Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/competifieldcropOOreadrich PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPAETMENT OF AGEICULTUEE (LIVE STOCK BRANCH) FIELD-CROP COMPETITIONS BULLETIN No. 61 1915 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROUWCE OF BRITISH COLUIBIA PRINTED BY AUiHORITY OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. VICTORIA, B.C. : Printed by William II. Clllin, Printer to the King's Most E.xcelleut Majesty. 1915. Ten weeks old — a little milk and alfalfa did it. Wilmer, B.C., August 25th, 1914. PROVINCE OF BEITISH COLUMBIA. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (LIVE STOCK BRANCU). HON. PRICE ELLISON, Minitter of Agriculture. WM. E. SCOTT, Deputy Minitter of Agriculture. w. T. Mcdonald, b.s.a., m.s.a.. Lire Stock Commiitioner. . H. RIVE, B.S.A., Chief Dairy Instructor. J. R. TERRY, Chief Poultry Instructor. J. C. READEY, B^.A., Chief 8oU and Crop Instructor. H. E. WALKER, B.S.A., Agriculturist. A. KNIGHT, V.S., Chief Veterinary Inspector. W. W. ALTON, V.S., Teterit%ary Inspector. WM. J. Secretary of S. H. HOPKINS, B.S.A.. Assistant Live Stock Commissioner. T. A. F. WIANCKO, Dairy Instructor. H. E. UPTON, Poultry Instructor. WM. NEWTON, B.S.A., SoU and Crop Instructor. R. L. RAMSAY. B.S.A., Assistant Agriculturist. S. A. K. WHITE, V.S., Veterinary Inspector. B. R. ILSLEY, V.S., Veterinary Inspector. BONAVIA, the Department. r Department of Agriculture, Victoria, B.C., January 4th, 1915. Hon. Price Ellison, Minister of Agriculture. Sir, — I have the honour, to submit lierewith for your approval Bulletin No. Gl, prepared by J. C. Keadey, Soil and Crop Instructor, being the announcement of the Kules and Regulations governing the Field-crop Competitions, the Boys and Girls' Potato Competitions, and Seed Fairs for 1915, and the awards in these competitions for the past year. I have the honour to be. Sir, Your obedient servant, WM. E. SCOTT, Deputy Minister of Agriculture. CONTENTS. Page. I. Field-crop Competitions . . . ." 7 II. Pbovincial Competitions — . 10 III. Seed Competitions 11 IV. Boys and Girls' Competitions 13 V. AWABDS FOB 1914 FlEIJ>-CBOP COMPETITIONS 15 VI. Awards in Boys and Girls' Competitions 24 BRITISH COLUMBIA FIELD-CROP AND SEED COMPETITIONS. I. FIELD-CROP COMPETITIONS. RULES. AND REGULATIONS. 1. All Fanners" Institutes desiring to organize these competitions must notify the Soil and Crop Instructor. Department of Agriculture. Victoria, B.C., on or heforc Mai/ 1-^t, stating the Ivind or kinds of crops for whidi competitions are to be provided. ^ 2. Competitions may be organized and conducted with any one, or any l^wo (but not more tlian two), of the ci'ops and areas mentioned in sections I. and II. 3. The fields or jilots entered for competition must he cicarli/ defined and marlced iriih fitukefi or oiherici'ic hu the eoiiipetitor in advanee of the visit of the JKdfie, which shall be made at the discretion of tlie Soil and (Jrop Instructor. Competitors will not he allowed to choose locations at the time of the judge's visit, and in cases where tlie field has not been marlied in advance the judges will be Instructed to include all the crop of the kind entered in the competition that is in the tield whei'e the plot is said to he located. Competitors nnist record location of plot with the Secretary at time entry is made. Forms will be sent to the Secretary for this purpose. Directions for the judge as to location of the plot on tlie farm must be left at the residence on the farm. In case of absence or non-residence, word must be left wi'th the Secretary. Judges will not search for the owner. 4. There must not be less tlian five bona-ftde entries for each Ivind of crop from any one institute, and no competitor may compete for prizes offered by more than one Farmers' Institute. (Only one entry in each competition will be allowed from one farm.) ~). There shall be at least !?45 offered in cash prizes for each kind of crop, as follows : First, .$20 ; second, .$l."j : third. .$10. Of this amount, the Farmers' Institute conducting the competition will be entitled to a grant of ^S~> when the competition is arranged for one kind of crop only, or to a grant of .$70 when competitions with two kinds of crops are organized, which grants will be paid to the institute by the Provincial Dei>artment of Agriculture. n. An entry fee of not less than 50 cents and not more than $1, the exact amount to be at the discretion of the institute, shall be paid by each competitor for each kind of crop into the funds of the institute, which money shall be applied to the amount to be contributed by the Institute to the prize-money for each crop in competition. A competitor may not enter more than one exhibit of any one kind of crop, but he may enter one exhibit of each kind when two crops are provided. All of the fields entered for competition must he within the area defined by the institute holding the competition. 7. All individual entries for each competition must be forwarded by the Secretary of the institute to the Soil and Ci'op Instructor, Victoria, B.C., not later than June 1st. Queliec No. 28 corn, grrown at Kelowna. I'hoio. July ITlh. lun. Tw.lvc va;j> U-*jia this field won first at the International Irri^tion Congretts at Calgarr. Ifll4. Aiiaiia Ht K'-iowua. Juiv ITlii. lt*14. PRIZE-LIST. Sec. I. Open to luenibers of Fanners' Institutes owning, renting, directing, or Avorking not more than 10 acirn of cultivated land. First prize. $20; second prize, ^l.j ; third prize, $10. flass. Croi). Area requirod. S 9 n ]2 33 14 15 IG Oats 1 Wlieat I , Barley h^^^^ Peas J I'otatoes Turnips Mangels Field-carrots Fodder-corn Kale Red clover Alfalfa, new seeding ,, second year ,. third year or over Mixed grain for feed .... Grain-hay acre or over. % Sec. IT. Open to all members of Farmers' Institutes owuing. directing, or work- ing tnore tlian 10 acres of cnltiratcil land. First prize, $20; second prize, $15; tliird prize, $10. Class. Crop. AriMi reouiroil. S 0 K) n 12 la 14 15 16 Oats 1 f 2 Wheat > seed ! -12 Barley J Beas Potatoes Turnips Mangels Field-carrots Fodder-corn Kale • lied clover Alfalfa, new seeding „ second year „ third year or over Mixed grain for feed .... Grain-hay 1-' 1 aeres or over. acre or over. % 1 1 1 1 2 acres or over. Bonus. — Any competitor for a prize under sections I. and II. wtio submits a satisfactory statement of tlie cost of producing the crop which he entered in the I'ield-crop Coiaipetitions will be paid a bonus of $5 by the Department of Agriculture. A blank book for the keeping of the records of time, seed, and other items will be furnished by the Department to each competitor who signifies Ins desire to receive one at the time entry is made for the competition. Wlien the crop is harvested and, in the c-ase of the grain, the thrashing is done, a copy of a complete statement of the cost of production and yield, from the daily records kept by the competitor, is to be forwarded to the Soil and Crop Instructor, Victoria. These reports must I'each the Department not later than November loth in the year in which the crop is grown. Blank forms for the returns will be furnislied by the Department. II. PROVINCIAL COMPETITIONS. "GOOD-SEED COMPETITIONS." Any nienilt(>r of a Fannors" Institute may compete without action by the uisti- tute to which he 1 elouj.'!*. 1 ut comi»etitors must be members of a " Good-seed Centre." aud eroijs must be grown under the rules of the Canadian Seed-growers' Association. i'lass. l>i'sei-ii)iion. Best field of oats for seed ; minimum area. 1 acre Best field of potatoes for seed ; mioimum area. % acre .• Best field of corn for seed ; minimum a rea. % acre Best field of red clover for seed ; minimum area. 1 acre Best field of alfalfa for seed ; minimum a rea. 1 acre Best field of mangels for seed ; minimum area. ^ acre Best field of turnips for seed ; minimum area. % acre Best aero of carrots for'seed; minimum area. '4 acre ?25 OJ 25 (>0 25 (K> 25 m 25 fK) 25 00 25 00 25 0:> Prizes. ■_'n(l. $15 m $10 0<» 15 m 10 00 15 m 10 m 15 01) 10 00 15 Hi) 10 on 15 (K> 10 0«t 15 (•/.) 10 CKI 15 A conjpetitor may enter one or two (but not more than two* classes in Good- seed Competitions. Notice of intention to compete must be given to the Soil and <'rop Instructor on or l»efoiv .Tune 1st. 191.5. The judging will be done at the discretion of the .' 10 00 10 m 10 m 10 (10 10 IMJ 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 $S 00 8 00 S 00 8 00 ■8 00 8 00 S 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 vS 00 S 00 8 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 r. oo 5 00 5 00 5 (X) 5 00 ') 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 o 00 5 00 I -VU exhibits must be grown by the exhibitor in 19ir>. lOvery winner of a first prize at the Seed Fair who wius with an exhibit from his plot entered in the Feld-crop Competition will be paid a l.onus of $5 by the I)ei)artment of Agriculture. LOCAL SEED FAIRS. 1. Pi'ovision has been made by the rrovincial Department of Agriculture, assisted by the nonunion Seed Branch, for the holding of eight (but not more than eight) Local Seed Fairs during the season of 1915-10. 2. Farmers' Institutes desiring to hold a Seed Fair must notify the Soil and Crop Instructor, Live Stock Branch. Department of Agriculture. Victoria, not later tha.u SeiJtember 1st, 1915. Farmers' Institutes making application must guarantee at least twelve entries, but the Department reserves the right to ajiprove or reject any application. Fairs may be held during the months of December. January, and February only. 3. Each Farmers' Institute holding a Seed Fair will be entitled to a grant .of .$75 from the Department of Agriculture. The Deiwirtment will also supply judges and lecturers, but all other expenses, including advertising, rental, and heating of hall, etc., must be borne by the institute holding the fair. 4. The two following classes must be included in each prize-list : — (a.) A first, second, and third prize of at least ^7, ?!5. and ?3. resi)e(tively. nuist be offered fpr exhibits from the plots entered in the Provincial Boys and Girls' Competitions. This jirlze is open for competition only by boys and girls resident within the boiuidary of the institute holding the fair. (&.) A first, second, and third prize of at least $7, $5. and .?3. respectively, for the best exhibit from a plot of any one kind of crop enteved in the Provincial Field- crop Competitions. Open only to members of the institute holding the Seed Fair, 5. The prize-list must be submitted to the Soil and Crop Division for approval before being advertised. n Alfalfa in rows at <'ran)>rook: s«i-i>iiiii; ••. i.-n. i'huiu. August "JSrd. 1!»14. A rancher's home near Telkwa, B.C. 12 IV. BOYS AND GIRLS' COMPETITIONS. RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. Any Farmers" Institute desiring to organize tliese competitions must notify tlie Soil and Crop Instruotor. Live Stock Branch, Department of Agriculture. Victoria, and submit the individual entries on or before May 10th. (Notices received later than May 10th cannot be considered.) 2. Any institute deciding to organize a Boys and Girls' Competition shall appoint a committee composed of three of their members and the President and Secretary of the institute, who shall make and carry out the necessary arrange- ments for the holding of the competition. 3. Xo institute may hold more than one competition within its district in any one year. There mu.st be not less than six hnna-fide competitors in each competition. Only one entry will be allowed each competitor. 4. Competitors must not be under twelve or over eighteen years of age on May 10th. 1915, the date on which the entries close. 5. The plots entered for competition must he cractly 1-10 acre in area (10 square rods, 484 square j-ards, or 4,350 square feet). A margin of V^ feet should be allowed all round the plot, but this margin should be included in the 1-10 acre. 0. All competitors within the same Institute district must use the same variety of potato. The variety shall be decided liythe committee appointed by the institute. The Department suggests that, wherever iwssible, the Burbank or Carmen No. 1 should be grown. 7. An agent or representative of the Department of Agriculture will inspect _ and score the growing crop of each compeftitor. Whenever possible, this scoring will be done when the potatoes entered in the Field-crop Competitions are being judged. The same score-card and method of judging will be used. S. A disinterested pei"son (school-teacher, clergyman, or Justice of the I'eace). not a relative of any of the competiitors, and appointed by the institute committee, shall be present at the measuring of the plot, the sorting of the potatoes, and the weighing of the ci-op. This person must sign the certificate attached to the financial statement of each competitor within the institute district. !). Blank forms for reports will be supplied by the Department of Agriculture. 10. Each competitor must do all the work himself or herself, except that the girls and younger boys may be assisted witli such work as ploughing, etc. 11. An accurate financial statement, showing expenses, returns, and profits, should be made by each competitor. The financial repoi't must include rent of land, and cost of labour, seed, manure, spraying, etc. Reports nmst reach the Soil and Crop Instructor. Department of Agriculture, not later than November 1st. 12. Scale of charges to be used by all competitors : — Rent of laud $10 per acre. Each horse 20 cents ]»pr liour. Each man .30 Each boy or girl 15 Stable manure $2 per two-horse load delivered on the land. . Each irrigation .•. . . 20 cents. Provincial Seed Faii-s will be held at New Westminster and at Armstrong during the winter of 1915-16 on a date to be announced later. AH competitors who exhibit at the Provincial Seed Fairs from the Kamloops Farmers' Institute and other institutes east of Kamloops will compete at Armstrong, and from Nicola and west of Nicola at New Westminster. Note. — Give actual cost of fertilizer, seed, spray material, etc. 13 The exhibits may be shipped by the cheapest way possible (parcel post, express, or freight) to the I'rovincial Seed Fair at the expense of the Department, but the exhibits shall bec-ome the property of the Deitartment of Agrinilture. I'rovision for a i»ri/.e-list is also made wherever liocal .Seed t^iirs are organized by the Fanners' Institute. A .siii:j;t'stion iu corn-gi-owlng. PRIZE-LIST. To all competitors taking CO i>er cent, or over of the Held or standing crop score, a ribbon badge. To all competitors taking CO i>er cent. i»r over of the combined field and certified report score, a copy of '• Fodder andTasture I'lants." For the best 20 lb. of potatoes from a plot that has been scored as a standing crop, exhibited at a I'rovincial Seed Fair: First. $10: second. .$8; third. .?r>. To the boy and girl who take the highest combined score for standing crop, certified rei)ort, and Provincial Seed Fair exhibit, each a pure-bred heifer calf of the breed of his or her choice, " Better Boys^ — Better CJinr.s— Beitek Crops,*' 14 V. AWARDS FOR 1914 FIELD-CROP COMPETITIONS. POTATOES. I Islands Kamloop ir, VOTATOES— Continued. Institute. Name. Address. Score. Kamoops I^nsIcT I>ouis Creek and Mount Olie Maple Kidge M.Tt*y Ni. •..!>. : 'i;;in;i:;HIi Ooa*ini i:!<"!)mond . . . . Uock Cnx^k .". . Roso'hIU ..'.'.'. Sook, Sfnit'i Saanicb i. J. Birk Orr Bn.> S. Ba^nt- K. II. Milligan A. W. Heatli . J. Kobinson . . W. A. Calder .. D. .\. McC'ulIocb .\. JonsoD L. C Morrison G. Higginbotbam W. A. Brown . . W. W. Parry F. KeUiey K. G. Sidley Chas. .\. Xelson , John Jakol O. S. Ilagvl H. Peterson — Scarlett 1 — l>e Koo T- Hill F". Monger Geo. Martin , J. Irlla I W. Towland ; »■'. Poeblan 1 .N. Machel j I- . Baines P. Jackman W. O. Sweatman . Pr. O. M. Jones . . H. C. Helgesen . . T. F. H.'ls.'s.-n . . . Griffiths Bn.s. . . . f S. Milne \V. C. I^nipill I». H. Hoy Jns. Harding . . . . John Hill I ». r»«»dding tt. H. Clark J. CoUett H. S. Cleasby K. A. Collett Wm. Middleton . . R. Van Ewatreld . F. ConHing - Cools W. M..hr Cherry Creek Bea«er Creek '"oy Lake J^WlHXl BridesTille Chinook Cove Mount Olie . Chinook Core Pritchard Peardonrille Mount Lehman . Matsqui Peardonville . . . . Dennlson Station Metcfaosln '"hilko '■ rider hoof ..:iko Mapes . . . . Ix>wer Nicola Nicola Merritt Contlee I»wer Nicola Vernon Wni Farn-I . . . D. Webster . . . . J. Hemphill . . . F. Fairman . . . . F. Magar Ed. Hatton A. Johnson .... .*. D. Mcl^'unan Geo Rasch . . . . — Shaver W. C. Brett U. Fnriack ... C. R. <;n-en J. Barker N. Rothschild .^rthn .\. Mnrrav lijtrrr Clprk ... T..'ii) M. Stuart ' r,! Milne . : Fox I • •• Pros — Michel E. R. John .\. Tnnnison . . . . n. Thomson T. A. Smith ... .V . F. .wl.^r "i:; t' • ; 7.«5 ' 70 91 871^ 84 82 81 89^4 87% 86 81% 78 74 ' J 74 69 6S1-. as SI 74 J j 69 64 47 90 »4 90U 85 *i 85% 84% S0% 79 78 75 U 74 lA 871 S6 S? IS OXTS— Concluded. Institute. Xaiue. Address. Score. Ellis & Stoddard . . .Tas. Lake J. S. .lohnston H. Peters Windermere 73 Athalnier 65 Inveruiere 61 * 59 Mt A. II. McCarthy . . . 59 " CARROTS. I Institute. Name. Address. Score. Gus Henke K. II. Baird W. n. Rogers L. Schiavonia H. V. Allen Lowry & Grafthouse. A. F. Porter E. Isakson F. E. Osborne J. A. Irwin C. A. Berrv (J. S. Horn ! Wni. Banks A. Larkin .1 Moffat Nakusp 81 61 ::::::::::::::: Brouse Shoreacrcs 60 Kootenav River 93 79 Notcli Hill and Sluiswap Notch Hill 84 72 *' 69 Ms 94 East Kobsou 88 84 V, 84 " " Slrawl)errv Hill New Westminster, K.R. No. 1 81 741/2 71 F. Hicklenton 68 MANGELS. Institute. Name. •Vddress. Score. Eagle River Valley Erick Erickson .... (i. Mnucane B. F. Somerville . . . C. Hathaway F. West Malakwa 81 76 »A 68 '* Kent Agassiz 88 lA 88 Isaac Else .T. .v. Morrow F. Sinclair S. Bernard W. Monk Thos. Skyrme Rupert Davy A. M. Baird F. ITassard To. ?teve 85 ■ 81 80% 81% 79 Enderby Grindrod , Mara 75 Enderby 72 66 V' Ricbniond Steveston 93% 87% 86 V. n. M. Wilson Tns. Thompson .... W. H. Buckingham. D. Macdonald Eburne 78% 77% ALFALFA. Institute. Name. Address. Score. ^ Duvick Harper Ranch Chas. Reid — .\ustin — Lyons Kamloops 95% 94 92 86% 85 Kelowna Cant. Harman .... — Ben.'sen 91 90 L. E. Taylor Dr. Dick.son Roht. Booth Rainbow Ranch . . . \ H. Caesar .T. N. Eakin R. W. Pixton 89 79 77 Okanagan Centre 93 14 92i'epartmem. 21 Miss Ivy a. Dawson. I'clufk-t. B.C. who won the Provincial Prize for «-irls. Miss l»awson's prize Is a high-grade sewing-ma<-hine. 1^ Mr. Allan Croutor, Sardis, B.C., who won the Provincial Prize for Boys. Mr. Crouter has chosen a Guernsey heifer for his prize. 23 • i-rirtTt; jS*;?:Sgf:j; :?!::S;:j!::?:it:5:iS:5 :j!:i?::? S*:5 :?:?! :?! :? s? stSt?:?s?S?::S;?:3! M f 1 M ri ?i »-i fi rj r« ri r< ?< »-i »- r-r ^ ^ ^ 1-. »- ^ ij n n ci r< CI ri ?j ri n r 1 ri ^ T-i T Scxo 02*0) :?. .:?:? • t-h---?c»; (0 z o t UJ o o O) o Q z < (0 >• o m (0 o < < ;?» se:? . 2?^ ^sf;? :a<. ae :ff . xcsx»x» -xxsscisr-xxcxx xxxi-ct-t- • • xsci-imxcxci-ck: • xxxxxt-xxt-t-x«= ;j! :j!:P:f; ;S:5 :?;?! :S ;2 ;S .;3! :sJ ;j!;i! £* K~£>ss^5»S;OLO?liHOCC:C:MCC:XXLO-<)Xt-t-l--*-*CCt»ii-teCrHeOt-l^[-t:-l:-l:-5CCO«Wt-l-t- o » .. . . 00.0 S -a - 3 O - ? a'"' . c^o . ft u " 'SO) - ft-4- k^MKS^jS CO - ; 25 • r- n « . . T-l a«:?;j?:Ss?;?;iy» :S :S :$* :j! :?:?::? :?! t~t--t~'Tt~tzxxx>.zx x*xt-t-t-i-c »x^-;;:;l-xt-t-t-:sc^^xcx^-t-t-•.^^:^^ccw rj ti n r< .-I »-! i-i ^^^„ „ -, -, ri?irjri«T-i * u ^' :?SS :s :s ;5 tr.tzt~t~ K xs;c - .» 00 -00 • • • .^ooo ••* CCXI-- •«• rricj- • -M o .« - . - -Kt-t-o -o m o Pi OQ Q < «s' StS;s?;j!;{! :? .:5? xcxxxt- . . .— t-»o» -ct ;5 Wis c • o o ;j^ ;j::j!;l!;5:j? :?;:? .s a r r I I : > ^3 «>Kfl tC*. • . ... ^C(c£r-'' c -tt = — _ ■ -c •, ?. • • • ■ i- ■ P • s • ? • r- • 5 -5 "M — ~ — J- • • ■ 26 tH 1-1 M ■* • i-( f 1 M ■<»< lO e0(N00t-C»5OCC00lO0505 CO CJ iH tH iH CI C-lC-l C^l CI r-( ;fJa« ;? .;?:;?s! :?; OOOOt-OOOOOOOC'OOOOl-flO o O o '^ a h V i> > s ® ti I— * t' a— CD ^ IS ^6S ■o . . 27 AU6 1^5 l^ST DA-I^ i^s oosg^^^-:,^,,..s ^:853Ti UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA UBRARV 'SiP r .' ■-&H