AA ーー \C NT Pi Ii S/ コ テー - コ VAY s/ kt NG NNN に NG ‘Sy の = の = の a の IIHVH ヨ 11] LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S コ IN Ly < x の = . の z の Yiy, = < = に 電 5 £€,: = 6 pp Ns NN と ンス 人 3 ノ Of の ヽ 、 NN NN N NN 2 人 ジン グン AN E Sg ググ 3 = = NNS > = : > STITUTION NO ONIAN INSTIT の ) 「 ビ — ー ー | ーー x us UREN yy, の ow aX fy. =) = iG; と 2 4 = a ーー Oss = 〇 a ae 3]1dVd ヨ |I] L! HLINS S ヨ Idi Ke Wh レ c o De xa / > = を 月 > | ie > ー > つ \ — os Si N ONIAN STITUTION. NC Division of Mollusks Sectional Library NVINOSHLIAWS SMITHSONIAN 5yHIIWS SHIa j1dVda ヨ Ii] 上 I ーー の ) — 2 en uw の NN = aly ae c \ NN、 «= = ヾ = " = STITUTION NOIiriiri エ SNI NVINUSHLINS S コ IdVddIl LIBRARTES SMITHSONIAN_INSTH z ~~ > = — ia a に ra en See O Im っ o Y, @ Ke ーー 。 * = 〆、 て ー ィ 2 と w = に A, 5S Ne 54 \ x 5 8G,> & = マ “A? TER つづ [4 Z =) ク ク グー イン ジン に EGE SIS WEEE. 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NOILMLILSNI SaINVY@IT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION saiuvudl sa1avyudgl IIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S ヨ IdVd ヨ Il LIBF の z の z の 3 = sy = < ー = = Ws, = y x る NN : 6 ググ ら (の C の の ・、、 き 導 。 (の - の wn Wn. (の SS 6 fe} a) ek. WE fe) エ fe) Lit = K 2 E Ay 2 = = = ~N > = NN a = > = : レコ の ie Zz の 2 の VOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S ヨ 1dVdd ヨ Il] LIBRARIES INSTITUTION NOIL =r a 2 の Zz a の = の 本 a WwW = x =A ez a. 了 = 、 て a < て Does に トコ c Ps e Re at mm = oo 2 fal 〇 ae 〇 6 Oo に Za = z = z a5 IBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILONLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S コ Iavd ヨ Ii] LI z E = ig 5 と JE 2) ee ° S ° a 5 : E > に る Ey > つ >: =) > mt 2 = 2 = Z に . x cs z 上 所 i Z ら 1IInDIIICKII AiVMINIODCULIIIUMW ト IO いつ コ Ivanvuvim の mi ココ / WILLIAM H. DALD 、 _ SECTIONAL LIBRARY ヽ DIVISION OF MOLLUSKS _ WHY 治 営 四 四 bet モー eS 月 一 月 wu 日 十 第 日 = ATT 郵 便 物 可 YHOO | VE | ae) pe tae A MONTHLY ム Yd, 月 DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF JAPANESE Kr {WILLIAM H. DALD \ SECTIONAL LIBRARY DIVISION OF MOLLUSKS THE 2 CONCHOLOGICAL MAG: PUBLISHED BY Y. HIRASE. VOL. If. JANUARY, 1908. CONTENTS. PAGE Une Nouvelle Espece de Pythia Troavée Gitc GT NGI JE 5861DNVEUG つ EE つつ つつ つい つつ わ OO つつ GO Summary—On Japanese Marine Mollusca (11T)。。。…….……………………… ラ Summary—Cn Japanese Land Shells (VI ).………………………… Articles in Japanese : One Japanese) Marine m Nolasco GRIMM) ev ceccssrsseccsostoceecsconcssctscassseveese==ellle Remarks on Japanese Marine Mollusca (Te Ong apanesem Gandy Sires (VMN) Emtessscsecsesecesncsrseesescscsscsacsas=ressres-llls Re MaArksvonmdapimes cranes Melilism (UN))eesersccsseccacescesse-ceeereescreceross 17. Story about Shells (IT) By Y. Tanaka... eases peneeuenltG= Philology of Shell-Names from Ancient eee ax ES yale wl ANAND Estee sd aases sane coneesasarteenaraseescatesee tease eeenecesteraaetacs ae ポン (の ‘Hatsuyume,’ the First Dream of New Year’s Night abont a Conchological Museum of ‘Ryu-gu’—Paradise at the bottom of the Sea, (By Okami.) Publie Criticisms of Our Intention to Establish a Conchological Museum. A Picture-Postal Designed from the Colour-Markings of Certain shells. IGGBIIGTBOMSSNN 00 コー も ジン Seo OS Notice: The subscription price for foreign countries is $ 1. 50(3 yen)per annum. All letters and communications should be addressed to Y. HIRASE, Shimochoja-machi, Karasumaru, < Kyoto, Japan. Roos Feb. る 6 l¢ yoto, Japan / JAPANESE. SHELLS. Marine, Fresh-Water, and Land Shells of Japan, Loochoo Is., and Formosa, Fine specimens, (accurately determined, and exact localities given, of a great number of species, many of them new or rare, for sale at reasonable rates. Catalogue sent on Application. Specimens will be sent on approyal to purchasers known to me or giving satisfactory references. VY. Hirase, Kyoto, Japan. Paymeut should be made by postal orders; bank drafts are also acceptable, when registered. Prices are the lowest possible, though varying more or less aceor- ding to the quality and the amount of the goods ordered. Orders from unknown correspondents should be accompanied by a remittance or a satisfactory reference. A remittance is in many cases preferable, as it will prevent the loss of time otherwise needed for making necessary enquiries. The full address of an unknown corres— pondent should be written clearly. Tits NAUTILUS ' A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CONCHOLOGISTS Edited and Published by H. A. Pilsbry and C. W, Johnson, Address: (. W. Johrsor, Business. manager, Boston Society of Natural History, Baston, Mass, U. S. A. ose SWE Dip. FOF He py Lat で MEET ee FSB ty MEE PEAS es RT 2 TEE RE oe AL Js =e SE Im YB FL > VE ae 人 ALKRHAIA KBE 5 AN IH 7 AE ei dh 2 Mis 7~ 代 3 金 =e Wik A AK 2. Ge = a 0 Sete 1 OR Hi HEL ZCI HE; ati A と 45 SCS AE 辰 砂 及 日 本 産 石英 輝 安 備 水 曲 玉 当 HD Aly oe 9 放り >> 0p Adm THAW SE > 7S ~ BR» Zh ク 旨 チ 皿 ざ とべ ペ ジ 宿 所 A. Ho PEGERE:, ol & 83, HHR Street New vias ban UL S. A. Sor eee = 2 ae 4 gS | 1 ie |B +me RSet imi i+omie も $Ri< + 88m eat assis 3 On & ewes LeecE # O see owe : を Meg eta i tae ta tad de tae es tea Ore we aaah: ee” Cee aes HERE He | SY BM Het SS dale pe ( Ste i’ OHRKSOHHOMY:. 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R | RNR SRN Seth OY oO UE ュー ヘー スー ニー ヘー ヘム ーー ニー ヘーーーーー ヘ ーー ヘー ヘー ヘーー ヘ ーーー ヘ ーー ヘー ムーーーーーーーーーー ヘ ーー ヘー ヘーーーーー 4 と it マー eel? Sait anv, 46yNn He TK BRM IROL A R RHA Oo RY ONS” BOS Am GN es © Rata PR WON A 61909 su BK nS kin yak EWA YY NN IR O90 Rod SRN Re) BHORCK BH ORL OCW Ri] BHR OLAS OLS lil LE eS RS OCH RE E4RK OR JO THE © Sent NO Re IR ou tee IR 1G 109 (TO RN 全 |] WERII]OP OWN” BHOBREROP CEM FRY S90 Ri" BARAT RON ( SU SMA NEN So Wael OARRRN 0 ite © Ob EX BriQN G10? PRE ORK Mi Hom Aosta has MES HI~—-SERORMERS | NeHOS SN QIRN PA ARID WRK eG WY GO NOUBA? 4 MOR! 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BP OR Ge oe oe ale if Me ath) eee ee ’ he Hw if き き Wy ii Mo Fb 枯 me A 2! oe ‘ 12 Fes See ties da st SEAT ee 2 Ni "AO BO ge BH Hoe ieee Sie 具 fae eo 紅 Huet 2 ( eS . bo ウ vi BR Be 還 as Ue if い > ボ カ 8 [a game tC es 介 a ae ば #5 we 2 eh eh B EE SHE) NE Vo な > # S eB 花 導 am > « 2 WM る 小 A 種 HB Bo 『 x 館 M タ 館 feo i he & CM 館 な > > Ye ye (< wey i je 賊 の て lc & 6 WR ee ~ 抽 は Bow の 夜 Wm & BH 板 花 Me Rei Ce Bot ee) es Pees, (Oo. en ae あ を ft Wm * 2 > yt 原 造 = 介 i ie 人 な ウツ H ws ip 計 et 具 Hf 3B is : eye) eee ies ae HW A ee * 松 鈴 ih る Ol wt A fie oo 花 HE 皮 = HH ft 高 の Kk? » Hip > 5 NE jive tee 13! mH 介 の a 製 A 刀 眼 oS \ 名 “rae 具 * 彫 員 & °* B 精 @ B 高 we 貧 = な @ HW ee な 鳴 eS fe He 内 Ft る の fm BH > WRK さ BA 上 臣 si le Hem な i WA D Kb の K a: dh 4: Seas mee の os 用 * 紅 千花 oe, Oly の 葉 種 内 We << KR pw ゆ 長 切 る 決 i Ee 具 多 Hw 2 刀 は 傷 牡 明 a ee の DENOSSSN Re oe = | 見 の WK あ Be ge HE a2 oe mh BR 5 Sh 梅 at 石 あ [sli 及 あの ’ ’ 2 » (28°) 純二 三 月 一 年 一 干 貴 浴 胃 SU Nps apy Ess Dov ste O4tsu | 97 Tt Q ~~ ROM ED HLA HR NTRS Os yY [RN SoCs A Vk Re Se et Pes REREMVBIK AMANO’ KRYREKSIOR AED” SPOR OMMMYSBNDEAN SC U HERES ROAR N aS RH Ov wWWS ORNEA REYe vid NEO? ye REN ay «QAR ONO Qi@ 9 PS OM Oi AMA RN ut Oat” Haut ONY PRNWALSRUIN SDE oy” OOo raat SwWOD St? NIBHNA Nn NY? Bin Oc ee $a 0% RENTER YO OSM BENCH’ AN wn RERIOM BAN PO? SU RRMA MW Ww AKC” HN NM OMNI GAY OD Hw PPM w-csv H < MK Ss PwC ds Se RIHEOY ORB SHS oO 197 Bho Y PQ ARN A HX ORINEXOSYIONN BIS So BRIG Ao BERRI SG a“ GRHE OO KS OR C7 RAN KS DORN Wou VEEN Sih OFS Nth Oo D7 peat Q aN sim Some oe HIN AER I A SOG a OK” {1]SQGSON? HREOG cn” KO REOR” Komi” Rem” 是 mm’ smh" + K sOk? Sim? Pam” Boon” ahem” AAP SS’ Rok” SUK SO’ KKM’ RCo Kkexn~ RV 08. ON HEN NI BE eu IGN ye ob 107 Che Nou Mat PONE SY TONES gy で WOR KR He oBEEY (Bink + N= H) RN OVS y OEY d~ Rem. fb DR WI AU OSSH we | MEER Y O° HRRU MONKS CHES BE CUWNSOLUPRNVRS ERY 6 b AR OWN MAAS te GREK IR) aM a ee ec CR < っ He Ha STO EST a tat tee tee Re = =a 1 ノ る 1 K 4 t& | : 1 =) - Es © © RICOH Ewa NWO dK ESR SPH e av Sie Ts’ BS SEIT |S €Snvn Ey aor e DPGaNsP ONS” SYREN Ries BRN y wh v R VHUEOKH On n~t-w wie a? AL ERS OS RN" He aul WRAY A? Haw ORM EN OMASK こ UNS bye SEA (この ピーン SEN Wi £ M-a_) = & SE RQ Sindee [RW "ATE Madu? 6dr ett NWR Vo NORRIE’ Heed OR peas? He GO | m | MORK RNa S TR” ROR OU WENNER Oo MoO" BOR PIN AM OMAN ut ss SUS BORCHR SS? Neon Omurkowe ty’ WA ONMRRAEL CMW YO Bre OP Hr lLE~ NHN Bit や NBOEMRERZ 7 ンス yet この BK AIG ye MR EN SB Sen OC TKS VES SW Sv DES m © UR | RH" SR) | SR HE” SR] [ck BRB KHOR CHE” PRETO i ER” PenB]S + He” PR Cae stl SE BIS (BRS 138 BIH 1 [HBS oti 5 xg Sr OTE SINKS HN OA N BELO © SY Hat to. 30 BRIN tO Sal NY ESE Do RX GK BMWS ASK PE iu i 2 原 形 + 20 — 39 名 本 の ツ 総 宮 RIS Fe Th. i #8) +B RA WEEE’ BROS ASU SH SSR 6 HR © BRD TE OER SG 10 MERRION IM 9d-6 -n Zh HORS © No | 1 |S ae te Ses SX © ie REN 0 POMS. UREN Vette N A4 Mt Ow OR HIS OSH 10 CHES bliin w OMS ee BS yYHEWVS~ O26 owe Yubopi Re CS HBMSN CO GH+W6 OE Ki BEM ROOM MOSH Y OVERS’ SS’ BR’ MDQe CSRVRX oO yy RHUB SEK ORBNECN SRO ONES VEST [+1 SHER ORY OVALS SEO FE FH SY RRA BUS ATR VEER KATH © Rtv SIRs CMON Rat eS YW PR HI WU KY MMH VAY NwEso | ww sas ME 類 介 = fey = an) eee sat We WN oA) SEN NB) oy OR su 9 PQ Kas tts eax NBR Rem’ BKMONE’ BR SHAN ote Oiwiiw GB -OGOIK N [~~ SHI GRR © BON iD 10 POMS ACE YES Su $6.0) 1, 2 BK mY GES ob) 5. SR HES © | Hee’ M. rejecta: Pfr. (8 111 SR1 TH” RA RR SSS? EXT” WEE SD Be R~” IRIE NIV’ BE MOMENTO” LRORMLUENS WEBVURO EMV SoVHEQVERYo” BER S DE we (° WRNEKO’ SMOBWE Uh KM OMEN) (St EME’ HERS’ Beuwey OBMS きつ ^ [MISSA SERN OY TR Oy BRP | Swit’ RouNsI~REO YO RE UNY ARAN FEES) 10 Na HONE YARN RUNES eo MetoO~ Kav” RO RBRCOMA~” ERO YSN BU PONT VIER Nowe YO! KBUEORMRY & +00 KART RVES | 9 IN AR NRE" M. micrograpta Fils. SHSM ER(<) / CS ER FRR RS) He” RR” BR” SS8e8b7 Qf | RR ACH R7}1] RRA” MES RWSRN OY’ Beek~” Se Oe OR+RRS | NO’ PREY YY BEV Oy ez MLW Nout Y O° BEX OW ]% Beles BISZB] RRO PME (EX NAEK D109 ok er ~~ Oy HER SORTING.” BESS ° ARES Be wt RS O Rav BERS Apna” RKO) DV REY 2RURTDDYSY OMY OR $6 50 tH UK SS SJ 7 BMS RN, . ERS N Slr 1Q HEME AS S 4S d~ lav? 4iRNRByrao Hc | Wal GWEN VRS OBRRA NS | ‘gums Helix rejecta Pfr. (RAD YARN) YEH By. eRoOUSRORA~OVER~” RIN BEY Rte rQwEs Vy BB tre weey~* RH. déniizi ReinhGg +11] (12 ) H+in—#— + mie ss tom aS (1) PM 1 [XR 1 EH RA BIRR | GSR” ERD fe 11] RICH RAE RCH) SK KEYED~’ RMOMKe eo bawe’ N Ar SSK (BHSEY Ky eK BWW EDR* #MINY ARN NEN D 10 PH RK~ OV CI OM 20/1 ESIEN A+ YR QW 02° HSER Oy KEAN ARH OB~ BRITE 0 NWO” Beas KE ED~ Eto] Wal KELES | KINI S ORIRA § «RES | OOOH TARE NC AR NEC M. p. var. sakui P. & H. CHEN SR +] 1 RR) PU -K BEI oe OO NR IO Sa WE 111557 RA HERR SIH DSRS Kova Siw nav AR NUON +1] Yo HEM or RE ERO KK | Wa KEN EAS? DO~ Baz s | FANN’ AAR BRE™ M. vesia Pfr. (BSS RH) PS” He WE 1 |) RRR A ELS RSHR” GRE" EERE O VERE N20 SUS aE AN 00 BEUB su AvmK (° BERD ° BRDU BESS ¢° SIMIC O BM SOUP YARN RI OAS eka Kept YARN R URS PEAY ARK MOS ST PA ALARHAAAPKHK- | Ral SAMY I ys O~ Baz | 9 と へ の NAR FREE M. kagaensis Pils, & Hir. CSR +R ROKR VE) WS’ RAS’ AAS SS* (11) MOR MS S. commoda A. Ad. f2R& S. corrugata A. Ad. (RR age) NAK C2 S. conspersa A. Ad. CQ > ARES) eos S. filosa A. Ad. (XE) 所 S. ligata A. Ad. (Np \EKESER) RAH ES. grisea A. Ad. GER) HANK S. cous A. Ad. (ROSCA THD AMAR (GS. acuminata A. Ad. (ESPERO KH TRS) aiNraX oS. pyramis A Ad. (a & \ EHS -DHaIRPAS) Sore S. mucida A. Ad. (e687}1] HSMP) NN DAA 8. nodulosa A. Ad. CRO MICHI IHR) SS 28 0 一 mean (X) LARAR YE’ M. perfragilis Pils. (A BRR? 細 1 ERI 1) mR MRO RE RK) HI RR KEE K oe Nae” NB [TASH R74¢8R° DME ERS CHEN Oy Sev Ber DK me KEM OY BOM OR RIO” HR REREN OY Bas 600 SHUR 7 BHR NRE S20 NN su tue Yi ov BEER UI つ ^ Sere” BEKO” GAN K OY RBH WE <^ Bdon a RMarvstok (o Sirah Pe y ン ^ {Rieko MOM RURK~ MEY o” RoOMee AMOS VERT EMCEE Rey Sie Swot’ BRS | BVIRS” SMES | Wal’ RES OHH ORR] Ki G OR MINN £ xc” Bakeessa qa So J RAHA AR ARE M. p. var. shikoknensis P. & H. f sO {144 A de 4 1 Piss i= CB RR” SR} = (10 ) Bare B= 46 WOY BR & abe Kot ン ep Sv たり 人 SI に ことり RW 男 wm 一 代 選 生 S. aestosa Gould. INT te DER ORIN TREE OY? DCm RI oe $20 N US ta Oh | Ho NSS KR ORSON BEY O+ | Br ビュ & ME 類 介 iw 第 残 一 He (9) BRN OVHORO YVR oN Roop Rt’ WAP RIE WE Ne AK AK EB) eae CHIN % OME ONS Re NEE Y ~~" RSE ES OFFS INO YR dr ONAG Ata” OY et NT DROP ah OK KY & Buecinum unda- Austrofusus 224-N EK Do | MAAR Y (S. cassidariaeformis Reeve.) © Rie TNE A> AA& Oar. ornata A. Ad. =a 7a) tum Linn. NX (fe LEMUR MS. 0K HE UBIO NUM 7 Rie SS an) (BA KRe Km Was | BEKO mM Ne REIN OY cet a Jeb Sv OK SR TORS NY +460 ) SWI” MAE) wo” Gaye NR 4 KE ORE 7 NNN HI 2 © HERA” | HwRE SSO) ES iN MHS KRAAKY) YAK2AK S. hinnulus Ad. and Reeve. TE ro YN YA var. concinna A, Ad. COINS ae » EROKSEN 24205 (wa K Re ROR SOIR +420) ete NK AK TEINS A) WA KeaeE’ Oo WE AnD PG RRIRD) 3) , 411] -E SRE XE AEA var. funerea Pils. & A wh BIE | %7 (BAK R= -Kakseogoae) & ge WEIS PURI BACK K— 3 A KH) SET KS OLED ORLVEE> | KRERHCRERER(R) 2 C8) Ai se i ata は 本 KERHCREREO(R) RRC RE (A) MADAME Siphonalia A, Ad. MAK NS ROBY HO NOd Hw AHR UROR BY OLD POR VEE oo REOt+ |B M7 Ke S KK OB MON REY ORYOY’RS. hyperodon Pils. 4 S. mikado Melvill. 9u7 S. semiplicata Pils. ag S. fnsoides Rye. wat QERYS 2A YNweb sok RIPE O RY 0 PW ORV+EHBS O48] WHAANSRE 5. modificata Reeve. CHIN'S ae > ERORREN 240) WE mK AA PCR ENR ii (AY RRS KEINE XK JER ENR RA TRO R ARV DR HZ wh” Rew” ée BEHRAR CIS. | S KiBAAK A Melon- 男 gena pallida BL & 8. て RS w\ eR IRENE P ONS eee OE | Thre INR S. dilatata Quoy. (2 ONS ae DRO HEN 2410) eiN & RGEIN RA HY) He” mK Paice 中 11H & wee a sii SE @) YO = Nee i WOH? oe WK | F. adustus Phil. OS WRK NER No | Sm DME + yp BK as ae ey F. mandari- nus Duclos(=zelandicus Quoy.) sto DK bi -* 5 te OE wo RE RP (0 計り owt (7 RON BIW OWA? LON FER tare NoUwREY—" Ne S KEK OB MON KIRGN BRR Sct OBON eH S. spadicea «EB Ato PK UR Ree gu A ocr | 5 ORRIN NY ME oY Oy Keak tessa | 4CO1 iN | MP PIN SS 8. pfeifferi Rowb. CR | I-E+ RB) wR Hse" wR | PH NOSE SEHR ES VRE KS pS. ERE OY GS og UO OSS WS O° BETO * JCAIBE AUER ¢~ AK PSR” KK de” SB ORMMULOES Oem SR WEAR UV PLM KAN 6 OVMREROR” SHR NSH RM CER MER OO” REEMA EMM i HAREBETO’ ROGNSTRAweoy iit) ~ WK RE OR UTEN OVEN’ Ei KERRCRER(H) © Bera HS BE DS BERS” SIRE RY SE つ ^ [EN BERR WR Wa’ ML AvSRAINOy’ BRIM d* | RUN REL RIOR Man eR | TRON KO? ENS ORIN ON Oy Rate RA ORK REN] MRAINA SHLAA HAM RADR URE) S. trochulis Reeve. (32k SR1 |- BIS R4+-S 8) HY” BAER” S88R we | PETAR” BSHE7 > fb NIN A NRRES ORME BRR SH uh ° miin~ 2 Wal’ HER MNY OY? THI OMMR wo Ob SSRERE IS = | Sa NM SEER WoR 39 | (6) Bo 4p ob ia 明 に 上 SSR CH) 中 | eR BASS “KH A+4- PHN BKM YD fy fi Sree pe I A | Wa)” SAAN Oy BER REN OER em | PRAMROIRAMIRE Siphonalia sp. CEH SR 1 1+ RR +H) He” BHA? wh | 1 xR” MME? Rivet pw eNE SS HOMEHAO WIN Ie OEE on” BEM IO ea Rav~ GEN ERS oo BIR WER OO? BEG SS RUE? CHEKBEM Oy BEBE S* eit | Wa” SHEDY vyRMOHERRR wy | RAS BY HES 10 1% Du INO 10 HRW HN 8) iy OWES VETOW~ BRIO GED VRE O | UKs She eR S. vanattai Pils. (SERA SR | BUR eR CR A) De A IW Sin Dye HAS” I< a” wih に 中 ^ SSR EKixt SIS N Oy BK 8 OSS HENS 6 7 圭 ESR HY” RSM BRIA CBE WER (SRN IC つ ^ RMN Go Yee RHR EHSEY OY’ (REY Ky RPM OW~ GEN HONS yh’ Haves O° WIRY SBM? KKK ILY REV’ Sori ~ Me’ SEWER RNO 器 MEN OY Subst te yuk ORO! [VRS SIRS at IP Sut” EK IRN BEER. Ue” dK Oy” [pk FO WHE Mo | WH) ND BRR S00 BD AE REG) © BR pu HSCS OBE UOCRRBwWLO’ OLMPRERONOV ER ee Ree WoO’ GRR NSU SM -o | DAKR RE -KROBN HOH KiB SEM DKN wu KA KNBR” ATO SSN OY BAM SiR i - Be oF ab RE RA Tt C8) RY Kt” BRMELOY? SR RE4VAD 0 SEIS wu BER su HUN Nw OG ORM BEM OO oy, | RRB ORTH PIP CDR” eee ~ OV EO” ROMA’ SEN REC -o | Ma Brevoy | Weyer’ SyHREDM OR MRS KT) O BEM RE WIT HI -o | | EB PIRRM RR FAT KR IKEO SB. omata KS R. conspersa 4d} UBL ROT R Mua HE OR SK KO REY OP ONOIY KE UBER rOREN PH | MMW RO YO) APNORAR URE S. signum Reeve. Che" + BERS +1 | 画 ) Ri NRO 0 PRESEN OY BERR QoOv SKIKE ORR Oe ASA | KGRHCRERC+)) | | Ww FW OSYNRMAUSRMORR WTO’ 困 KSONE NRE ORB UBOO RV BEN CRS SIT D0 NOG -o | ny A eky_ MHERB KE C1 EHP SEEKS) S. cassidariaeformis Reeye. (SAR |-BRaRK —SR+ |) - WE SSE BR ER! HEGRE) uh? | PNK RR 1 PT ; MSS” JESSE UN O° RX ~ BERR" SS rete Bt kh — BH & — Bab RE OM (3) Diy OWEN Y BO~ EMI OGY Y Rw O | MREaAKADRA BE S. mikado Melvill. =S8. hyperodon Pils. Cw a KR = KOK OO NY 4430) HSI (KR S A に た に = で て: て り と つゆ 1 福 周 の 7 あく キー ザマ yu 2 Khe ここ 1] | wm” SRI SUIEN Oy” BERGHE” LEER” XS eorha o EO MACHO HREN OY” PEM OR wee KN SOB NWO~” HABBO” BS BEWES ( EASE C1 IASKESEN RO RBC KO HSTRLC RY HO SN OD 9 Bi SN UE Xa TN eo | SSR (BREE © RE ACN ire Bh” RK KERR RH) REID N mo NVC SE © BA BRIE Sc y SRR” hi eae KA a" SREB EIN ON WO YR te Ss つ ^ SIX SEN Go YE HR OR YS WO POS” MEW OR wIT” KN (VAC AN eMT S) OK 1 | 4 ORRMU RHEE ee) PS REO © what HE ~S sud uM © SEN O* as SE Do So BER INK P ONM DL B~ Maree wie ABU NON RED” SIO RU E~ Oy avy HEN A4-> VIRB 1D “ESE N AT) 10 IRR QEEE SHEN Oy pW SEE Rae | REE mk C7 ERppRedU” BFE QOH MUON | HRW Rho | KU TM ORRESN | HHS wirye wa ya SUPER ORE Y So ROAR RK hinta EB. A. Smith. Euthria. fusecolas NEES D-o | KiBex~n anv akeRay [pa mahare Renn no ts | SOW [MEI +K mye (2) oS Ae = re ie KESASCRBR (+N) wR” 11 mSa8” AK へ か * RMD (4 f2eR ] (ORS ase + +16 1 1O 区 | 1 1) MHRA WA K = Rept NY HRW DRENE Do (RR | WREST WO +4) MHA +4-9 we BEM OY RS” WD WBKN 7 Rae KR NAO PRP Y RI Re Sui So | Wa RAN Oy” OMe WM | PHARAGE KS 8. spadicea Reeve. CERO 1 14711 RR) PS Bite” sese~ wh | Pit lxR— | 4S RRT SK? Dv Rae RINNE YM O~ SRN’ BR WNEAY OOR AN OV RSI? KAKI BELG 7 CA ER KER O | HEX © BRRovszis swt" ロ ETI) | WRK OY D | 1] Wal Ree AINO Vy? HX VPM OMRRV ご つ ^ BRE REIS Nott | TA “RoR B® DARNRTNEKY | ae SDM <1 Siphonalia sp. CHARI FB RE) HS” BES wh | fee” Ret ee eo ie OVER OUN Hay” SRNR NY Oye” [Me OSE OV HS ORRUIEN INC Rosas SKIN VOSS evueR ewe Kw WA > Apen PUK 1h © EGE | Wu)” REM Be yh RN OY ee ジジ / Roe | BW oMR WI EKO oA ODN Oy? BKK MVR o | SEAS AS OER HBG 00 “¢ DSURDNO D0 =” HEREIN HH as ME RA SP mh — He OB Cr) de ok See ewe 1 ERSCE+ | S| mel i FORE KES CRE MHRAR VE SRR -K SSE ER RREE NIH OT NR INR Om DN NES (EO Rae NASER HON NBN ( 土 1 中 ) Siphonalia A. Adams. WKS RRO SRK Sor SSM | HRI” BS? sheer si ERE) CR SNA KN 区 R= NA NN) wh 11 PHI RR™ SSK RSI SSS Oy BES” ree SVK FISH ORO” BR N10 BEBE A SUR Ko YREES 0 ROWS ORO ESN Oye ie 7 ) BEY RsuBELE Sy? PEISa See * peta as SO) SMV EMWEO SNARE ORK OR | si SSR He) CH) Bayt” Bath Be | RWB Nuh! トー ネ S NN SK REOR OBE URE Ot | MO RBA EN © OND VRMERNAYWA 0% | RE OBRAERURIENRS MMB IN FSS. kellettii Forbes. - CE’! 1411187 | B) KRESHSRERCT) ASMNEB SS wih’? Sito ~~ yl | Wa LSEKNIMN OV? REXAOIMAKRIO NY A HRA ES YY 1 NR NBR \ = FR BR OPEN Emr Ow? ERT ORSN EX pad RO IK Yo J AREMQRARY FRE S. tuberosa Reeve. (298° SR 1 1-111 8°11) BIE" MIRCR=) JAPANESE LAND MOLLUSKS, PL. XII. Cn ++ 3) BA AL FEE AR 1,2. Maerochlamys perfragilis Pils. 12. Macrochlamys d. koshikijimana P. & H. 3. ” ” var. shikokuensis P. & H. 13. の rejecta Pir. 4. ” ” var. sakui P. & H. 11. oe = 5. ns venta Pie 15. doenitzi Reinh. 6,7. ” kagaensis P. & H. 16. oye : 8,9. ” micrograpta Pils. 17. NE EE 10. ass == ” dulcis Pils. ah ” formosana var. hypograpta P. & H. JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS. PL. XXIV. ( 版 四 十 二 第 ) 類 貞 産 海 本 日 8,9. 5 を CE ここ ; 15. Siphonalia sp. 10.11 } Siphonalia cassidariaeformis Reeve. 16.) wit BS 人 Fi - =F vanattai Pils. 12, 2 signum Reeve. 17.f 13. ” fusvides Reeve. 18. 2 pfeifferi Sow. 14, ” ” var. longirostris Dkr. 19. ” trochulus Kbeeve JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS. PL. XXII (=.-- 49) Hi ALPE 1. Siplhonalia keltettii Vorbes. 5. Siphonalia sp. ? tuberosa Reeve. (Tscs) 6. ” mikado Melvill. ‘var.’ 5 af の spadicea Reeve. 1 inecolnny ata E ede. ーー ジン マン m eer gt & a 2 # i A ER St Fane #: Pees 1 Harpa conoidalis liam. し ょ (て うら 5 2 Gypreea mappa Lb (L5 tens 3 Tapes philippinarum Ads, & Rvc. 45 さ り i 4 Conus arenatus Hwass. CHAWY THE MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. li Founded by the late Geo. W. Tryon, Jr-, and continued by Henry A, Pilsbry, Sci. D., for the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The Manual of Conchology is a fully illustrated monography of recent mol‘usks. Issued in octavo form, in quarterly parts. Each part comprises 64 (or more) pages of letterpress, and 15 to 20 plates. The FIRSm SERIES, Marine Univaives, of which seventeen volumes have appeared, is now finished as planned by its illustrious fonnder. Of the SEGOND SERIES, Terrestrial Mollusks, Highteen Volumes have boen published, completing Helix with index. A few copi's of Vol. IX of this series, “Guide tothe Study of Helices,” will be sold separately at the regular subscription price. {Separate copies of the Index, suitable for the purpese of a Catalogue or Check iist, can also be had at $1.00 cach. The Monograph | of the Bulimi is now completed with Index. Separate copies of Index, $1.00 each. The Mmograph cf the Urocoptid.c lias also been complete’, and Vol. XIX is now in progress, finishing the stucy of the Achatint lr. Prices:—!lain (unc: Jored) edition, 9.00 per pnrt. Colored ecition, $5.00 per part. Fine edition (both colore.i and Incia-t nted plates), $2.00 per ] art. Yor further information or Ceseriptive cireular, with sample plate of Manual, address S. RAYMOND ROBERTS, Treasurer, P. 0. Address, GLEN RIDGE, NEW JERSEY, U- S. A. An illustrated CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, by F. Stearns and Il. A Pilsbry. Pape, 2.50. yebrrenins ae OF OO BO O© =" 前 FAAS HSE ik = fi 不 | Kit | 金 履 OC eee = m|eee..| WR ME Bit 133 ey = 都 | Be aw rics 2 = 2646 4 | i | AR aS トー ノノ 市 Boilie ie | 学 御 誌 本 郡 彼 介 介 MET BRIER Hie” a) 2a 7 a FO abel 所 HE ig | sake BL | TA ae 4 I a we) ie ul HE | scapes | 2 See Pls 5 ES | BERD BE シ 前 テ 御 スハ へ A a aed ネ 人 な | CLLR. な な Dnt jpee fm | Ae |e SM (ill 961 Leow 0) Dey eee | PR | +8 Beton!” pe = a bs Ei Si 大 全 全 東京 所 者 = 5 長 Aan ig mAb De WHEE ae us mn | nt 2 ar ad Voom I N ト 7 => rai ee v と 2 i} ae ing 2) a oie past By 北 | eel a nop age. > Bs Ay as 4 に | ニー さと vy 大 北東 東 東 BO Ro fill ap 農 FREE May TH e # eww stOT pl ag eee ee dient BG Or te la テ 彼 Use Fr | range me や ーー バー ati edi OO CEE ES ee EN ーー に = eee = (REE RS) im K HREM CB Beg ree) | Ke CEES , ro NOR BECKI Stee) 1 S | mt amma) ib m © HEC) BERR ド < 固 郊 ぶ 記 捉 い 軸 況 ) RMS lig '8 = &S IN i Reis : に つこ ぐさ RB = 7 Fe HE TOK AW Aa BEL BHR 7 Gi * HAS: Aa FER EBC is EE 9 Ain A J tts VR SE > 45 ~ BU BR BTR 7 > HA A. H. PETEREIT, 81 % 83, Fulton Street, New York City, U. S. A. | ae (a Tortrmmeic SESS BSCE Us 台 K ee 」 1] SH ty age | a HD FH NRR & K Oh hh 4 > Sul6 Sat eC MRS Hee asco CHIBO< ORR SOMCMBE a> Kou ORERE @ + 22S wile O BELES® Nn 4 4 > さり を こい 人 Suendeons <= OseeGnececis ERE Cont @ SA RehA iow @ Sls K KS HEX OUR CH) |HGSS SAO ROCA Kk KOS es @KESRTORaoRTOe t id i 宛 釘 a m 代 小 中 大 小 al He 一 己 税 還 ・ aes oe aap = BR a 2S ¥ SOAS RAO i 32D Vs Ye eo \HeS- => 1 Be 1O HEY YL ad ey eo pes NO « 2 4H 1 33d ASSO MAS MO ES SED y BREN RESO ミ 4 (Sie iy +s wy er BY PEBRIO 「・ AY Pe. SRM ls +N Et feat i) 3 sete ヾ ys が roe if S Pt é a W et iN SEEM abe ew a に ヤー fi トー ニョ 一 1 EK. bas = 7 HA 、 35S ae PS Nt シシ IGG (ENE | 一 | 信昭 一 y BS a OOS d KBE | BABETTE | | テル ハニ ッ oe Be Hos (I + ++ ie im oe Ae RSE ス TEAM a aa ies 1 し Kir | 円 幅 円 円 由 円 sued aa ae ACHE (AREHtH |_| a7 . [ =) 用 等 用 te = [ep ate Be URE eee ae LZ ; es 封 記 用 \ ARPA Ree ees モテ & j tmS=Am =| 7h . bane 5, Yv ot DRA | 4 用 和 。 円 円 円 円 円 向 |" Bia f go | ky Se RRO RS Tae! ッ 用 if i: , 。 "4 My at Fl Ses ae ae ee be mf : 4 回 ク pany チ 成 ナ 詳 FaUntals athlete alalalatstalalaletalatalavatatalalatatalalalavatatal asl RS * % Se Lo He SEE NE 0 BRE Y ede Seo yt 3 aw Ss ite i | MOS BBR & WU RS SE SEE BE FN OD = OPEV MMRVY YEN? CV BIS YA BS 4S. EN SL SHR Ir SysS ks PAR > s SIGE EE = EE に | ine PE at > 7 SKA 所 = 立 久 辛 ス 的 館 FERb 7 Re we 2 スハ AFRAF = AB fr 3 ilk 7 te 7 HN RA 7 HEA y 7 HL pie FE > JERE — By =H) 7 FRR +7 KA Fe 7 —#E =) 2 Fe LE fF All 7 vay 7 BE % 7 Aw y eM Z > F7hyesu wr vray BT Baler HE 7 HG = を 非 モ へ 誌 メ 界 シ 諸 シ ン 多 |: ニニ テ ik Hee ON 捕 ale fi ie sky PERE HR eer Se Ree ee ot . 1 te a ee te | m El | --mpatl Bee + | tt | mil oe BN へ GS いも さい Ne ete IZ lif au hte ate Rete Sede ten eo Seton ey tes hte ag AQ Em He SE SS PH wi Hl eB TDI +1 3800 Of .- 画 tS A + Re SE OR OH O¢E RSX Sto ee wom. ae HOM OR pe ph A Bet Ruse OLSEN SE VO EH ささ 7 を 加給 é 4 ; # # 所 (ee SHE) fae thie Wage MOTs: ERS im O8 RS Revise y=+BE Oo Sy IROCB 992 Hoxton” SKN sk ORME SEMEN” HEGRE NY LoS 30 RS © FUE st I RE) ~ogeg SEN K OR i トキ KER IK - ERROMC MOR HO OO | ROR Mm Ow VBP oH ORES at ae she is ra EEL ORE O Ga ECE O Ne K Ae HO FRIST ES | [Ol ed iy ik oe ASE @ © a 2 He Bel Eeeateee RK +N On @ @REX(@) ees bo O + Key came Om BR KE FHI BR BRIG NIK OR O~ Rin us kong BS y ROMY Oy #8 OMI EWEN Bk Hel DG OB RORY AD REN HS BEEY REVIRE SROSINYS ee ee @t2SC25 HO RON XC yy HER RHR ORR | WOVEN QM) D2 0) YB 9 fy 4-H AR AS ERR YY Sy 44M wit OS OH SN VES MRS {oR 1 SBA STE KR OQ SEE Me | OTE BREE OS 4g gti NE Yd 0M oe See OKRES NOY RHN BOR MON oR RTH + OE Si! [Span WRK Q4x) JF mY eit: epOve tROREN! 1D Ee WER So Stn PAO RR AS Hit te BUTI MS 5d (KRRORE) ce ene cass S44 eERS OSM ON YR KE HRS YP oo | Wd eR Op RHO DN M0 SSH CMa ees | Bi Ste YMRS eo AIH Se? yl ae HO Se YS ts 1 BR I NE NY IN |IMEVE ORL ER THE SHeSE Dy ker ORSUHNMEME’ BE’ BES (RIB RO RE) is fee 法 の AB ME 類 介 (CL. ee = Re な 一 // の ( 69 ) CHENISS CFE UK BEBE NY OER BRK OY RN NEVEORRSAYR tH INE ORK wy OAC MIMEHE” ERB O y ORRIN we MH Sy Se A RS kW » BE ov NI] MOE HE 1H TRE © 4S > TS R11 BRE SD PREES O ON Y ESP RENE HRA6-o sp EN O Y BI KO B~ BX WEP HY MH oR ER ue EeOo 1K L+H £ OMNES HOR OI KES GEK spits ANSE i OY CHK ME) UN EPIE RR BR< 25 BOK Melo PRS Rieet Y< BRS | BRS UW Rt) HACK NBS Wee OMB Ky Sean © RR Ai JME) 4 WN RENE Oe? Rt と AG | (BSK~Y EVP SOs 4 TOSvVO yom # ie Ean SER SRACUY Vane Am SHY KL RO Hae peN CEwes RU 200GSn DQ” Ah Gta S PM He Sh TG po HT | SUNTHE RUS ER) HOOK ou EO yy BS me ae HR eS” 7S 8 SC EKHIL 1S CRIN RRO? BK S~ つ YN SHS RH HERERO | SMOKY Vso MVR Os | PRN | Pile SNOy SAP MOS YRS YB re BER SS Bo © BAR OLN ESN 10 | HEN BSN Ob ~ 2 a ESS SOS IR Ith NY Wats BRIS ES RON © 3S ot RRR NY BRR to BA at li Co WES Reo Msi ond | LEMSHsues EGC ROL BORO MN Wi Reompem nf) Rev sey Roe RORE MEN OY RUPEE OE ULIMIEK SEK wy 0 (ARETE) EY BR VEO SERA MB Hwy > > haley pad A KEORWNEN ERNE OX OmMBHWO V ACORESAY SSI RMIAY 6 0. so NOUR SY © HRS Bie Hei Bg 7S oy PANY RK Ch TE I OK ERR Rape din Rokk ( iE BENS SN ROCN OE UH ( 68.) Has ieee a PS ta & F oJ” | ARES RREP ME © Mavs N A¢-oR MS WER N 5d fonh OHNO” RA PHBOR~ HEGNE SE” SR Mee DS y Ra aS Pe Ee ERT OPEN OV HRY YL HEv HEN AGO RR HY ORY OR © SEI HE OC ae # ae NHS" neh © RRB BS EMER IRN BR REE” WHEY DRM P00” BEAR WI 0 67 RYE N wg INP REET BOND YO RR BEN RDF NPSloRT NAKED VNHPSCO LAHDT TING Lin ー ュ と ー つ o 32 = 0 SS ーーーーーーーー な L ie ats He 3 介 — Hf oS aes Gaye EE os > は i OB コ EAMG ON A Ope ACH | Sapwrte§ ー ャ nia! wy 7 と Ss So Lint SR i ‘SHMEM= 4 \ aR Et ノー 2 > DB の 者 と WT Vora 開 侯 生 て が 3 Leg ie! Sh BRS SiR a NE SHARON SUN BOM BAN RM as B Sip SRR Js a) vy a 7S Not SATS w CA i i る 45 a 剖 誰 せ 味 Coen 氏 れ ® Dy GP oNix a an 4 Heiss we he Se 5) ih わ す m t る be 6 x Ww の Jalen os DO ae の KH w で の 事 の め WE が る 値 #& Se aS YSU pews 7 a0 oO peat RO rads 7 S OS + HER OF | ee 2 it ine 共 侯 Ave FAR oie (て ン ov AN USA 」 1 の hb oS Try Pr ER S RAIA Sr La AE ROMA - + yin) f \ Bo wal OPN SOG SS & OTST Ed > SRY SSO GR SSS RAENE TiS Y WS NOC HOR Eh 『 いぶ いざ 渦 マツ kn Cams SU S| 1! 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MAMA Nuat eS HS UK © BISEHEN Btn 00 N 9u 7 9G 190 OU” BK OMe EO OWN Sry EN at) y BR tO GBH pet JOyHIeo BY Yy Porte 0Q MOK at 7 BWHeXo LoL WC OY oe EHD OO M104 Bay PM Af cf 10 WO WY G10 Ki07 GS ロロ ( SIAN HS 4? 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Sy Ea © Eu BR TARE ERS 1 , o° ; Reig 22 BED ai { OSE OW OME CHRO KA TE 6 BEEN aE OY EE ORK EN RES RSE NV BEN CBHI Rim 0 eK ONHERESOCRNIEA I+¢ROSENSS ES Bt sO © BR PNW 0 4 ON VBR Oy Bene A iy CHIR KOR OO iy CAN -OR RR OB m 8 ke(ktie) RS SEN 0 OHNO VERN 7 10 PE Mt PHI Natade Nod #2 Do OR ORENED CHM ELDER SER OSES $00 Bt QE NOTE OREM CHEN 6 OY MBN Kb 10 donde GX © BREE 4-o NOH ORR SEN M10 $s VEE SN BS 10 IH ORIN oH

or Cheek list, can also be had at $1.00 each. The Monograph of the Bulimi is now completed with Index. Separate copies of Index, $1.00 each. The Munograph of the Urocoptidc has also been completed, and Vol. XIX is now in progress, fnishing the study of the Achatinide. Prices:—Vlain (uncclored) edition, $3.00 per part. Colored edition, $5.00 per part. Tine edition (both colored and Incia-tinted plates), $5.00 per part. For further information or descriptive circular, with sample plate of Manual, address S. RAYMOND ROBERTS, Treasurer, P. 0. Address, GLEN RITGE, NEW JERNSHY, U.S. A- An illustrated CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, Ly I’. Stoarns and 11. A Pilsbry. Paper, $2.50. の に AIA ZY Ea eat Om LOO) ® & ZO Ye O 前 = EES ge F flo ANH pk 2 ob 2 FR ARIA? RCSA ; El 7 2892 Poe aba a 印 印 AEA IN ie DI SRR E e UN 2 a sas (Hi FF 大 全 全 東京 所 者 Tope il Soe eae anes a ke a Si > Sm a jix el FB Be Hm ib N he AA oe a 用 候 告 2» Ely == aS 76H ass | 大 北東 東 東 人 fe | SEAS Mm ok mm iy | fit 開館 海 京 律 arin i: 製 許 WeWWWRWRS ar =e | 二 尽 普 8 Sai MM j ee foam = Vos wim) Eo 2 im K KRSM CR BeHHO(g es KReRCRERERG 1) TR aim ORE Om HS RX RC) FR AI STH (HEHE) Bs eS font. Jog Wl 114 IN 1th] O#SMSS¥SOMH (20 OSMRRGRRE (NRE) (SHE SH) aaa oe ti RA OHE(IR) OK OB RONBMU RRO MN OR Ste wy Jy OR (4) OR ek © ama OG 6 CHENEY CMRAORERORMORK YR ERS に 4! tres HAWN SDA Oss RI Boy 6 IG aE 旦 Of S(+- SHAR) er CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF JAPANESE SHELLS, Published By Y. HIRASE. VOL Il PUAN, 08s ew. ‘te NO. 5. CONTENTS. PAGE Golloctinewonellss ingGhinatsesess sete te Bowes tee eae oh eae 19. Summary-On Japanese Marine Mollusca (XVID… ee 2l. Summary-On Japanese Land Sihells: GAM) veces ek at Oe eee Articles in Japanese: Oneapanese Manne aMollscat (XMM) sccc cnc. -cs-sa0t-s+~encccsoreneeaecesze-enaceet aL On Remarks on Japanese Marine Mollusca (XIII).….…………………….………-151. s SSaneSct lane Shellsi | CAD atss cate wsagteecoznc semeoecse acon! snedeceress utes 15st Story Sgex SE (WS 上 USIESWKOnSNNllS 電 (0MI 且 B2X22NV/RTK 人 NO Picture of Shells by Chan Shang of Pesung. Collecting Shells in China. Habits and General Heonomy of and and Wresh-Water Mollusca (VII) Memoirs of the Exploration in San-in-co (VI) By Kuroda. Notice: The subscription price for foreign countrics is § 1. 50(3 yen)per annum. All letters and communications should be adcressed to Y. HIRASE, Shimochoja-machi, Karasumar, KYOTO, JAPAN, SHOWY SHELLS FOR SALE Three sets of fine showy shells each in a very beautiful and artistic — box with a cover on which our sea-shore scenery is painted Each — contains 12 selected and attractive species, $0.35 for small, 0.70 for medium, | and 1.25 for ii large boy, postage included. For large box mailed tons foreign countries, other than the U. 8. the price is § 1.00 and parcel postage. Prices are given in U. S. Currency, The opening of the new sale is intended for securing money for the purpose of Salen the fund needed to start the construction of my buildings, which is delayed under grave financial difficulties, as set forth in No. 11 of my Conchelogical Magazine. T am sire to give you pleasure with these sets and hope to he ae ured with \our as many orders as possible because of saeco sy mpathy — vith my undertakings. Y. HIRASE, | Kyoto, Japan. THE NAUTILUS A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CONCHOLOGISTS Edited and Published by H. A. Pilsbry and C. W.. Johnson, | Address: ©. W. Johnson, Business manager, | Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass, U. S. ‘A. : ORE A RPE Aa rate 店 の UN AAT HEF m3 et Ai Fl > se 及 HS ? KG ie teak 7 Le ンジ NSR ! ナル 米 若 備 有 類 ト 交 Baoan Er et ASE Pal AC da ESE > Air @ ie 7 | Air & io > 所 Fin WS + 78 ~ 或 っ 交換 フ = 込 マル シー y 宿 所 A. A. PETERED, 81 & 83, Fulton Street, New York City, U. S. A. ¢ fie Rsc+ 2H mez ee ae eae he tte ep ete tte itp een ote DZ gm] Ee ie Ftd ACEI | tt | mt | pmae i tik FF Bla Peo? pit 4 東 7K aa int a | TG, (et im MES 町 . 耳 。 保 Bay ri} 狼 A am HED A 7 lll, Te 2 設 @ 3S oO 0 BET SG We 7 MEME ne Katt Z= gee i ea 原 S28 eines Wier a) Da ere em. ry の © fay 5 ase ae Sigg EIT a Hi て uae ーー Ww ay y TS 7 AMA pee IE 8 HS 4 Hee y Kis fue On SRA anh | teak (Sysmsi+ Bt | a) 東 。 東 、 東 Walt a Gin eh tH i fh i IG ea He’ Mee it + WE 保 町 町 町 ter tee 東 東 東 岬 _.TB eben St ak He im 橋 橋 iG Pi jj Jen a] ei me rr 衛 四 a a ae N | 民国 BB PU mW BS Rete fs Sao +S MAS Pls aS ot PEEMRO BERS FHS O ) @ Bates 例 第 ME 本 Te rales i と FAL AR oH BS ie mm lb A ed @ 5 : x fi _ iF is (fF Zz 本 e a fis 1H ¢ = 國 ③@⑥@⑨ “GO GPT BRAY WE 7 Hh MS gD! we 地 CHR HRS ae 高 情 塊 hk ue a ‘ ayy ic ie hi Be Hh yo 式 a ih G ow 主 EE “fe 大 : fie wm oe 『 東 加 2B oe ee 造 震 Bi SBE} aS | BPE gp lo いさ VD A @ : 7 の 2 み @ tend 4 2 に で を 人 oe | £ 2 (2 @ 2 2 ソノ @ ぐ や さや や や や や さや や や や や や や や や や や で や さや や や や や で や や や や や er | BG sae に Merny eee io ws IS WR Sy ee foie me CY ZAhNEr Re SSR Phe AS +S Wie CH we at oe Se wR Bi ewww cemers my | Medi tnet | SUbiads 228 RAK iz に ORR HE C Sa RO OS ae e A a oe 0 IS S'O~-88e i BX ee ate ote ate Ste te ae ion HE ERE HE SEE ‘ie eax 2 = eg ee 1 = ペー \4 3 a ee vee Suse +11e WK RESIN EEN eK AR NES wa § har PA HER UMM 2A BON ABNER HH AWN IP) oh SERRE Be NAC RE SE od WW や obttt も も 3 もり eect SS oat e LOODODDDGDADDDDDODRODODOON p< 1 SB EB Bike PAK YSERA PAK CP RBK ASEM. SE See ASK s) EDI tN oR See Soe MER geet Ke BS Ma に oo ESSAIS DE PALEOCONCHOLOGIE COMFAREE (PugrrEgs EAR r'AurEO ) RIix DES SEPT PREMIERES LTVRAISONS REUNIES 150 fr. Chacune de ces livraisons comprend la Monographio séparée d’un certain nombre de familles indépendantes {Gastropodes) avee tables des maticres. ete. L’ouvrage se termine. done avec V’apparition de chaque livraison。 sans comporter une suite indispensable. Ces Monographies comprennent €galement.des indications utiles pour l’étude de la Conchyliologie actuelle. ーー る ぐさ ぐーーー REVUE CRITIQUE DE PALEOZOOLOGIE, ORGANE — TRIMESTRIEL PRIX de labonnement annuel…………… 10 fr. に 導 Table des dix premieres années............ 5 fr. Maurice COSSMANN, 95, Rue de Maubeuge. xe Paris, France. JAPANESE SHELLS _ MARINE, FRESH-WATER and LAND SHELLS of JAPAN, LOOCHOO Is. and FORMOSA Fine specimens (accurately determined and exact localities given) of a great number of species, many of them new or rare, for sale st reasonable rates, Catalogue sent on Application. Specimens will be sent on approval to purchasers known to me or giving satisfactory references. Payment should be made by postal orders; bank drafts are also acceptable, when registered. 2 Prices are the lowest possible, though varying more or less according to the quality and the amont of the goods ordered. Orders from unknown correspondents should be accompanied by a remittance or a satisfactory reference. A remittance is in many eases preferable, as it will prevent the loss of time otherwise needed for making unecessary enquiries. The fall address of an unknown correspondent should be written clearly, Y. HIRASE, Karasumaru, ‘Kyoto, Japan. ーー マー THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZING Wore, JUL May, 1908. NO. 5. COLLECTING SHELLS IN CHINA In June 1905, our experienced collector, Mr. Nakada started for China to make explorations. He first went to the neighbour- hood of Taku. Then he went to Peking and Sanhaikwan, and made explorations there also. Having thus spent two months in these places, he went over to Chefoo and then to Shanghai, and was there three months in collecting in those parts. His trips through the northern part of China were unfruitful and ended in failure, because he found no leafy, thick forests, and all the mountains and hills he saw were nearly naked and bald. The expense of travel in China was much more than in Japan, and his unfamiliarity with the language and other matters made him unable to continue his journey longer or to go far into the interior of the Empire. So he was compelled to come back at the end of that year. A list of names concerning all the species he coi- lected (excepting Zonitidae and part of the fresh-water shells) has been sent from Dr. Pilsbry, who has very kindly studied them. Nov it is given to the public in the following list. We are very sorry to state here that of most of these species we have no more than two or three specimens respectively. CYCLOPHORIDE. Cyclophorus martensianus MIldff. Soochow and Hangchow. Cyclotus difficillimus Schmacker & Bottger. Hangchow. Diplommatina hangchowensis Pils. & Hir. Hangchow. Diplommatina hangchowensis granum BilsaGe telus Hangchow. HY DROCENID. Georissa bachmanni Gredler. Hangchow. Georissopsis heudei Pils. & Hir. oe ZONITIDE. Sitala hangchowensis Pils. Hangchow. 20 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE, HELICIDZA. Eulota(?)munieriana Crosse & Debeaux Chefoo. (6 (< “ impotens Pils. & Hir. (Acusta) ravida lineolata Mlldff. Sanhaikwan. “ (Euhadra) fortunei Pfr. variety. Hangchow. “Teva Pils. & Hir. eS “ (Cathaica) fasciola Drap. Hangchow; Peking; San- haikwan. “ (£ulotella) similaris Fer. Soochow; Chefoo. " (Plectotropis) brevibarbis Pfr. Hangchow. a i scitula Pils. & Hir. a os が trichotropis Pfr. Soochow. Vallonia patens Reinhardt. Sanhai に wan. tenera Reinh. Peking. ENDODONTID. Pyramidula pauper Gould. Chefoo. SUCCINIDE. Succinea alpestris Mlldff. Peking. PUPILLIDZE. Bifidaria armigerella Reinh. Sanhaikwan. os plicidens Benson. Hangchow. Boysidia hangchowensis Pils. & Hir. が Pupilla cryptodon Heude. Sanhaikwan. Ena reiniana Kob. Hangchow. ACHATINID. Cochlicopa lubrica Mall. Sanhaikwan. Opeas heudei Pils. Hangchow and Soochow. "pyrgula A. Ad. Sanhaikwan and Peking. CLAUSILIID. Clausilia( Hemiphaecdusa)pluviatilis Bens. Ningpo. ss 0 cecillii Phil. Hangchow. ze “ moellendorfhana Heude. a a “ heudeana MIldff. Soochow. 7 (Stereophaedusa) fortunei Pfr. Ningpo. THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. 21 Clausilia( Euphaedusa) aculus Bens. Soochow. 2 “" aculus moellendorffi Marts. Hangchow. 2 “tau Boettger. Soochow; Hangchow; Ningpo. FRESH-WATER SPECIES. Bithynia striatula Bens. “ Hangchow. “ longicornis Bens. Melania cancellata Bens. s Viviparus quadratus Benson. Hangchow and Peking. Summary — On Japanese Marine Mollusca (XVID NASSID. Nassa tenuis Smith. pl. xxviii, figs. 59, 60. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 23, pl. 7, figs. 4, 5 Jap. name, Yofubai, Mokuhachifu. Loc., Awaji; Iyo; Tosa; Izu. Nassa coronata Brug. pl. xxviii, figs. 61, 62. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 23, pl. 7, figs. 7, 8. Jap. name, Ibo-yofubai, Iwakawa. Loc., Loochoo and Oshima Islands. Nassa arcularia Linné. pl. xxviii, figs. 63, 64. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 24, pl. 7, figs. 9, 10. Jap. name, Ori-ire-yofubai, Hir. n. n. Loc., ILoochoo. Nassa (dreularia) leptospira A. Ad. pl. xxviii, figs. 65, 66. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 25, pl. 7, figs. 24-28. Jap. name, Kaninote-mushiro, H. n. n. Loc., Loochoo and Oshima Islands. Nassa (Arcularia) globosa Quoy. pl. xxviii, figs. 67, 68. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 26, pl. 8, figs, 37, 38 Jap. name, Kobu-mushiro, Hir. n. n. Loc., Oshima, Osumi; Loochoo. Nassa(A/ectrion) glans Linné. pl. xxviii, fig. 69, pl. xxix, figs.70, 71 Tryon, Man. Conch. vol, iv, p. 27, pl. 8, fig. 45. Jap. name, Kinshi-bai, Gumbun-hin-i. 22 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. Loc., From Kagoshima to Loochoo. N. (4.) glans suturalis Lam. pl. xxix, fig. 72. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 28, pl. 8, figs. 52-54. Jap. name, Ibo-kinshibai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Ogasawara. Nassa (Alectrion) hirta Kiener. pl. xxix, figs. 73, 74. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 28, pl. 8, figs. 50, 51, 55-59. Jap. name, Hime-ori-iremushiro, Hir. n. n. Loc., Loochoo; Oshima. Nassa (Alectrion) sp. pl. xxix, fig. 75. Jap. name, Itokake-mushiro, Hir. n. n. Loc., Kikaigashima, Osumi. Nassa (A/ectrion) siquijorensis A. Ad. pl. xxix, figs. 76, 77. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 30, pl. 9, figs. 72, 73. Jap. name, Hana-mushiro, Rop.-kai. Loc., Iyo; Awa; ete. Nassa (A/ectrion) papillosa Linn. pl. xxix, fig 78. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 30, pl. 9, figs. 74. 71. Jap. name, Same-mushiro, Hir. n. n. Loc., Kikaigashima. Nassa (zzr が s) tenia Gmel pl. xxix, fig. 79. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 30, pl. 9, figs. 76-82. Jap. name, Kuri-iro-yofubai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Oshima. Nassa (zzrs) unicolorata Kiener. pl. xxix, figs. 80, 8T. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p, 31, pl. 10, figs. 88-go. Jap. name, Tsuya-yofubai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Oshima; Kikaigashima; Loochoo. Nassa (Zeuxis) gaudiosa Hinds. pl. xxix, figs. 82-84. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 34, pl. 10, figs. 114-120; pl. II, figs. 121-124, etc. Jap. name, Hime-yofubai, Iwakawa. * N. Zonalis A. Ad. (fig. 83.) Jap. name, Misuji-yofubai, Hir. n. n. * N. velata Gould. (fig. 84) Jap. name, Shiinomi-yofubai, Hir. n. n. Loc., From Oshima to Loochoo; Ogasawara; Tosa. THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. の Nassa (Zeuxis) picta Dunker. pl. xxix, figs. 85, 86. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 35, pl. 11, figs, 133-142. Jap. name, Yofubai-modoki, Hir. n. n. Loc., From Oshima to Loochoo, Summary—On Japanese Land Shells (XI) Otesia japonica Mlldff. pl. xvi, figs. 55, 56. Or. des., Moellendorff, Jour. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Liv, pt. 2, p. 59. Jap. name, Renzu-gai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Kyushu; Amakusa and Kagoshima; Tokaido: Suruga ; Taiwan: Kiirun, (Keelung.) Otesia chichijimana Pils. & Hir. pl. xvi, figs. 60-62. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1905, p. 713. Jap. name, Chichijima-renzu, Hir. n. n. Loc., Chichijima, Ogasawara. Otesia hahajimana Pils. & Hir. pl. xvi, figs. 57-59. Omdes* Pilsbrya eroceay Nes. bhilas 1oOn p73: Jap. name, Hahajima-renzu, Fir. n. n. Loc., Hahajima, Ogasawara. Kaliella longa Pils. & Hir. pl. xvi, fig. 63. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1905, p. 744. Jap. name, Naga-kibi, Hir. n. n. Loc., Hotawa, Taiwan. Kaliella praealta Pils. pl. xvi, fig. 64. @isides;, Rilsbry, Prog AY N.S) Phila: 1900, p. 547- Jap. name, Taka-kibi, Hir. n. n. Loc.,’ Omi. Kaliella praealta xenica Pils. & Hir. pl. xvii, fig. 76; pl. xvi, fig. 65. Or. des., だ. ventca Pils. & Hir. Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xvii, p. 32) Jap. name, Sado-taka-kibi, Hir. n. n. Loc., Sado Island. Kaliella preealta izushichitoensis P. & H. pl. xvi, fig. 66. Or. des., Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xvii, p. 54. Jap. name, Shichito-takakibi, Hir. n. n. 24 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE, Loc., Niijima, Miyakejima, Kozushima, Toshima, Izu. Kaliella ogasawarana Pils. pl. xvi, fig. 67. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N.S. Phila., 1902, p. 31. Jap. name, Ogasawara-kibi, Hir. n. n. Loc., Hahajima, Ogasawara. Kaliella nesiotica Pils. & Hir. pl. xvi, figs. 68, 69. Or. des., Pilsbry, Nautilus vol. xvii, p. 54. Jap. name, Oh-kasa-kibi, Hir. n. n. TLoc., Izushichito: Miyakejima: Toshima. Kaliella borealis Pils. pl. xvi, fig. 70. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1901, p. 346. Jap. name, Tanaka-kibi, Hir. n. n. Loc., Ojima: Kayabe; Ikusagawa; Nanae. Kaliella crenulata Gude. pl. xvi, figs. 71, 72. Or. des., Gude, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist (7) vi, 1900, p. 453. Jap. name, Kasa-kibi, Hir. n. n.. Loc., Shikoku; Awaji I.; Harima; Kyoto; Kyushu; Uzen, etc. Kaliella crenulata basistriata P. & H. pl. xvi, figs. 73, 74. Or. des , Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1905, p. 717. Jap. name, Soko-suji-kasakibi, Hir. n. n. Loc., Yakushima, Osumi. Kaliella crenulata hotawana Pils. & Hir. pl. xvi, fig. 75. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila, 1905, p. 743. Jap. name, Taiwan-kasakibi, Hir. n. n. Loc., Hotawa, Taiwan. 2M ely 2 ei laeter a. quasi” RON K SUM MNS CM A EEN Ae W010 472° NV ew Myst? SMETOMNAR NR ] SBRY K | SNES POE SRO RAT BE EYE ON Ah S° DU PHN URE WR TR te Oo 29 20° BNR OSX Kixy RR 1 [EHS 6 Shek WRAY QW S100 RWyy る 会 NOMOH ope emi Nah BHAR OM BS 20° CCN OOK Oomkse es MEHR IR 4 Sse 8 we Has Wse OgvitO vy” BUM RON Se S° NZ aBRw S (RBM SNR MY RENE RANDAL OEM SS eR" BayHLom MM V2 ER ORES Oo REN OKA RE CHK Mine .6-aEm CES CMY PE OYE NO READ? WV Na-K Ew 10° RN SRO SKK 商 W+E HON AC” SHO SIC ULES HEE ROKK ROW | BORK Mik BAS OR" WOK evi” Boxe | MR dots Se)” RE wPLLKOSPOY 40mm OMS Se AN YS A A EAI 6109 SED uEOKO Ways SEE OHS VK S WOME oH S190 S35 CIR MERE M9100 REE CI O10 人 の RH ORR AS oO VOSEEROIX tai g SO Kabiy DORMS OR Fd DDH Rw Oise SSK SSRBEN AO YK SWS oe Si の 形 AK ER AQ RG 10° Qt moe) ME 類 介 oh 3 Woy if Bt Ti. LN aye WS KavceRa’ Ade SMO AINE DR REO DS RAE WENRRVeNEPOSL? NOURHO rT OUR YAROL AON NOEGESONAWMOY ROL | & WO VERRAN? EEK Rik PINE EY HEE fm (MEER 6 ONSL YO” RRB SAOKDO NOSBER USK N EXIT. BE DO URSE VY IKKEEN Lov RK REN WS ROR URES YER EE OR? ERE | ES? HM WOLKE ONIE rows 2 wy MM 41 ms MU" BRART © Eee EA 0 YO NHS 00 Hed, OR? FN B19 PO coh eeae O VEIN ORO ERI SRS VERN EW Bt latte) Ste te eo で) NES SS) ee SSS ESS OO O22] SSM 1) oR Ry seo Ged oc derek Sy Sl OAKES 10 “a aL a ES Kan BERSERSESKNKRES ID High BLE Hn Od & ft bt WK REM [YEH (BERR) il+ul & KENEY ORRIN SSO SOY (174) Bast 2 Aide Ae =o te OHO PHU SWHIONAO, SOVSNEOYDQOSRE MER MRN IS OY BERNE O YE ROR? MEN WHONEMEM’ ROG SEXO VHEO HRY Nw AER 5 A.ny.G190 HM | SERRE a fH RIL Kms KR OR eK XE Bw IMOV’ GEN HV ROMER £4 0NOY 人 So CARE MTU N SR WE OR) OR GORE HEI’ RE EIR’ SE’ FES OSM CIM UE OM° atts | FEOQOASUMHNSAR” RU SN OHS SN ROK OVE BBY Se ev’ WOEo K BH DWRENO 4m |] Mm BEKO MwA 0 St mB OL OR *Q^ ERIN AQ OER PHS 1 HS nN (RSE AOE RHES AON" EK WHI O RK WIE S* ok ent HR RON 00 BSN BK EOE ERK NR OO RE” RRM ORORKNK SE ROM ON ESL EI OME OSE R” MV MISH OW GOIN? & ES a っ TON IBAK NG OMS BNC RSet wy 6 OMA" Be LRN SS OMEN ® “ He PeR(NANS ARDY K) RAR*KRR” HRT7ASD TNRASABLBNO KY S ON? SOW LN Yt S ti omdo ROOK RR KER BS SAN | BH HRN HE oO 十 尿 上 Wee? Son (ARERR CONS 賭 SEA dr BI oR do 0 RN KOO aS CHT Ae RRS AO BPR mS” KS ORE ori SRN- BEERS 0 SU SKN guy“ BRR Se OW Ak Rat $7 RISEN L DYES OY FBR 6 TERR Now AST H SW (VAG 10° “A Bm ete Ky SOLO" SRMONwM Rw” | HHI OMYNEO Yop 6 0° REEL yEesONRbR Ww BRINSHY WOR OR RM SONY NAO | BE ROMNEY HNO W+ | AP 2 a ae Sr ie Bs ae eo RE RK AA WU YR WO” EGER EEG POOLING 10° Rea ys Kawa” nw aA wn He” CTHEN oR RAS ON WWE ON? Seiko AS VERE Oo MN NW Etec S ペ いり (SRE wD G00 NINMoV ROSH’ UREN EAN | SU" DWE OY" KHRE OE NASH ONWOH RE FEIT O Yawsc? wee we” BX SO Moy wd yy 7 BIN SES NMR HS SHINN GUN? か ーー ニーーー デ デー*) & Mee we = tH AREA’ Ho ARM BRU OORREE SS fm EX SU EK LK ROSTK | SERUM IR ANOS HY . SNR yi” tee ee HS ONS eS eS) n+ GN jE ーー — Fe で ASW CHESS EA = LESSEE SS > SS UNH Osh Li Sor eal CSBenhes ! Mel oo jis づ ゝ wea, Be SB] 1 ro REh rs s = Bw Me oS = GRAS ne 6 ー で て NCHS ay VEER ER =—\ 2 sii (161) zo ? Niro = HS ear の ETT She で で (Se TT HRS CF SSN Os Sh きい U 7 jo OSS ~~ { | by Th lanl) Le Kat 2 Myx =~ > SS m 1 le | FR TH slice りー ーー ミー ンー ERIN NOY HEARSE A ( ヾ い i> Ne “mn ee — Be RM RB 人 外 fifi Me け ow 邦 る Wh 爽 に A ie 限 留 K 8 TF 区 wB nO” lh eS FS Se ee ee を B_+y を ew て Ht mk TF 用 of 64 以 用 婚 a it wm る Ce NZWMS UK の の が の て ig 《 用 る の th Me を 特 ff 多 4 % Bw Ww & 出 主 HE oe i UR Ve nes NN IP を 7 de MX 2° の % i 自 2 得 by NG eH See AN に Ste Hea ae を @ Mw 9 は 5 個 高 海 は 多 留 外 BH 2 We mH Kh 志 ( * 國 成 me Ss 及 へ E Ii we 人 MD を 会 He ik 較 子 ` & Hea Ee Lh 御 i i i O 節 — za Fl T A pes UIG ee 0 CS る Sa: Wa ee Bo» O は ゆり Ghee aes ME WF 製 sh て KN の ve TR K eo 留 部 ih tf の 用 HR し 劉 等 即 へ Mm HB は | を < の の 5 wW A Fit a 8 Wi 7 bce MO eS er ee を sk Ow t mw HS て re Xk B&B BA 2 Be ee am hm LR が | & 年 OW AW TH fh 個 X & Ul & ん it 多 Xi OD Ae £ Oe Meee: Zhe = Nee ae Sa ABA ReEK す の る vw ば Be %- Cc Bom a be a mk 等 現 は wb KK uw 彩 を a TH gE Xb & 雪 と tem) 信 Moar KR < 厚 陸 WH 種 9 る ia Lb we 於 (JWA =o: ik OW iO” © tea | Oleg 0 2 W KOS eS & Os 年 の Hh R= の 。 の 大 Mp KK 接 < BP a oe が NN 6 ik の Be BK of iit De aes て 5 個 を 幅 に a Re wm 東 RHO 8 — 生成 類 か 京 は - ee a) alin ee ere, A) AR & せ 許 る HK eM ih 阪 を fF し &) KE © 5) I 潮 eH 4A & 5b BB 術 が | を RS Wow Zook © ee Wy Roe SH HINES SBR b ‘ Rei NE vat S Bai SR S Bain っ fj \ 4 a Nag A Sea 4S PES vest ae ISAS \ rl SRO Se. Be EST AO hy ニニ Sr rs が SROIBS Sew ys VS = NSP WSN eee PA ニコ (160) H+COARS-+ OR rn 3 #2 (8652) tae, rf SHE BH KS RES ESSE EE (CES ORMBMNS SE NRE OOOH OMY OY RGR’ BE? Wie SNAKE OWS RK LSD oXRERMEN O fk oH) HOS WED ROP SY NWI WING - っ es d= ent = ちら な やせ 4 LHS @ YX 46 mH ; OVP RR” Riba” FERa” ee SY BSP OERSP OnE WEES (| A oo) Ye URI dN りな る る RAY BA eee SirlEOyNVE~ «0 0 Gis RoW Shee SNL OLMW OITA SY DSi PAC OI ES IES Y ISIE S Ed andy cont Sie IO | MIERIKO KM ORES ORO 8 i exoum X VPNSKROR LBOMINUNENREUR RE BNR ORV RE REN SE OREM SROR S2Be" RES SRO aa Carers ay’ Br SR? Gt” LR’ ALBAN PEN CORES KORN ) AVS “7 VIRLIBSISU VpLPNUIAI “Vf ‘TE DU he i a i Ue ahaw 上 RS で SN ay HOME \ 4 Be MSY BN YS LRH ER U RRA ACRE に ご 第 OH) Se uh [oARBMS MRR SSLH ACH RAR SHEA WNemks Sane At He FA LY | STEN ey HO UO ms ME 類 介 6 一 Et ry vee ea = =i oH mr 7S) / 民 \ Ra mv Ts STF ) b ape ゞ Se NL Lid ちこ 42 = | Vows CHi+-cr RL SI RILBDIO41 ‘YL LB (SE) UY & (Ea! |+evhs | +e SRE [eS RRSS SHH HR ‘OPN VjRNUWAL "MI Re MAES SORE (+ |) (156) SCL 1G) 10 BEDE KE QIN DO WEEK Hi ARERR RAP RE K. praalta izushichitocnsis P. : (RHA BRC RC PAS” BRIS aE Pah’ Hak! He’ EAA WO” | ARHayp? RUBY Ral’ RAV vECRES | Bo St ee or Pe ie 功 RS” Se Bak” REE’ KH oe SSNOy” BSORNO~ RA] ARH {NARS ERE OK, cgasawarana Pils. (BYR R CL N) WE? | RRA RA” | RRR” BSR” RMS NWO KIREN Co ye KN SY REI DCSE RM 0 HURT kK 00 OK BEROI HEA Sui Yo GRAN ERI” KEEN ——e Yo Fem Swot!” HEURES 0 YR~ EMER Aw RK~ Rey] Weal KIRIN OY? BEM APAS RM Adbas RE WC. nesiotica P. and H. (BH ER +41 RC RR +R) HAS ES ose — teat” Hee Fla 8° | RR ASIEN” Rae | 応 | |EH7 PAHS? RX tk M0 SES BE 還 D~ BS BESS ES Oe Co RRR KON AS oP OY SSNOY ES ORR~ RE + AMOw YE KNNOY’ BKOESERO er tS aire ete ee SRY ° WSSEE HRS ERE So” FROME N oy” RS WOH” Ei OC 4a ee yo | pene 5 ae (155) BRIS VISES WER ( SEO RIN +RNIES ERO Bitar R~o BI REL (° RMI ORY Sm MEME VR” SNR Dy’ BA | SOM CMI" RONEN’ hee’ Re” =] a = Hewek (7 MEMO’ SORE yar SKYE ee ee | j= BAYS TROYES REy や) Wa KEI OY’ REGEN Oy RES | Wa” FRESE NOY? RSMO BR aol Bie SS Buliminopsis turrita Gude. NBEO” mK 0 ie DR VIR EN Cyr min Oy BES 6° KEM KY RS RON RD RED hE DAR a | BREW KERN STI RR | URES PAAR Dabaw” BERS Be eH | HUME” So Rap AS BE ag K. elongata Godwin-Austen NBIBD se weSSNOY K. prealta xenica P. and H. RE OQESA- ESSA | | (RHA PR ADR PRAIA Cc FR RCH) RRA BE KK. prealia Pils. | HHI" sex tioey e te? gee (Ge RK KLE) FG 1 RAS RE | 6B | TSH 四 ^ 選 He AS | Sak CiBtato an QEBEIM SO” BRIER” BRO RES S fa” 1 Ae) SWOT RE 還 7 ABET O1]W (7 eaReOEEE Re (* 最 RE RMS wl Sree KB SK a | Eu^ Hop MSs wis Wa)? Ze4Z aI M-> | (154) Uae 46 te PY ia aa Bt mR eR +111) +1] OGD” REN OY SREEES Ais 10 SAUER DE ao” MgO Bee g- MORON Oy phe HEOTEMSais | wo HRB BS SS OO REE phe Bu i ear I stan RMR Re’ SRKNEENES ro ee Redo MIB OIG | Noein y | mimo Bm, Ra” BSSRAINOY? Ree | DON SusuRe Yd | | RI COREE QUEEN EO” MON RMS RANVANK RE | SUSREE WIL ESR EH ORR MNEs | 0. hahajimana Pils. and Hir. SHUR UE RE KALIELLA Blanford. BRT CE’ Rt NR +S) MUR ON OY SEEN Oe vei wi irene SOY Sak (7 EER SE ict | "| KRY TH” RA] RR SB" ok] RAO? oH MN UW ENARN OS IRRS Vict | | BREW HRA HSE KK. Jonga Pils. and Hir. RY wEoO~” ReeA” GN Ree 4 | CRAM HRA AC Ut tee tet 14 HET) MEEKN Be” BWR RENARD | WB eet PANU USS WER WWE O” HERNAN BESer 8 | RRHED” Ae 46 iBH™ ee nine sume WHO? BS Wak ESR Eee BRAUHE° Wo 0 mS DOV RS” BE 77 KIN Opa 4d PWS? HMA ESTO RRO] TNE auds > BREE ; ME RSF ek mo と es ーー ーー mh Hi (153) meas (+l) SAK RUM HE OTESIA H. and A. Ad. つ ^ Shee Wik oO 4iRaw RRL BEN OY” BSN Rew A> KS woh” BemK~7 i Tek tw 7 i Dv Ee te | AANKRY FE 0. japonica Mildff. (BH BRAC ROP ES E® ERES+- 6 ) He’ <=° SE” WR WB” 1 [RRR RA” BIRR” Be aI RR EH PMS DRE ORK HM PONY’? REEW~ KeavEi wit” SHE OIEAT A > KM WOH” FESS Mer PR Ke) WE] Qa” SERIE | OW RS NOREEN BEY BMDO~ Rs” RE Swi (° KOK REOHMEVRO BEKS” PK CBRE HSRM4EHorPRO RORNOV" mK Se Ree (+) | SRE” RAE phhte-* hae RK Pe Hin CHE ap OT UX =e Im | Ma BTS HWE eS IN Oy’? MEME NB M-o | WAAVAAK FE 0. chichijimana Pils. & Hir. (RTO RK HH SRG” @* [xR A TRE ン ^ ENS y Cw” BERG RES VRE’ Reo Bi) -~ RS” UP ue SURO ERE BESEN ag Pea veein mk Yo KEK KIN 6 -o Ye +i —&4<+1 |) Ssh yD” KORRES 10 SH UK ER HES OK REM 0 EER dl od WER” BXOIREN Oy [hhih~ Bien OQ MEME N toy Hrs Aa K~ SR Dp In 3 | +] (152) HtroO KR RA-—-+ HW KFSECRE Rew (+i) ETAT D PAOWREO KES AMN Kye | Ro 4D] RN Nhe DEMME GE ARCULARIA Link, HAAINK N. thersites Brug. IhAAKN CAIN macs 8) a= BN. we SS (SSS SSS (151) Et WA? Jota" BO TR Kitt Q EERO a | PNY" BBM OR Kee” 回 に oe EAI | BEB D-o | | RRS CR C1) MK xe eeedfe SERE ON, picta Dunker. WN Kae NASSIDA, CES IT RE RR THRE TL) | MN eRe RAE NASSA Lam. A テ r — - ape aS ( ・ HESS KEE Kor EN KR (NS SR mA Pe SKM AX *% Typical Species. = = = ce a a, mh OAK BES TER e DKK ARK AKO YA Rae dF = N, pulla Linn. (- AS で RS KOR BEN A410) WR“ ADRS HIE” U7 BIRR EI” wk” KS RA” BI RRT PS ER ES ES pO MR | BT | SS URKE)© See DRA NS A Ne SO? SRY KO OHS [SR 1 Sx | wR? | HH] le? AN MSS? Rae tn KR thw SN OYyih~* BES HID YREEN OYSRHE WTO” Beatle IEK~* Ie REIT AM N KR Ap aPS Rw Oy EK” | BO NK SNES Be) BO Kel me a OR RWB? HOR OORER ITO” ERY BT INS RD ROBO BEE ’A RS A KS QREDE ERE SBEREO (LH) a (150) = ae ie 明 Bhi Ase ALMA Ks HE ON. unicolorata Kiener. 2A RSE ーー te (Kae by Ny NP) © RA” HRRESH® uk’ 4 Ral” HKD “ ULRAO WO” OE sR WN | KTM A Kee SE IPS RK +I IR + HUI” -KBE-K BE Me IR EN KR” SHER He RRB’ Hane DS N. gandiosa Hinds. CEN"! 四 a Ns ed vy V7 Ch IN 2 K wh 4¢RR AIH” RA” Ji] RRS” NSR* BERG KEK oY” SRwok (7 SMOKEY KEE Mo ARES ARNO y BME R SSO” ROB OLRM 0 No ee ene se a Ure OBR BE ou HE. ° BX MMT” Bw yadisl | Wo J KEM RNR 0M~ | NWR ofa” WO | (UO Havy a KR = RUG NV Rw owe IN vs y EK QOKFEN RIO BK OWE Y BIT RIN PRI NW 42H gs | CORAM A Kee HERE ON. zomalis A. Ad. 2 +-]1]H) HS” RIS -KEE-K og }e08° whe 4<8R7 R71] ARI SEIN STR M101 | RESET te | Crm MIM A Kee HE ON. velata Gould &<+/DH) Bw Ras SSS ーーーーーー- -- ーー ーーー る r #8 — OD Me 記 vy, の (149) FED 39 Nou «Ben | SKS Ha RE N. papillora Linn. Gy" eR! | +R N+) WHS” KEE fons 087 ae ae wR | eile Bi NR” SS RMB OY BAY BREW BN BERT SSR Wik YK ORB NEY BRS OSB’ ROUEN NSO” PEN ERS | Wal HOIPIY Oy” MACHR RSC” Seok MSE Woo | KE SHCRER(+Y) Qa OM \ Xe HYES ZEUXNIS HH. A. Ad, Kae AMA <= BE N. tenia Gmel. CES [+ RR’ RN+RB) WEI KEE 08 “D> REA RE Reed KN) FP ELRRHR IN” RH” AIAR] 1 EH Me HKSN OV RM mh * BREMEN LEE SENS) BO SIRO av (る お < て t > SRwit” SEuREN 00 SER mk ( EAKEEN O VYERENRSEO FHV EN つ ^ Ey Swit gys | ROTA KREDI N OY KE] 1 EOS FE HE ( 氏 シ オォ ィ ラ ト ) 物 動 の イィ パ フ ヨ ロイ リク RY Mua) - AO (148) Rk — + © 4 ela KERESERACY) wD tm | Wa” SFM RAWESEMIN Oy” WrXiza@wo 0” Pree Ne re GRA NO HE Nassa sp. GE! 1+ SERVE) HUI” -KBE fu 087 WH | eo RAS BIRR” BOSS GRAGERRE EW Bere + Boek (7 Spee ene eS RNS So TYME ESE NY SE © BR RO SR d nae Beh BRO SR 10 BB AUREL A ORS CT ACRE SY Oy “erp 7 REGUS EOSS Sw (° CNR | Wa” GOK Y OBER Mo DW? ES mOW-> | KiBias N. scalariy A. Ad. YYBA D927 Ke Sn~" ROR~” LHS ORR QA | WE 1 RAS AD KS ON, siqnijorensis A. Ad, =N. celata A. Ad, 81 | RR RVR) “ BRAG” 硬 堂 < = > BEX ant da KN) WP, RAI” RETR HR IH UA KR BY} 1 RICH er Selim ck ow oy een eee ~-° GRERSR ER YEN Gt O00 BEB NR Bede © | HESNNO~* Hee BR swoht” Rowe ASIS NY Oy “Bisse STH TRIS Nh BEER WY SE I © SCT BK | ° FEHR N Oy “St BR) 11 | BEB SS INAS OX | HEWN OE SEMIN OV REE WIE Do | ORR OD SER | SOMRITIOACES 6 よさ » 2 (N. kieneri Desh) QO REK UK Biwi |] RMsiewe nv se DEC CURRIN AOA ATE MN AD AD K| め トル . ws RE RA St i TH (147) HES SIN WRB WR PU FE HELO -> | a AD Ke HHRE SE ALECTRION Month. AA Kee 千村 ON. glans Linn. (28) STS eee Re 8 1+ Sk RU+LRRY+ |e HUEY DIA A RAEN (ns SA DD” MOWENw) wi? | PEL RAT A CK ow RA? AC RRR RRS SE TaD Se BRU LON UW el SS SS rte | Wa FEHR DY OY RHER eNBES~ HRRERQ KHER BD OMWITO” RRM OPE ESRB a | WA+ | UK BORN | BS KARA DS Ke RE N. glans yar. suturalis Lam. KESHSRER(+Y) =N. intermedia Danker. Tiedt) S| hile! Aion 4 ed | [SR SR A+ | |) ' Wal” KEYES | | VARDE ANA HE N. jimt(a Kiener. | GEAR! [+ RRR MRT BB) | HS HRS” KEE Kad? (Nw SA uN? BR Hae Ko EEN w) WB RE RA 1 RRL SK Ra A NA S(N, aveularia Linn.) NAYS ン ^ BREEN OV LREN NWSW” BEI BEES id (146) フ ヨ シイ リオ ( 氏 シ オォ イラ ト ) 物 動 の イ ぶ Bs ay er 四 te 明 HERE O? ZS SO ROMP oH Re ORM EOyYax Mo | Wl Weneasseee es WHOM SSE MILI” HT WHS 0 P OK -> | Ah DEBE GE ARCULARIA Link, RW VAG HE ON. leptospira A. Ad. GES! IF R BRC THR +1) HH -KEE Kab 4 IRR NN Mito (sssk(Awn へ S 也 ) NK PD DT DO CUR KR) w) WA HSRR* RA 11187 El MSS" SK CSN Oy’? BQO~ Bie Pu Ves Evo SEAWIKO” Hehe So HR AM Beek © SID © RAHAT a7 BS NER or ae Ravin ty sobs FEHR WN OY SEMIS SEE) | MNS er FRE ON. giobosa Quoy. CES! FR RRC TARR) HAS” -XBE-K a7 (15 — NWA IND BRAS PSDEN @) WY HR 1 IH SH 11] SAD IEH Hh~reORS SSR" BES KN yi (4iIn~ KD) NM ンー ROSARIO” SR u Bee | SURE” KER ORBIT SS oH ge TAC ESSN SSK OO” RRO UR 祥 宮 で 」 | Ra? FEN OY RYN ERR REY Ro Rt | プ 多 oe J Gi ts ME RA 介 kn. ee 二 Hi q (145) DSS BREE ER NO y SS es 00 7 Bac © SRSE Fe NER WI” HEE BER ot eh | Ix Saw & ELON © Seve aK (7 I~ Oe S NSE WTO” ES OBER EKSRW RY | TEAMS Bawa” US ER oy swe Oo Bde ACRE WHE. | AAEM NK ae RE GRRE ERITREA E | RTI | 画 ) ~ iB’ O(a) N. coronata Brug. Nw er yy > Nw) 人 国民 "中 区 結団 SSE GE -o we tiN Oy”? BEX oye? Mavildn KHORMKN OYE SRwiry 04 OSittw’ 負 KS SUSEER( LY) BLO VY SOP RSwiy wes Sis OSueO WEPBE Mo 12 1B © BETO 4 mp mC) SRE AEE © SS ENN O~” MU WYO” FRO KRUB SO YEN] Wa Oe BRO Rei” KS a0 BR DEN ACFE” SSeS ORSORN tb HEE EK ABO ロ RPEWNOY REOL HEME D 9 Ns] ARV ATT NK ne FREE N. arewaria Linn, GENS! FR BREE) (NS SA yw DMEM PSN ww) WW = xRHRI” BR? SC KRHSIER® BME EI (tomy MEXR’ SE QXLoN Ho VBKr” EOVRSRUSM OMENS may | OMAR ED Seite © BEM ed p09 さだ ーー モニ ーー 11] + (144) せ タ ム スリ ( 氏 シ オォ ィ イラ ト ) タラ クチ アレ 9 HrOARRA-—-+ Hh ( 氏 シ ォ ィ イラ ト yuREY つ % 人 KT FEN Yat MUN W:e SN WSK (N。 muia- si L.) y~R | Bawden sh | SH AINA CN, reticulata L.) wee So 0 Ht SIE © HRN IN 7 SSIES Arcachon GHSERNN IGS VY MTRREN SS ~ B+ Si 6 BN GSK | REI Swi Eo SUSU SHE © SHER Oe OO BUR WK HEED N Shit im we” OR Mis y REM OHS i FONTS S UT 3 EE Fy SAH BY Diy OWE YK ARN Kho su ie” EW | Sm ORNERU ANS BEE EN RR) 020 SUI AS | =aINA NA RREOP IND eH ECE. P. Marrat) age eres SR’ RMOMLV Sy Bi SONS ORE | S06 OHI ELS O to” BEM CMY yw |] SRB OY TEFEN N SURE Y Syste 07 SEEN Shits 1.0 eR do am CK NEE REE OV RRS I |] 4 DOs VEHBOK Saws MIDON HR oO MOU Pe NT RD RANSON aCe 4 OMEN apy BIS HEFE MS -o sUS He -m | BKK MN Kee MAK ZX ON. tenuis E, A. Smith. Typical Species. =N, halteata Lischke, (2H) [TSR RLS Me) * BE eee eg eR) (IEW a9) (143) ja tH) を 物 3 ae うり vA 、 部 後 廣 部 《 は ay we Ik の し iif 、 ib 往 Wee ル ps jE 2 ae iS tera CG. 1 wk を €} At ak の … wy 基 尾 隅 iit て け Hi ば み 72 a ah 3A の eae の EVO BO RAO SM 3 vwW oe mays N 3 yy Na = Ree oe =a N oy WE > => it r | mS US x = VON Ge AMS YS PAE CAMA oN SToOGAR we tt. 2: Ss ue tas .CHee ME Nik bab SN SAR 2 Z| = L¥ s &: 第 HT PS" jet QO rX B7at EH Ra az rat ROSS vi zt {Sas Le = 1 43 Io a pt BSc -y ANSP S 065 b= iti [> rs BS NMACSSH ISON ST 7) Bre Ww vd =. 8 Ee RRS OPO SSL Um 4 Oe | 44rd) ost 誌 Me 類 eolol9uo) BAIS — = AW GOLUO9T VE ry OMS lCRy 9 Sa ーー Se NOs id Tyr 1 Os HES BETTS 明 vA sk» ae ay 4 4p: 属 座 it 月 - = we» a ot OB 第 > 行 an a é = 4 a | ieee, Daa ie La chs SU lade は EC Sa ae 8 eal ay ee 8) me 大 種 し 5 & ie O- SG WM 大 K 介 Ik Ue 大 oe oe Oy 動 抵 i を る Hh BE せ #2 次 ら ち る Hh K 全く Se oo Ne SC ae HH of 活 す pe 物 と 溢れ を | を eg © Be es) | oil, 主 め ley, oS i Calle 2 Se iE fa を a pe eee ale COW | Ser ek の る 5H i Ay の | RR $0 oe Ak 2k 婁 : tk Ae HOw coer ‘ Nam ak Reyne で を Ne 1 a) 2 CUA te ーー be すき JAPANESE LAND MOLLUSKS FL. XVI. 55 RI 99 4 \ Otesia japonica Mildf*. hahajimana Tils. chichijimana Tils. 6 Kaliella longa Pils. & Hir. は prealta Pils. xenica P. & I. jzushichitoensis P. & H. 1 は 9. 2 _67. Kaliella ogasawarana Pils. Ws + 58) 8 DUE REZ nesiotica Tils. & Hir. borealis Pils. ercnulata Gude. » basistriata P. & H. » lotawana I’. & II. —————— JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, PL XXXI. ( 版 一 十 三 第 ) 類 貞 産 海 本 日 1] ー Se ee | 21. Vasum ceramicum Linn’ (x 2/3) 123 turbincllum Linné. ( ,, ) 124. Voltta megaspira Sowby. ( . ) 125 megaspia provostiana Crosse. (2/3) — THE MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. iO St aria ares founded by the late Geo. W. Tryon, Jr-, and continued by Henry A. Pilsbry, Sci. D., for the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. ' The Manual of Conchology is a fully illustrated monography of recent mol‘usks. Issned in octavo form, in quarterly parts. Each part comprises 64 (or more) pagés of lett »rpress, and 15 to 20 plates. The IRSm SERIES, Marine Univaives, of which seventeen volumes have anpenred, is now fnisheil as planned by its illustrious fonnder. Of the SEGOND SERIES, Terrestrial Mojlus’s, Highteen Volumes have been ‘published, completing Helix with index. A few eopi's of Vol. TX of this series, “Guide tothe Stucy of Helices,” will be sold soparately at the regniar subscription price. Separate copies of the Index, suitable for the pu p se of a Catnlorsu: or Check list, can also bs had at $1.00 each. The Monograph of the Bulimi is now completed with Index. Separate copies of In’ex, $1.00 each. ed't'on (both eolore i The Mnograph of the Urocoptid.c lias m'so been completed, and) Vol. XIX is now in progress, {nishinu the stucy of the Achatintde. 」 Prices:—Viain (une: Jored) edition, $3.00 per part. Colored edition, §5 and Incia-tinted plates), $2.00 per part. Vor further information or descriptive cireu’ar, with sample plate of Manual, address -00 per pat. Tine 8S. RAYMOND ROBERTS, Treasurer, P. 0. Address, GLEN ROUGE, NEW JERSEY, VU. S. A. An illustrated CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, by I. Starns and II. A Pilsbry. Paper, ¢2.50. UP pm pee» | Q OO Oo = Dea py 部 部 部 4e 、 改 pa «S 6 +1 xlese | «ae ae SS 2 i 誕 exe yy aS 4 ey fa. 2.” SN 市 oe | Fab fit ae Vij 、 eS eel 上 | 4436 > Hii 7 Fa (ee TH 3 所 Ee fi | Baek ff oe ei TEM te ae HA it, 2 送金 禁 修 誌 誌 | ee 居 he nes RE an eee ee be Vite. fe oe » » » Be Pw HEA PEM ENS KASH 所 者 者 者 a E ae ont) een ae Lae fe] oe lees F > HTD ii Ls Be 京都 る sie Mita tees ih at , パ ンー WE 2 可 三 分 3 | た Oi 2 ES i) SE geass ty € # ke wmet Ol) ng Peele ee 9 an Sn on ee Sentient Tm A a Ae tl] & ome テ 牧 vise a = 基 ー mye 上 bee ae au 7 人 sera ee = ar | asi PO PG nk BR HB Bk = FT evans クノ AVE Oh es 文 本 候 込 ‘eae & j= 3% FE SA あき ae Ts AB HS BK te っ 雑 se A @.© ; 2 に fe 1h yy 1G mee 北 x * Bl pe eR ag O BE fa Jt の Mu ii Ce 産 ew E Bet mm im a if 者 前 ge 中 人 承 類 JNI ee aes aes . HER af ae lel 英 ali aie ょ aoe fe * 4. Cy し の a ee a C ie 枚 ヶ 拉 の a fh A if Hh ee a SZ Ee HK Ze 2 た Sm xO cme i = J Ow} 川 店 ン Ul 清 際 回 友 が 地 條 。 大 プ 方 類 介 HB 郎 田 ye eee eel eee —y we 32 KH 琴 LHI UD RBS HAS RAS J ic ES Hee THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF JAPANESE SHELLS, Published By Y. HIRASE. VOL. II. JUNE. 1908, ‘NO. 6. CONTENTS. PAGE Gollecting Land Shells in Quel Part Island, JEN, ANON WIND NeWIRYON OY sarecpec reo 25. Summary-On Japanese Marine Mollusca (XVIII)………ーーーーーー……… 29, Summary-On Japanese Land Shells DO Sir Articles in Japanese: Onidapancse Manmnes Molluscan (XVI) 2, sester.ecteseetscactendenasescntrusceesese-aescanal le Remarks on Japanese Marine Mollusca (XIV)…… ーー……… 184, Onedapanese wtandeohels: OX) 12%. もの LG0 Story GVoronitie Sines; (QUIN), TERE Wes GUNNS eer eee ee eee eoo ee eon OEE 191. Philology of Shell-Namzs from Ancient Manuscripts (XI) BY OK) (NING AINUMAU. sisseezse2oo LO Terms Employed to Denote Various Paits of the Shells. Manufacturing Shell-Button in Osaka. By H Inoué. List of Shells found in Harima (II) By U. Okami. Collecting Land Shells in Quel Part I., Korea. By T. Kuroda. 本 iscellame0uS5…0…t……… バ バード ドド ドド eoeoeei…………209. Notice: The subseription price for foreign countries is $ 1. 50(3 yen)per annum. All letters and communications should be addressed to Y. HIRASE, Shim»choja-machi, Karasumaru, KYOTO, JAPAN. ー SHOWY SHELLS FOR SALE Three sets of tine showy shells each in a very beautiful and artistic box with a cover on which our sea-shore scenery is paintel Each contains 12 selected and attractive species, $0.35 for smal], 0.70 for medim, and 1.25 for a large box, postage included. For large lox mailed to foreign countries, other than the U.S. the price is $ 1.00 and parcel postage. Prices are given in U.S. Currency. The opening of the new sale is intended for seeuring money for the purpose of completing the fund needed to start the construction of my buildings, which is delayed under graye financial difficulties, as set forth in No. 11 of my Conehologieal Magazine. I am sure to give you pleasure with these sets and hope to be favoured with your as many orders as possible because of special sympathy with my undertakings. Y. HIRASE, Kyoto, Japan. A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CONCHOLOGISTS Edited and Published by H. A. Pilsbry and C. W. Johnson, Address: CD. W. Johnson, Business manager, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass, U. S. A. | OR AF BD TE oe. 1 TE EI PSAs EL Je SEN NE HBL > PK @ FRAKES AAR SM ノ 好 結晶 7 MN > 1B = 7 WA x SC aE = 2 y SSH RIM a HLF BH > Ew A 5 = KSA be WD ARE HC AK ahs > iE @ RHA Mich Tae > ~ HE a 7 BE HF Re SS, ti 所 - A. H. PETEREIT, 81 & 83, Fulton Street, New York City, US. A. Km LT aR 1 ~ 4 @m | SPerRe Re Bere IRS si SR: PRE a 2 Ns Hie eS | Roem quem | yma EY | ime y + peem Kk $e = CRIES) & i OBEY) RERRY VEIL RK): = ORE E CRC FEE 4 . * で キャ こさ be: ーー トー a : ene Ona 5 代 で 線香 SC 昌 ae Or. % oat r 3 7 ib eee Seow “jEGER | OREO BRU RY. BR | NR ie Sg) (EGS, GALI Tes Fe OMNI Teen Tone Of 5. ve eae en a ee MRE Ue Lone ORE 1 ha? em ee | MSEHOSR EE ig wea weet ene ( png REKGat omENRO ES S35 ORES O BESO { = eal = | ORE: Rint en se My REOKGCa <®KO8 R Oe et eats Ole MSM AB O70 に 2 wb OWE se~ ie 上 2 ne ae se 0 MGL ae 2 ESS at Og き cries rs Ey Ea @ See Orme x =, OR + {2 に ー BES Hat S) RES Me 部 BeEy 4 の aA Bry sy a ENBBO TIE SHICRS UT Hi Be Re aa BAC. git? kien : Simmer SS = el S| aH ART aS) NH eS St Sh ah et = — iA RG 毛 て WT MAOR SER RO2KOBITA1e 。 - AR 人 a ゃ し a し 4 iat NE Ohi > OIFEe [N58 ai Ae NM 35 Oh Si cae Hi os eee BE | in 7B 3B x 東 KR ZH Ses Sy ID moO a4 市 、 市 。 市 {J Se RAIL 3 iit 所 業 て 理 情 の : 手相 peices ty i He REIL He tg So Uae Og REE page He + Uk 保 et OA ye oe 洋 Sg a EB a Ke 東 東 oe x one a) ith 7%» 中 Ae in 橋 橋 + Bayt GLE seuizign SFG “am 四 地 - aD) Bem Be er AS REE HEE HO ESE EEE EE EK tt nk ‘ m3 a = | IRC る RE REE BEEN E IEE HEE HEHE HER em | Bea mee TIT ER og = ‘at SURR 111k De HW SSR 2 BS | RS KESIARR OR - 5 ARI Kes HE AHR. DWN HE UO E ARERR CANABNER CRBS ORRN SH QRS KBB | rey a ws hy kh BRK N RRO > MEK -y XE | ae #3 ぐ Fat 2 | Sortooowroromnnneranoner, y sas ZAR er Rese Pepe 5 OX Sea rok ane RBDDBADDADAPADDAADADADDDAN 次 仙人 の の ゆ 人 の oe Nes je ee ilts Tl i< F Se 1] on | REMY ORRENS RO, SETAE ch ah MARR EM AR NHR] om HRY KM CK HERR 2) ER hk + hn AeSS SES % Ree me = ie FR eh A し > ce 8 = fe Moe to ere le oe REEKG aia ec eae 0 も phy a | i v RY isyaes { 1 N IN あれ いい > a Ie ES 5 AAAS a が 3 3 内 3 3 tg" is fe, aioe wt (Pusu S PAR L OO PRIX DES SEPT PREMIERES LIVRAISONS REUNIES. Ohacune de ces: livraisons comprend. la Monographie séparée don, certain nombre . de famillés incépendanics (Gastropodes) avec tables’ Gos mnti6res: ete. Touv rage. “se termine 。 done: a avee Vapparition de chaque livraison, sans comporter une suite indispensable. Ces Monographios comprennent également des indications utiles pour Vétude de la Conte aatnetle. た ーッ RR avai 、 REVUE CRITIQUE DE PALEOZOOLOGIE, ORGANE TRIME ‘STRIEL PRIX de l’abo onnement で nnuel… pee SAO te. ‘Table des dix premiéres années... YK の Maurice COSSMANN, - | 5, Rue de Maubeuge. xe Paris, France. - X JAPANESE SHELLS HP, LOOCHOO Is. (gad FORMOSA Fine specinieus (accurately determined and exact: localities lion yf: of a great inimber of s SDCt68- 7 of kien new: or rare, “for stl at reasonable. rates. 3 Me Catalogue sent on Applic: tion, に ANAN will be sent on approval to purchasers known t0 me orgiving satisfactory references. り Payment should be made hy “postal Bee honk dra? ts” “are 8 also ‘acceptable, when registered, 9 ee eve 4 Prices are the lowest possible, though varying ‘more or 16ss according to the quality and the amount of the goods ordexed. Sih Orders from: unknown correspondents should bo aevompanied hy a remittince or a satisfactory reference. A remittance is im many preferable, as it wil! prevent the Joss of time otherwise needed for makimg necessary enquiries. The os addy of an Epon sores nen ae hom be written clearly. R Y. HI R A s sh ; Karagyy maru, tA} a ae THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Vor. Ii June, 1908 No. 6 COLLECTING LAND SHELLS IN QUEL PART ISLAND By TOKUBEI KURODA I had been asked by Mr. Hirase, to make explorations in Quel Part Island, and set out on the journey with my father. First we went to Fusan. On June 3rd, 1906, we went on board the Fukushu Maru bound for Mokpo, which had been lying at anchor in the port, and was just weighing anchor with the bluepeter at her mast-head. Thence we intended to get to our journey’s end. This route we had taken was the highway, so to speak, from Japan to Quel Part 1., and would be taken by most travellers who wanted to visit the island. The Fukushu Maru went at a speed which seemed likely to being her to her destination considerably behind time. We how- ever, arrived at Mokpo on the following day, 4th, at 8 p.m. On the 5th we climbed a hill which reared its head back of the port; and made explorations. The following are the species we collected there. Diplommatina sp. (many) Macrochlamys sp. (2 young specimens) Katiella sp. (four specimens) Lulota (Afgiste) sp. (7 specimens) 本 (Luhadra) sp. (two broken shells) Opeas heudei Pils (?) (8 specimens) Vertigo sp. (3 specimens) » japonica P. & H. (?) (one specimen) Ena coreana P.& H. (8 specimens) Clausilia (Luphediusa) sp. (relate to C. fusaniana, but smaller and darker) Concerning a species of Lzlota (Euhadra), we found only a piece or two of its broken shell. It seemed to me that this genus 26 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE had long been extinct, for they had hewed down the forests which had once covered the hill. On the afternoon of the 5th, we re-embarked for the island. Steering among small islands, most of which had bald and naked hills, we arrived safe at the shore near Cheju, the largest town in the island, the next morning, at 9 o’clock. This island has no bay or any place of the kind, so it is unable to give ships any satisfactory shelter. We landed, and put up at a rude, dirtv Korean cottage, with a little more furniture and fittings than common. The host was a Japanese, and welcomed us heartily. In spite of the size of the island, extending forty miles from west to east, and twenty miles from north to south, we could not find any leafy, thick forests anywhere, except on part of Mt. Hanra, situated in the middle of the island. All the other hills which we saw were covered with grass as is the case with most Korean hills and mountains. The Japanese emigrants all over the island were less than eighty. Our un- familiarity with the Korean language and food obliged us to carry rice with us. We encountered many difficulties, which I have no space to describe here. First we made explorations, twice in the eastern and western parts of Mt. Hanra once on the shore in the south-eastern part of the island. On the roth, followed by an interpreter, we started on a trip to make a second exploration on the eastern part of the hill. There were no roads and of course no means of com- munication. We had to make our own way; sometimes through bushes growing luxuriously on the hill side ; sometimes winding a narrow pass which seemed to be trodden only by wood-cutters. We finally reached the small hut of a Korean wood-cutter, from whom we received a warm welcome. We spent three days in collecting there abouts. The hill was quite high and the tempera- ture stood low. There may have been some other reasons of our failure ; but at any rate, this trip ended in failure, for we collected very few either of species or specimens. And our provision running short, we had to give up further collecting. It was on the 14th that we set out on the third expedition to a little town called ‘“ Chonkori.”’ The distance was not more than twenty miles. Suffering greatly from dirty and somewhat dangerous THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 27 roads and bad water to drink, we arrived at the town where we could find only two Japanese houses. To our disappointment, neither forests nor green spots of grass were to be seen excepting on the top of the town walls where we found green grass growing, and were also happy to collect a few species. We left there on the 16th; and, on our way to Cheju, we stopped at a farmer’s in another little town called “Woné.” We made explorations also in the neighbourhood. At sunrise next morning, a heavy storm, with torrents of rain, burst upon our peaceful rest. We were compelled to be shut in doors until the 18th; and at that time the storm was still raging and we could not foretell when it would stop. There was no way for us but to go back to our headquarters in Cheju. Next we made a trip to another little town named “ Chansari- mei,” south-west of Cheju. This place was the same in geographical features and other respects as those of the first expedition. With regard to collecting, we met with the same results. Our time was partly spent in the unfruitful trips mentioned above, but mostly in explorations made in the suborbs of Cheju. All the species we could collect at our best in the island are given in the following list. CYCLOPHORID:. Cyclophorus herklotst Matt. Spiropoma japonicum A. Ad., variety. Cyclotus campanulatus Mart. 7 sp. Cyathopoma micron Pils. Alyceus (Chamalyceus) sp. Lupinella rufa Sowby. Diplommatina sp. (relate to D. cassa Pils.) ZONITIDAE. Microcystina vaga Pils. & Hir. 7 sp. Macrochlamys sp. (relate to AZ Lerfragilis Pils.) の sp. (closely resembles to JZ. semisericata Pils ) Kaliella multivoluis Pils, tN CO THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Kaliella sp. (relate to K. subcrenulata Pils.) a crenulata Gude. STREPTAXID/E. Ennea twakawa Pils., variety. HELICID/E. Lulota (Acusta) sieboldiana Pfr. 7 (Euhadva) callizona minor Gude. 本 本 luhuana tsushimana MIIdff. ” ” SD・ ゥ (gzsZZ) sp. (seems to be a Trishoplita which having a wide umbilicus.) っ (Lectotropis) vulgivaga Schm. & Bttg., variety. Trishoplita sp. (seems to be a variety of 7. dacoste.) ACHATINID. Opeas clavulinum kyotoensis Pils. » sp. (closely relate to O. heude? of China.) PUPILUIDA:. (?) Strobilops sp. Vertigo japonica Pils. & Hir. Ena coreana Pils. & Hir., variety. CLAUSILIID/E. Clausilia (Euphaedusa) sp. (closely relate to C. fusaniana P. & H.) AURICULID/. Carychium noduliferum Reinh. FRESH-WATER SPECIES. Melania libertina Gould, variety. Lymnea pervia Mart. Flanorbis compressus Benson. Spherium sp. (seems to be relate to S. heterodon Pils.) THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 29 We said our adieu to the island on the 25th of June, and arrived safe at Fusan, taking the same route that we had taken first. Of the species we had collected in the explorations, some unknown ones were sent to Dr. Pilsbry to study and name. I believe they will be given to the public later. I have the honor to close this account of our travel with the simple statement that all the species of Quel Part 1. seem to be related in all respects to those of Tsushima Island. SUMMARY—ON JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSCA (XVII) Nassa (Phrontis) crassa Koch. pl. xxix, figs. 87-89. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 42, pl. 13, figs. 188-190. Jap. name, Ats-mushiro, Hir. n. n. Loc., Loochoo; Oshima Is. Nassa (Hebra) muricata Quoy & Gaimard. pl. xxix, figs. 90, 91. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 44, pl. 14, figs. 214-218. Jap. name, Kagome-mushivo, 日 jr. n. n. Loc., Kikaigashima. Nassa (Hima) festiva Powis. pl. xxix, figs. 92-94. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 46, pl. 14, figs. 239-241. Jap. name, Avamushiro, Mokuhachifu. Loc., Kyushu ; Setouchi : the coast of Tokaido. Nassa (Hima) acutidentata Smith. pl. xxx, figs. 95, 96. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 46, pl. 14, fig. 242. Jap. name, //ime-mushiro, Hir. n. n. Loc., Tango; Echigo; Rikuzen; Teshiwo. Nassa (Hima) hypolia Pilsbry. pl. xxx, figs. 98, 99. Pilsbry, Marine Mollusks of Japan. p. 37, pl. ii, figs. 13, 14. Jap. name, Aomort-mushiro, Iwakawa. Loc., Teshiwo ; Aomori. Nassa (Hima) fuscolineata Smith. pl. xxx, fig. 97. Jap. name, Kuvo-sauji-mushiro, Hir. n. n. Loc., Tango. 30 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Nassa (Huma) semiplicata hivadoensis Pils. pl. xxx, figs. 100-103. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N.S. Phila, 1904, p. 20, pl. iv, figs. 35, 352. Jap. name, Uxe-mushiro, Hir. n. n. Loc., Hizen; Setouchi; Fusan, Korea. Nassa (ffima) semiplicata hizenensis Pils. pl. xxx, figs. 104-106. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1904, p. 21, pl. iv, figs. 36, 36a. Jap. name, H/ime-une-mushiro, Hir. n. n. Loc., Hizen. Nassa (Hima) japonica A. Ad. pl. xxx, figs. 107, 108. Lischke, Japanische Meeres-Conchylien, vol. iii, p. 37, pl. II, figs. 20-23. Jap. name, Azna-dora, Gum.-hin. Loc., Hizen; Iyo; Sagami. Nassa (Hima) paupera Gould. pl. xxx, figs. 109-111. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 47, pl. 15, figs. 246-250. Jap. name, Hoso-smushiro, Hir. n. n. Loc., Ogasawara; Hachijojima ; Loochoo. Nassa (Niotha) albescens Dunker. pl. xxx, figs. 112, 113. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 51, pl. 16, figs. 279-283. Jap. name, Azva-mushivo, Hir. n. n. Loc., Loochoo and Oshima Islands. Nassa (Niotha) cremata margaritifera Dunker. pl. xxx, figs. 114, II5. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 53, pl. 16, figs. 298-300. Jap. name, Ryukyu-mushiro, Hir. n. n. Loc., Loochoo Is. Nassa (Niotha) livescens Phil. pl. xxx, figs. 116-118. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 54, pl. 16, fig. 304. Jap. name, Mushiro-gai, Rop.-kai. Loc., The coast of San-in-do; c. of Tokai-do; Setouchi ; Shi- koku; Rikuzen; Fusan, Korea. Nassa (Niotha) gemmulata Lam. pl. xxx, figs. 119, 120. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 55, pl. 17, figs. 312 315. Jap. name, Avare-gaz, Gum.-hin. Loc., Suruga; Setouchi; Kikaigashima; Miyakojima. THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 31 SUMMARY—ON JAPANESE LAND SHELLS (XII) Katiella gudei Pils. & Hir. pl. xvii, figs. 77, 78. Or. des., Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xvi, p. 79. Jap. name, Ohkibz-gai, n. n. Loc., Ojima and Ishikari, Hokkaido; Mutsu. Kaliella gudei persubitilis Pils. & Hir. pl. xvii, fig. 79. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1904, p. 634. Jap. name, //zva-dk207, n. n. Loc., Izushichito Islands. Kaliella subcrenulata Pils. pl. xvii, fig. 80. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1901, p. 404. Jap. name, AHime-kasakibi, n. n. Loc., Tosa; Awaji; Miyakejima, Izu. Kaliella sororcula Pils. & Hir. pl. xvii, fig. 81. Or. des., Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xvii, p. 107. Jap. name, Zosa-i62, n. n. Loc., Amasaki, Tosa. Kalella okinoshimana Pils. & Hir. pl. xvii, fig. 82. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1904, p. 633. Jap. name, Okinoshima-kibi, n. n. Loc., Okinoshima and Godaisan, Tosa. Katella humiliconus Pils. & Hir. pl. xvii, fig. 83. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1904, p. 633. Jap. name, /se-£202, n. n. Loc., Gokasho-mura, Ise. Kaliella lioconus Pils. & Hir. pl. xvii, fig. 84. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1905, p. 716. Jap. name, Ohtaki-kibi, n. n. Loc., Uzen; Ugo. Kahella lioconus goniozona P. & H. pl. xvii, fig. 85. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1905, p. 717. Jap. name, /fzme-dtaki-kili, n. n. Loc., Amagisan Izu; Hakone, Sagami. KalieHa multivolvis Pilsbry. pl. xvii, figs. 86, 87. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., rgoo, p. 383. 32 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Jap. name, Azdz-gaz, n. n. Loc., Shikoku; Chugoku to Uzen. Kaliella fraterna Pilsbry. pl. xvii, fig. 88. Or. des., Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xiv, p. 81. Jap. name, Ohkanu-kibi, n. n. Loc., Harima; Awa; Ugo. Kaliella pagoduloides Gude. pl. xvii, fig. 89. Or. des., Gude, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) vi, 1900, p. 453. K. symmetrica Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xiv, p. 80. Jap. name, Hime-harima-kibi, n. n. Loc., Kashima, Harima. Kaliella kagaensis Pils. & Hir. pl. xvii, fig. go. Or. des., Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xvi, p. 79. Jap. name, Kaga-kili, n. n. Loc., Hakusan, Kaga. rr ma - (210) 介 ME 類 2h CN 第 容 De # # LH OR EVKS ORSAY OR AUR KNEES % ever N10 NU RON SRY BIE ARANERSENAA- LN onesie RUS fo MI AR ty RENO ~R 00 OBR Gr LBP WHR YY BN Eo WRN VEYA Y HOVER ON OMEN NinBie Sa ON EC oBMKWEO VES ORV 0 REA AR RO~K QO BB ou FE IR NY Fe Se UE RE NY EES SiR A VY P oH KARIM AACS See SS WOES -K NY tty ~ (Agista)sp. (A IMGL & AES Trishoplita の 如 » (Plectotrop's) vulgivaga Schm. & Bttg.、 variety. ” ” Sp. Trishoplita sp. (T. dacoste DRE 4 I) ACHATINID AG. Op2as clayalimim kyotoensis Pils, ( 清 國 の 0. heudeitz HEL +) PUDPHLTD 5 Sp. {Strobilops sp. ー Why} Vertigo japonica Pils. & Hir. Ra corcana Pils. & Hir. variety. CLAUSILIIDA, Clausilia(Euphedusa)sp.(C, fusanianayz #2 L ¢ BI fd by AURICULIDAS. CanYehium nedulifexum Reinh. 淡水 貝類 Melania iibeztina Gould, variety. Lymnga pervia Mart. Planors$is compressus Benson. (8. heterodonyz py Kb 4 An ¢ FLO) Gop CHRO Hew” Dw Se Spherium sp. OVYWANTE ON’ SRAES OKA dew a KS = — EH CHENG 0° VELA RMX a8 N wp 100 ON (New BE OREN OLN YR RY L+1tt TG dOTIAD 1 (& fp aepeynuatoqus “yA & KE x 7) *S[Iq SIALOALJTUUL IO (AMA) OESO-WSOSN CR aS Se ARnaRg -cae N に ー OZ Wevpwollositles*W と を べく シ と くだ キ ) = ZARYN CSOSA (A Gifkaismseryodyy a. 6 ¢ 6 ~) ds suelo ‘ds . > Bi \ っ 5 78 BLE AO OS “UPL X "SLII USA wuiseoo.oNy (L4Z6> LAS) ーー ニキ エ N ズ や り | o ざ ご / Rw “CLLINOZ 4 or “ Sc A ck Ose} ン S eS oS AHTEMSINV HAVA AMOS LOA } ト 2 nes stk ) ( 6 A atessey qq) cds vureuwodiqg “Cqmog ya vpjoudng RUA 0》 7 ト ‘ds (SHBoA pele 誌 ME 類 企 "Ir vor viucdoypedy メン ke へ ara! OSAP OORBCO ~ cl. ‘ds yep segunuvdiues RE9OIO う ) OST i HROAREY o 忌 症 党 “Mora “py cy wnomodeul tuuodo.riS SS) ey ドー Tr | ! IO IROUMG9M kitOMOOi9XO (206) Et a= Hos Se = a He Eulota (Euhadra) sp. E3202) Opeas heud Pils.(?) C7) ( 三 個 ) ・ japonica P. G H.(?) Vertigo sp. (一 個 ) (JUN) Clausil'a (Enphadusa) sp. CC. Pusaniana yz Hi + 4 Ena ¢oreena P. & H. $ 小 形 に し て 渡 色 な ) ) PH ema” Pek mI PROBE | 1 [dum SRO GW 6 00H 4 NO SHEE BO MEO" Bra ROR ON © © ult HS 19° Hu” Smog’ & ] ° Ene |] © WW なぐ neo Cebag 1] MM KERR MME <6 IGN DOSY n+ > (EaecUR E+E $EN1 |+Bie Kitw PROBE | ROR Kew $n Coe TOmSy¢ wo m¥ KOM Te ca ae ace ee GREP IOIR AS HN RN RN OM SO ee oe SUES SRS ORE (1 Bok OR Y ] 回 ^ 持 宮 KRAOLR? S| MK RTM AO’ BSR ( Bie] MY SAN SON writ.” £ RP Ome” ば i= ご 1 4 oth ュー rears ae \ CR ORs) TESS PH HE に に コ = ヒト Ly fare ACHS& SBS > a A=) ot FH+[ 1 Best = a FEDE Os oh わ a ご 5 ASHSSHS Ro’ MER か oH ct me S GEE DAO od So dsigiens | OBL SV SSS BEE Sh Sa ーー N ba mS Niro ue c om SS Se 2 $EYASBE ACAAEN 5. = RNS at 用 HECEROMESS HPI A AS + em 0 We umbones ($i) D.M. dorsal margin (49) I. lunule (前 丘 ) V.M. vential margin (RK) Es. escutehecn (7% fr) Rs radiating 2OGCGDEOCGB CHGS Tix’) Lig. ligament (4g) Con. — concentric............ (HK) っ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ン lteral teeth CHW ED cardinal teeth (= pf) cartilage (Eb) Inuscular impression sinus (jt A) cae palleal impression (#4 ) +11 In+l1 (199) 誌 ME Bi 介 varix ($6 Ie IR) aperture, or mouth (40 ) periphery( 周 終 ) peristome (11 #&) canal (水管 潮 ) spiral stri> (4k RK) embrionie shell ( 胎 殻 ) sholder angle (Jjq fal) longitudinal rib ( 終 助 ) MM tubercle ( 結 簡 ) P.K. peripherial keel (RGF) ot HARSH oe SIS ELS aie RON SACHH od He ace = a BRAS SARA ASS SSE Ace oN OHAOA RY ( HSESO SSOMRASSRMNEER HS ONO KAS Aap Jf = ビ FEE SIE Ruz) Sige ~4eee LAS ANMAUP OSA apex HATE) whorl (WH fat) ・ penultimate whorl CK fA) . last whorl ( 体 層 ) spire (NZ Ps) suture (#4) umbilicus (jf) fasciole ( 繝 帯 ) callous ( 滑 層 ) posterior canal ( 後 潮 ) anterior canal (前 潮 ) operculum (i ) outer lip, or labrum CAPE) columella lip, or labrum CARS) nucleus (#%) grows line (生長 線 ) (197) KrA\S (REE HRORH £5 KYO OREM KS CW OV RN LESS SRRBNIN Ease wm & ws nk % EDO RKRTAD Na” Keaot Wy’ ss ] NESE Sa NR WON EPRORMWMBENL EV Ye WITS PES CHS’ HK OURKEN vse wy DS aw SKPO 4+ FU SK POONA ミー MMWR LLNS VERY BO| wOSH Osh SH OMEN OR LVET ew wu HN Xk Tam Ke へ = の 9 の 6< ペ 会 By RB EERO RUA 4D «BNA 60 NN BA NWIEN £ «<2 vi | it 人 SNDEREO RUBS we CQ EKO HE O 区 ら ン で 区 0 選 OR wHN WS HrUr or Sa eS ” RUN SEN PRESEO HHS UV WORE) Roa [inal Umi—tsu— Kuri=Umuhi watt ree = SEIS de VY Oat see S Veo RV = BA SHBVE Os bee w ARES MOPRReAw RY! PSH Evel むー CEM Se HS 2 or in Sweet & Sk SSE Mowe. tyho Mem FN 2 HT By 6 gee Jom SACO He NTR D one sk る wet tro と NEN Dav & SwMNN-Oy ie 7 Bisatee Crx< 4 Aten A riduifoX Meso SKIN DAS AK ク MISH り Mike pes RRS EV Ce RSM rp 0 OO hyed ko Nr Qk PRIVY REAR BIBI SZ~— TD SUM 5 ORRIT ポッ MEM AS Hee tes ary Wy We ANY Wy RN QS ARN KES CRINNK AB ポー) WIN AYMSE RM Set POM BRK MSL CRN y 91R る レト キー すさ ヤッ ツ 己 宝 じ レミ ーー we ht シー で 思 る きい 58) DiS oar AU ES OS Ye に RE ha NY SHE EB AES RIN KR ERIN = 人 た S@ (S6St ORHIN » EHEAS PAHS Q FUNWHP os ソ J Recreate SS HIS EK RCNA MEOQMVERNS s te Ro Eta Bwikwo yYSws emnateuerenns WES wOY TRESS BRNO ( PGE WEE Oy ROE AW REED at RR RN ORR | EK SUIK YO 19 eel | SOMA CHO ku St Fae Son ~ SEAR AC SHS RSesdAsos 4 seNERNO iis) で < いう CUR SEEENI A op DS S| MEA SAAS Palins ン SSAA BAS EOS GE R ws ae | Ss Sa SSNs 当 月 SE = ia の 法 章 ( 四 ) ぇ | 共 る 3 義 の eo #w A 7] に よ 8 BEA 法 we 《 Br] &F 2 の He 崎 See GM NCEE ee GIG ee と RS0N | vee の ie Ww Be 章 。 用 メ | て H 5 E « Den eerie alee 2! al gs Oe が 2 で ES 訓 ) lb Rw で 如 し mR Bm 区 た る BR OB Pose We Oi Bil WS に | のせ Ge ee ieee le UCOM る. Soa en Gl Uy Ae 人 外 みみ る 9 or erg le ee yy 2 as Ow Te ates We a bY 入 同 Be SON as YE Ik まず の a Bom Fe oe せ ォ | BB le の Bb き 2] IO He ae wm UNE oa Br Rog Ge eC -% の 宛 KO ら ば AO Me fH WR oe Fw Bk の ヶ 定 維 て Hex Bl を 名 ょ EN 直ら Se む の ) & og BA か す の wei #& KR «a % FA 本 ES < (ae cs Bi we SZ Ve ey peal mM wm we Mm を あお な る 歓 ん le る 義 ら Jo gies =e Gc ahs ah oe % Ww Bi Wamp meses sa Os eS A ETE な る et 火 F a GB A の le 演 ewww ご 名 と 特 Ip aie es を ク 、 な だ es る Wt の ae: fal ay ES pk ae 2 a fee 如 2 ら は it みゆ eas Bo ea Bs ee rai eG bb east 世 る だ iE ヽ Cae り る 3 今 共 包 oo [anes Fil Set AL At に 7 a 年 て ae 一 7 2K TR る a Be oe Se に fg, Hee el を を 。 の 知 海 じ 7 Hy と Boke es カ ees 3 (に at ヾ 和 る し 果 ば Ble S ーー =ー FE 届く ご 六 S み び 信人 ふ な BSBPROANNDASAYWS rz YVe es) IEE 9 i a Ws als ? AY き ar a it Oe wen lke @- 7 2 は ぃ ゞ ie 何 の Yr A 名 2 4 Se ち る ば all 4 Wa 事 は at WY \z : 世 Wa. も | あの (< る 相 と i Us | Fa eX Be “Ce as 2 y +t way yx y- Eh Ors | wy サ 名 の K 3% あの 名 ら lt SI で や FA 明 の Gr Lb い SOR) RW > ew = ( til Noe-oNBEN VHRIEDY YHOO WIKK ORE DRRHQV ES (EER NEKO Deh im WEEE ODUM IN BEI SR OBS wn HGS REN ESS OK BS | BE OBR Ath WRES OK odin (MRE REN RE OY RAO AS son QnBME MS eke” Sek Bi” ew” Ro” WOK O Bev CBN EIN OKO OR ーー ニス S=”==- SS O— Ma Gwe KS) ] KOr-c SENSROKPENN PSSENLHEERA RM Ho & at WK) 4S NAS ESLER NO AK 10 uatit ese et hy hoB~ ay VNR UV SEOCV ENO Utes 5+ eta RY OEMON KER Umni—Kai=Umki x Unigai=Umei RBS SOS s 4 ow EIR Mo CM 4 fr URED) ORIN N Hint Oi YD SS PN My AND 0 4 evlR EEO BD TERROR YR Mate NR ata VSR AUN Moi AN EOI AMON 6.0} STs 6k | CBN YR NR a1 SUE) OARS ~ TOES OF O YOO RENO? GR WeN RY Wet |] YVYR] MANRS wins ss S Base | HMCMONUNOVAS HN KR UR GBR Owe YO (RAM A SPARES CONIKIL A SEO PAEOVRENSS | NRW 9 ROMINA KR > aN Oyationny ra +R (19-L) fy ie ON Hi SS m He RHR 6 BIR ME SRN RR WK (0 Na 2 は Hh fifi に Lb < IRN TH OR ORNS) ORIEN HIS Sy WE0ENah0 I< OC HIN IR / Hy OAs BRO RER C RAY MOM RE it Nin’ ORM HBO Ba ne Y 0 e-Higs (ESBOSEYY) CR ORM Be wareROSN ite bis D SYREN SISO YR OEE U9 NAP ORR OS ik LAH OMA Y ADD SB 0 av ポ RSE © BES ag SiR WOR OH RKUEK SERS ORNS YR RES SEME Au OYRRA VID YS) ORES OS MSPS AY HOES 900 =~ PARK © BER EK 10 Y tS oS UPD Oa T YH 10 WUE © SEER NY Oy FESO N wHEHS OS NER KE RO] 1S oe WC TRUBS ONS OWA HEEVR Rin NI 4 aS %( BE Rm W at RE EK BY £4690 J USSD MAS QpG (SSSSS7 warouncs ) CHKGW HRN Oy KEES C0. WO) YR N~ Ble Ot ME 類 介 mo =i: Rs ase ge Pe ake oy ー Me ノヽ We (193) Oats OR TER HEROBINE’ Bo BE RA OIY RIES At DHE 1 EES 9s 10 some dd rodeen CRRVYEVE KN XE COURKROSIPENER ONWE KM CORBY OY R WED WA RES PEER O xh Ro YEN de ot TSAR RET KE 40 POM ONN Kim y UHR | 1] -C-MEHSR ORR Be Qo ero BUM Ee cde Uae bos eee ee ee eee ESCO” GR” $8° Be Sem” ko’ yn" NM 6 KOR CHAO Sa USPS ORR AK RED OREN PKOK” SRE ORE sto RNG NH RMSE EEK Oa SRE | E10 N A4-EER I SION M0 AO I tt oS gy BY mW ESR KER RS SUAS BEIR te A KSEE (RNB ONS o)NOY Roe Se Nein PONIY RRS Be Rim sh aee N Piel te DO UPN 2 OHO SK YOY DSO RBS BoE Nt PAO NEY IC OMEN Rite ON AO RIE O10 KER SO KR WE YON Soe Sik © RMS" PARK WHHSe" Hm’ Simm SEO mx” GAMO” SER OK” SPO ARSE N By” Bem’ fe CRSA” Gok" SSK" Seon” SR RO Pe eK” Re ORR PES OEE Y 80 © の か MU Se SK OK atk Se kt ib St OD aK! [GRR ORIEN 60 BER Rm YEE 20 VRRP OOS i tex Pe PP i ee ee gn ake DA Ho Wien PH OHIN Yt! Sow 89 TREX SOV RY RUPKA RN ORNOGRORE ENO REOR NM SER NT RS ONS ont he RG CRTR Mo Y EEK f SUE WEE SO RSE OR RK GON AO YM OT RRNA y Kod NL oar RE) ぐ FeCE) キヤ 内 (192) AA e—+ 8 ia W ーー ペ a+ m 6 Hesse) ORTH Netti ho oO SIRES Yat mA’ SIR’ SER’ IMOR~ HI BXES yon RR PIS OS SSRs pos’ ty NN に に BHM Sy MIM RE) we mR PUR” TERROR Rw (届出 RE Oe) BE St ye ~~ URVES yrs Se) HOA HHO EES VaR” Sao SBSVES VUES” PS’ SW Ke SP ORV RR VES VERN HUB RIRIN’ RS ENN’ ECR ERR ON as OBEN oe PERN AE SAS © NER RAS BER © HERSEK SON WI ak OR LY 2S Abas BR RY DOGS か SN は こん OE GH OLLK VAI OHM OHI QGHRN CRD WEIN | RRR De sudo Xin Nae SSN BSERNNNIGION Ug HS URE ER Ril エネ SEG Wad sdtnre PEA” HEHE eat ANA YVR NVR ON Ain BRE SHN 4 OM RN IEP wR Me Zea wade” SRE RETKN ER SR’ tea BRIN" BR eh WES a aD YSU «da KSRIERR DATE WO) yitey SHEED OS IN MHS y eS NURS’ RSROHMy on egy HoyuRe or WRER OR ~ KN REY OKS. MIWINhK f OKERN RY” BRO ERS ER FRR SERENE S VY RONaS HOM BEAK ORES N EWR’ BRO Hata ダ MURS AE PERKY Stan YEH YUE AWOL NaN Sts ee RN OS SUK’ TUX Ome (ae Re” Hada) WM Re ONE ooUdn Sik OMEN! [HES eK | ER © SKE SRC aK DR SWEET RK SUSE PEE A 0 © SUA ER © WER WEEK 10-46 Si’ MA BRE SEVER OAc ONO VE (UREN OKEE RENO Body (191) に に まこ AN フル SOR EO PE wa SWE OYE 40 wNEM~ Q~ GR SRVEROKZ Ri 9 © Uso NO ORK NAH BG SOCK VEEN ES ONES OS ORSwWNOKE | RXwse” MS RR ORR WORE RENEE DY Rm WH OER CO SKY WS DEKEE UONN NW OE K EH HIN BEE ta Nou 2 PE Yay ERM OHHH Rt RRR AG CB win SR RE : BW Rind NI a NN Mt HE ORIEN GE 90-6 SEP NOES FE ERAN SIR BS CHIN IY SR MEEOKRALR 12M VERO FEE SUT OK N00 N Atak NWSI wEOYy EEE REAR TE AR Ro OR eyeEc. EREERO AVAGO Sie 3 weno や で めか my HKiRVNXKyY KURO ZEwRAO yO NWS ade oy FEE A IN EE ow © 1 [HBL Re outs Ry WY HE POW SE Nw Roe OPK MYM y ere) FER ON yu B50 CO EEN EK MOD MIRREN KY SERIE RO HEE VERON ON us onde RMOMENES £oON! (BD CHEBNKyREOVWE rE OQ BAXWH 2 UKROSWRASNESKEIRYO pare (190) HP = AON ae — ee mi eR +1 |) 8° JCI" RI BH BRO UK mb or DN ESD. 7 EEO OVRES SSeS ORONO YY RE, N sunk ¥ | Wal? ees | RRR DIE IE N ORS 10 RIK KM | 区 QNNO aVNEN + | UALS Papas RE 1) 3409 7 Ine pb 4 inl (MARL VERT) wT =ES K. pagoduloides Gude. HAL” eH WE 40H” Be SY RMB Ran~ BEKO’ SRW Yer MSS OR BVO’ HEY oS EUR EN ERE Yo BR KEEN Soy EEonu~ 彼 WR 線 を J 2 螺 し Jet ve だ Ike ti, bt 4B を WK ~ ff Jet 周 cs SRE~ ROVHEN Soy’ K mossy’ SH +5 RAO” SPM Re OLN Data VFR OVI EM h - | Ra” FRSA | KiB 6 ab or Uttam SN Oy ted] Rudy HE KK. kagaensis P. and H. iS" RLVE’RS+H) MEO” H (REEVES VERKCRUR BEwes BEN ORES 7 Wek (° RORSVOV Row? ose seh OVE~ Rue vay yee KW | Wal HHI | Kise + Buk a PALW~ KN ツ ^ SBR dr rt ORE | (I DSBS sar o (189) ase oF Che te “S[Tq RiAIOAHIHUE "MI (THWNRSHS BR Be (LD) IT A re Spay Sd wutQely “Yf nS Be = 第 きま で AS WEIS SER ーー at ON HONS 落葉 RR ACKR HR [oS MON we 2 Bi SS a y A See Oo aS に で する 9 sn 池宮 に ご RSAC ER +>: (aH *H pus ‘q vUuozoM0s SiOD0I[ “YL ( % % BEEN ンス 誰 Yrev で | th TAH ROY WE 2 ME 類 Sh す 信 # る A FB Cee. ale ゅ Fie 9 oooh ed NE FG AN iG ee mat 2 の WB ) FR 前 和 集 BM 名 K py を か Ff 附 ゝ 村 lbp Be. The (Aa Mig 5 以 け = CWS 同 AY eae の Mh an 心 を な 紅 る 《 #e rh I 面 < {ly 2B oe ヽ 消 中 i Ne BS 階 し の BRO ie a = ik it 色 iy 間 階 は 区 だ eR I 面 « See > 9 & 3) る y ae 区 周 比 澤 和 We 張 的 Loe 区 » a 大 I を a je oe Ce As ts, “AS ose MEDS SE LAAN OS“F TR = S Bie Kos nz ARH AN HOS aE! . ii Be ht - 2 (lev SSS + A Siey + SHE =e RR 7 層 [CBB ACK SEHR (188) HFIBA 4+ oe mx SIME +1 |) SEW RE” RUT v" BIO ko - 中 て ^ RE R~ RS wD bisa. POM” ARR Oy RB ie eee ase | os RIMES P+ Ut ORBEINO te oy © BRAVO BRST ke BES ACES ES ¢ ° BESS Bea toy SEdOA NM RAUSE C7 BATT AMIN Net AN yt de Ab6-S PR ON DY bE) eU dra RE CA RAI RK +1) HS BR ARE 1B” I” RA | R11 MSS Re Swi BERIM LES MO REO ESSN feeewok ( ee BEIT © | WEE Co BRK Roa Re SRR OO RR ae te tis yn | P. and H. K. humiliconns AERP A yy yO metmiss + ogee yy SE GSS R NEO” BROS oe nan 区 < NOY” BEN yy BEaN ib)" EN に RO RME AN Co yu SWMSO? F +1] WW SSINIy’ 4serH"" ws BARES | KEEN SEA DA a mM IW SN YR? 2 oe NNR Suse BNO RR Ht 86 | AR AG de db (KS) RS K. liceonus P. and H. CAIRNE RK LE) HA S OG" | RE A | RN Rk’ RM Emin~” SS0Ske xe Et Or KO | Me eSewic- KE © | Bets ROME SAN oy? OVE -o | 第 MO 介 RAN ae HHI Nag” Ree! eR R271 [RR 1 RHR” DSK Histo wey] Na’ SESMN |! VK Y FE TK subersuulata Pils. (BES RLV ERK) ne” | RE HSS” HEN” SSE EI aE N Ravwsr woh ¢ ~ $9003 VELSEN-o* BEIN~* BES ARO AF に 人 ょ 5 っ や 招 つ ン 思 ご ^ ast ZT BEE TS SCE SS Qu oT Ska Heat HSS” “HK ee WE | RA Re” | RE DE RUAN ERIC Kae N DD or ONS ts BRE OBA Ni 8 Nitta PH Rte ie の 4° BRR JOBE WER (° SIE Reuse ses ^ Bd NAc Y RW OO” REMISNESSO” K~ MOY ~~ 2o| Wal EMvoOy” Sr RVs J Cie Manw nan (arn Vihipo ww” HE ORR VK Ww AUIS Ko eK RN s Ee URINE | RAN APA FE K. ckinoshimana P. and H. (SRV RTNE RK +1 IED WI” SS AoE HS” jg] RIN? RA" ARSENE” | RL EA 1 恋 +] (186) AA —-+ 0% wy H + oi ge ote eet 1 で ポー トニ 1 Ses O46 Fe G8 is ( 4-1 }) PH NAS KE OR — E(B ach River) v pkey BK he I SS. 4 +4 =) ta _ SSIES KNOB LYN IS ORWTO BE OMe bh N. spurea Gould, (Ko# xa pee Adi fit) WHE 0 ee INT eS EX CORSE EN a Na oe ーーー ら ここ ーー ミー DR SOS (+11) REURY FE HK. eudei P. and H. (BY RVR RUT A RY ) SRS” Sev Re Beye “LIRR PET ] KRISH? B71 17 “y + Mk’ KIRS OKO KIS KR One KN Dy’ 0 OO” BEAU O GEASS £ NERO KEN a EES ay So Sek ( STEN RV NO Omg" SORE 24CBER MACE (7 Roe tema Mp | Wal’ SAAMI Y” RHE wo | KRM ANT aun Yam n (Hoe | dO RE? RRR RA+KMRE+SH) Vay wesyww VEFEENO" IY SMO Hyalina labilis Gould 3 Hyalina pupula Gould ws2X% ERM-awPwOl De へ ー と R&CG. BK. Gude) NEK 6 NSE OY OS AK R= CR MNVER CNWEM ON o | RAK AINA apa 球 計 Ki. gudei persub‘tilis P. and. H. (Ge LVR RYT) 類 介 eds J wt ha gy ーー a WA WE (185) ^ TAY OV READ | SQ HB BEIEEU 19 ーーー テー ホーー 4 WT YS iw BE tes Nou WEE Y sum? Rin a6 Kw NINA RU WO TERS ot] Na WAKE TRITIA Risso. c= 7° N. roissyi DeshaYes. C+ INS AS > Ki aN Ag MPS ioe ean =o a? LHPACERS<] DHAING N. CH INS ae > EXORFEN 240) reticulata Linn. CK nett << Rt) MSR Cp a Hoo mK) FA KF SRKREREN(+A) : NE (kh %® 5 KHK)} wh” Ce 1] 1 IHS? Pua kh -KOKR Sia Nas NN, margin- RS Nit mlaa Lam. MCRNOLNESOHSVRE ule SUP eH INS RS EX EOE EN SNEAK A A INR UBL ESKowd >] (2in~*R DH) wader di HH NAT KE CRN HO 4 ROBES O Bday 26 e ES ES AIMS DS -m | (is QSRUMEENR Se NEEM SUG Owii” RABEL TR Eline SEES WY WUE RWIS Ras Nweawd” Bee Reo KEN (184) RA 4— + Bie Wi 1 ee ae Mw sae astro SSPE NHRD) OAL WICt | RIOT K BN IRD ON” BEKO No | WINS 222 NN. gemmulata Lam. CERRY’ RT SRI I+) | HAS SAD” fleas SR! Minsk =) (SESE Ce wy” SARIN RAC RI UK SRR 結氷 NMS? SHY Rat 19 OW Kw OY SRA” G5 ORE RECORD wae NEI MS Okey | BAM Do | Wa” FROIN OV SICH OMe wie ol ーーー デ ーー SS SE 一 C く RSH cCReeee (+ =) SNCS VEE RE NICTHA H. and A. Ad. KWA PAW N. stigmaria A. Ad. (2 NTR NR ORBEN A620) Hu” N で = か ms^ PINN Ro RRENSET ih A ni )) we Oe | Be BENT EH IN OY ~ BWR RRA KN AUER wo 7 RK Rant | RORBURY KS NMAC N. cumingii A. Ad. KteR ee K AN De (ご 剛三 ( K QWALWO YS yitiv»s 2dr AH 2.19 J (2 INS We > ER OKBEN 2420) Wee Wee (SI RNa PON SKE) Bena ests ae 4 DUS SH = = 周 a] コミ ae 4 Nw WN BL i is 地 % 前 Tits he ク | wl 列 a) 線 を wm Ei を 分 ie oe WK ihe is は 時 ay ら ° 通 2 し 縦 例 4 , Wh te ) Pee ics ツ 色 e ie Eu 8W 語 PS ン ae し 北 nH C の ポ | 或 更 9 9 | の A 日 接 Bh ア | je 3 @ 2 レ る 一 = s oe 陸 地 2 Ky i @ 除 bi “a itt 7a MS iy ik ee iN +t 分 ® 2 Sa Se Y ls @ を wm toe 有 戸 Ay DB Ab As oe en 東 By の ia の ヽ ン ah cory ORS Sw 7) ーー Si Woe (ov *SDUtH HLo SEKEEY 2) WY 4oeR° RAT RRR URES ROR 111A BR MES RE SwHO Ka Ko~ OV Rs’” & HRY VW EXO SEU RO RRO Sith) SV SION IM Oy hw ZEN SEIT Deh © BEN HK TEENS | HUT ORR AS HER 4h | Wal’ So RM ek awn” Sulo Rae Th as 4 arr ec ss と い TAA | OS 7 & = RBS SF] | Wael iG SDN SR LOSS EH CHaeap a iN GE Fi we ME BLA 巧 色 次 yi 産 な 小 Y Y He 9 民 に ゝ ecg 分 Ie va 前 中 pe iff Set a Vil ore amet a ca if 2 2 i = a wy it 分 に Ks Ie 色 Se. マス を J L na = 2 ist qi i t = Y =E : 第 8 Y し 長 ao > 痢 2 is | 3 4 ot pa es ノ ヽ 百 の AE Jat La He a es es 懲 ae 4 ’ Bh ーー は 分 栗 汰 Jet 短 $ 体 HE We tf jf > Sg AQ eae ieiean SAR Gee 451) if 布 YE mm Am wk RM HS El Sou BRests. eC. ue oaaiee ee ee eS Or GE UME ee te Oh wey ae oh ) * TM h Ft Wig を の I ツ を ニス Y if = al Sai BAC tee # ee, ae Sass a Ho 38 Aad Zz Dae ee 3 ante ee A El ik ae Je =e (Fi ie. lye IS Ae el aa, Selatan ae || kf It る に さて \ HROMR 7 w SOE TRA ASS SVtWSaytAssARE > て ゆ SS = S2ml Bs Wk We ‘suupy 'V MOinOde KN で RuUR AC ーー ご sonia S@8TR ACKOBSEE NS FE AR SA al sl Sees OS ぶ WMO 2S | DSP RseBy ae =e (180) 42 — bn if 1. 7» 1 8 PMNARK N. semiplicata A. Ad. (+ Nov den RKB) ポッ SENS BH eS NO FE N. semiplicata hiradocns’s Pils. 4 P=; > 4 1 GS 811 ie |) ° Be eine Ews) Ses ny ft SRE / Ai] ] DEIR TEI ES iB ニニ れれ ン の ツア “Beh Ss jee \ 4 eR’ we (1x, BI more Sek oN) eA S38~ Kaw fs 9 % OR I ane YT ]1 (Bw ~ PERO | Mae e-- wo y eas SO SENRvE ME LEY” Bute. H REWER OI HRRIEN 人々 っ y HOH | 守 明 (° TRBSCEN So YO EN Sse hy? aud ee RIMOLEN ew ae Feefan VEO HAS SEER SC -" MUME WR Yo | Wel” Aree | Lam) ere KRESS WORN [ES oy Sot QOS Woe KEW Ow 分 の BES T* iit 色 WN y” ThE SIN eee wi. TEM 0 DEERE OM 0 ARM EON te Sea WOES WIT” ONE < ES ANN REMNOy? ees KER we wE~ OD Swe POG” W weeSt~* wy PaO Ge PANY HSER (BER IMS .o | IM My WCC HSO SARI SNe US =n ーー WA 9 BAAR vjrautoosny DANES seAV = HN 8 & ©. oR RG RE FA ob ke ig iie 1, Ber een, ee ee) Si a Za eet メ wie) fe 色 光 色 MR FN SU TAN = oe eee i cI oT cz 2 Db YF] L 後 外 2» ) me i 1K Rc ab gn) の K »* Bow iw He JG て 及 Mm 色 形 一 & haat 上 が BW wt な Bw 3 編 不 Tie Ne 2 た 人 種 ze 0 @& < — 具 ik a を ee 内 を \ へ Ii ら oF ie % KR 周 es a ラ ee Boe Ay eel “ 黒 を le Es eye yp St a = % e K し 自 の 内 の 由 OVW ee WA NE i ORS RY Creole 凌 は biz i * Bm を 例 る bh < Ht M< 色 有 の | 語り 他 狭 あ の せ 如 MM で Oo & 2 党 Da pss Fue fe RU て を ae lc 正 色 色 は 有 WE 局 あ は ie Ht が NH =e 8G pee Se Eee V1 es I Bleek n eI 2° est SS Cee 18 a se ee Hee ん NS aie feo A OE ee ai Des aN NY ie aN seed came a fe Me AG. TS CK Se aE merle Ge Ait elem ae 9 CA Oe lpaeGa mtg =) ANI ae il: © ae le “Hil Sa < Oh し ° @ 基 次 少 種 交 全 形 Meee ee is SC Ne に me 1 SE ane: Geis «sGumle eels ie ee shee hl eee く 2 1 Re are ne cee よ 人 et es NOS et Serene) eH gl 4 SL Se Oe es ete a Ik 人生 色 人 III 8 色 れれ ow Bw Mh を @ 縦 比 2 Se FO 月 aad He Loe Bin eB ee Se erg ee eee eee Lp AS Phe Nhe ZS ne Ge lee eee x tym S oe に 3 BWAHS -mdRS-Bieortom - 病 W OMAR Redo oNEEOMNTR CHS yas BAS) Nt eS Ste ra oN WSS s7~Ck cH IN CARS SRuUD CARES : SESH CREE PH) ABISHS | LBS PS] | am 2 HSH) Bales S| |B > 賠 Ec oi RE Svs _|ORim: oP BRR & SLE Salm IS |B LEDS LM =) HB USS =x: ( PSI Km N デ \ 4 ve SS Sh =a; vor D me HR ( x OVPSKWY [oS | Deo Pp oss Rw N SL UEOWLV = UNWS TV TH MaDHHOG No wee MY DAS SSN Te ONVES (pp wadnvd Sift Sy (sx WE デ BOSS Cayq samo.sojery oN) a & & [SIC SR RAE ACAADAR Lm KN = = 3 a ae ト Hee — 1 AR w + eau N norsieg _— pay = WW 4 NI EAS 95 こい 当 SS DRE /> ェ DWE oveT VIN se HAI WPS "N "SIMO BALISOF eK i B-. ae Me RA 介 SL ras oN > rie の 4 Fit SE AN 料 質 bk aioe 6 am 3b MR GY ム iy. を a yy 大 ii fy シ Rs A a ag ener fea i Ey arn my as yw oa AP DAG ia: polo Ss Beane FY ue EN | Rit an 賠 pS UK iS ; : Fu i ye 伝助 oie. bt ea di eae = yp 分 / ate [aes eae Bigs eee ae ea の に OS Re i |S [oe eae SF Laws =f DOOR tea ae a = me Le 分 xi A ee He aC a m ut mi 厚 ® s| ee amen = Wee a ae aes a | eee eee | zs ob D Bi 分 る 色 > Kb fi Jui eo yw 外 PI よ ゝ る スズ Loe eee ore GA se ae 1 Y lee aes 9 fe Mah 5 a ik 内 le 3 me | は 。 有 の 7 | SE at It 4 foe | の は BY SWPwBS DPIUOD BLIND KN “PAVIUITL) pln Loney VpBoLTUNUL KN _ x ay 1 i か yt 3 i ー ave = i “ 1 mi 7 = ee きも We it Cs ラコ ‘ a 9 * i 1 1 ョ ‘ r 1 1 る i ' 7 1 4 ドコ 1 : 1 "ゴア ed ee ete oR | A eee pe . ; ‘ i i 7 a i ・ _ ; ‘ ; ¥ り a ety ; U ry JAPANESE LAND MOLLUSKS. Pb. XVII. (WE i) iE ek 76. Kaliclla prealta xenica P. & H.- 77 78 os 80. 81. 82. _ 83. gudei Pils. & Hir. » persubitilis P. & H. subcrenulata Pils. sororcula P. & H. okinoshimana TP. & H. humiliconus. P. & H._ 84. Kaliella lioconus P. & H. 85. 86) 87f 88. 89. 90. ” » goniozonn P. & He multivolvis Pils. fraterna Pils. pagoduloides Gude. kagaensis P. & H. _ : 4 _ _- _ = に ; R 5 ) 4 h A ora し + 4 rd » y 7 - ・ tA } A JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, PL. XXXII ( 版 三 十 三 第 ) 類 貞 産 海 本 日 126. Yoluta rupestris Gmelm.( メ ルン jo) 130. Tyrin mitreformis 127. 、 coneinpa Brod. ( ,, ) kikaiensis Hir. n. subsp. (x °/1) 128. Lyria cassidula Reeve. ( ,, ) 131. Mitra episcopalis Linné. (_,, 129. 5 rex Hir.n. sp- ( 5 ) 132. 、 cardinnlis Gmelin. ( ,, ) 3 JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, Ph. XXXII, 1. Melo indica Gmelin(x 4/5) 3. Oh = + = Fi) i BE i A A Voluta rupestris Gmelin. THE MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. ーー- を ぉ ーー マー Founded by the late Geo. W. Tryor, Jr., and continued by Henry.A. Pilsbry, Sci. D., for the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The Manual of Conchology is a fully illustrated monography of recent mollusks. Issued in octavo form, in quarterly parts. Hach part comprises 64 (or more) pages of letterpress, and 15 to 20 plates. The FIRST SERIES, Marine Univalves, of which seventeen volumes have appeared, ia now finished as planned by its illustrious founder. Of the SEGOND SERIES, Terrestrial Mollusks, Eighteen Volumes have been published, completing Helix with index. A few copies of Vol. IX of this series, “Guide tothe Study of Helices,” will be sold separately at the regular subscription price. Separate copies of the Index, suitable for the purpose of a Catalogue or Check list, can also be had at $1.00 each. The Monograph of the Bulimi is now completed with Index. Separate copies of Index, $1.00 each. The Monograph of the. Urocoptide has also been completed, and Vol. XIX is now in pregress, fnishing the study of the Achatinide. Prices:—Viain (uncclored) edition, $3.00 per part- Colored edition, $5.00 per part. Fine edition (both colored and India-tinted plates), $5.00 per part. For further information or descriptive circu'ar, with sample plate of Manual, address S. RAYMOND ROBERTS, Treasurer, P. 0. Address, GLEN RI7GE, NEW JERSEY, U. S. A. Aa illustrated CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, by F. Stearns and Il. A. Pilsbry. Paper, $2.50. | eae oo wm | 2 92 99 ? 3 < I IE BS K £28 DES GE | wan q & Ie ‘ @ ye a. | Re es aa Bir 近侍 Ai a GGG AA 上 | 48% 挑 > 誌 便 下 類 類 誌 Wit pr | eeseee TL) yA me ee a He 介 fh 司 oe a ae UB as ie HE He CE PP (Be wits ts Al FD fii BN ieee | a ee Tn eee ee Bee PUSS 7 PBB VS +h PRSFEY RSA Sys oar rl SPST Se ae St ッッ 本 me | ge ~H 北東 東 東 HB AB ge) oh 前 区 Mm me 喜 モ ノブ 1 前 | a 明和 出 A Sl > TS VOY ORB « Dey WS Hl SSS > Se Bet ES i St mt > IM 吾 Pu s BL OB 3 + E+S 2 書 書 ae eae 成 7 ume f BONB S| ase 下 御 met | emi; + ose (#E it SB) BS m * RESMCBBSCK)(A ee) 199 < = KRSM CRESS] 1a ax ro SOY BC+ 1 1)( ge tee) Ink ce m C feCKE) Bt RR il RAGA St | |) ik RS | fe IR | a e 188 OSs SNEX aes rC OK ERY O Gea eet SBR CK コ 1 ) | 身 Ose ew Oe (EEE) | Se = ls O#M EON HOME OSHC 1) | OMEEEREeM RR) 8 BH OR) OF MHS (+<) OFFER (+1 1) BRR) TIE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF JAPANESE SHELLS. Published By Y. HIRASE. 上 Miite JULY, 1908. NO. 7 CONTENTS. AGH Talks on Shells (VII Ne eee ce Se 33 Summary-On Japanese Marine Mollusca (XIX), with Description of Two New Luria TE 2 ュー た Summeary-On dapanese Land Shells (Xe 37. ——C0—c0O se Articles in Japanese: On Japanese Marine Mollusca NDS ere crate arts icine eee ace eee nO A Remarks on Japanese Marine Mollusca CIPD aise tesa ee 219. On Japanese Land Shells (2 の Story about Shells (VII) By y. OOCO Ga つい つつ コラ ニン プス 9 WelkseaneShellsa (IK) eyS¥) Ty IWAKAWAL a0... っ 。ー ニ ーー Zoe Habits and General Economy of Land and Tresh-YVater Mollusca (VIII) Memoirs of the Exploration in San-in-do (VII) By Kuroda. ist of Shells found in ¢tsn, Hitachi (11) (Continued from Vol. I, no. 6) By Komatsuzaki. WIS COLAMCOUS 5 ---.-ceseeecesessssseceeecseecesssesntssnsssosseertnteseessansnsstnesesssanssosen DA, es Notice: The subseription price for foreign countries is § 1. 50(3 yen)per annum. All letters and eommunientions should be a:lcressed to Y."HIRASE, Shimochoja-machi, Karasumaru, KYOTO, JAPAN. SHOWY SHELLS FOR SALE Three sets of fine showy shells each in a yery beautiful and artistic box with a cover on which our sea-shore scenery is painted Each contains 12 selected and attractive species, $0.35 for smutl, 0.70 for medium, and 1.25 for a large boy, postage included. For Jarge lox mailed to foreign countries, other than the U. S. the price is § 1.00 and parcel postage. Prices are given in U. S. Currency. The opening of the new sale is intended for securing money for the purpose of completing the fund needed to start the construction of my buildings, which is delayed under grave financial difficulties, as set forth in No. 11 of my Conchological Magazine. IT am sure to give you pleasure with these sets and hope to be fayoured with your as many orders as possible because of special sympathy with my undertakings. Y. HIRASE, Kyoto, Japan. THE NAUTIOUS A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CONCHOLOGISTS Edited and Published by H. A. Pilsbry and C. W. Johnson, Address: ©. W. Johnson, Business manager, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston). Mass, 10: S.7o. る Es IES た iy yao i Oy: RES. Bay Ne Ya ET EE 具 Oy: @ 営 商店 へ 世界 中 最 KA a SESE = Dh Wy EE a HAH Nr A © HHA AH Goa = HAR Seth AG RE dh 7 TA > AB = WEA zXnmG= ay 美 牙 ナ n 米 國 確 石 類 ト 交換 テ ea x @ 5 = IE ke 砂 及 日 本 産 石英 輝 安 Gi AC dit Ee SF や だ チ Air A 0 6 > UF Alon RUE > 7 ~ EA Bh ACI > HA iz マリ ルン ジ a 所 A. H. PETEREIT, 8i & 83, Fulton Street, New York City, U. S. A. BESEO Ce ーー あい ペー ドー ロー に しさ ュ ュー ーー トト ーー デー OAT NEN EN > ニー ーー Kr aA で @n fs a i maint i a ne se bs a 7 ie ae Ie of he Ba FEET wg ME 7 ESE 7 gab eA Ag “2 に ea vie AH 治 i 全 全 Hh bg e D@ hi ex ¥ yee 5 A oe 東 aR APB (ots 1 と FRA af te take Mice ctes y SE 上 es i 東急 モモ フ Fee @ DST Ks Nomen | s i > Hl sm aah fe 2% suaiaeres fy ee a I Trex tee fie = al 7 pg Beet OE ル A iy 町 ie ae oH ® , 23 1 NY AES, x 2 WD ey. 7, tik ツ ニス ae Ae’ fs 7 lee eeeee ; 10 五 aE ~ Gia DEC ze 理 fp Fs + Men %YCRCAMT Bae ぞ ie AS Ae gle 2 定 記 1 m 学 ズ ~— xe A 番 Oar eit Caves Ts i rae 地 Sh “ecanteest FO OE St Sic 第 第 名 BAB Dig 2H # aes Dees elem の て ae 本 A RO FAOCAM yt i ry Th ap ss) AE DERI HO BD i re 京 春 Bie ETA hie FE as ake Haver 78a fe 元 hie pe @ 生 生 ( 70 KIC Me 三 i te jaar THT De hick Gh Sail) a FHS aOs TH WF BB fae 068 © © eee @@ © 200 ©0600 SR Ca プペ FE cya Mere 7 ホ a ド a Vet a] 7 - ene Ga em ee a a OT oe Baa Beate? par Ueda ee 7 hee 協 gy aie Se geht | 定 明 te Ea 東 tet b 7S BC phi ies TST eh 鉄 償 te been ae be 8" fag 一 : I Py He = he yg 9 Ue gr ae is if 29 りく な D e yaa ME iE We ie 西 TF al Bae) の ye om a が A} Hite 京 京 京 Th 3 件 . 理 Vl 市 市. 市 7dr i 理 理 郵 月 6 Chita He Hh @ = Be Bet qt 南 Benoa» FF | ee een も oe ar lee eect ie ae ae ME Ee 3 EPO 2 B i * iw Bg > yee ETT, weit oY A ss see ye 5 See 堂 ay tk に Ry 四 = 区 年 ISSUE AEST y 1 mer tee ee peo kes ピン ンー mb SS + | ate | mMe # RSE ORH } いい を すい すい すか いい る を いさ ae: (SB Seit es) S++ ・ で も や ・ “ety ‘ Sam His SS ese HR ee) K+ {CSRS OF ae ese 編 総 at a we ee EH ale tu ie fe a RS ie ^ HE NEDO BOW ICM 0 «OR OBS IRS SSR G6 SMe SHORREE “EHS E SRESRw KR BS) me a HE te ae rea | っ や くら ek EY a AY os es migiearesicumees lL BK Ss ES | NS し た lial te TBE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE VoL. Ii Jury, 1908 No. 7 TALKS ON SHELLS (VII & VIII) (IN THESE ‘TALKS ON SHELLS, WE HAVE SELECTED ONLY A FEW OF TifE INTERESTING FACTS GIVEN By Mr. IWAKAWA) Tapes philippinarum Ads. & Rve.— Asari. This species is a bivalve found in plenty in the sea, west of Tokyo. It is the same that is sold at the shell-fish-dealer’s through the city of Tokyo and its suburbs all the year round. Spring ts its season. Its variety of markings are so numerous that we can't count them all, it being very easy to find several even among the shells in a small bowl. I have been told by a friend, who once studied the different of markings on the shells, that all the marks “may be divided into four classes, cloudy, lineal, wavy, and blank. He found that those which had cloudy marks were the most numerous out of 202 specimens 150 being that class. Mactra veneriformis Desh.—Shio-fuki. This species is commonly found in the eastern sea. It lives at the bottom of the same sea that ‘Asari’ inhabits. Tokyo Bay is the best place of production. Its flesh is sold at the dealer's as is ‘Asari,’ but it is too soft to be appreciated at table. Mactra sulcataria Desh.—Baka-gai. The Japanese name ‘Baka-gai’ (foolish shell-fish) may have originated from the fact that when it dies it not only opens its mouth wide, but also lolls out its long red foot like a tongue as a foolish fellow is apt to do. The foot is crooked and very elastic like a finger. It hides itself in the sand, but some-times springs up with its foot. In Japan it is found mostly in the eastern sea ; especially in Tokyo Bay. Fukagawa, Tokyo-Fu, is noted as a place where it is 34 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE common. The flesh is hard and not good to eat, but it is often put in a bowl of ‘Szzono,’ a kind of soup. All bivalves have the adductor muscle, but the only adductor muscle dealt in by shell-fish-dealers seems to be that of this shell-fish. Cardium papyraceum Chemn,—Tor1-gat. The origin of the Japanese name of this shell is uncertain. In some Japanese Conchological Classics, it is stated that this name originated from the fact that the flesh resembles a bird’s bill in shape. It is also called ‘Chawan-gai’ (tea-cup-shell); some-times by the name ‘Uvrushi-gai’ (varnish-shell), because in the reign of the Tokugawas dealers in lacquer used to put the same in this shell. Everywhere in the sea or bays about Japan is it to be found, yet it is especially in the Inland Sea and the Bay of Ise that we can find plenty of it. Whether boiled or dried, it has a good taste. Trigonella sachalinensis Schrenck.— Uba-gai. This species has the name of ‘Hokki-gai’ in the north-eastern districts of Japan. It lives mostly in the coasts of Hokkaido, Rikuzen, Rikuchu and Mutsu, and seems to be along the coast as far as the sea about Ibaraki Prefecture ; but it is seldom found in any bay or sea, west of the Bay of Tokyo. Its flesh is usually dried; and is appreciated for its excellent taste. Mytilus crassitesta Lischke.—L-gat. Some-times pearls happen to be found in this shell; but the deepness of their color makes them inferior in quality. A large one of this species measures more than three inches and a half in length. As showed in the cut (Vol. II, No. 5, p. 165), it always clings to some other substance by means of tendinous fibres called ‘byssus.’ It can, however, move anywhere else at its convenience, so to speak, when the old chain (byssus) is cut and a new one prepared for its new buoy. It is to be found everywhere in the sea about Japan ; but its flesh is not good to eat; only some of the dried flesh being exported to China. THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 35 SUMMARY—ON JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSCA (XIX), WITH DESCRIPTION OF TWO NEW LYRIA By Y. HIRASE TURBINELLID-. Vasum ceranucum Linné. pl. xxxi, fig. 121. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 72, pl. 20, fig. 10; pl. 21, HSS eles eos Jap. name, Ovz-hodushi Iwakawa. Loc., Oshima and Loo Choo Islands. Vasum turbinellum Linné. pl. xxxi, figs. 122, 12 Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 72, pl. Jap. name, Ko-onz-kobush7 Iwakawa. Loc., Oshima and Loo Choo Islands. VOLUTIDZE. Melo indica Gmelin. pl. xxxii, fig. 1. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 80, pl. 23, fig. 14. Jap. name, Haru-kaje Kaihin-Zusho. Loc., uncertain ; Formosa (Uchiyama). Voluta rupestris Gmelin. pl. xxxii, figs. 2, 3; pl. xxxiii, fig. 126. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 85, pl. 24, figs. 41, 42. Jap. name, [fo-maki-hitachi-obi n. n. Loc., uncertain; Nagasaki (Lischke; Uchiyama) Minoshima (Adams). Voluta megaspira Sowby. pl. xxxi, fig. 124. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 95, pl. 28, fig. 102. Jap. name, //itachi-obi Moku-hachi-fu. : 。 Toc., Sagami; Boshu ; etc. Voluta megaspira prevostiana Crosse. pl. xxxi, fig. 125. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 95, pl. 30, fig. 132. : Jap. name, O-hitachi-obi n. n. Loc., Rikuzen and Uzen; etc. Voluta concinna Brod. pl. xxxiii, fig. 127. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. gg, pl. 29. fig. 114. 36 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE jap. name, iVes/cki-hitachi-obi n. n. Loc., Kii; Japan Sea (Dunker). Lyria rexn. sp. pl. xxxiii, fig. 129. Shell large, fusiform, thick and solid, spire as long as the aperture. The embryonic apex? is small and consists of 1% smooth rounded whorls. Whorls 9%, slightly convex ; suture shallow ; plicze strong and distant, usually 12 in number, slight- ly swollen below the suture and disappearing at the base. Above the siphonal fasciole there are some indications of spiral stria. Aperture narrow, posterioly acute and slightly channel- led; canal short, spout-shaped and slightly reflexed ; outer lip very thick with a varix; columella concave above, oblique and straight below ; on the columellar callous there are ro transverse plice, the seventh, the eighth and the nineth are large and strong, the first and the last are moderate, and remaining five are small and closely crowded. The specimens show no color, but with some traces of equally distant revolving lines and a shoulder zone. Length 84, diam. 25 mm.; aperture 40 mm. long. Kikai-ga-shima, Osumi; fossil in a Pliocene (?) deposit. This large mitriform species differs from ZL. deauz Fischer and Bernardi in its greater size, higher spire, less convex whorls and much narrower base. (Jap. name, O-suji-bora n. n.) Lyria cassidula Reeve. pl. xxxiii, fig. 128. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 103, pl. 31, fig. 138. Dunker, Index, pl. ii, figs. 10-13. Jap. name, Szz-6ora, Rop.-kai. Loc., Hizen; Kii; Boshu ; Sagami ; Ogasawara, & etc. Lyria mitreformis kikaiensis n. subsp. pl. xxxiii, fig. 1302 Shell similar to Z. mztreformis of Australia, but differing in having smaller size, lower spire, niore convex last whorl, and more shallow suture. Length 39.5, diam. 19.5, length of aperture 20 mm. + 26:5;, oe Sh 5 6 13.5 rmm.* Ir See the figure in the description in Japanese, page 218. 2,3 Smaller specimen, see the figure in the description in Japanese, page 219. THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 37 Kikaigashima, Osumi. I have collected only two fossil specimens of this shell, they are white in color, but with very faint brown revolving lines equally distant and a trace shoulder zone. (Jap. name, /ide- gata-suji-bora i. Nn.) SUMMARY—ON JAPANESE LAND SEELLS (XIII) Katiella affinis Pils. & Hir. pl. xviii, fig. gt. Ors des., Pilsbty; Procs A> N.S. Phila; 1905,) p. 717. Jap. name, Yezo-£767 n. n. Loc., Kushiro: Akkeshi, Harutori, Kushiro, etc. Kaliella havimensis Pilsbry. pl. xviii, figs. 92, 93. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1901, p. 404. Jap. name, Harima-kibi n. n. Loc., Hatima; (Uzen; Higo; Okinoerabushima). Katiella harimensis sadoensis Pils. & Hir. pl. xviii, fig. 94. Or. des., Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xvii, p. 46. Jap. name, Sado-kidi n. n. Loc., Sado Island. Kaliella modesta Pilsbry. pl. xviii, fig. 95. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., rg01, p. 548. Jap. name, Zsekushi-kibi n. n. Loc., Amakusa, Higo. Kattella kyotoensis Pilsbry. pl. xviii, fig. 96. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila, 1901, p. 548. Jap. name, Kyoto-ki0i n. n. Loc., Kyoto. Kaliella higashiyamana Pils. & Hir. pl. xviii, fig. 97. Or. des., AMicrocystina higashiyamana Pils. & Hir. Nautilus, vol. xvi, p. 129. Jap. name, Awa-idi n. n. Loc., Higashiyama-mura, Awa (Shikoku). Katiella okiana Pilsbry. pl. xviii, fig. 98. Or. des., Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xvi, p. 6. 38 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Jap. name, O&7-£i07 n. n. Loc., Hirado, Hizen. Kaliclla hizenensis Pils. pl. xviii, fig. 99. Or. des., Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xvi. p. 7. Jap. name, /7/2zen-hibi n. 1. Loc., Hirado, Hizen. Kaliella bimaris Pils. & Hir. pl. xviii, fig. 100. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1904, p. 633. Jap. name, Jaru-kibi n. n. Loc., Naha, Loo Choo. Kaliella austeniana Pils. pl. xviii, fig. 101. Or. des., Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xv, p. 20. Jap. name, Osten-hibi n. n. Loc.,;Yaeyama, Loo Choo and Okinoerabushima, Osumi. Kaliella kikaigashime Pils. & Hir. pl. xviii, figs. 102, 1O3- Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1904, p. 633. Jap. name, Azkaz-hid7 n. n. Loc., Kikaigashima, Osuni. Kaliclla venusta Pils. & Hir. pl. xviti, fig. 104. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1905, p. 743. 1. Jap. name, Kinu-kibi n. Loc., Hotawa, Taiwan. Kaliclla yaeyamensis Pilsbry, pl. xviii, fig. 105. Or. des., Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xv, PD. 21. Jap. name, Ko-sei-kid7 n. n. Loc., Yaeyama, Loo Choo; Tlotawa, Taiwan. (246) HtoAbke-+o ie wi En Es SEU Sek MORE ARE DD See VHD Ky MN db DK PEUUMS RES ES JOUR | ELSES] Ee ESE CoS KS oR ~ Bh » MN HR SREt+H+ mR) a BRREAS SHH 1a 1 Se ERK (SER®) (245) ma |S BI RO wD 6 O° RE NIKE JON OS bws NEE SEBG” & MG OGM” TNO’ PMOKSRE’ mH BK’ NOPBRERSEEE KH AERO Y 6000 GR ? 2 HERR 94 SW sn) AI ENS yA RO korE VRB NO OH ODRE SHY So BOR Yeu Aw~ PRR EEK SOV VO eo—wdy Ht nO SRARNo SHY 610° ROR RRR RR EK 09 OC URIIN PMO AS RE Bi 00 め 人 な QA Corea © | PBN RrO~c N su HSH dose POMS GK~ | MER s? H4HKOR WHR ° (HEH) @xHouxk ct) AES SU PHS ton y EH ON 10 DBHEN 6 1057 0 HERTS O # # HRW Y Kis RN OE DODGE NIRG ORES や KNEE So | NOK ORR MRS ay HOYOS 6 RM VEO KN EDORRORKHN © $e tne i ant SBE QSL BY SEE © IR ER EK BRN SL 20 PHN HARRY SS Ro IRS RAY GION PIR RMR © | SANYO yReRRRO Mohit Ee URW ( 0 CRN SR ORE eet SSG FE N SE-~- ON EK -a RK C ROH KK NN ES KH O~ REN REY 4th-m N | WR DES OV EROR NC NEN HOOK 10 © HOKE sR SK ER OE © MM WH ORE iy, 20. SdH DHE Ba te. 90 0 BOE INO POS wy iy BAH MY RRONMEKN XM VRRLSRANNEADAN w SHON Hees Mo rR NY BBO pi O~ HONOR RRO Y UR © RRREN 10 NORN SS n+ oN OBER YE OF 0 FB At Wt 0h Su BS ER / の 44) 、ー Bia ats Se Pe ie oe Cassis sfrigata Gmel. か づら が ひ Thylacodes imbricatus Dkr. は すか づら Turb) coronatus Ginel. TRU Chicrostoma nigricoior Dkr. LPorpua Lithophaga zitteliana Dkr. ひみ ず ーC2 ュ _ eet. ee ee CS っ * fie "て ワー て の エケ ーー て の ーー て ナー て の で" て テー て の て ーー て フー @Z+SkeSR- KHER Hin OY Se eNN’? HHKORMERE ao dot | [OTS y BBE W110 « NW AM OALRS GH AH YARD WK? oOGRMARY AWARRVR ¢ A4Sd QRER WPMD YHONO WY’? Bo ROR HRN NYRI ARR? RK | ORM OHRVRO~w? Eid Se RM WEN He] [Re HRV HOVYERSS AEE O VHS WS A HHS RM SREY 610° 恩 ) 川 十 団 BBOVe~ Bot (HO OKIRUSRN Maven y EIB MRR” RR ORR’ KY | RORKW EX OLR PONE VED ARAN ROYER NR EVER (BORN OS OLN TREX) AS gt (VILE OQ HEN th ox Baa BK" BEC) TH 1S Rr BE HERR oy” CEN ERO ORG Hk REN ERE EN OY HES Y TREK HS 0° HEN AU lA KR NTP AWN SR DEBREO | EAA Had shee OD YY WRYONEHM RAR YS 00° BHR eA NOt Rom) Ke arn HGR) ~> RAR GRO)” GEC ~ (4D° BR (RH) A = RY (BEE) Rac YVR (RKO BURY S109 BAOUOWNWN WOR PRN aH \ (241 ノ だ 人 QRSO RRR Ui SOYRNOEEO POW a DVR HRK BEI. (AUB 6° RR ESN KM WEE Dre MlO 語 Su tS K Rie © HO Sd S Kak Sil aK OME BNE emery KH +m+Em’* Keo GR ROMY WORE OS REROLR? RM ROR BNE ONS Maas | Ste PRAV UG .0iN9 HK Be He? He KT AS He WE CHER VBSRKE MONS BX | Bg witac mW AiO DOM St SEN OY KE pS OL? WORE | VKHON OM MYRS YHA SUMTER CHS OIRO SEAR VINA KR や” FREE ORM OIRO” GBA NATE UO BY NO Nod th SRS 5° OIE OC NWS 会 の NEBR OS OREN MONo RAST RED FEN BOSON © © wR OK EEE NiO RO yh a QyAnoo Asa pe Taree et ie | 0° Wake OLR eS SY NEL we? 1 SEs OREO NWA RMA ONS BK NOS ASO NESS BIR VS 6s 400 BRON S Neu G19 IN? RES KOK” RRR OF MUNKON DS wu Biss RRO” RA ONE’ Be eR yHoOy’ Ee SRP ROR) OV CMON SOREN SITHYE 19° JUS © RAS VnB HH OA YAR ~ RE OSUMA AMO 翌 ふせ ーー ちこ た | BY SHOUROV te wit SYS ONS GREER Cio HIN RK ARS WK NBO V ROS 0 ROE HORE SOUS xn or ERR WU LORE HSA HID ROE REO 12 CQ YER NOW B00 4 WEN ISS © ERK wR otto 5 ~4 AS WOOL? RWYMWAhakKO | BRA Hower SAH IK R= NDR Aha ee ON NY” Leah HER RE RHEYVAN HAA row ASP MHHR AAAHP NEOPM | 4 Wt (240) 日 十 二 月 志 年 一 半 四 浴 明 Pe sf ROM WRK 5° +R |i” eo GR modartin? +] [ZEN +6 SEW EEE HI ON SU” FIN PIE ARE NLS QRNKGEKHOK S° BV OREN NSRKMOR ES ON AW’ REE ORME DSH OO SBR YP BTee BIL を A S08E ONIN BRR AS Y BESO He 1 AE HS 59 円 VRE BRE O LN | BOLO Wess +4207 に Me 十 世 年 | |mo” #2° ORBEA KES AREY GON Ow HB ; XD BR*> OSS dn SHY OFPEN KR YH we Bice N HIM HON ARES TE ee DER aN SY PE SEN ER ON OM+ | HW CONS PREWKIN WoOeu” Books ] gery ek” wm Re KA PES K RSENS D OHMS RBA NO Hoe RR な ホー トド at PWRENMO RM | KOH Heh aTD CRARN Row OREN UE RAS Bi wong EI VOM OXHEE VE w+ N OR Yd tae OP NNW (0210 IRR ome Te Ye) So FOR +11] DOSS HOMER & OMRON SE~K YH RDN Bale OM AUEEWSin’” BXwAePogags IB OREN SOR? PXRONS SR VERO So KAR HAF PEK IR DARNR RAK CAAT He—he&-ANK ATA HH K OR Rw RE RA BKK EX DDK MOOS ER OM MROLO SX KAY HOSOY PERU RO YH Op RR DR? HSBO~ OVEN | EEL HZORCPOR Wo BE OMK el SiS te vee Amy He Qvpewain Rew A 年 中 NO HehR wR PW KA NW te SHEINT GN HA KReER ADRK OK eR 、 ) KEE O RRR AOA mio URE A ONO tk SEQ ORRADY SOR RAV RVR QO- RVR VRO (REN ROAR VPER ORI NWEER wm 6G — Bae ME RA AP (239) RAN AD RM A O° ERIK UR BEE NY te SO EE He N I~ HOO nkim’ #7 Boao Kee Ai | SEN FI IRIRN BO VAHL | [BWA YRRYE So BRU OR SIE OY BE HPER ORIEN HORS N OSE ST OWS 8 10CSE RY Arcot) | EHO HW SNE ARTO NER SRO Ce DTH PRN RMON MEY KO ORE arab ae 一 か す ※ WR GRY -K ASB) HEN HINT 人 Ha へ かい GR KAT He BRTR ERR WADA TS CREAM BMRoLY) Heads -aAnNKR SAP IKT REM ANTWRINDINT7RINDEAK (REORRYN VRAIS WHE 1 OPHRON) APR TNS AO He BR mw SN (REAR KSA) KD BS PRR OK KT NSE REE RER HARK KK eRHDD KEY E ON? PETRIE SRMIN SH Goings? Wir OREVEKO’ BRYEROr OnueNe EK = ES POM ICES UMAR 00 pare NER wie EINIIQNY WAM Aha p> Se) HK RENE S REO HERR PN SON AO | 1 (ELE RYE Y 19° +RaM’ js WERE EME RNIEORN? P.O ENas RIO J HRS aK Ah RK bat TK KARE へ INSEE MR WEY RHNAN-RIN ER HHK OH RR |S RENO RMB AR Oo BMOKIRUREN &’ て | DHEYRS” REORRY RACH (BRO SY GNCo SEEM D AR NRAKT AAR ET CHER Bi SRLS in} O HKRKS DY 40° LR MMO ON HD WG 0° BO Hen Xm SNOWY SE ON SRE FR OAC REESE 1 WO HRY S10 Rid” BEI AEN SK Lg $00 SINKS te YARN PSNI OR As S +R ELWiW BR RORY HrOA &F—+ Wie # 1 HMOR KITS HEH RA CRB? Ra PER OREY BYBOX* DI KWON EIN BUS wb INK HO H&K C47 DRE © Bb iti ay fi SHO RA REN EAT RIN SII SS KO PANN | RRA SESQTMROMAENH OY OP NNR ROGERS HRA SEN HL Din SITE” RIMS 1G 19° ーーーーー つ 9101S SS ーー ーー SMEAR KS SHE BZ Be + mj KJEIRO |] Ow” BitORRVY Se RoNw SAN WHS 0° Ra] RS KX IRRO | MoS AS" RPE BORN KEOBE+H IN” R RI] So BES) 1] 8° BI] A MSR] SN MITA S K」 44° BOM Ok OMT Oe On る Rs SKN sy 100 Naveen ft ( droog” eat | +a O<'4° HO CHERYie’ MIE OR AMIE Cf FEWipy~ LINN © OG 0° ae ME FA SP を な ミ Ts 吉 4 Yu RAN SORA BES NER POW 610 BROOMS ONS VY SE A SRW RO novi BHO LOG NS WES YB COQ" BNA. 2.10 KE S PHO ON IRO In SIAS SK RB" Rot dOAN Tee OS TRN [EB YS で ESF] RON ( yw! IRM OMS | BN IKO RPENEY RO S~ ROENEMS NP OWSEO VS = 2 ¢ SUE OTN ER CMRVR Ro BOR ( YEO | Be OC AUR MN BON” Ko MEER N AO & © ink ROY" BOR O40 Hao O~ Bir 109 BOIRHLY PH a” Hkwese re rPQwvy” BaeRMMmowCKny wy |y rw sho” Kw ws VAR el wpe Woy | OMOXMe NO wos’ +1 NKBOBN KGS に へ 7 ERNE AU Y PH SHY RNS BNE | YON RORVVER VEY 6 ORO HE 109 AB OY 6 IR ORS Y RoE NEE 6 107 i QR CO FBUSK OY AISNITO Yitto” KBO | BN Ot ORs a1 (MAY eMO YH A | A~ SRO TOMB EE SYMOR? RY SEWN CANCE O fie ERO” BEY IRON ERYRR YM | SEEN E OO RNa «edd + < + WRER AQ Rip S000 RU Ee RON Bs Soge [mm | ORB WHE THRO Y NS iheuRd 4b N10 Q SENR OY SRB ON N60? ROMER NO CPSP CK ORNINE EMH RN MO” ENA OR NRE SO BWia ひめ SE wh Nak OR OE ] CO RBIY ORI OREM ROY RNO RE ONS NSHON HOS SEMRORAWMOVIRYR ND = Rte CRN MO RMOR 0 « ROO YH ROS RIBBED y Bal £ no | JRovxsiit ( 6'A" RHO wre Ga eo7 B SEERM A OBILMORNER OVI I wROHO =< ORR AM ROD” WM CSR 10 WH NO 慰 i <4 om off WE] (23 1 Behe Abe 4 =F eis 8 m fm ae Wt Bea” KANE SYMIESEN KY JERE IRR RRS” REO) aM SOARS ROT MNOY PRU Rew” Re eRe oO RAR XY SE OMA) OR wh SS wy つ ^ UKs [PAIR ART BESt4C RTE 2S 10° RO HERO (° PE PRIM RISEN HoOMIN | Ri” BR’ RR’ BIS SO VEIL REN OR ode be WEE OGY 1S 10° UKEP | BME ONRO ve ( | MHP best | | aed wae eo y OR 11] BIRR Nite oP OQ ee ne re + Go HHESES eee rare ean & WORK Haw nS “sscov jist snannee Ko wr Sage gees NASE OLN DiS 10 * ULB M ORR WB -o H 04 OL IN PG 20° { 90° dk OAQSS YW IR ER SHON NE ( ON WERE RY 友 を | SRAMVRS | RE ROMNAEI SiO | の つ YO SEE っ WEY PONY | BOVRSHROR KONE SUE | BU EROMM San Bac Solen graciliy KEENE Ew y’? BORKONW NAR (YR Gould. su いや $B NBS ys. BmrOvCMwW SOHO SHY eXKoEORKH MDY NS WE SKN WEAK NAS PROV, KO un Bh mE き ME 類 旬 (231) at ee =o PEKY~ HACER OREN OCSHIIND VROVR iO BRK WSO aR BEY CHEK WE HOA ~ Sy MEK OM PRB} OV REM ORS By rs BER RE ESO VRP OS ew ON IK ORSRENREN © RIN ECR IRR RN EEG tm RIREFLCSERE | hO | eR HEH REGRERKRS SR JOS SR ER Y yO NMS NWS HS 4990 © CMO HE FEO GR NB y wR 1 dey So ee mm Re (7 WER K im MYAS LKR MVAS (Solen gouidii Conrad) 6K ORERROMCE BONEN 099 D6 (E) wR y" HORNISOH m 4 at to CHRO OI UNSNIRYRW SK 1372 4O107 SEDI BEN Ki NWA A #4 PS WED VNVYNRAS CREW Oy 607 REE R sd witty YO f nw atEK Ody BOM 9d 6 PE 10° KEEN Ys を 、 OBVURAADRUWINAOM” TON NEMO OR” RIRRER~ OYRROR : OR Bue NEE Yee BANE SN Win” RHI nN ePENN SW Razor- shell su REO y Hise? LER NY Hit don 20 SRR RE ee Nd LYHVA Sw rE ri mr Quy’ KRISLRKO WEEK YO 9° gibat.y Solen giandis Dkr. sv S$ S° RX uk JOON SY REM ORB WT OI” KN yee 人 oO SURE REVERS Y WF] Bet eta 46 == ot ie i m @ ff NE ( VIRSHMH OMEN KP % OTOH O08 N BO MG 0th RO ROO ey Ro “to” ERK” EXER O Raver eK NB60 Y au 6 oSN with ne OEE NGS Y ELMER ORREK MS RO ( OGMK KORE Iie ERG toe > RRO Eh < ORK BE N RS PQIRE SAU CER © ROE. VSR D NE ODE VEIN GIAO KOSS 0 4 et EB N PERMA ORR tte Y Ome BR ODS BEM WME 0 RBH OREN Hatin NAG Et 0 OSE HERA RS SAS al” RRER EE © HECK S REN he YS RERUN EK REMS* does” GSR” RL” Sue” Bt” BR WES ten BASh OWNSS" BERS EK N MEER {80 O16 OCR BR NRoV URS 6 CER OB Sm” Rim” Heo Wer CIN O SSK Hm YW UK BR GBR OS™ 癌 7 SSOK” ERK ER” See” HO” cy BK Hp RL” PRBS Sh ORES Y ORS CRS ON BE | | | Wt Nfihin ¢ ~ Sax OFT RAS KK hae EO RR I IRN KK { SEK BERN My PRE 1 tv NS OREO EDN Sy ORR” BERR Uhh” INES RERRSEN Bh DEE 10-6 Cb KK SURE OILY C2 EHH O Rawire 1 avi 604710 wt KEE Yt Nd GANS ANDY ~4 00 OSHS OKO Y iE REN Bib 0 Sau geN 6 ky 9 ill de MEN BED | HIDINY BUN SS OR RE UME tm 0 Nos 8 ORM RK NER ¢ UGH © Bit 6 BIE MAN 69 AO A GS BE 10 BOHN A4-ONOEA ER gn Sud 19 Q スズ EBC URE NAY RHE OM KD Y GRR NIE 00d ty ~ BERBER 10 N 44 ROHN Q oKEE dere EK DBE LEE UE (EE COREA wah A OPED OREN VER © ERMA PIR © BER AK Nou BRS VINEE RISER Ot BE HEUEK 1) to Soa BERN SOK ~K 10 SIX SINS. SU PH RK RK BR RK EK nO A SE 8 30 mh 6G — i aG ME RA SP wo SE fue OX (IEE) 0s SS OK NY SS ahuK( | MSHS RS )MIRNEVEOK OLAS oie OY RRA eux (RBS EAL) KMRL OY | RYE Riek RKO KES | Se | Wax (CES cee) & Kaw Hav | fis $< oe KN a, Sea ee Pe ee WKH © BoMiK CO ROWH PORES SO BYSRV RV nm RSE REE WARE WELLE N EE S ROOM KO Sem) | SoOKNER ONY ORNKMS OR my SySK~ KN Oye HOKE BRI HE OE WERE ORM EKO SNEED 0.0K ER wh 4S YER UAE OK uw wih 4 EEN EA pret 8 he Bysn~ttw Ste MERRY OY RRS OV RN OR VR DVEEMAURE’ KR ONN REY VN Ve BU Sin YO MEI SH OC BARN yp SHEN RSS OM KR Ny BON Bho N SU ORIN EN OE a SS BS BE vy HY HEE A OER AO f OSRSE NM UR BROG -ah ER. hs ELS oR CHR +4941 RO sey? RS es Sei BRN) yy SKE HRA HN O MIRO {ve © の か RIDER QFE M10 ENE RS Ow OC WM EMMS “DY EBON BEG OA OT RR tes 0 ER KH 4 © ne NERY UROML VER RON EE RESS | RK N SP SouSs SONAR Be te 0 M0 f ~ RI HWS VV RRM OMEN 0 OER NRNE~ POC SH ONES CBWE VIE Nw ade ¢ EO Y GK OB BY Hoy HB N URE Ht J ESk OUR Onc wes EK ~ NOH 6 GAR WET FR (DIR) BS Se Bode. eS sr ie 明 mt QO Wh FEW Mtoe ONS AOU BEINN OD BE HRN MaRS 10 ? OW OPE B MIRE CBO ROCHE CoV RNOS SEGA EERE | BE Of KBE ERR S10 wou ou HOVER MER wee Y DORE SYREN YAS SIR SUI ARES © MK URRY Oy KDE gut RM gu YY SSP RRR I! DO -KEH OS KW Ih KO ROSEN SOBER SOF VIRSYN Be YEA Nithte ¢ OOM Si mb-K © PERRY Oy BR 6 BER Ho REN ENE) © BKB oudn YS RDS EN Bh OHNE TRY OY REY MOSSOREN NPQ SNR SURO OY SORBRUS pA 4 are yp HEM YY OE) ORT EES iy ON oH to 0 YY Sty LU BS oO EKO RTS SR NRE HER 10 QA) Aro tree | RHE 0 NEES Ot IER ws HW PHM OID A Dit 20 POM Sali” aietox (ESA L) xe xhoemt OME 10 PEEK ‘ kK 10 avERS ORIN QIN N BY onBNI BE HL YAO (Be aie) NREL DSSS OUR RK otto =) ee ee eee) NORE RRR WA y ade OYE YO RO HA BS oR 0 Rou Dy KN arith 19 we CHIR CIS 0 ROD Y Ene PAID Ridin N HH EN PASS ORR SU RN EER GES KM VERS IS OO KOK © IR NY DY TES mY HK $6 ~> Sc TI ~ HhES Nw CHT 0 PO の 憲人 や Ne Bs (Se AS ee) SREY Oy Ce K Bro 3 SLE (ee ee ie) MDNR ENE O~ ly KES Qp OKs Sox (MRSS) omy SS y I DR OSH RGR a ws ME HL 介 = 第 mH Ce SS ER BRIS my OMA EY VERRY WARNE ~NERywn~ SSO OK ARON Sy a0 SRS co VEEN BN I WEN Y RT PRU EGR RBS OEY ype | NOP BOK SINK IR PEM PAKS ex (ER EES EE) wR ok O EN Nibin (DSS © REN BB YO SEXO ACES $6 10 BEN y Bie ( OBR 6 ors MOP ON OY BURA CBM. SPIES 0 EEN OY RoRHEOR~ HW ORSEE NIVIR Bo 電光 TMEUKINBENY Oy HtEK OBR C OY HO REE MN oRH CR OH | eux” SoxQ Ev FUR N50 2 OASEBILN thin Y ~ RR CBN ite. YO ox (RAR | ele) ] Sno ce 00 oR Re #20 WIN -~KEUR ORR M0 DER Kcr SE itn OTE RK OER K © RIN IN 0 NAG Re ly eo FARR RR NG IRIN So oe MY 6 aR ty BEEK tg ak HW 1 6 SEE hy BK PEIN Ho yR'~ SSR” RAB ORE 0M 4-0 RNR PDO « P © SAME A BE OQ B~ HU PRE O Rav BERS 20.5) Y LNW SIKH eh ORE RY BORE KO | “B@ (SBS LSSES) re eu ee OR at 4 OR RUNO B~ RO S~ KES ONS SKN Bt ROSE DBE Yf BUS -O CECH ORIEN O84 I HSS OY ERAN CHE OSM UR OR IK SRY AY ES OR OOMRMEMRORNEVELS + や (226) Hee + oie wi 同村 x Stik wR ESS" eR ri WB" SOB RA | R(T) BR” RB HP CHRON) | RH EmRY HEBER RRO” R | NH” EN Gn pt BS QUES (oI BENE NY G5-OR A 1011 ORL WK (° (RE ORT RRO Auth” RRO RN OY Heer MO? [BS mo ON Oy IRN O HEE Be I. | Rw? FRR AIN* HRM «BaK-> | HOHE 6 or DUN RAEI e WRU O | NOY ^ de A ENS 6 0 BSS sd EN he AE 90 VEX Y KR NCB WHE Btn 0 Nou WEE Y | DS 8S 101 0 SS ーーー A(T ORD OK 6 SO SER Fa) SH do AS ER OK NY ES WE) Rd RN YOR RAR SC SEES YY BLY 6 OE EER SPO’ Aion Ron eK" EHO He ARO SY FRSA EEN OY BH RG ER A KE RK HEE ~ BS OR~ RE OR~BKS ON 40 SH NAO VRS (~~ RRB ab YARN eA KHIR COBY (RR SESR ORMMKRRKKS S55 OnE 0 RR eW BR’ S | Piece RB! fC eR uh” LSE Sawa of lu. m kikajensis. Sea x” Fee RO" | よ つ RY ww SNH ORB] Qs CRETE BEDE We 1 |KO REN 10 © 1G" | 9 3910 10 SS KREBS (+H) ve Wiewar VOLOUTIDA L2RNR YEE SE MELO Humphrey. AN NAG UK M. awthiopica Linn. CH IN typ ER ORR A4~) TENSE? op DIN? MR GR SK with ou de) CRA 7 £SSHSEE PEW +H) Hu bs“ MAE BOY KB wn ON AOR KNIT WMS ws AN BE fa kh A 第 ANE RCN NR) > BEAIU INS ue 同 中 MxQ Nou per-* Rum yes mete” BEER Re WN Oy KEISREE NERS) © RATERS RNY NN NN NN Howie | VR heey = VOLUTA Linn. RANA DA SE (= INT ts» ROA AS-o) RT RB (AOE ) (HRS) HH -R37 V. vespertil’o Linn. HrFOHKR ES — + ee ~ Ue OR~ RN Oy DO ~ ee SSO INN + 4 © HERS SUPRA A-OR N KH0 HY OFEER uo | ORE SNS WA VUE Mo wu SRE | wa? <é RU SS NY RE BEE CIS KAKIN KS OL cassidula Reeve. CREAN SR 11-1118 [+ | Wa’ DN OY BRST) OAK suey Suva ee INNA NRAMK 1 RN MO Seo ANSEN { 111] © Sax mitretormis Lam. CH INS ds p ERO BEN 2400) BEST AK PLN BANKS OER eRe UN=e RAR AUN bs ~ | eee (Hinde Si) = ROAM Oy? wR S) © LE BER Wie” AV Bere WLS Oy BRP Do Mose NINRA KEIN SE i, mitreformis kikaiensis Hir. n. subsp. CED BRE Ree eo ] ++) = Fi a BE RL 介 He we つ ^ Zins HRs Ag? se liad Be WK Sy SD) DA [phe hI > | AEH .o PAN OY 1 [R11] ANE a (uC Ih Oey Mee vs MSN C-oypuRANERWO PRBwRe OLtkHveo~Ras] vay AP ote HERE OV. coneinna Brod. (R47 SRF RA eR |+--V) HHS” BeR* mK CS Vm AR) wh {HERES {| Es Ram RSE Rust bh rw be UNBAN HO wm BEXESE TEN BED? BRT ody BEER ( IRE" HE” BER WEK I” SRK NY OY | [wit Bo AYOVYHRE Swi” sift © gba ee OOH oH” KO yp Rew CER) OQ SR View? HN Soyo KBPS O7 EBM BER +2) BIEN Saye [USO OE Ras | KAA INE SRE Mea NS KPa BH (Ve. Paul Fischer ag = + ~— LYRIA Gray. ih => CL. daliciova.) .WSEFE OR wR Wa U4 OR KEY A he UNE SAN WWM 8 4 2 思 7 MO UPR PRMD Ud bis UoUBKOROK~ 7 18 IRN eva C1 ER Kev EIR CIN ERR * thom SS sot O° sSlthimba WEN 7 JA ~ EEN 10 NW EON 9 | ARIE OSS EUGREN REESE © BH QUE WAAR K DDK? REN Ride | AAS K GAG IN FREE Lyria vex Hir. n. sp. (NOR HR SRA [+ 2) HSS” -K SE Hab ae 嘆 - 1 下る RH” MSGR? RSE oe lie RSS N OVERS Kava BERT HER OY CHIRK O ze) (216) HTrOAHEE—+ Uw KRSHCEER( +2) (REBN wfi4n) we {Eee are ae BS IRM UK SSO Bagh * SoRX ace NOVYRRRVUSO” BSC RV Ewe Nwh~D Yo BEY SO” MEPS Oe / Rie SIT ORIEN BSR wok (° RIN Sy ti Re TRE YN I~ NRO YE K RAR KK 3255 CTKHEN 0 MBO? HIN 6.0 paimskox BWI” CMI CRRA LN SYREN KRE OR SEMTRS Oxh" RR CUS HN Sahu IM ICR TEV ER EK fo Re ER Oy hw po -a | Ral HH RMINOyY KMIOSS Rv’ cw RON -o | PRD [TIC KYO oO KR ORCI ORY A930 ASU NNO Mec | URithea aK V. megaxpira Sowb. | AK (SERN SR i++ | RX-SR AT ] 十 色男) W (UES wa {| ER RS LMS 0 RRBs YR SOWA VRE SIS NV KEBEN Oy IRI CO RAT Key NEKO] Ww HR RAINY’ RAO SERV” Yew WSE に NSK こそ で FHMCARAS UR thie HEE V. megaspira prevostiana Crosse. GER eRI+ | BARR 1+) FASS” BR ROR a (ce =) 。 SRR! pe 用 お 大 協同 7 BR eda A” {ERR RSS” IN-~ Kite KS Oy” Bent ny Rd SRO Non~’ SRuR EWS R4XBEVY SSSR Evo RSwme~ Bde AC BEIEE. WOR AS SS 8-H Udo 10 7 Bay BE tut m te = Fi ak HE RA St (215) WB BT < XR HSIN” R711] BIRR SK RSV OV’ BME ORS” Blea ta HMOs.” SMO GWM Oo BA “stu ea a7 Rt -Kauw* RN EER WI RR SET O Y KES b 0 Wii sute | Wal DARMHEAN OV 1 [I ROKMRN Mw つ ^ KiSQOHEHEN CoyuR aoe PA EGWIR FU ON SUG HREM SER awd | ny I< AQ [BRM X01 KIS 10 OQ KG に Y aan) Wes CnB ES © HOE [aw H~ KHAN ] sare QUES VAS OAS REN AR NU AMI M9 | Ue Ae ase 2k= VOLUWA Linn. BRU > YH IRM CAR SRR KE SRO Y° SHINE OB ~R~ BY” er RERORY NK Mass | KIB CRM COHN Y D~ wu wrHEX I Kio de” aR KSSCRER( +R) Wh EE OR K Ve? p= EX (M. Duhant-Cilly) ROP PN, BRU AUS | HORNY OMEOMA HS DU PACA NW Ete | SINK IN} —NSPORRRED ® AN ACME TEE Ny ti Ro) SERS 83 -yNY ICO By Ht OBO PH in10 NY KH = HIB RSH Ck" ENS’ MK NIN KR HER? EEK ant Wo HERIEK CEL OR EMRE HR BEN (0° Mo UePHBVUKKROVRASRAY POON VRC NWR Ete NESTOR OKBNIY. aD? DPM EER mek ド S 寺 回 ee uy HE ON ENEN CRG OR RIK Co] nen ole fr de de Hh fey HERE V. rupestris Gmelin Cte BR 1H RRR ER ER 11] SRi1 [-+-4< Be) weg sec cmmctenea (S28) TEST (RETR A (214) Be = eS Fe ie Ravin IONS eM AY ITE NX EER SP Oyih~* sew Ott DO~ | 壮 NEK PWR NK Ae & » f “VOLUTOLYRIA Crosse vs BeRbI 2 oN Rs BEANO ox hk DENCE SJ XING | SB eats トー rm] ihe a Re Outta MAAC ING Gk= LYRIA Gray BX C4ince® 1) aN ta tas 5 MOREMY Oy” RSs So” RMN Rw Ro Kv" ASN WORK C7 Ih SN OY RO” fone | KES O7SEIC YA his DRA om SN OY RG PWS OE N ERR WE MEd OQ UIK~K YO] MN Died Ke MICROVOLULA Angas. 店 皿 喘 固 * RPBEN DW REE OO SIN OY BSS yee 97 印 BOAT OURS Cl Sullk stk hp Ow” BRE eR ENS So * Bene 7/ 入 = RS pamela - トメ と Sc ESE NhkS ペ ー GRIN OWEN” Se Bret ARK INS N (ERSERK) NICO SIRS s.0" Sih ws ROY RDO NK" Hic mo VY oESSS OHO” RE ORV ES | a BUYO REMERON ih~ へ 区 者 や で ” ERM OCBSS I © | Hl WIT OENOVKRETES CN Rud | AQRPRUE FE MELD Humphrey. TREE © ARIE A0 EE BNE HEB MH ORR BE ION BX HEN SK EC CGE ak SES YD BX Sud df OR AS | UREN IYS OSE MEY RY 0.wIRY 0 EY fate 2) -> | AP RNGEDSHEBE M. indica Gmelin. aa se (BEE) sta) (Seat) 誌 ME 類 介 ' 動 部 Rm HC EW を om i > es Ik 有 me し 内 eee ou ue lee の i 花 は we iz mm MO BR a は iil] By a IRE 埋 ix を は ん を 仙 i NN us) / A NNN La 人 0 \ YA a Hy, tk Waren, WEY MM \ / V QBeASTR Cie Bai 種 一 の ば ド オ チタ ヒ GHOvIDAZ (RAE) [CSSBb AE SARSe in ke. ot Ay Be Be 形 a 或 RF (a2 gg オ nae = m ii 〈 局 周 能 fi Oe 世 = a ° al = woe ヨ te 内 と Sas Sak MO axe SE で | ae JO AAS = ン SN EOS ASN Sp S = oh Hoe RUNES L ) RS WS SORA CAA RRA OM UC DN ESE SA WOR S IR > RE ce マキ コロ ツー トド SS K efi トー e と ぢ 8 yas ae a Zip a a 4 ee) 2 Bn se = 科 に 匠 = 分 té s 類 へ A ~ oH 9 oy ye sae 5 Be a SOR gE あぁ iy グ 2 Ce ヽ 属 Ie っ れ ロ eas る = | 長 = ノ ハ ] v チカ カビ の が 歯 イ aD 竹 N an Simws RSs CAC RSH LOmACARY -H ES Aa (AN Naz) sed [bine Br reeds & Bt WY OVA 224 Tae ex BSP OH MOWCy ss ORQARSAR S292 Cor dBA Chm BR-AB OSHA Rice EIS CrHh (CSO RL AOE st eaters NN BE Be ONY [hob — UCU ULRPPOULG LL “A ABYSS omodAceH soy ESSeco HES ~ CARSHSHa0 や mERY SNSSRES WOOD SRSOBV A YB A> sre ON Bo LER Os ABT x ( ) ) a loo 画 BS SENAY CRMs Ri 刺 Saks [CSR SARIS COMBA Sato SSEN Bete OSHS EM | ACROSS oat TEM OLY a fr M WELLOTOA. A OSE N UCAS y RE ーー ーー ン SS AChE SASS BASS や ざさ と [oo San ie OHRID CAA RHSA CREE CARE OS SERCO WH As Bes RR ONEESE RRR NG Nhe ESE TR -Bo ry ae) it SEN ) Pop Sar alow し (ia | EL SRLS | +111 UU] WUNOTRIOO *A NAM 6 [1 Of de BUNS 0 fa ot ーー ミ に ュー ふ Si "HU91IOGT HASVA ES (212) ve 〈 x し ea =a ン ae ee ba HH G は 前 {eal ® a | VSR S| Ie] SRL at 【 | | va 211) wh OH & — FF ae AE BSP is 45 4 8 FF 概 Ly Ae Bek) eon Ie ae € (22° faa) た Ree xk 物 = 9》 方 * 肉 = # は り KC 2 に NO eS ee ボド _8 vy &§ 27 O—- k& B= RR Oe Lm! 8» eam & 核 \ ih Cepie 2 ie 7 |e a yh RR eM tm GE ~ By He Ak は bP dtd eee し ik ct) gee AN eS 類 iy oN el UE Se taser = ee ee 厚 Rw ie か は ew * 7 2 ll 〈 A Sit 5 Ba Lm 2 & Le * FRR * ge ジ て Se oS ke Ee by み 情 家 向 . 相 き 第 を fF + oe eee 上 肥 や し 距 は 一 含 九 を る 不 oS iE ee ミニ Gag Ce ae ere Le we NOOK SIe Do IS wee ee ola 後 卵 し 存 け e ae 性 Ti We) で One Jee の Dale ok TU Cre ee any 種 一 の ウッ プ ュ ニオ 外 は I 倒 舌 歯 の ムル ゲニ ルコ he 直 JA lal ツ は 1 は i | fi 乳 形 せ ) い ンコ 草 < eR liz 長 aR な Sou es Same シン x xy i ゝ B a ee ( 氏 シ オォ イラ ト ) Cie Uae s 、 OR ws H 《 部 を & る tH £ A LS ye A eee 0 Hm. bP = Be ke OE HRS 2 5 bk eR o & = 形 は 刑 me > FR ヶ 形 居 ビ 人 な 頭 Be Ot ミ 9 8 き ay taken | RB eee ee ' を AWD # a ee ASS Le Ne ane ae だ # § ww = GOS OR ee ee oN mH Sk BK a © 2 2 2 PF eee Ai we 低 形 = aR ee Smo] | TPES | zy my & PARC uo LO RE > Os PR Hw 4 さく SPYSEL REY ys ae 4 vs en SS NM OeDL is SSE HS い 【 JAPANESE LAND MOLLUSKS, PL. XVIII ( 版 仏 十 第 ) 類 具 産 陸 本 日 91. Kaliella affiris Pils. & Hir 99. Kaliella hizenensis ils. ae se ce 1 < iy es Ls harimensis Vils Le EN oe ¢ fal 101. 9 austeniana ils. 34. 3 3 sadoensis P. & H. 102.) Tas 5 c 95。 5 — modesta Pils. 103.7 kikaigashime T. © H. "6. ” kyoloensis Pils. 101. 3 vennsta DP. & H. 97. ch) higashiyamana VL. & H. 105. 2 yacyamensis 1ils. 98. 2 oilani ilg. JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS. PL. XXXV, 141. 142. 143; 14 1. 145. 146. Mit'a sphernlata Martyn. seabrinscula Tuinré. ji asoi Pilsbry. gracilis Reeve. ambigua Swa‘nson. ” fulva Swainson. OR Bb = 5) BLE MEAR Mitr a adnsta Tam. RI coronata Lam. digitalis ‘Chemn.’ Dillw. ferruginea Tuam. seutulata Lam. JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS. Ph. XXXIV. ( 版 四 十 三 第 / 類 具 産 海 本 日 ee ォ ー て う Mitra patalis Linné. 137 pontificalis Lam 138 ncticulatu lam. 13°. 140 inyuinati Heeve- Mitra texturata tam. jsabella Swainson auyantia Gunclin. proscissa eeye・ THE MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. ae St ee Founded by the late Geo. W. Trvonr, Jr-, and continued Ly Henry A. Pilsbry, Sci. D., for the Acacemy of Natural Seienecs of Philadelmhia. The Manual of Conchobogy is a fully illustrated monography of recent mol‘usks- Issued in octavo form, in quat rly parts. Hach part comprises 64 (or more) pages of letterpress, and 15 to 20 plates. The TIRSm SERIES, Marine Univaives, of which seventeen volumes hive appenred, is now fnishel as planned ly its illustrions fonncer. Of the SEGOND SERIES, ‘Terrestrial Mollusis, Eighteen Volnmes love been published, completing Helix with index. A few copi-s of Vol. IX of this series, “Guide tothe Stucy of Helices,” will bo sold separately at the regular subscription price. Separate copies of the Index, suitable for tha pu p:se of a Catslogue or Check list, can also be had at $1.00 each. The Monograph of the Bulimi is now completed with Index. Separate copies of In'ex, $1.00 each. The ALnograph of the Urccoptide lias m'so been completed, and Vol. XIX is now in pregress, fnishing the stucy of the Achatintdr. Prices: 一 Pain (uncolored) edition, 93.00 per pmt. Colored eCition, $5.00 per part. Fine edition (both colored and Incia tntedl plates), $3.00 per part. For further information or cescriptive ciien’ar, with sample plate of Marual, address S. RAYMOND ROBERTS, Treasurer, P. O. Address, GLEN RIZGE, NEW JERSEY, U.S Aa illustrated CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, by I’. Stearns and I!. A’ Pi'sbry. Paper, $2.50. = > 7» le レデ 、 av. デン aa = 前 eS BPE 部 部 部 本 | ik See ..| Uf Ge 27 ‘law le ate 2 meme. CO’ OO 4 BE |: に 2 2 = 4 Zi BE a Fl 7 wae * 候 誌 誌 『 Fl fil SE 21s tee 2H > Bs ge ™ = wa wR Ge hee | 御 金 以 拓 室 電 全 在 月 の iy | BAS a cn ie) Z と - TE Sa ip | SE A Sih nestle ee we 。 北 | gi zone en 大 北東 東 東 GM PAB agp) GU eA ns HIE e & tem etOTy) aye os teen Oa GB Ot at S| sk ak Vise Hae ae ee eee | eee = KF に 合 一 S0uR Gi jee |G oF 御 MEME Be ik aR aK ap Be te ca = i we Se 4 Rist = 18) の AE 2B eA IS 定 字 御 誌 AIS HE 介 介 ee 7 eet eo at PSTN ASAE EEE a 3% HSA 條 De as AB (TARA Steep HO W+)$ st T)SHRE RS HAN PHI Yea yy 4 fp 介 の 4 te an & © 山 地 oa 企 類 AR : i al Tis O+ lla | +ewksS (3 & 5B) Tie CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF JAPANESE SHELLS, Published By Y. HIRASE. VOL II, AUGUST, 1908. NO. 8. CONTENTS. Two Genera cf Land Snails New to pera and Korea ake ES UETE NRW BAU PANES ES RY cect, sestoee eases nt see t re ocsd cores tebecns tucseweecnssew sets OO Summary-On Japanese Marine Mollusca XX). TED ee Se ALON Summary-On dapanese Land Shells (Ve 44. Gollecting Land Shells in San-in-do BY T, KURODA .....csssssessesssesescseceee 45. Articles in Japanese: On Japanese Marine Mollusca (XX).… ーー…247. Onmuajamcsemlcanclrshcll sa MIN) oe の プー 2oTe Two Genera of Land Snails New to Japan and Korea (BY H, A, PILSBRY) Translated BY NOBUTO KATO.…………… 261. Philology of Shell-Names from Ancient Manuscripts (XI!) ER YGACOLC EMER CPINUA GAINING snsteertecnratectesstecsssticsvanccavtecerortcsassessson st OSs NS ee ee ee ee 2 BRE NV eatadl oh ovis eee OM Land Snails used for Cookings. By K. Okamura Se. D- Memoirs of the Exploration in San-in-do (VIII) By T. Kuroda. BS CEU ATE OS ose saeco acess enc sector ee …ー… (Be Notice: The subscription price for foreign cuontrics is S 1. 50(3 yen)p er annum. All letters and communications should be addressed to Y. HIRASE, Shimochoja-machi , Karasumaru KYOTO, JAPAN, SHOWY SHELLS FOR SALE Three sets of fine showy shells each in a very beautiful and artistic box with a eover on which our sea-shore scenery is painted Each contains 12 selected and attractive species, $0.35 for small, 0.70 for medium, and 1.25 for a large boy, postage inelnded, For Jarge loN mailed to foreign countries, other than the U. 8. the price is § 1.00 and pareel postage. Prices are given in U. S. Currency. The openiny of the new sale is intended for securing money for the purpose of completing the find needed to start the construction of my buildings, which is delayed under graye financial difficilt ties, as set forth in No. 11 of my Conchelogical Maeazine. I am sure to give you pleasure with these sets and hope to be 。 favoured with your as many orders as possible because of special sympathy with my undertakings, Y. HIRASE, Kyoto, Japan. THe NAUTIOVUS A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CONCHOLOGISTS Edited and Published by H. A. Pilsbry and C. W. Johnson, Address: (. W. Johnson, Business manager, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass, U. S. A. se KB Ay 7 Me FE ee @ i a HE Pi ELT SE OE fa @ PK AIRE FT AS RSET 2 好 結 卓 ッ 讐 物 っ 代金 = a WikA ~ Xm Hb = a y Ses FRB Hi AE b 交換 テモ 諾 ス 1 eRRE BRA Ay Sep Zee AK dt BSG > air HE A @ Jie | ais GEA > TA i SE + if ~ HE a IR a > Hi 込 て 72 とべ ベジ 宿 所 A. H. PETEREIT, 81 & 83, Fulton Street, New York City, U S. A._ 0 ners Dowaxtp area sma ノ が ckS64iS DE PALROG ON CHOLOGTE ( COMPARE ; ‘(Park Maurice CossmaNnn) PRIX DES SEPT PREMIERES LIVRAISONS REUNIES> 150 fr. 。 Chacune de ces livyaisons comprend ia Monographie séparée d’aun certain nombre: de fymiles indépondanies Gastropodes) avec fablas des rnatiGres。 ete. Lvouvrage se termine donc fivee Papparition de chaque livraison,,sans evinpotter une suite indispensable. Ces Monographios comprennent Eralement des indications utiles joir ¥étude de la Conchyliologie actuelle. 222 ーーーー REVUE CRITIQUE DE PALEOZOOLOGIE, ORGANE © THIMESTRIEL PRIX de l’abonnement snnuegl.………………。 10 fr. Table ces dix premiétss années........... S fr. Maurice COSSMANN, Directeur. 95, Rue:de Maubeuge. xe Paris, France. JAPANESE SHELLS MARINE, FRESH-WATER and LAND SHELLS of JAPAN, LOOCHOO Is. and FORMOSA 1 Vine specimens (accurately de:ermined and exact localities given) e of a creat number of specres, many of: Se new or rare, for sale at reasonable rates, Gatalogue sent on Application. EE diner will be sent on approval to purehasers known. to me or giving satisfaetory references. , Payment should be made by postal orders; bank drafts are also acceptable, when registered. 9 Prices are the lowest possible, though varying more or Jess according to the quality and the amount of the goods ordered. Orders from unknown correspondents should be acvompanied by a remittance or a sitisfactory reference. A remittance is in many. cases 。 preferable, as it will prevent the loss of time otherwise needed for making necessary enquiries. The full address of SI Unknown correspondent ao be written Clear yer at: 8 ON Ye HIRASE, Karasumaru, eg fac. eer | Em wie ODL PE CLE で こ を で を ゃ で ュー で こと ゃ を で ーー の er i R es さこ ーー DeLee Rs cheey Stee SHEXMLRHAERS KERB SEK vy XS | SRS Reeser: * DE ee aS me oY 東 RK 5 ays yt ib 市 aes Beit ibs 町 Ho iG + sell yy git Hak iy Vette 字 ^ 番 es 衛 yy Bh ey et Ge RESO FRO # 3 Zero mets SO SRS hSss SSaao > oye | teks = 0 ERO “RI E2MEAEO 3)1GERO SRE BRR CRE F WIRE O SAE » DE EE pie Ben ade Le 2 Hoty tice pe. ete 人 _ 病 瀬 ッ Age ES Bona et a ee a pe DR ROME ERIE OD Hh Bi 2 FeO 京 BRR SP Bie wate a reve TEI Ge As [MAT oo gl 2 ms git es Pecbbe ee ee wai in Ee See ES fear ES WE 。 + Ge ee eS Aa SS een Eo, et Pe kenwsac et fi いい 物 Tie (ip oF jh ET 4 pete ie ce eee isons ae | Se 1H tat, OWED Nita Fe Rabies @ 7 fe eg RROO ym peye ae 町 ap) faye BOOST EICG Sy vee th ah A (ie es et Se haere ) Eee 9 Cm ne Cinasch. し 上 qe gsoneteon ご Si teReOtaOMeee | OY SOS MAREE Fl 宮田 牙 SCOR now a it RAR ABET ROO ka Q は 生計 の 隔て ifs et 居 “Te ele HF ‘oi od + ost | +S zs SN ay (Qe H+ el | ae) i [1 > Se ory se+ Se | bd | ドイ oe し (imp ae Bh SR ek weet So Baht | RO に : Ea (EMESIS BRAS ( PARA, 3K TRAITS 人 ミ a 回 a here =f #2 ERK at ies ery iIRER oR se こも いさ や: の AS 1 ep ee DZ” | fone] BPRS Seer +] stmt] bmate 1 nae 提 | OR Bork as es pp Et Pi ae | ila oe Sete { | 98 Gi Rh-R ICBM) | coe Wika | E i ble ae tage igh igh Anges techie at pees を Of iil CHERRY RSA eI 11) BERT SE! Om see | WRecage ats serena: ede | cae Ha CREE CECE ERE |! OB RO | | | WMP CSS) a ‘Sa | oasis feu ad Re gt hele gnu | i wei j188 $B) AC EK Hier OWE Yk AB ae eons | | ae s/ OME |) RaBlE’O CER HE | ポコ fomae GkH/ ORS RNRSES 1 Re | yo EK Om sf | iB ~ た pS DRE See eet | By a < i 19 bro QTR ER} So be ge = MEP SES CES 1 ie | us en . , we oA ie oN Bs Ke 4 eS 2 ee cee ee a ace iit vet he 3 - 人 Hei] Se Sh eee cia oe i Sr 7 i BS sna 8) RN BMEEEE = | る ERR SRA + | SON ae io Be RROne S } A RWS A Ys Nee eas) OF = te a | OR Wh gee ak eS BIC) Kh & i Lrg bene he hae ise cone SM aie) CERCA IMM OBR (R) Roo my | Ornk! eat eae ORB OwL As 2 BEC f) m= ee | BGO Gre Satie On HORS HOHE OMe Cunt EPS) gH oe 1) 4 aay in BS CRS RU Ser sees こ SOR HD | so : seein 3 ee iin ee オー 中 son aes eee ae 1 中 ta ‘ 4 RECS Ads | 2 E 2 OS = OSE PARR ar HAMELS SY ORB AIK ARMOR ENB YH BPYROlLYV? PRESSE Nw | Hoo WE” | OOHILVE Cw K SHER MHVRES DRS EEO WINGY 60° HERE OHRURE HO) ERS IR N BX 2 UHEN BGA SO YING HOS HA Wu! + ia W Hh Jae 2 a aes @cCRENSREN BS y 11 BX PERN 2s 5 GRE REMAN Sy BNI 1 Satie DEOL? CS © yA RY SoM 0° EKA PHS” KE AIMSIN A xc V1 kK RWS BY <6 Fi [MR | BC ORS PSHE SO i GER ou alin ORE 6 SEE HIN OER | SEN BEAR oF CONS ORNH MES VY’ BSS OMs Sd SK ie S VEE SNA RR BHO SJ Ct REtY $ (x SE MERMEShWoreN “GOR TR GUE HER HIPS. OU ON? Bik tH AS KREMEBRAR 6 Hye 59 RY CER OSE MRAPOLN POY? TWA REHM | pSORNS n+] & YEHC° “GRR! MITE 6 RIM EO KEN RO YUEN ERM POU WKOMHS ADM YO RO MONK Om Yd y GNI [+ SOYA SYAN RADY? KHNYOYV GARR OY HROLS aime HER EE SA RN ERA OBER U8 ON UI 1° RS ACI UE NR S Yat” RRR MRE ode QO BDH u CENMMOZRASCOY’ MRP BR OHO” BH Mow SY igo | BY R910 « CMY SANE RN {ORRIN BOL NOY se R07 BH OK Oe FWK OR 9d 6 スパ へ や ^ | MR elo beat ag DOVES ORR 610° BR OR KY ie BNREOLV SALOME OR BH OMRON RED iy OREM SKERRY G 10° LONE HM | OMRLR Nw SO ye Pos 10° BHO StS NA amma mew Ako:0 Ya RON SUH AROMA CIRM BED | (277) ih O\ i & —. BH ab BE RA oP る KK 中 ら な HA 探 事 段 H ap tS Male 258 ey il er eS ご は 何人 | Ye ae eh ee a ae he ik 3 i eS ep a Ue =a Stow. ee Oe 町 任 A € る Oi” GS tee. ie a We 2 NO Ane ie ORY 川 菅 し L we Wwe 如 開 》 Ol Ode Cy Pee の SUK 5 吉 ogy wl 3 訂 2s le pa SN Koi wa で we 情 航 mw & # は の い し 8 人 か \L 精 KG り 合 汽 1G ae な て ら 。 た wm 便 on の ow 1 UE s の Si の 2 W 明 か K th め の | ER bat Fee el ae 日 (て He ips A ER 集 ve eo ) 大 om 7 を 港 & を iz b& 晴 此 eT sae a NE Ble ts Fe 居 5 便 % fF 出 に の € 3 Ww em 合 ら > k wt @ 共 無 た fit せ $ る if 控 ば は k 穫 of は た ぜ ゝ 、 5 & 同 無 午 i Jk いぬ 事 ゎ を 地 用 wh な 地 其 か を "6 # KK の ) ( ( ' ( ? 了 BW wh z ら 2 Oo. ay IGG で 22 i Bi = We te ae es eee he 除 し な & ho O #6 be “Spee UES ee ae 河 分 か 是 前 分 HO 9 A jou fH 功 た 河 時 は に 果 \ を KR 在 を UA 中 が 区 る 得 w Wh 家 Me Oy We AS We we 感 る \ > Br $ が を WF 着 の dbs & 本 す で る a ir る あめ 地 快 を る ta a wm 4 ゝ ( OM o ぶ ぎふ ③% wn os a Sot Sas tS 79 マ ょ HB Teal ales (Ny eS と > 一 - ° LADS ーー で ン IN REE ON CHE Re Oo 9 MAA SAVE myst es SIO ) | ? ) ( = i BOS OCHUANE U HHP TARE Oo BA Se TOE O に ーッ EE まな 内 le aa | 知っ に Sn ru WRAR= 4 _wvwdef FRI Dnt oN s sae | i F き る tk? Sy os Coy Byes: Bans ン (276) Hora A Ae ie = x RSH D NSN SY en AS RH 5 NB AF LAPS _DNPINAT HKRA PK KADNES CH = th b Bp R wo Keak avin ’s He S Ritedn yy dc | ERTS CERNE ¢ HS 10° HER OM de YEN US Oh SCH ET ERIN age He NO dese ee hte eo Em Am Me Rw Ria eee 4g 5 gee [OE 9 HK YE QHE 4 OAS N SUERTE 190 tin= |W’ BE’ SKEws7? BRO owas NEBSU DIA” SE HTSUEKN KEEN 860° od | Bt O° BREA RN E'S BEX O58 08 O VIR SS BAYS 10° HEN EEN RnR AONE NOM HS TRIAD NA | 4 OGRE ROM? WONT UEKN WHEOIV ROM DS VOR | HwREM RON Wine ce iN Wt NO SACRE RHO SY 6 信之 宮寺 59 BR PANT WRSREINT HeepAX RSEKER RHENANTNA Ath bh NORA | BS Ahm a Seo AN |] Be SE HIER WRERS ROR OMNES ROM SH ROR Ie ON HE NER OV NON S WHI 0° DOREN GT Karem OKA SRRRRN COBROY’ SYNBBOKO yw OREN OAM S° HESSEN Kio suns 20 DEES WEIN WORE 6° CAIN EEE Re NEER WHEEL っ 選択 会 玉 59 NERS iS ROM Soute DS MIR DS YE OME 5° dette WK OVER ER ORM OWNER SR? Ge Rea VTE ORES ORM we QWORNR S WHIM? 5 im RD SKU RS RIE Y UY 60% BRS RIS RON ( VIR WEE PRR VEO SH ONG 20° DER CIES YP MRNEN | HerowoRy GO AO” BAaAn Coy BEwGekwvegy oS る 所 ロ が な ye > ーー ャ ttl 5 ME 類 介 =k wo» NH & Fi 1G DW (275) SN | Le ttik's JON HO REE NY EDS ONY N n rd SK HRY 10 人 ST 9 OY HK © BRD HON ES ES AKER WITIB IN © W709 HT ONE VRRN IBIAS TO ITE AS obs uy HO SNA CSN” BORMH OM ONS 60° Bt uae~ VEO SE YSN BB) 8 EB HR dQ OQ Y 7 WX ORY" 1IMKHIR* —+.2 ORR S62 1 BLE AR te 00 NACH RR YE 10 IKK NeW 109 Bake Be 11 ROR O HK RY Bt RE ONO” BATN O” RY ON [11 FS ON KY - BoP Re CERES MAY Bw (0 2in % Ba Nine Oye FERS WORN BA we PoLemoenitioy FRE HY” OR OR FEAL RAD LO NED ORY REPSE Su KK ORME epee ts ei cs © SR 10 i ~ REP ON KK OY REE) 90 10 | SRIURRVR Se O¥ 60 210 OMOD OE BAwee Oy Mov LOMO OU Yes 087 G07 VIR ORORNIRY PM NOND FAR MOT KXRER I DNADYO” ehREKARYONMO £ (NYRI NUN’ Ree Nwaecow? mati ski SROKWSY DEUS OMOR Sa’ Btw RrPorPQ yy” B+ iM Herm wil. me Q ws WHIMS YVHNMbS ww HRe cer Qrna ako RRNEO YOR ww” Baws ORY E yH! め ^ Hw ORS Gb ww? Maks Rw +H (270) Beads ACs te Pa ta Be af 1+ BRA IRS re KE Me POY IES WIEN ROT TRA B~ Ho” ERIROM ANNUM BS ENCE RNS Nw AHR で や” XM ORURENMIB OY Her Qw6 0° ves Mw Vly Set Ost PLAICE Bsove \ ~ We [Kim yi Ko mM sees ky sa ae VP SREEN AS ENCE MOM ACO? | SHOUD YH’ BERICHE MUNN ORLA Rw orev’ RERUERORN § YHRtl ve” CO oRERw ee (ee ROR Se OY BBY EMO HR CHV MOLRO 綴 つ ^ RAR HIEN PINS SM EINN’ BRN} [tL db ardin Roker NYDOyES 0° MER OS ODS w PRE OR S Nout OU? Rate ORION | eps VERO OY” ROrem re [NAAN S* ORME OR LER owe {yeu By (ae | vk aN [eeu ct ak oROm) wir O'R SES 1 1 直る 剛 S QE RS US ( he | GONNA MANNE Kab RY OR BLIP Pov” SASPRH + QW | 102007 SACRE KX BRE WU” KREG it RM RSVR VSO Baye ShKR ORY J VERY SOR WIKM NUS 109 Boo BEN Se ee ae eee RANI MUOSCNROTY BAuw SEN ott SVR SEL | OPEL OW 6209 KEE EB MSNNOROY BROBSURESCESM VENA ONY OPO RABOVHRWbo we’ NEVE Oy | KRBY CON? md KOMRME ANT TK (269) NwWIf*A NS O° Seb OMA” ROU WHNAn + veh ORT DE Ome ORM NweHs WEOIVY AR SINS OYE 0 NP ROS ERENUW MMO Ko ROKR EOD SSN Oy BE SN EW) ON a —- BIE MS Ine Y PM ON Nw 10° KO Bae e XO MIN 4.0 NOM OM? NS AF RSE O Nou We at | SGP Bw ONE + RDOKM EA Rr hsv NER ORSRANMRORS*’ BIBER YRALRELVEROVERV POL NNw Ry" BES LMOR KN KT AA-OK 5 AH UINS | 害 mw HE (Beds OC anket -)> -ORe SOW RwWSOVYHENOY’ GRAN KOEN Ree C2<0° PSOE MWON ORR RNER VaTKORN POW 0 AiO” BRL eb” ETA Hm NY esse SUBIOR INN SU” REP OIE MN MR at” # Fis} | | | | | | | Wik PH WOR VER OVE OME OLY RNA A (ywBaAAN— (nwt (501 fife” aA wa (Bt OBWHMONWAROY KA A-OERVYEOVOR Rr Bs SiR (M0 «NM ANE KY SQV? Hite <-> —NINOMREACOAY- Priteabwii{KQw” KS pee-nbw5s4Qw" 5 AAD EN ANE RD ASHIK te OR Et ORO SPNIORL VERY vRR Pwd N $610" KR FEO yi AERP OLN 5 HR WS ORS KNEE’ § d HWS ONT WEAK SE SRT MORE IK QUE NR ON ANOS 0° suy RORY ORNS OSEN-N 2 BER OR” Kose eR (OE) ORME N Bie POY LRANK Kh t NWIKC ELUTE O Ye BR So" VF (268°) Brak Af—+ Bit B # a WARN WME YY Ha” the ORL 6 DP AND RWRINGY” RORMWE E10 s HOR $4 Suh 7 €r Ao BRR RAK OG GO AV DN IS IR Ut 7 {Ri OIE ON RONG BRS ーー KH BW MPOW? BOM UME 5 PONE OWIKS MP G19 Ri” SMSRNE ROMO VA K< BIW AERKOEL (KRM ROPRLAS XL KeuUSA< QR ON RP a a SRM PERE N | HO Bet WRB AC OY RENN WH WO Bd Cate WO YESH (SHA y ie? CSN MH OAgwn? Bt WE ORIN BRM OT ORD KAT HPS? BerRSRVSLveROSON HORDE NHS. 6 HR RP He AE MOAN OU ROWS) —H IE キ ルネ “Wed —WORBOK Aimee < CIPO VHN Oe WS 19° DEK | EK AU wow RH HR ROK | He 31 SP OX N=ROF SA SEMo RN POW" x Wet] ON RRIRENLSAEN CONT K UR K OMMOR ROX OMEN SHOVYR SLRS RE 1K HT A AR aa” Bs VEO RMP ONKLYMY’ BRR MY EK RMUCKIN RNA DAK YAN KKY E0550 (PROV HO* ER EIIER Rv RN Bi O PQOWYLONS ON WIKK Nore 09 VVHR TAKA SORA Nw NUNS! Rt wHO Ye NVR ORNS OV MEN KON wih N Sood Bb) S00 Rie DVO Yas H4-odwHE uD NP OU GSO NWO NW EERO YUM S RO xy ROH IEIN HHO at? MEERA Kg A IND BNW 1 DS OSRIRN be YN KO aR KN REVERS OR RO SEA RW OVER NY 2S (BN eM SERN ARON DL wR GHEHIN BS ( CHIR ED (7 Ha SBRAROL ROK Hah OM OMRw pH Win mee” | EIR KH @ = Fi ae RE RA 介 rs Wu (267) i DY RE RURE UE S YOY RINE (LOS y SUE OMS HB ORO RM eHENES ROY N RPAH RR ORM VHS dom %. Kw ( RR AMER ( Mine ORR TS OMY 0 BIDE NS CB mkII YRS SN MYM OU AYA t RAW ot OV HHEVER | 総 NSA? RY OYA At Ro Se ORK RRAN SEE A K MS DN O00 THO Me OQ ORK MD URN HOR MONSAKKE BRERA OS wR wit ( Ms Osa | Razle MS SEL OSvel§ CO SNES WOH SEVR aM RN で ネー モコ KS SD O VeHwNeyn At Rut eIROHNS JR ペダ RO SION w ALU OS Yro-yas iad Hae dN PH Y RH ON ef ok EE SR EES aye TENS OURS CH £m RE dot dn OME OHS よび だ イッ OM REY Riis sm A + AH SSIS © FEN 0 RHORMNE SY OH SHY Qe S HAVIN < Pens RT weet = gl othe Dd ws eet Ae Weel os Epes = Benet ty ie He) Wt es て う 一 ー て プー て の ー WS se t+ k FH WO | Hex [AGH KR! RLBMRK BV PNO QSOS" KHVEVSR CML OV EN PRETRTIE VY RUPE CORSA NRE YY” ERB e NW AD 2° (GENTE) Ww SSRW ROMP Byer v hr sutmRetRos Wiel =A AES + Km (266) 35,9 Z those 5 SOs NAMA wel THE gy DR Se NASR Wo CHROMA Os Gs > > SHER SEA CUA RO =p Bo Ah ELE Os Nm ¥ Samos RS | A otk sol TERY SE ー デ 7 er 層 千 ッ NRIWKE BES ath S HE ds-f SSE OI | ORR | ( ( sx に 3 WS = sy => Gita: st Sige 5 SSMWAN BY OPERA & Seas SHw | rs 0 Me Vat Ao Mero CAR Rwes SBS AES Feel BORE WS oA RAS = SRAM wS SO rs ue + Bost WENN Re AREAS ; xe © 共 扱 退 5 KE る (一 ) 》 海 め 見 去る Fe は 見 謀 & A LS fb OF Zig 3 を O,O® 6 EF 2 oO em % KA MH BOT 如 me Ul fr ei ee 8 O Vem F Fl We Fe SS Zee 如 云 る る HW し を れ な を 年 meee fete eo Nee Gun CS の US 煽 の ww th 動か & & まず KK OMe be ae we ee I. 9 PRG cG ee SHR Oo, A CG INC Kk ss 2 eK we と の 2 人 は it の を te 流 HE b&b 模 が B ee eo We Oe0 aye -h2 ee Ae 1D ieee RS lee Se i yi EN NG Oe S dg ee ge ke Wem oe es RE RE Kontera 選 ffi し Ze fe = us XE < Hh を 夜 の る る Kh 本 lhe Sx eee BK 形 A fe 4 し FE あ 也 を ry ie CG Ned al な 構 て を fe Fe OS me せ i 能 は Ca 2) 2 ft 及 Bele 5 K な i. fi O OD 便 af PPA i en EH oll Ze ee KS 1A se & @ HS な ie だ 過 (じい の 0 22 大 tf & Boece. ee ae eC 切 % の KEN の 23 が か な t+ # Fe de Sg る る fA を i eA SO — We 大 か 基 を HW 同 圧 Be lt 5 kK A は 日 舞 件 @ & i ee 久 の の WD lt が PR We 論 談 OR 別 し Bi Wet SE) ee が で ie Gu) le き 精 る FS 方 前 ffi] が 窒 と 行 ty te 4 如 に a EE [eh 1B [Dia sa 2S を べべ CXG Zi 大 Hs te 3 率 A HH Bey, の a 行 各 i QD db で | 記 出 Vig の a て RM il た ik 形 a = oO: JE す (SIS ake >Re a5 it HLS Se = SB HR RM BH (265) ROX ra BOOP RoViEV MOR we PHEEE OBNUNOK NES VD Ol * STWR NewS -atsedwIKT Ae RY | LEAR PAR ARINC NPE ORK OHRRG SUELO on ONT | ACSER” RURTIG LOSE EE OM oN ONE SMD AW | fEQ Or PMO ~ PEK OHS BBY y SMV N du watt «6H AKPENIRG Y 4 fEtH 0 WOVREKS RY (CEES ee wei N OEE Prone Hy Ka OEY mE OEY HOUR | BRAG YL Arta BOY Rro Rt SANRIS NAC YN | MIRE OSIM 2 $b drat B10 NM 4 OM OBIT aR At N WREOY [REVeyRRWOS VERO KRU PI wRKLR S| WIK (aso % auth RBEKRR MMH +1 1K) Oat AL OR © thre ok) 0 SRS SF Rw oO FAFA っ へ See ES, SRK S, SM, Siinick 2 SS ORG, EHS? | suid a BEd Potent 8 OMROUIN A BIKM 2 CIT) UK IRD) Hn ~~ 6 OD RI © ag ind | Ne aR Mdrik{~s & +R UOMO mPERRNESY SrA a NH FOB ]jiPORLNNE (PON GOR mU ACH ORK 610% 97 IM ROR RODS M$ UO SNESS ORS PINISLWINS VY TEAR KR Vout dO WEE 2% | dbeageeg EW? ] ke BOE ~ HNN SBIKS] SU OMS aK WEE OVEN -K $00 1 [11] ee MURKY 59 NEE Syd mi dl Ma SEUSS y ッ ー エ デー いて wii Ses OBL HN AEH ORV RO y ge Te Sa) N Oto SES OM OWI SH Mo JY Oy BRO +2 (264) Bo = ACE a te BS FOS AT HD R11 BR) rm HI << We Ik RS BR KE RAM Rte ENE ae pte =) RAK Cw BOY At S ( UE VOR tne Sak URNS Re ae a aed | — he SERRE MN 6K CHE ORN Edd IE VW OME PE (S-KENEEER | wii SO BR ak KS y (aS ENS Sh OEIC | we OE NY RETR Rwy [Str ge stan | eS "it ng | SUG DF) 4 BUR da 410 NM RSE KE Kp = SOY OTHMIK NF = Sous We RENO ERK Kt ece < @ RK RNC RR, 0 +K HIP KAP OG OL WINK NM ESEN Btn 2 Q for Rl HEIN BR STS Y BESO M10 WS fo NY 0 ROK RR Sa di 6 fb \ = O don ~K yaw og IH NON OME YEN OY BN KC PE RI~ LINDA ADIDAS NLAS HM4K~BHONM S HOH LY) | WS 10 0 SKE KEE WINK NERS ER wig aee | TRS RL VRE OH Mt ( SN~ HSV HIN (0 | WEA RSD AAD SERIO ME H9 Yd Win Davis OSD | * REKRESs RGM O4SE OY NOMI F \ 2 Sw ew WR OS OEw so MOIR NY Koy Rie TINA ^ IRIE OHROKBNBSNKN hict=-Gul— tse) i ME 類 介 py) RN Ge uy, 4 = | NAC RUM CE HYPSELOSTOMA Bons. RE TASER IRN OY RMR SKS He CHEMIN Mm Pine SRE SAR” Bl Sa EEIR RS th (Hoysidia ) 0 SN STB Ma ui{ng | INA く 9 SE Hypselostoma iusularum Pilsbry. Slt | Wh” #1 1H!) DY GSO Be ン ^ ESRB Reo aK CBBC” BRO BEV Co KSMORG ee SETI © BES a ey PRR ROK” IO Rion. eee ay ak OEY Mody s- yp wee EMER OS VES Sp Rimywe yew eMIEOI |S ERS” SERN ERO Hou OD yas Hm os Monde N HRN HS” HRD Mol” EHO 1 Seu? mE OVS CE” ROWE Ho a EV BIEN -a7 MOVER Rie NYSE ー ミ ^ KN" SAR | STAG oF wae SE Kieu) op nS Sys BAD PNB oPtSNoy” Ska 7 HIE suetl Oat RS ie REO (262) 日 十 二 月 狼 人 年 一 十 四 洛 明 mHRERY eS VER eye doc oR O11 .O* RSS GECROKRsS <<" By EE SH4eSa em HOS. diodontina(Heude).6 9 OK KBAR KEIN RHP OPO N-oWOREUNRNED 30 PQ WHE YO | NMARY EE” Strobilops hirasei Pilsbry. (HS REBEL +H & | BED) WS Sees oe 地 " ADEN” Ra” | x7 RU Roe (° Sows” BAO PRS S SII ESSN RS ORI O REO RNR Co UREN OY OCR URS Wo Oh" BIRO HCV Bay Ku OVEXNE Khe” RONMENOYV RRO OF MA BOY RO wi” ERNE LEY Kk Q] ER 4~ RS ORR Oy hie” Ree Bw OVO Riots” EOV RR oy K> ¥rwmmrmRmaaReeeeeeS ES (260) Bet S.A JN 4e. = “FP ie 其 ・ OMY m4 SO Re (+ EL) NOV RN RUD CSR VO KONws Od” Bake mm OKEEN OY ERNE CO SHOX’ EH’ B A= ie BF EN BEEN mH wIhr | HARRARIN Ee S. cireumeineta Reinhardt. BHR BR S OR -+1URE ) BEER (7 ACS {OSH ORE We SEIN | HH” ARASH AR RAR IN RE S. cireumeineta elata Gude, | GER TRE’ RATHER KB) | WY TN BN” 9 soe” 周 店 ^ i Ai 1 【 体 人 ee TH 18” EH” RA SBC" BE" Rid owSl~ KS Oy’ SKECE “ ROR ENOYEX BUNOY REP! Ral” KN S| FAL, RR DN AN ARR AR IN BERET S. cireumeneta taivanica Pils and Hir. GARY RT RE RIT VAR T+ KB) HS Mena" WE SSH" RH RCI” SE RU REND AR DA NApawRMnK Nn Yo BRITO BEEK CBee Co BERS ] PHS bene NACA mk (7 AES | Ww KELSO) VIN DWIN 7 S. latissima Pils. (HRT RE Si RR +) Hie” SKS” KEEN RI ae” We \ i @ — Fi wi HE HI 59) Rey FINK Hapa He? I ec etata P.and H. (BERT RRA | OER AHI IBD Hi” wena WB” 1] Ro Bi | RW SK’ REN BER’ BASU O° BESS O Heer ~~" BE ROHN Oy RBI” YENUDO~ RS RRR RBEMHEENOY REVIT” HEHE 1 BEM-~s* BRI WETETR © | NE (°° ROMER WHO” IRN OY Wh Beer he I ~o | Mu” BEMNOY HWE | REO + RR OR PERM ON Oy’ SE | > | SRE 6 HEN 0° ERO KK. cosfulata Godwin Austen VRNP 9 PpAI~ KONI y” Reo ea ~~" HRISKLEE NN 0.) Y HERO YY OWI] nee HO RS (+E) EGE? SEQ] [AK | PPM INR UME HE SIPTALA 本. Adams. tag K STEKO BER ITO B\~ Eee NIGEYSEN] BRAK OY" Hh Peyok Co sen 1 |S Eee 1 a th - RR! [RO BRwwie a as BE) ンー か PARE? © RAIS +1] Stearns ARABS =e we eS Sek AHEM BACH RHESHE +4 4% FORD ミコ ve "SI VURYOUNY RINRUOBMBiI “YH ome m4 YY OF PRE m 5 「 [ [oN SME ACHARSS RRR HACC AHS S880 Caen’ NH 5 = az | ASH REE UC HESsACA7>SR — \ BR Le 形 aK a} gx 質 jie ( ’ Bai SSE Chess ese の 5 ( EUS) USE AM RANE LUO - tHe | > | | a> alt § | 2B RE UD ~H A A e SP +S) N ーー uh, (aicy *9DU) sistiaulyeu (ISR SRS my M4 YY M SI UPN “VW Le MAN (cS SHEN COTO oH RO PSN + Y > OBS [THR me CEeESHRP SR oS | A UTS Ut (26 — ~~ ご [CSSUe LACAR (EB) SE ote yo lit ME 類 Jb = Woy —. WN (257) AgS:09u" BERT S FX oT Aten ear sutt a NIN KNEE oy” SX CTACRK UY 6.0 RES Sur OF PARA Sud dee Bib) 10 PATI ~ KD OWT YONG WEE 109 NW WEP TOY BR Ue. 3S Sms Se oh phate Nee stele | Stead Wal TON Oy ERI OMA RK cee SSS EE ーーーー 一 Waa’ FE I CBN BKM 0 REIT Re] x oN KCOK DU HeMOWNHES ORMOMN oe mK Se CE RINK WR Y BEC OM. isabella Swainson. RARE HE TK hachijoensis Pils. =M. morehii A. Ad. (2S RS Rd) CER] +R’ Rt + KB) HS Ra Ka WHS? EeRae” (RN) HB | KR RA” | RR | I” wR 1 PR ARS ROAD RRS WOK BRS Oy Res Rw 0" S836 USES us Osby eek (7 BREE !) KEREN Oy CSIR IE Ot” REA ON NES 7 BEI AV See Yo SEEK h) 10 BRERA SIS Wyo” BEM * BRU” HABE SER C7 BRcRS~" WKoVECEIKUHY SMOLRN CoV NHK LRUERVEM Mo Smeweo’ MEE” Kod Pik ee Sie SRO MU KmOxIR OY RNOVYRTAWN- ORMEEYOYR}~ OE Noy ev! | Sw ( BRIN Go pat mene Pebts hy SEIT atte | mK SA Re (TED) +| (256) Hae 2 Ee — + Be ie 8 REih~” HENIOVRERWSO” KS x S SER OSES CINE ( VY RRde oe N NO KIS No) sdoMLS? SHEEN BSS £6 00 BEGES 7 RED PERE 00 SES RO” BET © Seay Ye AB WES Co IAIN A RRO RURN OY “OBE RN” PME WS ERICA | WU RSW Bw) Cesar] [BEZEW EEWO Sw” REE OMNES OM ODOM BRM TRIES DO SSwN-oR2 OIRO KRKRBHN AC PEERY ORE MITRE O” CESS RH MN Oy” HARE ORR | FUN ATS URES OM. seabriusenta Linn. (2 R11 HR RE +1 |) HHS” nee aeteOe (RS SA uN NT ah Sea ee A 2 WA 1 et XRT Rh 3G” DMS ER RT MAATN RN BRA 10 HD KON yYSRE~* gwNATN SNG PAW KYNO eee | OBNRMAVHRD OMIT” BY KS BNE NC Re M00 SSPE REIN, VORMMEVITO” OEMs] BRUETIMNOVY, QHOKPES VS LLVSO wIK~ | ソン SREY” BAS wk st SEAGINATR HE MM. gracilis Reeve. Ch" 8811] -- IR PRI + SI) HHS) HRA CR R ROET NV RA wn Nw? Bead C ie Se イー だ いさ mB 1 1 | RRO RA RRA SE RON ND i RI Mom RIKN OY” PREY 192, M-owii~4) 第 wis ME RTP RN GeO. u 4 (255) つ 宮 舞楽 だ つ ^ REVERSO] a)” ZE" SEHR TSR REIN OY” BSN Ra) FAKE aod” (easy O BALIN Do? OEM > | SA 人 NN 集 半 - M. texturata Lam. GE +S’ Rin +N) = WwW | TPIT SR7 RA ASR -™ Rw? se ihhim~ Oy つ ^ ZIM ORM Rih~ Oy DRY Ct | FECT MWR O” oe Xe RN INN Bitese Maou” Rida NY SRA Many Ob FER OREO | VAGINA FS KESHSCBRERC IT) ° M. evenifera Lam. CEN? B40" Row +-46) HSS Kok CP Re RAK fF INT See ett や ) me | et RRA RA eR aS? Bt oT KS LR CO GE OSREt ANY SOKVSOBOKBYS | pice SOIWY OYSMIN | |SSmNyY |S ペー ーー ーー fa R Wy” SEs ges CK RENN RORHSE SD OMBENITO HI yt NORRE NS OR BGT Tee N oud” BER EIEN ws YQo” RORY HINSORERSRS” GRE BEN BACKMHR LES | 7 )| NN 人 RE M. hirasei Pils. CRN SR R11” RR EC RW) EE Mat (E=4-0) re ai’ EER ( He) wes? Ele” コー ユ a | aw | St (254) Case yi Tae tes, 8 Se SRR I+) ADA ATR HRS OM. ecasta Lam. Ceti’ eR Pe Seas ASlSoibis WHEN. や ) wR | BAR RA TAR} iH” BSSR SSSEPEEAS 10 URSSET ISN Oy” Benard 8 N uk 27 REN HER ViIte | Ra” KHODNY yXMoLRVE~ Sy RnR) TX ER RE) OX WO? CL Bi aot | AINA TR FREES OM. oliveeformis Swainson. (SPRINT ACS RT I) WHS as enag WE HERR I” R71 [XRT EH ^ く ノ LW PYOY PANR YN BBE BERD NEO Z OVS PORNBB 0 OH ROSUKS 補い HERS] A RW LSKV MME ON OV Sees BH GW +0 | SUN ATR UE FRIEZ Section SCABRICOLA Swainson. RU EMA” SRE NAV 人 NNNN FRET M. spherulata Martyn. や ) WR | PRR RA RS DSK RUSS WSO? BENTO brea Oat ne OW~” BAW Ko” KV +LRSSey SOY PEN BS Wl ed he 0 K BeSwHIBORORRAHAO Se DAK atti OBERN BOY he 6 MVR KE 類 介 St 7 poy ae = FE He IN & 一 WIK~*K | aK ATK He MW. punetieulata Lam. (2448811 + BR i +H) mse eae ( NS RA DN) mB | も 人 KK 中 RAC IC RR SET MEO 1d aN a KNB ES D190 wR OW~ MSI” ROB BHo SS CORSO RBNB 2EO LHINEE WK a VEO EM ate | DOBXNRM OBL VK Rav 01 BOR fev” Cate oN Ne 4 レコ SS” 敬 SUE MEET” NGO SS Reo | 2 SSE Sot” Beeras SESE eh {Lfnre NUE -o | SS SEW NIRRY #522° Mf. inquinata Reeve. CIS RF BS’ RN +-1) WA 1 Pt RR” RA74CRR DSR WSS SO BEMCUKW * Be, Re” TEDW (RR OMB 48 2 ORS OREVEO つ ^ CIN ERS CORRS oO Wal PAND RINE y | MEARS Yi HD OBNARM SO SRV BRE AOSV MR OY HI SEMIORSRVENNwWe oO OL Mv at Be 9 y Bi K6-< | Kita rn SAK OK yp AKC. hanleyana Dkr.) EK ORERUYE | MOY YT JOA PEON mee =>oMRONARRA (ML (M. wrighti Crosse) fuigurita Reeve) PMRKNE RY YO] PRINANINEE FE Section SWAINSONTA H. and A. Ad. RSP An Ra NIE REY Oy BE ORE MEK O OUNSO | Bee nde oie RSS EER I+) Re CAL EROORRRSHO KREWE NER’ BNR? BMyOVRRVYOy’? o CAS SHH IE ~~ IR MS- | © Bide NEV SSEABS OWEN Y M. pontificalis Lam. eS ° Ae hot | +- BIBS.) HS” Kobe Roe wh 1 fet] EIxR* BA RSE’ GH Hor SND Y RW” MEXR OX | oe NTO” BEEIN EK REE WES EAH BTS AR te | BRIT PN Th SUT TY YES AIR 4s SEY | 1 /RORMDRA RMR OU PRR E HRY KASRAU SRS RV RENSKOM WEVWHSW ORS OLYXRIS<-" BRUT SEXYKRSS CLM Tewihs] PIANKRY FE M. cardnalis Gmelin. GENS) FS Ri + |) oe wi 1 i" MR RE’ Sw SBe SO Ra AN Ke VIE S~" Se" BE PO REHM. OR | NERO RRO RIN Oy” SMU EWM OT 記 ‘fv yee ORR RRCIEN BNSSEE HH AY eter a) © BEAR AUS 00 N sua Y | Wii” KERR ORR a STR NW -7 (+1 DE BES RSS + (251) NG & = Fi ab ME RL St OM ASRS CHAS > Bs Se ey a a MS YIN We EM A | | Se % ee Lah : 4| We る ぅ 6 & # me | a = eS ci af AN is wm 下 HRS 3 = Gael ae 2 if 部 SN Hy 分 Ela Ss ye OF 34 の : Ue ait) 外 FB Th 如 Wil 徐 >| 面 IS le Sie, ン | = は em の ee 人 SE ひ We 中 合 基 ポ { 殆 縦 央 BL y | F ve 階 肉 び ヶ 8 を 形 長 産 色 て lt x な が |) 地 な 一 ゆあ 7 on lp ee y eesti を て BM fy OK AS 有 上 形 > 島 RR オ Tia NE し 方 mM © K 詳 G = ie ie ee 傘 前 an 向 靖 =f eee ees im な ¢ へ & ご *| 第 2 K る SRR グ ah ey 階 me gy 7 x1 Ym & を 内 の せ Sie 20 Dae Yh 小 る a に に | pil ae BBS a き Ht RAY カ | 百 oS 表 大 2 いで Aly SS, ee Fe 小 . 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TR nw f HS も sat ry eter yok ) で 」 さい て ( = c (YU AU YS oS 1 i LTR SSN ot bs wih Tt ENTE LY Nicoe = =a AVES SF LE RSAHRAN OER の Bes BV や Tn Yrs (utond) Wee Res #4urePdc 2 (TIL SRB RS ME 類 介 第 誌 te WE (249) BLE OO SER aK CHEN Ry sein Be 応 Jeti ~-° ESE N KH otEM ORS SUMO yet” 打 似 CN IK RY ERN EPO | LR NAGE RES DIBAPHTS Philippi. < Brean” Sty) OER. aaa x Rot Rok Oy Mw RVR ew も が シメ スム フミ ト ) 0, 47 ( 氏 シ オ HAD XW a if ヽ Maya aX at ES Ge IW Oy HEN MH oORNSR SY NIV REL BRUKER RB ORR EEN RWI fy 20 N WATER WO HRN RRR MS UP TRKIRRS 20 SERS 1K W650 0 aie | MA SAR ME HE” TURRICULA Klein, a8 uk 8 Y Oy RSE BR OBR (o BEKO RORY MBN RKORVITO SMOLEY KR SHSRERC IT) IEG” MRM COSA! WW NIKE 2k="° CYLINDRA Schu- Ge —7 * * KN を macher, sXa¢@umrsoy yyy EHRs ys 9 司 招 款 Js Th « SES 4 ai mate * - ae 7 SAMBSRVSO POMBE RW Shige Me ay ae Bek oe Bm~ BRYSRRwH < 忘 臣下 ン ^ ERM BRN OSQ | + や レス F ジン ジジ 4 TAME REC IMBRICARIA Schumacher. 3 Mw HAR” BRO Swot SEWN ROUSE” REwwiy oy RRS DOR OR CO” Siti | AK UME R= MATRA Lam, KEROBSUE ys yRoWwit RENSs YUE I yiksve” SIRENS ovo Swsoye UO” PRESS MO” RRM R~ Oy Ger £ RK ROMA” KRESS yp Sieg WE OR NEN ATO” HwO VRE UR ONweo” Bw KE 1] (248) ite Na ae Pee KR SHSRER( +) KR VER ORR OP ANR YEN Herb N WOM SIDR) ENS | REMERON” EN SKK AWW A OO HONEY SEO? AH a YK ORIN Ey LH BE” FER KIN Dd OPO NES 4 iOS HEN ot INT eR SY KN WRAD POV RKEN Ee? wm ORDA £K ROLNSVTEES-o J Kio ORM NL RS nS MEI IED 19 BER か るり] 人 K We 7 EB TE MR ODP = ーー エエ Ye ry 623 ee Wid b= 4% re eS a= we デ = UE [has Ws + 2) eR YW YW LS SY OOH va) AD EN LS I ee Ff Sy yt rs CR VOIR US set Os SIDA VSR Crarpurpuess 4 ie oy els iy Se co | OS 往 形 し ら を fh 物 を の - t ee BH は we Tt tt Ya Te. We フ a K nh kK ' 基 部 デ xu 部 管 M 部 KR VW et ee は は 曲 附 小 せ の を 大 HA 近 K FR a. he ee er me oar wk ffi w& は て & ars re Man: elon, we dale A る kn で 8 AS の ONSEN Oman Le. の Te ’ ie Kh の どっ あめ す 足 〈 中 hii mi は 伸 Bw 角 を jp ge 部 区 % さす lt KH 3 4 、 位 部 小 し 外 し 相 形 5Cyl ate eu = WK WY 近 の cee wiley ly, ee 12 tH jn eS ry ke ie ete す AN と Ir の 22 は 別 る KR te 77> © ie Foe Wee i A oe es ee) Ec eee + & Fw を Hf OR = XN を 式 分 様 を 継 NO ke xe aes ofa ite シン ee eR re i Bi し 6 は II ホ は ラ 。 般 すず げ a 2 Ft eR ON る EB ee ee fe + OD <5 Al 6 | 1 4 1 の 4 a Ff = ル 》 >| cS ise て hk 5 Bes Suk マ Ft 羽生 に カク | 1 TORTS 2 « さき © S 1a ーー Br (CAM ATA ビィ NJ 2 S> Ls HMB es pyr dow = = Sh eh eS SX E =a レー みみ 訟 SN Osh se Rabk wv) 海 ] hs 3 JAPANESE LAND MOLLUSKS, PL. XIX. ( 版 九 十 第 ) 類 具 産 陸 本 日 105. 107. 108. 109.9 110. f 111.] WIS Kaliella hachijoensis Pils. nahnensis (udo・ ” » KInnehana Pils. ynida Pils. costata Pils. & Hir. 113. 114. 115. 118. ikem) 118. f 119.) 120. fi 21. oy \ Sitala cirenmcincta Reinh. clata Guce. {aiwanica VP. & H. latissima ils. か conica TP. & H. JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, PL. XXXVI. (We = 58) A EZR IN i99 183 72 Mitra auriculoidcs Reeve. et Mitra ziervogeliana Gmelin ioe ご ・ 173. F : 71. 」 * Herata Lam. fee ” > woldemarii Kien. 175.0 (naculosa Live?) rae eet virgata Reeve. 188. Thala ogasawarana Tils. 78- 189. ; BA Oo sy eh :etust Lam 190. Dibaphus philippii Crosse. oo ー Ei JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS. PL. XXXVI. (i 4 =. HF A Rk ーーーー ー ーーー! 153. Mitra 154 155. 156 5) 157. 158. ” 159. 160. casta Linné. oliveformis Swains. hirasei Pils. crenifera Lam. flammea Quoy. (? ) sp- (?strigillata Sow.) chrysalis Reeve. 161. 169. } 163.) 164. f 165. 166. f 167, ie 169. 170.4 Mitra sp. ( ?williamsi Newe.) sp. (?tabanula Lam. ) pellis-serpentis Reeve. limbifera Lam. chryscstoma Swains. Tounded by the late Geo. for the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelnhin- The Manual of Conchology is a fw illustrated monography of recent molusks. Issued in octavo form, in qnarterly parts. letterpress, and 15 to 29 plates. _The FiRSm SERIES, Marine Univaives。 of which seventeen volumes hive appe now finished as planned by its illustrious founder. Moilusks, Eighteen Volumes lave been published, completing Helix with ree copies of Vol. IX of this series, “Guide tothe Study of Helices,? wiil be the regular subscription price. Catalogue or Check list, can also be had at $1.00 cach. The Monograph of the Bulimi is now completed with Index. $1.00 each. The Menograph of the Urocoptid.c has a’so been completed, and Vol. progress, {nishing the stucy of the Prices:—Plain (unc lored) edition, $3.00 per part- Colored ecition, $5.00 per part. edition (both eoloved and Incia-t'nted plates), $2.00 per Tart. Yor further information or Geseriptive cireular, with sample plate of Manna, ih! 所 大 全 全 東京 阪 京 閣 大 北東 東 東 Meo SEAN at AE 書 @# Be Mee By Achatinidr. THE MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. W. Tryon, Jr-, and continued by Henry A. Of the SEGOND SEiIES Pilsbry, sold separately Separate copies of the Index, suitable for the upose Sei. De Each part comprises 6 (or more) pages of ne ee at of a Separate copies of Inuex。 S. RAYMOND ROBERTS, Treasurer. P. 0. Address, GLEN RIVGE, NEW Aa illustrated CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, by 1. and II. A Bilsbry- Paper, $2.50. XIX is now in Tine adcress JERSOY;, US: AE Stearns N il ile ae wi we pi” = Sh a oe a iG se MM - = Fai Fl 印 i Kil) il) aie 4 SE iESE | 字 御 誌 Hl) Hh 7 ei 『F 8 AA HECrG Ie Me プア テア か < ee FA oe 候 誌 誌 』 Dine a Ty 席 fis “ea Mare ID 送 作 6 FIM FE 月 4 At iy 7 rfsls ニー wale ie rT 3h レン 7 JS LE) 1) See > ed 1S f "TEx. ap = CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF JAPANESE SHELLS, Published By Y. HIRASE. VOL Il SEPTEMBER. 1908. CONTENTS. PAGE Sites SHOES NC lly OO に SS ーー 3 47. Summary-On dapanese Marine Mollusca (CAD 49. Summery-On dapanese Land Shells (XV) ee ン Articies in Japanese: On dapanese Marine Mollusca (XXD.… ーー ズー ニーーーーー…………281. Remarks on Japanese Marine Mollusca (VDT 287. (OR ds ンコ ンド Philology of Shell-Names from Ancient Manuscripts (XX 川 -Part I) Ea KOLSHUROGNING AN UM Agr aginte st ene case cesscerioncoveccsacsoweevdt SusserenrensH Oe Tiscture on Shells. By M. Komatswzaki, Study on Aya by H. Inouye. Habits and General Re omy of Land and Fresh-water Molh.sza (IN) Collection of Chells in Yenezawa. By K. Matsushima Collecting Gand Snails in the neighbcurhoocs of Maiko. By Y. Hirase- PHS CODA COWS 5-------------se- cess eeeeestee esse ceneeeeestenseescsneceecsnsenstestseetnentarstecscareceees 316, Notice: The subse:iption p-ice for foreign cuontrics is $ 1. 50(3 yen) per annum. All letters and comnunications should be addressed to Y. HIRASE, Shimochoja-machi , Karasumaru KYOTO, JAPAN, SHOWY SHCLES FOR SALE Three sets of fine showy shells each in a yery beautiful and artistic box with a eover on which enr sea-shore scenery is painted Each contains 12 selected and attractive species, $0.35 for smal], 0.70 for medium, and 1.25 for a large boy, postage include d. For large lox ma:led to foreign countrics, other than the U.S. the price is $ 1.00 and parcel postage. Prices are given in U. S. Currency. The opening of the new sale is intended for securing money for the purpose of completing the fund needed to start the construction of my buildings, which is delayed under giave financial difficulties, as set forth in No. 11 of ny Corchol ogical Magazine, I am sure to give you pleasure with these sets and hope to be favoured with your as many orders as possible because cf spee:al sympathy With my undertakings. Y. HIRASE, Kyoto, Japan. THE NAUTILOVUS A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CONCHOLOGISTS Edited and Published by H. A. Pilsbry and C. W. Johnson, Address: ©. W. Johnson, Business manager, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass, U. S. A. Rees tore TALES @ ay PS Ta HE FR ee LE =] Se oe ER A @ EE Cee pia HARK SUS 7 AP da 7 Bi Wy > 4% 購入 ス 欠 ハム 堅 ニョ リ ae ト 交換 et; = SCT FE be th AAR AE DOR Z A I. dat 1 She F 7 onslas Lor RF a ailetiae Fik~ BRS Bh ZeHfh JAR 7 シー で Ly 窒 所 A. H. PETEREIT, 8! & 83, Fulton Street, New York City, U.S. A. i: ry YY ヽ = al RS DOGS Ht R2 Ye Be ti Sy Grey ーー ニー エーーー ュー ニー テー こ こ err ーー ピー と ser ーー ュー: 内 OSAMU ee ok C Bi HHH SLaKE a OfFersntke ei See fs 医 id . aK ie x RRS | : OREERS Met) KOE) HH AMEX B Heseeaanee Ox FS RENAE HCE) ~ SES g 人 人 RS: owes | Siem Om XML | BTN s RE | Seer に は oe Tig se Ol Seek HEREC |) K ie te 圧 BESS : OR MOREE OB RE? xe wm wt ORS CRS 2 eiBEICI]) 2:2 @ & pet pare ete one mB BEC) ga | CR Gt RRS See eas | | SHRP RS 6 REE ESUIMEMES 久夫 ae seu gle kas ae dK 放っ te ik cu ae : oe pum eeu” sueeees cer 1S ntfeNetieiid | pres | M - SS 紙 ae = 2 _ TRIBES SBR PIES ENE =] ro Fh oes Ce : BE: 州 読 魚 ¢ me ae Nwihics Op 24: URE, 第 を yee Ee Ge 7 4 PM oe AD nt EMBO x OE RR Tg Hi @ Oui ee Ole t a Bo See Pee Gels 代 読 im 新 Ee F + fi $55 HR IO: # ¢ Fm by RK Fue Be 一 : の We 第 定 + Pans. ind IRS Lik Peet: Siege ae pg IOS 頂 4 5 本 DF さま: TBE re OT tee oe ome tt Bee ae i ot ee) eed ee im 橋 ght Mik pO Re Taek RAED ER EMI cee esa Ip pa acne 5" Ju ie ¢ a AGH 5 iene te mh he SEES 2 の 合 物 A Bey WBN ys 5 町 we ye K : 人 Be Tg ie WC iS ee SH) 1 【 (Belt fife = =) & | の ト RO re vi に ド Bie Bos EI 選 — > =a i SREMESS aH HESSOSANS fi fe mh bral fat ¢@ Exe a ui vive mao. ft mw Ren E 交 前 OMe ona 4 OF af if Mae D Nee 町 iE Dg tt) | yO BORE 4 peeedy > er ト 研 年 eset eA ies es Nee の に 完 の の 形 そ を FEE A sen a £11 VO x a B ス は aie if の ) プ E + Le Sey ra ~_ Ei» ご ・ コ 7 Fee EY A FIDEGRE ROK ゴー は JNN ENERO é 7 SLB AI frags i » ) の の 覆 存 及 3 Phe: OF 3 Bet ag el ee の a} nave v3 Bey 7 ERO ero Ras A の ) ee 』 aa の 物 し shee re 的 人 1 “ae | ー Mk を me 見 Ag ‘ ae は 2 行 テ 8 me BS ta oe aie Hus | fi 1g Vie 2) | EMEA ma 第 第 Ses i oi ao eth a a aired ore a: Tie al HR, = ei) Bes 5 LE Dy る 研 1 fis 次 3 TY HE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Vor. II SEPTEMBER, IOOS No. 9 TALKS ON SHELLS (IX) (IN THESE TALKS ON SHELLS, WE HAVE SELECTED ONLY A FEW OF THE INTERESTING FACTS GIVEN By Mr. IWAKAWA) Mate-gai.—Solen. This shell-fsh is called ‘ Aamsori-gat’ (razor-shell) in the neighbour-hood of Osaka. It is commonly called ‘ Razor-shell’ in English also. It is not certain whether the name originated from the shape of the shell or from the fact that it has such sharp ventral margins that the shells may be used in cutting paper. The Japanese species are perhaps 8 or 9 in all. Let me describe only two or three of them at present. One of them has the name of Solex gouldit Conrad, and is the most common of all, in Japan. Its shells are slender, and dirty- white inside with dirty-yellow epidermis. Another may well be called ‘Of-mate-gai’ (big razor-shell), because it is the largest. Its name is Solenx grandis Dunker. It is commonly found in the sea about Shimonoseki. We may call the other ‘Aka-mate-gai’ (red razor-shell). 1ts name is So/en gracilis Gould. It is about 3 inches in length and about 1 inch in height. This species is to be found everywhere in the Seto Inland Sea, but especially in the seas about Bingo, Ehime, and Kobe. Solen lives in a small perpendicular hole which it digs in the sand. When the tide is out, we can find small holes dotting the sand here and there. It is quite difficult, nay almost impossible to ascertain or judge in which holes this animal lives, because many other species have the same houses, so to speak. This trouble is relieved by a simple and easy method. If you carry some salt with you and when you come to one of the holes, put some salt in it; as soon as the salt melts and begins to sink into the hole, the in- 48 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE habitant will spring up; and if you can block the hole and cut its retreat at that moment, you may be able to catch it easily. This gathering shell-fish at ebb tide is a well known sport. A few years ago, when I made a trip to Akashi, I one day hired a small fishing-boat with a fisher-man, in order to enjoy fishing. The flesh of the razor-shell was used as baits there abouts. The fisher-man first engaged in catching these animals in a very interesting way. Hardly had our boat sailed out 5 miles in the direction of Kobe when the fisher-man proposed catching the shell-fish for bait. This proposal sounded very strange and it was almost incom- prehensible to me who had thought it impossible at such a spot about six or seven fathoms deep, though it was quite near the shore, to catch creatures that were living in their slender holes in the bottom of the sea. I said nothing in reply, but took the utmost care to see how the fisher-man would catch the shell-fish. He took out a long rope which had a bundle of iron spits about two feet long, just like Japanese tongs, fastened at its end. Each spit had a sharp point and a hook at its tip, and a little lead-ball tied a little below the top for the weight. In a little while, he let the rope down into the sea. Holding the rope in one hand, he continued pounding the bottom of the sea with it about 15 minutes, while he was rowing with the other hand. Poor creature! When the rope was pulled up, we found a number spitted through and through with the dreadful and merciless spears ; several were pierced with the same spit. Unaware as I was of, who had invented this method, I was greatly struck with the simple and expert plan. It is said that this wonderful and somewhat cruel method used to bring up plenty of those poor, innocent creatures at one try. I thought that this might be one of the best ways to catch them for bait, but never the best to get ones good to eat, because by this means we could not help breaking both shells and flesh which would be spoiled by sand. Both methods, one with salt and the other with spits, the latter of which is reported to prevail in western countries, must be the products of experience after all. But isn’t it very strange that the same method of gathering shell-fish should happen to exist and prevail both in the Orient and the Occident ? THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 49 In Japan, the district where this shell-fish is most appreciated for food is Kyushu; also in the Sanyo-do and the Sanin-do which are commonly called ‘Chugoku’ (provinces in the middle of the country), it is more or less valued as an eatable. In Kwanto, the old name given to the eastern part of the Tokai-do, this custom is almost un- known to people. In short, the demand for the razor-shell is very small in Japan proper. The case in China is quite different. ‘ Shing- king,’ the dried flesh of the razor-shell, is in great demand through- out the empire. It is said that not less than a million pounds of the Same is annually imported and landed at Shanghai. Consequently of such a great quantity, that which we have the honour to supply and export to the empire is not a little. Let me tell you in brief how to make ‘ Ch‘eng-kan.’ First put a quart of living shells in a large boiler, into which about three gallons of water shall be poured with a pint of salt. After boiling it until the victims open their mouths, that is, their ventral margins, we take them out. Then the flesh may be separated from shells. Now put all the flesh in a basket. Prepare another boiler filled with about three pints of water and a pint of salt. When the water boils, put the basket in the boiler, and stir until the water boils again. Then take out the basket, and dry the flesh in the sun for four or five days. When thus prepared, the flesh is called < Ch‘eng-kan.’ SUMMARY—ON JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSCA (XXI) Mitra (Cancilla) filaris Linné. pl. xxxviii, fig. ror. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 138, pl. 40, figs. 174-176, 180, Jap. name, /to-maki-fude n. n. Loc., Loo Choo. Mitra (Cancilla) flammea Quoy? pl. xxxvi, fig. 157. (Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 140, pl. 41, figs. 190-193, 195-197, etc.) Jap. name, Miunome-fude n. n. Loc., Yakushima, Osumi. Mitra (? Cancilla) sp. (M. strigillata Sow?) pl. xxxvi, fig. 158. (Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 141, pl. 41, fig. 212.) 50 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Jap. name, f/inaude n. n. Loc., Yakushima. Mitra (Chrysame) chrysalis Reeve. pl. xxxvi, figs. 159, 160. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 144, pl. 42, fig. 233. Jap. name, Mayu-fude n,n. Loc., Loo Choo and Oshima Islands. Mitra (Chrysame) sp. (247. tabanula Lam?) pl. xxxvi, figs. 163, 164. (Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 146, pl. 42, figs. 243-246.) Jap. name, fi72e-mayufude n. n. Loc., Kikaiga-shima, Osumi. Mitra (Chrysame) aurantia Gmelin. pl. xxxiv, fig. 139. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 147, pl. 43, figs. 255-258. Jap. name, Odz-fude n. n. Loc., Kikai-ga-shima. Mitra (Chrysame) proscissa Reeve, variety. pl. xxxiv, fig. 140. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 147, pl. 43, figs. 259-262. Jap. name, Mushiro-fude n. n. Loc., Kikai-ga-shima, Osumi. Mitra (Chrysame) ambigua Swainson. pl. xxxv, fig. 145. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 147, pl. 43, fig. 266. Jap. name, O-obifude n. n. Loc., Loo Choo. Mitra (C.) ambigua fulva Swainson. pl. xxxv, fig. 146. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 148, pl. 43, fig. 267. Jap. name, Az7-7rofude n. n. Loc., Loo Choo and Oshima Islands. Mitra (Chrysame) adusta Lam. pl. xxxv, fig. 147. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 148, pl. 43, fig. 269; pl. 44, fig. 276. Jap. name, Aogefude n. n. Loc., Loo Choo. Mitra (Chrysame) coronata Lam. pl. xxxv, fig. 148. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 148, pl. 44, figs. 273-275, 277, 281-283, etc. Jap. name, Fuchinurfude n. n. Loc., Kikai-ga-shima and Loo Choo. THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Sr Mitra (Chrysame) digitalis «Chemn.’ Dillw. pl. xxxv, fig. 140. =M. pertuse Linn., Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 149, pl. 44, fig. 278. Jap. name, Bend-wimi-fude Gum-hin. Loc., Loo Choo and Oshima Islands. Mitra (Chrysame) lugubris Swainson. pl. xxxviii, fig. 192. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 149, pl. 44, figs. 284-287. Jap. name, Vaki-fude n. n. Loc., Loo Choo. Mitra (Chrysame) ferruginea Lam. pl. xxxv, fig. 150. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 150, pl. 44, figs. 279, 280, 290. Jap. name, Bekkofude Iwakawa. Loc., Loo Choo and Oshima Islands. Mitra (Chrysame) sp. (M1. williamsi Newcomb?) pl. xxxvi, figs. 161, 162. (Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p- 151, pl. 44, fig. 297.) Jap. name, Ko-Gent-fude n. n. Toc., Loo Choo and Kikai-ga-shima. Mitra ( Chiysame) pellis-serpentis Reeve. pl. xxxvi, figs. 165, 166. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 151, pl. 44, fig. 300; pl. 45, figs. 303-307, 314, etc. Jap. name, Kztvo-fude n. n. Loc., Kikai-ga-shima, Osumi. SUMMARY—ON JAPANESE LAND SHELLS (XV) Sttala insignis Pils. & Hir. pl. xx, figs. 122-124. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1904, pa O32) Jap. name, Kasane-shitava nen. Loc., Irazu-yama, Tosa. Sttala hwasei Pilsbry. pl. xx, figs. 125-127. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1905, P- 744. Jap. name, Kasa-shitara n. n. Loc., Sammaipo, Taiwan (Formosa). Sitala angulifera Pils. & Hir. pl. xx, figs. 128, 129. 52 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1905, p. 745. Jap. name, Kado-shitara n. n. Loc., Hotawa, Taiwan. Sitala nitjimana Pils. & Hir. pl. xx, fig. 130. Or. des. Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xvii, p. 54. Jap. name, N227ima-shitara n. n. Loc., Niijima and Miyakejima, Izu. Sitala nanodes Gude. pl. xx, figs. 131, 132. Or. des., Avnouldia nanodes Gude, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) vol. vi, D. 399. Jap. name, Ayoto-shitara n. n. Loc., Kyoto. Sitala rimicola Benson. pl. xx, figs. 133, 134+ Tryon, Man. Conch., vol. ii, p. 55, pl. 25, figs. 20, 21. Jap. name, Vakushima-shitara n. n. Loc., Yakushima, Osumi. Sitala reinhardti Pilsbry. pl. xx, fig. 135. Or. des. Euconulus veinhardti Pils., Nautilus, vol. xiv, p. 81. Jap. name, Jaru-shitara n. n. Loc., Harima; Echizen; Sado; Uzen, etc. Sttala (2) pallida Pilsbry, pl. xx, fig. 136. Or. des., Kaliella pallida Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xvi, p. 55. Jap. name, Usw-tvo-shitara n. n. Loc., Mizuma-mura, Izumi. ーー シー ュー (318) Sab 4- = Ete cies # Ed 0°" FRIBREIH VERO ln SEE MERS SW SKNWY 人 SQ て (emis) @) PRXANORR RO Boke CARRIES P02. 0° HK ARV UENO RV OVER 2 RENE CO RSW ORR 60° PS RCHaY ROS HE Sat NEK ORRYON -SRERRE ARORVAIRA Swit «NERNEY SNP Oe) VRE Om RRQ BRK Rag” SENS OMT NEKO ON a SHE ORER SME RO” OAM Wo pO ポス G 過 号 め や 民 本 めで 忌 記 人 生 Q^ TBA RO wm OQ WHE ORS RE OH NSSN Fete toda 00 | SOREN | & | BoE | & | REHM RIOR aE < & | DRRSNEK HR PDR NK } uk 32 を | | 3K & | ]mo eR ! | REH Os ES Roh & に on LASS q Re i Os 第 ow ME HTP sar eS} ES SH Bss に ーー Na と ココ > oe BEE-DTsrtAc た の る 一 Re 回 取 Ki の が ih 探 行 tk Me Owe i fT yo wa WP Gea Bas 年 見 K た 敵 2 め ye Se i 世 Ne >; Sa O Ea wR の = JE Ie 十 A ie 三 市 レ = | A) ANGle 925 遂 HB Ne ae NS 何 を る iv の y 他 の Us ke Sy me る BR ず Y JEL る 僅 珠 の ん る jp e. Srae ats wx 々 1 = eh 2 tale の 必 個 mF 方 Ke F Of At AC uaeis で je 1d と る を れれ を い が い kh Mm ム Bil Gr Sees 5 ’ Y AS DOOR | Os oS HAA OGidkeeS aS Leh ーー asp て Wf fA , 治 島 御 w tk i 木 t= > A ( 4E OE Dee as 現 事 . 同 拓 人 で 所 の の あわ が IA 多 D # Kk 徳 て め 養 島 Ke isl < 後 該 場 Je inl See 規 事業 三 模 業 区 重 の の 着 Ih 養 TE =F is mit し 麻 を みな た Bi ii 。 の 英 Db > lel た を Mi 海 の mH O が め る & 手 RB Mw 順 包 BES Cb aa あ だ た の は る 後 海 IB Nee (iis cos > ay cel ON iG) AS れ 之 ee R es a me 中 取 る だ を 9 9? fk th 上 か を Bp ha a Cage, ee LIN ee ルク Aye We te Uk 後 然 zc の 四 る HA + 後 ( 無 年 Te OD { Me He を 4 3 Hoo の る を Fis の る MO LA OSIRIS IES NV, 14 EN ビ SR A908 RNS e 00 omU NR y OE SS fy: ‘eM SASH = =i 5 RESVATH od “FH Cc Oo Gio Mem BRASS HAGE RS ao SP (316) Bee a ae gale = a ia 明 ドコ = =e. 2 ee ee Re = O@SCRES SS 3 丈二 1 [DEBRA RSS ORLA VS (OL RE MRRMKMEN MH oe RSX< um SMT NSO Wa gy DLO? 51S UIA SENIADN KH 0 WE KR SSN NS 10-0 SUD 10° BRERHT SO BM POI ORO” NRT | KKM RTS RS Ame 0 oa SRE PE SHS BT WE ERRNSSSVRS VRS HFA S TRPOE EH SLX HS ER mE HER ET NVY に FON AS DOBRO HIN, Be © ie aS Eg IKWS ( tPOL SERRE omg PR HIIK © SNO~ SRR EMH Ew NAS OW ERIN NX y See aTseR BE CBRVERM SOP OL SRR ERY OCTET CFE N RK wim CRN (Hie) @WSr es yomk (x11) 42 SY | PHONY SOM” BN ittge | ONO, Bl Po VO NAR RAMEY su HIKES od © bE RA 20° FREER suit” THEY KONISHI O Ba ENO: Nitt> cults OPEV" Fe Bultg wh ON KR WSOy Sk SH DDO IEE OS 10° FER imsy 6 SH DY HO «NK ON OM AEN OY VEW~ BRN Sav EVE ROO UE 19° VEN PAO NAS Oil as BN ITN CMENENO SY NOY RRAY ss ROR OPEN N Bip oat 6 HBSS? WS eo RIOVYN SHER VERON Sw’ HERR OF SKNTX SBN OC BBV ANRY SONAR RW] Ow RARON POSS 6° CONVOY & Bart 044 ah Ake AS wb qu i @ =. Bre vin (315) Me HA - Jt OWN BRHB AEE YY URMASRON Bit OBER te 00 © 1 }}z#O4 RP NY rae NWR Eulota callizona congeni§t Smith. Pupisona orcula Bens n. SOREN OL OMK AGO DRS SOYRRE M2 YW Eo A OBHom © kd Yak? OR we SSE © ENR sy Qa SU FRR SEEN I~ BESO Clausilia ostoma ASR PW RRN AH 0° BNI 1H ORKSO 7 HR ha N PEYal A TE SY At HA SO SE 959 © HEE We 10 BEG YS ORK PHS | EEPOOMY SORA EN HSM SUBLWene Now deact ylo} MON se RD Le EE py BY TEMES O LNRM Bren NO EKGIN S610 1)" BES KR RR 620° Eith © Sau Nis O66 3H4S Kl Y HSER HESS ES C MEIN EB Sos RIRDR SOPH ONE MORAN TER OC Sot W600 Lok PH RM SYMONS 4 | O Cyclotus campanulatus Marts. HSE OSM Cw i’ BAN OEMrHMBYS Bares. | NER WREORHN SE’ REX coinwieBmoy’ Mme stake a RR NES” ER VR ON PO YS 6° SSE HS A Oy SEER? Be OMY | Sie | | PINT Geb aie” SHORES" | in acura = |< Huloie caisona congenita Smith. | BWR? COREY Hin | POKER ONS ss Trishoplita. oc Smith. | S207 RSET IMM I OS" BIBER HH + Ganeselle ferrugines Pils. | BEY G90 BON PERN BC? aOR A UEDA eee | REVMORERORMM’ BER oy eon. Katietla multivolvis Pils. | ON BIW Mo” RIE OOo HAM Ao m |‘ ‘Opeas claeulinue Iyotoensis Lils. | AMINE ORS OMS BOHN YENI OWSO i = re eeeg Pils, | MRKEN BOLO VEE OR UN ONS, BS © Clansitia oto dactylopon.n Pils. | Bieh O MAMIE ON A’ RSE RW? Sites RB’ KRAROYHRO VR ORS FRNA Sw EERY JOH RKP SY NESR SEY’ GARNI 70 46:0° KNEE ORBUSACR Bo’ MESS SMR MW RRS O RE eS wSOpHEMbew 4A SRN MEO ROCHON ORRY SCOURING OR HOO YEO? TEKS COMES Pilsbry. (313) ANPOVEC?o RROBRVHOVYRROY 6 OY WHR ERG 0° ERIN EN BOR EN BE SINS ASO PRN AEM ho A Sei SBIR W100 ERR N PERRO BERK CER EK OTEK MEE Gun RWRRN AK POO NOVEN SE KRRRE Rit BONA KERN ERO BRAK eKNBRO Viti Mo RRO RAN RIN AY vB 60° EE HS OHA HH R ORR BN Ag SE N 5d % fo 39 JONES OREN AUN NK GR ON hing ois YEAR OY Heo Bere me ORY bs OY? PhS REN RoI WKS” IRN SOME 3S 10 rf 2? っ Pr x moan RAVENS CMADNOV SNS.’ RVEDRAMEN の OS OHH 10 Aid WHILDRUAM~ OY? EX AORRNEOLN VE RIN SE NES BOYS OWNS So ES 0 CRU yRoseterRBO PO 2 PONE S & By | | | | | 20 Q YY HOt RE YY Hh 1S 190 R FANPAGE SO CHRREE NO HK DH OM WAR 0° HK ER Oe MBE AC MEAS GUN Bis 92716 0° HEL A OTEK 公職 地 P19 « HWS 1G AO OIRO Heat” [EEX © BRN BR っ BRN A dart 2° 142 OR PICS CNR ONS RNENMES OE HAW BEN ED YT 19 ス 9 EASE RON FEAR YY phat SX HBS BH HS OK AR Ganesella myomphala Marts, Enlota callizona congenita Smith. veulgivaga Schm, & Bttg. Opeas clavulinum kyotoensis Pils, (812) agi Pa tet, 明 Else = af 12 2° SRA SHEN ORM 6 0° EE RIERREN SOVORPOLNPOEZNL VK SHEOY | WIFE OL ONEB WEIL? BBL KO VR ah Sweets 2H SO HACE HEIN 10 Q te? a 将 給 EX SHS a BHRRN MK yes ( RERS NEBPesRy’ CPuRPSRenhik oBRyv ey ESVIE~ ws OR? syst ORY SONES NeRBOY Slo” CVE MERE SO Ae SX att "ARAN ORAS GOA Ag Kw SRO ROMENES | OMEN RETO Nw SK S VASES” BN ERSAO | Kino ANOS 0° 守 KRY EO VY RY UY CeCBERER ET SEO DQ” CB | Bev 0 VSAM NWAMANS LY Kor ES SMR dors to20 Hoy aK ITH EK NY IE) DY XIE OREN eR” | DG HEO Wet ea es HO NY tn BATE RR 111] RIS 1Q 7 YHA" ^ GOMKY RRNA! WW Q PQ ARAN? る ン め や | 4 IDE ONS NEY BY OK Ht OB ON | ROSH HMO KRM HEY moat’ HIS YRDEMHRY SOW SOY MXR PoLNe VY" NGS | Oy BERK ORNS Fit Vikas |] AMEE Aa] [Ohm 0 Hho ORO Beh VEER ON ee” SH ROB ¢ ihe 7 3 OSM OR PHMVARY BSYUMO eB REN HKIOROS CRY SONS FRIMPN SVEN IR OMO EK 5 ONES Mav 0° TS ORK TEN PRON” RAK CaR DOR NeQvedy” DEERNRKRP OLN OR LS QU aL AHS 9 EEN UTE KR INT St HvR | MSE TRAN TAdr> tb] OL ONAESS QW BNO y 60° BRU OID VENEER ORE Oey | 第 as ME A 介 wm IL Hi (311) IT Clausilia japonica interplicata Pils. IX. Macrochlamys sp. (HORRY Ry BRR oO [HORRY AO” BN | HENRI WOK” CE IIT. Buloia( Mgista) ce7se Pilsbry & Hirase. BE SE OQ REIN 242 RIOD RBM One WRito | BOSRVRN Ot” SRSA SB | ULSTER KIRK BEL W107 GEN ER IR { BORO” NOAM EERNOVE YO DUPRE IDLY IRE ROR RB UY? ROW る 良さ WS 197 IV. Trishoplita goodwin Smith. HE ORRIN O.616007 (AND) | wang” VI. Pyramidula pauper Gould. | REARE OEMMAKS OSE SOM’ XB SER (AK) | BM ORM BK OEY OMAK VII. Suceinea lauta Gould, ! G10" WRIRSERN-E 1 Sie nt OH} EKER TNE g | ERK OMK KNORR IE Body | Cia < | - REKMEERES SS @ @ 4 © VIII. Strobizops sp. S'S SS pe ペーーー ーー W600 | MROMEOK © る や +XEMRO ERIE SSR BYMMRY OSS KEN YKIBR —- REEL EZHOM EWR OW PQ Yeo KEE SRY C0 Eu OS -Kk OMIA OP atINS LeU ES = af W+ | \ 4 (310) 月 志和 件 一 十 四 浴 明 ーー ーー A+ & Fic) KH SIRSOIE OH" BI ORNS 20° su” BAKER N 90 CIRO £107 © Il. Palaina( Adelopoma) pusilla Mart. KUNE wit ms wu RIES © IV. Cyathopoma micron Pils. KU ow OSNE~ O° AR © V. Carychium noduliferum Reinh. in] ORK AK” IER © VI. Katliella multivolvis Pils. BENS OHIO © VII. Microcystina sinapidium Reinh. VIL. Macrochlamys hakusanus P. & H. tl [HEM RN S01 PH OC Amy 07 IX. Opeas clavulinum kyotocns's Pils, ma” AA HE (LE x W+ KSHM Ganesella japonica Q sax | AKeR V7 BI” (Ose peshiawm(fomexm* A+ am) EMG VE [HN Oy RENO 限 及 FOSS [NO yn ter? 32) fee ee NG WB SU SKIS 27 RENEE AE OO HOHE SENG” HEM RP Re vase (Pe F607 AV RKO + KEK BR KSSH 40H HS 0111 1I. IL IV. V. Vi VI. OYA ERY 6107 BY REN Hd Hy oHTad Be Re to 0 BR RR 9 ay I. Clausilia sericina M)\1dff. a | PORAY Sy BN | BAW NoO sw’ # HERR SWS Ee 2 SURES WIK~K* BRI JN MW Museu ORE VO” Sw nein MEORLN’ SURKOKPN EO’ @xyiR | |EISKnE SO | SN BK ye IL eG — HEE MEH (309) BVH SHURE SN © I. Helicina japonica A. Ad. Ht R avW 6 CHINE DeDBIRO wre ke” 4 ROHN SHH -~ KORY (=p bhiesopy4ss9 Il. Ganesella japonica Pfr Sus | BRRVANOt 6 CRRA Kak OS CIR KIACG 100 PHB OMY SDH y HEK ANS III. Host $2 Hulotal Plectotropis ) vulgivaga 8. & B. Var. 2 | BIRGM CHR WAR OD 607 SREB MOMs Mee Re SOK UNY S|] SHORES a] 1 [E6107 {ERR A FER ROHN SUR OTEK REN 5 IV. Bra reiniana Kob. REM OR” RVR NA WE | Sot KS IT AMSEC" RMR OARS 610 11° TER CRESS BBE fie 20 © © I, Hulota( Acusta ) sieboldiana Pfr, HAM STEN Moov ak Ek EE © MR] 6 207 iK {ek N Sh OG KAY SERED O L(Acus'a) の es L7 TXB sens NG Diy 10 SAO AG Il. Hulota( Kuhadra) quesita Desh. TOUS SUSE RY OR SY XC ORK +K OB HEY S07 RIN A HRT 00 ND ER HRRE YU 1G 107 Wl” RSCeN@) © I. Clausilia hyperolia Mart. KS | SRY YT+REBSAN TQMN mio HS © Il. Diplommatina uzenensis Pils. tite (308) Best Jie — sp ie We # a Sod SKN SUG 1° $e aH RANK ORNS Kw RERUN SO yo Bayt RS ANAKH KE XA NVR 20 SUIS to OSH O Yay Osu SKN su HG 109 EX AYN ANH NSOY’? MAuSokswov’ 巡 SUEROV RO BL Qin SHE Mou 640 K ask | WN (BOYS KO~NY KE OY HSL So ROS RNS NBL ONES RW ERY TERE O HOW ON SK NY 10° ieee neelraoree | MW ROY Ste an [RAH OADNYOANH OR MAS 0'6” BAYRERYSCON” | HORRY me SRO AMOR [wh ee BH | Sudntikde LINY” EEN EENY THERON OLN? BHOH » KARE OREN $Y SHER OREN IK OY 0° HOWE” |WBEY GE ORY’ KN i i a ee ee (305) VEE OR WANS ONG RES 0 ERPS QE NE ORTH HN NSD 0 Et OM BN OR KOLLER EVERY oo NEE~ | BS Safad L SUNCAK* SSK © Bawde y Baie 9 Rs 0 ES VIR RRO ERR N file 10 Bt iy oc OZ OO a nd WAR CHEN IC © SS Ek © MEIN N Hitt me oN) BVM MR Ow! BRB! Of 2! TIERS er EB) Re ae Ce GS JOSE WRROV EES Kix | ROBMSEEMED SweNtk-CLSE> NWSE OH SRE MRR SEVEN SIME S 人 meee 4 RME MERELY oo N(Ry 2) Meee SY | we (NEEDS ) ) 4 z WUE ERE MWh oweN(E)yeRy = 2 Wut Bigs we Nis KES EAS + S03 OS | HW SM SRE OMS GKR) HH SESE BAS KBIEON” WEEMI ret Ro VAS SO I OM SENS? MY ORVIRN S$” は + (304) 月 志 年 一 圭 四 治 明 ーー ーー H # 3 BAM~~ PO SOU S-of te CH) Rwtvee NOU uw ARM” WIKKOY RS Ofm Se” NOM NOLN PW LYM apie BUN OMONAKNEO EO RMURY NI f YN ORY BY VE OS ott tr” OS-ONRSM ROT UM ARY ONAASNOY 5 0Q 1D SUS Fr Fes (45) HRN RY ME wHarptin” Nott | ROG BOSON Y «<9 SENN KY wINKRA ONS BR WINS oft te GEER? MINUS oma ZEUKL OO RP RY PIR Cott” DOU FAH RUA VS ERM PG -OM INN OLN ORN mH IH oth, RO” WOMEN R Se HN HO Yo-att in HE VO RON OMAR TAD RUMUIKO Yi otide RABIN Rost blo” VN OMA? agian | +E SEX MOY Ket ORONO VIS UN OS VHRR aONO ¢ Hh fo USK HHS BEBE 1G 10 Q UENO INWHIM e ON OIRO Nw NAR YR HMR YY yw IR Ht WS S” MRHIN > © OI PRY SHIN SBN Bs Mottin CRIB) ェ ーー ッ ニ ーー バト (es ベニ ーー ズ cc 一 ラー テーーーー KARINA CR Re eee Tea ee KO NIN D ACER RCT RRER GREE MI) sR SXYEST OPMWVA VTA 2 v oKRVERAMES NEE CBE M~ I Sail © RA MBHY Roy 1 S SEB ~K YEE Srv th BIBER Hat Hh 0 Coe EEN 12 ON NIN DWE ONO” Batu | [PRESS OMD ot NMERKEK PHONO R SCY ER BUN ORE Nuwre eH Pm” SAKNAIN HS QO H4.04 BEFEO YREN 0 GRY KN EK OLE OER Sone: te IL Hi (303) RNR IMU EIS VERE SS め 人 な で 名和 か Otto Som” NONCS CWE ku py ROOR RSE ~O5Jd OD VY EEE SW BBO YEO の BO AGINGI” KEL HEN OED BER EN SARE RM UE ROY O WE | WR -ottin” OD VICR© 6 CHIN SOA OSE ROV Hot te RON W410 Q POM iO” KUO BRO VY HOR SO OSa HS RO Nw WY TED tm SR OTR PERM ORY SG -ottin” ROS KE OMMBNTA 1d OA6NN” ROLNRL YL OPH” KI OAON STROSS CHE SENRX WIS © PG -aHb dr Cl) FRMNERO y Matita10 7 © WNEM IH wees opti” B~ SRR VAR 3° Nhe RY (| VM) HUTAT Ne (NOW VERN RUSK) VR eR Re RH EPR M7 UR P RU RRR UY SAIN RU MURS He RS A” Naat] | RM OBY Cop” NON Mow NEOHt ON” KNOWN OLN” FW RWC wi 4 SHWRS YIN SOY. QU s-ott wy ho RAOKEME NAS” BOP P Rw IGERE) ORS © CORUNA “hICSE SR) Sasol + > 1 SRDS os Sir PAT 10 SUI A ACEE YU SN Se a “GB HRI 1S mt NS. ROSTER OM m0 Ki SERV IN RMP ON RAwd PS 1 S°oCRSR) ORT * donee eT AWC EBSBR CER ON WY C-att Makita OBESE (1) DYES PON ss RAE AORN RYZE 10 WIN N tS MET ORM, ON QOV ERB KWH ECU ROON SPOUIENO INSUEIS Hod SE OTIS WBE RE 00 の 代り MUONS Ow CURES A” EOE N US OREN EPR | BYOKRVBRVEROVBY’ Crk wag DS OM WN EP OER adn” KOK Uae NPP ON J so tt XOR SR | YY OY TO BR YS tts か RY PEO WME WO YH OBR” Ht ~ B Aso XOPRnN He RIGCERTY > rR-al] BRO H ra el Eee © LOHR NO KE Swarr ざさ ロ に ー ュ 1 EN KOU BUT y THB IM 20 ih Pat 2 240 0 - #1 | RORMU RQ VyeNAKRe eben REESE IMUM ON KA Saco Ba BEL 1 CH) gu DU 10 Bh ES) ah 4k PBQUNC RK SS.0 Nar ORIDKN ERE | SHRN > \ OBR ONS WN WHOM ZO rON OY EN Y Hsu ode NY Od SR)i1] SNK Y RR Oy | [oR POBROE tS Coie BY HEN Oy SE OR wi YES +H GEN | Ku S Seon se NIU R © AHN Ro -UHEM ORES pK uy pies meee ce Mosk Bahn 26 BIB 9-6 9 LOM TRY so LE tte © a2) sus | Ry Bo MON NEDAwit f ens MRO RH VERMoLMWRY 4% CSHEROSELRES NY [ SBR NS "HE | SUG -ER* su BENS Oy EX su 4 SI NUR ERIK YY [HPSS XH RE Se NaCI RM OU RMT Ee oS ENA ie A -o MAKES BLN TURE 9S +E Ee OC KS Kara OES NEGBS 6 MIN RENORS oR RO a= p7rP PPP PA Hb h oRON Ct R's C40 7 OREM OM ENTRAR eWIKRR ar KIA HME RAS =| VERY VUES ORR Ny RO~REVEN QIOSEIY A KAP ot ON OMY RS 20 Me Boutn Ko NER OKA R CIR HWE ONM OY RA ye UEP ORNS OKTELRRSE MN OSES te Sere OK PAU K Ge O Res KR OH SEY KOPRNMERY DON OBER ONE KET PPP PAP Pp aw BEM N mand te dK © RRR pd 4 OR EE SON TRO he OW Qs Bio oro ¥ Ooo HAS SU CRN Ha OM RAR ORO ‘'e RW’ BC ES Ske eS ea RB, S25 HERI AONE Bite 0 NANNY baNOVp Huss th ORO B~ Mt ri KOS PORN iy OAK EEN HE OBE M10 . al ” Bi its HE FTP ーー* th Ju Hi € (293) く SN the be bax Bt (A.) Bagau.= Tei. Beak AP Hd CB.) ‘ Tei.= Mate. <, Bagau.= Mate. Ver weeS (1D,) Batou.=Bagau. Cees (B.) Bagau.= Mate. #x NEP oa ei sl (E.) .*, Batou.=Mate. AUR tn NRT © BE SEER Rt OK NRK ROE MIN AS Hea RR OKHHw IVs 2 Ol IMENTS WEES S AGTK S$ .9AUREY HSK | FEO . EARNS YRS DKA ISON 6 NRW OMT 0 Y AUSTEREO IRNY a OBVISKAN Hatt EM w «By fo SEIN ee PRU OY 4m Wr OM SHBSRIMUNN ENV RE PEIN ARFIONS NAVY OSI pa Se SHOR RYNAN Sr ORB WHE were KR WB OL 2 wi-+S WO RY Sion] Nie | Hes fl mo S WCRI |) qr fdIN ose Re PIV RARIOR A WHO HARINR PD O#0 SBA TIRISEN p> with widow ONIN PRN OY RN ORAe Noo Nt IVT OES ORV MIP RR WR OURAIMCTRY gan w JH Res REY ot pa HOV ihv~MoworREKT LUM EES yg a! (MEN Sait UU IS PMR CHE D WIR OME ASV ae eaKY pie BER Meo ELH O NR IN FEES OS. veinnardti Pils. CBS SR 1 1A RN +H) Ha SE Die Se’ RN’ 1B | &° BM |] BW BSR GRAGREES CRESS OVROM Be Ye ー^ RS“ KA BURRIS 00 BEER Wain” BEXUES a «~~ BES ER (7 BRR O ou CEN YR” Re K ®~ TR SNOY BSE OYHRDR we” KSEKREYM DORESSHEED UR Bia VY BS Sk NER RENe / al &4KY OVROM RSE VA (290) MMN の 5N 全 == WE 肖 mt Sa (HH) ンー” Hoa Week (7 Ear wunt* hus ASK ~ [se bo | RA RISE YO yp RS Io | RIBAS FDR NN RESS D0 BOW INN OY Cte EUROS HES UKE EIEN Dy * -KEtER BEM 10 REN IC 4 ORI ORY Ae WER SB IRIE BESS NO BE WIY OS EN MIB I. NWO | WAAL AR IN HRT S. nifjimana Pils. & Hir. CQ RR +) HAUS Boe al 11 | Aa Se HE | RT RH | RO] ME” MES Oy" Bo 路 /^ Beste きこ BEAOAC Perot eles eee Se TRIN RS 0 UR RRO BEY ORES RU 4. Scobie rt leieia に うっ も に まずい STREP AUS C7 Bate a SB les 4). | Ra” RVECPRY Oy Ser ays | KE ORSUELRMIw Oy’? SeX One RNG BE ORY Ahoy WA NR DERN BE Aay SS ORS BEN OLS VRE Mote | HEDS NK IN RES. nanodes Gude. (SHAN BR) RE | eR ATT +1 1H) HU 13a" f° =| SRE RAS] RET Rae RMSE Sey Oy Kew’ see REV STH (°K REA? DOW SRaR (GRAD +1 THB) YS > YA eee YI SO ROX REL 0 REVO” B10 st wk B10 BE San oy wR Rovio [hare (289) RENBVIN FE S. hivasei Pils. CBA” §R1 [RR i) i+ heii 11+) WHS” MARL NS M7 fg” "RM" |] i ER” MS” GREEN SEN OY’ BRN~ HerR~7 =) で で HO hr FS 46 SENSO? hea a's, ーー WII” Bho wr ErRBwW” WR © MEW GE 91 [EN Soy ORR Bec” B 窒 CRM IRIEN Sy eS yp RELA mR SO BNN ~* [RS SN STI” REARS IY HHO? RUBS Osa Aw pleat) | Wa RUMP yp REINS] CBRIMET RF HD AN NIBD Ow OW KMS mi Sem RR (+H) (PERK ENN 16 - VAI NNR 10 OY 4 jee oy G -y RE NRA BEET S. angulifera Pils. & Hir. CBN” BRI 14 SR JKR | +2) HS ee fig” SEW RAC] BSR RRES~ Bw Kw PRN Pew Yo QAR ERK” Date wy” HENECR MEEBO RMN R~ Oy BEM 0 Sk 6 MEY HED” SUN ASE do 4s uR GEN 24. IRS CIR IRG BS 46-60. 0" HEMET REoRMRRS VEN EO BRE WIT BERT REST Ss 5% Bes) 1 BE Hw (o REMKO” CQCRRORVREVICO SB MEE WHAM” RORNOy Ks” OS - (288) H + .A us — + Bie mt Si FH KIN M. amnulata Reeve.=M. rosacea Reeve’ CAINS fe > ROR REN 4410) WI EC K NA DIK) 早 TS KIN ( 2h er AK) eT Fo RIS? NS) wh” OoNHERH | 2B see OY Oy” RMAC bt mh s+ SORIA Kw” BRIER ° geod Dy at RSE N Blok (7 KEE SE NY SURI” HO YORE = | Ke NMR M. seealina Gould. HIS” KaeCOK RSNA OK) vAK R= -“KOmKSemROy FOKN CK SRW 0 6 4] S01 SSO OSE OSS ーーーーー 一 4H IN-w ws p HO K m+ Sem ees CRD RAN RIN EZ S. insignis Pils. G Hir. Cia? GR ] 十 緊 ^ SRA [+1 18RD i+ 画 ) EE イー ff HSIEH” RA? {CW RSME REESE Oy RAK” WER Reavis ww wR” Ben 1 |S ン ^ Seq | MH weve Sue ORV ERO mI 57 | Be ST Mia Se GFR UR CoN RAST ペ ャ ッ ^ HE OM s8 1 i CO Bwite” ERS” 避 ORSNOy Kew” Pepe tow” OSs Hy OV EEN | Wal Bnew} C#80 SS em PEERNOY RARER So YHSNE Pwr en] mo AE 類 介 Be — Be (287) Ww KECCKROY Oy Rss” WEBS oy SRAM BEEN WS -o | KE SSS | INS ae DKON Be 1 OM. williams] Newcomb NEA woe KVR AN SUL GN SuSE EAD OWE Y BIE YP wit OH~ | spre OAK FEET MM. pellis-serpentis Reeve. GE” Bi +41oR Rist RC + <<) HHSS* KERR OE (NT SNH Am hE KOR & Ww 1 RR ASIEN” RA? 11] KR ICI MSR GSI. SHB MOD? BRE IK SO” Bee BAY BS SE VRBO (RI REM tH 7 REY Sse ORK oVIKES 8 SOSH” Ro £yKO | Wa REMAN Oy Ese ia | Kn Ske REM (TK) KRM CBee OK) AiWKRVEZ MITRIDE. SIN NIRA VEE Section SCABRICOLA Swainson. eSHKOIAH MW. impressa Anton, SR ANE(ERS RA) C4 INOS sD ROBIN gsc) HR mK we | A lel ie FET RMN OY” oO pee | M. granulosa Lam. (EIREX) YS ROHS © BES ROP MR Wah | BU teN HED 10 YO PRAR=S|ING MM. punctolirata A. Ad. jy x 3 Ai (2 NS ey ROHN 2000) HU mR ae” KN RUBE OPQwWIY RRO KN KAINESHE Section CANCILLA Swain. 4 (286) 月 刻 年 一 填 四 治 明 aE KR SH SRBC I+ 1) YY ORM RON-o | — NAR AOR 27 ML. Iugubris Swainson. CERI +R BRR +1 [ 画 ) WHE)” RES CK = hb > KN) wy” | PH RA BRA BSE RuBe Qelkse ghey” Stout RES HEWN” DN SOR > yROSS Mot | Wal” FERRER Op” dole evn YY HReUtO~” Dewey |} LARAATK F=7 M. ferruginea Lam. (S284 8R | +H eR +) HHS” Rae Kameak (NTS UD Reh OK OR Be POS kA KN) wa | PAS AIAR® RA SC RRR DSK FRSC y BERE ORR Oo 44 kd 壁 型 ee Bo” HS ORRWVROOY SMe + EHS ake RES WS Btn” NER pegy dn” Spee AS ib~~ OY" FSS Auatl se | Wal REO MN OY SY YN ORME HU" RA RE OS Y BREE SFE in” [hh RS OLRM | BRUKMAUSEHMNOY’ AO~ PRR OVS AWIKS | NLM NTR BRET Mitva sp.(M. williamsi Ne weomb?) CEERI TACR RC | eR C+ 1 |) HUST ee fede a(n =? n HeneY ©) wy” ETAR KI RAT 1 [x7 RES RO SRN OY SERS” Sea UK" BEI 2 RO” oUt” RN ES oe i IL i Ge — Bi ae RE RA SP (eR RMIT) WHE RES (CK = hd NN wilin” RE OMEBEN XM) 0129 ) wh 1 [TP HERR® RA RRR DSK KW EC KDSN OY SBR BEKO ) VME SOT Bri OS | BRR 所 EM $k ORE K oY EDEN Wag]? EX ou HeH oy O MEER Hae | Na) WoHO” BS DO~ Sa | Ki ROR KN WR YEN REN ORDESMA| AWK ATK Ho M. coronata Lam. CRSA | -FHR’ RI+ < B) PASI SSK BE eka (EEE NP a 24 - fey NHPC MP ah A KN) wa | PHI” RA” BSR HSI uk” | | ART ER BIRR” HERHSEBR( +1) SK RRS HNO Bev BR we h0 SIE SURES W Bev SS TSS ot OBR da te NY SRR EE CO MUES | Rw RNR MRMILOY RON TWEE” SBdaie Lae gan SRA OHO” AAT) eee Li Nm Ai 2227 M. digitalis (Chemn.} Dillw. (=M. pertusa Linn.) GER +R’ RT RB) Bag Kobeng (Nv Sou NOK mth > KN) ena wR | PACRR SEO RA” 4K AR” DE RRS EY Oy Bod A NRO SEN PESO W ERO BRIN EK EE 0 REHOME CO MRO RBLVEOY -o | Wa” FERN Oy” ERE CHILO” Bd © Rw Oe REVUN REN COR wee O7 EEK OURS HABR POON OE KEYS iz (284) 月 九 年 一 十 四 湊 功 H+ CE RMSBBRC IT |) Wa BRODY OY Bie MRENY TOMES OV PURE” IEE SO | RUSH yd’ of MEMO 3 | 2 INS er Kose Kop x + |OBRHWORY (PEARY OY Sve OR ew yx FR MISS MO EE WEB. BROREM EM Rot tol Ae dete Tas i, HEC M. ambigue (GR PRR) 3 Swainson. 画 PUSS (NT DONT PR IMEN HI] HERO SRE CME NY im p90) WA | Keo RT AKRZ BSR ERS 6 On hh RSD 1 wPNO~ KN DY” BET WEEN SRB REORRENES WO] Wa BEAINOY” SMOUYRY RY SoU se wee 9° Cee ws -o | HE Ae DIN ET M. ambigua fulya Swainson. CERF RE +) WIE RS Kabyeak (Ck = hd NN) wR | eso RA CRE WR RU Kom KIKN OY BAW RODE WNBA” WSN BEER WR | Wal” ROKORHKEMDY Op RU4ENARAS NOZE WHR NO” SPJ DY ATW SRE 08 NG WI Aa Ro AP Garrett.) RORY 42 KOS MO RKRE GUO BRO~” KMUSRMINNO” B SEAXEBT OBR OMN ow Hoth A ERE Te | Hop | AW AiR REo M. adusta Lam. = 第 ao RE FAR we IL Hi Elf!) HAI” -K BE fons a wh ETSRHR* RAC 11 夫 困 園 ^ OK? BERR” RA 1] RRI ES SME RINERIN HSS 0° MOY SRN OY’ 窟 BERREE Y HK ERM 10 SUEUR | Wa SEOYoOy’ CRS Ree eeeY REN OV REY OTF Ote7 0 © SEK ESR ES WD te 0 N URE YO | KB KR INS DEK OREZO OM. tabanula Lam. 私 三 区 NR SVNII eA AIR] YR AY な 人 Q 紀 20 WIEN ai の FEW 10 dh OME | Rie CGR YRIM RYE OY RN VEO | AS AIR > Me anvantia Gmelin. (ERS WN + Rw) mime he lit Sis き He” KEE HBS oe” (Host Ss SCN TP > ORE Kit SRCRBRCIT 1) % = th» KN) we | eri SR HSE” RX” RAR EH” SA’ RUSS Y OY Re AN RO” Bw KEW (o BRS~ REX VSR | Wal” BOL HKINYOy MOYEN | SOoUHY SBN RW O BARR Ro” OTS | SANT FET M. proscissa Reeve, Variety. (2234981 | BR RET) HSE KET Re ORC me he Ke ft—-RAwe WRN や ) wR | BIRR RAT HAART UX" 1 | RRR” Bi xR | EH” MER RUSSO BRAT SRCSE oh” Be ~~" RRS Co ERS SR REN SSwE | 1] (SM VE~) 6 Sm i~ Hw SRE BSN 証人 H+ ESHER |) (22RN ER +R RHR) HI” ei< a7 wh jC RS HEIN RA” Ra BEES EX Co 9 Msn Seb OW” Bee” EU (SER REOSEEN-V" MoeRBVKD wear - KMN GY TSERIEN O VEER” BESSON iti 2 Neel NKURBNIN OO THY WS TS ORRMTH | Rw” SRO MCRYRVSK ORE | BIR INS ae bd KOBE © M. strigillata S.wh. SQ ダコ | 1) 8R ICH” RKO SSN OY? SESS fe NN 国 (GESt BREE Section CHRYSAME H. & Ad. Bate ン ^ SEMIN ER WE0* CN 4 OPAMETER IC -a7 ESS FS SS ott te | RMSNOY” BENE S HRAC-KEI” Xo suk ab N i 1] NN Noy GES) OM. chrysalis Reeve. CEERI TIGR RRR RMT ERO Y —~" RDO NT IND RNS) wR Q ぶ < RY BTR” MET SR HSI” RA” i ix BH” WS Ria y Res RNN Oy Beko Bere RN RS WAKE (° HS Oy el RRO SY BEV KRWSO SIRE ORS WANN ROK" SI ayy mb” . Wu” RES CHEREN MRE DN OY SOR Bodo ME WS Neo FEHR.” BEET a) SIO” Cha Evie gw Mo | VRP ANI ET Mitra sp. (CM. fabanula Lam?) CRS ER RS Ft RS ft AE 類 45, =k Ts ite te Ju Hi 二 (281) た RS sere RSIEI+ | Hiri [+o KREN CRESS KA RNIN HE’ Section CANCILLA Swainson. 11 寺 」) RRS” Bk Dy SRS RB 7 SRY’ SME MERU | seme Ab A ih HS MM. filavis Linn. GEAR XRT |B) WSR CPO REA KT NTS UD RS he RM ゃ の mY | iC KR I” RA” OAR HE Se” BERET A4-s wlk~-* BE MO Sem SY OV PERV (MLE C Git VER MOEMRORRWCY HHVYKF0OER ® TR a # E ig Ome BRS eR a we A f へ 列 の 湯 の ミン 第 PR RR 交 | ye ご mH ME A + 剛 岡 悦 E NG yf go = = 2 に = | 類 6 IR a の 項 pe Hi ie 次 5 se 集 OF 過 ? a ie ニ + ali al 上 A ae VY a ie x an ee f= fs a a hilt ーー ae ‘= i D vi O a Ker in | og の fei {fA ter Wigs i Or ae ee NNK ieee 珠 Me ie Fhe i | fg y Bete = 松 沿 SOC | WSS fama pe = — = =e hs == Fu es -De eke ee — aS ンー ミィ ンマ ix ニニ = = エーーー ュー テーーーーーーーーーー 一 一 一 一 REET Ee Tite CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF JAPANESE SHELLS, Published By Y. HIRASE. Bet ot m+ | 1m VOL. II. OGTOBER. 1908, _ NO. 10, 局 CONTENTS. 6 : PAGE ; A Gollection of Shells of the Yamamctos(With Plate Ill) h 4 Yq LO RVAT CEU RIOD eco. Scie, oe toy aap Ret os coh Lisseassasteee 53. t, Two new Macrochlamys from Japan and Korea. BY Y, HIRASE.……………… 35) fi 月 昌 + : ao 7 | Summary-On Japanese Marine Mollusca (XX neet. Articles in Japanese: Ow dapanese Marine Mollusca (XX11)。ー フ ーーー…………… つ 19: Remarks on dapanese Land Shells (0).…ーーーーーーー……………329. Two new Macrochlamys from Japan and Korea, TYG) ery ELA AS ie we ene erty Rete We on Pon ne eo ns cas ee OOe Philology of Shell-Names from Ancient Manuscripts (XIII-Part II> TEINS I<(OVKOISUVEXO) INUNEVEUNIDINY oa ocr eee ood PO LOCO OOOO Lecture on Shells. By M. Komatsuzaki, A Collection of {Shells of the Yamamotos. A List of Marine Shells from Suma near Kobe. (Collected By M. Shibakawa) List of Shells found in Harima(IIl) By U. Okami- MiSCOITAMCOUS,------------------cee-ceeeceeeseeeceesctescseaseercseeeeretseesseesseesseseneecsssessee senses SOD, Notice: Tho subscription price for foreign countries is $ 1. 50(3 yen) per annum. All letters and communications should be addressed to Y. HIRASE, Sbimochoja-machi , Karasumaru KYOTO, JAPAN, JAPANESE SHELLS MARINE, FRESH-WATER and LAND SHELLS of JAPAN, LOOCHOO Is. and FORMOSA Fine specimens (accurately determined and exact localities given) of a great number of species, many of them new or rare, for sale at reasonable rates. Catalogue sent on Application. Specimens will he sent on approval to purchasers known to me or giving satisfactory references. Payment should be made by postal orders; bank drafts are also acceptable, when registered, Prices are the lowest. possible, though varying more or less according to the quality and the amount of the goods ordered. Orders from unknown correspondents should be accompanied by a remittance or a satisfactory reference. A remittance is in miny cases preferable, as it will prevent the loss of time otherwise needed for making necessary enquiries. The full address of an unknown correspondent should be written clearly. Y. HIRASE, Karasumaru, Kyoto. Japan. THE NAUTILUS A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CONCHOLOGISTS Edited and Published by H. A. Pilsbry and C. W. Johnson, Address: C. W. Johnson, Business manager, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass, UL SAG ere ren eae ENE 2 ie IB ny >» We 全 ‘= =5Orn @ es ME HE Ae KIC SE HE oe aN BE a BA > Ve ike * @ FERIA A HIRE AAR SCH 2 好 緒 草 7 偽物 っ 代金 = 購入 ス ズム 暑 ニ ュ ) 美 牙 ナ ァ 米 國 確 石 類 交換 テモ 庄 15 = KINA Le WD HARP PETE i eH EE A x @ 5 A LG > Wi Gah AAS 3 TE ~ Rh IR 7 PE 込 マ シル ペ シ 宿 所 A. H. PETEREIT, 81 & 83, Fulton Street, New York City, U. S. A. = ESSAIS DE PALBOCONCHOLOGIE GOMPARER (PaR Maurice COSSMANN) PRIX DES SEPT PREMIERES LIVRAISONS REUNIES 150 fr. Chaeune de. ces livraisons comprend Ja Monographie séparée d’un certain nombre de familles indépendanies -Gagtropodes) avee tables des mmntieres。 ete. L’ouvrage se termine done avec apparition de chaqne, livraison, sans comporter une suite indispensable. Ces Monographies comprennent également des indications utiles pour étude de la Conchyliologie actuelle. ーー-S: ぐ 8 一 ーー REVUE CRITIQUE DE PALEOZOOLOGIE, ORGANE TRIMESTRIEL PRIX'de labonnement annuel…………… Table des dix premieres années Maurice COSSMANN, acai ‘95, Rue de Madbeuge. xe ・ Paris, France. SHOWY SHCLES FOR SALE Three sets of fine showy shells each in a yery beautiful and artistic box with a cover on which our sea-shore scenery is painted Each contains 12 selected and attractive species, $0.35 for small, 0.70 for medium, and 1.25 for a large lox, postage included. For large box mailed -to foreign countries, other than the U、S. the price is $ 1.00 and parcel postage. Prices are given in U.S. Currency. The opening of the new sale is intended for securing money for the purpose of completing the fund needed to start the construction of my buildings, which is delayed under graye financial difficulties, as set forth in No. 11 of my Couchological Magazine. ・ I am sure to give you pleasure with these sets and hope to he fayoured with your as many orders as + possible because of special sympathy with my undertakings, f Y. HIRASE, Kyoto, Japan. | AS HOC mu asia C sir UY HHI SIE 0 SY 6 PIER NY Re a EER bese ce 《 月 | a + Fi Bi Ue ey ey ik an vi や デ や や やや ーー や フー マフ | 3GSESSl | SER a i : Rao me TSN SOO MERC HWE OREN Bete CE RIAN 10 Fr es He por OS DRS RW OREM YOR fe | -K IS UH © SOE Lees mary) Mikin Y ov | Bw moL > Bat kee ot ENRBE Nefrecmise fese cc aa | PUNKS KV EGIL fea iL Tis as gO Kx EN SHES 220% SURG i sesws 叶 に wsg% 6 RS = Bn PLETE ATS NAT NE 3 ※- mS StOn Bee 4 tes es ee K ii B time see SERS SURE +118 JK KES NE eR yA Berar ners LHR de PN AER OR AREA RCRA RAR IH APN TDK BRISA \ AOE SE om SOOLEGOIOD GLO GIO GI LIONS, cet P% <3 5 ペン SKE 6 8 im. ON こう - っ 8 LERARNBAADPDBAAADADADADADA ARDS og fet eo バク | das RHR RK Y ABR KY oF PRERL AR CARRE ABD KH] mer RAK CKS emer a) BK a Ke z 1 ee |: i 5am MSE Rees et = ce fe eB) lando Hie ERA SETS Pee ee ee ee ・ ‘ sere NEN RG RINEHART a LAE Cie AT DN DS Pale Seles Se LIAL PABREAD ETI Ye ioe ‘ を 22 eR HSS a = & & i. ne eS Dit Pas SSA + |} +e rteoekic ies Ree ME Rae Ae < 8 (ohana eH BRAKE ORRES MEK (RID SOST «4 wR 4 = ONAN ORR) (ERT | BSABSE) Se eres 者 2X8 ORM LHS of ORE He tH SaaKE OfERT PSB RK Het 2 =" bod Hag nO OPEB RHR ey KS) Boh Ho oe ae 共 ID SESi8 a igi tae ci EMRE aCe SOR =) fs pes ee = FR {OS TE |e BS Iol Te it St (PR) CK (ming) - |= さ = SIGS: ROSERMKERS REESE i 183 = A NNE ROR MMRHE gm - RNNE ま IP ee ee, ee i き FY $344 im @ RN hy = ie wes eas OF we ee = OR 6 am Oak? Ree wie OMEOR HEE ORHY OSS: ERO Nhe 3 も etta 0 ins 4h et BR ge ぁ の : a Hit ¢ IES } bas 納 oF SH: ae Bg ¢ Shs (iPHESR A BO te: : 支 KE WD } は 9 ) ED iF it $ Aa A, LP で =f Wyle oe + et ie HEC: te" 方 WE & Fe eke Ba mt J th HE Wes Bt eo A ee i 多 ORS PERK RUE O.3 i Mls G2 TEREDO RSE wn カ 明 PAS hy ys Edge eS a RD ER ク 1 が - 1 ほり: ル と 四 得 i t eer : Pa 3 ぶら ite it WD 市 3 的 age a if Hi + i oh Q 4 究 i —f- ae £ ? 日 と Cea K ン Pfs fl 7 iit Fa mae 前 い rein Mm ee . 余 注 味 島 鯉 地 a 行 as a air (hea TE こ ts . th. <4 町 30 caveman Me cee om 埋 ア ES la =e i ; AE RE > > Gh 7 Mae Rate SH gai Wily i ie 77 Ge . FY Ft fix Un 7 E94 8 Ol Smseeeme EF Ot 十 し 第 第 人 二宮 ow ea aa に ie fail 2 oe EE is : PEE YT ty 2 7 EOE | eR aa i . ー 版 a4 - {A MND 7 OE a oye kh 潮 San ae ea. | 2 RREON ROR. 洋 ha oe 春華 京 の 2 と も > を ら A ee Te ere 時 teen a 2, > ) EoD 0 6 堂 房 堂 KHMER EGER FEED) BB ee) oe PCE OT ree 2 6 a A J0 Beis: CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Vor. II OcTOoBER, 1908 No. 10 A COLLECTION OF SHELLS OF THE YAMAMOTOS (with PI. III) By ToRACHI Fuji The Yamamotos, a distinguished family in this city, has col- lected a great number of shells. Mataichi Yamamoto, the present master of the family, had a naturalist for a grand-father who was commonly called "Boyo.” The epitaph on his grave-stone, written by Setsudo Saito, a scholar learned in Chinese classics, tells us that : “Our honourable master was born to a family by the name of Yamamoto in Kyoto, which was of the medical profession. He was named Seju by his own parents; yet had another name “ Boyo,” as a nickname, by which he was far better known in his manhood. He greatly respected Chonchu, one of the great Chinese sages like Mencius and Confucius, and indulged himself in reading thousands of books. His extensive store of knowledge and learning was so exceedingly profound and deep that it could not be measured. Yet they praised him merely for his familiarity with “ Honzogaku,” the Japanese conchological classics, in spite of the fact that he had all the arts and sciences at his finger’s end, as we might say. This was a great pity and might have been to his own regret that he was popular among his countrymen only for his knowledge of conchology.”’ "Boyo,” we have reason to believe, must have been one of the rarest accomplished scholars that ever lived in Japan. His erudition extended to the study on shells, which used to be and, I am very sorry to say, is still a branch of science seldom studied in Japan, except by a few professional conchologists. He was acquainted with Dr. Siebold, a famous German scientist. When the doctor made a visit to Kyoto, “ Boyo”’ was too wise and diligent in his studies to let slip such an opportunity. He went to him immediatly, and put to him quite a number of questions about 54 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE plants and vegetables and other products of European countries, comparing them with those of Japan. It is said that in July, 1893—in the 26th year of Meiji—when a great meeting of natural scientists was held in Kyoto as a token of remembrance as well as in celebration of the 4oth anniversary of “ Boyo's”’ death, the doctor's son Baron Heinrich von Siebold sent his father’s photograph, in memory of the friendship between his father and ‘“ Boyo.” The shells preserved at Yamamotos at present are stored in eleven sets of eight or ten boxes, each set being 12 inches in length, 9 in width, and 14 in height. The frontispiece represents those given him by Prince Tadaka Ichijo. One set of seven boxes made of horse- chestnut, with a beautiful picture of the sea-shore, remarkably well painted all around, is bound with a red silk braid which has a rich tussel at each end. The other is like a lacquer book-case. The individual boxes are made in imitation of books closed by means of a peg or two, usually of ivory. These boxes have each its own beautiful painting and in the middle of the cover or lid, the motto “ Kai-chin-shu,” a collection of rare shells, splendidly done in Chinese characters. Prince Tadaka Ichijo was Her Majesty the Empress’s father, and had been taught natural history by “ Boyo.’’ On this account, the Prince gave him the two sets of boxes. They are greatly treasured by the Yamamotos, I assure you. , As regards the shells in these boxes, they are something worth looking at, and worthy of mention here. There are quite a number of species and varieties. Above all, some of them have exceedingly beautiful embellishments worked very skilfully. For instance, 32 た lus nodiferus Lam. has a silver tipped mouth and a slender, crim- son, silk braid with tufts attatched to it. Very small and imperfect as it is in shape, it is skilfully worked just like the battle horn used by "Samurai "in oldern times. Szetta excavata Hanl. and some other species are so brilliantly painted and coated with gold in the inside that the brightness dazzles. Somewhat like the breast plate of a Jewish high priest, the inside of the box is divided into many square sections, each of which has a small mat of red or white cotton, arranged in alternate squares. THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 55 For preservation, all the books concerning natural history, which belong to the Yamamotos, are now stored in Mr. Iwase’s library, at Nishiocho, Owari. In concluding this short sketch of “ Boyd's” biography, it may be noted that he was one of the students of Banzan Ono, a prominent scholar of Chinese classics anda noted naturalist. His sons, Yoshitsu the eldest and Keigu the third, were accomplished scholars. Mata- ichi, the present head of the family and a famous historian, is the eldest son of Yoshitsu. I regard it a great privilege to tell the public that such a famous family has lived in this city, and in addition to their bright and glorious deeds, has preserved numerous precious shells. TWO NEW MACROCHLAMYS FROM JAPAN AND KOREA By Y. HIRASE Macrochlamys kuroshimana n. sp. (Pl. xxi, figs. 1-3) Shell narrowly perforate, depressed with very low-conic spire, thin, translucent, fragile, amber colored, becoming paler toward the apex. Surface brilliantly glossy with faint growth-lines and excessively fine, minute, close spiral striae above and below. Whorls 5, somewhat convex, rather slowly widening, separated by a narrow- ly margined suture. The last whorl much wider, rounded at the periphery, rather convex beneath, narrowly impressed around the umbilical perforation. Aperture slightly oblique, broadly lunate ; peristome simple and thin, basal margin somewhat straightened, the columellar margin subvertical, abruptly dilated and reflexed in a minute triangle at the insertion. Alt. 6.5, greater diam. 11.6, lesser diam. 10 mm. or Ge One - 1O!On" ees * 9.2 mm. Kuroshima, Satsuma. This fine species is quite different from anything yet described from Japan. It somewhat resembles J7. perfragilis Pils. but much depressed and smaller with less convex whorls, narrower last whorl, wider perforation, narrower aperture, and much more angular out- 56 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE line. Also it differs from JZ. dulcis Pils. in having more conspicuous spiral strie and darker color, etc. I have collected only two specimens of this species. Macrochlamys fusanus n. sp. (Pl. xxi, figs. 4-7) Shell depressed, dark-reddish colored, thin, translusent, glossy, with very minute perforation. Surface marked with very slight growth-line, and under a strong magnification showing very scarcely perceptible spiral strie. Whorls 514, slowly increasing, the last comparatively narrow, rounded at the periphery, but showing the almost obsolate trace ofa peripheral angle. Aperture oblique, lunate, the lip thin, simple, the columellar margin vertical. Alt. 3, greater diam. 5.5, lesser diam. 4.8 mm. Fusan, Korea. This small Korean species somewhat resembles the above-men- tioned JZ. kuvoshimana Hirase in general shape, but much smaller with narrower perforation, higher spire, more convex whorls, less striking sculptures and narrower aperture. 77. cerasina is a larger species with wider perforation, more convex spire and sharp peri- pheral angle. I have only four specimens of this species. SUMMARY—ON JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSCA (XXII) Mitra (Strigatella) auriculoides Reeve. pl. xxxvii, figs. 171, 172. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 154, pl. 45, fig. 3109. Jap. name, f/i7ve-yatate n.n. Loc., Loo Choo; Oshima; Ogasawara Islands. Mitra (Strigatella) imbifera Vam. pl. xxxvi, figs. 167, 168. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 154, pl. 45, figs. 322-326. Jap. name, /utokoro-yatate n.n. Loc., Oshima and Loo Choo Islands. Mitra (Strigatela) chrysostema Swainson. pl. xxxvi, figs. 169, 170. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 155, pl. 46, figs. 330, 331. Jap. name, Kogane-yatate n.n. Loc., Kikai-ga-shima, Osumi. THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 57 Mitra (Strigatella) scutulata Lam pl. xxxv, figs. 151, 152. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 155, pl. 46, figs. 332-337. Jap. name, Yatete-gai Kwan-mon-Kai-fu. Loc., Kii; Tosa; Ioo Choo. ; (Izu; Ogasawara.) Mitra (Strigatella) litterata Lam. pl. xxxvii, figs. 173, 174, 175. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 155, pl. 46, figs. 338, 339. Jap. name, Shima-yatate LTwakawa. Loc., Loo Choo; Oshima Islands : Ogasawara. [ Mitra (Strigatella) maculosa Reeve (?) fig. 175. | (Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 155, pl. 45, figs. 327, 328.) Jap. name, Komon-yatate n.n. Loc., Oshima Island. Mitra (Strigatella) virgata Reeve. pl. xxxvii, fies. 170) 1776 _ Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p-. 156, pl. 46, fig. 341. Jap. name, Ko-shima-yatate n.n. Loc., Oshima and Loo Choo Islands. Mitra (Strigatella) retusa Lam. pl. xxxvii, figs. 178-180. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 156, pl. 46, figs. 342-344. Jap. name, O-shima-yatate nn. Loc., Oshima and Loo Choo Islands. Mitra (Zierliana) siervogeliana Gmelin. pl. xxxvii, figs. 181, 182. Tryon, Man. Conch, vol. iv, p. 157, pl. 46, figs. 345, 346, and etc. Jap. name, 7etsv-yatate n.n. Loc., Oshima, Osumi. Mitra (Zierliana) ziervogeliana woldemarii Kiener. pl. xxxvii, figs. 183, 184. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 157, pl. 46, fig. 340. Jap. name, Hiime-tetsu-yatate n.n. Loc., Oshima, Osumi. Thala ogasawarana Pils. pl. xxxvii, figs. 185-188. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., January, 1904, p. 13, pl. iii, fig. 22. Jap. name, Nomi-fude n.n. Loc., Ogasawara and Oshima, Osumi. Dibaphus philippii Crosse. pl. xxxvii, figs. 189, 190. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 164, pl. 47, fig. 381. 58 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Jap. name, Hanashifude n.n. Loc., Oshima Islands, Osumi. Turricula jucunda Dunker (?) pl. xxxviii, fig. 193. (Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 165, pl. 48, fig. 398.) Jap. name, Vaga-minomushi nn. Loc., Loo Choo. Turvicula plicata Lam. pl. xxxviii, figs. 194, 195. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 167, pl. 50, figs. 420-422. Jap. name, O-minomushi Iwakawa. Loc., Loo Choo; Oshima. | Turricula corrugata Lam. pl. xxxviii, figs. 196, 197. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 168, pl. 50, figs. 429, 428, 427. Jap. name, AZnomushi-gat Rop.-Kai. Loc., Loo Choo. Turricula ( Costellaria) militaris Reeve, Variety (?) pl. xxxix, fig. 204. (Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 171, pl. 51, figs. 447-455.) Jap. name, Munome-tsukushi nn. Loc., Oshima, Osumi. (Yaeyama, Loo Choo-Iwakawa.) Turricula (Costellavia) collinsont A. Adams. pl. xxxix, fig. 205. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 172, pl. 51, figs. 458, 460, 461. Jap. name, 7swkusht-gat Mokuhachifu. Loc., Hizen: Hirado and Goto. Turricula (Costellaria) hizenensis Pils. pl. xxxix, fig. 206. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N.S. Phila., July, 1901, p. 386, pl. xxi, fics 31. Jap. name, //7zen-tsukushi n.n. Loc., Hizen; Tango. Turricula ( Costellaria) hizenensis Pils. Variety. pl. xxxix, fig. 207. Jap. name, Awaze-tsukushi nn. Loc., Fukura, Awaji. (To be Continued). ヨド A # # 0 0) 1 ERR Do PSS RS Bee NHS © SEH RK A BREN BR EON © ON VR Bin 9 a SEH SU BK 104 ROSE FON $4 SOIREE ER ORNS ONS NS oy CERMEEM 6 UERS VERY ORS KEES FERS OEEN Ho eb WEEE DO OHH HC oWRAd CRCRERCHMVRENSN OBS Cis BR ¢ HABER RE hy MUR BS eS ne RK BERBERS OR -KN BB I © RUE fitites fw OE Q-d HipRi OL EN UK SEERA EE RR TS WER +e STE KS ORY EON KERN IR” RMS CRMNRS EK 6 BRN ON RL OR NIAC DN BED i OA MO NEN 6 ONCOL IK no Lh Ano NAB Hk OS rE He tf SM CINE SDE CHANNAHON KAN) MBO BESS Bene SOK SS EN ie in. EE te 00 SUE EN DUS BEC ORD REE OERMY MERU OMY WAN R ORAM ON UO OO Rnby OED BRO €|/ Bo SEY DES @NNAKSYA CORRES ABs Yi) OV BW] | KY pode srt+ko RO” RSME Ree See SS toe OK ND I | IK WH OS Y RO~ RAR WENN BR ON Su WY POMS BdoN A460 pH Pine Qt ow PUN HOM R07 Kc KS WHEE OC i]B aw 4 XK | He AOR OO” OAM CRB HEEK ON a0 PRA BMAWVRY BS Nou Ada | ERE +e | 4KXECK ORES CEN) SRE ws Py K SYREN tee? 下 FREER -o” | SNM Rw ( SHWE ROR~ MN EO RE RHO HE ORR HO VR 1b) = RNOBRKN Hi ypRRMRIV WP Oe” LOD SSeS ) CORBULIDAK H 紅 A 科 19422 15 8 (HB 7 +») Ger) 5 69. Corbula erythrodon Lam. クチ ベニ 80. Meietrix meretrix Zinn. <2 NC i) MACTRIDA 娠 A 科 81. Venus stimpsoni G?d, (AF v ie) ———=—— Se 1 ゃ ." ‘ 3 i 60 Macoma incongrua Aart. truncata Jonas, 29 を rhomboides YQ. & G. VENERIDAE Dosinia troscheli Lischke. Venus jedoeusis Lischke. Tapes philippinarum dds, & Live. eteeffei Dkr. M mv Dillu. rocallista paci CAEDI1DE Cardium DADY im Chemn. CRASSATELLITID. Crassatellites joebeekii Ao の. ANATINID AL Auatina jiponica Lischke. MYTILIDE = Et メシ ラ ト Ve SNe ote の カミ 7 カビ オニ アサ リ ) Zi ese SY マツ ヤマ アソス ピ レ RY ee 63 66 67 Mytilus dunkeri 7zceoe. Modiola barbata Zinndé. e hanleyi Divr(?) ANOMIID や Anomia lisehkei dz & Fisch. LIMID ポ Lima hians hirasei Pids. SPON DY LID Spondylus cruentus Lischke. PECTINID AL Pecten hirasel Bavay. Vola laduata Sowwbd. PTERODA Meleagrina martensii Dkr. りら PiNNIDS Pinna attenuata AVenke. + Bory Fre Es の) i) ie eA オタ ヤ が と ヒ Fat Nod ハッ ウキ ガ ヒモ A+ e+ 9 Eleesteees Sigaretus papilla Gonelin, SCALID.# Scala japonica Dkr. SD(S. acuminata Sowwd?) AE A) NERITIDA ” Nerita pica Gould. TURBINID1 Turbo coronatus Gmel. TROCHIDM Chlorostoma rusticium Gmel. Calliostoma unicum Dir. As hungerfordi Sowd. Monodonta labio Linn. F neritoides Phil. Umbonium costatum Vad. Fave アマ で が ヒモ Aye コツ タカ が ガン が か が プ エエ ビズ ス が セ モ コシ タカ エ ゼ ス Ay SNS Dat A ass キ サマ 45 46 47 So Wt STOMATELLID.% Stomatella lyrata Pilsbry. Stomatia rubra Lam, RED PATELLIDA Helcioniscus torcuma ve. 発 足 wi CORBULID.A Corbula sp, MACTRID.4 Mactra sulcataria Desh, Spisula bernardii Pils. Tresus nuttalli Conrad. SOLRNTD.E Solen gracilis Gould, TELLINIDA FP me arya} NAY t アカ マテ が ガ が も 12 13 14 15 21 Nassa liveseens PAi/. eemmulata Lam. ” COLUMBELTLTD Columbella dunkeri Tryon. " pleurotomoides Pris. MURICID.® Purpura bronni Dkr. » tumulosa problematica Baker. Urosalpinx birileffi Lischke. Rapana bezoar Linn’. CAE FED AQUILLIDA Gyrineum rana Linn’. CASSTDIDAL Cassis strigata Gime. DOLITD ムシ ロ が ヒ 2 ew ay v4 ay {( Ni 24 Dolium luteostoma Aust. CYPRAIDA Cypraa macula 4. Ad. STROMBIDAS Strombus japonicus Meeve. CERTITHIID A Cerithium kobelti Dkr. = kochi Phii. CALY PTERID® Amalthea conica Schim. Amathina triearinata Linn. NATICID/E Natica coneinna Die. - clausa Brod & Sowhy. Polinices ampla Phil. powisianus Recls. VE 7) ae RAH Spe シド サロ コ ベ ル ト カニ モリ Ais yi jE キク A \s x A Santa) Soa Hate ツメ タダ が セ ヒ (346) Hb + em Alen AE Ek ョ ョ N め な な” RETR | ERA ROI © RRER VE REEN R16 10 << 2 Drillia jeffreysit Sanith. YRED ツ さ nao A AsO RU AEN EO Yate WY CANCELLARIDA A030 « Hho” ATK OS EKO aOR NOY RAN 3 Cancellaria spengleriana Desh. =a HE BEE 1.10 © WHE 10° 4 に latieosta Kust. コン ラッ カボ ポラ ニニ | REBD RRS ns | OLIVIDA TEESE PEA ORKEN BH ONS~ Ki2 OW 5 Oliva mustellina Zam. マク ラ が ヒ INE NNER © CHIN Xb 00 ERR DE NAD Ha | FASCIOLARID_E At iy SO BLE Ho O20 RD yp mK mHi~ Hen 6 Fusus perplexus 4. Ad. ナガ が ニシ SS VEDIO RUE So BY KNSt ww OGRE | BUCCIN1D RHEE WS 0 SU TIS OY 28 HH GO | 7 Siphonalia cassidarieformis ve. ミク 9 E 腹 足 類 8 x fusoides longirostris Dkr. トッ イト (REE) ( 9 Eburna japonica Sowerby. バ オ TEREBRIDA | NASSIDE 1 Terebra awajiensis Pils. 10 Nassa tenuis Sonith. ョ フ バ オイ PLEUROTOMIDA 11 cwlata A. Ad. ハナ ' ム シロ 39 x 4 cena a_i. ME 類 介 Bite Fi 誌 (345) imaxves HOS BEEIEES = 1 |X Sutieis Seok HA AOS ES Soi pex< NON ge Roe EUKte Fe SH Kae Jct 08 Bie Sune IMtH=eS SESS RROKOE aE Fe | Se 1 | <4 iG 1 1<4 1H 14 ] で (1H 1 RH i ih Redes Kee fe ee wee imo gt AAT eee ss s= | SEN SREORKS Sd” SY HITE IS SOY SE EON | SIO] [HAVIN Resi COHUE SH OS RA) AS” LGR R ORE RE ESN RY" TSS ROO V PRR EN 4 OC! [See Dts HN HOH AR NOW S109 ERNE OY Camis 6° RSHE NSO BOD EME PHS HE EN MSHS SREB MENE (MLN ORS? HOMERS NSE CUS st SP OVIMBN NES Ow SK WWE Oboe Meo VON Rw a” BORSY SeNOR GIS OBSHHVYNINS OREN? R Apo eKSRMEO cB oLervr Gy ye woy S$RONIN POPE? GUVo wel HO” RNR’ MOR SEAN N O yi? ERNE 1000 «BRS RIE OMY” [ER IW E OIE R EN Ki OL YRS CRE ROR 1G NM BE HAIR MVE mH OLat wr © 16° {ROK Bele le RRR KRY Siig | 4 Siti ae St rai ai Ase fe Ki ーー ッ + 8 iF Ra KES PNR PND HAR Ri R AD dm ONIN ten” IKK WE HIN BAN Savy sen td WEI ON POY SOmVes SN~~BSHOM SPOUROMP NOMORNPRYRS y Sms Ns ROMS. VER PS WORT RN OMER UM CoM P< N CSU 4 SEN $207 DMN IMU Rate” & RW RA WER YEOH RAN SM TAP RY WING SUVs aHOV FARR RY Yeo s RNa POY | PAY Hon. RY Gop RIN UREN ROW RAH SPOR dro RE RULER RYRRSODLMEOWS 6M VY KKXOBREOENUYMERLER NEENMANP ORE OANA YON BNE ORNNNEHO yy MO mom OW RMSE) ANSE Ewe |] CMEN eto eww SOE な で か eS SEAN YS NS YRS SER oe 2 IN US at den LS OF ORTAR’? BeBe SP OUWNnNy eatin SH DOS 0 SS ーー ak ik S <8 HR ONKAKKN HN Q~ OSBVRRO yu ND sd S ~§ BREE 6 0 FESR LEO” ES Fo° HERUSR) [ERROR eKu to (EE) Rae OWRD” SN KAREN SE ORONO RW YENI” THIN OO h-al の 人 な 5 ftw 4) Abe He SIN ERIS OLS HBO Berber es QO EERRN PRY OW 0o RUHR stas (oan eee © pK Aitsew wy) ag So ge? Rada) Kou N ti uO OB RSC ENE SY BEERPOLLR RSS KENRRY tk —RA Howto 2 — + Me W 42) HOA + 4 # st QUE 0 IK SH Nk YO NOH OV RON SOM KERME BY Kw y HAVES yop mec ORE RUDY OP OMIRANK i107 NNDINEBO PS AsO OAM ORE MIA HR BIR SIS 10 48 NEROCUETOAY ROKLOARR” NINA MINKE WY YHOO” TRECHKREMY RON N RRS fino” NORK ORNUR REMI OPO ASO $iie GRA VRRP HRW AH SOUR NAR Uo Pe NAR Y SUMAN EO! [ROMY Ee wx EH SARIEMEL AS YY NA ARY Pr ERNOW LLROWHIK POU Gotti” NOt Rv MVHS oro Q PITA | RUE OKS Nw OY KEY PPEBE IRV RIKN OOK OME WEA LRAKVYENO Kes QAR RION WW HR MN HOM Thay Sit’ BESS wy Ry Mot CORN 1) +H Rye SOAS AMA~ HN AUD VAY HO HN) FY ENARIMERORNUH OMY SiR BION Qogtho SHV HESSEN UN O~ Lo DY V5. So Rhey OREN M0 GER KE KEN RO OY DAT AY DY BREE ot SSH OTEK OY RQ REE Ht OY Baht fm | BYMOK Re RUL RNKR IMU OMMO POM ) PROMBNVEtS Hin ERS SHOE SWE COM ASE | 1 [HMO N oe ) BPE Da ptie su” MK wR Ye ottim ESX A ORO RN KUMI WIN SER RAMROR POA DHE K-ottdn” IKK OREN Kime POM” § SRM RAT RRR FPR RT MWY ROP DR ル AORN © Oat Ht Ot REE NEON OG opitien” RK Hie 類 介 = は mo oi J tes Ae a ff i (341) Rid NACHRS RS J SY ETRY EEO AUG Hin? HO CCF ou SUM.” SRVRLRN BWA S SINT 0 4 IRATE IN BES 00 AHN DREN S MONA OUR SBR ROME KNEE IS YRot im Fn Joulh~K MS Ko POV RRO KIO © Be Ua ee HARMEOS ( Kin OR VORENKOYH 46 fn GST EEN NWEHOALN SOUS -oftie” HRY “BRIE VEO |] AW OY” Pt -os HONS QUE OME Pe a re a ee WPOU SOM ReiK WN で 天才 ER CINK RE OTRO P OLRM S POBRES ea) SEERO RAD’ GH BES BKWVORYD OE weREL eaves Nip sud ALOEL ONG SHO NO SERN ENERY NIM (NPOME 26 5 P QUE DH te WIYREY | HOY NOH Es SAO HEN 6 0 OY Sot ZEKE SUS VEN 8 Ath RYT NOU NTP RT 0 ルト タダ PARA っ 《 く セル = PNEZ AST ARO RM PSM INS MOU 20° NAR UOHEDE” FROM HY Kav~ Oy wmh~ ZEN PREY SO RONORSN~O OQ ARE wOYV a D1 « PQH YA ROMA $7 1H CIE OMAN VOW SWIX who PORN PSR” BO y RRM WINK YH Veo OAS 6° WES SRREE TRS OYR RK WN NER (340) Ate a +B i Hoe 還る の 2 = A hem Wo. RiOf Ae av Ru J MMM) Ye oft AN OMS VERB WO VERS Vi O By OMEN OK! IRMOM ORES © OWREOs VHD COWS aiite ROSS 467 LR AGNN SO MAE O Y Batt tee 19 RAS で Mw SNS Ci ERE Iu PINE SMUG opti” SP Nee oaKk es” me (POU ottin® RAs INN BAH OM ORFS ORG Ottis” BYEMOR NOW WLR INK RYIMVOMPKOVEHEKO © YMONWER WENO ID SUBS Ht fey SAME AMY PROV NOMRNA Ay? PSOE Nw aG-atidn® WO |] AWOYN ON VESKO Te eu REO RO TO NOP ove N BNA0 YE 10 = © SUA OW BK KY ROMA oattin® NOC? 2 v MSR’. Romy ocekoQorouwKRREsopoveBonrs +1] OM EWM NW SER HPL VNN Catt Ox” PI (HS -o) RE (BS 9) WEILER (BX) We DO? AMAIKGY Soin” ZROUKNERW N TERN OSS AMINA EON MARIN EE OG A NS Au’ BOMNAN SOV SOM REG SKYS a a ee fh eu JQGR AH SeY «ASOLRRYHRR ROR G1 Ke PRO ee JN AI ON RY RA BOS PON” Mr AN SUR Ht Ses WIV S-aetin R10” REHNUROS CE REY EO — 介 誌 ME 類 i AX i nT ee = 1 q 39) af OAKN PBI S Mae Wen SSY Rion NW OY HO DHRU TORN G S10 Bn we NN a xy (RR) ee a em EM CC っ CC っ WDD DD er ung ot 1 4 m Bw fe AD ~~ mS Lynsey ~~ | CMI ¢ OK YG ctit de HME On OSHS © N SUSIE DABS YY IRA WER O16 0 POUR OM EDO HES IKK MOF SRY DAV OROMVR KYRA RN ROIS YLaasnralefaee rol fon NPROW He PO aN wm & HAKANMPO PRY Ra] O44Y ROK MWIN © ONO RY DVH VO PH OMPRNOPAL FR RAIOHMKN™ TR OER OREN KOM OSLNERVES Y Hw 2 a QR ate | Pou N CM’ HN OY PMR SURE TRA HDC” RPM MY Ss ae NIN S4 OWI Hiden ULMER OTH HB nEN EDA POASN OMENS NJ A BAM Stine | Ot (MUN AEN CO CEty HD 9 SX Se Oo KH] [AMBP OY Rog | [RMP SO wER AK Yo A Swi EER SoH ^ He) MUMMERS 10 MO SH S~ YOR Se SWIKK BRE OUR’” NNONHd VERO YHON BARN 4 ~~ の コ の な へ か DYNA’ FR RY JH MR VES SMM BY GM ROE OHNE WO DY PMMBNKR oH VRBOD ze S WY SN SO OMIM O ERAS OWI ABI SD HHO? AGEN OTAP FR Ro IMR mE NASD OTH WA YH OU Gof se ARAGON Tinie oN SO OG O46 ON WHR MAUS of Pe” BRK ] BYE nwys 1 汗 1 pat (388) Mig WW —L ! At ー F 日 Bm S 8 PRT INK) REAR KE (OMIM -OBHOMY AN MY OM MAH N IE © 8 Ahh Mw gu Y'ELN AMA DSH O PINE BoM SENNA WY MW~ RRC NO — SIE] AHP 19 NS Fru w © Ot Hy I DHL Y Wh PO tw Vm SPOS KMOMY Arig YOM 人 は ん HO QwWN EE SU ORS YS MIKE RUE ROBY [ Te [eV Oo US ay > LEWC SMI SMCRABRAGHASAS ey = > Die ay = を Cleves [oN a SP wea / 届 “OO pey ORB Or G Bemvrd es RACH HNSBHR ION OR SAS EE 6 9 | =e et SOU RW DH? vy PAWS TEAMS SSRIGS | & ー コ ズ へ 、 yz ue be + Of we ば DAR RS HOD ee ete A } Ai Pe igh < < ko” Gel FE ee it fd ie BZ 内 we を = は ip Ne & 名 ( Leap + ss Pe Le リア は eh テ 解 Pf "か 江 を ひ eu age eh BE ae Ce Ne ee 5H 9 | Ze My を wz tk を に る Se Ne PARIS 【 Ke 種 レ せ 試 4 wu て し み で e < fat 1 Ze ee ee % ie AI に ee の な is Wad oc) fe ar 事 ふ さ 多 し SS DP by な iG の ら 例 CON m る Gi EieA x は Be な 第 ass Ki ae 8 PD ko SS is 7 wz i べ me CIN ieee ee He Bak が KB る の rea, eae! as の 』 和 0 ドド ek he tk ict の る 5 て い i at 偶 如 HH 槍 へ ni I) 《 て Se ey CH FF =|) wy We Bs の] ム 非 と Ag e | 時 し ご 9 be eas a a4 SK, than wu fi 8 eG f 3 ty ae ia % を テ 長 = a Ze の KE Ce の ) ミ ム |e テ ぁ 水 事 “Sc k 。 太 Las 73} ERS ANE SH AAR 14 LR OSO SRN OSE PC E A+ 4e.— -F Wf ia G36) H+ SE WEA Cw YP Nw tel SES @ @ & © PGRN) Me NAS OHM EY ER BE oitRuwt-Royhs Ahi oR ieee MMOL > n PRK OQV AY oCOMSROEX Surt ei do Dy Kav MORK SD br OS~ ER Arn Y RR IOSN Bi CO DR ON RUNES MS ts yoEIs CSE | CSUSLNT pHNVES oS ONG S 生き OQ CRNA MOYO din YW MOISE OEE NSS D us BNR O1R MO UE NEE | Sv Oya owt ya | 1 TEE WHE SS ( VEN oR ORY | NENEAKRK NY Take PHS NW Ht 00 « ROK oN Wi OS KN EK AER BROS RN NSE SHDN ide NT OS ARON OY KEY | OHS | BOR IK SEEMSNEK ( PSS yw ONNERSS tere we | NB D> WE5 ORR OM NE SHAS EWR eNO RO T fy nimn = Bh ES (ne28-| RIED OATH no A LOE aoe tee (EE © Bate PEW OVI O | Beh ons | CREEKS BEG OY NOW SURO WIK RYN £ «cS yy RIP EREERECERN 39% 10 HERS CH yitikti pw VER OH WIN ( CEM RNC H CREEN VEINS DSN MEE (N10 SoH DON OKA N aK SHE OED OY RE UAS » OR EBs y ieee PQ DD -o NAR RH Sd PBK OR OU Om y Ru Has EY S< Ce O~ 山 に 3 aN ont SKM oKMM INS SRT SN Nate N SIS O fiw iy 00 MID eS SURELY AKO 6S OR oO UMN AEN-oK eA WARNES VY BRSHSS wu EN C BES AS CORR NER RAN HER ルト SJ MRIS es awit % CHEK (335) SKN Sp My | jp west ON Sot Oy get RC 1 中 £2 Ofer Y [Sh SR KCN Pe, HR, Sik lin ¢ LOMO en tRe me's Pt, SSE UMN ERE Cx Jou C10N RM ty Oni Oy OREN Be CoQ ROR ) pneON YEU NXP OME SEY Ss yA Ai | wish RVR RN whe oR REE OS~ RES YO © any | EN OY OE RSRWHEY Pi rR RD Ra] VINAPONY Sen Bem wesw (oD M20 { OM QR UWOR RN RENBTN PNW CES SERN HS CSU BS MESAYNYNS (BSW wD N QS AS [AKRAM XS SE I EHS £ Ov RK RNR BESEN YS ROS OVE 2K Sis wie 6 Ot BR a es WEY (RRS, | wih (CS~ RRR SES gi~ RKO SORVALL VEAP wihoYe sa Be GV ON BAI) RIE RM NON INGE REKEE | | wit ( mY ER VRE ON OMe | y SINS OREN NW SEN DR OK E~ HR ~ SuRvy ai ySwuResRwhevEnesinxo RES, SR EAE ROBE 2439) SHAS I+ | BRE) WU moe SOR” i] MUE mV” HRY BAe” Sees Gb° MWEREN Oy” Shri RESEN RvR mK ¢ ” IEEE’ RRR So | +E] KIB OAR + D RUBE O | HY OO] YRAR RAY AR Hyalina(Conutus )ineexta A. Adams. 9 っ ホーNw BINT Hyalina (Conutus) phyllophila A. Adams. MIA INN RIN? Hyaiina (Conuius) stenogyra A. Adams. SN へ NNN Hyalina pupula Gould (=H. fulva? teste Mollendorff.) MIRA INUIA KK“ Hyailina labilis Gould. US PNP IN Hyalina ampia Reinhardt. RAR AINA RAR IN Hyalina obfusangnla Reinhardt. ho + Hi 4 —. Gi wi RE Bi SP (331) Kaliella lioderma Pils. (SHER 1 | ROR | ED (RSE REEL FEN 44:0 ) be Mh fe 1 fet ~* SORA fet Tm” RAE WTO GSN OV REE MoO RES ン ^ BEO@RG~ Beware” MVE S PRO” Ki Revise (KERR RE EXCRETE” KBE Oy SRK SHURE SC OOM AO MIRE NEO’ RSS” HY Oy ER waitin SI [SN Aan” COMBE OY” SEB” ithe By | KBR Pr Dt wHE~” RR OKEEM ON Atay Rte 0 Newey | SBS OKKEN A 200 R Fr DORE PHO a K hh = “KK ORM PURO me” KUKRHNOYN a4 SMR) WEP 1 CWA VEK ORE NS LOHR OR~ | YRAR NKADN Hyalina pustulina Reinhardt. CHIN] ® > RAIN 440) (Sat 1+ 1 BR +1 IED) wR” ji] の RA Wins URS” REKHEN OY a-~ SBS Wa AEE Oy GRE O Bak (” sai” BeBe” K~ Oy mas” Bdaks~" eg Like DR IEENEK mY PORNO] UR A IAT IN” Hyalina temera A. Adams. (= INS we > EROKFEN 240) CRE | 1 BORNE +11 (330) 日 圭二 月 十 年 一 十 四 浴 明 me SM ASE (1A) Heh.” BRA RISE a Co EK OH? 評 MIR” Beet KES] KH KR UK YARN RUNNER PO M0 ダー」 URAL MR BAKA KX Hyalina microdiscus Reinhardt. (= INS toy ROK BEN 44:0) CRRA SRI 1+ ] RRS) wR mK we” | HK” RR Bp Ka” BRIK~- BETIS SCE NOY HRS” BER MHBISR ( * RiO~ BRK OO SEMIS HH AR NY HEU” BRN KEES | KRM UN YARN R UREN Y UP OK 0% | NV ne TK — 9 TAKA +1] Zonitoides nitida Mill. (4 Nw aon ROR REN 2420) (SSR 1+ | BR+B) Hie me (eR KORA RS GX POLO POMS) ] we Aes” RUE SHENOY TREN REE Bete BVT” SHER N OVER IRC 7 BRI BEER ( ~ Dov KS” EXNEKO, BRBIEPOL VRC VE Rwy WEES SAas HFA NY BRADY 0 th SIAR HS © BEN +40 J VRAD MK INT Hyalina minura Westerlund. eNw ae y ROBIN OS ou OY H. hydatina Rossm. CHEN KUNE OK REY ONE] | RAIN” =i? 5 ME 類 介 es hot He DH (329) OME wD AND NBSP PEL MW~IyK Mv ERNE | Wu” Kwa ve~ OMB 7 Bde he es OSMRECNEN OV’ BESMFEOLRAN URN REY BRO ON WHE C1 [ZENE SERNA HET T. (S88 BRR RR) semifaseiata Lam. PA” RK ase Oe (EE NT =P DOK & hy He LS) WA 2 SR SY R871 RH” BSR ER ESRIRIAY OV IR IRERRE No BRIA BEY (Mew SRY REB” BRSAOBEHAC MM uit OE Oe’ BEM tb | Wa” ERB ~ BO HEEROMA Ray SO MHS EKR eS ZORRO” RN! | BORDER OO BR OUSNSEMAIOHVKS mK MOREE) YW ARBE MS 0B URE OBES | (KERIB) Sa SKB OS ORS Ree CA) SASSY ey RR Y AR NR ELON RN EIN EIN Bil MOP OREN 0” € Y REN Ky RE yO VRLESANRH Siu POM SKIN wim ull PSV 00 STR PEG PQ te | LOR NRME Family ZONITIDA VRAD VARALGRAANS Hyalina hilgendorfii Reinh. (4 Nw ae > ERO BEN 24610) (BRA SR ] 填 | BRS BB) wie” mK ol = x< Rue mwK a Fe WENVOy” REA” tl (328) Py ig ab =] hit = = H + KPBS RBRO I+) RO Law oO” SA -o | BREN SRA RE T. hizenensis Pils. Variety. CEA ER 111 SRR | NE) Wa’ KH rE ERY OVECREN 4] MeN MAR OY HET T. vanattal Pils. CERT’! MRE) eT” Ka NOY? BRK ow m OS” REN I eu yt BY Y FRR 0 Nowe YD | Wal” WES e RMS ORBEA” SMO MMSMOLREN Wa y Revs wseVso 0’ Ol" Hse © KES M5 | BN Qo FRET (T. eruentata (Chemn.) Reeve ?) C27 1+- RB’! RED) ュー ニーーーーーー ン ANDER YN BN xen Sea ee ee CHAN) AUK VN REE (T. eruentata armillata Reeve ?) (2 SER +) WA HESS SHR” | RR ME 類 介 She mby Ake ジョ 條 一 そ ィ < ジャ ae ot Ko WAKER OTERO RRO” REE VY” EIR ak~< | WwW HR IORN AX AR Y ZX” FT. collinsoni A. Adams. RE ZEWHE Oto | CERN +S BRI OR) 2 Be wh “46 A IBHRA7 | [R1 1 園 7 中 人 | EER RT i) VEN *AA NAS や 二 REWER ( BEER Mot i” SERA OY” BELEN RM 20. YELP NE KNX AAD CB~ BEM a4 | Wa FON yy REUROIVRo” VMCHREN OHE ES © BSR OREN” RN RRM 10 RRR NIE SHOT EMRE D Note | YYANANR ON HE PT. hizenensis Pils. (Se Ei +R RI AC) 435 2H BBRC ITD HHS BUS Keo” WR HKR HSIEH RA" 1 1x” DSK RK Oy KS BDO REO ee NOV BOGS wc HENTRE we’ KE LENG V AT 1" Oy SR eS BESEION Ha VEER EEER US-" BUERN Go YER AI~ NSO VK REN Soy” FAN RE | VEEN ECE. Oy RnR ORR” KEM CoyprrmRewiinso’ SMOLRUNS YKI0 RECO’ MRK ER REY ORR AS Wy” BRI eV REE ( RRO Sst~” ES 下 NOR OMB ESCO REN USES 0 DER wo | Rw PRON OY Bae xvxeenonea Aas PRUMORS MEV BRM | OFS’ Oy HON So YO REYK REN OE e) OBER Vie MIRE CORKMOMBE LYN PRMORRWHEP oO” RR 2 (326) T+ 4A — + © ia Hie 月 KSSH6SEBR01411) Me ODRRMR NAO | Wa RAKBY Oy RR wot (7 MORN EE MOHH RARER | FEIT” HA VROKON ERP DOS” BE Pea” Cae Wie ow So | MA GMM KS? ET. corrugata Lam. GER RRR’ RATER ot AH) HER IRE (EEENSE NT RP NN RN BR Ne) We | CRASH RA LRM” | ot ER ae BSE RO REN SD NESS UOMO Ss PSB wk C7 "Senha FE Bu hE” KK SRO O BRRE AY SRO yS~’ KE OREUER yNO ar lau N dat BN SV NEM o | ERIN 46 ~a BRRIN Cb KN RS) OS RER NO” LIN ALS OSES” PR OK MF (7 RYE OSRBVICO® BOY RAR MEM HE! (SOR RES WA) Y KO MES KEIN OYUREMYR® | DN DARL [na] PREM Section COSTELLARIA Swainson. RNS ISN Oy BERLE PONS” 天 JON ONO MEW Nw | KA KAR FEE (TE. militaris Reeve, Variety?) CARR’ aR | AS) HER” KEE Kae” me | RA RR TE DSK Rar See BRACHE- RRO} | 走 圭 鋼 /^ Se VIREO +E ( SORE = FF ab ME RA SP te toi 4% SM OMA OO! [MAZE RVHE OS | MA Gf NAR MBE FRET Genus TURRICULA Klein. K ih IN > OW someecen COSTBLLARIA 3X%5 CALLITHBA pel uaa. PUSTA BME RE NSS west KAMINS —RBe KR SS BSE ERE NY KS” LEEK Sh D HN IR OM oy PIMA Go RES (TP. jucunda Dunker?) Ge RTE’ Ba H RR RR WA 1 171 RR RA RR DSK RST WSS” Bt + Bee Go Vy Hae MIRE WK SRP Rew (bow es A itso” BEN OYRE 4 いら FEIN 1G co Yt I Red esha FENG ay e4tNO~ HSIN Gay Within’ SEES Cro ote” BR A XS SHCRERC ITD S ROR MRS Oy? Ae NY BR” SIMOTEN Bok (° Seis Oy Ba~DO WV ATIRN Bo | Dal PHELAN Oy MOL eo RWS TBE © +4 53 9d M BNES Ms 0 URE mK ( EKER BR CURR FES =| AAS Gey FRE? PL plicata Lam. GAG? Ste ROS EMRt HE) HUE RES -K OF HSaEC NT = MB | eaS eR RA ADR HSH “Uk” | PADRE AUIEH” SOS? ERigislonw OV BSH BRIE WY Dav iwik (° +BES OME RNa (* BE a ar 生き AHA Oy i WEY OY KEM SOIREE Say 6 Aap NP) “RAT AIRE UN OY? ー ご キス AE QL BE 6-7 Bh oh BERT Af wu ~” や (324) PPro te —+ we £54280 1+11) MBI 1 | RRA YC BH Et EE RU SY OY BK OREN GEN MRO RNC HIRO Kim Ce Ke BISS.VES ( ~ Nout BE Sh ee ht 6 SK 1k IS OQ REE BO OK0 fh BRT ESL AUS 0 BB doa ay ey VIR" BRO RRUK NY Oy may te tH QE eee ii" KEEN ESN’ HENKEL へ” 友 圭 コ NACE A © evs mi 0 | | RO” BREN MHE MNO SA BRSEN Bx out MIT NW -o | PK FURR K+ SBN Niet Kok stone A DN NINE 1’ Genus DIBAPHUS Philippi, Wy REN RWC Y OY we hs ty Nouba MSJAJSE ゲン SES 44 Conus mitratus SSN Strombus An? PEC SPAN lerehellatus MERKEN” NN S KER’ — es iN RR ーーー ーー ーーー SHR SER ih RU ERODE NEN Ko we [eR MOH [eh R — A> 2X (Mr. A. Garrett.) 2a YR OBS NER ONO’ Kes HR am TER SU BK 5 20 NJ su MAU EKTR IM c” BRO AHBEDE RO HEED NRO pI REDE OS WIE ~ Hees MO RRa Matte | Ror Ai REO D. philippii Crosse. (28° Ne Riax+ eee st BSE ROSEN” BME Kao O11] 0) aS 8 BOG" BSR 6 00 SURE WHRERN Oy Ses 0 BBW” ORIN Oy KY eS wats mt ie — FS RE RSP ン ^ BEI mk (7 SER SORES a UREN ERS NIN” SERN OY A jONVSNMOVERVEY RELVES CEN SEER oo IRS | RUE KY IRA BK 10 | Waal” S286 0 RBH IN OY BEE Be TH ORY Bo’ MOMS OVE SEAR ~ | も や そ コ で 、 必 M. Ziervogeliana woldemarii Kiener. Gaya? ey LN RMR TMT EI) wu” Ka” mph” 1 RR HSI’ R71 RSET DK Reuse Sher y BE DwHO’ BEMEASER CT sul pe OW’ SREB OVE AO” KM OMUE AYOVT SERRA | eee Wall Ki PRIN OV KIN HSB wii] Nm SIME 87 Genus THALA Ii. and A. Adams. Re PARKER ORM AK YP rR WO aX EEL 1 pot OANA D4 OY DEBRIS HOT A IN d NERD F MB ORE CBwd - RENE Vey 総 U an OLE EmWsY KBR CRN S pee KSEE OKIR’ 園 BIE QO RESREEEN Ho REE OREN” ERERA OB EURENEMOKR6 9 C800" KHROVIRA CRER ORE | AN ATR fee PT. ogasawarana Pils. (eee? BRN RR +H RR KH) Wulsa* S eo KEE Kak Bese. sais Ae = aa a SORES Yt BR LR | “of CRS RSI” 871118 HS EH HS N11 KR ee Sle a oY EEYESY & IENI~* BRR Pk AMS UPHIEN Coy SYNE] Ral” REWOBN’ AKCLLERS MOOKRREEVITO” OEKKIMS so | ARRAS fy A & ih REE OM. retrsa Lam. (A881 FU’ N+ KR +) PU Kab Renee = hd NN w) RAR 1 HE RY? BIR ABH “uw 00 ke SI” A BT 11 | SR RAE we KIS Oy eg uk” Bere 2 * REN RUBE NRO WERDEN Cops” RUNES Do | MQ” BERRY Oy RSS Ss 19 SEs TO Be MORSE RE way eSB ANOY 名 WORD -o” OUR | INN AH HEME FREE’ Subgenus ZIERLIANA Gray. FA Wh R UIE] [ABR RORY MITREOLA gD) oy ZIERLIANA sd4, 0 BENG 20 7 INS en Ra oy ) > PEN KN OGwitinn Nd aedo CBRN 46-9 Y MON FER in へ Ne WEREY * SUR A0 N KR AER MMO EKY OY HBO RA] IBN SN fe Oe ify HREM M. ziervogeliava Gmelin, N GE RTE RO pau +- | SURNIS-+1 IEE) HEI Kon SP DOR th > RN) py” wR’ Ra” HARRIS” WK Renton RaSNOy” BRO +o Cn, (RY AFF) GTHOFxXyYYyF i +H & PHY SSwo” KVBSUHLEROURIE NE (VERN Rouen” BikKovyhBers PRR PZT KREIS DIG NI SurQecn” MCKEMEY S HEME OS htt PEN RRM ORM” Esvk Ree OC Boh | op fy Sk if, HES MM. litterata Lam. (20887 $i] +-VIR’ RN +) Rio + tig) WE RNAn en oe anvaet ore e~’ ees 7M DVI SNOY SEGURO bowl” GEN BUTEA SO BR | WE) SERN ERIN OY" PAK RES 10 BIA Rib wy ne fy Se A eee oy wa d= =X ー MOR LNELERA HBR ORBNANY wrk ERR NERS HR MBH ROBO, ORMRO PROBE NV BEALS 0 M. maculosa Reeve. QHdsu | Kin rO BENE US NSS Ap 4 INT is 197° MERE L Rw VIR KO Y RES 8 ewe Amr Nast i” BENEAEN DP PAK ENE RO ENT PARR IN| CNY VIR Se N UA Sh" HAR -KobHSoR” wy” CAR HSIN” RA fi] ARIE) fi ord fv fk ify SRE OM. virgata Reeve. CE SMR’ RANT ORR N+ VE) nS es en 周 fk Ie 4 tz lt ja 形 % と 人 Ai | eee RRS GF a に 本 す B an a= ip Te y Se oi 色 Bs ee of 章 eae © oe | KM # stag 2 oe ge Og Ki fel 釜 w+ ol ik a tc fk 柄 いぶ * we eee eee 前 消 微 の tH 公 y so OR HE ES 枯 策 失 か Tk RE 人 3 Pee eee e See oe Os シ | 2 0 の 同 II ook z eee oe be a ae ee oe aoe IG ご as y eens fe St で 部 粗 列 二 > 和議 ON. A 44: は ’a pe 分 に Bee we \ 彼 ん a a y Be 形 頭 5 Di ik 自 ae 9 tT 5 ar ん Oona re ia) eels Ht ot 動 te 5S Sa B す 微 物 O® So ae ee ae ieee 9 oe cl gi s iz itt Ws | US gt | 、 キ IBM と ce 1 hm ih | @uk ox ed . ak 彩 の “ey cae Rik eo ze & 5B せ は 彩 BW Os # Be. a yl Coa @ は wm 2 は の we VY >| @ Fe me 8 AR RR eG ee eo ee ee Se CUE @e#k ieee ed’ Lees AF re ee ae ie | ie 2 Lae ot ek ek 公 3 es a た k る 色 Ff @ し 分 に Ke Beau eh ree ak es =) “Hl K & 電 5 市 %*e@ heh F ER BFE tece Wie D e 所 ee © 不 し aK 5 本 微 > Sm es m 版 = as の 横 B 細腕 ー 人 iy amu な % ep Et Ki 第 き な htt we np He Oo 2 i 2 = ye Ee る Bs を は は ome np ゎ 分 MM fi, & 自 万 な 無 往 ME OD « he ee He SE し th 々 時 線 wy - フ ate! あ 人 い の # By RA A < B&F h # “ee © sm HF ), 第 て 色 ヶ & を MF ( ゃ 時 aD 科す ao SSH (14+) Sm (319) COON ACE ( El ! eae ae Stns PSE oe SENN nin AWA Se ニュ + IS HON ae OR N we 4 レレ っ ア B ab ME FA Sh s 当 Wes y => oe “QADIY RuDIOEULOEEELB By rae ia o's Me ‘ we) S@RARACSEH | = = ULE tae SBS Gy St Ei SS ン + hee — ン Gero STi aD ee a: フー ) (era KULTOJL FQ ULL? “TL さる \ いき UN = 1 SASH | OF NOS L HN Urey OE *uw[ BLO FIQUUEE “A me WR beN WOSWIVAG VAPWEVOIULG worpeg 24 Beas eae OD | RI = etn (=i = ae +E Oo+ | lo | PB os SHoy LOSER SSS wn SD RE A mS ran oY (ray Be Co THE CONGHOLOGIGAL MAGAZINE VOL. II, PL. Ill, ($R=9) B— HREME SP Lay ie ag oe, *S PART OF MR. YAMAMOTO’S COLLECTION OF SHELL in 3 OD vee Dr ES AK W Ss, JAPANESE § KOREAN LAND MOLLUSKS, PL, XXI.( 版 一 十 二 第 ) 類 具 産 陸 國 韓 及 本 日 eee luroshimana Hir. n. gp. at ” fusanus. Hir. n. sp. 8. SIRE hilgendorfi Reinh. Kobelt, Fauna jap. extra. 9: microcisens Reinh. 2 ” ” 10. Zonitoides nitica Mill. Tryon, Man. Conch. 11. Kaliella lioderma Pils. Vilsbry, Cel- 12. Hyalina pustnlinn Reinh. Kobelt, Faura jap. extra. 13, tenera A. Ad. 2 ” 2 ” 11. ” acutingila A. Ad. ” ” うり JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, PL, XXXIX. ( 版 九 十 三 第 ) 類 具 産 海 本 日 206 (oa re | 218 22) 204. Tntrioals (militaris Rye. Var?) 214. Turricuta (acupictn Rve. ?) 205. NSO! 215. と 回 Ave collinsoni A. Acains. al >] (COLSIRGTERH2 oO) 206. ” hizenensis Vils. 216. f < 207. 2 5 Var. 217. ” SO・ 208. の vanatlai Pilsbry. 218. ” sp- 209. 2 (c:uentata (Chem. ) Rve. 2) ZOE : は ‘ bs ‘ . exasperata Ginclin. 210. ” ( » aymillata Rve. 2) 220. J も 211. うり (anucronata Swain. ?) ¥ (aurcolata Swain. Var. ?) 212. 2 sp- ( ” 7) 213. ” japonica A. Adams. ( 7 27 2 THE MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. ーーー を ーー ツー ーーーー ronnded by the late Geo. W. Tryor, Jr., and continued by Henry A. Pilsbry, Sei. D., for the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The Manual of Conchology is a fully illustrated monography of recent mollusks. Issued in octavo form, in quarterly parts. Hach part comprises 64 (or more) pages of letterpress, and 15 to 20 plates. The TIRSm SERIES, Marine Univaives, of which seventeen yolumes have appenred, is now finished as planned by its illustrious founcer. Of the SEGOND SENRIES。 Terrestrial Mollusks, Highteen Volumes have been published, completing Helix with index. A few copies of Vol. IX of this series, “Guide tothe Study of Helices,” will be sold separately at the regular subscription price. Separate copies of the Index, suitable for th» purpese of a Catalogue or Check list, can also be had at $1.00 each. The Monograph of the Bulimi is now completed with Incex. Separate copies of Index, $1.00 each. The Mcnograph of the Urocoptide has also been completed, and Vol. XIX is now in progress, finishing the study of the Achatinide. Prices: 一 Plain (unc: lored) edition, $3.00 per part. Colored ecition, {5.00 per part. Fine edition (both colored and India-tinted plates), $5.00 per part. For further information or descriptive circular, with sample plate of Manual, address S. RAYMOND ROBERTS, Treasurer. P. 0. Address, GLEN RIDGE, NEW JERSEY, U.S. A. Aa illustrated CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, by IF. Stearns and Il. A. Pilsbry- Paper, $2.50. allan abhi y wai 、 Soe OO = J = * I =o AY 傾 BS 65] # 部 部 部 金 ike 2 lotr i PR rl 8 Jai © ip wae “eau Acti ie py th AT Fatih negnigtigK i 月 Ieee Allee ih 7 ab FH ui 所 peel BT prey LAE ae tip Tp Ongar Nu we Bt Es | Bepiee = > 31h i slag | Meru ete a: 2p i aS ea sty) 大 全 全 東京 ail 7 Tg = ie We #7" Whe 回 ae ea DE | ve ne iH! Be 京都 Ay, Wi 41 | 」 | 活 Bes 1 % 町 | シ ジ ヨ 7H Sa A ee 百 aC ge WS 7 ハ 可 = 便 ご ヘス LF 大 北東 東 東 abe = (| Ze Se 3 hig 前 eo MTT SE iif 7 Hak WK i SES に = [ ett) bel = + 華 館 海 京 律 TM aR fa a } Ce) bo Gea) aes 4 w= 出 成 テ 候 修 済 サト 御 2 ズ 庶 dh 次 AE iA matte LE 3% 42 38 Sy in We |. My ys —- iy me 2 HE 日 日 本 Hig f= BA 介 Ik WE peerage Beek 2 gee L KK Se bi Js nee e ab 8 MO Hy EM aS OT ee By i 人 Bi at “ok Sh i: 第 EE 座 前 4 了 大 人 ae 内 fs « my ee Se の 名 貫 。 工人 用 BS eS ? 和 4k ear aay レラ / 考 ヨド > JE = SS a $i ee Ra ミコ ヒ We op CS) 2s の 上 i どー is = s Ls Dy lis 半 っ ap f = ーー デー 7 ee ニック FA 類 ee ah de mx O » IK Bre riZ ee Wk ei 小 Mi ri 店 a AN ヾ art に m—- BR HR = = Se = = es a Asot+la+st|tbrKSs (= YS) いい は m+ SS EAE LS Clemo] el | ag) ™ THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF JAPANESE SHELLS, Published By Y. HIRASE. VOL Il NOVEMBER. 1908. CONTENTS. PAGE hand Shells of Quelpart Island (Korea)(with Plate IV) IBN St, AY TENILSIEIRNS Eyqvol! Mes MEU NSO ie cer cee coo E9 Summary-On Japanese Marine Mollusca (XXII-Part 11)……………………………… 64. Summary-On Japanese Marine Mollusca (XXIII). with the Description of a new Fossil of Gylindra from Kikai-ga-shima ) ニ NAT IST ER NS つき UE あと ど の つの CO つつ au Articles in Jananese: (WUSoSmeSolMlSmime 四 MIGIISGS 二 (6 Land Shells of Quelpart Island. BY He An, PIES Bert Geir MEIIEVA SE tre, oct ech sce Se ccta ose eee NESS 365. Talks on Shells (=Part 1), BY T, 1WAKAWA ーー…371. North-fast. Correspondence. By K. Matsushima. Habits and General Meonomy of Land and Fresh-water Mollusea (x) PMUS CCMA COS ecacres ete etme encore Sener eccen cance eactneetenescere ort sactisnsstetsesceacs-.ccck sto SO GN Notice: The subscription price for foreign countries is $ 1. 50(3 yen) per annum. All letters and communications should be addressed to Y. HIRASE, Skimochoja-machi . Karasumaru KYOTO, JAPAN, THE MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. a La ee ae Founded by the late Geo. W. Tryor, Jr., and continued by Henry A. Pilsbry, Sci. D., for the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelnhia. The Manual of Conchology is a fully illustrated monography of recent molusks. Issued in octavo form, in qua:terly parts. Each part comprises 64 (or more) pages of letterpress, and 15 to 20 plates. The TIRSm SERIES, Marine Univaives, of whieh seventeen volumes have appeared, is now fnishel as planned by its illustrious founder. Of the SEGOND SeRiss, Terrestrial Mollusks, Eighteen Volumes have been published, completing Helix with index. A few copies of Vol. IX of this series, “Guide tothe Study of Helices,” will be sold separately at the regular subscription price. Separate copies of the Index, suitable for the pu pese of a Catalogue or Check list, can also be had at $1.00 each. The Monograph of the Bulimi is now completed with Index. Separate copies of Index, $1.00 each. The Mcnograph of the Urocoptide has also been completed, and Vol. XIX is now in progress, finishing the study of the Achatinide. Prices:—Vlain (unc: lored) edition, $3.00 per part. Colored edition, §5.00 per part. Fine edition (both colored and India-tinted plates), $5.00 per part. Yor further information or descriptive cireular, with sample plate of Manual, address S. RAYMOND ROEERTS, Treasurer, P. 0. Address, GLEN RitGE, NEW JERSEY, U. S. A- An illustrated CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, by I. Stearns and Il. A Pilsbry. Paper, $2.50. Laauuee ご 7 = a mw | > >EO Soh [ime | +S SEs B11 Nm なー Nuutha 2 = = = = ait Jul spam th ay a ao El a 湿 ) age 25m Ss > ee oe 2 > Ne & oil iD me NX Ak oe W eS pipe ge YP kA S A を ビ a 骨 RAE EH > PIM CFF > > 融 阪 京都 人 へ WY fe | LS sa FS S| > FEE ! se Kits 1 ai = Y BSS RADE i SSS Swe St = oF at Till St 0 SOR > B+ 1 選 ss | tr > し = ttc) EUR ERE > mWel 7 RS Or amene BamawS+ +) & 7 Dk # 0 @ =~ Seria ltee |i +t & MEE STL HK BK Bh Ste pnd A ee vi ~~ J 込 Sos A aite) eS os ma At SY th SSB Yat - ir AES mae oo Boe > BAS st Bt 電 | _—— 明 A gor | Sov ReHs Ne IZ “CE RHR) OF Ee PO Ose RX BR pee = eos Li go ty oon oy HEE NY XC 00 Ie © EHS wu B>th1@ « | HE CR OVEMw k Os Rs3 RAVE hske ORs Ss ene iis OSS EM oR Ole ORREGRA IE Woeester, D. C.—The Non-Christian Tribes of Northern Luzon( 3472) Bib! iography of Anthropology and Foll-lore, 1906(g4%=) WAR fea cue OL MA (HESS Re ORM OMB OS< oka 9 お が 。 A に コ HO REomr en OBER OL EORMOLS OFFI SSE Cae BO th O Sim SFO Grihe HEC O BE RE Grumy Oh O r< ie O dana seh OF) Gr O Nae Se Ha SS ex ie Seen SS fen ao LESS Gay ae st tas & | bo E Sh KSiho 人 @SRUSH det BHE+ | 時 | mime {3 PE eo m * 編 fe GorgoaceaQ | &Primnoldaen Hy _ RRB BREMNER NERO 4 cue BH peur Sue 25h e Sauder gee alt Bie Can OR CERO EM &6 wie Ih’ NEN HOBREREOR AT OR EHO ieee OREN OSROMH SX RREERMNEKS kW ix HX Hoo ae tee 漂 招 ER HK RRS = th ts oe ee ee ESSAIS DE PALEOCONGHOLOGIE GOMPAREE (PAR Maurice COSSMANN> PRIX DES SEPT PREMIERES LIVRAISONS REUNIES 150 fr. Chacune de ces Iivyaisons comprend la Monographie séparée don certain nombre de familles indépendanies Gasiropodes) avee tables des mmatieres. ete. L’ouvrage se termine done avee Vapparition de chaque livraison, sans comporter une suite indispensable. Ces Monographies comprennent également des indications utiles pour etude de la Oonchyliolcgie actuelle. REVUE CRITIQUE DE PALEOZOOLOGIE, ORGANE TRIMESTRIEL PRIX de labonnement annuek…………… Table des cix .premieres annees Maurice COSSMANN, Directeur 95, Rue de Maubeuge. xe Paris, EF'rance. SHOWY SHELLS FOR SALE Three sets of fine showy shells each in a very beautiful and artistic box with a cover on which our sea-shore scenery is painted Each contains 12 selected and attractive species, $0.35 for smal], 0.70 for medium, and 1.25 for a large box, postage included. For large box mailed to foreign countries, other than the U. 8. the price is $ 1.00 and parcel postage. Prices are given in U. S. Currency. The opening of the new sale is intended for securing money for the purpose of completing the fund needed to start the construction of my buildings, which is delayed under grave financial difficulties, as set forth in No. 11 of my Conchological Magazine. T am sure to give you pleasure with these sets and hope to he favoured with your as many orders as possible because of special sympathy with my undertakings. Y. HIRASE, Kyoto, Japan. % 4 @ 2 9 BReSH Osa BRORE i SEER Ne) Set b Ss に 2 に do 1 KN KS out Eh SSS Koo BEY RmNYNERR RN SE CAN | 8L く pKa を RG5 を Re 直下 | Kk SIS DEEL © ne pet eS LL | ue av | EB Gr BSSERERBKUNHMER a A Res と 人 ae Scpe SERHSRR | kd aaa at = | 1k Tee ae mE < | hRERELDE 人 | ce oR eu ace ler SRM game # en PUES | 1 RV RHA Si RESETS ei+e|@ Sb et CRERFESR Au = Bip Se WE | Bet [hy] +< Bs ®+KSSMK CARERS IRS さい ここ さこ ta Ou & Yiwu OH GaSe) Reet? e+ m+ Howie OX F&F RK HRMS HE | SCREKAR EAE On # OsKe. HEH Breveomunie mas e OBESE ‘@aponeeces EKER: Osi : oxmuc Rey Wee? KR || EeCes geeuchecnn ay cucenue Zi ie Eee ORES OSH jens Bim AN SHRHOHMSSRER RERNO-\o hose ew OSS BUSY MWR F118) ANS eet Sete on i ©) Lee Ba “AS SIS 1 BE - # a : RIS EESEMES ] #2 OxBzexcxs Hae we we ‘ に デー 人 ORR EEE A OMI. Remexe| $% le &R eSNR*K* #H Pa ce [eee OEMS Mw BY (HS) He H Re BH Tacs aa OX FER EMRE REY) Ge ne m NN i feecestces ae | EE JES HN CK A BR EERE Reo + | SOK aaa peewee Ot] Sree (1 1) Kok ke ef as es = OR RK ORDER O 2) xe wm ] : ORR SIO RN +62 1098 (11) 2 = gw | PRG TEE RE RII e+ ee Ose? OARS RRM (111) gz ao | ax) (SERS) Zh Reiss ORBR RAKE HEE SB Rg te SN (mies) | sun tps = Ss oa nee sis 6 aca Reag@ebn de ine He hale aS > Wie ipo au moe ‘ mal te L4 Us a each Be = PIE 3 le Mme Na ie thn = on ] dy Pees i RIE me Ra He igi ee wae =e 3x 4 = a Sle ba 1 eo ea x aM | 68 電 ti ik Eii a eee ss EEE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE No. 11 Vor. Ii NOVEMBER, 1908 LAND SHELLS OF QUELPART ISLAND (KOREA) Ry H. A. PILSBRY anp Y. HIRASE (WITH PL. IV) The following notes are to be regarded as a supplement to Mr. Tokubei Kuroda's valuable article upon Quelpart land shells in the June issue of this journal. The results of study upon species not identified at that time are here given. Cyclophorus herklotsi Martens. The specimens from Cheju are practically typical. Cyclotus minutus quelpartensis n. subsp. The shell is very similar to C. menutus concentratus, but differs by being a little less depressed. The whorl slopes below the suture, not being so horizontal or flattened there as in C. w. concentratus : there is a fraction of a whorl more (barely four whorls, or even less in C. m. concentratus, over four in C. m. quelpartensis); the um- bilicus is a trifle narrower. Finally, the whorls of the operculum are less sharply striated. Alt. 6, diam. 7 mm.; diam. of aperture with peristome 3 mm. Cheju, Quelpart. Cotypes No. 95,824 A. N.S. P., and No. 1,53 Hirase coll. Spiropoma japonicum chejuense n. subsp. The umbilicus is slightly narrower and deeper than in S. japo- micum, owing to the slightly higher spire and more descending last whorl. The columellar margin of the peristome is retracted more than in japonicum. Cuticle smooth, yellowish olive colored. Alt. 6.2, diam. 12 mm. Cheju. Cotypes No. 95,763 A. N.S. P. and No. 1,447 6 Hirase coll. A form somewhat intermediate between japonicum and yaku- Shimanunt. 60 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Diplommatina paxillus (Gredler). Cheju. The specimens agree well with Chinese examples received from the late Mr. B. Schmacker. It occurs also at Mokpo, Korea. Alyceus kurodai n. sp. (PI. IV, figs. 1—4). The shell is quite depressed, widely umbilicate, the umbilicus about one-third the total diameter of the shell; spire low, convex, the apex projecting ; pale reddish brown. Whorls 334, the first 1% smooth, red or brown, the rest very delicately, closely striate. The last half of the last whorl is moderately inflated, the striae becoming stronger and less closely spaced on the latter part of the inflation. The neck is short, rather strongly contracted, then encircled with a strong rounded ridge, which is less oblique than the peristome, and close behind it. The aperture is circular, quite oblique. The peristome is thin, broadly expanded and recurved at the edge, the face convex. It is narrower on the columellar margin, and is adnate to the whorl for a short distance. Alt. 2.8, diam. 4.8 mm. The operculum lodges in a vertical position just inside the aper- ture, and is of a yellowish olive-brown color. The central part (about one-third the total diameter) is smooth and sunken; the last four whorls have oblique growth-lines and are elevated into a lamella at the sutures. There seem to be 6 or 7 whorls in all. Cheju (Quelpart) Island. Cotypes No. 95,742 Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, and No. 1,537 of Mr. Hirase’s collection. This species is very distinct by its short neck with a strong rounded ridge behind the peristome. It is quite unlile any of the Japanese species. It is named in honor of Mr. Tokubei Kuroda, to whom we owe the first collection from Quelpart. HELICIDE. Eulota (Euhadra) orientalis (Adams & Reeve). Cheju. Typical specimens of this fine species. Trishoplita dacoste awajiensis Pils. The specimens seem quite indistinguishable from the Awaji Island form, notwithstanding the wide separation of the two islands. It occurs also at Fusan, Korea. THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 6r Eaulota (中 gista) chejuensis n. sp. (PI. IV, figs. 5—7). The shell closely imitates Z. 7z2722772 in shape. It is pale brown, glossy, the surface marked with fine, irregular growth-stria, and on the base some very faint spiral lines, but the cuticle is smooth throughout. Whorls 6 to 61%. Aperture oblique, the lip thin, expanded, the outer and basal margins narrowly reflexed. Alt. 6.2, diam. 10.2 mm. FO ers LO: 5) a5 Cheju, Quelpart Island. Cotypes No. 95,841 A. N. S. Phila., and No. 1,539 Hirase coll. Ten specimens of this species were taken. Recorded as Lidota (-42gista) sp. in Mr. Kuroda’s list. It is evidently close to Z. go な schei (Mlldff.), described from Seoul, Korea, but differs in characters of the surface. Eulota (Plectotropis) vulgivaga quelpartensis n. subsp. The shell resembles 4. vulgtvaga (S. & B.) in shape but differs by the greater development of cuticular appendages. The last three or four whorls retain elongated cuticular processes on the striae in places, and the base is closely set with short, triangular scales. The peripheral appendages are rather short, flattened and triangular. Alt. 12, diam. 21 mm.; width of aperture including peristome 9 mm; whorls 7%. Alt. 11.2, diam. 21.3 mm.; width of aperture including peri- stome 8.5 mm.; whorls 7%. Cheju, Quelpart Island, Korea. Types No. 95,729 A. N.S. P., from No. 1,542 of Mr. Hirase’s collection. It is somewhat remarkable that a form so closely related to the common Japanese 4. valgivaga should turn up in Quelpart, especi- ally since it has not yet been found in Kyushu, Tsushima or Iki; and its isolation would give some reason for considering it specifically distinct. No Japanese valgivaga we have seen has cuticular scales on the base like the Quelpart snail. It was recorded as /. (Hecto- tropis) vilgivaga var., in Mr. Kuroda’s catalogue. STREPTAXIDZE: Ennea cava n. sp. (Pl. IV. figs. 8, 9). The shell is openly wmbilicate, corneous or whitish, sculptured 62 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE with close, fine, slightly curved riblets, which become weak and irregular on the latter part of the last whorl, and are wanting on the first 114 whorls. It is cylindric, the last three whorls being about equal in diameter, those above forming a short cone. Whorls 6% to 7, convex, the last compressed laterally, obtusely angular at the base, a little sinuous near the aperture (in basal view). The aperture is truncate-oval, obstructed by 4 teeth: a vertical, compressed, sinuous parietal lamella, an oblique, very deeply placed columellar lamella, and two contiguous palatal tubercles, the upper one mar- ginal, opposite the end of the parietal lamella, the lower one near it but further in. Length 3.3, diam. 1.8 mm. Cheju, Quelpart Island. Cotypes No. 95,717 Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, and No. 1,541 of Hirase’s collection. This species differs from all known Japanese and Chinese species by its widely open umbilicus, its width about one-fourth to one-fifth the diameter of the shell. In other characters it does not differ much from £xxea tvakawa, the common Japanese species. It belongs to the subgenus Szvoennea of Kobelt. An outline of the base is shown in the fig. 9. Clausilia fusaniana Pils. & Hir. See p. 16. This species proves to be widely distributed and variable. The superior and spiral lamella are always widely separated, thus differ- ing from C. faz, in which they are continuous. The lower palatal plica, in some forms of /wsaniana, extends upward forming a weak lunella, as in C. ¢az. Specimens from Kojeto, Korea, measure: Length 15, diam. 3 mm., whorls 101%. 4 ノ ” T2255 \5 ” 3.1 ” ” 9%. Three lots from Quelpart measure : Length 16.2, diam. 3. mm.; whorls 10% = 3:5 7a Mt. Hanra. ‘ Te 5 eh i 9% J ” 15.2, ” 3 ” ” It 1 Wone, 5D 13:55 a Ow os of 10) 4) 54 r32c; 2 5 30 I ] < 9.297 <9 3.29。 ¥ Cheju ” 12.5, ” 353 ” ” ya ) The specimens from Cheju are very much shorter and relatively THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 63 wider than those from other localities, and the lunella is about as strongly developed as in C. ¢aw. These short forms of fwsaniana approach C. gottschec Mlldff., differing chiefly in the separation of the superior and spiral lamella. In C. gottschei the superior is continuous with the spiral lamella. This is also the case in C. ¢av. The clausilium of C. fausaniana differs from that of C. ¢az in having the apex near the palatal margin, not symmetrically rounded, as in C. ZZ This was the only species of Claust/ia found on Quelpart Island by Mr. Kuroda. Macrochlamys quelpartensis n. sp. The shell is perforate, moderately depressed, capacious, very thin and fragile, subtransparent, yellow, with a white sutural line; the base paler, more transparent. Spire low-conic, its width con- tained in the diam. of the shell about 1.7 times. Whorls 5%, rather slowly increasing to the last, which is much wider, and rounded periferally. Sculpture of very close, microscopic wavy or crimped spiral lines, wanting on the first whorl, becoming much weaker on the last half or more of the last whorl. Aperture large, broadly lunate. Alt. 11.8, greater diam. 17.3, lesser 15.3 mm. Cheju, Quelpart. Types No. 95,799 A.N.S.P. and No. 1,536 of Mr. Hirase’s collection. This fine species has more whorls than JZ ferfragilis, and differs in minute sculpture. It is less depressed than 7 swérejecta. Microcystina lampra Pils. & Hir. Mt. Hanra. Kaliella crenulata Gude. Cheju. PUPIEET DAE. Strobilops hirasei Pils. See p. 39. Cheju. Related to the Chinese S. dodontina (Heude). 64 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE EXPLANATION OF PL. IV. Figs. 1—4. 2 |KO RRR RES 10 POA ] Mn? KN HERES | Oe Nev KR Re OT REO” ES He SS SS OHA HE © ED NIU ET OREN RE NM At- Y RE IER OER RE M0 dS KR eee CIRRIPD NS” SR HE OW~ WHRIS IER Oe SK ONIN RA POM’ | Henry A. Pilsbry, New and Little-known Whelks from Northern Japan and the Kuril Islands: Proe. A. N. 8. Phila., May 1907. “KSEE +4 HEY OBOE N 24-8 91 10 4 UNION, W+1 I OYE CHEN RR 2 N(R [KE) Volutopsius hirasei n. sp. Beringius polynematicus 0. sp. Buccinum inetitum Pils. - unicum Pils. m middendorffi Verkruzen. * murandum Smith. 5 » schrenkii Verkrnzen. Purpura freycineti alabaster n. subsp. Miss. A. L. Massy, Preliminary Notice of new and remarkable Cephalopods from the South-west Coast of Ireland: Ann. & Mag. of Nat. Hist., (T) Vi. XX., November 1907. Miss. Anne I. Massy A Note on Zoligo media (L.): Ann. & Mag. of Nat, Hist. (8) Vol. T., April 1908. (SEK SS) 雑 類 人 旬 に = uh ーー. eS bat カ m+ He WARD NEw BRS: © BAIN © NH UFR +43 Ste gut tt S Vy a KE HE or OG © 1 SO EY OMAR ACY SIO BPE COR S 10 ROK QIK EIR KRBWOM MYO SUK Cs SS 9 SSO OS oOo @zm Sc K EKER | VOY RRUE Mot OMEN Sis WEROL や G 人 な や HE CRECRHAMWNEN ESOL yy SRK OBEYS 4 POUNE ORM (OH He SES Ny Beso Aube ste 00 EP eH aE we K IN KE OC Ki- Re ROK A OREE 4A Hi AG の が ’ HH Sf る 13 RN KS @<2eHRWwoOytoererowumen’ 臣 SR ORR N IRON OS Ms URIS HS YP V“HRR<” | SOR RK ABRA yHRRweBory O° RN OK SH ilies OR NEM MRAM Au ダ つ (SBR) me 26230 ———_—_ OL eS22E8 HAGE RBI AR Ato BK OC HS NE NOK oR ORNS Oo RAN Pio «POM KY OY Rew KX NM-o Y OS RY OREN KOO 46 oN YEN) 6 he EEN 1 [KR ORAS oN10 Hite~ ea pi Qo Sd EK BK ORS | OREM PHT Mo-anki NHR SB SG ORK SE i) 100 BRED fo. AT BR hy 20 BER Shi OOK © BRU) we 7 K A BIN Ht 00 a EE HHS Ot CHAK SNOB wy Rite oaxyy Mande MODs Wa yw PHS YS wi RK FAN to 00 LN VY RED De BOR os fy 00 BRR I SE 8 を W+ | (384) Bop. Ais apa fe ie <5 OME ES © RENE Y N90 ERR ON ON GOiy Oo ROME KS OVENS や つま Ne & Doutit ¢ sudt Ka sub) Axb32) © OK AK wR. Cav HIRE 20 NB) CUR tH aK © ENE 4 EKO BS O01 OM ES ER OMEN Yt, so REM ee TE JOS SEAS © BEREN Ato BE YO SB MS Oa aN At VIER EOE Hae 9 DS OIIKN S-oRIN | HO Bt OK BRR EE ROM 0 NS Ny 10 A sult ng Y fete I BR ORUVHRNY YHELRBRY Sy RE LMrN ae SRP RISE MN BES | Bl edtiotere Rin 0 Ya MEY ORO ON VICE Y HY Ont O Ate BT ff BRA fa © BEIM BRON BRE fos AR a A Wi SOS 0-H SBC HIER KR 19 6 NOY fat KIMBER SO RR | RM 10 w O SUH 4 SIR ORR | Ree SU ORR RELUR (BRAS BS O4LS ME Silo 0m. wp 1 9 AKI CV RUN Ho no amy | Bisa OY HAVEN tm 9 BRR R10 Y Doug (REMI) MES4 YR SHE ORE WB Yo | RSoON QE Rae i 19 6 SR BS See Qa EE に SNE) KypRORROK SRN EN RSS O19 N ou BR fe OR ORME REEKEN MY PX YRARESRMV KR KER GS 6 SEIN BE 0 HIS CIC ORI) ORR 6 WEY WOM OWT VY BRK ERE wa OC INE YH He WN GOS RDS OREM MOQ SIN S HA | BI ORR MOC WIKK POPE IW PR ORRAERO PONKcERWaREBim BS Hi its ME BA IP ik — b+ es de KA Bee IRR UE RE ON ON GREY ROR Qt 1)1] BRE OO” NOY WN HRM LEXA PR UNE A A A ASHBURN RW RRA X RR VERE ENV K WO BY G 0° KEAKAED KT HEM. HO RAT Be KR OW SN LeEnKrdA” RKP OUCH SEEROMH A de lb I EB 90 BK HI EGG GO TY HOD IN | | REPS BUR OL POR AIO SRE | * SRMEHE \ KX OSE VERO Y NSE SHY OO BW ye BW NPE RP ANAK WE DIN S yl Beas” ERA OO” Bes y AOKI SS Oaurg)~2 7 TER Edy gga (G16 FESO RIN DKS We KK td RK Ost A6* HINT O PON MEM SES Um” KRERN Ree QE ITO Ye? FRSA DE NYA ND KSK RANE RYMY MOF TARKEP HAR aE 類 介 wo =a 8 wi i a 一 十 hI り の (381) NRK” DOK AROBNS nw? PKR INS” He PERS 1B? WK 94} 1| eat CO Rte WY NEVE HAR DY Ao EI NU He ON EHO Sot ALO? RETR et Weta Oy? EEE OREN SEAR EN AW~ KN AO RE <^ BROYY CORR Bite t” Hey Ke RASEORW Bike ONMRO RAW Sw Sake | EK WRENN MONA BRUNA Y «GRO BGO RRA BRR OM SHO MOREE ORK R107. th K O° BORE AHR SS He ud~ ME Rye” dav AN や か 一 リー キー BESTE (OA SON ES FiNWvWOHRN OX” HVPE HE SHES. TE SL | ORO CN MERNIN w SKN WW 169 Mio WNOIVY RNS. VHC” HORN ROKER SY RAR SONNE REBM | ROY YRRRVRIORN 0 SOK SKU SEN EA Bw ov miRORn UES | ERLURE Y KEE RIN Seo Ray | mS 60° MRE OHISE CRE” BORER HERG 80" KKOY N40 N SUA BER SUN dR MEME CACO RERA BORA (oo | weedroowe 9 a ee ee, BSP KEK KN 1 NORTH URN GY MENGE LOR Wa Ave tn? ROBweeSs.u7 RE -URBwA~ aN N SSH? Bo AOS NW MON? OH dH WH ONSd SK NSIS O° RIO N A” RHEE SK ER HrdN ow yor KASS AKA Py] KOK KA N®-? WRK ROA KEK BK OTHRE PNP me ID EKER RE AL BIO IN = OMA RHI MUR BON W SAN WS # ed WFR (380) te Be ee ae H+ iD RARER AG dH A ERAT FH REE SR | jax S SRB RE \ GEER CHER SEE S JN BEEK ~ BS Wo WK A PAL N AT) [EH es > RAMEN EBA AK XK A BS SDN MRS NS RH a 6 ae Ska | BX = RN SRS Ah OK ROB MAKES | IN =fER ATE SR XE SARS KERRY AKRAM VEEN RB ARR I eH Re KR en Kmy » SG 6 SNH [RA | > KR SSK EVES PA WN EAC +e Ye | esd SJ 6 SOR NR RER HERD SE NAR RE = SW BED N ERaR RHE Pe eS NBS K KG SBR SSB BIS dE OB et Re he N REN = EK | SD In SERS HONE SS oh BER) SR ER eit i XK A fH IN > hee 8 SSSS B= meek TanB xD KEM KE i]aK AGB | tem (BREST) (Tae) oS — >: 36-2 ーー MER SS¥SOMe GY it WMReaw SSeS OMH HO GSE ON CRYIN BID M6 POANM SP PRN MOK BAR OK’ Wen (MRE SCO ROR wD VHS ON POV ROM? HOMES pH | mtne New MR OMY CaN? ) | 【 IIA PINES BEN Nt QU BRE Be. tO N SUR” 0 RRR oS GO SREB Se RSE YY Nt PSRA” | PNM RRRSP HQ yw sulle WS YoW1O° HB REM Swi suit SK OA™ HY ~EMOBNSN’ EKAR~ WRENN YAR’ Hom HOM SHH BSN BES to 5 KS 392° 9 pe. - we E — oA a RE A Jb (379) Ow yp wit VERIN & ROY Ro Bie QO BIN Upto Diane Succinea & Assiminea RowHi Sik ARNE SEE ORM EEN OVERS reo 0s SE © LUMENS © SEM ov BEY BR ER RB HES YE) (ROK eee CM Minn S OP REO ou fr NOR MWK OR mt COS MEN My SoBe NS BON Settles EX-L RON Ee NY doe RES Bs SES VBRE C40 NK ( No KBR OR 43.0 S885 © EX NAYAK EWN | DAS | Hid ORL peace | Waa | MY | PE ORM BRERN OY PER AS ON [HE ERE BOR OTK ERO NOK SS ol BREE cS BS i SR YO OREM ORIEN wh Sra FAO HY HEU OUSEIEN YES ODa920 S 1) # CHEN Ene 00 «HN VEER MON ORE ROR ABEMKILN ORK ENE DOLL thw YEN R~ we BNR OED &BBN Min kee | HLORKOKCKRHEREBY PN~ RO RENE wo Maru Mm 9 S SUA BE NY BRL © KR EK QHDVIN BR v 10ND sy OM REN OYE ORES ON odMoN HK © nS RSG Ho SB a Re OST nE OSS BSH HK © RR WB EVERY no SU so 0 RLY © REM NY 6 me SC a A EI Een 5 aan eae BODO. V0 YR EY al on SB Re rhe | 1 ER IRN bie + <4. | BEE PE Gr © SRN SRK RIN IN 4X GREE BX) {oii © SREB Kb 10 Fe MEI CHK SS. OB~ W AOR ENO RON ONT QU BK A-ROD ES OME HU SER NY SRN WARERO HS CORNERS ORME S SS BE Bae RE i+ (378) Bo aa ae ae is Fete ad CO BE Nor RE Sw HS OP REN OES NEE $6 a gy A SHE OA ae PR a eR と Heke don St BH eK ST THORN IBS > SH i OH HER HER NEE POL BARD OTA HHRRY 6 HHH” RDt> RS PVE re Ot HR OR | us STS SE 1” ORES ROO SB SH OREN NS CKRMURKS SRE + ie] eX RXR Ra ELAS YY SE BHR thm a A> 20 HOS HG FA SR 8 BY mrt] SNES | RNS | PARE | POST WK NORIO HRN Oi SY yas +E IRN aves 0 SEEMS LK 7 x^ KOS Nimo DRIVEN KO SERN KAN ORRE SHCMOSRYUMSSOMBYuOOS | TREX OIAN-s | AO SHEN? Diplommatina uzenensis ・ NYHA O 1 [theaii-o Strobilops sp. YY N.S. Ot | thewid-oN oR eS Hats | +R SHEL KK THAEBONTN BEER SS RH SIE OC WERE SO” KE OEMKEL ORRIN ROP OLE HES SON ORES OHO | NEB SP OS may BREN EEX PPO RM RES IP RENSEES af R sum wie NY SMA Hts Oia HK Sie v ENoNR- ORM ORNE SEES (BOB QE OR~ RVSRNMO 0~ BNR Hwee $0 Bit Aw OSM A uit 10) No REPRE S OSHENMyY SSBB S (URWOMS OE BRAwWRHNSEYHESORPRESY LOVER Rw 無類 介 内 2b Se J / — 和 を mk —- + i €é SER jo 209 ET © HH SE Ap fiji 7 OAs” LEER RH WS 10° SR “Rede N SEW “my OSS SG ROM HNMR Sein HE O'R” Krewe a oK Me POway’ PYMSH WHY DID N10 NIP -OBUEEN elim OPE WRENS NE ANE 0 7 ON AS AEN HD) OSE AR S UHR PE VOY RIL BE 0 4 POM we KRY OROM HIE WEL OR WE ASS RONBRIQUI NS Hani WK” RRS Na 80 © wR ORY G20 RO OY BRR © SEH Ff aU © WG On AKO この っ _ っ a a の > の っ Ce SS 直人 a a 所 財 $f 20 ORTH MD BR RSS LC ROY BR OS BE © FEHR oR SEX N° TEE BAN y HR NN EO 009 ~ RRR RE 100 SER” FREE © RW RE ONE BROKE MLIVWO | Row POLL? LCR wROD YE rr 1) +1] ee ae Pe 明 Bie = mq 庄 BUSSES REE OM EW Oe 2 で WDEReeOr IN SES WR te 29 © なぐ Nowe OKTH © ian BY s(t |) 088 sx EIS VRC O~ 7 -K600 3 Oat UN gy BIKE HH 0 RW” BROS Sawa set ype oy S° -RBY KR OVM RE ONYE’ w= Owm= ns RE OMMAE HORS U SOY’ Shown ey TET ARS | IRS 5° IRR ROM die ue SRY” REVS SW BEKB KY ate Vie SAD NAN” NEN SOUR ER AE? 2 Oy ASAER OR 9° OWE O10 5° BOMB Bia gu? 4 FEM SEA OR SR CENSOR yn Sbiety, BRS 7 BREN 110 QU HBO Y Lome 9 Ne TORAH Me PONTE ON BEG EN 8A NEES fo 29 SS ye の Sakae? ty ANAS VAR COKN HI ON Nos Ao BOM A nj. *OTRS OTR ERS" RUBE OnE PRE HE Y +1] ‘0 SUSE ( CUR” SX OR MIM OY? mas £07 GR ORBEA” KE HOR Woy i Bin Weeks ぐふ ^ RTH 18 cour guilt Hh 1g0 ROPRS ON” HOMO wD Ae SOW mntbse, RPO YS OIN” [RWHE SOI 6.0" LE BKADS ON ROA” dete | ANSI ORES ito Bt Nw Cristaria pleata Leach. su SS RRA Kee A yp ee RERUN Bh 享 下 め DSRNA SR” Riki YO VAR 190 Hts OW” Q~ BES ‘A* TEN SSUES “BOK Wy we ne SDF ORE RK OY KR HK Ow mR 00 EAE Bx FIRE OTR AMRRD VIR WARE In 9 ou 2190 aK RAE” WRN S | OK MORRO ORY Bie SHON SY 60° LOMB HOME we I SRE KS POM Me een wy SAG 3° 誌 Ae 類 旬 Sh, ee - As we hh -- tb He WK YS 20° RC SmKN xs | tas. nv) 5° RE ae” BH) YU SR BE HES” 中 OUR IR OD VARIES $00 Y BREE ENEE © QP nNBO oo WK swe” | Mswse> FINA REM RRRRNE ER CR ROMPRES & mek OME MMW ERNOY” SOV CHR? & S° Bb 2-BASwH’ KORLECRENY SO y KN indw SM POTN 6% Bhat. Margaritana ae a: Gee margaritifera L. 90 5 4° Bkat~ SRimSw we ば | K SS yi 29 8K We © HEA 7 MaKe" 走 時 所 N | ° FURIE Nj |XOmRy mk ¢ Vise? HK fea” He uSeet Leone x SUE A-+e—+ oie H+ Ix es PX ACh 1) OB SMIMmRLu dt’ ROSY eo ys WY NEW O VHC? ORM” GER WRC EONS RR A HO Q4nR SS CFR” RR ORME NK POS. RY PKK © REED W410 WAS VATE 6 10° 臣下 HK OX Olt S © VIMY SKN S” Bhat Pteria(Avicula)margavitifera yg S$ ~4° Ibm WwERORN +6 0 0 XL WK 1Q & tote ERT ON SS OK ay EP SQ や ONYEDN も こく) アツ” NS. 固守 か * ぐ N SUH OR NNW (1020° FR OMEN OY ROSS hae 20 N JED” PREP UTE BR YG 1006" HERE Oy” Ri YAU PHO KH POE EN HO NK X4 ww © wPoS O° AO MEM” W~ HES a) ツ ^ SRK AEE WERE” ROMMEL OV RK FIBRO N HHS OO HNO BRIESE NY OY REE UB Sn Nou” FSR BS SUIEER 620787 SER Ito VEER tee WA” MORE CMH” | MASK S° Ki VAD FIORE SINR” RRR MOPARS” BIN = REROISEEN PRO RO Ov’ RR ORA’ IKERH ORR ww VHRR Om 5” ORB BO MMO Bi CHB WE 0° H6'C SoC ENO BENIN Ph” Bhat Pterla (AV cula) macroptera Lim. 9 S~4° Ra SHENOY & SBA REN ION Wadd” SX OP RSE A im SR” SENAY HUMES OC YS 6° SER ORT NURS RORY — Fi as BE RL SP wm - + BS NKR YS SO SRN dtd hy 2000 4 URE Hd 19 2 OAs 7 BY eo imime th’ (eS MIRMIBASXS AOPRAS HRY +S 3G° Way |W Ise OK od 6K Cx Rw BX SEN 5d YY IOs INS ~wQILES wEINE as WE Ad WY OL bw SON AY 00 IRE” ERoIM NMR RAARE Cogn” dines ISS © HY -S ONE A RKONLUREN 6-4 NOU 人 な eo K9 MEIER OSIKN m eR M+ 1) ANZ SABO RG wie tule y Mm OB Rw M-atbs TORS HOR ee NU MRM S10 IIL @ Latins ATO OIRO Pa Ha SERA EK ON OEY AQANSY SAA RR HG CO AUAT RN EEN FY BAC Bb RTA Meleagrina (Avicuda) martensii Dkr. sy SS^ aX nEGEN OV" RRPBACERIR NUR” RRR KEVIN * Hau ORREE YY Sedo NS. YEO FEW OIA EE Ravel め ^ JE OKNNOUVRE (MB Rw ( pH? RR OREM BR VAIM NEES” HOOK SRERSA 人 SG Heth ag 7 RE te O19 Bede Af os EK O SEN HH S48 BER? CEN SOMMER WY HO UW svat! [HHS * Bat PN SNA WS 16° Ki” KRBICOMN VY’ BR He So eeR ie | SYEHEORENY~” REVEY ephAK rs. WP” RREROCEYNUMKRYH DEO BXE~’ BS +R A+ —+ em Beats 2 x 4 By OoCtA]) imix SMEN Baye | NHR ava? a © fia aK © FEN EK 420 | ey Heel Hr HE Oude eo aS the A | ho ee | EGON VES ig = TCHS OKA © oe | Bo OATH iw RLU Rie BS Ce ee B ROY AB YHK fonts Oy Res Laren ee n° SHES IK © | HEL CIOS OREN | dese ay ne ee EBROAYRH SHB ROR UCAS OBR we Y WY WO BITE ERE iE HEN | (Spon SASS Saae| i aBE DL) “UPL DP ‘slg wlemtesny epsnryy sn | に > 回 ars Be RSE LDR Ops SRA POS PRACHA OS SESSA UE Ao 0 JITT の SLI BAUD wo jae MOEN Y WY DAES | SSH | OSES ORY TBH (368) Bo esa Bie Bebe En od hg 2) BRO] ^ ROR XS Hie KERR wy PROS Mon AHS | Rulota gottschei( MIldff) ] 4 ER A MERE BI 10 a RY HB ut IS OSH RONEN で | Brrers HANA free free RE’ Riota (Pleeto- trep’s) vulgivaga quelpartensis. Pils. % Hir- We MSR $8" 11) SVEN MI RR OSs oR 11] ee? BRLEAIEE GL f° 1) RRR RA” JC RRR? Swed @ 0 RH? 1 MR AOIEH* 壁 M 季 33 趣 ^ 7 cea eee ke WO” HR O11 | RAR ite NY Rav] REVS に こい ミル こさ MG me RAPS SNEED. ME Nii tn Oat HE SIK~R Y-" TEN HED Fy OTN He UI U0 Y Rita? BIVE RES AVY CONG KBR UR Bo TR te | BN owiki” MOK ORE NE で ル で て TAM RHO S~ EY NR ebm ew OK” KORE KORENU RE KE SE SO | BR (CE (P.)vulgivaga var.) Oy Rd 2 Ma | oo Pre free Se’ Enlota( Pleetotropis) in x) に N WS oF SENSE N ww HoixeR Schm. & Btto Wa OKGR— PR FR See ee vee AMAMRUE SE’ Family SPREPTAXIDE, Streptaxis hendei Schm. & Bttg. (AAS? fe kh - + Se ~ MR OK? BLES Om Bde -o | OKA KO OW ERNE WO SMNE OO” FEHR SSR oO” ARE (HMO IIR | DARE BEN SSE]? 3 O RMU ORR YEN do) 0 BERS a” BEI ORAS RK AM OREO] BHO OMY | SOR OV ROMA SUES Y OMe NER NoUWREY YS G~- OKMOSE | SUBK SS | YB ES EIS OIG KH RK IK ONEIO SR ANEMPOL MO PONIY” Had AK NUK RRIN KoWw ES ¢ OO] (SrARURY ee’ Alyerus mclanopoma Pils. | (wer weeter ere geecaee | esto Family HELICIDA LSS tre free BE! Eniota(Ewhadva)ozientalis( Ad’. & Rve.) BEERS R We Sees” HREBN 10 BAK B BREN | IY Ke fre FE Trishoplita dacoste awajiensis Pils. He’ KSRARALSRR SAHIN WIN a HHO” SB NE OF ou 1h FERRE > UR ee 頑 ~ EER 0 BER 10 N suse J ‘ KRU rete Be’ Trishoplita dacoste | awajiensis Pils. ; WRI SS Xo BEI” Bak” alate” Bre HME DS fre fre RE’ Kulota( Aigista)chejuensis Pils. & Hir. GREER’ RH-RVE) WS Mozok —MERAR MSR i 1 18 | A” RA? RRR Ro” WENN REM 0B WRU O IRN HS © +1 (366) A+R + ie OF lag SC HR RAR Ao wmBERIS OW ES” MIO 10 N ui AUNTS Y MBA PER DWH K~ Oy K~% OO FIRS ES PR ar HRN RYO” TR ERKEEEN yy EHS OVO | KEI P AAP WEAR EP AA f UOLEN fim | bce fy FRE’ Spiropoma japonicum (CA. Cas WS” ER TR RR Ee / (Nr P&P Q2 fe He’ S. sekushinanum 25) 4 ils. & Hiv. > WHR” SEI <8” RIN PAR RE Diplommatina paxillus (Gredler) WH HS RAR Ki ORR a7 > AS ALKRPBT OIE RSEE nE sd Aa fe date | KN KEY oii | ia) (Hi PRY HE’ Diplommatina cassa Pils. ) ae ee eee eee Pern Adawy Re’ Alyeeus kuredai Pils. G Hir. (QREUR” & | —A) Hie” HS RAR ie BH" RA" | RRC” ROT EN OY Bip ~ 7 BKM HAR O 1] RO | VHA” BW Oye” REREO” Mes HREM M-* BRD BLE C11]” SHO | BIS aeKtew SVS Rot” SS ONSIRI BE AND) ORS RWS Y SHORES oR” MMB ORTYES YRMEK wwe” MNO RUR” RRRY EL PAS GEM OO” CSS OHARA EW © yp Bou SE BO TE ORM OMe SO RORY’ Br Qe” Sty * HRY HER” EK SE I” a IY Oy ei 誌 雑 類 介 ーー 第 wo — + He (365) SH ADS oe BO Fi 業 2 閣 HO | EUKRE REL REY 07 OME POS OHO EKENAE “Ks ZONE BWI KEY OY REVEON RK | ROR UE wr OHNE oD 24 (RR) BE ie te CR TREE [SOUR CBs EOS 207 Bi BRECK © arto | RX) Soe OS BYouTR Nha { sURP ON OY Bat ~m ONS HBL SE RO OEE N A NEI N ton” 10 PO edd で の fei NZ Family CYCLOPHORIDAS PR Ric’ Cyelophornus herklotsi Martens. OZ a fl CPX Bens RRS Mo | PCOAHAAKARGRY FE’ SRSAeM ROR Cyelotus HWS” SRC minutus queipartensiy Pils. G Hir. eB" 1 188° RA? | [SRST Bkie C. minutus eoneentrstg (HMI) NY ESA ON EE eH Af POO~ hh“ Soin le ss xC BED i 145, 7 1 Hee’ Cyclotus camyanulatus Martens, (WAS SEE Ab — Say rer fe PQ? fr RE’ Spiropoma japonicum chejuense Pils. G Hir. HASR” 稀 宇 現品 慰 ^ 1188 | BH” RH” Boek 4 (364) Bet ae ses ser 盟 AS RRC 111) URN S92 sak Ub 4 ao HE © ek BORA fmt © ETN a RORY OV RIN RN BURR 4 ORRvn~ | Sh ルル NOVYENS pave ON we" We RMON YO] hf Dh A AIMEE © Gens IMBRICARTA Schumacher. vs PNwKRUBEOKH OH RA | SPRUYBORVE BES Af ~ Yat RE © y BE Hwa O° BE ON AWER WS O WEE RRO RIKN OO VY CIN OK SRW CBRNE ORSVR |} We KMRMERKAONOY’ SOR +4-oS8 NRSV” RIO Rvs COOLERS Svs ADEM RAIN KAWW | KREBS N RIOR M+ ~ SS | Hl) ORR TS FP HOSE 0” SS (363) HER HR OT MR + | BD) CNS SAUNT Renee tie) (SH RE WHS ees Kobe” Noi BEORMMARTY me | PHAR RA SKRT UK |] RR BRR DSK’ REIN OY’ BRD ~~ Se SPOR KMS IMEI? Zio 0 ee ORO ROR MN OY SW RE ORR | Wal HOMNOV” RRR OMI” Bigha ak ee & SS IMSE NN BE SIM e NW Kew Ai Se C. crenulata Gmelin. =(. undulosa Reeve. RRR PAD - 1 1SQ RR) TMF 1s) (tae HENS” Ce HHS” SERS S87 Re SAUD. Kew hVw) RBH SREB Tn) Postbank” WB? ARO RE tA SY RREHENOyih~’ GEER” REP PATE IT 10 FERS NHB OO” BERTHS YSN OY RY” aX © Y Kul hn J Ne DGHCSN RED OMRVEN Hodes KM FTE MOMS 10] [SBD)+4 OBR POLN OCHRE de | C1 SSNAISKRKNEL PN RUNES ORS HORT OCR~ MRO ON ws 0 PHO~ RSL OV NEGRI N SURE YO | Reve W ATR HE C. clongata Hirase. Ce TF RY DE BRI A+ ES) Hala KX BS eS a8 RR 1] ER” MPS" BEX ON 10 BME Hy Seo Bxnk (° xm SRR NIRS ORS vy R =) = は HS s 2p iB 前 (362) 月 一 十 年 一 十 四 治男 Bt ERASER END Lab No PORTA KN ゃ や) WA AI KR LSE” RY" BIRRI [ER UK™ HAR | OR] LEU IRE KRAFAPS NY YE) 2) BESBEN) sud > ty EAI SS = BINS 30 BER WER RoxK~ moe | Wal GKOMNOy IE re NWO | eH NIKR UME B= Genus CYLINDRA Schum. AN GRRE KATA FS C. nucea Gronoy. Seen SRS AR [AOL I ER 1H I+ Re) wae see (5 マ で で Pa wR | PARSE RA” AIAR BTR” uk” A" AIRS 7 HS eH OT Ke | PACRR1 SSK RRO Oy SESW KEES Su w BERT ET BRS WEA PE NIKEE OIRN BARNS BEX Ss WN KR UEREN 6-3 yoene MUIR. WP TER | a0 4n” BRITA ed VIE RN UR Seno KN OY Bork eo WMO” BOER xf BES Se thle. | Wal CRY vySEVORRVRo” Be ORY DS) VY NEBR IRENA) OEE BL OY BLSE De RRIBN RS MNO KEN RO” SN] 11/8 SN | SOR BER) ORE EREE ERO” HUE OREN pRB OS BSoy NEVE OOM OMN OY Re awrttte | TIO PQ PE -a7 SNEED SAU 8S. SU eI BRUSTMINIY” WM RM ay aT ORY WEjn” = — DER ARR IER RE G00 we INS RA NWR 8 > ew ATK Y Hk= C. dactyius Linn, NACI REN BE CENTRES |e eet Ti | 園 ) 7. patriarchalis Lam, SE “RAR SEHR HS” wk? RRS” A Pe ee a ae SO REINO” 定 (Nw BN US? MERU YN RONG RANE OO” SMOLEA MoS Wt BK den” ROY BE I eS SMLKN HSS ORRS | HBO OHRIEN HONS SY RENO~-” SR yp RRS i HR NR RR OR ek es Be es HK SEN Hh | MW NVQ~* Soo BOM y eter NNHO7 BREE TARE EITC 458 aK OSES WA MNO y rw Bawod? Biko ease ei) DEE AIT AN 10 3? © UTR N SURE KRESS RB RU +11) T. speciosa Reeve. ^ SER 1 [i 1+) で ドーン (se LoKUI HS KEE Hee ae“ AN A KM EO HA NASON w) PoShAK wR Jo HS RYO y+] XQ SH? MSR REBENY OV MN? NEY I RE RAO EE ANOVERIM GMS SRR maeYoy’ S BE HR ~< SU SSBESS OHO” SSE MAREE © ei BRE TR BE HEWK wu RRO KS au su th HO etn LBD | Ma” MLR HN NESE CIR HER M0 POND YO RSAC SE SAT avo Beau BR ste te we ag)” RESEOL OY FHF R4YES~ RRM Co Y BETES CDA lasso | WIND RHK FE CSQA GRO [BRI tt J) Heo? -KEEKab RK + MES 'T. nodosa Swainson. (Kae? NS SAN? や (360) ei ee Ban = KSA SERRA I+I) Dine * BERET pining 2 WM aX THRO yg? Wa” DOCH Oyo Bt BR Waker gy se Qo Wi ER WEE OMN Do” ES OREN Soy や SEES | PESSSYNEY Oy Koy Ose wes, ON SU | mr frame ® fez T. discolavia Reeve. Cy" GRE 1 1 季 ] | +S) HAI” she 2e* WA bSxe* RAT} [xR ME REHEY OVW’ EY REPO Bae BEERS * He REO BIRR ats Re O11] BX Se | ua” SALAMI CFE MO BEBEA BRIN | geo pm i ey ae SOME UR A | K NRE” SE y SR ee NSS) E-n7 [E OD y BY PURER RON OY MiB opera’ ee MER Wi Novo” OEM Oyu fP Kee K He PT. amabilis Reeve. (SENOS STP MR AD | HER 1 1-+4C ee) HA”. -KEE-K a8” WR EIXR” RAT 1 IRR mea’ REHBYOy Rey ap Re KAow | UNOS Oy GCM IR O° BENE Ben ORK AK a ) つ ン ^ Stn mR AVER ST mk (oR Ee ~ YS NES 6 BME NIA’ BESOS Swot? RowK Sy] Wal RUSE CORVSROY yy ewORR x BE OSE UE NY BR TER So oN Oye QO KS SEE CO HAIRY DEITIES | = 9 woy 4 A i Pe ee ee Ake HS 一 Ky = ーー ls n (359) BRE OUR | ARN SEN RvB” ROR WKN Dy eRe ° SRE Bt (OR | BRK KR O VIR Kew” FREER H RN O VRS ^ sesh te~ mm OR Oy a SN OO” RK | We” BRA SRE UHR SO ER)” SER ey RORRUS YRONOyRBEUKERON oO" KR Qo RTE ER” FAUT BE RR od OHNE & MHI Own PRwe NAC ov ems NEU CER MEO RW |S ERWN OY KO! [aR wT aw IE OUD SEM FES N EO OER MN OY” ERR や SO HEME OR 8 OO BNI i we mes Let FE (T. aurveolata Swainson Variety?) © Rib -RES7 BR [i 1-1 1) WRI” er topak 087 KSC RERC +n) aos up Ma" 19 や ^ eM By aK De RIR~ BE O4RN MERE SHOW’ Brome Er © BER wk © BER su tk 4~ HO BX RRL YI RA? 1117 SRDS S noe + ® NES BRIREE © BHU Kaos o YHOO YVROECS Bw 09 | (T. auveolata Swainson Variety?) CERN BRR BROAD 1-1 BD BE TRUBS OR © 産 ‘ a EK NEES DI 10 7 | i es a a 2 cg Bi = KES SRE RIC) =T. avenosa Lain. CEN RR 1 it SRR) ES eR! | fot 1+) HU” Rae kK ne Oe or Nia CSAS” FRET ap FN KA Ne で Io Aw MS yp NN や ) WW NRO RAT i]RR7 WRT ARSE BHT [i] KR | IH? ea DHE RRDE OA os DD NB RX a NE IR OY RUKIR NSO SM KSEE KSI ot (Sipe vid” REN KES ~ ems OSRw O° RN SRwo ( MERRY KIA OWNS” THN SESS © BER WIL | Wa" ep’? FEM K MY OY? Soy) [8° So NY | SCHEME WHO EO y KN RKRU SRN OG RO aN wMeuwa yy? BokIOSRvuROg OTK Wott | ROAD HK = yp ROE RDS FEY PHM BV RIL ORE REN WA’ By RROSRUA 回 NRK OT OC REE NN IN BS te {ng | RE KAN ih fae] HE WHIRL Oy Rw” QARAMRR AO’ BON KR Oy is” BRO eo Sikh Sim Section PUSIA Swainson. RE RL FE CT. aureolata Swainson Variety ?) CERN? SiR BR lh 1+ | HB) HAE” KX BE-K 8 WR XR" RA? 11] xR7 PRS” GRUBER EH Y OV SSH Sot] BEM SQM Ko RIES UIE Bo pen ざっ DEE BRR BO yates EEA PORE th AN BO UE KEN SS SK Oy ees oRwi” RY ESoRR ORTHO TEE RES IRN HON RYE” RRR a ee 2 ACHE ij SOs we Ut DSB SRSS + AoW TELS JOHOR 回 で に 3 KS sue ーー Sy アミ 4 > き 昌 民度 詩 史 受 口 Lo] eral’ ーー (ul “ULpOUUL) ByRtsdsexa +7, HS COM CENA ETOMR COMMER OSR や る 滑 』 は 沿 | シ 長 形 長 産 ; 彩 Ht き K& 形 し 導電 eee eee ee 2 E TW WR 分 大 eRe Se. ye AEN ae ee lit 72 九 隅 キ 何 の Ph R @ m 形 a7 Hs A&G &@ tuo RK KH ヌ fe SO 人 A i ee 還 I 内 2 Be te Oe a Oe Gr RE oS ミグ 9 A — th 2 teas Wp 、 ae Y NG の さ ( ク 人 So a Ao ee 56¢@H オ Aa HE OD po eS 6 Ce = 2 IN Ai? 第 な ご oh eee ae ee wv Gb we ke & い tk A に & ( ES it Vet セ る Wh cf GSS 横 及 中 OR の 。 帝 (a 新 Ew wr me on fff 7 階 we »y 刻 RF な ゝ Oy 2 の 以 ヶ mh 2 な ジ 全 で シ KC ye & ら 彩 還 が Be 2 He や bb oes Vc a ee aes oe me Me FB wt * PM BR HF He RR は te 比 彫 ご は 一 球 リ の wm mK 識 す 刻 を 前 庫 ot ウ te 肉 を 別 る は 有 種 Ge 部 & 4A す it H し MK & iE ウ は 2 + ちる AR Ce eS 「) Ns 化 fie — 2 fo, = Mie os 第 グ A tt wm» A せ F ay lz i eae a ee 11 を f A oY ae} jt KG me べ を ヶ み 大 & ete A び Ib A ジ に 小 TR = 色 en SIS 第 は な if Ww 2 ooo WD Hoe る 合 Pee. EG ey を Bee 5 ee ie eae ee 及 id > UK Be ie eS JE じ MK J ARAR YD HE T. japonica A. Ad.= wit ~ ER RES* SEIN 17 MEMRWHSKR (T. erebrilirata Reeve?) (ae +R’ RR RET "RH 1) WHS HAS” Kee itneh ae” wh | iT SR HSI” RA” BR? Wk" PLR THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE VOL. Il. PL. IV. fig pu 384 = 38 Zk ME AH PILSBRY & HIRASE; NEW LAND SHELLS OF QUELPART I. Mi sw MAE eH BW B JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, PL Xb. CMe pu SLE ok 231 255 224. Turricula discolaria Reeve. aah Gylindra dactylus Limé: 231 36 ” amabilis Reeve. a 3 erenulata Gmelin. 2275 speciosa Reeve- ES elongata Hirase n。 sp. 225 256- に こ ロ Soo ¢ Cylindra nucea Gronov. 538 | Imbricaria vanikorensis Quoy- 229 f 238 J OO == 和 に SS JAPANESE SHELLS MARINE, FRESH-WATER and LAND SHELLS of JAPAN, LOOCHOO Is. and FORMOSA Fine specimens (accurately determined and exact localities given) of a great number of species, many of them new or rare, for sale at reasonable rates. Citalogne sent on Application. Specimens will he sent on approval to purchasers known to me or giving satisfactory references. Payment should be made by postal orders; bank drafts are also acceptable, when registered, Prices are the lowest possible, though varying more or Jess according to the quality and the amount of the goods ordered, Orders from unknown correspondents should be accompanied by a remittance or a satisfactory reference. A remittance is in many cases preferable, as it will prevent the loss of time otherwise needed for making necessary enquiries. The full address of an unknown correspondent should be written clearly. Y. HIRASE, Karasumaru, Kyoto, Japan. THe NAUTILUS A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CONCHOLOGISTS Edited and Published by H. A. Pilsbry and C. W. Johnson, Address: も W. Johnson, Business manager, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass, U. S. A. ES 2? ME Sey res WS ー、 OSE ty RE Pa o. ie Fig Te 7~ WEF HE he KLE EH NC aH > Mer OAHAKAIEE AAR EH 7 Rd 7 a hE = > MHRA RRA = 2 9 SEF » RAM CIF SCH 9 GP x HF = SSPE bre BY ARE a SoH A Wiz dh 7 Ai A @ 5 | ir S24 > Bio WARE > 7 ~ RB Be Ze v Go Hh 込 マ シベ ペ シ 宿 所 A. H. PETEREIT, 81 & 83, Fulton Street, New York City, U.S. A. De —* Ps ABS lid | = TOE UNI SS (| 7 el) we CS +. ey ay LS = = WY の の こい 版 コ ーー ロ お ロー ae INN d SB ( = aS, = & Ba) ae | O& wat [Sto SB oat | ooo! | SRS ray (現品 士 | 1 | aE) THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF JAPANESE SHELLS, Published By Y. HIRASE. VOL. II, DECEMBER, 1908. NO. 12. CONTENTS. Appendix-On Japanese Marine Mollusca (II), with the Description ear of New Species of Muricidg and Buccinide BY Y. HIRASE........ 69. Mppencix—Onvy dspancsevLancleShellsy ([)):y.tacceccsecterese:-coccerceeree nese cnssonbesssnos 5 Remarks on Japanese Land Shells (VI) ーーー CBO 95 IN KS ZASINTENGHD ces Ep Gontents to Volume II. Index to Volume Il. Articles in Japanese: Appendix-On Japanese Marine Mollusca (ID……………………………387. Remarks on Japanese Marine Mollusca cee Sen cr cence Se ee 402, Appendix-On Japanese Land Shells (1)... CO スウ 06 Remarks on dapanese Land Shells (uh. with New Korean ONI On Solecurtus constrictus Lam. (K. K.) On the Colour—markings of Tapes philippinarum A. & R. (K. K.) WEIS CONTAC OU S Her crccceee cree terrae rerteresens tener etensaccascosttcereceocercsceecersseers PRIX DES SEPT, PREMIERES LIVRAISONS REUNIES 150 fr. jo (un certain nombre de Chacune de ces livraisons comprend Ja Monographie sty familles indépendantes ‘Gastropodes) avee tables des maticres. ct. L’ouvrage se tormiine cons. avee Papparition de chaque livraisod, sans comporter une -stite indispensable. Ces Monographies comprennent €galement des indications utiles pour V’étude de la Conchyliol gie actuelle- SRO REVUE CRITIQUE DE PALEOZOOLOGIE, ORGANE TRIMESTRIEL PRIX de l’abonnement annuel:-………… 10 fr. ~ soe Table des dix premieres anneeés........... 5 fr, Maurice COSSMANN, Directeur. 95, Rue de Maubeuge. xe Paris, France. * D SHOWY SHELLS FOR SALE Three sets of fine showy shells each in a yery beautifui and artistic box with a cover on which our sea-shore scenery is painted Each contains 12 selected and attractive species, $0.35 for small, 0.70 for medium, and 1.25 for a large box, postage included. For ltee box mailed to foreign countries, other than the U. 8. the price is § 1.00 and parcel postage. ; 3 Priees are given in U.S. Currency. The opening of the new sale is intended for securing money for the purpose of completing the fund needed to start the coustruetion of ‘my buildings, which is delayed under grave financial difficulties, as set forth in No. 11 of my Conchological Magazine, IT am sure to give you pleasure with these sets and hope to be favoured with your as many orders as possible because of special sympathy with my undertakings. Y. HATRASE, Kyoto, Sapa. fs TRS eae 3 し J = i ee 4 ee f SE aay | “i a | ssa esi o seca Sm 6 | S3O WANS HWE XX Oe BE te USER IES 4 19 HEE | SBGAmni0 OM Se SK AN SE Bot OSE Gas Se 1 | | 編 fe アフラ メシ ロ , Tales アフ レガ が ヒ アラ レオ トメ Awe イセ キ ピ ォ ッ ニナ , B イタ ヤ が ヒ イト カケ ムシ ロ イト カケ ツク シ イト マキ ヒ タ チ オビ Cele si ]> a イト マキ ミク リ イー ヤ カ サ マイ マイ イ ポ キン シバ イ イ ポ ポラ 。 1S イイ ポ ヨ フワ バイ イモ フ デ が UB ウス イロ シタ ラプ ッ ス イロ ミク リ ッッ ス カ ハ オ ホ ベ ペソ マイ マイ =A YP =F ェ ゲ キビ EP ANT We オー ステ ン キ ゼ オ が サハ ラキ ビ Awe AVE オキ ノ ク ニ キビ オキ ノシ マ ャ キビ AATF, 屈 オニ パフ デ ォ オニ ュ プ シ , 属 , 科 Ae 7 7 オ ホ オ ビ フ デ 249, ( 2 ) 人 | オ ホ カ サキ ゼ 156 | キカイ ツア クシ 357 オ ホ カ サマ イマ イ 82 | え キカイ ミク リ 400 オ ホ カ ミキ せ 189 | キセル が ヒ 科 369 オ ホ キ ビビ が ヒ 186 | キヌ キビ 225 オ ホ ク フラ ヒ メ ペ ウツ カフ 371 | キヌ ポラ Isl オ ホ ケ マイ マイ 368 | キネ パフ デ 253 オ ホ コ シタ カジ タラ 260 | えせ が E。 IS 154, 189, 404, 408 オ ホ コ ハク が ヒ 46 | キヤ ツ ト キ ゼ 222 オ ホ シ マカ サマ イマ イ 83 | キヤ ャ ヤット シタ ラブ 290 オ ホ シ ャ ヤ タ テ 322 | キン シバ イ 。) WIS 108, 147 え ホ スプ ポラ 217 オ ホ ゾ ツウ が と 必 , HH 395, 397 グ オ ホ タ キキ ビ 188 | クチ ベニ アラ フ デ 254 オ ホ ノ が と は 53 | クチ ベニ オト メ 361 オ ホ ヒ タチ オビ 216 | クチ ヘス ニ ホラ ダマ ャ シ 401 オ ホ ヒ ラベ ペッ カフ 14 | クチ ミ ヅ ゲカ 司 261, 262, 371 オ ホ ミ クリ が ヒ 1 | 7s 7m 396 オ ホ ミ ノ メ スシ 325 | カク メ ヒ メ ベツ カフ 406 オリ イレ ふ シ ロロ 151 | ク メ ベ ペッカ フ 407 オリ イレ ヨ フ メ パイ 145 | クリ イロ フ デ 284 クリ イロ ヨ フ パイ 。 亜 司 108, 149, 152 カ グロ オト メ 358 rE 190 | カロ シマ ペ ツ カブ 333 カゴ メッ クシ 355 | クロ ス デ ムシ ロ 179 PARI WE 395, 397 PAA RIYA, HE 108, 177 eat カサ キ ゼ 157。871 | az コ プ シ 212 カサ シタ ラ 289 | コ が ネ ヤ タテ 320 カサ ネ シ タ ラ 288 | ユダ ゲ フ デ 284 カサ マイ ャ イ 。 騙 80,82 | コン キオ ホ ヒ ラベ ペッツ カフ 14 カド シタ ラ 289 | コッ タカ シタ ラフ 260 カニ ノ テ ュ シ ロ , WB 108, 146, 152 | コン タカ フチ ツ 897 カ ハ シ ンジ ユ ュ が ヒ 375 | コシ マヤ タデ 821 カメ パス デオ トメ ; 359 | コス ダキ 225 カメ フツ クシ 356 | コハク が と 属 45 カフ ラマ プ ャ が ヒ 366 | コハク モドキ 司 48, 49 カラ ス が ヒ 376 | コ プ ム シロ 146 WIDE 257 | ユ ュ ニ フ デ 286 aR IX vy 39 キ ゴマ が ヒ 366 キイ ロフ デ 287 | ゴマ ャ フュ メ ポ ラ 389 キカイ キビ 225 | ゴマ フ ホ ラダ マシ 40 和 名 コメ ポラ , 8 388, 389 コモ ン ヤ タテ 921 サ サイ ソコ アツ ブタ が ヒ 365 サイ シュ タオ ホ ベ ペソ マ イマ イ 367 サイ シコ ユウ クマ イ マイ 368 PRYAVAIAT 370, 408 サイ シュ ウム シオ ヒ 366 サイ シ ユ ツヤ マ ャ クルマ 365 サツマ ヒメ カサ キ ゼ 405 サド タカ きせ 155 サド キ せ 222 サナ ギ が と 。 科 aie サメ メス シロ 149 サル ポッ 56 7 シオ ノミ ッ ツクシ 228 シイ ノミ ヨ フ パイ 150 シイ ノミ シィ イシ 司 390 シコ クベ ペ ツ カフ 11 シタ ラ が ヒ 。 属 259, 406 シナ ト ツ ウタ カキ ゼ 156 シノ マキ 395 シホ フキ 116 シホ ポラ 選 , 亜 司 395 シマ アラ レ 7 シマ イ ポ ポラ 395 シマ オト メ 360 シマ ベツ カフ 7 パイ 36 マミ ミク 7 が に 5 シマ ヤ タ テ 321 シフ イト マキ 73 シレ ネ , IB 106, 110 シロ シノ マキ 891 A スカ シベ ペッ ツ カ フ 403 スプ ヂ キ ゼ 258 42 ス ず ゲロ ホラ ダマ ャ シ 素史 ス ず ポラ , 属 セ セコ パイ 亜 属 , is セコ ポラ ツ ツッコ スチ カサ キ せ ヅ アッ ウッ ゲ フ デ 女 タイ ラダ タイ ワン カサ キ せ ダイ ワン カサ マイ マイ ダイ ワン コシ タカ シタ ラブ ダイ ワン メイ タイ ワン ベツ カフ ブフ , TA タツ ウッ コ ホロ ギ タカ カサ マイ マイ タダ カキ ビ タナ カネ えせ ゼ タネ が シマ ヒメ ベツ カブ タネ が シマ ャ ペ ツ カフ タ ハ ラ が E。 THB チチ シマ コ ハグ ク が に ヒ チ シ マ パ イ チャ ジャ レン ズ チャ ッ チ ン フ デ , B vy, ツウ クシ が と fe ウ ク シ キ ゼ ウシ マ ャ ペッツ カフ ツノ テツ ウレ イシ IIRL ZIV ツノ ヤシ ホ ウム が タイ モ フ デ ツヤ カサ マイ マイ ツヤ ヨ フ メイ ィ Ge) 214,217, 218, 220 396 4 157 254 153 249, 364 326, 327 222 14, 407 389 (4) 和 > PV BAY I デ ツ ッ セ ン キ セル モドキ テッ セン フ デ テッ セン マル キ ゼ テツヤ タテ, TR デジ ツレ イン bY ZI ト タ ャ ツマ ャ イマイ ドク サウ クシ トク サバ イ 。 Wh. THE 104, ト サ キ ビ 3 ト サ ク レセ ン 2 ツク トシ ト サ ホ ラダ マシ ドサ ミク ドサ レイ シ ト パ イ ッ ニナ ト 9 が FRIIS Free ご か が ゴマ フ ホ フラ ダマ ャ シ ナ か が ウ クシ PPS > 属 ナ が ミク リリ J が に ナ が ミノ ムシ Foxe FOR 7B {4 ヌ ノ メ ツ グ シ = Bh RIRATFH, Ts ネ ず ヌキ メイ ネ ず レ が > 科 ネム ) が ヒ 273277 局 2’ ダイ 届 , TR パカ が ヒ ハゲ が ゲルマ ミ ヅ スイ NERY RU ハナ オト メ ハナ シフ デ ァ 属 ハナ ふ ムシ ロ ハ \Y ジマ ャ レンズ ハ ヒ が ヒ ハマ ヅ ト ハリ マキ え キビ ハル カゼ が と, IB EE カリ ペ ツ カフ ヒ ゼ ン キ せ i Ste PA, ヒ タ チ ナオ や 属 , 科 Ei7z274 EA ee a ヒメ イモ フ デ ヒメ ウネ ュ ユシロ も セ メ エ ゾ パ バイ ヒメ エ ヅ ポラ モドキ じ ヒメ オ ホ タ キキ ピ ヒメ オリ イレ スシ ロ ヒメ カサ キ ピ ヒメ グ ワ セン セ ヒメコ ハグ が ヒ じ メ コハク モドキ ヒメ シン ネ 281, 287 368 248, 323 103, 109 117 391 257 359 249, 324 148 セ モメ シ ロレ イシ ダマ シ モビ メ ツ ウ ヤ カサ マイ マイ メデ テツヤ タデ テ ビ ヒメ トク サ ヒメ ト サ ッ クシ ヒメ ナハ キ ゼ ヒメ ハリ マキ ゼ ヒメ ベツ カフ が に 属 CARIN Sy ヒメ マユ フワ デ ヒメ ミク リ が ヒ ヒメ ミカ ドミ クリ セ メ ム シロ ヒメ モス ツ が ヒ じ ヒメ ヤ タ テ ヒメ ヨ フ パイ ヒモ マキ パイ ヒラ オ ホ キ ピ モラ コハク が ヒ ンカ E フ ベツ カフ ヒラ ヤ ネ カ サマ イマイ ノル “a フサ ン キ セル Tree フサ ン ペ ツウ カフ ァ WES oop IF WRAPRF フ デ が か E, BE, 科 フト コロ ヤ タ テ 和 247, 248, 249, 2 ~~ 名 390 ペッ カフ が と , KB 科 11, 329, 370, 403, 407, 408 ペ ツ カフ メイ, WR 亜 科 ここ 22 ルッ ル ニッ タ ミ フ デ デ G ポッ ツ シッ ポラ RV PAT 35, 43 x 。 中 5 ) ホソ メス シロ 182 aA We FF 387 ホラ が ヒ 。 亜 届 , WS, 笠 304、393 AIX sy, BB 38, 43, 401 zy Sa? Hoh 253, 254 マツ カ ハ が に ヒ 班 弓 , WS 396 マテ が ほ に 231 TA 374 マメ オト メ 360 = AYE A) 2 マユ フ デ ? Uh 282 NEA a eh Dor 235 マル カサ マイ マイ 84 マル キビ 224 マル シタ ラ 291 マル フ デ が ヒ 252 マル ベツ カフ パイ 35 Spe SO) SRLS 6 2 ミナ ツク シッ (ツノ ナシ ミク 】 が) ff ミ が キ ポ ラ 1 ミカ ドミ クリ が ヒ 3 ミク リ we, 局 1, 4, 8, 399 ミド リ ペ ツ カフ 12 RAFAT パイ 150 YAR SS 391 ミノ ムシ が E。 Is 249, 325, 326, 402 ミヤ コ ポ ラ ,。 局 396 ミル クセ 54 ム ムシ オ ヒ が ヒ 367 ムシ が ヒ 。 TR 107, 108, 182, 183, 184 IS FoF 283 AVAARAY 404 モ 模式 コ ヨ フ メイ 144, 151 BART Pie 250 (6) モス ソ が と , |S 所 ロリ ハイ ヤ ヤグ クシ マヤ マグ クル マ ヤグ クシ マシ タラ ヤク ペ ツ カフ VRP WE, |e ヤナ ギ ノ ィ イト (ミク リ が ヒ ) ヤマ グ クルマ ヤマ タニ シ 。 科 = キ フ デ Ae OURO 76,79 | ヨ フ パイ モドキ Tey ee, 7, 366 | ラ ツ パ が し Ih 291 11 319, 320 | ツネ ウッ ツクシ 4 | リツ ミツ ふ ムシ ロ 366 | ) ク ゼ ン ポ ラ 。 属 365 vivre ks 256 | viyR ry VY ARE Is 107, 143, 144,151 GO oe Wi リ 263 (Moist) tok @RbHA CK kil] | @SKKO Snel @ RH SOB ORV Ue (Mae RS WES sean (av” &~ BOR @ Ss 1-SER ORR (av RHO SSE ex wie KmiPes He ak omisiene SPE OSRKOHASRcSSORES ojo @ MARC MPM Jo] © oF OME | ol Ome SE は III LE OF MOM OCKEINT ORB Be © OYE | A @ HK ny Oy Oamgg 1 e YK INK Aes IK ECS | MO ar OLS 18 OPM O Hiatt | so OS ENC KM MORK YRS DORR OaKH {DH710271EH@ Bio SSE OFS 108 RY SBEwM0 112 @ GREER TY AS S 11 ANHENOS HOY ge ode OSES Doh RS ROAM OBE © MEN | KO 11 | ax EHO RIK HO BOK CLIK] SMBOSRiKkKe MRRP E IOC MERKSO KET /OSMEOER $08] 1] BRR URES Roney KR ERCRER RENCRERSL OK SRS TO Si RO EHC m © 8 (BEitR) RUHGAIN CRA | 和 ) Vn S17 Jon” TEM JON 11] 7 HEY | HR RBI RY TOR? 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EY BHI OREM BROWS @ | MSE RAV SRN Red MHS SOR S wR RR ON SDN TINS RPT V tt SHS OF SUIT VY OS TH HE ES AY URN SRO S~ RAR CRS OSsHSR QUEM AUNAS YES © HU OY RO YS SEO R BE N00 YF BUNS-9 51 SER © RS URR RN 6 -o YW AR SER OV REVO SE ORE RON HSMN VED y HN SS) © [OS VY SS te 0 SUM a7 HEI 0 IN 6 Qt XS OH SRBESROSNUSE CHK RM BEN~ |. 1 ORHS OWO Vy SER ORM Ou PRO Y SESH ROA S~ oO Sit eS ORRIN S Vv GRR it BRE SN Oy SREB WMO OLR RS UPR ROKR VRE WVBR 10 NOVO BEV 00 CORR ~ BLK OM RM NAVIRO eves Nit ep SEO pe SVR me Ny Me REE £610 Y JE OR~ Bs ORR OWA Y ROGERS NBM 9 (RAS Om ORE GE CO LEI NI oY Kft A SHR 10 BRN 510 YD な D 然 り S (411) © BRN mo OREN 10 IRS AS 9 RR HOR 44 “PERE CQL HORN BEM GNA ye Ro HO Hits NL 2S 30 SEA BE OG ot ER + BW YY RONEN PRRINNK TOP O6S-r*? EOVERORRN~mO ISA BEY OS VN AR RMOMMMO” Hg ae) Hea ENA WHO POG (tT R) OCMIEXKE OK Rome Cr Sa KER OREN VREN FERRI OS 9 HCH AO BRN BRR 2) OR 0 AR AR Be bin CE OHMANIEHO DEN OHNE ( VRS 0 8 Mews HOARE CePA BORSKRPOS ROWE UO BE REVGELOY REPOLL OYE? REN BR ARISE NY BU RRR Re bh ee BX # Es OBRY! ¢ YET EEN HES NO SRREE Here CO) NERO” KIREM ROR REIN DRMBVRROL SHORES RS | Bw sy MOK Roe Wie NV KOR REN Rav) RR tS 0 SOREN tt ML HN ER ERO Y REDON WSO Ri” ERY PMRMOSNB SY | RARER 400 tb PH RREN © | SRN REPOS OH erAR MA ONO? RW MBG ONS HN SBE HN | MBM POS Yo FIN PBHNES” QERSRR SOV Ry NOMBRE YD LN © eR CE A NER chon SURE WIS 10 Sd © SSR © HIE (ONO Re PRE Be | PX OWOLR? MEMS VR ORKE ORK wo" Bdrae OHHBVHR~ TONSORSE’ | OREO 8 SIRK OREOY’ KEOSKSE Re OS Via” O219 | BOR CRS O° an で 一 の っ ーー O_O + (410) +R + ib Bi 5 a sy 肛 に = By R~ Da NR ~ Bt OS ORS AR ORIN < 民喜 や" OV SE HAUS A R 10 BER re 00 © BEMIS 0 ORE NAW SEM OPE Ro VBR 00 427 RRP HORN R SHY «BN «POMP H-ASH- EE OSE | 1 FOR OR HOR” RUS | OS ORHOR SRY RN VY RRVE OR BR Aq NCR HE Roy OF RN RA RO Ra VR KN EN PER MEO BE CORN DOM OR OREN Mine O11) VOOM 10 6RAY SVE 0 Vin se うら KAM YNE VAP A Ben KER OY aK FRAN SSR te Nowa (GA. Drew—The Habits and Movements of the Razor-shell clam, 万 s7s directus Con., Biolog. Bullet. XII. 1907.) Gav eB N SIN ROY HRS SUK RTH 5 Y NY 9 +21 9B DSU © BREN BOS fe 00 HY dy SOR ey OE) BN ES REN WORK” ROR HRS ER N Hy > Seu ta EMSs im OL O* wis hex LEO NEN eGov O” ROBBY! |HoRy Sede US QRS YES ORR ENR 99 (am 全う SS *&_— SO ーー 一 RS KI CORR ty SRE Km Y VRE HECGRN 4) NYRI P02 Qo” SEPA II O GR MEW CRON SE 1 |FRBMAVER CORRE BI yie 1 AASB ORR RM ~ OREM OM WIRY 7 AO BPS KN A se f ev BRS ~> sult” SEK ae ae NBY USO NUN Raa” aly RE OX OUR PERN OT BUF 6 TO PO MS A RE OK FR ESN X60 HAAR CSR EDO BN iy Ra 00 FRADE 07 [EO Y NIGER © REM EN 10 Bd NY SUK = Fi its BE RA SP + i 8 — ダル ihe (409) Rene” Bet | さこ WI こち 人 KAPAP 2 da RE K. obesiconus Pils. G Hir. CBA BS Ht [ERO SR++) LU = = SAE Sy spa & % pw 學 AD Hie (SH) aH yy NETS CPENOV REN pone WRENQ~ RO BE REn pRN MB .007 RE SHES OURO” KY OREPYRyAO~EROW SON 9G SAS IR HG ORR 2 su BS 409 GD Had © Hi + 10 BRKT Oy aks AC BOBS で や ^ RY NE IMS OREM RNEOO” ROHR] FEO | |KO BKM RRO 9G 7D Fr Uo ER KE HY Roo? 4 Ah -tei Q Rr0~2 09 ya KR OWOR (Wei PO 4B PEM! |HOBRY4oR RNIB POLLS Aft N i029 * Nott DtuP OA” HO MirRiwy4 Moth Ne Sr OS NIN CHER NIRS” 曲 MORRO OR POs Boys oecRwi ke NE OIICN WU Mays owe? Wee MAL SSO NAb A FE A-O IR DS INK URED 1910 AGEORM KEN” RHR LT VSANE RKO LAD tv OB WR OM Nw OWI? BOs Oh A Se NFR do OD AER © sv it 0 N Supine © 11-1] (408) +48 = 8 ie 用 moe RB EW) Qe Ge EE SE DI ng t IS OFS BLINN BERS DO eu jn て 公民 NR る 攻守 Genus MACROGCHLAMYS Benson. NAEACARA FE’ M. hypostilbe Pils. & Hir. CUA! iH RRR LN) We” SAS" fog“ AJ” RA | RE Caer A ok eee BO” pee ee ¢ RLM y Hewat (* MEE REESE & Ot eem eee ane YEW EE Per © RASS BN Oy 4 RS RY YC BOBS SSR y REN SS AN OY REE | ij+] Wel HERI | a HB NO ~ SSS 0 ou BEIT O Rav WN A> Y BE SES OM KAM wy many be Ree YY | AAKDLARA OE M. quelpartensis Piis'GG Hir, (HER 1 RE KRY SD 、 We SRS oF | HAIR | SSR NTE oR ey AR NAO WO~ KEN OY RO | HOR UIE + Genus KALIELLA Blanford, ; NAA RE CBWE SR 1 14-1 18°81 1+ Wa SRweS HSE HO" Ra HO BEER RIN 6 = bh URES in 10 PR Oy KW Empik~” BSOCS~ RBA YEnKIW K. fusaniana Pils. G Hir. » HE) 5 wis ME HA St + i @ — 5 (407) | Microcystina kumejimana Pils. & Hir. (aR | 9° GR+S87 HRM] + Elke) KOR OERN +4911 HEAY~ERNOY7 any AR NR ENE Kin UP OM NWR ONS NEMS Oe] HOS KEE Hp ae” Mok” ONegiseae” BN oe” PABPERIRoG” BOE” HRS KaeSe | LaARNRIUIE EE Genus MACKOCHLAMYS Benson. ZNADPLARN FE M. subelimatus Pils & Hir. EIN LAR OR M. subeiimatus kumecnsis Pils. & Hir. a] O° RR Ril |) NE feo a JOACEERR OZER AND FY ARN ON Bsu Me aK SMR REW AK) TS ROD St hell te | AN PLARA 2 UM. subrejecta Pils. G Hir. (881 190° § | 8° +A) lee e+) 1 ER” a+: 18) HIS” SAME IE RS JUBEOE NEA de OBERT M. vejecta Pfr. aR OZER” VB oasoIN oud KR eH RHO RB yee MIN ONBSNweke’” Bola gas |e OY NR 4 KER ERREN Bly eek) ORR WN WES ER OY RIK 7 ロマ a HK CaN Ee BO NEE gui” Sask OA py & | WHTVISS Ki y ERK te OREN a dN tno NU SRE WS BEDE BERG ES GERI OE UKE No)” SK~ RHBZEI AR O11] WO PEK OFAN EY MERE BRO] R400 NE ate | SEAS FIRE NE YY HT © ERR © IND Nh OE d+1 (406) B Ate 類 JP apes a5 Sh — Fr py 7 Fs Mm =F ON AGS WEBER OS Fae KY AR NAC BENEER 7 PRESEN SU SITE M0 SIR 10 N Atm YN BE ats Rey | NX ING UNE HE’ Genus SITALA H. Adams. AN AAR I\ HE’ S. ultima Pils. G Hir. CRIS” SRY 1-1 1° BRE ey ts ie ) HA SS4.\a° HE” SI” R&R RK RuKoB ewido ^ dregs gS HORS” RSV Reutwm (Roeser yag EV NSN BRS BENG ak (* BR eK ン ” 底 さと っ 賠 つ ^ AREER I yy > ERC ee RING & ( Mh ap NIE £5 10 BEI OM Ig 19 ス UTR SHURE EEN OY BEES ws E697 BX or act ~" BB POLR OSI [hhh Oy zur —_—_ リキ PIACRE RN BRU yc | WH Bows Y OTN Oy RECs | KEM IS hb DERE 0 RETA ee ~~ DAWA de | 3- S MRR GO URLARNRUE OE! Genus MICRSCYSTINA Mérch. RERAPUKLARA BE’ Microcystina tanegashime Pils. SH” BR) PRR 40a + Ne} a RR RV+KMRN+ 2 j RERAPLARN OR” Macrochlamys tanegashime Pils. | (8% | $8° RH 13S? Bri +A) INRA RAR RY Snes po (1S y Oe. RR --~Be + | BE AC (cz oy me a A OBR 3 Bly .-~ mi AMER S LA-Meowe+4eyx. nw SER Sa Aor 3 ile [| By Er SSA RMF Os SR TY Ciba RRO ASS UCM ess Ea 2 二 ! Vacs +] VS LSA 7 トー ou FL Seay LP SRR HOSTS)! Si Ss THY ‘q BURUMEUS VIVPMozogUN “yy =) FHSS m wm メ サ 7 ツル マ 寺 Eee ズー ホネ yy 泊 サ ~ E 新 Fi ~ dsm ~Chmis oy Be “S[Iq USIHUOT9UR “y SI Ss Osh TP Re ay A SS A Oy PR 「 で pC Hl JRA JIS Jit Sos Bee LR SA gE (と #4 OFA 似 色 す な る 2 る = RN AN Be SS Ov Uh SE — | FESR JSR I+ 1S J BHRR) HH Y ‘q sistourtog (2) vpporey に 3 D +! ee MANY Sok [oSNBSY Peon HE 4x LAR DOS 。/ Satoh ~~ SK SOM -WSOBACKR (404) eos te 明 H+ mx SRR | ) CHS” S81 1-1 1S RHR NI) We” Riese E* ] AR 1 A | RK DSSS ER SID he 9 oe BSS D7 BEMUK - EST yee 7 Bn AKA Ete be” EE SH” SSS SRE X}. *- = Kee CSeRee GY) MN SAR MIE R=’ Genus TURRICULA Klein. 生き We Ae T.(Costellaria)salmonea Sowb., Variety. WU 4k" ーーーーーーーー +K 人 APSR | FROON OY Sa OMe teat . Dr SAK MRR N ey ee eee BDI Sut ~~ | や の KS すず .(C.)Remiseninta Ad. and Rye. (4 INS ty EX EKSEN 2420) WSs” mt" Ka 8D uN Orne HRY XNA und (4 INS NH) + GEASS KON OV BRON” BEY 園 ” MORE. | aie | meN\ 2° TLC. )inermis Reeve. Ce Nw dey ROK BIN 2430) Wa mK nw Aw nae uh” O-Nin ie’ ERMN OY BES) OC SS Mwy SQ | FEY Ite | {iy aii Ce ee TS) > a Ja ( CLD SPSS EBS eS HS A § RWS - Ne is « x Rola = af ル し us OR Bw | SERGE] REE SPER RSE Qo 己 Th ーー ー+ 7 WSS & ACKER Su 7 fae NY ul ¥ SER Tal ZZ へ ye SpE i = ス 12 EB hd | fy id 第 中 4a eh 者 SN de do BH: SUR A tS ーー で 7 CSO レス で af ~ : 節 小 Hi は 低 形 a i Re fy te ey AJ な 1S Pr 色 5 て : な ー ゝ As USILIVZIS XS / (y+ PE に st ~CHIR'SS IDR A SRR AIO BA CH ORS き WB i シ に bet 5 を Y EL is CEA CORTESE OOM DS EA OR SO Bb 。《 を の 2 2 へ \ae 5 »? i の SPAN Sb ORS | | CRAM Sows) pee SN org \ OSVITEL, BLUSD] ALTO SAKGDERNB "人 REP) RE Mi} ra の N RH Mh RWS DBS OSITNG VACINOA REL sito | J SRGEL I: AS CRW SSR . 困 き 必 oat “OAV RUIO3SO.EJA.TO Myon, PTE) |S | +S) (i (400) atau Ae 2s iS KS SHCRE BARA) UNRE WK = HE’ S. mikado Mely. Variety. (2° SRE SR 46+ ND wo | FPR KRT RH? RSE? WE REE mR ew NR RAMOwESNOY NKK “SEN SU AK 6 SRE Soh 7 ン ^ SEKI N Oy SRS“ TRG 1 [ASB O WRPBE NS 10 BERR SS 37 BRIO TSE N HH a Wiss] wae FELON OV SEG COMM St Hh Ree QD) Heat’ S. kikaigashimana Hirase, |) GRAN RE H1R BR1 i 1 ii S++ 1 1D VRS “KEE Hela (o-)<2 iad = WA 8H BH” 171 ER 忌 貞 忌 te RW SANYO y BREEN” eR (RB RN VY DOW RAEN ITO BRIER OC SESE RC SES 1 BES WER WSO BERN" RACE A 宗 に 答 NS Rwwok ( HA Merde WM ORT | 40-07 PSR” uk" gow OY 26 410 O RIM Sin Bd RoW EKER SEES N NH OBI NT EY OR MEU RO HHS SIE WK KI HEN OY ERs Rat” HSEN oO” SRUYREN BIO Huis” BR Nitta VRE Do BRO EN SHI ieee Se ~IVYZENE MOR Ew (° QI ORI mW? Ee sha A Spo | Wa VPAMYLVA VRP WR RWS SIS Ne pO SSN OY” DESK uh" HE ae Sy ETERS) BEE Ar ys, | & ME A Tt 2b fi 3 th — + Hi € (899) NE | ASR see RE Genus BERINGIUS uu... AAR ve RE OB. polynematiceus Pils. CEng? SRE 1 4K +-44 Be) Hise” BR? WR BPA? MI | PRR? DSK BRBtHE~* KISN Dy” B. frielei Dall. yS8zs O° BRS CR MIOKRWRe Ura KEN RSD ON PE oItn” HRN SEO” FLEE OREM SINS OY toma] [YEN OY KIN Co YES Bel on tn” ReouHe sy OB UM AO” SHY Coy oHiSox Rat (CB REVKO” KEEN Coy RVR oo” OIC 0 BEE (RRO NS oy WBMES POL ~~ Ber 0 REE eo” ROR~” SET OY PESSKHEEN a" Ss yiR~ RBweA Na Sw? Li ORM NEH~ I yVBRN EON KER CREAR |) Ral’ KAIKARS Hwee’ oewadh-o] KE OKR POL NHK |S Oh BERS B. frielei Dall NFRD 10 PR Hs PRRENOY XN HC BRS ARVN Y 6 WENO” TE (O45 PR) BOURULURSC BRE VRE PY PE gto | 3. schantarieus (Midd.) «Kitts satu~7 Wot 1 IRMVVEN OY REOBKKBHore~ o£ N BESET te | B. turtoni (Bean) 2S EES 0 SI NIT SU 7 BI O~ EE I BREE OC WEN 4m | +e % SER (BERINGIUS) + JUMALA 区 る UKKO YARIS HU PEMEXN BERINGIUS 24-5792 YEPUIGNI MIN WK | MYAR MRE FH Genus SIPHONALIA A. Ad, il (398) te ie 5s ae 2 a KER ERAE C1) CERN? SREIT( RS BRI [ime HUI” SEB (へ ) WR 1 et) SRHSH™ RC | ee PRES RRO NEN ES KIN ee gen PHO SIAN OY” BER By 福 難 RARADO BRNIC BE eRe eo Aset | BELO MEENA Roa” SRUR~ Oy REO KmoLRS 存 U if カ ュ ゝ ト DOV IE RSE OS ORIN Y Senet m9 | RO Hwy oyporrms| KRU O~ Ber Oe’ SHOR Aa KgXoxa) RON Abo Y THN IN ge sufelER Rey | ZD NMA INGE FE GonusVOLULOPSIUS Moreh. ARPAKIN EV. hirasei Pilsbry. CEN” BRET 1 aK tea | HO4< + Hi) ーーーーーーー- +1] HY” Bie WA 1 PRR RD] RSET Oe or Tei] | eal ae BSS” AEN DYES? RE OH iy CER TRERE Mn" BEMEICBE RO | < IO BO Bde PS” INE NA WU BUR” BY BER Bote 8 SVE REN OY” SMOLBN Soy ig. Boe “O° TR NORE SEEN io OREN Co yuee FANS SIREN y aK Sh Be te ©) ORE WIRE 4M weber HOR OBIT IO I Be * RO ORES AY PLN OV EQ wes | Wa” RAE MN OY Bio y Bove Ouvatyy ES UPR RSD” OME MN OY, Site Se Uh SM | iE V. regularis Dall. NERS 09 wm” HES Sree CRSP Her” SX NESE Y ANH OK EE 9 JER pNa hs ee my “EEN 3 Ws uosuewG SAMOMUSAEHD sums ey Hore SES HY oF EH *9SQIIH TORI snyTpLoRTapE ° “fqdomog snydpostoyid *) ae FR ze ef eo a @ GG a = si > Be D 地 rey ES + me HANG i Sl V 1G Nas > aS つ Oy = | a5 | HB ェ | Th. 72 ツ | Aes ぇ | | 5 に 肥 に oF 区 VOL EWS HN Ned a NNN a は ib 5] = xm 8 -o ieee Ee cay ww Bas (| At & A = ni し ア の コ ’ Sot: Woy ARN TSH xodads Woy SSS WS SA cosoayy sueieteooD [EL 1 iy 4 = svouy ut NOHdTOUL * She FH ASM OE ゴ ぶ mnd9d VISNGNV'T Tor29S sex RINI SE fax | OFF NOLS 2+ ER CVSSO'TOIHOVHM) BAA SC HSC が MER) CspmH SU)t939MTei Ss ) te ii we + マ ps 0 =| oh 9 マ W 4 て 2 Dey aS =~cCRk ーー ご 「 ご み 諾 ご 叶 國 wm SI SO RRS WRONBD ABACK [oSHRAOEMSBHEACHED AR 9H9sir[ WoNUNp "WV == VRNYGWY CH tO! iS Sl I+ JS) 70 TUITHOLOT Worjoeg aes Tol ey SNS Hot (396) + 42 — 7 8 ia WI Ela Er Pn’ KERR CRBRAR (1) [\ 4 IN EBRS KT Subgenus PRIENE HH. Ady su D9 © NOY IEG INE BEN BS ae RE Genus COLUBRARTA Schm. axa” C. maculosa Ginel. [fen < ~~ BSR AR EPIDROMUS Klein. su Y ROL Ot | 人 79 回 方 Subegenus CUMIA Bivona. aI” C.. lanceolata Menke. “PAR, RUM RE [Th AR A Genus APOLLON Montf. * VERRE KE Subeenus ARGOBUC CINUM Klein. wOy vw + on 4% INR AIP OREN ER 4 | 」 467 wm & SAG INME KE Genus GYRINEUM Link. 3IPLEX Perry; BUFFO Montf.; BUFONARIA BS © RES Schum. % LAMPAS Schuin. Sewing? aX SE © TAS RH eh ns) I ide NEY 9 | [mw & m % INR HH Genus RANELLA Lim. AX wy Sn Me IN Crs FEIN KS G. albivavicosa Reeve. «aan WIV ROL Me P ON OY SR BEX + A + IN EYER NNER 7 Isr G. raza Linné. MEE Ose ttho+.” SNEE SQ | BRIER cute OT NT HES. SUE Hah OPE EER te SO OSE EES I I BEd den JNN つ 7 押入 i CRM RRM ORDENOY. RERIN *& 4% INEBRR KE’ Subgenus GUTTURNIUM Klein. suf D2 OEE NEE Ae | ‘SINR UHYME =’ Subgenus SEPTA Perry. sk4K~ A. rubicunda Perry (= A. australis Lam.) (TRITON Montf. ~%% TRITONIUM Cay. wet of Env RE OREREK EN RUREO SHES INR YU BS’ tritonis Linnd. BAY DAGIN BE’ nodiferus Lam. $4 KEEN we Xt 11° RABIN HE’ Genus DISTORTRIX Link. | DISTORSIO Bolten. wOy Riu IwPQND Yen BA KSA Pe KEIN ER LS BEX Ete | 117 (AAG INBE BRE’ Genus PRIENE H. & A. Ad. ~ pt (394) +4 + ie Hirgle s_Jaiees SESH CEERI SUS-ESNY OY he ” iw” Sev+ | Bo SBR WIK 07 Wa DAVOS ewes’ RoE 07 KERN ORR PC wWNAMNIERONWNEY iho PM NR S SWB muda ST MN RS SAOREN 20a) | AK ASINIE © Genus SEPARATISTA Gray. HINT D ERO E BR UREN ES OO OK NS Ade RSE O BOKER bh DK oF 2 © (TRICHOTROPIDAD ENS D* KR ORY MEO NTR SSK ORE RS CIR he ow REDON Abode el~ ま SINR UG Family AQUILLIDAS MA KK = Bet SMOnY | mmm Net Gr & BK (“Proceeding of the Academy of Natural 2。) 4x kb R MRE OR~7 | Sciences of Philadelphia” January, 1904, p. K Nw SOIN Sig Ys TRITON Montf.( UES ) ORR en Y SUI NS No? HON N WAH OT SED YS ieee | 87 GRAV RV SEEN SVR ROBRNSMOWL Fes i4e | [As+> | YUE ONSRRVE SUOSMoON A4-DS) © BECO ARE EAE OSERR DN HS ONE HON MHL BOVIR RO deeds wa NR A+KO, Ras HK JAQUILLUS Montfort.~-s% % ma ADE OIK ( CR~” RON B [ORR et) “Oon- chyliologie Systematique”)+ @ LOTORIUM NR y-a7 MUR OME. AQUILA NEY WEE ee WES sue aquillus Kat aquilus KEM RwS a OMNOY aquila 600 #52 EERE Sw ei” [BOY PS Henk aK OfAs+> |ECRNEKEY Oxi Nw | (DSBS B2>ShSh> HOOS CHS Sn ROVERS eos BY SEXIACK TORE: MHNRSE Ay See S REDE R AChE UNECE AS SNA a a & — a RE RA は ew a 共 基 て し 開 & 頂 ke 的 は NM pb 一 人 eee 4 | ’ 周 個 用 條 il る 分 jal De Sek Ve Fr の は Hie 2 Fe He SND. epee ie Oe jm fh oc le 刺 部 kee 1 Nelle abe AP ae al Iz BY PE xe CIE Ae iy Fae 同 Ret 他 CA の © ee ae ee Ser ay Pie Ss aeee M15) な A 個 1 eG SN の OI し せ る す BR Je eee elle Wie aed 分 12 Lee: せ は a S9 り '【 Hie ts A a oles ee KN (に Os Kh St Ft. 分 刺 は し 部 上 ie e く _ 個 Wt § wh mh Hn Ve Ne et aes eG =. て kK 続 he 績 反 階 の 連 " Sb oe ES eee Oe; camera ara Me ESD, 切 Or: a: a 9 \ ゝ z 6 れ 内 日 し ~~ A | Hie SE Sa ea ae eB dy Re ER Be ere Ore て せ Bk SE の し ee oe 7 こき の EGG ae le テ Cs Y Y jth ’ Wi A Sent. On aes ae h Ma な BW HK & サ OX ィ ク Ma a if 7 Fe BS i hee ae ate ye em) = lames “Tee Ces 体 リ 小 の ノ ZS ZS Ga 新 ft < 刺 fe カ 2 lel 四 ay 同 。 あし を ORS ae cet am 5 A 附 》 長 ae EC ke IL ae Ge wee US eur 第 ヨ CB aes tat Ses owt ke} 4 B 円 現有 る IE aK iin HE eels es oP de Sly ikesGe bles ae Ti. ii ales eres Seca asc Za R 基 起 続 部 oh Ff. 第 Oy ら 2 eB EB っ Qtr = ME LSE Sy ーー es WW Wa Sr >/ BEES AH = ayse > BSS A aS (FREE ) ASD SE OVSHRSONSHENACHRED MR ITAA (392) ++ Hig ae KESHCBE RAE (1) so SER eb Oe EER + ORS 6 OR eee Epis ORB AUN ZAK” RikN Oy ein [hse ORE Seer CQ B~ tt SN 20 RSS 9 fs OY ERE 20 HSS oH SEIS © | SYA HRS BR ev™ in © Bm) SUSI.” BESET 6 PEERS 0 ABE BRIN BS SK MIRIRN BOS oR Se YO” BOWL Ye SSN Sie 0 HRM EMHEREROLREMHKN A i~ BN” SBMONIRNG | DENERNERMO Ro SRN Uke RWS ORNOY GRERYSY oO SAB y SEH EY OV R~ "4 O~ SRY hE D-H N Ste OY RK SM OK Rl (oS PE RK AOD OHNE OY Eat VR ORY OR | SEK EEK OD yp Bev QO SIN RE a7 TR ERE RN OY REE” KRM HERO VEER WN OO” ESS OHIRICN BS 8 10 BRR RO He SU 9G =o SY TR SR RESIS NESE YAR K tn” iid ER DO SB oR BORLA DUPER ONS Wa” FADD NO yp Ween N Coy HS NY ew) WR に BO MEAS 107 Mbt te. Y sun eK ee OHM OY 届 Mav aA Ks ORM Y Owl oHMyae” Ke BIBT © BSnE WERK OBER w AK SORRY OK ORY ~~ OBO RBM Ow aN” RMIOGIRNIE MP OM ODNev FIR AHR (MSY i107 REOBRO DMO eu Wa ORM VF iy OUEN Ky wy Ks subelmR Owe YY 07 Goto LR * sOGK M10 BEEN CIPO SRR NEN KS JA や へ HE L. spinosus Hurase. (He BRET [ER* SR MRS HR 1 H+") “+ @ €@ = Fi oe HE A I ie (391) MSR RRNA N OY” fel” BEX Ou eRO © UK st Meese OW” Belt BEER ( GE SIN -K SER’ SEN | RS” HERE NY -HEN | RWHP O° ROSEN 1 ERM SOM RHO don [bt thw OY DOW REO NCR eis AE ek (7 選民 RG | HRS vES” SUERYRYYSSSH VS SOREN MEMS ew (° ROR FRAN BR VHEN HauTion | 組め 貴人 Wa DAS lw wR Mey Coy Meio Vee R97 WN K ef FE Genus LAPIAXIS Swainson. RRA PMAKRE HE L. pilsbryi Hirase. SB RAT | RR! MRR | {0 EI-+-Bal” 4° RRR BTA K+ 較 " HU ee ak” KESHCRERAR (1) 8 | uke” SK38 44-9 se) {8 SR HEH” ukea” ( RUBE OC ARO ER(VE XILDLA) QFHER sult 9 2 Yo AS YROSMRS WO OS ORS HORNA SM HARA KSELOYV AR NK THERA INS FD RSENS Re Baum? BRO FER 10.5. FU 0 Ha ANSE er AR YY © EI ete, al At, 4% Aidt Cu a K R= -R) SEAR PAE SE Genus SISTRUM Montt. URAD NMEA fy ? CS. alba Hombr. & Jacq.) GRY SREI+ | RC Rt tte 1 MEI+-V) WIS RT WR AOKI” RU BAR BH” UK" AR ERI? OB RRA” eo + #8 Hes MR 1 リ (389) Ocinebra erinacea ek (HIN SAH) 第 ) 1] ( 賠 (fa 四 第 ) i) nxn Or ANA RIE GE 4ZOcinebra erinacea Linué) WK St OTMONEN EO" Et DNA R URN Coys | ETS gan ode ( GR] |B)” NEE OR An KH AK OTESN nn’ WU NIOQZ AN Res A CTrophon G& clathratus) NY $e O a0 © (5 EE CG BE) RK OK OROS a <2) BEN A NR as EI Ce a © koyoretr NBN Io zy AH KABIN FR Maculotriton bracteatus longus Pils. & Van. RSE CRERARC 1) (KioeR | RSS + | ee BR RST E = B) NKASIN £327 Maculotriton digital’s Reeve. (Triton digitalis Rve. 4gt3uR | GOR RRS ge: {DEI | mt RTE RATER 1 = i) Sea RUE HR? Genus PURPURA Brug. IRA Deer #=° P. hippocastancum Lam. KUEN A DN De RE P. hippocastaneum Ditubereularis Lam. (228 BRET CERI [MOSH IED PAS” $a KERR eae” wh | Te ACART WA HAAS DAO MEBEKRLOVS ABN | SN Ma” h AST YD NOK LY Pre Nee SS きこ 0 CQ FEN Rw 1} (388) His 2.08) se ie 崩 KRSNCRERAS( 1) ch WW avy ROK KD? yk (Kesteven) amines XIN MO | Triton speeioms Angas. Oe X398 WHO yak TROPHON NEBR OWE Do | Triton bracteatus Hinds RAP BOVKIVDBOk« RUE OS | BS | Wee Mwm ( Not ei Se eth Dd MPN YN Ts % NBS (MACULOTRITON Dall) w+} TT} KAGINRE See’ Genus MACULOYRITON Dall. RMUKOLN CRBRN-Y SRLRRSSEV CO” BAY] /BEGE ASO SO KBE 0 LE BE BENS © BERK tomy “ MORRIS” I~ RIRN MVC” IRN i] SORMVRE Soy NS RV REKROS INU S 6 SRE De Noe" TERT S YR~ OVE’ KK] ASC tNRBW (o EHUNS SUBBED VY NW BK 23 | SMe NR BE Sie ye" 掴 ^ 1] | SOUkY Dy Bon OPK AARNE Hee on 4s EXER (EPIDROMUS) VEY OSS SH —SG {EE Nat RR OMIA OH WEA RE ~ SEY Da RE IE D9 や G 人 な で や” AOE a AE (Mirch) 2 | BB ASPELLA Mor- 1 ok RUE | 6 a » に 一 重 7 7 で MM wae 7 記 6 7. a 上 x J JAPANESE & KOREAN LAND MOLLUSKS, PL. XXII. OR 2+ 9) Fi AEE HER KA do 97. 17. Macnechlamys hypostilbe Pils. & Hir. cal Kaliella subcrenulata satswnana P. & H- io 2 quelpartensis Pils. & Hir- oo, 2 fusaniana Pils. & Hir. Bl ” serenus Pils. & Hir. 30. » obesiconus Pils. & Hir. 23. Kalielln gudei mutsuensis P. & H.- a * (2?) boninensis Pils. & Hir. -) 33. f ) okicnsis Pils. & Hir. he | Sitala ultima Pils, d& Hin JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS. Pb. XLIII. CWS + oA) LEE AK mr UT] oe 265.5 * 266. Beringivs polynematicus Pils. 268. ” stearnsii Pilsbry- olutopsius hirasei Pils. 267. Siphonalia mikaco Melv. var. 4 JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, PL. XLII. 252. Purpura hippocastaneum O57 bitubereularis Lam. a きら 3 : 298:)) Latiaxis spinosus Hir. n. sp. 59. { G 260- ) tosanus Hir. n. sp. ae 02. ) 265. 【 版 二 十 四 第 ) 類 具 産 海 本 日 Aquillus dunkeri Tiischke. gemmatus Reeve. Siphonalia kikaigashimana Hir. n. sp Chrysocumus inteysculptus minor Hir. n. subsp. JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, PL. XLI. 239. Fe AR oy An 245- 310. Latiaxis pi'sbryi Hir. n. sp. 2 2f1. Puspura tosana Pils. 2 り 19_ り 10- aif Usilla gouldii Smith. ae ( 版 一 十 四 第 ) 類 内 産 海 本 日 Sistrum alba Hombr. & Jaeq. (?) Tritonidea erylthrostoma Rve., var. Siphonalia eassidarivformis tosana Hir. n. subsp. —_ THE MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. Founded by the late Geo. W. Tryor, Jr-, and continued by Henry A. Pilsbry, Sci. D., for the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The Manual of Conchology is a fully illustrated monography of recent mol'usks. Issued in octavo form, in quaterly parts. Each part comprises 64 (or more) pages of letterpress, and 15 to 20 plates. The Firsm SERIES, Marine Univalves, of which seventeen volumes have appeared, is now finished as planned by its illustrious founder. Of the SEGOND SERIES。 Terrestrial Mollusks, Eighteen Volumes have been published, completing Helix with index. A few copies of Vol. IX of this series, “Guide tothe Study of Helices,” will be sold separately at the regular subscription price. Separate copies of the Index, suitable for the purpese of a Catalogue or Check list, can also be had at $1.00 each. The Monogra;h of the Bulimi is now completed with Index. Separate copies of Index, $1.00 each. The Monograph of the Urocoptide has also been completed, and Vol. XIX is now in progress, finishiny the study of the Achatinide. Prices:—Viain (une: lored) edition, $3.00 per part. Colored edition, §5.00 per part. Fine edition (both colore. and Incia-t nted plates), $5.00 per part- For further information or descriptive circular, with sample plate of Manual, address S. RAYMOND ROBERTS, Treasurer, P. 0. Address, GLEN RIDGE, NEW JERSEY, U- S. A. Aa illustrated CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, by F. Stearns > and I!. A Pilsbry. Paper, $2.50. Dg 大 ae 党 Ql la al 2 5 @ ©0 CO i iY a S285 ne 前 fy Re K = 複 不 を A. | 部 部 部 本 | Bk : | y= = 6 1x eee | 済 me 全 行 \ ノ Sil 許 aye | m7 | tll ae TE Ti | saga ae | mB ARM pe Sp ah | AG ROT ST Le a gg | 7 2 aE PE a | 所 Tg | BER DR) SA REC EME oe Bl 228s Bemis Bs — hal es [ae Bl Gl a GF aye LL Ae ines 條 第 人 人 東京 ge BER | 送 相 テ ancl 全 東京 aS a [SEO Ae He wee 長 ee wane a 己 Ab yy, a nes & {ee Be o> 国 I! \ Me aS FR iH % キ Mi fae ee Be xa a ジジ 字 本 | oH Ob vies iB 北 ars AS eat MRR iN BOR Jit op Ee | SEARS BITE 枝 HOB ww St] Ww FE | Bea BEC) 5 Me 54 Pe We i S 学 料 |+ 句 = 可 amet To ae ta we | + ae LIEK 書 書 @ ok - ime Wieee |= 出 成 テ 修 i ae a x BE BH 回 党 CISEES WS \ 陸 1 = Mie ali => eis iD Che Ta at <<), Se きき さき im - ビ om Nee; i} =’ | Bm SE Se a ーー 及 ーー NY, 28 Gr 瀬 ^ 奥 A os, ノ RE 新 2 Wye —. Dus (| Sa) HE i + eS BB Uhr SS sm Dike Shoo BA ex LO het ep NN | ご rr Ee te ジコ! St 1 7 / \ NO Mi cell (きき (22) AMG UBIta | TES =a _- (2+ | 1 | aH) ee Tite CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF THE ORIENTAL SHELLS, Published By Y. HIRASE. VOL. Ill, JANUARY, 1909. NO. 1. S=x CONTENTS 3%& ENGLISH EDITION: PAGE A Journey to the Northern Parts of Ise Province for collecting Land Shells 13Y 人 OSUUHIE 細 IKUIESG) ICON A new Land Snail from the Northern lse JEN Guan Wisi lad Sant 5 eee ese enna ee ra Sy Summary-On Japanese Marine Mollusca( XXIV)... ee Summary-On dapanese Land ShellsXVD ee 4 8・ JAPANESE EDITION: Gnmdapanese, Marine aMolusca QA Nl W)csicsces- ir WB 2 RE AAR SUS 7 ER 7 OI > : nee » SEE oO} OR BR A FL I > Ea 6 2 DK HARE AC ets “Ts Sf is 2 A Ete >. Jt Aa dh WI SHAE > VR ~ BER Be » Ze 7 SF A. H. PETEREIT, 8| & 83, Fulton Street, New York City, U.S. A. ‘asa | ーー や ーー フー や ーーー ンー や ーー や ーー フー や フー や a る |REE | Kom | mca me WEE | Bem (BRR)? RYSoNW oe ee ere ee ee HS WER CB WEX< ORV RNR NE SS BER ins 2 O Mo MORN Mle Se OME REET OY xs Sie ix wwe SENS Save tae Lise | | Saw ea es bee eek SESS wes eR SAS W tee CHEK AI CHE A? SUR RS PWNS BRA ES # Ss 0 RR ES YOR sn eK OBE i la で は Mit A mM Wik (2 Set eo WW 成 第 ・ eS aexes : CHEER Ose ae RY Ce hin) + 88) PRES SCRE) oxee SESE ORR Fae fai) PO SS oie SF OX HS x Se # re RRS 1S O2H2 RI 1 hv ABRs rm 1s Eir RKESSEKERSS ® 15 RIMS EE RES Vag a IRIE K SR eH ey ae ETL. ra ieee NS TRGK SHER Ser eee ix Heed me 党 1 ee Bk Stas lk eae Mk Hoe H & wisieol eee. free eo 2EN 8S RN RAT | SON Ol) Be SER RS BS 11) ORK CREAR O a(R) OBA OMS +e B31) OS OR REY ERA) ORRPRYRE SHREDS eu bbe Se GREENE |e SREKE Pause Bweus SAC SES fie ih SE AS A aR AL) a SF AR i Ht i RiRE+-CeSRS + eS IL SS HR me Netie td MiKEe= BRN HK 4 i 40 Se ee ee te eres oa ee eR tie ey te IZ | (en) Ba ease | ar) ml) Ae あ we eine eis be @sNieis st (Gm | Boe) | qenwies st A Eis ) a Rij r= acne ee TE ESRET Shiiatemee [eal a Oe 、 | | | zm ets =ti1gam< ees i くう Kt we = fe es a nheoR ESR) 1 Me FR mo See catia Gorg gonacen 8 | Pr immoidae NB Y CRO ie et ea esi de og aes eee aH os ROMME YK oCREC HS. Wak RE us eae | TN — fF Lar, ーー ーー ae に の i Bie AS 田 ti ARHRR He ORNIRES Mase Women of All Nations(& 2) (6 We 0 3 。 RAR F se Oem ee ea 部 ( sulk e ox LORS ae (ik TOA S Sa te gel a ON Re aS Sacaeare Ofte
PRIX DES SEPT PREMIERES LIVRAISONS REUNIES 150fr. 。 Uhaeune de ees livraisons comprend la Monographie séparée dun certain nombre de familles indépendantes Gastropodes) avec tables des matiéres. ete- Louvrage se termine donc 。 avec Vapparition de chaque livraison, sans comporter une suite indispensable. Ces Monographies comprennent également des indications utiles pour l’étude de la Conchyliolcgie actuelle. Si eS ee REVUE CRITIQUE DE PALEOZOOLOGIE, ORGANE . TRIMES’ TRIEL PRIX de Pabonnement annul. 10 fr.- Table des' dix premieres annees........... 5 fr, - Maurice COSSMANN, Directeur. — 95, Rue de Maubeuge. Xe Paris, France. | JAPANESE SHELLS MARINE, FRESH-WATER and LAND SHELLS of ie JAPAN, LOOCHOO Is. and FORMOSA 上 Fine specimens (accurately determined an * exaet localities given) of a great number of species, many of them new or rare, for sale at reasonable rates. a Catalogue sent on Application. Specimens will be. sent on. approval to purchasers known to me or giving satisfactory refereneess 。 。 。 Payment should be made by postal orders; bank, aie are ‘also acceptable, when registered, s Prices are the lowest possible, though varying 1 more or less accor ing to the quality and the amount of the goods ordered ey を NO で を の CS Orders. from. unknown ‘correspondents: should je accompanied b 5 reinittunce or a satisfactory reference. AA remittance is im many preferable, as it will prevent the loss of time otherwise needed for ma Me ' necessary enquiries. The heh address of an unknown gees be written Bee oy H [IR A Ss E, Karasumaru, Kyoto. Japan. ; Bi 3. Aap bg) CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Vor. III Bt, toes a No. 1 A JOURNEY TO THE NORTHERN PARTS OF ISE PROVINCE FOR COLLECTING LAND SHELLS By TOKUBEI KURODA, AssIsTANr Quite a number of both land and fresh-water shells have been lately sent to Mr. Hirase, to investigate and name, by a student of the Mie-ken Normal School, Mr. Tajima Kanamaru, an earnest collector, who has been doing his best in collecting specimens for Mr. Hirase’s collection. During last summer vacation he made a journey to the neigh- bourhood of Yoro Waterfall, exploring all the way here and there, and the above mentioned shells were the results of the expedition. We have found a peculiar and rare species among them. Though the specimen is young, it has certainly peculiar characteristics; it is quite depressed as a Hlectotyopis, and the umbilicus is much wider than that of any other Ganesella. It is a variety of Ganesella japonica. There is no doubt that it is a form of Ganesella japonica carinata P, & G. from the neighbourhoods of Mt. Ibuki and Mt. Yoro, differing from it ‘only in being depressed more severely. It is past dispute that the more pressure increases the wider and larger the umbilicus becomes. Upon receipt of this we wrote to Mr. Kanamaru asking its locality, and we immediatly received his kind reply with a map of the region. Though it was late, I determined to spare a week or more for the purpose of exploring those regions. I left Kyoto on the 23rd of October, and set out on the expedi- tion. The following is an extract from my diary, which I now wish to offer to the public, with acknowledgements for Mr. Kanamaru’s kindness and good offices which I had the honour of receiving from him, while in the northern parts of Ise, despite that he was very busy in his studies. tN THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE October 23rd. The day was fine. I went as far as Kuwana by train and put up at an inn. 24th. Cloudy. No suburbs were found worthy of exploration. These are the only specimens I collected here. Eudota peliomphala herklotst Marts. Trishoplita hilgendorfi Kob. var. Ganesella japonica cavinata P. & G.? Leaving here at half past nine, I took a mountain pass leading to Ageki, a little village 10 miles from here, and put up at the To-un-kwan. 25th. It was rainy. I hired two village boys and sent them out to make some explorations on the hills situated back of Shobdji, 3 miles away. They came back with their bags empty. 26th. To my great chagrin I awake to the patterings of rain again to-day. I was obliged to set out by myself to try explorations at Shoboji. I started with a boy. Torrents of rain bothered us very much and the results were almost valueless. 27th. Still raining. But I could not stay in. So I alone started, the guide boy being busy to-day, for Shinodachi, a small village among mountains which were 5 milesaway. Being unfamiliar with the neighbourhood, I could not reach where I had expected to collect quite a number. But I was lucky in getting 3 specimens of the species I had longed for. I found that this neighbourhood was inhabited by a great number of these species, Llota peliomphala herklotsi and E. callizona amalie, both of which are to be found in plenty everywhere about Kyoto, and in greater numbers especially in rainy weather. 28th. It cleared up at last to-day. Followed by a villager, and two boys, I started for a stalactite cave commonly called “" Kaza-ana "near Shinodachi, for the purpose of making up for the failure of yesterday. We explored so carefully all the way to the cave that nothing was left uninvestigated. We were lucky in finding a good many of that depressed Ganesel/la. However, I found that the flourishing period had already gone. This was proved by the fact that where-as but few animals of the species survibed here and there, their dead shells were found a great numbers. THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 3 29th. It was fine. I went with two boys to ShobGji to make explorations there again. This attempt having ended in failure, I resolved that I would give up any farther researches in the neigh- bourhood of Ageki. The specimens obtained hereabouts were as follows : Eulota peliomphata herklotsi Marts. (Everywhere) » senckenbergiana Kob, (typical) (Shoboji & Shinodachi) っ ealligona amnalie Kob. (Every where) » scevola Marts. (Shoboji & Shinodachi) » wvulgivaga S. & B. (Ga.s, の ) Trishoplita hilgendorfi Kob. var. (Ageki, Kaminojiri & Shoboji) T. hilgendorfi tenuis Pils. (Shinodachi) Chloritis pumila Gude. ( A & Shoboji) Ganesella japonica granulosa Pils. (Shoboji & Shinodachi) 5 Ranamarut Hirase. (Shinodachi) Lifidaria plicidens Benson. ( nf ) ZZ reiniana Kob. ( is & Shoboji) っ vetniana omiensis Pils. (small form) (Shinodachi) Clausilia gaponica Crosse. ( & Ageki) Macrochlamys doenitzi Reinh. (Shinodachi) Katiella crenulata Gude. ( a ) OPERCULATA Cyclophorus herklotsi Marts. (Shoboji & Shinodachi) Cyathopoma micron Pils. (Shob9ji) Diplommatina cassa Pils. ee oy) Falaina pusilla Marts. (Shinodachi) flelicina reinit Kob. (Shoboji & Shinodachi) 30th. Fine. For the purpose of trying one day’s exploration on Gozaisho-Dake, a mountain famous for botanical specimens, I took up my lodgings at the Matsukawaya, an inn at Komono. 3rst. Rainy weather. I thought that although it would be quite hard and troublesome to make explorations on such a day, yet we might take some advantage of the weather, knowing that the 4 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE snails are accustomed to appear in greater numbers ona rainy day. Followed by a villager I went as far asa hot-spring which was about 4 miles away, and explored thereabouts. We tried our best and worked so hard that no valley of the mountain was left unexplored. But the result was almost nothing. The whole mountain consisted of granite, and the earth on the surface of the hill-side was all grains of the same. We found many convenient places where, from geological features and irrigation, we expected we could collect many specimens. As it would not stop raining, we were considerably disturbed in our work; and to make the matter worse, the cold grew so intense and almost piercing that we could not bear it any longer. Yet as we had been to the trouble of coming in expectation of success, we made our utmost efforts with the greatest patience and courage, meanwhile fighting against the merciless weather and the severe cold. Excepting only a specimen or two of each of the species which I collected at the cost of the greatest trouble that I had ever experi- enced, neither dead shells nor even pieces of broken shells were to be found. I thought that there must be some geological reason for the non-production of the snails, and that the granite and its grains enveloping the mountain might have prevented them from thriving, as they must certainly have settled there formerly. This was, indeed, the most fruitless trip since I had left Kyoto. These are the specimens I obtained hereabouts. Lulota senckenbergiana Kob. っ peliomphala herklotsi Marts. っ wilewagas. & B. Trishoplita dacoste awajiensis Pils. Ganesella myomphala Mart. 5 Japonica granulosa Pils. Ena rveiniana Kob. Clausilia hickonis Kob. Cyclophorus herklotsi Mart. I was not allowed to spend any longer, and the harvest, the busiest season of farmers, had come. So I started home by train on the rst of November. a THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 5 A NEW LAND SNAIL FROM THE NORTHERN ISE By Y. HIRASE According to a recent report from Mr. Tajima Kanamaru, on the 23rd of October I despatched my assistant Tokubei Kuroda to make explorations in the northern parts of Ise Province for a week, in order to collect a peculiar snail. For details, see his diary of the journey on other pages. The new species is as follows. Ganesella kanamarui Hur. Ganesella kanamaruvi Hir.n. sp. The shell quite depressed, conical with convex outline, strongly angular at the periphery, openly and perspectively umbilicate, surface glossy, light corneous, the periphery encircled by a narrow lighter colored band and a narrow light brown band just above. Whorls 534, slightly convex, slowly widening, suture rather deep, the first 134 glossy and the other sculptured with wavy coarse oblique growth wrinkles and dense microscopic spiral striae; the last with a strong round carina at the periphery, concavely narrow margined above and below; base convex, with a denser sculpture, indented near the umbilical porforation. The width of the umbilicus one sixth the total diameter of the shell, and with a very shallow sulcus encircling the entrace of the perforation and often ending an irregural wide excavation just behind the basal lip. The last whorl distinctly though shortly deflexed in front, constricted behind the lip. Aper- ture quite oblique, irregularly lunate-oval, lip narrowly expanded, peristome thin, with a white callous within, columellar and basal 6 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE margins recurved, the former very short and oblique, the latter straightened with a slight elevation corresponding with the irregular excavation. Alt. 14.2, greater diam. (including peristome) 26.2, lesser diam. 23.4 mm. Alt. 12, greater diam. (including peristome) 25, lesser diam. 22.1 mm. Around Kaza-ana (a lime-stone cave), Shinodachi, Ise, types in my collection. This species is larger and flatter than G. tabuenszs Ancey, also flatter than G. japonica carinata Pilsbry & Gulick, and distinguishable by the strong carina at the periphery and the colour (not yellowish). It is named in honour of Mr. Tajima Kanamaru, the first collector of this species. Among them there are three specimens quite distinguishable from the others by their smaller size, taller spire and amber colour, and we may call them G. kanamarut succinea. SUMMARY—ON JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSCA (XXIV) MARGINELLIDE. Marginella sp. pl.i, figs. 1, 2. Jap. name, Aogome-gai n. n. Loc., Ogasawara. Marginella (Volvaria) sp. pl. i, figs. 3, 4. Jap. name, Jlakura-kogome n. n. Loc., Kikai-ga-shima. Marginella (Cryptospira) sexplicata Dunker. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. v, p. 31, pl. 9, fig. 74. Loc., Japan (Dunker). OLIVIDAE [OLIVINAE. | Olivella lepta Duclos. pl. i, figs. 9, 10. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. v, p. 69, pl. 16, figs. 4-11, ete. Jap. name, A/ushi-botaru Moku-hachi-fu. Loc., every coasts of Japan. THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 7 Tryon adds the following species to the above: O. consobrina Lischke ; O. fadula Marrat and O. fulgurata Ads. & Rve. Olivella fortunet Adams. pl. i, figs. 11, 12, 13. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. v, p. 69, pl. 16, figs. 12-15. Jap. name, Hotaru-gat Rop.-kai. Loc., Nagasaki; Kii; Boshu and Rikuzen. Tryon adds O. stgnata Lischke to this species, but I think these two are quite different. He says O. spreta Gould may belong to O. fortunet. Fig. 13 O. fortunet japonica Stearns. Olivella sp. pl.i, fig. 8 Jap. name, Sak-hkuro-hotaru n. n. Loc., Yaku-shima. Olivella sp. pl. i, figs. 6, 7. Jap. name, Ogasawara-hotaru n. n. Loc., Ogasawara-jima. Olivella sp. pl. i, fig. 5. Jap. name, Shivo-botaru n. n. Loc., Kikai. O. mandarina Duclos. M.C. vol. v, p. 65, pl. 14, figs. 56, 57. Loc., Japan (Iwakawa). O. tergina Duclos. Min Go avolevjnps OO, splay 145 neo7. Loc., Northern Japan (Schrenck). O. zonoeta Duclos. =O. zonalis Lam. (Tryon) M.C. vol. v, p. 67, pl. 15, fig. 69. Loc., Japan (Dunker). O. jaspidea Gmelin. M.C. vol. v, p. 68, pl. 15, figs. 91-94: Loc., Japan (Dunker). O. floralia Duclos. T. M. C. vol. v, p. 68, pl. 15, fig. 98, etc. Loc., Yaeyama (Iwakawa). O. anazora Duclos. TM. ©. vol. v,, p: 60; pl. 16, figs. 19-23. Loc., Nagasaki (Lischke). 8 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE O. signata Lischke. Lischke, J: M. C. vol. iii, pl. ii, figs. 26, 27. Loc., Yedo (Lischke). SUMMARY—ON JAPANESE LAND SHELLS (XVI) ENDODONTID. Punctum amblygona Reinhardt. pl. il, figs. 1, 2, 3. Kobelt, Fauna Jap. extremarina. p. 16, pl. 1, fig. 13. Jap. name, Wetane-gai n. n. Loc., Tokyo?; Miyake-jima, Izu. Functum pretiosum Gude. pl. ii, figs. 4, 5. Pyramidula pretiosa Gude. Ann. & Mag. of Nat. Hist. vol. vi, Nov., 1900, p. 454. Jap. name, //77e-natane n. n. Loc., Awaji; Harima and Miyake-jima. Punctum rota Pils. & Hir. pl. ii, figs. 8, 9, 10. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Sept., 1904, p. 637. Jap. name, Aurina-natane n. n. Loc., Uzen; Kyoto; Okinoerabu-shima, Osumi. Punctum morseanum Pilsbry. pl. ii, figs. 6, 7. Nautilus, vol. xvi, no. I, p. 5. Jap. name, Tsukushi-natane n. 1. Loc., Hizen and Chikugo. Functum elachistum Pils. & Hir. pl. ii, figs. 18, 19. Nautilus, vol. xviii, no. I, p. 5. Jap. name, Aato-natane n. 0. Loc., Yanagawa, Chikugo and Mikage, Settsu. Punctuim infans Pils. & Hir. pl. ii, figs. 16, 17. Nautilus, vol. xvii, no. 9, p. 107. Jap. name, Hachijo-natane n.n. Loc., Hachijojima, Izu. Punctum apertum Pils. & Hir. pl.i figs. 14, 15. Nautilus, vol. xviii, no. I. p. 5. Jap. name, O-deso-natane n. n. Loc., Nemuro and Kushiro, Hokkaido. (Punctiuun.—To be Continued). 7) (40 ) 2 tee ie) He HtroK-# # # SV erm samen no YVERwoOyRSoO ys mrt aad | ASR OREN i VI ANNA YRS IX wr Oe Li R (Be YNANKMUVOREN (QR O YS 0 VY KIRKE © £6 NBEO ORH AO BRS Sa itso IY ar Sun RON Xt WY S dr © teeUEt OSHS OIREN Pw LEWE EO YUNEONS SHY | SEB~ EES OU ERY IPH RRR CRY KW YEO V Ee ARI Ae SN Om’ (HR) >> - 4 SS Oe ーーー ーーーーー SHES ee BREE OHS UM wee | + ROHR Ko RO RSERSEVRSEHRONE” SHE Re = Ri SRSHvuenRossrvecs MOSS ss | Bry ||] REXHOMSS 6S oT M OIRO SOY SCE Osis SR oe NOE +k Batty BO ーーーーーーーーーー: 松 ケ 崎 L i se E+ Retow (S808 GO RR) ーー @f Rms HRS XSYRERNMY COKE ERE SC Siku KU [Pw i010 PEO VHHRE MS SES OWN EN N11] EH OES 10 ¢f MINION OE HL EISEN © PE 0 OES RE LEO YIP REO SI % DA Rite OG 10 HERO SK He —_———=> 1 Dn Ny SHE Se de tu I ATURE te Dou © FR PED S SUREIERT © WE th Rave SOE PS ORNS Citak EE) (39 ) Hwii4 6 rHRK EH Ae RGM OKYROARSS Wt G-atHintt SINE ORNS OUSOMPNDLY PNIND EU ATMS HOUMA rh NUS OF MACHO Yeo IK MR CS Ry Ho fH BA mo Cy oR OMNES YS SIK SRABRVM OMS RO BR BK rk S00 MMA HELO NY BK 4 I a> KC ROE HH) Sy Tet 9 KE OM OREBEH oj SREP OREO V MPO YY RRS Ra Rn | OAR OMY ery OM OY Re VEO ye vk~ Oy Re SUK ~4 SE 0 SS a Bo PO fy TE 0 mg a AR NA SY PMABRVHOR (GK Cth SS > @UHE=H:*H Om BH UR OY Y~ HONORE HECKER OME $419 OWA Rio Uy Wee OQ Bava e asst (YON RON Be SH Rat iy eR RT Beene ( wate wIRe NW Bo” NS | EEE BEN PHS.” KRKSNERNITHORERYE Bo « SHH OMEIWID VY KERN IRE ORO YIO OXMYN yx? FLOW y Mois CO MieoE XK SEEN HE)? SPEER WO? KINO HR ROD Eh QGHE RSH 2 He KE QE VOVKRHORRaEY n+? (36) —_ Tt Wit # Be 38, =e es RES” HESS” BBW <° (KKRSREY’ BLLPet’ 7S w) ube H CREP OSH BSSENNLByY ェ ーーーーーーーーー NN Bl EET ABR EH NVR PS OK BS GRY OVEN CORRE (920 OS «ARN BP RAF sh QU ONO SHE EK RUG 30 --S OAGHN HE RR UH BPs ~ N 955° 17 \a~wk \40P CR RW SS) Enlota(Huhadra)yaeyamensis Pils’ Re HS | SS) Kulota(Agista)vermis Ads, d> Ive. 1 a KIN bs bs CR SEO OBST) Eulota(Bubadra)mereatoria Gray. 110 sk CAP Sb SCR 名 HA? 1 ノン AS ule (Es WtrAK “ Re | BS) EulotaCAcusta)despecta Gray. “ Be” HI IBS) Trochomorpha fritzei Boettger. CFHaAnkh > Gti) TDRRHP SS SB Jahren rs hs Ss Ganesella Jargillierti Phi. var. immaculata Ads. d& [ve. x& var. eucosmia Pils. HW hs bs GE HHS (B" & BN8s) BEalota( Bista )kobensis Schm. Del(( の きり Op sb sR Bo WSS) Eulota(Cvelorus )cayicollis Pils. Ss ee ーー (35) HG fx eR im GCSE HK ERE jexiseek Hh Ese RR Blain sex =a ia mg を KHER aS MBAVER 2 ise ey Ee m HER MEE & Heres UK E& HER BRS | Ss KN ave (RG EBS RQ) 十 KAS ふ | NISC Ke eX 1]NSS | RSE || (NSE Sow > HN KEN Wltn<> Hie om = aX Hime K RIK ] ふ ュ ーー へ hm K Nav (HE BS“ P& A109) ra a CD abs BEEE Lyjne> ime LEINS > KmxX eK LAC INS p
eX Mee WEN PERN +K NS a REO SRM | Ab Kw | RAK H“\ 0 KBERKSMX< Ww TERE Nw peeoe HEN DEER D2. 199° doa 2 KD) REX RK AR Sean Kaz RRR ile ME KS KZOXZS {jee THX” HEN EDO | Ad KS | nee SEHK 4 Sbte | AB KS HES” WSC OY BERYA C00 HERR SERN BX.08. VIO? SES May Oa 6 0° Bwwikw 0M” RA KB EKER’ REE nt (34) Sai ai Hi は = 月 = 珠 人 SQ FL HA YY A+ | KEE’ EEE Te WH] EI EB] ] rxKS EUW ER KX’ BS ge Ee i KX E ag" Ble KE’ BS Bde xe 910° IHN IK RO hj] +E を を Ee TK SERS © Hat KS CRE HH Oi KER [RK aN ety 1S WTO ROH MAK RD” OCH Pee MOR OK ee Go DEBE SG” UR GaP BRON 6° HS RR ON wP Ow” HBR O! HBS 10 Now BO ym IX SEW Xan THINS D EQKTBE INS p Ae7 oh DERMER NA Ki et EEN MIR YR SNES Berk 4 mA Sb NY EP 12. 190 TEINS > REE VERSE ON ESE |] KARZ ADK N eee. = 2 iE WRK il ct Reo 属 國 Hho Ma < fe LS aR x jie te Be ( 98 ) QE RSE ns > ROHR [Nw n HG 0° 新 SIBEEX OM S OM EICHHIT Ns > BY 10° CRE fewain-) SSREKES CAR | ERIE" BS Tega ouke (10° | BNEBRKOM SOM) TIT RY Hedge TAI TR HERES YG 10° < Ha] i B22 eH Mec ft ne NRE O88 S BTR SHH EK CN OR ihi’ NIKE ORME 100° に の = | i = | () oa ②⑨ KEELE Aw ome 0 BO Kot ne EE tins yn QOL | Nw SrーK( te 堅 tnwy QOPBIN SD Bb eX WB nw >r Qodi [ns Hl de tnwn hide nwn file HERE Linen olf ns > RM BW tinwn Krol nwsr foe 十 NsS 会 404< 十 か ぐふ Bm & tN ROTTEN TD 2 Lins p RrOd0- IND mK Re fPHwr Anipmsrn Hiro ENS AOE Ns > MEREA Eb IN > RAMI] IND Wed LIN dD Krai nw > XH SRN oJ SER OR SHER On NSD Hehe KEK Sd Oy WF (82) = = 14 ta Wi Hig S.-i. —= 4 te c fo] OREM RON FO VIER HEM © | HRN EK 410° FET Fe BERRA ERO OU EK OR SHRI GO RO? EK ASE HEM CERES v lS me 3x © BK BE BE Shi WE REE WHE S 10° RE ACRRIR® SRA BHEN EPS De OK SN HSI yoo KK NEAR WO Y HERR A ~~? EKER ES BR Ohh oN BP 190 HE RET WRG ORES WR EM PRE 10 HES 100 BUC ACHE BE ELS OU DEER AOI ER & UK N SEM ER 7 HS Wo 10° FSCO SEAR © RK USK N. ETRE OSEER” IRA OB MWRNOIO 26 0 HIN Cus KRW 10° NOM © MERE KEW © IB -9 HS 10 ME we 敵 2 jwkVey ome se NTS BRE Kee i BTS" se PR eee wide N+] x Be Re gaere 8 baraee Te 負 S1 科 半 "で Mg 42 HERG TM gee ame” ee eR eM 静 Hee dtl Sot ES LAH s-) a toy mS eRe Sees RE Kee bh & HRS £8 He SE hem BB SE a # ED 本 CERI mk aX te gee ghee a rE WEN = WEEE ory Ee EK Uc SANN pe eg TKS © FER FAO BES TM VAIS LOR” BIO ERIR) sudtcte ou © | | HH S00 MRO WRN Ns (EE inw pnt] sn hy $0) WEY Ehine? Linen Rose ns > YAH 932 | HHA S100 MASE” | BAC lt nw > nc ME 類 介 + i = 第 1, hy me 一 第 傘 PW IRE te HAE RMR ONS By ane? Ws By” BoM OAN WME’ DEES QW oS rGunsu? REMI Wea y AKO at SRK N EERE QS 00 ere MR RRER US O° SSRN RS | 1 RENO VO や で Vv ~s 4H OIE 18 10° fies Et Bota serexerbergiana Kob. » pellomphala herklotsi Mart. vilgivaga 5. G B. Ganeseiia japonica granulesa Pils. myomphala Marts. Trishoplita dacoste awajiensis Pils. Kua reiniana Kob, Clausilia hiekonis Kob. Cyelophorns herklotsi Mart. ERY KOLEBOR YOR su” M+ |] m | EXROME MEY MON Ow Sor HE USES OY" RITA OS Ne ONO # af HIB Sy OMS (ebémien 4 Be Qt OH HS DOS MK WB OY ESR 6 HERR WIRE KER KOM POU? HGR iA WE So B NSM O~ BEN oO RISSETERE Cd P00 su aK Rs Ht YAO a a a te HW G00 SRE ERR © HE HEN HOvVeBeER OSE BR’ KMS ()° Rae & XBR IRO GR) ERR V8 ON BEM SAY 19° HEN SYR << WR UR VY BE me So (| HN a 4Cse ae We wea’ Be PKVMES ORV HR HSIN NH OY ASE OT OY 7 STUUR IS EN des 6K Tsu PIN O YH SH: So SPER © RAD 4 10 Bh ts yo ROM TER NES SF SHREW 8 OY SRG ~ fH EN PR DOS HE SHAS 10° BV RMN E SVS N FRY OY © PH So Mme RE RMN wm SIRS RO TR +9 aREN BD (ES KER S100 EACH N SERS 1 wil (30) Sie we ee 明 EB =. ae Us) Evlota (Evhadia) cailizoua amalie Kobe sceyola Marts. 93 99 » (Plectotropis) vulgivaga S. G B. ¢ Trishoplita hilgendozrfi Kob. Var. 1 g 5 hilgendorfi tenuis Pils. Chlovitis pumila Gude. Ganesella japoniea granuloia Pils. * kKanamarnui Hir. Bifidaria piicidms Benson. ina reiniana Koh. » Yeinfana omiensis Pils. (小形 ) Clausilia japonica Crosse. Macroechiamys doenitzi Reinh. Kaliella evexuiata Gude. iow 類 Cyclophorus herkistsi! Marts. (BEA RIL) » 25 ) (FEM EN PTE FT ( 篠 立 ) C5, FaR SP (BEE SE De eae) ( 稚 立 ) ( ” ) ( » RRR) ( 徐 立 ) (阿下喜 及 作 立 ) CBBANGF RI) WW Cyathopoma micron Pils. CR) Diplommatina cassa Pils. Ca) Palaiza pusilla Marts. ( 後 立 ) Helicina reinii Kobelt. CHEESE Je tea) ji]--m° #2° EREEK NIT SHIN | DORK WHOLE S” SHERRY ED’ BAN iew” HS THY BS tats. 30° i) 1° HE? BARU 610 RO ERR 6G Ong MBONDL YU ROHSRVRRUR OPRAH 7 AED NT USK NY SSK 0.90 | BER © BERN WY HH V9 SECERTR CO MAKER ONS HESS HR ist Biba” KN EKA BEEK DO YS wy ~ PH DAS 10° BIR RB OH A Su 宇 HoH SERIES Cte Wm” NEON ROY" BPN P OMEN PH So CH SPER ONBY ECR sd” Gwe ve Vda we” BIER RRS シン R- Be > a RE RS Vy, ui) (29 ) Trishopiita hiiigendorfi Kob. Variety. Ganeseila ‘aponica carinata P. & G.@) wo By GoPevey «Det ROKR OYy SS(ES) MRE CECRGREE NiO” REE N BXier 5.90 {HHI FEO 1 TO rheK UE V1 BE OH Hetoww SEN RK ON EDOM AS ER WEEK OV SOY WI FIT BIE ) senckenbergiana Kob. (pst) (mets RAE) lot ” 93 Sar ES yee Bae = A ae SE ERE A cen G2 & 中 With Bt ORK MO YN DewHtpRpca«69 & PORES LRWAREORENMHISHNRA” BK Siv'R ORAS J BMS KOK EO” Koma eK eknE SO GU MORO Y GNIR A WE NERY OL LO TE AO | BENCHES © QO WIRE OLS HL URYR BRU AOS 100° MY | Hew YH? Wea fi # ahr hs] © REE rOP 606 Nee | WD 199.90 Ganeselia japonica eariitata O° WW O~ KE as. RP OVS OR BRATS SE SBP 6 10° HA ~4 NY at RIC HW OMINQ- SH VEE OR CRS RMN Gi 8° RAE AUS HES ¢ Y PN KERIO (9S NO BK ERR ACES NARS YEE OAH OG SU OHERH Ru? ECHR INE BORan HLEN POP EONS Vin~ wn? PRS HR 510 @ © Ill 1 D 100 im) |i ONS AEN ae USS y NANA O° HM Rien A SE ORI MIRREN Qh MEBE NON PHO” FIN CO REVE (92 VK Wh HO SUES FE de 0G ° $m) [+] i}o KHEO UREN Vi RON Leeu” aKERY | 生か 1 [++ BIm° thio KATO RN Kak Oi 6 Nid HE S° MERN OO Shs" Kuiota poliomphaa herklotsi Marts. = 2 eb mo vy, 4) n-Beée= FB Gay ies) sus Ms” MONS Ye HRN Sow [ze PIER Da” BETS) O~ BES BEER C1 ERC SEX Nam Yo HdnaKkkaviQKye-o” MEO | TEI OIt|wee NOV REMY SURV OVY EN HEV ROR Swit” B~ Oy ANN see Y su BRN HB や ^ SIS NEY 0 pevimeak (° aKa 8 HN KV EI Sy Sebo” BENE” Beal | KY BRU EHor EEN” Bias GeO HR O | Nitto” HKEESEN | BO BEE RoE (| Nit o WIRE NR ROW BES OY BRB] 9 07 ーー の TD SMS RAYE” RO OREY RV WLS” BX CAS KORE 0 Gav SW? HE EN OY elie | CHEN meee) ORIENT” Beas O° Gene ISR AIE S n7 Mbi INO BIN ORME YB) Dee sunHtte : | Re? | Bet 17 MBRECARSE dG)? 14S 17 IR 1 et =e Se PE“ | 1 17 URAC Ado) ° 1 i RRA 1 [Nile 1 の 2 ェ ト マ Dw ORERH Siam eee K KER) KA KH > dK CG, taonensis Ancey.) 2a mK is NOVH 7d + ¥ 1 REE R = FAG. japonica carizata Pilsbry & Gilick) ago | IRIS y BESS N ave WIT sd REO FEW Oy ON Ahoy ERO REY ~~" IRR ORIN HRS ONIONS VRON NE Maen’ 11 |EE 6 Rng SANA yy” BERG | BRN Be FES VIRGHEROR (tele HEN CRRA fhe frre (CG. Kanamarul Rueeiiiea Hirase.) 98 4. | SSS 2S SSS < や - SS (26 ) Bo = Avene es ae | odes AN Spd te Se YO + miso NEE OY KER SPER he HOS | So OK YP SVS VEOVReOVAy Rr BEN ROS Ls SHU RN A OBOCMRUNMAN SHEERS AWG 20 ダ by BIS OO | Kore A BH ON CURE AUN REV INAS HE OSE CRUMB YIN ABO LSE YD ws) ENE YD 0 BRR OS UR IR] Hime tHe Oy {OS ERSESI +1 [owen | tb | MNT OFS QCM SS SM eR! I+) [oe OE N 24 ANS IP OM MIRE EE ode HI + | SER dro EMS + Bh REND +7 OS SOP SOLMEM OVO RN O SMW Oy Rw V0 KARAS HS KANE SRS HG Ro, | SA 川 二 愉 tk Ge SS ESN OBL Co RR EN eR ye \ Om GER VETS OR OMAR E A OBIS N wR we Ps 320 er ee SRR St に C68 dled ED SPER © BEG Ag” Io BEAL a Qn Hepity om | Bm” Riek y VROBWKEP -8N >" MHSECREURRE HAS INE © £40 S tt OW Mtr O PISS SUBS O0N RO dy VY HIN URE OH SR 2 OMe WHINE E NES UAIN ( BRO MIR NIE 10 ESO NU AY Rw A$ RiO SNe ND soe REN Hy at R «Ad AOBESU DV BK G4 Fy-m ay EA? CBE A ) GO OIE RK OR iit IR yt 中 wate a NY Be +H (24) — al ap a) Ge aaa Hf & & WORE) HEN KO ww Hey aero SK CROKE OSENEN A OMLO URS © | ESR D2A500 Da AS ETC W BE BEN WL OBES © gy SKK ORM PRK Oi WEI OHO EER seo [AMIE Jou INN Bondi) & w edo HY ORD + wh SOS woe MP KEM 1 ューー 7 smh st 4 BY mid> fea BLE ORE OSI UIN (ESET ae oe ae ety A 4 ERU RH o~ SO Rabe KAUR Mo tsk OH HER UO Mh wy Oy MN EO MMI ( RMN AH Jou @inN RE 0.9 mys 4 x 10 RRR M0 EH ERIN £6 wr RB Qa Dou SUS SY PAR HH © RE su te 00 Rae a NL EQ Jo OY ee BOR NMESRSIN OOo Wow Oy | ab CHIC BBR wy MeN wc SE~ BN NE< wes OO O86. VIE KHOR RENSYUREEO ーーーーーーーーーー ーー FLAS Baie hp SE HET PR 22 ws G0" SEN BO +81 PRN EET D fy 0% Aioiyre POM OD VE wR NS (ATURE REA SY REE OV BEY S81 C fi BD Sel KS Ht © ro RAEN O y tte etolbar つ FERIN TR SR | RO BED HS UI KI D9 2 | BEN ORVHN EK VEEN © 0 WIN Y ON 2 OBMMERN 601s SY MOI wy oR SEN WW ind

OME) y BR Ye SSCS eSeIH, BME Jue HEM APSR RE HER EOC 10 OLN xs wesw IVa wy RR SSS 4 tn Bb ae” XS SS ER IE Do SI go) | 9 PETES, RRR Joy PRT NS He SP SR] eS ga OAS Hae A wt IN HE ORT SEK Y HE BUS 10 M00 Y OREO N out AKMDS wHi + 8 | Mwy R00 £6 Osea KIN BREED ot WN MO 4 M10 ORR at SH, er, | 志 mes oger NT g-n FY Hei Ney «dE Rt Om 1] 十 1 ET (22) SF Weta Be Ss Aish HHO RY SY GRE) We KOR SHS SERRE REZNOY KEK 6 Y PENNS WER teimigeva Kh S“K ORB wOVY REP PONE? MORKUM と コ MOR BN Uo WER” RR WR SO" BS 尽 = Rak SR HE CIS Hils! | OBE Ra iS MORRIS AES BRR | PREORN ° CH) MOBO mh] SRV (EER) Corbicula orthodonta Pils, CARNES” RR RAC REV) RRS" ER NASN OV MBE REO” HMO RI 4-H OE SNE OY RY O~ RR” SE ME te. GMERY OY HY” RBwWEXR~O = es Hi © SE OR & x で SVS | WORX KO WE to 2 SEEN OC BIRO BEN Hy w+) WN OVED OF RWI” Wo Bp ORE Mo HE MFPERT ON OVEN hO Meurer, Se sg ISS OV RAS ORONO {OER CHa aK SRBNRwWHOOY NL | MEE Po Ko wes HE ORME ROLRNEA (-° REN ode BMOHNM | OKRY Eo YRC HS RRD 10 S SRK SN OY RRM? KE OBR VRNER YON’ USOENER UES SL PHEW RE D0 RB A-SI BR NEP Ia’ mE RURGONE~” Bieuc NOV uk 7 SSE VSO ER 6 0 ST um 7 BROKEN Hy telat © sua SI O HBR ou fn EE Hy 0190 ea uke EIX pest 1 ieH Wmbst 1 [Heb 7 RR KM GORKY Soy RAY Beye MPONOY YAK A RUM OKA VW wR (21) WABI NEES VED OR Rvitinne や 7 Ky DYE CHEN Hoe HM OVER iusES4o7rkQ-” BM wok? RBOMPIEw” T~ yea SSI? Pix BJ ~ Ra RNS SRN OU KAO NEITHER ORT RM FEY Mo" RO RON POM” SH ah WH WIM DO! EO KMaOA’ BRIN DK O47 DA AH SOK AW HH ORBWNSN EC? BY HNHHO VA K Ra cK we HORAN Ey ditt HAE Si BEEN RES Pil Yq 10° Bw BSB l” RLV OROKYL Sa 410-07 We ORS MENON Oo” 4 OR a ws ME HA SP =a He —- HS (17 ) P. elachistum Pils. & Hir. GRR BLK MLSS) aes pr 11)” RA" WH BOE BES mk 7 mS 壁 再 1 (BZSTAR O1i|* Beko ~OSKEEEN OY” MIE LEW KEEN EE) 0 BEER G-n7 BRMIty NEKO ea ak GEESE NX WAIE~ 7 J 10 BEES yt 7 Rok Bm OgNO YN S PWEROS | DKS oy Beg 0:9 | RON Oy REEDS -s | KES ANA LA KRAbawrd~ SSNOY BOR MS KEAH-S PHS DP ORO” KHIM ERY OVEPINE OH PEWS POD 0 4-6 BBY MCRANA YK ONE Rd t0 NM 8 EN WE + | “ Re BIN Ha Y Rte 2 ate RMR L AD ne EEE’ OP. inflans Pils. & Hir. mK Sem SR (+1) (HRI RS RTT ND) HE” BBY” RAS ぶ 國 特 ^ REE EGE £¢~ RBs KRENOY Bun OR oN RERRRURY BEN HOEY ARK OY BRM 0 BEINN YO” BEXOIEKEN Oder CisBD- + REQ” Bee |” KM” ESVNST WO” EHR VY aO~ me” ose Oy RO] FERRE DN Oy HOR 6 EME ODM-s | FED Nok RY NERD 00 PRISE OEE Yo KR OYROVEaAt RUN ULES AB Mavens ol Ae4S'C NAA Mae HE’ P. apertum Pils. G Hir. ($e {267 Peale @ tsiacmae a” ne’ 1/BHSN RY ADIBHSY” (16 ) BL ein Bor = B= 46 mK Ss BR(+K) NRERVRO BRAN C-a7 BEX ESN MOT BRR BEN OV ik” SACRE SS AK 7 MOUMRNOV RY” HEN Lwil Re | wK KO SES NAY 007 CM" INO HE ae ae ee yc | SERIO RUSE -s | mG Ab-r PAN PSE OV BESS ~ 2 a RTHMY AK KA KEKBO | BENK& IAS CP. rota costancnm) 91 y G5 NY Binds 10) 2 10 K BEER ISS ORI © REDE N° CBB ut iE RES 0 ag NE RESO ~ RIN Oy BESTT 99 OHO OOH? Rv BEE Ko RN IROL O20 NWR WEN Y EEE ARON NER EBISU YY BI 2 ty matt | ARAM HE’ P. morseanum Pilsbry. CAI R RCE) ズバ = BSH’ RSE ET 1i}BHG- RH“ AH” MRE S~ Oy iho” BR RRS ae iL” RBM L REE a YES WEES WO RBO NORRERN Oy Baus Q HUME.” BERN BES ake (BR SedoR OW" I BES TS ISK Xe NOV E~ RBS CDRS | RH OR RPS" CSS N OV Be" DIM HEE ° BS RE CHE ORO | YGe-9 | RES WN | KIS a Ph AK AtOmMOWY KNOY BEST TREES OONAY KA RUM ® bS nc oul Ee N SURREY "UM MEH ID SEDO AK AK Ane MSN OK SVR ORIN RTS OY KE Su Rin Y Owii~< | ROD (SHRE’ AE 類 介 2h に - AS mS = te — HO (15) KEE SN OUT HERES SERIO RHR SEL WO GAA R YUE RD OA Ho | An aoa Ay Hee’ P. amblygona Reinhardt. CAIN Sas ROR BON 2400) CORI TES” GR] RI RR) Br RR | マコ] We" = AVERSA RRS NOY? Beam (~ SIE! Td fj L ’ 幼 at NOOYUREORREERAICO” ieee” Ke ~~ Biv” BSNS | SPE RE N-o | GUY Ci OR RS BB IRON Sb ow ePRIA HTP ng A6-< ook SSS HBR EKO BP 2 AS HRI HEN Nu を“ 総 | WR | OH 7 a = Koay ne 5 | UKRRA FE’ P. pretiosum Gude. CORI ER” PRET ESE) mK Sim ee R( +) “ SSS87 REO" C11] Wate) we SUH” Ra” 0H" Hh PE RS" BN" Ee Cav SERCO yes SS WO Bee & NRE K Ded] |BEGE GS - y By S. Se40~" FEE 0 RE ORB RUSR OR WHO” SM O4RNEENKO” HREM EH | BBS” RORNOVR~’ KH] SRuKSBONA NEE POD” OSE Y OV R~ aI nn Els) CBU An RUNES OR BA PRN OY BSE SfEIHW wes] | K2 PARE RE! P. rota Pils. G Hir. C1 HR" RR RAAT) S REGRC mie EN Ree BE 1)” RU AU i (14) =. it 四 ta 脆 3 a ao 5 ea = TOR SIR (44) FCCP OS RORRMUWAOCKL 6" BNSHH P. pygmaum 46+ 224 (gk | 画 )^P. conspeetum ++ EMTS [ED P. eryophiium x¢+-];).% sz oo CBR) 1) BED) s¢ BEBO | は SHOE RUN OY? Xa EBL 2 Eg JS" PRN OY P. conspectum Q Ex (2 Ath) = 第 P. eryophiluim © §& AU (ts =—1k) BKSn~ ERIM wikev XK BEN $ave MWe Oy MarR eH | +8 menm NS sy 4619—1—19 ROM +HR-S (> + 1K) TP. pygmeum minutissimumN : 5 民 gi es KBD PEdod iy ORQWOMer LD | x AOR 4 -oBe2 oR omi ose SJ < 0 BE Wee ati es a YS QRANE Sb SBOP Bw Nowe Y ~* DMgyol (7 WR RESO LAOMA WAS wT” Ee KHvaeS ORM OW~ | KR O7SBUREE COMED CHBKEN hs” aS (13) seid ory 46 Ha UM © HS RR O11] NERO J Rw ne NR Me INS ow DAR BN EA A RUS KK ONN {QDS YON WERE UR gd N34, AEN HE sd a i] ES WY Sete NW AMOS | He ET SS )0 FO J, meme ON AMOR UE FE’ CARN RMR WED~ SUMED YRS” 柚 Family ENDUDONT IDA. AS RRAv [MIC te © su PME Oy Bi aviRS © RY mi 07 | SRR ARKO KM KO VY ERAS ORE ~XDONWSO (YARN RIVE OMRURKN CR Sen ae ee ae . = AI IRN OV RKUE Ko HEY SO) RURDK cee ee RBI’ Me Oy R~? Biro ws] mee RCH) ® id ts wv il Ox & rez UME HE’ Genus PUNCTUM Morse. Muse BS PERS Pw pRVE RVI ^ Bem Oo VE SEES (7 兄 SEEN CY RETR REN NS BRwess © BES ww WIT D0 K © HET Be RR D0 上 QS GHIRK+S) OS IRS oho HAE Dx Ri DEH NRE IS a EMO] [Rw DO~ ZBL Nw] BRO Rl rh > [ORME HN” NEES HEV Y BWM” ou Routh © BRN OY a Oe) し Oo foe = =F SPs ie x SBI aX DK NY Dy BERHAUT Y 0. jaspidea KS 0. niveas# Rh MERELY + nT eK OK ORIN Ca Te AD KERON HANEY) OO. Oryza b IND ェ ERKG 0. alha XSEK © 0. elongata vA NERS | KA ANIN OS anazoza Diclos. Cans wn ROBIN A400) Br we (S558)? Enon vreau eye KRW be Wk" RREQKH i li] 7 *7 RX DS O. fortune] Adams. sJ 0. lencezonias Gray. we ght>® NEY Rew E ea Ae Wm (4K AR AK) | gE OS RL HKO MH BOERS i] AE mone ss a TREC mis Rwoy ROL OR AGE R BEDE EK SO NREHMIN EAR RUEREO ARVEoO pPERKVAM OKLA REORKNE AnsQ MW HHO PHEN Re Pi 0 Mo | et) AHe (lev ak RO Keun aK tke RE USE 0 Hou Ho MKS -a bine つ POOL OI MED HAD AKOR Kee KK His y . gracilis B. & 8.0. dama SBD KAYAK CHRMMO ERY Biya Rees RNOKESs! NR PR CL Signata Lischike. C= > 4 EXOKREN 44:0) av SN Oy Roh 7 Bee ae" Weck” ETI MICSVYEKWIoKRY mk ( dri NERDS Mok Ae ES NACE ON ER SIWRE (OEE C-o BEM YH Oy By wel RE 47 | BRevak ( BReDAuotite” seb DOW RO OS 岡 四 十 二 百 第 まき AE 類 介 it) =t = Ho i t& (11) NHN D +4) I> HA ©. tergina Duclos. (ZR RD OKAY 2410) i, Be PR END PRA A NRK NN) ” L1 TR KA] Ha s* He Kae 06. petiolita Y BEND 1.9 wR mh oe トミ や (=ー デ 沈 ) 中 < Nee EN Oy Risto wp BERT LY 2 er” WEE OC wv Stu Ao EY INTER pac | va ee mKG (. zanoeta Duclos. NS 21%) “INS wp Hat BLY 0. zonalis PK KCRNE KW) s = Lam. @ KS MER ORK RAS Du OMB OB~ ei 2s | (OMY Oy Re 11/58 WSU RS RR HAAS we 利和 を KN の KEREKEERER (LS) RFE BERET seis sear © LE Mh PH IND NAL jaspdea Gmelin. CA Nw dey ROR BEN A400) BE Rae (aK Sy5 28) wk | 1 [RK] m7 po に FEN PRS XNewoK (° Soda} Be uBR BE oJ © Ee N 0 Re Siosee ES ILO” BFE SEER wollte | Wit] KU BX’ GL =APINA 0. flovalia Duclos. 3.) HR LO ORR SS aiba Marrat. / CF Se Sn ヽ Ce IN Ww > ERORGEN A400 ) INS RAK MR BIN ii fd (7 tnd =a alo= ) ト ふ * Shee ey 918 S = SLE CR SIRS SK Aon 4, « eases Oo ee O.wne kt i SOK 7 BRECK gE He) 1 1 Pal WHO” Be BEN Kem a” MT Ra Ee WER OES CK D SSLIT fi | al (105 =F 8 ia Sp Gh dec ee Nak VaS Family WARGINELLIDA NA Ks UR ER’ Genus WARGINELLA Lam. PHKRARR M. (Cryptospira) sexplicata Dunker. (2S RS RIKHEM 209) = 45 (SK) = Uk” es > + | $ K a RUE Nc Aw ies | lte HE’ Alivella sp. (aR | EX RH) Br Kee wbek? wk 1i]5RHREN” RA” 1 RRB” RN 4 > RA ANREP wPaAIW~ BKK] HHMOMN OY RETO HEAP ANSEODOS WBA OR RLY の 人 や ーー ーー > で - ーー 2 C8) -+ Wie W me Bee KR SR (1 +2) SSPE OMEN HRN EE 0 | BOMBER ay Exe 2B ASSES D-H ERS) © SRA” BX BR a) WED O | RAEN 26S BRB OY Bodo ee ae ede WP OK-> | PN ® & EX(Marrat Hy 6 oe He © BEne.90. fabuta Mar- ry HE” NS KER Sm A BR HB OBE nE 0. 中 fulgurata Ad. and Reeve. w+. | マリ KK を や 70. fortunei Adams. | 1 RET RE ED CRERN =) UR ACR ETI” RAI] RRS URAC de BY [ete BS MESSE EUS OD ER A AGP REALS a Ov KNOY EA” BEE TOON Hay oA EE) YEO | Ri DOC HSMN Oy" NRE M 0 EKO Se Kx BEGIN Co Yt | BOREL dK tetas ASEM ATER” RE ORBEA WED | RET Me eK SEW OY REO. UT ay oH Brew Qe-a7 KK AD Ka Ny 0. forinnei japonica Steams. (B+ 1i1HH) QO Cote NUN mee BASE RQ WE In | REE OHI M Ant aK SON dt an RH Mee Bev Bote WES YO iit OQ Bt eR ay Ny Se I HEN BEER OKO # A A Rw URI Soa CL fh PN SORE HR IUS HE ty eS es OK MIT BR we R&A Te Ja . mandarina Duclos Y $93 y7 < よ Ni So OF foxtunoi Ad. SE WG ©. SU OSENTAY ap sulk 90] |S QU Soy NOV RRM Mm ORM PROMO DAK RAK CURSOR EY ews” je VRIREMES 45% RA Rw eo mandarina SUD WEN Bri Nighy HenB am AN fortinei( mys ORK ARE ペ へ ) M10 Mom 47 Beat & A IN FR BS SULBIER I~ SUR) Dm? BRAK & NIN GR REN Nir MSN ORB RS thot SINS RD O. reticularis 239XS6 Ga” BERTHS OY rC WEIN” BEE © Bie MC MKEN Soy a ya BRU Ad BA | RECS ORI CRS HAY BR AN) SUK ER J gu ン イ ア ) RROD RIK" Bate YO) AEE” RETR 24 CHM > RTS LZ KIRVAETNERE OV IRBN REO NW MY? ION Bm 77 IR eR A UN HE (WM Orbigny) © BREN 4% 0.tehw- NEEIIS-n° EKESTR | elchanag Seve” BOM OR YX MHI OR | ) dukS O VIRBON et RR ui << (GR+ | w+) | (K7v=a Olivella tchnelchana の 動物 りな ろ SS HiBUR SS n~” BERTH” | INKKR2 aX’ 0. lepta Daclos. HR Ly, AEN KO46.0 Seu OEY | CR | SER +) ih a eo as mk (BX Sir) fy OEY FN IN | BE Hk’ SES (INNS =A vd Now) : 5 Bx] Ra BBuR oN suey? | UR TTR [ICRA | 1 BO OMEDARITIEI- Ba | KIB ae Sa RE Roa RT Ke POSH | RR RE RY OY RRO” SN = (PY * (Dr, Panl Fischer} 2KRAROL RIMS a こっ TWX foro OSHS ONY b A RR deN RDO | KBRURKMDLS | Rv KRSHCRERC +E) on (6) 月 一 年 二 十 四 浴 胃 Bish = HERS ITED ADH ABR 2 HE SHE DiS” Be Subfamily ANCILLINA. e835 BEXiRGvoOy? SwMOBRY | SRR SEK (7 BQ Ketun KR IR EK a4 I YB AR nS I> SUK Ae 」 RIV RRYROY KOT We Nwvg RR KERB NICO RoR” BRK OY? ROWER ok (° RRS OR WIEO” HOE RMS Lo | PAIN VES Subfamily OLIVINA, at Re bd BE HED AY 1 SY SE S 2 80H CEB ARAN ROS NM Mn” FS y Shit 9 Yee el MLO EON MREW RS WOR MIT, RIES > JM ORE YNKSOY NWO, Dy Be 極 if な 9 HS 9 AKER Oo SK Be HE BEE OB 10 で や BA ORNICP Ke DOMRogr~” HKSES HOO SSN BEY 4 | PoP he KMBOHSAP AN R UWE OI 5) | BOBNI SOR NY br eeox TeHE cS” EXES EEN Bho)” ONE 4 BE BBR BUM OK UA ROY NHL Oi Keb HELE OHA b A INR VERO SINS BER REDON YE VE DHyRR Fe ORE KVKSO $650 P Qu NHK WEN Y Nw O Y ERD WH 10 りつ wd SK | KBR = N* A wil nana WRKEO [wn Ro] St Olivella biplieata Sby. | wy Ik NIRS Nae O428~" CRIN y Rew te wih~ J GR 2R AE HE Genus OLIVELLA BRUBSAUB VK" Shin | KRW Wy MEY KOH OY RRM OK BRS TRO Swainson. ayy ン ^ Merit Oy Re? 頂 4) tw OYR~ CP) i —- Be = BH Re RE FA 介 + 本 Fil 3 FE ae (fav) ABoOew77 + Ao # 少 し & Fee 9 le 情 1D DIK On” ORB, ia O_O As) eee BU 5; fo ff Be #@ A は タ 附 前 RF 科 Hi BE 四 の (だ ES ER ay A ay ob ope aa kk 4 も YAP Ein Nee Meee et) SRC Yeas seats ae BOs Ps 2s Sey SU 2 aly i) Cc Wy fie Nise Seth CR A ea ls ee we Tet Wom Hh Aw Aw HH A 科 章 Hes Bey a eg 6 2 8 の 多 ol Omens com A pH, 2 iz F 4b +S See i Bow し mk S 分 方 is Le ae eee Lee ee ee (2 層 ICO al hy 2 ee Rt を i Oe Ss BI tai % に 後 ら — の pt Oe Oe ood ah Bo ey SU ies Alene AY ile ike teen hee aS Mors ee AS ty I, ee ee が te eee の 4b | ( 氏 タ ミタ) ラク マク ド ュ ジミ サ ラス ーー FAROE & 7 7 ~ (DY2nkAR) 物 動 の ラッ マニ ペチ ク i (KY =7) ( 氏 ス ロク ダ ) Be AS Se ia GaN ie (fal i. 第 ) ( 賠 四 第 ) | * Ua, V VW) Vee yyw Marginella philippinarum © past ( 氏 ル シセ スリ ツウ) UU SODIOTLU BOUL RPA [ーーー ーー 一 | css Lee 午 新 有 厚 四方 RS 月 NN ae UE0G 2 St 2 Se on i ONES aia amc Sa i Gal DR ae 2 Plenty Be Ma Se A oe a fs Roe Fy ie BN 則 共 「《。 間 pera UC FS ie i OL ay mR El foc ek SoS el eh a ok. le 4 ti ae OR Be GR OR あぁ 種 BAY 8B HA RM が KB を , の We な BE eb Ko し な Cora See ests ik し 。 と Sp の COM が = の HE 〈 呈 we wR い OR Bi 2 ie A し * 軸 旧 し 訪 Kees AES EDK II の 本 Be Be 面 の # F 始 を tut KE & Be te 動 eR LR 長 Me は ha 愛 物 の If DE Gece J ot し 側 は 5 は Boh = K it ee tae Scop nan Oh FA の > we th グ = KR Et = る pe ee db & fe 屋 分 eo ke iD eae < & EB PGs nih Wee eee } S Fly » ie Ib 分 ペー ae oom 4 RR: ae as) SEK ~ CS が で at LAR LACH si WTATIO NIIUUGH vi PROM NS SKHOLKUEDMO SO | CAA RAO bat St Uc RAS ニー z =) :) [Se Ries [SAR POSE SOR AON RINE O Te SMS Capers plo 届 | 8 eS! | Um Ue | pape’ PIG cc ヾ きい ご RES fk ACARD の SA Paar St 4 i SRS SE \ IVATOA SUUuoStS 24 WHY WWW \ て “Ul M[ Vi ice ee VENUS A SSHARAY OE Ode SRA -MSW 2a | #) > ご oli se BS "Us (wieAIOA) “YY (fl 第 as ME RA SP 残 — He (3) BW Beet | n 1 cr wv BeCGenus MARGINELLA Lamarck) 3X +6 ARS RNBN M19 UY EE SYED iH EH ERE SS U6 OEE OY REE SS ^ PSD SO ARO os A BO KUMN OY’? SUR MS RUBRUM” RR NER (7 se iM MoS SM RIO” ES at RSS WOH te r@ RR KEES DM a7 Pann 7 XEXBR(Subgenus VOLVARIA Lan arck) WHO” BEXE © WIR Rau R BRR MLSREY raped fest cea m0 Nwt~—~ ACER RISER RHEE HO EKER OR = BK a 7 BE NN = RM ERR SR NS UIA? INS aK OOBEN DR = ORDO EN EY BRHRESY eS ll Ww oe RRR AUR YC RR NON Marginella clegans @ fjs& ( 氏 シ セス ロウ ツ ) Marginella clandestina Osi (A BK PAW) Ss ed KiRO RENO Y WEES BRS M~ CEN RN 2 We (= INT wR DE) | Margixelia sp. NH KR Be’ GR 1" 1° 1) wh" sR” Ri” HEI” RRS NOY BER OY RY BEX S~” Kieu KY OVEN EEwit’ RoR Oy Rouge NeeOw? SIMO HO” RICHER NER SO" ® 1 (2) = 2 Be om Boies Bae RMN OY REI KEKE RRR か か" BRIE Dk * SKC Oks y asi Q eu N Se” seas KKM OVER PWT ORNEEN CRE HN RNY RS ORNL | = 0 RNa CHORES CEN Ry UR te UENRRWO” RONSON NR FEN BET 10 Gt BRN Ve ie no SURK PRS EN Go Y MR BWI 10 OHS a” Bah RU (Frato callosa) (WHR SK OS RDO RERE 1B Oh) NSOY MA RNR UMEEO SHAR RR NER ( TRIVIA) VX DQ LUO POWs HOB RVI 0 WA Y Be RIREMTNAY & RIN R YELNE Poa” (Ri | Re RKwsRRt SATE ORR 0 BE 0g HBR IY hag 0 * ES YATE 1] BEN OY IRR Ka” NS LAYS RNR UWS aS REM WiKte PO MR WS | RN Ayre PAINE DEM a RRA EA A Mot NSPE ORBRE WO SIDNE | R SA Be EX > a o Rv BB(Genus ERATO Risso) Rae RSNOY SRE WIT” RAEN 10 GES CIB BRR (~ RRO BK” Sika Suk we wa HK Selah oo DIRNS Bw (o RBWERVARRRCRYI waa af ee a EBS (Subgenus ERATOPSIS Horrnes & Auingen) #Xx RSSdeiS wr” SIREN x6 4 SNE 1 ss es as HRW OY HARE] OC OKNOY KOBa BR SO B+ 1 1 EI” RQ AOEHER URED 0 « w OW4tS | 1 Ot | DAN INH Section PERSICULA Schmacker. PPI A AIA DILL AE eG fk % Mp K ome 1 py ioe] Seeion PACHYBATHRON Gaskoin. wo YL AANA AYALA AIABYAY]A AK AKA K laa] Section CYSTISCUS Stimpson. rece CHE ee (名 mR N42 &K low Seciion MICROVOLUTA Angas. ee Na KR wat Family MARGINELLIDA. HIN RDM ADR URE NEY D9 7 XS ~~ SE Sie = BAVC Ps SHR OO | RAR CECA R NR YU REN EXK WR wWind VERNER? KER beh on SAVER SIAN EE CHE BR NEE gu? PARSE 65° SREB | RENEE IY DS Sy 10” NTO MCN Kt ON = Nex Q き ョ ー| Ue -B0 HINT SDK OKO RBVAN DN NWKORA] S| ARERR SY Ri ) [SSU HRS WAY 0 Bam 7 KERR an ( 28 Perv Oy eww’ Xo REIN Cn? Sil I oR AR IN と 0 A ARK SEB em Ran” BR ie WHEN Xl bg SEW BROT * SUK Dy ky BN AW~ OR WII’? BEY REE WkKow~ REE POLRRYERO KESHSCRERC I+) ] IWAKAWA: JAPANESE CORBICULA (1) C. leana Prime. Owari- C. leana Prime. Kahokugata. C. orthodonta Pils. Tokyo. co-] C. (5) BUMLZEAR orthodonta Pils. Akashi. a C. japonica Prime. Awa. 10-] es & sandai Reinh. Seta. 13, 14. G. viola Pils. chikuma-naiko, Omi. VOL. I, PL. WO B SRE AER JAPANESE LAND MOLLUSKS (PL, XXIII) C= -F= 85) i BEE A 1.) Punetum amblygona Reinh. 10. P. yota costaneum Pils. & Hir.(Secimen 2. f (Kobelt, Fauna jap. extra.) IL-7 p. poye x nae ne 3. P. amblygona Reinh. (Speeinen; Miyakejima) 13.7" horeale Pils. & Hir. (Specimen) =i P. retiosum Gude (Specimen a P. apertum Pils. & ir. (Specimen) sd 15.j / ee P. morseanum Pils. (Specimen) 3 } P. infans Pils. & Hir. (Specimen) 8. : 29 We ° eRe : a * af P. rota Pils & Hr. (Specimen) = j P. elachistum P. & H. (Specimen) THE GONGHOLOGIGAL MAGAZINE VOL, Il, PL. |. = JR—S6= GRRE JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS (PL, XLIV,) CARUO-+ PUSS) BAP EWE FB AS ah Marginella sp. Somobxela SB: ae = at Olivella lepta Duclos. 4, | Marginelta (Volvaria) sp. 10. 5. Olivella sp. 2} Olivella fortunei Adams. 6. Oliv 7.j Olivella sp. 13. Olivella fortunei japonica Stearns. Se 3 => Lh , s& -y iat 4 2 > & こい HGr BS 4 mi Se 2 ンコ に で Ss rn | ーーー タ | Is | | WW 5 ーー 74 | WM mane, | HE Liye O OO OO 大 a =" 前 eS AE = 複 De Za 部 部 部 本 | a Gai ms CS _ & +4 x 2ee_.| We ef s=) = T i!) 許 er jot Aes me a : 6 AM 2p | tll ee ae JAN Ti | genta 定 | “F a AH Oe St The | f Zilli Givin. AA 上 | 拾 失 | チ 搬 > 誌 便 下 類 類 誌 人 所 pig | Beseee BL SA TR (CG EEE 。。 HH lems, | Az eee ences Oe ED FN fi aM Bs | gepepe | > BM > Glo ge fC > 廣 | fal) fill BE AF 0 Ku | AKG: GFE SI 15S ae oe Tip x aT leet fein RA | 大 全 全 東京 所 者 者 者 sees Tf a er ie fH) 7 中 用 SS Ae ae peje (2. eee mab N +1) | 浩 CW et 7° Et or. ‘a WET it | UE 7 Gi HED yo BEE 京 百 北 行 rts 2 ハ 可 = 便 ご ご っ ヽ 日 大 北東 東 東 合 川邊 第 "人 本 | SI) eR ah OR 隆 & Rew wm St) alee OF : 商 a 町 =A 料 ト el if = チ 可 tc a 二 半 信 穫 OT 。 十 | 革 | 可 的 ヶ 彼 書 ay ee ES | 224 se PE 7 nde dares amily a rae |G サ 下 御 HR Bik AR RG ak & aa 2 ズ 度 Hb ee (al zt x KE 込 ペニー ン ペー ニン スバ RCL TH | m+ Rm RBS Re (eo | Bl] tee) (RE Ee Se) (oa a ase ALAA AL A AeA eee ae TIN RII IRIN INIA ER FRISIAN INIA ANIM IN IN, ¢ ‘ ; m K | 3 3 6 {2 Wwe : ¢ ae ) (| QRS ED (27 85>) (1 ; xr ff KRSECR BRECK) (10) 5 < KR 4 上 は ユ 5 roe BH eo i EL RS (+44 (se) gen) (inl ; 王 て a Rh eae 2 - ) = | KRHORLBYC(g SS") eH (1K ; ‘5 | Al ie SOND CREM |) dg Rae | ie (mW) | | 0 a 8 tL (| SRR Rt Rese | fe (1K) : 2 ロ 1% a 2 sf 11 1 Stan HUN HERG (BEE SY) CHEE JY OK (ER) zh > Sia} OME Pen HBR O BUY BY (RAG | OKI ¢ ; 0 = me = he] OK WIKEHOMEH YXBOMERHeHOMOKeOmR 。 | ヾ - (| RAN CMOS IE NBO C se 2 im Rk = | <(2 ORK HES) IRR (HE |9 S A wnods ん エン | BK | fa)
9. Summary-On Japanese Marine MolluscaXU oi 13, JAPANESE EDITION: Onedlapanese Marine Mollusca X XV) .cor-csstenn.-cnxecrane-nctassencneresesccuosserotoeesuarosc Al. Remarks on Japanese Marine Mollusca(XIX)...cccccssescsescsesseesseceecceressneenenes 46, Descriptions of new Korean Land Shells BYIPIESE Rye UMN). HIOASE ees chin stteecssccsstemeset LO On dapanese Gorbicula(II) BY TP. IWAKAWA......ccccccsseseessssssseeseeecssecseseease 53: Philology of Shell-Names from Ancient is ID NGO OCG で Oo Lecture on Shells(TIT)(By M. KOMATSUZAKT) Habits and General Economy of Land and Fresh-water Mollusea( XI) On the Land Sheiis with fixed Japanese names(BY T. KURODA.) Miscellanegyscn. i oboe eked 2 Damage to Arca inflata Correspondence from the South Pearls as Fine Arts( TII 一 TI ) Invention of Instrument for Polishing Shell Buttons. Notice: The subscription price for foreign countrics is $ 1. 50(3 yen) per annum. All letters and communications should be addressed to Y. HIRASE, Shimochdja-machi .Karasumaru KYOTO, JAPAN, THE MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. ~~~ ys ーーーー founded by the late Geo. W. Tryon, Jr., and continued by Henry A. Pilsbry, Sci. D., for the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The Manual of Conchology is a fully illustrated monography of recent mol'usks. Issued in octavo form, in quarterly parts. Each part comprises 64 (or more) pages of letterpress, and 15 to 20 plates. The RIRSm SERIES, Marine Univalves, of which seventeen volumes have appeared, is now finished as planned by its illustrious founder. Of the SEGOND SERIES。 Terrestrial Mollusks, Eighteen Volumes have been published, completing Helix with index. A few copies of Vol. IX of this series, “Guide tothe Study of Helices,” will be sold separately at the regular subscription price. Separate copies of the Index, suitable for the purpose of a Catalogns or Check list, can also be had at $1.00 each. The Monograph of the Bulimi is now completed with Index. Separate copies of Index, $1.00 each. The Monograph of the Urocoptide has also been completed, and Vol. XIX is now in pregress, finishing the study of the Achatinide. Prices:—Vlain (uncvlored) edition, $3.00 per part- Colored edition, §5.00 per part. Fine edition (both colored and India-tinted plates), $5.00 per part- For further information or Cescriptive circular, with sample plate of Manual, address S. RAYMOND ROBERTS, Treasurer, P. 0. Address, GLEN RIVGE, NEW JERSEY, U. 8. A. Aa illustrated CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, by F. Stearns and Il. A Pilsbry. Paper, §2.50. THE NAUTIOUS A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CONCHOLOGISTS Edited and Published by H. A. Pilsbry and C. W. Johnson, Address: C W. Johnson, Business manager, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass, U. S. A. s® Bey TD a PE A FE ae Tg We 2 WEL Ede x EL = HE oc BE A BS > SET EREIIA Hk HE St ARK SES 2 AE ia 7 BU 2» Te = 7 BA AM nm B= ay FRET ARE A A b 交換 テモ 諾 ス EF = SEIS PE Hie WY AAR is SEH ZC AK atte Ee > AE @ i | Fy > ph SNE > TR ~ RA Be ih > 込 て マシ ペ シ 宿 所 A. H. PETEREIT, 8| & 83, Fulton Street, New York City, U.S. A. ニコ srt 4 vem | eae e+ 2 ¢| 2S 2 “ig Jes | ERK ELA He 1] jm al +s os : ou ¢ plata eS) Bot BT) ee jets On ae Wem | Eire Ais ee Eve RXES SA OSSIECM MusiO_ Bs om ae Ome eH Mek SKE | OeRe Pao ea os (と: tied jain +B Be ES | ow 。 壁 & OSH ER RER(E) . HeeH Mw K | Om od Ete Ox 中 ee & RIRERERWEe | ee OXFRWMRBER( KE) CS ule a NS ER mi ee nS & T= RKR ems ' Aes Hm we ‘ OK HS UKT ARERR . = XN NR Rese Gees a \ i m +e BK BORA + | BOK ; RRS 1E ON] Spee SH FUR (11) Kw ik & 9 @nGHe | twos OR OHI OB IUKCR) : if e i (Kie 6 ORS ORY +4.2 WBA) ROE KikEnRReReWe+R RR | OMS OBER N ERS CID) es oe th 9 ] EE 4 - rh $8.1 | OMRS ANSE CHEE ae 暑 氷 提 S i (Bina) ins i Nee | ease pe RKPEEMRERS fai MEDEA HI RiKEE CE RAR STE Hix me it oH kK & tH 4 Le i = SEEEKGMS#s 神居 sas UR mnkeNs Ris | RSs eS {ox = aH KRREERRREKE i 3 RE ESM: SEIS ex ay iS tee in id に mS wie a a ft ath in = 1 | ーー ソリ . . ィ ロ ee ee oe A ee ee ete View| Beet | ae ar Tee } RRSBECHE | Heise = Fie ligt ages ein te te ae it Mir igen te ites det A $ | |RaR HR SPEAR (ews) $e) [N+ SOK Or ES arameg i ae Osa ean Helin iS no HORE ARERR ano nan SIGE ny a ee 3 oe wos ie Hk HR wy Bde x Qed 受 # He SB wee Wievia elnieic YOSLLYYOOCOPT DO LT Bo xe HERE PRN Lh 3 ADR RR eee eee eee = Four 4 one SOM ESS NK HE) HB do Mh ここ Ossi H.—The Negro Races(g72) SOFIE PSE G
| HEYA OU POR ERIN) Nok +H 2 we SURES Pe NA RHEIN SAAS の 人 @⑥@@@@⑳@ WEN BEKS PEK THINS A Nig TD 20," BEOSH’ és RES HF tri < Sie Me < HERS ES Bees EOK WEREK HERES tR ES oe Ae HSE (73) RUS eK OSH BREE Y's | Bre! + ee £4) ORB PORE Ho EE EI MMO Ro HE SO itm WATT RA MO CEO RIRS NS VB OY BN (~ ENSHE 46 BRL RON URS kos MIRE RIS Ne SO IN ER A SKE NE GRY 6 SKM ORNS eee HEROS H NER OM ER i < H+ $A HO Ro re "CN hm ASH ER YY > 1 07 42K OH KMRKKESSNIBAR O® 5” SKERRY REMI OHM Bebo k 0 VBP 1020 «4 POM TR SEWER OPO S10? Bois OR AMOR Mi tse N AE AS uM 10° HR AN OMA © BESS UHH Rw Oy Hee UN KY OX? RSE Wil + ia に ae eee HST SEN y SHOT |}1) HEN BB fs Sco wR Hah? © ROX ASHAIQCNRVORMY Oy Oso yo | B SEXR+Ho tm り の Ble teas i oe KOR AY 2G a su EO y sole BR BR NE ~ RR AIR ES] ER 4 Yt -vtn STEMI RD © ER RS YN & Ae MR ER Eo Hs rb) ea @= x a Am ESE A OIN SK SEN Shc OK © MRE M10 OAR at BEN W~1S OAR HORUS OR ( HE OK MoM Osis © BIR HD IL © RED A IES WHESR | RY OKO RH ES oN y OS. A ee ORT X NIL 10 NOB RR aH VI OEY AR RR IRS GAS ER NY BE ENT © ERI RN BE 10 QU WKS S EBS ORE < 6-9 QO y HAO ATER IR KY ATS 90 NEN Y TE do Na ne hy A a © SE oR BE © BK Gow SLE mH me S RS ae CS a. eg ER Rie VES ~s yok Ee RAC BHO SEN RUE Ye OS BS UK suse 4- BN SKE © RR BR KR SE NK OBEN BOY KEM SEN Het -> Y CR OS LOR VERS e+ | mA | my MRR ONE RW NO Vy RIES IR © Wm NSE OSE WSK OC RUNWAY! [EBA FN ey Se BF = Mi wh SE (71) Nf fw f ow CR Gs] A) Ganacsella cardiostoma Kobelt. sabres hs (Se Re we | Vem) Trishoplita hilgendorfi Kobelt. Wen bw fw (Sol Be eo | KO) Ganesella japonica Pfr. Dee bw fw (Bel Re BES 人 7 Kulota(Kwhadra) Inhuana Sowby. An Kb hs (See Re | | mt) KnlotaCEwhadra) senckenbergiana Kob. PNbw hw (Se Be RB | ilk) EniotaCAcusta) gainesi Pils. PAR PS bw (Bal Be ee me | eA) Riots( wiadra ) peliomphala sopleutrionally Hhrm. KORE (Se a Xe) Kulota(Euhadra) blakeana Newe. Var. EE ーーーーーーーーーーー ニ ーーーーーーー ス ーーーー ス ニス ーー ニー ニス スム ニニ ーーーー SPREE TP SSE Be BR | に 回 ) KulotaCKuhadra) chishimana Pils. & Hir. var. BAAR ES hv Be ee a a | ee) ulota( hadra) chishimana P. & H. var. ox pb (88 Be BET | am) Kulota(Ewhadra) Inna Pils. INS fy (SH RBI 1 | Bl] et) Rulota( Rhadia ) tlakeaza Newe. yar, mee ow ow SR RS eo BI 1 1 Bt) Knlota(Buhadra) Slakeana Newe. var. DY Kew bw (Sa Be eS BI 1 |B) lota (hadra ) blakeana sericea Gude. Ace bos bos (Se Re BE OB 1 EE) Eulota(Kuhadra) }lakeana Newcomb. bh bw fw (So! GR Os dD mt) EnlotaCCoelorus) caviteetum Pils. & Hir. Ath Rebs hs Se RR 1 Ik) Eniota(Coclortis) eavicollis Pilr. PKR K bow fw CBR! GR OW RB) Kulota(Acusta) sicboldiana Pfr. RAK AKR KP hw (Se BR Kim) EnlotaCAcusta) despecta Gray. KIN pow fs (BER et HIE) Ewlota(Euheadia) mereatoria atrata Pils. Dabs bs (Se iat) KulotaCEuhadra) mereatoria(Gray) Pir. 1 寺 KS kh pw bs (See ee we ACh) Eniota(Eniadia) comnivens Pfr. ReERK ER AR SP Ow (BOR GB ee BS ch) Ganeceila largillierti cosmia Pils. SAN hs be BER GS BES HT STH) Knlota(Plectotropis) seepasma Pfr. DRE re BY BIRT im) Enista(Piectotropis) Gegantissima Pfr. ADE DAS bw Coe Re Be OA ANE) leta( Pleetotroyis) clegantissima cara Pils. ees bs (Be Be I | Ki) Enlota(Hgista) kebensis pertenuis Pils & Hir, ash fos fs Bah! BR ORY | A) Enlota(Eulotelia) similaris Fer. Hrs fs bw (Se a Ro” | VR) Trishoptita?) conosp ta Pir. (60) soa] Q LENE BURN XEBOKEY EW? RS KN ER WAT SS リリ サード WER ORN Be HE CONE YB SRN 9 Ob YR ONO TKR OP OaM~” 癖 MO ]PRrP RAK FN HAR HWROVHEOR we MRNEHOY MK SK Nw 1909 AMX Luba TBO vw FCAIND SHAR Nees bh) OxOsude OV ss” Buk Sis OS Se RY SIN Ok 10° IS Gaigers oy ee de (3° & | BORK Bp eOR HKD WS — CBENREY HES Ou GAC 1G 9° GRR HCRLBRVERC RW POY’ fy*K Te |] WRT RO B+ NOH KT AND RMANRER に がい 全 和 SO KX | WOBCMENIIRHHA4e+a es IK WR oT Se 09 IRE Sd S 06 HEU HG 29° ーー マー?・ つ OK 選 sf ZUCRLNPR OLN Rim Sey C1) a om wx KEIR S08 | SHINE y KO | RE aj NEXCY ERY EMI OW S028 :0-K BOK OC HO HENE V FKEEAT ov © BIBER DO Ra” GeNNE SAL RRO VK GUAR 0 cd NORM SEK © ER ou MR 0 の WRT Some os (SOR! GR BR HERE | | HSH) EniotaCAeusta) despecta Gray( Large variety) SOD Ra hs bw a BN eH ot 1410) Enlota(Acusta) desreta Gray. ART Kam habs ps CR RAN 1 dC) Eulota(uhadsa) yaeyamensis Pils. Anew Ke eS PS bw CM eRe” FA LQ) Kulota( Plectotvopis) mackensii Ads. © Rye. tsar (68 ) te ta A — Bl See eae = a Is ORB Ew HEA eWwREVNEw Oy E00 RO" BKSREN~ SN B40 u7 BUACER ID No Nw RE Ri” DELO VERO” Sie eK ON SU ERS 5° BIR AMR BER AEN Pitee? SIRI Bera EE ol eS Yo NU PKR NEO Plea BRON Bde de RRNA ON tas CORO BEAU EE IN de nN $4 109 BS HRN BHO BERS S.~°o BH hm oy UH CaN SR UR SME 0 | BAS 10° SHES SHO y” BORER wR の 人 FRY ROR RO Muka Is OMA S SHUKL NRA AR | SRARLESr my.” PS SRR IM ON SANE 19? TE $B ER KS OC PRIMES RR VR Wo ADR Kory | BRAT CKA NT ERK? RAD K) 近 で PVE OV MORE (Ce AAK Hee ns) Qs EXAM OY RIN NLU RR QI eu SKN US AOR KRM RIN DNY? REIN K ORAS EA HK = b Bard QIN Boe = IN KACE ORO NEO BROBV ROME RY Ay’ BY SENT ORY OSENE A RAK NEW ReNWOHRM SHON OI” RIV UNWISE NY tte 00 J 9-0) 下さ い Q ツ < RINE (° BOY RE y RNS SKN SI FG 1G Hh oR Sd GAR N WE 109 LS DXK— hI & K WRN YAW es ANAT AAINOLYV DAD NO Tw” Se WEE 00 ROR VERSE (” IR OREO” N TIEN NH OD YY RARBG sd SKN SUG 10° SHORE OB NES VSENR XK ORMESEDNO DU RED OMB WOYV CROPS OMPNER a Pak {kh iS 回 HX Bb Afar tae AN dm GHRER) ME 類 介 2b mo MLNS KLE OR RKESCE SYRHORWIO yawn” MOR OY GSS Ai” PR Neh © Ot RO Dy TK RSs 0 WH SO SN uit? | | RoR eeoy’” QeEok Sa 第 & QD, = Yu a Pee DDN BK MERA AD CH ツ ) Spedding MELO SO ar EE I yo PES RENO NY NES Hee iol BRC PRUER OS G dean” tel | mb SERN $P U7 BRS NRE DO 510° HE ERE BRIE yO BD” MNES EON MOY BRN SK NY る る る —— 一 - RRBR IR” KR SRR ORR ONT NR お > OG4HORBYEIS HINO RY HARV ERN NW” PBX OBIS 6 EIEN MEH INP KO ur OH TE SIERO KRY” RNY SOY WES YAM DIN ROO HOVS ARGV IS REY OLED ONWAM SU SANUS NP WYK RAEN = 42 D+ EKER SRR WAN ) RE WNAORER? wHIVHmRONSBOy wr ( 66 ) — + W ia Bete = a) 224 # En POW 0 iy DARREN ANY YR othe Qi” MOE EEN Ot do” FO VED PONMES CAGaMims” GRUES Raw Rar wPQu some NOWYoMMwEKYS hte” HK VHEN ROL POMPEO OVI PWEN QIB-A S OU 6-H R10” VR MONY PEHRVOH Wa Fri den NORM KEK eA] OO] MUO POVS ops” SRA -BRNE RI POU NORORDEIES 6 Se OV RES ABAS | SERRE REDS Ny S-optte dR EK YY 27 11 BREN HY OPERAS ONIN dn” SENN 10 PRE AORN PO Yim NOR DRM” RQONPAIL KWAME N LOVE SROMeRKRY SA Re OK ww = | 臣 1 KR ID [JZEAANSKRORRH POGDOODGORGOBGODGCGOOKYO CTO £ONR JIT KS BD ae cere te center cee ee nes ADS i) =I 0 ee cee eee iS So es tll SD HIN K Rak BR RR decree teeter cents ee eee ees Kom haere RY DGPDDCODDODOCKDDGODOOU つ DO nowras Che an BR URIKS) N ORI -KESLON 260 YREEDL POV ROMOYP WOM S9% Rati SAD KTR ER OUR BD Dor WWD Y AD KS REREAD ED IK KL PRD dA DD HD AON OIB-olk SEO 44 INDE RRS O VIR X< CORINNA YHOU RT D+ Er RED WRINS His Dm # DD WEE QO MMR NOP 60 OW REE MOM Gott AM~ RIE ( VIMO KM NINN BNODRAYNODYVSEN KS YHEPO ®” RUM OREN NNR | BWROYVNN IF 第 交 H Me ( 65 ) 7S ON SOY HOR © SE) HF SRE oT HR TH HE KO BURR OE NY RANKS CO HRRR AS 10 RON WK © RY Od INO VR MKRN ROEM ROBIN WING NWS っ か AUR RUT BLUR Mint ou 2 BW OW 000 IN Shin” HERS AM 10 OM? K-10 WS 0 tld RRO YING 10 RAO Bop Ps RN KTS POY Rote” Dy edi ttoMieNK OE EEN wi ( HEA QwiIMOYNOBOKRVRE~ R PUG CEA YQ EPER OY 2? Q UBER TT UE amis! Oe DE ww Hs © ES NAN LON NE SEEN (NO WS VS ROOK SERGE PERSP NEP G1910 «AN KH-RN SRE ON OK Y ADO PO WHOROY 9S -D Ft SRK ES) VY 6 Ba NY NW ( ORE MNN aC NB NIRS YH QU Soe” PEO tte Aide CRIT AO BIR TY CREE C-agtte” MAN BON POA ENR Pa Myer? NW KER MY PN En x ぐ PLONMONOU EOF” LORRY N OR 7 OUEST IK OV Eottin® ODEO SIRT OK IRE Cot A VOR VER HINNS wll ROK SU< SH UY RO A REMEAG ON | NUK -ott de ang 8 =~ ER MIK ( SM Gop Mo AIM ORNS” 9 で つう HER ORK L BIR MUN Ro E S NWR OM す | ROK OHRO RM VO Nod AHO 4 othr qu Nn ~> Hh Foy R00) Xr OO Ah OC AOE © ER O10 wm OY AHO fib don RAT SREAH~ IRGC” NORM EER EURO Pina” NEMO OR PC” Bway s | OY AbG-att PON OX CORN SIME SRO wt SO VETO QM Gat AO” NOW O Min” dee RREPWA VIR sd” SEDI Y VS SHRM iO 1+ ( 64 ) + i WI i Bee. 回 全 0 # a NAS b-O7 He O 6 ows R Otte” Veta © imbalit Se Gy 4S ~ it doy EU LR EE NIRS YW Oe S00 ~— SRK HR RW OY Hattie” Do. sur R Cause Ne BRM S OMRN MR Goth” NON ABS ORE CBA SRY CopIe NR” | BO POV SANS 4oo Wasa EO Yit-aetde” Sto SS St Rkac fiat Y EAS A$ SC ee 4 ttt BXRSOKRR MAO + WMO HPO 6 KS TRE NM pte Q10 | BVT OR 1 4e ERK MUNTOR + BAO VEO RERR R + PE OWS S 1B AQ PHS DHF DY AAG mm SUT NY BB RED © BSH AS 10 IN STE S Va ttden? BUR ot OPS ABE SS om Wit dn” Wh-attdn KiOitekwys £~- oe miki KOBUN SUN sot Boye | Byes OPENER MV ING ttt” Wl aca det Y 19k REO WIN N SUSY to ny © MRE © BN RR
Be OR RHR Ria RRN ~~ Ay ERT te POVRNESOR Sdn & RIE BEM RHEUM SOU Goo” SIIB ne Wop xo~ peeORRoB~ |W ュー ニー ニーーーーーー ニ ーーーーーーーーーーーー ス ーー ヘー ヘー ヘーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ス ムー へ = ODOM 9t と NUE -agt OY BORE mE Wy on ぐつ 人 な AR REE EN ROMS A Co ae =n EER OREN Hel te (ER ERKS Nh — A |wih~« Site © Hen atte Ras めぐ っ 定か N ORR OS OHA = OD DUE SGU O YR BY ASX SYM OLN OY Goode ORIGIN R + VHA S ZoNMON Wo Hh te SU EES SK OH te Roa AeA | [HBR Got | HP Re OKO SRY tO eo AER | WSOP BOT OR NESW AG ヘン GA の 全便 か ANS RROGE oH SROs VERY ait tn AARIR SU PHAR OH PON My es 1j 圭 1 LED IN A HE ~S A den Q ーー テー 06 NR ah tne ( 62 ) eerie Wate WH Bist 22 Be 24 Gil — SH ii) 誤 Qh FE ode 30 1X CKYE NM PER QENSR Nabi atta % fb Bind IL HE OP OKO KORE Nt NARA” be sue BONE) EE NY to 00 a QO SS SH Wy ATP RNKRY ARY YReRY PEW MUP GoftiaR NKR OKA S ON MOM CM AS PUSS RO Otte” Kat ] KN IW OD wR BIR PORGOM RD GROID EM UY Oy RIE YH 0 VY BE Ht fe. SEN ft toe © VERENN A S 3 QB Me 2 1 ポン Mo KS PRO KRY Do He RYO KE SO 本 2PM RYO KR SR Uo P Ko Rik SO Roo IIK BOLD? RR SR YO RS INGO Pw RYO SE NR UO BS SIG SH eS AKER MS OK? NK Ht de BESSY 6 CHER OK su DY ARTIS 10 OURO RA AS EWR tk WG -O Ft dy RNAS HUN OMY DW 5D EO Otte Gao NBO | BNOKY de Y PoP SIRO a ORY GO IK O YAR SOFAS Ft ee. su wed EP OK sus GR Cf treo HA ROBIE. KY Sy RIN WORN UE KD Fite NUIT RAIL YG -ofitide £0” JERSE ER © NSU AHIS Hie” KEP SHOP AGN CB OPON BIRR N S HNC de Y Heh DROCMVHBe oe on” Biro yay Mev KOs ARMOR ORD WS AON MRP CORON Ain as NER N SRO BURNS VBR WIN PGS ION BEER NAN ie Y Rhy OTE N EUR IK © RRB APSE ONS. UP RE MM ES Seg oe ae r eve # = Pat One PNR RRS DS UE KER Dog” th we る の Dd / BORNIY PES RIOyteynvkwoeoy 0 mm ぁ ae Ra eee ee S02. UPIRE KE Niidero db Sv SKN OV ER WM $6 Ny i] | SVMS AHERN FERS FN RRR oS ee Nee ee... 0 Ay | Ak & m IDR SUT 9 © x6 HS ~4 To -K M600 BK SIR IR og nu kk る BR ONL ERE SON AH OM ARE fee eG 上 wR KVR ew SS ioe~ im (BORN Fai Sosa ee aa RAVE OV OM PAD 2 SNMRRBVHHY | 敷 a の Ho 9 の HO Ky Wie 2 NWS OMEN Ri OK eR Re nod へ QUO OW Nw NRO VD RoR VES ご w ROR RE MIN Gk PO 0 ORIEN B&R WORE) w+ (60 ) — + & ia He ee Bl fl & CRB) RRO OL aie (eo er DS INI B19 PERN Hoy RMA OO OR BON YP. S SwIKieN BN MEY OVRENRODL Ms SKwS° ROOD Se hd BH O Baws 8 dr OOHRS NY leurs NY ty & ARK EY 3 + QWIK 4 inl © ee HE ORG REL mars ora Ot a te) KiCESX SS Suny VY Pr Rv wie LIK > 3 と BW aad Nb Sm © | MVE LS wea HEN YOK en RA WIH C-ORERIE CH RE \ * SJE NORTH ふ SW DRUMS Co iC 敵 Be KU OK KRY DS ORY IK ¢ Ot 敵 MNGi YB nef RIG D6 DR SACK M6 00 at NA S10 ERM OB UR FR Tt BERR 10 6-H R Rh ae its SSRN OVIRG KM ~ 1S ON WES See BO NP = PRO” MON INK OREGON 千 el 敵 Bs KN は な 記 給 め 塞 つ ッ 拘 生れ Son |v OHO NI VTE 6 Hi+t+-oS 0 |] CHWS ink OK KON 6 BIEN Ry se we «BD DAR vw IRR AN Mtl te BY ~~ Ay LSI ORs SRSA MBS D> 7 oy) GBI I ots) TT AS oh 2 セ マ THOS ES RR EN INP RERY ES ] Pea Sw ips BY IN as py ond RA AN と っ で BE 1G nt 7/ ー BI> bd) Su ES SR AH FE OR NIKS YR OW ROR OS AER 1 ネト ネー パー OR OHNOY HE KMKO ) 2 VOR MRO = SEN VYV SH Hom 6 BRWwER ON SUAS OBR © HERI ERI QD > 17 AOE O20 ダ wih SBtNtoseQ~ Oy hy wet SEV Sy 0 WINS RMBIAM £10 Y Duwi (-amBOR 2A OREM 0 AYN WRN Ome Koya) 9 RE MOO OF en De ( 59 ) EEA iy 0.33 HE] 和議 x Ct HNRNO BAY ho Oxt K LIES! | VS HeKHEN 0 { DEO VENA NEO VIN く aS SNORE Rem, wes DAM SLU 27 OL EMME ENERO Rok all BS ーー っ 1S S SEGRE © BNA OURAN Bevis OY RE Sb © Rav REY CIE RW 0 ORN COP ON UNI SNH Velen y DORK YW RO BNA YROMLY BE Dott S UES OaUN WAIN YO He ge ANG BE OA © tp aha > Sw NS iky so Fb Meng mol SRB AK 1K \S ES te Oo の 0 N $2 NOY Sea POR, BIE KR Ose OBROUMUBRYEORMOPRVER OW AH NEDWIKKNMHY REO RPSRONS VEN KORY ACRE 國 介 | | | | IK ¢-> GS EAD NEG KSI. | SRO NEE AS] [PE CRUE ec tee dey [OE LN Qt e109 Save el [OKS) | WINK No 4a 0B yan hy KEM OHM eR RUN WOR CK RUN weinte | H iQ 呈 MPT DN & $600 JeJ 股 論 jp:G N SURRY OS Rot Hs か と 5 | PANS 4 y BB an N od OES OQ ar WeRVP OVS (SSkKWeNws x oO it | IS ] 辿り 生身 ま G | BY NW SNK Do uP BO AUR) © w Ab NOUIBL SW 2255 V AA BESON Beas SUB 90 Ak Gr © JIN Bela 400 YO OREN © oN BOY PRY RW 00 ATOR MRS NIN S OnKe NY TERN OMNIS Y D + USK” RROM HN SOCKS OWAY S (oe ¢ ut 3S OKRA In Ss PRN NEY ORIN SS ao fie ar — + © is W (58 ) Br Sy Ae Pap B a & & VCORE) NEE hoo WOK RBS Yaa VR O* MEHKO KSKENOVET Kh” BR VY SRE BES NRW SLB aK Rav eT 1Q Se ROC” RU REA elk” HOKE AS SAR SRI ONE NY SOAK YEE a? DEW ~~ Oy SAAN ER I CSN N SSE SI WOH I~ whet 1 IRS best 110 wmbsa 1241l み % WR KB SSR RAS CBRN NS wR in” hat SERS CES WE RIS C1 ew res SSS SS SO ーーー 一 A HCN W Ik 妖 | ims RR+ Ee! | tii] a a TS Me O< NAR CR RO Ve SOK VIR 9 N iy JA do By mas TK YY SK atv SER EO REN] dé pn ERK HSS FRH HE IE OTE Odo te-P hot] +e NERV Pee wok HS! 5 リ 、 Low sucku | GR 四半 中 Kit Etat RK @ RKO KC BRK Deke erasoxs HON SPY RAKM Ro OWT YIRS BB ee DE ON RO yo i610 Y ie RRS os 2) VY EKAT OIREN 9090 Nou — HOE NIRS OME ON KAN oS my ee See NE ie iH Ze RR) © RH BIR WN eT 9 Koo f SRI ASS 2 SBN Hie eB NBS fob 2 ARE YY LY HE Oak 4-2 O0~ 4 whpomkiyn yRROMe IER VRE NB YY 4 BR det tere NURS LE g + AS YBOMMMES Swi Ro ¥ vWF 0 NEY 00 we msc SPN Re 7 AO DSO Nave ORS Noi ( 2 NWO NUN Vite ON UN ME 類 介 ミド DD 4S iy = ih — Hi BRR ok CFE BEE 44-2 O CR) FUSS ECE Corbicula sadocns's Pils. GRR RR TAIT RR’ +S) ARS” 11S ENN DY IPMN” RieedoN imp ン ^ HNN SRB Ga” WOOK HES WU RINO Ys yi ie apc $2 OBR” RE UES ? REM OWN Oy HR eS NE SE wwe A” ERROR" Ha OMY NAM SVICP oO" ERER RU twee nga? Ki YAK NARA S| ORB ORKN PRYEIN-o" Wb Qe PON oS Su 7 路 ン と つ y 思 ン ^ USE ORE Boy Rik wo | AYA VS CRs wise tit] pEsy fj) ma [Rw eS Ss ee ere KRW ORY BYVGR= N WOK” Retro NPS ORIN KE KS deb Sen) jobads y% UH) 2 人 せ LDN GI AK GRR RTS BNR +4) C2) RAV USM eS Corbicula sp. GRC" i | +-N—-&i1]+B) BI 9 AK A CERN BEN HE SS ORR” HRN PON DY NSE nrg SEL IEA SM a0 Ba MS CREP 307” EK ORES AM10 7 KH ER BU BE DI - k © at MACS N いぬ AU ツア No We CESS ン つ y 国 ン ^ RWW OM SEDO ESR ORIN YQ OV ーー (56 ) Sa a es Bo Sc Bee | «i BR ECE REI HE SY B® VRE RNR HH Pin REO IORI OD RM ko” SERRE OLR NSN IMO VY Behe uw” KO etere MHA” INES CFG AS |] HEN Boy BRS OHMwRANRRVU27 NM SESE a) © FEW KK S186 SERN te Ot RI ERS OV EE RO ARIH Q RRBEN O VEE A M20 の OK ASE OR NBSP OL VERA inewN RO wist BIO Wa’ KM SSR eK 0 we ONOYRKS iS HERES EIRRIN-o” HORE ON RE RR SR NIK ei BRO” RR ORKN Soy Re ON SIE IO) N Ht dene BRAS HU O YR © HIN e102 R つ ^ mo OENISHEN 52S VY SHEN A" FR EBROZMS CW Re Wesy f1JAd jobst ly +A RSRENE ECR SCL Ue” 36 BEN Ste 2 a 前 だ ゃ ? CORPS 0c RK OME URE KR [Eom HREM BR-* Sofa BS で ? DANO SES) Corbicula nipponnsis delicata Pils. GQRICR" RS RES) RKC WRM EWE | Mowe Sn~ dy” SIM SA KN KO ps9 HIE ORR A BN VY RSS RE A ^ HON OV RK OR GMa CHERRIES CHW ORBIT REM BMOASMTMIN IVE RE OOUKNS~” BPIAN WOK © RB? west 1 RA HS pot TBR thst | BI om WR Kin’ RO so BY OVER LAMR feo’ CUNEROEMEM SPRY ORESN SS VN SUK OR? SORT WC ene BERT は すし ine ir aed et LOS SNBERE A CNR = easy ad aah a SACKERHR EY « Ey ae ーー OSE CRS Ww BR ACHZ RH PAC a S BRAK 上 Bt STATS arog ST «Oe A Wh (REE F oS PIA SSR = ュー ン | に ーー il ! に ャ ai 1 ーー an A Et + 1 ーー に ~~ BR ン WS ett mri = -CHu A‘ ESS OF oO AM Ec Sr Ge Oe Lath Sh a wr Se eR ト し で ENA SEL SRF RRRACKER aa AAACHRS ! a5 ia) ANS BS aE 出 二 ELS SON Oy BOM LAM SSS & of Tpe HE *S[I[ stsuauodd?s の 27427. Bi = Sei OS . Fs, ME 介 Ze Be (cy) ReQen-ORn [) EH LS aR ae らぶ oN \d WSaeR iv Re DP ix — WUT a ET で ば VRB SSB! OV いつ Po => ME a BSS SRE) "ST D002 772947.60. リ ラニ: ak C-SS (HS SRE MON SO =< ee | SHetnis TRS Nay WHOABA OS DSH Le St APO Wwe GSS BOSS LS EARS NV Os oF S81 =| に ド 3 for) os WEE ON | ORO CRS AAS DTS SN ACHANRS Mal-BY Oona oun Bist | OP e—SERR WEN (54) + ia SE Bet 2 LEWOBY BY GRE) ~ OY RIN HOW Bie) AS) Rouse wie BER RK OY RIS KIRN EER WE tu HES BES ban NY BRST CSM wwe? ARES EID SSN OEE A KH SQ や づつ 3 RSME RNOVHRS YER ~DAPH O Y \~ UK 33) BK OR FR ORE RA ER I © SUE SESH Sy <° EEN Rie Oy MAS MeO MR" MERE” RES VND OPIN WRB mK 610 7 Oa? wks ET | mee {|Elw’* WI KH Me MAN EB WS EN Redo © ] BXYOY’ UK BRAM SNES 101 [HM OMAN NS EEE OT thes 24 ha tN YY 0 A iE 54 IMza0 MIRY REY NS VAR 5 (sue? CHEM SBR oR 0 | BRIN” LARSEN OE OSTIE RRP” RERRYN HR QAR +E CH) IRM CRiED Corbicula sandai Reinh. QRH iER7 &R+— +1 EB) Ri EKNESN Oy RE Om" ERRNO Vase ESSE EK OV ROY EIR | OME pn? Rl” Kava OVA RSTO? miso OV ORY KY OY Sto” tie see ae PERE WN OV SRR Widen? Be ee” Etro BRR Oy By VEO” SUMRdGvysn~Oy’? MO BrEeS we BIR” BERR N WS OY RES mH whe NK 7 HAS © Hue AD se Se NY ETS WOH dear0 = OG 2 SUP” MPI ASS BENE N A HE ^K SQ 2 ] Bod dn? 路 % 1 PEs Lt ihe | men We KER’ HREXSBR=RICTCcHYo ym? YESORRLRR DNA’ SHEEN SA 8 —_— ーー ド ル せ (58) NSN ESVeERum (° SRUINOVHE MOWERS EUR YRREMICO” BITRE © PEO UEFEE MN ©. SUP HEREREN Sy BIN Oy GXNEK OY RO REI MEK KEES 0 IRR 堅 放 本 wie” SME ORBEA AUR ON wyoOr ムー て PRO AS$p IRN” MO Skie~* RAY Af 2 spas’ Kaliella obesiconus P. : CGR” S Sin |erek” 0] 7° WOM tet tH *7 BRR SD YS ~ S tava BARE)” ORES 7 EN oe Kin O BY RBVGRE) Miu” KN YERERUD-~NKI ERS” ESS NAH ORK NEKO BEN Oy HS y Rat BER ie Ok" BExEAr UO NERS” Best NY Oy ~~ Bo ena (EAS Row sma” ORS VIB OY RRL O~ MS 7 Rik Oy BK eae uk OV K~ eyo | Kivu faba UM AND YD ORNEO? I. coreana(M lif.) BX A 19 SH of ak BEIT © BET Oy Yaa N BB bo NG 3 | CET) Stedman om BORD) Corbicula japonica Prime. i} RR RARE) 0 ト i 2 we Ie +111 (52) + FY ia SS ere HF dm 7 RAT ft] ms BR | SESE RUE REVO’ WANRYNO Re 叫 Osea, SSO” SIM OREN Rav Je? SIMS OK | On I RO” THER © UK sv atedny | BETO TRO | Y HO” tse aR ERE” ERR S PBR 08 0 HB) ~ KER ac C. aculus CH ® YRS eC SBN OY BS ROPER CRBwRL | RAALC ARN FR’ Macrochiamys(!) hypostiibe Pils. G Hu. GR” +H) CBR [S8°SR +1 BS RMOR eR [+1 YER” SR++ VE) esa’ pe” 1 [° RA 國 み の MRE Bmw CORN —y BRAK” Bay +1] HHO” HSCE REMUS PREV RO yp Rem (° WECBSE UES OWSRRREVRPN WAY’ WB SERS OQ SREDC~7 BRUNO” BRIBES aK ( SERN EEK つ ^ KMS m~ RoOcKoerPwys+ | Mw et ary pr PYAR DNAS eH OKA Kifist-s HRS (HIRO )” RSA S OR Bui QRH nen (ARKN6-cy URS REE NAS BY RN IBS ORES OE RE NIKE +] NPA Se’ Kaliella fusaniana Pils. & Hir. (GRIER + | BH) CERI 1 的 ^ 総 填 1 SS RENO WR [+1 TR” #1 | +SEE WE) a seo" pee 1 et HR” HOR 1 eH 67 IRE SO” Bee” Bex DO Be — HE = Fw HB ie n q HRB ES REE OBO NUMER WSO” BRN ERSEN Sw? DME ANWKE? BREE * BOE” ee KY Boe” WER” SEE RS Dv iio” ROMS YENI VSR rw” o St KT IK - ROW he” BEI)" i= 334 SeurD ee SEIN Af YATE DOS,” PYSEIS UKs RO GRORVIERE |) Bo SS ae iy (Tehen Keon) #4 “ Helix” horripiloselia Houde SRW sq 7 SSHAACHEN mw ew 4 A MAY mR me ANOS Rtn Kau” EES Pa\D ts RUNS S fv RHBR RIES OUCH N a hn INSEER Mors SELORNS | EAR +O ACNE N BENEG 10 | ENERO” BOR O Bove ee AL SRE fang NXP BR ~ fii 0 wm OM MERON iS PANN 0 fre EE Saeco Kulota yauailio Pilsbry & Hirase. GRRE RHEE) 2 mwa’ HES BD RA bef] 7 7 MUSPNOVY BmeeK~’ REUSE つ ^ SUBIR 7 (RIBAS UREN 9 VRE K/^ KKESS OSHUMBE ICAI OG” REHEARSE A BME SBE” he NEE om EKO Bodo? 芝 MMEKRY’ ERAO~eS KORE Erk Bw OSES” eI Ia A NERO” 中 了 PRA Ho | ROB I ARS Mie KR O EF. endon ays | WASGAE YD 皇 守 Clausilia aculus mokpocnsis P. G H. GREE” RAB) (90 ) + HY is Wi ks ee SE cigs Sed GH Sw R 6 KASEY W~ R20 6 B~ MO MO RMD ONG! HMA A ee free RE’ Eulota( Mg’sta) proxima Pils. & Hir. © (RHR RU MRE) CDS rey — tere Satay te pe” fi] fA | HARK ORR TS 1 |S | 7 RoDSHON ae HhaAbs ) SNHSY SRE REXEL HIG SM BEI CBS” ES ER SS tt do WIEN AN REN ET NEURO” FER HR DORR wRo” MIRREN Oy BRE RER Rwiltard Nop” BIH © VERN KO” RKO NOD ~ SE RORY OV RoR SSS Oy BER” SSRIS SR ~ I -> Kio Map Beh A PS FS NEBR D9 me? PE fac a BRIRTE NY BRIS 7 ful 2H er EH © BRTRT SS Sy ISK te SISKHBOIR | HEAL EN ee habs rs OR キ PON BESS UE dT te 00 NURS” eke CORRE OEY 00 fry BRE BN BT NCO O ONO YS ERK Mont | RDM A TARE DN fre free RE’ EnlotaCMgista) mimula peninsulavis Pils. & Hir. B KRW pe? AN" fe” | Oe" (RE) RE HA IM KT (WS) 4 FH HE OR HB Wd BK A 00 SYA BEI © BEER AUN OG -" ES O41 BEIP ER ( FRR SR BR OR ER dn dt by co SEE BLY 4e | ANAK fe fre FE’ EnlotaC Mgista ?)lasia Pils. & Hiv. CRA” RADE smeae RE 1 Je] [HA SURAT 困 * 国 みり MRE SRNOY’ BO’ Be’ Seo (49) i eee RR RAK) CET RR NS A Bn AE” —<—————— RAZIN BRR aK KN) Te wk? OrVRHO+ RE” R Ra Rare MMV OV Ht OsvHes) © FEN 1] Za = * oS Be ンク if == ee WoO” REEMHE Or OR 中 KO | HuKO- SOy mene HK SRR ONY RN De Neo” BRE Oe | ーーーーー つ SS Ee O ーーーーーー 一 SOLES Sp Bt OO iy KR 計 eee | & SS RRS © RS) © ERR N 4 -o VERE’ 習 VNN EE OHS © REY C7 WS KB SES | pen} OR eR BIE Dy ert HO AE Rite OR AC ITE HODES 00 ES SHO OS © SER 10 NEB uth | Feist pn 2 NAAD AIRY RE’ Alyceus cyclophoroides. Pils & Hir. CRE” & | MR IE) 2S sew’ E^ 1 fe” fH” Ble 7% OSU YING A4R UHM BR’ (Subgenus CHAM- ALYCUS) NEBR 4-10 T-CREM HERAT © HEN BPO” GEBEAM 0 Re RA OME SHY O48 RE TW D-o YS HEMT AH Bemba) SUET AR O17 PSE SO | BEGLEY OV RRM SRNN Aa’ Ki SiilRG | MEMONBS SRRCR ~soyayo SEN Hi-Hat Se OO ee ee KNOY RA0~ SKY RO BY Hy HHO~ EG EY ->° CSS iis SS OT ae ~ OY RK DO —~®8° ZRuRES WH] KiB OS weak 0 HR 6 EU ORY” 2 PR ID BB (48 ) ota Se = a te KSSH ERE WLR) 2B Ow OWE OR~ RY 7 (OWN OV KR) OSB 3 AR RUNR (ac n X ty 218) a ass NSS © SBE IK? © » HGR = KH |・] 2° RN | eKJAIN OO. isp'duia Linn. CH INS ae ER ORIN A400) Bimg (KK a NR) EE NT RA NT ONT Wak Se ° wk | QM | oh e™ Rise)” Ke” Be RRA mn ARK eNO VY BEM 10 Now 2. PHNSER” SRS RE wee Nwwee-o° SM OMRENYVU | NIC REO ン 。 Oeath mn Nee ode & KEoNMDRL~ | XN E RIT SHES. N Gh th fue wo = LOk MAH MMS or aK K IR PATER Mode eN OY? WSS HN 4)” BEI 9 PONOY AKERS KIO HR NE dg Md NAD iy QE VY HEN ORE ROY 07 0. flaveola Ducl. 0. variabilis Gray. 0. candida Lim. 0. tigrideiia Duclos. 0. egiva Ducl, Se Hw RN RM -o | 人 SN O. tesseliata Lam. Ce INT ty y HR ORBON A400) fie mi (RD RAK) FAIS DIOR FF NK し ュ 1 Nw = up ORS BEET Ot RT OR Ae NZ wk” | 7 es INS RN! ap WN Mee RED NO yp GHEY MME) OME = EIEN OK RE ORNS SY OL MRE CKO» | KR2 phfeip 0. carncola Gmelin. (2 Nw ds > RONAN AG)» (47) SXN& OO. pleta Reeve. Co INS ax > EOE N +400 ) “ Kin a vKOHNUKRV ER pNEVR Yo] 地産 HINT ey ROK O. fuiebral’s dactylio'a Daclos WEKMIERM ow)” RNB OR~ REY oO] RDS ~* 尼 還 へ や | BURR yNK(S— BK) i BELL Dav SS RRR UO eS 1 i SiH |e 0. blanda Marr, NN i fl N 2 ORME SM 10% | je y | PARMAR O. evfopicta Weinkaufl. Ce INS asp RR OKRIN 24:0) + QIR(F= TASH) と AS RD RABY O. aniomina Duclos. vERN 9 地産 BS) (46 ) =P me ia 明 Bist 2 Heese INN BAS ON SUMS IU PD) On BRK NN re ERA DN eR A INNER R80 NI suo RE EN TWN Oy este REX | INS RD ROK BLY 0. iene NIE WW AED | AAD YA IN Fee’ (0. ivisans Lain. Var. 2) CQRER =) ti wage wa | PHS RR® OR? SC RR SIH” BRS Pb He A IN SUBS Nou | OEOMNY OY BRERA -s | SBI WDA KX SP INN ERE. BERT OBIE EY つ 」 FRO N suk d utd EN Y FE te N Re 4 2 ER RRELVOELCRRNEW OO | DARK PAIN FE Oliva sp. CRE BRI -+ 1 1S) Kisias O. sexipta Lam. feo Oe と OAK RPT iiss ae” UK | PARR ES HB ARR” BRAD Heh IN NBS) 9 ew BEM OK 4 ON er SIO? ROMY Oy ese wee 409 N Atm Vie ON SURE! O° RAEENS © REM aU M¢ | Ae Blas SSH JW 0. BEIT D0 su” HO O~ NMED WRN OR | avancosa Lam. NAB Ale や < NA & NER KRESS cCReRer CC» PRIN VE OR’ Genus GLIVA Brug, | ME 類 介 i = BF 誌 asf yu = (45) HHI Sth SINAN ARAN A ES fe QIN EE” Q. ixisans coneinma Marrat. GQRYVE" RENE) Bir sete Xa” Wh? | Pa RR™ RA RR RZ BX a He mb A IN UBIO NUP | DAS) dD He A INSUBK R19 Noun” OOO RRA FEM 00 srr ARR ARM 1. EN YY OO NY EER te NU A KC ARARAN NAN fe SIN EY O. ivivans tremulina Lam, GANS’ RSX) fr yeas wR 1 TART RA | PL RRR Bee pM ey fh AN IN SUBK 610 N SU fod PATI KIN OY REN | KESHSRBRC +H) Mats a th Aa AN NUE Me Nott | HH INA ARAN EAN fr QIN BERR! QO. ivisacs erythrestonia Lam. GRVE REQ 1+B) 分 Ja IH OR” AU KR TH UK] PSR RH 4CKR SH BRAC DH meh A INN E10 NOU Mau PDO~ RAN Dy BEMCASD « HE | SOON MRE, KIRRN OY EEO R 10 Ht CREO OSS Bvt? HLEMOMMwc” RK Bae by Oo 19 Sted) Q | [REAR OO” Meee Mito KHHOSRWERREMRKHY SOR YP RY GO) MK KA PAIN HE’ CO. irisans Lim. Var.?) (RVR RI + | 内 (44) Sr Ba 骨 Be 2. ce KSEE +H) WORE NEB auth | Dwideow Pr S AS UNEP OW OC RES) OW 2 IBA AS Sa Ste | Kise O. reostina Diclos. NSERC 10 2 Haw’ BE KO | UE] bI-> | RAV LI NIN R=’ CQREUR BR l+i]s Bx cee eae の De (a=) NN で な へ トリ > Hoe“ 0. sanguinolenta Lam. SER) |-- ED) こよ SR SRE WHeoR Ne KEEN) wk* | “PHI KR SE BA < [BH RMR PAIR UAp-a mR KM Mo | Bw’ BGI Hak | BMEIO Ril Awe OY OVER CMH SRS MwA LHe KER” OOOH MON Oy BURA CSRAWA 9 | MHS MUR OP AN RIN ROORKEE DM CHE Qe CEO” KE OSRWESR HERS w wRwe | 0. ivisans Loum. (RN +H) HIE (Him Ri ry PNB ED RIN Hiyere Kubtene” See” アコ SORT RED DS SAUD’ RE Red NS Nw) 中 2 | PADKR RS OR BH BRL Oy? BEREEE DOP. BRICK” BO doth ONE Rw ARESTEEN OV REN | Mose)” BRO HeEWN OY Ra C SSN te au Ree OM NIT” BS MRE OS Nw | FEW” BEM REOVR ORO ROR HHS REHM = | HEC BEnE ts RS oe \~ KH ORI 10 BRE SS OS OVHEOS- BWSR YSN] (45°) HORAN Barwin y ELE Ze” Bk Be tets< a SM od A SL RUE NWO bat OhOR~ RSM ek BSN OVS) ORI RR ORR deBe Sy | ERR 20 BEY. FS 00 NEB asus | RR aeRO NY OV SRR HHS MS SAeeE WS ee ee Mew? Hw OVO RRM ORR C1 [FEW B HEN Sh ew | AC BENE Be HEN OV RRO? & AIR NIB md Q EE. Jur D7 BX DEK NY O y BERD A BIT LW Rh 9 UN Y Fee NWR YO] PAIN Y KS! O. mustellina Lam. C&R EUR 8K) |S | BH) & su ce eee ee CT SR っ Nw) wk |] RAE? RA RRA AR tO” RRO KURO BEEK BEND DY BO RS SN OY RD OTK CSS iS VFS” oe ktays-s | KEM ERT SO IN NRE 1 RR RK ND yy BE MEHR TEEN avg 4 Eve MAS OrPON IV CET Hr kA Wr” REAR Mt S0O NAL Y FEB te 10 Nou RP YY KORN | CHNPAIA HE! O. mustellina Lim. Var. (GEER 1 | 画 ) BR HRRVEN R23] Hie seeauee wk | >] | ARACIBH® BA CR CH BRS & A NR a NEI y 思 つ ^ MOM ORME RoKsoR CRS ORY N 1] PDO~ KYO tees ean RWS SRC I+H) * ホ タル ULN Bay \Ahraho8~ RL Dowie” (NOV Ee CRU SOE ORR ORO WIBKS oK@sewsO? OER DH Se20 oS Komy NY SB ou RE Ree 00 Nou REY | Kit PORL Ar Syed R047 Liam. ($e EBS) cst) CO. quersoitna Dielos. px QO. lugubiis S 0. ¢ ia Diclos. Sag Raerar sy xo BEnEN OY 0, fulva Marat. 7 Sao CODBNSED OM wR EBS 10 BE SUwie Oe » HER a SO esa Te NK (De. Weinkanff)“ 2 IN< 4 yn EX SPAT NUK HBO | EBM ou Wo | SAC THK BBS Gf A INR UO | HO WEN ABH DN te HE O BEDE VERITY 10 = HER OBIE RD | AED ON WEN NU ARIES | wy aR. KR = hd AT 1] BAD fread 22" 0 outtata Lam. や ) WX | HERR HRI” «M7 A RR MIN OV RNS OE UMW” MOY VME wet | RUROILMRMINOY? HERO MERWO KSI GeV Rue sc GmwiO Bee Kee VME HNIC RHA wkEneon で | filed fl © BENET NOSES YY OR WOH R 9 や の 人 へ 信忠 | NH WARAIN FE’ O. elegans Tim. ? GREER’ &+2) BM sis BR 0 BT + 1 1 | Jord 1+ OK Nn qos } / YL—LAAALAAZALZS = a = HRSECRER Cite) FN 11] fv \ Ne AIRE FRE’ Genus OLIVA Brug. | RERUN CHER WIT” DEX C WS. Rl wwdy [Qa RNR UR REBY 0 WEEN SHE 2| Sh he UME” SOKROMMIEY om WE NG Nx DV RRR MEW i” KER OMMERR WEN 20 | EITHER) 10 HER wD 10 BEDE AEN S YS (41) x SSH HR0 1+) 14 EN MSH Ab) 0 BEDE N 1G 04 oS KO YY REE 00 N SS UWS Y Bite 2 ESR INR OER Hu oe NS KR TRAD 10 SUG BERN OO” of a INR YER OI [RC EKSH WO BY CELN SOY BENHR PUL OP ONRNGY Ro] Ki BW yy REN OY MRS CORREA BXD.02” RR MORN, MEN SROY SIRE NBIRX OO” SY HORN OY BBR OM | HREOC ERKAO RANA oY MON ER REY au” BEN ACM 0 ENS Nth” HE UREN RI Dee Y AMID PORN NOW] Roh HN PAIN (SE) FE 0. episcopalix Lam. (RETR +E) See (RG MER TOR Ae NAb SEI アァ ce , ie} Fi ts HERS (WR E.-V- DSS DB Se BE He FT AS Oliva mustellina Lam. Oliva irisans Tuam. Oliva sp./O ivisans Tun. \ 6 Oiiva sanguinolenta Lam. acs2 Variety - 2 SHOWY SHELLS FOR SAL Three sets of fine showy shells each in a very beautiful and artistic box with a cover on which our sea-shore scenery is painted Rach contains 12 selected and attractive species, $0.36 for small, 0.70 for medium, and 1.25 for a large boxy, postage included. For large box mailed to foreign countries, other than the U.S. the price is § 1.00 and parcel postage. Prices are given in U. S. Currency. The opening of the new sale is intended for securing money for the purpose of completing the fund needed to start the coustruetion of my buildings, which is delayed under graye financial difficulties, as set forth in No. 11 of my Conchological Magazine. T am sure to give youn pleasure with these sets and hope to be favonred with your as many orders as possible because of special sympathy with my undertakings. Y. HIRASE, Kyoto, Japan. si i gl gh ai ZZ 複 不 : 部 部 部 A Wu = = 2 ; は = : - sere oe ll ae 3 zs Wa Al mes - abt i (6) y oie 定 7 $ELERE fa KN WW ie ag a Fl a Bt | ae | Rae. Perabo 大 全 全 東京 mae ee RE TT 阪 京都 大 北東 東 東 Koy SS 0 2 ビ 0 IN sea 0 eS TH I =i ee Se BRE Dra ) ト 跳 二 第 療 三 第 行 攻 日 和 十 二 月 二 年 二 十 四 治 明 サス サム サー ザー イス イス イス トス す スマ イー ザー ザー ザー ザム サス サー ザ スイス サム サミ サイ スイ スム サム サス ザム サス サム ザー ザ ネス サム マサニ サザ ニ サス ザム スマ エマ スイ スマ スマ | ) | 北 ¥ oh mm A ae 7P EM FP Zp > 0 ey is 明 EL に 類 か PE a ih S 2 2 tall 新 ご の 定 講 jy D fe AE PE 5 3 ir Sane joe met aU TNe e =I é | Bee BK Le RE be RE 9 ME te th |) = FE a ne Sc Bo : 3 is 内 ts iti た an 考 Wh 類 teal 賠 日 > | Eg x # a ag Cm ot て 千 5p au ー 版 備 = > i 1 i ト = の ニー ラス ms 5 PI aH DA 陸 志 xt ae ; =a ) Hoo We RR mek ge < 術 HO 項 —u a) 9 の 9 ¢ 品 Ai > HER LU Iga 5 C と ie ar サイ me 5 ( u ip 及 Se AD He ZK ) de Pea at ES aa . D pet (R プロ 5 ) in wk ニー ン 2 5 ao are, y i 永 岩下 : 瀬 ル る sie 沼 川 ta ? c a ~ = Ce 小 Ke mA] ; ‘ 7 ) as - に ey | Si 4 ー) 上 af =. Dewan ; ‘ BM | il ES RE BB ag | | 5 ‘ Af 3 oO 5 に =n Hen Al LS NE GE ER 2 0 ASE ae = 7 0 プイ 、.、 ッ トン トン トー トン ト ィ テテ ュ テ ュ ト k ESNN So uy ae se — ~ = > = <2 =) (eats (22 都 京 (QRWM+ | 1B | UP) ASH Bos+o | K+ ews (3 #3) a> RIES SI s BES se © (ARO+| | 回 | sna) FU に CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE STUDY: OF THE ORIENTAL SHELLS, Published By Y. HIRASE. た VOL. Il. MARGH, i909. NO. 3. Sx CONTENTS 3%&€ ENGLISH EDITION: PAGE Hie) SUS PeMSlOny Oh Met OMFINAl scas.ccceseatecdestarecassescessetvnuitocustanossssooass actesseraersszel lig SU Gaon (Okt SENS Sone OO 18. Two new Species of Kaliella from the Northern Districts of Japan INE Se, JRNS)SEOECOOPS508038838253325OGE も GOG8 つ COHDOO Zoe Summary-On Japanese Marine Mollusca(XXV)...csssessercsercsesssecsseeerseersteee 2g Summary-On dapanese Land ShellSCXVI[=-I)......ceesssesctsscssccrssesseseneeesectsens 24, JAPANESE EDITION: ies OMS pen SION Ok ftivene) OMniiellasczs-crseeatatetccncesae-tvaenonsceccsrartacaeeactenecescecevercanees (ey On dapanese Marine’ Mollusca XVI): srcusnccsccecee ERs A AL = SEE: EE BA > KE = ESR IA KES AAR 2 RA > 偽物 へ 代金 = テ MEA 2 Xn = a » ERT ORB A b > = iG HE = SESE be WR BARE Hi HEPA OB ic ei Ee > AE A SILA > Aa NRE os ~ BEE BRIE 7 > ュ マ と ペペ ジ 宿 所 A. H. PETEREIT, 8| & 83, Fulton Street, New York City, U. S. A. ESSAIS DE PALROGONGHOLOGIE GOMPAREE | = (PAR Maurice CossMANN> PRIX DES SEPT PREMIERES LIVRAISONS REUNIES 750 fr. c Chacune de ces livraisons comprend la Monographie séparée d’un certain nombre de familles indépendantes (Gastropades) avee tables des matieres. et2- L’ouvrage se termine done avec apparition Ce chaque livraison, sans comporter une suite indispensable. Ces Monographies comprennent Eealement des indications utiles pour Vétude de la Conchiy liologie actuelle. REVUE CRITIQUE DE PALEGZOOLOGIE, ~ ORGANE TRIMESTRIEL PRIX de | abonnement annul... 10 fr. Table des dix premieres annees........... 5 fr. Maurice COSSMANN, Directeur. 95, Rue de Maubeuge. Xe Paris, France. = we i it cA 年 上 Bl i ite mf # iy 手 部 TA ~ 吉 い の 頃 編 een i ae: if er 御 年 ao ae 痢 i ih 前 k ea 7 pe 百 四 介 ye = eg 定本 7 tye fh UT AC aa a aa | gee | ECE) ee yee Ge SOE EE EOL GS a 紀 持 穫 2 Poet oe oe ee EOC? | SER | th 画 ? 1 m< 12s | SPA SBKR)S Dy IeH oO de | Liga CSE WEE MOISE RN | KON C BLN < OBEY EE OIE 9 BH | BG PW ON 2 ESR OREM LN OWR SRLS E 1 | RGEEPS TES Qin You | Bw imoAs Wim Eee VEER NH wy K BK ae KL sees Show BA; SURKHM PMNS | RS RESeDs Ke eS om | ERS ] Sel AX > — | WE RoR RPS ia uae oa OR Py 屋 it ao Le (jg St Ee 地 町 僅 Ft oe ee. BE 3 = Ha 2 =F ee 寸 主 王 an 第 第 ge a at Jt _ 5 =. 人 Se & eg He ee 河 ft be & i 四 地 We oy A OG 四 寺 Pec EE ct WEB * + pete a, A pe 員 soa Sees ee oe 町 AGERE | BASS Hak he 年 ooc 憲人 iikewoo-mne Pe we Parse ete @ URBRY > eee pee to ee pn ype | YHOODE &: OD HAY Hie ede 5 i 行 Se ean oq Rk 行 ASE 話 ee 絵 香 征 .。 = Hic eICsE REED CRS it gy 謝 EW £ Baye 條 SE aS Wes a BES 所 所 fone BY 所 SE aS ae 3 る 研 る の 生 第 動 ン fl. x wal BUTE ie lle 東 東 BRIER Ey 2 = 4 直上 i SiS 東 0 oy ae 大 ミド ew. の テー ルー aN ie : He mt ALF ‘Be 友 市 se 定 毎 He Sar ei g2g 令 月 [aa 本 ar 定 毎 = uit Be Prec に に * iy i) eke 部 回 peal) 拾 ー ィ ビー SB | Tilt py DE Ewa Wy tt. 7 2 Be Se ae 人 aoe eur a en| pe f ee eal : Wait BERR Be fy MOP MT 4 じい an HH ER )IBEE aang fH ( 堂 fer ait He WES NK ; ee ACS Mt HL HR に 「 吉 一 理 一 幹 7B MB — FEL PRI SS Sere HH8S Nate や ・ で サー で も ーー D グ SR] Bll+mme BAcz +] ah | mgt] some Rete || ESE ; \ 118 も 1 [IRR Biro: tare rter: heise ieee WE EH (ME Ri j+E (MV ESSOK Of -F | he eM ani O ORHO,—> aA RYT Ore ik OER BENJI RA RENE VORSSER HBEN JURY fem ae no PP wwe eee eM gala ah JO sae es) CBN RR rng 1 Bese HX RUSE (AGE I SANA 0 SR OME Se OIE HQ BORO MN oS etn OWT SENS SEO OR BROSRM EU iH oS OX OSH He BO Wal Sue OHA TRE HRI OF AR PINOMRAS > 4.0 C HH 1] OREN FS Cam ree + 11] 回 THe] OF COM ON RORE hun’? BEE < ete Nom SY EK OY RO" FAK RSM MERKEN RM Act RE A NSU SY HE TRL NES AS tO 7 ERY do SUIIKR OREN KER 0° BORE Kay *9 | | HHO E07 EK WER Ry nD NOYVIE HES ARRY HONK OHMBN MN’ ORS tK Lovie OV EO YH oe RRR 107 HK a fest O VR EUS SA” Bitte ao O Kx NAW INS ORR aM Ro PRN M0 ge ] - oh DIK BR NY AS 2) 1] す REY AMKB OR NY" AIS SHS EE Ro PDO A < wa ie-s” AIRES Vite @ Am wre WE (ROU ME~ BPS Ae” MwA” SUEY 607 Dee wR RO yh Ain wHIK* TKK NEVE 00 © MIKVE RYS WY 407 VPS & ONE Y PRKERSEN it ORO S” KR ARKRY SO YH RY SRW SO Ue REN ONS” ‘Bik Joe FR ES ROI KH ROE 4 100 © YG -> HH CHa 6 OY 'R ( SHE O~ a KN OSS EAU SO -OERS SAR) OI PS Od RIKER BLY SIO WORM ONS 610 RON NERVE mys ot BEND E-s 4108 QUE Ht ROD WE Rin OG otda” Bf Mito melee RE OR ORY” RAN (MSE) IY pee DERN y XAMVSS PH OMS REONOVEE NPM ORWHRANEEOVE(LPQUeotth’ 長 (101) + | RK on SS” MRERROCNY Wi Ose C&R” FREE NUN Oe SOEKECMERN © |BOKiRSoN’ WV COREL IHES New | BSN HES ORY YR BON ReGaKir Pons Yaka KFS POR BR ARN yx! 111 HP ORO EK BENSON” KERRY AOR WT & ACRE 2 ie BSW) IO 4S -a uu SRN y MR, es wiK4 CSS S111) ー ーーーーー つ で ーー デーーーーーーー SSS 3 eu Kc SOME N Sf 50 oP Om © MEARE tH ne LACH BEE Dn 20 «BES 10 SK SE oS ROSCOE 910% HEIDE AS REIKO BR SSVI Ao io eB R SEM SMR MEH N ES O6 Kee TK © Mo TERS OQ aD OHI SBA Dated | RE HORRVEO | BERSERK BOL Kh wea WEK AS EBON EER OW) SE rh So WIE PHO BY FY ESR OR CRM RENUNG SESE NRE ORD [dr Ear BRD NRO AG 10 O86 OK NK SBR ee 6 AREY ~~ BRM ag +- p46 eh G4 ON -o Ey Mao 6 aR as ] H@ | BPE Sows GRR) 1] キ や (100) 1448 congenita Smith. RCRA O'S RHBTOMS RX OMLORNEME Aly” BeRews4Nouw , 5 Se Ne” Reh AML teehee 6° RR UN 39° AHR SHEN dO INE G7 SET UES ou © BEREN i+) «Bee vrSaaxn oe 4 SY RODA CL NER NIMES NURI | MBNA GH hee” KERR AhK Sa? ER KRY 6° RMN KR H19 «ANWEA SM SU PM So BOLO E AM ao” EK [SRG NRE (100 «BPS 10 OY" EA © BORSSEGCOMA G1) | BW BON SEN’ GRRE“ NWORS Ha ee $6 SIRE O00 NOAM AE NEE (HER VS ERM EER BOM MORO | Dro Ae <° POUT MPRA Yay CRANK | POND KT OR BRN AN en REE Cn = KKH A ERC RDA Koh HON = 6 BPO TB uk Se | ょ ) A” RBS Set KT AD A DS NEE COD. (MER WEKO UN OOD? HRI YAY REAR BOY O ON? NSE SNE ONAN’ PKR tmr9° JED YRUSISS NY OB ERR HEA 7 | | ath RU) YEE (ILL OWEN? OSU te N WAG 10 SKN UIE 10° | SRR AREA NWACVAM SRM” HOH MSU CKN KT ENA WRK) FAD RTH — MdiQ UREA SAT BER DNR SRNR aK MS 90 Sow NWRON OY Br Nye” Vrs? RAN DoS} PRU SO af 2h mo tH (99) S ME FAP te = wu SUES SNES tA wi PO Llu 8% RMBwWrAB ADEE VY S BS. BAB au dn SD WSIS MAiw eR” NE DWE SS” OMAR” NNNNBS 6 Koei の の Wes on っ nh¢~Sas < 一 ーーーー 一 “eaves ae call elon | 5H Ett ORO HIE RON ES WG 0 WIR? sto KO UBT WEB ORY AME ReW AR RYU SC 0° FRRSRRVREMSUOLON’ RM OWSSRO SRWANS NBD OS ASN EH SO ERR etO SU~ SUR” UNE S ー ーーーーーー つ SUB GORVEVMBEKSERS (-KMER FR () O1 PRO DWE 0° uN DV RBIRN 111 [HBO Bt ASO | A RH Se Kp hw bw fount E02 VAR? RMUKN SS POY + PSO Ro EK Na wiebAs Hulota senchenbergiana var. Sde@s@? Re | Pease OOK Ss bw UME DOL NHS 19° SH Bi OSS Any [wre Hulota callizona 1+ (08 ) eo + eH a A Sess eT NN Ae Ra A ca SBS th Ow OWIRN NU Sa Atte Se REN GER IK MN PINS? OA G-aot dn SELON ERY | HER S Nout? DREN vamos BR RE SAC ft OS OY NER nO ERY Sti” OH Lait POAC atte EL PRKM HY S OVER OBEYS SOU Sop. WL RON WER DOD YHOO RT ORI INOS OWE nN Fb” ORK FAS 79. Ri ov. 66. 47. 83. Kal’ella rwda Pilsbry. Var. Siar Sy Macrochiamys ¢erasia クリ イロ ベツ カラ フ 前 南村 山西 卿 , 肝 折 BAK. WAAL ノ 山 町 es doenitzi Reinh. ッ ラ ジロ ベツ カブ Nha He » | duleis Pils. Ae 7 AT WARE, HEAD, 7 人 南村 Wy 4 ae Wt 折 。 越後 粟生 島 5 hakusanus P.G@ H. ムク サン ソン ペ ツガ カラ フ 狗 前 温海 , 湯 国 川 , 上 ッ 山 の 5 の serenus Pils. & Hir. ABYOAVAT 4A 9 (?) Sp. Microeystina sinap'dium Reinh. モメ ペッツ カフ が ヒ BA ” yaga Pils. & Hir.@) yer ryy? MF ES Et P. & H.Small form) 町 , 肝 折 狗 前 上 ノ 山 町 前 上 ノ 山 町 WAR PAY LY Pe ae 前 各地 Omphalotropis strictius Gld. Var. 越後 栗生 島 41, Opeas clayulinum kyotomnsis Pils. AAA SM. 7A. PEA. PE bh = 34. 。 pyrgula A. Ad. WA iin PH HEL 17. Palaina pusilla Marts. AAW 4 W. VB. “4 ER EAE Im = 38. Punetum atomus P. & H. ミ ず ソン ナタ ネ JANG PDE, 狗 前 南村 山 西独 湯田 川 , 肘 折 。 Bee 前 松島 。 陸 (ote DAL EY esl ile i rota Pils. & Hive 狗 前 西郷 クル マナ タ 不 7. Pyramidula pauper Gid. パ ツ ラ マイ マオ AAS UR MEE IC AR 時 岡町, 堀田 。 陸 前 七 ヶ iis 金華 出 100. Sitala nanodes Gude. キヤ ウト シタ ラ MB NEE ke Bhi —. NY 92. —»; SD. 69. ., witima Pils. G Hir. ウッ ゼン ソン シタ ラ bE HA th. 狗 前 上 ノ 山 町 N+] ( 94 ) 25. 21. 95. 15. 75. 81. オ ホ カ ミキ せ で 狗 後志 町 , Fy BEAR = 党 M+ Kulota (Rofella) similaris Fér. 97. Kaliella gudei Pils. G Hir. 620 シ 2 MAAS kes» WS FE. AW it オ ホ キ せ で が ヒ 陸奥 丈山 海 fe lit i zs O 0 98. 。 っ mMutsners’s P. & TH. » (Piectotropis) conelia A. Ad. JAB 782, [ ムツ オ ネ ホキ せ (ie LRN os ( ぃ )horrida Pils. AA jy} BH 37. 。 Harime Pils. WA iit oa の )pannosa Pils. 丈 前 。 陸 前 各地 。 多 | 上 後 = モ ee OO, je ils, Vian FP ey »( っ ) 。 awashimana P. & H. heat B, 48. ,, lioconus Pils. & Hir. HAW 海 、 上 ノ 山 町 . 陸 Ganesella japonica Pfr. オ ホ タ キキ ATL RECUR AS Ih So Vor Ae 4 A, WA. Hen. PER - : ; the MEU, HE. ; “ 76. 4, multivolyis Pils, Var. oshuensis Hir. ォ オッ シッ キ ゼ カゼ 陸前 松 鳥 。 狗 前 南村 山 Helicina japonica A. Ad. WAH FRE, Peay ay as Se Up | は . , Pail | * 84. 。 otakiana Hirase. WA PAT LY Py os の 9 A. Ad. Var. FAL. Mani ノ 山 町 オ ホ タ キ コ キ で » 5 Uonensis Pils, 狗 前 各地 。 陸 前 。4 = | 82. 。 pagodmioides た ( の SS Kaliclla erenuiata Gude. 9 松 BAe NS AAW PANY WU PS sth aa 島 。 狗 前 肘 折 S0. 4, prealta xenmiea P. & H. » - fraterna Pils. Wik 7 山 町 , サタ カキ で せ Bry kh 2 Way. Ag+ — JPET 5 HEAP bah (98) 10.” Clausilia mieropeas ie WATE, RAT 14. 16. . Diplommatina uzenens’s Pils. Ih. BLS Se AE ht. JAB oy if % piatyanchen Mart. 74 Ah. 74 t& Be Wi. 陸前 牡鹿 年 島 っ eelieira Mildff. Var. 列 前 高湯 , 南 村山 西郷 陸前 金華 山 狗 前 各地 , 陸 奥 昔 館 ie i. War ae, BRB 12S bry. PERL ik ae, 本 恐山 PAT LSE. 南村 山西 郷 独 前 南村 山西 卿 。 陸 前 ” variegata A. Ad, Cyathopoma micron Pils. Kna andersoniana Mild(f. » veinfana extorris Branc, 金華 山 « veinfana Kob. Var. ie PLAY 2 » ugoensisP. GH. Wg の 。 vata P&H. 移 前 南村 山西 絡 . Eulota (égista) celsa P, & H. 。 ” 13. 68. 6. ota (Keista) mimula Pils. Var. コ オ ホ ペソ マイ マイ Ww Ac Ht. PAT LL Pa ee 陸前 鳴子 っ (Acusta) sieboid’ana Pfr. ウッ スカ ハマ イマ オ TAR FEN. BBE AE Kh WAT EA, 温海 zonata Gude. ,, ” WAR PAY UL) PY a Th. Ve WE Mi )peliomphala brandti Kob. 陸前 金華 山 » (Enhadra) grata Gude. ” ( 9 ) の 99 ( ” ) 99 » ( )inhuara aomoriensis P, Var. Gte. ) quesiia Desh. Ear aes a TA wit. EAN A He 。( 。 ) ow Desh. Var. BERK 7 2 WARE 山西 卿 (om) os perryiJay。 交 前 湯田 川 、 大 鳥 » (Eulotella)commoda A. Ad. Mist. Pent 2 Be Ei, ik ey bR + ia Sy aa Bi igaad ve th MK KK © RE) Wee aa BS | +e ARSE ES | 大 OFRENIE OM NTC! IE CM NBR SC Pe ONRR BNE ALA ac ud BE A HIKE SE SOMBRE NR RIOR VRR Oe NOW BR CACHE N HERE CERN F100 «M00 f Ohh HR SU BIR he XY SH 90 EKO aK © Rtv Eo SUE A YO RC RSE © ER RO iy 00 GS NER ako ae Na Ha IN BB KS OS KRLRY OREBR RRO HN ERIK CRAP EOANWE Ko A ARR RUS $< 2. Alyceous pilsbryi Kob. ビル スム シオ ヒ TA TM HE PAT 1 PY sey, nt HF a TWA Ws BE. 31. Carychium nipponense P.& WH. 24 ays FA, PES Bs AY WL PEN, Be ip Ge. MS DRL NG AF AA PSS, 南村 山西 郷 Isp, BE a iF WA iyig A 5 FEL IY, Ei 西郷 9, Blanfordia simplex Pils. nodulifermum Reinh. 8. 3 90. Chloritis bracteatus Pils. ion 。 Pils. Var. 陸前 鳴子 。 狗 前 上 ァ 山 , 南村 山西 郷 , 肘 折 72. 5 pumila Gude. ie APE REP, <2 HEY 10." Clauvilia digonoptyx Bttg. WAR PEA, PEAY WL Pa 51. ” hyperolia Marts. AAA RAT Pus 52. i japonica Crosse. Var. 狗 前 南村 山西 郷 by, の » iutemlieataP. 77 it Bh oe 東田 川 , Me 類 介 = moby FI Hy Se ir igs oes = (91) H-Onv | ONMCS) SHO? ROEBOESSVANB Yt PrORARC OY, CPB PNPSENV S08’ |] EX@RoknBWZt ws cwemR’s” | BNWEw RYH ONS RACHES | TRuetiSwomvxks ONE SY MORE WRB ROY WS Tak © HE NK Tt SEN | CIE NB wr OUsO Yo RORRCRRNAN IH IRN 2% NH AT Y HP RK ORG ORS ROKRN LN’ M~ CIR AR CR SNE eR RO LN Soh OM oO OPIN SES SRM 010 10 He” BES NORGE OY 60a” MBAR NS 99 EE EI WG 10 Sat RRO S VEEN OH Sci HOV ew” BORER CB NEN ON tt SOM Rw AOE BEG) dy HH bd 00 Ur BREE WG xc? aaCb N11) OE N Hs MIE OD WEM PONAYRRORV SS sJ く <% RSI ONO wi gp fos KW AK CORNER ew ROWE SH OM Nit olay Ord8 & 1 i “my ly Nm や! リーン fev SRN OM CaS | By PAH” (AK = > NEOPM | K = & SURES ^ SxLPotv ik th ist ne 4 H の る ii HY -S 0 sofa Y CERRO YEW? ーーーー つ — — S588. _ aS ーーーーーーー & nn Vw eyo @nr~ Ivers 6 Gea (90 ) + 4 ia WB =. a Bl 28 m @ MM tA1) ai) ¢ HERR ROO” WE MERRY ae” RR BRE O MENA VY I OME RV OHNO WG 10° WKH KORO RMNiCK 0 RW SKN" UXR OQENERV OPENS Rv Ru etibwoBuk S(O VEeo MOREN SO POM” BEAKAYUSS DY fhe RO” HN Som~” Ree OE RH WER” BX UE OEE NK HO VIG POA” BOX NEO” SMO EME WIEN RO DY” eens AW S QWE10° WM” QpOP RYU M~~ Rain ws ae |a7 RUNS HS OW SO YH? RORENVERYVIR His PONIES’ KERR MAO SS" RE NEW O POM” NLNREPCWER OS” HERD VL RRR B EN | EN NWR 657 Sit ORE VN ERER II SK EES Heb ( THK IHS © Sts ORY Bev” BME OTK NEED iy oY N BDV AE" BX © LASERS AS ONS RRP Y OITA 10 BRK = + KOR” PEM ORD yy’ WR Va OM «Uo ISO INH” WOMENS YO BER HERE HK dH th 00 2 NRE OAS HS NDE AEE SY INSER YS 5° MOR ORIN 20 GE” RGR HERR 087 RY © WHE KEES VK OW” HERES OS RIE NER SH Mog x SO YHOL Tf DAK ERA | RWARONSEEE KK TORN. GHP ot HR = a Se IS MH it Ie Bic 溶 の KH 7) 次 i Se at a oe > BI 2 3 か る 計り 』(c Nie pete, wie. Cum ae ID A i gi) ? Yee Nee. HE ey |G ge we 等 見 fee Cet | ih OD な eh れ に の で の せ fifi w を ポ を 附 mw < を Bb ie hm Y Ke HR て | ぃ Ore 5 Deno Or tle rose oO Ce Pa GH ab INN や UM が 4 なこ の 0 WS ahs), Gwen Ul MEL SIA ie Se OOD BE ee 門 Row 形 を BR 6B 6 KR © 形 は 光 K me 色 を $ 研 明 る 2 2 Bo oe Les O° Ie Ta NS IS Oe sig 0 eee 曲 を 似 が 細 る + 居 の BK し Bk Bw wk 2 64 Km B で em 8 Mm い Kk Q © BR & も を ii SE > ro Se) BREN OR oS SCOERH BH ASH sew REA S AACN NCE Se Te. [ROS a 6 SEM RSS TS + CHO) Na RS fou +E HOS RO ER ROO SURE” Lom Boe Y su OY MS A»O” Bae CHA WP 10 O WHE 190 RISC NORM © de | ENT HOKMY > RAM OK aE! [oN mgt Oo Nw YARN RYE Dn XK CZONITES) 4 NEXy-o] MINS > RH HEE P. laponicum Pils. CAR SUR? BRE) 11+ 11) ie thea PE” |<” Ru” HAIN” RISRVOyVRRORS NY Bey (° RE NEBRUR” Brews ORS e~” BE)! HG NOV ER oO ROMS YREP oR wot OS ~~ Oy S~% EAE Dy” Ba SRO ys SEDs] KiiwP A RN Ao EL HY RSKLEEN OVE OSA] SKS ORB E+) HHH! AP DING fr > Rae ER’ P. japonicum depressum Pils. & Hir. (482 87 11] BIR) sgeitieinn” eet GERD” PE” BIH RA BR We Row Nea PARR PND CO PMO BO Wau Naf ahrcepared Ra M- | RARER SM FE’ Genus SPHYADIUR Charp. IR USM OGRE NOY Ph RUE Y AH 4 HB (VERTIGO) VBS .0 IRM COMERS Oy FEtmsO NSdfbx-” THD Nine Nou th~” Bete RRR HAMS | HY (Dr. V. Sterki) QERN ACOH Ane R YEE NINE fet DSQNW AON” EK OFF RE UR rfl (84) Her Sees = 4F Soh i ew ato ind ZL REND) ARS FERET M3 | RIE 7 > bh ANB D0 A Ht we aIW~ 5 PLY OY! SES A HAS Rod.” BNO Bema) |Bt 00 NHB BIS (° BOR oO Romig KR 10 HEIN Go Y ET QB 1 HE ED | PARMAR ME EE’ Genus PUPISOMA Stoliezka MN RSV Oye 27 Ree at ASHE AC Su EYES 1S 10 FBS 4 SS SEEN a US INS” BOS ° BS" KREN OY EL £is.0 IRRE SRW iCiy” RO RNY OY RS RS RRS ot OO BRA Ee M10 RAR OW REE Se tie VES OV Eo UR ERIO” DIME SO Best Ht RNA aI | BRUM Sy Rowiewnk (7 Ber owe Be ES HON SHE OR Sh oa | ie RSL URN” Kan RT NT eS DDH NK ox | RE CSE eH OHS YN OY” Stoliezka Kae Phi RU EEN EY” y. Millendorff as FRUPICI- COLASES VEE AUANTHINULA X ZOOGEVITES = Sl ailsy AK R&S OER A im yens er KOmey RY h None HR ORY Oi PTYCHOPATULA PrN SBP le RRA CRY TL OBA B19 」 frp > AM ee Ay REE’ P。 orcula Benson. QRS" Eye |) Br Heke” MEHR (CY SR A (EHS) HE ASH? RY AIBN” MEE OVE" MANE Sm (7 KBR Ge BRIE” BRQoRe~* BRIER" RESP Y* thee Jove ne? 11]IBH” RA° SH Shi Bh BREA BEE RS Fa BER yoke? Bema BEN Oy +eRs.” Bedok" FR BWV ER NEKY SEV YRESEY” BoM NK RROSREBRWOY BENUROR Ba Y BIN BIBER EB 4e” SHAX © MERA BES OER 9t Qe BIRO | Me? Ne Beers Kony YB NER SION wee’ RRO MEN OY Bug Rw} 07 DISA test NY OY RO | MUSE WIS | HURT ANA RAR OKRNARPMS Nl PO NOY isin tito eH O~ R~ SMe NEWT” OGRE YEW Y CER Sow] mh Nea Kae RE P. atemus Pils. & Hir. GRR RFR MRI +S) Se? Bm ae mK SHORE Ty?) pe 1 (GE Ra” BN” RoKSN Oy Pie OBR (° Boe SwRR Hou wi20* Be BEN OVER” SdokK~” SO ESE Mm” RRO URN EN Oy 8 RRR REO” SH RE att se | wa KH. SP ha MWB KRMEL SAN OVY RBH PBL AMD RMIEY HV BORN ERO MeO AK RE P.taiwanicum Pils. & Hir. (SRR? Rt +1 ie! 1+) Eee PE [1)BRS-7 RA” AE” RuR SN O yew ( Rens 07 BRIM tins wot” Way RM wit” BEI El S26-c VR” ROVERS O OREN Yyitv HEE iwik~ SEL] R (82 ) 46278 2H Bick 2she= me Se Ce +P) oy Se CH RAER UIE SR I HARRAH FE’ P. boreale Pils. & Hir. (aR) RX RT | 8+) (+) S Bean’ bE BK” Ri” RK” REE Oye’ & MEPS REBEN OY SUK RN RVC RY CREKV ERR” Beko” SEMES RH ERY ROVENOVR~” RRA peta PR OY RBNOARS | HKECRANE BOs | MEE SIN Oy REL | SuSE? KY WIRORAKNVNAoys BREE YO ARR RRA RE’ P. ieptum Westerland, peo ¢~ BED BESESE © © | HRY EEE AN mes 4 CH Noy ty D ROGER NY A420) GRAB Rl I+ MR 1+ | BD) RE | * RH] ew" MNBoy se HeK~ HH SKYERNeSe Rol (~ SHAN RBA BEREUKO Y SW Beray HIBESPRR MH BISEN Oy ORR OV ERNE KO 刷 CONV" SIM HS NSE EMH ttow | RS BRN Ee Nous RoKs~* Revie RUS OS LIOR BEY-o | FREON Oy te sy NIP) S-3 | Koh s RY NERS | BER 2 Nw ae b KO Ee | SDP RRA RE’ GRRE’ Ri [+A [+-NB) E> waitin Lome P. japonicum Pils. = ae ME RM Ft BG ーー* ne ihe (81) UK” Were DO EWES RS CORDS ys a? SMI IO QOS ERIN SSS NBS EEESLS ~ | WE DE > maT HNN Edu P BENIN EN EI 2 MORE WE ORR EWR” RAN SAev ERS ORE WING” SRS CSTE EY ORK か MAT HA INNS OA PMN OY BHM Oils | UK AMA HAIN ==! HL. minor Lam. GRR Ri + he) Re I RVD nm NH お か で の 多良 用 シン KE SROCRE REIT) HR OROER MICO” RE ORRIN | SS = ーーー ニ ニニ CRW SRE C+) SDR HBR 2 HSE Subfamily ANCILLINA aHQDAKBR 2H +’ Genus ANCILLA Lam. mth Vv XK — A. sinensis SoWD. C4 Ns ae > ER OMRE 24:0) e TR’ PER Hee wh? Out? 第 | ス 氏 wot Si eG! ey 明 の A ee な 剛一 A. nova-zelandica Sowb. +4 tHw ENE RN OY 4H INS dep Kas A. inormata E. A. Smith e+ NEX< Po | SSUES So ーー ーーー 一 ( 80 ) SW SIRIEIR (1440) YMA HAN IN 28" EH. conoidaliy Lam. GR RB’ Rii+KH) So RPS Kama” 4420" glen” (RAMEE NS OS an ポー こま ゃ も K め や) Ww” | [PHAR RAH 2X ASHER N67 EE OBR DY TE 20 SS HeRwo 1° BEEN Ho VIR HOM SR aH © MERSIN Ec 10 SE IRENE © STIER M10. TN YIN in NR~“ WO DOE RVs VRoRBVDON RAM -ORR CON HHO HY HER DOW EIR NTE 7 SRE SS OMRON owwIKin” BRON OVERS” WAR {REMI Ra” HESS ORRAR! [BEGET HHEENOY’ SO BRII CERN EKO” mV ETBEAES (“ETRE NK SRE NW SO SHINEE IO” BSE NESS Ra CRS EVA ROWAKN Oy tiwr O° mihi Dj O~ REO RT Oy ~ RBS MSD” BEN IRE OT Re HES WINES © fy of BH ay So RSI RR” RTO IS NER” BER RY enw OSD | RR HKERN OY REO” BRON OY REN wR 96 ROSH RBRVS K RS 6 Wik M10 BER PSRUNXSsy WEL REV ye | SR AKERS DO EKG) OR EE NIT" FRE KS eS Ceri YN EREH © BES URHSRS <> YY AKER 10 KASS © SRB Y Of PSRON OV RAS ORS Y oR OR x0 KWOK RVR» | CWARAATS A AIN BE OH. nodilis Lam. QR Ri] +Vw) yeni” (ESET RT SA DN ar Sd 7 Wr sete —— = mR Nw bene WY RP UN 1 [TEER HL TTR RT Rod MATA INAFOmPSSNOY, SRE wae 第 ws ME RA 介 x _ —_ x — FS” sito SS aT © JID BE 4 BEES NY HH 90 8 WU © BE RR SU RB 9 AO SSR DUO RAKE ONOY” RANE ORME UAT MWD” BRE OQHIRN RUTEE WHR” BES Hers ypgIvyoy Rw Sew Ro” Row MEAD woiiAI” CS OMUSRMY | | - Hvis | AMANAING. Family HARPIDA. De CRE INS Oo BOW” SHY OY RS Ne OK EN WES EERO ] RRS KS TERE Oy BREE S NIRS tere NO” BS | Bae K ISN OV RS SRB AIO” EERO" au Rw (7 RY RARITY | > MAT DINO | BS30 6-4] ASMA HANINEE S/ Genus HARPA ham. KERHSREROIMT Reso YS)” ARE Ne KMOERUHS VKSVMWITO’ HEHE MOHD? REBAR So OR MERN HOV RRS” GS SOHGRD N DURE tn N UGB A Fy OED VE ONE ya SUAVE RAMEY © | RE 09 ORT WINK AMM EKER N OY HRN ER | CBWE OV RENE’ RBORP ORR AKT N SEAUAT He hn’ KE hD EZ KA SR OREEH N iittero REN ® = R OK Ssh VIROL ONS KO] KR OLN SMH K MBE PO 8 4] MIBK SR RD eA DKW A YHA OY See Poe” ete VT — oe ALK(Dr. Ang. Sutor.) +44 Wid DS Dae INS WD KIN RIN RAORS] Kah R UBOR TREE WIRE YO e Ow pa a SUSE HEBT © EKER ERR M10 MRE AOS” RRR DY KERR He ORWIES ONS NNER ra 4S AWER ERC +4 BANS” PRINT [RN RO BREN N OY ~" Myo (~ HMR OHM EEN SO RRw wie So L UPR MMS YUH BUR OG! CERES ON AN R URN ESO HE Oe WENO” REN Rtn” RS 100 LN Btn 0 428" A. rubiginosa Swainson. -= A. albo-eallosa Lischke. CARES BREN ]--8R 11 FRED S° BE RISE” ERR Ge” EER’ (he — SN) PRART PRR KR OND) wk 1 [FP RR HHT PH RR RUSE SO KM Kav~* BREE Ry SAdn wR” HELMS. SU PIKE 0 SHR CO BE MH WEE WD” BT VY PRS RN NEED ON REY O Ree O~” BPEOUEXKSMO LEVEL” 器 TCU Se Sw” SSRI MO” SR OEE BN | << Qsifel - aet NOSLARSMS | SRT - ORR WLEK BPSU OREO SE KS HEE XR WIR ON si |RHOR SN SROMCUR MEBEOKRR BRIE RAVER SI DY a2 | GEES dasa phou D220 OA ERUK NER OV HOW S WOHEMES OREYEO 2 Aid vB 6a nw O47 HEWN Ae ee ee ne RONS ERO YASSER RE ORTIE WY 6 O° KORA OY | RN | BCR ND OOO ONAS | EONS 10-29 KH ORION One pov Hie) 2 ml OBER LO SRHSRR” GN ENPIER NERO yt” Geeaeiwro we BNE SOV SO? BS ORRVRHOVRH Oe | TREK 10 DBO AN | KR 19 OW 10° COSTER WHY Ny SRO eER OWN KORY REEH tonne KER HG 20° SS KO ーー ーー 一 HRS SERBE (ITO ADNANKBR 2 YGE Subfamily ANCILLINA. ANS 46% 2 FE’ Genus ANCILLA Lam. = Ancillaria Taam. S~ ORM VERS” Fie Rv” IBIS OLA AL ON RK EERE | Noy Re osm SRB tor! sete 9 1) 5 Wx KS OVERS RO OTE OPRY Ry Rr” ルト AN RA BEN S010 Rw ROBRUK~ NS” SROERNGR | 33 RO” Besu | SHEN to VEEN Ko 01 PENO1 [BE 1 Vikev | Sew 7 ~ S40 VK RS C76 ) + ifs 月 た 5 Ki2OKRY EV ei Bm Hea aH trast ORS NSE iE R | ADRK fee 24\a SieX< TS k Si SERS E RSH SS aS Sl Miss E fSteSsesi irons ERK BR YOSe CiitpariQ\ " BRMKe ya” ®~ oss S^ REC Y SH St ere Rem ALOU EX T{MORVYWN ROR? RIMED RO Hy OMAK HE Ae ET BBY NO oO HRM WS 19 e5 NRE OY 7 RUM KOY HS OM aH So KO | meow NX 人 KG 会 Bevo SEY Sebew RYKPHERION DLA MOM SHEE BI ON° BEE SAORI OO Boos RiS Se 4 BS C6 OM OMB NR 6 WS 20° SERGE CHR” BSN REIS R OHI ON © WSO OSU" RBI T RW Site OR ON He MEH OMwKOVHORSSW’ CH Bere yiZ RMR Oey! DE Reet YS 9° Ri #22] OR BY’ BO | REx’ CMRSREO THEY BON SWOMEORMESOANOVEOER Ho PPR CO POMP SES MMO LON SHY XC BY NEN N TOD NOY RGM er Hhtpn wn gr Sohtel t A H t ee Dp AY WANOW- ュー MA を ふと トル At や お AN を 3 中 人 や | や な 月 - 第 ath BE RA SP ーー デ ae we 5) Se 11] $0 SR 11) Ss myo BT +1 iH jijmei [emo ZeeRBaaa2sa 222/22) tM RX | im BO10 WF WRIE OY Reon [GbR ¢ 10 Hous ONS WW SRNR w7 BSH NV IK oP BONS 選 OBS | XV HONS VIN MS ECE SN MMRE— DS R07 PD Ade HU OY RMN | Hb MUSE SY BY NEG © SB) TE HR I WEA MES Onc (SAH HERO MEN | BER RY 190° Cr ek BIN FE e009 K#OkRYEY Ear 19° SRS eS in we eR qede AO ie HBA Eto NEB St SOHN ASK WR TBI OBES DOR) VERN ih HAA CRY SOR? YHA OM KUIRE ROSE DWE ON? “ERE OEE a0 HOU O PIR Ww HE RUE S | BovES° EXP RORN Or’ RR 1 | RRO YPHOLS, BHO yo] BiEx< 40 Whit EB ePREE NYO Sor Rye s” ONE RKO E ( OH UMOANOY HMR A. TRs0 SUI OV BROT SURE NO~ MNINRO RIN GEER WIR 0 Bout ORO THE GONGHOLOGIGAL MAGAZINE VOL. Ill. PL. IX, 34 JAPANESE LAND MOLLUSKS, (PL, XXIV) ( 版 四 十 二 第 ) 類 貝 産 陸 本 日 20. = と al Punctum leptum West. (Tryon, M. C.) Pupisoma orcula Benson. Punctum taiwanicum P. & H. Pupisoma japonicum Pils. LP. japonicum depressum |’. & H. Punctum japonicum Tils. \ Sphyradium eCentulum Drap.- ) J Punctum atomus Vils. & Hir. THE GONGHOLOGIGAL MAGAZINE VOL, Ill, PL. Vill. Be7\B= SEMI MI で ター ep DO) で SN NN === N NNN CN » JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS (PL, XLVII.) CHit-e-- DBAS ) 34 介 産 海 那 本 33, 35, 34. Anceilla albo-zallosa Lischke. 37. Harpa nobilis Lam. 36. Harpa minor Lam. 38. Harpa conoidalis Lam. THE GONCHOLOGIGAL MAGAZINE VOL. Ill, PL. VII. IR GE R= A zERE JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS (PL, XLVI_) (HRA PUSS) Bip EMR AR 27. Oliva irisans concinna Murat. 29, 30. Oliva irisans erythrostoma am. 28. Oliva irisans tremulina Lam. 31. Oliva irisans Lam. var. (?) 32. Oliva sp. Biv. E. は れ 前 間 yz RE 72 VY = om 一 共 か 人 金 本 別 誰 じ 方 上 SE の Bi ee A Rm 告 で を の は RZ Mi CW TR MA RE KB TRED RMR S HM rik eh Ai Th SHU AE Hu k ORR HE REAL 人 ム BP Cut nreerik cH BR AB eek OT he ae 御 m@eOURAE( #AOR Oc 4 i Bh il wAN CR Ee —- BL KB ete) OIA 前 i> op Hoi tHe °° ER CO wo ke Te ewe RHE OK le FOE eK Se Rite AR € < BRL Rom mM +e hE LHS LARS RAROD FG ae De) eee: ea Dee et ae ADE rey ; br db % Fl HF AE Ame he EN UR IDG 介 SrREBET 9° す 事 事 を 上 ム 村 て よ に fe ey ee oe SS 250 DLA Die ea ei ete ee HE KARR 無 ら は 書 eee, ee ae: ele oe (C&O wie 6 hsm . Hs om ae は FA oH 年 {XK 1 Hoe 科 a3 部 AHO RMR CC 区 HOD RF am i 館長 月 し Yh Bi ae 4 ak dined a en ©) me @O@ a 前 fA RIPE pe 2 & Re WA |e ~| 金 必 ce) pen 3 a ee i gee 済 oe et Hl BOR at See OT oe FeRAM OS | Agger HA a Fb 7 mei FE np | 所 ct me | St eC EM ee HU gegrge | Fl 7 REAR bts 印 ¥ fi Be Bt lime | YH Bg fh EE AS gp i |e I> HHT I 大 全 全 東京 BAA AS™ * Fl | eee? tea Fp 7 ame z|°R | > x eo Be At ab gx » 者 ] [i 2 Wht 2 Bip 系 27 本 | 7 Hib BSD fe BEE soe OL] RE) 2 =f > AACHEN BE A HE) IRE Sens BIR e « em met OT) ap eee oe 商 a He Peel ee Ful SE GE nt (FE ay 信 に 2 af He 2. ee | yt ait = = Ey | See =e PEND 7 eee fa ako aiset [ot tte RMSE DI BR RD BD ae ae 月 | eyes 2 ズ 度 oh 文 本 候 HA PA +H | m+ RoR PRBS Re (em | Bl) +m ee) (ORRIN BRAIN NII CRIN INN INR NII IIIA INI (RR ES) し よろ す ム マム サ | 第 十 四 治 明 Pa Sos 月 第 日 十 ニ pea ーー HE J 3% 回 a [vata at フィ KER | ig (Kx) mK REECE N11) WERK (Kx) と Ea x CRS ie (Rg) Om HEED) (SI) OS Be (Loith | CO MEM BORLA OME E IRI—-1 004 # Ra : nat SEO EO & IN OMIKCMROMMEL1 1 O1—1 08 イィ 4 イイ ポコ へ だ や の RE Ui gde 49 2 NEK/ (UK RORR CORRES | se SEO マネ マス テス マニ マネ マス マス マス マサ スマ スト AAL SES EK +ES LI +S (QNg+| 1 | Seay) FESR Tee | Tre CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF THE ORIENTAL SHELLS, Published By Y. HIRASE. VOL. Ill. APRIL, 1909. NO. 4. Se CONTENTS 32 ENGLISH EDITION: PAGE Summary-On Japanese Marine Mollusca(XXUID ee Summaru-On Japanese Land Shells(XVII-I1)..---+sssssecsssseseeessssessnsessneseneen 26. Summary-On dapanese Land Shells XVII )..----:cc ssecseeesttesssessseneeeneteneene ly JAPANESE EDITION: On Japanese Marine NGM Nis ACR Sececc sees eee の 958 On Japanese Land ShellsCXVII)..--s-sssesesseeseseessteceeeeeteeneeneeneecencennecencanness Tits Talks on Shells(X-Il!) BY T. 0 Habits and General Economy of Gand and tresh-Water Mollusea( XII) On the Tand Shells with fixed Japanese Names (By KURODA) Promising Exportaticn of Polished Sheats of Haliotis (By H. INOUYE) ISCGIIGTBOINS 半 0 135 Corbicula of Karenuma, Hitachi. The Use of Shells(TIT ) Informations of Sulscribers with the Suspension of the Journal. Notice: The subscription price for foreign countries is $ 1. 50(3 yen) per annum. AII letters and communications should be addressed to Y- HIRASE, Shimochoja-machi ,Karasumaru KYOTO, JAPAN, THE MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. ーーーー ーーー を ーー マー Founded by the late Geo. W. Tryon, Jr-, and continued by Henry A. Pilsbry, Sci. D., for the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The Manual of Conchology is a fully illustrated monography of recent moltusks. Issued in. octavo form, in quaiterly parts. Hach part comprises 64 (ormore) pages of letterpress, and 15 to 20 plates. The TIRSm SERIES, Marine Univalves, of which seventeen volumes have appeared, is now finished as planned by its illustrioas founder. Of the SEGOND SERIES。 Terrestrial Mollusks, Kighteen Volumes have been published, completing Helix with index. A few copies of Vol. IX of this series, “Guide tothe Study of Helices,’” will be sold separately at the regular subscription price. Separate copies of the Index, suitable for the purpose of a Catalogue or Check list, can also be had at $1.00 each. The Monograph of the Bulimi is now completed with Index. Separate copies of Index, $1.00 each. The Monograph of the Urocoptide has also been completed, and Vol. XIX is now in progress, finishing the study of the Achatinide. Prices:—Plain (uncolored) edition, $3.00 per part. Colored ecition, {5.00 per part. Fine edition (both colored and India-tinted plates), $5.00 per part. For further information or descriptive circular, with sample plate of Manual, address S. RAYMOND ROBERTS, Treasurer, P. 0. Address, GLEN RIDGE, NEW JERSEY, U.S Aa illustrated CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, by F. Stearns and II. A. Pilsbry- Paper, £2.50. THE NAUTILUS A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CONCHOLOGISTS Edited and Published by H. A. Pilsbry and C. W. Johnson, Address: . W. Johnson, Business manager, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Massy U.S: A. 0 TORE A A PEA EO Ss Dae Ke ALTE = SEH we Wy HE BA > Ve ike z Alek HA AK FEE E HARK HS 7 IE ai ノ si WN AR = F ae ee a ) FRE wv Le FAH b BCH S eH @ EE = SCS FE Se WR ARE a PE Oo Oi AS ets 4 ES air ee A ONAL A AMT AaM aH vie ~ HE nk > Beth ク 旨 テ 申 込 て wey 宿 所 A. H. PETEREIT, 8i & 83, Fulton Street, New Ycrk 9 UNA ME へ [v4 ; isd ‘emf ito | ERNE | S18 ~ Met Ay 1 > SRS CRE) RAWRES AM RE RERGSSY | filwiein Oe ROSA Oe SB Bea REE WSORE - OBBS eae: OX REE OSA (CHE) ORFELKE HRS BORA (HB) OESAVRE ei jules ey OZKS Wee 理 aa Pe ee HWE RS OF EK CER OR 1 に さこ に p a pee K im 1X- ie ぐ wilt! "eau F REALE QUT 、 REKEORS owt 1aiex (S| Le hae : Ret ER te | (oy sreecel gs き 寺 (まき ) O'R | WR j 24-0 O PREY Bo OREN Vy RR eee ageless ee ae : (eR ee ") EARS) RR ee ak aces 2 KR SS ECR 人 Ed = B ita soe HE と Ren MSE a ie He | ee me kealeie REHM A eS fal | Hix 2 | a ee x ot ーー ペー ーー ペー ie Stet) t+ mijtmate ee SES | OsSeeH Babul PS, ae nai oe eo eae (re ] +H mie) eee RSPR | eos ¢ ke (+E i! aN BSIEI+ 1 (Mi lm+Hm Rie a Of fs We wei i WR HKmMe iS = Oe tn K heat hf SRN ARK Seer rem... He See Or by <2 3 SOE STE dP re oe PNET ETE Fe Ry ERC LEER MK | < ae He ( AD) SM wee ELLA. Cir San UeOEes itunes eG EEE x 4 % eS ey = m HB Pe gS PROS PRINT ee EUR Pe fz 邊 xe で eile Bape tan RRR CHa). eH CRRER OME EM SRE S Si : t Fitm Sr ee” |) ME ROO OO ee ew ee He tHE eee mew eee HHH THE ee au ae * > Tmo ioe Hae Ae eee ee ait 22) dy RBH K + #8 ont emotes # ASH ERE OREN. KE HS © oR é 「 | MRSS ORE 0-H) Rie "WEE ベニ ンス 密生 人 (を 3 | Quremgae) Ss 人 (ARE) OLeeeeO Speake CEECH Ea eau oe Re ithie oan signees C PRIX DES SEPT PREMIERES LIVRAISONS REUNIES 150 fr. Chatune de ces jivYaisons comprend ja Monographie separee dun certain nombre de Y| familles indépendantes (Gastropodes ) avec tables des matiéres. ete. L’ouvrage se termine done avee Papparition de chaque livraison, sans comporter une suite indispensable. Ces Monographies 4j comprennent également des indications utiles pour Petude de la Conchyliologie actuelle- —$2208:-— REVUE CRITIQUE DE PALEOQZOOLOGIE, ORGANE TRIMESTRIEL PRIX de | abonnement annvel..………… 10 fr. Table des dix premiéres annees........... > fr, Maurice COSSMANN, Directeur. -95, Rue de Maubeuge. xe « Paris, E'rance. HHL | 。。 設 政 論 組 な 本 § 000 0 co TEE | ape Bea 7S 2 一 wR 江上 Re 本人 tt 9 ん を 回 多 は we @” a Len 行 9 加 一 る 数 見 人 回 の 目 加 方 の ei toe 部 第 NKY OD Hh BS cia O Te gm Ree ip fg. OW 5 所 報 歩 記 本 近作 9 て : て 作 話 寺 剛三 に な を の 部 部 H oh Bae cages Sip h 2 a gPae wie Wine? Tap E * oD aga Stee | Ae setae pe 東和 | pee fel a mr 行 Bes: ee Paes oe Gm ie Vai Ht Th 2 eg: = Bas, Syste ere = eg 58 REARS. Bek m0 Re 復 月 S212 [Ble Be ee ess FP Bet aa pa 利 met oat る ICO a | Fu ae Wig 8 a ct | SF EB CS inc な 史 を の 閑谷 前 ーー Evi SiN pa Matic 名 lah mA HBV e: MSE Be Hits PIL 2 & すれ 件 切 易 の 録 Le WE ベル 但 な kc で : は 人 駒川 Be SER SRE be eee 所 wien * mH RK BR CRORE KER m Re th te i RERLEVS4. Bri? Bee) foie eee ane Bark Kail < SERS NERS? AR Oh HER AX AREESE Pc C&S Kew ARE EXE NE 5 ee eae’ gee Kas 9 ENE Ma SEAR ye | BERS ra SOn TR PM EE oN A + RAR RE トド Rika eh eae he * 較 | ERHSEA RRO HEIL HRA Ba BES ISR 1 \tbipitts 2 << RMS? | BRIM AR Bnd] XK 2 A 9 RIBS ARR. K Reeex | | RI | この NG SG eee | Be | Smee Sos ~~ RGR BP C&S k REPAT ¢ 15s RD, CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Vor. III APRIL, 1909 No. 4 SUMMARY—ON JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSCA (XXVI) COLUMBELLID 箕 . (ZYPICAL SECTION) Columbella pardalina Lamarck. pl. x, fig. 45. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. v, p. 108, pl. 44, figs. 59-66. Jap. name, の の -zzzZ Mokuhachifu. Loc., Formosa. Columbella pardalina tyleri Gray. pl. x, figs. 39-41. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. v, p. 108, pl. 44, figs. 67-74; pl. 45, fig. 75. Jap. name, Matsu-mushi Rop.-kai. Loc., Japan—Pacific coasts and Sea of Japan; Shikoku : Kyushu ; Loo Choo. Columbella pardalina japonica Rve. pl. x, fig. 42. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. v, p. 108, pl. 44, fig. 65. Jap. name, Shima-matsu-mushi n. n. Loc., Tosa. Columbella pardalina subcribraria Pils. pl. x, figs. 43, 44. Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Philadelphia, Feb. 1905, p. 102, pl. iv, fig. 23. Jap. name, Hfime-matsu-mushi n. n. Loc., Ogasawara. Columbella turturina Lamarck. pl. x, fig. 51. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. v, p. 109, pl. 45, figs. 80-82. Jap. name, Maru-futokoro n. n. Loc., Yakushima and Tosa. Columbella turturina borealis Pils. pl. x, fig. 52. Pils., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Jan. 1904, p. 13. ay to THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Jap. name, Azmze-marz-futokoro n. n. Loc., Hachijo, Izu. Columbella versicolor Sowerby. pl. x, figs. 46-50. Tryon, Man. Conch. v, p. 110, pl. 45, figs. 84-96. Jap. name, Fitokoro-gai Rop.-kai. Loc., Japan; Loo Choo; Bonin Is. Columbella varians Sowerby. pl. x, figs. 53-55. Tryon. Man. Conch. vol. v, p. 110, pl. 45, figs. 97-2; pl. 46. figs. 3-6. Jap. name, Chgjimifutokoro n. n. Loc., Coast of Kii. SUMMARY—ON JAPANESE LAND SHELLS (XVIII) Lupisoma orcula Benson. pl. ix, figs. 30, 31. Tryon, Man. Conch. II, vol. ii, p. 177, pl. 53, fig. 67. Jap. name, MJaru-natane-gai n. n. Loc., Kyoto; Harima, etc. Fupisoma japonicum Pils. pl. ix, figs. 32, 33. Pilsbry, Nautilus vol. xvi, p. 21. Jap. name, Aivado-mariu-natane n. n. Loc., Hirado, Hizen. FP. japonicum depressum P. & H. pil. ix, fig. 34. Proc. A. N. S. Phila. Oct. 1905, ‘p. 710. Jap. name, A/ime-hivado-maru-natane n. n. Loc., Mikage, Settsu; Harima : Kashima. Sphyradium edentulum Wrap. pl. ix, figs. 35, 36. Jap. name, Naga-natane-gai n. n. Loc., Chishima (Kuril); Kushiro; Uzen; Hakusan, Kaga : Ibuki-yama, Omi. THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 27 SUMMARY—ON JAPANESE LAND SHELLS (XVIII) ENDODONTIDA:—PYRAMIDULA. fyramidula conica Pils. & Hir. pl. xi, figs. 37-39. Nautilus, vol. xvi. no. 7, Nov. 1902, p. 77. Jap. name, (Vatane-modoki n. n. Loc., Suimura, Awa (Shikoku). Pyramidula (Gonyodiscus) pauper Gould. pl. xi, figs. 40-42, 43. Tryon, Man. Conch. II, vol. iii, p. 20, pl. 3, figs. 85, 86. flelix (Patula) pauper Gld. Kobelt, Fauna Moll. Extram. Jap. DP: Ssepls Gene. a2: Jap. name, Patsura-matimai lijima. Loc., Hokkaido; Chishima (Kuril Is.) ; Saghalien ; Ou; Sado; Tokyo, etc. Lyranidula pauper depressa A. Adams. pl. xi, fig. 44. Jap. name, Aiva-patsura-maimai n. n. Loc., Teshio, Hokkaido. Fyramidula pauper hachijoensis Pils. pl. xi, fig. 45. Pils. Nautilus, vol. xvi, no. 5, Sept. 1902, p. 56. Jap. name, Hachijo-patsura-maimnai n. n. Loc., Hachijo and Miyakejima, Izu. [Lyramidula elatior A. Ad. Tryon, M. C. II, iii, p. 46.] Dagalet Island, Korea (A. Adams). STREPTAXID. Streptaxis heudec Schmacker & Boettger. pl. xi, figs. 46-48. Nachrbl., 1891, p. 147, pl. 1, fig. 1. Jap. name, Vejire-gai n. n. Loc., Formosa. Linnea (Sinoennea) twakawa Pils. pl. xii, figs. 54-56. Pilsbry, Proceeding of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila- delphia, 1899, p. 525, pl. xxi, fig. ro. Jap. name, Zawara-gai n. n. Loc., Kyoto; Shikoku; Kyushu; Chugoku; Tokaido, etc. 28 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE た . wwakawa yakushime Pils. pl. xii, figs. 57, 58. Pils., Nautilus, vol. xv, no. 6, Oct., 1901, p. 65. Jap. name, Yaku-tawara n. n. Loc., Yakushima and Tanegashima, Osumi. EE. wuakawa oshimana P. & H. pl. xii, figs. 59, 60. Nautilus, vol. xvii, no. 5, Sept. 1903, p. 53. Jap. name, Oshima-tawara n. n. Loc., Oshima and Tokunoshima, Osumi. I. twekawa miyakojimana P.& 日. pl. xii, fig. 63. Proc. A. N. S. Phila. Sept. 1904, p. 631. Jap. name, Akyako-tawara n. n. Loc., Miyakojima, Ryukyu. 人 . twakawa yonakunyinana P.& H. pil. xii, figs. 61, 62. Jap. name, Vouakuni-tawara n. n. Loc., Yonakunijima, Ryukyu (Loo Choo). Innea densecostata Boettger. pl. xii, figs. 64-66. Jap. name, Aometsudbu-tawara n. n. Loc., Loo Choo; Kunchan. mnea (fHuttonella) bicolor Hutton. pl. xi, figs. 49, 50. Tryon, Man. Conch. I, vol. 1, p. 104, pl. 19, figs. 14, 17, 18; pl. 20, fig. 24. - Jap. name, Somewake-tawara n. n. Loc., Ojima (Hokkaido) ; Okinoerabushima, Osumi; Taiwan. Lanea (Elma) swinhoet H. Adams. pl. xi, figs. 51, 52. Streptostele swinhoet H. Ad. Tryon, M. C. I, vol. 1, p. 109, pl. 17, fig. 30. Jap. name, /anashi-tawara n. n. Loc., Northern Formosa. E. swinhoet hotawana Pils. & Hir. pl. xi, fig. 53. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Oct. 1905, p. 736. Jap. name, L/iime-hanashi-tawara nm. n. Loc., Southern Formosa. (140) ee te PY) ee aA = Ry pare & bay 2 = # a He TRO ER INS 6 RUIN D> 4 Siro NY SSE SHIN (ROR SUN Y Hoe ARO 44 “DEERE EE GUN 00 NER ON 10 NERY RR OBA MAB) [LR YR Ow HSE CEOS ONG WEIS OB" 12 HET) [+N « ORR we NEI SHO LAND ” | ふ 半 を き 尿 つ だ で 千 め ッ 圧 尿 G 旦 ゃ 守 事 氷 SAV AER ov NR VON Revkh Os waeO N SEMEN Ne UNS OKs | SHR WRK 0 HR” BREE C ASK “A WS | HB EOQNB~RY a (ie / Ko SMeOR’ Bee EVN VYESXRESRSVR Ce] HKO~ Ee Oa ne OS RRHNL OV SE ORCHARwRe ON WOES SOMR~ MB sutnre Nw USED py BK OM WERK HRY +E 30° PKS HRBR” Be KH” OK AK S KE PBNERRO MwMELe R- NNSV0 | 68 Wl+ss HA NASR C Bde. Bde 20 RK 8” NS! | | NARS © IRN BIAS 4, O.WRE ES S KER WE 109 gl~ ORNE CHS VRB 19° | Navi SS SE aS ee ーーー ーー ーー の 4 a LPL AY TN MARINE Be NK RIEIN? Aig eee Mee NRALARNAIAET ARN Jif 1] Ht | ゴリ ae (Re) 1 « . ー コ ノ t No de KO @ = Hi ak ME BL IP u 4 (139) SRNL Y TN erat OSB MER MON SUS OER PRS IN XI? ORRIS | tee 6k TERE YY HESS 10 ERSTE | © Sige | ORR VN IL RH S ANNIE OREN OR + CRO R~ HS Mi Oy KEE oD RRv HOMO MORK (CLE, ROHAN A EEK & = ORE HE BR ERIE HEY NTE KG PER REBT KP © NGO th SHER RN BY AU KERN EK SOR OPM MER ORS NUERYauSPONy MEN KM VERNER N 0 «POM OY tv Houttex IRO Fe HRB 4-06 “| dk I A Ca ee = で や N CSRS HBS EBZNY ES Pea VEL OS Sik~ NE VRBO SHEER RRA NR OM ONNE AS VERISH EER Y Hoy ott MREM ROAR A6-9D)4 OMEN 10 AWE REX z= # Ke] TERRE RK 44 ~ 90% つ N 8 £6 20-46 2) SUA 416.30 Hh 5 610 Sat Soyer RAwvSBoRD KNB PORK SBS wy Rive Gt jis SS HIN Ene A Be (Ki wemKNo) XN OBEN Y ECVE EEM A Qs OS BME nd ~ SH WRN ERIN 42 SIRO BMER ROY PENT BH OR KY Y BiH j11+-Rwm asc fee oN EN BNF ORT [FARE SRY ROQ WYO SH MMe URR Me RKOSEET Awe pore YR. STM RH oe | Hl |LASORS BW IKD O 4 SO Bhd MO NEIL MARE S Hoult DF 4m 1K XJ 末寺 | Keto” (SMBOR | Bea PHO) (138) =H ese = + WY Hate # Ed WATER OVER Oy” BQO RHS 0 HE KE OIPNRON? a” {rH O< FRM ANE DONS SHS OY KERR O HRS MRR POD CRON” WR BORN OAL OY FE 7 ‘ARH | Bvt S (KEV OVEN WAR The S (8 Rd ew BOR CHEN (4 50 SHENK FROTSA ROR SEBS ON MAY Te NEWER SRY 60°? CiMitienw | HERS ONE O° ACV ENTIEH OBR OM WO” Ra Rvs Eas NiKkwe SAN | つ ^ Kim BR SY S uO ER | MERON Si” KH ARE AR ABR + ONE Y we” WBew YNQMY IE ORL SY RE QwWRR S WHE Viti eo OY Gobo u-* BVOQDAOBES SJ や MUMS SITY GO RO” RR SHES OER OR +E x Hwee YY” BARN Y PR weer®? gin Oy | WIRES OMG" RAYS Go) IK? HEY a6 hb” SHS Caw HP OLS VY" KES ty” hv Oy GX ® た 5 aL f ei 同 す 情 i あ 所 の が (< る nf w NRW (2.2 O 第 で る QR HO No KiB GSN? を HASI 1 wes Foard © HYG 0° WAR Kim 4-9 [SRR KK ONY | RPMS Ree OR CR RM MARES ( wom Qa HHS NE RSE IRS YY SSR OBR WER SIRE QU PH HR RSS SHR ORBNE OHO SENN EK 人 IK} ed ee) SrsSR © SHUG SPS AK CE NN Re KARR BRERL OE OSBRU KOVR ONES ONS 0 BEEN OV YR M0 ERY 10 SRR mes me SH yy, 4 HSU OY KN RNS SG OY B09) IN HIS He RW Y PRK OMA OV ( Ne UNINC (NRW (SMX a RBRMN | SPO y ewe OLS SKEW OK < YS yO y thik Ree BR RHE < UN BRIEN SEY R00” BRS SY Booth HUD YRRUMERS AOMVD YEO BRS y TAY OC HEN TER Sy RRR IK NUN DO YHOO ACORN OY RD SRR ( HON OS RERUN IX SS BR STEMUE NS SM RS HIS YSN VN OKRR ENV S RW BON MOD Me ORTH” DK< UIP OREN OSM OE EE BBS AO COMVEROVMK HEN CON NROYNS” DRHOVRY’ BoyRewSayer MINGEP ERO © ONUBOS SP OLERN’ SE SID VIERA th YG -a ft de RO NR AE Nu BAS ttn” SHO Y HO GIVES HSS MMO # Es SHOU AH S UNO POM EAS SR tmMEN’ SD HE SIN ¢ SNARES VES tee Rw G10 SRRRET OW Vit ERE UES CO Yt” Kaus Pk ANH S YH th a WHS Yat th a OE ORE Yo Nw CAR SVIPN YER tte 9d | ME |TV ie © ORRIN WH~- su] | FR O pH” WY ROKK SP OU OS ORE Sei 6” SRV OPRRONKUNL VEN SE KE CIE WIN OY THR VR YEW £.0me CYTE -OWINYAN W720 YE HS OnE SS WIK AN SUN S62 BERR HIRI SU OY SE < RE NN SN 0 NS HOS Pde” KEL RON A SUR een I OY OY MOA THEN IRIN” SOGHwWARP SSF Hd Zot | FIR (RR Sotto GIR) CHSKERER HOEK) == Se WOKEN Sy RMOEEE feos NESREKBORRNEY OS | KM O~or UEglll (136) Saas Spe scarey gE ai WE M438 SAR OBE <4-o7 5 ・ 六 < 一 ーー マニ ・ ーーーーー ーー ーー ーーー ニ ーーーー | =. — ~<> = ZONE PTH YS BSN RS pag o RAR Los ーー > し 3 =a nes xy Ree NSE へ < Ww EAAER SE Os づこ > G ihn LO SAR SRBH-AARRIHMAS me OY oi 4 =. ah HE HA th 談 sls ly {Us る 計 の 常 刀 を fF fe の VW 資 tz ill Fae G3) 孤 沼 8 Sie eS pe 1S oO ze pee ae She ra) Me ay ID) Drs ee 財 Be 35 uO My bw な a Th eS Oa 県 she Sapna 2 aK 月 る 5 呼 OO ar (が es ea a 2 に YE Fe ww 之 HH 四 Si ば ' が ER の 症 還 NE wa te TE By hy の 細 と を 者 A 氏 ik 調 は tk の HE Eo た つの なこ か ント 米 Pc 時 Wy り 5G al 営 YZ け る 見 4 WwW 此 ム LB > ら 0 こし) で の MA tie 遍 Or G95 HEA WN ee) Se oe Gee カバ ゝ ib ゝ 2 ゝ ヽ 下 Eu 現 の 。 & Ase ON Oh Ae Seen る * tm & 料 料飲 : 個 昼 Az OE st © eI dk oath. Co emg Wears MG 1-236. ta Sh 2 oe SE es BRS SN AS SI ER SE an 本 2 A em か 見 3 。 思 ) 見 に a ま 多 I で CO Beare Ee ee NGI は の iro 7 Dt eae Go KB Ee >. CS Neches on oles er (omens ome ers) tae Sib. Sp ES 1 ee Se Ie eect (oor OR GE Da) — o> Re naan ES DS Sep er ee ae ato Coot oH Bl) eee oe ae の JNES py (aly (CaM Wale by ett age ee eaten 31) CUD”) sede = 1 A ee! al ie で < & 高 BS os) so. fh cis CTR Sep i ws “he Sle Vole Gen cs Ae DS. 1S Oe だ | Sa eee, oy の が RE ee el A bee oe al (134) Bais Ps Sees Po) te 8 ] EES SES SREY SM NO! BURNS RV REE | 一 SBiEO 2 O Xia RY Sith wie ~— 1] sR C+ = x4 8) wr N )#x~ SRERYESVEEOREYE PN (aes ee mars [HBS HM OSCAR ORE YEE <8 11TH SU GL ewes [ae SS MIG Me WSR OFAN! BMV KeWRORWeO! ER rn) | PU a+ vSsr+s ME ye AS OWE en REMEELMNOR ewer 5 | ens Bin +11] ZeX QwEENRSYOsO 。 四半 は だ SBPTR | | lr NEL K 8 Monee eater 2 6c kVeRekK +e Ka te me WHISTLES XN Be SS EN 1 ig] 十 固 Sa ras (SCO vee IETHER OA ALOR K O10) REE HER 0 WILE Bay > Swi PPR*S PIR PRYS 1] Bite | ws Er y NRES ORDER SIRE Hi Pe ジン 。 = a 6 NBO VSS POLO hl WERK RSOR HON SNES SKU RR! BSB eee! RUMSEY mA ME 類 介 mb» 第 誌 Hie Ts MN eh As RES (SER) Bane 4 1 示 4 ‘i 田 RR NC cb 0 RE Gh SO Ine G10 BEE Ho” HX Kas erat Ct RO a) NY BRR © HE 0 Wawa” HORRY THD HOR RUKH’ KE CEH BRO’ SHORE’ RU KSROMROR MUN HO TY PME D2 BNE ORR NHONG YS 107 MY IRS uk ke NY Hem UH RE QTD 1G" fa FEM WS Rino Hwa OEY ODM | BRE OSH WEA” MRKKNEI OMEN OMA VULNORER WD OY 6107 BOM OREN SO A US Me OUR at iy COMER YONA” SORMMNE SMES B30 © HR OBR -S 0 WIN C BRE + ORE ORES NIKE IN OR NA RE OK NMA WS $0 HIS © VINER MHEG 10 i-> BEES HK OMIA ON ON KRME EC O@RURY Ea res) SR SE SST IKK HEN ORR WHI «60 QW" RECRREM CRANE YON «0 £SS< BOY HOO” OKT OOD VHD 41610 OE 107 RRR OAS S FON | BYE CHM OLMNR シン の ズ 公 低 5^ RR Ht (HME PUO NMOM’? Kee SOR OY” | MR OMS me Ni OY ~~" BB Pi HR 0 BS RR SL ~- SE RABY 78 OW I HK Soop EH 9 Bes ae ae Ub Mp St Soe ey © BASES WD Ya sere & ORO RIM Aw! YL KS ORME WIV RE Vin Sm/ PRAM EN Hp reR (2 Ea! BTRH) SRErd~ (ESM Bee rR +/MER PENCE aR) A iB GRR A sO0! BE JH OBS yan’! ROE RY | Bit een wih Ayn Kow MS MERGES! HOE! Be EL ABR! SP KW VIR 27 OORB I Bay I Vgape! BRK HERM ORME OOH &! ] SR EISEN BRI! RAORRS VEAP NO so! MRE TRIG N HR OY AOE CA IRS RS NB) RR GME pe b owe! PREV VYBEotR|Norwogyvd ばけ の と SG AHME ORAM y SHEEN AY 6 1 SRR> BSE Cok RY See’ BESOIN. | BOSH MORENO AY’ GHME ORE Ath~ WR ran | BIS HE CERSNR PRN EB PS WER a 2 ot i ea eee dL Be: = a I’ KRARA RS CR’ eh ae Dy & y Bee’ RHE RIE Sy RRO SSR” BRN BER PASE NY [O|-shitte 10 OMS SU BK NS SS SE SP NA do 10 o> ORR ERE REE SEK go Oy ayes Helicina reinii expoliia Pils. OMWAYERY Helicina japonica A. Ad. OQ id RKO ph bP aD Ode RHO EW DY tv REAR OSC BRR 7 KE RAH PAR UCB) BR EO Clausilia martensi conerescens Pils. KOR AS’ KS KS Vi | = Hoe ae PR CHS) Ee BE OW] Od] Ol Cyclophorus turgidus angulatus Pils. TAD a bs bw CHR) GR BR I 1 [OO Euiota(Enhadra)caliginosa Ads. & Rye. INH hw fw (Bek) Re ee AD” AC eR Kulota(Euhadra) peliomphala brandti Kob. D4 MR RE R ES OORTLON EO ENK YR YAW NON OY EA OR MS OK Ht OR RESON tee Nou Y OI MON BEBE 2 [ete PSR IT! VM y ROS ORM Ne PA TD £600 = QDR DHE N SN SE) oN OY ne PRD EO Cyclotus BRN BES 5410 Y AUP OQ NIE A Ry AREER RK © Ih POM EIN Ah SRY OR RAN OY EKER AR aU ony 10 RBA Shai Leptopoma vitveum taivanum MIldif Su FE ink ei) MINE OLR NORE VIS ORO STON" TUS AE tem NR RA HD AO PERT A RR hy As 9 EWE D910 ダコ] ーーーー pS FS oe 介 (131) fee URC) RO Re OB Bl Bie “Hyalina” QHRUSEER ORS HY ON FIA 20 + BBR SUMO FN KER EE NEB m0 POE buh SERGE) 下 =) “Helix” Hw BRER OBRKREY hulota BF a¢ Ganeseclla DS ORMRN RNA” “Helix” W907 Ox is wh wP A We RACER) Buliminus KS RNORINS yee Se Ena Leach. YEOVNw*ezhea PAR UPR 也 当 Clausifia Drap. ME eh vw Ih ル or HRC BEER) iE Coclopoma KBMHRVYSSRVE SUS な ふつ N Abc aAKpR= Kw Spiropoma Mohan so. SMO EK ORE OL Oth Aa RORNERS a ne > Sf > ERY) fe ゴー Cyclotus. MARA R URS) CORNERS EPA > BGS) 4 Cyelopharus Pa eR BRCRER) LE 4 Pupineila thea nS) 契 4 Helicina {rok OC SRST HEN ORR POLN WP ONMHNERL ge $A WP te gr BSR’ bf wo IN fp ak BER! Kaa reiniana (Kob ) Spiropoma japonicum(A. Ad. ) IS pf Aah RR! & fe & AM oy Bese! ne & & > BER’ Cyelophorus herklotsi Marts. Cyeclotus campanwatus Marts. +? (180) +H id OH Ja, Ea a Sl ee a Shimana P. & H. NBR AI.0°% ie x REN PS CS) RR RT 1 Tm Kulota(Piectotropis) valgivaga Schim. & Bttg. E. maekensii Ads. & Rye. Rees YO y SHY KN ES DHSb wh we) RS BI IN Ch hw bw tein OE) Eulota(Plectotropis)shikokuensis subdivesta Pils. & Hir. Sas HS Af “Helix” setocineta Ad. $410 PQ aH 4010 AUER £4 AMBRE IN 5 KEK ASU BM Bet Og Rib) SRN POK-TKO Y setocineta +E. (P.) pamnosa awa RG BAVERSO~ |” ADP NPS hw (SOD By Ro BI | NET Evota(Plectotropis)trochula A. Ad. Se) a Be BI Ce Kulota(gista) mimula mikuriyensis: Pils. HRHNP SESE Ra WK RAND © Po (Bee) Re OBI I Pyramidula pauper Gould. Abs h (Se) Se ae om KulotaCtegista)friedeliana Martens. bh e— in PREP Sb we RB BT IK ee NSN a hats hy OM RE RNBMO NURS rA RAP Sh (St) RS BI 11 因 央 Trishoplita cretacea Gude. RBH O60 4s SNE Ht 2 OBE Gt Dahesh we) Re I se Trishoplita pallens Ehrm. RAG RS NCSD RR BI Se KulotaC Hgista) kozensis Schim. & Bttg. KEL” DR Se SE mie’ SwekKSe X Heit> * | AE Bt || | o ぶ NAS Biniosn yyS 6 か 油 = wi LY w Sato HH ce — ご (OSoGMBAS wee LAD a> sw“ Bt =e a = beeen ee Or a が ba Be Mc Sh ie. = 5 | MF は は oa fi れ = | が AE 他 He lz 2 に 著 介 の 限 eS 0 og W = で 。 | AN ‘ M y en age MUSB fay デ シ | 。 Mm 概 物 WM Bz + A «| dE pb LD at I は re | Wa SG dd Sar ik * Pa Pe 棲 党 Te) ah EZ レ eae 2) EN SG Tae Zz ial) Po it \ 一 4 ト ee MGR Sal ee ン 2 スン が は ん 動 例 | ング i 7 i 物 と ス we ly る A # ゎぁ ゎ 見 ク ee: Hy) zh) ee V/ Jt | ら « 38 の モ i ラ 7 = as ise サ す = で し Wee aol fa る w b の 類 lv > V1 ギ る il S Ge a He mm 7 ° fk 5 宿 fe A eae の ココ な な 海 の つ A 回 Un RE Wo ae 2 の Ne AR SPR Se ie m@ た H fe St aa | ig he Sus = 種 の i りー Gc の — peee @ 38 Cy 2 bs 内 a 4 に び rl 区 = | 者 世 2 。 | 信 E k # ぅ た 洲 あ ん x 2 5 4 jj te 事 が の 4 << ド | mm 情 Fl か ey せ の ん 々 fe : る PF tee こく が | ee ee ee He tp の 燃 は 理 る ar 習 目 由 の まま 2 8 8s f (a か る Ww 詳 だ る kd か 詳 _^ な ち =a GO KG 小 GRRE TREBACUU oS 党員 る ③ ま め iat Ub RM = Wr X= oo OBES | WSOPE SUAS AOHN OSA SERS OMS CH BRSROMMES HOe® oh GS Cs ー- ss SS \ Ob Eth TES: Nt ° ン 2 て ペイ 2S Bian os Sees (128) + eM Hees Pe ae = x So DORR? BRITO pow re CBN IR SA EE ® SWS NZ mMROMsSOw’ NBEO ERX NEB fo10 © ME 0° Ta iny CROBORA |1]/a- 0 RMNiRO Y MMO SY Ete 9° NOR Bw ye RANK | NN as K [US MAR N = RENO RI ORE TS if Nw IN DS K+’ NAywow SKNwW Rsv” ame ON wy fh ~DIVIN DIY MOR NO Hy 19 Neri WKS CRORE K HhASK)O HHS CR Res a6 志 人 る 足音 BERK NEIY OWS O Yueh” EXERC +8 SRwWOIY REPUOLONWES 10° HCRROM SRENKY IE OC RMN OM~* GR RWI NWO” 遇 BAN OY DY MERE Sh thaw" SIS OUER ARAN” RENN で 4Q xnO oR ORME bn AONE BBO Vw SKN WUE 10° DANS HRT —BO *1 と me Nut” SBS に ドン MILO RM NO OCS + PA SEND YW LOU Di -* PASCBORM RW S fhYwe wih IN ORR HE TK PA SB wt KN e く ^ Sr NERA YAY? SSNS Go SO yee 0? HOLE Oe Ma RA s@um QAPHH AN? OK BRN KY ORES He SHER RS at ME 類 介 Cee SB a he a £19 12 で め ぬい の EDIRNE Y W109 Raden Ts rn © AxSKKS GK’ Kael” Kisii 6 RO hae, Y* 癌 包め 前 きつ yo9 hich ARK 一 ANRE KA NENA CRAY Ay? Mose” HE ROMHNIROYy” Bay wraes NEE AAG S ARN SUG 30° Nt+< 2 ws Roa PSK rw eKaTan nt eB lor min ThA Rh KW SON O SRN HEY OLR HAD CR = ae ROURKE ( NEEN S ORK EQ ORB VR Y Bo 2 HEH AY WOo TYR OER Bd TH DA Eh OK 0 ERE Ef 0 = HEE 10 U7 PG SREYW MNEBRODNMS 0° UREOR A TR NDUEE ( ing OY” RK ES ORIN KH ON RIE C MINS OM SEAN OMG? SENOY WK SHEA SSRI ON CR RD WEOY CY RK © ES = ーー ニー ニュ ュ St VER OVE OA YW OCR OPK ATA WD b Oot YS KK ORNS wo ( eRe DO | NR HR BE DD ACK w~ ” eH RAK SR I TE 0 OD SUPT DY ROV A «POR S° RH eR ey UHRKOY th BY DO PRK ORS SO SK ERR RRR tt Oi 6 SHIEK Pin Nae HEN C ER eid | BRO | mW? EBD S VAY 10° I RA ぐ PRO BAO” AXKTh EKA SH BROLNEDOY’ BO DvEA~ KEM 0° yh VERE OSNE LY ad 307 BKM C RA AK a Keb ae” ORR ORM OY” Yn anita” Wt] SKEX UND RL 519 QR su SA NIG 16° x RLNSDIEIS f how AKA INAS THN ROBE AMI IN Ko RN m4 ] SIN Y aKa awh DEB R44 O h SWE N ES” $5 UTR Ht A D8 10° BIEN w A Nw + OR HENRY HG RK" 6 ee UR RR HERI 0 Ye 19° SKK P= NE VIMO. I" CA ho HEP NARUTO YO y7 WHS ie 5d SAK N SUG 209 Raho” RRS 6 RR MEER OWN Yweo MOA Y Reed Heh -O MEM MO POM KN OMOYNMROMRY UE mR Siete” aKa Hm S ROR OH NEES OW SAN Qh 39° REANKTP RPE KM BORN YRRw BRED” NP aR TR ERAN BARU S bye ip WG HERA HRD Ae wy" IM SUE o Kast NT VAANORENNM B Ni ONWAEOEL eR” NOOK” SHUM SYRS NWS 10 7 PRR O° SOMERS Y Bitter Nw 6° EM ATi る DkO | mes NTANR ANNES eee NKANP OM, KO Bitsy? | BS DN suas” ROL NY ( Sw O” AN aK | HORRY CRIS HK) Sd ORK RP AK TKS WOW NAR BEN Co Nite tH4= 00 HAM SO TRUK O ArxieNyT hah is Wah NN NYPD だ K — a) Ree | 4 WERT DOES 5 POLES 5° 9 て An OV RH SWS OM” SO RS OKat S PON ORO YW BLES NMS wast we 9 SKN WIG? 川 二村 ESBRORW’ BROmMwiyn’ Poteeowr QS SAMS 5° | [REM ERE WER SO 7 SRORKRVRw SSE MRO PR’ EROS MINIT O YarO° WEOBE™ KN = BN ARY + RUNROMB MW REV AMEO pwo DAKE Y INA Hwy RN~° DOK wn Oypes sae FE WH 1 PE Ry OWES 5 PQ AE? RHE NER RE ORK ERNESTO Yo NU E10? W ~ Ot CEP RUREROREYN’ HELO ORA Brow SAN WG O° KEE MIR ORS OES * Ph RBIEY anh No ORR yy" MS ORK NevO 2 VOR RWS” TR WR ROG PO WIAA nn? SRO N RS Do BR OMNES YR SHO SRE” SHeH OQ Rib WI ヘル PRR URNS 7 (124) BiSlee oe ae ea BH SEE $+ CRIM’ DOMMOREwhM POEMS? SHIGEO WN KSA ek Reba” SE ORS YO AS DRA S FR UR ORR ROT OR Poo RAY INS INGE A Pek YY 20° OK MAR & PEEN ORD uD VRE PIN 0° fy Td 2H Ys KES? Jeng CRASS SSeS TE dead Sak I UWE Oo Wes eos KH | (| [OB MOMmBx” HOWE’ Ske KK HINER ROR ー ス スム ス ヘー ニー ニーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ス ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー eta QHZ N XS RRO VSS OS Ci mPOQ UEP Rises Ker H nen 4S SR KAA よら K 区 = こさ SAK ト 一 本 私 NAS RROPRRY WO’ = SU KT KA Nh = KOR KE SEINE ERI IOE Privo 5° WNINEIORN fal HE の i 如 We は fis 其 像 の it SK TR の な Mt Hh Y | 地 ネ i es We id at > は et れ EK io. DD 人 #& a3 法 le を 心 る を A hf 破 め < WF 自 完 ら せ 種 ら ん a の す 時 人 従 珠 BK Mee Tesh eee oS SAKNYS MNS Re ay T ae Of \ 4 に AR Shc a 5 Corn My a 3 wie 2) S aI AO te TH = 1 PSmrS ov RSNA LN ON CRN NYS 8 CBN FR > So 78 pt >be 1 ay SOHEE = で ーー ‘a Ay SR at ae 授 1 a5 7 氏 4 Ai i so sy 6 | LSOHAY a> v - i FS OM LOAF SA HTS ec OMA BS SHSNO HANES SN LCM at に 3 D Ws (= ye eS CH LAS Red WS Th LS RO IR CON + < +H pecan 7 ae hy ご SBA | HH os HAE > vos CBR wim YASH SC wh PORN Ss ニ つ a HAW UNS BEN Os 20) (1 ーー ズ Hie te Poi HH 月 四 年 m Cr NID ROS fe SD AER HN OY Rte aS ott te | « ER FR Leon に NE EE At RRS CHR" TEEN” PS HA KOE HE Whe RAH MOB PD wey KHER? VAR HME SK A HELEN HO MEIERN ex PuS Ls | K oN 4% IN oe] FREE’ Section ELMA H. Adams. RS EST BEN Oy REIT RRO NIEN~” SIO 4 EWM KX D> | RARE IN FRY (+ | Be BRAT ] RRA +I I) a MeL Oe wR FRR” Rl 1 [RRM RPE RMR OY RHIC” Be K~” BeKode ~ BSW BKC VR See ye Kms ORS Ram (7 ROTM rt phat O* 444 ENON ] FH ATT Sf RK IN FRE! H, iwakawa yonalomijimana Pils. and Hir. CAR 1 FR BRAC | RRS +1 ED EW RIOR’ wk | RR BTR” a7 4 1” RSE MN KON NRE ORS Bf we BRET RR* BS REY’ OR ORS SN-o7 BRI Vet | MAK | HAKRARR 4 IN FE! BK. densecostata Boetteer. Moe RIN DY 介 ; HE 類 三 第 ib ie UE H の Gal 7 LINS de ERI BEN Ae NEBR USO? NUS RRA 0 HK NES THN TOR dit © 30] 1] [EL O KoW Fe tt te 00 & 4 INR VY [obi 8” Section SINOENNEA Kob. NOvi2” SORE” Reve SN les っ の 人 WRO” 窯 ロ それ ン ” Spy NY Ghd & 6 INDE (ELMA) SSN STREPTO- A$$ 068 yy se | RLINRY 8 ( 絶 十 1 ER A+ RTE = aR BUEN ER’ SE mew ] Ro Rh EW” RUSHES WO K~Oytn~s~ Bn Bee SS” ES 6) BER Bett ae SHPO” He iS EK. iwekawa Pils 5 } HEME YR ON 10 BESS SS tte” SR Nae de ttn ay do PRN Bs OK OR MRE ESS VR KN “DY toe] [PAIS (ERE | GEN SY ON WK ° BRI CSES” QO~ KS” SMI EIRN NS” SNS’ Rosn~” Ailes He * CONE as eR” Hee OGM YRriwot (° sii R~ Oy me MT TORRY NERS 0 | BRN Hop RU DOD” & ey VASE 1 [MES SHORE ~ Ee QIRIRN EO” RRS OU OY pean | ETERS DY° OE ON mo” RV yi NeSo| CEXNOWS- | HE RINE R KK ONEIOCRSNEN POL OPS Kham | {0-3 | md 7 =e Se RK~ HHO Ste £ IN\ eE’ K. iwakawa yakushima. Pils. We BRST Ae + ) (116) — + Oia Wi BP 3H 4 mS Re ( TK) 7 ARO ARR SHO” We RA I has 5) Dw Bh io VIR 3 | KIB OM ORMNAREOHHNS O° NAWON | BRITA SS BRIE. N ELS | MSMR AUK” WR ee Kuk” eK OV TUK RREN ON” HE BNO 4 Bao Ro” PRENSA SKA the (GLANDINA) Nip Ow” SIS {+.< | KIRWHEEKER HER MERE ORRNY SD? REMY = hp PSECENI DE | KhIRY FE S. heudei Schmacker and Boettger. QR+ | RB RE+K-RE+KE) B yaiage- ES] RR RRR 1 XR eR? | eC mH? RS OSL RUSS HOE N Oy HEH OS Ra” BEKO HH +1] rl" ER” BRE Bo pe A ee TESS NY Kote” SOIREE OR te eT Q BES AG PRL TRN ty” aR GP ACER © BRIN BW Oy NES KE © BESSA 4 Noh RON Dev BEK ME D2 VRONERN av? MO SERN MEO” oar BOY Ih ~ S-om MOU REN KES Rem (7 頂 N1 [ER IC Oa eR ei” SH NN BPRS oy” SER | Raed C4 Row NES wes pe Sot~ BRINN Kav eR | PRE K NO” EER OY? 明 1 NSS BE WES 10 NE ins ue” Zee oS Kae BNR -9 | SUVs | KA IMR UTE RR’ Genus ENNEA H.and A, Adams. MAtn~7 Bw RMS" Rohe he wt” KERR ¢° RN ERO yy eS (115) get HX see PET | ART RAT IRR Mot aN S PwAhawrRhNOVYEEOR NEN で - KANE SPS Hore BMINOY’ DO~ BBO HE | | BIRKS OMEN OVERENES EY OO! | HWE < Wah Se AS P. pauper hachijeensis Pils. CQR+ | B° RE+HE) KAN Sw 44 = に LH OmMBlewO” BE Re Pin” BESEN Davek ATR | YOY? ERE NBO” 人 mo SO REE (TK ) EIR | ANE SP OMKYUNR ANP SF WAS wPUE >| REN OY” HEtRE Oya] HRKRAVSE Family PHTILOWYCIDA. KH 6 KEUHERAAREN OND YEON ISR TN HR 39 | eh SRE Family SPREPTAXIDA. RE SRE YO Si KS Bek NOVREt | BR MUR RW ww” SR RIKN OY” 功 Wat HEN SY KOS Sah KAY NE CTESTACEL LIDE) NERO Oh KAP NEE ORAL KURSRERN OY RR in) BSA | KHIR UVH を Genus STREPTAXIS Gray. MUR RBS SN PHAR’ pw (7 SEH OMAK 1 (114) BoP Ae 4 Pe ie re ASIA RS (+1) NERVES -O” PTW SRY OV EHO Nee” ee K SN Oy Bee | Bx | Seem (o ROSHAN EVERN ARR PC RRMOR ESO” BRN Ay See] ダイ / SS HO ak tiva +4 p6.0884% VWAK) Iwok / CP. perspee Pa LE) 8 ae gg ACU | BE Kov it S © SER SKoue 2x) TS 6. BY BEUSHM~ EREN OVE we ae eu “ ae) 2 3| Ron" SS e ERS PRES : アダ ノ SEP) Bo] wevmk As | we | Bo) き ざ Cee BENE 忘 (pat g 4 w ) 8s mA eo PR WA se ONY AR ok HH ce ok [OB] su]! ae) Nea Ringway REY eee ee Ee と MWE-S YE KEN IR Fy 30 N SU Mav BESS ANE NS PACH SARK BIN” OE © BKK pa A ESE Nimerwok {° BESSimwue © x6 hs K へ S K (DISCUS) a QUOD YN wl ED 19 BENS 19 MISE 6 PAHS Gms P © NAO Ho US © BRnB SY Ah fe 00 I Y NMED iy eit dn YO KDIN Ge fre Sat P. pauper Gould. B- s2uhi” thab? Sk” BRN UR RI (CR 3 HEAR’ SEN) 近 | se | HR? IIB? HE | RR TKR RA OMEN RR OB RNY Oy” SUE Howie? Bea EH NOY? DO~ KS” edo KO | ZRH RNOY’ HEMEL RON] REIT BND RL OS Ao Pp OMEN 0X HN | FHA INC NIN fre we FRR! P. panpey depressa A. Adams. (+ | B+) 9 8B MBL DP me WY a (113) hs SNAEIN OY KER OC RR NOGA K te K^ (P.rupestris Dr.) NY BREXO*? S82 ESBN yp KR DO RAM ODEO | FB Piuoe OM @” RS BE S° mC SRRUEK N RI OMS DON UMA AIO SUNT VNR DOL RO” RR AN NE (P. orphana Hende) »4¢ $Y Ba tad ww KBs wR RS" ME wih | COMIN fe fe ne Lal FE’ Section GONYODISOUS Ritzineer. MUP SNNOY RY RRS Dyke’ SRE © | BE MRHEN Oy” SEAR Y CRY CH SLMS ESM Rie (~ | w Musee OME WI’ Rover Nw MEE ssc | BPORIKY OV” Begs are) wo "BS AO RRB AO A NSU iw GR <0 BE SU IEEIIN NS a KEK BR(+K) ACHR NV SSE SH) Ha IAC ER RN SDA BUS VERE SOHN BX 2° AM URS nO” ER KN Oy By O41] ARS | RAHI IRC 1 YK | バ Ps Q SRO MR IO” ERA Ne Sn ee al ケ Pyramidula perspectiva の Ge=—) FAN e) \ 7 // / Pyramidula perspectiva DAE Rive (R=) プス ル ゼ ) HBR Sy OBR GSI ESSER NK th Nf AS KX aoe NSO SPUR HSN OY HES yuan SEVEN Bay BWV BN <7 RATES RS R (112) Bo 2 Ae 4 = ft ie DRAWER’ Subgenus PYRAMIDULA Fitz. RON Sov" Heute OR wm (7 Re RS と wa k VR= —-RORNAN HEN SO] Rae pe ap Ll FE Section PYRAMIDULA Fitz., Sesulte ARN Sy eee BEE U7 BEEK se AE IVES” Bena noun oO” elBaumi ¢ 7 Kuru’ Begs SHO OPA KN Oy” a BOL” MEA! (KM o” MAUR OV BBS we MERE rom! [Kym (7 = ams AK BRL 4-9 YAAK MSS” 人 NREVKL NAY FANNY S =o Hae weap RE’ SS iem Pils. and Hi に We % P. coniea Pils. and Hir. ノー イ 38 9 & 2 きぐ ii (HR | REN aR + ミミ ミル as JA ax =) UN ge ail 2° BRS’ 1 5x cae BS / し つ §- ae NE SB” [ae ge : に le RMECS BEEK 0% COREY wee Saw’ Ses” WO~ BS” Hid * IRE Em” RRO RNO YEW” PE OS VERO | HEM OR ANEHRNK YS Diol’ OMEN RY EID ~ RRP 9] EMRE WD N-> | (111) Kia VSR? EN KG SRR ELY Nw” ET Kin] © EE WHE” FLERE MUS SOY RR! EER I P-o” REE Matt OY ERI © SE ERR NHN wea” REOREHERMWNo’ 2F AC ~ SE ~ BR STH] Bonen RYN weMI~ Ss SST? Wel Rwy eo] ーーーーーー $=? FO ーーーーーーー mR ORS CEN) AMPLE FE’ Genus PYRAMIDULA Fitzinger. Sn Dy? wm {° BEEN ERO YRS Mo RRO Mieke MP6 fhe NY yi | REO RR (CTK MN UB R DOS WOR ICO” WORSEN HEN Y RDO MCN CMR Coy” Mw oN yy Be つ ^ WEM RM” REWER | SHEA By OBE ARK hh AAD KX Sethe SE CHES Mh] OR RA RAMEN Coy" BSE WD YUk~ ” BHR A YiKbS wees 0 ES DAG EEE 100 | リー oe ae ae WO” KERRY ODO RRD NEB we 0 Od) Sri < EM TY NH ag EKO CWI Mx vj ROL RRWK D101 [SRO Bw" No aR © wy Biavi Rat (2 OSL de 00 a BE tn” SO UP TN So Y OER ORKRS VR RUH RMONwWE-o | (110) se AL Pcs ae pe Oe Krewe ewe +3) IN MRS NEES WHO EES | igh” wOV SN Ms. | NE f DRMKS’ C. versicolor Sowerby. LIBR SEN ho VMK KEK NEN ORK (BR WRT CR +) Mw BILKENIEH 0 OLMREME A 世 & 4ebenmeN’ Semmes (EEE ioe) Mane N で ぐら # ae R7 ¥ = thy KN) | Sen Oy C. tigrina Duclos.” RE+R” RATES Cs UK" HSAR EHS RAO i] 8R1 EC) «Ch uk? SHENOY’ BRMOSSR vie C. coronata SR AJIEN” RH 11] AR CRS) «C8 UR” 11 RR BE” RA” Duclos. uREime wD 2-H] (SER) Ct uk? xR RR CS Woe Qe Bh Bae’ C. varians Sowerby. i)” (RS aR TSR EE) Ra in~ IRS Nw MO” BREE HEN Oy” BETO af Be CS eo RAR K BHT NTA Dw (RSMO! WARN BR MOH oh (~ SEE 、。 1ー/ PSN) NRUWDM LD” Be Oy Rar BE Rwe oO” RORY (os 7] 1]8R7 BA7 1 RIT CR? 1 RR RE” OY SRK UX $b et-o Ik” EINE CO” RS | RACH (6 wk? 1 ARERR” RI | ARH RO1EMHEN KN oO” FRMN OY RMOSSR BXav SOON) yy BEIT * KLEE PO PE SUPE ou ie) OQ SH” WM ORNITO” Re” DY MEW RO’? IRN ok (7 MANO MRS RE EY SK OBO RY MEN Soy RRORY つ ^ BUOY RO URN [DON SS UKE YS (109) SUAS HER UK OSE EE” SIMOBR AU RIRN in Soy HES SS wk CBRE IR No” BREWIN O YOIMOBRMCO’” RUUIRBVRDORBBVH” HY ば に うに NOyKkoun hb - AS > OHNE OV RR Y *A 5) WERSN ER SR SNー 人 hb Re’ C. inturiilt Lamarck. GRR RH + | BD EE や tis HEN) RA” 1 ARI TEKH” PRESEN DY RSMO BAPE N OY RDS WH 11] St EH” i] (106) + OY ia WA Be ips ae KESHSBRRC ITY) RENN So! UR © SHO ERK NY OY Lome NY SS 6 RYN © Ht uae BRING Noueie Ya? KOE OFSHR” Hee CANKER ee ンー 人 1 i YY KESRN >] ie Nf O42 ve COLUMBELLA z Liam.) 3X48 © th sw NT SN? i ( 上 | RuRBMAN REO A 23) MANBORMU KARO 下 上 2° MORES ORR Am CO xeupatacayor barter | i TERESI Hs yr yD SS = BEAR {ef} DR A fos] COLUMBELLA* Restricted”) 2x MEA WIR oS BERR BH ste ICO SO | WANT INe CNITEDELLA Swains.) #40 | 1] (> Nic] (ALIA H. & Ad.) ISD | WAN’ solos] (MITRELLA Risso.) SX4¢n thm wv SS MISO” KPSEN Oy BERE EE M7 BR ei 9 RIMAGE RN ES OBNITO” Swe REPS KAS DO ASK (RHE) ジッ の シン て み の 2 | SEN THe | LAP Sa CATILIA H. & Ad.) RUSE NWO KEE TH MSR NI” BEXHES Oy | | BRa-° RE RN KM Oe ROBT BX a Mo | CRE DK NS Noe (ANACHTS SING H. & Ad.) Rat SBN ge つ ^ BR” Bee Rm AL WHO” RORY” Viki - kiko wim? wo ROME oH ee BRR ROE | \ ss) igi] (SEMINELLA Pease) apis yoo fl to + 第 (105) Roe e = ab RR 第 = + 第 ) yy (eS ee aa Ro N eee SS |’, ら 2 Anoilla ampla Gmel. Sz = ル ee ク 賠 四 十 第 SH = ewan 2 a 8 4 | ‘A Cle 上 Ane | we ee 式 Paes ise =A 1 > 第 + 次 Bem へ at wae SA. sO Sa kl. = 1 類 三 損 漏 読 上 十 8 i lal で れ 中 の & 4d Buh m た kz 郡 内 き SS aa 者 る 掲 合 N 7 i 1h GH M グ 2 DES Ae a 生き 9 aS せ 今 挿 前 部 fl Ht 第 N N \ i} リ nj い \\ tt \ m) ty NM \ い N Qh へ A LP SRN SS AoS-THs CBSStH の を 前 内 縛 軸 の 邊 NR り mt ih fe 50) ewes ce ee し Hy は 開 切 て WH は ッ は 前 き 8 れれ 殿 形 小 By i た eee け る ジィ は (て が Ee SR Sra St SAAR AMUN), se = に Ry 「 \ AS .) ja 二 当 で きえ iu S Rye = WMO Lathe SS ay CAR RHR Seer ac WALVIIAHHATOD AUCOeH Weg hor (SSS Suv eer ag wo (ASS) SROQUSH Sus HS (Sout) ) i> +. BAtS THE GONCHOLOG!GAL MAGAZINE VOL. III. PL. XU. WR + SE = Fae HEA IP JAPANESE LAND MOLLUSKS, (FL, XXVI_) OAT 8) 2 HA RAA 61. ロ に 69 」 Fnnca iwakawa ycnakuniiimana P. & H. 63. BE. iwakawa miyakojimana P. & H. 64-7) . = 66 I Fnrea censecostata Boettger- ea Ennen iwakawa Tils. 58. } E. iwakawa yakushim Tils. 59. SEM fl imalzasce cchimoana—D 0。 本 THE GONGHOLOCIGAL MAGAZINE VOL, III. PL. XI. JAPANESE LAND MOLLUSKS (PL, XXV.) ([RH+=—#) MARRAA 37- ら : に - 39 1 Pyramieula ccnica Pils. & Hir. 40- ne : rT at Pyramicula peurer Gould (Uzen) 43. Pyramicula pauper Gculd Ojima) 44. DP. pauper Cerressa A. ACams. all Streptaxis heucei Schm. & Bttg- 4s. f 49.1 (| Ennea bicclor Huttcn. 51. 4 a -S > Ennca swinhoei H. Adams. vs. 53. E. swirhoei hotawana VP. & H.- ISP eB ca EE IP Bs ov cn mR ig r - 1 mis ee times 4 a 29 en vee Sh tales y 8 > で " 回 nt 1 : ン 7 * = vo と 円 rn し IN ¥ ト ~ +r F : . . ae; * i *m , 『 H どう ン i THE GONGHOLOGIGAL MAGAZINE VOL. Ill. PL. X. WG-38 = SHEMET Wishikawa del JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS (PL, XLVIUI,) CAAA DSSS 355 AP EME AS 30- 9 a a - id } Cotumbetta pardalina tyleri Gray. 2 1 Columbella versicolor Sowerby. ah ina japonica Rve. 9. : ; a ] C. pardalina japonica Rve e C. versicolor coronata Duclos(?) 14. f Crecisi ae sulcnpasets 51. Columbella turturina Lamarck. 45. Columbella pardalina Lamarck 52. 0. turturina borealis Pils. 53, 54, 55. Columbella varians Sowerby obs “SIERRA md BEA CRN w = § SS HU THA YMRS Sz \ Skok at N ye 以 Fila を の は % MK w= He TA “i Ht: Ti い wy + le et <2) WIS Nee A it - BS Fi 無 ら i の WO of は Fe pean: wa の AR 3a 意 I fit Ji Ml a = oR ORS a A WC URE WE oC a xe om INRA ORAS RTS | BRR ND © mez は の AN se 第 AR kee 22 て 御 錦 返 fe 金 da. cds By eh 事 事 〇 つ AB. IL 返 金 BE ivy SSR = = o ぷ “iH の) MSE LSS PIES NCBA OMARISTS で RNN! DUTY S ん Re 8 2S 4 is 3 a 2 if Bee x つう 先王 月 印 印 編 毅 ty en te ae meee Sip $s EX ay ap Sine 1 部 部 部 本 it | 金 金 金 Weal 店 f WON, | 参 武 拾 定 上 | #8 Wels BMS VOTE (@) 前 AE 済 ty Sh Sa 4 BS SESE ! SABES Ft (mpc | 氏 2 C 1 Sea 1 a | SS | テッ +5 Ka | SARE テス ドス Y ス YAYAPAYSYAYAYA KAY YY SYSYLAYACEETUETETEPEPEY mos B= #5 #2 P= PAR a SFL Iss) Swi ( SF | si WNW NS (て _ ik 具 fe い 質 41 G Bs MN ae 井 =2Sos > PoTTOSHMABRORFZO((Nt Rw Nt J a | {1 oS (cll) Bt (401) ‘ スス スス スス スス トス アム スー スス アス アス ステ スイ ee eee eee ‘AE LR ww i 2 A Oe Be OR ae. aes Re 海 ; 路 OO mcm eee BOS DE MS oR tf 2 z af 5 ish =e ¢ ae () a 介 = fal [el 目 2 a il 客 ot 利 SH ae? ae 5 mM am FEM A TR a fi Ae W スマ スイス サス マム サス サム サム サス スト マム マス マス マス マム マス イス スマ スマ ム マ ム マ 2 ke (MBC+ 1 | VWHsIRSReRWRoSs+s | tats (3 et 3F) コー SNS ER SE CEE St Me oS © 瑞 2 ーー <= a ie ヒコ ーー 中 TION NOILALILSNI _NVINOSHLIWS _ $3 1dVd ヨ Rae LIBRARI ES SMITHSONIAN “INS TIT テ = i ' 2 wo ビ o = ty oO ヒ a = a = ンク a r= a = = ES yp グ ペ こ Ee 2 pa ie コ z tee ら z 9 LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHIINS S ヨ IdV mad = の ピン x の z の ana 世 = = = = = . * = し = 多 。 5 WL 5 5 NN z の 5 ry グズ の Xs Oa ~WN の a7 の と エエ NNNe エ SS ぎら 6 had = = SN = = wr Z = 2) Fiduca twee Boca ick, 5: ae NOILALILSNI_NVINOSHLINS | Sa 18Vd ヨ I]1 LIBRARI ES SMITHSONIAN _INSTITUTIE mi ら us る ul る bas c _ = < ae oc コ S ac S ia ら dines 3 S 5 = = コ 2 コ ラ 1] LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN_INSTITUTION NMRJUUSNM NVINOSHLINS S3IYVUd の rai ¥ z i w ご «oO = g ss 2 2 5 .Y WY 59 5 つ NN eee iv, 4 > 4 ‘ ら 2 mes ue = 2\ = の = の = の 旨み TION NOILALILSNI NVINOSHLINS S ヨ IdHVddl1 LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN ミ る g る SN 2 る = om = 0 4= ‘ NN いき に = ミッ クミ ョ クン ク グ 8NS る 6G YY ェ o ググ 2 RWC 8 の 、 2a = 2% EY eee に MEAG, on = A = - $G17 LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLIWS S ヨ IVR = の 2 ラ KK 、 @ = 3 9 SS = ーー = ーー =— NN ペペ ぃ っ = Date コ に 5 WS FE 5 = S と 5 RO = we eS の 〇 ー oO ーー ; = ー 。 4 ZA aoe | TION _NOII1I1SNI_NVINOSHIIWNS_S ヨ IdVd ヨ Il] LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN 10 Zz Ory に iss S 6 ie iS = = ドリ = に = w ヒビ つ = コ 5 a = > = > = > 還 is に 9 に 、 本 2 中 2 m 2° m z = の = 5 1] INSTITUTION NOIIIIISNI _NVINOSHIIWS AE pas の a 2 (の 4 の co る ミ ミ 5 ミ x te 3 光 。 ら = 5 NA z ンク ン ク 。 5 = し グズ 、 の の の ~® 、 の ジグ ク の の fog Si ro) モ : NN ro) ング ジグ ac ro) Oo = 所 eNOS ee ee = Fong ene ei 5 5 | TION NOILALILSNI_NVINOSHLINS S ヨ IdVdd ヨ ll _LIBRARI ES SMITHSONIAN_INSTITUTIO = = fea = ES < ご WING < ご = a : 3 WH = 8 = ー ら 7. ー O = fe) oF デコ =i デ pa z dd ヨ 1] LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S ヨ IdVd (ee z is レー 6 me i ne cay, ETE em MEY Eo a a, ee QD & 2S Lore. me 29 3 ee iret ADE oe aD aa eye ee (ALL a cee > |.) 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VERSES NITES ECR HS ARUN S MESH NRE RS ORIG pee EK fs Se A BR KOT BE Ha SR = Ba Hod Ss 5 i nw = ay — iS > i BSS 4 PRS ! ao o Ps int fee (LEB MED ee Sa 通 ee 四 接 光 Orne te Fe = 種 具 る を TG eS Se ie is Seren Ve %e » 色 体 A i = ご 8 ls ご ジウ ノ 3 ute ee £ 著 次 の AK HB ne の RI INR 《 if > RR HH & jp の IW 《 » Be 12 i VL | Aa AN ae gee ll NG ンプ \ Saw box 1 = Lv ates AS OEN A EE 4 & oy ES “A azeSY UWA ye pes 1 7 é o }PAVIP UL OY IL. may dy moO AS 4 Sw 7) - (Ode Wi MES SSN ME YODIV MIE3MUDBE -A on マロ イマ WS YUH LSCONRRSAOHRY SER Ea see ee ee Be SERIE | LE) ace < HA ~ Fa! | COS MESS EO: Si nyo pees 3S ンー iE づ マン ert ミーー ey i SR - REM - ogi AUS ACH SHA BSW ws A 20m (SAB DSe RR (Gi Sw) eae i ee ae 四 陸 ざ im 分 he mo 別 布 を or. i me OF ) A —N ie as Cato Paa 民 2 Wa ae ca 周 Bey gee i =e KN = し く ーー ズバ 際 て w is Be arg ily ii 備 。 且 て 谷 = F 小 深 Thee 形 〈 oe な = る a a と 1 = 以 は aes EVES CHARS = SN9)SaAA wnyday «gq oss = = GN GaN い any i an “2 Fea 3 i A wy ド 上 別 に 形 & 寺 yen pot ies: 上 eats 例 の a We-c 9 ky» Rh fh Woe > jae US RR (0 記 3 Eee a ay ic eS Gh ces er er (oa amc の bee 本 & < ffl ae ee ee kc Hoe Sg Ee Ne je ae AR 産 e 形 ie A acs w ~RESE SEN Jct JA Jae vik} (HAIR HOH DY me aS ass AC \ 4 BACON 2?) “om = | | SOS ER A Oo AR KN E+ + SOUSSO [Cdr (47) Wal PEM] (4 Ns RD ROKAEN +4609) SOB OC Bh nE Ere © Behnke ROR ee INS wrk en a HK ANH dD KOR Rwd ン | RRO Sa BN Ato oe OE BIH > rh Ve MeO THAW xy kK] YAH 0 Owe O の ^ MRR RA A K+ oa KRW OVERS CREEP ONL BUR VERB | KPO WHR WM Rd PE ORO Klweu a cha ok ACER IK OS HN EC VAENT HN Hd DK LON SUNEE ad ER te HS AN HTB 10 Nous Oe IS LWA Y WAS RBM AREKNMER SY o HOROY Kisii” RY NH a a KIM 人 SG ペッ Mas IN A SN LW RRD Hy Oy 0 7 BN BVEIY RENN WARIS | YINA CARY BE Z. apatus Pils. & Hir. mt Sn Re eCR) | AR ER SKS KER WRN Oy Re] ~" 2 BCBRN Oy° ER) OBR KEEN we” DUK mi ie Kat SEES.” OS Wal? Ha EMEA M0 we? PRUE | RAs’ PHS SO SE © ン ^ HRI PRESS 10,EN YY | DIRS Bou Rt 10 N su RE Z. minvseulus Binney. (BUS eR BRR | IRE) (46 ) Joe + eH Ht RKSAM RRR) H. breweri Newcomb. wie” KONGONMB So N Slee 0.90.19 Kwara He ee nt 1 BREN aie NEN ERP ORS Gn yw AK R= -KNEG < へ ー+ KK | Suga wie OKANO? CNS INN A NS NRE 196601066 19) SS eREWEH OW” RIE CBee BIN Oy RO IMM 0 | 4 ORG WBS OE Nita | RENLARY RE Z. stharbovers Pils. (BRS BR BR GR Sy | MR] 1) FEI XE XY fe CA a ies ae 一 hs 『 eH PAC me. oi =. i wis HE BA 介 EE RAS oS as 99 S82 0 =} ーーーー ーー tS UNAS PT <= ご BS Em IN WY = TN Boh TEN [oP AeSaye っ = (OREO MeS ¢ 1 YEN MM DLS Ae UCR TELE Bistse 友 忌 + OL aN SID HS wr SS HOS | > ed JOD BS AC Fags = コジ ae NY “IY Mt:SiLUAD (SILRYURD) L せ 時 Cy EX Ark s+ WC Ns ast) SSS [Pr な ni 1 OAM BUS: \=n Et A) KOS | Arg suscaq cv Mx & WN の \ OAS ese ( SMES € 4 NM※ ley BY WSS Z (44) 46 — + Bie WW 2 ns 2 有朋 42 IN ns b> srt RES) OME sep an} UM 1 pinnae” we lft * dye WN Oy" x【 » EPs] eet WEL NEE 。 Kos) wR capons’s Dunker. (= INS 4s y HX ONGEN 40) MOK WS asta) (> + INS AS DEKAENLY HON PD UKE 0% Joule S° RE RO MYO KA へ AX CO merkeatus Dinker. a mt (+ INS te p ERO GEN 4650) Enea WIN ¢ >] VvaKRS<— Tritovdea urdulaia 8 me (yn -—#A WE (KR っ SS RE)? Or atte Cy i 10 Bi ne Wwe NOV” MOB IN J T. protea Reeve. whe ( ta cazetima Reeve. suiERH cllepman. =n 1 SH) - へ ゅ り 8) eS WSIS Rai ARGS 8° THA RR SS ING DP ERAON SRO YY UR KIN FO SU WHERE I © KOMSY Rte NnaS ore m HRY Ek CO Mut (ホーxXK K by)“ KNー SS Ri eer) EX ty ERE OY 5 閣 臣 (トー ホー 8 無類 介 ars fe —. ii (3 Hs | ae ye tt ダ (43) a SEHR NOY BER ER Re aE St 7 RS NAA Ro RW yD 0 EE) CIRO So] PO SIDED ーー ーー ー 一 SAR SO SEW (+) CARN wl HR f2 PINS P- marmorata Reeve. Pisan’a Biyona. (INS as yp EXO AON A410) WE ns eaun Frees ad’? OK a> | SHH | oti” tf ミ Win & Ce iNew a IY) HES) 20 SR UBER suc WRKOVER RRO 択 BC oDWNOY’ Ske 色 CR XA | KRIBORREY ARN K SERA MW10 7 SR KN PDE HOA YR EN Refs Rey OD (wa K h = “KK OMAR NP DERE NIE Gc) | eA MME = Kuihoia Gray. NoF AH" WH S KEO MR OY EH 9 K. badia A. Ad. KE. livata A. Ad. CHES Le" RHE ONT yp N-wae | ASIN fe AME FRE Canthacrs Bolten. HA=jAKE&fy C. eryth csicoma Reeve. (ANS ® NER ORAEN 2450) HAS” RRR” mo" WP | ef [REQMH | ee” SCHR REN OY Rat eke) 8 UMA Wo OS 5 MM + iy REVEORUKON | 画 es Sidr ORK AUN SUM RHN Hoy? ENE DT URE ~ nc C4 48 — ie は 性 xe (ih 2 on Ss mk bite ieege まま お な a8 i WW RAINoy’ Ag fede 7 wun 7 SSR BER OHSS ENE Ki ORINN Are NMON OY? T BAY NM ~ L IY GER WES Y HER wee YO | TAPE IN 4 AAS INAK Po RSE *T. fosara Pils. Variety. CEH RI [+ widulaia Schepman NS HES? SRT SB) WHE Kio PRK fay Oy’ Beko Sew ~V~ SREBY OVX SM OREN MI” Sito BOY REL | に 3 Mua KH4o Pee Rayo | KES Tuniilata Schep. 6.92 wie buss we” ABO REAR ARN Od Wwe wee O | RAR BAIN RE C undosus Linn. CESAR SR SRR ECR] ) Ha” Rie } K ob Feo8 #22035 oe’ ( IN DRO hea hw BAUD. AS MERE AD K HSn8 No) WB ARR KRIBHA | FERN XE BSS? RR BUN BN OY BK ic RR wate EWE 7 i 公 IE ie に YR" DO~SREE MO Elba 4x = VYEVRRSYs” BK CORR’ Me ox MENUS AVNER? ERIN AR 6 OST EL Rao CM suth” Eiiimbe Oy ie mk ¢ ih Oe eat wy Sun? SREB e YIELD | EE に (B-DS [Wee ml ーー ーー ン SCH Sa LP ER =m ey ACARS Nr ad し リマ) ae ii ASR 4 AR ンマ Dt A er PLCS SOSA EEA eS SAN + [z し @ & BE Hk: °° 3h ios) ee 角 fi ot ie rete ecitaeeess '3Il) « fe 四 VE _ 形 RP we a に "いつ ie ie Ue ae 戸 ao? 内 { oF is A 1 に ie F es 4 で ql 内 シ ー ン yaaa / res GS Be — ぶ A = = H Zo 形 細 A AR ah Me マツ SR SV LN cae ~*~ Bos SHO a — 0) Sas な Feit Orn de ee IB で 部 螺 Mb Ve. 助 3 = 近 CH gp es et A &. O- ie Can Comm (ena を qa te の な Te OC. Me 1G Le as . 〈 ME 彫 mw 助 刻 i. Fe ae Te Bo ie tie = オ ガ ian CHE As 2 に J) a io Wi es chs Pra 方 & WOE a Re nit = iis] SMS] CHa eS i) に ーー 所 は y=) = hore lose ‘STi BARS} Le Bat C4 IS So OMS .~ Bech , Ss CBS TE WSR NSBR OSA RR AS SRA LAH ic Cth acd yd = BROS ACKRR MMS SS SER SE A は BP (< 酷 似 MSE ACR Let Oy lz SAC ご ペコ ! SEE CO HERS, [ Eh J HaICy A H JUL) OMS OMe UB] SF 人 Ly > FI S| mi ~ Wet S + HES OB SRE BL ) SoBe ES i BSS NY NASSY St Se WS! LOS ASER TS ~sa] N ‘L* 4 Bia Wad NW EEN od Be 「 1SLIU AN “SILT BB う 33UUHTUR 年 一 十 四 党 胡 TOSS, at) Se ZSE oo S CUM 3 IS) Wah Keds lead oat THES ご SPIN OS 7 N jp ( し Sima YF ea iy ~~ SS mat 4 * CAR へ さ A に ーー こう 人 SESS Wes TS ACRBRASS ikals BRC meh Rae aa pe AY VO MTGE S'S = SB 3h Se Sa 7 ‘S18 JM OSS Sit er) ^ で 、 ead RAe.3 a ~ Ca ISS) AR . 賠 > 7 」 に さ 和 | SR LAS SANS! 1s) NS ss km ry a S aS ; ¢ RS BO ge ii a i = me ee 見 zm % る GE と SE v Se AG mo Ss “t S= Ete いき HO SORE 1 ON OR fe の Ah bs 1 oe VERA CBOE S 回 (si | SSR Be “LY ey WA BWW SN A, = DI ES Sit Si tH (ai| + (est —= WW (nt FID WN SSaB LA で ah Ra (40) I st な か wrk [= AS SD & Os HE "S|L 7 BBHdUU 人 US [ > at met ユ AF RAC CMA 2.) SERBS | MESON SES NL! RSTO S RSH Lm (4 ' Se (+) 2EaS ae 3 L Be WIS 2 9 1 skGUHT “TRA BAW "9Aag9 ANOORLS IGN JER SS し ボート PAS YN BEN REN ORR = wg ¥ aa ご N (1 XN AK (al CHS AC RAS Ne Og ATES YK 4 SWB wey とう ss Le Sig O'S = Sto SESE heme Pat) か BY a oa S9xD = i= に で WL) [SBS Ue A CARER Hg St いさ 3 aoOX a! ,CosteeeDpna S| AS a set に たこ (ベー チノ ざー EE i yes tO ReoHy iE の り し いい ミッ SR 1 GUY bE) = ) “IVA SECU“) Be W3⑳ WW Sh [CSS ane mS Capea Nie eion )) i} SL Dat CBS SH “TT MSC LOTR 1S ご と ROMA AV es ins “Vy “SCARS iE ami BS ERS > Sa LEO Seat Sei SARA +| SB SY) < デー = =i) (= N に 3 ae Srey) ES+| | ( は くべ BS Jy vt | | (SSRN SLOW A 4M Sw KESHCBER(+ED) wh” | i | 7 ドコ to = wer wae FRE pe” BRR = st | hy Wa Bad l~ Bev oyp geRoewee HE NER OWEN A BIO MN + KSA LWEMIN-S] QA NS Ae HB OBIS AO ET TO ou a? SEO RR ) Ais 90 Fi Bit oky SQUAD A) NY BEI Sy iy AS RTA BR Rt QR ATO BE WREY OTL WER | ININY Ate Nf Ry HSE Euthria sp. (HRS |THE“ R1 1+--N BB) AR WS wp | ii] SR RSTEH” BSde° HEIN BIS 10 A O~ KEN OY’ Kee ン ” [hORD | Wa LeKY sw ArQWEIY? EUROS By ol リー RRS KERO E lirata Ake BK. ァ ー 0 Ai RN Bitte 10 0 PEE iy 10 wd Ee AN By OS AY TN Y BIW BE WE OY BADE OO | ASIN fe YE RE" Cantharus Bolten.—Tvitonidea Swains, TNS 5 KERR 3 KERR © EN ERR Trite- nidra EOE KT ey A DEAN WY Tritonidca $ sO” Cantharus © S876 SN Ate © As | ER SSRET I 7 Sere | ume OM Pe NT OK NS we ORR OUD” BE MUE HE HBR Om YY UM IRS $62. Su 20 As RO” SURES OIBN Soy @/ WKO | WiKi, WIRE SY OWE) Y ~~ REFER NE Do” KS uw wy aA K h = HE Seats dS Cantharus KS BO y Tritonidea PR POP O 2-8 BNEW E ルト) 忠志 的 FEW NW AGIOS AE INRK fe oS HEE” C. fumesus Dilly, IM HO AS SARIS LCP AS; ct - Rs ain ュ TAS 6 OF で SE mc ‘OY SiCMIO98M7 Y IS me —. oe ae RE SP y 上 ジー es = fe bey A 5 天 は IN eo i | Lae a ott ‘ | Gin I es. Seah ee. >| £4 ies, ean ee Aa + # の € Rs 4| os ti. Zit Wate, SMe AM ees m= SN 回 Wen oe 10 = ey は 3 万 fe ce Te) aes ie Came + % 2 5 2 i ご で 名 | せ TS 2 | に eB KG = に - と を -6 2 eee に EE し | Cub. Se 2% Sea だ 旧 (の と 要り ス 5b 標 Ke Be 体 夷 a 本 i 彩 HH A Bas > ff に 8 < は の る i) Sal の ee Veg aly vies Tae De ae a HC DK ies | Com に 的 MM ae パ に 新 は IR に Ree 4 酷 & Et Wee. ols ieee YAS re Se ag 27h Rs A ae = ey) NS IZ eee ip FD の ae See ae oe a や ame m & 2 Ke 1 Ri OL Lage L CN a ( 細 長 な 5 = [SARA ReSss be UC on Ji oe SH BS Seis Rao Joe 46 — + PY ia Ee aes KRSM RER (+E) WE KPC” ROR ere 8 foe Dyes | i) BORE < OMIM ZW Nal’ HENES MPL AR DY Ree fee P。 cineulaia Reeye CERT ER! IF HSER 1+ ERI +1) ado El rh7 SHUM SE ERE oN 036 BRS WWI” SEN SR ok ( aR Sea eee Wa” FEHR NOY? WLEMSHWITO’ Nuss 1] HY UN) SIE 10 Nod Mott BKB N CY we” BENS ey Ys KE SEO SEZE WO BEER Oya 00 GEARS wo) GS LE OYE ORWRD NS My な で の HEMEL ON OY Bake) OER o | Euthrvia Gray. (18 e く 中 BRE) EK, plumbea Phil. AER [HS aR! 1+ Be) Wa” Bie” HS" WR’ GS RR’ ER BR SJ” SS! Bi’ He’ SeGR= Ww | rT “ HARMS” SEMOEE” BRIER OK RB ER YC TRIBRTSEN OY RR WR oe ORM SS mk く 7 SN NO ORR 6° WOME HMw? eB SR RW S~” INSTT” elk Set Ko | APN I NER BRE や へ) HE var. forma Reeve. の ( 35 ) へ Be ie ERSCRI+ | 1 1 中 1 | KRENCRES LORNA Ke HERE PISANTIND. LARA Ken #2 Pisania Bivona. CRw's A) HRV ORNHREN OMSL we" B SEE OHS oY? BIO RIB Nit | 10 i 0 N ou (+E) MAUNA O4H | LDN Gre BE P.iemea C2 SRI IHR’ RI 1+) WR Seok HY KEDY Rie rel. (S287 DY RRA DHA Aw PEN &) wi | PETAR” SS3S° USS NY OY 窯 庫 羽織 BEMEHES* Bere S KRSNSRER(+ED) ~~ * MH) SO HeauiX is O MIS SR BE - TREK SERS. Ue" (HE O11 KBE Oy BEI 店 LDR Ke (4 IN RANK) HEE AN wh a SSBF pS Swed so] Wal” RE OLR YOY HERO Bi we つ ^ | SSE OE rk ORT D0 RRO Be SHB .0 ORS SORE Y BRERA 10 22 EEE © BY EUR HESS RO YS DRA BE SN ose. | NE PRUAR NK RE P. ignea yar. tritoncides Reeve. (SHER 1 1-H RI i+ | HB) BYE” HSS? (SSR ERR > ) A ASS WBE WIR Oe THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE VOL. II. Late Mr. S. 1. DaCosta. The following is a short sketch of the late Mr. S. I. DaCosta, sent by his daughter, Miss Alice Da- Costa. Whenever he had time which could be spared from his busy life at Lloyd's Institution, Mr. DaCosta devoted it to the study of conchology. He died last June in his eightieth year. Our friendly relation with him was, many years, very warm, and we respected him greatly. On hearing of his death, we at once sent to the bereaved family a letter of condolence; in reply we were favoured with a sketch of his life and his portrait from his daughter. According to her recent letter, we know that by his will, she presented all typical specimens in his collection of shells to the Natural History Museum in London and the rest were put up to auction. She also added that she is afraid that there is no one who follows his taste in collecting shells. We express here our deepest sorrow at the loss of our honourable friend and insert the sketch, sent from his daughter Mr. S. I. DaCosta died at his residence 9, Gloucester Square, London, on the 28th of June, 1907, having just celebrated his eightieth birthday. Mr. DaCosta was one of the oldest members of the great shipping in- stitution “Lloyd’s”. He became a member as far back as 1858. AL though Mr. DaCosta took an active and keen interest in his business, he found time and opportunity for pursuing his hobby which was the col- lection of shells; his knowledge in conchology was extensive and it is believed that he possessed one of the finest private collections in England, 20 5 ait Zonitoides arboreus Say. a3 subarboreus Pils. 23 7 24 c 5 59 yessoensis Reinh. (?) y} a6 apertus Pils. & Hir. 27 ” 28 ee っ に = Zonitoides minusculus Binn. aif » chishimanus P. & H. aa \Vitren radiatula radiata P. & HL. 35 56( "rmdimtelm Reinh.(?) JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, PL. XXVI. (ie etna FUE iH | 38. Buecinum unicum Pils. ‘ Chrysodomus(Ancistrolepis)’ )・ 39. = hirasei Vils- 1 の ( A 40) Rent _ 11 四 chishimanum Vilsbry- 49. Ks leucostoma Lisehke. 43。 2 inclitumn Vilsbry. JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS. PL. XXV. Pisania ignea Gmel. var. tritonoides ve. cingulata Rve. Euthria plumbea ferrea ye. Sp hokkaidonis Pils. ” fuscolabiaia Smith(?) sp- Cantharus fumosus Dillw. 36) 2 57」 G. OWE. TF) HA SPE EAR C. f. var. rubiginosus Rve. subrubiginosus Smith. Tritonidea submenkeana Pils. = or Variety. (6 月 cecillii Phil. AN tosana Pils. o as Yariety・ undosus Linn. THE MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. Founded by the late Geo. W. Tryor, Jr-, and continued by Henry A. Pilsbry, Sci. D., for the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The Manual of Conchology is a fully illustrated monography of recent mol'usks. Issued in octavo form, in quarterly parts. Each part comprises 64 (or more) pages of letterpress, and 15 to 20 plates. The FIRSm SERIES, Marine Univalves, of which seventeen volumes have appeared, is now finished as planned by its illustrious founder. Of the SEGOND SERIES, Terrestrial Mollusks, Eighteen Volumes have been published, completing Helix with index. A few copies of Vol. IX of this series, “Guide tothe Study of Helices,” will be sold separately at the regular subscription price. Separate copies of the Index, suitable for the purpose of a Catalogue or Check list, can also be had at $1.00 each. The Monograph of the Bulimi is now completed with Index. Separate copies of Index, $1.00 each. The Mcnograph of the Urocoptide has also been completed, and Vol. XIX is now in progress, fnishing the study of the Achatinide. Prices:—Plain (uncolored) edition, $3.00 per part. Colored edition, $5.00 per part. Fine edition (both colored and India-tinted plates), $8.00 per part. For further information or descriptive circular, with sample plate of Manual, address S. RAYMOND ROBERTS, Treasurer, P. 0. Address, GLEN RIDGE, NEW JERSEY, U- S. A. An illustrated CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, by F. Stearns and II. A. Pilsbry. Paper, $2.50. wuioiraibai Eee OF OO) OO 大 = : oo, ae 前 fA He 28 He it 部 部 末 | eM eS me Sy Eales.) aE oF SO oF Eee pe ae | rape xa ny BE tll = Se TH | sequee 定 | Fas A Pk Ih SP 芝井 aie” | > HB 7 BB Fa ae Whe pag | Baka AEE | ofS eR oy He [=] ラ YES tk Sh=Ekh nia HA Tes HRB 印 7 S20 FR ans Al Al Re | ATF Ae 8 Pe dee accede 大 全 全 東京 Bt ak Aa Aa oe Tiros SESE 7 Ft = — aie yaa ER | +3 Rei a Be in ab yn y 有 | | |i を 候 告 #3] = ん 792 7K) 7 Gib SES fe BEL we 2) eel Zoe 7a AACR NB A get pit) GR eA HIT 隆 kK AB mw StI] 5 | eae ett ere 商 に zm 町 ee Bt ト 包 a = チ 可 華 館 海 京 律 報 fa HOt # a) ue ae: ee = nt £22 = 2 ee @ =K- anni i ioe |S +r @ ee he Be tk RE RE BE BE 戸 Hes se ae 2 ty EER Ul 7 5 と —— ee の oo _——— ReAt+ | Siimil+aose (Rk EE RS) m *K HRSA CRES +e ke”) SESE CREREROY ro SSO ae) m S fac IX 3 BR RCH) Sy ERONe (HEE) ee mY O#Ex SEX 4 OMH(HE)OMOSE ORK” Nw O&O ON SERGE (SHES) wf See AK OM Ou eS プ ん 4 ーー 一 ム ーー の ーー つが が [Tye Sy ES & i, の SSeS he(+ EL) Se (A) Til CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE A MONTELY DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF JAPANESE SHELLS, Published By Y. HIRASE. VOL. II, _MARCH 1908, Reet. Ane, e/g CONTENTS: Tatlen@imy SSINGTEy (WH ory seete tesco been occ cece ee coc: cere cen ne ee cere tal Summaru-On Japanese Marine Mollusca (XV い ーーーーー…… 12. Summany-On gdapanese Wand Shells (X ...:-..-..-s.cssssesessrsusyenseeaesenes GL 13. Articies in Japanese: Onvvapanese: Marme: Mollusca (XVM co..-c2s-seneccssnqeenacatccsstevsrecoraceteeesees ale Remarks on Japanese Marine Mollusca (XD…………………………………77。 On dapanese Land Shells (Xe 80. Story about Shells (IV) By Y. Tanaka......: Ae RE A RIAN s See 86, Malkswonpohells QU) MB YT. I Wabawas.cc...:v--cctuecscscsenc-cscretaccenseaseaseas-0 he Habits and General Econmy of and and Fresh Water Mollusea (V) | The Books in which Japanese Shells are cescribed (U. Okami) SGBIMNGINEO Sacre ete seer cr seacnc cree arate te eae tac tes coe ar concer Jacenco-shsaeeeonestecel OMY Notice: The subscription price for foreign countries is S 1. 50(3 yen)per annum. All letters and communications should be adcrssed to Y. HERASE, Shimochoja-machi, Karasumaru, KYOTO, JAPAN, TA SHOWY SHELLS FOR SALES Three sets of fine showy shells each in a very beawiful and artistic box with a cover on which our sea-shore scenery is painte] Each contains 12 selected and attractive species, $0.35 for small, 0.70 for medium, and 1.25 for a large box, postage included. — For laree lox mailed to foreign countries, other than the U. S. the price is § 1.00 and parce] postage. Prices are given in U.S. Currency. The opening of the new sale is intended for securing money for the purpose of completing the fund needed to start the coustruction of my buildings, which is delayed under graye financial difficilties, as set forth in No. 11 of my Coneliclogieal Magazine. T am sure to give you pleasure with these sets and hope to be favoured with your as many orde srs as possible hecause of special sympathy with my undertakings. Y. HIRASE, Kyoto, Japan. A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CONCHOLOGISTS Edited and Published by H. A. Pilsbry and C. W. Johnson, Address: 0. W. Johnson, Business manager, Boston Society of Natural History, “Boston, Mass, U. S. A. oS FF WE FETS Ca aes ALTE = SERRE oe Oy TR FA > Ver @ BREA R SS HACK CU 2 ノ ie 7 TD 2 fs = Z = ) fe ⑯ 特 = LITE LD HATE SETA Skt EA HE の RI B24 2> 9, Aion Ua > 1S ~ PR Bk eH 2 GD HE 込 て wey 宿 所 A. H. PETEREIT, 81 & 83, Fulton Street, New York City, U. S. A. A ae 毎 4, At ee a + Fe tp ote BZ Sos | gh | mel | +e $ SE tt tt erie tte ef (Sees) 2 } 行 42 xe Sy ete te OZ + ン 4 $ RY [1 neo. ane Oe 男 en SD FR LS 1 Be ST te Ot BK TS Qh Be i) Oss Ban HCN RECME WESC CREEL OS HEMENEY See Sone ak 2B Me sees jee fe aK | SSIES. \ = = foi BS may te Hiosdn7 MeL nos K OSE BB avers Same る Sig tee nd LON Hee OSE Setanta aH 347 ia He de (Le) で 5 Sa) Rie OR BR Roe SR eR KR AC EIB HE OQ 1728 O | ROR mow PRUE fe 00 rl ORR < Bao BeOK< Gh O Gu SM OM GO GR Fe WORX ie HOS MRE ESS | in os Ho IR Si < 吉 NRN に E ERSEKSi-O 0 Gb Ht 回 zQ TOES eRe @; Ne = iz 所 | St R<+VEOK On @ BRE<(e | eas Ott Kav oemMeS Om te a WON oh BK OER PA RRS RCS ARNE Wr AWN Ph BR I NS NOE BPO om BOGHOGOPOG GOGO OUGOCOPHTDOOGOOA 3 1 im. >. ヘン .) SKE 2BOEDOADADADD LHADADDOBPOROBN 1 dom jot oe +1 ei< 1S See 1 | a 絶 CIR AWA KY NBER WK Yoo AKER 8 REE MAKER ARDS RoR] me ER PO NH GK HAC AD BR hk eS = RL SREY fh REDEBAN mE BREYER や a 2 ie . eio 有 le ーー ヤー ーー ニー ESSAIS DE PALEOCONCHOLOGIE COMPAREE (PUBLIES PAR L AUTEUR) PRIX DES SEPT PREMIERES LIVRAISONS REUNIES 150 fr. Chacune de ces livraisons comprend la Monographie s€parée nn certain nombre de familles indépendantes (Gastropodes) avee tables des matieres. ete. L’ouvrage se termine done avee Vapparition de chaque livraison, sans ecSmporter une suite indispensable. Ces Monographies comprennent 6galement des indications utiles pour Yetnde de la Conchyliologie actuelle. は ーーー-S3 ぐ ぐ ⑤ な ーー * REVUE CRITIQUE DE PALEOZOOLOGIE, ORGANE TRIMESTRIEL Prix de labonnement annuel.……………… 10 fr, Table des dix premieres années........... 5 fr. Maurice COSSMANN, 95, Rue de Maubeuge. xe Paris, France. JAPANESE SHELLS MARINE, FRESH-WATER and LAND SHELLS of JAPAN, LOOCHOO Is. and FORMOSA Fine specimens (accurately determined and exact localities given) of a great number of species, many of them new or rare, for sale at 。 reasonable rates. Catalogue sent on Application. Specimens will be sent on approval - to purchasers known to me or giving satisfactory references. Payment should be made by postal orders; bank drafts are also acceptable, when registered. Prices are the lowest possible, though varying more or less according to the quality and the amount of the goods ordered. Orders from unknown correspondents should be accompanied by a remittance or a satisfactory reference. A remittance is in many cases preferable, as it will prevent the loss of time otherwise needed for making necessary enquiries. The full address of an unknown correspondent should be written clearly. と Y. HIRASE, © Karasumaru, Kyoto, Japan. THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Vor. II. Marcu, 1908. No. 3. TALKS ON SHELLS (VID (In these talks on shells by Mr. Iwakawa, we have only selected a few interesting facts.) SOLECURTUS CONSTRICTUS Lam.—Agemaki. This species is never found in any other part of Japan than in the Ariake Bay, Hizen, Kyushu. It is said that the species received the name of Agemaki, from its being round and like Age- maki, a style of dressing the hair common to girls. Both ends of the shell of this species are open. The creatures live in soft mud, where no big waves disturb the serenity of the place and where the clear water pours from the streams round about. To get these shells one must wait for the ebb-tide and then dig them out. We call the creatures when boiled and dried, “Hoshi Agemaki" (dried Agemaki), and they are exported in great quantities to China. We hear that the Chinese like them very much. In Che-Kiang and To-Kien countries in China, the natives are said to breed them in a special field, called ‘““Agemaki Ta”, which is prepared for this purpose. Pinna JAPONICA が ze. 一 Tairagi. The Japanese name 7zzggz originated from the fact that this species is flat. The creatures are chiefly found in the south- western sea and we sometimes have occasion to see them in the market in Tokyo, while we have never heard of their being taken from the north-eastern region, The adductor muscle is used for food, especially in China. Occasionally, we find a kind of crab, living in the shell. I have a specimen of a female crab, 13 m.m. in length,over 16 m.m. in width and the body is somewhat round and inflated. The scissors are very small and the legs are rather short, and slender. This species is especially different from others in its incomplete- ness of the eyes and the shortness of the claws. I think this is perhaps Pinnoteres veterum Bosc. It seems to 12 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. be no uncommon thing to see crabs in some of the living shells. I once picked up many shells of Meretrix meretrix Linn. with some crabs safely living in them. Summary — On Japanese Marine Mollusca (XV) BUCCININE. Buccinum unicum Pils. pl. xxvi, fig. 38. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1905, p. 102. Chrysodonius (Ancistrolepis) unicus ‘ Pils.’ Dall, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. 50, part 2, p. 157. Jap. name, Moroha-bai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Rikuzen. Buccinum hirasei /2/s. pl. xxvi, fig. 39. Or des., Pilsbty, Proc, A. N.S. Phila; roo1,;pm3Ot,epl xx Chrysodomus (Ancistrolepis) hirasei ‘ Pils.’ Dall, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. 50, part 2, p. 157. Jap. name, Nejinuki-bai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Rikuzen. Buccinum leucostoma Leschke. pl. xxvi, fig. 42. Lischke, Japanische Meeres-Conchylien, iii, p. 38, pl. 1, figs, wn Wis Sie Jap. name, Shira-ito-maki, Mokuhachifu. Loc., Rikuzen. Buccinum inclytum /%/s. pl. xxvi, fig. 43. Or. des., Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xviii, p. 87. Jap. name, Himo-maki-bai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Etoro, Chishima, (Iturup, Kuril Is.) Buccinum striatissimum Sozerby, pl. xxvii, fig. 44. Or. des., Sowerby, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Ser. 7) Vol ivaipes7O.n oom Jap. name, Etchu-bai, Mokuhachifu. Loc., Tango and Kaga (Sea of Japan). Buccinum middendorffi. Verkriizen. Variety, pl. xxvii, fig. 45. THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. 13 Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1907, p. 245, pl. xix, fig. 4; pl. Xx, fig. 4. Jap. name, Yezo-bai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Akkeshi, Kushiro (Hokkaido). Buccinum mirandum Syth. pl. xxVii,efig. 46. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iii, p. 186. 4 Pilsbrye Proc oeeN- Sy Phila. 1907, ps 245, pl. xix, mesh sy 5); Oly Se, aos By Be Jap. name, Hime-yezo-bai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Akkeshi and Chishima. Buccinum chishimanum Pils. pl. xxvi, figs. 40, 41. Or. des., Pilsbry, Nautilus, vol. xviii, p. 87. Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1905, p. 103, pl. iii, fig. 20. Jap. name, Chishima-bai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Etoro and Kunashiri, Kuril Is.; Akkeshi, Kushiro. Volutharpa perryi Jay. pl. xxviii, fig. 51. | Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iii, p. 200, pl. 79, fig. 389. Jap. name, Mosusogai, Rop.-kai. Loc., Rikuzen. Volutharpa ampullacea J/dd. pl. xxviii, fig. 52. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iii, p. 200, pl. 77, figs. 359, 360; pl. 79, fig. 390. Jap. name, Hime-mosusogai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Chishima (Kuril Is.) | Summary—On Japanese Land Shells (X) Trochomorpha horiomphala ‘//r.’ pl. xv, figs. 37, 38. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol iv, p. 51, pl. 11, figs. 31=33. Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1901, p. 344. Jap. name, Oh-kasa-maimai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Loochoo. Trochomorpha cultrata Pils. & Hir. pl. xv, figs. 39, 40. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1904, p. 632. Jap. name, Kasa-maimai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Tokunoshima, Osumi; Iejima and Kumejima, Loochoo. 14 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. Trochomorpha cultrata iheyaensis Pi/s. & Hir. pl. xv, fig. 41. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1905, p. 714. Jap. name, Iheya-kasa-maimai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Iheyajima, Loochoo. Trochomorpha cultrata esuritor Pils. & Hir. pl. xv, fig. 42. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1904, p. 632. Jap. name, Akime-kasa-maimai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Okino-Akimejima, Satsuma. Trochomorpha cultrata oshimana Pils. & Hr. pl. xv, figs. 43, 44. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1905, p. 714. Jap. name, Ohshima-kasa-maimai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Oshima, Osumi. Trochomorpha cultrata formosana /%/s. & Hur. pl. xv, fig. 45. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N.S. Phila., 1905, p. 740. Jap. name, Taiwan-kasa-maimai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Hotawa and Ho-ozan, Taiwan. Trochomorpha gouldiana /%/s. pl, xv, figs. 46-48. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1901, p. 344. Jap. name, Taka-kaSa-maimai, Hir. n. n. Loc., From Oshima to Tanegashima and Yakushima, Osumi. Trochomorpha haenseli Schmacker & Boettger. pl. xv. fig. 49. Pilsbry, Man. Conch. vol. viii, p. 119, pl. 30, figs. 6-8. Jap. name, Maru-kasa-maimai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Taihoku, Taiwan. Trochomorpha cathcartee Reeve. pl. xv, figs. 50, 51. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iv, p. 51, pl. 11, fig. 44. Jap. name, Tsuya-kasa-maimai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Yaeyama, Loochoo. Trochomorpha shermani ‘//.’ pl. xv, fig. 52. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iii, p. 84, pl. 17, fig. 15. Jap. name, Hira-yane-kasa-maimai, Hir. n. n. (azn roof.) Loc., Giran, Taiwan. Trochomorpha pellucida Pils. & Hr. pl. xv, figs. 53, 54. Or. des., Pilsbry, Proc. A. N. S. Phila, 1905, p. 739. Jap. name, Hime-tsuya-kasa-maimai, Hir. n. n. Loc , Hotawa, Taiwan. ( 102) 3) fe es | aig a ea PAE HN 0D RXnr eS Bde pH Ow & = OSG SHS SH RSBRY von l+NReGRNGReVeS ORs Rwy ( Y ROHS EKER ON 0 ERK OR ert Mie ee ADS See 6 SE OE EN ~ BRA VR ORY ER AL HIT A fact SERN © BE SE odo HOM 00 “A dr NDER | 1] 4 ee Nett oR ONES OMA VIR NIEGHNES you (eR 4 ONES oRVSRUROKRRU SUdm 00 (EARLS 10 5 ER ORE K Sie ples | TESS IY OM OnE GARY Stee HR EE © WES KON ALOK | IO Siw oH RORNOY HN 10 SBS Rk RE MK SLRS AMEN YRRRE #2 | RNR OER KOM Y CHES OMEN ORY ERR OME AE KR EV RUNES YUE S EEX A UK BE Rte 0 WEL NKR O |] KERN SW § ) Wt REY SWiK (ERR E) sc 29 ae ーー ONO RS 。 WANE N ORR EN My QRwBEMR ON OURS (ER OR OY yaE (RAR SRORLS HER EER + RBS EER LERKM SHS RHO SMEKINBS SIME SAK OBER SREY SX views Efe WRK LION OTA EER © Ha dN KRErie OmA+t-oSlee BYE+SRrSho WER RE I RYE S (uk BE Oo & Ee) Sia Heo SSS = -— 5 RE 類 介 4s mo GF ne = TK (101) Nord-Japanischen Meeres Petit” Brve7 ASHTAAR Mak Martini u. Chemnitz, Systematisches Conchylien- Cabinet. Philippi, Abbildungen und Besehreibumgert neuer oder wenig gekannter Conchylien. - C$ O 1 HHO ER EERE K-m su 1K) の っ OT ee VRougm eg BREN > OM OMAR U NEN OVIERRT QE TPM OT Q KEN PRE OO 416 0A REN Sy x | Wb Om NER WE (Sot OW Ki~ IL *Q Af -—5 $6 20 3 Gg HAE NY EEO BEINN Ey oe + # im Ke OIL tI ES YRONPRSR OU MMER ORY Ril y PREM RRAKRORS KES REKES CHO WRN OR NERO VY Him D © BRO ~ Ss Net | SSRs Hon ouboK AS Rw BE de NY Y-RAY HOE ee 1 | HE ZAR ONUEYN My RESRVKRON ERY SR OM a IN EEA HBS PUK OMS RoOK SMACK BAW OR 10 PHEEN MORO BK ERS OM Om OSRNVESRNW VHNUN SR EOVRS @oOCENE INR 0 +l VPOKRLEREL AY AN ESE WES 0 46 CHM 10 SIBOMIRN SoH 410 NER WRN My CREE NewS VO UPR ROM RK NE Dad et HH OR So WIN AR FERS ER BSN KD 10 ONO VENT HME Bete 10 KES へ (35 OK RR HE) mae SD 1 8S 0 SSS nt] (100) Hot = Hea ae 明 Em af Se EH (REINS OMEVAM SEM) Rew BESS +e alEH BSeaRA OK (KROL | Mem) KK jie SIH SNS 424 ei ORK SEEM E TRS BOO SH MRO (1 | HOS) WK HPHERESHM SERCO 11 MEK moths Rat TRH, Ret ERK SNSRER AHN UDR RN BE 0 BES RR RE HEN ON BR te EK ORE O° BORN VAC IME G10 O AJ [IEE i ipa! と ANA ぐ RS ogo Tryon, Manual of Conchology. nva+k morte Kobelt, Fauna Molluseornm Extramarinorum Japoniae. | | | | KKeRADKRMVAK R= K ox Oseures Stearns and Pilsbry, Marine Mollusks of Japan. な KS 区 o¥¢ ES Lischke, Japanische Meeres Conchylien. | | . Ryde Atk Dunker. Mollusca Japonica. DH KER mak dd Chenu, Manuel de Conehyliologie. DHA AD AK ots ereior ss Schrenk, Mollusken des Armur-Lands and des % — Fi ws Me RR tt a = 第 Be (99) HEMOES SPIER RK] 加 Sewer xe |e Sim wk |e Hei 8 | fit = #2Q HR {nox ROK RAO ER MOS BECH EK sKsecHe E mike MEE EReEl (OR) MaRS BRE theatre it |B OMA TRH ATS RH dD? RU DRO ARADTRA AH SZ wp A OM. ab se INO & WHER) EEK As BRERN (OR ERE Wi) RH (2YEtORE <4) is Cee WER SX ude Re = (4kEE OD NOK -o) kK RRR me IR SEK See mek R (RHO) BYES wWKOK+HE (Chore o) SKilim BEAR RCE HEK PERRI mK E LDR MK ER Sages? KN NE 0 wm OR ete ON" BRE SH CRE ORERTHOmORE <> (RBS ©) SZ=R8 4EEBS FY WER (98) fe — + WY te ーー Beh 月 MR hank PRS Kah 1 を で | tH! MEO MRM ow SKE HERES IK ORR NEE S yak? HRN EEN Reo? Ree | HEGEL SS OC AUHIN 0 BRU” HERO” BRED HTN REPOLNMPONB SY RR ObY HA VRBO O 4-6-7 POI 0 NER OO HAE PERCE N Ki ARS SN SSR te OOK NN B00 Fa RN FURNES WON (6:0 m7 OREM 10 aK Hh OR IR 4 Fy x2 ER O° Mei N'A ROOMS OURAN TE. HITS. VR ROY BCR NE te? Kekit %&+Ee fm a fe28 | WES BRB (+ | HR RES) RS mo OKRE (drt 0 8) eX KER FR Ge) SERS Kit O RH UXSeEE ORES = (EINECS 0 ~ 3S) Moe en | IEE meOSOs 11 fsa mi ee | EE & 14 (仁田 年 走 ) megs HKU | to ee EE ibe wK IR Seni we |e GES SKI IE ROWER DOR Ho =| eK +R MROLO |S KHIR IRieetones EF eeceoeek eK I E SHMMeoEsS EK TR (97) Ko RK etihe RAR CEAAK De eh HS” [EK M+R RO” | ERY RSW OV HON HY RON Ro Rm DR AS HR EO [1 EO BEI QW" UNIV SEES OE ORION 6° RK NKRAKS | BW IY” RRM ORY MMe }1] ERE NR OD Ra BHO Mw SKN ww RONS Boke AN nea | textile v= bhHIN= KOR Sw ] HNL” NwkeolH Nit SNA” TRACT ACS + | a KES | Ne HE OD YW ONS SK RY 100 RK DS DER By CRANK NANA ORK ON A HHS NW Re A ORS LK” || SGEEKEINY XS YES NWS Ko PRA ORS PERI |NSRAYN MIKEY CMS VE SRS? HK # a RE RAPER’ 人 AX“ ON NWN CO VIR” dK] KATO HT ON? | RMT REE HRM Ro | BN NEE Mil SNON” HETRYSELHII+F SORES’ B EVER yw QwIRNW SKE ENO make veae we Ka | RMR +MY! jet KO bw K OFEEYHGH 6 Bt (i NK AA) NERS PKI |S WWE NE OIN TRO VYEESRON™ [t+ ROKER H+] [Rey Kee oy wads SK PGCE IBRIO CHAN K RRA ENS? x SINNER DNS Ke RT K Re hK Kees ROLNON BRNO RPvuUs~ yy" Breve sya だ SQG め ダ ^ MSNORMNREOYW On’ HN 著 SRV Soe SRO Sa & 9 0 SS Ka (96) 年 一 十 四 治 明 月 H + # a YAR” SONS O YH ORME SS” [1 | Sm Yy Kn YS re MY BHE 00 «HEN BUR DOS QAR IA BLO Nsd SKN SUPE 10° ORR” DIO GdRe S~° BINGO UX SHEN (* MISE HE WK ON Hat) FRO N SUA R100 mM?” Pepe ntkey” | EX HRY Wow | 一下" SERRANO.” AiR oRAY ヽ st Yo Wah en ia NWS 2 N Sh 0 pele gy" ste dele oR” RNIN Wwe? 上 Bt | BNR NWO SY BRR OCR WRIVR DY? MAY O Stak © Cel 9 Y II AK NSU BG 10 に 9 RE Myers tN VARNES BENE OLN do SREB a CIR N = mak a6 ok OPH OY ILA G 10 OY 1G 10° ROOM KRY YP ORE RN EO” IR PA LIEN 4 0.WIRO SKRARNOMAE LNG 0° ak OUR OMA Y MOL HEIN y HRD 0 OK How Red ual NV” RETRO HON ONE WE” SKN NS Whit ho 20 nn YG 2° ROEOMOMEVUS | BOMORMONwWE-a” COR iPro rP Or | POBMVE OM svasHi]” Batty < ^ | HOVE R~ Rot’ Mie on~” Be {cNiR~ OYRKNE S° KY ROMOMIO~ SORE SURK I$ 20 OAC EX ORIRGN OY EKO HE OH ® VIR S Nou YR 107 NeasddeR Pimoteres yeterum Bosc. 244.0-2 5 HAR HOw OOK © He © R10 Nourt” LC OMON BX 性 SO PBN wR ARR S CAINE 107 Kt hi§ m @ MMBC) USO RLY PRM RN 10 WK ae Bi y | PRRSORBROBEN SHIROV” HHS hh © HEN ER HE IO つめ ぐる の RO Cm NER Dad dd do 10 At HO) Q SEMI 10 A 宰 LOADER ORR 6 BAY Fite BERET N SEK Y~ fibro H~2 Y dK © Reda te. OFS 479 10° DS EHH so mas 7 NANE-oVS OM SEAR OBEN EK 10 wR ORS OLBY 6c" REUR AO RIE 0 Rit OF DI TH 5S to 0 EAC REY Be 1 eK of TOR gt 10 4 BRN Aten YK dy SHH RP OR GY Het ERO ACH OMIM tts G7 MAS SOHN HR A RB dots OY BAW OY | MOMENI” Bay ek~ 10 Emy so? BRORA cH Shu PME 0 A Bese siua Ob y Ne wR -Y 610 Qo MUtt” NS wile S'_—=_ = _ *_— SO ーーーーーーー 11 填 1 (92) 三 年 一 十 西 治 明 Heciet sa. 月 m # Be MECH) nA HE WY 6 200 NRLOM HRS ROOM” ROOK SOY YOO BONE WY RIGS” HEEL RN SO HRS ws 00 NL OMO NIM OVER OSG tt KH Oth OU 6 WOR SNN N GAA a5 = 9 BE OMVNSNIRY 46-97 礼 i OREN ASAE US WG200 TERRE H 2 Eo S* {CX SUR HES © tr WEES YH190 BLAU. Pinna japonica Reeve. くく ^ Bx Rage OMI OS YW" RE WK OREN EEL -a aaa W+1] BE S VETO° AXE Fado Se SESH YD YD TRS SEX SEW OY HI00 SEAHEC) BY hay BES © RSME RA 4-9 VRE EO RMT? KK19 POM LL GEN Tide 00 の 人 9 SHS OSEN 1 HOW WR Wivombwk Oy RR ORE RN et Eh Oma re Sou Dy RAPS QIN HES YG 100 BATIK * EK OME £ Ou sutt SHES YEO YK OSIM OB 6107 NSE SLU ND” BRNE Ho OEE POwse AY, WE FERN D0 HER AOR Bt OG 0% MOMMY BEN SRY MERU 61067 | RE OM Atn HY «BSN Bn ~« avis RO yw Bie aos ES TH BO ERB HOB Re 10 BK MO 59 SE ORDA VIR " HERESY OY BREE OHK ERM 10 Nou BESEN SiR ry 0 6-9 CAO RP St OWS YH HH HEM” S< OMS RHO KN EKO Roe ware ON (91) N Oyster Gig UAE 0 PRAEIRNK VE KS や で のか RIBEOSNY ONLN ER eGR SEN Min KM EO VY XK COB RUBE SSR | wi ySaiReoo Coit BKRS CDHML" RESCH ONMYRRASRE SKK PS ORRLUMS YX SO BL Solecurtus constrictu, Lam. & 37 BRACE RUDI BR) SESE 4k HA gy iva ENESUKN Ew” miKOoSR~ yk NS YH © VE ONNEENR-owWIKDS YHO° RS Atak QABIR® Sil | SRN SOT RAO MYER m <= CK) EB OQ WN DOT Hw RO VEO’ Certo WEE 5° IKK £610 2 Qc uy sui PsN iO” BX sors aN 4} Ee « Nou A i HMOR~ VROY SS 18 VAN Qt | HIRE O00 に | EN Y OMALRO YR 内 Sal) fe & NOE NERC” SS re に aly CENEL YER CY NS Sm wEEElinig Was BR aveten トク / OER OE ROU G0? HK ad ORRIN 10 © © wu BPAY ou WON QV RE (SHY 119° SERI< MIRON Wt’ SHA BRN Y x6 Bt URE 00 wm QHD HEN N SWE ee る tl 1 (90) mn 8 MMH ACHR BEE QBN RK eee ORRGSA HSNO SBE” RNS HE (3648) S24 0) EE RS 19 REESE( XII » Kis ™ (KHER | SOUR ese 4K eR IRE)- Be ay HHEn KOH SP © BEA OK Hin” hn OK ON っ OEE (din Bw ANS INA) GYRE UO VERN RUBE SEN Hot O SaS っ 中 ROREEO | M-osude Gah OC RLERS OEY RyRy Kin jo QS EXEL YOY SRS CRAG | GOR RES] [MOL ETO) weRevdtio gy PAH OMS ens 68 8 NBN QUIS OTS (KHER | SOER 11 /ESGR 142 yas Amr ORR SEE QS NY thor KUKL CES PRUNKO HE R+E) we BEN KiKi y ames RRA OOF ANT Y Ap ct BHR tr a £610 OS OREM EUNS WHY OEE EB / Romi “A REBRRS SER HUEY BE EX SG) SUSY 10 sue NET YER Heo AAG WE URE WARE le tee Regd ダン が RY SETS WE VRE OM EER RL ae rs hale Her © BREE 5 Av aK das att) pono SEES wide RG fh TER DY 29 WHMORKY yHor OxuBoRY BV A RLEREE Jn 10 NUD MERWE RENE S MAW ORs cae SSIS CEERI HS SURES BRSIRS IH 00 Wo 1 Hin SRE BE Oh OR MYOVRRY 2 ys UGE) eS WP © WPA Ig OB ee KOR BROWER OR ete (| ible) BE (| te Bee | SOUS OSSER1 | 他国 二 | im) ORME | rei ogeee) さる ロー Rr ot —HwWOsS に タル トコ Marae (| NR 的 国 K) QERIMBNR Ame ( | Uae KOK) OR OLEH SSMS ( | S46 Ou NMR) (| SERED) ex Be — FH He RE RM — — EE (89) rO.WIR NO AML NHB RV Rav y WEEN SoN WE NBR S14 SBE HR BR the SS to OR SR EHR 5 m 6 Hei) L> TX M> HER RN 10 BRS Y RR 6 OS RN BP SS RRR oto OOO BOK” RA AO Roe” ( | 製 KP MR NTR | SERVES [MO +1 |e) RS OX (HER | SOERAISSER! HO +1 II) MORE ORE NO Hilde OOK NSS BEX sub XG 1S wy Se RR RNY RY UR SUD SY HK SOK SR ES WEE to © OM 10 HEM XK ORK OBE CERNS Seung VS VY EX< OREM ORM od SR OME COS URRON CH VE VMEHWIKSE RO Om OHHNORKER IRRZEXY MP REKORE Ra [Sd Se JC < e CHSER | SORINIREERI EK BRIE) © et SBN Oy SS eK oul 1/1) RRS RN 0 WK gy BE ONVMEOENVR XR ROBB OND) VIR ORK SUS 5m +R (88) se — + OW in 国語 2 を 月 MS turd 8 2 (NESE) CSB HOK | (4CHBNR | SOM IREIRL [IAC LACHES 11 | SSRN + BTR) A011 HAS OBEY MARKEE ON PRL SOR BION TOR Is oste By O Manin EEN a (RCAC S UM K Mt TZN av mdf M4 OK 5 ISITE 9 fo FRBE A610 LE AS QAR Vy Seb te sak SKY Roy PRGA He oa EN RAKE RY OY SERRA N th ORS N Si OB avis amie TER OR vt NN IRD OREO [1] Mere NES 19119 (RBE | ORM re EM igo Qk OK URE EE HES SSS ORGERR © Re WEES REDE ROHS & CRUMP * tea Se SS 0 VE UV RERNE SKN Cie Re ツア KPO” FBS * BE QnRN Go Ye Kauss つ ^ Bima ~ Re pws ( SE RSRENE~7 RIMM HEART RO” HES VBRREVRORRUTENOY’ KEM OPKED RS PHBE Rb 44-5 BO | Wa ZSRERAMN OV" REE OR | VINL IPRA fe frre FRE (RYN ER HR” BRA | |B) HRN” SH oR fH" 1 TARHSIEH RSW" R44 XR BIH” SHE" RRR EPSPS NSD we? SVS ン ^ {RH ORNER~* WEN ~ ke TORS NUK” MBG oy? Ban wo” BA BWRUSY VCRRREVRY Rowe e psp PER | Wal’ FRRON OV’ OMT | mm RiMoy RRS (+) WI T, shermani Pfr. HK で AAD YRALR A te free FRE J pellveida Pils. & Hir. (BHAA SRF HAR “BRAS -F1 1 TER + BI) WS eS | RRACEHHAWO RA* 1 RR HSE BSE ERISA A RR FPS FS NEBR DI や VIR be BRIN Nou WEE Y O° BER Ee OM KK REN So YR eH RRS wid” BO ~ Be” 4CBEE TKR SND ン 。 DER EPSPS OR~Y RAMU Vis © | Sah do MBS CRRBwR M0 BRR wok (7 ian Aes HERO” Heit K~ Oy’ ROM ZMOmWM OMStHNin-o’ EROomRim~ yaw Moth” ROMER RN OV aReN Ee” OR~~ Hw oy ume? Zio eimys~ dyad VE” ik ae | Ww GHW ORES CORRE MNOY? BEx4e +H (84) =f—-+ 8 it W A ak 月 mCi RR) PU -KEE-K a8 +4-s S210 Il 08 RM, 0 Ea NY 1 XG WE | RRS WW R* BIRR’ oe” |] RS BW RR I IER” WE RU EDP REP SE SNAP wr’? BS PNOV HE * Bence gV eH OR~ N {nema © MA TRON SUiSn- Beet SRP ON OY SORES EIS | MEBs” BOY’ BeRERORNELE- BEIM QS RK DP REP TPS AowM—OW aA~D YER (° DRUERRERw” REM 0 MavBes SETI OY RAS 0 BRAM” Row Ke WP] Wa SR RRS’ RORwTa- | KH ORRIN RAD HR RH RRA RE (Dr. A. A. NEWRN-s! PARA Pe fe RE Gould.) OBO BAN Aa t WHAT +H す 。 haenseli Schmacker and Boettger. CQ RHR RET Sw) HU” Sa HS * 8" j1]5&7 RA 4CRR EH” MR? RRA © IS BRR EN OT Vitev A> KR O” RIO RE Rove - BG~’ BeERHOPN Bs ye~” SRMuRMO BIR © | PERsuty” SURREY Oo woo we ER WOR I GRO RK~” OSS" DIAS A Nee | Ra” HS | Be oR Rew” OMT aS oe ALRA fe frre RET. catheaztae Reeve. CH SR T+ HR SRT ERS + | CB) He” Biex< iS WE” | 4S RA” RRR RES RASS ae See A Be GE tee Be 二 第 ne = Ne — (83) SME” KH 4oweKEY BREN} SREHO Rua Bs yHwERIS | EAH KR A fre fre FRIE T. cultrata esuriter Pils. G Hir. GR +H RET BD) HS PRUE NS a 1 1RR7 RA ASG) 1TH” MS’ Kor SRN Oy’ £¢ ~~ ReEHOS MER] Ra” KBVE | FERRARA te fre RE T. cuitrata oshimana Pils. & Hir. CBRN SR FHS PRT 111 XEREI+ BI) HA” -KEE-K 087 fh | RAE RA RRR” BE [AR RA BRR CI mt Mikio i+) SUK KE EH Bo mt yoy’ ESEEOS 窓 一 ” EMU RRS 0° REO frat DO~ ROHN HO” BER OY” NBER HARES AUR (° OF rR WH" EQ RELS CO RKRE RIN -o | BER eHAR AIS Pee HE T. cultzata formosana Pils. G Hir. (GH RRR’ RET) WS Hi S Wakes” BR 1 [RRHRIR” RA CR IH SE’ KEYNES? 0 wR R~ REECE E~’ HIB DIS NN YI No” REE ARNO VARER -o” Bens {CBT SPR J Ral’ KLE | RRR frre frre HE TD. gould’ava Pils. (Re RE CR EI+ RB) +1 (82 RRAER A he free RE T. horiomphala ‘ Pfr.’ =T. fritzei Bttg. CB PRE ENRRNED WO" 1 [RI RI RUB Ra REN Be ye et 6 10 WUD YROL” RETR 0 Blow” BR M10 BEE SURE” Sido BRS 6 BESEN Beaver AS MSD ESE] B-S BENTHE SY KEN Oy * Ber A Bo” RRS! ot O~ Ke” Beate y CBee WENT RS” ROVRSWHORNERNES ロ SRN Oy RO | Wal” HWE CLIO RES ORR TOO | are MAK Ra cE ORN 460 ot’ EO EK anEAY Pfeiffec = ーー > ーー S 斑 和 礼 パ いふ 宮 加 年 去 へ | RA fre fee HE T. enltrata Pils. & Hir. (RHE SR + RXR) HAS)” KER RE Nog” (IRE Hob Sok) {i 1 [XR EHS RA Jo eR AD IBH™ MSE RoR ERE PT Ap wm SISN OY BEKO OE ~~" Emi PRESEN SW? NEKO ON OX6 ED IT oA) fe “SS AS CARS oT Soe FY BK 1 Nou) | Wal” BME OE RES CME RIL っ] RHE Co ORRAIRN & <>" EEE | RHE (ER fe fre RE T. eltrata iheyacnsis Pils. & Hir. CER HR ER EI+ | 画 ) RAS” RSS $8 1 RR) HS RA AD xR RH” Se — FH a RE RI Sb =. (81) SRR (<< ) MEN OY CARO” bKUKsvat THE Mo" BER TON KT Ih NH ADK) AERSEN in” IB HN K RAR PR Ime 店 BR OmNUBEY OCAOBR MC IUStEE IN IO Jax tead HB OREN MEL Britta Kiko | BK (3 aS SSS” KN Oy” | SEKI Basie 4 | HH (C) OPH Bt HX ORY NREYP oe KS (o CRS Kw &e MURS SRNR MERUSLKoOytmRe MN Gov | SHS MYERS Noy SSS © ERIK MOR O~ RB 0 N Hi10 | KROSOUBEN (MS! > > kK NOKBEMO mks ee R(+) (vax N=—H) UM Mowok (° BORN O HS Poy ClO” RA Sy eK IN Ke PN A EN ORR We EEN OSES” KHREN OER” REKOE Hew” ERP of ACROSS We NG | RES HE HEN FERRERS OE BX, SIA ESI ARES HES tbh ASD NNK OMI AAMT RINGS RO KR-y vAre ROAD A NISMENKS RR OR SN NEPMAON SID SRN Coy APRESS OE” (RAISIN © HO IS oe KS RS ak YN | DRONA sh SRN ESD ew i BE WD) 5 WIEN Y HERR Io 10 N SURE Y つ 」 REO REX AID OHEKVAS SS POM ン ^ SOHO © HERR See NAO Bt GSE WEY Jon +] (80) mot SA eS (++) D Ane ES Schrenck +4 SAREE AS -o su Bn (4IN~ RA) Pigs” ERT RN KUNA N EK MM Qu B-m | Se oe oe VakKh = -K OM KRSM MOST NORNIGS | NHRD 7 C. fucata A. Ad. (Aw y ARES) SS EEO TOKE eS す ) Re fre RE TROCHOWORPHA Albers. AAAS PEAUHE HE SENS 44a Rlaul SS K [SN oO? 楽 足 4 mk (SAS HN OV RIE Ro RHR N DY? Ar we RMN S-o yams” BEI HC BEES (° HAE KBE” SIREN 04.” EXO MMR IRN Bes” ite ibehe FAG ESE Mc” CSS eat 1 NOIVR~" AMM Nove” Hei Sey, PER em EB SEIS DY RA ES RL IER de SUR * POSER fo] NY FE BEY 2 v7 | BRUM’ REE OV" SRR Re rw rw SLEEPS Re pra | Hew RRNOY” | EERE ITD OU SS Eo FAN | Pith ok ~K~ mere IRBRN Oy Wi~” sees WVK.* WNeKRBOKR HM ome (° SRN SNR ORR WI RRR KD 0 wR HON aut” WV okie Sew に た ヒッ Nie tearo fame Jaen a i reG ]IRAAMAK OREM IC2 RS ROR AK HR = — RBA) OREN 20 J Paya in Ih NOME H-OREY OR FPS HE 類 介 : 第 佑二 第 誌 (79) B simplex Midd. RB. schrenkii Verkruzen. sr <7 E. feffreysii Smith. = nv wot > & Bd 59d BKNER Ko Wt" Sain teh WKAR © VOLUmHARpA Fischer. Nek RAK? V. fischeriana A. Ad. (- NS ae OK OU HEN 34207 園 だ つ ) He” OKRA SR wa | eo wR] |= PKA RMWMAPKA RYN OLE ^ SOW Wild of SE ORUNY RELOVEROS 間 ya DA し 小 Z に ya aie ty 7 ay aa) TAR se IN {tS RR i Kas Ie ンク に) UK NR al sue |] WMH. OE ERY o] ASN NA HX RRM BaNw eat A) Volutharpa © | Hw? sa Kh Kons 24 IKE NY NWP -o| HOY RODREN ON INS ROK CMEEN’ Bone 6 | BY Ree 5 ) =| Y. xalm‘ana Rolle. ER tp Yh” C =——\)} V. Vimiacana A. Ad. Pullia Q | fo O7 fi reAe INE” Cominella “© dmkeri Kister =. lincolafa Dir. HAIR” HOES (Ro S a Ket OK oe NYE ut -o) wh” OHNO +462" (78) 42 — + WO ig Kater of SRMILD Cc PONGoys (4IN~ AR NHK) 3 = MT Es CO fl +e 」 VES OMEN” THER RBubewokOym~e X ~ OV Bo” HEN Coy rte Vt Rew (7 Hs BEAK DON G10 EE DY AAER NOY ELSE NIH de” R | HOMGR« Bde OW ORE YS VES ORB Big ioP Oe” VAISS weMVa~’ BR HeraN OVERSEM ORE ARTE WHR” Bw Oy wee WO BN TM wl ~419 Non” HOHE OY isu AS PANT | to AEH BERTIE su | GX Volutharpa mrrehiana Fischer WK Hwee Rw van he Kiko KRM OSEYRO Kw OY REVS N | HEB B japsiicum A. Ad. (4 NS We DER OMBEN 2419) ieee et up |B" WR RES NOY” BERRY ER ORR Ro” CREE wk (o SRR (LMR (6-5) RR VERO PM Oy he MSva kh = KenKeSmBm yet vi ow PAR HD -o | B. lisehkeatum Loebbeeke. Sm 347 (77) \ ay” BRQORS ~~ SEMA AH Kaa * xe ’ ッ ^ BS ~ BS” athe chy I Q SS -o | Wa” SEHK TON Oy Hoa Om RW Ren? CAT SI NHR RE IM = | dee ne eM ee Far TNE I ak oY NAS INV ~K SET S 2G =P RRO © MINTS 10 WES NER ON- | YVAWKARL HE V. ampullacea Midd. CHAAR [EK eR 1D we | ae | RR? RE AJR w PSS KUN Dy We Owe WER-o” BFPO YA BI A -o RR Wa” FERRE NY O yi a RE SEH or * KERACREREW (+ |) Cit sO RHR RE | HE EYE S ROM V6 6 0. @ sult 10 = KO MAN RNS WO" ENS ROK wk FE WAR ww OD Ree 7 OR V~ fischeriaua A. Ad. Ao REVVER OLwE RY HSKRLRROREY WD N10 7 OS 00 SHUM EVA wR RARE Soy WEY BO~ fey £ i YSU ON | A105) 00 や の HWE RREMCRERER (rl) MANA. el RE Gre -§ B. cyaneum Brug. =Voluthapa in.ehiaita Fischer. BUCCINUM Linné. Rb) (76) 2 — + © if — ビー By te =A SAH SCH) ee maw” SMO” Bs yK eer KtORRVCY KERUYUENARN OY’ FRY Wr 7 WH NK 0 N5UIG-o” ROG EN HE gs 1Q ST UGS SIS BETS MER SB RRBR aS” Be RRO $+ KWAI EM OY? ABs” eee ae LEB OV EK Rite | Wa” FEHB GON Oy” BERT ho He Re Kae Bo” RRS EEN Coy’ BREW OKBRIN BUEN” OHA RRE SC RAIN OY Sita NOY" SJ YEO yy EE SS oH 20 Nu -a7 MIM )~ KBE O RRIRN & «ot ic OK M19 WEI OSM 0 Natt N SB fei ORE YY ~ | RaAs dR YRBLO hh & IN OB Wate | WKAR UH FE VOLUTHARPA Fischer. KREWE ~~" REMSKKHEN EO" RK K EN odie CERT O11 Pou h = (Bulla) BR y POL SNR wt dM RwKYO Wey WO Od VE 90 ES Y GRE HNTBR BS Fy 20 UK Sd 2G MMO” EER ORR DS ou ERR I © BEERS 10 gute | 3R re er th ow ER WBE ERT 10 Nou Wee Y | RAB” RN BERR eX oe K 0° JARS ipS Heo WEN Wit Nea YO SEARS RRS WH 10 WE Ut | WKARU KS (| at PABINGE) V. perryi Jay. GENER! 14K RR + | ) iS” RE wR | RAR I eR” WS RSE GEN Oy’ SREY ee Rows BCEIRNEBOVER AS BW” BeOER (75) ^ BENE N oo Ron. REMC EO ORE VE ~ Rav = Sy ~ GRR BRESCOBUN Jw BK Oy QO kD’ ROT | Wal” REM RHO Oy’ BERMORAY ンコ =) iw Bol UEP Sti CR MRE OSES) “> | UVANN Kee RE Bo miardum Smith. (SERN RI |-AN’REIT) WHS" S2eeso)imttsoc yt ate (HA KRS womate) wR | PR kR* RO] BR NK Sto や ^ SSN Oy” gi BY RES ORB (7 BIE” RORY KO” BETES 3 | Wa? Save A Kh SNS - ONS RK DIANE HORRY KRM CRER( +H) “— | RP SOREN OY 記 SNT Ag BEM ctr ON Ata VRS AH SS Sarthe eS Dy av REP 3] Her fe Kee RE B chishimanvm Pils. CR ER IRS TRE HAS?” tne” BSR” BRS o~ blk ee” wp | Rilo Mi xR7 UK RRS OR KR BEE RMR SY OV" BWR ¢e ira | ) aiiacee (74) fe — + ig Wi a ie= ice HESHCEER(HE) WH SIMN OVS RROD OBES OR つ ^ REV Oy RENNES Nwe-s | Ki GC ORIIRN R2ab NS +h NEOUS SVUPRGh~ ” SRO] se EX B. stiiatissimum Sowb. (238 SR I-VI REF) HIS” FR” BRC WP tI HSAR® RAO 1 7 MK RS~” や PINS HP Atami eR” SRE Uy eK REEVE (7 PINS Hh AO mPEEAN DVS * MESO Lt SLES 7 xe ihhih~ RSS oO” ae {PSM cP RNICO? Ro > JIN St ff de NEED 210 7 ~ ys yRQ| Ral” BOS ROSS Sa) OOOH WR” COMBS CRT Mo | RR Mew IN Oy’ =a EK A AtkHe Ks B. undatum Linn. we 2 mm 8 RAC OMEN OEY KARAS SH Pi WiFO” MONRO A ARE KS HO~K HAY | RP ONDA” Ga CoMnevysapacya se KA RiBwWOY Pmt eM CRNVES @eNWAMO a MN Kae HE B nfvddendorffi Verkriizen. Variety CER I+ VE RET) Ha 7) wobali“ UR le 1 RR OR | PR RIS ae Otome O~ SRY OY’ RS TEC SE SAO” BeRtA Se NY NS BE ay 0B に REY VRSRVKO 40) | ss mK (7 HAIR OI [iy 6 op REM OER S HEME MIKC OOo HMI HR” HRN 4 BESTE RSs y7 RE 類 Sh ek nb Ge = FH B= (73) miNxeke fede OX BB lexeestoma Lischke. CHER 1 IHR wR Bei) RB" 1 7 wR? IRI TSR? Ra” }= yea lS 形 HK ’ fe Pap ( Wy Is EXChE-" Bein Gr WO” KBE ER ( Soke” BIO BR” HEM OMS Bow? BYE OC! [Kee Oy’ KOM MESES ERO” BREN Coe REBK No" 宮 TERESI Sit OIE OY KO paw MO LMM OVE CHE WR” seh Rm Dy DO~ 1k Do | Wal” ZS Oy Re * SEAR a) CO Heevtk BWR” BROOM? Dyer ew? oa Ret 40 0ays-> | Ku ut heh SN RED Ow” BRK SNO HRSHSRER (+) | | | | | | ーー ツン VY RBREY QAO WY WO NBR 10 Neuse YD | Uw apse HE B inclytum Pilshry CERN SRT 14108 R17) RASS” toe BBY 08 UR" Vite 1 Ro Rj PAZ Ra RS HEY Oy” BGS” MRI OW WR KR BEER ( Saute eet HO” 所 ASKER ORE WMO” BMS ORBURO REN (AMES BESEN OH Pe ET 剖 ぐ な いな ~cy) ERE RHR SS ote” PSE NR ORS Neo" SORRY’ HEN ONMS Bein ed EOS REMY | RMNSOR BACH BYARE NESE M OBEN KO” REO 4 REN ORES Rw (° HERWOY” Bese OD Ro OR IRER~ IRR 4” SRS MOY’ Sie? EY AEH I~ Oy ERO | fe a に し ni] (72) Hoge Seach, Pita as LERNER (HD Oo ERIS VL etn 4CBR WS ¢ ~ OR © Bs SS Sav Pdr. te 10 7 452 OUST KT IMEI.” (SSAC DH BES BENE KH oo NYS ER dn” RGIS BERR "a SHU BS AK ~ YAR BE MS OME IMTS Meteo Seley BEML N Sdn SE M7 EI OBR RY Rol REA eing~* YEO | SXST WMD Wa” ROMY yy RS Husss gd ORR 7 CPA 3” Se ORIMIRY R« 8RQO NI [CHEW IE OO Yy RNS wf R ire wee YO | Ph 1K AR se RE B hiiaii Pilshry. abd WRI 8111+ Sw) SCHEER | GO SR | BCH I yy Re ORY EKA DEK sD OCI AF-ofa O8~ et | WR Be 喘 " 1i 下 装具 RA BRR BOSS? ASR EH Y Oy ROSS aH 7 BRT KBE ¢* eet pi Dy oii oo YY BS 2 ORR 6107 Siege MHS” BESS IR ALG BESHUK ER II y AK Bev SEW” ROMS ORS wo? Bere MLO URAC O° FEBRERO RR i BS We 7 mir AN Dy He BREAST HE Ko | Na’ LSKVYOOY yRRveSeaw Rs OmW~” LMIOCHMRNY Koy RVEWY” Be OMX NRE D0 Nout (EN 6 Sa WNS 10 Nou G2 | CHU EORMRY £-07 hh NNO’ KH mse" OL ( >t NOUR Rein) WAY HRinn Nowy | 7 ; ME FA ah =k 上 Be — 第 1 を i Go SES SORT ! HH Iori J+ mee KRSM CRE MAW HHS Boccinina MARX eL Buceisum Ltnn6. RAD K 4 V-RBRRTA MEE = nh EK OENIN BE RERRNOERN 40 dE (+H) BH a2 10 ERO Ei BE dit $0 Nou WIR? BIN AN WER 10 ONE OIBSIY RAD KS YC aH Buecinim undatim OLIN 0 | ENERO Nima" SRE RMS Oye PROM Rw Ro” BERG つ ^ 36 ecKe Hw Op RENKOW CRASS MOCKiU~ Ov RRweY BIO NOG” BREEN Oy? EU O° zeibhe Sew SPY RVCIRA EM.” BUENO Mat KF RECZER CH) NOY Sn] KER O RISD ERE RUE CRN B20 PO ABW ae wa HO + — ABHORMGY Pol Om Ome »H Royo aN Oar SO RoW B49 Nu 610 OE No B wicum Pils 区 B hiravi Pils OER 4 eat NxCW NN ERE © | RHEE VEE .0S Chryssdomus (Ane’stralepis) niiiens ‘Pils’ xX Chrysod os (Anditrelepis) hivasel ‘Pils’ su oq 2 NY oR mts | Wot Kem HE B. unicum Pilsbry. (SRR) ACR RT KB) Ww Bee wh 11? RAS Le RNS RS SU MSN I 7 Pog ISA Bou | Pew (KY 2d0 NS Bav | Barwie” Ht Hide +47 (eet oa | JAPANESE LAND MOLLUSKS, PL. XV. CW + 55 8 Bl EE AK af Trochomorphs horiomphala ¢ Pfr? is t Trochomorpha gouldiana Pils. Bt 49. i n. & ら a 、 cultrata Pils. & Hir. = » haenseli Schun. & Bttg 41. -) , iheyaensis P. & H. 51 ” cathearte Reeve. 42. = » esuritor P. & H. 52. = shermani * Pfr’ a oy) a echimana) BY a EC a 、 pellucida Pils. & Hir. 45. 2 -, formosana P. & H. 2 JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, PL. XXVIII ( 版 仏 十 二 第 ) 類 貞 産 海 本 日 51. Volutharpa perryi Jay ea Nassa coronata Brug- 52. 55 ampullacea Midd. 6 9 Rae ead BOD at 、、 areularin Linné ait Cyllene pulehella Ad. & Rve. 621, leptospira A. Ad. 58. > coneinna Soland. 67 39) ay 67 > globosa Quoy. Sal assa tenuis Smith. slaps Jinn 6. _ JAPANESE MARINE M)UWIS¢5. Pu. XXII 44. 45. 46. 47. 48 94 50. Buccinum striatissimum Sowb. の middendorffi Verk. Variety - mm mirandum Smith. Ebmma japonica Sowb. Phos sonticosus Linné. Nassaria magnifica Lischke. (KEL) BARBER 日 THE MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. TT ea oa Founded by the late Geo. W. Tryor, Jr-, and continued by Henry A. Pilsbry, Sci. D., for the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. The Manual of Conchology is a fully illustrated monography of recent mollusks. Issued in octavo form, in quarterly parts. letterpress, and 15 to 20 plates. The FiRSm SERIES, Marine Univaives, of which soventeen volumes have appeared, is now finished’as planned by its illustrious founder. Of the SEGOND SERIES, Terrestrial Mollusks, Highteen Volumes have been published, completing Helix with index. A few copies of Vol. IX of this series, “Guide tothe Study of Helices,” will be sold separately at the regular subseription price. Separate copies of the Index, suitable for the purpose of a Catalogue or Cheek list, can also be had at $1.00 each. The Monograph of the Bulimi is now completed with Index. $1.00 each. The Mimograph of the Urocoptide has also been completed, and Vol. * progress, finishing the study of the Achatinidr. Prices:—Plain (unc: lored) edition, $3.00 per part. Colored edition, $5.00 per part. edition (both colored and India-tinted plates), $5.00 per part. For further information or descriptive circular, with sample plate of Manual, address S. RAYMOND ROBERTS, Treasurer. P. 0. Address, GLEN RIDGE, NEW JERSEY, U.S An illustrated CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS, A. Pilsbry- Paper, $2.50. Hach part comprises 64 (or more) pages of Separate copies of Index, XIX is now in Fine by F. Stearns and HH, KO a8 O shat 1 フュ 部 部 部 本 BO ENS am O = 2 ot Kp on “IJ BNR RAGS / brat Be a ee il 所 [ a は 机 強 字 で ! : ビ SN Be pat (>; 編 Li 若 ESM y mip | SH RNS HS) se aol oa fy MOREE bh 全 全 東京 京都 BV IKREPAGH Be DA }em | Ex BS Ea Yee ait [ HSS VND DOES « OR we tt 1 己 CHU EE) | EH RD 回 Wt ke catia TH+ WS Hi BA SEER S kD Ss ts A i ay i Bae ie = bag hi IS -% i PE 間 at ts Ht A ie 放 ial ist Uy Zale S ym SHOR ピ / Iie <2 fhe yo —. RS a SPAS BPO ーーr EETSN baie ーー Bul Reem © (BHO SHKOSC Ase oF, TRU aa | +o (so = 溢 ) SRS RMR| Bs a C(Qm+| 1 | oe) Tite CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF JAPANESE SHELLS, Published By Y. HIRASE. VOL II. APRIL, 1908, ae NO. CONTENTS. ‘ New Land Snails from Gorea, BY H, A, PILSBRY & Y, HIRASE,Q.....000 Summary-On dapanese Marine Mollusca CXVI)..sscsscseccsesescstescsesesteacsens Articles in Japanese: Omdapanese) Marine, Mollusca (CRU) "sccccccas-cvceseozereossaccsecdancsssceeesaee tseveoes Remarks on Japanese Marine Mollusca (Xe New Land Snails from Gorea, BY PILSBRY & HIRASE.…………………………… ION INSIIKS 電 ODNCIIS 軍 (0 Philology of Shell-Names from Ancient Manuscripts (XI) 15 か で で NUD Gr UNUM At ocaesteesiecasacsivasseceelesneenscatcoenssesster Habits and General Economy of Land and Fresh-Water Mollusca (VI) Memoirs of the Exploration in San-in.Go (V) By Kuroda. 103. 109, 111, 118. 123% 132 Notice: The subscription price for foreign countries is $ 1. 50(3 yen)per annum. All Jetters and communications should be addressed to Y. HIRASE, Shimochoja-machi, Karasumaru, KYOTO, JAPAN, SHOWY SHELLS FOR SALE Three sets of fine showy shells each in a very beautiful and artistic box with a cover on which our sea-shore scenery is painte] Each contains 12 selected and attractive species, $0.35 for small, 0.70 for medium, and 1.25 for a large box, postage included. For large box mailed to foreign countries, other than the U.S. the price is $ 1.00 and parce] postage. Prices are given in U. S. Currency. The opening of the new sale is intended for securing money for the purpose of completing the fund needed to start the construction of my buildings, which js delayed under grave financial difficulties, as set forth in No. 11 of my Conchological Magazine. T am sire to give you pleasure with these sets and hope to be fayoured with your as many orders as possible beeaise of spee.al sympathy with my undertakings. Y. HIRASE. Kyoto, Japan. THE NAUTILUS A MONTHLY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CONCHOLOGISTS Edited and Published by H. A. Pilsbry and C. W. Johnson, Address: . W. Johnson, Business manager, Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass, U. S. A. 2 FED AF BE EE on. 回 人 2 世界 中 最大 en と Als Py ER Ay BA > Ver ie A S ARH IAR AE = 回 本 及 支 那 > 好 結 品 偽物 っ 代金 = 7 Wig A A rE = a ow Sei oe AR BH Ha FEL 交換 a A ⑯ 特 = 支那 産 fe th HAE Aa PEWECAE OG AS a TES > ir © eS A ORAL Mi Hah Was #7 ik ~ RR Bk rZEH EG 旨 チ 申 Ke ) と < べ ペ ジ 宿 所 A. FE PETEREI: 8| & 83, Fulton Street, New Ycrk City, US. A. Seo SSS ne ee | Pee ae me | Poe tie ae tie a Die oe a ae ee [ath | met | sme # Rene ; # ay i ta |f * i eit Pig joa Bl 1 . Pir ME oad oa alia oan cal oa oa Oe cites bt TS 1 所 eset (BSH ie) | - MATHS BR) Ks | Ole ESI | RB KOt< | OSS FSX BR Ha HRN TN & Re sad Se xm abet OOE Roos US Be | NR ODMR MY RET eee... oy | 中 O# Ee | OeNvey Of XRRESTO abe SV OLESROE N Cty ng Hae SRICN Ee CSS MO RH TOORAK eae ge OKteRtaranee <~eszk eX RirZmskteeS HR, Hone sees Im F< tR HS Sts RH Sty @e @xvv ze PRO FEA FE Hie Site ト て と ル tt et limi | 88 ie の も = uN YS (882) OB AKSSEU Ry a ees OB HEY BY (ie) ESEC PK A278 ASE ASL ARES ER 代 野 Bue’ (ON EX wage tee “ge REESE BEE ERE oe a BS ie 1 [nx = oy Ree wee WRIT felt = x 軌 迎 ! : BI HERE FEE SEE IEE HE SE FEE | SQSSSSSSSS さ さく ぐさ る ささ くさく やや ぐさ やや る やる る や k x Em som | RSE ees | @ tr DRE ER ICI BE EE HE IE IE BE BE HED) | で や で や へ や や や や や v や や や や や や ペッ we a { | 國 @m | Ae mee pes BR< ge 3 pee SN 6 RS oS | RS KEINE KAR EP | : x shee aK 6 Dak PN NRK UES ARNE AR CAR RNR | に 補間 すま か oom き ヘッ ンー aay SH & ggnervnaseryeone |p い : SER ee eae aoe 1 BURKE KSRH LkS CREA RAK Y age pes : ao: CARR EMAAR. NHR] m HRY AIS OGKS Ef iy me SERRE USSR | >) i he nh omelet | — | IRIE REE io So に に ROASTER Nm 7 | Oni fl に コ ーー で" ウー キー ニー ーー" ーー ーー ーー BSSAIS DE PALEOCONCHOLOGIE COM] AREE (PuBrriEgs PAR UAuTEUR) PRIX DES SEPT PREMIERES LIVRAISONS REUNIES 150 fr, Chaeune de ces livraisons comprend la Monographie s€parés d’un certain nombre de familles indépendantes (Gastropodes ) avee tables des matieres. ete. L’ouvrage se termine done avec Tapparition de chaque livraison, sans comporter uno suite indispensable. Ces Monographies comprennent également des indications utiles pour l’étude de la Conchyliologie actnelle- SPV REVUE CRITIQUE DE PALEOZOOLOGIE, ORGANE TRIMESTRIEL PRIX de labonnement annuel……………… 10 fr, Table des dix premiéres années........... Oi. Maurice COSSMANN, 95, Rue de Maubeuge. xe Paris, France. JAPANESE SHELLS MARINE, FRESH-WATER and LAND SHELLS of JAPAN, LOOCHOO Is. and FORMOSA Fine specimens (accurately determined and exact localities given) of a great number of species, many of them new or rare, for sale at reasonable rates. Catalogue sent on Application. Specimens will be sent on approval to purchasers known to me or giving satisfactory references. Payment should be made by postal orders; bank drafts are also acceptable, when registered. Prices are the lowest possible, though varying more or less according to the quality and the amount of the goods ordered. Orders from unknown correspondents should be accompanied by a remittance or a satisfactory reference. A remittance is in many cases preferable, as it will prevent the loss of time otherwise needed for making necessary enquiries. The full address of an unknown correspondent should be written clearly. Y. HIRASE, Karasumaru, Kyoto, Japan. et ns) ae PERSE a : SRR エニ py Ae ji ete on THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Vo . II. APRIL, 1908. No. 4. z NEW LAND SNAILS FROM COREA BY H. A. PILSBRY AND Y. HIRASE. Our knowledge of the land and fresh-water mollusks of Corea is chiefly from two papers based largely upon shells collected by Dr. C. Gottsche. Dr. O. von Moellendorff published a list of the land shells, 26 species in all, five of them new, in his paper “Die Landschnecken von Korea” in Jahrbiicher der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft. xiv, 1887. Dr. Ed. von Mar- tens described the fresh-water species in his “Koreanische Siis- swasser-Mollusken”’, (Zoologische Jahrbiicher, Supplement viii, 1905),some 40 species and varieties being noted. The Melanians and Unionidae are finely developed, and outnumber the land shells. It is quite evident that the land snails are very imperfectly knwon. No doubt a good collector would find many species in southern Corea, and especially on the adjacent islands. A small lot from Fusan contained the following species, all new to Corea. Pupinella rufa Sowb. Omphalotropis japonica Pils. Eulota (Acusta) steboldiana Pfr. Eutlota (AE gista) tenuissima Pils. & Hir., n. sp. Clausilia (Euphedusa) fusaniana Pils. & Hir., n. sp. Ena coreana Pils. & Hir., n. sp. Figs. 1, 2, 3, Eulota tenuissima. 4, 5,6, Era coreara. 7, 8, Clausilia fusaniana 16 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. Eulota (#gista) tenuissima n. sp. (figs. 1, 2. 3.) The shell is very tin and light, discoidal, the spire convex, the periphery rather acately angular ; pale yellowish brown, translu- cent, broadly umbilicate, the umbilicus perspective, fully one-third the total diameter of the shell. Surface giossy, irregularly, fine- ly striate, and very finely, obsoletely striate spirally, whorls 6%, slowly, regularly increasing, the last shortly descending in front, flattened below the peripheral angle, rounded basally. The aperture is quite oblique, rounded, but slightly lunate; the di- ameter and oblique height are equal. Teristome narrowly reflex- ed, thin, or having a very slight white thickening within. Alt. 9.7, diam. 23 mm.; whorls 6%. ne 9, 20.5 ss a Fusan, Corea. Cotypes no. 94731 A. N.S. P., and no. 1459 of Hirase’s collection. This species has the general appearance and sculpture of égista, but the periphery is acutely angular, as in Plectotropis. It is remarkable for its extreme thinness. No Japanese or Chinese species known to us is closely related. Clausilia fusaniana n. sp. (figs. 7, 8.) An Euphaedusa of the group of C. aculus, resembling that species in shape and general appearance; thin; brown, paler be- low the suture. Surface glossy, distinctly and finely striate throughout except the first three whorls, the stria weaker on:the penultimate whorl, perceptibly stronger on the last half of the last whorl; but frequently the shell is more or less worn or corroded, and it is then light gray, with the sculpture indistinct. There are II to 12 strongly convex whorls, the first 2% forming a cylinder scarcely 1 millimeter in diameter; the rest increasing slowly to the penultimate whorl, which is widest. The last whorl is distinctly flattened at the side, convex below. The aperture is small, one-fifth the total length of the shell, ovate, with a well-defined, slightly retracted sinulus. The peristome is thick or very thick, well reflexed, free above, being carried for- ward a short distance from the preceding whorl. The superior lamella is low and small, reaching the margin, and separated from THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. 17 the spiral lamella, which is rather high and extends inward to a point above the sinulus. The inferior lamella is very low and in- conspicuous from in front, being formed as in C. faz. The sub- columellar Jamella usually emerges to the lip-edge, but irl some individuals it hardly emerges. The principal plica is onerthird of a whorl long, dorso-lateral. The upper palatal plica is one-third to one-half the length of the principal plica. The lower palatal plica isa short, slightly oblique, strong nodule. Theré is no lunella, though the wall may be paler in its position. Length 18.8, diam. 3.5 mm.; whorls 12. OS eyez Xt SO he Oe ee 1 The clausilium is very strongly curved, almost forming a half ) 世 circle, being therefore a little more curved than in C. ¢au. The lower part of the palatal border is somewhat less widely recurved than in C. tau. Corea: Fusan. Cotypes no. 94732 A. N.S. P., and no. 1461 of Hirase’s collection. This species is closely related to C. tau of Japan, also found in China, from which it differs by the usually larger size and greater number of whorls in shells of equal length, the disconnected superior and spiral lamellae, the usually emerging subcolumellar lamella, and the absence of a lunella. It may not unlikely be what A. Adams reported as C. aculus from Fusan. Ena coreana n. sp. (figs. 4, 5, 6.) The shell is deeply rimate, cylindric-tapering, very thin, brown- ish corneous, slightly transparent, glossy, weakly, irregularly striate, and usually showing faint traces of fine spiral lines on the last whorl. Spire slowly tapering, with convex outlines, whorls 7 to 8%, convex, the suture deeply impressed. Last whorl full and convex at base. Aperture slightly oblique, ovate, Peristome thin, white, well expanded, but hardly reflexed. Co- lumella concave, not thickened; columellar margin dilated, thin. Parietal callus very thin, transparent or whitish. Length 14, diam. above aperture 4, length of aperture 4 mm. ss Pa ss wb Ae as os ese 10, “ “ “ A, (6 ae 4.5 (6 18 THE CONCHOLOGICAL MAGAZINE. Fusan, Corea. Cotypes no. 94773 A. N.S. P., and no. 1460 of Hirase’s collection. Chiefly distinguished by the tenuity of the whole shell, -which is transparent enough to show the internal column and partitions by transmitted light. Summary — On Japanese Marine Mollusca (XVI EBURNINA® Eburana japonica Sozdy. pl. xxvii, fig. 47, pl. xxviii, fig. 53. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iii, p. 211, pl. 82, fig. 463. Jap. name, Bai, Mokuhachifu. Loc., Loochoo and Osumi Is.; Satsuma; Hizen; Tosa; Ise; Izu; Sagami; Boshu and Korea (Fusan). PHOTIN 征 Phos senticosus Lzzvzé. pl. xxvii, figs. 48, 49. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iii, p. 215, pl. 83, figs. 479-490, 492, etc. Jap. name, Tokusa-bai, Hir. n. n. Loc., Tosa; Osumi and Loochoo Islands. Phos sp. pl. xxviii, fig. 54. Jap. name, Hime-tokusa, Hir. n. n. Loc., Kikai, Osumi. Nassaria magnifica Lzschke. pl. xxvii, fig. 50. Lischke, Japanische Meeres-Conchylien, vol. ii, p. 38, pl. iv, fies. Wy, 02. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol iii, p. 222, pl. 84, figs. 551, 552. Jap. name, Nasa-bai, Hir.n.n. Loc., Sagami. Cyllene pulchella Ad. & Rve. pl. xxviii, figs. 55-57. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iii, p. 224, pl. 84, figs. 567-571. Jap. name, Shirene, Hir. n. n. Loc., Yakushima & Kikaigashima, Osumi. Cyllene concinna Sa/and. pl. xxviii, fig. 58. Tryon, Man. Conch. vol. iii, p. 224, pl. 84, fig. 572. Jap. name, Hime-shirene, Hir. n. n. Loc., Yakushima, Osumi. (142) 日 十 二 月 四 年 一 十 四 治 明 #2 i Sv PRUs t-~-wHoyRrHome enw s © HaevMlo sd | HRN EEO MEL WESE SOY IES ROMO Repo yy ik O SW HE OC Sevtt hE VWs 00 EN EWN KK OY ROK BRN CLROBMO YPRRBS EI” VOPR MORE WEES 6 BRA Ww~ 3H ODN OK Ne) = = AF: ESI NO YG aM nO (+R EXER I) —>: 38: 0: @SaXc0Kkr RS HC SSRN VIR OMS OSS SS OS {Si Kn~ 60 DW yy Boon ON (EKER) | BREMNER RR ER ORE MA Oo ese RE Mt se HOMER ORM oft SMO Sie So 2 FEIN £10 YT RRR YD (ERR og REE) _—_——— So EO oO ーー a+ OK KERNS KAS OR ASS te RoR x SESS ee R08 8 URE HORS TEEN 2 Sy OB NER ROM Ro y SEW RnB YER RRL SS 010 «POR AO PSE Se wn 2 る YAS EE PUREE ORIEN 4ORK SRN SOMES OB RWiKOMS ~ ARS CORN poet ya dp rvnenEZunayacean +S AN EWRE OM SND Vy KR +o | Ho IMEX AO N0 BS 0 PARI Go My oS 8 0 PER SHS Sen SoRXuNeHweS Bc yoCe PARR RAN HS OSS wie LEO OG HS UREN ye Aho dr LON avril MEIC DQ 310 OB Ris BON a (KES) —= =I OE OO SS (141) ee =e ft Ho OBWELESN OSKREROVYERWOAN PW OY 准 0° EVRY NOFR rey oo KR ORME WHS ye ae NRW SK Jod[ Noe sav | OAS OVER HE’ RE’ HI (ROMER 99° Wowim’” Fi | ROBMRKKw+ Rows Miow OH K SM we PIR OKENEROSRENE 00 ~ OU Hinge 0 RUDE ASYS yHRtw ORY 820° su VER~ FEROK SCHOO | ERONEOE MTN POU" HSB OR ON MRE DOS Y 2107 Bw BCU ERERSRES oF ] な 7 BX AO SE suf HEB K-ot Ey BR Quinn RrORIB EK -o N07 FEB 10 YN SAO YX O& $y HEA 00 Ww M10 EK SRE 6 SIH NSS RS3 bo Eye Swi vad vow EXUH 6 A~ wax MEE Bt SRE DYN REM tn 10 RES CORRE E~ WHR we! | RW OV RDSEK OY OMERENEY 07 BOHS HES WRK AN S Kult OW SOVIEE Rink 2 0. ASR” HERS OMB URERRNAOY | WPS K hg 2e yy eo ROY BS MN a SIH ONO や Quy «SEN RW OR ON EM ideo? Baa N SY ERE OY SEN HR-o) O RABE A UON ESM | A ORY EAN Swng f wu ee tp (RAE 1) N By $0 RENIEO PHO” SRN Ib~ we Kt SS Na MSLRIOVR OE CoN KOE 0” BENE RR SRV VES YA VIP wR to DR 2 Reo |i RRO RRM REE URE SEO BRih RE CRRMERREN EY « QOS NOREEN PREY Shevy Oy RO” SH ose KANiHwRs y | HHBEr nt OkKwMRBOY CRUWRNS © +R DAA Sua (140) Cia sake Pra se ta Re i ON WWE SUR OSA OME RI Apa ~ | POM KN WESTON S St BIO 11 MERE NS 04H sufi gS ふ に ゃ | Crk ONES RHEE PIKES | Kas KN SOR OD dro BRN PAX Y AUER foO~ BERN iE YO つ 1 S0S+NCSkS BRL NEBR 0 BS OR ARE SHY yi RVR OSS RRLRLOWN GRE ORR) SS OE OEM SBR RTE RYU SSN KN BOMELN noitzl NERA 20 や OX SVL EN OBOCBRVNRO OY SE BYR YAS RORGKN Oo BREMNAUR [St ny) WSkwPORBMS | Pv Ov ERNONSZ Mts OTHE ID SO RPN SO YH Banirs Sw Ot Kav NENMELS Sy B~ SO y ir ik wie RON? CO Y EM © KEENE S92 10 OW 610 HO BHWN INVvK CNSR OR Rees Uh oNevayes NHOY HL ots SAY Hue DUT KLO RHSY CUM OUR ABE NL Y C006 107 ReUFINN ONY My Sins 6 eve OAR OKO SK AR SBA (SR OBL KOR) (F< OR WERE” 国選 ee OR IRAs | [FR d Y SSS wy Oy RORY oo NES) OBEN OV ENUK | SEwROLBY YES EE SEN UMP ROSKV EN MOR wR ORO Msgr” Mavi Rw Rok BM Bio oN Be ORY YERUVORKN BRUEMM WERE Lato SPOYNORENKROLSVRI LHR OVese PIN A SEEKS) OER (So 4 CO ROR SK it ERE | Asa mG — i ab RE RM 介 (189) WRU Ai-o OA MOM KwRy rts awe-oy Gy WNW Bie y B00 OUR (RXR OB AM At NEO YM QUIS S Amores CIRO a manana nh SUNY OSE ROAGRE SIA 20 YEE S SMW A0 AyERVE( oly 90° BYU | YRREZ Wo! [PRE O w Ont ERnl 6° Bat lt+VeEe | PHRDE O POWER IL SwOIysSONNNERO SUSE RA goa Este © IRWIN DN UO NRE Rox | [PAANKROANRENS wink OHRWatk 5 OMI KS RENE YRS WE 20 ROS WHEE 0 N to] POY OSLER 0 OM OMY KVEROyoeSy eu ERS CN ao SRM Rey OP Ast W? SOM oe EWG KiiKin oH SAME Ri 08K | SPER OY # a DER te OW KNEES / SEROMA ANC KH OVO VEO ypRES4MRIN Maul YePINPO SSrOH 0 NM SEES LER 6 00 WIR HE Oy BS She HE O VHS (SES) Baas eer to Se Quem OeS UPS ed | mt wos t+HoNYei|sm FEN Oy ath EM SWE ORS EES HOR CRRIVAA ORC BvERWRA4oORAR VRE OL OEY OY RPE+oRES ORME Si-O | DWEWNRERE ERWH BSN’ KB HRX OW ASEH-oRNRSR URES NHS | ws ZH ONS Seok s pHESRWVERTS ORK IRN Dy Dauspoth REN ytd QU | PIIROHBY YMRS y | Bees Wt? dhs ub OK © SAS (138) Htr- AWM Ft—-+ Hh % W # # Bl ER IIN ATES 59 QRH OK BREMEN AMO 41 0 SUK HE ERY OO hale REL © RE Ct OREN SBS Oy RHO Owe Rove O60? BASS OEY SH ON on KN Y SH Sota NBR OM S ROBO UA SN BOY OU EO INSUIKAS S YEHIO° ERB S wR Yr NY KO ye HES HHO RN BK SH 00 NY HH OO RRR Va OR ONNRENE HO yt te, OPO YK sted | AM ok WOVEN tee Yi 20° PEN RON A SRY O44 O Yh AMR dm OHTA RN UR ON ONO | oKe x OY Be 0° TRAE RO YE Qn Aik OWS Ek SOV 560° Kat 6 hese HS yoo Saji] Soo KH! 1 PRANPRIBE OSG °o NVRyKRwsoOyR 20 USE PE ORG IEE © SHEN Xb 19 el al SBR 0 |/ RRR OSes (IR) (XR) P19 S326 > 0 @xKSRE BES OFA SK ORB EE REN 1011] Wei RS KKK ode Kee y Ait qs 0 HEIR SHO YER OKIE A * 10 mp KER K SNOT [Sea eH ou Nas OW 10 AO LR MEW VY SIRS SDS VCH ESK oN cI, (K EXER ID) SS So ee @NARRN Se COs RRAREHORS RES QIN S KS RB REESE mK | om MERSIN YEME RRS ARVN KO Mw VRB m et Rin O60 4 Ow Om etsy ESM OW HDSES ROGERK” QUIRR EEBBS Ie NY Os JE O22 SS 6 0 MRR OMAN Hie y Ee Ket OSes URS 0 EME THERE KN Et Oe ai FRY MNRE OF D0 Mio AOS MRE © Me ae See ASCH Bim OM SBN RRO 04S ERS mY = Fi ae ME MSP (183) HK Oe ETIRA Y EE Onin HE 20 ROTHER SS OMS FE 00 NEDSS SREY ERE KN ORAL MOY BSR EE Bee N ut DY UW G10 Hoe OHO REE RINE OK KEENE OA WMO sv PI SHRI ES SSS BW OG ESO BN ESVARO RN ASAE OWS INSH#* ORAS BRIERE RAK {|KO --S} SSSA Se IS ee yh Ra ng SEMEN SEN § © OSE VRE Yee SNBYR CEN BOP RES OV BHD O4o HSS Hive WE om OH OWE ONS dee OM O SB DWH OI WINKEL S OHMS OH DEH OR BR POM oO SMNEEY VER NIREO RS EB RC RRWERY BCERWNORE TWH D y Sh SR ER © MEK IRIS NY BE SNOY PONS DEL PROP ONMKR OLR O Ly # # OR HEN 4610 we SEI HO や Gi GO) MPSS OMRAEORBKS OBER OGY Mire so seeeE "A CBRNTNRY ON HOR RW YK LX whl +p. f Ei SSS NO NB 0 OSE REO N Hoy Re kN ESS y Re dm Oe RwiO KRe SSS ed OM MVM RN MOAN WING NPs 0 Ba CHEE Hs BIH OC KR WEIS OL WZOM-= ZIM Mi oN Rob EN BE OH~ 66 0 ine 0 046 ERA OK RY NRE AH ONS NE) LHR wR (A OWI obi] y try 440 ASEM OU UM SKA ONS BORE (1 | HO-+1 142) WON WINK NG BRS NY Xt © Row HY RY OM sil Ys CMO UK SHY pI NEW -RKRVHONVEEY KEEN etn oR VES Of Birdy WEN URRY 42 $4 KW SEIN RK Sod ( SEN ol WIT NUR ERR BENG 10 SIREN OC BES m+ 1 SHH. Be AG cng So) Blau (132) 日 十 二 月 四 年 一 十 四 治男 @2 2° HE Crk wH~ Hire. He BE Me BE 410 Row (a ee tees) INR OLE YSME ASK OREN SX uBR wE Qtr 32 BR $5 tS AE 0) SEG ES Rag Bt BS Gu “A Gen OPV EIR PR SOME OR NEE CHIEN HK OREO BO OAC EES © TEEN ta ERR WY 1G 00 TEEN HE OE 1) BX HOR+MORY 60 BAU E! |OBAY y HS PRBS Fe OU 76 9S 10 BE Rae ES HL REN EEO MH BI Ld WRU MDD SMS D4 OIE KO EO SS OB KER Be 00 wi KU 6 OMIA SOM BER YER OBS SOUS ONS MER ee BR ORPHOR SELLY SS oR OY OREM OK A BBR TsO US SIG VARESE N Mat 19 PQ WE 10 Wr SUES Oe Se NIE ORS ORR OEN Y aH BMORANS SRS ESE +E SE | MR H-oRe PIO Eri KCB S10 wi MW 048 2 | Ray or Ke ORECR AMERY SU RY MERE HES | AAC SERS CAMS MINIS 4 OE SOR PEN SS 10 UR Se SRS RP EU 18 00 IKK Na VY TRY PITS 10 BREWS OMA ERE 1G OKO NE NSoVMKES (BE poy es MKEE | EK MOU SCHR RE (BE pow 2K A LIEK POPHOINERE D + + A OHEErE 6 Mux eK (BS OK ON EH ORB ERNE i100 CUBSVYRANPyVRONNSE? SN ERRORS OEHHA Mee SVB O VMs ONS VU PIM 08 BREEN SIAR 9S 00 ROT OBR AWS Shy © ORNEKE RESIS SO RMAM 5° BK NUR PITS OW SH OREO CONOH aEwW MEE” DE UAC HESS ANN? RAS xTav ee MORRPR~ HPQ ML ALNES ww nes FRG P NIB ON O60 KetrzoaARWeO we VY OF & = i ab ME HL 介 BNESROYNCOWSLRe ROTHER ORRIN” Stk DOL MK ANS me” ao Nae r—H od — OER WE VB m0 SMU RTE oy GO Kae Sw ( YHISNON’ | 性 尽 他 太 十里 PONS OY SHERI ONO EKRE ROKK HHO Hy Mela 0 CE~” GRU OHYKS” Ai WR OVHALNS mNOVRO! |AEO | w7 Bosoci|OHt~ HEROS SLo RNB tre+ock+ nh A + pH ORR A RWS +KONeMt+R SHON eNTNR + | MRONSK +H IR BPr+NONME+NR’ PH OSB on HK ORM wa Seu ORB SY BORER WRENS Rokk ( = A) AK OS OH MAR Hb = トー HPO LN SE RR uk © GEN RAK 09 GC WORN BPS 59 EK ORNS OBtnu’” RESEBORREN KOEN Tiki Wu NSDERAT A RK ae AKA Ss (124) HFOAR M4 + ie FE 1 te RAO eo” RAE Aye? 眉 年 S209 ORHAN sugk 4 IR 30° Pec msm’” BNR Rt | m+ oN SO? B+VONe Rw 00 | tM +AC YN Ho” St OIKKO PO” Wet] Bet RO+ | NON? ] RR +N mi] ERE OY. 紙 Hess ot | Sm E00 AA KD WK ORNS 7 DSA Hh OH | f° PSAN KAI [HO URE TNT PAD HR KTS SD NNNASK OND DIN KAR EPR NH] Re MO RL RANK MR ATH LI RMB VER 89 WS DAS FRAT BIS SEK to09 0 Cp ikit? oN ae tT NOES C RA AK PRR CR AN KOR DIAS RD KA | PRINT KA Rs HACER mS NIN | | Wed] A KAS ROK ET 16 10 N su tut DS su SAK Nou 2Qy@9 Til” XS fk FAT a oh ERS BEALE OC IKN OY” ERS EWS NG” TKHEER © RUE OR 6 10° TRS ORM RK SEEN NCH AS HU Md tt Ao Eo WNHOVTHERS | REBROM MS KO VIR Rte Neath 5° BROCBEN Ri KOy Soy 5° T1RXae | ENS UM ee ogee” KHUN eH YG GREW’ Soy Ruse ow ey’ REN EN B+ 90° IS dri QI ORE RIDIN IEC IB-aWe 00 IK ASSEN OM GUNN OLE NAK OE EN WEEN we OY o @ — Si Ge Be RA St (123) eK sb OA OB) Yd OREN © BRN 1G Of Ko NEU KOR KR oPHORES DCS RM ihweE Rat BX EE 0 Spek § NAS dU REN FOG 0 WDD ROOM NOY HE SHR 区 PEAND DO ReEANESW4«E ] Bw wre wes te ti!) NO ArHK wo SH | Boy Sw HeowN | Boy IKSUtS AAW IN IY OKRA RUM OD PONY RA A mH SRimwihSO6 SACKHUORL ERO HEROIR AA OCHENROY R~ EB (HY OPCS? B NCE ON BQ YR KSURBESNR DW PONY CRE OSAP ORTRS |] CV OSH ODOR aK ( Be P OMAN HS oo HEY RE SGEHS HEN SX MKB AAS OT NE WRON ORONO | HN Ke OR 10% O° RK PAH ORMRTH RU ENTE OMEN BEN tn 00 > ーー? 66 だ te Sf Ng i ー ロ ンプ = こつ ニー ロッ ナー で ゴー ニッ ナー ニッ ウニ ニン ナニ て マフ = マン テニ ーー で ラニ HORAKSSONA eee PE BOO SEO" BE NITRO SHEE” HOMES ESOT NY EP NBO Y (NWKL)” NOE NA rt” B Ret AE RIN KOrOdRN doe | coltsfoot 4 Ame de 4a, 109 1 te fo ideo”? BRO eH | Bou 107 ws to ay 6 So | tHe +HeNm’ ReBR4 Oo BRAOX iw ¢ yi | Bw] suhs20° +1 Be Sa ee ie rrr ere fe トト NAS や リコ リス この ロー だ だ で? RSE MIE © WEEN SM Ew Mo my de MCC SW R~ Ka Sf PNW QoS WK BY Moe | OLMIS LCRA? Rar L Cue SY YM~ SERS OS HOPE E eigenen 7 as OY SKN ER RSAR SO. a ae が と 5 NO Hou SK PR’ RSAKo AB? Howl 1 CRWH-o pe Po OW U-o Baye. OR Y HB Oran ¢ Ase? 0 a UMHS HOR A KWwS MHt- cp OVP SRY AR (Rz 40 & NBEO su $10 i | Role a WARE SAW ANE R UME UK BEV ne) KMOURBN EME Sn aM SEM KARR ThEN YD AK fod Sy PACED NY PI HOMIE -ofte* HR Be OO EeESESESaEEaEamapPmeaqERE——EaIEeeeem i VRC O° BORN el at HE NED Syne Ou SEO VER ve wmes meazwAws? Dever y YIKLN PE St RAS SES KOE 10K KH RK Ranh OE OM WLO Keo (ite ways y ROS NE OUPRYAY «°° | TNN OME ORIN MEK NK } ON-44) VES VOEY YN NN - v OSNSO] MIMO [HAS WE RM ML os | Mo? Bo | Ox KROBYOy Nets esd Os ba = S” RRAY eo RO Seer pay RWORY WAVE? are OW ESS NiO KER Mis HK NV SRP Wat J vr TEM. ie Be yore Pawn IN MY AUN MOS {WHO D LS RMD NI WH4A< OBIE | TRON so F nsses © QM の SNS «AW (119) QS OMEN ACN HANNS Kio UKE HE Sou TRAM SHERI OR evi SIO dra BU Wo ARTO MY SKS HOM NAN ey 5K 539 WIKS” AA WIKKRERN y OS CSE Ow OEBEN BRA o BWA tA さく や < M00 PORT HAM © OIRO hy oD -oR US A= AS AA ES RE EKO eo RF CRIME UR LV yp Kw Ya RORY DN = PHO HORN RR OYE SAW Nica {ras HD SI Fo 30 4 Ft AU © rh M0 4o RK OR 1 RR S Re > SU HIHS 00 9 MO ER ye SEM BY Od, BEER tl 46 Oth ORY BC SEY POO ypHIRO aw Ho 8 Mok) = ONIRNEN ML Aik eu xia @? dks SU OMEN So ONO VRE wi Ce 105 5 SR OER Ee NEE QORN OY WA ITINN OY OK “ OR な wR RELY BY Hl GN AK) RmopyNXs ES Wil (ona NY Y OREM OT PR SOAR REY VRORRNOUR MON Feo NR 2 7 KK AR YO RAUEINIEN RLS 10 © OEM Ex FUOWERD OM RY NYS & A= ONTO HH N 10 HRY OSRON Sw PNOKs WoOYy H NCQER~Y Bn Hee EX O Fi IRV OK MNOKES *Q な GE: OD せ ー ーー NEY RAY 6b ye DSU BEX) = ERM -o sug iilte Oa Bly eA BK AE kRAS KOK A= aK BES SUR RX SHORN WHS 0 ROR nH EAS 22S HEE WEIS deny 0 Ro ーー 一 i HCN YW OE) RRO] & (ND) BRE RRBO fms QO BRIER NHR SSR RR NL Sin” RSE NI NIN-S° Ove FERRY INSEE ORSINI + SEN BECK WEE ORO BRN nO KARE aUEE KEN ORNS UBER OB OK wena 6b A sy SMX OR~ RBON WH -o Y 44-08 OH Oita PY BW BNO HIN B0.N OF0N Bn Yi 410 av POOH Sp RES IY TER don MI SE AE By 00 SE I ORR SEE NUE MRS ORMNBSt Y ROO PORYM WW 0 FDL AS fo 10 FRR HEHE KF へ = ORY ORSEY KO EO yi RAINY S NR SBI EEO SN 7 UR RDN 7 to Sy ERIE BONER NO NOUQ™ NR OREN 604 R~ HOM § SSE [thimded vw 6 pW Ssutt woods BIRBVO DL FA Sod SKA” dot war mad 4.0 sutE RX NON EKA NINO BENIN A = SSO? SOK Ole tn M-osIRRD-o° UGBKTHO REN SA = の oR ル ふ = の 9 の SS づつ 選 ^ — 4 i ME RA SP me (117) .o ぃ * o ! i 0 p ふ (大 然 月 ) き Biot. Mactra veneri- formis Desh. s $37 RURESVER~Ax ake OTH = | Es VR ORN CRE mo (° BERN Ss ay Fada Nik” ERO wet | Fri lARHE-S OY HY EN SEB $600 ERB mk ¢° SpE) y BREN Hn SAA IEE” HX ROWER to SSSR RLS tk 9° Maud PERO We OK ME mw SKNO AS’ RN Ke WE OR OK EHEN OM SESRWE 20 ith YY NACE” E10 MR OM ORO NVR” PT AHEN OOH TW AG-HE SHO ar NK Hie ttre QW OWE yp? BMAmBrx SKOVE Ht SRO Bhatt) Mactra suica- bal taris Desh. sy SS “aK Eg [ ERNE BY Dy a LLL ny に こく よい に a グ / / SY) SRE OR OM Om RSOwERY 60° HR Hee HR a) RN A RM RE a) © GE REINS NBR O) Yin? RIBAS? watt PHC Ae 9° Bat” ger ik OV REO BECMN MI NwROe NY 人 な co Ke NW fk YH 6 Beie ewe ONO +H (116) AMP — + 4 ia ーー ーー Hit m eM CY) ABN” HD AONA” OOMD ROUK UES ON 60%" RIE HWS 9° RR ORR Rove (RRS SO vey | BY Be ORE OLN PAO RRS 100 RY RK EEO RR ORR SRY NSB BARN See PX RS AS BERS © Bio 07 KOR WAN rk HQ Mowe” BE |i (HOLY H+ Bw OK VBR *@ WIK OLN WG 09 WUSSO RR” SRR~ OR~ RL © OY GOIN Ro fDO~ KORVER OO yReowHin? SLSR © NIRS 10 Nutt HE WERKE OY EAN w +<+dv SS" PROBE EN® | wo yitier so SPOMN 5S” HO | MPS OU OBRN Roy HRW ES OU ECO BN Ho A HH NIKE EAN GL ERM OHM © LON ERP RIO 10 1 7 IPO CRM OR OHM EEN Soyn’ BAO +2 HOUR Bm 4 o9QUS & SH SKN WHER OY PIR SS” Re ASR SN 0 HORROR BEX S SRE” OK © BR 4. 00 EA Bak Da PO BMW VERoM te 2 SOY KOM ORES ON AC ROY OP M~ DKS OU 109 MH OMY WOK’ B BHM EOCHY SO V HRT SHE N © WERE 7 PEwWN~ REVO yvenrs SKOREVAWOY ES VK ORM EW 10 0 4107 BeogQyus ome x BX EM ORT Sw akoypSWoRn 4~ ake DLO POE” MWK OFS VIPS NH OREO を ANRORE YU 1G 000 TRAC SSIIEN SAt O OMNES OH W0 OY" RORY BoB st Oe WK Rew 649 —REb BS ASE A NUTS “HP OTR NY HOY “ SQAUS) UTE SE © IRN RE BRD NG = POE VRE Re Noh” SHER SRY Oy | BE MIO] © | NEA RCH BR AC HHAR OIRO 1 RMI I RO | Clk wit” Eee RouaO~ REY 0 aS NOY? GEN Spor m4 10 N oan arte del pla oe SS DTH Noun” ER BRE EN BE-o p HE Ao ut fm MSI w He Pa CC ian) VX besten wits OR NBO~” RHR OL RO” 1» AAO wm ERE &KO0 KAS RHEE Kuphodusa © Clausilia aculus @2EN RR つ | BOMBYX y wRBNI Ke te MA NBBREN hd 10 aK BRR BSN OY DEL OER NG am VCR ER BRR Ae BBE aX gy RO oR Le te kT JOE O GPR Et TS YN RE ER do の 村々 7 +1] Reem KN SK AMS OY Be? oa a x (C. aculus) OS Bk CH WE RHUL mE Y AO Ae | IRA Asp た ルイ REE) Ena corcava P. and H. (ERR TH REE KE) HI” Woe RK) WS’ MSR He” In} cae $= we > BISRBl < | eRAC tHe Ww ieee A | eater Rite ye” ERM BHM OY | Ree? RES Miwa” SHIR NM Oy BS” KREG ORR WIL HMI WOKS ARAN BBR UR” BERETS GEXNNG SEER OBR S AIRC RBIS RR ¢ 7 Bde ° SMR Owed ROD ~ RY yR. WHO” OSHS Ma Oy O~ Bi b10 HH AN [RE 7 RHE] Hy Wh hot te su ta ERR > a 雑 類 介 = ニーバ ョ の my De WO a (118) fd” 11)8R1 JER? igi” xR HSH RRM Sie Oy? BRS nt” BEE” Gee ee CHODVTO” HRY GwSy o ym SOME (7 HR OGIO TIS | ZH ae TREE REN OY KORE M0 BIS” BAX $610 BS OBB Wi” Bena CBs ee Co RE ek NER Kin” SII EH OM AR ODOM BEE YO DO~ RRP oO? ECR ua eo At LY O° OSS KT Oye” Raeiev as Oma EES YN" KRIBU KEY AD SP SHROS BMS RWIS BESS SN bw Ob RHE Kb 0 BERTI” Bey TREN SPU EN Y LEME NS) UP Rn Nou REY 7 余 BY SEAN YS -s YASRY NN) SUSIE © HBS 10 Bats | NAPA 2 (RE) SoHE SON O Bets Clausilia: fusaniana P. and H. (88 RRR + RUE ME XK BE) HS” WHET Rae IR) WHS RRS He” W SSE er 1 GU EES RMN Oy” Rd Bealss.c” HX SHE NOY RI MwE~ OS UM~ REX VY BBVURVYK SIEN So VEO” SIMO REN Coy HOW MME OY" HERR oud Ee BSD | PROT MLW PDEY 0 PON Soy ae awit “ BRM BM-o* Bethe + | | [ew Yo Bae O1 [BESS MO ORHAN | wm exe tan DV" SUELNE KY KSMR oO’ KAO | RIEN Oy eine” Ros yo dumOIAR S | Nevin” HN RMN ya mE om ORK SORT O OKA? Me? Sea eg SVAN OS HERO yon? ey HYD mi BEE REO BE BEICAC ERD EE oie +] (112) 月 四 年 一 填 四 治 胃 ーー ーー ド H + RAO ORE A BOS SON etm oh <0 RB Hw Oy ig C1 RAE" HOMIE RAK KE A ゃ 租 TH ORSSRN £22 CMR MDM PONY? XK] KS HX VHS © Jahrbiisher der Deutschen Malakozoolo- gischen Gesellschaft $+ BQ Baye 7 eH” Nea” SAAN ZA NB OBR Die Landschnecken von Korea (SReeBHon) Y Oy Biite) |< a HOR HIN" BOQ] MH RR Re NAD セー ト SKK BHAE-SWORYS RO Zoologishe Jahrbieher ESD RX YNZ A Koreanishe Siisswasser—Mollusken CEES RM) NOV” BSN oO Nou BT Tile” SSIS N lay” HEEEN 1 ARERR IN KR EE SAK D7 OY SOK BE OHI ORB AS YK Le MOM RTS NN OY R10 avd akin’. pe es SRN EERO TEEN Xv AHO MIR ORE Ya に Mat” HYD O~ BRB Y | Cyclophorus herklotsi JZzt. Papinella rufa Sozwd, Omphalotropis japonica ids. Kulota verrucosa ez. Rnlota (Acusta) sieboldiana Pf. “Eulota (A€gista) tenuissima Pils. 5 万 が “Clausilia (Euphsdusa) fusaniana Pils. § Hor. Clausilia (Pseudonenia) sieboldi 7 の 7. “Ena coreana Pils § 万 が か © FameS 50 BEAN Bs RA RREIE N IPN DKK ARRAN ee fre (RE) RulOta CKgista) tennissima Pils. and Hir. (SEER OR | ER) RAS HSS Fe POS Noe . Fis RE RL SP (111) mo aw © ANS S19 P EN pre EN Berk | Li Ow RN NWR 4100 so 翌 江 犯人 や 0 | さ 和 NN へ 人 KK C. lugubris Ad. and Reeve. =C. fuseata A, Ad. (- AS dep ROR BON 2420) HHS aioe (NP Re Kw SKE) PHO BS at {CE SO BN SH N Ht) wh Or SHON EB’ #2 i SRE Rw [hon a+] g NOY? Ue HRM LO NRRY Ae yf C. owa Gray =. orientalis A. Ad. (- Ac te DEROR SEN 2400) WHS SE (NH 4S EX) (8 RAY OH) SRA ORE WNC Sry RN Oy? SRO OR RNC Y Sve RRONR RO EY PauBEE Wi oY MY CENSORS a ry Ct. gib ba A. Ad. WHE" NOE (KS KE) VAK LH “KOUKE HORT RD Se we nw a DK OURBIN RHE Y RD | ーーーーーー つ ーー も ーーー ニー で ーー ーーーーーーー SRN Bo 6 aR HAR NR VAK RE a a: rn 乱 HG | ES KH REEN RR POP ON BRYO OME G19 Hp 2 agate ここ で ピー EXA り 忌 振 2 (GENCE) 2 (110) AT = Ao ese ore ta 明 KR CREREW (+1 1) A ERAS EHS ~ EK OUR BE NAC BEADS 0 THB Mo | HHI RC. japonica Pils. RODS | RK MRLE Sat nes x 2410) HU BEK+ IL” uh | jek A” 国 * 国 ゅ ネ < RUBEN OV RAIS” TMOR wk RR SO REE suns ( ER AUSSI ou BEBE ou Qumk ¢ AKA OV" RR CRI” KI MN Cn ys pion = K 還 営 千 困 部 人 へ ツ ^ me sh Bn wd Q ERO ANS 20 BEN SEMIS | MOIR CS | WEEMS BO y ska MORTEM | tvetwRO- ch HEE WR Rete yy MRS a (B aK K=—B) oS ~D SY ORE ES BR Se lee © ee VERBS EEN Ico a IV RIEWEo” EO B~ RRR MIP BIRO EU ¢° eee BEL OY” SEHR io” dose” KO Eines DO~ EID | HN S~ BSRIRE 3 C gibba A. Ad. weBEx MW r@ Pr” HN Raed ype Bites Nougat.” KOS Bums chr SRK DONG a” RASC BMA RK OME we 王 TIN +6 mo Y ARS SEN 4s BE A AK | KU GOYVAK Re KY MOOGILE IKE (Columbelia drnkeri Tryon) o-4+-0BiK Os! | 4&my MR ORR MUNA y? Kiki ME 類 介 =. 第 誌 Yo & (109) NeRSwm (° RERNSRRSO| PRO+1 |e Wil) |+ eww DZ th AEME’ TRITIA Risso. SEXrHR 7 BRIO WIR MORSE IO PIMA BEN OV Ee ORRIN Ro” & et NY OYE SO Px a KN = Kao em < ュー ュー| = 騒 貞 占め 守り - か で ポ S 選 G 藤 問 居 后 さ の SA や ピア トト 3 At 問 共 王寺 くる Q 記 記 で 」 DHek+ AS we OE Omen ex NAYTIA H.and A Ad. ACICULINA H. ml A. Ad. ILYANASSA Stimpson. © 11] FREER WEE 6 0 KROOKED iy OND YN Wt MH MIER ® 4 Kae UZITA H. and A. Ad. yey IRV A INT RO KAN Tritia Bu drdl-o | Ri |+ Ses 2 MRL pleifferi< pfefferi 1] +PR Bes 3 HK RITE YE MBs RV TIC! RET YA = Ke! ext’ 4 Ke BRM SOK SE NY SRK 5e.7 Ke RASCREREM( +11) PE は a wv リ 7 RRS CRE RE 1) Krag EBURNINAE へ (EER=KBURNA Lam. MeV Ke HE EH. formosae Sowh. C4 INS ayy ROBIN 24:0) UE wa | Bate MOMMA oy SEBS MPO KS CR WIO KR Bow mK く ^ TE te | PHOTIN#. Rre bb vA Ke (iN 45 NK) ZA 十 九 第 剛三 AN NK cat aka aX x= RRS PHOS Montfort. Derr tsK Ph. voseatus Hinds. =Ph. varicosus Gld. CH INS DE OORBEN A410) WA nS aN un PANRKO ARH (RSA (108) Bh: ap Ae aa i ie 胃 KH GRE CLK) YHORO RK os {SS RH+R — K+ BE] RYN WS OEHIBE BREE ARCULARBIA Link. Siar Sek MIMS? BEMCHE* ih Q BEM O ~ EB OY BIR | PR +H Sad —&K+ KEE] ARAN K HHS HEE ALEOTRION Montf, B&xenE~* の 舌 上 画 の イペ パフ ョ レイ リオ pee SS 人 Gare) (NY BRIK+BEN OV SRB” TW ER “HES RWS RNS E Cy) PRK SR —&U+ KREWE QA BM A KYME HRE™ ZEUXIS BEXO hE KLEE SRR nk (7 REG 7 Shh OREM BROS. 00 N SUG TM) DEE 0 Nea” Seibert IRN Swi’ Hew OY SEN So] PRN +3B—RK+ (ME H. and A. Ads. 4K FAN GS OHYME BEET PHRONTIS H. and A. Adams. BRE Oy ko’ RW RAW RAVI” REN WR wrk (IY Oy Seu b) 00 imbue AX ぐ や” RMENY | NOSES) PRXK+NE—RK +a] RAK CHYE HE HEBRA H. and A, Adams. 3% TRO SERA hk ROUTE ~~ IRS BI BX 7 WE POM OSMAN | SOSREwm «| PRQ+ BXRR+ | BAS! GINS) DHHE HEE’ HIMA Leach. SXnyR—* Sere MEMS OM RYT” QAR Av oY 1 SET mm (° Seve | SORBESo] PRA+1 BR fo+ | BA) Sor DAMME RE” NIOTHA H. and A. Ads, 3X RHA SHINO” BIR“ STOR KURGERR wien HEN OY? TORE Lave mo OKO Sith ~_ i moe e — os M SP (107) BRO ORR RO” BRN so | YK Xda HE C. coneinna Soland. GEIS IF RRR TRE HHS” -KEE IH < 087 WW TKR” RA 1 [XRT UK [1] RR ITIBH RAI? | RRC IH? SE RMSE NES ECVE RM | Wal” MIAIY pRMIOKMS-o| INT te DEK ACEH O MIRO POM YO SUR OT wa K R= Ra OeRNE Row OHNE (WL Mo” EMR RK WSS Y Q- EE OMED ACU YREBOMNERK XO WINE PY ~0 SU ZS te | NEOYV AD DD MA Leg NASSIDA SSH DFR A EE oD) 10 IBIS Hoth Ws Rae KK Ey Bic MORE RAY OY BRO” aR KER SCRER( HHO TRS RRRRSE N° (ORT | RR ERA | BRR SRI RBMED | BRUNE 1 |SRASoOmMVeO” MowwrsYO VERE’ BRN | ORM’ REE OREN 2 a” USK! |+2 RS +)/BOsA | Nas NORTHIA Gray. TRUNCARIA Ads. and Rve, BULLIA Gray. NASSA Lam. NERITULA Plancus DESMOULEA\ Gray. O40 62 wy PKR NR Oat IK m NKS G6 | BE Os] fH NK ce (REHERE (| ate oN OR A Eec=) NASSA Lam. RoR SN Oyptho” Kiet OS RWI’ Ro aS Woot” (beat Rss MOR Oy ED 7 HO IAS EBRD HS ERY HE SD ORE IT | 4 OR SRM RUS (7 RRR MO HORE SRS OH Sey” Bae tH SS Tah 0S BEE Mi” 8 RK (106) Bis = 3 Ae Se ey KS Rie (+1) Fore Neu Wee つ | RISERS ~* FFE RH EY OC Se MN te | IS Kre FREE ON. magnifica Lischke. (SRNR i | AUIR RS+ Be) WISE” MaKe (KET AUS")- SeCa nn Bik) who | PARR RA RR RT SSS” RSAC BEREDES° BRICK.” BEMIS” る Ov an’ +E Soy SRK Rox EX WOH” seh NUR ok ( ~ Diee es O VEER” ERE IN | BS Kee Ur v1 hE P - | Wale FRR MY OY | 1 [SOM MNO bo | de’ CYLLENE Gray. KRM R MR OREN COSINE OO m NK NR vO REN YY 10 eR YERKES SP? KER ORK NEI 0 BA rE RRS 10 NY Aten Y SHAD Hl SSE A INR SHEN Mh 2 EW Stitior 1 1) ok Se Re | RR WIT VR do Oo POM YY ENS k > ER QUEEN 6H EE AD G0 PEK UB VIE | BOR W4420 f Doulld Ya | mS FRE C. puleheila Ad. & Reeve. =U. glabrata A. Ad. GEAR RB RA +R +) HU” KERMA ob eo RN oe ORR TRB) ER th NM ite) WPI BIRR IH” RA" [RR ASH WK TKR [BH BI 1 J RRO UK 11S HSIEH” RI“ | RRC IB Ra” RMN OVin~’” SHS SO BSN XY’ 2RIM~* SKN OV RS ko’ RMR REN iy 0 we HES NRE HG ay” NSE DREN SD Arp | Wa” RAWKMINOY? Hee OOSRe Ces 3; ME BA 介 « =k H we me WU oe & (105) RS SIRES’ KL OLES C7 BBR EES Ku BM Am Wate 77 ith ON A CETR Ga TERE Dy Dd l~ he? BREEN | WH DO REMY OV" Beer ere seat) OPEV? BAIT Y Os BaD | DAKAR OK ODKSEMBORN ORY RD AN DK MEAS Ow INT NIK AN SE TE Rs DW | ASA of Gy FREE (2781 +R RT RUS KEE teh 87 wh | I BRR BEE RACE BY Mevey}” SRreRQ\~ y Ss Oa ER NYE QO RHE 7 ROKER M00 KASH RER( LK) Phos sp. Ho SN OY? BdcHe~ setts 53 O MIBUKN REN NWO’ REVKEK OSS ^ SIMES ORME A Yk do | Wal’ KORY CHK USO 4NI yao is GN «ANKE OMDB N wea te | on VK [HE HENASSARTA ‘Link? H. A. Ad SWI” CHEN w SE wok Mo SME Be yO BAU HPN Baw (° KSEE NS ae” TRACER UK D7 RIN BEE 6 OWI OF SEY JOR te | BY HN SER FER 00 NUR KEK PO DN Clk mesvys Y REM SSB yk 0H SURI N Hoy mh Ks Bes kelR YEN VRE 11] (104) Be Be ae Te ia KES RER (+) MVE SH | SY Btwee YY OeARIEOK Tw WBO” Bewee4re Nw | BSUS VERD OR ws gO Rew (7 & GON SEH) OL MRE CORRE MOB wwiwo’ 4 Awe K SIRO B~ tHE KM ODN RES Odo aR a) S SESE WHR O BE Eo” Aaa” py ONSY 1S CONES BERRIES (RRO OR % SWERQIK A + + BEST O Say anky oR OR He N 2410) FEHB © y S010 BENE OS tierce de ke RES SS EBSK” 6 SEP WEKO Y SIR OR Kou Me | Ha dK mbt = PHOTINA. oh \ F\h <@[EEPHOS Montfort. SRURRin~ REUBEN Rea” FIRS AN RW’ WERE yaa og SRR EK SERIE © 10 UIE WUE AI-o | 1] +\X~OER KER mn < SERN BW BX (41IN~S eA) 2 CMS YN OV SRO EDM SUT CR NESEY 19 suas mM NX NES UR OO" REY ORM IER AS ES © SED UMN URE (O° BEM AAA, ~BwhX TEKS OY KR IR ESS SH tn” Wh % VR ONURRER Ss | ANA se HEE Ph. senticosns Linn. =Ph. anguiatys Sowh. (2! FV’ RET KMRL 2B) WHY HANK ebicas” egieae(Ns =A wn RS ETO Y Te RA eT NA how b www) WA | BIRR” RA” AIRR™ Kf rR” BI Kk RS ASN Oyib~” BRAUER” Bepmuko’ gy 誌 ME 類 介 ze As we WY Hi (103) & bk Ste wR ERNST | SE! |+- me RRE SRR 回 族 REBURNIN (+40) KvQ]BNARQACER (4iN A ‘8 ) く = [ERS EBURNA Lam. A KEURC NOE Bw” KTS Rae NIG" may | Hw” KERN KK | HSs9 O$" RMACELL woh ( Be keuw~ RVR IE © REISS RANE OT KS SNCRBR(+T10 | | ( | TRVERAD CHAURAV RS we? Hie ORK a KS RASS -yRROIM OREO BRIO KEY Bo’ KOy REVS NWSY SOYARORR WIRE KE OEM KEES CHER OHKN OH EEN -o” FROME NEU NWS RUPE OY Mio" RESRN~” RO’ | Ky. japonica Sowb. (22587 FR IF DR RT RRR RI) WR BR -KEEHSab RI HA EWS”) Bll! Be’ BERGE) wh 1 Like RH? | PAR? Ok? | PRR’ BR DSK RRBHY OVR ES RNY” BERGHE シーン / Z Wel’ HIMCHLRRIORLME RLOER a ARRKIEN KCRW” HESS JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS. PL. XXX. 「 版 十 三 第 ) 類 貞 産 海 本 日 a6} Nassa acutidentata Smith. ae \ Nags» paupera Goull. 97 5 = rise 9 28) as sae ae Sunt aa 9 albessens Dunker. oof 5 hypolia Pilsbry. 111 109 ie 6 Same 115} co cremata margaritifera Dir. 103 i somiplicata hiradcens’s Pils. 113. - Lot と Cae 118 1 の livescens Phil. Behe iy a hizenensis Pils. 196 t ’ 119 っ 120[ ghmulata Lam. 108 本 円 japonica A. Ad. JAPANESE MARINE MOLLUSKS. PL. XXIX (itu: i AE I A =] ら ココ ーー コー コ ーー ニコ コー コー コー コー コ DAD Q oH bt OF ee 1 } Nassa glans Linné. suturalis Lam. jirta Kierer. sp- siquijorensis A. Ad. papillesa Linné. Diet ト 1 ad? Leet) SU 82-) 84 f SS 1 86 f 87-) 89 f 90 | 91s 92.) oy 307 x. Rena ERIC slf Nassa unicolorata Kiener. gaudiosa Hinds. picta Dunker. crassa Koch. uimricata Quoy & Gain. festiva Powis. 。 yall Sh eolgendetpinpaey BF OF すま きす すり * arty w? ‘PO2r mraper Fors Lon ancceee SUqupeas pep ro Sind tage "07 AAR 1SG7A aeug"ss AChE Bperokisdyp SUG OpyTaes , prone ais} y 69&de*: し すま は し お MPY6P Pezeepwasp6rarj Beam ee: pat {oz ishan む Le GP wie ere nee, COP eee a Ce ee ee eee < EE ーー to induce them to favour me with their valued orders for the 11s i which I have had not the liberty of forwarding yet? { should be much obliced for it. Bven a small order will do. Would you kindly send me your photograph and oblise? With my best wishes for your success and health, I remain, Yours truly,” Atco? a, I have lately coll, cted a