Ee i Pad a la a aa Columbian and European Harmony :

=e i


x ses

ek See)

O R,

Bridgewater Collection of Sacred Mutic.

se to ye SVN

SS Li 4 mK Lerpipipe gil







v 4 There is in fouls a fyrspathy with founds ; * ' And as the mind is pitch’d, the ear is pleas’d ' With melting airs, or martial, briflk, or graves Some chord in unifon with what we hear Is touch’d within us, and the heart replies”’——Cowrerr.



fi ; PRINTED ar BOSTON, ¥3

- By ISAIAH THOMAS ann EBENEZER T. ANDREWS, Sold by faid Tuomas & Anprews, and Joun West, Proprietors of the Work, at their refpective Bookftores.

———e DEC. 1902.




ey 5) < OC a) eee einen see e eee nents eee ee eeee eee earner eh

BERS He LS hs 286 286 2 NG 8S he we We 2G se ste se 6 hs SE EE

" P aks Pied jaAy, Gy. Bl

[MUSIC is suftly claffed among the liberal and polite arts. The principles of Harmony alfo form a very curious and no: ”— inconfiderable part of Mathematics. But, in a work like this, it is not fo much an object to teach the abjftrufe princi- - ples of Harmony, as to inculcate the art of finging. Thofe who would become proficients in compofition, or the art of comi- bining founds, fhould confult the Maffachufetts Compiler,* the Encyclopedia, and other works, which explain and develope the doctrine of found, and all the proportions of Harmony. Thofe who wifb only to qualify themfelves for performing plain _ Pfalmody, and to furnifh themfelves with a convenient and fuitable variety of congregational tunes, will, it is hoped, find this work fufficient for their purpofes. The Compilers have endeavoured to adapt it to all the variety of time, key, and measure, now in ufe in the divine worfhip of the different denominations of Chriftians. The tunes are chiefiy European ; ut ee them, having never been before publifhed in this country, will have all the novelty and effect of original compo/fitions. . As this Collection is intended altogether for congregational ufe, no tunes are inferted but fuch as are fuited to fome meafure of facred verfe. Many long pieces are, however, feleted, which will require fome practice and attention ; and in order to facil- state the knowledge and performance of them, where the Adagio or Largo time has been ufed, the Allegro is fubftituted. This el not affect the tunes, but merely the mode of performing them ; the fame time in fact being preferved. The character ~ of the Mufic is fuch, it is believed, as to accommodate all taftes. A great proportion of it is the produétion of the greatcft Mafters, both modern and ancient, in Europe ; and.bas the fanction of general ufe and approbation. None will objet?, that the Mufic is too dull and antiquated ; for, after paffing through all the gradcs of improvement, men will at laft come _ 40 admire the old flaw church Mufic; and will confider the ufe of Old Hundred and Windfor, as cvidence fea


Brivcewater, Dec. 16, 1802.

* The Massacunuserrs Compiner was printed by, and may be had of Tuomas & Anprewe,



he metres are exprefled as follows, viz.

Ing the references to Pfalms and: Hymns in this work, Pee ekprels authority is given, Belknap 's Geka deritooas r aottalss and American, by falar. aie Whe, ae

All European authors of the tunes, are defignated by Ron Pe principal melody, or tenor, is placed next above the

Verfes of 4 lines and 8 f ables each,:

" wee

4 8 and 6 alternately, 4 6:6:8:6 Tr . 8. 6:6:6:6: 4:4 . Se ae . y bs ey Ed] SRG 5 aa Ore & 8 each, & 828:6:8:8:6 6 6:6:8: 6:6:8 a Fe gy 8 each, with 3 fyllab é 4& 7 each, Pe and 7 alternately, wos: 6 10 Fy é y 6 Pro): 7O 7 ION Yr.: ry Pe - A ay ee : cs é 6

x: 5 Old 1691)


les in a foot, ‘Judgment,

6:6: 10:6; 6+ 10


Windfor, Dover, Bethefda,

Se: Michaet’s, St. Helen's,


Landaff, - Hermit, i niga ine Morn, ,



6, an


+ ee me (9) ae ee i e A MU Ty oe | Bass; 0 ¥ ‘TENOR OF TREBLE;: COUNTER. : a —F Chm G Chiff, ri

Space above

, SPARE below ad

A Cliff edt tluitie fome siete part 5 it alfo governs the order of the letters, as it always} ee it be ance carries ie ei to it as above, along with it, from which alfo it takes its name. &

iy ce for mi, ipagee B. | Names and Proportions of the Nores and Rests. | 7 ; Lf F be fharp, mi is in F. Fe a i {f F and Cc be fharp, mi is in OH Semibreye. Minin Crotchet. Guaver. Semiquaver. os m is in D.|Lf F,€ and G be fharp, mi. is in’ Gi] Notes: Ol Pat ee a CISA == ae ' (: = IfF, c: Gand Phe paced miisin D.| pens. ae eee ee Som as ay ba]

| eel Two minims, or 4 crotchets, or 8 quavers, or 16 femiquavers, or

32 demifemiquavers, are equal to one femibreve.

a a Pr ae Oe | aS ee 7 >

Loa Yt c . ( t " i! : iy Mb, “i ‘d ri Ti). Tees tai ¥ i es A a Mufical Characters. ‘4 , mot Paget bars Jom the end of a ftrain. i Stave FIVE lines’ whereon mufic is written. r aw i a st nar Clofe 1 chee end of 2 tuned asa ee Seeetay . ~ ees ‘ae Repeats Show that part of t

e Brace Shews how many parts are fung together.

—_—— BY Ue wu mae Se Nt al feos PB ihiey heat a

' ae D 4 pee .


y ‘ahd iyes

> | 4 od oP Bb aS Ou repeating, and the a rite At the beginning of a tune, governs the mi; and Iftied together with S22 fet before a note, finks it half a tone. 4 i : ; sha aa ae hats ie fe ; = ro) Sharp a at the beginning of a tune, governs the mi; andj re % y= fet before a note, raifes it half atone. . Le SS ee ; ot notes i in Nagel -IGx Reftores any note, made flat or fharp, to its prim-|_ eee We . : =a itive found. i ; | henur fi a : ao a . ieee ee tae Are aided gaia the r

¥ aa oie = ORR SR | i f the five li ind | Point of —F=> Adds to a note half its original length. e # te 4 Addition == ; ie aN 2 « a

- Point of =3— Aiea 5 ae A ee, seP Reduces three notes to two of the fame kind, | Fril}

diminutiot. &

—— _, [Marks of vs Single bar =I Divides the tinie accordiig to the nennite note. [diftingtion f



7 J f

‘hoofi Be ie whic paformer thertuto: ich he plea oe Ave fmall notes which divide the time of Choofing am Gie the performer liberty to fing which he pleafes; | Apoggitu- == conc re fmall not de the time of ote: mee t x at t ime; —ot—Ptt+o— the fucceeding note, unlefs it be fol- aa as 5 Re pe Be float: a =erifito= lowed by a point or reft; and then they

Common Time.

ADASIO, has 4 beats: 4 crotchets, ore es


| - ade Firft Mood-€3- their azount, fill a bar: 2 beats down, Geet

ae and ie dduu

_ S=7-= ~LARG), has four beats: 4 crotchets tn ae S Second aoa bar: 4 qicker than the firft: 2 down, and of: oe

> ee Fee Se

Toit 2 up. Acent on the firft and third.* Piru " My

ere eee ee

: su dd uw me pe Lig sito ALLEGRO, has 2 beats? ACHOtO- <j oo ie Third do. -++4or -etSna bar: x down, and x up. orp i TL Lt Acented as the preceding. BBS, iach canal ' an gs | » ih

AN 2 aly: SAP a ¢rotchets in abar: x down, -b-- ane Fourth do. and x up. Wecnied as the preceding. -4.--2—

os, omens ee

; id ited Bl dou ees ‘Inple Time. es HAB 3 bes: 3 minims inabar: 2 down, ~~ fas and t up: ,ccerited chiefly on the firft, and ee [Ze faintly on th: third. = Slama Ya me B

, go yess ba a ¢

atin Mufic, Largo is the firfand Adagio the fecond Mood, eng ~t ¥ oye


=TSPef—~ Shows what number of notes aré fung 5 iz to one fyllable. 2 |

TIME. | Second oe

.| Fit Mood=@=

take the whole time cf the fucceeding note, and that takes the time of the point or reft only.

Has 3 beats: 3 ctotchets in a bar: 2 down, =

and 1up. Accented as the preceding. -4.-2- “3:

= = = Precis =

i 5: Has 3 beats: 3 quavers in a bar: 2 down, -3- ==: Third do. = and1 up. Accented as the preceding. oe x

a ery

Compound Time. .

HAS 2 beats: 6 crotchets in a bar: I Ropeperrrs down, andx up. Accented on the firft. Igo ill

sc oe

peor Lb -6- Has 2 beats: 6 quavers in abar: 1 down, -=5- BE - Second ger and 1 up. Accented as above. ~Q- ss i d u (<- There are other moods in compound time, as $, 7;', &e. but not commonly ufed in pfalmody.

Of the Keys. THERE are two Keys in mufic, the /harp or major key, and the flat or minor key. IF eh note Fie bads be next above mi, it isa fharp ;.if next below, itisa flat key,

hi *‘Leflon for tuning the Voice.

Wigs? ASC E NDING. Thirds. Fourths. Lighths. ‘Thirds. Fi Ae Lighths. Thirds. Fr Ba

Sse seeeeleettl TR aarti e

DES-CEN D IN G. Thirds. Fourths. Eighths. Thirds. Fourths. Lighths. a rds. F Pg

Sceeaee eps dma (ESrete

Ee gpd pened dpe ed prep hoe dpe Kerra hes a. edie herein A prreed pr erdprrnedprnd pend pmendpeard pried pueeh purer Sy indpinned per dprinrGorendipereedyrrsdpuaned peiiSseredpriandpreidponedpperrdprreedbssre Apri


PAGE 11, fecond bafs ftave, fifth bar,.the firft note fhould:be a minim and in the fourteenth bar, the firft note ‘ould a minim, 13, firft tenor ftavé after the fourth crotchet, infert a finglesbar. | oF 27, fecond bals fave, after the fixth crotchet, infert a fingle | bar. Same ftave, in the eighth bar, for a crotchet on. 37, fecond bafs ftave, the laft note fhou!d be on D, third line. ; 45» firft treble flave, fourth bar, the fecond crotchet fhould be.on D below the firft line. Same page, firlt tpor fave, fousth bar, the. crotchet fhould be on the middle line. a 46, Second counter ftave, laft bar but two, inferta point at the right.of the minim. Same page, fecond bafs ftae, laft note fhould be on the middle line. ak: ¥ Br Ashe a 52, firft tenor ftave, fourth bar, the firft quaver fhould be on the middle line. 58, firft tenor ftave, ftrike out the fecond fingle bar. rit, fecond line, inftead of Jays, read Jay. 113, third bafs flave at the beginning, inftead of a flat, infert a fharp on C. 116, firft bafs ftaye, fourth bar, inftead of the daft crotchet, infert a quaver.’ ' 118, firft bafs ftave, fecond: bar, of a crotchetion G, mfert one on ae sor line. Do the fante inh th eae seis

eel ASE eae

in pi day ofp "ISPs gp Se


infert a crochet on Bp.


= aannenaan ee Statin nf thy (enc Theefertent Das The af Me ee Pf cap Deeg kort hems eng moka cnc a wefan PEPER SIEGE


—— isles Ereirslebaee eg cgteslcaieh

cara ao

ESSE Sere ee

|, (e2 oeee Saat pete Jeera A

cee RS me ee

z SAE a aa SEILER oa a ae


[Say sees


= oe ES a a He eae = oa Zi - ere scis SESE Eitan LE

(ee SERRE ee eae eg Ear gE: esate Sees ae SSeey See eee Heise FE PE seer = See =


eee eee asesae ene


RIESE +5 ae ate et




Ps. 63. '

By a Clergyman—p1xon’s COL.

doahaiae = TS A Sor 4 tohat Cpleltt firm rit (i'd) He tL (Siecle tie | FUME TUM TA gs HEP BuGs deuce ehape: nung mmm eS UIUE ere g tay Wo cy vie Ql ete va OT el = Le ee ® eal % rt ae: aps re nee eae ae qc TTP) Moe e POOL) FETT) Tapes Heed bed eet KLEE “HKLLL (@LLI © LEE Trot Pe Oe at itb Att (pop herr diet TEEtt 1I@LL Ligd) | ae isd it biti irdeto Rieti} ti Liitt, @iibe tint Myf M1] | eee ee Pict HOUL( (ire 1OLLE qi t (a a || peis |i fliil alii} <6 es Re lees ere f tel Gi elt ty Sie] ttl em at) feta ee brttt forked foal Pie@it | | bo He L | |} fae eth ttre iT HUME ary “LUT PL EE fe OEE ee re Fipleee ) ! fF a fos he! Perr ; rt i 3 uaa Be Hee i. me) ees LP TP UU tie paeiy iim dtrdie A Ame NPT Hid tel mae ach titi] 1 PRP ity iP Hoh ok eel Fe ttt thi tm sle@ibh tists Pridi\ with. Tre aene TYOL Fit of dittd Plait Pld Syuray 8 tied Let thei \e@it thir JPR Ree = Re ot Hye (ies Toy) ee) a) tine A Tu ttt ine rit) ri at Tih HEAL a Mitt theres tEECE Utd Hiatt deed: tthe ted titled diel te Tite Tibi y LURE rer) ties | bile I) OH UTP ees ea {hia rd a ae thi HGH Cys: HI bah als HR fig UGS) Hh tedet EUETT EET CLE HTT eit, MTs Hine TOL LLL THD) TTI (irre va -) Hee iat ti ddd oil HP Msha es iy ret Ti Tn Bec ey Sse Gar TN eu Spel (Ler HTT fateh tat th STL] peppers (1A ja titit it LWT} bite TLE) ALLE BUT iaLt it 118i | | = Hit TTT? ane Lhd] Wai PPR eit Gktse | Leer Lree LL : 1A HP] (OHS ror ily Tre4 HOLLS FrDi fel Lit ies (bo tibdt thitt@ Pitter triad a bat ae He (hen “Ae AE et LIS. | at LA fq) LW dill; fall |IOlLe iTTO! | ib Hi) CEe Ute) (iy) (ir thea fthil thats fee Lib w Tiel & mt ty VTL ELLE btWl) ftTtkS tlilt Flos Vecfarsentes diocettva eam THeCyvenie St aC mee a tap ate tat Tw) (@iLi faLi Tro elit HALLS tity itil UWE i fee orm test ial Ha) (eal Wie) iu ai a HR | Ea Lae Le |] a ie i TAL ] ;

16 Ps. 92, Watts. PORTUGUESE HYMN, LM < DIXON’s COL.

| (ee enerseee a7 fia e et Gee “p= ees ==

SAB CESS ny) he



Lord, ’tis a pleafant thing ~ to ftand Tn gardens planted thine band: Let me with.

(eee os eee rere eeee ees esto = === |

Seas = f Sees ee ee ee = = = = =

ce. Smee one '—--—1-# nal we <r ime ames a Iain Ge 2) <a oe = oe =: = =. = oe oe See

| inthy courts be © feen, Anke pie cedar, like a young cedar,

Seeboe: Hoe

| Eee: pease

= s ee Searines oo ; 2 : aii | ibe s ete ik :


ese ee es

_ eee eee a a i, rey mee =e ES ine wereeree ewes aon eae

Eeret: me ae

Pia SPER tf rwic.


geaeist sia as cede ce peace ree a =

| So oui gee? cosa eet eens edeeetee Soe

The Lor ord my fhepher erd is ; I fhall be melliappl yds § ds me to the place

essed en arene eee: ARES EEE eft eae

ae i ae EE cans gaerriee= sat iss SS %|

| CAPO if Ma + - &, | Pee) A #7 y | co aaa = om 2 mars pve ee Sal ees A ie


= Sl


asa Has aie cE ao | Ieee eee | jE; Ege Se Eee aa gosta ee reed a eteer Sets tee =) oo: SEE ASS eee ~oFFSESS EE s SFSUSSESE aes ‘arate phat a iE | aa SHE |

pesSieicduaca eres Sei: Ai | see! es 1 Ja iate eee aati eee | Be ede aE aera seni iperite te sbele Pecaa SStere gS acaea ooo eles eee eee ere

. pes Stag NN Eis: C. M. ". DR. CROFT. bbe a) 3 ec

| peice Spee: see Se =. =

Dae Sie Sse eo = JE aH Peoizie aipaee acl masse <- = ae ea

20 os 34th PSALM. . .C..M.. STEVENSON.

sie ese

The soni of ie, i God fhall

res ee os sees et eee ee eee =|

Through all ae -chagpgpe, fe fcenes of lite, In trouble and in joy, ie of my.

§25=2| EERE teeter: eseeaie: = ESSERE sees =

The praifes of my God ye fell,

egreate ee eee ress

meee ae iiss seseieesca=i = = Lee Se a ie :

full, TRe = aifes, &c. and tongue employ. My heart and tongue ee:

Be a = decgsaaer eee |

nee Ee ELEReeeEss == SSEEHE |


ec = Bee Saeed eS ea g sine tree eet tie ee eeree| | e a see Sees TS Be peer gE =

ets a pes ade; BY Sei Apace to dea th declin - ae hfe, ee 7 raife at _ daft bibs

Paster : = = Satire a Spray es eles: =pSt EE cesta aan iE = eer SS SS hee Sea PATE SS Sse 2 ede ee eee ee aes


a ee A Do A Te Ot ae P ‘cALLeort.

giasci SE] eetEEE lee jefe

Saar e ae Ee aS ep seo = gs sis caaei= ae : Z

Behold the promis’d hour ! Her God ha thhea rd her

SSS setae sSHe


‘Ea iSdeeda =a eeee saa oo anal, a Sede =

| = = ce eee wee =

| Her God hath ‘heard her ==Fielag=s == ==E6- SESE Satna z| [== | Se eee

SH ase wa Ge eae ay Ces Tee OS

Ps,! 102! “ol EWENING HYMN. 4 CM. 23

cE =a pe SEs: SSS Seema fo eee

Nar oa

net ae = pl Seas == ec: Wee

<5: Sooo SSeaaa hes =f eaae = = = == ee =—S2 ee]

Se ee ee ee

a panes Spey ys

et pict ca - lam - ties. __*ppears, And: pars: of déep: diftrefs ?

5 a ee ee ee SS ——


eee ae

= aS ———— = = Se se 2 = = :

24. Hz. 228, CONDOLENCE, or PLEYEL’s HYMN. L, Ma

Sia: eld ea [7A ee ee

fortsfly, And ple: fue only blooms ‘teaie! : "

parte EAPESE PEE Es FEE ripe HEE IEEE BRE ol Sales ded ee eh: Sn GSiigh AEEEE = i

BANGOR. G,. M, : TANGER oor: :



= ESE : = —— == = = “HEE = an

se eee sae Se SEINE east SEs =e Ie Ese t=airle eel |

Ps. 139% <4 is bl ET. Cc. Mi. MITGHELL. 25

RO ee ees ae oe IS ere pened oe Ce ee

—L—-—-——— a

ses eh ac mee gg ens mmm Shee

or pi A a ae se Se ee ae

ed - * ee en ee re | a cern ws eres mete he arte hE me ae Fi TE b

ee A et ee ee

In hel

4 where thal, Weulty ue retire, Forgotten. peas ont 2 ri hell they meet = f viet

: = =e aa ste ee sat == “=

a EEE Bee Sp eestor

Sees eo In hell, &c. _ a a een = ——

Py 7

ne ae s

Re a Se eee eee ee pee ee


reer Ree) Sere a rae ge ge ae

—p—Ps- 2—e-p-f-—- = Ey oe a ee es “a ee aE or a eee

== = = Sac pie ee ae moins es mas ce re in pre es Gee me te et wt ene ae es es ene

Sr ee eeeree Caine Sadie RAAT mementos ae mc teers | == P=-8 aS bi sae fe eee md te eel el saoaet Slo ahaa a ee See pe eee oa a a ER en ne —e—i4, -——__—_ —. {-—_—_— | Serene Se eee eee et ee ee a ee ee ey ne oe et ma = ——— ee —' —— Lo rs = Leotementl ES SEY SEY pee

ee. eee a sae ee ee

ia —+ = Pre aa: ee es ey ey

ioe a init oe

== 5 ‘ih f Ww *



ITA L yy. a WA CeMINI.. 27

ESS 4 eoameete 5 =

gy se =f ——— oe

ee I fhall behold thy blifefal fa

SEs: SS = a eit e cre ae SiS SSS Se


Sere seer sp =

es ee

no 29,

sadist: foe oe | =a eS fesdioas EE eee Se ae 2

ee ee ee SO

a8 Ps. s, | COLCHESTER-NEW. | CM, igri tese er i ot iene ue) fae fees = e2-- =e EEE aEete ee elEdis EE are stated

fp renee eaeeee ese re eee

Lil Lord, in the morning thou fhalt hear My voice ce afcending high 3 To thee wily addrefi my prayer, To res : ; Giese eeseae ee = 2 SSE SSeS SLSR | ess Be in DURHAM. Shs ae eee

= a jaca sa dpe 9c fete eee So ie ee _ [Gabel Fetish: eed sie aoe

[Geaedle ered Sf AE aii Be ee Jae a erate gees

(PS SrEere eee be “Feist

Lord, who’s the happy man that may To thy blea courts repair? And whilft he bows before thy throne, ‘Shall. i" et ERILMIEE = FREE Peeleaat

a ee ee nce ee

Gp essie all -EIeE aledele deel Bases eerge reset esas =

{ en Ls

hi Aer C.Mb. Spa pralDaN.


- —y as Ees ae =

at ae wr a Salon jaa Oe ew Re ee es 1 Maa ae pase. |

For - sa - ten an -- known? In hell they meet thy

Saeos eesaaiees


ED Ca 8 ee a ee


; seca Sha ee a “ee & Pe so SSS =a —_ —— een aaa]

Re ef Ee pom we te el eomeen lose


4 REESE “Sse a Me oe Re ay a ae SESH Aes i= i

a a SE I UE ===

ee ee oe er he om at me a me Non eee

So | cans” Wea tn er fa ol a eee

er Ta heaven, &c.

=P 5 == (ee at ae 4, 1 So oe Ze So aeeer vacam © bumeesea es

a ts a 6

as ee fore ee ee

ee eee

te hsm wt in st

SEE zu ===> aan a

4 a

go «OH. 104. ABINGTON.

& See a i KE He SESE: 2

Fer. 1, High let us fwell the tuneful notes, High: let us fwell, &c. And join th’ angelic a, i join, &c,

$ no Ere love ve kn

fal ge = es a a! ais pag | (= zeae EEESEIE Erector aay

ys er. §- When thall we reach thofe blifsiul realms, When, &c. Where Chrift exalted reigns, Where, &e, And Jean of the cele choir, Tee

oa Se gam eee ee eeeneeteetttart a sce

eS: i ed i

mene emer reeeteee select

—— ee ae ee ee - - ena PRT aaeane —— ee SS et ot? we ere mee ete + SS eS ape ee cere eeeninnee eae SOOT rae r 5 fs =e ~ ~— —= = cre ecceen oer ee —— a eS ae Se —S a “J - t+ 5 —- . ae > ae pues RE OE a a Pe en nn mee se 4, 3 eee} een? es

Saale Si

| wake a cheerful fong. se


ee ee

ee a

—a = woe eee oo ee ee poet ae re eceenee lesen Rich aed Sseeehacae ee few roe ee eo Bem ee!


~ SOS Sag re Scan Dee eceve i roan ees tlhe Seco © hig es ee a SST weeweane te ply Ree |e eee ce gece beg I ie dS En aE

AB ING TO i Continued.

ee = t Stee ale Pa pee: Jirers 44 ake a cheerful fong. To wake, &e. Ver. 2, Good will to Be man is fhewn, And peace on earth is giv’n;

Sear enpeereees SpE ep

reibe Se aie a

ee ye es ee Tc ed en eae eae eat <=

sdea eee cae |

Their own immortal ftrains. Their own, &c. Me Ty, 4

eres coce, wo he or en ee eats ew owe IS a ee

Has mi with fweet accord, His rifing beams adorn. Let eae ae Eirareeeers te aed oe Bae ae: ES

eee me ey ee el oes, de


ABINGTON; Continued.

L gae canes pases Ze:

heaven and earthin coi a Now fuch. a child. is. barn, Yer. 4s Glory to. God in- higheft ee


= me |

sues ae a eiremiae sean S: = sae PAR oe aan Pp ee | branes eset:

i ase dit east pet ee yaa

= papae aga | tee P= ce = EP ao ee Ee : toe Sat ESA | = 7 ae nes eek ae be Se NO edn oe atin oa HOO +4 = Bi: Seat Faicoe a = et = age8 eee zee 3 aera ee ec aon oe ) Sawa

Repe eat firft ftrain in the Jatt verle

SSeemeaeea mesa Sosa isse iss

= ee

Sis =e are

= =

glcry by oar lipe-proclaim’d; And by our lives difplay’d. His- glory: by. our lips proclaim’d, And by our lives, our lives i

JEbts Se vein 4 ae

_ Bs lie ) WALGALL P.M. HAR. SACRA. 33

—_e,. eee ier acs Ga eee

Blefs God, O ef foul, Rejoice in his Names,

Fe ,

And let my glad voice His greatnefs proclaim: Surp alhag: i in honour, Do

eas Sees sce cere ee mare as

SSuEneeT aa eres reese SS TSR ees =

= aaa =f Se minion, and mi ioht net, throne is the heaven, His robe is.the light. His throne, &c.

=e ek ae Aes sess

Gx as

aereee? oS Reese ones Sea Saree = | eter ee =e Zeit E lz

Behok, the roognine fun Begins his lero way; His beams thro’ all the nations pee And life and |

(seeeraies! * SEEU ESSERE SSeS Eis

PME! ery en

jae seers ears gies es ese eSIErS! ise Ps. 25. “LITTLE MARLBOROUGE sa er ae Steeee = =f a ctf TEE - = oop FE

| sae = eeetsinet fee see : Pp 2 ee ae me ; = ac = a: = fea as cere Hae ial

4-34 -———}-~ “Z J Spies -—— F: s = oe i os ; al a c) mad eles ed F Le! ee leon Gar moe fee (oer Bo - 4 2] Misc = Fag $


B= 5 foie (aS Seis sees

=e 5 a Sa ery oe

36 Ps. 64. CUMBERLAND. L.P.M. or L. nae By omitting to repeat, it may be fung in L. M. =| =e p= =e

me © eee ee ee OP OD come OCR | is: pee pee Ssteeetee

= x rit time. 5 Lee one Saree ae Se ee ee . aS =e ' 3 eee ee Bae =a: ie

2d time. For crafty Mica ct impious mind,


feeret teeae! combin'd.)_

| RO

~=—_— Se om a I ——— = ——— ete ee See a, 2 a ad aaa Coterattits Si ace oer ee a 4 i. ee Se Pa ahi pias es ios See Se —d =6—F=} eerwe ee tieeee Sa = a ante ete ee oe _ Ee =a = aw ae =

ve Aba yent

° —S e (Their powers ia



eee tee ee


me Rh rns ee 4 rae

ween Dee

GB Hee LE oh HE eae [SEER = SHE | —s = : = Pe eirlee rile es fle te eae tg =edyi=

pe tape o mmiortal praife, Forthe lovethat crowns our days: Bounteousfourceof every joy, Let thy praife ou ee ren

Pog oa eseeae eee 26 ee eee

W A IN T A G'E. C. M. WILLIAMS COL. sega © ae Eee eee

SEIS == epee FEE ae

sea sae eS pisie HT fea SS | eae SSE

38 Ps. 100. DENMARK. L. M. |

$2 SE ee ee gaan fe : ioe ecet ee eereer aSSE Eee e E ee al

= ee ee

essere: He is ia lee eee ee Bere

z glee i SEE ae eee SE es oe a a 4 : ae ae TE =i sa Sree eee aeaeree

——e— eo

seca pera ca incest ae eh : ze - ES

DENMARK, Comes 39

J ftr v's se as s to his fold a again. He brought us to his fold agai We'll crowd thy gates ae nkful fongs, High as the hea

fed = = aps ae “6 acm a BRE EEE

cae aeserey ee : fai iE mie Edge

A) yl Choulcbalaata ton cs, Shall fill thy courts with founding praife, Shall fill, &c. Shall

: = pale ee pee raeseiares FeSEHes SS eas eect ca earee ie

2 RE ETE eats ee ges ef ieieieresg gener rinseerere rece cea eras PEE Sanne ee iE cae ae ie za


ee _ a aoe real SB aeacetraty a ai se a =e (ee SaCuet

Haya sani * NY MTC He LM, DR: MADANS) 41 (== = a z He of aes ae ae aa es = = Sioeies Siz eit =p = = Si =He #3 es. 2S See ETE ele cee ear

a: Be: li Pe rins faith the high and lofty One, “1 fit upon my holy throne: My nameis Ged, I

oes fs"

ee sete anpap imps sei oILS

EE ose =e See we ESS SE ae dw

rH pecoous on high, Dwell my Dwell in own

—— =k So} Soe: See = ese EHE


Seaae: SE



i ae




i m Pa Pa


oes! ——— es

on =~

See a wl

rs re c, ienmaain + 4 rs 3 J ome, ict us ee our (0) - s


= =e

5S. P. M. :

: :

_— _ —— id ae

public voice,

{ | 2 Hit TBH IAT {Reibt @tiit ee Pid ot ek O UNMET TTP LET Bes iniy Mi io eee EEE WT eObe ria Sulit’ thida x i saEht -) (LL a ITTO! titlt Clit baie Gilt tel LL MLL STR | le@tit WE Teeny LN eo tar (ama aac cdemere ETE LET EET LAT rveue st iall Trret WT TAPE LETT LEH (@iti mills tieli TITPi Se) Sane See RHA eH HH {}ttdo eRRRA Cititeet ieee | “Pett IDLtL! Mili oj|jTTO I@Lei rat MR cliceete | (ial eet eat Sop Pee rh beanie ota | bi 1 folet ieee ied tadag | eee abe eh 3 (SAT ET Pee Ae lol] Lab bolt Lebel

A rr | !

| |

. 4

—3s —---— =o oe

ae —— = sae =a =

THEETTEEE TT HH 3 | | i bad | | ( . < LAL Tae ae STM YAY WLU TA f a Pe ° thd Pepe HOU ME & eH et ECL g FEE RE a} 3 HT) TE 2 CTE TEE TTOL) OQLLLi = IMLL! !@Lti tiiit tie bead htt Ae ie A MOI Wet HTP PH TT lett Rg ere PETde LIbhl i i ee HLL tg OUT jal Veeth Tttitt tbidd tat Lf i QLLi}-2 OLLI! IOLtI HTT U2 PR Petitaliiy/ 5 @lits @tity is lL Ud a Te Te 2 TP TT Hall WLS jaliieiiit eR s (eT te Sar a ae Heep ti. a 9 lee thttd Chale }OLtL ILI Roce chy tir t ha Seamer} shhh tege tied lt) tbh

Bs ai | MV if bool Ag ENFIELD. Cc. M. Scbuvet Shock Ad

Beige sea? Peeee fieaie arises? = a et

ncn Et en fea ae ae srezpctititees

Before the eye dawn of day, To thee, = God, Ill fing: Awake yk foft and al EE aaa each euaate f

t | et ee a EE Lo ee ee ee

orm pre een eee iat see sore a i Beal meee = os = RES =e 2 ie ts

eee mee es PE

Szeree eae Et _— : eae a) TEES

a, Pee ew ee ees ae eo

.—— SE ee eS sere eae en ee F el ed ed ee

-2 : Dee Ea = =o ke mn pee SeSecee= Fast ao =poE ee eters

-filent orb, The filyer

aaa eet

—P-e -—-_-7-s-—--—-spe [4-8 | Poecospcrcesees aa paces =r 42e =e fe | Siege Ss ae ee oso bef te “oni e

—S es

Besessea = see a = ee epee = = a = Boae |

c ae on a on ~~! ——-_< beeen So en ee = ame wow ban f= eta li cas eae aS i Cts mer 1 eta em fo

48 HAs

| en tE = ge ees eee

ease fe eee Efe SSSaee ae i Sere git zi ees eal EAE tater a Deeea |

ig Se asiediniar ocetei eee ea seers fas EL =


ned Sra [= = appa fea Pate = asiasue

Sears Sates t === == = = = ERE = Seen sSer == : SS eee sage eer s re ,

es ee a pis es

a Se aS

Cor aD aoe are moe ween

ee ee ee eee CS

H. 35,C. Col. . Su LAWRENCE - BROWN. 49

SSS ego eae Se ese

_— —_———

= 4 SS Sas ses ae eee eee See seer

_ the Lord is King; Your Lord and King site Mortals, give thanks and fing, And triumph

fee pose seee eae teteoaeee aa

; mnie Loud. 77~ ae ae ee ese is aie || oo

F «

qi she * bw

A ye) F rs

faette ee



= i

ge eea juss se arse: So raee see eee Ex ares |


a; ee yeteen fe noe

Lift up your hearts, Lift a your voice, Rejoice again, I aY> Mai.


ee tl



Se ia

ES ate

EE ae : Te eae

{= fae


so H. 48. ot SEBASTIAN’s, C. M. WILLIAMS’ COt.

pana Sapir aaee

ow before histhrone.

Bare! eh aco ae : == fee —— =i Ragas iu

urheart proclaim,

feoe LERELEL REET te sane PPE ase : panei ii engpenaeaenepey-eneeayeebpeaeeet yea ===: ise efiettiei

| : HL 31 sth ver ; RANDOLPH &™. ae a SSE ESES sodas fea: gaia iE)

eee ce aus eae “comagficlpes spre Hite ea

(eeetetesies sedate Soares iE —_ sects a SER Spe . ie

~ - How Jar

a ee om

a a ae ieee sage

EES SE fe z= =p s-eE =e == pieses: =: —— ES ge eee a2 == =

Z alt ‘their need. = Vil ya thine, Supply Ce

[fests Sep ene Bee sso a=



ip he WARERHAM. C. M. DR. ARNOLD. 51

* AON GL Tepe

Exec eee oases ee eee

oer iS Eerie =

Eaee set treet =e =r 5


rere eee eee =

os —_——— a

Pe ge cee eres aecea a | i eee sis eee ee getec2 <gseee= |

vith thee ; open ith sane pe ae

=. Geta Gea ed eee bee eee remem ea eee ee

AOE gE r=

(zetee as Zee aa Bee oe Pee : [ees ESE rere

oer the

pie sf = He a pee se reser =

Set peetie try

efelee os Be ~~ ie gasae: saicee pee EIS SPT ESE “s =


Bessa Hee ae SEO Laie |

Reg a

= Ge ee: = aH : ete sR EAE ae

jomatenm SEE = fee Guest Sees zoho of oot scetaeas gusta sscteeteee cee a: ace

one ae

And all my foul with ©

aaasigtie erage pe pre eeres eas te qe EES selene BEaaee =

ee ea

SS ee te]

PeCSSET See EED) See tSt a2

hhe chide my Gay. ‘Riemyfouland come aways. i: =: % g ay Teer os pcre ot _ veal =5t | ere reer HSE aS] pines

us ibd CHESHUNT, panied

EEce a == = ~ a re seascape Paar a ese = B a a ii

at i ——-— he

Set oF ein eee casera S|

H. 78, B. I. Watts. WILDERNESS. LM. LEACH,

el se ei

i = i ae areas Pelt elite teiccdiel a i = se ecisgraea ieee lt

n diftrefs, Who t a aa ae fae and with fins, On her wee an iit a

re sare st ee aL eset «

56° Ps. Watts. OLD soth, or LANDAFF. tos & 11s, TA NSUR'S COL. sete seg

= esuraes SSS asa ole Fee PS eae eee eisai s:

R The God of glory fends his fommons forth, Calls the fouth eee mes. ee to wena hedyeeies cae *ciltabh Sued fee eee ees eee meena ia fees SSSI peters See) Ee Apres : a SSS See jE

eS re pecs ss “aus Ss

Bseiceveeceerross os Seen a

| Ww yorlds, vs regions of the = The trumpet a hell tr ae heav’n rejoices ; Lift up your heads, ye taints, with cheerful voices

Ene = = ae s —— = ms agit

= geo ee: = ceeeee

=e parent at

betes oc ie



eee a ——— tose

Mt ed A. iam aig SSH= Hee epee caro SRLS ESESHS i aa = fall employ my

a aS

peat SYS = re pn ee ee ee pes Tee « a

et Rt ee ee ee oe ee

== fo a

ee EO

StSep sarap =

While life e Re: and though a0 and


2 tae Glie__-Lf ules coe


Ha Agama cea fa HAR. SACRA,

Suet cigs ec eeeet ec ae % |

SE EE ree zs ener ee scp ere Beats

. My Saviour doth no ian ue He hides the chal of his fac But fhall I therefore let him go, i) :

Sasa Sea at oAteeLtaGESE ereste = =

Spe eerrer: ieBte eat Hee |

Pane ESE ae ee Eat aaael | [eae =P ESSE =P= 2 sr |

eam |

pera Spee ee 2p =e ay Pope Pelee bRpechise oath =f NEES

_ Altho’ the olive yield no oil, The with’ring fig treedroop & die, The field illude the tiller’s toil, Theempty ftalln

| SSS sere oe:

I = SSS eaea ee eea " eee We

| herd afford, And perifh all the bleatin ng race; Yet will I triumph in the Lord, The God of my falvation _ praife.

caylee ee feee ce

cae cei woe ae eee at ee ~

ae ae

f. A, of

» OOMSD A fe 5. M. + WOOD. 61

hea avenly, & &e,

= a eT ie on ==

i eRe ev'ry creature join. oe i th eae Set = heavenly hoft the oe 5 egin, 7. found i is name abroad.

La itseiSeslee bs = PIE ra ar we. cou sats ta =H

| 16 ade EE se Sis eee pee ia ai AEEh

ih i = ae ie a: eaven y, Kc. a | (2 == gi oe aaa bed Ye heavenly,

BG Ne Gs: ae oe UL M. CLARK.


4 ee eB a Riel 7a 7 = ad Pie - Hl


hs Bie?

z ae


2 ee =e

i —_

a Sets on a ee waits.

| =n : oe ae = SER P = —_ oe i ae =a pit ee oe

ee = teas

=o a

| ji)


= = te


Gr os fe

= : = = Zarstiase : 4 ue ne —:

‘fr ye.

SE :


Beer eee ai = aa pon a = ee Se ee stise

common King, Will beat to j ae

gees vgn oo 4 =


tue: ae ff

a sata JSS a : a —— = =)

Sree SEES eae

NORTHAMPTON, S. M. MANN. 63 seeeege de - oo smetines se: = 4 eee

Eavagh (eee) -_-9—p-— est

pSaiee . TSeee notes tae Soe =

ee ia =

a —* a a air a Come, ye that love the Lord, And let oats b f known; Joinin a fong with {weet accord, While ye a ie aes

| | aa = HIS ws :- 2 ert

wae: Bae

eee seeceter EE a


eee Ee Si2i:sa:. saeae Se =

LOB we oa

: —_— an ew aaeeeee =

> Gaga” ae Moaeumipetecerisn mar mee Gt = S i aha ls ad oe Se a a —— foal cae ee = Fobee i [alee gs Tali gon —— ae -=-$-E- Pete F: ae camel cle oo ca

Let thofe refufe to fing, Who never knew our God; But fervants be the ee oy May oe their joys abroad.

ad TResie eiseeri =e SEEEE Se =e eo o ai cate

ox =

————S it —_-—— ee


ee ees e-eietinn es ame wetinins aeP6

¥ -p—7--


a Seer!

—= ae =

a rm ee ee

ni es


—ee» --

- eee

oo Ps. il PORT Sige OT Hs iii." ’. HANDEZs h Stow. F ie : .

SH REM ASE EE seeeseee ss edad a ea: ae - So ASE SS Bger Sere |

eee aoa 1 et eee =F eles eae eacae? HAE MiSSiere Si) oy <2, ens ieee eel | = me ees a SE |


es = ne ze serie oe e =o an ri BE: aasce: EEE

; -~--—g

AEC: eee i

66 H. 185.

SS = —fi-— 4


a —_———

l= au gee == == a


= ae eine

Now let our drooping Breet ts revive, And all gt.



SS s5eec=





ee ae re es eer ee ed ns


SSS (Oa le 2 = SSceee

eee a a ec 5 As a Soeeceses= reer pee che oe

z HESS SS segs Sees

SO ae Se ee

omega ed

C2 Saysies ae neraecaaet Gees ci Seah Raat Wao I Ae Bepske. esa Gli ii, He es Baas SREP a ne ms a Goa ERG MAREE bh a aan Le a eae RE CR) SARE EOS EINE 0 ce io Dee oe om wan i en re ere na: cr mm rn Sen ae ee

Foo= nt re ee eerie ree wate Rec Ne fae ee mee thee whan Me ae ene es Ce ee ee

eyes be ieee in mee Which view. a Saviour

pipe i 2 —- a et a a err we Sara SEIT

SoS ee eee

ee ee aS ee cease

ee ee ee

ein 3d PS AY L M cM. nae MRE SS 67 Ets Eat cris sede aes EEE =| SHE ae ar: ideperpceteecs eee ceseiee

otis epee,” | rere saga SS ees Sect te ee eee

uft, and true !

= ee

=. ae = oa ee

: Seceehi se See eae

His may and bi "gio! Let heay’n and earth proclaim; His works of nature and of grace Reveal his wond? rous name. He

Soy sates Cie re

Berea = ipentetes | Crete

~cee ay b=a-3 Be yo rae —.

68 HH. 52. 1 EB A NON. iL. + M.. WILLIAMS’ COL,

(GS best: : Beg ree See setsee ace fea

pos cea eee soee ate meee: Spee ne

| aie mace foe te Bee geesieter ee goers ce ee me


=Pe- = = 38 = = ie = ae: === Base oa :

BS oo ee i the em a

: Sy es a —— ia] : = SEEEEEE ee Tee =. SSS t=e (SES|



= ==

4 Oa 9 2 TOON , it P. M.. LEACH 69

| Seer pees ere Berea are rage fab | SSH ESE epeS Seer terre ae ieoaea = ice es ee a ae ace eae

i i

joa 2p ESFSESE of PURSE [Pre [Pee tte eles] || ae =P SESE gee [esa SST ole tera:

| Stee ease as eaet es Sesete! | | a Eo sei Se Sea ea ae |= 2 oa auae gedteiged ceca E SAS esate

Se Se pea =a

oo ee

2058 20 EtME SES Pa ees rata |

== ae ee ee a

Shalityrantsruleby ‘ee. allthey eiendiaisuainicambilimaineain aaa

Er aia = aes = mers cepa § eng 22" pores ae Senin EEE Paps eae eee ee ete epee = - = ee ate BY 5h SG SB ay PERE Sen] FEI OEP oe ae ca | aos as (oe Pee ESS

pee reeesiese sis eee satis =p

ee see )==8 952) = ws Fe-s-¢ ie =z bie Pf ft ay Sea Gr B-o raat mn: = a Begaeeece: ce f= TE ne = pesfees ||

i let oppreifors reft fecure, Wohild gold andgreat tages ee oe a a

cee. eete ae


ae nee ————

TS ee ne a f- Sacra ge aes


iopap-Pat-e-p- a 4 ¥2 eee tf ae Eee Rt ae

Bet Fl a Et—-——-j—4 (PN Sa ee RR 5 PEE

Pea aeecte eid E

een a eee 9

er = gee we i

i eS -4——---- poe We 20 Wats ra (ene GELS =f2 wae) De jae

f 92 H. 66, B. ts Bar we. JORDAN. cM. shies. 56

§id- [== [esl SE triple ESaeS i SSeaiee las

——— se ee 5

Be Sees Pap Ate i ee ae a5 = HEHE eerie mle a are HEE & ed

c. 2 G:5: gS telPE ae fF a Ss 4 se eo HEE ote sfSSEE| Tae fees SHE ieee cease == ee |

==) SE ESSE ESEEE ae Jee SSS Seer

bide: SW Scan nd the “fwelling flood, Sta ad dee en

aes ae Spas Pega

FLEE Bp cee le Stet GR RICHI AGE seria

iE EEIEME rare: E Ele :


Ps. 1.50, Watts. a WINBOURN.» CM. x CUZENS. 73 {S= ini ee =Eie = Pee SEE : zee e gece = Ss | | Sea LE ee ges ees eS

E bot rmOHOns: 1 oe breath, ee your FE ble ; But when myvoice 1s loft in death, My

: i. eee ese plea peg

pied. aie nat ee > ze Eee

ee = eee Sees erent ee ae 2 ; eas ae = SEBO eee = se a=: (S52 aie

el hia

SS ee aS a eee STs aug = E =e aya cc ooeee bo i= | (sd as 2 ati ithe = = 23 = = Mit ok” ri a oa saaree ¥ Se eee eee

My foul x at

| [eee pst 22S eae See | eee = =febet = == ane = irs = = ae Se cee

a er ee sh a ee ag

i agian

a baer AM yan eipal ‘hall id him _ -bett. oe foul, & PPPs == ee ee ee ie ‘eames =. oem sarees =fS==F ste Si ee a = Hug aes “ae i | ae, ec. . i ety ee eg Pasa praee eS ES RR, Ue Sis ae ee | NS Sue ese ee Se ee {=== Bs = =e: aa wa == ar ——— eae S a a ,

My: fob 8 Kew. il



74 "Ss Lilies tala iia Cc. M: oy MITCHELL.

Words by S. D r the 2

8255 Salat alee ei

viidren ley ee ‘This joyous ney, re

ne =e Slate ‘emirate a

their juft r ithful hitto fir the temple's votive fane Afpiring fought the

vine] tse tele fale tebe = = ae oes eee ee eee er eed aaa: eee


ay rec ls, vith rev’rend age, :{}: Hut convene Within thefe hallow’d walls, Within, &e.

ere Oh ea eee es ee lie sae lreerle=eleere |e pele lose pRIEEIEIS]

_dear; This favour’d, :§: :: :|[; land end Py mae & domes, :{}: Where fields, & mafts, & r EAE With een With, &e. “3

se | EPSP EEE per te

Seiten a i


PILGRIMS. Continued. 75

—_ ew, —s.—e== =e

SESE EeES See pasa gee

be" ay mating eel view the ground, Hine re feck sCetnaditgon’s lore, Let m here Pilgrims v walk’ dan n holy

Se Se ee eae a=

ae where panes i favage tribe Alok line a ie rrid yells, And where, &c, Alarm’d, &c. ffembling crowds fecure imbibe, =

= Soteeat elas di cee eee | =

Let children emulate the deeds Their choral pra’ © fhali the Mule, as time proceeds, aa

SESS a ae apseee SHEER: +06 Spas eeeeseateacaa

een epee eae Seong feubtgey| tr LIER

petieseprsc thy ep

=6 PI L i RIMS. Continued.

Very Slow.

Sata Bene. ae

Sor a sei

God in days 3 setters With, ppc ah cae With ne &e.

Y, Pat

oot #2 si gastos Sees


holy legend tells. What, &c. What ho- What, &c. i Pome &

aps Fe eg Fase ei =et eee EEE Bi RG Wo =P=e-t Ree --- =: We See = ss ee jas SS

i ESE DE ire mic —|}-—-—} L ey ae Vonage I pa of incenfe britg, Her meed, eee Her mced, Her ce &e.

+ as i 6-7 Se eelicna = ---y-y—- = Same Hae dig fear Serer Segoe & oS ae “6 rk : 3 =] =a 8 some a oe ie

—-—— - 1 a = == eee -——— a

Fie. ras GcAUN*G S622 PW

a 4g i iia.

~ et -——

53 Eternal fource of truth = lowes se rey’ ae 2. Re Ore apse

a" Estee aie saa peeeergee ee Lupa = > aie oes = Srrulis

a nates é Lord of all below, a

ee =e ie ergs Es gene == ----* ‘a =— ee ee ap =. ® ff gad iets bo aoe = = paises: slpe *iey: af sas se Eee: fis Bizet app =F ; 2 = ei geo ae Eee 5 {| Trade ai Sas FEF} nesters ae prea? |

‘ai _ Permit thy fuppliants to ee te

AAA ANCES he 9 rae wn 08 He RT Ym ie wee ge Ye ra WA een am A, } | | | |

bof} Pa +9 | Piel | |e Sr if ate ) rT | Lt dai het ee | FLL 11 | eb TVRs pan WI fe i fell aun ~LIThp aaa3. HE * ae {ist ty t | Hitt SS NT Ris TTT? dease TOL BENE

eee, SS spa =f FPS =5- feaee Sa, seg tererem ae aeestees

a ee Sree eee oes eee ee ee

eat ae.

fis See ees ELS et

And’ ‘all, And all, Jere poe apr =[aPe ra sea east ee ee ESAr a th’ ie ae wae! a . And al] And all ‘ne spvntini leve proclaim. =lbeae ae tie cee See 2 ee = Hie


2 ben a a eee yy - - ar toad ee ce a a oF a fet pe ek ere "aerial ae ia sa ia zfs fe Paeee Pe es =2 aa = =e t aes tee = mage == pals

WE Lo We ne tamed cet acee

See = an Bes 2a == fg =F = Teens 8 es Eee HEE Ee at = == Sines Hs & é a erleees (apse | SSE Patetlee EEE : = | 2 SE ESE Eee =e = see]

2S eee le 7 ee ear ieimereate fi HE

=== ee Ze SSE EEE fleet Emr See =FS=E= ae iS == pect =|

&: ae EE SGcnieaE le SS tree

Sa ae aS 2 Le 2 eS =siialete “elas = = Bee == I

| ESS EES SSE: Ft gisceend ae ee See eaee

(= See: laet eee ete ieee ote: iS=Eeht pees seria eas Sees

& Bafs.


\Fec. ead id wd @ arg Se ee

Lord came eae © heaven ; By ide: : vase Pbedienr “49° completes Juice i is pleas aes) and yee civi - LATTE HEX «

-4 Ie. aac

SSeS SS ge : =e == = fe == Be =[e: =e Ra

ce tea = ——


eee eet FE gage ecceteee eeeeee (PREEIEE= EPSPS Ee See es LEIP p eee ef yoekeils says i = ize fie : fi seis ee eluESE eee dzieal geese EE 20 enemas eects ier| pat? mel: ae HE ae Z age sel SERA 8, 5 i 5 a aes ae =a EE a eer HE Hes at i

82 Ps. 68, etemoyhige PENTECOST. L. M. DIXON.

re ees

ee ae se oaqr eee = = =e) seer E: HEH rab ierele 25, gts EE ae E ae = —— == = ——


se Hemet ie aH ee BeigGes Gece ae ee ee

EE eireeea tee = - See ae aie ae fase = >

ee pe ee pinmeassoe 23 eee hs en we

ees =a a =e ee EE] poet , gh ae

God, In_ robes jefty a yd. The gee a oe

eeeite aie is : Se se ax geen: ad SSIS aire EE etek


a, lh a re ER A SE mee a

ange ae Pu: a agua ioeea

ve oe mE = Se sh os seebepareteeer)

caus See tee eee ae ce Sica seceded nai ae

=a = at afarie ide =4it mee See eee

ate SEs SH lit a ten Price ae ete ice ap Pie otal EE teeth & Fs s Se cesses rie ie geal

cara: aan eavectilenteespaerapeas 2 a BEEaas ===

Was the Praife him, &c. Sinmnages 8 u withshis:lov

pana Siremeticete ee eo ies ERS Sai ea |

H. 152. ‘(0 HELLESPONT,. ‘CM. | [ee aca dare ieee eeiecrea is sees nee seer: Pai | eoHEEEEF gi eager altel EE SERA aE See gale: Ege aay: af aes Sehr =a aE galt

oases eres SEE geeeee eae =e He elt

86 Ps. 23. ORANGE SNE MwiOrM: + DIXON’S COL.

eee eee Sea |

re SSS Saas tae. =

oases ees Be sie sa a eos eas ea eet

ie tae eeaat Sates scans at TIE

z = BS ote aha fey Oe eee ets He HEE Eile = flees:

ie 2B cies eet rete 3 a | Seer Hess = SuEeeet aides = = ee 2 = 3-4: =


Bs. 148, Tate & Brady. yA EXHORTATION. H. M. DIXON, 87 3e See ae See ae cose jeseie=P a 2 eee = SESHiE= == Le ie: 28 25 a TSE to]

1g ae =e Septet: ae peeigie| cae ees steel eee aS

25 fea ceeeiiag ee Pee ne rea eed ce

See a TO Eee

! ii = ae Eee Be icigseae Ea eee soos! SEEEEESIE

Sets ft eff: - is «e Fesspiet seal ve tee: age ee ENE : = ee ae eee


3 =a

88 Ps 8 97 Watts _M 0: R z.7 TO Ne Tis Mi URNAPP: | ae t

Soe SE a,

-_ z peer dealer! eas EEE = race e

aoe eae (55s =e fe pine eres i = aSHe ‘K gazes eats Sofrinei 3 eee ze fe Sea ap raises siete ERE EEE el fi Riis eee eis ee ae aE! ; | ksesteeeee resteeteens rei ee afer ENEEE S|

How beauteous are their feet; Who ftand’on Zion’s. hill! Who bring. falvation. on, their tongue « Andris of Boeeey veal!

fri teeter BEI

SE Ereeeee =} saute 63 TEASE ace 03 zen ese eseaerais end? E = Baeza, aes EHE i

‘aes ae 2 neal pimeierear: Seer uie di Sr d (eae ieee ae See RRS Ie | eee ee eevee er eas ees eee seid

aftr leeett fee ea ie ss Se eaes eee ate PEE fieseiteriey 22: ee = ae Hae ii

PoE -$ -J=-


pales seit = are



es sa eee

tePry oO IN Continued. gt


See Sea Sfp teeth epi eieyade sree | Pee

Or wath, Or wath away ftain. n. But Chrift, But Chriftthe heavenly Lamb Takes ah our fins, our

aa Sees See ee eee See afi 2) 22a cease needa ee eee aa = ett apie St gota a= SSS si ae aes

facrifice of nobler name aeoeeee blood than, they.

vhs cas

Se ee Sew enaaig asians = steee | i = poses res re esis cc

92 U i T ON Gontinued.


@:2) SCS ee Sa EE

My faith would lay its hand On that dear eo hae st likea pemtent I fte

Be aeaaeladse ecede 2 cies le eee ear sae “Slop FEE PE agai Spee eS

And there en my fin. My foul iooks - fee.) ue burdea thou didft bear, When

ee 2 eS I eS Za 5 ep eee ae = EE Ea aelestaip be Ese =] TEESE Be == aS

Sees stra CEE STE sama tes 2

hanging on _ th’ accurfed tree, And hopes, And ie her guilt was ic

a =et AO AES Ree tL To NN i

SE SEL eS eLee eerie | EEE $SSSe]

=< vey iS aia 5 RR a Ra i a lt U P TON |) Continued. 93 |

aes : cipeesiemd| sa naraee Seine ec qf osinee | aeeee alee dis: HereS salar =f Sea Ss He

i Saas = = ee Jetieved sais Ee ae ——— Sebilber sce REESE ——- seen TE

poeoe- rh a a

em ae oe

erate ee see eee earl eerie apactlfeerlee Sasi feta. Fpl ae SHEE eelete ree SESE eee 2 Sgt ees seo Te 5: a ae fies = BEES he capper ae tee etapa telat

ee By U Put Say nisi set ae dled Sle) eee a Ee eae a = SP ERESEperas =: = ins = ea asee eee Ete: ae tel

ice, mers

aaa ee EEE =F tiie = Seni ee SS SE ae 2 == .

o & a ——_ —— ae :

SSS SSE SSeS ait eee

= TSE Seek ae =f ie a Sasa 9 ees eee eee tr Ee nae cae ee ee

H| bleeding love. Weblefs the Lamb with ch at rae ns = = = Se == (3 s jeder es aE ee Efe lags Serge ee SSeS ale

ra gts es


Ps. 4B, Tate & we sm CM. HANDEL. 95 =e eee sqsiien Edeseaeg ay see Sees e Sraeaee Sceecs Sees ie gies aioe Be Seon geese s a

only God, is great, And worthy to be p on whofe ee ans at

Saas air seelerl eee y eae SEE apie Papd=4- i: apse SESE Bins iuge ae eee aes eee eee sore ce eee ceeded eee es eateeaee = ees iz sete ae See : =e ese as tHe 7 area SHEE: NE Beast she Bes caresses se sree eg =)

7) a eS wt 18 ie 4 sue me

96 DALMATIA. | 4s, Pies

sats Se seaeere regia ae oe Ana ae oa

loye of my foul, Let in to. thy Vy While the. nearer

a es ae vuole as

Ub gn Lice Pee EE sa Sete eed

While the age ftilk is nigh; Hide me, O my Saviour Till the ftorm of kfe is pat ; mi



DALMATI a Continued.

sae a Stes Series Pei Geer eerie ietee fie


eee Sees eae

Safe into thy hav ssa a ary Bs Safeimtoy acme.) ul," 4. bien Op receive, Sc.

Gees Pee Peer te = SEE zeae tS aii=

OS ed

faze alGaevemat eens “Epes zeae ae i | fib 2 i ae eea ied eae a pees fi

I) Tis {paci rth isallthe Lord’s, And men rms and beafts and birds; He the building onthe leas, And gav nis AG ges WEE vs ak

Ve Ese Tigger goes evecare can areata Jocee ae ee eo reo ee ere eaeeraee ett

ee he me

oh H. 201. Kil, N, GS yOux gy: Gq. DR. MADAN. |

aie aadamusimaaes Bre eradicate a2 eeu ea issgian ej edeacite eee faz tl = aq

ach morning, Omy God, My waking thoughts, thoughts attend; In whom are fou nded all my hopes s; In whom my wifhes en end.

ae eee ft PERE EEE

ntioe mame treet eee scar | -erir es ae Eee i .

My foul in ee nader loit, Thy boundlefs lov bol ae gS al, prepares Her facrifice of pr. aife, Her , XC.

eee eee eee jacsaiese eter EA pee ttre tee ee y a flPeaste irc ees ite E tele ses ESTE SoS oe ee

Ps. 140, OF 150. Se MICH AE L's. HANDEL.

: mee sb Ebb 5 cEEEM Is JEBSPNERE qa EEE

ie ae (mg : saa = a a sees = - aaa =


ofou she > ae

le = erg ae = pie ——


sis seagate oeseaane

oe ee ee ee

ew en ee ee ee

Caeeae, sais ah ae tee Peele Baas ze



ES 5 Sees es Sr eae: ae i rf

él 3 Sym.

[=p eee eee ere ae aes =

—s-p-\3— 3s == a a


never ftand fill, Till our Mafter appear. e His adorable will Let us gladly fulfil, Andour talents improve, our - “seats ele a oa ar ae ree-Fe -p-4-2-p—p 1 = : ‘armas, Saas pa ee gies sea aoe 2 St pp ee eee ‘a ae pees to ene te ep Sap ae 2 ae re ee = Es = BB

Seezsesopelege tap: Eaegs zeae 3 52} 365 ee ee =e se 3 Snes c: caem seme aes duae = eee cea == as == a]

eg Se ee eee —~ Be = bop ha! BPO ae BP BEE ead kesios (Sega D | ae pa ars 0 eae: lone ==}

ow ings UIT, NN te te Ts Aa

AMESBURY > Continued. -

esate EE pleats fay =r Bireee se == ae

iy ree seg a=82= a5


=e = rate ts See sear 3 |

ora eee Soe ames ge ee oe eee ee aay nee ee ee ree ee ee rr ee ee


= SES 2: oSeces Seats eee i

ae aoe a KE xe 3 pie died i. ca

labour of fove: + life is 4 dream, Ourtime, asaftream, Glides iwiftly away, Glides

a step Ro.

i. om mas & eS es <- eet oie, aes —— ELAR ean a apna ae 9 Ee epertiet thee Ae isi By rr ag = ‘ia Oe <m 4 See oe

taal = eh a saps i NS BAUR i Sa = ae . {a = aes a (ee Fe aoe ea she Wie eee Asie

a a we ee ces ie a es er oh ae ee es BOS Se een +

a ee eee ee eee]

ae Tg ean Boe oe aaa in ee Calan fas Wr ae eal ene ee ee ie es ee oa

ad me ee

AMESBURY Continued.

=o Sees oa “Roe ares dese lee eres pee


cee a a aa Nome mate a |

| Flite he, And the fugitive moment a to ftay. The arrow is flown, Themomentis, Wied aaa syear Rufhes

cre SOS a ee tt ee ee ee em

oe = a EE = Se

Ses -eeS epee

oe oe =_ NS TARTS. NIP ag LE ee eee eae ee TO ee eel SS mee ew

i hele on fo our view, Ria eternity’s here, —_ Eternity’s there. ‘Lhe millennial year Rufhes on to our view, And e-

ee ee a ss rr er re re re re a nn ee as a en pe me ee re SN ee © ct pre ne ea Oe ee ma 00 Se ee nen cas wed SD ee OO wee ee ee oe em Oe rae

San eae BEES SE SRe pppoe ete eet | ae =e |

AMESBURY Continued. 103

See -—- praca arte ee pm i eS ee SSS (SSS SEY

racy ee ee es ee ee a =

ternity’S: = cecal? 5 here,. _ eternity’s: here,. eternity’s here:


ae * tee ae lb ae 639 _ path a4) <e- f: |SSBEEF aa SES EA

SS =a Spas t= fa ae aie: Esepees =a fe | EES ene tae)

O that each, in the a Of his coming,may fay—I have fought my way thro’, Have fought my way thro’ ;

Sn Ta pee ese 52 ican ats yi ——— case Ss = pe rege = ate Tat Bose ie ape, £3 ee ot eee eae ae "eis OO ea od a “§—1 aa 3 =4 eros an ae a peatoe =e ell = ae =Fa=4 nee i ae tba ao ue Bats eee ee I i finifh’d the work Thou didft BRE me to do, Have finifh’d the work Thou did give me to

i a eee —_ SSS

iy AMESBURY Continued.

=e ee es

O that each, = the Lord, May receive the glad word, “Welland faithfully done, ai = G=a= FF SP-Aer ea ip oe ee =e : Tale aoe mae oe a perk 5 saci ee eee aaa

aea=2 === se == == res

=a Sere eo Do, ae es

weer eee ee OS @y Geng ee OS eo Pema

| Ses52tes 25> EEepies

; dow : pa ai Enter into E joy, And fitdown on my throne, Enter into my joy, And fit down onm aii gea tone on my eee Ta

: ae : Seis P:tepapema-a pape -E-Rep a : ia:

= = =i we tte Seca! | =P a ae i = = ect cas ae

ry ea es ar ese B78 pas DES O88 EE

7 —— SEES siieaeacup | Serr Geass aieesi ee tee esieeee saat FSH | Seziae pacers a 2 Eeeerpe ese ree egy

=a: aus eetieae eaieaife See

ba Soe se aeeeees Reese

Bi ees aie ae ne: aeietesi EEE Zee: = geet fiz | a EEE EEEPESE SE Ee = area ieee

os = sees ee eee a Tape sat JERSE = Te


re6 Ps. 148, Watts. CORSICA, LM.

Moderate and majéftic.

a 5a eee eee

Loud hallelujahs to the Lord, From diftant orlds -wher -ereat -dwell ! Letheaven begin the folemn, wo rds And

Bg ea Soe ee tesiese ee === eee =


Sa ee

! see 21) SEE ere =e ee steers ea

_—— found it © dreadfu ful doy to hell. Let he bet the folemn word, And fon nd it dreadful down to helle {


=e eee ores ee See |

CeOuRe Sok C. A Continued. 107

SS aes

Sse Todsess | Ee : sf se anne eee ey tapes fae ae

The Lord! how abfolute he reigns! Let ev'ry angel bend the knee! Singofhis love in heaven

Sess Sea neers ede ste = ==

uicker and lively.

Es Sees esis = fete ae = ae ete: =a te Teas ia Seg eeaeteeee us ef as eee Seen Se a ie eee =83


% s,.And {peak how 2 be. Highon a e his glo vell, An awful of fhining

Fests tor Saray Se foes

108 | G O R S°1 '1C ‘A Continued.

Se HGS Selo eter ore ee 8 = Seiad J eee Sel eee aE i perlite

} bis: Fly through the orld, O and ‘tell How dark thy “bea ams, re his. - i

More BA Ca i eR se My Sh SSS =e ESS SESS gee 3: ==



peeeaetee Ge a

este a ss eee

Ail bail fhoeow gels proftrate fall,Bring forththe royaldiadem, Andcrownhim Lord of all. Bring forth, &ce.


iets Beet Baek aes = fase EERE EE er Sateaice (sa ASS eae


ener aia


SEE oe eae ee Se eee Se ee a =e ee =fP=}= = ao Se ee tee ee

Whofe, &c.

eae! a= SEE = ed === =f ——— a = pt tS]

Sora ASS ee a cae

My foul, repeat ait aa Ae... {0 ay, Beats, =e anger is fo

fgets pele Geet ope sae

Whole anger, a

a SERED aac it wie ica ch AUN aa BNE PSS eae Beene pr e=eees fare SESSES =

Who i “anger, Ke.

ee aes ae re oe ae pte

E= |

! flow _ te rife, Whofe anger is fo flowtorife, So ready to abate.

ss =

SEE Sane 22 sBS= . Seer ager ee

Thole anger, &c.

| Se ae eee eee = te fee Ss sper esisneteieee (pert zsclagie SSS see

Sess Sens aE S REE EAN = —p¢-- 1 -- a - Llc al is : = a eee

110 -H. 145, Rippon’s Col. CVWERENS Wo NGG eee. DR. ARNOLD,

: go este reese teeecae eee eee er es]



Our Lord is rifen from the dead, et Jefus is gone up on high; Ths eee of ae are captive _ted,

Te a ee

2% —= ae et

ee SS ee et

= Hess ae: Pretes ee SEg TIS =a See esis d |

Dr op &c. eg A

Se eee all ®

| Dra g°d to the portals of the fky. poy se

sere cS ss eae ae = Seat ae ss [EE He

= ae ae a =

CHESHUN = 2 hacen

SSS s SaaS Sas Sa aha

e re his triumphal chariot v Bie EE wig Ree nt

Pees set epee

bh yaaa at ae eS

ae ee ae ee

j =e S56 eases eee eet eee eer Eis PRES —s = iF: Ete eee = == =p Ee ae ae: se =f See i 4

a -folemn lays; Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates ; Yee everlaftin way. Lift vp, & j fas eee >

: tyes ie vel cate es oe ge agg Bell) este

TO ee ens om eae

its CHESHUNT / Continued.

Se See

BzFt [eo ie at

ones “ae on

Ses ee Ped ec gees |

Seales acc eaee esere nemerie== rr eh Paes cel eeeseet esas geese slap Pay

Loofe all your ba oe ing g obey Es ‘He, , &c.

sey CaS Sat et eae ie |

e-pEfeE ee : zz ceacs fag ge ate ite ae |


fete Hes

. a cae ease |


C HESHUNT Continued.

(EE i Petre letlre ee SaEHE EAE ERPS ecee ei gure

Bl Loofe all your mes e the King 0 oS

sexe ie ae erate eee fe ise


—- ee —=_—

ez Ee sae or

| # teett P$2 9. Sie eigediee He iE Lael elbeelbecire rod asaya cq

ecelve, &Cs

puede seats sae ae et 2 ieee aeeaeraedeee|

5: eee = eee need ae? er iep le lp eeeaeeerr a z see SSPE ES epee atin (PEE

Who ey Pppeee E iz ee h 8 ? The Lord whoa orld, fin, death, andh Ses s

eae (Le fee EES epee i


114 CHES HUNT ‘Continued?

eee ee ee eee Ee tS eee ae

=e s the car eal &e. Aine Fels Re.

=p rerpireta eee ee a

[Uda] A ojala ater OE aa =

vmphal chari ts, And angels chant the folenin lay, aoe heads ye héavenly gate rlafting door gine |

= sete SESE ae Ee

Pm see GR CHES HUNT ‘Conon ee a a | } | SS SSss aa eaeeeeep eter atau eveaerr eee eee

~ cs on Sige BEE = SESEERE FE =

“Who is:the King of glory, who, » who, oo


Who, SPs tall gry, vin! nn © 3 pow’r pollefs’d, The King of faint a all, for eg

ie wobtie die ames ene: E =o See eee

er ae ee Ea al

116. CHESHUN T- Continued.

Ses ee spat teey nae Deets = = gfe eee eee ees eaia

me &e. ver blefs’d, fore ver pager

SEE Es eee samedi peqe teres 1

le = Fy i AL, Dial! yas, sd LL eee

H. 100 St. T- HO M.A S&S. A. WILLIAMS.

Sesole tp le palsies ler gE nes SHESHSENE | ——S- =e a =o SESE eee ste fis = qe

: ae

ips Pee sree EETTE ese a | ESS pea er aa eee |

nee ae

Words by Milton. iS _. AUSPICIOUS pORN, a Chriftmas Hymn. HOLDEN. 117

gee pone ral


Spee TES eae see ei —— 7a Sa

Wo war or battle found Was heard the world around, No hoftile chiefs to furious combat ran ; But peaceful was the night, I

besenaereee serie nt peter

ee ag ee ees Ee eee


—— -—- rs

= Se Soros ee ea Psie geaaeae ppieet Saverio = =

iw hich ee Prince’ py light, His reign of peace upon the earth began. His reign, &c.

hee SSS Seae cence fae

pail SeEie eset ee eee See

Jelus, I Jovethy plovions ‘name, “Eis. mulic 0 my . eu; Fain would’ Pvoundae) out fo loudy Tiaenen eee sh ight ee,

Soi gear ere care ase

af 2S Soa Ee i S| cae eee esi

t precious to my foul, tnt eafure OE uf 5 ‘Jewels -to-thee are fordid toys, And gold is is glitt'n ing duft. s

S oe Cm an

ea a ke pa asa 7. juin 11g: [Sa Spe eteiss care serena gchcre ae Ee 2a lf See fad saa asenastelesed eee : egeezies! : a aes ES SEES RIE aS =" q Ley esvseseeree witieaai waa sieeeE ; se ae ae

= = oye E i smear a - | | eter eeHieterrierit ee pean eee | EEBEHEHEF=] Ae a3 dit =e sp hee ali F=Pleraailt

ES sere ements SESE Re fee Pee se ieee egos See EXE

Loud to the Prince of heaven Your cheerful voices raife ; To him your vows be given, And fill his courts ets aie:

cies ee stie cod = eee Eases sige =

Sem eer Sah i “=F: i Spe

a Tae t ree cee cre eee ol Gate ee ee ee eee

Se ee Sa eee ess = s fee ee eer ==

SSS eee ee = ee eee ——= ee ee oe Bip tees ee ee —— eS —— os

With Seat worth, All bright in charms, All clad in arms, ~ He es forth.

ns PR.

“ae pre ee | =e ese = SS Se 4

Ne dae OS mee OE ONES Mo came ae f



“Words mage Dr. Beattie. i HERMIT. 1s.

(SHEE: anda ae areas sm

g Bee si night, Sethela nd{capeislovely no mor approaching, your char

(eee tag Sea

Ppt ib am n, but, ye woodlands, I mourn not for Perfum’d with freth fragrance & glitt’ring with dew


ea rierses = asiess pein ie aig epi teise se rE 7 sie 3 eer EF see Fee ee

Nor yet for the ra wage of wi Bat when fhall {prin es apres

| eeererce ae Zz: cere prance a

retheembryobloffoms fhallfave O when ee mthe night of the gray

L a5 slearlee ssa pleas ee ese

et SS U1EE ELS ee A eer eee ae era B-SEEI et CT Perc Heeee eel Peet EES GeHeeeeet Rego oe ere ee eee ees peseeet ee esr ete ees eae asi get abeeeee eee cats isee i rem iesessiaai | boa seesieel cee lads eiseeele=ezeseeziss = © speared ed et ESS Sohaat pele Lele Tse ¢ bee Eee eS i



| Se see spear eae f eetiatialtieci ts) : Saee : Sa EEEIPEEEEET sisi g= oe Lt ee - Ss =e

s sea eee pee eae cea eemiesre es = a aerube == So ee ee = —— | SSS Epes Sasa - __ oee sic cies 22 ———

124 H. 30, Rippen’s Col. THANKSGIVING, »» L.M.

——— oe oor eee ‘ee ape =

a TTS {Tt ie Tre ee (TTT? 1 Joel | are bot cee bey hn one EL 4 TT ei THI zeae atthe “ATT? aE Tri?) TIT?! Hei 2. atte He es mn P| ihe 1 a mand aaubd nee Wie tte Tre! ae aa re adh Peet Teh

Se ee

ae = one ae re = " : :

atic tenmeeanel

a eae ee

eatarteat eaters aes k petel eee Peeters ks piel aire snes ears fa ; = sa

lates HEE ape = page edad meee oe a ce = “spre ipppead

te ae

Thofe {pacious felds of brillant light, Thofe &

i t bis pow’r, &c, Thro’ all, &e. Let heaven’s high arch your fongs invi =

eee sere prasiced s —— se Wot se A Bh st ome ze a aA (Ereseaces) tgaveaivewy Jess ces veda nal GB ages : ae eae | Rag é ive saci eo faz actos ii A SS —ie¢e._2-f & Your fongs invite; your fongs invite, ae ee invite, i a 4

jaan See lee sar or 43" [= ga leerse ei BR eal foe Slee 2 TELE itis I ee ea® pease :

or ae oe Sa ee se a Bo Pek

THANKSGIVING Continued. 125

se rane pere orcas oon a am ee a a

ae goers = iaaaleS | {asap ilSe airs

lana s, &e, _. Where fon and moo prdlinlen Manatee that glo

STE ies Ete pigs ieee se =e == ssa


SSeEreapr HT rmneEicar ea jee 2a : Sa ozo ses ee esa eee eee


= sree acre ae eer Peer ‘i jedleay Se | FEpleeeete esa SPREE Ese a===[= ==

<i aaa

126 "FHANKSGIVING. Continued.

a ES alsaaees ea, ackes TEESE esi StS eeeiiite=ai= Ssc=[3 ="

“PERE a ae sae = See es ee ee age ages eee apenas : ca eee a ieeies ES == sonatas =|5= = ale eee ae = aida: TE Hialeah Ba pees See ioe Pe iS= Shas SsS iS =e dias PEER eal

Holt To |

z a af Fe ee erases aE PRSEPR geet eee ober Tieeeee Gea[ ene i welts = : ee aa

here fhall my pow’rs unite,


sega Ee HISAEET a ides SUSAR [bi-actiet me EPEELEY ere: Ered ail is sicdentii ay Sees Beare |e aberrations eet eerie

' ie

5 1a! ft resi ie : i 3]

128 edt. 267. RIP PIS. CM.


cea nee = 23 = =e = seas = rts |

Whe n pale vith ficknefs, oft h 4

§: 3. EERE EER Stepei es Hepa = ae ES 4 Barres SRE pees |

= ees en ee ee —— =


{25.5 5|2=S SSS ee : aes = ———— == SSE EES SEeeS :

eer ee ee ee ee

Thy bounteous hand with worldly good Has made ubled all my ftore

Sera faa Sa See


& E sieajeagasaccaaeas ae nEEIEE Sere eat EEE zai FE aE ete eri) paeel pele PEE te flee ee piniligs sais ere genes: = eric: ferere Giver aie aise et See cea

(-aacerere es: eS Fa EP Ee eer 2 Se Eee Based = EEEEEEE =: LSE EEE 2561s Sa one i EEA [et EE: aE HE pS a BIEEE seer =i sa EE (fe a . HE FEE Se Eaeeeee =get Bg pada ee ae Rela

130 Ps, 120, Tate & Brady. ROCHESTER. Lobe WV. HANDEL.


S20 ieee ees SS Saas Sages

a eb

| In deep diftrefs I oft have cry’d, In deep, &c. To God, who never yet deny’d Yo refcue 1 . op-

ul : a te Pa so, ee ge ee ee ee P=5 = BR cba asi lg Wn ns 2 tn 7 amet -*- Sarre —_—-—-— Tal anton Ler RINT, peered By \— - ee fo er ew oe te te rere We | fe BPs i > 3 ; a —-9 —— = eS ee pe py ie a et = 3 | pues : an eg et ge eg eT: lg _ =. ~~ ae ws aeeeeet Ps RPS bo areata SI) Ba mes ECU UES HE 1 GY CE Gl a a sh 4h a ree a = pe ERE CORR adel | ~—t—-—-—1—-~--L— a S| S : Ea8 i ao | Vex . ae Re tins eee a: apna ls

Bepeet eee tee rere eee a

[eee SES ele ee |

Co Pe | prefs’d with wrongs, To refcue, &c. To refcue, &c. Once more, O Lord, deliv’rance fend, From | eee ; Bing

|seee o2-2e cede seeionie ia sess = 2S

: = So haee en - ie


‘ROCHESTER Continued.

eee ee eee |e

31 oN

yee eee

288s Sane ==: Baar eters | = Siaiaaias S Seo eee

defi e aE : =e SEN SS Se

ase PEL yee eee =e

| eerie Pes: SEL SSE Spe SESS eS

women mewn > hero

emma y


. - nanaeneneceinenarin

us fafe from fin ana th, from fin and death, Preferve, &c. from fin and death :||; . And ew’ry hurtful fnare.

= = safer SES eleeieH

Ee si S| erat eeeer ea deel eee eericre ree iF a Sere elled Eeezietl ae Seles EEE Altea ct ae :

[etal pen seer s, Unblen eget , Before the ‘s “of “his face, With joys divinely great, divinely great, With, &c. ar alin

[PeerERET Heel: se oe Seer?

134 _ Ae Senne Continued.

1 dy by P f Ne Ea ae Pee a) , A " ce er Lith Ge, eg Ea " ; ¥ iy i

a Emr? a. y'all sa ee


eraaieaieeriae os =rieren = see wineries sca eee

See re ee a ee ee og: ae - Veli Seah EERE

known, And make, &c. .’To our Redeemer, God, To, &c.

eae See ias =

LITCHFIELD * Continued:. 39 Soft and i

\EaHE? = iz esi é Die bleed: zt smiegi= erie : aes: BE ESS Hereitarte seg Sf FE HE AOE acc

a a sl verlafting. fongs, And, &c.

Be eee Fe case ere eceecig Stee ee ar ae EL, 381. GmRtS FLA N. L. M. LEACH.


Cibeseraes a sere aes eae ieee] \ iB: piel EpPieE “EEEIE fap e Eee ai SEES Ee IEE a

Pte etalon obles of the earth, Who boatt the hon sof thr Bb, Such eal digi ea claim, As thofe who bear the Chriftian “ie

| |e a ete aE despa pepe EET ist ese a ee HEEL PRE cerialt

TE” ea RT, inl

¥36 Ps. 150, Tate & penta HANOVER.


Sete eeftemeeert

praife O praife the Lord, &c.

Suara: [SraJensleof tele

praife, 16)

a5 =e es

praile, O praife, &c.


er ee ee ne es wre oe eee


== ites eat sie He sen aaeeaEeE coprenpere

= ' a

ree ches z|l3 si bende allt Praifchiminheaven, whe e he ag ae RSS


HANOVER Continued. ok Sain

“Whiéh hein our behalf hath done; “Which he, &c. With

Fee 1 zea = : se = —— fre

oo -


~ ed

i nciia eteey ihicws : Praifeé him for hismighty ads, Praife him for; &c. His kindnefs this return exacts,

| Fees eee ea reasaaie Sipiaite aie 5 e

Rags ie = SSS Eee: = i SL ize Seis SEic a as a ee ee ase E at Speman cece

- ncmggapela ea Titan

oe 2 = papi php == ee 4 = ; aon sities eee =

ope: With which, oP


138 HANOVER Continued. oe SES SENSHRCEL 3 —— eseeee: EiEceese ed Sasa Sa ea gegesepeape eet tere ees

--n,our praife (hould equal run, Let thefhrill trumper’s warlikevoice, thea yinis isesberecke sberlin | ip Thip ts See = F See = ag : an a fires uate Seeger Sa afte sede EEE] eae ee z= ee es DENT) Brae Be eS SSO, ES RL ate 7 ie ee ee oe : “Someta {SFE * zo 2 Aree nS a ee ee BE eh deiessi= idee we 2 Spine = a ee aes oa

Se Se

site tte ieee


nla wee = z

~ Praife him with harp’ vemelodious noife, melodious noife, And. Bcd - ry ’s—s filver Ss found, ee ct ry’ "Aver

4 = oe Pecyat Satie

HANOVER Continued

igieiee impermanence a

/Letvirgin troops a timbrelsbrng, Andfomewith graceful motions dance; a Let inftruments of various f{trings, With onnans

Pree: = ae sas Sceeres = dees 5S See EEt oars Ss!

ie sete oe ee

" ee ee ee 52 BL eee Cotes © a re ren mn ee Ae Cece lo’ Vantaa bet HE: : ae a a pac Se) SET SS SCO A LA SE (Uo. VC TAIT - Ti: : me rere wee ome ee a errnn enree e arcm weee pemeerin eaermmeres + om - eatin ea me bank Goer aD fea: we Se Han ort eect ED natn etter me (or pe San is a Seen “a


oe ey en oe ee ee ee

Peas ce oe ae aes mee cen ee cases ean ae ee eee eee

noes a ose e- Hark ! the herald angels fing, Hark, &c. | Glory tothe new born Kingy Glory, & ce Peace on earth and mercy mild, Gad and aaa revonci dy. Saar Sao ae 425 jyecPee = Hee = S257 PT a- ze Fs ae =e a saa foe oe a oe oe Came “Giese: aSeS Eales = Eacls rear tieag afer ee eee = di tee oe? USS Se gs Lee Bas, p22 pp] | 20 ee as [ -6-6-= ue eee Ee ree eoee tre - sam ae a ike | Be ull ye nations rife,. With th’ angeli¢ hoft proclaim, . ae Z Ma alae cies pin alin Pr eee Gum ey Sr cara, st - ee eee = At aise ——-f-=5-=4-]| Saree eee aaa epee : BEE est ee eet eee al ea a aggidegs agave EE ob da jane [Epa ERR PEI as gasadl aed) ee erie el fl m3 &e. Join the. Guan ofthe f kiesy. " “Chit i is born-at Bethlehen. ae “Hears Be. S ee 4-4-4 ee -2. ; Se ah =" pa a cere 7 yo ; Bor a eenseeeze ESTEE SHAE = = |

--AERALD ANGELS Continued: r4Y

= eaten |


ae ems

Ciiks to the tee Kine, Glory, &c. ; a &c.- on by higheft heaven ador’d, Chrift, &c. oe she everlafting Lord,

=e SS Serer cept

2 lh a a apap ae oe ree a | exe See cgbin aca S Pets leeees

Chrift the everlating Lord,.. rae ofa virgin’s ce Veil’d ia fleth, the peel id- he;

Sea ahaa EI : selopes eas

sat} ator lees Wate in time behold: him come;: Offspring, &e. - Hail, hail th’ incarnate

ale —_——— ~—_——

Sse ee ee

ven ws ND ee ae

HERALD ANGELS Continued. 2Snp-Osy One

eared ee sere tat ti : PEEL OEE .

> Pleas’d as .man ee man ee,

as ——

| Srramripe ea fer e: tf [Reeeires

Deity. _, Hail, &c. aan our a ae Jefus, &c.

| SEES eae set : ts = P. 22. PU TN - ae cl | | SEIS 2/62: Se (eceemene one ieee meee es =

ad te re er eee ee ere eee tee Es ————

k ee : Seeley 4; ae sieges lagers reeset ter ter

ee ————

is ap iy A REDEEMING LOVE:. 5+ i; W. LOCK Hos. 143

; ! Soft.

Le Speen Paes Sei SES]

(eee SEsse=ees Seares sec Se eee]

eee Pie LA ee ee LA Ce ae Wee

Angels; roll the: ftone* | away 3 Death, give up thy* mighty” prey: Death, give up, &e.

ee 2s a eee ee

Nee rare ee

ee eee = ——

eee ule = ee eee eee SS Seer eee eer ee ee eee eee

t See! he-

=s = =e. -=P pS 23: Seg ems oe ES =, = = SON: 5 eae (| Sie 2 oma eee eae mae =E= = ne Soede ence ee ge | = =

———— ae SSeS Se

rifes from the te Shining’ in” snimioreal bloom! Shining, &c.

ag: 7

144 H. »B, II. Watts. ADGQRAT!I ON ‘L.M. ‘MITCHELL, , pee Bo scoala fe: HEE qePe Se pak | | Beart as JETS peEoe ia aes Eee “cet =e ais e ae : EEE 22g

ae SS Eine cms cee eee =| Sais eeetegee eee aie = = Sea eee oe ee eee erred ae == ee

spose? sites ofe7 sees SEEEHP | =SSiss =f]

oe v,A fea Boe Seas

| Steric [PERE deecReesit eti sees i |

| Soe ee wo =e li sae pci ee oe | = BSF eee rae ‘ORES siee= |

ere we, &c.

bel oc ae

er ADORATION Continued. et 145

a Tiegh 29 Bes ct.

| Sates See teee tee ees ieee Sees eee ueatacie EE re or se i= ees eet cea eae eeeeree Ss Soseeuee =i ett, eee Ey pie +e azz = BES =o EEE reer ePTES


toa = HEE ee ie =o eae “2 Higer: Spa

ae ees eo cee eee tae ee: ze Eee re ere er gestttaae

2 om —Aa ae

es ge assis ESAs peer)

146 = - Ee Continued: gues Sates Ege ae pao: Sime SLES RSE EISEHES || Pia Sg ee aR gy Oa es | go oieeee fares 22 ee ERIE |

» Had we a thoufand lives A thoufand ives =f all The eee ra thoufand, &c. | tN

Pe: gesee Sates a | (S SEs SSSa iS Eee asain: ene |

Ps. im. BBL ING Waki. | i WILDL A CDs +

(Giclees rele oriole le See ESSE

Se ES ——

= Sarre psig Pp eS Se ieee

Help, aes sic ! for men of pale fail, Religion Unbedle ground ; oe fons of wi ickednefs prevail, And Pa ee et ‘abound.


(cies eae eg a gare oe esi ee ae

| gaa —-— at--- -~---+---+--~7-- P95 Gig ome a ete eee et




oe ee ie reriees eer eae ee See

we : -3EE life’ sa dream, an pay ng fhow ; But th pa bright apie, ip et which I go, Hath j nays sulelanyialans al and fincere ; When {hall I wake and find me there ? When,

Ga Sar Ree SSE di pele eS SSS

ee wr ne eee er em

[esese sj} SSS= pRB see apc

[SSR SSS Se eee ae

My ffs thall lumber in the ground Till the lat trumpet’ joyful found; Then burft the chains with glad furprife, And in my Saviout’s image rife. | ae gd eeere ees Sees CESSES =H!

mae OO meee tae id a oe ane ets cats ewe Ot on a 7 z ; rs 1 ; TORE ERTS 2 3: - a cmpenentes od —| ies Comte webs s.r ors Wa el ae —~ , - wee 2 i oth om °

peer fralepet gfedeu gana cel

148 Words by Ailleine. KK CONFIDENCE LM. HOLDER, ©

in nner se pm ogee eee oe Le 422)

od olaete, pape iireadae —s dak == j

aagee geek Sedises cee Ser casera: i EASE

ee ee

re a ee ee = FT E-Pt = fess ea ee eer er ee ie |. arms, And cheer me with inimortal charms, ’Till lawake in realms above, Forever to enjoy thy love. "Till I awake, &e. 4a aie a = ee

mie pets vi : a 4

== ere perce alee vga z HE Ege peer eeel oS: aE i = Hest es EEE Ee Ef E ened HE

tso. =H. 103. DO R Sn,


pe sare ra La ES

Sa EEE Erol EEE ieee cee Rae Tez = ES i ee et | RESEGEE eG ead eerie eset = ae £ ae ateisisisae]

peer tees = ={5EEEE IEE 3 SES Sece eet =e ed | Rd et nes cee sees coe vate Se 2 gee |

= SES ee | ecg ereeee: : SHEE Sees beatae = ee ieee ETE |

|S eeaas ee a ae [SEE SHEE a Slee meeafei ices ee 2

| eealticass IELD. LM. sides Ah gee = | Gee eres z Bee ss a a

= ae cues == —T aise seme sity == seoee Saas c oe aes #8 =o at See IISRREAT

fre pec ae

beeen iy 5 Wes


rete qeeers ares zs : HED ip AEE:

SSeS SSS eee


_— —___---- =F - =e=6-P:f =" _— =P=#:} moe eee Ree Sr ab a a 5 —————m amnnnen a moan ~~ _- = < pee - Snot gs on giicncha coo ame Ss St a3: ——_ 3 aa - EERSTE Bae, us

| a ~+--}—-—|__- + -.. 2 6. |. Seas =~} -| rEeE - i a aaa - - - “4 + ( =i

pt = ome ee : - EEE+ - Cd eee ee come oe A tae oe Tone heron r - _ Ys re ae he }

=e fee FE Fe ae : =e pee Fe ee UE ae oe eB alee - " . {: - Beene ES mere eee: eee mln - : ~73- ee re ee ee ey ey en eae See Sel Gopeoenl as i | Ate eee BD c fee = a oe ender a - ~

= EEE - eee ee em eee cor ne Ae ee ee oe

52H te me PER Sol A. tM Tes gt lla aaa

Now to a Lord, whe FE us =e T he wonders of his nee love, Be humble honours es below, And firains of ees one above, Be a

eae = =p Jere BEES]

eee agg 8 geesuss 5

me: / SS rs ee ee a pe —— == —— : Se a | ae ee = Saale ea : a| [a ns a —— aa = manera saa Sa 2 ee = —E—————— —. —- __ «. Ramee Beare Aes: freee sapmed enor —a | Boe Si: eal LL ___. [ae eee eee DAS apes ee ae i a cE La UL OME ) | oat

humble honoars, &c. And ftrains, &c, And Aran &e,

See ee a aE ae Ee ee = see | a ser EE Bee #3 ase rata ONE DET = peer tea | cr —— oes tise] Pe wise len See foo =e =a re = Ee —= —— = a

para sel ais SBR ose Fea REELS OTT TCR a Tae aug fs

Sees a inl

are ce PRS Benet | a8) PER Oa SEA, SES wee pee a wen

Ps. 95. BOR ED 'B’Y.- Se x ADDINGTON’ SCOL, 153

Se es SHE ae fre ae arp EES EPeee lees aise ee Set ARESE sea teatee = fal =: ele eerie Ee E: ee 2 = 2 i sao ees ee ee eer

SERESEIE EE ea s1g SSeS epSe SEES ae SiS ieee raeeie eee eure ees aia iene |

hig : fho a ufe, Whe

See Tae aa gece fae 5 = iE eres se 24 = = acai E ni =e aaa = SEMEN oe

== cipicinaetett Zz als cess | goats ES eee = = Ss] | = ae uae —_ ere er] Sees ees eases eee fees =e == = |

Sobee teeaieasee esses reese ese == | Ee = Sekine tee eee —-

2 Slee EE aie |

ae =_

Soawes SA £er pee Sb wee pap

H AO, Mees’ Col. SPRING. L. M. ‘DALMER.

< ete ——— = = == aaree sare | ate . etpocene eee === ate pee

eigomtcaten all A

bee es tiie cee sess Heres: ee

= ==

eee gS ee ees Sat PEELS Eee =

———— ——

, = recover’d rife; When br ge ama en thoufand grateful {ce

teed ee ——— = = ee ee E ses Ss 2 ie

ie Fp = : SPSS =e = J |

| ESSER es Set eth

150, Ete 14, Bel Watts. x No. 35, 07 PLYMOUTH. S. M. | eae P ee ee earere edie eee pieuiaeas a] ee = ' Er EUR eee ie Sata eee ze] :

e, {we fs ofreft, ThatfawtheLord arife! Welcome to this And thefe rejoicing . eyes.. And thefe, &e, sual = -

Bak SEsEEHE ERE sage 2 aloe eel sae] eae : ie (eS ee = SSS He] aE Sse SPSS =|

was g

ae ete

= = fae] a eee ees =] | s fain

E The e Kin eh wee ome ind ieatts his faints today ; eee we may fit and fee him here, - Ae veand praife an nd pra ay. ‘One aay amidift the : TN bh ‘® -

SER eet tes ate heii ae eet aaa

Pia a = RE pea ee ee ee i eee. es td

No. 35 Continued. ae 157

= ee Seed eater cae ea ee eee eee === =[St=|sisss2 == {=== Als = ——— 5

"place, Wher ctigpaes r God hath been, Is fwe n thoufand days Of pleafure willing foul would ftay In fuch a frame as this

Eapieseeet Set eee ee Sas SSS Ss eee



Seige aeea oe eotitetae oS oe sea CT:

er ti hig ee, + ae bls, © Do a a [eee aE cesses Pa RS erie at

fassateee shes mae sees = e632 SEA:

——— = Pempan sic 158 H. 342, Kippis’ Col. CARTHAGE LM. | H+ *


See cea Se eed ee af cs ee = j| Bee ie eee ees eteee eee estes ee oa ees =-| care Senin: seats eatee SESE ests S1EE

== =a == aes : Se ee ce cee eee | = 7 -emesat He neue Ee E # z : : fe

BL LiL oO OM. «BROWN. ~— 159,

| Sa ee i ese Se eee ll = —— So oy 2 ogc rece eae eg eee

‘Thy words the 3c raging wind nls By ee eet Pereingllowenll, Hperellingbillowsies, fe rolling

ee peenfae See Se eee ee ai ageae == eed cer Soe eee eo eees rie tealle


pacieees psaepeabaeisy Cs FETEEES Fl [ee = aoe = = ae E a = e HaeeS

bee = as FETE ree eal - ee = i


Names. Page ) Names: Page Names. Page Names: ' fen Abington, C.M. 30! Dalmatia, 7s. 96 | Kippis, _C.M. 12%] *Pilgrims, ‘Ci Misiieg) Adoration, L. M. 144 | Dalfton, §. P.M. 42) Landaff, 10s & 11s. Hn _Pleyel’s Hymn, LL.M. 44 . Ann Advent, C. M. 22} Denmark, EY EVERY 918 | Lebanon, L.M. 68/ Plymouth, =‘ S. M.-156/ 8 e Amefbury, P. M. roo | Doomfday, S.M. 61) Little Chefhunt, L. M. &c.. Q Plymton, C.M. (66 Angel, L. P.M. 52 | Dorfet, C. M. t50/ Little Marlborough, $. M. 34 | Portfmouth, HN Gade Arlineton; C. M. 105 | Dover, S.M. 34 | Litchfield or Carver, C. M, -.99.| Bortugals a ea ae vay. Arundel, C.M. go| Drefden, L.M. 81 | Litchfield, 'S. M. 132 | Portugnefe Hymn, L. Mo. x Aufpicious Morn, 6s & ros.r17 | Dunttan, L. M. 123 | Lorrain, Ta Me "80: ("Pian a sth, > YS Bangor, C.M. 24 | Durham, C.M. 28| Mansfield, 5. M. . $1.) ——— 33d, C.M. Babe H.M. 48 | Enfeld, C.M. 44 Marlborough, C.M. 105 } —— gath, CoS Bile C. Me 159 Evening Hymn, C. Ms 23)Marfhfeld, © LM. 151; —— 46th, 1; Py Brai C.M. 89 | Exhortation, H.M. 8, | Middiciewa: : “on PS EL Qinlnny Ha ge thagn ee. @ Mean : Bredby,” L. M: 153 | Funeral Hymn, H.™M. 21 | Moreton, L.M. 88 Patney, L. M. Bridgewater, C.M. 19 | Funeral T hought, - C. M. 43) Morning Flower, L.M. . 9 ; Quincy, Le P. Maga! Veins, ra) Backinghamy C. M. 146! Ganges, >. P.M. 76) Morning Hymn,. 1. M. + 6: “Randolph, S. M. Bits.0 W. Nall ree Carver, C.M. 99 | Habakkuk, L. M. 58{ Moulines, . iC: M. 118 | Redeeming Love, 786 TA Carthage, L. M: 158 Hamilton, ~L.M. 77| Mount Ephraim, ee Refignation, = = L.M.— Caftle Street, L.M. 12 Hampton, _ 8s. 149} Mount Zion, Reliance, © LM. Chefhunt, L. M. 110} Hanover, LL.M. 136| Nantwich, ; aes Rochefter, ae P.M Chockfet, C.M. 25 |erald Angels, ~ = 9s. Tyo Newark, Rugby, _ LM, Chriftmas, C.M. 3154 Hellefpont,. C.M. *Sardis; VE Ce Me Chriftmas Hymn, L. M. 35. Hermit, . Ee TESs T91t Norfol 2 SavOVqne ce cyh hentia Nl Chriftian, ~~ L.M.. 135 | Humility, 2. (L. P.M, : 60) ‘Northampton, School Street, 8s & 78. Coben iene = C. M. 28 }Enith, meee Gs VES rs No. 35, | Scituate, _S. M. Condolence, 9 L.M. 24) Iflington, &, M. 97. ae ase Hea as Confidence, ~~ L.M. 3148 Italy, L.M. 27 | er S. M. Codkhiamiy eas 7s. as Jordan, Cx M. 72! O1 Coronation, _ €. M. 108 | Judgment, allie pan M.. “Corfieasy > L. M. 106 | Juftice, ee Cee Cumberland, L. P.M =e ae He Saag) Rue


the & V7IS/0 PL

ain j nto? > Me he. Lord. ae fasts repo OF

ee oa

ia ea


ee ee

“Sg iseS ESS eT a Eas h Se a oa _ Seeines tS “as }


ch ony a ee hea Ja


See ens


eee Vier = Liveillmake ajeyfed newer unk fem




“anile 0a haar igs Malo: Yhii, Levi tr a or :

= Sanaa aiid

Sherine on

wa hes Beas bivdngi ho ds Sewer birsdnf a © wer Year oe

321 ae f EE

ES yuan ae ne Lu. é

Habsi es E

SS ee | Bs3aesde2 oe SaaS es sae ee rere oa | E=SE2=455 sacaimeeeen a ecepiaeeuii, vena sie caer aie | ieee sade oS eee | esse Sa feers ener ae iaia sa lyases spree Sasiness. sierra ee eee reeeess


eee a) eee

i} i a j ‘i y } i if oe . 4 +1 4 $ BA } : i J \ i y ; 1 t t " 4



: Slated oz > = ar war meee