending hither, not only the great dis- coverer Oe^^ted, who evincing fresh vigour in his mature age, brings with him new com- munications on physical science, hut also my valued fr.end, the able geologist and chemist Forchhammer, who has producer! the first geological map of DenniErk, aiid who has pre- sented to us a lucid meuioir on the influence exercised by marine plants on the formation of ancient crystalline rocks, on the present sea, and on agriculture. As these eminent men of the north received me as the General Secretary of the British Association with their wonted cordiality at the last Scandiuavian Assembly, I trust we may convince them, that the sentiment is reciprocal, and that Englishmen are nearly akia to ibem 111 the virtues of friendship and ho3pitalit5 which so distinguish the dwellers within the circle of Odin. Still adverting to Scandinavia, we see here a deputy from the country of Lionieus in the person of Professor Svanberg, a successful young experimenter hi physics, who repre- sents his great master, Berzelius— that profound chemist and leader of the science of the Not th of Europe, who established on a firm basis the laws of atomic weights and defiaitc proportions, and who has personally assured me, that if our meeting had not been fixed in the month of September, when the agriculturists of Sweden assemble at Stockholm, he would assuredly have repaired to lis. And if the same cause has prevented Nilsson from coming hither, and has abstracted Retzius from us (who was till within these few days in England), I cannot mention these distinguished men, who earnestly desired to be present, wiibout expressing the hrpe that the memoirs they commuuicate to us may give siicb additional support to our British ethnologists as will enable this new branch of science, which investigates the origin of races and languages, to take the prominent place in our assemblies to which it is justly entitled. The Royal Academy of Berlin, whose deputies on former occasions have been an Ehreo- berg, a Buch, and an Erman, has honoured us by sending hither M. Heinrich Rose, whose work on chemical analysis is a textbook even for the most learned chemists in every country ; and whilst his researches on the constitution of minerals, like those of his eminent brother Gustave on their form, have obtained for him so high a reputation, be now brings to us the description of a now metal which he has discovered in the Tan- talite of Bavaria. Switzerland has again giyen to us that great master in palseontology, Agassia, and also our old friend Protessor Schonbein, who in addition to his report on ozone, to which I have already referred, has now brought to us a discovery of vast prjictical importance. The "gun-cotton" ot Schonbein, the powers of which he will exhibit to his colleagues, is an explosive substance, uhich, exercising a stronger projectile force than gunpowder^ is stated to possess the great adrantages over it of producing littie or no smoke or noise, and of scarcely soiling fire-arms; whilst no amount of wet injures this new substance! which is as serviceable after being dried as in its first condition. The mere mention of these properties, to which our associate lays claim for his new material, is sufficient to show its extraordinary value in all warlike affairs, as also in every sort of subterranean blasting. Professor Matteucci of Modena, who joined us at the York meeting, and then explained his various new and delicate investigations in electro physiology, again favours lis with a visit, as the representative of the Italian Philosophical Society uf Mudena and of the University of Pisa. This ingenious philosopher, who has measured the ellect ot galvanic currents in exciting through the nerves mechanical force in the muscles, doubtless brings with him such interesting contribution as wiil add great additional interest to the pro- ceedings of the Physiological Section. Having already spoken of the rapid progress which the sciences are making in Belgium, through the labours of our associate Quetalet and others, it is with pleasure I announce that M. de Koningk, the paUtontologist, who has mainly contributed to this advance and to the solid loundation of the geology of his country by his excellent work ou palteozoic fossils, has been sent to us by his own government. Among these sources of just pride and gratification, no one has afforded me sincerer pleasure than to welcome hither the undaunted Siberian explorer. Professor von Midden- dorf. Deeply impressed as I am with the estimation iu which science is held by the illustrious ruler ot the empire ot Russia, I cannot but hope that the presence of this tra- veller, so singularly distinguished for his enterprising exploits, may meet with a friend in every Englishman who is acquainted with the arduous nature of his travels. To traverse Siberia from south to north, and from west to east ; to reach by land the extreme nortfiern headland of Taimyr; to teach us, tor the first time, tha: even to the latitude of 7:.' deg. Bonh, trees with steins extend themselves in that meridian; that crops of rye,'more abundant than in his native Livonia, grow beyond Yakutsk, on the surface of that frozen subsod, the intensity and measure of cold in which he has determined by ihermometric experiments, to explain, through their language and physical form, the origin of tribes now lar removed from their parent stock ; to explore the far eastern regions of the sea of Obkotsk and of the Shantar Isles ; to define the remotest north-eastern boundary be- tween China and Russia ; and finally to enrich St. Petershurgh with the natural produc- tions, both fossil and recent, of all these wild and untroddeu lands, are the exploits lor which the Hoyal Ueographical Society of London has, at its last meeting, conierrcd its Gold Victoria Medal on this most successful explorer. Professor Middendorf now visits us lo converse with our naturalists most able to assist him, and to inspect oui- museums, in which, by com|)arisun, he can best determine the value of specific characters betore he completes the description of his cjpious accumulations; and 1 trust that during his stay in England he will be treated with as much true hospitality as I have myself received at the hands of his kind countrymen. It is impossible tor me to make this allusion to the Russian empire without assuring you that our allies in science on the Neva, who have previously sent to us a JacoLi and Kupffer, are warmly desirous of continuing their good connexiou with us. It was indeed a source of great pleasure to me to have recently had personal intercourse iu this very 1S46.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 317 town with that eminent scientific navi^tor Admiral Lutke, in whose squadron his Im- perial Hiphness the Grand Duke Constantine was acquiring a knowledge of his maritime duties. Besides the narrative of his former voyagts, Lutke has since published an ac- count of the periodical tides in the Great Northern Ocean and in the Glacial Sea, which I have reason to think is lit;Ie known in this country. Having since e6tal)lished a " hyp- salographe" in the White S"a, and being also occupied from time to time in obsemiions in Behring's Straits, the Russians will soon be able to provide us with other important additions to our knowledge of this subject. Separated so widely as Admiral Lutke and rr. Whtfwell are from each other, it is pleasing to see, that the very recommendation which the last-mentioned distinguished philosopher of the tides has recently suggested to me, as a subject to be encouraged by this Association, has been zealously advocated by the former. Let us hone ihen that this meeting will not pass away without poA'erlully recommending to our own government, as well as to that of his Imperial Majesty, that a systematic and simultaneous investigation of the tides in the Great Ocean, particn-arly in the Northern Pacific, he the object of special expeditions,— a subject (as Admiral Lntke well observes) which is not less worthy of the attention of great scientific bodies than tj.e present inquiries into terrestrial magnetism ; and one which, I may add, this Association will doubtless warmly espouse, since it has such strong grounds for being satisfied with the results which it has already contributed to obtain through its own grants, and by the researches of several of its associates. Lastly, in alluding to our foreign attendants, let me say how well our nearest neigh- bours have responded to our call, who. Imitating the example oT their enlightened mo- narch, have proved by their affluence to Southampton, that in the realms of science, as in public affairs, there is that " entente cordiale" between their great nation and our own, of which, at a former meeting, we vvere personally assured by the profound Arago him- self. No sooner was it made known that the chair of chemistry at this meeting was to be filled by Michael Faraday, than a compeer worthy of him in the Academy of Sciences of Paris was announced in the person of M- Dumaa. To this sound philosopher it is well known that we owe, not only the discovery of that law of substitution o* types, whicti has so powerfully aided the progress of organic chemistry, but also the successtul appli- cation of his science to the arts and useful purposes of lite ; his great work on that sub- ject, " La Chimie appliqu^e aux Arts," bemg as familiar in every manufactory in England as it is upon the Continent. Nor, if we turn from chemistry to geology, can such of us as \vork among the rocks be backward in our expressions of thankfulness, in witnessing the goodly attendance of our brethren of the hammer from France, headed by W. , who h;»ve come to examine, in our own natural sections of the Isle of Wight, the peculiar development of their Parii basin, the identity of their chalk and our own, the fine sections of our green sand and of the WeaUien formation of Mantell, and to determine with us " in situ" the strict rela- tions of their Neocomian rorks with those peculiar strata which at Atherfield, in the isle of Wight, have been so admirably illustrated by Dr. Fitton and other native geologists, and of which such bez.ntiful and accurate diagrams have bean made by Captain Ibbot- lon. It is utterly Impossible that such gatherings together of foreign philosopher* W'th our own should not be productive of much advantage; for he must indeed be a bad statist in science who knows not that numerous are the works of merit which are publislied in periodicals, or in the volumes of societies of one country, which remain altogether un known in aaotharj and still less can be acquainted with the present accelerated march ' f science, who is not awrtn? that the germs of discovery which are lyinp ready in the minds of distant contemporaries must often be brought into action by sucli an interchange of thought. The collision of such thoughts may indeed be compared to the agency of the electric telegraph of ou^ Wheatstone, which concentrates knowledge from afar, and at once unites the extremities of kingdoms in a common circle of intelligence. But although the distinguished foreigners to whom I have adverted, and others, in- cluding our welcome associate M. Wartmann, the founder of the Vaudois Society, and jM. Prevost. of Geneva, on whose merits I would willingly dilate if time permitted it, are now collected around us; many, among whom I must name M. rie Caimnnt, the Pre- sident of the French Society for the advancement of Science, have been prevented fro'n honouring us with their presence, because the national meetings in their several countries also occur in the month of September. T^i remedy this inconvenience, I ventured, when addressing you six years ago at the Glasgow meeting, to express the hope, that each of the national FJnropean societies might be led to abstain during one year from assembling in its own country, for the purpose of repairing by its own deputies to a general congress, to be held at Frankfort or other central city under the presidency of the universal Hum- boldt. Had the preparation of the "Cosmos," and other avocations of that renowned individual permitted him to accept this proposition, which I have every reason to believe tlie British Af^sociatiou would have supported, I am convinced that many Iienffits to science would have resulted, and that each nat'onal body, on re-assemb'.ing the following year in its native land, would have more vigorously resumed its research'.s. Adhering still "to my project, 1 beg my countrymen and their f ireign friends now pre- sent, to sustain this proposition for centralising in a future year the representatives of the various branches of science of different countries, when they may at once learn the national progresses respectively made, and when, at all events, they can so appoint tlie periods ot their national assemblies as to prevent those simultaneous meetings in France, Germany, Scandinavia, Italy, Switzerland and England, whiLh are so much to be depre- cated as interfering with a mutual intercourse. Finally, my fellow-labourers in science, if by our united exertions we have done and are doing good public service, let me revert once more to the place in which we ar*- as- sembled, and express on your part the gratification I know you experience in beuig on this occasion as well supported by tlie noblemeu, clergymen, and landed proprietors around Southampton, as by its inhabitants themselves— an un-on which thusttstifies that the British Association embraces all parties and nil classes of men. Seeing near me Her Most Gracious M-ijesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the Speaker of the House of Commons, and other persons of high station and very great in- fluence, who willingly indicate by their ))resence the sense they entertain of tlie value of our conferences and researciies, let us welcome these distinguished individuals as living evidences of that good opinion of our countrymen, the possession of which will cheer ns onward in our career. And above all, let us cherish the recollection of the Southimpton meeting which will be rendered memorable in its annals by the presence of the illustrious Consort of our beloved Sovereign, who participating in our pursuits, in many branches of which his Royal Highness is so well versed, thus demonstrates that mir aasociaiiim is truly national, aiid enjoys the most general and effettuat support througliout British so- tiety, from the humblest cultivators of science to the highest personages in the realm. Royal Naval Steam-vard, Plymouth — -The total acres of ground to be included in th(jr) is " a function representing the diminution of the force in consequence of the defect of elasticity." He is disposed to conclude from experiment that for cast iron tliia function would be of the form b x'. The present treatise shows clearly enough that the old assumption leads to erroneous results. We may furnish the following proof in addition to those given by him. We recently had the curiosity to apply the formulae given by Professor Moseley (p. 507 & il'i) for the deflection of beams to several cases of the experiments relative to the Menai Bridge, detailed in this Journal, p. 147, and found the deflections so calculated six or seven times as great as those actually observed. This seems to us quite suflicient proof that the old theory is not to be trusted ; it is indeed founded on an assumption which it would be very difticult to prove, that the centre of curvature for all the filaments of the beam, and for the bounding surfaces, coincides with the centre of curvature of the neutral line. But although Mr. Hodgkinson has probably made an improvement in the theory in the particular here alluded to, we by do means assent to one of the assumptions on which this theory proceeds, namelv, that the parts of the section will be extended or compressed according to their distance from the neutral. We think that enough has been said to show that the bottom flange cannot be in a state of uniform tension throughout at equal distances from the neutral axis. At all events this ought to be proved before it is assumed. It should be mentioned that the works before us contains a large portion of the results already communicated in reports to the British Association. The theory of the strength of materials is daily assuming a more complete form ; in fact there is scarcely any branch of the philosophy of engineering of which so much is known. The subject is one which has been illustrated by the splendid talents of Euler, Bernouilli, and many others of almost equal celebrity : but the merit must undoubtedly be awarded to Mr. Hodgkinson, of having realised the investigations, and of having given to them that cer- tainty and method which alone can render them useful to the practical engineer. WILLIAM OF WYKEHAM. The annual volume of the Archoeological Institute is just published. It refers almost exclusively to the architecture of Winchester. The following extract, from a paper by Mr. Cockerell, wdl show that we are not singular in our notions of the necessity of faithfulness in architecture. The extract refers to the artistic merits of one who, if worthier notions of the funda- mental principles of art were generally entertained, would be esteemed in- comparably the greatest of English architects:^ " The chief expression of Wykeham's architecture is its constructive cha- racter ; throughout we trace the sound builder, the able mason, the inge- nious carpenter, whose well-designed operations satisfying the mind, carry with it the fancy, by natural consequence, in harmonious consent; and an unsought felicity follows as a matter of course. He wrought out his design through the model, and an intimate knowledge of the materials, and careful consideration of the wants and requirements on the spot. His cornices and labels and watertables explain their purposes of carrying off the wet; the buttresses are never for ornament alone, but proportioned to the support and durability of the edifice. No parasitical excrescences obtrude them- selves ostentatiously, no parts and prettiuesses are indulged which may not be accounted for by a natural grace and logical fitness He was one of the first to recognise the utility of the four-centred arch, and to employ its depressed form where a superincumbent floor made it convenient. It is probable that he did not encourage that fashionable adoption of it, which introduced it (under Edgiugton, his predecessor in the see of Win- chester) into the cathedral itself, for we find uniformly the two-centred arch in his halls and chapels; while the four-centred was confined to situations of limited elevation. He was one of the first to condemn the tenuity, elon- gation, and weakness, real and apparent, of the Lancet and Decorated style, and to introduce the so-called Perpendicular, which, fortified by its muUions or constructive subdivision of skeleton framing, or network, the enormous ]846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 319 openings then demanded by the growing fashion of fenestral decoration ; as Chaucer says, richly peint With lives of many divers seiut. He ahandoned the high-pitched shingle roofs, excluding sun and air, and was one of the first to employ the low pediment, and roof covered with lead; and in his works we first discover the liammer-bearu roof in all its va- rieties— -a system of the highest ingenuity and constructive economy, hotli for space and material, as well as beauty and power, as exhibited in West- minster Hall, Elthara Palace, Windsor Hall, and our college chapels and halls. BARKER'S MILL. Sir — Perhaps through your valuable journal you would be kind enough to decide the following argument : — Doctor Barker's Mill. One gentleman argues " that the power is obtained by the resistance of the atmosphere to the egress of the water, thereby causing a reaction." The other gentleman denies such to be the cause, and says, " that it would revolve with greater power if placed in vacuum." Leaving it for you to decide, with many apologies. I remain, Sir, your obedient servant, A Constant Reader. In Barker's Mill the supply of water is obtained from a cistern placed at a considcraliln height above the revolving tubes or arms, which, if the orifices of them were stopped, would sustain a hydrostatic pressure acting equally in all directions, and proportioned to the depth below the surface of the water in the reservoir. When, however, the orifices are opened, there is, ii. "ach revolving tube, a predominating pressure on one side of it ; for it is clear that the internal area of one side of the tube exceeds that of the other sides by a quantity equal to the area of toe orifice. The motion is in the direction of that side of the tube which sustains the greatest pressure. The external air is a cause rather of retardation than ac- celeration, on account of its resistance to each arm on the side opposite to the orifice. It may be easily conceived that if the atmospheric pressure accelerated the motion, an increase of that pressure would increase the ac- celerating force. If this view were correct, the arms ought to revolve more rapidly if immersed in mercury, which certainly would not be the case. Very similar to Barker's mill in its mode of action is the rocket used in pyrotechny and for military purposes. Here the iguited powder generates an elastic gas, which presses on one end of the chamber containing it, hut escapes bythe open end ; the motion is, of course, in the direction of the end subjected to the elastic pressure. The external air tends to retard the escape of the gas, and, to a certain extent, increases its pressure by partially confining it ; but the accelerating force so gained is far more than compen- sated for by the resistance which the air acting on the external surface of the rocket offers to the motion — a resistance varying nearly in the square of the velocity. The revolving steam-machine of Hero, of Alexandria, is another instance of the application of the same mechanical principles as those of Barker's Mill. The apology with which our correspondent concludes his note is quite unnecessary ; we know no better way of serving the interests of our sub- scribers than by considering questions like the present as they arise, and con- tributing as far as we can to the solution of them. ST. MICHAEL HEAVITREE. Mr. Editor — In this month's Journal, at p. 291, under the head of St. Michael Heavitree, is a small paragraph relative to the new church there, which was designed by me, and executed under my sole superiulendance. The paragraph is altogether erroneous ; and how it could have crept inlo your paper, generally so accurate, I am a loss to ihink. Who Mr. Alex- ander is I cannot think, no such a person was ever in any way connected with the matter. Will you please in your next number to correct this. If you can find, next mouth, space for a few concise particulars relative to the church, which is a large one, and esteemed highly in this city, yuu would oblige, and I would with pleasure send them. Your very faithful Servant, David Mackintosh, .Architect. Exeter, Sept. 2, 184G. For the following additional particulars we are indebted to Mr. Mack- intosh, who has forwarded them at our request: — This church has been rebuilt on an extensive scale, and in a most sub- stantial and perniaDent manner. The style is that of the Fifteenth Century, and all the peculiar characteristics of the ancient church (a small edifice of early perpendicular date) have been carefully maintained and restored. The dimensions wiihin the walls are as follows:— chancel 23 ft. G in. by 16ft.; nave 86 fi. by 22 ft. ; north and south aisles each 94ft. by 13 ft. Gin., with a southern porch in the second bay from the west end. The height from the stone flooring to the summit of the open roof internally is 44 ft. 6 in. The vestry is placed at the eastern end of the north aisle; ex- ternally the walls above the plinth are built with lime stone of a blue grey lint, from Chudleigh, and the windows, string courses, battlement, mould- ings, and other dressings are of Caen stone. The plinth is of granite ; the walls 3 ft. in thickness, and the gables are surmounted by floriated crosses of rich character. The church internally is remarkable for the high pitch of its fine open roof, consisting of 13 pair of grained principals with cir- cular ribs of oak, wrought and moulded, and enriched with carved bosses coloured and gilt after ancient ones in tiw. old church ; the principals spring fnai richly carved stone tubals, and the columns and arches separating the nave from the ailes, are a restoration in every point as regards detail of those in the old church. They are especially rich and varied in their foliage and capitals, and are carved with muib spirit and vigour illus- trations of these capitals are intended to be published by the Exeter Archi- teclural Society in their transactions. There is a fine chancel arch, richlv moulded in Caen stone, on the north side of which is placed Ihe pulpit hexagonel in form, and an elabonite specimen of stone carving, executed by Rowe, of Exeter; it abounds in rich foliage, varied in eai:h compartment, and carved in bold relief, having niches surmounted by crocketted canopies over figures of the four Evangelists and St. Michael the Archangel. There is a fine eagle carved in old oak, and an open Litany desk. The eagle was carved by Mr. Winsor, who is the senior verger of Exeter Cathedral. All the carved works in this edifice are admirably executed, and prove the great advance lately made in Ihe correct execution of wood and stone carving. At the east end of the chancel it was at first intended to have restored the former window, but on inspection, being found much decayed, as well as of a somewhat debased archilectural characler. The Rev. Dr. Warren, of Portview, liberally presented a new window of fourlighls, and the Rev. Arthur Atberley (the Vicar) has munificiently filled the same with stained glass at his own expense. The design of this glass, which has been executed in a most satisfactory manner by Mr. Robert Beer, of Exeter, a talented and rising artist, comprises figures of the four Evangelists under storied canopies having scrolls at their feet, on which are texts having reference lo the Supper of our Lord. In the upper tracery are placed the Phoenix and Pelican; the Symbols of the Evangelists; the Virgin and Infant Jesus ; and St. Michael (the patron Saint of the Church) in conflict with the Dragon. The south window of the chancel has a fine figure of the Virgin bearing in her hand her emblem, the Lily, lu the south aisle there is a good specimen of a memorial window of three lights. The first and third are bordered after a specimen in Exeter Cathedral, in a flowing pattern and blue glass, with the "Crown" quaiTy within, the centre bor- dered in ruby glass with the " Trinity flower" quarry, the family arms, and badge of the order of the Bath being inserted. At the bottom of the window the names of the father and his two sons, buried in the adjoining church yard are recorded, and the scripture '■ blessed are the dead which die in the Lord" runs through the lights. The font is the gift to the church by an old parishioner ; it is of Caen stone, large, aud highly enriched ; it is placed near the western entrance. The bowl is octagonal, having each panel filled with ornamental tracery, varied in each compart:nent ; the sides of the shaft are likewise panelled with cinque foil headed arches, aud springing from the shaft to support the bowl, are a band of angels with expanded wings, bearing shields. For the present the old tower still re- mains, but it is hoped, ere long, to add an adequate tower and spire, which when complete, will render this one of the largest and finest churches in the county of Devon. The contracter for Ihe whole of the works was Mr. John Henshole, of Heavitree, v\ho has fulfilled all his ohligalions in the most satisfactory manner. The works have been well done and unworthy imitations avoided. DIFFERENTIAL HYDRAULIC PRESS. I think it must be evident to all who have thought on the subject, how much superior the Hydraulic Press is to the Screw, where enormous pressure is required ; but even in the hydraulic press, as at present made, if we wish to increase its power to a great extent there appears but three ways of ac- complishing it, all of which are liable to objection: the first plan is to in- crease the size of the large piston and cylinder, thus making it more expen- sive and unwieldy ; the second is by diminishing the size of the smaller pis- ton, but if this is carried too far it will be in danger of bending or breaking under the pressure which is applied to it ; the third is to obtain greater leverage upon the small piston, which if carried too far will also be in danger of injuring it. But it appears to nie that it is possible to diminish the acting part of the piston to almost any extent, wliile its strength remains the same by the plan which is given in the figure, in which i is the large piston work. ing in the stufiing box c, and carrying the press-board v upon it ; d e'u the small piston or forcing pump thicker at the part d, than at e, and works in the two stufiing bo,xes/ and g-, and is nearly at the top of its stroke. A is the pump cylinder communicating with a reservoir in this cylinder, the small piston works, descending through a water-tiglit collar into the space s, which is open to the air. A: is a pipe communicating with the large cyander at the 38» 520 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Oct. end of which is a valve / opening outwards. Then if we suppose the cylinders to be full of water, and the piston at the top of its stroke, when it is pushed down it will force a quantity of water into the large cylinder, nearly equal to the difference of the solidili/ of the two parts 0/ t/te piston d e, which will be a very little if the two parts rf and e, are nearly alike ; thus giving it the ad- vantage of a small piston while it still possesses the strength of a large one. I have not marked the handle and other parts as they do not differ from the usual construction. A M'ORKING MeCH.WIC. Neu'castle-OH- Tyne. [The above suggestion is very ingenious, and appears likely to prove valuable. .4s the principle of the press in its improved form is to pump into the main cylinder a quantity of water equal in volume to the differeitce be- tween the solid contents of the two pump-pistons we have ventured to apply the name Differential Hydraulic Press During the military operations of the French in .\lgeria it was necessary to export from France hay for the cavalry liorses, and in order to compress the hay into the smallest possible compass, it was subjected to the action of the hydraulic press. But it was found that the operation was excessively slow, as during the first part of it a very large quantity of water was pumped in with little or no resistance from the compression of the hay. A similar diffi- culty frequently occurs on less important works tlian that of maintaining a new colony, and a very simple addition to the pump here desciibed would probably remedy the evil. Let the cylinder to be continued down into the space s, and let this lower cylinder communicate by a pipe, having a stop-cock, with the reservoir, and also by a pipe similar to k, witli the main cylinder. When the pressure at v is small a large quantity of water may be pumped in at each stroke, and if the stop-cock be open, the upper and lower pump pistons will both draw water. When the pressure at v becomes great, the stop-cock may be closed and water will be forced from the upper pump cylinder only. By this contrivance two relative rates of working are obtained. Three or more rates of working might be obtained by having three or more sires of the pump-piston and a corresponding number of cylinders.] REGISTER OF NEW PATENTS. If additional iofonn&tion be required respecting any patent, it may be obtained at the oflGce of this jouruiil. HEATING BV HYDROGEN. Joseph Pierre Gillaro, of IJue Martignac, Paris, professor of ma- thematics and philosophy, for " Improvements in the produclion of Heat in general." — Granted February lllh, 1846; Enrolled August Uth, It546. The improvements relate to the application of pure hydrosen for heating apartments, steam eugiues, furnaces fur smelting, and other purposes. The hydrogen is obtained by driving jets of steam lhrou;.irtmoiith, Devon, Esq., for " Improvements in buoys and giving buoyancy lo boats." — Augusc 'J'J. James Hoydell, of Oak-farm-works, near Dudley, ironmaster, for "Improvements in applying appiiratus to carriages to facilitate the draught."— August 'J'.K \Villiam Air Forstcr, of Gla^igow. leather merchant and boot maker, for " an Improved mode of making belts fi>r driving machinery, traces, reins, and other articles of leather^ felt, or parchment, and for an improved apparstus or machinery for the same." — August 2i». Alexander Debain, manufacturer, of Pari?, France, for "certain Improvements appli- cable to keyed musical instruments." — August '2'J. James Roose. of Darteston, Stafford, tube manufacturer, for ''Improvements in the manufactu'c of welded iron tubes." — August 2'.'. Henry Hensun, of Hampstead, Middlesex, gentleman, for " certain Improvements in railways, and in railway carriages, having for ihcir object the better accommodation add security of the public." — August 31 . James Warren, of JMontague-terrace, Mile- end -road, gentleman, for ** Improvemrnts in the manufacture of cast screws." — August 31. Frederick Henry West, of tlie City-road, Middlesex, gantlemen, for "certain Improve- ments in securing corks in bottles, jars, and other vessels to contain liquids and other matters, and also Improvements in such bottles and otlur vessels." — August .'Jl. Nicholas Harvey, of Hayle Foundry, St. Krth, Cornwall, for "certain Improvements in filtering of w.iter for steam engines and boileis."— Sapt. 3. James Coles, of Harley-street, Cavendish-square, Middlesex, surgeon, for " Improve- ments in apparatus for the prevention and treatment of distortions of the spine and chest, also for treatment t f diseases of the spine and other disorders where a recumbent position of the patient is required."— September 3. George Senior, of Bradford, York, gentleman, for "certain Improvements in washing cleansing, scouring, and bleaching silk, cotton, wo(d, and fibrous substances generally, also in dyeing, combing, carding, spinning, felting, niilling,or otherwise treating or pre- paring fibrous substances generally." — September ;(. Peter Armand Leconte de Foutainmoreau, of New Broad-street, London, for '* certain Improvements in the machines for the manufacture of bricks and other plastic pro- ducts;" being a communication from a foreigner residing abroad.- September 3. Charles Ylery, of Rue St. Lazare, Paris, France, engineer, for " Improvements in as- certaining and regulating the speeds and times of railway trains."— September 10. Moses Poole, London, gentleman, for "Improvements in treating vegetable fibres to render them applicable to the manufacture of paper." (Being a communication.^ — Sep- tember 10. Charles Richardson, of Dalston, Middlesex, gentleman, for "certain Improvements in making and refilling of sugar, and in the machinery and appartus employed therein." (Being a commuDiration.) — September 10. David Daries, of Wigmore-street, Cavendish-squar^, Middlesex, for " certain Improve- ments in steps for carriages and other purposes."— September 17. Richard Ford Sturges, of Birmingham, Britannia ware manufacturer, for " Improve- ments in filtering app^i'atus, and in apparatus lor making tea pots, aud other vessels of metal."— September 17. James ''\ illiam Bowman, of Great AHe-streel, Middlesex, for " Improvements in re- burning animal charcoal." — September 17. William Palmer, of Suttoii-street. Clerkenwell, manufacturer, for " Improvements in the manufacture of lumps and candlesticks, and in gas and other pillars and pipes." — September 17. Henry Franklin, of Marstone Mortaine. Bedfordshire, for " Improvements in the maou- facture of bricks, tiles, and other like articles." — September 17. Frederick Biown. ot Luton, Bedfordshire, ironmpnver, for " Improvements in ovens ft>r kitchen-ranges."— September 17. William Edward Newton, of sional alike; — a free theatre of liberul discnurse, — a society of artists and arthvers in architec- ture, for the ends of architecture purely ; sly ballot- boxes iini\ secret councils utterly overthrown, as tyrannical, illiberal, and bad. That is wliat 1 would have, and what the public of England, dini architects especially, are en- titled to demand. — Let the Institute change its character, and repudiate all close-fisted and selfish policy, — all pro/etsioiialism, — and hoist ihe banner of art, free to all, and to all equally." — The At'ic/tn/t' Discourses. V. A capital fellow that Newleafe ! and a capital book I — one likely to do a great deal of good, by clearly explaining the character of architecture as a fine art, as which it is now scarcely recognised at all, except merely nominally and by courtesy ; nor have architects themselves much clearer notions of it than those who are not architects. Not only is its doctrine excellent, and perfectly free from all conventionality, and cant, but the book iiself is so clever and entertaining, so full of original thinking— of shrewd remark and caustic pleasantry, as when once opened to be found irresistibly fascinating. Even those who dislike the writer's opinions, and more especially their being uttered to the world, accompanied with so many home-truths — and they will not be a few — will be forced to read oa in spite of themselves. Speaking as he has done of the lusiitiite, it argueg considerable boldness in the writer to put his real name on the tille-page; one which till now has never been before the public, but which is likely to be henceforth more and more distinguished, since it is not to be supposed that one who has made his dibut with so much ipirit, will now lay down his pen. Some parts of the book are quite dramatic, and the characlerg of Mr. Scaniozzi-Brnnelleschi Brick, Ur. Bluebottle Crape, the antiquary, Mr. Coeur-de-Lion iMivlfe (sic) the ecclesiologist, and littleSmug the travel- led architect, are admirably hit otF characters, with merely the slightest soupcon of caricature. What the Vitruvianisis, the arcb;eologists, the Camdenists, and the Ecdesiologisls will say of the " Newleafe Discourses," is more doubtful than what they will think. Probably they will, as the wiser course, say little or nothing, but that they will think Newleafe a for- midable opponent is an assured certainty ; — and all the more formidable be- cause he will have the public on bis side, and bis example may stir up others to continue the assault upon those inveterate — not, it is to be hoped, invincible-prejudices which beset architecture on every side. One com- mendable trait of spirit in the writer is that he shows himself perfectly free from Jluukijism ; he is not awed by the authority of names, pays no servile deference to professional rank, but censures erroneous opinions in " a Professor," with just as little ceremony as he would in any other indi- vidual. Both Professor Cockerell and Professor Willis get a few rub» from him ; and if they deserve them, why should they not? At any rale they are game worth aiming at, whereas some others are hardly worlk powder and shot. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEEERAND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 329 FENESTRATION AND WINDOWS. THIRD ARTICLE. Id returning to our subjeet we sliall not pursue any farther our remarks on FeueslratioD in cnauection with modern church architecture, because we purpose going into the latter subject generally, and inquiring how far it is adviseable entirely to repudiate for buildings of that class, the Greco-Roman style, instead of taking it up again with a fresh and better spirit, so as to infuse into it renewed vitality. We will, however, just advert here to one unseemly defect which deforms most of our churches in that style — if, in- deed, they can be said to belong to it, very few of them possessing what can fairly be called style at all. Ale allude to the practice of making a row of small mezzanine-looking windows beneath the others, to the great injury of character, composition, and breadth, and of unity likewise, for such little windows seem to express a division of the building into distinct floors within, and appear to belong to low ground-floor rooms intended for inferior purposes. At any rate such apparent division of the structure must be considered an indefensible solecism by those who make it an ob- jection against St. Paul's, that its exterior is divided into two orders. In some cases, indeed, the practice in question is harmless enough, there being neither beauty nor pretension to it, nor any kind of architectural quality to be injured by it ; but in St. Pancras' church the small lower windows are glaringly and olfensively at variance with the scrupulous — perhaps some- what over-scrupulous adherence to the original classical pattern, which, unluckily, not going far enough for the occasion was eked out with some " ready cut and dried," but not very classical ideas. From what we have just been saying the transition will not be very abrupt, if we now proceed to consider one very material point in Fenestration with regard to composition. We have already said that interfenestral breadth is one great requisite for good fenestration — almost essential fur greatness of manner and dignity of character, and have now to observe that there ought to be " breadth" in both directions — vertically as well as horizontally, for if there be not corresponding largeness of spacing between the several tiers of windows or Soors of the building, as well as between the windows on each separate floor, the design will so far partake of littleness and be of the ordinary stamp. Quite contrary to vulgar opinion it may safely be laid down as a maxim that dignity of expression in architecture is in inverse ratio to the number of windows or aggregate superficies of opening compared with the general surface of the building or entire elevation. It is not the frequency, but the paucity of windows that conduces to nobleness of phy- siognomy in architecture; whereas, on the other hand, that quality — the unquestionable aristocratic mark — can hardly be maintained at all where inflexible necessity demands closely-spaced fenestration. No matter what size a building be, without something like greatness of scale, — nobleness of taste of course included, — its greatness will amount to no more than the vulgar quality of mere bigness. And unfortunately — or rather, fortunately, grandeur of scale is what cannot be mimicked or counterfeited. It is not to be produced by clubbing a number of ordinary-sized houses together into one elevation, for the individual littleness leavens the whole mass, and the larger the latter is, all the more strongly does the littleness which it is attempted to disguise, contrast wiih the more than ordinary pretension that is made so indiscreetly and so awkwardly. The two houses facing each other at the Albert Gate, Hyde Park, seem to have been expressly intended to make manifest the striking dlHerence of character produced by closely or widely spaced fenestration ; for though they are of the same size, and in other respects alike, while that on the East side is only three windows in breadth, the opposite one is of five, and the very superior appearance of the former must, we think, strike every one who has the slightest tincture of architectural taste.* Yet if so far that East house excels as well as differs from the opposite one, in another it resembles it in regard to fenestration, and perhaps even to greater disad- vantage, it becoming in consequence of unequal character,insoninch as it consists of the same number of stories, therefore the rertical interfenestra- tionf is not so good as the horizontal, owing to there being too many tiers of * Since it was first erected, howeyer, tlie front of that liouse has been most barbarously distigured by one of the ground- floor windows being enlar(;ed, without the sliglitest re- gard to appearance in any one respect. The house seems to have fallen into the hands »f some tavern-keeper. t We make no apology for coining and employing what some will object to as " new- fangled" words : they are sufEciently intelligible and expressive, and being expressive are nstful. Well grounded objec ion there may be to the merely disturbing the torniinology of the art by the revival of obsolete terms in lieu of thoae in general use, or by substitut- ing for the latter, others which if more correct are ouly equiraieut to them ; but it is windows, and they are put too closely together— or in other words, and to express our meaning by a single term, the interfenestration in that direction is thickset, or pycno-fenestration ; and, as has been already observed by us, although pycno-style columniatioa produces richness, pycno fenestra- tion is generally attended by an air of littleness, if not of meanness. Ex- cept in Gothic— the Perpendicular and Tudor styles, also Elizabethan, wherein fenestration may without impropriety be carried to any extent, it being, as we have already said, highly characteristic and expressive also of construction,— crowded fenestration produces confusion, and a great deal more than the space properly admits of, seems to be crammed into a front. As an instance of the kind— an example that forcibly illustrates what we have just said, we may point to the group of three tall stone-fronted houses erected a year or two ago in Grosvenor Place : intended to be more than ordinarily dignified, they are so terribly deficient in amplitude of propor- tions, as to look compressed and crushed horizontally, while loftiness is obtained not by lofty proportions, but merely by piling up an unusual number of stories. Another example of the ad evitandum class is the Alias Insurance Office, Cheapside, and a remarkable one it is for mesquinerie and tastelessness both in regard to fenestration and to columniation also. We will not at present touch upon what some are altogether intoleiant of, and peremptorily denounce without further consideration as a barbarous solecism— we mean the application of columns and pediments to the win- dows themselves,— because that is a matter which we shall have to discuss somewhat fully when we reach that part of our subject, but we certainly have nothing to say in favour of that particular specimen, for besides that the columns to the windows crowd up the intercolumns of the order, in which they are set, too much, the display aifected by means of them is so far from being consistently kept up that their entablatures are even more bare than those usually employed for windows, there being instead of architrave and frieze, or moulded architrave only, a mere black surface between the capitals of the columns and the cornice, notwithstanding that the capitals themselves are Corinthian. The division of the building into two distinct orders,— one for each floor above the basement ; cuts it up very disadvan- tageously, causing it to appear upon a contracted scale, whereas had the composition been astylar, it might have possessed a greater degree of or- nateness as well as simplicity, for at present the details are very crude and common-place. We now proceed to consider what is a very important matter in fenestra- tion, whether with or without columniation, namely, the number of win- dows from the ground upwards, or of tiers of them, that can with good effect be introduced in architectural composition. And here again we find that it is paucity, not number, which contributes to nobleness of manner. A front may be prolonged horizontally to any extent, without the fenestration itself being thereby in the slightest degree affected, but it cannot be extended upwardsai//iii we are accused of " fairly damning modern architecture altogether. The charge is as unfair as it is unfounded; if the object of it be to enlist the prejudices of the reader against our arguments, it signally fails of its elfect, for we have never condemned any modern building in which the canon of architectural faithfulness is tolerably well observed. We have frequently spoken of the superiority of modern architecture to that of the last age, and have occasionally done even some violence to our opinions, by speaking lu terms of partial admiration of buildings which exhibit little regard for principles of constructive decoration. The objection that our views respecting rustic masonry ought for con- sistency to be extended to the fluting of columns seems pur. ly factious, since it is obvious that parallel lines of fluting contribute to the principal esthetic idea of columns-their verticality ; whereas our main argument against scoring masonry all over with a vast number of lines running both perpendicularly and horizontally was that they distracted the eye and sug- gested no esthetic idea whatever. The remarks respecting the Madeleine, must have been written in total misapprehension of our meaning or else are the result of a hasty and careless inspection of that bnildiog-if indeed there be not an attempt on the part of the writer to criticise the architec- ture without having seen it. We will venture to say that no competent ob server, who has actually inspected the Madeleine, will contradict our as- sertion that the horizontal channels indented in the walls of the cella greatly injure the etfect of the periplery. The columns do not stand out with that bold relief, which they would have, were the background left plain, and their vertical character is greatly injured by the horizontal lines running behind them and apparently meeting them at right angles. This is so no- toriously a matter of fact-of common observation, that it has never yet been disputed by those who have seen the building. However we may perhaps facilitate the proper conception of the argumert by referring to analogous instances nearer home. If Candidus will examine the two last plates in this Journal, representing the Board of Trade as it was, and as it is he will find in both facades a number of horizontal lines extending the wiiole length of them, which distract the eye and almost destroy the verti- cal character of the columns. In the later edition of the government offices the rustic lines are not continued quite up to the columns, but stop ■igainst a plain panel ; still the defect is but little palliated by this contri- vance-the mental eye continues the lines, and the naiural eye is conse- quently offended by the incongruity and confusion. The same remark ap- plies to the windows between the columns: the mouldings ot the sills and architraves range in horizontal lines, and the eflect is nearly the same as if those lines were continued to meet the columns. This seems .he true rea- son for the axiom laid down by many architectural writers that two range, or stories of windows ought not to be included within one order of coluinns and also for the objection laid down in the article on Fenestration (p. 271), that where windows are introduced between a colonnade '-the columns seem as much to encumber as to adorn the front behind them, certainly not "to belong to it by growing out of the general organization. f he bor.zou- i846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 331 tal lines of the sills and architraves are mentally united by the observer, and have the effect of being continuous : the eye recognizes the windovrs, not separately, but collectively as one range; and (he general direction of this range being horizontal, and therefore at right angles to the columns produces inevitably the appearance of disconnection among the component members of the architecture. The paragraph in which the rusticated masonry of the Madeleine is de- fended, concludes by attributing to us certain opinions on Grecian archi- tecture which the writer justly treats as absurd. As, however, we never expressed these opinions, we are not called upon to defend them. Of the Architecture of Newgate it is observed, " had it not been rusti- cated, it would have bnen comparatively an insipid blank." Why, yes ; this is true enough, and it brings us precisely to the very gist of the argument. Our real ground of objection to rustic masonry is not so much that it is intolera- bly ugly in itself as that it stands in the way of something better — bold and effective composition. Had the architect of Newgate been debarred from the paltry expedient by which he has palliated the nakedness of his design he must have contented himself with this alternative — either to let the poverty of his ideas manifest itself undisguised, or else to substitute a design possess- ing intrinsic and legitimate merit. On examination we shall find the same remark applicable to the general employment of rustic masonry. Where the architect possesses real genius and correct principles of taste, the beauty of his architecture will be at- tained by massive combinations, by effective distribution of light and shadow, by graceful proportions, by strong contiast between the decorated and undecorated parts, and by making the mechanical construction of the building a source of beauty. In proportion as his conceptions are vigorous and effective, he will have the less necessity to resort to rustication and other insipid inexpressive save-trouble expedients. We would deprive architecture of these expedients for the same reason that we would deprive a child of its go-cart — that it may learn to run alone. AVhen these tricks of art are got rid of, good architects will be forced, as it were, to trust in their own strength, and bad architects will do as they always have done — follow their betters. If our opponent could have assigned only one good reason why rustica- tion should be employed in Classic and not in Pointed architecture, we should have been satisfied that he argued on abstract principles, and that his judgment had not been (as we sincerely believe it to have been) per- verted by custom. This opinion is not uttered invidiously, for we know how hard it is for those who have been long habituated to technical rules, to look beyond them. It is well enough to tell us that "separate styles have, like separate languages, their respective idioms and peculiarities ;'' and that Rusticntion may be considered as a characteristic peculiarity of one kind of Classic architecture — "as being part of its costume, ci.nse- quently proper to that, though in any other it might show as a decided im- propriety." But why — for what reason an impropriety in any other style ? The only possible answer to this question is to show that the style with which alone rustication harmonizes, possesses certain distinctive principles which produce this harmony, but which exist in no other style. If there be such principles in Classic architecture, it is surely very easy to point them out. We all know what are the main distinctions between Classic and Pointed architecture : tlie one is horizontal — the other vertical ; the one simple — the other complex ; the one rectilineal — the other curvilineal. To which of these or the other distinctions between the two great arthi- teclural systems are we to attribute the circumstance that rustication ac- cords with the one, and not with the other? This will, we think, be found on reflection an indisputable position — that either rustication offends against those Catholic principles which apply to all styles alike — or else that < 'lassie architecture has certain principles, possessed by no other style, which render rustication applicable to it alone. Which member of tliis alternative is to be adopted ? If the first, there is an end of the controversy. If the second, our opponents have still to point out the existence of the principles by which their position is defended. Therefore the wht>le question may in some sort be said to turn on tlie causes of the incongruity of rustication with Pointed architecture. Now, as far as we can see, it would be less incongruous with Pointed than with Classic architecture, for the former delights in a multiplicity of lines which is directly antagonistic to the latter. Our objection that rustication precludes a contrast between the orna- mental and plain parts of the structure has not yet been answered. To our view, decorations derive their chief grace and fitness from contrast. If eecrg part of a building were richly ornamented it cannot be denied that a dazzling and gorgeous effect might be produced. But the most artistic architecture is not that which is most ornamented, but that in which the decorations and plain surfaces are balanced against each other — in which some parts are purposely left undecorated in order to enhance the beauty of the rest. The connection between the subject in dispute and that of mouldings seems also to have been misunderstood. The iesthetic value of mouldings seems to consist in this, that they mark distinctly the mechanical construc- tion of a building. In Classic architecture the cymatium, &c., mark the outline of pediments; the antepagmenia of doorways, the taenia indicates the super-position of the cross— joists on the architrave and the rautule marks the termination of the inclined rafters of the roof: in Pointed architec- ture the hood mouldings defines the arch of the windows, the corbel table indicates the manner in which a roof or upper floor is supported : in Italian architecture also the division of a building into stories is frequently with the utmost propriety exhibited externally by horizontal mouldings. But without the mouldings have thus a logical fitness, they are adscitiliousand indefensible. It is clear moreover that their value as indications of con- struction must be nearly annihilated where the wliole surface of the walls is marked with lines like those of rustic masonry. lu such cases they cease to be distinctive. Ajiothcr misapprehension of our meaning respecting rustication is the supposition that we have insisted " that it is absolutely intolerable." This is not the case : on the contrary, we think there are many buildings which as they stand are improved by it, or rather would be worse without it. It is not rustication, so much as the necessity for it, which we wish to get rid of. There are many buildings— the Reform Club for instance— of which the architecture is intrinsically too good to need such embellishments. The true end of art is to produce the greatest effect with simple means. It is easy enough to overload a building with mouldings and sculpture — to do that requires nut genius but money; and the vulgar, caught by the glare, will give to the architect the credit which is in fact due to the work- man. Architecture, except during its purest periods, has always tended to degenerate into a system of surface-decorations. It is so now, and orna- ment usurps the place of architecture. Directly the sjstem of polychrome decoration was revived how eagerly was it caught at ! It is such an easy method of making a building look showy ! Fresco-painting also, encaustic tiles, and cheap imitations of costly woods will often save the architect a world of trouble — the trouble of thmking. And yet these things are not intrinsically worthless, or to be despised ; unlike Rustication, they are valuable accessories of art, but no more than accessories — excellent ser- vants, but bad masters. THE NEW PLANET. The discovery of a planet of which the existence, distance, orbit, and mass had been predicted by mathematical computation long before its pre- sence in the heavens had been recognised by the telescope, may justly be considered, as Mr. Hind observes, ** one of the greatest triumphs of theore- tical astronomy." It cannot but be a matter of regret to fiud the new planet called Le Verrier's, whereas in fact the first theoretical discovery of it is due to Mr Adams, who to our certain knowledge completed his in- vestigation, as far as the approximations of the first order, two years ago. Sir John Herschel has addressed the following letter on the subject to the Athenaum. Collingirmd, Oct. I. " In my address to the British Association assembled at Southampton, on the occasion of my resigning the chair to Sir U. IMurchison, I stated, among the remarkable astronomical events of the last twelvemoulh, that it had added a new planet to our list, — adding, "it has done more, — it has given us the probable prospect of the discovery of another. Me see it as Columbus saw America from the shores of Spain. Its movements have been felt, trembling along the far-reaching line of our analysis, with a cer- tainty hardly inferior to that of ocular demonstration." — These expressions are not reported in any of the papers which profess to give an account of the proceedings, but 1 appeal to all present whether they were not used. " Give me leave to stale my reasons for this confidence ; and, in so doing, to call attention to some facts \\hich deserve to be put on record in the his- tory of this noble discovery. On thel:;th of July, lS42,the late illustrious astronomer, Bessel, honoured me with a visit at ray present residence. On the evening of that day, conversing on the great work of the planetary re- ductions underlaken by the Astronomer-Royal — then in progress, and since published,* — M. Bessel remarked that the motions of Uranus, as he had * Tile expense of this magnificent worlc was defrayed by tjuvernuieot giants, obtaiu«u at the instance of the British Association, in 1»J3. 332 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Nov. satisfied himself by careful examination of tlie recorded observations, could not be accounted for by tlie perturbations of the linown planets ; and that the deviations far exceeded any possible limits of error of observation. In reply to the question. Whether the deviations in question might not be due to the action of an unknown planet? — he stated that he considered it highly probable that such was the case, — being systematic, and such as might be produced by an exterior plan>t. I then inquired whether he had attempted, from the indications ad'orded by these perturbations, to discover the posi- tion of the unknown body, — in order that ' a hue and cry' might be raised for it. From liis reply, the words of which I do not call to mind, I col- lected that he had not then gone into that inquiry ; but proposed to do so, having now completed certain works which had occupied loo muc h of his time. And, accordingly, in a letter vvhirh I received from him after his return to Kiinigsberg, dated November 11, 1842, he says, — ' In reference to our conver.sation at Collingwood, I annnunce to you (melde ich Ihnen) that Uranus is not forgotten.' Doubtless, therefore, among his papers will be found some researches on the subject. The remarkable calculations of iM. Le Verrier — which have pointed out, as now appears, nearly the true situation of the new planet, by resolving the inverse problem of the perturbations — if uncorroborated by repetition of the numerical calculations by another hand, or by independent investi- gation from another quarter, would hardly justify so strong an assurance as that conveyed by my expressions above alluded to. But it was known to me, at that time (I will take the liberty to cite the Astronomer-Koyal as my authority), that a similar investigation had been independently en- tered into, and a conclusion as to the situation of the new planet very nearly coincident with M. Le Verrier's arrived at (in entire ignorance of his con- clusions), by a young Cambridge mathematician, Mr. Adams; — who will, I hope, pardon this mention of his name (the matter being one of great his- torical moment). — and who will, doubtless, in his own good time and man- ner, place his calculations before the public. J. F. \V. Herschel. Sir John Herschel compares the discovery of the new planet to the dis- covery of the Western World : he might have added that America did not take its name from Columbus, but from a later navigator. Professor Challis, of the Cambridge Observatory, has published a statement in the Cumbrid):e Chronicle, that, in September and October, 18-15, Mr. Adams deposited in the two principal observatories of England, those of Greenwich and Cambridge, calculations of the heliocentric longi- tude, mass, longitude of perihelion, and eccentricity of the orbit, of the supposed planet. M. Le Verrier published a calculation of the heliocen- tric longitude of the planet last June (eight months later). To the personal friends of Mr. Adams the dispute must appear a ridicu- lous one : seeing that his discoveries have been a subject of common con- versation among them for the last two years. And they very well know that modesty, which characterises profound science, alone prevented Mr. Adams from making his investigations known in a more public manner than by depositing them in the observatories of Greenwich and Cambridge. His original intention was, we believe, not to take any active steps for the publication of his investigations till the planet had been observed by the telescope. The question seems likely to be made the subject of as " pretty" a quarrel as any in which the saians have ever been engaged. At a recent ■leeting of the Paris Academy, the announcement that the Engliish astro- nomers meant to claim for their countryman the honour of first predicting the place, &c., of the new planet was received with manifestations of the utmost indignation. It is stated that in the excess of their wrath, they did not refrain from designating Airey and Herschell — impostors I In a letter in the National, which a correspondent of the LiteruTij Gazette attributes to Arago, Sir J. Herschell and Professors Airey and Challis are said to have entered into a conspiracy to rob M. Le Verrier of his discovery. Herschell in particular is reviled with ingratitude because he is the son of one u'hose fame M. Ara^o made knoicn to Europe.^^ This exceeds the usual limits of even French bombast. Our own journals take up the question very coldly. Surely this cannot arise from ignorance of the importance of the subject. However, "the truth is great, and will prevail," and as we happen to know personally that Mr. Adams's claims are indisputable, we do not for an instant doubt that they will soon be established to the perfect satisfaction of the public. The planet is said to have a ring and a satellite : its distance from the sun is three thousand two hundred millions of miles — upwards of thirty times that of the earth. The distance of Uranus from the newly dis- covered source of its perturbations is one hundred and fifty millions of miles. The new planet is the largest in our system, except Jupiter and Saturn : its cubic bulk being 250 times that of the earth. The Alhinicum, speaking of M. Le Verrier, says incidentally, that " he worked out the problem first" ! A more heedless admission was never made in a scientific journal : if it be, as it appears to be, a mere obiter dictum, the result of sheer carelessuess, it ought, fur truth's sake, to be withdrawn immediately. M'e repeat emphatically, that it i!? notorious to ourselves and to all Mr. Adams's scientific friends, that his discoverifi were made long before M, Le Verrier's name was heard of in connectiijii with the subject. INSTRUMENT FOR TRACING EAILWAY CURVES. Sir — The accompanying sketch and description of an instrument which I have found extremely useful for setting out railway curves is well adapted for all situations, and is very portable and simple. A r. C O'P- I) is a permanent frame or square B C being perpendicular to A B, and li C is a moveable limb with a vernier to read ofif the degrees on the quadrant. Instead of making the offsets as heretofore perpendicular to the tangents, they are made by this instrument in the direction of the secants aa 4 c, df, and A c;, &c. (fig. 2.) Fig. 1. Fig. S. In order to use this instrument, it is necessary to calculate by trigono- metry the angle a b c fig. 2, and the length of the secant, for the purpose of finding the length of the effect a b, the latter is equal to the dillerence of the radius of the cune and the secant; in all cases it is requisite first to determine what length of tangent is most suitable to the ground, on which the curve is to be set out. After this the moveable limb B C, is fixed on the quadrant at the angit so found for a b c, and the tangent a b being traced and measured on the ground, the instrument is placed with B of fig. 1, corresponding to 4 of fig. 2, and B .A. in the direction of 4 a, being so placed the moveable limb BC, fig. 1, will he in the direction of the required oflFset b c, fig. 2, which is to be measured off accordingly, giving the point c (fig. 2) as the first point in the curve A B. For the second and other points df, and A g, and a, the instrument is re- versed, laying the fixed limb B C", fig. 1, on the offset 4 c. B of the instru- ment corresponding with c, fig. 2, the line A B of the instrument being per- pendicular to 4 c, will consequently point on the ground in the direction of the second tangent c d, and at d the second operation is to be performed as at 4, for the oti'set df, and so on. The circular openings at \ B C, and c, are for the purpose of receiving nicely fitted rods to keep the instrument in its proper positions on the ground until the necessary prolongations a 4, and b c, and a have been made. Wii. Ta:t. Military Library, 30, Charing Cross. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 333 EARTHWORK ON SIDE-LONG CIROUND. By John Hbghes, C.E., A.I.C.E. The corrections to quantity arising from an inclination of the ground surface, in cross sections, are most frequently neglected, when estimating the cuttings and embankments of a railway or canal. This omission is in general expressly mentioned in the engineer's specification, so as to avoid all question upon the terms of the contract ; it gives rise, therefore, to no positive injustice to any party, whilst a statement of the number of cubic yards to be removed, as ascertained from the heights taken along the centre line, is considered sufficiently near the truth to enable a contra' tor to ap- preciate the means he is required to supply. This practice obtains, be- cause the corrections for excess and defect are assumed as balancing each other, and because the process of calculating them has been considered a tedious and troublesome labour. My purpose is to show thut neither of these grounds should be acted upon ; — the tirst is mathematically unsound, and the strength of the second may be materially abated. If the ground surface is supposed to be generated by the motion of a straight line, which is alvpays at right angles with the centre line, its ends resting on the outer edges of the slopes, the direction of such motion being coincident with the centre line, and all positions of the generatrix being parallel, then the correction to the area of a cross section of any cutting or embankment first computed on the assumption that this line is horizontal, and that the height or depth is measured on the centre, will, when it has any inclination with the horizontal, always be additive. The corrections to widths due to this iticlinatiun I will designate by -|- J^ on one side, and by — x' on the other ; the correction to area will then be represented by the X x' expression — — ; r being the ratio of the slopes. If the ground surface is supposed to be generated by the motion of two lines, situated in the same vertical plane, having their ends resting on the centre line and on the outer edges of the slopes, all other circumstan- «es being the same as already described, then the correction to area will be oa one side, as an addition, supposing the ground to rise(B-j-r C) — ; and x' on the other side, as a deduction, supposing the ground to fall (B + r C) r— Consequently, the whole correction to the area of the cross section, calcu- lated to the height C, in the ordinary way, is — — — (.r — x'). I take leave, at this point, to refer to the diagrams and characters em- ployed in a paper on " Setting out Railways," in the Journal for Septem- ber last (p. 277), as explanatory of these I now adopt. Moreover, let -f r and — 2 represent the corrections to widths in a cross section parallel to the first at a distance from it = L. Then, in the case first named, where the cross sections all exhibit the ground surface as a right line, the solid, which is constantly to be added, has for its value -[x(2x' + 2') + = (2:'-i-x')] ..A And in the second case L/B + rC\ ; L/B-HrC'\ g-V^-7— ^(:r-x') + J(2-s')+-^^— ^r-j(2-2') + i(^-x')....B. However complicated these formulEe may appear as algebraic expres- sions, their numerical application is perfectly simple and easy. To com- pare the two, let us first consider the increment to the area of one cross V u • ^^' , , /B4-rC\ section only, which is -y, and also I — — — j (^ — x'); by assigning the following values : — B-|-rC = 31;r = 2;x=:5; x' = 3 78. xx' 5 X 3-78 Then, — = = 945 Square feet B-f rC „ 31 X 1-22 •nd, —^7- (-T — x') = 2x'i' ~ ^^^ Square feet. Also, in the other cross section, if B -I- r C = 35, r = 2, s — 7 241, s' =: 5122, xx' 7-241 X 5-122 we have, — = =: 18-54 Square feet ; B + r C 35 and, — ^-j— {z—z') = — x 2-110 = 18-54 Square feet. Upon the choice between these two formula;, it is proper to remark that X x' although the process according to is the shortest, perfect accuracy re- quires that the values of x and x> should be nicely calculated, even to a third place of decimals, to ensure exact coincidence with the result by th« B + rC B+rC formula — ^-:— (x — x') ; and more especially when — - — - is large. In the next place, let us compare the facilities of the two formula for the increment to the solid due to the side-long inclination of the ground with the values above given, the cross sections being 50 feet asunder =: L. First, x' =: 3 78 5122 X = 3-78 5- 122 2' = 5 122 3-781) (2 x' + 2') = 12-682 (2 2' -I- J^') - • - 14-024 Multiplied by 5 7-241 63- 41 101-548 63-41 2)164 958 =82 5. With this number enter Table No. I of my Tables* for calculating earth- work, where I find, on the first line of figures, opposite 82 10123 „ -5 -0062 For 82-5 1-0185 .-iO 100 and multiplying this by — ~ we get . . . 25-46 cubic yards. 2 4 By the second formula for the increment to the solid, the process will be — x — x' 5 — 3 78 =122 this -^2 = 0 61 7-241 — 5122 ' \{z — z') = 1-059 this X 2 = 2-119 (x-x)+i(2-2') B + rC 31 r "'T — 2-279 (2-2')-f i(x-x).. B + r C" 35 35-324 2729 171 4fi 393 1-304 47-757 35 324 1-0247 from Table No. 1 -0009 83-081 1 0256 and multiplying by - 50 . . 25 64 cubic yards. A slight examination will enable us to perceive that the last is the pre- ferable process to be adopted in practice ; for as an algebraic expression it involves less trouble, although apparently the contrary ; and avoiding the extreme nicety necessary iu the values of x, x', 2, and 2' in the first is, even in the hypothesis of the generatrix of the ground surface being on« straight line, the most accurate of the two. This hypothesis will never be satisfied over the most uniform ground, and in this sense also the second formula claims the superiority. Ex- pressed in words, it may be stated as follows : — 1. Take the difl'erence between the additive and subtractive corrections to the widths at each cross section terminating the length of cutting or of embankment under calculation. 2. Add together half the width of the railway previously divided by the ratio of the slopes to the height at the centre of each cross section; and call these the multipliers. 3. To the dilTerence of the corrections to widths in each cross section add half the difl'erence of the corrections in the adjoining cross section, and multiply these sums by their respective multipliers. 4. The last two results added together and multiplied by one-sixth of the distance betwien the ciuss sections gives the solid content sought. The rule thus expressed requires moditication according to the signs attaching to x, x', 2, 2', as will be evident to every oue familiar with the first principles of algebra, and needs no further remark here. * " Concise Tables to facilitate the Calculation of Farlhvvorlv and Land required in Iht Construction of llailways. Canals, and other Public Worlis: adapted to the Practice of the Engineer, Architect, and Surveyor." By John Hughes, engineer. London; Elflng- tiam Wilson, Royal Exchange. 43 334 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Nov. The elements for calculating the corrections to cubic quantity which have been previously employed, require that the corrections to widths, due to the inclination of the ground surface, should be determined ; that is, that the values of a-, x , z, and :', should be known j and this process may appear to involve as much trouble when preparing a preliminary estimate for ordinary parliamentary purposes, as when the position of the line is absolutely final; and when the more careful and accurate calculations are undertaken. They would appear, in fact, to require that the field-work should embrace every level and measurement necessary for setting out the earthwork on the gidnnd. It is desirable, therefore, to present a form of calculation which should dispense with so much detail, and which should at the same time enable us to make an estimate that cannot be attacked before a committee of tlie House of Commons for insufficiency, on the score of a neglect to take into account the addition to be made to (juantities derived from the central heiglits, on the supposition that the ground in cross section does not diller materially from a horizontal plane ; an addi- tion which is due to the fact that this supposition cannot be maintained in a mountainous or rough country, such as occurred on the various lines projected through Wales in the session of 1845-0. Under such circumstances, after the usual deposit of the plans and sec- tions have been made, in accordance with the standing orders, it should be included amongst the various additional particulars sought by the engineer preparatory to his estimate, to obtain a number of cross sections, over the length of each projected cutting or embankment, sufficient for determining the increase in earthwork which may arise from a material inclination of the ground to the horizon. And, noir, the first formula (A) is, on the whole, the most concise in application. Such cross sections can do no more than exhibit the roie at which the ground inclines; in other words, to what extent it falls or rises in any given horizontal distance, as of 100 feet, or 1000 feel, &c. Table for Corrections to Widths of Railways, Sfc, due to Sidelong Ground. 0 i 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9" 0 lOOUO -5000 -3333 -2500 -2000 -1667 -1429 -1250 -1111 10 -1000 •i'gOOl 8333 7G92 7143 6667 6250 5882 5556 5263 20 -05000 4762 4545 4348 4167 4000 3846 3704 3571 3448 30 -^3333 3226 3125 3030 2941 2857 277S 2703 2632 2564 40 2500 2439 2381 2320 2273 2222 2174 2128 2083 2041 50 2000 1961 1923 1887 1852 1818 1786 1754 1724 1695 60 -^1667 1639 1613 1587 1563 1538 1515 1493 1471 1449 70 1429 1408 1389 1370 1351 1333 1316 1299 1282 1266 80 12a0 1235 1220 1205 1190 1176 1163 1149 1136 1124 90 1111 1099 1087 1075 1064 1053 1042 1031 1020 1010 100 -^1000 • 10 -2^19091 20 8333 30 .^7692 40 7143 50 6667 60 -5^6250 70 5882 80 5556 90 5263 i!i9901 9009 8264 7634 7092 6623 6211 5848 5525 5236 9804 8929 8197 7576 7042 6579 6173 5814 5495 5203 9709 8850 8130 7519 6993 6536 6135 5780 5464 5181 9615 8772 8065 7463 6944 6494 6098 5747 5435 5155 9.-)24 8696 8000 7407 6897 C452 6061 5714 5405 5128 9434 8621 7937 7353 6849 6410 6024 5682 5376 5102 9346 8547 7874 7299 6803 6369 5988 5650 5348 5076 9259 84 75 7813 7246 6757 6329 5952 5618 5319 5051 9174 8403 7752 7194 6711 6289 5917 5587 5291 5025 200 •'i^SOOO 10 4762 20 4545 30 -^4348 40 4167 50 4000 60 •'1^3846 70 3704 80 3571 90 3448 4975 4739 4525 4329 4149 3984 3831 3690 3559 3136 4950 4717 4505 4310 4132 3968 3817 3676 3546 3425 4926 4095 4484 4292 4115 3953 3802 3603 3534 3413 4902 4673 4464 4274 4098 3937 3788 3650 3521 3401 48 78 4051 4444 4255 4082 3922 3774 3636 3509 3390 4854 4630 4425 4237 4065 3906 3759 3623 3497 3378 4831 4608 4405 4219 4049 3891 3745 3610 3484 3367 300 -^3333 10 3226 20 3125 30 -^3030 40 2941 50 -^2857 60 -^2778 70 2703 80 2632 90 2564 3322 3215 3115 3021 2933 2849 2770 2695 2625 2558 3311 3205 3106 3012 2924 2841 2762 2688 2619 2551 3300 3195 3096 3003 2915 2833 27,55 2681 2611 2545 3289 3185 3086 2994 2907 2825 2747 2674 2604 2538 3279 3175 3077 2985 2899 2817 2740 2067 2597 2532 3268 3165 3067 2976 2890 2809 2732 2660 2591 2525 3257 3155 3058 2967 2882 2801 2725 2653 2584 2519 4808 4587 4386 4202 4032 3876 3731 3597 3472 3356 3247 3145 3049 2959 2874 2793 2717 2646 2577 2513 4785 4566 4367 4184 4016 3861 3717 3584 3400 3341 3236 3135 3040 2955 2866 2780 2710 2639 2571 2501) Table for Corrections to Widths of Railways, ifc. — (Continued.) 0 6 8 400 •'^2500 2494 2488 2481 2475 2469 2463 2457 2451 2445 10 2439 2433 2427 2421 2115 2410 2404 2.398 2392 2387 20 2381 2375 2370 2304 2358 2353 2347 2342 2336 2331 30 '^2326 2320 2315 2309 2304 2299 2294 22i-8 2283 2278 40 2273 2268 2262 2257 2252 2247 2242 2237 2232 2227 50 2222 2217 2212 2208 2203 2198 2193 2188 2183 2179 60 -^2174 2169 2165 2160 2155 2151 2140 2141 2137 2132 70 2128 2123 2119 2114 2110 2105 2101 2096 2092 2088 80 2083 2079 2075 2070 2066 2062 2058 2053 2049 2045 90 2041 2037 2033 2028 2024 2020 2016 2012 2008 2004 500 -^2000 1996 1992 1988 1984 1980 1976 1972 1969 1965 10 1961 1957 1953 1949 1946 1942 1938 1934 1931 1927 20 1923 1919 1916 1912 1908 1905 1901 1898 1894 1890 30 -^1887 1883 1880 1876 1873 1869 1866 1862 1859 18.5S 40 1852 1848 1845 1842 1838 1835 1832 1828 1825 1821 50 1818 1815 1812 1808 1805 1802 1799 1795 1792 1789 60 -^1786 1783 1779 1776 1773 1770 1767 1764 1761 17S7 70 1754 1751 1748 1745 1742 1739 1736 1733 1730 1727 80 1724 1721 1718 1715 1712 1709 1706 1704 1701 1698 90 1695 1692 1689 1686 1684 1681 1678 1675 1672 1669 600 -^^^1667 1664 1661 1658 1656 1653 1650 1647 16|5 1642 10 1639 1637 1634 1631 1629 1626 1C23 1621 1618 1616 20 1613 1610 1608 1605 1603 1600 1597 1595 1592 1590 30 -^^1587 1585 1582 1580 1577 1515 1572 1570 1567 1565 40 1563 1560 1558 1555 1553 1550 1548 1516 1543 1541 50 1538 1536 1534 1531 1529 1527 1524 1522 1520 9517 60 -^1515 1513 1511 1508 1506 1504 1502 1499 1497 1495 70 1493 1490 1488 1486 1484 1481 1479 1477 1475 1473 80 1471 1468 1466 1464 1462 1460 1458 1456 1453 1451 90 1449 1447 1445 1443 1441 1439 1437 1435 1433 1431 700 -^1429 10 1408 20 1389 30 -^1^11370 40 1351 50 1333 30 ••'^1205 40 1190 50 1176 60 -^1163 70 1149 80 1136 90 1124 1427 1425 1422 1420 1418 1416 1414 1412 1410 1406 1404 1403 1401 1399 1397 1395 1393 1391 1387 1385 1383 1381 1379 1377 1376 1374 1372 1368 1366 1364 1362 1361 1359 1357 1355 1353 1350 1348 1346 1344 1342 1340 1339 1337 1335 1332 1330 1328 1326 1325 1323 1321 1319 1318 1314 1312 1311 1309 1307 1305 1304 1302 1300 1297 1295 1294 1292 1290 12S9 1287 1285 1284 1280 1279 1277 1276 1274 1272 1271 1269 1267 1264 1263 1261 1259 1258 1256 1255 1253 1252 1248 1247 1245 1244 1242 1241 1239 1238 1236 1233 1232 1230 1229 1227 1225 1224 1222 1221 1218 1217 1215 1214 1212 1211 1209 1208 1206 1203 1202 1200 1199 1198 1196 1195 1193 1192 1189 1188 1186 1185 1183 1182 llSl 1179 1178 1175 1174 1172 1171 1170 1168 1167 1166 1164 1161 1160 1159 1157 1156 1155 1153 1152 1151 1148 1147 1145 1144 1143 1142 1140 1139 1138 1135 1134 1133 1131 1130 1129 1127 1126 1125 1122 1121 1120 1119 1117 1116 1115 1114 1112 900-^1111 1110 1109 1107 1106 1105 1104 1103 1101 1100 10 1099 1098 1096 1095 1094 1093 1092 1091 1089 1088 20 1087 1086 1085 1083 1082 1081 1080 1079 1078 1076 30 -^1075 1074 1073 1072 1071 1070 1068 1067 1066 1065 40 1064 1063 1062 1060 1059 1058 1057 1056 1055 1054 50 1053 1052 1050 1049 1048 1047 1046 1045 1044 1043 60 '2^1042 1041 1040 1038 1037 1036 1035 1034 1033 1032 70 1031 1030 1029 1028 1027 1020 1025 1024 1022 1021 80 1020 1019 1018 1017 1016 1015 1014 1013 1012 loil 90 1010 1009 1003 IqO? 1006 1005 1004 1003 1002 lOOl 1000 -iii^l 000^^^9990 9980 9970 9960 9950 9940 9930 9921- 99H lOnjiiiggoo 9891 9881 9872 9862 9852 9843 9833 9823 9814 20 9804 9794 9785 9775 9766 9756 9747 9737 9728 9718 30 9709 9699 9690 9681 9671 9662 9653 9643 9634 9625 40 9615 9606 9597 9588 9579 9669 9560 9551 9542 9533 50^2^9324 9515 9506 9197 9483 9479 9470 9461 9452 9443 1816.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 335 To facilitate the calculation of the corrections to widths, and therefore of the increments to quality, I have arranged a table, available as well when the ground surface is examined in the approximate manner just described, as when the more detailed levels are taken for setting out the earthworks of the line. This table is annexed, and its use will become familiar from following the steps of an example : — Taking the measurements from the form of level book attached to the paper on " Selling out Railways," already referred lo (see the Journal for September, p. 277), we lind at the beginning of the first chain's length, B +rC = 30-75 ; H ^ 1-9 ; — H = 22 ; i- = 1-5. Then I'5 X 1-9 = 2-85 ; and 1-5 X 2-5 = 33. Entering the table wiih 2-85, I find opposite 285 the tabular number •903509; from which, as there are two decimal places iu the number 285, I cut oft' two decimals and have for )• H 2'85 "3509. And in the same way, entering the table with B + r C =: 30 8, I obtain SO-8 0324 ; and taking the difference of these two tabular numbers, •3509 — -3324 =-3086, which, found in the table, corresponds to 3-14, the value of .t, additive. On the other side, for the value of — .r'. r H' =: 3-3 tabular number 3030 X 30 8 -0324 •3354, which corresponds lo 2'98. At the other end of the first chain, B + r C'= 24'45 ; H = 3 ; H' = 1 'O. SxU = 4'5 •• Tab.No. .. -2222 1 9x I J Tab.No.for 2'85 .. -3509 deduct for, 24-5 do -0408 add ..-0409 *, additive = 5-51 •1814 ar' snbtractive = 255 ....'Sgn These examples show Ihe use of the table in setting out the earthwork. For values of .r, .t', &€., as elements of calculation for correcting the quantity, when the rate of inclination of the ground surface simply is taken in the field, this rate of inclination should be expressed so as to indicate a vertical height iu terms of 1000 parts horizontal : — Thus, if in a chain's length of 50 feet, the inclination of the ground amounts to 1'25 feet, Ihe ratio expressing the vertical height in terms of 1000 parts horizontal is 25. Also, if in the length of a Gunfer's chain = 60 feet, the rise or fall mea- sured 2 2 feet, the ratio in 1000 parts would be 333. This is a common Rule of Three question, thus : — £0 : 1-25 :: looo : 25 which, when using a Gunter's chain, and a level-staff divided into feet and decimals, is abbreviated by converting the height or difference of level? read off on the latter, into links, and multiplying that equivalent by 10' Let us call this ratio of the inclination of the ground b ; — r the ratio of slopes of cutting and embankment, as before, as likewise the other charac- ters which follow. The table should be entered with a number, the result of the formula — — , from the tabular number of which we must subtract the tabular number corresponding to the valuel^B -f- r C), to obtain the value of X ; and, on the other hand, we must add to get the value of x' Thus, suppose 6 = 33 3 ; and B + r C = 30.8; r = l-5; r6(B +rC) 33-3 X 1-5 X 30-8 o^ u xt 1000 1^0 =■ l-5«"-Tab.No -6494 30-8 deduct -0335 X =• 1-63 '6169 x'= 1-47 -6819 Again, if i=7'64 ; r=2 ; B + r C=35-2 ; 7-64 X 2 X 35-2 Yoiio ^ -538.... Tab. No -1859 352 deduct -0284 » additive 6'35 .... ■1575 ;r'subtractive 4'67 .... '2143 It is not altogether foreign to the subject of this paper to present some applications of the prismoidal formula, which, as cases of frequent occur- rence, are deserving of being noted for their simplicity, and for the brevity of their solution in numbers; especially as they are seldom, if ever, met with in works on mensuration. 1. In a triangular prismoid, of which the area of the base is called B, and Ihe three heights perpendicular to the plane of that base h, k', and A", the solidity = B .— ■'. 2. In a prismoid with a trapezoidal base ; divide this base into two triangles, and call one of the parallel sides of the trapezoid as the base of each triangle; then add together twice the heights above the base of one triangle, lo once the height above Ihe base of Ihe other triangle, and multi- ply tills sum by one-sixth the area of Ihe base of the triangle ; this done for each triangle, and the results added together will give the solidity of Ihe prismoid. Thus, if A, /i", are the heights above the base at Ihe ends of one of the parallel sides of Ihe Irapeznid ; and h'', h'", the heights at the ends of the opposite parallel side; B, and B', being the areas of the tri- angles, having those sides for their bases respectively ; then the solidity (.2h + 2h' + h" + h'') (2h" + 2h- + l, + h') 6 + ^ "i • This solid may have one, two, three, or four heights, and the formula admits of further simplication according lo the relation of the heights to each other. 3. When the four heights, being unequal, Ihe base of the prismoid be- comes a parallelogram of which the area = B, the solidity = B (h+ h- + h" + h'") This last formula furnishes the means of determining the solidity of a body of any extent whatever, terminated by an irregular surface, but of which the base is a parallelogram. With this view, we must suppose it divided by two systems of equidistant vertical planes, parallel respectively to each other and to the sides of Ihe parallelogram ; and if I = one of Ihe equal parts, into which one of the sides of the parallelogram is divided, A,Aj, Aj, A3, A4, &c.,the series of vertical dimensions taken through points at the distances I, in the first vertical plane ; A', A'l, A'2, A3', A'4, &c., the corresponding vertical dimensions in the second vertical plane; and soon. Then the area of each plane is, A = ^{^h + 2h^+2h^+2h,+...A\ A'= i A' + 2A\-f 2A',-f-2A'3+.... A'\ . and soon. Then if L represent the perpendicular distance between the vertical parallel planes, the solidity = -^ (A -j- 2 A' -f 2 A" + 2 A'" -f A"). These theorems may readily be deduced as corollaries from the prismoidai theorem, but they are also capable of an independent elementary proof. — See Puissant Traile'de Topographie. 4. If a line of slope (of a single slope) turns at right angles to its ori- ginal direction, the solidity of the angular portion, when A = height at the angle, and r the ratio of the slope, is r A» rAx ^ 5. If the direction of a double slope and bottom, as a ditch or trench, turns off at right angles, then b being the width of the bottom, the solidity of the angular portion is (3 i -f 6 r A) — 2^ — . Example. In erecting some Iron Works, it became necessary to provide a proper foundation for a quantity of ponderous machinery, by removing a consi- derable depth of cinders, rubbish, and loose ground over the whole site of the proposed buildings, which covered a rectangular space of 150 feet x80 feet. To calculate the quantity of earthwork to be executed :— The parallelo- gram being set out, each of its long sides was divided into six equal parti of 25 feet, and each of the short sides into four equal parts of 20 feet. Note, — the calculation is much shortened by ditiding each side into an eveh number of equal parts. This is shown on Ihe figure. The necessary depth was then ascertained by boring, and a series of levels over the surface of the ground were taken, as shown by the dotted lines, which being reduced to the plane at the intended depth, as a datum, 43» 336 THE CIVIL ENGINELR AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. Nov. ]n (he usual way, ;;ave the tlimensioDS as figured in the (liaerain. sides of ibe excavulioD were to be fiuiijhed wilii stupes of 1 tu 1. Tlie \ SI op e \ J ft \lZ '10 \9 ! 6 5 lit 16 \I6 \li, \'i I'i 9 1 1 15 20 \i9 '^0 \2Z - -,57- — zu to 23 j iu \20 \ZZ j23 liZ zo 2', ;2' 122 ;2; \n 23 Slope Ciilculiition of Volume. Heights at angles.. 15+ 5-r22+21 = fill. . Tab. No. 1 . Eiterior heights ..12+10+ 9+ H+ 0 = 4.-> 23 + 22+21+21+23 = lit) 18 + /1I + 23 = I'l 10+15 + 21 = 19 End$. l5^ 24 ( as above.. 101728 5( "°-"^ 23) 20 Table No 2. 9-87rj» 15 5 5556 18 Tal)le No 4. IGOOOO 23 2G-1235 10 4 9384 24 28 4414 1071112 cubic yards 1071112 Slapcs at the angles. Tab. No. 15 Table 1. 24 5 22 'A 2-7778x15= 4l-f)(>7 7 1111X24 = 170 066 •3086X 5= 1 543 5-9753x22 = 131 457 0-8148 265.. Tab. No. 2.. 6 119 Interior heiglits ..16+14 + 13 + 11 + 9 = 63 ■1235 19 + 2 0+22 + 21+20 = 102 20+2 2+-.S3+22 + ^0 = 107 13 3333 272.. Tab. No. 4.. •0988 20-7894 JX2 0X25 = 375. centra! part . multiplied. . . cubic yards . . . 375 Content of . 7796 U2 aioj: •s. Sides. r 15 Table No. 1 2.7778 ■) 7 1111 .'0'"'* 5 9753 ) Heights at euds. < .^^ »» (22 Heights at the 3rd r 10 and rilh points of; H Table No. 2 2- 1091 M l-5«0^ divisiou, or llie o(lti\ 22 numbers. v. 21 )' 1 1 -9506 10-HHS9 /12 Table No. 4 7 1111 Heights at the 2nd I 9 »» 40000 4th, and Olh points 7 0 ft 1-777S of divisi.iu, or the j 23 »» 20 1235 tern numbers. f 21 ,, 21 7778 ^■23 1) 26 1235 129-975I a a — iM 1624-T cubic yards 10247 1071-11 345 333 Total 10837-163 It is to be observed that a more rigorous calculation, with the use of Table 3, which would involve just double the number of figures, gives, as the content of the slopes along the sides, a smaller quantity by G^ cube yards, and of the slopes along the ends a smaller quantity by 42 cube yards and if extreme accuracy is desired, such form of calculation must be fol- lowed, as explained p. 17-19 of the introduction to my tables. It is only, however, when each height did'ers from being an aritinelhical mean between the two adjacent heights, that this more lengthened operation can be re- quired J and such a diU'erence may be estimated by inspection, to enable the calculator to judge whether it is desirable tu iucur the trouble. JouN Hughes, A. I. C. E. 1 , Lancaster Place. " Sjnoe the tables are calculated to ftire ' lloth ■ sinpta of a cutliiig, tlie multiplier must ba dIrUed by 2, io otftaiu the coDteuts uf * ou9 ' 8lO[je. A NEW MINING SURVEYING INSTRUMENT. Sir — I beg to offer to your notice, and through your valuable Journal to that of practical surveyors and engineers, a sketch of a model instru- ment for taking hori-«}ntal angles, which I think is new, and likely to be- come exceedingly useful, although it is but a modification of the principle upon which the quadrant and sextant are constructed. I have been led to the construction of the model, by constant experience for the last 20 years, of the difficulty and uncertainty of the use of the dial or compass for un- derground surveying. Practical men need no mention of thise, but for the information of those not actually conversant with subterraneous sur- veying, I may mention briefly the principal difficulties, — there is first the attraction of the needle by the tram rails (now generally composed of wrought iron) which renders it necessary at each slation of the instrument, to take them up for a distance (to make sure work) of 5 to 7 yards on each side of it — a laborious operation, and much impeding the mining opera- tions by obstructing the wagon-way, besides occupying much of the time of the surveyor, who has to await the pulling np and removal of the rails. The next difficulty is the slow but progressive variation of the needle ren- dering a colliery plan of 9 or 10 years old altogether inaccurate, and there- fore making it necessary to alter the meridians (generally numerous on a working colliery plan) or to make allowances in the observations taking during every survey made after the lapse of such a period of time. Then follow local attractions in the stratum of the coal itself or in the strain above or below it, often causing a difference of 2° to 3° between a fore and a back observation on the same line. Another is the gradual weakening of a needle in constant use, and its consequent sluggish working causing great lo.ss of time, and great uncertainty — these are formidable evils, and other minor ones might be adduced if necessary. It may be said with perfect truth that horizontal angles may be readily taken by a common circumferentor, or by a theodolite, — but of these the latter is too bulky, heavy, and complicated an instrument to be admissible into or usable in a coal mine, under ordinary circumstances, and there is a radical defect in the former which completely destroys its efficiency in mine surveying. It consists in the instability of the instrument and its consequent uncertainty during the movement of the upper up.)n the lower limb, — and if by way of correcting this, the instrument be furnished with a double set of sights, one for the back and tlie other for the fore observa- tion, in the manner of those of early construction — this difficulty occurs, that the surveyor having lixed one pair of sights, must go to the other side of the instrument in a gallery very often less than three feet high, and than five feet in width (and this width occupied by the legs and other parts of the instrument itself) to take the other observation, and afterwards he must go back again to take the first obseivatiou again to assure himself Ihat the instrument has not shifted during the adjustment of the moveable sights for the second observation. If he find, as is most probable, that it has stirred, the observation must be repeated perhaps several times, and this in a space where it is next to impossible to move without disturbing the instrument. Even two operators, one on each side of it, would be use- less, as they would be in the way in nine cases out often of each others observation, and would obstruct it by intercepting the view of the object. By the instrument of which the above is a sketch, both objects are brought to the eye, as by a quadraut, at the same vertical line, and seen at the same time, and the angla indicated by the vernier, without any of the 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECPS JOURNAL. 337 uncertainty and difficiilly I have mentioned as besetting the use of the common dial and that of the circumferentor. Briefly to illustrate its use, permit me to refer you to the sketch, sup. posing it requisite to take the angle formed by the two lines joining re- gpeclively A B, BC, the instrument is placed at the angle, and the limb x y z, which is flat, circular, and divided on the outer edge into 720 or half degrees, each indicating in an observation a whole degree — this limb is then turned on a joint below, admitting horizontal motion, until the candle A is reflected from the mirror B, to the eye of the observer placed any- where opposite the vertical line D E — this mirror B is fixed vertically on the lower limb, with the silvered surface exactly in the centre. Then the upper limb is so adjusted (hat the candle C is also reflected from the mirror G (which is fixed vertically to this limb, and whose centre of motion is in the plane of the mirror B,) to the eye of the observer on the line d c, of the sight D E, during this adjustment if any movement occurs in the instru- ment, it is instantly detected and adjusted by the observer without change of place, witJKjut difficulty, and in the leaU imaginable time. The angle required is then indicaied by the vernier at either end of the limb 7, ?•, s, /, at 1/ or t. To test the efficiency of the instrument, I made the subjoined survey wiih it, of a small but very hilly sloping piece of ground, of which I subjoin the plotting showing the error, which considering the iuiperfec- tion of the model, will be considered, I think, very small. irror 3. The model is constructed, the lower limb of wood and divided by the hand, and the upper one of brass, and with the whole filling constructed by a workman unaccustomed to instrument making. I propose in the per- fect insUument to place tno levels at right angles on the lower limb, to fix it upon a ball and socket joint or parallel plates to facilitate the levelling thereof, and to apply rack -work capable of being easily thrown in and out of geer to the upper limb, and similar racks and a champ screw to the sight D E, which is moveable round the lower limb, and which in the model is a Blip of glass— for this I propose to substitute an ordinary sight with a vertical thin wire in lieu of the line on the glass. I should mention that the mirrors are marked by vertical lines on the silvered surfaces, and that these lines are in the axis of motion of the upper mirror. I should men- tion that in the graduation of the lower limb, there are two opposite points marked zero, situated in the line of the silvered surface of mirror B, and marked in the sketch K L respectively. I remain. Sir, your most obedient servant, William Peace. Haigh Culliery, \Vi«;an, October 9, 1846. ENCAUSTIC-PAINTING, WITH WAX, UESIN, AND OIL. By Mr, Linton. (Communicated to the Commissioners 0/ Fine Arts.) Wax was the most important ingredient in the vehicles for painting em- ployed by the ancients. Its use is tracealile from the early ages of Egypt,' and throughout those of Greek and Roman art. It was extensively and al- most exclusively used hy the early Chrisiian painters, and continued to be commonly employed ti'l a late (leriod in the middle ages. There is also abundant evidence of the use of resins hy the ancients, and the employment of such suhslances among the ingredients for painting, as well as for var- nishes, was continued after the invention and improvement of oil-paintinj. The process which has been fnund most s:itisfactory is that vxhich excludes the fixed oils as much as possible, suhslituting for them wax, re^in, and an essential oil- As a first condition aflecting the durability and brilliancy of the work, a ground of pure wliite is recommended- In this, the practice of remote antiquity has been confirmed by the best modern authorities. The Egyptians, in the preparation of the surface for painting on walls and on mummy cases, have left proofs of the estimation in which white grounds were held in the earliest times. The practice of the Greeks and Romans is exemplified by the prepared white tablet which was found among the ruins of Herculaneum- Aristotle among the ancients, and Leonardo da Vinci and Armeuini among modern writers, speak of white grounds as essential to the brightness and durability of pictures- Caravaggio and others of the " Tene- hrosi," on the contrary, who were instrumental to the decline of ait by em- ploying dark grounds, have proved that the effects of time are accelerated by that piactice. Many of the works of Tintoret have suffered from the same cause. In the method about to be described, wax with resin may be considered, as a substitute for a portion of the oil usually employed ; " the object being," as a French chemist observes, '-to replace an alterable recipient for the colours, such as oil is, by one whose nature it is to resist the action of time and the agents of destruction."- The Process. — Secure a stout and well. pumiced canvas, free from size and gummy matter. Fasten it slightly on the stretcher, with the smooth surface undermost. Dissolve any quantity of bleached wax in double its weight of oil of turpentine, and saturate tlie canvas with the solution while hot, and near the fire. Then take the canvas oft" the frame and strelch and fix it properly, the smooth side being now in front for the reception of the ground. The Vehicle. — Prepare the vehicle, which is to be exclusively employed throughout both ground and picture, in the following proportions : — 3 ounces of essential oil (of turpentine, lavender, or rosemary, &c.) 2 „ resin (mastic. Copal, or Damara, &e.) 1 „ bleached hees' wax. Place them in a glazed put near the fire, occasionally stirring them with a stick, until the solution is completed. When cool it will be a magylp ready for use. Procure a quantity of white-lead ground in oil ; that of the shops may answer the purpose lor the two first coats, but flake white is preferable, and is indispensable in the two last layers. Mix a pnrtion of tlie vehicle with the lead, and reduce to a creamy consistence by the addition of turpentine essence. Ground. — Spread, with a large flat knife or trowel, four coats of this white- lead cream over the canvas as smoothly as possible, allowing several hours to intervene between the layers. Picture. — In proceeding with the picture, the usual tube' or bladder- colours of colourmen, ground in oil, may lie employed (unless the painter have this labour performed at home), while the vehicle may be placed on the palette near the colours, in the usual way, to he ready as a diluent. If a rapidly obtained impaslo be desired, a portion of the ve lii'Me must be mixed with the colour, which in a very short time "ill be found to have obtained a consistence almost fit for modelling.* The vehicle can also be thinned at pleasure by additional oil of turpentine, which will enable it to work more freely ; or it may he softened and retarded in drying by a slight addition of plain oil; or stiffened by replacing it near the fire to diminish the essence. The most careless or lavish use of it cannot he followed by any injurious re- sults, since, after the essential oil has evaporated, the ingredients subside into a firm and unchangeable mass among the colours, witliout eitlier shrink- ing or losing the foinis into which they have been wrought by the hand of the painter. The essential oil has free egress, by the agency ot the wax, through the back of the canvas, as well as through the front of the pictur'. 1 See, among otller examples. No. ;jt in the J3ritisll Museum — a small funereal group of painted srulpture. 2 Diirosiez, ib. p. 12. — I took a quantity of the best flake white ground in oil, and thiuniUR it with nut oil, I put several layers on a piepared millboard. From the (■iime parcel of oil white lead I took anutlier portion, and diluting it to a working consistence with wax creatu ;wax and oil of turpenline) I put tlie sunic number of layers on another part of the millboard. In a few weeks the portion ubicli was diluted with additional oil» had become of a decidedly yellow tint, while that which was mixed with the wax cream remained as purely white as at hrst. a Bladder-culours beco[ne fat and rancid from the access of air in the course of time, and many of the colours in tubes oxidize or blacken in a few months; among the latter 1 have found while lead, Naples yellow, yellow ochre, raw bieuua, &e.. so elfected. •* It may be as well to reinaik that an excessive application of essential oii in painttiig has a tendency to ininre ttie teuncity ot the paint, as may be seen in uhut honse-painters term bad " fljtting." The rapid evaporation of the essence from the more suLstautial maleriois witli which it is combined breaks up, in some Ue^rck-, their cotiesiveaeas. 33S THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [No v. Pictures painted with oil only, or with common magjlp, consist of a succes- iionof skins or layers of paint, more or less cut off from mutual intercourse ; but the cero-resinous medium keeps the whole substance in a constant state of intercommunicative moisture during the progress of the work. The painter can pursue his operations, without delay, to any stage he may think proper; he may also return to them at pleasure; and he will find himself relieved from the necessity of such a preparative as " oiling out," an in- jurious and disagreeable practice, often called for by the greasy oozings tlirough the surface or outer skin of the oil picture. It may also be remark- ed that the scrapings, glazings in, and rubbings off for texture, which are so often resorted to where oil alone has been used, are wholly unnecessary in this system, which, by humouring the vehicle to the required consistence, yields all the means for a varied manipulation that can be desired.^ Encaustic. — When the picture is completed, a short time being allowed for the evaporation of any excess of essential oil which may remain in those portions of tlie work which have been recently loaded with colour, it should be gradually moved towards and held in front of a fire until the surface has obtained an equal gloss, care being taken that it does not fry by too sudden or close an approximation ; it must then i)e withdrawn to set and cool ; after wliich it must be rubbed with fine linen cloths or with silk until a pohsh is produced. If the picture be large, a cauterium, or chafing-dish, may he moved in front of it at a careful distance (from 2 feet to 18 inches or a foot, but not nearer), in order to obtain the required gloss. Should the picture have been painted upon millboard or panel, the evaporation of the essential oil must necessarily take place from the surface only ; the capacity of the picture for retaining heat being thus greatly increased, tbe latter will act, if the encaustic or " burning in" process, be performed gradually and slowly upon the resin, as well as the wax and oil, and effect a thorough fu- sion of the whole medium, which will result in a most brilliant and durable enamel, more resembling a vitrified than a waxed surface. The more perfect the desiccation, the more perfect and durable will be tbe gloss. Tbe reason why encaustic surfaces frequently become dull is, that the gloss is produced before the essence has entirely evaporated, the after-evaporation through the wax enamel reproducing the flat and porous surface. " Its lustre," says Professor Tingry, " is equal to that of varnish, without having any of its in- conveniences. A wax surface stands shocks, a varnished one does not. If any accident alters the polish of wax, rub it with a piece of fine cork." To clean an encaustic picture, M. Durosiez gives the following directions ; — " Remove the dust, wash it well with alcohol and water, then with pure water, dry it, expose it to heat (In the mode described), and polish with cloths as at first." The encaustic surface has more atmosphere than very new varnish," and is sufficiently transparent to display the deepest shadows to advantage; it does not require periodical additions, like fresh varnishings; and it is not subject to chill, like most of tbe essential oil solutions of the resins. " Encaustic pictures," says Montabert,' "never alter; they can be retouched ; they are luminous and transparent, and possess all the excellen- cies of oil-painting, combined with greater durability."' As an addendum to the description of the process, a few remarks on the materials of which it consists may not, perhaps, be thought unnecessary. Oil of Turpentine being the most available essence in this country, and answer- ing the requisite artistic purposes quite as well as either rosemary or laven- der, it may not be amiss to retain it for the process. The best bleached bees-wax that can be procured is another required ingredient. Pure wax from the comb, bleached by exposure to the light,' is to be preferred to the shop white wax, as the latter is usually adulterated with tallow. Wax is said by many to run when used in pictures, and by others to be subject to crack. Professor Brande, however, informs us in his " Chemistry" that this substance will not melt under 154^^ Fahrenheit, adegree of beat scarcely ever attained by the sun in this country; this statement, which differs but slightly from that of other eminent chemists, ought to satisfy the most suspicious that the confidence placed in wax by the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, denizens of far hotter climates than ours, was not thai of ignorance. Be- sides, when in combination with other matters, wax is so notorious for its powers of adhesion, that a vastly increased degree of heat would be required to fuse it when so circumstanced. I have several times exposed sketches, painted with this cero-resinous vehicle united to colours ground in oil,'to a stove heat of ICO° Fahrenheit after tbe essential oil had entirely evaporated, without the slightest running of the surfaces. And in forcing the heat still 5 If the addition of a little oil or extra turpentine essence be required, and the magylp. ing property be overpowered, recourse must be had to the palelte tins. Dr. Bachoffner, in allusion to Sir Humphry Davy'a having? found the colours of the an- cients (at Pompeii) to be similar to those now in use, thinlcs " that modern vehicles are at fault." — * Chemistry applied to the Arts." 6 See Boschini's remarlodeil in wet seasons for months together, and the water, long before it disappeared, never faded to become putrid. This circumstance rendered the situation in which the tanned canvases were hung for trial peculiarly well adapted for ascertaining the power of the antiseptic properties of tan. The two uuianned canvases, after being tacked with copper nails to their stretchers, were hung up near the two tanned ones. Care being taken to exclude all circidation of air, the cellar door was locked, and the four cau\ases were entombed without once seeing the light for no less a period than ten years. Mr. iMdlett proceeds to state that when, after the trial, the four canvases were removed from the cellar into the light for examination, the two tanned canvasses were found lo have completely resisted putrefaction, no symp- tom of decomposition appearing in any part of them. Fliers were forcibly applied to the edges, but the cloths were found to be as strong as they were on the day when ihey were tirst placed in the cellar. The stretchers also, which were tanned with the canvases, were found lo be no less sound ; they were piei'ced with a gimlet in several pans, both back and front, and wire found to have undergone no change. Not so with the untanned canvases and their stretchers ; in them decomposition had maile very considi rable progress; they were found to be in a half stale of decay. On using the pliers the canvas proved to be extremely tender, rending with little exertion. The stretchers also were in a state of decay; on piercing them with a gimlet they were observed to be very unsound; and the growth ot fungi, one of the evidences of decomposition, showed itself, particularly about the joints of the stretchers. The same two tanned canvases were again placed in the cellar, together with one of the two untanned canvases ; the other, after having been cleansed (as well as its stretcher) froiu the mould that covered it, I caused to be tanned precisely in the same way in which Iha other canvases had been treated. After being taken from the vat and dried in the open air, this canvas was also placed in the cellar with the other three, and the door was again closed on them. These experiments, Mr. IVlillett adds, were continued with the same canvases during a considerable lapse of time, in all ahcmt twenty years. When finally examined, the two taioied canvassses, together, with their stretchers, continued, notwithstanding the severe trial they had exprri- enced, sound in every part; not the smallest symptom of decay could he discovered ; proving, far beyond my anticipations, that the antiseptic pro- perties of tan are sufliciently potent to resist putrefaction and decomposi- tion in canvas, and even in wood ; hence, rendering them durable even when placed in the most trying situations. The untanned canvas and its stretching-frame were found, on their final inspection, lo be completely decomposed; the canvas dropped from the frame, and the frame itself was a mass of touchwood. The half decom- posed canvas and stretcher which I had caused lo be tanned before the second trial look place, as above stated, had suH'ered no further decompo- sition ; a strong proof that tan has not only the power lo prevent but lo arrest the progress of decomposition. This latter experiment was ex- pressly on a supposition that, if the result should prove successful, Ihe process might be rendered available in prolonging the existence of the valuable works of the old masters. Process for extriiclin^- tan from oak bark for tanning canvas. — One hun- dred weight of good, sound, and conrsely-ground oak bark, will make one hundred gallons of proper tanning liquor, which is sufficient to tan about sixty scpiare yards of canvas. To make a vat of tan of any required si:f.— Take any quantity of good coarsely-ground oak hark, according to the number of square yards of canvas about to be tanned, and water agreeably to the foregoing propor- tions; boil them together for twelve successive hours in a copper vessel (not in an iron one, as Ihe oxide of iron has a tendency to decompose tan), taking care to supply the decoction with fresh water from time to time to make up the loss occasioned by evaporation. When sufliciently boiled, strain oil' the tanning lii|uor from the bark through a hair-sieve, and put it by for use. The tanning liquor thus made is at least three times as strong as that made made use of by the herring fishermen, to render their nets durable, and still stronger than that employed by the Dutch shipowner* for tanning the sails of their vessels with Ihe same view. The copper in which the oak bark has been boiled, will serve every required purpose as a vat, with one trilling addition, namely, a small piece of Hat oak board, about nine inches in iliameter, and one inch thick, cut into a circular shape, lo be pliice'l at the bottom of the inside of the cop- per. Its use is to prevent the canvas, whilst undergoing the process of tanning, from touching the bottom of the vessel. Process fur tanning the canras. — Take any quantity of canvas, say 15 yards, to tan which 25 gallons of tanning liquor, made as above are re- quired. Hour the tanning liquor into >our vat or copper, and heat it by means of a gentle lire uniler it, to the temperature of 150°, then immerse the canvas therein, and continue the immersion at the same degree of tem- perature, day and night, for 48 hours. A longer period would do the canvas no harm; a shorter is by no means recommended. The canvas during the process of the tanning should now and then be moved in the vat, in order that every part of it may be equally tanned. The tanned canvas, on being laken from the vat, must be neither wrung nor squeezed, but hung up or laid out on a grass-plot to dry, allowing the air alone to take up the remaining moisture. The process for tanning canvas, when strained on stretching frames, is dissimilar to the foregoing, both as to the construction of the vat, and the mode for regulating and keeping up the necessary temperature required for carrying on the process of tanning the canvas already strained. The process about to be ilescribed rajght indeed be dispensed with, as canvas can be as readily strained on the stretching-frames after as before it bai undergone the process of tanning, and much labour and expense would be saved thereby ; but it has been thought that the stielching-fiaines on which the canvas is strained, ought to receive from the tan the same protecting advantages as the canvas itself, they being equally subject to the causes of decomposition. Stretching frames intended lo undergo the tanning pro- cess, ought to be completely made and fitted, but not put together before they underao the process ot tanning. It is scarcely necessary to observe that the stretching-frames here mentioned are those to which canvas is not yet attached. To construct a rat for fanning canvas when stretched on its frame, togethir with the aiijmrnlus for heating the tanning liquor, and keepnig it at a proper temperature during the operation of tanning. — A case made of oak plank- ing, about an inch in thickness, and somewhat resembling a picture pack- ing-case, was provided, with one side left open to admit the strained can- vases ; this served as a vat. The case or vat being placed edgewise, a lead worm of a20-gallon still was wound round Ihe inside of it, and steam from water, constantly kept in a boiling state in the still, and forced through the worm in the vat, kept the tanning liquor at a proper temperature. This was the sort of vat which was used for tanning the two ^ canvases and their stretching frames, before mentioned; it was expressly made for carry- ing into efiect those experiments. Jlr. Millett proceeds to offer some observations on the mode of lining pictures: — A picture requiring to be new lined, being spread oul for that purpose, take a basin of strong tanning liquor, prepared according to the foregoing process, and in a moderately warm stale ; wash the back of the picture therewith, using a soft sponge ; when the tanning liquor so applied shall have become dry, the same process should be repeated, and so con- tinued for three or four times. The use of the tanning liquor so employed, is to arrest, by the antiseptic properties of tan, Ihe further progress of the decomposition which may have taken place in the original cun\as on which the picture is painted. The second precaution to be observed is lo apply a well-tanned canvas as a lining to the picture ; and lastly, as a still further protection to it, it would be well to use a stretching-frame that has under- gone the process of tanning also. A vat or apparatus constructed as follows, will be found well adapted for the purpose of tanning stretching-frames: — A square trough of any re- quired length, and about a foot in height and breadth, formed of zinc and lined inside with oak planking, with a lid made to open and shut, is all that is necessary as regards the vat itseli. To heat the tanning liquor therein and keep it at a proper temperature, during the operation of tan- ning, a lead-pipe leading from a steam-boiler, and passing through Ibe tanning liquor in the vat, is also required. The heating process should be regularly kept up for at least 48 hours. The stretching frames should be regularly maile and tilted previously to their being tanned, and they should be tanned before they are finally put together. The writer further remarks that few things are so destructive to canvas as oil, and expresses his opinion that, in priming canvas for painting, care should be taken to have it well sized, so that it may fully resist the oil in the priming colour. 184G.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 341 BRITISH ASSOCIATION. Session- lOlh, held at Southampton, September, lSi6. {Continued from page 308.) Section A. — Matiiejutics. Self-Kegistering Instruments. Mr. Brooke stated that he had applied to the barometer, thermometer, and psyclirometer, a new apparatus, by which also he had olitained a register of variations of the declination magnet, a description of which he had trans- mitted to the Roval Society. This may be hrietly explained to consist of two concentric glass cylinders, which enclose between them a piece of pho- tographic paper, and are carried round by clockwork once in twelve hours. These are covered by a blackened case having a narrow slit parallel to the axis of the cylinders, through which a small point of light, reflected from a spherical concave mirror attached to the magnet, and then refracted through a cylindrical lens, passes and impresses the paper. Some photographs were exhibited, and were much approved of by the president, by Dr. Whewell, and other leading members of the committee who were present: from these the position of the magnet at any given time might generally be determined within ten seconds, and frequently within five. Tlie self-registering baro- meter was described as a syphon barometer, the extremities of which were nearly an inch in diameter, and exactly the same size, being adjacent por- tions of the same tube. A glass bulb having a tubular stem rests on the surface of the mercury in the lower end of the tube, and is maintained in a vertical position by small friction-rollers. On this stem rests tlie short arm of a balanced lever, and the barometer is so placed that the long arm of the lever carries a black paper screen between a lamp and the slit in the appa- ratus above described ; the light of the lamp being condensed by a cylindri- cal lens placed in front of and parallel to the slit in the apparatus. This screen has a narrow slit in it, at right angles to the former; and the small portion of light, transmitted through the point at which the two slits cross each other, produces a trace upon the photographic paper. The ratio of the arms of the lever may be determined at pleasure, so as to ma,^nify the varia- tions from two to ten times; and as the line is very sharply defined, when magnified five times the variations may be readily determined to the thou- sandth part of an inch. The author stated that he had not had the oppor- tunity of determining the errors of the instrument, arising from friction and other causes, but he believed them to be very small. In the self-registering thermometer and psycbrometer the mercury in a wide flat bore of the tube intercepts a portion of the focal line of light formed by refraction throusb a cylindrical lens placed as above. This does not require more particular des- cription, as it differs only in details from similar apparatus, of which a de- scription is in print. Mr. F. Ronalds, on presenting his third annual volume of observations and experiments made at the Kew Observatory, described bis experiments on the photographic self-registration of the electrometer, the barometer, the thermometer, and the declination magnetometer, explained his existing appa- ratus for these purposes, and exhibited the resulting photographs — but first briefly adverted to bis previous proposals in 18-40 and 1841, and experiments in 1341 relative to the subject. The principal characteristic of his improved system is a peculiar adaptation of the lucernal microscope. An instrument of this kind was employed in July 1843 to register the variations of Volta's atmospheric electrometer. The pair of straws were properly insulated and suspended within the body of tbe microscope, and towards its object end. A condensing lens was placed at the end itself, and a good lamp stood be- yond it ; a strong light was therefore projected upon those sides of the straws which were turned towards the condensing lens, and the other sides were in deep shade. Tbe lignt also impinged upon a little screen fifteil into the back of a case about two feet long fixed to the eye end of the microscope, at right angles with it, and vertically; through this screen was cut a very nar- row curved slit, whose chord was horizontal, and radius equal to tbe length of the straws. Between the electrometer and the screen an excellent com- bination of schrometer lenses by Ross was accurately adjusted, to produce a good chemical focus of the electrometer at a distance as much beyond the external surface of the screen as the thickness of one of the plates of glass to be presently mentioned. In the long vertical case was suspended a frame about half the length of the case, provided with a rabbet, into which two pieces of plate glass could be dropped, and these brought into close contact by means of six little bolts and nuts. The frame could, be removed at plea- sure from the line by which it was suspended, and the line, after passing through a small hole stopped with grease at the top of the long case, was attached to a pulley about four inches in diameter, on the hour arbor of a clock. Lastly, counterpoises, rollers, and springs were used for insuring ac- curate sliding of the frame, &c. A piece of photographic paper was now placed between the two plates of glass in the movable frame, the long case was closed so as to prevent the possibility of daylight entering it, the clock was started, and the time of starting was noted. All that part of the paper which was made to pass over the slit in the screen by the motion of the clock, became now therefore successively exposed to a strong light, and was consequently brought into a state which fitted it to receive a dark colour on being again washed with the usual solution, excepting those small portions upon which dark images of the lower parts of the straws were projected through the slit ; these parts of course retained the light colour, and formed long curved lines or hands, whose distances from each other at any giveji part of the photograph, i. e. at any given time, indicated the electric tension of that time. Sometimes daylight was used instead of the light from alamp, and in that ease, during the process some appearances of the sky were occa- sionally noted, by which it was evident that in serene weather, when the sun's light and heat varied, and the paper became consequently either more or less darkened, the electric tension as shown in the photograph varied also, increasing with tbe increase of light, &c. This fact has not perhaps before been observed : but as the darkening effect on the paper could not always be depended upon, separate notes were taken of the intensities of light and the same results obtained. At the suggestion of the astronomer royal a dis- tinguishing electrometer formed on the day pile system was afterwards era- ployed, which exhibited in the photograph not only the tension but the kind of electricity possessed by the electrometer at any given time. The dry thermometer was next tried ; it was of the horizontal kind, had a flat bore, and its tube was introduced through the side of the microscope ; the tube had a diaphram of very narrow aperture fixed upon it, and the slit in the screen at the eye end of the microscope was now of course straight and horizontal. The image was a little magnified, and the breadth of the dark band or line in the photograph became tbe measure of temperature in- versely at any time.* The barometer employed was of the syphon kind ; the microscope was turned, in order to bring the long case and its sliding frame into an horizontal position ; the clock was placed at one end, and a little weight sufficient to keep the frame steady was suspended by a line parsing over a pulley at the other end. The lower leg of the barometer was introduced through the now bottom of the microscope, it was provided with a similar kind of diaphram to that on the thermometer, and of course the slit in the screen was now vertical. A very light blackened pith-ball rested on the surface of the mercury, and its image was slightly magnified, but will in future be much more so. The declination rnaf/net was one of two feet, provided with a damper, and its mode of suspension was essentially similar to that of the Greenwich declinometer. In order to adapt it for self-regis- tration, a very light conical brass tube, projecting six inches beyond its north end, was affixed to the lower side of the spur which carried it, aud to the north end of that tube a small wire, called the index, was attached at right angles ; this index descended through little slits in the bottoms of the two cases, enclosed the magnet, &c., and took the place of the electrometer de- scribed above in the lucernal miscroscope, which was placed below the cases, and was now required to be much longer than before, in order that the image and motion might be suliicieatly magnified, yet retaining a flat field. Everything was very firmly fixed upon the two pillars which formerly carried tbe transit instrument of George III. A great many photographs were obtained and sent for inspection to Green- wich. Of some termday impressions, Mr. Glaisher, the magnetical and me- teorological superintendent of the Greenwich Observatory, says, in an official note, that " the beautiful agreement of those results with these at Green- wich is highly satisfactory." This must be gr,itifying to Mr. Ronalds, who has from the first so ably devised and conducted the experiments and obser- vations at Kew. Mr. DoUond's atmospheric recorder registers simultaneously and continu- ously on the same sheet of paper every variety of change in the barometer, thermometer, hygrometer, electrometer, pluviometer, and evaporator: it also records the force and direction of the wind. The barometer is upon the siphon principle, of a large bore. Upon the surface of the mercury in tbe shortest leg is placed a float, very accurately counterpoised, leaving only sufficient weight to compel it to follow the mer- cury, and is correctly adjusted to that part of the apparatus which moves the indicator, when the pressure of the atmosphere is at thirty inches. The connexion of the float with tbe indicator is so arranged as to give a scale of three to one. The if/iermome^r/cfl/ arrangement consists of lea mercurial thermometers of a peculiar form. These are suspended upon an extremely delicate and accurate balance. They are placed at the north end of the frame, and are screened from the effects of the wind and rain by perforated plates of zinc. The hygrometer consists of a slip of mahogany cut across the grain. This was placed in a cylinder filled with water, and suspended from the upper end with a weight of two pounds at the other end, until it was found by repeated examination to be completely saturated, and no longer to increase in length. The length was then referred to an accurate scale, and the slip of mahogany placed alongside the pipe of a stove, under the same suspension and weight, until its shortest length was obtained. The difl^erence of the two results being carefully taken, the scale was formed accordingly. It is placed in a tuhe, open at both ends for a free passage of air, outside the observatory. It is suspended and weighted as before, with full power to act upon the arm of the indicator, quite free from the action of the sun or rain, and is found to be extremely active and firm in its operation, showing upon an open scale every hundredth of its extremes in dryness and moisture. The electroimter for thunder-storms and electric changes is constructed by placing a well insulated conductor upon ihe higiiest convenient place, from which a wire is brought down to an insulation on the top of the obser- vatory, and from thence to a standard through another insulation to a metal disc, between which and another fixed disc there is a movable disc attached * In order to cowvert this into tlie wet. bulb ' liygroraeter' nothing of course is necessary but the application of tbe usual cup of water and the capillary threads. 44 342 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Nov to a glass or Insulating arm, for the purpose of connecting it with an accu- rate support upon which it can move with the greatest facility. In connexion with this arm and disc there is a pencil carried forward to the line of indi- cation. The third disc before stated is fised to a standard at ahout three inches from the first : to this a wire is attached and carried into the earth. By this arrangement the electricity put in motion by a thunder-cloud is re- ceived and registered. The effect during a thunder-storm is extremely inte- resting. When a cloud charged with the electric fluid comes within the range of the conductor, the movable disc begins slowly to pass from the first to the third disc, discharging each time a proportion of the electricity, and increasing in rapidity of motion until the discharge of the cloud by lightning takes place. It then falls hack to tlie first disc, and remains perfectly quiet until the next electric cloud approaches. If, in the interim, a cloud charged with rain only should descend or pass over, no movement of the disc takes place. For the pluviometer, at a distance from the outside of the observatory, there is a receiver of one foot square, clear from all surrounding matter that might interfere with the direct fall of the rain upon its surface. From this receiver a pipe conducts the rain into another receiver inside the observatory, directly under the registering apparatus; in this there is an air-float con- nected with a set of inclined planes, each inclined plane being equal to one inch of rain. These inclined planes, as they pass up, move the indicator across the destined proportion of the paper ; showing, as it proceeds, the re- sult of each drop to the hundredth part of an inch in superficies, and con- tinues to advance until it arrives at one inch. It is then instantly discharged, and returns to the zero of the scale, or commencement of another inch. The internal receiver is calculated to contain six inches of rain. The evaporator is supplied with water from a vessel which is, in form, an open cube of one foot square, placed by the side of the receiver for rain, and filled from a correct gauge to a given number of inches ; it is covered with a plate of glass, elevated sufficiently above the edge of the vessel to prevent rain from falling into it, but not so close as to prevent the air from freely acting upon the surface of the water. A receiver inside the observatory is placed under the arm of the indicator upon the same level as that outside, connected by a pipe. In this receiver there is a float, governed by the eva- poration from the external vessel, which moves the pencil of indication until an inch of the water has evaporated ; it then, as in the rain-gauge, returns to the zero. This is repeated for several inches until the receivers are nearly empty, when they must he refilled from the external vessel. The power or force of the wind is registered by a combination of suspend- ed weights, acted upon by inclined planes or edges in connexion with a board of one foot square to receive the impression ; this board is kept in opposi- tion to the direction of the wind by a powerful vane, its motion being as free from friction as possible, every part being correctly counterpoised. When the board is acted upon by the wind, it raises the suspended vieights by a chain passing over a pulley in a line with the direction of the wind, and well secured from the weather. The suspended weights in connexion with an in- clined lever carries the pencil of indication along the scale, and registers the weight lifted in oz. and lb. avoirdupois. The scale having been found, by repeated trials, to be correctly equal to the weights recorded upon it. The direction of the wind is also registered at the same time by another pencil, which marks the course upon the paper, throughout the whole circle of the horizon, or that proportion through which it passes. Section B.— Chemistry and Mineralogy. "On the Decomposition of Water into its constituent Gases by Heat." by W. R. Grove. — Prof. Grove, in the first place, called attention to the fact, proved by Cavendish and the French philosophers, that oxygen and hydrogen being exposed to a high temperature, or the electric spark, im- mediately combined to form water. He theu announced his discovery Ihat all the processes by which water may be formed are capable of decompos- ing water. He believed that the explosion of the mixed gases by the electric spark was due only to the heat of the spark, and not at all to electrolysis. Priestley's method for decomposing gases by passing them through heated tubes was described, and the advantages of using a form of A'olta's eudiometer, in which incandescent platina was employed, to ell'ect decomposition, pointed out. By an apparatus of this kind, ammonia, cam- phor, the prot- and per- oxides of nitrogen were readily decomposed. It was stated that hydrogen gas exposed to the ignited wire always shows the presence of oxygen ; and that it is impossible to pass hydrogen gas through water without its taking up so much oxygen, as to acquire the power of giving luminosity to phosphorus in the dark. It was found that if hydrogen and carbonic acid were exposed to the action of the ignited ■wire, there was a contraction of one volume, leaving a residue of carbonic oxide. If, instead of carbonic acid, carbonic oxide was employed, the mixed gases expanded in volume ; and the carbonic oxide, taking oxyen from the water, was converted into carbonic acid. Here we have two dis- similar results produced by the same cause — by means of hydrogen we take oxygen from carbonic acid, and by means of hydrogen we take oxygen from water. If steam is formed in the eudiometric tube and acted on by the iguited wire on cooling, a small bubble of gas is formed, which is found to be oxygen and hydrogen in the exact proportions in which they form water. This is the result of the first action of the heated wire : — in a few seconds a small bubble of gas is formed, but if the action be continued for a week, it does not increase in quantity. It is, however, easy to remove the bubble as it is formed, and bring a fresh quantity of steam under the influence of the heated wire, and thus collect a quantity of gas which should be quite sulficient for any eudiometric examination. Numerous forms of apparatus were described by which this experiment can be per- formed. It might be objected that, as the wire was ignited by a voltaic battery, the decomposition was not due to the heat of the wire, but to an electrolytic action. This objection would not, however, be maintained by those who were acquainted with electrical phenomena. With the view, however, of removing all doubt, the use of the battery was entirely done away with, and all the results were obtained by the agency of heat aloae, in the following manner. Into a silver tube a capillhry lube of platina is soldered, and this is again connected with a bent tube, which admits of the removal of any gas formed. The tubes being filled with distilled water, their ends being immersed in vessels of oil or water, the flame of a spirit lamp, urged by the blow-pipe, is brought to bear upon the capillary tube of platina, by which it is almost immediately brought to a white heat. The water is, of course, instantly converted into steam ; and this steam is decomposed by the agency of the heat alone. By boding, we thus convert steam into mixed oxygen and hydrogen gases ; and this operation may be continued for any length of time by removing the bubble of gas formed, and bringing a fresh supply of steam under the influence of the heated platina. If fused globules of platina are dropped into water, there is im- mediately formed a bubble of oxy-hydrogen gas, which may be collected in an inverted tube. Prof. Grove went on to show the probable connexion between this phenomenon of decomposition and the spheroidal slate of fluids when they are projected on capsules of heated platina, which had been referred to a repulsive action of a coating of steam enveloping the spheroid of fluid ; but in all probability the revolving drop was under- going decomposition by the agency of the heat to which it was exposed. Dr. L. Playfair remarked that the facts which Hr. Grove had an- nounced might possibly be regarded as due to a citalytic action of the platina, such as had been observed by Dr. Faraday, and such as was evi- denced in the action of oxivard, the mountains tending northwards and the outcrop of the carboniferous bed southwards, until finally, the distance between them being upwards of 500 miles, the relation is not easily recognised. The whole of the drainage of the Gan- ges and the Burhampooter occurring, however, in this interspace, we are enabled to connect the geological phenomena in a very interesting manner. Before, however, considering the relation of the discovery thus made to Indian geology generally, it will be necessary to give some account of the nature of the coal in the various places where it has been worked, and the present state of our knowledge on the subject. Neighbourhood of Calcutta, I. Commencing with the neighbourhood of Calcutta, we have first to consider the Burdwan coal-district, and with this I shall group the Adji and the Rajmahal fields ; all these are on the banks of either the Hoogh- ley or Ganges, or on the tributaries of these rivers. The Burdwan dis- trict has been long known, and a good deal worked. The workable beds «f coal are nine and seven feet thick respectively. They are associated witli sandstone, shale, and a little clay, ironstone, and about six other thinner seams of coal, while other thick beds are mentioned, but their real exist- ence as separate beds is doubtful. There are uow thirteen spots at which this coal is worked, but most of them are surface working. The deepest sinking is 190 fret. The distance to Calcutta is about 90 miles, but the actual transit of coal is nearly 200 miles. There would seem to be a con- tinuous outcrop of the same kind of rocks from Burdwan up the Adji river, and northwards to Rajmahal. On the Adji river the coal has been worked ia more than one spot, and is found to be of about the same quality as that of Burdwan ; but neither of Uiem is considered of nearly so good quality as the English coal. Farther on, at Rajmahal, coal is known to exist, but has notyefbeen much worked. The quality of that which has been obtained does not appear good. Palamon Coal Field. II. The Burdwan coal-field appears to be connected, by a continuous outcrop, with a district at Palamon, in" which coal has been worked iu no fewer than four places. The coal here is apparently immediately reposing in a valley enclosed by hills of granite, aud is associated with a good deal of iron. There are several beds that are of workable size, but a good deal of the coal is heavy and of inferior quality, and some of it appears to 41* 341 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Nov. be anthracilic. These coal-beds are not far from the Soane river, a n about 100 miles from its confluence wilh the Ganges, a little above Diua- poor and i'atna ; but the Soane is not at present navigable. To the west of Palamon the carboniferous beds are described as appearing; along two irregular lines, the uue towards the south-west for 150 miles, reaching beyond Koorbah, and the other more westward, by Sohagepoor, lo the Nerbudda, These beds appear to connect themselves with the 15urdwan coal-lield ; and near ](ani;;urh, coal has been obtained in two or three places. This coal is said to be of very good (juality and of considerable thickness; but there can be little doubt that a statemeut made in the report, of the bed of coal being 200 yards in thickness, must be owing to some misunderstanding of the account and sketch originally communi- cated. It seems certain, however, from the extent of the outcrop, that the seam must be oue of considerable magnitude. Westwards, again, from Palamon, and at a distance of about 60 miles, coal has been found in se- veral places in Singronii, but the beds at present known are thin ; and again, lo the south-west, the same mineral occurs at Sirgoojah, where line coal lias been seen, but is not used at present. Between the Singrowli coat and Jubbulpore excellent coal has been found in several places, indi- cating aa extensive coal-lield ; but the nature and thickness of the beds is not slated. The Nerbudda district, although from the drainage of the country it btl^tugs to the Hombay side of India, is manifestly more related, so far as the old rocks are concerned, with the Bengal territory. The coal is about 330 miles from Bombay, and the Nerbudda river is at present not navi- gable. There seem to be three districts in the Nerbudda valley in which coal is found, but the most important of them is that near Gurrawarra, about midway between Hoosungabad and .Jubbulpore. The coal here, indeed, appears lo be perhaps the best hitherto found in India, and exists in beds three iu number, whose thickness respectively is said to be 20 feet, 40 feet, and 25^ feet. There are also other beds, one of which is four feet. The discovery of this, the Benar coal-field, promises to be of great im- portance. It is also very near another basin, where there are beds also of excellent quality, one of them 6 feet in thickness. At Jubbulpore itself coal has been found at a depth of TO feet, oue bed being nearly 12 feet thick. Coal Ficlils East of Calcutta. III. Let us consider now the district east of Calcutta. We there find true carboniferous rocks on both llanks of the Garrow Mountains, com- mencing near Jumelpore, and thence continuing north-eastwards for a dis- tance amounting on the whole lo nearly 400 miles through Lower and Upper Assam. The district nearest Calcutta isSilhel, on the south flanks of the Garrow, where eleven beds of coal have been determined, whose total thickness as already ascertained is said to amount to 85 feet. This coal is of excellent quality, and can as readily be conveyed lo the LTpper Ganges as the Bnrdwan coal. The most remarkable beds dccur at Cherra Ponji ; but these appear irregular, although they are undoubtedly of great thickness in several spots, amounting snnidlimes lo nearly 30 feet. There are also otht-r important beds. They have been known for more than ten years, but have not been worked; and since their first discovery large quantities of iron have been smelted with charcoal. After |iassiug the districts in which the coal has been thus clearly ex- hibited, we proceed next to the Assam districts, also more or less continu- ous, and extending for about 350 miles chiefly along the south side of the ilurliarnpooler ; the whole being divided into the two gri>ups of Lower and Upper Assam, separated at Bishrnatli, 170 miles above Calcutta. .Six coal-flelds are enuineraled in the Upper district, and three iu the Lower; but the latter, although it would seem not so promising, are looked on as scarcely less important in consequence of their greater accessibility. So far as details are ctuicei'ued, however, the Lower Assam coal ofl'ei's but little that is in any way positive ; the indications consisting rather of rolled fragments drifted, than of distinct and well-marked beds, it is called lignite iu a report from Lieut. Vetch ; but both coal and lignite are terms frequently used without reference to any peculiar character of the mineral, or any geological position. Similar beds of coal or lignite to those found in Lower Assam, south of the Burhampooter, are al-o men- tioned as occurring on the north in three of the streams flowing into that river from the Bootan range. The Upper Assam coal is manifestly of great interest, and likely to prove very important. It is associated with abundance of clay ironstone. About eighty miles above Bishenath other beds, stated to be G feet thick, have been worked for the sake of trying the economic value of the coal. It is described by the commander of one of the Assam Company's steamers, in a letter dated 24lh January, 1S45, as far the best he ever had on board a steamer, and far superior to any coal in Calcutta. From the growing importance of the tea-trade from Assam, this is likely, therefore, to be of great value. SliU farther up the country there are several im- portant beds, dipping, it would appear, at so high an angle, and placed so unfavourably with regard to present means of transport, that it would be diflicult to work them. The other beds that appear in this district are exposed to the same diHiculty ; and the coal tliroughout northern India appears to be in this respect unfavourably placed. Passing on now to the other districts iu India, and the East, in which carboniferous rocks and beds of coal have been met with, I have to enu- merate two, the Tenasserim and the Arracan districts, which, from their near vicinity to India and their geographical position, are of considerable importance. The former has been known for some years, and there are said to be four spots at which coal appears; but of these one only seems likely to prove of economic value. From the accounts given of this coal there is every reason to conclude, that one of the beds is not of the car- boniferous period ; and although another (on the Thian Khan) his been the subject of a far more favourable report, being called cannel coal, and staled by Mr. Prinsep to be an admirable coal for gas, there is yet much probability of the whole being of the tertiary period. These beds have been described in the Journal of the Asiatic Socielij for 1838. In Arracan there are eleven beds of coal, bul all of them are thin, and their position nearly vertical. They are said to be associated with sand- stones, limestones, and shales ; but it is clear that they can at present be looked at only as indications, and not of any practical importance. Such is a general account of the coal-districts ot India, so far as I have been able to glean evidence from the report of the committee for the in- vestigation of the coal and mineral resources of India for r^Iay 1S45. This report manifestly contains much detailed information that is of prac- tical importance; but one can hardly help being struck by the absence of that delinite information with regard to associated beds, and the general position of the coal, which could alone, under the peculiar circumstances, have given to geologists satisfactory evidence as to the age of this widely- extended deposit. Speaking now to geologists, and to many who are fully alive to the vast importance of accurute and detailed knowledge of the structure of a country before great mining operatmns are commenced in it, I need nut do more than allude to the absence of this kind of information ; bul, having staled its absence, I may perhaps be permitted to olicrmy own views of the subject as obtained from ihe perusal of the documents laid before me. Geological Position. Connecting, as I think we caunot help doing, the general geology of Asia with that of Europe, and looking at the wide extension of true coal- bearing rocks iu the northern hemisphere, — tracing these rocks, as we are able to do at intervals, from our owu country eastward through Belgium, Northern Germany, Bohemia, and Silesia, thence across to the val- ley of the Dunetz, watching the development of the older beds of ihe Devonian period in Armenia, and theuce on the northern side of the great Himalayan range, — discovering them in their most characteristic form in the Altai mountains, and finding them also on the south flanks of these lofty mountains in the neighbourhood of Calcutta, where the Burd- wan beds have long been known, giving satisfactory evidence of their age; there is certainly no reason for wonder if these carboniferous bfds, in their most typical and valuable form, should be traceable also throughout Northern India. For what is the geological structure of that country > The Himalayas themselves, the great back-bone of Asia, are probably to be looked on as a mountain chaiu much more recent than the Alps. In India, the great Sewalik terliaries, where fo-sils are now being figured and described by Major Cautley and Dr. Falconer iu a monograph, the most magnificent that has yet been attempted, are lifted into hills which elsewhere might well deserve the name of mount lius; and whatever the conditions nia\ have been subsequently to origmal deposition of the beds, there is no reason why, in a country where the scale is iu everything so vast, there should not he a continuous outcrop of carboniferous rocks fur hundreils of miles logetlur. In consequence of movements of very recent date, wiile tracts of India, occupying tens aud almost huiulreds of thou- sands of square luiles to the south, are covered wilh basalt, aud other large tracts of still greater extent by modern and almost alluvial formations, providing by their decomposition Ihe must prolific soil in the world. Be- tween and amongst this extent of modern eruptive movement, aud forming, perhaps, a barrier to some of the beds, comes in, it would seem, the great range of carboniferous beds, exhibited at intervals tlirough the couutry, nearly parallel wilh the great range of disturbance, and also greatly dis- turbed and elevated, and broken into small basins. So far as the evidence goes, it is certainly probable that the coal found near Burdwan to the north and west, aud apparently continuous with it, is of the same age. if so, analogy would suggest that the similar aud similarly situated beds much fartlier to the west but still nearly continuous, are of the same age ; aud the districts to the east contain, it would seem, at least some coal so like the other in quality, tliat here also we should expect it. But analogy goes jet farther, aud running down the coast of the Birman empire towards the great island of Borneo, recent iuvestigations seem to show that there also beds of coal of great value, and of the carboniferous epoch, exist. 1 will not cross the great line of elevation in the tropic of Capricorn, and cross to the eastern coast of Australia, fur a farther illustration ; but the idea caunot fail to strike every geologist that so singular an association of similar beds oier so large a part of the existing land on the earth must, if true, have its origin in some general cause, the result of a law of far greater univeisaliiy than any we now recognise. But, on the other hand, it is by no means impossible, when we consider the extent to which the terliaries are developed iu the great range of con- glomerates on the flanks of the Himalayas, and the similar and almost equally fussiliferous dcpii.sitson the banks of the Irawaddi on the east and in the Gulf of Canibay oii the west, thai, after all, these beds are not car- boniferous, but merely occasional aud irregular bands of modern or ter- tiary lignite. Should this be the case, it will tie necessary and interesting to determine the point, aud recognise, if possible, the actual extension of the Burawan field, concerning whose age the fossils collected by Dr. Royle leave no doubt. The relation also of these beds with those of the Altai J 18 JG.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 345 mountains by a comparison of fossils is an important and most interesting point. Economic Valve of the Coal Fields^ Speculations of tliis nature cannot fail to be suggested by the present communication. A vast and most important subject is presented for our consideration, but, unfortunately, the evidenee is imperfect in a most im- portant point. These beds of coal, occurrina as they do chiefly in granitic basins, and often detached, like the coal of France, may be, as I believe they are, of the carboniferous age ; they may also be oolitic, like the im- perfect coal of Cutch, and of some parts of our own country, or they may be tertiary lignites. Now it may seem of lillle importance to the mere surveyor what tiie n^eological position of these beds may be, provided there is the material he needs ; but experience renders it probable that on the mere question of age does, in fact, depend niiicb of their true economic >alue. Could it be satisfactorily shown that tlirougliout the wide district of northern India there is a true outcrop of carboniferous beds, such as occur in England, in America, or even iu eastern Australia, there can be CO question that the value of a very large part of the possessions of Eng- land in tiie East might be considered much increased ; for the beds would then probably be steady and permanent, and the application of the re- sources in knowledge and wealth of a great, a rich, aud an enterprising people, would very soon bring into operation, in all those districts, manu- factures and contmerce on the grandest scale. The navigation of the rivers, the stale of the roads, the means of communication by railroads, would be immediately established or permanently improved ; and the result must be improvement in the condition of the country. Should it, on the other band, appear that these so called coal iields are merely detached basins of lignite, whether tertiary or oolitic, they would, in all probability, be of variable and local thickness : their value might appear considerable at the first glance ; but it uiigbt even not repay the expense of working: the quantity would be much less than was calculated, the quality would not iiupruve in deep workings, and the real and ijiiport- ant uses of mineral fuel would not be recognised in it. A small amount of strict geological knowledge and a few fossils would have tended to set at rest, if it did not completely settle, this question, which I think it will be at once seen is of great irapurtauce. I ought, perhaps, to apologise for taking up the. time of the meetiug by such remarks as these ; but the ab- sence generally of distinct knowledge of the principles of our science amongst gentlemea who on every other account are so admirably adapted for the work they undertake is too well illustrated in the present case and too generally important not to excuse my introducing the sufjject. My o\\ u position, too, as one of those employed in the education of a large number of practical men in geological science ; and the fact that I have interrupted a course of geological lectures to the cadets, who will in future years form the great body of the oflicers of our Indian army, is a satisfac- tory proof that this view is now beginning to be understood by those who are, perhaps, most interested in its application. Mucii yet remains to be done in the application of science to art, and possibly the result of the present investigation may give additional reason, if any were wanted, for commencing S(tme general system of scientific education. The result of the present inquiry will be seen at once to be unsatisfac- tory, although highly suggestive for future imestigatiou. No value can be attached to mere slatenieuls of the existence of carlionaceous matter in beds, because many of the important practical conditions are independent of mere appearance and experiments on detached fragments. Col. Sykes observed that it was of importance to obtain coal for the pro- posed railways in India, especially as wood was beginning to be scarce in many parts. The report mentioned the occurrence of coal at 90 localities,— most of them in a bed between the Nerbudda and Calcutta. With a trifling exception the whole of India south of this line was destitute of coal. llr. Lyell stated that he had lately examined the coal-field of Richmond, in Virginia, — one of the most valuable in the United States. He had ob- tained fishes from that coal-field, which M. Agassiz referred to the Oolitic period ; and the plants, which had been examined by Mr. Bunhury, presented an assemblage agreeing with those found at Whitby, in Yorkshire. The coal-field was known to be newer than the carboniferous period ; and it con- tained one bed of coal, 30 feet thick, from which gas had been made, — and it was now becoming of great value. No estimate of the probable value of Indian coal could be formed by comparing it with coal of the same age in Europe. Sir H. De l.\ Beche observed that it was incorrect to suppose that, in other countries, the most valuable coal would be found in rocks agreeing in age with our own coal-measures. The Burdwan coal appeared to be of the same age with the Australian coal, as there were plants common to both. Mr. Jukes pointed out the identity in direction of the granitic hills of North-Eastern .4ustraUa with those of the Malay Peninsula ; and the occur- rence of coal, at an intermediate point, in Borneo. Dr. Falconer considered the Burdwan coal-field peculiar: — its plants were all unlike those of Europe ; and it contained neither dicoyledonous nor coniferous wood. He thought it might be older than any of our coal-fields. Mr. W. Sanoers exhibited Sections made on the line of the Great Wes- tern Railway, between Bristol and Taunton. — The general section represented a distance of 45 miles, on a scale of 33 inches to the mile. It passed first through the junction beds of red marl and lias ; then for 6 or 7 miles through new red sandstone, touching once upon the upper beds of the carboniferous limestone. For the next 12 miles there are alluvial tracts, separated by cuttings of new red sandstone. At 21 miles, the Uphill cutting passes through the new red sandstone and lias and then the carboniferous lime- stone, at the base of which are some masses of trappean rock. The railway then proceeds for 1" miles over an alluvial plain, interrupted only by a cut- ting through the new red marl and lias at Puriton. From tliis point to Taunton the course is over a moderately level country of new red sandstone. Four enlarged drawings represented the details of the Ashton, Uphill, and other cuttings. In the section at Pylle, Mr. Sanders discovered remains of Cypris, and a plant {XaiadiUs lanoeola/a), in the lower lias marls; and in the Uphill and Puriton sections the representatives of the bone bed occurs. Since there are usually several calcareous beds in the lower marls, containing the same fish-scales, siiells, &c., Mr. Sanders prefers the classification of Mr. Conybeare, who considered these beds the lowest member of the lias to the separation of the bone bed, — which is only a part of this series, into the Triassic system, as proposed by M. Agassiz, on account of the nature of its fishes. " On the Muschct Band, commonly called the Black-band Ironstone oj the Coal-field of Scotland." By Mr. Bald. — This band of ironstone was dis- covered about forty years ago, by Mr. David Musehet, of tne Caider Iron- works, near Glasgow. It had been frequently passed through ; but was thrown away as rubbish till Mr. Musehet ascertained its value, — when ex- tensive mines were opened for working it. Two bands of this ironstone are found in the great coal-fields of Lanark, — one H inches thick; the other, which is 73 fathoms lower, is IG inches thick. The ironstone of the Muschct band is much more easily reducible than the ordinary dry ironstone, — and requires less fuel. In Scotland it appears to be co-extensive with the coal formation. In South Wales, also, it is found ; but there is little of it in England or Ireland. Fifty years ago there were only five iron-woiks in Scotland, comprising about filtecn blast furnaces which, togetlier, produced 540 tons of iron per week. There are now 100 blast furnaces in action, which produce 12,000 tons per week, or 624,000 tons in the year,— the value of which, at 3/. per ton, is l.S72,000/. This great increase Mr. Bald attributed to the discovery of the Musehet ironstone, and to the introduction of the hot-blast. He also mentioned that Mr. Musehet, who is now in his eighty-sixth year, has published a volume on the manufacture of iron, con- taining an analysis of every ironstone and ore be could olitain ; and be trust- ed his lal'ours would, at least, be recognized in scientific societies, allbough the pecuniary advantage arising from his discoveries had fallen inti) other bands. Section G — Mechanics. " On the Sidling Powers of tico I'nckts, built on the fVave Priniiple." By Dr. Phipps.— Tlie first was built for Dr. Co ri^an, of Dublin, in 1S4-1 ; a small open boat -J-l feet by G, of 3| tons, which did so well that she was able to beat everything near her own size, and to sail with those which exceed it in some instances as far as four times. She was dry i n seas where they were wet, was very stiff, sure in stays, and steered well at all times. Tlie second is a jachtof 4o tons, O.BI., for Samuel Hodder, Esq., of Kingabella ; built from the drawing by Mr. Peasley, of Passage West, in Cork. She appears to have the following qualitiis : a first rate per- formance, attained without sacrifice of any good quality, large accommo- dation, high stability. She is weatiierly, steady and easy, dry in the worst weather, and pitches and ascends less than any ves "''^''^ ^ represents velocity of piston in feet per mi- nute. P, means effective pressure upon cylinder piston in pounds, per square inch ; and /, the friction of the engines, equal J of pressure upon steam gauge. ^^ Spencer." — Two screiv propellers. 8 feet in diameter, having four blades each, with an area of II J square feet on each side. Angle of blades at hub, from plane of axis, 3U° ; at edge of blade, 54°. Kevolu- tions of propellers, I^ for each revolution of engines. Draft of water, g feet 8 Mil hes. '• ^ytLin.f."— Two siJe wheels, 10 feet 5 inches in diameter, in trials 1, 2, S,and 4, and 15 feet I inch in trials 5 and 0; 14 buckets in each Hheel, 10 inches by 5 feet 11 inches each. Immersed area of buckets, in each wheel, 24 square feet. Heroliiliiins of wheels, 05 for each 100 of engines. Draft of water, 9 feet 8^ inches. The two vessels being almost identical in form, allowed a comparison by meansjof simultaneous experiments which were accordingly commenced in April by Capt. 1'kaser, under the supervision of Mr. Haswell, engi- neer-in-chief of the navy, and Commodore Perrv. From Capt. Eraser's report we make the following extract: — (Jreat care was taken to trim both vessels as much alike as possible. The coal to be used was the best quality, anthracite, from the same mines, (Beaver Meadow). Taking into cuusideratioa the very defective model of these vessels, and that the engines were constructed for, and particularly adapted to Hunter's submerged wheel, rendering it necessary to use ctig wheel geering, no proper estimate of the speed attainable by the side wheel or propeller can be arrived at. Still, their relative value in speed and consumption of fuel may be very satisfdcl(trily determined. It must be borne in mind that the diameter of the propeller, and consequently its ellective power, is limited by the draft of water, in order to keep it entirely submerged, and at the same time atiove the line of the keel, while the diameter of the side wheel may be increased by raising the shaft, thereby increasing the speed. In the McLane, however, Ihe diameter of the wheels is as great as de- sirable for sea service. Both vessels, as exhibited in Ihe annexed drawings, are precisely similar in model and dimensiiuis, and each is furnished with two high-pressure horizontal engines : diameter of cylinder 24, and length of stroke 3G inches. A ske'ch of the half cross section of the vessels is hereunto appended, which will clearly exhibit to practical men, that speed under steam, or stability under canvas, are unattainable objects. Plans of the propellers and mode of gearing, are likewise given. Each vessel is furnished with a single boiler, having 1,450 feet fire sur- face. The Spencer is furnished with two of Loper's propellers, one pro- jecting from each quarter, and the McLane with side wheels, having 14 buckets each. All the dimensions of the propellers and wheels are here- after given, and the draft of water, dip of bucKets, &c., are exhibited iu tabular form, with each day's trial. The buckets of the side wheel were, at Ihe sug::estion of Messrs. Haswell and Coney, moved eight inches towards the centre, before making the trial on the last day. It will be perceived by reference to Ihe drawings, that the relative revo- lutions of the engines and wheels of the McLane, are as 1 of the former to 'Oj'JS, while the relative revolutions of the engines and propellers of the Spencer are as 1 to I'25. The greatest care was exercised in weighing the coal, and the pressure of steam, revolutions, times, &cc., were carefully noted every fifteen minutes. The distances, set, and velocity of the tides, are given upon the authority of the superintendent of the coast survey, and the time of slack water, noted in each day's work. The trial on the first day, from New London to Kalkner's Island, and returning, was under, as nearly as possible, an uniform pressure of steam, and the safely valve was loaded with 45 pounds to the square inch. On Ihe second day, the trial was made by conlining the number of revolution! of the engines as nearly as possible to 35, and returning under 22j pounds pressure of steam. On the third day, as before mentioned, the buckets of the side wheels were moved eight inches towards the centre, increasing the revolutions under the same pressure, in order to ascertain whether the increased speed attained was commensurate with the increased consumption of fuel, and at the same time to ascertain what distance each %essel could be propelled with 2,000 pouu'ls of coal. This poition of the trial was quite interesting. The second propeller of the Spencer did not stop until the steam gauge exhibited a pressure of but two pounds. On the first day a strong gale pie\ailed from the westward, with a tur- bulent head sea, reducing all the sailing vessels in sight, which were working to windward, to double reefs, and the great diflferences exhibited in consumption of fuel and speed, between the passage from and returuing to the light boat, was doubtless produced by the resistance offered by the wheel houses of the McLane, when steaming head to the wind, and the assistance alibi ded when before it, as well as the inethcieut opeialioD of wheels of so small diameter in a sea way, while the propeller being sub- merged was exercising the same effort at all tunes, and under all circum- st.tnces. A trial of the sailing qualities was not deemed important, for experience has hitherto shown, that by the wind, this model has neither speed or sta- bility. A full and detailed journal of the trials is next given, but it is not neces- sary to make an abstract uf it, as the general results are included in the official reports of the Engineer-in-chief and Commodore Perry. The joiot report of those gentlemen is as follows : — Washington, D. C, May 18th, 1846. Sir, — In the execution of instructions contained in your letters of the Ctli ultim ), the undersigned proceeded to New London, Conn., for the pur- pose of witnessing some experiments that were to be made by order of the 'I'reasury Department, with the lievenue Steamers "Spencer" and " Mc Lane," the former fitted with two of Loper's propellers (screw), the latter witli the ordinary side wheels. Upon our arrival at that place, we were met by Capt. A. V. Fraser, temporarily iu command of the " Spencer," under whose directions the experiments were to be made — and also by Capt. W. A. Jfoward, in com- mand of the *' McLane," who, iu conjunction with the former, atlbrded us every practicable facility in the prosecution of the object uf uur attend- ance. The necessary preliminary arrangements being made, and the two ves- sels having been brought to a similar draft of waier, and provided with similar fuel (auihracile), it was decided that the trials made, should be to determine the following points : 2. The relative speed of the vessels, and consumption of fuel, with equal pressures of steam, wheu ruuuiug under various ciicuuistauces of wind and weather. NEW PATENTS PLATS X?I - JB JobJnne.lith. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 351 2. The same points as above, Ihe engines of the " Spencer" being re- duced in speed to assimilate, as far as practicable in power, to those of the " McLaae." 3. The same points, with the pressures of steam reduced one-half. 4. The effect of the coosumplion of an equal quantity of fuel (2,000 lb ) with similar iniiial pressures. The elements for a comparison of the two vessels, regarding their form, &c., are as follows : — The hulU, euRines, and boilers were constructed from duplicate draw- ings. One vessel had three and the other two masts, adapted for equal surfaces of canvas. This dillerence of rig. however, could not in the least have influenced the results of the trials; and especially so, as the vessels were not tried under canvass. The instruments of cutting otT the steam differed in some degree, — that of the " Spencer" being a slide valve, and that of the " iMcLanc" a puppet. In the spaces between the grate-bars, there was also a vnriante. those of the " Spencer" being the greatest, and consequently effecting a greater waste of fuel. The geering of Ihe engines, propellers, and wheels, was similar in its charscter (cogged wheels), the only mechanical diff'erence being that necessarily due to the peculiar means of propulsion. The bottoms of the vessels, and Ihe engines and boilers, were, as far as our observation extended, aided with the iuforuiatiou received respecting them, in equally good oriler. Respecting Ihe proportions of the different propellers, it was clearly shown that they were of sufficient diameter and surface for the purpose intended. There was a point, however, connected with their application which in our opinion malerially interfered with the speeds of the vessels, arising from the relative speeds of the engines, and each of their attached propellers. Had the engines been geered so as to have worked faster with equal pressures, there would have been a material increase of power (as the boilers of the vessels were capable of supplying a greater quantity of steam than that they were restricted to in these trials). Had this dis- advantage been similar, it would alone have effected the rate of speed ; but as it occurred, Ihe engines of the "McLane" were geered so as to preclude the attainment of a power with similar pressure equal to that of the " Spencer." The effect of this, however, is duly considered in determin- ing the results given in slatemeut C. which was prepared by C. H. Has- well ; as a s■lb^tltute for which, M. C. Perry submits statement D ; while to those marked A and B, we refer you for details of the iuforuiatiou on various points indicated in your letters. M. C. PtBRY, Engiiieer-in-chief U.S. Navy, V. H. Haswell, Commodore Charles Morris, Chief of Bureau of Construction, Ifc, Washington, D. C. From the concluding sentence it appears that a difference of opinion ex- isted as to the conclusiceness of the experiments : the separate statements [C] and [D] refer to those points on which a difference of opinion existed, and are submitted, the former by the Engineer-in-Chief, the latter by Com- modore Perry. [C] Results of the Comparisons deduced from the Preceding Elements. Iq these the consumption of fuel is not considered, for reasons which will appear obvious when presented. 1. The boilers and engines being identical in capacities, the amount of steam used in the engines is an exact measure of ihe expenditure of each means of propulsion, which amount is estimated in the calculations of power here given. 2, The steam required was so much below the actual capacities of the boilers to furnish it, and so nearly alike in its quantities, that a hurried combustion of the fuel was unnecessary. Hence the waste consequent upon rapid combustion was not only not incurred in either vessel, but was not incurred by either means of propulsion at the risk of its economy compared with the other. J. The omission of this element sets aside the effects of the difference in the grate-bars, and of any difference iu firing by different individuals. The computation then, of the powers of the engines is considered a fair and proper exponent of the cost of propulsion; while the cubes of the speeds are taken as the measures of the effects produced, which elements, (those of power and effect) being reduced for each trial, the fullowmg de- ductions are furnished : — First. — In this trial, the application in the " Spencer" was 1'52 to 1 more efficient than that in the " McLane." Second. — In this trial, the application in the " Spencer" was ri4 to 1 more efficient than that iu the *' AlcLane." Third. — In this trial, the application in the " McLane" was 1'16 to 1 more efficient than that iu the " Spencer." Fourth. — III this trial, the application in the " McLane" was 1 to -82 more elhcient than lliat in the '' Spencer" Fifth. — In this trial the application in the "Spencer" was r04 to 1 more efficient than that in the " McLane." Sixth. — In this trial, the application in the " Spencer" was 1"03 to 1 more efficient than that in the " McLane." [D.] "Having stated in the foregoing papers all the particulars connected with Uie experimental trials of the steamers '' McLane'' and " Spencer," 1 &aistanceran ttirougli tlie water in miles, ttie elfect of ttie tide (2 Icnots} being esti- mated .. .Speed in miles per hour Consumotion of fuel in pounds per hour .. Power of engines in horses Spencer. 423 415 4 31 24-25 54 1224 186 47- 24-6 6 42 2775 4 14 928 l.'» 42- 42- 3 33 22-85 6-48 8«D 192 45- 28- 3 »7 22-4 5-e7 1176 147 Trials 3 and 4 t — Out. — Speed and consumption of fuel, the pressure of steam in the " Spencer," being reduced in order to assimilate the power of the engines to those of the " McLane." /».— Speed and consumption of fuel, the pressure of steam in both vessels, being equally reduced to 22-5 lb. per square inch. Average pressure of steam per square inch in pounds .. Average revolutions of engines per minute Time of running, in h urs ami minutes .. Distance run through the water in miles .. Speed in miles pep hour Consumption of fuel in pounds per hour .. Power of eogines in horses IN. jencer. McLane. Spencer. McLane 39- 47- 23- 22't 35- 29-6 S-25 22- I 46 1 31 2 7 2 10 11-25 10-23 9-8 9-4 5-.-i« 678 462 434 360 HM 58S 172 150 155 76 52 Trials 5 and G.** — Out. — Speed and duration of operation with similar quantities of fuel — 2000 pounds of coal being allowed to each vesael. In. — Speed and consumption of fuel uuder equal pressures aod various circumstances of wind and weatber. IN. ATerage pressure of steam in pounds per square inch . . Average revolution of engines per minute. Time ul running, in hours and minutes . Distance run thruu;^h the water in milei . Speed in miles per hour L'onsumptioti ot futl in pounds per hour . Power 01 engines in horses ., Spencer. McLane. Spencer. lUcLan* Vulve loaded. at 45 lb. 41- 48- 45- 40- 1 3 46 13 29 2 45 2 48 23 22-7 i9» 19-8 7-2 7-07 t ( 926 125» 220 216 It will be observed that these *' elements'* do not include the amount ©f steam evaporated during the experiments. The formula given above for * In these trials, the cut-off of the starboard engine of the *' Spencer" was cot used, the effect of which, however, is estimated, and the consumption of fuel given is in ac- cordance with it. t The throttles of the " Spencer's'' engines were constantly closed, to reduce the revo- lutions in the run out. The effect of this is fully ttstimated, as the revoluiions of the engines of this vessel were ascertained at such pressures as were necessary to deter- mine it. ** In these trials the wheels of the " McLane" were reduced in diameter 16 inches. I In this tiidl the distames run, and the limes of running (equal distances), were very nearly alike, the difference being inappreciable. One of the engines of ihe "Spencer" continued working for several minutes after alt the oth«r6 had slopped, which increased the time ot running of ih;it vessel beyond the other. t While coal lasleiJ 960 lb. S While coal lasted b;*u lb. 352 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Not. ettimaliog the power of the engines is similar in form to that of Tredgold, and tbe cylinder pressure is deduced from the boiler pressure by a meiliod independent of the omitted element : that is, the calculation proceeds on the assumption that the boiler pressure and cylinder pressure will bear a constant relation to eacli oiher, whatever may be the rate of evaporation. This assumption, Ue I'anibour, in his Treatise on ihe Steam Eugine, has shown to be erroneous, and he contends therefore that the whole ofTrcd- gold's Theory of the Steam Engine is incorrect, and that his formula; for computing the power of engines can never be correct, except by an acci- dental compensation of errors. — The views of De Pambour are now gene- rally adopted by scientific men. We>vill venture at the risk of appearing to dilTer in some measure from the very high authorities by whom the re- ports before us are sanctioned, to apply De Pambour's method of calcula- tion to one or two of the results of the experiments just described. In tlie report duted .January 31 (p. 3), we find the following comparison of two experiments : — Total l)oiler pressure per square inch llevolutiona of engine per minute Fuel consumed per minute It is assumed in the report that until the steam was cut off the cylinder- pressure was the same as that of tlie boiler. On Ue Parabjui's princi- ple, however, the conclusion would be very different. In absence of more accurate data we may suppose that since the form and dimensions of the bailer, &c., were identical in the two experiments each pound of coals evaporated effectively the same volume of water (M). Then Expt. (1). Expt. (2) ■JJL' lb. 63 70 lb. 53-5 44-4J 36 lb. 21-i;61b. Expt. (1). ■ill M Expt (2). •2016 M Cubic feet of water evaporated per minute Now it appears from the table in De Pambour's Treatise on Locomotive Engines (p. 00), that steam at 922 lb. pressure occupies 310 times the volume of the water from which it is produced, and steam at 03 79 lb. pressure occupies about 414 times the space of tbe water from which it is produced. Therefore in ibe present case Expt. (I). Expt. (2). Cubic feet of steam evaporated per minute 4iiMx316l 2010 M x 444 -t = 14536 M / -8;(6I M / The capacity of the cylinders was the same in both eases ( = N), but in the first experiment the steam was cut off at one-third of the stroke, in the second at one-half of the sti'oke, consequently taking] the number of revolu- tions of the engine per minute in each case, we have Expt. (1). Expt. (2). Cubic feet of steam admitted to cylinders per minute 33.''XiN\ 44'4ri x ^ N •» "17 83N i -•22-225N / Comparing these quantities with the volumes of steam generated in the boiler, we see that in experiment (1) 11530 M cubic feet of steam at a pressure 922 lb. were dilated to occupy 17 83 N cubic feet: and in ex- periment (2) 8951 M cubic feet of steam at pressure of 03-79 lb. were dilated to occupy 22 223 N cubic feet. But by Mariotte's law the pres- sure of steam is inversely as the space occupied. Hence Bolter pressure Cylinder pressure Expt. (1). 17-83 N 14536lu Expt. (2). _ 22-225 1>I "825 1 M~ 22-225 X 14536 17-83 X WjI ' X 2-0208. Hence we get finally the following relation : Cylinder pressure (1). Boiler pressure (1). Cylinder pressure (2). Boiler pressure (2J, _ Boiler pressure (1). Builer prebsure (2J- Showing that the proportion between Ihe cylinder pressures before the steam is cut off, instead of being equal U) the proportion between the boiler pressures will be more than double lliat jiropurtion. This certainly seems to show the importance of taking into consideration the relative generation of steam in the boiler and consumption of it in the cylinder. Let us take another case — the trials 5 and 0 in the second report of which the experimental results are given above. Adopting a method of calculation exactly the same as the foregoing, and considering that in the .S'/icnn'r and McLane the cylinders were of the same size, that the steam in both was cut oil' at half-strol^e, and lliut by De Pambour's table steam at 68-7 lb. occupies 480 times, and steam ai (i2-7 lb. occupies 150 times the vtilume of the water producing it — we have Expt. 58-7 lb. ^!?V 45 40 15 41b. 20-8 15-4 M 20-8 M 15-4 M X 4801 211-8 .M X 450 1 ==8360 M ; JNx4S 4Nx40 /.■i!)2 M KiROM 22-6 N 20 N ssure (McLane) 8360 X22-S isure (Spencer^ ■^ 731)2 X 24 1-27 Total pressure In boiler Revolutions per minute Fuel consumed per minute Culiic feet of water evaporated per minute Cubic feet of steam evaporated per minute Cubic feet admitted to cylinder per minute Cylinder pressure Boilt-r pressure Hence we get the relation Cylinder i)re3sure (McLane) Boili Cylinder pressure (Spenser) Boili Boiler pressure (McLane) Boiler pressure (Spencer) That is Ihe proportion of the cylinder pressures before Ihe sleam is cut off is not thiit of the boiler pressures, but upwards, of one-fourth more. The actual relation of the boiler pressure to the c\linder piessure in each engine is immediately ascertained by giving M and N their proper values — that is, by substituting the size of the cylinder, and the evaporative effect of each pound of coke. It would however generally be more accu- rate to ascertain the total quantity of water evaporated during the trial, and make a correclioa for priming according to the method detailed by Da Pambour. We are indebted to the courtesy of an American correspondent for copies of the reports alluded to. The source from which this favour comes, and the very flattering manner in which it is conferred, greatly enhance its value, and induce us to hope that notwithstanding differences of opinion between American and English engineers, we shall have hereafter further opportunities of recording the investigations of our transatlantic fellow la- bourers in tbe advaucement of practical science. METROPOLITAN SEWAGE MANURE. The select committee, which was appointed last session to consider sundry plans for Ihe appiicaiion of the sewage of the metropolis to agricul- tural purposes, reported in favour of the Aletropolitan Sewage Manure Company Hill, which has since passed into a law, with certain modifications. They declined to recommend its postponement or rejection for the sake of Mr \i'icksted's plan, for cairying olf the entire sewage of London, in a tunnel of fioin eight to twelve feet in diameter, and at a depth of from 40 to 80 feet under the level of the streets, being of opinion that tlie first ex- periment of dealing with sewage water had belter be tried upon a smaller scale and at a less formidable exoense ; and, as regarded .Mr. Hig.;s' plan, they conceived that the public miuJ was not at present prepared to risk the establishment of any such reservoirs as he proposed lo construct, al- though, by the precautious he contemplated, he would prolialily preclude the possibility of any deleterious or offensive consequences. It appeared, indeed, that the main ground of complaint against the bill by the owners or occupiers of land was, that power had been taken in it to couotruct reser- voirs or tanks for the reception of stagnant and oll'ensive sewage water. That power was, in consequence, relinquished by the promoters. The committee, however, seemed to concur in the propriety of such a step out of deference to public feeling only, being of opinion tint the loss of such a provision would, in some degree, impair the elhcienry of a measure which proposed at all tunes to remove from the Thames Ihe daily-increasing re- fuse of Loudon. As explained by Air. Smith, of Deanston, llie operations of the company are lo be limited lo the Kind's .Scholars' poiiil sewer — the contents of that sewer to be received in a well coiisiructed for the purpose, thence to be raised by steam-engine pumps, and carried by a main pipe about eleven miles in the direction of Egliani, wiUi branch pipes to the sur- rounding farms ; the distribution of which, however, will depend much upon private arrangement. When nsetl for irrigation, Ihe liquid is lo ba discharged from one of these .service pipes into the channels usually em- ployed for that purpose; when applied to tillage laud tlie service pipe is to lie brought to some convenient tlistanc e in the licid, there tocoinmunieale with a hose made of canvas, and capable of being elongated and conveyed to particular spots, from whence the water may be thrown by a Jet over as extensive a surface as Ihe pressure upon the pipes will admit — that pres- sure being derived from a stand-pipe about two feet in diameter, and 150 in height, the eiilire distribution lo be conducted by the servants of the company, with a view to its proper control, aided by an ailjuslmeut at Ihe steam-engine, to indicate the quantity of ivaler taken at Ihe extremities, so that Ihe speed of the pumps may be diminished or increased accordingly. The company expect that Ihe farmers will hud it Iheir interest to allow it to be used exclusively for irrigation durii.g ihe night and during the day by jet and otherwise, so as to equalize tiie supply iu the 24 hours, and prevent the waste which would otherwise occur iu the absence of reser- voirs. Looking, however, to the dilhculties that usually alteiid a lirst ex- peniueut, and to provide for extiaordiuaiy Hoods, means are to be adopted 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECPS JOURNAL. 353 for allowiog any surplus to flow into the Thames witliout going back into the sewer ; at the same time that the company confidently anticipate, after the farmers shall have had experience of the value of the manure, that the demand will be greater thau the supply. The supply is calculated at 60,000,000 tons annually, producing, at 2d. per ton, an income of 50,000/,, which would leave above the outlay a net profit of 13,000(. on an estimated expenditure of 120,000/. It will require 2S,000 acres to consume the 60,000,000 tons, of which it is expected that two-thirds will be taken for the irrigation of meadow, and one-third for the enrichment of tillage land. As the process of pamping will be conducted in a closed building, so con- structed as to carry any foetid exhalations that may arise from the water during the short period it is exposed to the atmosphere, into the furnace of the steam engine, there to be destroyed, the committee arrived at the con- clusion, not only that this station-house will be unobjectionable, but that by the proposed means the liquid will be removed in a far less ofl'ensive state than that in which it is now found, when backed in the open sewer by the high tide, and stagnating for hours together in the immediate vicinity of a thickly inhabited district, to be subsequently poured forth at low tide into the open bed of the river. The only remaining danger or inconvenience to be apprehended was from the breakage of the pipes or the ultiniats dis- tribution of the water upon the land ; but as it had been clearly established in evidence, first, that sewage water is not corrosive in its nature or liable to generate explosive gases, and next that its distribution is not attended with an ofl'ensive effluvium unless in hot weather, when, owing to its rapid absorption into earth, the unpleasantness is of very short duration, the committee had no hesitation in believing that it may be as safely conveyed in iron pipes as the water of the Thames is at present by the several com- panies who supply the metropolis ; and that in its application to the land it will be less ofl'ensive than manure in i(s solid state. The report contains some very interesting evidence from scientific men, supported by that of skilful farmers, and showing, that under an improved system of husbandry, by the application of the science of chemistry to that of agriculture, the soil, no matter what its nature or locality, may be rendered by many de- grees more productive and more profitable. A minute chemical analysis of the sewer water of London, besides being unintelligible to the general reader, would be out of place in a mere abstract. All capacities, however, can understand the result, as given in the evidence of Mr. Miller, Profes- sor of Chemistry in King's College. He found in it considerable portions of amraoniacal salts, alkaline salts, and earthy phosphates, substances which are found in the soil in only small quantities, but which are never- theless absolutely essential to the maintenance of vegetable life. These ingredients are principally derived from the ashes of our bodies, resulting from the food we have digested ; and as we have received them either di- rectly from plants, or indirectly through animals from plants, it is evident they must be the food of plants, and that plants receive them from the soil, which they gradually exhaust. Mr. Miller stated also this curious fact — that the money value of those ingredients as poured into the Thames from the King's Scholar's Pond Sewer alone, assuming that the quantity falling from that sewer is 12,000 tons a day, amounts to no less than G2/. every twenty-four hours, or 22,030/. a year. The report likewise contains much useful information derived from the experiments of practical men in the application of sewage water to land, showing in all instances that it pos- sesses a much greater fertilising power than either guano or the ordinary farm-yard manure. A Mr. Thompson, of Clitheroe, in Lancashire, on ap- plying eight tons of it to one acre, fifteen tons of common manure to another, and three cwt. of guano to a third, found that the grass raised by the sewage water, compared with the quantity produced in the other two cases, was as fifteen tons against eight. The Duke of Portland is stated by means of the sewage water of Mansfield, and a cost of 30/. an acre for bringing the land into a proper form for irrigation, to have raised its value from 4s. Gd. to 14/. an acre. Mr. Dickinson, au extensive keeper of horses, by the use of liquid manure derivtd therefrom, got ten crops of Italian rye grass in twelve months, some of them more than three feet high, out of land (on his farm atWillesden, near London), which a Lincolnshire man had previously said he would not give 12s. an acre for, if at his own door; and which a Norfolk man declared he would not farm as a freehold. Speaking of the present year, Mr. Dickinson stated, that the first crop was cut in January, yielding more than four tons an acre, (hat the second gave about double that, and that the fourth, which had been cut in the month of June, had produced at least twelve tons an acre. From his calculations it appeared that one horse supplied sufficient manure for one acre ; and when pressed for a direct opinion upon the subject, he replied, that he had no doubt whatever that every animal that lived, by his refuse being economised, would produce more than he could consume. This is an important fact for the agriculturists, especially at the present moment, and it is to be hoped they will not lose sight of it, but endeavour, like Mr. Dickinson, to make their land more productive, and thereby not only benefit themselves and the country, but materially serve tlie cause of science Fall of Railway Bridges, Embankments, kc. have occurred at numerous places. At Aberdeen, several arches of the inclined plane ; between Lin- ton and Dunbar, three bridges ; on the Tynemouth Extension line, three yaads of tunnel ; on the Newbury line, several bridges ; fifty yards of cut- ting on the iiiighton and Hastings line. PORT OF DUBLIN. Improvements of the Gr.\nd Canal Docks at Ringsend. flfith an Engraving, Plate XVII.J Among the chief commercial interests of the city of Dublin is the extensive trade of the Shannon and the Grand Canal. The enlargement of the canal docks has therefore been long considered a subject of great mercantile im- portance, and from a Report of Sir John Macneill, now before us, there ap- pears every probability of this great improvement being speedily effected. The principal features of the undertaking are the formation of a new Tida basin, the diversion of the river Dodder and the construction of a new en- trance to the Floating and Graving Docks. The task of preparing a design for effecting these objects has been confided to Mr. McMcllen, and has been performed in the most simple and satisfactory manner. The plan pro- posed by Mr. McMuIlen is made the subject of a warm eulogium in Sir J. Mac- neill's report, which speaks of its extreme " simplicity," and the " extraordinary facilities which every where exist for carrying it into execution." The following extracts from the Report, and a reference to the Plate XVII. will sufficiently explain the nature of the proposed improvement. It is impossible to cast the eye over your Company's splendid Floating Basin, covering, as I understand, twenty-five statute acres, with a depth of water which I find is now steadily maintained at 18 feet or thereabouts, without a feeling of great regret, that facilities, such as are thus afl^orded, both for the foreign and coasting trade of the port of Dublin, and the im- portant adjacent districts, should not be as available for the advantage of that trade as they unquestionably can be rendered ; and for the accomplish, ment of this most desirable object, I freely admit that I have seen no project or plan at all comparable to that now before me, either as to the extent of the advantages which it is calculated to secure, or the comparatively small cost at which it is capable of being executed. Of the several operations which the carrying out of the project involves, there is none the necessity for which is so manifest, or the cost of which would be so trifling, compared with its importance, as the turning out of the Dodder upon the South Bull. An enormous deposit is carried down and lodged in the channel opposite the entrance to the docks. The dredging out of the narrow, and as yet quite inadequate channel, forming the ap- proach to Camden and Buckingham Locks, and of that portion of the rivei immediately opposite, has, this year, as I am informed, occupied the two powerful steam dredgers of the Ballast Corporation, for a period of about; two months, at an expense which cannot but be very heavy, and which must recur annually, and inevitably after the winter floods, as long as the river is allowed to remain ia its present course. The necessity for an improve- ment so obvious has been long felt. I find that it was recommended by the Irish House of Commons on various occasions, and attached to their pro- ceedings of the date of 26th February, 1785, there is a ground plan of the new course into which it was proposed the river should then be turned, which scarcely at all differs from that laid down in the present plan. And this was further followed up by the enactment contained in the act, creating the present Ballast Corporation, by which the directors of that corporation are authorized to carry out and complete the measure. In accomplishing it, there is no actual necessity for the removal of the present weir, although this would render the results more useful to the adjacent grounds, and in this case a supply of water to the neighbourhood could be readily obtained from the river above Ball's bridge, and a reservoir formed on the site of the mill-pond of the old distillery, as sketched on the plan. I have examined the ground which it is proposed the new course should occupy. In length it is about 600 yards. An apprehension has, as I am informed, been expressed in some quarter, assumed to be entitled to attention, and in this way brought under your no- tice, to the effect that the sand, carried down by the river, and which, in the event of the proposed change of its course, would be deposited on the south strand, might possibly be drifted across the Bay towards the entrance of Kingstown harbour, and produce inconvenience or obstruction there. Such a result I consider to be altogether out of the question, and the anticipated suggestion of it, destitute of the slightest rational foundation. In turning to the plan for the formation of the Tidal Basin, it is impossi- ble not to be struck with the fact, and it is one of manifest importance, namely, how much of the work has been already done, and how little, for the realization of the whole project, remains to be accomplished ? while of this latter, the entire is of the plainest, every-day character, and quite free from any thing which could be regarded as an engineering difiiculty. The whole is in fact comprised in the excavation of the ground, the extension of the present south quay wall, the lining of the interior with cut-stone facing, well puddled, and the constractiou of the entrance gates. The proposed Lock for the admission of steamers of the largest class to the upper basin does not appear so indispensable to the successful working of the plan, as to call for its being immediately undertaken. It may be prudent to wait the result of the trials of the screw propeller now in progress, and in the mean- while the outer basin will afford a very large amount of accommodation to the ordinary class of paddle steamers. In reference to the excavation of the basin, it is well deserving of notice, that the ground inside of the Queen's 46 364 THE CIVIL ENGINEKR AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Not. and the other adjacent timber yards, is greatly below the level of the quays, and of high water, and that the material excavated may be not only very beneficially and usefully deposited in these yards, but that the close prosi- raity of such a place of deposit will be a source of considerable economy in carrjing out this part of the work. As regards the convenience of the shipping of the port, the portion of the project which, beyond every other, would seem to recommend it to public favour and approval, is the position of the entrance to the Tidal Basin, in a right line with the direction of the River; a fact so manifestly important, and calculated to afford facilities both for ingress and egress, so obvious, that it is quite unnecessary to enlarRC upon it. It will be necessary to continue the main sewer, by which the water is at present discharged from the Gravin Docks, at a sullicient depth under the bed of the Dodder, to the opposite or Ringsend side of it to be carried in a direction parallel with the bank of the river down to the Liffey, east of the Dock entrance, there to discharge at the level of low water spring-tides, and which sewer can also be made use of for unwatering the low ground, south of the docks. The last in order of the various points to which, in considering the whole of this question, my attention has been drawn, is one which, especially in au engineering point of view, I regard as not only most important, but highly interesting. It is indicated on Mr. M'Mullen's plan, but not on a scale, in my mind, sufficiently extensive to accomplish the object which I should con- template. I allude to the Break-water which he proposes should be formed from the point at which, by the new course, the Dodder would be discharged upon the South Bull, across to the great South Wall, with an opening in the latter for the out-flow of the water retained within this barrier at each ebb of the tide, and through which opening it would consequently be discharged into the channel of the river, which forms the sailing course, and where it would necessarily act as a scour, in regard to that important portion of the entrance to the harbour. Of the soundness of the principle, and tne benefi- cial effect which would in this way be produced, there can be no doubt ; but to render it as effective as the general condition of this portion of the sailing course would appear to require, it must, in my opinion, be carried out on a considerably more extensive scale : the mound to be raised commencing, in any case, as far eastward as the Pigeon House, and terminating at or near to the Martello Tower, on the Sandymount strand. It does not seem necessary that the proposed barrier or mound should be raised to any considerable height, as the effective action of the Scour would occur as the ebb tide ap- proaches to low water. I think that a sufficient mound or barrier could ue formed, of such a height as 1 contemplate, from the heavy clay and gravel, of which the strand in this part of the bay consists, at a verj' moderate ex- pense. The bridge to form the opening in the wall for the efflux of the water, of whatever number of arches it may consist, should be at the least, from 200 to 300 feet wide. Of the cost of this part of the work I have not framed nor submitted any estimate. It is plain,however, that, with reference to the importance of carrying out such a project, it would be comparatively speaking but inconsiderable. A elance at the present state of the Bay shows that, as far eastward as the Poolbeg Light, it is divided by the great south wall into two nearly equal portions. The effect of the great north wall, has been to cause the ebb water of the northern division to act upon the bar, and in this respect it abundantly answered the expectatious entertained by its projectors. If. in addition to the important and valuable action so obtained from the northern section oj the Bay upon the Bar, it shall be practicable, in a similar way, to empound the Tidal Waters of the southern division of it, and, as I confidently contem- plate, to produce from their effiux a corresponding beneficial deepening ac- tion upon the continuation of the bed of the river, forming the entrance channel to the inner harbour, a result will have been obtained of the most decisive character, not alone as regards facilities of access, and the safety of the shipping frequenting the port, hut calculated also to diminish, to a very large extent, the cost annually incurred in dredging out of this channel the vast quantity of silt and mud, which under present circumstances is, and must continue to be deposited in it. Estimate of the proposed Course of the River Dodder through Irishtown. Purchase of Land . . . . . . . . 2,245 n 0 Earthwork in excavation, cube yards, 21,3G8 at 0(1. per yard 801 6 0 Sea-pitching at Irishtown, ditto 508 „ fid. ditto 152 8 0 Bridge at Irishtown, with approaches, &c. .. .. 1,975 4 10 Add 10 per cent, for contingencies ;*5,i;3 is 10 Sir 7 10 Total amount THE WYATT WELLINGTON. Sir— On the appearance of Professor Cockerell's Letter in the " Times," I addressed one to that paper to say that the objections urged by him against the equestrian statue of the Duke being placed transversely across the arch, instead of in the axis of the archway itself, were brought forward nearly eight years ago in a work where it might be supposed they could hardly have escaped the notice of architects, at least not of the archi- tect of the strnclure, since they were made in the letter-press account given of it in the second edition of the " Public Buildings of London,'" where that arch forms one of the new subjects added to the original work, and is illustrated by a ground-plan and elevation. Yet, although the "Times" appeared to take very great interest in the affair of the statue, having brought it forward more than once in its leader, the Editor did not think proper either to insert or to offer any reason for rejecting my letter; and as it had then become too late in the month to send to your Journal, ray comments on the matter could not possibly appear earlier in it than they do. The whole affair is a curious one from first to last, and exemplifies more forcibly than favourably the manner in which matters of the kind are managed in this country — the crooked policy, and that species of astuteness which is called cunniug, that are brought to bear upon them. No deference has been paid to public opinion, for concealment has, as far as practicable, been studiously kept up, as if the public possessed no right of opinion, and therefore the expression of it in any shape, was no belter than unwarrant- able interference. Would it then be more becoming iu the public to ob- serve the neutrality of silence upon such occasions — to manifest an indiffe- rence that would be praiseworthy because not at all troublesome? If so, those are taking a very wrong course indeed who are advocating and seek- ing to diffuse among the whole community a more familiar acquaintance with art generally, and a more enlightened appreciation of it. On one side, the public are told that they ought to acquire a taste for Art, to take a lively interest in il, and also to watch over its interests; on the other they are told — at least given very signiticantly to understand, that Ihey have properly no voice in snch matters, or their voice no authority, and it may therefore be disregarded as idle clamour. Those concerned in (he management of pulilic works — some people call them jois — will perhaps say that they do not dispute our right of judg- ment and of freely expressing it; all that they request is that we should not express it prematurely, but wait until the work be completed, when it can be judijed of fairly. This is very plausible; it seems at first sight, perfectly rtasonable, but only at first sight, for when looked at more closely, it will oe found to mean that the public ought to be kept as long as possi- ble in the dark as to what is going on, and be hindered from judging rashly and prematurely by being debarred from foiming more than random con- jectures and vague surmises, until not only the work, but the mischief that might have been guarded against by a little picm« ; shaft supports arms at each end, attached to the framing F, and also at each end a lever, q' ; there is also a cross-bar, r, to carry the inner end of the framing, F, which is attached to and forms the cast iron tables or grating, », which support the moulds, :. s' are rollers for carrv'ing the mould im- mediately beneath the grating of the chamber. The lower parts of the framing, F, are bearings for a horizontal shaft, which carries a vibrating lever, t, with another lever, w, jointed thereto, having forked branches on the end in the form of a V, whioh carry a pair of guide-wheels with flanges, to, running in a slot made iu the upper face of the framing F, and to the ends of the Y lever, a cross bar, x, is bolted, y is a lever fixed on the end of the cross-shaft for actuating the lever t and the parts connected therewith, and : are moulds which are supplied to the machine by hand as they are re- quired. The action of the improved machine is produced as follows : — Rotary mo- tion being given to the vertical shaft 5, of the pug-mill, the plates d will force the clay through the opening e, into the chamber D ; and, supposing a mould to be placed upon the rollers 9, in the position shewn at fig. 3, the hand-wheel « is turned, which giving rotary motion to the pinions m, in gear with the segment-racks, will bring down the pressing plate k, and force the clay into the compartments of the mould. The workman then pulls down the lever y (at the same time letting go the hand-wheel), which action will cause the lever I to vibrate and draw forward the lever «, and with it the cross-bar x. This bar, guided in its course by the wheels w, will push for- ward a mould previously placed in front of it, as r>, fig. 3, and drive that mould to the position of mould ., now full of clay, from under the grating g, in escaping from which the superfluous clay will be removed by the inner edge of the inclined side of the grating. The full mould will then arrive at the position, on the framing, of the mould z^, from whence it is readv to be carried to the drying ground. By throwing upward the lever y, the bar x will retire to its former station, and another empty mould being placed be- fore it, the same movement will be repeated after the mould last pushed under the grating g is filled with clay, as before described. If, by accident, any stone or other hard substance should get into the clay and stop'the proper action of the moulding-machine, it is only necessary to depress the lever 7, on the shaft 4, which will briug down the framing a sufficient distance for the mould to be released. The claim is, firstly, for the general arrangement of the apparatus, as de- scribed; secondly, the peculiar arrangement and construction of the knives and plates for tempering the plastic composition, and forcing it out from the pug-mill ; thirdly, the construction and application of an adjustable framing for holding the moulds to receive the plastic composition, such framing being capable of instant depression, as above explained ; fourthlv, the arrangement of apparatus for placing the moulds successively under the grating g, as above described and shewn in the dranings ; and lastly, the peculiar arrangement of the grating g, with respect to the compartments of the moulds, wherebv perfect bricks, tiles, and other similar articles are produced, as above ex- plained. DIBBLING APPARATUS. John Fuller, of Beacham Well, Norfolk, Farmer, for " improvements in apparatus for solving corn and other seeds." — Granted March 5, 1846 ; En- rolled September 5, 184C. This apparatus, formed of sheet tin, is held in the hand, and used for dropping corn or other seed when dibbling, in place of the fingers. There are three different apparatus described in the specification ; the annexed figures shew the application of one of them. Figs. 1 and 2 are sections of the apparatus taken transversely to each other ; a is a chamber in which the seed is placed, b a roller with small recesses c in the circumference, of suf- ficient capacity to deliver the proper quantity of seed through the hopper or spout d; e is the handle,, /"a slide to be pressed down by the thumb on the top, the lower end acts upon pins g on the margin of the roller b and forces it round one division ; after each pressure the slide is drawn upwards by a self 366 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Nov. acting spring h. i, i, are friction plates, acting against the ends of the cy Under to prevent it turning unless it be forced forward by the slide/, and k is a small brush. PAPER STAINING. Habrold Pottbr, of Darwen, Lancashire. Paper Manufacturer, for "im- provements in printing or staining paper." — Granted April 1, 1840 ; Enrolled September, 1846. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. f The improvement relates to the supplying of colour to the surface roller a, for printing or staining paper, as shewn in the annexed engraving, fig. 1, by an endless blanket or sieve cloth b, stretched over 4 rollers c, and to move at the same surface speed as the roller a, in the direction shewn by the ar- row. The various colours are put on the endles cloth b, by a hand-block d, fig. 2, having several rows of studs e, which dip into a colour-tray, contain- ing as many compartments as there are to be different colours. For staining the paper the studs are dipped into the colours, and then placed on to the endless cloth as shewn at d, and the colour so placed will be spread by the cross-bar g, covered with woollen cloth, and pressed slightly against the end- less sieve ; any excess of colour will be scraped off by the bar h. MANUFACTURE OF TILES. William Benson, of Allerwash House, Ilaydon Bridge, Northumberland, Gent., for "certain improvemeiils in machines for the maimfaclure of tiles and oi/ier plastic svbstayices." Granted January 15,1846; Enrolled July 15, 1846. — Reported in Netvton's Londo7i Journal. The object of this invention is to manufacture tiles, pipes, and other arti cles, by forcing the clay or other suitable material through dies, secured to the side of a mill, similar to an ordinary pug-mill. In Plate XVI., fig. 1, is an elevation of the machine, furnished with dies for making both drain and ridge-tiles at the same operation, fig. 2 a horizontal section, and fig. 3 a ver- tical section, a is the cylinder of the mill, made of cast or wrought iron, and fastened to a cast-iron bed-plate 4, by eight screw-bolts c ; this bed-plate rests upon two pieces of timber d, d, about six inches square, and secured to the foundation stones by four iron screw-boUsy; 17 is the vertical shaft of the mill, with a bevil-wheel /i, keyed on its upper end, and taking into the teeth of the bevil-pinion i, on the shafts, which is driven by steam, horse, or other power. The lower end of the sliaft j works in a brass step k, placed in a square box, and capable of adjustment by means of screws. The upper end of the shaft g works in brass bushes, fitted in the iron carriage n. Near the lower end of the shaft g there is a Uange, to which is bolted a cone, 0, formed of wood or iron, p, q, are 23 arms or knives, fixed round the shaft y, arranged in six planes, but there may be a greater or less number of knives and planes ; for instance, a machine which is to be worked by one horse should be of smaller dimensions, and would require a less number of knives and planes, but in no case ought there to be less than three or four knives on the two lower planes, and two on each of the upper planes, and there should not be leas than three or four planes of knives. In the lower plane 6 curved knives y, are inserted in the snaft g, in the second plane 6 straight knives 7;, fixed immediately above the curved ones, the third, fourth, and fifth planes 3 blades, and in the sixth plane 2 blades, all set at an angle of 45°. It is necessary that the bottom of the spindle should be conical, to facilitate the passing of the clay to the bottom of the mill, and as much as possible to the outside of the lower set of knives y, which, from their peculiar shape and po- sition, press it through the dies r, r'. The dotted circles, outside the curved knives, shew the position occupied by the clay when the spindle is in motion, and as the clay descends in the mill, it is pushed towards the dies by these arms, with the assistance of the cone. The dies r, r', are slipped into dovetail grooves », formed on the outside of the cylinder a, and in the bed-plate b (see fig. 4) ; the shape of the open- ings will necessarily vary with the form of the tiles or pipes required to be made ; the dies represented in section at r', are for making drain-tiles ; and the die at r for ridge-tiles, t, t, are the tables for receiving the tiles or pipes as they come out of the dies, and are furnished with rollers «, a, which carry endless bands or webs of flannel or other suitable flexible material. In fig. 2 the tables /, t, are shewn in plan view ; Nos. 1 and 3 are covered with the flexible webs. No. 2 is uncovered but with the rollers inserted, and No. i shews the top of the frame, without the rollers or web. w, w, are the tiles, which traverse the endless webs by the motion they receive in coming out from tlie cylinder a ; and as soon as a sufficient length of tile has passed on to the endless web, it is cut off by the instrument x, commonly called the " horse." In working this machine, tiles or pipes can be made on the four sides of it at the same time, or at one, two, or three sides therof, or more, if required ; and different sorts of tiles or pipes can be made at the same time. IRON MANUF.\CTURE. James Palmer Budd, of Yslalyfera Iron \Vorks, Swansea, Merchant, for " imprurements in the manufacture of iron." — Granted February II, 1816; Enrolled August 11, 1846. In burning coal, clinkers are produced and considered as refuse ; these clinkers, it is proposed to apply in the manufacture of iron ; they may be obtanied where large quantities of coal are burned in furnaces, or from smith's fires and waste heaps of small coal, and also from refuse ash heaps of many works which have fired and burned down, leaving a substration of clinkers near the bottoms of the heaps. As clinkers are of a light porous nature, of small specific gi'avity, and con- tain a large proportion of earthy matter, they will be found peculiarly suitable for use in blast furnaces, with rich oxides of iron, cinders obtained in the manufacture of malleable iron, hemieteter iron ores. The clinkers when mixed with the rich oxides of iron in the blast furnace will lessen the density of the mass and allow a freer passage for the blast, and supply the proportion of earthy matters required for the perfect separation of the iron. In charging the blast furnace the clinkers are generally to be combined with rich iron stone, iron cinder, or ore in proportion to the quality of the clinkers ; if rich in iron ore a smaller quantity is required than when they are comparatively poor ; the proportion of iron in the blast must be below 50 per cent — from 40 to 45 per cent is the usual proportion. If the clinkers contain less than 45 per cent, of iron, then a richer material, such as cinders of malleable iron or rich iron ore is to be used therewith. When the furnace is charged the usual fuel and fluxes are to be used with the ore and clinkers. REVIEWS. Elementary Text Booh for Yotmg Surveyors and Levellert. By Hen-rt James Castle. Simpkin and Co. 1846. This little work is an abridgement of alarger volume published by the samSk author, and intended principaly for the use of Students at King's College, for which Mr. Castle is the Surveying Professor. The book commences iu the usual way with a few useful geometrical problems and theorems, some examples of mensuration, the description and use of various surveying instru- ments, specimens of field-book and general instructions for land surveyiDg and levelling. The description of drawing instruments partakes too much of the old school ; no surveyor now would ever dream of using the parallel protractor or scales engraved thereon, on the plea of the circular one being " too ex- pensive." Those who desire to learn the practice of surveying, must not be- grudge good instruments, for upon them of course greatly depend the accu- racy of the work. The card-board protractor of Troughton and Sims, used by the Ordnance surveyors, is an excellent one for theodolite service ; the centre being cut out, all the meridians or bearings are laid down with the parallel rules, without moving the protractor. This for traversing is invalu- able, and particularly if all the work be contained within the circle cut out, which being 12^ diameter admits of a tolerably sized plan. The cross-staff is also described, but this, as well as the parallel protractor, is now entirely eschewed by practical surveyors, tho " optical square" being an excellent substitute ; it is made upon the reflective principle of the pocket sextant, but being required merely for right angles is much smaller and less expensive. The off-set staff the author says is a " narrow slip of deal about I J X 1, and generally 10 links long, divided into links ; and should be fur- nished at one end with a small notch or hook to put the chain through J846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 357 hedges and be numbered on both sides from different ends." This number- ing on both sides is unnecessary, if Ihe staff be divided into 10 parts, the centre having a double line : a little practice will make it perfectly familiar without the figures. The link-staff is best made of round ash, divided as above with a red hot wire, instead of painting or cutting ; it should be shod Tvith iron, and have a small hook and spike attached to the top ; the diame- ter at bottom should be about one inch and taper (o | at the top, and the hook and shoe should be included in the measurement, namely, within a fraction of C feet 8 inches for the whole length. The field book is hkewise described in the old fashioned manner, having figures merely to the off-sets, without sketches. It is invariably the best way to sketch in the work on each side of the line as nearly as possible to resemble the objects to be delineated, and although it may take a little more time in the field, the labour is well spent by its assisting the memory in plotting. His system of " naming" the lines by their length, viz., " 6S5 on 731" is confusing ; it should be according to the page upon which the number is found, viz., "685, folio 47," and a circle should be made round the figures which are intended for stations. It is hkewise vei-y serviceable to the memory to surround those stations that run from, or across, the base line with a triangle, instead of a circle, which will be found to act as a useful index. .\ chapter upon the reduction of customary to statute measure, and vice versa, will be found useful, — " Rediietion of Customary to Statute Measure, and vice versa. — The statute length of the perch is 16 and a half feet, but it is different in various coun- tries of England. In Devonshire and Somersetshire, the customary perch, that is, the local measure of the perch, is less, being but 15 feet. In Cornwall, it is more, 18 feet ; while in Lancashire, it increases to 21 ; and in Staffordshire and Cheshire it is as much as 24 feet. This is a lineal difference. There is, also, in some counties of England, a superficial difference in the measure of an acre ; an acre, in Wiltshire, con- taining only 120 square statute perches, instead of 100. The Wiltshire customary acre is, therefore, one quarter less than the statute acre, and the rood one quarter less than the statute rood. As property is frequently bought and sold by the customary measure of the county wherein it lies, the surveyor is often called upon to reduce it from one to the other. Different Values of the Acre. — The number of (statute) square yards in an acre, will, of course, vary with the length of the customary perch of the county. — (--Vn acre consisting of ten square chains or of 160 square perches.) In the statute acre, a square perch is 272'2j square feet, and the acre, therefore, is equal to 272-25 X 160 = 43360 square feet, = 4880 square yards; In the acre of Devonshire or Somersetshire, as the square perch contains 15 X 15 square feet, or 225 square feet. the number of square feet = 225 x 160 = 36000 and of yards = 4000 In Cornwall, where the perch is IS feet, 18 X 18 = 324 X 160 feet= 31840 square feet. or 5 760 square yards. The Lancashire perch is 21 feet long; the square perch, therefore, must contain 21 x 21 =441 square feet, which will make the acre to contain 70,560 square feet, or 7840 square yards. The customary acre in Cheshire and Staffordshire is the largest of the whole, each perch being 24 feet ; the acre will consist of 24 x 24 x 100 square feet, which is equal to 92160 square feet, or 10240 square yards ; while the Wiltshire acre consists only of J the statute acre, or 3630 square yards. To reduce Statute Measure to Cnstomart/, or one Customary to another. Rule I. — Bring the acres, roods, &c., in every case, to square perches ; multiply these by the number of square feet in the given perch to bring them into square feet (a foot being the common unit of measurement of both statute and customary measure), and divide by the number of square feet in the required perch; this will bring it into perches ; raise these perches to roods and acres and the result is the area in acres, roods, and perches of the customarj' measure required. Example 1. — Reduce 25 acres, 2 roods, 16 perches, statute measure, to the customary measure (Derbyshire) of 15 feet to a percb. 25a. 2r. 16p. = 4096 statute perches, but the square feet in a statute perch = 272-25 ; • . • 4090X 272-25 = 1115136 square feet. Whence 1115136 1115136 cust. perches. 15x15 "^ 225 = 4956 = 30a. 3r. 36 P. Ans. 30a. 3r. 36^. Derbyshire measure. To bring customary into statute measure, reverse the preceding rule. Example 1. — How many statute acres are there in 28 acres, 3 roods, and 15 perches, of Devonshire measure ? 2Sa. 3r. 15p. = 28-843 75 Devonshire acres if the Devonshire acre = l ; the statute acre = -826447 statute acres, whence 28-84375 x -826447 =23-8378 = 23a. 3r. 14p. Ans. 23a. 3r. 14p. Scotch Measure. — The acre in Scotland consists as in England of 10 square chains, (each chain divided into 100 links,) and is reckoned in acres, roods, and falls, which are equivalent to the English perches ; 40 falls making one rood, and 4 roods one acre. The Scotch chain, however, is 8 feet longer than the English, being 74 feet instead of 66. The acre being 10 square chains = 10 x 74'* = 54760 square feet. -\na as 10 square chains = 160 square perches, 54760 feet ^ =one square perch ; Therefore one square perch or =342-25 square feet. 7'o bring English Statute Measure into Scotch. Rule 1. — Reduce the given area into English perches, and then into square feet by multiplying by 272-25, the number of square feet in an Enghsh statute perch ; divide this product by the numlier of square feet (342-25) there are in a Scotch fall, and you obtain the area in terms of Scotch falls, which bring back to their proper quantities in loods and acres.* * To briog Scotch measure into English, rererse the preceding rule. Example 1. — Reduce 32a. 3r. 25p. English statute measure, into Scotch measure. 32a. 3r. 25p. = 5265 square perches. 272-25 X 5'205 = 1433396 square feet in the given area. And dividing by 342-25 = 4188 square falls = 26a. Or. 28p. Ans. 26a. Or. 2Sp." The Theodolite is next described with some examples of its use ; then follows the CiRcuMFERENTOR, apothcr old fashioned instrument, which, by most London surveyors, is superseded by the theodolite. Examples are shown for laying down " the variation of the needle," but unless it can be precisely ascertained at the date of the survey, it is much better to omit it and show the magnetic bearing only — for inasmuch as the variation of the needle is different in different countries, it is safer to put the needle-bearing only, which answers all practical purposes. Many other hints and examples follow which may be more or less useful to the beginner. The treatise on levelling is of the usual description, but does not give suf- ficient examples, omitting for instance, all mention of cross sections, that mostly puzzle the beginner. The author describes the staff-holder as " hav- ing considerable responsibility reposed in him." We advise therefore that this duty be simplified as much as possible, and in order to facihtate the most important part of it, that of keeping the staff" upright, there should be at- tached two small spirit levels placed at right angles on the staff', one being at the back and the other on one side, about four feet high from the ground. Some levellers attach a circular bubble at the back, which answers the same purpose, also a handle for holding the staff without conceaUng the figures. The staff-holder should also carry a small iron tripod to place under the staff whenever used — this should not be attached to the staff, for it is re- quisite sometimes to leave it, whilst observations are being made with the same staff", at other plac s. It is always adviseable to level with two staves ; when one only is used there is much liability to error, for should the instru- ment be out of adjustment or ba turned it round, there is no means of again taking the back set. The bubble must always stand in the middle whenever the level is turned round or the work will not be correct. We mention this on the knowledge that many levellers neglect it, considering it of no im- portaiice so that the bubble is in the centre when the observation is made. Origin and Reclamation of Peat Bog, with observations on the Construc- tion of Roads, Railways, and Canals in Bog. By Bernakd Mcllins, C.E., Vice-President of the Institute I. Lange's (the royal building counsellor of Greece) " Works of high Arcliitetture" {hiihercr Baukunnt), contains Ihe plans fur a rojal residence, which was exhibited at the last Munich Art Exhibition. The same work will contain M. Lange's plans for the completion of the Munich Frauen- kirche, which has lo lose its characteristic, though unhandsome, octagonal cupola, instead of which a Gothic spire is to be raised. — Building-inspec- tor Anger has published a work on the remarkable private buildings of the Bavarian capital, and such as serve for public and benevolent purposes. — To crown this, even the pupils of the architectural section of the Munich Academy of Fine Arts, publish the plans, made by them according to the programme of the Academy. Academy of Sciences, Paris. — ?if. Person made some experiments for determining the necessary heat for fusing alloys of metals, and thinks that it is possible to determine that point, from the knowledge of the tempera- ture which each of the component metals requires for the same process. The solution of this problem confirms perfectly the results which M. Per- son had drawn from his experiments on fusion — viz., the btw that the latent heat of the fusion is given by the formula (IGO +f) d = /.— M. Walcbuer announced to the Academy a most curious fact, that copper and arsenic were to be met with in all substances and bodies — in every sort of iron, in mineral waters, and even in meteoric stones. M. Flandin said he had analyzed the mineral waters of Passy, but had not found even a trace of copper or arsenic, either in following the procedure of M. ■Walchner or that of Marsh. More important is what M. \\ alchner says oa the copper and arsenic contents of the soil of burial grounds. It has been a hitherto unresolved question whether the contents of these substances in the bodies of poisoned persons were entirely ascribable to that cause, or to the natural contents of the soil surrounding them. He had found both substances in the soil of cemeteries, but in very minute proportions, and he has collected a number of specimens of those soils. — JI. Pierre submit- ted to the Society his experiments on Ihe dilitatiou of fluids. The author divides liquids into two categories, and these again into nine groups. The first division comprises the bodies composed of chloride of bromine and one simple element — phosphorus, arsenic, tin, titanium, and silicium. The second category comprises the compositions of chlorine, iodine, or bromine, with any compound element, ethylc or metbyle. The law which results from these experiments is this — two fluids formed by the combination of any common with any isometric element, follow (from the point of their respective temperatures of ebullition) very diflerent degrees of contraction ; or, in other terms, equal volumes of liquids thus constituted, considered at their respective temperatures of ebullition, will not preserve that equality at degrees equidistant from their temperature of ebullition. The dilierence, in most cases, is considerable. — M. Blauquard Evrard has forwarded to the Society two samples of photography on paper, obtained by an especial process. The samples surpass everything hitherto seen, even those of M. Bayard. Prague and Dresden Railway. — This huge undertaking occupies alone, in the neighbourhood of the former city, 3,000 workmen, and tfie greatest diffi. culties to be overcome are from the Prague terminus to Kralup, a distance of about 16 miles. The viaduct from the terminus north to Karolinenthal and Bubna will be 580 cubits long, with Si arches, — certainly one of the largest works hitherto accomplished in Austria, '''here are three minor water-courses of the Moldau river, a branch, between two islands, and the main branch, which must be bridged over. A number of bridges are required to pass the numerous water-courses and islands. The bridge over the main arm will be 535 feet long, and consist of 3 arches. The arches of the main bridges will have a span of 7S feet in the clear, and form a segment, the height equal to one-sixth of the span, and are to be built of granite. The quantity of granite and sandstone to be conveyed by land and water is astonishing, some of the blocks weighing between sLx and seven tons. The expenses of this part of the line alone are calculated at IJ million of florins. There will be a small terminus in the Bauingarten (a place of public resort two miles from Prague), which will afford the humbler classes the advantages of country air at a merely nominal price. Berlin Bresslau Railway. — This most important undertaking has lately been completed, and is open for trafSc. The distance of i'i-rs German miles (nearly 200 English) is performed in 13 hours, including stoppage for dinner, and thus a journey, which even Frederick the Great could never perform in less than 36 hours, is made in a few hours at a trifling expense. I'he chief works of the line are some very long and costly embankments — for instance, that at Frankfort-on-the-Oder, 100 feet high. The great viaduct of Gorlitz, over the Neisse, does not lay on the main, but a branch, line, connecting the lower Silesiau and the Saxon-Silesian. Its length is 1500', the height of the arches 122' above the level of the river, and the foundations of the arches are 40' lower, making a total of 162'. It has cost between 600,000 and 700,000 dollars, and Kurope does not yet possess a work of equal mag- nitude. The viaduct over the Bober at Bresslau is an equally imposing structure. It is 1550' long, and has 35 arches of a height of 76' built of blocks of white grit. This is the longest line in the North of Germany, under the same administration. It is the more important, as being laid out afar from the hitherto commercial road, or the valley of the Oder ; it passes a tract of land hitherto little connected with industry and commerce. The renting of this huge line is a matter hitherto uuascertainable, which costs 18,000,000 dollars — 400,030 dollars per German mile. .\ great drawback is that this line has only one line of rails, by which much delay and trouble are occasioned, Prague, Austria. Sculptures. — Excavations of the Archeological Com- mittee of the Bohemian Jluseum. — M. Veitli, a large proprietor in Bohe- mia, has resolved on the curious, though praiseworthy, plan, of erecting a national Walhalla at his own expense. Professor Schwanthaler is the artist entrusted with the execution of the statues, of which twelve are ready in small models, and six in a size above life. Ready for casting are the statues of Kings Uttakar II. and George of Padiebra (the latter a sort of Bohemian Cromwell), and of Elizabeth, wife of King John of Luxembourg. — M. Wax, the sculptor, is also executing some large marble statues for public establishments. — M. Raphael has made the bust of Mozart for the public library, and of Dr. Krombholz, the great physician, for the University. — Parson M. Krolmus has been successful in his exca- vations of heathen tumuli, hitherto very scarce in that country. He has found in the Scharka, near Prague, two stone sacrificial tables, several well preserved cinereal vases, brunzes, ^;c. Another heathen sepulchral ground has also beeu found on excavating for the Dresden railway, near Prague. Australian Mines. — The wages of a good miner in the Borraborra lead- works, in South Australia, are ±.'170, per annum. Even those of other artizans, masons, carpenters, wheelwrights, i:c., are in proportion. Winter Garden at Berlin. — The King of Prussia has subscribed £120,000 for the erection of a covered garden in the centre of the city. New Pinacotheca. — The King of Bavaria has just laid the first stone of the new Picture Gallery, which will contain paintings of the present cen- tury only. 360 THR CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Nev. NOTES OF THE MONTH. The Rmjal Institute of Brilish Arcliitecla will commence their meetings on Monday evenins, November 2, at eight o'clock, at their Rooms, No. 16, Grosvenor-street, (irosvenor-squaie. nienal Tubular Bridge. — The experiments have been renevred at Blil- wall. Nelson Monument, Trafalgar Square. — The proverb "a joke is a joke" has its exceptions, and the Nelson monument is one of them. The man and the boy renewed their operations upon this elegant structure a few weeks ago, but now seem to have again given them up in despair. Coast Defences. — The Martello tower, between Hastings and Seaford, are being covered in with stone. Chinese method of Boriiif!. — The Southampton AVater Committee have voted £150 for trying this method at their Artesian well. Snlford, Munchesler. — A new chnrch has been erected in the Early English style. Mr. Lane is the architect. A New Institution of Mechanical Engineers has been formed at Bir- mingham for the advancement of various branches of mechanical know- ledge, which do not fall within the province of the present Institution of Civil Engineers. Cemetery at Cambridge. — Nine acres of land have been selected, and will probably be allotted in separate portions to each of the 13 parishes. The South Devon Railway. — The sea wall has again been greatly in- jured by the wind and waves. Public Message Delieery Company. — Of the schemes of the day, one of the most curious is a proposition to establish electro-telegraphic commu- nication between numerous stations in every part of London, for the con- veyance of messages at a low charge. The Hatha and Wash-houses in Manchester since they were opened in September have been attended by 3,000 persons. h'ew Dock at Ilonjleur. — The greater part of the wall has been destroyed by the water getting between it and the earth. Lord Rossc's Telescope. — The report tliat an attempt had been made to injure this instrument has been formally contradicted. Gold in Austral'ut. — A valuable auriferous vein has been discovered in one of the copper mines, and the shares have risen 900 per cent. The Wellington Statue. — Lord Morpetli has addressed a circolar to all the Royal Academicians, requesting their opinion respecting the present position of the statue on the arch. , . St. Michael's Ottery has Ijeen consecrated. The style is Early English ; the architect Jlr, VveliaBlon. • St. Alkmund, Derby. — This new parish church is built entirely of stone, in the late de'corated style. The spire rises 112 feet above the tower, which is !)2 feet high. Mr. Stevens, of Derby, is the architect. City Improremcnts. — The Court of Common Council have agreed to a report, presented by Mr. R. L. .Jones, recommending the formation of a new street from King William-street to the south side of St. Paul's Churchyard. Collision of the Prometheus at London Bridge. — Propeller vessels have been very unfortunate of late. The Irish steamer Prometheus, during the mouth, has suU'ered severely, by heina; carried against an abutment of London IJridge. The screw propeller was unable to resist the force of the tide, which Was running very strong; the stern bulwarks were crushed in, and the masts and funnel swept away. Gun Cotton. — There are numerous claimants of this invention. Dr. Otto, Professor of chemistry in Brunswick, states, in the Hanorerian Ga- zette, that he has invented an exploding cotton, independently of Schonbein and Bex-ttger. His preparation, which was suggested by an observation of Pelouze, in his Journal of Chemistry (Vol. I., page 126), consists in immersing well-cleaned cotton in highly-concentrated nitric acid for half- a minute, and instantly afterwards soaking it in water, which must be con- stantly renewed, in order to effectually free the cotton from the acid. The preparation, when dried, is ready for use. It may be exploded with a hammer on an anvil, but is capable of being rammed in a gun, in the ordi- nary way, without danger. M. Morel, an engineer at Paris, has recently exhibited before General (iourgaud, President of the Committee of Artil- lery, a fulminating cotton, which may be burnt on the hand without causing pain. It leaves little residue in a fowling-piece, and is nearly noiseless.' 51. Chodsko,a Polish refugee, has exhibited another fulminating cotton, which resembles the last, except in that it leaves a residue in the fowling-piece. The materials prepared by M. i\Iorel and M. Chodsko both ignite by a blow of iron upon iron, but not of iron upon wood. The Eng- lish Government have instituted experiments with Schonbein's gun cotton, which have been attended with success. The Drainage of Haarlem Lake is to be continued by three enormous steam engines, which are to complete the work in 13 months. The Cornish esgine already at work discbarges a million tons of water daily. The Great Britain. — This luckless vessel still remains a-ground on the Irish coast. She is to be protected by a floating breakwater; and the last accounts state, that an attempt will be made to rescue her by the method of flotation. Why was not this plan adopted in the first instance, instead of the violent experiment of dragging her ofT by main force ? Had the steam tugs sent to the aid of this vessel reached her, and succeeded in drawing her into deep water, she would have been in danger of foundering. Mr. Marris Dinsdale has proposed a method of buoying her up by rafts, with Greenland oil casks on either side of the vessel, and connected by chains underneath it. This method was first proposed by him for the Prince Frederick, on Corton Sand. tIST OP NEViT PATENTS. GRANTED IN ENGLAND FROM SEPTEMBER 24, 1816, TO OCTOBER 17, 1840. Six Monl/is allowed for Enrolment, unless otherwise expressed. Tliomas Bartlett Simpson, of Islington, Uiddtescx, genttemaD, for *' certaia Improve- ments in propelling, and in machinery connected therewith." — Sealed September -M. Albert Ilobert Ciinningbam, of Sydenham, Kent, gentleman, and Joseph Threlfatl, Carter, of th-* same place, engineer, for " certain Improvements in the propelling carriages on railways.'" — October 1. Williaiit \\')ld,ol"Salford, Lancashire, moulder, for "certain Improvements in macbiner^- or apparatus for manufacturing barrels and otber vessels of capacity.*' — October '2. Peter Fairbairn, of Leeds, macbine-maker, and Peter Carmichael, manager for Messrs. Baxter, Brothers, and Co., flax spinners, Dundee, for " Improvements in machinery for drawing, roving, and spinning flax, hemp, silk, and otber fibrous substances." — Oct. 2. Pierre Bryere. of Rue Boileau, Nantes, France, for " Improvements iu the manufac- ture of boots, shoes, and clogs." — Oct. 2. Edm. Morewood, of Steel-yard, Upper Thames-street, merchant, for " certain Im- provements in machinery for separating certain fibrous substances; from seed and other extraneous masses."— Oct. 2. William Wield, of Blanchester, mechanical draughtsman, for " Improvements in cer» tain mills for grinding, and ia the manufacture of certain parts of mills." — Oct. li. Charles Marie FouiUet, engineer, of Paris, for " Improvements in railways.'' — Oct. 2. Samuel Holdsworth, of Norwood, Surrey, gentleman, for " cartain Improvements In apparatus to be applied to railway carriages, to prevent accidents thereon." — Oct. 2. William Farthing, of the town and borough of Kingston-upon-HuU, for " certain Im- provements in the manufacture of glass." — Oct. 8. Robert Wilson, of Woodhouses, Laocsster, weaver, for ** certain Improvements in looms for weaving velvets and other pilsd goods, and in the machiucry or apparatus for cutting the i)ile or nap of the same." — Oct. 8. Samuel Heseltine, juu., of Bromley, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, for " certain Improvements in the construction of lamps to burn oil." — Oct. 8. . John Warburton, of.Eearsley, Lancaster, tic-smith, for **certain Improvements in ma- chinery. (K...lpparatus, for preparing, slubblng, and roving cotton wool, and other fibrous materials."— Oct. t*. William Fairbairn, of Manchester, in the county Palatine of Lancaster, civil engineer, for "Improvements in the construction of iron beams for the erection of bridges ana other structures."- Oct. 8. Francis Nalder, of Cheapside, warehouseman, for *' Im])rovements in the manufacture of gloves."— Oct. 8. Marcel Teau Milon, of 2r, Rue Fronches, Paris, gentleman, for "Improvements iu making roads and ways." — Oct. 8. John Bombley, of Sunderland, engineer, for "Improvements in capstans and wind, lasses." — Oct. ti. George Lowe, of Finsbury Circus, civil engineer, for " Improvements in the manufac- ture of aud iu burning gas, and iu the mauulHcture of fuel." — Oct. 8. Price Struve, of Swansea, engineer, for " Improvements in railway transit, and in mov- ing or raising weights." — Oct. H. John Taylor, of the Adclphi, gentleman, for "Improvements in tlic manufacture ot explosive compounds." (A communication.) — Oct. 8. James Farnsworth, of Sheflield, in the county of York, engineer, for "certain Impro\-ed machinery or apparatus, for "the manufacture of bricks aud tiles." (A communication.) —Oct. 8. Michel Louis Ferant, of ^(51, Oxford-street, gentleman, for " Improvements in treating oils." (A communication.) — Oct. 8. George Frederick Muntz, Esq., M. P., of Ley Hall, Birmingham, for " an Improved m.iuufacture of metal plates for sheating the bottom of ships or other vessels."— Oct. l.'i. John Condie, of Glasgow, engineer, for "Improvements in machinery used In manu- facturing malleable iron."— Oct. l.'i. Francois Durand, engineer, and OnesiphorePerqueur, engineer, of Paris, for "Improve- ments in forming leather into tubes, cylinders, switches, cases, sheaths, hats, and other articles." — Oct. 15. James Kite, of New North Road Bridge, Hcxton, in the county of Middlesex, gentle- man, for "certain Improvements in steam engine-chimneys, in furnaces and flues, in vent and exhaust pipes, and in other like smoke and air conductors, and in the machinery or apparatus connected thereivith."- Oct. 1;J. Arthur MilUvard, of ISirmingham, gentleman, for " certain Improvements in producing figured surfaces, sunken and iu relief." — Oct. 1.5. William Palmer, of Sutton-strcet, Clerkenwell, manufacturer, for " Improvements in the packing of, and in the gaining, aud the manufacture of products from fat, or tatty matters." — Oct. l.*). John Hornby Maw, Esq., of Hastings, Sussex, for " Improvements iu tlie manufacture of pens." — Oct. 16. John Donkio, of Grange Road, Bermondsey, civil engineer, for " Improvements in the manufacture of paper, or in the machinery employed therewith, and in the process of bleaching paper, linen, and other manufactures in which chloride of lime is employed." (A communication.) — Oct. l.i. Ebeuczcr Southworth, of Chorlton-upon-Medlock, near Manchester, draper, for " cer- tain Iin])rovemenls iu engines, to be worked by steam or other power, and applicable to raising and forcing water, to the propulsion of vessels, and otber similar purposes." — Oct. 15. George Winslow, of Blnton Crescent, merchant, for " Improvements in raacliineiy for manufacturing files and rasps." — Oct. 15. John Ryan, of the Iloyal Polytechnic Institution, doctor of medicine and professor o' chemistry, for "certain Improvements m the preservation of organic and other sub- stances."— Oct. 1?. Flo/teijYm. iniiir iZJ "' |C=1 FITZWILLIAM MVSEVM + CAMBRIDGE □ OR 0 V N D FLOOR. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 361 THE INTERIOR OF THE FITZWILLIAM JIUSEUM. fJJ'ith an Engraving, Plate XV J 11. J The accompanying- engravings exliibit the internal arrangement of the Museum at Camhiidge, of which the farade is represented in the Journal for May last, page 129. The building is occupied internally ^y a ground floor, and an upper or principal floor. The latter is approached by a staircase of most magnificent dimensions, leading from the hall to the sculpture gallery which extends round three sides of the hall and staircase. The architectural and sculptural ornaments of this gallery are to be of the richest and most elaborate description, and this part of the building alone will, it is estimated cost when completed £10,000. Here will be deposited the valuable collec- tion of statues bequeathed by Earl Fitzwilliam and others. Several of these works are roaster-pieces of the highest class. The principal floor contains a picture gallery 67 feet long by 39 feet broad; the height of the frieze being 27 ft., and the height of the frieze IS 3 ft. 6 in., which is a correct copy of the Elgin Marbles at the British Museum, and from it springs a richly ornamented coved ceiling, which curves inwards from the sides to the centre of the apartment ; above the four upper boundaries of this cove rise a vertical lanthern light, between each light are beautifully draped and winged figures, and above is a horizontal ceiling divided into compartments and most elaborately enriched with open panels and above which are conic-al sky-lights ; the whole height of the room from' the floor to the conical sky-light is 53 feet. The floor will be of wainscot with an inlaid border, and all round the apartment there is a scagliola dadj of Rosst hroccata, with a plinth of black and gold marble. The side picture galleries communicate with that which we have been describing, by arched openings, of which the archivolts and pilasters are decorated with various kinds of scagliola. The ground floor of the building will be occupied by another sculpture gallery under the long and two end galleries, a library beneath one of the tide galleries, and a museum of terra cottas and vases beneath the other side gallery There is a large space under the hall and the portico, occupied by vaults, which we think might be usefully occupied as a sepulchral mu- seum. There appears to be some intention to remove the frieze containing a copy of the Elgin Marbles,-we most sincerely trust that this wasteful alteration will be resisted by the Senate. The frieze is thought to detract from the height of the room ; we think however that when the walls are filled with paintings, the appearance in the height will be increased, and be- «.des. It IS perfectly useless to have paintings where the frieze now is, which IS 27 feet from the floor-for who will be able to see them to appreciate their m^rit at so great a distance from the eye .' Mr Cockerell has obtained permission to substitute real for imitative marbles in the work yet to be undertaken, and he deserves great praise for having effected this alteration. The enrichments and carving are admirably executed, from the designs of the late Mr. Basevi, by Mr. Nichols, of Graf- tnn-stieet, London, whose name deserves to be recorded with great com mendation; and we understand that it was Mr. Basevi's intention that all the enrichments should be picked out in gold and polvcbrome We are very desirous of seeing the brick fence wall now enclosing the ground at the back of the Museum removed, and replaced by a ballustrade similar to that at the front. This would open the back view to Pelerhouse ground and form a great improvement to the Sculpture gallery, as well as to the College grounds. When the Museum is finished, we hope there will be a greater liberality shown to the public in allowing them to view the magnificent works of art at will adorn it, than at Oxford, where the Taylor Institute has all h gates and doors closed, and admittance is only obtained either by an 0 reduction by a member of the University, or by pennission of the porter Of course, as at many other public establishments, a fee is expected aslfed! m!"h '"'1l ",™""' ""■°"^'' ""^ ^°"^"^ grounds of Oxford, we asked a member of the University if permission could be obtained for view- L'Llrv 'Tl ^^r'fr"^ ^^»"'^<^™'- ">« l-aj'or Institute. Radcliffe library &c. He said he had no doubt it might by speaking to the attend- ts ; 0 course they would look for a fee to be paid them for their trouble he jealousy with which Academical and Ecclesiastical corporations, ad the edifices committed to their trust is on every account to be re^tted TRABEATE AND AUCUATE ARCHITECTURE. SECOND ARTICLE. No. Ill,— Vol. IX.— December, 184C. In order that any branch of human knowledge may become a science it must be founded ou exact principles which distinguish it from every other science. The mere compilation of facts and opinions, however valuable and accurate in themselves, will not lead to systematic and definite results unless the facts be referred to, aud the principles deduced from fundamental axioiQS. The application of these considerations to architecture is very simple Facts and dogmas innumerable relating to architecture have been recorded' but we have been too apt to estimate them according to their intrinsic not their relative, value. Now the most valuable aid to the advancement of architecture will be the systemizing our present knowledge of it : it has hitherto been seldom regarded as a system. If every critic is to pronounce on the merits of each new edifice as it looks to his eye, it is obvious that his criticism will have no higher than an individual authority, that it may be disregarded by contemporaries and reversed by posterity. But if some great architectural principle be universally received hy both critics and the criticized as the basis of all criticism, aud if this principle be so com- prehensive as to include every style of architecture, it is clear that much less will be left, than before, to the fallibility of individual judgment and that the conclusions obtained will possess the value of being systematic We search in vain for any other principle than that of constructive faith- fulness, which receives universal consent. There are, it is true, many architects and architectural writers, who find it their interest to resist thea;,. plication of this principle, but none are now bold enough to deny its abstract truth. It is curious to observe bow completely the general opinion has changed on this point. Now it is conceded on all hands that (theoretically at least) the decoration of an edifice ought to be the exponent of its con- slruction-yet it is not a very long period since a doctrine the direct reverse of this was maintained. The Abbfe Laugier in his Obsen-ations sur I'archi- teclure (Haye 1765) condemns Pointed architecture, because edifices built in that style exhibit too evidently their mechanical structure. Some of his remarks are so directly opposed to the doctrines of the best writers of the present day, that the following version of a few sentences may be interest- ing, if not valuable. All the requirements of solidity (says he) consist in establishing a proper equilibrium between the arch which thrusts and the abutment which receives the thrust. Buildings, however, ought to be so constructed that no part of them may appear to exert or resist pressure. Up to the present time we have been too much subject to this grand defect of Gothic churches ; not until it was high time, did a man of genius teach us to do better. The arches of the new church of St. Genevieve are sufliciently supported, but no one can see how they are so. Nothing external an- nounces resistance aud eflort. The spectator has no observations to make on the strength or weakness of the buttresses. Delivered from all anxiety on this point, he gives himself up to undisturbed coutemplation of the beauty of the edifice. Since the \hh^ Laugier wrote this curious passage, architectural know- ledge has so greatly increased, that it would be superfluous to show here the fallacy of his opinions. They are quoted to prove how ingeniously an error may be disguised, and to show that, in his time at least, it was ad- mitted that the architecture subsequent to the Pointed was inconstructive This IS a most important admission, and one which many a modern practi- tioner would like to retract. The importance of distinguishing between entablature and arch archi- tecture was, we think, first insisted upon by Hope, in the invaluable Archi- tectural Essay, which it may be presumed has by this time been carefully read by every one who professes a knowledge of architectural principles Ihe unsparing denunciations which Hope commenced against the showy unreal decoration employed during the last three centuries, in consequence of a confusion of the principles of trabeation and arcuation, have been ad- mirably followed up by Professors Willis and Whewell, in the works from which we quoted in the preceding article on the present subject. Until however, the laws which Hope suggested, and which Whewell and Willis' o.veloped, be practically applied, they remain almost barren speculations. iUe object set before us is not so much to elucidate existing architecture as to promote its future advancement. To this end it is requisite to see how far the laws in question tend to facilitate or impede the improvement of modern decorative construction. It may be objected that in making architectural decoration immediately dependent on mechanical structure, we restrict the art to purely uUlitarian 47 362 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Dkc- rules. To this objection two satisfactory replies may be given. In the first place, architecture differs from other fine arts, such as painting or sculpture, in that it is not an imitative or representative art. The ends of painting and sculpture are the gratification of the taste by the representa- tion of beautiful natural forms. But architecture is restricted by the euoflomic purposes of the materials upon which it works. In one sense it stands alone among the fine arts, and is 'he nubleat of them ; for while the results of other arts have no value excep; their beauty, the results of archi- tecture have a two-fold value— beauty and practical utility. The direct and accurate imitation of nature, which in painting or sculpture is the per- fection of excellence, in architecture is simply impracticable. And there- fore we come to this conclusion, that while other works of art are judged by their beauty alone, the works of architecture are to bejudged not merely by their beauty, but by their fit>ess also. This consideration has been much lost sight of by those who attempt to draw analogies between the laws of architecture and those of painting : the neglect of it led, for instance, to Sir Joshua Reynolds's eulogium of the works of Vanbrugh. But there is another strong defence against the charge of utilitarianism ; ■which is, that the restrictions which we would lay upon architecture have been proved experimentally to be neither oppressive nor unnecessary. If it were found practically impossible to coir ply with this restriction with- out making the architecture formal and uns ..vying, a ground of complaint against the strictness of the rule might .-x.st; but, in point of fact, the buildings which have displayed the greatest freedom and variety of form have b.-en those in which the canon of constructive faiihfulness has been most scrupulously obeyed. We observe, moreover, in the works of nature, from which all the principles of beauty must ultimately be derived, that the most graceful forms exhibit a wonderful fitness for the useful purposes to which they are applied. The petals of a flower are not merely beauti- ful ornaments; they serve effectually for the protection of the reproductive organs of the plant. The slight swelling or entasis of the slalk of corn not only renders its form graceful, but adds also to the strength necessary for its preservation. Smeaton, in cuoslructing the Eddystone lighthouse, took for his model th>- trunk of the oak, which increases in breadth towards its base, meeting the ground in curved lines which experience has proved to be the most etfecliial for resisting the violence of storms. Lastly, anatomy teaches us that those forms and proportions of the human frame ■which the sculptor considers most beautiful, are the very same which best enable the several members to perform their respective functions. Throughout the whole economy of nature this rule is maintained, of making beauty dependent upon utility. The love of the grotesque, or bizarre that is, of forms without purpose-'is seldom exhibited except in art. It must, therefore, be regarded as a thoroughly artificial taste — a taste, more- over, unknown in the best periods of art. To revert, therefore, to th^; rules of criticism, it is clear that there are two distinct ways of estimating the merits of a building, — one by the eye alone, the other by the eye and judgment. We will not be so intolerant as to assert that all architecture ■which satisfies the eye alone, and not the judgment also, is to be rejected ; but this may be safely set down, that the beauty of such buildings is of a superficial and inferior character, and therefore undeserving of modern imitations. Th-re are, i- ; ct, many buildings, which, from their magnifi- cent size and gorgeous ornai.ient, produce a dazzling eflfect which gradu- al!' diminishes as the eye becomes familiarized with it. But those glorious piles, which exhibit in every part a logical fitness, derive an inner beauty, a tenfold deeper and purer eloquence, from the gratification of the judg- ment. They do not appeal grossly to the senses, the eye does not weary of them after the first impressions are faded ; for every renewed view serves to discover new meaning, and, therefore, new delight. They satisfy the highest test of works of art— they bear studying. Applying these considerations to what is usually considered the most magnificent edifice in London, St. Paul's Cathedral. Can the eye fail to be impressed with the depth of shadow, the proportion and variety of the lines, the graceful contour of the dome, and the apparent boldness and skill by which it has been raised at a vast height above the rest of the stru cture ? But how does the admiration lessen when the judgiuent conies into exer- cise; when we find that this boldness in the construction of the dome ex- ists in appearance only ? This dome is not the thing it looks to be, — it is a mere juggle, an ingenious delusion of the sight. It loolis a. mafsive, ponilerous structure, and an integral portion of the building ; it is, ie fact, a mere frame-work of wood, stuck upon the building, and not belonging to it. It appears to rest firmly upon its base ; but, in reality, derives its support from hidden props and chains, and other delusive cootrivances. The architect has shown vast ingenuity ; but he has, in this instance, mis- taken his vocation, and invaded the province of the theatrical machinist. A dome should be vaulted, resting nowhere but upon its abutments ; but this sham dome is not vaulted ; il is supported at every part of its concave surface. Had it been made of pasteboard, or canvas stretched on a frame, and painted, it would have looked just as well. And the upper half of the side walls of the Cathedral are delusions also. They serve only to conceal the fljing buttresses behind them. They do not add to the internal capacity of the building; and if they were re- moved altogether, the alteration would not be visible from llie interior. On the outer or conspicuous side, little columns are affixed midway in the air— for show. Had these columns, and the walls to which they are attached, been also of painted pasteboard, their present purpose would have been answered fully as well as by more solid materials. NOTES ON THE HYDRAULIC RAM. The invention of this singular engine is due entirely to the genius of the celebrated Jlontgolfier, who made it known in 17U7 ; the peculiar simplicity of its construction, as well of its mode of action, attracted the attention of hydraulic engineers, and of mathematicians, and in 1801, Eytelwein conducted a series of experiments upon a well digested plan, to develop the power, the proportions, and other relations requisite to its greatest etfi- ciency. The oscillatory motion of the water in the ram, and the alternate action of the valves, indicate the physical causes which produce the eflfect of this machine ; they are nevertheless still very far from being suffi- ciently understood to furnish the basis of a mathematical theory. The passive resistances, and especially those arising from the shock or blow given by the valves, interpose difliculties in affixing their value, which render any estimate of the whole dynamic effect almost impossible. Ex- periment alone can instruct us as to the useful etfect it is capable of aflbrding. D'Aubuisson de Voisins has given a succinct account of the researches of Montgolfier and of Eytelwein, and these notes are chiefly derived from it. The parts of a ram are, a pipe connecting a reservoir of water with a case or chest containing two valves — an air chamber, and a rising or sup- ply pipe. The pipe attached to the reservoir was by Montgolfier termed the body of the ram, and the valve chest its head. Further description of the construction of the machine and of its mode of action is unnecessary here, as it may be readily found in every modern work on hydraulics. The largest ram ever erected was put up at IMello, near Clermont sur Oise, by the inventor's son. Its principal dimensions were. Length uf body pipe . . .108 feet. Diameter of ditto . • • 4^3 inches. Weight of ditto . . • 3100 lb. Weight of head . . • 4-10 lb. Conteatsof air chamber . . • li gallons. The tail or stop Talve consisted of a horizontal metal plate pierced with seven holes, each covered by a hollow ball l^ inch diameter ; it beats 60 strokes per minute. This ram worked under a head of water of 37 feet, discharging 31 J gallons per minute, and raising 3^85 gallons to a height of 195 feet. The ratio of the useful eU'ect to the labouring force expended was G53. The comparison of effect is made without taking into account the velocity of the motion ; it is the weight of water raised to a certain height in a determinate time. Calling p"this weight, and H" this height, the effect is p"H". The corresponding force (P being the weight of fluid furnished by the stream in the same time, and H the height of the fall or head of water), is ,,- H" expressed by P H. — The ratio of these is consequently ~p~jj") or since 9H" p" : V :: q:Q, the ratio is y-jr The following table shows the ratio and the eflecl of ordinary rams. The first experiment was made upon the ram constructed by Montgolfier himself, at his house at Paris ; the second upon that erected by his son, above cited ; and the others upon rams in the neighbourhood of Paris, mentioned iu the Traite dts Machines, p. IGI. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 363 Heighl. Water per iiiinule. ,;ll (.> 1! Fall. Elevation. Expen^ e. Deliveri-d. H. H". Q. 7' I 8'G" 52-8 15 1-37 '5i 2 37 -2 193 0 31 3 8.-. (i.-.:i Mean n\lio 3 31 -9 4| 3-3 111-11 18i 374 (ii\ h 32 4 7-2 5-23 0-495 0-072 0-07 10-7 31 5 0 38 7 7-7 8-05 0704 0 007 005 11-54 23 4 1 38 S 9-47 11-11 0 049 0-548 0-50 17-2 17 3 0 32 2 10-7 10-8 0-479 0-473 0-51 22-6 15 3 3 SS 8 11 9 1234 0 303 0 352 0-45 33-8 14 2 G 38 8 15-5 11 95 0 22 0 284 0-32 54-G 10 1 m 38 8 193 9-81 0-088 0181 018 100-0 According to Eytelwein, the length of the body pipe ought not to be less than J of the height to which the water is to be raised. Its diameter in inches, (when Q" is the number of gallons expended per second) —i^ VQ". The diameter of the rising or delivery pipe should be one half of this. The air chamber should be as large as the cube content of the rising pipe. The two valves should be close to each other, but it is of little moment whether the escape valve is above or below the air chamber, with regard to the stream of water. The opening of the escape or tail valve should not be less than the section of the body of the ram. Example. Let it be required to raise 220 gallons of water per hour to a height of 46 feet ; the disposable head of water being 4 feet ; — to determine the expenditure of water per Becood, and the principal dimensions of the ram — 220 gallons per hour = 22001b. = 300 lb. per minute ; 36-0 X 40 =: 1-2 P (4 — -2 -^^46 X i). 36-0 X 40 1403 or, P = 7=- = -r— t; =: 1087-6 lb. per minute; 1-2(4 — -2 ViBj) 1-29 and 108-76 gallons per minute =; 1-81 gallons per second. Diameter of bo-Jy pipe = 4J "^1-81 =:4J X 1-340 := 6 inches, nearly. Length of ditto should not be less than 44 feet, — say 30 feet. Diameter of rising pipe =: -J = 3 inches. 32 X -7854 X 40 , ^ . r - Content of ditto — Tj: = 2icube feet = capacity of aij chamber. Diameter of opening for escape valve = 6 inches. If ball valves are used, their weight should be twice that of the corre- sponding bulk of water. D'Aubuisson, p. 504, makes the following important remarks: — "The hydraulic ram has only beeu employed, hitherto, in raising small quantities of water, and, therefore, in producing small effects. The greatest effect ob- tained by Eytelwein from 1123 experiraeuts was only 11761b , raised one foot in a minute ; aud the greatest fi-om the rams used in France is but 7500 to 8500 lb., raised one foot in a minute, or about one half the work done by a horse, harnessed in a gin." It is very doubtful whether the ram can be used for raising large vo- lumes of water. The violent shock of the valves, and the heavy pulsa- tions of the machine, derange the frame anc'. the foundations made to sup- port it. This it has been attempted to obviate by materially increasing the weight of the ram, and in this way the loss of effect arising from the movement of the machine may be dimiui:,hed, and the evil remedied up to a certain point. The strong frame- work and heavy masonry, constructed to support large rams, have been entirely destroyed after a certain length of :ime; and it is much to be feared, that the employment of this eLgine,in iMier respects so remarkable, will continue to be restricted, and that its sphere o; useful- ness will not extend beyond the supply of w ater to an isolated house or manufactory. 1, Lancaster-place, Nov. 5, 1846. J- H. STABILITY AND STRENGTH OF HUNGEEFORD BRIDGE. In our last number (p. 358) we published extracts* from some remarks addressed by Sir Howard Douglas to the editor of this Journal, respecting the stability and strength of Hungerford Bridge, and promised to reply to the objections raised respecting the sufficiency of that structure. The objec- tions are chiefly these— that the main chains are not strong enough— that the piers are not sufficiently stable, being liable to horizontal strains at their summits, which the shifting saddles do not entirely remove. Tiie first point which we will consider is The Instabilily of ike Piers. It is asserted that, owing to the difference of the form, &c. of C.e catena- ries on either side of each pier, its head is subject to a force, tt-uding to overturn it, which is represented by a — o', where a and a' are the hori- zontal tensions of each catenary respectively. Now this hoi-izontal force a —a' acts upon the shifting saddle. Let us consider the object of this contrivance. 1 ' it recede (that is, move towards the bank of the river), it iucreusvs the span of the centre chain and dimi- * In order to make the extracts more complete, the following words ought to hove been inserted, after the word " destroyed," which concludes the sentence referring to the diagram, " And these unequal strains which exist even when the bridge is at rest, are greatly increased by the vibraiions to which it is subject, and particularly by the action of storms of wind. Unless the error be extreme, these unequal strains may not be pro- ductive of immediate disaster, but they are constantly acting, and by so much they aggra- vate the delects which have been pointed out as attaching more or less to all suspension bridges. Applying the above diagram to an accurate elevation of the bridge, and produc- ing A D till it meet the horiioutal line at the base of the pier, we may see to what extent the stability is endangered, and it is evident that beyond a certain point, the strain at the head of the pier would cease to be supported in the direction of the resultac , A D. Seeing that this error has in point of fact been committed on several occasions, in constructing suspension bridges-that insecurity and failure have eosued-that in one instance which proved fatal, the error was of such magnitude as to make the angle on one side of a pier 71° 2S', and on the other 6fi° SO', and that a very considerable error of this description exists in Hungerford Bridge," &c. 47* 361 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Dec' Dishes its deflection : — both these alterations tend to increase the horizontal tension of the middle chain. At the same time it tends to diminish ihe span of the side chain and increase its deflection: — both these alterations tend lo diminish the horizontal tension of the side chain. So that on the whole, if the horizontal tension of the side chaiu exceed that of the middle chain and Ihe shifting saddle recede, there are four causes in operation to establish equality of tension. Conversely, if the horizontal tension of the middle chain exceed that of the side chain, and the saddle advance, there are four causes in operation lo establish equality of tension. But there are two ways by which the establishment of this equality may be prevented. Either the friction of the saddles on the piers may restrain them from moving, or a sufficiently large range of motion may not have been provided for in the construction of Ihe bridge. Let us consider first the eflect of friction. By reference to the last volume of this Journal, p. 1G5, it will be seen that between the saddle and Ihe top of the pier a number of rollers are interposed in such a manner that the friction is wholly of Ihe nature of rolling friction : there is no rubbing friction, such as that at the axle of a wheel, or the pin of a pulley. It is known by experiment that rolling friction is exceedingly small, almost in- considerable, compared with rubbing friction. From experiments by Babbage, it would appear that weights placed on wooden rollers, 3 inches in diameter, can be moved with jJjth of the force required to move them when placed on wooden sledges. The friction of metallic rollers is a subject which, notwithstanding its importance, seems to have been greatly neglected. Of all the laborious and careful experi- ments upon friction which have been instituted by numerous investigators, comparatively few relate to rolling friction. The rolling friction of any material depends not so much on its smooth- ness as upon its hardness: for it principally arises from the slight flatten- ing of the roller where it is in contact with the plane, and the slight de- pression of the plane itself. Now in the shifting saddles of Hungerford Bridge these causes must operate very slightly, for each saddle rests upon 50 rollers placed almost close together and arranged in an ingenious man- ner so as to work with the utmost regularity. As we said, however, little more than a rougli estimate of the friction can be arrived at ; but we think that an inspection of the saddle itself will instantly satisfy any one that the coellicient of friction cannot be nearly so great as in a railway cirriage. Now the friction of a railway carriage is about ^^Ih of its weight. This friction consists of two parts : the rolling friction at the circumferences of the wheels, and the friction of the axles. These axles are about half the diameter of the rollers at Hungerford, and the rubbing friction of llie former must greatly exceed the rolling friction of the latter. Moreover,in Ihe railway carriages the axle friction is only a part of the resistance, and tlierefore would be represented by a smaller coeflicient than ji^ ; the roller friction of Hungerford Bridge would be represented by a still smaller coeflicient. If then we make the friction on each saddle half the friction of railway wheels, or ^ of the weight, we probably shall have considerably over- estimated it. Now the total weight on each pier will be scarcely SOU* Ions supposing the passengers packed together as closely as they can stand' (a most improbable supposition.) In this case the utmost resistance to the' motion of the saddle will be less than a ton. Consequently, if the " power represented by a — a'" exceed 1 ton, the saddle will begin lo adjust it- self. It is impossible to suppose that masses of brickwork such as those which form Ihe piers of Hungerford Bridge can be overthrown by a force of one ton. We believe, however, that we have greatly over-estimated the amount of this force. In addition we must remember that the vertical pressure on the pier has an cll'ect as well as the horizontal, and that the former tends to the stability of the pier. In the extracts given, ante p. 3JS, there is a dia- gram in which the line A I) represents the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the forces acting on the head of the pier. Let us suppose the diagram slightly altered, by constructing a parallelogram in which the rcrtical and horizontal pressures, instead of the tensions of the chains, are represented. Then A D represents the resultant of those pressures, and it is Ihe diagonal of a parallelogram, of which the sides are in the proportion 1 (ton) ; 8U0 (tons). Me see then how extremely oblique is Ihe direc- tion of A D. If when produced it fell with the base of the pier, the pier would be stable, even if it had no weight, and the morlar no cohesion. To illustrate this important point a little more fully, let us actually construct the diagram. Let A B C L) be the parallelogram of Ihe forces * The total weight of thf centre ctiain when loaded is 1000 tons. One-half of this weight presses each abutment, and 3U0 tons more may be added for the side chaiu. applied by the saddle to the top of the pier, an I let AB be Ihe resultant of the vertical pressures exerted by the rollers : this rejultant will always be somewhere near the centre of the tower. Let A D represent the horizontal friction of the roll- ers : then the diagonal joining A and C will re- present the direction and magnitude of the result- ant. Now, B C is only j^th part of A B, ainl therefore, since the pier is 8U feet in height, tha diagonal A C will, at the base of the pier, be only the ^th of a foot out of the vertical. The base of the pier is 40 feet wide. If, therefore, the position of A B be supposed to be exactly central, the friction or horixjntal force must be two hundred times what we have supposed it to be, before the re:;ultaut cau fall bt-yonU the base. If we take into account the ell'ect of the weight and cohesion of masonry itself, the horizontal force must be sliU further multiplied, before the stability of the pier cau be endangered. Limits of the Motion of the Shifting Saddle. The next point lo be considered is, whether the motion of the shifting saddle has a sufficient range. Me think that it may be satisfactorily shown that the saddle has ample room to adjust itself to any variation of the horizontal tensions of the chains which is likely to occur. It is diffi- cult, in a subject so complicated as the theory of catenaries, to work out general solution of the problem ; a little attention, however, to the case before us, and an allowable simplilication of it, will furnish all the in- formation required. Let us first see the effect of a slight diminution of the span of the cen- tral chain, everytliiug else remaining unaltered. In the tract on '• Metro- politan Bridges," p. 10, the following useful approximate relations are given : — 2x^ = 3y{,-y) (1) a = — ^— - (2) where s is half the length of the chain, y the half span, jr the deflection, and a the length which measures the horizontal tension. In the case of the Hungerford Bridge (supposing the curve to be a common cateuar) j, Ihe values of these quantities are — Half the central span, J .... 338-25 feet. Deflection, x 50- Half length of the chain, s . . . 343- Length mt-asuring horizontal tension, a . 1152'5 where the first two quantities are found by actual measurement, and Ihe two latter are those calculated by Sir Howard Douglas from his for- mulie. Now let us suppose the half span to become 337 feet — that is, to be diminished by 1^ foot ; and the length of the chaiu being unaltered, let us see what will be the new value of a. By equation (Ij, 2 x' = 3 X 337 X 6 ; or, x = 3 X ""^ Ssf. Therefore, by equation (2), 3 X (337)^ + 9 X 337 " = « X 3 X ■^m = * " ^^^ ^ ^"^ + ^) = ^°**' '■^^t- It follows, therefore, that by the small diminution of the span here sup- posed, a very great alteration of the horizontal teusiou is produced — • namely, from 11.52 to 1054, or in a ratio of about 11 ; 10. The lengtli a indicates not the actual value of the tension, but iis proportion to the weight of the chain. Hence, whatever proportion Ihe horizontal tension bora to the weight of the chaiu in the first case, it would beari^ths of ihat proportion in the second case. Now, in the construction of the Bridge, provision has been m.ide for giving the saddles on each pier a play or range of three feet. And we have made the case far too unfavourable for our own view of it; for we have neglected the consideration that, when the saddle moves, the horizontal tension of the side ciiaius is increased at the same time that the horizontal tension of the central chain is diminislted. So that the adjustment would take place much sooner thau has been here supposed. The adjustment neglected in the above calculation is by far the most im- portant in point of magnitude. For a variation of span would not nearly so much alier the tension of the main chain as that of the sides chains, of which the curvature is very small. The latter are stnlched almost in a .straight liue between their points of attachment, at the banks of the river and the top of the piers. So that it tjay be doubted whetlier an increase 18 J5.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 365 of iheir span much beyond a foot, would be geometrically possible if the lengtli of these chains be supposed constant. 'We know that if the chains were absolutely straight, their tension would be iulinite,and as an appruxi- matiun to the straight line must produce an enormous increase of tension, there nerd be no fear that the range of the saddles of Hungerford Bridge would be insuflicieiit for the requisite adjustment. Approximalious similar to those used above would scarcely be suitable for calculation of the variations of the side chains, of which the tension alters !io rapidly for slight alterations of span that the approximate expression must be continued to a much greater number of times to be at all salisfac- tory, This objection does not however obtain respecting the main chain, in which the vari.Uious of tension are not so rapid. We have also fjllowed Sir Howard Douglas in assuming the chain to be a common catenary, and ihe load to be distributed uniformly along the curve. These suppositions might be dangerous, if the strength oftliecbain were being discn-seil, but fur the purpose of estimating roughly the eft'ect of variations of the span, they seem sufficiently accurate. We may as wel remark that the calculation of the strength of the main chain, which is quoted in the last volume of this Journal, Vol. VIII, p.05, is exceedingly incorrect and unscieniific. In ihe tract on iMetropolilan Bridges, and in the Reply to our remarks, several analytical ditficultjes have been suggested which certainly appear to miliiate against the conclusions here arrived at. These difficulties are not however insuperable, as the consideration of the following passage, which we quote from the original pamphlet will show. " In the case of the Hungerford Bridge, however, Ihe catenaries at the two ends when completed, have a consider*ibly less span than the central curve, but they have the same droop or deflection. Hence if2y be the span of the ceutre arc, i y' the span of the curves at the two extremities when completed; and «,a', the corresponding tensions at the lowest poiuis, we have 3y+T- 3 y'- + r2 And as y' is considerably less than y, a' will evidently be less than a in a still higlier ratio. Hence there will be a constant horizontal strain, equal to ((I — 0') acting at the top of each pier." The supposition that the side chains " have the same droop or deflection" as the central chain, is a misapprehension as to a point of fact — tliey have a considerably greater deflection. Hence in the second of these equations we must put for x, a larger quantity x'. This correction is a satisfactory solution of the difficulty suggested. The extracts quoted last month from the Reply, contain the following clause in the sentence explaining the dia- gram, " If the tangents of the curves formed by the heads of the piers do not mftke equal angles with the vertical line A V, even if the tensions of A B, A C, were equal (which is not the case in Hungerford Bridge), the re- sultant of the strains at A would be in the direction of a line A U," ice. It seems to have been overlooked that the fact alluded to in the paren- thesis, and the fact suggested just previously, are of a compensating nature If there be an inequality, not only of the amount of the two tensions, but also of their angles of inclination, the resultant may be vertical — if only one of these inequalities exist, the resultant cannot be vertical. To Sir Howard Douglas belongs the merit of having suggested for dis- cussion a subject of great interest to engineers and the public generally ; and of having considered the question in that purely argumentative manner which always ensures respect in a scientific controversy. He will, we are sure, give us credit for having the same object in view as himself— that of ascertaining the truth ; and if our reasoning should appea- erroneous, we shall be quite ready to be set right. Of the strength of the main chains of the bridge we have not as yet said anything, as we are not in possession of ail the data. These however are promised to us, and a separate paper on this part of the subject shall, if possible, appear in our next number. AM\TEUR ENGINEERING. The English Government is distinguished from those of other countries by its reluctance in assisting or rewarding the etforts of mechanical inventors. There is no doubt that from the operation of this rule many valuable dis. coveries are lost to the country, which has a direct interest in promoting those scientific labours which tend to the benefit of the whole community. At the sHme time, it is certain that an indiscriminate encouragement of in- ventors would suliject the country to an overwhelming numlier of claims on the behalf of futile immature and valueless schemes. The restrictive rule observed by our Government is however occasionally relaxed, and it happens, unfortunately, that the occasions chosen for this re- laxation are those where the least benefit results to the country, and the consideration shown to favoured individuals is least deserved. We allude to public encouragement of amateur ship. building and marine engineering. It would be invidious to point out all the instances in which the public money has been recently squandered in constructing war steamers upon plans sug- gested by persons whose occupations and previous studies by no means quali- fied them for the task undertaken by them. Of course the inventors them- selves stoutly deny the failure of their plans, and can overpower us with proofs of their success ; but the professional engineer will immediately recall numerous instances in which persons possessed of Parliamentary influence, or Ihe advantage of titles to the peerage, have been able to waste many thousands of pounds of public money in the manner alluded to. We may, however, take one instance where failure has been so obvious that denial would be impossible. The Sidoti, the offspring of Sir Charles Napier, was intended to have been a lesson to all future engineers ; and such indeed it has proved — in the way of salutary warning. If it be determined that the rule of discouraging inventors is to have ex- ceptions, they ought not surely to be so selected that the possible failures shall be productive of the greaten ' imnaat of loss. Judging a /^r/on', we might suppose that naval construction on which the strength of Great Bri. tain depends, and of which the operations are necessarily of the most costly kind, would be the very last branch of the industrial arts chosen to be sub- jected to the experiments of inexperienced amateurs. We might suppose that the building of steam and other vessels of war, involving as it does, in every case, a vast expense to the country, would be conducted with the ut- most caution, and would be intrusted solely to careful and experienced hands. It would seem a matter of common prudence that if amateurs must be en- conraged in their taste for practical mechanics, they ought to try their 'pren- tice hands on some work a little less costly than ship building. But the Government is not alone responsible for the errors in question, which have been largely participated in by companies of private individuals. A clever busy man, with a good deal of intrigue and energy, may often get up a company, which he can coax into an encouragement of his own private schemes, or those of the cliqtte to which he belongs. The Great Northern, built at Londonderry, by some one who, from modesty (or more probably, from prudence), has not trumpetted forth his name, was to have been a model of Irish steamers for English engineers ; but alas, turned out but ill The restorative applications of London engineers — Miller, Ravenhill and Co., were found requisite intus et in cute before the unfortunate victim of me- chanical dabblings could be brought to a state of vigorous healthy action. The Great Britain again was a woeful example of amateur patchwork. The public were invited to inspect and admire this gigantic specimen of ship- building ; and attracted by her magnitude and showy decorations, they in- spected and admired accordingly. Could a promiscuous crowd of visitors be supposed likely to scrutinise the proportions of the engines, the size, shape, and arrangement of the small and inconspicuous parts, and all those minutia which, as the professional engineer knows, constitute the excellence or worthlessness of a marine engine .' The history of this vessel has been a series of unfortunate mistakes from beginning to end. First, she was huilt in dock? of which the opening was too narrow to permit her exit. The chrysa- lis grew and increased in stature, and when the time came for quitting its wingless state, and going forth freely into the world, was found unable to emerge from its integument. However, these difficulties, the result of gross bungling, were at last got over. But the troubles had only just commenced. The engines were found to be— what engines might have been predicted to prove, which were constructed by men who had never undergone the disci- pline of an engineer's workshop. Professional engineers were again called to the rescue, and this time, Mr. Field, of the firm of Maudslay and Field, was the re-operator. At present, the Great Britain lies upon the coast of Ireland, beaten and buffetted by the wind and tide. No one knows how she got into her presnet position ; this, like all her previous adventures, has the charm of mystery about it — a mystery which baffles human penetration. There is a convenient complexity about the story, which averts condemnation by puzzling Ihe judg- ment. Bristol charts not drawn as they ought to be, the Isle of Man appearing where it ought not to be, the captain's notions of time and space, the advantages of an untried course to the north of Ireland, the directors complaisance, and barrels of gunpowder placed behind the vessel to blow her — not up — but off: — these are the materials of the story ; of which the only certain part is the event — namely, that the Great Britain lies ashore iu THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Dec. Dundrum Bay, beaten and buffetted by wind ami tide, as afoiesaid, and that she is reserved for further amateur experiments. As no lives have as yet been lost in these experiments, one would not crum- ble at their having been carried on with a view to the advancement of prac- tical science, if they had been conducted with some regard to economy. But what is chiefly to be complained of is, that experience has been purchased at to dear a rate. Fifty thousands to a hundred and twenty thousands of pounds are not trifling sums to pay in experimenting. Are we to suppose that engineers like Watt, iMaudslay, Miller, Seawards, Penn, or Napier, ac- quired in a day the experience necessary for the conslrnctinn of marine engines of from 500 to 1000 horse power.' Amau must flatter his inventive talents most outrageously if he supposes that they can compete against the accvmu- lated knowledge of others, who, even if for argument sake we suppose them greatly inferior in individual capacity, have yet been working together for years in the same pursuits. It is impossible to imagine that the abilities of one man can ever so greatly surpass those of the rest of mankind as to enable him to contend against the long-continued and co-operating efforts of his fellow labourers. M"e do not wish to give to experience more than its due share of merit ; but it is obvious to every one who knows any thing of marine engines, that the most profound scientific knowledge, and the most brilliant inventive talents, will not alone constitute a practical engineer. Long, labo- rious, even painful, experience must be superadded. That every man is to be trusted in his own art — cuiqite in sua arte creden- dum est is a proverbial expression, aud like other proverbial expressions in- volves both truth and falsehood. The man who is constantly in practice of the technical rules of bis profession, and who trusts to his experience alone, will frequently become the slave of routine. He has got into fixed habits of thought — like the mill-horse he can only go his round : and a valuable idea which would occur to a mere bystander may be overlooked liy him. The extra-professional suggestions of clever amateurs or men of science are not discouraged : and the professional superciliousness with which such sugges- tions are frequently met is destestable. But there is a great diflTerence be- tween encouraging the suggestions of inexperienced persons, and suffering such persons to carry out their ideas independently of professional control ; especially when the works undertaken are of such magnitude as the Sidoi, the Great Korthern, or the Great Britain. THE NEW PLANET. The dispute respecting the discovery of the new planet is likely to be brought to a satisfactory termination. At a meeting of the Astronomical Society, held during tlie last mouth, the Astronomer- Rojal read a paper, tracing the iuvestigalions from the commencement, and distinctly assigning to Mr. Adams his priority of right and title to the liiscovery. Profesor Airy has beeu iu correspondence with both M. Le Verrierand Mr. Adams, and his paper was supported throughout by original letters and other authentic documents, of which the dates are indisputable. He allows fully to JI. Le Verrier the merit of having performed his investigations in- dependently, and of having, in the first instance, anuoiinced his results in a more public manner than Mr. Adams. The latter contented himself with depositing iu the Greenwich and Cambridge observatories the calculations necessary to facilitate the search for the planet with the telescope. It is very important to remark, that the calculations of Mr. Adams were not only the earliest, but by far the most ample aud recondite. M. Le A'errier contented himself with publishing last June the heliocentric longi- tude of the planet. In addition to this, Mr. Adams announced its mass, longitude nf fierihclion, and eccentricity — infinitely more difiicult and com- plicated investigmions than those to which JI. Le Verrier restricted him- self. No one would wish to detract from the merit of the latter, but to compare bis labours with those of his scientific opponent would be ridi- culous. It is very gratifying to learn that the paper read by the Astronomer- Royal, and Mr. Adams's investigations, are about to be published. The world will then have the opportunity of examining the two independent in- vestigations. Hen of scicuce will confine themselves to the examination of them on their own merits, irrespectively of all considerations of the time when they were made, and we doubt not that even the French philo- sophers will allow the superiority, iu this respect, of the claims of the Enj^lishman. The publication of the paper read by the Aslrouomer-Royal will also confirm, on the highest authority, the assertion made in these pages last mouth, that Mr. AdaiLs's claims were prior iu point of time, as well as intrinsic merit. The opponents of this view of the question are now shifting their mode of attack — a sure sign that they are losing ground. They say that the announcement to the French Academy was »nort public than that to the English astronomers, and that according to a conventional rule in these matters, the discovery belongs to him who makes his announcement in the most public manner. But what more could be required of Mr. Adams than that he should deposit his results in the principal public observatories of Great Britain? He made kno^^n his discoveries to the Astronomer- Rojal, and through him to the whole body of English astronomers— Sir John ilerschell, for instance, was perfectly aware of .\lr. Adams's investi- gation, though the information reached him in no other way than through the Greenwich observatory, besides, the papers were deposited in the very places where alone the requisite telescopic observations could be un- dertaken. Had Mr. Adams the least suspicion that any attempt would he made to wrest his rights from hira, he might, with the greatest ease, have precluded the attempt effictually. The Fren< 'i Academy may hug their self-conceit, and extol M. Le Verrier for having flattered it by addressing his commuuic'ition to them ; but let them not accuse Mr. Adams because he has not imitated this course, but acted more soberly and quietly. The publiraliiin made by him was quite sufficient for all useful purposes— not quite suRicient, it seems, for show and ostentation. Many great matiiematical discoveries have heretofore been communicated in a far more private way, aud yet the claims of the discoverer remaio inconlestible. John Bernoulli first announced the general principle of Virtual Velocities iu a private letter to Varignon. Is therefore tiie merit of his discovery the less because hf stated it through the medium of ordi- nary correspondence? The different modes T making a discovery known are comparatively trifling ; and certainly if in the case belbre us a com- parison must be made, it results in favour of Mr. Adams, who chose the method most advantageous — not to his own fame — but to the interests of science. There is one consideration however which may perfectly satisfy us in all these disputes. Whatever discussion may now exist as to the proper conventional method of making known a discovc.y, posterity will concern itself little in a debate so trifling and artiScal. Future generations of philosophers will be more anxious to know the author of the discovery, than the etiquette which ought to be observed on the occasion. These foolish ephemeral quibbles will be forgotten with the authors of them; and the great sterling fact will alone remain, that our countryman was the first man in the history of the world who looked into the firmament with prophetic sight, and discerned there a new world — weighed it, measured it, and traced the course of it, while as yet unseen by human eye. One of the magazines spe.iks of Mr. Adams as an under-graduate ! It is provoking that these " sciutific journals" do not confine themselves to subjects of which they Icljw a little. Mr. Adams look his degree as senior wrangler, is fellow and lecturer of St. John's, and tht University moderator fur next year. The following may be relied upon as an accii ate sketch of the history of Mr. Adams's labours. We should not perhnps be justified in slating the authority for this statement, but the reader may be assured of the accuracy of the dates. The resolution of endeavouring to account for the perturba- tions of the motion of Uranus by the action of another planet, was first formed by Mr. 4danis iu the year 1841 ; and it appears, from memoranda, that finding, in the summer of that year, the labour of calculation to be so great, that, if undertaken at that time, it would seriously interfere with his academical studies, he resolved to defer, until after taking his degree, the investigation which was to determine approximatively the place of the disturbing planet, aud thus assist astronomers in discovering it by actual observation. In the course of 1813 (three years ago), the first approxi- mation to the place of the planet was arrived at by Mr. Adams, and the calculations, though comparatively rough, were suliicienlly close to satisfy him that his hypothetical explanation of the anomalies iu the motion of Uranus was a correct one. In February, 1S44, having obtained from the AstronomerUroyal the observations made at Greenwich since 1781, he renewed the investigation of the problem, and this time rendered it much more complete than before. Several solutions were obtained, differing but very slightly from each other; and by successively taking into account more and more terms of the series expressing the perturbations, first ia April, lb4J, again in May, and finally in September of that year, the ac 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOUllNAL. Z67 curate solulion of this -.Toiiderful problem was at last obtained, and was immpdljitely comnuiuicated lo Professor Cliallis, and iu the following month to ihe Aslrononier-Rojal. Both Professors were therefore iu pos- session of the perfectly complete solution upwards of a jear ago. MOVEABLE JIB CRANES. Remarks or the ■utility and defects of the Moveable Jib Crane, according to the construction now generally used in Glasgow, with proposed If/prove- ments to obviate its defects. By William Gale, Glasgow. Head at the Institute of Civil Engineers. (With Engravings, Plate XIX.J The author's attention having been recently drawn to an examination of the causes of numerous accidents (many of them attended with fatal conse- quences) during the erection of some of the public buildings in Glasgow and the neighbourhood, he found that one of the most fruitful sources of these accidents was the defective construction and injudicious use of the movea'de jib crane. This crane, it may be remarked, has nearly superseded all others used by builders in Glasgow, and is at present employed at most of the pu''ic buildings in course of erection. It has, however, undergone material alterations since its introduction by Francis Watt upon Mr. Ste- venson's works, during the erection of the Bell Rock Ligbth) use ; but while undergoing these modifications and changes to suit convenience, the princi- ple of construction has undergone a change, which has increased the strains to a very considerable extent. As originally constructed, the post or upright a was from 20 feet to 30 feet long, the jib b being of about the same length ; the upright was supported by gye-ropes or chains, similar to the mode usually adopted in quarries ; but at present the past is reduced to 15 feet in height, and the jib is extended to 50 feet in length, whilst the inconvenience or rather impracticability of getting the gyes fastened in many cases, such as in erecting street buihlings or quay walls, where there is a great trafHc, led to the substitution of the two arms c, d, and the framing (Plate XIX. fig. 1) ; and, in order to prevent it upsetting, the framing is loaded with stones, or other heavy materials, or when placed on the upper itories or roof of a building, which is frequently done, the framing is lashed down with chains to some fixed points beneath. It will at once appear evident that this alteration in the construction, by shortening the post or upright a, and lengthening the jib or derrick b, must liave increased the strain on the jib chain to an enormous extent, and in many instances the accidents occurred from the snapping of the chain. No one who has seen this crane in operation can call in question its great utility to the builder, on account of the expedition and ease with which heavy blocks can he bedded over a considerable extent of front, without moving the position of the crane after it has been once fixed down ; but the point to be objected to, is the great amount of strain thrown on the jib chain, even with moderate weights attached, when the jib is worked at a great inclination from the perpendicular, and when it is considered that a weight of 4 or a tons is frequently suspended from it, it is certain that if builders were only made sensible of the risk, they would be more scrupulous in hazarding the lives of those under their charge, and fewer accidents would he heard of. From what has been stated it will be obvious, that the total strain thrown on the jib chain depends upon various causes. 1st, The length of the jib. 2nd. The height of the post. 3rd, The inclination of the jib. 4th, The weight attached. 5th, The proportion of weight due for the jib itself, with its mountings and chains ; and Cth, The friction. Awa'e of the danger of trusting to theory alone, in making an accurate investigation into these sources r.f strain, the author had recourse to a variety of experiments, by model, being at the same time sensible of the fallacious nature of the results deduced therefrom, unless increased size and weight, and consequently increased leverage and friction, were all accurately calculated and allow- ed for. After numerous experiments, however, it was found, that a near approximate agreement took place betwixt the results brought out by tlie model and those deduced from theoretical investigation for the full-sized machine. In the theoretical investigation of the question, the weight to be raised being known (which must include the proportion of weight due for the jib, &c., along with that due for friction), it is only necessary to apply the paral- lelogram of forces in the usual way, in order to obtain data wher^jy to ascertain the strains; thus if A B represent the total weight, B D = AC gives the strain on the jib chain, while AD represents the strain on the jib. Or if C D' represent the total weight, A C and A D' respectively re- present the strain on the jib chain, and the jib or derrick. Keeping in view, that the great utility of this crane, for street erections, consists in its having a long jib and short post, it became an object to im- prove the acknowledged defective part of the machine, the jib chain, not by adding strength to the chain itself, which had already been done by Luild- ers, until it was rendered quite inapplicable for winding round a barrel of 8 or 9 inches in diameter, but simply by introducing a pulley between two rods of iron, bolted to the point of the jib *, as shown in Plate XIX,, figs. 1 and 2, and having the end of the chain attached to the top of the post or upright a, instead of attaching it to the point of the jib. A mechanical ad- vantage was thus gained, and a much lighter chain than had hitherto been used, could with safety be adopted. The loss of speed was more than com- pensated by the increased ease with which the jib could be worked ; but; speed in this part of the crane was of little importance, as the jib was generally placed at the required angle, or nearly so, before commencing to raise the block. This is the chief improvement, which it is intended to sug- gest wuc/e this description of crane may be found suitable. It is preferable also to increase the diameter of the pulleys from 10 or U inches to 18 or 20 inches. The importance of using large pulleys does not, however, seem to be sufficiently appreciated by the builders, otherwise they would not allow their machines to be fitted up v\'ith smaller ones. Lastly, tne friction caused by the angle of the jib chain, after passing the pulley in the post to either side of the barrel of the wheel and axle, may be obviated to a considerable extent, by confining the chain to a barrel of from 20 to 24 inches in length, (fig. 3.) The strength of chain necessary for working the jib of this crane will depend on the nature of the work, but for general purposes a chain made of the best iron, |ths inch or -i^ths inch diameter, will be found amply suf- ficient. As some builders might prefer using a rope instead of a chain for working the jib, the back \iew of a crane (fig. 3), and the jib head (rig. 4), are shown. Two pulleys are introduced at the end of the iron rods, the other end being bolted to the end of the jib, as in fig. I, and a third pulley is fixed to the top of the post. The rope is fastened to the barrel of the wheel and axle, thence it passes over a pulley fixed on one side of the post, and then over one of the pulleys at the end of the iron rods; it then returns to the pulley at the top of the post, and passing over the other pulley at the rods, returns to that fixed on the other side of the post, and is fastened to the barrel of the wheel and axle. Thus there is one continuous rope, equally strained by means of the pulley at the top of the post. By having also the barrel of the wheel and axle divided into two compartments, as shown in fig. 3 (back view), the one compartment being about two inches larger in diameter than the other, the whole of the pulleys will be set in motion when the jib is working. The rope necessary to work this crane may vary from 1^ to la inch in diameter, according to the weight of the materials used, and it would be preferable to a chain, where this construction is adopted. Fig. 5 is another view of a jib head, showing II e atlachnient of the rope and pulley to the jib head. The scale of Fi;,'. 1 is drawn to a scale of 10 ft. to | of an inch, and the remainder of the figures double the 368 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. MARPING HAULAGE ON CANALS. A new system of hanlast- has been tried for the first time in this rountry on the RcRent s-ranal, tlirongh the tunnel underSt. John's noo.l. Padding. ton. I ,s the .nveniion of Captain I5eadou,and is said to have complelely succeeded. Me have some impression that a similar ssslem has beeo fr,™ lis merits, but otherwise, proves that ihe invention is a practicable one. The plan consists of a steam tug-hoat and ropes, as shown in the aii- 2tt 1 vv",l "",""''■ ^'^- ' ;■' ^ '!'" ^•''■"•«'"' «S- ^ a plan view, of a vessel htttd with steam power and the haulage ropes. [Dec. A A engine and boiler, B C two reels or cylinders, carrying wire ropes D and I- passing out fore and aft of the said boat. 'These reels have'^fn front of them guides to regulate the wire ropes in winding up, and passing off such reels, and they are connected with the driving shaft of the entrine by endless chains shewn in fig. 2, and are placed in the boat fore and aft he engine and boiler. F. ach reel contains six miles of wire rope, which IS alternately laid down in the bottom of the canal. The ends of these rones are attached to the reels, and the two other ends of such ropes are fastened to posts in the canal banks ; and when the one, say the rope D. is wound up, the entire working end of the other, E, is down in the canal. 1 be reels are thrown in and out of gear by the reversing motion of the en- Fig. I. ■"-"-'»'«>•;- <-s>A Fig. 2. gear'anT'therTu " boat is as follows : the reel C is thrown out of der or rp. R 1 '" " r^""' ""' '■""'"^^ ="•'■ s^' i" "lotion, and the cy in der or reel B revolves and winds in the rope D, whilst the cylinder or reel .^.e f.io" c^f th?r7„"V'"' Z'r- '^'^^''"^'' '" revolv:,'ind does soby eca'a aslhehoT ' ",'"'': " "'"' gradually delivered down into end of tte lo e n^h '""'"""' "'^S' ^^ '''°° "' ""' boat arrives at the end of the lopeD the engine is reversed, the cylinder or reel B is thrown "i"rhrro,;e«. ,■"■;.'?'"%'" "'.'"' ""^ ^°P^ ^'-•' ""^ < vlinde H to de" li.er the rope 1) , so that, m fact, by simply winding in and out of t:;e two ropes is the boat propelled along backwards or forwards six miles each h J," '!T ''"'"' °^ •'»'>'' along, they are attached by a tow-rope to thig boat, and proceed with it to the end of its rope or station. They ar t e,! disconnected from the boat, and attached to another similar one, "and taken oihe SIX miles, and so on to Ihe end of their journey. The cana s thus so't'har h ? " ''?.'' of stations, having tug-boats to stirt atappomfed inie, 80 that boats, as they arrive, are forwarded with regularity. ' RAILWAY CURVES. ,,loyment," in the" Journal fjr October p 300 ''"""' ""' ""^ '^"'^ U here the extremities of a chord line have been already ascertained and given, and sf.kn there can be no doubt of the simplicIlyVnd alcu^e^ "f your correspondent's method, provided the localities be s liUble for its exe cntion. ndeed, I am much inclined to think that, unde those^ e""' stances, U ,s superior, being less complex, to any otii'er method I hale me"t I would suggest that it is better to avoid referring to tabular information • but to be as independent of it as possible. The versed sine of iny "c mav' be readily found, where the radius and chord are given, by the 47th nro »eat. After this, the time and trouble of chaining the whole length of the chord of half the arc may be saved, for it will be found to be equal to c„.i , I .u ^ *,i'5* '''""■'' "''"'« *'"'■■) "^ + ('-ersed sine) 2, is ver "i"^ ^^u V ""'"l ^' ''^^"'""^ '° ^' "''^'"'<^'i ■' and at this point, orZr^iTn^^ \ ^r'"' "V°. ""^ "■'^"•'^ ^'' ■' "'^' i^-F™" "-e square' «1 I r Ih^ ""^"^^ '*'■"' ''''duct the square of half the chord of half the of 1,1 . I ^^"".y'O'^ --oot of the dilference, deducted from the radius on „;«/'■''' "■'"''^''1'"'' '" '""^ versed sine of half the arc; and so on, ad injinitum. ' The chief object I had in view, in recommending the use of mv instrB- Wlln,"!,'","''''"'''''']''^' "'""'*'' ' "«y ^ay, under any circumstances, nls, ,r r ".""'■,' ^"'" '"Z"'"':'^' tbe tangent may either be made to work past ihem or to stop short of them. &c. ; a new calculation will of course be requisite to be made at each alteration of the tangent, but that can very soon be done Another a.lvantage is, that it does not require to see further thao the length you choose, or fiud it convenient to make the tangent. Military Library, 30, Charing Cross. "' *"' os^rf'I'""';" ""^.'^fi."'":'"; of ""y " ^""e Tracing Instrument," " a 6" is used lor c b, and " effect " for offset. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 369 EARL'S GONIOMETRICON. CRegistered lij Mr. George Earl, School of Design, Peckham.*) The grnat recommendation which this instrument has received from the Pictorial Times induces us to lay it before our readers, be found to be a very serviceable appendage to the travelling architect, We doubt not it will The following is a description of the instrument as given in the above journal. F'B. '• "This neat, elegant, and portable delineator has been con- trived to enable persons unskilled in drawing to find the perspec- tive direction of the vanishing or receding lines of objects. This it does with an ease and accuracy which is almost fascinat- ing. All practitioners, and persons in the habit of sketching architectural or other complicated views, know the extreme diffi- culty of getting the leading lines of the picture projected with accuracy, and how easily the subordinate parts fall into their places when once these are obtained. This difficulty the gonio- nietricon obviates, and with its assistance the most uninitiated may hereafter master the art of drawing in correct proportionate perspective. The mode of using the instrument is thus described by Mr. Earl: — Place the instrument between the eye and the object to be outlined, which is done by holding it with the finger and thumb of the left hand, at a point between the top of the arc and the universal joint. It is then fixed in that position at an angle of 00 degrees with the line of vision, a task accomplished by taking a small ivory acorn attached to the in- Btrument by a string, and placing it firmly between the teeth, ■wben the connecting string is stretched to its fullest tension. This done, the instrument is moved till one of the indicators (which in the cut looks like the hand of a clock,) coincides with .the line whose downward or upward direction it is sought to ascertain. That point discovered, the instrument is laid flat on the drawing-paper with the horizontal bar parallel with its lower line, and gently moved to the required position, when the line of direction is ruled off from the edge of the indicator. The bottom of the instrument is set with divisional points, to assist in sketching the proportions of figures, trees, and objects of irregular form or outline. •' We have only to add to our recommendation of the goniometricon, that it is much used by artists and travellers, and recommended to general use by no less a person than the .Astronomer Royal." The Engraving, fig. 1, is a front view of this very ingenious and useful instrument; fig. 2 exemplifies the manner of its application. Besides the valuable testimonial referred to, from Professor Airey, we observe there is one from IVlr. Reynolds, of the Kew Observatory, who says — " Tour instrument is precisely what Dr. Priestley, in his valuable work on perspective, hoped some mechanical man would discover, in order to make the science of perspective tangible to the comprehension of all." Fig. 2. * We are indsljted for the use of the wood engravings to our eotemporary, the " Mechanics' Magazine." BLASTING UNDER WATER. Paper on the application of Gunpowder as an instrument of engineering operations, e-remplified by its use in blasting marl rocks in the River Severn. By George Edwards. Read at the Institute of Civil Engineers. Many plans have been proposed at different times for the improvement o' the Severn. It is sufficient, however, for the present purpose to state, th a' in 1842 an Act was obtained under the advice of Mr. W. Cubilt, V.P. Inst. C.E., fur the improvement of 43 miles of its length, from Stourport to Gloucester; over which distance, in many places there was not 2 feet depth of water during the summer season. The object of the proposed works i to increase this depth to 6 feet of navigable water during all seasons. Above Worcester the additional depth is obtained partly by dredging, but chiefly by a series of four weirs, varying between 300 and 400 feet in length, with side locks for the the traffic. Between Worcester and Gloucester (a distance of 29 miles), it is proposed to obtain the required depth, partly by contrac - ing the channel by embankments of fascines, and partly by dredging. Messi Grissell and Peto having undertaken the entire completion of the works, from Stourport to Gloucester, the superintendence of the dredging oj. r. tions was entrusted to the author. The shoals to be removed by dr.dging are generally isolated, varying from 100 yards to half a mile in length, and they require excavating to a depth of from 3 to 5 feet. A large proportion 4tj 370 THE CIVIL KNGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Dec. of these shoals consist of alluvial gravel, without 'flints, but principally of quartiose and granitic pcbblo, varieties of porphyry and of compact and granular sandstone. This material, altbcjugli vcryhaid in some places, offered no engineering difficulties. Other shoals consist of denuded beds of hard red marl; this material being found in every instance, when the river impinges upon the eastern or western limits of its valley. In most places it was so bard, as to render its removal by the dredging machine (juite im- practicable; and it is the object of tljc present commimicaiion to describe the method of blasting, or breaking up this material, witli gunpowder, so as to render it capable of being dredged up with facility. That part of the river Severn, above described, traverses nearly north and south the great plain of red mat! of the new red sandstone foriualion, the bed of the river from Stourport to about a mile I elow Holt liridge, near Onilietsley, being formed through the upper strata of the new red sandstone; upon Ibis lies the great bed of red marl (in places saliferous), d)])ping at a small angle, but irregularly, to the south east. The river traverses the whole of this strata, which is prohalily more than 1000 feet in thickness, passing through the upper strata, and entering the lias formation above Gloucester. The led marl is generally considered by geologists to he formed from the debris of older rocks, and it appears to be totally devoid of organic lemains. It lies generally in beds, rarely exceeding 15 inches in depth, and often much less. It is divided occasionally by strata of greenish grey marl, and near the upper part of the formation by thin, but very hard, beds of shaly, or imperfect lias. It is difficult to describe the comparative hardness of materials, but when it is stated, that in many places it was impossible to cause a steel chisel- pointed boring tool to enter it by any ordinary exertion, by bond, from a boat, it will be conceived that it could not be readily raised' liy dredging. After exposure to the action of the air it breaks up into small fragments, almost like the slaking of lime, so that solid blocks, which could only be broken by the application of considerable force into tbarp-edged fiagme'nts, would, in the course of a few days, fall to pieces and afford no criterion of its hardness in an undisturbed state. ■When the dredging machine was tried upon one of these mail shoals, it was found impossible to raise above 50 or CO tons per day, and that with constant risk and repeated accidents to the machine ; but such rate of pro- gress was totally incompatil)le with the required progress of the work. At- tempts were first made to break it up by driving iron bars into it, and priz- ing it up, but this plan did not answer. A second attempt was made to loosen it with a very strong plough, something like a "subsoil" plough, which was proposed to be pulled through the marl by a powerful crab fixed on a barge, the plough being guided by a strong pole ; the effect produced was, however, so superficial, and tb.e expense of labour was so great, that this method was also abandoned, and experiments were made to ascertain the effect and probable cost of using gunpowder. These were so satisfac- tory, that it was determined to bla>t all the marl shoals, )>revious to dredg- ing them. In January, 1B45, as soon as tlie requisite maieiials and estab- lishment could be prepared, this operation was commenced, and has since been carried on with no other interruptions than those occasioned by freshes in the river; the total length of blasting required (about a mile and a half,) being now nearly completed, and a considerable portion of the marl since dredged up, at the rate of 200 or 300 tons per day with perfect facility. The most economical method of using powder, to break up a depth of rock like that described, would pnibably be to obtain a face of the required depth atone end cf the work, to put in a row of shots at the back of it, and after each discharge to remove the loosened marl ; continually repeating the process; but this method would have been open to many serious objections. The dredging machine and the blasting gang would have been constantly waiting for cacli other, and having but two dredging machines to perform the work, it was of great importance to economise their time in every possi- ble way. By such proceedings also, a constant obstruction to the navigation would have been created, equal to the whole width of the new channel. The number of men that could have been employed in blasting would also have been very limited. These objections, in 'this particular instance, far outbal.-inced any little saving of gunpinvder. It was therefore determined to put in perpendicular shots, througbnut the site of the cbauuel, at such distances as experience might prove to be best, and proceedings were com- menced with spaces of C feet from centre to centre of the shot holes. Six rafts were used, as stages to work from : they were each formed of four baulks of timber, aliout 10 feet long ; the baulks, placed in pairs, were secured at a distance of 4 feet apart, by cross pieces, G inches squaie, well .^piked to the baulks at intervals of 0 feet ; these' were covered with deals 3 inches thick, laid lengthways of the raft, a space of 12 inches in width being left open along the centre. The ends of the rafts were provided with strong ring bolts to moor by. Tiiese rafts were confined to one bank of the river by ropes, and retained at the required distance from it by a series of " sets," or booms, abutting against the bank. At tlie up-strcam'end of the raft was a large barge fitted up as a blacksmith's shop, for tlie necessary repair of the tools, viith dwellings for the watcbman, the ganger, &c. The hows of the barge were strongly fortified, and a strong oblique boom of large baulks reached from it to the shore, so as to protect the whole fleet from the craft onming down the river. At the duwii-slream end was another barge, fitted up as a powder magazine and as a shop, furnished with every necessary (or the ipanufacture of the cartridges and for the storing of their' material. The words " powder magazine" this vessel. in large letters were painted on both sides of The first operation consisted in placing and securing in their proper posi- tions, the pipes through which the holes were to be bored. Small stakes, painted with a series of numbers, were first driven into the bank, parallel to' the work, at distances of G feet apart ; as far behind them as the slope would allow, was anotlier row of stakes parallel with the first, so that a line drawn through two stakes would be at right angles with the river, and a person standing behind the two stakes could readily direct the workmen when to lower the charge-pipe, which was then secured in its place, in the opening of the raft, by a " timber dog," driven into the raft on each side of it. The pipes were of wrought iron, drawn for the purpose by Messrs. James Russell and Sons, of Wednesbury : they were 3J inches in diameter, ^ylis inch thick, and 9 feet long.* Two collars, half inch square, were shrunk on them near the upper end, for the purpose of retaining a rope, bv which they were secured when the charge was fired. When the depth of the water increased, these pipes could be lengthened 4 feet by an additional piece, prepared for that purpose ; this joint was made by shrinking on a collar, 6 inches long, over the joint. The pipe being in its place, was driven through any gravel that might remain and a few incises into the marl. The gravel was generally so thick upon the marl, that it was requisite first to remove it by means of the dredging machine. To protect the thin edges of the pipes whilst being driven, a cast iron cap. or plug, was used, which received the blows from a heavy wooden beetle ; the interior of the pipe was next cleared of any sand, or gravel, that might have entered while putting them down. The principal tool used for this purpose was an iron bucket or cylindrical tube, 2 feet in length, of as laige a diameter as would pass down the wUdle ; it was furnished at the bottom with a valve opening inwards, and was jointed to a round rod, of the requisite length, half an inch in dia- meter, and when used with a pumping motion, tpiickly brought up whatever could not enter at the valve. The boring then commenced; a gang of three men being stationed at each pipe. The first operation was that of the jumper, which was made with a single steel edge, a little rounded. The jumpers were of round iron, IJ inch diameter, except 2 feet in length at the lower end, which was li inch diaiueler. For general use they were 15 feet long, and weighed about 52 lb. each ; after working them till they were nearly set fast, an'aujer was inserted to raise the plug of loosened marl and to render the hole true. The shell of the auger was 20 inches long and nearly closed up, the better to retain the loosened borings. Tlie shot holes were bored two feet below the proposed bottom of the dredging, as it was expected that each shot would dislocate, or break into small pieces, a mass of marl of a conical or parabolic form, of which the Fig. 1. A-,' - I- ; • <>^-': " ' V '" f I './ t' ^Y V V V o ;l ;i o \l 0 1 ii /\ /\ A 'i i i " t :.-.- /,'" ~j:.~>^ X '^ 1 V T.V .' ^\ •> y <-. ,x '/-. /-^x i ,'^ ^' / '. ><. "-^ '*' ^/ \ "-"' rjr -•<:'' -' ■> ~v i t, o V A. I' o V li Ij o A /, \ V i A 'i V * Where tlie mnrl was bo iU*ep as to require 3 or more pounds of powder, It was found that the cartridtjes of such diiimeter as could be used in tliese small bores were fo long as to lose part ot the effect of the gunpowder j BuUequently, pipes of 4 Inches diameter ucie used uith advauUtje, 184G.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 371 bore hole wonUl be the centre, and its bottom the apex, so that four adjoin- ing shots would leave between them a pyraraidical piece of marl, where the powder would have produced little or no effect. By carrying the shot holes lower than the bottom of the intended dredging, the apex only of this pyramid was left to lie removed, and in practice this was found to form but a small impediment (figs. 1 and 2). A second reason was, that if the re- moval of the shoals should cause the level of the summer water to fall lower than was e.'spected, the marl might still be found suiiicieutly broken, to enable a greater depth to be obtained without further blasting. The cartridges, or charges, were formed of strong duck or canvas bags, somewhat tapered at the bottom ; these were filled with the required charge of powder, virying from 2 lb. to 4 lb., according to the depth of the marl ;* the end of a cnii of Bickford's patent fuse was inserted to the centre of the powder, and the neck of the bag was carefnily gathered up round the fuse, and well tied with small twine. If the cartridge was small, it was then dipped into melted pitch, which had about one-fourth of tallow melted with it, or otherwise the melted pitch was ladled over it, till it was uniformly coated; in this state, the cartridges were hung to drain and stiffen. When hard, they were well rubbed over with tallow, and lastly powdered over with dry whiting. The tallow, whilst it insured the stopping of any little cracks in the pitch, facilitated the passage of the cartridge down the hole ; the whiting also prevented the pitch from adhering to anything. It has already been stated, that the powder was ignited by means of Bickford's patent fuse; but as this material is never made in lengths exceeding 48 feet, it was found expedient, in order to save waste, to use the whole coil, cutting it off at the requisite length when absolutely in the hole, and using the remainder in the same way till the whole was used up.f The charge was carefully pushed down into the hole hy a wooden ramrod of suitable diameter, with the end rounded ; the same instrument was used for ramming down the tamping. The material found to answer best for this purpose was the small fragments of hard marl, separated hy the action of the weather from the lofty escarpment at each of these shoals; this was gradually filled into tlie holes, and rammed solidly, till the bore was full up to the surface ; the timber dogs which held the pipes were then removed, the pipes were loosened from the marl, ropes were attached to the pipes and to the raft, or to some loose pieces of timber, and the shnts were fired. Generally there was little external effect beyond the pipes being lifted a few inches, though sometimes they would be blov,-u up several feet, and occa- sionally the water would be forced up through the pipe to a height of 40 or 50 feet. All the gangs commenced their holes in the morning, and they were generally all ready to fire at the same time, which was always done, as it caused least interruption to the work. It was a rare occurrence for a shot to miss fire — probably not once in a hundred shots ; the failure arising generally from a leak at the joint between the fuse and the hag. If the leak was not very serious, the shots were often saved by the following somewhat singular expedient. An iron bar, | inch in diameter and of sufficient length, pointed at the end, was kept in readi- ness, and when required the end was heated red hot, put quickly through the water into the tamping, through which it was driven as rapidly as possi- bly into the powder, which in nine cases out of ten it was still hot enough to ignite. The result of the whole work being invisible, great care was necessary in order to prevent mistakes and omissions. As each shot was ignited, a red mark was laid against its corresponding stake upon the bank ; when it had gone off, each shot was carefully examined with a steel chisel-pointed searcher, to prove that the required effect had been produced to the deter- mined depth ; when so found, the red mark was inserted into the top of the stake, as a certificate of that shot having passed examination; the numbers so certified were then transferred to a book kept for that purpose, and if a shot was found ineffective, another was j)ut in the same place. To afford space for the workmen, every alternate hole was first made, and afterwards those which had been left between them ; one line being com- pleted, the whole line of raft was moved 6 feet outwards to the next line, and so on till the required width was obtained. The whole estalihshment was then dropped down the length of the rafts, and the process was repeated. When the men had become used to the work, each gang would sometimes get down four shots per day, to that with fifteen gangs sixty shots have been fired per day. It may be objected to the use of the patent fuse, that the ignition of a number of charges simultaneously by the galvanic battery would have pro- duced better effect, at less cost, and in a more scientific manner. The author commenced the work under a different impression, and subsequent experience with the battery has not altered his opinion. When it is required to separate a large stone from its bed in the quarry without breaking it, nothing can be better than the numerous simultaneous discharges, which can only be ob- tained by the use of the battery, but the object in this work, on the con- trary, was to break the mass to pieces as much as possible, which it is con- ceived would be more likely to be effected hy distinct discharges. Then as regards cost : the patent fuse No. 3, carriage included, cost -^ths * Tlie weigt\ts of powMer used for deptlis of 4 feet, 4 feet 6 incties, and 5 feet, were respectively about 2 lb., 3 lb., aud 4 lb. t The short remaining ends, though useful for less depths, were of little value, from the diilicu'ty of splicing them to^fther. This oper.ition. though troublesome, was re- sorted to with success on one occasion ivJiiKt waiting the arrival of a parcel of t ise. On returning the short ends to Messrs. Bickford they atlowed half the length of new fuse in exchange, I of a penny per foot; if the average length is taken at lo feet, that is just nine-pence per shot, a sum which would barely pay for making the arrange- ment of wires necessary for the galvanic ignition. It was also foumi, from the compressihle nature of the canvas cartridges, that the arrangement of the wires was very liable to be disturbed, during the insertion of the cartridge into the hole, or by the subsequent ramming of the tamping. After con- siderable experience, therefore, aud the use of nearly 100,000 feet of the patent fuse, the author feels that he is only doing an act of justice to the M.-ssrs. Bickfords, in stating the perfect satisfaction which the use of their ingeniously manufactured material has afforded him, iu the prosecution of the work now described. There now only remains to be given the cost of the operation above de- scribed. The first cost of the establishment or pl,;nt, sufficient for 6 months' work, was £300. This includes the waste and use of timber, in the raft, stages, booms, c^c, hire of barges, and cost of fitting them up for the work] cost of pipes for boring, iron and steel for tools, deducting estimated value when done with, sundry ironmongery, waste and loss of ropes and other small stores. More than four thousand shots have already been fired, and in the six months, at a low computation, six thousand will have been fired. This num- ber gives just one shilling per shot, as the proportionate share per shot of the cost of the plant ; this would of course be much less if the work was to be continued. The cost of labour per shot varies from 2s. Gd. to 4s.; this sum, however, must be understood to cover the wages of tfie whole establishment as under' Superintenileut of the work. — Foreman and timekeeper. — Examiner of the shots. — Maker of cartridge and two assistants. — Carpenter. — Blacksmith and hammerman. — Labourers, some at 3s.; majority at 2s. 6(/. and 2s. 9d. Watchman. — Thus the total cost per shot is as under : s. d. Use of material . . . . . . ..10 Labour, average . . . . ..33 Pitched bag . . , . . . ..03 3 lb. of powder, at Sjf/. .. .. ..14.!- 15 feet of patent fuse .. .. ..0 9 Pitch, tallow, twine, coals, &c., say .. .. 0 4i 7 0 If, therefore, the shots are 6 feet ap.irt, and an average depth of 3 feet is broken up, 4 cubic yards are prepared for dredging at the cost of one shot; or the cost of the whole operation is Is. 9d. per cubic yard. Distances of 5 feet apart were used in some very hard shoals, and spaces of 7 feet were tried in some that were softer than usual ; spaces of 6 feet apart, however appeared to be generally sufhcient. ' ON THE CORROSION OF METALS. P,iper ijR. Adie, of Liverpool, read ut the Inslitution of Civil Engi- neers. " This communication is intended to give an experimental proof of the fact, that Wilier saturated with common salt, preserves to a great extent the surface of the oxidizable metals from corrosion by the joint action of air and water. From some trials upon metals placed beside water in closed glass tubes, it was shown that water, or water containing a saline solution, does not act as a corroding agent, without the aid of the oxyo-en of our atmosphere. The details of some experiments, made to ascertain the quantity of oxygen dissolved by water under different circumstances showed that brine and some other saline solutions contain much less dis' solved oxygen than sea or ordinary water, which was the fact that induced the trial of salt water as a preserver of iron. The object of the last set of experiments v^-as to determine by trial, the rates of corrosion of metals in fresh water, sea water, and brine; the results of these show that sea water corrodes the quickest, fresh water less rapidly, and brine very much slower than either. Ore the rate of action of brine, sea and fresh water, in currodin". These experiments were made with weighed pieces of metal immersed in the three solutions under examination. Those which are compared to gether, were tried in every re.-pect under similar circumstances, as to wei<'ht and surface of metal ; size and form of vessel ; quantity of water emnlovp°d • light and temperature. I'^^t The experiments on zinc were made with that metal in connexion with a piece of copper, so as to form a galvanic couple ; for zinc, when uncon uected with a less oxidizable mdal, is soon covered with a crust of oxide so that pieces, after a month's immersion in wafer, are found to be sli^htlv heavier than at the beginning of the experiment. This is not the case when a piece of silver or copper is in metallic connexion with zinc; for then the white oxide of the metal is gradually precipitated to the bottom of the rnn tain ing vessel. = i.uu- A plate of zinc, 1 superficial inch in area, immersed for 60 days in sea water . . . lost 1-0 grains. A similar experiment in fresh water . . 1-15 A plate of zinc, 7 superficial inches in area, immersed for 90 days in fresh water • . . 4-9 48* 372 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. [Dec. A similar experiment in brine, or the saturated solu- tion of common salt tested as above for dissolved air . . . . . . „ 1-4 Wrought iron wire : — Twenty pieces of iron, weiijhing 374 grains, im- mersed for HO days in fresh water . . lost I 9 grains. A similar experiment in sea water . . „ 20 A similar experiment in brine • . . „ 0"1 Cast iron ; — Three rods of cast iron, weighini; 787 grains, im- mersed for C2 da>s in fresh water . . lost I'G grains. A similar experiment in sea water . . „ 20 A similar experiment in brine , . „ 0'4 On comparing logellier the loss of weight of metal in the fresh water, sea water, and brine, it will be observed, that in sea water the corrosion is about one third more than in fresh water ; while in brine, the loss of weii,'lit is about one-fourth part of the loss in fresh water, and one-lifth part of that experienced in sea water; showing that brine possesses corisidfrable power for preserving metals from corrosion. The carbonates of potash and soda are still more efl'ectual in arresting oxidation ; for in saturated solu- tions of these salts, iron wire remained immersed for sixty days without any amount of corrosion being detected. The surface of the plate of zinc, when taken from the brine, was the same as at the commencement of the experiment, excepting in three spots, where there was deep corrosion. The principal of these being around the point, where the copper wire connected the plate with the negative element. The dilference shown between fresh water and sea water, in their power of oxidizing metals, is in the reverse order of the quantities of oxygen dissolved by them, as given in the pre- ceding experiments ; where the sea water is to the fresh as 78 to 85. The principle on which the preserving power of alcohol is attempted to be ex- plained may, in like manner, be here applied to pure water. Although the experiments on the corrosion of iron were continued for eighty days, the dillV-rence between the action of common water and brine may be made apparent in one day. In the fresh water, the hydrated peroxide of iron is Seen forming; while in the brine, only a slight tinge of a greenish infusion can be detected, a sure indication of the scarcity of oxygen. The experiments given to determine the respective rates of corrosion in fresh and sea water, are only correct for pieces of metal wholly immersed in them. Where the surfaces are subject to be wet and dry, the corrosive effect of sea water will greatly increase ; on the same principle that iron once coated with rust, decays much faster after the rust has provided a oJgmeut for moisture. Take for example a bar of iron in a field, and a similar piece on the deck of a ship. On the first, the dew of night deposits water, which corrodes until the return of the sun dries it all olf. On the second, on the deck, it deposits spray, which acts like the dew, until the sun dries it oft'; but when dried, there is left a thin deposit of salt, with a powerful uOioity for moisture, which ou the return of evening will attract moisture from the atmosphere, long before the dew wets the metal in the field. Thus it is that a coating of salt or rust, keeps metals much longer in a wet state, than if their surfaces were clean. RinKtrbs. — The experiments which showed that brine (by which term, be supposed, a saturated solution of common salt in waur was meant) should be found to be less corrosive of iron than sea water, was consistent with the circumstance, that less air was contained in v\'ater which was saturated with any solid substance, than was contained iu water only slightly impregnated with such substance, and there was no doubt, but that the atmospheric air performed a principal part in the oxydation of iron, which v\as exposed to the weather. Air containing water in solution, corroded iron rapidly ; aud water containing air in solution did the same; and alternate exposure of iron to water aud to air, corroded it still more rapidly ; particularly when by the warmth of the sun, and the blowing of the wind, the film of water which was left on the surface of the netted iron was evaporated, or dried away from that surface, before a fresh wetting occurred. Perfectly dry air was very slightly, if at all, corrosive of iron, aud water completely freed from air by boiling, was not actively corrosive, in the manner that air and water were. Kespecting salt, there was nothing corrosive of iron in its own nature; it cimtained no oxygen, but althoug'i it was a great cause of corrosion of iron, the corroderoportion to the weight and massiveness of the structure ; and may proie quite the con- trary. Hut, if the form of model and position in action, which is here re- commended, can be made efficacious in some degree for the protection of the engine and byilers below deck, which seems practicable, the steamers, with equal gunnery, must clearly have greater advantages for the endur- ance of fire in the aggregate thau will belong to the ships. Besides, if we may estimate the aggre^^ate power of endurance to be in proportion to the bearing area or superficial extent of the vessels, as appears not wholly im- proper, this advantage will be proportionally in favour of the steamers. Moreover, in shell-firing a single shot may prove fatal to a ship ; while even a like result to one or more of its alert antugouisls need not cause a discontinuance of the combat. However import.int it may be to maintain a powerful and well ordered navy, consisting of ships of the established classes, it can hardly be in our power, or within the scope of our policy, to maiutaln a numerical superior- iiy as against England, even on our own coasts. And without such supe- riority, or at least a near equality, ellectual blockades may not hereafter be prevented; to say nothing here of the chances of losing our ships and naval arsenals, by the onset of a powerful and well appointed expedition, supported by a numerous fleet of ships and war steamers. With the aid of her numerous and heavy armed steam ships, England might ell'ectually blockade not only our ships, but our war steamers of the heavy and medium classes. For our steamers of these classes could hardly put to sea, or return to port, in the face of a superior force of the same cliaracter; and it would be quite iu vain to attempt gaining a superiority of this force by new constructions of like klad, for the present means of England, both mechanical and financial, are suflicient to outdo us in this etl'ort, more than three to one. It is therefore indispensable tu our supe- riority, that we should be prepared with fuster steamers, of lighter druft. 184G.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 381 and equal weight of metal, with those of England. These steamers, being of the classes which 1 propose, could never be blockaded in our ports by the existing naval means of any country. Moreover, if maintained in sufii- dent numbers, so as to be readily assembled in large squadrons at the pcnnts where the exigencies or demands of the service iiiight require, the most powerful fleets would be unable to maintain a blockade, or to carry out with success a military expedition against our shores. The same classes of steamers are also of esseniial importance on our frontier lakes, where armed steamers of the heavy classes and draft of water hitherto adopted, would be of greatly inferior value; and where all the strategetical advantages will be in favour of the classes proposed. The greater value and adaptation of light built steam vessels, tenaciously constructed — not less in lengtii and size, uor exceeding in weight and draft, the average of the classes C and D, may be now reviewed, or more sum- marily considered.* I. Their facility of movement and surpassing speed, exceeding that of existing war steamers from three to six miles an hour, must necessarily atTord, as above mentioned, the choice of action and position ; and except- ing accidents, no enemy can either escape or overtake them, except at the will of their commanders. II. Owing to the light draft of water and greater speed of these vessels, they may shelter themselves from a superior force in shoal positions, or attack and annoy the enemy from such positions on a vast extent of coast and inner waters, where heavy ships or steamers cannot approach. M hen the elaborate survey of our coast, now in progress, shall have been com- pleted, and our officers shall also have become familiar with these shallow grounds by active co,ist service, in proper steam vessels, these facilities may become of great value. Hy this means, not only may the exposed positions at Key West and oJher points be maintained in war, and made available for the annoyance of an enemy, but the strait of Florida, if not the other outlets of the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, maybe effectually and securely blockaded by squadrons of these steamers. By means of these active steam vessels, and a suitable and skilful force of marines and marine artillery, trained for both land and sea service, which, 1 trust, may shortly be provided, an enemy's colonial posts may be captured, and his military resources laid under contribution. By like means, in case of a war with England, might the coal furnishing ports, and other outposts near our eastern frontier, be taken into our possession, and retained, or abandoned, as occasion might require. It is chiefly by these means that we may expect to command, in such emergency, the more hazardous coasts of Maine, Nova Scotia, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence; thus cutting olf the communication and niililary supplies uf an enemy, and virinally blockading his American colonies. On these rocky coasts, as elsewhere, any general degree of safety which might be supposed to result from solid built bottoms and heavy structures, may be far more than compensated by lightness of draft and tenacity of structure, and facility of movement ; while in security against attack from a superior steam force, the heavy built steam vessels could maintain no equality with the light footed classes. The coast of Maine alfords all necessary shelter and resources for this service ; and this description of force, if matured by timely preparation, and put forth in our strength, might geuerally command the coasts and shores, from Quebi'C to Nantucket. Two or three vessels of the proposed class would doubtless prove more than a match for one of the heaviest English steam ships ; and, for reasons already noted, the latter might Uiid it ditlicult to escape. By proper arrangements, and, if needful, with the associated aid of one of the ateam frigates, these lighter built steamers may be sent to any part irf'the world, where their services may be desired, and where frienjly or neutral ports can be found to afl'ord the necessary shelter and supplies of fuel. Their great speed and efficiency might thus be employed with great effect on an enemy's commerce and resources. I have been led, by the request of the commissioners, thus to explain, to some extent, my views on this essential branch of public defence, and to urge the adoption of a class of measures ou which I consider the fuiure safety of the country may largely depend ; being fully persuaded that it is not so much ou the magHitude,a.A oa the available quuUties u! ouf uavni force, that we must rely for success in any future conflict with the great mistress of the seas. cylinder at a pressure of 43 lb. to the inch, and "cut off" at one fonrleenth of the stroke. As I could find no table showing the elfect of the expan- sion of steam when carried so far, I prepared the following: — • I consider tlie Gladiator as being the proper type of the class D; except I stlgblly debcieut in tengtti, whiclt would be belter at 200 feet. being EXPANSION OF STEAM. Obseritttions on the effect af using Steam expansivehj under different pres- sures, and U'Aoi cut (iff' at different points. Reported in the American •Journal of the Franklin Institute. I was led to the following calculations respecting steam, by a notice published some time since iu the Franklin Journal, of the operation of the Cornish Engines. The writer of tliat notice intimates, that the "duty," said to be performed by the engines, is greater than the calculated power, to be derived from the fuel, and that a new theory has been proposed to account for it, by the ''momeutum" of the percussion of the steam upon the piston. He states that iu some of the engines the steam is let into the Steam tet on during the Effect produced by expansion. Total eSect of the steam used. Averape effect throughout the cylinder. Full Stroke. 0-000000 1-000000 1-000000 J do. OUUSIol I -0931 51 ■840575 \ do. 1-09S61(> 2098010 •099538 i do. l-3Sf.30a 2-380303 •590575 t do. lTiOt>148 2-009448 •521889 1 do. 1 -701708 2-791708 •405294 i, do. 1-U45y^7 2-945927 ■420840 k do. 2079455 3-079455 ■384932 t, do. 2-1U7-J33 3-197233 ■355248 Vii do. 2-302ti00 3-302000 ■330200 V, do. 2-397904 3-397904 •308900 ,',; do. 2-484919 3-484919 •290401 it, do. 2-504958 3-50495S •274227 11 do. 2-039078 3039078 •239219 V; do. 2-708004 3 70S004 ••247204 X do. j\ do. 2995751 3U95751 •199787 3-218890 4-218890 •108755 A do. 3-912048 4-912048 ■098240 153 do. 4-005200 5-005200 •05C052 From the above table it appears that one per cent, of a cylinder full of steam, if suflTered to expand, will give an average pressure throughout the cylinder equal to 5-0 per cent, of the pressure it exerted when entering the cylinder; or that the same quantity of steam, if suffered to expand to 100 times its volume, will do 5-0 times as much work as if used, without ex- pansion, through the whole stroke of the cylinder. And when cut off at I'j of the stroke, as in the Cornish engines, the average pressure will be more than one fourth of what it would have been, if fourteen times as much steam of the same pressure had been used. This sufficiently ex- plains the cause of the superiority of the "duly" performed by the Cornish engines over those in which expansion is not carried to so great au extent ; for it requires less water to be raised inlo steam to work expansively than would be required to work with steam of the same average pressure, and full cylinders. In the case of the Cornish engine the steam was used at 45 lb. pressure for ,', of the stroke, giving au average pressure, agree- ably to the table, of -259219 X 45 lb. = 11 005 lb., and to perform the same work, with the full stroke, would have required steam of at least this average pressure. Now to determine the quantity of water required. Dalton says that steam obeys the same law as the gases with respect to pressure, and theij have expansive force iu the raiio in which tliey are compressed. Then steam of double pressure should coutain a double quantity of water. The published tables of the specific gi-avities of steam give an addition of weight of only about 87 per cent, to steam of double pressure, wliich would contradict Dalton's position. Supposing, however, that Dalton's law is correct, and that atmospheric steam contains 253 grains of water to the cubic foot, then steam having the above pressure of 11-005 lb. would coutain 433 grains; and steam of 45 lb. pressure would contain 1012 grains of water per cubic foot. But, with this last, it requires but,'j of the quantity, or {'W' zz) 72 grains to give the same average power, when used expansively, as the 435 grains on the full cylinder plan. The fuel required should be in proportiou to the water to be evaporated. Watts's experiment with the open and closed boiler, each subjected fur an equal time to aa equal heat, showed that the same quantity of water had escaped, in steam, from the open boiler, as flew off from the close one, upm opening the valve at the end of the operation ; thus proving that equal weights of Water require equal quantities of heat to raise them into steam, irrespective of pressure. On this principle, then, the Corn:sh en- gine should require but ^'jj or about J of the fuel that would have been required to work them ou full steam, which very nearly corresponds with the " tluty" performed by the present Coruish engines compared with that done by the engines formerly constructed by Bolton and Watt in the same locality. Another principle comes iu play, in working expansively, which is lost sight of when working with equal steam throughout the stroke— viz., that matter in motion would never cease to move unless retarded by external causes, and would require, to stop it, a power equal to its weight multi- plied by its velocity. Now, iu working expansively, the steam is applied at a pressure sufficient to start the load at a certain velocity, to continue which. It is only necessary that the additional quantities of power should equal the retarding forces of gravity, friction, and resistance uf air, until the commencement of the next stroke. Now, in the Cornish engine, where the steam is cut of at ^', of the stroke, the increments of power beyond that point, or that portiuu of the power gained by expansion, amount to nearly 2-04 times the direct power of the steam applied, and which gave original velocity. This velocity must therefore be continued until the gra- vity, friction, and resistance of air, amount to 2 04 times the original power, applied before cutting off the steam. The whole weight of the machinery and load thus operates, ou the fly-wheel principle, to continue the motion, as the velocity given to them forms one of the factors of 382 TIIK CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Dec. their roomentuni, nliich is counteracted only by the oilier factor, the gravity. ll is thus readily seen that the weight of the load raised by an engine working expansively, may exceed Ihe average pressure of the steam on the piston, for it only requires the steam to be at a high initial pressure, so as to give Ihe necessary velocity, and of course nionientuni, to the load at the commencement of the stroke; it may then expand so as to brinj; clo«n the average pressure and leave sufficnnt power, to be derived from the momentum and the expansion, to carry forward the work. This reserved power will of course be applied in a decreasing progression, while the re- tarding powers would be constant. It will be a useful exercise of the akill of some of your mathematical friends to calculate how far the load may exceed the average pressure upon the piston. It appears from the table that the advantage to be derived from expan- sion, increases with the expansion. It becomes tlierefore important to ascertain the extent to which it may be carried. I noticed that in the Cor- nish engine they use a " steam jacket" to their cylinder to prevent conden- sation. This led me to inquire into the heat of the steam, and how it ■would be aflected by its expansion. Mill steam expand in a cylinder from any given pressure down to that of the atmosphere? Pressure or conden- sation of air produces heat, and the release of it from pressure, cold. If steam be aflected iu the same way, and you suffer it to expand to 100 times its bulk, will not its heat be divided by 100, and be reduced below the freezing point ? The cut-otV steam can take up no heat from the boiler, and its inherent heat is slated to be about 1212° divided into portions, sen- sible and latent, according to its pressure. As each particle of steam must be supposed to contain an equal portion of heat, the heat must neces- sarily be divided with the expansion of the steam. Then if it contain but 1212°, and this be divided by the expansion, it is evident that before the steam can have expanded 40 times, its heat would be reduced below the freezing point, even if the latent heat all became sensible, unless it could take up heat from the cylinder, which is not of a nature to conduct it with sufficient rapidity. That the heat is divided by the expansion, any one may satisfy himself by placing his hand in the steam issuing from a high- pressure boiler. He will in the same way be convinced that steam is not frozen by expanding from 151) lb. to the pressure of the atmosphere, ^ow it is impossible that in this case it should lake up from the atmosphere sufficient heat to prevent freezing, if the heat, originally in it, did not ex- ceed 1212°, as indicated by our books. To account for the phenomenon, I suppose we may assume that the heat in atmospheric steam is correctly slated at 1212°, of which 212' are sensible, and 1000° latent— a second volume of water, rising in the form of steam in the boiler, takes up an additional 1212° of heat; and now the steam contains twice as much ■water, and twice as much heat, as atmospheric steam, shows 15 lb. pres- sure by the mercurial gauge, and about 242° of heal by thermometer, the remaining 2182° being latent ; and so, for each individual 15 lb. of pres- sure, another volume of atmospheric steam would be compressed into the original space, a less portion of its heat each time becoming latent. Ou this theory, steam of 150 lb. pressure will contain 11 limes as much water as atmospheric steam, and 13332° of heal, while the thermometer woulil show but about 300°. And the temperature of such steam, when expanded to the atmosphere, should be 8b°. It would therefore rush into the air and immediately assume the form of water, which, judging merely from the sensation, is near the fact. The advantage of the " steam jacket," there- fore, is obvious. It is also obvious, that steam of any pressure may be used, on the plan of expansion, in a condensing engine, as the heat may always be reduced, by expansion, to the point at which it may be conden- sed. The following calculations seem to show, that the most economical engine would be built upon this plan. Steam at 180 lb. pressure, cut otl' at ijj of the stroke, by the table, will give an average pressure of 10 lb. to ihe whole cylinder, and, by adding the vacuum and air pump, 10 lb. more may readily be obtained. Such an engine would therefore give a power equal to two of Bolton and Watt's, of the same size, worked with atmospheric steam. Proceeding on the data, that equal quantities of water are to be evaporated for each lb. pressure of steam, at the same expense of fuel, on both plans, we have two cylinders- full of atmospheric steam, weighing 253 grains per cubic foot on the Bol- ton and Watt plan, and only t^J;, of one cylinder-full of steam at ISO lb., weighing 3289 grains per cubic foot, in tlie other. The water to be evapo- rated to produce the same power in both will then compare as 253 to =_?^'g', or, the Bolton and Watt engine will require 15] times as much water to be evaporated as the other, and fuel and boiler in the same proportion. The 180 lb. steam, by the theory, would contaiu 15620° of heat, which, divided by the txpansion 100, would be reduced to 156°, while in the atmospheric steam, there would be 1212°, or nearly 8 limes as much. Of course, the condenser, air pump, and coudensing water, need only be Vj of w hat the two Bolton and W alt cylinders would require for the condensing pro- I'f Daltou be correct in the opinion that steam, like gas, has expansive power in proportion to its compression or density, we have data to calcu- late the maxiujum power of steam. W ater is found to expand nearly 1800 times into steam of aimospheric pressure, or 15 lb. lo the inch. Then, by compressing such st.aiu to ,^^ of its bulk, we should get it back into water, and multiply its elastic force in the same degree, 1800 X 15 = 27000 1b. per square inch, the maximuiu.* In following the same law of * Sleam thus compressed into water, would instantly give out all its heat, and produce a temperature, occoidiDB IQ Itie Uliory, of 212° X ItJOO -I- 1UU«° SB2troveineuts in Ihe niativfacture of Iron." — Granted Jan. 31 ; lin- rolled July 31, 1840. {With Ensruviiigs, Plate XIX) Reported in the Repertory. The improvements relate, 1st, to an arrangement of apparatus for beat- ing the blast from the flames passing off from the top or funnel head of bias! furnaces ; 2nd, to an improved mode of healing the air or blast, by blowing the same partly through and partly over a tire in a closed retort or fire proof chamber; 3rd, to the working of blast furnaces by exhaustion or suction, in contra-dislinction lo the present method of blowing air into them at a greater pressure than the atmosphere : 4th, to the introduction of steam above the boshes of blast furnaces; 5th, lo an improved method of puddling iron by the application of the water furnace, commonly knosvn as Kyiner and Leighton's furnace, the same being worked by air blown into a closed ash pit, and the introduction of air over the fire lo consume the gases generated ; 6th, lo a preparation to assist the working of iron io the puddling furnace, and its further application lo facilitate the combina- tion of steel with iron ; 7th, lo a mode of calcining iron ore by combining the use of furnaces with heaps of ore ; 8lh, to a mode of construcliug furnaces for heating or re heating iron. Plate XIX., fig. I is a side elevation, fig. 2 a section, and fig. 3 a plan of apparatus placed at the top of a blast furnace, the cold air from the blast main passing through the same, and being heated by the gaseous flame passing oB' from the furnace top, is blown iu at the tuyeres of the furnace in the ordinary manner, a is the top or stage of a blastfurnace; 4 the brick tunnel head of the furnace, showing the doorway c, through vThich the furnace is charged, and lo which doors are hung, confining the gaseous Dame lo pass through the heating cells ; d the cold air main and branches from the blowing engine connected lo the three chambers c, provided with doors or bonnets/, secured by bolts and nuts, air tight: the object of these doors is lo get access to the socket joints, by which the connection is made with g, flat cells or chambers (shown in enlarged section, tig. 4), extending across the tunnel head /», and connected, as above-iueiitiooed, to the cold air chambers e on one side, and to A, three similar chambers, on the other side, from which the heated air is conveyed by the three pipes i, to their respective tuyeres and blown in at the bottom of the furnace, j, spaces between the air-cells, ?, through which all ihe gaseous flames from Ihe furnace ascend, the cold air being divided into thin currents, absorbs heat in its passage through the cells §■, from the Same of ihe furnace, and ob- tains sufficient temperature to be blown into the furnace. By this arrange- ment the air, being divided into thin currents, is brought into contact with greater heating surface, and consequently absorbs the heat therefrom more rapidly than when pipes of considerable diameter are employed : it is im- portant to keep the healing cells for each tuyere distinct, and by the ar- rangement here shown, it is clear either of the sections may be repaired without any interference or stoppage of the others; the arrons indicate the direction of the currents. The great object of this part of the inven- tion is to use apparatus at the tunnel head of a blast furnace of such a description, that the heated compartments through which the air passes shall oiler considerable depth as compared with the width, and so that the air may be said to be iu a series of very thin sheets or currents of consi- derable depth. Fig. 5 is a section of an improved hot air stove for heating the air need for the blast, h a light iron case, lined with fire-brick, and provided wilh a Kymer and Leighton's patent water grate, i, supplied with fuel by means of a hopper, j, provided with a horizontal sliding door at the end near the furnace, and at the opposite end with a piston door, I, that will move freely along the hopper ; m ash pit, closed by the door n, and supplied with air from llie blowing engine; o air pipe, furnished with a valve to regulate the quantity of air to be admited from the cold air main p^ to which also is applied the nozzles <;, to admit the cold air into the space above the fire on the water grate, where it mixes with the products of com- bustion and vapour of water, supplied from the water troughs of the fire-bars, and passes away through the pipes r, to the tuyeres of the fur- nace ; the admission of air and consequent regulation of heat of the blast are governed by the slide valve s. The mode of applying the blast pos- sesses a great advantage in giving a command over the working of the fur- nace : when the cinder from the furnace has a glassy appearance, indicat. iug the presence of unreduced oxide of iron, the admission of air over the iiie shuiild be reduced or the quantity throut^h the fire iucreased ; ob the 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 383 other ImnJ, should the furnace be woikin? sliis!;ishly, the quantity of air over the fire should be increased ; by the application of the Kyraer and Leighton's water grate, the fire bars of the furnace are preserred. Fig. 6 represents a blast furnace, with a double hopper, a, the slides of vriiich, b, are worked by gear from the handles c, on tlie top of the furnace ; the furnace is charged by the furnace man opening the top slide and tilling the hopper, which, when closed, and the lower one being opened, the diari'e descends into the furnace. (/, suction pipe from furnace connected to the exhausting engine, by which is worked the furnace, instead of blow- ing or forcing air into furnaces at a greater pressure than the atninsphere, by which means is obtained a more perfect distribution and circulation of Bir through the red hot mass of materials in the body of the furnace with a smaller exertion of power ; the uncousumed gases drawn otT from the furnace may be profitably applied to various purposes connected with the manufacture of iron ; either hot or cold blast may be used with this as well as the system at present adcipted ; if the former, the air may be heated by the plan already described, ur otherwise. It is well known iron is fre- quently much injured by the presence of sulphur in the materials in the blast furnace (of which the fuel contains the largest portion), at the point of fusion this enters into combination with the iron. The object tl'.erefore for that purpose, is to apply an injection of steam and distribute it through the mass of materials in the furnace, above the point where any fusion takes place, at the upper part or above the boshes of the furnace. Fig. 7 represents a puddling furnace, with one of Kymer and Leighton's patent water grates (tig. 2 is one of the water troughs and a bar, in large section) ; a hearth of furnace ; b patent water furnace ; c double fire door; d air pipe through which the air it blown from a blowing machine between the plates of the tire door, and distributed over the furnace com- bining with the gases of the furnace, more particularly produced from the decomposition of the water, and producing an intensely hot flame ; e ash pit, with closed door g, and air valve/, for regulating the supply of air from the blast pipe through the fire. In commencing the operation of puddling, it is preferred to introduce a portion of some carbonaceous sub- stance mixed with the iron. The sixth part of the improvementjs has for its object the preparation of what the patentee calls a cinder, to be used in the puddling furnace, when puddling iron and also when piling iron, or iron and steel, in order to facili- tate and improve the welding of these matters. In preparing this cinder, take Cumberland ore, or oxide of iron, such as hammer scale from the iron forge, and charge the same into a cupola or other blast furnace, with the slack of anthracite coal er other suitable fuel, and cause the same to be melted by the blast, and tap the furnace from time to time, and allow the melted cinder to run out and become cold, or it may be used by being conveyed at once to the puddling furnace. In charging the furuace, the Cumberland ore or other rich oxide of iron is first mixed with a like quanlity of the slack or culm of anthracite coal, and the charge is con- tinued as it descends into the furnace. The cinder for puddling is to be broken into small lumps ; and when the iron has been brought to the me- tallic state iu the puddling furnace, is to be stirred in about 21' per cent, by weight of the cinder to the iron in the furnace, and then the bailing process is to be completed as usual. In using the cinder when piling iron, or iron and steel, the cinder is reduced to powder, and dusted over and amongst the surfaces to be welded, by whicli the process will be facilitated and im- pioved. The seventh part of the invention consists of a mode of calcining iron ore, by combining the use of furnaces with heaps of ore, in place of combining the ore and fuel in heaps and igniting the whole mass. Fig. 8 shows a section of a furnace and a heap of ore ; and fig. 9 a front view thereof. The furnace is so arranged that a blast of air may be applied below the fire bars as well as over the ignited fuel above, the ashpit being closed. The flame and products of combustion are thus forced through the heap of ore, and the same becomes calcined by the passage of the pro- ducts from the furnace. The eighth part of the invention relates to a mode of constructing fur- naces for heating or re-heating iron, and the improvements consist of so forming a reverberatory furnace, Ihit, in place of the flame and heat pass- ing off at the end of the furnace, it is caused to descend through the bed of the furnace, which is made open for that purpose. Fig. 10 represents a section of the furnace. The general construction is similar to an ordinary reverberatory furnace, and is provided with a passage at the end into the ctininey, for the purpose, when first lighting the fire, to get up the heat to allow the working to take place in the same way as if it were an ordinary reverberatory furuace ; but on the slide being closed, the bottom of the furuace is so openly formed, that the heat and flame pass through the bed into the chimney. The bottom of the furnace is preferred to be constructed of a series of brick arches, «, leaving a space of about two inches between the neighbouring arches, or, instead of the brick arches, a water grate may be used as the hearth ; and to facilitate the draft of the chimney, a steam jet is applied at b, or other convenient means may be used. In working with this furnace, the bottom is covered with coal or coke of such size, that it will not pass through, and on such bed is placed the iron to be heated. By such construction of furuace it will be found that the reheat- ing of iron will be facilitated and the cost reduced. STEAM ENGINE CONDENSERS. Thomas Howard, of King and Queen Iron Works, Rotherhithe, Surrey, engineer, for " Imprnrcments in stmm enzi'ie cmilenserH." — Grauteil March 25 ; Enrolled September 25, 1846. (With Engranings, Plate XIX.) This invention applies to such condensing steam-engines as have their boilers supplied with water of condensation, and wherein the steam is condensed by iiijeciing water properly cooled down. .V tank o, is placed in any cimvenient situation, and supplied with cold water by pumps or otherwise at 6, and which having its course governed by plates c, c, within the tank, escapes at (/, as further shown by the arrows. The ends of the tank are closed by plates which are recommended to be of brass, c, e, pierced with holes, in »\hich are secured, water tight, the ends of tubes of copper or oth'r appropriate metal, /, /, /, a section of one row iu height only being shown in the drawing, but which extend ihrough the breadth of the tank. Bonnets i,', g, are fixed over the plates and open ends of the tubes, (and so as to be removeable if access tie required to the tubes,) and are divitled into compartments, whicli in either bonnet alternate in position with those in the opposite one at the other end of the tubes, as shown in the drawing. A nozzle, A, on one bonnet is connected by a pipe or other- wise with the hot cistern, and a nozzle i, on the other is connected with the injection cock of the steam-engine. Within the nozzle A, is a plate h', perforated with small holes. A quantity of water being introduced into the hot cistern (by first starting the engine with the ordinary injection, which it is recommended to be attached or o'herwise) sulHcient to till the tubes, and properly effect the circulation, the injection cock connected with the nozzle, at i, is opened, when the warm water iu the hot cistern will pass by the atmospheric pressure through the opposite nozzle at k, and to and fro along each series of tubes determined by the divisions in each bon- net (and as shown by small arrows), and will be reduced to nearly the same temperature as the external water, supplied at b, and wUI, afier pass- ing through the nozzle i. and eflecting the condensation by its injection, be withdrawn by the air-pump of the engine in the ordinary way into the hot cistern, from whence it will again circulate, through the tubes, being cooled and reinjected continually, as before described. Any waste which takes place is made good by the ordinary injection, wiiich the inventor prefers to the use of stills; but the latter maybe employed upon any ordinary plaa if required. He does not confine himself to the precise arrangements here- inbefore described. The injeciion water and the external refrigerating water may be made to change positions, the former to pass without and the latter within the tubes, 'i'he cold water may be supplied by any known means. It is recom- mended that the refrigerating surface be about ten square feet per nominal horse power, when the steam is so employed as to leave the cylinder of the engines at 10 lb. per square inch pressure, irrespective of tlie atmosphere, and be more or less accordingly, and that the supply of external or cold water be not less than twice the quantity of the injection water. The inventor states that patents were granted to him, dated 13th October 1825, and 30th November, 1S32, in both of which was included a process of condensation by the reinjection of the same water or other liquid, which he does not hereby claim. But he claims the so arranging apparatus, that the water for condensa- tion shall be subdivided into many streams in its progress to be cooled and used as injection water, as herein described. RAILWAY LIFTING APPARATUS. Thomas Pope, of Kidbroke, Kent, gentleman, for " Improvements in apparatus for moving railicaij carriages on to railways, and in machinery for lifting and moving heavy bodies." — Granted March 25 ; Enrolled Septem- ber 25, 1840. With Engravings, Plate XIX. The invention relates firstly, to an apparatus for moving railway carriages on to or from a line of railway in case of accidents or otherwise ; and, secondly, to apparatus for lifting and moving heavy bodies. Fig. 1, Plate XIX. shows a side view of the apparatus for moving railway carriages ; a is a frame with a screw shaft b, turning in bearings at each end ; on one end of the shaft is fixed a pinion e, which takes into another pinion d, with a winch handle e, and on the shaft is a female screw with a travelling nut /, with a piu that passes through the groove or opening in the top of the frame a, and secured in a hole to the plate g ; the two plates g, g', carry portions of two rails h h, and the plates are connected together by the rod i and rest on friction rollers _;', which run on the frame a. When the ap- paratus is to be used, the carriage, supposing it to be oH' the rails, is raised at one end by a screw-jack or lever, then the apparatus is placed under the carriage with the rails k h under the wheels, and if the carriage be not far off the rails, one end of the frame a is placed on the line, and then by turning the handle, the end of the carriage is gradually brought over the line or part of the way, then it is either lowered on the rails or allowed to rest, and the apparatus applied to the otherend of the carriage and shifted, and so on shifting the apparatus from end to end until the carriage is cor- rectly over the line, or in place of one apparatus two may be used to shift both ends at once. The rod i is made moveable so as to adopt the apparatus to diflTerent gauges of railway, and instead of the pinions on the shaft b, the shaft may be made to revolve by a screw wheel taking into a screw wheel b. The 3S4 THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. [Dbo. inventor does not confme himself to the apparatus, be says in some cases a simple ratchetwlieel may be placed on one of the rollers taking into a rack on the frame «, as shown in fig. 2. The frame a may be dispensed with, and any plunks of wood used to form a bed for the plates i to run upon. The second improvement is for an apparatus for lifting purposes, consist- ing of a case with a screw inside, and a female screw working up or down vith a bracket thereon, anil passing through the side of the case. On the tup of the screw shaft is lised a toothed wheel which takes in and is driven by a worm wheel turned by a handle. STAINING AND ETCHING GLASS. Isaac Hawkf.r Bedford, of Birmingham, for " Imfntements in the tnamifacture nf uimluw and iilher glnss." — Granted June 12; Enrolled September 12, 1840. — (Partly invented and partly communicated from abroad.) The improvements relate to staining and etching glass. The staining is effected by the use of copper to produce a red colour either before or after cutting and polishing the glass, and the whole or any part of the surface may be stained ; the invention is most successfully performed with glass made without the use of soda. The glass is to be well cleaned, and treated in the following manner : — take one part by weight of sulphurct of copper; two parts of the scales of iron from a smith's forge ; three parts of sulphate of copper burned to whiteness; and four parts of calcined yellow ochre, all ground as fine as possible with the essence of turpenline, which has become rather thick by exposure to the atmosphere. The mixture being of the consistency of cream is laid on the surface of the glass to be stained by a brush, and allowed to dry; the glass is then placed in astaiuer's muffle and heated to as high a degree of heal as it will allow with- out melting. The fire is then drawn off, and the glass allowed to cool down slowly, and washed when cold, when the appearance of the glass should, on looking in a direction edgewise of the glass, ofl'er a greenish yellow if lead has been used in the making of the glass ; the colour ob- tained will, however, differ according to the composition of the glass. The glass is again placed in a muffle, and heated as before ; when the fire is withdrawn a quantity of small coal is introduced into the lower part of the mufHe; (4 lb. of coal is the quautily for a muffle 24 inches in diameter and 30 inches in length). The muffle is then completely closed and luted, by which the products of the coal will be prevented escaping. The muffle and the glass are to be allowed to cool down, and wlien the glass is taken out, it will generally be found to ofler a brownish-red colour. Those articles which oiler such colour are then to be placed in another muffle which has been lime-washed, and again heated and cooled down as before. The second pirt of the invention relates to ornamenting of glass by a peculiar process of etching. For ornamenting window glass take five parts of puce-coloured oxide of lead (peroxide) to one part of fius, (the flux em- ployed is 17 parts of glass of borax and 1 3 parts of red lead fused together) ; the oxide of lead and the flux is ground with turpentine, and with this composition the artist paints the desired devices or designs on the surface of gla.ss to be etched : when coloured glass is to be etched, acetate of lead is preferred in place of the oxide of lead; the s-ime are then allowed to dry, and the articles are to be tired in the same manner as when gilding on glass, and allowed to cool; and when cold they are dipped in a weak solu- tion of nitric acid in water, and the surfaces cleansed by rubbing off the preparation above mentioned. — The claim is firstly, for the manufacturing stained window or other glass, by applying copper for producing a red colour for staining the same on the surfaces, as herein explained ; and, secondly, for the mode of manufacturing window and other glass, by etch- ing on the surfaces thereof by means of lead acted on by acid. STEAM ENGINES. Mark IJollinson, of Brierly Hill, near Dudley, engineer, for " /m- proveinent:) in sleam engines." — Granted iSIay 7 ; Enrolled November 7, ISIO. The improvements relate to obtaining additional power by admitting steam in the upper part of the air pump of steam engines during the down stroke, simultaneously with the admission of steam in the steam cylinder. The air pump has a solid packed piston, and valves and passages com- muuicating with the condenser. COKING ARTIFICIAL FUEL. Ferdinand Charles M'arlicm, of Deplford, Kent, gentleman, for " Im- provements in the manuj'aeture «/ Juel." — Granted April 7 ; Enrolled Oct, 7, l«4(i. The improvements relate to the subjecting of moulded fuel to the pro- cess of coking ; for this purpose the patentee prefers the manufactured fuel, consisting of the small of anlliraclte coal, of free burning coal, and of bilu- rainous coal, mixed wilh pitch or hitummons matter moulded into bricks ; to be heated in retorts or ovens to drive off the volatile products (as described in a patent granted October .5, 1843, to the present patentee). ■| he bricks are then placed one upon another with a small space between the sides, in a coke oven, (a (quare one is preferred), when they are con- verted into coke by the oidiuuiy process. PUNCHING AND SHEARING. Charles May, of Ipswich, Suffolk, civil engineer, for " Improrements in machinery for punching, rivetting, and shearing metal plates." — Granted April IJ; Enrolled October li, ItitO. (Keported in the Patent Journal.) This invention consists of the application of different modifications of the principle of the hydrostatic press. It consists first in its application to the punching of metals, used for boat building, boiler making, ^ic. Fig. 1 represents a side view of this improved machine, which is partly exhibited in section. It is a strong iron frame a, in the shape of a horse shoe, the upper arm of which is fur- nished with a die 6, llie size of the hole in which corresponds with the size of the hole desired to be perforated in the plate or plates of metal ; it is affixed to the arm by means of a pinching screw c, which admits of its being changed for a new one, or one of a different size. The extremity of the lower arm is cast hollow and fitted with a ram or cylinder d, similar to the ram of a hydraulic press ; this ram d, carries the punch e, used to force out the hole in the metal plates. It is placed directly opposite the hole in the die i, info which it is received when forced upwards. Another exter- nal or annular cylinder/, which is bored to suit the external diameter of the ram d, and the exterior is turned to fit the hollow in the arm ; both these cylinders have cap-leathers g h, placed in recesses turned to receive them, which prevent the water escaping between the surfaces of the cylin- ders when the pressure is applied. Attached to the centre cylinder is a rod i, which passes through a stuffing box in the bottom, and has attached to the other end a spiral spring, which withdraws the punch from the plates after the hole is punched, k is the aperture to which the tube is attached to form the connection between the pumps and the press. Fig. 1— Punching Apparatus, ( The frame a may be of any other convenient form, but the patentee pre- fers the foregoing, as it may be easily suspended by the rings from a tra- versing crane, and moved about in any direction where it may be required ; the pumps being placed on the platform of the crane, and connected by means of a flexible tube, the best for which purpose being of metal, and coiled round in the shape of a spiral, having a sufficient number of turns to give it the requisite flexibility. The action of Ibis apparatus is as follows : — The plates I, n, having been introduced between the punch and die, water is forced in below the rams by means of pumps, one of which should be considerably larger than the other, in order to take up the slack, and the small one to produce the pres- sure. The water being thus forced in, will raise both cylinders d and/, until they meet with some resistance from the plates ; the external cylinder /forcing them close together, and the pressure being continued, the inter- nal cylinder or ram will rise still further, and force the punch e through the plates; and on the water being allowed to escape, the cylinders will be withdrawn by the action of the spiral spring, both of which cylinders are furnished w itli suitable collars, so as to prevent either of them being forced or depressed beyond a proper range. PLATE XM. 1846.] THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECTS JOURNAL. 385 The second part of this inveatioa relates to the rivetlinK togethei' plates of metal by the same means as before described for punching ; the only dif- ference in the machine being, that rivet sets are adjusted in the same posi- tion as the punch and die; to receive and form the rivet heads, it is not necessary that it should be furnished with a double ram or cylinder. The third part relates to tlie shearing and cutting of metal plates, the machines for which, are modifications of that already described, one being exactly similar to the common form of Bramah's press, but furnished with a double ram. The patentee proposes to use this for cutting such articles as railway axle guards. A punch, of the shape of the article desired to be cut, is fixed on the head of the ram, and a corresponding die in the cross head ; the ram, on being forced up by the means already explained, will cut the metal plate the shape required. Fig. -Catting Shears. 1 — 1 k i' 0 1 c 0 0 a c 0 a 0 0 ■ c 1 , a square jaw extending above and forming a stock above the plane of the bed of the machine, as heretofore, which prevents the sheet from being folded entirely over, and therefore requiring a secondary opera- tion to complete the folds. Secondly : la sup|)orting the said folding bed, to which the folding plate is attached, in the middle of its length by ajoint bolt, the head of which lies in a semicircular recess in the folding bed and as near as practicable in a line with the axis of motion, and secured in the bed of the machine. Thirdly ; In the employmtut of a side plate below the folding bed and back of its journals, provided with inclined planes oa which j)rojectious from the back of the folding bed rest, so that by the working of the side plate by a lever at the end of the machine, the folding plate can be made to gripe and liberate the sheet of metal." For "an Improvement in the propeller. Leonard Phleger, Wilmington, Delaware. The invention consists in making the wings of the propeller in the pre- cise form of such a portion of the convex surface of a regular cone as would be cut out by a plane or planes passing through its axis, and com- prehending about half of its surface, each wing being attached, along one of its straight edges, to the shaft. GUN COTTOX. It will be remembered that Dr. Otto, of Brunswick, claims to be con- sidered one of the inventors of gun cotton, and states that he was led to the discovery by a remark published by Pelouze, in the Journal de Chemie. M. Pelouze, at the Academy, on the 2nd November, says, on the subject of gun- cotton: "Although M. Schonbein has not published the nature or mode of preparation of his cotton, it is evident that the properties which he assigns to it can only apply to xyloidine. Reasoning on the hypothesis that the poudre-coton is nothing else than xyloidine, I may be permitted to say a few words with respect to its history, and of some of its properties. Xyloidine was discovered in 1833 by M. IJraconnet, of Nancy. He prepared it by dis- solving starch and some other organic substances in nitric acid, and precipi- tating these solutions in water. In a note inserted in the Comptes remlus de V Academic ties Sciences, in 1 838, I showed that the xyloidine resulted from the union of the elements of the nitric acid with those of starch, and explained, by this composition, the excessive combustibility of the substance produced. I ascertained — and this I think is a verv important result in the history of the applications of xyloidine — that instead of preparing it by dis- solving the cellulose, it might be obtained with infinitely greater facility and economy by simply impregnating paper, cotton, and henip with concentrated nitric acid ; and that these organic matters thus treated took fire at 180 de- grees, and burnt almost without residuum, and with excessive energy: but I think it right to add, that I never for an instant had an idea of their use as a substitute for gunpowder. The merit of this application belongs entirely to M. Schonbein. Eight years ago, however, I prepared an inflammable paper by plunging into concentrated nitric acid, a sheet of paper known in com- merce by the name of papier ministri. After leaving it there for twenty minutes, I washed it in a large quantity of water, and dried it in a gentle heat. I have recently tried this paper in a pistol, and with about three grains pierced a plank two centimetres in thickness (about three quarters of an inch), at a distance of twenty-five metres." The results of experiments at Paris, under authority, were communicated to the Academy on the 9th inst. The proved advantages of the gun-cotton appear to he, cleanliness, rapid combustion without solid residue, the absence of had smell, lightness, no dust possible, and therefore no sifting necessary, an indisputable force, and valued at present as triple that of an equal weight of gunpowder. The disadvantages are — volume, and hence a difliculty in making up, and in the transport of ammunition ; and the production of a large quantity ot watery vapour within the guns, which is, perhaps, more inconvenient than the dirt of ordinary powdrr. Of five specimens tried, one fired the fourth time without the gun having been sponged, was projected with the greatest part of the cotton un- burnt, and this was so moist that it would not take fire in the open air. Test of quality. — M. Pelouze announced an important discovery by two of his laboratory pupils ; it is, that when xyloidine has reached its greatest de- gree of explosive power, tli.-n it is completely soluble in ether. Hence a test of quality, and a proof of the best make. At a meeting of the Chemical Society of London, the same day, a paper was read On (Ac Gun Cotton, by Mr. E. F. Tesciiemachkr. The author stated that he entered on this subject with a view of obtaining some data as to how far the possible introrluction of this substance in the place of gunpowder was likely to affect the consumption of saltpetre and uilrale of soda. The gun cotton examined was made by Mr. Taylor's process. Fifty grains of South American cotton were dried over a waterbalh, and lost 3-40 grains. It was steeped in the mixed acids, washed, dried, and found to have increased to 79 grains. The acids used were then examined, by saturating with carbonate of soda, and it was found that the cotton had taken acid equivalent to 2bi grains of soda ; or 48 grains of dry nitric acid 1846.J THE CIVIL ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT'S JOURNAL. 387 had combined with the 4G CO grains of cotton, forming the 79 grains of gun cotton. The synthetical composition was stated as 4600 cotton, less l.ifiO water taken away by the sulphuric and nitric acids, leaving 31-00 cotton deprived of a portion of its constituent water, 35-55 oxygen } j^, ^^ ^g g■^^^■^ ^^-^^^ 12-15 nitrogen ) 79 parts, or 39-25 cotton deprived of a portion of water, 45-00 oxygen I ^ ,g g^.^j ^^^^■,^ ^(.jd, 15-75 nitrogen J ^ I DO parts. Thus it would require 11475 parts of saltpetre, or 99-10 parts of nitrate of soda, to form 100 parts of gun cotton. INIi. Teschemacher directed attention to the large quantity of oxygen— viz., 45 parts in every 100— which must be derived for combination with the cotton. He stated that he had also experimented upon other vegetable substances, such as flax, sawdust, &c. He found 50 grains of flax to increase in weight to 72 grains, but that the combustion of this substance was less perfect and less rapid than that of gun cotton. The gun cotton does not ignite when violently struck. It may occa- sionally be made to dt'cri'(»'<(Uc— not explode— by percussion. The King of Prussia has issued a decree extending all the safeguards for the manufacture, keeping, and selling of gunpowder to this new explosive material. Professor Schtinhein, in a letter to the Times, denies the identity of the syloidiue of M. Peloiize with his gun cotton, as believed by some chemists and as stated iu the Academy of Sciences al Paris. The dilTerence between them, he says, will be made known at the proper time. Until then, also, we may here remark, the several experiments and their results that have been made public can be received only as the performances and etiects of certain explosive materials, concocted by sundry individuals, and not as proofs of the properties or capabilities of the gun cotton. WESTMINSTER BRIDGE. Our attention has been drawn to the following announcement in the daily journals : — "Demolition of Westminster Bridge and Construction of a New One. — It is definitively arranged by the Westminster Bridge Commis- sioners, that the present bridge shall be removed. It is intended to apply next session for an act to pull down the old bridge and erect a new bridge, from the eastern end of Whitehall-place, to Sutton-street, in the York-road, Lambeth. Powers are to be taken in the act to allow the commissioners to make the following new streets in connexion with the bridge ; — 1st. A new street from the south side of Charing-cross by the south-west side ot Northumberland-house to the north bank of the Thames, near the end of Whitehall-place, passing over Angel-court, Craigs-court, the eastern ends o? Great Scotland-yard, and Whitehall-place. On the Surrey side of the bridge there will be a new street in a direct line to the east side of the Westminster-road, to Mason-street, Lambelh. On each side of the bridge it is intended to construct large and commodious piers for the use of the steamers plying on the river. The bridge will, it is said, be constructed of granite." We fear the construction of this new bridge will be most detrimental to existing interests, and cause the greatest inconvenience to the inhabitants of Westminster. It will not only destroy the direct line of thoroughfare from Pimlico through the Park and Great George-street, over West- minster-bridge to the Elephant and Castle and theSurrey roads, but it will be the lause uf increasing the traffic through the already over-crowded thorougkiaies from Charing-cross to the City, as it is now far nearer and quicker to go fium the Law Courts and Parliament-street over Westminster- bridge to the City, the Brighton and Dover Railways, and ultimately to the new staliou of the South-Western Railway ; and cooseijueutly this traffic, if this new bridge be constructed, will be directed along the Strand ; and besides, there will be a distance of a mile through Westminster from Vaux- ball-bridge to the site of the proposed new bridge that will be entirely cut ofl' from the Surrey side, excepting \>y the circuitous route over those two bridges. By a reference to tlie map of Loudon, it will be seeu that if this uew bridge be carried over the river at right angles to the shore at White- hall-place, the end on the Surrey side will almost come in contact with the foot of Hungerford-bridge ! Surely the direct communication from Charing- cross over ihis last bridge is ample accommodation for the public, witliout intruding another vvithiu a stone's throw. Why the uew bridge should be removed from the present site of West- minster bridge we cannot devise. A uew bridge might be constructed on the eastern side of the present bridge, and the latter pulled dowu when the new one is erected, as was done viilh Old London Bridge. By removing ■Westminster-bridge, the only land-view from which a perspective view can be obtained of the new Houses of Parliament will be lost, and, as we before stated, all the elaborate and minute sculpture and decorations will not be seen. To get a view of the grand facade, we shall be obliged to go in one of the river steamers, and catch a transient glimpse as the vessel passes along. Can it be supposed that Parliament will sanction such a scheme, to the destruction and despoliation of all the valuable interests connected with the trade and property in Wcstniiuster and Lambeth ? and ultimately cause another bridge to be constructed, at the expense of the public, somewhere above the new Parliament Houses, which niustfoUowif AVestminster-bridge be removed from the present site. MACHINE FOR PRINTING TWELVE THOUSAND SHEETS PER HOUR. We have been shown the model of a printing machine, which we have little hesitation in designating a stride in the already wonderful progress that has been made iu the printing art during the last live and twenty years. The steam press by which the Didlij Neirs is printed is, we be- lieve, the fastest — because the newest, and, consequently, provided with the latest improvements— at present in existence ; yet the average number of copies it produces within the hour is 5,000. The improved machine is cal- culated to print 12,000 per hour; and after a careful examination of the model, we have every reason to believe that the calculation is correct. To persons unacquainted with the details of printing machinery it will be next to impossible to convey a complete idea of the improvement, simple as is the principle on which it has been effected : a general notion may, how-, ever, be given. For the benefit of the uninitiated, we must premise that the present printing machines consist of two principal pans ; fiist, of a sliding table, the middle of which is occupied by the type, each end having a surface on which the ink is distributed, and from which it is taken up by soft elastic rollers, and imparted to the type, secondly, of cylinders con- stantly revolving, to which the sheets are conveyed by tapes, impressed by the periodical sinking of the cylinders upon the type, and conveyed away again by the tapes. By the present plan, as the impressing cylinders re- volve in one direction, an impression can only be taken at each forward transit of the type; the cylinders being lifted, to clear the type as it travels back again. Iu other words, the type passes under each cylinder tivice to produce one impression. The new, or, as it is aptly termed, "The Double-action Machine," takes advantage of both passages of the type under its cylinder, printing a sheet as the type passes backward as well as when it goes forward. This is managed by reversing the revolutions of the cylinders at each stroke, simply by means of straight racks placed upon the long edges of the table, in which work cog-wheels attached to the axles of the cylinders. In this double action resides the main feature of improve- ment. It not only allows of two sheets being printed for one, but— by dis- encumbering the steam-press of the machinery necessary for lifting the cy- linders that they may clear the table at each return— admits of the intro- duction of eight cylinders into the machine instead of four, the present maximum number. By this accession seven sheets are printed in the lime of four— the natural supposition would be eight sheets; but a peculiarity it would be impossible to explain in this paragraph prevents the double ac- tion being imparted to the two outside cylinders, which constantly revolve as of old, in the same direction, and which reduces the ratio of production one sheet per stroke of the machine. There are many minor advantages derived from the application of the new principle, that would, if described, involve the general reader in a maze of technicalities which would not be, to him, very interestiug. The inventor and patentee is Mr. 'William Little, publisher of the lUuslraled Londun ^eivs. We are told that his first draught of the invention was so correct, that in making the model not the minutest alteration was found necessary- a proof of the soundness of the mechanical principle from which he started. — DaUy News. PROCEEDINGS OP SCIEBJTIPIC SOCIETIES. ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS. Nov. 2.— The President, Earl De Guey, in the Chair. Mr. G. Allen and Mr. C. Mayhew were elected Fellows, and Mr. C. Barry, jun., an Associate. A paper was read by Mr. Mair, " On an Ancient Structure existing at il Hather, in Mesnimlumia, y J. Laird, the en- gines by Forester, of Liverpool. They are to be called the Caradoc, Llewellyn, the Kath- leen, and the Hiiiishi-e. The Janus, steam-sloop, Lortl Diin(lonald,TvilI be ready by the be};inning of the year to make a final trial, the Admiralty havin£^ granted lOOl'/. to make the neces- sary alterations. The Medea* steam-sloop, on the 6th ult., proceeded down the River Thames to test the engines, at the mile in Long Reach, Her speed on the first trial was f*-88!.» knots ngainst the tide, and l^fliU with it. giving an average of lOl'Hl, bnt on sub- sequent trials she may Vindcx, 290 public, reports of, 42 Complete treatise on llie ol)liqiie arcli, by P. Nicholson (review), 73 Coinpnund motion, new law nf, 1J6 Connecting boilers, Gart'orlh's patent, 2Jl rods for cranks, Hinckley's patent, 246 Conversazione, Sir John Rennie's, 218 C'o|iper ores, Bankart's patent for re- fining, 120 extracted from its ores by electricitv, 208 Correspondence, 32, 04, 96, 128, 192, 224, 200, 292, 324, 392 Corrosion of metals, Adie's paper on, 371 Coupling and stuffing-box for shafts, Loper's patent, 90 Cranipton's patent engine, 220 Cranes, moveable jib, 367 Crawford's patent for stopping rail- way carriages, 186 Critical dissertation on Prof. Willis's architectural history of Canterbury cathedral (review), 287 Cubitt's, U., evidence ou the gauge question, 254 W., ditto, 239, 255 Cupola, improved, for melting iron, 121 Current water-wheel, Robinson's pa- tent, 90 Curves, railway, 368 Cuttings aiid embankments, setting out of, by Hawkins. 136 Dampness in buildings, 187,216 Darljysliire's tables for setting out rai'U'ay curvis (review), 289 DauntlfbS frigati', 90 Decepti'jus, architectural, 2, 06 Decision of the Board' of Trade on the gauge question, 210 Decorations, coloured, 20 of the Opera House, 99 01 houses, Bex's patent, 252 of the Town Hall, Liver- pool, 245 Decorative Art Society, 56, 159 Demolition of Westminster Bridge, 387 Denis, St., cathedral of, 9 Dennet's patent horizontal windmills. Description of the Byrnegraph, by 0. Byrne (review), 288 Desiderata for the study of media;val architecture, by Nonnullus, 309 Dibbling apparatus, Fuller's patent, 355 Dickson, on the cultivation and ma- nagement of flax (review), 289 DitTerential hydraulic press, 319 Douglas, Sir Howard, on metropoli- tan bridges, &c. (review), 280 reply to observa- tions on the metropolitan bridges, &c., 358 Downhill tunnels, grand blast at, 253 Dredging machinery for Egypt, 108 Drumniond's first steps to anatomy (review), 14 Dublin, port of, improvements, 353 Earl's goniometricon, 309 Earth and sea, temperature of, by Taylor, 110 Earthwork, Hughes's tables for cal- culating (review), 73 on sidelong grounds, by J. Hughes, 3;!3 East India Company's navy, 19 Eastlake, on styles and methods of painting, 112 Eccentrics, remarks on, Ickworth, 60 Edinburgh, synopsis of buildings in, 8 Education, professional, of the en- gineer, architect, builder, and ma- chinist, 283 Egypt, dredging machinery for, 108 place of, in the bi>tory of the wnrhl, Bunsen (review), 174 Electric coniiuctors. Young's patent, 247 lamp. Greener's patent, 285 light. King's patent, 220 telegraph, Heighton's pa- tent, 321 Elements of physics, by C. F. Peschel (review), 358 Elementary text book for surveyors and levellers, by Castle (review), 356 Embankments, Bateman's letter on, 224 Employment of columns and pedi- ments as window mouldings, 162 Encaustic painting, 337 Encouragement of Arts, Society for, 28, 89, 124, 157, 189 Engineer, architect, builder and ma- chinist, on the education of, 283 Engineering, Weale's Quarterly Pa- pers on, 39 notes on, Nos. 4, 5, & 6 on the strength and form of the Meuai tubular bridge, 100,172, 298 Engineering, amateur, 365 Engineer's illustrated almanac. Hare's (review), 14 Engineer's manual of mineralogy and geology, Mrs. Varley (review), 367 Engines of the steam frigate Gladia- tor, 193 England and France, telegraphic communication between, 160 England and Wales, railway map of, Arrowsnivth and Uasire's (review), 170 Entasis and other curved lines of the Parthenon, bv F. Penrose, 97 Erratta, 04, 128,102, 260, 324 Erric sson's patent propeller, 386 Essay on an improved method of constructing viaducts, bridges, tunnels, a:c. (review), 72 Evaporative power of turf, 20 Ewart's patent chimney pots, 185 Excavating machine, Poole's patent, 219 Exchange, Royal, paper on theoriginal foundation of, by W. Tite, 28 Exhibition at the Roval Academv, 169 Existing railwavs, working stock of, 245 Expansion of steam, Hazard's paper on, 381 Experimental researches on the strength of cast-iron, by E. Hodg- kinson (review), 317 Experiments on the broad and nar- row gauge, 49 on steam, 9 Explosion in a sewer at Ixelles, 1 1 1 Exposition of manufactures and in- dustrial art, 30 Extraction of copper from its ores by electiicitv, 208 Fafade of the British Museum, 65, 123 Fairbairn's report of the Menai tubu- lar bridge, 145 Fall of railway bridges, 3i>3 Falls of Niagara, suspension bridge at, 73 Faraday, Prof., on lime preserved for fresco painting, 117 Fenestration and windows, 270, 293, 329 Fibrous materials, preparing of, New- ton's patent, 3S-> Fictile manufactures, pottery and porcelain, 178 Filterer, Wilkinson's patent, 222 Fine Arts, Institute of, reports, 42 Fine Alt architeeture, Kerr's Xew- leafe discourses on (review), 377 Fire alarum, Taylor's patent, 120 Fire-engines, White's patent, 221 Fitzwilliatn nuiseuni, Cambridge, 31, 103,129. 107, 301 Fitznilliam museum, interior of, 361 Floors, ornamental, 216 Foreign public A'oiks, 190 notes, 223, 3.-3, 359, 390 Fortifications, old, Sheerness, guns for, 80 France and England, telegraphic communication between, lljO Francis's, Henry, patent g,is appara- tus, 185 Joseph, patent iron boats, 184 French archa:ological congress, 218 railways, 43 Fresco painting, on the lime pre- served for, by Prof. Faraday, 117 Frigates, Dauntless and .\rrogant, 90 Fuller's patent dibbling apparatus, 355 Fulljames's lelter on the Aust sus- pension bridge, 190 Fulton on the modification and adaptation of the Greek onleis, 137 Fuluie development of niediaivol ar- chitecture, 225 Gas apparatus, Francis's patent, ISS burners, Leslie's patent, 221 manufacture of, Murdoch's pa- tent, 02 purifying of, Phillip's patent, 01 Gailbabaud ou ancient and modern architecture (review), 13, 155 Galloway's patent for propelling car- riages, 01 Garforth's patent for connecting boilers, 251 Gate tower, .St. Edmund's Bury, 238 Gauges, decision of the Board of Trade on, 210 Gauges, broad and narrow, experi- ments on, 4!) junction of, 187 S.T.'s letter on, 130 Gauge commissioners, report of, 74 commission, analysis of evi- dence, I7i», i!ll, 254,309 Geology, railway, 218 Giles's, F., projiosal for a suspension bridge at the Aust passage, 122 Gillard's patent for the production of heat, 320 Gladiator steam frigate, engines of, 193 Glass, Mr. Pellatt on the manufac- ture of, 124 painting on, 149 tiles, Kussell's patent, 247 windows, stained, 254 Glass staining and etching, Bed- ford's patent, 384 Goethe's house, 295 Goniometer and crystallonome, paper on, by Dr. Leeson (review), 153 Goniometricon, Earl's, 369 Gothic architecture, manual of, Paley (review), 377 Gothic ornaments, by Colling (re- view), 289 Governors of steam engines, Sie men's patent, 247 Grand blast at the Downhill tunnels, 253 Gravel, white, 153 Great Britain steam ship, 9 Great Western, new locomotive en- gine, 198 Greener's patent electric lamp, 285 Greenbow's patent railways and car- riages, 285 Gregg's patent hydrostatic power machine, 24fl Guess's patent for removing acids from clotii, 386 Gun cotton, 386 Gunpowder, report of experiments on, at Washington, 119 Guns for old fortifications at Sheer- ness, 80 Gun steamers, 379 H Hall's patent brick and tile machine, 3.i5 Hand-book of mapping, &e. Wilrae (review), 204 Hare's illustrated almanac (review), 14 HaskoU's assistant engineer's rail- way guide (review), 374 Hawkins on setting out cuttings and embankments, ISO Hawortli's patent steam engine, 02 Hazard's paper on the expansion of steam, 381 Heald on stakingout railway curves (review), 203 Heath's putent hydraulic gale, 91 Heating by hydrogen, Gillard's pa- tent, 320 Height of Vesuvius, 111 Heighton's patent electric telegraph 321 Henry's, Professor, observations on capillarity, 170 Hightou's patent railway chairs, 92 Hili aud Dixon's patent for lubri- cating nMchiner>, 91 Hill's, Joseph, paleut wire gauze for blinds, 16 John l{., patent for atmos- pheric propulsion, 218 pateut printiitg press, 219 Hinckley's connecdng rods, 216 Hind ou the vibration of trains in tunnels, 207 I N D E X. HodgkinsoD'3 experiments on the strength of cast iron (review), 317 ■ report on the Meuai tubular bridgf, 14G Hultzaptlel on turning and manipu- lation (review), 372 Home Ollice, Wliitehall, 261 Hopkins's patent rails and trams, 92 Horizontal water wheels, turbiiies, &:c,, by Riihinian (review), 2U0 wiudinjlls, Dennet's patent, 90 Hot-air engine, IJagg's patent, 92 House of Commons, standing orders and reports. 93 Houses of Parliament, Mr. Barrj's evidence on, 244 ■ , remarks on, 2")G , second report on the ventilation of, 214 Howard, Henry, on plate glass making in England, 197 Howard's patent steam engine con- densers, 383 Howard's, Thomas, patent for roll- ing iron bars, 1^4 Hughes, John, on earthwork on sidelong ground, 333 Hughes's, John, tables for the cal- culation of earth HOI k (review), 73 Hungerford bridge, stability and strength of, 303 Huutinglons's tables for the calcu- lation of earthwork, &c. (review) 155 Hydraulic gate. Heath's patent, 91 paint, \t arreii's ditto. 184 — — ^^ press, dillerential, 319 Hjdranlic ran), notes on, 3C2 Hydraulics, researches in, 123 Hydrostatic power machine, Gregg's patent, 24(j Icebergs of the Atlantic seas, 19 Ickworth on eccenlrics CO Idea for the fu9rtde of the British Museum, 05 Imitations, architectural, 265 Itnprovemeots of the river Severn, 80 Incorporated railways, synopsis of, 21 Industrial art and manufactures, exposition of, 30 Inertia of railway trains, power to overcome it, 256 Institute, Arcii;eological, 55 of Fine Aris, reports of, 42 , Royal, of IJritish Archi- tects, 27, 58, 84, 123, 158, 188, 217, 387 Institution of Civil Engineers, 57 Instrument for tracing railway curves, by W.Tait, 332 Interior of the Fiizwiiliam Museum 301 Introductory Note, 1 Iron boats, Francis's patent im- provements in, 184 , improved cupola for melting, 121 •, improved manufacture of, Bovill's jiateut, 382 ditto, Budd's patent, 350 Isoard and Mercier's steam engine, 58 Isoard's patent for obtaining motive power, 121 Isthmus of Fanama, canal across, £39 Italy, Lush's Architectural Recol- lections of, 168, 229, 203, 290 Ixclles, explosion in a sewer at, HI JiUius Steam ship, 54 Jib, moveable, cranes, 307 Johnson's, Robert, patent for atmos- pheric railways, 247 Johnson's, R,, patent for purifying gas 283 Junction of the broad and narrow gauges, 187 K Keating's patent cement, 285 Kentish ragstone, 177 Kerr's Newieafe discourses on the fine art architecture (review), 377 King's patent electric light, 220 Lake's patent propelling power, 152 Lamb on the studies of ancient do- mestic architecture (review), 199 Landmann's, Col., evidence on the gauge question, 213 LauiK h of two steam ships at Liver- pool, 160 Law, new, of compound motion, 150 Leaning tower at Pisa, 208 Leeson's, Dr., paper on a new goni- ometer and crjslalloiiome, 1.53 Leslie's patent gas burners, 221 Lessening friction in clocks, Terry's patent, 386 Letter on Barker's mill, with the editor's reply. 319 on the Wyatt AVelliDglon,354 Letters on the cniti\ation and ma- nagement of flax, Dickson's (re- view), 289 Leven and Rise Church, Holder- ness, by Chantrill, 100 Lightning rods, 21 Lime preserved for fresco painting, Prof. Faraday on, 117 Limes, mortars, and cements, Arago on, 33 Linton's paper on encaustic paint- ing, 337 Liverpool, architecture in, 5 , launch of two steam ships at, 100 Town-hall decorations, 245 Local churches, new, 81 Locke's evidence on the gauge ques- tion, 182 Locomotive engines, Crampton's patent, 229 , Nisbet's patent, 321 , Rayner's patent, 152 , Howe and Stephen- son's patent, 285 London, Society of Arts of, 28, 89, 124, 157, 189 Londonderry and Coleraine railway, grand blast on, 253 LoDgridge's patent slide valves, 152 Lowber's patent for tinning pipes, 183 Lubricating machinery. Hill and Dixon's patent, 91 Lunar corrector, Capt, Thompson's 100 Lush's Architectural Recollections of Italy, 168, 229, 263, 296 M Machine for printing 12,000 sheets per hour, 387 Machinery, lubricating, Hill and Dixon's patent, 91 Machinery for making augurs, Pal- mer's patent, 16 McConnell's evidence on the gauge question, 21 1 Macintosh's remarks on St, Michael Heavitree, 319 Macnaught's patent improvements in steam engines, 240 Magnetic experiments on metals, &c.. Sturgeon's paper on, 206 Mail steamers, trial of, 19H Manchester, architecture in, 3 Manual of Gotliic architecture, Paley (review), 377 Manufacture of Glass, Pellatt's paper on, 124 Manufactures, fictile, pottery and porcelain, 1T8 and industrial art, expo- sition of, 30 Manure, Muspiatt's patent, 61 , sewage, collection of, 82, 352 Marble-polishing machine, Ziegler's patent, 183 Marbles, Boodroom, 118 Marine electric telegraph, Perce- vals's patent, 3S0 Masonry, Irom the Ecchsiologist,Z\ 2 ' , rustic, 234, 330 Materials, Byrne's new theory of, 103, 231, 237 Math--r's patent metallic pistons, 385 Matrices for casting printing type, Starr's patent, 380 Maudslay's patent propelling ma- chinery, 252 May's patent machine for punching and shearing metal plates, 384 Mediaeval architecture, desiderata for the study of, by Nonnullus,309 , future develop- ment of, 225 Menai tubular bridge, strength and form of, ICO, 172, 298 strait, tubular bridge over, 83 Metallic pistons, Mather's patent, 385 Metals, Adie's paper on the corro- sion of, 371 Metropolitan bridges and Westmin- ster improvements. Douglas, Sir Howard (review), 286 Metropolitan churches, new, 171, 194,260, Michael Angelo, discovery of his works, 308 Millett on tanned canvas, 340 Mill's patent buffers, 61 Wining surveying instrument, new, by W. Peace, 336 Miscellanea, 31,03,259, 292 Models of the Parthenon, 14, 44, 85 Modern churches, clerestories in, Wightwick, 147 Modibcation and adaptation of the Greek orders. H. Fulton, 137 Monument, Nelson's, 55, 187 Mordecai's experiments on gunpow- der, 119 Morrison's patent ventilating stoves, 184 Moss's patent for printing banker's notes, 16 Motion, Bashforth on the change of, 10 compound, new law of, 156 Motive power, Isoard's patent, 121 NasniUhe's patent, 320 ^Vllkinson's patent, 152 Moulding of iron, Mushel's patent, 246 Moveable jib cranes, 367 Mud, sand-bars, &c., Vermilion's patent for removing, 90 Mulley and Mason's patent for rais- ing substances from under water, 16 Mullins on peat bog (review), 357 Muichisou's, Sir R., address to the British Association, 313 Murdoih's patent for the manufac- ture of gas, 02 Murdock's patent for the prepara- tion of paint, 320 Museum, British, Fafade of, idea for, 9, 65, 123 British Museum, models of Parthe- non in, 14, 44 IMuseum, Fiizwiiliam, at Cam- bridge, 31, 103, 129, 107 inierior of, 361 Mushet's patent for moulding iron, 216 Muspratt's patent manure, 61 N Nasmyth's patent for obtaining motive power, 320 Navy of the East India Company, 19 Nelson's Monument, 55, 187 Neville on the pressure of retaining walls, 135 Newcastle Philosophical Society 31 New churches, local, 81, lOil, 391 New goniometer and crystallonome, 153 New law of compound motion, 156 Newieafe discourses on tlie tine art architecture. Kerr (review), 377 New locks at Bristol, partial de- struction of, 282 New locomotive engine, the Great Mestern, 198 New metropolitan churches, 171, 194,260 New mining surveying instrument, W, Peace, 336 New planet, 331, 306 New theory of the strength of materials. O. Byrne, 103, 231, 257 Newton's patent apparatus for pre- paring libious materials, 385 Niagara, falls of, suspension bridge at the, 73 Nicholson, Peter, on the obliqne arch (review), 73 Nisbet's patent locomotive engine, 321 Nonnullus on mediaeval architec- ture, 309 Norfolk railway, accidents on, 51, 53 Note book, Candidus's, Fasciculus LXVllI, LXIX, LXX, LXXI, 134,233,262, 327 Note, introductory, I Notes, bankers', Moss's patent for printing, 10 Notes on engineering. Nos, IV and V, on the strength and form of the Menai tubular bridge, 100, 172 Notes, foreign, 223, 323, 359, 390 Notes of the month, 127, 159, 191, 222, 258, 291, 321, 300, 389 Notes on the hydraulic ram, 303 O Oblique arch, treatise on, by Peter Nicholson (review), 73 Observations on capillarity, 176 Ocean waves. Walker on, 109 Ogier's proposal for a general me- tropolitan railway (review), 289 Opera House, decorations of, 99 Orders of the Greeks, Fulton on the modification and adaptation of, 137 Ores, copper, Bankart's patent for refining, 120 Ores, reduction of, Tower's patent, 91 Origin and reclamation of peat bog, Mullins on (review), 375 Ornamental floors, 210 Paddle-box boats abandoned, 72 I N D E X. Painling on glass, 1-17 Paley's iii;iimal of Gothic architec- ture (review), 377 Palmer's, \V., a-luiospheric railway, 92 J., patent augur machiue- ry, 10 Paper staining, Potter's patent, 356 Paris, Koyal Observatiiry of, 06 Parish churches, &c., by Messrs. Brandon (review), 154 Parlihurst's patent for propelling vessels, 180 Parlour's patent ship propellers, 221 Parsey's air engine, 107 Parthenon, models of, 14,44, 85 , entasis and other curved lines <>f, by V. P. Penrose, 97 Patents, American, specilications of 90, 1S3, 215, 380 Auxiliary steam engines, Cochrane, 240 ditto. Coffin, 246 Brick-making press, Maite, 183 Carriage-wheels, Scripture, 245 Connecting-rods for cranks, Hinckley, 240 Coupling and stuffing-box, Loper, 90 Current water-wheel, Robin- son, QO Folding sheet metal. Roe, 380 Horizontal wiud-mills, Den- net, 90 Hydraulic gate. Heath, 91 paint, Warren, 184 Hydrostatic power machine, Gregg, 246 Iron boats, Francis, 184 Lessening friction in clocks, Terry, 3S0 Lubricating machinery. Hill and Dison, 91 Marble polishing machine, Ziegler, 183 iMatrices for casting printing type, Slarr, 386 Printing presses, Saxton, 184 Propellers, Ericsson, 386 Propellers, Phleger, 3S6 Railroad trucks, Ray, 184 Reduction of ores. Towers, 01 Removing acids from cloth, Guess, 380 Removing mud, sand, &c., Vermilion, 90 Safety valves. Rush, 184 Steam engine, Pomeroy, 240 Tide-mills, Ross, 90 Tinning pipes, Lowber, 184 Ventilating pipes, Morrison, 184 Water gates, Robinson, 91 Water wheels. Smith, 90 Patents, English, lists of, 32, 04, 90 128, 160, 191,224, 200, 292, 321, 300, 392 Patents, register of specifications of new, 16, 01, 91, 120, 152, 184, 218, 240, 283, 320, 35.5, 382 Alum and aluminous com- pounds, Clill, 92 Arresting railway carriages, Crawford, 1^6 Atmospheric engine, Atha, 185 Atmospheric propulsioD,;HiII 218 Atmospheric railway, John- son, 247 Wheeler, 252 Ward, 91 Palmer, 92 Aogur-making machine, Pal- mer, 16 Patents— (ton/ini/cd ) Brick and tile machine. Hall 855 Buffers, safety, Chesshire, 285 Buffers for railway carriages Mills, 61 Cement, Keating, 285 Chimney draught, Watson, 251 Chimney pots, Ewart, 185 Coke oven, Church, 284 Coking artificial fuel, War- lich, 382 Combining coal and preserv- ing wood, Rausome, 16 Combining steel and iron, Sanderson, 186 Connecting boilers, Garforth 251 Copper ores, Bankart, 120 Decoration of houses, Bex, 252 Dibbling apparatus. Fuller, 355 Electric conductors, Young, 219 lamp. Greener, 285 light. King, 220 telegraph. Heighten, 321 Excavating machine, Poole, 219 Fillerer, Wilkinson, 222 Fire alarum, Taylor, 120 engines. White, 221 Gas apparatus, Francis, 185 burners, Leslie, 221 manufacture, Murdoch, 62 purifying, Phillips, 61 Johnson, 283 Glass tiles, Russel, 247 Governors of steam engines, Siemen, 249 Heating by hydrogen, Gil- lard, 320 Hot air engines, Baggs, 92 Iron manufacture, Bovill, 3S2 Iron manufacture, Budd, 350 Locomotive engines. Cramp- ton, 220 Nisbet, 321 Rayner, 152 Stephenson and Howe, 235 INlaiiure, Muspratt, 61 Marine electric telegraph, Perceval, 380 Metallic pistons, Mather, 385 Motive power, Isoard, 121 Nasmyth,320 AVilkinson, 152 Moulding of iron, Mushet246 Paper staining, Potter, 356 Plate and sheet iron cutter, Wenninglon, 284 Preparing fibrous materials, Newton, 385 Printing press, Hill, 219 banker's n.ites. Moss, 16 Propelling on railways and canals, Taylor and Condor, 251 Propelling machinery, Maudslay,252 Propelling power. Lake, 152 Propelling vessels. Park- hurst. ISO Punchingand shearing metal plates, iMay, 3s4 Rails and trams, Hopkins, 92 Railway carriages, Brandling 186 carriage wheels, Bo- zek, 240 chairs, Highton, 92 lifting apparatus, Pope, 383 rails, Poole, 185 Patents— (coK^'«ufd.) Railways and carriages, Greenhow, 285 Raising substances from tin- d«r water, Mulley and Mason, 16 Rolling iron bars, Howard, 184 Ship building, Boydell, 185 propellers. Parlour, 221 Slide valves, Longridge, 152 Sluice locks. Waller, 219 Staining and etching glass, Bedford, 384 Steam engine condensers, Howard, 3S3 Steam engine improvemeots, BIcNaught, 216 Steam engines, Haworth, 62 Steam engines, Rollinson,384 and propellers, Penn and Co., 247 Steam engines and propellers Seaward, 284 Steering apparatus, Clark and Pirnie, 185 Stoves, Searle, 120 Tanning, Warrington, 285 Tiles, M'eller, C3 Ventilation of mines, Struve, 321 Wire fabrics for blinds. Hill, 16 Zinc paint, Jlurdock, 323 Peace's new mining surveying in- strument, 336 Pellatt on the manufacture of glass, 124 Penn, Hartree, and Matthews's im- proveinenis in steam engines and propellers, 247 Penrose, on the eutasis. Sec, of the Parthenon, 97 Perceval's p.itent marine electric telegraph, 386 Peschel's elements of physics. Part II. (review), 358 Piuilico, Si. Michael's church at, 67 Phillips's patent for purifying gas, 61 Philosophical Society, Newcastle, 3 Phleger's patent propeller, 386 Pisa, leaning tower at, 2U8 Place of Egypt in the history of the world. IJunsen (review), 174 Planet, new, 331, 360 Plate glass making in England, 197 Plate-iron cutter, Wenuington's patent, 284 Playfair and De La Beche on ex- plosions in collieries, 241 ditto on the suppression of smoke, 196 Plymouth, Christ's church at, 9, 60, 08, 106, 149 Plymouth, royal naval steam yard at, 317 Pomeroy's patent improvements in the steam engine, 216 Poole's patent excavating machine, 219 patent railway rails, 185 Pope's patent railway lifting appa- ratus, 383 Port of Dublin, improvements of, 353 Potter's patent for paper staining, 350 Power to overcome the inertia of trains on railways, 150 Poynter on stained glass windows iu Salute Chapelle, Paris, 131 Practice of setting out railways, 275 Pressure on retaining walls, 109, 135 Preston, subsidence of viaduct at, 135 Principles of church restoration, 143 Printing press. Hill's patent, 219 Saxton's patent, 184 Problems in plane surveying, Vin- dex's letter, 300 Proceedings of scientific societies, 27, 55, 84, 123, 166, 188,256,387 Academy, Royal, 1C9, 195 Archaiological congress, French 218 Archaeological Institute, 55 Architects. British, Royal In- sliiute of, 27, 58, 84, 123, 158, 188,217, 387 Art, Decorative, Society of, 56, 159 Arts, Fine, Institute of, 42 Arts, Royal Scottish Society of, 29, 55, «9, 12.5, 156, 256 Arts, Society for the Encou- ragement of, 28, 57, 89, 124, 157, 189 British Association, 301, 313, S41 Chemical Society, 189 College forCnil Engineers, 256 Institution of ditto, 57 Proceedings of railway committees, 93, 126 Professional education of the engi- neer, &;c., 283 Propellers, Ericsson's patent, 386 Phleger's patent, 386 Propelling on canals and railways, Taylor and Condor's patent, 25 1 Propel ling power, Lake's patent, 152 vessels, Parkhurst's patent, 186 Proposal for a general metropolitan railway. Ogier (review), 289 Prosser's method of projecting cir- cles, 41 Public buildings, Eastlake on the painting of, 112 Public works, foreign, 190 Punching and shearing metal plates ftlay's patent, 386 Purifying gas, Johnson's patent, 283 Putney, college for civil engineers at, 256 Q Quality of the lime preserved for fresco painting. Prof. Faraday on, 117 Quarterly papers on engineering, Weale's (review), 39, 302 R Ragstone, Kentish, 177 Rails and trams, Hopkin's patent, 92 Railway bridges, fall of, 353 butlers, safety, Chesshire'g patent, 285 carriages. Brandling's patent 186 carriage wheels, Bozek's patent, 246 chairs, Highlon's patent, 92 curves, instrument for tracing 332 curves, setting out of, 300 staking out of. Heald (review), 203 curves, Tait on, 386 geology, 218 lifting apparatus. Pope's pa- tent, 383 map of England and Wales (review), 176 Norfolk, accidents on, 51 proceedings, 93, 126 rails, Poole's patent, t85 Rouen and Havre, fall of a viaduct on, 54 sleepers, substitute for, 215 statistics, 206 suspension bridge, Russel's patent, 10 1 N D E X. Railway (rains, inertia of, 156 trucks, Kay's patent, 181 Railways, amalgamation and leasing of, 09 Belgian, 17 carriages, &c., Greenhow's patent, 2S5 French, 43 incorporated, synopsis of, 21 practice of setting out, 257 United States, at work, 31 use, progress, and construc- tion of liitciiie (review), 175 Raising the spire of a church, 41 Ransome's patent for coals and wood 16 Rastrick's evidence on the gauge question, 213 Ralller steam ship, 19 Rayner's patent locomotive engine, 152 Ray's patent railway trucks, 184 Regent's Park, Coloseum in, G Register of new patents, 16, 61, 91 120, 152, 184, 218, 246, 283, 320, 355, 382 Removing acids from cloth, Guess's patent, 386 Renuie's, Sir J., conversazioni, 21 8 Researches in hydraulics, 123 Restoration of churches, 81, 1 13 Retaining walls, pressure on, 109, 135 Return of duties on bricks, 160 Review of a reviewer, 58 Reviews of books — Arrowsmilh and Basire's railway map, 176 Arlizan Club steam engine, 38, 203 Blair and Phillips, on the construction of viaducts, &c., 72 Brandon, Messrs., on parish churches, 151 Bunsen's place of Egypt in the history of the world, 174 Bjrne's byrnegraph, 288 Castle'selementarytext book 356 CoUing's gothic ornaments, 289 Companion to the almanac, II Creed J 's excavation table, 289 Darbyshire's ta'nle for rail- way curves, 289 Dickson's cultivation and management of flax, 2S9 Douglas, Sir H., on metro- politan bridges, &c.. 286 Drummond's first steps to anatomy, 14 Gailhabaud's ancient and modern architecture, 13, 155 Hare's illustrated almanac, 14 Haskoll'sassistanlengineer's railway guide, 374 Heald's railway curves, 203 Hodgkinson's researches on cast iron, 317 Holtzapffel's turning and manipulation, 372 Hughes's tables for the cal- culations of earthwork, 73 Huntington's ditto, 155 Kerr's Newleafe discourses on architecture, 377 Lamb's studies of ancient domestic architecture, 199 niullins on peat bog, 357 Nicholson's treatise on the oblique arch, 73 Ogier's proposal for a gene- ral metropolitan railway, 289 Paley's manual of Gothic architecture, 377 Reviews — (conlimial.) Pe^clicrs elements of phys- ics, Part II., 358 Railway almanac, 14 Reply to ul)!>ervations on the report of the gauge commissiua- ers, IS Reply to observations on me- tropolitau bridges, 358 Ititcliie's railways, 175 Kiililman on horizontal water wheels, 202 Varley's, Sirs., engineei-'s manual, 376 AVeale's quarterly papers, 39, 203 M illis's. Prof., architectural history of Canterbury cathedral, 287 Wilme's hand-book of map- ping, 204 Rivers — Alleghany, suspension aque- duct over, 47 Cljde, trustees' report on the weir question, 84 Rhine, auriferous sand of, 159 Severn improvements, 80 Robinson's patent current water- wheel, 00 E(il)ii)son's patent for opening and closing water gates, 91 Rods, lightning. 21 Roe's patent machine for folding sheet metal, 386 Rolling iron bars, Howard's patent, 184 Eollinfon's patent steam engine 384 Roman remains at Colchester, l'J9 Rome, the Basilica at, 259 Ross's patent fide mills, GO Rouen and Havie Railway, fall of a viaduct on, 54 Roval Academy, exhibitions at, 169 irt, 148 Tide mills, Uoss's patent, 90 Tile-making, Benson's patent, 356 Tile machine, teller's patent, 63 Tinnini5 pipes, l.owlier's [patent, 184 Tower's oateut foe the reduction of ores, 01 Traliealc and arcuate architecture, 301 Traction, atmospheric, 29 Tracts on volcanoes, 71 Trial of the channel steamers, 239 mail steamers, 198 Trigonometrical surreying, problems in, 272 Tubular bridge over the Menai strait, 83, 100, 172, 298 Fairbairn's report on, 115 Hodgkinson's report on, 146 Turf, evaporative power of, 20 Turnin? and manipulation, Holt- zaptTel on (review), 372 Turrets, belfry, 21 U W Ultramarine, artificial, 55 Unfaithfulness in architecture, 103 United States, table of the railways at work in, 31 Value of smoke, 148 Yarley's, Mrs., engineer's manual, 370 Veutilation of the Houses of Parlia- ment, second report on, 214 Ventilating mines, Struve's patent for, 321 stoves, Morrison's pa- tent, 184 Vermilion's patent for removing mud, sand, hars, &c., 90 Vesuvius, height of. 111 Viaduct, fall of, on the Rouen and Havre railway, 54 Viaduct at Preston, subsidence of, 135 Viator on architectural competition, 151 Vibration of trains in tunnels, Hind's report on, 207 View of a reviewer, 63 VignoUes's evidence on the gauge (juestion, 214 Viiidex's letter on composition de- signs, 290 problems in plane surveying, 300 Volcanoes, &c., tracts on, 71 M'aite's patent brick-making press, 183 Walker on ocean waves, 109 Waller's patent sluice cocks, 219 Ward's patent atmospheric railway, 91 Warlich's patent fuel, 384 Warping haulage on canals, 3G8 Warren's patent hydraulic paint, 184 Warrington's patent for tanning, 285 M'ater-gates, Robinsou's patent, 91 Water-wheels (current), Robinson's patent, 90 Smith's patent, 90 Watson's patent chimney draught, 2.)1 Waves of the ocean, Walker on, 109 Weale's Quarterly Papers on engi- neering, 39, 2U2 Weirs across rivers, reports on, 84 Weller's patent tiles, 63 Wennington's patent plate and sheet iron cutter, 284 Westminster bridge, report on the present state of, 273 Westminster bridge, 387 White on volcanoes, &c., 71 White's, John, patent fire engine, 221 White gravel, 152 Wheeler's patent atmospheric rail- way, 252 Wightwick on the clerestories in mo- dern churches, 149 Wilkinson's, David, patent motive power, 132 Wilkinson's, Josiah, patent filterer, 222 William of Wykeham, architectural notices of, 318 Williams on the evaporative power of turf, 20 Wilme's hand-book of mapping, &c. (review), 204 Windmills, horizontal, Dennet's pa- tent, 90 Windows and fenestration, 270, 293, 329 Window-mouldings, columns and pediments employed for, 162 Wire fabrics for bliuds. Hill's patent, 16 Wood, preserving of, Ransome's pa- tent, 16 Woodcroft V. Smith, patent law case, 117 Working stock of existing railways, 215 Works bv Michael Angelo, discovery of, 308i M'yatt's Wellington, remirks on, 354 York, restoration of Saint Saviour's church at, 209 Young's patent electric conductors, 24 7 Ziegler's patent marble polishing machine, 183 Zinc paint, Murdock'a patent, 320 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Air-pump, 104 All Saints church, Yorkshire, 100 Aqueduct over the Allegheny, 48 Architectural recollections of Italy, G cuts, 168, 230, 297 Aust passage bridge, 122 Beams, sections of, 3, 318 Blasting under water, 2 cuts, 370 Byrnograph, 4 cuts, 288 Change of motion, 4 cuts, 10 Chimney draught, 251 Christ's church, Plymouth, 68 Combining iron and steel, 3 cuts, 185 Cuttings and embankments, 4 cuts, 130, 273 Dampness in buildings, 217 Dibbling apparatus, 2 cuts, 355 Differential hydraulic press, 319 Earl's Goniometricon, 2 cuts, 369 Electric light, 2 cuts, 220 Engines of the Gladiator, 2 cuts, 193 Entasis of the Parthenon, 2 cuts, 98 Eithaustion of air from tubes, 91 Filterer, 3 cuts, 222 Fire alarum, 3 cuts, 120 Fire engines, 2 cuts, 221 Gas burners, 2 cuts, 221 Horizontal water-wheels, 2 cuts, 201 Hot-air engine, 92 Hungerford bridge, 358, 364 Instrument for tracing railwaycurves, 332 Junction of the broad and narrow gauges, 3 cuts, 187 Leven church, 2 cuts, 100 Locomotive engine, 152 Locomotive engines, 2 cuts, 220 Machine for circular motion, 31 Maudslay's propelling machinery, 2 cuts, 232 Menai and Conway tubular bridges, 3 cuts, 307 Metallic pistons, 385 Model of the Parthenon, 7 cuts, 45, 46,86 Motive power, 2 cuts, 121 Moveable jib cranes, 367 New mining surveying instruments, 2 cuts, 336 Paper staining, 3 cuts, 356 Plan of windows at the Home Office, 3 cuts, 262 Preparing fibrous materials, 2 cuts, 3S5 Problems in surveying, 6 cuts, 273 Projection of circles, isometrically,41 Propelling power, 2 cuts, 153 vessels, 2 cuts, 186 Punching and sheering metal plates, 2 cuts, 384 Purifying gas, 283 Railway break, 186 carriages, 186 chairs, 93 rails, 185 Raising the spire of a church, 41 Rocks at the Downhill tunnel, 4 cuts, 253 Rolling iron bars, 3 cuts, 184 Saint Edmunds Bury gate tower, 238 Saint Saviour's church, 209 Ship-building, 2 cuts, 185 Sbip-pri)pelling, 2 cuts, 221 Slide valves, 2 cuts, 152 Sluice-cocks, 2 cuts, 220 South Hackney church, 195 Stained glass windows at Sainte Chapelle, Paris, 14 cuts, 131 Steering apparatus, 2 cuts, 185 Strength and stress of materials, 13 cuts, 103, 205, 232 Theorv of the arch, 151 Tubular bridge, 15 cuts, 101, 148, 172, 298 Turning and manipulation, 373 M'arping haulage, 2 cuts, 363 Wheeler's atmospheric railway, 3 cuts, 252 DIRECTIONS TO BINDER. Plate 1.— Great Britain steam ship opposite page 2. — Railway suspension bridge 3. — Galloway's railway propeller, — Ha- worth's steam engine, — Murdock's gas apparatus, — Walker and INIills's railway buffer,— Weller's brick machine .. .. 4. — Fatade of the British Museum ,. 5. — East front of the Parthenon, — Aust suspension bridge .. ., 6.— Filzvvilliam Museum .. 7—8. — Church of Sacrow 9_10.—Eugiuei of ihe Gladiator steamer 11. — St. Saviours church, — Poole'.s ex- cavating machine, — Hill's Atmos- pheric propulsion, — Hill's priuting press 9 10 01 63 97 129 lUl 103 209 12. — Penn and Go's s(eam enfrines,— Siemen's governor, — Young and RIcNair's electric conductor, — Taylor and Condor's railway, — Garforth's machine 13.— Home Office, &c. 14. — Seaward's engines and propellers, — Plate iron cutler, — Coke oven,— Railway bars 15. — Board of Trade 16. — Screw propellers and paddle wheels, — Brick machine, — Tile machine 17.— Port of IJublin IS. — Fitzwilliam iNluseum ly. — Bovill's furnaces, — Howard's con- denser,— Pope's railway lifter, — Guu steamers, — Jib craues opposite page 247 2C1 285 293 •• 350 3&3 361 384 NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 9358 00828802 6 NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 3 9358 00828802 6 I ,,,tlU(iilUUiulUHll ,[ liiiiitiuiii!i;:iii:ii!ii!!Uii;:!!iiii!ai;