Common Forest Trees Of i^orth Carolina Holmes ! (Hljp i. m. 'Ml IGihrara 1 1 j Nortli Olarolina S'tate Hnitiprflitg •■■50 1923 i ^UKEST RESOURCES i£.STATE UNIVERSITY D H HILL LIBRARY R f ffPf f I'll!''' S00427292 Q COMMON FOREST TREES OF NORTH CAROLINA HOW TO KNOW THEM THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE DATE INDICATED BELOW AND IS SUB- JECT TO AN OVERDUE FINE AS POSTED AT THE CIRCULATION DESK. m^2im A PO North Carolini Survejl In Co-oper* U. S. Dt NORTH CAROUNA GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC SURVEY Joseph Hyde Pratt^ Director, Chapel Hill, N. C. Geological Board Governor Cameron Morrison^ Chairman ex-officio. Frank R. Hewitt Asheville C. C. Smoot, III North Wilkesboro John H. Small, Washington Dr. S. Westray Battle Ashe^ille Forestry Division J. S. Holmes^ State Forester. In Co-operation With THE FOREST SERVICE, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. COMMON FOREST TREES — OF— NORTH CAROLINA WO\N TO KNOW THEM c^ POCKET MANUAL Prepared by J. S. Holmes, State Forester NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC SURVEY With the Collaboration of the State Foresters of Tennessee, Virginia and Mag:yland, and the help and advice of the FOREST SERVICE U. S. Department of Agriculture CHAPEL HILL, N C. 1923 raiRe^T "FRIERS FOREWORD This handbook has been planned and published by the North Carolina Geological and Economic Sur- vey in order that our people may have a convenient book of reference, by the help of which they may learn to recognize the trees common to their locality. Should the use of this handbook lead to the desire for further knowledge, the State Forester will gladly direct inquirers to literature on any phase of forestry. Bulletin 6 of the Survey, "The Timber Trees of North Carolina," by Gitford Pinchot and W. W. Ashe, has been out of print for many years, and while the present small book in no way takes its place, it does in part supply a demand for informa- tion concerning our trees which has each year be- come more insistent. The Survey hopes sometime in the future to prepare a volume on our trees more in keeping with the importance of the subject. Until that time, it is hoped that this manual will have the wddest possible circulation. The text has been prepared by the State Forester in collaboration with the State Foresters of Tennes- see, Virginia and Maryland, each of whom is adapt- ing it to use in his own State and publishing it simultaneously The style of the book and many of the descriptions have been based on similar man- uals published by Massachusetts, Maine and Ver- mont. The cuts, as will be noted, have been secured from several sources. Those of the foliage and fruit of many of the hardwoods and all of the hardwood twigs are from original drawings by Mrs. A. E. Hoyle, made especially for this publication, and fur- nished free by the U. S. Forest Service. The other plates have been purchased or borrowed. Special ac- knowledgment is due to Professor C. S. Sargent for figures illustrating the conifers (pines, cedars, etc.) which are from his "Manual of Forest Trees of North America," here used by permission of and by special arrangement with Houghton -Mifflin Com- pany ; and, to the Vermont Experiment Station for its courtesy in loaning a number of these illustrations. The valuable and unstinted aid of Mr. W. R. Mat- toon, Extension Specialist, U. S. Forest Service, is hereby gratfully acknowledged. Without his initia- tive and guidance and that of the Forest Service, the production of this handbook at the present time would have been well-nigh impossible. The inclusion in this book of the botanical or scientific names of the trees is thought advisable in order to avoid the confusion likely to arise from the use of the common names alone, which often vary not only in different States, but even in separate localities within the same State. A similar confusion has also been observed in the use of the scientific names of certain trees because of the difficulty of knowing which tree the botanist had in mind when he gave it the name. Hence, the practice has arisen of attaching the initials or ab- breviation of the name of the botanist who gave the plant that particular scientific name. It seems wise, therefore, to follow the usual custom and give in full these scientific names for the sake of accuracy, but the general reader is not urged to burden his memory with them. Trees are the largest and oldest of living crea- tures. They are in one way or another perhaps more closely associated with our own daily lives than is any other class of living things, yet most of us know less about them and can hardly even tell one of these friends from anotherJ It is hoped that this book will furnish information which will enable even the child to know our common trees at sight, and will stimulate so great an interest in the life and habits of these denizens of our forests that all North Carolinians may learn to appreciate, foster and protect the great heritage of our trees. In using this book it should be borne in mind that nearly two-thirds of the area of our State is still >-^^.«§>.^-H -e>-^^-#^<5^^ ^>-e^^'&^'e>-M:^ classed as forest land ; that most of this has had the greater part or all of the merchantable timber cut from it; and that through destructive lumbering, turpentining, roving livestock and forest fires, this timber has been replacing itself very slowly or not at all. It should also be remembered that a happy change is taking place. Landowners are cutting more care- fully ; cattle and hogs have been controlled in nearly all our counties; and protection from fires is being extended as rapidly as County, State and Federal funds become available. The chief thing lacking now is the interest and co-operation of the people of the towns as well as of the country in growing and protecting our trees and forests. If this little book will bring about a better understanding of trees and a greater appreciation of their aesthetic and economic value to us and those who come after, its purpose will have been accomplished. Joseph Hyde Pratt, Director N. C. Geol. and Econ. Survey. A TREE. A tree is one of nature's words, a word of peace to man ; A word that tells of central strength from whence all things began ; A word to preach tranquillity to all our restless clan. Ah, bare must be the shadeless ways, and bleak the path must be, Of him who, having open eyes, has never learned to see, And so has never learned to love the beauty of a tree. Who loves a tree, he loves the life that springs iu stars and clod, He loves the love that gilds the clouds, and greens the April sod; He loves the Wide Beneficence; his soul takes hold on Cod. — From "Arhor and Bird Day Manual for North Carolina, 1915." . .f^-^ -e> -m-^^^t^' .air TR ^3> -^^^X]^-^ -e> -6^«?:| WHITE PINE {P'mus strohus L.) THE white pine occurs naturally throuuliout the mountains and extends into the adjacent region. It grows on high, dry, sandy and rocky ridges, but prefers the cooler or nioister situations. Its straight stem, regular pyramidal shape and soft gray-green foliage make it universally appreciated as an orna- mental tree. Its rapid growth and hardiness, and the high quality of the wood maho it one of the most desirable trees for forest planting. The trunk is straight, and, when growing in the forest, clear of branches for many feet. The branches extend horizontally in whorls (i. e., arranged in a circle on the stem), marking the successive years of upward growth. The bark is thin and greenish red on young trees, but thick, deeply furrowed and grayish brown on older trees. The tree commonly attains heights of 50 to 60 feet and diameters of 1 to 2 feet, though much larger specimens are still to be found. The leaves^ or needles, are 3 to 5 inches in length, bluish green on the upper surface and whitish be- neath, and occur in bundles of 5, which distinguishes it from all other eastern pines. The cone, or fruit, is 4 to 6 inches long, cylindrical, with thin, usually very gummy scales, containing small, winged seeds which require two years to mature. The wood is light, soft, not strong, light brown in color, often tinged with red, and easily worked. The lumber is in large demand for construction pur- poses, box boards, matches and many other products. SHORTLEAF PINE (Rosemary Pine) {Pinus echinata Mill.) THE shortleaf pine, also known as rosemary piue, yellow pine and old-field pine, is widely distributed throughout the South. It is the char- acteristic pine over the uplands and the lower moun- tain slopes, where it occurs mixed with hardwoods and in pure second-growth stands. The young tree in the open has a straight and somewhat stout stem fiHORTLEAF PINE. One-half natural size, with slightly ascending branches. In maturity the tree has a tall, straight stem and an oval crown, reaching a height of about 100 feet and a diameter of about 41/^ feet. The young tree, when cut or burned back, reproduces itself by sprouting from the stump. The leaves are in clusters of two or three, from 3 to 5 inches long, slender, flexible, and dark blue- green. The cones, or burrs, are the smallest of all our pines, li/^ to 2i^ inches long, oblong, with small sharp prickles, generally clustered, and often hold- ing to the twigs for 3 or 4 years. The small seeds are mottled and have a wing, which is broadest near the center. The bark is brownish red, broken into rectangular plates ; it is thinner and lighter-colored than that of loblolly pine. The wood of old trees is rather heavy and hard, of yellow-brown or orange color, fine-grained and less resinous than that of the other important south- ern pines. It is used largely for interior and ex- terior finishing, general construction, veneers, paper pulp, excelsior, cooperage, mine props, and other pur- poses. LOBLOLLY PINE (Pniws factZa L.) A fast-growing member of the yellow pine group, loblolly pine is a tree of the Coastal Plain, ranging southward from the southernmost county of Delaware. It is variously known locally as shortleaf pine, fox-tail pine and old-field pine. As the last name implies, it seeds up abandoned fields rapidly, particularly in sandy soils w^here the LOBLOLLY PINE One-half natural size. water is close to the surface. It is also frequent in clumps along the borders of swamps and as scat- tered specimens in the swamp hardwood forests. The bark is dark in color and deeply furrowed, and often attains a thickness of as much as 2 inches on large-sized trees. The leaves, or needles, 6 to 9 inches long, are borne three in a cluster, and, in the spring, bright green clumps of them at the ends of branches give a luxuriant appearance to the tree. The fruit is a cone, or burr, about 3 to 5 inches long, which ripens in the autumn of the second year, and, during fall and early winter, sheds many seeds which, by their inch-long wings, are widely dis- tributed by the wind. The resinous wood is coarse-grained, with marked contrast, as in the other yellow pines, between the bands of early and late wood. The wood of second- growth trees has a wide range of uses where dura- bility is not a requisite, such as for building ma- terial, box shooks, barrel staves, basket veneers, pulpwood, lath, mine pror>«!, piling and fuel. s>-?^-^ -e>-§t%>--#^ -^^-cs^-^s ^> 'm=> -^--^^?^-^ -e>-^^-*^o3^-s -^-^^-^j^-s -o HEMLOCK {Tsuga canadensis Carr.) THE hemlock, sometimes known as hemlock spruce or spruce pine, is a large timber tree, attaining a height of 00 to 100 feet and a diameter of 2 to 4 feet. It is common along streams and on cool slopes throughout the mountains and extends somewhat into the adjoining regions. Its horizontal or ascending branches and drooping twigs, forming a pyramidal crown, make it one of our handsomest and most desirable trees for shade and ornament. The leaves are from one-third to two-thirds of an inch in length, oblong, dark green and lustrous on the upper surface and whitish beneath, and, although spirally arranged, appear to be 2-ranked on the stem ; they fall during the third season. The cones are oblong, about three-fourths of an inch long, light brown in color. The cone scales are broadly ovate and about as wide as they are long. The seed is small and winged, maturing in the fall and dropping during the winter. The wood is light, soft, not strong, brittle and splintery. It is used for coarse lumber and for paper pulp. The bark on old trunks is cinnamon-red or dark gray and divided into narrow, rounded ridges, and is one of our chief sources of tannin. The Carolina hemlock {Tsuga caroliniana En- gelm.) differs from the above by having its leaves not conspicuously 2-ranked on the twigs but point- ing in all directions, giving the tree a rough appear- ance; while the cone scales are narrow oval, much longer than they are wide. It grows on dry, rocky ridges and cliffs along the Blue Ridge and in north- eastern Tennessee. It is a very desirable tree for ornamental planting. 14 ^<^^- ■•m=><^- SOUTHERN BALSAM (Southern Balsam Fir) (Ahics frasrrl Poir.) THE southern balsam, also known as mountain balsam, Fraser fir, and locally as slie-balsam, is found on our highest mountains, usually associated with red spruce, from which it can easily be dis- tinguished by its cones and leaves. It prefers moist, cool slopes at elevations of 4,000 to 0,700 feet. It is a tree of medium size, 40 to 70 feet high and 1 to SOUTHERN BALSAM One-half natural size. •ver 2 feet in diameter. The bark on the younger trees is pale gray, smooth, thin and prominently marked by "blisters" filled with resin or balsam. The branches are produced regularly in whorls on the young tree, and the head retains its pointed pyramidal shape until old age. The leaves are flat, linear, one-half to one inch long, with point rounded and often notched, dark green and lustrous above, silvery white beneath, ar- ranged on the twig apparently in two ranks. The flowers are of two kinds, the male yellow tinged with red, the female cone-shaped, and the prominent yellow-green bracts are spine-tipped. The fruit is an upright purple cone, the long yellow- green bracts, however, often making it appear this latter color. The seeds have very Avide wings, and when ripe, fall together with the scales and bracts of the cone, leaving the hard central axis standing upright on the twig. The wood is light, soft, not strong, coarse-grained. It is used for construction lumber and with spruce for paper pulp T CYPRESS {Tawodium distichum Eich.) HE cypress, or bald cypress, is a tree found exclusively in deep swamps which are usually flooded for long periods at a time, aud on wet stream banks and bottomlands in the lower Atlantic Coastal Plain and Mississippi Valley region. Its straight trunk with numerous ascending branches, and narrow conical outline makes the tree one of CTPKESS One-half natural size. considerable beauty. In old age, the tree generally has a broad fluted or buttressed base, a smooth slowly tapering trunk and a broad, open, flat top of a few heavy branches and numerous small branch- lets. The original-growth timber attained heights of 80 to 130 feet and diameters of 5 to 10 feet. The bark is silvery to cinnamon-red and finely divided b}' numerous longitudinal fissures. The leaves are about one-half to three-fourths of an inch in length, arranged in feather-like fashion along two sides of small branchlets, which fall in the autumn with the leaves still attached ; or they are scale-like and much shorter, light green, and sometimes silvery below. The fruit is a rounded cone, or "ball," about one inch in diameter, consisting of thick irregular scales. The wood is light, soft, easily worked, varies in color from a light sapwood to dark-brown heart- wood, and is particularly durable in contact with the soil. Hence it is in demand for exterior trim of buildings, greenhouse planking, boat and ship building, shingles, posts, poles and crossties. 16 WHITE CEDAR (Juniper) (Ghamaccyparis thyoidcs B. S. P.) EXCLUSIVELY a tree of the Coastal Plain, it is found in year-round swamps from New England {southward to Florida and Mississippi. It occurs with bald cypress and deep swamp hardwoods, but more often is found in pure stands called ''glades," Avhere the smooth, clean trunks are so closely set as to give the impression of "serried ranks." The WHITE CEDAR One-half natural size. branches are very short and horizontal, so that even w^hen grown in the open the tree has a long, narrow, conical shape. The leaves are minute, scale-like, overlapping, 4- ranked, of a bluish green color, and entirely cover the ends of the slender, drooping twigs. The fruit is a rather inconspicuous, smooth cone, nearly round, about one-fourth inch in diameter, maturing in one year and containing from four to eight winged seeds. The bark is quite thin, varies in color from ashy gray to light reddish brown, and readily separates into loose plate-like scales, Avhich easily peel off in long fibrous strips. The wood is light, soft, close- grained, slightly fragrant, especially in contact with water. These qualities make it in demand for boat and canoe building, cooperage, shingles and fence posts. It is being substituted for chestnut for tele- phone poles, as the supply of the latter species be- comes scarcer. Because of the limited supply avail- able, its lumber is not well known in the general markets. 17 RED CEDAR {Juniperus virginiana L.) AVERY valuable tree found in all classes and conditions of soils — from swamp to dry rocky ridges — seeming to thrive on barren soils where few other trees are found. It is scattered throughout the State except in the high mountains, but it is most important in the middle section. There are two kinds of leaves^ usually both kinds being found on the same tree. The commoner kind is dark green, minute and scale-like, clasping the stem in four ranks, so that the stems appear square. The other kind, usually appearing on young growth or vigorous shoots, is awl-shaped, quite sharp- pointed, spreading and whitened. The two kinds of flowers are at the end of minute twigs on separate trees. Blooming in February or March, the male trees often assume a golden color from the small catkins, which, when shaken, shed clouds of yellow pollen. The fruit, which matures in one season, is pale blue, often with a white bloom, one-quarter of an inch in diameter, berry-like, enclos- ing one or two seeds in the sweet flesh. It is a favorite winter food for birds. The bark is very thin, reddish brown, peeling off in long, shred-like strips. The tree is extremely irregular in its growth, so that the trunk is usually more or less grooved. The heart wood is distinctly red, and the sapwood white, this color combination making very striking effects when linished as cedar chests, closets and interior woodwork. The wood is aromatic, soft, strong and of even texture, and these qualites make it most desirable for lead pencils. It is very dura- ble in contact with the soil, and on that account is in great demand for posts, poles and rustic work. 18 . -5'^-^-^ •^>-;^^<2?:|>- WHITE WALNUT, OR BUTTERNUT {Juglans cinerca L.) THE white walnTit, usually called butternut in tlie North, is a smaller tree than the black wal- nut, though in the highlands and where it attains its best development, it reaches a height of 70 feet and a diameter of 3 feet. The trunk is usually forked or crooked, and this makes it less desirable for saw timber. The bark differs from that of the WHITE WALNUT, OR BUTTERNUT Twig, one-half natural size. Leaf, one-third natural size black walnut in being light gray on branches and on the trunk of small trees, becoming darker on large trees. This tree may also be distinguished from black walnut by the velvet collars just above the scars left by last year's leaves. The compound leaves are 15 to 30 inches long, each with 11 to 17 sharp-pointed, oblong, finely toothed leaflets 2 to 3 inches long. The flowers are of two kinds on the same tree, the male in long yellow-green drooping catkins, the female recognized by the rather conspicuous red-fringed stigmas. The fruit is a nut enclosed in an oblong, somewhat pointed, yellowish green husk, about 2 inches long, which is covered with short rusty, clammy, sticky hairs. The nut has a rough, grooved shell and an oily, edible kernel. The wood is light, soft, not strong, coarse-grained, light brown, and takes a good polish. It is used for interior finish of houses and for furniture. A yellow or orange dye can be made from the husks of the nuts. 19 -^§^-^ "-e> -^-%=- •^>-^%><^ BLACK WALNUT {Juglans nigra L.) TniS valuable forest tree occurs on rich bottom- lauds and moist fertile hillsides throughout the Slate. In the forest, where it grows singly, it fre- quently attains a height of 100 feet with a straight stem, clear of branches for half its height. In open-grown trees the stem is short and the crown 'oroad and spreading. BLACK w Leaf, onp-fifth n<; Twig, three-quarters The leaves are alternate, compound, 1 to 2 feet long, consisting of from 15 to 23 leaflets of a yel- lowish green color. The leaflets are about 3 inches long, extremely tapering at the end, and toothed along the margin. The bark is thick, dark brown in color, and divided by rather deep fissures into rounded ridges. The fruit is a nut, borne singly or in pairs, and enclosed in a solid green husk which does not split open, even after the nut is ripe. The nut itself is black with a very hard, thick, finely ridged shell, enclosing a rich, oily kernel edible and highly nu- tritious. The heartwood is of superior quality and value. It is heavy, hard and strong, and its rich chocolate- brown color, freedom from warping and checking, susceptibility to a high polish, and durability make it highly prized for a great variety of uses, including furniture and cabinet work, gun-stocks, and air- plane propellers. Small trees are mostly sapwood, which is light colored and not durable. Walnut is easily propagated from the nuts and grows rapidly on good soil, where it should be planted and grown for timber and nuts, 20 ^-.s ■^>i-^o^^. -e> -«^€%=><5^- BITTERNUT HICKORY (Ilicoria minima Britton) {Carya cordiformis K. Koch) THE bitternut hickory is a tall slender tree with broadly pyramidal crown, attaining a height of 100 feet and a diameter of 2 to 3 feet. It is found throughout the State on moist rich soils, but is nowhere very abundant. The bark on the trunk is granite-gray, faintly tinged with yellow and less rough than in most of Twig, one-half natural size. BITTERNUT HICKORY. Leaf, one-third natural size. the hickories, yet broken into thin, plate-like scales. The winter buds are compressed, scurfy, bright yel- low, quite different from those of its relatives. The leaves are alternate, compound, from 6 to 10 inches long, and composed of from 7 to 11 leaflets. The individual leaflets are smaller and more slender than those of the other hickories. The flowers are of two kinds on the same tree. The fruit is about 1 inch long and thin-husked, while the nut is usually thin-shelled and brittle, and the kernel very bitter. The wood is hard, strong and hea\7, reddish brown in color. From this last fact it gets its local name of red hickory. It is said to be somewhat in- ferior to the other hickories, but is used for the same purposes. ■f^-^ -Q>-^^^'^' T "TRESES ^>-^^ -#^-05^-^ -e> -e^<^- WHITEHEART OR WHITE HICKORY (Mockernut Hickory) (Hicoria alba Britton) {Carya alba K. Koch) THE white hickory, whiteheart, mockernut, or big-bud hickory is common on well-drained soils throughout the State. It is a tall, short-limbed tree averaging 60 feet high and 1 to 2 feet in diameter. The bark is dark gray, hard, closely and deeply furrowed, often apparently cross-furrowed or netted. The winter buds are large, round or broadly egg- shaped, and covered with downy, hard WIIITEHEAKT OK WHITE HICKORY Leaf, one-fifth natural size. scales. The recent shoots are short, stout and more or less covered with a downy growth. The leaves are large, strong-scented and hairy, composed of 7 to 9 obovate to oblong, pointed leaf- lets which turn a beautiful yellow in the fall. The flowers, like those of all other hickories, are of two kinds on the same tree ; the male in three- branched catkins, the female in clusters of 2 to 5. The fruit is oval, nearly round or slightly pear- shaped with a very thick, strong-scented husk which splits nearly to the base when ripe. The nut is of various forms, but is sometimes 4 to 6 ridged, light brown, and has a very thick shell and small, sweet kernel. The wood is heavy, hard, tough and strong; it is white excepting the comparatively small, dark- brown heart, hence the name white hickory. It is used for vehicle parts, handles and picker-sticks. It furnishes the best of fuel. This and the other hickories are very desirable both for forest and shade trees. 23 2>.#^ ^•m^<^ PIGNUT HICKORY {Hicoria glabra Britton) (Carya glabra Sweet) THE pignut hickory is a medium to large upland tree, occurring plentifully on poor soil in the middle section and less frequently in the other parts of the State. It has a tapering trunk and a narrow oval head. The bark is close, ridged and grayish, but oc- casionally rough and flaky. The twigs are thin, smooth and glossy brown. The polished brown win- ter buds are egg- shaped, the outer reddish brown scales falling in the autumn. 11 PIGNUT HICKORY Twig, one-half one-third natural size. natural size. The leaves are smooth, 8 to 12 inches long and composed of 5 t® 7 leaflets. The individual leaflets are rather small and narrow. The fruit is pear-shaped or rounded, usually with a neck at the base, very thin husks splitting only half way to the base or not at all. The nut is smooth, light brown in color, rather thick-shelled, and has an edible kernel. The wood is heavy, hard, strong, tough and flexi- ble. Its uses are the same as those of the other hickories. The small-fruited hickory {Gary a microcarpa Nutt.), by some considered a variety of the pignut hickory, differs from it in having a round fruit and a bark which frequently separates into narrow plates. The pale-leaved hickory {Gary a pallida Ashe) is found scatteringly in the upland woods. It has pale, delicate foliage. The leaves are woolly or hairy underneath, and when young are covered with (silvery scales. The husks are thicker than those of the pignut. m-^<^-- BLACK WILLOW (Salix nigra Marsh.) THE black willow is common along streams throughout the State except in the high moun- tains. It rarely comes to be over 50 feet in height and is frequently found growing singly or in chimps ah)ug tlie water courses. In winter the easily sepa- rable, bright reddish-brown or golden, naked twigs are quite conspicuous. The leaves are from 3 to 6 inches long and less than one- half an inch wide; the tips are very much tapered and the en- tire margins finely toothed. The leaves are bright green on both sides, turning pale yellow in the early autumn. The flowers are in catkins, the male and female on sepa- rate trees. The fruit is a pod bearing numerous minute seeds which are furnished with long silky down, enabling them to be blown long distances. The bark is deeply di- vided into broad, flat ridges which separate into thick plate-like scales. On old trees it becomes very shaggy. In color it varies from light brown tinged with orange to dark brown or nearly bhick. The wood is soft, light and not strong. A high grade of charcoal, used in the manufacture of gun- powder, is obtained from willow wood, and it is the chief wood used in the manufacture of artificial limbs. There are many species, or kinds, of willows not easily distinguished. They are of high value in checking soil erosion and Avaste along stream banks, for which purpose they should be more extensively grown. BLACK WILLOW Two-thirds natural size. s> -^^-c^^s-s -& -mx^' -€> SWAMP COTTONWOOD {Populus lieterophylla L.) THIS is a tree of low, wet swamps and the borders of rivers, in the Atlantic coastal and Mississippi A'alley regions. The seeds are carried far by winds and germinate on wet sandy soils. The tree attains a height of 70 to 90 feet and a diameter of I? feet. The branches are usually short, forming a narrow, round-topped head, and the buds are resinous. SWAMP COTTONWOOD. Twig, three-quarters natural size. Leaf, oue-half natural size. The leaves are broadly ovate, 3 to 6 inches wide and 4 to 7 inches long, gradually narrowed at the tip and slightly rounded toward the base, usually finely toothed along the edges, dark green above, pale and smooth below ; on rounded leaf -stems from 2 to 3 inches long. The flowers, which bloom in early spring, are in catkins, the female catkins few-flowered. The fruit, containing the tiny seeds supported by "cotton," is borne on female, or pistillate, trees, and the male, or staminate, flowers occur separately on other trees. The fruit ripens before the leaves are fully grown. The wood is light and soft and, as lumber, re- quires special attention in drying to prevent its warping badly. It makes excellent paper pulp for printing half-tone illustrations. The European white poplar {Populus alba L.) with light-gray bark and leaves, white woolly be- neath, is often found near old houses and along roadsides. The Lombardy poplar, a tall narrow form of the European black poplar {Populus nigra var. italica Du Koi) is often planted and is a strik- ing tree for the roadside. CAROLINA POPLAR (Cottonwood) {Populus deltoides Marsh.) THE Cottonwood, or Carolina poplar, is scattered v\adely but nowhere occurs in great abundance; it does not grow naturally in the mountains. The tree is easily propagated by cuttings and grows rapidly, hence it has been widely planted to get shade quickly. For this purpose, however, the tree is unsatisfactory, because it begins to shed the leaves CAROLINA POPLAR Leaf, one-half natural size. Twig, one-third natural size. by midsummer, the "cotton" from the female, or seed-bearing, tree is often a nuisance, the soft wood is easily broken by winds, and the rank growth of the roots often results in stopping drain pipes and cracking and lifting sidewalks. The leaves are simple, alternate, broadly ovate or triangular, pointed, square at the base, and coarsely toothed no the edges, 3 to 5 inches across each way, covered with soft white hairs on the under side, supported by flattened slender stems, 2 to ;> inches long. The winter buds are covered with chestnut-brown, resinous scales. The flowers are in catkins of two kinds, male and female, and appear before the leaves. The fruit containing the seed has a cluster of white silky hairs, which carries it for long distances. The wood is soft, light-weight, warps easily upon drying, but is used for many purposes, sometimes as a substitute for yellow poplar and linden. It makes the highest grade of gloss magazine paper for the printing of half-tone illustrations. 27 'f%.-^ •€>-§€%><:3^-S -«>-;J^.^^<^^<^ RIVER BIRCH (Red Birch) {Betula nigra L.) THIS is the only native birch found at low eleva- tions in the South. It is at home, as the name im- plies, along water courses, and inhabits the deep, rich soils along the borders of streams, ponds, lakes, and swamps which are sometimes inundated for weeks at a time. The bark provides a ready means of distinguish- ing this tree. It varies from reddish brown to cinna- RIVER BIRCH One-third natural size. mon-red in color, and peels back in tough papery layers. These layers persist on the trunk, present- ing a very ragged and quite distinctive appearance. Unlike the bark of our other birches, the thin papery layers are usually covered with a gray powder. On older trunks, the bark on the main trunk becomes thick, deeply furrowed, and of a reddish-brown color. The leaves are simjile, alternate, 2 to 3 inches long, more or less oval in shape, with double-toothed edges. The upper surface is dark green and the lower a pale yellowish green. The flowers are in catkins, the two kinds grow- ing on the same tree. The fruit is cone-shaped about 1 inch long, and densely crowded with little winged nutlets that ripen from May to June. The wood is strong and fairly close-grained. It has been to some extent used in the manufacture of woodenware, in turnery and for wagon hubs. Since, however, this tree is scattered in its distribu- tion and mostly confined to the banks of streams, it does not figure largely in commercial lumbering, but is cut chiefly for firewood. 28 -e>-#a-<^*' YELLOW BIRCH {Betula liitea Michx.) THE yellow birch is confined to our cool, high mountain slopes, generally at greater elevations than the black birch, from which it can usually be distinguished by its bark. It is a large tree, often with a short or crooked trunk, occasionally reaching a height of 100 feet and a diameter of 4 feet. The bark on the trunk and large branches is sil- very or yellow-gray, with thin papery layers sepa- YELLOW BIRCH One-half natural size. rating and often curling at the edges, giving the trunk a ragged appearance. The twigs are light brown, lustrous and slightly aromatic, but less so than those of the black birch. The leaves are simple, alternate, oval or approxi- mately oblong, doubly and finely toothed, 3 to 5 inches long, dark green and lusterless on the upper surface. The flowers are in catkins; the male, or stami- nate catkins, purplish and visible all the winter previous to opening; the female, or pistillate, cat- kins greenish, erect, shorter and thicker than those of the black birch, and developing in the spring. The wood is heavy, strong, hard, close-grained and light brown in color. It is used for flooring, woodenware, furniture, and other uses, but is con- sidered inferior to the black birch. It is prized as firewood. 29 BLACK BIRCH {Betula lenta L.) THE black birch, also known as sweet birch or cherry birch, occurs only in the highlands and mountain sections. It attains its best development in the mountain coves and on rich slojjes where it reaches an average height of 70 feet and a diameter of 2 to 3 feet. The tree is moderately slow growing, but is of value for its products and protection to the soil in the high mouatains, BLACK BIRCH Twig, one-half natural size. Leaf, one-third natural size. The bark of the trunk is dark brown, almost black, dull and broken into large irregular, but not papery, plates. The small branches and twigs, also dark in color but lustrous and very aromatic, are frequently cut and distilled for the production of birch oil, much used as wintergreen flavoring. The leaves are simple, alternate, oval or ap- proaching oblong, 3 to 4 inches long, finely toothed and dark green, dull on the upper surface. The flowers are of two kinds; the male catkins, usually 3 to 4 on a shoot, forming in the summer and blooming the following spring when the female cat- kins or "cones" open from the winter buds. The seeds ripen in late summer or autumn and fall with the loosened scales of the "cone." The wood is heavy, very strong, hard and compact. The dark-brown color of the wood has given rise to the common local name of mahogany, or mountain mahogany. It is used for furniture, often being sold as "mahogany," and for flooring and interior trimming ; locally it is prized as firewood. 30 IRONWOOD (Hop Hornbeam) {Ostrya virginiana K. Koch) THE tree gets its common names from the quali- ties of its wood and the hop-like fruit. It is a small, slender, generally round-topped tree, from 20 to 30 feet high and 7 to 10 inches in diameter. The top consists of long slender branches, commonly drooping toward the ends. It„ is found mostly on rather dry soils throughout the upland and moun- tain regions. IRONWOOD Twig, one-half natural size. Leaf, one-third natural size. The bark is mostly light brown or reddish brown, and finely divided into thin scales by which the tree, after a little acquaintance, can be easily rec- ognized. The leaves are simple, alternate, generally oblong with narrowed tips, sharply toothed along the mar- gin, sometimes doubly toothed, from 2 to 3 inches long. The flowers are of two kinds on the same tree; the male, in drooping catkins which form the pre- vious summer, the female, in erect catkins on the newly formed twigs. The fruit, which resembles that of the common hop vine, consists of a branch of leafy bracts 1 to 2 inches long containing a num- ber of flattened ribbed nutlets. The wood is strong, hard, durable, light brown to white, with thick pale sapwood. Often used for fence posts, handles of tools, mallets and other small articles. 31 ?^^ -Q>-ms><^^^' HORNBEAM {Carpinus caroUniana Walt.) THE horabeam, often known as ironwood and occasionally as water beech, is a small, slow- growing, bushy tree with a spreading top of slender, crooked, or drooping branches. It is found along streams and in low ground throughout the State. Its height is usually from 20 to 30 feet and its diameter 4 to 8 inches, although it sometimes grows larger. The trunk is fluted with irregular ridges extend- ing up and down the tree. The bark is light brownish gray to dark bluish gray in color, sometimes marked with dark bands extending horizontally on the trunk. The leaves are simple, alternate, oval, long- pointed, doubly toothed along the mar- gin, 2 or 3 inches in length. They resemble those of the black or sweet birch, but are smaller. Twig one-half natural size. Leaf, HORNBEAM one-third natural size. The flowers are borne in cat- kins separately on the same tree; the male catkin about 11/2 inches long, the female about three-fourths of an inch, with small, leaf -like, 3-lobed green scales. The fruit is a nutlet about one-third of an inch long. It falls, attached to the leaf -like scale which acts as a wing in aiding its distribution by the wind. The wood is tough, close-grained, heavy and strong. It is sometimes selected for use for levers, tool handles, wooden cogs, mallets, wedges, etc. The tree is of little commercial importance and often occupies space in the woods that should be utilized by more valuable kinds. 32 fe=^t>- BEECH {Fagus grandifoUa Ehrh.) THE beech occurs throughout the State. It makes its best growth, however, in the moist coves in the mountains. It is widely found scattered with oaks and hickories on rich, well-drained bottoms, and in the mountains sometimes occurs in unmixed, dense stands. It is one of the most beautiful of all trees, either in summer or winter. The simple, oval leaves are 3 to 4 inches long, pointed at the tip, and coarsely toothed along the margin. BEECH One-half natural size. When mature, they are almost leathery in texture. The beech produces a dense shade. The winter buds are long, slender and pointed. The bark is, perhaps, the most distinctive charac- teristic, as it maintains an unbroken, light gray sur- face throughout its life. So tempting is this smooth expanse to the OAvner of a jackknife that the beech lias been well designated the ''initial tree." The little, brown, three-sided beech nuts are almost as well known as chestnuts. They form usually in i)airs in a prickly burr. The kernel is sweet and edible, but so small as to offer insufficient reward for the pains of biting open the thin-shelled husk. The wood of the beech is very hard, strong, and tough, though it will not last long on exposure to Aveather or in the soil. The tree is of no great eco- nomic importance as a lumber tree, though the wood is used to some extent for furniture, flooring, car- penters' tools, and novelty w^ares. 33 B>-^#^<:5S>-^-e> s-e>-^^<^ CHESTNUT {Castanea dcntata Borkh.) OVER the Southern States the chestnut is native to the hilly and mountain sections. It is one of our most useful trees and as such, has been called the ''farmer's best friend." The long-pointed leaves with their coarse teeth, each bearing a slender spine, are quite distinctive. They are simple, alternate, average 5 to 10 inches in CHESTNUT Leaf, one-third natural size. Twlff, one-half natural size. / length, and are dark green in color. The flowers are of two kinds on the same tree, the long, slender, whitish catkins opening in midsummer. The fruit is a prickly burr, which opens at the first frost, or earlier, and drops 2 or 3 shiny, brown, sweet, edible nuts. The bark becomes broken into light-gray, broad, flat ridges, which often have a tendency toward a spiral course around the trunk. The wood is light, soft, not strong, coarse-grained, and very durable in contact Avith the soil — qualities v.hich make it particularly valuable for posts, poles, orossties, as well as for light building construction. The wood is rich in tannin, and in the southern Ap- palachians it is extensively cut and used for the ex- traction of this valuable commercial product. A bark disease, known as the chestnut blight, is proving fatal to the chestnut, and has already prac- tically exterminated the tree over much of north- eastern United States. It has already reached por- tions of \'irginia and North Carolina. 34 -e> -#g%^<55:S>-^ -e>-^:je%><^p,^ WHITE OAK {Qucrciis alba L.) WITHIN its natural range, which includes prac- tically the entire eastern half of the United States, the white oak is one of the most important timber trees. It commonly reaches a height of (50 to 100 feet and a diameter of 2 to 3 feet; sometimes it becomes much larger. It is found in a wide variety of soils. When grown in a dense stand it has a WHITE OAK Twis, one-half natural size. Leaf, one-quarter natural size. straight continuous trunk, free of side branches for over half its height. In the open, however, the tree develops a broad crown with far-reaching limbs. Well-grown specimens are strikingly beautiful. The leaves are alternate, simple, 5 to 9 inches long and about half as broad. They are deeply di- vided into 5 to 9 rounded, finger-like lobes. The young leaves are a soft silvery gray or yellow or red while unfolding, becoming later bright green above and much paler below. The fruit is an acorn maturing the first year. The nut is three-quarter to one inch long, light brown, about one-quarter en- closed in the Avarty cup. It is relished by hogs and other live stock. The bark is thin, light ashy graj and covered with loose scales or broad plates. The wood is useful and valuable. It is heavy, strong, hard, tough, close-grained, durable, and light brown in color. The uses are many, including con- struction, shipbuilding, tight cooperage, furniture, wagons, imi)lements, interior finish, flooring, and fuel. Notwithstanding its rather slow growth, white oak is valuable for forest, highway and ornamental planting. 35 POST OAK [Qucrctts stellata Wang., formerly Q. minor Sarg.) THE post oak is usually a medium-sized tree, with a rounded crown, commonly reaching a height of 50 to 80 feet and a diameter of 1 to 2 feet, but some- times considerably larger. It occurs throughout the State, ascending in the mountains to 2,500 feet, but is most abundant on the poorer soils of the middle districts. The bark is rougher and darker than the white oak and broken into smaller scales. The stout young twigs and the leaves are coated at first with a thick light- colored fuzz which soon becomes darker POST OAK ^^^ ^^^^^ drops away One-third natural size. entirely. The leaves are usually 4 to 5 inches long and nearly as broad, deeply 5-lobed with broad rounded divisions, the lobes broadest at the ends. They are thick and somewhat leathery, dark green and shiny on the upper surface, lighter green and rough hairy be- neath. The flowers, like those of the other oaks, are of two kinds on the same tree, the male in drooping, clustered catkins, the female inconspicuous. The fruit is an oval acorn, one-half to 1 inch long, set in a rather small cup which may or may not be stalked. The wood is very heavy, hard, close-grained, light to dark brown, durable in contact with the soil. It is used for crossties and fence posts, and along with other oaks of the white oak class for furniture and other purposes. j^'CX^^^ s -e> -^^-35:|>-^ -o f^ i!€%=>•«3^-^'-e>•^^- OVERCUP OAK {Qucrcus lyrata Walt.) THE overcup oak, sometimes known as swamp post oak, is a large tree with small, often pendu- lous branches rarely reaching a height of 100 feet and a diameter of 3 feet. It occurs in river bottoms and rich low grounds of the Coastal Plain and the Mississippi basin, but is nowhere very abundant. The leaves are 7 to 9 inches long, 1 to 4 inches broad, oblong, wider towards the point, narrowed at the base, dark green above, whit- ish beneath, with 7 to 9 distinct, deep, pointed lobes. They fre- quently turn to a bright scarlet or to scarlet and orange in the fall. The bark is rough, flaky, gray tinged with red. The flowers open in April with the unfolding of the leaves. The acorn, or fruit, ripens the first year. It is thor- oughly characteristic of the species. The large rounded or somewhat flattened acorn, one-half to 1 inch long, is nearly covered by the ovate or nearly spherical cup, which is thickened at the base but gradually grows thinner to the thin, often ir- regularly split, margin of the cup. The name of the tree comes from this characteristic. The wood is heavy, hard, strong and durable and is used for the same purposes as that of white oak. OVERCUP OAK Leaf, one-third natural size. Twig, two-thirds natural size. 37 -e> -#^-e5jp-^ -e> -^^-=35^- CHESTNUT OAK {Quercus montana Willd., formerly Q. prinus L.) CHESTNUT OAK, also known as mountain oak and rock oak, has acquired these names from its leaf, which resembles that of the chestnut, and from its fondness for rocky or mountain ridges. It is found widely distributed throughout the moun- tains on dry gravelly and rocky slopes, ridges and stream banks, and less commonly in the upland part of the State in similar dry, rocky situ- ations. It is noticeably a spreading tree of medi- um height; at 15 to 20 feet, the trunk frequent- ly divides into several large, angular limbs, making an open, irregu- lar-shaped head. The bark is dark reddish brown, thick, deeply di- vided into broad, rounded ridges, and is of high commercial value for the extraction of tannic acid. The leaves are simple, alternate, oblong, often rounded at the point, irregularly scalloped or wavy on the edge (not sharp-toothed as in chestnut), 5 to 9 inches long, and shiny yellowish green above, lighter and slightly fuzzy beneath. The fruit is an acorn about an inch long, oval, shiny brown, and enclosed up to half its length in a cup. It ripens in one season, and, like the acorn of the white oak, sprouts in the autumn soon after falling to the ground. The wood is generally similar to that of the other upland white oaks, heavy, hard, strong, and durable in contact with the soil. It is extensively cut into crossties and heavy timbers for bridge, railroad, and other rough construction, and used for fence posts and fuel. 38 CHESTNUT OAK One-third natural size. e> -#^.^ .<3> -^6^<-?:i3>-^ -e>"-^^<- ^o>-^gfe^-03^- LIVE OAK {Quercus virginiana Mill.) THE live oak extends from southeastern Vir- ginia through the lower Coastal Plain of North Carolina and southward. It is a tree of striking character from its wide-spreading habit, sometimes reaching more than 100 feet in spread ; with a short, stout trunk, 3 to 4 feet in diameter, dividing in several large limbs with nearly horizontal branches, forming a low, dense, round-topped head. Its height is commonly from 40 to 50 feet. The bark on the trunk and large branches is dark brown tinged with red, and slightly furrowed. It grows to largest size on the rich hammocks and low ridges near the coast and only a few feet above the water level. It is one of the most desirable trees for roadside and ornamental planting in the Coastal Plain. It is of moderately slow growth but long-lived and handsome. The leaves are simple, evergreen, thick, leathery, oblong, smooth above, pale and silvery white be- neath ; from 2 to 4 inches in length and 1 to 2 inches in breadth. The fruit is an acorn about an inch long and one- third inch wide, borne on a long stem or peduncle; it is oblong, dark brown and lustrous, and set in a top-shaped, downy cup of a light reddish-brown color. The wood is very heavy, hard, strong and tough, light brown or yellow, with nearly white, thin sap- wood. It was formerly largely used, and still is occasionally, for ships' knees in building wooden ships. 40 LIVE OAK Two-thirds natural siae. > -^£6p-^ -^ -i^^i^' • -f^ •^^^-^ ^>-^t%- SOUTHERN RED OAK {Que.'cus rubra Linn., formerly Q. digitata Sudw.) THE southern red oak, commonly known as red oak and referred to in books as Spanish oak, usually grows to a height of 70 to 80 feet and a di- ameter of 2 to 3 feet, though larger trees are not infrequently found. It is one of the most common southern upland oaks. Its large spreading branches form a broad, round, open top. The bark is rough, though not deeply fur- rowed, and varies from light gray on younger trees to dark gray or almost black on older ones. The leaves are of two dif- ferent types : (1) irregular- shaped lobes, mostly narrow, bristle - tipped, the central lobe often the longest; or (2) pear-shaped with 3 rounded lobes at the outer end. They are dark lustrous green above and gray downy beneath, the contrast being strikingly seen in a wind or rain storm. The flowers appear in April while the leaves are unfolding. The fruit ripens the second year. The small rounded acorn, about half an inch long, is set in a thin saucer -shaped cup which tapers to a short stem. The wood is heavy, hard, strong, coarse-grained, and is less subject to defects than most other red oaks. It is used for rough lumber and for furni- ture, chairs, tables, etc. It is a desirable timber tree, especially on the poorer, drier soils. The bark is rich in tannin. The freedom of this tree from disease, its thrifty growth, large handsome form and long life make it very desirable for shade or ornamental use. SOUTHERN BED OAK Leaf, one-third natural size. Twig, one-half natural size. 42 :-ei-^$p ^> -^--<;^- BLACK OAK {Quercus velutina Lam.) THE black oak, sometimes farther north called yellow oak or yellow-barked oak, usually grows to be about 80 feet in height and 1 to 3 feet in diame- ter. It is found commonly throughout the State on dry plains and ridges, but seldom on rich ground. The crown is irregularly shaped and wide, with a clear trunk for 20 feet or more on large trees. The bark on the very young trunks is s m o o t 'h and dark brown but soon be- comes thick and black, with deep furrows and rough broken ridges. Thebright- yellow color and bitter taste of the inner bark; due to tannic acid, are distinguishing characteristics. The leaves are alternate, simple, 5 to 10 inches long and 8 to 8 inches wide, shalloAV or deeply lobed, the shape varying greatly. When mature, the leaves are dark green and shiny on the upper surface, pale on the lower, more or less covered with down, and with conspicuous rusty brown hairs in the forks of the veins. The fruit matures the second season. The light- brown nut is from one-half to 1 inch long, more or less hemispherical in shape, and from one-half to three-quarters enclosed in the thin, dark-brown, scaly cup. The kernel is yellow and extremely bitter. The wood is hard, heav^, strong, coarse-grained and checks easily. It is a bright red-brown with a thin outer edge of paler sapwood. It is used for the same purposes as red oak, under which name it is put on the market. Its growth is rather slow. Twig one-half natural size. BLACK OAK Leaf, one-third natural size. 43 SCARLET OAK {Qurcus coccinea Muencli.) SCARLET OAK, also known as pin, Spanish or spotted oak, occurs usually on dry, rocky, or sandy soils, throughout the uplands of the lower mountains, but is nowhere very abundant or of first importance. It usually reaches a height of GO or 80 feet, with a trunk diameter of 2 or 3 feet, and is sometimes larger. The branches droop at the ends and form a narrow, open crown and the trunk tapers rapidly. The bark on young stems i s smooth and light brown. On old trunks it is di- vided into ridges not so rough as those of the black oak and not so flat- topped a s SCARLET OAK Twig one-half thoseof Leaf, one-third natural size. natural size. ,i nnrfh ern red oak. The bark is often mottled or spotted with gray. The inner bark is reddish. The leaves are simple, alternate, somewhat oblong or oval, 3 to 6 inches long, 2i/2 to 4 inches wide, usually 7-lobed, the lobes bristle-pointed and sepa- rated by rounded openings extending at least tAvo- thirds of the distance to the midrib, giving the leaves a very deeply "cut" appearance. The leaves turn a brilliant scarlet in the autumn before falling. The flowers are of two kinds on the same tree and ap- pear when the leaves are two-thirds or one-half grown. The fruit takes 2 years to mature. The acorn is one-half to 1 inch long, reddish brown, often striped, and about half -enclosed in the cup. The wood is heavy, hard, strong and coarse- grained . The lumber is sold as red oak and has the same uses. It is usually somewhat inferior in qual- ity and sometimes known as pin oak. Scarlet oak is used considerably in ornamental planting. 44 '^-^^ -f^^X?;^^ ^> -^^<5:|>- BLACK JACK OAK {Qucrcus marilandica Muench.) THE occurrence of blackjack oak is said to indi- cate poor soil. It is certain that it often occurs on dry or poorly drained gravel, clay, or sandy up- land soils where few other forest trees thrive. This perhaps accounts chiefly for its slow rate of growth. It is found in all parts of the State except the high mountain regions. The tree sometimes reaches a BLACK JACK OAK Twig, two-thirds natural size. Leaf, one-third natural size. height of 50 or 60 feet and a diameter of IG inches, but it is usually much smaller. Its hard, stiff, drooping branches form a dense crown which usually contains many persistent dead twigs. The bark is rough, very dark, often nearly black, and broken into small, hard scales or flakes. The leaves are of leathery texture, dark green on the upper surface, lighter underneath, broadly wedge-shaped, 4: to 10 inches long and about the same in width. The fruit is an acorn about three- quarters of an inch long, yellow-brown and often striped, inclosed for half its length or more in a thick light-brown cup. The wood is heavy, hard and strong ; when used at all, it is used mostly as firewood. 45 WATER OAK {Qiicrcus nigra L.) THE water oak is found native along the borders of swamiDS and streams and on rich bottomlands, over the Coastal Plain and somewhat farther inland. It has been considerably planted in the Southern States along streets and in parks as a shade tree. When fully grown this tree reaches a height of about 80 feet and a diameter of from 1 to over 3 feet. The trunk is shapely. The bark is smooth, light brown winged with red, and has many smooth thin scales over the surface. The water oak can be most readily dis- tinguished from the willow oak — a close associate, but longer-lived — WATER OAK Leaf, one-third natural size. Twig, one-half natural size. by the differences in the general shape and size of the leaves. The leaves are simple, quite variable in shape, mostly oblong, broader near the point, and narrower at the base, giving a wedge-shaped effect. They are usually slightly 3-lobed at the outer end, thin, and of a dull bluish-green color, paler below than above ; mostly smooth, and usually 2 to 3 inches long and 1 to 2 inches wide ; they remain green for some time and gradually fall from the tree during the winter. The flowers appear in April when the leaves are beginning to unfold. The fruit, or acorn, matures at the end of the second season. The acorn is from one-half to two-thirds of an inch in length and nearly as broad, light brown or yellowish brown and often striped, enclosed at the base only in a thin saucer-shaped cup. The wood is heavy, hard, and strong, light brown in color, with lighter-colored sapwood. It is not used to a great extent as lumber, but the trees are cut and utilized for piling, crossties and fuel. 46 i^<;^- WILLOW OAK {Qucrcus yhellos L.) THE willow oak, often called water oak, occurs generally over the State, except on the higher slopes and mountains. It is most often found in lowlands and along the borders of rivers and swamps, but often also on rich sandy uplands. It is a beautiful and long-lived tree, and desirable for roadside, lawns and parks, for which it has been widely planted. The slender willow-like leaves, on a tree whose habit of growth is manifestly that of an oak, make the tree easy to identify in the forest. The leaves are 2 to 4 inches long and one- half to 1 inch wide, with smooth or slightly Avavy margin, bristle- pointed, smooth, light green y y « •*'■ and shiny above, but dull and usually smooth below; alter- nate in arrangement on the twig and borne on a short stout stem. The bark is generally smooth and of a reddish brown color ; with age, the bark becomes slightly roughened and divided by narrow ridges. The small acorns, closely set along the stem, ma- ture at the end of the second year. The nut is a light-brown hemisphere, about one-half an inch in diameter, its base scarcely enclosed in the shallow, reddish-brown cup. The nuts are eaten as food by bluejays, grackles ("black birds"), and several other species of birds, as well as by rodents. The wood is not separated commercially from other species in the red oak group. It is heavy, strong, rather coarse-grained, light brown tinged with red, and not durable when exposed to the weather. It is used locally for crossties, bridge planks, barn sills, and general construction. WILLOW OAK Twig, one-half natural size. Leaf, one-third natural size. 47 B>i^'C5^'^ -e>-^^-s ^>-#^<5 Fa R (EST TR^&S^ V^INGED ELM [Ulmus alata Michx.) THE winged elm gets its common name from the thin corky growth, or "wings," usually found on the smaller branches. It occurs scattered generally over the State except in the mountains, usually on dry, gravelly uplands, but often in moist soils and in waste places. It grows rapidly in moist situa- tions, and at the same time is one of the best trees for planting along road- sides in dry poor loca- tions. It is compara- tively free from disease, though not notably long-lived. This elm is a medium-sized tree of 40 to 50 feet in height and rarel}^ as large as 2 feet in diameter. It forms a rather open, round-topped head. The bark is light brown, tinged with red, and divided into irregular flat ridges and fissures. The leaves are simple, alternate, 2 to 4 inches long and 1 to 2 inches broad, coarsely double-toothed, thick, dark green and smooth above, and pale and softly downy below. They are smaller than those of any other elm native in the State, The flowers appear in early spring, long before the leaves unfold. The fruit ripens in the spring about the time the leaves appear; it is winged, tipped with 2 small in- curved awns, or beaks, oblong, reddish brown, about one-third of an inch long, with a long slender stalk at the base, and covered with white hairs. The wood is very similar to that of the other elms — heavy, hard, strong and difficult to split. It is occasionally used for hubs and mauls. Formerly, rope made of the inner bark was used for binding the covers to cotton bales. WINGED ELM Two-thirds natural size. -e> •$^<^^- HACKBERRY (CeZfis occidentalis L.) THE hackberry is found sparsely throughout the State, except in the high mountains. It occurs most abundantly and of greatest size in the rich alluvial lands in the lower part of the State, but thrives, however, on various types of soil, from the poorest to the richest. It is usually a small or medium-sized tree from 30 to 50 feet high and 10 HACKBERRY Leaf, one-third natural size. Twig, one-half natural size. to 20 inches in diameter. Its limbs are often crooked and angular and bear a head made of slender, pendant branches or short, bristly, stubby twigs. In the open the crown is generally very symmetrical. It makes an excellent shade tree. The bark is grayish and generally rough with scale-like or warty projections of dead bark. In some instances the bark is smooth enough on the limbs to resemble that of the beech. The leaves are simple, ovate, alternate, one-sided, 2 to 4 inches long, the edges toothed towards the long point. The flowers are inconspicuous, and the two kinds are borne on the same tree. They appear in April or May, and are of a creamy greenish color. The fruit is a round, somewhat oblong drupe, or berry, from one-quarter to one-third of an inch in diameter. It has a thin, purplish skin, and sweet, yellowish flesh. From this characteristic it is sometimes called sugarberry. The berries frequently hang on the tree most of the winter. The wood is heavy, rather soft, weak, and decays readily when exposed. It is used chiefly for fuel, but occasionally for lumber. 50 RED MULBERRY (l/orws rw6ra L.) THE red mulberry occurs throughout the State. It prefers the rich soils of the lower and middle districts, but is nowhere abundant. It is commonly- called mulberry as there are no other native species. The white mulberry and paper mulberry, which are sometimes found in waste places, are introduced species which have to some extent become natural- KED MULBERRY Twig, two-thirds natural size. Leaf, one-third natural size. ized. The red mulberry is a small tree, rarely 50 feet high and 2 feet in diameter, often growing in the shade of larger trees. The bark is rather thin, dark grayish brown, peel- ing otf in long narrow flakes. The leaves are alternate, thin, rounded or some- what heart-shaped, toothed, pointed, 3 to 5 inches long, rough hairy above and soft hairy beneath. Often some of the leaves, especially on young trees and thrifty shoots, are mitten-shaped or variously lobed. The flowers are of two kinds, on the same or dif- ferent trees, in long drooping catkins, the female catkins shorter, appearing with the leaves. The fruit is dark red or black, and resembles a black- berry ; however, a stalk extends through it centrally, and it is longer and narrower. The fruit is sweet and edible and greatly relished by birds and various animals. The wood is rather light, soft, not strong, light orange-yellow, very durable in contact with the soil. It is chiefly used for fence posts. The tree might be planted for this purpose and to furnish food for birds. 51 CUCUMBER TREE {Magnolia acuminata L.) THE cucumber tree attains an average height of 00 to 80 feet and a diameter of 2 to 4 feet. It occurs singly among other hardwood trees through- out the richer, cooler slopes and coves of our moun- tains, and extends somewhat into the nearby regions. This is the only one of our magnolias which has rough bark and a small leaf. The bark is aromatic and bitter; that of the young twigs is a lustrou s red-brown, while the bark of the trunk i s rather thin, dark brown, furrowed and broken into thin scales. CUCUMBER TREE Leaf, one-third natural size. Twig, two-thirds natural size. The leaves are alternate, oblong, short-pointed, rounded at the base, silky hairy when unfolding, later smooth or slightly silky, 6 to 10 inches long, 4 to 6 inches wide, often with wavy edges, dark green above, lighter beneath. The flowers are single, large — though smaller than those of the other magnolias — 2i/2 to 3 inches long. The G upright petals are whitish green, tinged with yellow. The fruit is a smooth, dark-red, often crooked "cone," 'Zy^ to 3 inches long, somewhat resembling a small cucumber. The seeds are one- half inch long, and covered with a pulpy scarlet coat, which attracts the birds, particularly as the seeds hang by thin cords from the opening "cones." The wood is light, soft, close-grained, durable, of a light yellow-brown color. It is cut and used extensively along with yellow poplar for cabinet and carriage making, and other similar uses. Be- sides being a valuable timber tree, it is quite de- sirable for roadside and ornamental planting. 52 SWEET BAY, OR WHITE BAY {Magnolia virginiana L.) SWEET BAY, or white bay, is a small slender tree with gray branches attaining heights of 15 to 30 feet, depending upon the soil conditions. It is found on low, moist or wet lands, and along the margins of water in the Coastal Plain and less abundantly in the eastern portion of the Piedmont region. It is associated with white cedar in the "juniper bays." It sprouts up freely after fires and sometimes forms thickets. It is often cultivated as a gar- den plant in this country and in Europe. The leaves are simple, ob- long, pale green above and white beneath, most of them dropping off during the win- ter, especially in the Pied- mont. The winter buds are thickly "la \\M// fiwMill ^--mPTT^xioyered with fine hairs. The fra- grant f 1 owers, with 9 to 12 pure white petals ou slender smooth stems, meas- ure from 2 to 3 inches across. They continue to open during several weeks in the spring and early summer. The fruit cluster, or "cone," is oval in shape, dark red, smooth, about 2 inches long by one-half an inch broad, and contains scarlet seeds which are variably oval and much flattened, about one-quarter of an inch long. The wood is soft, light brown tinged with red, with cream-white sapwood. The tree is usually too small for the wood to be of much commercial importance, although it is sometimes used along with gum for woodenware and for making paper pulp. ^ SWEET BAY, OK WHITE BAY Leaf, one-third natural size. Twig, two-thirds natural size. 53 MOUNTAIN MAGNOLIA {Magnolia frascri Walt.) THE mountain magnolia, sometimes locally known as walioo, is a small tree, 30 to 40 feet high, with a straight, leaning, or divided trunk, 9 to IS inches in diameter and has wide-spreading, rather brittle branches. It is found in the rich coves and on the cool slopes of the southern Appa- lachian Mountains at elevations from 2,000 to 4,000 feet. The bark is usually smooth and grayish brown. The terminal win- ter buds are smooth, jnirple, lYo to 2 inches long. The leaves are distinctive, being oblong with the lower end narrowed and "auricled" (i. e., having lobes like ears) at the base. They are smooth, 10 to 12 inches long, crowded at the ends of the twigs, and drop off in the autumn. The flowersare white, fragrant, 8 to 10 inches wide, and ''perfect" (i. c, having stamens and pistils in the same flower.) The fruit at maturity is red and shai)ed like a cucumber, 4 to 5 inches long, bearing many scar- let seeds, each in a carpel, or cell, on which is a long stiff point. The wood is light, soft, weak and easily worked. It is only occasionally used for lumber or pulp- wood, in places where practically all species are being cut. The tree is occasionally planted for ornamental purposes, but it is said to be less hardy than the other magnolias. MOUNTAIN MAGNOLIA Leaf, one-third natural size. Twig, two-thirds natural size. 54 -^ -^£&=.<,'^S>< -€>-;?^- YELLOW POPLAR, OR TULIP TREE {Liriodendron tulipifera L.) YELLOW POPLAR, or tulip tree, received its names from the yellow color of its heartwood aud its attractive tuiip-like flowers. It is one of the largest and most valuable hardwood trees of the United States. It occurs commonly throughout the State, but reaches its largest size in the deep moist soils along streams and in the lower moun- Leaf, one-third natural size. YELLOW POPLAR Twig, two-thirds natural size. tain coves. As more commonly seen, it has a height of 60 to 100 feet and a diameter of 3 to 4 feet. Origi- nal-growth trees, however, attain heights of 150 to 190 feet and diameters up to 10 feet. Growing with a straight central trunk like the pines, and often clear of limbs for 30 to 50 feet, it has a narrow pyramidal head which in older age becomes more spreading. The tree has been extensively cut, but is reproducing rapidly and remains one of the most abundant and valuable trees in our young second- growth forests. It has been planted as an orna- mental and shade tree. The leaves are simple, 4 to 6 inches in length and breadth, 4-l()bed, dark green in summer, turning to a clear yellow in the fall. The greenish-yellow tulip-shaped flowers appear in April. The fruit is a narrow light-brown, upright cone, 2 to 3 inches long, made up of seeds, each en closed in a hard bony coat and provided with a wing which makes it easily carried by the wind. The wood is light, soft, easily worked, light yel- low or brown, with wide cream-colored sapwood. It is extensively cut into lumber for interior and exterior trim, vehicle bodies, veneers, turnery and other high-grade uses. SASSAFRAS (Sassafras officinale N. and E.) THE sassafras is a small, aromatic tree, usually not over 40 feet in height or a foot in diameter. It is common throughout the State on dry soils, except in the higher mountains, and is one of the tirst broad-leaf trees to come up on abandoned lields, where the seeds are dropped by birds. It is closely related to the camphor tree of Japan. The bark of SASSAFRAS Twig, one-half natural size. Leaf, one-third natural size. the trunk is thick, red-brown and deeply furrowed and that of the twigs is bright green. The leaves are very characteristic. It is one of the few trees having leaves of widely different shape on the same tree, or even on the same twig. Some are oval and entire, 4 to 6 inches long; others have one lobe, resembling the thumb on a mitten; while still others are divided at the outer end into 3 distinct lobes. The young leaves and twigs are quite mu- cilaginous. The flowers are clustered, greenish yellow, and open with the first unfolding of the leaves. The male and female flowers are usually on different trees. The fruit is an oblong, dark blue or black, lustrous berry, containing one seed and surrounded at the base by what appears to be a small orange-red or scarlet cup at the end of a scarlet stalk. The wood is light, soft, weak, brittle, and durable in the soil ; the heartwood is dull orange-brown. It is used for posts, rails, boat-building, cooperage and for ox -yokes. The bark of the roots yields the very aromatic oil of sassafras much used for flavoring candies and various commercial products. 56 ^^ -^^^<^4^- ^> -^^^ ^> -^^<^^ SWEET GUM (Red Gum) (Liquidambar styraciflua L.) THE sweet gum is a large valuable forest tree. It occurs on rich river bottoms and in swamps sub- ject to frequent overflow, as well as on drier uplands throughout the lower and middle parts of the State. It is usually abundant in second growth on old fields and in cut-over woods. The bark is a light gray, roughened by corky scales, later becoming deeply furrowed. After the second year the twigs often develop 2 to 4 corky pro- jections of the bark, which give them a winged a p - pearance. The simple, al t er n ate star - shaped leaf, with its 5 to 7 points or lobes, is 5 to 7 inches across and very a r o- matic. In the fall its coloring i s brilliant, ranging from red to a deep SWEET GUM Leaf, one-third natural size. Twig, two-thirds natural size. pale yellow through orange and bronze. The flowers are of two kinds on the same tree, unfolding with the leaves. The fruit at first glance reminds one of the balls of the sycamore, but on closer inspection proves to be a head. It meas- ures an inch or more in diameter and is made up of many capsules with projecting spines. It fre- quently hangs on the tree by its long swinging stem late into the winter. The wood is heavy, moderately hard, close- grained, and not durable on exposure. The reddish brown heartwood, which suggests the name red gum, is not present to any appreciable extent in logs under 16 inches in diameter. The wood is exten- sively used for flooring, interior finish, paper pulp and veneers for baskets of all kinds. Veneers of the heartwood are largely used in furniture, some- times as imitation mahogany or Circassian walnut. This tree should be more widely planted for orna- mental use. 57 '^-^^< SERVICE-BERRY, OR SERVICE-TREE (Amelanchier canadensis Medic.) THE service-tree, also known as service-berry and locally as "sarvis," is found throughout the State but attains its best development on the mountain slopes. It is a small tree, 20 to 50 feet high and G to 18 inches in diameter, with a rather narrow, rounded top, but is often little more than a shrub. The bark is thin, ashy gray, smooth on the branches and upper part of the stem, and breaking into shal- low fissures on the ghort trunk. The leaves are alter- nate, slender - stalked, ovate, pointed, finely toothed, 2 to 4 inches long, purplish brown until nearly mature, then becoming a light green, and early cov- ered with scattered silky hairs. The white flowers ap- pear in erect or droop- ing clusters in early spring, before or with the leaves, making the tree quite conspicuous in the leafless or budding forest. The fruit is sweet, edible, rounded, dark purple when ripe, one-third to one-half an inch in diame- ter, ripening early in June. Birds and other deni- zens of the forest are very fond of the fruit, and men have been known to cut down and destroy the trees to gather one good crop of fruit. The wood is heavy, exceedingly hard, strong, close-grained and dark brown. It is occasionally used for handles. This is a desirable ornamental tree and should be planted for this purpose and to encourage the birds. SERVICE-BERRY, OR SERVICE-TREE One-half natural size. > .#^-^ '-^-mf-^^' ^>-^-^<^ BLACK CHERRY (WUd Cherry) {Prunus serotina Erh.) A medium-sized tree, up to about 70 feet high and 1 to 3 feet iu diameter, black cherry as a tree is at its best in the high mountains. The forest- grown trees have long clear trunks with little taper ; open grown trees have short trunks with many branches and irregular spreading crowns. The bark on branches and young trunks is smooth and bright reddish brown, marked by conspicu- ous, narrow, white, horizontal BLACK CHERRY Twig, two-thirds natural Blze. Leaf, one-third natural size. oval to lance-like in shape, with edges broken by many fine incurved teeth, thick and shiny above, and paler beneath. The fruit is dull purplish black, about as large as a pea, and is borne in long hanging clusters. It ripens in late summer, and is edible, although it has a slightly bitter taste. The wood is reddish brown wdth yellowish sap- wood, moderately heavy, hard, strong, fine-grained, and does not warp or split in seasoning. It is valuable for its lustre and color and is used for furniture, interior finish, tool^, and implement han- dles. With the exception of black walnut, the cherry lumber has a greater unit value than any other hardwood of the eastern United States. 60 ^<4^3-^ .e> -ti^^i REDBUD (Cercis canadensis L.) THE redbud, sometimes called Judas-tree from its oriental relative of that name, is a small tree occurring under taller trees or on the borders of fields on hillsides and in valleys throughout the State, except in the mountains, though it is more abundant in the middle district. It ordinarily at- tains a height of 25 to 50 feet and a diameter of REDBUD Leaf, one-fifth natural size. Twig, two-thirds natural size. 6 to 12 inches. Its stout branches usually form a wide flat head. The bark is bright red-brown, the long narrow plates separating into thin scales. The leaves are alternate, heart-shaped, entire, 3 to 5 inches long and wide, glossy green turning in autumn to a bright clear yellow. The conspicuous, bright purplish red, pea-shaped flowers are in clusters along the twigs and small branches and appear before or with the leaves in early spring. With the redbud in its full glory, a drive through the country is likely to be one long remembered. The fruit is an oblong, flattened, many-seeded pod, 2 to 4 inches long, reddish during the summer, and often hanging on the tree most of the winter. The wood is heavy, hard, not strong, rich dark brown in color, and of little commercial importance. The redbud is cultivated as an ornamental tree and for that purpose might be planted more generally in this State. 61 >-^^-^ -e>-^s%>-^?#=>'55^^-^ -^-$^-c5:§^^ -e^ HONEY LOCUST {Gleditsia triacanthos L.) THE honey locust occurs scattered throughout the State except high in the mountains. It grows under a wide variety of soil and moisture condi- tions. It sometimes occurs in the forest, but more commonly in corners and waste places beside roads and fields. It reaches a diameter of 30 inches and a height of 75 feet. The bark on old trees is dark gray and is divided into thin tight scales. The strong thorns— straight, brown, b r an c hed, sharp and shiny which grow on the 1 - year - old wood and re- m ai n for many years — are suffi- cient to iden- tify the honey locust. HONEY LOCUST Twig, three-quarters natural size. Leaf, one-quarter natural size. The leaf is pinnate, o r feather - like, with 18 to 28 leaflets; or it is twice-pinnate, con- sisting of 4 to 7 pairs of pinnate or secondary leaf- lets, each 6 to 8 inches long and somewhat resem- bling the leaf of the black locust. The fruit is a pod, 10 to 18 inches long, often twisted, 1 to 11/2 inches wide, flat, dark brown or black when ripe and containing yellow sweetish pulp and seeds. The seeds are very hard and each is separated from the others by the pulp. The pods are eaten by many animals, and as the seeds are hard to digest, many are thus widely scattered from the parent tree. The wood is coarse-grained, hard, strong and moderately durable in contact with the ground. It is used for fence posts and crossties. It should not be confused with the very durable wood of the black locust. 62 5>-m=^ -#^-^ -e> SUGAR MAPLE {Acer saccharum Marsh.) THE sugar maple, often called sugar tree, is common only on the cool slopes of our higher mountains. It is generally a rather sloAv-growiug tree, but in the open it grows faster and has a very symmetrical, dense crown, affording heavy shade. It is therefore quite extensively planted as a shade tree. The bark on young trees is light gray to brown and rather smooth, but as the tree grows older i t breaks up into long, irregular plates o r scales, which vary from light gray to almost black. The twigs are smooth and red- dish brown, and the winter buds sharp-pointed. The tree attains a height of more than 100 feet and a diameter of 3 feet or more. The sap yields maple sugar and maple syrup. The leaves are 3 to 5 inches across, simple, oppo- site, with 3 to 5 pointed and sparsely toothed lobes, the divisions between the lobes being rounded. The leaves are dark green on the upper surface, lighter green beneath, turning in autumn to brilliant shades of dark red, scarlet, orange and clear yellow. The flowers are yellowish green, on long thread- like stalks, appearing with the leaves, the two kinds in separate clusters. The fruit, which ripens in the fall, consists of a two-winged "samara," or "key," the two wings nearly parallel, about 1 inch in length and containing a seed. It is easily carried by the wind. The wood is hard, heavy, strong, close-grained and light brown in color. It is known cuniiiuirciully as hard maple, and is used in the manufacture of flooring, furniture, shoe-lasts and a great variety of novelties. SUGAR MAPLB Leaf, one-third natural size. Twig, ouf-half natural size. 65 RED MAPLE {Acer ruhrum L.) THE red maple, or swamp maple, is widely dis- tributed throughout the State. It is usually a medium-sized tree, quick-growing and relatively short-lived. It is used as a shade tree, though much inferior for this purpose to the other maples, espe- cially the sugar maple. The bark is smooth and light gray on young stems, and dark gray and rough on the old limbs and trunk. RED MAPLE Leaf, one-third natural size. Twig, one-half natural size. The leaves are 2 to 5 inches long and have from 3 to 5 pointed, saw-toothed lobes, which are sepa- rated by sharp angular sinuses or openings. The upper surface when mature is light green and the lower surface whitish and partly covered with pale down. In autumn the leaves turn to brilliant shades of red, orange and yellow. The red flowers in dense clusters appear in early spring before the leaves, the buds turning a deep red sometime before they open. The winter buds are small, red and round or blunt-pointed. The fruit ripens in late spring or early summer. It consists of pairs of winged seeds, or keys, one-half to 1 inch in length, on long drooping stems, red, reddish brown or yellow in color. The wood, which is commercially known as soft maple, is heavy, close-grained, rather weak and of a light-brown color. It is used in the manufacture of furniture, and for turnery, woodenware, and also for fuel. YELLOW BUCKEYE (Aesculus octandra Marsh.) THE yellow buckeye, or sweet buckeye, generally known simply as buckeye, flourishes in the rich mountain coves of the southern Appalachians, where it attains a height of 90 feet and a diameter of -i feet. It extends eastward and westward from the mountains in rich bottoms and moist uplands, chiefly, however, as a shrub. YELLOW BUCKEYE Nut, one-third natural sizp. Twig, three-quarters natural size. Leaf, oue-Quarter natural size. The bark is gray -brown and somewhat smooth but breaks up into thin irregular scales. The leaves^ unlike those of any other of our tree species except the other member of the buckeye group, are divided into usually 5, but sometimes {y or 7 oblong, pointed, sharply toothed leaflets 4 1o () inches long, all set on the end of the leaf stems, which are about as long as the leaflet. The leaves usually fall very early in the autumn on account of the attacks of a disease which causes large brown spots. The flowers are yellowish (sometimes purplish), in large clusters opening when the leaves are about lialf grown. The fruit is smooth, roundish, rusty brown, enclosing one or two rounded, chestnut- brown, shiny seeds called buckeyes. The kernel is "sweet" enough to be eaten readily by hogs and cattle. The wood is cream-white, light and soft and de- cays rapidlj' when exposed to the weather. It is used for wooden ware, artificial limbs, and for paper pulp. 67 ^■^^='<^^' LINDEN, OR BASSWOOD {Tilia species) THE lindens, basswoods or lins, are a grouii of forest trees distinctive, yet as a group so simi- lar that they are being considered together. They grow chiefly in the mountains, where they are com- mon and valuable timber trees, attaining heights of 80 feet and diameters of i feet. The bark is light brown, deeply furrowed, and is often peeled for making rough camp buildings. The inner bark furnishes bast for making mats. The leaves are more or less heart- shaped, 3 to 6 inches long, thin, saw -toothed, smooth on both sides in some species, but woolly on the under sur- face of others. The flowers are yellowish white, in drooping clus- ters opening in early summer, and the flower-stem is united to the mid- dle of a long, nar- row, leaf-like bract. They are very fragrant and from them the bees make large amounts of choice- grade honey. The fruit is a berry-like, dry, 1 or 2 seeded and rounded pod, one-quarter to one-half an inch in diameter, covered with short, thick and brownish wool. It remains attached in clusters to the leafy bract, which later acts as a wing to bear it away on the wind. The wood is light, soft, tough, not durable, light brown in color. It is used in the manufacture of pulp, wooden ware, furniture, trunks, excelsior and manv other articles. LINDEN, OK BASSWOOD Leaf, one-third natural size. Twig, one-half natural size. 68 DOGWOOD (Cormis florida L.) THE dogweod, sometimes referred to in books as flowering dogwood, is found growing throughout the State, usually under the larger forest trees. It is a small tree, usually 15 to 30 feet high and (5 to 12 inches in diameter, occasionally larger, with a rather flat and spreading crown and short, often crooked trunk. The bark is reddish brown to black and broken up into small 4-sided scaly blocks. The leaves are op- posite, ovate, 3 to 5 inches long, 2 to 3 inches wide, pointed, entire or wavy on the margin, bright green above, pale green or grayish beneath. The flowers, which unfold from the con- spicuous, round, grayish, winter flow- er buds before the leaves come out, 2- are small, greenish yellow, arranged in dense heads s u r- rounded b y large white or rarely pink- ish petal-like bracts, which give the ap- pearance of large spreading flowers 2 to 1 inches across. The fruit is a bright scarlet "berry," one-half an inch long and containing a hard nutlet in which are 1 or 2 seeds. Usually several fruits, or "berries," are contained in one head. They are relished by birds, squirrels and other animals. The wood is hard, heavy, strong, very close- grained, brown to red in color. It is in great demand for cotton-mill machinery, turnery handles and forms. One other tree has quite similar wood — the persimmon. ' The dogwood, wittf its masses of early spring flow- ers, its dark-red autumn foliage and its bright-red berries, is probably our most ornamental native tree. It should be used much more extensively in roadside and ornamental planting. DOGWOOD Leaf, one-half natural size. Twig, two-thirds natural size. ^>-m=><^' SOURWOOD {Oxydcndrum arhorcum DC.) THE sourwood is found scattered throughout the State on both rich and poor soil, but is least abundant in the low alluvial parts of the State. It is a tree of small dimensions, 8 to 12 inches in diame- ter and 30 to 40 feet high, rarely larger. The bark is thin, light gray and divided into nar- row shallow ridges. On the strong, straight, first- year shoots it is often a bright red. SOURWOOD Leaf, one-lmlf naturni size. Twig, two-thirds natural size. The leaves are from 2 to 5 inches long, simple, alternate, decidedly acid to the taste, often rough with solitary stiff hairs. They are a lustrous green on the upper surface, generally turning a deep crim- son in the fall. The flowers are small, white or cream-colored, borne in panicles from 5 to 10 inches long on the ends of the twigs, and appear in late summer. They provide storehouses of nectar from which bees make excellent honey. The fruit is a conical, dry capsule, one-third to one-half an inch in length, containing numerous small seeds. These capsules hang in drooping clus- ters sometimes a foot in length, often late into the fall. The wood is heavy, hard, very close-grained, com- pact, brown in color, sometimes tinged with red. It is used to some extent for turnery, handles, and for some other uses. 70 (EST TTRSC^S BLACK GUM {Nyssa sylvatica Marsh.) THE black gum, often called sour gum, has been considered a weed in the forest. Weed-like, it finds footing in many types of soil and conditions of soil moisture throughout the State. In the lowlands it is occasionally found in year-round swamps with cypress, and in the hills and mountains on dry slopes with oaks and hickories. The leaves are simple, 2 to 3 inches long, entire, often broader near the apex, shiny, and dark green in color. In the fall the leaves turn a most bril- liant red. BLACK GUM One-half natural size. The bark on y ounger trees is furrowed b etwee n flat ridges, and grad- ually de- velops into quadrangular blocks that are dense, hard and nearly black. The greenish flowers on long slender stems ap- pear in early spring when the leaves are about one-third grown. They are usually of two kinds, the male in many-flowered heads and the female in two to several-flowered clusters on different trees. The fruit is a dark blue, fleshy berry, two-thirds of an inch long, containing a single hard-shelled seed, and is borne on long stems, 2 to 3 in a cluster. The wood is very tough, cross-grained, not dur- able in contact with the soil, hard to work, and warps easily. It is used for crate and basket veneers, box shooks, rollers, mallets, rough floors, mine trams, pulpwood, and fuel. In the old days, the hollow trunks were used for "bee gums." 71 TUPELO GUM (Cotton Gum) {Nyssa aqiiatica Marsh.) THE tupelo gum, or cotton gum, inhabits only the deep river swamps or coastal swamps which are usually inundated during a part of the year. The commonly enlarged base, large-sized fruit, or "plum," hanging on a long stem, together with the brittleness of the twigs, serves to distinguish it from the black gum. It forms a tall, often slowly tapering, somewhat crooked trunk, 50 to 75 feet in height r and 2 to 3 feet in diameter. The spreading, rather small ^ branches form a narrow, ob- '\ long or pyramidal head. ' The branches are generally smooth and light brown in color. The bark of the trunk is thin, dark brown, and fur- rowed up and down the trunk. The leaves are sim- ple, ovate or oblong in shape, acute and often long - pointed. When mature, they are thick, dark green and lustrous on the upper side, pale and somewhat downy on the lower side, 5 to 7 inches long and 2 to 4 inches at the top, wedge- shaped at the base, irregular and slightly notched or toothed on the margin. The leaf-stem is stout, 1 to 2 inches long, grooved and enlarged at the base. The flowers, which appear in March or April, are of two kinds, usually l)oi*ne on separate trees, the male in dense round clusters, and the female solitary on long slender stems. The fruit, ripening in early fall, is a so-called "plum," oblong or obovate in shape, about an inch long, dark purple, and has a thick, tough skin en- closing a flattened stone, borue on a slender stalk 3 to 4 inches hmg. The wood is light, soft, and not strong. It ia used for woodenware, brooiu handles, fruit and vegetable packages. As lumber it is marketed as tupelo or bay poplar. The root-wood is often ex- tremely light in weight and is sometimes used for floats for fish nets. 72 TUPELO GUM Leaf, one-third natural size. Twig, two-thirds natural size. ^<:^' PERSIMMON {Diospyros virginiana L.) THE persimmon, often called "simmon," is well known throughout its range. It is a small tree, rarely exceeding 50 feet in height and 18 inches in diameter, occurring throughout the State, except in the high mountains. It seems to prefer dry, open situations, and is most abundant in old fields, though it occurs on rich bottomlands. The bark of old trees is almost black and sepa- rated into thick nearly square blocks, much like the black gum. The leaves are alternate, oval, entire, 4 to 6 inches long, dark green and shining above, paler be- neath. The small flow- erS;, which appear in May, are yel- lowish or cream- white, somewhat bell-shaped, the two kinds occur- ring on separate trees ; the male in clusters of 2 or 3, the female solitary. They are visited by many insects. The fruit is a pulpy, round, orange-colored or brown berry, an inch or more in diameter and con- taining several flattened, hard, smooth seeds. It is strongly astringent while green, but often quite sweet and delicious when thoroughly ripe. It is much relished by children, and by dogs, 'possums and other animals. The wood is hard, dense, heavy, strong, the heart- wood brown or black, the wide sapwood white or yel- lowish. It is particularly valued for shuttles, golf- stick heads, and similar special uses, but is not ot sufficient commercial use to warrant its general en- couragement as a timber tree. PERSIMMON Leaf, one-half natural size. Twig, three-quarters natural size. 73 .^-^^^sft^.^ ^-m>tw^»v)^^,