“COMPOSHMAE © % NEWSLETTER Number 40 31 July 2003 Scientific Editor: BerriL NoRDENSTAM Technical Editor: GuNNEL WirENIUs NoHLIN Published and distributed by The Swedish Museum of Natural History, Department of Phanerogamic Botany, P.O. Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden ISSN 0284-8422 CONTENTS Editorial 1 The International Compositae Alliance (TICA), First International Meeting, Pretoria, Jan. 2003 2 Report on the Business Meeting and Discussions 2 Abstracts 6 J. F. Pruski & A. A. ANDERBERG: Duhaldea cappa (Bucu.-Hao. ex D. Don) Pruski & ANDERBERG (Compositae: Inuleae), anomenclatural correction 43 B. Norpenstam: Jo B. Norp. (Compositae-Senecioneae), a new monotypic genus from Madagascar 47 J. Kayope: Study on the Compositae weed flora of farmlands in Ekit State, Nigeria a1 M. O. Banko eg, M. S. AYopELE & O. T. Apesumo: The antimicrobial effects of some Asteraceae commonly eaten as vegetables in southwest Nigeria on some enteric pathogens 56 J. F. Pruski: Compositae News 64 _ 7 GraziELa MaceL Barroso (1912-2003) 64 _7 JAMES C. Parks (1942-2002) 67 JoHN Beaman receives Jost Cuarrecasas Medal 68 New taxa and combinations published in this issue ihe Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 ] Editorial This issue of the Compositae Newsletter contains the report and abstracts from the first international meeting of TICA - The International Compositae Alliance — alias "Deep Achene’ — held in Pretoria on 9—10 January, 2003. The abstracts have only been edited for conformity in style, not as to contents, which are the full responsibilities of the respective authors. Our thanks go to Dr. Marinpa Koekemoer and other staff of the National Botanical Institute, Pretoria, for hosting the conference and organizing the subsequent field trip to the Orange Free State, Lesotho and Natal. Special thanks to Vicki Funk, who took a leading role in the organization of the meeting as well as authoring the report on the business meeting also published in this issue. Berti. NorDENSTAM to Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Report on the Business Meeting and Discussions The International Compositae Alliance (TICA): Deep Achene: First International Meeting Pretoria, 9-10 January 2003 [During the meeting it was agreed to change the name of the organization to “The International Compositae Alliance” (TICA) and to continue to use Deep Achene as a nickname. | The meeting took place 9—10 January, 2003 and was hosted by the National Herbarium, NBI Pretoria, South Africa. January 9th and morning of the 10th were devoted to presentations. This report covers the business meeting (2:00 to 4:30 p.m. on the 10th of January) and the results of some general discussions that took place before and after the business meeting. The paper sessions and the business meeting were open to all interested persons. Following the meeting 14 persons participated in a field trip (11-17 January) to Golden Gate National Park, Lesotho, Royal Natal National Park and points in between. The focus was on the Compositae and collecting was allowed in most places. The group decided to have the next international meeting in Barcelona in June of 2006. The meeting will be sponsored by ALFonso Susanna and Nuria Garcia-Jacas with assistance from their colleagues SanTiaco Ortiz, Arxa RIVERO-GUERRA, JOAN VALLES, and others. One purpose of the meeting will be to produce a new version of the Heywoop et al. volumes (The Biology & Chemistry of the Compositae, 1977). The upcoming treatment in The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants (ed. Kupirzk1; Asteraceae edited by J. KaprreiT) will provide an excellent basis for the development of a more theoretical volume. Most people expressed a desire for a similar format to the Heywoop et al. publication in that each major clade would be covered with a Chapter on morphology and a Chapter on the results of the molecular analyses. It would also include cross cutting chapters on pollen, chromosome numbers, etc. The Barcelona meeting will be followed by field trip(s) to the Pyrenees Mountains. ALFonso and Nuria are in charge of the Organizing Committee. A Program Committee will be appointed at a later date. Given the amount of material to include it was felt that it would be best to have the meeting by itself and not in conjunction with any other organization. The group agreed that we should have Deep Achene (TICA) meetings whenever possible and in conjunction with other national and international meetings. One such meeting is being organized by CurisTopH OBERPRIELER already this year at the German Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 3 Botanical Society Meeting (21-27 September 2003). [Since the Pretoria meeting CurisTopu has received permission to have a workshop and he will send information to the Deep Achene email list.] Also, NiceL Barker is investigating the possibility of having a meeting or sponsoring a symposium with the Southern Connections Meeting in Cape Town in January 2004. Lowe.t Ursatscu will organize one for the Botanical Society of America meeting in Alabama in August, 2003. [LoweLt has already made arrangements for this to take place. } Top Stugssy sent an email inviting Deep Achene to respond to the ’call” for symposia for the International Botanical Congress to be held in Vienna in 2005. Since this is one year before our proposed next International meeting in Barcelona, it would be an excel- lent place to have one or two symposia (each symposium is two hours) to help us advertise the meeting and drum up support. An organizing committee of WALTER Lack, CurisToPH OBERPRIELER, RANDALL Bayer, and Vicki Funk was appointed. Some discussion was devoted to the development of “supertrees” and how they should be handled. We decided to try each year to contribute published or in press trees and to make them available to any Deep Achene member who wanted to try building a supertree. It was suggested that each year the results should be published by the group (see below). The assembly thought that in general it would be a good idea to put together a “virtual international meeting” on line at the end of each year. Anyone who wanted to could send in a summary or abstract of his/her work for the year along with a list of publications and thereby keep in contact with what is happening in between meetings. In addition, any supertrees that have been produced could be posted as well. It was agreed that any supertrees would be authored by The International Compositae Alliance (TICA) and then the developer of the tree and the authors of the original trees used in the analyses would be listed in a footnote. We all expressed interest in having Davin Ker develop draft descriptions for a tribe, a genus, and a species. The idea would be to include all of the characters in the descriptions and then one could eliminate the ones that did not apply. This led to a discussion of having a website where one could post descriptions, checklists, floras, etc. so that we could gradually develop a better understanding of the family and work toward a family treatment for Species Plantarum or other publications. The question of how to accomplish all this without a website, and without money to develop one, was discussed. NickL Barker suggested finding a student who would be interested in developing a website for Deep Achene. Everyone was encouraged to try and think of someone who would help with the website development and anyone who has ideas should send them to Funk to be distributed to the group on line. The lack of a website was determined to be one of our biggest problems. NorDENsTAM 4 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 hinted at a possible solution in Stockholm. [This is now under way, with the help of TorsTEN Eriksson at the Bergius Foundation]. We broke into smaller units to discuss coordinating molecular work in each part of the family. After reassembling we divided the family into three groups and each group had a coordinator nominated. This coordinator will work with the researchers in these groups to coordinate molecular markers, etc. The goal is to try and determine the best markers to use and then work to combine the data so that a broader perspective can be gained for the family. Of the three grades listed below, 2 and 3 may turn out to be clades but the First Grade will clearly always be a Grade. The groups and the coordinator for each are listed below. The Grade Coordinators are not be confused with the Tribal Coordinators (see the list at the end), the latter will work with the Grade Coordinators on molecular concerns and also keep up with and facilitate communication on the morphological aspects of research in the family. Grade Coordinators Grade 1 (Barnedesioideae, Mutisieae s.]., Cardueae, Vernonieae, Liabeae, Lactuceae, Arctoteae): ALFoNso SUSANNA (accepted). Grade 2 (Gnaphalieae, Senecioneae, Anthemideae, Astereae, Calenduleae): Lnvpa Watson (accepted). Grade 3 (Plucheeae, Inuleae, Heliantheae s.1., Eupatorieae): Jost PANERo (pending). Each Grade Coordinator will work with his/her fellow molecular synantherologists to improve communication within their grade and among grades. Everyone agreed that we should NOT try and make any decisions on nomenclature. We all felt that nomenclature issues should be handled in the time honored fashion of “Do what you want and the users will decide what to keep and what to ignore.” Finally, the group talked about funding for research in the family. A few things were decided. First, that Deep Achene would work to develop an overall strategy that could be used by anyone as part of a grant proposal. The strategy would discuss the family as a whole and how all the different research projects fit into the whole of the family plan. (We could call it family planning! ). The Tribal and Grade Coordinators would work together to develop such a document. Second, ideally this strategy would be used to apply for funding to the European “Tree of Life” and perhaps in the US the NSF “Tree of Life” or “Planetary Biodiversity” programs or even the newly redefined “BS&I” programs. Finally, such proposals would all have to request funding for the web development, etc. for Deep Achene. Where the site was located would be determined by who gets funding. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 1) Tribal Coordinators Outgroups: KARE BREMER & MELANIE DEVORE Barnadesieae: Top Stugssy & EsTRELLA URTUBEY Mutisieae s.1.: Jorce Crisci, Vicki FUNK & SANTIAGO ORTIZ Cardueae (Cynareae): Nuria Garcia-Jacas & ALFonso SUSANNA Vernonieae: STERLING KeeLey & HAROLD RoBINSON Liabeae: V. Funk & Mike DiLLon Arctoteae: Nice Barker, V. Funk & Per OLA Karis Lactuceae (Cichorieae): H. Waiter Lack & JooNcKu LEE Gnaphalieae: RANpALL Bayer, ILsz BREITWIESER & Jo WARD Anthemideae: Linpa Watson, CHRISTOPH OBERPRIELER & JOAN VALLES Astereae: Tim Lowrey & Lowe_i UrBATSCH Calenduleae: Berti. NorDENSTAM Senecioneae: BertTtL NorDENSTAM & TED BARKLEY Inuleae & Plucheeae: ARNE ANDERBERG Heliantheae s.1.: José PANERo & Bruce BALDWIN Eupatorieae: Ep ScHiiinc & Haro_b Rosinson Nearly all of the tribes have a coordinator for morphological and molecular work. However, there are some problem areas. The Lactuceae (Cichorieae) lacks someone doing big picture molecular work. Bircir GEMEINHOLZER Is interested in continuing her work on this tribe should she have funding to do so but she is looking for a job. The large tribe Senecioneae is in need of molecular work. NorDENsTaM is willing to work with someone to select taxa, provide material and analyse results but someone must take the lead on the molecular aspect of this tribe. [After the meeting NorDENsTAM has initiated a collaboration with J. KapgreiT with the aim of covering most of the tribe. } Everyone liked the species selected for the logo for the meeting — Macledium zeyheri (Sonp.) S. Ortiz. Since the end of the field trip Marmpa Kogkemoer has arranged for an artist to draw a proper logo using live material for the same species which was conveniently in bloom at the Garden. We hope to unveil this logo soon. The International Compositae Alliance would like to thank Dr. Marinpa KoEKEMOER and her staff for their hard work, and the National Botanical Institute for hosting our meeting in their lovely new Education Centre. Report prepared by V. Funk, January 2003, reviewed by attendees February 2003. 6 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Abstracts Talks and posters at the 1* TICA meeting, Pretoria, 9-10 Jan. 2003 (Alphabetical by first author; * = author did not attend) * Evolutionary insights from a putative taxonomic garbage can: Tribe Helenieae revisited and revised Bruce G BaLowin, Brincet L. Wessa & Jost L. PaNERO Jepson Herbarium and Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California, 94720 USA; Section of Integrative Biology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 78712 USA DNA sequence data have confirmed that Helenieae s. lat. is not monophyletic; linea- ges corresponding to “core Heliantheae” and Eupatorieae are nested among clades of helenioid taxa, as previously suggested. Clades coordinate with one or more helenioid subtribe(s) demonstrate, however, that major components of diversity within Helenieae s. lat. are natural groups warranting taxonomic recognition. Continued treatment of Eupatorieae at tribal rank while adhering to a criterion of monophyly for tribal classification requires that (1) Helenieae be recognized in a narrow sense [corresponding in membership to subtribe Gaillardiinae sensu Ropinson (1981) + Marshallia and Pelucha], (2) Madieae and Tageteae be recognized in expanded sen- ses [Madieae including Madiinae sensu Car.aquist (1959), Baeriinae in a new sense, and Arnica and x= 19 relatives; Tageteae including Pectidinae sensu Ropinson (1981), Flaveriinae sensu TuRNER and Powe LL (1977), and genera historically aligned with Flaveriinae (Clappia, Coulterella, Pseudoclappia, Varilla), among others] and (3) three new tribes be erected — Bahieae, for Bahiinae in a new sense; Chaenactideae, for Chaenactis, Dimeresia, and Orochaenactis, and Perityleae, for Peritylinae sensu Rosinson (1981) and, provisionally, Lycapsinae sensu Ropinson (1981). Only one of the epaleate taxa referable to Helenieae s. lat. that we sampled (7richocoryne) was robustly placed within a clade of principally paleate taxa belonging to “core Heliantheae” in the traditional sense; loss of receptacular bracts appears to have occurred rarely during radiation of Heliantheae s. lat. We conclude that expression of receptacular bracts in ’core Heliantheae” in the traditional sense and the tarweed Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 7 subtribe, Madiinae, is homoplasious; Madiinae is most closely related to Arnica and is nested among epaleate lineages. We also conclude that pappi of bristles or bristle- like elements have evolved in various lineages of Helenieae s. lat. and generally have received too much weight in circumscriptions of suprageneric taxa. Multiple examples of extreme descending dysploidy from high (putatively polyploid) ancestral chromosome numbers in Helenieae s. lat. are evident from the phylogenetic data. Bidirectional ecological shifts between annual and perennial habits and repeated ori- gins of woodiness from herbaceous ancestors must be concluded for Helenieae s. lat. Based on modern distributions of taxa and evident phylogenetic patterns, the most recent common ancestor of Heliantheae s. lat. and Eupatorieae probably occurred in southwestern North America (including northern Mexico). Baeriinae, Madiinae, and the x = 19 “arnicoid” taxa may share a common Californian ancestry. Aluta Continua: The search for informative characters for phylogeny estimation in the subtribe Arctotinae (Arctoteae) N. P. BARKER Department of Botany, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 6140, South Africa The Arctotinae comprise five genera: Arctotis, Dymondia, Haplocarpha, Arctotheca and Cymbonotus. Most Arctotinae occur in Southern Africa, some stretching to tropical Africa, and isolated taxa are found as far as South West Asia, Turkey and Iran. Cymbonotus is found only in Australia. Previous attempts to determine the phylogenetic relationships of the taxa in the subtribe have been equivocal, and molecular data (especially trnL-F sequence data) have been disappointing. This pre- sentation deals with the search to find characters, both morphological and molecular, which can be used in phylogeny inference to elucidate relationships of the species and genera of the subtribe. To date, molecular data from the trnT-trnL spacer have been informative, as have achene characters. However, cytology and coma hair morphology are invariant. Additional sources of data currently under scrutiny is fila- ment ornamentation and anther morphology. g Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Phylogeny of the Gnaphalieae based on three cpDNA sequences (matK, trnL intron, and the trnL/F spacer) RANDALL Bayer, [LSE BREITWIESER, MICHAEL DILLON, MarINDA KoEKEMOER & JOSEPHINE WARD CSIRO, Canberra, Australia Landcare Research, Lincoln, New Zealand Field Museum, Chicago, USA National Herbarium, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand The Gnaphalieae are a tribe of 187 genera and about 1250 species of sunflowers that have their greatest diversity in South America, Southern Africa, and Australia. The objective of this ongoing study is to reconstruct a phylogeny of the Gnaphalieae using sequence data from two non-coding chloroplast DNA sequences, the trnL intron and trnL/trnF intergenic spacer, as well as the matK coding region. Included in this investigation are the genera of the Gnaphalieae from the African basal groups, members of the subtribes Angianthinae, Cassiniinae, Gnaphaliinae, Loricariinae, and Relhaniinae, and African and Australian representatives from the large Old World genus Helichrysum. Results indicate that several Gnaphaloid genera, including Printzia, Isoetopsis, Denekia, and Callilepis, should be excluded from the Gnaphalieae. The Relhantinae, which are restricted to Africa, are not a monophyletic group as presently circumscribed, nor are the South African members of Helichrysum, the Cassiniinae and Gnaphaliinae. Results also indicate that the, primarily Australian, subtribes Angianthinae and Cassiniinae are non-monophyletic as currently circumscribed. In most trees the Relhaniinae s. s. and some of the basal taxa comprise a clade that is sister to the remainder of the tribe Gnaphalieae. Sister to the Relhaniinae are clades of African, South American, North American, and European taxa that are primarily woody perennials that are often found at montane to high alpine elevations. Sister to these clades is a large clade of Australian, primarily herbaceous annual taxa mainly from the subtribe Angianthinae. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 9 *Achene morphology and anatomy of Symphyllocarpus exilis Maxio. and Centipeda minima (L.) A. Br. et ASCHERS. (Asteraceae) E.V. BoyKo Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia K. BREMER (1994) left Symphyllocarpus and Centipeda along with some other genera outside the recognized tribes. In the shape of the seeds (small, narrow-lanceolate), anatomic structure (few-layered, thin-walled cells of their pericarp and seed coat), the ultrastructure of the pericarp surface (smooth surface, weakly pronounced cell boundaries), Symphyllocarpus exilis is close to the genera of the tribe Gnaphalieae. Presence of glands and furcated hairs can serve as a character to separate this monotypic genus from the other Gnaphalieae. In the shape of seeds (obovate, weakly ribbed), anatomic structure (few-layered, thin-walled cells of pericarp and seed coat), ultrastructure (the cells of epicarp are elongated, plicate-sulcate, sulculi come together at the protuberance in the apical part of the cell), Centipeda minima is close to the species of the tribe Astereae (the character of the sulculi resembles the condition in Heteropappus, and the thin integuments are like in Erigeron. The relationships of Haastia (Senecioneae) ILse Brerrwieser, J. M. Warp & S. J. WAGSTAFF Allan Herbarium, Landcare Research, Lincoln, New Zealand Department of Plant Microbial Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand Allan Herbarium, Landcare Research, Lincoln, New Zealand The tribal and generic affinities of Haastia, an endemic New Zealand genus of three species, are discussed. Haastia has been placed with both the Gnaphalieae and Astereae, and more recently listed as unassigned to a tribe within the Asteroideae. Secretory canals in the leaves or leaf sheaths exclude Haastia from the Gnaphalieae, and senecioid pollen excludes it from the Gnaphalieae and the Astereae. In recent phylogenetic analyses of New Zealand Asteraceae Haastia is nested in the genus Brachyglottis (Senecioneae). Results from preliminary ITS and trnK/matK sequence analyses of New Zealand Senecioneae are presented and key characters of Haastia are compared with other genera in Senecioneae. 10 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 * Palyno-taxonomy of the subtribe Gaillardiinae (Asteraceae: Helenieae) (poster) Antonio P. CouTINHO Departamento de Botanica da Universidade de Coimbra, Calcada Martim de Freitas 3000 Coimbra, Portugal (cafe@pop.ci.uc.pt) The Gaillardiinae include 13 genera and 130 species, of South and North America. It has been included either in the Helenieae or in the Heliantheae s. 1.; also it has been suggested its raise to tribal rank. In spite of various LM, SEM and TEM investigations the palynology of the Gaillardiinae remains insufficiently known. Ten genera (1 spe- cies each) were investigated with SEM; two genera (1 species each) with TEM .The pollen is echinate (with a granulate, rugulate or micro-reticulate inter-spinular sculpture), caveate, either with a gnaphalioid structure or with transitional forms between this and the helianthoid structure, with well developed foramina. The apertural system is tripartite, constituted by ecto-, meso- and endoapertures, comprising, respectively, sexine, foot-layer and outer endexine, and inner endexine . The spines are dilated at base and contracted at apex, having columellae and micro- perforations between the base and 1/2-2/3 ofits length. In contrast, the pollen grains of the Heliantheae s. s. (excl. Ambrosiinae) usually present a typical helianthoid structure (rarely senecioid or sub-gnaphalioid), spines slim and attenuated at apex, and spinular columellae and micro-perforations restricted to the base. The present palynologycal data individualize the Heliantheae and Gaillardiinae, supporting the raise of the latter to tribal rank. Fig 1. Participants in the post-congress excursion. Photo: RANDALL BAYER Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 a Generic circumscription of Cineraria L. (Senecioneae) based on molecular and morphological evidence GV. Cron, E. B. Knox & K. BALKWILL School of Animal, Plant & Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, South Africa Department of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 47405, USA School of Animal, Plant & Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, South Africa Cineraria L. (Senecioneae, Asteraceae) mostly comprises perennial herbs and suffrutices with heterogamous, mainly radiate, yellow capitula. This genus is chiefly distinguished by its compressed cypselae and palmate leaf venation. However, certain species previously included in Cineraria lack one or both of these diagnostic features. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on plastid (trnL—F) and nuclear (ITS) DNA sequences provide evidence that the species possessing both morphological features also comprise a clade, but that the remaining species are scattered among the close relatives of Cineraria within the Senecioneae. By re- moving these species from Cineraria and erecting a new genus for two distinctive species that are sister to the remaining Cineraria clade, the resulting genera are more clearly circumscribed by morphological features that reflect the prevalent evolutionary pattern. * Molecular evidence for the polyphyly of Olearia (Asterae: Asteraceae) (poster) E. W. Cross, C. J. Quinn & S. J. WAGSTAFF Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, NSW, Australia Landcare Research, Lincoln, New Zealand Analyses of ITS sequences for 49 species of Olearia, including representatives from all currently recognised intergeneric sections, and 43 species from 23 other genera of Astereae, rooted on eight sequences from Anthemideae, provide no support for the monophyly of this large and morphologically diverse Australasian genus. Eighteen separate lineages of Olearia are recognised, including seven robust groups. Three of these groups and another eight species are placed within a primary clade 2 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 incorporating representatives of Achnophora, Aster, Brachyscome, Calotis, Camptacra, Erigeron, Felicia, Grangea, Kippistia, Lagenifera, Minuria, Oritrophium, Peripleura, Podocoma, Remya, Solidago, Tetramolopium and Vittadinia. The remaining four groups and three individual species lie within a sister clade that also includes Ce/misia, Chiliotrichum, Damnamenia, Pleurophyllum and Pachystegia. Relationships within each primary clade are poorly resolved. There is some congruence between this molecular estimate of the phylogeny and the distribu- tion of types of abaxial leaf-hair, which is the basis of the present sectional classification of Olearia, but all states appear to have arisen more than once within the tribe. It is concluded that those species placed within the second primary clade should be removed from the genus, but the extent to which species placed within the first primary clade constitute a monophyletic group can only be resolved with further sequence data. A complementary database of partial ndhF sequences for a subset of 52 ingroup species has now been assembled with the aim of increasing support for the basal nodes in the topology. Preliminary analysis of the combined ITS + ndhF database provides only limited improvement in support. An overview of the Cichorioideae s. I. V.A. Funk U.S. National Herbarium, Systematic Biology MRC 166, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. 20013-7012, USA (funk.vicki(@nmnh.si.edu ) Molecular studies of the flowering plant family Compositae (Asteraceae) conducted with José PANERo, focusing on the Mutisieae s.l., and with STERLING KEELey and RayMuND CHAN focusing on the subfamily Cichorioideae s.s., have provided new insights into the evolution of the basal one third of the family. Based on comparative DNA sequence data of chloroplast genes this study provides new insights into the radiation of the family. The results support the creation of new groups to maintain a classification that reflects evolutionary history. A paper (PANERO & Funk 2002) has been published proposing the following new names: subfamilies Corymbioideae, Gochnatioideae, Gymnarrhenoideae, Hecastocleoideae, and Pertyoideae. The totals now stand at 11 subfamilies and 35 tribes. Only one tribe, the Mutisieae, is non- monophyletic having two branches. Most of the new groups are derived from taxa included in tribe Mutisieae, long suspected to be a paraphyletic group. Molecular studies that support these changes are discussed elsewhere (PANERO & Funk, MS) but a summary of their results is presented. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 | 2 A brief summary of the phylogeny of the Arctoteae (Compositae: Cichorioideae s.s.) V.A. Funk & R. Cuan U.S. National Herbarium, Systematic Biology MRC 166, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. 20013-7012, USA (funk.vicki@nmnh.si.edu ) Department of Botany, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA The Arctoteae is amember of the subfamily Cichorioideae s.s. It is a small tribe with ca. 220 species. The subfamily now contains from four to seven tribes, depending on where the member taxa are placed. The four traditional larger tribes are the Arctoteae, Cichorieae (Lactuceae), Liabeae and Vernonieae; the three small tribes (with one or two genera) are the Eremothamneae, Gundelieae and Moquineae. The relationships among all these tribes have not been resolved. The Arctoteae was first recognized by Cassini (1819) with eight genera. Since then, although a number of genera have moved in and out, the core genera have remained the same. The Arctoteae treatment in Heywoop et al. was prepared by Nor.iNDH (1977) and he accepted the three subtribes of BENTHAM and in addition, the subtribe Eremothamninae. He excluded Platycarpha and Ursinia. In the same volume, Dittricu (1977) in his treatment of the thistles (Cardueae) rejected both Platycarpha and Gundelia, and MERXMULLER 1n his treatment of the Inuleae agreed that Heterolepis did not belong in that tribe and suggested a placement in the Mutisieae. Jones (1977) included Hoplophyllum in the Vernonieae. More recently Karis suggested that Hoplophyllum was sister to Eremothamnus (1992) and in 1994 Rosrnson used pollen data to support his hypotheses that Gundelia and Eremothamnus belonged in tribes of their own and not in the Arctoteae. BREMER (1994) recognized the two main subtribes, sinking the Gundelieae into the Gorteriinae. He listed Eremothamnus and Hoplophyllum as belonging to the subfamily Cichorioideae s. |. but unplaced as to tribe. Karis used sequence data to show that Gundelia did not belong in the Arctoteae but was the sister group of the Cichorieae (Lactuceae). Most recently the Saharan genus Wario- nia has been shown to be the sister taxon of Gundelia (PANERO & Funk, submitted) and the two together now constitute the Gundelieae and are sister to the Lactuceae. Likewise the affinities of Ursinia (Anthemideae) have also been identified to the satisfaction of most taxonomists. Cymbonotus is the only genus found outside of southern Africa and its position can be confirmed. However there are still problems with the placement of several genera: Heterolepis, Platycarpha, Hoplophyllum, and Eremothamnus. In addition, Haplocarpha, Heterorhachis, and Cuspidia are unusual 14 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 taxa morphologically and their placement is of interest. The placement of all of these has been questioned. Recent molecular data by Funk, Cuan & Keetey (MS) have provided new insights into the phylogeny of the tribe. The core members of the subtribe Arctotineae (Arctotheca, Arctotis, Cymbonotus, Dymondia) along with Haplocarpha are a monophyletic group, although Haplocarpha is paraphyletic. The core members of the subtribe Gorteriinae (Berkheya, Cullumia, Cuspidia, Didelta, Gazania, Gorteria and Hirpicium) along with Heterorhachis are a monophyletic group, although Berkheya is paraphyletic. The Gorteriinae is divided into three clades. The genus Gundelia is supported as being a separate tribe the Gundelieae that is basal to the Lactuceae and not part of the Arctoteae. Eremothamnus and Hoplophyllum are sister taxa and are not supported as being a separate tribe but rather a subtribe within the Arctoteae. Heterolepis seems to belong to the tribe but does not belong to etiher of the three subtribes mentioned above and has some variance of position depending on whether ITS or chloroplast DNA data are used. Finally, Platycarpha is very different from the rest of the Arctoteae and difficult to place in that tribe. As in Heterolepis, its position varies somewhat based on the marker that is analyzed. While the position of most of the taxa in the tribe has been determined, three of the taxa that have been problematic for years based on morphology are also problematic using DNA data. A brief summary of the phylogeny of the Liabeae (Compositae: Cichoriodeae s.s.) V. A. Funk & Hyi-cyunc Km US. National Herbarium, Systematic Biology MRC 166, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. 20013-7012, USA (funk. vicki@nmnh.si.edu ) Section of Integrative Biology, The University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA The Liabeae is a member of the subfamily Cichorioideae s.s. The subfamily now contains from four to seven tribes, depending on where the member taxa are placed. The four traditional larger tribes are the Arctoteae, Cichorieae (Lactuceae), Liabeae and Vernonieae; the three small tribes (with one or two genera) are the Eremothamneae, Gundelieae and Moquineae. The relationships among all these tribes have not been resolved although the Liabeae is generally thought to be most closely related to the Vernonieae. The Liabeae consists of 15 genera and approximately 160 species. The tribe is neotropical in distribution and is primarily confined to Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 15 mountainous parts in the western cordilleras. Species are presently found from Mexico to Central America and the Caribbean south to the Andes from Venezuela to northern Argentina. The history of the classification of the Liabeae reflects the difficulty in tribal placement encountered by early workers. Cassi, Lessinc, De CaNDOLLE, WEDDELL, and BENTHAM and Hooker all variously treated groups of taxa that are now placed in this tribe but they were not grouped together. RypBerc formally proposed tribal status in 1927. BenrHam’s classification, which placed the majority of taxa in one genus, Liabum, in the Senecionieae, was essentially adopted by HoFFMANN, and despite the work by RypBeERG, was retained more or less intact and accepted by many modern workers. In the 1970’s Rosinson and co-workers published a series of papers bringing the genera together into one tribe and Rosinson provided the first modern view of the tribe. Previously published phylogenies of the tribe along with a newly generated one based on molecular data from a study by Km and Funk show that of the three subtribes, only two are monophyletic. The Paranepheliinae (Paranephelius and Pseudonoseris) is monophyletic. The Munnoziinae is most likely monophyletic, although Chrysactinium in nested within Munnozia. Some core ele- ment of the Liabinae is monophyletic but the placement of the smaller genera is in question (e.g., Cacosmia, Chionopappus). The tribe is primarily Andean, however there have been two independent major invasions northward, viz. Liabum from the Andes to Mexico, Central America and the West Indies, and the Sinclairia — Liabellum clade from the Andes to Mexico and Central America. On the species level, the majority of the diversity is found in the central Andes from southern Colombia to northern Bolivia; on the generic level diversity is concentrated in Ecuador and northern Peru. Speciation patterns seem to support allopatric speciation via peripheral isolation. Reconstruction of the phylogeny of the Lactuceae (Asteraceae) using the internal transcribed spacer regions ITS 1 + 2 Bircit GEMEINHOLZER & KonrRAD BACHMANN Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Corrensstrafie 3, D-06466 Gatersleben, Germany The tribe Lactuceae, subfamily Cichorioideae, comprises 11 subtribes and 98 genera. We have amplified and sequenced the internal transcribed spacers ITS1 and ITS2 of the ribosomal RNA from more than 100 species and analysed these together with 40 sequences from Genebank, altogether representing 44 genera, covering all subtribes. An unambiguous alignment of these spacer regions across the Lactuceae is 16 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 impossible in some parts, however sufficient conserved sequence motifs can be recognized for a valid comparison resulting in a well resolved phylogeny. The monophyly of the subtribes Sonchinae, Crepidinae, Lactucinae, Hypochaeridinae and Hieraciinae cannot be confirmed and the subtribal status of several genera (e.g. Cichorium, Chondrilla, Hyoseris, Prenanthes, Rhagadiolus, Scolymus, Taeckholmia, Tolpis, Urospermum) need to be revised. One likely source of error in ITS phylogenies is the fact that in allopolyploid and even diploid hybrids ITS sequences may get recombined and homogenized by concerted evolution. Due to the tree like structure of phylogenetic reconstructions, hybrids then predominantly cluster basal to both or near one of the two parents. This, however, doesn’t always reflect their true evolutionary relationship and may lead to wrong phylogenetic implications. To avoid misleading conclusions chromosome counts of the taxa included in this analysis have been carried out and polyploid taxa were excluded from the analysis. The systematic study of Achillea species (Compositae—Anthemideae) in Iran J. GHoRASHI-AL-HosstEneé & Errat JAAFARI Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Ferdowsi, Mashhad, tran The genus Achillea L. belongs to the tribe Anthemideae and is one of the larger genera of the family Asteraceae in Iran. Altogether the genus includes 100 species distributed all over the world. There are 15 species that have been studied in this work, of which 7 species are endemic in Iran. They are perennial plants with many medicinal applications. The main objective of this research is study of the species of the genus Achillea using numerical taxonomic methods. 63 characters of morphological studies (quantitative and qualitative) of samples were recorded. These data were analysed and interpreted by the JMP, software and cluster analysis (using Ward method). The results of cluster analysis dendrogram confirm classic taxonomic studies. The taxa of Achillea that have been studied in this work are as follows: A. biebersteinii, conferta, eriophora, filipendulina, kellalensis, millefolium, nobilis, oligocephala, oxyodonta, pachycephala, setacea, talagonica, tenuifolia, vermicularis and wilhelmsii. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 1k7 The systematic study of two genera, Anthemis L. and Matricaria L. (Compositae—Anthemideae) in East Iran J. GHorasHi-AL-Hosstene & K. EMapZADEH Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Ferdowsi, Mashhad, fran Members of the genera Anthemis and Matricaria (Compositae-Anthemideae) are known as ‘Camomile’. They have long been known because of its medical properties and are today widely used in pharmacology. For this reason, the need for studying various species of ‘Camomile’ is increasingly felt. A survey of the literature shows that little research has so far been done on these medical genera, especially in Iran. This study, done for the first time in Iran, was carried out on the existing species found in the east of Iran (Khorasan, Sistan and Balouchestan provinces) which include 6 species of Anthemis and one species of Matricaria. In the morphological part of the study, the specimens were collected and identified and ultimately 67 qualitative and quantitative properties were extracted for a numerical taxonomy. In the anatomical part, cross-section of the roots and stems of the species were prepared and studied after being stained. An anatomical description was presented for every species and ultimately 21 qualitative and quantitative properties were extracted for a numerical taxonomy. In the next part of the study, i.e., wood analy- sis, the specimens were studied from different angles. Finally, the specimens were analysed with the help of the software SPSS and through cluster analysis using Ward’s method. The taxa studied in this work are as follows: Anthemis odontostephana Botss., A. triumfetti (L.) AvL., A. altissima L., A. austro-iranica Recu. F.,A. sp.,A. hyalina DC., A. rhodocentra IRaNsHaR, and Matricaria recutita L. Fig. 2. Some excursion participants in National Botanical Institute van. Photo: RANDALL Bayer 18 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 A systematic and geographical survey of Asteraceae (Compositae) in Khorasan, Lran (poster) J. GorasHI-AL-HosstenE Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Ferdowsi, Mashhad, tran The Compositae (Asteraceae) is one of the largest families of flowering plants in the world. During research work on the flora of Khorasan, an investigation and study of systematic and geographical distribution in Compositae was made. This family shows a wide range of variation in Khorasan. It comprises 90 genera and 180 species, so far, with some taxa showing a dominant geographical distribution in the area. This study will help us to get the best benefit of natural resources and plants, especially those taxa that are the source of foods, medicines and pasture, and it will add to the general and fundamental knowledge about the problems in agriculture, ecology and conservation of the floristic matters. Taxonomy and ecophysiology of Chrysanthemoides Turn. ex MEpDIK. (tribe Calenduleae) S. Hows, N. P. BARKER & B. S. RIPLEY Department of Botany, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 6140, South Africa Chrysanthemoides is a small genus of two species with a predominantly southern African distribution. It is, however, an invasive weed in Australia. The classification of these species has been problematic, as numerous infraspecific taxa have been identified at various ranks. These taxa are morphologically distinguishable (but with some difficulty), and are highly variable. However, there is, evidence to suggest that they are geographically partitioned. This work attempts to 1) determine whether DNA sequence data can be used to “test” the morphological classification, and 2) to determine if genetically distinguishable entities (taxa) have adapted to their local environment at the ecophysiological level, and whether these adaptations are fixed (genetically determined) or flexible. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 19 * The Vernonieae: Searching for anew paradigm STERLING C. KEELEY & Raymunp Cuan (presented by V. A. Funk) Department of Botany, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii 96822, USA The Vernonieae is one of the four major tribes of the basal subfamily Cichorioideae s.s. and contains nearly 10% of the family (~2500 spp). It is equally well represented in the New and Old Worlds and occurs in temperate and tropical habitats, on islands as well as continents. Despite the importance of this tribe, it is one of the least well understood. No phylogeny has been proposed for the tribe and few intra-tribal relationships have been identified. New synoptic treatments based on morphology of the Old and New World Vernonieae by Ropmson (1999) and molecular and morphological studies by myself and collaborators (KEELEY & TURNER 1990, KEELEY & JANSEN 1994, Kw et al. 1998) during the past 10 years have provided a temporary framework of possible relationships and established a putative sister group. Data were lacking, however, to resolve relationships between New and Old World species. Results of current work have confirmed the tribe Liabeae as the closest sister group to the Vernonieae, and the tribes Arctoteae, Cardueae and Lactuceae to be the next closest. Within the tribe, data from 126 taxa for the nuclear ITS and chloroplast trnLc-f and ndhF regions showed: 1) an Old World origin for the Vernonieae in the region of S.E. Africa/Madagascar; 2) a clear separation of and independent evolution of New and Old World lineages with the most derived taxa in eastern North America; 3) confirmed the close relationship between the Hawaiian endemic, Hesperomannia, and taxa of the east Africa/Madagascar region, and 4) that these basal taxa are most closely related to taxa endemic to Sri Lanka and the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia & Yemen). Intriguing, but as yet unconfirmed relationships, were also found among taxa from northeastern Africa and western India to those from the Arabian peninsula and southeast Asia. Overall, these relationships suggest a pattern of evolution and radia- tion substantially different from that traditionally invoked for the Vernonieae and the basal Compositae. Systematic and taxonomic treatments must be amended to take into account this paradigm shift, and eventually, to formulate new hypotheses on the ra- diation of the Compositae worldwide. The pattern of relationships within the Vernonieae suggest the tribe as a model system that could be used to test biogeographical hypotheses, such as the Gondwanan, Boreotropics and Laurasian hypotheses. 20 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 * Carpology and systematics of the tribe Anthemideae N. S. KHANDJIAN Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan, 375063, Armenia One hundred and forty four species belonging to 46 genera of the tribe Anthemideae have been studied. Generalizing as well literature data (REICHBRECHT 1974, MELIKIAN & MourapiaAN 1975, KALLeRsIO 1985, and others) it has been identified that morphological and anatomical features of achenes are constant enough and may serve as diagnostic features for Anthemideae for general (KHANDIAN 1984), sectional (KHANDMAAN 1983, 1990) and tribal (KHANDIIAN 1991) levels. Genera Eumorphia DC., Abrotanella Cass., Centipeda Lour., Ceratogyne Turcz., and Ursinia GarrTNER do not have achene structures typical for Anthemideae (KHANDHAN 1994). In addition, morphological and anatomical structure of studied genera Lasiospermum Lacasca, Phymaspermum Less., Gymnopentzia BENTH., Hymenolepis Cass., Athanasia L., and Asaemia (HARVEY) Harvey ex BENTH. (subtribe Ursiniinae BREMER & Humpuries 1993), causes doubts about the fact of these genera belonging to the tribe Anthemideae. The Metalasia group in the subtribe Relhaniinae (Gnaphalieae — Asteraceae) M. KorKEMOER National Herbarium, Private Bag X101, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa Results are presented of a study of genera, comprising 65 species, in the Metalasia group (excluding Metalasia) as defined by ANDERBERG (1991). The study led to the description of six new species, the re-classification of Disparago, Elytropappus and Stoebe, the clarification of numerous nomenclatural problems and the establishment of a workable morphological/anatomical classification and keys to genera and species. Although some chemical analysis on the flavonoids and volatile oils were conducted it proved too complex to be solved within the scope of the investigation. This study, and specifically the investigation of the genus Amphiglossa, emphasized the importance of basic taxonomic work and fieldwork within the Asteraceae flora of southern Africa. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 21 Asteraceae of Southern Africa: Some statistics (poster) M. KorKEMOER National Herbarium, Private Bag X101, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa A general interest poster to show tribal composition, the size of the southern African Asteraceae genera, number of species per tribe, centres of diversity as well as generic endemism. Amphiglossa—a journey of discovery and understanding (poster) M. KorkEMOER National Herbarium, Private Bag X101, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa This fascinating genus in the Relhaniinae (Gnaphalieae) is illustrated by photos of species, distribution maps and some of the anatomical, morphological and chemical research results. * Cichorieae revisited H. Watrer Lack Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem Freie Universitat Berlin K6nigin-Luise-Str. 6-8, D-14195 Berlin, Germany Cichorieae, formerly Lactuceae, is the most easily recognised tribe within Compositae and has been understood us such since the preLinnean period. It is a predominantly Northern Hemisphere group, but found on all continents with comparatively few strictly tropical species. The group is notoriously poor in diagnostic characters with convergent evolution having led to very similar forms in different genera. STEBBINS’S arrangement of the Cichorieae has been modified for the treatment to be published in “Families and Genera of Vascular Plants -Asteridae” where a total of 11 subtribes are recognized. Crepidinae, Hieraciinae, Lactucinae and Sonchinae are by far the largest subtribes, all predominantly Old World in distribution, and the same applies to the smaller Hypochaeridinae and Scorzonerinae and the very small Catananchinae and to to Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Scolyminae. Only three subtribes, i. e. Malacothricinae, Microseridinae and Stephanomerinae, are almost exclusively New World in distribution. Very recent cytological and molecular studies have brought significant insights and indicate the need for a completely new view of the group. Significantly the Hypochaeris species in S America, the Picris species in Australia, Kirkianella in New Zealand and Microseris scapigera in Australia have been interpreted as derivatives of Northern Hemisphere taxa. Molecular phylogeny of North American Cichorieae Jooncku Lee!,?, Bruce G BaLpwin! & L. D. Gotruizs* 1 Jepson Herbarium and Department of Integrative Biology, 1001 Valley Life Sciences Building #2465, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-2465 USA ?Current address: Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, 52 Oundong, Yusungku, Taejeon, 305-806, Korea Section of Ecology and Evolution, University of California, Davis, California 95616, USA Phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), the external transcribed spacer (ETS), and the 5.8S regions of 18S-26S nuclear rDNA from all 23 genera of Cichorieae with centers of diversity in North America (and Picrosia from South America) show that all but three of the genera belong to a series of six clades that are well supported by bootstrap values at 90% or to a seventh clade that is moderately supported (82% bootstrap). The rDNA sequence data do not prov- ide as much as 80% bootstrap support for larger groups (except for one uniting all 24 ingroup genera); relationships among the seven clades remain uncertain. The six clades with major support and their component genera are: 1) the Lygodesmia Clade: Chaetadelpha, Lygodesmia, and Shinnersoseris, 2) the Pinaropappus Clade: Marshalljohnstonia and Pinaropappus, 3) the Microseris Clade: Agoseris, Microseris, Nothocalais, Stebbinsoseris, and Uropappus, 4) the Stephanomeria Clade: Munzothamnus, Pleiacanthus, Prenanthella, Rafinesquia, and Stephanomeria, 5) the Malacothrix 1 Clade: Atrichoseris and various species of Malacothrix, and 6) the Malacothrix 2 Clade: Anisocoma, Calycoseris, and various other species of Malacothrix. The present analysis shows that Malacothrix, a genus of 22 species, is not monophyletic. None of the clades corresponds precisely to a taxon of Cichorieae proposed previously, although taxa constituting each clade belong to a common subtribe or subgroup in classifications by Stepps (1953), JEFFREY (1966), and Bremer (1994), with one exception. As a group, the 24 genera represent a single, major radiation of Cichorieae based in North America. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 23 * The medicinal Compositae in China YEOU-RUENN LING South China Botanical Garden, The Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangzhou, Longdong, 510520, China In China there are about 240 genera, 2300 species of Compositae, of which at least 1/5 of the species have been used for medicines. Author introduces the medicinal uses of 80 species from Compositae according to the functions and properties of the spe- cies, such as Artemisia annua L. containing “Qinghaosu” (C,.H,,O,) and effectively used to treat malaria, A. argyi LevL. & Vanr. used for curing cholera, or promoting blood circulation, especially for curing woman’s menstruation and other gynaecological diseases; Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. and C. indicum L. are good for suppressing blood pressure and for the antiphlogistic, febritugal, detoxifying and diuretic drugs; /nula japonica Tuuns. and J. racemosa Hook. F. are used for regulating vital energy, eliminating sputum, stopping vomiting, promoting digestion, curing stomach-ache and for foetus soothing of the pregnant women; Bidens pilosa L. and B. bipinnata L. are good for diminishing inflammation to cure common cold, bronchitis, hepatitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, appendicitis and child— fever, eliminating sputum and curing snake-bite or external uses; Seriphidium cinum (BERG. ex Povsak.) Potsak. and S. finitum (Kitac.) Linc & Y. R. Lina are good for anthelmintics to expel ascarids etc. * Achene morphology of Senecio and related genera (Aseraceae: Senecioneae) (poster) M. G Lopez!,3, A. EF Wutrr?, & C. C. Xirrepa‘4 "Becaria de Estudio CIC-PBA. Centro de Investigaciones Genéticas (CIGEN); Personal de Apoyo CONICET; 3Laboratorio de Citogenética y Evolucion, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ‘Investigadora Principal CIC-PBA, Laboratorio de Etnobotanica y Botanica Aplicada, Facultad Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad de La Plata, Argentina Achene morphology of Argentine species, representing the majority of the series and subseries of Senecio and from representatives of the closely related genera Werneria, Xenophyllum, Chersodoma, Erechtites, Gynoxys, and Pseudogynoxys, is reported. 24 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Achene surface micromorphology from scanning electron micrographs showed varia- tion in ornamentation but exhibited several characters relatively constant as the dist- ribution and length of hairs: from completely glabrous to covered all over with shortly papillose or myxogenic hairs, in smooth surfaced achenes or with separated longitudi- nal grooves sparsely or densely hairy. This survey of structure characters of the mature cypsela has provided information about morphological affinities, and was used to define five groups of Senecio species and to delimitate the genera. Achene morphological characters support the systematic placement of most species. Otherwise, the study has been useful in supplementing new data to the recognition of relationships and similarities between entities of previous doubtful position. * Cytogenetic analysis of the weed Senecio madagascariensis (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) in Argentina (poster) M. G Loprz',*, A. F Wutrr’, 4, L. Poccio*,* & C. C. Xirrepa * 'Becaria de Estudio CIC-PBA, Centro de Investigaciones Genéticas (CIGEN); Personal de Apoyo CONICET; *Investigadora Principal CONICET; ‘Laboratorio de Citogenética y Evolucién, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ‘Investigadora Principal CIC-PBA, Laboratorio de Etnobotanica y Botanica Aplicada, Facultad Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad de La Plata, Argentina The African weed Senecio madagascariensis is economically important in agricultural areas due to its invasiveness and its toxicity to livestock. It has been assigned with two chromosome numbers, from naturalized material, in Argentina: a first report of 2n=40, and a count of 2n=20, documented also in other countries. Ornamentation of the achene surface (MEB) and chromosome numbers, on 18 accessions from six different localities were examined. The results always showed 2n=20, and the DAPI-CMA and C-banding presented centromeric and telocentric heterochromatic blocks. The meiotic behavior was normal (10 II), but secondary associations of bivalents, in most of the cells investigated, were observed. Moreover, two groups of five bivalents or chromosomes were characterized in both metaphases, suggesting the presence of two different genomes with 5 chromosomes. Accordingly, we assume that results support a basic chromosome number of x=5, for this native from the place of origin of the Senecioneae tribe. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 25 Phylogenetic studies in the Astereae: the need for generic re- delimitation and a reasonable subtribal classification Tm Lowrey’ & Lowe.y Ursatscr’ ‘Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA ?Biological Sciences Department, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA The Astereae consists of approximately 192 genera and about 3000 species. The dist- ribution of the tribe is worldwide with concentrations of diversity in the western U.S., South America (along the Andes), Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Most shrubby and arborescent taxa occur in the Southern Hemisphere while many Northern Hemisphere taxa are perennial herbs, subshrubs or annuals. The subtribal classification has always been problematic. The most recent classifications are those by ZHANG & BREMER (1994) in which they proposed three subtribes (and numerous groups) while Nesom (1994) proposed 14 subtribes. Both of these classifications are based largely on morphology. Recent molecular studies on Austral-Pacific taxa, Vittadinioid genera and Olearia (Lowrey et al. 2001; Cross et al. 2002) and on Western Hemisphere genera (Noyes & REISEBERG 1999; Ursatscx et al., in progress) show that both recent subtribal classifications are not tenable. Additionally, many large or even moderate sized genera in the Astereae are proving to be polyphyletic or paraphyletic when analysed using molecular data. Examples include Vittadinia, Tetramolopium, Olearia, Erigeron, and Haplopappus. Hybridization, recent adaptive radiations, and genetic lability (leading to multiple evolutionary orgins) of key morphological characters are partly responsible for the taxonomic confusion. Therefore, the Astereae needs molecular studies of many of the larger genera as a result of the extensive homoplasy in morphological characters used historically to delimit genera. Furthermore, we discuss the need for a broad scale molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Astereae to clarify subtribal and biogeographic relationships. 26 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Recent progress in Senecioneae taxonomy Bertit NORDENSTAM Dept. of Phanerogamic Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden (bertil. nordenstam@nrm.se) My overview of the tribe Senecioneae for the "Families and Genera of Vascular Plants’ (submitted) accounts for 138 genera, as compared to 120 in the latest review by Bremer in 1994. The main increase in number of genera concerns South America, the Caribbean, and Asia. This large tribe, with more than 3,000 species worldwide, is still not easily dividable into well-defined subtribes. There are two major groupings referred to as the ’senecioid’ and the ’tussilaginoid’ groups and in addition some smal- ler assemblages such as the Blennosperma group, Abrotanella, and the Adenostyles group. Ongoing morphological and molecular studies suggest some more changes on the generic level. A reasonably monophyletic concept of Senecio s. str. is within reach. The main refinements on the generic level will concern South and Central America including the Caribbean, Madagascar, and perhaps Asia. As an example Cuba may be mentioned: Out of more than 20 recorded Senecio species, only one, viz., the cosmopolitan weed S. vulgaris (generic type) will remain in the genus. The others will be disposed in new genera such as Oldfeltia, described in 2002, and others now in the press. In South America, especially in the Andean region, much progress in taxonomic knowledge is expected shortly. For example, about 30 species of trees and shrubs belong to a new genus, Nordenstamia Lunpin, with an Andean distribution in Argen- tina, Bolivia, and Peru. Its relationships are with Aequatorium B. Norp., which is restricted to Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela, and Gynoxys Cass. with a wide Andean distribution. Generic problems and limits in the Calenduleae BertiL NoRDENSTAM Dept. of Phanerogamic Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden (bertiLnordenstam@nrm.se) The tribe Calenduleae has a distinct centre in South Africa, where seven of its eight genera and the majority of species occur. The only genus confined to the northern hemisphere is Calendula, which is well defined but taxonomically difficult on the Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 54) species level. In the South African group there are still problems of generic circumscription. The current concept of Dimorphotheca, including Castalis and Osteospermum sect. Blaxium, is monophyletic. Also the genus 7ripteris is distinct from Osteospermum, which remains heterogeneous, however, and future changes in generic delimitation are inevitable. On morphological and molecular evidence Osteospermum sanctae-helenae, endemic to St. Helena, will be transferred to Oligocarpus, a hitherto monotypic genus in the Cape Province. Chrysanthemoides is distinguished from Osteospermum by the drupaceous fruits. Two species are recognized, but the infrageneric taxonomy is intricate and needs further study. Osteospermum potbergense A. R. Woop & B. Norb. (in press) is a new species, strikingly similar to some forms of Chrysanthemoides monilifera and providing a bridging link between these two genera. The so-called drupes of Chrysanthemoides are paralleled by similar structures in some species from at least two sections of Osteospermum. The cypselas in these cases have an outer fleshy layer and are strikingly coloured in blue or red, obviously as adaptations to ornithochory, just as in Chrysanthemoides. Parallel evolution may have occurred within the tribe, but there is no doubt that Chrysanthemoides is most closely related to some elements of Osteospermum. Our ongoing morphological and molecular research will help to re- define and refine the generic limits in the tribe. Phylogeny of Mediterranean Anthemideae (Compositae) C. OBERPRIELER Botanic Garden & Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem KO6nigin-Luise-Str. 6-8, D-14191 Berlin, Germany According to our present treatment of Anthemideae submitted for publication in “The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants — Asteridae” (OBERPRIELER, VocT & Watson, unpubl.) this tribe of Compositae comprises 114 genera of which 51 genera are represented in the Mediterranean region and adjacent Eurasiatic areas with at least one species. Four of these genera show a distribution centred in the Southern Hemisphere but have either been naturalised in the Mediterranean (Cotula, Soliva) or reach this area with only single species (Lasiospermum, Pentzia). For the remaining 47 genera, sequence variation of the internal transcribed spacer regions of the nuclear ribosomal repeat (ITS) and the trnL/trnF intergeneric spacer (IGS) of the chloroplast genome was used to provide a phylogenetic analysis. Especially the taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships of several unispecific genera (Brocchia, Daveaua, Endopappus, Heliocauta, Leucocyclus, and Nananthea) are discussed in detail, along with aspects of character evolution and biogeography in this diverse group of Mediterranean plants. 28 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 The treatment of Compositae—Anthemideae in KuBiTZkt’s Families and Genera of Vascular Plants C. OBERPRIELER!, R. Voct! & L. E. Watson’ ‘Botanic Garden & Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, K@6nigin-Luise-Str. 6-8, D-14191 Berlin, Germany Department of Botany, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056, USA Owing to the artificiality of a classification based on the presence vs. absence of paleas, numerous attempts have been made in the last fifty years to elaborate a more satisfactory taxonomy of the tribe Anthemideae (Compositae). Embryological, cytological, and carpological characters contributed to a more natural delimitation and grouping of genera summarised in HEywoop & Humpurigs’s treatment of the tribe in the volumes on Compositae systematics by HEywoop, HARBORNE & TURNER (1977). BreMER & Humpnrigs (1993) presented a formal subtribal classification of the tribe using all information available at that time in a cladistic analysis. Subsequent molecular studies, however, revealed considerable incongruencies between this classification and molecular phylogenies. There is little support for the monophyly of most of the twelve proposed subtribes in this generic monograph. As a consequence, the subtribal classification of BREMER & HumPHRIEs was omitted from our treatment of the tribe in Kuprrzki’s “Families and Genera of Vascular Plants”. The present contribution aims at an up-to-date portray of the generic relationships within the tribe based on molecular as well as on morphological-anatomical evidence. It is demonstrated for the N Hemispherical part of the tribe that consensus between these two sources of information could be achieved and may act as a starting point for a revised subtribal classification. Additionally, the potential contribution of supertree construction techniques to this re-classification process is discussed. The tribe Mutisieae (Asteraceae) in Africa and Madagascar. Unanswered questions remaining: The Dicoma group SanTIAco Ortiz Laboratorio de Botanica, Facultade de Farmacia, Universidade de Santiago, ES-15782 Santiago de Compostela, Galiza-Spain (bvsortiz(@usc.es) This report outlines the principal questions still to be answered within the tribe Mutisieae (Asteraceae) in Africa and Madagascar, focusing on Dicoma Cass. and Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 29 related genera (i.e. the “Dicoma group”). The most important such questions involve the relationships between Mutisieae and Cardueae, between O/denburgia Lgss. and the African and American Mutisieae, between Brachylaena R.Br. and Tarchonanthus L. and the tribe Mutisieae and between Gerbera L. and Chaptalia Vent. Within the Dicoma group the most important questions are the relations between Cloiselia S. Moore and the tribes Mutisieae and Barnadesieae, the position of Gladiopappus Humsert, and the phylogeny and delimitation of a) Dicoma, Pasaccardoa Kuntze and Macledium Cass. and b) Pleiotaxis Streetz and Erythrocephalum Bentu. [Abstract withdrawn by author] 30 [Abstract withdrawn by author] Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 [Abstract withdrawn by author] 31 39 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 [Abstract withdrawn by author] Mechanism for maintenance the stabilization of chromosome number in Santolina ageratifolia BERNADES ex ASSO (Asteraceae: Anthemideae) Arxa QO. RIvERO-GUERRA Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Biologia, Departamento de Biologia Vegetal y Ecologia, Apdo. 1095/41080 Sevilla, Espana (Spain) Statistical analyses of chromosome number, meiotic characters, pollen fertility, seed set, seed germination, and morphological characters were carried out in two populations of Santolina ageratifolia BERNADES ex Asso from Rodenas and Cerro San Gines in the Iberian Peninsula. Mitotic studies indicated that all plants from both populations have the same somatic chromosome number, 2n=54. S. ageratifolia is considered to be an hexaploid species with x=9 as basic chromosome number. Some differences between their karyotypes were detected. Chromosome associations during diakinesis of PMCs were analysed in 30 cells per population. Meiosis was shown to be irregular with the production of bivalents, some univalents, multivalents and secondary associations of bivalents leading in most gametes to unbalanced chromosome numbers. Inthe Rodenas population the meiotic numbers are n= 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30. In Cerro San Gines population the meiotic numbers are n= 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27. The study shows that chiasmata are mainly terminal but some are also proximal to the centromere. Seed set was 50,68% on average. Achene viability was between 86% and 88%. The mechanisms leading to diploidization are discussed. Four hypotheses are proposed for the possible origin of this species. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 a3 Chromosome variability and correlated traits in Santolina pectinata Lac. in the Iberian peninsula (Asteraceae: Anthemideae) Arxa O. RivEro-GUERRA Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Biologia, Departamento de Biologia Vegetal y Ecologia, Apdo. 1095/41080, Sevilla, Espamia (Spain) Multivariate analyses of populations of Santolina pectinata Lac. indicated significant differences in meiotic irregularities, chiasmata frequencies, pollen fertility, ovule fertility, ovule abortion and morphological characters between diploid and tetra- ploid populations of S. pectinata from the Iberian Peninsula. The study of 38 populations showed that 24 are diploid and 14 tetraploid. Meiotic analysis at diakinesis showed that both diploid and tetraploid plants form mainly bivalents, whereas they have a small number of univalents and quadrivalents. Pollen stainability and seed set were shown to be correlated with meiotic irregularities. Achene viability was 68% and 55% for diploid and tetraploid respectively. This indicates that there is no correlation between meiotic irregularities and seed viability. The possible origin of the tetraploids is discussed. Evolution and classification of the tribe Cardueae: A recapitulation ALFonso SusaANNA & Nuria GarciA-JACAS Laboratory of Biosystematics and Molecular Systematics, Botanic Institute of Barcelona (CSIC), Ay. Muntanyans s. n., F-08038 Barcelona, Spain The tribe Cardueae shows great morphologic diversity and a very high number of taxa (74 genera, 2500 species). Both diversity and size have been major obstacles for achieving a natural classification of the group. Traditional classification in four subtribes (Echinopsidinae, Carlininae, Carduinae and Centaureinae) has been always controversial. Especially, subtribes Carlininae and Echinopsidinae are often treated as separate tribes. Molecular evidence consistently groups the Cardueae in a robust monophyletic clade, and the splitting of the tribe is unsupported. If the Cardueae are monophyletic, then the compound inflorescence of Echinops must be interpreted as an adaptation without systematic relevance. However, relationships between subtribes remain obscure, beyond the fact that 34 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Carlininae (rather than Echinopsidinae) are sister to the rest of the tribe. Ascription of the genera Cardopatium, Cousiniopsis and Staehelina to any of the subtribes is unresolved too. These three genera were placed in the Carlininae in earlier classifications. Finally, subtribe Carduinae poses another problem: if we move the monophyletic Centaureinae to a different subtribe, the Carduinae would be paraphyletic. In view of the unresolved problems (the paraphyly of the Carduinae and the unresol- ved subtribal ascription of Cardopatium, Cousiniopsis and Staehelina are the major ones), classic division into four subtribes is a conservative approach not fully satisfactory. The alternate solution, to lump together subtribes Carduinae and Centaureinae, would be unpractical because the resulting Carduinae would encompass nearly 2300 species, more than 90% of the whole tribe. * A new system of the classification of Nannoglottis Maxim. (s.1.) (Compositae: Astereae) Gao Tiancanc! & CHEN YILIN’ ‘Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, 650204, China ? Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100093, China Based on evidence from morphology and molecular analyses the monophyly of the genus Nannoglottis Maxim.(s.1.) is supported and a new classification system of this genus is proposed as follows: Sect. Monocephala T. G Gao et Y. L.CHEN sect. nov. Nannoglottis ravida (C. Wink.) Y. L. CHEN Sect. Nannoglottis Ser. Delavayane Lincet Y. L. CHEN Nannoglottis delavayi (FRANcH.) Linc et Y. L. CHEN Nannoglottis gynura (C. Winkt.) Linc et Y. L. CHEN Nannoglottis hookeri (C. B. CLarke ex Hook. F.) Kita. Nannoglottis latisquama Linc et Y. L. CHEN Nannoglottis macrocarpa Linc et Y. L. CHEN Ser. Nannoglottis Nannoglottis carpesioides MAxm. Nannoglottis hieraciphylla (Hanp.- Mzt.) Lina et Y. L. CHEN Nannoglottis yuennanensis (HaNnD.- Mzt.) Hanp.- Mzt. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 35 Taxonomy and phylogenetics of North American Astereae centered about Haplopappus s.1. Lowe. UrsBatscH, ROLAND Roserts & VESNA KARAMAN Biological Sciences Department, Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA, USA Several decades of research on Haplopappus sensu Hatt (1928), based the Chilean H. glutinosus as generitype, affirm its polyphyly. The 16 sections of Haplopappus recognized by Hatt (1928) from North America have mostly been accorded generic status. Current hypotheses formulated from phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequence data from our laboratory and from Markos & BaLpwin (2001), and in some cases from chloroplast restriction data by Lanz et al. (1996) indicate that South American species and the lower chromosome number North American taxa (x = 4, 5, 6) generally clade with Machaerantherinae. Among such taxa thus far investigated are Haplopappus sections Hazardia, Isocoma, Isopappus, Oonopsis, Prionopsis, and Pyrrocoma. Oreochrysum is basal to this clade and one node above Symphyotrichinae. Jonestus as treated by Hatt (1928) and as reconstituted by Nesom & Morcan (1990) and Stenotus (Morse 1998) were shown to be highly polyphyletic in our gene trees. Two species of Jonestus, T: aberrans and T: kingii, were placed quite some distance from their traditional congeners in being allied with the Machaerantherinae-Eurybia- Symphyotrichum clade. Two other species of 7onestus are robustly supported within a Clade consisting of four species from traditional Chrysothamnus sensu ANDERSON (1986) and one species of Hesperodoria. Petradoria pumila, Tonestus alpinus, and two species of Stenoftus constitute another lineage with strong support. Other species of Stenotus and Tonestus are variously placed on our gene trees. Most species in sections Asiris, Ericameria, Macronema, and Stenotopsis are placed in Ericameria. The annuals Pentachaeta, Rigiopappus, and Tracyina are supported as its sister. Chrysothamnus, long regarded as being sister to Ericameria and at one time submerged into it, was found to contain four separate lineages. One of these is an Ericameria component consisting of five species. The other three are independent, disparately placed clades. Sequence data robustly support a lineage that approximates the Gutierrezia group sensu Nesom. Taxa composing this clade include Amphiachyris, Bigelowia, Euthamia, Gundlachia, Gutierrezia, Gymnosperma, Thurovia, and Xylothamia. The latter genus, proposed by Nesom et al. (1990) based on Haplopappus trianthus to accommodate certain taxa placed by Hatt (1928) in Haplopappus sections Asiris, Ericameria, and Stenotopsis, was shown to be polyphyletic in our rDNA trees. Four species, including the type, robustly clade with Gundlachia and constitute a well-supported subclade while the other five Xvlothamia and the other six genera were placed in its sister subclade. Indications are 36 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 that the later six genera are monophyletic. Except for X. johnstonii and X. palmeri which are sisters, the remaining Xy/othamia do not appear closely related to one an- other or to genera within its lineage. These are but a few examples that serve to demonstrate the phylogenetic complexities of the tribe Astereae and the need for expanded and more intensive investigations. * Phylogenetic implications of corolla and achenial morphology in subfamily Barnadesioideae EstreLLA UrtuBey & Top F. Sturssy Division Plantas Vasculares, Museo de La Plata, Universidad de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque, La Plata, Argentina Department of Higher Plant Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Botany, University of Vienna, Rennweg 14, A-1030 Vienna, Austria One of the great surprises in understanding higher-level relationships within Asteraceae in recent years has been that the previously insignificant and small South American subtribe Barnadesiinae of tribe Mutisieae appears basal for the family. Due to lacking a 22kb diagnostic chloroplast inversion plus other features, this subtribe has been elevated to subfamilial status as Barnadesioideae, now containing 90 spe- cies in nine genera. Recent cladistic analyses at the generic level based on morphology (UrtuBey & Srugssy 2001) and ITS sequences (GustaFsson et al. 2001) have revealed different relationships among genera of the subfamily. To better understand these conflicts, we analyse specific morphological features of corollas (shape and vascularization) and achenes (vascularization) that we assume contain conservative phylogenetic information. The objective is to develop trends in these features based on morphological parsimony (i.e., minimal structural change), and to compare these trends with those among and within genera derived from the two recent cladistic analyses. We define six types of corollas in Barnadesioideae (tubular, split, double split, ligulate, subbilabiate and bilabiate), six types of corolla vascularization patterns (combinations of presence or absence of lateral bundles, fusion of adjacent bundles, and fusion of bundles at the apex of corolla lobes), and four types of achenial vascularizations (5, 7, 9 or 10 traces). In all features we assume character states in Calyceraceae to be ancestral. In corolla shape, from tubular ancestry, we hypothesize two general evolutionary trends within the subtribe: (1) splitting of the tube, and (2) flattening of the tube. These two trends yield various types of corollas, including zygomorphic ones (ligulate, subbilabiate, or bilabiate). In vascularization of corollas, from an ancestral condition of one central and one lateral bundle in each corolla lobe and all traces fused at the apex, four basic trends can be hypothesized: (1) gain or (2) Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 a5 loss of lateral vascular traces in each lobe, (3) loss of the central vein, and (4) loss of fusion of traces in lobe apices. The most derived condition is with double marginal bundles, a central bundle lacking, and with no apical bundle fusion. Achenial vascularization gives simple trends from 10 ancestral traces to nine or five, and from these to seven. Comparison of most parsimonious general phylogenetic trends in these three features with the two recent hypotheses among genera of Barnadesioideae does not allow rejection of one alternative over the other. Morphological trends in corolla and achenial features and general relationships, however, are similar within each genus (i.e., among species or species groups). There is, therefore, a clear phylogenetic signal in all analyses among taxa within genera, but relationships among genera are still obscure, perhaps due to 30 million years of diver- gent evolution (the approximate age of the family). Phylogeny of subtribe Artemisiinae (Asteraceae, Anthemideae) based on the sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS); relationships with cytogenetic and palynological data J. VAuLes', M. Torre, J. Martin’, M. Sanz’, S. Garcia’, T. GaRNaTIE’, N. Garcia—Jacas’, R. VILATERSANA? & A. SUSANNA? (avalles@farmacia.farub.es) ‘Laboratori de Botanica, Facultat de Farmacia, Universitat de Barcelona, Av. Joan XXIII s/n, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain Institut Botanic de Barcelona. Av. Muntanyans s/n, Parc de Montjuic, E-08038 Barcelona, Spain Sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were analysed for 44 Artemisia species (46 populations) representing all the five classical subgenera and the geographical range of the genus, 11 species from 10 ge- nera closely related to Artemisia, and six outgroup species from five other genera of the Anthemideae. The results definitely support the monophyly of the genus Artemisia in its broadest sense (including some taxa segregated as independent ge- nera, like Oligosporus and Seriphidium). Eight main clades are established within Artemisia, they partly agree with the classical subdivision of the genus, but they also suggest that some infrageneric groups must be redefined, especially the subgenus Artemisia. The subgenera Tridentatae and Seriphidium are independent from each other; cytogenetic data also support this statement. Some of the satellite genera are clearly placed within Artemisia (Artemisiastrum, Filifolium, Mausolea, 38 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Picrothamnus, Sphaeromeria, Turaniphytum), whereas some others fall outside the large clade formed by this genus (Brachanthemum, Elachanthemum, Hippolytia, Kaschgaria). These results, correlated to other data, such as pollen morphology, allow us to conclude that the subtribe Artemisiinae as currently defined is a very heterogeneous group. Affinities of the largest genus of the subtribe and tribe, Artemisia, and of other genera of the subtribe to some genera from other subtribes of the Anthemideae (Tanacetinae, Handeliinae) indicate that subtribe Artemisiinae needs a deep revision and redefinition. Phylogenetic utility of region trmL-F of the plastid DNA was also evaluated; sequences of the trnL-F region in Artemisia do not provide phylogenetic information. * Elucidation of the generic concept of Senecio P. Leszek D. VINCENT University of Missouri-Columbia, MO, USA and Dunn-Palmer Herbarium (UMO), University of Missouri-Columbia, MO, USA (Leszek@missouri.edu) Ongoing light microscope observations of six micromorphological characters of putative generic importance (anther apex, style-branch apices, endothecial pattern, shape of filament collars, length of filament collars, cypsela shape). Evaluating > 1,000 taxa (microscope-slide preps) of samples obtained from K. Currently working on Senecio taxa from various countries in South America. Observations of these South American taxa as well as Asian & Central African Senecio taxa provide considerable evidence of the use of a plastic generic concept. Discontinuities are emerging & clarifying. Considerable data are being gathered which should facilitate the development of character-state transformations for subsequent phylogenetic analy- ses. A pilot phylogenetic study (molecular) based on ITS sequence data of 11 taxa (10 Senecio s.str. sensu VINCENT; Cineraria geifolia as outgroup; CI=0.91, RI=0.96, char- acters=680, parsimony-informative characters=195) showed considerable congruence with a preliminary phylogenetic study of the same taxa, based on data of the 6 micromorphological characters referred to above. The micromorphological study (Tree length=7, CI=0.86, RI=0.90, HI=0.14, RC=0.77, characters=6, number of parsimony-informative characters=4) produced clades which had distinct associations with geographical distribution. The clades produced via the molecular data had a very marked disassociation with geographic distribution. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 39 Wild New Zealand hybrids JOSEPHINE Warp’, ILsr BREITwiEsER’? and Ropert McKenzie! "Department of Plant and Microbial Sciences, University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand ? Allan Herbarium, Landcare Research, P O Box 69 Lincoln, New Zealand New Zealand Gnaphalieae are notorious for their propensity to form hybrids between species of both the same genus and different genera, but the identity of such hybrids is generally anecdotal rather than scientifically demonstrated. Rigorous testing of putative parentage is essential because of morphologically similar sympatric species and reticulate character state distribution among taxa. Results from two of our test cases involving different genera are presented, demonstrating that morphological diversity in New Zealand Gnaphalieae is at least in part the result of adaptive radiation from a single coloniser rather than the multiple entry of diverse forms. Extreme morphological similarity to taxa in other countries is in the case of all four test species attributable to a remarkable degree of homoplasy, not to sister taxa status. Wild hybrid combinations in New Zealand among six Gnaphalieae genera have been tentatively verified and synthesized experimentally. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of tribe Anthemideae — an overview L. E. Watson Department of Botany, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056, USA Tribe Anthemideae is composed of approximately 109 genera and 1740 species. It is primarily an Old World tribe with two centers of endemism — the Cape of South Africa and the Mediterranean region. Economically important members include many cultivated and ornamental species such as tansy, chamomile, tarragon, daisies, chrysanthemums, and costmary, among others, as well as ecologically important species of sagebrushes that dominate deserts of North America and steppe communities worldwide. Molecular phylogenies based on cp gene ndhF and the ITS of nrDNA do not support the current classification based on a cladistic analysis of morphology. Instead the molecular phylogenies are congruent with biogeography, that suggest an origin in South Africa and an early divergence into east Asia and Eurasia with a recent radiation in the Mediterranean region. The large core genera (Anthemis, Achillea, Artemisia and allies) are recently derived and account for almost one-half of the species of the tribe. 40 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 * Complex investigation: isolation and identification of ecdysteroides from intact plants and tissue cultures of Asteraceae Evens ZAREMBO!, VYATCHESLAV RyBIN’, EVGENYI BOLTENKOV’ & PETER Gorovoy' ‘Laboratory of Plant Chemotaxonomy, Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 690022, 159, Prospect 100-letiya Vladivostoka, Vladivostok, Russia Laboratory of Lipids, Pacific Research Fisheries Centre, 690950, 4, Shevchenko Alley, Vladivostok, Russia Stemmacantha satzyperovii and Serratula manshurica, perennial herbs of the Eastern Asia, are characterized by high 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) contents. We carried out the investigation on seasonal variations of 20E level in vegetative and generative organs. Identification and determination of 20E contents was conducted by HPLC-MS, HPLC-UV data. An analysis of the data revealed the plant parts with maximum 20E concentration: young leaves (5.81 mg/g) and inflorescences (2.47-4.86 mg/g) of S. satzyperovii at flowering phase; young leaves (3.79 mg/g) at vegetative phase and achenes (6.3 mg/g) at fruiting period of S. manshurica. The biotechnological methods of plant propagation play an important role in the protection of disappearing plants. Shoot regeneration was obtained from isolated leaves of Serratula coronata cultured on MS media. Several callus lines were received from S. satzyperovii achenes on different medium composition. A combination of phytohormones NAA (1 mg/l) and BA (0.5 mg/l) provided the optimum for callus tissue growth. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 41 Posters (without Abstracts) A phylogeny of the Gnaphalieae RANDALL Bayer, ILSE BREITWIESER, MICHAEL DILLON, MarinpA KorKEMOER & JOSEPHINE WARD CSIRO, Canberra, Australia; Landcare Research, Lincoln, New Zealand Field Museum, Chicago, USA; National Herbarium, Pretoria, South Africa University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand A first attempt at building a supertree of the Asteraceae V. A. Funk & Jost PANERO US National Herbarium, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. 20560 USA Section of Integrative Biology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 78712 USA Brighten your garden with South African Daisies P. PJ. HERMAN National Herbarium, Private Bag X101, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa A preliminary phylogeny of the Anthemideae C. OBERPRIELER Botanic Garden & Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem, K6nigin-Luise-Str. 6-8, D-14191 Berlin, Germany 42 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Carpology and taxonomy of the endemic genera of Compositae tribe Anthemideae from central Asia SvETLANA A. MaAxIMova Donetsk Botanical Garden, Nat. Acad. Sci. of Ukraine, Illich’s Av. 110, Donetsk, 83059 Ukraine (maximova@)postoffice.donbass.com) Fig. 3. Ranpy Bayer and Vicki Funk in a sunflower field, on post-congress excursion. Photo: B. NoRDENSTAM Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 43 Duhaldea cappa (Bucu.-Ha. ex D. Don) PruskI & ANDERBERG (Compositae: Inuleae), a nomenclatural correction Joun F. Pruski '& ARNE A. ANDERBERG ” ! Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299, USA ? Swedish Museum of Natural History, Department of Phanerogamic Botany, Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden Abstract The name “Duhaldea cappa (DC.) ANDERBERG’ is invalid, and a new combination is provided for this common Old World species centered in the Himalayas. The name “Duhaldea eupatorioides (DC.) ANDERBERG” is an isonym of the earlier D. eupatorioides (DC.) STEETZ. Introduction Ina treatment of tribe Inuleae (Compositae) by the second author (ANDERBERG 1991: p. 104), the name “Duhaldea cappa (DC.) ANDERBERG” was intended as a new combination. The basionym was unintentionally not cited, but rather “/nula cappa DC.” was given. Thus, the intended combination is invalid, does not exist nomenclaturally, and is not correctable (ICBN Art. 33, Ex. 11). The species was treated using the name Duhaldea cappa in the Flora of Bhutan (Grierson & SprINGATE 2001), but the needed combination in Duhaldea DC. was not validated there. Here we provide a description and a valid combination for this common Asian species of Duhaldea, asmall genus of 14 species, 13 of which occur in Asia and one in Africa. Duhaldea DC. is typified by D. chinensis DC., a synonym of D. cappa (Bucu.-Ham. ex D. Don) Pruski & ANDERBERG. Duhaldea includes the synonymous Amphirhapis DC. (ANDERBERG 1991) and Inula sect. Cappa DC. (StTEETz 1857), the latter into which CaNnDoLLe (1836) originally placed D. cappa and four other species (/nula species numbers 29-33). The first of these species listed by CANDoLLE is D. eupatorioides (DC.) Stee1z (isonym D. eupatorioides (DC.) ANDERBERG), which was recognized by ANDERBERG (1991) as a good species. The three other original species of /nula sect. Cappa are treated here as synonyms of D. cappa, and include Inula eriophora DC., I. oblonga DC., I. pseudocappa DC. Canbo.e (1836) and Streetz (1857) cited three 44 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 WaALLICH catalogue numbers [2992, 3013 (cited incorrectly by CANDOLLE as “2013”), and 3014: the two latter are type collections] in treating species in the D. cappa group. An unnumbered Wa.LicH collection of D. cappa in MO (sheet # 5384321!) surely represents one of these three WALLIcH catalogue numbers, but at present cannot with certainty be assigned to any one of them. Thirteen species other than Duhaldea (née Conyza) cappa are recognized in Duhaldea. These species were transferred to Duhaldea from Jnula (STEETz 1857, An- DERBERG 1991, Dawar & QaisER 1999), and include two species originally described in Amphirhapis. Duhaldea is technically distinguished from /nula L. by polarized (vs. radial) endothecial tissue in the anthers, ridged (vs. smooth) receptacles, and truncate to rarely acute (vs. acute) anther appendages (ANDERBERG 1991, cf. Fig. 2 in Dawar & QaisER 1999). Another characteristic of Duhaldea is that many species tend to have marginal pistillate florets with tubular corollas with small or very reduced limbs; the capitula are thereby commonly disciform or inconspicuously radiate. Additionally, all species of Duhaldea have stems that lack resin canals (ANDERBERG 1991). Duhaldea cappa (Bucu.-HM. ex D. Don) Pruski & ANDERBERG, comb. nov. Basionym: Conyza cappa Bucu.-Ha. ex D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 176. 1825. Jnula cappa (Bucu.-Ham. ex D. Don) DC., Prodr. 5: 469. 1836. Duhaldea chinensis var. cappa (Bucu.-Ham. ex D. Don) Stee1z, Bonplandia 5: 308. 1857. Type: Nepaliae superioris, ad Suembu, s.d., F. Hamiton s.n. (holotype: BM n.v.). Perennial herbs to shrubs, 0.5—1 (—2) m tall; stems erect, few-branched, subterete, often distally lanate to proximally puberulent, sometimes aromatic, soft and easily broken. Leaves simple, alternate, spread evenly along distal half of stems; petioles stout, 4-8 (15) mm long; blades progressively reduced in size distally, elliptic- lanceolate to oblanceolate, usually about (4) 8—15 (20) cm long, usually about 1.5—4 cm wide, stiffly chartaceous, venation pinnate, third order veins sometimes obscured by pubescence, base cuneate to rounded, margins distally serrulate to nearly entire, apex acute to acuminate, the adaxial surface finely sericeous, the abaxial surface usually sericeous to lanate. Capitulescence terminal, sometimes also lateral from uppermost nodes on axillary branches commonly 2—3 cm long, corymbiform, sometimes densely so, commonly with 20-50 or more capitula; peduncles stout, lanate, usually 2-5 mm long. Capitula inconspicuously radiate or disciform, ca 30-flowered, to ca. 8 mm high; involucre cylindrical to turbinate; phyllaries 5—6-seriate, imbricate, graduate, outer ones elliptic-lanceolate, ca. 1.5 mm long, scarious or with an herbaceous apex, densely pubescent, grading to inner ones lanceolate, 4.5—5.5 (-6) mm long, scarious, stramineous, apically pubescent; receptacle flat, epaleate, foveolate with minute irregular ridges. Marginal (ray) florets pistillate 1 (—2)-seriate; corollas cream-colored or yellowish, 3-4 (-5) mm long, apically glandular, limb often ca. 0.5 mm long, indistinct, less commonly lacking or to ca. 2 mm long. Disk florets bisexual; corollas Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 45 yellowish, tubular-funnelform, 4—5.5 mm long, lobes ca. 0.5 mm long, apically glandular; anthers weakly exserted, tailed, endothecial tissue polarized, apical appendage truncate; style branches ca. 1 mm long. Achenes obconical, 1.2—1.5 mm long, sericeous; pappus of ca. 12 scabrid or barbellate, subequal, stramineous bristles ina single series, 4—4.5 mm long, about as long as the corolla. Distribution and Ecology: Duhaldea cappa (Bucu.-Ham. ex D. Don) Pruski & ANDER- BERG is relatively common in dry open areas of the temperate regions of the Himalayas from 1800-3000 m in elevation, where it is usually a perennial herb less than one meter tall flowering in the summer and fall (YesHEy Dorn, pers. comm.). The species is increasingly less common and becomes shrubby at lower elevations (to ca. 450 m) in adjacent subtropical areas of southeastern Asia. Duhaldea cappa was described from material collected in Nepal, and is also known to us from Bhutan, China, northern India, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, and Vietnam. It is cited as also occurring in Malay- sia and Java (MANANDHAR 2002), however, perhaps only occurring there in cultivation. Uses: Duhaldea cappa (Bucu.-Ham. ex D. Don) Pruski & ANDERBERG Is occasionally collected at elevations below 3000 m in the Himalayas and used as a substitute forage plant for horses during overnight excursions to higher elevations (YEsHEY Dori, pers. comm.). MANANDHAR (2002) listed several medical uses for various parts of the plant, including use in treating ulcers, indigestion, headaches, fever, and menstrual disord- ers. Lastly, the species is one of many species “used to make marcha, a fermenting cake from which liquor is distilled” (MaNANDHAR 2002). Acknowledgements We thank New Harriman for originally noting the invalid name and Jiu SoLomon for bringing it to our attention. YEsHEY Dorm, BERTIL NorDENsTAM, and Jan SaLick are thanked for their valuable comments on an earlier draft of this note. 46 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 References ANDERBERG, A. A. 1991. Taxonomy and phylogeny of the tribe Inuleae (Asteraceae). PI. Syst. Evol. 176: 75-123. CanDOLLE, A.P. pe 1836. Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, Vol. 5.Treuttel & Wurtz, Paris. Dawar, R. & M. Qaiser 1999. Anew combination in Duhaldea (Compositae-Inuleae). Adansonia, sér. 3,21: 323-326. Don, D. 1825. Prodromus florae nepalensis. Gale, London. Grierson, A. J. C. & L. S. SprincaTE 2001. Compositae. Pp. 1397-1632. Jn: GrIERSON, A. J.C. & D. G Lonc, Flora of Bhutan, Vol. 2, Part 3. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh & The Royal Government of Bhutan. Mananpuar, N. P. 2002. Plants and People of Nepal. Timber Press, Portland. Streetz, J. 1857. Duhaldea Chinensis, De Canp.: Ein Beitrag zur Systematik der Compositae. Bonplandia 5: 305-310. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 47 Io B. Norp. (Compositae-Senecioneae), a new monotypic genus from Madagascar Berti, NoRDENSTAM Dept. Phanerogamic Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden e-mail: bertiLnordenstam@nrm.se Abstract The new monotypic genus Jo B. Norp. is described, based on Senecio ambondrombeensis H. Hums. from Madagascar. The single known species is Jo ambondrombeensis (H. Hump.) B. Norp., comb. nov. The new genus is readily distinguished from Senecio by the opposite leaves, a rather unusual feature in the tribe. Furthermore, the style branches of disc-florets have continuous stigmatic areas inside and papillate outsides, and their tips are truncate and lack distinct sweeping- hairs. Some New World genera such as Cabreriella, Herodotia, Ekmaniopappus and Gynoxys have the opposite leaves in common with the new genus, but are not belie- ved to be closely related. Introduction Senecio ambondrombeensis H. Hump. was described from a single locality in the Ambondrombe mountains in south-east central Madagascar (HumpBert 1948). In the "Flore de Madagascar’ Humpert (1963) placed this singular species in a group of its own within Senecio (viz., Group VIII, without a formal name) on account of the opposite leaves, a feature otherwise unknown in this very large genus. Altogether three collections were cited, and no later records are known to me. Material in K, P and TAN has been studied (cf. Acknowledgements). Description and Discussion Io B. Norp., gen. nov., a Senecionis speciebus omnino foliis oppositis decussati differt. Suffrutex erectus glaber c. 0.5 m altus. Folia opposita decussata subsessilia ovato- lanceolata herbacea plana integra 2-3.5 cm longa et 1-2 cm lata pinnativenosa acuminata margine denticulato-mucronata. Capitula corymbosa heterogama radiata calyculata. Flores radii 8—11 feminei flavi. Flores disci numerosi flavi, styli rami intus 48 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 area stigmatica continua instructi apice truncati papillati. Cypselae glabrae, pappi setae numerosae albae minutissime barbellatae persistentes. Typus: Senecio ambondrombeensis H. Hump. Genus monotypica: Io ambondrombeensis (H. Hums.) B. Norp., comb. nov. Basionym: Senecio ambondrombeensis H. Hums., Not. Syst. Paris 13(4): 332 (1948); Huweert, Fl. Madasc. 3 Composées: 743-744 (1963). Type: Borreau in Herb. Jard. Bot. Tananarive 4596 (P lecto!, K iso!, TAN iso!, scanned image seen). Illustr.: Fig. nostra 1; Humpert (1963) Fig. CXXVII: 3. Erect almost glabrous suffrutex ca. 0.5 m high. Leaves opposite, decussate (internodes 2-4 cm), subsessile, ovate-lanceolate with slightly cordate base, 2—3.5 cm long and 1-2 cm wide, entire, herbaceous, pinnativeined, acuminate; margins sparsely denticulate-mucronate; petiole up to 3 mm long, basally widened and half-clasping, somewhat villous. Capitula corymbose on branching bracteate peduncles 2—5 cm long from the uppermost leaf-pair, heterogamous, radiate. Involucral bracts 11—13, linear- lanceolate, 7 mm long and 1-2 mm wide, glabrous, acuminate; calyculus bracts several, linear-lanceolate, acuminate. Ray-florets 8-11, female, yellow; tube cylindrical, 1.5—2 mm long, basally swollen, glabrous; lamina narrowly oblong, 10—12 mm long, 4—veined. Disc-florets numerous, hermaphrodite, yellow; corolla shortly tubular below, tube 1.5 mm long, limb narrowly campanulate, 3 mm long, 5-lobed; lobes triangular-ovate, with median resin duct and marginal veins. Anthers 1.3—1.8 mm long, basally sagittate to shortly caudate; apical appendage small, ovate-oblong, obtuse; filament collar distinctly balusterform. Style branches narrowly oblong, ca. 1 mm long, dorsally papillate with elongate truncate-obtuse papillae, inside with continuous stigmatic area extending a little to the dorsal side, apically truncate with very short papillae and without sweeping-hairs. Cypselas cylindrical-oblong, glabrous; pappus bristles numerous, uniseriate, 3-4 mm long, erect, slender, very minutely barbellate, white, persistent. Flowering period: April. Vernacular names (fide coll.): antsoimbaraka, ahipotsy. Collections: Madagascar: Centre (Sud-Est), sommet de 1’ Ambondrombe, 1900 m, 11.IV. 1941, Borreau in Herb. Jard. Bot. Tananarive 4596 (K! P! TAN! scanned image); Borreau in Herb. Jard. Bot. Tananarive 4636 (TAN! scanned image, coll. no. lacking but no doubt identical to the second Borrgau specimen cited by Humperr 1948, 1963); Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 49 sommet de 1’ Ambondrombe (S.-E du Betsileo), Hem s.n. (P? n.v., but cited by Humperr 1963). Etymology: A generic name as short as possible is proposed to compensate for the long and cumbersome specific epithet. In Latin /o is an exclamation of joy, and in Greek mythology /o was a maiden loved by Zeus. /o is also a small part of the generic name Senecio. It is also the name of the innermost moon of the large planet Jupiter, which is surrounded by numerous satellites, like the large genus Senecio is surrounded by numerous small satellite genera. Jo is only known from the Ambondrombe mountains, where it grows on siliceous rocks at 1700 to 1900 m altitude. In my provisional key to the 138 genera of the tribe Senecioneae this new genus will come out together with Cabreriella Cuatrsc., a South American genus with two species. They are scandent shrublets with some similarities to Jo, especially in leaf shape and arrangement. However, a close relationship between these genera is not suggested. Few and mostly New World genera of the tribe have opposite leaves. Like Cabreriella they are scandent shrubs, viz. Scrobicaria, Herodotia and Ekmaniopappus, or erect shrubs or small trees in the large Andean genus Gynoxys. None of these is proposed to be closely related to the new Malagasy genus, which seems to hold a rather isolated position in the tribe. Acknowledgements My sincere thanks to Prof. PH. Morar, Paris, for sending on loan a syntype from P, to Dr. G Scuarz, St. Louis (MO) for mediating the contacts with Antananarivo, and to Mss. Sytvig ANDRIAMBOLOLONERA and JEANNIE RAHARIMAMPIONONA, Antananarivo, for sending information and scanned images of herbarium material at TAN, also reporting that no material of the new genus exists at herbarium TEF. References Humsert, H. 1948. Contributions a |’ étude de la flore de Madagascar et des Comores. Notul. Syst. Paris 13(4): 304-332. Humperrt, H. 1963. Flore de Madagascar et des Comores (Plantes Vasculaires). 189e Famille.- Composées, tome III. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur., Lab. Phanérog., Paris. = Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 A Fig. 1. Jo ambondrombeensis (H. Hums.) B. Noro. A Habit, « 1/2. B Ray-floret, 2,5. C Disc-floret (pappus removed), x 5.D Anthers, x 10. E Style branches from disc-floret, x 10. - Del. B. NorDENSTAM. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 al Study on the Compositae weed flora of farmlands in Ekiti State, Nigeria JosHuA KayoDE Department of Plant Science and Forestry Univeristy of Ado-Ekiti, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria E-mail: joskay@skannet.com Abstract Weeds of the family Compositae were identified among weed flora sampled from diffe- rent farmlands in Ekiti State, Nigeria. The ecological attributes of the ten most domi- nant Compositae weeds in the study area as well as their observable eco- physiological and phytosociological features were described. Introduction The wide occurrence of Compositae weedy species in abandoned farmlands of Ekiti State, Nigeria, was demonstrated by Kayope (1999). Weed interference is a major production constraint in this purely agrarian state of Nigeria. Economic losses incurred as a result of uncontrolled weed growth are highly considerable. Efforts are now been intensified to properly understand the physiology and ecology of these weeds with a view to evolving a sustainable control strategy. The study here reported is part of an on-going research aimed at providing a checklist of the weed flora associated with farmlands in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Material and Methods The study area was described by Kayope (1999, 2002). Farmlands currently being cropped with cassava, yams, maize, rice or vegetables, alone or in mixtures, were seclected in Ado-Ekiti (Site A), Ikere-Ekiti (Site B) and Ifaki-Ekiti (Site C), all within 20 km radius from Ado-Ekiti, the state capital. The farms were visited regularly on a bi-weekly bases between November 2001 and October 2002 and the farms were randomly sampled for weed flora. The identifications of the weeds were made using standard monography (AkosunDu & Acyakwa 1987). All species were documented with vouchers in the Herbarium of the Department of Plant Science and Forestry, University of Ado-Ekiti, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. a) tO Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Results and Discussions The study revealed that most of the weeds sampled belonged to the family Compositae. The ready availability of nutrients in the soils of the study area was previously demonstrated by Kayopge & AKANDE (1998). Kayope (2002) also revealed that Compositae species thrived abundantly well in the low organic matter content of the study area. These attributes might have played prominent roles in the ready establishment of these weedy species in the soils of the farmlands examined in this study. Table 1 shows the ecological attributes of the ten most dominant Compositae weeds in the study area. The observable eco-physiological and phytosociological features of these species are reported. (a) Ageratum conyzoides L. This is commonly known as ’Goat weed’ in the study area. It is an erect, softly hairy herb that may grow to about 70 cm high. It has a weak stem and broadly ovate leaves. Reproduction is usually from seeds and the plant appears in mid-January, flowers in either late February or early March while its seeds are ready for dispersal latest in the middle of May. (b) Aspilia africana (Prrs.) C. D. ADams This scrambling perennial herb is commonly known as ’Hemorrhage plant’ in the study area. It may grow up to about 1.5 m in height. The leaves are broadly ovate, opposite and lanceolate. The emergence and infestation of this weed occur during the rainy season i.e. March to October. The inflorescence consists of solitary terminal flower heads with hairy stalks about 4-10 cm long. The colonizing success of the weed is also enhanced by its ability to flower almost throughout the year, and its pe- netration by rootstock and rooting nodes of mature stem. (c) Bidens pilosa L. This erect aromatic annual herb is commonly known as ’Cobblers peg’ in the study area. It grows up to about 1.5 m in height. The stem is quadrangular, hollowed and ribbed, much branched, generally green but sometimes dark reddish, smooth to slightly hairy. The leaves are opposite and tri(to 5—)foliate. The leaflets are ovate and may be up to 10 cm long and 5 cm broad. The terminal leaflet is always larger than the lateral ones. The leaflet margins are serrate and have a petiole that may be up to 2 cm long. The inflorescence consists of solitary terminal heads or several heads on loosely branched peduncles. The plant persists throughout the year. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 SS (d) Chromolaena odorata (L.) R. M. Kinc & Rosinson This is a diffuse, rapidly growing, and strongly scented perennial shrub that is widely knownas *Siam weed’ in the study area. It may grow up to more than 3 m in height. The stem is cylindrical, robust, scrambling and dichotomously branched. The leaves are opposite, ovate to triangular ovate with subentire to coarsely toothed margins, hairless or sparingly hairy. It reproduces effectively from seeds. (e) Lactuca taraxacifolia (WiLLD.) SCHUM. This erect rhizomatous annual or perennial herb, with grayish blue bloom, is widely known as Wild lettuce’ in the study area. It may grow to about 1.5 m in height. The stem is erect, finely grooved and smooth, and the leaves have serrate margins. The inflorescence is an open, much branched panicle, with deep yellow florets. It reproduces from seeds and proliferating rhizome. (f) Melanthera scandens (ScHuM. & THONN.) ROBERTS This is a scrambling leafy perennial herb that may trail to a length of 3 m. The stem is quadrangular, much branched and rough to touch. The leaves are opposite and broadly ovate. The inflorescence consists of solitary flower heads with long peduncle. (g) Spilanthes filicaulis (Scuum. & THonn.) C. D. ADAMs This is a creeping annual herb with prostrate stem rooting from the nodes. The leaves are alternate and ovate. The inflorescence consists of ovoid flower heads on short peduncles. The ray and disc florets are yellow. Reproduction is by seed. (h) Synedrella nodiflora GaERtN. This is an annual herb commonly known as ’Starwor?t’ in the study area. The stem is erect with woody base. The leaves are simple, opposite, ovate with serrate margin. It has a terminal inflorescence with yellow florets. (i) Tridax procumbens L. This is a roughly hairy annual herb popularly known as ’Coat buttons’ in the study area. The stem is weak, trailing and highly rooting at lower nodes. The leaves are simple, opposite, ovate or broadly lanceolate. The inflorescence is solitary, terminal or axillary flowerhead. The peduncle is long, the ray florets are cream white and the disc florets are yellow. Reproduction is by seeds. (j) Vernonia ambigua L. This is an erect herb with choking odour. The stems are covered with leaf-like structures that run down the stem and the stalk. The leaves are alternate, sessile, lanceolate with serrate margin. It has axillary inflorescence. 54 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 In conclusion, a detailed eco-physiological study on the relative ecological success of Compositae weed species may be necessary to further enhance the understanding of the biology of weed flora associated with farmlands of the study area. References AKoBUNDU, L O. & C. W. Acyakwa 1987. A handbook of West Africa weeds. Interna- tional Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan. 520 pp. Kayope, J. 1999. Phytosociological investigation of Compositae weeds in abandoned farmlands in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Comp. News!. 34: 62-68. Kayopk, J. 2002. Conservation and ethnobotanical exploration of Compositae in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Comp. Newsl. 38: 79-83. Kayopk, J. & A. O. AKANDE 1998. Eco-physiological studies on Hyptis suaveolens Piot and Ocimum gratissimum Linn. Global Jour. Pure and Applied Sciences 4 (4): 339-342. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 55 Table 1. Ecological attributes of the ten most dominant Compositae weeds in the study area ie tpeees = Life Raunkier | Duration of form Life form Life cycle Aspilia africana (PERS.) C. D. Apams Bidens pilosa L. R. M. Kine & RoBinson Lactuca taraxacifolia (WILLD.) SCHUM. Melanthera scandens Ch P (ScHum. & THONN.) ROBERTS Spilanthes filicaulis HW Ch (Scuum. & THonn.) C. D. Apams Chromolaena odorata (L.) pa > Synedrella nodiflora GaERTN. petal a A Vernonia ambigua L. B H Th A - B: Broad Th: Therophyte A: Annual S: Shrub Ph: Phanerophyte _-P: Perennial H: Herb Ch: Chamaephyte 56 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 The antimicrobial effects of some Asteraceae commonly eaten as vegetables in southwest Nigeria on some enteric pathogens M. O. BANKOLE, ML. S. AYODELE & O. T. ADEsUMO Biological Sciences Department, College of Natural Sciences University of Agriculture P. M. 2240, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Abstract Three enteric pathogenic bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Sal- monella typhi) isolated from sputum, nostril, urine and faeces of patients with pathological symptoms were exposed to cold fluid extraction of three commonly eaten vegetables, members of the family Asteraceae namely Vernonia amygdalina DEL., Solanecio biafrae (Ottv. & Hiern) C. Jerrrey and Solanecio mannii (Hook. F.) C. JEFFREY. All the isolates were sensitive to )’ amygdalina and S. mannii but were resistant to S. biafrae. Bacterial growth was inhibited by the cold fluid extract on Nutrient Agar medium and Blood Agar medium and least inhibited on MacConkey Agar medium. Results are discussed with reference to the vegetables as therapeutic agents and their possible implication in food. Introduction Leafy vegetables of various types constitute special delicacies in the southwestern part of Nigeria. These edible leaves of plants consumed as soups are reported to possess significant amounts of Beta-Carotene, Ascorbic acid, protein, carbohydrates and minerals (Ricz etal. 1993). They are also consumed for various medicinal purposes in specific parts of Africa and Asia. Some members of the family Asteraceae (Compositae) feature prominently among the numerous edible plants common to the Yoruba culture of the southwest Nigeria (DaiziL 1937). These include Vernonia amygdalina Dev., Solanecio biafrae (Outv. & Hizrn) C. JEFFREY and Solanecio mannii (Hook. F.) C. JEFFREY. Woop et al. (1995) reported that good bactericidal and fungicidal activities have been shown by the acetylenes trideca-1-monoene-3, 5,7,9,11-pentayene and trideca-1, II- diene-3, 5, 7, 9-tetrayene extracted from the flowers of Arnica montana, the root of Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 DT Arctium lappa and species of Echinacea and Pulicaria (Compositae). Asteraceae (Compositae) are useful for therapeutic application due to their antihepatoxic, choleretic, spasmolytic, antihelminthic, antiphlogistic, antibiotic or antimicrobial activities (KUPCHAN 1970). Some of them possess remarkable bacteriostatic and fungistatic properties and they probably participate in the pharmaceutical activity of some drugs and hence the elucidation of the structure of some members of the family. Many Vernonia species have a wide use medicinally in native cultures for treating a variety of diseases. KupcHan et al. (1968) have demonstrated that active substances are present in these plants. Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus are common pathogenic bacteria known to cause diseases. S. typhi is responsible for typhoid fever. Escherichia coli causes traveler’s diarrhoea and Staphylococcus aureus is the causative organism of boils and staphylococcal food poisoning. Some of these disease cause death while some cause a lot of discomfort (Jay 1992). The objective of this study is to investigate the antimicrobial effects of three commonly eaten vegetables Vernonia amygdalina, Solanecio biafrae and Solanecio mannii on enterically pathogenic organisms namely Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi. This is with a view to ascertaining the possible inhibitory effect of the plants on the pathogenic organisms and which justifies their use not only as food but also as cheap therapeutic agents for microbial gastroenteritis and some other medical and physiological disorders. Materials and Methods Collection of Specimens The vegetables (Solanecio mannii, Vernonia amygdalina, and Solanecio biafrae were obtained fresh from different markets, wrapped in sterile Aluminium foil and brought to the Microbiology laboratory for analysis. Isolates of Escherichia coli from urine and faeces, Staphylococcus aureus from sputum, urine and nose swabs and Sa/monella typhi from faeces of patients suffering from typhoid fever were obtained from the Nigerian Army Base Hospitals, Yaba, Lagos. Their identity was confirmed before use at the Microbiology Laboratory, Uni- versity of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Preparation of Vegetable Extract Fifteen (15) grams of each vegetable was soaked in 1% Sodium hypochlorate solution for 5 minutes and then rinsed properly with sterile distilled water to remove adhering 58 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Sodium hypochlorate. The leaves were then pounded in a sterile mortar and pestle in an inoculating room disinfected overnight with HI fumes. The vegetable extract was removed from the residue with the aid of a sterile syringe into sterile Universal bottle and labeled. Effect of Vegetable Extract on Microorganisms The broth culture of the three different microorganisms (S. aureus, S. typhi and E. coli) were prepared separately to give the same density and each seeded on Nutrient Agar, MacConkey Agar and Blood Agar plates. One milliliter (1 ml) of the vegetable extracts was dropped on the seeded plates and labeled and incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. Zones of inhibition were measured on the plates and the averages of five trials obtained were recorded for each vegetable extracts on strains of each of the microorganisms. Results The mean values of measurements of the zones of inhibition by the cold extracts of the three commonly eaten vegetables tested on three different pathogenic bacteria (S: aureus, E. coli and S. typhi) grown on three different growth media (Nutrient Agar, MacConkey Agar and Blood Agar) are as shown on Tables 1-3. All isolates of the microorganisms were resistant to Solanecio biafrae (zero inhibition zone) whereas the microorganisms were all most sensitive to Vernonia amygdalina (inhibition zone range: to 7 mm for F. coli and S. typhi to 13 mm for S. aureus on nutrient agar). Although the microorganisms tested were also sensitive to So/anecio mannii, this was not as much as in . amygdalina. S. aureus strains showed the high- est sensitivity to V amygdalina (Table 1). Generally, the inhibition zone of the antimicrobial agents was highest on Nutrient agar followed by Blood agar and least on MacConkey agar (Tables 1 and 3). So/anecio mannii had no inhibition zone on F. coli and S. typhi cultured on MacConkey agar (Tables 2 and 3) and very narrow inhibition zone on S. aureus (Table 1). There was no significant difference (P<0.05%) between the inhibition zone values for the different strains of the same organism. However the differences in inhibition zones between the different organisms and among the different growth media were Statistically significant (P<0.05%). Discussion The microorganisms isolated and used in this work were from patients with clinical symptoms from the hospital sent to the Medical Laboratory for tests. These Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 59 microorganisms as human pathogens and causative agents of food poisoning are well documented (Marinpot! 1992, Jay 1992). Vernonia amygdalina, Solanecio mannii and Solanecio biafrae are vegetables commonly eaten as soups in Nigeria. The sensitivity patterns obtained from the vegetable extract treatment of the bacteria isolates from urine and faeces varied (Tables 1-3). V. amygdalina and S. mannii inhibited all isolates, although with varying degrees of inhibition (Tables 1-3). However, none of the isolates was inhibited by S. biafrae. Vernonia amygdalina showed the highest zone of inhibition on the isolates. amygdalina has been reported to contain phenolic carboxylic acid which is an antimicrobial component (KupcHAN 1970). This probably accounts for the highest zone of inhibition among the antimicrobial agents used. All the microorganisms tested were resistant to Solanecio biafrae. This vegetable probably has little or no antimicrobial content against the microorganisms tested, hence the ability of all the bacteria to become resistant to the fluid extracted from it. However, the leaves are reported to be used as baby wash and the seeds used for the treatment of diarrhoea (Ricz et al. 1993). Nutrient agar (a general medium) supported the growth of the organisms tested to give the highest zone of inhibition (4-14 mm, Table 3) while microorganisms grown on Blood agar, which is an enriched medium, had narrower zone of inhibition range (3—9 mm). This lower inhibitory effect of the antimicrobial agents on microorganisms on Blood agar than on Nutrient agar may be due to the enriched medium and growth factors the microorganisms fed on to make them grow more profusely. All pathogenic microorganisms thrive on Blood agar, and the activity of the antimicrobial agents might have been reduced as a result. Nutrient agar being a non-specific medium probably allowed the penetration of extract into the bacteria and probably also did not contain any material to neutralize or react with the antimicrobial agent. MacConkey agar contains Biles salt and lactose, which may inhibit the growth of non-lactose fermenters and the component material might have reacted with the antimicrobial agent reducing its potency and activity. Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi were not as inhibited as Staphylococcus aureus. Huco & Russe (1983) indicated that the inherent resistance of gram-negative bacteria to antimicrobial agents is associated with the physiology of the cell wall, the outer layer of the bacteria cell wall being impermeable to drugs, thus preventing the attainment of an inhibitory concentration within the cell. The resistance shown by Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi could probably be due to the component of their cell wall. This is also corroborated by the report of Romi (1981) in which E. coli strains encountered in Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) Nigeria, were f- lactamase positive, and that the enzyme increased F. coli’s resistance to antimicrobial agents. 60 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 That amygdalina and S. mannii have antimicrobial effects against the three well- known food poisoning microorganisms (S. aureus, E. coli and S. typhi) is of significance. This gives a further suggestion that they could therefore be of therapeutic value. This however needs to be confirmed by further investigation on the plants, involving attempts to study the antimicrobial active ingredient in these vegetables. This is more so, as the patterns of inhibition of the vegetables extracts to the microorganisms are considered with reference to the possible antimicrobial con- tent of the vegetables and the ability of the organisms to resist it, based on their morphology and the growth factors available to them. Solanecio mannii, Solanecio biafrae, and Vernonia amygdalina are all vegetables belonging to the family Compositae (MavHew & Penny 1988). These vegetables though often cooked or parboiled before consumption are sometimes eaten raw or squeezed and the resultant filtrate drunk to treat constipation and digestive problems (WiLLiaMs et al. 1991). V’ amygdalina is active against Staphylococcus aureus but its activity on other pathogenic microorganisms has not been demonstrated (BOHLMANN et al. 1973). Little if anything is known about the antimicrobial potentials of the other two vegetables used in this study. The antimicrobial activity of the vegetables on the pathogenic bacteria was more pronounced on Nutrient agar followed by on Blood agar then on MacConkey agar. This probably suggests that the physiological state of the vegetable consumer might play a role in the therapeutic capability of the vegetables even though the vegetables used as food could be chemotherapeutic. This is an indication that the encouragement in the consumption of such vegetable materials could possibly enhance an effective control over such organisms deleterious to the health of peasants who cannot afford prescribed drugs for curbing the negative activities of the organisms in man. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Gil References BoHLMANN, F., BurkHarpt T. & C. ZpEro 1973. Naturally Occurring Acetylenes. Academic Press, New York. 265 pp. Da.aeL, J. M. 1937. The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa. Crown Agents, London. 199 pp. Huco, W.B. & A.A. Russe 1983. Cell wall physiology of Gram-negative bacteria. Jn: Pharmaceutical Microbiology (3 edition) pp. 81-83. Blackwell Publishers, London. Jay, J. M. 1992. Agents of Food poisoning. /n: Jay, J. M., Modern Food Microbiology (4" ed.) pp. 457-470; & 554. Chapman & Hall, New York. Kupcuan, S. M. 1970. Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Terpenoid Tumour Inhibitors. Pure Appl. Chem 21: 227-229. Kupcuan, S. M., Hemmincway, R. J., WENER, V. & A. Karim 1968. Vernolepin, A novel elemanolidedia lactone tumour inhibitor from Vernonia hymenolepsis. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 90: 3586-3597. Marinpotl, A. 1992. Evaluation of Disinfectant Activities of Izal, Savlon, Dettol on Five Bacteria Pathogens: pp. 20—38; (Unpublished Project Report), Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology, Nigeria. Mayuew, S. & A. Penny 1988. Zropical and Subtropical Foods. Macmillan Press Ltd., London. 199 pp. Rice, R. P., TyNpaL, H. D. & L. W. Rice 1993. Fruit and Vegetable Production in Africa, Macmillan Press Ltd., London. 295 pp. Rotmi, V. O. 1981. Antibiotic and Self Medication. /. Pharmacet. Sci. 6: 369-370. Wits, C. N., Uzo, J. O. & W. T. H. Perecrino 1991. Vegetable Production in the Tropics. Longman Group, London. 191 pp. Woop, H. B. JR, ALLERTON, R., DrzEHL, H. W. & H. G FLercuHer 1995.The Structure of the Glucose Moieties. /. Org. Chem. 20: 875. 62 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Table 1. The mean inhibition zone (mm) of cold extraction fluid of V. amygdalina, S. mannii and S. biafrae on strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from three different sources Organism strain eg estat extract S. aureus Ill Key to Vegetable Extract: A -— Vernonia amygdalina B — Solanecio mannii C— Solanecio biafrae Table 2. The mean inhibition zone (mm) of cold extraction fluid of V. amygdalina, S. mannii and S. biafrae on strains of Escherichia coli isolated from three different sources Meta Nutrient Agar MacConkey Agar Blood Agar Organism strain Vert extract B Cc A E. coli Ill Key to Vegetable Extract: A-— Vernonia amygdalina B — Solanecio mannii C — Solanecio biafrae Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 6a Table 3. The mean inhibition zone (mm) of cold extraction fluid of V. amygdalina, S. mannii and S. biafrae on strains of Salmonella typhi isolated from three different sources Nutrient Agar | MacConkey Agar Blood Agar Key to Vegetable Extract: A — Vernonia amygdalina B — Solanecio mannii C- Solanecio biafrae 64 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 Compositae News JOHN F, Pruski Missouri Botanical Garden P.O. Box 299 St. Louis, MO 63166-0299, USA GraziELA MacireEL Barroso (1912-2003) Dra. GrazisLa Macs Barroso, the world’s leading authority on (Brain Compositae, died in Rio de Janeiro on 5 May 2003 at the age of 91. This remarkable ( wematl was a contemporary of both ANGEL Casprera and José Cuatrecasas, the two other truly giant figures in South America synantherology of the last half century. Like Drs. CABRERA and Cuatrecasas, Dra. Barroso lived and worked into her nineties. And like them, she will be remembered not only for her enormous professional contributions, but also for being a truly humble, kind, giving, gentle, and beautiful spirit. I was always immensely pleased to receive letters from her, these always written in hand and mailed from her home address in Pedra de Guaratiba. It was in sucha letter dated 20 February 1989 that she wrote “sua Calea /utea e a minha Calea saddiana sejam a mesma especie” and told me that Calea lutea (published 8 Dec 1988) had priority of two weeks over her name. During visits, she happily answered my many queries preliminary to the Compositae flora of Guayana. She did the same for a legion of admirers. She made friends wherever she traveled, was the acknowledged “First Lady of Brazilian Botany,” as well as the unofficial “owner of the Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro.” “Doutora GraziELa” (she was also affectionately called “Dona GraziELa”’) was born in Corumba, Mato Grosso, Brazil, on 11 April 1912. In 1942, she began her 60-year asso- ciation with the Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. Her husband was also employed at the Jardim Botanico, where he worked as an agronomist although a systematist at heart. Tragically, her son died during her second year of college, and she out lived her husband as well. Although Doutora GrazieLa worked extensively with Araceae, Dioscoreaceae, Leguminosae, Myrtaceae, and Scrophulariaceae, more than half of the one hundred plus species she described were Compositae. Noteworthy papers in families other than Compositae include her treatments of the Leguminosae of Guanabara (68 pages, dated 1965), Scrophulariaceae of Santa Catarina (114 pages, dated 1970), and the multi-authored Dioscoreaceae of Guanabara (245 pages, dated in Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 65 1974). During the last years of her life, she had spent much time revising Myrtaceae of Rio de Janeiro. In the Compositae she described new genera in several tribes: Astereae (Baccharidopsis), Eupatorieae (Monogerion and Praxeliopsis), Heliantheae (Angelphytum and Brasilia), and Vernonieae (Alcantara and Glaziovanthus). Of these genera, only Monogerion was not solely authored by her, being co-described with Ropert Kine, a founding editor of the Compositae Newsletter. Doutora Grazia honored her friend and colleague AnceL CaBrerRA by dedicating the new genus Angelphytum to him in the Homenaje a Ancet L. Caprer4 published in Bol. Soc. Argentina Bot. volume 19 in 1980. Similarly, in this same volume Josk CuaTrEcASAS dedicated the Colombian Cabreriella to ANGEL Caprera. Drs. BARROSO, CABRERA, and Cuatrecasas indeed formed an elite botanical triumvirate. The well known “Mikaniae do Brasil’ was published in 1958, while Doutora GrazieLa was an undergraduate student. Her first new genus was described in the 1949, nearly 10 years earlier. In tribe Stifftieae (or Mutisieae s. lat.), she is known for her fine revision coauthored with Bassetr Macure of the strange genus Wunderlichia, endemic to the Brazilian Planalto yet most closely related to genera from the Guayana Highland. She received her Bachelor degree from the Universidade do Estadual do Rio de Janeiro in 1961. In 1973, at the age of 61, she earned her PhD from Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Her dissertation “Compositae - Subtribo Baccharidinae HorrMann — Estudo das espécies ocorrentes no Brasil’ was defended on 18 December 1973 and published in Rodriguesia (28: 3-273) in 1976. Over the span of her career, Doutora GraziELa served on 60 Master degree committees and on 15 PhD committees. She was professor and chairman of the Departamento de Biologia Vegetal da Universidade de Brasilia from its inception until 1969. Although she officially retired in 1982 at the age of 70, she continued to work daily. When I visited her at the Jardim Botanico in Rio de Janeiro, she graciously presented me with her three-volume magnum opus “Sistematica de Angiospermas do Brasil.” That she worked well in to her retirement can be seen by the fact that last two volumes of “Sistematica de Angiospermas do Brasil’ were published after she retired in 1982. These volumes are essential references and include not only descriptions, but also illustrations and keys to genera! “Frutos e Sementes,” her fourth book, was published in 1999. It, just as was her “Sistemdtica,” is a co-authored volume, with Doutora GrazigLA again the first author. Appropriately, Doutora GrazieLa’s fifth book (2002’s Compostas 5. subtribo Baccharidinae in the Flora Ilustrada Catarinense series) was dedicated solely to Compositae. Doutora GrazieLa was honored several times during her life, and was the feature of several popular articles in Brazilian magazines. The genus Barrosoa is named in her honor, as is the Herbario “GrazizLa Barroso” of the Universidade Federal do Piaui, 66 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 which was dedicated in 1987. In 1958, she was awarded the “Medalha de Ménito D. Joao VI, Comemorativa do Sesquicentenario da Funda¢ao” from the Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. She was given the “Titulo de Cidada do Estado do Rio de Janeiro” (the equivalent of the “Key to the City” in the United States) by the legislature of Rio de Janeiro in 1980. The national awards “Grau de Cavaleiro da Ordem Nacional do Meérito Educativo” and the “Diploma da Ordem Nacional do Mérito Cientifico, na Classe Gra-Cruz” were bestowed upon her in 1980. In the year that she published her fourth book, she was one of only eight recipients (and the sole from Brazil) of the “Millennium Botany Award” given by the 1999 International Botanical Congress in St. Louis. Earlier this year she was elected into the Academia Brasileira de Ciéncias and the formal induction ceremony was to have taken place on 4 June 2003. For several generations Doutora GrazizLa Mace Barroso has been a tremendous positive botanical force. Thankfully, her influence is so strong that despite the very sad news of her death, her presence will be felt by future generations. She was truthfully one for the ages. Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 (AG) James C, Parks (1942-2002) James C. Parks, known to synantherologists for his revisionary work on Melanthera, died on 23 December 2002, within a year of his open-heart surgery. For the past 33 years, he was a professor at Millersville University (Pennsylvania), for a short period before that he had been a High School teacher. I last spoke with Jn in July 2002, and he had then mentioned his impending desire to retire from his university in May 2003. Jiu’s treatment of Me/anthera for the Missoun Botanical Garden’s Flora of North America is currently in the hands of the editors. He and I had begun our treatment of Melanthera for Flora Mesoamericana, which sadly | will finish alone. Jm@v was a student of Ropert Kra_, receiving his PhD from Vanderbilt University in 1969 for his work on Me/lanthera. His “Revision of North American and Caribbean Melanthera (Compositae)’ was published by Rhodora (75: 169-210) in 1973. For much of the past 30 years, however, Jiu had been involved in Pteridology, specifically with the study of ferns of Pennsylvania. He was senior author (Jim MontGomeRy was second author) of the fern treatment in the recently published 7he Plants of Pennsyl- vania, and he was sole author of the Lycopodiaceae treatment therein as well. Jiu was a deeply religious man, as well as a gentleman. He will be sorely missed. 68 Comp. Newsl. 40, 2003 JOHN BEAMAN receives JosE Cuatrecasas Medal One of our own, Dr. Jonn Beaman, was awarded the “Jose Cuatrecasas Medal for Excellence in Tropical Botany” on 29 March 2003 at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC. Joun BgeaMaN is well known for his contributions to monographic and floristic botany of both tropical America and Asia, and indirectly via his many students (graduate and undergraduate), who are now professional botanists. In the 1950’s as a REED RoL.ins student at Harvard, Joun developed a special interest in high elevational Compositae of Guatemala. In 1966, he and Curis ANDERSON published the new genus Cuchumatanea, named for Sierra de los Cuchmatanes in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Switching from study of Neotropical alpine flora (Los Cuchmatanes includes the highest peak in Central America) JoHn began floristic study of Mount Kinabalu, Borneo (the highest peak between the Himalayas and Papua New Guinea). JoHn’s current study of Mount Kinabalu being preceded by revisionary studies in American Compositae (from Jownsendia of 1957 to Hieracium in 1990) is reminiscent of the career of the great ALBert C. Smitu, who revised 'speletia (Bnittonia 1, 1935) and then launched into a second career phase, culminating in 1979 with the first volume of Smitu’s Flora Vitiensis. Some of botany’s best studied at Michigan State, that is they have earned BEAMAN’s stamp of approval. Former Michigan State University students CHRISTIANE ANDERSON, Micuas, DonocHuE, Roy GeREAU, WALTER Jupp, Jounn Prroty, Jacinto REGALADO, and W. Doucias STEVENS, among many others, are professional botanists. JoHN’s legacy is thus perpetuated. I am honestly delighted to congratulate Joun BEAMAN on his receipt of the “José Cuarrecasas Medal for Excellence in Tropical Botany.” New taxa and combinations published in this issue Duhaldea cappa (Bucu.-Ham. ex D. Don) Pruski & ANDERBERG, comb. nov.: p. 44 To B. Norb., gen. nov.: p. 47 Io ambondrombeensis (HA. Hums.) B. Norv., comb. nov.: p. 48 OCT 0 2 2003 JEW