OCT 2 9 1973 COLLECTION AND CARE OF BOTANICAL SPECIMENS RESEARCH BRANCH CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ^■i^:htific LDmi:^ ...... Publication 1113 March 1962 Reprinted with Addenda 1 973 COLLECTION AND CARE OF BOTANICAL SPECIMENS D.B.O. Savile Plant Research Institute Central Experimental Farm Ottawa, Ontario RESEARCH BRANCH CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE © Crown Copyrights reserved Available by mail from Information Canada, Ottawa, and at the following Information Canada bookshops : HALIFAX 1683 Harrington Street MONTREAL 640 St. Catherine Street West OTTAWA 171 Slater Street TORONTO 221 Yonge Street WINNIPEG 393 Portage Avenue VANCOUVER 800 Granville Street or through your bookseller Price: $2.50 Catalogue No. A53-1113 Price subject to change without notice Information Canada Ottawa, 1962 Reprinted with addenda 1973 CONTENTS Page Introduction vi Introduction to Reprint Edition viii Chapter 1. Vascular Plants 1 Collecting 1 The Specimen 1 Field Notes 4 Equipment 8 The Field Press 10 Construction, 10. Use, 13. Special Clothing 16 Boots, 16. Water-repellent clothing, 17. Windproof clothing, 18 Biting Insects 20 Special Collecting Techniques 21 Aquatic plants, 21. Sticky plants, 22. Fleshy plants, 23. Spruce and hemlock, 24. Arctic and alpine collecting, 25 Pressing and Drying 26 General Principles 26 Laying Out Specimens 28 The Press 32 Frames, 32. Ventilators, 32. Felts, 34. Straps, 34. Emergency presses, 34. Tightening the press, 35 Driers 36 Installed driers, 36. Portable driers, 38. Emergency driers, 41 Packing and Shipping Dried Specimens 42 Processing Dried Specimens 43 Preparing Labels 43 Laying Out for Mounting 43 Mounting 44 Mounting paper, 45. Mounting board, 45. Adhesive, 45. Brushes, 45. Forceps, 45. Gummed linen tape, 45. Plastic stripping, 46. Mounting procedure, 46 Herbarium Packets 49 Herbarium Sequence 50 Herbarium Cases 51 Protection from Insects 52 Loan and Exchange 54 Records, 54. Handling specimens, 54. Packing, 56 iii Page 58 Chapter 2. Fungi ^g Collecting and Drying ^^ Introduction -^ Field Notes ^ Foliicolous Fungi Fleshy Fungi • ^^ Wood-destroying Fungi Microfungi on Twigs, Bark, etc ^^ Coprophilous Fungi ^^ Myxomycetes ^^ Plant Disease Specimens ^^ Processing Dried Specimens ^^ Introduction ^^ Packeting and Labeling. ^^ Accessioning and Indexing Exsiccata g^ Herbarium Sequence ^^ Insertion ^j Herbarium Cases ^2 Boxed Specimens ^^ Myxomycetes ^^ Protection from Insects ^^ Loan and Exchange 98 Chapter 3. Mosses and Liverworts ^^ Collecting and Drying ^^^ Processing Dried Specimens 103 Chapter 4. Lichens ^^3 Collecting jq4 Crustose Lichens jq^ Foliose Lichens jO^ Fruticose Lichens ^0^ Drying ■■■"■■■■■■ 107 Labeling ^07 Processing Dried Specimens 109 Chapter 5. Algae ^^ Fresh-water Algae jq^ Collecting jj2 Processing jj2 Marine Algae jj2 Collecting jj4 Preserving jj^ Mounting Addenda 124 Index iv ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure 1. Example of completed field label 5 Figure 2. Permanent label prepared from field label 6 Figures. Sheath for digger 9 Figure 4. Field press in use 11 Figure 5. Field press opened to show construction 12 Figure 6. A. Large-panicled plant with zigzag fold. B. Use of papers to keep folded parts in position 30 Figure 7. The press 33 Figure 8. Installed drying cabinet 37 Figure 9. Portable drier 39 Figure 10. Machine-made herbarium packet 49 Figure 11. Preparing mushrooms for making spore prints in the field 69 Figure 1 2. Method of preparing hand-folded packets 79 Figure 13. Method of marking folders in mycological herbarium . . 90 INTRODUCTION This handbook is intended for both amateur and profes- sional botanists. It is unUkely that anyone will be interested in all the topics but the material is arranged for ready refer- ence to a particular subject or type of plant. Concise accounts are given of procedures and devices that have been tried at the Plant Research Institute and found to be best for collecting and preserving botanical specimens. Outmoded equipment such as the vasculum is not discussed. The instructions for preparing specunens of vascular plants and fungi are much more detailed than those for bryophytes, lichens and algae. This is because, first, some of the methods described in the first two chapters are applicable to the others. The reader who has learned to use presses and driers in Chapter 1 can readily apply this knowledge to other groups of plants without specific instructions. Second, the Institute is at present concentrating much more on the vascular plants and fungi than on other groups. It is, accordingly, chiefly in the collection and handling of these plants that we have original ideas to offer. The later chapters are included for the beginner and the general collector rather than for the experienced bryologist, phycologist or lichenologist. They contain very little original material but include enough information to enable the beginner to collect any group of plants unassisted and with some success. It is hoped that this manual will be of some assistance to advanced workers in phanerogamic botany and mycology. They may add to their own methods what appeals to them in this work. The advanced worker in other fields will find what he needs in more specialized works. For example, the treatment of the microscopic algae does not go beyond field operations. The further handling of these plants is remote from the methods used with most botanical specimens and properly belongs in a course on phycology. vi Although many of the methods described are applicable to the tropics, this manual does not deal with problems peculiar to tropical regions. It is based mainly on experience gained in temperate, arctic and alpine Canada and is most useful to collectors in countries with a somewhat similar climatic range. Considerable emphasis is placed on arctic and alpine col- lecting. This is a field that has until recently been neglected, both in quality and in quantity of specimens, and is only now coming fully into its own. In his training as a student in the temperate zone the average botanical collector never en- counters, or even learns of, some of the problems that will beset him on his first trip up a mountain or into the north. Arctic collecting offers a variety of problems that, if not solved promptly, may be serious and unpleasant in a region where the field season is very short and travel costs are high. Both the comparative inaccessibility and the small but highly dispersed flora of the arctic make it desirable that arctic collectors be prepared to collect all groups of plants with the smallest possible loss of time. Varied experience in several parts of the Canadian arctic and in the alplands of the northern Cordillera has given our field parties the opportunity to overcome many of the difficulties. This book is based on the experience and suggestions of various staff members and is accordingly to be regarded as a product of the Institute. I must explicitly acknowledge the help of Mr. W. J. Cody in drafting much of the material on herbarium methods found in Chapter 1, and of Dr. W. G. Dore, who has long been accumulating information on field and herbarium techniques. For the last three chapters it is a pleasure to acknowledge the advice in the field or through correspondence of Drs. Howard A. Crum, Herman Persson, William C. Steere, William Randolph Taylor, and William A. Weber. Much use has been made of the instruction booklets for naturaUsts in the armed forces, written by Dr. Steere and Dr. Taylor and published by the University of Michigan. Some use has also been made of the revised edition of Dr. Taylor's Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast of North America, vii INTRODUCTION TO REPRINT EDITION I am grateful to the many colleagues who commented on the original book. I recently received notice that immediate reprinting was planned; but at such short notice extensive re- writing was not possible. Many comments accordingly had to be omitted. New material and the comments that seemed to have wide usefulness and could be handled concisely have been incor- porated in numbered addenda at the back of the book; but controversial items that would have required lengthy discus- sion have been omitted. Footnotes at appropriate places in the text draw attention to each of these addenda, which are also referenced back to the pertinent text page. I apologize belatedly for the dictatorial style of much of the text, which resulted from changes made after it left my hands. Most of the additions stem from Mr. W. J. Cody, Mr. K. W. Spicer, Dr. J. A. Parmelee, and myself. D.B.O. Savile Ottawa October 1972 viu CHAPTER 1 VASCULAR PLANTS Collecting The Specimen Making satisfactory specimens of flowering plants, fems and fern allies requires ample and well-pressed material labeled with all pertinent information. In collecting small herbaceous plants, take the whole plant, including the root system; the type of root system or the presence and shape of bulbs or tubers may be diagnostic. Fold tall plants neatly to a length slightly less than the width of a newspaper. They will then fit on a standard sheet of herbarium mounting paper (16iXlH inches). Large and bulky plants must be trimmed in various ways. Split the lower part of a very thick stem, or a fleshy crown. This treatment hastens drying and, by enabling the elements of the press to come together more closely, prevents the leaves from wrinkling. Occasionally remove some leaves; otherwise they will lie several deep on the sheet. Do not try to conceal the removal of leaves, but cut them off close to the stems, leaving short stubs that will enable an examining botanist to see the number and positions of the leaves. Do not remove too many leaves from one part of the plant, for the leaves may vary in form from the bottom to the top of the stem. Leave all the leaves on if you can; spread them out or bend the petioles of some of them to prevent over- lapping and crowding. Tall plants with large leaves, such as Heracleum maximum, are difl&cult to prepare. You may have to make a two-sheet specimen, with the inflorescence and a small upper leaf on 1 one sheet and a middle or lower leaf and a short section of split stem on the second sheet. Then include in accompany- ing notes data not evident from the specimen, such as plant height, size of largest leaf and thickness of stem at base. If the plants are only about 6 inches high and have a single flowering stem, take six or eight of them for mounting on one sheet. Select plants that show the normal range in variable characters such as height. When collecting minute plants, take a dozen or more, as many of these bear only one or a few flowers or fruits. If plants are to be sent away for identification take enough for at least two sheets, one for the collector and one for the determiner. Specimens of trees and shrubs should include vegetative shoots, flowering or fruiting shoots and patches of bark, cut to fit the sheet. Make notes on estimated height, trunk diam- eter at breast height (d.b.h.) and habit (tree or shrub, spreading or columnar, branches erect or pendulous, or similar information). It takes very little time and is helpful to include extra flowers or fruit with the specimens. They are eventually put into packets, and can be used for dissection without the mounted specimen being mutilated. With various plants, fruiting material is more important than flowering material. This is particularly true of the Cruciferae (mustard family), Onagraceae (evening primrose family), Umbelliferae (carrot family), Juncaceae (rushes), Cyperaceae (sedges), and (young fruit only) the genus Salix (willows); but this recommendation applies in different degrees to a variety of plants. Even fruits that are not impor- tant to the taxonomist may be necessary for a proper under- standing of the natural history of a plant. Most herbaria con- tain inadequate fruiting material of many plants. It is thus generally advisable to collect both flowering and fruiting material whenever possible. Sometimes flowers and fruit occur at the same time on the same plant; sometimes flowers may be found in a shady spot or moist depression after most of the colony has gone to fruit. With the complex genus Crataegus, in which flowers and fruit do not occur simul- taneously, you should, if possible, tag the tree from which flowers are taken and return later for the fruits. Collect grasses after they have started to flower, when the anthers may be seen hanging from the florets. They may be taken somewhat later, after the anthers have shriveled; but if they are taken fully ripe the seeds usually shatter out badly and a poor specimen results. Sedges (Cyperaceae) should be taken in neariy full fruit; some species that shed their fruits readily when fuUy ripe must be collected before the heads break up when pressed between the fingers. Remove as much of the soil as possible when you dig the plants, to avoid disfiguring them. It is often impossible to remove soil particles from plants that have viscid hairs; and sand grains may bruise and blacken delicate leaves. The more soil you remove at the time of digging, the more thoroughly you can clean the plants before putting them into the press. A difficult problem is presented by glandular-viscid beach plants, such as Glehnia littoralis, which are usually encrusted with sand when you collect them. Such plants are always robust, however, and may be washed in the sea or in a pool or stream without damage. By soaking them for a few minutes and wiping the submerged leaves, you may remove most of the sand. The roots of plants growing in clay or bog soil must generally be washed in water. The dense tangle of roots of some rhizomatous grasses and sedges often presents a difficult problem. You may often save time by standing some clumps in water while working on others. If you are near a fast brook or a beach with breaking waves, weigh down the plants with stones so that the roots are in the mov- ing water, but the tops out of it, and leave them while col- lecting other plants. Some arctic and alpine plants have several years' accumulation of dried leaves at their bases. Do not remove all of these leaves, because they are sometimes an aid in identification (for example, in Potentilla). Similarly, fibrous remains of old leaves (for example, in some Carex or Umbelliferae) should not be cleaned off completely. Reld Notes Make notes in the field on any items that may not be obvious from the dried specimen. It is from this information that the final label must be prepared (Figure 2). Include colors, especially of flowers, which often change in drying; scent; records of blossom-visiting insects; height and habit of plants too large to be included intact in the specimen; associated vegetation, such as type of forest or grassland; degree of shade; approximate soil type and soil moisture; elevation, at least in mountain coimtry; exposure; slope; locaUty; date; collector's name; and collection number. All collectors should regularly use collection numbers. A simple numerical sequence that goes on from year to year is much better than a complex system that starts anew each year. Apart from other uses, the collection number greatly simpU- fies the citation of specimens by students who use the speci- mens in later years. If the stature or habit varies greatly with soil moisture, shade or any other factor, record the extremes of variation. Elevation is important in mountainous country, and the elevation range is equally important; but the range of eleva- tion may differ markedly on the two sides of a mountain or ridge. Exposure is important, especially in mountainous areas. A southern exposure generally speeds flowering in the north temperature zone. In the arctic, however, exposure is often more important for its relationship to the direction of the winter wind, and the snow that accumulates on the down-wind slope of a steep hill, bank or cUff and covers the ground for most of the summer. Near a seacoast the seaward slope is generally much wetter than the landward one. The insect relationships of many genera — even of some entire families — are still almost unknown. It is therefore important to record as precisely as possible the type of insect visitor whenever one is seen at a rare plant or one that grows in inaccessible places. The method of recording data depends on circumstances and personal preference. A simple method is to use a field label, an example of which is shown in Figure 1 . This is DEPARTMENT OF AGRtCULTURE. OTTAWA, CANADA FORM SB 249 15516-MX-75t -rt?^^ :& LOCALITY .^-^^ .^^5:*;*,^. kJ!CJIL7'N jm*A'?:'j^ HABITAT Q&!fr<^...t^hfr^.....!^^ - rrf%!a.A.(e-. L€».fr%Ar '$P, Jim jZ33f itrjl^!k^.....'f:..^?^ 3Xli> 4X2, 5X3, 5ix4^, 9iX3i. This selection covers the requirements for mosses, lichens and fungi as well as for vascular plants. This style of packet was adopted mainly because it is easily made by machine. If they are purchased in large lots, such packets are much more economical than hand-folded ones. The bottom flap is cut so that it almost exactly fits inside the folds of the other three. It is folded in first; then the side flaps are folded across and finally the top flap is folded down. The weight of specimens on top will Figure 10. — Pattern of machine-made herbarium paclcet. 49 keep the packet tightly closed. Exceptionally small seeds, which might sift out through the folds, may be put in a small packet within a larger one, but all normal-sized objects will be kept securely in a single packet. Herbarium Sequence The operation of the phanerogamic herbarium of the Plant Research Institute may serve as an example of her- barium management. The size, rate of growth and other circumstances of a herbarium will govern the details of some practices. This herbarium currently holds more than a third of a million sheets and is growing at approximately 20,000 sheets a year. The collection is predominantly Canadian; but there is a good representation of the European flora and that of the northern United States, and a smaller representation of other parts of the world. The geographic bias governs the sequence of specimens within each species. The main sequence used for the herbarium is that of Dalla Torre and Harms (Genera Siphonogamarum ad Systema Englerianum Conscripta, Lipsiae. 1900-1907). The ferns and fern allies are filed in the order of Copeland (Genera Filicum, Chronica Botanica, 1947); and the grasses follow the sequence of Pilger (Das System der Gramineae, Bot. Jahrb. 76: 281-384. 1954). Within the genus the species are generally arranged alphabetically; but some large, complex and abundantly represented genera are arranged by sub- genera and sections. Thus Car ex follows the sequence of Mackenzie (North American Flora 18: 1-478. 1931-35). Subspecies, varieties and forms are filed alphabetically after the typical phase. The use of an approximately natural sequence has the considerable advantage of keeping related plants close together. On the wall of each room of the herbarium an index gives the families in alphabetical sequence and the number of each in the Dalla Torre and Harms sequence, enabling a family unfamiliar to an enquirer to be located without delay. For large families the arrange- ment by genera is recorded on a table in the first case that 50 houses it; and a similar table is inserted at the beginning of any large genus that is in a nonalphabetical sequence. Within each species or smaller taxon the specimens are separated geographically, the primary division employing distinctively colored folders. Canadian specimens are filed in manila folders. Specimens from the continental United States follow in salmon folders; and these, in turn, are followed by Mexico, Central America, South America, West Indies, Bermuda and Bahamas (yellow) ; Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Oceania (blue); and cultivated plants from any area (green). For phytogeographic reasons Green- land and Alaska specimens are filed in the Canadian sequence, in which the order is by territories and provinces from east to west across the north and east to west across the south, thus: Greenland, Franklin, Keewatin, MacKenzie, Yukon, Alaska, Labrador, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ottawa District (Quebec), Ottawa District (Ontario), Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia. Occa- sionally a part of some province may be segregated if it has been intensively studied. The folders are marked in ink on the lower left comer with the genus number, name of the plant, and geographic division. Herbarium Cases The specimens are housed in steel cases very similar to those used in the National Mycological Herbarium and described in Chapter 2. The principal difference is that the case is 7 feet 6 inches high rather than 6 feet 7 inches. It has 16 shelves on each side with a spacing of 5i inches, and the top shelf is approximately 7 feet from the floor. The higher case is slightly less convenient to use, and the doors are a little harder to close smoothly. It has the advan- tage of leaving less waste space above the cases. Full utilization of space in a herbarium is always a problem, for the normal office or laboratory ceiling height cannot be utilized without resorting to step ladders, which 51 clutter the aisles and reduce working speed. Ideally the herbarium units should be built like library stack rooms with a smaller ceihng height than that of the surrounding ofl&ces; but not every architect can handle the problems involved, and such designs are not often seen. Apart from space utilization, floor to ceiling cases have two advantages: they reduce the space in which dust or litter can accumulate; and, by restricting convectional circulation, they greatly reduce the chance of a fire becoming strongly estabhshed.* Protection from Insects Any large, active and rapidly growing herbarium is occa- sionally bound to suffer from infestations of dermestid beetles. If the building and cases are of suitable design and accom- modation is ample, a few simple precautions rigorously followed will prevent any appreciable damage. Unfortunately these conditions all too often cannot be met. The herbarium staff does not necessarily have control over the building plans, cases may be far from perfect, and. in particular, accommodation is often seriously inadequate for prolonged periods. Provided that the conditions listed above are met, the following precautions will minimize damage. ( 1 ) The whole herbarium should be in insect-proof cases. Each staff member should have one or more cases in his room to house speci- mens on which he is working at the moment, and all speci- mens should be returned to these cases at night. (2) Unless the herbarium, or the whole building in which it is housed, can be conveniently and economically fumigated with, for example, methyl bromide, and is so fumigated about once a year, all cases should contain a volatile insecticide such as naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene.^ The problem of build- ing fumigation is further discussed in Chapter 2. (3) All in- coming specimens, whether from other institutions or from the field, must be opened promptly on arrival, checked for dryness and put in the drier if necessary, and then put directly into * See addendum 11. t See addendum 12. 52 regular herbarium cases that contain abundant naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene. The alternative is to have a fumigating chamber, with a properly designed exhaust system, in which boxes of specimens can be fumigated with methyl bromide, but this is a tedious undertaking when many large collections are coming in. (4) All cases must be kept tightly shut when not actually in use. (Having plenty of naphthalene in the cases makes this regulation much easier to enforce.) (5) The her- barium, preparation rooms, supply rooms, etc., must be kept uncluttered, so that thorough cleaning can be carried out, particularly of odd corners of the floor. Cartons of unworked specimens stacked on the floor are an invitation to trouble. All litter may house beetles, and the greater the insect population the smaller the probability of a perfect kill in a fumigation. It is a regrettable fact that a theoretically perfect fumigation, which kills all test insects set about the herbarium, often does not give a complete kill of the infesting beetles. In some instances a few probably survive behind baseboards of outside walls where the gas concentration is low. The herbarium and associated rooms should be designed to eliminate baseboards, and to have no crevices between wall and floor, in the manner generally followed in hospitals. Unquestionably the best protection currently available is to keep all cases (those in offices and those for new collec- tions or exchange as well as those in the regular herbarium) stocked with plenty of naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene. Methods of using these materials are discussed in Chapter 2. The sudden introduction of these chemicals into a herbarium that has not been using them will probably be met with vigorous protests from some of the staff. However, it is remarkable how one quickly gets used to the smell and eventually fails to notice it except when it is in great concentration. Under crowded conditions, with specimens stacked every- where in boxes, the parts of the above routine that can be followed will not be fully effective, and regular building fumigations will be necessary. 53 Loan and Exchange In an active herbarium the volume of specimens sent out and received on loan and exchange requires that a regular system be adopted both for the mechanics of handling and for the maintenance of records. Records. — At the Plant Research Institute a file is kept for each exchange institution. This file contains correspon- dence, loan and exchange forms, and a ledger sheet on which the balance can be read at a glance (see also final section of Chapter 2). A triplicate form is used for recording the details of each shipment of loan or exchange specimens. It has spaces for the name and address of the recipient; the number of speci- mens and whether sent as loan, gift, exchange or return of loan; number of packages and method of transmission; special notes; signature of transmitting curator; statement of exchange balance; signature of recipient; and return address. The original (white) and first carbon (yellow) are sent to the recipient. A note on the forms, which are all identical in content, specifies that the yellow copy is to be signed and returned as a receipt. The second carbon (pink) is kept as a file record. When the specimens are returned, the curator may sign and date both yellow and pink copies, and send the pink one to the borrower in cancellation of the loan; but the method of marking completion of the loan is a matter of choice and some institutions make no further use of the pink copy. These instructions sound complicated, but their practice soon becomes routine and they save much correspondence. However, the procedure should be out- lined in a conspicuous place, such as the front of the con- tainer in which the current supply of forms is kept, in case an inexperienced person should have to handle any loans in the absence of the curator. Handling specimens. — The method has already been described by which the specimens are laid out on individual sheets of paper after identification, in order to determine the 54 number of labels to be made. Because of the inevitable delay between laying out and the return of the duplicated labels, some regular routine must be adopted for keeping track of the duplicates. When up to 20,000 duplicate sheets, repre- senting possibly 5,000 collections, are sent out in a year, the need for some system is obvious. The duplicates are gen- erally kept in taxonomic sequence because the specimens are sorted into such a sequence when they come from the field. Very small collections may be integrated, but generally one field party's duplicates are kept as a unit. If a batch of duplicated labels is received for specimens collected by Black in 1957, we can go straight to the cabinet marked "Black 1957" and slip each set of labels into the appropriate species folder. When the specimens are taken out for sorting the labels are distributed to the individual sheets. Small collections worked up by a single botanist and integrated into a single sequence must be adequately marked, for example, "Smith 1955, Jones 1956, Brown 1956". Very small collections with a substantial number of duplicates are generally received only from a collector specializing in some particular group of plants. They may all be put in one cabinet with an appropriate label on the outside, but the individual shelves should be labeled, for example, "Black, Gramineae 1957" or "Johnson, Carex 1957-58." Miscel- laneous collections received from collaborators generally contain few, if any, duplicates; and any labels needed may be typed individually when the identifications are made. Sorting requires a great deal of shelf and bench space when exchange specimens are to be sent to many institutions. A pigeon hole or bench area is set aside and marked for each institution. Sorting is preferably done co-operatively by the whole taxonomic staff who, between them, will know the special needs or preferences of many institutions. If a particular set of specimens is reserved for some institution it should be so marked in advance of sorting; otherwise, if the staff member who arranged its disposition should be absent at the time of sorting, the reservation may be overlooked. 55 Individual preference is, of course, only one factor of several to be considered in the allocation of specimens. The preferences of some institutions may not be known; others merely require a representative set of your flora without a preference for particular groups of plants. Inevitably the disposition of specimens is substantially governed by the standing of the exchange account: an institution to which you are heavily indebted naturally tends to get a larger share of your specimens than one with which you have a credit. However, the exchange balance has little bearing upon the most desirable disposition of important specimens. If an institution with a heavy debit balance is the logical depository for particular specimens, they should be sent there if there is reason to believe that the account will eventually be balanced. It is desirable to keep informed of the activities of your exchange institutions as far as possible. If you know that one is doing field work in an area impor- tant to you, it is advisable to build up your credit on the understanding that you will eventually get a set of the duplicates. Packing. — Stack the specimens and labels neatly, each on a sheet of paper, wrap them in paper, and bind them firmly between sheets of corrugated cardboard. Specimens may be shipped in folded newsprint, but this practice hinders sort- ing and examination. The bundles must be tight enough to maintain pressure on every plant and label. If the plants slide to the edges of the paper they are likely to be broken. (See remarks above under packing and shipping of dried specimens.) The bundled specimens should be packed in substantial corrugated cartons. Old grocery cartons of suit- able size may be used for occasional shipments, but if many lots are sent out each year the job of locating enough suit- able cartons becomes time-consuming. It is therefore pref- erable to have a supply of cartons made up to your specifi- cations. Two sizes are advisable, about 4 inches and 8 inches deep. Large shipments, if consigned to domestic institutions, may be packed in wooden boxes and shipped by 56 express. However, for foreign shipments, parcel post has proved much more reliable than express, both for prompt- ness and to avoid customs difficulties. Of course, large ship- ments sent by parcel post must be divided into cartons within the maximum sizes allowed. When a few sheets are to be sent on loan and your smallest box is too large, pack them, well padded with paper, between several sheets of corrugated cardboard. Use about four sheets on each side and place some with the corruga- tions running crosswise and some lengthwise. Address the cartons and bundles and then wrap in several layers of heavy brown paper and address again. Tie thoroughly with several rounds of strong twine knotted at several points. Parcels must, of course, be plainly addressed, preferably in black ink and directly on the wrapping paper, since gummed labels occasionally come off. Any parcel going out of the country must have a customs declaration form stuck on to it; but varying numbers of dispatch notes and loose customs declar- ations are also needed for shipment between certain coun- tries, and full instructions should be obtained from your post office. The declaration should read "Dried Botanical (or Museum) Specimens — ^No Commercial Value." Avoid any wording that might suggest living plants, or the parcels may be opened and the contents disturbed by a quarantine inspector. 57 CHAPTER 2 FUNGI Collecting and Drying Introduction One key to the successful preparation of specimens of fungi, as of vascular plants, is rapid drying with gentle heat. Rapid drying is necessary with most fungi to prevent discloration through oxidation, overgrowth by molds, or bacterial decay. It is even more desirable with foliicolous parasites, in order to preserve the appearance of the host plant; and, with mushrooms and other fungi, in order to preserve the color, form and surface texture to the greatest possible degree. However, the use of only gentle heat together with rapid air exchange is fully as important with fungi as with vascular plants, in fact probably more so for fleshy fungi; for heat without rapid removal of moisture simply increases discloration. The main function of the heat is to reduce the relative humidity of the air that passes the specimen; but it is also responsible for part or all of the air circulation according to the type of drier. A possible method of securing improved drying of fleshy fungi, especially, is to draw desiccated air at approximately room temperature past the specimens. With sound engineering design such a drier might be economical enough for regular use, at least for critical material, but such a method has probably not yet been investigated. Another method, which has been tested to a limited extent for mushrooms, is freeze-drying. The hfelike appearance of such specimens is very good and they may prove satisfactory for display purposes, such as a demonstration of the characters of poisonous species; but 58 the specimens are too fragile to be practicable for a tax- onomic collection, and the preparation and housing of them would be too expensive and time-consuming.* The laboratory drying cabinet described in Chapter 1, and illustrated in Figure 8, with an adequate exhaust fan, has been satisfactorily used for drying all types of fungi at this institution for several years. Small parts of specimens of fungi may be fixed in the field in a fixing solution such as F.A.A. (formalin 7 cc, glacial acetic acid 7 cc, 50 per cent alcohol 100 cc), in which material may be left indefinitely without injury, if it is anticipated that anatomical or cytological studies will be made. No other specimens of fungi should be subjected to liquid preservation. Fungi for taxonomic specimens are never improved by liquid preservation; most are made more diffi- cult to study, and many become completely unrecognizable. The color of mushrooms is destroyed by such treatment. In the following sections, suggestions are given for the collection and drying of various groups of fungi that present special problems. The fungi are grouped principally by handling methods rather than by strictly natural groups. The required equipment varies widely from group to group. Field Notes Full information should accompany every specimen, either as a rough label or as an entry in the field notebook and linked to the specimen through the collection number. The data should include: date, locality, collector, collection number, abundance, host or substrate, general habitat, and elevation if from mountainous country. It is from this infor- mation that the permanent label must be prepared, and a specimen without an adequate label is of very little value. Particular data for various groups of fungi are discussed below. See also "Field Notes" in Chapter 1. A consecutive system of collection numbers like that used by phanerogamic botanists, is highly recommended for mycological collectors. It is particularly useful for foliicolous fungi, as outlined below. * See addendum 13. 5Q Foliicolous Fungi Included here are the rusts, smuts, downy mildews, powdery mildews, a variety of ascomycetes and imperfect fungi, and a few other minor groups. The collecting, pressing and drying of foliicolous fungi are so similar to these proc- esses for the vascular plants on which they grow that the reader is referred to Chapter 1 for general information; but a few points are emphasized below. Thorough pressing is important, for wrinkled leaves gradually shatter in the packet. Because of the similarity in field methods, phanerogamists and mycologists concerned with foliicolous fungi can often combine their field work to their mutual benefit. This is particularly true of inadequately botanized and relatively inaccessible regions, where general collecting of all groups of plants is usually desired. This end may be attained either by the mycologist and phanerogamist working together or by one assuming the collecting duties of the other. The latter is the more economical alternative in the arctic where the flora is too limited to warrant two trained collectors working together; but it cannot be effective unless each is well versed in the field methods and requirements of the other. Because of this the mycologist and phanerogamist should work together for at least one season before undertaking double duty; otherwise too many valuable opportunities will be wasted through ignorance. In countries such as Canada, where relatively few botanists must cover a vast area, this interdisciplinary approach to field work can be a big help. A prime requirement in specimens of parasitic fungi, and indeed of many saprophytic species, is positive identification of the host plant. A name applied in full confidence to the host when the collection is made may be shown, by future studies, to embrace a group of closely related species. There- fore, adequate material for identification of the host should always be taken. It may be possible to include whole plants in the packet when small herbs are involved; and tall, slender herbs, such as grasses and sedges, may often be 60 included by cutting them in sections. Alternatively the critical parts for determination of larger plants may be included, although selection of appropriate material some- times requires a knowledge of the taxonomy of the host genus. If good phanerogamic material cannot be included with the mycological specimen, take an ample phanerogamic specimen, to be inserted in the phanerogamic herbarium under the same collection number as the mycological speci- men. When combined phanerogamic and mycological col- lecting is done, the taking of host and parasite under a single collection number should be routine practice. If more than one fungus occurs on the host segregate the specimens by letters added at the end of the number. Then if doubt later arises as to the identity of the host, you can check in the phanerogamic herbarium. Although the habitat of the parasitic fungus is approxi- mately that of the host plant, it often happens that the parasite occurs in only part of the host colony. Note any discernible feature of the habitat that correlates with the occurrence of the fungus such as low ground, shade, ex- posure or, in mountainous country, altitude. Mycological specimens of herbaceous plants should be freed from soil even more sedulously than phanerogamic specimens. If soil particles are scattered through the sheets in the press, many become embedded in the specimens and are carried into the packet. If they cover the fruiting sur- faces of the fungus it is difficult to avoid picking some of them up with the fungus when a microscopic mount is made. Even a small piece of grit under the cover slip may make it impossible to press the cover glass down enough for proper examination of the mount. Attempts to flatten the mount may cause breakage of the cover. Be sure to collect ample material of these fungi, for a specimen may prove to be fruiting much more sparsely than appearance in the field suggests. In any case at least one sheet should be filled, any surplus over personal require- ments being used for exchange. If you keep phanerogamic 61 and mycological material on separate sheets whenever practicable, you will reduce the time lost later in sorting. Some parasitic fungi are much less conspicuous after drying than when fresh, and the sorting may have to be done under the dissecting microscope. Many of the rust fungi have in their life cycle several spore forms, which may differ considerably in appearance. Try to secure all states that are present, for some species are difficult to identify from a single one. Many rusts bear their aecial (cluster cup) state on one host and the uredinia and telia (commonly yellowish-brown and black respectively) on another, unrelated plant. For example, most grass and sedge rusts bear their aecia on various dicotyledons. In late spring and early summer both hosts may be found rusted together. Both should then be collected with notes on the association. If the rust is heavy where the two plants are closely associated, and progressively lighter as they become further apart, the presumption that they are the alternate hosts of a single rust is strong. Any such information should be recorded. In spring it may be possible to find the old telia on stems of the previous year associated with the aecia; or in mid- to late summer the spent aecia may be recognizable under a lens on blackened areas of the leaves of the aecial host, close to the fresh uredinia and telia. In temperate regions most foliicolous ascomycetes do not mature the ascigerous state on the living leaves in summer, although a conidial state may be produced. If it is not feasible to return to collect the overwintered leaves in the early spring, take a large amount of infected leaves in late summer or fall; dry without heat (or take them home with- out drying if this can be achieved without their becoming moldy); place the leaves in net bags or wire screen con- tainers, and put them in a place that resembles the natural habitat as closely as possible. In early spring check the leaves periodically and press and dry them as soon as the ascospores are plentiful. 62 In the arctic, where phenomena of spring, summer and fall tend to become telescoped, fruiting of the ascomycetes is not usually confined to spring but may last into August, or even start in August and be completed next spring. The old stems and leaves of most plants bear a variety of such fungi, which form a large proportion of the total fungus flora. Since there is a good chance of finding some fruiting material at any time during the normal field season, it is desirable to collect old stems and leaves with phanerogamic specimens. These fungi may be scarcely visible, let alone distinguishable from each other, by the naked eye, but the addition of a few dead stems to the specimen takes so little time that nothing is lost if the material proves to be sterile. The fungi are finally 'collected' in the laboratory under the dissecting microscope. Not much is known about these arctic- alpine saprophytic microfungi. They have generally been taken accidentally with phanerogamic specimens. The speci- mens are usually extremely inadequate; for the few affected leaves in a specimen may bear five or six different fungi, some represented by only one or two fruit bodies. The general collector should therefore refrain from cleaning all the old leaves and stems off his plants. Even if they yield no fungi, the siems may be left on the plant specimen as a means of comparing the plant heights in successive years. Bacterial action is so meager in the arctic that even delicate leaves and stems may remain attached to the plants for two or three years. It is as well to include both the stems of the previous year, which are usually yellowish brown, and those of earlier years, which are usually ashen. The latter may bear only spent fruit bodies but occasionally yield species that are lacking from the younger stems. There is one characteristic of the downy mildews that the collector should bear in mind. These fungi fruit only in saturated or nearly saturated air, especially during dewfall. In wet or foggy weather it is possible to obtain good material at almost any time of day. But in clear weather the conidio- phores and spores are produced at night and may collapse 63 before midmorning. In such weather the best collections are generally made within an hour or two of sunrise, although morning fog or a heavy dew may prolong the useful collecting period until about 10 a.m. In addition to the field equipment regularly used for vascular plants, a hand lens of 10- to 15-power should always be carried. Paper bags should be carried in the field press for small specimens, fragile ones or for solitary infected plants taken with a phanerogamic collection, which might otherwise be overlooked. Tags and painted stakes may be needed for marking plants to which return trips are to be made. Fleshy Fungi This term is here used to include the mushrooms (Agari- cales), puffballs, etc. (Gasteromycetes), clavarias (Clavaria- ceae), the larger cup fungi (Pezizales) and a few minor groups. These fungi are generally both fragile and ephemeral. If presentable and satisfactory specimens are to be obtained they must be handled carefully, and examined and dried promptly. They must not be put in formalin or other pre- serving liquids. When it is practicable to do so, as is often the case in forested country, fleshy fungi should be collected separately from other plants, because they require distinctive equipment. Thus, even if one is doing general collecting of all groups of plants in an area, days should be set aside for fleshy fungi. Such a day will generally be about three or four days after heavy and prolonged rain. For fleshy fungi you need a light but rigid and easily carried container of ample size, such as a large, flat-bottomed basket, in which the specimens may be carried without being crushed. Keep the fungi separated by placing them in paper bags or wrapping in wax paper. If you are visiting a wide area jot down the particular habitat and include this information with each specimen as it is taken. Some of these fungi have narrow ecological limits. Habitat details may therefore be important. If the fungus is growing on wood, 64 get a little piece of it, too; it can often be identified later even if you do not recognize it in the field. By describing the forest type in your notes you immediately narrow down the range of possible hosts. It is important that at least some of the plants in each collection be complete. For example the base of a mushroom stem should always be included, because the presence or absence of a cuplike basal volva, more or less buried in the ground, is an important diagnostic character. Remove as much dirt as possible when the speci- men is dug; otherwise the final cleaning is greatly complicated. Fleshy fungi present a serious problem to the general collector who, because little time can be spent in an area or because the fungi are scarce, cannot afford to set aside special days for them. For example, you may be doing general collecting in the arctic or above tree line on a mountain, where you may see only a single species of fleshy fungi in a full day's walking. Under such conditions you would not want to carry a basket for fleshy fungi, because you will be devoting most of the day to collecting vascular plants, foliicolous fungi, mosses and lichens, all of which may safely be put into the field press. Unfortunately the very scarcity of these fungi in arctic-alpine regions makes it important that good specimens be taken whenever they are seen. A reasonable compromise is to carry one or more rigid cardboard boxes about 2 inches deep (arctic-alpine mushrooms and puff balls are generally small) into which the specimens may be placed in paper bags. The boxes are carried in the pocket of the field press, in a small haversack or even in large parka pockets. The folded-down paper bags prevent the specimens from rolling about in the box, and the box prevents them from being crushed. If you are caught in the field without a box it is sometimes possible to bring back a specimen in fair condition by putting wads of moss above and below it in a paper bag and putting the bag between wads of paper or any other bulky objects in the pocket of the field press; but this is a poor substitute for a rigid container. 65 As soon as possible after the fungi are collected, make notes on their colors, shape, size and consistency, for all these properties change to varying degrees with drying. There are some other characters that are occasionally very important, although usually of little significance. The general collector, who may not know when to record a particular character, often records those that are least significant. At one time we provided a printed field label for mushrooms with space for every imaginable kind of information. This method tends to defeat its purpose when mushrooms are plentiful; for, after spending three hours writing up a dozen specimens, the collector, burdened with other duties, often abandons mushroom collecting altogether. The following suggestions may be of some help to the general collector with little knowledge of mushrooms. A few genera or species have some striking character that is lacking in all others: its absence is unimportant, but its occasional occurrence is vital to complete identification. Record the presence of watery juice, and the presence, color or color change of milky juice exuded from a broken specimen. Record any strong or unusual taste or smell; a few species have a peppery taste when chewed slightly between the front teeth and touched to the tongue. (Do not swallow any pieces of raw mushrooms; but tasting is perfectly safe except in the Amanitas, which combine white gills, a ring and a basal volva.) Do not waste time trying to describe a faint *mush- roomy' taste or smell. Record any color change that occurs when, especially, a bolete (tube mushroom) is cut or bruised; such changes are diagnostic but the colors may later fade. Record briefly the color or color range of the cap, flesh of the cap, gills and stem. The color of the young gills is important in Cortinarius, which is distinguished by its very heavy cobwebby veil over the gills. The shape of the gills and the surface markings of cap and stem are generally obvious in the dried specimen and may be ignored if time is scarce. Although it is occasionally of no great importance, a spore print is vital in some genera, such as Russula, and is 66 always useful. It should be taken whenever possible. Cut the stem off, lay the cap with the gills down on a sheet of white paper, and cover it with a glass dish or anything else that will keep it from drying out. In a few hours, provided that the mushroom is neither very young nor very old, a visible deposit of spores in radial lines corresponding with the gills appears on the paper. (If the spores are colorless the pattern shows up when the paper is held at an angle to the light.) As soon as you have made notes put the specimens in the drier on sheets of paper or in open paper bags and lay the notes, including date, collector's name and number, alongside them. After you get the spore print put the specimen in the drier with the rest of the collection. Write the collection number on the paper bearing the spore print and file the print with the dried specimen. Small speci- mens dry overnight, large ones in about a day, and extremely large ones in about two days in an efficient drier. When traveling in settled country it is simple to take along a small collapsible drier powered by electricity. The design will depend on the type and quantity of collecting that is being done. If you are doing general collecting use a portable drier of the general type described in Chapter 1 ; the relatively small number of fleshy fungi you collect can be put in open paper bags in the bottom of it. If you are collecting only fleshy fungi, and space is at a premium, make a drier with a folding frame of wood or heavy wire, wire screen shelves, and walls of flame-proofed canvas. An electric light or a kerosene lantern in the base supplies the heat. Be sure to leave ample air inlet space at the base. The handling of fleshy fungi in camp in the north, with several people competing for the space available in a small tent, can be very difficult. There is little or no space for setting up moist chambers for spore prints; there are probably no work tables, and yet the floor space must be kept clear; and the time that the general collector can devote to the handUng of individual specimens is usually very limited. Yet the spore print is perhaps more important, on the average, 67 than any written data and should not be neglected. Drying the specimens and packing them and the prints, also pre- sent problems. It has been found that the small number of mushrooms that are Fikely to be taken by the general col- lector can be processed in identifiable, if not perfect, condition as follows: Take a piece of white paper about three times as wide as the cap of the mushroom, and of a length a little more than this amount. Along the center line punch one to several holes with the point of a pencil. Make the holes large enough to take the stems of the mushrooms and spaced so that the caps do not overlap. Push the stems through the holes; turn up the sides of the paper and fold them across the cap (see Figure 11). Then turn down the ends of the folded paper at right angles; in this way you will secure the fruit bodies and form a support in which they can be stood upright. Stand the paper, with its contained mushrooms, upright in a paper bag (other fruit bodies of the same collection may be put in with it), and put wet moss in the top of the bag to prevent drying out of the specimens. Set the bag upright in a cool moist place (for example, under the eave of the tent) for a few hours. One to several speci- men bags can be enclosed in a polyethylene bag to prevent dessication. Wedge the bags in a vertical position; the gills of a mushroom are closely spaced, and if the bag is tilted much nearly all the spores will fall on and cling to the adjacent gill instead of reaching the paper. If the specimens are processed in the evening, leave them for deposition of the spore print overnight. Mark the collection number on the bag and also on the paper in which the fruit bodies are folded. The rest of the data are generally put in the field notebook, although if it is preferred, they may be put on a slip of paper and included in the bag. At the end of the spore-printing period remove the moss and place the bag, open, in the drier or on the floor between the lamps, if the drier described in Chapter 1 is being used for general col- lecting. In such a drier small specimens dry in about 24 68 Figure 11. — Preparing mushrooms for making spore prints in the field. hours, large ones in two to three days. Once the specunens are dry fold down the tops of the bags and secure the fold with paper clips, rubber bands or gummed paper strips, then put the bags in a box in a dry place. By this method the individual fruit bodies are not touched after they are set up for spore printing, and the spore print cannot become separated from its specimen. The folded paper and the paper bag combine to make a springy support for the specimens, simplifying packing and reducing the risk of damage in transit. Pack the accumulated specimens in a box with crumpled paper or other light material that will fill up any space. 69 The identification of puffballs depends partly on gross external characters of the fruit body (color and markings) and partly on the microscopic characters of the spores. Specimens should therefore be mature enough to contain spores, that is, they must be colored and preferably powdery inside. But they should not be so old that the outside has become weathered. In the arctic, where the growing season is short and decay slow, it is sometimes possible to collect young specimens of the current season, showing the external characters, adjacent to old fruit bodies of the previous year that still contain spores. One interesting genus is Cordyceps, whose brightly colored, more or less clavate fruit bodies may be found protruding from forest litter or moss. These fungi parasitize insects and the slender stalk of the fruit body grows up from the buried larva or pupa of the insect. The fungi should be dug with extreme care, in order that the insect may be recovered, preferably still attached to the fruit body; there i$ some degree of host specificity in these fungi, and at least approxi- mate determination of the host is always desirable. The subterranean fungi, both the trufiles and their allies and the superficially similar underground gasteromycetes, are not often collected because few people think to look for them. Bear them in mind when digging up plants or fungi. If you fijid one search the surrounding area carefully. These fungi are sometimes found in rodent caches. When you see squirrels or other animals digging it is worth investigating to see what they are taking. When general collecting is being done only briefly in an area a systematic search for hypogeous fungi is impractical. However, a more systematic search should be made in the collector's home territory. For this purpose a trowel can be used to turn over sample areas of forest floor periodically in different associations. Wood-destroying Fungi The wood-destroying fungi include the Polyporaceae, many of which are conspicuous bracket fungi, the more or 70 less appressed Thelephoraceae, and the tooth-bearing Hydnaceae, as well as some of the true mushrooms. The first three groups are relatively firm, and leathery or woody, compared with the mushrooms. Because of their bulk these fungi are usually carried in large baskets; but, if you are working in rough terrain and must keep your hands free, put the individual collections in paper bags and carry them in a haversack or pack. These fungi are less fragile than mushrooms, though some of the delicate ones may be quite brittle when dry. They also change less in color, size and shape as they dry. They include all the important causes of timber decay and are thus of great economic importance. The specimen should be accompanied by the name of the host, if this can be determined in the field, and should include enough wood to show the type of decay. If the decay organism is to be cultured, cut out a substantial block of wood with a saw. Otherwise use a heavy knife, small hand ax, or machete for cutting the specimen away from the substrate. Although for preservation of color and form rapid dry- ing is less critical for these fungi than for the fleshy fungi, it is important in preventing loss of the spores and should always be practised. Microfungi on Twigs, Bark, etc. These fungi are generally not very fragile, and may be collected into paper bags and carried in a haversack or basket. Take along pruning shears if you are looking for twig-inhabiting species. You will also need a heavy knife for trimming specimens from wood, bark or large twigs. When identifiable material of the host is available it should be included. Heat should be used for drying, but it is not a critical need if the specimens are not extremely bulky and are taken in fine weather. 71 Coprophilous Fungi A distinctive fungus flora develops on the dung of various animals but particularly of herbivorous mammals. Students of these fungi are glad to have dung samples from out-of- the-way places and from rare or localized animals. Take the fresh, moderately dry pellets, which are easier to handle and yield more of interest than do very old, weathered pellets. Put the samples in paper bags, cardboard boxes or tins. If they are not intended for immediate study dry them in the air for one to several days according to size. Use only very gentle heat. If specimens are in tins leave them uncovered during this period. When it is desired to develop the fungal fruit bodies place the pellets in moist chambers for several days and keep them under observation. Quite a succession of fungi may occasionally develop, but the details of such studies are beyond the scope of this manual. Remove the mature fungi and dry them in the ordinary way. On the label include date, locality, collector and number; also record the time and temperature used for development of the fruit bodies and the identity, if possible, of the animal that made the droppings. The locality and habitat will help to narrow the choice. Identifiable tracks may be present. Experienced zoologists, trappers or naturalists will often be able to help. A few natural history books (such as O. J. Murie, A Field Guide to Animal Tracks, Houghton Mifliin Co., 1954) give information on this subject. Myxomycetes The slime molds are one of the most frequently collected groups of fungi — and one of the most poorly collected. Unless the delicate structure of the fruit bodies is well preserved, specimens are often completely unidentifiable. Because of the difficulty of preserving them from damage most collectors take only a small amount from a colony, and thus duplicates are seldom available for distribution. Even when we receive specimens large enough to divide, their condition seldom warrants making duplicates. This is 72 one group of organisms that must be preserved from crush- ing and battering. Take specimens with a substantial amount of the log, twig or other substrate on which the organism is fruiting. The substrate can then be used to wedge the specimen into a pill box, salve tin or other receptacle. If you are caught in the field without a suitable box make one of cardboard of other material. In an emergency, fold a sheet of paper several times, and then fold it into a rectangular box; stiffen the sides by whittUng thin slivers of wood and putting them between the layers of paper, and fasten the box shut with string. In the laboratory you can stick the specimens to the bottoms of permanent boxes. Although myxomycetes take no nourishment from the substrate upon which they fruit, but merely climb up it, they show considerable restriction in habitat. The substrate may reflect the habitat and should be recorded along with other habitat data. Thus Lamproderma cribrarioides is commonly found on living plants of Lycopodium; presumably the acid, organic soil on which the Lycopodium grows is suitable for the slime mold. Bulky specimens should be dried with heat, but small ones will dry readily at room temperature in a dry building. Plant Disease Specimens The instructions given for foUicolous fungi and micro- fungi on twigs cover many of the requirements for specimens that show diseases of garden or crop plants. However, diseases may attack the roots, crown or main stem of a plant, although the principal symptoms show on the leaves as wilting, marginal scorching or general discoloration. If such a disease is suspected, dig the plant, free it from soil, flatten it between several layers of newspaper, bind it between sheets of cardboard, and send it at once to the nearest plant pathologist. Plants so packed will preserve many of the original symptoms; and it is often possible to isolate the causal organism from them. Never ship plants wet and wrapped in waxed paper unless you can be sure that they 73 will be delivered within about 24 hours. Remember that a slight delay in delivery may result in a weekend intervening before the specimens reach the recipient. If they are in a warm place during this time they will ferment and blacken beyond recognition or become covered by molds; in either case the symptoms will be obscured and isolation of the pathogen becomes impossible. If you are close to a plant pathology laboratory it is generally best to pot up the plant with the minimum disturbance of the soil about the roots and deliver it personally. Plant disease specimens are sometimes put in liquid preservatives in an attempt to preserve the symptoms for demonstration purposes. Such specimens are bulky and messy to store; the liquid has to be replaced periodically; and the tops of the jars sometimes are impossible to remove for renewal of the liquid. The colors generally fade eventually, even when special color preservatives are used, so it is usually better to keep only herbarium specimens and to use color transparencies to show the symptoms. If specimens are kept for anatomical study do not use color preservatives that contain metallic salts, for electrolytic action quickly ruins the edge of a razor when such material is sectioned. Processing Dried Specimens Introduction The methods by which specimens are filed and housed depend somewhat upon the size and scope of the herbarium as well as personal choice. Some practices are more or less universal, but details vary greatly from one institution to another and also from one group of fungi to another. The principal requirements are: (1) protection of the specimens from mechanical damage, fire and insects; (2) ready acces- sibility of the specimens for study; and (3) a system suffici- ently flexible to allow normal growth of the herbarium without frequent laborious reorganizations. The methods in use in the Plant Research Institute are outlined below for 74 some of the groups of fungi that were treated in the first part of this chapter. This outline will serve as an example of satisfactory methods rather than a full acount of all the possible alternatives. Experienced curators will certainly not agree with all our methods, but may benefit from some sug- gestions. The mycologist faced with starting a new herbarium will probably l)enefit more extensively; for recent sharply accelerated growth and changes of emphasis in the National Mycological Herbarium have forced us to cope with problems that might not otherwise have seemed significant. Before outlining our methods it may be well to mention a few practices that often seem desirable to the beginner but become increasingly unsatisfactory as the herbarium grows. The first is the practice of filing packeted specimens like index cards, on edge in a cabinet rather than mounting them on sheets. The beginner is inevitably impressed with the apparent logic of this method, but it has several dis- advantages. If the packets are stored on edge the specimens tend to work to the bottom, and fragile material is easily broken up. If the packets are filed on edge like index cards, they are handled like index cards. The amount of handling in an actively used herbarium is substantial, and the wear on the tops of the packets eventually becomes serious. Thus repacketing may become necessary long before it should, causing much extra work and often posing a problem in the disposal of manuscript annotations on the old packet. Finally this method demands an essentially uniform packet size. With very small specimens this treatment is merely somewhat wasteful; but with the large dimensions often needed for good specimens of foliicolous fungi the brutal chopping that it entails is positively procrustean Th?. method also necessitates the repacketing of many exchange speci- mens, which reach you in packets of various sizes. Another practice that may seem innocuous in a small collection is the adoption of a completely arbitrary arrange- ment of the specimens, unmounted, in a numerical sequence. The less objectionable variation of this system is one in 75 which each species is allotted a number. All the specimens of a species bear this number and are filed together. In order to find a species, reference is made to a species index, in which the nomenclature must be kept up to date. Related species seldom, and only by chance, occur together in the herbarium. This system throws extra work upon every user of the herbarium; and, when loan requests are received, it greatly increases the work of record keeping for the curator, who must mark the withdrawal of the individual species of a genus instead of merely the genus. Another minor dis- advantage of this method, which was employed in the private harbarium of the late Dr. John Deamess, is that workers who borrow specimens often interpret and cite the species numbers as collection or accession numbers. A much more objectionable variation of the numerical filing system is that in which the specimens are filed in the sequence of their accession numbers. In this system not only are related species scattered but even the individual collections of each species are dispersed. Specimens must be sought through the use of an elaborate index and found only with considerable labor; and the index must be kept continuously up to date. In searching for a group of related species one must think of, and check, all possible names to which specimens may have been referred through the whims of earlier staff members, to be reasonably certain of finding all the avail- able material. The one minor advantage of this system is that it simplifies insertion. As we shall see below, a more logically arranged herbarium serves as its own index, allow- ing the clerical staff to be more usefully employed. We shall now follow the stages of processing newly acquired specimens before dealing with other aspects of herbarium practice. Pocketing and Labeling When a collection has been identified, ample material for a specimen is put in a packet together with a slip of paper 76 bearing spore measurements and other microscopic charac- teristics. Surplus material is put into other packets for ex- change. K the collection is not large enough to divide, a single label is typed, or printed with black ink, and is clipped to the packet. If there are duplicates they are attached to the master packet with a separate clip or with rubber bands, but the master label remains associated with its own packet. If there are only a few duplicate packets the labels for them are typed individually. If there are more than five, one label and a carbon copy are typed initially. The carbon stays with the duplicates. The required number of duplicates is marked on the original. When a number of such labels have been accumulated, they are sorted into groups of six for each of which nearly the same numbers of duplicates are needed. A stencil is then cut for each group of labels and the neces- sary copies are prmted. The labels are cut up and sent back to the herbarium, where they are attached to the packets; the duplicates are then put in boxes to await the next dis- tribution of exchange specimens. Attaching an individual label as it is made is time- consuming. It is generally preferable to accumulate speci- mens in appropriately marked boxes until a considerable number are on hand. Labels can then be attached quickly, and without using a great surplus of mucilage, as follows. Spread a thin film of mucilage on a glass plate, renewing it periodically with a brush and adding a little water as it becomes too stiff. Touch the top i inch of the label to the film of mucilage and press it into position on the packet with a wipe from a pad of cleansing tissue. Do not use more adhesive than is actually needed. The excess runs out from under the label, staining it and the packet, and often causing two packets to stick together.* Four sizes of machine-made packet, similar to that shown in Figure 10, are used in the mycological herbarium: (1) 3XU inches; (2) 5x3 inches; (3) 5iX4i inches; and (4) 9ix3i inches. The first of these packets is used to hold a microscope slide, a very small specimen or a selected part of a specimen; it is always kept within a larger packet. * See addendum 9. »y»y The third size of packet is used most extensively. It will hold a relatively bulky specimen, notes, and a slide in a thin cardboard container. The second size of packet saves considerable space in housing small specimens; it will house a slide in the No. 1 packet, but the bulkier cardboard slide holder is inclined to prevent the flaps of this small packet from lying flat. (Recent trials have indicated that the No. 1 packet is a satisfactory slide holder for sUdes sealed with a sealing material, such as clear nail lacquer, which is not sticky when dry.) The long No. 4 packet is useful for speci- mens on twings or shoots, especially where a short piece does not show the symptoms satisfactorily; but it is par- ticularly valuable for parasites on slender herbs that are often included in their entirety. It will hold complete oi nearly complete grasses and sedges, avoiding the common and exasperating situation in which doubts about the iden- tity of the host cannot be resolved. The number and exact sizes of the packets selected are a matter of choice; but, in the one chosen to correspond to No. 3, it is essential that the length be slightly less than half the width of the her- barium sheet (IH inches). Two such packets may then be mounted side by side and the sheet filled with the minimum waste space. Bulky specimens such as mushrooms, or fungi on thick twigs, cannot be kept satisfactorily in the type of packet just described, for the flaps tend to fly open. They are kept instead in hand-folded packets made from paper measuring Six 11 inches, which are made as follows: Fold up the bottom of the sheet to within 1 i inches of the top, and score the fold; fold the top H inches down over the first fold; finally turn the paper over and fold each end back for H inches. This method gives a packet 41 inches high and 5i inches long. The precise height of the packet is not important, but the length must be carefully controlled. If the length is much over 5i inches two packets will not fit side by side on the sheet. A much shorter packet will have such long flaps (unless they are trimmed) that little space will be left under the center of the packet for attaching it to the sheet. In 78 making this style of packet, which may of course be made in other sizes also, the first two folds are made in one stage; then, when several have been folded, they are turned over and the end folds made. A simple jig may be used as a fold- ing guide, but a board marked with guide lines gives close enough control and is simpler to use. The method is shown in Figure 12. The folds are scored with the back of a finger nail or with a smoothly rounded hardwood stick. When such a packet is stuck to the sheet by its center and the flaps are turned under, it stays firmly closed even with quite bulky contents. After mushrooms are identified they are placed for 4 to 8 hours in a moist chamber (but not in contact with water), which relaxes them slightly. They are then pressed •8'/;"- Ftgure 12. — Method of preparing hand-folded packets. A Sheet of paper In position on guide lines. B. First fold (up). C. Second fold (down). D. Packet turned over and final folds made. 79 gently, so that they will fit easily into a packet, and redried. Extremely bulky specimens are filed separately in special boxes, as described below. Large sheets of paper should be kept on hand for making extra large packets to house mush- rooms which, though reasonably flat, are too broad to go in a standard packet. Packets must be made of bond paper of high quality. Sulphite paper must never be used because permanence is essential. If good bond paper cannot be obtained, heavy kraft paper may be used. It is actually rather more durable than most bonds, but the color is objectionable, annotations do not show up well on it, and less light is available for examination of specimens in the open packet. Cellophane envelopes about 4^x4 inches are sometimes used inside packets to hold exceptionally dusty specimens, such as some of the smut fungi, whose spores tend to sift out of any packets; the open side is folded over. These envelopes are also useful for some other types of specimens, notably dried agar cultures whose appearance is diagnostic. They may be handled in the envelope without becoming rubbed.* Accessioning and Indexing Two other steps are taKen before the specimen is inserted in the herbarium. When it has been identified and the label made, it is entered in the accession book. Opposite the acces- sion, or serial, number in the margin of the book are entered the name, host or substrate, locality in brief, collector and date. The number is then written on the label. Duplicate labels are made after accessioning and the number is typed on them. The accession books are kept in the form of four-ring foolscap binders. The entries are made on the left side of the page, the right side being kept for redispositions. When specimens are to be entered the date of entry is written in the margin below the first accession number. This procedure allows a quick estimate to be made of the specimens added * See addendum 14. 80 to the herbarium in a given period; and it helps in the locating of specimens that are in course of being processed for insertion. The accession nimiber serves two main purposes. It occa- sionally helps in tracing a specimen that has been mislaid or redisposed; and it allows brief but unequivocal citation of specimens. If all mycologists used collection numbers this second use would disappear, since the collection number would then be cited. Unfortunately many mycologists still do not use collection numbers, and it accordingly seems advisable to continue the accessioning system. It is time- consuming and its value is somewhat in doubt. The accession number has, moreover, frequently been confused by citing authors with a collection number. For this reason the space for the accession nmnber on our label forms is now headed by DAOM, the abbreviation of the herbariirai. An accession number does not altogether replace a collection number. This is particularly true for parasitic fungi in which the collection number, with a qualifying letter if it is preferred, can refer both to the fungus specimen and to a specimen of the host plant. For bulky specimens that must be kept in boxes the accession number serves another purpose. The nimiber is printed both on the label and on each separate piece of the specimen. Thus there is no risk of accidental mixing of adjacent specimens. The final step to be taken before the specimen is inserted is to check that the species is recorded, on the particular host or substrate, in the host index. The host index is a relatively recent innovation in this institution and a most useful one. No attempt has been made to list all the hosts and substrates that have been recorded for any fungus, but only those represented in the herbarium. Host plants are recorded to genus; and other substrates such as wood and bark, dung, bone, paper, textiles, soil, etc., are broadly categorized. At the top left of each 3X5 inch index card is typed the host or substrate category. At the top right of each card is marked the major group to which the fungus 81 belongs (listed below under Insertion). The name of the fungus is typed below the headings. A blue marker card with a tab on the left marks the start of each host or substrate; and a buff marker with a right-hand tab marks each fungus group under a given host, but the buff markers are not used if there are only a few fungi recorded on the host. A few groups of fungi are excluded from the host index. The Agaricales and Gasteromycetes are not entered because most of them grow on soil or decayed wood. The wood- inhabiting Hymenomycetes are separately indexed in con- nection with studies of wood-destroying fungi, and so are excluded from the general index. The host index is supplemented by a synonym index. Whenever a redisposition is made a card is put in the synonym index, under the old name, to show the new dis- position. The purpose is simply to aid users in the location of specimens, and not to record the full synonymy for a species. When the name of a very well-known fungus, such as a common plant pathogen, is changed, we may leave an empty folder in its former place, directing the enquirer to the new name. Such blank folders can usually be removed in a year or so as the new name gains familiarity. Exsiccata* In the National Mycological Herbarium most of the sets of published exsiccata are kept as such, rather than being distributed through the herbarium; but some small or in- complete sets, and some that contain plants other than fungi, are distributed in normal sequence. These sets are indexed under the names allocated to the specimens when the sets were issued. In using the index one must accordingly be prepared to look for specimens under possible synonyms. An asterisk on a card in the host index warns the user that there is material in the exsiccata. There is much to be said ♦ Exsiccata: neuter plural of exsiccatus, literally anything dried. Also used in masculine when specifically governing fungi or musci, or in feminine when governing plantae or algae. Refers to sets of specimens published, like a book, with printed labels. 82 for incorporating all sets of exsiccata in the main sequence of the herbarium, where they are readily available and thus more useful. The counter arguments are that, if they are in the main sequences, the exsiccata tend to be used in prefer- ence to other specimens and may become exhausted; and that a cited exsiccatum is more promptly accessible for reference if it is in the set. If it is in the general herbarium it may have been redisposed to a name unfamiliar to the person seeking it, or it may be somewhat buried if the fungus is represented by a great many specimens. Because the speci- mens are often scanty in some of the older sets, permanent mounts should be made of any specimens that are examined. The exsiccata are often in small packets, crowded on the sheets, and the mounts are accordingly usually put in packets in the general herbarium. More serious than the separation of the slides from the parent specimens is the fact that the exsiccata are not utilized to their full possible value if kept in sets, because much time is involved in locating the required specimens and there is the possibility of overlooking some under obscure names. Herbarium Sequence Before we discuss insertion of the specimens, the arrange- ment of the species in the herbarium should be considered. The fully processed specimens are sorted alphabetically under the major categories used in the herbarium. These are: Myxomycetes; Phycomycetes, general; Peronosporales; Ascomycetes, miscellaneous; Taphrinales; Erysiphales; Dis- comycetes, operculate; Discomycetes, inoperculate; Pyre- nomycetes; Tuberales; Phomales; Melanconiales; Hyphomy- cetes; Mycelia Sterilia; Miscellanea (especially bacterial, virus, nematode and physiological diseases); Ustilaginales; Uredinales; Agaricaceae; Boletaceae; Clavariaceae; Lyco- perdales; Nidulariales; Sclerodermatales; Hymenogastrales; Phallales; Auriculariaceae; Tremellaceae; Tulasnellaceae; Dacrymycetaceae; Hydnaceae; Polyporaceae; Exobasid- iaceae; Thelephoraceae. 83 Within these groups the specimens are filed alphabetically by genus and species, with some exceptions to be noted below. We are sometimes asked why we do not divide some of these categories further, in order to bring related genera closer together. The Pyrenomycetes are an obvious target for such criticism. The use of smaller categories may give rise to several difficulties. There may be no general agree- ment on what these categories are, or what their limits are. There may be numerous embarrassing intermediates that must be assigned arbitrarily to a category. Those inserting specimens and those using them for study must either memorize the system of classification that is chosen or continually refer to an index that will tell them where to find a particular genus. An elaborate classification with small categories would be satisfactory if none but a specialist in a group ever worked on that group. Thus a uredinologist might divide the rust fungi by families and tribes, to bring related genera together; but this action would merely hinder someone who seldom worked with these fungi. We do keep an index of genera, giving assignments to the categories listed above, but, with the relatively simple system in use, it need be referred to infrequently. Because the Ascomycetes contain so many pathogens of economic plants, and because many of them have conidial states, many mycologists who are not specialists in the class must work with them occasion- ally; and a complex arrangement consequentiy has appreciable disadvantages. However, when the classification particularly of the Pyrenomycetes becomes more stable, with a single system gaining wide acceptance, we shall probably adopt a more elaborate filing system. For the parasitic fungi and for those saprophytes that have a limited range of host plants, sorting by hosts is extremely useful. Some degree of geographic sorting is generally useful also. Accordingly specimens of a species of fungus on different hosts are mounted on different sheets. We also use separate sheets for specimens on a given host from Canada, 84 from the rest of North America, and from other parts of the world. For some of the parasitic fungi that have narrow host ranges, it has proved a great convenience to group the species of each genus by host family. This has been done for the Peronosporales, Taphrinales, Ustilaginales and most of the Uredinales. It is impractical to use such a subdivision for the Erysiphales, because several species occur on hosts in a number of families. Some caution is needed in deciding how far such a subdivision may be carried. It might seem desirable to break down large host families, such as Gramineae, to tribes; but many parasites occur on two or more tribes of this family. It is, however, occasionally practicable to divide a host family. Thus we segregate AUiaceae from Liliaceae in our arrangement of Puccinia, for this segregate family bears a distinctive group of rusts. Similarly Hydrangeaceae, Grossulariaceae and Parnassiaceae are removed from Saxifragaceae, leaving a more natural unit. When such subdivisions are made, a penciled warning is printed on the first folder of the main family, directing attention to the segregates. This arrangement is a great help when one is studying all the rusts, let us say, of a particular family of plants, or must identify a rust of some unfamiliar complex, or again when the loan of the rusts on some partic- ular group of hosts is requested. All the species are together and no reference need be made to the host index. Heteroe- cious rusts are filed under the family of the telial host in this system. Very rarely a rust may attack plants in two families. Then they are all filed under one family and a cross refer- ence is put in pencil on the first folder of the second family; for example Uromyces sparganii, which attacks Acorus and Sparganium, is filed under Sparganiaceae, but the note "see also Sparganiaceae" is put on the first folder of Araceae. Insertion Although insertion is sometimes regarded as a purely mechanical operation, it should be done as far as possible 85 by the mycological staff rather than by technicians. In a large herbarium it is preferable that each mycologist should insert those groups of fungi in which he specializes. By this means misdeterminations and invalid names are caught, and interesting specimens occasionally come to light. It is the specialist in a group who is most likely to be suspicious of the correctness of a determination, perhaps because of an unusual host or unrecorded locality; and it is he who will recognize the significance of an important but hitherto dis- regarded specimen. For insertion the specimens are sorted by the major groups recognized in the herbarium. Within these groups they are then sorted alphabetically by genus and species, except that those groups that are segregated by host family are sorted accordingly before they are sorted to species. Insertion is done on a narrow wheeled table, which is easily moved through the aisles between the cases. The sorted specimens, stacked in a shallow box, and a jar of mucilage with a brush mounted adjustably in the lid are carried on the top of the table. A supply of mounting paper and folders is put on the lov/er shelf. It is sometimes advisable also to have one or more reference books on the lower shelf, in order to check host or fungus names during insertion. It is all too easy, for example, to have a single host filed under two names; and a substantial amount of such minor revisionary work in the herbarium is done during insertion. The table now in use in the Plant Research Institute is a stainless steel hospital table 4 feet long, 20 inches wide, and 3 feet 2 inches high, with 4-inch casters. This is a stock article whose dimensions and construction happen to be ideal for herbarium use. When several specimens are to be inserted in a folder, it is advisable to work from the last to the first. By this method there is no need to move sheets to which specimens have just then been attached. Risk of the specimen moving before the mucilage hardens is thus largely avoided. Before inserting specimens the worker runs his hand over the 86 closed folder to see whether there are any low spots. Speci- mens are then stuck to that part of the sheet insofar as space on the appropriate sheet permits. When a new sheet is needed it is generally best to start at the extreme top or bottom, for there will generally be enough sheets in the folder rather more than half full to cause the middle part to bulk fairly high. If the first specimens are often put half way down the sheet, not only does the middle of the folder bulge unduly, but the sheets often will not be filled economically; for there may be room for one but not quite for two above and below the first one. When balance demands that the first specimen should not be at the top or bottom, it is put slightly more than the height of the most commonly used packet from top or bottom; the chance of the space being used economically is thus enhanced. Except for long packets that nearly span the sheet, the packets are always put within about ^ inch of the edge. Even quite small packets are treated in this manner because a speci- men in a packet more than half the width of the paper may later be received from another institution. It is exasperating to find that there is not quite enough space on a sheet for a new specimen because an earlier one was put i inch from the edge. Packets are attached with the smallest practicable amount of mucilage — a light streak about iXl inch in the middle of the packet. The mucilage is dispensed from a jar with a screw top, through which the aluminum handle of the brush passes and to which it is attached by a clamping ring. The brush is set so that it barely touches the mucilage. By this means a controlled amount may be put on the packet with- out the messy procedure of wiping the brush on the neck of the jar. The hand-folded packet with flaps that are tucked under it must, of course, be attached only at the center or it cannot be opened. If a packet must be removed, the sheet is turned over with the packet face down; then the packet is held flat and the paper is bent back and pulled off it slowly, using a sharp knife if necessary. If the tear starts to go too 87 52102-1— 7i deeply the sheet is pulled from a different direction. By this means all but the flimsiest packets may be removed intact. Those packets that do tear can be patched with a square of paper stuck over the back.* Various attempts have been made to find a means of attachment that will aUow packets to be removed readily. Rubber cement was once thought to be a good solution to the problem; but after a few years this material releases its grip completely. Specimens have been pinned to the sheet in at least one institution; but pin points must be exposed either inside the packet, to the detriment of the specimen, or on the back of the sheet, to the detriment both of the packets on the sheet below and of the fingers of mycologists. Pinned packets may also become loose with enlargement of the pin- holes. Some years ago a sheet with five pockets across it was developed at this institution. This is in effect a large-scale version of a type of album leaf used by philatelists for storing dupHcate stamps. It is discussed further in Chapter 3. This type of sheet has proved impractical in the mycological her- barium because packets containing slides or heavy specimens easily slip out of the pockets once they become slightly stretched. The method seems to be more suitable for bryo- phytes, which are generally very light, than for fungi; but whether it would be wholly satisfactory in a collection of mosses that was being used very actively is still uncertain. The most promising suggestion is the use of an adhesive paper hinge somewhat like a massive stamp hinge. Although we have not yet adopted this method, tests have indicated that such a hinge will withstand all but extremely rough handhng; but that for long packets one hinge should be used near each end to reduce the risk of twisting. It is also im- portant that the hinge be firmly attached right to the hinge line or movement of the packets will be possible. To remove a packet one simply slips a paper cutter under it. The practi- cability of the hinge system will depend partly on the local cost of the hinges and on the development of a quick and efficient method of wetting them for use. QQ * See addendum 9. oo The specimens are housed in the standard manila covers used in the phanerogamic herbarium, 16IXlli inches. Originally the markings were put on the lower right corner of the cover; but it was realized some years ago that mark- ings on the lower left comer, adjacent to the hinge, are much more readily inspected, and all new covers are now so marked. The permanent data are printed in india ink or black printer's ink, and those that are subject to change are lettered in pencil. For those who can do draftsman's script, the quickest and most satisfactory means of lettering seems to be the use of the finest available felt marking brush, with black ink in the reservoir. The more time-consuming method of a lettering guide and stylographic pen is preferred by those without facility in printing. A disadvantage of this method is that it requires the use of a drawing board and square; so that folders cannot be marked during insertion, the time at which the need for new folders generally arises. Although neat lettering is commendable, the prime requirement is legibility, and it is not desirable that undue time be spent on marking folders. Figure 13 shows some examples of marked folders. The heavy letters represent the permanent data printed in ink and the thin fines the temporary pencil markings. The first example, Mycosphaerella K — ^ME, illustrates the system used in most of the herbarium for species represented by few specimens. Individual folders are used for species that are heavily represented. Thus there is a folder for Mycosphaerella ribis, a well-known parasite of cultivated Ribes spp.; and there are several for M. tassiana and its varieties, which occur on a wide variety of plants in the north. The remaining examples illustrate the handling of the species of Puccinia attacking Polygonaceae. (Puccinia, like most genera of the rust fungi, is filed by host family.) Each folder bears "PUCCINIA" in capitals and, below it, "Polygonaceae" in small letters, both in ink. The first folder contains several minor species with the initial letters A and B, the letters being in pencil because the folder will probably 89 Mycosphaerella k- me PuCCINilA A - B Poly^onaceae Puce IN I A P0LY60NI-AMPHIBII Poly^onaceae Poly^- ci-end Rgure 13. — Method of marking folders In mycologlcal herbarium. Bold lettering represents permanent Ink markings; light lettering represents temporary pencil markings. eventually have to be split. Next comes P. bistortae, a major species, in its own folder; as the material of this species accumulates the folder will be spUt. All but one of the remaining species fit in the next folder (C — S); but there 90 is one more major species, P. Polygoni-amphibii, which already requires two folders; the first holding specimens on hosts from Fagopyron to Polygonum c. and the second those on Polygonum d. to the end (Polygonum spp. indet.). The host designations are in pencil because it is anticipated that before long the specimens will have to be divided between three folders. Herbarium Cases Specimens in the National Mycological Herbarium are housed in steel cases two shelves wide and 6 feet 7 inches high. The top shelf in this case is about 6 feet from the floor. The door is closed by a handle that operates bolts at top, center and bottom, pulling the door tightly against felt strips when it is closed. The door and walls are of double steel sheet construction with corrugated asbestos in the intervening space. This is a highly fire-resistant case and has proved very satisfactory when produced by a com- petent builder. We have stuck to the design largely because it can be obtained from a reliable and skilled manufacturer reasonably close to Ottawa, and one who can give prompt service when installation, leveling or minor repairs are in order. It is not a cheap case, but, after one experience with a 'bargain* case, we believe it to be reasonably priced. It is doubtful whether such a case will be the best choice under all circumstances. In areas where wood is cheap and good cabinet work is available at reasonable cost, a suitable plywood case painted with fire-resistant paint will probably give as good protection to specimens at a lower cost than a good steel case. However, the workmanship must be good if the case is to be thoroughly insect-proof. Steel shelving is preferable to wood, regardless of the type of case used, because of the saving in space. We use this steel case in two models, one with twelve shelves each side and a shelf spacing of 6 inches, and one with fourteen shelves at a spacing of 5i inches. The closer spacing is preferred for the less bulky specimens, such as the 91 predominantly foliicolous fungi, because a deep stack of such folders sags under its own weight when lifted, and this may cause damage to the specimens. The wider spacing is preferred for moderately bulky specimens, such as Agaricaceae, Boletaceae, and Thelephoraceae, which are light for a given volume. The wide shelf spacing is also needed for the boxes that are used for the bulkiest specimens (Polyporaceae, some Gasteromycetes, etc.). Boxed Specimens A system of nesting boxes, of hard cardboard reinforced with fabric, is used for housing the bulky specimens. The largest box is a slack fit in the shelves of the case having 6 inch shelf spacing. Three sizes of nesting boxes are fitted into the main box; half length and half width; half length and quarter width; and quarter length and quarter width. All these small boxes are slightly less than half the height of the main box; unless some of the specimens are unusually high they may thus be fitted in two deep, with an inter- vening cardboard divider having a finger hole near each end. The label is placed in the box with the specimen. Because of the possibility of specimens becoming mixed through an accident, each specimen bears the accession number, in india ink, located, for example, on a smooth part of the supporting wood. A metal holder on the front of each box carries a card indicating the range of specimens in the box. The range may embrace several species; but a common species will fill several boxes, and the card then bears the name of the species and the range of accession numbers of the contained specimens. (The wood-destroying fungi are not segregated by hosts; thus they may be filed strictly in numerical sequence, one box being used until full before another is started.)* A special problem is posed by groups of fungi most of which will fit into packets but of which a proportion must go in boxes. To simplify study of all the available specimens it is preferable to house the boxed specimens in the same Q_ * See addendum 15. case as those that are in folders. For the rusts, which are kept in cases with the narrow shelving, this involves cutting a little off the top of the standard box (mostly simply done with a handsaw) and using it without a lid. Because one may not expect boxed specimens of a particular species, a copy of the label, with the annotation "BOXED SPECIMEN", is mounted on an appropriate sheet in the folder for the species. Myxomycetes As was pointed out above, Myxomycetes must be housed in small boxes, for protection of their deUcate structures. Housing these boxes so that the specimens are readily avail- able for study presents a problem. There is a great temptation to pack the boxes into trays or larger boxes, to save space. SoHd packing means frequent rearrangement as the collection grows; and it eventually makes study of the specimens so awkward that, in practice, the collections are hardly used at all. During a period of great space shortage, the Myxomycetes in this institution (in boxes of various sizes and shapes) became so packed up within nesting boxes that no serious use was being made of them. When a specimen was received it was simply keyed out and no comparison was made with material on hand. To remedy this very undesirable situation, as soon as space became available the whole collection was reorganized. Any specimens that were in unduly deep boxes were transferred to a standard box 2 inches long, 11 inches wide and i inch deep. (Boxes much smaller than this size are a nuisance, because it is almost impossible to put all the label data legibly on the top.) This box is of white cardboard and is made like a matchbox; that is, the box slides through the cover. The boxes are fastened to herbarium sheets, a single species to a sheet, and the sheets housed in standard covers. Many boxes can be put on a sheet, although space must be left for sliding the box out of the cover. Actually most species occupy substantially less than a sheet. This method is not very economical of space; but the greatly increased accessibiUty, and consequent heightened interest in the group, have amply repaid the time and space involved in 93 the change. In study, the box is slid out of its cover and placed under the dissecting microscope for the preparation of a mount. The specimen is glued, by means of its substrate, to the bottom of the box. Protection from Insects Not even perfectly insect-proof cases will, alone, guarantee freedom from insects. A case has to be opened frequently and a closed case keeps insects in as well as out. Building fumigations, which must, by law in many communities, be carried out by a licensed professional fumigator, are expen- sive. If the herbarium is housed in a large building and not in a property segregated wing of it, the cost in cash and work dislocation may be prohibitive. Dermestid beetles attack fungi more than other plants. Not even frequent and regular fumigation of the herbarium can be completely relied upon to keep the specimens free from injury, especially in a rapidly growing institution with specimens arriving from various places and in all sorts of containers. Some sort of insecticide or repellent should accordingly be kept in the cases. It is both undesirable from the standpoint of effect on the speci- mens and dangerous from the standpoint of staff safety to use contact or stomach poisons. Volatile materials must accordingly be relied upon, and the choice generally lies between flake naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene. The latter is somewhat the better insecticide, but it is decidedly more volatile than naphthalene and is difficult to keep in the cases in hot weather. The rapid loss of the vapor from a large number of cases results in a substantial concentration in the herbarium, where it conceivably offers a slight health hazard. The time and cost of frequent renewals are further disadvan- tages to its use. We therefore returned to the use of naph- thalene some years ago; and we have suffered absolutely no insect damage to specimens in the steel cases, although un- worked collections in drawers or cardboard boxes suffered considerable damage during a period of several years when we were unable to house all such material in steel. 94 The naphthalene is held in a rectangular wire mesh basket, 12 inches long, 8 inches high and H inches deep, suspended inside the top of the door by two flattened wire hooks, which are clamped under the heads of two of the screws that hold the door liner in place. This basket just clears the shelves when the door is closed, and the space between the shelves and the door is ample for diffusion of the naphthalene vapor through the case. The basket is lined with two layers of cheesecloth held in place with paper clips. The basket is filled about 3 inches deep with naphthalene scooped from a metal drum with a beaker or cup. A little finely powdered naphthalene sifts through to the floor during the filling, but after a day or two the crystals form a crust in the basket and no more of the material falls out. In the cases that contain only boxed specimens the naphthalene may be sprinkled through the boxes. This system guarantees a uniform distribution of naphthalene vapor, but it has the slight disadvantage of introducing a certain amount of dirt into the boxes; for the commercial grade of naphthalene, which is usually supplied in jute sacks, inevitably contains minor impurities. It is thus neces- sary to clean out the accumulated debris from the boxes every few years. We have seen no indication of inadequate dispersal of naphthalene vapor among boxed specimens from the wire baskets, and this method is probably to be preferred even for such specimens. Loan and Exchange An increased volume of loans and exchanges has necessi- tated the adoption of a printed triplicate form (in white, yellow and pink) essentially the same as the one described in Chapter 1 for the phanerogamic herbarium, but with the appropriate return address since the two herbaria are under separate curatorship. The white and yellow forms are sent to the borrowing institution, the pink being held as a record. The borrower signs and returns the yellow form to acknowledge receipt of the specimens. When the specimens 95 are returned their receipt is noted on both the yellow and the pink forms. The pink form is sent to the borrower to mark completion of the transaction. The same form also serves for notice of the shipment of exchange specimens. For each exchange institution, records are kept in a foolscap file cover. The correspondence and forms are kept at the back in chronological sequence. In the front of the folder is a sheet of ruled foolscap headed with the name and address of the institution. The left two thirds of the page is used for dates and other details of the exchanges. The right one third of the sheet is ruled in three columns headed Balance, Specimens Sent, and Specimens Received. This sheet serves as a ledger, from which the standing of the account is immediately visible. The files are arranged alphabetically by name of institution in a correspondence filing cabinet. When specimens are to be sorted, a box is provided for each institution and marked with its name. The destination of a particular specimen is governed mainly by the known interests of workers at the various institutions, the need for wide distribution of rare or critical collections, and the balance of the exchange account. Occasionally the distribu- tion (for example, of isotypes) is determined in advance by pubhshed information. The destination should then be marked lightly in pencil on each packet as soon as the distribution is decided. After the lots of specimens are sorted, they are arranged alphabetically and the name, accession number and host are entered on card files kept for each institution. This practice prevents the inadvertent sending of duplicates or near duplicates to an institution. It also allows the tracing of duplicates and informing the recipient of name changes. However, it takes a lot of time and, if the volume of exchange continues to increase, it will have to be abandoned in favor of the practice that prevails in most phanerogamic herbaria, in which surplus duplicates are simply put back into exchange to circulate until they find a resting place. 96 Specimens must be packed in firm boxes that will not be crushed in shipment. It is also important that the specimens are not able to shake about in the box. A strong corrugated carton slightly larger than the bulk of the specimens is selected. Crumpled paper or other elastic packing is spread over the bottom of the carton to add springiness. The packets are laid flat on the packing in overlapping layers, so that any uneven pressure is spread over several packets. A thick packet may have to be balanced by several thin ones before another layer is started. It is usually simplest to group the packets by size to some extent, but if the shipment is a very large one it is preferable to pack them in something approaching alphabetical sequence. If the speci- mens were sorted before packing this will involve little extra work, and it will relieve the receiving institution of a tedious task. Very large shipments are put in two or more boxes. The boxes are always sent by parcel post rather than express, for promptness, rehability and relative freedom from customs difficulties. Limits for parcel post dimensions must be observed; but in any event a small box is stronger than a large one made of the same material. When all the specimens are in the box, packing is added to well above the top, and the box is closed and tied well with twine. The address of the recipient is marked on the box. The box is then wrapped in at least two layers of heavy brown paper and tied with two lateral and two lengthwise pieces of cord, well knotted. Finally the parcel is addressed and the necessary customs forms are attached (see details in Chapter 1). The contents are declared as "Dried Botanical Specimens — ^No Commercial Value". Mention of fungi is apt to cause un- founded alarms about dangerous plant pathogens and may result in the parcels being opened by a quarantine officer. 97 CHAPTER 3 MOSSES AND LIVERWORTS Collecting and Drying The bryophytes (mosses and liverworts) are among the simplest plants to collect and handle; but several points must be observed if the collector is to make the best use of his time and opportunities. These plants may be collected directly into paper, cloth or plastic bags or into folded newsprint in the field press, provided that they come cleanly off the substrate. When they grow directly on mineral soil they should be washed in the nearest pond or stream before they are put into containers; otherwise the drying soil will sift through the specimens spoiling their appearance completely. Collect plenty of material of each species, enough for at least two generous packets if the specimens are to be sent away for determination, to ensure adequate specimens for yourself and the identifier. If exchanges are contemplated the quantity must naturally be increased. A further reason for collecting liberal amounts is that what seems superficially to be a single species may actually contain one to several inconspicuous admixed species. Even the professional bry- ologist is accustomed to finding an extra 5 to 10 per cent of species in the laboratory above those that he saw in the field. The general collector, taking specimens on the basis of habitat and gross appearance, may expect a substantially higher proportion of unrecognized species. Ample specimens not only ensure that most of the scarce species will be picked up, but increase the likelihood that each will be adequately represented. 98 There is some advantage in collecting species individually, since only by so doing can their individual abundance in a habitat be recorded; but the general collector, with little knowledge of the mosses, can safely distinguish relatively few species and should not spend too much time trying to separate them. I recollect painstakingly segregating mosses during my first field season in the north, only to find out later that some of my specimens contained two to five species. It is much more important, where time is limited, to collect by habitat and record the habitat in detail. Mosses are par- ticularly sensitive to moisture supply. Thus permanent and temporary pools have different species, as do still and flowing water or upper and lower parts of a shore. Different species occur on the sunny and shady sides of a log or tree, and at different heights up a tree. Shade may be important directly as well as through its effect on moisture; thus some mosses are adapted to dimly lit caves. The substrate is important and should always be recorded. Different species may tavor acidic or basic rocks, clay or sand, rough- or smooth-barked trees. If possible record the species of tree from which a moss is taken or include some bark or a twig. Species that grow on twigs should be taken twig and all. Record the habitat data of the last paragraph together with any others that seem appropriate, and also the date and locality. Write the data in pencil on a slip of paper and put it in the specimen bag, or put the collection number in or on the bag and record the data in a notebook. If all the specimens from one habitat are put together under a single number, as they are sorted out add supplementary letters to denote the individual species. Carry bags representing the individual sites and habitats in a large plastic bag or a haversack, or in the field press if one is being used. On return to base dry the collections reasonably promptly. The form in which they are dried is not critically important, for mosses can easily be relaxed, by wetting, at any future time, for sorting, identification and flattening. Thus the general collector, with little time to spare 99 for handling bryophytes, may be best advised to collect directly into paper bags of 2-pound size and to dry the specimens in these bags. If a field drier of the type described in Chapter 1 is in use, place the open bags on the floor inside - the drier frame. When the specimens are dry fold the tops of the bags down, and pack the bags into a box in such a way that they cannot shift. Any other source of steady but gentle heat can be used for drying. Specimens cannot be dried in plastic bags, since most of the materials used for such bags are almost impermeable to water vapor; thus drying can take place only through the top of the bag and will be slow even if it can be held wide open. If time and facilities permit, flatten the specimens some- what, so that they may be put into packets with the minimum or further processing. Many species may be pulled or teased apart into a layer about i inch thick. Species that form a compact palisade may be split apart vertically into thin sheets. Spread prepared specimens on newsprint, either one collec- tion to a sheet or with the collections separated by pencil lines, and mark the specimens with their collection numbers. Press them gently in a standard plant press (Chapter 1) and dry them as you would other pressed specimens. The press should be just tight enough to guarantee that the contents will not slide about. If the amount of pressure is used that is necessary to produce good specimens of vascular plants the mosses may be so flattened that diagnostic characters such as stem shape are altered, and they may be so matted together that examination and the sorting out of mixtures are rendered more difficult. If so few mosses are taken that it is undesirable to devote a special press to them simply place them between felts in a dry place, with a smaU weight on top of the stack, and change the felts every day. Stack the dried specimens in their papers and bundle them firmly between corrugated cardboards, to prevent them from slip- ping. The extra time and space involved tends to discourage the general coUector who is living in camp far from labora- tory facilities. If he is in a relatively inaccessible region to 100 which he is unUkely to return, he must make the best use of his time and is advised to stick to the paper bag method, which is quicker and less prone to accidents. Processing Dried Specimens Place the dried and identified specimens in paper packets about 5iX42 inches, of the type described in Chapter 1. Type the data on a label and stick the label to the face of the packet. The packets may be either mounted on standard sheets, as described in Chapter 2 for fungi, or filed on edge in drawers. The latter method conserves some space and is quite convenient for a small collection; but it has its disadvantages. All the packets should be almost exactly the same size, which involves repacketing many specimens received from other institutions. This method also makes it more difficult to see at a glance what the recorded distribution of a species may be. A method of mounting that has been tried with some suc- cess at the Plant Research Institute is the use of herbarium sheets with pockets across them into which the specimens are tucked (W. G. Dore. Herbarium sheets for filing mosses. Bryologist 56: 297. 1953). This device is rather similar to one used by philatelists for storing duplicate stamps visibly and accessibly. The herbarium pocket sheet, which, incidentally, was developed quite independently of the philatelists' device, has, of course, much larger pockets. Five pockets, formed of strips 2i inches deep, run across the sheet. They are glued along the bottom 3/16 inch and the ends are secured by being folded over in a tab i inch long and glued to the back of the sheet. The lowest pocket is flush with the bottom of the sheet and there is a clear space between the pockets of I inch; this spacing leaves 21 inches above the top pocket, just allowing insertion in it of a packet 4i inches high. If specimens are in various sizes of packet it is preferable to put smaller ones at the top. Very large packets must, of course, be put in lower pockets. 101 This method of filing combines visibility with flexibility. A redetermined specimen is simply lifted from its pocket and tucked into its appropriate place. In a small collection different species of a genus may be grouped together without compromising the future adoption of a more elaborate filing system. You may start with one specimen of each of three species. As you acquire more specimens of one of them you will assign them to a separate sheet. Eventually geo- graphic segregation of each species may be adopted. On the face of it this seems to be an ideal system of filing; but we are not yet prepared to grant it unqualified approval. As noted in Chapter 2, under Insertion, these sheets were tried quite extensively in the mycological herbarium and found unsatisfactory. Although the packets jam tightly into the pockets at first, the pockets inevitably stretch in time. This slight loosening may not be very serious with moss packets, which are generally very light and may stay in position when the sheets are tilted; but some mycological specimens are relatively heavy, and in this institution a slide is often included in the packet. Such packets cascade out of their pockets if, as is usual in a quick search, the sheets are turned hke the pages of a book rather than kept strictly horizontal. The latter method of handling is particu- larly tedious in a long search, for, to keep the sheets in sequence, each sheet, after scrutiny, must be placed beneath the sheets already examined; or else the whole sequence must be reversed after the examination is completed. Such a procedure quickly causes the sequence to become badly muddled. The pocket sheets will probably prove unsatis- factory when the moss collection is in more active use than at present; but the system deserves further trial. 102 CHAPTER 4 LICHENS Collecting Collecting lichens is commonly considered so simple that information on the subject is scarce. Consequently the few important precautions are often overlooked. The following advice is intended for the beginner and the general col- lector. More-detailed instructions will be found in a forth- commg publication by W. A. Weber and S. Shushan (Field and Herbarium Techniques in Lichenology. University of Colorado Studies, in preparation).* For collecting purposes, lichens are conveniently divided into three groups. Crustose lichens grow flat and are inti- mately bonded to the substrate. Foliose lichens have leaflike blades that are more or less flat on the substrate and often have multiple connection to it although they are not insepa- rably united to it. Fruticose lichens have a small basal attachment and a stemlike thallus that is often freely branched. Lichens may be carried in the field by any convenient means, but if rock lichens are taken in numbers the sub- stantial weight makes a good-sized rucksack essential. Always collect species individually. If they occur so mixed that they cannot easily be separated, collect enough of the mixture to make an adequate specimen of each. Although ample specimens should be taken, you are advised against removing far more than you need, especially of crustose species and especially in populous and well- botanized regions. This may seem to be a very trivial point; * See addendum 16. ^ ^n^ but lichens grow extremely slowly and rare species may easily be eliminated from an area by overcollecting. The dressed stone of Fort Prince of Wales, at the mouth of the Churchill River, built between 1732 and 1771, is still much more lightly lichenized than the native rock. I also recall a foot trail through Cladonia parkland just inside tree line, which had been abandoned because it ran between two spruce trees that had grown together. It looked as fresh as the new trail, but examination of the tree branches showed that it had been abandoned for at least 20 years. Even much further south there are rock cuts and slides that remain bare for many years. Crustose Lichens Collect crustose lichens wet or dry and, to prevent damage from occurring as they are carried home, wrap them individually in tissue paper as they are collected. Toilet tissue is the cheapest and most convenient wrapping material. Never wrap lichens in absorbent cotton; it becomes tangled in the specimens and causes more damage than it prevents. Crustose lichens must obviously be collected with a portion of the substrate. If the substrate is a tree trunk or a large branch, cut off a section with a chisel or a heavy knife. If the lichen is on a twig, cut off a section of the twig with a knife or pruning shears; the twig may later be split if it is too bulky to fit easily in a packet. If the species is growing on soil, carefully slide a large knife under it, using a sawing motion to reduce the needed pressure and minimize the risk of the specimen crumbling, and lift the whole thing onto toilet paper. Wrap it and put it in a packet or shallow box. Crustose lichens give most trouble when they are on rock, for they must be collected with a hammer and cold chisel. If the substrate is sedimentary rock you will have little trouble removing thin but suflSciently large flakes of stone, with a substantial portion of the lichen. However, to secure 104 a reasonably large patch of a species growing upon igneous rock without taking an inordinate weight of rock requires skill and practice. One hint is offered to those unfamiliar with the use of a cold chisel. Do not grip it rigidly with all four fingers, but hold it, as low down on the shank as practicable, with the third and fourth fingers doing most of the work and the first two fingers slack. Then if, as may happen sooner or later, the hammer glances off the chisel, the first finger or knuckle gives under the blow and little damage is done. A heavy hammer of about 5 pounds and chisels about 12 inches long are sometimes recommended. This recommendation is perfectly sound to the extent that it makes it easier to get large flakes of rock instead of Uttle chips, and it is satisfac- tory for the collector who expects to work within a few hundred yards of his car. But the carrying of such tools is too much to expect of the general collector, who may cover many miles on foot in the day's work and be loaded with miscellaneous equipment. A 6-inch chisel with a i-inch blade may be used if weight is at a premium. If no digger is carried for general botanical collecting, the standard pick-headed geological hammer of 2-pound weight is recommended. Otherwise a ball-peen hammer may be preferred; it is more compact to carry and has a better face for use on a cold chisel. It is very important that ample material be taken, prefer- ably about enough to cover a card measuring 3x5 inches. More should be taken to supply the identifier if the specimens are sent away for determination. Secure part of the edge as well as the interior of the colony. Distmctive characters may be obscured in small fragments. Foliose Lichens Foliose lichens are collected much like crustose species, it usually being desirable to include some of the substrate. However, a compromise is necessary when the lichen is on a rock, where the attempt to take the underlying rock with 105 it may result in the specimen being severely broken up. Then it is better to cut the specimen away and record the type of rock. Fruticose Lichens Fruticose lichens are handled somewhat like mosses because the growth tends to be vertical rather than horizontal. They are usually removed quite easily from the substrate, but take care not to cut off the base of the plant. Dig up species growing on soil and tap the soil off the base. Foliose and fruticose lichens usually need to be flattened; otherwise they make bulky specimens and are inclined to shatter in the packet. If preferred, pack them into boxes and later flatten them in the laboratory. If possible, collect them when they are moist and pliable. In dry weather they become extremely brittle, so handle them as little as possible in this condition. The general collector can usually so arrange his program that he collects lichens during or soon after rain, fog or heavy dew. If they must be collected in dry weather first relax them by sprinkling with water. A polyethylene squeeze-bottle allows water to be applied economically, a point of some importance if you are collecting far from a source of water. Spread foUose and fruticose species on news- print and carry them in the field press, but be sure to divide them into portions that will fit into a packet before they are dried; if separated when dry they will break up badly. Press them gently, as you would press mosses. Drying To prevent growth of mold, dry lichens thoroughly as soon as they are brought back to the laboratory or field base. Those in presses are dried by any of the means described in Chapter 1. Wrapped specimens may be spread out to dry over any available source of gentle heat. Various means of drying are described in Chapters 1 and 2. If no heat is available spread the specimens out in a warm, well-ventilated place, until they are thoroughly dry. 106 Labeling Full label data should be included with the specimen or in the field notebook. In addition to the date, loc^ty, collector, and collection number if used, describe the substrate and habitat carefully. K the substrate is soil, give the type: sand, sandy loam, clay loam, clay, humus or bog. Specimens on trees will include some of the bark or wood, as a rule, but the identity is generally much less obvious from a small sample than from the tree. Identify the tree, for some tree lichens are extremely specific in their requirements. The distance above the ground may also be significant for tree lichens. Identify rock substrates as fully as possible. The local geological sheet will often supply or confirm this infor- mation; but if you cannot do your own identifications, ask a geologist to help you. Igneous rocks that to the uninitiated pass as granite may contain a bewildering array of included minerals, which may not all harbor lichens to the same degree. Give pertinent data on slope, direction of exposure of tree trunks, cliffs or steep slopes, position relative to high water mark on stream banks, distance from high-tide mark on sea coasts (species may vary in tolerance to salt spray), proximity to spray from waterfalls or to seepage water, or any other local factor. Also, record the approximate altitude in mountain country. Since many microhabitats may be visited in the course of a day, it may be necessary to record the habitat of each speci- men as it is collected. If the details are put in the field note- book and only the number put in with the specimen much time may be saved in the field; a specimen may be written up by referring back to an earlier collection and noting only how it differs. However, full field labels save some time later when the final labels are typed. Processing Dried Specimens Put foliose and fruticose lichens directly into herbarium packets such as those described in Chapters 1 and 2. Stick crustose species to a piece of thin card very slightly smaller 107 than the inside dimensions of the packet. This practice gives support to a fragile substrate, which in disintegrating would cause the specimen to break up. It also prevents the speci- men from being damaged by abrasion due to it sliding about in the packet. Whether the packeted specimens are mounted on herbarium sheets or stored in filing drawers depends upon the scope of the herbarium and the preference of the curator. The arguments are very much the same as those that apply to fungi and mosses. For a discussion of them the reader is referred to Chapters 2 and 3, particularly the former. 108 CHAPTER 5 ALGAE Fresh-water Algae Collecting Fresh-water algae are almost all microscopic. They are abundant in almost all bodies of water, but the species vary enonnously with the environment. Thus it is important to record whether the water was standing or flowing, and whether the underlying rock was basic or acidic. Although such algae will generally be sought in lakes, ponds and rivers, they occur also in soil, on moist rocks, on tree trunks, even on or in living leaves, and in the superficial layers of mountain snow fields where a common species causes the phenomenon of pink snow. However, the general collector, to whom these brief notes are addressed, will make most of his collections in bodies of free water. From the collector's viewpoint these algae fall into two classes: the filamentous or colonial forms, which are readily picked up and dropped into vials; and the free-floating unicellular species (plank- ton), which must be secured with the aid of a net of bolting silk or nylon. Put specimens into small vials, preferably about i inch in diameter and li to 2 inches high. Glass vials should be corked, since screw tops seldom give a perfect seal. Small vials of flexible plastic, with a press-on lid attached by a hinge, are now available. These seem to give a perfect seal and are very convenient. They also obviate those unpleasant accidents that involve broken glass to be removed from one's pockets and the trickling of preserving fluid down one's leg. 109 There is no need to use large bottles because a large amount of material, often containing fifty species or more, can be concentrated in 1 to 2 cc. of water. Formaldehyde or alcohol may be used as the preserving fluid. Use formaldehyde at 4 per cent strength or slightly over. The concentrated solution is nominally of 37 per cent strength, but is generally somewhat weaker after any great period in storage. It is best, therefore, to use 1 part of the concentrated solution to about 7 parts of water. Carry the saturated solution (commercial formalin) in a small bottle, preferably one with a dropper in the screw cap. Put the algae in water up to half the height of the vial. Add formalin to I of the height of the vial, and fill the vial right to the neck with water. If much air space is left, the surging of the liquid as the vials are carried may damage delicate speci- mens. The plastic vials are easily capped, but it may be hard to push a cork in against the pressure of a full vial. This difficulty may be overcome by putting a thin string into the neck of the vial, inserting the cork beside it, and pulling out the string and pushing down the cork simultaneously. Use alcohol at about 50 per cent strength. Fill the vial slightly less than half full with water and algae, and fill to the neck with 95 per cent alcohol. Pick up filamentous algae with forceps or on a thin twig. You can use your fingers, of course, but it may not be as easy to insert the mass into the vial. Scrape off attached filamentous forms with a knife, or drop small pieces of stem or leaf, with the algae attached, into the vial. Diatoms are often clustered on stems of aquatic plants and are similarly treated. Aquatic larvae of some insects are commonly full of algae; up to 30 species have been recorded in a single larva. Tadpoles ingest large numbers of algae; and a great concentration of diatom shells may be found in their intestinal tracts, although the more delicate forms are generally broken. Some blue-green algae form a bloom on the surface of the water. Skim these off into a jar and 110 concentrate further by decanting or pipetting out the top quarter inch or so. Apart from what may be taken from intestinal tracts, plankton can only be collected adequately by means of a plankton net. This is a conical net of fine bolting silk or nylon that is towed very slowly behind a rowboat. The net should have a mouth diameter of about 12 inches and a length of about 36 inches. The mouth is fastened to a ring of brass or other relatively noncorrosive metal from which three cords lead forward to the towrope. A cotton sleeve on the mouth of the net snaps or buttons round the ring, allowing the net to be removed readily. The net tapers to a rounded apex, to allow it to be turned inside out readily for emptying. When the net has been towed far enough to gather an adequate haul (the distance will vary enormously with the body of water and the season), lift it up and allow the water to drain out. Dip out the concentrate in the end of the net into vials or turn out the contents of the net, wash them and shake them into the vial. Fill the vials and cap them as described above. When no boat is available ox the small size of the ponds does not justify the use of one, a smaller net, about 6 inches in diameter and mounted on a long handle, may be used from the shore. Plankton nets should be washed well in clean fresh water immediately after use, and should be dried in the shade and out of contact with iron or steel. Rust spots in a silk net soon develop into holes. Never let a net dry unwashed because the algal jelly will clog it. Small holes in a net may be repaired with a little clear nail lacquer, an invaluable material for miscellaneous minor repairs in field and labora- tory. For this type of repair there is some risk in using cellulose cements, which dry glass hard, since the patch may do more damage than it cures. The few macroscopic fresh-water algae are handled like marine algae. The information to be recorded includes the date, locality, name or description of the body of water, substrate of 111 attached forms, physical properties of the water body (size, depth, current, etc.), underlying rock if known, presence or absence of overhanging foliage or emergent vegetation. The pH of the water may be measured to advantage if equipment is available; but it should be noted that the otherwise con- venient indicator papers may prove very unreliable if the water is cold. Since it is usually impossible to include all the data on a small label that can be put in the vial, it is usually best to include a slip bearing the collection number in pencil (never in ink unless india ink is used), and to record the data in the field note book. The working method will, of course, be varied according to the number of collections being taken. Processing The laboratory processing of the microscopic algae is so remote from the handling of most botanical specimens that no attempt is made to cover it in this manual. As the general collector is not greatly concerned with it, the interested student is referred to textbooks of phycology. Marine Algae Collecting One who collects marine algae will vary his methods with the time and equipment that are available, as well as the local habitats. Marine plankton are collected and preserved exactly as fresh- water plankton; but even in calm weather only inshore collecting can be attempted from a rowboat. A thorough job requires the services of an oceanographic vessel, and such collecting is beyond the scope of this manual. The general collector will usually Umit himself to attached macro- scopic forms that he can find in the tidal zone. In warm areas he may use a diving mask for taking specimens in shallow water. Cold water calls for a frogman's suit, which may be beyond his means. Unlike the fresh-water algae, the attached marine algae are almost all large enough to be collected as individual 112 plants. The collector accordingly collects by the species rather than by the site or habitat, and the procedure some- what resembles the collecting of flowering plants. The plants vary from very small but individually visible species, of which many may be put on a sheet, to huge kelps many yards long, of which only small portions can be taken. A rocky coast provides the best collecting, a boulder beach is next best, and clean sand beaches or muddy shores are very unproductive. Collecting is, of course, done at low tide. If you happen to start work during a period of neap tides, concentrate on the intertidal zone at first, distinguishing between open rock, which is left dry, and rock pools, which remain full. The pools may contain species that otherwise occur only below low tide level and deserve careful attention. If you must enter the pools wear either waders or a pair of canvas shoes with stout soles. Even a barnacle cut can be decidedly painful; but if you step barefoot on a sea urchin your collecting season may end abruptly. If possible, return at extreme low water of a spring tide to collect, in waders or running shoes, in the shallow water just below the tidal limit. Various small species may be found here that do not occur in the actual tidal zone; but they may be hidden among larger plants, and no time can be lost in securing them before the tide flows again. The larger seaweeds are tough and leathery, and may be handled freely. A heavy knife may be used to pry the hold- fast from the rock. Try to remove it intact, although it may have to be split lengthwise if it is massive. Handle the smaller, lacy species carefully. Put them directly into jars or wrap them in paper well soaked in sea water. Keep all specimens as cool as possible and keep them thoroughly wet with sea water until the time comes for preserving or drying. Collect several specimens of all the apparently dis- tinct species, first, because some species are indistinguish- able to the naked eye, and secondly, because some species have male, female and asexual plants that can be distinguished only under the microscope. Only by taking plenty of plants 113 can you have a reasonable expectation of including com- plete material of all species. Some very small species grow in sand or mud. Collect these in groups, wash them as well as possible in sea water, and wrap them in wet paper. The large kelps usually grow in quite deep water. It may be possible to gather some of these from a boat with a grapnel, but often they may be found after a gale at the high tide mark. A little study will indicate particular spots where wind and current tend to bring the kelps ashore. Such speci- mens are satisfactory if they are collected promptly; but avoid any that are bleached or discolored. The very large species cannot possibly be preserved whole. Take a section of the blade, part of the stalk (split lengthwise), and a sector of the holdfast. Any fruiting structures should also be included. Even such partial specimens may have to be mounted eventually on two sheets. Record the total dimen- sions of stalk and blade for eventual inclusion on the label, before cutting up the specimen. Preserving Press freshly collected specimens and dry them at once, if time and facilities permit, or preserve them in various ways for future treatment. The latter method saves some work for the collector in the field, but the total work to be done on the specimens is greater than with immediate preparation. K the specimens must be shipped unmounted, the col- lector has three choices. In the first method the plants are spread out in a well- ventilated room until nearly dry; then, while they are still flexible, they are folded to fit into a rigid shipping box. The drying is then completed. Species that are brittle when dry must be relaxed by covering them with wet paper for an hour or two or putting them out on a dewy night. The slightly phable specimens, dry or relaxed, are packed into the box, labels being included with the individual collections. If the specimens have been relaxed, dry the box thoroughly in the sun or over a source of gentle heat. This 114 is the simplest method of shipping and is the most economical if the specimens must be sent by air; but the specimens should be well surrounded with springy packing material; and great care must later be taken in unpacking and relaxing them, because those that are brittle may easily be broken. In the second method the specimens are partially dried and are layered in plenty of coarse salt. Brine will generally weep out of the specimens after a few hours or days. It should be drained off and more salt added before the speci- mens are packed for shipping in leak-proof containers. This is essentially the method that is used for wet skins of birds and mammals. This method was until recently disparaged by phycologists, probably because the draining and resalting was omitted, a step that is also often necessary with large skins. Prof. W. R. Taylor has used the method, thus modified, very successfully even in the tropics, and has found many species in good condition after 10 years. There are a few species for which it is not very successful; but, all in all, it is perhaps the best method of prevervation. The third and best-known method of preservation is by formaldehyde. To a gallon of sea water add half a pint of commercial formalin (37 per cent formaldehyde). Place the specimens, without crowding, in this solution for a few days until penetration and complete fixation are assured. Then pack the specimens closely, in fresh solution, into cans that can be soldered shut. Wrap small and deUcate speci- mens in cloth bags. Specimens with attached rocks or other heavy objects should be segregated and the rocks well wrapped in rag. If specimens from different sites are put in one container, use a separate cloth bag, each with its label inside it, for each site. Leave a little air space at the top so that expansion under heat will not rupture a seam. Leave the newly soldered cans inverted for a day or two to make sure the seal is perfect. The recent development of water- and vapor-proof pliable plastic films in sheet, roll, and bag form has made it possible to cut down the weight and bulk of preserved specimens. Cans may still be advisable for large 115 kelps with massive stalks; but for smaller specimens it is a simple matter to remove them from the original preservative, dip them in fresh solution and put them directly into plastic bags with heat-sealed seams. Tie the tops tightly, fold over and retie, and put several bags, each with its contained label, in an outer bag. As with all botanical collections, each specimen should be accompanied by a label that includes all pertinent informa- tion: date, location, collector, collection number, substrate, position in relation to high or low tide level, exposure, and any special habitat data such as occurrence in tidal pools or in river estuaries. For the last an estimate of the salinity of the water is desirable. Labels that are to be included with preserved specimens should be written in black pencil or India ink (never ordinary ink) on heavy bond paper. In a large can include at least two labels in case one is damaged. If the number is conspicuously marked on back and front of the label, and the data are fully recorded in the field notebook, a partly illegible label will cause no harm. Mounting The specimens, fresh or preserved, are eventually mounted, for study and storage, on standard herbarium sheets of high- quaUty heavy paper. Rough-dried specimens must be soaked before they can be spread, and the formalin must be washed out of preserved specimens with several changes of fresh water. Salted specimens are also mounted from fresh water. However, fresh specimens are mounted directly from sea water. Coarse specimens need little care. Spread them out between muslin or cheesecloth (to which they do not stick strongly), and then enclose them in newsprint to minimize staining of the felts. It will be found by experience that some species do not stick to newsprint; and for such species the cloth may be omitted. Then, put the specimens in a press, with venti- lators separating the felts, and dry them exactly as described in Chapter 1. If no adequate source of heat is available, 116 change the felts as soon as the surplus water has been blotted from bulky specimens; otherwise the ventilators may soften and the corrugations collapse. Plants longer than the news- print must be folded with the minimum possible overlap, or cut into sections if folding proves awkward. Prune dense, bushy specimens judiciously to reduce their bulk. Mount the dried specimens exactly like vascular plants (Chapter 1). DeUcate feathery or filamentous species must be handled differently. They are so flexible that surface tension bunches the filaments together when you lift them from the water; and you cannot spread them out without damaging them seriously. Accordingly, spread them in shallow trays of water over a sheet of mounting paper, then lift out the paper with the plant in position on it. In this process pressing and mounting are a single procedure. If any of the plants are large you will need a tray larger than a standard herbariunc sheet (16iXlH inches). A large photographic tray is ideal. If the specimens are small float them on half or quarter sheets. A smaller tray will then be satisfactory or, at a pinch, a washbasin or dishpan will serve. Quarter or half sheets should be of thin paper, provided that it is of good quality, for they will eventually be mounted on whole sheets for insertion in the herbarium. Put half an inch or more of water in the tray; fresh water is generally used, but it is recom- mended that some salt be added if deUcate pink species are being handled, since the pigment tends to leach out in fresh water. Put a piece of glass, sheet metal or water-resistant hardboard, cut sufficiently smaller than the tray so that the fingers can be sHpped under it, in the bottom of the tray and put the mounting paper on top of it. Write the collection number or other means of identification in pencil on the sheet before putting it into the water. Now spread out the specimen over the paper, arranging it so as to eliminate wrinkles and overlaps. The arranging may be done with forceps and a water-color brush; or water may be swished across the frond with an eye dropper or some such bulb pipette. When the specimen is arranged as desired in the middle of the paper, gently raise the sheet, bringing the paper 117 and the specimen with it. Avoid sudden movements, which will set up wave motion in the water. Every collector will develop his own technique. My preference, in floating aquatic plants generally, is to raise the end of the sheet bearing the base of the plant slightly ahead of the opposite end. As soon as the base emerges from the water it is anchored. Then, if you are a trifle overeager and the water rushes off the sheet too fast, the branches or filaments tend to be pulled out straight and the risk of disturbance is minimized. Once the specimen is out of the water hold the sheet vertically by one comer for a few seconds to drain off surplus water. Then peel the paper away from the supporting sheet and lay it on a felt. Lay a sheet of cheesecloth or washed (unsized) muslin over it, to prevent sticking, and put another felt on top. Build up layers of felt — drier — felt — mounting paper and specimen — cheesecloth — felt — drier until all specimens are accounted for. Close the completed press in the normal fashion, tighten it under moderate pressure and put it on the drier. If no heat is available change the felts periodically and put the press in the warmest and best- ventilated place available. When the specimens are dry gently peel off the cheesecloth. The speci- men will adhere to the paper by virtue of its mucilaginous coating. Occasionally the specimen does not stick satisfac- torily but tends to come away with the cloth. This happens most often with preserved specimens, which constitutes an- other argument in favor of the direct mounting of fresh speci- mens whenever possible. If the specimen cannot readily be detached from the cloth and the loose portions refastened with adhesive, resoak it and remount it. When this difficulty occurs, and with species for which experience suggests that it may occur, cover the specimen with wax paper instead of cloth. Few marine algae seem to stick seriously to wax paper although a few sticky flowering plants do so. The only dis- advantage of the wax-paper method is that it nearly doubles the drying time because almost all the moisture must be with- drawn from one side of the specimen. When collecting is heavy and drying facilities are limited this may be a serious 118 disadvantage; but if only a few algae are being handled in the course of general collecting the delay is of no significance and wax paper may be used routinely. Whenever possible some of the fruiting portion of speci- mens of the more delicate species should be mounted on mica sheets for later microscopic study. Press them under cloth like the normal specimens. Neatly cut mica squares were formerly available from mail-order stores, for use in the windows of old-fashioned cook-stoves or heaters. Such sheets are probably now almost unobtainable commercially; but mica occurs in many areas, and a geologist will usually be able to tell you where you may get chunks from which sheets may be split as needed. Professor Taylor emphasizes the de- sirability of splitting (or respHtting) the sheet just before use; if this is not done the mica may not accept water and the specimen will not adhere well. Professor Taylor has not found a plastic sheet that is a satisfactory substitute. If some such material as cellulose acetate sheet must be used, he suggests that the sheet be heavy enough to be as rigid as the mica sheet, and that it have a fine mat surface. Otherwise the specimen will certainly peel off. 119 ADDENDA 1. (p. 22) Only very gentle heat should be used with waxed paper; otherwise, wax may transfer to the specimens. Alternatively thin sheet plastic may be substituted for waxed paper. However, any unfamiliar material should be tested on a small scale, to make certain that it does not bond to the plants. See addendum 14. 2. (p. 26) A correspondent complained of the lack of recom- mendation for the use of plastic bags in collecting. Their use was recommended under circumstances that preclude the field press, particularly for compact and sturdy arctic-alpine plants. Like many botanists, I take such bags with me on outings not primarily intended for collecting; but their wholesale use for delicate plants and in warm weather reduces the quality of the specimens. 3. (p. 31) Mr. K. W. Spicer found small elastic bands to be a good substitute for slotted paper to hold folded plants for pressing. The bands are easy to carry and quick to use. They should be large enough so that leaves or culms are not bunched tightly together. 4. (p. 40) Catalytic tent heaters have also come into use as a source of heat, but must be used with caution. They may give exces- sive heat for some drier frames because they are not as easy to control as a lantern; and they are bulkier, use a fuel with a low flash point, and are more tedious to light. They sometimes burn irregularly after the first season. 5. (p. 43) An amateur collector who may wish to send one or a few specimens for identification should determine each specimen as well as he can; he should then check with the botanist, before sending any specimens, to make sure he is in a position to deal with them. The collector should keep duplicates marked with the same collection number, and pack the specimens carefully as described on p. 57. 6. (p. 46) Several herbaria use slight modifications of Archer's formula. Rollins (Rhodora 57:294-299. 1955) gave the following as in use at Gray Herbarium: Ethocel (7 cups) ca 600 g Dow Resin 75 g Methanol 220 cm^ Toluene 880 cm-^ 120 This preparation is much thicker than the original, which is found very satisfactory in our institute, l)ut perhaps dries faster. The same paper gives other hints on the technique. The bead of plastic left on the nozzle apparently forms as effective a seal as the pin. If, after prolonged disuse, the nozzle becomes solidly plugged, it may be soaked in the solvent. 7. (p. 46) One reviewer complained that sticking specimens to the sheet hinders use of them. Well, it also hinders abuse of them, as well as the inevitable damage that even the most careful packing and handling causes. It is the curator's responsibility to ensure that speci- mens remain in usable condition for many students. If each of six students takes a fragment for himself, there will be little of value left. Provided that upper and lower leaf surfaces are visible, and that loose inflorescences are put in packets (pp. 2, 47), the criticism is not valid. 8. (p. 47) Water paste does not hold woody stems and thick, coria- ceous leaves satisfactorily. Plastic stripping, preferably the more dilute formulation, may be applied to the undersurfaces of the specimen, which is then held down on the sheet with weights, and plastic strips are run across the stem at strategic points. The specimen must be left under pressure longer than with water paste — for fully half a day. Because of the difficulty in detaching leaves, it is particularly important that both leaf surfaces be visible, and that leaves and inflorescences be included in packets. About one-third of our phanerogamic sheets are now mounted in this way. See addendum 10. Even small plants should be mounted with their length along the sheet because normal handling causes sheets to flex more crosswise than lengthwise, and transverse stems are liable to be loosened or broken. 9. (pp. 47, 77, 88) About the time this book was published we adopted the use of synthetic resin glues in small flexible plastic dispen- sers with self-sealing nozzles (for example. Carter's Nu-Glu), both for attaching labels and for attaching packets to the sheets, in the myco- logical herbarium. The narrowest possible bead of glue is drawn along the top back edge of the label, and the label is then put in place and wiped from end to end with a cleansing tissue. In attaching packets a narrow bead less than 3 cm long is drawn on the center of the packet. The glue spreads to about 5 mm wide when the packet is appressed to the sheet. For very long packets a 2 cm bead may be applied toward each end. The bond is extremely strong and permanent, and the glue does not stain the paper; but if redisposition is necessary, the packet is easily removed with a knife or by folding the sheet back and pulling it. 121 So little glue is needed and the application is so rapid that the method is economical despite the high initial cost of the glue. The small dis- pensers can be refilled from large containers to reduce costs. In phanerogamic herbaria in which plastic stripping is routinely used, the label is most conveniently attached by a narrow bead of plastic and put under only very gentle pressure; but the more dilute formula is advisable. See addendum 6. 10. (p. 48) A tall mobile rack with three tiers of 26 shelves for drying specimens mounted or reinforced with plastic was described by W. J. Cody in a leaflet (New herbarium equipment, Canada Department of Agriculture, 1966), obtainable from the Plant Research Institute, 11. (p. 52) W. J. Cody (see addendum 10) has described a set of mobile shelves with spacing as in the herbarium cabinets. These units are a great convenience in moving quantities of specimens between preparation areas or offices and the herbarium. 12. (p. 52) It has been reported that naphthalene and paradichloro- benzene may cause softening of the now widely used plastic stripping. Possibly the reported softening occurred only when specimens were inserted before the stripping was allowed to harden adequately. Rollins (Rhodora 57:298. 1955) noted no effect of a high concentration of PDB in one test. We have very few plastic-stripped specimens in the mycological herbarium, but examination of two specimens after 8 and 10 years in a moderate concentration of naphthalene revealed no damage. Dr. Parmelee has recently run short-term tests with stripped sheets allowed to dry for 24 hours before insertion in cases with normal and saturation levels (subliming freely on the inside of door and walls) of naphthalene. Again no indication of softening could be detected. In the meantime insecticidal strips were developed for insertion in cases, and Archer (Science 116:223-234. 1952) also developed an effective aerosol bomb for treating cases individually. Unfortunately these methods depend on persistent insecticides that are now widely banned. Consequently, no completely satisfactory protection can yet be recommended. 13. (p. 59) Because of public interest in the fleshy fungi, and an educational obligation in connection with mushroom poisoning. Dr. Parmelee has recently started a collection of plastic models of macro- fungi, to supplement dried specimens and illustrations. (See J. A. Parmelee. 1971. Models of fungi for public display. Greenhouse-Gar- den-Grass 10(4):73-77,) 122 14. (p. 80) Cellophane envelopes have limited life. We v^'ere accordingly persuaded to change to polyethylene envelopes, which have an indefinite life. These envelopes are excellent for fungi such as smuts and rusts, but some dried cultures bond so tightly to the plastic that they cannot be removed for microscopic examination. 15. (p. 92) Dr. Parmelee hac recently introduced boxes half the standard height, but the same width and length, which hold a single layer of the small nesting boxes. These half-size boxes seem to be more convenient in some respects, but it is too early to state whether they will meet with full acceptance. Some deep boxes will still be needed for very large specimens. It should have been made clear in the original edition that the outer boxes have lids, but that the nesting boxes do not. 16. (p. 103) This publication unfortunately did not materialize. 123 INDEX Page Accessioning 80 Adhesives 45 Algae, fresh-water 109-112 marine, collecting 112-114 marine, mounting 116-119 marine, preserving 114-116 Alpine collecting 7, 14, 25-26 Altimeter 9 Aquatic plants 21-22 Arctic collecting 25-26, 63 Ascomycetes 62-63 Attaching packets to sheet 87-88 Books, care of, in field 10 Boots 16 Boxed specimens 92-93 Brush for mounting 45 Bryophytes, collecting 98-101 filing 101-102 Carex 50 Cases, herbarium 51, 91 Castilleja, blackening of 41 Cellophane envelopes 80 Cleaning specimens 3 Clothing, special 16-20 water-repellent 17 windproof 1 8-20 Cold chisel 105 Collecting equipment 8-15 Collection numbers 4, 59, 81 Color photographs of disease specimens 74 Combined collecting of vascular plants and fungi 60 Coprophilous fungi 72 Cordyceps 70 Cortinarius, gill color of 66 Crataej^us 3 Cruciferae 2 124 I Page Customs declarations 57, 97 Cyperaceae 2, 3 Digger 8 Downy mildews 63 Driers, emergency 41 for fleshy fungi 67 installed 36-38 portable 38-41 Drying of fungi 58 of lichens 106 principles of 26-28 Duplicates, economical use of 44 sorting 55-56, 96 storing 55 Exchange of specimens 54-57, 95-97 records 54, 96 Exsiccata 82 F.A.A 59 Field boxes 43 Field data, bryophytes 99 fresh-water algae 109, 111-112 fungi 59 lichens 106 marine algae 116 vascular plants 4-7 Field labels 4-6, 116 Field notebook 6-7 Field press 10-15 Filamentous algae 110 Fixation of fungi 59 Fleshy fungi 64-70 plants 23-24 Floating aquatic plants 22 marine algae 117-118 Folders, distinctively colored 51 Folding tall plants 29-31 Foliicolous fungi 60-64 Forceps 45, 48 Formalin, ruinous effect of 41, 59, 64 for marine algae 115 Forms, loan and exchange 54,95 Fruiting specimens 2 Fumigation 52-53,94-95 125 Page Fungi, on twigs and bark 71 requirements for specimens of 58-59 undesirable filing practices for 75-76 Glehnia, washing 3 Hammer 105 Hand lens 64 Heat, function of, in drying 27-28 sources 40 Hemlock 24-25 Herbarium sequence 50, 83 Heteroecious rusts, filing 85 Indexing fungi 81-82 Insects, biting 20-21 protecting specimens from 52-53, 94-95 relationships to plants 4 Insertion of fungus specimens 85-91 Juncaceae 2 Kerosene lantern 40 Knife 8 Labels for marking plants 64 Labels, herbarium 6, 7, 43, 47, 77 Lantern, kerosene 40 Laying out specimens for mounting 44 for pressing 28 Lichens, collecting and drying 103-106 crustose 104-105,107 filing 108 foliose 105-106 fruticose 107 Linen tape 45, 48 Liquid preservation, avoidance of, for fungi 59 danger of metallic salts 74 Liverworts 98 Loan of specimens 54-57,95-96 Marking folders in mycological herbarium 89-91 Melampyrum 13 Mica mounts for marine algae 119 Montia 23 Mosses • 98-102 Mounting board 45 paper 45 vascular plants " 44-49 126 \ Page Mushrooms 64-69, 78 Muslin for pressing marine algae 116, 118 Muslin, possible use of, in pressing sticky plants 22-23 Myxomycetes 72, 93 Naphthalene 53,94 Nets, pankton 109, 111 Newsprint for pressing plants 31 Opuntia 23 Racketing fungi 76 Packets, herbarium, hand-folded 78-80 herbarium, machine-made 49, 77-80 Packing and shipping specimens 42,56,97 Packing fleshy fungi 69 Paper bags 26, 68 Paper hinge for attaching packets 88 "Papering" folded plants 31 Paradichlorobenzene 53, 94 Parasitic fungf 29, 60, 84-85 Parka 18-19 Picea 24 Plankton Ill, 112 Plant disease specimens 73 Plastic bags for collecting 26 Plastic stripping 46, 48 Pocket sheets for herbarium packets 88, 101-102 Poison ivy 29 Portulaca 23, 24 Potentilla 3 Preserving fresh-water algae 110 Presses 32-35 emergency t 34 felts 34 frames 32 retightening 35, 41 straps 34 tightening 35 ventilators 32 Pressing and drying vascular plants 26-42 Pressing marine algae 116,118 Pruning shears 8 Puffballs 64,70 127 Page Revision during insertion 86 Rubber cement, avoidance of 88 Russula, spore print needed for 66 Rust fungi 62, 85, 89-91 Salix 2 Salt for preserving marine algae 115 Sedges 2 Sequence, herbarium 50, 83 Sewing specimens 48, 49 Sheath for digger 8,9 Shoes for collecting marine algae 113 Slide mounts in specimen packets 77-78 Slime molds 72 Spore prints 66-69 Spruce 24 Sticky plants ; 22 Subterranean fungi 70 Table, wheeled herbarium 86 Tsuga 24 Umbelliferae 2 Vascular plants, collecting 1-26 packing 42-43, 56-57 pressing and drying 26-42 herbarium, procedures for 43-57 specimen requirements for 1-3 Vials for algae 109-110 Viola, flattening leaves of 31 Waxed paper, adherence of some plants to 22 for pressing marine algae 118 Wood -destroying fungi 70 Woody plants 2 128