COMMON EDIBLE AND USEFUL PLANTS OF THE WEST By Muriel Sweet WITH ILLUSTRATIONS OF 116 PLANTS PLANT SHOWN ON COVER Heart-leaved Penstemon - Penstemon cordifolius. u, ■ rr r-^ i ° 1—1 O COMMON EDIBLE AND USEFUL PLANTS OF THE WEST By Muriel Sweet Edited by Vinson, Brown Major Illustrators Emily Reid, Charles Yocom and Barbara Johnson DEDICATED TO My husband, Nathan Sweet, whose encouragement kept me going until the finish, and Charles Horn, whose help and fine criticism made this possible. Copyright 1962, by Muriel Sweet Published by Naturegraph Company, Healdsburg, California TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES, AND WATER PLANTS . VINES TREES SHRUBS HERHo (>»*«>*«*o«»o SUGGESTED REFERENCES INDEX OF PLANTS INDEX OF REMEDIES AND FOODS 3 4 7 9 15 32 63 63 64 Southern Goldenrod "To win the secrets of a weed's plain heart. " James Russell Lowell 3 INTRODUCTION It is my hope that this small volume may prove to be of use to many who are interested in a short history, in non-technical lan- guage, of some western plants, and of their uses by the Indians and others as food as well as medicine. To describe all the useful and edible plants of the west would take a volume many times this size, but described here are those I consider most important or interest- ing and certainly these would be those, in most cases, most often encountered. Since some plants of the west are poisonous, it is necessary to be sure of your identification before using a plant for food and several plants must be carefully processed (such as by leaching) before they are edible. The following rules are suggested: lo Study carefully the descriptions and pictures of the plants in this book to make sure of your identification of each species. 2. Poisonous plants are marked POISONOUS in capitals. A- void eating these plants. The most dangerous are described on pages 47 and 54. Others less poisonous are on pages 14, 31, 35, 38-9, 40-1, 43, 44, 50, 54, 56, 57, and 58. 3. If any plant has to be specially prepared before eating, fol- low the directions for preparation very carefully, omitting no de- tails, and being overly careful if anything. 4. A plant with an acrid, bitter or pungent taste may be poi - sonous and should be left alone unless full details are given as to how to use it. Avoid all mushrooms unless you are an expert. To aid you in identification the plants are split into easily un- derstood divisions. Water plants, ferns and their allies are lumped together in one group, trees in another, shrubs in a third, herbs in a fourth, and vines in a fifth. At the start of the larger sections plants are also divided by color of flower. To conserve space the habitats or living places of plants are given the following easily recognized abbreviations which are placed along the margins, as are also the names of states where they are found. Des, - desert scrub; Pin-Jun, - pinyon-juniper woodland; Oak- oak woodland; Sage- sagebrush scrub; Chap. = chaparral or heavy brush; CCF= coastal coniferous forest; MCF -mountain conifer- ous forest; Sub-alp. = sub-alpine forest; Alp. = alpine fell fields; Str. Wd. = streamside woodlands; Grass = grasslands; Mead.=mead- ow; Marsh = marshlands; Water = ponds, streams, etc, ; Cult. = cultivated or otherwise disturbed areas. WATER PLANTS AND FERNS AND Water Marsh Mead. Str, Wd. Most States W. Can. THEIR ALLIES W-l. BRACKEN FERN, Pteridiumaquilinum;Fern Fam. 1' -4' high. Distinc- tive, dark, cord4ike, root- stocks; lower pinnules of leaf toothed,upper smooth., The root is viscid, bit- terish and, like most of the fern tribe, has a salty and mucilaginous taste. When burned, the ashes yield more salt than other vegetables. Also good as fertilizer for potatoes if worked into the ground. The astringency is so great that it is used abroad in preparing chamois leather. In Siberia and other northern countries, the in- habitants brew the roots in their ale, mixing one-third of roots with two-thirds of malt. Ancients used the roots and whole plant in de- coctions and diet drinks for the spleen and other disorders. Japa- nese use it in soup. Indians boiled and ate the root stocks, as they are starchy; also used them as a diuretic and worm medicine. In early days the tops were used in the spring, while still curled, as asparagus. Pioneers would soak them in water with wood ashes for 24 hours, then cook the young leaves like pot herbs. The fern was also used in a decoction as a cure for rickets in children. Oak str. Wd. CCF MCF Most States W. Can. W-2. HORSE TAIL or SCOURING RUSH, Equi- setum arvense;Horsetail Fam. Eaten by Romans in 17th century, the young heads were boiled like asparagus, or mixed with flour and fried. Indians and early settlers used the stems as a stimulat- ing diuretic in kidney and dropsical disorders. The outer layer of the stems contains a quan- tity of silica useful in polishing hardwood, ivory and brass; also used by Mexicans and Indians for scouring pots. Aconitic acid in plant is poisonous to horses but not to cows or goats. Bears and muskrats eat it and rootstocks eaten by geese. 2-4' EK WATER PLANTS, FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES W-3. CATTAIL, Typha sp, ; Cattail Fajn. 3' -7' tall, with very long, slender leaves and typical sausage shaped catkins, forming feath- ery tips with age. The Greek, Dioscorides wrote: "the star- chy substance mixed with axungia (hog or goose grease) is good to heal burnings, it doth mod- erately cleanse and dry, and being applied to bleeding places stancheth blood. " Our Indians made much use of the leaves for chairs and mats. In winter leading shoots of root stock are filled with starchy material and are used as a salad or cooked as a vege- table. Root stocks are also dried and ground into meal, being equal in food value to rice or corn. The people of Bombay, India, harvest the pollen and make bread from it. Young flowering shoots, before pollen has developed, are eaten either raw or boiled and considered a great delicacy. Root stocks are more valuable than seed as food for wild life. Geese and muskrats eat the starchy underground stems. The plants form nesting shelters for many marsh birds. W-4. ARROWHEAD or TULE POTATQSagittaria sp. ; Water Plantain Fam, About 3' high, with flowers growing around stem in whorls of 3, and leaves sheathing stem at base. Fibrous roots and milky juice. Grows in meadows up to 6000'. When Lewis and Clark were camped in Oregon, they practically lived on the tubers purchased from the Indians. The tubers are Muskrats store them in After boiling, PETALS WHITE Water Marsh Most States W. Can. Water Marsh Most States W. Can. found their sever nests, al feet away from the plant, where the Indians would gather them. 6 WATER PLANTS, FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES the Indians sliced them and strung them up for winter use, calling them Wapato. The Chinese in California used the tubers roasted or boiled. Large tubers, 2 inches in diameter, contain a milky juice when raw that is quite unpleasant, but very sweet when roasted. In England corms are ground fine and yield a flour that can be used in making cookies, muffins or puddings. W-5. WATERCRESS, Nas- turtium officinale; Mustard Fam. The prostrate or ascend- ing stems grow from wet places or in water; small white flow- ers in racemes. Naturalized from Europe, Most states Xenophon recommended it to w. Can. thg Persians to make children strong and it was much prized by the Moslems. Romans con- sidered it excellent food for people with deranged minds. Parkinson in 1640 says, "Leaves or juice applied to the freckles, pimples, spots or the the morning. The juice mixed wi Water Marsh Water Marsh Most States W. Can. face or other parts troubled with like, at night and washed away in th vinegar to the forehead is good for lethargy or drowsy feelingi' Coronado found it near the Gila River in Arizona and in 1769 Padre Crespi speaks of it. In 1806 Lewis and Clark found it in Oregon. Indians used the plant for liver and kidney trouble and to dissolve gallstones. It is now commonly used for salads and to garnish other dishes. W-6. INDIAN POND LILY or YELLOW WATER LILY, Nuphar polysepalum; Water-lily Fam. Large leaves rise from thick rootstock. Rootstocks baked ; seeds for bread and soups. VINES 7 V-l. WESTERN VIRGIN'S BOWER, Clematis ligusticifolia; Buttercup F am. Climbs by aid of the petioles of the opposite and compound leaves; flowers with white, petal-like sepals, but no petals; leaflets 5-7; flowers turn into feather-like seeds. Called Yerba de Chivato, "herb of the goat" by Spanish-Americans who used it to wash wounds. Indians used white portion of bark for fever, leaves and bark for shampoo, and a decoction of the leaves was used on horses for sores and cuts. From fibers they made snares and carrying nets. Pharmocopia says it is useful in treatment of skin diseases, ul- cers, colds and many eruptions. In 16th century doctors used it internally in powdered form to cure bone pains. V-2. COMMON GOURD, Curcurbita foetidissima; Gourd Fam. A creeping vine, with coarse, hairy leaves, fairly large, yellow flowers and green-striped fruit balls. Called Calaba- zilla by Spanish Califor- nians and Chili Coyote by Mexicans. Indians crushed roots and pith of fruit for soap to wash clothes, but were careful to rinse several times due to prickly hairs. The seeds, ground, were eaten and portions of the gourd made a strong purge, though an overdose can prove fatal. They made a Str. Wd. Oak CCF MCF Most States W. Can. Most States 8 VINES Str. Wd. Oak Wash. Ore. Calif. W. Can. Str. Wd. Oak Ore. Calif. tea for bloat in horses and also for worms. The top of the plant was supposed to cure ailments of the head and roots of the feet, Indians along the Rio Grande would grind roots and mix with water as a laxative. Navajos used dried gourds as rattles in their dances. Pharmacopia says, "pulp of green fruit mixed with soap applied to ulcers and sores; leaves used medicinally." V-3, WILD CUCUMBER Marah sp. Also called Manroot and Big Root Chilicote. A trailing or climbing vine, with ivylike, thin leaves; flowers small, greenish-white; large, green, prickly seed pods. When pods are ripe, they pop open and scatter large brown seeds covered with a soapy pulp. The Indians roasted the seeds and ate them for kidney trouble. Decoction of plant was drunk to cure FRUIT PURPLE venereal diseases; oil extracted from yy seeds was used for falling ^s:^'^;-*^ hair; crushed roots mixed with sugar were applied to saddle-sores of horses; the crushed pieces of green roots were put in streams to stupify fish. Juice of root is very bitter. Mexicans used for tanning. V-4, 'WTLD GRAPE, Vitis californica; Grape Fam. 5'-60' long vine with clusters of small, green- ish or white flowers. Grapes are edible and good thirst quenchers. Used for jellies, preserves and drinks. TREES PINES, Pinus sp.; Pine Fam. Noted for their slen- der needles in bunches and large cones, all produce pine nuts in the cones that are edible, but the follow- ing species especially so: T-1. Digger Pine, P, Sabiniana. 3 needles in bunch; a scraggly tree growing in the lower alti- tudes of most mountains of California along the Pacific Coast. The soft center of the green cones, roasted for about 20minutes inhot ashes, yields a sortof syrupy foodthatwas much relished by the Indians, Seeds are rich in fat and proteins and usually eaten raw. Yellow pitch from the tree is a protective counter-irritant. Bark infusion reputed useful for consumption. Twigs and leaves used in decoction for rheumatism. Twigs and rootlets used as sewing material for baskets. Charcoal from nut meats crushed and applied to sores and burns. T-2. Two- leaved Pin- yon Pine, P. edulis, and One- Leaved Pinyon Pine, P. monophylla, are both desert mountain trees with short needles and small cones. Seeds are rich in protein and used as food by Indians. The nuts were pounded and made into cakes or cooked as a gruel. Cones were picked before they fell and put on a fire to loosen the nuts or seeds. Often a soup was made from the nuts to give to babies. MCF Calif. MCF Utah Nev. Calif. Ariz. 10 TREES MCF CCF Ore. Calif. MCF Most States W. Can. CCF MCF Most States W. Can. MCF Most States W. Can. T-3. Sugar Pine, Pinus Lambertiana. Very tall tree, with thick foliage; needles in bunches of 5's; large, long cones; sweetish sap. The sap yields a saccharine that is very sweet, but acts as a ca- thartic if very much eaten. Powdered resin was used by the Indians for sores and ulcers. The hardened sap was dissolved and used to wash sore eyes; pitch was used to mend canoes, to fasten ar- rowheads and feathers. Nuts and shells were pulverized until like butter, then eaten or put into soup. T-4. Western Yellow Pine, P. ponderosa. Tall pine with 3 long needles in bunch, bark on older trees yellowish and picture-puz- zle-like, smelling of vanilla. The gummy pitch from the bark is very adhesive and was used by the Indians for canoes and on tents. The mistletoe that grows on this pine was used in a decoction as a stomach aid and to relieve colic. T-5. Lodgepole Pine, P. contorta. Usually has straight trunk, but scraggly branches; needles in 2's and 1 V^"-2 3/4" long. The buds were chewed by the Indians for sore throat and pitch was put on open sores. The inner bark was mashed into a pulp and made in- to cakes. These cakes were put between skunk cabbage leaves, a fire of wet material was made on top of them, and they were left to bake for an hour or more. Then they were smoked and put away after being pressed into^firmness to be used on trips. T-6. Western White Pine, P. monticola. Also called Silver Pine. Bark whitish or reddish and smooth; needles in 5's and very slender, 2"-4"long; 6"-l0" long cones are very slender when closed, and green or dark purple when young. The young shoots were boiled by the Indians and used for rheumatism, kidney trouble, boils and coughs. Bark was boiled and decoction made for #^ stomach disorders. The pitch was used to fasten feathers to arrow shafts; also was rubbed on the shafts to make them stronger and more elastic. The young, inner bark of most pines could be used for food in cases of starvation by thoroughly pounding. Lodgepole Pine White Pine FREES 11 T-7. CALIFORNIA FAN PALM, Washingtonia fili- fera; Palm Fam. These palms grow in moist alkaline soil below 3500' and are 20'- 75' tall, with leaves 3'-6' long, torn almost to the middle, making a ragged appearance. From the long fibrous strings the fruiting branches hang 8" to 21' in large clusters of ber- ries that sway in the wind. Berries turn black when ripe and are eagerly eaten by birds and animals. Orioles use the threads from the leaves for nests. Thelndians would roast and eat the berries; also grind them into flour for cakes. Strings from the leaves were used in basket weaving. They would sometimes cut the terminal bud to roast and eat as a great delicacy, but this would cause the tree to die. Leaves were used to thatch their houses and the trunks were some- times used as building timber. T-8. JOSHUA TREE, Yucca brevifolia; Lily Fam.. A long-armed, scraggly tree, 16'-30' high, usually growing in high deserts ^^| of around 3000'-4500' altitude. The dark brown bark is marked off into small square plates; narrow sharp leaves 6-9" long; greenish-white flowers in thick panicle, 8" -14" long. The Indians made a red dye from the red rootlets, which were also used for weaving patterns in baskets. Theflower buds were eat- en hot or cold after roasting. They were sweet because of high sug- ar content and were often given as ^ LEAF candy to the children. The pioneers used the wood for fence posts. Des. Str. Wd. Calif. Des. Pin-Jun. 12 TREES Str. Wd. Wash. Ida. Ore. Calif. W. Can. Oak Str. Wd. Ore. Calif. Ariz. T-9. WHITE ALDER, Alnus rhombifolia, Birch Fam. Also other species of Alnus. A tree 15'-30' high, with light green leaves, whitish to gray bark, green hanging catkins, and small, brown, 2"-4" long cones; very common along streams. Parkinson, in 1640, writes of Al- nus: "Leaves and bark are cooling and drying. Fresh leaves laid on tu- '^//^^^ mors will dissolve them; also stays inflammation. Leaves with morning dew on them; laid on a floor troubled with fleas, will gather the fleas and can then be quickly thrown out. A black dye was made from the bark. " Indians u^sed a decoction of dried bark to induce circulation, check diarrhea, allay stomach-ache, facilitate childbirth, check hemor- rhages, and, mixed with Indian tobacco, to induce vomiting. They also made a dye that was yellow- brown. Early settlers made char- coal and used it in the preparation of inferior gunpowder. The as- tringent bark and woody cones were used for tanning leather. For dye, the bark was peeled in the spring. T-IO. OAKS, Quercus sp. , Beech Fam. The oaks form a large genus of about 200 species. Acorns of the Black Oak (Q. kellogii), and the Blue Oak (Q. douglasii) seem to be the favorites though several others were used by the Indians. How- ever, they were careful to keep different kinds of a- corns separate. The acorns were soaked overnight to make it easier to get the kernels from the outer shell. After they were shelled and dried, the meats were TREES ground into a flour or meal. If possible, the meal was put in a sand hollow, and covered with twigs of Douglas Fir, Cedar or White Fir to break the force of the water poured over to leach the meal (a sieve could be used in place of sand). This was done about ten times. To remove the meal, the hand was pressed on it and the adhering meal <^'^~Bl3ck Oak"^ t'A put in a basket. Any sand that was in the meal was washed out by pouring water through the basket. Hot stones were used in cook- ing meal. Often meal was leached through cedar twigs for flavor. Soup, bread and a pudding were made from the meal or flour. One kind of bread was made by wrapping the dough in fern leaves and baking in hot ashes. Leavened bread was made from the Wa- ter Oak (Quercus nigra) of eastern Texas and many southeastern states. A small amount of ashes was added to the dough, which made the bread rise. It was baked in an earth oven. Sometimes acorn meal was allowed to accumulate a mold. The mold was scraped off, kept in a damp place, and used to heal boils, sores and other inflamations. T-11. CALIFORNIA BAY TREE, OREGON MYRTLE or CALIFORNIA LAUREL, Um- bellularia californicao Laurel Fam. 50'-100' high tree, with dark green leaves that have a strong, pungent odor when crushed; small greenish-yel- low flowersinclustersof 6-10; solitary fruits turn dark pur- ple. Shaded areas. The wood is yellow-brown, takes a high polish, and is used for furniture, boat building, etc. Indians wore a leaf under their hats to cure a headache. The fruit was roasted and eaten. Crushed leaves, when held near the nose, will produce se- vere headache or sneezing. Both leaves and seeds contain an oil reputed to have anesthetic Ore. Calif. 14 TREES properties., Also useful in nervous disorders, intestinal colic, and as an insecticide (said to drive away fleas and lice). The small limbs are used today on chicken roosts as a louse preventitive. The leaves are good flavor addi- tives to stews, roasts, etc. Hung up with garlic to dry, they prevent molding. Str. Wd. Oak Calif. Str. Wd. Oak Calif. T-12. BUCKEYE, CALIFORNIA Aesculus cali- fornica; Buckeye Fam. 12'-25' high tree, with 5 finger-like, light green leaflets to each leaf ; beautiful white flowers in candle- stick- like spikes, turning into round, brown balls in the fruit; leaves turn bronze in August. Grows in California up to 3000' altitude. While the flowers are bad for bees, and the leaves eaten by cows produce poor-flavored milk, the tree is useful otherwise. Unripe seeds were crushed and scattered into streams to stupifythe fish. Ripe seeds can be crushed and leached, after roasting which takes out most of the poison. Water must be poured over the ground meal at least ten times, but the best leaching is done by letting water in a small stream run over the meal for ten days. The meal is then cooked as a pudding. Leaves were steeped to make a tea as a remedy for congestion of the lungs and varicose veins. Seeds were buried in swampy, cold ground during the winter to free them of bitter quality, and eaten in the spring boiled. The wood was used for fire-making. T-13. CALIFORNIA WAL- NUT, Juglans californica. Wal- nut Fam. 15'-35' high tree or <^^:' ' shrub; dark bark; 9-17 leaflets. The brown nuts are edible. NUT 15 SHRUBS The colors of flowers, fruits, seeds, etc. that are given on this page should be used in the field to help you with quick identification of the species you encounter, but should not be used alone. Care- fully study the descriptions and pictures of allspecies before mak- ing up your mind that you have made correct identifications. F LOWER COLORS \^Tiite. whitish or cream: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 20, 21, 32, 33. Greenish: 1, 2, 4, 8, 20, 21, 23. Purple, violet, lavender: 2, 8, 17, 18. 24, 26. 28, 31. Red, reddish-brown or pink: 2, 3, 8, 13, 14, 15, 17, 22, 24, 27, 30, 31, 33. Yellow: 5, 16, 17. 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 31, 33o Blue or bluish: 17, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31. FRUIT AND SEED COLORS (Not all fruits and seeds are listed here.) B = berries; F = fruits; N = nutlets; P = pods; S = seeds. Green or greenish: 1 (S), 15 (P), 22 (S), 24 (B). Black or purplish-black: 2 (S), 5 (B), 11 (B), 12 (B), 23 (B), 28 (S). Brown or brownish: 3 (F), 4 (B), 7 (F), 11 (Band S), 16 (S), 17 (P), 20 (N), 24 (S). 25 (S), 28 (B), 29 (N). Gray or grayish: 5 (B), 6 (F), 25 (S). Blue: 5 (B), 32 (B). Yellow or orange: 5 (B), 15 (B). 30 (S). Red, pink or reddish: 5 (B), 9 (F), 10 (F)» 13 (B), 14 (B), 15 (B and S), 21 (B), 22 (B), 26 (B), 27 (B). Purple or violet: 5 (B), 11 (B), 14 (P). White or whitish: 19 (F), 24 (B), 33 (B). 16 SHRUBS Des. Pin-Jun. Chap. Grass Calif. Des. Chap. Calif. Ariz. N. M. Colo. S-U EPHEDRA, JOINT FIR, MORMON TEA, Ephedra californica; Ephedra Fam. 1-2' high, and with long, jointed stems; opposite and scale-like leaves; slender stalks often broom-like and greea. Ancient medicinal plants used by the father of Chinese Medicine, Shen Mung, in2698BoC. Dried roots and stems ;used in treatment of coughs, for colds, headache and fever. Stems sold in Chinese stores under name Ma-Huango Chinese variety is what the alkaloid ephedrin is made from; our ^ variety has a high percentage of tannin. flower cone It was abeverage for Indians as well as roast- u ed and ground for bitter breado One tribe made a w^ decoction of the entire plant and drank it to help stop bleeding. Pioneers made a tea used as a blood purifier. The deer and sheep eat bark and foliage, if food scarce. Quail eat seed. S-2. YUCCAS, AMOLES, Yucca sp«; Lily Fam^ 2-18' high with thickly-clustered, sharply- pointed leaves; large, whitish flowers form, towering, termi- nal panciles; black seedSo The flowers are pollinated by the night-flying Pronuba moth* LEAVES PALE YELLOWISH GREEN Yucca schidigera LEAF Fleshy-fruited Yucca, Y, baccata. Indians eat the flowers. The stalks are rich in sugar; the leaves produce a fibre used in making baskets and mats. The roots are used as a substitute for soap and for cleaning hair*, The large, pulpy fruits of Y, baccata are eaten raw, roasted, or cooked and dried for future use. Cattle eat the flowers. SHRUBS 17 S-3. BUSH, ciculatum BUCKWHEAT, Eriogonum fas- FLOWERS PINKISH WHITE Buckwheat Famo Similar to several other buckwheat shrubs, but this species has shred- dy bark. 2-3' high, with woody base; the numerous leaves densel5'-white-wool- ly beneath, green above, and smooth. Uses of Buckwheat are described on page 37 un- der H-9. S -4o SHADSCALE SALTBUSH, Atriplex canescens. Saltbush Famo A roundish and gray bush, 1-5' high, with flowers in narrow spike-like panicles, gray to dull green; the leaves covered with tiny white hairs and bran-like scales; fruit bracts are toothed as shown on the wings (in illus, ). Bushes of- ten cover vast areas, or are associated with creosote and sage brush, generally in mod- erately saline dry soil. Indians ground seed for meal and also used them as an emetic. Leaves sometimes eaten as spinach. Zuni Indians in New Mexi- co ground roots and blossoms moistened with saliva to use for ant bites. Also stirred ashes of Saltbush into batter of their water bread in order to change color of meal to greenish-blue. White New Mexicans chew green leaves with a pinch of salt to relieve bad stomach pains. Shadscale has high forage value due to the nutritive quality and evergreen habit, also richness of the seeds in sodium and other salts. Deer eat twigs and foliage; ground squirrels, rabbits and kangaroo rats eat seeds and leaves. S-5. BARBERRY and MOUNTAIN GRAPE, Berberis sp. (see illustration on next page); Sweetshrub Fam. An erect-growing shrub, with holly-like leaves, fragrant yellow flowers in racemes, followed by bluish berries, and growing from sea level to 5000' Des. Chap. Pin-Jun. Calif. Ariz. Nev. N. M. CCF MCF Chap. Most States W. Can. 18 SHRUBS Chap. Calif. altitude; most are bushes, but B„repens (Creeping Barberry) crawls low over ground. All are lovely garden shrubs with bronze-crimson, autumn leaves. The wood is of a beautiful yellow color, used by Spanish-Americans to make, neck crosses (crucifixes). Juice of the fruit fermented with sug-' ar makes an excellent wine; also a jelly, made from the juice is very tart but^ very good served with meat.. Berries boiled in soup add flavor. Indians used roots and bark for ulcers, sores and as a tonic, also in a decoction for con- sumption, heartburn and rheumatism./ Bark and roots are made into a yellow dye. Leaves are chewed for acne. Liquid from chewed root was placed on injuries and on wounds, while cuts and bruises were washed with a root decoction. Root tea was used as blood tonic, coigh medicine, and for kidneys. fL0WER5 WHITE S-6. CHAMISE, Adenos- toma fasciculatum; Rose Fam. A spreading shrub, 2' -10' high, with slender, wand - like branches and graceful, pyramidal clus- ters of white flowers in June; fruits gray^ new bark is reddish, turning gray when old. It is quick to catch fire due to resin in leaves. If burned, the first year's leaves are grazed by stock and deer. Bees frequent the blossoms for pollen; gold- finches and woodrats eat the seeds. Indians used an infusion of bark and leaves as a cure for syphi- lis; also an oil yielded by the plant was used for skin infections. Sick cows find benefit from the plant by chewing on the leaves. The wood burns very quickly with a bright flame and supplies quick heat for cooking. SHRUBS 19 S-7, BEAR or MOUNTAIN Chamaebatia Rose Fame Kitkitisu. CLOVER MISERY, . foliolosa; Indian name is It is called Misery" be- " Mountain cause of the properties of the leaves that cover all clothing with sticky black gum. The plant is a low- growing shrub not over 2' high, with small, white, strawberry-like flowers; fruit brown; leaves finely- dissected and fern-like. Indians used plant for many ailments: leaves were steeped in hot water to make tea used for rheumatism, skin eruptions, etc, ; leaves also used in a decoction for coughs and colds. Sometimes used as a medicine to treat venereal diseases. Flowers and fruit fair forage for deer and stock. Plant fine for erosion purposes due to the mat of roots and closeness of growth, but resinous leaves unfortunately make it a fire hazard. S-S. MOUNTAIN MA- HOGANY, Cercocarpus sp. An evergreen, drought-re- sistant shrub or low tree; young shoots are reddish- brown, covered with a hairy down; flowers greenish, of- ten turning brownish, whit- ish or reddish; fruit with a long, feathery, twisted tail giving the bush a silvery look in the sunshine. Rich, dark brown, mahogany-like wood is hard and tough, but also brittle, making hot fire. Indians used wood for fish spears, arrow shafts and pointed sticks for digging. Inner bark made a purple dye. Bark used in FLOWERS WITHOUT PETALS -REDDISH FRUIT WHITISH BFHEATh MCF Calif. Chap. Oak Most States 20 SHRUBS Str. Wd. Ore. Calif. OWETR-S hite: OR PINK Chap. MCF Oak Most States tea to cure colds; also they peeled the bark, scraped the inner lay- er, then dried and boiled it for lung trouble. The powdered young plant, stirred in water, was used as a laxative. Spanish-Ameri- cans hung branch on bed to discourage bedbugs. S-9. CALIFORNIA WILD ROSE, Rosa cali- fornica. A scraggly bush, 3-6' high. Grows along stream and river banks; pretty, light pink flowers, bright red hips (or fruit). Father Font of the Anza Expedition speaks of ga- thering and eating them right from the bush. Rich in Vitamin A and C, Indians made a tea from the tender root shoots for colds; seeds were cooked for muscular pains; leaves and hips steeped and drunk for pains and colics. The old straight wood was used for arrow shafts. Spanish-Californians made jelly from the ripe fruit and ate hips raw from the bush. After the first frost softened the hips, the leaves and petals were astringent and used in perfume. Petals, pep- j' I r^Nv ,-^-S^^-^ permint, lemon peels and linden leaves made into a tea for arthritis or dys- pepsia^ petals also said to help dissolve gallstones. S-10. CHOKECHERRY, Prunus demissa. 3-8' high shrub, with 3-10 white flowers in short clusters; berries bright red or pur- ple. Extensive thickets. Inner bark used by In- dians as a tonic to check diarrhea and to relieve nervousness. A decoction SHRUBS 21 of young shoots and bark was taken as a vegetable. There were sev- eral ways to use the berrieSo Acid was leached out of fresh ber- ries with water through basket, then they were ground in a stone mortar; the dried pulp was boiled and eaten. Fresh berries were also ground and dried for later use. Berries make a good jelly or jam and wine is sometimes made of them. There is hydrocyanic acid in the young leaves, which is dan- gerous for cattle, but it is lost by fall. Animals and birds eat fruit. S-11. WESTERN SERVICE BER- RY, Amelanchier sp. Also called June Berry, 3-12' high shrub, some times a small tree 15' -20' high, growing on dry slopes in mts. or along N. W. coast. Flowers white, fruit purplish-black to brown. Europeans made pies and pud- dings from the berries, always leaving in seeds as they added to the flavor. Indians dried the ber- ries for winter use, also crushed them to make a cake from which they would break off a piece to add to soup or vegetables. They made a sort of pemmican of pounded ber- ries and dried meat with animal fat to be carried on long trips. An eye wash was made from boiled STAMINATE FLOVJER green, inner bark. S-12. CALIFORNIA BLACKBERRY, Rubus vitifolius. Stems l'-8' long, erect as a bush, or trailing over the ground. It is covered with straight, sharp thorns;leaves with double-toothed edges; flower white; edible berries black. S-13. WESTERN THIMBLE BERRY, Rubus parviflorus, A spreading, 3' -6' high bush; bark becoming shreddy with age; leaves 3"-7" wide, usually with hairy and glandular stems; white or pinkish flowers; the soft, light red berry is sweet and edible. MCF Str. Wd. Most states W. Can. CCF MCF Str. Wd. Oak Calif. Ore. Wash. Ida. W. Can. Most States Chap. Oak Calif. Nev. Utah Ariz N. M. Tex. Colo. Oak Chap. Calif. Des. Calif. Nev. Ariz. N. M. Tex. SHRUBS S-14. REDBUD or JU- DAS TREE, Cercis sp. Pea Fam. Clustered 8'-15' high stems; leaves round, ^ "¥?'i^7!fi^^^ l(l''^ heart-shaped at base;red- w^i'^^ '^^ 11 purple flowers appear be- _ fore leaves. Indians use bark of the young shoots for baskets; medicinally they form a mild astringent in treating diarrhea and dysentery. Buds can be used in salads or made into pickles. The wood takes a very fine polish^ BERRIES S-15, CHRISTMAS or TOYON BERRY, Hetero- meles arbutifolia. An ev- ergreen shrub, 6-10' high; with simple, serrated leaves; flowers white in small terminal clusters. Grows in the foothills be- low 4000' altitude. Early day Californians made a drink from the berries and fishermen in the Channel Islands used the bark to tan their fish nets.// Indians boiled the berries and .FRUIT JPODS baked them in their ground ovens with hot stones for 2 or 3 days. They also stored berries for a few months, then parched them and made them into meal. S-16.MESQUITE, Pro- sopsis sp» Large shrub or small tree, 10-35' high, with fern-like leaves and yellow flowers in slender spikes. Will grow below 3000' in mountains. SHRUBS 23 Indians mixed gum from bark with mud to kill lice; a blue stain is made to paint the face; fruit or pods are pounded with seeds and eaten or mixed with water for a sweet drinko Pods and seeds made into meal are eaten by horses. The honey is of good quality. Deer eat foliage and twigs, while other mammals and birds eat the seeds, bark and leaves. Gum sometimes found on bark is soaked in water and the liquid used as an eyewash, ^^ S-17, LUPINES, Lu- pinus sp. There are a few species of bush lu- pines, including Lindley's Varied Lupine, L. varii- color (pictured). The various uses of lupines are described on page 42 under H-20„ S-18. EMORY'S INDI- GO BUSH, Dalea emoryi. Shrub densely and dif- fusely branched, 1-4' high; leaves in clusters of 5-7 leaflets; small branchlets spiny; pea- like, lavender flowers in short spikes. Indians crushed the flowers of the various species of Dalea and steeped them in water to release a yellow dye used in art work. A dye was also ex- tracted from the glandular twigs. The roots of Dalea terminalis have a sweet taste and were eaten like candy by the Hopi, Flowers were also used medi- inally and for food. A tea made by boiling the stems was used as a remedy for many ailments including: colds, coughs, pneumonia, tuberculosis, stomach ache, snail pox, kidney trouble, veneral disease, meas- les, muscle pains, and diarrhea. Stems were chewed for toothache; crushed stems used for sores. Most Hab. Most States W. Can. Des. Calif. Ariz. Nev. 24 SHRUBS Des. Calif. Nev. Utah Ariz. N. M. Tex. Des. Chap. Calif. Ariz. S-19. CREOSOTE BUSH, Larrea divaricata; Caltrops Fam. An erect- growing and many branched bush from 2'-9' tall; leaves appear divergently 2- lobed; yellow flowers solitary and ter- minal; foliage very resinous and strong- smelling. The roots put out an inhibi- tor to keep other plants from growing too near. But, in seasons of heavy or frequent rains the inhibitor is washed from the ground and then you will see flowers and small plants growing around these bushes. As the soil dries, the inhibitor starts again and the neighbors leave in a short time. Creosote yields a coloring matter, and a gum (lac) secreted by a scale insect, which the Indians used to attach arrow tips to the shafts of fire-hardened wood. Creosote was considered to be a cure-all by many Indians. A decoction of the leaves was used for stomach disorders, chicken pox, kidney trouble, colds, snake bites, rheumatism,/\venereal diseases, sores, and tetanus. Powdered dry leaves used for sores. Strong tea used for tonic and mixed with badger oil as a burn ointment. The Spaniards used a preparation for sick cattle and saddle gall on horses. S-20. GOAT NUT or JOJOBA, Sim- mondsia chinensis; Box Fam. 3' -10' high bush, with gray-green leaves; the rather nondescript-colored, greenish flowers form head-like clusters, each turning into a smooth, brown, cylindri- cal capsule like an acorn. Forms a very good stock feed on heavily grazed land. Indians used seeds by roasting and grinding them for a beverage; oil of the seed was used as a hair tonic. Fruit has a nutty flavor and early Californians made a beverage that was used as a cof- fee substitute, by roasting and grinding nuts. mixing them with SHRUBS yolks of hard-boiled eggs, then boiling with milk and sugar. S-21. SCARLET SU- MAC, Rhus glabra^ Sumac Fam, A large shrub or small tree, with fern-like leaves, greenish flowers and bunches of red fruit which contain malic acid. The dried ripe fruit is slightly sour, astringent and diuretic (increasing a flow of urine). Indians crushed the fruit to make a drink and also dried berries for winter use. The split bark and stems were used in basket making. They gathered leaves after turning red for smoking and roots for a yellow dye. A poultice was made of bruised leaves and fruit and applied to the skin for skin diseases. S-22, SQUAW BUSH or SKUNK BUSH, Rhus trilo- bata. 2' -7' high bush, of rocky foothills. Pale yel- low flowers appear before leaves; berries red and hairy. Parkinson (1640) writes about genus that both Pliny and Dioscorides say: "A decoction of leaves or seed made with vinegar and a ^^^^^ little honey is quite good Oak against gangrene or can- kers. Juice taken out of leaves by boiling them in water and, after they are strained, boil them again with some honey. Helps the roughness of tongue and throat. Decoction of green leaves makes the hair black. Plant is much used in wardrobes, chests, etc. to keep out moths -, " Brooks Botany says its astringent properties made it useful in tanning leather. Indians powdered berries, making a lotion used Str. Wd. Most states W. Can. Most States 26 SHRUBS FRUIT RED, in treatment of small-pox. Dry powder was put on open sores, but when pustules were unopen, the lotion was put on. Tlie fruit is eaten and a stem decoc- tion is good for coughs. Peeled and split stems used for twined baskets. Lemonade Berry, Rhus integrifolia, has red ber- ries used in making drink. Sugar Sumac, Rhus ovata, has a sweetish, waxen substance covering the red berries, which was used by the Indians to make sugar. (Rhus integrifolia) tK (R. ovata) Most Hab. S-23. CASCARA SAGRADA, Rhamnus Purshiana; Buckthorn Fam, An attractive shrub, 4'-6' high in -south; up to 30' in the north, where it is fine bee plant. Early Spanish settlers learned from the Indians of its wonder- ful medicincal qualities, and called it Cascara Sagrada, or "sacred bark. " Indians would girdle the the tree at two points three feet apart and make verti- cal cuts between, then peel off the bark and dry it for medicinal use as a cathartic. For best results bark should be gathered in autumn or early spring before using. A small piece of bark put in cold water for 12 hours is used for a tonic. FLOWERS S-24. CEANOTHUS (also called Wild Lilac, Sweet Bush, Buck Brush, Deer Brush, Blue Blos- som), Ceanothus sp. (The species shown is Com- mon Buck Brush, C. cun- Most States w. Cam eatus). 2-20' high bush or small tree, with rigid, sometimes spine-like, branchlets; leaves with tiny stipules at the base; blossoms white through 4-14' LEAVES OPPOSITE, GRAYISH -GREEM- BLUE SHRUBS 27 FRUIT blue or lavender, borne on plumy spikes and usually giving off a spicy odor; commonest on open slopes where there is good drain- age. It gives fine protection from erosion and is good in gardens. The Indians used the seed as food and the blossoms as a fine lather when rubbed briskly on the skin. The leaves are suitable for use as a tobacco; bark and roots are used as an astringent and tonic. The red roots also yield a red dye. The plant has medicinal properties serviceable today. One va- riety is beneficial as a blood coagulant, also for coughing and ton- silitis, and as a stimulant tonic for mucous membranes. It over- comes mal-assimilation of food, and influences beneficially acute inflammation of the liver and spleen. S-25. CALIFORNIA FREMON- TIA, Fremontia californica; Ster- culia Fam. Also called Flannel Bush. A scraggly-growing shrub 6-15' high on slopes from 1500 to 5500' altitude. Leaves have a brown soft fuzz underneath; flow- ers are a lovely yellow, borne all along the branches, making an extremely beautiful sight in early spring; the 4-5 celled capsule has grayish-brown seeds. Local peo- ple call it "Slippery Elm", as the inner bark is quite mucilaginous when wet. The inner bark is used as a demul- cent for poultices (a soothing agent for raw membranes). Cattle will browse the twigs, which are very nutritious. S-26. BEARBERRY, Arctostaphy- los uva-ursi; Heath Fam. Alow grow- shrub, found in large mats, usually be- tween 3000' to 9000' altitudes; white, urn-shaped flowers; red berries. Indians used the leaves in their smoking tobacco and called it Kinnikin- nick» Dry leaves in the fall are astrin- gent, and picked for a tonic, also as a Pin-Jun. MCF CCF Chap. Calif. W Most Hab. Most States 28 SHRUBS CCF MCF Chap. Oak Wash. Ore. Calif. Nev. Utah Ariz. FRUIT BROWN cleaning lotion. Plant boiled is used for tea and and for ordinary stomach trouble. Foliage contains tannin. Pioneers made a de- coction of the leaves for poison oak. ^ p. qi /c-pc » ;i-\»tf- S-27. MANZANITA, / I \ ^^ PINKISH Arctostaphylos sp. The two most common species are the Green Leaf (A. patula, illustrated), and the Grey Leaf (A. mewuk- ka) or Indian Manzanita. Both of these will not fire- kill, but send out new shoots from the large, round root crowns. A „._ few other species do. ^Sv''" All are evergreen shrubs ^ with very crooked branches; the attractive, ^"^ small, urn-shaped, pink or white flowers in small, nodding termi- nal clusters. The berries are round and of many colors, but are chiefly various shades of red and pink. Indians made manyusesof the berries, eating them raw, cooked or ground into meal to be used as a porridge. They ranked next to acorns in food value, A cider was made from the berries, which were crushed, and then scalded with enough water to equal the bulk of the berries. When settled, this made a fine drink. A jelly is also made from the Grey Leaf Manzanita and some other species. In a medicinal way, fruits and leaves were crushed for their astringent properties for relief of bronchitis, dropsy and other diseases, A tea made of the berries was used as awash for poison oak. The leaves were crushed and dried and mixed with tobacco to make up a smoke. The shrub is a decorative one for gardens and has the advan- tage of growing on stony soil of poor fertility. Crooked branches of many of these shrubs are used in dry decorations, some being sunblasted to given them a light tan driftwood appearance; others are left with the natural red color. The leaves in both cases are removed. Manzanita is poor forage for cattle, but many animals eat it. PALE blue: or SHRUBS 29 S-28o YERBA SANTA, Eriodictyon californicum; Phacelia Fam.. 2-8' tall ishrub, with leaves dis- tinctively woolly on the undersides and with strongly netted veins, the upper surface shining; flowers of terminal pan- icles shade from dark lavender through pale lav- ender to whiteo nSiDFR SIDE ""^^^ Indians boiled leaves STRONG VEINED ^k for tea and used for colds; 2,-5' FELTYea^^ they mashed leaves as a poultice for abrasions and also to keep down swelling and to help pain. Leaves and flowers were steeped in hot water to alleviate coughs, stomach-aches, vomiting, diarrhea, venereal diseases and rheumatism. The plant is valuable also for a fine grade-of amber honey with a slightly spicy flavor. Chap. Oak Str. Wd. CCF MCF Ore. Calif. S-29. BLUE CURLS, VINEGAR-WEED or CAMPHOR WEED, Trichostema sp.; Mint Famo Woolly Blue Curls, T. lanatum (pic- Most Hab. tured) is a shrub, but most other species of this genus are herbs. The shrub is 2'-4' tall, but the herbs range from 3"-16". The shrub has blue or purple flowers (rarely white) and more or less hairy leaves. The name of Vinegar Weed FLOWERS pi I D piF comes from the penetrating \^oOLLV and acrid odor of the foli- age of all species. '^ ^;;?iix^ Indians made a decoction .C>C^fc^^^ of leaves and flowers for colds, ague and general de- bility; a bath of this decoc- tion was taken against small pox; leaves were chewed and put in cavity of aching tooth; fresh leaves were mashed and thrown in streams to stupifyfish. A major honey plant. 30 SHRUBS S-30. MONKEY FLOW- ER, Mimulus spo ; Figwort MostHab. Fam. This genus has a few shrubs, including the Omnge Bush Monkey Flower, M. aurantiacus (shown in picture). Uses of monkey flowers are described on page 55 under H-47. LEAVES DEEP GREEM Most States W. Car, FLOWERS DRANG \ Z-5' S-31. Most Hab. Penstemon these are herbs and their ^j PENSTEMON, sp. Most of%% Most Hab. Most States W. Can. Most States"""'"'"' "* " '., , ^i w. Can. uses are described on page 56 under H-49. S-32. BLUEBERRY EL- DER, Sambucus caerulea, and S. mexicana; Honey- suckle Fam. These spe- cies are very closely alike, but mexicana usu- ally has 3-5 leaflets in a compound leaf, while cae- rulea has 5-9 leaflets. Both species are bushes or small trees, 6-15' high, with small white, flowers in terminal clusters turn- ing into bluish berries. The Indians call it "the tree of music", as they make flutes from branch- es that were cut in the spring and then dried with the leaves on. When thoroughly dry, they would bore holes in the branches with a hot stick. The large shoots were used for arrow shafts. Berries were used in sever- al ways, for a drink and also dried and stored for winter. Flow- ers were used fresh externally in a decoction for an antiseptic wash for skin diseases and taken internally to check bleeding of the lungs. The inner bark yields a strong emetic. SHRUBS 31 Fine wine is made from the berries. When the berries are ripe, they are gathered and dried in the sun, then put away for winter pies. Dried berries are boiled in sugar when making pies. Small flowers are beaten in batter for pancakes or muffins. The flowers heads are dipped in a batter and quickly fried, making a delicious fritter. Song birds, bandtailed pigeons and grouse are fond of the ber- ries. Among the animals; rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, mice, and rats eat the fruit and bark; deer eat the foliage. The white wood is used for skewers and pegs. A decoction of the leaves is supposed to keep caterpillars from eating plants. S-33. SNOWBERRY, WAXBERRY, or INDIAN CURRANT, Symphoricar- pos sp. Erect shrubs of low or medium height, with slender branches, sometimes prostrate and sometimes spreading by suckers; leaves opposite, round or oval; white or rosy flowers appear in terminal or axillary clus- ters; round, waxy-white berries. Saponin, a poisonous drug, is contained in the leaves only. Indians made a decoct ion for colds and stomach-ache by pounding and steeping the roots. The fruits act as an em- etic and cathartic (strong laxative). As a honey plant, it is fairly important, producing a white honey. Snowberries are highly regarded as ornamental shrubs due to the striking-looking bunches of fruit and lovely leaves. It is an important wild-life food, as the berries remain on the bushes most of the year. Birds use the bushes as protective shelter. Most Hab. Most States W. Can. 32 HERBS The colors of flowers, fruits, seeds, etc. that are given on this page should be used in the field to help you with quick identification of the species you encounter, but should not be used alone. Care- fully study the descriptions and pictures of all species before mak- ing up your mind that you have made correct identifications. F LOWER COLORS Blue or bluish: 5, 20, 41, 42, 43, 49, 50. Brown or brownish: 10, 49, Green or greenish: 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 24, 40, 46. Purple, violet or lavender: 6, 20, 21, 22, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 47, 49, 56, 58. Red, rose or pink: 2, 6, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28, 31, 34, 38, 39, 40, 47, 49, 50, 58, 60-. WHiite or whitish: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 37, 39, 41, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 57, 58, 59, 60. Yellow or yellowish or orange: 6, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 26, 35, 37, 40, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59. FRUIT AND SEED COLORS (Not all fruits and seeds are listed here. ) B = berries; C = capsules; F = fruits; N = nutlets; P = pods; S = seeds; Sp. = spores. Black: 2 (S), 3 (S), 11 (B), 12 (S), 13 (S), 15 (S), 19 (S), 45 (B), 53 (3), 59 (S). Brown or reddish-brown: 9 (F), 10(F), 18 (S), 20 (P), 21 (P), 22 (P), 23 (S), 29 (S), 30 (S), 31 (S), 32 (S), 39 (S), 40 (S), 41 (S), 42 (S), 43 ( ), 43 (S), 46 (S), 47 (S), 48 (S), 49 (S), 50 (C). Gray or grayish: 14 (S), 24 (S), 30 (S), 31 (S), 36 (S), 52 (S), 53 (S) Green or greenish: 1 (SP), 4 (S), 6 (C), 7 (F), 21 (P), 22 (P). Purplish or red: 12 (B), 37 (F), Whitish-brown: 41 (S), 42 (S). Yellow or yellowish: 17 (S). HERBS 33 H-1. HORSETAIL, page 3 under W-2. Equisetum sp. See H-2. WILD ONIONS, Allium sp. The long, slender leaves and the onion-smelling foliage are typical. It was mainly the larger species with large bulbs that Indians used. Aztecs chewed the bulbs to relieve flatu- lency and as food. California Indians ate the bulbs raw and cooked them also over hot ash- es. The whole plant was used as an insect repellant by rubbing on the body. , It is re- puted to be useful as a diuretic (increasing the flow of urine) in kidney disorders. Flowers are rose, reddish-purple and white in color; leaves 2-4" or more high. H-3. INDIAN SOAP ROOT, or AMOLE, Chlorogalum. 2'-3' tall herb, with narrow, fluted leaves, a brown, fi- brous ly coated bulb, and large white flowers with green veins. Indians dug up the large bulb and strip- ped off the outer fibrous mesh, which was left to dry. These dried fibers became a fine brush, being tightly tied together with more fibers at one end for the handle. The inner mucilaginous layer was scraped and worked into the handle, then put in the sun for a day or two to harden. Water Str. Wd. Mead. Marsh Most States W. Can. Most Hab. Most States W. Can. Grass Oak Calif. HERBS The bulb was also boiled, which took out the soapy material, and was then eaten as are potatoeSo Or the bulb was baked in an earthen oven, and eaten or dried and stored over the winter; in that case, it must be boiled before eating. It was also used as a soap for washing hair or clothes. Mashed and scattered in streams, it stupified fish, which could then be easily netted. The bulb was also used as an an- tiseptic for sores and ulcers, and as a diuretic and laxative. When the bulb was roasted, the exuding juice was used as glue for arrow feathers. H-4, FALSE HELLEBORE, Veratrum californicum; Bunch Flower Fam. (see illustration above). 3-7' tall plant (sometimes called Skunk Cabbage), with large, heavily-ribbed leaves which gradually grow smaller as they reach the top of the plant. Flow- ers are a dull greenish-white, borne on a showy, elongated ter- minal cluster. Roots are few and extremely black. The plant inhabits moist meadows and along streams at middle altitudes in mountains. Blossoms are said to be poisonous to many insects. Powdered roots are used as an insecticide. The dry root, powdered, was used as a snuff. Most states Parkinson writes in 1640: "Roots were most used. Half a w. Can. dram of oxymel (honey and vinegar), or juice of the quince, or a quince put in the roots was baked in an oven or roasted under em- bers, A scruple of juice given after eating was used for sufferers of melancholy, dizziness, breaking out on the skin, and mixed with lye and applied to the skin for removal of tics. " Being a dan- gerous medicine, it must be taken with caution. He adds: "The Spaniards made a poison from the juice of the roots, which, after fermenting, was used on arrow heads. The antidote was eating quinces. Animals killed with the poison were considered good eat- ing, as the flesh was more tender and pleasant. " TheShoshones and other Indians used the raw root, crushed and mashed, to apply to snake bite wounds on man and animals. A de- coction of the root was taken as a tea for venereal disease. The raw root, chewed, aided sore throats, inflamed tonsils and colds. Marsh Mead. MCF CCF HERBS H-5. COMMON CAMASS, Camassia quamash; Lilj' Fani. 5 species occur in the west. About 2' tall, with single, tall flower stalk coming from middle; flowers mostly a brilliant blue, but sometimes almost white. Grows in moist ground and wet meadows. Bulbs are very nutritious and are highly thought of by Indians who will travel a long way to gather them. Af- ter the seeds are ripe in the spring, they dig up the bulbs with long, crook- ed sticks (usually made of Mt. Mahogany). Then a fairly deep hole is made and lined with fire-heated stones. Bulbs are placed in- side and covered with hot ashes and stones and allowed to cook for 24 hours. They are eaten right from the fire or the black out- er coating is peeled off and the bulb pressed by hand into a flat cake and hung to dry in sacks, becoming a tid-bit at feasts. A molasses was also made of bulbs by boiling in water until it was almost evaporated. The early California settlers learned the value of the bulbs and would make pies of them. But eaten to ex- cess, the bulb will act as a purgative and emetic. The greenish- white flowers of the Death Cnmass often grow with the blue and care must be used in digging bulbs. PETALS WHITE. GLAND YELLOW H-6. SEGO LILY, Calo- chortus nuttallii. There were SURROUNDED -BY several species of Calochor- DARK PURPLE |.^g j^^y ^gg^j j^y ^-i^g Indians. All are told by the few, showy flowers (white, rose, purple, red or yellow), each with pet- als marked with dark spots, blotches or lines. Indians dug the bulbs when first flower buds appeared, roasted them in ashes after fire had died down, and also steamed them. Seeds were f/? parched for pinole meal. Mead. MCF CCF Most States Grass Oak MCF Sage Pin-Jun. Most States 36 HERBS MCF Mead. Str. Wd. Calif. Ariz. Nev. N. M. Tex. CCF MCF Mead. Str. Wd. H-7. YERBA MANSA, Anemopsis californica; Lizard's Tail Fam. 6-24'^ tall plant, with a creeping root-stock, white flowers in dense spikes surrounded by petal-like bracts; the heart-shaped leaves are mostly basaU The plant has a pungent, spicy odor, and the aromat- ic root was chewed raw. Tea made of the leaves was used for purifying blood; a poultice for cuts and bruises; and bruised leaves reduced swellings, dysentery, ashmao The tea was also used for colds and to help movement of urine in kidney ailments. An infusion of the root-stocks was used for various skin troubles. The leaves boiled in a quantity of water were used as a bath for muscular pains and for sore feet. Dried roots, roast- ed and browned, were made into a decoction used for colds and for stomach ache. fLOUERS H-8, species. NETTLES, Urtica The 6 western species are all covered with stinging hairs, and have op- posite, 3-7 nerved; toothed leaves; the flowers form cluster at the axils of the hairy or smooth leaves. Most states Pepys, in 1661, speaks of eating nettle porridge; also eaten in northern Per- sia, Scotch and Irish use the young leaves for greens. The French make 7 differ- ent dishes from the nettle FRUIT tops. Stems have an excellent fibre, used for fish lines and clothes. Indians used branches to strike parts affected by pains, and a decoction of roots to bathe rheumatic pains in joints. Sometimes, pounded leaves rubbed on limbs produced a counter-irritant. Hot poultices of the mashed leaves were used for rheumatism. HERBS 37 i^ H-9. WILD BUCK- WHEAT, Eriogonum sp. Buckwheat Family (E. baileyi illustrated right). There are about 150 spe- cies in a growth range from sea level to high mountains. All varieties seem to like more or less dry and rocky slopes and ridges. Most buckwheats grow on medium tall stems, loosely branched, with white to pinkish flow- ers in clusters or heads. Because of its long blooming season and fine quality honey, buckwheat is an excellent bee plant, but it is poor stock feed. From the leaves Indians made a decoction for headache and stomach pains; also a tea from the flowers was used as an eye- wash and for high blood pressure and bronchial ailments. The stems and leaves are boiled for a tea to treat bladder trouble. Most Hab. Most States W. Can, H-10. CURLY DOCK, Rumex crispus. l'-4' high herb with dark green foliage; the leaves have very wavy margins and are crisp. It is a naturalized weed from Europe. Ancient Arabs used the roots for purging and some took a de- FLOWER GREENISH , coction with beer or ale to purge the liver and cleanse the blood. A decoction of ^""^^ "^^• roots in vinegar was a most Most states effective remedy for scales w. can. FRUIT REDDISH BROWN '""^.r""'"^, T""^' °T" corides said the root eaten took away the pain of stings by scorpions. Leaves are used often as pot herbs and as an antidote to scurvy; also as a mild as- tringent and, in small doses, as a tonic. Indians cut roots and steeped in boiling water Most Hab. Most States W. Can. Cult. Calif. FLOWERS 8-15" 38 HERBS for a tonic and a stomach remedy; also, they washed roots and applied them to sores and swellings. H-11. LAMB'S QUAR- TERS, GOOSE FOOT or SOWBANE, Chenopodium sp. ; Goosefoot Fam. (C<. murale, Nettle - leaved Goosefoot, illustrated.) Usually many - branched plants, 1 '-4' tall, with small green flowers on spiked panicles; often strongly scented. Many species are introduced weeds. Indians boiled the leaves as spinach, sometimes eating them raw. They would gather the seeds and grind them into a meal to be stored for future uses, such as bread making. One variety was boiled and applied as a poultice to reduce swellings: also, used in the mouth to relieve toothache. For rheumatism, the af- fected parts were washed with a decoction of the leaves. H-12. POKEWEED, PIGEON BERRY, RED INK PLANT, Phy- tolacca sp. ; Pokeweed Fam. A large, coarse herb, 3-4' high, with large, pointed leaves, purplish stem, thick fleshy root; greenish- white flowers in racemes; berries with crimson juice; seeds glossy black-purple. Indians dried root and fruit, and used as purgative and emetic. Chinese dug root of one species in second and eighth month. They boiled leaves as potherb. Young pokeweed shoots can be dug in the spring, boiled in two waters; in second water a bit of fat pork is added and all is served as greens HERBS 39 with vinegar. The plant contains a bitter acidic poison, saponin, the root being most poisonous. From large roots, pokeweed shoots will renew themselves again and again after each cutting (cut at a foot or 2 high, before turning purple), furnishing an ex- cellent winter and early spring vegetable if kept away from frost. Medicinally the root was used for skin diseases, rheumatism and glandular swellings. It acts on the thyroid gland. The juice of the berries was used for coloring frosting and candies, H-13. MINER'S LETTUCE, Montia perfolia- '\^ ta. Purslane Fajn, A dainty-looking plant with''"^'^ 6"- 12" high stems; and narrow, basal leaves. Half- way up the stems, disks or cups completely en- circle the stem. Above this, on a continuation of the stem, are clusters of pink or white flowers. Fleshy, tender leaves are eaten green or cooked by the Indians, who also made a tea of the plant and used it as a laxative. The miners used the leaves as salad greens, hence the name. MCF CCF Oak Chap. Most States H-14. BITTERROOT, Lewisia rediviva. This perennial herb is almost stemless, with a rosette of oblongfleshy leaves growing at the top of a carrot-shaped root. The large rose or white flow- ers have 8-15 petals. Related species have similar qualities. Indians would gather the root in the spring when the outer coat- ing, which contains most of the bitterness, will slip off easily when put in boiling water. The root is quite starchy, but very nutritious and was an important food among the Indians. In fact, so much importance was given to it that a sackful of the roots was considered a good exchange for a horse. The roots were often dried for winter use, and were boiled with other wild foods in a soup. Pounded dry root was chewed for sore throat, H-15. COLUMBINE, Aquilegia sp.; Crowfoot Fam. (A. for- mosa. Northwest Crimson Columbine, illustrated on next page.) Most species grow in moist situations along streams or in mead- ows. They vary in height from a few inches to 5'. Flowers are Sage Chap. Oak MCF CCF Most States W. Can. CCF MCF Chap- Oak Sub. Alp. Alp. Most States W. Can. 40 HERBS Mead. Most States red or yellow, 5-petaled, with long hollow spurs extendingbackward. Parkinson writes in 1640, "Leaves commonly used in lotions for sore mouths and throats. A dram of seeds taken in wine with saffron opens obstructions of liver, and good for jaundice, caus- ing profuse sweating." Span- iards used to eat a piece of the root in the morning on fast days. The Indians often boiled and ate the leaves in the spring. The boiled roots were used in a tea to stop di- arrhea. The ripe seeds were mashed, moistened and then vigorously rubbed in the hair to discourage head lice. Fresh roots were mashed and rubbed on aching joints. When roots and leaves are boiled together it makes a decoction that can be taken in one-half cupful doses several times daily for a couple of days to stop biliousness or dizziness. If the whole plant is boiled it is supposed, as a decoction taken in small doses, to stop veneral diseases. H-I60 BUTTERCUPS, Ranunculus sp. (R, Calif- ornicus, California Butter- cup, illustrated). Usually showy yellow (sometimes white or red) flowers, 8"- 24" high, rising from more or less basal leaves. Young flowers are pre- served in vinegar as small pickles. The juice of flow- 5INGLE ^"^ ers makes a yellow dye. f/e ACHENE ^^ Indians parched seeds and made meal to use in bread. Roots were boiled and eaten. One PODS Found in dry areas. species, Ranunculus scel- eratus; Cursed Buttercup, has a poison, aenonal, that causes intestinal inflama- tion. If the acrid, burning juice is tasted, spit it out. H-17. HEDGE MUS- TARD, Descurainia pin- natum; Mustard Fam. Al- so called Western Tansy Mustard. 2' tall, erect plant; leaves once or twice divided into small seg- ments, ashy color. Small, yellow flowers appear on long slender stems. The Mexican name is Pamito and is sold in their drug stores. The seeds are crushed and used as poultices or made into a tea for summer complaint. Leaves, picked young, are good boiled. Indians gathered seeds by knocking them into baskets. The seeds were stirred over an open fire in a pan, then ground and made into a mush or stirred into soup. Pomo Indians mixed the seeds with their corn meal for better taste. In Mexico the seeds were made into a poultice for wounds. Brooks wrote: "It is said to be an attenuate, expectorant and diuretic, and is strongly re- commended in chronic coughs and hoarseness. " H-18. SHEPHERD'S PURSE, Capsella bursa- ^ pastoris. 3" -2 4" tall herb; stem single, with branching, deeply cut bas- al leaves that have a pep- pery flavor; tiny white flow- ers become triangular pods, Used as a pot herb, it tastes like cabbage; also young leaves eaten raw. Indians roasted seeds and used as a nutritious meal. An infusion of 1 ounce of Des. Grass Oak Sage Chap. Most States Most Hab. Most States W. Can. BASAL LETAf MCF CCF Str. Wd. Ore. Wash. Calif. Ida. \V. Can. HERBS leaves in 12 quarts of water is a remedy for bruises; taken internally it stops bleeding, H-19. ALUM ROOT, Heuchera micrantha, Saxifrage F am, l'-2l/2' tall perennial, with stout rootstock (having alum-like taste); bas- al leaves round and toothed; long flowering stems have panicles of small white flowers, Indians eat leaves first in the Spring, boiled and steamed. After steaming, some are dried and stored for future use. The pounded root, wet, was used on sores and swellings; steeped, it was used as an eye-wash; also small amounts drunk to stop diarrhea, A tonic of the boiled roots was taken a half-cupful a day for general debility, or three half cups a day to stop fever. The drug, Heuchera, is antiseptic and astrin- gent. In Materia Medica, alumroot is given for gastorenteritis, nausea, vomiting, etc, H-20. LUPINES, Lupinus sp.. Pea Fam, (L, andersonii. An- derson's Lupine, in illustration). Mainly perennial herbs with palmately-compound leaves; pea-like flowers on long stalks, m.ostly blue, but some flowers are yellow, white, purplish or reddish-col- ored. A widespread genus, good forage, and ploughed -under is a good fertilizer, Virgil called it "Sad Lu- pine", as seeds were used by the poor, being boiled to remove bitter taste. In 1640, Parkinson wrote: "seed meal and honey takes away black and blue spots. " Most states Indians made a tea from w. Can. |-|^g seeds and used it med- icinally, especially to help urination. Early in the Spring, leaves and flowers were stripped off and steamed, then eaten with acorn soup. Seeds often dan-, p" - 5^ " gerous because of alkaloids. Most Hab. ^K FRUIT HERBS 43 H-21. WILD CLOVER, Trilolium sp. (T. graci- lentum, Pinpoint Clover, illustrated). Small herbs with typical 3 leaflets and flowers yellow, white or purple in heads or short spikes; stamen 2- grouped. In Scotland, bread was made from the White Clov- er (To repens), and the pioneers made clover tea, brewing dried flower 5'1-2q'" ^J x2. £/^ heads. Indians ate it raw or steamed and the steamed plant was dried for winter use. White clover was not cooked, but eaten raw, both flowers and leaves, but if too much was consumed, it would produce bloat, and, to counteract this effect, the leaves were dipped in salted water. H-22. LOCO WEED, Astragalus sp. (A. bicristatus, Crested Rattle-weed, illustrated)o Usually bushy herbs with long stalks; leaves with several to many leaflets, alternate; flowers in spikes, racemes or heads, purple, pale yellow or white, Indians chewed the plant to cure sore throats and to reduce swellings. The boiled root was made into a decoction to wash granulated eyelids and for tooth- aches. The plant seems to be more toxic in some soils than in others. It is poisonous to practically all stock, although, after they have once tasted it, it is much sought after by them. It is said that if poisoned stock are fed hot lard and moved immediately to new pasture, they may survive. Most Hab. Most States W. Can. Most Hab. Most States W. Can. 44 HERBS Grass Mead. Oak MCF H-23. PRAIRIE FLAX, Linum lewisii, Flax Fam. 8-36" high herb, many-branch- ed, erect-growing and with woody root stock; flowers blue in terminal clusters. Most states Indians used seeds in cookings, as they w. Can. have a pleasant taste and are highly nu- tritious. Stems steeped for stomach dis- orders, and roots were steeped for eye medicine. Fiber was used as string. The whole plant was mashed and soaked in cold water to make an eye medicine. Poultices of the crushed fresh leaves were used to reduce swellings, especially goit- er and for gall trouble. Early settlers made a poultice of the powdered seed, corn meal and boiling wat- er, mixing this into a paste for infected wounds and mumps. Pharmacopia says, "Reported useful in rehumatism, catarrhal infections, liver complaints and dropsy;" Sage Grass Oak Cult. Wash. Ore. Calif. H-24. TURKEY MULLEIN, Eremocarpus setigerus. Spurge Fam. A low-growing bush, 5-8" high, with heavy-scented gray foliage, in dry, open areas from Washington to Lower California, Greenish flowers; dark gray, shining seeds; stinging hairs. As the leaves contain a narcotic poison, Indians used the foliage to stupify fish and poison their arrow points. A poultice relieved internal chest pains and a decoction of leaves in warm water helped asthma and fevers. Pharmacopia says used to expel gas. HERBS 45 H-25. HIGH MALLOW, Malva sylves- trus, Mallow Fam. Erect or branching herb, 1-3 1/2' high, with rounded, heart- shaped leaves; small flowers are pink- veined against purple, appearing clus- tered or single. Grows in waste places and in cultivated fields. Pliny wrote, "that anyone taking a spoonful of mallows will be free of disease; they soften and heal ulcers and sores, " Parkinson wrote 'Leaves and roots boiled in wine or water or in both with parsley doth help to open the body, for hot agues. Leaves bruised and laid on the eyes with a little honey take away the inflammation from them. " Chinese eat the leaves raw in salad or boiled as spinach, Span- ish-Americans use the plants by boiling leaves and making a wash for any bodily disease; headaches are cured by adding salt and vinegar to mashed leaves. Indians use leaves, soft stems and flowers, steeped and made into a poultice for running sores, boils and swellings. An infusion of dried leaves is good for coughs. H-26. St. JOHN'S WORT or KLAM- ATH WEED, Hypericum sp,, St. John's Wort Fam. 8" -32" high plant, sending out numerous stemsfroma woody root- stock; opposite leaves; flowers areyel- low, 5-petaled and in rather close clus- ters. It prefers poor, dry soil. Parkinson (1640) wrote: "Was pre- pared as an ointment for external use, also as a decoction in wine to drink. A powder was made of the seeds and drunk in juice of knot grass to help all manner of spitting or vomiting of blood be it in any vein, broken inward by bruises or falls. " Indians ate the fresh leaves or dried the plant and made a flour that was used in the same way as acorn meal. It was also boiled and used for running sores. A yellow dye is made by boiling in alum water. H. scouleri, Scouler ' s St. John's Wort (illustrated) was boiled and waterused for sores, etc. Cult. Grass Sage Most States W. Can. Str. Wd. Mead. Cult. Most States W. Can. 46 HERBS Grass Oak Sage Calif. H-27. FUCHSIA, Zauschneria californica, Evening Primrose Famo l'-3' high, much branched herb, with rather fragile, green to gray-hairy leaves, and large fuchsia-like flowers. Found on dry benches and rocky hillsides. Leaves reported used as a de- tergent in washing, and a dusting powder for cuts, wounds and sores on horses, Indians drank a decoction of leaves for tuberculo- sis, kidney^ and bladder trouble, and for a cathartic; also into a poultice for running Cult. Mead. Str. Wd. MCF Most States made soreso H-28» FIREWEED, Epilo- bium angustifolium, 1 1/^' -8' tall herb; willow-shaped, red- dish leaves; lilac-purple, rose and even white flowers in long, terminal racemes. In Europe and Asia, young shoots were used like aspara- gus. Canadians use young leaves and stems as a pot herb. It is used as a tea adulterate in England, Plant is astringent, and used in domestic remedies for an intestinal astringent. It is an important range feed and honey plant. str. Wd. Mead. CCF MCF Grass Oak Wash. Ida. Ore. Calif. Nev. W. Can. H-29, BOISDUVALIA, Boisduvalia sp. Usually l'-5' tall herbs, with leafy stems; flowers small, white or pur- ple, in axles of leaves or in leafy spikes; 4 petals, each 2-lobed. In low, damp ground. Seeds yield an oil and were also used by Indians as food. Shaken into basket and parched poo HERBS 47 and pulverized, they were eaten dry. Some were stored for winter use, although not parched. H-30. CLARKIA, Clarkia sp. (C. elegans. Elegant Clarkia, illus- trated on left; Co pulchella, Beauti- ful Clarkia, on right),, r-3' high herbs with lance-like or ovate leaves; showy, purple or rose-col-