HE patae ANTAL AY FOW fs Bays Bai ¥e) Ny i i i Ayia EATERY ein 4 a i eA: Xe, SS ~Betns a SRN Bey iN aK =: ene Cacao < sedate aa44 \ A cadet es } Ay PSEA aes y "2; ‘9 re = Kone Copyright N° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT; icky pies e A hiss, es Ae, Mt SA NA kine os ay nh oh 4 hi any MER: BOM baat sone ee) artis Sad Th ay ot ‘ Cand; >! ’ it ns Fastice Py i NNN CANS IGS py esta Alca en et iM uy) v CORRE EE (ss HISTORY Ae LASSIFICATION ano DESCRIPTION (ILLUSTRATED) OSEPH M. WALSH AUTHOR OF "KE A —ITS— HISTORY AND MYSTERY “THE SOVEREIGN DRINK OF PLEASURE AND OF HEALTH.”— Brady. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR. 1894. ) > 2s i X do at 2 COPYRIGHTED, 1894, BY JOSEPH M. WALSH. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, TO THE MEMORY OF MR. JOSEPH P. SMITH, ONE OF PHILADELPHIA’S REPRESENTATIVE MERCHANTS, AND ‘GovD’s NoBLEST WORK, AN HONEST MAN,” THIS BOOK IS REVERENTLY DEDICATED. THE AUTHOR. yh ve PREEFATORY. ‘Tis the progress gains the goal.” SCHILLER. CONTENTS. Chapter I—Earty History AND INTRODUCTION II.— GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION TI].—BorTanicaL CHARACTERISTICS ForM AND I1V.—CULTIVATION AND PREPARATION V.—COMMERCIAL CLASSIFICATION AND Dr- SCRIPTION VI.—ROASTING, GLAZING AND GRINDING VII.—ADULTERATION AND DETECTION VITI—Testinc, BLENDING AND PREPARING IX.—CuHeEmIcaL, MEpIcAL AND DIETETICAL X.—WorRLpD’s PRODUCTION AND CONSUMP- TION Page I-17 103-184 185-197 199-222 CHAPTER I. EBARLY HISTORY. HE gigantic extent to which the production and consumption of Coffee has been carried of late years, the vast number of hands employed in its cultivation and preparation for market, including the great quantity of shipping necessary for its transporta- tion, and the enormous amount of capital invested in its production and trade, naturally invests the commodity, not only from a commercial but also from a moral and social standpoint, with great importance, creating as it does an industry of almost fabulous proportions and capital, rendering it second to no other article of food or drink in the world. The early history of Coffee, how- ever, like that of Tea, is involved in considerable ob- scurity, the almost total absence of any historical fact being only compensated for by an unusual profusion of legendary and conjectural statements, or by purely mythi- cal stories. As far as can be ascertained, it was not known to the ancients, although one writer claims that it is mentioned in the Bible, making the bold assertion that the potion offered to King David on a certain occa- sion, at the hands of the fair Abigail, to calm the temper of the excited monarch, must have been Coffee, basing his argument on the untenable grounds that the beverage, whatever it may have been, was prepared from something roasted. Yet no mention of the plant or its product is to be found among the Egyptians in the time of the Pharaohs, Z EARLY HISTORY. although their trade at that period, as in the present, lay up the valley of the Nile towards Berber, its reputed birthplace. It was unknown to the Greeks and Romans in any form, and though claimed to have been in use among the Arabs at a very remote time, no reference is made to it by Mohamet or his followers up to the seventh century. Noaccount of its use is to be found during the first Moslem invasion of southern Europe by Abdulrahman in the ninth century, although large quantities of the commodity was captured in their camp before Vienna during their second invasion of eastern Europe in the seventeenth century, and it is not even alluded to by any of the writers who accompanied the Crusaders into Syria during the thirteenth century. To the Ethiopians its use is said to have been known from time immemorial, and that the plant and its virtues were first discovered in that country is now generally admitted by all authorities on the subject. The first human beings who appear to have used the Coffee-berry in any form being the semi-savage tribes inhabiting higher Ethiopia, to which country the Coffee-plant is indigenous, and where it is to be found at the present time, — growing abundantly both in a wild and cultivated state. Bruce, in his Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, published in 1678, informs us that “The Galle is a wandering nation of Africa, who, in their incursions into Abyssinia are obliged to traverse immense deserts, and being desirous of falling on the towns and villages of that country without warning, carry nothing to eat with them but the berries of the Coffee tree roasted and pulverized, which they mix with grease to a certain con- sistency that will permit of its being rolled into masses about the size of billiard balls and then put in leathern bags until required for use, One of these balls they EARLY HISTORY. 3 claim will support them for a whole day, when on a marauding incursion or in active war, better than a loaf of bread or a meal of meat, because it cheers their spirits as well as feeds them.” From Ethiopia, the Coffee-plant is claimed to have been introduced into Abyssinia as early as A.D. 875, while, according to Lagrenie, Coffee has been known and used in Abyssinia, from the very earliest times, quoting the Abbé Raynal, a missionary to that country in the latter part of the sixteenth century, to that effect, stating that “he procured some of the berries from cultivated plants, and made atrial of them, finding them larger, rather longer and quite as fragrant as those obtained from Arabia.” From Abyssinia it was evidently first introduced into Arabia, but at what period of the world’s history, or under what circumstances is also lost in doubt. Tradi- tion—never at a loss for some marvelous story—ascribes its first discovery in the latter country to a Dervish, who in the year 1275 was driven out of Moka, pursued and surrounded by his enemies in the adjacent mountains. In the extremity of hunger he is said to have gathered some Coffee-berries and eaten them, then, steeping some of the parched berries in some water to allay his thirst, he accidentally discovered their agreeable flavor and nutritious properties. While another Arabian legend attributes its first discovery as an alimentary infusion in that country to a Mollah named Chadeley, who on being informed by a goat-herd of the peculiar and exciting effect produced on his goats, whenever they happened to browse on the leaves and fruit of a certain kind of tree, resolved to test their virtues on his monks, with whom it is related he had considerable difficulty in keeping awake during their nocturnal devotions. Pre- paring an infusion from the berries of the plant indicated, 4 EARLY HISTORY. he served it to them, the experiment proving a complete success; the dervishes taking eagerly thereafter to the new and exciting beverage. While, according to an Arabian manuscript, now to be found in the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris, the use of Coffee was known in Arabia as early as the thirteenth century. This coffee- colored document states that “a certain Mufti of Aden, on his return from a journey to Persia, about the middle of the fifteenth century, brought back with him some roasted beans of Coffee.” While in an old treatise upon Coffee, published in 1566 by an Arabian sheikh, it is stated that the first knowledge of Coffee and its use was brought from Abyssinia to Arabia about the beginning of the fifteenth century by a learned and pious mollah named Djmaleddin Abou Elfager. According to this document, the use of Coffee as a beverage was prevalent among the Abyssinians from the most remote times, and that in Arabia, when first introduced, it only supplanted a preparation made from the leaves of the Celastrus in that country. The introduction and use of the beverage by the Mufti gave reputation to the practice, his example soon rendering the new luxury popular among his countrymen, “first among lawyers and professional men, then with students and those who learned reading, ‘the custom eventually spreading to artisans and others who worked in the night, and finally by travelers, who journeyed in the night to avoid the heat of the day.” Ina short time it was declared in Aden “that this liquor purified the blood, by a gentle agitation, dissipated the ill condition of the stomach and aroused the spirits.” Asa result of this high extolation it was quickly adopted by those who had no occasion to keep awake at night, and in a brief space of time, says M. Galland, “the whole inhabi- tants of Aden became inveterate coffee-drinkers.” EARLY HISTORY. 5 Its peculiar property of dissipating drowsiness and preventing sleep, was taken advantage of in connection with the prolonged religious services of the Mahometans, and its use as a devotional anti-soporific, stirred up a fierce opposition on the part of the strictly orthodox and conservative section of the priesthood. Coffee being held by them to be an intoxicant beverage, and therefore pro- hibited by the Koran, and the dreadful penalties of an outraged sacred law, were held over the heads of all who became addicted to its use in any form. But notwith- standing the threats of divine retribution, and though all manner of devices were adopted in order to check its growth, the coffee-drinking habit spread rapidly among ‘the Arabian Mahometans, and the growth of coffee, as well as its use as a national beverage, became as insepar- ably associated with Arabia as tea has with China. From Aden, the use of coffee extended to Mecca, Medina and other cities and towns of Arabia, the knowledge and taste for it rapidly spreading outwards from that country to Syria and Persia. Public coffee-houses being everywhere established, also in many of the other countries in western Asia, affording, according to one authority, “a lounge for the idle and a relaxation for the man of business, where the politician retailed the news of the state ; the poet recited his verses, and the Mollahs _delivered their sermons to the frequenters.” But the mania for coffee becoming so great about this period, particularly in Syria, that an effort- was made by author- ity of the government to check, if not to entirely sup- press, the further growth of its consumption among the inhabitants, on the alleged ground of “‘its intoxicating properties,” but in reality because of its use leading to social and festive gatherings, incompatible with the strictness and teaching of the Mahometan religion. 6 EARLY HISTORY. From Syria the use of the “benign potation,” as it was then termed, reached Cairo about 1510, being received with equal avidity in that city, so much so that in that year its indiscriminate use was prohibited on religious srounds, also by Khaine Beg, the then governor of the city. In his proclamation forbidding the use of coffee, it was assailed by him as “ having an inebriating effect, and of producing inclinations condemned by the Koran.” This edict was, however, rescinded by his successor, Causin, soon after his assuming the governorship. But another effort was made to suppress its use in 1523 by the chief priest, Abdallah Ibrahim, who denounced its use in a sermon delivered in the mosque of Haffanaine, a violent commotion being produced among the populace. the opposing factions coming to blows over its use. The governor, Sheikh Obelek, a man wise in his generation and time, then assembled the mollahs, doctors and others of the opponents of coffee-drinking at his residence, and after listening patiently to their tedious harangues against its use, treated them all to a cup of coffee each, first setting the example by drinking one himself. Then dis- missing them, courteously withdrew from their presence without uttering a single word. By this prudent conduct the public peace was soon restored, and coffee was ever afterward allowed to be used in Cairo. Coffee continued its progress without further molesta- . tion through Egypt, the beverage being received in Damascus in 1530, and in Aleppo a few years later, with- out opposition, becoming known to the inhabitants of Constantinople for the first time in 1554, in which year two persons, named Schems and Heken, the former coming from Damascus, and the latter from Aleppo, opened the first coffee-houses in that city, where it soon became the favorite drink with all classes, “the EARLY HISTORY. ib coffee-houses being thronged night and day, the poorer classes actually begging money in the streets for the sole object of purchasing coffee.” And in Constantinople, at , this time, we are informed that “a refusal to supply a wife with a specified quantity of coffee per diem was admitted to be a valid cause for divorce.” But in Constantinople, as in Cairo, the new habit excited considerable commotion among the ecclesiastical author- ities and political rulers, owing to the popularity of the coffee-houses having a depressing influence on the attendance at the mosques, on which account a fierce hostility was excited among the religious orders against the new beverage. They laid their grievances before the Sultan, who first prohibited and then laid a heavy tax upon the coffee-houses, notwithstanding which they con- tinued to flourish and extend. A similar persecution to that in Syria and Cairo soon attended its use in the Turkish capital, having not only to contend there with religious but also with political opposition, the religious, as usual, predominating in its severity. The dervishes had the sagacity to discover “that coffee when roasted became a kind of coal, and coal being one of the substances which their prophet had declared was not intended by Allah for human food,’ they therefore declaimed against it with unbounded fury. The mufti being of their party, the coffee-houses were at once closed by a firman of the Sultan, Amuret III. This prohibition was, however, found impossible to maintain, as a few years later a more liberal governor succeeding, he assured the faithful “that roasted Coffve was not coal, and had no relation to it.” The coffee- houses were immediately reopened, and soon became as much patronized as before. But though religious super- stition thus readily gave way to the seductive influences 8 - INTRODUCTION INTO EUROPE. of sensitive enjoyment, a submission not at all uncom- mon, the political objections were not so easily silenced. The government, first with that instinctive faculty so natural to all despotic rulers of converting to their own advantage the tastes and prejudices of their subjects, laid a heavy tax on the sale and consumption of coffee, from which it deriyed an enormous revenue. But the ever-trembling apprehensions of such forms of govern- ment, not satisfied with this restriction, found, or rather fancied it found, in the coffee-houses resorts for the disaffected and nurseries of sedition. These “ dangerous places” were consequently regarded with a jealous eye, and again proclaimed against by the edict of the Sultan. But not being deemed formidable beyond the precincts of the city, and also being of too much importance to the public revenue, they were suffered to remain open in all other parts of the empire. Scruples of conscience and political objections, however, eventually died out, religious superstition and political opposition being no longer excited sagainst the use of coffee as a beverage, so far as the Turkish empire was concerned. IN’TFRODUCTION INTO BHUROPE. It is likewise very difficult to determine in what year and in what exact manner coffee was first carried from Constantinople to western Europe, but it is generally admitted that the Venetians, on account of the proximity of their dominions and extensive trade with the Levant, were the first Europeans to become acquainted with it. And it is a noteworthy fact that the three principal dietical beverages of the world were introduced into Europe within a few years of each other, Cocoa being the first of the three which actually appeared there, having been INTRODUCTION INTO EUROPE. () brought to Spain from South America. Coffee followed, coming from Arabia, and Tea, the latest of the series, ‘coming from China by the hands of the Portuguese. The first authentic mention made of Coffee or its use by a European, is probably that of Rauwolf, a Ger- man physician and traveler, upon his return from an extended tour through Syria, in 1573. The first scien- tific account of the plant being that given by Alpinus, an Italian naturalist, in his Medicina Egyptorium, pub- lished in Venice in 1591. Its use as a beverage is first referred to by two English travelers—Biddulph and Finch—the former, in writing of it in 1603, stating “that the Turks have for their most common drink Coffee— a blackish drink made from a_ kind of pulse-like pease, and called by them Coava.” In 1607 Finch relates that “the people of the island Socotra have for their best entertainment a China dish called Codo,a black, bitterish drink, made of a berry very like a bay-berry, brought from Moka, and supped off hot.” While Pietro Valla, a Venetian, in a letter written from Constantinople, in 1615, states that upon his return to Venice “ he would bring back with him some coffee, which he believed was a thing heretofore unknown in his country,” and which he subsequently did. It is also referred to, in 1621, by Burton in his “Anatomy of Melancholy” as follows: “The Turks have a drink called Coffee, so named froma berry, black as soot and as bitter, which they sip up hot, because they find by experience that that kind of drink, so used, helpeth digestion and promoteth alacrity.” And coffee in a liquid state is said to have been sold in Rome as early as 1625. Some of the prepared beans of coffee were first carried from Turkey to France by De la Haye, as early as 1644; “not only coffee, but also the proper apparatus for preparing it.” In 1657 a small quantity 10 INTRODUCTION INTO EUROPE. was brought to Paris by Thevenot, its use, however, being confined solely to his own immediate family and a few friends. Up to this period, however, and for many years after, it had never been seen and scarcely ever heard of by the public at large in that country. But in 1660, “several bales of coffee” were shipped from Alexandria to Marseillaise, and in 1671 the first coffee- house was opened in the latter city near the Exchange, “where the merchants met to smoke, talk business and divert themselves with play.” But it was not until the year 1669 that Coffee drinking became popular in France, though infrequent travelers had brought with them from the East a few pounds of the then curious berry. In that year Solieman Aga was sent as ambassador from Mahomet IV to the court of Louis XIV, where he soon became a “lion,” through the splendid and unique entertainments at which he figured as host. On bended knees, the black slaves of the ambassador, arrayed in. the most gorgeous Oriental costumes, presented the choicest Moka, in tiny cups of egg-shell porcelain, hot, strong and fragrant, poured out on saucers of gold and silver, placed on embroidered silk napkins fringed with gold bullion, to the grand dames who fluttered their fans with many grimaces, and bent their piquant faces— berouged, bepowdered and bepatched—over the new and steaming beverage. Such was the half-barbaric occasion by which Coffee first became generally known to that nation, which is now so largely dependent upon the “brown berry of Arabia.’ The Parisians imme- diately became quite enthusiastic over it, the aristocracy adopting it as the fashionable beverage, it being recorded that the daughters of Louis XIV had Coffee imported expressly for the use of the royal household, at a cost of $15,000 yearly. INTRODUCTION INTO EUROPE. iat The first Coffee-house was opened in Paris, in 1672, by an Armenian, at the fair of St. Germaine. Meeting with considerable success, he was encouraged to open another at the Quai d’Ecole, where he was subsequently succeeded by another, but who, owing to a lack of address and a proper place to serve it in, was soon com- pelled to relinquish the business. About 1675, an enter- prising Frenchman, Ettienne d’Alep, fitted up spacious apartments in the Rue des Italienes, with Oriental magnificence for the purpose of catering to the public taste for coffee. This Cafe—as it was called—was the first of these now famous institutions, was furnished in the most elegant and expensive manner, ornamented with rich tapestries, mirrors, pictures, divans and costly lustres, tea and chocolate being also sold in it. This style of coffee-house multiplied in a very short time in the gay city, and were regularly frequented by people of fashion, artists, men of letters and politicians, the Café Procope in particular becoming immortalized from .its being patronized by Voltaire, Moliére, Bolieau, Fontaine and other Encyclopedists, while another, the Café de la Regence, became the Mecca of chess-players. In a brief period these coffee-houses had increased to nearly three hundred in Paris alone, the Cafés eventually becoming dangerous rivals to the Cabarets, finally becoming the cradle of the modern clubs, it being in one of these coffee- houses —the Cafe Procope—that Camille Desmoulins was wont to deliver his stirring addresses. But, as in the East, at first, coffee here again met with considerable opposition. Madame Sévigne presuming “that coffee and other poisons would soon go out of fashion.” The use of coffee as a beverage, is claimed to have been known in England prior to its introduction into France, and by some authorities, even before the return 12 INTRODUCTION INTO EUROPE. of Thevenot from the East. One account states that it was first offered for sale there by a Jew named Jacobs at Oxford, as early as 1640. And according to the jour- nal of Thomas Rugg, dated September 22, 1651, coffee was then sold in a liquid state at the “ Sultaness Head, a Cophee house by the Royal Exchange, London,” there being also distinct evidence extant that for some years prior to that date it was also offered for sale in many other parts of that city. The first authentic account, however, states that Coffee was first introduced into England by a Turkey merchant named Daniel Edwards, who, on his return from a trip to Smyrna, brought back with him a quantity of it, and with it a Greek servant from Ragusa, named Pasquale Rossie, who understood the Eastern method of roasting and preparing it. Edwards had it prepared and served every day to his friends and visitors in true Oriental style, but finding that the novelty began to attract too many visitors, his house being thronged daily by those anxious to taste the new beverage, he estab- lished Rossie, in company with another named Bowman, ina tent for its sale in St. Michael’s Alley, Cornhill, Lon- don, over which Rossie erected a ‘sign with his own por- trait, and subsequently announcing himself to be “ the first person who made and publicly sold Coffee drink. in England.” Bowman, later, opened a coffee-house on his own account on Lombard street, his former partner, Rossie, going to Holland, where, it is said, he was the first to introduce coffee in the drink. At this time coffee sold for from twenty to twenty-five dollars per pound, but soon became cheaper. In 1657 many other houses were opened in London for the sale of coffee, an excise tax of eight pence per gallon being paid on it, when made and sold in the infusion at that time. The same year a newspaper advertisement INTRODUCTION INTO EUROPE. : 13 appeared, stating that “In Bartholmew Lane on the back of the old Exchange the drink called Cophee is sold in the morning and at three o'clock in the after- noon.” ‘The first mention of coffee on the statute books was in 1660 when a duty of four pence was laid on every gallon of coffee made and sold, to be paid by the maker thereof, another particular statute, in 1663, direct- ing that “all coffee-houses should be licensed at the general quarter sessions of the peace for the county in which they are kept.” While another advertisement in that year, says of coffee: “It much quickens the spirits, and makes the heart lightsome, suppresseth the fumes exceedingly, and therefore, is good against headache, prevents cough and consumption, and is excellent for the cure of gout, dropsy, scurvey, hypocondria and the like.” In London, as in the other cities where Coffee was first introduced, coffee-houses multiplied rapidly, not only in the capital, but in all the larger cities of Eng- land, there being in 1688, according to Ray, as many coffee-houses in London alone as in grand Cairo itself, Coffee becoming a beverage of general consumption throughout the entire country. Long antedating news- papers, the coffee-houses became news-centres, where the intelligent men of the times gathered to learn what was occurring in the literary and political world, to discuss public affairs, governmental measures, and form public opinion. Wits and poets, essayists and philosophers, daily gathered in the coffee-houses of London, during several generations, to quote from favorite authors. How faithfully they harangued and button-holed each other in that fashion so common to all ages, and within their precincts, what fear and folly, what foolishness and wis- dom, has been uttered over steaming cups of Mocha. 14 ‘ INTRODUCTION INTO EUROPE. Many of these London coffee-houses afterwards be- came famous as the resorts of celebrated men. It was at “ Will’s Coffee-house,” in Covent Garden, that Dryden and Addison, Steele and Davenant, Carey and Pope, met with other luminaries, while others frequented “* But- ton’s;”’ Garrick sipping his Mocha at “ Paine’s,’ in Buchnal Lane. It being at the famous coffee-houses of “Garraway,” “ Coventrie,’ and the “St. James,” that the Whigs of that time “ did most congregate,” and if it be proven that other potations more fiery and deep, min- eled with those of the Arabian product, it may be taken for granted that Coffee often supplied the place of worse beverages, or, at least, mitigated their evil effects, the “intellectual drink” gaining friends daily among the wits of the reign of Queen Anne. It was in a London coffee-house that Pope found the inspiration of “ The Rape of the Lock,” if not the “ Essay on Man,” also, an inspiration, which he celebrated in the following lines :— “From silver spirits the grateful liquors glide, While China’s earth receives the smoking tide ; At once they gratify their sense and taste, And frequent cups prolong the rich repast ; Coffee! which makes the politician wise, And see through all things with half-closed eyes.” The coffee-houses of London, as in other cities, eventu- ally became convenient and much frequented resorts of association and acquaintance where politics, literature and business topics were freely discussed, and it is also remarkable that the introduction of coffee into England encountered the same hostility that it was fated to meet with in all other countries where it was first introduced. Here also it had its fanatieal opponents, numerous pamphlets being published in favor of and against its use. INTRODUCTION INTO EUROPE. 5) It was discussed from every point of view, medical, moral, physical and political, at one time threatening to become a causus belli between the sexes. The “ Women’s petitition against coffee” and the “ Men’s answer”’ to the same have become a matter of history. Among the men also the new beverage had its opponents, as in 1657, the “ Rainbow Coffee-house”’ kept by James Farr in Queen’s Temple was reputed and persecuted by them as “a great nuisance, and a prejudice tothe neighborhood,” and as such was suppressed, but reopened in a short time afterwards. In 1675 Charles II for political reasons attempted to sup- press the coffee-houses by a royal proclamation, classing all of them as “Seminaries of sedition,’ and in which it was stated that “they were the resort of disaffected persons who devised and spread abroad divers false, malicious and scandalous reports to the defamation of His Majesty’s Government, the disturbance of the peace and quiet of the nation.” This proclamation caused so much excitement throughout the city that it had to be rescinded in a few days on a petition from the tea and coffee dealers. On the opinion of legal officials being taken as to the legality of that step, an oracular deliver- ance was given to the effect “that the retailing of coffee © might be an innocent trade, but as it was used to nourish sedition, spread lies and scandalize great men, it might also prove a common nuisance.” ~ Cromwell ordered them closed again during the Protectorate for somewhat similar reasons, but having become necessary to the people they could not be put down for any length of time. But in England also, as in the other countries, the most effective check on the increase of the consump- tion of coffee was found to be a heavy tax, which, while restricting honest trade, opened up a channel for exten- sive smuggling operations. 16 INTRODUCTION INTO EUROPE. The London coffee-houses, however, soon assumed the additional character of Taverns also, other liquors being added to the fare, thereby losing their attraction for the temperately inclined, the Café or coffee-house proper flourishing only for any length of time in Paris alone. But while the people of London began to complain that the company to be found in their coffee-houses was some- what mixed, those of the Parisians from the very first continued to be the most elegant and select places of resort even to the present day. Before their doors the equipages of the nobility stopped, while ladies of the highest rank drank their coffee without alighting, and the Salons within were crowded with nobles, philosophers, poets, artists and litterateurs. The sale of Coffee in a liquid form is claimed to have been first introduced to Holland by the aforementioned Rossie in 1664, from whence its use soon spread throughout Germany and other parts of the continent of Europe. While to Vienna the Turks themselves first introduced coffee in 1683, under somewhat singular circumstances. In that year the Moslems besieged that city with an enormous force, the siege being raised, as history tells, by the Polish King, John Sobieski, and ~. the Moslem hordes completely routed. Large quantities ‘of coffee were found in their deserted camp, and pre- ‘ sented to one Kolschutski as a reward for the heroic services he had rendered during the investment of the city, and utilized by him in the establishment or the first Coffee-house in Vienna. Coffee-houses have been known in the United States from an early period in its history, but for a long time New Orleans was the only city where they existed in their true character, the manner being learned from Paris. Among the American people, however, the beverage has INTRODUCTION INTO EUROPE. 17 eet met from the first with great favor, being at the present time more extensively used here than in any country of the world, not excepting the countries of original production. ; Thus in a course of a few centuries has a berry, until then entirely unknown as an article of diet, except to the’ semi-savage tribes of Ethiopia and Abyssinia, made its way through the whole civilized world. In the nations professing the religion of Mahomet it is drunk at all hours of the day, and during the night by ail ranks and classes of the people, from the Sultan and the Mufti to the merchant, the artisan and the peasant. While among the nations professing Christianity, by whom it has been known for a couple of centuries, it is still regarded as a luxury, but indulged in, more or less, by all classes and conditions of society. In none of the | states of Christendom was its use ever opposed by relig- ious fanaticism, nor had it to encounter much opposition from political jealousy, except for a brief period in Eng- land, when its use was interdicted by Charles I]. But, like every other innovation which has occupied the human mind, it could not fail to occasion a difference of opinion among medical experts, social reformers and similar bodies. Its history, at the present time, being only valuable as an example of a commodity for which there is a universal craving amongst mankind in general, civilized as well as savage, and to illustrate how it has struggled successfully, and at length triumphantly, over religious superstition, political opposition, physiological prejudice, fiscal restrictions, exorbitant taxes, differential duties and an endless accumulation of antiquated obstruc- tions. Yet, still, in common with other important neces- saries of life, it has never attained to the natural state of “ unrestricted competition.” eae Mh ah Foe fai CHAP TER Ii. GHOGRAPHICAL, DISTRIBUTION HE Coffee plant, although now so widely and ex- tensively grown and cultivated in both hemi- spheres, and to be found in all the Botanic gardens as well as in many of the private conservatories of the new and old worlds, was entirely unknown outside of Abyssinia and Arabia up to the close ofthe seventeenth century. Ray, in his “ History of Plants,” published in 1688, expresses his surprise “that the neighboring countries of Europe should permit so rare a treasure to be confined to a single province, and wonders what watchful dragon is employed by the natives to prevent strangers from procuring either the plant or its seed, which could be readily grown in similar climates and soil;” adding, “ It cannot be imagined how the enterpris- ing commercial nations of Europe, which founded colonies in the tropics can be so inattentive to the value and importance of such an acquisition.” Whether act- ing on this suggestion or not, the plant soon afterwards was introduced and extensively cultivated in many of the countries colonized by Europeans. Between well-recognized limits north and south of the equator Coffee is found growing and bearing highly profitable crops in a wide range of countries to attempt anything like an exhaustive account of which, is impos- sible within the range of a single chapter. Originally a 20 ; GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. native of Southeastern Africa the coffee plant has been widely distributed, successfully cultivated and prop- agated in regions and countries geographically apart and in districts widely differing in climatic and topo- graphic conditions, and as having been found to endure greater extremes of climate, variations in soil and situa- tion than any other variety of plant of tropical origin, Its facility of propagation and production under such extreme conditions is admitted by botanists as most remarkable and equalled only by few members of the vegetable kingdom, its cultivation at the present time extending over the entire tropical belt of the globe. It is practically indigenous to almost the whole of Africa, being one of the few useful economic products that the African flora has as yet given to the world. It is to be found growing there abundantly in a wild state, particularly between the 5th and 15th parallels, and ina state of cultivation on the west coast in Liberia, Loango and northern Angola, as well as in many of the districts lying between the lower Congo and the latter country, wherein no white man has as yet penetrated, its planting and gathering being carried on by the natives, who bring their harvests down to the coast at Ambrig and neigh- boring settlements to sell to the white traders. The Portuguese colonists of Principe and Sao Thorne, cul- tivate coffee extensively, their products standing in high repute. It has been grown with success in the Gaboon by French missionaries, and some desultory planting is also being carried on in Senegal, St. Helena, Sierra Leone and the Gambia colonies. It grows wild in the Congo region, the districts around Glandypool being eminently adapted to its cultivation, but is as yet not taken advan- tage of there, the natives of these countries, unlike those further south, ignoring the properties of its fruit. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 21 It is cultivated in Natal and on the Zambesi river as well as in Usumbara, opposite to Zanzibar. which pre- -sents a splendid field for Coffee planting, containing as it does admirable soil, cheap labor, easy transport and land which is to be had for next to nothing, the missionaries distributing the Coffee seed among the inhabitants to induce them to cultivate it more extensively. While further into the interior, towards Pare, Nyanza and Killi- manjaro, there are increasingly fine sites and suitable soil for successful and profitable Coffee planting only owned as yet by the birds of the air and the beasts of the field. It is to be found both in a wild state as well as in a state of cultivation in Abyssinia and the Nyassa district, being also cultivated for commercial purposes further north in lower Egypt, Nubia, Somali and the Soudan, as well as _ in Mozambique, and the islands of Madagascar, Bourbon and Mauritius. But the total yield of Africa so far as its influence on the world’s supply is concerned is com- paratively insignificant, the export capacity of the latter countries not exceeding 800 tons annually. The total product of the eastern provinces of Africa taken in con- nection with the small quantities raised on the west coast making Africa contribute only between 3,000 to 4,000 tons to the world’s production, this amount including all the Coffee grown in Egypt and the interior countries of that continent. From Africa the coffee plant was undoubtedly carried to Arabia, but at what period of the world’s history or under what circumstances is not definitely known. It was introduced from Arabia to Java in 1690, according to Boerhave, who tells us that “ Nicholas Wilser, Burgo- master of Amsterdam and Governor of the Dutch East India Company, in that year instructed Van Horn, the then Governor of Batavia, to procure some plants or 22 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. seeds of the Coffee tree from Arabia and endeavor to cultivate them in that settlement.’ Although its intro- duction into Java is placed later by Stavornius, who claims that the plant was first carried from Mocha to Batavia as late as 1722 by Zwardekiom, the governor of the colony in that year, other authorities claiming that Zwardekiom only helped to extend its cultivation on that island. The latter account is probably the most correct one, as it is recorded that coffee in the bean, grown in Java, was offered for sale in the Amsterdam market the exact year that Stavornius states that it was first introduced into that island. Be this as it may, the undertaking was successful from the beginning, many plants being propa- gated there, one of which, the first seen in Europe, was sent to the botanic garden in Amsterdam, where it in due time bore fruit. Many young treés were subsequently propagated from this plant and distributed among the gardens and conservatories of Europe, one of these being sent asa rare present to the king of France. The Dutch later extending the cultivation of ccffee to Sumatra, Celebes, Bali, Timour and many other of the smaller islands of the Malay archipelago. : The Coffee plant was introduced into India, on the Malabar coast, about the year 1700, from Aden, although it is claimed to have been grown in that country, in the province of Mysore, long anterior to that year, tradition, relating that the plant was first introduced by Baba Booden, a Musselman pilgrim, who brought “seven berries” with him from Arabia about the year 1600, which he is said to have planted around his hut in the hills of Mysore, near which coffee trees over one hun- dred years old are yet to be seen. The earliest written account of the cultivation of the coffee plant in India is that contained in a Dutch work, entitled “ Letters from GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 23 Malabar,” by Jacob Visscher, chaplain at Cochin, in one of which he states that “the Coffee shrub is planted in gardens there for pleasure, and yields plenty of fruit, which attains a proper degree of ripeness, but has not the refined taste of Mocha coffee.” The exact year in which these letters were written is not known, but the Dutch editor’s preface is dated 1743, so that it may be concluded that the plant must have been introduced and known in India prior to that year, although there is no official record made of the plant or its product in that country further back than 1822, and though undoubtedly grown there at an early period, does not seem to have met with much attention there up to the close of the last century, no allusion being made to it in any Indian work until we come to “ Heynes’ Tracts,” published in 1800, in one of which we are merely told that coffee was then being sold in the bazaars of Bangalore and Seringapatam. At the present time Coffee is grown all along India from the northern limits of Mysore and south to the summits and slopes of the western Ghauts in British Cape Comorin, Coorg and Travancore, in the Wynaad and Neilgherry mountains, as well as in the slopes of the Shevany and Pulney hills. In 1880 over 500,000 acres had been taken up for Coffee culture in the Cochin, Madras, Mysore, Travancore, Belgaum and Bengal presidences, of which nearly 200,000 acres have now maturing plants. A very large portion of the surface of Burmah which still remains in its primeval state of unproductive jungle —owing to the almost total absence of natural energy on the part of the natives—is admirably adapted to the successful and profitable cultivation of Coffee. While in the hilly districts of the east coast of the Gulf of Siam, Cochin-China and the Straits settlements, the cultivation of Coffee is carried on to a limited extent, some fine samples being shown at the Exhibition of 1862. 24 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The Coffee plant was introduced from Java into the island of Ceylon by the Dutch in 1720, where they began to cultivate it without any successful results, their efforts being confined to the lowlands in the districts of Galle and Negonogo, the location proving unfavorable in soil and temperature, the natives being also opposed to the innovation. But although some coffee of excel- lent quality was produced, notwithstanding these ob- stacles, it was found that it could not be cultivated there to advantage, when compared with the Java product. Yet though suspended for a time by the Dutch, it was not entirely abandoned by the native Cingalhese, who having, in the meantime, learned the commercial value of the article, continued to grow it in small quantities, so that after the British obtained possession of the island the Moors, who collected it in the villages, brought the hulled beans to Galle and Colombo, to barter them for cutlery, cotton and trinkets. It is claimed, on the other hand, to have been grown in Ceylon long before the arrival of the Dutch, and even the Portuguese, but that the preparation of a beverage from its fruit was unheard of by the natives, who only employed its tender leaves for their curries, and its delicate, jassamine-like flowers for ornamenting their shrines and temples. On the occupa- tion of Ceylon, after its concession to the British in 1825, however, the English troops found the coffee tree growning in profusion in the vicinity of the temples in Kandy, and also large coffee gardens, highly cultivated, were found on the banks of the river Mahawelli and close to the palace of Hangaurau. The coffee plant was introduced into the Phillipine Islands by Spanish missionaries from Java about 1740, but a species of wild coffee trees have been found on the island of Luzon, the berries being left ungathered, the | GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 25 natives being ignorant of their use or preparation, there being well-authentic instances of the same kind at the present day where the natives wonder what is done with the berries when hulled and cleaned, whether it is eaten or for what purpose intended. It was first introduced into the islands of Bourbon and Mauritius by the French through Du Fougerais Grenier in 1717, from Arabia and from Mozambique to Madagascar by natives about the same period. The island of Borneo grows good Coffee, and since the country has been opened up to settlers some 200,000 acres of forest lands have been selected by Can- tonese, European and Australian planters for this pur- pose, the gardens around Silam particularly being very encouraging as regards the new product. With the splendid and well-proportioned rain-fall Coffee grows extremely well, especially Liberian Coffee, for which the soil and climate of that island seems well adapted. Coffee cultivation is carried on there in the gardens of the Euro- peans and thrives remarkably well, while the Malays state that it is grown extensively by the Dyaks of the Pon- tianak river for the use of that settlement, but its culti- vation on an extensive or systematic scale has not been encouraged, the government not wishing to create a com- petition with Java. The hills on the mainland opposite Lubuhan are well adapted for its successful cultivation, since there Coffee can be grown without the trouble and expense of raising trees amongst the plantations to pro- tect the plants from the sun, as has to be done in so many other countries. It is also systematically cultivated in the islands of Guinea, Fiji, the Friendly and Hawaiian Islands, as well as in many others of the South Pacific ocean. The Coffee plant having been in existence in Samoa and other islands of that group for some years 26 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. past where it is found to flourish luxuriantly, proving the suitability of the soil and climate, but in consequence of never being scientifically treated there it has not as yet become an article of commerce from these islands. Coffee cultivation has been successfully introduced into Caledonia and other groups in the South Pacific, which, in the course ofa few years, will probably form an impor- tant export, the trees raised there from seed bearing fruit in the fourth year. In Honolulu its cultivation is also progressing, large plantations having been laid out with a view to supplying the markets of Chili, Peru, Sydney aid California. The mountain ranges on the northern coast of Aus- tralia from Moreton bay to Torres straits, and other parts of that section, are recommended for Coffee cultivation, while in Queensland the plant has long been successfully grown, but it has not as yet become an article of export there, the plantations having recently suffered much from disease. It has been found to thrive well, however, in the vicinity of Brisbane, Cardwell and other northern districts, especially among the sheltered ridges of the Herbert and Endeavor rivers, these sites offering the most favorable conditions, the smaller farmers finding that Coffee pays them better than corn or potatoes, sev- eral of them having reeently sold to the merchants of Brisbane some of their product as high as 20 cents per pound. This list does not by any means exhaust the possible sections in the South Pacific where Coffee culti- vation has been tried with great advantage, but simply touches upon some of the chief centres adapted to the enterprise. INTRODUCTION INTO AMERICA. 27 IN’TFRODUCTION OF THE CORREE PLANT INTO AMERICA, The history of the first introduction of the coffee plant into the new world is as romantic as it is interesting. In the year 1714 the French king, Louis XIV, was pre- sented by the magistrates of Amsterdam with a fine specimen of the Coffee plant, almost five feet high and in full foliage, from the botanic garden of that city. This plant was carefully nursed, and from it some sprouts were sent to Martinique in 1717, being committed to the care of De Clieux, an officer in the French naval service, who subsequently proved himself worthy of the trust reposed in him. The voyage being long and the weather unfa- vorable, the whole ship’s crew were at length reduced to a short allowance of water, all the young plants dying except one for lack of nourishment. It was at this juncture that this zealous patriot divided his own scanty allowance with the plant committed to his care, happily succeeding in bringing it safe to Martinique uninjured, where it afterwards flourished and from which was propagated sufficient to supply the adjacent islands, De Tour claiming that from this single plant was produced the almost innumerable varieties now to be found on the American continent. In 1718, however, the Dutch colony of Surinam began to introduce and cultivate Coffee, from plants received from Java. In 1722 the French governor of the adjoining colony of Cayenne, having business in Surinam, contrived, by an artifice, to bring away with him from there a small Coffee plant, which, in the year 1725, had produced many thousands, which were distributed among all the French colonies on the mainland, its cultivation being extended to Para from Cayenne, by the French, in 1732; the first 28 INTRODUCTION INTO AMERICA. Coffee plantation opened in Brazil being commenced in that province a few years later. Its cultivation, however, made little or no progress in that now world-famous Coffee-growing country until 1767, when its cultivation was still further extended to the province of Maranhao, where it soon increased rapidly under careful and judicious Management. : . In 1774 a Belgian monk, named Molke, procured some plants from one of the prosperous Maranhao estates, and carried them to Rio de Janeiro, the first one being planted in the garden of the Capuchin monastery of Adjuda, then situated in the suburbs, but now almost in the centre of that city. This plant prospered so well under his care, and he, becoming convinced of its future importance as a valuable acquisition to the industries of the country, that a few years later he cleared a planta- tion for its systematic and more extensive cultivation. Joachim Bruno, the then Bishop of Rio de Janeiro, also perceiving the valuable benefits to be derived by the country from Coffee cultivation, and to whom Brazil is indebted for the introduction and cultivation of many of its now valuable trees and plants, was accustomed to distribute the seeds of the coffee produced on Moike’s plantation and the garden of the monastery among the religious institutions of his diocese, personally recom- mending and encouraging its cultivation by them, at the same time presenting many specimens to the laity. From this simple and unostentatious beginning, has grown the extensive coffee-lands of to-day in Brazil, hundreds of thousands of acres of land being devoted to its culture at the present day, over $100,000,000 being invested in the industry. From Brazil the coffee plant was later carried to Peru, Chili, Paraguay and other South American countries, INTRODUCTION INTO AMERICA. 29 while from Martinique it was first introduced into Jamaica by Sir Nicholas Lawes in 1732, a special act of Parliament being passed in that year to encourage and foster its cultivation on that island. Coffee culture is claimed to have been first introduced into San Domingo by wild fowl who carried the seeds in their craws from one of the neighboring islands about 1735, being later introduced to the smaller islands of the Antilles by the French themselves. The Spaniards procured some plants from Martinique, and undertook its cultivation in Cuba, Porto Rico and others of their possessions in the West Indies about 1750, its culture prospering well in these islands until replaced later by the less expensive and more profitable sugar industry, but it was not until 1784 that they undertook its cultivation in their possessions on the mainland. In that year Bartholemew Blandin started a plantation in the Chacao valley, situated about a league from the now famous coffee-growing district of Caracas, a Dr. Sligo, soon afterwards, following Blandin’s example in the equally famous district of Maracaibo, the new branch of industry being soon generally adopted throughout Venezuela, Columbo, Ecuador and Bolivia, where several varieties are grown, particularly throughout the Yungas district, the best product being valued as not inferior to the far- famed Mocha itself. In 1818 the profitableness of coffee culture in the West Indies led to the establishment of extensive plantations in Mexico in the cantons of Orizaba and Cordova, which in 1825 were ina most flourishing state, its cultivation in that country being still further extended to the valleys of the interior, in 1826 there being in Cuentla and Cuenmarca alone estates containing as many as 500,000 coffee trees. Elsewhere in Mexico at the time much 30 INTRODUCTION INTO AMERICA. attention was bestowed in extending its cultivation, great hopes being entertained that every available spot would be occupied in its cultivation and that its people would be largely engaged in its cultivation and exporta- tion to foreign countries. But the civil disorders which begun so soon after its introduction to that country and which continued for so long a time after paralyzed the industry in its infancy, disappointing these hopes so much so that the production of coffee in Mexico has been almost limited to supplying the home demand. Now, however, a brighter era has arrived, more attention being given to its cultivation in that country, her coffee product. steadily increasing and improving from year to year. From Mexico the cultivation of the coffee plant spread | through Guatamala to Nicaragua, Honduras, Salvador and Costa Rica, until it is or will be grown throughout all the Central and South American countries. Efforts have been made from time to time during the past twenty years to introduce the cultivation of coffee into the United States, many thousands of plants being distributed throughout Florida, Texas and Lower Cali- fornia with that object in view. Reported results to the Agricultural Department in Washington from these distri- butions lead to the belief that the climate is too cold for its production for commercial purposes. Some years ago the department received a sample of coffee berries which had been gathered from plants said to have been grown in the open air near the Manatee river in Florida. It was afterwards learned upon investigation that these plants had been protected during the coldest nights by canvas coverings, and in some instances with blankets, yet it is admitted that while it is more than likely that in the extreme southern parts of Florida the coffee plant would thrive without protection and in the open air, the INTRODUCTION INTO AMERICA. 31 -—-—--—— topographical conformation of that part of the State is most unfavorable for its commercial cultivation. Again, in the extreme southern part of California climatic condi- tions favorable to its production has been found, but so far little encouragement has been received from the efforts to cultivate the plant in that section. Some years ago Liberian coffee-plants were introduced by the Agricultural Department, this species being hardier and needing less care and attention when transplanted to other countries. But, contrary to all precedent and expectations, they were found to require a warmer climate and more conge- nial topographic conditions than the Arabian species already tried. Here it 1s a fact worthy of note, that in many of the countries into which the coffee plant has been introduced, indigenous varieties were subsequently discovered. This is more particularly true of Liberia, Mauritius, Malabar and Manilla in the Eastern Hemi- sphere, and in Mexico, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Peru and Brazil in the Western. No less than sixteen different species being claimed to have been discovered in the latter country alone. A Ci CHAPTER KIX. BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND FORM, HIS now important and valuable article of food was ( known to the early inhabitants of Ethiopia, where its virtues were first discovered and used, as Bux, signifying “ brown” or “roasted.” In Arabia it is termed Kawah, meaning “strength” or “ vigor,’ the infusion being called Quahouch; while to the Turks it is known as Chaube in the bean, and Aafve in the liquid state; to Per- sians, Karweh, to the natives of the Malay Archipelago as Kopi, and finally Kaffa or Caffia by the inhabitants of that district, situated in the Province of Narca, in south- eastern Abyssinia, where it is to be found growing in wild abundance, even at the present day, whence its botanical name, Coffea, adopted by Linnzeus and others. The genus known as Coffea is divided by botanists into some sixty species, of which fifteen are referred to Africa, seven to Asia and about twenty-two to America ; but there is abundant reason for supposing that the majority of these so-called species are but mere varieties, a single genus, due to different conditions of soil, climate and cultivation, three of which it will be sufficient for all practical purposes to distinguish in this work. It ts classed botanically as a species coming under the head of the Pentandria of Linnzeus and the family Rudicee, although by others it is placed among the Czzchonacees family of plants which comprise numerous species of tropical berry-bearing shrubs, one of which only is known to possess valuable properties celebrated for the 34 BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND FORM. agreeable and stimulating effect of an infusion made from its roasted albumen. i The common Coffee shrub is an evergreen plant, which, under natural conditions, grows to a height of from eighteen to twenty feet, having the appearance of an upright, slender tree, with main stem very erect, and free from branches for the greater part of its height, but opening at the top into drooping branches, few but long, with an abundance of fine fibrous roots under ground, and an all-important top-root. But in a state of cultiva- tion it is a shrub of close and systematic growth of low- standing, and averaging only from four to six feet in height, its upward growth being checked by the pruning- knife of the cultivator, and also trained by frequent cut- ting and topping so as to assume a pyramidal form for the purpose of increasing the quantity and improving the quality of its product as well as to facilitate the pick- ing of its crop. The branches are bracheate, horizontal, simple and opposite, growing regularly from the ground up, but trailing towards the top, cylindrical in form, flexible, loose and expanding out and downwards like those of the apple tree, and extremely pleasing in general appearance. The leaves are from five to six inches in length, and from two to three wide in the middle when full grown, oblong-ovate, accuminate, smooth, and of a dark, shiny-green color on the upper surface, but pale underneath, firm and leathery in texture, closely resem- bling those of the Portuguese laurel, continuing three years, and possessing slightly tonic and stimulating pro- perties. The flowers, which are produced in dense clusters in the axils of the leaves fitting close to the axils, are funnel-shaped and small but numerous, having a five-toothed calyx, a tubular five-parted corolla, five stamens and a single bifid style, snow-white in color, BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND FORM. 35 possessing a rich, fragrant odor, approaching that of the jessamine, the plants in blossom having a peculiarly rich and attractive appearance, the bloom being very evanes- cent and of short duration, but are quickly followed by fruit, there being generally two, sometimes three, relays of blossoms before all the buds mature, until after a day or two, when they gradually turn brown and fade away; the slower and more gradual this process the better for the crop, which is always estimated by the abundance of the blossoms. The fruit, which quickly - follows in the hollow of the leaves, is a fleshy or “ pulpy”’ berry, at first greenish and hard to the touch, assumes a yellowish hue as it continues to ripen under the meri- dian sun, the color deepening not regularly but by crim- son or scarlet shades and tints which spread over the surface, having at this stage the size-and appearance of a small cherry, assuming a dark-red or deep, glossy purple black color with a smooth and bloomless cuticle as it matures. In both states of flower and fruit nature is nowhere so profuse and beautiful in the variety of its colors and forms. The plant, being an evergreen, the foliage is always fresh, and, though, in the autumn season, the blossoms appear scattered among the dark-green leaves, resembling flakes of snow, they are hardly ever absent from the tree. It continues to put forth fruit, while the blossoms are arriving at maturity, and nothing is more singular or striking of its kind than its producing capabilities, as at all seasons, leaves, blossoms and ripe fruit are to be seen on the same tree at the same time, and the fruit may be gathered at any period, but the regular harvests are usually two in the course of a year. Each fruit contains two seeds embedded in a yellowish pulp, the seeds being again enclosed in a thin membra- neous parchment. The Aficarp or outer-skin of the 36 BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND FORM. | berry is at first dark-green in color, but assumes a yellow and finally a bright-scarlet color as it ripens, becoming dark-purple as it dries, having a little circular area at the summit and a callous point through it. In this condition it contains a mucilaginous, saccharine, glutinous substance, technically termed the “ pulp,” a suc- culent, sweet and palatable matter, closely enveloping the seeds, frequently eaten by the pickers. Another sub- stance, known as the MZesocarp, secures and separates the Pyrenes or seeds, and as the fruit dries this mesocarp hardens and becomes part of the shell or hull surround- ing the seeds, which it becomes necessary to remove by a milling or hulling process in order to free them from this covering. These pyrenes or seeds are again invested by a cartilaginous membrane termed the Axdocarp, but commonly known as the “ parchment,” a papery, elastic substance, loosely but completely enveloping them. On removing this parchment we have exposed two small, oval seeds facing each other, though sometimes there is but one called from its shape male or “ pea-berry.” These seeds, which constitute the raw Coffee of commerce, are plano-convex in form, the flat surfaces which are laid against each other within the berry, having a longitudinal furrow or groove extending their entire length. When first exposed they are of a soft, semi-translucent bluish or greenish color, afterwards becoming hard, tough or flinty in texture, in which state it is known as “ rice coffee,” the bulk of which forms the Coffees of commerce. This seed or “ bean” as it is called in trade is still incased in what is known as the 7Zes¢a, another covering which forms an integument of the seed and which is known to. commerce as the “silver-skin,’ the mass of the coffee beneath this testa being termed the A/Oumen. Contained in this albumen and embedded near its base is to be found SUB-VARIETIES. 37 the Lméryo. The first of these structures, that is, the epi- carp, mesocarp and endocarp, belong to the fruit or berry, the other three, that is, the testa, albumen and embryo, being essentially parts of the seed or bean. The uses of these various structures surrounding the embryo are to protect it from injury and at the same time supply it with proper nourishment until such time as it is enabled to take care of itself. The testa or silver-skin enveloping every part of the albumen, following and dipping into the furrow on the face of the Coffee bean by its tough, leatherly nature, acts as an effectual protectionto the delicate structures con- tained within. The albumen, bearing the same relation to the bean that flour does to wheat, the white-meat to cocoanut, and the aromatic, ruminated secretion to the nutmeg. It is a secretion, found in the zvfernal of the seed, enveloping the embryo plant, and for the support of which it is destined when it first begins to germinate. Each perfect Coffee berry should contain two such oval seeds, placed facing each other, the flat sides oppo- site; but it frequently occurs that only one seed forms, the other becoming abortive, and variously known as CViroin setlaler, On apea-berkya |) Coltce, seeds ae generally termed “beans” in commerce, a term not derived from any resemblance they may have to a bean; while, again, they are termed by many as “berries,” the latter term being applicable only to the fruit or pod, the term “bean” being more appropriate to the seed. — SUB-VARIE/TIES. According to some botanists, there is but one genus of the Coffee plant,—Coffea Arabica,—others, again, contending that there are two separate and distinct species, classified as Coffea Orientalis and Coffea Occiden- talis. While admitting but one genus, the difference in Ro |: SUB-VARIETIES. size, appearance and product being attributed by them to a variation in soil, climate and methods of cultiva- tion, there are three principal varieties, however, readily distinguished and recognized by those who have much to do with it, and are known to commerce as Coffea Arabica, Coffea Liberica and Coffea Maragogipe, lately discovered in Brazil, all of which or their transplants furnish the Coffees of commerce. Uy Z adi vals val Coffea Arabica, Or “Arabian Coffee plant,” is the best-known species, being an evergreen, partaking more of the nature of SUB-VARIETIES. 39 a shrub, which, in a state of cultivation, varies in height from four to six feet, its foliage resembling that of Portuguese laurel. The trunk is erect and slender, averaging about three inches in diameter and covered with a whitish-brown bark, rather rough in appearance. The branches are numerous, ordinarily bending down- wards when the plant begins to grow old, but when: young and vigorous extend in a round form like an umbrella. The wood ts very limber and pliable, so much so that the ends of the longest branches may be bent down to within three inches of the ground without snapping. The leaves are oval in form, dark green in color, shiny and sharp pointed as those of the citron tree, ranged on the branches opposite, but at a little distance from each other. The flowers or blossoms are also numerous, clustering with projecting antlers, snowy- white and very fragrant, but of short duration, disap- pearing quick, but rapidly followed by the fruit spring- ing apparently from them. The fruit is a small berry, green at first, but assuming a rich scarlet as it ripens. From this species has been propagated the numerous varieties now known to commerce. The range of this species is at elevations of from 1,000 to 4,000 feet above sea-level between the latitudes of 15° north and 15° south, but its cultivation may be extended for commercial pur- poses to 36° north and 30° south in latitudes where the temperature does not fall below 55°; still the most favor- able climate for it would be where the temperature does not fall below 60° to 80° in the shade, and as to humidity there should be no month in the year entirely devoid of rain, the total of which should range from 100 to 150 inches per annum, that is, an absence of extremes of temperature with a constant supply of moisture. This species is cultivated chiefly in Arabia, India, Ceylon, 40 SUB-VARIETIES. * Natal, Java, Sumatra and other islands in the Malay Archipelago, as well as in Mexico, the West Indies, Central and South America and recently in Austral- asia, furnishing almost the whole of the coffees of commerce, AA ) AN A Ly NCO a A \ \ Y C= ; ZAG SS Coffea Liberica, Or “ Liberian Coffee plant,” which has recently been brought forward as a rival to the Arabian variety, is an indigenous species found both in a wild and culti- vated state on the west coast of Africa, and which in an adult cultivated state ranges in height from fifteen to twenty feet, being of tree-like habits. The trunk is thick, very erect, and covered with a dark-brown bark of a downy texture. The branches also differ from those of the Arabian species insomuch as they do not possess SUB-VARIETIES. 41 the horizontal, drooping tendency so characteristic of the latter, being also hardier and more prolific. The leaves are proportionately large, varying in length from eight to fifteen inches and in many instances from four to five inches in width at their widest part. They are dark-green in color, leathery in texture, and instead of the wedge- shaped base, narrowing as it approaches the petitole or stalk; it more resembles the continuation of the extremity of the leaf itself. The flowers are also fewer, never more than six to eight in a cluster, are much larger, but devoid of fragrance. The fruit, as may be inferred from the tree-like habits of this species, is extremely large, averag- ing an inch to an inch and a quarter in length, ellipsoidal in form, and characteristically pointed at both ends. It lacks the bright red color of the Arabian variety, when ripe, being commonly of a dull red, approaching brown, . becoming black as it dries. The pulp is also thicker, fibrous and more fleshy, but lacking in succulence, and cannot be eaten; the parchment being hard and brittle, dark-brown in color and never clear. The testa, or silver-skin, is much stronger, tougher, and more tightly rolled into the deep, narrow furrow on the face. The seed or bean is also extremely large in size, peculiar in form, what is known as “male” or “pea-berry” in form is dark-brown in color, solid and heavy in weight and exceedingly strong in flavor. Taken altogether, the wide divergence in the general appearance and habits of this variety, the culture of the leaves, lesser number of flowers, size, weight, color, peculiar formation, and other characteristics, stamp it as:a distinct species of the genus Coffea. Increasing attention is lately being devoted to this species. It is a native of Liberia, and is to be found growing wild in great abundance along the whole of the 42 SUB-VARIETIES. Guinea coast and is to be distinguished from the ordinary shrub by much more vigorous growth, by affecting flat, low and coast lands as well as hill sides, by attaining — greater size and withstanding greater extremes of cli- mate. It also possesses the additional advantage in that it is capable of improvement by cultivation, and though as liable to disease as the Arabian plant, appears to be affected.only in a minor degree, while on the other hand the product is much coarser flavored, which is considered no drawback to its being used for admixture with better sorts, by which means it yields a cheap, yet gen- uine beverage. Experiments have been lately tried in Ceylon of grafting the finer flavored Arabian on the stocks of this species, thus producing a hybrid from which great benefits are anticipated in the future. It ‘is a species, moreover, which grows well in low alti- tudes, and would probably flourish is situations that have proved unsuitable for the Arabian plant, and should it come up to the sanguine expectations of the Java, Cey- lon, Mexican, South American and other planters, to whom it has been submitted for experiment, there is no doubt but that it will prove a formidable rival to the species which have hitherto received the exclusive atten- tion of planters generally. SUB-VARIETIES. 43 Coffea Maragogipe, Or “ Brazilian Coffee plant,” is a new and indigenous variety, recently discovered in the province of that name, in Brazil, much larger than the Arabian, but smaller than the Liberian. It grows with extraordinary vigor, com- ing into full bearing much sooner than either of the fore- going varieties, trees of two to three years attaining a height of eight to ten feet, being full of fruit at that ‘page, the berry and product per acre being also larger. Planters who have adopted this variety are so well pleased with the results obtained that they are replacing the regular species with it, all agreeing that in size of Ad OTHER VARIETIES. berry, style of bean, strength and flavor, it is a species to be recommended. OTHER VARIETIES. There are numerous other varieties of the Coffee plant, closely allied, but still markedly distinct from the fore- going species, inasmuch as they do not possess any valuable or intrinsic properties, being cultivated only for the sake of their foliage or flowers. Among which is that of :— Coffea Mauritiana.—Found on the island of Mauri- tius, and evidently belonging to the Arabian species, yet claimed by LaMarche to be specifically distinct from it, on account of the difference in the size and form of its fruit. This eminent botanist must have been unaccount- ably negligent with respect to its specific character, having retained the description given by Linnzus of the Arabian plant, which is in the Plantarium described as entirely opposite to it. Coffea Guinensis.—A native of Guinea, on the west coast of Africa, anda shrub from one to two feet high, with flowers quadrified, berries small and violet- colored, seeds two in number, cartilaginous and pointed at the ends; but found to be entirely devoid of-the value- able or sine dine properties so characteristic of those of the true Coffee plant. Coffea Panenlato.—Another species, also found on the Guinea coast, being a shrub having a large trunk, from seven to eight feet high, covered with a gray, cracked bark and yielding a fruit totally different from that of Coffee. Coffea Racemora.-—A species found in a wild state on the east coast of Africa, and in a state of cultivation OTHER VARIETIES. 45 in the vicinity of Zanzibar. It is a small, upright, tree- like plant about six feet high, heavy in foliage and flow- ering, but devoid of fragrance and barren of fruit. Coffea Trifora.—A shrub of about six feet high, found in Othahetai, foliaceous and flowery, but producing no fruit. This particular variety is also to be found in Jamaica, San Domingo, Martinique and other islands of the West Indies. Many other species such as the Coffea Fambasena, a native of the Friendly Islands, Coffca Ghengalensis, grown in Nepaul, Coffea Opulina and the Cirdorata, the latter being claimed to be analagous to the true Coffee plant, and is extensively grown on the island of Tamai, and many others cultivated principally for their seeds. CHAPTER IV. CULTIVATION AND PREPAs RATION. ) } e HE principal points which determine the value of ( a location for the successful and profitable culti- vation of Coffee are:—(1) Soil and climate; (2) Situation and aspect; (3) Temperature and rainfall; (4) Proximity to a river, and (5) Shelter from wind and wash. Most of which are necessarily subject to variation, accord- ing to country and locality, shelter from wind being per- haps of the most paramount importance, and which should not be sacrificed for a richer soil, as the latter can be arti- ficially supplied much quicker than the former. Sor, AND CLIMATE. Soil and climate are subjects of primitive importance in the cultivation of Coffee. The soil of Coffee lands varies as widely almost as the different countries in which itis grown. In Africa, where the plant is indigenous, it is chiefly composed of a reddish clay on the West Coast, with a hard sandy subsoil, while on the East Coast it is found to be composed chiefly of a dark loamy earth. The Arabian soil, where the plant is exotic and where the finest Coffee is produced, is purely an artificial one, while in India it is successfully. grown in five different kinds of soil, ranging from a dark chocolate clay to a deep jungle mould. The soil of Ceylon consisting of a 48 SOIL AND CLIMATE. rich, dark earth, friable and mixed with blocks and small stones. On the island of Java, to the contrary, where some of the finest varieties are produced, the soil is prin- cipally composed of a black leaf-mould, intermixed with fine sand and small stones, whereas in the principal Coffee-growing countries of the American continent the best crops produced, as a general rule, are raised on rich, dark loamy lands, the subsoil of which are too rocky to be worked with a plow. The only exception to the rule being Brazil, where the soil varies to a great extent, a clay of “evra rocha forming the chief upper and lower subsoil. The most suitable soil for Coffee cultivation, however, is that which grows soft timber, to be found on high quartzy ridges, where the land is of a dark choco- late color, mixed with small stones, and overspread here and there with boulders of granite, as where the soil is dark, loose and full of roots, it is sure to be rich in organic matter, and therefore good for Coffee, which is a hardy plant and not on the whole difficult to please in this matter; such a soil generally contains about 5 per cent. of its weight of organic matter in combination with other fertilizing substances. Looking at Coffee soil from an analyst’s standpoint, it consists of an organic part, which when placed in the fire will burn away, and an inorganic or mineral part which will not burn. The constitution of the first is well known to planters, being formed of the remains of animals, insects, or minute visible and invisible organisms of various kinds, from the dung of animals, birds, caterpillars and worms, to that of roots, stems and leaves of decayed vegetable matter. The inorganic part, consisting of sand, clay, lime magne- sia and the oxides of soda, potash and manganese, includ- ing carbonic, sulphuric and phosphoric acids. The pre- ponderance of one or more of these natural divisions, SOIL AND CLIMATE. 49 making the soil productive or unproductive as the case may be, while certain plants make certain calls upon one or more of these substances, and, consequently, such must be present and available in a soil that is to suit them. A rich soil for Coffee generally contains about five per cent., or one-twentieth of its weight, of organic matter in combination with other fertilizing substances. But as to the dest soil for Coffee in particular the leading authorities differ, so that as a broad principle it may be laid down that the best soil is the richest, no matter what its color, whether it be the valley silt of Arabia, the volcanic mould of Java, the jungle soil of India and: Ceylon, or the rich red) carth of Brak But the deeper, freer and richer the soil, whatever it may be, the better as long as it is specially tested for phosphoric acid and potash. The latter is found in abundance wherever a large forest has been felled, burned grass-land being also considered good for the purpose, as it also contains these very requisite properties of Coffee soil. If the soil be naturally light and poor and washed by every shower, the more soluble portions, together with the salts of the manure applied to the trees is generally robbed by the heavy rains. In such a case it is next to impossible to keep a plantation in a high state of culti- vation without an enormous expense in the constant application of manure. Many plantations are again subject to landslips, which are likewise produced by the violence of the rains ; in such cases the destruction is most disastrous, and whenever landslips are frequent they may be taken as an evidence of a poor clay subsoil. The rain soaks through the surface, and not being able to percolate through the clay with sufficient rapidity, it lodges between the two strata, loosening the upper sur- face which slides from the greasy clay, launched as it 50 SOIL AND CLIMATE. were, by its own gravity, into the valley below. This ts the worst kind of soil for the coffee tree, whose long tap-root is ever seeking nourishment from beneath. On such a soil it is very common to see a young plantation giving great promise, but as the trees increase in growth the tap-root reaches the clay subsoil, and the plantation immediately falls off. The subsoil is of far more im- portance to the coffee tree than the upper surface, as the latter may be improved by manure, while if the former is bad there is no remedy. The first thing to be considered being the soil, and the planter being satisfied with its quality, there is another item of equal importance to be taken into consideration when choosing a locality for a coffee plantation. This is an extent of grazing land suf ficient for the support of cattle that may be required for producing manure. In countries with large proportions of forests, this is, however, not always practicable, the planter having recourse to artificial manure. The subject of climate, though quite as important as that of soil, can yet be described with more accuracy. The extreme limits of coffee cultivation lies between the isothermal lines of the 25° north and the 30° south ot the equator, but the best zone of latitude is that lying between the 20° north and south of the equator, one having a mean temperature of 65° to 75° Fahrenheit. A constant and uniform moisture, either natural or arti- ficial is especially requisite and indispensable to the free ‘development of the trees, together with a rainfall ot from 75 to 150 inches per annum, falling early in the season, but must be well distributed at the same time. The regions, however, found to be best adapted for the most successful and profitable cultivation of Coffee, are well-watered mountain slopes at an elevation ranging from 1,000 to 4,000 feet above sea-level, in latitudes SELECTING LAND. 51 lying between 15° north and 15° south of the equator, although it is profitably grown at the present time from 25° north to 30° south of that line, but only in situations where the temperature does not fall below 55° at any time. SELECTING LAND. As a general rule, virgin forest land has been found the most suitable to break up for Coffee plantations, it having become naturally enriched by decayed vegetable matters, and the burning, to which it must first be subjected, frees it from all weeds and insects. But exceptional tracts of land, that have been once under cultivation and then allowed to run wild, also form good properties, and although the soil is rarely rich, it is generally exposed, and always entails great trouble and expense to keep down the weeds. «A temperate climate within the tropics is to be preferred at all _ times, a certain degree of warmth and humidity com- bined being essential—in other words, an atmosphere resembling that of a northern hot-house produces the finest crops of Coffee, but, unfortunately, it is inimical to the unacclimated planter and favorable to weeds. The most suitable climate, under these circumstances, is pre- cisely that which Americans prefer; frost, even though it be only at night and for a short period, is fatal, while the presence of water, preferably a running stream, is most essential for watering the young plants, as well as for the “pulping” process. In a wooded country the plantation may be laid out in blocks of fifty acres, encircled by natural belts of forest; but flat land must be avoided, as a wet soil is fatal to profitable coffee-growing, and flat lands also would entail great expenditure for drainage, while steep slopes, on the other hand, are also objectionable on account of the wash occasioned by 52 SELECTING LAND. rains carrying away both soil and manure, thus exposing the roots of the shrubs. The top or surface-soil must be fairly good in all cases, the subsoil may be, but must never be, composed of stiff clay, the shrub being essen- tially a lateral feeder. In opening a plantation, which is in all cases to be shaded by preserving a portion of the original forest trees, the first thing to be done is—after having ascertained the amount of land that can be conveniently planted in one season—to clear a wide road through the underwood from one end of the block of forest to the other, and as many at right angles to the line as may facilitate easy examination and of thoroughly inspecting the land to be cleared. The next thing tu be done is to cut another wide line round the entire portion to be cleared, leaving a belt of from fifteen to twenty yards wide as a margin which is always to be kept uncleared, as this marginal -belt will be found useful for shelter. The amount of shade must be regulated according to the value of the exposure as shown in the aspect. A great deal of shade being required on southern slopes, very little on northern ones, and only a moderate degree of shade being required for eastern and western slopes. The preliminary lines having been cleared, the whole of the underwood should then be cut down from one end to the other, and while it is yet green such portions of the larger trees as it may be difficult to remove by carting or dragging along the ground, should be cut up in pieces, but never burned, as is frequently the custom. This work should be com- pleted by the end of December. The land being thus thoroughly cleared, lines of road should be laid out and the usual linings and pit diggings carried out, and the plants put down immediately after. The next point to be attended to is to plant out such trees as are particularly SITUATION AND ASPECT. 53 ' suited to coffee shading, and to remove any kinds which experience has proved to be injurious; these latter vary in the different countries. As the shade trees grow up, the same care must be taken of them as of the coffee tree, as regards pruning or topping, the lower branches being judiciously removed, the object being to grow a tree not only luxuriant but lofty, in order that it may throw a long shadow and so afford greater protection to the plants in its vicinity. Another point to be con- sidered in the location of a successful Coffee plantation is situation, as regards shade, sun and wind, as a location and method of cultivation suited to one climate may be entirely unsuited to another. In sea-coast or moist climates planting without shade is generally the custom, while in dry arid climates shade is indispensable, as in wet or damp districts Coffee can not be grown to advan- tage under the shade of the largest trees; the methods of cultivation therefore should be entirely different in the differing districts or localities. To be emphatic, climate should regulate shade, that 1s, shade plantations thrive best om hot, dary climates, and unshaded in moist or humid ones. SYIUA’TION AND ASPECT, The Coffee-plant in most countries has been found to flourish best, and produce more abundantly, and reach a greater longerity on upland or mountain situations at altitudes ranging from one to four thousand feet above sea-level; but a mean elevation of three thousand feet has been found by experience to be best adapted for its most profitable culture. In the selection ofa site for the establishment of a coffee plantation the same general rules are observed throughout all the coffee-growing countries; and, while an eastern or southern exposure 54 SITUATION AND ASPECT. is preferable at all times, it is not essential under all conditions, this general principle being subject to modifi- cations from such causes as local peculiarities of climate, abundance of forest shade and methods of special cul- tivation. Many plantations situated at sea-level are generally overshadowed by thickets of dense foliage, while those situated on mountain slopes are usually much exposed to winds and wash. In the older coffee- growing countries of the East an eastern aspect is considered the most desirable, a western exposure being generally selected on the American continent, as it loses less of its moisture. The opposite slope being more exposed to the vertical rays of the sun thereby preserves a more equal temperature. Before clearing and burning the planter should take considerable pains to ascertain the values of the different aspects as regards sun and wind with the view of regulat- ing the amount of shade accordingly, as it is impossible to exaggerate the importance of the various exposures, For the effects the sun’s ray have on certain aspects in heating the soil and drying up the plant are such as would be extremely difficult to believe had the effects not been verified by competent observers and with the aid of a thermometer. And as regards sites, northern and southern slopes in particular, the difference between the one exposure and the other is just what constitutes the difference between green and dried grass, and be- tween leaves luxuriously green and leaves dried and withered. The grass on the northern aspects being green and comparatively fresh, while even in a valley sheltered from drying winds the grass on the southern slopes is completely withered. An equally striking dif- ference is observable in the coffee plants grown on these situations, those on the northern slopes being full of SITUATION AND ASPECT. 5 health and life, while those situated on the southern are yellow, drooping and sickly; even in districts where coffee will not thrive without a considerable amount of shade the plants thrive well with little or even none ona northern bank, and look better than on a moderately shaded southern aspect. Nor in the nursery is the effect less of aspect, less striking, a nursery situated on a northern slope requiring less water and far less shade over the young plants than in a nursery sloping towards the south. With regard to the aspect of wind the subject is an in- finitely more difficult one than aspect as regards the sun’s rays, the value of the latter being mathematically ascertained, for in countries full of hills and ravines one is constantly liable to be deceived as to the points that are exposed and those that are sheltered from the force of the wind; what is the right side of the hill for one planter is often the wrong side for another, whose plantation is perhaps only a few miles distant. While one planter may rail against the east wind, another will be equally loud against a west. “The winds, however, that are most to be dreaded as being absolutely fatal to a coffee plantation are the fierce gales accompanied by torrents of rain. These winds are injurious in two ways: first, the plants are blown about, their hold on the soil weakened and the tender rootlets broken as fast as they are formed, and in the second case, the rain which accompanies such winds is driven into the hillsides with such force as to occasion a certain amount of wash, the particles of soil being lifted and valuable top soil swept away and utterly lost. The southwest winds are only fatally injurious on the first barrier; further inland their force is greatly modified, and to such an extent that little or no injury results from them, 56 SHELTER AND SHADE. In estimating the value and importance of exposures, planters and others of experience are frequently deceived ; as aspects that one would naturally conclude are very much exposed often remain untouched by the wind, while on others apparently sheltered it has been known to burst with tremendous force. Of aspects as regards wind there are two points that may fairly be relied upon. The first is the appearance of the soil on the slopes, and the second the inclination of the forest trees. The soils on windy slopes will be found invariably to present a hardened and washed appearance, and are deficient in decayed vegetable matter on the surface. The inclination of the trees, also, and especially the extent to which their heads are bent, denotes how forcibly the wind strikes on these sites. In summing up on these important points of aspect it may be observed, as regards the sun’s rays, it is patent that a northern aspect is the best, and a southern one the worst, because the latter is exactly twice as hot as the former. And as regards the eastern and western aspects there is not, as regards heat arising from the sun’s rays, much to choose between them. SHELTER AND SHADE. The worst enemy of the Coffee shrub is wind, its effects becoming apparent in pinched and stunted growth or in lack of foliage. In situations where the soil is soft and yielding it does equal mischief by working the stems in the ground, so that ina short time a funnel is formed round the neck of the plant, and this being continually chafed the bark is worn off, the roots are loosened, and the plant dies of what is called “wind-wrung.” Should - it be rescued before the bark is entirely worn off the plant may live, but it will be extremely liable to attacks SHELTER AND SHADE. 57 from “lug worm” or any other blight that may be preva- lent in the locality. Belts of jungle or forest land are sometimes left standing as a protection from wind, but opinions differ as to the advantage of this plan, some planters holding that more harm is likely to result from the wind being concentrated into eddies instead of taking its natural and more equitable course. This question can only be decided by the local surroundings in each case. Such belts being sure to form nurseries for weeds and vermin are not intended to be permanent, and should gradually give way to fruit or other useful trees. Some- times artificial shelter is erected, but is considered too costly to find general favor; indeed, in moderately-shel- tered situations, staking, combined with low topping, ought to be sufficient to secure the stability of the plant. Where they are not, the situation has little to recommend it for successful Coffee culture. Shade is also a consideration of great importance, and the opinion now generally adopted is that the wholesale felling of the forest in some sections has been altogether a mistake, and that plantations which are now extinct might still be flourishing had the forest shade been at least partially retained. ‘The history of Coffee cultiva- tion in the East proves that in hot climates, and where prolonged periods of drought may recur, Coffee will not flourish permanently, except under shade. In a state of nature the Coffee plant universally affects shade. This is the more remarkable, though the seeds are deposited by wild animals and birds as freely on open grass-lands as in forests. Thesuspicion that the “ bover leaf disease,” and other immediate causes of decay, are only induced by weakened state of the shrubs consequent upon their exposure to light and periods of drought, is supported by the fact that where shade trees are found standing CLEANING AND BURNING. OR oo upon an abandoned plantation, they are still surrounded by a surviving remnant of Coffee bushes. The question as to where shade is necessary is, however, one of climate, as it has been proved that it is not universally beneficial. The advantages to be derived from it in very hot climates being: diminished exhaustion and consequently increased longevity of the plant, reduced cost of cultivation, a con- servation of the nutritious properties of the soil, and an actual increase of them, as the cover given to the ground causes the surface vegetable matter to decay more rapidly. And provided the tree be a subsoil feeder, the shedding of the leaves will yield a positive gain of surface matter which the roots of the Coffee plant would otherwise never have reached. In addition to these there is the direct value of the timber grown on the estate. The only serious drawback to shade would seem to be a diminished yield of Coffee, but this is fully atoned for by the increased longevity of the plant. CLEANING AND BURNING. When forest land is taken for cultivation the first step is to effectually clear it of all timber and underwood, the latter being first cut by means of a “‘cattie” or machete, the large trees being felled from the top, and their branches lopped off so as to compact the pile, as other- wise the “burn” will only be partial. A fine day, after the night’s dew has evaporated, is best for setting fire to the prostrate mass, the advantages of a thorough burn being that subsequent operations are greatly facilitated, and that the weeds and insects are thoroughly destroyed, while the disadvantage is that the upper soil is burnt and rendered unfit for filling into the holes. That injury may, to a great extent, be obviated by “lining and pit- ting” the land beforehand, by which means the surface LINING AND MARKING. 59 soil would be mostly covered over with the earth taken out of the pits, and thus be protected from the fire. On the other hand the “lines” could not be marked out with accuracy or with any regularity so that the estate would subsequently suffer to some extent in appearance, though it is an open question how far this drawback is worth considering in comparison with the other advan- tages gained. When there is not sufficient timber to make a good burn, the brush is felled and burnt in heaps, after which the ground is carefully gone over for the purpose of rooting up the tree stumps which remain, but these are sometimes so difficult to eradicate that they are left to decay, care being taken, however, to knock off shoots as fast as they appear. It is, however, a bad method and one seldom followed, as the rotting stumps harbor vermin of all kinds. After burning the wood the ashes should be scattered evenly over the ground as manure to enrich the soil. LINING AND MARKING. Immediately after the burn the plantation is “lined and marked out” for the reception of the plants, the two following methods being most in vogue among old and experienced planters: (1) A base line is laid down as nearly as possible straight up and down the slope, and a cross line is set off exactly at right angles to it; on this line stakes are driven into the ground at the distances determined upon for the final position of the young plants, to each stake a rope is fixed and stretched par- allel with the base line, and as straight as possible, smaller stakes being provided along these lines, a rope is then finally held across them at succeeding stages of equal width as guided by measuring poles and the small 60 ROADING AND DRAINING. stakes, and the small stakes are put in where the mov- able rope crosses the fixed ones, each stake indicating the site of the plant. (2) A rope is furnished with bits of scarlet rag or flannel at the distances decided on between the plants and stretched across the plot, stakes being inserted at each rag, the rope is then moved forward a stage at a time, gauged by measuring rods. The first plan is the better, especially in broken ground, but is more laborious, the second being best available in even grass- land, but the stretch of the rope must be estimated and allowed for, the great object being to have the lines per- fectly regular, and instead of making any deviation where stumps or other obstacles occur, the rope is laid over . them and the corresponding plant omitted. ROADING AND DRAINING. Efficient roads not only greatly facilitate the making of a Coffee plantation, but they should be so laid out as to serve the additional purpose of drainage. A cart road should pass through the centre of the plantation wherever it is possible to avoid a steeper gradient than one in fif- teen,emerging upon the main highway. From this branch roads should be cut at right angles with as easy gradients as possible, and not more than from one hundred to one hundred and fifty feet apart; these branch roads should ~ cross the lay of the ground so as to check, to the fullest extent, the effects of waste, and a boundary path encir- cling the estate is also useful for many reasons, but the main central road should be set out before pitting and planting. An excess of road accommodation as regards both the number and width of the paths is far preferable to insufficient roadway, despite the extra first outlay, and if the ground be such, it may cost. a great deal to keep the roads clean and free from weeds. This, however, LAYING OUT THE NURSERY. qi 61 may be greatly lessened by plowing them up and plant- ing them with an annual crog until the land is exhausted, as not only will the roads be bounded by the plowing but weeds will not so readily grow. Nothing is more important than the thorough drainage of a Coffee plantation, in order to carry away the excess of moisture during heavy rains without allowing the surface soil to be washed away. For this purpose, con- tinuous open trenches are cut in parallel lines across the face of the slope and at from ten to fifteen yards apart, their gradient, however, should never exceed one in twelve, one in twenty or even one in thirty will be still better, their width may be from fifteen to eighteen inches and their depth not less than one foot on the lower side. They will need constant cleaning out afid repair, espe- cially after a heavy shower, and must in all cases empty into a natural or artificial channel amply capable of carrying off the water; if furnished with breaks to catch the suspended or detached soil so much the better, as the latter can be collected and returned to the plantation as a dressing. LAYING OUT THE NURSERY. The Coffee plant is propagated in three different ways, by “ Seeds,” ‘‘ Buddings”’ and “ Cuttings,” the two last being the most troublesome and objectionable, there being at the same time no branch of Coffee cultivation of more importance and none so frequently mismanaged or neglected as that of the production of the plant in the nursery, the greatest care and most constant watch- ing being absolutely necessary to the attainment of SUCCESS. For this purpose should be selected a patch of ¢ently sloping virgin soil, warm and dry, soft in nature and not 62 LAYING OUT THE NURSERY. richer than that to which the plants are to be subsequently transferred, but close to water, running water, if possible. The seed-beds must be somewhat shaded, but not soas to entirely exclude the sun nor so that the shading plant may gather rain and send it in streams upon the beds; it must also be cleared of all the largest stumps and thoroughly dug to a depth of from nine to twelve inches and made very friable and at the same time slighly raised to promote drainage, and divided by paths into narrow strips. A deep trench is cut above the bed in an oblique direction to prevent damage by rain and wash. The seeds are sown in rows six to nine inches apart and about two feet deep and strewn about one inch apart in the holes, after which they are lightly covered with mould and shaded. A cheap and efficient shading may be: secured by laying branches across a light framework of poles. All watering must be done in the morning or towards sunset. A bushel of coffee-seed should yield from 20,000 to 30,000 plants, the best seed being what is known as “ parchment” coffee, picked when fully ripe, pulped by hand, unfermented, unwashed and dried in the shade. When the plants produce from two to four leaves, exclusive of the seed-leaves, they are carefully loosened and transferred, in damp, cloudy weather, from the seed- beds to the nurseries and placed there from nine to twelve inches apart. Great care must be taken meantime not to double up the tender tap-roots, but if the tap-root is very long it is best shortened by an oblique cut, which soon shoots again. But when transplanting from seed-beds to nurseries is not practised the plants are left in the seed-beds until they grow larger. Many planters, how- ever, strongly recommend the former plan, as by check- ing the growth of the plants the young roots become hardened and_ better able, when finally planted out in LAYING OUT THE NURSERY. 63 the field, to resist insects, disease and unfavorable weather. A practical suggestion for preventing young seedlings from being eaten off at the surface of the ground by grubs is to lightly wrap them with a piece of paper about three inches broad where the stem joins the roots when plant- ing. The risk of having the young seedlings burnt up just after planting is best guarded against by various simple measures for shading them. In about a year, or when the plants have attained the height of about eigh- teen inches, they are ready for transfer to the permanent positions on the plantation which has been meantime prepared for their reception. In selecting a plot for a nursery such a command otf water as will facilitate the flooding of every bed so as to thoroughly saturate the soil, will be found indispensable, as it has been found by experience that it is much cheaper to carry soil to water than water to soil. If a good supply of water cannot be conveniently had on forest land by erecting a tank or directing a stream, the cheapest plan will be found to be to transport the soil already prepared and lay it down to the depth of a foot to eighteen inches on any land that has a good command of water. A couple of boys can effectually irrigate a large nursery by this means if the water be conducted to each bed, while twenty men will be required to carry water as many yards to a nursery of the same size, and even then the beds will be but one-half watered. But economy alone is not the only advantage to be gained by this method of flooding the beds, as this process can be carried on at any time of the day, while watering-pots cannot be used except early in the morn- ing or late in the afternoon without scorching the leaves. If the nursery is formed on forest land as, if possible, it should be, the timber should be felled, cut up and 64 LAYING OUT ‘THE NURSERY. carried or rolled off the ground—and not, as is too com- monly the case, burnt on it—to obtain the best results. The former plan is the most expensive but will be found to pay better in the end, as the surface mould is not injured and the friable nature of the soil is preserved intact, whereas burning by consuming the vegetable matter on the surface, renders the scil more tenacious and less suitable to the springing of the seed. The beds should never exceed five feet in breadth, and each bed should be Sixteen in length. Between each rows of beds shallow channels should be cut along which the water may be conducted to the head of each bed, and in these channels during the dry season water should be allowed to run continuously penetrating by this means gradually into the land, keeping it cool and moist. During the extreme hot weather the longitudinal division between the beds should consist of earth heaped up to the height of three, inches which will not only render the flooding of the beds more complete, but will also prevent them drying up as rapidly as they otherwise would. But during any storm these divisions should be removed and each converted into a channel to convey away the superfluous rain-water. As regards seed there is very little to be said, except that it should, as a matter of importance, be selected from the finest and healthiest trees, and consist only of the ripest and finest berries to be had. These precautions are seldom attended to, however, as it has never been — ascertained definitely that plants from carefully-selected seeds are any better than from those grown at random. Seeds have been sown from trees both native and im- ported—on some plantations, of all ages and in every kind of way—pulped by hand, pulped by machinery, and not pulped at all, sometimes fresh and as frequently LAYING OUT THE NURSERY. 65 six months old. Yet no difference could be perceived in the way the seeds come up, or in the plants produced from them, but, as a matter of convenience, it is much preferable to separate the seeds from the pulp and “put them down in drills. In the drills the seed should be planted at least a quarter of an inch apart, and between each drill should be left a space of from four to five inches. The seed should be planted in March or April, except where a crop of plants has been previously taken from the soil, when the seed should be put down a month earlier ; in from fourteen to eighteen months excellent plants ought to be had, if the soil consists of virgin land. Many planters put down nursery seedlings that have sprung up under the old coffee trees, but this plan is not to be adopted when seed can be procured, and especially where the water is good. An excellent soil for sowing the seed is prepared from an admixture of loam and leaf-mould, obtained from the decayed leaves of trees and vegetable matter, ground fine, well sifted and then mixed with an equal quantity of sand; while for the successful propagation of the young plants a manure composed of finest soil, cattle and sheep dung, dried, pulverized, sifted and then blended with proportionate quantities of a fine sandy loam has been found specially adapted for the purpose. The tap- roots of the young plants being extremely long and ten- der, an abundant supply of the latter will be found requisite, a good depth being very necessary to nourish and maintain them during the early period of growth. During the hot weather the young plants should be shaded, the most approved method of shading being to place posts about four feet high, with forked heads, driven into the ground at the corner of each bed, long sticks being then laid across them from post to post, 66 LAYING OUT THE NURSERY. resting in the forks and also laterally, the whole being then. covered with grass, reeds or other material. Some months before the plants are required this shade should be judiciously thinned, and ultimately removed altogether, in order to harden the plants gradually by exposure to the sun and air. The plants, too, at this period, should be allowed to grow nearly to the required size, stinted of water and brought toa stand-still, in order that the heads of the plants and the extremities of them may solidify, for if the plants be transferred to the plantation with newly-formed and tender shoots they run great risk of being nipped off by the scorching rays of the sun, which frequently makes its appearance when least expected in rainy or cloudy weather. And when the nursery is at all exposed to dry, east winds the rows and divisions between the row of beds should be thickly planted with rose and fruit trees, as these not only add to the appear- ance of the nursery, but are also extremely valuable as shelters. The next branch of planting that demands special attention is that of transferring or transplanting the young shrubs or plants at the best possible distance from one another. Distances should be altered in accordance with the poorness or richness of the soil; the richer and stronger the land, the greater distance should they be planted apart; and the poorer the soil and more exposed the location, the closer and more thickly they should be grown. If roads are made across the slopes and about midway up them, it may be laid down as a general rule that the plants above the roads should be planted far closer than those in the richer soil below. Thus, if six feet by six feet be found a convenient distance in the best land, four and a half feet by five and a half feet will be found the best distance in the poorer and more exposed positions. DISTANCES OF PLANTS. 67 One prime object must always be borne in mind, z. ¢., to cover the soil, in order the better to shade it, to keep down weeds, and at the same time leave sufficient room between the rows to allow of passing up and down the lines with ease, and for the pickers to get about without forcing their way and breaking the branches. Bearing these objects in mind, a planter should regulate his distances carefully in accordance with his soil, situation and cli- mate. But on these points a planter must, ina great measure, rely upon his own judgment, and these sugges- tions are mainly intended to caution the planter against fixing on any arbitrary distance as being the best. DISTANCES OF PLANTS. Scarcely any two planters are agreed as to the best distances to allow between the plants, the question being governed to a great extent by the richness of the soil, as well as by climate and situation, the object in view must be that with the greatest convenient number of trees in a given space none shall interfere with or incommode its neighbor. In cold or exposed situations where the plants cannot obtain any great size, close planting is necessary, the reverse being the case where the climate is warm and humid and the soil is productive, and consequently likely to produce large bushes. In Java and the West Indies the space is often 10 x 12 feet, but other crops are there usually planted between the Coffee rows, while in India and Ceylon distances vary from four feet each way to eight feet, the best being perhaps seven feet between the rows and six feet between the plants. The number of trees contained in an acre planted 6 x 7 feet will be about 1, CCOn CeaO nt 2OO% (6X5 | WAOr GS seSh 1.750% ;oosaah 2,150; and 4 x 5, 2,700. The advantages to be gained in 68 HOLING AND PITTING. — wide planting are that field labor is faciliated and the ’ shrubs grow larger, the disadvantage being that more room is left for weeds. HOLLING AND PIYITIinG. Around or beside each stake a hole is next dug, its size depending much upon the kind of soil; in stiff or poor land two feet each way is nottoo large, but in good light ground eighteen inches will suffice, but they had better be too deep than not deep enough. The imple- ment commonly used for this purpose 1s a kind of grub- bing-hoe or spade-bar. The earth thrown out is usually left to mellow until just before planting, after which the hole is filled in with the best of the mould, which must have been previously carefully freed from stones, roots and other extraneous matter, and mixed with a little manure. The filling-in must be done very lightly and the loose earth should rise in a heap above the hole. This operation is best performed while the ground is moist, but it is also a good plan to break down the sides somewhat, more especially if they are hardened. PLANTING AND PICKING. When the holes have been duly prepared the young plants are removed from the nursery with the same care as they are transplanted to the nursery from the seed- beds ; for taking up the young plants an ordinary prong 1s much superior to the spade-bar, but hand-pulling must be rigidly guarded against. The fibrous roots of each plant as taken up are carefully pruned off to about four inches so that they may not be doubled up in the plant- ing, the tap-root being also shortened to about nine inches by a clean sloping cut for the same reason, anda ball of earth should surround the roots and if the plants PLANTING AND PICKING. 69 are exposed to the air for more than a few minutes, the roots should be covered with wet moss or some other damp material. A dull, cloudy day should be chosen for this operation whenever possible, as in bright sunshine the plants would be all burnt up. The plants are carried in batches in wicker trays or baskets to the plantation and are placed in the ready prepared holes by hand, great care being taken that no roots are doubled up, that the plants are upright and that they are placed no deeper in the ground than they were before, and in treading the earth down around the plant every precaution is neces- sary to prevent leaving holes for the accumulation of water around the roots. The surface must also be made firm and level as possible, but on a steep slope the outer edge may be slightly higher than the inner, to check the effect of any wash that may occur, but in subsequent weeding it will be necessary to guard against exposing the lateral roots. There is some diversity of opinion as to the size and age most suitable for putting out nursery plants, but when dull, rainy weather can be depended on for some little time, nursery plants of the second year are the most satisfactory, plants of one season only being too tender for the operation, but under ordinary condi- tions and with due care no serious loss of plants should be incurred in this way. or searching. ~) Whe iiist tovappear are vertical “suckers” or ‘ gormandizers,” from under the primary boughs; these are immediately rubbed off with- out injuring the bark. From the primaries spring secondary branches in pairs, and at very short intervals. All such appearing within six inches of the stem are removed at once, so that a passage of at least a foot high is left in the centre of the tree for the admission of the air and sun. The object of pruning is to divert the energies of the tree from forming zvood, and to concen- trate them upon forming fra? The fruit of the Coffee tree is borne by young wood, and as the secondaries are reproduced when they are removed, they are cut off as soon as they have borne. A constant succession of young wood is thus secured. In order that this may be regular, and to avoid weakening the shrub, the secondaries that grow outside of the foot space are left on alternate sides of the primary, their opposites being removed each year in turn; thus one is growing while the other is bearing. The one point in view must be the equal development of the tree and the yearly growth of as much as it will bear, but no more. Branches must not be allowed to grow ENEMIES AND REMEDIES. 83 into or cross each other, and if two or more secondaries spring from one spot the strongest only must be retained ; where a gap occurs tertiaries may be trained to free it in the same way. When practicable, the bushes should be handled twice before the crop, and the pruning should be commenced immediately after the crop and finished before the blossom comes out, but should this be impossible, it must be suspended during the three or four days of blos- som-time, and then be carried to completion. When it is evident that the crop on a tree will exhaust it if allowed to mature, a portion of it must be sacrificed by pruning. The loss thus occasioned is more apparent than real, as in every prolific season much fruit is wasted for lack of labor, and the trees are unreasonably overtaxed and bear poorly for some time afterwards. Everything should be done to insure regular and even crops; the cuttings should be trenched in among the plants as manure, and no branch should be allowed to bear more than two or three crops before removal. Regular and systematic pruning is one of the first essentials to successful and profitable Coffee culture. Where Coffee plantations have been neglected on this score they must be very gradually reduced to proper condition by sawing out the branches and opening up the centre of the trees in the first year, and trimming out about half the remaining wood in the second year. ENEMIES AND REMEDIES. The profits derived from healthy Coffee growing are so large that were it not for the many enemies which hamper the planter’s struggles and stultify his best efforts, his occupation would he one of the most profitable in the world. Butas itis he has to contend with numerous foes, and the more lowly and minute forms have proved 84 ENEMIES AND REMEDIES. themselves the most difficult to combat in these long struggles which have been waged since Coffee cultivation first rose to its present importance in the various countries in which it is grown. Fromthe mammalian kingdom he has not much to fear or is generally able to devise effi- cient remedies against their ravages. But besides the peculiar conditions of climate, aspect, drainage, shade, shelter and the many other drawbacks already alluded to, particular attention must be paid to the prevention or cure of certain maladies to which the Coffee shrub is specially liable. The number of these insect forms and and fungoid pests is considerable, but the only ones of sufficient importance to merit description are leaf-blight, fly, bug, borer and canker. Leaf-blight.—Is a fungus known as Homuilica Vasa- tux, allied to the moulds, and is present in some form or other all the year round, first attacking the under side of the leaves causing spots or blotches, at first yellow, but subsequently turning black. These blotches are covered with a pale orange-colored dust or powder, which easily rubs off; they gradually grow in size until at last they have one part of the former with three parts of the latter, thoroughly incubating them before use. A disease known as leaf-rot, rather prevalent in some countries, is distinguished from the above, and which is referred to as a fungus named Pelicaalana Kolorga, sometimes appears when the leaves of affected shrubs become covered with slimy, gelatinous matter, turn black and drop off, the clusters of berries also rotting and fall- ing. There is every probability, however, that. the sulphur and lime treatment will be effective in this case also, but the shed leaves and fruit should be collected and burned as a precaution, ENEMIES AND REMEDIES. 85 The Coffee Borer.—This pest, formerly known as the “worm” and “ coffee-fly,” is most troublesome in the East, where in former years it destroyed whole plan- tations. It has been identified as the Aycotrechen gua- amepes, and in its complete stage the insect appears as a winged beetle, having from one-half to three-quarters of an inch in length, rather finer in shape than a wasp, with hard, shiny coat, red and black in color, but in some cases yellow and black in alternate transverse lines, boring a passage into the stem of the coffee tree usually a few inches above the ground. The Coffee-fiy.—This disease has been known for many years in San Domingo and Brazil, having also spread to Venezuela, the Antilles, Porto Rico, Mar- tinique, Mexico, and all down the Atlantic coast of South America. It is caused by the larvae of a moth scarcely half an inch long, named Comzstana coffcalaun, the color of the insect being dull-white or pale-gray, with a bar across the posterior end when quiet. Its motions are very active and it readily takes alarm. This insect prefers young and delicate leaves, and is most active about the commencement of the wet season, when demolition spread over the leaves, which then drop off, leaving the trees unable to produce any crop, or to bring to maturity that which may have already been produced. In districts affected by the northwest winds, the fungus generally exists as an external parasite, in the form of long, filamentous threads, covering every part of the back of the leaves, but so minute as to be invisible to the naked eye. Of the many remedies experimented with for the suppression of this disease, one only is invariably effective—that is a mixture of the best quality of flowers of sulphur and caustic lime. 86 ENEMIES AND REMEDIES. The majority of the eggs are deposited, but are dor- mant during the wet season—that is, from March to May. The disease manifests itself by the appearance of large, discolored blotches on the leaves, causing their decay and fall. As a remedy, it has been stated that by picking the leaves at such a time, as to take the greatest number of the larve when about two weeks’ old, it would be easy to destroy the pest, as the size of the blotches would then easily distinguish the diseased foliage. Again, each of these contains several hundred eggs undergoing incubation, and in a short time the whole of the green wood of the tree will become cov- ered with the young insects and coated with a black, soot-like powder, which renders the tree easily dis- cernible at a distance. The bug will soon spread over the whole plantation, entirely checking the growth of the trees, the fresh, young shoots being always first attacked, and such wood as is allowed to mature, pro- duces hardly any crops; the berries, moreover, are in the earliest stages destroyed by these insects, which cut them off with the stalk. The measures recommended for checking this scourge are to dust the bushes with a mixture of powdered saltpetre and quicklime in equal parts, or to brush or sponge the affected parts with a mixture of soft-soap, tar, tobacco and spirits of turpen- tine, in about equal quantities. The white bug is a dis- tinct species of insect, known as fsedococcus adombrumt, and is a small, flat, oval insect, about one-sixteenth of an inch long, covered with a white down or fur, having par- allel ridges running scross its back from side to side, like the wood-louse, though on a much smaller scale. It is found in various stages of development all the year round, and takes up its quarters on the roots of the Coffee trees, to start one part beneath the surface, at the ENEMIES AND REMEDIES. 87 axils of the leaves, and among the stalks of the crop- clusters, which it cuts off wholesale, either during the blossoms’ stage or just after the young berries have formed. In the latter case, its operations may be easily recognized by the large quantities of young, green berries with which the ground beneath the trees will be strewn, and is also discerned by a white, flour-like excretion, which it deposits around the axil-works where it has made its abode. The prescription alike recommended for black-bug will be here found equally efficacious, but in either case probably a decoction of common tobacco might be sufficient when much more evenly prepared. The Coffee-bug.—The Coffee tree is attacked by various species of coccida in most countries, where they are known by different names, but careful cultivation has ereatly reduced the evil. There are two distinct species of bug found in the Coffee-growing countries, called respectively the “black ” or “scaling,” and the “white” or “mealy.” The former, Lecumitimum Coffea, is a minute insect which attaches itself to the tenderest shoots of the plant, the females having the appearance of small scallop- shells, of a brown color}and adhering to the leaf or twig in the same manner” as the scallop-shell to a rock; at first horizontal, soon takes an upward, spiral direction, and proceeds until a safe shoot is found. in which the larvee may be deposited. The tree soon droops and dies down to the point at which the entry has been effected, and where it can be easily broken off by a sharp pull at the upper part. The only course in this case is to break off the tree in this manner, and then burn the stem with the larvee secreted in its centre. Young shoots will proceed from the stump, and one of these may be trained to succeed the original stem. The insect is very 88 ENEMIES AND REMEDIES. susceptible to the effects of wood smoke, and may be easily driven off or destroyed by the smoke of ordinary wood or grass fires. Canker, or Bark Disease.—Is a disease of the Coffee plant which has created great havoc in Africa and other countries of the East, and which causes an annual loss of about one per cent. of the trees of Jamaica and other West IndiaIslands. The first symptoms is the withering of a secondary or tertiary branch, when it will be found that the bark under the primary branches is decayed and blue-mouldy, the blue mould gradually extending down- wards over the whole stem; a tree once attacked never recovering, but dying ina few months. Ail soils and situations seem liable to this disease, the trees beginning to suffer when about six years old. Though the mould is the proximate cause of death, the ultimate cause is undoubtedly due to some unfavorable external condition. The opinions of experienced planters as to what this may be are various, being generally attributed to neglect of cultivation, to unstability of climate and to a want of sufficient depth of soil. All may be practically right, but the last seems the most probable, and is the reason given for it in many countries. Rot, grubs, rats and squirrels are accounted for in the following manner: “Rot,” or the blacking and withering of the young leaves and shoots, is due to wet and cold, and may be cured by good drainage and mulching. Grubs ofa large and yellow kind, destroy the tap-roots of the plants, cattle- manure being a fertile source of them, must be well- limed. Rats, squirrels, grasshoppers, ants and spiders collectively do considerable mischief, and should be exterminated whenever possible. GATHERING AND HARVESTING. 89 GATHERING AND HARVESTING. The cluster of buds which duly make their appearance are at first little dark-green spikes, but as they grow they become straw-colored, then, under the influence ot a few showers, almost white, and finally burst into snowy blossoms, and after a day or two the flowers turn brown and fade away, the more gradually the better; when the bloom is out, the rainfal is unwelcome, but after it is “set” the shower is beneficial. ‘The pistils of the flowers now assume the form of berries, gradually growing and changing their color from dark-green to light-yellow, which finally drys out to red or crimson. As soon as a sprinkling of red berries is seen, picking should begin and continue as long as any berries ripen, that is to say, from one to three months, but the berries or “cherries ”’ as they are more frequently called, must not be picked until they are fully ripe, which is best indicated by a deep, purplish-crimson color, and as the crop rarely or never ripens all at once, two to three pickings are required, the second being the principal one, the others being rather gleanings than pickings. Each mature berry should be picked separately off its stalk and never stripped off; the cherries as picked are dropped into a small bag about eighteen inches square, suspended from the neck of the picker, and the bags are then emptied into one or two bushel sacks or hampers placed at intervals on the paths of the pickers. If the berries are allowed to get over-ripe in wet weather, they will be liable to burst and drop the beans, or to fall off bodily, but if on clean ground much of them may be recovered, while in very hot weather they are more likely to dry up and hold on to trees. In order to convey the berries to the curing-houses in some countries a great saving is go PULPING AND PREPARING. effected in long distances, by running them with water down galvanized iron spouting, made in 8-inch lengths, laid with even gradients and curves duly secured. The berries are then despatched from the cisterns, to which a due proportion of water has been admitted, provision being made for collecting and utilizing the latter at the mills. PULPING AND PREPARING. The preparation of Coffee for market necessitates the erection of extensive buildings and machinery on large estates, for which no specific plans can be given, because much depends upon the size and situation of the estate, and as much upon the kind and degree of the prepara- tion contemplated. But the site selected for the works should be as near the centre of the plantation as is com- patible with securing a patch of open, airy ground to which a good stream of water can be brought. The first requisite building should be the ‘ prising three floors—the berry loft, the pulping platform and the cistern floor—and whenever possible it should be built against a shallow cliff or embankment, so that the berry coffee may be delivered into the loft without being hauled upstairs by hand, while the berry loft is usually placed immediately over the pulping platform. The operation known as “ pulping” consists in-clearing the coffee “beans” from the pulp in which they are enveloped, which with ripe berries is most easily and effectively accomplished immediately after picking, efforts being usually made to complete the pulping of a day’s picking during the same evening. If over-ripe or shriveled, but still comparatively moist inside, the berries should first be soaked in water for a few hours previous. A number of machines have been invented for this ‘pulping-house,” com- PULPING AND PREPARING. gi purpose, the chief objects in all cases being to pulp rapidly, thoroughly and without injury to the bean, for if the inner or “silver-skin” of the bean be broken the latter is wasted. But the latest and most simple form of “ pulping- machine is what is known as the “Disc Pulper,” in which the separation of the bean and the pulp is effected by means of rotating discs, covered with a thin sheet of copper, whose surface has been “ knobbed,” is raised into sort of oval knobs by the application of a blend punch. Pulpers of this class being portable and cheap, are most frequently used in the opening of distant estates. The “single” form is very light, and when driven by three plantation hands, it will pulp all the way from 20 to 25 bushels of berriesan hour. The “ double” form, which has two discs and which is furnished with a feeding-roller inside the hopper, requires from four to six hands to pulp 40 bushels an hour, but when driven by power, it will hull from 70 to 80 bushels in the same time. In the machine the discs are placed between “cushions” of smooth iron, set at such a distance that the berries cannot pass without being bruised. The cushions rest in a movable bed of iron, set so that no bean can pass downwards. When the disc revolves, the berries are driven forward and squeezed, the corrugations then catch the skins and drag them between the disc and bed. These small pulpers have an advantage over the larger ones, in that each can be set to suit the size of a portion of the crop— which always varies in size—and in that, with two or more machines, there is less liklihood of complete stop- page in case of accident. One disc pulper to every 30 or 40 acres—that is, about three to every 100 acres, two to be set alike for large size and one for smaller berries— should be ample in a fair-sized estate. 02 FERMENTING AND DRYING. There are times, however, when it is impossible to pulp Coffee; the pulpers may get out of repair, or the weather may be so untoward that the berry does not ripen sufficiently, or become too dry for pulping. In these cases the berries must first be fermented. The best way to do this is to place them in one of the tanks, or if the quantity is too small to nearly fill a tank, in an old box or cask, and cover it with sacks or grass, and let it remain until it acquires a good warmth ; then, when the berries in squeezing are no longer slippery, they may be taken out and spread in the sun to dry. For two or three nights it need not be housed, nor will rain hurt it. When dry, it may be stored for curing like parchment Coffee, but must not be mixed with it. To ferment the berries by leaving them in a heap on the ground is a bad plan for two reasons: First, when fermented in this man- ner it. becomes very wet and collects dirt, which, in the after treatment, will affect the color of the Coffee. Second, because in a heap the fermentation cannot be equalized throughout the Coffee. Pulping may be per- formed whenever possible, as the increased trouble en- tailed by the latter process is not compensated for by the alleged improvement of the flavor and no better price is received for it. RERMENTING AND DRYING. The “parchment” coffee as it comes from the pulper is next submitted to a fermentation process for the pur- pose of removing the saccharine matter, without which the beans would not dry. This operation is performed in a series of tanks, whose capacity varies with the size of the estate, and which may be arranged in squares. The pulpers are placed on a platform above the tanks - and in such a position that the pulped coffee can be run FERMENTING AND DRYING. 93 by water into the tanks, which must also be so situated that the coffee will always advance by the aid of running water and may finally be conveniently conveyed to the drying ground, while the water and refuse run off. The amount of cistern accommodation necessary for a planta- tion may be based on the allowance of one cubic foot for each bushel of berries picked in one day. The tanks are seldom less than three in number—two receiving cisterns, each large enough for the greatest possible daily picking and a third for washing the parchment, nearly as large superficially, as the two others combined, that is, the “washing” tanks from twelve to fifteen feet long, two feet deep and separated by a causeway three and one- half feet wide, and the “fermenting” tanks eight by eighteen feet long and two and one-half feet deep. These tanks are usually made of brick-work, lined with cement or asphalt, but wood is much better because less cold, but all should have a slight incline in order to assist the drainage. The receiving tanks are provided at the lowest corner with a good-sized outlet, fitted with a plug and with a movable sieve of perforated zinc or woven-wire, fine enough to keep back the coffee _when draining off the water, but not so fine as to choke with saccharine scum; the receiving cisterns being used alternately. All the coffee pulped in one day is allowed to remain in the receiving cistern until a slight fermenta- tion has set in; this occurs in from twelve to eighteen hours in mild weather, but in cold weather it may take from thirty to forty hours and even more. There are two ways of conducting fermentation—the dry and the wet—the former consists in allowing the berries to be without water, the bottom of the tank being perforated so as to draw off the liquid, but by the latter process the tank remains full of water. The dry system, however, is 94 FERMENTING AND DRYING. the better as long as care is taken to turn the mass so that the fermentation shall be equal throughout; the presence of water equalizes the fermentation but retards it and slightly injures the quality of the coffee. When fermentation is not sufficiently prolonged, the beans will assume a yellowish color—called ‘“ blankety ’—and will be difficult to dry, becoming liable to absorb moisture at the same time. But when properly fermented the separation of the saccharine matters is easily effected in the washing tanks, to which the pulped beans and a good supply of water is admitted. The washing cistern is provided with a sluice door at the lowest corner, this door commonly measuring six inches wide by three inches deep. The coffee is meanwhile constantly agi- tated by a wooden scraper or rake, by which the light coffee and refuse matter float and may be skimmed off, the dirty water flowing off through a tall cistern pro- vided with a grating to catch the skins and stray parch- ment, while the sound berries are placed in draining boxes to remove the excess of moisture and are then trausferred to the drying ground with the least possible delay. But should the climate be uncertain it will be necessary to provide for the emergency of a succession of wet days, when drying cannot be proceeded with. Parchment coffee may be kept in the undried state for two weeks without injury by placing it in a cistern exposed to a continuous flow of cold water. In drying, the berries to be dried are first spread out ona flat surface exposed to the heat of the sun. The material forming the /evrcino (terrace) or drying ground varies greatly in the different coffee-producing countries, but most commonly the ground is leveled and then covered with a kind of concrete, sometimes asphalt is laid down, but, besides being expensive it is not sure FERMENTING AND DRYING. 95 in hot climates to withstand the heat, and such a surface is liable to crack and give way if not carefully drained. A very good and much better plan is to lay down coir- _ matting on ground which has simply been made smooth and hard; the advantages of this plan are its cheapness, the ease with which extra ground can be requisitioned in case of need, and the use of the matting as a tem- porary covering in case of a sudden shower; modifica- tions of this method are to stretch coir or gunny cloth across modern frames, or across trays with or without wheels. Shed accommodations must always be provided ready for the reception of the coffee at any moment, and the beans must be constantly turned over and over, either by light rakes or shovels. The drying must also be rendered equable and must not proceed too rapidly so as not to crack the parchment before the bean is quite dry, for this reason also, the coffee should not be exposed too long to a strong sun for the first day or so. During the drying it is gathered in each day when the sun is hot, but will then continue to dry under cover. Every care must be taken to prevent overheating, which may happen by prolonged drying in mild weather ; rather than permit this the coffee should be returned to a tank, and kept washed with running water. A new method, known as “artificial drying,” has recently been adopted in Brazil and other countries, being much quicker and cheaper. An easy meany of applying artificial heat is by passing an iron pipe, open at both ends, through a fire outside the stove and below the level of the floor, continuing it into the stove just beneath the floor; the heated air, by passing upwards through the coffee, will carry off much of the damp. Revolving dry- ing machines are-also in use; one of the best of these is one introduced originally for drying corn. It consists of 96 HULLING AND PEELING. cylinders into which steam enters and agitators arranged so that the coffee is impelled forwards and caught up and rained down as the cylinder revolves. The central cylin- der works in a steam packet, outside which is a light casing of sheet iron, perforated at one end so that the air may be drawn through bya fan to assist in the drying and carry off the liberated moisture; this machine obviates the necessity for respreading the coffee in the terraces before hulling. Three days’ thorough sunning usually suffices to render the coffee quite dry and brittle, in which condition it is known as “parchment coffee,” in which state, in many countries, it is sent to port, its further curing being left to the shippers, for not only is considerable expenditure in buildings and machinery necessary for the purpose, but the experience gained by manipulating various lots of coffee will enable those who make the subject a special study to bring the sample up to the best standard of appearance and keeping prop- erties, but the coffee retains its color better if allowed to remain for several weeks in the parchment, and its quality continues to improve for months, even years, the pro- cess being known as “curing;”’ as, however, protracted curing causes great subsequent difficulty in removing, the “ silver-skin” coffee is never kept in the parchment longer than is compulsory. HULLING AND PEELING. This operation consists in the removal of the “ parch- ment” and the “ silver-skin,” after which the beans are again exposed to the sun for a period which is difficult to define. Some planters say that they should be dried till they resist pressure of the thumb-nail, but there is really no infallible test, as no two samples are exactly alike. It needs much experience to prevent loss of weight WINNOWING AND SIZING. 97 by over-drying, or of color by under-drying, but they peel best while still warm. A variety of hullers have been tried, but preference is commonly given to the old- fashioned edge-runner mill, composed of a circular trough with two large wheels revolving in it and suspended about two inches from the bottom. The trough is one- half to two-thirds filled with beans, which remain until the grinding action of the revolving wheels has separated their skins, when they are let out by a lateral aperture. A trough fifteen feet in diameter should turn out at least 1,200 pounds of marketable coffee an hour, four bushels of good parchment coffee, yielding 100 pounds clean coffee. The appearance of the coffee immediately after hulling is very light colored, but it soon assumes a hern- green hue, which it will retain unless exposed to damp, when it becomes dingy or mottled-grey, and is classed as “country damaged.” - WINNOW ING AND SIZING. The peeled Coffee as it comes from the huller in com- pany with the detached skins is submitted to the influ- ence of a fan whose force must be so adjusted that it will effectually remove the skins without carrying off the Coffee. When the Coffee has been cleaned from the skins, it is necessary to separate it into various sizes for market, chiefly with the object of rendering the subse- quent roasting process more equable in effect. Formerly the sizing was performed by hand-picking, but it is now the custom to employ a machine called a “ separator,” which consists of an inclined, revolving cylindrical sieve formed of perforated sheet-iron or steel wires, and divided into sections of different meshes. The Coffee is fed in at the hopper which is furnished with a regulator and an in- ternal worm for the purpose of distributing it equally, 98 BUILDINGS AND STORES. while a revolving brush prevents the meshes from being choked. Sand and dust pass through the first section and fall into the space while the small and broken beans are delivered below, the best and largest beans are caught up and the peaberry rolls freely out at the end. BUILDINGS AND STORES. Though there is no necessity for curing the Coffee, and it may be hulled at once if desired, the exigencies of climate renders a properly-constructed warehouse one of greates’ desiderata, The characteristics of structure must be, first, dryness combined with security; hence, galvanized iron forms the best material. It is generally of two stories, the lower floor being sometimes boarded or asphalted, but the upper must always be so made so as to admit of free circulation of air through the Coffee placed in it. This object may best be obtained by laying wire gauze or coir matting over reepers about one inch apart. Abundant ventilation must also be provided, and it will be necessary to watch for any signs of heating. Immediately on its appearance the Coffee must be turned over rapidly. An improved form of -Coffee structure is that built on what is termed the Clerichew principle, in which the floor of the upper story is constructed as in the former case, resting on joists running lengthwise in the building. A ceiling is provided for the lower story by tacking to the joists cloth which has been well soaked in boiled rice water and lime, to render it air-tight. Con- tinuous air-passages are thus made beneath the floor. About ten feet of one end of the lower apartment is par- titioned off, and its sides are made as nearly air-tight as possible, and it has no ceiling other than the floor above, so that the passages all open into it. In an opening in the wall of this chamber a pair of large revolving fans PACKING AND SHIPPING. 99 ~ are placed, their rapid vibrations drawing a continuous current of air from the inside, and therefore through the Coffee itself. In this manner dried parchment Coffee can be kept in perfect condition without any turning over, and by using heated air on the same principle as before Coffee may be housed while still only partially dry and yet not suffer from fermentation. PACKING AND SHIPPING. As soon as the Coffee is sized and graded it is ready for the market. Bags are most commonly used, but it is best packed in air-tight casks, made from wood, which is: not likely to taint the Coffee in any way. In shipping Coffee great care is required to prevent its coming in contact with any merchandise that may communicate to it a foreign flavor or odor. Vessels engaged in the Coffee trade should have perforated ventilating tubes from the bottom of the hold, passing through the cargo, so as to allow the escape of all steam and gases gener- ated during transit ; without such an appliance the beans will be discolored and classed as “ damaged,” an injury which cannot be covered by insurance. In well-ventil- ated ships Coffee loses about one-half per cent. in weight but gains in quality during transit; while under bad ventilation there will be a gain of one-half per cent. in weight but a loss of color, and consequent deprecia- tion in value. COoOs’T AND PROFIT. Here a few remarks on the cost, prospects and profits of coffee planting may not be out of place. How much does it require to start on safely is frequently asked. From ten to twenty thousand dollars may be considered a fair capital. As to what kind of a plantation that can TOO COST AND PROFIT. be had for these sums is a question that from the shifting nature of prices, and the varieties of climates, soils and situations, cannot be accurately answered, or with even an approximation to accuracy. With regard to the profits of coffee planting the investor may get avery large return, a moderate ora small one, and he may even gain, as many who have tried it has done, a considerable loss. No reliance whatever can be placed on the estimates so often published, and though many of them may be accurate enough as far as they go, assuming that everything goes well, good soil, climate, cheap labor, good health, and good seasons must be taken into account, in the brilliant reports of the returns to be expected in the first few bearing years, usually terminating with the assertion that “the profits subsequently to be derived will be something fabulous.” Transport facilities is another important factor and de- serving of much consideration. In many countries they exceed the cost of growing and preparing the crops for market, and it frequently occurs in the interior of Brazil, Mexico and other countries, that it does not pay to for- ward the coffee to the markets at the ports of shipment. But whatever may be the ascertained advantages in point of soil, temperature, moisture and situation, and however bountiful may be the yield of the plants, the speculation must always be estimated in connection with the cost and vicissitudes with which coffee planting as a business is unhappily associated. Anxiety must be in- separable from an undertaking exclusively dependent on native labor, and liable to be affected at the most critical moment by its capricious commercial fluctuations. The crops in most of the coffee-growing countries, when saved on the plantation, has either to encounter the risk incident to transportation by hand through mountain districts as yet unopened by roads, or the chanves of COST AND PROFIT. ror ————— ae deterioration to which it is exposed in bullock carts during long journeys to the coast. The real facts being that the difficulties in the way of forming accurate agri- cultural statistics, are in the coffee-producing countries almost insuperable, there being either a tendency to ex- aggerate or depreciate the yield, as it best serves the interests of the cultivators. And again as regards coffee in particular, there is no means whatever of estimating the product. A great deal being said but very little known in the way a man generally requires to know that he may wish to publish as reasonably near the truth. So in going into coffee planting in any country it signi- fies little whether you know what certain plantations have yielded or what amount of profits say be expected. One fact may be relied on, however, that is, if an estate frequently change hands, it is certainly a bad or indifferent one, if seldom it is sure the coffee growing pays well, and further it is not necessary to inquire, for hardly any landed investment pays so well as good sound coffee property, and the owners are therefore seldom inclined to part with it. The extent of coffee plantations vary from 100 to 300 acres, the annual product ranging from 500 to 1,coo pounds per acre of prepared coffee, according to location and care bestowed on the plantation. The profits also vary with the ruling market price of the coffee at time ot sale, of labor, transportation and the inscrutable effects of the season. Buta cost of from $350 to $500 per 100 pounds may be considered a fair average ; any yield under 300 per acre scarcely paying expenses, any over 700 paying a handsome profit. . CHAPTER WV. COMMERCIAL, CLASSIFICA’ TION AND DESCRIPTION. oo OFFEE in commerce is the seed which grows in the pod or fruit of the coffee plant, like the pea or the bean. Geographically, it is divided into African, Asian, American and Polynesian coffees, and, topographically, into “ Mountain,” or upland, and “ Plain- grown,” or lowland Coffees, while commercially they are generally classified as “ Mild” and “ Strong,” the former comprising in trade the product of all countries, with the exception of Brazil. Grown in so many different and widely separated countries, provinces, districts and situ- ations, it is but natural that the different products should vary materially in size, style, color, form, flavor and character, and which also accounts for the almost innumerable. commercial divisions and sub-divisions ef names, grades and values. ABPRICAN COREEES. Africa is the original home of coffee, it being indigenous to almost the entire Continent; but while it is to be found gowing in a wild state almost all over the entire of tropical Africa, more particularly between the fifth and fifteenth parallels, its cultivation for commercial purposes on the “Dark Continent” is very light and partial at the 104 AFRICAN COFFEES, present time, although it affords a field of boundless de- velopment inthe future. African Coffees are divided into West and East Coast, the former comprising Liberian, Loango, Angola, Benguelan, Congoand Natal; the latter including Abyssinian, Egyptian, Zanzibar, Mozambique, Nubian, Madagascar, Bourbon and Mauritius. Liberian—Is produced in the Americanized colony known as the “Black Republic,’ and is principally cultivated in the district of Mesurado, on the St. Paul river. It is an extremely large dark-brown bean, possess- ing very marked peculiarities, being ‘“ concave-convex ” —technically termed ‘Male or pea-berry”—in form; that is, round on top, with long, deep furrow extending longitudinally down the face, tightly rolled or “ folded” in appearance and very hard and solid in texture. When roasted and infused the liquor is dark in color, heavy in body and from 30 to 40 per cent. stronger in flavor than that of any other variety grown, and is considered too strong to use alone, but when blended in the proportion of about one to three parts of some of the milder growths it makes a fairly smooth and rich drinking coffee. The annual production is limited—about 10,000,000 pounds—put up in large, coarse bags, averaging 200 pounds, and is principally exported to England and the continent of Europe, where it is used principally, on account of its ultra strength, for mixing with chicory, and sold chiefly in the form of ground coffee. Loango—Also an indigenous variety, is grown in the interior province of Encouge, deriving its trade name from the port of shipment. It closely resembles Liberian in form and color, but is much smaller in size and greatly inferior in quality, and is sometimes termed “ African AFRICAN COFFEES. 105 pea-berry.” The raw or natural bean is dark-brown in color, light or “ chaffy”” in weight, very brittle and poorly prepared, while the liquor is almost black and insipid, it not actually rank or nauseous, in flavor, the decoction tasting more like an infusion of char-bones than anything else it may be likened to. It is principally shipped to Spain, Portugal and other European countries, very little, fortunately, ever reaching the United States. Angola—Produced in the Portuguese colony of that name, is medium in size, concave in form, light-brown in color, strong and pungent in flavor, but lacking in smoothness and aroma. Not being regularly cultivated, its production is limited, that grown by the settlers on the uplands of the interior being much superior to the wild or native sorts. Benguelan—Is another variety of Angola, grown in the adjoining province to the south and closely resem- bles it in size, color and general character. Being also limited in supply, it is rarely if ever shipped to this country, what is not retained for home consumption being forwarded to Lisbon, Madrid and the Canaries. Congo—Is a medium-sized, heavy bean, strong and rich in the cup, and, taken altogether, a desirable sort. Natal Coffee—Is a large light-brown bean, closely resembling the Liberian product, being grown from that species, but greatly modified in body and strength. Coffee culture in Natal is struggling against adverse conditions, owing to the spread of the bark disease in that colony and for which no cure has been found. This is much to be regretted, as the quality of the product is very fair, the demand for the article continually growing, 106 AFRICAN COFFEES. Some Coffees are also grown in the States of Senegal, Gambia, Sierra Leone, St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope, but, being limited in supply and unknown to commerce, do not need description here. Abyssinian,—The Coffee plant and its product have been known in Abyssinia from time immemorial, its fruit being used there in a roasted state, but in solid form, for centuries before its introduction to the civilized world, receiving its now universal name from the district of Kaffa or Caffa, in the southeastern part of that country, and becoming the parent-plant of all the numerous varieties now to be found on the Red Sea littoral. At the present ~ time it is grown there in all its native luxuriance and primitive abundance, from the borders of Narla to the banks of the Nile, forming the chief wood of the country. It is also cultivated there in almost all situations, on plateaus and table-lands, mountain and valley, hill and plain, growing as luxuriantly and producing as prolifically on low as on upland sites. The bean is small in com- parison with the average coffee of commerce, but long and narrow in shape, hard and “ flinty”’ in texture, and vary- ing in color from a translucent green to a yellowish hue, according to its age. In body and flavor it ranks next to Mocha, to which coffee it is analagous, and is by many connossieurs preferred to it as being smoother and less heating in effect. It is little known to commerce under its true name, being principally shipped from Massowah to Aden and Alexandria, where it loses its identity, mas- querading under the head of “ Long-berry Mocha,” and going principally to the Mediterranean and other Euro- pean markets. The annual crop is large and the yield excellent, but communication and transport facilities being difficult and crude, the bulk of the product does AFRICAN COFFEES. 107 not reach the outside world. It is to be hoped, how- ever, that whenever this rich country which produces coffee in such wild abundance shall be permitted, by civilized man, to enjoy its fertility it will rapidly become an article of extensive cultivation and commerce. Egyptian—Comprises the product of the Upper Nile region, and that grown around Berber and the Soudan, very little being produced in the country itself. Being the product of different districts, they vary in size and quality, ranging from small to medium, are palish- green in color, flat or regular in shape, and possess - superior drinking properties ; so much so that many ot the smaller bean varieties are put up in Mocha bales at Alexandria and sold under the name of “ Short-berry Mocha,” being shipped principally to France and -England, where they are known to the initiated as “ Alexandrian or Egyptian Mochas.”’ Nubian—Is a small-bean coffee, hard and flinty in texture, oval in shape, pale-green in color, heavy in body, and unusually rich in flavor. This variety is usually forwarded to Alexandria for conversion into a so-called Mocha, seldom finding its way into the American or European markets under its legitimate name. Zanzibar—Is medium in size, regular in appearance, full in body and pleasing in flavor, but also very limited in quantity. Increased effort is now being made, how- ever, by the French, German and Italian colonists to increase and extend its cultivation in that country. Mozambique—The product is fairly good, ranking with the average of mild coffees, medium in size, green- ish in color, heavy and mellow in the cup. 108 AFRICAN COFFEES. chee Madagascar—Grown on the immense island of that name, to the east, is a small-bean variety, solid and firm, but shorter and rounder than the latter. It is of a pea- green color when first picked, but gradually assumes that of a silver-gray as it matures; in body it is round and full, in flavor rich and fragrant. The supply of this variety is very small when compared with the extent of area that may be utilized for its profitable culture in that island, the entire product being chiefly retained for home consumption, only small lots occasionally reaching the outer world. Bourbon—Is a small, hard and flinty bean, being chiefly mountain grown, pale-yellow in color and closely resembling the Arabian product, for which coffee it is extensively substituted, large quantities of the smaller beans being annually shipped to Aden to be repacked in the inimitable Mocha bales and sold as “ genuine Aden Mocha.” The larger beans are usually exported to France and the continent, where it is held in high esteem for its rich, fragrant flavor and aroma, but rarely found in the American market unless specially ordered. . Mauritius—Like Bourbon is also an island coffee, the average bean being medium-sized, heavy and well developed, light-green in color, full in body and mellow in flavor, the liquor, in general, comparing favorably with that of finest of the mild grades. The smaller beans are separated and sold for shipment to Aden for the pur- pose of adulterating, or, what is worse, substituting for Mocha, where it sinks its identity, reappearing in the European market as “Short-berry”’ Mocha coffee. More or less Coffee is also produced in Sofala, Somali, and the Soudan, in Usumbara, the Zambesi, Nyassa, ASIAN COFFEES. 109 Nyanza, and other districts as far west as the base of the Killimanjaro mountains, the total yield of which, how- ever, so far as its influence on the world’s supply is con- sidered, is insignificant, the export capacity of the whole not exceeding 150,000 pounds annually. The entire product of the Eastern provinces of Africa taken in con- nection with the comparatively small crops raised on the West coast makes that country contribute only between 5,000 to 6,000 tons to the world’s supply, this amount including all coffees grown in Egypt. and the interior countries of the continent of Africa. ASIAN CORPREES Comprise Arabian, East Indian, Ceylon, Malayan and all coffees grown in the Straits Settlements. ARABIAN CORRE EH Is universally but erroneously known to trade as the far-famed “ Mocha,” as no coffee is or ever was grown there. Mocha, itself, being comparatively a modern town, which rose with the coffee trade to a short-lived prosperity, the term “Mocha” as applied to Arabian coffee, being derived solely from the shipment of its product from there in former times. The internal dis- orders of Arabia and the efforts of Mohamed Ali to make the coffee trade pass through India accelerated its decline, the place being now nothing more than a mere village. The shipment of coffee is no longer carried on there, being transferred further south to the ports of Aden and Hodeida, yet, although, still known to trade as “ Mocha,” and notwithstanding the fact that Arabian coffee has been popularly and commercially known for centuries as Mocha, it never produced any coffee, being situated as itisina sterile plain. Seeing that Arabia is the IIo - ARABIAN COFFEE. parent soil of most of the coffees of commerce, and com- paratively little known as a coffee producing country, it may be interesting to transcribe some particulars of the cultivation and trade in the article in that country. The Coffee plant is claimed by some authorities to be indige- nous to Arabia, and by others to be simply exotic, and as having been introduced there from Abyssinia, but at what period of the world’s history has never been definitely decided. The plant or its product is not men- tioned in the Koran, was certainly unknown to Ma- homet, and his contemporaries make no reference to it up to the seventh century, although the many commod- ities and beverages in use among his followers in Mecca and Medina during his Calyphate are accurately and minutely detailed by his biographers, both Arab and Christian. But while to Abyssinia belongs the honor of its first discovery, it is to Arabia that the civilized world is indebted, not only for the first knowledge of the plant and its virtues, but also for the first plants from which it is now so extensively propagated as well as for the first knowledge of preparing it in liquid form. Yet, although exotic to Arabia, it has been cultivated there for centuries, attaining its most extensive distribu- tion and highest standard of production in the province of Yemen, a highland country formed by a labyrinth of precipitant hills and fertile valleys, the air being pure, and even cold in some parts. These mountains are well supplied with water, but no considerable rivers find their way from them to the sea, tropical evaporation, coupled with the light and porous quality of the soil, drying up the torrent beds; nor do any natural lakes exist there. Artificial pools and reservoirs have, however, been con- structed, in which water is preserved all the year round, and are numerous in the district. ale ARABIAN COFFEE. Weer In the province of Yemen, where the best Mocha cof- fees are produced, the plant is cultivated in both situa- tions, upland and lowland, that raised on the latter being greatly inferior to that cultivated on the former . sites. The best being that grown on the mountain slopes under the greatest difficulties and natural disadvantages of climate, soil and site, the small gardens, for they cannot be called plantations, being situated on terraces ranged one above the other, forming an amphitheatre on the mountain slope and literally covering its sides from almost base to apex. The plant is cultivated throughout more than half these upland districts, the finest qualities of the berry being produced on the western slopes of the mountains in the neighborhood of Bulgosa and Sanaar, the capital of the province, at elevations estimated at 5,000 feet above sea-level. The soil in these situations is composed chiefly of basaltic columns, the detached rocks forming grand objects of landscape, especially where cascades of water rush from their summits. Indi- cations of volcanic action, long since extant abound; basalt formations comprising a considerable portion of the soil in the most favored gardens of the coffee-bearing districts, while in others it is composed of jurassic rock basalt-granite patches also occurring in many of them. The basalts are of great utility to the inhabitants of this region, the columns, which are usually separated, serving as steps where the ascent is difficult, and as walls to support the gardens of coffee trees, which are prin- cipally situated on the steep declivities of the mountain sides, and although requiring the well-diffused heat of an equatorial climate and a rich soil for its most success- ful and profitable growth, it is in this region and under these great disadvantages and peculiarities of soil, climate and situation—hot, sandy and stony—that the far-famed TI2 ARABIAN COFFEE. Mocha coffee obtains its finest, richest and most valuable developments, and to which its superior excellence is attributed. The gardens are arranged on rocky terraces, situated one above the other, the slopes being densely covered and close together and are watered from large reservoirs built upon the heights above them, into which spring water is collected and sprinkled in a novel and ingenious manner, being first conducted to the top terrace and then allowed to fall gradually from one terrace to another, where the plant and shade grow so thick together that the sun’s rays can hardly penetrate among the branches. The plants yield ripe fruit twice a year and frequently a third crop is gathered, the produce of the latter is, how- ever, greatly inferior to that of the previous ones. The cultivation and preparation of coffee in Arabia is also of the simplest and most primitive kind. When the berries have been gathered they are carefully and assid- uously picked over and separated by hand by experienced pickers and sorters. So constant and frequent is this selecting and separating process carried on, that a grad- uation almost as regular as the degrees upon a map may be discerned in the grades and qualities of Mocha coffee. The operations of hulling and cleaning being performed with the utmost seriousness and scrupulous exactness, reminding one of the diligence ascribed to diamond searchers and gold hunters, when sorting the torrent sands for the minute but precious treasure. The coffee is dispatched by caravan from the interior to the ports of Aden and Hodeida at almost every season of the year, but principally in February, March and April, the export consisting of crude and prepared beans; the former is dried in the husk, and is termed by the Arabs “Jaffal coffee.” The dealers are chiefly ARABIAN COFFEE, Irg Arabs, who frequently barter English manufactured goods for the article, the producers seldom attending the seaport markets. The principal coffee dealers at the shipping ports being Arabs from Hadramant, Syri- ans, Armenians, Bhuddists, Brahmins and Musselmans from Hindustan, who also trade in drapery and other English goods, which they send through their agents in the interior to pursue the aforesaid system of barter for the coffee. There are, however, three or four Anglo- Indian firms in Hodeida, and one or two American - houses in Aden, who deal in coffee on their own account. Before reaching the harbor of Aden, from which port the coffee intended for the, aristocracy of Alexandria and Constantinople is chiefly shipped, the beans are sifted and re-sifted by the Arab merchants ez roude, the best being retained for their own use; the less generous, flat- tened, opaque and whitish beans alone reaching their destination, the last stage seldom conveying the genuine article except on rare occasions, and only then by previous arrangement, personal influence or interest. That intended for the Syrian and Persian markets is for- warded by caravan from Jaffa and Beyrouth under the same conditions, as whenever mere sale and traffic is concerned, substitution of an inferior quality or an adulteration equivalent to a substitution is frequently resorted to in the storehouses of Aden, and the other points from which it is forwarded, until whatever Mocha coffee intended for the general European or American markets is no more the real offspring of the Yemen plant than the logwood preparations of a fourth-rate wine resembles the pure libation of an Oporto vine- yard, Arabian coffee, like that of all other countries, though one in name is manifold in fact. Geographically they I14 ARABIAN COFFEE. are Classified as Yemen and Tehama, but are known to trade almost universally as “Mocha” coffee, from being at one time all shipped from that port; but since the opening of the Suez Canal, the bulk of the crop is now shipped from the ports of Aden and Hodeida. Yemen Mocha—lIs grown on the mountain slopes surrounding the towns of Bulgosa, Sanaar and the valley of the Oudien, and constitutes the true Mocha coffee, which is rarely if ever exported, being consumed chiefly within the limits of Arabia itself; very little, so little, indeed, of this variety finds its way west of Con- stantinople that it is almost inappreciable. Nor, indeed, do the latter always get the best or purest, Arabia, Syria, Persia and Egypt consuming over two-thirds of the limited product of the Yemen hills, the remainder being reserved for the Turkish and Armenian zosophagi, from which fact it is sometimes termed the “Aristocrat of Coffees.” The true “Mocha” or Yemen bean is exceedingly small, hard, round, and symmetrical in form, regular and uniform in general appearance, of a translucent, olive-green color when new, but assuming a rich semi- transparent yellowish hue with age. It is perfectly clean, being entirely free from stems, stones, chaff and all other extraneous matter. When fresh roasted it exhales a pleasing if not delicious odor, not even approached by that of any other variety grown or known; the liquor is heavier in body than that of Java, but creamy and rich, and the flavor fragrant and aromatic to an eminent degree. The superior excellence attributed to this particular vari- ety of Mocha coffee is said to be due to two causes, first to the extreme dryness of the climate, hard granitic nature of the soil, and second to the fact that the berries ARABIAN COFFEE. 115 are never picked, but allowed to fall from the trees of their own accord when ripe, and then allowed to dry naturally, after which they are gathered and hulled by the simplest and most primitive methods, which process of drying cannot be pursued in countries where the rain- fall is great, as sudden showers spoil the crop if left unprotected. While others claim that the high reputation which it so long held in the European markets, is not to be ascribed to either superior cultivation or improved stock, but to the fact that the coffee was formerly shipped to India, and thence by circuitous routes to Europe, so that it was generally two to three years old when it reached its destination, all coffees improving with age and keeping. Still growing as it does high up on the sandy terraces of the Yemen hills, sparse of leaves, gaunt and stunted, as becomes a plant of the desert as well as from its con- densed vitality, it appears difficult to understand the aromatic pungency of its small berries, a quality that has never been even approached by any achievement of scien- tific cultivation. Tehama Coffee—Is grown in the low, level sandy plain of that name, extending from the Red sea littoral to the base of the Yemen hills, formed by the arc of their curve, and reaching from the province of Hejaz in the north down as far as Aden on the southern ex- tremity ofthe peninsula. As might be expected from its geographical situation towards the coast, it is an exceed- ingly hot, dry and sandy region, being only of moderate fertility, the soil being composed of an agglomeration of coral debris. The rains are periodical, sometimes flood- ing the plantations, and hardly drying up through the year, the coast being indented with several small harbors. The coffee produced in this district—like all plain-grown i116 OTHER VARIETIES. or lowland coffees—is greatly inferior to the mountain pro- duct of Yemen. The bean is small, irregular, immature and chaffy, having a gnarled or shriveled appearance, greenish in color when new but assuming a yellow- ish hue as it dries. Being only imperfectly cured it frequently contains fragments of hull, fibre and small stones. It is invariably “quakery” when roasted, and in body and flavor is inferior to the average run of what are known in trade as “mild coffees.” Yet, though not a palatable coffee when drunk alone, it makes a fairly fra- grant infusion when combined with a Preanger or other good Java, It is principally shipped from Hodeida, now the second considerable port in, the Red sea, from which it is known to trade as ‘‘ Hodeida Mocha,” and in con- tradistinction to that shipped fron. Aden, and known as “Aden Mocha.” -At Hodeida the coffee is sold in the custom house, whither it is brought from the interior. The Hodeida dealers also receiving large quantities of Malabar, Bourbon and other small-bean varieties to mix with or substitute for the original sort. OTHER VARIETIES. There are several other varieties known to trade and sold as Mocha coffee, but having little or no relation to it. Among these are :— Lechia.-—Shipped from a small port to the north of Hodeida and from which it derives its trade name. It is very inferior in quality, roasting and drinking poorly, and on the whole not a desirable sort. Djebelli.—Which is imported into Aden from the African coast, and is a mountain-grown coffee possessing valuable cup qualities, OTHER VARIETIES. Yi7 Berberah.—Also an African coffee recognized by its large and tapering bean, heavy body and rich infusion, and used principally for mixing with or substituting for genuine Mocha coffee. Havar.—Another variety of Mocha coffee known to fradevas-. Hava: lon « Llazarn which, comes, fromthe south African coast of the Red sea, is being recently shipped from Aden. The bean is long and pointed, greenish in cast, and solid in structure; it roasts and drinks exceedingly well, being preferred by many con- noisseurs to the true Mocha bean. . Mussowah — Is an Abyssinian variety, previously described, deriving its trade name from being shipped from that port on the African coast of the Red sea. Egyptian Mocha.—In Alexandria, Mocha coffee is - imitated by the substitution of small-bean African varieties, principally produced in Berber, Nubia, Somali and the interior of the Soudan, which are carefully picked over and assorted by hand, the larger beans being separated from the smaller, the better to adapt them to their respective markets, being usually shipped to France and other continental European countries. Arabian or “ Mocha” Coffee is put up in large grass- mat bales—containing two smaller packages termed “quarters” or four termed “ eights ’’—distinctive in shape and material, being made of a coarse, grassy substance and sewn with a fibrous ligature that becomes excessively hard and tough as it seasons. The exports, the amount of which it is difficult to determine owing to the fact that there is no real custom-house control in the country, consists of about 8,000,000 to 10,000,000 pounds only, about half of which only is pure Mocha, the product being so badly manipulated and so extensively substituted with other coffees of foreign origin and inferior quality. 118 EAST-INDIAN COFFEES. EASTFINDIAN CORREBES. Unlike tea, coffee was not introduced into India by European enterprise, and even in the present day its cul- tivation there is largely followed by the natives only. The Malabar coast has always enjoyed a direct commerce with Arabia, and at an early date in the world’s history gave many converts to Islam, one of whom, Baba Bouden by name, is said to have gone ona pilgrimage to Mecca and to have brought back with him “ seven coffee-berries,” which he planted on the hill range of Mysore and which is still called after him, and which, according to local tradition, occurred about two centuries ago. The shrubs thus said to be sown lived on, but their systematic cultivation did not spread until the beginning of the present century. While another account states that the coffee-plant was first introduced into India, on the Malabar coast, by the Arabs themselves, as far back as 1740, yet no official mention is made of the plant or its product in that country up to 1822, when its cultivation as a curiosity was first began in the Wynaad district, another plantation being formed later in the adjoining district of Manjarabad. The Baba Bouden range, in the State of Mysore, also witnessed the first opening of a coffee planta- tion by an English planter in 1840, the success of this experiment leading to the extension of coffee cultivation in the neighboring districts of Madras and Malabar. In 1840, a plantation was also started in Manautoddy, and in 1842 it was found growing well in Belgaum. From 1842 to 1860, however, the enterprise made but slow progress, but since the latter date it has spread with great rapidity along the whole line of the Western Ghauts, clearing away the primeval forest and opening up a new era of BAST-INDIAN COFFEES. {19 Ce prosperity to the laboring classes in that country, its cul- tivation for commercial uses increasing ata most remark- able rate. . Coffee at the present time in India is grown all along the summits and slopes of the Western Ghauts from the northern limits of Kanura south to Cape Comorin, the chief centres of production being located in the Presi- dencies of Madras, Mysore, Malabar, Coorg and Travan- core, attempts being also made to introduce the plant into the Bengal district of Chittagong and the northern districts of Nepaul, the Punjaub and British Burmah, tke cultiva- tion extending within the past few years to the Shevaroy hills in the Salem district as well as to the Neilgherry and Pulmey mountains in Madras, the slopes adjacent to Octacamund being literally covered with coffee plantations on every side. In India, after the berries, Om ehnetties as they sare called {there shave been harvested, they are cured in one of two ways, one of which is to pulp them in the soft state, the coffee being known as “ Cherry-dried,’ while by the other they are dried first. and the pulp removed by a huller. Where the latter method is adopted, they are spread upon terraces and there kept until complete desiccation takes place, the coffee prepared in this manner being known as “thick-hull” or “sun-dried” coffee. They are classified in trade as “ Malabar,” “Mysore Wiynaad,’. * Vellicherry,,’ ~ Coorg, < Neil- gherry” and “Travancore,” grading commercially in the order named. Malabar—Produced on the western slopes of the Ghaut mountains, is a small, hard, whitish bean, closely resembling a Bourbon, being frequently shipped to Aden for substitution or conversion into Mocha .05 5" 2 33324) Solubleyes.- oy an iy Insolublesii hie Ov7Om « a) Ansoluble: chaoui 52 SUBSTITUTES AND ADULTERANTS. 221 From this analysis it will be observed that the average ash of coffee when incinerated is about 4 per cent., 3.24 of which is soluble in water, and 0.76 insoluble, more than half ot the entire ash consisting of potash in com- bination with carbonic and phosphoricacids. Magnesia amounting to about 8 and lime to about 4 per cent. of the whole, while it is claimed that soda and silica are entirely absent from coffee ash, great stress being laid on this circumstance. The ash of chicory, on the other. hand, which is the main adulterant of coffee, amounts to 5.06 when incinerated, 1.74 per cent. of which only is soluble in water, and 3.32 insoluble, being almost an inversion of figures and from which it may be easily understood why the examination of the ash alone would suffice to distinguish between coffee and chicory, and from which it may readily be determined, an examina- tion of the ash test alone sufficing to distinguish pure coffee from the adulterated compounds. Another unerring test, known as the “ Color test,” is to prepare a saturated solution of common salt and mix a small quantity of the coffee to be tested with ten times its weight of the solution ina test-tube at least three quarters of an inch in diameter, shaking it repeatedly so that the coffee may be thoroughly wetted, and then allow the tube to stand for halfanhour. Next, closely observe the color of the liquid and the quantity of coffee floating on the sur- face as well as the amount deposited in the tube. Ifthe color be a very pale amber and almost all of the coffee floats on top, the sample may be assumed to be pure, but if of a decidedly dark-yellow or brownish hue, it clearly indi- cates the admixture of chicory or some similar adulter- ant, in which case there is also a larger deposit for the reasons already stated. This deposit increases and the color of the brine grows darker in proportion to the 222 SUBSTITUTES AND ADULTERANTS. extent of the impurity in the coffee, as with the addition of only 30 per cent. of chicory the brown color is very marked, so that with a still larger percentage of the adulterant it becomes correspondingly darker. CHAPTER VIII. BLENDING AND PREPARING. Y the combination of different varieties of coffee much better results are sometimes obtainable than when one variety is used alone, but in the mixing or blending of two or more kinds together, several points have to be studied, such as the age, grade, body, flavor, appearance, and affinity of the coffees to be combined. The public taste for certain flavored coffees, like that of tea, being an acquired one, it behooves the dealer to first study and learn the taste of his customers before catering to it. The successful blending of coffees may be easily accomplished if only a fair knowledge of the merits and general character of the coffees be possessed by the dealer; but tastes differ so widely that it is next to im- possible to give any fixed formulas for any specific com- binations. For this reason the following blends are only given for the purpose of conveying some idea as to what coffees assimilate best in combination and also ascertain what body, strength and flavor is required by the cus- tomer or customers before preparing the combination; but a taste for any fairly good blend of coffees may be cultivated in the customer with time. And as no definite formulas can be given for combining two or more varieties of coffee, the dealer must study the taste and requirements of his trade, noting its peculiarities and 224 BLENDING AND PREPARING. experimenting with it until he has discovered a com- bination that will suit or please a majority of his cus- tomers which, having once found, he should adhere ‘to strictly, by being always careful to select, as nearly as possible, the same grades of coffee, and keeping them up to the same high and uniform standard. Though not generally admitted, the testing of coffee is much more difficult and requires more experience than that of tea, inasmuch as the sample of tea is all ready to have the water applied to it, while the sample of coffee is presented in the raw or natural state and must not only be roasted properly and ground before being tested, but must also be roasted as precisely as the other samples with which it is to be compared, in order to determine its exact. value. To smell or taste cor- rectly requires a knowledge of all the properties and characteristics of the article under consideration, as these senses convey to the mind their impressions, so that if the mind can analyze the cause and effect, the senses of smell and taste act in consonance with the sense of reason. It is thus obvious that to be an expert judge of either tea or coffee requires a thorough knowl- edge of the different varieties and grades of both, and what the most desirable qualities of each are. It is also further necessary that the dealer should be well aware of what characteristics and blending of flavors his customers prefer. Having carefully selected, tested, and purchased his coffee, the next important thing is to so roast or have it roasted as to best develop the drinking qualities, which, as stated before, is a more important and essential process than the hulling and curing of it, though frequently underestimated by the average dealer, as many otherwise good coffees are injured irreparably by improper roasting. ROASTED COFFEE BLENDS. \225 Owing to the wide difference in the age, weight and texture of coffees they should never be blended in the raw or natural state, as old and dry coffees require a - shorter time to roast than new and moist ones, the same rule applying to what are known in trade as “ mild” and “strong” coffees, as one will be but half roasted or roasted only when the former is roasted or burned, thus imparting to the combination a raw, uncooked or burned flavor, as the case may be. The best way is to roast or have roasted the coffee intended for the blend in different cylinders, then mix and cover them up tightly immedi- ately after roasting, in order that the differing characters and flavors may exchange and assimilate freely while the pores are still open to receive them. ROASTED CORFREE BLENDS. No. 1.—(Low-priced). May be made from a fair Rio and Santos, low-grade Maracaibo or other mild sort, in the proportions of half and half, or, when three or more varieties are used, in equal quantities. No, 2.—(Medium). Is composed of equal quantities of a large white-bean Santos and Cucuta Maracaibo or other standard miid growth, the whole being strength- ened by the addition of one part choice Rio, if con- sidered too weak in body. No. 3.—(Choice). When a really rich, smooth, mellow beverage is desired a combination, composed of one-third Arabian Mocha and two-thirds Preanger Java will yield the desired results. While a liquor equally as good, if not more popular, may be obtained from equal parts of Cucuta or Merida, Maracaibo, Aden, Mocha and Preanger Java, particularly when fresh roasted. 226 GROUND COFFEE BLENDS. For a good coffee the most common practice is to blend a Padang Java and a Cucuta Maracaibo, or large, yellow, old-bean Santos in the proportions of 40 pounds of the former to 60 of either, or both the two latter, the combination answering well for a straight coffee, and for which it may be safely sold. In fact, one of the most popular so-called finest Javas in the market to-day is composed of these three varieties, the addition of the Santos improving the combination, as it lends to it the essential quality which is lacking. GROUND CORKRER BLENDS. In ground coffees the appended specimen blends are civen to illustrate how they are mixed, rather than as laying down any fixed formulas, and are recommended _ as being at least non-injurious, if not positively whole- some. No. 1.—Composed of 20 pounds roasted rye, 20 pounds chicory and 20 pounds ground coffee makes a fairly drink- able compound, when a cheap coffee is required. No. 2,—A good medium grade may be prepared of 10 pounds rye, 20 pounds chicory and 20 pounds coffee. These proportions may be altered at pleasure, but care must be taken to at all times have the rye in excess of the chicory and to thoroughly mix and grind the com- ponent parts together. The dry dust of the rye quickly absorbs the moisture of the chicory and will also prevent the mill from becoming clogged in grinding. No. 3.—Better still in the proportions of 15 pounds tye, 10 pounds chicory and 10 pounds good, mild coffee. the component parts of which may be still further varied to suit the price and taste of the customer and to which may be added any of the other ingredients with which PREPARING FOR USE. 227 coffees are mixed, except corn or beans, but it must be borne in mind that only the best grade of coffee must be _ used in the blend, as what may otherwise be a good com- bination may be utterly spoiled by the introduction of a tainted, stained, damaged or hidey coffee. But the best and safest of all substances for mixing or blending with coffee with the object of reducing its cost is chicory and rye, containing as they doa large percent- age of saccharine, which in the process of roasting becomes carameled, thus imparting to the compound the flavor of coffee to a much greater extent than any other substitute known and for which reason it lends itself to the purpose more readily than any other vegetable substance. Again, it is not injurious to health, while at the same time it gives up its extractive matter easily, thus improving the extract yielded by poor coffee and imparting a dark color to the decoction such as can only be produced by three times the weight of pure coffee. It has one great defect, however, that of easily absorbing moisture, becoming hard and lumpy on exposure to the atmosphere, more particularly when ground fine. PREPARING FOR USE. The methods of preparing for the table are almost as numerous as the countries in which it is grown, and as much of the beneficial influence which it undoubtedly exerts depends in a great measure on its proper prepara- tion. This question has given rise to such a maze of psuedo chemical subtleties and mechanical devices that it is difficult to arrive at any fundamental common-sense rule for its most perfect production in the cup. The two principal objects to be sought for in the proper prepara- tion of coffee as a beverage are : (1) To obtain the greatest amount of strength and aroma, without extracting any 228 PREPARING FOR USE. of its astringent properties, and (2) to produce a rich, transparent, nut-brown liquor, free from all cloudiness and grounds. The first requisite in securing these results is that the article be purchased pure and fresh roasted in the bean and ground personally a short time previous to pre- paring for the table, for if roasted too long prior to its use the beans lose much of their strength and aroma, becoming tough and difficult to grind. This latter defect, however, may be remedied in part by reheating in a pan or oven for some minutes previous to being ground and infused. The usual methods of preparing coffee for use as a beverage are: (1) By Infusion or drawing; (2) By Decoction or boiling, and (3) By Filtration or distillation. Infusion—or “drawing’—is accomplished by first making the water boil and then putting in the ground coffee, the vessel being immediately removed off the fire and allowed to stand quietly, in the same manner as tea, on the stove or range for about ten minutes, in order to | more fully extract its properties. The coffee is ready for use by this method when the powder swimming on the surface sinks to the bottom on slightly stirring it. This process yields a very aromatic beverage, but one contain- ing very little of the extract or stimulating properties. Decoction—or “ boiling ”—is the custom in the East, and generally yields an excellent coffee. The ground coffee is put in the vessel with cold water and placed on the fire, where it is allowed to boil for a few seconds, care being taken not to allow it to overboil. If boiled too long by this method the aromatic properties are volatilized, and while the coffee will be rich in extract it will be poor in aroma. PREPARING FOR USE. 220 Filtration—or “ distilling”.—By this process the cof- fee is prepared in a “ percolator,” in which the ground coffee is compressed between two metallic diaphragms, so arranged as to permit the water to filter through it slowly. This method often, but not always, yields a cup of good coffee, as when the pouring of the boiling water over the ground coffee is done slowly the drops in pass- ing come in contact with too much air, the oxygen of which makes a change in the aromatic particles, often destroying them entirely. The extraction also is incom- plete, for, instead of 20 per cent. the water by this pro- cess dissolves only from 10 to 15 per cent., the balance being lost by evaporation, while by the other methods more than half the valuable parts of the coffee remain in the grounds and is entirely lost. It is contended by many experts and connoisseurs that to obtain the full aroma of coffee without extracting its astringent properties, it must in all cases be prepared as an infusion with boiling water, that is, “drawn” in the same manner as tea, or simply allowed to reach the boil- ing point after infusion, but no more. While others, among whom is Baron Liebig, maintain that by simple infusion alone much of the valuable soluble principle in the coffee remains unextracted, being eventually thrown out with the grounds. To avoidthis unnecessary waste, itis suggested that the grounds of the coffee once used by infusion should be preserved, boiled and the liquor result- ing therefrom be used for infusing a fresh supply. By this method it is claimed that the substantial properties of the previously infused coffee, and the aroma of the new are obtained together in the fresh infusion. In many French households the coffee grounds are utilized by dis- tillation for economy’s sake, hot water being poured over them, which, after passing through, is preserved in a bottle 230 PREPARING FOR USE. and used as an extract. In fact, this is claimed to be the method adopted in making the finest French coffee. The best method under these circumstances is a com- bination of the second and third, in which the usual quantities of both coffee and water are to be retained, a tin measure containing half an ounce of roasted coffee beans being generally sufficient for two small cups (or one large breakfast cup) of coffee of moderate strength, or four ounces for eight small cups or four large ones. With three-quarters of the coffee to be pre- pared after being ground, the water is made to boil in ten or fifteen minutes, after which the other quarter is put in, and the vessel immediately withdrawn from the fire, tightly covered over and allowed to stand for five or six minutes. In order that the powder on the surface may fall to the bottom more readily, it is meantime stirred round, and after the deposit takes place the coffee may be poured off, being then ready for use. But in order to separate the grounds more completely, the coffee may be passed through a clean muslin cloth, but generally this operation is not necessary, being frequently prejudical to the pure flavor of the beverage. By this process the first boiling gives the strength, the second adding to the flavor without extracting its astringent properties, it does not, however, dissolve more than one-fourth of the aromatic substances contained in the roasted coffee. The beverage, when ready for use by this process, ought to be of a rich brownish-black color, semi-transparent, somewhat resembling chocolate thinned with water. Coffee may be’ prepared in any kind of vessel, tin cup, iron pot, earthen pitcher or regular coffee-pot, but the utensil, whatever it may be, must be thoroughly clean before using. When prepared in a tin cup or iron pot PREPARING FOR USE. 231 first heat the ground coffee in the vessel and pour on boil- ing water or milk when the coffee is sufficiently heated, and stir with a spoon for one minute, then allow to stand by the fire where it will keep hot, without boiling, for another minute and stir again and then let stand to settle for two minutes, after which it is ready for use, care being taken when pouring out not to disturb the grounds. But, if a pitcher be used it, must be first heated with boil- ing water and allowed to stand in a warm place to infuse for at least ten minutes before serving. There are so many different varieties of coffee and such a wide dissimilarity of tastes, that it is almost next to impossible to suggest the special kind of coffee to select for use, even for the average consumer, the same difficulty also applying to what constitutes the requisite quantity. Many old-time coffee-drinkers prefer a strong, dark, or, as they term it, “an old-fashioned Rio.” Others like a good Maracaibo, or other fine, mild grade, such as Cey- lon, Jamaica and Guatemala; in fact, these are the most popular grades and the choice of the majority of con- sumers, not only on account of their intrinsic merits, but also on account of price. For an exceedingly fine coffee, however, the best results are obtained from a combination of true Java and genuine Mocha, mixed in the proportions of two-thirds of the former to one-third of the latter, fresh roasted, fresh ground and fresh made ; while, with regard to quantity, one, two and three table- spoonfuls to each pint of water is recommended, accord- ing to the number to be served and the strength required. The degree of strength is altogether a matter of taste, two ounces, or four heaping tablespoonfuls, of pure, ground coffee, made with absolutely boiling water, will yield a full quart of average strength, making a pleasant and well-flavored breakfast coffee. But for four persons 232 PREPARING FOR USE. a tea-cup of finely-ground coffee—the finer, the better— will be required, to be served as soon as made, as the infusion rapidly deteriorates by standing too long. In Ethiopia and Southeastern Africa, where its virtues were first discovered and where it has been in use for centuries prior to its introduction to civilization, it is used in a solid form, being first roasted, crushed and mixed with fat or grease, rolled into balls and eaten. The natives claiming that one of these balls will support them for an entire day, and preferring it so prepared to a meal of bread or meat. * x * * * * While the Arabs, to whom the civilized world is indebted not only for the first knowledge of the plant and its product, but also for the first knowledge of preparing it in liquid form, prepare it for use in a porous earthen- ware pitcher first set in hot ashes until all moisture is evaporated and the vessel is well heated, after which freshly roasted and pounded coffee is put in and a little salt added, both being heated thoroughly. Boiling water is then poured on, the vessel covered and allowed to rest in the hot ashes until it settles before serving. A decoction known as Xzshre is also made there from the dried pulp of the berries, which is prepared by bruising or pounding the raw pulp with stones and putting it in boiling water, contained in an earthen pan placed over a slow fire. Ground cardamons and a little cinnamon or ginger is next added to the decoction, after which it is allowed to simmer for half an hour before using. In Turkey, where it is regarded as the national bever- age, it is prepared by first grinding the roasted beans exceedingly fine, almost as fine as flour, and put in a pot PREPARING FOR USE. 233 in which cold water is poured and placed on the fire until it heats up to almost the boiling point and then served without the addition of either milk or sugar. But when only a single cup of coffee is wanted, the requisite quan- tity is measured into a small, long-handled brass coffee pot, made expressly to hold one or two cups, as the case may be, and water enough poured on to fill the vessel, which is set on live coals until it heats up to, but not beyond, the boiling point and then served in a tiny cup without straining or otherwise settling the grounds. x x x x * x While in Egypt, which is also proverbial for the excel- lence of its coffee, it is prepared by first grinding the beans fine, as in Turkey, and adding an equal quantity of sugar to it, pouring on boiling water, and placing the vessel over the fire until it is thoroughly boiled, but removing and allowing it to cool occasionally between times until it becomes black and rather thick, in which state it is served. Coffee thus prepared will be found very rich and strong, too much so for the average taste, but dark, frothy-tipped, and, taken altogether, a delicious beverage. * * x xx * * In Java, Sumatra and other Eastern coffee-growing countries the natives make a beverage from the leaves of the coffee plant, the leaves containing a large percentage of the active principle—caffeine. They first roast and cure the leaves after the manner of tea, and prepare them by infusion the same as tea, the natives preferring the liquor from the leaves to that produced from the roasted beans. The Dutch settlers in South Africa not only use coffee at all meals but at all times, the coffee-pot being always on the fire ready for any visitors and friends who may call. 234 PREPARING FOR USE. In preparing it they use two kettles, boiling the water in one and pouring it on the coffee which has been pre- viously placed in the other; the water is then poured back and forth several times, a little cold water being finally added to settle the grounds just before serving. In Mexico the coffee is roasted, ground and prepared at the same time; the beans are roasted as required and pounded fine ina bag or coarse cloth, and immediately transferred to the pot, boiling water is then poured on and milk added to it, after which it is allowed to simmer or boil slowly for about three minutes. But in some instances the milk is added as served, a third of a cup of coffee, or less, and the balance in hot milk being the customary proportions. * x x * * x. In Cuba, where the most delicious coffee obtainable anywhere is to be found, the beverage is prepared by first half filling a coarse flannel bag with finely pulverized roasted coffee and suspending it from a nail or hook over the pot or other vessel. Cold water is next poured on the bag at intervals until the entire mass is well saturated, when the first drippings which have fallen into the re- ceptacle are poured again over the bag until the liquid becomes almost thick and very black. One teaspoonful of this novel extracted liquid placed in a cup of boiling milk will yield a draught of coffee that is simply delicious- ness itself——a nectar fit for the gods. In Cuba this flannel bag hangs day and night on the wall, the process of pouring on the cold water and allowing it to drip being almost ceaseless in its operation, all classes, ages and conditions offering and drinking coffee there as freely as the Chinese do tea or as we do water. * x * * * * PREPARING FOR USE. 235 6 Coffee constitutes the almost exclusive or “ national beverage” of the people of Brazil, particularly in the regions where it is most grown. Itis made there by first roasting, as in this country, in small roasters, but more fre- quently in iron pans, very high and dark, and is prepared for use by grinding or pulverizing the beans very fine, almost as fine as flour, and putting it in a muslin or woolen bag placed in a pot or other vessel upon which boiling water is poured, and allowed to infuse for about fifteen minutes. The entire strength is thus extracted, the Brazilians almost universally preferring their coffee strong and “black,” that is, without milk, for which reason larger quantities are also used. Many connoisseurs maintain that the roasting of coffee is best done at home, as no doubt it is, all risk of adul- teration and stale coffee being avoided by this method. So to avoid all risks the consumer should purchase the coffee in a whole state and grind it personally; but any suspected sample of ground coffee may be tested by the following simple and practical experiments: (1).° Note whether the ground coffee hardens or “cakes” when pressed between the fingers, if so, the coffee is evi- dently adulterated, most probably with chicory; (2). Place a small sample of the suspected coffee on top of water in a wineglass, and if part floats and part sinks it is undoubtedly adulterated either with chicory, roasted cereals or other analogous substances; (3). If the cold water in which a sample of the ground coffee has been placed becomes deeply colored it is an evidence of the presence of some roasted vegetable substance; (4). But to more definitely detect the presence of chicory or other foreign substances in ground coffee, put a teaspoonful of the suspected sample on the surface of a glass of cold water. If it floats for some time, scarcely coloring the 236 PREPARING FOR USE. : water, it is pure coffee, but if part sinks and imparts a reddish-brown tint to the water as it falls to the bottom of the glass, it is adulterated with either chicory, rye, peas or other analogous matter. Or again, place a spoon- ful of the coffee in a white bottle of cold water and shake well for a few moments, and if the sample is pure it will rise to the top, scarcely coloring the water, but if adul- terated it will sink and discolor the fluid for the following reason: The pure coffee being enveloped in an oily sub- stance prevents the grounds from absorbing the water, while the adulterant being devoid of this feature quickly absorbs the water, and thus becoming heavy sinks and discolors the fluid to a greater or less extent according to the proportion used; (5). Spread out on a piece of glass or other smooth surface a little ground coffee and moisten it with a few drops of water, and pick out by means of a needle the small particles. If these particles are of a soft consistence the coffee is undoubtedly adul- terated, as the particles of the coffee-seed or bean are hard and resisting in nature and do not become soft or pliable even after prolonged immersion in water. These simple methods will usually suffice to detect the ordinary forms of adulteration, but to determine the character and extent of the adulteration science and chemistry must be resorted to, for which purpose the use of a microscope will prove the most reliable and powerful auxiliary as a means of detection. The appended formulas are given as showing the different methods by which coffee is or may be prepared to suit the varying tastes of different consumers, which after testing, one may be selected for permanent adoption. 1. Put the requisite quantity of finely-ground coffee in a granitized vessel and pour on sufficient cold water to just cover it and allow to stand over night ina moderately PREPARING FOR USE. 237 warm position. Put it in the pot next morning, pour in absolutely boiling water and allow to heat to the boiling point and set back from the fire to prevent ebullition. By this method the full strength of the coffee will be obtained and the delicate aroma preserved without the extraction of its bitter and astringent properties. 2. To prepare coffee by filtration without the aid of an urn or French coffee-pot. Put finely-ground coffee in a thin muslin bag and place in an ordinary utensil, first heating the vessel thoroughly and pour on briskly boiling water slowly around the bag, so. as to permit it to absorb and saturate the coffee effectually and extract its full strength, after which allow it to stand and settle without boiling. 3. Another excellent method, known as the “ Cold- water process,” is to mix the finely-ground coffee with the white of an egg and sufficient cold water to just cover the mass, stirring it well meantime; next, pour in about one-third of cold water required for the infusion and set the vessel on the range where it will heat gradu- ally to the boiling point; just as soon as it approaches the boiling point add another third of cold water and repeat until it again reaches the boiling point, then pour on the balance of cold water and allow it to come to the boiling point again. After which remove and let stand where it will simmer for a few minutes and settle, which may be hastened by the addition of a little more cold water; butifina hurry, boiling water may be used instead of cold by this method also, but the cold water extracts more fully the active and refreshing principles of the coffee without its deleterious properties making a stronger and richer infusion than the boiling water,as more of the strength and aroma is carried off in the vapor arising from the use of the latter, 238 PREPARING FOR USE. 4, A quick, convenient and economical method for producing a cup of good coffee is to first heat some freshly-roasted and finely-ground coffee—an ounce ‘to each quart of water—in a pan over a brisk fire and fill a muslin bag with it, then so arrange as to suspend it mid- way in the pot, and pour on absolutely boiling water slowly, so as to allow it to trickle through the bag. After which allow it to stand for about ten minutes where it will keep hot without boiling, and serve with milk and sugar. But the simplest, most rapid and effective method is to place about two ounces of ground coffee in a stew or saucepan, and set it on a bright fire, stirring the coffee meantime with a spoon until quite hot, and then pouring over it a pint of briskly boiling water, covering it over closely for five minutes and passing it through a thin muslin cloth, warming the liquid again before serving. aS 5. For the “ideal cup of coffee,” take one part genuine Arabian Mocha and two parts finest Java; roast each separately and blend well together, and grind fine imme- diately before preparing. Fill an ordinary tea-cup two- thirds full of the coffee, with one raw egg and shell. Place the whole in a strainer or percolator and pour on one quart of briskly boiling water, then let stand for about ten minutes where it will keep het without boil- ing, and serve with cream and sugar to suit, or, better still, with hot milk. But should a vessel without a strainer or percolator be used let the infusion boil up once, and pour in a cup of cold water, after which let it stand for at least five minutes to thoroughly settle, and you have a beverage brown, creamy, rich, fragrant and delicious. A most convenient, ‘simple and inexpensive method of roasting coffee by families, travelers or others desiring to PREPARING FOR USE. 239 roast their own coffee is to put the requisite quantity— usually about a quarter of a pound—in a thin glass flask or bottle placed over a charcoal fire and shaking it well during the process until completed. The non-conducting power gives this material an advantage over the metal, the coffee being less liable to burn in it and the coffee can be better observed and regulated during the progress of the process. But a simple iron pan may also be used effectively for the purpose, if care be taken to keep the coffee constantly agitated with a wooden knife or spoon, as a single burnt bean will impair the aroma, and stopping the operation as soon as the beans begin to crackle and assumealight-browncolor. Before grinding put the roasted beans in an iron pan or plate and place on the range to heat until the aroma developed in the coffee by the roasting operation perfumes the room, after which grind in an ordinary mill and prepare according to any of the fore- going recipes. Many consumers connect the idea of the strength of coffee with a dark or black color and fancy their coffee to be thin and weak if it does not possess such color. This is entirely erroneous, as good, pure coffee is never so, the dark color being imparted by means of a little burnt sugar or other ingredient. The true flavor of pure coffee is so little known to some persons that many who drink it for the first time doubt of its goodness because it tastes of the natural flavor, forgetting that coffee which does not possess the flavor of coffee is not coffee at all, but an artificial concoction, for which many other things may be substituted at pleasure. Hence it is that if to the vile decoc- tions made from chicory, carrots and beets be added the slightest quantity of pure coffee, such persons fail to detect the difference, and which also accounts for the enormous diffusion of such substitutes and adulterants; 240 PREPARING FOR USE. such mixtures with an empirical taste most people fancy to be coffee. Another error of frequent occurrence in the preparation of coffee for the table, and which results prob- ably from the habit of tea-making, is that of using too little coffee in proportion to the quantity of water. More coffee in proportion should be used than tea, that is, for a full pint of the infusion an ounce to an ounce and a half of coffee, that being about the proper proportions for a beverage of average strength. Cafe de Paris—Or “ French Coffee” is most gen- erally prepared by mixing a cupful of finely-ground coffee with a raw egg and shell in a quart of cold water and placing the pot over a brisk fire, occasionally stirring it until the boiling point is reached, after which set the vessel aside to simmer for a few minutes, then pour on a cupful of cold water and allow to stand for eight or ten minutes before serving, using cream and sugar to suit. Cafe au Lait—or “ French Breakfast Coffee” is made by grinding two tablespoonfuls of coffee for each cup required, and packing solidly in a regular French filtering coffee-pot, pouring on boiling water and passing it from two to three times through the coffee-pot. When serv- ing, boiling milk in equal quantity or to suit the individ- ual taste is poured into the cup from a separate vessel, after which it is sweetened to suit. The French usually mix chicory with their coffee, particularly when used in the form of café au /ait. For this form, add half table- spoonful of powdered chicory to two tablespoonfuls of ground coffee, and after thoroughly mixing, pour on boiling water and pass twice through the coffee-pot before serving. PREPARING FOR USE. 241 Cafe Noir.—A black “after-dinner coffee,” is pre- pared by adding four ounces of freshly-ground strong coffee to a quart of absolutely boiling water and allow- ing it to stand until it reaches the boiling point, mean- time passing it twice or thrice through the coffee-pot before serving. Cafe au Creme—Is prepared by the addition of boiled cream to clear, strong, fresh-made coffee and allowing to infuse or draw together from fifteen to twenty minutes. Cafe Glace.—To every six cups of freshly-made coffee add one egg with cream, and sweeten well, then mix thoroughly and place in a refrigerator until frozen to the consistency of cream. Cafe Demi-tasse—Is a beverage prepared after the manner of Café Voir, but sweetened to a much greater extent, and to which is added Cognac, Kirsch, or some other liqueur, but when taken with a small glass of liqueur it becomes a Café Gloria. Cafe Capucin—Is merely another name for Café au Jat, served in a glass instead of a cup, while “ Mazag- ran” is coffee served with water instead of milk, the coffee which is prepared exactly the same as Demi-tasse is served in a tall, narrow glass or goblet, a decanter of cold water being served with it, the consumer diluting to suit. ; Cafe a la Russe—Like “Tea ala Russe” is simply strong, black coffee, prepared after the manner of Café au Jait, to which a squeeze or slice of lemon is added before drinking. Coffee a la Hollandaise—Is prepared in a vessel composed of two detached parts, the lower one answer- ing as a reservoir and the upper as a filter; the bottom 242 PREPARING FOR USE: being perforated with small holes, and over which is placed a piece of flannel to cover it entirely. The requisite quantity of finely-ground coffee is placed in the filter and firmly pressed down, cold water being next slowly poured over it, after which it is allowed to stand until all the water has percolated through it into the reservoir beneath; the passing of the water occupying at least four hours, extracting the full strength and flavor of the coffee in that time. The vessel is high and narrow, so as to retard as much as possible the passage of the liquid, but large enough to hold the requisite quantities of both coffee and water at the same time and to avoid the necessity of an additional supply of water. Vienna Coffee.—The famous Vienna Coffee is pre- pared in a somewhat complicated contrivance, resem- bling a cylinder or urn, fitted with a coarse sieve, the water being boiled by means of an alcohol lamp under- neath. When the water boils the steam passes through a tube and at the same time through the finely-ground coffee, which has previously been placed loose on the top, but protected by several strainers. A glass top attached to the urn enables the cook to observe when the coffee is properly prepared, the process securing a perfect infusion of the coffee, and at the same time pre- serving its full aroma and other properties. Creole Coffee—Is prepared by distillation, the coffee being first roasted until it has assumed a uniformly brown color, after which it is covered up and allowed to cool. It is then ground and covered up carefully again until ready for use, when the requisite quantity is put in a filtered coffee-pot into which it is pressed com- pactly, a little briskly boiling water is then poured on and allowed to filter through the coffee, when more boiling PREPARING FOR USE. ; 243 water is poured on, the process being repeated about every five minutes until ready toserve. The result of this process is very strong and rich in extract, which is often preserved in a perfectly air-tight jar or other vessel until again required for use. A single teaspoonful of which is sufficient to yield a rich and creamy cup of the bever- age when desired. Extract of Coffee —Is, properly speaking, the true “Essence of Coffee.” It is best obtained by distilling one part of pure ground coffee with five parts water and keeping them at a temperature of 209° C. in a very close vessel for about ten minutes, steaming and evaporating it at a low temperature in a vacuum pan until reduced to one part. Or it may be more conveniently obtained by the Cuban and New Orleans methods already described, one spoonful of which yields a delicious cup of coffee instantaneously as desired. It is not too much to state that more than one-half of the beverage which masquerades and is sold under the name of coffee, is unworthy of the appellation and that the majority of the people of this country live and die without ever knowing even the true taste of that delicious and exhilarating beverage; people being prone to think that they know all about coffee without ever studying what special qualities the different varieties possess, or the best methods of preparing it. As anation, the American people want the best of everything and expect to get it, and a country which expends so many millions of dollars annually for coffee, can well afford to study the best methods of selecting and properly preparing it. But what avails the best material if it be not prepared in such a manner as to develop and extract its most volatile, delicate, subtle and refreshing properties, as the same properties may be depressing and injurious, or 244 PREPARING FOR USE.. exhilarating and beneficial proportionately as they are treated? A large proportion of housekeepers purchase their coffee already roasted, and many more buy it ground, but if bought whole while still hot and kept in an air-tight can until required and then ground, the improvement in the liquor would amply repay for the trouble expended, as much of the fragrance and aroma of the roasted coffee is lost by laying too long, there being even a greater loss when the coffee is ground for too long atime. But, on the other hand, unless the roasting is done very care- fully at home, the coffee will not be good, either, as a few burnt beans in the roast will invariably spoil the drink. So that when careful attention cannot be given to the proper roasting of coffee at home, it will be better to pur- chase it in the whole bean already roasted but never ground, using a small mill which can be regulated to grind coarse or fine as needed. To roast coffee at home, put the raw beans about an inch deep in an ordinary dripping-pan, which must be perfectly clean, and hold over a brisk fire and stir fre- quently until the beans are sufficiently browned. When the coffee becomes a cinnamon-brown, and begin to crackle, add one tablespoonful of fresh butter, stirring well at the same time, after which remove and place while hot in a can, and cover closely, again heating the coffee before or after grinding prior to preparing. Or place one pound of raw beans ina broad dripping- pan, shaking and stirring it until they begin to brown and crackle, then turn the pan from end to end rapidly, until they are evenly colored to a cinnamon or choco- late shade. Then place the pan on a table to rest, and stir into the coffee the beaten whites of two eggs anda tablespoonful of fresh butter, glazing every bean, as this PREPARING FOR USE. 245 —_—— preserves the aroma until ground. When cool shake the beans in a small sieve, so that they may not stick to- gether, and put them in an air-tight canister until required. A combination of one part Mocha, one part Rio and two parts Java or Maracaibo will yield a heavy, rich, strong-flavored coffee, but not as smooth and pleasing as if the Rio were omitted, unless for those preferring it. In other words, when a smooth and delicate flavored beverage is required, use one-third Mocha and two-thirds Java. When strong and heavy is desired, use Rio and Maracaibo or temper the former by combining it with some of the milder kinds. When a rich, smooth beverage is desired, a combination of one-third Mocha and two-thirds Java; if a medium, Java and Maracaibo or some other good, mild grade. But when a heavy body and strong flavor is required, a blend of Rio or Santos and Maracaibo in equal proportions should be made. Good Maracaibo being equal to many Javas and is constantly substituted for it by unprincipled dealers, both wholesale and retail. A combination consisting of one-third Mocha and two- thirds Java fresh roasted and fresh ground makes an ideal cup of coffee. Two tablespoonfuls or one ounce of this blend to each pint of boiling water produces a beverage that cannot fail to suit the average taste. But for consumers who prefer a heavy-bodied beverage a combination of equal proportions of Santos, Caracas and Maracaibo, will be found to yield a rich, heavy, pungent and fragrant liquor. These quantities are intended for a strong beverage, but where only a moderate degree of strength is desired it is best to use only half these quan- tities of coffee to the same quantity of water. Some recent experiments in Germany confirm the opinion that coffee, which is an aid to digestion, should 246 PREPARING FOR USE. be an infusion and not a decoction, for which particular reason alone the after-dinner coffee especially should be an infusion, as the caffeine of coffee, which is the ele- ment most stimulating, is best drawn out by keeping the coffee at the boiling point, but without boiling, for a few minutes before serving, as prolonged boiling extracts the astringent property, tannin. There seems to be, however, a general tendency in favor of the filtering process, by which the use of all foreign substances, such as eggs, isinglass, hartshorn, codfish and sole-skins, to clear and settle it, may be dispensed with altogether. To make filtered coffee with cold water, put one teacupful of finely-ground coffee in a small pan and heat over the fire. Stir constantly until hot and then put the hot coffee in the filter of the coffee-pot, placing the coarse strainer on top and pour in a cupful of cold water by degrees, then cover and let stand for half an hour. Next add three cupfuls of cold water, a cupful at a time, and when all the water has passed through the filter, pour it out, and pass it again through the filter, cover closely and heat it to the boiling point before serving. The coffee prepared in this manner will be perfectly clear and sparkling in liquor, smooth, rich and fragrant in flavor, or mix the coffee with the white of an egg together, then pour one-third of the requisite quantity of cold water and set the pot on the range where it will heat up gradually until it begins to boil; then add another third of cold water, and when it again begins to boil add the balance of cold water and allow it to again reach the boiling point; remove and let stand for a few minutes to settle before serving. By this method boiling water may be used instead of cold if so desired, but the use of cold water makes a richer and stronger infusion, as none of the aroma of the coffee is lost by evaporation, and the - PREPARING FOR USE. 249 refreshing properties are better extracted by the slower process. Filtered coffee should never be boiled ; so that by plac- ing the coffee-pot in a vessel of boiling water it keeps the coffee at the boiling point, but prevents it from boiling. Coffee made by the cold-water process is invariably stronger than when made with boiling water, and is, in the opinion of many connoisseurs, much better, so that a reduced quantity of coffee will answer. Another advantage of using cold water in the filtering process is that the coffee may be prepared from it at any time and heated as required; but if to be served after dinner it will be better if made with three cupfuls of water instead of four. But no matter what method of preparing is adopted, or what kind of vessel the beverage is prepared in, the result will be satisfactory if the coffee be pure, good and Sresh roasted, fresh ground and fresh made with fresh water, fresh boiled and fresh served. But always serve with whipped cream or hot milk, heating the milk to the boiling point, but ever allow zt to boil. oS CHAPTER IX. CHEMICAL, MEDICAL AND DIHTICATL,. N chemical composition the seeds or beans of coffee are complex, containing as they do variable pro- portions of proximate principles. The appended analysis represents the average constitution of raw coffee, according to M. Payen, and which is accepted as the standard :— Constituents. Parts. Pattee deineinee acer Maisiiher te cstbael eect LON TOTS NVate rsa cant hile SUey eH Rahs cs Wamnte) Movie pert te 12 Gatrelne cae eis Gata Bei a Sete d eee i gen tag 0.8 GellWOSe ei eee a See el agree asl, 34 Legumen and caseine,. . . Bee ati 10 Glucose, dextrine and orotate neidl MUS eorenic's 15 Caffeonejand aromatic/oilsy 7) a. .002 Caffetannate and potassium, . . SNenieeA gitons Viscid essential oil (insoluble in water, barwe .OOL Ash and othermineral matter; 2... -=- 6 Other nitrogeneous Sibeneee” eat sivsd = sets 3 _ In addition to the foregoing, Payen also describes some 0.8 per cent. of free Caffeine and very small quan- tities of essential and aromatic oils, amounting to about 0.003 per cent. of the coffee, in addition to other azotized and saline matter. In the process of roasting, coffee undergoes certain chemical changes, as before roasting it contains from 5.7 to 7.8 per cent. of sugar, which is reduced to 1.1, and 250 CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. sometimes even to zero, after being roasted, and from which, it would appear, that the description of sugar contained in the raw coffee is destroyed by the roasting process to which it is subjected previous to using. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF RAW AND ROASTED COFFERS. Constituents, Raw. Roasted. FENG) OVS ROR! se Bat Sean eon a Beat ee ete Sorel en VeRO rf 5-17 RAC Tes il lavelaimeuisil amives Vasil men eee scahaperc ae ETD 8.30 NYE Bei Nal alee a IIE Sata SE AG) 0.36 Sugary erie Menlineies Mucor mae ue on eC en OMS 1.84 Gluten ee eh EL net aac: See OVO S 12.03 Gakleimer en Ci er iat ames cea ety Ee Ma ANT ATO) 1.06 Cellulose; Fsagesaneen LOO thee hea o, 44.96 Extractive matter, coc) ei eins het bAcOs 26.28 otaltpants, /hats yeeros) oma TLOO 100 In the operation of roasting, the saccharine matter is converted into caramel, and a portion of the caffeine is liberated from its combination with the caffeic acid, the latter still retaining its astringent properties and develop- ing intoa bitter, soluble principle. A change in the fat of coffee is also undergone in the roasting, as ether will extract only from 4 to 5 per cent. of fat from the raw bean, while it readily extracts double that quantity from the roasted bean. So striking is this fact that Von Bibra goes so far as to claim that the roasting process produces © fat, but most probably the process is only mechanical and not chemical in its action in bursting the “ fat cells,” and thereby rendering the fat accessible to the solvent action of the ether. Roasted coffee is also tolerably rich in nitrogen, containing from 2.5 to 3 per cent., but is found to be quite devoid of starch. The operation of roasting, in addition, tends to make coffee soluble in boiling water, as, when raw coffee is perfectly exhausted CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. 251 in boiling water, it will yield only some 25 per cent. of soluble matter, while roasted coffee, on the other hand, when completely exhausted by means of boiling water, yields as high as 40 per cent. in some instances. A chemical analysis of the bean after being roasted also shows that it contains 20 per cent. of water and about 60 per cent. of cellulose a substance resembling starch or grape sugar. But the agents that especially distinguish coffee from all other substances are the Caffeine, Caffeone and Caffeic, each of which constituents possess virtues and effects peculiar to itself, and produce, by acting in combination, the general effect of coffee. Caffeine—Is the principle to which coffee owes its refreshing and agreeable properties. It is an inodorous agent, having a slightly bitter taste, and belonging to that group of chemical agents known as alkaloids. It is identical with the ¢heize of tea, and also forms the characteristic principle of cocoa, maté, the guarana and many other plants used by the inhabitants of widely- separated countries, on account of their yielding a slightly exciting and refreshing beverage and apparently forming a necessary diet for mankind in general. Its quantity varies from 0.8 to I per cent. in the different kinds of coffee, being greatest in Martinique and smallest in San Domingo. According to Chandler, pure Caffeine appears in white silky needles, having no odor, and containing about 8 per cent. of water of crystalization, which it parts with at 150° C. being apparently soluble in cold water, but much more so in hot, still less so in alcohol and still less in ether, acting as a weak base and dissolving in acids from which it may be crystalized by evaporation. When boiled with fixed caustic alkalies it decomposes and yields methlamine, while heating with basic-hydrates 252 CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. alters it to a stronger base, termed Caffeidine, but when boiled with an excess of nitrtc acid and evaporated at a gentle heat gives it a reddish color resembling that obtained from minoxide; the addition of a little ammonia making it again quite characteristic. Administered in strong doses it causes trembling and a kind of intoxica- tion not unlike that resulting from alcoholic stimulants, but diminishes the work of organic tissue at the same time. Caffeone.—Besides Caffeine coffee contains a volatile or essential oil chemically termed Caffeone which, accord- ing to some authorities, is not present in the raw bean, but is the result of an essential change produced in the coffee by the roasting process. It is to this subtle and fugitive principle, however, that roasted coffee owes its peculiar and fragrant aroma, an odor possessed by no other known substance. When chemically separated by ether from the coffee it presents the appearance and con- sistency of cocoa-butter, which in roasting permeates the entire bean, but if the heat be too intense or the roasting prolonged beyond the proper time, it is entirely dissipated and lost, the result being to seriously injure the coffee. And although coffee forms part of the daily food of more than half the nations of the world, we are still uncertain of the chemical nature, composition and effects of these products of roasted coffee, and particularly of this “oil of coffee,” one of the most important characteristic con- stituents of the bean. The existence of this coffee oil makes itself known in a striking manner by its roasting; being forced out of the bean by the intense heat, it is partially volatilized, and together with the other products of the roasting, produces the characteristic effects and aroma of roasted coffee. In very strong black coffee it is found in oil-like drops floating on the surface, the amount CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. 253 in the raw bean varying from 8 to 13 per cent., at least one- half of which is dissipated and lost in the roasting, so that it might prove a paying experiment to attempt to collect this oil, especially in large establishments where much coffee is roasted, several pounds of: this oil being wasted daily which might find a ready market at a handsome profit in the manufacture of liqueurs. It is best obtained by crushing about 50 pounds of roasted coffee in a mortar and then extracting with the aid of ether and alcohol. The oil of coffee obtained in this manner isa thick, green, almost transparent substance, which deposits after a time a few long needles of caffeine, proving that since caffeine is not extracted from the exhausted beans by ether, and very little is taken up by the alcohol employed, the coffee from which the oil has been extracted may be again used for the manufacture of caffeine. The oil becomes turbid in about six months from the time of extraction, although preserved in hermetically-sealed bottles small groups of crystals forming in the middle of the liquid, but slowly settling in the bottom, forming a precipitate, which in time forms a cloudy mass of crystals, consisting of the solid fatty acids, but the upper layer remaining clear and trans- parent for years, and of a beautiful green color, proving that a portion of the coffee oil consists of liquid oleic acid. Taken alone, this “oil of coffee” is found to produce a gentle perspiration and exhilaration, as well as to stimulate the mental faculties, but is claimed to retard, in a marked degree, the process of food assimilation, and consequently the waste of tissue matter. It also produces an aperient effect on the bowels, while overdoses cause sleeplessness and symptoms of sthenic excitement, a condition clearly bordering on inflammation. Experiments made with Caffeine and Caffeone prove that they produce different effects on the animal economy, 254 CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. A the former exercising a sedative and tranquilizing action, being more prolonged in its effect than the latter, which acts strongly as a transient stimulant and exhilarant. But in the drinking of an ordinary cup of coffee both these actions are obtained, the stimulation and exhilara- tion preceding the state of sedation and repose. The essential principle of the coffee, however, is the alkaloid caffeine and not the volatile oil caffeone, the effects of both constituents being different in time and character: The former slows the heart's action and expends its main force on the spinal cord, to which effect is due the shaking hand of the inveterate coffee-drinker and the marked tremor which sometimes follows a copious drink of coffee when taken on an empty stomach, while the latter reduces the arterial tension, thereby allowing a freer flow of blood anda more rapid action of the heart, at the same time stimulating the brain, rendering the mind clear and promoting wakefulness, being also speedier and more transient in effect. Caffeic.—Caffetannate, or “tannic acid,’ as it exists in the raw bean of coffee possesses an astringent action, which is greatly modified in the roasting and neutralized by the aperient properties of the Caffeone. A great deal of doubt still exists as to the exact agency of this property in coffee, many chemists contending that to it the flavor and other properties of the coffee as a bever- age is due. It is a powerful astringent principle, puck- ering up the mouth when chewed, and is the property to which coffee owes its bitterness when boiled or over- infused, but whether it contributes in any degree to the exhilarating, satisfying or narcotic action of the coffee has not yet been definitely determined. But united, their specific properties modified by combination and CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS. 255 acting and reacting upon each other, these three con- stituents give to coffee its peculiar properties and effects on the human system. To the chemist, coffee and tea are much the same, their two alkaloids, caffeine and theine, being to them undistinguishable one from the other, each also con- taining a volatile or essential oil, the difference in the taste of which is doubtless due to subtle properties which the chemist is so far unable to detect. For this reason the following comparative analysis of coffee and tea may be found interesting, as showing how closely they are chemically allied :— Constituents. Coffee. Tea. Wiatein nu aiitetan mira hams even “eeak eT 260 5.0 PBNEITO Ma hess Cate eee Coe ee O75 0.5 PATI MS Aerie aL Sie aaahet eae eras ASR 15.0 Glutemypy sy sierra Ge vay eee ZO KO 25.0 DVLOOG MDKe wie suMy Nolagel eek Cus were sags [BAe 24.0 NVolatilevoe iy wire anc. tais Wench Ns ESO 4.0 Gumandysugawy cya roe ee ete ey) 15.0 21.0 PASH Ot TESIGUCH Ne ein nat eee ne co PATO 5.0 From recent experiments it appears that the quantity of tannin in the coffee bean is not over about one-third of that contained in the tea leaf and frequently is consider- ably less, six samples of coffee being tested in the same manner as tea for the amount of soluble tannin, and steeped in fifty parts of water. Equal quantities of coffee and tea were also analyzed and the amount of tannin estimated with the result that, on an average, tea yielded nearly four times as much tannin than the coffee, which proves that in case of poisoning by alkaloids strong tea is better than coffee as an antidote. When used in equal quantities tea yields about twice the amount of theine that coffee does to the water in which it is 256 MEDICINAL EFFECTS. infused, but as we use a greater weight of coffee than we do of tea in preparing the beverage, a cup of coffee of ordinary strength will contain as much theine as a cup of ordinary strong tea. While, however, coffee checks waste and is naturally a food, the same cannot be said of tea, the specific effect of which is to quicken respiration and the vital functions generally. MEDICINAL ERERECTS. Coffee belongs to the medicinal or auxiliary class of food substances, being solely valuable for its stimulating and exhilarating effect upon the nervous and vascular system. It produces a feeling of buoyancy and exhila- ration comparable toa certain stage of alcoholic intoxica- tion, but which does not end in the depression and collapse produced by the latter. Itincreases the frequency of the pulse, lightens the sensations of fatigue and sustains the strength under prolonged and severe muscular exertion. It also contains valuable medicinal properties, among which is that of being an anti-soporific, and hence most useful in narcotic poisoning. It has also been found to be the best stimulant for administration to persons res- cued from starvation or perishing from intense cold, as ‘ardent spirits when given under these conditions often prove fatal. It dispels languor, stupor and lethargy and as an antidote is a specific in cases of poisoning by opium and morphine. The early history of coffee informs us of its use among the Arabians for its exhilarating as well as its curative powers, being used in Mecca and Medina originally for the purpose of overcoming torpor and drowsiness by the Mohamedan monks, its exciting and _sleep-dispelling MEDICINAL EFFECTS. 257 power tending much to bring it into popular favor in these cities as a medicine as well as a beverage. At this early period it was claimed that “ this liquor purified the blood by gentle agitation, dissipated the ill-condition of the stomach and aroused the spirits.” In the treatment _of spasmodic asthma its utility is well established as well as in the cure of whooping cough, cholera infantum and similar complaints, being also an excellent preventative against all infectious and epidemical diseases. While in hysterical attacks, for which, in many instances, the physician can find no diagnosis, coffee has proven to be ‘one of the greatest helps. Fresh-roasted coffee has proven to be an effective dis- peller of foul gases as well as a valuable disinfectant in the sick-room, or any enclosed space where the fumes can penetrate. As an instantaneous deodorizer, particularly in the sick-room, where it has no equal, possessing wonderful, almost magical power, all foul and noxious exhalations being immediately neutralized or dispelled by simply passing a chafing-dish of fresh-roasted coffee through the room. As adisinfectant fresh-roasted coffee has been invaluable as an absorbing agent in purifying the atmosphere of all foul-smelling and offensive odors, especially when roasted in the vicinity of the room or place to be fumigated. When roasted, and while still hot, if placed on a tray or other open vessel in the centre of the apartment, by the time it has cooled the surrounding atmosphere will be rendered thoroughly pure and sweet. Or, better and more advantageous still, by heating an iron fire-shovel red hot and placing a handful of ground coffee on it and carrying it around the room or house to be disinfected in this condition until it cools. The vapor arising from the coffee so heated will meantime have destroyed all disagreeable and noxious odors. 258 MEDICINAL EFFECTS. Experiments recently made with roasted coffee in France prove it to be one of the most powerful deodor- izers yet discovered for the dissipation of all noxious odors. As an instance of its great worth in this case, a quantity of decomposing meat was hung up in a tightly- closed room anda tin pan containing a few handfuls of fresh-roasted and ground coffee was placed over a spirit lamp, as the pan became hot and the vapor from the coffee filled the room, it was found that the foul smell of the decomposed meat was entirely removed, even when standing close uptoit. While Professor Beer, an eminent Vienna oculist, maintains that the vapor arising from pure, hot and fresh-made coffee is very invigorating to the eyes, but at the same time attributing many frequent occurring cases of affections to the sight to the constant use of chicory, as well as to the habitual use of the decoctions prepared from the admixtures of chicory and coffee. Coffee and pepper are highly recommended as a certain specific for rheumatism, as well as in many forms of gout. In such cases the proper proportions consist of a pint of hot, strong, black coffee, which must be perfectly pure, and seasoned with a teaspoonful of pure black pepper, thoroughly mixed before drinking, and the preparation taken just before retiring. Quite a number of chronic cases of rheumatism are reputed on excellent authority to have been cured by a single dose of this simple remedy. The greatest care has to be exercised, however, that cold is not contracted through the free perspiration that follows its use, yet severe colds may also be broken up and cured by its administration. Sucha simple and convenient remedy is certainly worth a trial, as it is, at least, perfectly harmless, and makes no demand on the doctor or druggist. Another use for coffee medi- cinally, is in nausea and violent retching, for which purpose MEDICINAL EFFECTS. 259 a strong infusion is prepared and “sipped” slowly while very hot. This oftentimes acts effectively alone, but is much more so if a strong mustard plaster is applied to the pit of the stomach at the sametime. Its beneficial effects in extreme alcoholism is already too well known for description, but is as yet not fully appreciated in such cases, nor as to what extent this otherwise exhilarating and potent beverage may be substituted in lieu of spirituous and malt liquors. It is positively asserted by men of high professional ability that when the system requires a good stimulant, nothing equals acup of good, strong, fresh-made coffee for the purpose, so that those who may desire to rescue a drunkard from his bane will find no better substi- tute for alcoholic spirits or malt liquors than strong, fresh- made coffee, in the proportions of two ounces of good, pure coffee to one part of boiling water, making an excel- lent tonic beverage, but must be administered without the addition of either milk or sugar in these particular cases. It is also positively asserted by those who have tried it that malarialand other miasmatic complaints are prevented by drinking a cup of hot coffee before venturing out into the morning air, and by many eminent physicians it is regarded as almost a specific in typhoid and other ende- mic fevers, so much so that in malarial and intermittent fevers it has been used by the best physicians with the happiest results, coffee being opposed to malarial and all noxious vapors, particularly in alienating and reducing the earlier attacks, and, when properly administered in such complaints, it is found superior to the sulphate of quinine in many extreme cases, while in that low state of intermittent fever as found on the Mississippi and the banks of all large rivers, accompanied with torpid liver and enlarged spleen, when judiciously prepared and ad- ministered it has been found one of the safest and most 260 MEDICINAL EFFECTS. effective remedies. In districts rife with malarial and other low fevers the drinking of hot coffee before pass- ing into the infected districts will enable persons living in such regions to escape all contagion, the nervous sys- tem being aroused and the fever germs thereby rendered innocuous by the coffee. It is also almost a specific for the disease after being contracted when used with lemon juice, and is found to be of sovereign efficacy in tiding over any attacks of the nervous system in a number of emergencies from whatever cause ; and in answer to the query so often put, “‘ Does coffee facilitate or retard digestion ?” it may be observed that it contains several active principles, each of which exercises a specific influence on the human system, the first and most important of these being the caffeine, which raises the activity of the heart, operating in small doses asa wholesome stimulus. The second, the caffeone or vola- tile substance, which operates chiefly on the nerves and acting in moderate quantities as an agreeable exhilarant, but to which is also attributable the fantasies and intoxi- cant effects so frequently experienced as a result of exces- sive coffee drinking. The third being the caffeic or tannin, to which coffee owes its bitter taste when boiled or over-infused and which, as is well known, enters into combination with the albumen, thereby materially preju- dicing its digestibility. These three principal properties vary greatly in the quantities extracted according to the methods of preparation, so much so that if the coffee be simply infused in water at the boiling point and allowed to cool rapidly we get but little of the caffeine in the extract, a good deal of the aromatic principle and scarcely a trace of the tannin, but by over-boiling and prolonged infusion the aroma is dissipated by passing off with the steam or vapor arising from it bey MEDICINAL EFFECTS. 26 in the process of preparation, more caffeine being also extracted, and the longer it is infused or boiled the more tannin is dissolved in the liquid. These facts serve to confirm the views generally expressed by physicians, that coffee boiled or over-infused prejudices its digesti- bility, while simple infusions facilitate it, but its bene- ficial action in the latter case is now proved to be due not to any direct chemical action on the albumen present, but indirectly to its action on the nerve-centres of the stomach by promoting the secretion of the gastric juices, such action being, in other words, physiological and not chemical, as heretofore supposed. With regard to the anti-bilious properties of coffee Dr. Elliott states that “We speedily found that patients in hospitals and all persons leading sedentary lives must avoid too concentrated food and drink abundantly of diluent fluids, that coffee acted on the liver and was altogether the best remedy for constipation and what is commonly termed a bilious condition, that tea acted in a precisely opposite direction, and that not poppies, man- dragora nor all the drowsy syrups of the East could bring the peace to a sufferer from malarial chill that would come of strong coffee, with a little lemon juice added, and that strong tea was almost a specific for neuralgia in its simplest and most uncomplicated form.” Liebig also calls attention to the fact that coffee con- tains many of the elements which stimulate the flow of bile, being a decided laxative, as well as a pronounced diuretic, which is confirmed by the fact that the “ coffee belt” of the world is also the “ bilious belt” and the “malarial belt,’ as well as the regions where noxious germs and suppurative processes most abound. Ample evidence of “the fitness of things” in nature, no people understanding better than the inhabitants of these tropical 262 MEDICINAL. EFFECTS: -_——— — = a countries the value of coffee to open the secretions which have been checked by the heat or miasmatic influences of such climates. Knowing this, they take full advantage of the well-known antiseptic properties of coffee. It is now more than thirty years since Landarabilco called attention to. the great value of raw or unroasted coffee in hepatic and nephritic diseases ; who, after having continued to use the remedy for over a third of a century in many hundreds of almost hopeless cases, still continues to use it with marked success in the treatment of liver and kidney troubles which have persistently resisted all other treatment. For such cases, 3 drams (1% oz.) of raw coffee beans are placed in a tumbler of cold water— the best results being obtained from a combination of Mocha, Bourbon and Martinique coffees in equal parts of 1 dram each. The infusion is allowed to stand over night, and after being properly strained or filtered must be taken on an empty stomach the first thing on rising inthe morning. This simple remedy has been found a sovereign remedy in numerous cases of renal and hepatic colics, as well as in diabetes and migraime or nervous headache, which, while rebellious to all other treatment for years, readily yielded to the raw coffee infusion. It may be here remarked that Bourbon and Martinique coffees cannot be had in this country, going exclusively to France, but may be substituted by what is known in trade as Bourbon or Mocha-seed, Santos, Jamaica and Mocha or almost any other fine mild coffee. Coffee, like tea, acts powerfully on the respiratory organs, but increases the rate of respiration more than tea and also the pulsation; while tea, on the other hand, increases the action of the skin, and, by lessening the force of the circulation, cools the body, and does not cause congestion of any of the mucous membranes, MEDICINAL EFFECTS. 263 particularly that ofthe bowels. But coffee, by diminishing the action of the skin, lessens also the heat of the body, but increases the wis-a-tergo, and therefore the heart’s action and fulness of pulse, thus exciting the mucous membranes. The conditions, therefore, under which coffee may be used are different from those suited to the use of tea, and under these circumstances better adapted for use among the poor and feeble as a dietecal beverage. But, besides accelerating the action of the bowels, and, according to Liebig, aiding in the secretion of the bile, it also invigorates to a very high degree the ganglionic system of the brain, soothing the painful feeling of fatigue and exhaustion, stimulating to renewed mental exertion, for which reasons it always has been highly appreciated by students and literary people generally. The exhilarating and stimulating effect which coffee has on the human organization is due chiefly to the characteristic principles which it contains. It excites the heart’s action, and, as that organ is feeble in the morning and the skin is active, it is best adapted for use at the morning meal, its action upon the nervous system being less exciting than that of tea. Very strong coffee, however, produces sleeplessness in many persons when taken at night, owing to its effects on the heart’s action, by retarding that full action of this organ, which is natural at night, and so requisite to permit sound sleep, while if only a light infusion be prepared and taken at night, these effects are not likely to be experienced. In typhoid and other fevers its action is frequently very prompt and efficacious, particularly in the early stages before local complications set in. Dr. Guillasse, of the French navy, in a recent paper on typhoid fever, states that “Coffee has given us unhoped- for satisfaction, for, after having dispensed it, we found, 264 MEDICINAL EFFECTS. to our great surprise, that its action was as prompt as it was decisive. No sooner had our patients taken a few tablespoonfuls of it than their features became relaxed, and came immediately to their senses, while the next day the improvement was such that we are tempted to look upon it as a specific against typhoid fever. Under its influence the stupor is dispelled and the patient arises from the state of somnolency in which he has lain since the invasion of the disease ; soon all the functions take their natural course, and he enters on convalescence.” His formula is to give to an adult two to three table- spoonfuls of strong, black coffee every two hours, alter- nately with one to two tablespoonfuls of claret or bur- gundy wine, a little lemonade or citrate of magnesia, to be taken daily, and after a few days quinine in small doses. From the fact that malaise or cerebral symptoms appear first, the doctor regards typhoid as a nervous disease, and the coffee, acting on the nerves, is peculiarly indi- cated in the early stages, before local complications arise. While in extreme cases of yellow fever it has been used effectively by many doctors as the main reliance after all the other well-known remedies had been admin- istered and failed. In such cases it acts by retarding the tissue change, that becoming a conservator of force, especially in that state in which the nervous system tends to collapse, owing to the blood becoming impure. In such a condition it sustains the nervous power until the depuration and reorganization of the blood are accom- plished, possessing the advantage over all other stimu- lants of inducing to no secondary ill-effects. As early as 1835, during the cholera epidemic, the physicians of New York issued a public manifesto urging the people to abstain from beer and other liquors and confine themselves to the exclusive use of pure, strong MEDICINAL EFFECTS. 265 coffee as a beverage, in order to keep the system healthy and render it less liable to an attack of the disease, with the most beneficial and gratifying results. That they ‘builded better than they knew” has since been conclu- sively proven by Sudentz, who in detailing a series of experiments in which he has determined the powerful influence of coffee infusions of varying strength upon the erowth of the different forms of pathogenic and non- pathogenic micro-organisms. The variety of coffee used in these experiments was the finest Java—although good and bad coffee was afterwards found to effect precisely similar results—the infusions being made by adding from 10 to 30 parts of coffee to from 70 to go parts of boiling water. The coffee was first freshly roasted, ground fine and then covered with the boiling water, the infusion thus prepared being placed in a closed flask, put in a hot water bath for about ten minutes and next filtered through a sterilized filter. The infusion thus produced is used in the making of a gelatinous compound, both directly and in part, until a nutrient gelatine was prepared from it. With this as a “ menstruum”’ the various forms of fung? and other forms of micro-organisms were inoc- ulated with the object of determining the possibility of their growth or propagation in such a medium, but in other cases the organisms were added directly to the coffee alone in infusions of varying strength and after dif- ferent periods of time inoculations were made from these infusions into other nutrient media. By this method he found that the forms of fungi experimented with showed more or less growth in the coffee gelatine and that the abundance of the growth was in many cases distinctly less than in the former media. The other organisms which he used for his experiments were the phyagenes aureus, prodigiosus, erisipelous, the germ of anthrax or 266 MEDICINAL EFFECTS. splenic fever, the daci//i of typhoid fever and the sparudum of Asiatic cholera, all of which and many other forms of micro-organisms were greatly influenced in their life and growth by exposure to the coffee infusions, some being far more susceptible than others, however, the dacz//us prodigiosus and proteus vulgaris being entirely destroyed only after an exposure of four days in a Io per cent. infusion, while in a 30 per cent. infusion they were all destroyed in one day. The spore of erysipelas was totally destroyed after an exposure of one day in a Io per cent. infusion, the germ of splenic fever dying in from one to three hours in a 20 to 30 per cent. infusion; while the typhoid daci//4z were completely destroyed in a 5 per cent. infusion after an exposure of three days and in a 30 per cent. infusion in from one to two days. While ¢he mucrobe of Asiatic cholera was easily destroyed tn a 1 per cent. tufusion after only seven hours exposure,in a5 per cent. wnfusion after four hours and tn a 30 per cent. infusion after two hours; the cholera spirulum being by far the most susceptible of the numerous organisms used in the experiments, next to which was the anthrax bacillt, except the young forms or spores of the latter germs, which perish only in from three to four weeks’ exposure. These latter results speak volumes for “coffee as a germicide” for anthrax or splenic fever, as the spores of this disease are by no means easy to scotch or kill, and after these revelations coffee admints- tered internally or hypodermically in some new form or combination of forms, may be eventually used as a remedy tor all germ-produced diseases. It must be borne in mind by the student or chemist, however, that the antiseptic effects of coffee do not depend on its Caffetze so much as on its Caffeone or essential oil developed in the roasting of the beans. But aside from these experiments, others MEDICINAL EFFECTS. 267 were also made with decomposing meat soups, which were actually swarming with various forms of micro-organ- isms, the results obtained showing that the vitality of the spores contained in the fluid was greatly diminished after a short exposure, but was not completely destroyed until after an exposure of many days. It may at first sight seem irrational that a substance which restricts tissue-waste should be used for the pur- pose of quickening certain other functions, more espe- cially those of the brain, yet the physical activity, mental exhilaration and wakefulness it causes explains the liking for it shown by so many men of science, poets, scholars and others devoted to thinking. But all of these occupations involve increased waste of tissue in the brain as well as of the spinal marrow, the very action which coffee is said to restrain, so much so that to reconcile these apparent incongruities, it has been maintained that coffee does not act primarily as a cere- bral stimulant, but only secondarily by removing the vascular plenitude occasioned by prolonged study, by a full meal, and especially by opium, alcohol, or other agents which directly tend to load the brain with blood, so that when taken on an empty stomach it does not quicken the functions of the brain, but on the contrary renders it dull and inapt for steady thought, creating nervousness and general debility and frequently causing hemicrania. During digestion, however, the case is different, par- ticularly if a full and stimulating meal has been taken, the mind grows dull and sluggish, a tendency to sleep arises, and everything indicates an increased amount of blood onthe brain, it being in like manner that prolonged mental labor produces cerebral plenitude and drowsiness. It is this condition apparently which coffee corrects 268 MEDICINAL EFFECTS. by contracting the blood-vessels and thereby relieving the brain of its oppressive load of blood. The habit of using coffee at breakfast and after dinner is thus explained by the stimulant action which it exerts, not only upon the nervous system generally, but more especially on the stomach and bowels, there being no doubt that it quickens gastric digestion and relieves the sense of plenitude in the stomach, stimulating the secretion of bile and aug- menting the peristaltic action of the intestine, and there- by promoting defacation. While it is quite as certain that, used to excess, it paralyzes the digestive function in all its stages and leads to further disorders, of which the chief are constipation, hemorrhoids and congestion of the liver, but whether these effects are to be ascribed to a power in coffee to produce contraction of the capillary blood-vessels or not is uncertain, but their reality is beyond dispute. With regard to the injurious effects charged to the abuse of coffee by some authorities, it may be said that the consequences of an abuse of tea were declared to be similar to that of coffee long before chemistry had demonstrated the identity of ¢hecwe with caffeine, when among their evil effects were enumerated acidity, heartburn, indigestion, tremors, wakefulness, irritability of disposition and depression of spirits. Most of these ill-effects are more likely to follow the abuse of tea than coffee, if at all, and the spinal symptoms, such as painful muscular tension, cramp and persistent wakefulness, are also more apt to be produced by tea. In experiments made with a number of selected healthy persons, the operation of caffeine has been found to vary exceedingly, some being scarcely affected at all, while others by the same dose suffered from a full, frequent or irregular pulse, headache, trembling limbs, palpitation of the heart, flashes before MEDICINAL EFFECTS. 269 the eyes, roaring in the ears, sleeplessness, phantasms, a sort of intoxication, and a subsequent unfitness for all physical and mental labor when very large doses were taken. These effects illustrate the danger of exceeding due moderation in the use of coffee, showing that it may, if abused, tend to develop a morbid condition of the ner- vous system, rendering it peculiarly liable to disease, although in a much less degree than either opium or alcohol, its excessive use being much more injurious to the spinal than to the cerebral functions. From these facts it may be advanced by some authori- ties that an article possessing such great powers and capacity for such energetic action must be injurious by habitual employment as an article of diet, or at least not without some injurious or deleterious properties. But no corresponding ill-results or nervous derangements are ever observed after its effects have disappeared as are noticed in other narcotics and stimulants, the action im- parted to the nervous system by coffee being natural and healthy in the extreme, in proof of which it has been shown that habitual coffee-drinkers generally enjoy good health and spirits, some of the longest-lived people having used coffee continually from their earliest infancy without experiencing any inconvenience, depres- sing reaction, or other ill-effects such as is invariably produced by the use of alcoholic stimulants. There are, on the other hand, systems with which it does not agree, as, being a stimulant, it may be taken too freely; in such cases it undoubtedly produces irregularities in the action of the heart and nervous system. But generally it is an unmixed blessing, its beneficial influence becoming more apparent as its use penetrates into the lower strata of society, taking the place of the various debasing alcoholic beverages. 270 DIETETICAL PROPERTIES. In addition to its many other virtues, coffee has been found to be an excellent barometer, from the fact of its being such a great absorbent. On the eve of a rain- storm grinding coffee will be found difficult, the bean becoming damp and tough, while when dry weather is indicated the process is quite easy. Another method of predicting the weather by it is to drop a lump of sugar into a cup of coffee without stirring. In a very short time the air contained in the sugar will rise to the surface in the shape of bubbles. If the bubbles collect in the middle of the cup a fair day will be sure to follow, but if they should adhere to the side of the cup, forming a ring of bubbles with a clear space in the centre, rain is certain to be near at hand, while if the bubbles be neither of these, but scatter irregularly over the surface of the liquid, variable weather is indicated by the move- ment. What the scientific explanation of the action of the atmosphere on the bubbles so found is not known, but that their indications curiously and correctly agree with those of a barometer has been tested and proved. DIn’PH’TICAL PROPERTIES. The human family have, from time immemorial, been addicted to the use of warm food and liquids in some form, infusions or decoctions of sage and the leaves of other plants being used extensively in Europe for the purpose prior to the introduction of tea and coffee. The human body demands food or liquid when in an exhausted state, and if they be not warm they make an immediate drain on the system for heat before it can sup- ply material for combustion, so that the body is taxed for heat at a time when it is least fitted for the purpose. It DIETETICAL PROPERTIES. 27 —__————_— is but natural therefore that there should be a craving for warm food and drink, and as liquid food, partic- ularly in a cold state, is deficient in heat-giving matter, the use of cold liquids is more injurious than that of cold solids. The temperature of the human body being 98°, when food is taken into the stomach at a lower temperature than that of the body, it obstructs the heat from the stomach and surrounding tissues, so that when the practice of taking cold food into the body becomes habitual, depression occurs and the stomach is disordered. The system must therefore make good the heat lost in raising the temperature of the cold food—liquid or solid —or else suffer the consequences. The action of coffee as a diet is directed chiefly to the nervous system, producing a warming cordial impression on the stomach, which is quickly followed by a diffused and agreeable nervous excitement which extends itself to the cerebral function, giving rise to increased vigor of the imagination and intellect, this too without any subse- quent reaction or stupor suchas are characteristic of liquor and other narcotics. It contains essential principles of nutrition far exceeding in importance its exhilarating properties, and is one of the most valuable articles of food for sustaining the system in certain protracted and wasting diseases, and as compared even with the best soups, coffee has a decided advantage and is to be preferred to them in many cases. But to rightly understandits function asa food it should be used chiefly as an accessary to food, as it aids in the digestion and assimilation of the other foods when it is properly prepared—that is, by protracted infusion—as when boiled too long the caffeic acid or tannin is extracted. The action of this acid in combination with the milk and cream being to harden the albumen into an indigestible compound, which has 272 DIETETICAL PROPERTIES. been found exceedingly irritating to the delicate mem- branes of the digestive organs and nervous system. Milk and coffee act similarly upon the skin and other organs, its use with coffee making it a more perfect food than when milk is used with tea. But while, like tea, it increases the respiration, yet again, unlike it, its effects are not lasting, as by the use of coffee the rate of the pulse is increased, and the action of the skin’s pores diminished, thereby lessening the quantity of the blood circulating in the organs of the body, it distends the veins, but contracts the capillaries, thus preventing a waste. According to Professor Johnstone, ‘‘ Coffee arouses, ex- hilarates and keeps awake, counteracts the stupor oc- casioned by fatigue, disease or opium, allays hunger to a certain extent, gives to the wearied increased strength and vigor, and imparts a feeling of comfort and repose. Its physiological effects upon the human system appear to be, that while it makes the brain more active, it soothes the body generally, retards the change and waste of tissue, making the demand for food consequently less. The Galle, a wandering nation of Africa, during their incursions, are obliged to travel over immense deserts, and being also desirous of falling upon the towns and villages of their victims without warning, carry nothing to eat with them but the roasted and pulverized beans of coffee, which they mix with grease to a certain consist- ency, that will permit of its being rolled into masses about the size of billiard-balls, which they keep in leather- bags until required for use. One of these balls so pre- pared supports them for an entire day when ona marauding excursion or in active war better than a loaf of bread or a meal of meat, claiming that they prefer it to grain or meat because it cheered their spirits as well as fed them. Eaten in this manner, coffee undoubtedly affords much DIETETICAL PROPERTIES. 273 nourishment, as, according to Payen, it contains more than twice the nutriment of soup and three times as much as'tea. In the liquid state, however, the nitroge- neous or flesh-forming properties, being mostly insoluble, they remain in the grounds. For this reason coffees lightly roasted possesses the maximum of nutrition, strength and aroma. The Belgian coal miners live and work effectively on a ration of solid food less than the French miners, yet per- form more labor than the latter, the only difference in their food consisting in the Belgians receiving a ration of coffee instead of wine, to which is attributed their greater endur- ance. While Jomand states that eight pints of an infusion “made with six ounces of different kinds of coffee enabled him to live for five consecutive days without lessening his ordinary occupations, as well as t6 use more and prolonged muscular exercise than he was accustomed to without any other physical injury than a slight degree of fatigue and a little loss of flesh. The value of hot infusions of coffee under the rigors of an Arctic cold has been demonstrated by the experience of all polar explorers, and it has been found scarcely less useful in tropical regions, where it beneficially stimulates the action of the skin. Cap- tain Parry states that when on his Arctic expedition he placed his starboard watch on a diet of coffee and the port watch on that of rum, as an experiment, with the result that the coffee watch was found to possess a vigor of health and activity entirely wanting in that of the other. And many of our own troops during the late war declared that they could march longer and endure more hardship and exposure under the stimulus of a cup of warm coffee—and they got far from the best or purest— than they could under an equal quantity of liquor. 274 DIETETICAL PROPERTIES. But there is still another effect of coffee—that of checking the too rapid consumption of nitrogeneous matter in the system—which, while not nutritious in itself, yet possesses an indirect nutritive value, this result, added to its stimulating character, have made it the chosen beverage for breakfast, and therefore the best staple supply for both our army and _ navy. By taking a cup of strong, black coffee, without milk or sugar, between two glasses of hot water before rising in the morning and at least an hour before breakfast, the various secretions are stimulated and the nervous force aroused, so that an hour later a hearty meal is enjoyed and the day’s labor begun favorably, no matter how the duties of the day and night preceding may have drawn upon the system. While another cup at four in the afternoon is sufficient to sustain the flagging energies for many hours thereafter. In this manner its full effect is best secured, but if along with this the proper diet is taken at the proper time, the capacity for work will be almost unlimited. Its physiological effects upon the human system, so far as they have been investigated, appear to be that while it makes the brain more active it soothes the body gen- erally, making the waste and loss of tissue slower and the demand for food less. It is a mental stimulus of a high order, and therefore is as a beverage liable to be abused for that reason. Through its influence the stu- dent burns the midnight oil to excess, and consequently reduces his store of physical force. The German naturalist Martin relates a case he met with of a horse which owed its life to the use of coffee after being in a condition considered as incurable. The animal was reduced to a mere skeleton and so weak that it could scarcely walk, when infusions of coffee were first given it as an experiment, and then some ground coffee MORAL INFLUENCE. 275 mixed with honey. Ina short time the animal began to improve rapidly, eventually becoming better than ever. The same treatment was afterwards tried with like suc- cess In many similar cases where the horses had been over-worked or lost their strength and appetite. It has been affirmed that coffee and other substances ‘containing the alkaloid Caffeine have a direct influence in retarding the waste of tissue matter in the human frame, a single cup of the liquid prepared from a quarter ounce of coffee, containing from 1.5 to 1.9 grains of Caffeine in the infused state. The moderation of tissue waste attributed to coffee in common with other articles having the same general action and in use among different nations, is proven by various well-established facts. In its primary operation it agrees with those stimulants in exciting mental and muscular activity as well as cheerfulness, while in its after effects it does not . tend to produce narcotism or stupor, only that unsteadi- ness of mind and of the spinal functions which denotes exhaustion. MORAL INFLUENCE. It has been the custom at frequently-recurring periods for moralists and scientists to claim that coffee is injuri- ous to the health of its votaries, and many coffee drink- ers believing such statements give up its use regretfully. That its use or rather its abuse may be injurious in some instances cannot be denied, but of all beverages now in use the facts and effects prove it to be the least injurious of any and all when not indulged in immoderately. Taken in moderation it is both a mental and physical. stimulant of the most agreeable and pleasant nature, being followed by no harmful reaction. It produces con- tentment of mind, allays hunger and bodily weakness, 276 MORAL INFLUENCE. increases the incentive and capacity for work, enabling those who use it in bounds to remain long without food or sleep, endure unusual fatigue, and preserve their cheer- fulness and composure, coffee-drinkers as a rule being generally. cheerful, active and persevering. The truth is that coffee, if of a pure kind and properly prepared, is about the pleasantest and most innocuous stimu- lant that can be resorted to, particularly after a long worry or severe drain on the emotional or intellectual forces. So that if it could be but made to take the place of absinthe, champagne and other such beverages the coming race would be all the better intellectually and physically for it. Habitual coffee-drinkers generally enjoy good health, some of the longest-lived people have used it from their earliest infancy without apparent injury or depressing reaction, such as is invariably produced by alcoholic stimulants. The physiological action of coffee is directed chiefly to the nervous system, producing a warm, cordial feeling in the stomach, which is quickly followed by a well-diffused and agreeable nervous excitement extending itself to the cerebral functions, giving rise to increased vigor to the imagination and intellect without causing any subsequent stupor or confusion of ideas, such as are so characteristic of all other narcotics. It produces contentment of mind, allays hunger, mental and bodily weariness, increases the capacity for work, makes man forget his troubles and anxieties, enabling those who use it judiciously to endure unusual fatigue and remain a long time without food or sleep, as well as to preserve their temper and cheerful- ness. The influence which the introduction of coffee has exercised on modern morals is on account of its peculiar character, much easier to understand than to prove. We MORAL INFLUENCE. 277 know that the discovery of gunpowder changed the entire art of war from the equipment of the individual soldier tothe alignment ofan entire army, and thus its influence became a palpable fact. But the changes in modern life effected by the introduction of coffee belong to the general and concealed springs of life; to its motives, rather than to any circumscribed set of utterances regarding its facts, and an influence of this nature requires the application of a peculiar instrument in order to in a measure calculate or even demonstrate it. A doctor may be perfectly correct in ascribing a fever to certain atmospheric conditions, but without thermometer, barometer or microscope, he can prove absolutely nothing. We may be perfectly certain then that the introduction of coffee has altered the. whole moral atmosphere in which we move, but without statistics we are unable to demonstrate the legitimacy or correctness of the assumption, and statistics is a scientific instrument of much later date than the introduction of coffee. Observations, however, which in some degree may be of some service in arriving at exact figures, are not altogether wanting. It cannot be contended that life has become more just and honest, which would be the legitimate result of a better education, but it is certain that it has become gentler, more uniform and _ pacific, two results which essentially depend on food and occu- pation. Nor can it be denied that it is the increasing demands of reason which awe, superstition, bigotry and narrow fanaticism out of our educational system, and not this system which spontaneously has endeavored to make everything else subservient to reason, and what thus is dimly or vaguely indicated by a general view of life, often becomes more striking in many individual instances. It is a hazardous, but nevertheless felicitous 278 MORAL INFLUENCE. expression, that “if Queen Elizabeth had breakfasted upon coffee and hot rolls, instead of beer and bacon, Queen Mary would never had been beheaded.” We find in bygone ages a perversity of temper, an impetuosity of will, a violence of the passions which has led some moral- ists to consider the later generations of the human race as decreasing in vital force, while indeed the phenomenon might be explained as the single result of an over-stimu- lating and too exciting a diet and a lack of temperance. Let the people begin to indulge once again in drinking wine, ale or other intoxicating beverages at the morning meal instead of tea or coffee, and we will soon have the same amount of vital force back again. It is not the power of passion which has decreased, but the power of restriction which has increased, and a comprehensive ‘consideration of historical facts seem to justify the con- clusion that this increased power of the reason is due as much to a more proper feeding of the body as to a better system of education. The mental exhilaration and physical activity and buoy- ancy which coffee causes explains the fondness which has been shown for itby so many men of science, poets, scholars and others devoted to writing or thinking at all times, and for which reason it has been styled the “ intellectual beverage.” Preachers, orators, editors and lawyers find- ing a cup of good coffee the gentlest, most harmless and effective of brain-bracers, but it does not appear to be generally known that nearly all men of literary habits who exhaust much nerve force use it constantly. It supported Voltaire in his old age and enabled Fontenelle to pass his hundred years. It was Voltaire who replied, on being informed by his physician “that coffee was a soz poison,’ “Yes, I know it is a very slow poison; it has been poisoning me for over seventy years;” and Sydney MORAL INFLUENCE. 279 Smith who said, “If you want to improve your under- standing drink coffee; it is the intellectual beverage.’ Brady terming it “ The sovereign drink of pleasure and of health,” and Pope eulogizing it in the following lines :— ‘From silver spouts the grateful liquors slide While China’s earth receives the smoking tide, At once they gratify their sense and taste, And frequent cups prolong the rich repast ; Coffee! which makes the politician wise And see through all things with half-shut eyes.”’ Howells paying his tribute to it when he says, “ This coffee intoxicates without exciting, soothes you softly out of dull sobriety, making you think and talk of all the pleasant things that ever happened to you.” But times have changed since Voltaire, Diderot, Pope and others wrote and sang of coffee, jested, reasoned and made themselves immortal under its influence; alimentary and not literary is the modern ca/¢, though some can still boast of a clientele artistic, journalistic, or scientific, the commercial element preponderating, but the old historic café, the café of tradition, where one was sure to find some celebrity on exhibition—a poet or a philosopher—may be said to be defunct. From its cordial and gently stimulating effects we may well join in the enthusiastic panegyric pronounced on it by an Arabian of old, of which the following is a free, but condensed, translation: ‘‘O, coffee, thou dis- pellest the cares of the great and bringest back those who wander from the paths of knowledge! Coffee is our gold, and in the place of its illusions we are in the enjoyment of the best and noblest society. Every care vanishes when the cup-bearer presents the delicious 280 MORAL INFLUENCE, chalice to our lips. It circulates freely through our veins and will not rankle there. Grief cannot exist where it grows and sorrow humbles itself before its powers.” Vive la cafe t CHAP’TER X. PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION. IFTY years ago a supply of 150,000 tons of all kinds of coffee was considered sufficient to meet the entire demand of Europe and America com- bined. In 1848, however, these two continents alone consumed upwards of 250,000 tons, which had increased in 1868 to 375,000 tons, and in 1888 to over 700,000 tons, or more than double that of fifty years before. TABLE T. WORLD’S PRODUCTION (ESTIMATED). Countries. Weight in Tons. Liberia and all other Countries on the West CoastiofvAinca a. 19,500 Abyssinia and all other Counties on ihe Bac Coast of Africa, . . . See R EG Mure 2OTOOO Natal and Cape of Good Pepe: aa ae eee 300 Arabia bourbonand Mauritius, 2) 3. =< .-= 15,000 Britishpindiasand Ceylon oe) sisi so lea) 05) 2 = 30,500 Javaoumatraand:Celebes; 13. - 60,000 Bali, Timour and other Islands in the ‘Malayan: Archipelago, 9°). 0% Sie Suess ics geal OSOOO Philippine, Fiji and Samoa ieenee Mae 11,000 Sandwich and all other Islands in the South Pacific Oceans as oti ie ee ence ts 1,200 Cubagande¢PortomRico; 2% np 3. set) 5 ee oe 2h} OOO Haytiand San Domingo, . . . 15,000 Jamaica and other Islands in the West ices +7 =18;000 Mexico and Central America,. . . . . . . 80,000 WenezuelarandsColomibiayie ns. 4. G08 4 +) 12). 50,000 Equador and Bolivia, . . Sehce SNE TOOO Brazil and other Countries in South ener . 500,000 reais tO tala we meee ti ick «cota ten ee OF SG OO 382 PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION: Or about 1,800,000,000 pounds per annum, the value of which averages over $275,000,000 wholesale, according to its market price at time of sale. TABLE I: WORLD’S CONSUMPTION (ESTIMATED). Countries. Weight in Tons. Stale ener a aa ora as sa SO OOS) WA Brel Cah es ORS ESE OTN eS Te Aco is BR gO San araeane 2 GF OG) NuStraliasotents vasihys cerae es Luanne items fie aera 5,000 Continent of, Europe; 02 >.<... {eae 1 AB 0;e00 GreatBritain and Irelandniy yo). a. a =) nls, 000 United States and @anada,: 9.>... 9. . .. +. 275,000 Mexico and Central America,. . . . . . . 20,000 Wrestilindiacislands,) ie ss) 0c ies ipuas oy ve eercesan EOS Brazil and South American Countries,. . . . 40,000 Motal nace aah Me ren Ran races gre OL .OOO Which shows that, in recent years, the world’s supply has not kept pace with the growing demand through ut the civilized world. TABLE III. Showing the average annual consumption in the United States, imported principally as follows :— Country. Tons. Per Cent. Braz hoc tenant iene) pan seni e lds OOOO 75.00 WMenezuelaya a eine ene eviews 62 OOOO 5.00 Mexico, sige 80. pO Qhie SSNs 51000 4.00 Central America,'. . . 9... 5,000 2.00 West India Islands, . . . . . . 10,000 4.00 Indiajand, Ceylon, eae T,000 1.00 Arabia and Africa,. . . . . . + 410,000 5.00 Java and Sumatrayen i Wow. a... 10,000 4.00 Total syne ete ioe then. . 2T OOOO 100.00 PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION. 283 TABLE IV. Showing where United States receives supplies of coffee from in general and the various kinds consumed :— Country. Pounds. AGRIC ay ROR en amen cL cri uiae tee) aes mae ok OOOLOOO Aralbiaapyansenmccir wee cit ea ar ae) eh OOOlOOO emer aniclaieme yen ete ici lg) haa ok en, Rs ae ROOOOOO Ol amc aan Metres a eis eb ae 3 SS OOOOOO Germaniyen mien hegre wen eo a oye he eck nes 250,000 Belgium, . . ees NS Sa se Pat Va 80,000 Portugal and Saami! Sr oi GMM ftv sare ty 150,000 Brazil, et POEMS Nia levorclt jam tives fama dames AOO;OOO;}OOO Ce BAECS SONI TE REE RUE eH SUNT Ma re 500 MECXICOM Kine iets ok nero Bula viee TOOOOlOOO Wenezuclaiie iri. |. ie) eu, ca ec R OEE PEN. 13550001000 Colombia, . . tigpibe 2 SS SPV. hihi s lh OOO; O00 _ Equador and Bolivia, ARMIN Selec ROS OG: FETE OOO OOO Wrestindiaislamdsy (2g isis cee et 56000,000 British and) Duteh Guiana, 7 244) 2) 1 500,000 MalayansArchipelago;)) 4) 2) a 8s 2 or Goo;000 British; Indiavands Ceylon, shy 20 2 6 GOO;oco Philippine and Pacific Islands, . . . . . 10,000 Sandwich and other Islands, . . . .. . 75,000 Azores and Cape Verde Islands,. . . . 1,500 French Possessions in Africa, Madaeeecar and’ Bourbons (ove) uiehs eae eon Lee I,500 Total importation,. . . . . ~ 600,000,000 jotalivalueris i ies 2. tie io hSO;000;000 Which, according to the Bureau of Statistics, is about g pounds per capita, valued at $1.15 per head, for every man, woman and child in the United States, while it has been ascertained that the consumption of coffee has declined in England in the past ten years to less than one pound fer capita of the population as against an increase in the consumption of tea from 6 to 8 pounds, 284 PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION. TABLE, V-. Showing per capita consumption of the principal countries of the world in round numbers :— Countries, Cuenca ASS iar ones rhia ines ber iigs oy ot RE ES 80,000,000 — PA Fre Cairne y eect es eae 50,000,000 I PANAS talline n woman ety ure aie enc ue INR 10,000,000 2 Pe NSOIS( HATE TB. ants Mle Alay nate eats Na 10,000,000 2% Beloiumy) eae er et ate 50,000,000 10 Denmankiyeys, sien a cence 25,000,000 6 PATA COS ae cree ce hen eee omanlee is OE yin aan ee 100,000,000 2% Germanyin srs ur) cia pe duets pls 180,000,000 (GKEECE VA Gs Pee Wes eerie anes 2,000,000 o'% Evo lances ona ein tee woes 70,000,000 14 Btalyaet epee s hts: Qari hi eete 30,000,000 Te Switzerland’, sht neko. Leihos: 20,000,000 5 Russia and Siberia, .... . 15,000,000 od Sweden and Norway, ... . 35,000,000 i0 Great Britain and Ireland,. . . 35,000,000 I United States and Canada, . . 600,000,000 6 Mexico and Central America,. . 35,000,000 3 West India Islands, . . . . . 30,000,000 5 South American States,. . . . 100,000,000 3 What tea is to the United Kingdom coffee is to the United States, the consumption of the latter in this country increasing from 80,000,000 pounds in 1861 to 116,000,000 in 1871, and to over 400,000,000 pounds in 1881, the consumption of coffee, at the present time in this country, falling just short of the enormous figures of 600,000,000 pounds. The use of ‘coffee has been extending at an enormous rate for the past 150 years, until at the present day it is found in every civilized country and almost every un- civilized country on the habitable globe. It has become PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION. 285 one of the corner-stones of civilization. As has been well said by one writer, it smoothes the troubled soul, heals all family feuds, fits one for the annoyances of business, and organizes a truce between the man who drinks it and-all the troubles and cares of life. The United States is without doubt a nation of coffee- drinkers, the average annual consumption reaching up- wards of 600,000,000 pounds, or nearly ten pounds per capita of the entire population. Up to 1860 there was a wide disparity between the production and consumption of coffee throughout the civilized world, the former remaining stationary while the latter continued to increase rapidly until the civil war, which caused a reduction in this country of nearly 200,000 tons per annum, thus re-establishing the relative difference between the laws of supply and demand. With the close of the rebellion, the United States, however, and a reduction of the duty, the consumption again steadily increased, exceeding in a short time the increase in the production, causing a steady advance in prices from 1869 to 1880, the extreme advance in prices in the latter year naturally stimulated and increased production until stocks accumulated largely and prices again declined accord- ingly. During the period from 1880-87, planters and dealers suffered greatly, many disastrous failures among both classes following as a consequence. The consump- tion meanwhile continued to increase steadily, as did also the production, owing to the yield of new plantations previously opened under the stimulus of the high prices prevailing in 1880, fair relations between the production and consumption being to the present maintained. The history of tariff legislation on coffee in the United States may be summed up in the following sequence; The first duty on. coffee was levied in 1789, 286 PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION. which was 2% cents per pound. In 1790 this was increased to 4 cents, and again to 5 cents in 1794, being retained at the latter figure until 1812, when it was increased to 10 cents, owing to the increased expendi- tures of the government, due to the war with England. At the close of this war, in 1814, the duty was reduced to 5 cents per pound, remaining at the latter figure until 1828, when it was still further reduced to 2 cents; in 1830, to 1 cent, being removed altogether in 1832, and placed for the first time on the free list. No tax was again placed on coffee until the beginning of the civil war in 1861, when a duty of 4 cents per pound was levied on it, which was shortly after increased to 5 cents, at which figure it remained until 1871, when it was reduced to 3 cents, the duty being entirely removed from coffee in 1872, since which year it has remained uninterruptedly on the free list. During the years from 1832 to 1861, when coffee was entered free of duty, it ruled lower in price and increased more in consumption than it had at any previous period, the per capita consumption increasing from three pounds in 1830, to nearly six pounds in 1860, the quantity imported into the United States in the latter year reaching nearly 236,000,000 pounds, being valued at $21,500,000, the three following years showing an average annual importation of about 220,600,000 pounds, valued at $21,000,000. In 1855 fair Rio averaged 11 cents per pound; Maracaibo, 12 cents, and Java, 14% cents; these being the three principal then in demand in the American market, while in 1860 the range was considerably higher and the consumption correspond- ingly less, Rios averaging 1334 cents; Maracaibos, 14% cents; and Javas, 16% cents. These prices continuing to advance until 1863-4, when the prices of coffee ruled PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION. 287 exceptionally high, owing to the war duty of 5 cents per pound; the figures averaging in 1863 31 cents for Rio, 32 cents for Maracaibo, and 37 cents for Java, increasing in 1864 to 42% cents for Rio, 43 cents for Maracaibo, and 49 cents for Java. From 1864 to 1880, however, there was a steady decline in the prices of coffee, there being at the same time a correspondingly steady increase in its consumption. The prices ruling for the three leading kinds of coffee in the American market, from 1880 to 1890, is as follows, per pound :— Rio. Maracaibo. Java. Year. Cents. Cents. Cents. TOSOn ane eee LO Sis. SHE HTA LONG! ERSTE, “She 3 4 TOOT Wiesel ew TDG) orgs. Faaues beck SiN pine LO OO Lee meth Menta Osea er. ok Mae sO al Mais ah ab POO Wier e Meii n LONG ian gua sco a TT ND ANA MOOAR ar tae eT af Meee, Pee iaredgs “IGT Spey Men ces, cee Sea) MOOR Ga een tO Haas iaat tials) KOPY Gilead autres cat SSS U4 LOSOM MAMA: | LOST Ss kM tTO ye Bren) ite 163%" LOS Hecat baie inew pore + apasey nes PLO Mids) es pee TO ROSSER gO Wendie Rem es OTe 8 oO iMeteto) gh Aly. Sg AIG) ia Terese) Sia Ober NOOO er ce a TO SS wa eertinret Ao) ae mat wie i In many of the years from 1870 to 1880, Java, which is regarded as the standard coffee, sold less than Mara- caibo; the latter frequently selling for less than Rio, which is considered the lowest in the scale during the same period. In 1875, however, the imports again in- creased to 300,000,000 pounds, valued at $51,000,000. Taking the population in 1856 at 27,000,000 and in 1875 at 42,000,000, it will be noticed that the increase in quantity of imports was only 34 per cent., 21 per cent. less than the increase of population for the same period, while the increase in value was 146 per cent. meantime. Figures which serve conclusively to prove that while 288 PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION. low prices tend to increase consumption, high prices only serve to retard it. About 1883 new factors in the buying and selling of coffee appeared, coffee exchanges been opened in Havre, Hamburg and New York, which created large transactions in ‘options,’ some of them becoming enormous in their magnitude, and against which consider- able quantities of coffee must be held, the operations for future deliveries reaching as high as 22,000,000 bags in 1887. This enormous increase in the transactions of that year was due entirely to a short crop report and to the active speculation based thereon. The continued increase in consumption and the increased demand for stocks held against the trading in options not being met by a corresponding increase in the production of the article, added to the serious injury to the crops in Java by leaf disease and in Brazil by blight, having still further disturbed the relations between the established laws of supply and demand. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. IASI. I Showing tares, style of package and average weight of the principal coffees imported into the Unlted States. Style Average Kind. of Weight ‘Tare. Package. Pounds. WiGerale sine Balestier i eOOH wien oActitalll avast cues ran Viatsion yet oe OOM ene ol percent, BnGiaen Meee Dag Sw ene | ee PePAONs 4)... 2)” 2). percent. Ceylon tar: fe ACS es sh TAO We os. 2 DEKACENe: @evionee Wie Casksyen ere Coot Actual: Nawiaicay ec) bags.) s200™. nr 2) per cent, jamaicanne. ;.sebarrelsy 3 -200 vant Actual: San Wouinso,- wbags >. 5 2. go. << 2. 2 per cent: Play tieein . pBAmse.) ee sur USOu a.ts) 2 per cents AVIEXICAM gs ea eStae.| irs Jun UGOye wy cig a2) Percent: . Lb per cent. All other coffees in bags one per cent. and all others in bales and barrels actual tare. 292 APPENDIX. RAB eR ae Showing relative difference between cost of raw and roasted coffees, including cost of roasting (1% cent per pound), and loss by shrinkage (15 per cent). Raw. Roasted. Raw. Roasted MOI Ue aga e rile Ue ANE RG 173 21 AG; LO ere tenes nl 2LOS 18 21 76 TOR pas Wouee ta On OA Oe 181 22 06 KONE AMS) Me Mish Woe lions ene 18h Beas Dl eros agener Pe ON GR 18} 22 64 MTs vee ikeue. eo at GRO 19 22703 DST eel oi ts ek AMINED. rol. Bey age DeLee MASS ei thes reine Le ABT Igt 23 52 Ba eat SI qc eee aE, a7 19? 23 82 DAES Se NORCO) 20 24 AX RZ reel cwe ts Hare) eG RAO 201. 24°42 TZ eC Ae Pan CREO) 204 24 75 athe ete a: ste G MOO 203 25 co 31 16 18 21, 25 30 132 16 48 214 25 59 13? 16 67 214 25 88 14 17 06 212 26 19) 144 1735 22 = 2Oa7 14t 187), (OF) 224 26°76 143 17 94 224 27 06: 15 18 24 222 27. 1B: 154 18 53 23 27,04. 154 18 82 234 27 94 153 19 13 234 28 2 16 19 41 233 28 53 16] 19 7! 24 28 82 Tos 20 00 244 29).12 164 20 30 244 29 42 Liha eR Ne) eal ORS ©) DASA ela iain ueleNne Conard 7S Ae AEE Soe eee ZOOS PSU Reha haa 2K) (C-R) For each one-eighth of a cent Raw add one-fitteenth Roasted. APPENDIX. 293 LAB EE iil: Showing comparative loss in roasting coffee between Winter and Summer months of the principal coffees :— Months. Rio. Java. Mecha. Maracaibo. Percent. Percent. Percent. Percent. WANUATY Me hate eee es eA 16 15 16 Kebiianyegencnucanuncre LA 16 15 16 March titania tiles ou Te 16 15 16 N /LLSaY Sona merce mene cal as sep nen ES 15 14 15 [EES RACs cities SVG pna be) 15 14 15 ANDES 65 Wl a Ueda Se He 15 14 15 From which it may be noted that Rio and Mocha lose on an average one per cent. less than Java and Maracaibo in both seasons, which is accounted for by the greater hardness and solidity of the bean of the former over the latter, which are lighter and softer in texture, the average loss being 15 per cent. on all coffees. i AB IEE Ve Showing comparative weights of Raw and Roasted coffees, after sustaining a loss of from 12 to 16 per cent. :— Weight raw. Weight roasted. Net. Per cent. Per cent. Percent.) bexricent: Per cent. 12 13 I4 15 SHO) 50 lbs 44 435 43 423 2 He 48} 48 474 464 46 COT 524 2 51) 51 50% OSs 57 564 56 554 545 7h» she 614 61 60 593 582 Seis 66 65% 64% 63% 63 SO} 704 694 681 68 67 35. 743 74 73 724 713 go “ 79 783 773 763 75% Soar 833 823 814 804 79% BOa,,."* 89 87 86 85 84 gos 92% gly gor 89x 88 aTOy 964 95% 945 93 git eis“ 102 100 99 9 96} T2005" 1054 1o4d 103 102 1ol He Sraas 110 1083 1074 1061 105 Fig) 6 1143 113 112 III 1104 pst 118? 1174 116 114? 1134 r40 “ 124 1212 120} 11g 1174 TAS ea 1274 126 1244 123} 1212 294 APPENDIX. TABLE V. Showing cost of Roasted coffee after sustaining a loss of :— Cost Raw. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 12 13 14 if) 112 lig I12 10} 12 r2d 124 II 124 123 123 11g 13 134 13s 2 138 134 14 125 14d 14g 14} 13 14¢ 15 155 13 158 154 15% 14 15% 162 164 144 16} 162 16% 15 17 175 17s 154 172 17% 18 16 18% 183 182 164 182 19 194 17 19% 195 194 173 19% 20} 202 18 20% 202 20% 18} 21 21+ 214 19 212 21% 224 19} 224 223 222 20 223 23 232 204 234 232 235 21 232 24 242 214 244 242 25 2a 25 255 253 224 254 255 264 23 263 263 263 232 205 27 27s 24 274 272 27% 244 274 28% 283 25 282 282 29h Per cent. Per cent. 15 16 11¢ liz 123 12 12g 3 138 135 14e 14% 142 147 152 154 153 ne 163 162. 17 174 17g 17% 18} 183 182 19 19s 19g 20 2oL 202 20% 21f 212 213 22 222 222 28 234 23% 23% 248 248 24% 25 234 258 25% 264 264 262 27 27% 272 28 284 28% 285 298 298 29% | | | | | | To which must be added cost of roasting, 1 cent per pound. APPENDIX. 295 TABLE. VI. Showing New York Coffee Exchange point card, and giving decimal value of 5 points to one cent per pound on 250 bags coffee (32,500 pounds), which is the smaliest transaction :— Points. Difference. Points. Difference. Obs Wena na HON25 HOG Wane nde HAAN aS HO, gaan ie as 32 50 REO gl in ven rpea 5 SO WS hs so AOR ut he Se ees) 7s 20, 65 00 120, 390 10 2 SI 25 25, 406 2 39, 97 50 139, 432 50 35; us) 7/5) 35, 438 75 40, 130 00 140, 455 50 45, 146 25 145, ATL 25 50, 162 50 LS On sup core c.f A OTAGO SNe ict RON, 5 D5 Os Meares a et AS TENS 60, Tg5 00 155, 593075 65, 225 160, 5 520 00 TO} cg Boer ee og SO LOS spre ea ta 5 QON2S Di i AEM oe Joke 2AQt 75 Os, tea cies: oh OE SO SOU, Stars.” 200RC0 D7 Soa Onin ar a FOSN 7S Sia yeasts cr eT One LOOM een Piet GOGO GO ee ee seh at Me ZOe SO LOS eet) te OOLE 2 Oia ade 30) 75 LOO} epee cet a Ole SO 100 (one cent), 325 00 LQG 520 ccs eat: ORIG 75 200 (twocents), 650 50 No. 7 (low ordinary) is adopted as the ‘‘standard grade,” and is taken as a basis for all operations, but a grade comparing with any of the ten numbers may be substituted at their approximate values when delivered is insisted on and No. 7 cannot be had. The brokerage for buying and selling is 4 cents per bag, and the original margin $1.00 per bag, the smallest transaction allowed being 250 bags and the market fluctuation ;3, cents per pound. 206 APPENDIX. TABLE VII. Showing method for converting Rio and Santos quotations into United States currency, including freight charges at 4o cents and 5 per cent. per bag marine insurance. One month’s charges in New York, at 2 per cent. discount, $4.80, equaling the pound sterling at 60 days sight. Market Paice in Rio Rates of Exchange on rete (equivalent in cents per io per pound). to Kilos. 20a atid 220 000") {1S Mra 2) OS aS. oe ay ZOO. Jo) ee MORB SE RB ce ce IOatet BAO 15 MN TAO eg a ae Ee ce te ak Saintes GOO BIRR RL a Bale ae ay BOO URE EO gaae OOO) MA LAAT Ss 1 A eae eR Sati $200". Piss GARG Me, CUT Sap -no! ae So HOO! iu). Gye Se OB Sine laos GOO oe calcd Sagtp eee) ee, LOW ee en as Oss OOO E a Onyg ie Or yg ee One 000°). 2. TOS BO we eG eo a Fractional equivalents to be added if necessary, each 4d. in exchange being equivalent to about 1 per cent. Bases for freight differences to be added or deducted at rate of 5 cents and 5 per cent. per bag—.o4 cents per pound, to which must be also added commission for buying in Rio or Santos, but if the coffee should be wanted for sale on the Exchange no addition need be made. TABLE VII: For converting London quotations into U.S. currency, includ- ing cost, insurance, freight, one month's charges in New York and 2 per cent. discount. Market Price in London London Rates of Exchange at 60 days, equivalent in cents per 112 pounds. per pound. Shillings. #4 So $4 35 $4 90 GOR ota eT AS Sng ye Eine ae LE OG Rr a Og wear ntl leon roan ener TLC G) Bins WOU AS BEAN ENT EQOU EG TST 2ROO NAGS ee E22 SFist hice HOLA La roe 2 Byki coke ti R285 CAGE eh Pak oop eed ee 2 AGU ion Tee CO eet le Mau oO at TO NOG, true ls Maelo SO ae eens see el 2) OL este ke eee OL BS NG AY OTBUO Ze. OS MT SULA eau ihG eee 2 BB cht utes ARNG Sra re IRS SS hich Hear a ASE Covent Mata TIGA iy Sm OOo ha hobs enya ies APPENDIX. 297 The best and most rapid method of reducing the cost of coffee in Brazil to United States currency is, however, to multiply the price by the rate of exchange ruling at the time of purchase. The result will be in English pence, which is converted into Amer- ican gold in the regular way at the existing rate of London ex- change. Another method by which a result accurate enough for all practical purposes may be obtained is to multiply the price by the rate of exchange, and then deducting one-fourth of the amount so obtained, first getting the free-on-board charges in Rio or Santos, to which must be added the cost of freight and other charges. (ABLE TX: Showing the average value for each year from 1846 to 1878, inclusive, for fair to prime Rio coffee, cargo price in gold, ‘‘in bond,” in New York :— Year. Value. Wear: Value. Year. Value. Year. Value. 1846 . 7.44 1857 . 11.15 1868 . 10.5 i879 . 14.87 1347 . 7.34 1858 . 11.08 1869 . I1.c0 1880 . 15.12 1848 . 6.63 1859 . 11.66 1870 210.33 L88I. 12.23 1SA9 G17 7287 1860 * 13.74 1871 . 12.91 1O82 6239.77, 1850 . 10.91 1SOlee at 2a 1872. 1848 1883 . 10.36 1851. 9.44 RSO2 ys. 22 137.3) OOO), 4) TSod. 10.02 1852 . 8.85 1863 . 16.39 1874 . 21.08 1885 . 9.01 1853 . 9.76 “1864 . 16.22 1875. 18.87 1886 . 10.33 1854 . 10.48 1805 *:7 15:05 1876 : 18:21 rr aac a ene 1855 . 10.47 1866 , 13.86 1877 . 18.45 1856 . 11.04 LOO7p oy i228 1878 . 15.58 Coffee was admitted free up to the first of August, 1861, when an import duty of four cents a pound was levied. In January, 1862, the duty was raised to five cents a pound; and this con- tinued te 1870, when the duty was reduced to three cents a pound. On the first of July, 1872, the impost was removed, and coffee was admitted to duty free once more. In the above table, it will be observed that the highest point was in 1874, after the impost had been removed, when it was 21 cents. This was about the same as in 1863 and ’64, with the duty of 5 cents added; but this, it will be remembered, is an average for the years alluded to for fair to prime, but during the year there was often fluctuations, and prime, as circumstances demanded, brought a very high price, as in some instances it touched at or near 25 cents, when of course all other cotfees were proportionally large. 298: APPENDIN. TABLE X. Showing fluctuations in the coffee market from 1850 to 1867, inclusive. Year. Pounds. Vear. Pounds. LO5O = \e tS 1,040,000 1GOSe sa ZO IZ ACO LOGI ys, le) aL ODOOO HOOQ! . |. 239,053,000: Wied 1 ay hlinaVilnl e-o'e) MG7On ves 27155805 400. USS 3) heh 72,005,000 1871 . - 310,956,8co0: TOGA A Git 6'780.000 1872 ..-.. 266,866,600" VOSG7 os si 200; 250;000 1873 . . 264,666,600. 1O5604 4 2 2IAS 104,000 1674. i. 4272,608,600' 1857. . . 168,916,000 TO75 > 2 ee GOL 27, 000 HO5oue ss) 240,510,000 1876... =. 295,039,800 1859. . . 219,010,000 1877... = 2073528006 LSOO/ os 1787844. 000 1878 . . 213,830,000 1861... 194,656,000 1879 =. . 396,391,600 1862 . . 87,406,000 1880 . . 390,188,500 1863" 14) 4) 17.8; 5021000 [OS 7) ALl,033°200: NSOAY 4 107,052,900 TOG2 waeare 467,504,400 1865 . . 125,708,000 TGO3e oar 449,002,400 1866 . . 157,146,000 1884 . . 490,468,000 1867 . 199,760,000 1885 530,127,400 It will be seen that the consumption increased to 1858, and gradually declined to 1863, when it touched the lowest point. Since that time it has increased nearly seven-fold, but while the quantity imported or consumed has increased beyond our power to fully realize the amount in figures, it is curious to con- sider the varied values of coffee under the many peculiarities of circumstances for the past thirty-six years. APPENDIX. 299 TABLE XI. SHOWING HOW COFFEE IS IMPORTED. fro Forma Invotwe of 1,000 Bags of Coffee, of 60 Kilos. each, Shipped from Rio de Janeiro or Santos to the United States. 1,000 bags coffee of 60 kilos. each =net kilos. 60,000, (@ 6$350 Per LOM NOS Wee Ne ee peatINS 83S LOO ROOG 1,090 empty bags (@ 700 reis, . . 700$000 Rs. 38:800%000° Export duty on kilos. 60,000 (@, 502 rs. per kilo.=Rs. 30,120f000 (@risg pericent.. a7 ie, 9, Reissaco ns ¢600 Harbor-master (Capatazias) fees, GOusaper bag, cca arate ns 60$000 Brokerage, 50 rs. per bag, . . . 50g¢000 Shipping expenses (at 220 rs.=Rs. 220,000), sample, tins and box (Rs. 25$000), freight on same (Rs. 2$000), consul’s certifi- cate (included in sample, tins, etc.), cablegram (Rs. 1oogo00), stamps, petties, etc. (included in sample, tins and box), . . 347000 a 4:372$600- 43:172#600 Commission for buying, 2 percent., . ... . . 863$450 44:036$050 Bill brokerage and stamps, 34 of I per cent.,. . . 165$760° Reis 44:201 $810: * t,a00 reis—z mil-ries—=5414 cents, U.S. 300 ’ APPENDIX, TABLE IT. SHOWING CONVERSION OF BRAZILIAN INTO AMERICAN CURRENCY. Amount of pro forma invoice, . Reis 44:201$810 At 21%d. exchange at Rio,. . . £3,959 15 $4.844%—% per # sterling,. . . . Charges accruing in the United States :— Freight per steamer to New York, 4oc. per bag and 5 per cent. primage, . Marine insurance, I per cent. less 30 per cent.— 5 net, on $21,672 orinvoice and £ value @ $5.50, . Banker’s commission for credit=3/ of 1 per cent. on $19,161, Bill stamps in London (nil). Labor at vessel, 4c. per bag; storage, one month, (@ 4c.; weighing, 3% c.; fire in- surance, I&%c. per bag; delivery (lighter- age), 4c. per bag=16'4c. perbag, . . Petty charges, z. ¢., sampling, sewing, custom fees, etc., on bags, per bag, 344c.; approx- imate for skimming of quality, bags @, ; furnishing new bags, Cables at New York, Cost of 1,000 in store, . . $420 . $19,161 Oo (exe) 00 co CO 920 42 $20,081 42 Description of Modern Machinery for Handling 3 Coffee from Tree to Table. In the preparation of what is known in the market as unwashed coffee, after the cherry coffee has been picked from the tree it is spread out on “patios” or terraces where it is dried in the sun; but as this process is subject to the changes of weather and much labor is required attending to it, artificial dryers have been devised, with which a coffee-planter is enabled to harvest his crop without loss. When the coffee in the “ cherry ” has been thoroughly dried it is run through a hulling and _ polish- ing machine, of which the accompanying is an illustra- tion. The machine is manufactured by the Fraser Manu- facturing Co., of New York city. COBREER HULLER AND POLISHER... 302 MODERN MACHINERY. (75 In the above machine the coffee “cherries” are fed into the hopper whence they go through the hulling part in which the hulls and parchment are gently de- tached from the berries. Thence the hulls, parchment and coffee fall into the polishing cylinder where the hulls, parchment and silver skin are rubbed off and the coffee is polished absolutely clean. The small hulls and parch- ment drop through the perforations in the cylinder into the trough below, the cleaned coffee being discharged at the tail end of the cylinder along with the large hulls and parchment, which are detached from the berries, where all fall into a suction trunk and the fan separates all hulls and parchment from the coffee, depositing all bad material into a hopper which is a part of the machine. The cleaned coffee as known to commerce comes out at the tail end of the machine. “Washed coffee” is prepared in a different manner. After the cherry coffee is picked from the tree it is immediately run through the pulper and washer along with a stream of water where the pulp and glutinous matter are removed, leaving the coffee in the parchment when it has to be dried in the sun or in an artificial dryer, after which it is ready to be run through the machine known as the huller and polisher, above men- tioned, which removes the parchment and silver skin and separates them from the good berries. While either the washed or the unwashed coffee after passing through the huller and polisher is salable in the market there is still an opportunity open to the coffee- planter to further enhance its value by running it through a separator and cleaner, an illustration of which machine is here shown. MODERN MACHINERY. 393 Oo CORREE SEPARATOR AND CLEANER. a In the above machine five screens of perforated metal, all with differently-sized holes, can be used at one time for classifying or grading the several sizes of berry. The coffee passes from the feed hopper to the top screen, which is generally a screen with large holes which allows all the coffee to pass through it and the large sticks and other large foreign matter to pass over the end of the screen into the spout at the front of the machine and thence into a box or other receptacle. A sheet-iron apron below the screen carries the coffee to the beginning of the next screen, and the remaining four screens classify or grade the coffee into large flats, peaberry, medium flats and small flats. These four grades then fall into four separate suction trunks at the back of the machine, where an exhaust fan operates with different power on each grade, removing from the coffee the light sticks, lighter black beans and quaker beans; in fact, everything which is lighter in weight than each grade of good coffee. 304 MODERN MACHINERY. After the coffee has been passed through this machine it is perfectly cleaned and graded and-brings the highest possible price in the market. “In order to save time and labor ona plantation bucket elevators are used, which convey the coffee from the ground to the top of a machine. A bucket elevator is an apparatus consisting of an endless belt running round two pulleys, one of them being at the top and the other at the bottom of the apparatus. On this endless belt there are fastened a number of small tin cups, and as these come round to the ground where the coffee is they pick it up and carry it to the head of the apparatus to any desired elevation, and from the head of the apparatus the coffee falls by gravitation to a machine. A great many coffees come to market imperfectly cleaned and graded, and they cannot be roasted nicely unless they are previously cleaned in the green state. The wholesale jobber and manufacturer, in order to handle such coffees, have in operation in their mills such machines as a milling or scouring machine and a sepa- rator and cleaner. The scouring machine consists of the polishing cylinder of the huller and polisher. The jobbers and manufacturers materially enhance the value of such coffees by running them through these machines. Coffee nowadays is sold by both the green and roasted samples; that is, if anyone has a lot of coffee to sell he must place before the intending purchaser both a sample of it in its green state and a sample of it in its roasted state. In order to do this the sellers of coffee have in their offices a small sample coffee-roaster which will roast from one to three pounds in from five to ten minutes. Single sample roasters, are manufactured to be turned by hand, and they are also made in batteries of any number desired to be turned by steam or electric power. MODERN MACHINERY. 305 Coffee is roasted for commercial purposes by the wholesale manufacturer in a large cylinder, generally six | feet long, made of sheet steel, which is perforated with numerous holes, and inside of it there are fastened to the shell a number of cast iron flights, or conveying shelves, which keep the coffee in motion from one end of the cylinder to the other, and causes it to be roasted evenly and brightly. The cylinder rests on a front and back plate of cast iron, and revolves in a furnace of brick over a hot fire. The green coffee is fed into the hopper of the roaster at the front of the machine while the cylinder is in motion, and during the operation of roasting the operator can, by means of a “tryer,” take from the cylinder a small sample of the coffee, so that he can at any time tell by the sample at what stage the coffee is in the cylinder. When the coffee is sufficiently roasted the operator opens the discharge-door at the front of the machine, and every grain of coffee is there discharged from the cylinder while it is in motion. One of the best roasters in the market is the XL Roaster, manufactured by the Fraser Manufacturing Co., of New York city, a picture of which is now shown. MODERN MACHINERY. | Go fe) Sy THe xX CORRE E-ROAS TER. _Until recently there was no good coffee-roaster in the market for the use of the retail grocers and the retail coffee merchants. A great many retailers have tried to roast their own coffee, but without success, in cheap roasters resembling ovens which are found in_ the market. The result of their doing so is that they have only been able to offer to their customers a very uneven and poorly-roasted coffee, some beans being properly roasted and others not. The accompanying picture illustrates a machine in which they can roast their own coffee as well as the large manufacturers do in the large roasters. It will be observed that in design it is similar to the large roaster used by the wholesale manufacturers. MODERN MACHINERY. 307 THE Xr, PORTABLE ROASTER, When the roasted coffee is discharged from the roaster it is very hot, and in order to preserve its color, it must be cooled very quickly. The quicker it is cooled the better it is. Formerly, the roasted coffee was cooled by dashing water over it and stirring it about in a box. The modern way, however, of cooling the roasted coffee is to allow it to drop from the roaster into a box, which is made of sheet steel and has a false bottom of perforated steel. This box with the roasted coffee in it is con- nected with an exhaust fan which exhausts the heat from the coffee, and. cools it in a few minutes. The illustration here shown will explain how the coffee is cooled by this method, and how, also, the stones are removed from it. 308 MODERN MACHINERY. COOLING BOX, STONER AND EX- HAUST FAN. The great majority of coffees have mixed in them a number of stones, nails, etc. These are removed from the coffee after it is roasted and cooled by means of a stoning apparatus. The exhaust fan draws the roasted coffee up through a telescopic elevating pipe by means of wind suction to a galvanized iron hopper which is hung from the ceiling. The wind suction is regulated very nicely by means of a gate in the pipe so that it is only strong enough to draw up the roasted coffee and leave behind in the box the stones and nails, and every- thing that is heavier than the coffee. From the galvan- ized iron hopper the coffee runs by gravitation into a bag, barrel or other receptacle. After the coffee has been roasted, cooled and stoned, some manufacturers apply a glazing material to it for the purpose of closing the pores of the bean and preserving its strength and aroma, thus allowing it to be kept fresh for along time. This glazing material is applied to the coffee in a cylinder, and after the coffee is covered with \ MODERN MACHINERY. 1. 300 the glazing material it requires to be dried by heated air in an artificial dryer. Roasted coffee is ground by the wholesale manufac- turer, by the retailer, and also by the consumer. Many differently constructed mills are used for this purpose. Some consumers wish to have the coffee coarsely granu- lated; others desire to have it finely granulated, while others require to have it very finely pulverized. After _ being ground it is ready for the coffee-pot, and thence it is served in the cup. Joseph M. WaLsH IMPORTER OF WA VARIETIES AND GRADES PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. [BD 08 air LIBRARY OF CONGRESS | Ohap. = ya Cari 2 Dg ees | Shelf. NN ae ¢ on UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. i CAL ara eet mega SS inne ooood2z7aL4A