PRESENTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO BY _ 7? (eS TRnE iy a Rarer tis 3 3 Archive Digitized by the Internet ~ in 2007) ng. ' Via Perey PP ehte cian ey are = ea 00k ws: COLLECTED PAPERS ON — CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. FIRST SERIES, CHIEFLY CONTAINING LABORATORY RESEARCHES. BY Sir LAUDER BRUNTON, M.D., D.Sc., LL.D. (EpIn. AND ABERD.), F.R.S., F.R.C.P. Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences ; Correspondent of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia ; Associate Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia; Honorary Member of the Imperial Military Academy of Medicine of St. Petersburg ; Correspondant Etranger de la Société de Therapeutique, Paris; Honorary Member of the American Therapeutic Society; Honorary Member of the Pharmaceutical Society, etc.; Consulting Physician and late Lecturer on Pharmacology and Therapeutics to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. LONDON: MACMILLAN anp Co., LIMITED, New York: THE MAcMILLAN COMPANY. 1907. [The Right of Translation is Reserved. ] ne A a: is Author’s Medication, TO DAVID FERRIER, M.A., M.D., LL.D., F.RS., MY CHUM FOR THREE YEARS, AND MY FRIEND FOR MORE THAN THIRTY I DEDICATE THIS BOOK, NOT ONLY AS A MARK OF LONG AND UNBROKEN FRIENDSHIP, - BUT ALSO IN RECOGNITION OF THE MARVELLOUS ABILITY WHICH HAS ENABLED HIM TO DO FOR THE BRAIN WHAT HARVEY DID FOR THE CIRCULATION AND BRING ORDER OUT OF CHAOS. PREFACE. SEVERAL of my friends have complained to me that my writings are so scattered that they have been unable to refer to them when they wished todo so. I have therefore collected and reprinted them. At first, I intended to publish them in two volumes, but I found that they naturally fell into two series, the first containing chiefly the results of experimental research in the laboratory, and the second those of clinical work. It is unsatisfactory to possess only one volume of a work, but one reader may be more interested in experimental, and another in clinical work, and so each might wish to possess the series dealing with the subject he desires. In some instances, the same paper appears in two languages, for I found on one occasion, at least, that the work described in an English paper had been ignored on the pretext that the writer had not access to the German original. One of the first things to strike a reader will be the number of papers with a joint authorship. One reason of this is that I lke working with others who are interested in the same subject as myself, and thus have written conjointly with Dr. A. B. Meyer (now Director of the Royal Zoological Museum at Dresden), Sir Joseph Fayrer, Mr. Henry Power, and Mr. D’Arcy Power. Two or three years after beginning to lecture on Materia Medica and Therapeutics at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, I tried to institute a pharmacological laboratory there. The place which I got for this purpose was about 12 feet by 6, and formerly had been used only for washing dishes aid jars in the museum, but a table on one side served to hold the apparatus, and I got some students to work there with me. One research was that of Mr. Walter Pye, on Casca, and the other that of Mr. Tait, on Nitro-glycerine. The pulling down of this laboratory on account of the rebuilding of the Medical School prevented me from pursuing my plan of getting a number vi PREFACE, of students to work, and before the new buildings were finished the claims of practice began to interfere with my experimental work. I soon found that when a great part of three days is taken up with hospital work, a very few consultations outside will interfere seriously with laboratory work, for just when one has everything prepared for an experiment, one may have to fix a consultation, and all the preparations, which required many hours to make, are rendered useless for the time, and have to be done over again. In consequence of this difficulty I soon determined to follow the plan of working at practice so as to obtain the money which would allow me to pay such a salary to a younger man as would enable him to devote his whole time to laboratory work. JI planned the research and experiments, provided the apparatus and material, defrayed all laboratory expenses, and paid my assistant the salary which I was able to earn by my practice, and which at that period of his career he could not earn for himself. We then published the research under our joint names. This arrangement I considered a fair one for us both, as each gave what the other had not got, and we were then able to do the work which neither alone could have done. I have been exceedingly fortunate in getting such able assistants as the late Mr. Pye, Professor Weymouth Reid, now of Dundee, Professor Cash, of Aberdeen, Dr. Allen Macfadyen, of the Jenner Institute, Mr. T. J. Bokenham, Dr. Rayner Batten, and Professor Tunnicliffe, now of King’s College. I began to reprint these papers ten years ago, Messrs. Harrison having sent me the first proofs in 1896. The work has been interrupted by other occupations, and also by a serious illness lasting from the summer of 1902 to the autumn of 1903. In consequence of these interruptions and the irregular way in which the work proceeded, various errata have occurred, perhaps the most notable of which is the absence of the fifth lecture, “ On the Experimental Investigation of the Action of Medicines,” from its proper place, page 322, and its relegation to the Appendix. With this exception, and that of the Harveian Oration, most of the papers are printed in the chronological order of the experiments they record, though not PREFACE. Vil always of their actual appearance in print. The Harveian Oration has been placed first because the short history which it gives of the physiology and pharmacology of the circulation serves to some extent as an introduction to the other papers. The period over which the researches described in these papers extends (1865 to 1883) is an important one in the history of the pharmacology of the circulation, for its beginning coincides with the first employment in this country of registering apparatus for the investigation of the action of drugs on the circulation, and before its end this method was in regular use. After Blake’s experiments with a simple mercurial column in 1844, little or no work was done on the action of drugs until Traube, in 1851,* investigated the action of digitalis with one of Ludwig’s kymographs, and in 1865 to 1866, Von Bezold did his classical researches on the action of atropine and veratrine. When I began my experiments on digitalis in 1865, I believe there was no recording physiological instrument of any kind in use in this country, with the exception of one or two of Marey’s sphygmographs, one of which was kindly lent to me by Dr. Arthur Gamgee, and one kymograph which Burdon Sa: derson completed in May, 1865, but which was not described until 1867. Under the guidance of Dr. Gamgee I made experiments on the blood pressure in animals under the influence of digitalis with a simple mercurial column, and on myself with the sphygmograph. The facility which I thus acquired in using the instrument enabled me while acting as house physician to utilize it in ascertaining the rise in blood pressure which occurred in angina pectoris in a_ hospital patient, and by correlating the pathological data thus acquired with the knowledge of the pharmacological action of nitrite of amyl which Gamgee had obtained, I succeeded in discovering a remedy for angina pectoris. This discovery may, I think, be fairly regarded as the first * Traube, Charité Annalen 2ter Jahrg. und Gesammte Beitrdge, vol. i, pp. 190 and 274. + Von Bezold, Wiirzburger physiol. Untersuchungen, I and II. t Burdvun Sanderson, PAil. Trans., 1867, p. 576. Vili PREFACE. complete example of rational therapeutics based on experi- mental pathological and pharmacological data. Magendie’s application of strychnine in paralysis and Fraser and Argyll- Robertson’s use of Calabar bean for ophthalmological purposes preceded it, but, in both instances, whilst the action of the drug employed was ascertained by experiment it was used to combat a symptom and not a definite pathological condition which had also been ascertained by experiment. After a year in hospital I went to Vienna and worked for some months in Professor Briicke’s laboratory on the action of digitalis upon muscle and nerve, but the experiments I made were never published. I then went to Berlin for a short time and took the opportunity of working with what I believe to have been the identical instrument employed by Traube in his researches. In my work on digitalis I felt deeply the want of a registering hemodynamometer (vide p. 52), but in spite of the want I obtained proofs that digitalis both increases the force of the heart (p. 52) and causes contraction of the capillaries (pp. 55 and 56). Traube* ascribed the rise in blood pressure produced by digitalis entirely to changes in the action of the heart, and he left alterations im peripheral resistance altogether out of account, while they appeared to me to be a most important factor. L was very anxious to obtain confirmatory evidence of my view that digitalis contracts the peripheral vessels, and by means of the kymographion I succeeded, in conjunction with A. B. Meyer, in obtaining this evidence and thus establishing the view of the action of digitalis (p. 145) which is now almost universally accepted. From Berlin I went for a tour to Egypt, Syria, and the South of Europe, and the next winter (1868 to 1869) I spent in Amsterdam, studying physiological chemistry with Professor Kiihne, a man of marvellous ability and far in advance of his time. The knowledge which I gained from him enabled me to write the section on Digestion and Secretion for Burdon Sanderson’s Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory. I then went to Leipzig, and was fortunate enough to be admitted by my beloved and venerated Master, Carl Ludwig, as * Traube, op. cit. PREFACE. ix one of the first students in his new Institute, in which he delivered his first lecture shortly after I went. At that time he was busy furnishing his new laboratories and devising new instruments for artificial respiration, for measuring blood pressure and the speed of circulation, for artificial circulation in excised organs and for interchange of gases. He started me on a research, having for its subject the independent contraction of arterioles and capillaries when separated from nerve centres. He liked to be present himself, and indeed to perform most of the experiments on this subject, but in the intervals when he was otherwise engaged I made some ex- periments on the effect of nitrite of amyl and nitrite of soda. These were only intended as by-play, but the research on contractility took so long that Ludwig thought it better to publish a paper on nitrite of amyl with only a general mention of the work on contractility in order to secure priority. I intended to continue it after leaving his laboratory, but when I came to London my time was so much taken up with other things that it became impossible. In 1871 I began to write the Experimental Investigation of Medicines, with the intention of expanding it into a complete text-book on “Experimental Pharmacology.” Before the part dealing with the circulation, however, had been finished, I accepted the late Sir John Burdon Sanderson’s invitation to join him in writing a Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory to which I was to contribute the section on Digestion and Secretion. As I performed every experiment mentioned in it and repeated several of them many times, the writing of this short section involved incessant work in the laboratory for more than two years. As an example of this I may mention that the statement at page 84 of the text-book “that pepsine, if absolutely pure, gives no xanthoprotein re-action,’ cost wwe many weeks’ work. In 1873 and 1874 I was engaged with Sir Joseph (then Dr.) Fayrer in examining the action of snake venom and with Dr. Pye Smith on a report to the British Association on Intestinal Secretion. The re-building of the school at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital caused an interruption in my laboratory work of nearly four years, x PREFACE. from 1876 to 1880, when I again resumed it with the aid of assistance from Dr. Cash and others in the manner I have already mentioned. From this time onward the pressure of other engagements has only permitted me to do most of my laboratory work by means of assistants in the manner I have mentioned at the beginning of the preface. I am aware that for the majority of readers this preface is too long and too personal, but they can easily pass it over, and some of those friends (whose desire to read some of my old papers has led me to republish them) may be interested to know why my experimental work on the circulation has apparently been so fitful and so intermittent. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Article. Place and Date. _| Page. 1. Harveian Oration a ws es i <3 Oct. 18, 1894 1 2. On Digitalis, with Some Observations on the Urine} London (Churchill), | 29 (Thesis presented to Edinburgh University, 1866, 1868 and awarded a Gold Medal). “3. On the Use of Nitrite of Amyl in Angina Pectoris..| Lancet, ee July 27, | 187 4, Action of Digitalis on the Blood-Vessels (Brunton | J. Anat. and Physiol.,| 141 and Meyer, 1868). 1873, vol. 7, p. 1385 5. On the Chemical Composition of the Nuclei of | Jdid., vol. 4, Nov., | 147 Blood Corpuscles. 1869, p. 91 6. Ueber die Wirkung des salpetrig-sauren Amyl-| Ber. d. Math.-Phys. | 154 oxyds auf den Blutstrom. Classe der Kénigl.. Sdchs. Gesell. d, Wiss., 8. 285, and Ludwig’s Arbeiten 4ter Jahrg., 1869, s. 101 v7. On the Action of Nitrite of Amyl on the Circula- | J. Anat. and Physiol.,| 174 tion. (A translation of No. 6.) 1871, vol. 5, p. 92 8. Nitrite of Amyl in Angina Pectoris (1867) .. «.| Clin. Soc. Reps., | 185 vol. 3, 1870 9. Effect of Warmth in Preventing Death from | J. Anat.and Physiol.,| 197 Chloral (1870). May, 1874, vol. 8, p..332 10. Influence of Temperature on the Pulsation of the | S¢.Bart.’s Hosp. Reps.,| 205 Mammalian Heart and on the Action of the| vol. 7, p. 216, 1871 Vagus. 11. Experimental Investigation of the Action of Medicines— I. The Standard of Health .. Lf os ..| Brit. Med. Jour., | 220 April 22 and 29, 1871, _ pp. 418, 439 II. Action of Drugs on Protoplasm: General Direc- | 22id., May 13 and 20, | 241 tions for Experimental Investigation. 1871, pp. 495, 521 III. Artificial Circulation: Investigation of Blood | Jdid., June 3, 1871, | 266 Pressure. p- 581 IV. Determination of the Exact Structures through | Zbid., Dec. 9, 16, 30, | 290 which Drugs affect the Heart and Vessels. 1871, pp. 659, 687, 749 V. Respiration .. os es a4 i Lbid., Jan. 2, 1875, | App. pel 643 322 ee ee ee ee ee VI. Respiration .. Ibid., Feb. 15, 1875, p- 201 Xil TABLE OF CONTENTS. petency of the Tricuspid and Mitral Valves. 1878, vol. 15, p. 283 Article. Place and Date. | Page 12. Physiological Action of Condurango (1871) .. ..| J. Anat. and Physiol., | 340 April, 1876, p. 486 vis. On the Employment of Nitrite of Amyl in the Br. Med. Jour., 359 Collapse of Cholera. Jan. 13, 1872, p. 42 14. On the Use of Artificial Respiration and Transfusion | Idid., May 17, 1873, | 374 as a Means of Preserving Life. p- 555 15. Veranderte Wirkung zweier Arzneimittel wenn sie |,| 388 Gleichzeitig in den Organismus eingefiihrt werden. | Sept. 27, 1873, p. 689 16. On the Apparent Production of a New Effect by the | J. Anat. and Physiol., 390. Joint Action of Drugs within the Animal Organism. | Nov., 1873, vol. 8, p. 94 17. On the Pathology and Treatment of Shock and! Practitioner, vol.11, | 392 Syncope. Oct., 1873, p. 246 18. Diuretische Wirkung der Digitalis (Brunton and |,| 410 Power). July 4, 1874, p. 497 19. On the Diuretic Action of Digitalis (Brunton and | Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. | 412 Power). 22, 1874, No. 153, p. 240 20. Cases of Exophthalmic Goitre.. oe ee ..| St. Bart.’s Hosp.Reps.,| 414 1874, vol. 10, p. 253 21. One of the Causes of Death during the Extraction | Br. Med. Jour., Dec. 4,| 427 of Teeth under Chloroform. 1875, p. 695 22. On Irritants and Counter-irritants, with Remarks on | St. Bart.’s Hosp. Reps.,| 488 the Use of Blisters in Rheumatism. 1874, vol. 11, p. 167 23. A Simple Method of Demonstrating the Effect of | J. Anat. and Physiol.,| 455 Heat and Poisons upon the Heart of the Frog. April, 1876, vol. 10, p. 602 24. Physiological Action of Erythrophleum Guinense | Proc. Roy. Soc., June,| 458 (Casca, Cassa, or Sassy Bark) (Brunton and Pye).| 1876, vol. 25, p. 172 25. On the Physiological Action of Casca Bark (Brunton | St.Bart.’s Hosp. Reps.,| 462 and Pye). 1876, vol. 12, p. 125 \ 26. Preliminary Notes on the Physiological Action of Ibid., p. 140 ATS r Nitro-glycerine (Brunton and Tait). 27. On the Physiological Action of the Bark of Erythro- | Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc.,| 481 phleum Guinense, generally called Casca, Cassa, or| June 15, 1876, vol. Sassy Bark (Brunton and Pye). 167, Part 2, p. 12 28. Note on Independent Pulsation of the Pulmonary | Proc. Roy. Soc., June,| 528 Veins and Vena Cava (Brunton and Fayrer). 1876, vol. 25, p. 172 29. On the Science of Easy Chairs oe ee --| Nature, Oct. 17,1878, | 531 p-. 637 30. On a Simple Instrument for Examining the Com- | St. Bart.’s Hosp. Reps.,| 537 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Article. Place and Date. | Page 31. On Pulsation in the Jugular and other Veins .. | Med. Press and Cire.,| 589 July 2, 1879, p. 1 32. On the Pathology of Night Sweating in Phthisis, | St.Bart.’s Hosp. Reps.,| 545 and the Mode of Action of Strychnia and other} 1879, vol. 15, p. 119 Remedies in it. 33. On the Explanation of Stannius’s Experiment and| JZdid., 1880, vol. 16, | 557 on the Action of Strychnia on the Heart (Brunton p. 230 and Cash). 34. On the Actions and Use of Certain Remedies em-| ZLancef, Jan. 1, 1881, | 562 ployed in Bronchitis and Phthisis: p- 4 35. Note regarding the Effect of Electrical Stimulation os 572 of the Frog’s Heart, &c. 36. On the Effect of Electrical Stimulation of the Frog’s Proc. Roy. Soc., 574 Heart, and its Modification by Cold, Heat, and | June 16, 1881, vol. 32, the Action of Drugs (Brunton and Cash). No. 214, p. 383 37. On the Effect of Electrical Stimulation of the Frog’s | Tbid., revised June 13, | 576 Heart, and its Modification by Cold, Heat, and | 1883, vol. 35, No. 227, the Action of Drugs (Brunton and Cash). p. 455 38. The Valvular Action of the Larynx (Brunton andj J. Anat. and Physiol.,| 624 Cash). 1882-3, vol. 17, pp. 111, 363 Appendix (being Part V (Respiration) of Article II) ..| Br. Med. Jour., Jan.2,| 643 1875, p. 1 THE HARVEIAN ORATION, 1894. (Delivered before the Royal College of Physicians on October 18, 1894.) Mr. PRESIDENT, FELLOWS, AND GENTLEMEN, THIs annual meeting in memory of Harvey is usually associated with feelings of pleasure and happiness, for it was intended by its immortal founder to commemorate the benefactors of the College and to encourage good fellowship amongst us. Such commemoration of those who have benefited the College in the past, although it necessarily recalls many who have passed away, is, notwithstanding, on ordinary occasions pleasant instead ef painful, because the feeling of loss through their death is completely overpowered by the recollection of the good they have done in their lifetime. To-day the case is very diffe- rent, for the first thought that must needs occur to every one present here is that on this occasion last year our late President showed for the first time what seemed to be imperfect fulfilment of his duty to the College by being late in his attendance at the meeting. Perhaps nothing else could have shown more clearly his deep concern for the welfare of the College, and his thorough devotion of every faculty of mind and body to its interests, than the fact that no duty, no pleasure, and no press of occupation could tempt him to leave one iota of his work in the College undone. The only thing that did keep him back was the hand of Death, which, although at the last meeting he and we knew it not, was already laid upon him. Though his death was less happy than that of the great Harvey, inasmuch as he lingered on for days instead of hours after he was first struck down, yet their deaths were alike in this respect that, up to the time of the fatal attack, each was in the full possession of his facul- ties, each was in the enjoyment of his life. Like Radcliffe and Mead, like Halford and Baillie, and like many other dis- B 2 THE HARVEIAN ORATION, 1894. tinguished Fellows of this College, the greatness of Clark is to be estimated not by the published works which he has left be- hind, but by the influence he exerted on his contemporaries. For the very estimation in which his professional skill was held led to his whole time being taken up in giving advice, and pre- vented him from having the leisure to work out or record the results of the pathological and clinical observations which both his useful publications and his later career showed him to be specially fitted to make. I might say very much more about lim, but it has already been said much better than I could possibly do it by yourself, Mr. President, in your annual ad- dress, and in the eloquent and heart-stirring words which you addressed to the College on the occasion of your taking the presidential chair rendered vacant by the death of Sir Andrew Clark. But whiie we are saddened by the death of our late Presi- dent, we hope to be gladdened by the presence amongst us again of one whom we all reverence not only as a former Presi- dent of this Coilege, but as one of the greatest leaders of clinical medicine in this century, Sir William Jenner. Like Harvey, Sir William Jenner is honoured by his College, by his country, by his Sovereign, and by the world at large. In time of trial and danger the lives of the Royal children were committed to the keeping of Harvey by his King; and to-day the care not only of her own life, but of that of her nearest and dearest, is committed to Sir William Jenner by his Sovereign, in the full and well-crounded assurance that in no other hands could they be more safe. The great clinician, Graves, wished to have as his epitaph, “ He fed fevers”; but Jenner has advanced much beyond Graves, and, by showing us how to feed the different kinds of fevers, has saved thousands of valuable lives. To-day this College is acknowledging his right to rank with Sydenkam, Heberden, Bright and Garrod, by bestowing upon him the Moxon medal for clinical research. In numbering Sir William amongst its medallists, the College honours itself as well as him, and in acknowledging the great services he has rendered, it is, on this occasion, acting as the mouthpiece of the medical pro- fession, not only in this country but in the world at large. “A MOTION AS IT WERE IN A CIRCLE.” 3 It was with the wish to keep green the memory of the bene- factors of the Callege that this oration was instituted by Harvey, and not at all with the intention that it should be devoted to his own praise. But Harvey stands out so high above all others, that it is only natural that in the numerous orations which have been yearly given before the College of Physicians, the subject- matter should have been to a great extent confined to a con- sideration of Harveyand hisworks. On looking over many of these orations, I find that everything that I could say about Harvey, his person, his circumstances, his character, and his works, has already been said so fully and eloquently that I could not add to it any further, nor could I hope to express it even so well. I purpose, therefure, to consider to-day some of the modern de- velopments of Harvey’s work, more especially in relation to the treatment of diseases of the heart and circulation. There is, I think, a certain advantage in this also, inasmuch as one is apt, by considering Harvey’s work only as he left it, to overlook the. enormous extent to which it now influences our thoughts and actions and thus to comprehend its value very imperfectly. As he himself says, “ From a small seed springs a mighty tree ; from the minute gemmule or apex of the acorn, how wide does the gnarled oak at length extend his arms, how loftily does he lift his branches to the sky, how deeply do his roots strike down into the ground !”* : How very minute is the gemmule from which has sprung everything that is definite in medical science, for this gemmule is no other than the idea which Harvey records in these simple words: “I began to think whether there might not be A MOTION AS IT WERE IN A CIRCLE.” Out of this idea has grown all our knowledge of the processes of human life in health and disease, of the signs and symptoms which indicate disease, of the mode of action of the drugs and appliances which we use, and the proper means of employing them in the cure of disease. In the works that have come down to us we find that Harvey developed his idea physiologically in several directions. He discussed its application to the absorp- * The Works of William Harvey, Sydenham Society’s edition, p. 320. { Idid., p. 46. B «a 4 TIIE HARVEIAN ORATION, 1894. tion and distribution of nourishment through the body, the mixing of blood from various parts, the maintenance and distri- bution of animal heat, and excretion through the kidneys. How far he developed it in the direction of pathology and therapeu- tics we do not know, as the results of his labours on these sub- jects have, unfortunately, been lost to us by the destruction of his manuscripts during the Civil War. We are proud to reckon Harvey as an Englishman by birth, but he is far too great to belong exclusively to any country; men of various nations, and scattered all over the face of the earth, acknowledgs him as their teacher, and have played, or are playing, a part in developing his discovery in its various branches of physiology, pathology, pharmacology, semeiology, and therapeutics. Americans, Austrians, Danes, Dutchmen, French, Germans, Italians, Norwegians, Russians and Swedes have all shared in the work, and so numerous are they that it would be impossible for me to name them all. Stephen Hales, however, deserves special mention, for he was the first to measure the pressure of blood in the arteries, and the resistance offered to ‘the circulation of the blood by the capillaries was investigated ‘by Thomas Young, a Fellow of this College, who ranks with Harvey, Newton, and Darwin as one of the greatest scientific men that England has ever produced, and whose undulatory ‘theory has been as fertile of results in physics as Harvey’s idea -of circulation has been in physiology and medicine. Harvey’s desire that those who had done good work should not be forgotten was founded upon his knowledge of mankind, -and of the tendency there is to forget what has already been done by those who have gone before us. The opposite condi- tion often prevails, and the past is glorified at the expense of the present. But sometimes the present is wrongly glorified at the expense of the past, and past work or past benefits are for- gotten. Good examples of this are afforded by physiological views regarding the action of the vena cava and pulmonary veins and the causation of the cardiac sounds. Harvey appears to have tnought that the vena cava and pulmonary veins were simply dilated passively by the passage of blood into them: but the SOUNDS OF THE HEART. 5 fact that they possess a power of independent pulsation was known to Haller,* and was brought prominently forward ky Senac,f who regards the vena cava as the starting point of the whole circulation. He says: “The vena cava is therefore the first motor cause which dilates the cavities of the heart ; it fills the auricles, and extends their walls in every direction.” These observations appear to have been almost forgotten until they were again made independently a few years ago,t and in one of the latest and most accurate physiological treatises which now exist, the description of the cardiac cycle is nearly the same as that given by Senac. “A complete beat of the whole heart, or cardiac cycle, may be observed to take place as follows :— “The great veins, inferior and superior ven cavee and pul- monary veins are seen, while full of blood, to contract in the neighbourhood of the heart ; the contraction runs in a peri- staltic wave towards the auricles, increasing in intensity as it goes.” The pulsation of these veins, however, cannot be a constant phenomenon, or it would have been noticed by such a keen observer as Harvey. The sounds of the heart were discovered by Harvey, or at least were known to him, for he speaks of the sound caused in the cescphagus of the horse by drinking, and says: “In the same way it is with each motion of the heart, when there is a delivery of blood from the veins of the arteries that a pulse takes place, and can be heard within the chest.” || This observation remained, as far as we know, without any further development until the time of Laennec, who introduced the practice of auscultation ; but it was a Fellow of this College, Dr. Wollaston,{ who first discovered that muscles during con- traction give out a sound. Although many observations were made regarding cardiac murmurs by Corrigan, Bouillaud and * Haller, Elementa Physiologie, 1757, tome 1, pp. 410 and 399. + Senac, De la Structure du Ceur, livre iv, ch. ili, p. 24. t Proc. Roy. Soc., 1876, No. 172. § M. Foster, Text-book of Physiology, 6th edition, part i, ch. iv, p. 231. || The Works of William Harvey, Sydenham Society’s edition, p. 32. { Wollaston, Phil. Trans., 1810, p. 2. ’ 6 THE HARVEIAN ORATION, 1894. Piorry, it was chiefly by Fellows of this College, Dr. Clendin- ning, Dr. C. J. B. Williams, and Dr. Todd, that the question was finally settled, and the conclusions at which they arrived are those now accepted as correct, viz., that “the first or systolic sound is essentially caused by the sudden and forcible tightening of the muscular fibres of the ventricle when they contract; and that the second sound which accompanies the diastole of the ventricle depends solely on the reaction of the arterial columns of blood in the semilunar valves at the arterial orifices.”* Yet in recent discussions regarding the origin of cardiac sounds, little mention has been made of the work of this com- mittee; and, indeed, I first learned of its value from a German source, viz.: Wagner’s Hundwérterbuch der Physiologie. The importance of these observations in the diagnosis of heart disease it would be hard to over-estimate. But diagnosis ‘alone is not the aim of the physician, whose object must be to prevent, to cure, or to control disease. A knowledge of physi- ology may greatly help us to prevent disease, not only of the heart and vessels, but of every member of the body. The con- trol and cure of disease may also be effected by diet and regimen, but it is undoubtedly in many cases greatly assisted by the use of drugs, and is sometimes impossible without them. Harvey knew that drugs applied externally are absorbed and act on the body,f so that colocynth thus applied will purge, and cantharides will excite the urine; but the action of drugs when injected into the blood appears to have been tried first by Christopher Wren, better known as the architect- of St. Paul’s than as a pharmacologist. According to Bishop Spratt, “he was the first author of the noble experiment of in- jecting liquors into the veins of animals, an experiment now vulgarly known, but long since exhibited to the meetings at Oxford, and thence carried by some Germans, and published abroad. By this operation divers creatures were immediately purged, vomited, intoxicated, killed, or revived, according to the quality of the liquor injected. Hence arose many new * Report of Committee consisting of C. J. B. Williams, R. B. Todd, and John Clendinning, Brit. Assoc. Rep. for 1836, p. 155. t The Works of William Harvey, Sydenbam Society’s edition, p. 72. ACTION OF DRUGS ON THE CIRCULATION. 7 experiments, and chiefly that of transfusine blood, which the Society has presented in sundry instances, that will probab?y end in extraordinary success.”* The method originated by Wren, of injecting drugs intc the circulation, was skilfully utilised by Magendie for the purpose of localising the particular part of the body upon which the drugs exerted their action, and he thus conclusively proved that the symptoms produced by strychnine were due to its effect on the spinal cord. His experiments showed that the rate of absorption from various parts of the body varied enormously, and, through the teaching of Christison, led to the introduction into practice by Dr. Alexander Wood of that most useful aid to modern therapeutics, the hypodermic syringe. The first quantitative experiments on the effect of drugs upon the circulation were made, to the best of my knowledge, by James Blake in 1844, in the laboratory of University College, at the suggestion of the late Professor Sharpey, with the hemadynamometer of Poiseuille, which had then been recently introduced. In speaking about the work of Blake and Sharney, who are both dead, cne requires to use the greatest care not to unduly detract from the merit of one by ascribing more to the other; but those who knew Prof. Sharpey’s enormous range of know- ledge, his readiness to put it all at-the disposal of others, and the influence he exerted over all who came in contact with him, as well as his unselfishness in making no claim whatever to what was justly his due, will at once recognise how greatly Blake was indebted to Sharpey. More especially is this tue case when we consider that, although the credit for the olbserva- tions themselves belongs to Blake, yet after the impetus which Sharpey gave him had passed away, he did very little more during the course of a long life. It seems all the more neces- sary to commemorate Sharpey on this occasion, because he has left comparatively few writings beliind him, and anyone who should judge by them alone of his influence upon physiological progress in this country would grievously under-estimate. it. * The History of the Royal Society of London for the Improving of Natural Knowledge, by ‘I’. Spratt, late Lord Bishop of Rochester. 8 THE HARVEIAN ORATION, 1894. For Sharpey was above ali a teacher, and his work was written not with pen and ink on paper or parchment, but was engraved upon the hearts and minds of his pupils and his friends. Upon two of these, especially, has Sharpey’s mantle fallen, and to Burdon Sanderson and Michael Foster we owe a revival of experimental physiology in this country, a revival of the method which Harvey not only used in making his great discovery, but also employed to demonstrate the truth of it to the rulers of this land. By their writings, by their lectures, by their original experiments, by their demonstrations, and by the pupils they have trained, Burdon Sanderson and Michael Foster, under the auspices of Acland and Humphry, have diffused amongst the medical men of this country a knowledge of physiology so extensive and exact as could only be found, before _ their time, amongst those who had made a special study of the subject. Yet more than to them, more than to anyone else since the time of Harvey, do we owe our present knowledge of the circulation to Carl Ludwig. Heit is who first enabled the pressure of blood in the arteries to record its own variations automatically, so that alterations could be noticed and measured which were too rapid or too slight to be detected by the eye. To him, also, we owe the plan of artificial circulation by which the changes in the functions of the organs and in the vessels which supply them can be observed, quite apart from the heart, lungs, or from the nervous system. _ Like Sharpey, Ludwig is a great teacher, and, like the great architects of the Middle Ages, who built the wonderful cathedrals which all admire, but whose builder’s name no man knows, Ludwig has been content to sink his own name in his anxiety for the progress of his work, and in his desire to aid his pupils. The researches which have appeared under these pupils’ names have been in many instances, perhaps in most, not only suggested by Ludwig, but carried out experimentally with his own hands, and the paper which recorded the results finally written by himself. In the papers which have ~ appeared under his pupils’ names we find their obligation to the master recorded in such terms as “unter Mitwirkung.” LUDWIG’S GRAPHIC. METHOD—-EFFECTS OF EMOTION. 9 But no one, except those who have worked with him, can understand what such “ co-operation ” meant. The graphic method introduced by Ludwig for the purpose of measuring the blood pressure, was adapted by Volkman to the registration of the pulse in man, and the same method has been modified and rendered more easily applicable at the bed- side by Marey and Chauveau, to whom we chiefly owe our know- ledge of the modifications in the form of the apex-beat and of the pulse curve. It is to Ludwig and his scholars, however, that we owe the greater part of our knowledge of the mechanism of the circulation and of the varying distribution of the blood in various parts of the body. The effect of emotion upon the heart was carefully noted by Harvey, who says: “For every affection of mind which is attended with pain or pleasure, hope or fear is the cause of an agitation whose influence extends to the heart.* Not only was Harvey well acquainted with the fact that the beats of the heart vary very much in strergth and rate, but he also knew that the circulation in various parts of the body may be very different at one and the same time. He says: “It is manifest that the blood in its course does not.everywhere pass with the same celerity, neither with the same force in all places, and at all times, but that it varies greatly according to age, sex, temperament, habit of body, and other contingent. circumstances, external as well as internal, natural, or non- natural. For it does not course through intricate and obstructed passages with the same readiness that it does through straight, unimpeded, and pervious channels. Neither does it run through close, hard aud crowded parts with the same velocity as through spongy, soft and permeable tissues. Neither does it flow with such swiftness when the impulse (of the heart) is slow and weak, as when this is forcible and frequent, in which case the blood is driven onwards with vigour, and in large quantity.” “ And what, indeed, is more deserving of attention than the fact that in almost every affection, appetite, hope, or fear, our * The Works of William Harvey, Sydenham Society’s edition, p. 70. 10 THE HARVEIAN ORATION, 1894, body suffers, the countenance changes, and the blood appears to course hither and thither. In anger the eyes are fiery and the pupils contracted ; in modesty the cheeks are suffused with blushes; in fear, and under a sense of infamy and of shame, the face is pale, but the ears burn as if for the evil they heard or were to hear; in lust, how quickly is the member distended with blood and erected.”* Harvey’s great contemporary, Milton, though so violently opposed to him in politics, would certainly not remain in ignorance of Harvey’s work, and he has noted the changes in the colour of the face produced by emotions. In describing the behaviour of Satan on his journey from Hell to Paradise, he says :— “ Thus while he spake, each passion dimm’d his face, Thrice changed with pale, ire, envy, and despair ; Which marr’d his borrow’d visage.” ¢ But although these facts were known to Harvey so long ago, it is only in comparatively recent years that the mechanism by which they are brought about has been investigated, and it is only within the last decade that physiologists have begun regularly to believe that the cardiac muscle has a power of rhythmic pulsation independent of its nerves, although Harvey had noted that when the heart was cut into small pieces the fragments would stiil continue to pulsate~ We may fairly, indeed, compare the movements of the heart, as regarded by physiologists of the present day, to those of a horse which is capable of going independently, although its pace may be slowed or accelerated by the reins or spur of the rider. The power of the vagus to act as a rein to the heart, and slow its movements or stop them altogether, was first noted by Edward and Ernest Heinrich Weber, while the effect that it sometimes has of accelerating instead of slowing, like the effect of shaking the reins of the horse, was observed by Schiff, Moleschott and Lister, and the transmission of excitation from one chamber to another was experimented on by Paget. * The Works of William ILarvey, Sydenham Society’s edition, pp, 128— 129. + Paradise Lost, by John Milton, book iv. t The Works of William Harvey, Sydenham Society’s edition, p. 28. CONTRACTILITY OF VESSELS. 11: The accelerating nerves of the heart, and the position of the nerve-centre from which they spring, were more thoroughly in- vestigated by von Bezold,* while the power of the vagus to weaken as well as slow the heart was observed by Gaskell. The position of the cardiac centre, which, like the rider, regulates - the movements of the heart, was located in the medulla . oblongata chiefly by Ludwig and his scholars. Like the heart, the vessels are regulated in diameter by the nervous system in accordance with the wants of the body generally ; and the effect upon the vaso-motor nerves which, when cut, allow them to ulate, and, when stimulated, canse them to contract, was dis- covered by Bernard, Brown-Séquard and by our countryman, Waller; while the power of other nerves to cause immediate dilatation was discovered by Bernard, Eckhardt, and Ludwig in the submaxillary glands, penis and peripheral vessels respec- tively. The heart, when cut out of the body, still continues to beat, although removed completely from the influence of the central nervous system, and the vessels have a somewhat similar power of independent contractility. The alterations produced in the circulation, generally and locally, by the contractile power of the vessels, and the changes caused in the vessels by the central nervous system, by peripheral stimulation of the nerves, or by variations in the quality of the blood, have formed the subject of a series of researches extending over many years; and though originated, and in many cases entirely conducted by Ludwig, have appeared to a great extent under the names of his pupils. The starting-point of these investigations was an exami- nation of the changes in blood as it flowed through isolated organs, with the view of ascertaining in what manner the com- bustion by which the animal heat is maintained, is effected in the body. While keeping up the circulation of blood through the vessels of miuscles severed from the body, Ludwig and Sezelkow{t observed variations in the flow which appeared to * Von Bezold, Untersuchungen iiber die Innervation des Herzens, 1863. Leipzig : Engelmann. + Ludwig and Brunton, Ludwig’s Arbeiten. Vierter Jahrgang, 1869, p. 106. {~ Ludwig and Sczelkow, Henle and Pyeuffers Zeitschrift, 1863, vol. 17, p- 106, and vide p. 122. 12 THE HARVEIAN ORATION, 1894. indicate contractile power in the vessels themselves. This research was carried on under Ludwig’s direction by various of his scholars in succession, Alexander Schmidt, Dogiel, Sadler, myself, Hafiz, Lépine, A. Mosso, von Frey, and Gaskell. Their observations, as well as those of Cohnheim and Gunning, have shown that the muscular fibres of the arterioles, not only in the muscles but throughout the body generally, have a power of independent, and sometimes rhythmical, contraction and relaxation. Their contractility is, however, controlled by the central nervous system in accordance with the wants of the body generally. For the amount of blood contained in the body is insufficient to fill the whole of the vascular system at once ; and when the vessels are fully dilated, as they are after death, we find that nearly the whole of the blood of the body may be contained in the veins alone. It is, therefore, neces- sary that when one part of the body is receiving a larger supply of blood, another should be receiving a smaller supply; and the functions of the vaso-motor centres have been well com- pared by Ludwig to the turncocks in a great city, who cut off the water supply from one district at the same time they turn it on to another. Thus it is that when the brain is active the feet may get cold, and Mosso has shown this in an exceedingly neat manner by placing a man on a large board delicately balanced at its centre, and demonstrating that whenever the man begins to think, the increased supply of blood to his brain causes the head to go down and the heels to rise up. A similar condition was indicated by Mayow, who gave a different explanation. He said that the “ vital spirits” were not able to be in more than one place at once, and therefore it happens that if a man eats a heavy meal he is apt to become drowsy, because the “vital spirits” descend from the brain to the stomach in order to carry on digestion ; and, on the other hand, if a man thinks vigorously after dinner, the “vital spirits” have to leave the stomach to go to the brain, and consequently digestion is im- perfectly performed. If we substitute the word blood for “vital spirits,’ we have an exact expression of present physio- logical ideas. VESSELS IN MUSCLES. 13 Ubi stimulus ibi afluxus is an old doctrine and expresses a great truth. Wherever the need for increased nourishment or increased supply of oxygen exists in the healthy body, thither does the blood flow in larger quantities than usual. If the glands are active, their blood supply is greatly increased, as was shown by Bernard,and a similar occurrence takes place in the con- tracting muscle, as has been shown by Ludwig and his scholars. The vessels of the intestines and skin, as well as their numerous glands, have their calibre regulated by the vaso-motor nerves which proceed from the centre in the medulla oblongata. This centre acts most readily upon the vessels of the intestine, and rather less readily on those of the skin. In consequence of this, when the centre is irritated, the vessels of the intestine contract and drive the blood through the skin, so that it is warmer than before, and it is only when the stimulation is very great that the vessels of both contract, so that the skin receives less blood than normal, and becomes colder than before. But if the vessels of the skin and intestine are both contracted, where does the blood go? This question was put by Ludwig, and answered by the experiments which he made with Hafiz. It is evident that if the heart be stopped while the blood pressure is being measured in the artery of an animal, the pressure will fall regularly and steadily, because the blood is flowing out all the time through the arterioles and capillaries into the veins. One would naturally expect that if the arterioles were contracted by irritation of the vaso-motor centre in the medulla, the fall of blood pressure would either not take place at all, or would be very much slower than before ; but on trying the experiment, Ludwig and Hafiz found, to their surprise, that the blood pressure fell almost as quickly as when the vaso- motor centre was left alone, and the vessels of the skin and intestine therefore remained uncontracted. In other words, the vessels which supply the muscles of the body and limbs are capable of such extension that when fully dilated they will allow the arterial blood to pour through them alone nearly as quickly as it usually does through the vessels of the skin, intes- tine and muscles together. This observation, it seems to me, 14 THE HARVEIAN ORATION, 1894. is one of the greatest importance, and one that has hardly received, as yet, the attention which it merits. One consequence of it is obvious—viz., that contraction of the cutaneous vessels, such as occurs upon exposure to cold, will drive more blood through the muscles, and as oxidation goes on more rapidly in them the result will be increased production of heat. ‘The experiments I have just mentioned show that the vessels of the muscles are not controlled by the vasu-motor centre in the medulla oblongata in the same way as those of the intestine and skin. How far their vascular centres may be associated with those for voluntary movements, which have been so admirably localised by Ferrier in the cerebral cortex, stil remains to be made out. The circulation through the muscles _ is indeed a complex phenomenon, and it was shown by Ludwig and Sadler to depend upon at least two factors having an antagonistic action. When a muscle is thrown into action, it mechanically compresses the blood vessels within it, and thus tends to lessen the circulation through it, but at the same time the stimulus which is sent down through the motor nerve and ealls it into action, brings about a dilatation of the vascular walls, and thus increases the circulation through the muscle. When the amount of blood is measured before, during and after stimulation of the motor nerve, it is sometimes found that the flow is diminished, at others that it is increased. This difference depends upon the comparative effect of the mechani- cal compression of the vessels of the muscles just mentioned, and upon the increase of their lumen by the dilatation of their walls. It invariably happens, however, that after the muscle has ceased to act, the flow of blood through the muscle is increased. This increase is quite independent of any altera- tion in the general pressure of blood in the arteries, and it occurs when an artificial stream of blood, under constant pres- sure, is sent through the muscle. The dilatation in the muscular vessels, as indicated by the increased flow of blood, and con- sequent change of colour in the frog’s tongue, was observed by Lépine after stimulation of the peripheral ends of the hypo- glossal and glossopharyngeal nerves,* and the actual changes * Lépine, Ludwig’s Arbeiten, 5ter Jahrg., 1870, p. 114. RELATION OF MUSCLES TO THE HEART. ‘15 in the vessels themselves were observed microscopically by von _ Frey and Gaskell.* The dilatation of muscular vessels on irritation of peripheral nerves was thus brought into a line with the dilatation noticed in the vessels of the submaxillary gland by Bernard, and in the . eorpora cavernosa by Eckhardt. It is evident that alteration in the size of such a huge vascular tract as the muscular arteries must influence, to a great extent, the blood pressure in the arteries generally. It is equally evident that the changes induced in the condition of the blood pressure by muscular action may be of two kinds, either a rise or a fall. If the arte- rioles are compressed by the muscles so that the flow through them is impeded, the general blood pressure will rise. When this effect is more than counteracted by the dilatation of the arterioles themselves under nervous influence, the general blood pressure will fall, for the blood will find an easy passage from the arteries into the veins through the muscles. We can thus see how readily a rise or fall in the general blood pressure may be induced by exercise of the muscles. If they contract suddenly or violently they will tend to compress the arterioles, and raise the blood pressure, whilst if they contract gently their contrac- tion will have little effect in compressing the arterioles, and these, becoming dilated, will allow the blood pressure to fall. But there is still another factor which may tend to increase the blood pressure during severe muscular exertion, viz., a quickened pulse, for stimulation of the nerve fibres passing from the muscles to the central nervous system greatly accele- rates the beats of the heart.. In this respect stimulation of the muscular nerves differs from that of the cutaneous and visceral nerves, inasmuch as the latter tend rather to slow than to quicken the pulse. This peculiar effect of the muscular nerves upon the heart would, indeed, appear to be a provision of nature for the purpose of maintaining an exceedingly active circula- tion during the active calls upon nutrition which violent exer- tions entail. Muscular exercise, therefore, has a special tendency to raise the blood pressure in the arterial system, and conse- * Von Frey, Ludwig’s Arbeiten, 1lter Jahrg., 1876, p. 106; and Gaskell, ibid., p. 79; and Centraldb. f. die Med. Wiss., 1876, p. 557. 16 THE HARVEIAN ORATION, 1894. quently to increase the resistance which the left ventricle has to overcome. Moreover, in the case of the intestinal vessels, there is a special provision made for preventing their contrac- tion from causing too great a rise of arterial pressure. This consists in the depressor nerve, which passes from the heart and tends to produce dilatation of the abdominal vessels, and thus to prevent any undue pressure occurring within the heart from their excessive contraction. But in the case of the muscles, we have no such nerve. Its place seems to be taken by the dilating fibres which occur in the motor nerves. As I have already said, however, their power to dilate the muscular vessels may be at first more than counteracted by mechanical compression at the commencement of exertion. Thus the blood pressure in the — arteries, and the resistance which it opposes to the contraction and emptying of the ventricle, may be unduly increased at first by any effort, especially if it be sudden or severe. As a general rule, the distension of any hollow muscular organ is attended with great pain. How great is the suffering when obstruction of the bowel prevents evacuation of its con- tents ; or when calculi, in their passage down the gall duct or ureters, forcibly distend their walls. One of the severest tor- tures of the middle ages was to distend the stomach with water, and the Emperor Tiberius could imagine no more awful punish- ment for those whom he hated than to make them drink wine, and, at the same time, by means of a ligature, to prevent the distended bladder from emptying itself. The heart is no exception to this rule, and distension of its cavities brings on most acute physical suffering. Its inability to empty itself is a question of relative, and not of absolute power; for a strong heart may be‘unable to work only against enormously increased resistance in the peripheral arterioles, while a heart, weakened by degeneration, may be unable to empty itself in face of pressure little, if at all, above the normal. When the contractile power of the heart is not, as it is in health, considerably in excess of the resistance opposed to it in the vessels, but is only nearly equal to it, a slight increase in the resistance may greatly interfere with the power of the heart to empty itself, and bring on pain varying in amount from slight CARDIAC PAIN—BREATULESSNESS. L7 uneasiness to the most intense agony in angina pectoris. This is, indeed, what we find, for a heart whose nutrition has been weakened by disease of its arteries, and consequent imperfect supply of blood to the cardiac muscle, is unable to meet any increased resistance if this should be offered to it, and pain is at once felt. In such cases, unless they be far advanced, we find, precisely as we might expect, that walking on the level usually causes no pain, but the attempt to ascend even a slight rise, by which the muscles are brought into more active exertion, brings on pain at once. Yet here again we find, as we should expect, that if the patient is able to continue walking, the pain passes off and does not return. These phenomena would be inexplic- able were it not for Ludwig’s observations on circulation through the muscles, but in the light of these observations everything is made perfecily intelligible. Walking on the flat, by causing no violent exertion of the muscles, produces no mechanical con- striction of the vessels, and thus does not increase the blood pressure. The greater exertion of walking up a bill has this effect, but if the patient is able to continue his exertions, the increased dilatation of the vessels—a consequence of muscular activity—allows the pressure again to fall and relieves the pain. As muscular exertion continues and the vessels of the muscles become dilated, the flow of blood from the arteries into the veins will tend to become much more rapid thanusual. The pressure in the arterial system will consequently fall, but that in the veins will become increased, and unless a corresponding dilata- tion occurs in the pulmonary circulation, blood will tend to accumulate in the right side of the heart, the right ventricle will be unable to empty itself completely, shortness of breath will arise, and even death may occur. At first the right side of the heart is affected, and the apex beat disappears from its normal place and is felt in the epigastrium. But the left ventricle also becomes dilated, though whether this is simply through nervous influence tending to make it act concordantly with the right, or for some other reason, it is at present impossible to say. Severe exertions, even for a few minutes, may produce this conditiun in healthy persons,* and when the * Schott, Verhandl, de ix. Congresses in“Med. zu Wien, 1806. ; ; 18 THE HARVEIAN ORATION, 1894. exertion is over-continued it may lead to permanent mischief. More especially is this the case in young growing boys, and it is not merely foolish, it is wicked to insist upon boys engaging in games or contests which demand a long-continued over- exertion of the heart, such as enforced races and paper-chases extending uver several miles. Intermittent exertion, either of a single muscle or of a group of muscles, or of the whole body, appears to lead to better nutrition and increased strength and hypertrophy, but over-exertion, especially if continuous, leads to impaired nutrition, weakness and atrophy. If we watch the movements of young animals, we find that they are often rapid, but fitful, irregular and varied in character, instead of being steady, regular and uniform. They are the movements of the butterfly, and not of the bee. The varied plays of childhood, the gambols of the lamb, and the frisking of the colt, are all well adapted to increase the strength of the body without doing it any injury ; butif the colt, instead of being allowed to frisk at its own free will, is put in harness, or ridden in races, the energy which ought to have gone to growth is used up by the work, its nutrition is affected, its powers diminished, and its life is shortened. The rules which have been arrived at by the breeders of horses ought to be carefully considered by the teachers of schools, and by the medical Pas wei who super- intend the pupils. In youth and middle age every organ of the body is adapted for doing more work than it is usually called upon to do. Every organ can, as it if usually termed, “make a spurt” if required ; but as old age comes on this capacity disappears, the tissues become less elastic, the arteries become more rigid and less capable of dilating and allowing a freer flow of blood to any part, whether it be the intestine, the skin, the brain, the muscles, or the heart itself. Mere rigidity of the arteries supplying the muscles of the heart will lessen the power of” extra exertion, but if the vessels be not only rigid, but diminished in calibre, the muscles of the limbs and the heart itself will be unfit even for their ordinary work, and will tend to fail on the slightest over-exertion. This fact was noticed by Sir Benjamiti Brodie, who, when speaking of patients with degenerating and OSSIFICATION OF ARTERIES. 19 contracted arteries, such as lead to senile gangrene, said: “Such patients walk a short distance very well, but when they attempt more than this, the muscles seem to be unequal to the task, and they can walk no further. The muscles are not absolutely paralysed, but in a stage approaching to it. The cause of all this is sutticiently obvious. The lower limbs require sometimes a larger and sometimes a smaller supply of blood: During exercise a larger supply is wanted on account of the increased action of the muscles; but the arteries being ossified or obliterated, and thus incapable of dilatation, the increased supply cannot be obtained. This state of things is not peculiar to the lower limbs. Wherever muscular structures exist the same cause will produce the same effect. Dr. Jenner first, and Dr. Parry of Bath afterward, published observations which were Supposed to prove that the disease which is usually called ‘angina pectoris’ depends on ossification of the coronary arteries. . . . When the coronary arteries are in this condi- tion they may be capable of admitting a moderate supply of blood to the muscular structure of the heart; and as long as the patient makes no abnormal exertion, the circulation goes on well enough; when, however, the heart is excited to increased action, whether it be during a fit of passion, or in running, or walking upstairs, or lifting weights, then the ossified arteries being incapable of expanding so as to let in the additional quantity of blood, which, under these circumstances, is required, its action. stops and syncope ensues; and I say that this exactly corre- spouds to the seuse of weakness and want of muscular power Which exists in persons who have the arteries of the legs obstructed or ossified.”* But the syncope and stoppage of the heart mentioned by Brodie are not the only consequences of impaired cardiac nutrition. The heart may be still able to carry on the circula- tion, but the patient may suffer intense pain in the process. The outside of the heart was found by Harvey to be insensible to light touches, but the inside of the heart appears to be much more sensitive either to touch or pressure, and the internal pres- * Lectures on Pathology and Surgery, by Sir Benjamin Brodie, London, 1846, p. 360. C2 20 THE ITARVEIAN ORATION, 1894. sure caused by inability to empty itself produces, as I have already said, intense pain. A knowledge of the mode of the circulation of blood through the muscles enables us to understand not only the pathology of angina pectoris, but the rationale of various methods of treating patients suffering from angina pectoris or other forms of heart disease. In most cases our object is a two-fold one—to increase the power of the heart, and to lessen the resistance it has to overcome. Insome cases we require also to aid the elimination of water, which has so accumulated as to give rise to cedema of the cellular tissue, or dropsy of the serous cavities. In our endeavours to produce these beneficial changes in our patients, - we employ regimen diet, and drugs, and it is evident that as in one case the condition of a patient’s heart may be very different indeed from that in another, the regimen which may be useful to one may be fatal to the other. We have already seen that sudden and violent exertion may raise the blood pressure, and so lead to intense cardiac pain or to stoppage of the heart and instant death; while more gentle exercise, by increasing the circulatior: of the muscles, may lessen the pressure and give relief to the heart. The methods of increasing the muscular circulation may be roughly divided into three, according as the patient lies, stands, and walks. ‘First, absolute rest in bed with massage*; second, graduated movements of the muscles of the limbs and body while the patient stands still; third, graduated exercises in walking and climbing. The second of these methods has been specially worked out by the brothers Schott, of Nauheim, and the third is generally connected with the name of Oertel. It is obvious that in cases of heart disease where the failure is great and the patient is unable even to stand, much less walk, where breathlessness is extreme and dropsy is present, the second and third methods of treatment are inapplicable. It is in such cases that the method of absolute rest in bed, not allow- ing the patient to rise for any purpose whatever, hardly allowing him to feed himself or turn himself in bed, proves advantageous. * Lauder Brunton, Practitioner, vol. li, p. 190. EFFECT OF MASSAGE. 21 The appetite is usually small, the digesticn imperfect, and flatulence troublesome ; and here an absolute milk diet, like that usually employed in typhoid fever, is often most service- able, being easily taken and easily digested, while the milk sugar itself has a diuretic action, and tends to reduce dcropsy. But while simple rest prevents the risk of increased arterial tension and consequent opposition to the cardiac contractions which might arise from muscular exertion, the benefit which would accrue from continuous muscular exertions and increased circulation would be lost were it not that they can be supplied artificially by massage. This plan of treatment, although it has only recently been revived, was known to Harvey, “who narrates the case of a man who, in consequence of an injury— of an affront which he could not revenge—was so overcome with hatred, spite, and passion that he fell into a strange dis- order, suffering from extreme compression and pain in the heart and breast, from which he only received some little relief at last when the whole of his chest was pummelled by a strong man, as the baker kneads dough.”* This was a very rough form of massage, but the same knead- ing movements which Harvey described have been elaborated into a complete system, more especially by Ling in Sweden, and made widely known in America and this country by Weir- Mitchell and Playfair. One might naturally expect that knead- ing the muscles would increase the circulation through them in somewhat the same way as active exercise, but, to the best of my knowledge, no actual experiments existed to prove this, and I accordingly requested my friend and assistant, Dr. Tunnicliffe, to test the matter experimentally. The method employed was, in the main, the same as that devised by Ludwig, and employed by Sadler and Gaskell under his direction. The results were that, during the kneading of a muscle, the amount of venous blood which issued from it was sometimes diminished and some- times increased; that just after the kneading was over the flow was diminished (apparently from the blood accumulating in the muscle), and this diminution was again succeeded by a. greatly increased flow exactly corresponding to that observed by Ludwig * The Works of William Harvey, Sydenl:am Society's edition p. 128. 22 TUE HARVEIAN ORATION. 1894. and his scholars. The clinical results are precisely what one would expect from increased circulation in the muscles, and cases apparently hopeless sometimes recover most wonderfully under this treatment. For patients who are stronger, so that confinement to bed is unnecessary, and who yet are unable to take walking exercise, Schott’s treatment is most useful, and it may be used as:an ad- junct to the later stages of the treatment just described, or as a sequel to it. Here the patient is made to go through various exercises of the arms, legs, and trunk with a vertain amount of resistance, which is applied either by the patient himself setting in action the opposing muscles, or by an attendant, who gently resists every movement made by the patient, but graduates his resistance so as not to cause the least hurry in breathing, or the least oppression of the heart. Perhaps the easiest.way of em- ploying graduated resistance is by the ergostat of Giéirtner, which is simply an adaptation of the labour crank of prisons, where the number of turns of a wheel can be regulated in each minute, and the resistance, which is applied by a brake, may be eraduated to an ounce. The objection to it is the uniformity of movement and its wearisome monotony. Oertel’s plan of gradually walking day by day up a steeper and steeper incline, and thus training the cardiac muscle, is well adapted for strong persons, but when applied injudiciously, may lead, just like hasty or excessive exertion, to serious or fatal results. In Schott’s method stimulation of the skin by baths is used as an aajunct, and this may tend to slow the pulse as already mentioned. But in all these plans the essence of treat- ment is the derivation of blood through a new channel, that of ihe muscular vessels; and the results in relieving cardiac dis- tress'and pain may be described in the same words which ~Harvey employs in reference to diseases of the circulation : “ How speedily some of these diseases that are even reputed in- curable are remedied and dispelled as if by enchantment.”* There is’ yet another consequence of the circulation to which Harvey has called attention, although only very briefly, which has now become of the utmost importance, and that is the ad- “* The Works of Witliam Harvey, Sydenham Society’s edition, p. 141. HARVEY'S CHEMISTRY: ‘23 -mixture of blood from various parts of the body. After describ- -ing the intestinal veins, Harvey says: “The blood returning by these veins and bringing the eruder juices along with it, on the one hand from the stomach, where they are thin, watery, and not yet perfectly chylified ; on the other, thick and more earthy, as derived from the feeces, but all pouring into this splenic branch, are duly tempered by the: admixture of con- traries.”* Harvey’s chemical expressions are crude, for chemistry:as a science only began to exist about a century and a half after -Harvey’s death, yet the general idea which he expresses in: the words which I have just quoted is wonderfully near the truth. Two of the most important constituents of the blood are chloride of sodium and water. Chioride*of sodium is a neutral salt, but during digestion both it and water are decomposed in the gastric glands, and hydrochloric acid is poured into the stomach, while a corrésponding amount of soda is returned into the blood, whose alkalinity increases pari passu with the acidity of the stomach. . Part of this alkali is excreted in the urine, so that the urine during digestion is often neutral or alkaline. Possibly some of it, passes out through the the bile, and through the pancreas and intestinal glands into the intestine, where, again mixing with the acid: chyle from the stomach, neutralisation takes place, so that neutral and comparatively inactive chloride of sodium is again formed frem the union: of active alkali and acid. But it is most probable that what occurs in the stomach occurs also in the other glands, and that ‘the liver, pancreas and intestine do not. merely pour out the excess of alkali resulting from gastric digestion, but: that these glands also decompose: neutral salts, pouring the alkali out through their ducts, and returning the acid into the blood. _ We are now leaving the region of definite fact and passing into that of fancy, but the fancies are not entirely baseless, and may show in what directions we’ may obey Harvey’s behést to search out and study the secrets of nature by way of experi- ment. For what is apparently certain in regard to the decom- position of chloride of sodium:in the steamach, and probably in * The Works of William Harvey, Ssienhain' Society's edition, p. 75. 24 TUE HARVEIAN ORATION, 189-4, the case of neutral salts in the pancreas and intestine, is also probable in that important, though as yet very imperfectly known, class of bodies which are known as zymogens. Just as we have in the stomach an inactive salt, so we have also an inactive _pepsinogen, which, like the salt, is split up in the gastric glands, and active pepsine is poured into the stomach. But is pepsine the cnly active substance produced? Has no other body, resulting from the decomposition of pepsinogen, been poured into the blood while the pepsine passed into the stomach? Has the inactive pepsinogen not been split up into two bodies active when apart, inactive when combined? May it not be fitly compared, as I have said elsewhere, to a cup or «lass, harmless while whole, but yielding sharp and even dan- gerous splinters when broken, although these may again be united into a harmless whole ?* This question at present we cannot answer, but in the pan- creas there is an indication that something of the kind takes place, for Lépine has discovered that while this gland pours into the intestine a ferment which converts starch into sugar, it pours through the lymphatics into the blood another ferment which destroys sugar. Whether a similar occurrence takes place in regard to its other ferments in the pancreas, or in the glands of the intestine, we do not know. Nor do we yet know whether the same process goes on in the skin, and whether the secretion of sweat, which is usually looked upon as its sole function, bears reaily a relationship to cutaneous activity similar to'that which the secretion of bile bears to the functions of the liver. There are indications that such is the case, for when the skin is varnished, not only does the temperature of the animal rapidly sink, but congestion occurs. in internal organs, and dropsy takes place in serous cavities, while in extensive burns of the skin rapid disintegration of the blood corpuscles occurs. It is obvious that if this idea be at all correct, a complete revo- lution will be required in the views we have been accustemed to entertain regarding the action of many medicines. In the case of purgatives and diaphoreties, for example, we have looked mainly at the secretions poured out after their administration * Practitioner, vol. xxxv, August, 1885. . FERMENTS FROM GLANDS AND ORGANS. 25 for an explanation of their usefulness, whereas it may be that the main part of the benefit that they produce is not due to the substances liberated through the secretions which they cause to be poured out; but to those which are returned from the intestine and skin into the circulating blood. ilow important an effect the excessive admixture of juices from one part of the animal body with the circulating blood may have, was shown in the most striking way by Wooldridge. The juice of the thyroid gland is harmless so long as it remains in the gland, and is probably useful when it enters the blood in smail quantities in the ordinary course of life. Yet he found that if this juice be injecied directly into the vessels it will cause the blood to coagulate almost instantaneously and kill the animal as quickly as a rifle bullet. But what is powerful for harm is, likewise, powerful for good, and’ the administration of thyroid juice in cases of myxcedema is one of the most remark- able therapeutic discoveries of modern times. Since the introduction by Corvisart of pepsine as a remedy in dyspepsia, digestive ferments have been largely employed to assist the stomach and intestine in the performance of their functions, but very little has been done until lately in the way of modifying tissue changes in the body by the introduction of ferments derived from solid organs. For ages back, savages have eaten raw hearts and other organs of the animals which they have killed, or the enemies they have conquered, under the belief that they would thereby obtain in- creased vigour or courage; but the first definite attempt to cure a disease by supplying a ferment from a solid non-glandular organ of the body was, I believe, made in Harvey’s own hospital by the use of raw meat in diabetes.* It was not, however, until Brown-Séquard recommended the use of testicular extract that the attention of the profession be- came attracted to the use of extracts of solid organs. Since then extract of thyroid, extract of kidney, extract of supra renal capsule have been employed; but even yet they are only upon their trial, and the limits of their utility have not yet been definitely ascertained. * Lauder Brunton, Brit. Med. Jour., February 21, 1874, pp. 221 e¢ seq. 26 THE HARVEIAN ORATION, 1894. Another therapeutic method has been recently introduced which bids fair to be of the utmost importance—viz., the treat- ment of disease by antitoxins. The discovery by Pasteur of the dependence of many diseases upon the presence: of minute or- ganisms may be ranked with that of Harvey, in regard both to the far-reaching benefits which it has conferred upon mankind and to the simplicity of its origin. The germ of all his dis- coveries was the attempt to answer the apparently useless ques- tion, “ Why does a crystal of tartaric acid sometimes crystallise in one form and sometimes in another?” From this germ sprang his discovery of the nature of yeast, and of those microbes which originate fermentation, putrefaction and disease. These minute organisms, far removed from man as they are in their structure and place in nature, appear in some respects to resemble him in the processes of their growth and nutrition. They seem, indeed, to have the power of splitting up inactive bodies into substances having a great physiological or chemical activity. From grape sugar, which is comparatively inert, they produce carbonic acid and alcohol, both of which have a power- ful physiological action. From inert albumen they produce albumoses having a most powerful toxic action, and: to the poisonous properties of these substances attention was for a while alone directed. But it would appear that at the same time as they produce poisons they also form antidotes, and when introduced into the living organism they give rise to the pro- duction of these antidotes. in still greater quantity than. when cultivated without the body. The plan of protection from infective diseases, which was first employed by. Jenner in small-pox, is now being extended to many other diseases, and the. protective substances which are formed in the body, and’ their mode of action, are being care- fully investigated. .The introduction of either pathogenic «microbes or of toxic products appears to. excite in the body a process of tissue-change by which antitoxins are produced, and these may be employed either for the purpose of protection or eure: Dy the use of-antitoxins tetanus and waa appear to be deprived of their terrible power. But it,seems. probable, that a similar result ‘may us ohnisen ANTITOXIC ACTION OF EXERCISE. 27 by the introduction of certain tissue-juices into the general cir- culation, for it was shown by Wooldridge that thyroid juice has the power of destroying anthrax poison. Increase of the circu- lation in certain organs will almost certainly increase their tissue-change, will throw their juices or the products of their functional activity into the general circulation, and thus influ- ence the invasion or progress of disease. As I have already mentioned, we are able to influence the circulation in. muscles both by voluntary exertion and by massage, and we. should expect that both of these measures would influence the con- stituents of the blood generally. Such, indeed, appears to be the case, for J. K. Mitchell* has found: that after massage the number of blood corpuscles in the circulation is very consider- ably increased. We can thus understand why exercise either of the hody or its parts may increase its power to resist infective diseases. Had time allowed it, I had intended to discuss the modifica- tions of the heart and vessels by the introduction of remedies into the circulation, the power of drugs to slow or strengthen, to quicken or weaken the power of the heart, to contract or relax the arterioles, to raise or lower the blood pressure, to relieve pain or to remove dropsy; but to do this would require time far exceeding that of a single hour. Moreover, the methods and res:lts of such research were admirably expounded to the College by Dr. Leech in his Croonian lecture, and I have therefore thought I should be better fulfilling the wish of Harvey that the orator of the year should exhort the Fellows and Membcrs of the College to search out the secrets of nature by way of experiment by directing their attention to some fields of research which have received at present little attention, but promise results of great practical value. Lastly, I have to exhort you to continue in mutual love and affection amongst yourselves; and it seems to me that the best way of doing this is to direct your attention to the examples of Harvey and of our late President, whose death we deplore to- day. They were beloved by their feilows while they lived, their loss was lamented when they died, and they have left * American Journal of Medical Science, Vay, 1894. 28 THE HARVEIAN ORATION, 1894. behind them an example not only of goodness, but of courage. Harvey, seated speechless in his chair, distributing rings and parting gifts to his friends while awaiting the approach of death ; and Andrew Clark, steadfastly determining to continue at work and die in harness, in spite of the hemoptysis which seemed to threaten a speedy death, afford us noble examples which ought to encourage us to follow the directions of the venerable Long- fellow, who, taking the organ Harvey studied to symbolise such courage as Harvey and Clark showed, says :—- ‘“* Let us then he up and doing With a heart for auy fate, Still achieving, still pursuinz, Learn to labour and to wait,” ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. (THESIS PRESENTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, 1856, AND To WHICH A GoLD Mrpat was AWARDED.) Published in Book Form, Churchill, London, 1868. PREFACE, ENCOURAGED by the distinction awarded to this Thesis by the Medical Faculty of the Edinburgh University, and believing that it contains some facts not altogether without interest or importance, I have been induced to publish it, though fully conscious of its very imperfect condition. Though my time was not only short, but much broken up, the omissions would probably not have been so numerous, and the amount of new material greater, were it not that, fearing lest I should see, not what was actually before me, but what others had seen, and I thought I ought to see, I left myself, during the greater part of the time, purposely ignorant of the literature of Digitalis, only reading it up after most of my experiments had been already performed, and then learning that many of my observations had been already made by various experimenters, whose results they only confirmed. Here I gladly take the opportunity of acknowledging my great obligation to Dr. Maclagan, who first suggested this subject to me, and by kindly allowing me the use of his labora- tory, has enabled me to make experiments I would otherwise have been obliged to leave untried; to Dr. Gamgee, for the great, indeed, essential aid he has afforded me by advice, instruments, and personal assistance; to Dr. Christison, for help given me by books and specimens; to several of my fellow-students, especially to Messrs. Downie, Maclean, anc Nicolson, for the assistance they rendered me in the per- formance of my experiments; and to Mr. Salom, Optician, for the use of his Weather Tables. March, 1868. ON DIGITALIS. | AS we review the rapid progress made within late years by physiology, pathology, and other departments of medical science, and compare it with the slow advance of therapeutics, we experience a growing dissatisfaction with our present empirical method of treatment, which, consisting, as it does, in the mere tentative administration of drugs without a definite knowledge of their action, must necessarily retard progress, the same medicine being tried time after time by different physicians, and the panacea of one generation being discarded by the next, only to be again resorted to and trusted in by a third. Turning from this unsatisfactory method, we begin anxiously to look for one of a more rational character, which shall be based not only on a knowledge of the changes induced by disease, but on a minute and accurate acquaintance with the action of the remedies which we prescribe for its cure. | At present, however, our knowledge of their action is ex- tremely vague and superficial, consisting, in the majority of eases, chiefly of the external symptoms manifested by animals under the influence of poisonous doses, and of the changes observed after their administration in disease, when it is often extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible, to say hew much is owing to the drug, and how much to the natural course of the malady. | Perhaps no better example of the imperfection of our know- ledge can be given than the views entertained respecting digitalis, for although it is in daily and hourly use, and, for _ several years back, hardly a month has passed without an article upon it in one or other of the medical journals, it is regarded by some as weakening the heart’s action, by others as strengthening it, some placing it at the head of the list of diuretics, others denying that it possesses this property at all; HISTORY. : 31 and even when two authorities agree as to the results produced by it, their views as to its modus operandi are of the most dis- similar nature. Such being the state of our knowledge of this valuable medicine, I have been induced to make the following investigations with the view of deciding some at least of the disputed points; and if I have not done so much as I would wish, I trust that my labour may not be entirely in vain, but prove, at least, a stepping-stone towards the desired end. HISTORY. So striking is the appearance of this elegant plant, with its tall stem rising from the midst of a thick bunch of downy leaves, and gracefully bending at the top under the weight of its beautiful purple bells, that it is imposible to believe the ancient herbalist would have passed it over in silence. As no notice of it is found in their works, we are led to believe that they were unacquainted with it. Its popular name of Foxglove* occurs in Saxon writings of the 11th century; but it seems to have been unknown to the learned till near the middle of the 16th, as it had no Latin name till 1535, when Fuchsius, pro- fessor of medicine at Tiibingen, gave it that of Digitalis, which it still retains. It seems formerly to have enjoyed a great reputation as an external applicationf for the cure of wounds and scrofulous ulcers,f and for causing the absorption of scro- fulous glandular enlargements.$ The internal administration of ‘its juice has been orieot as a remedy for scrofula by Van Helmont,| Haller, Fourcroy,** and Merz.tT According to Lobel, digitalis was employed on account of its * Pereira’s Mat. Med. + Ferrein, Matitre Med., tomeiii, 1770, p.67. Vide Homolle and Quevenne, p. 189. ~ Geoffrey, Trait. de Mat. Med., 1743, tome vi, p. 202 (H. and Q., p. 140). § Ferrein, op. cit. | aaaroias Medicarium, i1776—1794 (H. and Q., p. 188). {| Hist. Stirpium Indig. Helvetie, 1768 (H. and Q.). ** Encyclopedie Methodique, tome v, p. 456 (H. and Q.), tt Dissert. Inaugural, Jena, 1790 (H. and Q.). 32 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. emetic and cathartic properties by the peasantry of Somerset- shire as a cure for fevers. Ferrein* alludes to these properties, and observes that it was reckoned a cure for inveterate apoplexy, but ought only to be administered to robust persons. — It occurs in the list of simples of the London Pharmacopceias for 1650, 1678, 1682, and 1721, is excluded from that of 1746, but appears again in 1788, and in that of 1809 it is not men- tioned merely, but the preparation of its tincture and infusion are described, and in all subsequent editions it has held a promi- nent place. At an early period it seems to have been less used on the continent than in England, as it is absent from the Pharmacopoeia of Leyden for 1718. Drake affirms that its action as a diuretic was unknown till 1770, and in 1775, Withering wrote the first monograph on its action as such, noticing also its power of lowering the pulse. From this latter property it began to be used in hemorrhages, and Ferriar,} giving it for heemoptyses in the early stages of phthisis thought that it also prevented the farther formation of tubercle— Beddoes,t Drake,§ Fowler,| Mosman,{ Barr,** Maclean,tt and Darwin,*t have all recommended its use in phthisis, and Brin- -ton§§ says that it is the best remedy for hemorrhage from cavities in its advanced stages. Ferriar||| thought it useful in in- flammatory fever, and Currie, Thomas,*** Rasori,ttt Hirtz,ttt * Ferrein, op. cit. ' + Ferriar, On Digitalis, t Beddoes, On Consumption, Digitalis, and Scrofula, 1801 (H. and Q.), § Drake, Letter to Beddoes (H. and Q.). || Fowler, Letter (H. and Q..). { Mosman, Lssay on Scrofula, Glandular Consumption, and Observations on Digitalis (H. and Q.). ** Barr, Letter to Beddoes (H. and Q.). ++ Maclean, Med. and Pays. Journ., lxv, p. 180-201 (H. and Q.). tt Darwin, vide H. and Q., p. 323. §§ Brinton, quoted by Handfield Jones in Clinical Remarks on Functional Nervous Disorders. \|\| Ferriar, op. cié. {4 Currie, Medical Reports. *** Thomas, Practice of Physic. att Rasori, Annales de Therapeutizyue de Rognetia, 1845 (H. and Q.). tt} Bulletin de Therapeutique, February 28 and March 15 (vide Year Book of Sedesham Society, 1862, P- 110). USES OF DIGITALIS IN DISEASE. 33 Millet,* Oppolzer,t Schneider, and Traube,§ all hold the same opinion. In continued fever, it has been recommended by Clutterbuck, and in bad cases of typhoid fever by Wun- derlich.{ It has been proposed as an antiperiodic in ague by Davy,** Graffeneuer,ff and Gerard,{{ and Bouillaud§§ has treated between 40 and 50 cases successfully by it. It has been recom- mended in hemicrania by Debouti|| and Serre, and it was found to be highly efficacious in neuralgia by Boison***: and Hardwicke.t{f According to Thomas,fft it effects a permanent cure in epilepsy, and Parkinson,§§§ Moll,|||| Corrigan,{71 Cramp- ton,17% Sharkey,{9797 Neligan,174 and Duclos**** have em- ployed it with success. Dr. C. L. Robertsonffff finds it extremely useful in the second stage of general pareses of the insane. Mr. G. M. Jones,tHt of Jersey, employed it in large doses in * Millet, Bullet. de Therap. Ann. par Jamain, 1360, p. 55 (Sydenham Society Year Book, 1860, p. 221). t+ Oppolzer, Canst. Jahrb. vol. iii, p. 273 (vide Sydenham Society Year Book, 1860, p. 219). ft Schneider, Annuaire de Thérapeutique, 1859, pp. 82-88 (Sydenham Society Year Book, 1859). § Traube, Deutsche Klinik, No. 47,1859, Canst. Jahrb., vol. iii, p. 273 (vide Sydenham Society Year Book, 1860, p. 219). | Clutterbuck, Inquiry on the Nature and Seat of Fever, 1807 (H. and Q.). § Wunderlich, Med. Times and Gaz., ane p. 2040. **® Davy, vide H. and Q., p. 324. tt Graffeneuer, Merat and Delen’s Dict. de Mat. Med., tome ii, p. 645-47 (H. and Q., p. 324). tt Gerard, Thesis Montpellier (H. and Q.). §§ Bouillaud, Traité de Nosographie Médicale, 1846, tome iii, p. 471, and Clinique Medicale de la Charité, tome iii, p. 236 (H. and Q.). \||| Debout, vide Sydenham Society Year Book, 1861, p. 161. _ ¥VT Serre, Bullet. de Ther., Apri! 15, 1861, and Canst. Jahrb., vol. iii, p. 29 (vide Sydenham Society Year Book, 1861, p. 164). *** Boison, Bul. de la Soc. Med. de Gent, May and June, 1861 (vide Syden- ham Society Year Book, 1861, p. 164). ttt Hardwicke, quoted by Handfield Jones, op. cit. {tit Thomas, op. cit. §§§ Parkinson, Theatre of Plants, p. 654 (H. and Q.). \||||| Moll, Hpilepsia Digitali Sanata, Dissert. Bonn, 1823 (H. and Q.). 799 H. and Q., p. 144. **** Duclos, Bul. de Ther., lix, 1860, Sydenham Society Year Book, 1861, p. 161. +++t+ Robertson, Brit. Med. Journ., Oct. 3, 1863. ~{it Jones, Med. Times and Gaz., Sept. 29, 1860. 34 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. delirium tremens; and Peacock,* Carev,t and Reidt record sue- cessful cases. It has long been recognised as an excellent diuretic in dropsy depending on disease of the heart, but its administration. was sometimes thought. dangerous when there was much weakness of that organ. Drs. Handfield Jones,§ Fuller, Germaine, and Wilks§ believe, however, that it strengthens rather than enfeebles the heart, and is, therefore, most useful when that organ is weak, and dangerous only in hypertrophy. Mr. W. H. Dickinson has found it an excellent remedy in menorrhagia, and a powerful oxytoxic. The general poisonous action of |85|2)8" |a1a | & la leis! g g rel ere aah Sflea\ 2 em ea oe | SSS | oe = = a oS = Nov. Dec. J9—12 1048 | 31°88 | 30°4 | 2°67 | 2°54 6 43°6 | 68 8 13—22 1189 | 30-90 | 26 2°75 | 2°31 7°2 | 41°2 | 64°3 | 74 | 5 73 | 1-200th dan. 4—16 1190 | 34°46 | 28°8 | 3°14 | 2°74 6 84°3 | 78 7215 72 Feb. ; 17—1 1196 | 31°63 | 27°4 | 8°09 | 2°734 | 7°4 | 41°3 | 76 8 44 | 74 | 1-16th Keb. 2—14 1304 | 81°90 | 25°4 | 3°14 | 2°577 38°d | 71 8 33 | 65 15—24 1326 | 35°77 | 28°56] 3°36 | 2°69 7 37°6 | 75°6 | 74 | 3% 3-20th 10 extractiform Mar. 25—2 1823 | 33°95 | 26°1 | 3°26 | 2°5 7°6 | 88°2 | 71°4 | 7 4} 38—14 1352 | 35°46 | 28°5 | 3:09 | 2°64 6°6 | 36°8 | 68 73 4 6-50th 9°6 Morson’s 15&16 | 1187 | 85°18 | 30°4 | 3°11 | 2°75 5°7 | 38 65 8 23 | 85 | 9-20th 30 17—22 1517 | 37°49. | 24°7 | 2°88 | 1°9 8°4 | 37°7 | 66 8 3 In determining the acid, I used nitrate of amount of urea, chlorine, and phosphoric mercury for the two first, and nitrate of uranium for the last, according to the processes described by Neubauer and Vogel in their work on urine. From this table it will be seen, that, like the pulse and the amount of urine, the urinary constituents vary considerably when small doses of digitaline were taken; but that, when the dose was large, the pulse fell, the urine increased, its sp. gr. was diminished, the urea was increased, and the PO, and Cl were diminished. For comparison of these results with those of Winogradoff and Stadion, I tabulate them—February 15—24, I do not reckon, as I am not sure of the quality of the digitaline. Constituent. Stadion. Winogradoff. Brunton. Water ...eeeee+-| Diminished. No marked increase. | Decided increase. jibe. wey rrr ree Less. More. Phosphoric acid..| Less. More. Less, Chlorine....«...| Less. Less. Less. Sp. QY.cece eeceaene Less. ee ee Less. ACTION ON TEMPERATURE. 65 With the exception that I experienced diuresis, and had the urea increased instead of diminished, my experience agrees with that of Stadion. From the large increase of urea with less work, I believe that when it acts as a diuretic it increases tissue change ; and the diminution of phosphates, I think, is in a great measure due to the dislike to and inability for any kind of mental work. On the Temperature of the Body.—Messrs. Bouley and Reynal* found that poisonous doses of digitalis produced first increase and then decrease of the animal temperature, but that thera- peutic doses caused a steady diminution, without previous increase ; Messrs. Aug, Dumeril, Demarquay, and Lecointe,f in experimenting on dogs with digitalis and digitaline, the latter in the dose of 10, 20, and 25 milligrams, and the extract of digitalis 1 to 4 grams in a period of 11 or 12 hours found the temperature rise eight times from 1° to 2°, and in the only case in which it was lowered they used 50 milligrams of digitaline, and death ensued within the hour. Schwelgue says the fall of the pulse is accompanied by a fall in the animal temperature. In Exp. XIII I noticed a remarkable diminution, the animal feeling as cold as if dead for some hours before death actually occurred, and in several cases I have noticed the limbs grow cold a little while before death. Dr. Mazel, in his case of poisoning, noticed that the temperature of the skin in those parts exposed to the air was lower than usual. Hertz§ says that there is first increase and then decrease of the tempera- ture. Traubel| found that when infusion of digitalis was given in acute rheumatism the temperature fell either with or a short time after the reduction of the pulse appeared. Schneider| says that the lowering of the temperature is independent of the slowing of the pulse, and begins from 36 to 60 hours after beginning to give the medicine; while the former begins within from 24 to 48 hours, and they both continue to fall after the * Op. cit. + Comptes Rendus, Mai, 1851, p. 801 (H. and Q.). t Edin. Med. Journ., 1864, p. 168. § Bull. de Therap., Feb. 28 and March 15, 1862. Year Book Sydenham Society, 1862, p. 110. || Annuaire de Thérapeutique, 1859, pp. 82-88. -€6 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. remedy has been discontinued. Wunderlich* says that when digitalis is given in typhoid fever, in doses of 30 to 60 grains in three to five days, a remarkable diminution of the number of pulsations, simultaneously with marked decrease of temperature, takes place generally about the fourth day, and they fall after the medicine is discontinued; but the effect on the pulse is much more permanent than on the temperature, lasting in many cases for several weeks in succession. It should only be used when the pulse is 120 and the evening temperature is 105°, and with slight remissions; and less of the drug is required to produce its effects than in pneumonia and other acute diseases. Notwithstanding the opinion of M. Schneider, it seems probable that the diminution of the temperature from thera- peutic doses of digitalis depends, at least in the first instance, on the slower circulation of the blood through the periphery; but though the weight of authority is in favour of this opinion, it is possible that the diminution is owing to alteration of tissue change, and that another alteration is the cause of the tempera- ture rising while the pulse remains slow. I think that it is not so much to the change in the circulation that the coldness in poisoning is owing so much as to absolute decrease of the animal heat, for on one occasion the breath felt cold to the hand, and the relaxed state of the capillaries, while it would aid in rapidly -cooling the blood and thus the internal parts, would rather tend to keep the periphery warm. Traube thinks that the lowering of the temperature is due to less rapid oxygenation of the blood from the slower current through the lungs. | On the Nervous System.—In large doses in animals digitalis affects both the sensory and motor system, causing a comatose or semi-comatose state, and insensibility to external impres- sions, muscular weakness which causes a stumbling, uncertain guit, and an appearance of a kind of paralysis of the hind quarters, so that the animal with difficulty drags them after him. In some cases there are twitchings of the muscles of the face and ale nasi, or the muscles of the skin over the body, causing an appearance which is sometimes mistaken for convul- * Med. Times and Gaz., July 12, 1862, and Arch. d. Heilk., 1862, p. 118. ACTION ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND EYES. ~~ 67 ‘sions ;* and in other cases, and perhaps more frequently in dogs, at least there is staggering as if giddy, and convulsive move- inents of the extremities. In smaller doses it produces giddiness, headache, tinnitus aurium, disturbed vision, dazzling, weariness, languor and general prostration, and in some cases a kind of intoxication, weakening of the intellectual faculties, and hallucinations and delirium, or even symptoms of acute mania. In some few cases digitalis acts as a soporific. I am not sure whether to attribute it to the digitaline or look upon it merely as a coincidence; but on March 5, after taking 12 milligrams of Morson’s digitaline, -I experienced a remarkable sleepiness at night, which continued till the 12th, when symptoms of abdominal irritation began to manifest themselves, and these increased till vomiting occurred. On the 14th I felt great languor and prostration, and either on this day, or at least while the languor continued, the mental faculties seemed enfeebled, as, while reading for an examina- tion, the eye glanced over the words, but the mind refused to receive or retain their import. The derangement of sight which I noticed was of two kinds—lIst, a general mistiness of objects, such as is seen before fainting; and 2nd, a large bright spot advancing before me, which sometimes resembled a ring showing prismatic colours faintly, and similar in character to, though less distinct than, that seen round a light when digi- taline has been introduced into the eye. The headache ocea- sioned by digitalis sometimes, as in the case of Daniel G., persists for some time after the medicine has been disused. The motor nerves of musclesf have their power impaired by digitalis, as the muscles of the limb of a frog, which was prevented by a ligature from receiving the poisoned blood circulating through the rest of the body, preserved their excita- bility from eight to sixteen hours longer than the other limbs. Action on the Eyes.—When digitaline is introduced into the eye, it causes smarting and profuse lachrymation, which passes off in a short time, and nothing more is felt, except perhaps an occasional rough feeling of the conjunctiva, till four or five * Bernard, Legons de la Physiologie. t Mém. de la Soc. de Biologie, tome 3, ser. 3, p. 97. F 2 68 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. hours after, when, on looking at a light, you see it surrounded by a halo, presenting the prismatic colours, and not quite close round the light, but with a dark space between. This halo increases in diameter the farther you move from the light, and becomes smaller and narrower as youapproach. I have noticed an appearance exactly similar when light cirrhi were crossing the moon. Homolle and Quevenne say that a slight opalescence is noticeable in the lens (crystalline), and the pupil is somewhat dilated and less contractile. I did not notice any particular difference in the pupil, and the appearance is not due to its dilatation, for I found it quite distinct on looking through a pin- hole in a card. Though on looking I could not detect any opalescence, Messrs. Homolle and Quevenne are probably right as to there being opalescence somewhere, for this would produce the effect noticed. On the Uterus—Mr. Dickinson* found that digitalis has a powerful influence in causing the uterus to contract and stop hemorrhage. A few minutes after the draught of Jiss. of the infusion is swallowed, the patient complains of acute pain in the back and hypogastrium, like those of the first stage of labour, then blood, solid and fluid, is ejected, and the discharge is absent for some hours, when the pain subsides, and it returns, but less and less, after each dose, till it disappears. On the Genital Organs.—Stadionf finds that digitalis and digi- taline possess the power of temporarily annulling the activity of the sexual organs, and is thus a true antiaphrodisiac; with this conclusion I am disposed to agree. M. Brughmans{ has stated the same thing, and advises its use wherever turgidity of these organs is to be averted, whether as after-treatment of surgical operations or for other causes. Mode of Action of Digitalis—Having considered the general action of digitalis, and the manner in which it affects different parts of the animal economy, we now come to a question of ereat difficulty, and one on which there has been much dispute —the mode in which it acts. * Med. Chir. Trans., vol.:39, p. 4. t+ Year Book Sydenham Society, 1862, p. 451. t Revue Med. Chir., Paris, Dec. 1858. Half-yearly Abst., vol. 24, p. 108. MODE OF ACTION OF DIGITALIS. 69 This question has generally been limited to the mode in which it affects the heart, and the two great theories on this point are—(1) that of Traube,* who thinks that digitalis exerts its influence on the heart through the regulatory (vagus) and musculo-motor system of nerves; and (2) that of Dybkow- sky, Pelikan, and Kolliker, that it exerts its action on the reculating and motor apparatus, contained in the heart itself, without the intervention of the vagi. Traube at first proposed the theory that digitalis (1) first stimulated the regulatory nerves, (2) paralysed them, and (3) paralysed the musculo- motor nerves. The musculo-motor nerves are the cardiac ganglia, which can of themselves carry on the rhythmical movements of the beart; but these are aided by the sympa- thetic, as, according to the theory of Von Bezold, the cardiac ganglia originate continuous excitations, which, meeting with constant resistance in the cardiac nerves, are only able to over- come it periodically, and then to act on the muscular tissue. To these ganglia two sets of fibres pass from the central nervous masses—‘“ One set reaches the heart partly through the cervical, and partly through the dorsal and lumbar portions of the sympathetic cord. The latter fibres originate in the medulla oblongata, and descending to the cervical, and to some extent through the dorsal and lumbar parts of the spinal cord, emerge at many different points to unite with the sympathetic nerve. The function of all these fibres consists in conveying an exciting influence from the medulla to the heart, so that the resistance in the cardiac nerves is more frequently overcome, and the heart beats more vigorously and with greater rapidity. The second set of fibres, when acting, increase the resistance, and they run in the vagi, and probably also originate in the medulla. When strongly excited they can increase the amount of resistance to so great an extent that it becomes superior to the combined influences of the exciting system of the medulla oblongata and of the motor system in the heart itself. After a short interval it diminishes, and the successive discharges of the automatic centres can then reach the heart, though after somewhat longer pauses. By galvanizing the vagus * Year Book Sydenham Society, 1862, p. 453. f — 70. ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. this resistance is much increased, and the heart stops in diastole. ; _ The series of experiments on which Traube founded his views were as follows:—He injected infusion of digitalis of such a strength that one syringe-ful was equal to the extract of 8 grains of digitalis leaves, into the veins of dogs, and found that while salt and water produced no effect on the pulse, and one syringe-ful of infusion raised it from 128 to 132, four syringe- fuls brought it down to 32; while after a fifth it suddenly rose to 160, and in 10 minutes more to 174. In another, with a pulse of 108, it was reduced by 24 syringe-fuls to 33, but. with % of a syringe-ful more it rose to 202. Several other experiments gave an exactly similar result. To find whether the action was through the vagus or not, he made seven more. experiments. In one, for example, after reducing the pulse from 121 to 48, the right vagus was cut, and in two minutes, when again counted, the pulse was 66. On dividing the left vagus it then rose to 204. The same result was obtained by dividing both vagi at the same time. After dividing both vagi, the slowing of the pulse after the injection of digitalis was. hardly observable. From these experiments Traube concluded that digitalis operated through the regulating system only. This theory was very generally adopted for some time, but Winogradoff, finding from experiments with the hemadynamo- _ meter, that when the instrument was inserted into an artery, and the vagi stimulated so as to cause slowness of the pulsa- tions, the arterial tension immediately fell; while, when the slowing was produced by the injection of digitalis, there was neither increase nor diminution of the tension, concluded that Traube’s view was erroneous, and totally denied that the slow- ing of the pulse, produced by digitalis, was through stimulation of the vagi or medulla oblongata. Traube being thus induced to re-consider his theory, made some experiments by injecting a weak solution of woorari into the veins of a dog, and keeping up artificial respiration to obviate the disturbing influence which the rise in tension consequent on division of the vagi would, have caused, and then injecting infusion of digitalis, he found that the tension rose in one instance from 159 to 260 THEORIES REGARDING ITS MODE OF ACTION. 71 millimetres, attaining its maximum in two or three minutes, and then gradually declining. Traube was thus lead to re-mould his theory, and to say that at first there was stimulation of the musculo-motory as well as the regulatory system, that the arterial tension was the product of these two factors, and that digitalis finally paralysed both; and here the theory at present stands (as far as I can find out). When we look at Traube’s first experiments, they certainly seem perfectly conclusively to prove that digitalis acts through the vagus, and this I certainly believe to be the case. Wino- gradoff’s denial of this is based on fallacious reasoning, assuming as he does that because irritation of the vagi does not possess the same action as injection of digitalis, therefore injection of digitalis does not produce the same effect as irritation of the vagi: whereas the action is the same so far as the latter goes, but the former possesses the additional power of contracting the capillaries, as Blake showed so long ago as 1839. - Traube’s theory also is very imperfect, for he makes the arterial tension the product of what is really only one factor, leaving altogether out of account the other equally important one, the size of the capillaries, and, as I have stated before, if the capillaries remain the same, and the number of cardiac pulsations be diminished, no amount of force which each may exert from stimulation of the musculo-motory power will do anything whatever towards raising the arterial tension by the diminished quantity of waves and consequent amount of blood. (2) The second theory, that of Messrs. Dybkowsky and Pelikan, and (Kolliker ?) is that (a) digitalis exerts its action directly on the regulating and musculo-motory apparatus in the heart itself, and (0) not through the vagi, as their action is not delayed or altered by destruction of the medulla oblongata or division of the vagi, or by the previous administration of woorari. The first part of this theory seems borne out by the experiments of Eulenburg and Ehrenhaus on the extirpated heart of the frog, which, when its lower third was immersed in a solution of digitaline, had its motion completely stopped, if the solution was strong, and if weaker it became slow and intermittent. We see, too, that if we cut the vagus and irri- 72 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE, tate the distal cut end, the pulsations are slow, and the same result takes place if we apply galvanism to the uncut vagus, and it is only natural to suppose that the poison circulating over the heart’s parietes might act either upon the terminal branches of the nerve, or on the apparatus in the heart on which these branches act, and through which they produce their effect, just as upon the central end of the vagus, though prob- ably with less force. The second part (0) of this theory I am not inciined to accept, because M. Traube’s experiments, I think, prove that the action is altered in mammals by the divi- sion of the vagi; and although Messrs. Dybkowsky and Pelikan state that they have found the same results in mammals as in frogs, they do not give definite details like M. Traube; and I am further hindered from accepting it, asin one of the two frogs which I have been able to obtain, and which was poisoned with woorari, its heart laid bare, and first a moderate, and then an enormous dose of digitaline introduced under the skin, the action was not so marked and distinct as Dybkowsky, Pelikan, Fagge, and Stephenson describe it to be. The hypothesis. that I have myself formed in regard to the action of digitalis is as follows :— Digitalis causes contraction of the small arteries, and at the same time acts on the regulating apparatus of the heart, both directly, and to a much greater extent through the vagus, thus causing slowing of the heart without loss of tension ; it stimu- lates the musculo-motory apparatus, causing increased force of the cardiac contractions. This primary stimulus then gives place to paralysis—first partial, and then complete. ‘The regu- lating force gradually loses its power, so that the musculo- motory power causes a quick beat to be occasionally interpolated, _ as the regulating power gets enfeebled, it can only occasionally assert its influence, and the pulse, formerly slow with occasional quick beats, is now a quick one, with occasional slow beats or intermissions; as the regulating power becomes entirely lost, the intermissions disappear, and the pulse becomes regular but very quick, the capillaries have also become paralysed and dilated, but occasionally, just before death, they become spas- modically contracted. The musculo-motor power gets weakened, AUTHOR’S VIEWS. 73 the fibres connecting the different ganglia of the heart, and which by keeping up a perfect correspondence between the different ganglia, enable the heart to contract rhythmically, now - convey impressions slowly and imperfectly ; the different parts of the heart no longer work in unison, and the contractions * become irregular and peristaltic ; by-and-by the fibres do not . transmit impressions at all, and the ganglia working in inde- pendence of each other, we see some continuing to make the little area they supply pulsate when the rest has stopped, and finally the ganglia themselves become paralysed, and the heart remains motionless and contracted. But it is probable this stimulating influence is not exerted on the heart and capillaries alone, but on involuntary muscular fibre throughout the body, or on the sympathetic nerves which supply it, since we find it causing contraction of the stomach, intestines, and uterus, and in those organs also, its stimulating effect would probably be followed by paralysis. Not only the nerves are affected, but the power of the muscular tissues themselves is impaired, as shown by Dybkowsky and Pelikan, who found that when two muscles were taken from a frog, one having been taken from a jeg which the poison was prevented from reaching by a ligature applied previous to its administration, and the other being taken from the poisoned animal, the curve described by the former in the myographion was much higher than of the latter, showing its greater power. The cause of death from digitalis seems to be stoppage of the heart’s action, and defective supply of blood to the nerve cen- tres. When death occurs from not very large doses, it seems often to be caused by some slight exertion at the time. As in the case of Daniel G., the pulse was of low tension and irregular, and when we know that any exertion still further lessens the tension, we can easily imagine how in such a case there might be syncope ending in death. This seems all the more probable, as I noticed on the 17th of March, besides bright spots, a kind of haziness such as one sees before fainting, though not of so marked a character. There are several points which I have not yet made up my mind about, such as the remarkable intermissions observed in 74 ON DIGITALIS, WITM SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE, the pulse and respiration coincidently, the topical action of digitalis, the points of resemblance and difference between it. and other cardiac poisons, and its action on the blood and capillaries, but I hope that I may yet be able to clear up these. THERAPEUTIC ACTION. Soon after Withering announced the property digitalis possesses of slowing the heart’s action, physicians began to employ it in hemorrhages, and Ferriar especially used it in hemoptysis, in the early stages of phthisis, and thought it might possibly heal ulcerated cavities in more advanced stages. Dr. Brinton thinks it is the best remedy for hemorrhage from pul- monary cavities, in the dose of 30 to 90 minims every four or six hours. It is also said to be useful in epistaxis, and Mr. W. H. Dickinson found it of the utmost service in menorrhagia, curing in a few days a case thought to be almost at the point of death. He gives the infusion in the dose of 3ss. three times a day. He thinks that as an oxytoxic it is quite as powerful as ergot. Tt is from the contraction of the uterus itself, and not from the contraction of its vessels, that the benefit is derived; and this idea he supports, not only by showing that it causes pains like labour pains, and expulsion of clots, but that, in a case of fun- goid tumour of the os, it did no good whatever; while, if the benefit had been from the contraction of the vessels, it ought to have been as great in this case as it is when the cause of hemorrhage is within the uterus. fFerriar thought that in inflammatory fever it was useful instead of bleeding and purg- ing, and Currie confirms his observations, saying he had found it useful, not only in acute inflammation of the brain, heart, and lungs, but in acute rheumatism. Several continental authors have borne favourable testimony to its use in acute inflammation. Hirtz gives a case of pneumonia, which he treated first by tartar emetic and venesection ; but in two days these produced no amendment, the pulse remaining at 118, and. the temperature at 1046° Digitalis was then given for, two days, and the pulse fell to 82, and the temperature to 98°6°. . Although ‘the medicine was now discontinued, on the third day the pulse was 53, and the temperature 97°3°, Returning crepi- THERAPEUTIC USES. 79 tation was now heard on the eighth day of the attack, and the pulse and temperature began to rise, and three days later the patient was convalescent. He has found the same lowering of the pulse and temperature in acute bronchitis, pleurisy, acute phthisis, and acute rheumatism. He has rarely seen diuresis, and never met with any bad results. The amount taken has varied from 7 to 37 grains. He thinks that venesection may be used with the digitalis. In pneumonia, Millet abjures vene- section nearly altogether, but combines the digitalis with kermes giving to adults on the first day +th of a grain of each every hour, and gradually increasing the dose by 4th of a grain daily, so that on the ninth day the dose is ?ths of a grain. The medicine is not stopped at once, when improve- ment takes place, but is continued some time longer. Improve- ment generally occurs about the sixth or eighth days, and the circulation is then affected. Among 87 cases of children, of which 53 were very bad, with much delirium and adynamia, there was but one death. Oppolzer gives it in small doses, along with ipecacuan and cold effusion externally, where the dyspnoea is more from the fever than from local changes. In reference to acase of pneumonia, Traube remarks that the rapidity of action of digitalis varies much in different cases, taking much longer if the person be strong, and the disease at its height, than when it is near a close, or in a chronic case. Schneider says that in acute inflammation digitalis, in doses of 24 to 34 grains every two hours, reduces the pulse, and lowers the temperature of the skin. These effects, he says, are inde- pendent of each other. Clutterbuck advocated its employment: in continued fever. Wunderlich recommends its employment in severe cases of typhoid fever, when the evening temperature rises above 108°, and the pulse one-half in the second week. It has been proposed as an anti-periodic in ague by Davy. Graf- feneuer, Gerard, and Bouillaud have treated between 40 and 50 cases successfully by it. - Nervous Affections.—Serre, by the use of Debout’s pill of quinine, 14 grains, and digitalis, gr. 4th, every night for three months, has cured several cases of long standing hemicrania,. and, among others, his own, which had lasted 15 years. Boison 76 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME has used a pill of musk, 1 grain, ext. digital., 14 grains, and ext. opil gr. 4, in neuralgia, and its effects he describes as being magical. Mr. Hardwicke gives $ grain of the powder in the same affection, and with similar results. According to Thomas, it effects a permanent cure in epilepsy; and Parkinson, Moll, Corrigan, Crampton, Sharkey, Nelegan, and Duclos, have all employed it with success. In the second stage of general paresis of the insane, that of mental alienation with maniacal excitement, Dr. C. L. Robertson says, tinct. digit., in doses of ss., is a specific, calming excitement and enabling the patient to pass through this stage without wear or irritation. It steadies the pulse, and thus supplies the brain better with blood, and obviates the tendency to effusion of serum, consequent on in- flammation going on in the arachnoid or pia mater. In delirium tremens, Mr. G. M. Jones recommended ss. of tinct. digit. at the first dose, to be repeated if necessary in four hours, and in some cases a third might be given, which did not exceed 511. It failed to produce sleep in only three cases out of 70, in 67 it was the only remedy used, and 66 recovered, the fatal case having a tumour of the brain. Peacock thinks this treatment especially useful in young and strong persons, and where the attack has been the immediate result of spirit drinking, and believes that in fuil doses it does not produce the depression which we would expect. Carey records four successful cases. In anasarea, especially where this depends on cardiac disease, digitalis is one of our most potent remedies, especially when combined with squill, which is also a cardiac poison of the same class as digitalis. Withering* says it succeeds best when the pulse is feeble or intermitting, the countenance pale, the lips livid, the skin cold, and the swollen belly soft and fluctuat- ing; but it seldom succeeds in men of great natural strength, tense fibre, warm skin, and florid complexion, or those with a tight and cordy pulse. In serous dropsy, its good effects are not so marked, and in encysted dropsy, it is totally useless. By some the infusion is preferred to the tincture as a diuretic, and it is best to give it in half-ounce doses, three times a day. i * Fagge and Stevenson, Proceed. Roy. Soc., May, 1865. OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. 77 This action may sometimes be induced by cloths soaked in the infusion being laid upon the abdomen.* As a sedative it requires great care, and, when the circula- tion fails, the remedy should be remitted; and though Sir H. Holland thinks that doctors are too much afraid of the intermittence caused by digitalis, I think it is a wholesome dread, and that when this sign appears they should at once stop the medicine, and have stimulants at hand in case of need. The tincture in doses of 30 minims is of great service in nervous palpitation, probably, I think, by inducing contraction in the capillaries, and, by thus raising the arterial tension, restoring the normal circulation. With just one word of warning, I will close this brief sum- mary of the therapeutical applications of digitalis, and that is to those who, thinking that there can be no danger in giving digitalis to those with very weak hearts, and that indeed it is the best thing for them to use it indiscriminately. I believe that I have proved that it increases the force of the cardiac pulsations; but if, while the motor nerves were stimulating it to contract, and the capillaries at the same time were opposing a resistance, the fibres of the heart itself were not composed of sound muscle, but were fatty and friable, some of them would be pretty sure to rupture, and the results would be disastrous. I therefore think that, in cases of fatty heart, great caution is necessary in administering it. OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. Within late years the attention of physicians has been turned much more than formerly to the observation of the urine for purposes of diagnosis, and physiologists have carefully noted the changes it undergoes in various circumstances, for the pur- pose of determining the way in which these circumstances affect the interchange of material in the living body. Having lately made a very extensive series of observations on * Christison, Dispensatory. ‘78 _ ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME . the urine and urinary constituents, with a view of determining, if possible, the changes effected in tissue changes under the use of digitalis, I have thought it not out of place to note down the chief facts which I have personally observed, and, in doing this, Iwill adhere strictly to the order adopted by Mr. Parkes in his excellent work on the Urine. . . AMOUNT OF CONSTITUENTS. In the change of French into English weight, I have reckoned the gramme as equal to 15°43 grains, and the English fluid oz. as equal to 28-4 cubic centimetres. On an average of 150 observations, chiefly taken ating winter, but a few during summer, I find the amount of urine casas 1124 cub. cent. or 394 ounces. The maximum amount was 1855 ec. or 633 _—,, The minimum ‘ » 610°, or213 _ ,, This difference is, however, much more than my normal, the one being in summer and the other in winter; and, moreover, the large number occurred after I had been taking digitalis. My mean variation, from the lowest to the highest, is about A87.c.c. or 138 oz. This variation amounts to more than a third of the total amount, and this is therefore considerably above the average, which is 4. Ur val enh mean amount of 105 analyses of urea is— 33°44 grams, or 516 grains per day, 1:39 ia 21%. , ~ per hour. The mean variation is 9°36 " 1444, or rather more than }, while the average amount is } th. Phosphoric Acid.—From 108 analyses I find the average amount of PO,, to be 3:1 grams, or 47} grains daily, 2 » hourly. - The mean variation is 0:96 _,, 144, 5 ‘which is less than usual, the mean being 35 to 50 per cent.” Chlorine—From 80 analyses I find the average amount to be ’ OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. 79 6°8 grams, or 105 grains daily, 44 grains hourly. This seems much about the average amount. | The analyses of chlorine, however, were not so exact as the others, on account of there sometimes being a difficulty in settling when the point of saturation was reached. Section II. Relative Proportions of the Constitwents.—The urea seems to be about eleven times greater than the phosphoric acid, and about five times greater than the chlorides. These, however, do not keep their proportions constant, nor is that of the urea to: the water so much so as it generally is. Section III. On the amount of each constituent excreted in 24 hours by a definite amount of body weight. In 24 hours. In 24 hours. Constituent. 1 kilogram excretes 1 Ib. avoir. excretes in in ¢c.c. and grams. drachms and grains. Parkes’s average. Water... sccccccers 23 c.c. 2°53 f. oz. 2°93 f. oz. WITOR < 4<0/08 00.0406 5 grams, 4°12 grains 3°53 grains. Pi dared ed viveve 0°048 gram. 0°38 grain 0°336 grain. tiemiae-ae ts be-ee8 0°126 ,, 0 ‘84 grain 0 *875 grain. My weight is at present 134 lbs. and deducting 9 lbs. for clothes, and 1 or 2 lbs. which I feel sure I have gained since the end of the session, I have calculated this table for 125 lbs. weight. JI have entered in the last column the average which Parkes gives, showing that the average in my water and chlorine is lower, but higher in the urea and PO, 80 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME Section IV. On the acidity I have no observations.* SECTION V, On the Specific Gravity—tThe sp. gr. of my urine is notably high, though not more than that observed by Dr. Christison, nnd a very great increase in it is always seen at night, probably from the solids of dinner passing off. With this I must at present conclude, but I hope to be yet able to make farther use of the data I have collected; and I would notice that my observations entirely contirm Dr. Bence Jones’s opinion that the acidity of the urine is lessened or re- placed by alkalinity during digestion, my urine being acid in the morning, neutral at midday (from breakfast), acid before dinner, and alkaline at night. The close connection between brain work and increase of phosphates in the urine is also well marked, there being almost always an increase on the Saturday, from the effect of the dis- cussions at the Royal Medical Society on the Friday nights, this increase extending over Sunday; and, when I have been attending examinations, or reading hard next day, the amount of phosphoric acid is increased. [* This statement applies only to quantitative determinations, About six hundred qualitative observations were -made, the reaction being usually deter- mined each time that urine was passed. These were all described in the manuscript thesis, but those made from November 14, 1865, to March 16, 1866, were not printed in full on account of the expense, especially as the recapitu- latory tables gave the most important facts. In addition to these, however, it may be noted that the urine during digestion was not only neutral or alkaline but was frequently quite milky when passed, from the presence ef earthy phos. phates. On Sundays, when no work whatever was done, the urine was iile variably less in quantity, and was not milky.] OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. 81 APPENDIX TO THESIS. DIETARY TABLE. After some preliminary experiments, the following diet was adopted :— BREAKFAST— Coffee, 170 ¢.¢, Bread, 7} 0z. Butter not weighed, but much the same every morning, as the bread was the same. 1 salt herring—from Jan. 6 to March 22, 1866, 1 egg instead, Luxncu— 4 oz. bread. 24 oz. gingerbread. 190 c.c. milk. DInnER—- Mince collops, 8 0z. The water in which they were cook2d was not measu'ed [but was almost exactly the same each day. The weight is that of the raw minced beef before cocking]. Bread, 2 0z.; Nov. 16 to Dec. 2, 1865, 3 oz. Potatoes, 19 oz. Water, 320 c.c. Tra— Tea, 375 c.c. Bread, 43 oz.; Nov. 16 to Dec. 3, 1865, 42 oz. Butter [not weighed but almost the same every day]. [During the whole period of 121 days, from November 21st, 1865, to March 21st, 1866, inclusive, this diet was rigorously adhered to with the slight excep- tions noted on March 17th, 18th, 20th, and 21st, when the action of digitalin as an irritant to the stomach and as a powerful diuretic lessened appetite and caused thirst. The urine was passed into a small bottle which was afterwards emptied into a Winchester flask. From this specimens of the mixed urine of 24 hours were taken for analysis. ] ABBREVIATIONS USED IN APPENDIX. Bicsececssese Breakfast. Reactn....... Reaction. Bivecectsatess LUNCH, a devtneseret Ont. Th Sisk cenewcan DERNGM C.C. eee eeeeee Cubic Centimetres. Divcewesedses LOR Clr. ossaee es Clear. Amt. ........ Amount. OIG is 5 wield vis-0iss LOGS L. & H..... Hours spent in Laboratory and Hospital. R. M.8.... Hours spent at the Royal Medical Society, where debates were held every Friday. prop....... Proportion of the ingredient to the amount of urine. Under the head dose the first numbers are fractions of a grain—the second are milligrams. The dose was actually taken in milligrams, and the fractions of a grain are only reckoned from them, G 82 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME J Urine. Pulse. Date. ee 3 ime ; when | 3 | Specific! Reaction. Appearance, Time, Number. passed. g gravity. < 1865. CG. E Mar. 17| §.45 41 1024 Acid Amber coloured,clouded | 9.25 | 67 mean, 59-71 at bottom 1.60 865 | 1020 Acid Straw, clouded at bot- tom P.M. 7.18 820 | 1023°5 Acid Amber coloured,clouded | 10.25 | 72 mean, 71-76 ’ at bottom 12 160 | 1025 eee Not perfectly clear bow 1258 | 1023 +00 Turbid >” 1g eee eee eee ove coe eee coe ee eee eee ee 1200 | 1022 Acid Turbid » 19 a 495 | 1021 Faintly | Not quite clear ... | 8°30 | 61 mean, 60-62 acid Somewhat cold : at the time me $90 | 1019 Alkaline | Very pale coloured at| 9 ine pis top, clear ane 398 | 1022 Faintly | Pale, clear, clouded at acid top 1,30 572 | 1023 ose Pale straw, not quite clear ea 1855 Mar. 20| 9.5 848 ; 1019 Neutral | Amber, clear, clouded| 9°55 ; 63 mean, 60-67 at bottom P.M. ae 3 525 | 1020°5 | Neutral | Straw do. 10°45 |80 regular, sitting) in dining-room 7 205 | 1019°5 Acid Pale straw 40. 11°40 | 58-60 sitting in bedroom 11.40 | 215 | 1025 Acid Amber do. <0 ove eee vee 1293 * Consisting of about a dozen pellets like those of rabbits, and one OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. Meals. Sleep. Exercise. to 2 re ing. Bowels. Dose. Time when taken. Amount. Remarks, B. 9.40 L, none D. 6.10 T. 7.30 B. 10 L. 12,45 T. ts 45 1, 45-4 4. 30-8, 30 63 12. 30-10 93 10. 45-7. 45 3. 15-9 53 hrs. 8 | Walk- 100 Open in morning, Stool copious. Quite loose. In the even- good deal of flatus. Open Open once... Stool copious, somewhat soft, Open once, stool ex- tremely scanty* on 8th and 9th 8 milligrams; on 10th and ; On 14th 20 milligrams; on 15th 30 milligrams; and on 16th grams 4 h 21 milligrams, llth 10 milligrams; on 12th J5 milligrams; on 13t 30 milligrams—altogether 173 milligrams in 15 days. No digitalin was taken on these days, which show only the poisonous effects of previous doses. On March 2nd 1 milligram; on 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th 4 milligrams daily; on 7th 6 milli At 4 a.m. I awoke, and vomited at intervals for about an hour. Vomited matter yellow and liquid, somewhat like yolk of egg. Vomited again on rising at 9a.mM. Again at 9.30. Fre- quent epigastric uneasiness and pain. In forenoon my sight was occasionally not quite clear (just as one sees when about to faint, but somewhat slighter), and a large bright spot occasion- ally seen, such as is seen after looking at the sun, and then looking away ata dark object. Languor and discomfort all day. Occa- sional nausea—no more vomiting. Pain in chest on drawing breath, from sore- ness of diaphragm from vomiting. No lunch, but took 200 c.c, water at 11.30 P.M. Appetite improved, though not very good. Sight some- what dim, especially after rising up or walking, and bright spots occasionally seen, chiefly after rising or walking. Lunch, 63 oz. of bread, some cheese, and about 225 ¢.c. of water, and 25 c.c. of water at bed-time- more than usual, Appetite better to-day. Sight dim, and I see a large - bright spot, especially after exertion. This not so bad in afternoon. Slight pain in epigastrium occasionally, lasting some time when it occurs. After dinner con- stant pain in left side, ap- parently in descending colon. Much flatus at night. Sight clear. After look-. ing ata bright sky, and on looking away I see a spot as if I had been looking at the sun. Appetite much better to-day. Pain in leit side still there on rising, and continued for some hours. Had a slice of bun of about the same weight to lunch instead of the ginger- bread I have formerly taken, and for which I at present feel a disgust. Pain in side again to-night. A slight about the size of a walnut. The latter floated, the former sunk in water. G 2 Nl e4 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME Urine. Pulse. Date. 2 5 aie 8 Specific ° h iS) ion. : " ime. . Apne & gravity. Reaction Appearance Time Number 1865. C.c, Mar, 21 8.40 | 450 | 1020 Faintly | Pale amber colour, | 9°10 | 66, G5-67 de acid clouded at top P.M. 1 890 | 1020 Alkaline | Straw, clear, clouded at | 10°30 | 67-68 ... = «.. bottom 6 453 | 1021 Acid Pale straw do. rey eee shes Il 230 1025 ece Straw do. eee eee ese saa 1523 a 22] 8.35] 485 | 1023 Neutral oT CT 9°10 | 64 mean, 63-66 Night 12.20} 310 vee eee Straw, clear, clouded at| 1°25 | 72regular ... top 5.35 | 3805 | 1019 Acid Not perfectly clear = ...| ose eee eee 12.20 | 555 | 1024 Neutral | Straw coloured, clouded ose eee ose at bottom eee 1655 | 1020 RECAPITULATORY TABLES. Date. | Temp. | Moist. | Pulse. | Sleep. Work. Amount. Sp. gr. | Reaction. ~ 1865. . hrs. | hrs. | mins C.0; Oz. Novy. 14 eee eee ece eee eee eee eee 1219 2” 15 ece eee eee eee eee eee eee 1161 2? 16 eee coe eee eee eee eee eee 1096 ig ak ase eve oes oes oes aie os 1062 45 18 eee arr ate ae ae 3 aes 1164 ies 1031°5 acid » 19 ais “ bes ae uy ase “s 995 35 1032 acid 1» 20] 44°2 dry I, see ies tp ave 1240 43°6 | 1023°5 | neutral yy 21{| 48°1 damp 71 mi Se eee bus 1005 85°3 | 1028 gg 22) 4d wet 67 ote — wae ens 969 83°8 | 1030 neutral s, 28) 4792] Gey | GBB 1 oe | ace! Lees Pi aoe | 2010 | 85°51 1082 acid i », 24] 43°8 wet 71°5 ae see shee ove 1150 40°4 | 1031 eee OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. 85 Exercise. Dose. : Bowels, a Remarks, Meals. Sleep. Slole. Ww. Time| # = |= wo h ° F fe SH akan &§ - hrs. |hrs, |min : threatening of headache before going to bed. B. 9.15 | 12-8.30 34 |... | 85 | Open once,| ... ne Appetite good Still oc- stool scan- casionally see a bright spot ty, partly like a large bright soap from large, bubble, or Jike the halo that partly from is seen round a light when small in- digitaline is putinto the eye testine. without the central light, L. 12.45 | 8} which is the cause of the halo : in tne latter case. It seems D. 6.10 to come more after exertion, or after long writing, as in T, 7.45 taking notes. I’m not sure whether it is the attention, or looking at the white paper, or the stooping that causes it. Took 1 orange and 100 c.c. of water extra. . 9.15 | 12.15-8.30 | 34 | ... | 90] Open once por pars Still see a bright spot ci ' stool copi- occasionally. Attended the ous, well Royal Medical dinner. _Li- formed. quids above some soup, 1 -30] 8 glass champagne, 3 of a glass aie ; of claret, about ‘100 or 150 Dy 7 c.c. of water and 1 cup coffee, keels RECAPITULATORY TABLES. Appearunce. Urea. Phosphoric acid. Chlorine. Dose. Date. s amt. |grms.| grs. |prop. |grms. | grs, |prop. 1865. grms.| grs, ry grms. : m ; ° Nov. 14 0 meet » 15 urine. ae epee if ye E ] Clear yellow ...| 33°83 | 522 | 34 » (19 ° Clear yellow... 35°96 | 555 | 29 » 20 és 34°17 | 527 | 34 | 2°87 | 36°56 | 2°35 | 5°22] 80 | 51] oe » 21 vs 29°76 | 459 | 31 2°36 | 36°4 | 2°35 | 5°24 | Sl | 5°4 dee oy 2 Clear yellow ..| 31°81 | 490 | 31°5 | 2°51 | 38°7.| 2°48 | 4°72 | 93 | 4°6 see iy ae eee 35°65 | 550 | 31 2°639| 40°7 29 |] 6°27 |} 97 | 574 oe » 24 86 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME Recapitulatory Tables—continued. Date. | Temp. | Moist. | Pulse. | Sleep. Work. Amount. Sp. gr. | Reaction. 1865. 2 hrs. | hrs. | min. €.¢; oz. Nov.-25| 40°3 damp 71 eee “hs Nr 1010 83°5 =|: 1082°5 acid 4, 26 aed ees eee eee eee 1071 87°7 | 1031°5 acid » 27| 86°6 | damp | 69 ae ves y se 1090 88°3 | 1030 acid POUND Us webs fo TLS. hie 1 aed ee . | 1170 | 41°2 | 1027°5] acid gay 28 72°5 ove «i * sa 1055 87°1 | 1029°5 | neutral 5 80 : 73°5 ove ove see 806 28°3 | 1033 neutral Dec. 1] 41°2 dry 68°5 aes ese sen bee 1200 42°2 | 1030°5 | alkaline eine.) 5880 dry eve eee ove des vee 738 26 1031 obs ws aon poe 83 ae ne eed 1008 85°5 | 1031°5 | neutral o» | 40°2 | damp } 62 8 on ée eee 1026 86°1 | 1028°5 acid » 5] 43°8 dry 65 8 tie ove sss 1170 41°2 | 1026 faintly alkaline 95 8 | 4275 damp | 66°5 8 ous os see 1058 37°2 | 1029 neutral » 7] 46°5 dry 62°5 8 ase ede eee 1110 39 1030°5 | alkaline yp. 8} 4898 dry 70 72 ove tee eee 1130 40 1028°5 | alkaline 9 9] 4693 dry 62°3 7 eee oss on 1120 39°4 | 1028°5 | neutral a 10 Sse os ten 8 eee eos ~ 1000 35°2 | 1031 faintly acid >» 11] 38°6 | damp | 67 83 ove ees eve 1300 45°7 | 1024 acid og 12] 42 dry 66°5 7% ove ove eee 1150 40°5 | 1028 neutral Daily mean, not excluding Sundays, 436 | 68 |-:8 Daily mean, excluding Sunday's urine Por ee } 1048 36 °9 ose os Mean on Sundays ss pee eee eee ooo ese eee 1018 35 °8 eve ose Maximum oe eee eee oe eee eve eee one 1300 45°7 eee ove Minimum Pe ek gee “alee pet een eg 738 26 see ove Difference .. eee eve eee eve ee 562 19°7 eee ooo Dee. 18, 40°5 dry 67°7 7 5 one 50 1075 87°8 | 1026°5 | neutral gn 14) AES dry 67°5 13 5 ese 60 1054 37°1 1029 neutral » 15| 34 dry | 66 . | 43 | 42 | 80 | 1464 | 51°5 | 1026°5 faintly ga LE} Otee dry 62°5 6 4% «s v6) 1175 41°3 | 1025 acid sir READ tees oe a 8 csi | ome | 600} 1220 | 80-4 | 1028 neutral 9, 18] 42°5 dry 62 8} 5 oes 60 1128 39°7 | 1028 acid » 19| 39:4 | dry | 59° | 7} | 5 . | 65 | 1450 | 51 1022 | neutral 9, 20] 42.2 damp 60°5 7i 7i ae 75 1094 38°5 1029 neutral a a oat is te i as ee ee ee OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. Recapitulatory Tables—continued. 87 Appearance. Urea, Phosphoric acid. Chlorine. Dose. | Date. grms,| grs. | prop.|grms.| grs. | prop.| grms.| grs. |prop. 1865. ose 82°82 | 506 | 32°5 | 3°41 | 52°6 | 3°37 | 5°77 |} 89 | 57 rf Nov. 25 Clear yellow. ...| 37°48 | 578 | 35 3°33 | 1°3 | 8°11 | 6°68 | 103 | 6:2 ar ‘3 Loe Clear yellow ...| 31°06 | 479 | 28°4 | 2°75 | 42°4 | 2°52 | 7°23 | 111 | 6°6 eee 9 27 Clear yellow ...| 81°59 | +487 | 27 2°85 | 36°2 | 2 5°54] 85 | 4°7 “ » 28 Clear yellow... 30-38 | 469 | 28-8 | 2°52 | 38-8 | 2°39 | 5°76] 89 | 5-4 eee pene 2! Clear yellow .,.] 29°01 | 447 | 36 2°18 | 338°6 | 2°70 | 4°86 | 75 | 5 rr » +30 Great deposit of | .. es ose | -1°95'| 80 1°62 | 7°14} 110 | 5:9 F Dec. 1 phosphates , Not quite clear ...| .. “te te. Yee 380°9 | 2°71 | 4°79 | 74 | 6°4 bes ”» 2 Clear yellow ...| «.. ens 2°98 | 35°9 | 2°95 | 5°24] 80 | 5°1 aes ys 8 Large deposit of | 31°39 | 484 | 30°5 | 2°48 | 88°2 | 2°41 | 5°46 | 84 | 5°32] ... a. phosphates Not quite clear ...| 29°62 | 457 2°42 | 37°3 | 2:06 | 5°93 | 91° | 5°06 ‘s » 5 Not quite clear ...| 29°62 | 477 | 28 2°46 | 37°9 | 2°32 | 5°63 | 86 | 5°32) a. » 6 Considerable de- | 30°63 | 492 | 27°6 | 2°84 | 45°8 | 2°55 | 7°07 | 109 | 6°36)... ret | posit of phos, ; Large deposit of | 31°86 | 491 | 28°2 | 2°94 | 45°3 | 2°63 | 7°34] 115 | 6°5 eee js 8 phosphates i Turbid depositof| ... se « | 3°56 | 54°9 | 3°18 | 7°42 | 114° | 6°6 ose io 2 phosphates Clear, clouded at re oo oo. | 3°3 | 50°9 | 3°3 | 5°46 | 84 | 524 che » 10 bottom Cloudedat bottom | 28°6 441 | 22 2°76 | 42°5 | 2°125) 6°76"| 104° | 5°2 see oa f | Large deposit 28°29 | 486 | 24°6 | 2°58 | 39°8 | 2°25 | 5°98 | 92 | 5°2 oe i, 42 aan 31°88 | 492 | 30°4 | 2°67 | 41 2°54 | 6 92 | 5°7 eee 35°65 | 550 | 35 3°2 | 49 3°l | 579; 89 | 5°6 eve 37°48 | 578 ws =| 8°56 | 55 « | 1°42] 114 ove 28°29] 436 a (a he 5 0 4°72} 73 |. oes 8°19 | 142 Hy oe Sat ad ta « 2°7 4l Clouded at bottom | 27°95 | 431 | 26 2°74 | 42°2 | 2°55 | 6 92 | 5°5 | 1/200 oy. a3 Flocculent cloud | 28°88 | 445 | 27-4 | 2°68 | 41°2| 2°55] .. 1/200 » (214 Large precipitate | 38°C6 | 587 | 26 3°16 | 48°7 | 2°16 | 8°8 | 185°6) 6 1/200 a3 20 of phosphates Turbid through-| 27°96 | 431 | 23-8 | 2:7 | 41°6/2:3 | ... 1/200 » 16 out Clouded at bottom | 32°14 | 496 | 28-7 | 2°63 | 40°5 | 2°35 | 8°36 | 129 | 7:1] 1 /200 me ff Clear, clouded at | 28°76 443 | 25°5 | 2°76 | 42°5 | 2°45 | 6°74 104 | 5:9 1/200 ww ae ottom Clear, faint cloud | 30°45 | 470 | 21 2°64 | 40°7 | 1°82 | 7°06 | 109 | 4°8| 1/200 ee | at bottom , clouded at | 30°90 | 476 | 28:2 | 2°72|42 | 2-49] ... o 1/200 » 20 om 88 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME Recapitulatory Table—continucd. Date. | Temp. | Moist. | Pulse. | Sleep. Work. Amount, Sp. gr. | Reaction. 1865. ° hrs. | hrs. | min.| e.¢, oz. Dec, 21 | 45°8 dry 60 72 6 ee 60 985 84°6 | 1030°5 faintly 99 22| 48°2 dry 65°5 14 4 eee 80 1278 45 1029 intitle alkaline Daily mean, sl wn 2 OOS 1 MT BT Be) 73 yy: Mean ... ne 906 eee seo ase 99 eee ay 1189 41°8 see ooo Amount of Sunday’s... eee ese wee eee ose oon 1120 39 °4 eee eos Maximum eae 499 eve eee oes eee eee eee 1464 51°5 oes eee Minimum one ose eee eee oes ose ove eve 985 34°6 eee eee Difference ore eee oes eee eee eee 479 16°9 eee eee 1866. Jan, 4...) 46°2 | damp eee 7 4} coe 50 1100 38°7 | 1029-5 | alkaline oc ave POs dry 74 7} 43 5 110 1383 48°7 | 1028 alkaline o> 6...|- 37 dry 78 6} 3} oes 80 1655 58°2 1019 acid aT Fas (Auer one “i 8} ove eos 20 1176 41°4 | 1026°5 acid » &...| 87 damp | 75 8 5 is 60 1111 39*1 | 1026 acid »» 9...| 34°7. | damp | 77 7} | 6 on Me 989 | 34°8 | 1031 pag AeA, 66} ) OS Uh damp 73°5 73 8 aes 65 1005 35 °3 od » 1l...| 24:1 | fine | 78°5 | 73 | 5 we | 55 | 13805 | 45°9 | 1026°5 | faintly mae t- 26°5 fine: | 88 8 4} 5 90 1398 49°2 | 1027 weil », 13. toa gee 82°5 7? 3} eee 50 987 34°7 | 1029°5 acid ae Ar Eee ove ove 83 one avs 20 980 34°5 | 1081°5 | neutral » 15.,.| 33°65 | damp | 78 gi | 5 eve | 6O | 1156 | 40°7 | 1227% falas Peep |: es mameeee eee iT 7} 4} ove 65 1002 35°3 | 1027 faintly acid SES Peis 3 FR A PR OE ae ee Daily mean, excluding Sunday’s urine. oon eee } ie gt a S Sundays ... pee ase ose . gee ose oes : 1078 37 °9 gee ose Maximum... eee ese eee eee ane eee vee . 1655 58 *2 eee Minimum... ove ove ose tee eee eee ose ° 980 34°5 ace Difference.., ve ove ase ose eee « 675 23°7 a eee Jan. 17 | 39°7 { dump | 79°2 7} 4h ‘te 60 1073 37°7 | 1029°5 | faintly op 184 46-204 otry ) 976 ee: | Ob | 90 | 1202 | 42-3 | 1025-5 fanny eres CEN jl | damp 83 8} 4h 5 90 1266 44°5 1025°5 | alkaline » 20] 40°5 | damp } 76 q 4 ous | 60 1164 40°9 | 1024°5 acid ee oo OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE, 89 Recapitulatory Table—continued. Appearance. Urea. Phosphoric acid. Chlorine. Dose. Date. : grms. | grs. Trop.| grms.| grs. | prop. jgrms. | grs- |prop.| grams. | 1865. Not quite clear ...| 33 509 83°5 | ase eee eas ese se eee 1/200 Dec. 21 Large deposit va eee eee eee eee eee eee see eee eee 1/200 ” 22 oe 30°9 | 476 26 2°75 | 42°4 | 2°31 | 7°4 | 114 | 62 ove 32°1 | 496 28°7 | 2°63 | 40°5 | 2°35 | 8°3 | 129 | 7-1 oo 88°06 | 587 ose | 8°16 | 48°F | oe PBS | ISS ove 27°25 | 431 sas. 2°63.) 40°S)). oe 1S 92 eve 10°11 | 156 oes, TOSS BS. Tr sag anes 43 1866. Clear, clouded at | 37°56 | 580 | 34°] | se | ove | one Rea ee har oe | dan. 4 bottom coca at bot-| 40°79 | 630 29°5 | 4°92 | 75°9 | 3°92 | 98 | 151 | 7 ee .. | Tube replaced, and clip removed. 9.14’ 3°5—5 4,°2 9.16’ 3°5—5°2 | 4°2 9.19 3°5—5 9.22’ 3°5—3°6 | .. 78 -. | Animal excited by examining the wound. 9.24’ 4—5 4,°3 9.25’ oe ° : -» | Half a grain of digitaline in water was injected into the cellular tissue of the thorax. 9.26’ 4 °1—4,°6 9.28’ 4,°7 oa es -- | On slight agitation. 9.30’ 5°0 es 82 36: | Breathing more laboured, 9.32’ 4*2—4°4 | .. 80 .. | Pulse steady at 80. 9.42’ 3°8—4°8 | 4°3 9.45’ 7°5 5 4 a2 -- | Sheep struggling, 9.47’ 4°1—4°4] .. 104 Sheep struggles. After this the oscillations stopped, and clots were suspected in the artery. 9°52’ an ‘ Clip applied, and tube removed. Again applied at 10.6’, but at 10.10’ the india-rubber stopper came out, and the experiment thus interrupted was not re- sumed, 10.10’ < b 93 89 |The sheep was loosed from the table. Seemed very unsteady on its legs. There was some amount of venous oozing from the wound. Expr. IV.—Nov. 30.—This morning the sheep seemed still much depressed ; it had made a good deal of water during the night. Between 1 and 2 P.M. it was again tied on the operating table. Chloroform administered, and the other carotid opened, ACTION ON CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 109 Mercury. Time. Méan’ | Pulse. Resp. Remarks, P.M. Inches. 2. ee 166 - | Hemadynamometer connected with the artery. m3! ee . 21 | Clip removed. Thermometer in vagina 101°5° F. 2. 3” 2°1—3 ee - | Till this time the mercury in the tube has oscillated between 2°1 and 3, neither steadily nor regularly. 2. 5° ee ee The pupils have become contracted. At the beginning of the experiment they were dilated. 2. 6°40] 3°5 e -- | Pretty steady at 3°5. The sheep at this 3°6 os ee moment made a slight struggle, and mer- 3°7 «s as cury rose to 3°6 at once, then to 3°7. 2. 8’ 3°45—3°5 | .. .- | Thermometer 102°9° F. 2. 8’ 35| 3:2 2.945) 3°5 ee 20 | Steady at 3°5. 2.10’ 45 | 3°95 . | Thermometer 102°. 2.11’ 3°8 ee - | Sheep appears completely free from the ee effects of the chloroform. 2.14’ 3°05 os - | Very feeble pulse. 2.14/10} 3°4 re .. | During violent struggles which now take lace. ee 3°05 ee . Then fell to 3°05. ve 34 oe -- | During another struggle. ee 3°1 2° -- | Then fell to 3:1. 2.1615 | 3°4 - -- | An apparently convulsive movement of the head. 2.17/10} 3°4 oe -. | Pretty steady. oe 4.°2 ve -. | Violent struggle. Mercury rises to 4°2, a 4°3 4°3, 4-4, == 4 *4 ee 4°5 ve -- | Another struggle. 2.20 3°7 2.20’ 10 ee , ++ | Injected the first half of 2 grains of digi- taline suspended in water (into the jugular vein—this from memory). 2.21" 10 2 21’ 25 ee . -« | Injected the remainder of the digitaline. 2.22'10} 5°2 : -- | Animal violently struggling. “ oe 5-5 oe -» | During another struggle. 2.23’ 10 se os -- | Pupil obviously contracted. 2.24 50| 4:9 2.25' 4°8 ee -» | Mercury stands at 4°8. Animal struggles. ee ee ° -- | Pupil has becomemore dilated. Convul- sive movement. 2.26’ 10 a ee -- | Another convulsion. 2.26’ 30) 4°7 2.27’ : se -- | No perceptible pulsation in the carotid. ve 4 °6 oe +» | Cornea scarcely sensible to touch. Pupil more dilated. 2.23’ 10 ee oe -« | Cornea insensible. Respiration just per- ceptible. 110 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. Time. ghar * | Pulse.| Resp. Remarks. P.M. Inches. 2.2945 | 4°4 a - Very faint pulsation in the artery. sie 4°3 2.31’ 30 ” s .. | Pupil widely dilated. Respiration imper- ceptible. so i a a Pulse inappreciable. Thermometer 101°. 2.33’ ss as .. | Sheep allowed by all to be dead. Had made water since it was placed on the table. Mercury gradually fe!l. The slow fall of the mercurial column was at first attributed to clots, but on examination none were found to account for it. Post-mortem examination made immediately. On opening the thorax, the veins were found much congested. The vessels were then ligatured, and the thoracic viscera removed. The left ventricle was firmly contracted. Left auricle flaccid. The right auricle and ventricle were both distended with blood. Pulmonary artery was full and turgid; the pul- monary veins empty, or nearly so. Right ventricle contained no clot, but 2} ozs. of dark fluid blood. Left ventricle contaiaed no clot or blood, but was markedly contracted, without any whitencss, however. Blood returning from lungs was quite fluid, and very dark. Descending aorta contained no clot, so the slow descent of the mercury could not thus be accounted for. Bladder was firmly contracted and empty. Exp. V.—Dec. 20.—A large dog—a kind of bloodhound, or a cross between that and a mastiff, was experimented on. It took about 2 oz. of chloroform, which was applied on a thick towel before it was anesthetised, though no doubt the greater part of this was lost in the application. The time when it began to get the chloroform was not noted. I cut down on and cleaned about 1} or 2 inches of the jugular vein, and tied it. After exposing the carotid, which lay very deep, the dog was seized with convulsive tremors, which lasted a short time. Dr. Gamgee then finished the cleaning of the artery, and inserted the nozzle of the hemadynamometer. The instrument showing the mean only was used. Time. fe oe * | Pulse.| Resp. Remarks, P.M. Inches. 2.44" ea ns .. | Clip removed. 2.44’ 30 5 *4 2.44’ 40 ee abe .. |The tube of the hemadynamometer was forced out by the pressure. 2.55 - af .. | Tube re-inserted. . 56’ 5°5 2.56’ 40 5°7 2.58’ 30 | 5'7—5 9 a“ .. | The dog being quiet. 2.59’ 201 5°5—5°6 | .. | Dog quiet. ee Se. . ACTION ON CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 111 Time. seas * | Pulse.| Resp. Remarks. P.M. Inches. 3. 5°7—5°75 3. 0! 45 5°6 +s . | Dog whines and barks as if dreaming. 3. 2’ 30| 5°4—5 6 3. 3’ 5°35 * . | Dog whines loudly. 3. 3’ 30| 5°5—5°7 3. 5’ 5°9 gs .. | Continuous barking, as if in a dream, more loudly than before. 3. 5’ 6 5°8 -« | During inspiration, or attempts to bark, _ the mercury falls. During expiration it rises. 3. 7’ oe Still attempting tobay. Byajerk,adrop of blood got above the mercurial column. 3. 9! 5°5—5 7 3.12’ +e 156 3.14’ 30 ee a The injection of one grain of digitaline sus- pended in about 23 fluid drams of water. into the jugular vein, was begun. 3.16’ 5 -9—6 ‘1 , The dog struggling and crying. 3.17’ 6°3 3.18’ 5 ‘8—6°1 : The dog cries loudly. 3.18’ 30 6 “4 : Still crying louder than ever. 3.18’ 40 6 °2 3.19’ 5°8—6 3.20/ 5 5—5 °7 “ Continuous crying. 3.20’ 20 |5 *35—5 °55 3.21’ 5 5°2—5°4 | 120 . | Pulse irregular. 3.21! 35 5 °4: re . | During a long howl. 3.22’ 10 5°5 3.22’ 15 5°0 3 22' 20 5—5 “1 as . | Respiration slow laboured, abdominal. ats 5°3 oh . | Stops erying. 3.23” 5°6 ae . | Deep, slow, abdominal respiration. 3.23’ 30 5°5 ws . | Breath very laboured. 3.24’ 5-2 << . | Pulse small and irregular. 3.24’ 30} 5—5°15 3.2% 35 5°3 3.24! 45 5-5 ‘ The dog is quite quiet, and there is no struggle whatever to cause the mercury to rise. 3.25’ 5°8 3.25’ 15 5°9 ‘ . | No struggle whatever. 3.25’ 25 6°0 ; . | Pulse is weak and jerking. (Hemorrhagic pulse, Maclagan). 3.25 40 6°1 3.25’ 50 6-2 . | Action of heart, violent thumping. 3.26! 6—6 °2 - | Dog ue Iris is sensitive, slightly ; contracted. — 3.26’ 40 6°3 ; .. | Durimg a deep howl. 3.27’ 20 5°8 , ., |Saphena veins tense, and femoral artery feelsas if it were contracting against the heart. (Dr. Maclagan.) 3.27’ 50 5-9 3.29 5 6—5 °8 . | Howling loudly as if suffering much. 112 on DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. Time. ee * | Pulse.| Resp. Remarks. P.M. Inches. 3.29' 30 | 5°5—5°7 3.30’ 30 | 5°5—5 °7 3.30’ 35 5°3 . | From 5°3, mercury rose straight to 5°7. 3.31’ 20 | 5°7—5 6 . 3.31’ 35 | 5°5—5°8 3.32’ 40 5°5 : - | Dog struggles, howls loudly, shakes his tail; femoral pulse very small. 3.337 5°7 ‘ During the loudest howls, the mercury only rises to 5°8. 3.34’ 5°53 —5'7 3.34’ 30 5 4 os .. | During a short but very violent struggle. 3.35/ 5°7 s .. | During a long struggle. 3.39’ 5 °38—5 5 es . | Pupils rather more dilated. es 5°8 os . | During a very strong struggle. 3.40’ 55 5°9 és . | Half a grain of digitaline, suspended in about 13 drams of water, was now in- jected into the subcutaneous cellular tissue of the abdomen. 3.41’ 35 5 °4 3.43’ 5°5 2° -e | Deep groans, Pulse very irregular. * 5°0 3.43’ 5 5°2 3.43’ 10 5 °4 oe 5°2 3.43’ 39 5°5 3.43’ 33 5°3 ee -- | Great irregularity. oe 5°2 3.43’ 40 i o .. | Pupil somewhat contracted. 3.44’ 10 5°d 3.44’ 20 5°2 3.44 25 5 136 | .. | Pulse extremely irregular. Pupil some- what contracted. Iris sensitive. 3.45’ 80 | 5°3—5 4 3.46’ 20 5°3 oe . | The dog howls. 3.47! A °9 ee . |Ina struggle, the mercury now never rises above 5. The dog cries loudly. 3.47’ 30 4°6 me 4°7 oe Only rises to 4°7 during a long struggle. 3.48’ 20 ee ee Loud moans, deep and frequent abdominal respiration. 3.49’ 4°8 oe .. | Extreme irregularity of pulse. Weak moans. Deep sighing respiration. 3.50! 4°3 120] .. | Pulse extremely irregular, intermits com- pletely with inspiration. The heart seems to be going all right, and not intermit- ting. 3.51’ 40 4,°2 ve oe Pulse less intermittent. 3.52’ 10 4°7 3.52’ 30 4,0 3.52’ 40 3°8 3.52’ 55 4°3 oe -« | Pupil less contracted. Seems normal. Sensitive. 3.53’ 40 4°4 ACTION ON CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION, 113 Time. Mercury. Mean. Pulse Resp. Remarks. P.M. 3.53’ 50 3.54’ 5 3.54’ 10 3.55’ 30 3°56’ 15 3.56’ 25 3.57’ 30 3.58’ 5 3.58’ 20 3.58% 30 3.59’ 3.59’ 5 3.59’ 40 3.59’ 45 3.59’ 50 ib 0’ 5 0’ 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 +} . 3/ 40 4 + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 e e CARR ROWMMWMONWNWOWoh AR RR REE KROWKOASCHHROASI BE WERE OWE GRAWAHGAWARANTERABSTAHPODwW OV OV or me CO WOWWWWWWWWWWHEWWWWWWOWO BH b&w oO ot ore 10 24 2+ Dog groans. Long deep howls. There is intermitting of femoral pulse, but not of heart’s action. Intermittency of pulse is distinctly heard during inspiration. Dog moaning. Gradual fall from 3°9. Pupils as before. Dog whining. Gradual fall from 3°5. Mercury rose suddeniy to 3°8. Dog whines. Respiration slightly convulsive. Dog struggles. Moaning slightly. Falls during inspiration. Whines and struggles. The dog snores. Pupil normal. Pulse intermits during a long inspiration, and the femoral pulse gives a peculiar 114 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. Time. Mercury. Mean. Pulse. Resp. Remarks. P.M. 4.15’ 4.16’ 30 4,25/ 4,27! 4,50’ 4,52’ 4.53/ 4.53’ 20 Inches. 5°7 ee ee A 216 20 thrilling feeling to the finger when com- pressed firmly. Dog whines. Breathing is quiet. Heart’s impulse, 216 in a minute—(Dr.Gamgee). 18 beatsin 5 seconds. In half a minute I counted 100 beats, strong, irregular. Dr. G. feels a purring tremor over the cardiac region. Loud double blowing murmur on auscul- tation, which, I think, is regurgitant. On auscultation over the carotid, no mur- mur is audible Dog breathes very quietly. The double murmur varies much in intensity, the diastolic is far more prolonged. The hemadynamo- meter was now stopped by a clot, so the nozzle was taken out of the artery, and the apparatus cleaned. A jet or two of blood issued from the artery before the nozzle was re-inserted. Re-inserted. Mercury stood at 4, Convulsive movement. Head turned over. There was a clot in the artery, just at the end of the nozzle, and this was broken up by pressure. Dog dead. His heart was going pretty regular'y,and the beats were apparently of good strength just before the dog died. On looking at the penis, no tremors were observed, and no prostatic mucus was seen. There was a good deal of water about the point of penis, from dog’s having emptied its bladder. This might have possibly concealed a drop or two, if such were there. At 4.59 there were a kind of convulsive snorts, Post-mortem examination made immediately. The tongue seemed somewhat pale. On opening the thoracic cavity, the veins were found very full, and perfectly turgid. The right side of the heart was distended by dark fluid blood, and the veins on its surface were dark The left heart contained a little fluid blood, and was flaccid. On the surface were one or two milk spots. The ventricle Was opened before the competency of the aortic valves was tried, and then they were scarcely com- petent, but on examination seemed perfectly healthy. The trachea and larger bronchi contained no mucus, but there was some frothy mucus in the smaller bronchi. At 5.21’ the esophagus contracted rhythmically when laid along with the heart and lungs on a plate. It continued to do so briskly when stimulated on its mucous surface, after being cut open. and full. ACTION ON CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION, 115 Exp, VI.—Jan. 10.—A dog of middle size was laid on the table, and chloro- form administered. While this was being done, the dog salivated profusely and passed urine. The heart sounds at the time were perfectly normal. The operation of exposing the carotid was begun at 2.57’ p.m. Time. Eaig Mo a Mean. | Pulse.| Resp. Remarks, P.M. Inches. 2.57' ‘ ee 108 20 | First incision made. 3.41’ 30 , ee oe -» | Clip removed. Mercury rose. ee 5—6°5] .. 84 3.45’ 5—6°5 | 5°65 . 20 3.48! 5—6'°5 | 5°65] .. - |The jugular vein was now tied. No very marked effect on the mercury. 3.55’ 5—8 6°3 ee : The injection of 1 grain or digita- line in about 2 ozs. of water was begun into jugular vein. It filled the syringe four times. 3.55’ 20 oe . ve -. | Injectioncompleted. Dog moans. 5.56’ 30| 4°7—8°6 61-62) .. 12 3.59’ 30} 3°8—7°7 | 5°8 oe -- | Dog cries. 3.59’ 45 4—8 5°7 4. 0’ 4°2—8 3 4. 0’ 15 5—8 4. 0'45| 6°9—7°'2 4, 1’20| 4°8—8:2 | 6°4 4.1'50| 6°2—7°4 4, 2’ 15 e 6°7 4, 2’ 30 za 6°8 4. 2'45| 6°3—7°5 4, 3 25 6—8 6°95 4, 4 5°2—8°2 | 7°0 80 4, 445| 6°3—7°6 ° 4.5'15| 5°8—8 4, 5’ 30 6—7'°8 | 6°9 ee ig™ 4, 7’ 6—7°8 | 6°7 ee -- | Pulse irregular 4. '7'20| 6°1—7°7 4, 8’ 5‘8—7'6 | 6°6 4. 8'15| 5:°5—7°2 | 6°5 4, 840} 6°3—8°0 4. 8’50| 6°1—6°'9 4, 9° 5*8—6'8 | 6°4 4. 9'40| 5°8—7°2 | 6°35 4.10’ 20| 5°5—6°7 | .. ee 30 4.10’ 30} 5°56—7°4 | 6:2 4.1040] 5°3—6°7 | 6°15 4.1140] 5°5—6°5 | 6'0 4.12’ 5| 5°5—7-0 4.12’ 25) 5°3—6°2 4,12'40| 5°0—6°7 | 5°8 4,13'30| 4°5-6°3 | 5°7 -- | 88 | Pulse irregular. 4.1345] 4°5—6°2| .. ee .. | For about three pulsations, or so, the mercury oscillates within 0°2 of an inch, and then there is a sudden rise or fall. To i 116 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE, Mercury. Time. Mx. & Min, | Mea™- Pulse | Resp. Remarks. P.M. Inches. 4.14’ 40} 4°5—8°0 | 5°4 4.15’ 5) 4°3—5°2 | 5°3 4.15’ 10} 4°5—6°0 | 5°25 4.15’ 45} 4°2—5°9] .. oe .- | With inspiration, 4.16’ 5'0O—7°0 | 5°3 4.16°10| 4°0—5°8 | 5:0 4.16’ 35 | 4°2—6°0 | 5:1 4.16’ 45 | 4°56—6°7 | 5°2 4.16’ 50} 4:°0—6°8 4.1655 | 3°3—6°0 | 5:1 4.17/10} 8:7—7°0 | 5°0 ‘ .. | Dog very restless. Struggles, 4.177 40| 4:0—6°2 | 4°9 4.18°10| 4°5—5°9 | 5°1 4.18°35| 4°7—6°2 | 5°35 4.18’ 45| 5:°0—6°0 | 5:3 4.19’ 15 an “s ‘ A blowing murmur is heard with one of the heart’s sounds, but it is difficult to distinguish with which. 4.19’ 45 Ss 5°4 4.21'10| 4°0—6°0 | 5°0 4.21’ 30| 4°3—5°7 | 5-0 4.22’ 3 ‘8—6°0 | 4°9 4.22°25| 3°5—6°0 | 4°7 4.23’ 30| 8°2—5°8 | 4°5 4.24! 3°1—5'5 | 4°4 4.24/10} 8°2—5°2 | 4°35 4.24°15| 2°9—5:'1 | 4°3 4,24’ 25| 3°2—5°0 4.24’ 30}; 2°9 4.24’ 45 | 8°3—5°0 4.25! ; 4°25 4.2510} 8°2—5*0 4.25’ 15 6°G to, is .. | Dog attempts to barz, 4.20’ 4 °2—5°3 4.26’ 7 . 4°, 4.26’ 25 , 4°5 4.26’ 45 ; 46 4.27’ 4°2—5°3 | 4°65 | .. 22 4.2740} 4 0—5°8 | 4°6 4,28’ 3°8—5'8 | 4°6 4.2830 | 3:°3—5'4 | 4°5 4.2859} 3:2—5°2 | 4°3 4.2910] 3°3—5°8 4.29’ 30} 2°9—5°4 4.29’ 45 we 4°] ; Dog howling. 4.30’ 20 os 3°95 4.30’ 55 | 3:°0—5°5 | 4°0 4,31’ as ss ee .. |Heart’s impulse strong. Loud blowing murmur, which almost seems te be with both sounds, and certainly is with one—I think the first. ACTION ON CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION, 117 Time. bet Mean. | Pulse.} Resp. Remarks. P.M. Inches. 4.3240] 3°0—5'2 | 3°9 4.33” 2°9 ee ee +. | Very irregular. 4.3310] 2°8—4°7 | 3°8 4,34’ 20| 3°2—4°0 | 3°8 4,34’ 40| 3°0—4°8/| .. *e 26 |The mercury goes up suddenly, and falls, as it were, by several short steps. 4.35’ 40} 3°1—4‘5 4.35’ 50| 3°3—4°7 4.36°15| 2°8—4°2 | 3°8 4.36’ 50| 2°9—4°5 | 3°75 4,37’ 15 ea 3°7 4.37’ 30| 3°1—4°4 4,38’ 10 ee 3°65 4,38’ 20 ee 3°6 4.38’ 40 ee ee oe -» | Heart’s impulse felt distinctly and apparently increased. Mur- mur still present. Pulse cannot well be counted, it is so quick, small, and irregular. 4,89’15| 3°2—4°3 | 3°55 4.40’ 30| 3°1—4'2| .. ee 18 | Breathing quiet. 4.41’ 10 ° 3°4 4.41’ 20; 2°8—3°7 | 3°3 4.4150! 3°0—3°7 | 3°15 4.42’35:! 2°7—3°4| .. : -- | White frothy saliva flows freely from the mouth. Dog lies quiet. 4.43’20; 2°8—3°7 | 3°15 4.44’ 30| 2°7—3°3 | 3:0 4°45/ 2°6—3'6 | .. 4.45’ 40| 2°4—3:°2 | 2°9 4.46’ 2°5—3°3 | 2°9 4.47’ 2°6—3°'1| .. 4.4720} 2°7—3°7| . nt -. | Breathing quite quiet. 4.4810] 2°7—3°6| . generally, 2°8—3°'2| . 4.49’ 20 oF 2°8 4.49’ 45 os 2°75 4.49’ 50| 2°4—2°7 4.50’ 10 se 3°1 ; Moans slightly. 4.50’ 50 oe 2°65 4.5110! 2°4—2°8/ .. Moans, and makes slight effort. 4.51’ 40 3°56 28 The oscillating column stopped quite still at 3.56. The mean column steadi'y rose till they both attained the same height, and there they remained. Thinking that there was a clot formed, the nozzle was removed, but there was none in the instru- ment. The artery was then pressed to break up any clots 118 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE Time. Soar ek Mean. | Pulse. Resp. Remarks. P.M. Inches. that might be in it, though none were felt. 4.54! ee vs ae .. | Both have stopped. 4.57’ oe ‘ ¢e .. | The artery opened. 4.58’ oe “s +s .. |The dog threw back his head, . made several convulsive respira- tions, and died. Post-mortem examination made immediately. ; On opening the thorax, air rushed in, The lungs were natural in colour, and very much collapsed. Both sides of the heart were full of blood. The vena cava and venous system generally turgid. The veins of intestines and viscera congested. The venous blood was dark in colour. On pinching the phrenic nerve, the diaphragm contracted ; and on pinching the left phrenic, the contrac- tion was not confined to the left side, the fibres of the right half visibly and plainly contracting. On tying the vena cava infericr, and cutting it beyond the ligature, the fluid blood, which issued from the lower end into the thoracic cavity, and which was very dark coloured coagulated in about a minute. (This is by guess, not bya watch.) ‘The heart seems quite normal. Bladder was full. No emission of semen or mucus was observed. Half a grain of the digitaline used in this experiment had been dissolved in a small quantity of spirit for another purpose, but not used. The spirit had evaporated, and the digitaline was in a resinous-looking mass —not in powder. Exp. VII.—Jan. 23.—The dog operated on was a large mongrel. It was thin and weak, and had had loose and sometimes bloody stools for some days back. It was tied down and chloroformed. I then exposed both vagi, and passed ligatures under them, so as to pull them nearer the surface, when they were wanted for section. The hemadynamometer was then inserted into the left carotid.. The mean tube seemed somewhat choked at the capillary part, so as not to work freely, and its indications were therefore not quite trust- worthy. Time. eae Mean.} Pulse | Resp. Remarks. P.M. Inches. 2.56’ 45 | 3°44 vs 3°4—3 9 | 2°6 2.59” 3°3—3'°8 | .. The mercury oscillates steadily. 3. “e i“ abe .. | Both vagi were cut. ee 2°5—4°5 | .. e .. | Mercury fell to 2°5, ee 3°5—4°5 | 3 8.1’ 2°9—3°3 3.1’ 30 2°3 3 °4 ACTION ON CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 119 Time. Paar Mean. | Pulse.| Resp. Remarks. P.M. Inches. - 3.2’ 10 3°0—4°0 : -. | Pulse slower. 3.2’ 30 3 °3—4°0 . 3.2’ 40 és ‘ : ‘ The dog’s breathing is gasping. eee 4°0—4'5 oe 3°3—4'2 | .. és . | Gasping. 8.330 | 2°8-3°5 | 3°4 ; . | Ala nasi are working. 3.4’ 3 '2—3 ‘6 . 3.4’ 20 4. °0—4°5 3.4’ 40 3 °8—4'2 3.5’ 4°0—4°3 | 3°4 3°5’ 10 4:°0—4°3 3.57 40 4°2—4°5 | 3°4 3.6’ 15 4 °-2—4,°5 3.6’ 30 4, °2—4°5 3.10’ 4°1—4°4 8.10’ 30) 4°1—4°3 P - .. | Mucus runs from nose. ‘z 4°1—4°4 | 0. - 20 | Respiration becomes more jerking. 3.12’ 3 °9—4°3 3.12/15 3 :°8—4°2 _ 8.1845) 8-7-4 3.14.15 | 3°5—3°9 3.15’ 35 —4 . 3.17’ $°4—3°9] .. ys .. | Cheeks puff out with every respi- ration. Whole chest and abdo- men heaves up en masse. 3.1715 | 3:°4—3°7 iF 3°9—4°1]| .. ee .. | Breathing suddenly very geutle. 8.19’ 4 *25—4°3 : és 14 | Inspiration is made by a series of little jerks—expiration made at once. 3.21’ 40 ee ae eH .. | Distinct blowing murmur with the sound. 8.24’ 30| 4°0—4°25) .. o« .. |The mercury rises suddenly with expiration, and falls by a series of little jerks. Brcathing stronger—a kind of coughing or snorting respiration. 8.26’ 10 “is , Ae Dog throws back head. Mercury fails. ve 4, °2—4°3 wo + | 89—4°1 8.28’ 20| 4°2—4°3 3.28’ 30} 4:°0—4°2 ; : Dog snorting. a 3 °5—3 °9 oe : Convulsive movement. 3.30’ 35| 3°9—4°3 3.31’ 4 °3— 4°5 3.3215 | 4°4—4°5 3.33’ 30| 4°2—4°3 3.37’ 4, °O—4 °2 . bia .. | Jugular vein cleaned. Dog snores. 3.38’ oe ‘ bus .. | Jugular vein tied, and } grain of digitaline in water injected into it. (The time of the injection is from memory.) . 120 on DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. Time. Ha am Mean.| Pulse.| Resp. Remarks. P.M. Inches, ee 4 ‘O—4 4 | 3.39 30} 4°5—5 oe ee -- | Convulsive movement. ee 4, *4,—4, 9 ee ee ee Low sighs. die —5°5 . 3.40'10| 4°7—5°5 3.40’ 30 —6 re —5°S8 | 5 3.41’ 4°9—5°4 | 5°1 3.41/10} 4°9—5°7 | 5 oe 4°2—5°6 | 5 ee 4 ‘7—5 J} ee ee . Stops. 3.43" oe oe oe .. | Heart acts very irregularly. The sounds are like toot-toot-toot- toot-toot-toot-toot-toot-too. Heart very weak. Loud snort- ing. 3.47’ ee ee we .- | Convulsive movement. 3.48” ee oe oe -- | Coughing. 3.59 30| 5°3—5°4] .. ee .. | Breathing very slow. Heart thumping against the ribs. Breath laboured. 4.5’ 4°5—4°6 | .. os .. | Heartirregular. Breathing, sigh- ing. Dog put back head con- vulsively but gently. 4.730 | 3°7—4:°5] .. v0 10 | Respirations long, and sighing. oe 4°1—4°7 4.8’ 5 3 °5—4°4 4.9’ 10 4°0—4 5 es 3°7—4°3 4.10'10| &*8—4°4 411/10} 8°5—4°4] .. ee .. | Breathing very quiet. 4,12’ 3 °6—4°3 4,13’ 3 °2—4 4,14’ 3°2—4°5 |. oe .- | Dog moans. 4.14’ 45 | 3°4—-4°7 | .. ee «» | Convulsive movements. 4.15’ 4 °3—5 4.1650) 3°9—4°5 4.17’ 30 ie : oe -- | Oscillations stopped. oe 4°0—4°1 4,18’ 4°1—4:'4 | .. oe .. | Strong beat of heart. ee 3 °5—4 ‘2 ; ar .. | Veryirregular. Mercury ascends with expiration, and occasionally stops. 420° 3 °5—4 ‘ es . | Snoring, respiration, and a quick weak moaning. oe 3 °0—4 4.22” 50 ee ee oe .. | Oscillations stopped, blowing murmur at heart still present. After trying to dislodge the clot, without effect, the apparatus was removed. 4,35’ 30 ae es : -» | Dog moans. Convulsive breath- ing. Heart strong and regular. ACTION ON CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 121 Time. ase Mean. | Pulse.| Resp. Remarks. t l P.M. Inches. 4.50’ ee va As the dog did not seem about to die, and we could not wait any longer, his spinal cord was severed just between the occiput and atlas. Post-mortem made immediately. On opening the chest the lungs collapsed. The heart was beat- ing vigorously. At 4.55’ the heart stopped, but could be re- excited to contract. The venous system was much congested. Both sides of the heart contained fluid blood. Expr. VIII.—March 9.-—-A middle-sized dog was put under chloroform, and the hemadynamometer applied to the carotid. Time. yee Mean.| Pulse.| Resp. Remarks. P.M. Inches. 3.20’ 6°0O—6°7 6°5 3.26’ 5 '5—6°7 5°9 . .» | Mercury sinks markedly with ex- piration (inspiration ?). Dog ap- pears to be free from chloroform, and seems to feel pain as he groans. 3.30/ wie oe 116 18 ee 5°5—6 5 6:0 3.35’ es $e oe .. | Injected {th of a grain of digita- line in water into the jugular vein. 3.36' oe : ee .. | Dog micturated and voided feces. 3.40/ 5 ‘5—7 6°4 | 114] 14 | Pulse regular and stronger than before. aint 5°2—7 6°4 3.45/ % er tie 3.49’ 35 3 ‘ a Injected 4 of a grain more. 3.50 5°7—7°8 : 106 Pulse regular. 3.55’ 4°8 ‘ ‘ Mercury went down as low as 48. 3.56’ 30 | 5-0-7 . 108 Pulse markedly smaller, irregular, and with occasional intermis- sions. With respiration the mercury falls more markedly than before. 4, 5°7—7°5 122 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. Time. ee Mean.| Pulse.| Resp. Remaiks. P.M. Inches. 4.4! wi a we .. | Pulse very markedly intermittent, and the mercury falls at each in- termission as low as 4. y 4°0 4.8’ ny as = .. | Pulse gives one strong beat and then % or 4 feeble ones. 4.10’ a nie pa .. | A drop of prostatic mucus exudes from the point of the urethra. — 4.16’ = wa Se .. | Pulse very intermittent. Animal shivers every minute, or even more frequently. The hemadynamometer stopped working. 4.24’ oe se oe .. | Readjusted the apparatus. Zs 5°0—7°7 6'0 4,26’ ae 104 | .. | Pulse intermittent. et 5°8--7°5 (65-66) .. .. | Animal continues to tremble. 4.29’ oe 6°65 _ .- | Oscillations more steady. 4,29’ 30 “ve ee os .. |Clot again formed. Almost con- stant tremors. The apparatus was cleaned, and again adjusted at 4.40, but the nozzle came out, and there was a gush of blood, and as this would have thrown some fallacy into the future reading of the mercury, the artery was ligatured, the wound stitched, and the dog released from the table. It lay for a few minutes, and then began to try and get off the muzzle. When this was removed, the dog rose and walked about. It seemed rather stiff at first. Exe. IX.—Warch 20.—The dog operated on on the 9th, having recovered, was put under chloroform, and the carotid exposed. The dog was then allowed to come out from the chloroform, which it did at 2.15 p.w. Instead of digita- line, the extract obtained from commercial tincture of digitalis was employed; the tincture being gently evaporated, and the extract then dissolved in water and injected. The hemadynamometer giving the mean was employed. Time. a Pes Pulse. | Res p. Remarks. P.M. Inches. 2. ee 104 2.37’ 55 es .- | Hemadynamometer set working. 2.37’ 20 5°7 bs .. | Prolonged sigh. 2.38’ 51 2.39’ 5 *1—5°3 se 5°4 During a long sighing inspiration. 2.41’ 5°3 2.42! 5°0 ACTION ON CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 123 Mercury. Time Mean, | /ulse.| Resp. Remarks. P.M. Inches J 2.42’ 10 5 °2 2.42’ 25 5°65 100 2.44/ oa ee 14 | Pulse slightly intermittent. Respiration very sighing. 2.44’ 30| 5°4—5°5 2.45’ 5°9 -« | Injection of extract equal to 4 dr. of tine- 2.46’ 4°5 ture. 2.46’ 45 3°9 2.47’ 3°7 2.47’ 5 3°9 oe -. | Injection of extract of 1 dr. of tincture. 2.47 25 4°8 108 2.47’ 40 54 2.48’ 20 5°5 2.49’ 5°7 . Under the strongest expiration. 2.49’ 5°9 2.49’ 15 6°0 2.49’ 30 6°3 2.50’ 15 6°15 2.51’ 45 6°0 102 2.53’ 5°6—6'1 a 5°7—5'°8 | .. . | When lying quiet. ee oe oe . | At every expiration there is intermittence of pulse. 2.54’ 5°9—6°0 2.55’ 5°6—5 °7 2.56’ 5°5 76 . | Intermittence and irregalarity both as to the length and strength of pulsations. ee ee ee 12 2.57 20| 5°4—5°5 98 2.59’ 5°8 3. 5°5 100 | 14 3.2’ 5'8 : .. | Dog howling. 3.3’ 5 °5—5 °7 . 3.4’ 30 5°9 : .. | During a struggle. 3.4’ 45 6°0 ee .. | During another. 3.5/ 6°1 ‘ .. | Still another. ee 6-0 3.7 5°7 “s Steady. A clot was suspected, so the in- strument was removed and examined. 3.11’ 30 5°3 ve . | Instrument replaced. 3.12’ 5°5 131 | .. | Heart’s action against the ribs is strong. 3.12’ 15 5°7 3.13’ 5°6 3.14’ 6°5 ‘ Steady. Clot again suspected. Instru- ment removed. 3.16’ 40 5°8 Pulse is more regular. 3.24’ 15 v Instrument again replaced. The mercury rises in a jerking fashion. 3.25’ 30 5°5 3.25' 45 5°8 ee Injected part of extract of 1 dr. of tinc- ture. No struggle. 3.26’ 5°9 96 . | Respirations few and slight, quite quiet. 124° oN DIGITALIS, WITH. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. : Mercury. Time. Mente P.M. Inches. 3.26’ 15 4°5 3.26’ 30 4.7 a.27" 5°0 53.273 5°3 3.28’ 5 °35—5'5 oe 5°1—5'3 2.28’ 45 | 4°8—5°0 3.29’ 4°5—4°7 S 4°5—4'6 3.31 25| 4°7—4°8 3.31’ 40 4:9 3.34' 50] 4°95—5 °0 3.35’ 20 ‘ 3.43’ 5 ; 3.48’ 20 3°3 3.48’ 50 $°2 3.50’ 3°2 3.52’ 3°3 3.54! 3°2 3.57’ 15 31 4.0’ 30 3 °2 4.1’ 30 32 4.3’ 40 3320 4.15’ +s 4,26’ 20 2°8 4.27’ 10 2°6 4.27’ 30 2°8 4.31’ 20 ss 4.32’ 10 2°4 4.32’ 40 2 °4 4.33’ 40 2°7 4.34’ 40 3°4 4.38’ 30 3°0 4.40’ 10 2°9 ae 3—3°1 Pulse.| Resp. Remarks. 100 Injected the remainder of the water and extract. : Dog’s breathing is loud and whistling. : During a great struggle: G4 ‘ .. | Pulse very intermittent. Dog quite quiet. ‘ 12 | Gasping respirations. , .. | Respiration much less deep. 44, 50 Movement of mercurial column barely perceptible. ve Heart’s action weak. 80 Pulse feels rather a wavering than distinct beats. F Hemadynamometer stopped. 116 i Dog perfectly quiet. 180 172 There are variations in the quickness of the pulse without variations in arterial tension. 140 196 170 , Breath feels distinctly cool on the hand. ; Clot again formed. In adjusting the in- strument again, the blood from the artery was noticed not to be very florid. 156 be . | Injected extract of 1 dr.more. Mercury rose 0°3 during injection, and then fell down 0°4 below former level. 174 Whistling respirations. vs Dog struggling. 156 | .. | Quiet again. <'s 12 175 | } At 4.50 the experiment stopped, and dog released from the table at 5 o’clock, the wound having been sewed up. It walked about, but was weak, stiff, and staggering, and almost immediately began to vomit, and did so several times. It died several days afterwards. Exp. X.—April 5.—A large dog was operated on. ACTION ON CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. . 12 Nochloroform was given, as after I had seen an operation conducted on a dog without chloroform, I concluded that the uneasiness they suffered while getting it was worse than they seemed to experience from the operation. The first incision was made about 11.38, cleaned a part of jugular vein and carotid artery, and inserted the hemadynamometer. partly choked, and not working well, I had another made, but not being drawn to a fine enough bore, the mercury oscillated too much in it. The mean tube of the double instrument having been Time. ack Mean. | Pulse.| Resp. Remarks. P.M. Inches. 12. 2’20| 5°5—6°3 |5°9-6'2| 132 -- | Clip restraining blood removed, mercury at once rose. i Ray ig 5°9—6°5 | .. ee - | Dog moaning. 12.11’ 5°5—6°5 |5°9-6°2) 134 - |Mercury rises with expiration, falls with inspiration. 12.15’ 5 °5—6°5 |5°8-6'2/ .. +» |From groaning its respiration is quick. 12.20’ 5°4—6'°4 |5°9-671) .. -» | Maximum on a deep inspiration descends to 5, and mean to 5'3. 12.24’30| 5°4—6°4 |5°9-61) .. .. | Jugular vein tied. 12.2450; 6°0—6°5| .. ‘ -» | Injection of one syringe-full of infusion of digitalis completed. ws 5 °8—6 *4 12.2630} 5°8—6°2] .. 140 12.27’ 5°*56—6°2 | .. 120 12.30’ * 5°9-6°2) 86 -. | Pulse intermittent. 12.31’ 5 6—6°3 |5°8-6'°2 12.32’ ae 5°9-6°3) 78 -- | Dog quiet, not moaning. 12.34’ os 5°9-6'3) .. 14 12.35’ 20| 5°5—6°5 |5°9-6°3) 78 ‘ Oscillating very steadily. 12.38’ ee 5°7-6°2 12.40’ 5 °5 5°9-6.2| .. : Pulse varies from 22—27 in + of @ minute, not in! ermittent. 12.41’ 5 ‘5—6°3 |5°9-6'1] 88 12.42’ i Fe 84 ee For about four or five beats it is very slow, and then quick for a few more. Dog has passed some: prostatic mucus. 12.45’ 5°5—6°3 |5°8-6°2; .. -» ) Mean occasionally descends to 5°6, and then rises. Dog whining and whistling slightly. 12.48’ 5 *5—6°2 |5°7-6°0} 90 -» | Mercury descends on inspiration to 54, and next. pulsation goes up to 62, §ths of an inch of oscillation. Then there are se- veral small pulsations of about ths of an inch oscillation euch. 12.51’ 30 ee 5°8-6'1 12.53’ 80| 5°5—6°0 |5°5-5°7| 104 »» | Dog whining. Average oscilla- tion of maximum column ‘is- =5ths of an inch. 126 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. Time. 12.56’ 15 12.58’ 1.20! 1.25’ 1.26’ 1.27’ 15 1.28 15 1.29’ 15 1.40’ 1.45/15 1.49’ 1.50’ 1.50’ 15 1.50’ 30 1.50’ 45 1.52’ Ste Mean.| Pulse. | Resp. Remarks. Inches. as 20 | But dog whining more loudly, and respiration thus disturbed. 5 5—6 °0 |5°9-6'2 5 *5—6 °0 |5'5-5°7| 100 -» | Pulse has continued irregular since that was noted first. Dog quite quiet. Maximum column goes down to 5 on inspiration. ee 5°8-6°0 oe 55 es Injection of one syringe-full more. os 5°5-6'1 5 ‘5—6°4 |5°7-61 5 °4-—6 0 |5°6-5'9) 84 Maximum occasionally descends to 5. General oscillation is y5ths of an inch, 7 aie ee Dog moans loudly. 4 *8—6 0 |4°9-6°0! .. During long inspiration it de- scended. 5°5 5°5 os During long expiration. 4 ‘5—5°O |4°8-5°0) .. Dog tries to vomit. ee 75-7°7| «. During vomiting. 5 °5—6°5 |f:0-6'3| 70 5'0—6 0 |5°5-5'8 oe 5°5-5'7, 100 5°0 5°0 | 124 Pulse regular. Again tries to vomit. 5 *O—5 *7 |5°0-5°7 5 ‘3—65°5 [5°0-5°3) .. : Mean oscillation of maximum column ;%;ths of an inch. 5 °O—5 ‘7 (5°3-5°5) 112 : Both tub _ecasionally descend to 4°9. ee is oe .. | Again vomits. 5 '5—6 0 |5°5-5'8) .. In ordinary pulsations the oscilla- tions are ;yths of an inch. ca 5°3 5 °2—5 °6 |5°3-5'6| 116 5 °3—5'5 |5'4 5.5) 116 4°5 4°5 ¢s .. | Injected one syringe-full more-— mercury at once fell. 5°5—5 6 |5°3-5'6 5 O—5 5 |4'9-5°5| 118 At 5. 5 °0 é Breathing very rapidly and deeply. 4°0O—6°0} .. : .. | Tries to vomit. oe i : Again vomits. oe 5°0-7°0 ai 5°0-6°5 5°0-6°0 |5°5-5°8) 66 ‘ Oscillation of max. column, after a deep inspiration, is about 1 inch, and then about ths each after. ee 7 . |Nocardiacmurmur. Dog whines. ie 102 . | Dog loosed. ee oe He walked steadily, and recovered in a few days. ACTION ON CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 127 The infusion used in this case was made by infusing 2 drachms of powdered - digitalis leaves in 4 ozs. of water. Exe. XI.—WNor. 25, 1864.—At 10.12 a.m. I injected 4 milligrams of digitaline, about ~;th of a grain, suspended in about 30 minims of distilled water into the subcutaneous cellular tissue of the lumbar region of a Skye terrier. Three minutes after he began to lick the part, and when the injection was made, showed signs of irritation. In 4$ minutes he seemed a little confused, and began to lick the corresponding part on the opposite side. In 5 minutes his tongue began to loll out (which I have hardly ever observed in him before or since), and he continued restless till 7; minutes, when he lay down, his breathing being rather hurried, and his tongue still out. In another minute he rose, and sat apparently intently listening, and as there was no particular sound at the time, I thought this probably indicated ringing in his ears. With the exception of some restlessness he seemed well till 25 minutes after the injection, when he sat down panting and lolling his tongue, as if he had had a smart run, though he had made no particular exertion to account for this. Soon after he seemed quite in his usual, and was none the worse. Expr. X1I.—Dec. 12.—A mongrel dog had some blood drawn from one jugular for examination, about the 6th, and on the 9th one of its carotids was exposed, and the hemadynamometer applied under chloroform, but clots formed imme- diately, and the experiment was abandoned. On the 12th the dog was very weak, At 2.5’. pvm., I began to inject 4a grain (from memory) of digitaline in water into the subcutaneous cellular tissue in the lumbar region. 2.12’ Injection finished. The dog seemed uneasy and lay down. 2.16’ Till now he has been rising, turning round, and lying down again constantly. He now seems unable to stand well—grumbles. 2.17'30 Up again, grumbles, shakes his head listlessly about, seems uneasy. 2.18’ Seems inclined to vomit. 2.19’ Shakes his head and licks his foot. 2.20 Paws his bed. 2.21’ Opens and shuts jaws. 2.23’ Sits up. The light is shining in his eyes, and his pupils are much contracted. Seems livelier. Shakes his head and paws his bed. I was then called away, and returned at 2.35’. 2.35’ Dog lying quite still, but there is a tremor all over and twitchings of the subcutaneous muscle of limbs, causing the movement of skin to be distinctly visible, but causing no movement of the limb. Breathing slow and laboured. Respirations are 8 in 65 seconds, 2.43’ Pulse 30 per minute, 2 or 3 beats coming close together during inspiration and expiration, and then an interval of 4 seconds between the beats, as well as one of exactly the same length between the end of one expiration and the beginning of another. 128 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON TIIE URINE. At 2.55’ Much the same—grumbling. 3. I now had to go to a class, and did not see the dog again till I returned at 5.30’. The dog was then stiff and cold. The tongue was protruded at the side of the mouth; the jaws shut; saliva on the chops; some prostatic mucus at the orifice of the urethra (not examined microscopically). Post-mortem—Lungs were of a light pink colour, much collapsed. Vena cava and venous system generally, full of black blood, and very turgid. Right auricle and ventricle distended with black blood, which was somewhat curdled—not in firm clots. Left side of heart natural in colour; contained a little blood, also somewhat curdled. Liver congested. Gall-bladder distended. Bladder firmly contracted, and empty. Exp. XIII.—Jan. 16.—A small English terrier, very thin, was taken for experiment. 2.29’ p.m.—The dog was shivering; the heart sounds normal in character, but altered in rhythm, being very slow between the rigors, but during their continu- ance the beats were very rapid. The shiverings lasting each for about 4 seconds,. and the interval about 1 minute. There was no murmur with the cardiac sounds. In the back room in which the dog had been kept, there was a bag of digitalis leaves on which it had lain, and a good many were scattered on the floor, so that the dog may have taken some along with its food before, and this possibly may have been the cause of the curious rbythm of the heart, and of the shiverings. 2.36’ p.m.—I injected 4 a grain of digitaline suspended in rather less than 1 oz. of water into the cellular tissue at the side of the lumbar vertebra. 2.37’ 15.—The dog suddenly started up, and ran to the end of his tether. 2.37’ 40.—Sat down on haunches. 2.38’ 30.—Rose again. 2.39’-—Straddles and whimpers, and jumps about. In attitude of attention; then runs about, and again stands, apparently listening intently. 4.40’ 20.—Whines and licks the place where the injection was made. On being loosed he shook himself, ran off, and sat down. Was restless, and seemed thirsty, so I gave him some water. 2.50’.—Heart sounds as before. 3.30’.—As before; no murmur. 3.50’.—Vomiting. 4.—Purging. 4.10’—Vomiting. 4.20’—Again vomiting, and again at 5.30’. I then left for the night. On the following day (the 17th) the dog lay curled up on the floor for the greatest part of the day, but could stand or walk. At 5.35’ p.m. the dog had refused food, so to kill it at once I poured into its mouth some alcoholic solution of extract of digitalis, most of which it swallowed, 5.37'.—The dog vomited some white mucus, then lay quite quiet. 5°40’.—Again vomiting. 5.44.— Seems livelier. 5.45’—Again vomiting. 5.46’.—Purging. On the 18th, at 10 a.m., the dog was lying curled up; it rose once or twice, but with some difficulty, and straddled very much when standing. Gait totter- ing and unsteady. 10.30’.—Struggles in vain to rise. Progresses along the floor, partly on its side and partly on its belly. Ineffectual efforts to rise. Heart’s action very weak, but seems more regular. Surface cold. Respirations 74 per minute. Pupils contracted. The dog lay so, occasionally making slight vain efforts to rise for about an hour more, and then till 3.2U’ p.m. it lay as if SPHYGMCGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS. 129 quite dead, only very feeble respiration being seen, and the eyelids contracting when the finger touched one of them or the cornea. The caruncula lachrymalis covered almost one-fourth of the eye. At 3.20’ it was lying as if quite dead; the surface quite co!d; the limbs flaccid; and the pulse inappreciable when it gave one or two yawns. At 3.23’ it gave a short, weak, low howl, and imme- diately after the cornea was found insensible. Post-mortem was made between five and ten minutes after death. On opening the body, a small quantity of urine trickled irom the urethra, probably from pressure on the bladder, which was quite full. The lungs were of a natural colour. The heart was well filled with blood in both cavities. The venous system turgid. The heart contracted readily on irritation. At 4 P.M. the dissection was interrupted. It was resumed at 5.7’. The pericardium, when opened, contained a small quantity of serum, about one or two drachms. The heart still showed signs of contractility. At 4 p.M. the diaphragm contracted readily on irritation of the phrenic nerve; the esophagus and thoracic duct contracted on pinching them. Jan, 26.—One centigram of digitaline was injected into the cellular tissue of the loins of a rabbit. It produced no apparent effect. SPHYGMOGRAPHIC TRACINGS. The following are fac-similes of sphygmographic tracings of my own pulse, taken from 6th December, 1865, to 24th March, 1866 :— Fie. 16. 1865—Dec. 6—10.45 P mu. Fie.17. Dec. 8—Right radial—12.35 midnight. Fies. 18 and 19. Dec. 9~Right radial—11 P.M. L—-L SILLY fr~_ ff en Net eh me! Pn fm fay Fie. 20. Dec. 11—10.40 p.m. ~~ f+ f+ f—~_ SS Fig. 21. Dec. 12—10.80 p.m: oe el ff AS 130 ON DIGITALIS,.WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. Fig. 22. Dec. 18, Fig. 23. Dec. 14—9.45 P.M. Fie. 24. Dec. 15—12 midnight. Fia@. 25. Dec. 16—11.10 p.m. Pulse 75. . ‘ Fig. 26. Dec, 18—11 p.m. Fie. 27. Dec. 19—11 P.M. Sipe 2 Bem eos ape ae Ge Ra Fias. 28 anp 29. Dec. 20—10.35 p.m. Re ee Oe 1 TSS OS 9+ ONG ots SS ome (1) Not tied very tightly; (2) Tied very tightly on the arm. Fig. 30. Dec. 21—10.50 p.m. . Fie. 31. Dec. 28—10.40 P.m. Fie. 82. Dec. 29—10.20 p.m. Bi rt i a AG ay Oe, Fia. 33. Dec. 30—10 P.M. oa te re Se Fig. 84. 1866—Jan. 1—11 P.M. LOL LO LOO LO LSS SPHYGMOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS. 131 Fie. 35. Jan. 2—1.5 at night. PAN NPR NTO. Fig. 36, Jan. 3—11 p.m. FEDS SLE NS RT Nag fe Fie. 37. Jan. 4—10.45 p.m. Fig, 38. Jan. 5—1.2 at night. Fie. 39. Jan. 9—11 p.m. Pe IT Fie. 40, Jan. 10—11 p.m. Had had a little exercise just a few minutes before. Fie. 41. Jan. 11—10.30 p.m. Fig. 42. Jan. 12—1.10 at night. Poe Fig. 43. Jan. 13—11 p.m. Fie. 44. Jan. 15—10-11 p.m. Pf 9 ce SS Bi A Bee 0 a Fig. 45. Jan. 16—10-ll pw. Pulse 89. a SS, KS 132 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON TIE URINE. Fic.46. Jan. 17—10.20 p.m. Pulse 82. ORF NN Se Fie. 47. Jan. 19—12.45 midnight. Fia. 48. Jan. 20—10.20 p.m. Pulse 80. Fig. 49. Jan. 22—10 p.m. [St | ENT Tie. 50.. Jan. 283—10-11 p.m. RCP Skeet ie ENS Fie. 51. Jan. 24—10.55 p.m. Fig. 52. Jan. 25—10.17 p.m. BBS (i Be pis as Bk Fie. 53. Jan. 26—12.18 midnight. Fig. 54. Jan. 27—11.27 pu BN Bx ink sta Fia. 55. Jan. 29—11.15 p.x. aN Ne Fie. 56. Jan. 31—10.30 P.M. MINAS SPHYGMOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS. 133 Fia. 57. Feb. 1—11.30 p.m. ‘Fic. 58, Feb. 2—1 at night. Fie. 59. Feb. 3—11.30 p.m, ‘J time ene Ma ae, cae Fia. 60. Feb. 5—10.25 p.m. Fie. 61. Feb. 6—10.50 P.m. 1 NG ne SO a Seg i a Sa i _— Fia. 62. Feb. 7—10.50 p.m. INNS Fia. 63. Feb. 10—ahout 12 p.m. Fic. 64. Feb. 17—10.50 p.m. Tig. 65. Feb. 19—10.20 p.m. Fig. 66. Feb. 20—11 p.m. Dao ecu, oS Bae ea Fies, 67 and 68. Feb. 21—11.30 p.m. Sphygmograph not so tightly tied in No. 2 as in No. 1. ee ee et C2 as OS 2 Sle i) fis A Bice, SO fe 134 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE, Fia. 69. Feb. 22—11 p.m. 1 te i Dh oat On Fie. 70. Feb. 23—1 at night. Fie. 71. Feb..24—11.20 p.m. PAPA er SS Fie. 72. Feb. 26—11.30 p.m. Fie. 73. Feb. 27—12.30 midnight. Spada Fie. 74. Feb, 28—10.80 p.m. Fie. 75. March 1—1 at night. Fia. 76. March 2—1 at night. PICS Fia. 77. March 8—11 P.M. Fia. 78. March 5—11 p.m. Fig. 79. March 6—11.25 p.m. pas tes toe Po bea ne SPHYGMOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS. Fie. 80. March 7—11.30 P.M. PP PP aap ci I Fie. 81. March 8—11.30 P.M, Fie. 82. March 9—11.50 p.m. Pa Pe Se pe 135 Figs. 83 anp 84. March 10—11.15 and 11.30 p.m. No.1—11.15 p.m. The sphygmograph not so tightly tied as in No. 2. Pe a, PT : |: a ee nk Fig. 85. March 12—11.45 P.M, PPPS Fie. 86. March 13—2.50 at night. MENAAIYS Fie. 87. March 14—11.15 P.M. Fie. 88. March 15-—11.20 p.m. poe NSS Fie. 89. March 16—5 a.m. Fie. 90. March 16—1 at night. a 136 ON DIGITALIS, WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE URINE. Fia. 91. March 17—11 p.m. Fig. 92. March 17—about 11 p.m. Fie. $3. March 19—2.30 at night. [Se ee ee Fie. 94. March 20—11.23 p.m. Fia. 95. March 23—12 midnight. MERI Fie. 96. March 24—10.46 p.m. INN Fie. 97. March 24—10.40 p.m. ON THE USE OF NITRITE OF AMYL IN ANGINA PECTORIS. (Reprinted from The Lancet for July 27th, 1867.) Few things are more distressing to a physician than to stand beside a suffering patient who is anxiously looking to him for that relief from pain which he feels himself utterly unable to afford. His sympathy for the sufferer, and the regret he feels for the impotence of his art, engrave the picture indelibly on his mind, and serve as a constant and urgent stimulus in his search after the causes of the pain, and the means by which it may be alleviated. Perhaps there is no class of cases in which such occurrences as this take place so frequently as in some kinds of cardiac disease, in which angina pectoris forms at once the most promi- nent and the most painful and distressing symptom. This painful affection is defined by Dr. Walshe as a paroxysmal neurosis, in which the heart is essentially concerned, and the cases included in this definition may be divided into two classes. In the first and most typical, there is severe pain in tiie pre- cordial region, often shooting up the neck and down the arms, accompanied by dyspneea, and a most distressing sense of im- pending dissolution. The occurrence and departure of the attack are both equally sudden, and its duration is only a few minutes. In the second class, which, from its greater frequency, is probably the more important, though the pain and dyspnoea may both be very great, the occurrence of the attack is some- times gradual, and its departure generally so; its duration is from a few minutes to an hour and a half or more, and the sense of impending dissolution is less marked or altogether absent. Brandy, ether, chloroform, ammonia, and other stimulants 138 ON THE USE OF NITRITE OF AMYL IN ANGINA PECTORIS. have hitherto been chiefly relied upon for the relief of angina pectoris ; but the alleviation which they produce is but slight, and the duration of the attack is but little affected by them. In now publishing a statement of the results which I have obtained in the treatment of angina pectoris by nitrite of amyl, I have to observe that the cases in which I employed this remarkable substance belonged rather to the second than the first of the classes above described. Nitrite of amyl was discovered by Balard; and further investigated by Guthrie,* who noticed its property of causing flushing in the face, throbbing of the carotids, and acceleration of the heart’s action, and proposed it as a resuscitative in drowning, suffocation, and protracted fainting. Little attention, however, was paid to it for some years, till it was again taken up by Dr. B. W. Richardson, who found that it caused paralysis of the nerves from the periphery inwards, diminished.the contractility of the muscles, and caused dilata- tion of the capillaries, as seen in the web of the frog’s foot. Dr. Arthur Gamgee, in an unpublished series of experiments, both with the sphygmograph and hemadynamometer has found that it greatly lessens the arterial tension both in animals and man; and it was: these experiments—some of which I was fortunate enough to witness—which led me to try it in angina pectoris. _During the past winter there has been in the clinical wards one case in which the anginal pain was very severe, lasting from an hour to an hour and a half, and recurring every night, generally between 2 and 44.M.; besides several others in whom the affection, though present, was less frequent and less severe. Digitalis, aconite, and lobelia inflata were given in the intervals, without producing any benefit ; and brandy and other diffusible stimulants during the fit produced little or no relief. When chloroform was given, so as to produce partial stupefaction, it relieved the pain for the time ; but whenever the senses again became clear, the pain was as bad as before. Small bleedings, of. three or,four ounces, whether by cupping or venesection, were, however, always beneficial; the pain being completely * Journal of the Chemical Sceiety, 1859. PRACTICAL USE OF SCIENTIFIC RESULTS. 139 absent for one night after the operation, but generally returning on the second. As I believed the relief produced by the bleeding to be due to the diminution it occasioned in the arterial tension, 16 occurred to me that a substance which possesses the power of lessening it in such an eminent degree 2s nitrite of amyl would probably produce the same effect, and might be repeated as often as necessary without detriment to the patient’s health. On application to my friend Dr. Gamgee, he kindly furnished me with a supply of pure nitrite, which he himself had made; and on proceeding to try it in the wards, with the sanction of the visiting physician, Dr. J. Hughes Bennett, my hopes were completely fulfilled. On pouring from five to ten drops of the nitrite on a cloth, and giving it to the patient to inhale, the physiological action took place in from thirty to sixty seconds; and simultaneously with the flushing of the face the pain completely disappeared, and generally did not return till its wonted *time next night. Occasionally it began to return about five minutes after its first disappearance ; but on giving a few drops more it again disappeared, and did not return. Ona few occasions I have found that, while the pain disappeared from every other part of the chest, it remained persistent at a spot about two inches to the inside of the right nipple, and the action of the remedy had to be kept up for several minutes before this completely subsided. In almost all the other cases in which I have given it, as well as in those in which it has been tried by my friends, the pain has at once completely disappeared. In cases of aneurism, where the pain was constant, inhalation of the nitrite gave no relief, but where it was spasmodic, or subject to occasional exacerbatiors, it either completely removed or greatly relieved it. It may be as well to note that in those cases in which it failed small bleed- ings were likewise useless. From observations during the attack, and from an examina- tion of numerous sphygmographic tracings taken while the patients were free from pain, while it was coming on, at its height, passing off under the influence of amyl, and again com- pletely gone, I find that when the attack comes on gradually the pulse becomes smaller and the arterial tension greater as 140 ON THE USE OF NITRITE OF AMYL IN ANGINA PECTORIS. the pain increases in severity. During the attack the breathing is quick, the pulse small and rapid, and the arterial tension high, owing, I believe, to contraction of the systemic capillaries. As the nitrite is inhaled the pulse becomes slower and fuller, the tension diminished, and the breathing less hurried. On those occasions when the pain returned after an interval of a few minutes, the pulse, though showing small tension, remained small in volume, and not tiil the volume as well as tension of the pulse became normal did I feel sure that the pain would not return. As patients who suffer from angina are apt to become plethoric, and greater relaxation of the vessels is then required before the tension is sufficiently lowered, I think it is advisable to take away a few ounces of blood every four weeks. When the remedy is used for a long time, the dose requires to be increased before the effect is produced. A less quantity is sufficient when it is used with a*cone of blotting-paper, as recommended by Dr. Richardson, than when it is poured ona large cloth. From its power of paralysing both nerves and muscles, Dr. Richardson thinks it may prove useful in tetanus; and I believe that, by relaxing the spasm of the bronchial tubes, it might be very beneficial in SPASMODIC ASTHMA. I have tried it in a case of EPILEPSY, but the duration of the fit seemed little affected by it. It produces relief in some kinds of HEADACHE and in one of NEURALGIA of the scalp it relieved the severe shooting pain, though an aching fecling still remained. While cholera was present in Edinburgh during last autumn, Dr. Gamgee proposed it as a remedy during the stage of collapse, a condition in which there are good grounds for supposing that the small arteries, both systemic and pulmonic, are in a state of great contraction. No well-marked case after- wards occurring in the town, le was deprived of an opportunity of putting it to the test; but it is a medicine well worthy of a trial, and, should another epidemic unhappily occur, it may prove our most valuable remedy. ACTION OF DIGITALIS ON THE BLOOD- VESSELS. In conjunction with ADOLPH BERNHARD MEYER, M.D. (Reprinted from the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. vii, 1873.) INDEPENDENTLY of each other, and in different ways, we both arrived at the conclusion that digitalin causes contraction of the small blood-vessels.* Wishing to support our views by still more conclusive proofs, we took advantage of the opportunities afforded to us in the physiological laboratory of the Berlin University to perform together, in January, 1868, some experi- ments on the subject. We are perfectly aware of their incom- pleteness, but circumstances having prevented us from continu- ing them, and the departure of one of us for a distant land rendering it improbable that we shall be able to resume them together, we now publish their results. We believed that by a comparison of the form of the curves indicating the blood-pressure before and after the injection of digitalin into the circulation, we should be able to determine exactly whether it caused contraction of the arterioles or not. The kymographion we employed was that of Ludwig, as modi- fied by Traube, and the experiments were conducted on dogs in the following manner. The animal being narcotised by hydro- chlorate of morphia, a cannula was inserted into the crural artery, and a curve (fig. 98) showing the normal blood-pressure was described. Digitalin, suspended in a small quantity of dis- tilled water, was then injected into the carotid artery, and pressure-curves again described. Injection into the artery was * T. Lauder Brunton On Digitalis: wilh some Observations on the Urine, London, 1868, p. 52 (vide p. 55), and A. Bernhard Meyer, Zur Lehre von den Herzgiftenin Untersuchungen aus dem physiologischen Laboratorium der Ziiricher Hochschule herausgegeben von Professor Fick. Wien, 1869, p. 71. 142 ACTION OF DIGITALIS ON THE BLOOD-VESSELS. employed because Blake* found that digitalin produced a much greater effect on the blood-pressure when introduced into the circulation in this way than if injected into a vein. A com- parison of the tracings thus obtained, after the injection, with that of the normal pressure and _puise (fig. 98), showed a slow- 100 90 G0 70 60 50 Fie. 98. ing of the pulse, accompanied by an increase in the mean blood- pressure, while the height of the wave occasioned by each cardiac pulsation remained much the same (fig 99). The pres- 90 50 70 €0 Fig. 99. sure continued to rise gradually although the pulse not only became slower and slower, but the oscillations of the mercurial * Blake, Hd. Med. Journ. 1889. PROOF OF CONTRACTION OF ARTERIOLES. 143 column at each pulsation diminished in extent (fig. 100). This rise could be due either to the heart propelling a greater quan- tity of blood into the aorta at each pulsation, or to the arteries, contracting so as to hinder it from escaping from the arterial into the venous system. The diminished height of the pulse- wave seems sufficient of itself to negative the former idea and to show that the increased pressure can only be due to con- traction of the arterioles, but we think that a still clearer proof is afforded by the form of the wave. The time occupied in the ascent of the pressure-wave (indicated by the horizontal dis- tance between the lowest and highest parts of the ascending limb) is nearly the same in figs. 98 and 100, but the descending limb of the latter sinks very gradually indeed, while in the ly 100 on / 60 70 Fie. 100. former it falls almost as quickly as it rises. What then is the explanation of this phenomenon? Turing the diastole of the heart, the sigmoid valves when healthy, as they were in this case, completely close the cardiac end of the aorta. The whole arterial system may then be compared to an elongated elastic vessel, from which fluid is issuing by a narrow opening. The ereater the pressure of fluid in the vessel the more rapidly will it escape by the opening, the more quickly will the pressure consequently fall, and the more abrupt will be the descent of the pressure-curve. Now, the mean blood-pressure in the normal tracing is somewhat over 70 millimetres,* and the maxi- * The true heights are of course nearly double these, but for convenient comparison with the tracings we have taken the numbers as they stand in the 144 ACTION OF DIGITALIS ON THE BLOOD-VESSELS. mum height of the wave 44, while in that taken when the action of the digitalin was greatest, the mean pressure is some- what over 90 millimetres, and the maximum 104. The fall of yressure ought, therefore, to be more abrupt, but instead of this it is more gradual. This alteration cannot, we think, be ex- plained by any oscillations of the mercurial column indepen- dently of the blood-pressure, and can only be due to contraction of the arterioles retarding the flow of blood from the arterial into the venous system during the cardiac diastole. In a recent paper,* Boehm considers that the rise in blood-pressure pro- duced by digitalis, is chiefly due to the inzreased action of the heart, and that the condition of the arterioles has little or nothing to do with it. He seems, however, to interpret tracings of the blood-pressure in the arteries of mammals in the same way as those obtained from the excised heart of the frog, and apparently forgets that while in the latter the form of the diastolic as well as of the systolic curve depends on the heart alone, in the former the heart can have but little or no influence on the pressure in the arterial system during the diastole, since all communication between them is prevented by the closure of the sigmoid valves. The curves which he gives confirm our views, for they show the same gradual fall in the pulse-wave, after the injection of digitalis, that ours do, and being traced with Fick’s spring-kymographion, are free from any fallacies due to oscillations of the mercurial column. The continued high pressure he observed during prolonged stoppage of the heart, which he attributes to continuous cardiac systole, we would ascribe to contraction of the vessels so far as it is not due to changes in the respiration. If the arterioles were not con- tracted the pressure would fall, as, eg.,in the experiments of Ludwig and Hafiz.t We next attempted to ascertain whether the slowing of the figures. (These curves only show the ascent of the mercurial column above the level in one limb of the U-tube of the manometer, whereas the true height is got by adding to this the descent of the mercury below tlhe level in the other limb with a slight correction for the weight of the carbonate of soda solution in the descending limb.) * Pfliiger’s Archiv, vol. v, p. 190. + Ludwig’s Arbeiten, 1870, ee PULSE RATE AND ARTERIAL PRESSURE. 145 pulse is due to a direct specific influence of the drug on the roots of the vagus as supposed by one of us,* or to the stimula- tion of these roots by the increased pressure of blood in the cranium produced by the contraction of the arterioles, as sup- posed by the other.f In order to do this we diminished the blood-pressure by the inhalation of nitrite of amyl after it had become high and the pulse slow from the injection of digitalin. If the slowing of the pulse were due to a specific action of the digitalin on the vagus roots, it ought to continue although the pressure falls, but if due to stimulation of these roots by the high blood-pressure, it should disappear whenever the pressure is reduced. Our experiments showed that whenever the pres- sure fell after the inhalation of the nitrite of amyl the pulse became quick. It might thus appear that the slowing is due in part at least to the high pressure, and not altogether to a direct influence of the digitalin on the vagus; but this must be decided by farther experiment. Lastly, we tried to discover whether digitalis causes contrac- tion of the vessels by acting directly on their walls or on the vaso-motor centre. This we sought to do by observing whether the injection of digitalin into the circulation caused any altera- tion in the calibre of the vessels of the rabbit’s ear after the sympathetic nerve of the same side as well as both vagi had been divided in the neck. The vagi were divided in order to prevent the digitalin from slowing the heart, and thus disturbing the circulation, and the sympathetic to prevent any influence being transmitted to the vessels of the ear from the vaso-motor centre. The results of these experiments were not constant, and we are unable to draw any definite conclusions from them ; but the fact that the vessels of the ears were occasionally seen to empty themselves more quickly after the injection of digitalin than before, seems to us to indicate an action upon the walls of the vessels themselves. The conclusions to which we have arrived are shortly, 1st, that digitalin causes contraction of the arterioles. This is proved by the small height of the pulse-wave, and by its descent * Bruaton, Op. cit. (vide antea, pp. 71 and 72). t+ Meyer, Op. cit. 146 ACTION OF DIGITALIS ON TIE BLOOD-VESSELS. becoming more gradual after the injection notwithstanding the increased blood-pressure. 2nd, that the slowing of the pulse is probably due in part to the increased blood-pressure which results from the contraction of the arterioles. We gladly take this opportunity of expressing our obligations to Professor Rosenthal for the assistance and advice which he so constantly and kindly afforded us, and to Herr Merck, of Darmstadt, to whose kindness we owe the digitalin we employed. . [The kymographion employed was of the same kind as the one figured on p. 281.] ST ee ae te ON THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE NUCLEI OF BLOOD CORPUSCLES. A RESEARCH CARRIED ON IN PROFESSOR Ktune’s LABORATORY, IN AMSTER- DAM, IN THE WINTER OF 1868-69. {Reprinted from The Journal of Anatomy and Physiology for November, 1869.) DurRinG the course of last summer (1868) Professor Kiihne dis- covered that the chief constituent of the nuclei of blood corpuscles agreed in its reactions with mucin rather than fibrin or albumen. It had previously been found by Hoppe-Seyler,* associated in the nuclei with a small amount of paraglobulin, and, previous to Professor Kiihne’s discovery, had been supposed to be an albu- minous substance, resembling fibrin. I was informed by Pro- fessor Kiihne, while working in his laboratory in Amsterdam, of the observations he had already made, and having repeated them, I publish the result with his permission. The observa- tions are not complete, but I give them now, as I am unable to prosecute them further at present. The nuclei of the blood corpuscles of eels and frogs yield a substance similar to that obtained from the blood of fowls; but as the latter could be much more readily obtained in con- siderable quantity, it alone was used in studying the reactions in detail. To obtain the nuclei, the defibrinated blood, mixed with ten or twelve times its volume of NaCl solution of 3 per cent., is filtered through linen, and the corpuscles allowed to subside in a flat tray. The supernatant fluid is then removed by a syphon, and the corpuscles, thus freed from serum, are either washed repeatedly with much water in the same manner, or after being allowed to settle in the salt solution for at least twenty-four hours, when they form a kind of film, are scraped together, and washed on a linen filter. In the former case, the nuclei or * Kithne, Lehrbuch der Physiologischen Chemie, L 2 148 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF NUCLEI OF BLOOD CORPUSCLES. rather zooids of the blood corpuscles are obtained as a white powder, which sinks very slowly in water; in the latter, as a mass resembling fibrin in appearance. Microscopic examina- tion shows this powder to consist of the nuclei in the form of small round bodies containing several dark granules, surrounded by a ring of transparent colourless substance, apparently a remnant of stroma, whose breadth is about equal to the diameter of the nucleus, and whose edge is so delicate as to be scarcely perceptible. On the addition of aniline red or blue, dissolved in dilute alcohol, the nucleus becomes deeply coloured, the stroma slightly so, and its edges much more distinct. Weakly alkaline solutions of carmine and solutions of iodine also colour the nucleus deeply, but the stroma very slightly, or not at all. The nucleus is generally in the middle, but, occasionally, is more or less eccentric, and sometimes sticks quite close to one side of the surrounding substance. This last may possibly be its con- stant situation, and its central one only apparent, and it may thus correspond to the point in mammalian blood corpuscles, which was found by Roberts* and Rindfleischf to become deeply coloured by magenta. If the powder be then shaken with ether and water it forms a layer between the two; and when this is microscopically examined, the nuclei alone are seen, the stroma formerly surrounding them being no longer percep- tible even after the addition of aniline. The nuclei may be got at once by treating the corpuscles with ether, separating the nuclear layer by a stoppered funnel, and then washing in water. Alkalis cause the nuclei to swell, to run together in clumps, become indistinct, and finally disappear. Dilute mineral acids or acetic acid cause them to shrink and become more sharply defined. A small, strongly refracting point, resembling a nucleolus, and seeming to take up the colowing matter more strongly than the rest, also becomes visible; but this appear- ance may be due to a change of shape in the nucleus, occasioned by the acid. Concentrated mineral acids cause them to shrink much, to run together, become indistinct and disappear. The stroma surrounding the nuclei swells and shrinks somewhat, * Proceedings of Royal Society, 1865. + Experimental Studien iiber die Histologie des Blutes. COAGULATION (?) OF ZOOIDS. 149 but not so markedly as thenuclei. If ferrocyanide of potassium be added to the nuclei shrivelled by acetic acid they swell up and become so indistinct as to be hardly visible. A solution of taurocholate or glycocholate of soda dissolves both nuclei and stroma. A little concentrated NaCl solution also causes the nuclei to disappear. When the corpuscles are washed on a linen filter, a fibrinous-looking mass is obtained, which, on microscopic examination, is seen to consist of shreds of fibrous membrane, or of bundles of fibres, studded with darker spots, and arranged in a manner resembling those of fibrin, though more regular and with less intercrossing. These spots seem tc be the nuclei, but their outline is not so distinct, nor do they take the deep tint with aniline which they do in the powdery condition, the fibres becoming quite as deeply tinted as they. The zovids are insoluble in water, and when suspended in it sink very slowly, but do so much more quickly after the addition of alcohol, concentrated acetic or oxalic acid, or dilute mineral acids. The mixture with water is quite mobile, and does not foam when shaken ; but: does so after the addition of a little NaCl solution, becoming at the saine time somewhat tena- cious and much clearer, the nuclei being partly dissolved and partly suspended. A concentrated mixture with NaCl solution gives a white flocky precipitate when much diluted. Salt solu- tions, of even one-fourth per cent., dissolve them to a consider- able extent. The solubility in NaCl solution varies much, diminishing when the zooids stay long in water, but more slowly when the temperature is low. The same is the case with mucin obtained from tendons. When many zooids are suspended in water, one drop of con- centrated solution of potash or soda is sometimes sufficient to convert 40 cubie centimetres of the mixture from a milky mobile liquid to a clear gelatinous mass, resembling albuminate ef potash in appearance, though not quite so firm. When this is thrown on a filter, the filtrate gives no precipitate with acetic acid. When more potash is added, a tenacious ropy fluid is pruduced, which filters very slowly; the filtrate is mobile, and though generally more or less alkaline, is sometimes neutral. Alkaline carbonates dissolve them, but. much more slowly, 150 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF NUCLEI OF BLOOD CORPUSCLES. uor do they form a jelly like the caustic alkalis ; sometimes, llowever, they cause the zooids to stick together and form flocks, which, rising to the top, form a sticky mass. Lime and baryta water leave them apparently unchanged, and, after standing on them some time, give no precipitate with acetic acid, but an immediate turbidity if ferrocyanide of potassium be then added. Concentrated mineral acids dissolve the zooids, and give a pre- cipitate on the addition of alkalis or much water. Dilute mineral acids, such as HCl of 10 per cent., cause the mixture with water to foam on shaking, but when the filtered fluid is made alkaline by potash it gives no precipitate with acetic acid, but a turbidity when ferrocyanide of potassium is then added. ‘The filtered solutions of the zooids in alkalis give the reactions of albumin, but the precipitate by acetic acid is generally insoluble in excess. Sometimes, however, not only the mucin from nuclei, but that from glands and tendons, appears quite soluble in large excess of glacial acetic acid, If the zooids be treated with HCl of one-tenth per cent., or acetic acid or NaCl solution of 10 per cent., and the filtered solution be precipitated by acetic acid and again filtered, the clear fluid in each case gives the reactions of albumin. The HCl solution is precipitated on neutralization, and the precipitate is insoluble in NaCl soiutions of 10 per cent. | The albuminous body thus belongs to that class which includes, according to Hoppe-Seyler, fibrinogen, fibrinoplastic substance and myosin. That the zooids contain fibrinoplastic substance or para- globulin, as stated by Hoppe-Seyler, is shown by the distinct fibrinoplastic action which they exert when well washed. Some- times they possess none at all; and this is probably due to the removal of the substance in the washing, the salt solution with which the corpuscles were washed not having been sufficiently carefully removed, and rendering the first water a dilute salt solution. This dissolves a certain amount both of albuminous substance and of mucin, becomes milky after standing or pass- iny CO, through it, and possesses a slight fibrinoplastic effect, The fibrinoplastic effect was tried in all cases with a mixture of horse plasma and sulphate of magnesia, —-~ iste ape a a ee ee a ee °F EES Ga aS ggpince 4 jae nee Cen & REACTIONS OF NUCLEI, 151 From the way in which fibres are formed when the zooids are washed on a linen filter, it seems probable that fibrinogenic substance may also be present; but whether this be the same as mucin, or what the relation between mucin and the generators of fibrin or myosin, if any such relation exists, is still to be investigated. When the precipitate from solutions in alkalis or NaCl by acetic acid is washed with acetic acid, then with dilute alcohol, and afterwards dissolved in a small quantity of potash and filtered, the filtrate is generally alkaline, but sometimes neutral. It is unchanged by boiling, gives with mineral acids a precipitate soluble in excess, and with acetic acid a precipitate insoluble in excess. On exceptional occasions, I have seen it, as well as mucin from tendons dissolved by excess of glacial acetic acid, give with acetic acid and ferrocyanide of potassium no turbid- ity, the ferrocyanide of potassium causing any turbidity from the acetic acid to become less and disappear ; but after standing a considerable time a precipitate forms. Chloride of mercury causes no precipitate; with tannin, acetate of lead, or dilute sulphate of copper or chloride of iron it gives a precipitate. Added to potash and sulphate of copper it prevents the pre- cipitation of the hydrated oxide of copper, but the solution remains blue even after boiling. | Nuclei, freed from stroma by ether and water and then dis- solved in potash, give the same reactions. These reactions differ from those of mucin as given by Eichwald (Kiiline, Lehr- buch der Physiologischen Chemie), inasmuch as tannin, sul- phate of copper and chloride of iron give a slight precipitate or turbidity, but on treating nuclei and mucin from glands and tendons in the same way they give the same reactions. ‘When | a salivary gland is treated by potash, and the solution precipi- tated by acetic acid, the precipitate is sticky, and seems to differ much from that given by acetic acid in solutions of nuclei in potash, which is flocky, and gathers on a linen filter into a mass looking like boiled fibrin; but if the strongly acid and sticky precipitate from the gland be allowed to stand some time in water, it becomes exactly like that obtained from the nuclei. The zooids and their solution in NaCl act briskly on peroxide 152 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF NUCLEI OF BLOOD CORPUSCLES. of hydrogen ; the nuclei, after treatment by ether and water, do so also but less vigorously. | When boiled with dilute sulphuric acid they gave no trave of sugar. I have never succeeded in obtaining them free from sulphur even after repeatedly dissolving in potash, and precipitating and washing by acetic acid; but the more carefully they were cleaned the less sulphur was found; and Professor Kiihne on one occasion obtained no trace of sulphur after burning with nitrate of potash and adding chloride of barium. This trace of sulphur may possibly depend on a little albumen carried down with the mucin; more especially as one sees that if the haemo- globin be not entirely removed by washing before dissolving in potash and precipitating by acetic acid, hematin is constantly carried down with the precipitate, and cannot again be sepa- rated. When chicken blood is treated by NaCl solution of 10 per cent., as in Professor Heynsius’ experiments lately published, the nuclei are dissolved and form a large portion of the fibrincus-iooking substance he describes. Whether mucin exists in mammalian blood or not I cannot certainly say, though the substance got by treating dogs’ blood with salt solution of 10 per cent., and then washing the slimy mass, seemed, after solution in potash, to give a precipitate with acetic acid insoluble in excess. The quantity obtained pure was, however, so small that I was unable to try any other reaction. Shortly, then, the substance of the nuclei, both with and without the stroma, agrees with mucin, and differs from albumin in its insolubility in HCl of 0:1 to 1 per cent. in its alkaline solutions being precipitated by nitric, hylrochlorie or sulphuric acid, and the precipitate dissolved without diffi- culty by excess; in being precipitated by acetic acid, and the precipitate insoluble in excess, ferrocyanide of potassium causing no further turbidity, but clearing up any formed by the acetic acid; in neutral solutions being unchanged by boiling, and giving no precipitate with chloride of mercury, and when boiled with caustic potash and sulphate of copper remaining clear blue. It agrees with alburain and with mucin as I found DIFFERENCES BETWEEN NUCLEL AND MUCIN, 153 it (though differing from it, as described by Eichwald) in giving a turbidity or slight precipitate with tannin, chloride of iron and sulphate of copper. It differs from mucin in being in- soluble in lime or baryta water, or in HCl of 10 per cent. Its most remarkable reaction is the change it undergoes by the addition of a very small quantity of caustic potash to the water in which it is suspended. It is then much more closely allied to mucin than to albumin. From the solubility and reactions of mucin being somewhat variable it is not improbable that, like albumin, it may occur in several forms, of which this may be one; but its composition and relations must be deter- mined by analyses, which I hope at a future period to be able to make. OFFENTLICHE GESAMMTSITZUNG AM 12 DECEMBER, 1869, ZUR FEIER DES GEBURTSTAGES SEINER MAJESTAT DES KONIGs. Dr. T. Lauder Brunton, Ueber die Wirkung des salpetrig-sauren Amyloxyds auf den Blutstrom. Aus dem physiolcgischen Institute zu Leipzig. Vorgelegt von dem wirklichen Mitgliede Prof. C. Ludwig. (Mit. 6 Holzsclinitten.) (Aus den Berichten der Mathem.-Phys. Classe der Kénigl.-Sdchs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1869, s. 285, und Ludwig’s Arbeiten 4ter Jahrgang fiir 1869, s. 101.) Aur das salpetrigssure Amyloxyd hat Guthrie zuerst die Aufmerksamkeit der Aerzte und Physiologen gelenkt ; bei einer chemischen Untersuchung dieses von Balard entdeckten Stoffes bemerkte er, dass sich nach Einathmung seiner Dimpfe das Gesicht lebhaft rothe, dass die Carotiden heftiger klopfen und dass der Herzschlag beschleunigt werde. Einige Jahre nach- her behauptete J’chardson, dass das salpetrigsaure Amyloxyd die Nerven von der Peripherie nach dem Centrum hin lahme, die Contractilitét der Muskeln vermindere und Erweiterungen der Blutcapillaren in der Schwimmhaut des Froschfusses her- beifithre. Diese Mittheilung gab Professor Arthur Gamgee Ver- anlassung neue Versuche zu unternehmen, Aus seinen noch nicht verdffentlichten Beobachtungen war der eben genannte © Gelehrte so freundlich mir das Folgende mitzutheilen: Ein Einfluss auf die Lebenseigenschaften der motorischen und sen- siblen Nerven ist nicht zu finden, ebenso wenig gelang es, eine Erweiterung der Gefiisse in der Schwimmhaut zusehen. Athmet der Mensch die Daimpfe der Verbindung ein, so réthet sich das Gesicht, und die Pulscurve der art. radialis, welche der Sphyg- mograph aufzeichnet, nimmt eine eigenthtimliche Form an; die bedeutendste Abweichung von der normalen Gestalt bietet der absteigende Curvenschenkel, insofern er statt des allmaligen einen sehr plétzlichen Abfall zeigt. Wird in die Carotis des Kaninchens ein Manometer eingesetzt und werden darauf die Diimpfe des salpetrigsauren Amyloxyds durch die Nase einge- VERSUCIISANORDNUNG. 155 fiihrt, so mindert sich. die Haufigkeit des Herzschlags und der mittlere Blutdruck nimmt ab. Auf Grund dieser Beobachtungen habe ich selbst das sal- petrigsaure Amyloxyd zuerst mit Erfolg hei Kranken angewen- det, die an gewissen Formen von Angina pectoris litten.* Hier durch fiir das neue Arneimittel interessirt, ergriff ich wihrend meines Aufenthalts in Leipzig die Gelegenheit um in dem phy- siologischen Institute dieser Stadt einige Versuche dariiber anzustellen, wie die Erscheinungen zu erkliiren seien, die ma» mittelst desselben im Blutstrom erzeugt hatte. Als Versuchsthiere dienten Kaninchen. Im Anschluss an den bisherigen Gebrauch verleibte ich ihnen die Diaimpfe des Amylpraparates ein, welche durch die kiinstliche Respiration in die Lungen geblasen wurden. Zu dem Ende schaltete ich in das Verbindungsrohr zwischen dem Blasebalg und der Trachea eine Nebenschliessung ein; mit andern Worten der an der Trachea. und dem Blasebalg einfache Luftkanal war auf einem beschrink- ten Abschnitt in zwei Zweige zerlegt. In jedem der beiden Zweige sass ein Hahn, durch welchen die Lichtungen eines jeden Réhrenschenkels nach Belieben verschlossen werden konnten. Das Hauptrohr ging unmittelbar aus dem Blasebalg in die Luft- rohre, in dem Nebenzweig war dagegen eine kleine Spritztlasche elngesetzt, deren Boden mit salpetrigsaurem Amyloxyd bedeckt. war. Je nach der Stellung der Hihne konnte man also der Lunge die atmosphirische Luft rein oder im Gemenge mit den Daimpfen der Amylverbindung-zufiihren. Die eben geschil- derte Einrichtung zog ich der unmittelbaren Anwendung der Diimpfe auf die Nase darum vor, weil es mir darauf ankam, die Wirkung derselben auf den Herzschlag festzustellen. Das Herz des Kaninchens, beziehungsweise die betreffenden Vagusiste desselben sind bekanntlich ungemein empfindlich gegen jede Aenderung in dem O-Gehalt des Arterienblutes; jede merk- liche Abminderung des letztern hat sogleich eine Abnahme der Schlagzahl zur Folge. Nun ereignet es sich aber gewdéhnlich, dass die Kaninchen die Athembewegungen einstellen, wenn so stark riechende Dimpfe wie die des salpetrigsauren Amyloxy- des vor ihre Nase gehalten werden und dass sie erst mit der * The Lancet for July 27, 1867. 156 WIRKUNG DES SALPETRIG-SAUREN AMYLOXYDS. beginnenden Athemnoth die Bewegungen wieder ausfiihren Damit aber ist auch schon eine Vagusreizung ganz unabhiingig von den zugefiihrten Diimpfen eingeleitet. Zur Anwendung der kiinstlichen Respiration griff ich diesmal um so lieber, weil der Blasebalg, welcher mir hier zu Gebote stand, durch eine sehr regelmissig arbeitende Maschine getrieben ward, somit konnte ich sicher sein vor Storungen, welche durch ein ungleichfor- miges Athmen eingefiihrt werden—Das Manometer, mit wel- chem ich den Druck mass, wurde in die Carotis eingesetzt. Mit diesen Hiilfsmitteln sah ich zuniichst, dass der Blut- druck, unmittelbar nachdem die Dimpfe des Amyloxyds einge- blasen waren, rasch absank, ohne dass sich die Zahl der Herz- schlige merklich gemindert oder gemehrt hatte. Mit dem Absinken des Drucks steliten sich zugleich Kriimpfe in allen Muskeln des Rumpfs und der Gliedmaassen ein, wodurch die von der Amylverbindung eingeleiteten Aenderungen des Blutstroms getriibt wurden. Denn mit dem Eintritt der Krimpfe hob sich der Blutdruck wieder und es wurden zugleich an der aufge- schriebenen Druckcurve die Herzchlige gar nicht oder unge- mau zihlbar. Um die Krimpfe und darnit, wie ich glaubte, auch die Stérungen zu vermeiden, welche sich dem reinen Her- vortreten der Amylwirkung entgegensetzen, griff ich zur Ver- giftung mit Curare. Hiernach schwanden allerdings die Krampfe; aber es trat ein neues stdrendes Element ein, was, wie igh ver- muthe, in dem Reizungszustande gelegen ist, in den die Gefiiss- muskeln durch das Curare verfallen. Allerdings sank auch am curarisirten Thiere der Druck alsbald nachdem das Einblasen der fliichtigen Amylverbindung seinen Anfang genommen hatte, und der Druck erreichte seine ursprtingliche Hohe nicht wieder, wihrend mit der Zufiihrung des Dampfes forteefahren wurde: aber das Sinken war kein stetiges, sodass schliesslich der Druck dauernd auf einem be- stimmten Minimalwerth angelangt wire. Im Gegentheil die Quecksilbersiiule hob sich und senkte sich und dieses zwar etwa so, wie es Z. 7raube an der Druckcurve des curarisirten Thieres gesehn hat.* Diese Schwankungen sind jedenfalls der Ausdruck zweier * L. Traube, Centralilalt fiir die med. Wissenschaften, 1865. 851. se WIRKUNG AUF KANINCHEN, . Fia, 101. Druck in mm, He. a b c ? | x x ne .<77 y 20 3 sO go z Secun- on, Unvergiftet. Curarevergiftung. x Hinblasen beendet. 157 158 WIRKUNG DES SALPETRIG-SAUREN AMYLOXYDS. im entgegengesetzten Sinne wirksamer Einfliisse. Dieselben kénnten gefunden werden einerseits in der Anwesenheit der unzersetzten Molekiile des salpetrigsauren Amyloxyds und anderseits in den aus dem letztern enstandenen Umsetzungs- producten, sodass Alles auf die dauernde Anwesenheit der Amylverbindung zu beziehen ware, aber nach den vielfach bestatigten Erfahrungen von LZ. Zraube konnte auch das Curare, also eine der Amylverbindung fremde Wirkung, fiir die Ursache der Druckvariation gehalten werden. In Ermangelung einer andern unverfinglicheren Methode, durch welche auch am unvergifteten Thiere die Wirkung des wahrend einer lingern Zeit eingeflossten Amyldampfes sichtbar zu machen ware, muss ich mich darauf beschrinken, die Folgen seiner sehr voriibergehenden Hinwirkung vorzulegen. Zu diesem Ende, namentlich aber um dem Umfang und den zeitlichen Ablauf der Druckerniedrigung zu versinnlichen, theile ich die in Figur 101 dargestellten Curven mit, welche durch die ihnen beigegebene Erklarung verstindlich sein werden. Beim Beginn jeder der drei hintereinander ausgefiihrten Beobachtungen, a, 4, c fangt das Einblasen an; schon 10 Secunden nach demselben ist der Blutdruck sehr tief herabgegangen. Traten Kriimpfe ein, wie dieses in der Curve a und 6 der Fall ist, welche vor der Curarevergiftung von dem Thiere gewonnen wurden, so stieg der Druck wieder an, trotzdem dass das Einblasen noch fort- gesetzt wurde. Wenn aber mit dem Einblasen 20 Secunden nach Beginn desselben aufgehért wurde, so stieg der Druck rasch wieder empor, sodass er in héchstens einer Minute seinen friiheren Werth wieder erreicht hatte. Diese Erscheinungsreihe habe ich so oft bestatigt gefunden, als ich die Beobachtung anstellte. Sie weist darauf hin, dass schon minimale Mengen unsres Stoffes von der gréssten Wirkung sind; und sie zeigt ausserdem, dass das in das Blut gekommene Gift sehr bald wieder unwirksam gemacht wird, entweder weil dasselbe inner- halb des K6rpers zerstért wird oder weil es aus demselben verdunstet. ag tte Die Erniedrigung des Blutdrucks kann nun herriihren ent- weder von einer Verminderung der Herzkrafte oder von einer solchen der Widerstiinde. Fiir die zweite dieser Unterstellun- SELBSTSTANDIGE BEWEGUNGEN DER ARTERIEN. 159 gen spricht die betrichtliche Erweiterung der peripherischen Gefiissbezirke, wie man sie nicht allein am Ohr des Kaninchens, sondern auch in auffallendster Weise an der menschlichen Ge- sichtshaut sieht, namentlich wenn ein Individuum mit sehr reizbarem, leicht errdthendem und erblassendem Gesicht einige mit dem Dampf geschwiangerte Athemziige ausfiihrte. Immer- hin erschien es mir noch nothwendig die Frage durch einen Versuch zu entscheiden, um so mehr, als ich dabei auch zu erfahren wiinschte, ob die eintretende Gefisserweiterung ab- hangig sei von einer unmittelbaren Aenderung der Gefisswand oder von einer solchen, die herbeigefiihrt ist durch die Ab- schwiichung des Tonus, den die Gefissnerven im verlingerten Marke empfangen. Um verstindlich zu machen wesshalb sich mir diese Frage- stellung aufdringte, will ich hier in der Kiirze einige Resultate einer andern Versuchsreihe einschalten, die ich ebenfalls in Leipzig begonnen aber leider noch nicht vollendet habe. Durch die bemerkenswerthen Beobachtungen von JZ. Schiff; welche eine allseitige Bestatigung erfahren haben, ist es be- kannt, dass der Durchmesser der Arterien des Kaninchenohres sehr hiufig in Schwankungen begriffen ist. Ich habe nun ge- funden, dass diese Erscheinung dem Ohr der Kaninchen keines- wegs allein eigenthtimlich ist, sondern dass man sie in gleich ausgesprochener Weise auch an allen andern freigelegten Ar- terienzweigen der Haut und des Bindegewebes beobachten kann. Diese Schwankungen des Durchmessers zeigen ander- wirts grade so wie am Kaninchenohr grosse Unregelmiissig- keiten, indem sie an demselben Ort bei dem einen Thiere deut- licher und haufiger auftreten als bei einem andern und als sie zu verschiedenen Zeiten bei demselben Thier fehlen und vor- handen sein kénnen. , Diese Verainderungen des Arteriendurchmessers sind min- destens zum Theil vollkommen unabhingig von den Erregun- gen, welchen die Gefiissnerven im Hirn ausgesetzt sind; denn sie bestehen an den Arterien des Ohrs und an denen der tibri- gen Kérpertheile unveraindert fort, wenn man auch simmtliche Nerven, sympathische und cerebrospinale durchschnitten hat, die in dem zu beobachtenden Orte sich verbreiten, ja sie ver- 160 WIRKUNG DES SALPETRIG-SAUREN AMYLOXYDS. schwinden nicht nach der Durchschneidung des Halsmarkes trotz des sehr niedrigen Blutdruckes, der dann noeh ibrig bleibt. Die beschriebenen Bewegungen der grossen und klei- nen Arterien treten, wie erwihnt, nicht bei jedem Thiere und nicht zu jeder Zeit gleich deutlich ein. Fehlen dieselben, so kann man sie in der Regel hervorrufen, entweder durch Vergif- tung mit Curare oder durch Unterbrechung der Athmung. Sind dieselben einmal geweckt, so pflegen sie sich auch dann noch fortzuerhalten, wenn selbst nachtriglich die Athmung auf das Sorgfaltigste geregelt wird. Da durch die Untersuchungen von L. Traube, Thiry und Kowalewsky* bekannt ist, dass in Folge der Curarevergiftung und der gestirten Athmung der Blutdruck in den Arterien erster Ordnung sehr grosse Variationen erfihrt, so muss der Gedanke erwachen, es seien diese letztern Schuld an den Veriainderungen der Durchmesser der kleinsten Arterien. Diese an und fiir sich annehmbare Erklirung erweist sich aber als unhaltbar wegen des Ganges, den die Verengerungen und Erweiterungen in den kleinen Arterien darbieten. Sehr hiufig stellt sich niimlich plétzlich im Verlauf einer kleinen Arterie mitten zwischen zwei mit Blut erfiillten Stiicken eine Ein- schniirung ein, sodass ein Verhalten zum Vorschein kommt, wie man es schon seit langer Zeit am ausgeschnittenen Diinn- darm kennt.—In den Bezirken, deren Nerven simmtlich durchschnitten sind, erhalten sich die Arterienwinde auch noch in einer andern Beziehung dem ausgeschnittenen Darme ahn- lich. Jede leiseste Beriihrung einer beschrénkten Stelle ruft eine Bewegung hervor, die sich meist auf den getroffenen Ort beschrinkt. Diese durch den unmittelbaren Einfluss erzeugte Verinderung besteht jedoch, so weit ich gesehen, nicht vor- wiegend in einer Verengerung der Lichtung wie beim Darm, sondern vorzugsweise in einer Erweiterung derselben, welche sehr lange als eine partielle Ausbuchtung bestehen bleibt und die sich nur allmahlig ausgleicht. Da schon Gunning und Cohnheim Aehnliches an der Schwimmhaut und der Zunge des. Frosches beobachtet haben und da Sadler auch an den Ge- fissen der Skeletmuskeln der Hunde auf Thatsachen gestossen’ ist, die sich nur durch Eigenbewegung der Gefisswand erkliren * Centralllatt fiir die med, Wissenschaft, 1868, 579. —— Slee le! WIRKUNG BEI DURCHSCHNITTENEM RKUCKENMARK. 161 \ Fig. 102. x Das Einblasen beendet. Riickenmark am Epistropheus zerquetscht. Unverictzt. rails 0 ee a et lassen, so scheint die selbststiindige Verinderung dieser letztern ein weit verbreitetes und darum wichtiges Ereigniss zu sein, 4 : . - 162 WIRKUNG DES SALPETRIG-SAUREN AMYLOXYDS. Wenn ich nun zu den Versuchen mit salpetrigsaurem Amyl- oxyd zurtickkehre, so wird es einleuchten, warum ich den ? ba . \ { =~ SS Dampf der genannten Verbindung auch solchen Thieren einblies, deren Riickenmark vorgiingig durchschnitten worden war. Meine Vermuthung, dass an den Thieren, die dieser Ope- ration unterworfen worden waren, die Druckminderung in Folge der Amylwirkung nicht ausbleiben werde, hat sich voll- kommen bestiitigt. Als Beispiele ftir den Befund mégen die in Fre. 108. x Das Einblasen beendet. Riickenmark am Hinterhauptsbein durchschnitten. e "4 Unvenietzt. . ere -* Ae oe Ss ee eee Sea NACHWIRKUNG DES EINBLASENS, 163 Fig. 102 und 103 wiedergegebenen Beobachtungen an zwei ver- schiedenen Kaninchen dienen. Jedem der beiden Thiere wurden vor der Durchschneidung des Halsmarks die Dimpfe des salpetrigsauren Amyloxyds eingeblasen. In diesem Stadium des Versuchs trat das schon bekannte Resultat zu Tage, Nach der Durchschneidung des Halsmarks, welche unmittelbar unter dem Atlas geschah, sank bei dem Thier II der Druck ungewéhnlich tief herab; als er constant geworden war, bewirkte das Einblasen der Dimpfe ein neues Sinken des Blutdruckes, das also auf die Rechnung des salpetrigsauren Amyioxyds zu setzen war. Der Werth des Abfalls war nach absolutem Maasse gemessen allerdings ein geringer ; nach relativem Maasse war dagegen die Aenderung noch eine sehr bedeutende. Die Erscheinungen des Sinkens eines schon an und fiir sich niedern Druckes sind hier denen analog, welche man zu sehen pflegt wenn der zweite n. splanch- micus noch durchschnitten wird, nachdem vorher schon der erste durchtrennt war. Als das Einblasen ausgesetzt wurde erhob sich der Blut- druck nicht alsbald wieder auf seine friihere Hihe, sondern er sank vorerst noch tiefer um sich dann erst ganz allmahlig zu erholen. Dieser Erfolg kann zwei Erklirungen finden. Aus andern Versuchen, die im hiesigen Laboratorium unternommen wurden, ist mir bekannt, dass die Geschwindigkeit des Blut- stroms sehr stark heruntergeht, wenn das Halsmark durch- schnitten ist. Da die Zufiihrung und die nazhfolgende Entfer- nung der Amylverbindung in Abhiangigkeit von der Strom- geschwindigkeit des Blutes stehen muss, so wire der langsame Ablauf der Druckschwankung vielleicht hieraus zu erléutern. Méglich ist aber noch ein anderer Grund. Bei dem vorliegen- den Thiere sank niémlich die Pulszahl in der Zeiteinheit von 9 auf 4 herab. Dieses Herabgehn, welches wohl die Folge des sehr verminderten Druckes gewesen ist, kann ebenfalls an der langsamen Erholung Schuld sein—Eine Wiederholung der Kinathmung bei dem Thier ergab dasselbe Resultat. Bei dem zweiten Kaninchen (Fig. 103) erniedrigte sich nach Durchschneidung des Halsmarks der Druck nicht so bedeutend als im vorhergehenden Fall. Auch bei ihm sehen wir durch M 2 164 WIRKUNG DES SALPETRIG-SAUREN AMYLOXYDS, die Einathmung der Amylverbindung den Druck noch weiter heruntersteigen. Da das Thier wegen seines héhern Blutdrucks eine -6ftere Wiederholung des Versuchs vertrug, so benutzte ich die Gelegenheit, um statt der bis dahin geiibten kurzdauernden Einverleibung eine langere 87 Secunden anhaltende stattfinden zu lassen. Wihrend dieser langen Einblasung ging der Druck nicht tiefer herab als wahrend der kiirzern, ja gegen Ende des Einblasens erhob er sich sogar wiederum ein Kleines. Diese Thatsache ist mit Riicksicht auf die friihere Bemerkung das curarisirte Kaninchen betreffend nicht ohne Bedeutung. Dieses Thier (3) zeigte von dem vorhergehenden auch insofern ein ab- weichendes Verhalten, als sich die Pulszahl wahrend und nach der Einblasung nicht anderte; trotzdem trat auch hier die Wiederherstellung des héhern Druckes sehr langsam ein und als die Lungen des Thiers den Amyldimpfen sehr anhaltend ausgesetzt gewesen waren erhob sich zwar der Druck nach Beendigung des Einathmens der Amyldimpfe, aber er kehrte nicht mehr zu seiner friihern Hohe zurtick. Dieser Umstand muss es sehr wiinschenswerth erscheinen lassen, eine Methode zu finden, die an dem unversehrten Thier eine lingere Einwir- kung des salpetrigsauren Amyloxyds erlaubt. Nach diesen Versuchen, denen ich noch einige gleich- beschaffene zufiigen kénnte, wird es keinem Zweifel unterliegen, dass das salpetrigsaure Amyloxyd zu den Stoffen gehért, welche unmittelbar auf die Gefaésswand lihmend wirken. Zweifelhaft bleibt es nur noch, ob die Nervenendigungen oder die Muskeln selbst ergriffen werden. Zudem werden weitere Versuche dartiber anzustellen sein, ob die Gefiaisswand die einzige unter den aus glatten Muskeln hergestellten Hauten ist, welche der Vergiftung durch salpetrigsaures Amyloxyd zugiinglich ist. Um auch den letzten Einwand wegzuriiumen, der gegen das soeben mitgetheilte Ergebniss erhoben werden kénnte, habe ich mich um den directen Beweis dafiir bemiiht, dass die Er- niedrigung des Blutdruckes in Folge des salpetrigsauren Amyl- oxyds unabhingig ist von einer Schwiachung der Herzkrafte. Der Plan, nach welchem ich die hierauvf zielenden Versuche ausfiihrte, bestand darin, den Thieren die a. aorta unmittelbar unterhalb des Zwergfells zusammenzupressen und sie wahrend- EINFLUSS DER VERSCHLIESSUNG DER AORTA. 165 dess den Dimpfen dor Amylverbindung auszusetzen. Wenn das salpetrigsaure Amyloxyd eine schwichende Wirkung auf das Herz ausiibt, so hatte nun der Druck, auf welchen sich das Fie, 104 | | ee | Une ~— Einblasen begonnen ; + Einblasen beendet; im Beginn der drei letzten Beobachtungen Aorta comprimirt ; 0 Aorta geiffnet. Blut nach der Verschliessung der Aorta erhoben hatte, alsbald wieder absinken miissen, nachdem mit dem Einblasen der ge- nannten Verbindung der Anfang gemacht worden war. Dieses Absinken hatte sich selbstverstindlich in einem um so héheren 166 WIRKUNG DES SALPETRIG-SAUREN AMYLOXYDS. Grade einstellen miissen, je bedeutender das Herz unter der Kinwirkung unseres Giftes gelitten hiitte. Aus einer nihern Ueberlegung der Bedingungen, unter welchen der goeben skizzirte Versuch ausgefiihrt wird, ergiebt sich jedoch sogleich, Fiag. 105. Halsmark durchschnitten. In den 4 letzten Beobachitungen Aorta comprimirt; bei 0 Aorta gedffnet; — Einblasuag begonnen; + Einblasung beendet. dass man nicht immer auf ein vollstiindiges Ausbleiben der Drucksenkung rechnen kénne; dieses darum nicht, weil ja durch die Verschliessung der Bauchaorta nicht alle Wege abgeschnit- ten sind, durch welche das Blut aus der Brustaorta entweichen kann. Diese noch offen gelassenen Wege werden sich unter RUCKENMARK DURCHSCHNITTEN UND AORTA COMPRIMIRT. 167 dem Einflusse des Amyloxyds erweitern und hierdurch wird eine Druckerniedrigung méglich werden. Um den Werth dieser Tn den drei letzten Beobacht- Fie. 106. Bs Die Ordinaten, welche den Druck angeben, beginnen 50 mm. iiber der Abscisse. —) | | ungen Riickenmark durchschnitten und Aorta comprimirt; bei 0 Aorta geéffnet; — Finblasung begonnen; + Einblasung aufgehért. letzteren in engere Grenzen einzuschliessen, unternahm ich die Aortencompression nur an solchen Thieren, denen das Hals- 168 WIRKUNG DES SALPETRIG-SAUREN AMYLOXYDS, mark zerschnitten war, Durch diese Operation war auch die Wandung der nicht verschlossenen Gefisse erschlafft und ich hatte somit zu erwarten, dass die durch die Wirkung des Amyl- oxyds hinzutretende Abspannung von einer geringern Folge fiir das beschleunigte Abfliessen des Blutes sein werde, als wenn das Amyloxyd auf die noch dem normalen Tonus ausgesetzten Gefisswandungen wirksam geworden wire, Die Resultate dieser Versuche sind reprasentirt durch die Figuren 104,105 und 106. Zum Verstiinduniss derselben fiihre ich an, dass die erste Einathmung an jedem der drei Thiere geschah, bevor das Riickenmark verletzt oder die Aorta comprimirt war. Diese Versuche wurden in der Absicht vorausgeschickt um die Empfinglichkeit des méglichst normalen Thieres gegen das Gift zu priifen. Nachden hierauf das Riickenmark durchschnitten war, wurde entweder noch vor der Compression der Aorta ein Versuch angestellt, wie ihn Fig. 105 zeigt, oder es wurde auch sogleich die Bauchaorta mit dem Finger zusammengedriickt. Als in Folge dieses Eingriffs der Blutdruck hoch angewachsen war, wurde nun mit dem Einblasen der giftigen Dimpfe be- gonnen. Ueberblickt man die Folgen, welche hierdurch in zweien der vorgefiihrten Versuche (Fig. 104 und 105) eintraten, so gewahrt man ein verdnderliches Verhalten. Oecefter halt sich wiihrend des Einblasens der Druck unverindert oder er steigt sogar, statt wie sonst zu sinken. Zuweilen aber stellte sich wihrend desselben auch ein Sinken des Drucks ein, das jedoch viel geringer ist als es wihrend der ersten Einathmung am un- verletzten Thiere gewesen. Bei dem dritten Versuche (Fig. 106) findet sich wihrend der Aortencompression und des gleich- zeitigen Einblasens jedesmal ein Absinken des Druckes ein, das auch rasch wieder verschwindet, wenn mit dem Einblasen der giftigen Dampfe aufgehort wurde. Aber auch diese Druck- verminderung ist um ein Betyriichtliches geringer als die vor der Markzerschneidung und der Aortencompression aufgetre- ten war. Aus diesem Resultate diirfte man zu der Ueberzeugung gelangen, dass das salpetrigsaure Amyloxyd, wenn tiberhaupt, doch zum mindesten nicht michtig genug auf das Herz wirke um das betriichtliche Abfallen des Druckes zu erkliren, wel- mgyerre 8 ee Se ALLEINIGE WIRKUNG AUF DIE BLUTGEFASSE. 169 ches seine Einathmung vor der Aortencompression herbeifiihrt. Ueberlegt man nun, dass es Fiille giebt, in welchben der Druck gar nicht absinkt nachdem er durch die Verschliessung der Aorta emporgetrieben wurde, und bedenkt man ferner, dass die schwiichern Druckabfille, welche wihrend des Aorten- schlusses eintraten, ihre geniigende Erklirung durch die Er- weiterung der Schliisselbein- und Kopfarterienzweige finden ; erwiigt man endlich, dass die Zahl der Herzschlige durch das Einblasen des giftigen Dampfes keine Veranderung erfahrt, so diirfte man zu der Ueberzeugung gelangen, dass das salpetrig- saure Amyloxyd auf das Herz tiberhaupt keine unmittelbare Wirkung iibi. Ein Symptom, welches eine besondere Erklirung bediirfte, sind die Kriimpfe der Skeletmuskeln, welche ausnahmslos beim Kaninchen eintreten, das nicht mit Curare vergiftet und dessen Niickenmark nicht durchschnitten ist. Ich habe es einstweilen unterlassen, nach einer Erkliirung fiir dieselben zu suchen, da ich ihren Eintritt niemals bei den Menschen beobachtet habe, welche salpetrigsauren Amyloxyd einathmeten. Schliesslich lasse ich noch die Zahlen folgen aus denen die Figuren der vorstehenden Abhandlung construirt sind.— Ich bitte bei der Durchsicht die Pulszahlen zu beachten. Datum des | 7:4 in Einathmen — airs op Versuchs ; von ruc in der und No. der sot tongs salpetrigs. |inMm.| Zeit- Femerkungrs: Beobachtung.| ©°"* | Amyloxyd. | Hg. einheit. Juli 9, 1869. Zu Fig. 101. 1. 0 begonnen 104°5 9 10 57 9 Krimpfe. 22 aufgehért 65 59 90 87 108 2. 0 begonnen 83 9 19 aufgehért 52 9 Kriimpfe. 33 102 36 92 3. 3 141 11,5 6 157 11,5 Mit Curare vergiftet 12 | angefangen | 139 11,5 19 29 170 WIRKUNG DES SALPETRIG-SAUREN AMYLOXYDS. Datum des | 7,;, ;,| Einathmen Blut- | Puls-Zahl Versuchs stauteg von druck | in der : Secun- . : Bemerkungen. und No. der en salpetrigs. |in Mm Zeit- © | Beobachtung. * | Amyloxyd. | Hg. einheit. Juli 9. Zu Fig. 101. 30 112 At 106 59 108 . 72 88 77 101 151 85 159 126 11,0 165 101 4. 75 12? 1 | angefangen 38 aufgehort 67 3 | angefangen 78 6 67 14 62 21 aufgehért 64 36 64 Juli 24, Zu Fig. 102. 1. 0 | angefangen 72 10 8 aufgehért 41 Krampfe. 17 38 1l 30 68 108 68 2. 0 | angefangen 18 9 Rechte Hialfte des 20 aufgehort 11 5 Riickenmark 25 8,5 4 durchschnitten. 53 8 4 114 11 8 3. 0 | angefangen 9 9 4 aufgehoit 3,5 6 20 4 4 46 6 8 spiter 9 9 Juli 23. Zu Fig, 103. 2 0 | angefangen 81 9u. 11 14 aufgehort 56 11 87 70 2. 0 | angefangen 43 8 Riickenmark am 6 43 8 occiput durel- 25 aufgehért 32 8 u. 7,5 schnitten. 33 30 8 64 42 VERSUCHSPROTOKOLL. 171 Datum des | 7,.,;| Einathmen | Blut- | Puls-Zahl Zeit in . Versuchs “pelag von druck in der B is und No. der | “Gon salpetrigs. |in Mm| = Zeit- cata ce Beobaclitung " | Amyloxyd. | Hg. einheit. Juli 23. Zu Fig. 103. 3. 0 | angefangen 42 7 34 20 aufgehidrt 32 112 36 4. 0 | angefangen 38 42 29 87 aufgehirt 31 5. 0 32 E fing an 27 123 32 Juli 31 Zu Fig. 104. i. 95 7 | angefangen 65 12 aufgehért 95 36 Riickenmarkdurch- schnitt. zwischen atias u. occiput. 2. 0 | angefangen 95 6,5 Aorta comprimirt. 8 aufgehért 95 6 16 90 33 97 G 100 40 8 Aorta losgelassen. 3. 36 angefangen 86 5,5 Aorta comprimirt. 12 92 5 31 97 5 50 22> G Aorta losgelassen. 4, 0 38 6 28 | angeiangen | 105 7 Aorta comprimirt. 42 aufgehért 107 7 70 | angefangen | 112 6 84, aufgehirt 114 92 116 106 47 Aorta losgelassen. 134, 44 Aug. 9. Zu Fig. 105. i O | angefangen $7 8 aufgehirt 65 Kriimpfe. 14 52 56 85 , 2. O | angefangen 32 6 Riickenmark durch- i aufgehort 30 6 schnitten, 172 WIRKUNG DES SALPETRIG-SAUREN AMYLOXYDS. Datum des | 7,.,;,| Einathmen | Blut- | Puls-Zahl Versuchs chia von druck | in der S Secun- ; . . Bemerkungen und No. der jan salpetrigs. |in Mm Zeit- Sens Beobachtung. |. * | Amyloxyd. | Hg. einheit. Aug. 9. Zu Fig. 105. 36 24 70 24 6 76 26 6 3 25 98 24, 3. 0 13 17 | angefangen 55 Aorta comprimirt. 24 58 27 aufgehort, 45 33 41 47 40 53 7 Aorta losgelassen. 67 3 4, 14 | 65u7 11 | angefangen 47 6, 5 Aorta comprimirt. 16 49 6 23 aufgehort 38 6 28 37 8 33 14 7 Aorta losgelassen. 5. 13 6 12 | angefangen 23 6 Aorta comprimirt. 22 aufgehort 26 5, 5 33 26 5, 5 47 17 7 Aorta losgelassen. 6. 19 5 12 | angefangen 41 6 Aorta comprimirt. 19 aufgehort 4.4 6 26 45 32 23 6 Aorta losgelassen. 50 16 6, 5 Aug. 12 Zu Fig. 106, a; 0 | angefangen 97 5 aufgehirt 76 Krimpfe. 47 126 110 119 2. 20 8 Riickenmark durch. schnitten. 25 | angefangen 92 7 Aorta comprimirt. 31 95 8 33 aufgehért 80 6,5 38 75 8 61 78 7,5 72 20 Aorta losgelassen, VERSUCHSPROTOKOLL. Datum des | 7... ;,,| Einathmen | Blut- | Puls-Zahl Versuchs ipa yon druck | in der Secun- : ; ; Bemerkungen und No. der dau salpetrigs. |in Mm.| Zeit- ey Beobachtung. Amyloxyd. | Hg. einheit. Aug. 12. Zu Fig. 105. 3. 24, Z 14 | angefangen | 107 7 Aorta comprimirt.. 21 113 7 22 aufgehért 105 6, 5 25 96 7 84 | angefangen | 118 7 86 114 vt 98 aufgehort 99 Z 103 94 8 115 1138 7 127 26 7 Aorta losgelassen 140 24 7 4, 23 8 O | angefangen | 110 7 Aorta comprimirt.. 6 110 7 8 aufgehért 92 7 18 82 7 34 108 67 108 7 70 33 Y Aorta losgelassen.. 77 20 rs 137 17 7 5. 18 5 | angefangen | 106 Aorta comprimirt.. 10 108 15 aufgehért. 92 24 85 82 104 84 27 Aorta losgelassen. 93 2 ie ON THE ACTION OF NITRITE OF AMYL ON THE CIRCULATION [AND ON ACTIVE DI- LATATION AND CONTRACTION OF ARTE- RIOLES INDEPENDENTLY OF NERVE- CENTRES}.* (From the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. v, 1871, pp. 92 to 101.) THE property of causing flushing of the face and throbbing of the carotids, which nitrite of amyl possesses, was first observed by Guthrie in 1859, but no further notice of it was taken till Dr. Richardson, in 1866, again drew attention to it. His experiments led him to conclude that it paralysed the nerves from the periphery to the centre, lessened the con- tractility of the muscles, and dilated the capillaries in the web of the frog. They were shortly afterwards repeated by Drs. Gamgee and Rutherford, who, however, found no action on the nerves, either sensory or motor, and rarely any on the capillaries of the frog. In some other experiments, also un- published, but whose results they have kindly communicated to me, they found that the sphygmographic tracing of the radial pulse underwent a remarkable change, the waves becoiing much more frequent, and their ascent, but especially descent, much more rapid; and the pulse-rate and pressure in a mano- * The chief research on which I was engaged in Professor Ludwig’s labora- tory during the summer of 1869 and winter of 1869-70 was that relating to the local dilatation and contraction of arterioles independently of nerve-centres. This was the research which Professor Ludwig had suggested and on which he worked with me, while that on nitrite of amyl was only carried on at those times when Professor Ludwig was engaged with other students. As time did not allow me to finish the research on the arterioles, that on nitrite of amyl was published and, only a brief abstract given of the results obtained during the research on the arterioles, both Professor Ludwig and I hoping that cir- cumstances might allow me to return to his laboratory and finish it. This was unfortunately not the case, and he continued to work at the subject with Hafiz, Lépine, A. Mosso, Von Frey, and Gaskell, METHOD OF EXPERIMENTATION, 175 meter connected with the carotid of a rabbit falling, when the vapour of the nitrite was inhaled. Previous division of the depressor nerves did not affect the result. The diminished blood-pressure which it produces, led me to apply it in angina pectoris, and the goud results I obtained made me anxious to investigate more closely the nature of its action. An excellent opportunity for doing so was afforded me by the kindness of Professor Ludwig, in whose laboratory at Leipzig the experiments, the result of which I am about to give, were carried on. With the exception of one or two on dogs, they were made upon rabbits ; and instead of allowing the animals simply to inhale the vapour, artificial respiration was employed, the apparatus being so arranged that the air could be either sent direct from the bellows, through a tube in the trachea, to the lungs, or passed through a vessel containing the vapour of the nitrite. The advantages of this arrangement were that the bellows being worked by an engine with great regularity, the disturbing influences of unequal respiration on the blood-pressure were to a great extent avoided. One of the chief of these is that any strongly smelling vapour, and nitrite of amyl among others, acting on the nose of rabbits, causes suspension of the respiration for a short time; and the alteration in the condition of the blood thus produced causes irritation of the vagus and slowing of the heart’s action; such as Drs. Rutherford and Gamgee found accompanying the sinking of the blood-pressure in rabbits. When air charged with the vapour was passed directly into the trachea of a rabbit the blood-pressure almost immediately sank very much, but the pulse-rate remained nearly unchanged. As the pressure sank general convulsions took plaée and the pressure immediately rose, notwithstanding the continued inhalation of the vapour, the pulse curves becoming at the same time indistinct, so that the rate could not be well ascertained. When the vapour was discontinued after twenty seconds the pressure rose still more quickly, and in a minute at most attained its normal height, as is seen in Fig. 107, where the distance along the abscissa indicates the time, and the ordinate the pressure in millimetres of mercury. This shows that very 176 ACTION OF NITRITE OF AMYL ON THE CIRCULATION, ETC. small quantities of the drug produce a great effect, and that its. action speedily passes off, the vapour being either excreted or destroyed in the body. In crder tv avoid the disturbance occasioned by the convul- sions, the animals were then poisoned by curare and the vapour administered. The pressure, as before, sank immediately and did not return to the normal amount so long as the inhalation was continued. It did not, however, sink constantly, and then remain at a definite minimum, but oscillated up and down, just as Traube observed it in curarised animals, and as is shown in the last two curves of Fig. 107. It is possible that the convulsions which occur readily in rabbits, but which I have only once, and that to a very slight extent, seen in man, are suffocative, like those produced by CO, for Dr. Gamgee has shown that nitrites acting on the blood prevent hemoglobin from giving up its O. This is the more probable as the respiration is first affected, and if a drop of nitrite of amyl be mixed with water and the vapour thus diluted be administered, the hmbs remain quiet, but the animal begins to make. respiratory movements independently of the bellows, and when the vapour is less diluted these become more and more marked till general convulsions take place. The diminished blood-pressure might be due either to a lessened power of the heart, or a dilatation of the arteries and a consequently diminished resistance. That the latter is the true cause is rendered probable by the flushing which the vapour causes, both in the human face and the rabbit’s ear, and is shown by what might at first seem an anomalous action in some dogs. When the pulse in dogs is slow, the inhalation of amyl produces comparatively little effect on the blood-pressure ; and it might be thought that its action was different in them from rabbits, but the reason is that the pulse, which in rabbits is naturally rapid, and remains unchanged by the vapour, becomes in these dogs remarkably quick, almost as much so as in rabbits. If the vagi be first divided, so that the pulse in the dog becomes quick like that of the rabbit, and the nitrite be then inhaled, the pressure falls just as in rabbits. In order to confirm this view, and at the same time to decide the question, ACTION ON RABBITS. 177 Fic. 107. Pressure in mm. Hg. \ ‘ a 5 Cc i | ' ; \ a ; x 4 4 t a ae Cee Y 1 1 ar ee ee ae Not poisoned. Poisoned with curare. Seconds. x Inhalation stopped. whether the dilatation of the vessels was due to a direct action of the substance upon them or to a diminution in the tone which N * 178 ACTION OF NITRITE OF AMYL ON THE CIRCULATION, ETC, the vaso-motor nerves derive from the medulla oblongata, another series of experiments was undertaken. This question was the more interesting from its connection with another research which I began under Professor Ludwig’s direction, but unfortu- nately have not yet finished. Professor Ludwig observed, and directed my attention to the fact, that the alterations in the lumen of arteries noticed by Schiff in the rabbit’s ear, may be seen also in all exposed arterial twigs in the skin and connective tissue They varyin amount and rapidity in different animals, and in the same animal at different times. They are sometimes absent, but in such cases may be generally produced by poison- ing with curare, or by suspending the respiration; and when once aroused, they continue some time, although the respiration be afterwards most carefully performed. That these alterations are, at least in part, completely inde- pendent of the vaso-motor nerves in the brain is shown by their occurrence in the ear and other parts, after all the nerves, sympathetic and cerebrospinal, going to the part have been divided, and after division of the cord in the neck notwithstand- ing the low pressure which then remains. The form of the variation shows that they do not depend on varying blood-pressure in the large arteries; for sometimes a contraction suddenly appears between two parts of the artery filled with blood, and in one case in the rabbit’s ear I noticed such a contraction take place in a small artery at the point where it branched off from a larger one, and proceed peristaltically dowuwards. The lightest touch on an artery after division of the nerves causes a movement generally limited to the part, and consisting not in a contraction, but in dilatation, which remains for some time, and gradually disappears. As Gunning and Cohnheim have made similar observations on the tongue and web of the frog, and some facts in Sadler’s research (Ludwig's Arbeien, Ater Jahre.) can only be explained by an independent motion of the vascular walls, it seems to be a widely extended and there- fore important phenomenon. If the nitrite acts through the vaso-motor centres in the brain, it should have no effect if these be separated from the vessels by dividing the cord in the neck, INDEPENDENT MOVEMENTS OF ARTERIES. 179 but if its action be exerted directly on the vessels, the division of the cord will not prevent it, and that it in fact does not do so, will be seen from figs.108 and 109. The blood-pressure, which =—— in @1e. 108, x Inhalation stopped, Spinal cord destroyed at the axis, Uninjured. 180 ACTION OF NITRITE OF AMYL ON THE CIRCULATION, ETC. had sunk very low after division of the cord, sank yet farther when the nitrite was inhaled. Although the sinking was not absolutely great, it was so relatively to the very low pressure already existing, and was analogous to that observed on the < ee section of a second splanchnic nerve after division of the first. The other experiments, to prove that the diminished blood- pressure after inhalation is due to dilatation of the vessels, and not to a weakened heart, consisted in compressing the aorta below the diaphragm and then administering the nitrite. If Fre. 109. x Inhalation stopped. Spinal cord cut at the occiput. Uninjured. ——— EFFECT OF DIVISION OF THE SPINAL CORD. 181 the diminution in pressure was due to a weakened heart, the inhalation of the nitrite should at once cause a diminution in the pressure to which the blood had attained after compression of the aorta. As only the circulation in the lower part of the hody was in this way cut off, we cannot expect that no sinking should take place, but only that it should be less than the normal. In order to diminish the error from this source, tliese Fie. 110. At | —Inhalation begun. x Inhalation stopped ; at the beginning of the last three observations the aorta was compressed. o Aorta opened. 182 ACTION OF NITRITE OF AMYL ON THE CIRCULATION, ETC. experiments were made after previous division of the cord in the neck so that the vessels should become relaxed, and the difference produced in their calibre by the vapour being thus less. The results obtained were, as shown in figs. 110, 111 and 112 Fie. 111. A eae x 0 ¢ Cord cut in the neck. In the last four observations the aorta was compressed ; at o the aorta was opened. — Inhalation begun. + Inhalation stopped. that sometimes a rise took place during the inhalation, but generally a sinking, much less, however, than in the normal condition. We may therefore conclude that the diminution in the blood- pressure is not due to weakening of the heart’s action, but to a c EFFECT OF COMPRESSION OF THE AORTA. . 188 dilatation of the vessels, and that this depends on the action of the nitrite on the walls of the vessels themselves. Whether + Inhalation stopped. reas aM — oe In the last three observations the spinal cord — Inhalation begun. Fra. 112. was divided, and the aorta compressed; at o the aorta was opened. The ordinates indicating the pressure begin 50 mm. above the abscissa. this is due to its action on the muscular walls themselves, or the nerve-ends in them, cannot at present be with certainty said ; e 184 ACTION OF NITRITE OF AMYL ON THE CIRCULATION. and further experiments must be made to determine whether the walls of the arteries are the only structures consisting of unstriped muscle which are affected by it. The further dilatation which takes place after the usual tone of the vessels has been destroyed by division of the cord, seems to indicate that it is of an active nature analogous to that in the vessels of the penis after irritation of its nerves; and this would point rather to an affection of the nerves than of the muscular fibres. In conclusion, I desire to express my warmest thanks to Professor Ludwig for the great kindness he has shown me, and for his invaluable advice and assistance in this investi- catlOes NITRITE OF AMYL IN ANGINA PECTORIS. (Reprinted from the Clinical Society’s Reports, vol. iii, 1870.) Wittiam H—, et. 26; formerly a blacksmith, now a toll- keeper, admitted to Ward I, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, December 7th, 1866. Antecedent History.— Patient was strong and healthy till his tenth year, when he was confined to bed for six months by a severe attack of rheumatism. During the next twelve years he had four other less severe attacks, and after recovering from the last of these his feet began to swell during the day. In April, 1866, he had a seventh attack, which lasted for a month, and six weeks after it was over he noticed an unusual palpitation of his heart, for which he entered the infirmary, and remained there three weeks, but left unrelieved. The palpita- tion gradually increased till he felt it along the line of the carotids as high up as the ears ; and in November last he began to feel besides a dull heavy pain about the left nipple. At first this came on every three days, usually during the night, and lasted half an hour. During the day he felt little inconvenience from the palpitation unless he exerted himself. On admission, the pain was no longer confined to the region of the left nipple, but was worst along the right border of the sternum, and extended up to the right arm. This pain was more severe if he walked about much, otherwise he felt well. Professor Maclagan had charge of the clinical wards at this time, and the patient was treated for six weeks with tincture of aconite, and then with tincture of digitalis; but under these remedies the pulse became intermittent, and the pain was not relieved by either, and rather aggravated by digitalis. They were therefore discontinued, the digitalis being stopped on January 31st. During their employment wet cupping over the cardiac region to the extent of 3iv temporarily relieved the pal, 186 NITRITE OF AMYL IN ANGINA PECTORIS. February 1st, Professor Maclagan’s term of office having expired, Professor Bennett took charge of the clinical wards. On February 6th the patient began to complain of pain in the back, neck, head, thighs, and elbow-joints ; he had no appe- tite, was perspiring profusely, and his pulse was 116, full and strong. Next day the pain was most severe in the shoulders, back, hip, and knee-joints. 3 On the 8th he was examined by Professor Bennett and the clinical class, and the following was found to be the condition — of his circulatory system :—Apex beat 24 inches below and 24 inches to the outside of the left nipple. On palpation, pul- sation is felt over the whole left front and side of thorax, most strongly between the fourth and sixth ribs, and faintly 07 over the supra-clavicular region. Cardiac dulness commences at the middle line of the sternum and extends laterally outwards for 5 inches. A loud, double, blowing sound is heard over the whole of the cardiac region, but is loudest at the base. Over the right sterno-clavicular articulation a single blowing is heard. Pulse 104, strong and jerking. The respiratory system was normal, the skin covered with an acid sweat, the tongue furred, no appetite, urine high-coloured and slightly albuminous. The pain in the joints continued aleng with pain in the neck in the line of the -carotids, but the pain in the cardiac region was absent. On the 11th the pulse fell to 80, and the pain in the joints diminished, but the patient was still troubled by pain in the left ear, and along the line of the carotids, with violent pulsation in them at night. On the 18th the rheumatic pains in the joints and shoulders had entirely disappeared, but the pain in the cardiac region came on during the night. On the 19th four ounces of blood were taken from the arm, with immediate relief from the pain and violent pulsation, and the pain over the heart, which usually came on at 3 a.m., was much less on the ensuing night. 25th.—Patient’s appetite remains unimpaired by the pain, and he takes all his food, consisting of steak diet, beef tea, sae eae RELIEF BY BLOOD-LETTING. 187 potatoes, and bread. Pil. Colocynth. c. Hyoscy. every other night. Ordered Tinct. Lobelize, 20 drops three times a day. 27th——The pain continued to come on during the night. Siv of blood were taken from the arm at 10 p.m. An hour after patient went to sleep, had a good night, and the pain did not come on. March 3rd.—Pain felt at 11 p.m. in breast and ears. A poultice applied over the breast gave scme relief. 6th.—Pain severe at 3 a.m., lasting for about one hour. At 9 a.m. 5iij of blood were taken from the arm. At 10 a.m. pulse 76, not so forcible as yesterday. 7th—No pain during the night. Sth —Pain came on as usual during the night. Tinct. Lobelise to be stopped. 9th.—3j of brandy to be taken when the pain comes on. 10th.—The pain came on in the night and was not relieved by the brandy. 12th.—The pain came on as usual at 3am. | No. 2 nearly quite asleep. Lies as it is placed. Reflex movements are slight. 26 min. oe és 93°1 | 46 50 min. 107°0 | 62 1 hr. 26 min. ee ee ee 28 Shivers very much with ex- piration, so that the respira- tions are difficult to count. Grunts slightly when the thermometer is introduced about into the rectum. 2hr. 4min. |102 104 | 59°5 | 380 | Both animals are chewing. 2 hr. 88 min. |101°8 Pr CBG: h 4 No. 1 is awake. Though still somewhat sleepy, it will no longer lie on its back. No. 2 cries when pinched. It was put into the warm bath. 4hr. Gmin./| «- oe 25°6; .. | No. 2 is now awake. In this experiment (No. III) the dose was small, and guinea- pig No. 2 recovered. although it was not kept warm, but not till an hour anda half after No. 1, although the latter was the smaller animal, and the dose it received was therefore much greater in proportion to its size. Expt. IV. Into each of three guinea-pigs 1:1 e.c. of 50 per cent. solution of hydrate of chloral was injected subcutaneously. No. 1 weighed 640 grammes, No. 2, 670 grammes, and No, 3, 717 gramines, 202 EFFECT OF WARMTH IN PREVENTING DEATH FROM CHLORAL, After injection 19 min. 9 min. 2 hr. 20 min. 2 hr. 40 min. 2 hr. 50 min. 3 hr. O min. 5 hr. 30 min. 5 hr. 60 min. 6 hr. O min. 7 hr. 50 min. 8 hr. 10 min. 8 hr. 20 min. 22 hr. O min. No. 1 No. 2. No. 3. Temp. | Resp. | Temp.| Resp. | Temp.| Resp. 101°6°| .. |402°6°| .. j201 4°), se es ee ee 85 a7, ee ee 97 36 104°4 | 74 ee ee o 83 20 95°3 103 *d 70 ee ee ee ee ? 10 . ee 94 ‘6 ee ee e 100°6 | 76 ee ee ee ee ee 8 ee . 93 2 ee e ae 100 °8 ; as in ee : No. 1 was put at once into a hot-air bath after the in- jection. No. 2 was quite nar- cotised and was wrapped in cotton- wool. No. 3 was narcotised and was left lying on table. Saliva runs from mouth. Begins to show signs of reflex when pinched. Is_ beginning to awake. No. i is dead. It appeared to have had convulsions, for some of the cotton-wool lining the bath was caught in its teeth. No. 3 is still alive. On pinching one hind foot he moves both it and the other one. Occa- sionally opens its mouth in aconvul- sive manner and paws with its feet while it lies on its side. It died a short while after. In this experiment the animal No. 1 died in too high a temperature of the bath. consequence of WARM AIR-BATH VERSUS COTTON: WOOL. 203 Expt. V. Into the flank of a guinea-pig, No. 1, weighing 392 grammes, was injected 0°75 cc. of a 50 per cent. solution of chloral, and into the axilla of another, No. 2, weighing 335 grammes, 0*9 c.c. of the same solution. Temp. of animal. No. 1. No. 2. After injection— 3 min. ee ee No. 1 lies quite quiet. No. 2 put into a warm-air bath at 98°6°. 5 min. 98 *2 98 °0 12 min. oe? 98 *3 No. 1 is dead. The heart beat after the respiration stopped. The respirations of No. 2 became very rapid and deep after it was put in the air bath. 2 hr. 26 min. oe 111 *4 No. 2 was heard to give a grunt, and on taking it out almost immedi- ately after it was found to be dead. The dose was here either too large or the temperature of the bath rose too high. Expt. VI. Into each of three guinea-pigs, No. 1 weighing 490 grammes, No. 2 weighing 425 grammes, and No. 3 weighing +15 grammes, 1‘1 c.c. of a 50 per cent. solution of chloral hydrate was injected subcutaneously. 204 EFFECT OF WARMTH IN PREVENTING DEATH FROM CHLORAL A minute or two after injection .. 1 hr. 2 hr. 2 hr. 2 hr. 8 hr. 3 hr. 4 hr. 4 hr. 6 hr. 6 hr. 10 hr. 2) hr. 22 hr. 5 min. 81 min. 13 min. 15 min. 26 min. 35 min. 35 min. 56 min. 7 min. 16 min. 45 min. 56 min. O min. 30 min. O min. No. 1 No. 2. No. 3. Temp.| Resp. | Temp.| Resp. | Temp.) Resp. 100° | 90 | 99°4°| 96 | 100° | 84 ee 26 ee ee about 87 13 s e* ee ee ee ee 96 8 36 es e- ° es 105°4} 90 ? 8 ee 4 e e ee ee «» | 938°C | 27 ee ee ee 102 “€ 94, Oo eel | ee ee . 102 ¢ . ee ee 850] 8h ee ee 93 O ee e ee Nos. 2 and 3 quite narcotised. No. 1 quite narco- tised. No. 1 left exposed. No. 2 rolled up in cotton wadding, and No.8 put into a warm-air bath at 86°. No. 1 shows some reflex action of foot when it is pinched. Respirations of No.1 are very deep. Pulse of No. 1 is 89 per minute. No. 3 grunts when pinched. No. 1 is dead. No. 3 is awaking. No. 3 is running about. No. 2 has just been delivered of a young one, which is dead. No. 2 can run about. No. 2 seems quite well; eats heartily. This experiment shows the effect of warmth in preventing death, and the rapidity of recovery when the onimal is put in a warm bath, compared with that which it makes when encased in cotton-wool. All these experiments were made in August, 1870, in the laboratory of my friend, Dr. Burdon Sanderson, and I gladly take this opportunity of returning him my most hearty thanks for the facilities and aid he afforded, and the kindness which he then and ever has shown me. INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE PULSATIONS OF THE MAMMALIAN HEART AND ON THE ACTION OF THE VAGUS. (Reprinted from St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Reports, vol. vii, 1871, pp. 216 to 228.) THE influence of warmth in quickening the pulse has been long known, but the hypothesis put forward by Budge,* and again by Liebermeister,f that the quickness of the pulse in fever is due to the increased temperature of the body, gives it an interest to physicians which it would not otherwise possess. This hypothesis is grounded on the fact that increased tem- perature, within certain limits, causes the hearts of frogs and mammals to beat more quickly, both when they are in the body and after they have been separated from it. This has been observed in the frog’s heart by Humboldt,t Pickford,§ Weber, Budge,{ Tigger,** Panum,fft Calliburces,ff Schelske,§§ and by Cyon,|||| in Ludwig’s laboratory. As the experiments of the last-mentioned observer were more complete and extended than those of the others, I shall give the results which he obtained. His experiments were performed by removing the heart entirely from the body of the frog, filling it with serum through the vena cava, and connecting the aorta with a manometer, by which the number and force of the pulsations could be measured and registered. The heart was then enclosed in a vessel whose temperature could be altered at will. Any * Budge, quoted by Panum. + Liebermeister, Deutsch. Arch. f. klin, Med., vol. i, 464. ~ Quoted by Panum. § Pickfurd, Henle u. Pf. Zeitsct., vol. xi, 2, 1851. || Weber, quoted by Panum. { Budge, Arch. f. phys. Heilk, vol. v, 599. ** Tigger, Dissertation, 1853, yuuted by Panum. t+ Panum, Bibliothek fiir Layer, Bd. x, p. 46, and Schmidt’s Jahrb., 1858. tt Calliburces, Gaz. hebd., 1857, p. 458. §§ Schelske, Ueber die Verdnderung der Erregbarkeit durch die Wdrme, 1860, \|\| Cyon, Ludwig’s Arbeiten, 1866. %06 INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE MAMMALIAN HEART. change in the number of the heart-beats which was produced by an alteration of temperature was of course due to its action on the nerves or muscular substance of the heart itself, as it had been severed from all connection with other structures, In this way he found that it is only within a certain limited range of temperature that the frog’s heart pulsates at all, the lower limit being from 32° to 288° F., and the upper one between 86° and 104° F., the limits varying somewhat with each individual heart. When itis cooled down, its beats become slower and slower till it reaches the lower limit, and then they stop altogether. When it is slowly warmed, they beconie quicker and quicker till they 1each their maximum rapidity, within a few degrees of the upper limit. They then become slower and slower, and finally stop when the limit itself is reached. During the time the heart is being warmed, the - number of its beats does not steadily increase throughout in the same proportion to the rise of temperature. From the lower limit the number of beats increases at first very slowly, ‘and then more and more quickly for each increment of tempera- ture, till the maximum rapidity is attained, and then, with each degree of rise in the temperature, the pulsations diminish in number, rapidly though irregularly, and soon cease. In the two or three degrees which precede complete stillstand the beats become not only slow but irregular, so that almost no two intervals between them are of the same length. At the under limit of temperature the heart contracts only to a small extent, but a few degrees above it the maximum amount of contraction is reached, and this amount continues the same up to from 572° to 66°2° F., when the contractions again begin to get smaller and smaller. Just before it is stopped altogether by the heat, the. ventricle no longer contracts as a whole, but does so in a peristaltic manner, so that it sometimes seems to be contracting vigor- ously, and yet not a drop of the fluid it contains is expelled, but it is merely moved about from place to place in the ventricular cavity, one part expanding as another contracts, and vice versd. When the heart is beating regularly, at moderate tempera- ACTION ON THE HEART AND VAGUS IN FROGS. 207 tures, irritation of the venous sinus causes cessation of the beats; but during stillstand from cold, each irritation of it produces a single contraction, and during stillstand from heat produces tetanus of the heart. The inhibitory centres through which the irritation of the sinus acts, at ordinary temperatures in producing slowing and stoppage of the heart, seem there- fore to be completely paralysed by heat, as otherwise they would prevent the contraction from becoming tetanic, and would only allow it to be intermittent. Schelske also found that if the vagus, which usually causes slowing, be irritated by a strong electric current, while the heart is in this condition of stillstand from heat, an undulating contraction is produced. This may be due, as Cyon thinks, to the current being partly conducted to the heart, and irritating it directly ; but it seems to strengthen the supposition that the inhibitory centres in the heart, and through which the vagus usually produces slow- ing, are paralysed. Pickford, Budge, Tigger, and Panum found that the hearts which were exposed to a high temperature soon ceased beating and lost their irritability, so that they no longer contracted on the application of a stimulus either mechanical or electrical, while those exposed to a moderate temperature continued to beat, and retained their irritability for a very much longer time. Budge and Tigger had assumed that the action of tempera- ture on the mammalian heart was the same as on that of the frog; but as Nysten had not noticed temperature to exert any particular influence over the time that the mammalian heart retained its irritability after separation from the body, while its. action was so marked in frogs, Panum thought it well to test. this assumption by experiment. 3 He took three rabbits of exactly the same age, and as nearly as possible of the same size and strength, killed them by divid- ing the spinal cord in the neck, and at once removed the heart and lungs. These were then placed in vessels in which the air was kept moist so as to prevent the irritability of the heart. being injured by drying. The temperature in one vessel was 42°8° F., in a second 61°7° F., and in the third 91:'4° F. The 208 INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE MAMMALIAN HEART. heart which was put into the warmest vessel beat much more rapidly, and that in the coldest vessel more slowly, than the ~ one which was exposed to a moderate temperature. He also found, although Nystén had failed to observe it, that, just as with the frog’s heart, the rabbit’s heart which had been put in the warm vessel, and thus caused to beat more quickly, stopped pulsating and lost its irritability by tactile or electrical stimuli much sooner than that in the temperate one. The heart which was put in the cold vessel lost its irritability even sooner than that which was warmed, or rather it seemed to lose it, for the irritability was not destroyed but was merely dormant, and when moderately warmed the heart again became irritable, and remained so for a considerable time. I have made several experiments on the effect of temperature on the rabbit’s heart while it still remained in the body, some- times leaving all its nervous connections untouched, and some- times dividing the vagi. These experiments were made by narcotising the animal with opium or chloral, and laying it in a tin vessel about 20 inches long by 6 inches broad, and 3 inches deep in the inside, and well padded with cotton wool. The vessel was double, and by pouring hot water into it, the temperature of the rabbit was gradually raised. The belly of the animal was also covered with cotton wool, and sometimes with an india-rubber bag containing hot water. To make respiration easier, a cannula was introduced into the trachea, and in some experiments the inspired air was passed over warm water, so as to warm it and saturate it with moisture and lessen the loss of heat from the lungs. The pulsations of the heart were counted by pushing a fine needle through the thoracic walls into the heart, so that it vibrated with each pulsation, and con- necting its outer end, by means of a fine thread, with the lever of one of Marey’s cardiographs, which registered the beats on a revolving cylinder covered with smoked paper. (Vide p. 294.) By means of this arrangement, which I owe to Professor Stricker of Vienna, it is possible to count the pulsations with great exactitude, even when the heart is beating at the rate of 470 in a minute, as it did in one instance. The temperature was measured by a thermometer in the rectum. As the animals UPPER LIMIT OF TEMPERATURE. 209 were completely narcotised, and remained perfectly motionless, the thermometer remained undisplaced in the rectum from the beginning to the end of the experiments. | The results are shown in the following table :— Pulsations in 15 Seconds. Tempera- ture. No. of Experiment. I. x} 00. | IV. Vv. VI. VII. Vii. vagus cut. vagus cut. 99° F. ee ee 7. 76 es ee 98 100 ee oe ee 71 oe 78 101 ee ee ee 73 ee 81 1u2 ee ee oe 76 ee 86 83 82 103 ee ee 85 77 78 87 &4 83 104 . ee ee ay 82 81 89 $7 &9 105 oe ee 85 85 85 86 91 118 106 ee oe ee 89 87 58 91 103 107 a ee 88 91 &8 ee 97 91 108 oe ee 7 94 90 oe 97 89 109 es es 97 96 ee oe 101 102 110 ee ee 97 97 ee ee 110 102 111 ee ee 101 | 102 ar ee 108 105 112 ee ve 99 ee ee ee 109 103 113 oe ee 85 ee ve ee 90 112 114 ee ee ee ee ee ee ee bay 115 116 «A From this table it will be seen that the heart beats more quickly as the temperature of the animal rises, till it reaches its maximum, and then becomes slower, and finally stops. The increase in the number of beats is not the same for each degree of rise in the temperature, and the number of beats at the same temperature, and also the amount of quickening for each degree of rise of temperature, differs in the different animals. The upper limit of which the heart stands still varies in different animals, but in the stronger animals it is between 113° and 114° F., or even above it. It must be remembered, however, that this was the temperature of the rectum; and as the back of the animal lay on the warm cotton wool covering the tin vessel, and its belly was covered with cotton wool as well, while the thorax was not covered, so as not to interfere P 210 INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE MAMMALIAN HEART. with the working of the cardiac needle, it is probable that the - temperature in the rectum was higher than in the thorax. In Experiment VIII the heart became markedly irregular just before it stopped. The effect of increased temperature on the pulse of healthy men has been studied by Lemonnier, Currie, Bartels, Lieber- meister,* and others, and they all agree that the pulse rises “with the temperature. From an analysis of 280 cases, Liebermeister found that the ‘pulse became quick as the temperature rose, although the amount of quickening was not the same for each degree of increase. The regularity of the quickening was, however, quite as great as that which I have found in rabbits, as is evident from the numbers which he gives. and which I append here: Temperature 98°6° F. 99°5 100°4 101°3 102°2 103°1 104 104°9 105°8 106°7 107°6 Mean pulse rate .. 786 841 91:2 94°7 99°8 1025 10851094110 1186 1375 Increase for each ‘9° F. SO. TL 8S FLV S7 > oe) 8. 6 ee ee We see then that the number of pulsations increases with the temperature in the hearts of frogs and rabbits, both when exercised and when in the body; that it does so in healthy men, and also in exactly the same way in a fever patient. In view of all these facts, even although we find so high an authority as Wunderlich? stating that it is by no means cer- tainly shown that the cardiac contractions are determined by the temperature, it seems to me that we can hardly avoid the conclusion that the quickness of the pulse in fever is mainly ” 20 33 29 115 ‘8 3? 3) ” 30 ” Bins 116 “4 The animal was now removed from the apparatus. In taking off the head-holder, the animal’s jaws were found to be so firmly locked together that it was with considerable difficulty that the bar of the holder could be removed from between the teeth. On opening the abdomen the muscular walls were found to be somewhat congested; the viscera were rather pale. Behind the right kidney, in the cellular tissue, over the psoas muscle, there was an extravasation of blood, about 2 inches long by about 4 an inch broad. Lungs natural. Left ventricle was firmly contracted ; right ventricle nearly empty. The left ventricle Fe, Sa EXPERIMENT WITH SMALL DOSE OF CHLORAL. 215 was quite hard, and the septum seemed to have contracted so firmly that the apex of the heart had a cleft appearance. Both auricles were moderately filled; the bladder contained a good deal of urine. During the experiments the muscles of the neck seemed somewhat cedematous. Experiment IV.—A young rabbit was narcotised by the sub- cutaneous injection of chloral. The amount seemed insufficient ; and after the animal was placed in the apparatus, the right jugular was exposed for the purpose of injecting some into it. The vein had several irregular branches, one of which was un- fortunately wounded, and the animal lost some blood. The vein was then tied, and the choral injected into the carotid artery. No cannula was placed in the trachea. A thread was passed under the right vagus, but it was not cut. No hot-water | bottle was placed on the abdomen, but only a piece of cotton wadding. Temp. Pulse. 70 Right vagus irritated CORSO OREO TE RT ERED OEE OE ee OEED 30 7 seconds after Sere eer er eee ee ee eee eee eee eee ee | 72 72 Vagus WTILALOM «0.0 cocece ct veces ceceseress ce ceccce 13 OE. iesce 76 100 Siece as 101 rere? gee 102 eevee 76 Oe ie I 5 104°2 sesoee 82 105 covces 80 106 cocsee 89 107 coosee 91 108 coccce = 109 severe 96 110 cocece “OF 111 eoveee 102 TI1L°*S wcseee 102 Vagus irritated secereseseeesesese yt OS ara ore 37 The animal now awoke, so I removed it from the apparatus and administered a fresh dose of chloral. Unfortunaely, how- ever, I injected it into the abdominal cavity, and the rabbit died in a few minutes. | Experiment V.—A rabbit was chloralised and placed in the apparatus, a cannula put in the trachea, and both vagi exposed. 216 INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE MAMMALIAN HEART. Temp. 103 °5° F. ...eeeeceee. Pulse 78 Right FACIE Cub. arivecocesesess LOD O 40.00 megs cp aetete ae PiGTe Vath Cat Ls cas cadececeus U2 'O" Sine sane teesn 6 see Right irritated 2... cccocccscccescccessvccesesssesdcveccece a0 ASEOVWRIOS 5.0 sida. 50.40.06 60:6.0:40,ae dt be we hee see se den vane ae eee Left vagus irritate 1 2. cess cccvccsccescrccccccaseccecccsssce 26 PE RECON WEPAG ka 50.40 s 0 eaulere d eb aq AN Sle cues usdaebe 6040 meee tne Temperature rising rapidly, about 0-3? ina minute -sccuseescecs, BOG O-LUS'S (5s50 ca aew eeu B secccecesece § SL 105 °5-105°B wccevecceeee 889 106 *5-106-°7 wccevecovece - OF LOT 5 -1076: vcicnss seve une 108 °5-103°6 cecccccccese «90 Heart sudderly became slow and WEAK .. cecccccccecasscevens 109 2 sececevecseccccess stopped Experiment VI.—A young rabbit, weighing about 14 lbs., was narcotised by the injection of 4 ¢.c. of 50 per cent. chloral solu- tion under the skin of the flank. Shortly after it was placed in the apparatus the respiration stopped, but the carotids were seen vigorously pulsating. The trachea was quickly opened, a cannula inserted, and artificial respiration begun. The heart, which had begun to get weak, soon pulsated normally again. A thread was passed under the right vagus, but it was not cut Temp. 104°4° F. .....2.... Pulse 82 100 °*1 eevee eeeeeeeeeeene 78 POISIOIE As rnsarnivns ee 102-102 °2 eeeee eeeeeeee 86 108-1031 ...... rake os ae 1089-103 Bo. isvevtwve se OF FS pants as Peay gins Oe 1: Pat Ree BD eae . 86 BOG Aus ahecevawaesske Lee PO ener ty Sia aeata ee Began artificial respiration .. 106‘2 ....ceeceseseees. G4 Respiration began to go on again naturally, but soon stopped ; and on again beginning artificial respiration the animal did not recover. On post-mortem examination, blood was found to have extravasated into the pericardium from the heart. Experiment VII.—A young rabbit, weighing about 14 Ib., was narcotised by injecting 3 c.c. of a 50 per cent. chloral solution subeutaneously. Anhour afterwards a cannula was introduced into the trachea. MOTOR ACTION OF VAGUS. 217 Temp. 99°S° F. .....e0e++ Pulse 76 DORR eva whadnuceen oe) FO Both vagi cut.ccccccccescee DIDI coccccescccscceee. 98 Animal was now warmed.... 1O2Z*4 wccccccesscccceee 83 L0G oa daweateeewcese, 84 104 cecccccccccvccece 87 105,-- cecccccodestivcves, OL 106 OP ee rr ry re et | AGT. scan seeecadencshe (ae WFD)... ccawds wacineaeeuat Oa 108 +1089 kk cinwesaeten De 1039 ob abt onibes doetee A 10976 =100"7D) sce awsianes) Sue 410°3-110-°4. wn cecesenen, LAV TERT AL, veces pease BIDIG=IAIE Te ois cedmseises eee BESTS lis isiasceacate: a0e BAS Se 1187 ss bs ceeecen 200 FIG Gases esabesGucken, ee RES A Wi wi.tdttadies seen ee OOM LNG slowness should be produced when the distance between the primary and secondary coils is. greater—that is, when the current is weaker than before. It is generally assumed that the fibres are not likely to be affected, and these experiments are rarely performed. Are the Vagus-ends Excited ?—-We may test this in the same way as the action on the roots, by injecting the drug at one time into the jugular and at another into the carotid. If it increase the excitability of the ends without affecting the roots, we should find it produce, when injected into the jugular vein, an imme- diate slowing of the pulse, which does not become greater in a quarter of a minute afterwards, when the drug has reached the roots. When injected into the carotid, no slowness should occur till sufficient time has elapsed for it to pass round to the heart. 302 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. If it increase the excitability of both roots and ends, immediate slowness should occur, whether it be injected into the jugular or carotid, and this should become more marked after 15 or 20 seconds. If, like physostigma, it increase not only the excitability of the vagus-ends, but that of the quickening centre in the head, injection into the jugular should be followed by immediate slowing, which would become less marked when the drug reached the head, and injection into the carotid by an immediate quickening, which would become less or give place to slowness when the drug reached the heart. At first sight one might think that, after time had been allowed for the drug to pass rcund the circulation and be applied both to the vagus-roots and ends, its action on the heart would be the same whether it had been originally injected into the jugular or into the carotid; but this is not the case, for that organ towards which the drug was injected gets a larger dose, and its action is more strongly excited than that of the other. Thus when physostigma is injected into the carotid, the quickening centres are stimulated and the pulse-rate rises; and, although the pulse falls somewhat after the vagus-ends have also been acted on, it nevertheless continues above the normal, the stimu- lation of the vagus-ends not being able to counteract the still more excited quickening centres. When it is injected into the jugular, the vagus-ends get the largest dose; and although the pulse, which is at first made very slow, may afterwards become quicker when the drug reaches the brain, it nevertheless does not reach the normal rate, the quickening centres being unable to counteract the more strongly excited vagus. If the vagus be then cut, however, the pulse becomes quicker than it would have done had no physostigma been given; or, if the vagi be first cut and the drug injected, the pulse is quickened at once. One might think that, since the drug acts on the vagus- ends, its action should remain after the nerves themselves have been divided; but since it is by increasing the excita- bility of the ends that it acts, if we separate these ends from the roots, and thus remove their normal stimulus, their increased excitability can have but little effect. In order to measure the amount of increase in the excitability of SYMPATHETIC NERVES—CARDIAC GANGLIA. _ 305 the nerves, we divide the vagi and irritate them by an induc- tion-coil, noting the strength of current required to produce still-stand or slowness of the heart before and after injection of the drug into the veins. Is the Sympathetic Paralysed ?—This is tested by cutting the vagi and dividing the spinal cord between the first and second cervical vertebrae, so as to exclude the action of those centres in the head which quicken the heart and raise the blood-pressure ; the drug is then injected, and the sympathetic irritated by an induced current and the pulse counted. If it be quickened by the irritation, the sympathetic is not paralysed. Are the Cardiac Ganglia Paralysed ?—To see whether or not the nervous structures contained in the heart itself are acted on by a drug, we must separate it from all other nerves passing to it from without, and prevent its being acted on by anything other than the drug, such as altered blood-pressure or tempera- ture. This is done in mammals by dividing the vagi, the sympathetic cord, the depressor, and the spinal cord between the first and second cervical vertebrae. The heart is thus sepa- rated from the quickening and retarding centres, so that any alteration in its beats must be due to the nerves contained in its walls, or the muscular fibre of these walls themselves: at the same time the vessels are separated from the vaso-motor centre, and the heart is thus protected from the effects of any change in the blood-pressure, except the generally unimportant ones produced by the action of the drug on the vascular walls. The number and amplitude of the heart’s contractions are then registered by a needle placed in the ventricle, and the blood- pressure by the manometer ; poison is injected into the jugular, and the tracings taken afterwards are compared with those taken before: If we find that the heart-beats have become slower and weaker, while the pressure they have to overcome has not been increased, we may conclude that the motor nerves or the muscular substance of the heart have become paralysed. If the blood-pressure have risen, blood should be allowed to flow from an artery till it falls to its previous level, and then tracings should be taken with the needle for comparison with the previous ones. 304 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. The action of drugs on the heart can be studied still better in the frog than in mammals, as the heart of the former can be completely separated from the body, so that the drug can be applied to it alone. After its removal it continues to pulsate . just as before, and, consequently, any action of the drug on the rhythm or force of its beats can be very easily noticed. The usual way of making experiments on this subject formerly was to take out the heart and lay it in a solution of the poison, or, what was better, to take two glasses containing solution of chlo- ~ ride of sodium (half per cent.) and.add a little of the drug to one of them. A frog’s heart was then laid in each, and the beats of the poisoned compared with those of the unpoisoned one. Both of these plans are inferior to that of Ludwig, who supplies the heart with serum so as to keep it as nearly as possible in a nor- mal condition, and attaches to it a manometer, so that it may itself register the number and form of its beats, and give more exact indications than could be obtained by merely looking at it. The apparatus which he and Cyon first used, and which is figured in his Arbeiten for 1866, has been considerably modified by Dr. H. P. Bowditch, and is shown in Fig. 136. It consists of a bent glass tube (c c’ 0”), which is supported by a glass plate (p). The frog’s heart (A) is connected to the ends of this tube by means of india-rubber tubing and two glass cannule, one of which (B) is tied into the vena cava and the other (B’) into the aortic bulb. The tube has three openings, each of which is furnished with a three-way glass stopcock. By means of one of these (v) it can be filled with serum from a reservoir (K or K’), and the stopcock may be so turned as to allow serum to enter the part of the tube above it, the part below it, or both together, or the communication with K may be shut off while the lumen of the tube remains open. By c’, the serum which has been already uséd is allowed to escape, when a fresh supply is giyen, and oc’ allows the tube to communicate with a manometer (M), - on the mercury in which a fine pen floats and registers its oscil- lations on a revolving cylinder (Q). Each time the heart con- tracts it drives the serum with which it is filled out of the ventricle, round the tube, and back through the vena cava into the auricle, and at the same time raises the mercurial column in M. a7 hie ial aes =: a Se ag ital. fo ed madd bated S$ ih f bel te bleh bold thai ele ee meee ee Tie had ea el a eS i 2 = rTy oes ie ee ed oe BOWDITCH’S APPARATUS. 305 Fie. 186.—Dr. H. P. Bowditch’s Apparatus for Experiments on the Heart of the Frog. K 4 Byt ca : fe a ’ N ~ | & Joa cl y [ ow S D é : Pe ei 3 B Bom A is the frog’s heart. B is a cannula tied into the vena cava, and B’ one into the aortic bulb. o, oc’ and o” are three glass stopeocks. By c fresh serum is supplied, by oc’ old serum is let out, and 0” allows the communication between the bent tube B 0’ B’ and the manometer M to be opened or shut at will. Disa glass plate, through which the bent tube B 0’ B’ passes. E isa rod ending ina ring into which p is fitted. ¥F isa nut by which the whole apparatus can be moved up and down on the standg@. H is a T-tube. J and J’ are two clips to stop the flow of serum from K ork’. K and XK’ are two fountain-bottles for supplying serum to the heart. K contains pure, and x’ poisoned serum. 1 and L’ are bent tubes which convey the serum out of K and K’. Misasmall manometer. N is the pen or point which swims on the mercury. The horizontal part is made of glass; the vertical rod of esparto grass, with a small piece of sealing-wax at its iower end. The tracing may be made with ink, or with a dry point on smoked paper. P isasmall weight which hangs by a piece of unspun silk from a bent wire, and keeps the pen resting on the paper. Q is the revolving cylinder. 8 is the clockwork, which is provided with one of Foucault’s regulators. s is a table, which can be raised or lowered at pleasure, and fixed at any height by the screw T. Vis an india-rubber tube, through which the serum is emptied from x, x is a graduated tube, into which the serum is allowed to pass after it has circu- lated some time. yY is an india-rubber tube, which is generally closed by a clip, but is opened when the apparatus is to be filled, or when we wish to let down the mercury to zero, in order to draw an abscissa. wW is a glass vessel, which fits tightly to the under side of p, and protects the heart from external irrita- tion. Into the two holes seen in p tubes may be fitted air-tight, and the heart made to pulsate in an atmosphere of any sort of gas.* * This apparatus is made by Geisler, Blume’s Hof, Berlin. Mr. Hawksley, x 306 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. The height of the curve traced by the pen depends very much on the amount of serum which the heart contains, being very much higher when the heart is full; and it must, there- fore, be equally filled each time, or very different tracings will be obtained. For this purpose I use, as reservoirs for the serum, fountain-bottles, in the mouth of which it always stands at the same level, and, consequently, always fills the heart at the same pressure. One of them (kK) is filled with pure serum, and the other (K’) with serum to which a certain amount of the drug to be tested has been added. For the purpose of introducing the cannula into the heart, the brain and. cord of the frog are destroyed by a piece of wire, and the animal fixed on its back to a board. A V-shaped in- cision, with its apex at the lower end of the sternum, and its limbs extending upwards and outwards towards the forearms, is then made in the skin, and the flap turned back or cut off. The sternum is then removed in a similar way. The pericardium is next opened, the cut being made while the heart is contracted, so as to avoid injuring it. The apex of the heart itself is then turned upwards, and two ligatures are passed underneath a small vein which runs from its posterior surface to the pericar- dium. The ligatures are tied, and the vein is cut between them. The pericardium must now be removed entirely from the heart, and the vena cava superior and the right branch of the aorta tied. The vena cava inferior is carefully isolated; a ligature is passed under it, a short and wide cannula tied into it, and another into the left branch of the aorta. The heart is then cut ‘away from the body. Both cannule are filled with serum, and connected by india-rubber tubing to the ends of the tube cc’ co”, care being taken to exclude air-bubbles. The end of the mano- meter nearest C is filled with serum by opening the clip at y, and allowing all the air and a little serum to escape. The clip is then replaced, and the heart allowed to beat once or twice, with the stopcock c and the clip J freely open, so that it may of Blenheim Street, Oxford Street, has adapted a bobbin and rollers to the revolving cylinder figured above, so that it will carry a continuous roll of paper, and may be conveniently used instead of the kymographion shown in fig. 133. The instruments which I have already described as necessary for experiments may be obtained from him or from Oswald Hornn, Schiller Strasse, Leipzig. LUDWIG AND COATS’ APPARATUS. 307 become full of fresh serum. The stopcock c is then turned so as to cut off the tube c c’ c” from all communication with kK ;. and tracings are then taken, an abscissa or zero-line being drawn under each. The heart is next supplied with poisoned serum from Kk’, and the tracings which it gives are compared with the normal ones. By slightly turning the stopcock c, a greater or less resistance may be opposed to the circulation of fluid, and the effects thus imitated which contraction or relaxation of the vessels would produce in the living animal. Another apparatus has been invented by Ludwig, and used by Coats in his research on the vagus, in which there is no circulation, the serum being simply forced out of the ventricle at each systole, aud falling back at each diastole. It gives, however, very good tracings of the number and form of the heart-beats, and is extremely well adapied for observations on the effects of drugs on the vagus. It consists of a manometer, E, and a reservoir, A, with which the frog’s heart is connected by two cannule, D and p’. The frog’s heart is prepared by destroy- ing the brain and spinal cord, removing the sternum and fore- legs, but leaving a large flap of skin, s, to cover the heart with, and then introducing a cannula into the vena cava and aorta, as in the former experiment. Instead of then cutting out the heart, the liver and lungs are removed, and the stomach is cut through the middle ; and a glass tube, sealed at both ends, and as thick as the cesophagus will admit, is pushed through it till one end projects at the mouth and the other from the cut end of the stomach. The vagus is thus clearly displayed; and, in order to isolate it more perfectly, all other nerves should be cut away, as well as a part of the pharynx, so that no soft parts may touch it from its exit from the bone to the place where it crosses the aorta. From this point to the heart, it should be left untouched; and the jugular vein should not be tied, so as to Jeave it undisturbed. The glass tube J is then fixed firmly in a holder L, and the cannule, pD and pb’, connected with the reservoir A, and the manometer Er. Instead of the reservoir A shown in the figure, it is perhaps better to use two fountain- bottles. The apparatus is used just like that shown in Fig. 136; and the heart should in this case also be filled so full that a x 2 Fie. 137.—Ludwig and Coats’ Frog-heart Apparatus. | AY Te in : L i i l NYT | i iF lt : lt NC i et fi Ais a reservoir for serum. B, a stopcock to regulate the supply to the heart. Cc, a piece of caoutchouc tubing connecting A and D. D, a giass cannula in the vena cava inferior. oD’, another in the aorta. £E,a manometer. F, a piece of tubing closed by a clip, to allow of the escape of serum. 4, a fine pen, floating on the mercury in E. H, the frog’s heart. J, a sealed glass tube, passed through the cesophagus kK, and firmly held by a holder t. M, anut which allows L to be moved upand down. N, a second holder to support A. p,a stand with upright rod. §, a flap of skin to cover the heart and prevent drying. v, the vagus. GANGLIONIC APPARATUS IN HEART. 309 certain tension exists within it even during diastole. The amount of this is shown by the height of the diastolic curve above the zero-line. When the vagus is irritated, the tension during the diastole sinks; but, if its inhibitory fibres be para- lysed by atropia, which leaves its quickening ones unhutt, irri- tation has then the opposite effect, and the tension during the diastole becomes greater and greater till the heart may stand still in firm contractions. What Part of the Ganglionic Apparatus in the Heart is affected ?—In dealing with this part of the subject, we tread on very unstable ground, for here pharmacology has almost run ahead of physiology ; and even with our physiological know- ledge of the nervous structures of the heart a great deal of speculation is mixed. We know that the heart contains ganglia scattered through its substance, but found in the greatest num- bers in the septum between the auricles and in the auriculo- ventricular groove of the frog’s heart, in which they have been chiefly investigated. As the heart, long after it has been separated from the body, or the apex after it has been cut off from the ventricle, will still continue to beat rhythmically, the cause of the contractisns must be contained in itself; and we assuine the cause in each part to be the cardiac ganglia, and suppose that they are connected by some apparatus which keeps them working harmoniously together, as the different parts of the heart all contract in a definite order so long as it is unin- jured. Their action may be rendered slow or quick by nerves passing to them from Without, both the retarding and the quickening nerves being contained in the vagus in the frog while in mammals the retarding ones are found in the vagus, and the quickening ones chiefly in the third branch of the ganglion stellatum (or first dorsal generally joined to the last cervical), although some may also be found in the vagus. Some physiologists consider that the function of all the ganglia is simply to keep up rhythmical movements in the heart. Others hold that only some of them, found chiefly in the venous sinus and ventricle, have this function: while others are inhibitory, and restrain the action of the former. Thcse inhibitory ones exist chiefly in the septum 310 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES between the two auricles. The reason of this supposition is that, when the venous sinus is separated from the rest of the heart, it continues to pulsate; but the auricles and ven- tricles stand still. When the ventricle is cut off from the auricles, it begins to beat again, but the auricles do not; so that it would seem as if the motor apparatus in the venous sinus and ventricles together could overcome the inhibitory apparatus in the auricles, and keep the heart going; but that this is too strone for the motor ganglia in the ventricle alone, and will not let them go on till they are separated from it, or till it becomes exhausted, which it seems to do after a little, and then both auricles and ventricles begin anew. The physiologists who hold the simpler view, say that this stoppage is only due to the irritation of the vagus-fibres which run along the venous sinus, and that the renewed cardiac contractions are simply due to the irritation passing off. ‘The pharmacologist, however, is not contented even with the more complicated of these mechanisms, but demands a still more elaborate nervous apparatus in order to explain the action of poisons on the heart. The necessity for this has been clearly shown and a plan of the nerves drawn up by Professor Schmiedeberg. I have endeavoured to represent the supposed nature of this apparatus in the accompanying diagram. (Fig. 138.) It consists of a ganglion M, which keeps up a rhyth- mical contraction of those muscular fibres of the heart to which it is connected by the fine nervous filaments E. This ganglion is connected by an intermediate apparatus, B, with an inhibitory ganglion I, which can retard or stop the muscular contractions which M produces; and by another apparatus c, with another canglion Q, which quickens the contractions. I is connected by an intermediate apparatus, A, with the retarding fibres v, of the vacus, and Q by A’ with the quickening nerves s, of the heart. Inhibitory Gunglia of Heart—We have hitherto included under the terms vagus-ends all the inhibitory apparatus in the heart; but, when we begin to experiment with the heart alone, we find that poisons which such experiments as have already been described would lead us to class together as acting on the vagus ends, really act on very different parts of the cardiac nervous system. Thus nicotia, when injected into the AUTHORS DIAGRAM OF CARDIAC GANGLIA, oll blood after the vagi and cord have been divided, renders the pulse slow; but this soon gives way to quickening; or, if the dose be large, quickening may occur at once; and, if we then irritate the vagus, we find that we cannot render the heart beats slow any more than we can after poisoning by atropia. We thus see that, after the irritation which nicotia first occa- sions in the vagus-ends has passed off, it paralyses them; and we might thus be inclined to think that they acted on the same structures. But, if we give nicotia to a frog, and instead of Fia. 138.—Diagram of the hypothetical Nervous Apparatus in the Heart, M, motor ganglion. 1, inhibitory ganglion. Q, quickening ganglia. v, inhi- bitory fibres ; and s, quickening fibres from the medulla. A, a’, B and ©, inter- mediate apparatus. &, fibres passing from the moter ganglia E, to the muscular substance F. For simplicity’s sake, only one set of motor ganglia has been represented, but other similar ones are to be supposed to be present in other parts of the heart, and so connected with this set that they all work in unison. It must be remembered that this diagram is purely hypothetical; but if this be carefully borne in mind, the sketch will be found of service in remembering and comparing the action of different poisons on the heart. irritating the vagus, we irritate the venous sinus, still-stand of the heart is at once produced; while, if atropia be given, and the venous sinus then be irritated, the pulsations are not slowed at all—showing us that there is some inhibitory apparatus in the venous sinus which has been paralysed by atropia, but left untouched by nicotia. We may substantiate this conclusion by another and extremely useful method of investigation—viz., by administering another poison, and seeing how its action is affected by each of the other two. If we allow a little muscaria 312 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. to reach a frog’s heart, its beats become slower and slower, and at last cease altogether, the ventricles remaining widely dis- tended, just as they would do if the vagus were strongly galvanised. If nicotia be then injected into the frog or mixed with the serum supplying an excised heart, no alteration is observed ; and if nicotia be injected before the muscaria, the latter poison stops the heart just as usual, although the nicotia may have so paralysed the vagus that no irritation whatever applied to its trunk could act on the heart. But, if atropia be used instead of nicotia, the effect of the muscaria is at once destroyed, and the heart, which was standing quite still, imme- diately begins to beat. If the atropia be applied first, and muscaria given afterwards, it has no effect. Hence we see that nicotia has paralysed some part of the inhibitory apparatus farther away from the motor ganglia than that on which mus- caria acts, while atropia has acted either on the same part as muscaria, or on some other one which lies between it and the motor ganglia. Now, as the inhibitory effect produced by muscaria,is net developed all at once, but goes on slowly increasing till it makes the heart stand still in diastole, it seems probable that its stimulating action is exerted on a ganglion, rather than on a nerve-fibre, and we therefore suppose that it acts on the inhibi- tory ganglion I. As the action of nicotia is exerted on some- thing farther from the heart than I, our first idea is that it must be the nerve-fibres v. But on applying nicotia to the trunk of the vagus, after fixing the heart in Coats’ apparatus, we find, on irritating the nerve above the point, that it still conducts impressions and causes stoppage of the heart. We are thus led to suppose the existence of an intermediate apparatus on which nicotia acts; but, whether or not this intermediate part simply consists of nerve-fibres less protected from tle poison than those in the trunk, we cannot say. As atropia destroys the action of muscaria, it may act like muscaria on 1; but the fact that muscaria does not destroy that of atropia would lead me to refer the action of the latter to a part between I and M, which is represented by B. Of what nature this part is we know nothing; but that such a part exists is rendered ANTAGONISM IN ZYMOTIC DISEASES. 313 all the more probable by the mutual antagonism of atropia and physostigma. Although this latter poison renders the vagus very sensitive, so that the power of any irritation applied to its trunk to stop the heart is immensely increased, yet it has not the extraordinary power of producing still-stand of the heart possessed by muscaria. Unlike mvscaria, however, it has the power of removing the paralysis of the vagus produced by atropia, and, though an additional dose of atropia will again cause paralysis, a second dose of physostigma will again remove it. This difference of action between muscaria and physo- stigma seems to show that they act on different nervous struc- tures; while the mutual power that atropia and physostigma possess to neutralise each other's effects, indicates that atropia acts on the same structure as physostigma, and consequently on a different one from muscaria. Antagonism of Atropia and Physostigma.—Atropia and physo- stigma are thus physiclogical antidotes to each other; and Fraser has shown that a dose of physostigma large exough to kill an animal may be given to it with impunity if atropia be administered along with it, and that the animal may be after- wards destroyed by a small dose given alone. It is true, they do not completely counteract each other’s action, each one seeming to produce several effects, some of which, and these the most deadly, are neutralised by those of the other drug, while others are not so neutralised; and, if enormous doses be administered, those active effects which are not neutralised may become so powerful as to cause death, although they are com- paratively unimportant when the dose is small. Importance of this in Therapeutics—Nevertheless, within certain limits these poisons do antagonise each other most suc- cessfully ; and this observation seems to me to have a most important bearing on the treatment of such diseases as have their origin in morbid matter introduced into the system, for it shows that it is not always necessary to eliminate a poison in order to remove its effects, but that it may be neutralised and rendered innocuous while still present in the organism; and seems to indicate that, for the treatment of zymotic diseases, we should seek to discover such remedies as will counteract the 314 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES, effects of the poisons on which they depend, and not merely endeavour to quicken their elimination. Action of Various Drugs on the Inhibitory Apparatus—From experiments which he has made on the excised hearts of frogs with Ludwig and Coats’ apparatus, Boehm has come to the conclusion that conia paralyses the terminal filaments of the vagus ; nicotia the intermediate structure between them and the inhibitory ganglia ; and that others, such as atropia, hyoscyamia, daturia, physostigma, aconitia, delphinia and veratria, diminish or destroy the irritability of the inhibitory ganglia themselves. It is rather extraordinary to find physostigma in this list; and it would thus seem that the pure alkaloid which Boehm used had a different action from the tincture used by Von Bezold, unless it be that the result depends simply on a difference in the amount of the poison used. Accelerating Ganglia in the Heart—We infer the presence of quickening ganglia in the heart from the effects produced by irritating the vagus after its inhibitory power has been destroyed by the administration of nicotia or atropia. When irritation is then applied to the nerve, it no longer produces retardation, but, on the contrary, a decided acceleration of the cardiac pulsa- tions. This shows that the vagus contains fibres which quicken the heart, and that these are unaffected by the drugs which have paralysed the others. The quickening, however, does not take place till some time after the application of the irritant, and, if it be applied only for a short time, no acceleration may take place till after its removal; but, after it does occur, it remains for a considerable time. If we irritate the heart directly, instead of irritating the nerve, its beats are quickened at once, and the acceleration does not last long after the irrita- tion is discontinued. This shows that, when we stimulate the quickening nerves, we do not act directly on the motor ganglia M (Fig. 158), as we do when we irritate the heart itself, or as we should do if the quickening fibres ended directly in them; and we therefore infer the existence of the accelerating ganglia Q between the quickening nerves s and the motor ganglia M. The accelerating apparatus seems to be stimulated by veratria, for we find that the cardiac pulsations are increased by its CARDIAC GANGLIA AND CARDIAC MUSCLE. 315 administration to mammals in which the spinal cord, vagi, sympatheties and depressors have all been divided, or when it is applied to the excised heart of a frog. Is Quickening of the Excised Heart due to Paralysis of Inhibi- tory or Stimulation of Accelerating Ganglia ?—It is possible that the quickening may be due to paralysis of the inhibitory ganglia in the heart, and not to stimulation of the quickening ganglia. This can be decided by paralysing the inhibitory ganglia by means of atropia, before applying the poison to be tested—e.g., veratria. If the latter poison exercise a stimulating action on the quickening ganglia, it will quicken the heart after atropia has been applied. If it simply paralyse the inhibitory ganglia, it will have no further effect after their power bas been destroyed by atropia. In the diagram, I have figured inter- mediate structures C and D between the quickening nerves and ganglia, so as to correspond with those of the inhibitory appa- ratus; but whether they really exist or not, we cannot at present say. Is the Co-ordinating Apparatus of the Cardiac Ganglia Para- lysed ?—Regarding this apparatus we know almost nothing. When the heart is dying its rhythm is often disturbed, and two or three contractions of the auricles may occur for every con- traction of the ventricle. When laudanum is poured into the heart, the rhythm is quite reversed; for after each pause the ventricle contracts first, and contraction of the auricle follows it. Digitalis and some other poisons cause peristaltic move- ments in the ventricle; and occasionally some spots in the ventricle continue to pulsate while the rest of it remains firmly contracted and motionless. These effects are probably due to disturbance of the apparatus which connects the different motor ganglia in the heart and causes them to work in unison. Are the Muscular Fibres of the Heart Paralysed ?—We test this by applying an irritant to them directly, and seeing whether or not they contract. If the motor ganglia be uninjured, the application of an irritant generally produces a rhythmic contrac- tion of the whole heart; but, if they be paralysed while the muscular fibre is healthy, the irritation only causes a local con- traction of the part to which it is applied. 316 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES, Blood-Pressure. The blood-pressure depends on two things—1, the activity with which the heart pumps the blood into one end of the arterial system; 2, the rate at which it flows out at the other end into the veins. The rate is regulated by the small arteries and capillaries, which dilate and contract so as to quicken or slow it. The power of contraction is denied to the capillaries by many physiologists; but Stricker has, I think, conclusively shown that they do possess it. The rapidity with which the blood flows through them dees not depend entirely on the width of the capillaries, but also on the pressure in the arteries which is forcing the blood into them. The higher this is, the more rapidly does the blood flow ; and in proportion as it diminishes does the current become slower. From this circumstance we can judge of the force of the heart-beats from the form of the curve which we obtain with the sphygmoscope. When the heart contracts with great force, it drives the blood out of the ventricle into the arteries so quickly that there is no time for much to escape from the capil- laries while the systole lasts, and so the tension rises high, This increased tension makes the blood run quickly out of the capillaries, and we have a fall of pressure, rapid at first, but gradually becoming slower as the tension diminishes. This is shown in Fig. 139. When the heart contracts less forcibly, it Fie. 189. sends in the blood more slowly, and there is time for a greater quantity to escape by the capillaries during the systole; and the tension does not rise so high. From the tension being lower, the outflow of blood is not so quick, and the pressure therefore sinks more gradually than in the former case. This is represented in Fig. 140. Both of these figures were obtained EXAMINATION OF CAPILLARIES, 317 Fie. 140. by connecting a sphygmoscope with a schema of the circulation such as I have already described, and compressing the india- rubber ball which represented the heart with greater or less force and suddenness, care being taken, however, to empty it completely each time, so that the amount of air sent out should always be alike. As variations in the blood-pressure may be due to alterations in the activity of the heart or the size of the capillaries, or to both together, we cannot say when it is due to the one and when to the other, unless we can keep one of them constant while we allow the other to alter, or unless we examine them both separately. Elimination of the Action of the Heart.—We may keep the action of the heart tolerably constant, and thus ascertain with considerable exactitude the action of any drug on the exit-tubes —whether they be arterioles or capillaries matters not—by separating the heart from the nerve-centres, and then injecting the drug into the circulation. Division of Cardiac Nerves.—This separation can be effected to a considerable extent by dividing the sympathetics, vagi and depressors in the neck; but it is done much more effectually by dividing the nerves near their entrance into the heart by a fine wire heated by means of a galvanic battery. As poisons generally produce their most marked effects on the heart of mammals through the nervous centres whose con- nexion with the heart we have thus severed, alterations in the blood-pressure will be due to changes in the vessels, except in so far as the drug may have affected the cardiac muscle or ganglia. But, just as we obtained the most exact results when we examined the heart altogether apart from the blood-vessels, so we shall probably come to the most satisfactory conclusions regarding the vessels by observing them apart from the heart. 318 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. You will remember that, during the diastole, the circulation is carried on entirely independently of the heart by the pressure of the blood in the arteries ; and, if we can prolong the diastole sufficiently, we shall be able to tell whether the vessels are dilated or contracted by simply seeing whether the pressure sinks quickly or slowly. If we prevent any blood from being pumped into the aorta by the heart, the arterial system will come to resemble a bottle with a hole in it, from which the fluid which it contains is running. The larger the hole, the more quickly will it run out and the bottle become empty, and vice versdé ; and, in the same way, the more dilated the capillaries are, the quicker will the blood run out of them into the vein, and the pressure sink in the arteries; the more contracted the capillaries are, the more slowly will the blood flow through them, and the more gradual will be the fall of pressure. In the case of many poisons, we may do this by irritating the vagi' before poisoning, and seeing how quickly the pressure falls while the heart is standing still; and then repeating the experiment after injecting the poison. If the pressure fall more quickly in the second case, we know that the vessels have become dilated; and if more slowly, that they have contracted. Of course, only those parts of the tracings in which the pressure has been the same are to be compared with each other; but, if we stop the heart long enough, we can always get parts in both which are capable of comparison. When the poison paralyses the vagus, as atropia does, this method fails; and then we must open the thorax, perform arti- ficial respiration, and put a ligature round the aorta. Artificial Circulation in Mammals—As an animal quickly dies when the aorta is ligatured, it is better to carry on artificial circulation by a syringe through a cannula inserted into the aorta, as Hering has done in his researches on the ‘con- nexion between arterial movement and respiration. After the blood has circulated once, it may be defibrinated, shaker with air, warmed to 40° Cent., and re-injected. Instead of using a syringe, the cannula in the aorta may be connected with the nozzle M, Fig. 141, and the blood put in the flask z. It can thus ee ™ ia teen ne ARTIFICIAL CIRCULATION. 319 Fig. 141. te be kept at a constant temperature more easily than when a syringe is employed. The pressure may be alternately increased and diminished so as to imitate the beats of the heart by raising and depressing the flask a. This may be done by passing a string over a pulley, and attaching one end to the flask and the other to a treadle worked by the foot. Warm blood has the disadvantage, that it undergoes change and becomes decomposed quickly; and cold blood may, therefore, be sometimes preferred. When cold blood is employed, only the flask which contains the blood is necessary ; and it may be raised or lowered in the same way as the other. Artificial Circulation in Frogs.—Artificial circulation may be kept up in frogs by simply inserting a cannula into the aorta» and allowing blood to flow into it from a raised reservoir, as done by Rollett. By using two, as in the experiments on the frog’s heart, normal blood may be allowed first to circu- late through the vessels; and, the web being put under the microscope, their diameter may be measured; and then poisoned blood may be allowed to flow through them, and any change in their diameter noticed. Observation of Vessels—The parts best adapted for observing changes in the size of vessels in mammals are the ear in rabbits and the mesentery. When the mesentery is chosen for observa- tion, the abdominal parietes should be divided ; but the peri- toneum should not be opened, as changes in the diameter of the mesenteric vessels may be observed through it, and they are thus protected from the disturbing element which the irritation 320 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. produced by the access of air to them would introduce into the experiment. ‘The vessels in the rabbit’s ear are readily measured by a micrometer used with one of Briicke’s magnifiers, which is simply a telescope with an extremely short focus. The ear should be held up so as to allow the light to shine directly through it, and the magnifier placed horizontally. The area of the capillaries may be lessened, and the flow of blood through them retarded in two ways: 1, by contraction of their walls; 2, by pressure exerted on them from without. They may be made to contract by irritation, 1, of the vaso- motor centres, 2, of the vaso-motor nerves, or, 3, of their mus- cular walls ; and pressure may be exerted from without by the motions of muscles or of organs composed of involuntary mus- cular fibre such as the intestines. The movements of respira- tion also, as already mentioned, exercise an important influence on the pressure. Elimination of Respiration and Muscular Movement.—The influence both of respiration and of muscular movement may be eliminated by giving the animal curare, and keeping up artificial respiration, before beginning to experiment with the drug whose action we wish to examine. Elimination of Vaso-motor Centre-—For the purpose of ascer- taining whether the drug has acted on the vascular walls or on the vaso-motor centre, we divide the vaso-motor nerves going to a part before injecting it, and see whether it acts as it would have done had they been undivided. Thus, when we are observing the rabbit’s ear, we divide the sympathetic in the neck; and, when looking at the mesentery, we cut the splanchnics before the injection, and see whether the vessels contract or dilate as we have previously seen them do under influence of the poison in animals in whom the nerves were intact. For the purpose of ascertaining whether the drug acts on all the vessels in the body in the same way that it does on those of the ear or mesentery, we first cut the vagi, sympathetics and depressors, and then divide the spinal cord between the occiput and atlas. or atlas and axis, so as to sever the connexion between PULMONARY CAPILLARIES—SPHYGMOGRAPH. 321 the vaso-motor centre and vessels, and begin artificial respira- tion. We next note the blood-pressure, inject the poison, and see what alterations it produces. Experiments may also be made by irritating the vagus or ligaturing the aorta, Action of Surrounding Paris.—It sometimes happens, as in the case of physostigma, that the drug produces no contraction in the vessels of the ear or mesentery when their nerves are cut —a fact which shows that it acts on them through the vaso- motor nerves, and not directly on their walls; and nevertheless, when injected into a vein after the cord has been cut, it may cause the blood-pressure to rise very considerably. At first signt, this would seem to indicate that the drug acted on the walls of some vessels in the body, if not on those of the ear or mesentery, directly, and not through their vaso-motor nerves. On examination, however, it is found that the obstruction to the flow of blood through the capillaries does not depend on their contraction, but on the occlusion of a large number of them in the intestine by spasmodic contraction of the intestinal walls in which they are imbedded. Influence of the Pulmonary Capillaries—It has lately been pointed out by Holmes that when a drug such as ergot, which acts on the walls of the vessels and causes them to con- tract, is injected into the jugular vein, it has to pass through the pulmonary capillaries before it reaches the systemic ones ; and, by contracting them, it will lessen the amount of blood sent into the aorta from the left ventricle, and will at first pro- duce a fall in the arterial pressure, succeeded by a great rise when time has elapsed for the drug to reach the systemic capillaries and cause them likewise to contract. Use of the Sphygmograph.—For a description of the sphygmo- graph and the mode of applying it, we must refer to the special works on that subject, such as those of Marey and Sanderson. The indications which it gives are the following: 1. The greater or less pressure which is requisite to compress an artery and stop its pulsations enables us to estimate approximately the amount of pressure within it. 2. The amount of pressure and the rapidity of the pulse help us to form conclusions regarding the motor and inhibitory apparatus of the heart, in the same way as - 322 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. in the experiments already mentioned, though, of course, to a much more limited extent and with much less. certainty. 3. The form of the curve, like those in Figs. 13 and 14, shows, in the same way as those of the sphygmoscope, Figs. 13 and 14, the rapidity with which the pressure falls during the diastole, and from this curve and the amount of blood-pressure we can judge of the size of the capillaries. LEcTURE V,—See APPENDIX, p. 643. VI.— RESPIRATION. (Reprinted from the British Medical Journal, Feb. 13, 1875, p. 201.) Position of the Respiratory Centre; chiefly situated in the Mecdulla Oblongata, but extends also to the Spinal Cord.—Effect of Strychnia upon it.—In- . fluence of Nerves upon it.—Influence of Vagus.—Vagus contains two sets of Fibres, Accelerating or Inspiratory, and Retarding or Expiratory.—Cause of Rapid Breathing in Pneumonia.—Influence of the Superior and In- ferior Laryngeal Nerves.—Nasal and Cutaneous Nerves.—Local Action of Vapours when inhaled.—Action of Ammonia.—Methods of Registering Respiratory Movements.—Acceleration of Respiration by Drugs.—Is it due to (1) Excitement of the Voluntary Nerve-centres, (2) Increased Tempera- ture, (3) Increased Venosity of the Blood p—Increased Venosity may be due to (A) Prevention of Blood from reaching the Air; (B) Prevention of Air from reaching the Blood. Blood may be prevented from reaching Air— _ a) By Stoppage of the Heart: Action of Quinine——(s) By Embolism of the Pulmonary Vessels ; Action of Condurango.—(c) By Contraction of the ' Pulmonary Capillaries; Action of Muscarine.—Observation of the Pulmo- nary Capillaries in the Frog under the Microscope.—Effect of Heat and Cold upon them. Ir used to be supposed that the respiratory centre was not only situated in the medulla oblongata, but was confined to it. Legallois found that the cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, and even a part of the medulla itself, could be removed without arresting respiration; and thus showed that the respiratory centre was either in the medulla or in the spinal cord. (Aa- périences sur la Principe de la Vie. Paris, 1830, tome i) Flourens noticed that injury to a point named by him neud vital, at the lower end of the calamus scriptorius, instantly arrested respiration, and thus caused death (Comptes Rendus, vol. xxxili, page 437); and all experimenters have found that division of the cord just below the medulla also arrested breathing. These experiments seem to show most conclusively that the respiratory centre is situated in the medulla, and does RESPIRATORY CENTRE IN THE SPINAL CORD. 323 not extend to the spinal cord; but the rce2nt researches of Prokop Rokitansky (Stricker’s Medicinische Jahrbiicher, 1874, p. 30) on this subject show how careful we must be in drawing conclusions from experiments. Like all others, he has found that, under normal conditions, breathing ceases as soon as the influence of the medulla is destroyed by division of the cord just below it. But if strychnia be given to the animal, so as greatly to increase the excitability of its respiratory centre as well as of other reflex centres before the cord is divided, respiration will go on after the section has been made; and strychnia injected into the veins after the section will restore the respiratory movements, which the cut had arrested. This shows that the respiratory centre is not confined to the medulla, but extends into the spinal cord. The part contained in the cord is, how- ever, too weak to keep up respiration alone under ordinary circumstances, though it can do so when its power is increased by strychnia. These remarkable effects of this poison give promise of future benefit from its use as a restorative in cases of death from drowning, &c.; but further experiments on animals are necessary before we dare employ such a power- ful remedy in man. Rokitansky’s experiments enable us to demonstrate the presence of a respiratory centre in the spinal cord, as well as in the medulla of adult animals; but it is only fair to say that this was shown long ago by Brown-Séquard in the case of young ones. In young mammals and adult birds, he found that the thorax continued to execute rhythmical respiratory move- ments for a short time after the cord had been divided trans- versely at the level of the first or second pairs of cervical nerves, so that there must needs be a part of the respiratory centre in the cord below that level (Journal de la Physiologie, vol. i, 1858, p. 223, and vol. iii, 1860, p. 153). Besides this, he considers that there are what we may term peripheral respiratory centres—viz., ganglia in the substance of the diaphragm itself analogous to those in the heart, which enable it to contract rhythmically after its connections both with the medulla oblongata and with the spinal cord have been destroyed (op. cit., vol. ii, 1859, p. 115). Y¥2 324 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. Although the excitement of the respiratory centre and the amount of work done by the respiratory muscles depend on the venosity of the blood in the medulla oblongata, yet this ; work may be differently distributed by the respirations becom- ing quicker but shallower, or slower but deeper, without the quantity of air respired being at all altered. This is effected by the action of various afferent nerves, of which the chief are the vagus, the superior laryngeal, and the nasal nerves; though others, such as the cutaneous nerves generally, have consider- able influence. Irritation of the vagus, or of its central end when divided, lessens the resistance in the respiratory centre, and quickens the respiration, but makes it shallower. Stronger irritation causes prolongation of inspiration. A very strong excitation annihilates the resistance in the centre, and causes inspiration to be almost indefinitely prolonged, so that the breathing is completely arrested. The ends of the vagi in the lung are normally in a state of constant excitation, and therefore division of these nerves renders the respiration slow. Irritation of the vagi, on the contrary, causes, as we have said, considerable acceleration of the respiration; and the quick breathing which we observe in pneumonia is probably due to the irritation of the pulmonary branches of the vagus which the inflammation produces. It can hardly be caused by the venous condition of the blood alone, nor yet by increased temperature; for the blood may be very much more venous in bad bronchitis, and the temperature higher in fever, without the respiration becoming anything like so rapid as in a case of pneumonia. But, although I thus speak of the vagus as an inspiratory or accelerating nerve alone, I do this only for the sake of simplicity, as this is its chief function. It really con- tains, however, both inspiratory and expiratory fibres, although the former predominate. (Hering and Breuer, Wiener Acad. Sitzungs-ber. Math.-Naturwiss. Cl., vol. lvii, Ab. 2, page 672.) The inspiratory fibres are excited by collapse, and the expira- tory fibres by distension, of the lung. Thus, these nerves form a sort of regulating mechanism for the respiratory movements, RESPIRATORY CENTRE AND RESPIRATORY NERVES. 325 As soon as a deep inspiration is taken, the distension of the lungs excites the expiratory fibres, and leads to the consequent expulsion of the air; as soon as expiration takes place, the collapse of the lungs excites the inspiratory fibres, and thus leads to renewed inspiration. Fie. 142.—Diagram showing the position of Respiratory Centre, and the Afferent @aryag . Superior I aryngeal Nerve. . Infer or Laryngeal Nerve. . Cutaneous Nerves of the Chest. Nerves which influence it. Inspiratory Nerves are indicated by plain, and Expiratory by dotted, lines. . In piratory and Expiratory Fibres F. Larynx. for voluntary alterations in Re- H. Expiratory Fibres of Vagus ex- spiration. cited by distension of Lung. . Cutaneous Nerves of Face. 1. Inspiratory Fibres of Vagus ex- Nasal Branch of Fifth Nerve. | cited by collapse of Lung. K. Respiratcry Centre in Medulla and Cord. L. Spinal Cord. chiefly ex- piratory -_-—_—wT As the effect of irritating other nerves as well as the vagus is not always alike (Bert, Lecons sur la Respiration, page 490), it is probable that the laryngeal, nasal, and cutaneous nerves | 326 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. may also contain both inspiratory and expiratory fibres. It has already been mentioned, that the accelerating fibres of the vagus in the lungs are probably irritated in pneumonia, but in bronchitis the expiratory ones are chiefly irritated, and give rise to the expiratory efforts in coughing, which serve to expel any irritating substance in the bronchi. When these fibres are exhausted, or the respiratory centre is feeble or irresponsive, the mucus will remain, and consequently strychnia suggests itself as an auxiliary in such cases. If the irritation depend on something which cannot be removed by coughing, such as miliary tubercle, we employ opium, chloral, &c., which lessen the excitability of the respiratory centre. Moderate irritation of the superior laryngeal nerve renders the respirations slower but deeper; a stronger irritation pro- longs. expiration; anda very strong one causes the respiration to stop entirely in the state of expiration (Rosenthal, Athembe- wegungen, p. 244) until the increasing venosity of the blood greatly stimulates the respiratory centre, and causes respiration again to commence. Irritation of the inferior laryngeal nerve (Burkart, Pfltiger’s Arch., vol. i, p. 107), and of the supramaxillary (Kratschmer, Sitzwnges-ber. der Wien. Acad., Math.-Nat. Cl. 1870, vol. xii, Abt. 2, p. 24), and nasal branches of the fifth nerve, acts in a similar way to irritation of the superior laryngeal nerve, as well as irritation of the cutaneous nerves generally, and especially of those of the face and chest. (Schiff, Compt. ftend., 1861.) We have then to find out hotter the alteration in respira- tion produced by any drug is due to its action on the respiratory centre, or on some of the nerves which influence it; and the following table may help us to do so more readily, by showing at a glance the chief ways in which the respirations may be accelerated or retarded. ; : ( Excitement of Increased irritation of the vagus. The respiratory nerves. By action of voluntary centre. or ee Great it z { Increased temperature of blood. may be quick- | Greater exci seine °" 4 Increased venosity of blood. ened by - resp. centre. Action of drugs, ) CAUSES OF QUICK AND SLOW RESPIRATION. 327 ment of respiratory 4 Action of drugs. Diminished ratory} Action of venosity of blood. The respiratory centre. movements (Slight irritation of cutanetus may be ren- nerves. dered slow by Action of voluntary centre. Paralysis of vagi. Nervous influences. 4 Irritation of superior laryngeal nerves. Irritation of inferior laryngeal nerves. | Irritation of nasal nerves, If the drug to be experimented on be injected subcutaneously or into the veins, the actions on the respiratory centre and - on the vagi are the chief points which require attention; but if we are experimenting with a vapour, its local action on the nasal, laryngeal, and possibly, also, on the pharyngeal nerves (Brown-Séquard, Archives of Scientific and Practical Medicine, p. 94) must be carefully attended to, as it may greatly modify its general action on the respiratory centres. Thus Kratschmer has found (op. cit.) that tobacco smoke inhaled by a rabbit through its nostrils, or blown upwards into the nasal cavity from an aperture in the trachea, will cause arrest of breathing in a state of expiration from the irritating effect of the vapour on the nasal branches of the fifth, while it has no such effect when blown into the lungs. Ammonia, when inhaled, also arrests the respiratory move- ments in the same way; but Knoll (Sitzwngs-ber. der Wien. Acad., vol. lxviii, Abt. 3, p. 255) has observed that, if it be blown into the lungs, while the nostrils are carefully protected from its influence, it causes accelerated and shallow breathing, alternating with slow and deep respirations, and occasional stoppages in the position of expiration, obviously from its action on the different fibres of the vagi. When injected into the blood, it causes, according to Funke (Pfliiger’s Archiv., vol, ix, p. 436), various alterations in the respiration, which are not easy to analyse, but it certainly seems to excite the respira- tory centre; but the use of carbonate of ammonia in bronchitis has long been familiar to the medical profession. The movements of respiration are not only more easily counted than in any other way, but their depth, and the — ‘328 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. relation of inspiration to expiration, best noted by causing them to register themselves on a revolving cylinder. Various .means of doing this have been suggested by different authors. One of the simplest consists of a needle pushed into the dia-- phragm, and connected by a thread with one of Marey’s levers ‘(see I, Fig. 143). Marey’s pneumograph consists of a cylinder / Fig. 113.— Methods of Registering Re-piration. Ais the lever of Marey’s registering apparatus; B is a hollow drum, with open tube below, and covered at the top with a piece of thin caoutchoue, on which rests a tin plate connected with the lever 4. When the air is blown into B, the caoutchouc is lifted, and the lever rises. When air is drawn out, the caoutchoue sinks, and the lever falls. The tube of B may be connected by india-rubber tubing with the respiratory passages in several ways. © is a “T-tube, open at one end and connected at the other with a cannula (p), which is placed in the trachea of the animal and brought into communication by its upright limb with B. Instead of D, an india-rubber catheter may be placed in the animal’s nostril. E is a caoutchoue bag, which is tied over the animal’s muzzle and used instead of the tracheal cannula. F is a large vessel, from which two tubes (4 and H) proceec. @ is connected with the lever B, and H with the respiratory passages of the animal. I is a needle, which is simply connected with the lever by a thread: when pushed into the diaphragm, it registers the respirations. of soft india-rubber, enclosing a spiral spring, whose extremities are connected with two pieces of metal which form the ends of the cylinder. A band is passed round the thorax of the animal, and attached to the ends of the cylinder. The interior of the cylinder is brought into communication with one of CAUSES OF QUICK RESPIRATION. 329 Marey’s levers; and as each respiratory movement draws the ends of the cylinders wider apart, or allows them to approach, the air is rarefied or compressed, and a corresponding movement is transmitted to the lever. Bert has modified this, and made it more sensitive by making the cylinder itself of metal, and its ends of india-rubber. Another method—one more ordinarily employed—is to introduce one limb of a T-tube into the nostril or trachea of an animal, or to connect it with a tracheal cannula. The respired air passes through the other end, and the third limb is connected with one of Marey’s levers. Ts Quickening of Respiration due to Irritation of the Vagi ?— When the respiratory movements become quickened by the injection of a drug into the circulation, the first cause to which it may be due, mentioned in the preceding table, is irritation of the ends of the vagus in the lung. In order to discover whether this be the cause or not, the vagi must first be divided and the drug injected. If it acts only on the ends of the vagus, the respiration which was quickened by injection when the yagi were intact, will not be quickened by it when these nerves are divided. Is the Quickening due to Excitement of the Voluntary Nervous Centres ?—This cause of quickening is eliminated by narcotis- ing the animal with opium or chloral, or by removing the cerebrum. For the method of doing this, see Sanderson, Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory, p. 295. Is it due to Incréased Temperature ?—lf tbe temperature of the animal has risen above the normal—the fact can readily be ascertained by the thermometer—it may then be reduced by the application of cold water or ice, or by a stream of cold air directed on the surface of the skin. Unless the cooling be effected very gradually, these applications cause reflex disturb- ance of the respiratory movements through the cutaneous nerves. Is it due to Increased Venosity of the Blood ?—The drug may produce this by its action on the blood; and this is to be deter- mined by the means already described. Generally we let a little blood issue from an artery ; and if its colour be of normal bright- ness, we conclude that the gases it contains are also normal. 330 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. But external respiration may be arrested or diminished, the blood rendered venous, the respiratory movements consequently increased, and dyspnoea and asphyxia produced by preventing the blocd from reaching the air, as well as by preventing the air from reaching the blood. The blood may be prevented from coming into relation with the air: (a) By stoppage of the heart; (0) By embolism of the pulmonary artery; (c) By con- traction of the capillaries of the lung. (a) By Stoppage of the Heart.—When respiration is suddenly impeded in any of these ways, the breathing becomes panting; and when it is suddenly stopped altogether, asphyxial convul- sions occur. When the jugular vein is chosen for the introduc- tion of drugs into the circulation, they come very quickly and without much previous dilution with blood nto contact with the heart and pulmonary vessels, and thus affect them more strongly than they would do if injected subcutaneously, vr into one of the veins of the extremities. When a large dose of quinine is thus injected, the heart may be stopped at once, and convulsions ensue. Any alteration of the heart’s action pro- duced by a drug is easily noted by means of a needle fixed in the ventricle. (6) By Embolism of the Pulmonary Artery.—This cause of interrupted respiration may easily lead an inexperienced observer to very erroneous conclusions regarding the action of a drug. Supposing him to inject an unfiltered solution of some extract into the jugular vein, he may-find the respiration almost immediately afterwards become panting; the eyes start from their orbits, the limbs become convulsed, the head drawn back, and after one or two quivering contractions, life becomes extinct. He at once concludes that the substance he has: injected is one of extreme activity, whereas it may be really quite inert; the violent symptoms which followed its injection being due to the extract being imperfectly dissolved, and the suspended particles producing embola in the pulmonary vessels. In some experiments which I made on condurango, I was at first misled by this circumstance, and believed that the drug had a tetanising action, like that of strychnia, as convulsions came on immediately after injecting a solution of the extract wef Aa) cal i tl a ‘ —— : pe ee el en ee CONTRACTION OF PULMONARY CAPILLARIES. 331 into the jugular vein. The same mistake has probably beem made by Gianuzzi,* who attributes a convulsive action to the drug. By injecting the solution into the peritoneal cavity, however, I found that it had no action whatever even when used in large quantities, while a solution of strychnia applied in the same manner would have acted nearly as strongly as when injected into a vein. (c) By Contraction of the Pulmonary Capillaries—When contraction of the pulmonary capillaries is produced by a drug injected into the veins, the venous blood is hindered from reaching the left side of the heart, and the left ventricle and arterial system become empty, and the arterial pressure sinks while the right ventricle and venous system become swollen and turgid. The alteration of the blood-pressure in the arterial and venous systems may be measured by manome- ters connected with them; but while the arterial fall in the pressure is easily observed, there is considerable difficulty in measuring that in the veins, due to the rapid formation of coagula in the tube which is pushed down the jugular vein into the vena cava. Another method is, to open the thorax and note the colour of the lungs and the comparative fulness of the right and left. sides of the heart, and of the venous trunks, before and after injection of the diug. The animal is first narcotised, and a cannula placed in the trachea. The skin and cellular tissue are then divided along the middle of the sternum and reflected on each side. The muscles are then divided along the line of the costal cartilages, and artificial respiration is begun. The abdominal muscles are then separated from their attachment to the sternum and costal cartilages; the latter are cut through, except the first, which is left untouched in order to avoid wounding the internal mammary artery, and the sternum is bent upwards and retained in its position by a hook. In the. rabbit, it is generally unnecessary to tie any vessels, as the bleeding stops quickly of itself; but if any one should bleed * Gianuzzi and Bufalini, Ricerche eseguite nel Gabinetto di Fisiolegia della Universita di Siena, pp. 71-86; abstracted in the Centralblatt fiir die Med. Wiss., 1873, p. 824. 232 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. much, it ought to be iaid hold of and ligatured. Artificial respiration being carefully and regularly kept up by means of a metronome, the colour of the lungs, the size of each ventricle, and the number of cardiac pulsations is observed, the drug injected, and the observation repeated. The pulsations must be counted, because slowness of the heart’s action, by affording time for the accumulation of venous blood in the right ventricle, would cause it to become distended, although there were no obstruction to the pulmonary circulation. When the drug to be experimented on is not a solution but a vapour, it must be passed into the lungs by the method already described (British Medical Journal, May 20, 1871). In this way, I have found that muscarin causes contraction of the pulmonary vessels, and produces dyspnoea (see British Medical Journal, November 14, 1874), although the heart con- tinues to beat, and artificial respiration is vigorously kept up. The lungs hecome pale, the right side of the heart swells up, and the left side and arteries become empty, as represented diagrammatically in Fig.145. The vapour of chloroform blown Tia. 144. Tia. 145. Fia. 144.—Diagram representing the normal condition of the circulation. Both the veins and arteries are moderately full; the two sides of the heart are of much the same size, and the circulation through the lungs is free. Fia. 145.—Diagram representing the condition of the circulation after the administration of muscarine. The veins are distended, the arteries empty ; the right side of the heart is much enlarged, the left side collapsed, and the circulation through the lungs almost entirely arrested. into the lungs causes a similar appearance, but it arrests the cardiac pulsations more or less completely at the same time. — ee oe ad a bah) eh de EFFECT OF HEAT AND COLD ON PULMONARY CAPILLARIES. 333 The action of the drugs on the pulmonary capillaries in the frog may be observed directly by means of the microscope. , 32’ 114 20 63 5 — 108 p 7 Attempted to inject more solution into the peritoneum, but the tube seemed stopped up and the solu- tion would not enter. 1024. > ll. ” 45 ” ” 1022. 3 a2. ” 44 ” ” 1025. ~ aay + os — = 1023. » 14, i ORR ue i ee »j De » “45's ., 1023. Is rather uysterical ; adde hat. tinct, opii, nL v. Temp., 99°, = Rib ee. Cae ~». “2038. Ly aor ie » : 1028. ee OS ORE he » 1022. Oe eae, ee Wane ety eS » 1018. oe Diarrhea. 23. » 2) pints; Still some diarrhea; otherwise , seems better: less sugar in urine. Ordered—Bismuth subnit., gr. xv.; tinct. catechv., 5 ss. ; decoct hematoxyli, 3 i. p r.n. 5) 20» % oa a | 202. eff » & pints; ~~. AGE. 9 206 PS at a pi toon | EAE E 2 b> 420 CASES OF EXCPHTHALMIC GOITRE. June 30. Urine, 4 pints; sp. gr.1027, alk. Temp., 99° No diarrhea; appetite good; sleeps well; less. cdemxz of, fect; seems better. Ordered—Acid, nitrohydrochlor.. dil., mW x.3 lig. strychniae, my iii. ; tinct. opii, NL v.; aq. menth. pip,, 3 i., ter die. is » 1013. » 4% pints; ,, 1013. .General.condition improved ; sugar rather diminished; feet still a little swollen. Ordered — Hst. sodee cit. efferv. 6tis hors. ey acl i) ah ae FOUN 1) Rea: 1089, 5, 16. Ordered—Lig. strychnie, my iii.; tinct. opii, my v.;.acid phosph.. dil., NL xxv.; aque, 3 ii. 6tishoris. , 28. Urine, 5-pints; sp. gr. 1028. Rather hysterical. Weight, 5st. 8lbs.. Urine. Percentige Totalurea. c.c, Sp. gr. Reaction. of urea, Grammes. August 25. .. 2565 1u3 ) Acid. ‘73 13°7245 » 22 « 2280 1030 Acid. "85 18°96 3 23> ee 6200 1025 Faintly acid. *825 22°275 September 1.—Urine, 4 pints, sp. gr. 1030. Nothing ab- normal in fundu: of eyes. September 8.—Gained 3}1bs. during the last few weeks. September 23.—Not quite so well last night. October 4—Had not been quite so well during the day. Hysterical, and crying a great deal. About seven o’clock she went to bed, and took some beef-tea ; about nine she spoke to: the nurse; at 10 the sister saw that she was lying quiet, with the curtains of the bed slightly drawn ; and at 11 p.m. she was found to be dead. No dyspnoea whatever was observed. The: friends of the patient would not allow a post-mortem examina- ticn in the hospital, and after some difficulty permission was. obtained to examine the body at their house. Owing to the circumstances under which it was made it was exceedingly imperfect and unsatisfactory. The lungs were much con- gested and cedematous. ‘There was no consolidation, and they were singularly free from pleuritic adhesions. No vegetations were observed on the cardiac valves. The left ventricle was contracted and empty; the right ventricle contained a little blood. The liver was normal. The thyroid gland was enlarged CAUSES OF PALPITATION, 4?1 and hard, and it was firmly attached to the trachea, The eyes were sunken, but not greatly. The cause of death here has evidently been cedema of the lungs, which has come on rapidly and insidiously, In this case, the three prominent symptoms of exophthalmic goitre, although present, are not so noticeable as in many others ; but the collateral symptoms, such as the imperfect consensus between the movements of the upper eyelid and visual plane, ou which Von Griife laid particular stress, the emotional cha- racter, the feelings of heat, the actual high temperature noticed by Teissier, are particularly well marked, To trace the symptoms back to their origin is exceedingly difficult, and, indeed, impossible, in the present state of physiological know- ledge. All that we can hope to do at present is to put together the facts already ascertained, so that we may gain a clearer idea of the possible origin of the symptoms, and see more readily what points remain for investigation, Palpitation.— Three causes of palpitation at once suggest themselves to the mind, and these three are undoubtedly the chief, although there may be, and probably are, others which occasionally come into play, These three are—1. Paralysis of the vagus; 2. Relaxation of the arterioles ; 3, Stimulation of the accelerating nerves of the heart. The vagus acts as the regu- lating nerve of the heart, not only by diminishing the number of its pulsations, but by moderating their strength. Paralysis of this nerve, therefore, causes palpitation of the heart, as well as quickness of the pulse, Palpitation depending on this cause may be compared to the excessive work done by a steam-engine from which the governor-balls have been removed. But a steam-engine may also work with excessive and injurious violence if the resistance it has to overcome is much diminished, especially if this occur suddenly, and the governor-balls, ~ although present, work imperfectly. The same is the case with the heart, which is very liable to palpitate violently when the arterioles become relaxed from weakness of the vaso-motor system, and allow the blood to pour readily through them into the veins, instead of opposing a moderate amount of resistance to its passage, 422 CASES OF EXOPHTHALMIC GOITRE. In anzemic persons, for example, where the vaso-mctor system is weak and the arteries relaxed, the heart often beats violently, especially when any additional relaxation is produced in the arteries by some slight exertion. Here, no doubt, there is a disproportion between the action of the heart and the work it has to do. This implies a weakness or disturbance of the nervous arrangement, which ought to regulate the one to the other. The part of this arrangement which is in fault, how- ever, seems to be the vaso-motor system, which allows the vessels to dilate too much, rather than the vagi, whose function is to restrain the heart. Both kinds of palpitation which I have mentioned, depending as they do on a weak or paralysed con- dition of the vagi or vaso-motor nerves, ought to be relieved by the use of tonics; and in fact we do find that such remedies, and more especially iron, are of the utmost service in the palpi- tations of anemia. But the third cause of palpitation, viz. stimulation of the accelerating nerves of the heart, depends not on weakness, but on over-action of that part of the nervous system, and anything that will increase its power will prove injurious rather than beneficial.. Now this is exactly the con- dition which is found in exophthalmic goitre. Although’ persons suffering from this disease are not unfrequently anemic, the administration of iron is not followed by its usual good effects. On the contrary, Trousseau states that it increases the palpitation to such an extent that its employment can rarely be continued. This is exactly what we should expect on the supposition that the palpitation depended on stimulation of the accelerating nerves of the heart, and I am therefore inclined to believe that the palpitation in exophthalmic goitre is due to irritation of these nerves. Their deep crigin has not been exactly determined, but they pass out from the spinal cord along the vertebral artery to the third cervical ganglion, and thence’ to the heart. They might be excited by an irritation applied to either, at their origin or during their course, and thus we might expect them to be called into action by changes in the brain, medulla, spinal cord, third cervical ganglion, the branches: accompanying the vertebral artery, or those going to the heart. In order to ascertain where the source of irritation’ is,.we must’ CAUSES OF EXOPHTHALMOS. 428 discover what other nerves appear to be irritated in exoph- thalmic goitre, and consider what points exist at which applica- tion of an irritant might affect all the nerves at once. Enlargement of the Thyroid Gland.—The great variations which occur in the size of the thyroid gland in exophthalinic goitre, and its remarkable pulsation, which has sometimes caused it to be mistaken for aneurism, have led nearly all observers to ascribe its enlargement, in the first instance at least, to dilatation of its vessels and engorgement of the gland with blood, in a manner similar to that which occurs in erectile tissues. After this has continued some time, increased growth may occur in the glandular elements. This dilatation may depend on direct paralysis of the vasomotor nerves of the glandular vessels, or on inhibition of these nerves by others, in the same way as the vaso-motor nerves of the penis cease to act and allow the vessels te become full when the nervi erigentes are irritated. The vasomotor nerves of the thyroid vessels proceed from the second cervical ganglion, but I am not acquainted with any experiment showing whether they pass from the spinal cord to the ganglion through its communicating branches, or pass upwards through the third cervical ganglion. Neither do I know whether these vaso-motor nerves may be inhibited, and the vessels dilated, by irritation of the third cervical ganglion, or other parts of the nervous system. Protrusion of the Eyeball.—In-a case recorded by Laqueur* the protrusion of the eyeballs seems to have been partly due to an increased amount of fat within the orbit, but this may have been only consequent on long-continued congestion. In many eases the protrusion varies at different times, and in the case of M. M. it is only temporary, disappearing in the intervals between the fits. It is therefore usually ascribed, and in all probability correctly, to increased fulness of the blood-vessels, or of the blood-vessels and lymphatics, in the orbit. It may be also due, however, as suggested by Professor Laycock, to con- traction of the involuntary muscular fibres stretching across the back of the orbit, which were described by Professor Turner of Edinburgh some years ago. Whatever be the cause * Dissertation: Berlin, 1861; Canstatt’s Jahresbericht. 494 CASES OF EXOPHTHALMIC GOITRE of it, however, Claude Bernard has found that protrusion of the eyeball may be produced by irritating the branches connecting the first and second dorsal ganglia with the spinal cord, Impaired Movement of the Hyelid—The loss of consensus between the movement of the eyeballs and the upper eyelid is ascribed by Von Grafe to disturbed innervation of the lids, and especially of the levator of the upper eyelid, which is partly supplied by the sympathetic. Diabetes.—The diabetes in this case can hardly be due to imperfect destruction of sugar in the body, as the temperature was higher than normal. It must therefore be due to increased formation. Increased formation depends, according to Bernard, on dilatation of the hepatic vessels, and a quicker flow of blood through the liver, According to Cyon, the vaso-motor nerves of the liver pass from the vaso-motor centre in the medulla through the cervical part of the spinal cord, pass out from it, and procecd along the vertebral artery to-the third cervical ganglion, thence to the first dorsal, and along the gangliated eord and splanchnics to the liver. (See figure.) Division of this nervous path causes the vessels to dilate, and produces diabetes ; but it would appear that irritation of the cervical ganglia, or at least of the first or the third, also causes diabetes, which does not depend on paralysis, but on reflex inhibition of the vascular nerves of the hepatic vessels. Pathology of Exophthalmic Gottre.—All the symptoms seem to point to an affection of the cervical sympathetic, and post- mortem examination of a case by Peter showed that the lower cervical ganglia, especially the right one, were thicker and redder than normal; that the connective tissue was increased, as well as nuclei and spindle-shaped cells, while there were very few ganglion cells. It seems, therefore, that the third cervical ganglion. may be looked on as the seat of the disease. So long as we know so little of the pathology, it is impossible to treat the disease scientifically ; but the treatment which seems in practice to have given the best results is the use of digitalis and veratria, and Meyer states that he has obtained creat benefit from the application of galvanism to the neck. A weak ascending current was passed through both sympathetics ; VASO-MOTOR NERVES OF THE LIVER 425 Fia. 153, Diagram showing the course of the vasomotor nerves of the liver, according to Cyon and Aladoff. These nerves are indicated ly the dotted line which accompanies them a, the vasomotor centre; 0, the trunk of the vagus; c, the vasomotor nerves of the liver passing along the vertebral artery from the spinal cord to ithe third cervicai ganglion ; d, the fibres connecting the third cervical and first dorsal ganglion. They pass on each side of the subciavian artery, and form the annulus of Vieussens. Above e is the first dorsal ganglion; f the gangliated cord of the sympathetic ; g, the spinal cord; h, the splanchni¢ merves; i, the semilunar ganglion, from which vasomotor fibres pass to the hepatic and intestinal vessels; &, the lungs to which fibres of the vagus are seen to be distributed ; 1, the liver ; m, the intestine; 2, the arch of the aorta. Division of the vasomotor nerves of the liver by partial division of the spinal cord in the neck or section of the fibres c or d causes diabetes, by allowing the hepatic vessels to dilate, and the flow of blood through the liver to become more rapid. Division of the gangliated cord f, or the splanchnics kh, would probably have a similar effect were it not that the vaso- motor nerves of the intestine are contained in them as well as the nerves for the liver, and therefore when they are divided the intestinal vessels dilate. The blood then goes to the intestine, so that the circulation through the liver is not increased although its vessels are dilated. Diabetes, therefore, does not result from section of for kh. Irritation of the vagus 4, or of its branches, causes reflex dilatation of the hepatic vessels and diabetes. A similar result sometimes follows irritation of the first and third cervical ganglia. Protrusion of the eyeballs was produced by Bernard, by irritating the branches con- necting the first and second dorsal gang 11 with the spinal cord, The letter e lies between these gangiia, 426 CASES OF EXOPHTHALMIC GOITRE. ° one pole was also laid on the submaxillary region, and the other on the closed eye, or the thyroid gland. The treatment adopted in the case of S. P. was of course modified on account of the diabetes, and alkalies were administered, as experience has shown these to be beneficial in this disease. The benefit prob- ably depends on the action of the alkali on the ferment, by which glycogen is converted into sugar in the body. The action of the ferment is impeded by the alkali, the conversion of glycogen into sugar takes place more slowly than usual, and thus the quantity in the body is diminished. ONE OF THE CAUSES OF DEATH: DURING THE EXTRACTION OF TEETH UNDER CHLOROFORM. (Reprinted from The British Medical Journal, December 4, 1875.) In a clinical lecture delivered by the late Professor Syme several years ago, he made the somewhat remarkable statement that, nothwithstanding his constant use of chloroform for many years, he had never had a death from it occur in his practice. The reasons he gave for this success were two. “ First,’ said he, “we always use good chloroform ; and, second, we always give plenty of it.” Now, others besides Professor Syme have used good chloroform—have used, indeed, chloroform by the same makers, and altogether undistinguishable from that employed by him; and yet they have had to deplore the occur- rence of deaths during its administration. This fact of itself is sufficient to show that the second reason given by Professor Syme for his success is of great importance; and that, in administering chloroform, it is just as necessary to give plenty of it as to use only the best quality. It is, indeed, very extra- ordinary to see how timidity in the use of chloroform seems to be associated with a more than ordinary fatality ; and how the careless—one would say almost reckless—employment of it is frequently unattended with any inconvenience. In Snow’s work on Chloroform, p. 151, the following passage occurs : “In Guy’s Hospital and St. Thomas’s, the medical officers had a strong objection to narcotism by inhalation for the first two or three years after the practice was introduced, and chloroform was used much less generally in these institutions than in any other of the hospitals of London; yet it was precisely in these two hospitals. that two deaths from chloroform occurred before any such accident had kappened in any other hospital in this metropolis.” Dr. Snow seems inclined to attribute both of these deaths to the administration of chlorvform; but a careful 498 ONE OF TIE CAUSES OF DEATIT UNDER CHLOROFORM, consideration of them may lead us to another conclusion, Before attempting to analyse these cases, however, I wish to recall to the memory of some here an anecdote regarding the introduction of chloroform into the Edinburgh Jnfirmary, which Mr. Syme was accustomed to relate in his clinical course. One of the surgeons of the infirmary, I believe the late Professor Miiler, had agreed to Sir James Simpson’s request to perform, for the first time, an operation under chloroform, Everything had been prepared, and the tray containing the instruments and bottle of chloroform was being conveyed into the operating theatre, when the bearer stumbled and fell, and the whole con- tents of the bottle were irretrievably lost, There was no time to get more chloroform, and the operation was performed with- out it. The patient died on the table. Had chloroform been administered, the death would have been put down to the anesthetic, and not to the operation ; and, in all probability, not another drop would ever have been used. This case shows us—and it is only one of many—that deaths used to occur from shock during operations before the introduc- tion of chloroform, but they were then put down to their true cause; whereas, since its introduction, one hears little or nothing of death from shock, and much of death from chloro- form, Another circumstance which is well worthy of notice, and which ought to be borne in mind, is the frequency with which the remark occurs in the descriptions of these so-called deaths from chloroform, that a fatal result was all the more extraordinary and unexpected because the quantity of chloro- form administered hal been exceedingly small. Mr. Syme . . . . : . - would have said that, instead of beine extraordinary, it was the very thing to expect; and if, like him, the operators had given plenty of chloroform, their patients would not have died, And now let us look at the first two cases of death wnder chloroform—I will not say from chloroform—in these two London hospitals, where such a dislike to the anzesthetic was felt. John Shorter, aged 48, a porter, known to Mr. Solly for some time as a very active messenger, of intemperate habits, but apparently in perfect health, was admitted into George’s Ward, under Mr. Solly, on the 9th October, 1849, suffering from CARDIAC STOPPAGE. 4°9 onychia of the left great toe, which had existed some time. I]t was determined to remove the nail, the man having decided, before entering the hospital, on taking chloroform. On Wednesday, October 10th, at a quarter before 2 P.m., he began to inhale the chloroform, with 1 drachm in the inhaler. It had no visible effect for about two minutes; it then excited him, and the instrument was removed from the mouth, and about 10 drops more were added; he then almost immediately became insensible; the chloroform was taken away, and the nail removed. He continued insensible ; and, his face becom- ing dark, the pulse small, quick, but regular, and respiration laborious, his neckerchief was removed, and the chest exposed to fresh air from a window near to the bed; cold water was dashed in his face, the chest rubbed, and ammonia applied to his nose. After struggling for about a minute he became still, the skin cold, pulse scarcely perceptible, and soon ceased to be felt at the wrist: respiration became slow at intervals, but con- tinued a few seconds after the cessation of the pulse. The subject of the second case was Alexander Scott, aged 54, a police constable, who died in Guy’s Hospital in June, 1850, whilst undergoing an operation for the removal of a portion of the right hand. Mr. Cock, the operator, said that he was cer- tain there was no disease about the patient. He described the accident as follows :—The ordinary machine was used, and, as it had not the effect, witness directed that a napkin should be rolded into the shape of a cone, which was applied with chloro- form. The removal of a portion of the bone occupied one minute and a half; but, before it was completed, the blood, -which was gushing out, suddenly stopped, when witness directed Mr. Lacy to feel the pulse of the patient, and they found that he had expired. The sudden stoppage of the hemorrhage shows that, in this case, as in others, the action of the heart was suddenly arrested. The first attempt to cause insensibility failed in this as in some other cases. Let us take yet another case, the second one ever recorded of death under chloroform. The patient, a healthy woman, 35 years of age, was taking chloroform in order to have several 430 ONE OF TIIE CAUSES OF DEATH UNDER CHLOROFORM. teeth extracted. The following account of what occurred was given by two female friends of hers who were present at the operation :—“ The respiratory movements appeared to be free; chest heaving. Whilst inhaling the face became pale. At the expiration of about one minute the instruments were applied, and four roots of teeth were extracted. The patient groaned, and manifested what they regarded as evidences of pain while the teeth were being extracted, although she did not speak or exhibit any other sign of consciousness. . As the last root came out, which was about two minutes from the beginning of the inhalation, the patient’s head turned to one side, the arms became slightly rigid, and the body drawn somewhat backwards, with a tendency to slide out of the operating chair. At this instant, Mrs. Pearson states, she placed her finger upon the patient’s pulse, observed it was feeble, and immediately ceased to beat. The face, which was previously pale, now became livid, as did also the finger nails; and the lower jaw dropped, and the tongue projected a little at one corner of the mouth, and the arms were perfectly relaxed. The females regarded her as being then quite dead.” In two of these cases death occurred after the inhalation of chloroform had been discontinued, and in the third the chloro- form seemed to have no bad effects until the operation was begun. In all of them the death followed the operation, and must, I think, be attributed to the shock caused by it. But what is shock ? and is there more than one kind of it? for the symptoms were not the same in all these cases. In two of them the heart seemed to stop suddenly, while in the third it failed eradually, although it ceased before the movements of breath- ing; and the death must therefore be attributed to arrest rather . of the circulation than of the respiration. The circulation is kept up in the body by the heart constantly pumping the blood out of the veins into the arteries. Whenever the heart stops pump- ing, or whenever it gets no blood to pump, the circulation will stop. It does not matter how much blood is in the vena cava or right auricle waiting to be sent into the arteries, if the heart be not beating ; nor is the case a whit better when a wound in the jugular has drained away all the blood, so that no efforts of DILATATION OF VENOUS SYSTEM. 451 the heart, however numerous and however vigorous, can send a drop of blood into the aorta. It must be recollected that blood is only useful to the tissues when it is in the arteries, just as water is only available for household purposes while it is in the cistern or supply pipes. Once the water gets into the sewer it is of no more use, unless it can be filtered and again pumped back into the cistern ; and once the blood has got into the veins, it is no more use unless ‘it can be purified by the lungs and pumped back into the aorta, from which it may once again pass to nourish the tissues. The only difference between blood still in the veins and blood which has run out of them into a basin, is that, when in the basin, it cannot get to the heart, and be pumped by it into the arteries; while, so long as it is in the veins, it generally reaches the heart readily. But although it generally does reach the heart easily, it does not always do so. Sometimes it accumulates in the veins of the abdomen, and never reaches the auricle; so that it might just as well be in a basin for any use it is to the heart or body. This was shown by Professor Goltz, of Strassburg, by a remark- able experiment. After exposing the heart of a frog he noticed that it beat regularly, and at each beat sent a quantity of blood into the aorta, again becoming full of blood in the interval between the pulsations. The frog’s heart is partially trans- parent; so that it is easy to see by its colour when it is empty and when it contains blood. He now struck the frog’s intestines pretty hard, and found that the heart stopped. The irritation produced by the blow had been conducted up to the medulla oblongata ; and, being reflected down the vagus nerves to the heart, had stopped it. After a little while, the heart seemed to recover, and began to pulsate again. But there was a very remarkable difference between its appearance now and _ its appearance before the blow had been given. Instead of becom- ing filled with blood during each diastole, and assuming a deep red colour in consequence, it remained quite pale and einpty ; and, although it contracted vigorously, the circulation stopped, for the heart had no blood to propel. On looking at the vena cava, Goltz found the cause of this phenomenon. The frog was hanging with its legs downwards, and the vena cava was not 432 ONE OF THE CAUSES OF DEATH UNDER CIILOROFORM. full up to the level of the heart. Usually the vena cava and veins of the intestines are kept in a state of semicontraction or tone by the vaso-motor nerves, but now they had become com- pletely relaxed: so that the blood which usually would have tilled them completely up to the heart was not sufficient, and so they were only about half full. On Jaying the frog in a horizontal position, the blood ran towards the heart. It was thus evident that the blow on the intestines had done something more than stop the heart. It had also stopped the usual action of the vaso-motor centre; so that the veins, instead of remain- ing in a state of tonic contraction, became widely dilated. And, be it noticed, this dilatation of the veins in Goltz’s experi- ments was more permanent than the steppage of the heart, and continued after the cardiac pulsations had recommenced. But all frogs are not alike; for sometimes a blow on the intestines will stop the heart without having much effect on the veins; and sometimes it will cause the veins to Cilate, and will not stop. the heart, although very often, as I have already said, it will do both. The same effects seem to follow blows on the abdomen in man and in'the frog, but with this difference: in the frog, the heart may stop for some time, and again go on without much injury to the animal; in man, the stoppage of the heart produces death in not many seconds. A good example of this is to be found in Sir Astley Cooper’s Lectures on Surgery ; where he relates that a healthy labourer belonging to the India House was attempting to lift a heavy weight, when another labourer came up and said, “Stand on one side; let an abler man try.” At the same time, he gave the former a slight blow on the region of the stomach, when the poor fellow immediately dropped down and expired. On examination of his body, there was not any mark of violence discovered. Here, no doubt, the blow in the abdomen stopped the man’s heart, just as it does in the frog; and death occurred before the organ had time to recover from the shock. In another case, described by Pro- fessor Fischer, a young man was struck in the abdomen by a cearriage-pole ; and, after the accident, lay pale and motionless, with a feeble pulse, empty arteries, deep sighing respiraticns, and a livid tinge on his hands and lips. In this instance, the “ ~ » a TWO FORMS OF SHOCK—HEART AND VESSELS, 3 heart had either not been stopped at all, or had speedily recovered itself; but the abdominal veins had been so dilated that all the blood in the body could hardly fill them sufficiently to leave a driblet over for the general circulation, although a little still did trickle into the heart so long as the patient remained in the recumbent posture. We have, then, two forms of shock, according as the injury produces its effect chiefly on the heart or chiefly on the vessels. But it is not merely blows on the abdomen which have the power of producing shock; irritation of other parts can do so likewise ; and this seems to be peculiarly the case with regard to bones. Thus Pirogoff records two cases in which death occurred during operations before the introduction of chloro- form. In both, the pain and loss of blood during the operation was only a little greater than usual; yet in both, immediately «after the bone had been sawn through, the face became pale, the eyes staring, the pupils dilated, a peculiar rigidity of the body eccurred, and death immediately took place. The symptoms in these cases of Pirogoff’s are almost exactly the same as those of Mr. Cock’s case I have already described ; but Pirogoff’s deaths were put down to the operation, because no chloroform had been given ; while the death in Cock’s case was ascribed to the anesthetic, because some chloroform had been administered ; although, on account of the operator’s unwilling- ness to give it at all, the quantity. was probably very small. In all three, it is evident that the heart stopped suddenly ; and this in itself was sufficient to cause death, though it is highly probable that dilatation of the abdominal vessels also occurred. In Mr. Solly’s case, the dilatation of the abdominal vessels seems to have been the chief cause of death; for the pulse became gradually, though rapidly, weaker and weaker, and then stopped altogether, just as we would expect it to do if the hear suddenly ceased to be supplied with blood. In the third case I have described, probably the heart was chiefly affected ; for, just as the fourth stump of a tooth was removed, the pulse was felt to be exceedingly weak, and almost immediately afterwards became imperceptible. 2 F 434° ONE OF THE CAUSES OF DEATH. UNDER CHLOROFORM. Stoppage of the heart’s action, then, being of such importance as a cause of death, we must now inquire how it is produced. The heart is kept pulsating rhythmically by the motor ganglia which it contains. within itself, and will continue to pulsate for some time after its complete removal from the body. But though it thus shows its power to contract independently of the central nervous system, it is, nevertheless, influenced to a great extent by the nerve-centres within the cranium. It would never do to have the heart acting without reference to the wants of the system, and pumping blood vigorously into the arteries when the pressure within them was already too great, or acting slowly and feebly when the limbs were engaged in severe work, and wanted an abundant supply of blood to enable them to perform it. There are, therefore, nerves, some accelerat- ing and others retarding the heart, which pass to it from the medulla oblongata, and, acting as the spur. and reins of a rider do upon, his horse, regulate its beats in accordance with the wants of the system. ‘The retarding fibres are contained in the vagus nerve; and, when this nerve is irritated strongly, the heart will either stop immediately in diastole, or will beat very slowly and more feebly.. Nor is it only by direct irritation of the vagus that this result can be attained. Just as irritation of a sensory nerve sets motor nerves in action, and produces various muscular movements by reflex action through the spinal cord, so may irritation of a sensory nerve set the vagus in action and produce stoppage of the heart, by acting reflexly through the medulla oblongata. A good many sensory nerves can do this; but there is one which possesses the power in an especial degree. The roots of the fifth nerve are anatomically closely connected with those of the vagus; reflex stoppage of the heart is produced more readily by irritation of the fifth than of any other norve. In many rabbits, the heart can be instan- taneously stopped by iiritating the nasal branches of this nerve by a pungent vapour, such as ammonia, held before the nose. In every rabnit, or almost every rabbit, indeed, we can stop the heart by a pungent vapour applied to the nose; but we do not always do it in the reflex manner I have just described. The animal always closes its nostrils to prevent the entrance of the DANGERS OF IMPERFECT REFLEX ACTION. 435 vapour, and keeps them closed so long, that the carbonic acid accumulating in the blood begins to act on the vagus and stop the heart. But this only occurs after the vapour has been held before the nose for some time: while the reflex stoppage which I have just mentioned takes place at once, almost simultaneously with the closure of the nostrils. This reflex stoppage has been shown by Hering and Kratschmer to be due to the irritation being conveyed along the nasal branches of the fifth nerve to the medulla, whence it is reflected along the vagus to the heart, and stops it. Yet, notwithstanding the stoppage of the heart, the rabbit does not die; nor is it, indeed, any the worse. Why is this ? Usually, when the heart is: stupped, as, for example, when a ligature is put round the aorta, the blood all runs out of the arteries into the veins ; and then, as I have said, it is useless for nutrition. But there is a nervous arrangement which prevents this when the heart stops in consequence of an irritation applied to the fifth nerve. This nerve not only contains branches which are connected with the vagus and stop the heart or retard it, but it also has branches which go to the cerebral hemispheres, and there excite an action which passes down the vaso-motor nerves, causing the auricles to contract, and preventing the blood from running out of the arteries into the veins, except very slowly indeed; so that, as soon as the irritation stops, the circulation is ready to go on normally. But it is only when the cerebral hemispheres are in good work- ing order that this occurs. When they are removed, or when their function is destroyed by chloroform, morphia, or chlvral, irritation of a sensory nerve, such as the fifth, no longer has the same effect; and it then always, according to Cyon, lessens the pressure of blood in the arteries. As it is the pressure of blood within the arteries which keeps up the flow within them, just as it is the pressure of water within the pipes supplying a town which keeps up the supply to the houses, we can readily see that the diminished pressure which occurs on the irritation of a sensory nerve, after the cerebral hemispheres have been rendered useless by a small quantity of chloroform, is a most serious thing for the animal. But here it is.a little chloroform which is a’ 2F 2 436 ONE OF THE CAUSES OF DEATH UNDER CHLOROFORM. Jangerous thing; and a full dose prevents any risk from this reflex stoppage of the heart. For the small dose acts on the cerebral hemispheres first, and destroys the reflex action, which contracts the vessels, while it leaves the ganglia at the base of the brain and the medulla unaffected, and thus allows the reflex stoppage of the heart to go on as usual. A full dose, on the other hand, affects not only the cerebral hemispheres, but the ganglia and medulla, and prevents any reflex action whatever on the heart. I have found that, when a full dose of chloro- form has been given to. a rabbit, one may hold either strong ammonia or glacial acetic acid before the nose, and not the slightest slowness in the beats of the heart can be observed. Sometimes, indeed, it has seemed to beat rather more quickly than before. Now let us try to apply these observations on the lower animals, and, by them, try to explain the action of chloroform on man, and the danger of employing it in the extraction of teeth, as well as in other slight but painful operations. For it is preciscly in these slight but painful operations—extraction of teeth and evulsion of nails—that death most frequently occurs; and it is just in them that little chloroform is given, because the administrator thinks: “Oh, the operation won’t last above a few seconds; and it is no use giving the patient enough to keep him or her snoring for half an hour.” We know perfectly well that many and many an one has teeth drawn under chloroform without any bad result ; and we have already seen that every rabbit has not the same liability to reflex stoppage of the heart from irritation of its fifth nerve; but every now and then we meet with a peculiarly sensitive animal, and every now and again we meet with a case of death from the extraction of a tooth under chloroform. If the nervous system in man be at all like that of the rabbit, the violent irritation of the fifth nerve caused by the extraction of a tooth will tend to stop the heart. But it will also cause contraction of the blood-vessels; and thus extraction of a tooth in the waking state is rarely attended with any serious con- sequences. But if the reflex action on the blood-vessels, which usually occurs in the cerebral hemispheres, be prevented by a COMPLETE AN.ESTHESIA—HORIZONTAL POSITION, 437 small dose of chloroform, just enough, as in the case I have related, to abolish consciousness without preventing reflex action in the ganglia at the base of the brain, and if the heart of the individual be at the same time peculiarly sensitive to the impression made on the fifth nerve, it may be stopped, and the © pressure of blood in the arteries may sink so low that it never rises again. But if, on the other hand, chloroform be given, as Professor Syme recommended, with a free hand, so as to produce total abolition of reflex action, no irritation of the fifth nerve by the extraction of any number of teeth will have any effect ; the heart will pulsate as usual, and no danger is to be ADI: hended from this cause. I do not at all mean to say that the administration of concentrated chloroform-vapour is free from danger—far from it; but the limits of my paper will not allow me to enter into: this subject. All I can attempt to do is to direct attention to- the observation of Professor Syme, whose acuteness and. accuracy few will question, and to try to impress it, by showing the probable physiological reason why one ought always to induce perfect anesthesia before beginning any operation under chloroform. At the same time, I would observe that, just as the circulation, which had ceased in the frog in Goltz’s experiment so long as it hung vertically, went on again when the animal was laid in a horizontal position so. that the blood found its way to_the heart, so it may go on in man; and, therefore, the safest position for operations is the- recumbent one. The two rules, then, for preventing death during the extraction: of teeth under chloroform are: put the patient thoroughly over, and lay him in a horizontal position, ON IRRITANTS AND COUNTER-IRRITANTS, WITH REMARKS ON THE USE OF BLIS- TERS IN RHEUMATISM. (Reprinted from St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, vol. xi, 1875.) UnpDER the terms irritants and counter-irritants we include those substances which first cause redness and then inflamma- tion when applied to the surface of the body. When they are used for their effect upon the part to which they are applied, as ¢.g.,a blister to a callous ulcer, they may be termed irritants ; when used for their effect on a distant part, ¢g., a blister to the chest in pneumonia, they may be termed counter-irritants. But, before beginning to say a word about their action, it may be advisable to try to clear the way by correcting a common .error regarding congestion and its relation to inflammation. Congestion generally means that there is more blood than usual ‘in some part or other of the body ; but the blood may be either streaming rapidly through the vessels, or stagnant in them, so ‘that the condition in the two cases is utterly different. When ithe sympathetic nerve is cut in the neck of a rabbit, the vessels of its ear become dilated, the ear itself becomes rosy-red, and “the warm blood coursing rapidly through it raises its temperature. ‘We then say that the ear is congested.* If we tie a ligature round a finger, and leave it there for some time, the finger gets swollen, cold, and blue, and we again say the finger is congested. But the different colour of the parts is enough to show'us that there is a great and important difference between the congestion in the ear and that in the finger; and as the colour is due to the blood shining through the vessels and tissues, we at once ascribe the rosy colour of the ravbit’s ear to bright arterial * In his lectures on Surgical Pathology, Sir James Paget wise y designates what I have here called congestion, as determination of blood to.a part, and limits the term congestion to the condititon which is present after stasis has begun. CONGESTION, ACTIVE AND PASSIVE. 439 blood filling the arteries and capillaries, and the dusky hue of the finger-tip to dark venous blood filling the capillaries and veins. But not only is there a difference in the vessels which are distended in these two kinds of congestion, there is also a difference in the current through them. In arterial congestion the blood is streaming rapidly through the vessels, bringing a constant supply of fresh oxygen and fresh nutriment to the tissues, and removing the waste products as rapidly as they are - formed, so that the part in which arterial congestion is present is in the best possible conditions for health and growth, and for repair if it should happen to be injured. This arterial congestion is usually distinguished by the term active conges- tion. In venous congestion there is no doubt more blood than usual in the part, but it is of no service to it, for it is stagnant. Instead of bringing fresh supplies of oxygen and nutriment, it remains in the vessels until its oxygen is entirely consumed, and its colour becomes almost black; the products of waste accumulate in it, and interfere with the nutrition of the tissues, as the ashes in a grate choke the fire. Nor is its injurious action negative only, it is positive as well; for while it does no good itself, it keeps the vessels filled, and prevents any new blood from entering them. This is venous, or, as it is often termed, passive congestion. Judging by the pictures I have just drawn of the two sorts of congestion, one would say there could be no doubt which was the better, and yet one would look more alarmed at the news that some organ was in a state of active congestion than if one were informed that the congestion was passive. The reason of this is, that active congestion is frequently regarded as almost synonymous with inflammation, whereas the two are widely different. Congestion may, and very frequently does, exist without inflammation, and inflam- mation sometimes exists without congestion, although generally accompanied by it. Nothing is easier than for any one to convince himself of the fact that arterial congestion may exist without inflammation. Let him put his hand into warm water for a little while, and on taking it out he will find the whole skin of a uniform rosy-red, showing that all the capillaries are ‘dilated and filled with bright blood; the veins will swell up, 440 ON IRRITANTS AND COUNTER-IRKITANTS. become light-blue in. colour, and, when emptied by gentle pressure, will fill rapidly, showing that they too are full of bright blood, and that the circulation through them is rapid ; the hand will be larger than before, and rings which previously fitted will now be too small for the fingers; the skin will be warmer than before, even when time has been allowed for the warrnth due to the water to pass off; in fact, three of the signs of inflammation, ruber, tumor, et calor will be present, but in- stead of the dvlor there will be a feeling of great comfort, whereby the hand signifies to its possessor that it is for the time being in superabundant health. Perhaps the experiment is even clearer if, instead: of putting his hand into hot water, the observer will take a look either at his own or his neigh- bour’s hands after a good dinner and several glasses of wine. The same redness and swelling is noticeable, and the warmth can also be observed, although no extraneous heat has been applied to the surface, as it had in the other experiment. No- body would think of calling the hands inflamed in either of these two instances, for we all know that in a short time the red- ness, &e., will pass off, leaving them in their ordinary condition. Some may think, however, that if active congestion were to continue for weeks and months, instead of for a few minutes or hours, it would lead to inflammation in the part, but such is not the case. What it does lead to is hypertrophy of the part, the increased supply of nutrient material furnished by the full current of blood leading to increased growth. This was well shown in a rabbit exhibited by Dr. W. Stirling at the recent meeting of the British Medical Association in Edinburgh. Three months previously, Dr. Stirling had divided the sympa- thetic in the neck of the animal, which was young and growing. The ear at once became red and hot as usual, and instead of the congestion subsiding more or less after some time, as it not un- frequently does, it continued almost unaltered up to the time of the Association’s meeting. The ears at the time when the sympathetic was cut were of the same length, but in three months the increased blood supply had caused the congested ear to grow so much faster than the other, that at the time of the meeting it was a quarter of an inch longer than its fellow on the * INFLAMMATION WITHOUT CIRCULATION, 44} opposite side. It is evident, then, that congestion is not in- flammation, and does not cause it even when long continued. That inflammation can take place without congestion, is shown not only by the fact that it occurs in non-vascular tissues, such as the cornea and cartilage, but even more strikinely by the remarkable observation of my friend Dr. Ainslie Hollis, that textural changes similar to those produced by inflammation in hiyher animals, follow the application of irritants to anemones which have no vascular system whatever.* The two processes of congestion and inflammation are therefore quite ditferent, and each can exist independently of the other. Nevertheless, con- gestion accompanies inflammation in the great majority of cases, and modifies its progress. While we carefully bear in mind that the two processes are not identical, let us now try to see what the connection is between them, and in doing this, let us begin by inquiring how congestion is produced. From Dr. Stir- ling’s experiment, it is evident that a copious supply of blood is beneficial to the tissues, and that if all the vessels throughout the body were dilated, and blood flowing freely through them, the tissues in general would be much better off than they are. But in order to have these dilated vessels sufficiently full, the body would require twice as much blood as it has; to supply the blood, the digestive organs would need to be larger, and the heart must be more powerful in order to propel it; in short, the individual would require to be re-made on a different plan.’ The arrangement, which has been found by experiment to exist in animals, is much more economical. ‘The quantity of blood in the vessels is not sufficient to fill them even half full if they were all dilated at once,t but by means of the vaso-motor nerves which have their centre in the medulla oblongata and spinal cord, they are kept in a state of semi-contraction sufficient to enable the blood to fill them. Whenever the vaso-motor nerves are divided, the vessels they supply become dilated, so as to offer little or no resistance to the flow of blood, and the current through them consequently becomes rapid. Thus in the rabbit * St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, 1874, p. 267. Journal of Anatomy and Phusiology, vol. vi, p. 386; vii, p. 80; and viii, p. 124. t+ Schiff, Zo Sperimendle, 1872, p. 360. "449 ON IRRITANTS AND COUNTER-IRRITANTS. the vaso-motor nerves for the ear pass from the medulla along the cervical sympathetic to the arteries, as shown in Fig. 154, When the cervical sympathetic is cut, the vaso-motor centre can no longer exercise any influence on the arteries of the ear, and they dilate as already descr:bed. Fia. 164.—Diagram of the Vaso-motor Nerves of the Rabbit's Kar. St te SE Ge a 7 SENSORY NERVE Vaso MOTOR CENTRE JN MEDULLA . hui Vaso moroR NERVES FOR THE VESSELS OF THE. EAR Tit) emt ee ewww nme men mae 3 Vaso MOTOR NEAVES ~ FOR OTHER PARTS OF THE BODY hier) IMIDE) a 7 Wu. ¥ ’ But there is another way of making them dilate, viz., by caus- ing the vaso-motor centre to cease to exert its usual influence over these vessels, instead of destroying its means of communi- cation with them by cutting the vaso-motor nerves. This can — be done by irritating a sensory nerve to the ear. The irritation is conveyed up to the vaso-motor centre,and seems to arrest its action over the vessels supplying the part.whence the sensation has come, so that they dilate, and the ear gets red and: hot This dilatation, in consequence of irritation applied to a sensory ACTIVE (?) DILATATION OF VESSELS. 44° nerve, is not peculiar to the vessels of the ear—it occurs in all probability in every vessel of the body; and the dilatation from irritation is not confined to the capillaries and small arteries—it extends up to the larger branches, so that the artery of the part is not only wider than usual, but it pulsates forcibly. It is indeed so much greater than that produced by division of the vaso-motor nerve, that some have supposed it to be due to nerves causing the vessels to dilate actively, and not simply to yield to the pressure of the blood inthem. But this hypothesis is unnecessary, for Ludwig has found that irritation of a sensory nerve has a double effect: (1) It causes the vessels of the part to which it is distributed to dilate ; (2) it causes the vessels in other parts of the body to contract, so that the general blood-pressure is raised, and the blood driven into those vessels which are relaxed. The part supplied by the irritated nerve consequently gets its supply of blood doubly increased by the dilatation of its own vessels, and the contraction of those in other parts of the body. So constant is this contraction, that Ludwig has employed the increased blood-pressure which it ‘causes as an indication that sensory impressions have been conveyed to the nervous centres,* and its great importance in regard to the action of counter-irritants will be hereafter ap- parent. J ought to say, however, that the contraction really seems to be universal, and to affect more or less the vessels of the part whose nerves have been irritated, as well as those of the rest of the body, but this contraction in them is more than counterbalanced by «dilatation. Thus it is that the vessels of this part not unfrequently contract before they dilate, and some- times the dilatation is transient, and is succeeded by contrac- tion. It may seem strange that the irritation conveyed by a ‘sensory nerve to the vaso-motor centre should arrest its action over some vessels and increase it over others; but this idea only occurs when we forget that what we call the vaso-motor centre is really a collection of ganglionic cells connected with nerves going to different parts of the body, just as a telegraph station may contain numerous instruments, by which messages may be sent to different parts of the country. The adaptation of -* Ludwig and Dittmar, Zudwig’s Arbeiten, 1870, p. 4. 444 ON IRRITANTS AND COUNTER-IRRITANTS. this arrangement to secure a full supply of blood whenever it is wanted is obvious. Now, asI have already said, a copious bloed- supply not only enables the tissues to grow rapidly, but to repair themselves rapidly when injured, and a scanty blood-supply, on the contrary, will cause repair to be slow, and will even induce death and destruction of a part without any other lesion ; as, for example, when the circulation is stopped by an embolus. The effects of copious blood-supply in accelerating repair have been beautifully shown by the experiments of Sinitzin.* When the fifth nerve is divided within the skull, ulcers form on the cornea, eyelids, and lips. If the superior-cervical ganelion is torn out, so that the vaso-motor nerves of the vessels of the face are destroyed, and the supply of blood to it increased after these ulcers have formed, they heal up speedily; and if the ganglion is torn out before the fifth nerve is cut, they do not form at all. That the beneficial effect of evulsion of the ganglion is due to the free supply of blood which it produces, is shown by the fact that it has no action whatever if the carotid of the same side is ligatured, so as to prevent the destruction of the vaso-motor nerves from increasing the current. As we have already seen, a still greater supply of blood is secured to a part by irritating its sensory nerves than by dividing its vaso-motor ones, and the utility of this in repairing injured parts is now obvious. When a grain of sand falls into the eye, it irritates the sensory nerves, and immediately the vessels of the conjunc- tiva fill, as Sinitzin noticed them to do, after evulsion of the sympathetic ganglion, and the free supply of blood is ready to assist the repair of any damage caused by the sand to the delicate structures of the eye, besides supplying materials to the lachrymal gland for the purpose of washing away the offending bocy. If the grain of sand is now, removed, the vessels contract, and the tears being wiped off everything looks as before. There has been congestion, but no inflammation. But if the sand remains longer, inflammation occurs, sero- fibrinous exudation takes place under the conjunctiva, or pus may even be formed. If we examine the process of inflammation more narrowly by * Centralblatt d. med. Wissenschaften, 1871, p. 161. ‘ : % t- 3 RESULTS OF IRRITATION. 445 using the microscope instead of the unaided eye; we find that irritation, such as a pinch applied to the web of a froe’s foot, causes sometimes brief contraction, sueceeded by dilatation ; at other times, immediate dilatation, first of the arteries, then of the veins and lastly of the capillaries, at the site of irritation, and at the same time, the velocity of the current through them becomes greatly increased.* After a while the arteries contract again, the contraction beginning at a distance from the irritated spot, and progressing towards it. This contraction interferes with the current of blood, and its velocity in the arteries beyond becomes reduced to the normal. Next the capillaries, contract, but the veins still remain dilated ; the current in them becomes slow, and white blood-corpuscles stick to their sides ; but after a little they also contract, and the normal circulation becomes completely restored. If a piece of caustic is applied to the web, similar changes are produced : all the vessels in the neighbourhood, for some distance around, dilate, and the blood streams through them with great velocity. But here a remarkable condition makes its appear- ance which was not present in the previous experiment. Although the capillaries of the injured part remain dilated, and the blood is streaming with unabated rapidity in the vessels all around, it begins to get slower in them ; the red corpuscles seem to find an impediment in their way, and accumulate in these capillaries, like the vehicles in one of the crowded streets of the City during a block. The current in the arteries and veins like- wise becomes slow ; the so-called lymph-spaces, which, like side- walixs, run along the interior of the arterial walls, and are usually free from blood corpuscles, become invaded ; the corpusvles oscil- Jate backwards and forwards, as if in a vain attempt to proceed, and then, becoming stationary, seem to form an almost solid mass. By-and-by the vessels in the neighbourhood contract again, and the current in them becomes normal; but those vessels which lead directly into the cauterised part—arteries as well as veins—remain permanently dilated. The stasis in the capillaries extends over a wider area; a few red corpuscles pass through the walls of the capillaries, and colourless corpuscles * Lister, Phil. Trans., 1858, p. 645. Cohnheim, Neue Untersuchungen. 446 ON IRRITANTS AND COUNTER-IRRITANTS. Fig. 155.—Blood-vessels in normal condition. ~ Fic. 156.—Same Vessels after the application of an Irritant and commence- ment of Inflammation. emigrate in numbers from loth the capillaries and the veins forming’ in great measure, if not altogether, the pus with which DISTINCTION BETWEEN CONGESTION AND INFLAMMATION. 447 we are familiar as one of the products of inflammation. After the pinch, then, we have had merely congestion; after the caustic, inflammation. But in both we have had a similar dila- tation in the calibre of the vessels, a similar increase in the velocity of the circulation. Where, then, are we to draw the line between congestion and inflammation? This question has been well answered by Sir James Paget, who says that the line appears to be crossed “when the circulation, which was rapid, begins to grow slower without any diminution, but it, may be with an increase, in the size of the vessels.” According to Cohnheim, the changes which are observed in the diameter of the vessels are mere accessories, and not integral parts of the inflammatory process; and he also makes the slowing of the circulation and stasis coincide with the commencement of inflammation.* ; There is no doubt about the fact, but it is difficult to see why the blood corpuscles should stand still in a vessel where there is no apparent obstruction, and. many explanations have been advanced to account for the phenomenon. The one which finds most general acceptation at present is that of Cohnheim, who believes that it consists in some alteration in the tissues, which begins in those forming the walls of the blood-vessels, or, immediately adjacent to them. This opinion is supported by. the observation of Ryneck,f that stasis may be noticed in vessels where the blood has been washed out and replaced by milk. The milk globules accumulate in the capillaries of the irritated part in much the same way as the corpuscles usually do. This would seem to show conclusively that it is the vessel, and not the blood it contains, which obstructs circulation and leads to stasis. Yet it is hard to see how the appearances observed are to be explained thus, and they are exactly those which we should expect from the blood suddenly becoming thicker, and consequently flowing less easily. Both Henle and Wharton Jones have adopted this view, the former supposing that the blood became thicker, both by the plasma losing water by exudation through the walls, and by having the proportion, * Paget, Surgical Pathology, 1863, p. 227. Cohnheimn, Neue Untersuchungen. + Ryneck, Rollett’s Untersuchungen, 1870. p..103, - 448 ON IRRITANTS AND COUNTER-IRRITANTS. of its albuminous constituents increased. The two brothers Ernest Heinrich and Edward Weber ascribed it, without more ado, to coagulation of the blood in the capillaries ; and it seems to me that the view taken by those two wonderful men, although long forgotten, is after all the right one.* It does not conflict with that of Cohnheim, for the coagulation, if such be present, no doubt owes its occurrence to changes in the vessels. Briickef has found that, while blood remains fluid in living and healthy vessels, it coagulates in them when they die, so that we would naturally expect any injury which lessened their vitality would tend to cause coagulation within them; and Wharton Jones has actually noticed coagula form in the vessels after pressure upon them. The absence of any fibrinous threads in the interior of the vessels of inflamed parts does not in the least disprove coagulation ; for, when experimenting with the plasma from horses’ blood, I have seen the contents of a glass tube, from 1 to 24} inches in diameter, in which there were three layers, the upper one of pure liquor sanguinis, the middle or liquor sanguinis plus white blood-corpuscles, and the third of red corpuscles with liquor sanguinis, all apparently fluid. It was only when I attempted to turn them out that I found coagulation had occurred. Even when turned out, the soft clots showed no sign of structure, until they had been squeezed in the hand, and then fibrinous threads became perceptible. If coagulation thus failed to become visible in such a large tube, the absence of any easily recognised sign of it in a small capil- lary is not astonishing. The chief difficulty in the way ot accepting Weber’s theory is the occurrence of stasis, when defibrinated blood or milk is made to circulate through the vessels. But defibrinated blood, when made to circulate in this way, takes up something while in the vessels, which re-imparts to it the power to coagulate, so that it may form a clot after it has issued from the veins. So far as I know, no similar experi- ments have been made with milk, but it is possible that it too acquires so much coagulating power as to cause stasis. In the absence of the requisite data, it is impossible to look upon * Virchow’s Archiv, 1857, p. 152. + Briicke, Virchow's Archiv, 1857, p. 183, RELIEF OF PAIN. 449 Weber's explanation of stasis as anything more than an hypo- thesis ; but, as I have already said, I am inclined to adopt. it, and to consider that inflammation begins in vertebrates when coagulation occurs in the capillaries, and arrests the flow of blood through them. But whether this view be taken or not, the facts are certain, that stoppage of the circulation does occur in the irritated capil- laries, and that the arteries leading to the part are dilated. What the cause of the pain in inflammation is, we do not exactly know ; but it seems very probable that it depends to a great extent on the stretching of the vessels, and the nerves surrounding them, at or near the site of stasis, by the blood which is driven into them through the dilated arteries. For, as every one knows, the pain of inflammation is of a throbbing character ; it is increased at each time the vessel is distended by a beat of the heart, and relieved by lessening the supply of blood. Now, the supply of blood can be lessened in several ways, and several means, apparently of an entirely opposite nature, are used to relieve pain. Supposing that we take as an example an inflammation of the tip of the finger, it is easy to understand how it may be relieved by pressure on the radial artery, or by raising the hand to the level of the shoulder, and may be aggravated by allowing the arm to hang dependent by the side. But how is it that the pain in the finger may be relieved by dipping it in cold water, and also by the application of a warm poultice? I believe the answer to this question to be that the cold causes the arteries above the poiut of stasis (Fig. 157) to contract—and thus lessens the force of the current of blood which is being pumped upon that point. The warm poultice, on the other hand, dilates those capillaries in which circulation is still going on, and by thus offering another channel to the blood, lessens the force of the current against the point of stasis. It is well known, too, that the pain of a burn can be greatly lessened by holding the burnt part before a fire. But, as I can testify from personal experience, the pain is first greatly increased before it is relieved. I placed a red-hot coal on the back of my hand until the skin was corrugatea and glazed. I then held it before a brisk fire for some time. At 2G 450 ON IRRITANTS AND COUNTER-IRRITANTS, first the pain became so severe that I was tempted to withdraw my hand ; but by-and-by the pain became easier, and’ almost entirely disappeared shortly after I had finally taken my hand away. ‘The explanation of this I fancy to be, that’ at first the burn caused stasis in the capillaries of the part to which I CAPILLARIES 7ZBESS SOh\ PoInT OF _|WiAiZeS STASIS ARTERY Vein appliel the coal, and that the irritation to the sensory nerves caused the vessels to dilate, as in Loven’s experiment. The blood being driven down on the obstructed vessels, produced distension and pain, which was increased when the warmth of the fire caused the larger arteries to dilate still further. But after the warmth began to dilate the capillaries of the hand, the blood passed through the newly enlarged channels, and its impact on the obstructed vessels being thus removed, the pain ceased. Tn the days when blood-letting was much in vogue, it was found to be a matter of every-day experience that the pain of inflammation was removed for a time by opening a vein; and although the pain again returned, the abstraction of a further quantity again relieved it. The relief is explained by the general diminution in the blood-pressure after phlebotomy lessening the tension of the vessels of the inflamed part; while the return of the pain is in all probability due to the fact that after the abstraction of blood the vessels contract, so as to accommodate themselves to their diminished contents, and thus raise the pressure again. Unluckily, however, blood-letting does something more than diminish the tension within the vessels of the inflamed part in common with those of the rest of the body; it drains away the vital fluid, and seriously impairs the power of restoration. It is evident, therefore, that SURFACE REGIONS AND VASCULAR AREAS. ‘451 if we can lessen the tension in the vessels of an inflamed part, either by causing the arteries to contract or the capillaries to dilate, we shall do more service to the body than if we weaken the whole of it to relieve a part. This, I believe, we can do by means of counter-irritants. I have already mentioned that the application of an irritant causes contraction of the vessels of other parts of the body, at the same time that it induces dilatation in those of the injured part, but this action will not afford us much help, if all the vessels are contracted alike, for then the biood would pour with increased pressure into the dilated vessels of the inflamed part, and the pain would be worse than before. But clinical experience shows that irritation to the surface of the body will relieve internal pain, and a mustard poultice or blister to the side in pleurisy frequently, indeed generally, gives more or less relief. And there are several facts which tend to show that just as irritation applied to different portions of the skin will induce definite reflex movements distinct from each other,* so irritation applied to different parts of the surface will induce contraction in different sets of vessels, a definite correspondence existing between the part irritated and the set of vessels which contract. Ludwig -and Lovenf observed that when the sensory nerve of one ear was irritated, dilatation of the vessels was sometimes observed in the other ear also, although it was much less, and generally was replaced by contraction sooner than on the side operated upon; and Callenfelst noticed that pinching one ear caused contraction in the vessels of the other. Plunging one hand into cold water has been observed .to cause cooling of the opposite hand, an effect which must be due to contraction of the vessels. But the most important experiments on this point are those of Ziilzer,} who painted cantharides collodion repeatedly over a part of the back of a rabbit for 14 days. At the end of this: time he found that the vessels underneath the skin were much dilated and filled with blood, and the superficial muscles were * Sanders-Ezn, Ludwig’s Arbeiten, 1867, p. 11. + Ludwig's Arbeiten, 1866, p. 11. t Callenfels, Zeitsch. f. rat. Med., 1855 ; Bd. vii, p. 191. § Ziilzer, Deutsche Klinik, 1865. 2G 2 452 ON IRRITANTS AND COUNTER-IRRITANTS, hyperemic, Those of the deeper layers, on the contrary, as well as the thoracic wall, were much paler than on the uninjured side, and even the lung itself was anemic. When a hair seton was left in the knee of a rabbit for four weeks, suppuration was induced immediately around it, but the muscles around the joint, and the joint itself, were very anemic when compared with the corresponding parts on the uninjured limb. Supposing that the effects of blisters on man are similar to those upon rabbits, we can understand the benefits derived from their use in inflammation of internal crgans. If the pericardium, pleura, or lung itself is inflamed, the application of a blister to the chest will cause contraction of the arteries in them, and lessen the pain, just as pressure on the radial or brachial would do in inflammation of the finger. Their beneficial action in pericarditis is well illustrated by two cases which, in the absence of Dr. Church, I lately had under my care. J; Ea male aged 25, was admitted into John Ward on September 13, suffering from a first attack of rheumatism. Both wrists and knees were swollen and painful. At 11 o'clock on the morning of admission the heart sounds were normal. At 2 P.M. a distinct pericardial friction was heard. A blister was applied over the cardiac revion, blisters to both wrists, and poultices to the knees. , Next day the friction had entirely gone, and the pain in the wrists disappeared, although it still continued in the knees. On the succeeding day a friction sound was again audible, but the pain in the wrists never returned. A blister was again applied to the cardiac region. Next day the friction had dis- appeared, and did not return. No increased dulness in the cardiac region could be detected. E. B., a female aged 16, was admitted for scarlatina into Elizabeth Ward, on September 6. On the 13th an acute attack of rheumatism came on, with swelling and pain in the wrists, and distinct pericardial friction. In this case also a blister was applied to the cardiac region within four hours of the appearance of the friction. Next day the friction had entirely disappeared, the pains in the wrists were less, and on the succeeding day were entirely gone. In both of these cases I believe that, had we been able to examine the pericardium at the time the blister was applied, we BLISTERS IN PERICARDITIS, ETC, a 453 should have found the membrane dry and injected, without any deposit whatever on its surface, The irritation caused by the application of the blister to the thoracic wall acted reflexly through the vaso-motor centre in the medulla oblongata, and induced contraction of the pericardial arteries, and a more or less complete return to the normal condition. In the case of E. B., it might be said that perhaps the friction would have disappeared even had no blister been applied; but it is improb- able that in the case of J. E. it would have reappeared on a succeeding day, had its first disappearance been spontaneous, and not the effect of the blister, The cessation of pain in the joints I also attribute to contraction of the arteries in them, induced by the blister, which had thus had an effect similar to that of a hair seton in Ziilzer’s experiment. Several other cases of acute rheumatism which I have had under my care this autumn have convinced me of the efficacy of blisters to the joints in young persons, especially those suffering from a first attack, and in whom the vessels and tissues are probably normal; but in elderly persons who have suffered from repeated attacks, the benefit derived from blisters has not been great, Having now considered the action of blisters as counter- irritants, let us turn for an instant to their action as irritants, One of the best means of treating a callous ulcer is to blister it. Here the irritation of the blister dilates the vessels around the ulcer, and by affording a free supply of blood, bringing fresh oxygen and fresh nutriment, the ulcer is healed just like those on the eye iu Sinitzin’s experiments. The points which I have tried to show in this paper are— 1, That dilatation of blood-vessels, and a rapid circulation through them, is advantageous for the tissues, and leads to increased growth and more rapid repair. While this arterial or active congestion is beneficial, venous or passive congestion is injurious. 2. The application of an irritant induces dilatation of the vessels, and a free current of blood through them. This will help to repair any injury done to the tissues by the irritant, so that the injury, to a certain extent, brings its own remedy, o. Arterial congestion and inflammation are entirely different 454 ON IRRITANTS AND COUNTER-IRRITANTS. from and independent of each other, although they generally occur together. 4, Arterial congestion passes rane inflammation when stasis begins to occur in the capillaries. 5. Stasis is not improbably due, as supposed by the brothers Weber, to coagulation of blood in the capillaries, the coagulation being induced by changes in the tissues composing the walls of the vessels, or immediately surrounding them. 6. Pain in an inflamed part is probably due to distension of vessels and pressure on nerves by the blood being pumped with violence through the dilated arteries against the obstruction in the capillaries. 7. Pain may be relieved by lessening tension in various ways: by position—by cold—by warmth—by blood-letting—by counter- irritants. 8. Cold probably relieves tension by contraction of the arteries going to the inflamed part, warmth by dilating the capillaries of the surrounding parts, and thus drawing away the blood from the seat of inflammation. 9..At the same time that an irritant causes dilatation of the vessels in the part to which it is applied, it causes contraction of the vessels in other parts of the body. 10. It is probable that it does not cause contraction in all parts alike, but that definite areas of skin correspond to definite sets of internal vessels. 11. The relief of pain produced by a blister in pleurisy, pneumonia, or rheumatic inflammation of a joint, is probably due'to reflex contraction of the arteries in these parts. . 12. Blisters are useful in lessening congestion in pericarditis, and in relieving the pain of inflamed joints in rheumatism.* 13. The benefit derived from their use in young persons, especially those suffering from a first attack, is very great. In elderly persons it is inconsiderable. 14. The beneficial action of a blister in callous ulcer is prob- ably due to the increased supply cf blood to the part, induced by its application. * Introduced by Dr. Herbert Davies, Lond. Hosp. Rep. talelln eel a! ie Ahad SIMD S65 ! , q : , j fi A SIMPLE METHOD OF DEMONSTRATING THE EFFECT OF HEAT AND POISONS UPON THE- HEART OF THE FROG. (From the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. x, 1876.) TuE fact that heat accelerates and cold retards the pulsations of the heart, is one of such fundamental importance, both in regard to a right understanding of the quick pulse, which is one of the most prominent symptoms of fever, and to a correct knowledge of the proper treatment to apply when the heart’s action is fail- ing, that for the last year or two I have been accustomed to demonstrate it as a lecture experiment. The apparatus I use is exceedingly simple, but it answers its purpose well, and by its means the pulsations of the frog’s heart can be readily shown to several hundred persons at once. I exhibited it at the meeting of the British Medical Association in London more than two years ago, and a description of it appeared in the British Medical Journal for August 23, 1873; but as I have reason to believe that few physiologists have seen either the instrument or its description, it may not be amiss to say a few words regarding it here. It consists of a piece of tin plate or glass 3 or 4 inches long and 2 or 3 wide, at one end of which an ordinary cork cut square is fastened with sealing-wax in such a manner that it. projects half an inch or more beyond the edge of the plate. This serves as a support to a little wooden lever about 3 inches. long, a quarter of an inch broad, and one-eighth of an inch thick., A pin is passed through a hole in the centre of this lever, and runs into the cork so that the lever swings freely about upon it as on a pivot. . The easiest way of making a hole of the proper size, is simply to heat the pin red hot, and then to burn a hole in the lever with it. To prevent the lever from sliding along the pin, a minute piece of cardboard is put at each side of it, and oiled to prevent friction. A long fine bonnet straw or 456 EFFECT OF HEAT AND POISONS ON THE HEART OF THE FROG, section of one is then fastened by sealing-wax to one end of the lever, and to the other end of the straw a round piece of white paper cut to the size of a shilling or half-crown, according to convenience, is also fixed by a drop of sealing-wax. The pin, which acts as a pivot, should be just sufficiently beyond the edge of the plate to allow the lever to move freely, and the lever itself should lie flat upon the plate. Its weight too, increased as it is by the straw and paper flag, would now be tco great for the heart to lift, and so it must be counterpoised, This is readily done by clasping a pair of bull-dog forceps on the other end. By altering the position of the forceps the weight of the lever can be regulated with great nicety. If the forceps are drawn back as at c, Fig. 158, the flag is more than counter- ‘balanced, and does not rest on the heart at all, while the position a brings the centre of gravity of the forceps in front of the pivot, and increases the pressure of the lever on the heart, The isolated frog’s heart is laid under the lever near the pivot Fie, 158.—Instrument for showing the Action of Heat and Cold and of Poisons on the Frog’s Heart. 33 e 65 and as it beats the lever oscillates upwards and downwards. If the tin plate be now laid on some pounded ice the pulsations will become slower and slower, and if the room be not too warm the heart may stand completely still in diastole, On removing the plate from the ice the pulsations of the heart become quicker. Ifa spirit-lamp be now held at some distance below it the heart beats quicker and quicker as the heat increases, until at last it stands still in heat tetanus. On again cooling it by the ice its pulsations recommence. At first they are quick, but they gradually become slower and slower. On again applying the spirit-lamp they become quicker, and by anita Cini yy —_—— HEAT AND COLD—MUSCARIA AND NICOTIA. 457 raising the temperature sufficiently the heat tetanus is converted into heat rigor. ‘Then no application of cold has the slightest effect in restoring pulsation, Not only the effects of heat and cold, but the effect of sepa- rating the venous sinus or the auricles from the ventricle can readily be shown with this apparatus, as well as the action of various poisons, The best for the purpose of class demonstra- tion is muscaria. A drop of saline solution containing a little of the alkaloid being placed on the heart, it ceases to beat entirely, Ifa drop of atropia solution be now added the beats recommence, I have seen them do so on one occasion after they had entirely ceased for four hours. When used for demon- strating the action of poisons the wooden lever should be covered with sealing-wax, so as to alluw every particle of the poison to be washed off it, and thus prevent any portion from being left behind and interfering with a future experiment. By attaching a small point to the end of the straw in place of the paper flag, tracings may be taken upon smoked paper fixed on a revolving cylinder. PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF THE BARK OF ERYTHROPHLEUM GUINENSE (CASCA, CASSA, OR SASSY BARR). In conjunction with WALTER PYE, M.R.C.S. (From the Proceedings of the Royal Society, No. 172, 1876.) (Abstract.) | 1. It diminishes oxidation, and thus prevents fresh vege- table tissues from communicating a blue colour to tincture of euaiac. ara 2. It does not hinder the development of the yeast-fungus nor the germination of seeds. Penicillium grows freely in a solution of it. 3. A watery solution of the alcoholic extract prevents the development of Bacteria, but one of the watery extract does not do so. 4. It does not destroy the life of Bacteria or Infusoria. The motion of cilia is not arrested by it. 5. It arrests amceboid movement in leucocytes. 6. It has no action on fresh muscular fibre; but muscular tissue, when kept in a solution of the alcoholic extract for some days, undergoes extensive fatty metamorphosis, but does not become putrid. It does not alter the sensibility of muscle to electrical stimuli, nor does it diminish its lifting power. 7. It has little, if any, poisonous action on the Inverte- brata. 8. It has a comparatively slight action on fishes and frogs. The symptoms produced by its administration are failure of muscular power, preceded by irregular muscular movement. 9. On birds a small dose produces violent vomiting and irregular muscular movements, with difficult respiration. These symptoms are followed by loss of muscular power and death. a ee eee EY AS PNR aoe GENERAL ACTIONS. | 459 10. In cats and dogs the symptoms are restlessness, nausea succeeded by violent vomiting, spasmodic jerks of the limbs during locomotion, quickened respiration, staggering gait, inability to stand, and death generally during a convulsion of an emprosthotonic character, apparently connected with an attempt to vomit. Consciousness seems to be preserved to the last. When injected subcutaneously, although it produces violent vomiting, it never purges; division of the vagi before its administration lessens or prevents the vomiting usually observed, as well as the other symptoms of distress; and in one instance a dose which would ordinarily have been speedily fatal produced no apparent effect in an animal thus operated on. | 11. When injected into the stomach of a cat it produces violent vomiting and purging. Sometimes this is followed by recovery, in other cases by loss of muscular power and death. 12. Injection of atropia does not prevent death; and although in one case it prolonged life for two hours, in other instances it seemed rather to accelerate a fatal issue. 13. It causes the heart in frogs to pulsate more slowly; the ventricle becomes irregularly contracted, leaving pouches over the surface, and finally is arrested in systole ; the auricles con- tract for some time longer. 14. In cats the ventricle also becomes irregularly contracted before finally stopping. 15. In frogs it causes no rise of the blood-pressure in the aorta, but raises the oscillation of the mercurial column con- nected with the vessel to three times its previous height. _ 16. In cats and dogs moderate doses injected into the jugular vein first raise the bluod-pressure without altering the rate of cardiac pulsation or the extent of oscillation at each beat; they then slow the heart by stimulating the roots of the vagus. The tension rises, notwithstanding the slowness of the heart’s beats. An additional dose paralyses the ends of the vagus in the heart, aud quickens its pulsations; the pressure rises slightly. A further dose again slows the heart by acting on its ganglionic apparatus, and the beats sometimes fall as low as three per 460 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK, minute, three or four respirations occurring during each cardiac diastole, Notwithstanding the very slow action of the heart, the pressure may remain as high as 165 millimetres of mercury, a fact which indicates that the arterioles are in a state of extreme contraction. After the heart has ceased, the pressure falls very slowly. Slight pulsations of the ventricle occasionally occur when the thorax is opened. 17. Small doses do not seem to increase the excitability of the peripheral ends of the vagi to electrical stimuli ; moderate and large doses paralyse these nerves, 18, After injection of casca into the veins of an animal com- pletely narcotised by chloroform, electrical irritation of the central end of the divided vagus of one side, the other remain- ing intact, is followed after a short interval by marked slowing of the pulse, fall of blood-pressure and increased oscillation, 19. When injected into the veins of a cat after division of the spinal cord opposite the second cervical vertebra, the blood-pressure rises to a greater height than is attained under other conditions. 20. When in the rabbit the sympathetic has been divided in the neck on one side, subsequent injection of casca into the jugular vein produces pallor of the recently congested ear of the side cn which the division had been made. 21, When locally applied to the web of a frog’s foot tem- porary slowing of the circulation was observed, but no alteration in the diameter of the blood-vessels. When injected beneath the skin of the back of a frog it pro- duces no visible effect on the vessels of the web. 22. It does not appear to possess any special action on reflex excitability. 23, In moderate doses it increases the secretion of urine at the same time that it raises the blood pressure. Further doses diminish the secretion, while they raise the pressure yet more; and at the time when the pressure reaches its maximum the secretion of urine is entirely arrested. When the pressure begins to fall the secretion of urine again commences. The urine collected after the recommencement of the secretion was not. albuminous. | ‘ } Be Fs ae ACTION ON ORGANS. 461 24. When injected into a loop of intestine it does not increase the secretion, nor does it produce any distinct con- gestion. 25. When applied to the eye it has no-action on the pupil, nor does it cause congestion of the conjunctiva or lachrymation. 26. When administered to a pregnant cat it did not produce abortion. 27. The temperature of the body is not affected by adminis- tration of the drug. ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. In conjunction with WALTER PYE. (Reprinted from St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Reports, 1876, vol. xii.) THE practice of subjecting persons suspected of crime or witcheraft to an ordeal by poison prevails very extensively along the western coast of Africa. The poison employed is not the same along the whole coast-line. In Calabar, which lies about the middle, the natives employ the bean of the Physostigma venenosum, or, as it is generally called, the Calabar bean. To the north of Calabar, in Sierra Leone, and to the south, in Angola, the favourite ordeal poison is not a fruit, but a bark, which bears in different districts the names of “doom,” “ gidu,” and “ sassy,” “ saucy,” “ cassa,” or “ casca.” This bark is obtained from the Lrythrophleum Guinense, which, like the Physostigna venenosum, belongs to the natural order Legu- minose. The bark is of a brownish-red colour, is in pieces about 8 inches long, 4 broad, and between + and $4 thick. When treated with water it yields a brownish-red infusion. There are two ways in which it is employed by the natives. One is to make the suspected person fast for several hours, and then to give him a few grains of rice and some infusion of the bark. If he vomits all the grains of rice and is not purged, he is said to be innocent; but if he is purged, he is pronounced guilty. The other way is to bend both ends of several boughs of trees into the ground so as to form a long archway, through which the accused walks in a stooping position after a dose of the infusion has been administered. If he is able to walk through without stumbling, he is considered to be innocent; but if he stumbles, he is said to be guilty and at once de- spatched. The chief effects of the poison by which the inno- cence or guilt of the accused are decided are thus vomiting, 3 6¢ Teer ee ee GENERAL ACTION, 463 purging, and loss of muscular power or co-ordination. The effects of the poison on man, as described by some missicnaries, are vomiting, redness and glazing of the eyes, and loss of the power of contracting the muscles throughout the body; so that when the poison has fairly commenced its action on the system, the sufferer is incapable of standing or walking, and the head rolls heavily about the breast and shoulders. Its action on animals was tried by Santos,* who says that the decoction pro- duced alternate dilatation and contraction of the pupils, appearance of delirium, violent retching, vomiting, symptoms of tetanus, and finally death. Professor Liebreich has also in- vestigated its physiological action, but we have not yet seena full account of his experiments. A small quantity of the bark having been brought from Angola by Mr. Monteiro, who had obtained it with consider- able difficulty, he kindly gave it to us, and we began a minute investigation of its physiological action, so as to ascertain not only the exact manner in which death is produced by the drug, but the mode in which the various functions are affected by it, and its possible uses in medicine. General Action of Casca. Beginning our experiments with the simplest forms of life, and proceeding to the more complex, we found that a watery extract of the bark did not interfere in the least with the ger- mination of seeds; it did not hinder the growth of the yeast fungus, and ordinary mould (Penicillium) grows freely in it. It does not destroy full-grown bacteria nor infusoria; nor does a watery solution of the aqueous extract prevent the develop- ment of bacteria, but a watery solution of the alcoholic extract does so, a fact which seems to indicate the presence in the alcoholic extract of some principle which is absent from the aqueous extract. It has little or no action on invertebrate animals such as snails. On fishes and frogs its action, though much less than on warm-blooded animals, is nevertheless quite distinct, its administration being followed by irregular mus- * American Journal of Pharmacy, April, 1849, p. 96. 464 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK, cular movements and failure of muscular power. Birds are easily affected by it, a small dose producing violent vomiting and irregular muscular movements with difficult respiration. These symptoms are followed by loss of muscular power and death. In cats and dogs it causes restlessness and nausea succeeded by violent and repeated vomiting. The respiration is very much quickened. The first symptom of any affection of the locomotor organs in cats is a peculiar jerk of the hind limbs, as if something were sticking to the feet, and the animal were trying to shake it off while walking; then the gait becomes staggering, and the animal ceases to be able to stand. Death generally occurs during a convulsion of an emprosthotonic character, apparently connected with an attempt to vomit. Consciousness seems to be preserved to the last. The symptoms observed by us thus agree in most respects with those described by Santos, but we saw no appearance of delirium, nor any alternate contraction and dilatation of the pupil, although we looked for it carefully. Analysis of the Symptoms produced by Casca. Vomiting. and Purging.—kIt has already been mentioned that while vomiting in those subjected to the ordeal by casca is regarded as a sign of innocence, purging is considered to be a proof of guilt. It is stated that the priests who prepare the infusion are able to produce either effect at will, the clear infusion being given to those whom they wish to prove inno- cent, while the dregs are administered to those who have offended them, or who at any rate have not propitiated them. In order to ascertain whether this was so or not we adminis- tered an infusion without the dregs to one cat, and an infusion with the dregs to another; but the result was contrary to what we expected, the one which had got the dregs recovering, while the other died. This might, however, be due to the fact that the infusion with which we operated was prepared from finely-pounded bark, which would readily yield up its active principle to water, while the infusion is probably prepared by ~ VOMITING—MUSCULXR WEAKNESS. 465 the priests from coarsely-pounded bark, from which water would extract the poison more slowly; and if ouly allowed to vemain a short time in contact with the bark, the infusion would be comparatively weak, while the dregs themselves would yield up their active principle in the stomach after being swallowed, and thus have a much more powerful action. The purging is due to the local effect of the poison on the intestines, for it only occurred when the poison was given by the mouth, and was never present when the drug was admin- istered by subcutaneous injection. Vomiting, on the contrary, occurred as constantly when the casca was injected subcu- taneously as when given by the mouth. The vomiting after subcutaneous injection of the drug is prohably due to its being carried with the blood to the stomach, and irritating the sensory nerves of that organ in much the same way as when introduced directly into it. The reason why we believe the vomiting to be due to irritation of the nerves of the stomach rather than to the action of the drug upon the vomiting centre in the medulla oblongata, is that when the vagi nerves were divided in the neck of one cat,a dose which would ordinarily have proved fatal produced no vomiting, nor indeed any of the usual symptoms. In other cases where vomiting occurred even after division of the vagi, it was less than usual, and it might be due to the irritation being conveyed from the stomach to the medulla by branches of the solar plexus instead of by the vagi. The purging is probably due to increased peristaltic action rather than to increased secretion, fur infusion of casca introduced into a loop of intestine produced no increased secretion, as a solution of sulphate of magnesia would have done. Muscular Weakness—Want of power to walk properly is the second symptom regarded as a proof of guilt in those subjected to the ordeal, those who stumble before they reach the end of the archway of boughs being at once executed. In attempting to ascertain the cause of this loss of power, we worked back- wards thus: The motions of the limbs are due to the contraction of muscles. The contraction of muscles is due to the stimuli they receive from motor nerves. The stimuli which pass gown motor nerves to muscles proceed from nerve-centres ir 2H 466 ON THE PITYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. the spinal cord or encephalon. Thus loss of muscular power may be due to loss of power either in the muscles themselves — in the motor nerves which supply them—or in the nerve-centres in the spinal cord or encephalon. Action on Muscles.—This was tested by laying one gastro- cnemius of a frog ina solution of casca, and the other in an indifferent liquid, such as a °75 per cent. solution of common salt. After some time the excitability of the two muscles by electrical stimuli was compared, and also their power to lift weights. They were found to be equal. This showed that casca was not a muscular poison, for had it been so, the muscle immersed in a solution of it would have lost its excitability before the other, and its power to lift a weight would have been lessened. Action on Motor Nerves.—In order to ascertain whether the motor nerves were paralysed or not, the artery going to one leg of a frog was ligatured and the poison injected under the skin of the back. ‘The poison was thus carried to every part of the frog except the ligatured leg. Immediately after death the excitability of the motor nerves was tested by the appli- cation of an induced electrical current from a Du Bois Rey- mond’s coil. It was found that the motor nerves of the leg to which the poison had been carried by the blood were not para- lysed, and were quite as easily excited as those of the other leg from which the poison had been excluded by ligature of the artery. The poison, therefore, does not paralyse the motor nerves. Action on the Spinal Cord. ete, time after the injection of casca under the skin of a frog the movements of the animal become more sluggish, are imperfectly performed ; and when the toes are pinched, the foot is either moved lazily or not at all, instead of being promptly drawn up, as it normally is.. The reflex activity of the cord is thus seen to be impaired, but we must not hastily conclude that this impair- ment is due to the direct action of the drug upon the nervous structures; for imperfect circulation of blood through the brain and spinal cord quickly deprives them of their power, and although stoppage of the circulation does not abolish the q i. SPINAL COKD—HEART. 467 functional power of the nerve-centres so quickly in the frog as in warm-blooded animals, it nevertheless does so after a time. In order to discover whether the casca destroyed the power of the spinal cord by acting directly upon it or not, its action upon the heart was investigated, and we found that a short time after its administration it arrested the pulsations of that organ. It seemed, therefore, quite possible that the loss of power in the spinal cord was simply due to stoppage of the heart by the poison, but of course this was only probability, as the casca might act both on the cord and the heart. We decided this point, however, by administering casca to one frog, and waiting until the heart had stopped. The instant it had done so, we arrested the circulation in a frog of a similar kind and size by a ligature around the large vessels as they arose from the heart. In these two frogs the circulation was equally arrested, but in one of them the poison had been previously carried by the blood to the spinal cord, and could still act upon it although the flow of blood was stopped. If the casca had any paralysing action upon the nervous structures of the cord itself, reflex action ought to have ceased in the poisoned frog before doing so in the ligatured frog, but this was not the case. In both frogs reflex action ceased in almost exactly the same time. The abolition of the function of the spinal cord is therefore due to stoppage of the circulation caused by the casca, and not to the action of the drug upon the cord itself. The staggering gait, inability to stand, and paralysis which we have observed in dogs and eats, we attribute, like the paralysis in frogs, to disturbance of the circulation, and not to any special action on the nerve- centres. Action on Circulation. Action on the Heart.—The first action of casca upon the heart of the frog is to cause it to beat more slowly, then the ventricle becomes irregularly contracted, some parts of it being firmly contracted and white, while here and there other points are not contracted, and being filled with blood, look like little red pouches studding the cardiac surface. Finally, the ventricle stops altogether in a state of contraction, while the auricles continue to pulsate for some time longer, In cats also the ventricle sometimes becomes irregularly con- 2H 2 468 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK: tracted before finally stopping, the lower part of the ventricle in one experiment having been contracted, while the upper half was not, so that the lower half appeared to be partly pushed up ° into the. upper in such a way as to produce a deep transverse wrinkle across the middle of the ventricle. Action on the Vagus.—It will be seen from the description thus given that the action of casca upon the heart of the frog is almost exactly like that of digitalis, as described by Messrs. Fagge and Stevenson.* Further experiments have shown us that casca also resembles digitalis in its action upon the vagus. A moderate dose of casca injected into the jugular vein first slows the heart, a further dose greatly quickens it, and another large dose again slows it. The first slowing is due to stimula- tion of the vagus roots in the medulla oblongata, for when the vagi are divided so as to cut the communication between the medulla and the heart, the pulsations again become quick. The quickening which a large dose of casca produces when the vagi are uninjured is due to its paralysing the ends of these nerves in the heart, and thus destroying the communication between this organ and the medulla quite as effectually as the division of their trunks by the knife. When the nerves, as they pass down the neck, are irritated by an induced galvanic current in their normal condition, they slow the pulsations of the heart, or stop it altogether; but after the injection of casca has paralysed their ends in the heart, no irritation of their trunks has any power to slow its pulsations. The final slowing produced by a large dose of casca must be due to the action of the drug upon the ganglionic apparatus within the heart itself, as the vagus ends are already paralysed. The extreme slowness of the heart in this stage is sometimes very remarkable, as in one experiment there were only three pulsations per minute, only one occurring in the time occupied by three or four respirations. Action on the Blood-vessels.—Casca has a most extraordinary power of contracting the blood-vessels. This is indicated by the pressure of blood within the vessels becoming high after its injection, notwithstanding the slowness of the heart’s action; but it is proved most unmistakably by the fact that during the * Proceedinys of the Royal Socie’y, vol. xiv, p. 270. i ees a NS = BLOOD VESSELS—PERIPHERAL ACTION. 469 long diastolic pauses the pressure does not sink as it ordinarily does, but sometimes remains as high as 165 millimetres of mercury. When the arterioles are in their normal condition as regards dilatation, the blood flows readily out of the arteries into the veins, and the pressure rapidly falls in the arterial system during the cardiac diastole. When the arterioles are much contracted, however, as after the administration of casca, the flow of the blood out of the arterial into the venous system is impeded, the arteries remain full, and the tension of the blood within them high. Digitalis also contracts the arterioles and causes the fall of pressure during the cardiac diastole to be slow. The mode in which casca and digitalis produce contraction of the blood-- vessels, however, seems to be different. Digitalis causes it by stimulating the vaso-motor centre in the medulla oblongata,. and this centre acts through the vaso-motor nerves upon the vessels. These nerves pass down from the medulla, through the cervical part of the spinal cord, along the splanchnics, Xc.,. to the vessels. Consequently, when the communication between the vaso-motor centre in the medulla oblongata and the vessels. is destroyed by dividing the cervical and spinal cord, the: vessels dilate, and no stimulation of the vaso-motor centre has. any power to cause them to contract. The contraction usually produced by digitalis, therefore, does not occur if the cord be divided before its injection, and is removed if the cord be divided after contraction has already taken place. This is not the case with casea, however, for we found that after the spinal cord had been completely divided in a cat opposite the second cervical vertebra, the blood-pressure after the injection of casca rose higher than in any other experiment. The casca must therefore act either on the blood-vessels themselves, the vaso-motor nerves, or some vaso-motor centre not contained in the medulla. A further proof that casca acts on peripheral ~2so-motor canglia or nerves is afforded by an experiment in which the sympathetic nerve was divided in the neck of a rabbit, so as to sever the connection between the vaso-motor centre and the vessels of the ear on one side. On the other the nerves 470) ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. were left intact. After injecting a dose of casca the vessels in both ears became pale, and apparent'y there was no differ- ence between them in the ear with the divided nerve and in the other. We are rather inclined to the supposition that it does act on some such centre or centres—possibly ganglia—in or around the vessels themselves, because the local application of casca to a frog’s foot, or its injection under the skin of the back, causes no contraction in the vessels of the web, as one would expect it to do if it acted on the vessels themselves. The arterioles begin to contract after a small dose of casca before any effect is produced on the vagus, so that the blood-pressure begins to rise before the pulse becomes slow. The contraction also seems to last after the vagus is paralysed, and even after the heart has ceased to beat, so. that when the aninal is dying the blood- pressure falls very slowly. The contraction of the vessels after the injection of casca is ‘mot confined to those which are under the dominion of the vaso- motor centre in the medulla. It has been shown by Ludwig -and Hafiz that while this centre can cause contraction of the vessels going to the intestines, it has little or no power over ‘those supplying the muscles. Thus it happens that when this — ‘centre is irritated the blood-pressure does not remain bigh -during the cardiac diastole, as one formerly supposed it would do; for although the intestinal arterioles are firmly contracted, and prevent any blood from flowing into the veins, the arteries of the muscles remain uncontracted and the blood flows rapidly through them. As the blood-pressure after the injection of -easca remains so high during the cardiac diastole, the arterioles in the muscles must be contracted as well as those in the intestines. In its mode of action upon the blood-vessels casca differs from digitalis, but agrees with ergot, which seems to cause contraction by acting rather upon peripheral vaso-motor nerves or ganglia, or on the muscular wall of the blood-vessels, than on the vaso-motor centre. Action on the Kidneys.—As the action of casca on the cireula- tion so closely resembles that of digitalis, it seemed not improbable that it might also have a diuretic action, and we = few veel os nea ula ee ee, A ee Ee NN ee ee ee ae 5 as 7 ——— Ee a ee ee STEED eet Aide. aT 7 ery ACTION ON TIIE KIDNEYS. 471 accordingly proceeded to try whether it had or not. The manner in which we experimented was as follows. A dog was aneesthetised with chloroform, the anesthesia being kept up during the whole operation. A cannula was placed in one ureter so that the urine dropped from the kidney as fast as it was secreted, and the rapidity of secretion could be readily ascertained. ‘The carotid artery was connected with a kymo- evaphion and the blood-pressure measured. On then injecting a dose of casca into the jugular vein, we found that the blood- pressure rose and the urine began to be secreted more rapidly. An additional dose raised the blood-pressure still higher, but the secretion of wine began to get slower instead of quicker, and when the blood-pressure had risen to its maximum the secretion stopped altogether. After a while the blood-pressure began to fall, and the secretion again commenced. The explana- tion which we are inclined to give of these facts is that at first the casca, by causing contraction of the vessels generally, and raising the blood-pressure, increases the pressure in the glomeruli of the kidney, and thus causes the watery con- stituents of the blood to filter through them more quickly than usual, It thus increases the flow of urine. It next causes the vessels of the kidney to contract more and more, so that notwithstanding the high blood-pressure in the arterial system generally, there is little blood in the kidneys. The pressure of blood in the glomeruli is consequently low, and the secretion of urine scanty, and when the contraction of the renal. artery becomes very great the secretion stops altogether. When the arterial spasm again relaxes, the secretion recommences at the same time that the blood-pressure falls. In this respect the action of casca agrees completely with that of digitalis.* It seems probable that casca will also, like digitalis, be found to have a cumulative action, should it. be introduced into medicine; for the effect of any drug depends on the amount of it cir- culating in the blood, and this amount may be increased either by increasing the introduction of new quantities or by diminishing the excretion. It seems probable that the sudden * Brunton and Power, “ On the Diuretic Action of Digitalis.” Proceedings of the Ruyal Society, 1874, No. 158. Vide aniea, p. 410. 472 -ON THE PIIYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. appearance of dangerous symptoms during the administration of digitalis is due to its stopping excretion by the kidney while the drug is still taken by the mouth. The occurrence of poisoning by digitalis would thus be completely analogous to poisoning by curare in an experiment of Herrmann’s.* Curare produces paralysis of motor nerves when quickly introduced into the circulation by injection under the skin or into a vein, but doves not usually prove poisonous when taken into the stomach. The reason of this is that itis excreted by the kidneys as quickly as it is absorbed from the stomach, so that there is never enough of it in the blood at any one time to be injurious. When Herrmann tied the renal vessels, however, so as to prevent excretion, curare taken into the stomach proved as certainly fatal as when injected into a vein. In digitalis-poisoning the drug itself causes contraction of the renal vessels, producing the same effect as the ligature applied to them by Herrmann in the ease of curare, and the same would probably be the case witls casca. Action on Respiration.—The respiration is generally quickenec by casca. This quickening appears to be due to a stimulating action of the drug upon the pulmonary branches of the vagus, as it was not observed when the vagi were divided before the casca was administered, Action on Temperature.—Casca does not appear to have any action either in lowering or raising the temperature of a healthy animal. We have not yet tried what effect it will have ir fever. Action on the Lye.-—When applied to the eye it has no action on the pupil, nor does it cause congestiun of: the conjunctiva or lachry mation. Action on the Uterus.—Digitalis having been said to have a powertul action upon the uterus, an action which has been found by Dr. Dickinson to be useful in arresting menorrhagia by causing contraction of the uterus, we administered casca to a pregnant cat, but it did not produce abortion. * Du-Bois Reymond’s und Reichert’s Archiv, 1867, p. 64 ee CARDIAC TONIC—DIURETIC. 473 Probable Use of Casca in Medicine. It is evident from the description we have given above of the physiological action of casca, that it is quite different from that of Calabar bean, the other ordeal poison employed on the African coast, which has become such a useful remedy since its physiological action was first ascertained by the admirable researches of Dr. T. R. Fraser. Unlike physostigma, it has no action on the pupil, aud no special action upon the spinal cord. Its action is exerted chiefly upon the stomach, circulatory apparatus and kidneys. Its action on the stomach seems to be — rather a drawback than otherwise, as it would have been highly advantageous to have had a drug which would act like digitalis. upon the heart without producing the sickness which sometimes obliges us to discontinue the use of the latter. As, like digitalis, it strengthens the heart while slowing its pulsations, it will be useful in mitral disease, and its diuretic action will prove serviceable in dropsy arising from this cause. At the same time its more powerful action on the vessels leads us to hope that it will be useful in advanced cases of cardiac dropsy when digitalis fails. This power of contracting the vessels also indicates that it will prove a useful hemostatic, mcre powerful than either digitalis or ergot, the virtues of which it seems to combine. Mr. Monteiro having kindly promised to obtain for us a large quantity of the bark, we trust we shail find that its action in disease corresponds to the hopes we have tormed, PRELIMINARY NOTES ON THE PHYSIO- LOGICAL ACTION OF NITRO- GLYCERINE. In conjunction with E. §. TAIT. (Reprinted from St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, 1876, vol. xii.) From the olservations and experiments on the physiolo- gical action and therapeutic employment of nitro-glycerine made by numerous authorities, amongst whom may be men- tioned Hering, Pelikan, Field, Thorowgood, Brady, Demme, Albers, Onsum, Eulenburg, Werber and others, it is evident that nitro-glycerine is a powerful poison, and exerts a marked action on the nervous system when given even in exceedingly minute doses. Although many facts regarding its action have already been ascertained, it has not yet been made the subject of an elaborate investigation, and it therefore seemed to us advisable to ascertain its action more thoroughly than has yet been done. Our research is still very imperfect, but cireum- stances having obliged us to discontinue it for a few months, we now give tlie results we have already obtained, and trust to fill up the numerous deficiencies in them when we are again able to resume work together. Whilst we confine ourselves in our present paper to a statement of the results of our own experiments, we purpose in a future one to enter into the literature of the subject, and to compare the conclusions to which our experiments have led us with those of previous observers. General Action on Frogs.—A number of experiments were made by injecting a 10 per cent. solution of nitro-glycerine in alcohol, in quantities varying from about one-tenth to four- tenths of a cubic centimetre, under the skin of the back or belly of a frog. The result was in all cases nearly the same. Immediately after the injection the animals became very rest- less, and the respirations became very rapid. In a minute or GENERAL ACTION ON FROGS AND CATS. . 475 two the restlessness subsided and gave place to lethargy, the frogs showing a great disinclination to move, and allowing themselves to be gently pushed along the table without jump- ing. The respiration still continued rapid. In about two minutes more (generally three to five minutes after the injection of the poison) the frogs gave a sudden spring, and fell into tetanic convulsions. These lasted about half a minute, and then became more or less relaxed; they soon returned, however, and continued to do so at nearly regular intervals, when the frogs were left alone, but they might also be brought on by touching the animals. When the relaxation of the muscles was imper- fect, so that the lees still remained extended during the inter- vals, the convulsions were marked by twitchings of the toes. In some instances the mouth seemed to be the part first affected by the convulsion, as the jaws were seen to open and shut, although it is possible that this was connected with respi- ration rather than with the general convulsions; next the arms were affected, and lastly the legs. The arms seemed also to be more sensitive than the legs, as slight spasmodic twitches could sometimes be produced by touching or pinching the arms, when similar irritation of the legs had no effect. After con- tinuing for some time the convulsions became gradually weaker, and the animal died. General Action on Cats.—The only warm-blooded animals on which we have as yet experimented with nitro-glycerine are cats, and although it is probable that a general similarity exists between its action on these and on other mammalia, yet it is not unlikely that there are minor differences which can only be ascertained by farther experiments. On injecting 4 cubic centimetres of a 10 per cent. solution into the peritoneal cavity of a cat, the first symptom noticed two minutes after the injec- tion was a stretching movement of the hind leg, as if the animal were trying to shake something off the foot. In about half an hour the cat cried as if in uneasiness or pain, and then vomited. In about half an hour more the legs seemed to: fail during walking, and the animal suddenly sank down and never again rose. Vomiting again occurred once or twice, the respira- tion becoming exceedingly rapid (120 per minute), and the 476 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF NITRO-GLYCERINE. tongue and muscles of the lower jaw worked at each inspiration, so that the tongue lolled back and forwards like that of a dog which has been running.. This action we have never observed in cats, either during health or after the administration of any other poison. The nostrils also moved with the respirations, and muscular twitching was observed over the body. The cornea was now found to be insensible, and pinching called forth no action in the limbs; but when the tail was pinched, a deep inspiration took place. Slight spasms resembling hiccough now occurred, and in five minutes more the animal died, two hours and five minutes after the injection of the poison. A large dose (10 cubic centimetres) injected in the same way almost immediately caused the respiration to become rapid (120 per minute) and the gait staggering. The animal also cried, the tongue lolled out in the manner already described, and the third eyelids were drawn half over the eyes in the same manner as we have seen them in other cats after division of the vagi. In five minutes the respirations had reached 160 per minute, and the animal lay quite quiet. In 15 minutes voluntary action was quite paralysed, and reflex almost entirely so. When either the fore or hind legs were drawn out, no attempt was made to draw them up to the body, the limbs seeming quite paralysed. On tickling the inside of the ear, however, the ear was moved; and on touching the cornea, the eyelids closed. On applying a strong induced current 20 minutes after the injection to various parts of the body and legs, muscular twitch- ings were produced, but no reflex movements. In five minutes more, respiration became slow and gasping (6 per minute); the tongue ceased to loll, and in five minutes. more the animal was dead, 30 minutes after the injection. On post-mortem examination the heart was found still pulsating, and the blood of a somewhat chocolate colour. The principal effects produced by nitro-glycerine are thus. seen to be— great acceleration cf the respiation, paralysis, loss of reflex action, and apparently to a great degree of sensation, and death from stoppage of the respiration. ‘The minor symp= toms are muscular twitching and vomiting, EEE oe ns ON NERVOUS SYSTEM AND MUSCLES. 477 Action on the Nervous System.—In frogs nitro-glycerine pro- duces, as we have already mentioned, languor, tetanus, and finally paralysis. In cats there is paralysis without any tetanus, although there may be movements of a convulsive nature— such as vomiting, spasmodic respirations like hiccough, and muscular twitches—when the poison is injected into the abdo- minal cavity. In another experiment we found that after the injection of 1 cubic centimetre of a 10 per cent. solution directly into the jugular vein of a cat, tetanic convulsions occurred. In order to ascertain whether the tetanus in the frog is due to the action of the nitro-glycerine on the spinal cord, or on the nervous centres within the encephalon, the spinal cord was cut across about the middle before the poison was given. The upper part of the animal immediately became very restless, and the arms were stretched out at right angles to the body with the toes outspread. There was no alteration in the hinder part of the body and legs. The nitro-glycerine, therefore, does not cause tetanus by its direct action on the spinal cord, as other- wise spasms would have been observed in the hind legs. This result was confirmed by another experiment. A frog was decapitated, and after the spinal cord had recovered from the shock, and reflex movements were again observed in the limbs, nitro-glycerine was injected under the skin. No spasm what- ever was observed. Other experiments led us to believe that the tetanus is not due to any action on the cerebral lobes, but probably to the effect of the poison on the optic lobes; but we are not yet in a position to decide this with certainty. Action on Muscie-—In order to ascertain this, two gastro- cnemii of a frog were immersed in two glasses, each containing 10 cubic centimetres of a °75 per cent. solution of common salt. To the one glass about two drops of the solution of nitro- glycerine were added. After three hours the muscle which had been lying in the pure solution of salt contracted readily on the application of an induced current, while the one which had been lying in the salt solution with nitro-glycerine was in‘a state of rigor mortis. Nitro-glycerine is therefore a muscle poison, and in this particular its action agrees with that of nitrites, all of 478 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF NITRO-GLYCERINE. which have been found to be muscle-poisons in an unpublished research on which one of us (Brunton) in conjunction with Mr Gresswell is at present engaged in this laboratory. Action on Motor Nerves.—On ligaturing the vessels in one leg of a frog so as to prevent the circulation of poisoned blood in that limb, the nerve being left uninjured, we have found that when paralysis had begun to appear, the spasms which could be observed were slightly more. marked in the ligatured limb. On testing the irritability of the motor nerves after death, they were found to respond much more readily to an induced current in the ligatured than in the non-ligatured leg; but as the muscles of the non-ligatured leg responded but feebly to a current directly applied to them, we are at present unable to say whether the paralysis is entirely due to the action of the poison on the muscles, or whether it affects the motor nerves as well. We may possibly be able to decide this point by making farther experiments, similar to those which we have already performed, but in winter, when the muscles preserve their irrit- ability longer than in summer, during which our experiments were made. We also propose to try them with Rana esculenta instead of Rana temporaria, the muscles of these two species of frog having been shown by Schmiedeberg to be very differently affected by caffein, a poison having an action similar in some respects to that of nitro-glycerine. Action on the Spinal Cord—tThe loss of reflex action both in frogs and cats, in the advanced stages of poisoning, indicates that the cord is paralysed ; and the persistence of reflex action in parts supplied by cranial nerves, such as the eye and.ear, after it has disappeared from other parts of the body, indi- cates that the cord is paralysed before the ganglia at the base of the brain. | Astion on the Brain.—One of the most remarkable effects of nitro-glycerine is the intense headache it produces, even in infinitesimal doses. Almost all observers agree about the fact of its producing headache, but they differ regarding the nature of the headache. According to our experience, it is not always of the same kind, being sometimes frontal, sometimes occipital, sometimes affecting one side only, and at other times ee a oe as ON THE HEART, BLOOD-PRESSURE AND BLOOD. 479. the whole head. In one of us (Brunton) it was several times accompanied by vomiting. It has been said by some that con- tinued use of nitro-glycerine makes the person more sensitive, but in one of us (Tait) the contrary seemed to be the case, as the headache was only suffered from during the first week of the investigation. None of the poison was taken by the mouth, and, as it is non-volatile, the amount taken in by the lungs must have been infinitesimal. It is possible that, as some writers have supposed, a little of it was absorbed by the skin, but the quantity thus taken into the system must have been excessively minute. Action on the Heart.—When the excised heart of a frog is put into 10 cubic centimetres of a “75 per cent. salt solution, and two drops of a 10 per cent. solution of nitro-glycerine in alcohol are added, the heart begins to beat more and more slowly, and gradually ceases altogether. A similar quantity of alcohol, added to the same amount of salt solution, had no action on a heart immersed in it. In one instance, after the addition of nitro-glycerine, we observed a slight quickening before the beats became slow. Two cubic centimetres of a 10 per cent. solution of nitro- glycerine in alcohol injected into the jugular vein of a cat stopped the cardiac pulsations entirely in 13 seconds. One cubic centimetre in another experiment greatly quickened the pulse. The power of the vagus over the heart appears to be diminished, as irritation of its trunk had less effect upon the heart after injection than before. Action on the Blood-presswre.—Nitroglycerine diminishes the blood-pressure considerably, but its power to do so is very much less than that of nitrite of amyl. Action on the Blood.—The blood of animals poisoned by nitro-glycerine is of a chocolate colour, even in the arteries. When blood is shaken up with nitro-glycerine solution, it acquires a chocolate colour, though slowly. In this respect nitro-glycerine agrees with nitrites, which also cause the blood to assume that colour. With the spectroscope at our disposal, however, we were unable to discern any difference between the spectrum of blood 480 ON TILE PITYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF NITRO-GLYCERINE. from an animal poisoned with nitro-glycerine, or of normal blood shaken up with it, and normal blood, either before or after the addition of a reducing fluid. If our observation were correct, this would constitute an important difference between nitro-glycerine-biood and nitrite-blood as described by Gamgee; but the strong similarity in colour between the two kinds of blood makes us doubtful about the correctness of our spectroscopic observation, and we hope to repeat it with a better instrument as soon as opportunity allows. Action on Oxidation.—Certain vegetable substances have the power of oxidising tincture of guaiac, and causing it to become blue. In order to ascertain whether nitro-glycerine had any power to diminish or prevent this oxidising process, a potato was pounded with water, and the liquid strained off and mixed with tincture of guaiac and a small quantity of nitro-elycerine. Instead of preventing oxidation, however, it rather seemed to quicken it, the mixture assuming a blue colour more quickly and more intensely than where no nitro-glycerine was added. in this respect also its action resembles that of nitrites as described by Binz and Pick. From our experiments it would then appear that nitro- elycerine agrees with nitrites in not lessening the oxidation of guaiac by vegetable solutions, in causing the blood of animals poisoned by it to become of a chocolate colour, in acting as a muscular poison, and in diminishing blood-pressure. Its action in this last respect is, however, much less than that of nitrite of amyl. In a future paper we hope to give a more detailed and complete account of the action of nitro-glycerine, and of the resemblances and differences between its action and that of nitrites, as well as a discussion of its possible use in medicine. Note.—The severity of the headache which nitro-glycerine induced in one of us (Brunton) was so great that it made us delay in trying it on patients, and before we had done this it was proposed by Dr. Murrell as a substitute for nitrite of amyl. W. Marrell : “ Nitro-glycerine as a Remedy for Angina Pectoris,” Lancet, 1879, i, 80, 118, 151, 220, : ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF THE BARK OF FRYTHROPHLEUM GUINENSE, GENERALLY CALLED CASCA, CASSA, OR SASSY BARK. In conjunction with WALTER PYE. (From Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, vol. clxvii, part 2.) Received and read June 15th, 1876. SEVERAL months ago we received from Mr. Monteiro a piece of Casea bark, which he had obtained with great difficulty from a native at Bembe during his residence in Angola. This bark is used by the natives as an ordeal, persons suspected of theft, witchcraft, or other crimes being made to drink an infusion of it. If it causes vomiting only, the person is acquitted; but if it causes purging, he is considered to be guilty, and is either allowed to die of the poison or at once killed. Among some tribes a practice prevails of making the accused, after drinking the infusion, walk in a stooping posture under half a dozen low arches made by bending switches and sticking both ends into the ground. Should he fall down in passing under any of the arches, he is at once considered guilty, and, without waiting for a purgative effect to be produced, he is at once put to death. All the natives agree in their description of the effect pro- duced on a person poisoned by this bark. His limbs are first affected, and he loses all power over them, falls to the ground, and dies quickly, without much apparent suffering. The same bark, or one haying precisely similar effects, is used as an ordeal in Sierra Leone, under the name of “red-water bark,’ and in Ashantee, under the name of “doom.” In both these places the test of vomiting or purging only seems to be employed, and not that of stumbling, as described by Mr. Mon- teiro; but according to C. A. Santos, the missionaries describe the bark as causing vomiting, glazing of the eyes, and loss of 21 482 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. the power of contracting the muscles throughout the body; so that, when the poison has fairly commenced its action, the sufferer is incapable of standing or walking, and the head rolls heavily about the breast’an‘1 shoulders. Appearance of the Bark.—The pieces given to us by Mr. Mon- teiro were from 8-12 inches long, about 4 inches broad, and 2 of an inch thick, dark brownish-red in colour, and deeply grooved externally. Their appearance agreed exactly with the description given by C. A. Santos, in the American Journal of Pharmacy, April 1849, p. 96, of the bark which he terms Saucy bark, or Gidu. Chemical Reactions—When treated with alcohol it yields a «lark brownish-red tincture, and boiling water gives an infusion of a similar colour, which deposits a pale brownish-red precipi- tate on cooling; but at the same time the supernatant fluid ‘remains turbid from suspended particles, which do not subside, and which are not removed by filtration. It becomes clear ‘when heated, but the turbidity returns on cooling. The tinc- ‘ture, when evaporated, leaves a resinous-looking extract, and when mixed with water gives a pale brownish-red precipitate. The watery solution of either the alcoholic or aqueous extract becomes much darker in colour after exposure to air. An aqueous solution gives a brownish-black’ precipitate with ferric perchloride, indicating the presence of some form of tannin. It also gives a precipitate with tincture of galls or tannie acid, mercuric chloride, stannic chloride, gold chloride, silver nitrate, and lead acetate, either neutral or basic. If the precipitate produced by neutral lead acetate be removed by filtration, the addition of basic lead acetate to the filtrate causes very little further turbidity. Platinum chloride causes little or no precipitate. These reactions closely agree with those given by Santos and Procier. Santos states that, by passing the dilute tincture through animal charcoal, washing, drying, and boiling in absolute alcohol, he obtained a crystalline substance which was poisonous ; but Procter failed to obtain a poisonous substance, although he got crystals which were non-poisonous. ACTION OF A LARGE DOSE ON MAMMALS. 483 From the small quantity of bark at our disposal, we have not attempted to isolate any active principle, as we feared our sup- ply would not be more than sullicient for the investigation of its physiological action. Professor Liebreich, however, has lately succeeded in separat- ing a crystalline substance, which is exceedingly poisonous. General Action —lIlts action on the lower animals has been investigated by Santos and Liebreich. The former found that a decoction of the bark caused alternate dilatation and contrac- tion of the pupils, appearance of delirium, violent retching, vomiting, symptoms of tetanus, and, finally, death. The crys- talline principle obtained from the bark by Liebreich caused vomiting and sudden death, without previous loss of conscious- ness. Death is attributed by him to paralysis of the heart. In our own experiments on dogs and cats we have observed vomiting, weakness, and death during a convulsion from the effects of the drug, whether introduced into the stomach or in- jected under the skin, into the peritoneal cavity, or into the veins, GENERAL ACTION ON MAMMALS. ACTION ON CATS. Experiment I.—February 23. Effects of a very. Large Dose. Four and a half ¢.c. of a saturated alcoholic solution of Casea* were injected into the abdominal cavity of a half-grown kitten weighing 746 grammes. At three minutes after the injection it began to walk stiffly, and a peculiar jerk occurred in the hind legs each time they were lifted. Respiration 60. At 5 minutes after injection it seemed giddy, and rolled over on trying to walk. Feces were passed. Lespirations 80, gasping. At ten aninutes it was lying on its side with its mouth wide open; respirations 120. At 10 minutes 30 seconds the respirations were 160, gasping. At 11 minutes it made feeble and unsuc- * This solution was prepared by ext acting the bark with alcohol and evapo- rating to dryness. The solid extract thus obtained was dissolved in warm alcohol in such quantity that on cooling a deposit occurred. The solution was then filtered and the fi‘trate employed for experiments. 484 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. cessful attempts to vomit; the respiration became intermittent ; there was an oscillating movement of the eyeballs, and the pupils were widely dilated. At 12 minutes the respiration became slower, as well as irregular. At 16 minutes it was 60, irregular and laboured. At 21 minutes the respiration appeared to be entirely diaphragmatic. At 24 minutes there were strong, in- effectual attempts at vomiting, followed by sudden stoppage of respiration, and death in a condition of emprosthotonos. ‘The pupils at that time were widely dilated. On opening the thorax immediately after death, the ventricles were found firmly contracted ; but they recommenced to pul- sate, and continued to do so for a few minutes spontaneously. They responded by a single contraction to irritation for 34 hours after death. By this time the heart looked quite dry and glazed, and rigor mortis was well marked in the muscles. The lungs were pale, Experiment IT.—February 22. Lffects of a Moderate Dose. Three e.c. of the same alcoholic solution were injected into the abdominal cavity of a cat weighing 2238 grammes. At 25 minutes afterwards the animal vomited; and this was repeated at 35 minutes and 41 minutes. At 41 minutes the cat seemed weak; respirations laboured, 60 per minute ; pulse, 100, regular. At 55 minutes respirations 80, shallow, irregular. At 75 minutes respiration deeper and more laboured. At 85 minutes the gait was staggering, and the limbs were moved with a jerk at the end of each step; respirations 40, more regular; pulse 100, regular. Four hours after injection the animal was sleepy ; when roused it walked feebly ; there was no further vomiting. Its condition remained unaltered as long as it was observed; and it died between eight and twenty hours after the injection. On post mortem examination rigor mortis was well marked. The abdomen contained some yellow serum. The stomach con- tained no solid food, but about 2 ounces of a greyish turbid alkaline fluid. EFFECT OF A MODERATE DOSE ON MAMMALS. 485 Experiment I1I.—April 28. Seven c.c. of a similar solution to that used in Experiments I. and II. were injected beneath the skin of a moderate-sized, well-nourished cat. In 15 minutes the animal vomited for the first time, and this vomiting was repeated four times within the next hour and twenty minutes. During the rest of the day it remained quiet, without further vomiting, and with no paralysis or disturbance of muscular movements. It appeared to be quite comfortable. On the following day it remained sitting in one position, and refused its food and milk. There was no vomiting, and no urination or defecation. When disturbed, it would immediately return to its former position in a mechanical manner. On the following day it passed a very small quantity of feeces ; it was not observed to urinate, and, as before, it neither ate nor drank anything. It vomited once, very slightly. From this time forwards, for a fortnight after the administra- tion of the poison, the cat remained in this condition, neither eating nor drinking, although tempted to do so with milk and meat; and even when a live mouse was placed before it, it merely pricked up its ears, and looked eagerly at it, but did not touch it, nor did it pass urine or fzeces once for the last eleven days. It sat always in one position unless disturbed, and though it got .steadily weaker, did not lose flesh in the way an animal starved would have done. The temperature on May 2nd was 38° C. Five days after the poison was given a subcutaneous abscess formed over the right scapula and ribs. No other lesions were ascertained during life. ‘The abscess did not form at the seat of puncture. It died, apparently from exhaustion, fourteen days after the poison was administered. Post-mortem Examination. Rigor mortis well marked. ‘subcutaneous tissue contained a fair amount of fat. 486 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. There was a large, sloughy, subcutaneous abscess in the situation mentioned above, and another localized collection of pus a little higher up in the skin of the neck. No other super- ficial abscesses were found. . The muscles were pale and rather dry. There was general congestion throughout the body of the larger venous trunks, but apparently not of the smaller ones. Abdomen.—The omentum contained rather a large quantity of fat. The stomach was quite empty, pale, and contracted. The small intestine contained a small quantity of bile-stained mucus; it was otherwise empty. The large intestine contained bile-stained mucus, and in its lower half a considerable quantity of feces, also bile-staineu. The mucous membrane appeared perfectly healthy. The bladder contained only a few drops of high-coloured urine, but had not contracted at all firmly. It had the appear- ance of a bladder which has heen dried when inflated, and the air then let out. The kidneys were pale, although the renal vein was much distended. The vagina and uterus contained a large quantity of a greenish smeary fluid, which, under the microscope, was seen to be muco- pus. The mucous membrane had here and tliere patches of injection on it (vide infra); near the orifice of the vagina the secretion had quite the character of ordinary pus, but no abscess existed there. The diaphragm was pale, flabby, and very transparent (vide infra). Thorax.—The lungs were congested, but otherwise natural. The heart was very pale and flabby ; all the cavities contained moderate quantities of blood. Microscopical Examination. Kidneys: epithelium not degenerated. Heart: muscle-tibres very granular; in many places hardly a trace of transverse striation could be seen. SS ee SYMPTOMS PRODUCED. 487 Voluntary muscles (rectus abdominis) also granular (well marked, but not quite so much as the heart). Bladder: muscular coat not degenerated. Intestines : muscular coat not degenerated. Remarks on Experiments I—III. Experiments I to III show the effects of the poison on cats when administered in three decreasing doses. It will be seen that, during life, the most prominent symptoms of a rapidly poisonous dose were in their order of constancy :—1, vomiting ; 2, respiratory difficulty ; 3, abnormal muscular movements. . After death the condition of the heart and great vessels and of the lungs are most noteworthy. Vomiting.—This was a constant symptom in all the cats we experimented on, unless they were placed under special circum- stances. The vomit consisted, first, of whatever food might be contained in the stomach, and then of a white frothy mucus. On no occasion did it ever have the appearance of intestinal (feecal) vomiting. In Experiment I no actual vomiting occurred. In this case the stomach was found to be empty of food after death; and the absence of the symptoms in this case was doubtless due to the rapid paralysis caused by the very large dose administered. Respiratory Dificulty—This is a constant symptom, except when very small doses are administered. On reference to Experiment I it will be seen that at one time the respirations rose to 160 per minute. This, however, was exceptional. From 40 to 60 respiratory movements per minute is probably the average rate after administration of a moderately poisonous dose. Abnormal Muscular Movements—These are of two kinds; thus, immediately after the administration of any dose, large or small, there is very generally produced a peculiar twitching of the muscles of the limbs, especially of the hind legs. This is especially seen when the animal is walking. When large, rapidly poisonous doses are administered 488 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. symptoms of general muscular paralysis and loss of coordina- tion are developed pari passw with the dyspnoea and frequency of the vomiting. The animal rolls and staggers as it walks; its head falls on the ground, and, finally, it falls over on its side and is unable to stand. Death always occurs a very few minutes after the development of these last phenomena. Appearance of the Heart post mortem.—As a rule, post- mortem examination of the heart shows a moderately firm con- traction of the ventricles, with a somewhat distended condition of the auricles. The ventricles, however, were never found to be completely emptied of blood, and on one or two occasions the heart was found to be moderately distended, the left ventricle containing well arterialised blood. On several occasions, but here also with one or two excep- tions, a remarkable vitality of the auricles was noticed (Experi- ment I). The post-mortem appearances of the heart and their physio- logical value will be noticed more particularly in the section which treats especially of the action of that organ. The lungs were, in all cases in which they were noticed, ‘round to be pale, except in Experiment III (see Experiment XXXI). One of the most noteworthy phenomena is the action of a small dose upon a cat in causing an utter refusal to take either food or drink, and that, notwithstanding this total abstinence from nourishment, the animal should live such a long time, should show considerable muscular power (being able to jump from the floor upon a chair up to the day before its death), and should have still retained so much of its subcutaneous and omental fat. Another point to be noted is the occurrence of subcutaneous abscesses, none of which were near the point where the poison had been injected. This long continuance of life and retention of strength seem to us to indicate that the processes of tissue change had been retarded by the poison; and the granular condition of the striated muscles appears to indicate a diminution especially in the processes of oxidation. ACTION ON DOGS AND BIRDS. | 489 AcTION oN Doas. Experiment 1V.—May 9. The effect of the poison on dogs was investigated in the same manner as it had already been on cats in Experiments I—III. It will be seen that the results do not differ in any noteworthy point from those previously obtained. Six e.c. of the solution were injected beneath the skin of a dog weighing 8 lbs. It vomited for the first time 20 minutes afterwards, and this vomiting continued at gradually increasing intervals of from 15 minutes to three quarters of an hour for ihe next 4 hours. At the end of that time the animal was very restless, and continued to be so while it was observed.’ On the following day its gait became staggering ; and, finally, it lay flat on its belly, and died about 30 hours after the drug was administered. . GENERAL ACTION ON Buinps. Birds are affected very. readily by the poison, and the symptoms produced in them are similar to those observed in mammals. This will be seen by the results of the following experiment. Experiment V. A full-grown pigeon had nearly 1 c.c. of the solution injected beneath the wing. In 10 minutes a quivering motion of the wings was noticed; in a quarter of an hour its feathers were puffed out, its gait was staggering; 24 minutes after injection it began to vomit. This was repeated 4 minutes afterwards more violently, and several times subsequently. 40 minutes after the injection it was unable to stand; and from that time to its death, 1 hour and 35 ininutes after injection, it lay flat on the table, occasionally attempting to vomit unsuccessfully. For the last 40 minutes its respirations were hardly visible, but it moved when roused. Violent expiratory movements came on just before the respiration finally ceased. 490 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. GENERAL ACTION ON FISHES AND FROGS. In fishes and frogs there is but slight susceptibility to the poison, and the effects produced by it are similar in the tio classes. The most obvious general systems are muscular — paralysis and cessation of respiration, preceded by spasmodic movements. It will be seen later, however (Experiment X VIII), that the particular action of the drug on the heart is well shown in frogs. Experiment VI.—February 21. One-tlird of ac.e. of the solution was injected beneath the skin of a medium-sized frog. In 2 minutes slight tonic contraction of the limbs was observed; in 4 minutes it was jumping rather actively, but fell over on its back; in 12 minutes the respiratory movements had become almost imper- ceptible ; and from this time the reflex movements of the limbs on irritation gradually got weaker and weaker, and finally ceased 33 minutes after the injection. g After death, the ventricle was found firmly contracted, the auricles and venous trunks engorged. Experiment VII.—February 21. Experiment VI was repeated with double the dose. The frog was slightly larger than the one first used; but reflex action ceased within a few seconds of the same time after injection. The general effects were almost the same as in Experiment VI, save that 5 minutes before reflex move- ments ceased there were four spasmodic inspirations. Experiment VITI.—April 18. The effect on fishes was tried. First, 55 c.c. of a 345 watery solution of casca were added to 3 litres of water in which a gold-fish weighing 3 ounces was swimming. At the end of. 3 hours no effect was produced on the fish. 1°3 ec. of the alcoholic solution were then injected into the side of the fish, a little in front of the tail. In 5 minutes it began to roll from side to side; the respirations were catching. For the next 10 ACTION ON INVERTEBRATA AND INFUSORIA. 491 minutes it lay chiefly on its side, occasionally swimming about actively. At the end of 25 minutes from the time of injection it appeared to have nearly recovered itself, and 1 c.c. more of the alcoholic solution was injected. In 3 minutes from this time it lay completely over on its side, having spasmodic twitchings of its fins; in 5 minutes the respirations again became rapid and gasping; in 10 minutes the reflex movements were very weak, but respiration and reflex action did not entirely cease before 30 minutes after the second injection. GENERAL ACTION ON INVERTEBRATA. The following experiments (Nos. [X and X) show that the drug exerts very little, if any, poisunous action on the In- vertebrata. Experiment IX. A leech was placed in a watery solution of casca nearly as strong as could be made with cold water. At the end of 24 hours it seemed but little affected, but was found dead on the following morning. Experiment X. Nearly 5c. of a concentrated alcoholic solution of casca were injected beneath the back of a common snail. The animal showed no signs of poisoning, and on the following morning appeared to be uninjured. ACTION ON INFU:ORIA. Experiment XI. In Experiment XI we investigated its action on Infusoria by placing a drop of tank-water containing some infusorians under the microscope, and adding a drop of a 51, solution of the watery extract of casca. At the end of 2 hours no alteration in the movements of the animalcules was observed; and it may therefore be concluded that the drug exerted little or no action on them. The action of the drug on germination and oxidation pro- A92 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. cesses, and on different ferments and ferment organisms, was investigated in Experiments XII—X-X. On germination the casca infusion was found to exert no effect. Experiment XII. A few mustard seeds were placed on flannel in two saucers, and kept moist in a warm place, the one with an infusion of casca, the other with water. The seeds began to germinate at the same tiie in each, and no difference was observed in the growth of the shoots for three days afterwards. Effect on the Development of Bacteria. Experiment XIIT. This experiment, which was repeated on two other occasions, shows that a weak solution of the alcoholic extract possesses the power of hindering the formation of Bacteria, a property not shown by the watery extract, as is shown in Experiment XIV. This difference in the properties of. the two extracts does not show itself in the general action of the drug on animals; but the power of the alcoholic extract to prevent the development of Bacteria, while it is without action on them after their development, is interesting, as substantiating the results of Buchholz’s experiments on this subject with other drugs.* Three pieces of fresh muscular tissue were placed in bottles on March 22nd. The first contained a watery solution of the alcoholic extract of easea, the second a z1, solution of sulphate of quinia, and the third distilled water. On March the 29th the bottles were opened; and while the bottle containing water was very offensive, and the water was crowded with Lacteria, neither the quinine nor casca solutions contained any Bacteria at all. The bottle containing the casca solution was again examined on May 14th, and was found, as before, quite free from Bacteria, Long before this a thick crust of Penicillium had formed on its surface. * Archiv f. erper. Pathologie u. Pharmakologie, vol. iv, p. 1. ACTION ON BLOOD-PRESSURE AND CiLIARY MOTION. 493 Experiment XIV. A piece of fresh cat’s liver was placed in a solution of casca of the saine strength as that used in the preceding experiment ; but the watery extract was used instead of the alcoholic. At the end of two days the liquid was found to be crowded with Bacteria. This experiment was afterwards repeated with muscular and other tissues with the same result. Effect on the Life of Bacteria. The effect of the drug on the life of Bacteria, when developed, was tried in Experiment No. XV. For this purpose an infusicm of hay was made, and found to contain many rod-shaped Bacteria. To a drop of this infusion a drop of a solution 1 in 20 of both the alcoholic and the watery extracts of casca was added at different times, and the movements of the Bacterians carefully watched under the microscope. They did not, however, seem in any way affected by the addition. For the sake of comparison a solution 1 in 100 of quinia sul- phate was added to the hay-infusion. The Bacterian movements were found to be instantly stopped. | Effect on Red and White Llood-corpuscles. In Experiment XVI the action on the red and colourless: blood-corpuscles of the newt was investigated. The effects pro- duced by the addition of dilute solution of casca to the blood were cessation of amceboid movements and rounding of the white corpuscles, with an irregular shrinking of the nucleus, and general crenation of the red ones. These effects were pro- bably due to the action of the tannic acid contained in the extract. Liffect on Ciliary Motion. The drug appears to have no action on ciliary motion; for when (Experiment XVII) two preparations of ciliated epithe- lium were made, the one being placed in ‘75-per cent. salt solution, and the other in a 54, solution of casca extract, it was. ‘ 494 ON TILE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. found on microscopic examination that the movements of the cilia ceased in about the same time in both specimens, Effect on Processes of Oxidation. It, however, does appear to exercise an inhibitory action on oxidation processes generally. This point was investigated in the following manner :— Experiment X VIII.—April 20. Four thin slices of potato were placed in two saucers, and were just covered, the one with distilled water, the other with a 3hy Watery solution of casca. When a drop or two of the tincture of guaiacum were added, either to the liquid or to the potato slices, the bluing produced was much fainter in the case of the saucer containing the casca than in that containing dis- tilled water. The results of the experiment on organized and unorganized ferments were negative, neither the development of the yeast-plant (Experiment XIX) nor the digestion of fibrin by pepsin (Experiment XX) appearing to be in the least degree hindered by the addition of the drug. ACTION ON THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. One of the most prominent symptoms of poisoning by casca is the violent vomiting which it produces; and, as has already been noticed, its occasional purgative action is used as a test of innocence or guilt. The emetic or purgative action is sup- posed by some to depend on the administration of a pure infu- sion, or of one containing the drugs in suspension, and innocence and guilt are thus supposed to be practically decided by the priests, who have it in their power to administer either one or other to the accused. In order to test this, an infusion was given to one cat, B (Experiment XXI), and an infusion containing a quantity of powder to another. The latter, however, contrary to expecta- tion, recovered, whereas the former died. The experiment, however, was vitiated by the fact that the infusion was made from the finely pulverized bark, the only kind we kad at our ACTION ON STOMACH AND INTESTINES. 495 disposal at the time, and consequently contained a quantity of it in suspension, which would not have been the case if the in- fusion had been made from a coarsely pounded bark. In order to ascertain whether the vomiting and purging were due to the local action of the drug on the stomach and intes- tines, or to its action on the nervous system after its absorption into the blood, a comparison was made between the effects of the poison when introduced into the stomach and when injected under the skin. Our experiments show that whereas vomiting was invariably produced by the casca, in whatever manner introduced into the system, purging only occurred when the poison was given by the mouth, and was never observed after subcutaneous injection. The purgative action is therefore due to the local action of the drug on the intestines. The following is a brief account of two experiments we made in investigating the action of the drug when injected into the stomach. Uxperiment XXI A.—May 10. Ten c.c. of an infusion of the watery extract of the bark, with the dregs which were deposited when the infusion cooled, were injected into the stomach of a large cat. It appeared quite well for 40 minutes and then vomited. Within the next two hours and a half it vomited five times. A little more than five hours after the exhibition of the drug it passed some solid feces with great forcing, and from that time recovered. Experiment XXI B.—May 10. Ten and a half c.c. of a cold aqueous infusion of the pounded bark, containing numerous fine particles in suspension, were injected into the stomach of a small ill-nourished cat. Vomit- ing came on 309 minutes afterwards, and free purging an hour. and a half after the injection. During the rest of that day and on the next it was very feeble, but showed no special symptoms, and it died quietly on the morning of May 12.° 496 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. COMPARATIVE ACTION OF THE ALCOHOLIC AND WATERY EXTRACTS. The action of the alcoholic and watery extracts of casca, when administered subcutaneously to cats in large doses, is almost identical; and their activity as poisons appears to be about equal, the watery extract, if anything, being rather the more powerful. Experiment XXII.—April 28. Two equal quantities of the alcoholic and watery extracts were dissolved in equal volumes of alcohol and water re- spectively. The quantities were 3 grammes of the extracts and 4 c.c. of the fluids. These solutions were injected beneath the skin of two cats of the same size. In the case of the aleo- holic extract vomiting came on 15 minutes after injection, with the other symptoms of poisoning by the drug (ae., respiratory difficulty and ‘staggering gait). The vomiting was repeated violently, and the animal died 1 hour and 15 minutes after in- jection, death being preceded by general convulsions. In the case of the watery extract vomiting did not come on for 35 minutes, but death occurred, with symptoms similar to: those of the former case, in 1 hour after the injection. In order to ascertain whether the vomiting was due to the action of the drug upon the sensory nerves in the stomach itself, after it had been conveyed to that organ by the circula- tion, or to its action upon the nervous centre in the medulla oblongata regulating the movements of vomiting, the vagi were cut, and the chief sensory nerves of the stomach thus divided, before administering the poison. By this procedure the retch- ing and vomiting were either completely prevented or very greatly diminished, the dyspneea rendering it rather difficult to: decide in some cases whether some convulsive movements were due to it or were movements of retching. The vomiting is therefore chiefly, and in all probability entirely, due to the action of the drug on the sensory nerves of the stomach itself, as the retching, if indeed really present, might be due to irrita- tion conveyed to the medulla through the splanchnics after the vagi had been divided. SYMPTOMS AFTER VAGOTOMY. 497 Experiment XXIII.—March 6. General Symptoms after Injection, both Vagt having been previously divided. A cat weighing 3 lbs. was chloroformed, and the vagi divided in the neck. In 25 minutes after the operation it had recovered from the effects of the anzsthetic. Its respirations were 18 per minute. 3 c.c. of a concentrated alcoholic solution of alcoholic extract of casca were injected subcutaneously. Five minutes afterwards the cat had fallen over on its side. The respirations were still reoular, 16 per minute. During the next hour, with one temporary disturbance, the animal remained quiet, still breathing quietly and slowly, with no symptoms of sickness and no dyspnea. It remained on its side the whole time, except when roused. It then staggered a few steps, and again lay down. One hour after the first injection 2} cc. mvure were injected. For the next quarter of an hour the animal con- tinued to breathe easily, but appeared weaker. At the end of that time there were some very slight convulsive movements. and then respiration ceased. On beginning artificial respiration one or two gasping inspirations occurred, and then entirely ceased 1 hour and 15 minutes after the first injection. On post mortem examination the heart’s cavities were found distended. They did not contract on irritation or puncture. The lungs were bright scarlet, and contained’a moderate amount of blood. The liver and kidneys were congested ; the stomach was pale ; the brain was normal. Experiment XXIV.—April 28. This experiment was in most points an exact repetition of Experiment XXIII, but the results were even more striking. A well-nourished cat was chloroformed, and both vagi were divided in the neck. When it had recovered from the chloro- form a solution of ‘3 gramme of the alcoholic extract in 4 ce. of alcohol was injected subcutaneously. None of the ordinary symptoms of poisoning by the drug were produced. There was no dyspnea and no vomiting, except at one time, an hour and 15 minutes after the injection, when the . animal 2K 498 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. either coughed or vomited up a small quantity of frothy mucus. When seen the next morning it was to all appear- ance well, and was killed, to prevent suffering being caused by the secondary effects of section of the vagi, which were found to be completely divided. Experiment XX V.—May 17. This experiment was similar to Nos. XXIII and XXIV. As before, no vomiting was produced by injection of the drug after section of the vagi, but death occurred 1 hour and 10 minutes after the injection, in consequence of dyspnoea occasioned by the section of these nerves. ACTION OF CASCA ON RESPIRATION. Powdered casca, when inhaled, acts as a violent sternutatory. All the men employed by us in grinding or pounding the bark suffered severely from the violent and irresistible fits of sneezing which attacked them; and in one instance these were accom- panied by great faintness and tendency to syncope. When injected into the circulation casca greatly accelerates the respirations (Experiments I, II, XXXIV). This acceleration appears to be due to stimulation of the pul- monary branches of the vagus, and not to any action of the drug upon the respiratory centre, as no acceleration is noticed when the vagi are divided before the injection of the casca (Experiments XXIII and XXIV). ACTION ON THE INTESTINES. Experiment XX VI. In order to ascertain whether the intestinal secretion was increased by casca, a cat was chloroformed, the abdomen opened, and three loops of small intestine ligatured. Into the middle loop 2 c.c. of a concentrated solution of the watery extract of casca were injected, and 2 c.c. of water into the other two. The cat vomited about an hour afterwards. At the end of about 5 hours, the animal was killed and the body examined. The upper and ACTION ON THE FROG’S HEART. 499 middle loops were both dry, and the mucous membrane was normal in appearance, except slight congestion at the place of ligature between the upper and middle loop. The lower loop contained several ¢.c. of turbid greyish fluid. The intestinal secretion is thus seen not to be increased by the drug. AcTION OF CASCA ON CIRCULATION. Experiment XX VIT. Preliminary Experiments on Frog’s Heart. A watery solution of the alcoholic extract and a standard salt solution were prepared; the hearts of two frogs of about the same size were them removed, and placed for a minute or two in “75 per cent. salt solution. When they had recovered from the shock of removal, and were beating regularly, one was placed in the casca solution, the other in the salt one. At the commencement of the experiment the heart, A, placed in salt solution, was beating at the rate of 6 per 10 seconds; the heart, B, in casca, at the rate of 7°5. Both hearts became weaker and their pulsations slower; at the end of 50 minutes the heart in casca stopped entirely, that in salt solution pulsated feebly at the rate of 3 per 10 seconds. In 15 seconds more it stopped. In Experiment XXVIII we repeated the foregoing experi- ment with a much stronger casca solution. The hearts at the commencement of the experiment were beating at the rate of 4 per 10 seconds. At the end of 30 minutes the heart, B, in easca, Which had previously got very slow and weak, stopped, while the standard heart, A, was still beating strongly and regularly at the rate of 4 per 10 seconds. Experiment XXIX.—March 7. The heart of a frog whose cerebrum had been destroyed was exposed. Pulse 72 before injection. h. Me 11 40. Injected 2 cc. alcoholic solution beneath skin of back. 11 50. Pulse 60; regular. 2K 2 500 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. h. . m. “i ae 12. 2. Pulse 48 12 10. Pulse 60. Clonic eonvulaions, 12 15. Ventricle stopped in systole, firmly contracted in its greater part, with a pouch-like dilatation of a small portion. Auricles still contracting. 12 27. Ventricle firmly contracted. Still partial contraction of auricles. Respiration and slight convulsive move- ments continue. 12 50. Removed from frog-board. ‘ The ventricle is not so firmly contracted. Still respiring and ‘occasionally convulsed. 1 0pm. Ventricle relaxed. Slight movements of it, have recommenced. 1'4 cc. alcohol solution aoa in- jected. 1 7. Ventricle again firmly contracted. No respiration. Still slight reflex movement. | 1 30. Died with heart in same condition. Experiment XX X.—May 10. The heart of a frog was exposed, and a little extract of casca placed on it. Pulse 34 per minute. It had no apparent action. | A watery solution of casca was then poured into the thoi The pulse became slower, = 24 per minute. - The ventricle then expanded irregularly ; the diastole at the base being later than that at the apex. Then the distention became imperfect, the ventricle sco wrinkled. The heart then stopped in systole, having two pin-point dilated pouches on it. : These experiments show that a very weak solution of casca applied to a frog’s heart, when removed from the body, slows its pulsations, while, after the application of a stronger solution, the pulsations become slow, then the systolic contraction ceases to take place instantaneously over the whole surface of the ventricle ; lastly, the heart stands still in systole. When the heart of a frog i is exposed, but not removed frame ’ - ACTION ON BLOOD-PRESSURE IN THE FROG. 501 the body, and a solution of casca is injected beneath the skin, the heart’s action is slowed, and is eventually stopped in sys- tole; previous to its stopping, however, pouch-like dilatations are formed; in this respect the action of casca is similar to that of digitalis and other cardiac poisons. Experiment XX XI.—April 27. A cat was chloroformed ; a cannula placed in the left jugular vein and one in the trachea. Artificial respiration was com- menced, and the thorax was opened. The heart was beating regularly, but it was difficult to count the pulsations. They were counted by one person as 90, by another as 180. Ten c.c. of a saturated watery solution of watery extract of casca were injected-into the jugular vein. No apparent effect was produced. Seven ¢.c. more were injected in the course of a few minutes. Within about a minute of the last injection the ventricle no longer contracted as a whole, but became pouched, the upper half seeming to overlap the under half so as to produce a trans- verse fold. A few seconds afterwards, the lungs, which had hitherto been rosy, became white, and almost immediately the motions of all cavities of the heart completely ceased. On irritation of the ventricle no movement occurred. Both vagi were divided, but without effect on the neart. It was noticed that the rosy colour of the lungs returned, although the heart did not again beat. No pulsations were noticed in the pulmonary vessels. The heart was perfectly firm, and seemed to be in systole; but on tying a ligature round the base so as to include the large vessels, it contracted to about one-third of its former size. The action of casca on the mammalian heart is seen from this experiment to be similar to its action on the heart of the frog. Experiment XXXII. Action on Blood-presswre in the Frog. The cerebrum of a large frog was destroyed. A cannula was then inserted into the left aorta, and was connected with a 502 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. small kymograph, the pulse-wave and oscillation being recorded on a revolving drum, The appended curves give the oscillations of pressure in the aorta, and show that under the influence of casca the blood- pressure in the aorta rises to twice its normal height during systole, although it falls to zero during diastole. Normal pulse (10 mm.) ...+.0. , injection of 1 c.c. of a shy Pulse three minutes after solution of casca into flank. Puise one minute after a . gecond injection of 1 c.c. Pulse three minutes later ...... Experiment XX XIII.—March 31. Action on the heart and blood-pressure of a large dose of casca. (For action on secretion of urine also, vide infra.) A bitch, weight 264 lbs., was chloroformed. A cannula was placed in the trachea. . left femoral vein. »9 = right ureter. D » left carotid artery. The operation was very long, and during it the intestines became much congested. of as 02 va 002 g ees se ce ee ee ee ee ° *poysturtirp YORU St OUlIN JO UOTJoL00S OT, “posvorour ATQVoAS st aanssotd-poolq OY} OTT ‘ssoy ore astnd oy Jo SULOI4RT : 08 “1980 UL wp tele ¥ 30 syege 10jBl OY} Sutmoyg] OF Z «Ee 7; OL COT 6 es ** oanssoad 2 OV -poo|q posvorout pue Iavoy oY} JO UOTZIR [NJoMOod Ar9A eS ® St otoyy fyenbo Ajavou oxe o[oysetp pus ofoqsds pS eT, ‘sop OSIBT BW JO yqoayo oyerpoummt oyy Surmoyg] og O -¢e > poyoolut orout 0°09 OT] OT O & wR ornssord-pooyq oy SB TIAA Sv PoPOTR oq 04 UNSoq BS eat STON eT{TOS onrad oY} WSOP PosvotoUT OY} TITAA = 02 GZ OFT LT “e i a OSD MMA | OP £25 Z AW oe Se ae eo a. Eee SOF os 0Z ST O9T ZT ¢ ce os "* — @dOFod 8B TBITO “poyotoos OUI) | OF Lh Z ad 0Z SI O9T “* = Sa ae de ace uorolur royyang Jo yooyo Surmoyg | OF cE Z p poyolut o1out ‘0° ¢ vd ; = snouruINgye you £ LROTO 8T a 0@ OT SPT UZ te sie + a sf qewsoyaet IoyyIng [ys outg | OF Le f E! 0G Oot OFT L z" 2 vie shy A ** — snourut <4 “ngs you ‘piqany ‘ounTeaie ‘Aqryaenb UI posBvetout cult | OF LIT O S 0 OT OPT rte ie =e + AqrQuenb og OT 0 FS [[vuts & Jo uoryoolur oy Jo yooyo Arvurpao oy} Surmoyg!]10T g oO S UIOA [eIOULOF OJUT poqoofur 998 uoMN[os wosvo ‘o'0 F| OF L Ss) Yow SOYNUIUL OT jo spotsod oAtssooons 7, OMG 48 POHWUTTSO SBA OUTIN JO WOWMeLOS JO oye OT], fo) 0Z _O1 081 Gc 4d - “+ squourrodxe exozoq uoryrpuoo jeuoN | Zo Fe T y, UL" UL cu" “SUULLULUL gs Sas ; SO = *s008 BoMEL OT | espn aoace = OT ut | ‘suoreptos¢ eanssord =| aod poyoaoos a ae oun], es[ng “Pls OmMAL J° | sory vardso qunouly wich kis ind MAP Vite Seon oven ene \ bata) ty aout cna i. ee pe ie cla ara ae oh sevn istered rer he Ose edie areata ten ot at, oer pee ete A ol etme oe ae a — — a 7 ; Y Se eee a es a a ——E—— ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK 504 ‘nM eF ‘yg 4B poddogs yory a ‘suorjeadsat 074 yjta ATsnouoaryouds oranssetd-poorq JO Osta B [[I}S SBAL OLOY} OTA ‘ydersourly oY} UO O4IIM 0} a]TGQa0z 00} SUAL ompad os pus ‘TIS Ayjeupeas oanssoid-poojq eyy,| 0 Zh ge OF Zz pi bo LT ee G ** poyIVUL O10UL [IS SIS, | QO OF & og , OFT boot ee G os + *9sop oie, B Jo UOMoolut oYy4 10]J8 UOT} O9T -eiidsor 043 Lq poyooye Youu sou st oansseid-pooq oyy,} OT 8& eg a) ST jo uooofur woyyNT| OF LE & OT og SII 6 ee ee oe ee ee ee ee OP Ls g Sar 0s OIL el ee 33 we ° ** posvaJOUl UTBSe UOTJO100s OUTI) | OF LZ cL og OST G oe ns oe ae qvYMOULOS WOTTVT SurAey ernssord “poold ont ‘pogeries B 0} pooustmIUOD UIVSe sey cult | OF ZI 9L in OST * ee ** peddojs ouran jo uoyot0ag | OF 4 & “UU “UI UL *SUTTUTUL Ss ‘MH “Y a ‘oanssoid Be gates eee OL UE} “suONMINIO| Ooo | aunty Jo OL Ut ‘outly, es[ng qundury suorquridso y at * ae — a MODE OF ACTION ON THE VAGUS. 505 The thorax was then opened, and the heart found beating ; respiratory movements recommenced on opening the thorax. The bladder was found greatly distended; there had been micturition during the experiment, which was probably only overflow. Remarks. We append a diagram (p. 518) showing the coincident varia- tions of blood-pressure and secretion of urine, which will be more fully commented on later. (Vide effect on urinary secretion. ) So far as the phenomena of circulation are concerned, this experiment shows that while a small dose of casca slows the pulse, an additional one greatly quickens it. This action of casca closely resembles the effect of digitalis, which first slows the pulse by stimulating the vagus-roots, and then quickens it by paralyzing the ends of the vagus in the heart. It therefore seemed probable that the cardiac ends of the vagus would be found to be paralyzed by large doses of casca. It was possible that the primary slowing of the heart’s action might be due to stimulation of the inhibitory apparatus in the heart itself, and not to the action of the drug on the vagus- roots. Two questions, therefore, were to be settled :— 1st. Is the primary slowing of the pulse due to stimulation of the vagus-roots, or to stimulation of the inhibitory apparatus in the heart ? 2nd. Is the secondary acceleration of the pulse due to paralysis of the ends of the vagus in the heart ? To answer these questions the following experiments were performed (vide antea, p. 297) :— Experiment XXXIV.—March 21. Action on the Heart and Arterial Pressure of a small dose of Casca. A dog weighing 8 lb. was chloroformed, and kept under chloroform during the experiment. A. cannula was inserted into the right carotid and into the right femorai vein. 506 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. Blood- pressure. Pulse in 10 seconds. Oscilla- tions. eb i) ae oust e oO 20 30 TO D OD = jo) - 2» BE S § ed Condition before injection 7 ¢.c. sig watery solution in- jected into femoral vein Rise of blood-pressure. Com- menced pesiotenees of dia- stole .. Systole fairly sharp, Aiastole very long : Commencing fall of blood- pressure Great fall of blood-pressure | and lengthening of diastole. . Diastole extends over 15 seconds Systole extends over 4 second; does not vary with respira- tion Blood-pressure again lower. Diastole further prolonged. . Diastole 20 seconds Systole 4 second. — Diastolic curve slightly affected by respiration Blood-pressure recovering. Diastole shorter Diastole 5 seconds Systole 4 second Respirations affect diastolic curve to extent of 3 mm. Blood-pressure rising .. Systole and diastole nearly equal Both affected by respiration to extent of 4 mm. | Blood-pressure nearly at the height of commencement of experiments. Systole sharp Blood-pressure higher. JDia- stole again prolonged Diastole 4 seconds Systole 4 second Respirations affect curves to extent of 10 mm. There was again a fali of blood- pressure with great pro- longation of diastole similar to that which occurred at 2.5 to 2.20, but less marked Do., more marked - ae Gradual fall of blood-pressure. Cessation of heart’s action mm. 110 125 130 155 140 65 45 50 100 130 140 115 80 183 16% 16 14 ool 23 mm. 10 10 10 10 40 25 30 25 35 35 60 50 30 Respira- tions in 10 secs, 10 10 s% 25 WL tira ae ‘ | Oe Nip GG LTR eS OV SRL ETE EM ONL SO et lid ~ ol te =a YF @ er a | STIMULATION AND PARALYSIS OF THE VAGUS. 507 Post mortem (immediately after death).—The heart contained blood, and contracted on puncture. The auricles contracted for 3 minutes after death. This experiment shows that the action of a small dose of casca is to raise the blood-pressure and slow the heart at first. Next, when the heart becomes very slow, the pressure falls, and finally the heart ceases to beat, and death takes place. The cardiac pulsations remained slow from the time of the injection of the casca up till death; and although they at one time rose from 1 pulsation in 30 seconds up to 5 pulsations in 10 seconds, they never came at all near to the normal, which in this animal was 18} pulsations in 10 seconds. The very slow pulse here indicates that the vagus is prob- ably stimulated by the casca; and the continuance of the blood-pressure at the height of 65 mm. during a cardiac diastole, lasting for 30 seconds, shows unmistakably that the arterioles are strongly contracted by the drug. ACTION ON VAGUS, Maximum Irritation. Experiment XXX V.—March 4. A cat, weight 41b., was chloroformed, and a cannula was placed in the left carotid artery and in the left femoral vein. : Pulse Time. Blood- | Oscilla- in 10 pressure.) tions. PELE m. s. mm. mm. 1 0 | Normal curve taken 1 minute after con- nexion of cannula. Oscillation at top 9 of respiratory curve = 9, at bottom 2 80 { =; 23 215 | R. vagus ligatured and cut 218 | L. vagus do. do. Condition after section of vagi .. ee ed! 2 40 440 | L. vagus irritated. Coil 5°* .. ev}. , GD 18 15 R. vagus irritated. do. ee ee 55 12 12 * The mark® here signifies distance in em. between primary and secondary coils in Du Bois Reymond’s induction-apparatus. 508 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. . Pulse Time. reoware| dons, | P ; * | seconds, m. 8. mm. mm. 8 10 | Condition subsequent to irritation ..| 110 1 42 Jt was thus ascertained that irritation of the strength of coil 5° was almost sufficient to stop the heart’s action when applied to the peripheral end of either vagus previous to injection of casca 8 10]| 33 c.c. of casca solution injected gradu- 9 12 ally into vein 10 O | Condition after injection ee «-| 120 2 40 11 O | A clot formed 12 0 | Condition after clot was removed e-{ 115 4 43 (Slight improvement of pulse) 12 35 | Peripheral end of L. vagus irritated. Coil 5° .. 90 8 35 13 0 Peripheral end of R. vagus irritated. Coil 5° .. ‘ ee a 95 8 35 Condition between irritations ee ee} 120 2 35 14 27 | Left vagus. Coil0°® .. oe ae 88 5 27 Right vagus. do. oe 110 0 0 Complete stoppage of heart's action without fall of blood-pressure 15 20 | Experiment repeated with RK. vagus. Coil 0° .. os ve ve 85 5 26 a a Fresh injection of 4 c.c. 18 3) | Condition after injection oe 115 2 40 19 5 | Right vagus. Coil 0°. Commencement of irritation .. 100 3 30 Right vagus. Coil 0°. ‘Latter part of irritation ee --| 118 2 36 19 30 | Left vagus. Coil 0°. Commencement of irritation .. 104 4 30 Left vagus. Coil 0°. Latter ‘part of irritation oe ee 120 2 35 20 O | Left vagus. Coil 0°. Commencement of irritation .. 121 2 35 Left vagus. Coil 0°. Latter ‘part of irritation . : -»| 150 2 35 20 30 | Condition after irritation oe «-| 120 2 46 < ag A third injection of 2 c.c. was given 24 25 | And the central ends of the vagi ex- posed for irritation 24 30 | Condition before irritation oe 120 2 40 25 12 | Central end of left vagus irritated. Coil O° .. 130 1? 30 (Blood-pressure increased ; pulse nearly extinguished) 25 50 | Condition after irritation oe eo} 125 2 34 26 30 | Right vagus. Coil 0° .. ee «-| 130 1 (Effect as before) 34 EXCITABILITY OF THE VAGUS. 509 . Pulse Time. Blood- Oscilla- in 10 pressure.| tions, dotanalie: m. 8. mm, mm. 27 O | Condition after irritation 5% oot 326 2 36 28 16 | The sciatic nerve was exposed and irri- tated with coil 5° at ee Pre ume b. 2 37 28 45 | Condition after irritation ee" cat 120 2 36 This experiment shows that when both vagi are divided the injection of a small dose of casca no longer slows the heart; and therefore the slowing usually observed after its administra- tion is due to stimulation of the vagus-roots and not to stimu- lation of the inhibitory apparatus in the heart itself. It also shows that a large dose completely paralyses the ends of the vagus in the heart, so that a strong interrupted current applied to the trunk of the nerve produces no slowing of the cardiac pulsations. Action of a Small Dose on the Excitability of the Vagus. As it has been stated that digitalis in small doses increases the excitability of the ends of the vagus in the heart, so that a slight irritation applied to the trunk of the nerve will cause slowing or stoppage of the heart after the administration of the drug, although previously it had no effect, it seemed advisable to ascertain whether or not a similar action was possessed by easca. The following experiment was therefore tried :— Minimum Irritation of Vagus (peripheral end). Experiment XXX VJ.—April 6. A cat, weight 6 lbs., was chloroformed, and kept under chloro- form the whole time of the experiment. A cannula was inserted into the right carotid artery and into the right femoral vein. Both vagi were then cut, and the peripheral end of the right vagus attached to Von Basch’s electrodes. Operation lasted half an hour; the cat at first very feeble, afterwards recovered. — 510 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. Blood- | Oscilla- | Pulse in Time pressure.| tions. | 10 sec. m. 8. mm. mm 1 5) | Condition previous to seit both vagi being cut . ee 120 1-2 40 2°20 Eight vagus irritated. Coil 30°. No 120 1-2 42 effect .. oe { 125 zi 8 20 | Right vagus irritated. Coil 25°. This irritation was sufficient to slow the heart and lower blood-pressure ee 100 5 20 5 0 | Condition previous to injection... «o| 155 2 44 As the cat was stronger, the normal minimum irritability was again tried, and coil 25° was again found to be the weakest which produced any effect 6 0O]/ 13 c¢.c. casca solution, as in Experiment 6 30 XXXIV, injected into femoral vein 7 © | Condition after injection.. ea 175 2 42 7 30 | Vagus irritated. Coil 30°. No effect..| 175 2 40 8 0 | Vagus irritated. Coil 25°. No effect..| 1890 2 42 From this experiment it appears that the excitability of the peripheral terminations of the vagus-nerve is not increased by casca. ; Action on the Vagus-roots. The slowness of the pulse which quickly follows the injection of casca, and which we have already shown to be due to stimu- lation of the vagus-roots, might be caused either (a) by stimu- lation of the central end of the vagus by increased blood- pressure in the nerve-centres, or (0) stimulation by the direct action of the drug itself; (¢) it was also possible that without actually irritating the vagus-roots the casca might increase their sensibility to other stimuli, reflex or otherwise. Effect on Minimum Excitability of the Vagus-roots. Experiment XXX VII.—March 30. A cat, weight 4 lbs., was chloroformed. A cannula was inserted into the trachea. left carotid. ss e left saphena vein. The right vagus nerve was cut, and its central end placed in a Von Basch’s electrode. 3? 99 alate The left vagus remained intact. A 54, solution of the watery EXCITABILITY OF THE VAGUS ROOTS. extract was used. 511 Respira- tions in 10 see. Blood- pressure. Oscilla- tions. Pulse in 10 sec. oo°o°o 15 0} 15 30 Condition before experiment .. The normalexcitability of the central end of the right vagus was then tested ; it was found that coil 10° produced slight slowing of the pulse and fall of blood-pressure, while the respirations became slower and deeper. This was the slightest irritation which produced any effect .. es Condition after irritation .. 5 c.c. injected Condition after injection Rise of blood-pressure. No alteration of pulse. Respira- tions quickened and respira- tory oscillations increased Central end of right vagus irri- tated. Coil15°.. ee No effect Central end of right vagus irri- tated. Coil10° . Same effect as before injection. Second injection of 14 c.c. Clot formed and removed Condition before irritation .. Irritation with coil 10° os The thorax remained in a state of permanent inspiration during irritation, while the effect on the heart and blood- pressure was ail Trritation with coil 6°.. 2% No effect on heart. Respiration as before Condition immediately follow- ing irritation.. oe oe Slowing of pulse. Great fall of blood-pressure. Great oscillation. Systole and dia- stole of same length, with no pause between them Irritation with coil 8°.. ee As before there was no effect on the blood-pressure or pulse, and there was permanent in- 32 2¢ mm. 105 100 110 146 140 135 120 120 115 60 12) 28 38 30 34 34 34 38 43 40 49 12 49 ‘ 512 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. Respira- “ Pulse Tae ees a 10 sec. P ; f 10 see. m. 8 mm. mm spiration during the irrita- tion 15 35 | Condition immediately after sa irritation. See remarks on 4 <7 OO 15 { : after effect of coil 6° i irreg, 16 O | Gradual cessation of after effect 2 100 ” 22 16 30 | After effect ceased .. 0} 120 2 85 17 O |Coil 8°. Irritation repeated with same results In this experiment, as well as in several others, the blood- pressure rose without being accompanied by a slowing of the pulse, and this indicates that the latter is not dependent on the former. The excitability of the vagus-roots to reflex stimuli does not seem to be increased by casca, as a stimulus of the same strength applied to the central end of one vagus had a similar effect before and after the injection of the drug. We would call attention, however, to the very extraordinary effect which succeeded the application of a stronger stimulus, an effect which seems all the more extraordinary from occurring after the stimulus had ceased, and not during its application. Irritation of the vagus-roots by the carbonic acid accumu- lated in the blood during the tetanic inspiration, which lasted during the irritation, at once suggests itself as a cause of the slow pulse which followed the irritation; but the fact that the pulse was not affected when the distance of the coil was 10 cm., although the thorax was tetanically expanded, seems to indicate that the slowing which followed the stronger irritation from a secondary coil at 8 or 6 cm. distance from the primary was due to refiex action, which the first irritation had been too weak to produce. From Experiment XXXV it will be seen that after the administration of a large dose of casca, irritation of the vagi, instead of producing slowing or stoppage of the heart’s action, increased the frequency of its pulsations. The acceleration ACCELERATOR FIBRES—CARDIAC GANGLIA AND PULSE. 6513 was equally great after irritation of the left, as after irritation of the right vagus. This shows that the accelerator-fibres in the vagus are not paralysed by casca, and also that accelerator- fibres, though usually, according to Boehm, contained only in the right vagus, may occasionally be present in the left. The effect of irritating the other accelerating nerves of the heart contained in the rami cardiaci or in the sympathetic cord was not examined. ACTION ON CARDIAC GANGLIA, EFFECT ON PULSE, &C. Experiment XXX VIII.—June 10. A moderate-sized cat was chloroformed, and cannule were placed in the carotid artery and jugular vein. A solution of 3 cc. of saturated alcoholic tincture added to 50 ¢.c. of water was used for injection into the vein. Time Blood- | Oscilla- | Pulse in pressure.| tions. | 10 sec. m. 8. mm. mm. QO 65 | Condition before injection ee as 160 25 23 1 20 | Injected 1 ¢.c. casca solution 1 30 | Condition shortly after injection 180 50 14 Rise of blood-pressure, slowing of pulse 2 O | Later, quickening of pulse ee ee 165 7 26 3 0 | Same ‘effect, more marked oe ee 175 5 36 4 0 | Commencing slowing of pulse... ve 170 6 30 4 30 ; Ty oe 140 8 30 5 0 i bs es ee 150 14 24 5 5 | Further injection of 1 c.c. casca 5 40 | Secondary ee of ie with fail of blood-pressure . ; ss os 115 25 16 From this experiment it is seen that after the primary slowing due to stimulation of the vagus-roots and the quicken- ing due to paralysis of the vagus ends in the heart, a second slowing occurs. This second slowing might be due either to stimulation of the inhibitory apparatus in the heart or to weakening of the cardia motor ganglia. The latter seems improbable, from the fact that each systole during this slow period instead of being weak is exceedingly 21 514 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. strong, the pulsation in an artery being felt very powerfully when the finger is laid upon it, and the rise of pressure during it being very great, as shown by the oscillation of the mercurial column of the manometer. In order to ascertain more exactly whether the inhibitory cardiac ganglia were stimulated or not the following experiment was tried :— Experiment XXXIX. A dog was chloroformed, and 7 cc. of a concentrated watery solution of casca were injected into the jugular vein. The pulse at the time of injection was 37 in ten seconds. -In ten seconds after the injection it sank to 20. After the injection of 3 ¢.c. more the pulse rose to 37. After a further injection of 26 c.c. more in divided doses it again sank to 16. This number was, however, uncertain, as the tracing was a very imperfect one. The injection of 1 ¢.c. of liquor atropie, B.P., did not seem to alter the number of the pulse, but the injection of $ a c.c. more seemed to cause it again to become quick. This seems to indicate that the slowing is due to an action of the casca on the inhibitory ganglia. The imperfection of the tracing renders the result somewhat uncertain; but want of time prohibited us from repeating the experiment, although we greatly desired to do so. Experiments XL, XLI.—March 15. The effects on the capillaries of the frog’s web were micro- scopically observed in Experiment XL after an injection of casca under the skin of the back, in Experiment XLI when locally applied to the web. The capillaries were observed with oc. 2 obj. 4 of Hartnack. In the first case, 2¢., after the drug had been injected, the results were purely negative. In the second, after application of a drop of strong casca solution to the web, the results were also indecisive. In the capillaries, and also in the larger trunks, the current was at first slowed, and in some permanent stasis occurred. When slowing only was producsd, the partial arrest a ee ne ACTION ON ARTERIOLES AND VASO-MOTOR CENTRE. 515 was followed by reaction, which did not exceed the original rapidity of the circulation. No dilatation or contraction of the vessels was seen to accompany the original slowing. Although the results of experiments on the frog’s web gave no definite information regarding the contraction of the arterioles under the influence of casca, yet no reasonable doubt can be entertained that in mammals they do contract ; for this is the only possible explanation of the exceedingly slow fall of the blood-pressure during the intervals between the beats of the heart when these have become slow, either from the action of the drug or from irritation of the vagus-trunk. (Cf antea, p. 143.) In order to ascertain whether this contraction was due to the action of the drug upon the vasomotor centre in the medulla oblongata or in the vessels themselves, the vasomotor centre in the medulla was separated from its connection with the vessels by division of the spinal cord in the neck previous to the injec- tion of casca. EFFECT ON BLOOD-PRESSURE AFTER DIVISION OF Corp. Experiment XLIT.—May 17. A large strong cat, weighing 74 lbs., was chloroformed. A cannula was inserted into the left carotid, and another into the jugular vein. The spinal cord was then divided opposite the second cervical vertebra, and artificial respiration kept up. Pulse ' E ‘| seconds.| “2028: m. s. mm mm 0 O | Condition after section of cord and pre- vious to injection of casca .. oi 80 25 5 . rt Injected 1 ¢.c. watery solution of casca 0 10 “ ‘“- Pe os se 89 25 5 0 20 = ‘ 2 - avh’ MESO 18 12 O 30 ‘ *. 140 13 20 0 40 F 150 13 25 0 50 - e ae os 150 18 12 a -0 ‘3 s% i wid +s gob 298 28 5 110 <4 in ee vs as --| 190 32 4 a 20 ee ee ee ee se ee 200 34 3 2uL 2 516 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. Pulse . Time. sto in 10 ee, pressure, oconds,| tens: m. 8. mm, mm. 1 30 ee ee ee ve ee «| 210 34, 3 1 4J ee oe ve ee ee ««| ' 220 41 4 2 0 ee ‘es + oa ve +-| .230 44 3 210 | Sudden alteration in character of pu'se, which becomes slow. The curve flat- topped, and both systole and diastole showing numerous secondary oscilla- tions. Blood-pressure falling av 7280 3y 40 2 20 ee ee ee ee ee . ee 180 5 30 2 40 ve dee) 32 es - --| 165 6 25 3 0 | Bleod-pressure rapidly falling .. --| 130 6 15 3 20 | Both pulse and oscillations are very irregular Fs és os -.| 100 5 ? 3 40 ‘9 ee +3 oe ee «| 80 3 50 ee ee ee ee ee ee 25 4 0 ie wd af es bh oe 10 There was no more pulsation after this ; but the blood-pressure took 1 minute 30 seconds to fall quite to zero On opening the thorax the heart was found moderately contracted; elec- trical stimulation of the phrenic nerve caused contraction of the diaphragm The result of this experiment will be seen all the more clearly by the following diagram, Fig.160, in which they have been graphically represented. The rise of pressure in this experiment was greater than in any other in which the cord had not been divided. This seemed to us so extraordinary that we thought at first that the cord had not been properly divided ; but a careful dissection made imme- diately after death showed us that the division was complete. A year or two ago this result would have been regarded as a proof that the drug acts on the vessels themselves; but recent, researches having shown that much more importance must be attributed to vasomotor centres in the cord and in the periphery than was previously done, we cannot say whether the drug acts. on these centres or on the walls of the vessels themselves. The non-contraction of the vessels of the frog’s web would indicate that the action of the drug is rather on nervous centres in the cord or neighbourhood of the vessels than on the vascular walls. ' Millimetres of Mercury. DIRECT ACTION ON ARTERIOLES. 517 1 Ee |S! —S-} © 4 ~~ 1 > as | a> | rs » BS es _ S- Fic. 160. In order to exclude all centres except those in the periphery Experiment XLIII was performed. Experiment XLIIL. The sympathetic cord was divided on the right side of the neck of a rabbit and the animal allowed to come out of the chloroform aneesthesia. The ear of the right side was deeply injected while the left ear was very moderately filled with blood. A dose of casca was then administered. The vessels of both ears became pale, those of the right ear equally so with those of the other. VESSELS AFFECTED BY THE Drua. The vessels by which the blood-pressure in the body is chiefly regulated are those of the intestines, those of the skin and 518 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. muscles being very much less under the influence of the vaso- motor centre in the medulla. As casca acts on the vessels without this centre, however, it was natural to suppose that other vessels than those of the intestines might be affected; and this the curves show to be the case. During the stoppage of the heart (Experiment XLII) for half a minute the pressure fell only slightly. Now Ludwig and Hafiz found that when contraction of the abdominal vessels was produced by irritation of the vasomotor centre in the medulla oblongata, complete stoppage of the heart was followed by a rapid fall in the blood- pressure, the blood finding its way out of the arterial system into the veins through the vessels of the muscles. The slow fall after the administration of casca shows that the vessels of the muscles must be contracted as well as those of the skin and intestines. ACTION ON SECRETION OF URINE. A detailed account of our experiment on the action of the drug on the urinary secretion, together with the accompanying effects on the circulatory system, will be found in pp. 503 and 504. Underneath is a diagram showing the close dependence of the rate of secretion of urine upon the blood-pressure (Fig. 161) Experiment XXXIII.—March 31. Urine in minims per 10 minutes. Blood-pressure in millimetres of mercury. Fie. 161. ~ rE oe DIURESIS—PUPIL-——LACRYMAL GLAND. 519 Remarks. Tke results of this experiment, as regards the vascular phenomena of blood-pressure, pulse, &c., have been already fully noticed. The action of the drug on the secretion of urine is seen to be very marked and characteristic, and the dependence of the secretion on the blood-pressure is well shown in the accompany- ing chart. Thus the average rate of urine secreted before administration of casca being 5 minims in 10 minutes, an increase of 50 mm. in the blood-pressure caused by the drug brought the rate of secretion of urine up to 25 minims. When the action of the drug was further pushed there was first decrease and then total suppression of urine, the blood-pressure at the time of suppres- sion being 200 mm. of mercury. Subsequently as the blood-pressure fell the secretion of urine recommenced. The physiological explanation of these successive phenomena appears to be that the primary increase of blood-pressure pro- duces arterial fluxion to the kidney; but that if the action of the drug is pushed, the renal vessels become contracted so as to ° prevent the blood reaching the kidneys, notwithstanding the high pressure in the arterial system. It is worth notice that the urine collected after the secretion had recommenced did not contain albumen. In this respect the result of this experiment differs from those obtained by Mr. Power and one of us in our experiments on the action of digitalis ; it coincides, however, with those experi- ments in its general results. (Cf antea, pp. 410 and 412.) ACTION ON THE PUPIL AND LACRYMAL GLAND. In order to see if the drug exerted any local action on either of these organs, we (Experiment XLV) placed some drops of strong watery solution of casca in the eye of a cat, but with purely negative results. 520 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. ACTION ON MUSCLE. Effect on Structure of Muscular Tissue. The effect on fresh muscular tissue of immersion in casca solution was carefully watched with an oc. 3 obj. 7 of Hart- nack’s microscope without any change in the structure being discovered (Experiment XLVI). We then (Experiment XLVII,. March 22nd) examined the “naked-eye” and microscopical changes produced in muscular tissue by prolonged immersion in a watery solution of the alcoholic extract, the effect of which solution in preventing the development of Bacteria has already been detailed (p. 493). A. The solution in which the muscular tissue had been placed presented, in addition to the absence of Bacteria, a few noteworthy points ; it preserved its original slightly resinous smell, and deposited a fine light-brown sediment, which, under the microscope, appeared as a granular structureless detritus. B. The muscular tissue to the naked eye appeared hardly altered in consistence: the fibrous sheath was firm; there was no smell. Under obj. 7 Hartnack the fibres were seen to be _ very granular, in part only preserving their transverse striation ; the general appearance closely resembled ordinary fatty degene- ration. Some of the fibres were then soaked in ether for 24 hours ; on examination after this the granulations had in great part disappeared. Many of the fibres appeared to consist merely of collapsed tubes of sarcolemma; where they were not collapsed they showed plain transverse striz. Six weeks later the muscle was again examined; it having remained in the same casca solution all the while, it was now reduced to the condition of a rather tough gelatinous pulp; the sheath of the muscle retained its strength. Under the micro- scope there was seen a mixture of granular and fibrous material, with a large quantity of oil-globules and flat crystals, and when treated with ether these were completely removed. ON MUSUULAR POWER AND CONTRACTION. 521 Effect on the Lifting-power of Muscle. Experiment XLVIII. The lifting-power of a frog’s gastrocnemius which had been placed in a 34, solution of casca was compared with that of a similar preparation placed in salt solution, by attaching the one muscle as quickly as possible after the other to an apparatus for estimating their lifting-power connected with a revolving drum. The irritations were made with electrodes connected with a Leclanché’s battery. The results of our first experiments appeared to show that the drug possesses a stimulating action on the lifting-power of muscle; but on repeating the experiment this result was not confirmed—the conclusion we drew from the whole series of experiments being that muscles which had been immersed in easca and salt solution respectively possessed nearly the same lifting -power. Effect on Muscle-curves. Experiments XLIX, L. Two frogs were injected with casca, and when they seemed dead, nerve-muscle preparations were made of the gastrocnemil. In Experiment XLIX the preparation was attached to a Fick’s pendulum myograph, and a tracing taken. In Experiment L the nerve-muscle was made to trace on a revolving cylinder: the curves obtained in these experiments are evidently normal. In Experiment LI the action on the sensibility to electrical stimuli of muscle and motor nerves was tried, also with com- pletely negative results, by making two nerve-muscle prepara- tions of a frog’s gastrocnemii, and immersing one in casca solution, the other in salt solution. The sensibility of the two preparations was then tested by various strengths of a Du Bois Reymond’s coil connected with a Leclanché’s battery. The two muscles responded quite similarly. Remarks on the Action of Casca on Muscle. 1. When applied to fresh muscular fibre no change is observed in its histological details. ae ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. 2. In addition to the absence of the development of Bacteria which is noticed when muscular tissue is placed in a watery solution of the alcoholic extract, and which has already been remarked upon, the structural changes which the muscular tissue undergoes appear to consist in a fatty metamorphosis, which at first simulates very closely that of ordinary fatty degeneration, while the later appearances resemble those of the more complete fatty changes which go on after the death of a tissue, large oil-globules and abundant crystals of the fatty acids being everywhere found. 3. It does not diminish the lifting-power of muscle in a nerve-muscle preparation, nor when the irritation is applied to the muscle itself, and it probably does not increase it; for although apparently positive results were attained on the first occasion when the lifting-power was experimented on, these results were not borne out by further experiments. 4, The muscle-curve given by a nerve-muscle preparation taken from a frog poisoned by a large dose of casca appears to be quite a normal one. 5. It also exerts no action on the sensibility of muscle to electrical stimulation if this sensibility be tried quantitatively by estimating the weakest interrupted current which will pro- duce a contraction. From all these results, then, it may be concluded that while the drug produces a peculiar and characteristic change on muscular tissue immersed in it for some days, it is not a muscle- paralyzer. ACTION ON Motor NERVES. If casca had any paralyzing action on the ends of motor nerves similar to that of curare, it would be found that after immersion in a solution of the drug the muscle would respond to electrical stimuli directly applied to it, but not to those applied to the nerve. In Experiment LII, however, the nerve also is seen to preserve its irritability, and therefore we may conclude that casca has no action on motor nerves, ACTION ON REFLEX EXCITABILITY. ; 523 ACTION ON SENSORY NERVEs. Effect on Reflex Excitability. Experiment LIT.—March 22. The cerebrum of a living frog of medium size was destroyed. The circulation through the left leg was cut off by ligaturing the arterial trunks above the knee (vide fig. 162). The sciatic nerve was left uninjured. } c.c. of the alcoholic extract was then injected beneath the skin of the back. fi Fie. 162. The shading indicates the part to the body to which the poison was carried by the blood. The unshaded part was protected by the ligature from the action of the poison. The reflex excitability was then tested at intervals of 5 minutes by irritating points above and below the ligature. No difference in the sensibility could be detected. As the frog was very little affected by the injection, another 2 c.c. was injected. The frog became insensible to reflex irritation in 25 minutes ; 524 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. during this time the irritability was tested every 5 minutes as before: the rates of increase of the insensibility appeared to be equal above and below the ligatures. In this experiment the poison was applied to the terminations of the sensory nerves above the ligature, but not to those below it. Had it possessed any marked power of diminishing the sensibility of these nerves, a stimulus applied above the ligature would have had less effect than one applied below it; but this was not the case. : The poison therefore seems to have no action on sensory’ nerves, at any rate none of a paralyzing character. Action on Reflex. Experiment LIII. In this experiment the action on reflex was tested by apply- ing a very dilute solution of sulphuric acid to the leg of a frog with its cerebrum destroyed and suspended by its head. Its normal irritability was then tested. The tips of the toes only were immersed in the acid. Contraction was immediate and lasted 3 minutes (right leg). A } cc. alcoholic solution was then injected; the animal immediately hung more flaccidly. 5 minutes afterwards, on immersing the tip of the toes of the right leg, slight contraction occurred after 63 seconds. A quarter of an hour later, on immersing half the leg, contraction was immediate and lasted 5 seconds; in 10 minutes more a similar immersion produced contraction after 10 seconds, and 5 minutes afterwards after 15 seconds. 50 minutes after the injection of the drug the acid solution produced no reflex move- ments, and only slight ones were excited by pinching. Reflex ceased last in the eyelids 1 hour and 20 minutes after the casca had been injected. In Experiment LIII the reflex excitability disappeared very much more quickly than it usually does. This might be due to the action of the drug on the spinal cord itself, or to the cessation of circulation caused by the action of the drug on the heart. In order to decide this the following experiment was made, ANTAGONISM TO ATROPIA AND CHLORAL. 525 Experiment LIV. The heart of a frog was exposed and cusca administered. As soon as the heart had ceased to beat the heart of a second frog was ligatured at the root of the aorta so as completely to arrest the circulation. At first both frogs were able to jump readily ; but gradually their movements became more sluggish, and after a jump their legs trailed out behind them and were only slowly drawn up to the body. They became less and less sensitive to pinching, and insensibility and loss of motor power occurred simultaneously in both. The diminished power of movement and diminished reflex action observed in the frog after the administration of casca is therefore due to the arrest of the circulation caused by it, not to any action of the drug upon the nervous system. ANTAGONISM BETWEEN CASCA AND ATROPIA AND CHLORAL HYDRATE. The remarkable result of Experiment XXIV, in which a dose of casca, usually fatal, produced no effect in an animal with divided vagi, seemed to render it probable that such a drug as atropia, which paralyzes the ends of the vagus in the heart, might have an antagonistic action. On trying it, however, it was found that the vomiting caused by the casca was even more violent than usual; and therefore a combination of atropia with chloral hydrate was employed, the chloral being given to lessen the irritability of the vomiting centre in the medulla. The results were not satisfactory, as will be seen from the two following experiments. Experiment LV.—May 1, 1876. About 11.40. Injected 4 cc. of liquor atropize under skin of flank of cat A. 12",. Injected 4 c.c. of a saturated alcoholic solution of alco- holic extract of casca under skin of flank of cats A and B 526 ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF CASCA BARK. A. B. h. m. ; 12 30 os oe os ee ee Sick and vomits. During the intervals between the fits of vomiting seems well, 12 40 | Crouching, trembling, and seems about to be sick. Licks its lips. Hind eyelid much drawn up. 12 52 | Very sick; vomiting. Seems| Vomiting. Disinclined to move. * more uneasy than B, When disturbed and made to ; walk its hind legs give a shake as if to shake off something sticking to the feet every time . they are drawn up. 1 O | Very sick. Very sick. Brings up fluid, which appears to be digested meat. Respirations 18 per minute. 115 | Gives loud squalling cries when | Seems weaker. retching. 1 30 | Seems easier; not retching. Twitch or rather shake of hind legs is very marked. 2 35 =| Walking about. Seems unable to move. 2 40 ee oe oe ee ee | Violent retching; crying. Con- vulsive extension of legs and emprosthotonos. Then two or three sighing respirations; a pause; one or two respirations at intervals; then death. 4 0 | Has been vomiting at intervals. Has a violent fit of sickness and dies in the same way as B. Post mortem. Stomach contains a quantity of fuod. Heart moderately con- tracted. Ventricles continue to make slight pulsations, au- ricles not, Lungs somewhat congested. No congestion of interior of stomach. Stomach empty, not congested. Heart moderately contracted. Lungs normal. 7 as i | * ry, Pe Ges ea: Ly WE svidi HY eS eae Ph ————— 12 58. Muscular —_— > ANTAGONISM TO ATROPIA AND CHLORAL. 527 Cat A. Large. . Injected 30 minims liquor atropize sub- cutaneously. 12 20. Injected 5 c.c. satu- rated watery solu- tion and suspension of casca. 12 30. Vomited. 12 45. Vomiting has been repeated 3 or 4 times. Is lying on its side and cannot stand. R.144. Ale nesi working. 12 52. Eyelids much drawn up. Respiration irregular. 12 55. Gasps; seems to try but to be unable to vomit. |§Empros- thotonic spasms. twitch- ings. Slow sigh- ing respirations. Death. Cat A lived 38 minutes after injection of casca. Experiment LVI. Cat B. Medium, 12 45. Iniected 15 grs. of chloral hy- drate and 15 minimsof liquor atropie with 5 c.c. of casca. 12 58. Mewing. 12 59. Vomited twice. 1 9. Vomited again. 1 14. Loud violent retching but no vomiting. 1 15. Involuntary ex- trusion of feces and urine. Died. Cat B lived 30 minutes. Cat C. Large and strong. h. m. 12 40. Injected 5 c.c. of the same casca solution. 12 49. Very restless. 12 52. Vomited for first time. After this it vomited frequently, but remained rest- ‘less. TT. 371°. 1 30. Died rather sud- denly, with vio- lent gasping and emprostho- tonic spasm. Cat C lived 50 minutes, In this experiment the cat which had received the casca alone lived longer than the others. NOTE ON INDEPENDENT PULSATION OF THE PULMONARY VEINS AND VENA CAVA. In conjunction with Sir J. /}AYRER, M.D., K.C.S.1. (From the Proceedings of the Royal Society, No. 172, 1876.) IN a former communication* we incidentally mentioned that in a rabbit killed by the injection of cobra poison into the jugular vein we had observed the pulmonary vein pulsating after all — motion had ceased in the cavities of the heart. We have since observed the same phenomenon three or four times under con- ditions which show that this pulsation is not due to the action of the cobra poison with which the animal in which we first observed it had been killed. The following example will show the changes in rhythm observed in these pulsations. A cat was chloroformed, and the vagi exposed and irritated by an interrupted current. Artificial respiration was kept up by air containing chloroform vapour, and the thorax was then opened, and a solution of atropia injected directly into the heart by means of a Wood’s syringe. The vagi were again irritated, but without any effect being produced on the heart, the inhibi- tory apparatus in it being evidently paralysed by the atropia. A solution of glycerine extract of physostigma was now injected into the heart in a similar way. The vagi were now irritated again, and the heart stood still, the effect of the atropia having been counteracted by the physostigma. After the irritation ceased the heart again commenced to pulsate. Artificial respiration was now discontinued, but all the cavi- ties of the heart continued to beat for a considerable time. The ventricles then stopped, but the auricles continued to beat. It was then noticed that the pulmonary veins in the right lung, * Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1874, vol. xxii, p. 125. SEQUENCE OF CONTRACTION IN THE HEART. 529 which was exposed to view, were pulsating. The veins, as well as both auricles, pulsated at the rate of 119 per minute, but the contractions of the veins were not synchronous with those of the auricles. Both auricles next ceased to beat, but the pul- monary veins in both lungs continued to pulsate. The ventricles now began to beat again, while the auricles remained still. The ventricles pulsated at the rate of 8 per minute, while the pul- monary veins pulsated at the rate of 46 per minute; and no motion was perceptible in any part of the auricles. One hour and twenty minutes after the thorax had been opened, and about an hour and ten minutes after artificial respiration had been discontinued, the ventricle was still pul- sating. Its rhythm was very irregular. After one beat a pause of half a minute followed, and then 37 pulsations all together, One hour and forty minutes after opening the thorax the inferior vena cava was noticed to be pulsating close to its entrance into -the auricle. A contraction spread like a wave from the vena cava over the right auricle, and the appendix contracted after the auricle itself. The superior vena cava also pulsated close to the neart. The left auricle had ceased to pulsate a considerable time previously, and the ventricles had also stopped. After the auricles had pulsated for a while the ventricles again began. At one hour and fifty minutes after opening the thorax the inferior vena cava was still pulsating. In ten minutes more all movement had nearly ceased, and the observation was discon- tinued. At one hour and fifty minutes after opening the thorax slight contractions of the diaphragm were noticed. The striking points in this experiment are the contractions of the pulmonary veins and the vena cava independently of the heart, the long time during which they retained their irrita- bility, and the continuance of their pulsations after the other parts of the heart had ceased. The pulsation of the pulmonary veins and of the ventricles at the same time, while the auricles _ were motionless, is also deserving of attention. In ancther experiment we found the pulmonary veins pulsat- ing in a cat killed by a blow on the head. We have also seen pulsation in animals killed in other ways; but the proportion of 2M 530 INDEPENDENT PULSATION OF PULMONARY VEINS, ETC, cases in which we have seen it to those in which we have not seen it is very small. On looking through several modern text- books of physiology, we have failed to find any mention of the rhythmical contractile power of the pulmonary veins and_vena cava; but the earlier anatomisis were well acquainted with it, and Haller* states that he has seen the pulmonary veins con- tinue to pulsate for two hours, and that others had seen the vena cava pulsate for three hours while all motion in the other cavities of the heart had already ceased. Johannes Miillert has also observed contractions of the vena cava and pulmonary veins; and in young animals the contractions of the pulmonary veins extend as far as they can be followed into the lungs. The importance of contraction of the vena cava and pul- monary veins in preventing reflux of blood into them during the contraction of the auricle, under circumstances when any hindrance is opposed to the free flow of its contents into the ventricle, is self-evident. Indeed Hallerf says that it was sup-, posed to exist by Senac, although he had not seen it. Especially in cases of valvular disease of the heart is it likely to be of great service; and we think it advisable to bring again before the notice of physiologists and physicians this power of the veins, which, although so long known, appears of late years to have been overlooked. * Elementa Physiologia, 1757, tom. i, »p. 410 and 399; and Mémoires sur la Nature sensible et irritable des parties du corps animal, 1756, tom. iv, p. 4. t+ Miiller’s Physio’ogy, translated by Baly, 2nd ed., vol. 1, p. 182. t Op. cit., p. 410. et =, . o>... gill Ea ON THE SCIENCE OF EASY CHAIRS. (Reprinted from Nature, October 17, 1878.) THERE is a reason for everything, if we can only find it out, but it is sometimes very hard to discover the reasons of even the very simplest things. Every one who has travelled much, and even those who have merely looked through books of travels, must have been struck by the variety of attitudes assumed by the people of different countries. The Hindoo sits down on the ground with his knees drawn up close to his body, so that his chin will almost rest upon them; the Turk squats down cross- legeed ; the European sits on a chair; while the American often raises his legs to a level with his head. Nor are the pos- tures assumed by the same people under varying circumstances less diverse. Climate or season, for example, will cause con- siderable alteration in the posture assumed, as was well shown by Alma Tadema, in his pictures of the four seasons exhibited in the Academy a year ago. In his representation of Summer he painted a woman leaning backwards on a ledge, with one lee loosely hanging down, while the other was drawn up so that the foot was on a level with the body. In the picture of Winter, on the other hand, we saw a figure with the legs drawn up in front of the belly. The reason for these different postures has been explained by Rosenthal. The temperature of the body, as is well known, is kept up and regulated by the circulation of the blood through it, and a great proportion of the blood contained in the whole body circulates in the vessels of the intestines. Now the intestines are unly separated from the external air by the thin abdominal walls, and therefore any change of temperature in the atmosphere will readily act upon them unless they be guarded by some additional protection. The Hindoos are well aware of this, and they habitually protect the belly by means of a thick shawl or camarband, thus guarding themselves against any sudden change of temperature. This precaution is also frequently adopted by Europeans resi- 2M 2 532 ON THE SCIENCE OF EASY CHAIRS. dent in hot climates, and is even retained by them after return- ing to England. But the function of the camarband may, to a certain extent, be fulfilled by change of posture alone. When the legs are drawn up, as in the picture of Winter already referred to, the thighs partially cover the abdomen, and taking the place of additional clothing, aid the abdominal walls in protecting the intestines and the blood they contain from the cooling influence of the external air. Thus it is that in cold weather, when the quantity of covering in bed is insufficient, persons naturally draw up their lege towards the abdomen, so as to retain as much heat as possible before going to sleep. In hot weather, on the contrary, they wish to expose the abdomen as much as possible to the cooling influence of the atmosphere. The posture depicted by Alma Tadema is the most efficient for this purpose. It no doubt answers the purpose to lie down flat on one’s back, but in this position the abdominal walls are more or less tight, whereas, when one of the legs is drawn up as in the painting just alluded to, the walls are relaxed, and the intestines not being subject to any pressure, the blood in them will circulate more rapidly, and the cooling process be carried on more effectually. In this attitude also the thighs are completely separated, and loss of heat allowed from their whole surface. Varying conditions of fatigue also alter the postures which people assume. When slightly tired one is content to sit down in an ordinary chair in the position of the letter NY with the middle limb horizontal. As we get more and more fatigued we usually assume positions in which the limbs of the N) become more and more oblique, the trunk leaning backwards and the legs extending forwards. If we lie down in bed on our back the legs will probably become straight, but if we rest upon our side they will be more or less bent. The straightness of the legs in the supine position is simply due to their weight, which is then supported at every point by the bed, but when we lie on our sides the genuflexion of the legs is most agreeable, because not only are the muscles more perfectly relaxed, but, as the late Professor Goodsir pointed out, the bones which form the knee- joint are slightly removed one from another, and thus the joint mis EASIEST POSITION. 533 itself, as well as the muscles, passes into a state of rest. Some of the bamboo easy chairs manufactured in India allow us to obtain the advantages of both positions. These chairs are made in the form of a somewhat irregular straggling YW, and in them one can lie on one’s back with every part of the body thoroughly supported, and the knees bent in the same way as they would be if one lay upon one’s side. Thus simple inaction, the relaxation of muscles, and the laxity of joints, are some of the factors necessary for complete rest, and an easy chair, to be perfect, must secure them all. But it is possible for an easy chair to secure all these and yet be imperfect. We have just said that usually, as the fatigue becomes greater and greater, the tendency is to assume the position of the N with the limbs at a more or less obtuse angle, but when sitting in an ordinary chair we find relief from raising the feet by means a foot-stool, although this tends to make the angles of the N more acute instead of more obtuse.. Still more relief, however, do we obtain when the legs are raised up on a level with the body by being placed upon another: chair, or by being rested on the Indian bamboo seat already described. If, in addition to this, the legs are gently sham- pooed upwards, the sensation is perfectly delightful, and the: feelings of fatigue are greatly lessened. To understand how this can be, it is necessary for us to have some idea as to the cause of fatigue. Any muscular exertion can be performed for a considerable time by a man in average health, without the least feeling of fatigue, but by and by the muscles become weary, and do noi respond to the will of their owner so rapidly as before; and if the exertion be too great, or be continued for too long a time, they will ultimately entirely refuse to perform their functions, The muscle, like a steam-engine, derives the energy which it expends in mechanical work from the combus- tion going on within it, and this combustion, in both cases, would come to a standstill if its waste products or ashes were not removed. It is these waste products of the muscle which, accumulating within it, cause fatigue, and ultimately paralyse it. This has been very neatly shown by Kronecker, who caused a irog’s muscle, separated from the body, to contract until it 534 ON THE SCIENCE OF EASY CHAIRS. entirely ceased to respond to a stimulus. He then washed out the waste products from it by means of a little salt and water, and found that its contractile power again returned, just as the power of the steam-engine would be increased by raking the ashes which were blocking up the furnace and putting out the fire. These waste products are partly removed from the muscles by the blood which flows through them, and are carried by ithe veins into the general circulation. There they undergo more complete combustion, and tend to keep up the tempera- ture of the body. At the same time, however, according to Preyer, they lessen the activity of the nervous system, pro- ‘ducing a tendency to sleep, and in this way he would, at least ‘to some extent, explain the agreeable drowsiness which comes ‘on after muscular exertion. It would seem, however, that the ‘circulation of the blood is insufficient to remove all the waste products from the muscles, for we find that they are supplied ‘with a special apparatus for this purpose. Each muscle is generally ensheathed in a thin membrane, or fascia, and besides these we have thicker fasciz ensheathing whole limbs. These fascize act as a pumping apparatus, by which the products of “waste may be removed from the muscles which they invest. ‘They consist of two layers, with spaces between. When the muscle is at rest these layers separate, and the spaces become filled with fluid derived from the muscle, and when the muscle ‘contracts it presses the two layers of its investing sheath ‘together, and drives out the fluid contained between them. ‘This passes onwards into the lymphatics, where a series of ‘valves prevent its return, and allow it only to move onwards, till at last it is emptied into the general circulation. In strong and healthy people the veins and lymphatics together are quite able to take up all the fluid which the arteries have supplied to the muscles, and thus prevent any accumulation from taking place either in them or in the cellular tissue adjoining them, or at least prevent any such accumula- tion as might become evident to the eye. In delicate, weakly persons, or in those who suffer from certain diseases of the vascular system, this is not the case; and after standing or walking for a long time the legs become swollen, so that the i bf ’ - % ee VES Bo NORE : ones —— eS CAUSES OF FATIGUE—USE OF ELEVATING LEGS. 535 boots feel tight, and sometimes even a distinct impression may be remarked at that part of the ankle which was uncovered by the boot. In such persons we can actually see the swelling disappear after the feet have been kept rested for some time on a level with the body, and it may be removed more quickly still by gently and steadily rubbing the limbs in one direction from below upwards. It is almost certain that what we thus see in weakly persons occurs to a slighter extent in all, and that even in the most healthy person after a long walk a slight accumula- tion of fluid, laden with the products of muscular waste, occurs both in the muscles themselves, and in the cellular tissue around them, even although we cannot detect it by simple inspection. So long as the limbs of such a person hang down, the force of gravity retards the return both of blood through the veins and of lymph through the fasciz and lymphatics, and thus hinders the muscles from getting rid of those waste products which eaused the fatigue. When the legs are raised, this hindrance is at once removed, both blood and lymph return more readily from the muscles, carrying with them those substances which had been formed by the muscles of the limbs during the exer- tions which they had undergone when carrying the body about. So long as these substances remained where they had been formed, they might cause in the muscles of the legs an undue amount of fatigue, although when distributed over the body generally, they may produce only a pleasing laneuor. When the legs are long, the obstruction to the return of blood and lymph is of course greater than when they are short, and this return will take place more readily when the legs are raised above the body than when they are only on a level with it. This may be one of the reasons why some of our long-legged American cousins are so fond cf raising their feet to a level with their heads, or even higher, although it is very probable that there are reasons still more powerful, which we may discuss at a future time. Tt has already been mentioned that the lymph is propelled along the interstices of the fascie into the lymphatic vessels by the intermittent pressure which the muscle exerts upon them from within, and it seems natural to suppose that the flow 535 ON TIIE SCIENCE OF EASY CIIAIRS. may also be aided by a pressure from without, in the form of shampooing. Even when the hand is rubbed backwards and forwards upon the leg it will relieve fatigue, but the relief is greater when the leg is firmly grasped and the hand moved gently upwards so as to drive onwards as much as possible any fluid which may have accumulated in the limb, and the grasp being then relaxed, the same process should be repeated. But while the lymph is thus most readily removed by the pumping action of intermittent pressure either of the hand without or of the muscles alternately contracting and relaxing within, it seems to us probable that this process may also be aided by steady, constant pressure from without. No doubt it is im- possible for such a steady pressure to take the place of the regular pumping action produced. by the alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles when in action, yet it will have a some- what similar action, though to a very much less extent. For at cach beat of the heart, as Mosso shows, the entire limb is dis- tended by the blood driven into the vessels, and during the pauses between the beats it again becomes smaller. Each pulse, there- fore, by distending the whole limb and each individual muscle, will press out a little of the fluid contained in the fasciz in the same way as the contractions of the muscles themselves, and it seems to us probable that it is the aid which is afforded to this process by the gentle pressure exerted on the outside of the legs by a seat which supports them along their whole extent, that renders such a seat so peculiarly restful and agree- able. For an easy chair to be perfect, therefore, it ought not only to provide for complete relaxation of the muscles, for flexion and consequent laxity of the joints, but also for the easy return of blood and lymph not merely by the posture of the limbs themselves, but by equable support and pressure against as great a surface of the limbs as possible. Such are the theoretical demands, and it is interesting to notice how they are all fulfilled by the afore-mentioned chair in. the shape of a straggling W, which the languor consequent upon a relaxing climate has taught the natives of India to make, and which is known all over the sis a | solace 5 ais te ON A SIMPLE INSTRUMENT FOR EXAMIN- ING THE COMPETENCY OF THE TRI- CUSPID AND MITRAL VALVES. (Reprinted from St. Bartholomew’s IIospital Reports, vol. xiv, 1878.) Ir has often seemed to me that the present method of examining the tricuspid and mitral valves of the heart in a post-mortem examination is not so satisfactory as that which we use for the aortic and pulmonary valves. In examining the latter, we pour water into the aorta and pulmonary artery, and actually see whether the valves are competent or not ; but in the case of the tricuspid and mitral valves we determined their competency either by simple inspection, or at most by pouring a little water into the ventricular cavities, and observing the appearance of the valves as they float upwards upon it. It has occurred to me that a simple instrument, such as has been used for experiments on the cardiac sounds, might be useful for ascertaining the com- petency of these valves under such con¢litions of pressure as they are subjected to during life. Such an instrument may be very readily made from the nozzle(A) ordinary india-rubber enema’syringe. This consists of «an ivory tube, about 24 inches long, with a horizontal shield about half an inch from one end. The longer end of the nozzle is pushed through the auriculo- ventricular orifice, and onwards through the ventricle (B), until it projects on the outside of the ventricular wall close to the apex. It is then pulled through, and a thick india-rubber ring (C) is pushed over it, so that the wall of the ventricle is compressed between the ring outside and the ivory shield of the nozzle inside. The nozzle is then connected by a piece of india-rubber tubing either with a tap or with an enema syringe. If water be now made to pass into the ventricle through the nozzle, the valves (D) float upwards, and become firmly opposed. The aorta and pul- monary artery are now firmly held with the finger and thum), so as to prevent the water from flowing out at the ventricle 538 COMPETENCE OF VALVES. through them, and the pressure inside the ventricle may be raised to any necessary degree. If the heart be healthy, no water will escape until the pressure becomes excessive, and then a small jet may be seen to issue from between the valves. By connecting the tube leading from the water supply to the heart with a mercurial manometer, the pressure at which the valves become incompetent may be at once ascertained. The ventricle may be Fic. 163.* N ‘} VD ‘@) AGE, Y iy wo a then cut open, the nozzle removed, and the valves inspected in the usual way. I do not claim the idea as an entirely new one. The instrument has doubtless been used in various forms many times before, but the form in which I employ it is exceedingly cheap ; and the time required for its application is very short, a couple of minutes sufficing to ascertain the competency of both valves, and it does not in the least injure the heart if it be wished to preserve it as a specimen afterwards. It may therefore, I think, be more widely employed than any other instrument of the sort, and may thus lead to the discovery of very interesting results. * This figure was not in the original paper. ; ON PULSATION* IN THE JUGULAR AND OTHER VEINS. (From the Medical Press and Circular, July 2nd, 1879.) PULSATION in the jugular veins is usually regarded as a sign of tricuspid regurgitation, and therefore of grave import. When I thus speak of pulsation in these veins, I of course exclude the apparent pulsation produced by the motion communicated to them by the pulsation of the carotids, and refer only to pul- satile movements in the veins themselves. Several writers have noticed that pulsations in the jugular veins may occur without any cardiac lesion. Some have attributed these to con- traction of the right auricle, while others have supposed them to be caused by the aorta pressing the blood out of the intra- thoracic veins into the jugulars during its distension by the cardiac systole. Some observations which I have made upon jugular pulsation have shown me that it is sometimes due to the distension of the aorta acting in a somewhat different way from that described by Friedrich. I cannot believe that the phenomena I have observed have previously been unnoticed, and I feel quite sure that they must have been already described by older authors, although I have been unable to find an account of them in more recent works. These phenomena consist in apparent pulsation in the left jugular alone, while it is absent from the right. In the first case of this sort which I saw, the apparent pulsation was very marked in the left jugular. On comparing it with the right, I noticed that it also appeared to be much fuller ; and when I compressed it just above the clavicle, in order to ascertain whether I could thus stop the pulsation, it filled up very rapidly, and became much distended. This showed that the peripheral vessels by which it was supplied were much dilated, and that blood was flowing very rapidly into it. On compressing the right jugular * 'Lhis should rather be termed pseudo-pulsation. 540 ON PULSATION IN THE JUGULAR AND OTIIER VEINS. in a similar manner, it also became very much distended. On relaxing the pressure, it quickly emptied, and when I alternately increased and diminished the pressure, the alternate filling and emptying produced an appearance of pulsation. If it was compressed with the finger simultaneously with each beat of the pulse, an exact imitation of the pulsation observed in the left jugular was produced. It therefore appeared to me that the pulsation in the left jugular was simply due to alternate compression and relaxation of the innominate vein by the aorta. during its dilatation and contraction at each beat of the heart. Since my attention has been attracted to this unilateral jugular pulsation, I have observed several cases of it. These have all been females, and all have been more or less anemic. The following cases may serve as examples :— Rosana K., wet. 22, cartridge maker, in following her occupa- tion, stands in a close room. About twelve months ago she began to get very pale. She had no fright, but during the course of the last year she has had much worry. ‘The patient is markedly chlorotic; menstruation is regular, but scanty; the bowels are constipated; tongue clean; appetite rather poor. There is an anemic murmur over the palmonary cartilage; the cardiac sounds are otherwise healthy. There is apparent pul- sation in the left jugular vein, none in the right. When either jugular is compressed, it fills very rapidly. On compressing the right jugular with the finger at each beat of the pulse, apparent pulsation is produced in it. On first beginning to auscultate, the pulsation in the left jugular was very distinct. The heart’s action was somewhat excited. As the agitation of the patient subsided, the pulsation in the left jugular diminished, and finally disappeared. Jt did not return when the patient walked across the room, but she could only be induced to do so slowly. Elizabeth G., set. 19, is also very pale. For nearly nine months. she has had a slight cough, and has been losing flesh. Her appetite is very poor; the bowels are regular; she has not menstruated for the last three months. Percussion sounds are normal. There is a slight click at the end of inspiration over the right. infraclavicular region. The breath sounds are otherwise x LOCAL CONTRACTION OF VEINS. DAL normal. - There is a systolic bruit over the pulmonary carti- lage; the heart’s sounds are otherwise normal. Pulse, 150, when the patient is standing. The left jugular vein pulsutes visibly, but only during expiration. During inspiration the vein empties completely. There is no pulsation in the right jugular, and that in the left is stopped by pressure above the clavicle. It may be imitated in the right jugular by pressure with the finger. There is no distinct venous hum. Margaret LB. came to the hospital complaining of weakness and nervousness. While in attendance, she began to suffer from vomiting, and, a week or ten days after the vomiting com- menced, she spat a little blood. Her nose also bled frequently about seven in theevening. There was no abnormal pulmonary, or cardiac sound. On one occasion, a curious persistent con- traction of the jugular vein was noticed at the place where her eollar had pressed upon it.* Tn the case of Rosana It., the pressure exerted by the aorta on the left innominate vein was insufficient to produce the pul- sation when the circulation was quiet, but it did so when it was excited by emotion. In that of Elizabeth G., it was insufficient to produce it when the thorax was dilated and the sternum raised by inspiration, but did so when the thorax had collapsed and the sternum had fallen during expiration. In all of them the peripheral vessels were dilated, so that the vein filled very rapidly during compression, and but for this no appearance of pulsation would have been produced. These few observations may serve to direct attention to a cause of jugular pulsation which, so far as I can find, is not generally recognised. There is another venous pulsation which is also omitted from modern text-books, although it is to be found in the older writers. This, however, is not a simulated, but a real, pulsa- tion, occurring in the pulmonary veins, and in the vena cava. Some time ago, Sir Joseph Fayrer and I foundf that occasionally the pulmonary veins and the vena cava in rabbits might be seen to pulsate rhythmically for a considerable time after the auricles and ventricles had become perfectly still. In one * Compare antea “ Local contraction of arteries,” p. 178. t GC. p. 528. 542 ON PULSATION IN THE JUGULAR AND OTHER VEINS. animal, all the cavities of the heart continued to beat for a considerable time after the thorax had been opened. The ventricles then stopped, but the auricles continued to pulsate, as well as the pulmonary veins. The veins and auricles both pulsated at the rate of 119 per minute, but the contractions were not synchronous. The auricles then ceased to beat, but pulsation continued in the pulmonary veins, and the ventricles again commenced, although the auricles remained perfectly quiet. The pulsation of the ventricles was at the rate of 8 per minute; while in the pulmonary veins it was at the rate of 46 per minute. Both the superior and inferior vena cava in the same animal were found to be pulsating an hour and forty minutes after the thorax had been opened. From the inferior cava contraction spread like a wave over the right’ auricle, the ventricle being quiet. But after the auricle had contracted two or three times, the ventricle again commenced to pulsate. These rhythmical contractions of the pulmonary veins, and of the vena cava, occur in animals killed in various ways. Sir Joseph Fayrer and I observed them in animals killed by a blow on the head, by the action of cobra poison, and by the com- bined use of chloroform, atropia, and physostigma. They do not oceur frequently, and the conditions under which they take place are at present unknown, and we are unable to say whether they occur in man at all. But it has been shown by observations on decapitated criminals that the inferior vena cava, as well as the hepatic, portal, and several of the sub- pleural pulmonary veins, besides others, are strongly contractile. It seems, therefore, not improbable that such contractions may occasionally occur in the human subject. In one case, as I have already said, Sir Joseph Fayrer and I noticed that the contraction of the pulmonary veins was not synchronous with that of the auricles. The ventricles, at this particular time, were not pulsating, but, had they been doing so, their contrac- tions must needs have been synchronous with those of the pulmonary veins. Supposing that in a case of mitral regurgita- tion a similar rhythmical contraction should occur in the pulmonary veins, a most powerful obstacle would be opposed te the backward flow of the blood, and the force of the current, USES OF CONTRACTILITY IN VEINS. 543. driven by the powerful left ventricle into the lungs, would be broken, and the injurious effects it would otherwise produce be greatly diminished. A similar action may be exerted by the vena cava in cases of tricuspid regurgitation. : We have already noticed the persistent contraction which oceurred in the left jugular vein in Margaret B., at the point where it had been compressed by the collar. This constriction is an indication of one of the properties possessed by veins which is little regarded in considering the mechanism of the circulation—viz., that of contractility. This property they possess to a very great extent, and it is especially remarked in the smaller veins. In these, the walls sometimes approach each other so closely as to completely obstruct the lumen, and altogether prevent the flow of blood through the vein. In them, too, rhythmical pulsations may frequently be noticed. The importance of venous contractility im reference to the maintenance of the circulation in health and in disease is very creat. It is obvious that, if venous radicals contract, they may oppose a resistance to the flow of blood in the capillaries, and by thus increasing the pressure within them may cause more fluid to exude from them into the tissues; while, on the other hand, a rhythmical contraction may forward the onward pro- eress of the blood in the normal condition, and may prevent some of the injurious effects which are usually noticed in tricuspid regurgitation. Everyone who has studied cases of chronic bronchitis must have been struck with the variety of forms in which the obstruction to the circulation manifests itself in them. In one we find considerable cedema, but no albuminuria; in another, great dyspnoea, with signs of pul- monary cedema, although the legs may be very slightly, or not at all, swollen. In the same case you may see the legs begin to swell, and the pulmonary cedema and dyspnea at the same time diminish. Such an occurrence I have observed in a patient suffering from chronic bronchitis, and who was apparently at death’s door from an acute exacerbation of the disease. This patient was obliged to sit upright in bed, gasping for breath ; the lips were purple, and all over the lungs there was loud sibilus, and rhonchus, with occasionally coarse mucous rales 544 ON PULSATION IN THE JUGULAR AND OTHER VEINS. and fine crepitation at the bases of both lungs posteriorly. Notwithstanding the interference with the circulation, there ‘was but very slight cedema of the legs. After the administra- tion of an emetic, followed by ipecacuanha and squill, the patient was greatly relieved, but the cedema of the legs increased temporarily. The increase did not, however, last long, and the patient. from the moment of the administration of the emetic, steadily recovered. The action of drugs upon the veins has hitherto received very little attention, and therefore we are unable at present to bring together pharmacological experiment and clinical observation so as to give us any efficient aid in treatment. But it is probable that before very long we may have some definite knowledge of the action of drugs on the veins, which may help us in many cases where now we are sadly at a joss in the treatment of those diseases in which venous engorgement piays a prominent part, SE 549 ON THE PATHOLOGY OF NIGHT-SWEATING IN PHTHISIS, AND THE MODE OF ACTION OF STRYCHNIA AND OTHER REMEDIES IN IT. (Reprinted from St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, vol. xv, p. 119.) ArTER the night-sweats which occur in phthisis the patients are very exhausted, and not unfrequently feel a certain soreness of the limbs similar to that which occurs in healthy persons after great exertion. The exhaustion produced by the sweating is sometimes attributed to the actual loss of material from the body in the perspiration, but this can hardly be the case, as the amount of nutritive matter contained in the sweat is very small, and we notice that the perspiration which occurs in healthy persons after exertion does not cause any feeling of weakness, It occurred to me, therefore, that instead of the sweating being the cause of the exhaustion in phthisis, the exhaustion and the sweat were both consequences of one common cause. In order to discover what this cause may be, it may be well to proceed to track, as it were, the process of sweating backwards, until we find some condition that may account both for it and for the weakness. Now, the production of sweat is due to the functional activity of the secreting cells in the sweat glands, which remove from the blood a quantity of water and salts, and pour it out upon the surface of the skin. For the functional activity of these cells two things are requisite: the one is a supply of blood to them which will provide them with the fluid necessary to form the sweat ; the second is the nervous stimulus imparted to them by the secreting nerves, which excites them to functional activity. Itis only recently that the importance of these nerves as a factor in the secretion of sweat has been fully recognised, although various circumstances seemed to point to the fact that sweat was not dependent merely upon a full supply of blood to the sweat glands. In the perspiration which follows active 2N 546 THE PATHOLOGY OF NIGHT-SWEATING IN PUTHISIS. physical exercise, we no doubt find that the skin is suffused with blood, and the sweat glands are therefore richly supplied with it. But in fever we not unfrequently find that the skin is even more suffused with blood, as is shown by its redness, so that the glands may have an abundant supply, and yet, notwithstanding this, the skin, instead of being covered with sweat, is perfectly dry. This shows, then, that a free supply of blood alone is insufficient to induce perspiration. On the other hand, we find that perspiration may occur freely when the supply of blood is exceedingly scanty. In persons stricken with sudden fear, or in those at the point of death, we find that the skin is pallid or livid, the surface cold, indicating that the supply of biood to it is very scanty, and yet at this very moment it may be bedewed . with heavy drops of perspiration. This fact shows that perspira- tion may occur with a scanty supply of blood. The facts are exactly analogous to what we find in the secretion of saliva by the submaxillary gland. In this gland, irritation of the chorda tympani nerve causes dilatation of the vessels of the gland, a copious supply of blood to it and a free secretion of saliva. Irritation of the sympathetic nerve also causes secre- tion of saliva, but instead of the vessels being widely dilated and. the circulation in the gland rapid and free, the vessels are con- tracted and the circulation is very slow. We find, also, that. there is a similarity between the secretion of saliva and’ the: secretion of sweat, not only in the nervous conditions under which they may occur, but in the way in which they are affected by various drugs. The effect of atropine, for example, upon the. submaxillary gland is to paralyse the ends of the secreting nerves in the glandular structure, and the consequence of this: is, that when the:chorda tympani is irritated after the adminis- tration of a dose of atropia, the vessels of the gland dilate as: usual, blood flows freely through it, but, the secreting nerves: having been paralysed, the secreting cells take up nothing from: the blood, and not a drop of saliva flows from the duct. . When, on the contrary, calabar bean is administered, the: effect is. strikingly different, for’ its action is not-to paralyse, but to. stimulate the secreting nerves.: In consequence of this, the secreting cells begin actively. to take fluid from the blood and to: - EEE ACTION OF ATROPINE AND PILOCARPINE. 547 pour it out through the duct of the gland in the form of saliva. But this process does not last long, for the bean has a second action. Its stimulating power is not confined to the secreting nerves of the gland, but extends also to the vaso-motor nerves which regulate the calibre of the blood-vessels which supply it. These vaso-motor nerves, being stimulated by the drug, cause the vessels to contract to such an extent as to cut off the supply of blood from the glands almost entirely. The secreting cells are thus deprived of the material from which the saliva ought to be formed, and thus, notwithstanding the functional activity which they are exerting under the stimulus of the secreting nerves, the formation of saliva very shortly comes to an end. In persons who are poisoned with belladonna it has been observed that the vessels of the skin were much dilated, so that the skin itself was covered with a scarlet flush, notwithstanding which the surface was dry. This dryness was not confined to the skin, but extended to the mouth, and it was caused both in the mouth and on the skin by the paralysis of the secreting nerves of the salivary and sweat glands produced by the drug. Calabar bean, on the contrary, causes a certain amount of sali- vation and cold sweats; and other drugs, such as pilocarpine, which does not, like calabar bean, limit its own action upon the secreting cells of the salivary glands by lessening their blood supply, causes very profuse salivation as well as profuse sweat- ing. Now the action of pilocarpine is exerted upon the termina- tions of the secreting nerves in the salivary and sweat glands, and does not seem to be dependent upon any action on the nerve centres. But although pilocarpine may stimulate the sweat glands by acting upon the ends of the secreting nerves within them, it is probable that, in ordinary circumstances, the secretion is regulated, not by the conditions of the terminal filaments of the secretory nerves, but by the nerve centres acting on the glands through those nerves. The nerve centres for the secretion of sweat lie partly in the spinal cord and partly in the medulla oblongata. In this respect they resemble two other important nerve centres, viz., the centre for respira- tion, or respiratory centre, and the vaso-motor centre—the respiratory centre, by which the respiratory muscles are inner- 2N 2 = 548 THE PATHOLOGY OF NIGIIT-SWEATING IN PHTHISIS, vated and the respiratory movements kept up, and the vaso- motor centre, from which stimuli constantly proceeding to the vessels keep them in a state of chronic contraction. Both these centres were formerly supposed to be situated in the medulla oblongata alone, because when the medulla was separated from the cord by a transverse cut at the level of the ecciput, respiration ceased, and the tonic contraction of the vessels in the body at once ceased, and they became dilated. It was first shown by Schiff, however, that if part of the medulla were destroyed, so as to cause the respiratory move- ments completely to cease, the death of the animal, which would usuaily occur under such conditions, might be prevented by the continuous use of artificial respiration for many hours. By this process time was allowed for the remaining portion of the medulla to learn, as it were, how to perform the function of the part which had been destroyed, as well as its own, so that after artificial respiration had gone on for several hours, the animal began to make feeble attempts to breathe, and these became stronger and stronger, until at last respiration was again established. It was thus shown that when a part of the respira- tory centre in the medulla was destroyed, the remainder might become sufficiently powerful to perform the functions of the whole; but the experiments of Prokop Rokitanski* have shown that, instead of being limited to the medulla oblongata, as was formerly supposed, the respiratory centre actually extends for some distance down the spinal cord. When the medulla is completely separated from the cord by a transverse cut of the level of the occiput, respiratory movements usually cease, and do not recommence. But if strychnia be injected into the circulation immediately after the cord has been divided, the respiratory movements again commence. It is evident that these movements in this case do not depend upon the action of the medulla at all, as they did in the experiments of Schiff, for here the whole of the medulla has been cut off from any connec- tion with the respiratory muscles, and the respiratory movements must therefore depend upon stimuli proceeding to the respira- tory muscles, not from the medulla oblongata, but from the Vide antea, p. 328. 2 eee SWEAT, RESPIRATORY AND VASO-MOTOR CENTRES. 549 spinal cord. It is clear, then, from these experiments, that the respiratory centre is not confined to the medulla oblongata, but extends to the spinal cord. Usually, however, the spinal part of it is too weak to keep up the respiratory movements alone without the aid of the medullary part, and can only do so when it is stimulated to excessive action by means of strychnia. This conclusion is also borne out by the fact that when strychnia is given to an animal before the division of the cord at the occiput, the respiratory movements do not entirely cease at the moment of division, as they usually do. And what is true of the respira- tory centre holds also for the vaso-motor centre. When the - cord is divided at the occiput, the vessels being no longer under the influence of the vaso-motor ceutre, usually dilate. But here also, after the injection of the strychnia, the vaso-motor power is restored, and the vessels again contract to a greater or less extent. It is evident, then, that the vaso-motor centre, like the respiratory, extends a certain distance down the cord, and that it also, like the respiratory centre, is stimulated to increased action by strychnia. Closely associated with these two centres appear to be the sweat centres. It was first observed by Goltz that irritation of the sciatic nerve would produce sweating in a limb, and it was shown by Kendall and Luchsinger that this sweat was indepen- dent of any alteration in the vascular supply, for it occurred in animals poisoned with curare, where all the vessels going to the limb had been tied; and it even occurred inan amputated leg for a quarter of an hour after its severance from the body. The nerve centres by which the sweat nerves are usually excited were localised by Luchsinger in the spinal cord, but Nawrocki, who repeated his experiments, came to the conclusion that the sweat centre was situated, not in the spinal cord, but in the medulla oblongata, because he found that division of the spinal cord high up arrested the secretion of sweat. The reason of this dis- crepancy between the conclusions of Luchsinger and Nawrocki probably is that the sweat centre, like the respiratory and vaso- motor centres, is not confined either to the medulla or to the cord, but extends through both. It is probable that, like the respiratory and vaso-motor centres, a great portion of the sweat 550 #£THE PATHOLOGY OF NIGHT-SWEATING IN PHTHISIS. centre is situated in the medulla, and in Nawrocki’s experiments, when the influence of this part was destroyed by section of the eord, the perspiration ceased, just as respiration and vascular tone are also destroyed under ordinary circumstances. It is probable, however, that in Luchsinger’s experiments the spinal portion of the vaso-motor centres was sufficiently powerful to excite perspiration, even after the separation from the medulla. These centres were found by Luchsinger to be excited, and perspiration produced by increased temperature of the blood, by increased carbonic acid in the blood, and also by nicotine which had been introduced into the circulation. Increased tempera- ture, as we well know, causes sweating, usually accompanied with dilatation of the vessels of the skin, as when we are exposed to a hot sun or get warm from exertion. Tobacco, on the other hand, causes sweating with diminished supply of blood to the skin, the countenance becoming exceedingly pale at the same time that a cold sweat breaks out, as most young smokers find out by sad experience. The effect of increased carbonic acid in the blood is visible in the cold sweats which bedew the brows of dying persons. I have watched the pro- cess, and have observed that it was just as the finger-nails, the lobes of the ears, and the lips began to get livid that the sweat drops began to appear on the forehead. It was a consideration of this fact which led me to suspect that the sweats of phthisis might be due to accumulation of carbonic acid in the blood ‘stimulating the sweat centres. Nor would it do this only, for any imperfect aeration of the blood would lead to imperfect oxidation of the products of tissue waste in the body, and their consequent accumulation would produce the same soreness and lassitude which come on from the accumulation through over- production by excessive muscular exertion. But it may be said, How is it that carbonic acid comes to accumulate in the blood in this way? In a healthy person no such accumula- tion takes place, because, although carbonic acid in the blood acts as a stimulus to the sweat centres, the vaso-motor centres, and the respiratory centres, yet the latter are more susceptible than the two former, so that whenever a slight increase of the amount of carbonic acid in the blood occurs, the respiratory EE es ACTION OF VENOUS BLOOD ON SWEAT CENTRE. 551 centre is stimulated, the respiratory muscles are thrown into increased action, and the blood being more aerated, the amount of carbonic acid in it is once again reduced to the normal. But supposing the respiratory centre is weakened in any way so as to become less sensitive to the stimulus of carbonic acid in the blood than the other two centres, this will no longer be the case, and then we shall find cold perspirations occur. This is the condition which I believe to be present in phthisis. The con- stant stimulation of the respiratory centre by the irritation in the lungs, and the violent respiratory efforts which occur in coughing, so exhaust the irritability of this centre, especially during sleep, that it no longer responds in the normal manner to the stimulus of carbonic acid in the blood. The blood may thus become more and more venous, until the carbonic acid in it excites the sweat centres, and possibly also the vaso-motor centres, before the respiratory centre begins to respond. This, then, I believe to be the pathology of night-sweating in phthisis. The respiratory centre becomes exhausted by the reflex irritation from the lung, so that it no longer responds so readily as it ought to the stimulus directly applied to it by car- bonic acid in the blood circulating through the medulla and through the spinal cord. In consequence of this the blood becomes more or less venous, and to this venosity, and the consequent imperfect tissue change, and not, as was formerly supposed, to the actual loss of fluid or sweat in the sleep, are the nervous and muscular exhaustion and prostration observed in night-sweats to be attributed. If this pathology were correct, it occurred to me that night-sweating might be pre- vented by administering some remedy which would increase the excitability of the respiratory centre. Now such a remedy exists in strychnia, as has been shown by Rokitanski’s experiment. If, then, a dose of strychnia or nux vomica were administered at bedtime, the excitability of the respiratory centre ought to be so much stimulated that any excess of carbonic acid would excite it to increased action, and thus the accumulation of car- bonic acid in the blood would be prevented, and the sweat, which I have supposed to be the consequence of such accumulation, would be arrested. 554 THE PATHOLOGY OF NIGHT-SWEATING IN PHTUHISIS. was increased to twenty drops, and after this there was no sweating. } But it is evident that if strychnia increases: the excitability of the respiratory centre to stimuli applied directly to it, such as the carbonic acid present in the blood, it is likely also to in; crease its susceptibility to reflex irritation, such as that’ caused by tubercle in the lungs, and thus it might be that it would tend to increase the cough in case of phthisis. This, indeed, it appears, in some instances, to do. I have tried here to remedy this by a combination of strychnia with opium, and this appears partially to succeed. Where, however, strychnia does not appear ‘to suit, atropia may answer perfectly. Now, atropia, no doubt, acts upon peripheral terminations of the secretory nerves in the sweat glands, and thus it will altogether prevent sweating. But this is not the whole action of atropia. It has been noticed by Ringer that the beneficial action of atropia continues for a very considerable time after its administration. Jt seems difficult to believe that this is merely due to its action upon the sweat nerves, for it is probable that the greater part of the atropia has been excreted from the body before the beneficial action which it produced has come to an end. It seems not improbable, therefore, that the benefit derived from the employment of this drug in the night-sweating of phthisis is not due merely to its action upon the peripheral ‘terminations of the sweat nerves, for, as has been shown by Von Bezold, it has a marked action in stimulating the respiratory centre. At the same time it lessens the irritability of the sen- sory nerves in the lung, and is thus likely to diminish the exhaustion of the respiratory centre, which the reflex irritation produced by the tubercle would otherwise occasion. It is to ) this stimulation of ‘the respiratory centre, as much as to the -paralysing action on .the respiratory nerves, that I should be inclined to attribute the benefit to be derived from atropia or from hyoscyamus, which acts almost in the same way as atropia, ‘and is so frequently given, along with oxide of zine, in sweating of this sort. In Dover’s powder we have a combination having an action somewhat resembling that of atropia in certain respects, though differing-from it very markedly in others. In " Py i ; s hs é 4 é uv H, at ACTION OF DOVER’S POWDER AND PICROTOXINE. D505 health, Dover’s powder is a powerful sudorific, but it frequently arrests, in the most satisfactory manner, as Dr. Murrell has shown, the night-sweating of phthisis.* This seems at first sight extraordinary, and yet it is quite natural if the view which I have advanced regarding the patho- logy of night-sweating in phthisis be correct. For the opium, by lessening the irritation from cough, will tend to prevent the exhaustion of the respiratory centre. At the same time ipecacu- anha is a powerful stimulant to this centre, and thus we have in Dover’s powder two of the actions that we have already observed in atropia, viz., a power of diminishing irritation from the lungs, with a power of increasing the activity of the respira- tory centre. Unlike atropia, it does not paralyse the peripheral terminations of the secretory nerves in the sweat glands. - Picrotoxine, also, has been found to be useful in night-sweating. It also is a powerful stimulant to the respiratory centre '(Biichheim, Arzneimittellehre, 3te Aufi.), and probably it is by its stimulating action upon this centre that it arrests sweating. But while it is probable that the night-sweats of phthisis chiefly depend upon exhaustion of the respiratory centre, and are to be arrested by stimulation of this centre, we must bear in mind ‘that this may not be the only cause of such sweats. They may - cecur through stimulation of the sweating centres by increased temperature as well as by increased amount cof carbonic acid ‘in the circulating blood. In such circumstances quinine will probably be the best remedy, as Dr. Murrell has pointed out (op. cit.). One of the great difficulties which we have to contend with in medicine is that of choosing the best drug in each particular case. Much may no doubt be done by very long experience, but it is hard, even for an old physician, and almost impossible for a young one. The only way in which this difficulty can be surmounted is by our obtaining an accurate knowledge of the pathology of disease, and of the mode of action of the remedies which we employ. In the night-sweats of phthisis atropia is pro- bably the most powerful remedy which we possess, and we can well see how it should be so, for it combines the power of * Practitioner, vol. xxiii, p. 195, September, 1879. 554 THE PATHOLOGY OF NIGHT-SWEATING IN PHTHISIS. was increased to twenty drops, and after this there was no sweating. But it is evident that if strychnia increases: the excitability of the respiratory centre to stimuli applied directly to it, such as the carbonic acid present in the blood, it is likely also to in; crease its susceptibility to reflex irritation, such as that’ caused by tubercle in the lungs, and thus it might be that it would tend to increase the cough in case of phthisis. This, indeed, it appears, in some instances, to do. I have tried here to remedy this by a combination of strychnia with opium, and this appears partially to succeed. Where, however, strychnia does not appear ‘to suit, atropia may answer perfectly. Now, atropia, no doubt, acts upon peripheral terminations of the secretory nerves in the sweat glands, and thus it will altogether prevent sweating. But this is not the whole action of atropia. It has been noticed by Ringer that the beneficial action of atropia continues for a very considerable time after its administration. It seems difficult to believe that this is merely due to its action upon the sweat nerves, for it is probable that the greater part of the atropia has been excreted from the body before the beneficial action which it produced has come to an end. It seems not improbable, therefore, that the benefit derived from the employment of this drug in the night-sweating of phthisis is not due merely to its action upon the peripheral ‘terminations of the sweat nerves, for, as has been shown by Von Bezold, it has a marked action in stimulating the respiratory centre. At the same time it lessens the irritability of the sen- sory nerves in the lung, and is thus likely to diminish the exhaustion of the respiratory centre, which the reflex irritation produced by the tubercle would otherwise occasion. It is to this stimulation. of ‘the respiratory centre, as much as to the -paralysing action on .the respiratory nerves, that I should be inclined to attribute the benefit to be derived from atropia or from hyoscyamus, which acts almost in the same way as atropia, ‘and is so frequently given, along with oxide of zine, in sweating of this sort. In Dover’s powder we have a combination having an action somewhat resembling that of atropia in certain respects, though differing. from it very markedly in others. In ACTION OF DOVER’S POWDER AND PICROTOXINE. 30D health, Dover’s powder is a powerful sudorific, but it frequently arrests, in the most satisfactory manner, as Dr. Murrell has shown, the night-sweating of phthisis.* This seems at first sight extraordinary, and yet it is quite natural if the view which I have advanced regarding the patho- logy of night-sweating in phthisis be correct. For the opium, by lessening the irritation from cough, will tend to prevent the exhaustion of the respiratory centre. At the same time ipecacu- anha is a powerful stimulant to this centre, and thus we have in Dover’s powder two of the actions that we have already observed in atropia, viz., a power of diminishing irritation from the lungs, with a power of increasing the activity of the respira- tory centre. Unlike atropia, it does not paralyse the peripheral terminations of the secretory nerves in the sweat glands. Picrotoxine, also, has been found to be useful in night-sweating. It also is a powerful stimulant to the respiratory centre ' (Biichheim, Arzneimittellehre, 3te Aufl.), and probably it is by its stimulating action upon this centre that it arrests sweating. But while it is probable that the night-sweats of phthisis chiefly depend upon exhaustion of the respiratory centre, and are to be arrested by stimulation of this centre, we must bear in mind ‘that this may not be the only cause of such sweats. They may - cecur through stimulation of the sweating centres by increased temperature as well as by increased amount cf carbonic acid ‘in the circulating blood. In ‘such circumstances quinine will probably be the best remedy, as Dr. Murrell has pointed out (op. cit.). One of the great difficulties which we have to contend with in medicine is that of choosing the best drug in each particular case. Much may no doubt be done by very long experience, but it is hard, even for an old physician, and almost impossible for a young one. The only way in which this difficulty can be surmounted is by our obtaining an accurate knowledge of the pathology of disease, and of the mode of action of the remedies which we employ. In the night-sweats of phthisis atropia is pro- bably the most powerful remedy which we possess, and we can well see how it should be so, for it combines the power of * Practitioner, vol. xxiii, p. 195, September, 1879. 506 THE FATIOLOGY OF NIGHT-SWEATING IN PHTHISIS. lessening irritability of the sensory nerves in the lung, of stimulating the respiratory centre, and of paralysing the ends of the secreting nerves in the sweat glands. But it possesses other actions which may render its employment inadvisable. It may so influence the salivary glands as to arrest their secre- tion, and cause very great discomfort to the patient by the dryness of the mouth thus occasioned. In such cases we may use Dover’s powder, but if this, again, should interfere with digestion, we may resort to strychnia or nux vomica. The cases in which strychnia seems to be specially indicated are those in which the cough is not so violent as to be very distressing, and where the general debility and weakness of the circulation and digestion are prominent symptoms. It not unfrequently has happened, probably owing in some measure to the difficulty of obtaining correct statements from hospital patients, who are so readily influenced by any bias of the physician, that a remedy has had in the hands of its proposer a success which has not been observed by those who have tried it subsequently. It may he so with strychnia also as a remedy in niglt-sweating, but if this should not be the case, and it proved in the experience of others to have the same marked power of arresting the night- sweats of phthisis which it has had in the trials I have made of it, it will be interesting as being another remedy whose thera- peutical use has been arrived at by a knowledge of its physio- logical action, and of the pathology of disease liscovered by experiments upou animals. ON THE EXPLANATION OF STANNIUS’S EXPERIMENT AND ON THE ACTION OF STRYCHNIA ON THE HEART. In conjunction with THEODORE CASH, M.D. (Reprinted from St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, vol. xvi, 1880.) THE remarkable experiment to which Stannius has given his name consists in applying a ligature around the venous sinus of the frog’s heart, just at the point where it joins the auricles. The consequence of this is, that the auricles and ventricles at once cease to beat, and remain in a state of quiescence, lasting for a time varying from a few minutes to half an hour or more, while the venous sinus still continues to pulsate uninterruptedly. A similar result is produced when, instead of applying a ligature round the sinus, the sinus itself is separated from the auricles by an incision. If, however, instead of suddenly removing the whole of the venous sinus from the remainder of the heart, it is gradually removed, the instant stoppage of the auricle and ventricle does not take place. If the ventricle be now separated from the auricle, while the two are remaining in a state of com- plete quiescence, the ventricle again commences to pulsate, while the auricle remains perfectly still. Two explanations of these phenomena have been given. The one is that the section or ligature of the heart at the junction of the venous sinus and the auricles excites the inhibitory apparatus in the auricles to such an extent as to prevent both them and the ventricle from moving. This explanation, however, seems to be disproved by the fact that the same result is obtained after the heart has been previously poisoned by atropia, which completely paralyses its inhibitory apparatus, and it would therefore appear that the still-stand of the heart in this experiment cannot be due to excitement of the inhibitory apparatus. The second explana- tion is, that the motor ganglia of the heart are unequally 558 ON THE ACTION OF STRYCHNIA ON THE HEART. distributed in the ventricle and auricle, the greater number being in the venous sinus and ventricle, and the fewest in the auricle. When the sinus, then, is separated from the remainder of the heart, the motor power in the auricles and ventricle is insufficient’ to make them pulsate, although the ventricular ganglia are sufficient, when separated from the auricle, to set the ventricle in motion. This explanation is opposed to the fact that if the venous sinus be gradually, instead of suddenly, separated from the auricle, they will still continue to pulsate. Notwithstanding this objection, however, it seems to us that this explanation, although very probably it does not represent the whole truth, is’ to a considerable extent true, and the cessation of the auricular. and ventricular movements, after the removal of the venous sinus, is really due, in a great measure at least, to want of motor. power. It occurred to us that if this were so, we ought to be. able, by stimulation of the motor ganglia, to reinduce the cardiac pulsations after they had ceased from ligature of the venous. sinus. It is well known that if a single galvanic shock be applied to the ventricle when in this state of diastolic quiescence, the ventricle will contract once at each application of the stimu- lus, but the single pulsation is not succeeded by a succession of rhythmical beats. As warmth has a very powerful effect in increasing the cardiac activity, it seemed probable that the application of warmth to the heart, when in the condition of still-stand thus described, might so far stimulate its motor ganglia as to allow it to resume its rhythmical pulsations. We therefore induced complete still-stand in the frog’s heart by applying the ligature in the usual way. Ou then warming the heart, either by directing upon it a current. of air heated by passing it through a hot glass tube, or by bringing into its. neighbourhood a heated copper wire, we found that the rhyth- mical pulsations again commenced, and continued for two or. three minutes after the time that warmth was applied. The cessation of the movements of the heart, after the. removal of the venous sinus, seemed to us analogous to the cessation of respiratory movements and of vaso-motor tone after. the influence of the medulla oblongata has been removed by MODE OF ACTION OF STRYCHNINE. 5a) division of the spinal cord at the occiput. It has been found by Prokop Rokitansky that the movements do not cease completely after division of the cord, when the animal has been previously poisoned by strychnia, and that both vaso-motor reflex and respi- ratory movements can be reinduced in such animals by strychnia administered after the cord has been divided, ¢f, antea, p. 323. It occurred to us that possibly a similar phenomenon might be observed in the heart. We therefore administered strychnia to a frog, and as soon as the spasm occurred, the animal was killed and a ligature placed round the heart. No cessation of movement, however, was observed. When a-frog was first killed, however, and still-stand of the heart was induced by application of a ligature, a solution of strychnia placed on the outside of the heart did not reinduce rhythmical pulsations, but when the solution was injected by a fine pipette into the inte- rior of the ventricle, rhythmical pulsations again commenced. This rhythm, however, was independent of that which the venous sinus still continued to pursue. After maintaining this for some minutes, it again stopped, and the auricle was seen to contract after the ventricle. The aorta was now cut, and the ventricle again contracted, but the auricles remained quiescent. On stimulating the ventricle, it now went on beating regularly. From these experiments it would appear that the still-stand induced by ligature of the venous sinus has a deficiency of motor power in the auricle and ventricle, and that when we increase the excitability of the ganglia in these parts by warmth or by strychnia, the pulsations recommence. The following seems to us the best explanation of the phenomena observed. The motor ganglia of the heart, we think, are in all probability called into action by reflex stimulation. This reflex stimulation may originate in impressions conveyed to them by afferent nerves from the internal or external surface of the heart, or by impressions conveyed to them by the afferent nerves from the other cavities of the heart. We think, also, that although they respond to the stimuli conveyed reflexly from the internal or external surfaces of that part of the heart in which they are contained—as shown, for example, in contraction of the ven- tricle on stimulation by a needle or an electrical current—they 560 ON THE ACTION OF STRYCHNIA ON THE HEART. are, nevertheless, most readily thrown into rhythmical action by the impressions conveyed to them from the other cavities. In a normal condition of the heart, the venous sinus is the first cavity to contract; next comes the auricle, and next the ven- tricle; and a stimulus of contraction probably proceeds from one to the other along a channel furnished by the nervous filaments which connect them. When the channel is suddenly interrupted, as by ligature or division of the venous sinus, the motor stimuli proceeding from the venous sinus to the auricie and ventricle can no longer pass to them, and the reflex impulses proceeding to their ganglia from the external and internal surfaces of these cavities are insufficient to call them into action. The auricles and ventricles, therefore, remain in @ state of quiescence for a longer or shorter period; this qui- escence, however, is not completely permanent. After a while the ganglia seem to become adapted to the new, conditions. Their sensibility, too, increases, and the stimuli proceeding to them from the surface of the heart are sufficient to call them into action. When the venous sinus is gradually removed from the auricles and ventricle, instead of being suddenly detached, time is afforded for this adaptation to take place before the removal has been completely effected, and thus the rhythm is not disturbed, as it is when the division is suddenly made or the ligature suddenly applied. In these respects the cardiac nervous system is analogous to the vaso-motor and respiratory systems. The ordinary channels through which the vaso-motor and respiratory centres and spinal cord are called into action are the fibres which proceed to them from the medulla oblongata. If these channels are suddenly inter- rupted by section of the spinal cord at the occiput, those parts of the vaso-motor and respiratory centres contained in the spinal cord cease to act. The same is the case when a large portion, but not the whole, of the respiratory centre in the medulla is destroyed, as by division of one-half of the medulla. When a large portion of this respiratory centre is thus destroyed, the animal at once ceases to breathe, and remains in this condition for many hours. If left to itself, death would of course take place; but if artificial respiration be maintained USE OF STRYCIININE AS A CARDIAC STIMULANT, 561 for a long time, by and by faint respiratory movements occur, which very soon cease if the animal be left to itself. But Schiff has found that if artificial respiration be still kept up, these movements become stronger and stronger, until at length spontaneous respiration is sufficiently re-established to save life. In Rokitansky’s experiment, the ordinary channels for the passage of stimulifrom the medulla oblongata to the respiratory and vaso-motor centres in the cord were at once destroyed; but the application of strychnia before or after the section had so greatly increased the activity of the centres in the spinal cord that they were able to take up their functions at once, instead of after a lapse of time, as in Schiff’s experiment. It seems to us, then, that the function performed by the venous sinus in regard to the rhythmical movements of the froe’s heart is to a certain extent analogous to the functions of the medulla oblongata in regard to respiration and vascular tension, and that the action of heat and of strychnia upon the systems is very similar indeed. The very marked action as a cardiac stimulant which strychnia is shown by the experiment to possess, is one the practical importance of which it is hardly necessary to point out. We would merely remark, that in cases of general debility and lack of tone, especially when occurring in consequence of overwork, there is, perhaps, no tonic in the pharmacopceia to be~compared to strychnia; and widely known though its utility may be, it is not nearly so commonly employed as it deserves, especially at this season of the year (July), when both medical men and their patients are suffering from the consequences of prolonged overwork and mental strain. Small doses of strychnia or nux vomica restore both mental and physical power, and give a sense of well-being in a manner in which, so far as our experience goes, nothing else will. ON THE ACTIONS AND USE OF CERTAIN REMEDIES EMPLOYED IN BRONCHITIS AND PHTHISIS.* * Read before the Medical Society of London, December 19th, 1880. (Reprinted from the Lancet, January 1st, 1881, p. 4.) In both bronchitis and phthisis the first symptoms that attract notice are cough and expectoration, and the first remedies that claim our attention are the so-called sedatives and expectorants. Cough consists in deep inspiration, closure of the glottis, and violent expiratory effort, by which the glottis is forcibly opened by the compressed air, which carries with it, in its exit, mucus or other matters which may have lodged in the lungs’‘or respi- ratory passages. The nervous centre for this act lies in the medulla oblongata. It is bilateral, and situated on each side of the central raphe. It is excited into action reflexly by irritation of the respiratory branches of the vagus distributed to the glosso-epiglottidean folds, to the whole interior of the larynx, to the trachea, especially at its bifurcation, and to the bronchi, and the substance of the lung itself, as well as the pleura when it is inflamed. Irritation of the internal auditory meatus at the point to which the auricular branch of the vagus is distri- buted also causes coughing, and so also may irritation of the liver and of the spleen. As coughing is a reflex act, excited by irritation applied to a sensory nerve, and reacting through a nerve centre upon the respiratory muscles, it is obvious that it may be lessened, either by removing the source of irritation or by diminishing the excitability of the nervous mechanism through which it acts. Both methods are employed in medicine. One of the commonest is that of lessening irritation by the use of glutinous and saccharine substances. These have in them- selves little or no action upon the nervous mechanism. They do not pass down to the bronchi, or lung substance, so that they can have no direct effect upon the mucous membrane there, nor ACIION OF * LINCTUS.” 563 have they, so far as we know, any effect upon them after they have been absorbed into the blood; and yet one of the com- monest observations is that glutinous and saccharine substances have a very great power to allay cough when applied to the back of the throat, even in cases where we know that inflamma- tion and consequent irritation exist in the respiratory passages below the glottis, at a point which the mucilaginous substances eannot reach. The probable explanation of this action of such substances as marsh-mallow lozenges, jujubes, consisting of gum and sugar and Spanish liquorice, is that the irritation which occasions the cough exists at the root of the tongue and around the fauces, as well as in the trachea, bronchi, or lungs, the com- bined irritation rendering the cough worse than either the one or the other alone would do; and, therefore, if we soothe the tongue and fauces we relieve the cough, even though the irrita- tion in the bronchial tubes or lung may remain as before. The power of such substances as those mentioned to relieve cough depends, no doubt, to a great extent either on their covering the inflamed and irritable surface directly with a mucilaginous coat, and thus protecting it from the action of the air or from irrita- tion by other substances passing over it, or by exciting an increased flow of saliva or mucus, which has a similar effect. _ At the same time, we cannot deny the possibility of their having - other actions, though with these we are at present unacquainted. The use of the mucilaginous substances containing opium or other sedatives, which we know under the name of “linctus,” is a more complicated one. In them we have the soothing action of the mucilaginous compound, combined with the local sedative action of morphia, chloroform, or hydrocyanic acid upon the inflamed or irritable mucous surfaces at the root of the tongue and back of the throat, and this renders even their local action more powerful than that of a mucilaginous substance alone. Such drugs as opium, hydrocyanic acid, and chloroform have a certain amount of local action upon the peripheral ends of sensory nerves, and lessen their sensibility to impressions. When they are applied to the ends of the nerves only for a very short time, as they are when we swallow these drugs in a liquid form, their local action is comparatively slight. It is much 202 564 REMEDIES IN BRONCHITIS AND PHTHISIS. greater when they are taken in a mucilaginous vehicle, which, adhering to the irritated mucous membrane over which it passes, keeps the sedatives in contact with it for a longer time, and thus allows them to exert a more powerful action. But the sedatives which we give to relieve cough are not unfrequently administered in the form of solution, and then, though their local action must be comparatively slight, they still lessen a troublesome cough. Their action here is a different one from that which we have just discussed, but it is possessed by the sedative whether given in the form of linctus or of solution. In either way it is swallowed by the patient, absorbed from the stomach and intestines into the circulation, and carried by the blood to the medulla oblongata, and also to the inflamed mucous membranes, in which the blood circulates freely, just as well as in other parts of the body, although here its action is likely to be very much less than if it were applied for a length of time directly, as in the shape of the linctus; but, as we have mentioned, the linctus can only be applied to the back of the tongue and throat, and the source of irritation of the afferent nerves may be in the bronchi or in the lung itself. Here, no doubt, a linctus cannot penetrate, but we may to a certain extcnt act locally upon the nerves by the use of spray and inhalation. Some of these, such as the vapour of conium and the vapour of hydrocyanic acid, are intended to lessen the irritability of the sensory nerves in the respiratory passages, and thus lessen cough. Others, such as the spray of ipe acuanha, and inhalation of essential oils and terebinthinous substances, have probably a different action, and do not lessen the irrita- bility of the sensory nerves in the respiratory passages, but alter the nutrition of the mucous membrane in such a way as to diminish the irritation which the abnormal condition of the membrane exerts upon the nerves. When the irritation is situated in the larynx, as in cases of laryngeal phthisis, one of the best means of relieving it is by applying the sedatives locally, whether by means of a brush, or, what is perhaps still better, by blowing it,in the form of a powder, directly upon the irritated surface. A useful application in laryngeal phthisis consists of a mixture of morphia and starch, in the proportion SEDATIVES IN COUGH. 565 of about one-sixth of a grain of morphia to two grains of starch. This mixture is introduced into a glass tube, of a proper shape, and is blown down the throat at the instant that the patient takes a deep inspiration... The powder is thus dis- tributed over the interior of the larynx, and exerts its local sedative influence upon the irritated surface, as well as a general sedative effect upon the central nervous system after its absorp- tion. This brings us to the second mode in which sedatives relieve cough. After their absorption into the blood, in whatever manner they may have been applied, they are carried to the medulla, and there lessen the excitability of the nerve centre through which the reflex act of coughing is produced. In large doses their sedative effect may be so great as to endanger life, and the caution is given in every text-book, and by every teacher, that respiratory. sedatives such as opium should be carefully administered to persons suffering from bronchitis with profuse expectoration, lest the irritability of the medulla should be so far diminished that it will no longer respond even to a powerful stimulus from the lungs, and the secretion may conse- quently go on accumulating until when the patient awakes the respiratory passages are so clogged with mucus that no effort which he can make is sufficient to clear them, and he dies of suffocation. By administering them in smaller quantities, how- ever, the effect of respiratory sedatives may be graduated so as to diminish cough without any risk of causing death, and their effect would be exceedingly beneficial if they acted only upon the respiratory centre. Unluckily, however, this is not the case, and the most powerful of all—viz., opium—not only influences the respiration, but the digestion. It diminishes the cough, but sometimes, also, it diminishes the appetite, and may inter- fere with the proper action of the bowels. When this is the case, we are obliged carefully to steer between two dangers: (1) the injurious effects of the cough itself, and (2) the injurious effect of disturbed digestion. If we leave the cough alone, it exhausts the patient, for the muscular exertion involved in a violent fit of coughing is very considerable indeed, and the muscular effort exerted by a patient with a bad cough during 566 REMEDIES IN BRONCHITIS AND PHTHISIS. the twenty-four hours is really more than equivalent to that of many a man in a day’s work. Nor is this all. Anyone who watches the face of a patient during a violent fit of coughing will see the skin become flushed, and. then dusky ; the veins in the forehead and in the jugulars swell up, and become so tense that they seem as if about to burst; so that there is both venous engorgement and interference with the respiration. But what we see in the face takes place elsewhere. The same tension which we see in the jugulars is also present in the right side of the heart, in the vena cava, and in the portal system ; for the portal vein has no valves, and the increased tension is transmitted backwards to the veins of the stomach, spleen, and intestines. By-and-by this all begins to tell upon the heart and upon the digestive system as well as, to some extent, upon the kidneys. The stomach becomes congested, and we have loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. The patient, too, is kept awake, and we have nervous exhaustion, or loss of sleep, added to the weariness caused by the muscular exertion, and to the depression occasioned by digestive disturbance. These are what we have to fear: on the one hand, continuous coughing ; on the other, we must avoid the digestive disturbance produced by our sedatives ; and the duty of the physician is, so far as possible, to relieve the cough without disturbing the digestion. Numerous combinations have been devised, and are found to be, empiri- cally, of very great service. If we take one of them and attempt to analyse it, we shall find that its components are such as to diminish the excitability of the respiratory centre, and at the same time to lessen the injurious effect of the sedatives upon the stomach. Such a one is the following mixture :—Solution of hydrochloride of morphia and dilute hydrocyanic acid, of each eighteen minims; spirit of chloroform and dilute nitric acid, of each one fiuid drachm; glycerine, three fluid drachms ; infusion of cascarilla or infusion of quassia, two fluid ounces; a sixth part to be taken three or four times a day. In this mixture, which in its essence was much used by the late Dr. Warburton Begbie of Edinburgh, to relieve the cough in phthisis, we find the sedatives morphia, hydrocyanic acid, CAUSES OF COUGII. 567 and chloroform to lessen the excitability of the respiratory centre ; we find glycerine, which will tend to retain the seda- tives for a longer time in contact with the back of the throat, and will also act to some extent as a nutrient. We have com- bined with these nitric acid and infusion of cascarilla or of quassia, which have so-called tonic (?) action upon the stomach. In what this effect precisely consists we cannot at present say, but we may imagine that it will in some way partially counter- act the effects of the congestion which the cough produces, and at the same time we know that they have the power of exciting appetite, and they will thus in a great measure counterbalance the injurious effects of the morphia upon digestion. Nor is this all. The nitric acid, as I shall shortly have to mention, has a very definite effect indeed upon the secretion in the lungs themselves ; and this brings us to the consideration of another part of our subject—viz., the effect of drugs upon the secretion and nutrition of the lungs, by which they tend to restore the healthy condition of the bronchial and pulmonary tissues, and thus diminish coughing. First of all, then, we must consider those drugs which lessen congestion. If a person, hastily eating or drinking, gets a erumb of bread or a drop of fluid down the larynx, or into the wrong throat, as it is termed, he suddenly begins to cough violently, and the cough continues until the source of irritation has been removed. If the irritation has been violent he may give a few coughs after the crumb has been coughed up, although the primary source of irritation—namely, the crumb—has dis- appeared; but the congestion which it occasions still remains for a short time, and acts as an irritant. If a person suffering from disease of the mitral valve makes any sudden exertion he is very likely to bring on a cough, which, however, quickly subsides after a short rest. The cough here is not due to inflammation of the mucous membrane, but simply to conges- tion, and when the congestion disappears the irritation goes with it. In cases where we have inflammation of the respira- tory vessels actually present, as in persons suffering from bronchitis, the congested condition of the membrane is a source of considerable irritation, and we frequently notice that such 568 REMEDIES IN BRONCIIITIS AND PIITIIISIS. persons, on going out into the cold air, may cease to cough, but again begin to cough violently when they return from the cold air into the warm room. The reason of this is that the cold air has acted upon the congested vessels of the respiratory passages in a somewhat similar way to what it does upon the vessels of the face ; it causes them to contract, and the congestion being thus diminished the cough is lessened. When the patient goes into the warm room the face, which may have been pale while he was exposed to cold, flushes up with the heat, the vessels of the respiratory passages also become engorged, and the increased congestion causes irritation, bringing on the cough. In other cases, again, we notice that, just as the face becomes pale when exposed to cold, it shortly afterwards becomes flushed, although the application to cold continues. A person suffering from bronchitis, on going into a cold room, will begin to cough violently, the cold here increasing instead of Saar congestion. The pulmonary capillaries have great contractile power. Ten years ago I made some experiments, which I have not yet published, on the subject (ef antea, p. 334). I found that on the application of cold to the lung of a frog, when placed under the microscope, the capillaries would contract to two-thirds of their former diameter. We have, however, very few observations on the action of drugs upon the pulmonary circulation, the difficulties in the operative pro- cedure being very considerable. I have observed that mus- carin appears to have a power of contracting the pulmonary vessels, and that this effect is abolished by atropia. I am unaware, at present, of any other observations on the action of drugs upon the pulmonary circulation. Circumstances have prevented me from studying the recent researches on this subject in the way I should have wished while drawing up this paper. From its power of contracting the vessels in other parts of the bedy, we should expect that digitalis would have a similar action upon the lungs; and we find, in looking over Beasley’s “ Book of Pibsivipkiona: ” that digitalis has been used in pulmonary affections—as, for example, in the following draught, employed by Sir A. Crichton in acute phthisis : lemon- PULMONARY CAPILLARIES—EXPECTORANTS. 569 juice, half an ounce; carbonate of potash, to saturation; decoc- tion of sarsaparilla, ten drachins; tincture of digitalis, ten to thirty minims ; acacia mucilage, ten drachms: to be taken every sixth hour. In such a prescription as this we have the tincture of digitalis, which will, in all probability, by contracting the vessels, diminish the pulmonary congestion and lessen cough. It is combined with carbonate of potash, and the effect of potash upon the lungs is very marked indeed. For my knowledge of its action I am indebted to Dr. Andrew Clarke. Its action is perhaps best noticed in a patient suffering from consolidation and softening of a limited portion of one lung. When sucha patient is in ordinary health, one may observe, on stethoscopic examination, crepitant rales, limited to one spot. When he catches cold, one may hear, in addition to those, dry rales extending for some distance around the irritated spot, and the cough at the same time becomes more frequent and troublesome, while there is very little, if any, expectoration. If potash be now given alone, or, still better, in combination with a vegetable acid, the dry rales subside, and are replaced by moist ones, which in the course of a day or two, as the potash is continued, alter in character, giving one the impression of their being caused by less viscid fluid. At the same time the expectoration becomes more copious, and the cough less frequent and less troublesome. Now is the time to alter the treatment, and for the potash to substitute nitric acid. If this be given too soon the cough, which had begun to get easier, will again become drier and harder, but if it be administered at the proper moment the cough becomes still less troublesome, the expectoration diminishes, and the moist rales disappear from the neighbour- hood of the consolidated part of the lung, although they may still remain, as before, in that part itself. Potash, then, has a very marked effect in rendering the pulmonary secretion more tluid and abundant, while nitric acid has an opposite effect. As in many cases we wish to diminish the secretion rather than increase it, it 1s nitric acid rather than alkalies which we employ for long periods in the treatment of phthisis, as we have already seen in the modified formula of Dr. Begbie’s phthisis mixture. 570 REMEDIES IN BRONCHITIS AND PHTHISIS. One of the most powerful expectorants is simply a little warm food in the stomach, and in cases of chronic bronchitis, in which the patients complain of viclent coughing imme- diately after rising, one of the best expectorants is a glass of warm milk, either with or without a little rum, and a biscuit or a piece of bread about a quarter of an hour before they get up. A little warm beef tea will have a similar effect. After taking this for a short time they generally tell you that the sputum comes away much more easily than before, and they are not so much exhausted by it. But perhaps the remedy, par excellence, not only in cases of phthisis, but in chronic bronchitis, is cod- liver oil. Persons suffering from long-standing chronie bron- chitis will often come to a hospital to beg for cod-liver oil, saying that it eases their cough far more than any cough mixture. Other oils or fats have not this power to the same extent as cod-liver oil. We cannot say positively what the reason of this may be, but I think there is no doubt about the fact. My own belief is that cod-liver oil is more easily assimi- lated than other oils, and not only so, but more easily trans- formed into tissues themselves. Whether it owes this property to its admixture with biliary substances, or to its chemical composition, we cannot say. In his book on “ Fat and Blood, and how to make them,” Dr. Weir Mitchell quotes a remark made by an old nurse, that “some fats are fast, and some fats are fleeting, but cod-liver oil fat is soon wasted.” By this she meant that there were differences in the kinds of fat accumu- lated under the subcutaneous tissues of men, just as there are differences in subcutaneous fats which accumulate in horses. The horse fed on grass soon gets thin by hard work, while fat laid on when the horse is feeding on hay and corn is much more permanent. Persons fattened on cod-liver oil soon lose the fatness again, and this, I think, points to the power of ready transformation which the oil possesses. Supposing that it does possess this power, we can readily see how very advantageous it will be. In chronic bronchitis, and in catarrh and pneumonia, we have a rapid cell-growth, but want of development. The cells lining the respiratory cavities are produced in great numbers, but they do not grow as they ought to do. They - s ’ aes ee ae tee, eae VOMITING IN COUGH. 571 remain, more or less, lymphoid cells, instead of developing into proper epithelium. They so rapidly form, and are thrown off so quickly, that they have not time to get proper nutriment, and if they are to grow properly we must supply them, not with an ordinary kind of nutriment, but with one which is much more rapidly absorbed, and is capable of much more rapid transformation in the cell itself than the usual one. This power is, I believe, possessed by cod-liver oil, and to its quality of nourishing the rapidly-formed cells in the lungs in cases of bronchitis and catarrhal pneumonia I believe its great curative power is owing. The next subject we will consider is the action of some drugs in the vomiting associated with cough. The action of vomiting, like that of coughing, is reflex; the nervous centre for it is also in the medulla oblongata, closely associated with the respiratory centre, and it is excited by various afferent nerves, the chief of them being the branches of the vagus distributed to the stomach. When congestion of the stomach is present, these become irritated, and we get loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting. Like coughing, vomiting may be prevented by the removal of the irritant. For examplé, where the irritant is indigestible food, the vomiting ceases after the ejection of the offending substances. When the irritation depends on inflam- mation of the walls of the stomach, it may be soothed by sedatives having a local action upon the nerves, such as ice and hydrocyanic acid, or by drugs having the power of lessening the irritability of the nerve centre of the medulla, such as opium. In the chronic vomiting of phthisis, all these drugs may be employed, but there is one other which has been useful in this affection, and which probably has no effect either upon the nerve centre or the nerve ends. This is aluin. Its mode of action probably is that by its astringent power it contracts the vessels of the stomach, and thus lessens the congestion and consequent irritation produced by the continued coughing in the manner already described. NOTE REGARDING THE EFFECT OF ELEC- TRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROGS HEART, ETC. THis research was the outcome of the observations made by tomanes in 1876 and 1877 upon Meduse. He found in these animals that the rhythmical movements of the bell are kept up by a ring of ganglia round its margin. When a strip of con- tractile tissue containing the ganglia is cut away from the bell for a certain distance but left attached at one end, stimuli can pass along the strip in two ways, either as contraction in the contractile tissue of the strip or along the nerves. The nervous Fie. 164. conduction may either pass along in front of the contraction when this is present, or may pass along without any contraction at all occurring in the strip, and only become manifest by movements in the tentacles which fringe the strip and are more sensitive than the strip itself. It was in order to find cut, whether the cardiac contraction 4 ca TWO-FOLD CONDUCTION OF STIMULI. 573 which begins in the venous sinus or auricle passes along to the ventricle through the contractile tissue of the heart, or through its nerves, or through both, that the following experiments were undertaken. But the research was not so easy as that upon Medusz, for the bell of the medusa shows by its contraction, or the tentacles on a strip by their motion when the stimulus has reached them, whilst in the heart there is a refractory period during which the application of a stimulus produces no contraction. This rendered the research a very long and tedious one, requiring an immense number of experiments, so that although the results of a number of them were communicated to the Royal Society in 1881, the full research was not published till 1883. After the publication of our first notice, an admirable paper by Gaskell appeared on the transmission of stimuli in the frog’s heart, but his method of working was different from ours, as he employed compression of the contractile tissue as a means of reculating the passage of stimuli along it. The results of our experiments appear to show that stimuli in the heart may pass from one part to another along nervous channels as well as along contractile tissue. In regard to this, I may note especially that stimulation of the auricle causes contraction both of the auricle and ventricle, but the ventricular contraction follows the auricular one in a way that seems to indicate that the stimulus has been propa- gated through the muscular substance. On the other hand, stimulation of the venous sinus sometimes produces a simul- taneous contraction of the auricle and ventricle, which appears to indicate that the stimulus has been conveyed along nervous channels to the auricle and ventricle, and not along the muscular substance from the sinus to the auricle and then to the ventricle. ON THE EFFECT OF ELECTRICAL STIMULA- TION OF THE FROGS HEART, AND ITS MODIFICATION BY COLD, HEAT, AND THE ACTION OF DRUGS. In conjunction with THEODORE CASH, M.D. (Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. zxxii, No. 214, 1881.) Received May 16,1881. Read June 16, 1831. From the results of the recorded experiments conducted on the frog’s heart in its normal position and still exercising its circu- latory function, we have found-— I. That electrical stimulation by a single induced shock has either an obvious effect on the contraction and rhythm of the organ, or no such effect is apparent. II. That the effect is modified by— . (a.) The Time of the Cardiac Cycle in which Stimulation Falis. —Thus Marey has already shown that a so-called refractory period is demonstrable under certain conditions.* Well-marked variations in latency when the stimulation is potent to induce a systolic contraction are to be recognised. aches (b.) Zhe Strength of the Stimulation Applied—Refractory periods possible under minimal stimulation can no longer be demonstrated under maximal, whilst a disturbance of the rela- tionship of auricular and ventricular contractions may be induced. (c.) The Area of the Heart to which Stimulation is Applied — A refractory period demonstrable under stimulation of the ven- tricle may cease to occur when the sinus venosus is the seat of irritation. * The conditions of this refractory period, or ‘‘ period of diminished excit- ability,” have been very fully investigated by Dr. Burdon Sanderson and Mr. Page. Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxx, p. 373. MODIFIED ACTION OF STIMULI. 575 (d.) The Action of Heat, Cold, and Drugs——Thus cold pro- longs the systole, the refractory period, and the latency of an induced contraction; whilst strychnia, leaving the curve of systole unaltered, lengthens the refractory period to a marked degree. ON THE EFFECT OF ELECTRICAL STIMU- LATION OF THE FROG’S HEART, AND ITS MODIFICATION BY HEAT, COLD, AND THE ACTION OF DRUGS. In conjunction with THEODORE CASH, M.D. (Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. xxxv, p. 455, No. 227, 1883.) Received May 16, 1881, read June 16, 1881. Revised June 13, 1883. In the following research we have examined the effect of elec- trical stimuli applied to the different cavities of a frog’s heart, and the modifications of their effect by heat, cold, and the action of strychnia. The effect of electrical stimuli upon the ventricle, and the alterations occasioned in it by the applica- tion of heat, have already been studied by Professor Marey. The time relations of excitation in the frog’s heart have also been very exactly determined by Dr. Burdon Sanderson and Mr. Page. But it seemed desirable to extend the scope of the research, and instead of confining ourselves like previous ob- servers to the effect of stimulation applied to the ventricle alone, to observe also the effect of stimulation of the ventricle, auricle, and venous sinus, both on the ventricular and the auri- cular contractions. This we did with the hope that from such series of observations we might be able to arrive at some con- clusions regarding the transmission of stimuli from one part of the heart to the other in the ordinary course of the circulation. Professor Marey found that when an electrical stimulus was applied to the ventricle of a pulsating frog’s heart the effect differed according to the condition of contraction or relaxation in which the ventricle was at the time the stimulus was applied. During the first part of the contraction of the ventricle, from the commencement of the contraction until nearly its maximum, stimulation had no apparent effect at all, and this period Marey terms the “refractory period.” Following this phase is a second SENSITIVE PHASE AND REFRACTORY PERIOD. 577 one, to which we have given in the following paper the term of the “sensitive phase,” lasting from the maximum of systole to its end. The refractory period varies in duration according to the intensity of the stimulus, and the conditions under which the heart is operated upon. The feebler the stimulus, the longer is the refractory period. When the stimulus is very slight the refractory period may persist during the whole ven- tricular systole; as the stimulus is increased, the refractory period becomes shorter, and finally, when it is very strong, disap- pears altogether. Heat applied to the heart shortens the refractory period or abolishes it altogether. Cold has an opposite effect, and lengthens the refractory period. The contractions caused by artificial stimulation do not much alter the cardiac rhythm, for the accelerated beat is followed by a longer pause than usual which compensates for the diminished interval between the two first beats. Sometimes no ventricular contraction is induced, and then instead of acceleration there is apparent inhibition, the application of the stimulus being followed simply by a longer diastolic pause than usual. Marey’s observations were confined entirely to the movements of the ventricle, but we have extended ours to the movement of the auricle as well. Weemployed two levers: one resting upon the ventricle, and the other upon the auricle, which recorded movements upon a revolving cylinder covered with smoked paper, It is unnecessary to enter here into a fuller description of the apparatus, which is given elsewhere.* By the method employed we are able to study the effects of maximal and minimal stimulation applied to the ventricle, auricle, and venous sinus upon the movements both of auricle and ventricle, By minimal stimulation we understand the smallest shock that produces any visible effect that in any way modifies the course of contraction or the rhythm of the organ; and by maximal stimulation we mean the electrical irritation of such a strength that its intensification produces no visible increase in its effect. * Cash, Journal of Physiology, vol. iv, No. 2. 2P 578 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. The apparatus for stimulation consisted of a bicromate battery with two zinc (3$ inches by 2 inches) and three carbon plates, the size of these being 8 inches by 2 inches. This was con- nected with a coil,and a key was interposed by which the primary circuit could be made and broken at pleasure. The moments of opening and closing the circuit were registered upon the same revolving cylinder as that upon which the cardiac pulsations were noted, by means of an electro-magnet, the marker of which was placed immediately under the pens of the cardiac levers. In all the tracings the upper curved line shows the ventricular contractions, the lower curved line the auricular contractions, and the broken straight line the moment of excita- tion. The descent of the line indicates the opening, the ascent the closing of the current. In the secondary circuit were placed the electrodes for stimu- lating the various parts of the frog’s heart, and this circuit also could be broken or changed at pleasure by means of an inter- posed double key. The heart was stimulated by a single induction shock. In minimal stimulation only the breaking shock was effective, in maximal stimulation both making and breaking shocks. The apparatus, which is described in a separate note, admitted of the venous sinus, auricle, or ventricle being stimulated at will | When recording the effects of stimulation of the venous sinus we speak only of changes in rhythm of auricle and ventricle. We shall examine serzatim the results of irritation of each of these. The temperature of the room in which the experiments were conducted was 67° to 70°F. The frog employed was, on all occasions, the Rana temporaria. Stimulation of the Ventricle—Minimal, On stimulating the ventricle with a single induction shock of minimal potency we find—- (1) That between the commencement of the ventricular systole up to or nearly up to its maximum there is a refractory period (Fig. 165, a and 0) during which stimulation applied to the ventricle has no effect whatever on that beat of the heart, or the one succeeding it, nor is the auricle in anywise affected. ’ NORMAL HEART-STIMULATION OF VENTRICLE. 579 (2) That after the refractory period has elapsed stimulation causes a reduplication of the beat (ig. 165, c). Fria. 165. Stimulation of Ventricle (minimal). a and 4, stimulation in different phases of refractory period. c, stimulation after refractory period has passed, showing different forms of reduplication. (3) The latency of this reduplicated beat becomes distinctly shorter as the systole passes into the diastole. Thus supposing the value of a single cardiac systole to be 1”3, stimulation fall- ing just at the maximum of a beat will cause a reduplicated beat with a latency of 0°33. When the stimulation occurs half way down the curve of relaxation, the latency is 0°18 or 0°2, and when applied at the instant before the abscisse would have been reached the latency is only 0°13. (4) Where acceleration or reduplication occurs, the snb- sequent diastolic pause is prolonged, so that the time occupied by the two beats, the interval between them longer or shorter, and the subsequent pause, is nearly equal to the time which would be occupied by two normal beats with their associated diastolic pauses (Fig. 165, c). 2P2 580 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. (5) The ventricular reduplication is often associated with a reduplication of the auricular beat, but in no case has the latter its commencement before the former. It is usually, in fact, distinctly later (Fig. 166, a). It is to be noted that, minimal stimulation applied to the ventricle during its refractory period produces no effect on the auricle. Fra. 166. Stimulation of Ventricle (minimal). Tracing shows long pause after reduplica- tion. The two opening stimulations occur after maximum of systole has passed. Fig. 167.—Time- Writer, marking seconds. Applicable to all tracings in the paper, except those in the Appendices. We may divide each ventricular cycle into three parts, the first reaching from the commencement of systole nearly up to its maximum, the second from nearly the maximum of the systole to its end, and the third embracing the whole diastolic period from the end of one systole to the beginning of another (vide diagram A) except when the stimulation falls immediately Fie. 168.—Diagram A shows the division of the ventricular cycle into three parts.—1. Refractory period. 2. Sensitive period. 3. Accelerative period. NORMAL HEART-STIMULATION OF VENTRICLE. 581 after the end of the refractory period. In all these points our results agree with those already obtained by Marey.* Stimulation applied to the ventricle during the first period has no effect whatever either in accelerating the occurrence of the second beat, or altering the length of the subsequent pauses. This constitutes the refractory period. Stimulation applied during the second period causes redupli- cation of the systole, the next systole succeeding with a con- stantly diminishing latency up to the end of the period. When the stimulation is applied in this period, the two systoles being more or less united, there is no distinct pause between them, but the diastolic pause succeeding the second occupies very nearly the interval of time corresponding to two normal dia- stolic pauses. In this second period the heart is more sensitive to the action of minimal stimuli than in the first period. In the third period, that of acceleration, stimulus applied to the ventricle hastens the advent of the succeeding systole, and the latent period is very short, being nearly equal throughout its whole extent to the latency at the end of the second period. The sensibility of the heart to stimuli is scarcely so great in this period as in the second. The length of the diastolic pause succeeding the accelerated systole is longer than normal, the increase in length being nearly equal to the amount of acceleration. Stimulation of the Ventricle—Maximal. When stimuli of maximal potency are applied to the ventricle between the maximum auricular systole and the com- mencement of ventricular systole, the ventricular systole im- mediately following the stimulus is rarely slightly higher than normal, and the diastolic pause succeeding it is excessively long—so long, indeed, as to be nearly, if not quite, equal to the time which would, as a rule, be occupied by two diastoles, so that the time occupied by the systole and diastole after stimu- lation applied at this period of the heart’s cycle, is equal to the time usually occupied by one systole and two diastolic pauses, * Op. cit., p. 72. 582 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. In most cases this systole was apparently no higher than normal, and consequently we cannot with plausibility regard it as a case of superposition of two systoles. In some cases the time within which this pause may be pro- duced is strictly limited to the point indicated; in others, how- ever, it may extend some little distance towards the maximum of systole, though it never reaches this. In other words, it may encroach upon the refractory period which we have men- tioned when speaking of minimal stimuli, although it never extends through the whole of it. This phase may occasionally, though rarely, be absent. Its place is then taken by reduplication, or very rarely by insensi- bility to stimulation, as in the refractory period. Reduplication with maximal stimuli occurs during all times of the cycle, except at the very commencement of the systole. A very considerable latency is to be observed in cases where stimulation falls early in the systole. The latency, when this is the position of the shock, is usually 0°5' or even more, and occasionally where stimulation is coincident with the earliest possible attempt at systole, nearly the whole beat may lapse before reduplication. The latency is greatest when the stimulus is applied at the commencement of the ventricular systole (with the exception of its very beginning), and it gradually decreases towards the end of systole, at which time it is ata minimum. During the diastole the latency seems to remain constantly the same as at the end of systole. The later in the phase of ventricular activity the reduplicated systole commences the more perfect is it. In all the points already mentioned our results agree with those of Marey. Stimulation of the ventricle falling before or at the maximum of ventricular systole, z.¢., during the refractory period of a minimal stimulation, frequently causes a reduplication of the. auricular systole which holds the same relation to the induced ventricular beat that the auricular contraction normally holds to the ventricular. _ Stimulation falling after the maximum of ventricular systole 2 mr ee © a” = -hCUCU ee UC Te EFFECT UPON AURICLE. 583 may cause an induced auricular contraction, but this is nearly synchronous with, or even subsequent to, the induced ventri- cular contraction (Fig. 170, a and 0, and Fig. 169, c). Fie. 169. Stimulation of Ventricle (maximal). a, normal tracing ; 0, effect of maximal stimulation. In 8 inhibition is seen. Fie. 170. Stimulation of Ventricle (maximal). Sometimes reduplication of the ventricular beat may occur without reduplication of the auricular (Fig. 169, c). 6 ‘584 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. These results may be possibly due, in part at least, to direct stimulation of the auricle itself by the strong current used to stimulate the ventricle. Stimulation of the Auricle—Minimal. When minimal stimuli are applied to the auricle, there is occasionally a refractory period, extending from the beginning to the maximum of auricular systole. When the stimulus is applied at the maximum of auricular systole, or just after it, it sometimes produces an omission, or, as we may term it, an apparent inhibition of the next auricular and ventricular systoles (Fig. 171, 6). Stimulation falling after this point and occasionally on it, wili cause a reduplication of auricular and ventricular contractions to occur which may have a latency of as much as 1°25 seconds. Fre. 171. Stimulation of Auricle (minimal). No secondary contraction can usually be produced in the ventricle till an induced auricular contraction has occurred; and as the auricular latency is considerable, the ventricular latency is also very long. Thus, should the stimulus producing con- traction fall at the commencement of ventricular systole, the auricle may have a latency of one second and the ventricle of 1°4 seconds, The sensibility of the auricle to minimal stimulation may generally be divided into three phases :— NORMAL HEART-STIMULATION OF AURICLE, 585 Istly. Stimulation may fall at such a stage of auricular activity that it does not cause an instantaneous response, but allows the auricle to pass through its diastole before it causes reduplication. 2ndly. It falls at such a time that the auricle responds in- stantaneously. 3rdly. About or shortly after the period of auricular maxi- mum stimulation may cause inhibition of the auricular and the ventricular sequential beat. Stimulation at any period during the diastole of the auricle until the abscissa is reached, causes areduplication. The latency of this reduplicated beat is shorter the further the diastoie is advanced. It is followed by an induced ventricular beat in ordinary rhythm. Stimulation during complete auricular diastole ana before systole commences causes a contraction with very short latency, succeeded by an induced ventricular contraction. But it is to be noted that occasionally stimulation at this period causes a normal auricular contraction with an appreciable latency, and followed by a ventricular contraction. Stimulation of the Auricle—Maximal. Maximal stimulation of the auricle almost always produces some effect both on the ventricular and auricular beat; this effect is usually one of stimulation, but it may be of apparent inhibition. Fia. 172. Stimulation-of Auricle (maximal). ——— 586 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROGS HEART. Maximal stimulation usually induces a ventricular beat when- ever it is applied (Fig. 172, a), excepting when it falls just after the summit of the auricular contraction. Stimulation at this point may cause no auricular contraction, but on the contrary may induce omission of the subsequent auricular and ventricular beat (Fig. 172, b 2). When an auricular beat has been induced by stimulation, it is followed in the ordinary way by a beat of the ventricle, excepting when the stimulus is applied to the anricle just at the commencement of the ventricular systole. In this case an auricular beat may be induced, which instead of being followed by a corresponding ventricular one, is followed, on the contrary, by an omission of the ventricular beat (Fig. 172, a1). At this point the latent period may be looked upon as indefi- nitely long, as stimulation produces no contraction at all. The more closely after this point stimulation is applied the longer is the ventricular latency. Stiumulation of Venous Sinus—Minimal. The venous sinus appears to be more sensitive to stimulation than either auricle or ventricle, so that stimuli applied to it produce an effect, although they are much slighter than the minimal stimuli of either auricle or ventricle. Fre. 173. Stimulation of Venous Sinus (minimal). In neither a nor } is the closing shock effective. NORMAL HEART-STIMULATION OF VENOUS SINUS. 587 Stimulation of the venous sinus by a minimal shock is usually potent to produce some effect or other at every stage of ven- tricwar activity (Fig. 173, bd). Stimulation at the instant of commencement of ventricular systole usually causes omission of the following sequential beat of both auricle and ventricle. This period may occasionally be slightly prolonged into systole. Stimulation of the sinus at all other periods of ventricular activity causes a reduplication of the systole. This induced ventricular systole is preceded by an induced auricular systole, and therefore has the prolonged latency before referred to. Stimulation falling at the commencement of ventricular systole may cause auricular reduplication with ventricular omission (Fig. 171, @). In consequence of the long latency, we find all ventricular curves separated by a distinct interval from (their) reduplica- tions. Stimulation of Venous Sinus—Maximal. The period during which stimulation causes ,ventricular omission is well marked, and in some cases extends into the Fria. 174. Stimulation of Venous Sinus (maximal). a, normal rhythm; 8 and e¢, “ stimulations all effective. 588 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROGS HEART. ventricular systole as it advances towards its maximum, though the effect is never produced at the maximum. This omission of the ventricular beat is most usually associated with a reduplication of the auricular beat, the second auricular contraction occurring within that ventricular systole at the commencement of which the shock was communicated (Fig. 174, 0). | Reduplication occurs in all phases except at the period when stimulation causes omission. The latent period of this redupli- cation is usually short, as in the case of a ventricle stimulated directly, inasmuch as the induced auricular contraction does not precede the induced ventricular, except when stimulation falls before the maximum of ventricular systole, in which case there is usually a regular sequence of auricular and ventricular con- traction (Fig. 174, c). Usually after the maximum of ventricular systole stimula- tion causes a reduplicated beat with short latency, inside of which curve falls that of the induced auricular contraction ; however, genuine sequential reduplication of auricle and ven- tricle with long latency is not uncommon. Not unfrequently, after repeated stimulation of the sinus, the heart assumes a new rhythm, which may be twice as rapid as it was originally, and though omission of the alternate beat may still be produced by stimulation at the time already indicated, the organ returns again to its accelerated pace. In time, if stimulation be with- held, the rhythm returns again to the normal. The auricle shares in the ventricular excitement (Fig. 175). Fie. 175. PXININIRP ANS. Aue Ray eet nin, 3 Rhythm which has been changed by repeated stimulation of Sinus returning to normal, COLD HEART-STIMULATION OF VENTRICLE. 589 THE EFFECT OF COLD ON THE FrRrOG’S HEART. In these experiments the animal was placed upon a wire gauze grating, and covered with a small bell-jar. Underneath the grating and around the bell-jar was placed ice, so as to surround the frog, which was kept in this position for an hour or longer. When its movements had become slow and torpid it was killed, without loss of blood, and placed on the cardiograph, already described, the temperature in the vicinity being kept low by means of blocks of ice placed-on the metal bars sup- porting the animal. The apparatus was employed in the same manner as in our observations on the effect of electrical stimuli on the normal heart, and the same order was observed in record- ing the results. Effects of Electrical Stimulation of the Ventricle—Minimal Stimult. The contraction of the chilled frog’s heart, as is well known, lasts for longer time than in the ordinary condition. When minimal stimuli are applied to the ventricle (Fig. 176) it is found that there is a distinct refractory period, extending from the beginning of systole up to the last third of the summit of the curve in the accompanying tracing, and persisting past the maximum of systole. Fia. 176, Stimulation of the Ventricle (minimal). Opening stimulation only effective It is, therefore, always longer than in the normal heart. After the refractory period has passed, stimulation causes reduplication of the ventricular beat. The later on in the diastole that the stimulus falls the shorter is the latency. 590 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. Ventricular Stimulation—Maximal. Stimulation sometimes causes omission when applied at the very commencement of systole. All stimulation thereafter applied causes a reduplication of the ventricular systole, with a latency that becomes shorter the later the stimulation is applied. If auricular reduplication occurs it is always sequen- tial to ventricular (Fig. 177, a). Stimulation at the maximum ° of systole may cause a blending with the reduplicated beat closely resembling one prolonged systole (ig. 177, 6). The induced beat is most perfect when stimulation falls, just as the abscissa is reached. Stimulation before the maximum of systole has longer latency than stimulation at the maximum. Fie. 177. Stimulation of the Ventricle (maximal). Auricular Stimulation—Mininal. A refractory period is obviously present, but it is not of so great length as in the case of ventricular stimulation. It may be said to extend usually through the maximum of auricular systole (Fig. 178), and even up to near the maximum of ventri- cular systole ; occasionally it exists only just at its commence- ment. As regards the reduplication, we find that as in the case of the normal heart, along latency prevails, because an induced COLD HEART-STIMULATION OF AURICLE AND SINUS. 591 auricular systole must occur before the ventricle contracts again. But if the stimulation fall just at the time when the ’ Fie. 178. Stimulation of Auricle (minimal), abscissa is reached, or rather before this point, a ventricular contraction may exceptionally be produced with a short latency, and the auricular induced contraction succeeds it. Auricular Stimulation—Maximal. The same features are to be observed as in the last section, except that there is no refractory period (Fig. 179). Stimulation in all phases of the ventricular cycle usually causes a reduplicated auricular and ventricular beat. Should the stimulation fall before the ventricular maximum is attained, the auricular reduplication precedes the ventricular in the ordinary way, but should the stimulation fall after the ventri- cular maximum, the auricular reduplication is exceptionally synchronous with, or subsequent to, the ventricular; usually - however, the induced ventricular beat precedes in ordinary rhythm the induced ventricular. Stimulation of the Venous Sinus—Minimal. A refractory period may be present on minimal stimulation, nearly up to the maximum of ventricular systole. Thereafter reduplication results. A strictly minimal stimulation may origin- ate a reduplication at any period of the beat having a long latency, that is to say, the ventricular reduplication is preceded by the auricular induced contraction (Fig. 180). Thus stimula- tion applied just before the ventricular relaxation is completed, instead of having an instantaneous ventricular and auricular ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. 592 stimulation of auricle or ventricle, has response resulting from The further a long latency, wherein the auricle reduplicates. ([ewtxew) opuyueA Jo uOYeTNMY4, “$8 ‘SIT *([BMIxem) snuIg snows, Jo uoyeNUITG *po}jIMO Sutovsy AvfnormyY *([vurtutuL) sportjzuo A JO UOTeMUITIG ‘281 ‘DIT *(TeurruIm) snurg snows, jo uoneMUNg - “6LT “DIT HEATED HEART-STIMULATION OF VENTRICLE. 593 on in the systole the stimulation is applied, the shorter is the latent period, and the more perfect the reduplicated contraction. Stimulation of the Venous Sinus—Maximal. Omission may be caused by stimulation applied at the com- mencement of systole, or reduplication may occur in all’ phases (Fig. 181). - Reduplication has the longest latency at the commencement of systole, and there is true auricular precedence up to or beyond the maximum in this phase. In the decline of systole, after the maximum is passed, and the abscissa has been nearly reached, there is occasionally reduplication with short latency, the auricular and ventricular contraction being synchronous. ACTION OF HEAT ON THE HEART. In this series of experiments the pithed frog in which the brain and spinal cord had been destroyed, was laid upon a metal plate, the temperature of which was gradually raised by means of a flame beneath it. Ventricular Stimulation—Minimal. The refractory phase is generally wanting in the ventricular systole, but it may be present in exceptional cases, not unfre- quently in the same tracing in which stimulation most generally produces reduplication (Fig. 182). It may be noted that irregularity of response to stimulation is one of the characteristics of the heated condition. Stimula- tion usually causes reduplication. Should stimulation fall at the commencement of ventricular systole, no effect is produced till the whole cycle of the systole has been passed through, when reduplication by a very perfect systole occurs. Latencies diminish in proportion as the stimulation occurs later in the systole of the heart. Reduplication occurring in response to stimulation falling at the maximum is often demonstrated by a beat originating when the relaxation after systole is completed, and therefore distinct from the original beat: this is due to the fact that the curve of the heated heart is much shorter in 2Q 594 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. duration, and therefore the reduplication falls outside the systole during which stimulation occurs, the latency being actually shorter, however, than in the unheated heart. Ventricular Stimulation—Maximal Stimuli. When stimuli of maximal intensity are applied to the ven- tricle of the heated heart, we notice (Fig. 183) :— (1) That there is no refractory period; (2) Stimuli at the commencement of the ventricular systole may cause omission of the succeeding beat; (3) Reduplication occurs at all phases, and has the same characteristics as in minimal stimulation ; (4) Latencies follow the same rule as in minimal stimulation; — (5) The reduplicated beat is most perfect when stimulation falls— I. At the very commencement of systole. II. At its termination. The value of any beat and its reduplication, with the time intervening and of the succeeding pause, was about equal to two normal cardiac cycles. Occasionally a double reduplication, or a series of contractions, resulted from a single stimulation. Auricular Stimulation—Minimal Stimuli. There is apparently no refractory period. All stimuli cause reduplication, and in all cases induced auricular systole pre- cedes an induced ventricular systole. This occurs even in advanced auricular diastole, when occasionally in the normal heart a simultaneous auricular and ventricular systole results. Auricular Stimulation— Maximal Stimuli. — There is no refractory period. Stimulation just after the auricular maximum has been passed frequently causes an apparent omission of the following beat. Stimulation before the maximum of the ventricular systole causes an induced ventricular beat preceded by an auricular contraction. After the maximum, stimulation usually has the same effect, HEATED HEART-STIMULATION OF VENOUS SINUS. 595 but occasionally causes an instantaneous reduplication of both auricular and ventricular beats. A reduplicated ventricular beat is of the character already described. 7 Stimulation of the Venous Sinus—Minimal Stimuls. The venous sinus in its general absence of a refractory phase shows a resemblance to the ventricle, but it may manifest the same exception in exhibiting it. When this occasional refractory period is present it may exist during active systole, and up to its maximum. It is excep- tionally present in cases which as a rule show no refractory period. Stimulation falling before the maximum of systole (Fig. 184, a ventricular tracing alone given) causes a reduplication which Fria. 184. Stimulation of Venous Sinus (minimal). is preceded by an auricular contraction, whilst stimulation fall- ing immediately after maximum of systole causes reduplication, which may be preceded by an auricular pulsation, or may occasion an induced systole, auricle and ventricle contracting at the same time. The most perfect reduplicated beat occurs when stimulation falls at the end of systole. Venous Sinus—Mazimal Stimulation. Occasionally a stimulation of maximum strength falling at the commencement of the ventricular systole causes an appa- rent omission of the following pulsation ; but this result is not so frequent as in the case of the normal heart. Usually a dis- tinct reduplication occurs at whatever time in the cycle stimu- lation falls (Fig. 185). 2Q2 596 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. The reduplication is at all times, except in the last stage of systole, preceded by an auricular contraction. Fia. 185, Stimulation of Venous Sinus (maximal). The auricular induced contraction appears to follow stimula- tion more rapidly than in the case of the normal heart. There- fore the induced ventricular contraction (Fig. 185, ventricular tracing alone given) which follows the auricular has a shorter latency than is normally the case. The heating process having been carried so far that a rapid cardiac rhythm with imperfect systole has resulted, it is often found that there is an indifference to stimulation in the so-called refractory period, or even in all phases of the cardiac cycle alternating with the usual sen- sibility. ON THE EFFECT OF STRYCHNIA UPON THE FROG’s HEART. The apparatus used in this series of experiments was identi- cal with that employed in the investigation of stimuli applied to the frog’s heart. The frog was killed by the brain being destroyed, and a small dose of strychnia was then introduced into the dorsal lymph sac. As soon as the effect of the drug upon the spinal cord was evidenced by distinct spasm, the heart was rapidly exposed, placed on the cardiograph, and stimulation applied. The same order will be observed as in the description of the experiments on the normal heart. Stimulation of the Ventricle—Minimal. On applying a minimal stimulus to the strychnia heart (Fig. 186) we were struck, in the first instance, by the extreme length of the refractory period. Stimulation has usually no effect, not only when applied before the maximum of the systole as in the STRYCHNIA-STIMULATION OF VENTRICLE. 597 normal heart, but also in the maximum, and often far into relaxation. After the phase has passed the stage of reduplica- Fie. 186. Stimulation of Ventricle (submaximal), tion ensues. Reduplication is very complete; its latency becomes diminished as diastole advances. The reduplicated ventricular beat is succeeded by an auricular pulsation. After the customary pause, the heart resumes its wonted rhythm. It is rarely that stimulation falling at the commencement of ventricular systole causes inhibition. If the auricle is un- stimulated and its rhythm is unaltered, there is short latency for the ventricular reduplication. If the auricle is stimulated and contracts before the ventricle, there is long latency, but the latter is rarely seen when a refractory phase is present. Ventricular Stimulation—Maximal Stimulz. In this case no refractory period exists. An inhibitory period exists occasionally, but with this exception, all stimulations pro- duce reduplication (Fig. 187). Should stimulation fall at the Fra. 187. Stimulation of Ventricle (maximal). commencement of systole, the latency is long, nearly equal to the length of the beat ; and the reduplication is very complete. Stimulation at the maximum of systole has a latency of about 598 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROGS HEART. two-fifths of a second, and thereafter during the subsidence of the ventricle, the period of latency rapidly diminishes. The most perfect beat of reduplication is produced by stimulation at the commencement of systole, or after relaxation of the ventricle. Stimulation of the Auricle—Minimal. It is but rarely that we see a refractory period whilst apply- ing minimal stimuli to the auricle. Usually, stimulation at all times causes a reduplicated beat, the auricular reduplication preceding that of the ventricle in the usual rhythm. On stimulation, an auricular systole is produced, and not until this movement has reached the usual point does the ventricle com- mence its systole (Fig. 188). Fie. 188. Stimulation of Auricle (minimal). Maximal, Stimulation of the Auricle There is no refractory period. Occasionally the stimulus falling at the very commencement of the ventricular systole will cause inhibition or coincidence of the following beat, or it may cause a reduplication with a latency of about one second (Fig 189). Fie. 189, Stimulation of Auricle (maximal). STRYCHNIA-STIMULATION OF VENOUS SINUS. 599 The latencies are invariably long when the auricle is so stimulated that its induced beat is a normal one and precedes the induced ventricular systole in its normal rhythm. Stimulation of the Venous Sinus—Minimal Stimuli. With minimal stimulation of the venous sinus there is no refractory period except occasionally for an instant at the maxi- mum auricular systole. Reduplication occurs at all phases of the ventricular systole. Length of latency depends upon whether the stimulation induces an auricular contraction or not. If the auricular systole follows the stimulus, then the ventricular latency must be long (Fig. 190). Fie. 190. Stimulation of Venous Sinus (minimal). It is longer if stimulation falls at the commencement of ventricular systole, because at that phase, until the auricle has contracted, no ventricular reduplication occurs. Occasionally, though rarely, and that after the maximum of ventricular con- traction, auricular reduplication follows, or is synchronous with the ventricular systole, and then latency is invariably short. Reduplication with prolonged latency, probably from auricular reduplication, is well seen in the appended tracing (Fig. 191). Fre. 191 Stimulation of Venous Sinus (minimal). 600 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. The stimulation at the end of relaxation in one case causes reduplication of the auricle, coinciding with that of the ventricle. The tracing illustrates the rule that when the sinus is stimu- lated no refractory period is observed as regards the ventricular reduplication. Venous Sinus—Maximal Stimulation. There is no insensitive period as far as regards the ventricle. During all phases of the systole stimulation causes a reduplica- tion of the ventricular beat (Fig. 192). Inhibition of the ventyri- cular systole has not been found in many of the hearts examined, though it occasionally occurs. Fie. 192. Stimulation of Venous Sinus (maximal). Should the exciting shock fall at such a time as to cause an instantaneous auricular systole, we find this systole is nearly synchronous with that of the ventricle, and that the latter has a short latency, but should the shock fall so that the auricle responds by a genuine contraction, the ventricular reduplication follows with a long latency. Inhibition of the ventricular with reduplication of the auri- cular beat may result occasionally from stimulation of the venous sinus. Appendi« A. CooLeD HEART. The construction of a simple piece of apparatus has enabled us to obtain curves much more striking than those which appeared in the foregoing paper, as they represent a far greater variation of temperature. COOLED HEART-STIMULATION OF AURICLE. 601 Instead of the gutta-percha support for the heart already described, a hollow copper pan of similar shape was employed. It was provided with influx and efflux tubes, and insulated below by a plate of ivory in which ran also the electrodes destined for the stimulation of the sinus. This was connected with the usual support passing over the body. Upon minimal stimulation of the ventricle itself the succession of auricular and ventricular contraction is illustrated in the charts A 1—4 (Fig. 193) here inserted. It is seen that the action of cold modifies considerably the relation between the ventricular contraction and the succeeding auricular beat. In A, we find a reduplicated ventricular beat succeeded by a normal auricular contraction. In A, cooled through about 2°5 C., the ventricle responds to the same stimulation. and the way does not pass upward to the auricle; and in A,, in which the contraction and relaxation of the heart had become very slow from a further reduction of 2°, we find the auricular rhythm is regular in spite of ventricular reduplication. There is in A, and A, an indication of aortic expansion ; it is to be noticed that after the reduplication in A, this is omitted. Auricular Stimulation. Many additional experiments upon cooled hearts have tended to show that it is very rarely that stimulation of considerable strength calls forth a ventricular beat, preceding or coexistent with the auricular. Usually at all phases of stimulation which causea reduplication of the auricular beat, the ventricularsucceeds in normal relationship (B 1 and 2 Fig. 194), There is an excep- tion to this, however, which is frequently demonstrated ; this is that whilst the auricular beat is reduplicated the ventricular is not, but is succeeded by a long diastolic pause (B,), after which the auricle takes up its oldrhythm. Still more rarely stimulation just before commencement of ventricular systole causes omission of both succeeding auricular and ventricular beats (B,). The latency of reduplication varies considerably in minimal stimulation of the auricle, but this variation is not so much owing to loss of time in the auricular as in the ventricular ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROGS HEART. 602 ‘) -b YBnory} pepooo yavazy JO epoltjueA Jo uonsNUY, "VT °)G..% YSNOAY} papooo yavayy Jo opomquea JO uONsUUIy, *Y "S6T “SIT "qIBOFT [VULLOU OY} JO OPOIIJUAA JO UOTYRINUITYG “VT ‘Suey WBoy [euON “Ww 603 COOLED HEART-STIMULATION OF AURICLE. ‘OPLINY JO WoTyBlNIMI4, [RUIxepY “plog tq ‘apn Jo UOLBINMYY [eUIxEy, “prog *q Se ee _— Se (a "P6L “OIA ‘OPLNY JO VOIepNUINAY [BUIxeY “poo a[qeiapisuog “*g OfTINY JO UOIBNUINS [eMIxeyy “pjon "_ 604 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. reduplication. Thus in C, (Fig. 195) stimulation at the end of auricular relaxation, ventricular latency is 1’’2,in C, stimulation halfway to ventricular maximum latency is 1’’,and in C,, when stimulation, is at ventricular maximum, the latency is for the ventricle only 6”. Fie. 195. C, to C3. Levers asin A. Auricular Stimulation (minimal) of Cooled Heart. On the other hand, more powerful stimulation of the auricle causes reduplications of the ventricle, which are at all times of Fie. 196. D, to D,. Leversasin A. Auricular Stimulation (maximal) of Cooled Heart. COOLED HEART-STIMULATION OF VENOUS SINUS. 605 equal or of very slightly differing values. Thus in a heart much cooled (D 1 and 2 Fig. 196) we have towards the commence- ment of ventricular systole and towards the end of relaxation a latency for the induced ventricular beat of 1/2. Venous Sinus. In the heart which has been moderately or slightly cooled, 4—6* C., the occurrence of ventricular reduplication without a precedent auricular reduplication is very rare, even when strong stimulation is employed. The refractory period occasionally observed may disappear after a few stimulations have been given, or it may persist. Furthermore, on coolinga heart which has at a certain temperature, E, (Fig. 197), shown a refractory period, we may find this converted into a period during which stimulation causes an omission of the following beat, E,,. Fia. 197. HK, to Ej. Levers as in A, but no auricular tracing given. Stimulation of Venous Sinus. E,, before cooling; Ez, after cooling. The duration of the diastolic pause is markedly influenced by temperature, whereas it appears to be but slightly aifected by variation in the instant of stimulation by which it is produced. 606 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. In (Fig. 198) G, water of melted ice had passed through the support for two minutes. rer G, water had passed 5’. G, 39 33 1 0’. G, ” ” 2 0’, G, to G;, gradual cooling of Heart. Fig. 198. Levers asin E. Stimulation of Venous Sinus. COOLED HEART-STIMULATION OF VENOUS SINUS, 607 G, Duration of contraction 1/4 Length of pause from stimulation ... 4/2. G, ” * eee 1”9 29 ”» 5°""6 G, ” ra eee 2"2 ” ” 60 G, ke x oD OIA - F. 6/2 G, was obtained from a heart cooled for a considerable time, and shows a remarkable prolongation of the systole and diastolic pause. G, Duration of current 4”4 Length of pause from stimulation ... 10” It will be seen in all these cases that there is a certain relationship between the length of the contraction and of the pause. The reduplication of the ventricular beat varies in regard to the time of stimulation under minimal stimulation. Thus in H (Fig. 199) when stimulation falls near the commencement of systole, auricular reduplication occurs in 18 and ventricular reduplica- tion in 3’"2. But in the same heart a stimulation during a period of relaxation yielded an instantaneous auricular re- sponse, the ventricular reduplication occurring 1/°3 after stimulation. In the case of maximal stimulation, the usual result is an instantaneous auricular systole succeeded by a ventricular. The latter, therefore, has a latency equal to the auricular beat: this is seen in I,, I, (Fig. 200), in both of which the latency is about 0°7”; but in I, we have, on the other hand, no auricular reduplication for 1”-1. In both this instance and H, stimulation occurred at the commencement of ventricular systole ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. 608 [VUIIUIM) SNUIG snoudA JO TOTJBINMIIG “WV UI sv sIOAO'T "66T “OTT tH o} asf COOLED HEART AND HEATED IIEART. 609 Fre. 200. I, tol; Levers asin A. Stimulation of Venous Sinus (maximal). Fie. 201. a Time tracing. Electro-magnet recording seconds. Applicable to all tracings in Appendix A. Appendix B. HEATED HEART. In some cases, heating a frog’s heart through 4°°5 C. may fail to obliterate entirely the period of resistance to stimulation. Heat, however, in the same experiment may be shown to shorten the refractory period much, and to limit it to the very com- mencement of ventricular systole (in stimulation applied to the ventricle). The series of tracings given were taken from a large specimen of Rana esculenta, which had been kept at a low 2k (610 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. temperature for a considerable time before the experiment. The tracing obtained at room temperature (K, Fig. 202) is therefore that of a cold heart, and the refractory period extends up to the commencement of relaxation after systole. After hot water had been run through the support for 5’, and the temperature raised about 2° C., we find diastole increased and systole much shortened; at the same time there is a refractory period as extensive as in the cold heart, that is to say, extending to the commencement of relaxation K,,. Fie, 202. eee ed Stimulation of Ventricle (maximal stimulation). K,. Heart at room temperature, frog long kept in cold room. K,. Temperature raised 2° C, K;. Taken 10’ later than K,, during which time temperature was raised 1° © K,. Temperature raised again 1° C. K;. Temperature raised 1° C., making about 5° C. altogether above Kj. HEATED HEART-STIMULATION OF VENTRICLE. 611 Fig. 203. | Drum of more rapid rotation used in tracings given in Appendix B. The electro-magnet marks seconds. In K, after heat had been applied 10’, and the temperature raised another degree, stimulation at an earlier phase produces reduplication. Heated ‘still further, K,, there is reduplication at systolic maximum, and at K, everywhere except at the very commencement of systole. After heating through about 5° we still have a refractory period, whilst the curve has been reduced from 1/4 to 0-4’... In many cases, however, the same amount of heat may obliterate the refractory period completely. The heart which yielded these curves passed into rigor without showing the abolition. In the heated heart, of which the ven- tricle is stimulated, we may find that the auricle does not in any way participate in the ventricular excitement, but con- tinues tu beat in its usual rhythm. Thus when the heated heart yields a series of contractions in answer to a single stimu- lation—a result not; unfrequently obtained—the auricle does not reduplicate, but may give its systole in due place, whilst -the ventricular contractions are still occurring. Not only is this indifference to ventricular action observed on the part of the aur cle, but the counterpart may be occasionally seen in the ventricle, failing to fullow the normal systole of the auricle L (Fig. 204). This is in part due to the fact that the auricle has only shared imperfectly in the heating. Fia. 204. Stimulation of Ventricle (maximal). Heart heated about 7°C. Time as in K, 2 RZ 612 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROGS HEART. There is thus a disturbance of both muscle-wave and nervous impulse, produced by the heating to which the auricles and ventricle have been exposed. This failure on the part of the ventricle occurs only after there has been a reduplication of its beat, and does not often occur, so far as we have seen, when stimulation, applied to the auricle itself (M Fig. 205), originates Fie. 205. Stimulation of Auricle (maximal). Heart heated about 6° C. a systole there, for then the ventricle follows in due course; we should therefore regard the exhaustion of the ventricle after its unusual activity as the cause of its quiescence after the normal auricular beat. Should stimulation be applied to the auricle during ventricular diastole, a reduplicated auricular beat succeeded by a ventricular at once occurs. In all phases this natural sequence is maintained, though sometimes at the end of its systole the auricular reduplication may be 0:5’, Whilst a long pause follows this reduplication, it is very rarely that a stimulation of the auricle produces omission of the succeeding auricular and ventricular reduplication. In stimulating the venous sinus, however, omission of the following ventricular beat is frequently produced when the shock falls at the commencement of ventricular systole (N, Fig. 206), but we may find that there is an impulse propagated to the auricle, for this may reduplicate whilst the ventricle remains quiescent (N,). A little later, and up to the maximum of systole, the auricular reduplication is succeeded by a ventricular (N,), and after the maximum, and during the diastole of the ventricle, the induced auricular beat may occur synchronously with the ventricular, or it may precede it in regular course. Both of the charts N, and N, (Fig. 206) are taken from a HEATED HEART-STIMULATION OF VENOUS SINUS. 613 heart warmed through about 5° C., and N, gives a tracing of the same, in which stimulation does not occur. Fria. 206. Stimulation of Venous Sinus (maximal). In the stronger tendency to cause omission of a ventricular beat, as well as in the frequent occurrence of an auricular contraction coincident with or succeeding the ventricular, when stimulation fails after ventricular maximum or in diastole, we see a marked contrast in the reaction of the venous sinus and the auricle to stimulation. From the charts O,, O,, 0, (Fig. 207) we see that the latency of the auricular beat varies. Thus stimulation occurring just at the end of auricular relaxation (O,) causes an instantaneous reduplication, whilst during diastole proper it has a reduplication, with a latency of 0-2”. In the former case auricular induced systole precedes the ventricular, in the latter they occur at the same moment (Q,, O,). Contrast this result with the stimulation of the auricle itseh, 614 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION ‘OF THE FROG’S HEART. in which reduplication occurs at once on stimulation, and ven- tricular reduplication succeeds or occurs occasionally (stimulation ; at the end of auricular relaxation) in 0°5’’, followed by ventricle. Fre. 207. Ne Se TN ION See: ea ee ae oe — a No Fo NS Se Stimulation of Venous Sinus (maximal). Appendix C. ACTION OF STRYCHNIA ON THE FRoG’s HEART. In order to test the correctness of the conclusion that strychnia lengthens the refractory period, we placed frogs in which the medulla and cord only existed on the cardiograph. The effects of stimulation were then observed, and subsequently a small dose of strychnia was injected into the dorsal lymph sac; as soon as the resulting spasm was well developed, stimu- lation was again applied, the strength of stimulation and the position of the electrodes remaining constant. Thus in Fig. 208 P,, a frog’s heart, in which active circulation was present, showed arefractory period through about one-half of the maximal maintenance of systole. In 3’, after the injection, of a small dose of strychnia into the dorsal lymph sac, distinct; spasm was present, and in 5’ Fig. P, was taken, which showed: that the refractory. period. had become prolonged, until relaxa-- tion of the ventricle had commenced. It may happen that stronger stimulation before the maximum, of systole is. reached, causes an auricular beat, which precedes STRYCHNIA-STIMULATION OF AURICLE. 615 in normal rhythm the induced ventricular contraction. This is observed when the electrodes are placed near the base of the Fie. 208. Stimulation of Ventricle. 1. Before injection of strychnia. 2. After injection of strychnia. Fra. 209. Time-marker, recording seconds. All tracings in Appendix C taken at this speed, except 8 and T. ventricle, or when stimulation is passed through the same portion of the heart from the float to an electrode placed beneath the heart upon the supporting shelf. After the maxi- mum of systole, however, the auricular contraction succeeds the induced ventricular. Both these facts are demonstrated in Fig. 210 Q, in which this occasional increased auricular excitability is shown. Auricular Stimulation. Occasionally maximal stimulation applied to the auricle pro- duces at all times an auricular contraction succeeded by a ventricular; more usually, however, this relationship exists only up to the maximum of systole (ventricular), and thereafter the induced auricular beat succeeds the ventricular. 616 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. Should stimulation cause an instantaneous auricular systole, then the ventricular reduplication has a latency of nearly equal value at all times at which it may occur, but should there be, as in Fig. 211 R,, a considerable auricular latency (about 1”) then the ventricular latency is liable to great variations. 1, 2, 3, varying times of stimulation. Stimulation of Ventricle (maxima)). Stimulation of Auricle (maximal). STRYCHNIA-STIMULATION OF AURICLE AND SINUS. 617 At the maximum cf auricular systole, Fig. 211 R,, we have an immediate auricular response, and a ventricular latency of 0°4”; and in Fig. 211 (R,) there is an almost instantaneous ventricular systole, with an auricular latency of about 15”, The diastolic pause is the longer the later stimulation falls. In Fig, 211 Ry it is 0°9’’; in Fig. 211 R, it is 1’°9; in Fig. 211 R, it is 2’"3. Stimulation falling just after maximum of auricular systvle, and at the commencement of ventricular systole, may cause in addition to the results enumerated, omission of the succeeding auricular and ventricular contractions, or reduplication of the auricular, but omission of the succeeding ventricular (Fig. 212 8). Fig. 212. Stimulation of Auricle (maximal). Levers as in Fig. Q. Thus the induced auricular contraction in this instance, instead of passing a motor impulse downwards to the ventricle, appears not only to check the reduplication, but greatly to prolong the diastole. It is easily recognised from the auricular tracing that the induced contraction is one of the unfilled cavities (Fig. 212 S), but though little or no blood passes into the ventricle, a positive effect upon the latter is still produced. Venous Sinus. As regards the relationship of the auricular reduplication to the time of stimulation, we find the latency of the auricle occa- sionally varying in length, but usually it has very nearly equal values, except when the shock, falling during ventricular re- laxation, calls forth a simultaneous auricular and ventricular 618 Fie. 218. ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. Stimulation of Venous Sinus (maximal). contraction, and in this case latency is reduced. It is to be noted that this induced auricular contraction does not cause another induced ven- tricular systole: its further effects seem to be lost or dissipated. At two points in chart T (Fig. 213), ventricular systole being ad- vanced half-way and 0°6of the way to its maximum, the auricular latency’ is equal, and when at the end of ven- tricular relaxation the auricle con- tracts at the same time as the ventricle, the latency is still about the same. The time lost, therefore, in this case is in ventricular redupli- cation: either the impulse from the auricle is transmitted at different speeds at different times, or it meets at different times with variation in the excitability of the ventricle. The later in the systole the stimu- lation falls the less is the resistance to the transmission of the impulse or the greater the excitability of the ventricle. a The whole subject of the rhyth-— mical contraction of the frog’s heart and its stimulation and inhibition is a very complex and difficult one. The points upon which our present research seems to us to throw some light are the nature and mode of transmission of the stimuli which one cavity transmits to another in the ordinary process of rhythmical ” contraction. Marey’s researches have shown that in the ventricle itself PROPAGATION OF STIMULI IN THE HEART. 639 there is a time when stimulation applied to it has no apparent action ; this time is, however, in many cases of very short dura- tion and limited to the commencement of ventricular systole. At the commencement of ventricular systole stimulation without provoking contraction causes often a positive effect, namely, a greatly prolonged diastolic pause, which we have been inclined to regard as due to omission of a ventricular contraction. It seemed of interest to ascertain whether a similar condition occurred in the other cavities of the frog’s heart. We find that in the auricular stimulation about or shortly after the period of maximum contraction of the auricle may cause inhibition of the next auricular beat. : We have not yet succeeded in registering the contractions of the venous sinus with sufficient accuracy to enable us positively to determine the occurrence of a similar refractory period in the venous sinus itself, but the results we have obtained lead us to hope that we shall soon be able to do so. | Another interesting consideration is, whether the stimulus which each cavity of the heart transmits to the succeeding one, consists in the propagation of an actual muscular wave, or in the propagation of an impulse along the nerves. The observa- tions of Gaskell have given very great importance to the muscular wave occurring in each cavity of the heart of cold- blooded animals as a stimulus to the contraction of the next succeeding cavity. Our observations appear to us to show that’ while this is an important factor, it is not the only one in the transmission of stimuli. We have observed that stimulation of the auricle rarely or never causes contraction of the ventricle unless the auricle also contracts. - When stimulation of the auricle causes both itself and the ventricle to contract, the auricular contraction precedes the ventricular one in such a way that we might be justified in regarding the ventricular contraction as due to the propagation of the contractile wave from the auricle to the ventricle. It would also appear that a contractile wave may be propagated backwards, for on» stimulation of the ventricle we have observed the contraction of the ventricle produced by stimulation has been succeeded by an auricular contraction such as might be supposed to be due 620 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. to propagation of the contractile wave back from the ventricle to the auricle. While these observations appear to show that the propagation of the contractile wave from one cavity of the heart to another is of importance in keeping up the rhythmical sequence, we consider that stimuli are also propagated from one chamber of the heart to another through nervous chan- nels:—thus we find that irritation of the venous sinus will sometimes produce simultaneous contractions of the auricle and ventricle instead of the ventricular beat succeeding the auricu- lar in the usual way, This. we think is hardly consistent with the hypothesis that a stimulus consists of the propagation of a muscular wave only from the auricle to the ventricle. As additional evidence we may notice the occurrence of an auricular beat followed by absence or inhibition of a ventricu- lar beat as the result of stimulation of the auricle, or venous sinus. Moreover, we have noticed in the heated heart the occurrence of groups of regular beats in the ventricle in con- sequence of a single stimulation applied to it, while the auricle has continued to beat with its ordinary unaltered rhythm un- disturbed by the ventricular excitement. It is not however our purpose to do more in this paper than state the results we have hitherto obtained, and we shall there- fore reserve for a future communication the consideration of this and some other questions of importance closely allied to it. | Another question is the nature of the inhibitory influence exerted by one cavity of the heart upon another. Marey had shown that stimulation of the ventricle during a great part of the refractory period exercises an inhibitory instead of a motor action upon the ventricle itself. It might be supposed then that a stimulus of either kind, whether proceeding from the auricle in the form of a contractile wave, or a nervous impulse, might produce inhibition of the ventricle, provided the stimulus reached it during that part of the refractory period in which stimulation usually causes inhibition. From our observations it seems that the inhibition of the ventricle which may follow stimulation of the auricle is not due to the muscular wave propagated from the auricle and striking the ventricle during the INHIBITION-BACKWARD PROPAGATION OF STIMULI. 621 refractory period. In Fig. 172, p. 585, we notice that the auricular contraction succeeded by ventricular inhibition occurs after the refractory period of the ventricle has passed ; we must, therefore, look upon the inhibition as due to the propagation of a nervous impulse from one cavity to another. In the auricle we find that stimulation may produce inhibition of the auricu- lar and ventricular beats, or of the ventricular beats alone. We may, therefore, suppose that the stimulus applied to the auricle acts upon two different nervous mechanisms; seeing that it is enabled to inhibit the ventricular beats without affect- ing the auricular ones, we are unable to say precisely what the effect of a single stimulus applied to the venous sinus is upon the sinus itself, but here we note that the same result will follow stimulation of the sinus, as of the auricle, viz., inhibition of the ventricular without inhibition of the auricular beat, or inhibition of both together. As has been already pointed out by Professor Marey, the refractory period is increased when the heart is artificially cooled. We have also found that there is a prolongation of the time during which stimulation causes an inhibition or omission of the following systole. It is very seldom that stimulation of the auricles or of the venous sinus causes a ventricular contraction without auricular systole preceding it in the ordinary rhythm. In this respect the action of the heart offers a contrast to the normal. Though the muscular wave started in the auricle is usually succeeded by a ventricular contraction, it may occasionally be succeeded by a ventricular inhibition, or auricular stimulation may be followed by inhibition of both auricle and ventricle. The propagation of the wave in an upward direction, viz., from ventricle to auricle, is not so regular as in the normal heart, the time elapsing, when it does occur between the ven- tricular and auricular systole, bearing a relationship to the degree of cold produced. Whilst the ventricle is reduplicating in response to direct stimulation, the auricle may maintain its regular rhythm. Stimulation of the venous sinus almost in- variably gives an auricular contraction at all times preceding the ventricular. It has been already shown that in the case of 622 ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF THE FROG’S HEART. the normal heart stimulation in advanced diastole frequently causes a spontaneous auricular and ventricular contraction, or a ventricular beat preceding the auricular. | In the heated heart we have noticed, in addition to the ex- cessive diminution or abolition of the refractory period in the _ventricle already observed by Marey, that usually the refractory period in the auricle entirely disappears. A single stimulation of the ventricle sometimes gives rise to a series of contractions with incomplete relaxation intervening. After this has occurred, or after a simple reduplication has been caused, it often happens that the auricular beat occurritig in normal sequence is not followed by ventricular, which seems to show a temporary state of exhaustion of the ventricle. In the heated heart the dura- tion of a systole is so short that two beats immediately succeed- ing one another may be perfectly distinct, while, in the normal heart, the second one would have fallen within the time of the systole of the first, so that it could only have appeared, if it were possible at all, as an increase either of the height or length of the first systole. Inhibition occurs in the heated heart as well as in the normal, which is most frequently observed upon stimulation of the venous sinus, and it is frequently at this time associated with a reduplicated auricular contraction. The effect of strychnia is to prolong the refractory period of the ventricle. Stimulation of the ventricle is frequently succeeded by con- traction of the auricle. There is an increased tendency for stimulation of the ventricle to induce a beat of the auricle preceding the ventricular systole. There is less tendency for the stimulation of the venous sinus or auricle to induce a beat of the ventricle succeeded by one of the auricle; and, indeed, this only occurs when the stimulus falls just at the end of the ventricular systole, z.e., when the ventricle itself is most sensi- tive. These facts seem. to indicate that the nervous channels are more active in transmitting stimuli, both downwards from the venous sinus to the auricle and ventricle, and from the ventricle back to the auricle. In its effect upon the refractory period, andin the tendency it produces to maintain the regular rhythm, the action of strychnia agrees with that of cold, as shown in the present series of a ee ACTION OF STRYCHNIA. 623 experiments; but, as we have already shown in a former paper,* its effect in causing the ventricle when arrested by a ligature applied around the junction of the venous sinus with the auricles to recommenee pulsation resembles that of heat. _ There are many other points on which we think that a fuller consideration of our experiments will throw light, but to take them up at present would involve too lengthy a discussion of doubtful points in the physiology of the frog’s heart, and so we must reserve them for a future time. % St. Bartholomew's Hosp. Reports, vol. xvi, p, 229, 624 THE VALVULAR ACTION OF THE LARYNX. In conjunction with THEODORE CASH, M.D. (Reprinted from the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. xvii, 1882-1883.) CLosuRE of the glottis plays a most important part in all expul- sive acts, such as coughing, sneezing, vomiting, or defecation or in those muscular actions where it is necessary to have the thorax fixed, in order to enable the muscles attached to it to act with greater advantage or greater precision. On looking at the human larynx, it not unfrequently happens that the mere act of introducing the mirror into the fauces excites movements of retching. The appearance which the larynx then presents, is that of a somewhat circular or slightly elliptical opening com- pletely filled by three bulging segments, strongly reminding one of the appearance of the aortic valves, as seen from below in an injected aorta. On consulting several text-books on physiology we find that the mode of closure of the glottis is treated in a very cursory way. In the wonderfully complete physiology of Haller we can find no definite information, nor is there any in Todd’s Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology. In Miiller’s Physiology, translated by Dr. Baly, 2nd edition,* we find the statement that in holding the breath the air tubes are cut off from the mouth and nostrils by approximating the posterior palatine arches, and pressing the root of the tongue against the palate. In Carpenter’s Physiology, 9th edition, and in Foster's Physiology, 3rd edition, we have also failed to find a definite account of the mechanism of the closure of the glottis. In Czermak’s, Treatise on the Laryngoscope,t he states that during closure of the glottis he has observed that— “(1) The arytenoid cartilages intimately meet at their in- ternal surfaces and processes, and they bring the edges of the vocal cords in contact; (2) the superior vocal cords approach * Vol. i, p. 360. + New Sydenham Society publications, vol. xi, 1861. SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR VOCAL CORDS. 625 the inferior vocal cords, so as to obliterate the ventricles of Morgagni, at the same time they «lso meet in the median line; (3) the epiglottis being lowered, and its cushion becoming more prominent still, it presses against the closed glottis; the contact takes place from before backwards. These three-fold occur- rences in the hermetic closure of the larynx explain the resist- ance which the glottis successfully opposes to the pressure of the air, without a development of much force during the effort.” Czermak also gives an accurate picture of the appearance of the glottis when completely closed during effort, though a still better one is given by Griitzner in Hermann’s andb. ch der Phys. (Band 1, Theil 2, page 59). In Griitzner’s picture (Fig. 214) ——_ Fie. 214.,—Glottis closed by the approximation of the false vocal cords (/f. s.) after Griitzner. the rounded and bulging nature of the protuberances formed by the false vocal cords is very evident, and suggestive of inflation from below. Griitzner, however, only remarks that the false vocal cords, or ventricular bands, are often approximated, and the cushion of the epiglottis depressed upon them, whereby a very firm closure is produced. In an inaugural thesis presented to the Edinburgh University by Dr. Wyllie in 1865, the author discussed the mode of closure of the glottis very fully, and illustrated it by very numerous experiments. These showed very clearly, indeed, what an important part is played in the closure of the glottis during expiration by the false vocal cords, and that, indeed, it is chiefly if not entire y through them that the closure is usually accomplished. These experiments were published in the Edinburgh Medical Journal, September, 1866, but as they are not referred to in many standard text-books,* it * We must except Turner’ 2ntroduction to Human Anatomy, in which these experiments are referred to. 28 626 THE VALVULAR ACTION OF THE LARYNX. would appear that they have not received the attention they deserve. Wyllie points out that Czermak was probably de- ceived in regard to the second factor in the closure of the glottis. Czermak thought that the superior vocal cords approach the inferior, so as to obliterate the ventricles of Morgagni, at the same time that they also meet in the median line, As Wyllie points out, and as reference to the accompanying Fig. 215 will show, it is impossible to say anything with certainty regarding the condition of the entrance to the ventricles of SAL QQw a ete ee meernnece Fic. 215.— Anterior half of a transverse vertical section through the larynx near its middle. (From Allen Thomson in Quain’s Anatomy.) 1, Upper division of the laryngeal cavity; 2, central portion ; 3, lower division con- tinued into 4, part of the trachea; e, the free part of the epiglottis ; e’, its cushion; 4, the divided great cornua of the hyoid bone; At, thyro-hyoid membrane ; ¢, cut surface of the divided thyroid cartilage ; c, that of the ericoid cartilage ; 7, first ring of the trachea; fa, thyro-arytenoid muscle ; vl, thyro-arytenoid ligament in the true vocal cord covered by mucous membrane at the rima glottidis; s, the ventricle, above this the superior or false cords; s’ the sacculus or pouch opened on the right side, EXPERIMENTS OF WYLLIE. 627 Morgagni when the glottis is closed, inasmuch as these are simply oblong orifices in the lateral walls of the larynx, and the false vocal cords completely hide them from view when they are approximated. Wyllie points out that an anatomical misconception prevails regarding the nature of the vocal cords, many considering them as the free edges of membranes which are flattened above and below. They are, however, really wedge-shaped projections from the sides of the larynx, the apex of the wedge being directed downwards and attached to the laryngeal wall, its upper flat surface forming the floor of the ventricle of Morgagni, and its projecting edge forming the true vocal cord. Their shape is as badly adapted as we can possibly imagine for retaining air in the thorax, though very well adapted for preventing air from entering it. Wyllie’s experiments showed that by no adjustment could the true vocal cords completely prevent the exit of air, but that when they were simply approximated, not even being pressed together, they completely prevented its entrance. With the false vocal cords the case was just the reverse; they present no obstacle whatever to the entrance of air, but when they are approximated they com- pletely obstruct its exit from the lungs, and the air getting behind them into the ventricles of Morgagni, inflates them, and thus the greater the pressure behind them is, the more perfect is their apposition. Our own investigations completely confirm those of Dr. Wyllie. He extends his experiments to the production of voice, we have restricted ourselves to the simple mechanism of the closure of the larynx during effort; but instead of confining our observa- tions to the human larynx, we have made comparative observa- tions on the larynges of some animals. Before entering into those in detail, it may be advisable to say a few words regarding the comparative anatomy of the larynx. A good anatomical classification of laryngeal variations is the following, proposed by Milne-Edwards* :— * Milne-Edwards, Legons sur la Physiologie et Vanatomre comparée de Vhomme et des Animaua, 282 628 THE VALVULAR ACTION OF THE LARYNX. I. The aglottic type, in which the laryngeal cavity is not separated into two spaces by well-marked vocal cords. IJ. The simple glottic type, in which there are well-marked vocal cords, but in which no false cords nor ventricles are present. : III. The composite type, in which the upper or anterior portion of the larynx is furnished with a second pair of cords— commonly termed false or superior cords—and which are sepa- rated from the true cords by a distinct ventricle. IV. The cavernous type, in which the cavity of the larynx is in communication with a sinus possessing accessory pouches, of which the mouths are situated in the ventricles of the larynx, or in other parts of this organ. In following this classification, the animals whose larynges determine their serial position will be mentioned indiscrimi- nately, and peculiarities of the glottis briefly expressed, whilst reference to the author who is responsible for the statement will be made in a footnote. Class I.—In the pisciform mammals, where the larynx has not the function of a vocal instrument, but only that of insuring continuity of respiratory work during deglutition, and main- taining free communication between the trachea and nasal cavi- ties. This form of organisation is found in the Cetaceans. The Dugong has no ventricle. In the Dolphin* the glottis opens into the posterior nares, and has a pyramidal form. It is patent only at its summit, and leaves at either side a passage for food. The pyramidal elevation is formed by the arytenoids and the epiglottis. Prob- ably in these, and in the Cetaceans generally, there is no voice, as no true means for its production are present. Marsupialia.—In the Kangaroof there is no false cord, no ventricle, and only the faintest indication of true cords. The arytenoids are capable of considerable elevation, and permit the passage of air through a large gap between their inner surfaces, The Kangaroo has a cavernous sinus. It is probable that the Kangaroo is mute. The foetal Hippopotamus has no cords but a simple longi- * Cuvier, p. 797. + Milne-Edwards, p. 442. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF THE LARYNX. 629 tudinal elevation, formed by the anterior extremity of the arytenoid*, Class II is a very large one, and embraces mammals from very widely differing orders. The Hedgehog belongs also to this class. In the Elephantt the arytenoids do not touch by their inner surfaces, and the true cords are placed obliquely. The false cords are indicated in position by a faint projection of the mucous membrane, and the ventricles are only formed by an excavation of the upper surfaces of the true cords. At the anterior commissure there is a transverse fold. In the Ruminants§ the arytenoids have, besides their articular facette, a superior angle which is curved forwards, and an in- ferior to which the vocal cords are attached. The inferior margin of these cords is obtuse and continuous with the rest of the internal lining membrane, the superior margin is more or less free and trenchant—it is much more so in the Deer than in the Gazelles, and it is very indistinct in the case of the Cow and Sheep. The internal fauces of the arytenoids touch, and air could only pass between the anterior margins and the epiglottis. This passage is more or less narrow according to the species. There is no superior ligament and no ventricle properly so called, neither does any cuneiform cartilage exist. Sometimes, as in the Antilope gutturosa,]| the thyroid is bulged outwards in the neighbourhood of the attachments of the vocal cords. In Hares and Rabbits (Lepus timidus et cuniculus) there is an intermediary form, as the false cords are wanting, but the ventricle exists. In the Lepus timidus, however, Wolff denies the existence of a ventricle. In the Rein-Deer** there is a large subepiglottal sac,but this is not found in the Deer. The Sloth (Bradypus tridactylus) has a peculiar form of vocal * Cuvier, p. 791. + Milne-Edwards, p. 442. I Op. cit., p. 442. § Cuvier, p. 795. || Cuvier, p. 795. {] Wolff, Dissertatio Anatomica, p. 19. ** Milne-Edwards, p. 442. 630 THE VALVULAR ACTION OF THE LARYNX. cord. The true cord recurves at its free margin in such a manner that with its fellow it could exert a valvular action which would seem to be sufficient to prevent the exit of air, and in the expiratory movement it vibrates with the impulse of the passing air. Cuvier* has shown that there is neither ventricle nor false cord to be found in the glottis of the Bradypus. Class JJJ—Man and the greater part of Ungulate mammals are to be referred to this class, though others have the caver- nous glottis which is embraced in the fourth and final division. Here the vocal cords are not only well developed and possess a free border more or less fine, while each is capable of advancing to meet its fellow of the opposite side in the median line, but there exists above the true cords a second pair of analogous folds, less adapted to phonation, and between these projections one recognises a fossa, bilocular but not communi- cating with a sac or cavern. This structure is found in the Carnivora for the greater part, but this group has many varia- tions amongst its members. In the Dogt (Canis domesticus) the larynx is very large. The true cords are well developed and- broad. They are capable of being bulged to a considerable extent when air distends the ventricles, which are very deep, and ascend a considerable distance along the inner surface of the thyroid. The false cords are neither strong nor prominent. Wolfft testifies to the strength of the cords of this animal, and mentions that the ventricle is deeper at its extremities than in its middle part. Canis lupus.§§—The ventricles of Morgagni are large and deep. In the different species of the Genus Felis the false cords are very prominent and well detached from the walls of the larynx. They are attached directly to the aryte- noids, and at their point of juncture, under the epiglottis, they form a small vault-like attachment. In the Lion|| the true cords are neither so free nor their borders so trenchant as in the Dog; they are, in fact, thick, and but slightly prominent. The superior part of the larynx is dilated. There is no * Tbid., p. 790. + Milne-Edwards, p. 445, t Wolff, Dissertatio Anatomica, p. 10. § Op. cit., p. 10. || Milne-Edwards, p. 445. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF THE LARYNX. 631 ventricle according to Wolff* In the Cat (Felis catus) the larynx is small, and guarded by a long upper and pointed epi- glottis. Anteriorly, the false cords are widely separated; they are in structure very fine, instead of being thick as in the Lion; the true cords touch at their anterior extremities. There are no cartilages of Santorini.f In the Tiger the arytenoids are much raised. In the Hyenat (Hyena striata) the superior ligaments are scarcely visible, and there is but a faintly-inmarked ventricle. Plantigrada.—In the Bear§ both pairs of cords are so arranged as to raise themselves nearly to the same level by their free edges, and to direct towards the epiglottis the slit which forms the entrance to the ventricles. Cuvier|| says:—The posterior ligaments or true cords, which are thick but very distinct, and which are attached to the arytenoids, rise between the two anterior ligaments, which are attached to the cuneiforms in such a manner that the four liga- ments are upon the same level, and that the ventricles of the glottis are simply two deep slits, open no longer towards the -laryngeal cavity but facing the epiglottis. They bend inwards very little between the epiglottis and the thyroid. The liga- ments—or rather the external anterior—are little separated from the epiglottis. Wolff also adopts the terms external and internal for the ligaments of the larynx as being topographically correct. He mentions that, whilst the external are inserted into the cunei- form cartilages, the internal are attached to the arytenoids. All four are inserted into the root ef the epiglottis. (His examina- tion was made upon a specimen of Ursus arctos). The ventricle of the Ursus meles he found large and very deep. The Hrinaceus Europeus** has only small superior cords, though the ventricles are deep and sacculated. * Dissertatio Anatomica, p. 9. + Wolff, Dissertatio Anatomica, p. 8. ft Op. cit., p. 9. § Milne-Edwards, p. 446. || Anat. Comp., Tom. viii, p. 787. {| Dissertatio Anatomica, p. 12. ** Op. cit., p. 15. 632 THE VALVULAR ACTION OF THE LARYNX. The Coati* has a somewhat similar arrangement to the Bear, but the Badgerf has ligaments of the usual position, the anterior with a sharp margin, the posterior, however, being obtuse. The ventricle is open and leads into a sac. The sound which this animal emits is probably produced by the friction or impaction which the air suffers against the posterior border of the anterior cords and its division into these diverticula. The Civett has a glottis like that of the Cat. It results from the structure of the larynx in the genus of the cat tribe, that it is chiefly the anterior ligaments which must perform the functions of vocal cords. Their union towards the epiglottis forming a little vault against which the air must strike with force, favours this view.§ Movements of the false cords only become apparent in great expiration and inspiration. In phonation they do not advance in the manner of a platform above the true cords, but they depress and apply themselves on the basal portion of these so as almost entirely to efface the entry of the ventricle of the larynx, and to limit the vibrations of the true cords to a certain length.|| As the voice rises, these membranous folds cover pro- gressively from without inwards the vocal cords.{ Pinnigrada.—The Seal** has an obtuse vocal cord which is but slightly free. The anterior ligament blends with the base of the epiglottis. The ventricle is superficial. The Marmot has a very sharp margin of the anterior liga- ment, more so, in fact, than that of the posterior.fT Class IV may be regarded as containing animals which would belong to the third class, had they not some “ cavernous” character superadded, and also animals of a less perfect type. The Llama has false and true cords, a ventricle, and a common larynx, and therefore with the Camel (Camelus bactri- anus) forms an exception to the usual Ruminant type. (The latter animal has a trachea 3 feet in length, but very narrow; its larynx is small and its voice proportionately weak.){{t * Cuvier, p. 788. + Ibid. t Lid. § Ibid., p. 787. || Milne-Edwards, p. 512. ¥ Tdid., p. 525. ** Thid., p. 788. tt Cuvier, p. 789. It Dissertatio Anatomica, p. 23. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF THE LARYNX. 633 In Solipedes* the vocal cords are narrow and situated deeply. There are no false cords, and no ventricle properly speaking, but a hole pierced in the lateral wall above the true cords con- ducts into a large oblong sinus, hidden between the wall and the thyroid, and covered, to a great extent, by the thyro-aryte- noid muscles, which should be able to compress it. This opening is large in the Horse,f but the cavity is not very deep. Theref is also in this animal a triangular membrane situated in the angle of the thyroid. This easily vibrates as it rests upon the moving cords beneath it. The commencement of the “hinny” is due to repeated shocks of expired air upon this membrane. In the Ass§ two sacs are situated above the attachment of the cords. A tendinous membrane is also present. There is a great deepening of the thyroid. Cuvier || considers the larynx of the Mule more allied to that of the mare, and speaks of Herrissant’s observations as inaccu- rate, and as regards the triangular membrane of the horse’s and ass’s larynx, exaggerated. The Rhinoceros! has well-marked vocal cords and deep ventricles, before each of which is a nearly vertical opening, and it is at the bottom of this excavation that the anterior liga- ments are attached. In the Pig** the true cords are free and sharp. The superior ligament is large and its margin rounded. The ventricle is shallow, and from this opens an oblong sinus which rises up between the mucous membrane and the thyroid, and is the size of the end of the little finger...... (It is to be observed that in many animals of this class, @¢., quick runners,}f the two cartilages are arranged in such a manner as not to coaptate completely, and so allow a space to remain free between them * Cuvier, p. 793. + Ibid., p. 793. I Herrissant, Récherches sur les Organs de la Voix, p. 282. § Op. cit., p. 285. || Cuvier, p. 793. { Op. cit., p. 791. ** Op. cit., p. 791. tt Miine-Edwards, p. 455, 634 THE VALVULAR ACTION OF THE LARYNX, when they are touching by their summits. It results from this, that by the approximation of the true cords the glottis is not closed, and that there remains always a passage for the air behind the membranous part. Mr. Mandl thinks that this is peculiar to the species which run rapidly.) In the Howling Ape* (Mycetes) the hyoid is enormously de- veloped in the form of a bell to lodge the air sacs peculiar to this animal. There are also air sacs in the pharynx. In Simia sabeat at the root of the epiglottis, and above the ligaments, there is a transverse opening which leads to a mem- branous sac situated between the thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone. In the walls of the sac the fibres are partly tendi- nous and partly muscular. In Simia parniscot there is a sac between the cricoid and trachea. The trachea has continuous rings in some Simians. If the view that the function of the false cords or ven- tricular bands is to close the glottis during effort, and thus to fix the thorax, we should expect them to be very strongly developed in those animals whose habits render such fixation likely to be serviceable; on the other hand, we should expect them to be absent in those animals where fixation of the thorax would be of little or no service; and this seems to be actually the case. | In animals whose motions are chiefly those of running, we find the ventricular bands absent, or slightly developed. But in animals where the anterior extremities are used for striking, hugging, or climbing, the vocal cords are strongly developed. We might at first expect also, that in cases where the anterior extremities were employed for the purpose of prehension, we would also find the ventricular bands developed. But this is not always the case. When engaged in any very delicate work where the least oscillation of the hand might be injurious, we often hold our breath, but for ordinary prehensile actions we do not close the glottis, unless considerable effort is required at the same time. In marsupials such as the kangaroo, the anterior extremities * Op. cit., p. 448. et ae ¢ Tbid., p.1. olff, p. 1. RELATION OF LARYNX TO MOVEMENTS. 635 are used for holding food and conveying it to the mouth. We might therefore expect that the false vocal cords would be strongly developed. But the fore limbs are small and weak, and very slight muscular effort is employed in the movements just mentioned. The fact that in these animals the ventricular bands are absent, is, therefore, very much what might have been expected. In the solipedes they are also absent. In the pig they are rounded; and there is a shallow ventricle in the hedgehog. They are present, but small, in the llama, and in the camel they are fairly well marked. In the dog the true cords are well developed and broad; the ventricular bands are not strong or prominent, but the ventricle of Morgagni is deep. In the wolf the ventricle is also deep and large. In the lion and tiger the ventricular bands are prominent and well detached from the walls of the larynx, In the cat they are not large; and they are very fine instead of being thick as in the lion. In the three-toed sloth they are well developed. In the bear, in which the closure of the glottis would require to be specially strong, from its habit of climbing trees and destroying its enemies by hugging, the arrangement of the ventricular bands is very remarkable ; the vocal cords are capable of being raised until they and the ventricular bands are nearly at the same level, and the opening between them is directed towards the epiglottis from which the false cords are but little separated. During the closure of the glottis the cushion cf the epiglottis will, therefore, to a considerable extent, be directed against the opening of the ventricles, and the glottis will, we should think, be closed with very great firmness. We have, however, not seen any specimen of the larynx of the bear, and these considerations are drawn only from the description which we have read. In the howling monkey the ventricular bands are well developed. Our own experiments were made upon the fresh larynx of the sheep, of the dog, of the cat, of the ape, and of man. The experiments were made by fixing a T-cannula in the trachea below the larynx. The lower arm was connected with a bellows, and the side branch with a water or mercurial 636 THE VALVULAR ACTION OF THE LARYNX. manometer ; the arytenoid cartilages and the vocal cords were then approximated, as well as the ventricular bands when these were present. The strength of current which these structures could resist in various positions, and during inspiration and expiration, was estimated by the height at which the water or mercury stood in the manometer. A curved needle was passed through the bases of the arytenoids which were then coaptated by means of a figure-of-eight ligature. In some experiments in which the larynx possessed cords of such dimensions as to admit of it, needles were passed through the thyroid cartilage, one on either side of the middle line, and just external to the anterior attachment of the false cords, and the points were pushed backwards inside the edge of the false cord towards the arytenoid cartilage. In this way, approximation of the cords could be easily produced by movement (separation) of the eye end of the needle. In smaller larynges, however, approxi- mation was assisted by seizing the coaptated edges of the cords with a pair of fine pointed curved forceps. Lateral pressure was exercised by means of a weighted scale pan which was connected with a movable concave surface of wood placed externally over the line of attachment of the cord to the wall of the larynx. This was aided or substituted by manual pressure, and manipulation was also resorted to in pushing the base of the tongue with the epiglottis backwards over the larynx. In the sheep the ventricular bands are absent. The follow- ing figures represent the result of these experiments :— RESISTANCE, ’ ti ws >, In millimetres In inches of mercury. of water. Experiment 1 ....sesecece 4 2 3° Dido puccned 6 5 2°5 9° >, Rp eae SPP UE Se 8 4°25 Average about 5°5 3 On blowing upwards through the glottis, the true vocal cords being closed (no false cords). On sucking air downwards through the glottis, the resistance ~ * ee ee ee eee © ee ae OT — vo — EXPERIMENTS ON THE LARYNX. 637 rese to heights varying from 54 to 140 mm. of mercury, or from about 28 to 724 inches of water. In the cat the resistance to the exit of air from the larynx presented by the true vocal cords alone is very small, generally about 6 mm. of mercury. ? When their approximation is aided by a lateral pressure of 100 grammes, a resistance of 16 mm. of mercury may be reached. The ventricular bands in the cat are thin and easily coap- tated, but they are not calculated to resist much pressure unless they are supported: such support is afforded by the epiglottis, if it is slightly pressed backwards, and the gentle lateral pressure is made so as to coaptate the cords. If firm pressure is applied in this way the resistance pre- sented to the exit of air by the ventricular bands is very con- siderable, and they may not yield even under pressure of from 24 to 40 mm. of mercury. To reach the latter figure, however, considerable support from the base of the epiglottis and from the lateral aspects of the larynx is required. When the true cords are approximated, as well as the ventricular bands in the cat, the epiglottis being at the same time slightly depressed and gentle lateral pressure exerted, they easily resist a pressure of 30 mm. of mercury, or more. The resistance to the ingress of air afforded by the true cords alone, in the cat is very considerable ; when a lateral pressure of 20 grammes is exerted so as to bring them together they easily resist a suction power of 50 or 60 mm. of mercury, and when the lateral pressure is increased they will resist consider- ably greater suction than this. The ventricular bands when ordinarily approximated will not resist more than 2 or 3 mm. of mercury. In such experiments as these there is not a little difficulty in approximating the vocal cords so as to imitate their closure during life. The lateral pressure exerted, the position of the epiglottis in regard to the cords, the freshness of the larynx. and many other circumstances modify the results obtained to a very considerable extent. By way of example we may mention that in eight measurements of the resistance offered by the 638 THE VALVULAR ACTION OF THE LARYNX. approximation of true and false cords in the cat, at the same time, variations from 30 to 60 mm. were registered. The former figure is, however, the more exact, though, if there be a slight increase of lateral pressure, and the epiglottis be pushed gently backwards over the glottis, a pressure of 40 and 60 mm, may be obtained. The following figures in mm. of mercury may be taken as representative of the results :— BLowIne. Suction. Aoe and True False us and True False False alone. alone, False. alone, alone. 80-50 4-10 24-40 60-120 60-120 2-10 It appears from these figures that closure of the superior cords did not increase the powerful resistance afforded by the inferior to the ingress of air as represented by suction. A quick, powerful suction (7.¢., inspiration) movement closes the true cords, but this does not affect the false cords in the same manner, nor does the negative pressure in the trachea extend to them. The larynx again tends to pass downwards, and the “telescoping” due on the one hand to the elevation of the larynx, and on the other to the pressing backwards of the root of the tongue and of the epiglottis with its supporting pad, which occurs in efforts to vomit, is here entirely absent. We could, however, imagine that the ventricle becoming dis- tended in expiration after narrowing of the larynx by muscular action and approximation of the false cords, the inferior might themselves be closed by the pressure from above, and that thus a slight measure of support might be afforded. The false cords in the dog are inconspicuous and weak in comparison with the broad well-developed true cords, They offer almost no resistance to the ingress of air: 4 mm. of mercury being the utmost, and this amount is only reached when sticky mucus on the bands adds to the resistance. The true cords, either alone or with the false cords, resist the ingress of air with a force of 80 to 180 mm. of mercury. The true cords alone offer a resistance of only about 9 mm. to the exit of air. CLOSURE OF GLOTTIS BY VENTRICULAR BANDS. 639 The ventricular bands alone offer 18°5 mm., and this may be increased to 60 mm. if the glosso-epiglottidean sulcus be thoroughly distended ; and the true and false together, 21 mm. The relatively high pressure of the true and false cords together was accompanied by a bulging upwards of the glosso- epiglottidean sulcus. It is possible that the inflation of the ventricle tends also to push the true cords together, and that thus they aid, to a slight extent, in closing the glottis during expiration. | The larynges examined were those of small dogs. In the ape, when the ventricular bands alone are approxi- mated, inflation of the ventricles is well marked at the bases of the bands. It is distinctly seen in this animal that powerful expulsion of air, and especially sudden expulsion, tends to close the ventricular bands, and this strongly confirms the views already expressed in regard to the function of these structures, A sudden inspiratory effort when both true and false cords, or when the true cords alone, are approximated, is seen to cause the lateral fosse to sink considerably downwards, and the resistance to the ingress of air which they afford is very great : being equal to 75 mm. of mercury and more. When the ventricular bands alone are approximated, their power of resistance is very small, unless they are firmly coap- tated, when they present considerable resistance to the ingress of air. But it is very improbable that in the living larynx they can be pressed together in this way; and their functions, therefore, are evidently very different from that of the true cords, in which the simple occurrence of a rapid inspiratory movement, when the true cords are approximated, effectually closes the glottis. Ovp Wortp APE (Small Specimen). PRESSURE. Suction. rae closed True False Trae closed True False and False. closed, closed. and False. closed, closed. 30 mm. 2-5 m. 24 m. 70-140 70-140 2-4, Only two specimens of the human larynx were examined. 640 THE VALVULAR ACTION OF THE LARYNX. The ventricular bands alone afforded a resistance of 30:0 mm. when gentle lateral pressure was employed. Whilst blowing air from below, a slight telescoping, by pressing the base of the tongue and the epiglottis backwards, being permitted, a bulging upwards of the hyoid fossa and the root of the ventricle under- neath the attachment of the ventricular bands could be dis- tinctly seen. When firm lateral pressure was associated with this movement a much higher pressure was resisted. The ventricular bands alone, when not forcibly held together, pre- sented no resistance whatever to inspiration—in fact, they separated even when the true cords were in contact, and resist ing a powerful suction. The true cords alone resist the ingress of air quite as much as when the ventricular bands also are approximated. The resistance is very great, and sometimes reaches 140 mm. of mercury, and even more—in fact, suction of greater power than we could employ failed to separate them, but rather tended to increase their resistance. Closure of the glottis is so important a factor in the act of vomiting, that we must now consider how far the development of the false vocal cords in different classes of animals is asso- ciated with the easy and perfect performance of the act. We find that in Ruminants generally true vomiting is either difficult or impossible. The same is the case with the Solipedes and the Rodentia, while in the cat and dog it is performed most effectually. There is no doubt, in the act of vomiting, another factor than that of simple increase in intra-thoracic, or, more accurately, intra-tracheal pressure, for however greatly this pressure be increased, as in coughing, defecation, or parturition, vomiting does not occur unless the cardiac extremity of the cesophagus be dilated. One explanation of the difficulty with which vomiting occurs in horses, for example, is that the cesophagus passes a considerable way below the pillars of the diaphragm, and that thus the fibres which radiate from it on to the stomach tend to exert rather a longitudinal than a lateral action, and to pull the cesophagus down, or the stomach up, rather than to dilate the orifice. This explanation may, to a cousiderable extent, be correct, but we think that the other ee Aletta a a EFFECT OF VOMITING. 641 factor, viz., the want of true vocal cords, and the consequent difficulty of greatly increasing the intra-thoracic pressure, is also a factor which ought not to be entirely disregarded. We have made some experiments on the intra-thoracic pressure in vomiting ; these were performed by narcotizing an animal with ether, passing the arms of a T-shaped cannula upwards and Fie. 216.—Cuart A.—Retching movements of cat, showing sustained intra. tracheal pressure of 12°5 mm. mercury. Fig. 217.—Cuart B.—Vomiting movements of same, showing resistance to intra-tracheal pressure yielding at x to 31 mm. mercury, downwards into the trachea, the cross-limb of which was con- nected with a manometer. Sulphate of zinc was then injected into the stomach, and the action of the anesthetic was diminished to the same point as in surgical operations where vomiting occurs before the return of consciousness. The results will be seen from the portions of the curves which were obtained and which we here append. The middle curve was merely of retching. The secondary waves arise from mercurial oscillation. By the same kind of experiment it was proved that vomiting was still possible when the projecting arm of the T-cannula was unconnected with the manometer, and left open, but in this case vomiting occurred with much greater difficulty than when 2 T \ 642 THE VALVULAR ACTION OF THE LARYNX. the resistance of the mercurial column was brought to bear in closing the trachea, and thus permitting the cords to resist the pressure favourable to this action. CONCLUSIONS. Our experiments completely confirm those of Dr. Wyllie. The ingress of air into the glottis is prevented by approxima- tion of the true vocal cords, but these have very little power to prevent its egress. The false cords or ventricular bands, on the contrary, have very little power to prevent the ingress of air into the lungs; but when the edges are brought together they act as valves and offer great resistance to the egress of air: they are, therefore, to be regarded as the chief factors in the closure of the glottis during exertion... Although our data are insufficient to enable us to speak with certainty, so far as they go, they appear to show that, in such animals as do not require to have the thorax fixed, ventricular bands are rudimentary or absent: that in those animals where fixation of the thorax is advantageous for giving greater precision or force to the movements of the anterior limbs in striking, climbing, or hugging, the ventricular bands are well developed. This condition is seen in the cat, lion, sloth, bear, ape,andman. =, Though the power of any species of animal to vomit is not entirely dependent on the presence of the false cords, yet, when present, their action in closing the glottis is an important factor in the act of vomiting. See, for description of larynges referred to, the following authors, from the works of some of whom we have translated largely :-— Milne-Edwards, Legons sur la Physiologie et 1 Anatomie Comparée del Homme et des Animaux, xii, pp. 422 et seq. Cuvier, Anatomie Comparee, viii, pp. 772 et seq. Wolff, Dissertatio Anatomica de Organo Vocis Mammalium. Herrisant, Récherches sur les Organs de la Voix. Cyclopedia of Anat. and Phys., vol. iv, pt. ii., “ Voice.” Turner, “ Balenoptera Sibbaldii,” Trans. Roy. Soc. Ed., xxvi. Watson & Young, “Anatomy of Northern Beluga,” Trans. Roy. Soc. Hd., vol. xxix. te ee See APPENDIX, EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. V.—RESPIRATION. - (Reprinted from the British Medical Journal, January 2, 1875.) [This Lecture ought to have followed on at the end of Lecture IV on p. 322, but it was accidentally omitted and the omission was not discovered until -the whole of this book had been printed off, and it was consequently impossible to insert the Lecture in its proper place. ] Respiration in Unicellular Organisms ; in the Cells composing higher Organisms. —Distinction between Respiration in an Amoeba and a Fixed Cell.—In- ternal Respiration.—External Respiration.—Internal Respiration may be diminished or arrested by Diminution or Arrest of the Circulation generally or locally.—Pathology of Fatty Degeneration, by lessening or destroying the power of Hemoglobin to act as an Oxygen-carrier. (a) Action of Carbonic Oxide; (4) Action of Nitrites ; Action of Phosphorus.—Examination of the effect of Drugs on Hemoglobin.—Colour.—Spectrum—Reducing Agents. —Absorption of Oxygen.—Action of Carbonic Oxide.—Ozonising Power of Blood.—Formation of Acid in Blood.—External Respiration.—Respiratory Movements.—Respiratory Nervous Centre; Excitants to this Centre.— Venosity of Blood.—Dyspnea.—-Apnea: two opposite meanings of this term.—Effect of temperature on this Centre.—Effect of Drugs: Tartar Emetic, Chloral, Opium. THERE is a great deal of truth in the oft-repeated comparison between an animal body and a steam-engine. In both, the motion which is their characteristic function is kept up by combustion, and for combustion there is necessary a free supply of fuel and a free supply of oxygen. Simple organisms, such as the ameba, which consists of a single cell or minute mass of protoplasm only, derive their oxygen, as well as their nutriment, from the fluid in which they swim, and the individual cells which compose the tissues of the higher animals are nourished in much the same way. As Bernard strikingly puts it, “we do not live in air” any more than a number of amcebz swimming about in a glass of water live 272 644 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. in air. The cells of which our bodies are composed live, like the amcebe, in a fluid—the intercellular fluid or lymph in which they are bathed; and our skin may be compared to the glass in which the amcebe and the water in which they swim are contained. There is, however, a very great difference between the amceba and the cells composing the bodies of the higher animals, for it can swim about freely, whereas they are for the most part fixed. The ameeba can thus obtain fresh supplies of nutriment and oxygen by moving through the water in which it lives, while in higher organisms the fluid moves over the cells. This fluid, or lymph, is the liquor sanguinis, which passes out of the capillaries and supplies all the tissues with nutriment and oxygen, at the same time that it removes from the system carbonic acid and the pro- ducts of tissue-waste. The interchange of oxygen and carbonic acid between the tissues and the blood is termed internal respiration. But this interchange would soon remove all the oxygen — from the blood and load it with carbonic acid, unless it had some means of absorbing oxygen and giving off carbonic acid to the atmosphere. This is effected in the lungs, and the interchange of gases between the blood and external air is termed external respiration. The blood, therefore, acts as an oxygen-carrier between the lungs and the tissues. A certain amount of the oxygen taken up by the blood is simply dissolved in it; but the amount of this is not sufficient to supply the wants of the tissues, and the greater part of the oxygen which they require is carried to them by means of the hemoglobin, or colouring matter of the blood. This substance forms a loose compound with oxygen in the lungs, and gives it off to the tissues when it reaches the capillaries, and on again passing through the lungs it takes up a fresh supply. The carbonic acid which is formed in the tissues by their oxidation is taken up by the blood in the capillaries and given off in the lungs; but it seems to be carried from the tissues to the lungs, not by the heemoglobin, but by some one or other of the salts in the blood. Both internal and external respiration are essential for the ee ee ee a APPENDIX—RESPIRATION IN CELLS. 645 maintenance of life, and it may be destroyed by putting a stop to either one or other of them. 1. Internal respiration may be completely stopped by pre- venting supplies of fresh blood from reaching the tissues. The stoppage may be general or local. General stoppage of internal respiration is produced by arresting the circulation in the whole body, by stopping the action of the heart, or obstructir g the flow of blood through the large vascular trunks which are connected with it. Internal respiration may be arrested locally in any part of the body by compressing or tying either its arteries or veins. Thus, if the arteries going to the head be tied, so that no fresh blood can reach it, or the veins coming from it be ligatured, so that the deoxygenated blood cannot leave it, the blood which is present in the capillaries of the brain loses all its oxygen and becomes charged with carbonic acid. The nervous centres are thus effectually suffocated, although the lungs may be working vigorously, and the blood in the rest of the body may be richly arterialised. That the loss of function which follows stoppage of circulation in a part is due to the want of the oxygen carried to it by the blood, rather than to the want of nutriment, is well shown by the experiment of Kronecker, who found that contractility could be restored to the excised gastrocnemius muscle of a frog, after exhaustion by repeated contractions, by passing through its vessels a solution of per- manganate of potash, which supplied oxygen to the interior of the muscle, but conveyed to it no nutrient matter. When the circulation is diminished but not completely arrested, as, for example, by weakening the heart, or by contracting without obliterating the lumen of the blood-vessels, or when the oxidising power of the blood is impaired, internal respiration will be diminished, but not stopped. The tissues, or at any rate the albuminous tissues, in all probability do not undergo combustion directly, ie, the albumen does not combine at once with oxygen. It is first split up by the action of a ferment into (1) nitrogenous substances, which, after being oxidised, form urea, and (2) non-nitrogenous substances, such as fat, and probably also glycogen. When — 646 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. internal respiration is imperfect, the nitrogenous substances may not be oxidised, and appear in the urine instead of being converted into urea. The non-nitrogenous substances may also continue unoxidised, and, instead of being converted into carbonic acid, remain in the tissues as fat, giving rise to fatty infiltration or fatty degeneration. This is seen in the heart when the size of the coronary arteries is diminished by atheroma. The supply of blood being insufficient to keep up perfect combustion in the muscular fibres, the non-nitrogenous products of decomposition accumulate and cause the heart to become fatty. When there is little hemoglobin in the blood, as in anemia, internal respiration is diminished, and there may frequently be noticed a tendency to the deposit of fat in anemic girls. The peasantry in some parts of Germany are acquainted with this fact, and bleed their cows so as to induce an artificial anzemia whenever they wish to fatten them. 2. Internal respiration may be arrested by the action of substances which deprive hemoglobin of its power to take up and give off oxygen easily, and thus render it useless as an oxygen-carrier. a. Certain gases—for example, carbonic oxide and nitric oxide—do this by driving out the oxygen from its combination with hemoglobin, and forming compounds with it themselves. These compounds resemble those with oxygen, but are more stable, and are not decomposed during the passage of the blood through the capillaries, nor by the action _ of reducing agents added to the blood, as oxyhzmoglobin is. b. The oxygen-carrying power of hemoglobin has been shown by Dr. Arthur Gamgee to be also destroyed by nitrites, but in a different way. Instead of driving out the oxygen from its combination with hemoglobin, the nitrites combine with the oxyhemoglobin, and as it were lock up the oxygen in it, so that the oxygen no longer separates from the hemoglobin when the compound is placed in a vacuum, nor can it be driven out by the action of carbonic oxide. At the same time, the blood which has been acted on by nitrites is deprived of its power of absorbing any more oxygen. But, although the nitrites lock up the oxygen in oxyhemoglobin so firmly that ' q 4 : APPENDIX—RESPIRATORY CHANGES IN BLOOD. 647 it cannot be driven out by carbonic oxide, they do not prevent its removal by reducing agents. These first break up the nitrite compound, and then deoxidise the hemoglobin ; and when this is next exposed to air, it takes up oxygen in the normal way. On this account, the action of nitrites in impeding or arresting internal respiration is only transitory ; for, when the blood on which they have acted once becomes deoxidised during its passage through the capillaries, it is restored to its normal condition. The action of carbonic oxide, on the contrary, is permanent, the blood with which it has combined remaining unaltered during its circulation either through the body or the lungs; and, if the greatest part of the hemoglobin have been acted upon, life can only be saved by the transfusion of fresh blood into the vessels, although, in slighter cases, a fatal issue may be averted by the dilig nt use of artificial respiration. Internal respiration is also diminished by phosphorus; and the fatty degeneration produced by this substance has been shown by Voit and Bauer to be partly due to this action. It is not due to this alone, however, for the phosphorus has a double action: 1. It causes the albuminous tissues to split up more rapidly; 2. It lessens the combustion of the products of decomposition. The increased rapidity of albuminous decomposition causes more urea to appear in the urine; and, if the nitrogenous compounds be not sufficiently oxidised, leucin and tyrosine may appear instead of urea. Fat is also formed from albumen more rapidly, as well as more slowly oxidised, than in the normal condition. In order to ascertain whether the hemoglobin of the blood has been altered by the action of a drug: 1. If it be poisonous, examine the blood from the arteries and veins of an animal which has been poisoned by it, and note whether its colour is normal in both sets of vessels or not. 2. Dilute a portion of this blood with water, examine it with the spectroscope, and see what. spectrum it presents. Shake it with air, and observe if the bands of oxyhzemoglobin alone are present, and if they are of their normal intensity and in their normal place. Take another portion of the diluted blood and add to it a deoxidis- - 648 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. ing solution, such as sulphide of ammonium or Stokes’s fiuid,* and see if the spectrum of reduced hemoglobin appears. 3. Take two portions of normal blood, or of a solution of hemoglobin, and add to one of them the drug to be tested, or pass it through, if it be a gas. Note, as before, whether any change is produced in the colour or spectrum, or in its behaviour to oxygen or reducing agents. 4. Take two equal portions of diluted blood or solution of hemoglobin in small test-tubes, shake them with air till they are thoroughly oxygenated, and add to one of them the drug to be tested. Then add to each an equal quantity of deoxidising solution. Let the test-tubes be full, and cork them so as to exclude the solutions from contact with air. Note the length of time which elapses before the spectrum of oxyhemoglobin dis- appears and is replaced by that of reduced hemoglobin in each, 5. Take two equal portions of normal blood, and act on one of them with the drug. Bring them into contact with equal portions of oxygen or air, and let them remain so for some time. Then ascertain how much oxygen has been absorbed and how much carbonic acid has been evolved by each, by seeing whether any alteration has taken place in the volume of the gas, and by analysing it in order to determine its com- position. 6. Act on a portion of normal blood with the drug; arterialise it completely, and then determine the amount of each gas which it contains by extracting them by means of warmth and a vacuum, and analysing the mixture thus obtained. 7. Oxygenate a portion of blood thoroughly, act on it by the drug, and then ascertain whether the oxygen can be driven out by carbonic oxide. To describe the methods of gas-analysis would occupy more space than can be devoted to it here; and I must, therefore, refer to Bunsen’s or Frank- land’s text-books on the subject, or to Sanderson’s Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory ; for an excellent example of the mode of ascertaining the action of a drug on the blood, to Dr. Gamgee’s paper on the Action of Nitrites in the * Stokes’s fluid consists of a solution of protosulphate of iron, to which is added a sufficient quantity of tartaric acid to prevent precipitation, and then as much ammonia as will render it decidedly alkaline. q APPENDIX—ACTION OF DRUGS ON OXIDATION. 649 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society for 1858, pp. 589-625; and to Dr. Harley’s paper on the Action of Alkaloids, etc., in the Zransactions for 1864, p. 687. The object of adding the drug to the blood before arterial- ising, as in 6, and after arterialising, as in 7, is to discover whether it prevents the blood from taking up oxygen in the former experiment, or of giving it off in the latter. Normal blood has the power to produce ozone, or to withdraw it from substances which contain it, and transfer it to others which are easily oxidised. Arterial respiration may be modified, and the process of oxidation diminished, by the action of certain substances which deprive blood of this power. The usual test for ozone is fresh tincture of guaiac (1 part guaiac to 6 of alcohol), which is oxidised by it with extreme rapidity. It shows the progress of the oxidising process with great dis- tinctness by the blue colour which it assumes. A few drops of tincture of guaiac are put upon a piece of porous paper, allowed to become almost quite dry, and a drop of blood or solution of hemoglobin is then placed on it. In a few minutes, the drop becomes surrounded by a blue ring from the forma- tion of ozone and the oxidation of the guaiac in its neighbour- hood. The formation of ozone is independent of the oxygen contained in the hemoglobin ; and carbonic-oxide-hemoglobin will produce it as well as oxyhzmoglobin, provided air be present. When the hemoglobin itself contains oxygen in the form of oxyhzemoglobin, the presence of air is not necessary to the reaction. The oxidation of guaiac by means of blood alone is, however, not nearly so easily observed as when another substance containing ozone is added to it, such as peroxide of hydrogen or oil of turpentine which has been kept for some time. The hemoglobin takes the ozone from these substances, and yields it up again to the guaiac. The method adopted by Binz, in order to test the influence of drugs on this ozonising power of hemoglobin, is to take a mixture of tincture of guaiac with a few drops of ozonised oil of turpentine, and divide it into two parts. A few drops of a solution of the drug to be tested is added to one of them, and a few drops of solution of hemoglobin then dropped into ~ 650 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. both. If the drug increase the oxidising power of the hemoglobin, the solution containing it will become blue more quickly than the other, but more slowly if the oxidising power be diminished. Another process more simple than that of analysing the gases of the blood has been used by him and his scholars Zuntz and Schultz, in their observations on the effect of drugs on oxidation in the blood. This process is based on the fact, noticed by Zuntz, that, immediately after blood has been drawn from the body, an acid begins to form in it, so that its normal alkalinity goes on decreasing. The formation of acid is most abundant during the first few minutes after the blood has been drawn, and before coagulation has taken place, so that Zuntz considers it a vital phenomenon ; but it continues, though in a less degree, till putrefaction commences. They take the rapidity with which acid is formed as an index of the rapidity with which oxidation takes place in the blood; and, when they find that.the addition of a drug to the blood has diminished the formation of acid in it, they consider that the drug has diminished oxidation in the same proportion. The following method is the one which they employ :—Three equal portions of the same blood, of fifty cubic centimetres each, _are measured out. The alkalinity of the first portion is then. determined at once. To a second portion, the drug to be tested is added. The solution of the drug must be neutral; or, if it be acid, the amount of its acidity must be determined and allowed for in the final calculations. To the third portion, nothing is added. The second and third portions are then. kept for one or two hours at a temperature of about 40° C. They are then allowed to cool, and the alkalinity of both portions is determined. If acid have been formed in either of these portions during this time, the alkalinity will of course. be less than that of the first portion, and the amount of acid formed is estimated by the diminution which the alkalinity has undergone. The alkalinity is ascertained by noting what quantity of a standard solution of phosphoric acid must be added to the blood before it begins to give a red colour to. blue litmus paper. But, if phosphoric acid were used alone, APPENDIX—-EXTERNAL RESPIRATION. 651 the red colouring matter of the blood would be apt to stain the litmus paper, and it would be almost impossible to say when the reddening was due to it, and when to free acid. In order to prevent this, a quantity of chloride of sodium is added to the acid. The salt prevents the corpuscles from being dissolved, and the hemoglobin from disturbing the reaction. The acid and salt are gradually added to the blood, and the reaction tested from time to time by putting a drop of the blood on a piece of fine satin paper coloured with litmus. The paper should be first moistened with a tolerably strong salt solution, the drop of blood allowed to remain on it for a few seconds, and then wiped off with blotting paper. The point of saturation is held by Schulte, who has also employed this process, to be reached whenever the blue litmus paper becomes distinctly reddened, even though the red colour should disappear again immediately. This transient reddening is due to carbonic acid; and Schulte prefers it to the first permanent reddening, because it can be more easily observed. This does not give the absolute amount of alkalinity ; but all that is wanted is the comparative alkalinity of the three portions, and this is got accurately enough if they be all treated in the same manner as regards temperature, shaking, etc. In this way, Zuntz, Scharrenbreich, and Schulte, find that quinine lessens oxidation in the blood, and Binz finds that it does the same in a solution of hemoglobin. External respiration, or the interchange of gases between the blood and the atmosphere, takes place whenever they come into sufficiently close relation with one another, as they do in the capillaries of the skin, intestinal canal, or lungs. In the frog, respiration is carried on by the skin to such an extent, that it can live for a considerable time after the lungs have been excised; but in mammalia respiration is carried on almost entirely by these organs, and any interference with their function quickly puts an end to the life of the animal. In order that the blood which circulates through the body may get rid of its carbonic acid and take up oxygen sufficient for the wants of the tissues, fresh portions of it must con- stantly be brought into contact with the air, and therefore 652 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. it must constantly circulate through the pulmonary capillaries. But the air in the lungs would soon become saturated with carbonic acid and deprived of its oxygen by the blood which comes into contact with it, and all farther diffusion would be arrested, unless it also were constantly renewed. This is effected by the respiratory movements. These consist in the alternate enlargement and diminution of the thoracic cavity, after the fashion of a pair of bellows, by the motion of its walls and of the diaphragm. These movements are kept up in a rhythmical manner by a nervous centre, situated in the medulla oblongata and upper part of the spinal cord, which sends off periodic motor impulses to the diaphragm and inspiratory muscles. When the breathing is quiet, expiration is usually a passive act performed by the elasticity of the lungs and ribs, and by the weight of the thoracic walls. But when it becomes excited, active expiratory muscles are brought into action, and they receive their motor impulses from the respiratory centre alternately with those of inspiration. It is probable, though not certain, that the respiratory centre is not a mere reflex apparatus, which simply transmits im- pressions which it receives from sensory nerves to motor ones ; for its activity continues, although its connections with sensory nerves be almost entirely destroyed. The periodic impulses which it imparts to the motor nerves of the respira- tory muscles are not due to its being periodically excited by impressions from afferent nerves, but to its being constantly excited by the venosity of the blood circulating in it ; while some resistance within itself prevents the excitation from being constantly transmitted to motor nerves, and only allows it to be so at periodical intervals. The venosity of the blood consists in the absence of oxygen and the presence of carbonic acid, and it is not certain whether or not both of these act as excitants to the respiratory centre; but it seems not improbable that the presence of carbonic acid is the excitant, while the amount of oxygen simply alters the excitability of the centre. According to this view, when there is much oxygen in the blood, the excitability of the centre will be slight, and little affected by any irritant applied APPENDIX—APN@A AND DYSPNCA. 653 to it, whether this be carbonic acid or anything else. When the amount of oxygen in the blood is small, the centre will be very excitable and easily affected by any irritant. In venous blood, there is both little oxygen and much carbonic acid, so the centre is both rendered more sensitive, and is more strongly excited by the acid. The more venous the blood, the greater is the excitation of the respiratory centre, and the more active the respiratory movements. When other interfering circumstances are excluded, it would appear that greater excitement of the respiratory centre causes the respira- tions to become quicker, and, at the same time, deeper. This excited respiration is termed dyspnea, and it occurs when the blood becomes venous in the respiratory centre. As the venosity increases, the ordinary muscles of respiration are no longer employed alone, but the expiratory and accessory muscles are called into play; and, lastly, all the muscles of the body are affected by clonic convulsive movements, called asphyxial convulsions. When the blood which circulates in the respiratory centre is not at all venous but is perfectly arterialised, as it is when artificial respiration is vigorously performed, the centre is both rendered less sensitive, and the irritant, viz., the carbonic acid, is at the same time diminished or removed, the centre is not excited at all, and respiratory movements cease. This condition, in which no desire for respiration is felt, and respiratory movements cease, is termed “apncea” by German writers, and it must be carefully distinguished from the “apnea” of English authors, which is simply extremely great dyspnoea; so great, that the blood is hardly aérated at all. The activity of the respiratory movements and the amount of air respired in a given time, depend on the degree of excitement of the respiratory centre. As we have just seen, this excitement depends on two factors: 1. The excitability of the centre; and 2. The amount of irritation applied to it. In general, the venosity of the blood determines both factors, and it is not the venosity of the blood in the general circula- tion which does this, but only of that blood which courses through the vessels of the medulla. This was shown by 654 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE ACTION OF MEDICINES. Hering,* who passed a stream of arterialised blood through the vessels of the head while venous blood was circulating in those of the body. The respiratory movements then ceased exactly in the same way as if the whole blood in the body had been perfectly oxygenated. When he reversed these condi- tions, and passed arterialised blood through the body and venous blood through the head, asphyxial convulsions took place. This shows that the degree of activity of the respira- tory centre in the medulla oblongata depends on the greater or less venosity of the blood circulating through it, and not on an irritating action exerted by venous blood on the ends of afferent nerves in the lungs, or other viscera. The excitability of the respiratory centre may be greatly modified: 1. By the temperature of blood in it; 2. By the action of drugs upon it. When the blood becomes warmer, the excitability of the respiratory centre is greatly increased ; the movements of respiration become much more vigorous, and it is no longer possible, by the most active artificial respiration, to produce a state of apnoea. Certain drugs, as tartar emetic, or apomorphia, when injected into the veins also prevent the production of apnoea, but whether they do so by increasing the excitability of the centre, or by acting as irritants to it, is uncertain. Other drugs, such as chloral, greatly diminish the excit- ability of the respiratory centre, so that the respirations * The request of a correspondent for a reference to Hering’s experiments has, fortunately, directed my attention to a mistake of some importance in this lecture. I stated that Hering found that respiratory movements ceased when arterialised blood was passed through the head and venous blood through the body; while, on the contrary, asphyxial convulsions took place when venous blood was passed through the head and arterial blood through the body. I ought to have said that movements occurred in the blood-vessels such as woul! have taken place had the same sort of blood which circulated through the brain been passing also through the body. The experiments, however, were made on curarised animals, so that — _ respiratory movements were impossible. Hering had previously ascertained that the arterial movements were synchronous with the respiratory movements, and might, indeed, be regarded as caused by impulses proceeding from the respiratory centre. They might thus serve as indications of the condition of the centre, where respiratory movements had been paralysed by curara. This paper is to be found in the Wiener Acad. Sitzungsber., Math.-naturw. Classe, vol. 1x, abth. 2, pp. 829—856. APPENDIX—APNGA AND DYSPNCGA. 655 become fewer, notwithstanding the increase of carbonic acid in the blood to which their diminution gives rise, and if the dose be large they may stop altogether. Apnoea may also be produced by means of artificial respiration with great ease after their administration, and it may last so long, that one is sometimes inclined to think that the animal is not going to breathe again at all. rN 637 INDEX. AnpomeEN, the, in relation to Posture and Bodily Temperature, 532. Abdominal Vesse!s, Dilatation of, due to Shoek, 432. —Viscera and Genita!s, Shock induced by Injuries to, external or internal, 394-401, 407. Accelerating ganglia in the Heart, 314. —Nerves of the Heart, —Investigations on, of von Bezold, 11. —Stimulation of, a cause of Palpita- tion, 421. Acid. formation of, in Blood, 652-3. Aconitia, action of, on the Inhibitory ganglia of the Heart, 314. Action of —Carbenic Oxide and Nitric Oxide on Internal Respiration, 646. —Digitalis on Blood Pressure in the Arteries, tables, 103 e¢ seq. —on the Blood Vessels, (with A. B. Meyer, M.D.), 141. — Experiments on —Kymographion employed 144, 1467. Results and conclusions, 145-6, —Diuretic, (with Henry Power, F.R.C.S.), 412, —Joint, of Drugs, On the Apparent Pro- duction of a New Effect by, within the Animal Organ- ism, 390. ~—Medicines, Experimental Investigation of, 220 and Appendix. -Nitrite of Amyl, on the Circulation, On the, [and on Active Dilatation and Contraction of Arterioles independently of Nerve- Centres |, 174. —Nitrites on Hemoglobin, 646-7. —Physiological of the Bark of Erythro- phleum Guinense (Casca, Cassa, or Sassy Bark), with W. Pye, M.R.C.8.), 458, 481. —of Condurango, 340. —of Nitro-Glycerine, Preliminary Notes on, (with KE. S. Tait), 474. —Phosphorus on Internal Respiration and Fatty Degeneration, 647. in, 141, M.B., Action of —Strychnia on the Heart, On the Ixplana- tion of Stannius’s Experiment, and on, (with Theodore Cash, M.D.), 557. —the Mode of, and of Other Remedies, On the Pathology of Night- Sweating in Phthisis and, 545. —Vagus, see Vagus. Actions and Use of Certain Remedies Employed in Bronchitis and Phthisis, 562. Active, or Arterial Congestion, 439, 453. ~when it becomes Inflammation, 447, 454. Administration of Drugs in Investigations on Animals, 249. Africa, West, use of Calabar Bean in, and Casca Bark, 462-3, 481. Air, (see also cold Air), ingress and egress of, how controlled in the Glottis, 642. Albuminuria and Anuria induced by Digitalis, 413. Albumoses, formation of, 26. Alkalies in Diabetes, action of, 426. Alkaloids, alteration of their Physiological Action by union with other specified bodies, (Crum Brown and Fraser), 390. Alum, probable action of, in relief of Vomiting, 571. American posture of Legs, 531, probable reason for, 535. Ammonia, see also Smelling Salts. —elfect of, on a Rabbit. —(a) w hen nasally inhaled, 327, 407, 436. —(b) when Bre aad inhaled, (Kno!l), 327. —(c) when injected, (Funke), 327. Ameeba, the, Respiration in, 645. Amputation, Death from Shock induced by, 398. Amyloxyds, Salpetrig-sauren, Ueber die Wirkung des, auf den Blut- strom, 154, for detailed sub- heads see under Salpetrig- Sauren Amyloxyds. Amyl, see Nitrite of Amyl. 2U 658 Anezmic Persons, Cause of Palpitation of the Heart in, 422. Anesthesia, induction and maintenance of, in Animals, 337-9. —temporary, producible by compressing the Carotids, (Waller), 403. Anatomical Classification of Laryngeal variations proposed by Milne- Edwards, 627 et seq. Anemones, effects similar to those of In- flammation produced in, by irritation, (Hollis), 441. Aneurism, effect of Nitrite of Amyl in cases of, 139. Angina Pectoris, -—causes of, 16, 17, a) enner, and oi: 19, (Brunton), 370. -defined by Walshe, 137, 191. -—two classes of, ib. --effect of, on the Pulse and Arterial tension, 189-40. —Pathology of, 191-2. -—as defined by Walshe, 191. -—as divided by Friedrich and others, 7d. -—views of Eichwald on, 191. -Pulmonary and Systemic Capillaries in, Effect on, of Nitrite of Amy]l, ill., 370-3. —Pulse-tracings in, 195. —Symptoms during, (Nothnagel), 192. -Treatment of, rationale of various methods of, 20 ef seq. — Bleeding, 138, 140, 185 et seg., 191. —Nitrite of Amy], 187, 185, used, 175. —salpetrig-saures Amyloxyd weshalb gebraucht, 155. —-Stimulants, 187, 191. Animal Blood, Transfusion of, into Man, objections disposed of, 385-7. —Heat, manner in which kept up, (Lud- wig and others), 11 e¢ seq. -Organism, the, On the Apparent Pro- duction of a New Effect by the Joint Action of Drugs within, 390. Animals, see also under names. -action on, of Casca Bark, (Santos), 463, (Brunton and Pye), 463-4, (Santos, and Liebreich), 483 et seq. ~Artificial Circulation through Isojated Organs of, (Ludwig and Mosso), 335. -Comparison of the effect of Drugs on dif- ferent, in different doses, 291. -Experimental Investigations on the Action of Drugs on, 241. -Steps of an Investigation, and animals chiefly employed, 249. why INDEX. An‘mals, Steps of an Investigation, &e. - —Adninistration of Drugs, 219. ——Minimum Fatal Dose, 251. Various Channels of, 7d. —-Observation of Effects, 250. cf Excretion, 251. —-Results, Interpretation of, 250. —Mode of Securing Subject, 338-9, and Instruments required, 252, 253, how to make the latter, 255-6. Narcotizing Subjects, 256. —- Action of Narcotics, 253. —-Procedure During, —Introduction of Cannule, 269, and injection of fluid, 260. —Nerve Division and Simulation, 261. —Respiration, Artificial, —-in the Frog, 263. —-of Gases or Vapours, 264. apparatus for introducing, all., 265. —-in Mammals, 262. Cannule for, tll., 1b., 268. -induction and maintenance of Anss- thesia in, 337-9. -ki'led in various ways, Rhythmical con- tractions in, of Pulmonary Veins and Vena Cava, 542. —Physiological Action of Digitalis on, 39. -Vocal cords in, false tone, 627-35, development of the false, in relation to vomiting, 6410-?. Anthrax poison, destroyed by Thyroid juice, (Wooldridge), 27 Antilope gutturosa, Larynx and Thyroid in, 629. Antirrhinice Acid, in Digitalis, 36. Anti-tuxins, treatment of Disease by, 264, 26. Aorta, the, effect of Compression of, in experiments with Nitrite of Amy! on Rabbits, 183 dizgs. : -Kinfliiss der Verschliessung der, figs. 164 et seq. a —Ligature of, and Artificial Respiration, 318, zl., 319. a Apes, see also Howling Ape and Simia. — —Larynx of, —Experiments on, 635, 639. —Ventricular bands in, 639, 642. 49 Apex-beat, the, as registered by Marey and Chauveau, 9. Apnea, defined, 653. —Drugs preventive of, 654, ~in the physiological sense, 382-3. a — by Artificial Respiration, 54, Apomorphia, prevention of Apnoa by — 3 injection of, 654, 4 Apoplexy, Artificial Respiration i in, 379. INDEX. 659 Apparent Production of a New Effect by the Joint Action of Drugs within the Animal Organism, 390. Arteria radialis, Wirkung des salpetrig- sauren Amyloxyds auf deren Pulseurve, (Gamgee), 154. Arterial Congestion, 439, 453. —in relation to Inflammation, 439-40, 453-4, 457. —Elasticity, Importance of, 272-3. -Ossilication, (Brodie, Jenner, Parry), 18, 19 et seq. Arterial Pressure, see also Arterial Tension, —automatic recording of variations in, initiated by Ludwig, 8. —in a Dog, —Action on, of Casca Bark, 502, small Dose, 503-7, table 406. —fir-t investigated by Hales, 4, 279. —Pulse rate and, in experiments with Digitalis, 145-6. Arterial Tension, (or Blood-Pressure, gv), 273. —influence on, of Respiration, 45-6. —in Man and Animals, as affected by Nitrite of Amyl, 138-40. —Physiological Action of Digitalis on, 54, see also 45. —spasmodic, in Angina Pectoris, relieved _ by Nitrite of Amyl, 193. —two factors of, 45. Arterien, Selbststandige Bewegungen der- selben, 159-60. Arterienwiinde, Bewegungen derselben wenn beriihrt, nach Durch- schneidung der Nerven, 160. Arterioles, —Action on, of —Casca, 458-90, 515, 517. —Condurang, 357. —Smelling Salts, 407. -Active Dilatation and Contraction of, in- dependently of Nerve-Centres, On the Action of Nitrite of Amyl on the Circulation and on, 174. -in Cholera collapse, 345. —Contractility, independent, in Muscular fibres of, and the results, 12. —Contraction of, caused by —Casca, 468-90. —)igitalin, 141, 143, 145-6, —Divitalis, 469. —Evgot, 470. -R-laxition of, a cause of Palpitation, 421,422. Artery (ies), see Coronary and Pulmonary do., also Arverien and Arte- ~ rioles. Astery (ies)—confd. —Blood-pressure in, first measured by Hales, 4. —Experiments on the Influence of Digi- talis on, (tables and diags.), 103. -and Capillaries, —Arteriul Blood Filling, one cause of Co» gestion, 439-40. -discovery of action on, of Vaso-dilator nerves, 11. -Effect on, of touch, after division of nerves, 178 et seq. -in Muscles, Dilatation of, 405 et seq. -rizidity of, causes and consequences of, 18-19. Artificial Circulation: Investigation of Blood Pressure, 266. —Blood, Artificial Circulation of, 266. —irculation of Warm and Cold, 267. —Mode of Conducting Artificial Circula- tion, 7b. — Application of the method to Pharma- cological Investigation, 268. —different kinds of, in, 336. -Blood Pressure, or Arteria] Circula- tion, 273. —Oscillations in, caused by the Heart and Respiration, 273. —-Cnuses of, 273, tabular view of, 278. Action of Counter-irritants, 277. — Influence of Nerves, 274-6. ——xperimental Examination of, 279. Forms of Manometer, 279. —-Kymogruphion, the, Fick’s, 284, 7d. Ludwig’s, 280-3, zl. 281. Mode of using, 285. Reduction of tracings made by, 286. Mode of Recording Experiments, 288. Graphie do., 289. -in Frogs, 319. -in Mammals, 318, 77/. 319. —Plan of, due to Ludwig 8. —power of, to maintain Life in separated or severed parts of the Body, 374-6 et seqg., and the Con- verse, 376. -through Isolated Organs, (Ludwig and Mosso), 335. Artificial Respiration in a Frog, 263-4, Artificial Respiration in Mammals, -after division of medulia, (Schiff), 560-1. —On the use of, and of Transfusion as a Means of Preserving Life, 374, 383-7, —Apneea induced by, 654. —pparatus for, iJ/., 262 et seg. —Processes induced by, 377-8. 2U 2 660 Arterial Respiration in Mammals (cont.). —Some Practical Applications of, alone, in —Apoplexy, 379. —Asphyxia (Drowning, Charcoal Poison- ing, Strangling, etc.), 378, 382-4. —Poisoning (Hydrocyanic Acid, Snake. bite, Woorara, etc.), 379-85. Arytenoid cartilages, function of, in Closure of the Glottis, 624 Asphyxia, (see a’so Drowning), Artificial Respiration in, 382. Ass, Larynx of, 633. Asthma, Spasmodic, suggested use of Nitrite of Amy] in, 140. Atropine, —action of, —in demonstration of the Effect of Poisons on the Frog’s Heart, 457. —on the Inhibitory Apparatus of the Heart, 528, 557. —on Night Sweats of Phthisis, 554, 555-6. —in Poisoning by Cusca Bark, 459. —on Pulmonary Capillaries, when con- tracted by Muscarin, 588. —on the Pulse, 294. —effects of —different doses of, on different Ani- mals, 291. —the same, on the Blood in Artificial Circulafion in Isolated Organs, 336. —given before Muscarin, 313. —given before Veratria, 315. -and Chlorate Hydrate, antagonism be- tween, and Casca, 525-7. -and Phyostigma, antagonism between, bearing of, on Therapeutics, 313. Auricle (s), (see also Inhibitory Influence) in the Frog’s Heart —Effect on, of —Electrical Stimulation, — (a) in normal condition, 573. Maximal, 577, 585-6. Minimal, 577, 584-5. —~(6) under the influence of Cold, 575, 577, 589, 600-5. Maximal, 591. Minimal, 590. ——(c) under the influence of Heat, 575, 577, 594, 609, 622-3. Maximal, 594. Minimal, 7d. ——(d) under the influence of Strychnia, 575, 596, 614, 622-3 e¢ seg. Maximal, 598, 615-7. Minimal, 598. -pulsation in, rhythm of, 528-30, 541-2. INDEX. Auricle (s)—cont. —Stimulation of —Auricular and Ventricular contraction, induced by, sequence of, 573. Auscultation of the Heart, introduced by Laennec, 5. Author’s Pulse, see Pulse. —Urine, see Observations on Urine. BaActTERIA, —Action on, of —Casca Bark, 458, 463, 492-3, 522. —Drugs, 244. Badger, Larynx in, 632. Bark, the, of Erythrophleum Quinense, (Casca, Cassa, or Sassy Bark), Physiological Action of, (with Walter Pye, M.x.c s.), 458, 481. Disease, see Exophthalmic Goitre. Bear, Ursus arctos and Ursus meles, —Larynx in, 631. —Ventricular bands in, 635, 642. Legbie, Dr. Warburton, cough mixture used by, constituents of, and their action, 566-7, 569. Belladonna, ~Action of, on the —Respiratory Centre, —benefits from, in Night Sweat of Phthisis, case illustrating, 553. —Skin and mouth, how caused, 547. : Bennett, Prof., his case of Angina Pectoris treated with Nitrite of Amy}, 185-6, et seq. Bernard, cited on the Physiological Action of Woorara Poison, 380-1. Bezold, — von, investigations of, on the Accelerating Nerves of the Heart, 11. Birds, as affected by Casca, 453, 464, in various doses, 489. Blake, James, Quantitative experiments — of, on the Effects of Drugs, 7. Bleeding, (see also Phlebotomy and Vene- — section), for relief of Angina Pectoris, 138, i40, 185 ef seq., 191. vi ~in Cases of Charcoal Poisoning, 384. ~in relief of Pain, 450-1. Blisters in Rheumatism, the Use of, On 3 Irritants and Counter-I[rri- tants, with Remarks on, 438, —application of, —to Callous Ulcers, 488, 453, 454. —to Chest, in Pneumonia, 438, 454. 7 —to Side, in Pleurisy, relief given by, — deductions from, 451, 454. —in Pericarditis, action of, 452-3, 454. Basedow’'s INDEX. Blisters in Rheumatism, application of in Kheumatic affections of the Joints, 452-3, 454. Blood, see also Artificial Circulation, Cir- culation, ede. ~Action on, of Nitro-glycerine, 479. —Admixture of, through circulation, from various parts of the body, Harvey on, 22-3, some specu- lations 28-6, use of digestive ferments, 25. ~Carbonic Acid in excess in, the cause of Cold Sweats at Death, and Night Sweats in Phthisis, 550, 555. ~changes in, Chemical, produced by Gastric glands, 23. —in circulation through isolated organs, investigations on, (Ludwig and others), 11. ~in Cholera, alterations in, 364-7, & note, 364, ~Constituents of, two most important, —-Chloride of Sodium, 23. —— Water, zd. —Probable action of, 23 e¢ seq. -different kinds of, in Artificial Circula- tion, in Isolated Organs, 336. —mode of supplying Head and Body with, 298. —formation in, of Acid, 652-3. —Increased Temperature of, a cause of Sweat, (Lachsinger) 550, 555. ~—Increased Venosity of, as po-sible cause of Quickened Breathing, 329. —Causes of —-Prevention of Air from reaching Blood, 330. of Blood from reaching Air, 7d. ——-how this last may be effected, by Contraction of the Pulmonary Capillaries, 331, Action of Muscarin in, il/., 332. Embolism of the Pulmonary Artery, 330, Action (sup- posed) of Condurango in, 330-1. Stoppage of the Heart, 330, Action of Quinine in, 7d. —in the Intestines, how chilled and how protected from Chill, 531. —Nicotine in, a cause of cold Sweat, 550. —normal quantity of, in the vessels, 441. —Ozonizing Power of, 649. ~Physiological Action of Digitalis on, 43. —on Circulation, 41, 44. —Arterial ‘lension, 54 and see 45. ~—-Capillaries, 55. —-Pulse, 41, 46. ~Re-piratory change in, 646 e¢ seq. 661 Blood (cont.) ~Transfusion of, in conjunction with Artificial Respiration, 383-7. —in Charcoal Poisoning, 384, 386. —-Snake Bite, 385-6. —-Strychnine and other Poisoning, 386. —objections to, disposed of, 386-7. —Venous, —Action of, on Sweat Centre, 551. —Venosity of, what it consists in, 652. Blood corpuscles, —Nuclei of, Chemical Composition of, 147. —Red, coagulation of, in Capillaries, in Jvflammation, 447-9. —Red and white, (Newts), Action on, of Casca Bark, 493. -White, Action of Drugs on, 247. Llood-letting, see Phlebotomy and Vene- section. Blood Pressure, see also Arterial Pressure, Arterial Tension, and Blut- druck. -Action on, of Nitro-glycerine, less than that of Nitrite of Amyl, 479. -in Animals, —Cat and Rabbit, —-Action on, after division of Spinal Cord, of Casca drug, 515-7. Vessels affected by the Drug, 517-8. —Frog, —Action on, of Casca, 501. —in the Arteries, —Automatic recording of, Ludwig, 8. —Experiments on the Influence of Digi- talis on, 103. —first measured by Hales, 4. Blood-pressure, —Diminished, produced by Nitrite of Amy], 175. —Probably due to dilation, 182-4, —Kxperimental Examination of —Forms of Manometer, 279. —-Kymographion, the, ——Fick’s, 284, Pulsations, the, of the Mammalian Heart, Influence of ‘emperature on, and on the Action of the Vagus, 205. Pulse, Animal, Action on, of -Atropia, (Dogs and Rabbits), 291, modes of registering, 293-4. —Casea, (Cats, Dogs and Frogs), when injected, 513-5. —Human, Action on, of —Digitalis, 46. — Stimulation of the Cutaneous, visceral, and Muscular Nerves, 15. —tTemperature, 205 et seq. 210-12. —Author's, Sphrgmographic Tracing of, 129 et seq. —in Cholera Collapse, 361, and after, 356, effect on, of Nitrite of Amyl and of Oxygen, 359-61. —Graphic method of measuring, (Volk- man), 9. —Quick, a prominent symptom of Fever, cause of, 455. —Quickening of, Causes of, —Muscular exertion, 15. —-radial, as affected by Nitrite of Amyl, (Gamgee and Rutherford), 174. —when induced by Atropia, 291-7. -after Shock, 395, 401-2. -Slowing of, under the action of a Drug, how induced, 2,7. Pulse Curve, the, as registered by Marey and Chauveau, 9. Pulse-rate, in relation to Arterial pressure and the action of Digitalis and Nitrite of Amyl, 145, 145. Pulse-tracings during use of Digitalis, (author’s own), 129 e¢ seq. —in Poisoning by Digitalis, 99 e¢ seg. Pupil, (Cat’s), Action on, of Casca, 519. Purgatives or Diaphoretics, action of, 24. Putrefaction, Action of Drugs on, 246, : Pye, Walter, M.R.C.s., (joint-author), see Erythrophleum Guinense. QvassrA, action of, on the Stomach, 567. Quick Pulse, —induced by Atropia, causes of, 294-7. —a prominent symptom of Fever, 465. Quickened Breathing. —produced by Drugs. —-Causes to which it may be due, and how tested. Excitement of Voluntary Nervous Centres, 329. Increased Temperature, 15, Venosity of the Blood, 7d, Irritation of the Vagi, 7d. 687 Quickening Nerves, acting on the Heart, as affected by Drugs, 275. Quinine, action of in -lessening Oxidation in Blood, 651. -relief of Night Sweats, (Murrell), 555. -stopping the Heart, 330. Raseits, see also Harcs and Rabbits and Kanincten. —Avstion on, of Atropia, in different Doses, 291 —Cireulation of, as affected by Nitrite of Amyl, Mole of experimenta- tion and results, diags. 175 ef seq. —Pulsation in, of Pulmonary Veins and Vena Cava, 541-3. —do., after death from Cobra Po'son, 523. —Respiration of, suspended on inhalation of strong smelling vapours, 155, 175, 300, 324-7, 407, 434. -Vagus of, —Experiments on, in relation to effect of Fever Temperatures, 211-3. — Motor Action of, 217, and retentioa of'y action, 219. Rabbit’s, —Ear, —Best part for observing change in size of Vessels, 319. ——Coogestion and Flushing of, and the converse, 159, 176, 178, 517. —-Protracted Hypertrophy caused by, 440 —Heart, see Laudanum, and Mammalian Heart. -Skin, Zulzer’s experiments on, as to reflex movements due to skin irrita- t.on, 451--2. Rales of the Lungs, in health and disease, use of Potash in the latter, 569. Rattiesnake Poisoning, Artificial Respira- tion in, (Weir - Mitchell, Beunton, and Fayrer), 3~1-2. Red-water Bark, or Doom, in Sierra Leone and Ashanti Ordeals by Poison, effects of, 431-2. Re-duplication of Heart-beat in Electric Stimulation of Ventric'e, 579, 581, 532 e¢ seq. Reflex Action, 35). —Effects on of —Condurango, 345, 35). —Nitro-gl. cerine, 478. -Imperfect, on the Heart, Dangers of, 435, 437. —Incurred by small doses of Chloro- form, 436-7. 688 Reflex, Excitability, —KEffect on, of Casca, acting on the Sensory Nerves, 523-5. Reflex movements —induced by Irritation of the skin, 451. —Ziilzer’s experiments on, 451-2. Refractory period, in the —Cardiae Cycle, 573, 574 & note, 578 ef seq., 619 et seq. moment of, 576, duration of, 577. —effect on, of —Cold, protracting, 577. —Heat, diminishing, 7d. Rein-Deer, Larynx in, 629. Relaxation of the Arterioles, a cause of Heart Palpitation, 421, 422. Remedies, Certain, employed in Bronchitis and Phthisis, on the Actions and Use of, 562. —Alum. 571. —Atropine, 568. —Cascarilla, 567. —Chloroform, 563-4, 566-7. —Cod liver oil, 570-1. —Conium (Vapour), 564. —Digitalis, 568-9. —Expectorants, 569-70. —Glycerine, 566-7. —Hydrocyanic acid, 563-4, 565-7, 371. —Vapour of, 564. —Tce, 571. —Inhalation, 564-5. —Ipecacuanha, Spray, 564, —Linctus, 563 e¢ seq. —Morphia, 563-5, 566-7. —Muscarine, 568. —Nitrie Acid, 567, 569. —Opium, 563-4, 565, 571. —Potash, 569. —Quassia, 566-7. —Solutions, 564. —Vapour, 564. Respiration, see also Artificial Respira- tion and Circulation and Respiration. —Action on, of —Casca Bark, 472, 498. -—Chloral, 197, 199. -—Digitalis, 137. —Opium, 565. -—Nitrite of Amyl (inhalation of), 371, 373. -—as affecting Arterial Tension, 45-6. —External, 644, 651. —How accelerated or retarded, 326-7. -— Accelerated, by drugs, Causes to which it may be due, and | how tested. Excitement of Voluntary Nerve Centres, 329. INDEX. Re: piration of Rabbits, effect on, of a > Resp'ration, External, &c. (cont.) —Accelerated by Drugs, Causes to which it may be due, ——~Increased Temperature, 7d. ——-Increased Venosity of Blood, id. ———-Irritation of the Vagi, 7b. —-Retarded by Drugs, Causes to which it may be due and how tested. Contraction of Pulmonary Capil- a Jaries, 331. . 330. -Stopping of the Heart, 330. -Internal, | —Action on, of the Crake 645. —defined, 644. ; ~Movements of, Registration of, 327. q -Rapid, in Pneumonia, probable causes of, 324, 326. a in Cells composing the Higher Organisms, 644. ~ a Kaninckens, Wirkung darauf, bei Einathmung stark — riechender Dimpfe, 155. Respiration —des inhaling strorg smelling We acy 155, 175, 300, 324-7, — 407, 43 : Respiration in Unicellular Organisms, 643, _ Respiratory Centre, , —Action on, of Drugs, 326. a —as inhalations, points to be observed q in, 327, a —as3 injections, points to be observed in, id, —as sedatives, 566-7. — —Action on, of Strychnia, 323. iy —experiments to determine, 322-6. —of temperature, 654. -Healthy Action of, —in eliminating excess of Carbonic Acic i from the Blood, and th reverse, effect of the latter 01 1 Night Sweats of Phthisis, 550-1. "% —increased excitability of, to combat the © above, induced by 51, Cas and other Drugs, 551, Cas illustrating, 552 et seq. —How normally called into action, 560. —Influence on, of Nerves, 324-6, id. oe —Location of, 322, 547-9. Respiratory Movements, 652. —Activity of, how caused, 653. -reinduced by Strychnia, after severa: of Spinal Cord, 323,559, Respiratory Muscles, 7 -—Action on, of various Drugs, 300. a —of Atropia, 554, 555-6. —-Curare, 300. ——Hyoscyamus, 554. INDEX. Respiratory Passages, Vapours acting on, in Relief of Coughs, 564. Respiratory Sedatives, action of, on the Cough nerve centre, some drawbacks to, 565. Rest, -Factors necessary for complete, 533. —Positions most easeful in, in bed, (Goodsir), 532. Retching, aspect of the Human Larynx during, 624, do., of that of the Cat, il/., 641. Rheumatism, Blisters in, On Irritants and Counter-Irritants, with Remarks on, 438. -Acute, Blisters useful for young patients, not so useful for elderly, 452-3, 454. Rhinoceros, Larynx in, 633. Rigidity of Arteries, (in age), causing inability for prolonged exer- tion, 18-19. Rigor Mortis, the cause of, 376. Rodentia, see also Hares and Rabbits, -—Vomiting in, difficalt or impossible, 640. Rokitansky, experiments of, demonstrat- ing the Respiratory Centre in the Spinal Cord. 323, 559. Romanes, G. J,, observations of, upon Meduse, il., 572. Rosenthal, on the reason for different Postures in different tempera- tures, 531. -(and others), experiments of, on Arti- ficial Respiration in Strychnia Poisoning, 383. Rubbing, see Shampooing. Riickenmark, Wirkung des salpetrig- sauren Amyloxyds bei, 7/., 3, 161, 162 e¢ seq. Ruminants, Larynx in, 629. -Vomiting in, difficult or impossible, 640, SACCHARINE substances, see Glutinous and. Saliva, secretion of, —Action on, of —Atropine, 546. —Belladonna, 547. —Culabar Bean, 546-7. —Digitalis, 59. —Pilocarpine, 547. -effects on, of irritating certain nerves, 556. Salivary Glands, action on, of Atropine, 556. Salpetrig-sauren Amyloxyds, Ueber die Wirkung des, aut den Blut- strom, 154. -in Angina Pectoris,weshalb gebraucht, 157. 689 Salpetrig-sauren Amyloxyds (cont.) -von Balard entdeckt, 154. —Einfluss unter der Verschliessung der Aorta, figs., 165, et seq. -Selbstindige bewegungen der Arterien unter, 159. —Wirkung auf, ——Blutdriicks, 155, 158. ——Blutgefiisse, 169. Carotiden, 154. Erréthen des menschlichen Gesiclits, 154, 159. ——Erréthen des Kanichendhres, 159. —Gefisswand, 164. Gesicht, 154. Herschlag Beschleunigter, 154. Klopfer der Carotiden, 154. —Wirkung bei Riickenmark, figs. 161, 162 et seq. —-Versuche dariiber angestellt, figs. 155- an Fréschen, 154. an Kaninchen, 154 et seq. Resultate und Schliisse. ——-Ursache der Druckminderung festge- stellt; alleinige Wirkung des Salpetrig-sauren Amyloxyds auf die Blutzgefiisse; Keine unmittelbare Wirkung auf das Herz, 164, 168-9. —Versuchsprotocol, 169 et seq. Sand in the Eye, how it acts, if soon removed, and if allowed to lodge, 444. Sanderson, Dr. Burdon, and Experimental Physiology, 8. Santos, on Casca Bark, 481-3. —on its action on Animals, 483. Schiff’s experiments in Artificial Respira- tion, 378-9. Schott’s method of Treatment for Heart Disease, 20, 22. Sciatic nerves, effect of irritation of, in producing Sweat, (Goltz), 549. Science of Easy Chairs, On the, 531. Seal, Larynx, in, 632. Secreting Nerves, Action of, on Sweat Glands, 545. —Action on, of Drugs, 546-7. Secretions, Physiological Digitalis on, 59. Seeds, yeast, and moulds as affected by Casca, 458, 463. Setschenow’s registering Haemadynometer, uses of, 52. Senac, on the Cardiac Cycle, 5, and on the Vena Cava, 7d. Senile Gangrene, causes of, and symptoms preceding, (Brodie), 18, 19. -incapacity for sudden overwork, 18, 19. 2Y¥ Action of. 690 Sensitive phase, in the Cardiac Cycle, 576-7. Sensory Nerves, —Action on, of Casca, Effect on, of Reflex excitability, 523-5. -Irritation of, double effect of, (Ludwig), 443, 451. -Peripheral ends of, Action on, of sedative drugs in. Linctus in relief of Cough, 563-4. -the Fifth, influence of, on the Heart’s action, 434. Shampooing cr rubbing of the Legs, when Fatigued, proper direction of, 533, 535, 536. Sharpey, Prof., debt to, of James Blake, 7, others influenced by him, 8. Sheep, Larynx of, Experiments on, 635, 6-7. Shock and Syncope, On the Pathology and Treatment of, 392. Shock, —as a cause of Death under Chloroform, 428. —two forms of, 430, 433. -ditto, of Animals under the same, 338. —Causes of, 398-9, the chief, 407. —Burns, 400. —lInjuries to — Abdominal Viscera and Genitals, 394, 397, 398, 400. —-Bones, (Crushing and Amputation), 398. —Mental Emotions, 399. —Pain and Painful Impressions, 398-9, 400. -Death from, Astley Cooper’s instance cited, 393-4. —Definition of (Savory), 401-2. —Pathology of, 392, 400. —Re-action from, 397. —-Symptoms of, 393-4, 400. —Pulse weak, arterial tension low, 400. —Skin coldness, 400, 402. —Surface pallor, 7. —Two forms of —-Erethismic, 396. —-Torpid, 394. -Two factors in, as seen in the Frog, 7//., 402. -Treatment for, by —Digitalis, 409. —Heat, 408. —Stimulation, 7d. Sierra Leone, Ordeal by Casea or Red- water Bark in, 481-2. Simia, see Apes and Howling Ape or Monkey. -Parnisco, Larynx of, 634. —Sabcea, Larynx of, 70. INDEX. Simple Instrument, On a, for Examining the Competency of the rb ae and Mitral Valves, 537. —construction and employment of. 537-8. Simple Method, A, of Demonstrating the Effect of Heat and Poisons upon the Heart of the Frog, 455. —apparatus used, 455, 71l., 456. Sinitzin, experiments of, on the effects of copious Blood-Supply on repair, 444, Sitting or squatting postures in different countries, 531. Skin, —Action of Irritants on, in producing reflex movement, 451, 454. -in Fever, compared with skin after exercise, 546. -Functions of, actual and probable, 4. —Pallor and Coldness of, after Shock, 394, 396, 398, 400, 402. Skin and Mouth, as affected by Belladonna, ; 547. Sloth, Larynx in, 629-380. -Ventricular bands in, 635, 642. . Smelling Salts, (see also Ammonia), action of, on the Arterioles, 407. Snake Poisons, effects of, when swallowed, 386. / Snake Poisoning, Artificial Respiration in, 381-2, in conjunction with . Transfusion, 385-6. Sneezing induced by powdered Casca Bark, 498. Snow, Dr., on Deaths under Chloroform, 427. Solipedes, —Larynx in, 633, —Ventricular bands absent in, 635. —~Vomiting in, difficult or impossible, 640. Solutions, Action of Drugs in, on Cough, 564. Sound, (see also Cardiac do.), given out by — Contracting Muscles, dis- — covered hy Wollaston, 5. 7 Spanish liquorice, probable action of, in — relief of Cough, 563. Spasmodic Asthma, see Asthma. Sphygmograph, the, the use of, 321-2. Sphygmographic Tracings, author’s Pulse 129 ef seq. -in the case of Poisoning by Digi- talis, 99. Sphygmoscope, Marey’s, 283. Spinal Cord —Action on, of —Casca, 466. —Nitro-glycerine, 478. INDEX. Spinal Cord (cont.) -ellect of division of, in experiments with Nitrite of Amyl on Rabbits, diags. 181. —severance of, at Occiput, effect of, on Vaso-motor reflex, and Respiratory movements, 559, 560, see a'so 323. -how normally called into action, 560. -Nerve centres partly in, 547-50. -in relation to the Respiratory Centre, 323. Spray and Inhalation, -Action of Drugs in, in relief of Cough, 564-5. “Spurting,” capacity for, in relation to Age, 18. Squill, see Ipecacuanha and Standard, The, of Health, 220. -( for sub-heads, see under Experimental Investigation). Stannius’s Experiment, On tne Explana- tion of, and on the Action of Strychnia on the Heart, (with Theodore Cash, M-:D.), 557. Stasis in the Capillaries, following appli- cation of Caustic to web of Frog’s foot, 445. -theories to account for, (Cohnheim and others), 447. —that of the Webers, 448-0, 454. Steno’s experiment on the vital im- portance of the Circulation, 376. Stimulation, see also Electrical do. -of the Accelerating Nerves or Ganglia of the Heart, 314, 315, a cause of Palpitation, 421. -of the Cardiac Ganglia, effect of, on the Pulse, 294. -of the Sympathetic, direct, effect of, on the Pulse, 294. Stomach, Action on, of Casca, 459, 463, 464-5, 495. —Congestion oe as inducing vomiting, 571. —Drugs acting on as tonics, 567. Stomach and Bladder distention, pain caused by, 16. Stopcock, the author’s, i/l., 265. Stoppage of the Heart, -a consequence of impaired Cardiac Nutrition, 19. -effect of, on Respiration, 330, action of Quinine in inducing, 7d. Strangling, see Asphyxia. — Structures through which Drugs affect the Heart and Vessels, Deter- mination of the exact, 290. 691 Strychnine, the Action of, on the Heart, On the explanation of Stan- nius’s experiment and on, (with Theodore Cash, M.D.), 557. -the Mode of Action of, and of other Remedies, On the Pathology of Night-Sweating in Phthisis and, 545. —action of, —as Cardiac Stimulant, 561. —causes of its symptoms, proved by Magendie, 7. —on the Frog’s Heart, 575, 596, 614 ef seq., 622-8, —-Effect of Electrical Stimulation on the Strychnia-injected Heart. —Auricular, ——-Maximal, 598, 615. ———Minimal, 598. Ventricular, Maximal, 597. Minimal, 596~7, and on the Venous Sinus, 617. ——-Maximal, 600. Minimal, 599. —on the Respiratory Centres, 323, 326. -——-benefits of, in combating Night-Sweats in Phthisis, 551. —-—cases illustrating, 552 e¢ seq. —-eases indicating use of, 556. ——drawbacks of, remedied by combining with Opium, 554. —-effect of injection of, on the same, and on the Vaso-motor centres, after severance of Spinal Cord, 548-9, 559, see also 323, 326. —on the Respiratory Muscles, 300. -Tetanising action of, 330. Strychnine Poisoning, Artificial Respira- tion in, (Rosenthal and others), 383. Strychnine and Nitrite of Amy], joint effect of, on Frogs’ Muscles, 390-1. Submaxillary gland, dilatation of, (Bes- nard), 15. -secretion of saliva by, —effects on, of irritation of the Chorda Tympani nerve, 546. —of the same, after giving Atropine, id. Sudden exertion in Heart disease, as a cause of Cough, 567. Sugar, in Digitalis, 36. Superior-cervical ganglion, ~-effects of evulsion of, (Sinitzin), 444. Supramaxillary Nerves, as affecting Respiration, 326. 692 Supra-renal capsules, extract of, Thera- peutic uses of, 25. Sweat ay -Causes of, 545. —Induced by —-Increased Blood Temperature, (Luch- singer), 550, 555. —-Increased Carbonic Acid in the Blood, (Luchsinger), 550, 555. —-Nicotine introduced into the Cireula- tion, (Luchsinger), 550. —-Physical Exercise, state of the skin and sweat glands during, 545-6. -Nerve centres for, position of, 547, 5419-50. ~Physiological Action of Digitalis on, 60. Sweat glands, Action of, -as affected by —Atropine, 546. —Belladonna, 547. —Calabar Bean, 546-7. —Pilocarpine, 547. —how induced, 545. Sweat Nerves, Action on, of Atropine, 554, 555. Swift-running animals, Larynx in, see Pigs. Syme, Prof., reasons given by, for success in the use of Chloroform, 427. Sympathetic Nerve, —Paralysis of, 303. —Stimulation of, in relation to the Pulse, 294. Syncope, Shock and, On the Pathology and Treatment of, 392. —causes of, —chief (Brunton), 406-7. —impaired Cardiac Nutrition, 19. —Death from, case of Alice Bruce, 393. —an old method of inducing, 403. —Pathology of, 403. -Symptoms of, 393. —Feeble Pulse, 395, 397, 400. —Low Arterial Tension, 7d. ~Treatment for, by —Cold Air and Water, 407. —Prone Position, 404, 407. —Smelling Salts, 7d. Syringe, see Hypodermic Syringe. Systemic Capillaries, (see also Pulmon- ary), Action on, of Nitrite of Amyl, 369 e¢ seq. Systolic sound, the, how produced, 6. T-tTUBES, to make, 256. Tables of Pulse and Respiration during administration of Digitalis, 105-26, INDEX. Tables of Urine, &e., taking Digitalis, 82, 98. ‘Tadema, Sir L. Alma, Postures shown by, in pictures of the Seasons, 531, 582. E. §., ’ joint-author, ' Glycerine. Tannic Acid in Digitalis, 3f. Tartar Emetic, effect of, on the Respira- tory Nervous Centre, 654. Teeth, One of the Causes of Death during Extraction of, under Chloro- form, 427. Temperature, —Action on, of Casea, 461, 4:72. —Increased, as possible cause of Quickented Breathing, 329. -effect, of, on the Respiratory Nervgus Centre, 654. -Influence of, on the Pulsations of Mam- malian Heart, and on the Action of the Vagus, 205. -sudden alternations of, effect of, on Frogs’ Lungs, 333. Temperature of the —Blood, increase of, a cause of Sweat, 550, 555. while Tait, see Nitro- —Body, —how maintained, 531-3. —loss of, after taking Chloral, 198, experi- ments coacerning, 7b. et seq. (tables), deductions for treat- ment, 198-9. —Physiological Action of Digitalis on, 65, 84 ‘Testicular extract, Therapeutic use of, by Brown-Séquard, 25. Tests for Heemoglobin presumably altered by action of Drugs, 647 et seq. Pietanins suggested use of Nitrite of Amyl in, (Richardson), 140. —treatment of, by —Anti-toxin, 21. —Nitrite of Amy), 140. Thebaia Poisoning, Artificial Breatbing in, (Uspensky), 383. Therapeutic Action of Digitalis in —Ague, 75. —Anasarca and kindred maladies, 76. —Delirium Tremens, 7d. , —Epilepsy and some phases of Insanity, i. —Heemorrhages, 74. —Inflammatory fevers, 7d. —Nervous Affections, 75. —Pneumonia and other Lung Affec- tions, 7d. —Rheumatism, 74, 75. -Typhoid fever, 75. -Weak hearts, a warning concern. ing, INDEX. Therapeutics, -Importance of the fact of antagonistic action of certain Drugs, 313. | -slow advance of, 30. A Thirst in Cholera collapse, 360, probable cause of, 364. Thiry’s instrument for Artificial Respira- tion of Gases, 264. Thorax, (see a/so Intra-thoracic Pressure), fixation of,in relation to Closure of the Glottis, 624, 634, 642. Thyroid Gland, -enlargement of, in Exopbthalmic Goitre, 414, cases illustrating, 415 e¢ seqg., probable causes of, 423. ~juice of, —destructive of Anthrax poison, (Wool- dridge), 27. —in Myxcedema, 25. —poisonous if injected into the Blood, 25. Ticunas poison, see Woorara. Tiger, Larynx in, 631. —Ventricular bands in, 635. Toads’ Lungs, difference of, from Frogs’, (Sharpey), 333. Tobacco, cold sweat produced by, in young smokers, 550. —Smoke of, —effect of, when nasally inhaled by a Rabbit, (Kratschmer), 327. Tongue, root of, and fauces, in relation to Cough, 563. Torture, Death from Syncope induced by, case of Alice Bruce, 393. Trachea, (see also Intra-tracheal Pressure), in relation to Cough, 562. Transfusion of Blood, evolved from Wren’s experiments, 7. —-On the use of Artificial Respiration and, as a Means of Preserving Life, 374. -in conjunction with Artificial Respira- tion, 383-7. —in Charcoal Poisoning, 383-4, 386. —Snake Bite, 385-6. —-Strychnine and other Poisoning, 384, 386. -objections to, disposed of, 386-7. ‘Lraube’s theory of the mode of Action of Digitalis, 69. Treatment of Heart Disease, rationale of various modes of, 20 et seq. ~aims of —increase of Heart Power, 20, 27. —les:ened resistance to overcome, id. -methods of increasing Muscular Circu- lation, —(1) Rest in bed with Massage, 20-2, 27. —(2) Graduated exercises of stationary patient (Schott), 20, 22, 27. 693 Treatment of Heart Disease (cont.) -methods of increasing Muscular Circu- lation (cont.) —(3) Graduated exercises in Walking and : Climbing, (CErtel), 20, 22. -indicated for Heart Palpitation, in the Ansemic, 422. -for Preventing Death from Chloral, see Warmth. -of Shock and Syncope, On the Pathology and, 392. Tricuspid and Mitral Valves, the, the Competency of, On a Simple Instrument for Examining, 537. Tripod, the, of Life, 377. -—Huxley cited on, 374, Utcer, Callous, Blisters applied to, acting as an Irritant, 438, 453, 454. Undulatory theory of light, Young’s, 4. Ungulate Mammals, Larynx in, 630. Urine, as affected by Digestion, 23. —effect on, of moderate doses of Casca Bark, 460, 471-2. —-On Digitalis, with some Observations, on, 29. —Constituents, Amount of, 78. —Amount of each Excreted, 79, — Relative Proportions of, 7d. —Observations on, 77. ——Dietary Table employed, 81. —-Specific gravity of, 80. —Physiological Action of Digitalis on, 60, tables, 61, 64, 82 et seq. -secretion, in Dogs, —Action on, of —Casca, 502, 518, 519, diag., 518. — Coincident variations of, and of Blood under influence of Casca, 505, diag. 518, tables, 503-4, —Digitalin, 412. —in Horses, action on, of Digitalis, 42-3. Use, see Actions and Use. Uspensky’s experiments on Artificial Breathing in Strychnia, Brucia, Thebaia, and Caffeine Poisoning, 383. Uterus, Action on, of, —Casca, 461, 472. —Digitalis, 168. VaGotTomy, symptoms induced after, by Casca Bark, 497. Vagus (i), —Action of, on the —Heart, regulating and retarding, 10, 11, 35. 694 Vagus (i)—cont. '. -Action of, on the —Respiratory Centre, (a) normally, 324, 324. (b) when affected by injections, 327, -the Action of, Influence of Temperature — on the Pulsations of the Mam- malian Heart and on, 205, see also 11. —Action on, of —Atropine, 295-7. —Casca, 468. —Maximum Irritation, 507-9. —-Minimum do., (peripheral 509-10. —Irritation of the Fifth Nerve, 434, reflex action of, in stopping the Heart's action, 434-5. -Complex Functions of, 296-7. +Fibies in, two sets of, affecting Respira- tion, 324-5. -Lrritation of, —effects of, on the Pulse, 298. ends), —-portion affected by Drugs, &c., 298-302. —as possible cause of Quickened Breath- ing, 329. —Paralysis of, —a cause of Palpitation, 421, 422. —effects on the Pulse, 295. — portion of, affected by Atropia, 295-7. —Respiratory branches of, in relation to —Cough, 562. —Vomiting, 571. Vagus, the Frog’s, effect on, of Heat, and of Electricity conjoined, (Schelske), 207. Vagus, the Rabbit’s, experiments on, in relation to effect of Fever Temperatures, 211-3. -Motor Action of, 217, and retention of Inhibitory action, 219. Vagus-roots, Action on, of Casca, Minimum Excitability of, 510-13. Valeric acid, (Digitalissic acid), 36. Valves of the Heart, see Tricuspid and Mitral Valves. Valvular Action, The, of the Larynx, (with Theodore Cash, M.D.), 624. —Bibliography, 642. Valvular disease of the Heart, bearing on, of the contraction of the Pulmonary Veins and Vena Cava, 530. Vapour, action of Drugs in, on Cough, 564. Variation in Blood-Pressure, Causes of, 273. Vaso-dilator Nerves, action of, on the Arteries, 11. INDEX. Vaso-Inhibitory and Vaso-Motor Nerves, as uffected by Drugs, 275, 276. Vuso-motor Centres, —action on, of Casca, 515-6. -as related to the disease in Bennett's case of Angina Pectoris, 196. —construction of, 121, 443. ~how usually called into action, 560. —position of, 441, 517-9. -reflex movements, of —re-induced, after severance of spinal cord, by Strychnia, 323, 559. Vaso-motor Ganglia or Nerves, : -Peripheral, as affected by Casca Bark, 469-70. Vaso-motor nerves, —action of, on the Blood Vessels, 441. —in relation to —dilatation of Vessels, 11, 441. —diminished Blood-pressure induced by Nitrite of Amyl, experiments concerning, diags., 178. —vessels of the Intestines and Skin, 13. -of the Liver, course of, (Cyon and Aladoff), 424, il., 425. —in relation to Diabetes, 424, 425. Vasomotorische Neryen, wahrscheinliche Wirkung der Digitalis auf denselben, 411. Venesection, in Phthisis, 74, 75. -in Angina, 138-9. Veins, see also Capillaries, Jugular, Pul- “a monary and Vena Cava. -action’on, of Drugs, need of further knowledge on, 544, -affected by Cough, 566. —Contractility in, 542. —-uses of, 543. —Contraction, local, of, 541. Vena Cava, —Dilatation of, (Harvey), 4. - -Independent Pulsation in, (Haller, and — Senac), 5, Fayrer) ; 528-30, 541. : -Place of, in the circulatory system, (Senac), 4, 5. ; Venosity of -Blood, what it consists in, 652. tae -Increased, as possible cause of Quickened — Breathing, 329. —Causes of the above, — —~-Prevention of Air from reaching Blood, _ 330. 4 of Blood from reaching Air, 330. —how this last may be effected by re Contraction of the Pulmonary ~ Capillaries, 331. y —-Embolism of the Pulmonary Artery, 330. Stoppage of the Heart, 330. (Brunton and INDEX. Venous Blood, -Action of, on Sweat Centre, 551. —Occasional brightened colour of, 404, 406. —Meyer’s view, 405 & note. Venous, or Passive Congestion, 439, 453. Venous Sinus, —Action of Drugs on, 311. —Etfect on, of —KElectrical Stimulation, 617. —(qa) in normal condition, 573, 576. Maximal, 577, 587-8. Minimal, 577, 586-7. ——(b) under the influence of Cold, 575, 589, diags. 608-9. — Maximal, 593. Minimal, 591. — (ce) under the influence of Heat, Maximal, 595. ——Minimal, id. ——(d) under the influence of Strychnia, —Maximal, 600. Minimal, 599. -Function ascribed to, 309-10. -Stimulation of, in relation to the —Refractory period of the Cardiac Cycle, 574. Venous Sinus of the Frog’s Heart, —Function of, in regard to contractions thereof, &c., 560, 561. —Stannius’s experiment on, described and explained, 557 et seq. Venous System, Dilatation of, by Shock, 431-2. Ventricles, Ventricular, see also Electrical Stimulation of the Frog’s Heart, and Inhibitory Influence. —Action of Digitalis on, 315, -Effect on, of —Electrical Stimulation, —(a@) in normal conditions, 573, 576. Maximal, 577, 581-4, ——Minimal, 577, 578-81. —~(b) under the influence of Cold, Maximal, 590. Minimal, 589. — (ce) under the influence of Heat, Maximal, 594. ——Minimal, 593. —(d) under the influence of Strychnia, Maximal, 597-8. Minimal, 596. —Funetion ascribed to, 309-10. —Pulsation of, 528-30, 541-2. Ventricle, Auricle, and Venous Sinus, -Movements of, under Artificial Stimula- tion, how studied, 577. —apparatus employed, 577, 578. Ventricles of Morgagni, in relation to Closure of the Glottis. 625-7. ——— = _ _ eo ——— 695 Ventricular and Auricular Contractions, -effect on of Stimulation to Ventricle - Auricle, &c., researches or, 573. Ventricular bands of the Larynx, ~-Animalsin which absent and present,634-6 —function cf, in —Closure of the Glottis, 391, 642. Veratrine, —Action of, on —Accelerating apparatus of the Heart, 314-5. —Inhibitory ganglia of the Heart, 314. —Vagus-roots, 298-9. ei —beneficial in Exophthalmic Goitre, 424. Vessels, see Blood Vessels. Vibriones, Action of Drugs on, 244. Viper, Poison of, Fontana’s experiments on, 381, 385-6. Visceral Nerves, effect of Stimulation of, on the Pulse, 15. 5 “ Vital spirits,” 12. Vital and Chemical Energy, 224-5. Vocal cords, see also False do. -true nature of, (Wyllie), 527. -want of, cause of ditliculty in Vomiting, 641, 642. Vocalisation in the Cat tribe, mechanism of, 632. Voluntary movements, —Cerebral Centre for, (Ferrier), 14, -Voluntary Nervous Centres, —excitement of, as possible cause of Quickened Breathing, 329. -Vomiting, associated with Cough, Drugs affecting, 57. —causes of, 640-2. “in different Animals, relation to, of the development of the Fals- Vocal Cords, iil., 640-2. -effect of, 641. —Nerve centre for, location of, 571. Vomiting and Purging, —induced by Casca Bark, 458, 459, 463-8. _W-sHarEep Easy Chairs, special advan- tages of, 533, 536. Walking on the flat or up-bill, in relation to Heart-distention, (Ludwig), 17. Walshe, Dr., definition by, of Angina Pectoris, 191. Walz, volatile principles obtained by, from Digitalis, 36-7. Warm, -and Cold Blood, Circulation of, in Inves- tigations, 267. —food as an Expectorant, 570. -rooms and crowded assemblies, dilata- tion of the Arterioles (and of the surface veins) in, 404, 405, 696 Warmth, -Effect of, —on Cardiac Activity, 558, 559. ° —in Preventing Death: Fromm Chore) 197. 4 — how best applied, 198-9, see also 204. —on the Pulse, hypothesis as to. the quickened » Pulse in Fever, (Budge and Liebermeister), Experiments concerning, 205 et seq., Cyon’s, on the Frog’s Heart externalized, 205 e€ seq., Panum’s, .on Rabbits’ hearts, 207, the author’ son the latter, tables, 208, et seq., practicdl conclusions, 210-12. Waste products of Muscle, after exertion, -Effects of, in inducing —Fatigue (Kronecker), 533-4. —Sleepiness (Preyer), 534. Water, elimination’ of, in the Treatment of Heart disease, 20. Waterson’s experience of, and experiments on, Woorara, 379, 385. Webers, the, discoverers of the Action of the Vagug, 10. -theory of, to account for Stasis in Inflammation, 448-9. Weir- Mitchell, see Mitchell. Weir- Wirkung, Diuretische, der Digitalis, (mit H. Power, M.D.), 410, —des Salpetrig-sauren Amyloxyds auf den Blutstrom, 154. Wolf, (Canis lupus), Larynx in, 630. -Ventricular bands in, 635. INDEX. 4 Wolff, aie on the Larynx in Canide and Felide, &c., 630-1. — pezestonn Dr. afliscoverer’ of the sound - emit by Contrasting 5. Muscles, Wood, Dr. Alexander, introdustiay by, of the Hypodermic Syringe, 7 Woorara Poisoning, Artificial Respiration in, 879-81, 384. _ ~Physiological Action ‘of, 380, 384-6. Wren, Sir Christopher, first to employ - Drugs by Tnjockions 6, a . Wyllie, Dr., cited_on, —Closure of ‘the Glottis, 625-7. ~Experiments of 625, confirmed ie those of present writers, 627, 642, YOuNG persons, -Efficacy of Blisters to» the Joints of, in Acute Rheumatism, 453, 454, Young, Thomas, investigator of Capillary resistance to the Circula- tion, 4, —Undulatory theory of, id. a Zoorps of Fowls’ blood, aspect of, 148. -co-agulation (P) of, 149. -re-actions given by, 150, 151. -substance contained by, 150, or sugpecha i in, 151. Zymogens, 24, Harrison anp Sons, Printers in Ordinary to His Majesty, St. Martin’s Lane. . ie = iL ’ ee ye EK 4 ‘ a » a . . a 7a Ha, an ‘ i ‘ i fonivensin OP nORONTO | - LIBRARY Do. not remove | ie the card | | } from this J Pocket. “Acme Library Card Pecket Under Pat. ‘‘Ref. Index File.” {, Made by LIBRARY BUREAU, Boston r Loyjny aa athe INT Ne - s Bs Senden _ pepemeamem . - : x a - eh a8 oa oem 5 _ . 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