B10LOCT 0 \ ff (pfr 1 1 l( , i W . * f A V. 9. f It *•> "? UVM t VfoUsC4>is* V 9- r* ^/ ts ) ft^t^r ;, s <^ £ Conspectus %&*u. Cyclostomaceorum emendatus et auctus. (^ - Ci Piieumoiioiioiuoruiii Monographiae prodromus. Auclore Dr. Ait rforieo Cassellis. Sumptibus et typis Th. Fischeri. 1852. BTOLOOV V I .: • (j K 'I « O 1! O Ml Veniiclirfc und verliessertc Uebersicht sammtliclicr Gattimgen und bekannten Arten der Cyclostomaceen* (Ans Zeitschrif't fur Malakazoologie 1851. Nr. 9 — 11.) V o r w o r t. Wenn gleich mehrere der neuesten Schriftsteller fiber Cyclostomaceen die ursprunglich von Gray (in der Syn- opsis of the Contents of the British Museum 1840 und 1842) angebahnte, dann von Troschel selbststandig neu vorgeschlagene, von mir weiter entwickelte Methode der Zerspallung der nlten Gatlung Cyclostoma in mehrere, so wo hi durch die Structur des Deckels, als durch den Bau der Gehause und die Biidung der Mundungspartie zu characterisirende Gattungen, nicht angenommen haben, so scheint es mir doch dem Stande der Wissenschaft und unserer ansehnlich bereichertcn Materialkenntniss ange- inessen, diesen Weg nach Moglichkeit streng zu verfol- gen und inuner weiter auszubilden. Nachdem ich durch meinen letzten Aufenthalt in England ineine seii langer Zeit gehauften Vorarbeiten sehr vermehreii und nochmals priifen konnle, bin ich nun im Stande, in der Kiirze eine in ganz gleicher Weise, wie meine Monographia Heliceo- rum bearbeitete, Monographic der Pneu mop omen oder gedeckelten, lungenathmenden Mollusken der Welt vor- \ Ml 71459 zulegen, welcher ich hier gleichsam einen Pnodromtis voransenden will, in der Hoffnung, dass dadurch Veran- lassung gegeben werde, mir noch manche Zweifel aufzu- klaren, eine Bitte, welche ich hiermit an alle Forscher und Sammler richte, welchen dieser Conspectus zu Han- den kommen diirfte. Manchen wichtigen Fingerzeig fiber die naturliche Verwandtschaft solcher Arten, die mir nur unvollkommen hekannt sind, habe ich dem schatzbaren von Hrn. Petit de la Saussaye (im Journ. de Conchyliologie 1850. I. p. 40) aut'gestellten Verzeichnisse entnommen; von dem grossten Werthe aber als Vorbild und Grundlage war mir das 1850 erschienene Werkchen von Gray, welches unter dem Titel ^Nomenclature of molluscous animals and shells in the collection of the British Museum. Part I. Cyclophoridae" einen Theil der Kataloge des Britischen Museums bildet, und nach wolchem auch die Cyclostoma- ceen dieses Museums streng geordnet sind. In diesem Kataloge sind namlich die sammtlichen Gatlungen genau characterisirt, was auch noch in dem fruher in den Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Part XV. 1847. p. 181 von Gray aufgestellten Sysleme schmerzlich ver- misst wurde. Mit geringen Veranderungen habe ich beinahe sammt- liche dort begrundete Gattungen fast in derselben Reihen. folge angenommen, bin jedoch im Stande, in diesen und einigen neu hinzukommenden eine unendlich grossere An/ahl einzuordnen , da gerade die leizten Jahre das Material in grosstem Maassstabe bereichert ha ben, Bei der Aufzahlung der Arten werde ich, wie in meiner friihern Uebersicht (Zeitschr. f. Malak. 1847. p. 101.) alle diejenigen Arten, die mir auch jelzt noch ganz frenid sind, vor der ibrtlciufenden Nummer mit »*j*«, diejenigen, von welchen mir die Kenntniss des Deckels mangelt, mit »*« bezeichnen , als Andeutung, dass mir eine jede 3 Mittheilting uber diese vorzugsweise willkommen sein wurde. Nach Gray's Vorgange lassen sich die sammtlichen Gattungen der Cyclostomaceen in 2 Hauptreihen einthei- len , nnmlich in solche mit ziomlich kreisrundem und solche mit ovalem Deckel, zwischen welche ich jedoch noch eine dritte in der Mi(te stehende Reihe eingescho- O ben habe. Das folgende Schema win! alle mir bekann- ten Modificationen der Deckelbildung, welche fast all*in zur Begrtindung der Gattungen geniigend sind, darstellen. Conspectus generum. I. Operculum circulare, saepe extus concavum. anfracti- bus nitiltis lente accrescentibus formaturn, nucleo centrali. A. Operculum testaceum. Genera: Cyclotus, Aty- caeus, Diplommatina. B. Operculum cartilagineum. Genus : Pterocyclos. C. Operculum corneum. Genera: Craspedopoma, Au- lopoma, Cyclophorus, Leptopoma, Megalomastoma, Cat- aulus, Pupmella, Pupina, Registoma, Callia. II. Operculum subcirculare, anfractibus paucis, sensim crescentibus, nucleo subcenlrali. A. Operculum testaceum. Genera: Jamaicia, Licinat, Choanopoma. B. Operculum cartilagineum. Genus: Adamsiella. III. Operculum ovale vel anguTatum, anfractibus paucis, magis minusve celerifer accrescentibus, nucleo ex- centrico. A. Operculum teslaceum. Genera: Lithidion, Oto- poma, Cyclostomus (incl. Tropidophora), Tudora, Leonia. B. Operculum cartilagineum, extus strato tenui tesla- ceo tectum. Gen.: Cistula. C. Operculum pure cartilagineum. Genus: Chondro- porna. D. Operculum duplex, intus concameratum. Genus: Pomatias. E. Operculum corneum. Genera: Realia , Omphalo- tropis, Bourdera. I. Cy clot UK Guild., Swains,, Gray. Operculum orbiculare, testaceum, arctispirum, extus con- caviusculum, margine anfractuum subincrassato vel in laminam incurvatam elevato, nucleo subcentrali. Testa subturbinato-depressa vel discoidea; peristoma continuum vel marginibus callo junctis, simplex vel duplicatum, rectum aut expansum. (Syn. Aperostoma Trosch. ex parte.) §. i. Perislomate simplice, recto. 1. Cyclotus giganteus Gray, Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 2. t. 1. f. 11 — 14*). — Panama. 2. C. Quitensis Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 355. t. 44. f. 19—22. -- Quito. (1.) 3. C. cingulatus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 176. t. 22. f. 20— 22. — Columbia, Nova Granada. 4. C. laxatus Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 181. t. 31 A. f. 302. Pfr. Ic. N. 245. t. 35. f. 3. 4. — Columbia. 5. C. Inca Orb., Pfr. Ic. N. 3. t. 1. f. 5—7. (Cycl. Blanchetiana Moric.; C. Columbiense Fer. ; C. nobile Per.1*) — Bolivia, Brasilia. 6. C. stramineus Reeve, Pfr. Ic. N. 90. t. 12. f. 6. 7. t. 35. f. 7—9. - Columbia. *) Ich zitire bei den iilteren Arten nur die in der neuen Aus- gabe des Chemnitz'sthen Werkes von mir veroffentlichten Abbil- dungen, da dort die vollstandige Synoiiymik gegeben ist. Die bei neueren Arten zitirten t. 31 — 47 bilden die zweite Abbildung der- selbeu Monographie. 1. C. translucidus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 4. t. 1. f. 8— 10. — Columbia. 8. C. asperulus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 1 58. t.20 f. 16.17. (Cycl. rugulosum Sow. in Proc. Zool. Soc. 1843. p. 29.) — Jamaica. 9. C. Popayanus Lea, Pfr, Ic. N. 48. t. 7. f. 7—10. (Cycl. inconspicuum Sow.) — Nova Granada, Co- lumbia. *10. C. semis trial us Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 156. t. 20. f. 10—12. (Cycl. fasciatum et album Hutt.) — India. 11. C. Brasiliensis Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 108. t. 12. f. 13 — 15. (Cycl. prommulum Fer., Orb.) — Brasilia. 12. C. suturalis Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 109. t. 12. f. 10— 12. — Jamaica. 13. C. distinctus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 155. t. 20. f. 7 — 9. (Cycl. orbella Lam. ex Pelit.) — Columbia, Haiti. •j-14. C. dubiosus Adams Conlrib. to Conch. N. 9, p. 157. — Jamaica. 15. C. Jamaicensis Chemn., Pfr. Ic. N. 7. t. 2. f. 15—17. t. 44. f. 1. (Cyclotus lineatus Gray.) — Ja- maica. 16. C. corrugatus Sow., Pfr. Ic, N. 8. t. 2. f. 13- 14. t. 44. f. 5. 6. (Cyclotus Jamaicensis Gray.) - Jamaica. 17. C. jugosus Adams Contrib. N. 8. p. 143. Pfr. Ic. N. 358. t. 44. f. 10—13. — Jamaica. f 18. C. pa lie see ns Adams Contrib. N. 8. p. 143. — Jamaica. 19. C. v aria ns Adams Contrib. N. 8. p. 143. Pfr. Ic. N. 357. t. 44. f. 7—9. — Jamaica. f20. C. seminudus Adams Contrib. N. 8. p. 143. — Jamaica. 6 *21. C. subrugosus Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 186. t. 31 B. f. 308. 309. Pfr. Ic, N. 334. t. 42. f. 19. 20. - Jamaica, f 22. C. Duffianus Adams in Proc. Bost. Soc. 1845. p. 11. - - Jamaica. 23. C. crassus Adams Contrib. N. 8. p. 143. Pfr. Ic N. 359. t. 44. f. 14—16. — Jamaica. f24. C. perpallidus Adams Contrib. N. 9. p. 157.- Jamaica. §. 2. Peristomate simplice, expanso. *25. C. volvuloides Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 187. t, 31 B. f. 313. 314. Pfr. Ic. N. 231. t. 33. f. 8. 9. - Habitat? 26. C. subdiscoideus Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 184. t. 31 B. f. 304. 305. Pfr. Ic. N. 325. t. 41. f. 33. 34. (Cycl. rusticum Pfr. in Proc. 1851. Jul. -- Cyclotus Pfeifferi Gray in Mus. Brit.) -- Habitat? f27. C. aratus Benson in Ann. and Mag. 1851. V1IL — India. 28. C. orbollus Lam., Pfr. Ic. N. 154. t. 20. f. 4—6. (Cyclost. variabilc Fe'r., Cycl. Lamarkii Petit.) - Madagascar. f29. C. diatretus Gould Proc. Bost. Soc. 1847. p. 205. — Feejec Islands. 30. C. conoideus Pfr. Ic. N. 99. t. 13. f. 19—21. (Cycl. spur cum Sow.; C. varium Bard.) -• Isle de France (Barclay), Seychell. (Sow.) *3I. C. Mexicanus Menke, Pfr. Ic. N. 49. t. 7. f. 21. 22. — Mexico. 32. C. Taylorianus Pfr. in Z. f. M. 1851. p. 7. Ic. N. 285. t. 38. f. 27— 2D. -- Borneo. 33. C. pusillus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 53. t. 7. f. 16. 17. — Ins. Philippin. *34. C. scalaris Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 328. t. 41. f. 38. 39. (2.) §• 3. Peristomate duplicate. 35. C. hebraicus (Valvata) Less., Pfr. Ic. N. 91. t. 12. f. 4. 5. t. 28 f. 14. 15. (Cycl. papua Quoy etGaim.; C. distomella Sow.) — Nova Guinea. *36. C. discoideus Sow. Pfr. Ic. N. 153. t. 20. f. 1 — 3. — Demerara. •j- 37. C. o p a 1 i n u s M o u s s. jav. Moll. p. 51 . t. 5. f. 12. — Java. 38. C. mucronatus Sow. Pfr. Ic. N. 52. t. 7. f. II — 13. — Luzon. 39. C. suhstriatus Sow. Pfr. Ic. N. 51. t. 7. f. 18— 20. — Ins Philippin. •j-40. C. corniculum Mouss. jav. Moll. p. 51. t. 5. f. 11. — Java. 41. C. plebejus Sow. Pfr. Ic. N. 50. t. 7. f. 14. 15. — Luzon. f42. C. exiguus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 216. t. 28. f. 24. — Habitat? 43. C. variegatus Swains. (Cycl. planorbulum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 174. t. 22. f. 6—16. Nee Lain.; Cycl. cornu venatorium Petit.) - - Ins. Philippin. 44. C. rostellatus Pfr. in Z. f. M. 1851. p. 8. Ic. N. 286. t. 38. f. 30—34. — Sincapore. II. Pteroeyclos Beiison. Operculum subcartilagineuni, mullispiruin, spirahter lainel- laiuin, intus concavutn. Testa late unibilicata, sub- discoidea; peristoma pleriunque duplex, internum breve, margine supero incisum, extcrnum superne in alam vel rostrum tecliforme dilatatum. §. i. Peristomate interno deficiente. — Operculum? *45. Pt. incomptus Sow., Pfr. in Z. f. M. 1851, p. 9. — India?; §. 2. Peristomate duplice, operculo planiusculo, anfrac- tibus extimis lamellatim elevatis. (Myxostoma Trosch.) 46. P. brevis Martyn, Pfr. in Z. f. M. 1851. p. 9. - (CycL Petiverianum Wood.) — India. 47. P. plan orb ul us Lam. Encycl. meth. t. 461. f. 3! — Borneo? §• 3. Genuini, operculo extus valde convexo, margine anfractuum lamellatim patenle. (Steganotoma Trosch.) f-48. P. Troscheli Bens, in Ann. and Mag. 1851. VIII. t. 5. f. 2. - - Ceylon. 49. P. anguliferus Soul., Pfr. in Z. f. M. 1851. p. 6. — Cochinchina. *50. P. tenuilabiatus Metcalfe in Proc. Zool. Soc. 1851. — Borneo. 51. P. Albersi Pfr. Z. f. M. 1851. p. 6. -- Habitat? 52. P. hispid us Pears. , Pfr. ibid. p. 6. (CycL spira- culum Sorv., Steganotoma Prmsepi v. d. Busch, Pt. Prinsepi Pfr.) — India. 53. P. rupestris Bens. , Pfr. ibid. p. 4. (Steganotoma pictum Trosch.) Pteroc. pictus Trosch., CycL pictum Petit.) — India. *54. P. parvus Pears., Pfr. ibid. p. 5. — 'India. 55. P. Curningi Pfr. in Z. f. M. 1861. p. 5. Ic. t. 31. f. 6—8. — Ceylon. 56. F. bilabial us Bens., Pfr. ibid. p. 4. — India. f57. P. biciliatus Mouss. jav. Moll. p. 49. t. 20. f. 9. Fir. Ic. t. 43. f. t— 3? (Cycl biciliatitm Petit.) — Birmah. f58. F. Blandi Benson in Ann. and Mag. 1851. VIII. t. 5. i'. i. — India, f 59. F. spiracellum A. Ad. et Reeve Voy. Sania- raug. Moll. p. 56. t. 14. f. 1. — Borneo. III. Craspedopomst Pfr. Operctilum corneum, solidum, arctissime spiratum, nucleo centrali, pagina externa plana, interna prominentia circular! in anfractu penultimo munila, medio profunde concava. Testa subturbinata, rimata, anfractu ultimo antice subcoarclato; peristoma continuum, simplex, promineniiam internam operculi excipiens. (Syn. Bo- lama Gray Syn. Brit. Mus.) 60. C. lucidum Lowe, Pfr. Ic. JX. 111. t. 13. f. 26. 27. - - Madera. 61. C. Lyonnetianum Lowe, Pfr. Ic. N. 280. t. 38. L 19—22. — Madera. IV. Aulopoma Troscliel. OperculJin corneum, arctispirum, planorbiforme, e laminis 2 compositum, inter eas spiraliter canaliculatum, an- fractu ultimo intus sulco circulari munito. Testa turbinato-depressa vel subdiscoidea; anfr. ultimus an- tice solutus, inde peristoma liberum, reclum, conti- nuum, in sulco circulari operculi immersum. 62. A. Ilierii Guerin in Rev. zool. 1847. p. 1. (Cycl. coma venatorium Pfr. Ic. N. 173. t. 22. f. 1—3; Aulopoma Hoffmeisteri Trosch.) — Ceylon. 10 •j-63. A. cornu venatorium Sow. Thes. N. 48. t. 24. I'. 41. 42. — Habitat? 64. A. helicinum Chemn., Pfr. ic. N. 26. p. 35. 160. t. 4. f. 5. 6. t. 22. f. 4. 5. — Ceylon. V. Cyclopiiorus JB out fort. Operculum orbiculare, corneum, tenue, arctispirum, extus magis minusve concavum. Testa globoso-turbinata, depressa vel discoidea; peristoma continuum, expan- sum vel rectum. §. i. Subturbinati, peristomate expanse, umbilico aperto, libero Ecarinati. *65. C. Himalayanus Pfr. in Proe. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 228. t. 33. f. 10. 11. - Himalaya. (3.) *66. C. speciosus Phil., Pfr. Ic. N. 184. t. 25. f. 1— 3. Habitat? *67. C. Si am en sis Sow, Thes. Suppl. N. 178. t. 31 A. f. 292. 293. Pfr. Ic. N. 331. t. 42. f. 5. 6. — Siam. 68. C. tuba Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 183. t. 23. f. 10. 11. — Malacca. 69. C. aquila Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 5. t. 2, f. 1. 2. t. 8. f. 1. 2. — Singapore. f70. C. Pearsoni Bens, in Ann. and Mag. 1851. VIII. — India. 71. C. volvulus Mull., Pfr. Ic. N. 19. t. 3. f. 1. 2. t. 45. f. 1. 2. (Cycl. variata Boys, Cycl. laevigatum Menke.) — India. 72. C. in volvulus Mull., Pfr. Ic. N. 20. t. 4. f. 3. 4. — India. *73. C. picturatus Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 363. t. 45. f. 13. 14. — Habitat? (4) It *74. C. Ibyatensis Ffr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 366. t. 45. f. 19. 20. -- Ins. Ibyal. (5.) *75. C. atramentarius Sow.. Pfr. Ic. N. 146. t. 18. f. 17. 18. -- Habitat? 76. C. lutescens Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Jo. N. 345. t. 43. f. 12—14. -- Brasilia. (6.) *77. C. Cytora Gray in Proc. Z. S. 1849. p. 67. — Nova Seelandia. §.2. Subturbinati, peristomate expanse, umbilico aperto. Obsolete angulati vel unicarinati. 78. C. aurantiacus Schum., Pfr. Ic. N. 22. p. 167. t. 3. f. 15. t. 4. f. 8. 9. t. 23. f. 4. 5. (Cyclost. per- nobilis Gould.} — Binnah. *79. C. Bensoni Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 225. t. 32. f. 11—13. — Habitat? (7.) 80. C. Borneensis Mete. Proc. Z. S. 1851. (Pfr. Ic. N. 384. t. 47. f. 1—3.) - Borneo, 81. C. perdix Brod. et Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 55. t. 8. f. 7 — 9. Mouss jav. Moll. p. 54. t. 8. f. 1 . ( Cycl varie- yatum Val.) — India. f82. C. ZoIIingeri Mouss. jav. Moll. p. 55. t. 7. f. 2. — Java. •[•83. C. porphyriticus Bens, in Ann. and Mag. 1851. VIII. — India. 84. C. expansus Pfr. in Proc. Z. S 1851. Ic. N. 290. t. 39. f. 20. 21. -- Habitat? (8) f85. C. Cantori Bens, in Ann. and Mag. 1851. VIII. — Ins. Penang. *86. C. Munkeanus Phil., Pfr. Ic. N. 185. t. 28. f. 6-8. — Ceylon? *87. C. amoenus Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 362. t. 45. f. 11. 12. -- Habitat? (9.) 88. C. turgid us Pfr. Ic. N. 241. t. 35. f. 15. 16. (Cycl. 12 crassum Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Nee Adams.) — Liew Kiew. (10.) 89. C punctatus Grat., Pfr. Ic. N. 31. t. 5. f. 12. 13- (CycL irroratum Sow.} — China. 90. C. denselineatus Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 365. t. 45. f. 17. 18. (11.) *91. C. marmoratus Per., Pfr. Ic. N. 301. t. 40. f. 9. 10. — Habitat? §- 3. Subturbinati, peristomate expanse, umbilico aperto. Pluricarinati vel spiraliter costati. 92. C. eximius Mouss. jav. Moll. p. 53. t. 7. f. 1. Pfr. Ic. N. 227. t. 23. f. 1. 2. -- Java. 93. C. Ceylanicus Pfr. Ic. N. 186. t. 29. f. 1—3. {Oycl Indicum Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 190. t. 31 B. f. 320. 321. Non Desh.) — Ceylon. 94. C. stenomphalus Pfr. Ic. N. 54. t. 8. f. 5. 6. - Khasya Hills Indiae. f 95. C. J e r d o n i B e n s. in Ann. and Mag: 1 851 . VIII. — India. "96. C. zebrinus Bens, in Journ. As. Soc. V. p. 355. Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 176. t. 31 A. f. 287.288. Pfr. Ic. N. 240. t. 34. f. 21—23. — India. 97. C. ti grin us Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 56. t. 8. f. 13—16. t. 16. f. 17—20. -- Ins. Philippin. |98. C. Aurora Bens, in Ann. and Mag. 1851. VIII. — Hiinalayah. *99. C. luridus Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 364. t. 45. f. 15. 16.) -- Habitat? (12.) 100. C. zebra Grat., Pfr. Ic. N. 138. t. 13. f. 31.32. t. 43. f. 19 22. -- Ins. Philippin. 101. C. Philippinarum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 33. t. 5, f. 17. 18. t. 13. f. 32—34. -- Ins. Philippin. * * * 102. C. Guiniarasensis Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 96. t. 12. f. 8. 9. — Ins. Philippin. 13 103. C. turbinatus Pfr. Ic. N. 97. t. 13. f. 17. 18. (CycL helicoides Sow.} - - Ins. Philippin. M04. C. triliratus Pfr. Ic. N. 386. t. 47. f. 8—10. — Labuan. (13.) §• -i. Subturbinati, peristomate expanse, umbilico processu lin- guaeformi magis minusve occultato. 105. C. validus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 85. t. 11. f. 9. 10. t. 16. f. 15. 16. — Ins. Philippin. 106. C. Indicus Desh., Pfr. Ic. N. 229. t. 33. f. 3. 4. — India. 107. C. linguiferus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 181. t. 23. f. 1 — 3. — Ins. Philippin. 108. C. canaliferus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 32. t. 5. f. 14— 16. — Ins. Philippin. 109. C. lingulatus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 182. t. 23. f. 6— 10. — Ins. Philippin. *110. C. fulguratus Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 361. t. 45. f. 9. 10. — Arva. (14.) §. 5. Subturbinati, peristomate expanso, umbilico clauso. 111. C. turbo Chemn., Pfr. Ic. N. 148. t. 19. f. 4. 5. (Cyclost. maculosa Jay.} — Sumatra. '112. C. ictericus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 150. t. 19. f. 8.9. — Habitat? §.6. Subturbinati, peristomate recto. fl!3. C.coeloconus Bens, in Ann. and Mag. 1851. VIII. — India. 114. C. plicatus Gould. Proc. Bost. Soc. 1847. p. 204. Pfr. Ic. N. 302. t. 40. f. 13. 14. - - Upolu. *115. C. strigatus Gould Proc. Bost. Soc. 1847. p. 204. Pfr. Ic. N. 303. t. 40. f. 15. 16. — Upolu. f!16. C. tiara Gould Proc. Bost. Soc. 1847. p. 204. — Upolu. 14 fH7. C. obligatus Gould Proc. Bost. Soc. 1847. p. 205. — Ins. Matea. 118. C. parvus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 98. t. 13. f. 15. 16. — Ins. Philippin. ?119. C. flavus Brod., Pfr. Ic. N. 14. t. 3. f.9-11.- Ins. Annaa. *120. C. euomphalus Phil, in Zeitschr. f. Mai. 1851. p. 30. Pfr. Ic. N. 338. t. 42. f. 27—30. — Habitat? *121. C. margarita Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. ic. N. 235. t. 44. f. 9. 10. — Ins. Rapa. (15.) §. 7. Depressi, peristomate expanse, spiraliter costati vel striati. 122. C. oculus capri Wood, Pfr. Ic. N. 18. t. 3. f. 5. 6. Mouss. jav. Moll. p. 52. t. 6. f. 2. (Cycl. Rafflesii Brod. et Sow.; C. indicum Phil. Ablu'ld. Nee Desh.) — Java, Sumatra. 123. C. semi su lea tus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 81. t. 11. f. 1. 2. — Malacca. *124. C. vittatus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 82. 1. 11. f. 5. 6. — Madagascar. *125. C. Moulinsii Grat., Pfr. Ic. N. 6. t. 2. f. 18. 19. — Madagascar. 1*6. C. Woodianus Lea, Pfr. Ic. N. 46. t. 7. f. 1— 3. (Cycl. luzonicum Sow.; C. Gironmeri Soul.) -- Ins. Luzon. 127. C. Charpentieri Mouss. jav. Moll. p. 56. t.G.f.S. — Java. (Cycl. involvulus var.? Pfr. Ic. t. 8. f. 10—12.) M28. C. appencliculatus Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 360. t. 45. f. 7. 8. — Ins. Philippin. (16.) §. 8. Depressi, peristomate expanso, laevigati. *129. C. guttatus Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 346. t. 43. f. 15. 16. — Habitat? (17.) 15 §. 9. Depressi, peristomate recto incrassato. *130. C. maculosus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 47. t. 7. f. 4— 6. - Habitat? 131. C. stenostomus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 159. t. 20. f- 18. 19. 23—25. -- Arabia, Cochinchina? §. 10. Depressi, peristomate recto, tenui. Spiraliter striati vel sulcati. *132. C. purus Forbes in Proc. Z. S. 1850. p. 56. t. 9. f. 9. Pfr. Ic. N. 226. t. 32. f. 14. 15. -- Habitat? 133. C. Cumingii Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 89. t. 12. f. 1—3. (C. striata Lea.} — Columbia. 134. C. alternans Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N 324. t. 41. f. 30—32. — Madagascar (18.) 135. C. Bourcieri Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 223. t. 32. f. 5—7. — Quito. (19.) *136. C. Guayaquilensis Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 189. t. 31 B. f. 319. Pfr. Ic. N. 335. t. 42. f. 21. 22. - Guayaquil. *I37. C. psilomitus Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 327. t. 41. f. 24. 25. -- Venezuela. (20.) 138. C. rufescens Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 110. t. 12. f. 16—18. §• 11. Depressi, peristomate tenui, recto. Oblique rugulosi vel foveolati. 139. C. ponderosus Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 242. t. 35. f. 12—14. -- Guatemala. (21.) 140. C. texturatus Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 182. t. 31 16 A. f. 303. Pfr. Ic. N. 243. t. 35. f. 10. It. — Gua- temala. *14I. C. Dysoni Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 244. t. 35. f. 5. 6. - - Honduras. (22.) §. 12 Depress!, peristomate tenui recto. Simpliciler striati. 142. C. annulatus Trosch. Pfr. Ic. N. 175. t. 22. f. 17—19. t. 29. f. 14. 15. (Cycl discus Sow.) - Ceylon. |143. C. ravi;dus Ben;s. in Ann. and Mag. 1851. VIII. — India. M44. C. disculus Pfr. in Proc Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 294. t. 39. f. 11—13.— Habitat? (23,) fl45. C. Phaenotopicus Bens, in Ann. and Mag. 1851. VIII. — India. 146. C. disjunctus Moric., Pfr. Ic. N. 246. t. 35. I 1. 2. — Brasilia. VI. Ijeptopoma Pfr. Operculum circulare, membranaceum, arctispirum, planum. Testa globosa-turbinata vel conicu, anguste umbili- cata; peristoma simplex (rarius duplicatum), reflexum (rarius rectum), marginibus distantibus, interdum callo tenuissimo junctis. §. 1. Peristomate reflexo; carina nulla. 147. L. vitrcum Lesson, Pfr. Ic. N. 92. t. 12. f. 27— 29. t. 16. f. 10. t. 28. f. 16-18. (Cycl. lutea Quoy 17 et Gaim., Cycl nitidiim Sow.) — Nova Guinea, Nova Hibernia, ins. Philippin , Java, India - Var.? Cycl lutea Less. Coq. p. 345. t. 13. f. 5. 148. L. perlucidum Grat., Pf'r. Ic. N. 11. t. 2. f. 8— 10. t. 16. f. 8. (Cycl. concinnum Sow.') — Ins. Philippin *149. L. ignescens Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 339. t. 42. f. 11. 12. — Nova Hibernia. (24.) 150. L. melanostomum Petit, Pfr. Ic. N. 189. t. 25. f. 12—15. Hombr. et Jacq. Voy. Pol Sud. Moll. t. 12. f. 20—24 - Nova Guinea. 151. L. luteostomuin Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 93. t. 12. f. 21—23. — Ins. §. 2- Peristomale reflexo; globoso-conica, leviter carinata. 152. L. immaculatum Chemn., Pfr. Ic. N. 13. t. 3. f. 7. t. 4. f. 7. t. 7. f. 23. 24. t. 16. f. 9. (CycL laeve Wood, C. marginellum Kust. ; C. maculata Lea; C. maculosa Soul.; C. azaolartum Sow. Jay.) - Ins. Philippin. *153. L. latelimbatum Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 297. t. 40. f. 1. 2. - Ins. Philippin. (25.) 154. L. Massenae Less. (Voy. Coq. p. 346. t. 13. f. 7. (Cycl. mullilabris Qaoy et Gaim., Pfr. Ic. t. 28. f. 20 — 22.) -- iMonstrosum: C. multilabris Lam., Pfr. Ic. N. 195. t. 29. f. 4— 6. — Nova Guinea, Nova Holiandia. 155. L. s eric a turn Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 300. t. 40. f. 7. 8. II. 12. - •- Borneo. (26.) 156. L. Panayense Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 162. t. 20. f, 28. 29. — Ins. Panay et Samar. 157. L. perplexum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 136. t. 16. f. 11. 12. — Luzon. 2 18 §.3. Peristomate expanse, globoso-conica, acute carinata. 158* L. acutimarginatum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 133. t. 15. f. 19-22. — Ins. Philippin. 159. L. helicoides Grat., Pfr. Ic. N. 134. t. 15. f. 25. 26. t. 16. f. 1—3. (Cycl Stainforthii Sow.) - Ins. Philippin. 160. L. insigne Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 107. t. 12. f. 19. 20. — Ins. Mindoro. 161. L. ciliatum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 171. t. 20. f. 26. 27. — Luzon. |162. L. ciliferum Mouss. jav. Moll. p. 56. t. 7. f. 3. — Java. §. 4. Peristomate reflexo; conica, carinata. *163< L. undatum Metcalfe in Proc. Z. S. 1851. - Borneo. 164. L. fibula Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 135. t. 15. f. 23. 24. t. 16. f. 4. - Luzon. 165. L. goniostomum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 10. t. 2. f. 5—7. t. 16. f. 5. — Mindanao. 166. L. pileus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 9. t. 2. f. 3. 4. — Luzon. 167. L. atricapillum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 12. t. 2. f. 11. 12. t. 16, f. 6. 7. — Mindoro. *168. L. regulare Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 298. t. 40. f. 3. 4. — Ins. Philippin. (27.) 169. L. acuminatum Sow,, Pfr. Ic. N. 104. t. 13. f, 11. 12. — Luzon. 170. L. elatum Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 226 a. t. 32. f. 16. 17. — Ceylon. (28.) §. 5. Peristomate recto. *171. L. tenebricosum A. Adams et Reeve Voy. 19 Samarang. Moll. p. 57. t. 14. f. 6. Pfr. Ic. N. 232. t. 33. f. 12. 13. -- Borneo. 172. L. Birmanum Pfr. Ic. N. 385. t. 47. f. 4—7. — Burmah. (29.) 173. L. halophilum Bens, in Ann. and Mag. 2 d. ser. \71I. p. 265. Pfr. Ic. N. 220. t. 31. f. 29—31. — Ceylon. ?174. L. minutissimum Sow. Thes. N. 33. t. 30. f. 251. — Ins. Pitcairn. VII. Alyeaeus Gray. Operculum circulare, subtestaceum, obsolete multispirum. Testa conica vel depressa, spira regulari, anfractu ultimo distorto, compresso, pone aperturam valde contracto, strangulato: peristoma regulariter reflexum. (Gray Cat. Cycl. p. 27.) 175. A. gibbus Fer., Pfr. Ic. N. 102. t. 17. f. 4—6. — Cochinchina. 176. A. strangulatus Hutt., Pfr. Ic. N. 103. t. 17. f. 7. 8. t. 38. f. 35. — India. f 177. A. cons;trictus Bens, in Ann. and Mag. 1851. VIII. — Sikkim-Himalayah. VIII* Diplommatiiia Benson, Gray* Operculum subtestaceum, tenue, anfractibus paucis, extus lamella tenui, prominente marginatis. Testa yix ri- mata, tenuis, subovata; apertura subcircularis; pe- ristoma interruptum, expansum. (Gray Cat. Cycloph. p. 54.) •178. D. minor Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 101. t. 17. f. 9—11. — Ins. Philippin. 179. D. f o 1 li c u 1 u s Pfr. (Bulimus folliculus Pfr., Reeve Conch, ic. N. 644. t. 87; Carychium costatum Hutt.) — India. 2* 20 180. D. costulata Hut I., Bens, in Ann. and Mag. 1849. Sept. p. 194. — India. 181. D. Huttoni Pf'r. in Proc. Zool. Soc. 1851. — India. IX. .IflegaloiuaMtoma Guild ing. Operculum subcirculare, tenue, corneum, arctispirum, pla- niusculurn. Testa anguste vel vix perforata. oblongo- turrita vel pupaeformis; apertura subcircularis, inter- dum canali levi lateral! instructa ; peristoma vel duplicatum, expansum, vel incrassalum, rarius rectum, simpliciter incrassatum. ( Megalomastoma et Farci- men Gray.} §. i. Perislomate recto. 182. M. cylind race urn Chemn., Pfr. Ic. N. 116. t. 17. f. 1 — 3. (Cycl. flavula Lam.; C. flavium Gray ; C. crocea Desk.) — Porto rico, §.2. Pcristomate expanse, incrassalo. *183. M. croceum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 177. t. 24. f. 15. 16. Cycl Gooldianum Petit.} — Ins. Mauritii. (Bens. *184. M. hi fascia turn Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 198. t. 31 B. f. 322. 323. Pfr. Ic. N. 252. t. 36. f. 3. 4. — Guayaquil. *185. M. tortum Wood, Pfr. Ic. N. 115. t. 17. f. 22. 23. -- Cuba. 186. M. hituberculatum Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 192. t. 31 A. f. 290. 291. Pf'r. Ic. N. 253. 1. 36. f. 5. 6. — India Occident. 187. M. auricula! urn Orb., Pfr. Ic. N. 113. t, 17. f. 12—17. (Cycl. bicolor Gould, C. idolum Per.) - Cuba. 188. M. ventricosum Orb., Pfr. Ic. N. 112. t. 17. f. 20. 21.? ~ Cuba. 189. 31. alutnceuin.Menke, Ffr. Ic. N. 114. t. 17. f. 18. 19. — Cuba. 190. 31. Orbignyi Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1850. Ic. N. 262. t. 37. f. 3—6. -1 Haiti.f 7/ ) •191. 31. chrysallis Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 217. t- 31. f. 23/24. -- Arva.}* §• 3. Peristomatc expanse, subtenui, plerumque duplicate. 192. M simulacrum Mo re let test, noviss. p. 22. Pfr- Ic. N. 256. t. 36. f. 11. 12. (Cycl. Copanense Sow. Thes. "Suppl. N. 194. t. 31 B. I 310. 311.) — Gua- temala. 193. 31. Guatemalense Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 257. t. 36. f. 13. 14. — Guatemala. (30.) 194. 31. a hum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 131. t. 25. f. 12—14. — Ins. Philippin. *195. 31 sectilabrum Gould, Pfr. Ic. N. 178. t. 24. f. 17. 18. t. 47. f. 11. 12. -- Burmah. *196. 31. fun icu la turn Bens. Journ. As. Soc. VII. p. 217. Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 195. t. 31 B. f. 316. 317. Pfr. Ic. N. 219. t. 31. f. 27. 28. — Sikkim Himalaya. M97. 31. Guildingianum Pfr. in Zeitschr. f. 31. 1851. p. 28. Ic. N. 218. t. 31. f. 25. 26. — Habitat, f 198. 31. pauperculum Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 196. t. 31 B. f. 318. — Sikkim Himalaya. 199. 31. Antillarum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 132. t. 15. f. 15. 16. (Megalomastoma brunnea et suspensum Guild. et Swains.?) — Ins. Tortola et St. Vincentii. X. Cataulus Pfr. Operculum . .? Testa perforata, pupaeformis, non callosa 22 basi carina filiformi eincta; apertura Integra, basi ca- nali subcirculari prolongata; peristoma continuum, basi in carinam anfractus ultirni dilatatum. (Mega- lomastoma pars Gray.) *200. C. tortuosus Chemn., Pfr. Ic. N. 179. t. 24. f. 19. 20. — Nicobar. *201. C. Temple mani Pfr. (Pupina Templemani Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. I^rft. 31. f. 15. 16.) — Ceylon. * 202. C. L a y a r d i G r a y. (megalomastoma Layardi Gray in Mus. Brit.; Pfr. Ic. t. 31. f. 17. 18.) — Ceylon. XI. Pupinella &ray. Operculum corneum, arctispirum. Testa ovata, epider- mide tenui, cornea induta ; apertura circularis; peri- stoma reflexum, latere sinislro prope basin canalicu- latum. (Gray Catal. Cycloph. p. 33.) 203. P. pu pin if or mis Sow. (CycL pupiniforme Sow., Pupina Sowerbyi Pfr. Ic. p. 200. t. 27. f. 7. 8.) — Luzon. VII. Pupina Vignard, Gray. Operculum tenue, membranaceum, arctispirum, subplanum. Testa pupaeformis, plerumque callo nitido obducta; peristoma simplex, incrassatum vel reflexum, margine columellari medio canali transverse dissecto, canali altero ad insertionem marginis dextri. §. 1. Callo nitido destitutae. 204. P. Forbes! Pfr. Ic. t. 31. f. 19. 20. (Pupina gran, dis Forb. in Proc. -Z. S. 1851. nee Gray.) — Archip. Louisiadarum. 23 205. P. humilisJacq. Ann. sc. nat. 1821. Pfr. Ic. p. 204. t. 27. f. 15. 16. Hombr. et Jacq. Voy. Pol Sud- Moll. t. 10. f. 21—24. (Pupina antiquata Sow.) — Nova Guinea. 206. P. Mindorensis A. Ad. et Reeve Voy. Samarang. Moll. p. 57. t. 14. f. 2. Pfr. Ic. t. 31. f. 21. 22. — Mindoro. §9 . ^. Callo nitido undique obductae. 207. P. bilinguis Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1850. p. 97. - Australia orientalis. 208. P. aurea Hinds, Pfr. Ic. p. 205. t. 27. f. 21. 22. — Nova Hibernia. 209. P. bicanaliculata Sow., Pfr. Ic. p. 204. t. 27. f. 19. 20. Ins. Philippin. 210. P. Keraudrenii Vign., Pfr. Ic. p. 206. t. 27. f 23. 24. (Pupina mitis Hinds.) — Nova Guinea, Nova Hibernia, ins. Salomonis. Registoma Hasselt, Gray. Operculum circulare, tenue, corneum, arctispirum. Testa ovata, polita, callosa; apertura circularis, subintegra; peristoraa subreflexum, margine parietal! tenui, sim- plice, columellari medio dissecto, canaliculate. — Synon. Moulinsia Grat. 211. R. grande Gray. (Pupina grandis Gray in Ann. nat. hist. 1840. VI. p. 77; Moulinsia Nunezii Grat; Pupina Nunezii Sow., Pfr. Ic. p. 201. t. 27. f. 1—6.) — Ins. Philippin. 212. R. pellucidum Sow. (Pupina Pfr. Ic. p. 202. t. 27. f. 17. 18.) — Ins. Philippin. 213. R. simile Sow. (Pupina Pfr. Ic. p. 202. t. 27. f. 13. 14.) — Luzon. 24 214. R. fuscum Gray. (Pupina fusca Gray in Ann. naf. hist. VI. p, 77; Pupina vitrea Sow., Pfr. Ic. p. 203. f. 27. f. 9—12.) — Luzon, Mindanao. 215. R. exiguum Sow. Pupina. Pfr. Ic. p. 204. t. 30. f. 38.) — Ins. Zebu. XIV. Callia ft ray. Operculum tenue, membranaceum, arctispirum. Testa pupae- formis, callo nitido obducta; peristoma subcontinuum rectum, vix incrassatum , margine columellari integro superne appresse reflexo, perforationem juniorum omnino claudente. 216. C. lubrica Sow., Pfr. Ic. p. 207. t. 27. f. 25-33. (Pupina lubrica Sow.) — Ins. Philippin. Jamaicia Adams Operculum testaceum, extus convexum, anfractibus paucis rudiusculis, oblique striatis, sublamellosis. Testa umbilicata, globoso-conica; apertura circularise peri- stoma simplex, rectum vel reflexum. (Adams Contrib. to Conch. N. 6. p. 88.) 217. J. a no mala Ad. Contrib. N. 6. p. 90. Pfr. Ic. N. 382. t. 46. f. 4—6. — Jamaica. 218. J. Moussoniana Ad. Contrib. N. 9. p. 153. Pfr. Ic. N. 381. t. 46. f. 1—3. — Jamaica. XVI. Liciua Gray. Operculum . . . ? Testa conica, ultimo anfractu extra lineam spiralem producto, stricto; apertura oblonga vel sub- circularis; peristoma subreflexum, expansum. Gray 25 Catal. Cycloph. p. 61.) An forte cum genere sequente jungendum ? *219 L. labeo Mull. Sow. Thes. N. 154. t. 28. f. 165. Pfr Ic. t. 4. f. 1. 2. t. 42. f. 3. -- Jamaica. *220. L. Borni Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 329. t. 42. f. 1. 2. Turbo lincina Born test. p. 355. t. 13. f. 5. 6.) -- Jamaica. (31.) "221. L. evoluta Reeve Conch, syst. II. t. 185. f. 18. Pfr. Ic. N. 330. t. 9. f. 20. t. 42. f. 4. (Cycl sub- asperum Sow. Thes. N. 143. t. 28. f. 159.) — Jamaica? '222. L. Reeveana Pfr. Ic. N. 341. t. 43. f. 4. 5. (Cycl. decussatum Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 193. t. 31 A. f. 300. 301. Nee Lam) — India occid. XVII. Coaiiopoma Pfr. ^ Operculum testaceum, suhcirculare, anfractibus sensini ac- crescenlibus, margine externo libero, acuto, saepe in lamellam altam elevato, nucleo subexcentrico. Testa globoso-turbinata vel turrita, saepe truncata, raro de- pressa; apertura subovalis vel circularis; peristoma plerumque duplex, limbo externo angulatim patente. §. 1. Oblonga vel ovato-conica. 223. Ch. majusculum Morelet, Pfr. Ic. N 251. t. 36. f. I. 2. — Cuba. (32.) 224. Ch. decussatum Lam., Pfr. Ic. N. 197. t. 29. f. 10—13. t. 38. f. 38. 39. — Portorico. 225. Ch. granosum Adams Contrib. N. 6. p. 93. Ic. N. 373. t. 46. f. 10—12. Cycl. nodulosum Ad. ibid, p. 91.) — Jamaica. f226. Ch. pudicum Orb., Sow. Thes. t. 31. f. 282? Pfr. Ic. N. 194. t. 28. f. 19? — Cuba. 26 227. Ch. pi sum Adams Contrib. N. 1. p. 9. Pfr. Ic N. 372. t. 46. f. 7—9. - Jamaica. §. 2. Globoso-conica, margine peristomafis undulato. 228. Ch. pulchrum Wood, Pfr. Ic. N. 69. t. 10. f. 1. 2. — Jamaica. 229. Ch. Lincina Linn., Pfr. Ic. N. 34. t. 6. f. 1.2. — Jamaica. 230. Ch. fimbriatulum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 70. t. 10. f. 3 — 5. — Jamaica. 231. Ch. Chittyi Adams Contrib. N. 1. p. 1. N. 6. p. 89. Pfr. Ic. N. 374. t. 46. f. 13. 14. -- Jamaica. 232. Ch. scabriculum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 375. t. 46. f. 15. 16. (Cycl. amabile Ad. Contrib. N. 1. p. 2.) Jamaica. . 233. Ch. Hillianum Adams Proc. Bost. Soc. 1845. p. 11. (C. scabriculum Pfr. !c. N. 71. t. 10. f. 6— 8.) — - Jamaica. — Varietates : Cycl. amandum Ad. Contrib. N. 1. p. 3 et C. aculeosum Ad. ibid. p. 2. *234. Ch. spinulosum Adams Contrib. N. 1. p. 1. - Jamaica. *235. Ch. mite Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 332. t. 42. f. 7. 8. — Jamaica. (33.) *236. Ch. Pretrei Orb., Pfr. Ic. N. 166. t. 21. f.9-12. — Cuba. §. 3. Globoeo-conica , margine peristomatis piano. *237. Ch. interruptum Lam., Pfr. Ic. N. 58. t. 9. f. 1. 2. (Cycl. ambigua Deless., Reeve.) — Jamaica. 238. Ch. lima Adams, Pfr. Ic. N. 35. t 6. f. 3 — 6. Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 197. t. 31 B. f. 324. 325. - Var. Cycl Blandianum Ad. Contrib. N. 1. p. 3. — Jamaica. 239. Ch. lincinellum Lam., Pfr. Ic. N. 164. t. 21. f. 27 3—5. (Cycl lincina Enc. melh. t. 461. f. V. Cycl. compressum Wood, Gray.) — Jamaica? Haiti. §•4. Depressa. *240. Ch. a 1 at urn Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 326. t. 41. f. 35—37. - - S. Yago de Cuba. (34.) *241. Ch. solutum Rich, (mss.?) Pfr. Ic. N. 293. t. 39. f. 8—10. — Haiti. (35.) 242. Ch. ten tori urn Pfr. Zeitschr. f. Mai. 1850. p. 77. Ic. N. 279. t. 38. f. 16—18. ~ Haiti. Adainsiella Pfr. Operculum circulare, tenue, subcartilagineum , anfractibus paucis sensim accrescentibus, margine anfractuum sub- libero, nucleo centrali. Testa pupaeformis vel ob- longo-turrita; apertura parvula, subcircularisj peri- stoma plerumque duplicatum, raagis minusve expan- sum vel reflexum. §. 1. Pupaeformes^anfractu ultimo antice non soluto, sutura simplice. 243. A. mirabilis Wood, Pfp. Ic. N. 127. t. 14. f. 17— 19. (Cycl. decussatulum Adams Contrib. N. 1. p. 4.) — Jamaica. *244. A. miranda Adams Conlrib. to Conch. N. 1. p. 4. Pfr. Ic. N. 343. t. 43. f. 8. 9. (Cycl. mirabile Sow Thes. t. 28. f. 164?) — Jamaica. 245. A. pulchrior Adams. (Cycl. Binneyanum Ad., Pfr. Ic. N. 128. t. 14. f. 12—14.) -- Jamaica. §. 2. Pupaeformes; anfractu ultimo antice non soluto, sutura crenata. 246. A. variabilis Adams Contrib. N. 1. p. 3. Pfr. Ic. 28 N. 27(5. t. 38. f. 7. 8. CycL articulatum Sow. nee Gray; CycL mutatum Adams Contr. N. 9. p. 154.) — Jamaica. 247. A. Grayana Pfr. 1846. Ic. N. 42. t. 6. f. 15. 16. Adams Catal. 1847. (CycL obscurum Gray , Sow. Nee Drap.) Varietates: CycL concentricum et serrife- rum Adams Contrib. N. 1. p. 4. — Jamaica. §.3. Pupaeforrnes, anfractu ultimo antice soluto. *248. A. moribund a Adams Contrib. N. 1. p. 5. Pfr. Ic.' N. 342, t. 43. f. 6. 7. — Jamaica. *249. A. intermedia Adams Contrib. N. 1. p. 5. — Jamaica. 250. A. monstrosa Adams Contrib. N. 1. p. 5. Pfr. Ic. N. 259. t. 36. f. 17. 18. §.4. Oblongo-turritae. 251. A. xanthostomaSow., Pfr. Ic. N. 118. 1. 14. f. 6— 8. (CycL tenuistriatum Ad. Contrib. p. 8.) — Jamaica. *252. A. pinguis Pfr. Proc. Z, S. 1851. Ic. N. 32J. t. 41. f. 20. 21. (86.) 253. A. ignilabris Adams Contrib. p. 9. Pfr. Ic. N. 281. t. 38. f. 23. 24. — Jamaica. 254. A. chlorostoma Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 117. t. 14. f. 1 — 3. (CycL sericeum Fe'r. Mus.) — Demerara. XIX. Litliidiou Cray. Operculum subcirculare , testaceum, anfractibus subrapide accrescentibus, carina valida, convexa, subcentralf munitis? marginibus simplicibus. Testa depressa, late et aperte umbilicata ; apertura circularis; peristoma simplex. (Gray Catal. Cycloph. p. 35.) 29 255. L. sulcatum Gray. (CycL lithidion Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 160. t. 20. f. 20—22. -- Arabia. •256. L. desciscens Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 250. t. 35. f. 25. 26. — Socotora. (37.) 257. L, Souleyetianum Petit Journ. Conch. 1850. I. p. 52. t. 3. f. 6. Pfr. Ic. N. 249. t. 35. f. 23. 24. (Cycl. paradoxum Pfr. 1850.) — Abdel Goury prope Socotorain. *258. L. depress urn Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 185. t. 31 B. f. 306. 307. Pfr. Ic. N. 24/. t. 35. f. 17—19. — Habitat? *259. L. niveum Petit Journ. Conch. 1850. 1. p. 52. t. 3. f. 7. Pfr. Ic. N. 248. t. 35. f. 20—22. — Mada- gascar. XV. Ot optima Gray. Operculum testaceum, solidum, anfractibus paucis, centro convexis, margine simplice. Testa conico-subglobosa vel depressa- apertura subovalis; peristoraa rectum vel reflexiusculum, margine columellari plerumque dilatato, umbilici partem majorem vel minorem obte- gente. (Gray Cat. Cycl. p. 35.) §• I- Umbilico prorsus clauso. 260. O. clausum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 157. t. 20. f. 13— 15. t. 42. f. 13—15. - - Yemen. §.2. Umbilico aperto, peristomaiis margine dextro expanso. *261. 0. auric ulare Gray in Griff, an kingd. t. 28. f. 5. Cycl. candidum Son., Pfr. Ic N. 187. (. 25. f. (J. Cyclophora auricularis Swains.) — Habilat? 30 *262. O. albicans Sow, Pfr. Ic. N. 83. t. 11. f. 13.14, — Ins. Hainan Chinae. 263. O. naticoides Reel., Pfr. Ic N. 28. t. 5. f. 1—4. (Turbo foliaceus Chemn.? Otopoma foliaceum Gray.} — Socotora. 264. O. Guillaini Petit in Journ. Conch. 1850. I. p. 51. t. 4. f. 3. Pfr. Ic. N. 234. t. 34. f. 7. 8. — Mo- gadoxa. f265. 0. unifasciatum Sow,, Pfr. Ic. N. 188. t. 25. f. 4. 5. — An zz: C. Listen ? ex Gray. §.3. Umbilico aperto, peristomatis margine dextro reclo. *266. O. Philippianum Pfr. Ic. N. 356. t. 44. f. 23. 24. (Cycl ligatum Sow. Thes. N. 21. t. 23. f. 24. Nee Mull.) -- Habitat? (38.) 267. 0. clathratulum Recluz, Pfr. Ic. N. 29. t. 5. f. 5—7. — Socotora. *268. 0. vitellinum Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 353. t. 43. f. 35. 36. -- Madagascar, (39.) 269. O. Listeri Gray, Pfr. Ic. N. 95. t. 12. f. 30. 31. (Cycl fimbriata Quoy, Deless. ; Cycl Philippi Grat.} — Ins. Mauritii. 270. 0. haemastomum Anton, Pfr. Ic. N. 16. t. 3. f. 3. 4. — Isle de France. *271. 0. politum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 167. t. 21. f. 13. 14. — Elabitat? |272. 0. spurcum Grat. Act. Bord. XI. p. 444, t. 3. f. 18. -- Bombay? 273. 0. pygmaeum Sow. Thes. N. 39. t. 30. f. 253. — Nova Hibernia, §. 4. Umbilico subclauso, peristomatis margine dextro flexuoso, 274. O. multilineatum Jay Cat. 1839. t. 7. f. 12. 13. 31 (Cycl flexilabrum Son., Pfr. Ic. N.87. t. 11. f.7. 8; C. flavilabre Petit Journ. Conch. 1850. I. p. 42; Tro- pidophora flexilabrum Gray Catal. Cycl. p. 41.) — Madagascar. Cyelostomus Xfontfort. Operculum subovale, testaceum, planum, anfract. 4 — 5 sen- sim crescentibus, margine simplice, nucleo subexcen- trico. Testa 4ePressa» globoso-turbinata vel ovato- turrita- apertura ovalis; peristoma simplex, rectum, vel expansum, interdum duplicatum. (Cyclostomus et Tropidophora Gray.} §• 1- Carinati depress!. 275. C. Cuvierianus Petit, Pfr. Ic. N. 1. t. 1. £ 1 — 4. — Madagascar. *276. C. formosus Sow. Proc. Z. S.1849. p. 15. Moll. t. 2. f. 8. 9. Pfr. Ic. N. 221. t. 32. f. 1. — Mada- gascar. 277. C. cariniferus Sow , Pfr. Ic. N. 152. t. 19. f. 13—15. - - Var.: C. spectabile Petit in Journ. Conch. I. p. 49. t. 8. f. 2. Madagascar. *278. C. articulatus Gray in Griff, t. 28. f. 1. (Cycl filosum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 144. t. 18. f. 12. 13. Cycl. Terveriana Grat.} — Ins. Rodriguez prope ins. Mauritii. *279. C. Deshayesianus Petit, Pfr. Ic. N. 192. t. 25. f. 8—10. Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 19K t. 31 B. f. 326. 327. — Madagascar. f280. C. Abeillei Grat. Bord. XI. p. 437. t. 3. f. 6. — Madagascar. 32 *281. C. modestus Petit Journ. Conch I. p. 50. t. 4. f. 2. Pfr. Ic. N. 333. t. 42. f. 16—18. -- Abd-el- Goury. *282. C. liratus Pfr. Proc, Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 340. t. 42. f. 9. 10. — Hab.? (40.) §• 2- Carinati turbinato-conici. Bi-vel multicarinati. *283. C. campanulatus Pfr. Ic. N. 141. t. 18. f. 6. — Hab.? 284. C. bicarinatus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 147. t. 19, f. 1 —3. — Madagascar. 285. C. pulchellus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 142. t. 18. f. 7. 8. Adult. (CycL Hanleyi Pfr. Ic. N. 143. t. 18. f. 9—11. —Hab.? 286. C. zonulatus Per., Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 180. t, 31 A. f. 296. 297. Pfr. Ic. N. 238. t. 34. f. 17. 18. - Hab.? *287. C. tricarinatus Mull., Pfr. Ic. t. 4. f. 10. 17. Madagascar. *288. C. car inatus Born. (CycL tricarinatum Sow. Thes. N. 86. t. 26. f. 122. Pfr. Ic. t. 3. f. 8.) — Hab.? *289. C. unicolor Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 185U Ic. N. 289. t. 39. f. 5-7. — Hab.? (41.) 290. C. deliciosus Fer., Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 186. t. 31 B. f. 314. 315. Pfr. Ic. N. 239. t. 34. f. 19. 20. — Madagascar. 291. C. Michaudi Grat. Pfr. Ic. N. 145. t. 18. f. 14- 16. (CycL carinatum Sow. Thes. t. 26. f. 117. - Otopoma Gray.) — Madagascar. 33 292. C. Rare I ay anus Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 222. t. 32. f. 3. 4. (Cyd. carinatum Sow. Thes. t. 26. f. 118.) — Isle de France. (42.) «293. C. calcareua Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 84. 1. 11. f. 11. 12. (Cyd. sulcatum Lam.) — Flak? *294. C. rugosus Lam., Pfr. Ic. t. 21. f. 15. 16. (Cyd. cinctum Sow., Pfr. Ic, N. 149. t. 19. f. 6. 7.) — India orient. 295. C. Creplini Dunk, in Zeitschr. f. Mai. 1848. p. 177. Pfr. Ic. N. 278. t. 38. f. 13-15. — Zanzibar. 296. C. pulcher Gray in Griff, t. 28. f. 3. (Cyd. or- tyx Val, Pfr. Ic. N. 137. t. 16. f. 13. 14. — C. mul- ticarmata Jay. — C. Arthurii Grat.) — Ins. Seychell. *297. C. Kraussianus Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 347. t. 43. f. 17. 18. -- Natal. (43.) 298. C. castaneus Pfr. in Proc. Z. S.1851. Ic N. 337. t. 42. f. 25. 26. — Madagascar. (44.) 299. C. f use u I us Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 336. t. 42. f. 23. 24. — Hak? (45.) f300. C. trochlea Bens, in Ann. and Mag. 1851. VIII. — Nilgherries. §.3. Unicarinati turbinato-conici. 301. C. Mad aga s can' en sis Gray in Griff, t. 28. f. 4. Sow. Thes. t. 27. f. 125. Suppl. N. 177. t. 31 A. f. 289. Pfr. Ic. N. 2S7. t. 39. f. 1. 2. (Cyd. Duisabonis Grat) — Madagascar. 302. C. unicarinatus Lam., Pfr. Ic. N. 191. t. 25. f. 7. (Cyd. fulvifrons Sow. Reeve.) — Madagascar. §.4. Ecarinati globoso-lurbinati. Peristomate late reflexo. *303. C. enchilua Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N 288. t. 39. f. 3. 4. - - Madagascar. 79 34 |304. C. multifasciatus Grat. Act. Bord. XT. p. 436. t. 3. f. 3. — Madagascar. 305. C. zonal us Petit Journ Conch. I. p. 50. t. 4. f. 7. Pfr. Ic N. 291. t. 39. f. 22. 23. -- Madagascar. *306. C. obsoletus Lam., Pfr. Ic. N. 23. t. 5. f. 8. 9. — Madagascar. *307. C. citrinus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 170. t. 21. f. 22.- Var. : Cycl. rugosum Sow. (Cycl. semidecussatum Pfr. Ic. N. 168. t. 21. f. 17—19.) — Trinidad. 308. C. xanthochilus S o w. • (Cycl. xanlhocheilus Sow. Thes. Suppl. N. 179. t. 31 A. f. 294. 295. Pfr. Ic. N. 233. t 34. f. 5. 6.) — Madagascar. 309. C. Sowerbyi Pfr. Ic. N. 151. t. 19. f. 10—12. (Cycl. megacheilus Sow.) — Hab.? §.5. Ecarinati globoso-turbinati. Peristomate anguste reflexo. *310. C. ap lust re Sow. Proc. Z. S. 1849. p. 15. Moll, t. 2. f. 4. 5. Pfr. Ic. N. 230. t. 33 f. 5—7. — Ma- dagascar. *311. C. asper Pot. et Mich., Pfr. Ic. N. 86. t. 11. f. 3. 4. (Cycl. Harveyanum Sow.) — Madagascar. *312. C. pyrostomus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 171. t. 21. f. 23. t. 34. f. 1—4. (Cycl haemastoma Grat.) -- Ma- dagascar, Mayotte. *313. C. fulvescens Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 30. t. 5. f. 10. 11. — Madagascar *314. C. insularis Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 368. t. 45. f. 5. 6. — Isle de France. (46.) 315. C. reticulatus Ad. et Reeve Voy. Samarang. Moll, p, 57. t. 14. f. 8. Pfr. Ic. N. 237. t. 34. f. 13 — 16. — Madagascar. *316. C. Goudotianus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 106. t. 13. f. 8-10. — Natal. . 35 317. C. virgatus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 105. t. 13. f. 1—7. Var. : Cycl. consocium Fer. — Madagascar. *318. C. Carolinensis Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 344. t. 43. f. 10. 11. — Ins. Carolin. (47.) f319. C. tenuis Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 190. t. 25. f. 11. — Africa. *320. C. cincinnus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 140. t. 18. f. 1—3. (Cycl. modestum Fer.) — Hah.? f321. C. ligatulus Grat. Act. Bord. XL p. 445. t. 3- f. 20. — Madagascar. 322. C. Zanguebaricus Petit in Journ. Conch. I. p. 53. t. 3. f. 5. Pfr. Ic. N. 292. t. 39. f. 24. 25. — Zanzibar. *323. C. subliratusPfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 348 t. 43. f. 37. 38. — Hab.? (48.) 324. C. Novae Hiberniae Quoy, Pfr. Ic. N. 199. t- 30. f. 36. 37. - - Var. ? Cycl. vitreum Sow. Thes. N. 124. t. 30. f. 252. Pfr. Ic. N. 172. t. 21. f. 24— 26. - Nova Hibernia. |325. C. filocinctus Bens, in Ann. and Mag. 1851. VIII. - Nilgherries. §• 6. Ecarinati globoso-turbinati. Peristomate recto. 326. C. ligatus Mull., Pfr. Ic. N. 24. t. 4. f. 12. 13. t. 8. f. 3. 4. Var.: Cycl. affine Sow. Pfr. Ic. N. 57. t. 8. f. 17. 18. — Africa merid. *327. C. lineatus Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 367. t. 45. f. 3. 4. — Hab.? (49.) *328. C. fimbriatus Lam. (Cycl. undulatum Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 94. t, 12. f. 24—26.) — Ins. Mauritii. 329. C. glaucus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 67. t. 9. f. 3—5. (Cycl. striatum Merike; C. breviale Gray.} — Alexan- drette. 3* 36 3?0. C. costulatus Ziegl., Pfr.Ic.N.66. t. 9. f. 6 8 (Cycl. sulcatum Sow.} — Var.: C. Olivieri Sorv. Pfr- Ic. N. 169. t. 21. f. 20. 21. (C. syriacum Ziegl. ; C. orientate Rossm.) — Banatus, Rossia, Syria. Ovato-turriti, peristomate recto. 331. C. su I cat us Or a p., Pfr. Ic4 N. 63. t. 9. f. 24— 26. (Cycl. af finis Risso; Cycl. poly sulcatum Pot. $ Mich.? ; C. siculum Sow.) Varr.: C. coloratum Ziegl. (auran- tium Ant.}; C. phaleratum Ziegl.; C. reticulatum Ziegl. ; C. Meliteme Sow, Pfr. Ic. N. 139. t. 13. f 24. 25; C. multisulcatum Pot. et Mich., Pfr. Ic. N. 64. t. 9 f. 21-23. (Cycl tenellum Sow.) -- Europa merid. et Algeria. 332. C. elegans Mull., Pfr. Ic. N. 68. t. 9. f. 30— 34. t 28. f. 23. — Var.: C. marmoreum Brown. — Eu- ropa, Algeria, ins. Canar. 333. C. fascicularis Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 307. t. 40. f. 23. 24. — Hab.? (50.) 334. C. laevigatus Webb & Berth., Pfr. Ic. N. 100. t. 13. f. 13. 14. 22. 23. (Cycl Canariense Orb.) - Teneriffa. 335. C. tectilabris Adams Contrib. to Conch, p. 10. Pfr. Ic. N. 354. t. 44. f. 25-27. -- Jamaica. *336. C. saccatus Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 352. t 43. f. 33. 34. — Hab.? (51.) *337. C. dissectus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 163. t. 21. f. 1. 2. - Hab.? *338. C. solidus Menke, Pfr. Ic. N. 119. t. 14. f. 4. 5. — Hab.? *339. C. gratus Petit Journ. Conch. I. p. 53. t. 3. f. 10. Pfr. Ic. N. 236. t. 34. f. 11. 12. (Cycl tricolor Pfr. in Z. f. M. 1849. p 128.) - Ins. Abd-el-Goury. . 37 §-8. Ovato-turriti, peristomate expanse. Laevigati. 340. C. Humphreyanus Pfr. Ic. N. 74, t. 10. f. 9— 11. (Cycl. pictum Sow.) — Jamaica. 341. C. albus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 44. t. 6. f. 17-19. - Jamaica. f 342. C. Chevalier! Adams Contrib. to Conch. N. 9. p. 155. — Jamaica. §.9. Ovato-turriti, peristomate expanse. Longitudinaliter plicati. 343. C. thysanorhaphe Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 75. t. 10. f. 16—18. — Jamaica. 344. C. Redfieldianus Adams Contrib. p. 10. Pfr. Ic. N. 263. 1. 37. f. 7. 8. — Jamaica. 345. C. JayanusAdams Contr. p. 50. Pfr. Ic. N. 310. t. 40. f. 32. 33. (Cycl. solidum Adams Contrib. p. 7; C. histrio Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851.) — Jamaica. 346. C. Banksianus Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 165. t. 21. f. 7. 8. t. 44. f. 17. 18. (Cycl. hyacinthimim Adams Contrib. p. 9.) — Var.? C. Yallahense Adams Contrib. N. 9. p. 156. — Jamaica. 347. C. Bronni Adams, Pfr. Ic. N. 43. t. 6. f. 24—26. (C.papillare Fer.) -- Var.: C. fuscolineatum Ad. — Jamaica. -j-348. C. lamellosus Adams Contrib. N. 8. p. 138.— Jamaica. 349. C. ruguiosus Pfr. Ic. N. 120. t. 14. f. 9—11. t. 38. f. 11. 12. (Cycl clathratum Gould.) — Cuba. 350. C. Wilkinsonii Adams Contrib. p. 6. Pfr. Ic. N. 376. t. 46. f. 17-19. - Var: Cycl. modestum Ad. Contrib. p. 6. — Jamaica. §. 10. Ovato-turriti, peristomate expanse. Decussati. 350 a. C. Rangelinus Poey Mernorias hist. nat. Cuba. I. — Cuba. 351. C. retrorsus Adams Contrib. N. 6. p. 91. Pfr. Ic. N. 258. t. 36. f. 15. 16. — Jamaica. 352. C. salebrosus Morelet test, noviss. p, 23. Pfr. Ic. N. 260. t. 36. f. 19-21. — Cuba. *353. C. sulculosus Per., Pfr. Ic. N. 318. t. 41. f. 15. 17. 22. 23. (Cycl suturale Per.) — Guadeloupe. 354. C. Dominicensis Pfr. in Z. f. M. 1850. p. 79. Ic. N. 277. t. 38. f. 9. 10. — Haiti. Tucloru Gray. Operculum ovale, testaceum, planum, anfractibus 2—3, rapide crescentibus, oblique arcuato-striatis vel sul- catis, nucleo valde excentrico, margini sinistro et in- fero peristomatis approximato. Testa ovato-oblonga vel turrita ; apertura angulato-ovalis ; peristoma ex- pansum, simplex vel duplicatum. (Gray Catal. Cycloph. p. 48.) $. 1. Peristomate simplice. 355. T. megachila Pot. & Mich. (Cycl meg.Pfr.\c. N. 62. t. 9. f. 15—19; Cycl simile Gray, Sow.; C. roridum Parr.; Tudor a similis Gray.) — Var.: C. cancellatum Merikc. — Ins. Curacao. *356. T. costata Menke, Pfr. Ic. N. 59. t. 9. f. 9. 10. — Habitat? *357. T. versicolor Pfr. Ic. N. 60. t. 9. f. 13. 14. (Cycl aurantium Gray; C. aurantiacum Sow.) — 39 Var.: Cycl. carneum Menke, Pfr. lc. N. 61. t. 9. f. 11. 12. — Habitat? 358. T. ferruginea Lam., Pfr. lc. N. 65. t. 9. f. 27- 29. (Cycl. productum Turt.; C. fulvum Gray.) - Europa merid. & Algeria. 359. T. fecunda Adams Contrib. p. 11. Pfr. lc. N. 377. t. 46. f. 20—23. -- Jamaica. 360. T. armata Adams Contrib. p. 10. Pfr. lc. N. 378. t. 46. f. 24—26. - Jamaica. 361. T. mutica Adams Contrib. p. II. -- Jamaica. *362. T. maritima Adams Proc. Bost. Sec. 1848. p. 102. Pfr. lc. N. 275. t. 38. f. 5. 6. (Cycl. Petrarum Rang.) — Var.: C. Aurora Adams Contrib. p. II. Pfr. lc. t. 46. f. 38. -- Jamaica. f363. T.? Tappaniana Adams Contrib. p. 157. — Jamaica. '364. T. quaternata Lam., Pfr. lc. N. 76. t. 10. f. 12. 13. — Africa? 365. T. pupaeformis Sow., Pfr. lc. N. 124. t. 14. f. 15. 16. — Haiti? §.2. Peristomate subduplicato. 366. T.? columna Wood, Pfr. lc. N. 39. t. 6. f. 13. 14. t. 46. f. 27. 28. (Cycl. quinquefasciatum Adams Contrib. p. 12. -- Jamaica. *367. T.? Ada nisi Pfr. lc. N. 40. t. 6. f. 20. 21. t. 46. f. 29. 30. (Cycl. crenulatum Gray, SorvJ — Ja- maica. *368. T.? Chemnitzii Wood, Pfr. lc. N. 88. t. 12. f. 32. 33. (Choanopoma interr upturn var. Gray.) — Africa merid. ? 40 §. 3. Peristomate distincte duplicate. 369. T. violacea Pfr. Proc. 1851. Ic. N. 308. t. 40. f. 25—27. — Cuba. (52.) 370. T. fascia Wood, Pfr. Ic. N. 37. t. 6. f. 9. 10. - Var. : Cycl. proximum Adams Contrib. p. 8. — Ja- maica. 371. T. Augustae Adams Contrib. p. 7. Pfr. Ic. N. 3H.t. 40. f. 34. 35. — Var. : C. nitens Adams Contrib. p. 8. — Jamaica. *372. T. ? crenulosa Adams Contrib. p. 12. — Jamaica. *373. T.? canes cens Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1 85 Me. N. 284.1. 38. f. 36. 37. — Hab.? (53.) f 374. T. ? simuIansAdams Contrib. p. 1 38. — Jamaica- *375. T.? ovata Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 306. t. 40. f. 21. 22. — Cuba. (54.) 376. T. pupoides Morelet Test, noviss. p.*23. Pfr. Ic. N. 305. t. 40. f. 19. 20. — Isla de Pinos. 377. T. Moreletiana Petit in Journ. Conch. I. p. 46* Pfr. Ic. N. 27'?. t. 37. f. 27. 28. (Cycl dtsjunctum Morelet test, noviss. p. 23.) — Isla de Pinos. 378. T. a vena Adams Contrib. p. 6. Pfr. Ic. N. 380. t. 46. f. 33—35. — Jamaica. Will. Leonia Gray. Operculum ovale, testaceum, extus perconvexum , unispi- ratum, nucleo juxta marginem columellarem posito. Testa ovato-conioa; apertura ovalis ; perist. subsim- plex. (Gray Catal. Cycloph. p. 34.) 379. L. mammillaris Lam., Pfr. Ic. N. 126. t. 14. f. 28, 29. (C. Foltzianum Mich., C. Volzana Desh.\ 41 C. Woltzianum Terv. ; C. laevigatum Sow. olim ; C. Velascoi Graells olim.) — Hispania, Algeria. XXIV. Ciatula Gray. Operculum ovale, lenue, cartilagineum, strato levi tes- taceo extus munitum, anfr. paucis sensim crescentibus, margine plerumque subliberis , nncleo excentrico. Testa globoso-conica, vel ovato-vel oblongo-tnrrita, plerumque iruncata ; apertura ovalis; peristoma sim- plex expansum vel duplicatum. (Gray 1. c. p. 57.) $. 1. Globoso-conicae. 380. C.? platychila Pfr. (Cycl. latilabre Pfr. Ic. N 72. t. 10. f. 26. 27.) — Habitat? 381. C. limbifera Menke, Pfr. Ic. N. 38. t. 6. f. 11. 12. t. 21.f. 6. t. 38. f. 3.4. (Cycl. catenatum Gould? ; Choanopoma semiproductum Gray.} — Cuba. 382. C. Agassizii Charp., Pfr. Ic. N. 274. t. 38. f. 1. 2. Cuba. 383. C. pleurophora Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 299. t. 40. f. 5. 6. — Elonduras. (55.) §.2. Oblongo-turritae. Anfractu ultimo adnato; peristomate simplice. 384. C. radiosa 3Iorelet Test. p. 22. Pfr. Ic. N. 267. t. 37. f. 15. 16. — Guatemala. 385. C. Tarns i ana Pfr. Zeitschr. 1850. p. 77. Ic. N. 268. t. 37. f. 19. 20. — Porto Cabello. 1386. C.? Griffithiana Adams Contrib. p. 93. — Jamaica. 42 §. 3. Oblongo-turritae. Anfractu ultimo adnato; perist. duplice, externo dilatato. 387. & Gruneri Pfr. Ic. N. 73. t. 10. f. 28. 29. - Honduras. 388. C. pallida Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 314. t. 41. f. 3—6. - Cuba. (56.) *389. C.? Kiisteri Pfr. Proc. 1851. Ic. N.316. t* 41. f. 9. 10. — Honduras. (57.) 390. C. radula Pfr. Proc. 1851. Ic. N. 319. t. 41. f. 13. 14. — Cuba. (58.) §•4. Oblongo-turritae. Anfractu ultimo adnato; perist. duplice, externo angusto. f391. C.? sagittifera Adams Contrib. p. 137. — Jamaica. 392. C. Candeana Orb. (Cyd truncation Pfr. Ic. N. 121. t. 14. f. 20. 21. Nee Wiegm.) — Cuba. f393. C.? pauperata Adams Contrib. p. 13. — Ja- maica. *394. C.? bilabris Menke, Pfr. Ic. N. 45. t. 6. f. 22. 23. (Cyd. rufllabrum Beck, Sow.?) — Nova Hol- landia. §.5. Oblongo-turritae, anfr. ultimo soluto. Peristomate subsimplice. *395. C.? lugubris Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 317. t. 41. f 11. 12. — Jamaica. (59.) *396. C.? mordax Adams Contrib. p. 12. Pfr. Ic. N. 379. t. 46. f. 31. 32. — Jamaica. *397. C.? lineolata Lam. Pfr. Ic. N.41. t. 6. f. 27. 28. — Ins. St. Vincent. 398. C. Thoreyaua Phil, in Z. f. M. 1851. p. 31. Pfr. Ic. N. 351. t. 43. f. 28—30. — Bolivia. 43 §.6. Oblongo-turritae, anfractu ultimo soluto. Peristomate duplice, limbo externo plaoo. •399. C.? rostrata Pfr., Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 349 t. 43. f. 26. 27. — Habitat? (76.) f400. C.? ambigua Lam., Pfr. Ic. N. 196. t. 29. f. 7_9. (Cycl. interrupta Deless.) — Habitat? *401. C.? bilabiata Orb. Cub. I. p. 258. t. 22. f 3—5. Pfr. Ic. N. 322. t. 43. f. 31. 32? (Cycl. Dor- bignyanum Petit Journ. Conch. I. p. 46.) — Cuba. 402. C. Grateloupi Pfr. Proc.Z.S. 1851. Ic. N. 309. t. 40. f. 28— 31. — Yucatan. (60.) 403. C. Largillierti Pfr. Ic. N. 125. t. 14. f. 26. 27. — Yucatan. *404. C. fa 11 ax Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 369. t. 45. f. 21. 22. — Habitat? (61.) f 405. C. ? s e r i c i n a Adams Contrib. p. 1 56. — Jamaica. f4o6. C.? Campbellii Adams Contrib. p. 154.— Ja- maica. §•7. Oblongo-turritae, anfractu ultimo soluto. Peristomate duplice, limbo externo fimbriato. *407. C.? confusa Pfr (Cycl Delatreanum Pfr. Ic- N. 122. t. 14. f. 22. 23.) — Hab.? 408. C. Sauliae Sow., Pfr. Ic. N. 80. t. 10. f. 24. 25. - Jamaica. *409. C.? trochlearis Pfr. Ic. N. 315. t. 41. f. 7. 8. (Cycl. trochlea Pfr. in Proc. Z. S. 1851. Nee Bens.) - Hab. ? (62.) *410. C.? Shepardiana Adams Contrib. p. 92. Pfr. Ic. N. 283. t. 38. f. 40—45. — Jamaica. *411. C.? dislocata Baird in Mus. Brit. — Jamaica. 412. C. scabrosa Humph r., Gray Catal. (CycL rugu- losum Sow. Thes.?) — Jamaica. Cltondropoma Pfr. Operculum ovale, subcartilagineum, planum, anfractibus paucis, rapide accrescentibus, nucleo plerumque valde excentrico. Testa oblongo- turrita, saepe truncata rarius globoso-turbinata; apertura ovalis; peristoma simplex, vel magis minusve duplicatum, subrectum, expansiusculum vel late reflexum. §. i. Peristomate simplice, tenui. 413. Ch. plica tul urn Pfr. Ic..N. 77. t. 10. f. 14. 15. t. 28. f. 12. 13. — Venezuela. 414. Ch. Salleanum Pfr. in Z. f. M. 1850. p. 78. Ic. N. 266. t. 37. f. 13. 14. 17, 18. — Haiti. *415. Ch.? papyraceurn Adams Contrib. p. 92. Pfr. Ic. N. 371. t. 46. f. 39. 40. -- Jamaica. 416. Ch. litturatum Pfr. in Z. f. M. 1850. p. 78. Ic. N. 269. t. 37. f. 21. 22. — Haiti. 417. Ch. Cumanense Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 320. t. 41. f. 18. 19. -- Cumana. (63.) 418. Ch. elongatum Wood, Pfr. Ic. N. 79. t. 10. f. 19. 20? — Cuba. §.2. Peristomate simplice, subincrassato, brevi. 419. Ch. pictum Pfr. Ic. N. 129. t. 15, f. 1-11. (C. Sagra Orb.; C. Mahogani Gould', C. punctulatum Fer.} — Cuba. 420. Ch. Poeyanum Orb., Pfr. Ic. N. 261. t. 36. f 22. 23. (Chondropoma Hellenicum Gray in Mus. Brit.) — Var.: C. Charpentieri Shuttl. — Cuba. 45 421. Ch. obesum Menke, PfV. Ic. N. 78. t. 10. f. 21 — 23. -- Cuba. 422.. Ch. semilabre Lam., Pfr. Ic. N. 130. t. 15. f 17. 18. t. 37. f. 1. 2. — Haiti. 423. Ch. dentatum Say in Philad. Journ. V. p. 125. (Cycl. lineolatum Ant.; C. crenulatum Pfr. Ic. N. 123. t. 14. f. 24. 25. 30. 31; C. Auberiana Orb.} — Florida, Cuba. S. 3. Peristomate subduplicalo. 424. Ch. Newcombianum Adams Contrib. p. 8. Pfr. Ic. N. 271. l. 37. f. 25. 26. (Cycl. Troscheli Pfr. in Z. f. M. 1850. p. 64; C. Swift ianum Newc.} — St. Thomas. "425 Ch.? turritum Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 313. t. 41. f. 1. 2. — Honduras. (64.) 426. Ch. crenulatum Per., Pot. & Mich. Gal. 1. p. 235. U 24. f. 3. 4. (Cycl Guadeloupense Pfr. Ic. N. 193. t. 28. f. 9—11.) Guadeloupe. *427. Ch.? diaphanum Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 312. t. 40. f. 36. 37. -- Hab.? (65.) §•4. Peristomate duplicate. Umbilico aperto, limbo externo brevi. *428. Ch.? jucundum Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 370. t. 46. f. 36. 37. - - Hab. ? (66.) 429. Ch. Petit ianurn Pfr. Z. f. M. 1850. p. 78. Ic. N. 270. t. 37. f. 23. 24. — Haiti. 430. Ch. rubicund urn More let Test. nov. p. 22. Pfr. Ic. N 273. t. 37. f. 29. 30. — Guatemala. *431. Ch.? harpa Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 323. t 41. f. 28. 29. -- Cuba. (67.) 432. Ch. integrum Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 282. t. 38, f. 25. 26. — Ind. occid. (68.) 46 f433. Ch. truncatum Wiegm., Rossm. VI. p. 49. f. 367. — Mexico. f434. Ch.? Delatreanum Orb. Cub. p 262. t. 22. f. 18__20. Nee Pfr. (Cycl Dutertreanum Petit Journ. Conch. 1. p. 47.) — Cuba. §. 5. Peristomafe duplice. Umbilico aperto, limbo externo late expanso. 435. Ch. latilabre Orb., Pfr. Ic. N. 255. t. 36. f. 9. 10. Nee N. 72. — Cuba. 436. Ch. irradians Shuttl., Pfr. Ic. N. 264. t. 37. f. 9. to. — Cuba. §• 6. Peristomate duplice, umbilico clauso. 437. Ch. Shuttleworthi Pfr. Proc. Z. S, 1851. Ic. N. 254. t. 36. f. 7. 8. - - Cuba. (69.) 438. Ch. ienebrosum Morelet Test. nov. p. 23. Pfr. Ic. N. 265. t. 37. f. 11. 12. — Cuba. 439. Ch. Ottonis Pfr. Ic. N. 36. t. 6. f. 7. 8. —Cuba. Pomatias Studer. Operculum cartilagineum, paucispirum, e 2 laminis com- positutn, intus concameratum. Testa subimperforata, conico-turrita vel turrita, longitudinaliter striata vel costata; peristoma subsimplex vel duplicatum, limbo interno subcontinuo , externo expansiusculo \7el reflexo, saepe auriculato. M. Peristomate auriculalo. 440. P. auritus Ziegl., Pfr. Ic. N. 207. t. 26. f. 4—6. 47 (CycL excissilabrum Miiklf.) — Dalmatia, Monte- negro, Albania. 4-11. P. obseurus Drap., Pfr. Ic. N. 209. t. 26. f. 1—3. 31—33. (CycL patulum Sow. Thes.) - - Var. : C. fim- briatum Held; C. apricum Charp. ; maculatum Sow. Thes.?) — Pyren. 442. P. tessellatus Wiegm., Pfr. Ic. N. 208. t. 26. f. 7 — 9t (CycL conspersum ZgL) — Corfu. 443. P. maculatus Drap., Pfr. Ic. N. 212. t. 26. f. 13— 15. 25 27. (CycL turriculatum Menke ; C. ma- culata Desh.} — Germania, Helvetia etc. 444. P. patulus Drap., Pfr. Ic. N. 211. t. 26. f. 10— 12. — Gallia, Illyria. f445. P. Porroi Strobel Note malac. Valbremb. p. 22. — Lombardia. Peristomate non auriculato. 446. P. striolatus Porro, Pfr. Ic. N. 210. t. 26. f. 16— 18. (CycL turriculatum Phil., C. Philippii A. Braun.) — Italia, Sicilia, 447. P. cinerascens Rossm., Pfr. Ic. N. 213. t. 26. f. 34—36. (CycL rude Ziegl. ; C. brevilabre Parr. ) - Var.: C. turgidulnm Parr. (C. latilabre Schmidt.) — Dalmatia et Croatia? 448. P. scalariiius Villa, Pfr. Ic. N. 214. t. 26. f. 19—24. — Istria, Dalmatia. 449. P. gracilis Kust., Pfr. Ic. N. 215. t. 26. f. 28- 30. — Dalmatia. XXVII. Realia Gray. Operculum tenue, corneum, paucispirum. Testa turrita, sublaevigata; apertura ovalis; peristoma continuum, duplex. 48 450. R. Egea Gray Proc. Z. S. 1849. p. 167. Pfr. Ic. N. 304. t. 40. f. 17. 18. — Nova Seelandia. X Will. Omplialotropia Pfr. Operculum tenue, corneum, paucispirtim. Testa perforata vel anguste umbilicata, tnrrita vel globoso-turbiuata, circa perforationem carinata; apertura ovalis; peri- stoma disjunctum, rectum ve! oxpansum. (Pfr. in Proc. Zool. Soc. 1851.) §• I- Turrilae vel oblongo-conicae. 451. O. hieroglyphica Per., Pfr. Ic. N. 204. t. 30. f. 7—9. — Hab.? 452, O. pupoides Ant., Pfr. Ic. N. 205. t. 30. f. IS- IS. (Bulimus pupoides Anton; Hydrocena Oparica Pfr. olim.) — Opara. f453. O. tereb rails Gould Proc. Bost. Soc. 1847. p. 206. — Taheiti, Eimeo. *454. 0. rosea Gould Proc. Bost. Soc. 1847. p. 205. — Ins. Feejee. f 455. 0. vallata Gould Proc. Bost. Soc. 1 847. p. 206. — Tonga Tabou. ?456. 0. scitula Gould Proc. Bost. Soc, 1847. p. 206. — Taheiti, Eimeo, Manua. §.2. Globoso-conicae. 457. O. aurantiaca Desh. (Cycl. Belangeri Pfr. Ic. N. 201. t. 30. f. 13.) -- Pondichery. 458. 0. rubens Quoy, Pfr. Ic. N. 202. t. 30. f. 10—12. (Cycl. Rangii Pot. et Mich.} — Ins. Maurit. f459. O. erosa Quoy, Pfr. Ic. N. 200. t. 30. f. 32.33. — Ins. Mariana. 49 §.2. Globoso-conicae. 457. 0. a u r a n ti a c a\D e s h. {Cycl. B^angeri Pfr. Ic. N. 201.V 30. f. 1— 3\ — Pondichery. 458. O. riitosns Quoy,>Pfr. Ic. N. 202. \ 30. f. 10— 12. (Cycl. \fangii Pot. eixfich.) — Ins. f459. 0. er\sa Quoy, Pfr\Io. N. 200. t.'30. f. 32.33. — ^_^=_ Ins. JMafrianii. \, — 460. 0. dubia Pfr. Ic. N. 203. t. 30. f. 4—6. — Opara. 461. O. multilirata Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851 — Ins. Maurit. (70.) 462. 0. globosa Bens., Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 295. t. 39. f. 14— 16. — Ins. Maurit. (71.) 463. 0. plicosa Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 383. t. 46. f. 41. 42. — Hab.? (72.) 464. 0. expansilabris Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 296. t. 39. f. 17—19. — Ins. Maurit. (73.) Boureiera Pfr. Operculum ovale, solidiusculum, corneum, anfractibus paucis rapide accrescentibus. Testa helicinaefbrmis; columella basi dentala; apertura ovalisj peristoma expansum 465. B. helicinaeformis Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 224. t. 32. f. 8—10. — Quito. (74.) C yclowtoniareu «edf« oiiiniiio Ineertae* f466. C. cuspidatum Bens. Ann. and Mag. 1851. VIII. — Nilgherries. f467. C. inarginatum Chemn. (Turbo marcj. Chemn. IX, p. 60. f. 1075; Cycl. murrhinum Menke syn. ed. U. p. 39.) — Coroiuandel. 4 so *468, C. patera Pfr. Proc. Z. S. 1851. Ic. N. 350. t. 43. f. 23— 2y~ Hab.? (75.) f469. C. sarri/um Bens. Ann. and Mag. 1851. VIII. — India. / Diagnoses specierum in Diariis Societa- tis Zoologicae £,ojntliiieiisf s t§5O et 1*51 clcscriptaruifi. ^~ 1. C. Ouitense Pfr. (2.) — T. umbilicata, depressa, solida, superne striatula, nitida, saturate castanea* spira brevis, conoideo-elevata; sutura prof'unda; anfr. 4'/a convexi, rapide accrescentes? ultimus ad suturam depressus, rugatus, peripheria cingulo angusto lutescente et fascia lata nigricante ornatus, basi fusco-virens, circa umbili- cum infundibulifonnem confertim radiato-plicatus; apertura parum obliqua, irregulariter ovalis, dextrorsum producta, intus livescens; perist. rectum, subincrassaturn, continuum? marginibus superne angulatim junctis, sinistro ad anfr« penultimum breviter appresso. — Diain. maj. 37? min. 27, alt. 15 mill. Ap. 16 mill, alta & lata. -2*«X 7. C. Bensoni Pfr. (79.) -- T. umbilicata, subglo- boso-turbimita, solida, lineis obliquis & confertis spirali- bus subtiliter decussata, albido-fulva, castaneo-variegata; spira turbinata , obtusiuscula , anfr. 5 convex! , supremi unicolores luridi, sequentes flammulato-picti, ultimus mag- nus, obsolete angulatus, ad carinam fascia nigricante & utrinque fasciis inaequalibus castaneis ornatus, circa um- bilicurn angustum, infundibuliformem pallidus, subeom- pressus; apertura parum obliqua, subcircularis, intus lac(ea^ perist. continuum, igneo-auran(iacum, breviter ad- natum, breviter fornicato-reflexum. — Diam. maj. 43, min. 34, alt. 26 mill. 8. C. expansum Pfr. (84.) — T. umbilicata, tur- binato-subglobosa, solidiuscula, spiraliter confertim stri- ata, opaca, superne castaneo & albido variegata; spira conoidea, apice acutiuscula; anfr. 5 convexiusculi, ulti- mus convexior, dilatatus, peripheria subcarinatus , basi fasciis angustis castaneis ornatus; umbilicus angustus, pervius; apertura subverticalis, fere circularis; perist, subsimplex, continuum, breviter adnatum, pallirie auran- tiacum, undique aequaliter angulatim plano-expansum, margine subrevolutum. Diam. maj. 30, min. 22, alt. 19 mill. 9. C. amoenum Pfr. (87.) — T. umbilicata, de- presso-turhinata , solida, laevigata, alba, lineis castaneo- fulvis crebris, maculis sagittiformibus interruplis amoe- nissime picta -} spira conoidea, obtusa ; anfr. 4'/a modice con- vexi, ultimus superne turgidus, peripheria carina sub- comj»ressa & infra earn fascia saturatiore signalus, basi convexu9, circa umbilicum angustum, infundibulifonnem albus; apertura parum obliqua, subcircularis; perist. du- plex: internum continuum , stricte porrecluin, externum crassnm, patens, tfd anfraot. pennltimum vix excisum. — Diam. maj. 30, min. 24, all. 18 mill. 53 10. C. turbid urn Pfr. (88.) — T. umbilicata, lur- bmato-globosa, crassa, striata & minute malleata, rubello- fulva, fasciis & lineis interruptis castaneis ornata; spira luibinata, obtusiuscula; anf'r. 5 convex), ultimus superne turgidus, infra medium carina funiformi & fascia latiore nigricante circumdatus, basi subplanulatus, circa umbili- cum angustum, infundibuliformem subcompressus; aper- tura ohliqua, subangulato- rotunda, intus rubella; perist. duplex: internum continuum, externum crassum, expan- sum, ad anfr. penultimum breviter interruptum. — Diam- maj. 27, min. 23, alt. 18 mill. &.+*- 1 11. C. denselineatum Pfr. (90.) T. umbilicata, globoso- turbinata , solida, lineis spiralibus impressis et obliquis minutissime decussata , vix nitidula, pallide fulva, maculis & fasoiis interruptis fuscis picta; spira tur- binata, sursum nigricans, apice acuta; anfr. 5 parum convexi , ultimus superne convexior, infra medium obtuse carinatus, basi planiusculus, circa umbilicum angustum pervium pallidus; apertura parum obliqua, subcircularis, transverse dilatata; perist. incrassatum, vix expansum, mar- ginibus approximatis. callo junctis, columellari reflexius- culo. - Diam. maj. 23V2, min. 20, alt. 16 mill. Ap. intus oblique 9V2 mill, longa & lata, 12. C. luridum Pfr. (99.) — T. umbilicata, depresso- turbinata, tenuiuscula, confertJm spiraliter striata et costis sub 5 obtusis superne munita, nitida. fusco-fulvida ; spira turbinata, apice livida, acutiuscula; anfr. 5 modice con- vexi, ultimus ad peripheriam obtuse angulatus & albo- fasciatus, basi pallidior, obsolete fasciatus; umbilicus angustus, pervius; apertura magna, parum obliqua, sub- angulato-circularis; perist. simplex, teuue, marginibus disjurictis, dextro breviter expanse, sinistro subdilatato, fornicato-patente. — Diam. maj. 27, min. 23, alt. 19 mill. Ap. intus 14 mill, longa. 13. C, triliratum Pfr. (104.) — T. umbilicata, 54 globoso-turbinata , teruis, sub epidermide longitudinaliter rugosa hispida castanea, pallidius variegata, ad suturam luteo-flammtilata; spira conica, acuta; anfr. 5V2 convexi- usculi , penullimus 2, ultimus 3 liris filiformibus , ciliatis cinctus: lira 1 supera, secunda peripherica , tertia prope infra illam; umbilicus angustus, pervius; apertura obliqua, subcircularis; perist. subsimplex, breviter expansum, intus albo-callosum, marginibus approximatis , callo junctis. — Diam. maj. 8, min. 7, alt. 6 mill. ^AW***^ 14. C. fulguratum Pfr. (110.)— T. umbilicata, depresso-turbinata, solida, oblique striatula, sub lente conferlissime decussata, alba, strigis fulguratis castaneis superne elegantissime picta ; spira turbinata, apice obtu sula , cornea; anfr. 5 convexi, uliimus rotundatus, ad peripheriam fascia alba & infra earn nigncanti- castanea ornafus, circa umbilicum angustum, vix pervium albus; apertura parum obliqua, subcircularis, intus livescens, nitida; perist. simplex, fulvidum, interruptum, marginibus callo tenui junctis , dextro & basali aequaliter expansis, columellari supra umbilicum dilatato, patente. — Diam. ' maj. 29, min. 23, alt. 1.4 mill. Ap. intus 13'/.2 mill longa. 15. C. margarita Pfr. (121.) — T. perforata, glo- boso-conica, solidula, laevigata , nitidula, rubello-succi- nea; spira conica, apice acutiuscula, sanguinea; anfr. 5 convexiusculi, ultimus subrotundatus; apertura parum ob- liqua, ovalis; perist. interruptum, simplex, rectum, mar- gine columellari perarcuato, subincrassato. — Diam. rnaj 7, min. 6, alt. 6 mill. /2^-f^tJ 16. C. appendiculatum Pfr. (128.) T. umbilicala, depressa, solida, lineis spiralibus, elevatis, confertis, (4 — 5 paulo majoribus) sculpta, albida, fusculo- marmo. rata, prope suturam canaliculatam maculis magnis, sub- quadrangularibus, castaneis et supra peripheriam subca- rinatam, casfaneo-articulatam fascia pallida signata; spira brevissime conoidea} apice cornea, obtusulaj anfr, 4l/l rapidr aocrescentes . ullimus ad suturam lale depre'ssus; umbilicus magnus, perspectivus; aperture obliqua, cir- oularis: perist. continuum, brevitep adnatum, album, un- dique aequaliter expansum, margine sinistro in appendicem linguaeformem, patentem dilatato. — Diam. maj. 34, min. 27, alt. 15 mill. 17. C. guttatum Pfr. (129.) — T. umbilicata, depressa, solida, glabra , nitida, laete castanea, maculis albis subtriangularibus guttata; spira vix elevata , apice fusca, submucronata; anfr. 4V2 convexiusculi, celeriter crescentes, ad suturam impressam striatuli; umbilicus la- tiusculus, pervius; apertura parum obliqua, circular-is, intus albida; perist. subduplex: internum vix distinguen- dum, externum expansum, superne in linguam brevem, anfractui penultimo adnafam, dilatatum. — Diam. maj. 19, min. 15, alt. 9 mill. Ap. 7 mill, longa. 18. C. alternans Pfr. (134.) — T. umbilicata, conoideo- depressa, tenuiuscula, acute multilirata, liris alternis minoribus, baud nitens, sub epidermide pallide lutescente fugace alba; spira breviter conoideo -elevata, obtusiuscula: sutura subcanaliculata; anfr. 5 convexius- culi, ultimus rotundatus; umbilicus mediocris, conicus: apertura parum obliqua , subcircularis ; perist. simplex, rectum, fusco- limbaturn, subcontinuum, marginibus ad anfr. penult, callo nitido junctis. — Diam. maj. 20, min. 16, alt. 10 mill. Ap. 9 mill, longa.. 19. C. Bourcieri Pfr. (135.) — T. late umbilicata, or- biculata, conoidea, subtiliter striata & lineis elevatis spi- ralibus, plus minusve confertis sculpta, epidermide fusco- olivacea vestita; spira breviter conoidea, vertice nudo, subpapillato; anfr. 4% — 5 convexi, lente accrescentes, ultimus teres, antice subdescendens; apertura obliqua, subangulato-circularis, intus margaritacea; perist. simplex, rectum, anfractui penultimo breviter adnatum. Diam. maj 56 20. C. psilomitum Pfr. (137.) — T. umbilicata, depresso- conoidea, solidula, virenti-lutea, vix nitidula, li- neis spiralihus subtilissimis filoso-elevatis crebris obs- curioribus dncta; spira breviter eonoidea, obtusa; sutura subcanaliculata; anfr. 4 convexi, ultimus teres, non de- scendens; umbilicus mcdiocris, profundus; apertura fere verticalis, subcircularis, intusalbida; perist. simplex, acu- tum, marginibus fere contiguis, callo brevi junctis. — Diam. maj. 15, min. 11, alt. 8 mill. Ap. 7 mill, longa. <<^ 21. C. ponderosum Pfr. (139.) — T. late umbi- licata , conoideo-depressa , crassa , ponderosa, subtiliter & oblique malleato-rugulosa, olivaceo-fuscula; spira breviter conoidea, obtusa ; anfr. 5 parum convexi, celeriter accres- ceutes, ultimus latus, subdepressus, ad peripheriam obtuse funiculato-carinatus; apertura obliqua, angulato- ovalis, intus alba, nitida; perist. crassum, rectum, subcontinuum, superne angulato- dilalatum, margine columellari perar- cuato. -- Diam. maj. 36, min. 30, alt. 20 mill. jU*utf*<£*-* 22. C. Dysoni Pfr. (141.) — T. umbilicata , conoi- deo-orbiculata, solida, pliculis confertis undulatis, subcon- fluentibus sculpta, fusco-olivacea, pallidius strigata & ob- solete fasciata; spira conoidea, obtusula; anfr. 4Va con- vexiusculi, celeriter accrescentes, ultimus rotundatus; um- bilicus mediocris, conicus; apertura fere verticalis, angu- lato-subcircularis, intus coerulescens, nitida; perist. sim- plex, rectum, superno angulatum, breviter adnatum, mar- gine dextro declivi, columellari subdilatato - patente. — Diam. maj. 27, min. 22, alt. 16 mill. A p. 14 mill, longa, 13 lata. }fc v^^fa**^ 23. C. disculufi Pfr. (144.) — T. umbilicata, de- pressa, discoidea, solidiuscula, nitida, alabastrina; spira planissima; anfr. vix 4 convexiusculi, ad suiuram im- pressam striati, ultimus teretiusculus, subdepressus, in umbilico lato distinciius striatus, antice brevissime solu- 57 tus; apertura subverticalis, circularis; perist. continuum, simplex, rectum. — Diam. maj. 14, min. 11, alt. 5 mill. 24. C. ignescens Pfr. (149.) — T. perforate, glo- boso-conica, tenuis, lineis spiralibus subtilissimis confer- tim sculpta, diaphana, nitida, ignescens; spira turbinata, obtusiuscula ; sutura profunda; anfr. 41/, convexi, ultimus basi distindius sulcatus; apertura ohliqua, eubcircularis; perisi. simplex, expansum, marginibus approximatis, non junctis. — Diam. maj. 14, min. 11, alt. 1 1 '/» mill. Ap. intus 7 mill, longa. , Y**» 25. C. latelimbatum Pfr. (153.) — T. perforata, glohoso-conica, tenuis, minute spiraliter striata et lineis obtusis elevatis subaequidistantibus cincta, diaphana, pa- rum nilida, alba, maculis & fasciis pa Hide fulvis varie- gata; spira turbinata, acutiuscula; anfr. 5 convexius- culi, rapide crescentes, ultimus rotundatus, medio linea acute elevala suhcarinatus; umbilicus angustus, vix per- vius; apertura obliqua, subcircularis; perist. album, duplex: internuni interruptum, breviter porrectum, marginibus callo tenui junctis, externum undique aequaliter dilatatum, angulatim patens, supra perforationem excisum. Diam- maj. 17, min. 13, alt. 11 mill. Ap. intus oblique 81/, mill, longa. 26. C. sericatum Pfr. (155.) — T. perforata, glo- boso-conica, tenuis, pellucida, sericea, lineis obliquis subdistantibus sculpta, superne lineis 4— 5 elevatis spi- ralibus munita, hyalino-albida, liris corneis; spira turbi- nata, acuta, apice nigricans; anfr. 5, superi parum con- vexi, ultimus inflatus, subcarinatus. infra carinam fascia 1 castariea ornatus, basi liris spiralihus nonnullis obsoletio- ribus sculptus; umbiliciiS angustissimus, non pervius; apertura parum ohliqua, subemarginato- circular-is; perisi. simplex, interruptum, tenue, horizontaliter patens, margine columellari medio sublingulato-dilatato. —Diam. maj. 12 min. vix 10, alt, 9 mill. Ap. 6 mill, longa. 58 27. C. regnlare Pfr. (168.) — T. angustissime per forata , conico-globosa , tenuis, liris approximatis superne aequalibus sculpta, interstitiis spiraliter conferfim striata, diaphana, albida, maculis fulvis regulariter tessellata; spira turbinata, apiee acuta, pallide cornea; anfr. 5'/2 convcxius- culi , ultimus convexior, infra liram periphericam inflatus, obsoletius liratus; apertura obliqua, lunato-circularis; pe- rist. inlerruptnm , tenue, album, breviter patens, margine columellari basi subangulatim dilatato, — Diam. maj. 12T/2 min. 10, alt. 10 mill. Ap. 61/* mill, longa. /^4* 28. C. elatum Pfr. (170.) — T. umbilicata, conica, tenuiuscula, oblique striata, lineis spiralibus, distanlibusj elevatis sub lente munita , vix diaphana , albida; spira conica, acutiuscula; anfr. 5T/2 parum convexi, ultimus convexior, subacute carinatus, basi confertius reticulatus; umbilicus angustissimus, non pervius; apertura diagonalis, truncato-ovalis, perist. simplex, marginibus distantibus, aequilatis, angulatim patentibus, columellari subangus- tato. — Diam, maj. 11 V2, min. 10, alt. 10!/2 mill. Ap. ntus 6 mill, longa. 29. C. Birmanum Pfr. (172.) — T. perforata , glo- boso-conica, tenuis, acute carinata, oblique striata, lineis spiralibus obsoletissimis sculpta, parum nitida, diaphana, fusco-lutea, strigis latis angulatis et fasciis interrupts castaneis ornata; spira turbinata, obtusula; anfr. 4 '/2 <>on- vexiusculi, ultimus basi tumidus; apertura parum obliqua subtetragona, intus coerulescens, margaritacea ; perist. sim- plex, rectum, acutum, marginibus remotis (an serius re- flexis?). -- Diam. maj. 14V25 min. 12, alt. 10 mill. Ap. verticaliter 8'/2 mill, longa, 71/, lata. ^c^ 30. C. guatemalense Pfr. (193.) -- T. perforata, oblonga, solidula, subtruncata, striatula, olivaceo-fusca; spira convexiusculo-turrita; anfr. 6 parum convexi, ulti- mus angustior, antice descendens, breviter solutus, basi circa perforation em apertam compressus? nee carinatus; 59 apertura vertical's, subcircularis; perist. liberum, alburn, duplex: internum continuum, vix porrectum , externum dilatatum; horizontaliter expansum, supra perlbrationem excisum. — Long. 24, diam. 8 mill. Ap. 5'/a mill, longa. 31. C. Borni Pfr. (220.) — T. umbilicata, oblongo turrita, solida, spiraliter confertim striata, lineis longitu- dinalibus distantioribus granulalo-decussata, nitida, luteo albida, strigis angustis fulguratis rufis ornata; spira con- vexo • turrita , breviter truncata; sutura subcanaliculata, crenulata; anfr. superst. 4'/a perconvexi, ultimus teres; umbilicus infundibuliformis, subpervius; aperlura parum obliqua, oblongo- rotundata, parvula, intus alba ; perisl. duplicatuin: internum expansum, continuum, incumbens^ externum anfractui penultimo breviter adnatum, lateribus pcrdilatatum, concentrice striatum. — Long. 36, diam. 19 mill. Ap. intus 12 mill, longa, 9V2 lata. (Jc********* 32. C. majusculum Morelet mss. (223.) — T. subperforata, oblonga, truncata, solida, lineis elevatis longitudinalibus & transversis minute reticulata, violaceo. fusca; sutura eleganter albo-denticulata; anfr. (superst.) 3 convex!, ultimus rotundatus; apertura subverticalis, fere circularis, intus livida; perist. incrassatum, continuum, breviter adnatum, superne angulatim ascendens, margine dextro superne recedente, repando, infra medium antror- sum producto, columellari dilatato , patente. -- Long. 26 diam. 15 mill. Ap. intus 9 mill, longa, 8l/a lata. 33. C. mite Pfr. (235.) T. umbilicata, turbinato- globosa, breviter truncata, liris obtusis spiralibus munita, cosiulis membranaceis confertissimis decussata, unicolor corneo-albida; spira convexa, brevis; anfr. sup. 3'/2 con- vexi, ultimus teres, circa umbilicum mediocrem, pervium distinctius spiraliter liratus; apertura verticalis, circularis • perist. duplex: internum vix porrectum, externum undique aequaliter dilatatum, patens, obsolete undulatum, concen- trice striatum, superue subangulatum , ad anfr. penult subemarginatum. Diam. maj. 13, min. 10, alt. 9 mill 34. C. a 1 alum Pfr. (240.) — T. umbilicata, conoi- deo-depressa, solidula, oblique confertim et inaequaliter costulata, vix diaphana, albida, fasciis angustis pallidissime cornels variegata j spira brevissime conoidea, acutiusoula; sulura simplex; anfr. 4 modice convexi, ultimus subteres, antice vix descendens, lilaceo-nebulosus; umbilicus latus, apertus; apertura diagonals, subcircularis , intus lilaceo- fuscula; perist. subduplex, latere dextro & basali conna- tum, expansum, externum superne alatim dilatatum, latere sinistro subretiexum. — Diam. maj. 16, mjn. 13, alt. 8 mill. Ap. intus 6!/a mill, longa, 6 lata. 34 C. so lu turn Richard. (241.) -- T. umbilicata, depressa, longitudinaliter confertim filoso-costata , sericea, diaphana, albida, lineis rufis interruptis ornata; spira pa- rum elevata, mucronata; sutura subcanaliculata, obsolete denticulata; anfr. 5 convexi, ultimus teres, antice descen- dens, solutus, basi in umbilico latissimo spiraliter sulca- tus; apertura obliqua , fere circular-is; perist. duplex: in- ternum continuum, rectum, prominens, externum album, undique rectangule patens, superne dilatatum, ad anfrac. turn penultimum inflexo-adnatum. -- Diam. maj. 13, min. 10, alt. 5V« mill. Ap. intus 4V3 mill, longa. 36. C. pingue Pfr. (252.) — T. umbilicata, oblongo- turrita , truncata, solida, liris spiralibus obtusis undulata, striis longitudinalibus confertissimis sculpta, oleoso-micans, cinnamomeo-fusca ; sutura profunda, simplex; anfr. sup 4 convexi, regulariteraccrescentes, ultimus rotundatus; apertura subverticalis, fere circularis; perist, album, duplex: intmium expansiusculum, adnatum, externum continuum, horizontaliter expansum, anfractui penultimo brevissime adnatum, superne angulatum. — Long. 12V2,diarn. 6 mill. Ap. 32/3 mill, longa. 37. C. desciscens Pfr. c256.) — T. late umbili- cata, depresso-semiglobosa, superne confertim sulculata, 61 albida; spira convexa; anfr. 41/* convexiusculi , ultimus teres, antice subito deflexus, basi laevigatus; apertura fere horizontals, lunato-rotundata, intus alba; perist. in- crassatum, marginibus remotis, callo junctis, basali reflexo, columellari subito arcuatiin ascendente. — Diam. maj. 10, f min. 8V2? alt. 5V» mill. Ap. intus 3 mill, longa & lata. & 38. C. Philippianum. Pfr. (266.) — T. umbilicata, globoso-turbinata> tenuis, striatula, superne lineis subti- libus decussatula, fulvido-albida, fasciis 3 — 4 angustis rufis superne ornata; spira turbinata, apice nigricans; anfr. 5 — 5Va rotundati, ultimus infra medium fascia latiore cinctus, basi laevigatus, albus; apertura parum obliqua, subangulato-circularis, intus concolor; perist. sub- interruplum , marginibus callo tenui junctis, dextro recto, columellari dilatato, iibere reflexo, umbilicum angustum pervium semioccullante. — Diam. maj. 26, min. 21, alt. 22 mill. Ap. 15 mill, longa. 39. C. vitellinum Pfr. (268.) -- T. umbilicata, globoso-conica, solida, striis incrementi conferlis et liris confertissimis scabre decussata, flavido- rubella, pallidius irregulariter strigata; spira elevato-conica, apice nigres- cens, obtusula; anfr. 5 convexi, ultimus rolundatus, infra medium sublaevigatus, in umbilico angusto, pervio spi- raliter sulcatus; apertura vix obliqua, ovali-rotundata; pe_ rist. simplex, marginibus approximatis, calio junctis, dex. tro subrepando, recto, sinistro medio dilatato, patente. — Diam. maj. 19, min. 17, alt. 17 mill. Ap. 11 mill, longa, 10 lata. 40. C. lira turn Pfr. (282.) — T. late et perspective umbilicata, solidula, radiatim striata, superne et basj confer! im & acute lirata, non nilens, livido-carnea; spira vix elevaia, vertice papillari; sutura profunda; anfr. 4 vix convexi, ultimus ad suturam depressus, ad periphe- riam carinis 5 — 6 distantioribus, majoribus munitus, an- uce descendens; apertura perobliqua, oblongo circularis ; 62 perist. duplex: internum continuum, obtuse prominens, ex- ternum dilatatum, expanso -inflexurn , latere sinistro an- gustissimum. — Diam. maj. 18, min. 14V2, alt. 7 — 8 mill. 41. C. unicolor Pfr. (289.) — T. umbilicata, glo- boso-conica, solida, longitudinaliter striatula, spiraliter confertim sulcata , opaca , albida vel fulvido-strainirifa ; spira conica, apice obtusiuscula; anfr. 5 convexiusculi, ultimus superne et medio acute carinalus: carina tertia validissima circa umbilicum ansrustum, infundibuliformem, O " ' intus profunde spiraliter sulcatum; apertura parum obliqua, angulato-circularis; perist. simplex, marginibus callo lu- natim exciso junctis, dextro expansiusculo, sinistro rnedio angulatim incrassato. — Diam. maj. 28, min. 22, alt. 20 mill. 42. C. Ba relay an um Pfr. (292.) — T. obtecte per- forata, globoso-conica, solida, longitudinaliter conferiim striatula & carinis multis acute elevatis munita, violas- centi-fusca, strigis saturatioribus & pallidionbus varic - gata; spira conica, apice obtusa (saepe truncatula); anfr. 5 parum convexi, ultimus carinis 3 validioribus, promi- nentioribus munitus: maxima mediana , secunda basali, tertia in partesupera; apertura fere verticalis, subcirculari«, intus livido-sanguinea; perist sanguineum, subiRcrassaturn. expansum, ad anfractum penuhimum lunatim emarginatum margine dextro carinis crenulato, columellari fornicato-re- flexo, perforationem fere claudente. - Long 29, diam. 23 mill. Ap. intus 13 mill. diam. ^i'tt^^^ ,-Cu^ 43. C. Kraussianum Pfr. (297.) - T. umbilicata, globoso-conica, solidula, striatula, liris cariniformibus permultis, alternis minoribus sculpta, opaca, livido cinilico angusto, vix pervio spiraliter confer- tim sulcatus; apertura vix obliqua, subangulato-circularis; perist. simplex, rectum, album, marginibus approximatis, callo subemarginato junctis. — Diam. maj. 15, min, IB, alt. 13 mill. 50. Cyciost. fasciculare Pfr, (333.) — T. per. forata, acurninaio-ovata, solidula, confertissime costulato- striata, vix sericea, griseo - cornea ; spira conica, acutius- cula; sutura costularum fasciculis crenata; anfr. 5 con- vexiusculi, ultimus rotundatus, basi spiraliter sulcatus; apertura vix obliqua, ovalis; perist. simplex, rectum, acu- tum. — Long. 12, diam. 8 mill. Ap. 6 mill, longa, 5 laia. 51. Cyciost saccatum Pfr. (336.) — T. profunde rimata, vix perforata, ovato-oblonga, breviter truncata, tenuis, longitudinaliter confertim filoso-costata, diaphana, pallide cornea, maculis castaneis seriatis ornata; sutura profunHa, sub lente spinulosa; anfr. snperst. 3V2 convexi, ultimus antice subasi endeus, breviter solutus, basi sacca- 65 tus; aperlura subcircularis, basi axin excedens; perist. simplex, continuum, vix expansiusculum. — Long. 12, diam, 8 mill. Ap. 5 mill. longa. 52. Cyclost. violaceum Pfr. (369.) - T. sub- obtecte perforata, ovato-turrita, truncata, solidula, lineis elevatis spiralibus & confertioribus longitudinalibus ob- longo-granulala, baud scabra, non nitens, saturate violaceaj spira turrita, truncata; anfr. superst. 4Y2 convexi, ultimus rotundatus; apcrtura subverticalis, angulato-ovalis; perist. duplex, album, continuum: internum expansiusculum, ad- natum, externum margine dextro subincrassalo, anguste angulatim patente, columellari in laminam sinuosam, perfo- rationem occultantem, nee claudentem dilatato. — Long. 20, diam. It mill. Ap. 71/, mill, longa, 5l/4 lata. 53. Cyclost. canescens Pfr. (373.) — T. sub- perforata, oblongo-turrita, truncatula, solida, lineis longi- tudinalibus & spiralibus elevatis regulariter clathrata, pa- rum nitida, griseo-albida; spira elongata; sutura tuber- culis confcrtis albis crenata ; anfr. superst. 7 vix con- vexiusculi, ultimus basi attenuatus, circa perforationem obsoletam distinctius spiraliter sulcatus; apertura vertica- lis, angulato-ovalis, intus fusco-carnea; perist. duplex: internum vix porrectum, externum undique breviter ex. pansum, superne angulatum, anfractui penultimo breviter adnatum. — Long. 20, diam. 7 mill. Ap. 5 mill, longa? 4 lata. 54. Cyclost. ovatum Pfr. (375.) — T. obtecte perforata, oblongo-ovata , truncata, tenuis, longitudinaliter confertim plicatula, sericea, fusco-cornea, vel pallidissime cornea, maculis rufis seriatim dispositis ornata; spira ovato-conica , truncata; sutura levis, irregulariter tuber- culato-crenata; anfr. sup. 5 convexiusculi , ultimus paulo angustior, basi obsolete spiraliter sulcatus; apeitura ver- ticalis, rolunda(o-ovalis; perist. fusculum, duplex: internum breviter porrectum, externum undique dilatatum, campa- 5 66 nulato-expansum, radiato-costatum, superne angulatim re- flexum, anfractui penultimo longe adnatum, perforationem claudens, margine sinistro subauriculato, libero. — Long. 17%, diam. 8 mill. Ap. 5 mill, longa, 4 lata. 55. C. pleurophorum Pfr. (383.) — T. umbilicata, globoso-lurbinata, tenuis, longimdinaliter conferte striata et coslulis filaribus, prominentioribus sculpta, diaphana, parum nitida, albido-fulvescens; spira turbinata, apice acutiuscula, cornea; sutura cosfis denticulata; anfr. 5 con- vexi , ultimus subteres, antice breviter solutus; umbilicus mediocris, profundus, angulo cariniformi cinctus; apertura subverticalis, ovato-subcircularis; perist. continuum, sim- plex, rectum, margine columellari expansiusculo. — Diam. maj. 11, min. 9V3J alt. 92/3 mill. /»«* 56. C. pa Hid urn Pfr. (388.) — T. perforate, ovato- turrita, truncate, tenuis, lineis elevatis spiralibus & con- fenissimis longitudinalibus (hie illic irregularibus , sub- confluentibus) minute decussata, pallide cornea, lineolis rufis interruptis obsolete picta; sutura profunda, subsim- plex; anfr. sup. 4 convexi, ultimus rotundatus; apertura verticalis, ovali-circularis; perist. duplex: internum album, porrectum, expansiusculum , externum dilatatum, horizon- taliter patens, concentrice striatum, anfractui penultimo breviter adnatum, margine sinistro angustiore. — Long. 17%, diam. 8V2 mill. Ap. 5 mill, longa, 4l/2 lata. -^t 57. C. Kusteri Pfr. (389.) — T. perforate, ovato- turrita, truncata, tenuis, sulcis spiralibus & costulis longilu- dinalibus coufertis regulariter granulato- reticulate, sub- aspera, vix nitens, diaphana, fusco-cornea , lineis obsole- tis rufis interruptis picta; spira convexo-turrita, late trun- cata; sutura profunda, simplex; anfr. sup. 4 convexi, ullimus angustior, rotundatus; apertura subverticalis, sub- circularis; perist. duplex: internum breviter expansum, adnalum, externum campanulato- expansum, concentrice striatum, antice concaviim, rufo-radiatum, superne angu- 6? lalum, ad. anfr. penult, angustatum. — Long. 14, diain. 7 mill. Ap. 4 mill, longa. /6 r'cX 0.^3 58. C. radula Pfr. (390.) — T. perforata, ovato- oblonga , truncata, lenuis, lineis elevatis spiralibus et cos- tis acutis longitudinalibus subtiliter asperato-decussata, non nitens, pallide cornea, fasciis angustis interruptis rufis ornata; spira sursum altenuata, late truncata; sutura pro- funda, eubsimplex; anfr, sup. 4 convexi, ultimus angustior, rotundatus; apertura veriicalis, circulars; perist, duplex: internum continuum, vix porreetum, externum dilatatum, horizontaliier patens, concentrice striatum, ad anfractum penultimum subexcisum, margine sinistro fimbria,to-inciso. — Long. 14, diam. 7 mill. Ap. 4 mill, longa. ^<**v<>-^ 59. C. lugubre Pfr. (395.) — T. perforata, turrito- oblonga, solida, truncata, liris obtusis spiralibus costu- lisque submernbranaceis illas transgredientibus sculpta, fuscula, violaceo-fusco late unif'asciata; spira parum atte- nuate; sutura eonfertim et subacute fasciculato-crenata; anfr. sup. 5 convexiusculi, ultimus antice breviter solutus, sub- descendens, dorso compressus, basi distinctius spiraliter liratus; apertura verticalis, oblique ovalis; perist. subsini- plex, continuum, margine sinistro breviter, reliquis paulo latius expansis, subundulatis. — Long. 16, diam. fere 7 mill. Ap. oblique 5 mill, longa, 4 lata. 60. C. Grateloupi Pfr. (402.) - T. perforata, ob- longa, pupiformis, truncata, tenuiuscula, spiraliter confertim sulcata et costis longitudinalibus, confertis uon interruptis sculpta, diaphana, parum nitida, corneo albida, fasciis stri- gatim interruptis castaneis ornata ; spira sursum parum atte- nuata, late truncata; sutura levis, crenata: crenis superne minutis, confertis, in anfr. ultimis fasciculatim dilalatis, ob- lusis; anfr. 4 vix convexiusculi, ultimus antice breviter so- lutus, basi rotundatus; apertura verticalis, ovalis; perist, du- plex: internum breviter expansum, adnatum, externum cam- panulato-patens , rufo radiatum , superne cucullatim eleva- 68 turn, turn emarginatum et anfractui penultimo adnatum. — Long. 16, diam. 7 mill. Ap. intus 5 mill, longa. 61. C. fallax Pfr. (404.) — T. rimata, oilongo- turrita, truncata, tenuis, spiralitcr obtuse lirata, lineis longitudinalibus confertioribus (octava vel decima quavis sub lente validiorc) decussata, non scabra, vix nitidula, albida, lineis flexuosis, interruptis fulvis picta- spira sub- convexo-turrita; sutura minute fasciculato-crenata; anfr. superst. 4 — 4*/2 convexiusculi , ulfimus rotundatus, infra medium fascia fulva ornatus, antice longe solutus, circa rimam umbilicalem vix spiraliter sulcatus; apertura sub- verticalis, ovalis; perist. album, duplex: internum expan- siusculum, incumbens, externum breve, undique subae- qualiter patens, superne angulatum. — Long. 14, diam. 6V2 mill- Ap. inlus 4J/2 mill, longa, 32/s lata. 62. C. trochleare Pfr. (409.) — T. perforata, ob- longo-turrita, truncata, costis filaribus spiralibus et longi- tudinalibus subregulariter clathrata, baud nitens, pallide fuscula, punctis rufis subseriatis variegata; spira elongata, trochlearis, late truncata; sutura profunda, simplex; anfr. sup. 5 perconvexi, ultimus antice subsolutus; apertura verti' calis, subcircularis; perist. duplex: internum vix porrec- tum, externum horizontaliter expansum, superne in ros- trum recurvatum dilatatum, ad anfr. penult, breviter inter- ruptum, latere sinistro inciso - crenulatum. — Long. 14, diam. 6 mill. Ap. 4 mill, longa. 63. C. Cumanense Pfr. (417.) - T. perforata, turrito-oblonga , truncata , tenuis, longitudinaliter confertim plicata, sericea, pellucida, corneo-lutescens, maculis cas- taneis fasciatim dispositis ornata; sutura plicis excurren- tibus confertim subcrenata; anfr. sup. 5 subconvexi, ulti. mus basi rotundatus, antice breviter solutus, dorso ca- rinatus; apertura subverticalis, ovalis, superne subangu- lata; perist. liberum, simplex, undique vix expansum. — Long. 15, diam. 7V2 mill. Ap. 51/* mill, longa, 4!/2 lata. ~fo 6cO^v-»^v*Of 69 64. C. turrit urn Pfr. (425.) — T. subperforata, tur- rita, truncatula, lineis elevatis spiralibus et longitudinali- bus regulariter clathrata, albida, lineolis rufis interrupts cincta; sutura subprofunda, confertim denticulata; anfr. superst. 6 convexiusculi, regulariter accrescentes, ultimus rotundatus, basi liris validis spiralibus munitus; apertura verticalis, ovalis, intus fulvida; perist. subduplex: internum continuum, expansiusculum, externum superne angulato- dilatatum, margine dextro vix patens, columellari et si- nistro excisum. — Long. 16, diam, 7 mill. Ap. 5 mill, longa , 4 lata. #i^d**,**> 65. C. diaphanum Pfr. (427.) — T. subperforata, oblougo-turrita , truncata, tenuiuscula, lineis elevatis spi- ralibus, confertis, costulisque illas transgredientibus filari- bus confertioribus decussata, diaphana, unicolor albida; spira elongata; sutura irregulariter crenata; anfr, (sup.) 4Y» convexi, subaequales, ultimus antice solutus, dorso carioatus, basi rotundatus, distinctius spiraliter sulcatus; apertura verticalis, angulato- ovalis; perist. subsimplex, continuum , undique breviter expansum. — Long. 12, diani. 5 mill. Ap. intus 3r/2 mill, longa, 3 lata. 66. C. jucundum Pfr. (428.) — T. perforata, ovato- turrita, tenuis, lineis spiralibus et longiludinalibus chor- daeformibus anguste reticulata, subscabra, vix nitidula, aurantio-rubicunda; spira turrita, vix truncatula- sutura confertim denticulata, anfr. 6 — 7 modice convexi, regu- lariter accrescentes, ultimus circa perforationem liris non- nullis validioribus munitus; apertura parum obliqua, irre- gulariler ovalis, intus concolor, nitida; perist. duplex: internum expansiusculum, incumbens, latere sinistro le- vissime arcuato, externum continuum, horizontaliter pa- tens, anfr. penultimo breviter adnatum, infra perforationem angustatum. —Long. 18, diam. 8V2 mill. Ap. intus 6 mill- longa, 4% lata. 67. C. harp a Pfr. (431.) — T. breviter rimala, ob- 70 longo-turrita , tenuiuscula, plicis longitudinalibus chordae- formibus subdistantibus munita, cinnamomeo-carnea, baud nitens, lineis rufis strigatim interruptis ornata; spira tur- rita, integra, sursum nigro-violacea, apice obtusa; sutura profunda, plicis prominentibus subcrenata ; anfr. 6 convexi, ultimus rotundatus; apertura vertical is, ovali-subcircularis; perist. rubellum, duplex: internum expansiusculum, appres- sum, externum undique vix dilatato-patens, anfractui penul- timo breviter adnatum. — Long. 12, diam. 6 mill. Ap. 4 mill, longa, 3YS lata. A> C« (^J 68. Cyclost. integrumPfr. (432.)— T. perforata, turrita, tenuiuscula, integra, lineis obsolete elevatis spira- libus & costulis confertis longitudinalibus (tertia vel quarta quavis validiore) subdecussata , fulvida, fasciis interruptis rufis cingulata^ spira regulariter turrita, apice obtusiuscula; sutura subconferte denticulata; anfr. 7 convexi, 2 primi laevigali, ultimus rotundatus, antrorsum! breviter solutus, vix descendens, basi rotundatus, fasciis 2 — 3 continuis rufis ornatus; apertura vix obliqua, ovalis; perist. subdu. plicatum: internum continuum, adnatum, externum patens, superne subangulato-dilatatum, turn emarginatum, latere co- lumellari undulatum. — Long. 12, diam. 5 mill. Ap. intus 3% mill, longa, 3 lata. W*^ **>*&** 69. Cyclost. Shuttleworthi Pfr. (437.) ~ T. clause umbilicata, oblonga, truncata, spiraliter confertim plicata, lineis longitudinalibus obsolete decussata, sericea, pallidissime fulvida, fasciis valde interruptis castaneis or- nata; spira oblonga; anfr. (superst.) 3 convexiusculi , ul- timus basi rotundatus; apertura verticalis, angulato-ovalis; perist. duplex: internum breve, expansiusculum, externum late patens, concentrice striatum, radiatim plicatum, et castaneo-radiatum, ad columellam excisum, lamina alba fornicata umbilicum prorsus claudens. — Long. 22, diam. llVa mill. Ap. intus 8 mill, longa, 6 lata. ^tt^W 70. Cyclostoma multiliratum Pfr. (461.) — 71 T. perforate , ovato-conica, solidula, liris elevatis acutius- culis, subconferlis, mediana et basali validiorihus sculpta, opaca, rubello-carnea; spira conica, acutiuscula; anfr. 5V2) super! subplani, ultimus convexior; apertura parum obliqua? angulato-ovalis; perist. simplex, rectum, marginibus appro- ximatis, columellari superne emarginato, deorsum dilatato, reflexiusculo. — Long. 8!/2? diam. 5 mill. Ap. 4 mill longa, 3 lata. 71. Cyclost globosum Bens. mss. (462.) — T. umbilicata, globoso - conica , tenuis, subtilissime striatula, diapbana, non nitens, cinnamomea, maculis opacis albidis subfasciatim dispositis ornata; spira eonica, apice pera- cuta; anfr. 6, superi vix convex), ultimus globosus, carina basali subtili, filari; apertura parum obliqua, ovalis; peris(. simplex, marginibus fere contiguis, dextro perarcuato, co- lumellari medio dilatato, patente. — Long^Jl^d^am. 5 mill. Ap. 4 mill, longa, 3VS lata. . ! ^t^v^4- 72. Cyclost. plicosum Pfr. (463.) — T. perfo- rata, ovafo-conica, tenuis, longitudinaliter conferd'm plicata, sericea , rubello-cornea ; spira conica, acuta ; anfr. 5 con- vexiusculi, ad suturam crenulati, ultimus spiram subae- quans., rotundatus, circa perforationem angustam compresse subcarinatus; apertura vix obliqua, ovalis; perist. simplex, rectum, marginibus approximalis, columellari reflexius- culo.—Long. 6, diam. 4 mill. Ap. 3 mill, longa, 2V3 lata. 73. Cyclost. expansilabre Pfr. (464.) — T. vix perforate, ovato-conica, tenuis, sublaevigata, parum nitida, pallide lutea, corneo minutissime variegata et fascia 1 rufa infra medium (rarius 2) cincta; spira elevato-conica, apice acutiuscula; anfr. 6 vix convexi, ultimus medio & basi filo-carinatus; apertura obliqua, ovalis; perist. undique subaequaliter breviterque expansum, album ,; marginibus subdistanlibus. — Long. 5Va, diam. 3 mill. Ap. 2 mill- longa, l'/2 lata. v &*+**+*+&•*** 74. Cyclost. helicinaeforme Pfr. (465.) -- T. 72 obtecte umbilicata, conoideo-globosa, solidula, s(riatula9 parum nitens, virenti -cornea- spira parvula, conoidea^ acutiuscula; anfr. 6 convexiusculi, ultimus inflalus, antice subascendens, pone columellam profunde excavatus, cal- losus; apertura subverticalis, angulato-ovalis; columella subverticalis, retrorsum in dentem acutum desinens; perist. incrassatum, album, undique late expansum, reflexiusculum. — Diam. maj. 17V2> min. 13, alt. 11 mill. *<1*^ 75. Cyclost. patera Pfr. (468.) — T. latissime umbilicata, solidula, discoidea, liris latis granulatis, inter- positis linearibus sculpta, epidermide olivaceo - fusca ob- ducta; spira plana; sutura subcanaliculata; anfr. 4r/2 pla- nulati, ultimus medio carina filiformi munitus, basi con- vexus, circa umbilicum pateraeformem subangulatus; apertura verticalis, subangulato-rotundata, perist. simplex, rectum, marginibus approximatis. — Diam. maj. 10, min. 8, alt 2l/2 mill. 76. C. rostra turn Pfr. (399.) - T. perforata, ovato - turrita , truncata, tenuis, longitudinaliter confertim filoso - plicata (plicis singulis irregulariter positis , validio- ribus, interstitiis subtiliter decussatis), corneo-albida, li- neolis longitudinalibus undulatis fuscis picta; sutura levis, denticulata; anfr. sup. 4V» parum convexi, ultimus antice brevitersolutus; apertura verticalis, angulato-ovalis; perist, duplex: internum continuum, expansiusculum , externum dilatatum, juxta anfr. penultimum subexcisum, superne in auriculam recurvatam productum, caeterum rectangule patens. — Long. 18, diam. 8'2/s mill. Ap. intus 6 mill, longa, 5 lata. 77. C. euchilum Pfr. (303.) — T. umbilicata, tur- binato-subglobosa, solidula, oblique confertim striata, lineis impressis distantioribus obsolete clathratula, parum nitida, albida, violaceo-fusco & fulvo variegata; spira lurbinato- elevata, apice acutiuscula^ anfr. 5!/2 convexi, rapide ac- crescentes, ultimus rotundatus, ad suturam subdepressus, 73 inedio albo- fasciatus, basi confertim & valide spiraliter sulcalus; umbilicus mcdiooris, infiindibuliformis; aperiura vix obliqua, subangulato-circularis, intus purpuraerenti- carneo micans; perist. subcontinuum, album, marginibus supmie dilatatis, callo subemarginato junclis, dexlro & basali latissimis, fornicatim revolutis, sinistro angustato, vix reflexo. - Diam. maj. 43, min. 32, alt. 28 mill. Ap. intus 18 mill, longa, 17 Uta./£<|L*U4C*«**i 78. C. Orbignyi Pfr. (190.) — T. ' perforata, elongato- pupoidea, solida, conferlim arcuato-striata, rubello-fulva; spira subcylindrica, sensim attenuata, apice conica ; sutura profunda ; anfr. 8 vix convexi, penultimus latus, ultimus fascia lata violacea, anlrorsum evanescente ornalus, basi crista compressa, obtus.i munitus; apertura verticalis, cir- cularis; perist. incrassatum, subreflexum, superne appres- sum, infra crislam anfr. penult, subexcisum. — Long. 27, diam. 9 mill. f$~**fy, 79. C. chrysallis Pfr. (191.) — T. umbilicata, distorto-ovata, solida, striatula ct punctato-malleata, fusco- carnea; spira irregulariter ovata , apice conoidea, acu- tiuscula; sutura levis; anfr. 6 convexiusculi, penultimus latere aperturali planulatus, ultimus angustior; apertura verticalis, circularis; perist. crassum, dilatatum, patens, Teflexum, marginc supero linea horizontali adnalo, — Long. 16, diam. 9 mill. Ap. intus 4 mill, longa. ., ^-t--f ^~- " Addenda et Corrigenda. p. 20 adde: 186 a. M. Mani Poey (Cydostoma Poey Mem. hist. nat. Cuba I t 7 f. 19-22. Pfr. Ic. N. 387. t. 47. f 29-31.) _ Cuba. p. 21. lin. 6, post : Hniti adde : (78.) lin. 8, post : Arva adde : (79.) p. 22. lin. penult, lege : Forbes in Voy. Ramesii:,ke. App. p. 380. t 2 f. 10 p. 23 adde: 208 a. P. Thomsoni Forb. Voy. Rattlesnake. App. p. 381. t. 3. f. 2 - Ins. \Fitzroy. p. 25. lin. 14, lege: Choanopoma. Hn. 24, lege: 223. Ch. mac turn Poey Mem. hist. nat. Cuba I. t. 8. f. 6—12 fC ma- jusculum Mor. mss.) p 33. liu. ult., post: Madagascar adde: (77.) p.? 49. Delcantur lin. 1—8. \l -3 ^* Descriptions of Shells from the Gulf of California and the Pacific Coasts of Mexico and California. By AUGUSTUS A. GOULD, M. D. DURING the recent war with Mexico, several valuable col- lections of shells were made by officers of the navy and army engaged on the Pacific coast of Mexico and California, and along the Gulf of California. Three of these have been sub- mitted to me for examination. They were made by Col. E. Jewett and Maj. William Rich, of the army, and Lieut. Thomas P. Green, of the navy. The coast visited extended from Panama, 8° 49' N. to San Francisco, about 37° 20' N. ; and the other principal localities explored were, on the Mexi- can coast, Acapulco, Mazatlan, San Jose, and Guaymas, (28° N.) ; La Paz, about 24° 30' N. and San Juan, 27° N. on the west coast of the Gulf; and San Pedro, San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Monterey, on the California coast. The number of species from Col. Jewett was about 225 ; from Maj. Rich, 130 ; from Lieut. Green, 200 ; in all, perhaps, 400 species ; and as they were collected alive by the gentle- men themselves, and their localities carefully noted at the time, they become very valuable when considered in the light of geographical distribution. It would be interesting to pub- lish the whole list ; and perhaps this may be done at some future period. It has already been done so far as respects those species which were found at Panama, and at other places in common with Panama, by the late Prof. C. B. Adams, in his very interesting work on the shells of Panama. Several very curious facts derived from a comparison of these Pacific species with the shells of the Gulf of Mexico might here be stated ; but it is our present purpose to give descrip- tions and figures of the new species, so far as the prescribed limits of the paper will admit. Brief characters of some of I them have already been given in the Proceedings of the Soci- ety for November, 1851 ; they are here amplified and mostly accompanied with figures. BULIMUS VESICALIS (PI. XIV. Fig. 1.) Testa tenuis, lactea, ovoidea, striatula, vix perforata ; spira brevis, anfracti- bus 5£, ultimo clliptico quadrantes tres longitudinis testas adequante ; apertura dimidiam long, adequans, lunata ; labro simplici ; columella reflexa. Shell ovoid, thin, milk white, delicately and regularly striate ; spire short, whorls 5£, inflated, the last one more than three fourths the length of the shell, nearly symmetrical in form at both extre- mities; aperture somewhat more than half the length of the shell, narrow lunate ; lip simple ; columella broadly reflected over a nar- row umbilical fissure ; a thin glazing of callus on left lip. Length an inch and a fourth ; breadth seven tenths of an inch. Inhabits Lower California. Maj. Rich. Form and size of B. apodemetes, D'Orb., which has variegated colors, a broader base and larger aperture. It is somewhat like B. coturniX) and more especially like B. oblalus Gould. BULIMUS VEGETUS (PI. XIV. Fig. 2. T. solidula, elongato-ovata, alba, striatula, perforata ; spira elevata, anfract. sex, (sutnr& impressa) ultimo dimidiam longitudinis testae superante, tumido, subgibboso ; apertura subovata ; labio subcontinuo, reflexo, faucibus stramineis. Shell rather solid, elongate, ovate, white, faintly striate ; spire acuminate ; whorls six, convex, suture well impressed, last whorl three fourths the length of the shell, tumid and somewhat gibbous on the back ; aperture placed somewhat laterally, half the length of the shell, suboval, its plane nearly that of the axis, extremities of the lip approximate ; lip moderately reflexed at base, still less so laterally, rising broadly at the columella, and standing off from the body whorl ; umbilical opening large and deep, subcircular ; fauces cream colored. Length an inch and a half ; breadth nearly one inch. Inhabits San Juan, Gulf of California. Lieut. Green. Belongs to the group with B. sordidus. Its form is like that of B. rhodolarynX) which, however, has a more circular aperture and different coloration. BULIMUS EXCELSUS (PI. XIV. Fig. 3.) T. elongato-ovata, acumiuata, solidiuscula, laevis, fulvida, albido strigata; spira clevata, peracuta, anfr. septem ultimo trientes duos long, vix aequante : aper tura tricntem long, adequans, subovata ; labro albo antice revoluto, sub- continuo, ad columellam expanso, fissuram latam obtegente. Shell ovate-fusiform, rather solid, smooth, pale coffee colored, with unequal longitudinal strigae of white shading into each other, white at suture ; spire acute, elongated ; whorls seven, moderately convex, the last not quite two thirds the length of the shell ; aper- ture less than half the length of the shell, obliquely subovate, lip soon becoming revolute, broadly so in front, rising, a little narrowed, by a somewhat abrupt curve upon the columella, and expanding again as it rises, until the two extremities of the lip nearly meet ; the columellar portion stands off* from the body whorl, displaying a large umbilical fissure ; lip white, with a brown submargin at the point of reflection. Length If inch ; breadth f inch. Inhabits California. Maj. Rich. This shell has very much the appearance of B. Lobbii, Reeve, from Peru ; but the aperture is larger and differently proportioned ; the colors are less bright, the stripes broader and more blended. B. pallidior, Sowb., has the aperture more like it, but is colorless, and has the spire less elongated. In form it is also much like B. xantlwstoma, D'Orb. It has the form of B. membranaceus, but is much larger and thicker. ACMJEA PALEACEA (PI. XIV. Fig. 5.) T. parva, tenuis, elongata, lateraliter valde compressa et triangularis, ad dorsum utroque costis obtusis ornata ; apice acuto prope trientem anteriorem longitudinis sito ; color straminea, vel cinnamomea. Shell minute, delicate, thin, elongated, laterally compressed, so that the two sides are parallel ; dorsal aspect a long, narrow oval ; lateral aspect low triangular ; apex at about the anterior third, acute, antrorse ; surface with delicate lines of growth, and a few obtuse radiating ridges along the dorsal slope at each end : color straw yellow, or cinnamon brown. Length % inch ; height y1^ inch ; breadth -^ inch. On kelp or stems of Zoophytes, Santa Barbara. Col. Jewett. This curious little shell can be compared with no other species, unless it be A. alveus^ which is still comparatively much broader. It has much the size and shape of a glume of wheat. CREPIDULA EXPLANATA (PI. XIV. Fig. 7.) T. unguiformis, elongata, calcarea, apice terminal! ; antice angustata, trun- cata, denticulo mediano armata ; marginibus ex lamellis disjunctis alveolatis ; dorso concavo ; intus porcellana, lateribus incurvatis ; septum dimidiam long. testae metiens, valde arcuatum, margine concavo. Shell unguiform, long and gradually narrowing, incurved, apex acute, terminal and median ; tip truncate, with a denticle at the middle ; sides apparently having a portion clipped off, presenting the edges of the lamellae of growth which have been separated from each other so as to give a cancellate appearance ; the edges are thus thickened and raised, so that the back of the shell is a concave trough. Exterior, dead white. Interior, polished porcelain white, the edges very slightly incurved, scarcely forming a cavity. Sep- tum extending nearly half the length of the shell, remarkably arched, its free edge slightly concave. Length 1£ inch ; breadth £ inch ; height £ inch. Inhabits Monterey. Lieut. Green. Lower California. Maj. Rich. A very curious shell, which, from its structure, must have resided in tubes of some sort, perhaps those made by Pholas. Its most remarkable characters are the loose and cancellate structure of its edges, the truncate and dentate tip, and the excavated back as if made by a gouge. BULL A (AKERA) CULCITELLA (PL XIV. Fig. 8.) T. sttbcylindracea, solkhila, albida, spiraliter concinn£ striata, epidermide stramineo induta ; anfr. quinque, ultimo elongato subfusiformi, antice rotun- dato, supernis spiram conicam efformantibus ; sutura profunde canaliculata : apertura linearis, antrorsum dilatata ; columella valde contorta, uniplicata ; labro postice sensim recedente. Shell ovoid-cylindrical, rather solid, bluish white, covered by a rough straw colored epidermis : whorls five, the anterior one elon- gated, somewhat fusiform, rounded anteriorly, sculptured with fine, close-set revolving striae, more distinctly indicated when the epider- mis is present ; the four posterior whorls form a conical spire, hav- ing a suture so profound that they seem invaginated and quite detached from each other. Aperture linear, widening anteriorly, and in front somewhat trigonal. Inner lip formed by a sharp, very prominent, abruptly twisted white fold, with a submarginal excava- tion, terminating acutely in front, in such a manner as almost to form a canal. Found by Col. Jewett at Santa Barbara. Length one inch ; breadth one fourth of an inch. There is no species described approaching to this, except B. tennis^ Adams, which differs widely in its proportions. The re- markable columellar fold would almost bring it within the genus Tornatella, but its general characters decide in favor of Bulla. It may most properly be placed in the subgenus Akera, though some of its abnormal characters bring it in close alliance with Tornatina. BULLA (TORNATINA) CEREALIS (PL XIV. Tig. 9.) T. parva, ovoideo-fusiformis, solidula, eburnea, levigata ; spira exserta, tabu- lata, mamillata ; anfr. quatuor ; apertura angusta, antrorsum dilatata, labro ad medium saliente, postice sensim approximante, et ante suturam coadunato ; co- lumella callosa, plied valida instructa. Shell minute, solid, ovoid fusiform, ivory while and polished ; spire prominent, composed of three or four whorls rising by regular grades, and mamillate at tip ; aperture linear above, gradually wid- ening forwards ; the outer lip, salient at the middle, and very gradu- ally approaching the body of the whorl posteriorly, unites to it before reaching the suture ; columellar margin callous its whole length, with a strong fold at base. Length one fifth of an inch ; breadth one twelfth of an inch. Found at Santa Barbara by Col. Jewett. In form and size this shell is scarcely to be distinguished from B. graciliS) A. Adams, which, however, is described as horn co- lored, and covered with revolving striae ; whereas this is ivory white, and exhibits no strise whatever when much magnified. In terms it agrees with the description of B. infrequens, C. B. Adams, and I should not presume to consider it different, had it not been examined by Prof. Adams himself. PHYSA ELATA (PI. XIV. Fig. 4.) T. tenuissima, ovato-lanceolata, levigata, nitida, dilute cornea, ad suturam decolorata ; spira acuta, anfr. sex, convexiusculis, ultimo octantes septem longi- tudinis equante, antice angustato ; apertura angusta, trientes duos long, ade- quans ; columella vix plicata. Shell lanceolate ovate, very thin, smooth and glistening, pale horn color, colorless at suture ; spire acute ; whorls nearly six, dis- tinct, slightly convex, the last one seven eighths the length of the shell, ellipsoidal, nearly symmetrical at the ends ; aperture three fourths the length of the shell, narrow obovate-lunate, acutely rounded anteriorly ; having on the pillar an imperfect fold, and a very thin callus on the body whorl. Length seven eighths of an inch ; breadth three eighths of an inch ; length of aperture five eighths of an inch. Inhabits Lower California. Maj. Rich. An elongated species almost as slender as P. hypnorum, though very much larger, highly polished, with a very long aperture ; pil- lar region tumid. SIGAEETUS DEBILIS (PL XIV. Fig. 17.) T. parva, tenuis, lucida, depressa, mellea, striis numerosissimis obtusis vol- ventibus, supernis majoribus, insculpta ; spira superficiei general! congruens ; anfr. duobus ; apice ad quadrantem diametris sito : angulo ad peripheriam obtuso, versus aperturam sensim evanido ; labio antice dilatato. Shell small, much depressed, thin, almost pellucid, pale honey- yellow color ; whorls two, spire almost coincident with the general surface, apex at one fourth the diameter of the shell ; periphery obtuse-angular, becoming more so as it approaches the aperture ; ventral surface excavated at the umbilical region, with a slight unappressed lamina at that point ; margin of the aperture having a very slight advance in the outline, as it approaches the peripheral angle ; surface with very numerous and very delicate, obtusely excavated revolving striae, much finer on the ventral than on the dorsal face. Long diameter seven eighths of an inch ; short diameter not quite half an inch ; height one fifth of an inch. Inhabits La Paz, Gulf of California. Lieut. Green. It has the form of S. haliotoideus, and is nearly as smooth as £ levigatus. It is about the size of S. planus^ and has the compressed form of S. depressus. Its honey-yellow color is peculiar. NARICA OVOIDEA (PI. XIV. Fig. 10.) T. ovoidea, solida, albida, costis planulatis politis*ad 11 cincta, interspatiis duplo angustioribus concinne clathratis ; spira acuta, anfr. 4, superne tabulatis, ultimo magno, ovato : apertura ovata ; labro crenulato ; columella tenui, an- trorsum concava, plica mediana instructa ; umbilico conspicuo, profundo. Shell ovoid, solid, dingy white, surrounded with well marked grooves and square shining ribs, about eleven on the large whorl and five on the others, the grooves about half the width of the ribs, and delicately clathrate with longitudinal bars ; spire acute, whorls four, shouldered above, the last whorl composing the greater part of the shell. Aperture half the length of the shell, ovate, ribs render- ing the outer lip crenate ; inner lip rather sharp, concave in front, slightly attached to the whorl above and having a delicate fold at the middle. Umbilicus well marked and deep. Length seven twentieths of an inch ; breadth three twentieths of an inch. Purchased at Mazatlan. Col. Jewett. This curious shell it is difficult to classify ; perhaps there is no genus now defined which can properly receive it. Littorina(?) angistoma and excavata C. B. Adams, seem to belong to the same group. TEREBRA ARGUTA (PL XIV. Fig. 19.) T. parva, acicularis, nitida, plicis longitudinalibus rectis acutis ad 10 ornata, interspatiis concavis ; albida prope suturam fusco zonata, et intcrdum lineis flexuosis picta ; apertura angusta, lunaris ; anfr. 8 planulatis, ultimo ad basim spiraliter striato. Shell small, acicular, very acute and slender, glistening, com- posed of about eight flattened whorls, having on each about ten acute longitudinal folds, the spaces between fluted ; a few spiral lines around the base of the last whorl ; aperture narrow lunate, 8 white or yellowish, with a more or less distinct dusky band near the suture, and sometimes pale flexuous lines on the larger whorls. Length five eighths of an inch ; breadth one eighth of an inch. This elegant little shell is distinguished by its small size and slender form, and its simple fluted surface without revolving lines. It has much the for/m and surface of T. nitida, but the size of T. fictilis and nassoides. TROCHUS MARCIDUS (PL XIV. Fig. 11.) T. pyramidalis, solidula, vix striata, rufo-viridis ; anfract. quinque plaiiulatis ad suturam vix discretis ; basis subplana, lams, umbilico amplo profundo in- fundibuliformi, juxta aperturam partim tecto ; apertura subrhombea, perobli- qua; operculum tenuc. Shell of moderate size, strictly pyramidal, the distinction of the whorls being scarcely marked at the sutures; surface with fine incremental stria3, of a dull brownish and green color. Whorls about five, quite flat, the large one sharply angular at periphery. Base very slightly convex, highly polished and silvery near the aperture and around the umbilicus, which is deep, large and broadly infundibuliform, partially covered on the side of the aperture by a thin plate of shell, the margin of the funnel being indicated by an obtuse angle. Operculum very thin, of a dark amber color. Axis seven eighths of an inch ; diameter of base one and one eighth of an inch. Inhabits Monterey. Lieut. Green. In color and general appearance this shell would not at first sight be distinguished from T. Montereyi, Kiener ; but it is a smaller and less elevated pyramid ; and the base differs altogether in its per- fectly plain, broadly tunnel-shaped umbilicus, and its entirely sim- ple lip throughout. TROCHUS PICOIDES. Among the specimens obtained from Col. Jewett, was one from Santa Barbara, which would at first glance be pronounced to be T. pica. Being unprepared to see this species from the Pacific shores, I was led to make particular inquiry as to the certainty of its having been obtained alive at that place, and being satisfied on that point, I obtained the loan of three of the five specimens brought home. 9 On a critical comparison of the California with W. India specimens, the following differences seem to be constant, so far as these speci- mens are concerned. W. INDIA. Form strictly pyramidal. Whorls very slightly convex, suture somewhat constricted. Surface, corrugate or undate at right angles with the lines of increment. Flammules confused or blotched. Base with no tendency to distinct tes- sellation. Lip black at edge, submargin dead white. Aperture very oblique, its lip regularly sloping from junction to periphery. Columellar tooth well marked. Columettar lip somewhat sinuous. CALIFORNIA. A more elevated pyramid. Whorls decidedly convex and more girt in at the suture. Surface without undulations but girdled by a few obsolete ridges on the last whorl. Figurations well defined. Base more or less tessellated with ranges of squarish black spots. Lip nacreous and iridescent to the margin. Aperture less oblique, lip arched. Columellar tooth obsolete ; inner lip forming a regular sweep. As I have seen no young specimens from California, it is not unlikely that some of the above diagnostic marks may not prove constant in some stages, — the more elevated form, more convex whorls, and destitution of undulations may be regarded as the most important characters. I present this comparison for verification when more numerous specimens shall have been obtained. Should the differences prove constant, it will be one of the most remarkable examples of analogous species from correlative regions. TROCHUS (MOXODOXTA) PYRIFORMIS. T. ovato-conica, crassa, striis obtusis remotis antice cincta, nigra, flavido oblique et undulatim lineolata ; spira conica, anfr. sex convexiusculis, ad peri- pheriam rotundatis ; basis convexa, fovea umbilicali albo-cincta notata, imper- forata ; apertura circularis ; columella acuta, bidenticulata ; labro acuto nigro ; cavositas alba. Shell thick and heavy, elevated ovate pyramidal, eroded at tip, without sculpture, bluish-black, or with a few obtuse revolving lines on the last whorl, with numerous oblique, fine, undulating stripes of yellowish crossing the lines of growth nearly at right angles. Whorls six, slightly convex ; suture linear ; periphery of the last whorl obtusely rounded ; base convex, white at centre, with a small •2 10 umbilical indentation ; aperture sub-circular ; lip bevelled, sharp, blue black; submargin dead white; columella white, acute, with two denticles at lower part ; fauces silvery white. Axis one and a half inches ; diameter one and one fourth inches. Inhabits San Diego. Lieut. Green. It has the shape, solidity, size, and coloring of T.fragarioides, Lk. lugubris, Lk. It is distinguished by not having its colors arranged in bands, in having an umbilical indentation, and two denticles on the columella. MODULUS DORSUOSUS (PI. XIV. Fig. 12.) T. depressa^ovato-conica, solida, calcarea, ad peripheriam acuti et nodulosa, supra obscure undulato-nodoso, infra conica, spiraliter insculpta ; apertura sub-triangularis, labro acuto intus sulcato ; columella et dente rosaceis ; um- bilico parvo, profundo. Shell small, solid, depressed, ovate conic, dead white, the upper whorls as it were eroded, the outer one angulate, flattened or a little excavate above, varied with obsolete radiating folds by which the periphery is rendered nodulous ; the nodules extend somewhat on the conical base which is sculptured by about six spiral grooves, one of which cuts the nodules. There are sometimes faint traces of dusky markings between the tubercles and on the basal ridges. Aperture subtriangular, lip sharp, grooved within ; umbilicus small; tooth and columella tinted pale rose-red. Diameters, transverse half an inch ; vertical nearly one third of an inch. Found at Acapulco. Col. Jeivett. This species is not mentioned in M. Petit's recent list of the species, but it approaches M. olliquus, and also M. duplicatus, both of which are described as spirally grooved above, and the former seems to have a sharp periphery. CHEMNITZIA TENUICULA (PI. XIV. Fig. 15.) T. gfacillima, lanceolata, nitida, cerina, infra suturam fuscescens ; anfr. 10 planulatis, tabulatis, longitudinaliter ad 20-plicatis, striis numerosis volventibus leviter secatis ; basi modo spiraliter striata ; apertura angusta, ovata ; labro acuto. Shell small, elongated lanceolate, turreted, rather solid, shining, 11 wax yellow, a little dusky below the suture ; whorls ten, flat, slightly shouldered above, marked by about twenty direct longitu- dinal folds, the summits of which are cut by numerous fine revolv- ing striae, deeper in the interstices, which also extend over the base of the shell, though the folds terminate at the periphery or are extended in delicate furrows. Aperture narrow ovate, lip sharp ; revolving stria3 apparent in the aperture. Length three tenths of an inch ; diameter one twentieth of an inch. Inhabits Santa Barbara. Col. Jewett. In structure and sculpture it may be compared with C. formosa. It is, however, less accurately acicular, the posterior whorls de- creasing more rapidly than the others. CHEMXITZIA TORQUATA (PI. XIV. Fig. 16.) T. solida, turrita, lactea ; anfrac. 8 convexiusculis, plicis longitudinalibus, flexuosis, perobliquis ad IGornatis; anfractu ultimo subangulato, basi inor- nata ; apertura subovata, labro incrassato. Shell minute, turreted, solid, milk-white, composed of eight moderately convex whorls, separated by a deep suture, each one with about sixteen very oblique, somewhat flexuose folds, quite well marked, not quite reaching the suture ; the spaces between do not exhibit revolving lines. The last whorl is slightly angular at periphery, at which point the folds terminate, and the base is quite destitute of sculpture. Aperture subovate, lip thick ; columella somewhat revolute, joining the lip below at nearly a right angle. Length one fifth of an inch ; breadth one twentieth of an inch. Obtained at Santa Barbara. Col. Jewett. In form it is much like C. clathrata, but is smaller and has no revolving lines, and the folds are much more oblique. ODOSTOMIA GRAVIDA (PL XIV. Fig. 14.) T. ovato-conica, elevata, eburnea, polita; spira acuta 5 anfr. 6 supra rotunda- tis, ultimo subangulato, trientes duos testae adequante ; apertura ovata, an- tice rotundata, postice acuta ; labro expanse ; plica columellari acuta, transversa, umbilico parvo suffossa. Shell small, ovate conic, elevated, ivory white, polished ; whorls six, abruptly rounded above, rather flattened at the middle, the last 1-2 whorl two thirds the length of the shell ; slightly angular at peri- phery ; suture delicate. Aperture ovate, rounded at base ; lip slightly everted, with a constriction behind it ; spiral fold on the columella nearly transverse, elevated, sharp-edged, and a small umbilical opening is seen running under it. Length one fourth of an inch ; diameter one tenth of an inch. Inhabits Santa Barbara. Col. Jewett. Has most of the characters of 0. conoidea of Europe, but is per- haps proportionally broader. ODOSTOMIA ACHATES (PL XIV. Fig. 13.) T. ovato-lanceolata, nitida, longitudinaliter striata, albida, maculis elongatis, rubiginosis obscure zonata ; spira acuta, anfr. ad 9 vix convexis, ultimo dirni- diam longitudinis adequante, basi rotundata et strict unicA submediana cinctA ; apertura angusta, ovata, postice acuta ; columella plied mediana et duabus minoribus anterioribus instructa. Shell ovate lanceolate, shining, with distinct and rather distant longitudinal stria? ; color, whitish near the suture and mottled with pale rust color, arranged somewhat in bands of elongated spots ; spire acute, more rapidly tapering at tip; whorls eight or nine, scarcely convex, of which the last is half the length of the shell, entire and rounded at base, having a single impressed line around the middle, which runs up two or three whorls just behind the suture. Aper- ture narrow ovate, rounded in front, acute behind ; lip acute ; colu- mella with a very obvious fold at the middle, and two much smaller ones between it and the base. Length half an inch ; breadth three twentieths of an inch. Inhabits Mazatlan. Col. Jewett. At first sight this would be taken for a land shell, like some of the slender and polished Achatinella. Its generic place is some- what doubtful. It has not only the single fold of Monotigma and Odostomia, but at least two others like Pyramidella. It will some day be regarded as a distinct genus. FUSUS AMBUSTUS (PI. XIV. Fig. 18.) T. fusiformis, subequilateralis, dilute rufa, fusco tincta ; spira elongata, acuta, anfract. ad octo convexis, subangulatis, liris crebris cinctis, et plicis conspicuis ad octo ornatis, prope suturam constrictis j apertura parva ; rostro subrecto. Shell fusiform, its largest diameter near the middle ; color yel- 13 lowish, shaded with brown, so as to appear as if scorched ; spire acute, having as many as eight convex somewhat angular whorls, which are girdled with elevated threads, and have about eight vari- cose folds on each whorl disappearing on the last half of the anterior whorl : suture deep, to which the upper part of each whorl gradu- ally slopes. Aperture quite small, nearly semicircular, furrowed within ; beak nearly straight, and with a very narrow channel. Length one and three fourths of an inch ; diameter three fourths of an inch. From Mazatlan. Lieut. Green. The only described species to which it bears any resemblance are F. marmoratus, Phil, from Australia, which is twice as long, more numerously ribbed, mottled in coloring, and with the whorls more angular ; and jP. rostratus, from the Mediterranean, which is smaller, and has remarkably rounded whorls with the folds extend- ing to the suture. ERATO LEUCOPH^EA (PI. XIV. Fig. 20.) T. obovata. solida, subfusca, valde callosa. callo et basi eburncis ; anfr. ad 4 subangulatis, ultimo superne tabulate ; apertura angusta, labro antice exca- vato, continue denticulate. Shell obovate, solid, polished, of a livid drab color, the lip and face ivory white. Whorls four or five, forming a low conical spire, the outer whorl angularly rounded above ; lip thick, rising poste- riorly somewhat above the body of the shell, slightly excavated ante- riorly, and its inner margin very delicately toothed ; columellar margin still more delicately toothed, with a conspicuous fold ante- riorly. Length one fourth of an inch ; breadth one fifth of an inch. Inhabits Santa Barbara. Col. Jewett. Very closely resembling E. callosa, Adams (Voy. of Samarang) differing chiefly in color, and the more delicate denticulations of the aperture. CONUS RAVUS (PI. XIV. Fig. 21.) T. solida, ovoideo-conica, bulbosa, spiraliter argute striata et antice liris ele- vatis alternis majoribus instructa. fulvida, epidermide fuscescente induta; spira 14 clcvata, convcxa. anfr. ad 8 vix cxcavatis, ultimi angulo rotunclato ; apertura angusta antice vix dilatata, labro postice recedentc, intus violacescente. Shell ovoid conic, bulbous, solid, surface with microscopic re- volving lines, and on the anterior portion a few delicate, regularly spaced, gradually increasing raised lines, alternately larger and smaller; color uniform pale fawn, paler posteriorly, covered by a smoky russet brown epidermis ; spire above the obtusely rounded angle of the last whorl about one third the length of the shell ; out- line slightly convex ; whorls seven or eight, slightly excavated, suture delicate and simple ; aperture narrow, widening a little an- teriorly ; lip very sharp, gradually retreating at its posterior junc- tion ; interior faint purplish. Length one and one third of an inch ; breadth three fourths of an inch. From Santa Barbara. Col. Jewett. This species has the form of C. solidus, ccelebs, and Mozanilncus^ and more especially of C. fdbula Sovvb. But it differs in color from all except C. ccdels, from the Philippine Islands, which shell has distinct granular strise and is more slender. The color is nearly that of C.figulinus. CONUS COMPTUS (PI. XIV. Fig. 23.) T. biconica, abbreviata, polita, antice scriebus granularum cincta, albida, ma- culis castaneis picta, ct lincis volventibus articulatis ubique ornata ; spira qua- drantem testas adequans ad peripheriam subcarinata ; anfr. ad 8, gradatim sur- gentibus, vix excavatis, striatis : apertura angusta ; intus violacescens. Shell accurately biconical, everywhere bound by right lines, rather short, surface shining, girdled with distant series of granules anteriorly, quite smooth elsewhere ; ground color bluish white, clouded with chestnut blotches arranged somewhat longitudinally, the lighter portions everywhere ornamented with delicate revolving lines articulated with dead white and brown ; spire about one fourth the length of the shell, the angle at its base acute and somewhat carinate ; whorls eight or nine, rising by regular grades at the suture, somewhat excavated and spirally striated ; coloring nearly tessellated with white and brown ; aperture narrow, scarcely widen- ing anteriorly, bluish within. 15 Length one and one fourth of an inch ; breadth three fourths of an inch. Inhabits Santa Barbara. Col. Jewett. Approaches in form C. orion and classiarius, both of which are more elongated ; its proportions are, perhaps, more like C. fulgu- rans. Its coloration is like some varieties of Cedo nulll, and C. archon, or like the darker varieties of C. portoricanus. It is proba- bly the species named by Menke, in his Catalogue of Mazatlan Shells as C. acliatinus. CONUS PUSILLUS (PI. XIV. Fig. 22.) T. parva, conica, polita, seriebus ad octo granulorum remotornm antice cincta ; spira planulata, anfr. 8 coronatis constructa ; alba, maculis obliquis elongatis irregularibus aurantiacis bicincta ; apice rufo ; apertura angusta. line- aris. Shell quite small, conic, very slightly swollen posteriorly, sur- face smooth, the anterior half having about eight circles of beads so spaced as to form squares ; spire nearly level, composed of eight coronate whorls divided by a spiral groove ; color white, with a broad band of irregular, oblique elongated orange spots posteriorly, a fainter one near the tip, and spots between the tubercles orange ; tip dark orange ; aperture very narrow. Length half an inch ; breadth three tenths of an inch. Inhabits Mazatlan. Col. Jewett. Allied to C. sponsalis, especially in coloring, but is smaller, with- out convex outline, more elongated, spire much less elevated. Nearly the same remarks apply to C. nanus, in which there is less resemblance as to color. Its proportions are more like C. speciosis- simus. PHOLAS OVOIDEA (PL XV. Fig. 1.) T. ovoidea, crassa, cinerea, postice valde hians et epidermide valde prolon- gata. antice lamina calcarea clausa ; valvis ad extreraitates rotundatis, sulco lato mediano partitis ; portione postica inornata ; portione antica laminis con- centricis undulatis confertis et plicis radiantibus cancellata ; apicibus ad qua- drantem anteriorem sitis ; apophysis cardinalis subulata, ad apicem excavata : laminae apicales baud appressec, duplicate ; valvula; cardinales ? Shell ovoid, rather solid, chalky white, very widely gaping be- hind the beaks which are placed at the anterior fourth of the shell, 16 slightly gaping also in front, the anterior ventral opening mostly closed by thick calcareous plates, one of which partially overlaps the other, somewhat marked by converging ridges : both extremi- ties broadly rounded ; disk of the valves divided by a broad sulcus barred by the lines of growth, and passing from the beaks to the middle of the ventral margin ; posterior portion unsculptured ; an- terior portion ornamented with crowded, elevated, undulated con- centric laminse, decussated by acute radiating ribs arranged some- what in pairs ; in front of the beaks the dorsal margin is reflexed, not appressed, and then doubled upon itself: cardinal valvulsB missing ; interior yellowish white ; cardinal apophysis long, slender. a little expanded and excavated towards extremity, directed ob- liquely backwards. An extensive prolongation of the epidermis closes the posterior margins and forms a long tube for the protec- tion of the siphons. Length three inches ; breadth one and three fourths inches ; height two inches. This shell is remarkable for its short ovoid form. It is closely allied to P. crispata as to its wide gape and epidermal tube and its general sculpture ; but the latter shell does not gape so widely, is acute anteriorly, and has not its ventral gape closed by calcareous plates. Pholas truncata is more cylindrical, truncate posteriorly and acute anteriorly. P. concamerata is much smaller, tapers pos- teriorly, slightly gaping, and is prolonged by corneous plates. PETRICOLA BULBOSA (PI. XV. Fig. 5.) Petricola lulbosa Gould: Proc. B. S. N. H. Nov. 1851, IV. 88. T. solida, ovato-cuneata, postice hians, straminea, costis numerosis parvis compressis radian tibus ornata ad interstitiis concentrice striatis : apicibus ad trientem anteriorem tumid is ; latere antico subgloboso ; latere postico com- presso, subtriangulari, ad apicem truncato; margine ventrali sinuato : intus livido, cicatricibus calcareis ; cardo dente unico ad valvarn dextram, subulate, recurvo instructus. Shell ovate, solid, inequilateral, yellowish white, having the sur- face ornamented with numerous radiating, compressed, rib-like lines, and closely wrinkled between them by the lines of growth ; beaks at the anterior third, and tumid, as are the disks against the beaks ; anterior part broadly rounded ; posterior part subtriangular, the apex truncate ; ventral margin somewhat constricted ; interior livid IT and even purple posteriorly ; cicatrices broad and chalky white, very distinct ; siphonal sinus semicircular ; tooth on the right valve short, subulate, recurved. Longitud. diam. one and one eighth inches ; vertical, seven eighths of an inch ; transverse, six eighths of an inch. Inhabits Guaymas. Lieut. Green. This is the analogue of P. rocellaria Lk. and scarcely to be dis- tinguished from it ; but its posterior half seems to decline much more rapidly ; the radiating folds are much less marked ; on the left valve is a single tooth ; on the right are two, less developed ; the pallial scar, between the siphonal sinus and anterior muscular scar, is not sinuous, and grows larger ; interior not always tinted, nor cicatrices chalky. OSTEODESMA NITIDUM (PI. XV. Fig. 6.) T. transversa, subfalcata, ventricosa, tenuis, lucida vivide margaritacea, concentrice undulata plerumque nuda ; apice ad trientem anteriorera ; latere antico rotundato ; latere postico attenuate, truncate, subascendente, utroque extremitate lineis radiantibus remotis striato. Shell very thin and fragile, transparent, extremely bright pearly, somewhat conspicuously undulated concentrically, destitute of epi- dermis and of radiating striae except at the posterior lip, where it is very thin and pale straw color ; beaks at the anterior third, ele- vated ; disks tumid ; anteriorly rounded ; posterior portion ascend- ant, gradually narrowing till its truncated tip becomes about half as elevated as the valve at the beaks. Longitud. diam. seven eighths of an inch; vertical and trans- verse three eighths of an inch. Inhabits Santa Barbara. Lieut. Green. Differs from O. hyalinum in being more inequilateral, more re- curved, the surface more pearly and free from striae ; O.floridanum is more venlricose, much more attenuated posteriorly, the surface more dead, and the stria3 much more remote from each other. LUTRARIA VENTRICOSA. Lutraria ventricosa Gould ; Proc. B. S. N. H. Nov. 1851. IV. 89. T. tenuis, fragilis, ventricosa, ovato-cuneata, alba, epidermide stramineA in- duta, rugis remotis radiata, apicibus vix antemcdianis, tumidis ; latere antico 3 18 angustato, compresso ; latere postico dilatato ; facie dorsali valde declivii, an- gulo obtuso limitato, et aream latam, utrinque linci submarginali partitam, ostcndente ; intus alba, punctis nitidis notata. Shell ovate-cuneate, ventricose, thin and fragile, white and smooth, covered with a dirty straw-colored epidermis, with here and there delicate radiating wrinkles : beaks slightly anterior, tumid and decidedly arched ; disk everywhere tumid ; anterior half nar- rowed and somewhat acutely rounded at extremity ; posterior end broad and distinguished by a ridge running from the beaks to the posterior ventral angle, quite acute near the beaks, but becoming gradually obsolete ; at this ridge the valves are inflexed nearly at right angles, presenting a broad, excavated area, delicately plicated near the beaks, and also subdivided by a fainter submarginal ridge. At its posterior point the shell is slightly gaping. Lateral teeth well developed ; ligament pit large, deep, and oblique ; V-tooth small, delicate, supported by bars anteriorly, under which, arid above the lateral tooth runs a deep excavation. Siphonal sinus narrowing to a blunt point. Interior dead white, besprinkled with shining dots. Inhabits Mazatlan. Lieut. Green. The resemblance between this species and M. carinata, from the coast of Carolina and the Gulf of Mexico, with which it has hitherto been confounded, is very great. Our shell, however, is larger, less solid, much more ventricose, and is destitute of the crest on the angle which limits the posterior dorsal area, found in M. carinata. The anterior end is also narrower, the ligament cavity smaller and more oblique, and the beaks are more arching. Its form is almost precisely that of Unio ovatus. A small African species (M. alUda ?) is a miniature of the shell. The posterior slope, however, is less vertical, the anterior side less acute, and it has deeply impressed concentric grooves in front of the beaks, LUTRAKIA UNDULATA (PI. XV. Fig. 7.) Lutraria undulata, Gould ; Proc. B. S. N. H., Nov., 1851. IV. 89. T. Candida, papyracea, fragilis, ovata, postice hians, concentrice unilata, nisi prope marginem posticum et ad aream impressam dorsalem concinne rugosa ; apicibus vix anticis : latere antice rotundato ; latere postico angustato, com- 19 presso ad apicem rotundato, margine dorsali declivo, rectiusculo, costa submar- ginali munito. Shell milk white, fragile, concentrically undulated, ovate, ventri- cose ; beaks a little anterior, gaping widely behind ; the undula- tions ending abruptly at a posterior subrnarginal ridge ; the undu- lated portion is also minutely corrugated, the wrinkles running from the beaks towards the margin ; an impressed area in front of the beaks is also destitute of waves ; anterior half broadly rounded and tumid ; posterior half narrowed, compressed and acutely rounded, the superior margin being a rectilinear slope. Length two and a half inches ; breadth one and one fourth inches ; height two inches. Inhabits La Paz, Lower California. Lieut. Green. Differs from L. canaliculata Say, of S. Carolina, in its strictly ovate form, in having the beaks anterior instead of posterior ; in having the posterior half less compressed and more gaping, and in the acute ridge at which the undulations terminate. While in size, texture, color, and surface they are remarkably similar, they are quite reversed in their proportions. AMPHIDESMA FLAVESCENS. Amphidesmajlavescms, Gould; Proc. B. S. N. H. Nov., 1851, IV. 89. T. subrotunda, compressa, dilute aurantia demum albida et epidermide fusca, tenui induta, striis concentricis lamellosis, lineis radiantibus decussatis in- sculpta ; apicibus medianis, acutis, baud elevatis ; area dorsalis antica exca- vata ; area dorsalis postica lanceolate, concava, linea marginata ; intus flavo- tincta punctis lucidis notata ; sinu siphonali spatulata, striis crebris divergen- tibus insculpta ; fovea ligamentali profunda, producta ; dente lateral! antico apici approximato. Shell subrolund, nearly equilateral, moderately convex, anterior end broadly rounded ; posterior dorsal margin straight and sloping, the end less broadly rounded ; posterior umbonal slope with an indis- tinct ridge ; beaks acute, not prominent, anterior dorsal area exca- vated ; posterior dorsal edge long lanceolate, concave, bounded by a distinct angle ; surface pale orange near the beaks, becoming dingy white at the older stages, and covered by a dirty greenish epidermis ; marked by concentric lamellar strise, crossed by fine 20 radiating striae, especially across the disk. Interior tinted (melon) yellow, spangled with shining dots ; siphonal sinus spatulate, veined with numerous diverging striae ; ligament pit deep and long ; ante- rior lateral teeth approximate to beaks. Longitudinal, vertical, and transverse diameters two and three eighths, t\vo and one eighth, and one and one fourth inches. From San Diego. Lieut. Green. Usually found about half this size ; the concentric lamellar strise are then conspicuous ; but these become worn off, and the shell grows more irregular and coarse towards the margin ; the interior is faintly tinted yellow when young, but very richly so when old. It is closely allied to A. corrugatum, Sowb. MACTRA NASUTA. This species, described in Proceedings Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Nov., 1851, IV. 88, agrees so nearly with M. falcala, also described by me, (op. cit. III. 216,) that I hesitate to reproduce it as new with- out a direct comparison of the two shells, which I have it not now in my power to make. They will for the present, therefore, be regarded as synonymous. M. falcata^ however, was found at Puget's Sound, while M. nasuta was found by Maj. Rich at San Pedro, and by Lieut. Green, (with a doubt,) at Mazatlan. MACTRA MENDICA (PL XV. Fig. 4.) Mactra mendica, Gould; Proc. B. S. N. H., Nov. 1851. IV. 88. T. ovato-triangularis, compressa, solida, concentrice striata, epidermide rufa induta ; apicibus antemedianis, acutis, incurvatis, margine dorsali utrinque citb declivi ; latere antico acute rotundato ; latere postico triangular!, desuper viso anguste cordiformi, fortiter striato : intus lactea ; sinu siphonali, parvulo ; fovea Jigamentali retrorsum profunda, dente V-formi parvo ; dentibus lateralibus con- spicuis. Shell ovate triangular, small, solid, faintly striated concentrically, and coated with a pale fawn colored epidermis ; beaks antemedian, acute, incurved, dorsal slopes very steep, abrupt, anterior end rather acutely rounded; posterior end triangular, acute angled, with an abrupt ridge along the posterior umbonal ridge, the enclosed poste- rior area is narrow heart-shaped, more coarsely striate, with the lips a little protuberant. Interior milk white ; a very slight siphonal 21 sinus. Hinge with a very small triangular ligament pit burrowing under the beaks, in front of it a small divaricate tooth, and a well marked lateral tooth on each side. Long. diam. one inch and one eighth of an inch ; vertical diam. six eighths of an inch ; transverse diam. half an inch. Inhabits Mazatlan. Lieut. Green. A remarkably small and solid species, with a very unusual hinge. It resembles, in general, small specimens of M. similis, but is more triangular and more ventricose, as well as more solid. It is closely allied to M. cuneola, Gould. DONAX FLEXUOSUS (PI. XV. Fig. 8.) T. triangularis, cuneata, undulato-flexuosa, antice acuta, area postica lata, alta, subplanulata, undique striis exilibus profundis, radiantibus insculpta • apice post mediano ; angulo umbonali postice carinato ; margine ventrali excur- vato ; colore albo vel stramineo, intus interdum postice violacea. Shell triangular, cuneate, solid, flexuose, white or straw colored, sculptured with very regular, crowded, deep radiating grooves, quite distinct posteriorly and gradually disappearing at the anterior mar- gin, on the posterior area somewhat roughened by the concentric striae : apex posterior ; valves from the apex to the middle of the ventral margin tumid, between this and the anterior end constricted, ventral margin correspondingly excurved and incurved ; anterior end nasute ; posterior umbonal slope sharply carinate ; posterior area very broad and nearly flat ; basal angle very acute ; interior shining white or flesh colored, often tinted at the tip and along the posterior edge with violet ; lateral teeth quite strong. Diameters, longitudinal three fourths of an inch ; vertical half an inch; transverse two fifths of an inch. Inhabits Santa Barbara. Col. Jewet.t. One of the most remarkable species of the genus on account of its triangular form, its undulating sides, broad and flat posterior area, and deep, regular, crowded radiating grooves. DONAX OBESUS (PI. XV. Fig. 9.) Donax obesus, Gould ; Proc. B. S. N. H., Nov. 1851, IV. 90. T. parva, solida, ovato-cuneata. ventricosa, nitida, radiatim leviter striata. coloribus albidis et fulvidis omnino vel radiatim picta, et plerumque zonis vio- 22 laceis ornata; angulo postcro-dorsali rectilinear! ; facie posteriori cordiformi, sub-biangulari ; latere antico angustato, citb rotundato ; margine ventrali denti- culate, postice coarctato ; intus alba vel flavescens, violaceo nubeculata, ad mar- ginem dorsalem fuscata. Shell solid, ovate triangular, ventricose, the surface faintly radi- ate striate, more distinctly so posteriorly, and then as if varnished so as to obliterate the furrows ; color bluish white, pale fawn color, or rayed with these colors, and most specimens have one or more bluish zones ; anterior dorsal slope rectilinear and nearly at a right angle with the posterior, which is a little curved ; posterior end heart- shaped, faintly biangular, the umbonal angle obtuse and rather ill defined, but the radiating strise going to the posterior basal angle more distinct than elsewhere : anterior end rather acutely rounded ; a very slight constriction of the basal margin posteriorly gives the anterior portion a somewhat pouched appearance. Teeth of the hinge well developed. Interior white, inclining to yellow, with violet clouds, especially within the pallial impression ; a marginal blotch along each dorsal edge seems to be pretty constant. Basal margin with very decided teeth about the middle, becoming gradu- ally more delicate in each direction. Long. diam. nine tenths of an inch ; vertical diam. six tenths of an inch ; transverse four tenths of an inch. Inhabits San Diego. Lieut. Green. In general characters, especially in striation and posterior area, it is much like D. anatinum, but that shell is more decidedly acu- minate anteriorly ; the angle at the apex is less nearly a right angle, arid the posterior basal termination protrudes more ; the strise, too, are decidedly punctate along the anterior umbonal slope. Some small specimens are very broad proportionally. Some have the anterior end nearly as acute as D. anatinum, but none the posterior end so much abbreviated, so nearly vertical. The coloration is quite various., and often is mingled with lilac, especially near the edge. LUCINA ORBELLA (PI. XV. Fig. 3.) Lucina orbella, Gould; Proc. B. S. N. H., Nov. 1851. IV. 90. T. parva, tenuicula, subglobosa, albida, concentrice inequaliter striata ; apicibus medianis, haud eminentibus, absque lunula antica ; lateribus fere sym- 23 metricis : intus alba. Cardo valvae dextrae dentibns duobus instructus quorum antico minore, postico bifido ; valvse sinistrae duobus quorum antico bifido, pos- tico perobliquo; dentibus lateralibus nullis; cicatricibus inconspicuis, palliali serie punctorum composito. Shell small, rather thin, subglobose, dingy white, marked with delicate lines of growth, which at some parts are more conspicu- ous than at others, and render the surface somewhat irregular ; beaks very nearly median, not prominent ; no distinct lunule in front of them : ligament prominent ; extremities a little above the middle of altitude, very nearly symmetrical. Interior white. Hinge with two direct teeth in the right valve, of which the anterior is smallest, and the posterior is bifid ; and two in the left valve, of which the anterior is bifid and the posterior very oblique ; lateral teeth none ; muscular impressions faint, very large ; pallial impres- sion indistinct, composed of a series of polished dots. Length four fifths of an inch ; height six eighths of an inch ; breadth half to five eighths of an inch. From San Diego. Lieut. Green. Santa Barbara. Col. Jewell. The size and globose form of this species recalls L. columlella, Lk., (L. Adansonii, D'Orb.) : but the shell is much less solid, the beaks less elevated, no areas before and behind them, and the sur- face is not lamellar. L. glolularis may be more like it. Some specimens are nearly perfect spheres, and all of them are very con- vex lenses. ARTHEMIS SACCATA (PI. XV. Fig. 2.) Arthemis saccata, Gould; Proc. B. S. N. H., Nov. 1851. IV. 91.) T. tennis, albida, ventricosa, rotundato-rhomboidea, subequilateralis, margine ventrali subpendulo; apicibus eminentibus; luuula cordata, linea impressa finita: valvis tumidis, postice compressis et ad marginem sinuatis; cardo valva3 dextra dentibus binis fissis instructus, valvoe sinistrre dentibus tribus. Shell thin, white, of a rounded rhom.boidal outline and ventricose form, the beaks being prominent, the ventral margin produced or pendulous and the two ends rather suddenly curved above the middle : surface delicately and closely striate, with a zone or two of dusky at stages of growth ; a cordate lunule is defined by an impressed line in front of beaks; the disk of the valves is very tumid, but the posterior umbonal slope is a little constricted, mak- 24 ing a sinuosity at the posterior inferior angle. Hinge of two deeply cleft divergent teeth in the right valve, (or four arranged in pairs,) and three in the left, of which the middle one is unequally bifid. No lateral teeth. Siphonal sinus acute, extending to the centre of the valve. Length one and three fifths inches ; height one and a half inches ; breadth seven eighths of an inch. Inhabits Mazatlan. Lieut. Green. This shell has very nearly the outline of Cyth. prostrata, espe- cially its pouched ventral margin, but is much more ventricose and very different in sculpture. It is also very much like A. tennis, Sowb., but is larger, and has a distinct lunule. A. Chinensis is also allied in form. TELLINA MINI AT A (Plate XVI. Fig. 1.) Tettina miniata, Gould; Proc. B. S. N. H., Nov. 1851, IV. 90. T. transversa, ovata, tenuis, valde hians, convexiuscula, concentrice striata, erubescens; apicibus antemedianis ; latere autico semiovali; latere postico ovato-triangulari ; margine ventral! subpendulo ; intus miniata ; cardo dentibus binis divaricantibus tenuibus utraque valvft instructus ; nymphis conspicuis. Shell transversely ovate, thin, widely gaping posteriorly, slightly convex, delicately striate concentrically, with vestiges of numerous radiating strise ; deep roseate at the beaks and across the middle of disks, and zoned with roseate elsewhere : beaks anterior, acute ; anterior end semioval ; posterior end ovate-triangular, acute at tip, which is near the median height ; dorsal margin slightly declin- ing; ventral margin a little depending at middle. Interior bright rose-red throughout : siphonal sinus opposite the middle of the ven- tral margin, pyramidal and truncated at tip. Hinge with two deli- cate, diverging, equal cardinal teeth in each valve ; nympha? strongly developed. Diam. longitudinal two inches ; vertical one and one fourth inches ; transverse five eighths of an inch. Inhabits San Juan. Lieut. Green. Compared with the analogous West India species, T. rosea, Gmel., it is longer, thinner, less lenticular, more inequilateral, more acu- minated posteriorly, ventral and posterior margin less convexly arcuate ; color more roseate externally, and altogether so internally. 25 In that species the hinge has only a single tooth, stouter or with an obsolete one at its base. TELLINA TERSA (PL XVI. Fig. 2.) T. modica, convexiuscula, ovato-triangularis, alba, concentrice vix striata : apice postmediano ; latere antico rotundato, superne comprcsso; latere postico triangular!, apice subacuto. margine dorsali recto, cito desinente : dentibus late- ralibus obsoletis. Shell moderately large, inequilateral, rather convex, ovate-trian- gular, white, varied with milky and watery white zones ; incre- mental striae fine and irregular ; apex one fifth nearest the poste- rior end, which is triangular, (the dorsal slope very rapidly declining,) slightly truncate at tip, the submarginal flexure well marked ; anterior half broadly rounded, dorsal edge somewhat compressed ; ventral margin regularly arcuate ; lateral teeth want- ing, or consisting of a slight submarginal ridge. Diameters, longitudinal one inch ; vertical seven tenths of an inch ; transverse three tenths of an inch. Inhabits Panama. Col. Jewett. It has a general resemblance to T. Uneata, Turt., but is smaller, thinner, more compressed, and has no lateral teeth. It is more closely allied to T. plebeja, but is more equilateral and quite white. It has so few obvious characters that it is very difficult to describe. TELLIXA PURA (PI. XVI. Fig. 3.) T. parva, sub-elliptica, vix ineqnilateralis, tenuis, lucida, vel zonis lacteis zonata. striis minutissimis radiata ; apice acuto ; latere antico semi-ovali ; latere postico modice angustato, truncate, hiante, plica admodum conspicua: intus uitida, striis elevatis tenuibus radiata ; dentibus lateralibus carentibus. Shell small, compressed, suboval, nearly equilateral, thin and lucid except where obscured by zones of opaque white, shining, with numerous microscopic radiating striae; apex acutely elevated ; anterior half semi-elliptical, rounded at extremity; posterior half a little narrowed, the dorsal margin declining in nearly a right line, tip moderately truncate. Within, shining, and marked by nume- rous minute, raised, radiating lines ; lateral teeth wanting. Diameters, longitudinal, one inch ; vertical three fifths of an inch ; transverse three tenths of an inch. 4 26 Inhabits Panama. Col. Jewell. There is no species figured in Sowerby's Thesaurus, nor de- scribed by Prof. Adams, which bears any near resemblance to this. It is remarkable for its symmetrical form and great simplicity. TELLINA GEMMA (PI. XVI. Fig. 5.) T. parva, inequilateralis, transversa, ovato-triangularis, striis rotundatis con- centricis ordinatis insculpta, rosea, albido vix radiata ; latere antico semiovali, superne acute rotundato ; latere postico breviore flexuoso, sub-triangulari ; flexurd valde acuta ; margine ventral! postice incurve ; intus vivide rosea. Shell very small, inequilateral, transverse, triangular elliptic, rather solid, sculptured with crowded, rounded, concentric strise, which become somewhat lamellar posteriorly ; rose-colored, with a few delicate radiating white pencils ; apex about one fifth behind the middle ; anterior part semi-oval, the dorsal outline rectilinear and the extremity more abruptly rounded above than below ; posterior portion subtriangular, flexuous, the dorsal margin somewhat con- vex, tip truncate ; the submarginal fold well marked, and defined by a sharp angular ridge on the right valve ; ventral margin in- curved posteriorly ; interior bright rose red. Diameters, longitudinal, three fifths of an inch ; vertical three tenths of an inch ; transverse three twentieths of an inch. Inhabits San Juan. Lieut. Green. The species which it resembles somewhat in form and color are T. distorta, rhomboidea, and more especially T. scalpellum, which is pellucid, shining, and nearly destitute of flexure. TELLINA (STRIGILLA) FUCATA (PL XVI. Fig. 4.) T. (Strigilla) fucata, Gould; Proc. B. S. N. H. Nov. 1851. IV. 91. T. lenticularis, rotundata, ovato-trigona. T. carnarice simillima, albida, rosa- ceo zonata, sulcis ad declivitates umbonales angulatis arata; intus omnino miniata. Shell of a subcircular or ovate trigonal lenticular form, inequi- lateral, whitish, or roseate zoned and tipped with color more intense, and with a pale ray on the anterior slope in the darker specimens ; the surface furrowed with oblique stria3, flexed at nearly right angles on each of the umbonal slopes ; interior deep carmine red through- out. 27 Diameter, longitud. seven eighths of an inch ; vertical four fifths of an inch ; transverse three eighths of an inch. Inhabits Mazatlan. Col. Jewell. This species is so similar to the well known T. carnaria, of the West Indies, that it is best described by a comparison with it. Its form usually is more rounded ; striae less numerous and larger, forming a more decided angle on the posterior slope ; so that on the disk they are more nearly vertical ; and on the anterior slope the angle they form is so acute as to render them confused along the margin, nor have they any undulations at this border. The interior is deep carmine throughout, whereas C. carnaria is more roseate, and the border is always white ; cardinal teeth of left valve less divaricate. Fig. 38, of Sowerby's Thesaurus, seems to represent this shell. CYREXA ALTILIS (PI. XVI. Fig. 5.) T. solidiuscula, subtriangularis. subequilateralis, ventricosa, tenue striata, calca- rea, epidermide tenui cinerea induta ; umbonibus antemedianis valde elevatis, de- clivitate umbonali angulato ; facie dorsali antico cordiformi, excavate, margine recto, ad extreraitatem citb rotundato ; margine dorsali postico arcuato ad api- cem subtruncato : limbo marginal! interior! violacescente, submargine incarnato. Shell solid, obliquely subtriangular, ventricose, calcareous, co- vered with a thin ashy-green epidermis ; beaks a little antemedian, elevated, pointed, incurved and antrorse ; posterior dorsal slope decidedly angular, anterior much less so ; disks gibbous ; ventral margin regularly arcuate : anterior dorsal aspect cordiform, some- what excavate, margin rectilinear, extremity briefly rounded ; pos- terior dorsal margin somewhat convexly arcuate and compressed, and more broadly rounded than the anterior ; hinge well developed ; cavity of beaks profound ; hinge margin white, disk bluish white, region of pallial impression flesh colored ; margin violaceous, simple. Long. diam. one and three eighths inches ; vertical diam. one and a half inches ; transverse diam. one and one fourth inches. One specimen is marked " Mexico," by Maj. Rich ; another, " Mazatlan (?) " by Col. Jewell. Compared with C. solida, with which it is nearly related, it is less solid, the surface comparatively smooth, and the epidermis smooth, the beaks much more elevated, the umbonal ridge sharper, 28 the anterior end much more acutely rounded than in any other species, the cardinal teeth much more delicate and not tinted violet ; impressions much less profound. CARDIUM LUTEOLABRUM. Cardium luteolabrum, Gould; Proc. B. S. N. H.. Nov. 1851. IV. 91. T. magna, ovato-globosa, posticb truncata, albida epidermide tenui lutescente induta; apicibus submedianis, tumidis, attigentibus ; valvis ventricosis radiatim costatis nisi ad marginem dorsalem anticalem ; costis 42 rotundatis canali pro- fundo sejunctis, et aculeis prostratis ad angulum anticum armatis, postremis fomicatis ; intus alba, dentibus marginalibus croceo tinctis. Shell large, ovate globose, slightly oblique, broadly and obtusely truncate posteriorly, dingy white, covered with a dirty yellow epi- dermis ; beaks tumid, touching ; valves with a slight posterior um- bonal angle, with forty-two rounded ribs, leaving a small plain area in front of the beaks ; they are separated by deep rectangular chan- nels about haWthe width of the ribs ; they are naked at the beaks and centre of the disk, but the lateral ones bear on their external edges oblique, somewhat seedlike aculei, which become broader and almost vaulted posteriorly : interior white, with the marginal serra- tures very deep and saffron colored ; grooved partially to correspond with the external ribs. Longitudinal, vertical, and transverse diameters three and one fourth, three, and two and one fourth inches. Inhabits San Diego. Lieut. Green. It would at first glance be taken for C. pseudolima, a species from Zanzibar. It is more globose, less rhomboidal, the posterior side shorter and less angular ; it has six more ribs, which are nar- rower and more developed on each side, with deeper and more abrupt grooves, and the spines are on the edge instead of the centre of the ribs ; margin more strongly dentate, the denticles acute instead of square, and continued round to the ligament, and yellow instead of roseate ; interior distinctly grooved, exterior with- out fleshy tint. The portions destitute of aculei exhibit the scars from which they have been detached. Agrees pretty well with C. quadrigenarium, Conr. ; color not variegated. C. llandum is smaller, the ribs transversely barred, and with no indications of aculei ; the interior differently colored. ANODON CICONIA. Anodon ciconia, Gould; Proc. B. S. N. H., Nov. 1851. IV. 92 T. solidula. transversa, oblongo-ovata, ventricosa, epidermide lutescenti-cornea induta : apicibus ad trientem anticum long, sitis, eminentibus, acutis ; latere antico angusto, rotundato ; latere postico dilatato, ad apicem acuto, margine dorsali baud angulato ; margine ventral! rectiusculo, antice hiante, declivitate postico tumido, baud angulato ; margarita ex ochracea incarnata demnm argen- tea ; cavositas apicalis ampla. Shell rather solid, transversely oblong ovate, ventricose ; epider- mis yellowish horn color : beaks at the anterior third, prominent, acute; anterior half narrowed, the dorsal margin direct or a little concave, extremity rounded, a little above the middle ; posterior half widening ; dorsal edge at first a little arched, then obliquely truncate, but without forming an angle ; tip acute ; ventral margin nearly straight, gaping anteriorly ; posterior umbonal slope tumid, and not angulated. Nacre ochreous, tinted flesh color on the disk, becoming silvery at margin ; cavity of the beaks capacious. Length four inches ; height two and three eighths inches ; breadth one and o le fourth inches. From the Collection of Lieut. Green, and marked " Mexico (?)." It is evidently an equatorial type, and closely resembles A. anse- rma, from Brazil. It is thicker in substance, more tumid on the posterior half, the epidermis and nacre are quite differently colored. The posterior dorsal and ventral margins have a corresponding slope, a little arched, and come together at the middle of the alti- tude. It is more like A. implicata than any other North American species. MYTILUS GLOMERATUS (PI. XVI. Fig. 8.) Mytilus glomeratus, Gould; Proc B. S. N. H., Nor. 1851. IV. 92. T. parva, solidula, arcuatim oblongo-ovata, nitida ex indica nigrescens, pos- ticeobtusa; apicibus remotis, excurvatis; valvis ventricosis oblique sub-angu- latis, margine ligamentali recto, demum subitb arcuato ; margine ventrali recto vel excavate; cardo altera valvii dentibus duobus, altera tribus; intus argen- tata, ad limbum nigra incrassata et radiatim striata ; cicatricibus profundis. Shell small, oblong ovate, arcuate, rather solid, shining, stria? of growth conspicuous, deep indigo blue passing into jet black, at the 30 posterior end gibbous, the breadth and height about equal, and equal to two thirds the length ; valves very convex, somewhat angular longitudinally along the middle ; beaks acute, projecting, remote, excurved ; ventral margin rectilinear or a little con- cave ; hinge margin at first direct and then strongly arcuate ; dorsal margin somewhat diverging from the ventral ; posterior end broadly rounded ; hinge with two distinct denticles in one valve and three in the other ; ligament excavation deep and broad, the inner plate cribriform. Interior silvery on the disk, smoky black at the mar- gins ; muscular and palleal cicatrices very deep ; limbus thick, radiate striate. Largest specimens, length five eighths of an inch ; breadth and height, three eighths of an inch. San Francisco. Maj. Rich. A very remarkable species clustering upon sea weed in the most crowded manner, so that a string of them reminds one of a thickly crowded cluster of bloom raisins ; so thick are they that the valves of two adjacent species, not having room to open freely, wear each other nearly through by the friction of opening and shutting. This circumstance, together with the very strongly developed hinge and deep cicatrices, forbid the idea of their being young specimens. Byssus is very coarse, wax yellow. LITHODOMUS FALCATUS (PI. XVI. Fig. 9.) Lithodomus fakatus, Gould; Proc. B. S. N. H., Nov. 1851. IV. 92. T. fragilis, margaritacea, subcylindracea, falcata, postice ad declivitatem umbonalem valde angulata, epidermide castaned, rugis interdum bifurcatis cor- rugata induta: apicibus ad octantem anteriorera positis valde involutis ; latere antico dilatato, subgloboso ; latere postico arcuato, coarctato, acuminato. Shell fragile, falcate, subcylindrical, with a strongly marked angle from the beaks to the base of the posterior extremity ; beaks at the anterior eighth of the length, strongly involute and leaving a deep depression in front of them. The anterior extremity is rounded, dilated, broader than high ; the posterior end is arcuate and acuminate ; against the beaks the valves are somewhat corn- pressed ; the arcuation is produced chiefly by the deflection of the superior margin, which is also rather sharp posteriorly. The sub- stance of the shell is somewhat pearly when exposed by erosion, 31 and is covered by a thick chestnut colored epidermis, conspicuously corrugated at every part, in vertical wrinkles posteriorly, but in a somewhat divaricate manner anteriorly. The posterior superior portion gives rise to a byssoid fringe. Length three inches ; height and breadth half an inch. Found in indurated marly clay. Monterey. Maj. Rich. This species is so peculiar, and so entirely different from any other of the genus, as to require no comparison. AVICULA STERNA (PL XVI. Fig. 7.) Avicula sterna, Gould; Proc. B. S. N. IL, Xov. 1851. IV. 93. T. solidula, badia radiis pallidis ornata ; epidermide cinerea serratim fimbriata induta ; apicibus ad quadrantem anteriorem positis; ala semicircular!, mod ice obliqua; dcclivitate umbonali tumida, abrupta ; cauda longissima, gracili; auri- culis magnis, radiatim sti'iatis ; fissura byssali profundissima, acutangulari : margarita argentata, valde iridescens ; limbo fusco-marmorato. Shell rather solid, obliquely ovate, triangular, with a very long, slender, acuminate cauda, and well marked auricles : color dark mahogany brown with a few paler radiations; surface compactly striate, covered with a thin, dirty, cinereous epidermis, very deli- cately fringed with radiating series of minute processes, especially in the vicinity of the byssal notch and at margin. Beaks near the anterior fourth, prominent, oblique, the posterior umbonal slope tumid, and in the left valve limited by an obtuse groove, a sub- marginal angle along the cauda ; auricles radiately striate. Auricle of right valve trapezoidal, widening towards tip and obliquely trun- cate ; byssal notch deep and acutangular; auricle of left valve sub- triangular, as broad as long, the byssal fold prominent. Hinge with a well marked cardinal and lateral tooth in left valve; the cardinal tooth in right valve double. Cavity of beaks very decided. Nacre silvery and highly iridescent; cretaceous margin like tortoise shell. Length of hinge margin two and a half inches; diameter of wing one and one fourth inches ; breadth five eighths of an inch. Inhabits Mazatlan ? Lieut. Green. Panama. Prof. Adams, Col. Jewett. Has the general appearance of A. semi-sagitla, but the wing is less oblique and curves directly into the cauda without any sinus ; 32 the byssal sinus is deeper and much more acute, making a trape- zoidal auricle. The cauda is much shorter in A. tarentina and the wing much more oblique. It most nearly resembles a Florida species, but in that the byssal angle is obtuse, the auricle triangular, and the cauda shorter. LIMA TETRICA (PI. XVI. Fig. 6.) Lima tetrica, Gould; Proc. B. S. N. H., Nov. 1851. IV. 93. T. oblique ovato-triangularis, solida, albida, costis radiantibus ad 18, squamis semi-erectis posticis longioribus armatis horrescens ; apicibus acutis, remotis, muriculatis ; marginibus posticis et ventralibus continuis ; margine antico rcc- tilineari, hiantc ; area cardinal! lata, valida ; fovea ligamentalis minime profunda', costa transversali suffulta. Shell obliquely ovate, triangular, solid, dirty while, with eighteen radiating ribs, covered with long semi-erect muricated scales, long- est at the posterior margin ; beaks acute, divaricate from each other, slightly auriculule, the margin of the wing forming a right angle wiih the posterior margin ; posterior and ventral margins continuous ; anterior margin rectilinear, inflected, so as to form a broad anterior face, with muriculate striaB, broadly gaping nearly half the length, the edges everted at the upper portion so as to form conspicuous nymphse ; hinge area broad and firm ; ligament pit shallow, with a strong transverse rib below it. Interior shining, conspicuously indented by the ribs. Length one and a half inches; height one and one eighth inches ; brendth half an inch. Inhabits La Paz, Gulf of California, Maj. Rich. Compared with L. squamosa, it is narrower, and more compressed ; the posterior and ventral margin is less broadly rounded ; the scales are more crowded, twice as long, inflexed at their points, and much more decided at the dorsal margin ; there are no transverse stria? on the dorsal area. The strong brace or rib in front of the liga- ment pit, by which a deep cavity is formed at the apex, is remark- able, but possibly accidental. 33 VENUS TANTILLUS (PL XV. Fig. 10.) T. parva, ovato-trigona, ventricosa, inequilateralis, solidula ; levis vel sulculis remotis concentricis arata, alba, postice fusco tincta ; margine dorsali antico recto, angulo ventral! rotundato ; margine dorsali postico longiori, rectiusculo, angulo acuto. Shell quite small, rather solid, ovate-trigonal, inequilateral ; beaks acute, surface smooth or faintly waved with distant concentric fur- rows ; the dorsal margins are nearly straight, and meet at the apex in a right angle, but the posterior side is a fourth longer than the anterior; the anterior basal angle is well rounded, while the poste- rior is acute ; basal margin gently curved. Color white, but the posterior third is stained deep slaty blue outside and in, the line of demarcation being quite abrupt and well defined ; there is also a pencil of the same color inside, running from the beak to the ante- rior cicatrix ; the rest of the interior is cream colored. Length one fourth of an inch ; height one fifth of an inch. Inhabits Santa Barbara. Col. Jewett. This, little Venus reminds one of V. gemma, for its minute size, but may more properly be regarded as a miniature of V. meretrlx on account of its form and coloration. Its solidity, and the develop- ment of its hinge, mark it as an adult shell. PURPURA PAXSA. PURPURA PATULA is noted as inhabiting the West Indies, the Medi- terranean, the Philippine Islands, the west coast of America, &c. Without being able to determine whether all these points are really localities for the shell received under this name, I have compared some of the specimens known to come from the west coast of Ame- rica with some known to come from the Atlantic and Mediterra- nean, and find the following differences. The Atlantic or Mediterranean shell is a large, solid, hemispher- ical shell, with blunt, moderately developed tubercles externally ; interior well coated with enamel, white with a chestnut blotch within, and having the lip piceous, or dashed with that color ; the left lip 5 34 is broad, with its edge whitish ; its basal termination is broadly rounded. The Pacific types are rarely more than one inch in length, elon- gated, more than half a cylinder ; tubercles decidedly spinous ; aperture rather contracted, thinly coated with enamel within and destitute of the chestnut blotch ; left lip comparatively narrow, its edge barely a little paler, its basal termination acute and curving quite abruptly towards the canal. These distinctions being constant, so far as I have seen speci- mens, would seem to be sufficient, together with their remote locali- ties, to authorize a separation under the above name. Among the rarer species contained in these California collections were Venus aurantiaca, Sowb., from Santa Barbara, supposed by Mr. Sowerby to belong to the Philippine Islands ; Venus gnidia, Ma- zatlan ; Artemis giganteay La Paz ; Tellina regia, Mazatlan ; Tellina Burnett, Brod. L. California ; Paraplwlas Californica, Conr. (P. Janellii, Desh.) S. Diego ; Periploma planiuscula, Guay- mas ; Thracia granulosa, La Paz ; Anomia macrochisma, Mon- terey ; Trochus Norrisii, Santa Barbara ; Oniscia tuberculosa, S. Juan ; Cassis coarctata, S. Juan ; Saxidomus Nuttalli, Conr. (Ve- nerupis Petitii, Desh.) S. Diego ; Cancellaria olesa, La Paz ; Can- cellaria cassidiformis, La Paz ; Cyrtulus distortus, Panama ; Ostrea Cumingiana, La Paz ; Pectunculus giganteus, Guaymas ; Chiton Magdalenensis, Mazatlan ; Chiton muscosus, Gould (C. Collei, Reeve) Panama ; Chiton Stokesii, Brod. S. Francisco; Mar- ginella imbricata, Hinds. Santa Barbara ; Cerithum irroratum, Gould, Mazatlan ; Saxicava Cordieri, Desh. Mazatlan ; Tellina Bodegensis, San Francisco ; Cardium elatum, Brod. San Diego ; Sanguinolaria decora, Hinds, San Diego. 35 LIST OF THE FIGURES. PLATE XIV. Fig. 1. Bulimus vesicalis. 2. Bulimus vegetus. 3. Bulimus elatus. 4. Physaelata. 5. Acmaea paleacea. 7. Crepidula explanata. 8. Bulla (Akera) culcitella. 9. Bulla (Tornatlna) cerealis. 10. Narica ovoidea. 11. Trochus marcidus. 12. Modulus dorsuosus. 13. Odostomia achates. 14. Odostomia gravida. 15. Chemnitzia tenuicula. 16. Chemnitzia torquata. 17. Sigaretus debilis. 18. Fusus ambustus. 19. Terebra arguta. 20. Erato leucophrca. 21. Con us ravus. 22. Conus pusillns. 23. Conus comptus. PLATE XV. 1. Pholas ovoidea. 2. Arthemis saccata. 3. Lucina orbella. 4. Maetra mendica. 5. Petricola bulbosa. 6. Osteodesma nitidum. 7. Lutraria undulata. 8. Donax flexuosus. 9. Donax obesus. 10. Venus tantillus. PLATE XVI. 1. Tellina miniata. 2. Tellina tersa. 3. Tellina pura. 4. Tellina (Strigilla) fucata. 5. Tellina gemma. 5 bis. Cyrena altilis. 6. Lima tetrica. 7. Avicula sterna. 8. Mytilus glomeratus. 9. Lithodomus falcatus. PL. XIV. O.J.VttLLIS on 6 tone PL.XV O.J.WALIJS on Stone PL .XVI. O.J-WALLIS on Stone 271 was a new comer. Dr. Brewer remarked, that wherever this Swallow makes its appearance, the Barn Swallow gradu- ally disappears, receding before it. He had noticed on the nest of this latter species, on one side, near the top, a shelf of the same materials as the nest, on which one bird sits much of the time, while the other sits on the eggs. As the young increase in size the shelf is occupied by both the parent birds. At night one of these birds is constantly on the watch to prevent surprise. The Secretary presented, in behalf of Mr. Temple Prime, a paper on the genus Cyclas, as follows : — Notes on the Species of Cyclas found in the United States ; ly TEMPLE PRIME. Several species I have not as yet been able to identify to my satisfaction. Say's original specimens in the Cabinet of the Acad. of Nat. Sciences of Philadelphia having been destroyed, the only means left to be sure of his species are to collect them in the original localities. The shell known in Massachusetts as C. similis Say, and described and figured as such by Dr. Gould, is found in many different localities through the country ; but never having received it from the Delaware River, where Say found his shell, and hav- ing, moreover, compared it with Say's figure, from which it dif- fers, I am unwilling as yet, without further investigation, to con- sider it definitively as the C. similis Say. The C. edentula Say, and Lamarck's three species, I have sought for in their respective localities, but as yet no success has attended my efforts. The C. lasmampsis Rafinesque, I hope to have an opportu- nity, before very long, of examining in the Cabinet of C. A. Poulson, Esq. of Philadelphia, in which are deposited all Ra- finesque's original specimens. 272 1. CYCLAS RHOMBOIDEA Say. Jour. Ac. Nat. Sci. II, 380. De Kay, 225. PI. XXV. Fig. 263. Cyclas elcgans ADAMS. Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist. III. PI. III. Fig. 11. Gould's Report, 74. Fig. 55. De Kay, 224. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Animal. Siphons reddish yellow. Foot large. Shell Vide Gould's Rep. 74. Localities. Mass., Vt. (Adams.) Lake Champlain. (Say, Budd, Benedict.) Herkimer County, N. Y. (Lewis.) Rock- land County, N. Y. (Budd.) Cleveland, O. (Anthony.) Green- wich, Washington County, N. Y. (Ingalls.) This shell has long been known as C. elegans Adams, and been labelled thus in cabinets. It, however, answers Say's description of C. rhomboidea, in all points, even to the dimen- sions, so that I have no hesitation in considering it as Say's long lost species. Compared to the C. tenuistriata, it is found to be more full at the posterior extremity, as also more abrupt ; the beaks are less tumid and more rounded ; the coloring and sculpturing are dif- ferent. This species has hitherto been collected but sparingly. Mr. T. J. Whittemore, however, in the autumn of 1851, found it in great abundance in the environs of Cambridge, Mass. It lives in running brooks, buried in the mud, and in the grass. I sup- pose the animal to breed all the year round, having found the young in company with the adult at all seasons. Found in company with Pisidium variabile, and with C. simi- lis. 2. CYCLAS TENUISTRIATA Nobis. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 156. Cyclas cornea LAMARCK. Adams's Cat. 1847, 29. Cabinet ofT. Prime. Shell Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 156. Localities. Tennessee, (Adams.) Alabama, (Ingalls.) This species is distinguished from all American ones of its 273 size, by its smooth and polished surface. Compared to C. cor- nea, it is less globose, laterally more angular, the beaks are rather more tumid, but less rounded ; lastly, it is more solid and differently colored. This shell seems, as yet, to be but very little known ; besides the specimen I possess, I have seen but one other, which was kindly sent to me for description by Prof. C. B. Adams. 3. CYCLAS FABALIS Nobis. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 159. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Shell. Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 159. Localities. Lake Superior, (Agassiz.) Tennessee, (Budd.) The only species to which this shell is allied is the C. cas- tanea ; it differs, however, in being less inflated, the posterior margin is more abrupt, and the beaks are not quite as depressed ; the coloring and size are not only different, but it is also more elongated. 4. CYCLAS CASTANEA Nobis. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 160. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Animal. Siphons of a medium size. Color crimson-red. Shell \ride Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 160. Localities. Wabash River, (Haldeman.) Ohio, (Anthony.) Osvasca L. (Redfield.) Tenn. (Budd.) Greenwich, N. Y. (Ingalls.) Chuck River, Virginia, (Anthony.) Shell very rare. I have found it at the roots of plants in com- pany with P. compressum, P. dubium, and P. variabile. The animal, when in confinement, I have observed to exhibit con- siderable activity. 5. CYCLAS DETRUNCATA Nobis. Bost. S. N. E. Proc. iv. 155. Cabinet of T. Prime. Shell. See Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 155. Locality. Schuylkill River, (Richard.) This shell is remarkable for the sudden narrowness to which its anterior extremity is brought. PROCEEDINGS B. S. N. H. 18 APRIL, 1853. 274 Compared to the C.fabalis, this shell is more inflated and the beaks are dissimilar. Found in company with the C. rosacea. 6. CYCLAS GRACILIS Nobis. Bost S. N. H. Proc. iv. 156. Cabinet of Prof. C. B. Adams and of T. Prime. Shell Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 156. Locality. Ohio, (Adams.) In outline this shell is not very different from the C. similis ; otherwise, however, they are not at all alike. The foreign analogue seems to be the C. rivicola of Europe. One specimen of this species was kindly lent to me by Prof. C. B. Adams for description ; subsequently I obtained one myself through Mr. Whittemore ; it seems to be quite rare. 7. CYCLAS CONSTRICTA Anthony. Anthony Cat. 1853. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Shell. Somewhat inflated, elongated, anterior margin rounded, posterior one abrupt, inferior one straight, broken in the middle by a stricture in the valves, causing a furrow up the better half of the shell ; beaks somewhat prominent, not large ; lines of growth very light and regular. Color greenish yellow. Hinge margin very straight. Cardinal teeth united, prominent. Late- ral teeth not prominent, rather elongated. Interior light blue. Lat. 0.55; long. 040; diam/0.30 inches. Locality. Ohio, (Anthony.) This species is distinct from any on account of the peculiar break in the outline of the inferior margin. Compared to the C. gracilis, the beaks are less prominent and the margins are less rounded. It differs from the C. transversa in being less broad and in the more equal proportions of the anterior and pos- terior extremities. 8. CYCLAS TRANSVERSA Say. Descrip. of Terr, and fluv. Shells. 1829, 30, 31. Cabinet of the B.S. N. H, Shell. Transversely oblong, subovate subinequilateral, anterior 275 margin decidedly more widely rounded than the posterior mar- gin ; beaks obviously elevated above the general curvature ; car- dinal teeth double, distinct. Say. Des. terr. fluv. shells. Hinge margin nearly on a straight line ; anterior cardinal teeth the larger and more prominent; lateral teeth not very prominent ; inferior margin well rounded ; striae very fine ; color light yellow. Long. 0.65; lat. 0.45 ; diam. 0.19 inches. Localities. Kentucky, (Say.) Columbus, O. and Arkansas, (Anthony.) Mohawk, Herkimer County, N. Y. (Lewis.) This shell is more transverse than even the C. similis Say. Its outline is somewhat similar perhaps to the C. detruncata ; it is otherwise, however, widely different, being not only more transverse, more inflated, but also of a different and more fragile texture. 9. CYCLAS SPELERICA Anthony, Mss. Cabinet of J. G. Anthony. Shell. Small, globose, not elongated ; posterior and inferior margins rounded ; beaks inclined towards the anterior, very large, prominent, and well rounded ; an- terior extremity somewhat rounded, very much narrower than the posterior one ; lines of growth fine and regular. Epi- dermis glossy ; color greenish brown ; hinge margin curved ; cardinal teeth double, small, but distinct; posterior cardinal teeth prominent; anterior one nearly obsolete ; interior light blue. Long. 0.29 ; lat. 0.25; diam. 0.20 inches. Locality. Loraine County, O. (Anthony.) This rare species is not much like any of our American spe- cies ; it approaches nearer the C. nucleus of Europe than to any other shell : it differs much, however, not only in size but also in globosity. Compared to the C. cardissa, it is more inflated, the margins are less spherical, and the beaks are more prominent. It is less equilateral and more inflated than the C. ovalis, and less elon- gated and more inflated than the C. rosacea. 276 .y ^ /• wc#6*^b/y, 10. CYCLAS «¥initiv Moots. M Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Shell Small, pellucid, fragile, transparent, equilateral, some- what elongated, not much inflated ; outline of the valves oval ; beaks small, rounded, not prominent ; lines of growth light and regular ; color in some specimens of a light yellow, in others of a greenish yellow ; hinge margin very gently rounded ; teeth small ; cardinal teeth double. Long. 0.26 ; lat. 0.24 ; diam. 0.17 inches. Localities. Oswego and Greenwich, N. Y. (Tngalls.) Co- lumbus, O. (Anthony.) This seems to be a common shell. I have frequently received it from Ohio, as the C. partumeia, with which shell it is not possi- ble to confound it. Its very oval form renders it not only attract- ive but also distinct from any other species. Compared to the C. cardissa, it differs in being less globose and in being more elon- gated. Compared to the C. truncata, it is less inflated, more elongated, and the margins are more rounded. 11, CYCLAS SECURIS Nobis. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 160. Annals of the N. Y. Lyceum of N..H. v. 218, pi. 6. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Animal, of a bright pink color, imparting a pinkish hue to the shell ; siphons of about the same length, rather small, and of a pink color ; foot long and very retractile. Shell Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 160. Localities. Cambridge, Mass. (Nobis.) Groton, Mass. . (Lewis.) Vermont, (Adams.) This species is allied to the C. truncata, and to the C pellu- cida; under the description of C. truncata we have compared it with that shell. Compared to C. pellucida, it is smaller ; it dif- fers in color ; it is less deep, less broad ; the posterior extremity is less broad, and the anterior one is more narrow ; the beaks are a little larger. Compared to the C. rosacea, the margins are more spherical, the valves are more full, the hinge margin is more straight, and the beaks are larger. I have found this shell 277 very frequently at Cambridge during the early summer months, in company with C. truncala and C. clegans. The animal is very lively and crawls about like a gasteropod. 12. CYCLAS EOSACEA Nobis. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 155. Cabinet of T. Prime. Animal, light pink. Shell Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 155. Locality. Schuylkill River, (Richard.) Compared to the C. securis, this species is less elevated, more elongated ; the posterior extremity is not so abrupt, the anterior extremity is less full, the whole shell is rather more tumid, and the beaks are not as large. Found in company with C. detrun- cata. 13. CYCLAS CAEDISSA Nobis. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 160. Cabinet of T. Prime. Shell. Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 160. Locality. Massachusetts, (Prime.) Compared to the C. truncata, this species is more globose, less elongated, and the margins are more rounded. Compared to the C. sphcerica, it is also more globose, and the margins are more rounded. 14. CYCLAS PELLUCIDA Nolis. Stimpson, N. Eng. Moll. 16. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Cydas calyculala DRAP. Adams, Amer. Jour. xl. 277. Shell. Transparent, compressed, somewhat rhomboidal, slight- ly elongated, fragile ; posterior margin abrupt, inferior and ante- rior ones well rounded ; beaks central, rising like small tuber- cles, yellow ; lines of growth not visible ; color light gray ; hinge margin nearly on a straight line ; teeth all small ; cardinal teeth united. Long. 0.34 ; lat. 0.28 ; diam. 0.18 inches. Localities. Vermont, Maine, (Adams.) Canon's River, Cali- fornia, (Anthony.) Greenwich, Washington County, N. Y. (Ingalls.) 278 Professor Adams, the discoverer of this shell, thought proper to refer it to the C. calyculata^ of Europe. I have compared specimens from Vermont with the C. calyculata from England, Germany, and Switzerland, and truly striking as is the similarity, I am inclined to believe our shell to be distinct ; it is a little more elongated, more compressed, and anteriorly more rounded. Compared to the C. partumeia, it is much less inflated, the beaks are smaller but more tumid, as also much smaller. It is less inflated than the C. securis, and also a little more elongated. Found plentifully in running brooks under stones. Miglids. 15. CYCLAS PARTUMEIA Say, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. ii. 380. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Cyclas cornea, var. Lamarck, vi. 268. Cyclas orbicularia Barratt. Linsley's Cat. of Con. Shells, Amer. Journ. xlviii ; De Kay, 223, pi. 25, f. 262. Cyclas mirabilis Prime. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 157. Cyclas coerulea Prime. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 161. Animal. Siphon light pink. Shell Vide Gould's Report, 73, fig. 54. Localities. Mainej Vermont, (Adams.) Massachusetts, (Gould.) Connecticut, (Linsley.) New Jersey, (Richard.) Penn- sylvania, (Say, Anthony.) Whitehall, N. Y. (Ingalls.) Ohio, (Jay, Ingalls.) South Carolina, (Ravenel.) Georgia, (Haldeman.) The general resemblance of this shell to the C. cornea, of Europe, is very close. Its size, color, and tumid form are the same. But that species has the beaks much less elevated, is broader from side to side, and the two ends are almost precisely alike, without any angle or any widening behind. Our shell is on the whole more delicate. The young and old differ both in shape and color. The young are less tumid and larger, and the disparity of the sides is much greater than in the adult. They have, also, a light honey-yellow color, and green transpa- rency. They would scarcely be recognized as the same species, except by being found in company, and also by being actually found within the adult shell. Gould's Report, 73. This species is very common all through New England, and is generally 279 found buried in the mud. Dr. Mighels has found it in Maine, living mostly in crevices of decayed timber floating in ponds. The prolificity of this species surpasses that of all others, especially in the warm months. Mr. Hyde took fifty young ones out of a single specimen. Say. 16. CYCLAS JAYENSIS Nobis. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 157. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Shell. Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 157. Locality. Lake Superior, (Agassiz.) This beautiful and rare species somewhat resembles the C. parlumeia ; it is, however, less inflated, the posterior extre- mity is more abrupt, and the anterior one less rounded. In out- line it has some affinity to the C. pellucida^ but the beaks are larger, and the valves are more inflated. 17. CYCLAS EBURNEA Anthony. Cabinet of the Ac. Nat. Sc. Shell Compressed, fragile, nearly equilateral ; posterior ex- tremity abrupt ; anterior one somewhat rounded, much narrower than the posterior margin ; inferior margin rounded ; beaks not large, like tubercles, slightly inclined towards the anterior ; lines of growth very fine and regular ; color light gray, inter- spersed with yellow, a narrow zone of yellow round the mar- gins ; beaks yellow, faint perpendicular lines of the same color running from the discs to the inferior margin ; hinge margin nearly straight ; cardinal teeth united, small ; lateral ones not prominent. Long. 0.40 ; lat. 0.37 ; diam. 0.20 inches. Locality. Arkansas, (Anthony.) This species is somewhat allied to the C. Jayensis ; it differs, however, in being much less inflated ; the posterior margin is less abrupt, and the anterior one more rounded ; the beaks are smaller and less prominent, and the hinge margin is straighter. Compared to the C. partumeia, it is less full ; the beaks are less prominent, the margins are generally less rounded ; it is broader and more equilateral. Compared to the C. pellucida, it is less elongated, more inflated; the beaks are not so distant, and the 280 whole shell is of a different texture. This is a beautiful species, as yet very rare, however. 18. CYCLAS DENTATA Haldeman. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. i. 103. Cabinet of the Ac. Nat. Sc. Shell. Large, ventricose, somewhat equilateral ; inferior and anterior margins rounded ; posterior one somewhat angular ; beaks large, well rounded, distant, not very prominent ; hinge margin nearly straight ; cardinal teeth single, well visible ; lateral teeth not prominent, of growth not deep, regular ; color olive-green, with a dark streak, of little width, some distance above the inferior margin. Long. 0.50 ; lat. 0.40 ; diam. 0.36 inches. Locality. Oregon, (Nuttall.) The young shell differs from the adult ; it is much more elongated and more heavily striated ; it is less inflated ; the beaks are neither as large nor as tumid ; the color is the same. This species bears a strong resemblance to the C. albula, but it is somewhat more full ; the posterior extremity is not so angu- lar ; its anterior extremity is more rounded, and the beaks are more large and tumid. It is rather more full and less heavily striated than the C. acwninata. It differs from C. similis, in being shorter, more equilateral, less heavily striated, and of a different color ; the young is more full and less elongated than that of C. similis. 19. CYCLAS ELEVATA Haldeman. Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. 1841, 53. De Kay, 225. Cabinet of the Ac. of Nat. Sc. Shell. Ovate, orbicular, nearly spheri- cal, strong, cavity large, equilateral, mar- gins well rounded ; beaks central, slightly inclined towards the anterior, lapping over the outline of the shell, large, tumid, approximate ; hinge margin slightly curv- ed ; cardinal teeth united, prominent; lateral ones elongated, large ; surface smooth, striation light and regular ; color brownish olive, greatly varied by zones of a 281 lighter shade, a zone of bright yellow bordering the inferior and part of the lateral margins. Long. 0.55 ; lat. 0.50 ; diam. 0.33 inches. Localities. New Orleans, La. (Blaldeman.) This beautiful species is, by its spherical form, totally different from any other known shell. Prof. Haldeman, who discovered this species at New Orleans, has found but one single valve. 20. CYCLAS FURCATA Rqfinesque. Mss. Cabinet of the Ac. Nat. Sc. Shell. Ovate, full, somewhat orbicular, strong ; posterior extre- mity somewhat angular ; anterior and interior margins rounded, nearly equilateral ; beaks large, well rounded, but not prominent, having a tendency towards the anterior; hinge margin very much curved ; cardinal teeth small ; two united in one ; lateral ones large, sharp ; surface heavily and regularly striated ; color uniform dark chestnut-brown, interior bluish. Long. 0.49 ; lat. 0.43 ; diam. 0.33 inches. Locality. Ohio ? (Rafinesque.) The specimens from which this description was made, kindly sent to me by Prof. Haldeman, were labelled by Rafinesque's own hand, but I have not been able to find their species in any work, and conclude it must have been in manuscript. 21. CYCLAS STAMINEA Conrad. Amer. Journ. xxv. 342. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Shell. Oval, ventricose, inequilateral, with numerous regular, prominent, concentric lines ; beaks prominent ; anterior and posterior ends nearly equally rounded ; hinge margin curved ; cardinal teeth nearly obsolete ; lateral ones distinct and promi- nent ; interior dark blue. Long. 0.39 ; lat. 0.34 ; diam. 21 inches. Locality. Alabama, (Conrad.) This is a well marked species, not easily to be confounded with any other. 282 22. CYCLAS SOLIDULA Nob-is. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 158. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Shell Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 158. Localities. New River, Va. (Anthony.) Black River, Highland County, O. (Anthony.) This species is very common in Ohio, and as well as the C. distorta is frequently labelled C. similis. Comparing it, however, to C. similis, it is much more broad, less elongate, and stronger; the striations are deeper and more regular. The hinge margin is curved ; whereas, in C. similis it is nearly a straight line ; the teeth themselves are more robust. 23. CYCLAS GIGANTEA Nobis. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 157. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Shell Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 157. Localities. Tuscarora Creek, Franklin County, Penn. (Hal- deman.) Cassadaga Creek, Chatauque County, N. Y. (Red- field.) This is our largest known American species, and is as yet but rare. Compared to the C. similis, it is found to be more full, less elongated, broader, the margins are more rounded, the cardinal teeth are stronger, more heavily striated, of a heavier texture, and of a different color. 24. CYCLAS PONDEROSA Nolis. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 157. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Shell Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 157. Locality. Lake Superior, (Agassiz.) With the exception of the C. gigantea, this is our largest known American species. Hitherto single valves alone have been found. Compared to tha* C. gigantea^ it is rather more inflated, the beaks are higher, and the margins are not so well rounded. Compared to the C. aurca, it is broader, the hinge margin is less curved, though the color is about the same. 283 25. CYCLAS AUREA Notts. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. w. 159. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Shell Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 159. Locality. Lake Superior, (Agassiz.) This is a rare and beautiful species. In outline it is some- what like the C. si?nilis, but otherwise it is different. Its very much curved hinge margin renders it distinct from any other shell. 26. CYCLAS ACUMINATA Notts. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 155. Cabinet of theB. S. N. H. Cyclas albula NOBIS. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 155. Shell Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 155. Locality. Lake Superior, (Agassiz.) Ohio, (Ingalls.) Compared to the C.flava, this species is larger, more robust, and of a different color. 27. CYCLAS EMARGINATA Notts. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 156. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Shell Vide B. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 156. Locality. Lake Superior, (Agassiz.) Compared to the C. acuminata, this species is smaller, more oblique ; the hinge margin is more curved, and the lateral teeth are more prominent ; the coloring and outline are different. 28. CYCLAS BULBOSA Anthony, Mss. Cabinet of T. Prime. Shell Not large, short, thick, globose, spherical ; posterior margin somewhat abrupt ; anterior and inferior ones rounded ; beaks large, prominent, well rounded ; lines of growth not deep, but irregular; color yellowish green ; interior light blue; hinge margin curved ; cardinal teeth nearly obsolete ; lateral ones not very prominent ; posterior tooth the more elongated. Long. 0.38 ; lat. 0.33 ; diam. 0.28 inches. Locality. Arkansas, (Anthony.) 284 This is our most spherical and globular species, and owing to these distinctive marks, it is not very likely to be confounded with any fcther. 29. CYCLAS FLAVA Nobis. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 155. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Shell. Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 155. Locality. Sault Ste Marie, (Agassiz.) This species seems to bear no particular affinity to any other ; it is remarkable for its uniform yellowish color. 30. CYCLAS MODESTA Notts. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 159. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Animal. Tubes light reddish yellow. Shell. Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 159. Localities. Greenwich, Washington County, N. Y., Hoosack River, (Ingalls.) Pennsylvania, (Haldeman.) Saratoga Lake, N. Y. (Nobis.) This species is somewhat similar to the C. distorta ; it differs, however, in being less inflated and less broad, also in being decidedly less heavily striated. The animal is very lively. 31. CYCLAS SIMPLEX Notts. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 159. Cabinet of the Ac. Nat. Sc. Shell. Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 159. Locality. Fox River, 111. (Haldeman.) This species, of which one valve only has been found, and that a dead shell, does not seem to be very closely allied to any other. Compared to the C. modesta, it is more inflated ; the beaks are more tumid ; the margins are more rounded, and the posterior cardinal tooth double in the right valve and single in the C. simplex, is double in the C. modesta. 285 32. CYCLAS INORNATA Nolis. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 159. Cabinet of the Ac. Nat. Sc. Shell. Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 159. Locality. Illinois, (Haldeman.) One dead valve of this species is all that has, as yet, been found. Compared to the C. similis^ it is less elongated ; the lateral margins are less rounded, the cardinal teeth are also more rudi- mentary. 33. CYCLAS DISTOETA Nolis. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 158. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Shell Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 158. Localities. Ohio, (Adams and Agassiz.) Maryland, (Fore- man.) This shell has been confounded with *C. similis ; it is, how- ever, more compact, broader, less equilateral, less elongated ; the hinge margin is more spherical. Compared to the C. soli- dula, it is more elongated, the margins are less rounded, the stria- tions are heavier and more irregular, and the coloring is dif- ferent. 34. CYCLAS TENUIS Notts. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 161. Cabinet of the B. S. N. H. Shell Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iv. 161. Localities. Massachusetts ? (Stimpson.) Androscogoin, Me. (Girard.) This species closely resembles the young of C. transversa ; it differs, however, in being more inflated and less elongated ; it is broader in latitude. 35. Ci-CLAS PATELLA Gould. Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iii. 293. Shell. Vide Bost. S. N. H. Proc. iii. 293. Locality. Oregon, (Gould.) This is to be compared with C. cornea, on account of the 286 peculiar rounded form of the dorsal margin ; the umbones not rising so as to interfere with the general outline. The cavity of the beaks is still more shallow ; the sulcation coarser, and the color yellowish rather than green, and on the whole, the shell is more dense and larger. Gould. December 1, 1852. Dr. Cabot in the Chair. Mr. Stodder mentioned, that a recent cut at East Boston had exposed a curious feature in the drift formation at that place. The drift deposit there consists of a layer of gravel with an undulating surface of uniform thickness, underly- ing a deposit of clay. At the place recently exposed, cracks in the clay are seen from six inches to three or four feet in width, and some of them fifteen feet deep, filled with the drift overlying it. What was the origin of these cracks? The Secretary read a letter from Prof. N. Julius Budge, of Bonn, asking an exchange of the Society's Publications for those of the Natural History Society of Prussia and Westphalia. Referred to the Publishing Committee. Two pamphlets on the Sugar Cane were presented in the name of Mr. G. H. Gallup. The thanks of the Society were voted for the donation. December 15, 1852. The President in the Chair. Mr. Hitchcock presented a very perfect specimen of a Crystal of Spodumene, from Norwich. Mass. ; also fossil 287 fruits and Lignite, from Brandon, Vt., and Fucoids from the tertiary deposit of Massachusetts. Dr. Gould remarked, that at Brandon extensive iron works are carried on, in which the only fuel used is the Lignite, of that locality, which was accidentally discovered about the time the works went into operation. In working one of the drifts, timbers were found supporting galleries, constructed some sixty years ago, which had become con- verted into the same substance. The Lignite when found is moist, and must be kept so to preserve the fruits entire. The President called the attention of the Society to a subject which he regarded as one of much importance, namely, the introduction of foreign fish into our waters. Several species, highly prized in Europe, such as the Turbot and Sole, might, he thought, be brought over and become very valuable articles of trade. In France the experiment had been tried of raising salt water species in the fresh water Lakes of the interior with complete success. He stated, that at his request the American Minister to Eng- land had made inquiries in relation to the matter, and obtained estimates as to the necessary expense, but no attempt had been made as yet to carry the proposition into effect. With reference to the difficulty experienced in transfer- ring living fish from one locality to another at a distance, the Secretary stated, that he had been told that the experi- ment had been recently tried of introducing the Musca- longe, Esox Tiobilior, from one of the Western Lakes into a pond at Cape Cod. The fish arrived safely within the borders of Massachusetts, but died almost immediately on changing the water, in which they were brought, at one of the railway stations. Dr. Gould stated, that several attempts to bring living fresh water shells from Cuba and England to this country had failed, as the vapor of salt water seems to be fatal to them, whether they are brought in mud, in water, or dry. 288 This fact would furnish an argument, if one were needed, against the identity of species apparently the same, in these different quarters of the world. Mr. Ayres stated, that in France salt water fish had been propagated in fresh water by conveying their ova from one locality to the other. M/. Ayres remarked, that the Muscalonge, (Esox nobilior,) fifteen years ago, was introduced into a pond eight miles west of Bellows Falls. Since then the embankment of the pond has been broken through, allowing the fish to escape into the Connecticut, where they are now quite numerous in the still water at the foot of Bellows Falls. They have gradually made their way down the river to within fifty miles of Long Island Sound. The President recurred to the original subject of remark, and said he considered it a matter of considerable import- ance, and he hoped the Society would take some action with regard to it. The President's remarks led to a somewhat desultory conversation on the subject of the Fisheries of the State. Mr. Bouve stated, that the town of Pembroke had here- tofore enjoyed a considerable revenue from the Herrings which annually visited certain ponds within its territory. At a particular season, they were taken in great numbers in seines, and distributed to the citizens under the supervi- sion of officers legally appointed. Owing to a difference which had arisen between the inhabitants and those of the towns between them and the sea, as to certain charges con- nected with the fishery, they had determined on extermi- nating these fish by intercepting them on their way up. The work had been commenced the past year, and there was every prospect of its being completely successful, so that this valuable fishery was in danger of being entirely cut off. Mr. H. R. Storer spoke of the serious injury the coast fishery had sustained from the incursion of the Blue Fish. Description of New Species of Pisidium. 65 IX. — Descriptions of Three New Species o/PisiDlUM. By TEMPLE PRIME. Read September 6, 1853. i. Pisidium cicer. CABINET OF THE DESCRIBEE, Plate I Fig. 1, a, b, e. Shell medium sized, much inflated, rather short, thick and heavy ; beaks not large but prominent ; posterior margin some- what abrupt. Striae light. Epidermis glossy. Anterior mar- gin abrupt from the beaks downwards. Color brownish green. Interior blue. Length 0.25, Breadth 0.23, Diam. 0.12 inches. Habitat.— Washington County, K Y. (Ingalls.) Remarks. — A rare shell ; more inflated and heavier than either P. compressum or P. altile. 2. Pisidium contort urn. [CABINET OF THE NEW YORK LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Plate I. Fig. 2, TV. NEWCOMB, Qfffonoluln, GvrrefiXMdino Member of the 2f. T. Lyceum of Natural Hittoro. f From the Annala of tbe N. Y. Lyceum of Nat. His., Vol. TL, forming Art. V. pp. 18-30. May, 1853.] 1. Achatinella violaeea, Testa dextrorsa, ovato-oblonga, solida, longitudinaliter valde striat^, violaeea, striis pallidis varia ; anfractibus septem, convexis ; sutura sim- plici et valde impressa ; apertura ovata ; columella brevi, in plicam albam, contortam desinente ; labio simplici. Shell dextral, ovate -oblong, solid; whorls seven, convex, strongly striate longitudinally ; suture plain and deeply im- pressed; aperture ovate; columella short, terminating in a twisted plait ; lip simple. Color violaceous with light colored striae. Length 1.1 inch. Breadth 0.55 inch. — MolokaL 2 Descriptions of New Species of Achatinella. 2. Achatinella tessellata. Testa sinistrorsa, ovato-oblonga, solida, minutissime decussata, albido- flavescente, plerumque vittis transversis nigris vel castaneis diverse picta ; anfractibus convexis, ultimo paulum inflate, superioribus nigro et albido semper tessellatis ; apertura alba vel rosea, ovata, infra effusa ; columella brevi et late callosa ; labio columellari lato, subreflexo. Shell sinistral, ovate-oblong, solid, with minute decussating striae, color white or fawn-colored, variously striped or not with black or chestnut bands, upper whorls always tessellated with black and white ; whorls convex, the last somewhat inflated ; aperture white or roseate, ovate, effuse below ; columella short and broadly callous • columellar lip broad and slightly reflected. Length 1 to 1.1 inch. Breadth 0.6 inch. Animal — Body light grey, mantle slate color. Habitat. — Molokai. Remarks. — This shell in form and general appearance ap- proaches A. virgulata Mighels, but may be readily distin- guished at any period of its growth by the tessellations on the upper whorls, by its more robust form, and by differences in the animal. 3. Achatinella Adamsi. Testa dextrorsa, conica, acuminata, transversim exile et longitudinali- ter rugulose striata, fusco-castanea irregulariter albido punctat£ et strigata ; sutura valde impressa ; anfractibus sex, ultimo infra medium fascia alba interrupta ; apertura plumbea ; columella in plicam solidam, abrupte tortam desinente ; labio simplici. Shell dextral, conically acuminate, finely striated transversely, Descriptions of New Species of Achatinella. 3 roughly striate longitudinally ; whorls six ; suture deeply im- pressed; columella terminating in a strong abruptly twisted plait ; lip simple, interior of shell of a leaden blue color ; exte- rior dark chestnut, irregularly mottled and striped with white, with an interrupted white band encircling the lower half of the body whirl. Length 0.9 inch. Breadth 0.5 inch. Habitat. — Makawao, Maui. Remarks. — Allied to A. perdix Keeve, but differs in mark- ing. 4. Achatinella splcndida. Testa sinistrorsa, ovato-acuminata, solida, striis exilibus decussata, alba, lineis multis vittisque transversalibus castaneis ornata ; linearum et vittarum margine superiore integro, inferior! irregulariter serrato; sutura modice impressa, marginata ; anfractibus sex, duobus superioribus albido et castaneo tessellatis, ultimo sub-inflato ; apertura ovata ; columella brevi, lata et contorta ; labio expanse. Shell sinistral, solid, ovate-acuminate, finely decussately striated ; suture moderately impressed, margined ; whorls six ; body whorl somewhat inflated ; aperture ovate, lip expanded, columella short, broad and twisted ; the two upper whorls tes- sellated with chestnut and white, lower whorl with numerous chestnut-colored transverse lines and fillets traced on a polished white ground ; markings correctly lined superiorly and irregu- larly serrated inferiorly. Length 1 inch. Breadth 0.55 inch. Variety *. — Bright chestnut, banded with white. Habitat. — Waialuku, Maui. 4: Descriptions of New Species of Achatinella. 5. Achatinella Oouldi. Testa dextrorsa, ovato-conica, longitudinaliter striata, albido-luteola ; sutura subimpressa, haud vel levissime marginata; anfractibus sex, plano-convexis, tertio lineis brevibus fuscis, formae zic-zac notato, inferio- ribus tribus lineolis variis fuscis cinctis ; apertura rotundo-ovatj/, flaves- cente ; columella subcallosa ; labio expanse et inferne reflexo. Shell dextral, conically ovate, longitudinally striate ; suture moderate, not margined, or but slightly so ; whorls six, flatly convex. Color yellowish- white, with zig-zag lines of brown on the third whorl, and brown lineations more or less numerous encircling the three lower whorls ; aperture rounded-ovate, yellowish ; columella lightly callous ; lip expanded and below reflected. Length 0.85. Breadth 0.45 inch. Habitat. — On Tutui trees, Wailuku valley, Maui. 6. Achatinella riifa. Testa sinistrorsa, conico-ovata, solida, striis decussata, fusco-rubra, epi- dermide fusco, albo-permixto induta ; sutura simplici, subimpressa ; anfractibus sex, plano-convexis; anfr. superioribus epidermidis lineolis albis in zic-zac dispositis, quse in ultimo anfr. in fusco-cinereo concolore evanescunt; anfr. ultimo, infra medium albo-zonat^f; apertura fusco- rubra ; columella valde callosa ; umbilico exiguo aperto ; labio expanso, inferne reflexo. Shell sinistral, conically ovate, solid, with decussating striae ; ground color externally and internally brownish red, covered with an epidermis of a mottled brown and white, the latter arranged on the central whorls in fine zig-zag markings, which are lost on the last whorl in a uniform greyish umber; lower half of this whorl encircled by a broad white band; Descriptions of New Species of Achatinella. 5 whorls six, flatly convex ; suture plain, moderately impressed ; columella strongly callous ; umbilicus open, small ; lip ex- panded, reflected below. Length 0.9 inch. Breadth 0.5 inch. Habitat. — Molokai. 7. Achatinella Redfieldi. Testa sinistrorsa, elongata, conica, longitudinaliter striata; colore albido-flavo, inferne in castaneum fuscum transiente, fascia alba suturali, interdum fasciis fuscis, obscure undulatis in tertio solum anfractu ; anfractibus sex ; sutura impressa, marginata ; apertura subovata ; colu- mella fusca, plana et contorta ; labio subreflexo, fusco. Shell sinistral, elongate, conical, striated longitudinally. Color light fawn passing into deep chestnut, paler above, plain or with transverse chestnut bands with obscure undulations upon the third whorl only ; a white band also traverses the suture. Whorls six ; suture well impressed, slightly margined : aperture snbovate ; columella brown, flat, and twisted : lip slightly reflected, color of the columella. Length 1 inch. Breadth 0.45 inch. Habitat. — Wailuku, Maui. 8. Achatinella ovata. Testa dextrorsa, ovata, nitida ; longitudinaliter exilissime striata, superne pallido-carnea, anfr. duobus ultimis albis, pallido fusco obscure vittatis; anfractibus sex, convexis; sutura subimpressa, marginata; apertura subovata ; columella in plicam contorta, subcallosa ; labio sub- reflexo, nigro-fusco. 6 Descriptions of New Species of Achatinella. Shell dextral, elongate ovate, polished, finely striated longi- tudinally. Color light flesh-colored above, two last whirls white obscurely banded with light brown : whorls six, convex ; suture slightly impressed, margined : aperture subovate ; colu- mella twisted into a plait, slightly callous : lip slightly reflected, dark brown. Length 0.9 inch. Breadth 0.45 inch. Variety «. Shell white, bluish white above, without coloring or bands. Habitat. — Waiauai, Oahu. 9. Achatinella clubia. Testa dextrorsa, conico-elongata, tenui, minute decussatim striata, pallido-cornea, lineis zic-zac et maculis pallidis notata ; anfractibus sex ; sutura simplici ; apertura ovata ; columella alba, in testis junioribus bulimoidea, in adultis callo conspicuo prsedita ; umbilico pervio, parvo ; labio incrassato, subflexo. Shell dextral, conically elongate, thin, finely decussately striated, light corneous with radiating zig-zag lines and blotches of a light color ; whorls six ; suture simple : aperture ovate ; columella white and bulimoid except in strongly developed adults, where it is callous and obtusely dentated : umbilicus small but pervious ; lip thickened, slightly reflected. Length 0.8 inch. Breadth 0.55 inch. Habitat. — Oahu, among stones. Remarks. — This shell may perhaps be identical with A. radi- ata Gould, which from its ambiguous generic character, Pfeiffer transferred to Bulimus, changing its specific name to Gouldi — to avoid confusion with B. radiatus Brug. Our shell here occupies its true generic position, unless we call it a Bulimm in Descriptions of New Species of Achatinella. 7 • its immature state and Achatinella only when fully developed. If retained in genus Achatinella and if its identity with Gould's shell should be established, Gould's name will take precedence, notwithstanding its use by Pfeiffer for a different shell. PfeifFer's A. radiata was published six months after Gould's, and more- over it proved to be identical with A. viridans Mighels (not Keeve.) 10. Achatinella polita. Testa dextrorsa, conico-ovata, niticla, luteola, superne fusco obscure notata, fascia suturali lata, nigra in ultimo anfr. protracta ; anfractibus quinque, convexis ; sutura distincta, marginata ; apertura oblongo-ovata, purpurea ; columella valde tuberculata, extremitate purpurea ; labio simplici. • Shell dextral, conic-ovate, polished, light yellow, a portion of the upper whorls faintly marked with umber, suture with a broad black band, and a narrow line of the same color con- tinued around the body whorl : whorls five, convex : suture well defined, margined: aperture oblong-ovate, dark purple; columella with a large tubercle tipped with purple ; lip simple. Length 0.55 inch. Breadth 0.45 inch. Habitat. — Molokai. Remarks. — This has the aspect of a young shell, but from the size of the tubercle, and an examination of a large number (some containing young) may be considered as having acquired its ordinary size. 11. Achatinella obesa. Testa dextrorsa, depresso-conica, inflata, solida, striata, epiderraide 8 Descriptions of New Species of Achatinella. • castaneo-fusca induta ; anfractibus quinque, ventricosis ; apice acuta ; sutura simplici, distincta ; apertura ovata, alba ; columella in plica forti alba desinente ; labio intus incrassato, simplici. Shell dextral, depressed-conical, inflated, solid, striated, covered with an epidermis of dark umber color ; whorls five, rounded ; apex acute ; suture simple, well marked ; aperture ovate, white ; columella with a strong white plait ; lip thick- ened within, simple. , Length 0.4 inch. Breadth 0.35 inch. Habitat. — Hale-a-ka-la, Maui, among decaying leaves. 12. Achatinella Cumiiigi. Testa sinistrorsa, acuminata, turriformi, striis numerosis fortibus obliquis et longiiudinalibus exilioribus decussata; fusca, superne albo- undulata ; anfractibus quinque, piano-con vexis ; sutura subimpressa, marginata ; apertura oblongo-ovata ; columella sub-callosa ; labio tenui, elliptico. Shell sinistral, acuminate, turreted, with strongly marked transversely oblique striae, and with longitudinal incremental striae more or less developed ; color brown with undulations of white on the upper whorls ; whorls five, flatly convex ; suture moderately impressed, margined ; aperture oblong-ovate ; colu- mella slightly callous ; outer lip thin, elliptical. Length 0.7 inch. Breadth 0.2 inch. Habitat.—- Hale-a-ka-la, Maui. 13. Achatinella Pleillcri. Testa sinistrorsa, acuminata, turriformi, longitudinaliter profunde sul- cata, striis transversis distinctis decussata, tuberculata, et in areis irregu- Descriptions of New Species of Achatinella. 9 laribus dissecta, fusca, superne lineis albis longitudinalibus notata; anfractibus sex, plano-convexis ; sutur& profunda ; apertura oblongo- ovata : columella simplici, plana ; labio simplici. Shell sinistral, acuminate, turreted, with the surface irregu- larly cut up into furrows, ridges, and tubercles by deep longi - tudinal sulcations crossed by strongly developed transverse striae ; color brown, with white longitudinal lines on the upper whorls ; whorls six, flatly convex ; suture deep ; aperture oblong-ovate ; columella plain and smooth ; outer lip simple. Length 0.65 inch. Breadth 0.25 inch. Habitat. — Molokai. Remarks. — The last two species, together with the A. plicata Mighels, form a group peculiarly interesting ; deviating from the typical forms sufficiently to warrant a separation from the genus Achatinella. Should the number of species be multi- plied they may with propriety be erected into a distinct genus. 14. Achatinella eloiigata. Testa sinistrorsa, acuto-turriformi, longitudinaliter distincte striata, epidermide fusca ; anfractibus septem ventricosis ; sutura profunda, sim- plici ; apertura ovata ; columella plicata ; labio simplici. Shell sinistral, acutely turreted, with numerous well defined longitudinal striae, covered with a brown epidermis; whirls seven, rounded ; suture deep, simple ; aperture ovate ; columella plicate ; lip simple. Length 0.5 inch. Breadth 0.22 inch. Habitat. — Oahu. 10 Descriptions of New Species of Achatinella. 15. Achatinella Helena. Testa sinistrorsa, ovato-conica, striis exile decussata, rufa, lineis zic- zac albis, latis, longitudinalibus alternante, interdum anfractu ultimo albo-fasciato ; anfractibus quinque, ventricosis ; sutura profunda, sim- plici ; apertura ovata ; columella sub-callosa. Shell sinistral, ovate-conical, with finely decussating striae, rufous, alternating with broad longitudinal zig-zag white lines covering the entire shell ; the last whirl often encircled by a white band ; whorls five, rounded ; suture deep, simple : aper- ture ovate, columella slightly callous. Length 0.5 inch. Breadth 0.22 inch. Habitat. — Molokai. Remarks. — This beautiful shell is dedicated to the lady who delineated the species herein described, and prepared them for publication. 16. Achatinella laMata. Testa dextrorsa, elongata, subovata, plumbea ; anfractibus septem, planis, tertio angustiori, pallidiori, ultimo fascia alba suturali; sutura submarginata ; apertura elongato-ovata ; columella brevi, in dentem prominentem, plicatum desinente ; labio incrassato, albido, callo interne centrali munito. Shell dextral, elongate-ovoid, plumbeous except the third whorl, the margin of the outer lip, and along the suture of the last whorl, which are white ; whorls seven, flattened ; the third narrower than the second : suture slightly margined below ; aperture elongate-ovate : columella short, with a strong, plaited projecting tooth ; lip thickened, white, with a central internal callosity. t Length 0.5 inch. Breadth 0.21 inch. Habitat. — Oahu. Descriptions of New Species of Achalinella. 11 17. Achatinella mucronata. Testa dextrorsa, elongato-ovata, albida, signis mucronatis numerosis fuscis ornata ; anfractibus sex, ventricosis ; ultimo contracto, epidermide. denso fusco-nigro induto ; sutura superne subimpressa, inferne profunda ; apertura parva, ovata ; columella contorta, plicata ; lablo simplici. Shell dextral, elongate -ovate, white with numerous trans- verse arrow-headed brown markings, except last whorl which is covered with a dense brownish-black epidermis ; whorls six, rounded, the last contracted ; suture slightly impressed in the upper portion, becoming deep at the junction of the last whorl ; aperture small, ovate; columella with a twisted plait; lip simple. Length 0.7 inch. Breadth 0.32 inch. Habitat. — Molokai. Remarks. — The A. rubens Gould is the nearest allied species. is. Achatinella fusca. Testa dextrorsa, cylindraceo-elongata, tenui, longitudinaliter distincte striata, fusca, fasciola cornea suturali circumdata ; anfractibus quinque, subplanis ; sutura lineari, subimpressa ; apertura ovata ; columella interne dentata ; labio acuto. Shell dextral, cylindrically elongate, thin, with strongly developed longitudinal striae, brown with a narrow corneous band revolving beneath the suture and occupying the inferior third of the last whorl ; whorls five, nearly flat ; suture linear, slightly impressed : aperture ovate, columella dentated within ; lip acute. Length 0.35 inch. Breadth 0.2 inch. Habitat. — Oahu. 12 Descriptions of New Species of Achatinella. 19. Achatinella liiieolata. Testa dextrorsa, elongata, turriformi, nitida, epidermide luteola ; anfrac- tibus sex, ventricosis, ultimo lineolis longitudinalibus zic-zac brevibus castaneo-fuscis conferte signato ; sutura simplici ; apertura ovata ; colu- mella dente obliquo, plicato instructa. Shell dextral, elongate-turreted, shining, covered with a yellowish epidermis ; whorls six, ventricose, last one thickly marked with longitudinal umber-colored zig-zag lines ; suture simple ; aperture ovate ; columella with an oblique, plaited tooth. Length 0.5 inch. Breadth 0.22 inch. Habitat. — Maui. 20. Achatinella nitida. Testa dextrorsa, ovato-comca, tenui, pellucida, nitida subcornea ; fas- ciola rufa lineari suturali obscure circumdata ; anfractibus sex, ventricosis ; sutura marginata ; apertura ovata ; columella in pliculam contortam, albidam desinente ; labio tenui. Shell dextral, ovately conical, thin, pellucid, shining, light corneous, with a faint linear band of red beneath the suture ; whorls six, ventricose ; suture margined ; aperture ovate ; columella terminating in a twisted oblique white plait ; lip thin. Length 0.4 inch. Breadth 0.11 inch. Habitat.— E. Maui. 21. Achatinella grana. Test£ dextrorsa, ovato-comca, solida, cornea; anfractibus sex, sub- marginatis ; apertura ovata ; columella dente plicata albida instructa ; labio subincrassato, albo ; labio interior! expanso et arete appresso. Descriptions of New Species of Achatinella. 13 Shell dextral, ovate-conic, solid, corneous ; whorls six, faintly margined; aperture ovate; columella with a strong plaited tooth ; outer lip slightly thickened, white ; columellar lip ex- panded and applied to the body whorl. Length 0.3 inch. Breadth 0.1 inch. Habitat.-—^. Maui. DESCRIPTIONS OF SETENTY-NINE NEW SPECIES OF ACHATINELLA, (SWAINS.) A GENUS OF PULMONIFEROUS MOLLUSKS, IN THE COLLECTION OF HUGH CUMING, ESQ. BY W. NEWCOMB, M.D., CORK. MEMB. LYC. NAT. HIST. NEW YORK, NAT. HIST. SOC. MONTREAL. [From the PROCEEDINGS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, December 13, 1853.] LONDON: PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. 1854. (Mollusca, PI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV.) ACHATINELLA. It will be necessary to slightly change the definition of this genus, that several species clearly belonging under this head may not be excluded. It will be seen that several new typical species are herein described, one of which, A. crassa, makes a near approach to par- tula ; but an examination of the animal proves conclusively that it belongs to the genus Achatinella. Several species are subumbili- cated, and a number have a subreflected lip. The whorls of several species are not smooth ; the beautiful little group of A. Cumingii, A. Pfeifferii and A. plicaia, so far as discovered, form the striking exceptions. Several species are turreted, not conical. Farther re- search, however, is necessary before a complete and satisfactory ge- neric description can be given. The animal is provided with four tentacula, the superior ones clubbed at the end, elongated and ocu- lated, the inferior ones short and slightly clavate ; surface of the body covered with numerous granulations more or less strongly deve- loped ; respiratory foramen, in dextral shells, upon the right side at the angle of the outer lip with the body whorl, in sinistral shells, in a corresponding position on the left side ; the foot is long, narrow, and tapering behind. They are always viviparous, and may be di- vided into arboreal and terrestrial species. The last are found among the leaves, decayed wood, among the crevices of the rocks and hi moist places, crawling upon the ground ; the first are met with on the bodies, limbs and foliage of various trees ; their most common resorts are on the Tutui, Ohia, and a few other species of forest trees, and on the Hau and Ti bushes. The natives have never fed upon the animal as far as I can learn by careful inquiry, although the experiment has been made with almost every marine animal inhabiting the waters of these seas. It is a prevalent belief among the Hawaians, that the arboreal species have the power of making a noise which they call singing ; hence the name of Pupu Kanioe, by which they are known. The following is said to be their vesper hymn : Kahuli aku Kahuli mai Kahuli lei ula Lei ako lea. A free translation of which may be given as follows : Turn away from my sight—; Nay — but turn to me now, And a red wreath so bright, I will weave for thy brow. It scarcely is necessary to add, that the singing and the song are alike imaginary. A 2 1. ACHATINELLA GouLDii (PL XXII. fig. 1). A. testa conico- ovata ; anfractibus 6, piano- converts, ad longitudinem striatis, supra marginatis ; sutura subdepressa ; apertura rotundata, ovata; columella subcallosa ; labro expanse et inferne subreflexo ; colore flavide-albo, in anfractu Ztio lineis fuscis, forma ziczac asperso, 3 anfr. inferioribus lineamentis variis plus minusve numerosis cinctis ; apertura et labro flavescenti. !?; lat.| Long.!?; lat.|poll. . Hab. Wailuku, Mani. Shell conically ovate ; whorls 6, flatly convex, margined above, but slightly ; sutures slightly marked ; aperture ovate ; columella lightly callous ; lip expanded and below subreflected ; colour yellowish white, with zigzag lines of brown on the third whorl, and brown lineations more or less numerous encircling the three lower whorls ; aperture and lip yellowish. Found on Tutui trees. This rare and beautiful species I take pleasure in dedicating to Dr. A. A. Gould of Boston, who is well known as one of the most efficient and accurate natural historians in the United States. r , ^ ^"/^ • " • ^ Hab. Molokai. Shell conically ovate, solid ; 6 whorls, flatly convex, with decus- sating striae ; columella strongly callous ; suture plain, moderately impressed ; umbilicus small and open ; lip expanded, and subreflected below ; ground colour brownish red, covered with an epidermis of a mottled brown and white, the latter arranged on the central whorls in fine zigzag markings, which are lost on the last whorl hi a uni- form greyish umber. The inferior half of the last whorl (usually) encircled by a broad white band. This is a very rare species, the numbers found scarcely furnishing the materials for a description to fix or determine the permanent characters. •? 4. ACHATINELLA FULGENS. A. testa elongata conica, polita, fulgente ; anfractibus 6, plano-convexis ; sutura subimpressa ; apertura ovata / columella brevi, tuberculata ; labro simplici, interne costato ; colore testa superbe castaneo, cum fascia sutu- rali lata, centrum anfr. ventral, dividente ; apicis et columellce albo. Long. | ; lat. £ poll. Hab. Niu, Oahu. Shell elongately conic, polished, shining ; whorls 6, flatly convex ; suture slightly impressed ; aperture ovate ; columella short, tuber- culated ; lip simple, ribbed within ; colour rich chestnut-brown, with a broad white sutural fascia cutting the centre of the last whorl ; apex and columella white. Var. a. White, with broad chestnut bands. Var. |3. Chestnut-coloured above, yellowish below, with two black and one white band, with columella dark brown, of large size, mea- suring f§ths by |§ths of an inch. This last variety may upon farther examination prove to be a di- stinct species. The locality of this last is Makika Valley, " Mauka roa," or far back in the mountain range. An examination of the respective animals will resolve the doubt. ^ 5. ACHATINELLA SPLENDIDA (PI. XXII. fig. 4). A. testa sinis- trorsa vel deztrorsa, solida ; striis delicate decussatis ; anfracti- bus 6, anfractu ultimo subinflato ; sutura modice depressa, mar- ginata ; apertura ovata ; labro expanse ; columella brevi, lata et contorta ; anfractibus duabus superioribus tessellatis albido et cas- taneo, ceteris anfr. fundo albo nitido, multis lineis vittisque trans- versalibus castaneis ornato ; linearum et vittarum margine supe- riore integro, inferiori irregulariter serrato. ., Long. | , lat. 11 poll. ,,',., . . ^. fy ,**.*:'•**'•'• "* ' Hab. Wailuku, Mani, on Tutui trees. Shell sinistral or dextral, solid ; whorls 6, finely decussating striae, body whorl somewhat inflated ; suture moderately impressed, mar- gined below ; aperture ovate ; lip expanded ; columella short, broad and twisted ; two upper whorls tesselated with chestnut and white, with numerous chestnut-coloured transverse lines and fillets on the other whorls, traced on a polished white ground ; markings correctly lined superiorly, and irregularly serrated inferiorly. Var. a. Bright chestnut banded with white, not serrated. Var. /3. White, with numerous black transverse bands. ^ 6. AcHATINELLA REDFIELDI (PL XXII. fig. 5). A. testa elon- yata conica, sinistrorsa; anfractibus 6, supra marginatis, ad longi- tudinem striatis; sutura bene impressa; apertura subovata ; colu- mella fusca,plano-contorta; labro subreflexo, ejusdem, ac columella, colons; colore albido-flavo, infra in castaneum fuscum transiente, simplici, vel fasciis fuscis, obscure undulatis in tertio solum an- fractu, varie striato ; fascia alba suturas permeante. Long. | ; lat. £ poll. .Vna , ;. ty I r . &&t T& **• Hab. Molokai and E. Mani. Shell conically elongate, sinistral ; whorls 6, margined above, striated longitudinally ; suture well impressed ; aperture subovate ; columella brown, flat and twisted ; lip subreflected, of the colour of the columella ; colour of shell light fawn passing into deep chestnut, paler above, plain or variously marked with brown bands, and obscure undulations on the third whorl only ; a white band traverses the su- tures. This species belongs to the native group of " Pupu Caniohi," or singing snails, and it is with pleasure that we dedicate it to J. H. Redfield, Esq., of New York. It is not an abundant species. Found on Tutui, Ohia and Ti trees. 7. ACHATINELLA NIVOSA (PI. XXII. fig. 6). A.testadextrorsa, conica; anfractibus 6, rotundis supra marginatis ; apertura sub- ovata ; columella brevi infra in plicam flexuosam contorta ; labro simplici ; apice obtuso ; colore supra subfusco, infra albo, striis interrupts longitudinalibus viridibus vel subfuscis pulchre ornato, cum vel sine una vel pluribus vittis transversis rubris vel fuscis ; columella rosea vel albida. Long. ^ ; lat. ^ poll. Hab. Niu, Oahu. Shell dextral, conical ; whorls 6, rounded, margined above ; suture moderate ; aperture subovate ; columella short, twisted into a flexuous plait inferiorly ; lip simple ; apex of shell obtuse ; colour above brown- ish, below pure white, ornamented with beautiful longitudinal green or brownish interrupted stripes, with or without one or more pink- coloured or brown transverse bands ; columella pink or white. This beautiful species belongs to the same group with A. abbreviata and A. bacca. v 8. ACHATINELLA MELANOSTOMA (PI. XXII. fig. 7). A. testa dextrorsat solida, polita, conica ; anfractibus 6, plano-convexis, supra submarginatis ; sutura moderate impressa, cum vitta nigra revolvente associata ; apertura subovata ; labro nigro, interne in- crassato ; columella brevi, ferruginea, abrupte in plicam vel tube- rositatem fortem terminante ; colore flavo vel umbroso, cum vel sine lineis transversis fuscis. Long. 11; lat. 1 poll. Hab. Ewa, Oahu. Shell dextral, polished, solid, conical ; whorls 6, plano-convex, slightly margined above ; suture moderate, accompanied with a black revolving band ; aperture subovate ; lip black, thickened within ; columella short, brownish red, terminating abruptly in a strong plait or tuberosity ; colour yellowish or umber, with or without transverse brown lines. / 9. ACHATINELLA CESTUS (PL XXII. fig. 8). A. testa solidd, ven- tricosa, sinistrorsa vel dextrorsa, in apice acuminata ; anfracti- bus 6, rotundis, superne marg'matis, penultimo tumido ; apertura subovata; columella brevi, valde tuberculata ; labro subexpanso, interne incrassato ; colore apicis nigro, anfr. secundi et tertii al- bido, 3 reliquorum albo, subflavo, nigro vel diverso, cum cingulo albo, suturas transiente et anfr. ventralem infra centrum divi- dente, cum vel sine fascia latiori subjacente ; interdum maculis vel tesseris albis et nigris out lineis undulantibus ad longitudinem eorundem colorum ; columella castanea ; labro castaneo, albo in- sperso. Long. £; Int. £ poll. Hab. Palolo, Oahu. Shell solid, ventricose, sinistral or dextral, pointed at the summit ; whorls 6, rounded, corded above, last one tumid ; aperture subovate ; columella short, strongly tuberculate ; lip slightly expanded, thick- ened within ; colour of tip black, second and third whorls white, three last white, yellowish, or black or mixed, with a white cincture tra- versing the sutures and cutting the body whorl below the centre, with or without a broader band below, sometimes with blotches or tesselations of black and white or longitudinal undulating lines of the same colours ; columella chestnut ; lip same colour, interrupted with white. A fine skull, approaching A. similans of Reeve, which it resembles in form, but strikingly differs in markings. \/ 10. ACHATINELLA SWIFTII (PI. XXII. fig. 9, 90). A. testa ven- tricosa, in apice acuminato, polita, nitente ; anfractibus 6, superne subrotitndis, ultimo valde inflate, superne conspicue marginato ; labro purpureo-roseo, crasso et subinflato ; apertura ovata ; colu- mella brevi, in tuberculum ejusdem coloris ac labrum terminante ; anfr. 3 primis albis, inferioribus cum numerosis lineis longitudi- nalibus valde delicatis nigris et albis signatis, ut test ^^ ^ . 1^ Hab. Molokai. ^T Shell dextral, ovately-oblong, solid ; suture plain and deeply im- pressed ; aperture ovate ; columella short, terminating in a white twisted plait ; lip simple ; colour violaceous suffused with white. ^ 16. ACHATINELLA SANGUINEA (Pl.XXII. fig. 15). A. testa acu- minato-oblonga ; anfractibus 7 , infra convexis, supra piano- con- vexis; sutura distincte expressa ; apertura subovata; columella dente plicato contorto ornata ; labro simplici ; colore testae roseo in sanguineum transiente, lineationibus nigris, catenationes et signa ziczac in anfr. 3 inferioribus formantibus, dense obtectis ; testa superne epidermate denudata ; apice mammillato nigro. Long. ^;lat.± poll. Hab. Lehui, Oahu. 10 Shell acuminately oblong ; whorls 7, convex below, plano-convex above ; suture distinctly marked ; aperture subovate ; columella armed with a twisted plicate tooth ; lip simple ; colour of shell from roseate to sanguineous, thickly covered with black lineations, form- ing chain-work and zigzag markings on the three lower whorls ; de- nuded of epidermis above ; apex mammillate and black. 17. ACHATINELLA PORPHYREA (PI. XXII. fig. 16). A. testa SO- lldiuscula, acuminata conica ; anfractibus 7, superne subcarinatis, non marginatis, plano-convexis ; sutura valde impressa ; apertura subovata, infra contracta ; labrotenui; columella brevi, in pli- cam contortam terminante ; epidermate tenui et nigra ; striis lon- gitudinalibus fortibus ; colore subepidermate plumbeo, cum nume- rosis lineisfuscis transversis testam circumambientibus. Long.^;lat.|poll. Hab. Waianoe, Oahu. Shell rather solid, acuminately conical ; whorls 7, subcarinated above, plano-convex ; suture deeply impressed ; aperture subovate, contracted below ; lip thin ; columella short, terminating in a twisted plait ; epidermis thin and black ; strise longitudinal and strong ; colour beneath epidermis of a leaden hue, with numerous transverse brown lines encircling the shell. This species belongs to the same group with A. spirizona, Fer., A. cylindrica and A. intermedia, Nob., but which are quite distinct in specific characters. They are all terrestrial, not arboreal species. 18. ACHATINELLA GIGANTEA (PI. XXII. fig. 17). A. testadex- trorsa, elongato-ovata, apice acuminato ; anfractibus 7, fortiter striatis, ultimo anfractu superne, penultimo inferne subcarinato ; apertura ovali ; columella subarcuata, interne in levem callum ter- minante, externe continuata, ut jungat cum labro externo ; striato crasso deposito supra superjiciem labri interni ; labro externo piano; sutura profunda ; striis longitudinalibus ; colore subplum- beo externe et subliliaceo interne. Long, li; lat.i?poll. Hab. Hale a Ka la, Mani. Shell dextral, elongate-ovate, apex pointed ; whorls 7, strongly striate, slightly carinated superiorly on the last whorl, inferiorly on the penultimate ; columella slightly arched, terminating internally in a slight callosity, exterior continued to unite with the outer lip ; colu- mellar lip with a strong deposit spread over its surface ; outer lip simple ; suture deep ; strise longitudinal ; colour light plumbeous externally, internally pale lilac. This species, the largest yet described, belongs to the same group with A. violacea, from Molokai, and A. Baldwinii, from Ranai, all of which are given in this communication. 19. ACHATINELLA SUBVIRENS (PI. XXII. fig. 18). A. testa co- nico-ovata; anfractibus 6, rotundis et superne marginatis ; sutura 11 distincta, albida ; apertura ovata, infra expansa ; labro incras- sato ; columella brevi, plana et oblique truncata ; colore epider- matis subvirente, colore pallidiore ad longitudinem interspersa; columella, labri et apertura albo. Long. £;!*.£ poll. Hab. Niu, Oahu. Shell conically ovate ; whorls 6, rounded and margined above ; suture distinct and lined with white ; aperture ovate, expanding be- low ; lip thickened ; columella short, flat and obliquely truncated ; colour of epidermis light green, interspersed with a fighter shade arranged longitudinally ; columella, lip and aperture white. Var. a. Pure white. Var. /3. Brown or chestnut replacing the green colour. Through var. a this species approaches a variety of A. rutila, and through var. /3, A. decipiens. It is readily distinguished from the first by its smaller size, greater solidity, stronger striae and more elongate form ; from the latter by its less acuminate form, white su- ture, less solidity, and their widely-separated localities. 20. ACHATINELLA AMPLA (PI. XXII. fig. 19). A. testa dextrorsa, conico-ovata, polita ; anfractibus 5, rotundis ; sutura simplid, vitta nigra fasciolata ; apertura magna, albida; labro externo simplid acuto, interne incrassato ; columella brevi, coloris albi vel rosei ; epidermate supra subviridi vel olivascente, subfusca in an- fractu ultimo. I*«g. £;!•».£ pen. Hab Kolau, Oahu. Shell dextral, conically ovate, polished ; whorls 5, rounded ; su- ture simple, banded with a black stripe ; aperture large and white ; outer lip simple, acute, thickened within ; columella short, white or roseate, terminating in a twisted plait; apex obtuse, roseate; epi- dermis light green or olive above, of a deeper colour on the last whorL t 21. ACHATINELLA ADAMSII (PI. XXII. fig. 20). A. testa dex- trorsa, conico-acuminata; anfractibus 6, cum striis transversalibus exiguis, longitudinalibus fortibus ; sutura valde depressa ; labro expanso ; columella desinente in plicam solidam, abrupte tortam ; testce lamina interna coloris plumbei, externa obscuri castaneit irregulariter albide punctata et striata. Long. i?; lat. I; poll. ,, ] , '/, fy #&.* Hab. E. Mani, at the root of ferns. . <%/ Shell dextral, conically acuminate, whorls 6, finely striated trans- versely, roughly striated longitudinally : suture deeply impressed ; Up expanded ; columella terminating in a strong abruptly twisted plait ; interior of shell of a leaden blue colour, exterior dark chestnut, irre- gularly mottled and striped with white. This species makes the nearest approach in form to A. perdix of Reeve, an immature specimen of which is figured in his Monograph, fig. 43. The locality of this latter species is the almost inaccessible 12 ravines of the mountainous districts around Lahania, W. Mani. The perdix is arboreal, and the Adamsii terrestrial in its habits. The species is dedicated to Professor C. B. Adams, of Amherst College, Mass. 22. ACHATINELLA RUTILA (PL XXII. fig. 21). A. testa OVttttt, conica ; anfractibus 6, rotundis, ultimo superne marginato ; sutura bene impressa ; apertura subquadrata ; labro expanse, subreflexo, valde incrassato interne ; columella brevi, in plicam robustam contortam terminante ; colore substramineo pallide, olivaceo vel fusco, labro albo vel subroseo. Long, g; lat. I poll. Hob. Niu, Oahu. , Shell ovately conic ; whorls 6, rounded, the last margined above ; suture well-marked ; aperture subquadrate ; lip expanded, subre- flected, strongly thickened within ; columella short, terminating in a strong twisted plait ; colour a light straw, olive or brown. ^ 23. ACHATINELLA RUGOSA (PI. XXII. fig. 22, 22 a). A. testa dex- trorsa, conica, fulgente; anfractibus 6, rotundis, supra marginatis ; sutura bene impressa; labro expanse, versus marginemferrugineo et incrassato; columella albida, brevi, plicata et cum callo forti supra umbilicum expanse ; apertura subrhomboidali ; striis numerosis longitudinalibus et in anfractu ultimo rugosis ; colore epidermatis prasino interdum umbrosi instar pallidi vel fusel, coloribus simul cum striis alternantibus cum vel sine vittis transversis subviri- dibus. Long. jjs lat. i poll. Hob. Ewa, Oahu. Shell dextral, conical, glossy ; whorls 6, rounded, margined above ; suture well -impressed ; lip expanded, of a reddish brown at the mar- gin, thickened near the edge ; columella white, short, twisted, and with a strong callus spread over the umbilicus ; aperture subrhom- boidal ; striae longitudinal, numerous, and on the last whorl rugose ; colour of epidermis of a deep green, a light or dark umber, some- times alternating and arranged with the striae, with or without pale green transverse lines. ^ 24. ACHATINELLA MULTILINEATA (PI. XXII. fig. 23). A. testa dextrorsa vel sinistrorsa, solida conico-elongata ; anfractibus 6, ro- tundis, supra marginatis ; labro infra expanse et subreflexo, supra acute et interne adaucto ; columella brevi robusta, subplicata cum callo umbilicum obtegente et pcene claudente ; apertura oblong o- ovata ; colore columella, labri et suturte albo interdum Jlavide in- terstincto; testa alba, cum vel sine numerosis fasciis et lineis trans- versisferruginaceis. Long. 2. kt. g poll. Hab. Kolaupoco, Oahu. Shell dextral or sinistral, solid, elongately conical, whorls 6, rounded, margined above ; lip expanded below and slightly subre- 13 fleeted, above acute and thickened within ; columella short, stout, slightly twisted, with a callus spread over and nearly closing the um- bilicus ; aperture oblong-ovate ; colour of columella, lip and suture white, sometimes tinged with yellow ; shell white, with or without numerous transverse lines of a brown or black colour. This species makes a near approach to A. mustelina of Mighels, but is more elongate in form, with the lineations much stronger, and never passes into the variety of mustelina with the depressed spire and obese body whorl. The locality is also different, which is always worthy of particular remark in examining the shells of this genus. 25. ACHATINELLA GLABRA (PI. XXII. fig. 25). A. testa conico ovata,fulgente; anfractibus 6, interdum inflatis, supra marginatis; sutura bene expressa; apertura ovata; labro subreflexo,e nigrofusco cum margine nigro, interne incrassato ; columella brevi, robusta, expansa, in plicam contortam desinente ; colore argillaceo caruleo vel plumbeo, pallidiore in parte superiore anfractuum ; interdum fasciis transversis albidis vel castaneis obducto. Long. £;l«t.g poll. Hab. Kolau poko. ( o>i • v Shell conically ovate, glossy ; whorls 6, somewhat inflated, mar- gined above ; suture well-marked ; aperture ovate ; lip slightly sub- reflected, dark brown edged with black, thickened within ; columella short, robust, expanded, and terminating in a twisted plait ; colour bluish slate, much lighter on the upper portion of the whorls ; some- times transversely banded with white or chestnut. / 26. ACHATINELLA TESSELLATA (PL XXIII. fig. 26). A. testa sinistrorsa, oblongo- ovata, solida ; anfractibus 6, convexis, ultimo paulum inflate ; superficie minutissime decussata ; coloris fundo albido-flavescente ; vittis transversis nigris vel castaneis diverse striato, ant non ; anfractibus superioribus semper nigre et albide tessellatis ; apertura alba vel rosea, ovata, infra effusa ; columella brevi et late callosa. Long. 1; la, g poll. ^^^'^^ Hab. Molokai. -f Jj Shell sinistral, oblong-ovate, solid; whorls 6, convex, the last some- what inflated ; white or fawn-coloured ground, very finely shagreened plain, or variously striped with transverse black or chestnut bands * the upper whorls always tessellated black and white ; aperture white or roseate, ovate, effuse below ; columella short and broadly callous ; lip expanded, thickened within and semireflected ; animal light grey, tentacles black, mantle slate-colour. Found at Kalai on Tutui trees, and on the broad leaf of the Ti. Has some resemblance to virgulata, Mighels, but the tessellated top at once distinguishes it. ^ 27. ACHATINELLA SORDIDA (PL XXIII. fig. 27). A. testa elon- gato-conica, solida; anfractibus 7, subrotundis, supra marginatis ; apertura parva leviter contracta ; labro infra subreflexo, supra acuto ; interne incrassato ; columella brevi, subplicata cum callo ex- 14 panso, umbilicum parvum, parum profundum partim obtegente ; colore variabili,fundo albido striis vel vittis fuscis et nigris trans- versis diverse lineato. Long. g;lat.£ poll. Hob. Lettui, Oahu. Shell elongately conical, solid ; whorls 7, slightly rounded, mar- gined above ; aperture small, somewhat contracted ; lip subreflected below, acute above, thickened within ; columella short, slightly twisted, with an expanded callus partially covering a shallow small umbilicus ; colour variable, with a white ground variously banded and striped transversely with brown or black. This species, like the multilineata, is drawn from the group of mustelina, the variations in character, with different localities and a peculiarity of habits in each, demanding their separation. 28. ACHATINELLA FUMOSA (PI. XXIII. fig. 28). A.testacylm- drica, ovata, perobscure cornea, tenui, nitente ; anfractibus 7, plano-convexis ; sutura subimpressa ; striis longitudinalibus, bene expresses, numerosis ; apertura ovata; labro simplici, albide fim- briato ; columella brevi cum dente albo lamellari ; vitta fusco-nigra cum altera rubicunda subjacente anfractus infra suturas permeante. Hab. Manoa, Oahu. Shell cyliudrically ovate, very dark, corneous, thin, shining ; whorls 7, plano-convex ; suture slightly impressed ; striae numerous, longi- tudinal, and strongly developed ; aperture ovate ; lip simple, edged with white ; columella short, with a lamelliform white tooth. A dark brown band, accompanied with an obsolete reddish one below, tra- verses the whorls beneath the suture. 29. ACHATINELLA LINEOLATA (PL XXIII. fig. 29). A. testa elon- gata, turriformi ; anfractibus 6, ventricosis, nitidis, sutura sim- plici, apertura ovata ; columella cum dente obliquo plicato ; colore cuticul(B luteolo,in anfr. ultimo lineis ziczac brevibus coloris umbrosi ad longitudinem dense signato. Long.i?; lat.gpdl. ^ W'.4r Hab. Hawaii. Shell elongate, turreted; whorls 6, rounded, polished, shining; suture simple ; aperture ovate ; columella with an oblique plaited tooth ; colour of epidermis yellowish ; on the last whorl thickly lined longitudinally with umber-coloured markings. The large island of Hawaii has yielded to our explorations but three species, all of which are herein described. 30. ACHATINELLA NITIDA (PL XXIII. fig. 30). A. testa tenui levi, subcornea, nitida pellucida ; ovato-conica ; anfractibus 6, ven- tricosis, supra marginatis ; apertura ovata ; labro subcrasso ; colu- mella in pliculam obliquam, contortam, albidam desinente. Long. | ; lat. A poll. ^ ; y y . , ,; .7 , ^f V. *? Hab. E. Mani. X*7 //rj 15 Shell light corneous, shining, pellucid, conical, thin ; whorls 6, rounded ; aperture ovate ; lip slightly thickened ; columella termi- nating in a twisted oblique white plait. / 31. ACHATINELLA CRASSILABRUM (PI. XXIII. fig. 31). A. testa dextrorsa, conico-ovata in apice acuminata, infra ventricosa, soli- diori ; anfractibus 6, rotundis ; apertura ovata ; labro intus mag- nopere incrassato ; columella brevi, in plicam brevem, obliquam terminante ; striis longitudinalibus fortibus ; super fide anfractus ultimi scepe cicatricibus notata ; colore anfractus ultimi subflavo- albido, anfractuum reliquorum fusco vel nigro. Long. g;lat.i poll. Hab. Waianoe, Oahu. Shell conically ovate, pointed at the apex, ventricose below, rather solid ; whorls 6, rounded ; aperture ovate ; lip very much thickened within ; columella short, terminating in a strong oblique plait ; lon- gitudinal striae strong, on the last whorl surface often marked with cicatrice* ; body whorl yellowish white, other whorls dark brown or black. ' 32. ACHATINELLA CORNEA (PI. XXIII. fig. 32). A. testa in- tequali acuta, conica ; apice acuminato tenui, corneo, striis longitu- dinalibus minutis ; anfractibus 7, rotundis, ultimo inflato • aper- tura subovata ; labro tenui, translucido; columella recta, alba et dente plicato transverso munita ; colore testce ubique fusco • corneo; columelltE et dentis albido. Long. ij;lat.£ poll. Hab. ? Shell irregularly acutely conical ; the apex pointed ; last whorl in- flated ; thin, corneous, with minute longitucQnal striae ; whorls 7, rounded ; aperture subovate ; lip thin, translucent ; columella straight, white and armed with a transverse plaited tooth ; colour uniform dark horn ; columella and tooth white. ; 33. ACHATINELLA LABIATA (PI. XXIII. fig. 33). A. testa elon- gata conica; anfractibus 7, fere plants, supra paullb marginalis ; sutura modice impressa; apertura elongate ovata ; labro incrassato, albido, cum callo interno centrali ; columella brevi cum dente pro- jiciente ; valde plicata ; colore externe corneo -pallido, Long, g ; lat. g poll. . fr. I ',. 4>r . . YCJ. *»'*.* *?. • *% Hab. Lehui, Oahu. Shell elongately conical ; whorls 7, flattened, slightly margined above ; aperture elongately ovate ; lip thickened, white, with a cen- tral internal callus ; columella short, with a strong plaited projecting tooth ; colour of epidermis light corneous. Var. a. With the lower third of the last whorl dark brown. This species forms a new type of the genus ; characterized by the white auricular-formed aperture. It is terrestrial, and not arboreal in its habits. 16 * 34. ACHATINELLA VITREA (PL XXIII. fig. 34). A. testa conico- ovata, tenui, nitida, pellucida; anfractibus 7, rotundis supra prope suturam obscure marginatis ; striis forlibus prope suturam, distinctis in testa; apertura elongata subovata; labro simplici, interne subincrassato, infra contracto ; columella brevissima in plicam contortam terminante ; colore corneo speciem luteam vel roseam accipiente ; sutura vitta lata nigra signata. ^ng- si!*- is P°U- Hob. Manoa, Oahu. Shell conically ovate, thin, shining, diaphanous ; whorls 7, rounded, indistinctly margined above, very near the suture ; striae strong near the suture, distinct over the shell ; aperture elongately subovate ; lip simple, slightly thickened within, contracted below ; columella very short, terminating in a twisted plait; colour corneous, with a yellowish or pinkish tinge ; suture marked by a broad black band. This is an extremely beautiful species. Its locality is near the sum- mit of the mountain ridge dividing Manoa from Palolo valley. 35. ACHATINELLA AFFINIS (PI. XXIII. fig. 35). A. testa acute conica ; anfractibus 6, rotundis non marginatis ; sutura bene im- pressa ; apertura ovata ; labro tenui ; columella cum dente lamel- lari albo plicato ; colore albo, roseo vel rubro-flavo cum vestigiis epidermatis fusco-nigra ; ultimo anfractu superioribus pallidiore. Long. g;lat.g poll. Hab. Kula, E. Mani. Shell acutely conical; whorls 6, rounded, not margined; suture well impressed ; aperture ovate ; lip thin ; columella with a white lamellar twisted tooth ; colour white, roseate or salmon, with traces of a dark brown epidermis ; last whorl lighter-coloured than the upper ones. This species belongs to a group of which the following are asso- ciated, viz. A. modesta, Adams, from Molokai, A. mucronata, A. pu- poidea, A. Mastersi, A. assimilis and A.flamda. To the same group may be referred A. rubens, Gould, A. decepta, Adams, and A. nubi- losay Mighels. P 36. ACHATINELLA ACUTA (P1 _VVTTT fl^ f*fi) A. testa acute turriformi, sinistrorsa ; anfractibus 7, ventricosis ; sutura pro- funda; columella plicata ; apertura ovata ; labro simplici ; striis numerosis longitudinalibus et bene notatis ; colore cuticulte fusco. ± -~ ~ *-• *< 4. w - Long. ±; lat. poll. *»*3Z-~ ;K~. **-• *<}. 4r. Hab. Lehui, Oahu. Shell acutely turreted, sinistral ; whorls 7, rounded ; suture deep ; striae numerous, longitudinal and well defined ; aperture ovate ; lip simple ; columella plicate ; colour of epidermis brown. But a solitary specimen of this shell has been found ; but its cha- racters are clearly marked, and no described species resembles it in form. 37. ACHATINELLA POLITA (PI. XXIII. fig. 37). A.testadextrorsa, nitida; anfractibus 5, convexis, supra marginatis; sutura bene "$ ( ( fv^ft definita ; apertura oblongo-ovata ; columella for liter tuber culata cum extremitate purpurea ; labro simplici ; colore luteo ; apertura interne alba vel nigro-purpurea ; anfr. superioribus partim notis coloris umbrosi obscure signatis ; sutura cum vel sine vitta nigra. Long. IB; lat.|poll. { ...^ X~t ty* Hab. Molokai. ,/V Shell dextral, polished ; whorls 5, convex, margined above ; suture well-defined ; aperture oblong-ovate ; columella strongly tuberculate, with purple tip ; lip simple ; colour yellow, upper whorls tinged with umber ; sutures with or without a black band ; aperture within white or dark purple. This species shows two varieties with and without the sutural band. The aperture of the first within is purple, of the latter it is a pure white. J^x 38. ACHATINELLA soROR (PI. XXIII. fig.^38). A. testa sini- strorsa, conica, turritiformi ; anfractibus 7, rotundis ; sutura valde impressa; apertura subovata, parva; labro simplici; columella bre- vissima, in dentem contortum plicatum terminante ; epidermate tenui supra fusco- cornea et infra pallido-cornea. Hab. Mani. Shell sinistral, conically turreted ; whorls 7, rounded ; suture deeply impressed ; aperture subovate, small ; lip simple ; columella very short, terminating in a twisted plicate tooth ; epidermis thin, dark corneous above and light corneous below. Var. a. Last whorl white, shell solid. Length ^ ; breadth ^ inch. Var. /3. Shell thin, dark corneous, poh'shed. Length ^ ; breadth ^ inch. This species is the complete analogue of A. acuta found in Oahu ; it has a more ventricose aspect, and the striae are more developed in the A. acuta. 39. ACHATINELLA OBESA (PL XXIII. fig. 39, 39 a). A. testa depressa conica; solida, inflata; anfractibus 5, ventricosis, striatis; sutura bene definita ; apice acuto ; apertura ovata ; columella plica forti alba pr&dita ; labro intus incrassato ; cuticula coloris um- apertura alba. Hab. Hale a ka la, Mani. Shell depressed, conical, solid, inflated ; whorls 5, rounded, striate ; suture well-marked ; apex acute ; aperture ovate ; columella with a strong white plait ; lip thickened within ; colour of epidermis dark umber ; aperture white. Var. agglutinans. Shell somewhat carinated on the last two whorls, with the keel ex- tended by agglutinations, giving it a pagoda-like form. B 18 This is the most depressed of the genus, but carefully preserves the generic characters, and in the variety exhibits a habit in land shells, found, perhaps, only in Helicina agglutinans of Sowerby. 40. ACHATINELLA TEREBRA (PI. XXIII. fig. 40). A. testtt tUT- rita; anfractibus 6, rotundis, ultimo subinflato, supra marginatis; sutura bene impressa ; apertura elongato-ovata ; labro subreflexo, interne adaucto ; columella brevi in plicam prominentem contortam terminante ; striis decussantibus ; colore melleo cum signis undu- lantibusfuscis, pcene obsoletis in anfr. superioribus ; labro, aper- tura et columella niveis. Long. £ 5lat. £ poll. Hab. W. Mani. Shell turreted; whorls 6, rounded, last one inflated, margined above; suture well-impressed ; aperture elongate-ovate ; lip slightly reflected, thickened within ; columella short, terminating in a prominent twisted plait ; striae decussating ; colour light yellow, with wave-like brown- coloured markings, nearly obsolete on the upper whorls ; lip, colu- mella and aperture white. 41. ACHATINELLA MELANOSIS (PI. XXIII. fig. 41). A. testa dex- trorsa, tenui depressa conica ; apice acuto ; anfractibus 5, rotundis, ultimo inflate ; sutura bene impressa ; apertura subrotunda ; labro simplici, tenui; columella recta, alba et in plicam valde obliquam terminante; colore nigro. Hab. Hawaii. Shell dextral, thin, conically depressed ; apex acute ; whorls 5, rounded, the last inflated; suture well-impressed; aperture subrotund; lip simple, thin ; columella straight, white, and terminating in a very oblique plait ; colour black. 42. ACHATINELLA PUPOIDEA (PI. XXIII. fig. 42). A. testa dex- trorsa, elongata ; anfractibus T , rotundis ; sutura prof unda ; aper- tura parva subovata ; labro simplici ; columella brevi subdentata ; epidermate tenui, pallide fusca ; colore anfr. ventral, albo, trium altiorum subroseo et reliquorum plumbeo : linecefuscce ziczac in- terdum reperiuntur in portionibus superioribus anfractuum infe- riorum. Long.il; lat.Apoll. Hab. E. Mani. Shell dextral, cylindrically elongate ; whorls 7, rounded ; suture deep ; aperture small, subovate; lip simple; columella short, lightly toothed; epidermis thin, of a light brown, beneath which the body whorl is white, the three above pinkish, and the others leaden : brown zigzag undulations are sometimes found on the upper portions of the lower whorls. t 43. ACHATINELLA CURTA (PL XXIII. fig. 43). A. testa conica, sinistra, polita ; anfractibus 5, rotundis, supra marginatis, ulti- li, mis valde ventricosis ; apertura ovata ; labro simplici, interne leviter incrassato ; columella brevi in callum abrupt? terminante ; sutura leviter impressa ; colore luteo vel castaneo ; tequo vel cum fascia suturali nigra ; rare duabus vel pluribus anfr., 2 ultimis impositis ; columella albida vel subfusca. Long. i2;lat.l poll. Hab. Waialua, Oahu. Shell conical, sinistral, polished ; whorls 5, rounded, margined above, the last very ventricose ; aperture ovate ; lip simple, slightly thickened within ; columella short, with an abrupt callous termina- tion ; suture but slightly impressed ; colour yellow or chestnut, plain or with a black sutural band, rarely with two or more on the last two whorls ; columella white or light brown. The rounded whorls and obese appearance of this shell are strikingly characteristic. It is a rare species and extremely limited hi its range. 44. ACHATINELLA FUSCA (PI. XXIII. fig. 44). A. testa tenui, cylindrice elongata ; anfractibus 5 , fere planis ; sutura lineari,sub~ impressa ; apertura ovata ; striis longitudinalibus bene expressis ; colore fusco ; sutura infra marginem inferior em fasciola coloris cornel circumcincta ; inferiori anfr. ultimi dimidio ejusdem co- loris' , ,. /, ., J&,Jf»f,Vf,2> Long.A;lat.|poll. >«J >" Hab. Manoa, Oahu. Shell thin, cylindrically elongate ; whorls 5, nearly flat ; suture linear, slightly impressed ; aperture ovate ; lip acute ; columella den- tated within ; longitudinal striae strongly developed ; colour brown, with a narrow horn-coloured band revolving below each suture ; lower half of the last whorl horn-coloured. This small species is not arboreal in its habits, and is found among the decaying leaves of the Tutui, near the base of the mountain at the head of Manoa valley. / 45. ACHATINELLA RECTA (PI. XXIII. fig.45). A.testaplerumque dextrorsa, solida, pyramidali ; anfractibus 6, subrotundis, superne marginatis ; sutura leviter impressa; apertura subovata ; labro simplici, interne incrassato ; columella brevi, torta et coalescente cum labro interiori ; colore vario, plerumque flavo, cequo vel 2 vittis nigris in anfr. ultimo ornato, quorum alter a in apertura de- currente, altera suturam appropinquante. Long. £;Ui.£ poll. Hab. Waialua, Oahu. Shell usually dextral, solid, pyramidal; whorls 6, but slightly rounded, margined above ; suture slightly impressed ; aperture sub- ovate ; lip simple, thickened within ; columella short, twisting to unite with the inner lip ; colour various, usually yellow, plain, or with two black bands on the last whorl, one of which is lost in the aperture, the other becomes sutural. The shell above described is peculiar for its solidity and rigid aspect. It possesses none of the graceful curves which give to this B 2 20 genus so much of its beauty. The largest size yet discovered is given in the measurement. / 46. ACHATINELLA GHANA (PI. XXIII. fig. 46). A. testa elongattt conica, cornea; anfractibus 6, ventricosis, submarginatis ; aper- tura oblonga ovata ; labro subincrassato ; sutura valde impressa ; columella plica albida in apertura profunde immersa munita. Long. I; ; lat. 1 poll. Ai^ , ^J , &j « , *&*&* • ^ , * ?, - ' Hob. Mani. Shell elongately conic, corneous ; whorls 6, rounded, faintly mar- gined ; aperture ohlong-ovate ; lip slightly thickened, white ; colu- mella with a white plait deep in the aperture. 47. ACHATINELLA PORCELLANA (PL XXIII. fig. 47). A. testa solidiori, conica, polita, fulgente ; anfractibus 5, rotundis, superne marginatis ; apertura ovata ; labro expanso, tenui in margine, in- terne incrassato ; columella brevi, tuberculari ; colors alboris por- cellanei, cum vitta flavo-fusca pallida anfractum singulum circum ambiente, quarum bin& in anfr. ultimo. Long.^; lat. | poll. Hob. E. Mani. Shell rather solid, conical, polished, shining ; whorls 5, rounded, margined above ; aperture ovate ; lip expanded, thin at the margin, thickened within ; columella short, tubercular ; colour of a porcelain whiteness, with a light fawn-coloured band encircling each whorl, the last whorl having two. 48. ACHATINELLA VENULATA (PL XXIII. fig. 48, 48 a). A. testa dextrorsa, elongato-conica ; anfractibus 7, convexis, submarginatis superne ; sutura bene impressa ; apertura subovata ; labro sim- plici, interne adaucto ; columella fortiter plicata, contorta, color e subroseo-suffuso ; colore albido vel albido-roseo cum venis longi- tudinalibus viridibus vel oleastrensibus, ex epidermateformatis. Long. g; lat. S poll. Hab. Kolau, Oahu. Shell dextral, elongately conic ; whorls 7, convex, slightly margined above ; suture well-impressed ; aperture subovate ; lip simple, thick- ened within ; columella strongly plicate, twisted, of a pinkish hue ; colour of shell white, or pinkish white, with longitudinal veins of green or olive-green epidermal matter. Var. a. Sinistral, with a deep black sutural band. y 49. ACHATINELLA MUCRONATA (PL XXIII. fig. 49). A. testa elongata ovata; anfractibus 6, ventricosis ; sutura superne sub- impressa, profunda in junctura anfr. ultimi; apertura parva, ovata; labro simplici; columella contorta, plicata ; anfractu ultimo contracto et cuticula densa fusco-nigra tecto ; testa reliqua alba, signis mucronatis numerosis fuscis ornata. Long. £ ; lat. § poll. ^ ^ J . ^ 7/ rf^T ~VT Hab. Mani. j(* 21 Shell elongate-ovate; whorls 6, rounded; suture above lightly impressed, becoming deep at the junction of the last whorl ; aper- ture small, ovate ; lip simple ; columella with a twisted plait ; the last whorl contracted and covered with a dense black epidermis ; the superior whorls white, with numerous arrow-headed brown markings. This shell is intermediate between A. modesta of Adams, a Molokai species, and A. assimilis, the following species. 50. ACHATINELLA JoHNSONi (PL XXIII. fig. 50). A. testa dex- trorsa, elongata conica ; anfractibus 7, subrotundis, superne leviter submarginatis ; sutura prof undo. ; apertura subovata ; columella valde plicata, rosea cum margine nigro; colore testa albo vel roseo cum 2 out pluribus lineis nigris, quarum singula vel duo cen- trales, cum alia suturali et alia plerumque ampliori infra anfr. ultimum. Hab. Kolau, Oahu. Shell dextral, conically elongate ; whorls 7, slightly rounded, supe- riorly indistinctly margined ; suture rather deep ; aperture subovate ; columella with a strong plication, pink, margined with black ; colour of shell white or pinkish, banded with two or more narrow black lines, one or two of which are central, one sutural, and one usually broader inferiorlv on the last whorl. The following form an alliedgroup : — A.producta, hybrida, aplustre, venulata and Johnsoni. This species is dedicated to the Rev. Mr. Johnson, of Kawai, whose assistance in my researches I most thankfully acknowledge. 51. ACHATINELLA APLUSTRE (PL XXIII. fig. 51). A. testaco- nica, dextrorsa; anfractibus 7, rotundis ; sutura leviter impressa, simplici; apertura semiovata; labro tenui; columella callosa, inpli- cam tortam lerminante ; colore albo-cceruleo in apicefusco ; anfr. 3 primis spiralibus albidis, reliquis vitta ampla centrali coloris rosei et binis fasciis nigris marginalibus ornatis anfr. ultimo. Long. 1 ; lat. g poll. Hab. Kolau, Oahu. Shell conical, dextral ; whorls 7, rounded ; suture moderately im- pressed, simple ; aperture semiovate ; lip thin, with a callus, termi- nating in a twisted plait, bluish white tipped with brown ; three first spiral turns white, the others with a broad central pink band, mar- gined by two deep black bands ; on the last whorl, superiorly and in- feriorly, is a broad bright green band. The gaudy colouring of this species alone separates it from the A. Johnsonii, Nob. It belongs to the same section with A.producta, Reeve, which may be taken as the type of a group of species num- bering some half-a-dozen, and which requires still further additions to render it complete.. >, «. <^ ^ ,cf««,« t.~rf '-^- <•> nt.,^ J*2 "*• /**•' 52. ACHATINELLA HYBRIDA (PL XXIII. fig. 52). A. testa dex- trorsa, conica ; anfractibus 6, rotundis, superne marginatis ; ul- 22 timo subinflato ; sutura bene impressa; columella alba vel sub- fusca in plicam contortam desinente ; apertura ovali alba ; labro simplici, interne incrassato; striis longitudinalibus delicatis; color e viridi vel fusco in anfr. ultimo, albo in superioribus cum venis longitudinalibus for mo sis ejusdem coloris ac epidermate. , Long. 1J; lat. g poll. M c^v^V^ ^ J— r" 'Q Hab. Kolau, Oahu. c^^jV^ ' J*«c~.t *ff,t*~*, Shell dextral, conical ; whorls 6, rounded, margined ahove, the last somewhat inflated ; suture well-impressed ; columella white or brown- ish, terminating in a twisted plait ; aperture ovate, white ; lip simple, thickened within ; striae longitudinal, fine ; colour of shell green, or brown on the last whorl, above white, with fine longitudinal veins of the colour of the epidermis. This species seems to be intermediate between A. producta, Reeve, and A. venulata. 53. ACHATINELLA ASSIMILIS (PL XXIII. fig. 53). A. testa CO- nico-elongata, superne acuta ; anfractibus 7, rotundis ; sutura bene impressa ; apertura parva, ovata; columella brevissima plicata con- torta ; labro acuto, interne subincrassato ; colore albo vel rubro- flavido, dimidio inferiori anfractus ultimi inter dum albido, interne albo-niveo. Long. H; lat. g poll. Hab. W. Muni. Shell conically elongate, acute above ; whorls 7, rounded ; suture well-impressed ; aperture small, ovate ; columella very short, plicate, twisted ; lip acute, thickened slightly within ; colour white or salmon, sometimes the lower half of the last whorl white, and the rest of sal- mon, within pure white. This species might be mistaken for a dwarf variety of A. Mastersi. Its habits are quite different, its locality distant, and the shell has an aspect quite distinct from the small varieties of A. Mastersi, as found on W. Mani. 54. ACHATINELLA RETICULATA (PI. XXIV. fig. 54). A. testa co- nico-ovata; anfractibus 6, perrotundis ; sutura mediocri superne, profunda supra anfr. ultimum ; apertura parva, ovata ; colu- mella brevi cum dente plicato, fere transverse ; colore fusco vel castane ocum lineis et notis transversis albidis, Jiguras varias epidermate imponentibus , speciem texti spiculati vel operis acupicti pr(£bentibus. Long. IH; lat. i poll. Hab. Waianoe, Oahu. Shell conically ovate ; whorls 6, much-rounded ; suture moderate, except at the junction of the last whorl, which is deep ; aperture small, ovate ; columella short, with a plicate tooth, nearly transverse ; colour brown or chestnut, with white transverse lines and markings, laid on to the epidermis in various patterns like lace-work or em- broidery. 23 * 55. ACHATINELLA ORNATA (PL XXIV. fig. 55). A. testa sini- strorsa, acute pyramidali nitida ; anfractibus 6, piano-conveys, supra marginatis ; sutura bene impressa ; apertura in testa adulta subquadrata, subovata in immatura ; labro in margine subincras- sato ; columella lata et complanata ; testa superficie undulis alter- nantibus vel signis ziczac albidis vel nigris, ad longitudinem di- gestis,, obtecta, cum vitta subventrali transversa nigra, interdum etiam cum albida contigua infra in anfr. ultimo. Long. £;lat.£ poll. Hab. K. Mtmi. Shell sinistral, acutely pyramidal, shining ; whorls 6, plano-convex, margined above ; suture well-impressed ; aperture subquadrate in the adult, subovate in immature shells ; lip slightly thickened at the edge ; columella broad and flattened ; surface of shell covered with alternating undulations or zigzag markings of white and black arranged longitudinally, with a subcentral transverse black band, sometimes margined with a white one below on the last whorl. This is an extremely rare species, found in a limited locality, in a deep ravine, at the back of Lahaina. ACHATINELLA ALBO-LABRIS (PL XXIV. fig. 56). A. testa co- nico-ovata ; apice acuto ; anfractibus 6, rotundis, non marginatis ; apertura ovata ; columella brevi, plicato-dentata ; labro semilunari incrassato et albo ; colore umbroso, cum linea suturali flava ; in- terne cteruleo- albida. Long. £ slat. Spoil. Hab. Waianoe, Oahu. Shell conically ovate ; apex acute ; whorls 6, rounded, not mar- gined ; aperture ovate ; columella short, plicately toothed ; lip semi- lunar, thickened and white; colour dark umber, with a yellow sutural line ; within bluish white. We are compelled to separate this and another, the A. reticulata, from A. nucleola of Gould, from which they differ in important and permanent characters. y 57. ACHATINELLA ELEGANS (PL XXIV. fig. 57). A.testaconico- elongata, polita, nitente, solidiori ; anfractibus 6, plano-convexis , superne marginatis ; sutura bene impressa ; apertura subovata ; labro albo, expanse, subreflexo, in medio subcontracto, intus adaucto ; columella brevi, plana et subdentata ; colore albo et per- fusco, modo secundum lineas ad longitudinem, modo maculis latis alternante, nonnunquam cum fascia alba suturali altera in anfr. ventrali addita. Long.H; lat.|;poll. Hab. Hauula, Oahu. Shell conically elongate, polished, shining, rather solid ; whorls 6, plano-convex, margined above ; suture well-impressed ; aperture sub- ovate ; lip white, expanded, subreflected, somewhat contracted in its centre, thickened within ; columella short, flat and lightly toothed ; 24 colour light and dark brown alternating, longitudinally arranged in lineations or broad patches ; sometimes with a white sutural band, and an additional one on the body whorl. / 58. ACHATINELLA PpEiFFERi (PI. XXIV. fig. 58). A. testa sini- strorsa, acuminata, turriformi ; anfractibus 6, piano - convexis ; sutura profunda; apertura oblongo-ovata ; columella simplici et plana ; labio exteriori simplici ; superficie sulcis longitudinalibus profundis, qui striis transversis bene expressis decussantur ; in juga et tubercula dissecta ; colore fusco cum lineis albis longitudi- nalibus in anfr. superioribus . ' Long. £ ; lat. £ poll. jfa* , ,<*/, *l>y * , Hab. Molokai. Shell sinistral, acuminate, turreted ; whorls 6, flatly convex; suture deep ; aperture oblong-ovate ; columella plain and smooth ; outer lip simple ; surface irregularly cut up into furrows, ridges and tubercles by deep longitudinal sulcations, crossed by strongly developed trans- verse striae ; colour brown, with white longitudinal lines on the upper whorls. 59. ACHATINELLA CUMINGII (PI. XXIV. fig. 59). A. testa sini- strorsa, acuminata, turriformi; anfractibus 6, planulatis, supra marginatis ; sutura subimpressa ; apertura oblongo-ovata; colu- mella subcallosa ; labio externo tenui, elliptico ; striis numerosis oblique transversis et fortiter delineatis, cum longitudinalibus de- cussatis, supra totam testam diffusis ; colore fusco cum undulis albidis in anfr. superioribus. Long. £ ; lat. ± poll. J* J&. fy.- ^ &K ^ ^ Hab. Hale a Ka la, E. Mani. { h ** 'J Shell sinistral, acuminate, turreted ; whorls 6, margined above, planulate ; suture moderately impressed : aperture oblong-ovate ; columella slightly callous ; outer lip thin, elliptical ; numerous striae, obliquely transverse and well-marked, traverse the entire shell, with longitudinal incremental striae more or less developed ; colour brown, with obsolete white undulations on the superior whorls. This species, with the preceding, form, with the A. plicata of Mighels, a group of an eccentric and extremely interesting type. No apology will be offered for dedicating this remarkable species to H. Cuming, Esq., of London. 60. ACHATINELLA SOLITARIA (PI. XXIV. fig. 60). A.testaovata, conica, dextra\ anfractibus 6, piano- convexis; sutura subimpressa; apertura ovata ; labro acuto, intus incrassato ; columella alba, brevi lata et abrupte contorta ; colore castaneo pallido cum striis obscurioribus ad longitudinem, viridi prope basin ; fascia alba su- turali in anfr. 2% ultimis, fascia in sutura superiori ; apice lacteo. Long.il; lat. S poll. Hab, Palolo, Oahu. 25 Shell ovately conical, dextral ; whorls 6, flatly convex ; suture slightly impressed ; aperture ovate ; Up acute, thickened within ; co- lumella white, short, broad and abruptly twisted ; colour light chest- nut, with darker longitudinal stripes ; green at the base, white sutural band for the last 2^ whorls, brown band on the suture above. But a solitary specimen of this species has been obtained. Its cha- racters are, however, sufficiently striking to warrant in giving it a place as a distinct species. 61. ACHATINELLA GERMANA (PI. XXIV. fig. 61). A. testa, dex- trorsa, ovato-conica; anfractibus 6, piano - convexis ; apertura ovata; labro acuto, intus incrassato ; columetta brevi, tubercu- lari, fusca ; colore castaneo cum lineis delicatis obsoletis, trans- versis, obscurioribus, vitta alba suturam ultimam transiente et anfr. ventralem in centra dividente ; fascia lata in apertura eva- nescente, columellam circumdante. Long.H5lat.lpoU. Hab. Makawao, Mani. Shell dextral, ovately conical ; whorls 6, flatly convex ; aperture ovate ; lip acute, thickened within ; columella brown, short and tu- bercular ; colour chestnut, with fine obsolete darker transverse lines ; a white band traverses the last sutural whorl and cuts the body whorl centrally ; around the columella is a broad white band, losing itself in the aperture. Closely resembles the A. solitaria, and but for the widely distant localities, might be taken for varieties of the same species. The mark- ings and columellae are however quite distinct. / 62. ACHATINELLA FLAVESCENS (PL XXIV. fig. 62). A. testa dextrorsa, conica; anfractibus 6, subrotundis; suturasimplici, bene impressa; striis numerosis longitudinalibus, et bene formatis ; aper- tura semiovali ; labro simplici ; columella brevi, cum dente obliquo plicato ; colore testa externe uniusmodi subflavo, interne albido vel roseo evanido. ,/ T 13 , 6 „ #' M*^ £4 Hroc. Z. S.MoIrasca.IXIIL 4 4 Z8 52. 33 35 36 37 & * % 3$ 39 A-'*' 4 x 54 5Z George S eeve. ™ 64 66 66 67 68 Catalogue of Terrestrial and Fluviatile Shells, &c. 69 XL — Catalogue of the Terrestrial and Fluviatile Shells of St. Thomas, West Indies, by K. J. SHUTTLE WORTH, of Berne, Swit- zerland, Corresponding Member. Communicated by T. BLAND.* Head Feb. 6, 1854. 1. (21.) HELIX VORTEX Pfr. Habitat etiam in Portorico. 2. (23.) HELIX suBAQUiLAf Shuttl. n. sp. Differt ab H. Boothiana Pfr. et H. peraffinis C.B.Ad., umbilico angustiore, spira depressiore, et colore ssepe pallide corneo vel infumato. An forsan H. spreta C. B. Ad. species mihi ignota. Habitat copiosissime in Portorico. 3. (22.) HELIX EUCLASTA Shuttl. n. sp. Differt ab H.fragi- lis Pfr., cui maxime affiriis, costulis confertioribus, minus pro- * In October, 1852, with the assistance of the late Professor C. B. Adams, I prepared a " Catalogue of the Terrestrial Shells of St. Thomas, W. I.," which was published in Part XL of his " Contributions to Conchology." At the same period I learned from Professor Adams that Mr. Shuttleworth contemplated a publica- tion on the Terrestrial and Fluviatile Shells of the West Indies, and was engaged on those of St. Thomas, in which island his collector, the late Mr. Blauner, had been lately employed. I accordingly sent to Mr. S. specimens of all the species which I had myself collected in that island, in the spring of 1852, and requested him, after examination of Mr. Blauner's shells, to favor me with his observations, as I much desired to have a correct catalogue of the species. Mr. S. has very kindly complied with my wish, by transmitting the accompany ing notes ; — at the date of them (20th December, 1863), he had not published his diagnoses of the new species, as he waited to ascertain the result of the labors of Dr. Pfeiffer, who had received at least some of them through Mr. H. Cuming. The numbers within brackets correspond with the numbers of the species in my catalogue in the " Contributions to Conchology." T. B. f Poey believes this to be H. Boothiana Pfr. He remarks that the narrower umbilicus, and more depressed spire, are noticeable in some individuals only, and that the color depends on the degree of freshness of the shells. I have compared this shell with H. spreta C. B. Ad., and also with H. Boothiana Pfr., sent to me by Poey from Cuba, and am of opinion that it is distinct from each. T. B» 70 Catalogue of Terrestrial and Fluviatile Shells, minentibus et statura major! ; — altera species affinis (H. musicola mihi), habitat in Portorico, spira acute elevata maxirne distincta. 4. (24.) HELIX G-UNDLACHI Pfr. .Copiosissime habitat etiam in Portorico. 5. (19.) HELIX INCERTA Fer. Yera species Ferussaciana, — et distincta ab exemplaribus sub hoc nomine semper distributis, qualia tantum ex insula St. Johannis accepi. Haec species est H. notabilis(mihi).=H. lima, var. notabilisFer.—H. alutacea Ziegl. ined. H. incerta Fer. est autem subfossilis. 6. (20.) HELIX NEMORALINA Petit. Specimina majora habi- tant in insula St. Johannis. 7. (11.) BULIMUS VIRGULATUS (Fer.). Etiam in Portorico. 8. (12 and 13.) BULIMUS FRATERCULUS (Fer.). Ut mihi vi- detur, ex lineis spiralibus evidentibus epidermidis quasi fimbri- atis. Conf. Potiez et Mich, in Cat. de Douai ; Species quoad for- mam, staturam, marginesque peristomatis magis vel minus con- niventes, valde variabilis, in Portorico copiosissime occurrens. B. sepulcralis* Poey, vix etiam distinctus. B. Dysoni, fide specim. differt characteribus plurimis, In B. fraterculo character exi- mium semper adest, nempe nucleus (anfr. primordiales 1§) pul- cherrime granulosus, granulis rhombiformibus ; anfr. sequentes autem lineis spiralibus eximie ciliati. 9. (10.) BULIMUS G-UADALUPENSIS Brug. Nomen Brug. retinendum. H. exilis Gmel. ad figuras tantum conferta, pluri- mas species continet (B. virgulatus Fer., &c.) Etiam in Porto- rico. * Pfeiffer (fide Poey) considers this a good species, and Poey thinks it distinct from B. fraterculus, in which I coincide. T. B. of the Island of St. Thomas, W. I. 71 10. (14.) STENOGYRA* SUBULA (Pfr.). Etiam in Portorico. 11. STENOGYRA OCTONOIDES (C. B. Ad.). " " 12. STENOGYRA GOODALLI (Mull.). " " 13. (15.) STENOGYRA SWIFTIANA (Pfr.). " '" copiosissime. 14. (7.) STENOGYRA OCTONA (Chem.). " " 15. (8.) ACHATINA SUBTILIS Shuttl. n. sp. Ab A. pellucens C. B. Ad. certe distinctissime, et ut videtur indescripta. Colu- mella valde involuta et arcuata basique truncata. 16. (9.) ACHATINA G-UNDLACHI Pfr.f Specimina Pfeiiferiana non vidi, — certe distincta ab A. iota C. B. Ad., — spira aciculari magis acuminata, et statura majore. Habitat etiam in Ja- maica. 17. (16.) SPIRAXJS? (sectionova " Geomelaniformes") EJUN- CIDA Shuttl. n. sp. diifert a Spiraxis (Bulimus) gracillima Pfr. costis minus validis, magis approximatis, interstitiis vix incon- spicue striatulis, et anfr. infer, gracilioribus, minus inflatis.J * I propose STENOGYRA for the acicular Bulimi, and Achatince, — B. subula, octo- noides, — A. octona, — B. terebraster, and their respective allies, which I am enabled to characterize by the habits of the animal, Ac. The geographical distribution is perfectly beautiful, occupying a belt all round the globe, comprised between 30° N. and S., only one or two species going beyond. The genus will contain some 60 'species at least The animals are carnivorous, and the genus is to Bulimus, as Zonites is to Helix, and Glandina to Achatina. B. j. a. f Professor C. B. Adams erroneously distributed this shell with his A. iota. T. B. J I sent specimens of this shell to Mr. Poey and Dr. A. A. Gould. The former believes it to be the same as the Cuba shell. Dr. Gould has compared it with 72 Catalogue of Terrestrial and Fluviatile Shells, 18. (17.) PUPA SERVILIS* Gould. Specimina authentica cl. auctoris nondum vidi. P. pellucida et marginalba Pfr. mihi etiam ignotse. P. Riisd Pfr. mihi hucusque nee ex St. Thomas, nee ex Portorieo obvia. P. servilis Gould habitat etiam in Porto- rico. 19. (6.) MACROCERAMUS MICRODON (Pfr.). Yarietas major, anfr. planioribus, &c., habitat in Portorieo, sed rarior. 20. (5.) CYLINDRELLA PALLIDA (Guild.). Forma major, ha- bitat etiam in Portorieo. 21. (18.) SUCCINEA APPROXIMANS Shuttl. n. sp. ? Habitat etiam in Portorieo. Differt ab S. Sagra Orb. spira multo magis elevata, — sed etiam distincta a S.fulgens Lea. 22. (1.) CYCLOSTOMA (MEGALOMASTOMA) ANTILLARUM Sowb. — etiam in Portorieo. 23. (2.) CYCLOSTOMA (CHONDROPOMA) NEWCOMBIANUM C. B.Ad. 24. (3.) HELICINA SUBFUSCA Mke. Annon species imma- tura ?f individuals from Florida, and sent to me magnified outlines of both, taken with a camera lucida. He remarks : " The number of ribs is the same, though this number varies in different specimens, as does the size of the ribs." x. B. * I lately submitted specimens from St Thomas to Dr. A. A. Gould, who found them " to correspond in all respects" with his shell. TV B. f I cannot distinguish young unfinished specimens of H. striata Lam. from these. May it not be the H. striata transported from Portorieo, and never at- taining full size and perfect state, as is the case with B. decollates in the Canaries ? B. J. s. The physical circumstances under which the animals live in the two nearly adjacent islands are, I must think, the same, and I cannot^ therefore, adopt the suggestion of Mr. Shuttleworth. T. B. of the Island of St. Thomas, W. I. 73 25. (4 a.) HELICINA FOVEATA* Pfr. fide Bland in litt. Species distinctissima, cujus varietas minor (plerumque immatura) est — (4.) H. FOVEATA var. (3. rubella. H. rubella Pfr. fide Bland, in litt. Oceurrit var. etiam in Portorico. 26. TRUNCATELLA SUBCYLINDRICA Gray. Tr. Cariboeensis Sowb. eadem species quam T. succinea C. B. Ad., est species dis- tincta, quern tantum ex Jamaica accepi, — differt species Jamai- censis ab specie St. Thomasi, statura multo majori, anfractibus valde planatis, et prsesertim carina basali dealbata conspicua. 27. TRUNCATELLA PULCHELLA Pfr. 28. TRUNCATELLA CLATHRUS Lowe — a Blaunero tantum lecta. Truncatellae omnes etiam a Portorico accepi. 29. PLANORBIS DECIPIENS C. B. Ad? Specimina juniora pulcherrime crystallina. 30. PLANORBIS CIRCUMLINEATUS Shuttl. n. sp. (Specimina tua majora et valde erosa, forsan a sp. Blaunerianis distincta?) Habitat etiam in Portorico. 31. PHYSA SOWERBYANA Orb. (Omnino cum icone Orbign- yana convenit, sed saepius ut P. Sowerbyana speciem sequentem accepi.) Habitat etiam in Portorico. 32. PHYSA STRIATA Orb. Lineae spirales microseopicse sem- per adsunt. 33. ANCYLUS OBSCURUS Hald. fide C. B. Ad. Species St. Un. Americas nondum vidi. *In 1852, I sent these Helicinse to Mr. Cuming, who forwarded them to Dr Pfeiffer. Under date of April, 1853, Mr. C. informed me that Dr. P. had thus named them, but I have not met with the descriptions. T. B. 74 Catalogue of Terrestrial and Fluviatile Shells, &c. 34. AMNICOLA CRYSTALLINA* (Pfr.). " " var. ft. coronata (Paludestrina coronata Pfr.). Etiam in Portorico. 35. NERITINA VIRGINEA (Linn.). Habitat etiam i#i Portorico. 36. KERITINA MELEAGRIS Lam. " " " 37. NERITINA VIBIDIS Lam, " " " 38. MELAMPUS CONTFORMIS (Brug.). " " " 39. MELAMPUS MONILIS (Lam.). " " " 40. MELAMPUS NITENS (Lam.). " " " 41. PEDIPES QUADRIDENS Pfr. " " " 42. ODOSTOMIA (TORNATELLINA) CuBENSisf (Pfr.). Habitat etiam in Portorico. * I cannot distinguish these as more than forms of the same species, as I find every passage from the smooth to the aculeated shell As the smooth form is most abundant, I take it as the type of the species. Paludestrina Candeana Orb. appears to be different — it is from Guadaloupe, and is probably the same as Melania spinifera C. B. Ad., which differs from the Cuba and St. Thomas species not only in greater breadth, but by scarcely any appearance of perforation or rima. From Portorico I think I have one or two other species, but am not yet clear how far differences in size, and greater or less acumination of the spire, are characteristic in this difficult genus. The name Amnicola must be retained in preference to Hydrobia Hartm., Paludinella Pfr., and Paludestrina Orb. K. J. s. f This is a literal (marine) shell — it was collected by Blauner with species of Rissoa, Scutella, 15 bird and £17/0* beak, we have Orni- thorhynchus — not Ornirhynchus. c. Words of different languages must never be compounded to- gether. We add — 6 d. In compounding two Latin words, the same rule should be fol- lowed, except that i should be substituted when the genitive ends in a ; pennceformis should be penniformis. e. Specific names, derived from localities, should terminate in ensis : those derived from names of persons, when given in honor of the discoverer, should end in the genitive i, or ii, (i, when the name ends in a consonant, and ii when in a vowel) ; but when in compliment to a person not a discoverer, the adjective should end in anus. But names derived from the names of persons or localities are very objectionable : see beyond, § 6, 5, c. III. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FUTURE IMPROVEMENT OF SYSTEMATIC NOMENCLATURE. The following suggestions, although they cannot be invested with the authority of laws, are worthy of being strictly regarded in the future in- troduction of scientific names. § 5. The best names are those derived fi*om the Greek or Latin lan- guage, the former being in general preferable for generic names, and the latter for specific. § 6. It is desirable, a. To select names which may indicate some sensible character- istic of the object : this will greatly aid the memory. b. To avoid specific names derived from localities. c. To avoid invariably deriving generic and specific names from the names of persons. d. To avoid comparative names, such as Picoides, Emberizoides, maximus, minor, minimus, &c. e. To avoid ancient names of species, except when they can be correctly applied with their ancient signification. f. To avoid names closely resembling others in use. g. To avoid names having no meaning. h. To avoid the introduction, under a new signification, of names that have been once ranked among synonyms, except in the cases alluded to in § 2, c. i. To avoid making a generic name out of a former specific name. k. To avoid introducing for a genus in Zoology a name already in use for a genus in Botany, and the reverse. I. To avoid names of harsh and inelegant pronunciation. § 7. It is recommended that names of Families should end uniformly in ida, and Subfamilies in ina. These names are formed by changing the last syllable of the geni- tive into idee or ina ; as Strix gives Strigida, from the genitive Stri- gis, Buceros gives Bucerotidce, from the genitive Bucerotis ; not Bucerida. § 8. It is recommended that generic names, and specific names which are derived from names of persons, be written with an initial capital ; that all other specific names be written with a small initial letter. This principle is introduced with reference to names of this kind already in use ; for it is to be hoped that they may not be added to in future. (§6, c.) § 9. It is recommended that the original authority of a species always follow the name in brackets ; and if the name be subsequently altered, the authority for the same as altered, be added without brackets. It has been common for systematists to change a generic name, and then to add their own name to all the species. To prevent this injus- tice, which is no less than a kind of piracy, the above rule is proposed. As an example — the Tyrannus crinitus of SWAINSON is the Muscicapa crinita of LINN.EUS : to distinguish here the author of the former name and give due justice to LINN.EUS, it may be written, Tyrannus crinitus^ (LiNN.) SWAIN. By this we do not intimate whether the genus Tyran- nus is SWAINSON'S or not; it is sufficient for the purposes of science to show here that the above title, as a whole, was first adopted by SWAIN- SON. The authority for the genus will be found elsewhere. § 10. It is recommended that when an author, through ignorance of what his predecessors have done, gives to a species an appropriated specific name, the name of such author be omitted. § 11. It is recommended that when an author only corrects a false or- thography, his name be not added as authority for the corrected term. § 12. It is recommended that in subdividing a genus, the new generic names proposed for the subdivisions formed, agree in gender with that of the original genus. § 13. It is recommended that in proposing new genera, the etymol- ogy of the names be always stated ; and that one species be pointed out as a type or standard of reference. § 14. It is recommended that new genera and species be amply de- fined, and that the descriptions be inserted in such periodical or other works as are likely to obtain immediate and extensive circulation. JAMES D. DANA. A. BINNEY. S. S. HALDEMAN. C. U. SHEPARD. D. H. STOKER. C. DEWEY. A. A. GOULD. J. D. WHELPLEY. E. C. HERRICK. Verzeichniss der clureli Herrii Dr. v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelten Coiichylieu. Vom Herttusgeber. (Hierzu Taf. V— VII.) Schon vor mehreren Jahrenhat mir HerrDr. v. Tschudi eine Sammlung von Conchylien ubergeben, welche er selbst wahrend seines Aufenthaltes in Peru zusammengebracht hat, urn sie zu bearbeiten, und die etwa daraus zu ziehenden wis- senschaftlichen Ergebnisse zu veroffentlichen. Ich muss mich leider fur schuldig bekennen, ungebuhrlich lange dieseBear- beitung verzogert zu haben. Es war des Besitzers und Sammlers dieser Conchylien Wunsch, ich mochte ein vollstandiges Verzeichniss aller von Peru bekannter Mollusken zusammenstellen , die vorliegende Sammlung als Grundlage benutzend. Obgleich ich nicht ver- kenne, dass ein derartiges Verzeichniss recht nutzlich ware, so sehe ich mich doch nicht im Stande, es einigermassen vollstandig zu liefern, hauptsachlich deswegen nicht, weil in den Schriflen das Vaterland oft nur ungenau angegeben ist, und weil sich namentlich in vielen Fallen schwer entscheiden lassen durfte, ob der Verbreitungsbezirk Chilesischer Arten sich auch auf Peru ausdehne. So entledige ich mich der ubernommenen Verpflichtung gegen Herrn Dr. v. Tschudi durch das folgende Verzeich- niss seiner Sammlung, und glaube es durch einige einge- streute Bemerkungen, und durch die Abbildungen der neuen Arten des Druckes werth zu machen. .Ich folge in der Auf- zahlung meinem in der dritten Auflage von Wiegmann's Hand- 152 Troschel: - buch der Zoologie zuerst aufgestellten Sysleme mit den Ab- anderungen in der Stellung einzelner Gattungen , die sich seitdem nothwendig gemachl haben. Gasteropoda, Leider befinden sich in der Sammlung weder Cephalo- poden, noch Pteropoden oder Heteropoden, wie denn tiber- haupt nur wenige Stiicke in Weingeist aufbewahrt sind. Pulmonata operciilata. Es ist mir wohl eingewandt worden, es sei ein Fehler meines Systems, dass die Deckel - Lungenschnecken so weit von den anderen Lungenschnecken getrennt seien, indessen beide Abtheilungen haben in der That nichts weiter mit ein- ander gemein, als dass sie durch Lungen athmen. So habe ich beide Abtheilungen an die Spitze gestellt, die eine an die Spitze der Schnecken mit getrenntem Geschlechte, die andere an die Spitze der Zwitterschnecken. Sie sind einander ana- log in verschiedenen Reihen. Fam. Cyclostomacea. 1) Cyclotus translucidus Pfr. Cyclostoma translucidum Sow. Thes. I. p. 106. pi. 23. fig. 4. Cyclostoma translucidum Pfeiffer Kuster's Conch. -Cab. Taf. 1. Fig. 8—10. Cyclotus translucidus Pfeiffer Zeitschr. fur Malakozool. 1851. p. 133. ,,In den Waldern von Uchubamba." Drei abgeriebene Exemplare ohne Deckel, jedoch sicher zu bestimmen. Ctenobraiicliiata. Von der grossen Ordnung der Cuvier's'chen Kammkie- mer miissen unzweifelhaft die Neritaceen und Trochoiden aus- geschieden werden. Sie besitzen keine kammformige Kieme, dieselbe ist vielmehr federformig und frei in der Kiemenhohle flottirend; sie haben gestielte Augen, wahrcnd bei den ech- ten Kammkiemern die Augen sitzend sind, und ihre Zunge ist ganz abweichend gebildet. Ich habe sie *) mit den Ha- 1) Wiegmann's Handbuch der Zoologie. 3. Aufl. p. 553. Verzeichniss d. dnrch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 153 liotiden und Fissurellaceen zu einer besonderen Ordnung ver- einigt. Nachdem die Kammkiemer von diesen fremden Be- standtheilen gereinigt sind , enthalten sie doch noch eine grosse Anzahl von Familien, die ich nach der auffallenden Verschiedenheit ihrer Mundtheile in drei Gruppen gebracht habe. Die einen haben keinen ausstiilpbaren Russel, sondern nur eine vorstehende Schnauze, in welcher eine bandformige Zunge liegt, auf deren Oberflache sich (mit einziger Aus- nahme von Coriocella) sieben Langsreihen von Flatten un- terscheiden lassen (Taenioglossata); die andern haben einen ausstulpbaren Russel, in welchem eine meist kleine bandfor- mige Zunge liegt, die meist eine geringere Zahl von Haken auf ihrer Oberflache tragt (Proboscidea) ; endlich drittens weicht eine kleine Zahl von Gattungen auf das seltsamste dadurch ab, dass in ihrem Munde zwei Reihen von hohlen, kanallormigen Stacheln sich fmden, die mit ihrem hinteren Ende an einem Muskelfaden befestigt sind und aus dem Munde vvie Pfeile hervorgeschnellt werden konnen. Ich habe sie deshalb Toxoglossata genannt. Bei manchen sind sogar die Stacheln an ihrem Ende , wie die Zunge der Spechte , mit Wiederhaken versehen. Die Vermuthung Love n's, dass sie giftig seien , scheint sich zu bestatigen, denn Adams er- zahlt !)> dass der Kapitian Belcher von einem Conus aulicus gebissen sei , als er ihn aus dem Wasser zog , was eine schmerzhafte Geschwulst veranlasste. Da in dieser Gruppe sich Gattungen ohne ausstulpbaren Russel (Conus) mit sol- chen die einen derartigen Russel besitzen (Pleuroloma), ver- einigen, so habe ich sie zwischen die beiden anderen Grup- pen geslellt. Taenioglossata. Fam. Potamophila. 2) Paludestrina culminea d'Orb. d'Orbigny Voyage dans 1'Amer. mer. Mollusques p. 386. no. 272. pi. 47. fig. 10—12. 1) Narrative of the Voyage of II. 31. S. fcamarang during the Years 1843 — 46. employed surveying the Islands of the eastern Ar- chipelago by Capt. Sir Edwards Belcher, p. 356. Vergl. dies Archiv. 1850. II. p. 119. 154 Troschel: Offenbar 1st es ein Druckfehler, wenn bei d'Orbigny 1. c. zu dieser Art Fig. 17—21 derselben Tafel gezogen werden. — Die Exemplare sind in Weingeist aufbewahrt, und es 1st mir gelungen, trotz der Kleinheit des Thieres , mich von dem Vorhandensein der beiden rudimentaren Kiefer, die kleine aus feinen langlichen Schuppchen zusammengesetzte Flatten, sehr ahnlich wie bei Paludina, bilden, zu uberzeugen. Die Zunge habe ich zwar gesehen , doch liessen sich ihre ein- zelnen Theile nicht genau beobachten. 3) Melania Largillierti Phil. Philippi Abbild. u. Bescbr. Melania tab. II. fig. 10. , ,,Beim Flusse von Acobamba." Fam. Littorinacea. 4) Littorina fasciata Gray. Philippi Abbild. Bd. II. Littorina tab. V. fig. 1.2. ,Peru.« 5) Littorina varia Sow. Philippi Abbild. Bd. II. Littorina tab. I. fig. 2.3. 6) Littorina zebra Phil. Phasianella peruviana Lam. Hist. d. anim. s. vert, tome IX p. 243. no. 5. Littorina peruviana d'Orb. Voy. Mollusques p. 393. pi. 53. fig. 5-7. ' Philippi Abbild. Bd. II. Littorina tab. III. fig. 16. Es ist mir gelungen , aus den eingetrockneten Thieren die ganze Zunge herauszuprapariren. Sie hat eineLange von 74 Mill, (zu deutsch 2Zoll 10y3 Lin. rheinl.) bei einerLange der Schale von 18 Mill. Die Zunge ist hinter der Mund- masse uriregelmassig zusammengewickelt. ,,Peru.« 7) Littorina paytensis PhH. Philippi Abbild. II. Littorina tab. HI fig 25 8} Rissoina inca d'Orb. d'Orbigny Voy. Amer. mer. Mollusques p. 395. pi. 53. fig. 9) Rissoina sulcifera Nob. nov. spec, (Taf. V. Fig. 1.) Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 155 R. testa turrita, crassa, transversim profunde sulcata; anfractibus convexiusculis sutura profunda divisis ; sulcis trans- versis 4 in anfractibus superioribus, 10 in ultimo , basalibus angustioribus, caeteris aeque distantibus. 12 mill. Die d'Orbigny'sche Gattung Rissoina zeichnet sich so auffallend durch die kanalartige Ausbucht am Grunde der Miindung, und durch den Deckel, welcher dem derNeritinen gleicht, aus, dass ich ihr, mit Philip pi 0* den Rang eines Genus einraume. Die Stellung (Tieser Gattung muss zweifel- haft bleiben bis zur Kenntniss des Thieres, und ich lasse sie vorlaufig bei Rissoa stehen, von der sie d'O r b i g n y nur als Untergattung geschieden hat. Diese neue Art unterscheidet sich leicht durch die tiefen Furchen, welche denWindungen folgen, und durch den vol- ligen Mangel von Langs-Rippen oder Langsstreifen. Die Schale besteht aus 8 Windungen, die wenig convex sind, die aber durch eine ziemlich tiefe Naht von einander getrennt werden, was dadurch entsteht> dass jede Windung sich dicht unter der vierten Furche an die vorhergehende Windung anlegt. Von den Windungen der Spira tragt jede regelmassig vier schmale aber tiefe Furchen; die letzte Windung hat deren zehn, von denen die an der Basis verlaufenden enger stehen als die iibrigen. Die Zwischenraume zvvischen den Furchen sind iiberall glatt , und an dem ganzen Gewinde flach, nur am Grunde, wo die Furchen enger stehen , werden sie mehr gewolbt. Die letzte Windung riimmt den dritten Theil der Hohe der ganzen Schale ein. Die Miindung ist eiformig. Das Labrum ist nicht verdickt, mit dem Spindelrande durch eine glanzende Columellar-Platte verbunden. Die Spindel zeigt ub'er der runden Ausbucht an der Basis eine sanfte schwieligeAn- schwellung. — Die Farbe erscheint graulich gelb. Das ein- zige Exemplar ist jedoch iiberall durch kleine Vertiefungen wie angefressen, und scheint langere Zeit am Strande gele- gen zu haben. • • Die Hohe des ganzen Gehauses betragt 12 Mill. , der Durchmesser der letzten Windung 4 Mill. , die Hohe der Mundung 3y2 Mill., dieBreite der Miindung 2 Mill, 1) Zeitschr. fur Malakozoologie. 1848, p. 14. 156 Troschel: 10) Turritella calif ornica Brod. Turritella Broderipiana d'Orb. Voy. Moll. p. 388. no. 79. Turritella, marmorata Kiener p. 23. no. 17. pi. 8. fig. 1. D'Orbigny andert a. a. 0. den Namen californica, well eine Schnecke, die in Peru lebe , nicht so heissen diirfe, ein Grundsatz, dem ich nicht beipflichten kann, weil er nur die Namen vermehrt, und Verwirrung anrichtet. ,Peru.« 11) Turritella cingulata gow. d'Orbigny. Voy. Moll. p. 588. no. 278. ,,Peru.« 12) Solarium granulatum Lam. Lamarck Hist. nat. d. anim. s. vert. 2. edit. IX. p. 98. no. 2. Kiener p. 4. no. 2. pi. 2. fig. 2. Da das vorliegende Exemplar nicht ausdrucklich von Herrn v. Tschudi als von Peru stammend, bezeichnet ist, so muss ich es zweifelhaft lassen, ob die Art wirklich dort lebt. — In diese Familie der Littorinaceen setze ich diese Gattung in Folge eigener Untersuchung. Sie gehort nach der Beschaffenheit derZunge, der Kiemen, der Augen, der Schnauze hierher, und hat in alien diesen Organen keine Aehnlichkeit mil den Trochoiden, denen man sie fruher allgemein zuzahlte, Fam. Capuloidea. Diese Cuviersche Familie gehort unzweifelhaft unter diejenigen Taenioglossen, welche keinen Sipho besitzen. Die hierher gehorigen Galtungen haben sehr lange fadenformige Kiemenblatter , welche in einer Reihe nahe dem Rande des Mantels angeheftet sind, und in das Innere der vorn weit offenen Kiemenhohle hineinragen. Auf der Zunge stehen 7 Langsreihen von Flatten; von diesen zeichnen sich beson- ders die der Mittelplatte zunachst stehenden, die ich Zwischen- platten nenne, durch ihre Breite aus; die beiden ausseren Plalten jeder Querreihc sind stachelartig. 13) Calyptraea (Trochatella) trochiformis d'Orb. Calyptraea radians Desh. Lamarck 2. edit. VII. p. 626. no. 8. d'Orb. Voy. Moll. p. 461. pi. 59. fig.3. 14) Crepidnla perumana Lam. Lamarck 2. 6dit. VII. p. 644. no. 6. Verzeichniss d. (lurch v. Tscbudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 157 15) Crepidula exeat' ata Brod. Erode rip Transact, zool. soc. t. 1. p. 225. pi. 29. fig. 7. Lamarck 2. edit. VII. p. 649. no. 19. Fam. Sigaretina. Diese Familie, in welche die Gatlungen Sigarelus, Na- tica und Narica (von letztercf habe ich das Thier nicht un- tersuchen koimen) gehoren, hat das Schicksal gehabt, mehr- fach umhergeworfen zu warden. Durch eigene Untersuchung mehrerer Arten der Gattungen Natica und Sigaretus habe ich nrich iiberzeugt, dass beide Gattungen in eine Familie geho- ren, und dass sie ihren Platz unter den Taenioglossen neh- men mussen, unter denen sie eine recht ausgezeichnete Fa- milie bilden. Hire Kiemen liegen an der dorsalen Wand der Kiemenhohle, und'Hehmen hier eine Langsrichlung ein ; bei Natica (glaucina) habe ich zwei Kiemcnreihen gefunden, von denen die linke kurz, S-formig gebogen und aus kleinen Kie- menblattchen zusammengesetzt , die rechte lang und aus brei- ten Lamellen gebildet ist; bei Sigaretus (laevis) habe ich drei Kiemenreihen gefunden , von denen die linke aus klei- nen Blattchen besteht, obgleich sie an Lange den anderen Kiemenreihen wenig nachstehl , die Lappchen der rechten Reihe sind die breitesten. Die Zunge tragt sieben Langsrei- hen vonZahnen, Loven hat sie vonN. pulchella abgebildet; ich habe mehrere Arten untersucht. Die Zwischenzahne sind breit, die Seitenzahne stachelartig, wodurch sich diese Thiere an die Familie der Capuloiden anschliessen. Zwei verhalt- massig grosse Kiefer sind vorhanden, die recht eigenthiim- lich sind, indem sie Flatten darstellen, die aus zahlreichen mosaikartig aneinander gereihten Stiicken zusammengesetzt sind. Zu bewundern ist es, dass die Gattung Natica noch nicht in eine grossere Anzahl von Gattungen zerfallt ist, wozu die Verschiedenheiten der Gestalt , des Nabels , des Deckels u. s. w. auffallend herausfordern. 16) Natica uber Humb. D'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 401. no. 297. pi. 55. fig. 12-14. Das vorliegende Exemplar besitzt noch zum grossen Theil eine dunkelbraune Epidermis. 158 Troschel: 17) Natica elongata Nob. (Taf. V. Tig. 2.) ? Natica puella Philippi Chemnitz neues Conchylien -Cabinet herausg. v. Kusler. Natica Taf. X. Fig. 7. Testa elongalo-ovata, lactea, subnitida; anfractibus 4 vix convexis, suturis impressis; spira quartam testae altitudinis partem subaequans , obtusa; apertura semicircularis angulo superiore incrassato ; umbilicus mediocris pervius, labio incras- sato subangustatus. Diese Art kann mit Natica uber Humb. , cora d'Orb., Philippiana Nyst (acuta Phil.) und virginea Reel, verglichen werden, unterscheidet sichjedoch von ihnen alien durch die langstreckigere Gestalt. Die oben citirte Abbildung, die frei- lich bisher ohrie Text ist, stilnmt so gut mit dem vorliegen- den Exejnplare uberein, dass ich sie dafur nehmen zu konnen glaube. Das Tschudi'sche Exemplar ist zwar so gross, wie die etwas vergrosserte citirte Abbildung, indessen die Grosse allein darf ja nicht als Differenz gelten. Das Vaterland der Philippi'schen Art kenne ich nicht. Ich hatte friiher diese Schnecke nebst einigen anderen meinem Freunde Philippi zur Ansicht gesendet, und er hat sie fraglich als neue Art bezeichnet. Das fiel jedoch gerade in eine Zeit , wo er in Cassel durch andcrweitige Verhaltnisse so irt Anspruch ge- nommen war, dass die Notizeh, welche er mir zu machen die Freundliehkeit hatle, nur als sehr fliichtige von ihm selbst bezeichnet wurden. Urn nun fiir den Fall , dass diese Art wirklich neu, und nicht mit der oben citirten Philippi'schen identisch sein sollte , der Verwirrung vorzubeugen , so gebe ich hier aufs Neue eine Abbildung in naturlicher Grosse, und nenne sie vorlaufig elongata. Die Schale hat eine eiformige Gestalt und ist ziemlich genau anderthalbmal so hoch wie breit; sie ist milchweiss, wenig glanzend und ist durch einige unregelmassige Runzeln, die dem Labrum parallel laufen, uneben, was jedoch indivi- duell sein mag. Sie besteht aus vier Windungen, von denen die letzte % der ganzen Hohe einnimmt; das Gewinde ragt' als eine slumpfe Spitze hervor>und hat deutliche Nahte. Die Mundung liegt schief gegen die Axe und ist halbkreisformig, doppelt so hoch wie breit; ihr Spindelrand ist geradlinig. Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 159 Sie wird durch eine starke Verdickung im oberen Winkel sehr verengt, so dass sie nur halb so hoch ist wie die Schale. Der Nabel ist durchgehend, offen, nicht sehr weit. Hohe 18 Mill., grosser Durchmesser 13 Mill. , kleiner Durchraesser 10 Mill. Hohe der Miindung mil Einschluss der schwidigen Ver- dickung 14 Mill. Hohe der Mundoffnung 10 Mill., Breite der Mundoffnung 5 Mill. 18) Natica alveata Nob. (Taf.V. Fig. 3.) Testa globoso-ovata, lactea, nitida, anfractibus 6, supe- rioribus subplanis , ultimo maximo convexo, suturis non pro- fundis; spira brevis oclavam partem testae vix superans; apertura semicircularis, angulo superiore incrassato angustata; umbilicus nullus ; callus umbilicaris supra crassissimus, prope marginem colurttellarem subrectum, bicarinatum, impressione instructus , loco umbilici impressione profunda. Auch diese Art habe ich meinem Freunde Phi lip pi zur Ansicht vorgelegt , er schickte sie mir als N. virginea Phil, bestimmt, und mit der hinzugefugten Bemerkung zu- ruck : ,,von der achlen mammilla durch den Eindruck am Rande der Columella verschieden." Bei der Vergleichung mit der Abbildung seiner N. virginea bei Kuster Taf. XII. Fig. 7. ergiebt sich jedoch , dass ich sie nicht dafur halten kann ; namentlich ist dort die Mundung viel hdher, betragt mehr als % der ganzen Hohe der Schale, wahrend dieselbe an dem vor- liegenden Exemplare nur die Ha'lfte betragt, ferner liegt der Nabeleindruck bei unserem Exemplare viel weiter nach unten. Da nun die citirte Abbildung nicht so recht mit der vorlie- genden Schale passen will, und da die Philippi'sche Art, so viel mir bekannt, noch ohne Beschreibung ist, auch die Art, fur welche Philippi selbst unser Exemplar bestimmt hat, umgetauft werden muss, da Recluz inzwischen (Jour- nal de Conchyliologie 1850. p. 388. pi. XII. fig. 6.) eine an- dere Art N. virginea genannt hat, so bilde ich unser Exem- plar unter dem obigen Namen ab. Die milchweisse , glanzende Schale hat eine kuglig eiformige Gestalt. Die Spira ragt als eine kleine Spitze aus der lezten Windung hervor, sie betragt etwa den 8ten Theil der ganzen Hohe. Die Nahte sind sehr flach, und die Windun- ItiO Troschel: gen der Spira kaum gewolbt. Die letzte Windung ist sehr bauchig. Die Miindung ist durch die Columellarschwiele stark verengt, so dass ihre Oefftwng nur die Halfte der Hohe der ganzen Schale erreicht. Besonders im obern Winkel der Man- dung ragt die Columellarschwiele stark ho'ckerartig hervor. Sehr ausgezeichnet ist der Columellarrand , indem er nicht wie bei N. mammilla einfach abgerundet ist, sondern gleich- sam wie abgeschnitten : auf der Kante zeigen sich zwei stum- pfe Kanten zwischen denen eine wenig vertiefte Flache fast in der ganzen La'nge des Spindelrandes verlauft. Neben der Mitte dieses fast geradlinigen Columellarrandes liegt parallel mit ihm eine Vertiefung auf der Columellarschwiele , die etwa die halbe Lange des Spindelrandes hat (sie ist 9 Mill, lang und 3 Mill, breit) und ist gleichmassig muldenformig ausgehohlt, auch vollig gerade, nicht gebogen. Unter d«r Schwiele fin- det sich ein ziemlich tiefer Eindruck, der die Stelle des nicht vorhandenen Nabels anzeigt; Gestalt und Lage des- selben lasst sich besser in der Zeichnung ausdriicken als beschreiben. — Hohe Ai Mill., Grosser Durchmesser 33 Mill., kleiner Durchmesser 25 Mill, Hohe dpr Mundoffnung 22 Mill, Breite desselben 13 Mill. ») 19) Natica unifasciata Lam. Lamarck. Hist. d. anira. s. vert. 2. edit. VIII. p. 640. Kuster's ConchyL.Cab. II. 1. Taf. 12. Fig. 5. Das Labrum ist innen am Rande kastanienbraun gefarbt. 20) Natica undata Phil. Kuster's Conchyl.-Cab. II. I. Taf. 11. Fig. 12. Es scheint mir hier iiberflussig, auf die Frage einzu- 1) Im Bonner Museum liegen, mit N. mammilla zusammen, zwei kleinere Exemplare , welche viele Aehnlichkeit mit der eben beschrie- benen Art haben : sie besitzen auch die zwei Kanten am Spindelrande und die Vertiefung neben demselben; letzterer ist jedoch etwas gekrummt und nicht so gleichmassig ausgehohlt, ganz als wenn er mit dem Na- gel des linken Daumens in Wachs eingedruckt ware. Da auch die er- slen Windungen starker gewSlbt sind, so halte ich sie fur specifisch verschieden. Sollten sie der N. virginea Phil, angehoren? Ich nenne sie vorlauBg N. vellicata, um die Aehnlichkeit des Schwieleneindrucks mil einem Nageleindruck beim Kratzen anzuzeigen. Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 161 gehen, ob man beide Formen, N. unifasciata und undata, zu N. maroccana Chemn. ziehe miisse_ (Vergl. Koch in Zeitschr. fur Malakozoologie 1844. p. 151.). Von N. undata Phil. 1st ein Deckel vorhanden. Er ist kalkig, besteht aus drei Win- dungen , tragt an dem der Spindel anliegenden , fast gerad- linigen, etwas verdickten Rande feine, senkrechte, granu- lirle Runzeln; am Lippenrande ist er aussen durch eine dicht neben und langs dem Rande verlaufende Furche gesaumt. ,,Peru." 21) Natica glauca Humb. Lamarck Anim. s. vert. 2. edit. VIII. p. 651. no. 42. 22) Sigaretus Cymba Menke. Sigaretus concavus Sowerby Gen. of shells. Sigarelus fig. 1. Sigaretus Cymba Menke Synopsis Moll. p. 146. Sigaretus Grayi Desh. Lamarck 2. edit. IX. p. 12. no. 6. Sigaretus cymba d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 404. pi. 57. fig. 3. 4. Sigaretus maximus Philip pi Abbild. I. p. 143. Tab. I. Fig. 1. Fam. Cerithiacea. Die Familie der Cerithiaceen gehort in die Abtheilung der Bandziingler. Die Zunge tragt sieben Langsreihen von Flatten, die alle am Rande gezahnelt sind; auch zwei rudimen- tare Oberkiefer, aus zarten Schuppen zusammengesetzt, sind vorhanden; kein vorstreckbarer Riissel. In der Kiemenhohle liegen zwei Reihen breiter Kiemenblatler in der Langsrich- tung des Thieres nebeneinarider ; die Blatter der linken Reihe erheben sich so, dass ihre Hohe grosser ist als ihre Breite, die Blatter der rechten Reihe dagegen sind niedrig, viel niedrieger als brett (Cerithium vulgatum). Die Augenstiele sind mit den Fiihlern verwachsen, so dass die Augen etwa in der Mitte der Fuhler auf einem ausseren Absatz liegen. Die Gattung Planaxis gehort unzweifelhaft hieher und in die nachste Nahe von Cerithium , ja mir scheinen Planaxis und Cerithium noch naher verwandt, als Cerithium und Potamides. Die Bemerkungen, welche Deshayes uber die Verwandt- schaft von Planaxis mit Littorina, Melania, Melanopsis macht, sind richtig, weil alle diese in die Abtheilung der Bandzung- ler gehoren. Es ist jedoch nicht recht zu begreifen , dass noch Niemand die nahe Verwandtschaft zwischen Planaxis Archiv f. Nalurgcsch. XVIII. Jahrg. 1. Bd. \ { 162 Troschel: und Cerithium erkannt hat, da ja sogar die Schalen so ahn- lich sind. Auch die Aehnlichkeit der anatomischen Charak- tere (Schnauze, Zunge, Kiemen u. s. w.) kann ich bestati- gen; auch die Deckel sind ganz ahnlich. Ich habe bereits in der dritten Auflage von Wiegmanns Handbuch der Zoo- logic (1848) die Gattung Planaxis der Farnilie der Cerithia- ceen einverleibt. 23) Cerithium maculosum Kien. Kiener Species general p. 36. no. 25. pi. 13. fig. '3. Lamarck 1. c. 2. edit. IX. p. 312. no. 45. 24) Cerithium varicosum Sow. Kiener 1. c. pi. 30. fig. 2. Lamarck 1. c. IX. p. 321. no. 60. 25) Cerithium Montagnei d'Orb. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 443. no. 374. pi. 63. fig. 3. 4. »Peru.« 26) Planaxis ebeninus Menke? Diese Art 1st mir von Phi lip pi als Planaxis ebeninus Menke bestimmt worden, ich wiisste jedoch nicht, wo ^iese beschrieben sein sollte. Sie ist eiformig mit spitzem Gewinde ; 6 Windungen; die drd ersten Windungen sirid glanzend, glatt, braun, abgerieben, die iibrigen sind von starken Lei- sten umgeben; auf der vorletzten und drittletzten Windung sind je vier solcher Leisten , die hier schmaler sind als die Furchen zwischeh ihnen, sichlbar; auf der letzten Windung sind deren neun vorhanden, sie werden hier breiter als die zwischenliegenden Furchen, und auf ihrer Oberflache platt. Die ganze Schale ist mit einer Epidermis iiberzogen, die im unversehrten Zustande aus zahlreichen, ausserst feinen, dem Mundrande parallelen Lamellen besteht, welche iiber Leisten und Furchen ohne Unterbrechung fortgehen; meist sind je- doch die vorspringenden Leisten abgerieben , glanzend ka- stanienbraun, und die Epidermis beschrankt sich dann nur auf die tiefer liegenden Furchen. Auf dem Riicken gemes. sen, nimmt die letzte Windung zwei Drittel der ganzen Schale ein; gegen den Miindungsrand senkt sich jedoch die obere Naht der letzten Windung ein wenig herab, so dass die Hohe der Mundung nur die Halfle der Schale einnimmt. Die Mtin- Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 163 dung 1st langlich rund ; die Spindelwand ist eingedruckt, die Spindel selbst kaum merklich gefaltet ; im oberen Mundwinkel liegt eine dicke Kalkschwiele , die den oberen Mundwinkel zu einem schmalen Kanale verengt; der Sipho ist ein schma- ler tiefer Kanal ; die Aussenlippe ist stark vorgezogen, scharf, innen mit Fallen besetzt , die sich tief in das Innere fortset- jsen. — Die Farbe der Epidermis ist ein mattes Graubraun; da, wo sie abgerieben ist, erscheint die Spalle glanzend ka- stanienbraun. Das Innere der Mundung ist weiss. — Hohe 22 Mill. ; grosser Durchmesser 13 Mill., kleiner Durchmesser 10 Mill. Hohe der Mundung ll'/2 Mill. ,,Peru.a Fam. Alata. 27) Strombus gibberulus Linn. Lamarck 1. c. IX. p. 697. no. 14. Kiener 1. c. p. 37. no. 28. pi. 28. fig. 1. pi. 33. fig. 5. 28) Strombus luhuanus Linn. Lamarck 1. c. IX. p. 698. no. 15. Kiener 1. c. p. 39. no. 30. pi. 27. fig. 1. Beide vorliegende Exemplare sind, wenigstens auf der letzten Windung, mit einer rauhen Epidermis bekleidet , die gelblichbraun ist mit dunkleren mehr rothlichen Querbinden. Fam. Involuta. Dass die Gattung Cypraea , welche den Stamm dieser Familie bildet, zur Gruppe Taenioglossata gehort, ist bereits durch die Abbildung der Zunge von Cypraea helvola und europaea bei Loven ') bewiesen. Ich kann es ausserdem durch die eigne Untersuchung von C. arabica bestatigen. Da diese Art sich auch unter der Tsch udi'schen Sammlung befmdet, so scheint es mir nicht unpassend, ihre Zunge hier abzubilden und naher zu beschreiben (s. unten). Zweifel- haft ist mir die Stellung der Gatlung Ovula. Ich habe Ovula gibbosa untersuchen konnen, leider abcr an einem so un- vollkommen conservirlen Exemplare, dass ich die Flatten der Zunge nicht in situ, sondern ganz ungeordnet durcheinander- liegend antraf. Sie haben aber eine so seltsame Gestalt, !•) Ovfersigt af Kongl. Yetensk. Akad. Forhandl. 1848. tab. 4. 164 Troschel: dass ich ihrer beilaufig erwahnen will , da sie bisher noch nicht beobachtet sind. Sie stellen elwa dreieckige Flatten dar, deren eine Seite eine Reihe sehr feiner fadenformiger, am Ende gabeliger Zahne tragt, deren sich an verschiedenen Flatten 20—70 zahlen lassen (Vergl. Taf. VII. Fig. 6}. Aus- serdem fmden sich kleinere stark gekrummte Haken. Wie sich diese auf der unversehrten Zunge ordnen, kann nur durch fernere Beobachtimg ermittelt werden. Dass 'die Gattung Oliva nicht in diese Familie gehort , ja nicht einmal zu den Taenioglossen, habe ich an einer Oliva peruviana, welche das Berliner Museum durch Herrn v. Winterfeldt aus Peru erhalten hat, nachweisen konnen. (S unten). 29) Cypraea tigris Linn. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 502. no. 15. 30) Cypraea cervinetta Kiener. Kiener Spec. gen. Cypraea pi. VI. iig. 1. 2. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 547. no. 71. 31) Cypraea mauritiana Linn. Lamarck 1. c. X. 492. no. 5. 32) Cypraea arabica Linn. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 495. no. 7. Die Zunge von C. arabica (Taf. VII. Fig. 1.) tragt sieben Langsreihen von kastanienbraun gefarbten Flatten. Jede Plalte (a) der Mittelreihe ist eiformig, mit wenig ausgeschweif- ten Seitenrandern ; der Vorderrand schlagt sich nach oben und hinten um, und hat einen kraftigen Mittelzahn und je- derseits einen kleineren Zahn am vordern Aussenwinkcl. Die Zwischenplatten (6) sind vierseitig mit ausgeschweifter In- nen- und Hinterseite; der umgeschlagene Vorderrand lauft in einen starken , schrag nach innen gerichteten Hauptzahn, und zwei kleine jederseits neben ihm liegende Zahne aus. Die beiden Seitenplatten (c und c?) sind schmaler und ihre vorderen Hauptzahne sind fast rechtwinklig nach innen ge- bogen , so dass sie mehr stachelarlig erscheinen. 33) Cypraea Lynx Linn. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 513. no. 29. 34) Cypraea felina Gmel. Kiener 1. c. pi. 33. fig. 3. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 560. no. 89. Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tsclmdi in Peru gesammelt. Conchy 1. 165 35) Cypraea caput serpentis Linn. Var. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 21. 36} Cypraea radians Lam. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 540. no. 62. Kiener 1. c. pi. 23. fig. 3. Dies ist die einzige von alien aufgezahlten Cypraeen, bei denen Herr v. Tschudi ausdrucklich das Vaterland be- merkt hat; daher darf es fur die iibrigen nicht vollig ausge- macht gelten, dass sie an der Kiiste von Peru gelebt haben. In diesenv Zweifel werde ich durch d'Orbigny's Angabe CVoy. Moll. p. 415), dass es in Sudamerika nur eine Art, C. nigropunctata Gray, gebe, bestarkt. Toxoglossata. Fam. Co no idea. 37) Conns marmoreus Linn. Lamarck 1. c. XI. p. V7. no. 1. 38) Conus vermiculalus Lam. Lamarck 1. c. XI. p. 22. no. 17. Martini Conchyl.-Cab. II. fig. 699— 700. Conus hebraeus Var. Kiener 1. c. pi. 8. fig. 3. 39) Conus purpurascens B r o d. Kiener 1. c. pi. 39. fig. 2. Lamarck 1. c. XI. p. 134. no. 193. Da Herr v. Tschudi keine ausdruckliche Angabe uber das Vaterland dieser drei Arten gemacht hat, so darf ihr Vorkommen in Peru nicht sicher behauptel werden. Da als Vaterland des Conus purpurascens Panama angegeben wird, so lasst sich leicht annehmen , dass diese Art auch an den Kusten Peru's gefunden worden sei. Proboscidea* Fam. Volutacea. 40) Marginella Sapotilla Hinds. Sowerby Thesaurus Vol. I. p, 383. tab. 77. fig. 150. 151. 41) Marginella curia Sow, • Sowerby Thesaurus I. p. 397. tab. 76. fig. 88. 89. Kiener 1. c. pi. 7. fig. 30. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 4i8. no. 29. 166 Troschel: 42) Mitra episcopalis Lam. L amarck 1. c. X. p. 297. no. 1. Es handelt sich hier urn die Varietal, von welcher D c s- hayes bei Lamarck 1. c. in der Anmerkung meint, dass sie vielleicht als besondere Art unterschieden werden konnte. 43) Mitra pontificalis Lam. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 300. no. 3, 44) Mitra terebralis Lam. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 306. no. 11. 45) Mitra maura Brod. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 427. no. 336. pi. 60. fig. 9. 10. Fam. 01 i vac ea. Die grosse Gattung Oliva wurde friiher gewohnlich mil Cypraea zu einer Familie vereinigt. Ich muss nach Unter- suchung der Mundtheile Herrn Gray *) beistimmen, der in seiner systematischen Anordnung der Gasteropoden a. a. 0. ganz nach meinem Principe verfahrt, und gestiitzt auf rei- ches Material und vollstandige Literatur, dort viel Vortreff- liches niedergelegt hat , wenn gleich sich in Einzelnheiten doch manche Irrthiimer eingeschlichen haben; namentlich hat er haufig die Mundtheile einzelner Arten als Farniliencharaktere hingestellt, wahrend er bei der Untersuchung vieler Arten in die Lage gekommen sein wiirde , entweder mehrere Fa- milien zu trennen, oder die Familiencharaktere anders zu fas- sen. Ich muss demselben darin beistimmen, dass er die Gat- tungen Oliva und Ancillaria zu einer Gruppe vereinigt, die er in die Nahe der Buccineen bringt , glaube aber, dass er zu weit geht, wenn er diese Gruppe geradezu mit ihnen in eine Familie stellt. Ich habe die Zunge von Oliva peruana nach einem Exemplar, welches das Berliner Museum durch Herrn v. Winterfeldt ausPeru erhalten hatte, untersucht, und gebe hier davon (Taf. VII. Fig. 2.) eine Abbildung. 46) Olica reticularis Lam. Martini Conc-hyl.-Cab. II. fig. 489. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 613. Die Martinisclfe Figur, die bei Lamarck nicht ci- 1) Figures of Molluscous animals cet, Vol. I. p. 72. Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tsclmdi in f eru gesammelt. Conchyl. 167 tirt 1st, passt sehr gut, sie wird von Anton, Kuster und Pfeiffer l) zu 0. reticularis gezogen. 8Peru.a 47) Oliva erythrostoma Lam. 2) Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 606. no. 3. 48) Oliva pantherina Phil. Philip pi Abbild. u. Beschr. III. 3. Oliva. Tab. 1. fig. 1. 49) Oliva Peruviana Lam. Lamarck 1. c. X p. 617. no. 28. Diese Art ist in mehreren Varietaten vorhanden: ein Exemplar hat einen so scharfen Kiel , dass es sich von 0. coniformis Phil. (Abb. III. 3. Oliva Tab. I. Fig. 7.) nur durch die weisse Farbung der Mundung unterscheidet. Ein ande- res Exemplar ist braunlich gelb, ungefleckt, mit zwei schwach ausgepragten, etwas dunkleren Binden, schlanker als irgend ein anderes, hat einen scharfen, innen dunkelbraun gefarb- ten Muudrand und eine braunlich violelt gefarbte Spindel. Von P'hilippi, dem ich sie zur Ansicht mitgetheilt hatte, erhielt ich sie mit der Bezeichnung zuriick : ^Oliva peruviana. Auffallend die violette Spindel. a Die Zunge von Oliva peruviana (s. Taf. VII. Fig. 2.) tra'gt drei Langsreihen von Flatten. Die^ Mittelpaltten sind kurz und breit, vorn concav und hinten convex, und tragen am Hinterrande drei Zahne , von denen der mittelste der kleinste ist. Die Seitenplalten sind dreiseitig, hoher als breit und laufen in eine zahnartige Spitze aus; ihre Rander sind ganzrandig. Die hintereinander liegenden Seitenplatten decken sich so , dass beim Durchscheinen sammllicher Rander der Anschein entsteht, als wenn viele kleine Rhomben mosaikar- tig neben einander lagen. 50) Olii-a (jranilella Lam. Lamarck 1. c. X. p 614. no, 18. .Peru." 1) Krilisches Kegislti /n Aliirlini rnd Chemnilz p. 14. 2J Audi Oliva porphyria Lam findet sich in der Sammluug ; Hr. v. Tschudi hat sic aber mil ,,wahrscheinlich von den Sandwicjiin- seln" bezeichtiet. 168 Troschel: 51) Oliva hiatula Lam. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 627. no. 52. Agaronia hiatula Gray Beechey's Voy. Hiatula Lamarckii Swains. Zool. Illuslr. II. t. 2. pi. 76. fig. 2. 52) Oliva volutella Lam. Lamarck I. c. X. p. 623. Diese Art gehort der Gattung Olivella Swains. = Oli- vina d'Orb. an. Der Deckel ist an zweien der vorliegenden Exemplare vorhanden. Er ist lang und schmal, 7 Mill, lang und 2kMill. breit, hat einen geraden der Spindel im Zustande der Zuruckgezogenheit der Thieres anliegenden Rand , der ein wenig verdickt erscheint, und einen unregelmassig gebo- genen Rand, der sehr diinn, durchscheinend und unregel- massig gekerbt ist. Gray J) nennt den Deckel in der Cha- rakteristik der Gattung ^distinct, half -ovate; nucleus subapi- cal«; ich kann jedoch keine so deutliche Anwachsstreifen des Deckels wahrnehmen, dass sich eine Angabe iiber die Lage des Nucleus machen liesse. 53) Oliva columellaris Sow. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 633. Olivina columellaris d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 419. no. 325 aPeru." Fam. Canalifera. 54) Columbella slrombiformis Lam. Lamarck I. c. X. p. 266. no. 1. Sowerby Thesaurus I. p. 110. pi. 36. fig. 1. 2- 55) Columbella fuscata Sow. Proceed. Zool. soc. of London 1832. p. 117. Col. meleagris Kiener 1. c. pi. 3. fig. 3. Sowerby Thesaurus I. p. 114. pi. 36. fig. 21. 25. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 276. no. 22. ,,Peru.« 56) Columbella lanceolata Sow. Proceed, zool. soc. of. London 1832. p. 116. Kiener 1. c. pi. 15. fig. 2. 1) Figures of Molluscous animals I. p. 72. Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschndi in Peru gesammelt. Concbyl. 169 Sowerby Thesaurus I. p. 139. pi. 40. fig. 153—155. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 293. no. 48. ,Peru." 57) Turbinella nassatula Lam. Kiener 1. c. pi. 11. fig. 2. Lamarck I. c. IX. p. 387. no. 20. 58) Turbinella cerata Gray. Wood Ind. Test. Supl. Tab. V. Fig. 15. Reeve Conch, icon. sp. 37. Der Deckel ist vorhanden. Er ist viel kleiner als die Mundung der Schale, langlich eiformig, am unteren Ende zu- gespitzt; an diesem Hegt der Nucleus und die Anwachsstrei- fen liegen auf der ausseren Flache (Taf. VI. Fig. 3. o) pa- rallel dem Rande, welcher dem Nucleus .gegenuberliegt. Auf der innern, dem Fusse des Thieres angewachsenen Seite lauft urn den ganzen Deckel eine Wulst , die am Apex und am Aussenrande am breitesten ist, und eingeschlossen von die- sem Wustringe liegt der vertiefte Muskeleindruck , in dem funf sehr deutliche , langlich concentrische Streifen sichtbar sind , die jedoch zum Theil durch den breiteren Theil des Randwulstes verdeckt sind , so dass sie sich nicht vollig schliessen (Taf. VI. Fig. 3. 6). 59) Fasciolaria granosa Brod. Proceed, zool. soc. 1832. p. 32. Kiener 1. c. Fasciolaria pi. 5. Lamarck 1. c. IX. p. 437. no. 11. Der Deckel ist auch hier vorhanden; er, ist ganz wie be] der vorigcn Gattung; doch schliesst er, ein wenig ein- gesenkt, die Mundung, ist also grosser. aPeru." 60) Cancellaria chrysostoma S o w. " Kiener 1. c. Cancellaria pi. 8. fig. 2. Sowerby Thesaurus II. p. 451. pi. 94. fig. 39. Lamarck 1. c. IX. p. 414. no. 20. ,,Peru.« 61) Pyrula ventricosa Sow. Kiener 1. c. Pyrula pi. 12, fig. 2. Lamarck 1. c. IX, p. 521. no. 29. 170 Troschcl: 62) Pyrula patula Brod et Sow. Lamarck 1. c. IX. p. 522. no. 31. Fam. Mu rice a. Hier sei mir die Bemerkung erlaubt, dass in der schein- bar sehr gut charakterisirten Familie der Muriceen noch Verschiedenartiges enthalten ist. So hat z. B. Tritonium succinctum einen vorstreckbaren Russel, wie er der Farnilie zukommt, aber in ihm liegt eine Zunge mit sieben Langs- reihen von Flatten , ganz wie bei den Taenioglossen *), wo- gegen Murex brandaris eine Zunge besitzl, auf der die Plat- 1) Beilaufig theile iqh hier mit, was ich iiber Tritonium succin- ctum in meincn Manuscripten verzeichnet habe : die ausseren Mundtheile entsprcchen ganz denen von Buccinum undosum. Es findet sich nam- lich vorn ein lappenformiger Fortsatz, dessen vordere Witte etwas ab- gerundet ist, und eine Oeffnung zeigt , durch welche der Russel her- vortretcn kann. Zu jeder Seite geht der Kopflappen in die Fuhler fiber, die aussen unter der Mitte die schwarzen Augen tragen. Der Penis, welcher rechts und hinter dem Russellappen liegt, ist flach gedruckt, und der ganzen La'nge nach mit dunkelbraunen kleinen scharf- begrenzten Flecken besetzt ; er legt sich ganz wie bei Buccinum un- dosum unter den Mantel in die Kiemenhohle. Nimmt man die Mus- kelhaut des Thiers von oben weg , so kommt man zunachst auf einen breiten flachen Russel , der durch Ausstulpung hervorg^streckt wird. Vorn ist er spitz abgestutzt, und hat eine geringe Oeffnung. Im In- nern des Russels findet sich unmittelbar hinter der Oeffnung eine lang- lich runde Mukelmasse, von der hinten und oben der Schlund entspringt, welchef die Hohlung des Russels der Lange nach durchlauft, und uberall mit den Wanden desselben durch zahlreiche feine Muskelfasern verbunden ist. In der Mundmasse finden sich zwei seitliche Muskel- verdickungen , mit rudimentaren Kiefern, d. h. schuppigen Membranen, wie sie bei so vielen Schneclien vorkommen. Die Zunge , obgleich den Peruanischen Mollusken fremd, mag, da ich einmal von ihr spreche, auch auf der Tafel (Taf. VII. fig. 3.) einen Platz finden. Ihre Miltel- platten sind breit , und tragen am vorderun umgeschlagenen Rande einen mitlleren kraftigen Zahn und neben ihm jederseits elwa 5 kleine Zahnchen oder Einkerbungen ; die Zwischenplatten sind schief nach innen geneigt, ziemlich breit und neben dem Hauptzahn gekerbt; die beiden Seitenplatten sind gekrummle ziemlich spitze-Donien, die in der Ruhe sich nach innen legen, und die Zwischenplatten zum Theil ver- decken. Yerzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 171 ten nur drei Langsreihen bilden. Es versteht sicht sich von selbst, dass solche Verschiedenheiten in einer Familie nicht zulassig sind. Untersuchungen an weiterem Material konnen erst uber die Grenzen , welche hier zu ziehen sind, ent- scheiden. 63) Murex princeps Brod. Kiener 1. e. Murex pi. 29. fig. 1. Lamarck 1. c. IX. p. 609. no. 79. 64) Murex microphyllos Lam. Lamarck 1. c. IX. p. 576. no. 21. »Peru.« 65) Murex rectiroslris Sow. Proceed, zool. soc. 1840. Reeve Conch, icon. sp. et fig. 91. 66) Murex squamosus Brod. Broderip Porceed. zool. soc. 1832. p. 176. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 455: no. 403. 67) Murex Boivinii Kiener. Kiener 1. c. Murex. p. 81. no. 59. pi. 43. fig. 2. Der Nucleus des Deckels liegt am ausseren convexen Rande, naher der Basis der Mundung, ungefahr auf % der Lange des Deckels. Auf der innern Seite des Deckels ist die Ansatzflache nicht vertieft, auf ihr zeichnen sich einige concentrische Linien aus, die schrag liegenden Ellipsen ange- liorcn; der freie Rand der Innenflache ist nur ein dunner glanzender Ueberzug. (S. die Abbild. Taf. VI. Fig. 4.) 68) Tritonium rudis Brod. Proc. zool. soc. 1833. p. 5. Archiv fQr Naturgesch. Jahrg. I. Bd. 1. p. 291. 69) Tritonium scabrum King. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 450. no. 389. pi. 62. fig. 13. 70) Tritonium pileare Lam. Lamarck 1. c. IX. p. 630. no. 9. 71) Ranella coelata Brod. Lamarck 1. c. IX. p. 554. no 21. 172 Troschel: Fam. B uc cine a. 72) Terebra maculata Lam. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 238. no. 1. Kiener 1. c. pi. I. fig. 1. Sowerby Thesaurus no. 1. fig. 33. aPeru." 73) Nassa luteostoma Kiener. Kiener 1. c. Buccinum p. 110. no. 107. pi. 30. fig. 1. Der Deckel ist elliptisch , an beiden Enden ziemlich gleichmassig abgerundet. Der innere und der obere Rand sind ganzrandig, der aussere Rand ist mil sechs spitzen Vor- spriingen gezahnt, die Vertiefungen zwischen den Za'hnen sind ausgerundet; der untere Rand tragt 3 noch kraftigere ahnliche Zahne; der Nucleus liegt am Aussenrande unterhalb der Zahne und bildet gleichsam die Grenze zwischen dem unteren und ausseren Rande. Auf der inneren Flache des Deckels liegt an dem Innenrande, durch eine breite glanzende Flache vom Aussenrande getrennt, eine wenig vertiefte Flache ^zur An- heftung an deri Fuss, die etwa die Ha'lfte der Deckelflache einnimmt. (S. Taf. VI. Fig. 5). 74) Nassa dentifera d'Orb. Buccinum dentiferum Powis Proc. zool. soc. 1825. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 432. no. 349. pi. 61. fig. 22. 23., Der Deckel hat am Aussenrande nur stumpfe undeut- liche Einkerbungen anstatt der Zahne der vorigen Art, der Nucleus liegt an der Spitze. Es ist mir demnach wahrschein- lich, dass die Arten der Gattung Nassa ohne, oder mit sehr geringer Kalkschwiele an der Mundung , zu welcher die in Rede stehende Art gehort, als besondere Gattung abgetrennt werden mussen. Ich habe mich vergebens bemiiht, aus dem eingetrockneten Thier die Mundtheile herauszuprapariren, habe mich aber davon uberzeugt, dass der Fuss vorn gespalten ist, und dass die Augen auf % der Hohe der Fiihler sitzen. ,,Peru.« 75) Nassa Gayi d'Orb. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 432. no. 350. Kiener 1. c. Buccinum. no. 70. Verzeicheiss d. durch v. Tschudi in Feru gesammelt. Conchyl. 173 76) Nassa Tschudii Nob. nov. spec. (Taf. V. Fig. 4.) N. testa oblonga, longitudinaliter costato-tuberculata, transversim sulcata, pallida fasciis tribus fuscis cincta; spira acuta ; apertura laevigata , basi columellae subplicata , sulco profundo supra siphonem. Diese Schale wurde mir von P b i I i p p i mit der Bemerkung remittirt: ^Buccinum Gayi Kien. nach Dkr. Die Abbildung und Farbung bei Kiener stimmen gar nicht." Wenngleich diese Art der vorigen sehr ahnlich ist, namentlich darin, dass die den Sipho umgebende Wulst bei beiden durch eine tiefe Furche von der letztenWindung abgesetzt ist, so unterschei- det sie sich doch durch die glatte Mundung, die bei Gayi innen gezalmt ist, durch die starker tuberkulirten Langsrip- pen, die auch auf der letzten Windung bei alien Exemplaren kraftig ausgebildet sind, und durch die Farbung, die sich durch drei rothbraune Binden auf hellem, weisslichem Grunde aus- zeichnet; auch ist sie kleiner. Die Schale hat sechs Win- dungen, auf der letzten stehen auf jeder Langsrippe 8, auf den vorigen 4 Hocker. Die obersten Hocker jeder Win- dung sind starker als die ubrigen und durch eine tiefere Furche abgesetzt. Die oberste der drei braunrothen Binden bedeckt die beiden obersten Hdckerreihen , sie ist auf alien Windungen sichtbar ; die zweite verlauft auf der 5ten und 6ten Hockerreihe, die dritte am Grunde der letzten Windung, die beiden letzteren Binden sind nur auf der letztern Windung sichtbar. Hohe 10 Mill., Durchmesser 6 Mill., Hohe der Mun- dung 4'/2 Mill. 77) Buccinum panamense Phil. Zeitschr. i. Malakozoologie 1851. p. 6i. no. 73. Das Exemplar ist von Philip pi selbst als ,,B. pana- mense Var. costis numerosis confertis" bestimmt. Gehort mit den drei vorigen in eine Gruppe. ,,Peru." 78) Dolium latilabre Kiener. Malea lalilabris Valenc. bei H u mh u Id t el Bonpland Re- cueil d'obsti v. p. 325. 174 T rose h el: Kiener 1. c. p. 14. no. 8. pi. IV. fig. 7. ,,Peru.« 79) Purpura patula Lam. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 61. no. 3. Kiener 1. c. pi. 24. fig. 66. Der grosse Deckel schliesst, eingesenkl, die ganzeMun- dung; der Nucleus liegt in der Mitte des Aussenrandes, die Anwachsstreifen sind fast geradlinig, wie der innere Rand, und wenden sich nur an beiden Enden ein wenig nach dem Aussenrande zu. Auf der inneren Flacfie des Deckels liegt die Muskelvertiefung am Innenrande und ist vom Aussen- rande durch eine breite glanzende Schwiele getrennt. In der Muskelvertiefung liegen fiinf concentrische Streifen. Auf beiden Flachen ist der Deckel mil einer mikroskopisch fei- nen Sculptur versehen, die in quer laufenden Ruhzelchen besteht. ,Peru.« 80) Purpura haemastoma Lam. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 67. no. 11. 'Deshayes spricht sich in einer Note zu obigein Ci- tat dahin aus, dass die im Indischen Ocean und an den Ku- sten Peru's lebenden Exemplare als verschiedene Species an- zusehen seien. Leider giebt er die Unterscheidungsrnerk- male nicht an. Mir ist es nicht gelungen , dergleichen auf- zufmden, daher halte ich die Peruanischen Stiicke nicht fur specifisch verschieden. Da diese Schnecken sich gerne an Schiffen anh^ften, so lasst sich ihre so weite geographische Verbreitung leicht durch Verschleppung erklaren. 81) Purpura chocolatum Duclos. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 106. no 72. K i e n e r 1. c. pi. 26. fig. 70. 82) Purpura columellaris Lam. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 62. no. 4. Kiener 1. c. pi. 20. fig. 58. Der Deckel stimmt in jeder Beziehung mit dem von Purp. patula uberein; die zalmartige Leiste an der Columella veranlasst keinen Einschnitt in denselben. ,,Peru.« Vevzeichniss d. durch v. Tscbudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 175 83) Purpura angulifera Duclos. Kiener 1. c. p. 60. no. 37. pi. 15. fig. 42. Der Deckel stimmt ganz mit denen von P. patula und columellaris uberein, nur dass er durch eioe Einbucht seines Columellarrandes, veranlasst durch die kraftige Falte auf der Spindel , die sich tief in das Innere fortsetzt, eine nieren- formige Gestalt bekommt. Die Sculptur der Innenseite ist viel grober und daher deutlicher als die der Aussenseite des Deckels. 8.4) Purpura echinulata Lam. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 84. no. 40. Bei sonst grosser Uebereinstimmung des Deckels mit den iibrigen Arten dieser Gattung, tmterscheidet er sich sehr auffallend dadurch, dass er am Aussenrande uber 20 Zahne tragt , die kleine an der Aussenflache hohle Rinnen bilden. CVergl. Taf. VI. Fig. 6.) ,,Peru.« 85) Purpura sanguinolenta Duclos. Guerin Mag. de Zool. V. pi. 22. fig. 1. So ist mir diese Schale vonPhilippi bestimmt; ich bin 'leider nicht in der Lage, die Bestimmung durch Vergleichung mit derAbbildung yerificiren zu konnen. Es liegt ein Deckel bei der Schale, der so ubereinstimmend mit dem oben be- schriebenen von Turbinella cerata ist, dass ich den Verdacht nicht unterdrucken kann , er sei durch eine Verwechselung zu, dieser Schale gekommen, die iibrigens so sehr von Pur- pura abweicht, dass ich sie , auch abgesehen vom Deckel, fur keine Purpura halten wurde. 86) Monoceros imbricatum Lam. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 118. no. 2. Es ist mir gelungen, aus dem eingetrockneten Thiere ein Stuck der Zunge herauszuprapariren, sie ist (Taf. VII. Fig. 4.) abgebildet. Leider war sie jedoch in einem sehr verletzten Zustande und liess siclrnicht mit volliger Sicherheit untersuchen. Sie stimmt ganz gut mit den mir bekannlen Ar- ten von Purpura iiberein. Die Mittelplatte ist breit, und wie 176 Troschel: aus mehreren ubereinanderliegenden Lamellen zusammenge- setzt. Sie tragt einen am hinternRande hervorragenden mitl- leren Zahn, neben ihm jederseits einen ahnlichen, aber kiir- zeren, der innen am Grunde einen kiirzeren Nebenzahn tragt; der Rand der Platte ragt auch zahnartig vor. Die Seilen- platten diinne, etwas sabelformig gekriimmte Dornen, die auf einem Basalstuck befestigt sind. Der Deckel ist diinner^ heller gefarbt und durchsichti- ger als gewohnlich bei den Purpura - Arten. Der Nucleus liegt auch an dem Aussenrande, jedoch nicht in der Mitte, sondern mehr nach der Basis zu, genau auf y3 der Lange; dadurch werden auch die concentrischen Streifen auf dem Muskeleindruck der Innenflache des Deckels schief. (Vergl. Taf. VI. Fig. 7). Der Aussenrand ist ungemein fein gekerbt, was leicht zu iibersehen ist. 87) Concholepas peruvianus Lam. Lamarck 1. c. X. 126. no. I. Auch von dieser Art habe ich an einem eingetrockne- ten Thiere die Zunge herausfmden konnen. Sie halte eine Lange von 1 Zoll bei einer Lange von l'/2 Zoll dejs gan- zen eingetrockneten Thiers. Die Mittelplatten tragen hinten drei sehr kraftige , gleich grosse Zahne, die Seitenplatten sind gebogene Dornen, die, wenn nach innen gewendet, den mitlleren Zahn der Mittelplatte erreichen. (Vergl. Taf. VII. Fig. 5.) Der Deckel liegt beim zuriickgezogenen Thier so, dass der Aussenrand mit dem Nucleus nach vorn gerichtet ist; er ist natiirlich viel kleiner als die weite Mundung der Schale. Uebrigens wurde man ihn von Purpura nicht unterscheiden konnen. 88) Cassidaria cingulata Lam. Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 9. Triton undosum Kiener 1. c. Triton pi. VI. fig. 2. Von dieser Art liegt ein vortreffliches Exemplar vor , an welchem sowohl die Epidermis als der Deckel erhalten ist. Auf der Schale, und die Querfurchen vollig verdeckend, liegt eine dicke Epidermis von braunlicher Farbe , die in ziemlich regelmassigen Abstanden wulstige Langsfalten bildet, Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 177 die mit einer Reihe fadenfonniger Anhange gefranzt sind. Sol- dier Epidermal-Wiilste sind auf der lezten VVindung etwa 24 vorhanden. Dieselben geben allerdings der Schale ganz das Ansehen eines Triton, wodurch .sich wohl Kiener ver- anlasst gesehen hat , einen Triton daraus zu machen. Der Deckel entscheidet aber dagegen. In einer Note zu Triton undojsum Lam.1) tadelt Deshayes mit Recht Kiener, dass er dieser Art nicht mindestens den specifischen Namen ^cin- gulatum,, gelassen habe, lasst es aber ungewiss, ob die Art in die Gattung Triton oder Oassidaria einzureihen sei , bis zu dem Augenblick , wo wenigstens der Deckel uns bekannt sein wird. Der Deckel hat einen langlichen Nucleus, der am Aussenrande liegt , wie bei Purpura , nur nicht in der Mitte , sondern mehr der Rasis zu, auf V3 der Lange des Deckels. Auf der innern Seite des Deckels liegt ein oben und unten etwas zugespitzter Muskeleindruck, auLwelchem mehrere Streifen parallel dem Innenrande des Deckels; la'ngs dern Aussenrande verlauft ein breiler Wulst, der jedoch da, wo aussen der Nucleus liegt , einen starken Vorsprung in den Muskeleindruck macht. (Vergl. die Abbild. Taf. VI. Fig. 8). Ich kenne zwar den Deckel einer anderen Art der Gattung Cassidaria nicht aus eigener Ansicht, halte mich aber, nach der Angabe von Deshayes 2}, uber den Deckel der Gat- tung Cassidaria, fur berechtigt, unsere in Rede stehende Art fur eine Cassidaria zu erklaren. Gray's Angabe 3), dass Cassidaria echinophora keinen Deckel besitze, beruht auf einem Irrthume. Es ist unzweifelhaft , dass die sehr ver- wandten Arten Fusus Voigtii Anton *) und Fusus Wieg- manni Anton 5) in dieselbe Gattung Cassidaria gehoren. Rhipidoglossata. Bereils oben habe ich angedeutet, dass ich die Tro- choiden und Neritaceen vori den Kammkiemern ausgeschie- 1) Lamarck Anim. sans Vert. IX. p. 642. 2) Lamarck 1. c. X. p. 5. 3) Figures of Molluscous animals Vol. I. p. 69. 4) Philippi Abbild. I. Fusus Tab. I. Fig. 1. 5) Philippi Abbild. II. Fusus Tab. II. Fig. 2. 4. Archiv f. Naturgesch. XVIII. Jahrg. 1. Bd. 12 178 Troschel: den habe. Diese Ausscheidung ist nothweridig, denn die ge- nannten Familien haben in der That wenig Aehnlichkeit mit den Kammkiemern, ja sie haben riicht einmal kammformige Kiemen. Sie stimmen nur darin mit ihnen iiberein, dass die Kiemen, eine oder zwei, in einer Kiemenhohle verborgen sind; diese Kiemen sind aber federformig, an einem mittle- ren Schaft reihen sich zweizeilig die Kiemenblattchen an, und die Kieme ragt frei flottirend in die Kiemenhohle. Bei den Kammkiemern hat dagegeri die Kieme gleichsam nur an einer Seite des Schaftes die Blatlchen, der Schaft ist der ganzen La'nge nach an die Wand der Kiemenhohle angewach- sen, und flottirt also nicht frei. Es liegt hierin eine sehr wichtige zoologische Differenz, die durch hinzutretendeVer- schiedenheit anderer Organe auf das Vollstandigste bestatigt wird. Leuckart *") sieht die federformige Kieme als die Grundform an, und leitet davon alle die vorkommenden Kie- men als Variationen dieser Grundform (p. 133) ab, mit Aus- nahme der Gymnobranchiaten, bei denen die Kiemen nur ein- fache Fortsatze des Mantels, nicht selbststandige Productionen der ausseren Korperhiille seien. Jedenfalls und unler alien Umstanden stellen jedoch die kammformige und die feder- formige Kieme zwei Formen dar, die nicht in einer Ordnung vereinigt werden diirfen. Andererseits stimmen die Kiemen von Haliotis und Fissurella so gut mit denen der Trochoiden und Neritaceen iiberein, dass schon hierdurch auf eine Ver- einigung der Cuvier'schen Scutibranches mit den ausgestos- senen Kammkiemern hingewiesen wird. Andererseits haben die Mundtheile in den zahlreichen facherforrnig geordneten seitlichen Plattchen der Zunge eine so grosse Uebereinstim- mung unter einander , und zugleich eine so grosse Abwei- chung von alien iibrigen Schnecken, dass dadurch die Auf- stellung dieser Ordnung zur vollkommensten Berechtigung gelangt. Ich halte diese Ordnung fiir die beste und unum- stosslichste unter alien. Es hatte vielleicht nahe gelegen, ihr den €uvier'schen Namen Scutibranchia zu lassen, indes- sen theils bilden die Scutibranches den^geringsteri Theil der 1) Morphologic der vvirbellosen Thiere. p. 129 fF. Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 179 neuen Ordnung, theils verbindet sich mit diesem Namen der von Cuvier hineingelegte Begriff des Zwitterthums mit Selbstbefruchlung , der vermieden warden muss. Ich habe diesa Gruppe *) Rhipidoglossata genannt, nach dem hervor- slechehdsten Charakter der Zungenbildung, durch welchen ich zuerst zur Erkenntniss der Ordnung gelangt bin. Fam. N er it ace a. 89) Nerita polita Linn. Lamarck 1. c. VIII. p. 604. 90) Nerita praecognita Adams. P h i 1 i p p i hat diese Art nach Vergleichung mit Exem- plaren bestimmt: vveder er noch ich kennen eine Beschrei- bung oder Abbildung unler solchem Namen; auch in dem Verzeichnisse des besfen Neriten-Kenners Reel uz 2) komint ein solcher Name nicht vor. Das vorliegende Exemplar ist sehr Jung. Die Spindelflache ist mitHockern besefzt; in der Mitte des Splndelrandes zvvei schwache Zahne; innen am Labrum 10 schwache Zahne, von denen die beiden oberen die starksten ; die Spira springt sehr wenig hervor, die letzte Windung ist mit 15 spiralen Rippen von ungleicher Breite umgeben , die durch einfache Furchen getrennt sind ; die Rippen sind sehr zierlich, aber unregelmassig mit gelben und schwarzen Querslreifen gefarbl. Der Deckel ist nicht vor- handen. 91) Nerita cerostoma Nob. n. sp. (Taf. V. Fig. 5.) Testa subglobosar transversim costata, nigra ; costis 22, superioribus latioribus; spira brevissima , obtusa; aperlura flava , labio supra iconcavo, subrugoso, rugis callo tenui sub- tectis, margine dentibus tribus armalo; labro inlus tenuiter dentato , supra dente maiore. Diese Art beschreibe ich auf die Gefahr hin als neu, dass 1) Handbnch der Zoologie. 3. Auflage 1848. p, 553. 2) Journ. de Conchyl. I. p. 282. 180 Troschel: sie irgendwo unter den von R eclu z beschriebenen stecke. Sie ist fast kuglig, schwarz, quer gerippl; solcher Rippen sjnd 22 vorhanden, die durch einfache Furcheri getrennl, und einfach convex sind ; die obern sind breiler als die untern. Die Spira trill wenig hervor und isl stumpf. Die Mundung ist gelb gefarbt. Die Spindelflache ist etwas concav, auf ihr sind deutlich Runzeln sichtbar, diese sind jedoch schwach ausgepragt und geben den Anschein als wenn eine gelbe schwielige Masse sie verdeckte, obgleich sie doch eben auf dieser Schwiele gebildet sind. Der Labialrand Iragl in der Mitle drei bis vier Einkerbungen , wo- durch zwei oder drei Zahne gebildel werden (das grossere vorliegende Exemplar lial drei, das kleinere nur zwei Zahne). Das Labrum isl scharf, schwarz gesaumt und am Rande durch die etwas hervortretenden Rippen schwach gekerbt; innen ist das Labrum verdickl und auf dieser Verdickung fein gezahnt. Solcher feinen Zahne zahle ich 16 — 18 , zu de- nen an der Basis zwei etwas entfernte und etwas grossere hinzutrelen ; oberhalb folgt auf sie ein bedeutend grosserer stumpfer Zahn. Weiter innen liegt an der Basis die gewohn- liclie Schwiele zur Befestigung des Deckels. — Der Deckel ist auf seiner Aussenflache granulirt , nur am Basalende hat er eine glatle Stelle. Unler derselben auf der Innenflache ist das ganze Basalende schwielig verdickt; diese Verdickung nimmt den ganzen Raum neben dem Zahnvorsprung ein, und ist am Rande fein gefurcht, auf der dem muskulosen Fusse anliegenden Flache unregelmassig concenlrisch geslreifl. Da in derSchale das Thier eingelrocknel war, so habe ich die Zunge , nach Aufweichung in Wasser , unlersuchen konnen (Vergl. Taf. VII. Fig. 7.). Sie hat schr viele Aehn- lichkeil mil der Zunge von Nerilina fluviatilis, der einzigen, die meines Wissens bisher aus der Familie der Neritaceen untersucht und abgebildet worden isl. tfie Zunge besleht aus einer bandformigen Membran, deren aussere Seilen sich so erheben, dass eine Rinne enlslehl. In jeder Querreihe von Plallen liegl eine Miltelplalte, der sich jederseits eine Zwischenplalte anschliesst, ihr folgen drei Seitenplatlen, und zulelzt eine grosse Anzahl eng neben einander liegender schmaler Plallchen, die den Facher bilden. Die Miltelplatle isl klein und viereckig (a). Die Zwischenplatte (6) isl breit, » Verzeichm'ss d. durch v. Tsrhudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 181 sehr gross, etwa viereckig und tragt durch Umschlagen des vorderen Randes einen am vordern Aussenwinkel liegenden Zahn ; die erste und zweite Seitenplatte (c. d) sind winzig klein , und werden leicht ubersehen , die dritte Seitenplatte erweitert sich nach vorn, schlagt sich in die Hohe und bil- det eine schirmformige Membran , deren hinterer Rand ganz- randig ist; Loven ') sieht diese Platte als zu den uncinis (so nennt er die facherformigen Plattchen) gehorig an. Die Facherplatten sind schmal, ganzrandig, am Ende nach innen umgebogen und sehr zahlreich. 92) Neritina intermedia Sow. Proc. zool. soc. 1832. p. 201. Sowerby Thesaurus X. p. 519. pi. 114. fig. 174—176. Ncrilina globosa Brod. Proc. zool. soc. 1832. p. 201. Im Thesaurus 1. c. erklart Sowerby beide citirte Ar- ten fur identisch. / Fam. Trochoidea. 93) Monodonta carchedonius Lain. Lamarck 1. c. IX. p. 175. no. 7. 94) Diloma nigerrima Phil. Turbo nigerrimus Cm el. p. 3597. no. 35. Trochvs araucanus d'O r b i g n y Voy. Moll. p. 410. pi. 55. fig. 5 — 8. Philippi in Zeitschr. fur Malakozoologie 1847. p. 19. Philip pi macht a. a. 0. diese Art zum Typus seiner Gattung Diloma , die sich durch den eigenthumlichen Kalk- wulst, in den sich die Spindel innerhalb des Aussenrandes fortsetzt, auszeichnet. Da das eingetrocknete Thier nebst Deckel verliegen, so kann ich bemerken, dass diese Art kei- nen Kiefer besitzt. - - Die Zunge (Taf. VII. Fig. 8.) ist ein wenig unsymmetrisch. Die Mittelplatte ist etwas schief, ver- schmalert sich von hinten nach vorn und schlagt ihren Vor- derrand urn , so dass er frei nach hinten sieht. ihr folgen jederseits funf Zwischenplatten, die vom breiten Grunde nach 1) Ofversigt af Kongl. Vefensk, Akad Forhandlingar. 1848. Tab. VI. Neritina fluviatilis. 182 Troschel: vorn sich verschmalern , und ihren Vorderrand umschlagen; dieSpitze sieht nach innen und der freie Hinterrand 1st fein gezahnt. Die aussere oder fiinfte Zwischenplatte 1st bei wei- tem starker als die ubrigen , und 1st am deutlichsten und grobsten am freien Hinterrande gezahnt. Nun folgt je- derseits eine an Gestalt etwas abweichende Seitenplatte, an deren Rande ich keine Zahnelung wahrnehmen kann. An sie schliessen sich die ausserst feinen Flatten, die die ge- wohnlichen Facher bilden. — Der Deckel ist kreisrund, dunn, durchscheinend. Der Nucleus liegt in der Mitte und stellt auf der innern dem Fusse anliegenden Seite eine kleine von einem erhabenen Walle umgebene trichterformige Yer- tiefung dar. Die spiralen Anwachsstreifen sind sehr eng, am wenigsten in der Nahe des Centrum zu bemerken; es sind deren vom Centrum zum Rande iiber 20. ,Peru.« 95) Omphalius euryomphalus Phil. Trochus euryomphalus Jonas Zeitschr. f. Malakoz. 1844. p. 113. Philippi Abbild. Band. II. Trochus tab. V. fig. 4. An dem eingctrockneten Thier habe ich mich uberzeu- gen konnen , dass ein Kiefer nicht vorhanden ist. — Der Deckel ist sehr eng, aber sehr deutlich spiral, mit centralem Nucleus. aPeru." 96) Trochus Buschii Philippi. Kuster's Conchylien-Cabinet II. 3. Tab. 32. Fig. 1. 97) Trochus undosus Wood. Wood Suppl. Ind. Testae. Tab. V. Fig. 1. Trochus gigas Anlon. Verzeichfi. p. 56. no. 2017. Cf. Dunker bei Philippi Abbild. I. p. 187. Trochus undosus Philippi bei Kuster Conchyl.-Cab. II. 3. p. 219. Taf. 33. Fig. 1. Leider sind in den letztenv beiden Arten die Deckel nicht conservirl ; eben so wenig ist das eingetrocknete Thier vorhanden. Amyxa nov. gen. Maxilla nulla ; testa vcrassa, subglobosa, apertura ro- tunda, intus striga margaritacea simplice cincta; umbilicus Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 183 nullus; myxa basalis nulla; operculum spirale, anfractibus paucis, extus callo calcareo gibboso, granuloso tectum. 98) Amyxa nigra Nob. Turbo niger Wood. Index test. Suppl. Tab. VI. no. 1. d'Orbigny Yoy. Moll. p. 411. no. 315. pi. 55. fig. 9—11. Philippi in Kiister's Conchyl.-Cab. II. 2. p. 49. no. 4. Taf. 12. Fig. 4. Bei einer Eintheilung des grossen Genus Turbo wird die in Rede stehende Art nothwendig der Typus einer eige- neii Gattung werden mussen. Sie besitzt keinen Kiefer, wa'h- rend ich von anderen Arten, z. B. T. rugosus, sarmaticus u. a. die Anwesenheil eines Kiefers beobachtet habe, (dabei ist jedoch zu bemerken , dass auch die eben genannten Ar- ten generisch getrennt werden mussen). Die Zunge (Taf. VII. Fig. 9.) hat in jeder Querreihe eine Mittelpatte, die breiter als lang ist, vorn mil umgeschlagenem ganzrandigen Rande; ihm folgen jederseits funf Zwischenplatten, deren slumpfe Spitze umgebogen ist , so dass sie nach hinten und ein we- nig nach in'nen siehl, und von denen die beiden innern am Aussenrande einen , die drei aussern .am Aussenrande zvvei starke Zahnvorspriinge tragen ; ihnen folgen die facherartig neben einanderliegenden Lamellen. Diese letzteren erschei- nen, in naturlicher Lage betrachtet, als linearische Lamellen mit abgerundeter Spilze, die durch einen oberen Eindruck gleichsam gefurcht erscheinen. Wenn man sie isolirt und von der Seite beobachtet, wie es in Fig 9. b, c, d darge- stellt ist, so sieht man , wie sie von innen nach aussen an Lange und Schmalheit zunehmen; alle haben eine nach innen gerichtete Spitze mil gezahnten Seitenrandern , und unter derselben am Innenrande einen zahnartigen Vorsprung, der von der nach innen gerichteten Spitze durch eine ausgerun- dete Bucht getrennt ist. — In Betreff der Schale wird sich die Gattung durch die rundliche Miindung, an deren Basis der bei den echtcn Turbo allgcmein vorkommende dillenartige Vor- sprung fehlt, unterscheiden lassen ; vielleicht auch durch die schwar/c Farbe. Der Perlmutterstreifen, der ja gewohnlich die Miindung umgiebt, ist vorharidon , kann sich aber natiir-* lich nicht in die Dille ausdehnen, da diese fehlt. Der Dek- kel ist spiral mit wenigen, schnell an Breite zunehmenden 184 Troschel: Windungen; aussen 1st er mil einer dicken weissen Kalk- masse belegt , die eine fcin granulirte Oberflache darbietet. Ich nenne diese Gattung Amyxa. Eine grosse Aehnlichkeit der Schale zwischen dieser Art mit Diloma nigerrima Phil. 1st nicht zuverkennen; die Deckel sind jedoch schon hinrei- chend , sie generisch von einander zu trennen. Vielleicht ist auch der von d'Orbigny der ganzen Gattung Turbo zugeschriebene Anhang am innern Grunde der Fuhler als Gattungscharakter zu benutzen. sPeru.« 99) Turbo canaliculatus G rn e 1. Chemn. Conchyl.-Cab. V. p. 202. pi. 181. fig. 1794. Lamarck 1. c. IX. p. 223. no. 40. Kuster Conchyl.-Cab. Turbo p. 26. Tab. 7. Fig. 4. Fam. Fissurellacea. Dass diese Familie zu den Rhipidoglossen gehort , ist unzweifelhaft durch meine Untersuchung der Mundtheile von Fissurella, so wie durch die Abbildung der Zunge von Emar- ginula crassa bei Lo v en 1, c. Tab. 6 bewiesen. Meine Zeich- nung stimmt mit der eben citirten Loven'schen so gut uber- ein , dass ich kaum einen generischen Unterschied aufzufm- den wiisste. Beide sind in gieicher Weise unsymmetrisch. 100) Fissurella crassa Lam. Lamarck 1. c. VII. p. 592. no. 3. 101) Fissurella limbata Sow. Sower by lllustr. 42. 66. 74. 102) Fissurella elegans Phil. Ein ganz kleines Exemplar. Philippi hat das Exem- plar selbst als solches bestimmt. wPeru.« Cyclobraiichia. Ich halte die Cyclobranchien fur eine sehr gute Ordnung, was namentlich durch die Mundtheile , deren ich viele unter- sucht habe, bewiesen wird. Vergl. auch Loven I.e. Tab. 6. Die Gattung Acmaea , welche durch die federformige Kieme in der Nackenhohle den Uebergang zu den Rhipidoglossen Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 185 macht , gehort doch nach der Bildung der Zunge hierher; ebenso die Gattungen Pilidium und Propilidium Forb. Hani. Ausser den Chitonen muss ferner noch Dentalium hierher- gezogen warden. Fam. Acmaeacea. Gould glaubt (Proceedings of theBostonSocietyBd.il. p. 83; vgl. auchArchiv furNaturgesch. 1850. II. p. 101.) ein Mittel gefunden zu haben, die Gatlungen Patella undAcinaea (Lottia) auch in den Schalen unterscheiden zu konnen, in- dem sich bei Acmaea vorn an der linken Seite eine schwache Grube oder Undulation finde; mir will es nicht gelingen, danach mil Sicherheit Entscheidung ^treffen zu konnen. 103) Acmaea scurra d'Orb. Patella scurra Lesson Zool. de la Coq. p. 421. no. 189. Acmaea mitra Eschsch. Zool. Atlas V. p. 18. tab. 23. fig. 4. d'Orb igny Voy. Moll. p. 478. pi. 64. fig. 11. 12. 104) Acmaea scutum Eschsch. Eschscholtz Zool. Atl. V p. 19. Tab. 23. Fig. 1—3. d'Orb igny Voy. Moll. p. 479. PI. 64. Fig. 8-9. Fam. Patellacea. 105) Patella Pretrei d'Orb. d'Orb igny Voy. Moll. p. 481. no. 446. pi. 78. fig. 15. 106) Patella grammica Phil. Patella lineata Phil. Zeitschr. f. Malak. 1846. p. 23. Patella (Acmaea?) HneataPhi}. Abbild.IH. Patella p. 33. Tab. II. Fig. 1. Patella grammica Phil. ib. Register, woselbst der Name gea'n- dert ist. Philippi hat das Exemplar selbst fur seine Art an- erkannt. 107) Patella zebrina Lesson. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 480. no. 445. pi. 65. fig. 1—3 108) Patella clypeater Lesson. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 480. no. 443. ,,Peru.tt Fam. Chitonidae. Obgleich die Peruanischen Kusten so reich an Chitonen sind, enthalt die Ts child i'sche Sammlung nur zwei Arten. 186 Troscliel: 109) Chiton granosus Frembl. Lamarck 1. c. VII. p. 500. no. 24. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 485. no. 458. 1 1 0) Chiton Cumingii Frembl. Sower by Illuslr. fig. 32. Lamarck 1. c. VII. p. 500. no. 23. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 485. no. 457. Pul in on at a. i Fam. Helicea. 111) Helix Estella d'Orb. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 241. pi. 25. fig. 5—8. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. I. p. 341. no. 893. Archelix Estella Albers Heliceen p. 99. 112) Helix helicycloides d'Orb. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 246. pi. 28. fig. 1—4. Ffeiffer Monogr. Helic. I. p. 406. no. 1056. 113) Bulimus maximus Sow. Var. minor. Cochlogena maxima Sow. in Tank. cat. App. p. VII. 973. Bulimus kremnoicus d'Orb. Voy. Moll. p. 300. pi. 35. fig. 1. 2. Ffeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 19. no. 50. Borus maximus Albers Helic. p. 142. Bulimus Huascari Tsch. MS. Herr Dr. v. Tschudi hat mir eine Abbildung mitge- theilt, ohne die Original -Exemplare', die er B. Huascari ge- nannt hat. Ich habe die Freundschaft mil dem ersten Ken- ner der Heliceen, Herrn Dr. Pfeiffer, benutzt, um ihm die Abbildung vorzulegen, und er erklart sie mitWahrscheinlich- keit fur eine Var. minor, des Bui. maximus Sow. Die Beschrei- bung, welche Hr. v. Tschudi von dieser Art entworfen, bestatigt diese Bestimmung. Ich theile sie vollstandig, mit : gTesta rimata, oblongo - conica , fusca, striata, apertura oblique obtuso-ovala, coeruleo-rubiciuida; peristomate ali- quantulo rcflexo, sublabialo, albo.« aAll. 105. Mill. long. 53. Mill., anfrart. 5.« ^Thier schwarzbraun mit gelbbraunen Flecken.* ^Gehause kaum merklich genabelt; langlich konisch, Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 187 wenig bauchig. Fiinf Umgange: erster Umgang ausserst klein, abgeplattet; zweiter Umgang einmal so gross als der erste; dritter Umgang 21/4mal so gross als der zweite; vierter Um- gang 2y3mal so gross als der dritte; funfter Umgang bei- nahe dreimal so gross als der vierte. Die Lange der Mund- offnung voin Anfange des Margo externus bis zur Basis der Mundoffnung cine Linie weniger als von da bis zum Apex. Die Umgange nehmeri also sehr schnell zu, durch eine nicht ^sehr tiefe Naht vereinigt. Die Mundung ist schief abgerundet ei- formig; der innere Rand (margo columellaris) ein Vierlel kurzer als der externus. Verhaltniss der Lange zur Breite 1:2. — Der Mundsaum ist sehr schwach zuruckgebogen, jedoch ziemlich dick, besonders am ausseren Rande stumpf, innen mit einer weisslichen schwachen Afterlippe ; der Aus- senrand ziemlich stark gebogen, der innere beinahe senkrecht, zieht sich iiber den Nabel und lasst eine kaum bemerkbare Spitze von ihm ubrig. Bei seinem Uebergange an den Bauch ist er tief eingedruckt." ,,Besondere Merkmale. Das Gehause hat slarke Langs- streifen, die besonders am zweiten und dritten Umgange tiefe Furchen bilden." ^Farbung. Der Grundton des Gehauses ist braun, ins Olivengriinliche spielend; die ersten Umgange sind immer et- was rothlicher; am Bauche verwischen gelbliche und schwarz- liche Langsstreifen ; der letzte Theil des Bauches unter dem umgeschlagenen ausseren Rande schwarzlich. Mundoffnung rolhlich ins Blauliche spielend, besonders an der Innenseite des Bauches, nicht durchscheinend, Mundsaum weiss." ^Vaterland: Peru. Ich fand diese Schnecke auf dem Ostabhange der Cordilleren zvvischen dem Chanchamayo und Tullumayo. Sie lebt gern in der Nahe fliessender Gewasser auf der Erdc; ich fand sie nie auf Ba'umen oder Felsen." jjVarielatcn. Beinahe ganz olivengriin odcr rothlich- braun • zuweilen solchc mit ziemlich ausgepragten Querslrei- ^i, die weisslich oder gelblich sind, besonders gegen das Endo dos Bauches an dessen unterer Seite.a 114) Bulinws foveolatus Reeve. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1849. p. 97. Reeve Conchol. icon. t. 73. no. 526. 188 Troschel: Bulimus mahagoni Pfr. Monogr. II el. II. p. 24. no. 61. cf. Zeitschr. fur Malakozoologie 1850. p. 39. Orphnus mahagoni Albers Heliceen p. 146. Bulimus impressus Tschudi MS. Auch diese Art ist mir vonHerrn v. Tschudi riur in einer Abbildung mitgetheilt, ist aber gar nicht zu verkennen. Herr Pfeiffer stimmt gleichfalls mit obiger Bestimmung iiberein. Ich lasse die Tschudi'sche Beschreibung folgen. „ Testa vix rimata, paucispira, turrito-conoidea, fere cylin- drica, anfractibus ultimis celeriter crescentibus , subconvexis, supremis impressionibus octangulis vel irregularibus , infe- rioribus strialis; fusco-obscura, fascia flavescente suturam prope sequens ; apertura aculo - ovata, coerulea, peristomate patulo, simplice, hebete, sublabiato, albo; margine columel- lari breviore subimpresso, strictiore." „ Alt, 75 Mill.; long. 35 Mill.; Anfr. 5.« ,,Gehause sehr schwach geritzt, bei vielen Exemplaren verschwindet der Nabel ganz , konisch gethiirmt , fast cylin- drisch. Es sind fiinf Umgange vorhanden : der erste ist sehr plattgedriickt , der zweite das Doppelte an Grosse vom er- sten, der dritte zweimal den zweiten, der vierte zweimal den dritten, der funfte 2y4mal den vierten. Die obersten drei Windungen haben sehr feine Slreifchen, und entweder acht- winkelige oder unregelmassige ziemlich tiefe Eindrucke, wel- che sich an der vierten Windung ganz verlieren , wo dann aber die Langsstreifen starker markirt vortreten, so wie auch am Bauche; die Umgange nehmen ziemlich rasch zu, sind aber nur sehr schwach gewolbt. — Die Mundoffnung ist sehr schwach schiefgestellt ; Breite zur Lange der Mundoffnung wie 1 : l'/2. Ihre Lange vom Anfang des Margo externus bis zur Basis des Columellarrandes betragt gerade so viel wie vom Anfange des Aussenrandes zur Spitze. Der Mund- saum ist offen, mit einer schwachen Afterlippe versehen. Der aussere Rand hat eine unbedeutende Convexitat, der Colu- mellarrand ist etwas schief nach innen, und weniger laug als die Halfte des ausseren. Mit einem Eindruck an seinem Ansatze an die Miindungswand ist er zuweilen so verdickt umgeschlagen , dass er den Nabel ganz bedeckt. Naht an den ersten Umgangen wenig ausgedruckt, hernach starker." Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 189 ,,Farbe: die Schale 1st tief rothlichbraun oder ins schmut- zig Olivengriine spielend ; eine gelbliche oder hellbraune Binde folgt ganz nahe der Naht, hort aber am aussern Rande des Munds&ums auf. Mundsaum weiss , Gaumen hell violet, ebenso die Mundungswand; die aussere Seite des Mundsau- mes ist gewohnlich heller. Thier blaulich auf dem Rficken, weiss am Bauche." »Yaterland: Urwalder Peru's.44 115) Bulimus Sangoae Tschudi. nov. spec. (Taf. VI. Fig. 1.) Von dieser angeblich ausserst seltenen Schnecke habe ich durch Herrn v. Tschudi keine Exemplare, sondern nur eine saubere Abbildung , ausgefuhrt von Jos. Dinkel, er- halten. Ich habe sie, wie die beiden eben besprochenen, Herrn Pfeiffer in Cassel zur Ansicht gesandt , und ihn urn sein Urtheil gebeten. Er schreibt mir hieruber : »Bul. Sangoae stimmt mit keiner der mir bekannten Arten uberein , doch durfte es schwer sein, ohne Original daruber zu urtheilen , da gerade die nahe verwandten Arten B. pardalis und B. Moritzianus so uberaus veranderlich sind." Aus der Beschrei- bung im MS. des Herrn v. Tschudi geht hervor, dass die Schale perforirt ist, kann also jedenfalls zu Moritzianus nicht gehoren ; auch von pardalis scheint sie mir verschieden genug. Unter diesen Umstanden kann ich nichts weiter thun , als die Abbildung und die Beschreibung hier mittheilen. ,,Testa perforata, conico-turrita, anfractu ultimo celeriter accrescente , convexo , superioribus striolatis , inferioribus striatis , ventre subcancellato et submoniliato; rubello-fusca , fascia rubello-flava suturam sequens , per ventrem continu- ans J) ; apertura acute ovata, spadiceo-rubida, peristomate pa- tulo simplice, acuto, nigricante, margine columellari breviore, impresso, dilatato.^ SA11.81 Mill., long. 40 Mill., anfr. 6." 1) Es sind zwei Binden vorhanden, von denen die eine dicht un- ter der Naht, die andere auf der Milte der AVindung verlauft; die Win- dungen lehoen sich so an die vorhergehenden AVindungen an, dass die miltlere Binde verdeckt Avird, und dass die obere sich, nach Hrn. v. Tschudi's AufTassung, uber den Rand hinaus fortsetzt. 190 Troschel: ,,Gehause durchbohrt, konisch gethurmt, von sehr an- genehmer Form. Es sind sechs Umgange vorhanden. Der zweite Umgang iibertrifFt l^mal den ersten , der dritte zweimal den zweiten, der vierte i7/10mal den dritlen, der funfte zweimal den vierten , der sechste aber 37/\0ma\ den funften. Die Umgange nehmen also bis zum letzten beinahe regelmassig, der letzte aber sehr schnell zu. Die obersten drei Umgange sind fein gestrichelt, die untern aber ge'streift; ausserdem ist der letzte Umgang mit zalilreichen quergehen- den Reihen feiner Kornchen bedeckt , so dass stellenweisse der Bauch ein etwas gefenstertes Ansehen hat. — Die Mund- 6'ffnung ist beinahe gerade , spitzig eiformig; ihre Lange viel bedeutender als die der ubrigen Theile der Schale bis zu ihrer Spitze. Breite zur Lange der Mundoffnung t : 1,4. Der Mundsaum ist offen , der aussere Rand nicht stark con- vex, scharf, der Columellarrand gerade, erweitert eine im ausseren Rande auslaufende Afterlippe, an seinem Uebergang in die Mundungswand tief eingedriickt. Naht ziemlich tief; der funfte und sechste Umgang kleine unregelmassige Wa'rz- chen tragend." ^Farbung : Rothlichbraun , doch tief gefarbt, besonders die drei obersten Umgange, die folgenden zwei etwas schwa- cher, der Bauch wieder starker. Die Umgange begleitet ein rothlich gelbes Band, doch hort es nichl mit demselben auf, sondern setzt sich uber die Verbindungsstellen des aussern Randes mit der Mundungswand fort, geht quer mitten durch den Bauch, und endet in der Mitte des ausseren Randes des Mundsaumes. Die Mundoffnung ist blaulich violet. Die Mun- dungswand etwas heller, der Mundsaum schwarzlich." aVaterland : Diese sehr seltene Schnecke fand ich nur ein einziges Mai in den Urwaldern von Sangoa in Peru, an einem faulen Baumstamm. Das Thier hatle auf dem oberen Theil des Fusses kleine gelbliche Punkte auf dunkelbraunem Grunde, die Unterseite weisslich braun." 116) Bulimus linostoma d'Orb. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 314. pi. 40. fig. 9—11. Pfeiffer Monogr. Hel. II. p. 35. no. 90. Hamadryas linostoma Albcrs Heliceen p. 155. Verzeicbniss d. durch \s Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 191 Bin etwas kurzeres und gedrungeneres Exemplar, als die citirte d'Orbigny'sche Abbildung. 117) Bti/iftius hygrohylaeus d'Orb. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 311. pi. 40. fig. 3—5. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 59. no. 149. Drymaeus hygrohylaeus Albers Heliceen p. 156. Zwei nicht ausgewachsene Exemplare glaube ich nach Ge- stalt und Farbung fiir dieseArt bestimmen zu konnen, wenn- gleich der Mangel wesentlicher nur an der erwachsenen Schale sichtbarer Charaktere einigen Zweifel lasst. Das eine Exemplar ents^ieht in der Farbung genau der d'Orb igny'- schen Fig. 5. , das, andere so ziemlich den Fig. 3 4. Ein driltes blassgelbes Exemplar halle ich nicht fur verschieden. 118) Bulimus Proteus Brod. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 61. no. 153. Scutalus proteus Albers Heliceen p. 160. Ein Exemplar mil sehr grob gekornter Oberflache ist auf der aQuebrada de Canta, Weg von Lima nach dem Cerro de Pasco" gefunden , ein anderes rait fein gekornter Oberflache yjZwischen Huacho und Huaura nordlich von Lima." 1 1 9) Bulimus thamnoicus d'O r b. Var. minor. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 290. pi. 37. fig. 8. Sowerby Conch. 111. fig. 72. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 185. no. 500. £. Scutalus thamnoicus Albers Helic. p. 161. 120) B. derelictus Brod. Proc. zool. soc. 1832. p. 107. x Potiez et Michaud Gal. des Moll. I. 139. pi. 14. fig. 13. 14. Phi lip pi Abbild. 1. Bulimus lab. II. fig. 8. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 63. no. 159. Scutalus derelictus Albers Hcl. p. 160. ,,Callaoa und ^Quebrada von Huachipa, vierMeilen von Lima". Ein etwas kleineres , mehr glatles Exemplar von ^Huacho". 121) Bulimus Cora d'Orb. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 307. pi. 34. fig. 14. 15. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 57. no. 142. Obgleich bc'.de vorliegende Exemplare nicht ausgewach- 192 Troschel: sen sind, so glaube ich sie doch fur diese Art ansprechen zu durfen. Auch Pfeiffer, dem ich ein Exemplar zur Ansicht geschickt habe, halt es dafiir , er schreibt: ^sehr wahrscheinlich , ich habe die ausgebildete Form noch nie gesehen." 122) Bulimus versicolor Brod. Proc. zool. soc. 1832. p. 108. Sower by Conch. 111. fig. 16. Pfeiffer Monogr. Ilelic. II. p. 61. no. 155. Scutalus versicolor Albers Helic. p. 160. ,,Bei Chacapalpa, Provinz Lurin, 12000 Fuss uber dem Meere." 123) Bulimus bifasciatus Phil. Philippi Abbild. II. Bnlimus tab. 3. fig. 3. p. 10. no. 5. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 199. no. 547. Scutalus bifasciatus Albers Helic. p. 161. Ich theile hier wortlich mit, was HerrDr. v. Tschudi fiber diese Art niedergeschrieben hat , die er iibrigens in seinem MS. zuerst, naturlich viel fruher als sie von Philippi beschrieben wurde, B. bifasciatus nanhte; spater scheint er dem daneben geschriebenen Namen B. fusiformis den Vorzug gegeben zu haben. ,,Testa oblecte perforata, turrito-subulata , fere fusifor- mis, apice truncata, anfractibus sensim accrescentibus, sub- convexis , primo truncato , duohus superioribus slriatis , in- ferioribus slriatulis ; fusca s. fusco-olivacea , fasciis duabus flavescentibus spirae parallelis. Apertura ovato - rotundata, fere rectangula, coeruleo-violacea, peristomate patulo, hebete, simplice, rubello sive olivaceo, margine columellari bre- viore, parte superiore reflexo. Alt. ^45 Mill., diam. 19 Mill. Anfr. 6.« ,,Das Gehause dieses Bulimus ist schief durchbohrt, ge- thurmt, schlank, fast spindelformig, an der Spitze schief ab- gestutzt, indem der Anfang des ersten Umganges rasch mit scharferKante breiter werdend hervorlritt. Der zvveite Urngang ist sehr wenig breiter als der erste, der dritte 1,3 vom zwei- ten, der vierte 1,4 vom dritten, der funfte 1,8 vom vierten, der sechste 2,1 vom fiinften; sie nehmen also bei dieser Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 193 Species so allrnahlich zu, wie bei wenig anderen Bulimus- Arten , geben ihr ein gefalliges schlankes Aussehen. Die obersten beiden Umga'flge bieten ein genaues, constantes, spe- cifisches Kennzeichen dar, indem immer drei feine Strichelchen dicht neben einander stehen, so einen der starkeren Streifen bilden , welcher zwischen den nachstfolgenden eine breitere Furche lasst. Beim dritten Umgange ist dies weniger deut- lich. Bei den folgenden finden sich auch starkere, und zwi- schen ihnen feinere Streifen. Querstreifen bemerkt man nicht. Die Naht ist besonders bei den letzten beiden Umgangen tief. Die Mundoffnung ist ganz gerade, langlich , beinahe recht- winklig. Die Spitze verschvvindet ganz. Ihre Lange verhalt sich zu der des ubrigen Theils der Schale wie 1 : 1,6; die Breite zur Lange wie 1 : 1,3. Der Mundsaum ist offen. Der aussere Rand ist an seinem Verbindungswinkel mit der Miin- dungswand convex, lauft dann ganz gerade hinunter, biegt sich dann in weitem Bogen urn, setzt sich dann in den Co- lumellarrand iiber , welcher kurzer als der aussere ist, zu- ruckgebogen, den Nabel bedeckend, und sich allmahlich in die Mundungswand fortsetzend." ^Farbung. Das Gehause dieser Schnecke ist rothlich- braun, auf ihren letzten Umgangen etwas heller als auf den oberen. Je die obere und untere Naht eines jeden Umgangs wird von einer gelben Binde begleitet, von denen die untere besonders in den letzten Umgangen unten von einer deutli- chen schwarzen schmalen Binde begrenzt ist. Die obere Binde hort am Verbindungswinkel des ausseren Randes mit der Mundungswand auf, die untere setzt sich unterhalb der Mitte des Bauches fort, und endet am Anfange des unteren Drittels des ausseren Mundsaumes. Eine dunkle Nabelbinde ist vorhanden. — Die Mundoffnung ist violett-blaujich oder rosa, lasst die Bauchbinde durchscheinen. Der Mundsaum ist heller rothlich, die Mundungswand violett." ,,Varietat. Ich beobachtete von dieser Schnecke ein Exemplar mit dunkel olivenfarbigem Gehause und ohne Bin- den, schwarzlicher Mundoffnung; andere' Exemplare mit schwarzbraunem Gehause und nur mit der unteren Binde." ,,Vaterland. Ich fand diese Schnecke an einer einzigen Localitat, namlich in den Waldern, die sich ostlich von Hu- Archiv f. Naturgesch. XVIII. Jahrg. 1. Bd. 13 194 Troschel: , ancavelica nach dem Flusse Apurimac erstrecken und daselbst nur selten und im Umfange von einer Viertellegua in der Nahe eines kleinen Baches auf feuchtem Moose. Das Thier 1st gelblich mit orangefarbigen Punkten." 124) Bulimus conspersus Sow. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. p. 190. no. 516. Bardotus conspersus Albers Heliceen p. 164. 5,1m Tihgo zwischen Aynamayo und Tullumayo ; Urwal- der von Vito.tf 125) Bulimus Philippii Pfr. tiulimus strialulus Sow. Conch. 111. fig. 58. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 208. no. 568. Bardotus Philippii Albers Heliceen p. 165. wChunchotambo.a 126) Bulimus Orbignyi Pfr. Pfeiffer Proc. zool. soc. 1846. p. 31. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 208. no. 569. 127) Bulimus guttatus Brod. Br ode rip Proc. zool. soc. 1832. p. 31. Sower by Conch. 111. fig. 10. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. 177. no. 478. Bardotus guttatus Albers Heliceen p. 165. . wBei Chunchotambo zwischen Chanchamayo und Ay- namayo." 128) Bulimus scalariformis Brod. Proc. zool. soc. 1832. p. 31. Sower by Conch. 111. fig. 13. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 217. no. 593. Bardotus scalariformis Albers Heliceen p. 165. 129) Bulimus tumidulus Pfr. Bulimus inflatus Brod. Proc. zool. soc. 1836. p. 45. Sower by Conch. 111. fig. 61. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 193. no. 523. Mesembrinus tumidulus Albers Heliceen p. 158. „ Am Flusse Ancoyacu im Thale von Huancayo in der Nahe von Jauja, 11 000 Fuss fiber dem Meere. Lebt vorzug- lich auf Caclus. 130) Bulimus peruvianus B r u g. Bruguieres Encycl. meth. I. p. 320. no. 37. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 166. no. 440. Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 195 Plectostylus perutianus Beck Index Moll. Mus._ Princ. Christian] Frederic! p 58. no. 3. Plectostylw perutianus Albers Heliceen p. 170. 131) Bulimus coquimbensis Brod. Broderip Proc. zool. soc. 1832. p. 30. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 147. no. 378. Plectostylus coquimbensis Beck Index Moll. Mus. Princ. Cbristiani Frederic! p. 58. no. 4. Plectostylus coquimbensis Albers Heliceen p. 170. 132) Bulimus zebra Pfr. Var. J. Buccinum zebra Mull. Verm. II. p. 138. no. 331. Bulimus undalus Brug. Encycl. ineth. I. p. 320. no. 38. Bulimus zebra var. tf. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 144. no. 372. Orthalicus princeps Beck Index Mus. Moll. Princ. Christ. Fred. p. 59. no. 3. Orthalicus zebra Albers Heliceen p. 171. wln alien Waldern auf dem Ostabhange der Binnen-Cor- dillera." Obgleich ich der Meinung bin , dass die Gattung Buli- mus in viele Gattungen zerspalten werden muss, so habe ich hier doch noch alle Arten als Bulimus aufgezahlt. Die Ana- tomic sehr vieler Arten kann allein weiter helfen. 133) Bulimus (Bostryx") solutus Trosch. (Taf. V. Fig. 6.) Zeitschr. fur Malakozoologie. 1847. p. 49. Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 61. no. 425. Archiv fur Naturg. 1849. I. p. 233. Taf. IV. Fig. 5. Zunge. Diese Art habe ich zuerst in der Zeitschrift fur Mala- kozoologie a. a. 0. beschrieben, und halte daher eine wie- derholte Beschreibung fur uberflussig. In diesem Archiv 1849 a. a. 0. habe ich die Zunge naher beschrieben, und sie ab- bilden lassen. Ich benutze diese Gelegenheit, eine Abbildung der Schale zu liefern. 134) Bulimus Tschudu Trosch. (Taf. V. Fig. 7.) Pfeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 163. no. 431. Diese niedliche Art, von der etwa 30 Exemplare vor- liegen, theilte ich schon vor mehreren Jahren unter obigem Namen demHerrnDr. Pfeiffer in Cassel zur Ansicht mit, um sie in seine Monographic der Heliceen aufzunehmen. 196 Troschel: Seiner vortrefflichen Diagnose habe ich wenig hinzuzufugen. Besonders zeichnet sich diese Art durch die gedriickte letzte Windung aus, wasTfeiffer durch folgende Worle ausgedruckt hal: ultimus anfractus medio subcompres- sus. Das Eingedruckte haben alle Exemplare-, meist so stark, dass die letzte Windung kaum mehr gewolbt ge- nannt werden kann ; man konnte sogar von einer schwa- chen Andeutung zweier stumpfer Kiele sprechen. Was die Farbung betrifft , so sind die meisten Exemplare gelblich- weiss und scheinen langere Zeit ohne Thier gelegen, und so ihre Farbe, wenigstens zuin Theil , verloren zu haben; an mehreren Exemplaren, und an ihnen ubereinstimmend , lasst sich jedoch erkennen, dass auf gelblichem durchscheinenden Grunde unregelmassige weisse undurchsichtige Flecken an- gebracht sind , dass ferner einzelne unregelmassige braune Langsstreifen sich bilden, und dass schmale braune unter- brochene Querbinden mit den Windungen herumlaufen; die- ser sind auf den Windungen drei , auf dem letzten Umgange jedoch sechs. Die Schale ist hier abgebildet. wAn Mauern in Huaura und Huacho." 135) Clausilia peruana Trosch. (Taf. V. Fig. 8.) Zeitschr. f. Malakoz. 1847. p. 51. Ffeiffer Monogr. Helic. II. p. 483. no. 204. Diese ausserst seltene Art, die eine besondere Gruppe in der Galtung Clausilia bildet, und sich durch die gegitterte Oberflache vor alien anderen Arten ihrer Gattung auszeich- net, habe ich zuerst a. a. 0. beschrieben; Pfeiffer hat sie nach unserem Exemplar in seine beruhmte Monographic der Heliceen aufgenommen. Da sie, so viel ich weiss, noch nir- gends bildlich dargestellt ist, habe ich sie hier abbilden las- sen, enthalte mich jedoch einer wiederholten Beschreibung. Die mittlere Figur stellt eine Windung vergrossert dar, um die gegitterte Oberflache zu zeigen. Fam. Limn a e ace a. 136) Physa peruviana Gray. Lam. 1. c. VIII. p. 401. no. 5. Raster's Conchyl.-Cab. Bd. I. 17. p. 26. Taf. 4. Fig. 15. cop. ^Laguna de Villas bei Lurin." Verzeichniss d. duruh v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 197 137) Platwrbis kennatoides d'Orb. d'Orbigny Voy. Mollusques p. 350. pi. 45. fig. 1—4. K Osier's Conchyl. . Cab. Bd. I. 17. p. 62. no. 34. Taf. 10. Fig. 1-3. ,,Lurin, funf Meilen von Lima in der Laguna.u 138) Chilina puelcha d'Orb. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 336. pi. 43. fig. 8—12. ,,Lurin,tt 139) Chilina Parchappii d'Orb. D'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 338. pi. 43. fig. 4. 5 Fam. Auriculacea. 140) Auricula (Conovulus*) lutea Quoy. Kuster Conchyl.-Cab. Bd. I. 16. p. 39. Taf. 6. Fig. 1—4. 141) Auricula (^Conovulus) acromelas Nob. nov. sp. (Taf. VI. Fig. 2.) Testa ovata , irregulariter striata, subperforata, grisea fasciis quatuor brunneis circumdala; spira brevis , conica, acuta, apice violaceo-nigro : anfr. octo plani; apertura elon- gata, labro acuto , intus subtiliter costato, columella quadri- plicata. Long. 11 Mill., lat 6'/2 Mill., long, aperturae 9 Mill. Diese Art hat mit der vorhergehenden eine sehr grosse Uebereinstimmung in der Gestalt , ist aber viel kleiner. Sie unterscheidet sich sehr auffallend durch die Farbung, indem sie auf gelbgraulichem Gruncle vier graubraune Binden tragt, die breiter sind als die dazwischen sichtbare Grundfarbe. Ihr Apex ist violett - schwarz , wahrend die Farbe desselben bei A. lutea nicht von der gelben Farbe der Schale abweicht. Es sind acht Windungen vorhanden, wahrend A. lutea deren 11 besitzt. Die Aussenlippe ist scharf, innen glanzend braun gerandet. In einiger Entfernung vom Rande beginnen innen 13 — 15 Leisten von weisser Farbe, die sich ziemlich weit in das Innere erstrecken . statt ihrer fmden sich bei A. lutea nur 7 — 9 mehr zahnartige Vorspriinge. Auf der Spindel stehn 5 Falten, von denen die erste und die dritte stark, die ubrigen unbedeutend entwickelt sind ; auf der Spindel selbst steht eigentlich nur die erste Falte, die ubrigen stehen auf der vorletzten Windung. 198 Trosehel: Notobraiicfiiata. In dieser Ordnung habe ich die Nudibranches und Te- ctibranches Cuv. vereinigt. Sic werden dadurch zusammen- gehalten, dass sie zwittrig sind, und dass ihre Kiemen we- der in einer eigentlichen Kiemenhohle, noch unter dem Man- telrande, sondern auf dem Riicken liegen ; auch ihre Ent- wickelungsgeschichte scheint sie zusammenzufugen. Fam. Ac era. 142) Bulla ampulla Linn. Larnarck 2. edit, VII. p. 668. no. 2. Moil opleurobr an chiata. Die Kieme liegt bei dieser Abtheilung unter dern Man- telrande, ja sie dringt wohl in eine Hohlung unter dem Man- tel ein, wie bei Siphonaria , und wird dadurch der Kieme der Ctenobranchjer oder Rhipidoglossen ahnlich. Ihnen ste- hen diese Formen jedoch fern (lurch ihren Hermaphroditismus und durch die Mundtheile. Fam. S iphon ariacea. Dass die Gatlung Siphonaria von den Patellen in der ganzen Organisation verschieden ist, geht schon aus der Kenntniss des Thieres hervor, wie sie uns Quoy und Gai- mard in der Zoologie du Voyage de 1' Astrolabe (vergl. auch Lamarck animaux sans vertebres 2. edit. VII. p. 554.) ge- liefert haben. Ich selbst habe zwar keine Peruanische Art, wohl aber die Siphonaria Algesirae Q. et G. zu untersuchen Gelegenheit gehabt und kann daraus die Angaben von Quoy und Gaimard bestatigen : die Kiemenhohle, das getrennte Geschlecht, das Vorhandenhein der gestielten Blase u. s.w. — Besonders liaben mich die Mundtheile interessirt. Oberhalb vor der Mundmasse liegt, wie bei Helix, qin horniger Kiefer von mondformiger Gestalt. Die ihn zusaminensetzende Horn- masse ist jedoch nicht fest, sondern wenn man den Kiefer zwischen zwei Glasplatten presst, zerfallt er leicht in Stiicke und man sieht deutlich, wie die ganze Masse aus einer gros- sen Anzahl von Hornplattchen oder Schuppen besteht, die Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 199 einander dachziegelartig decken. Diese Schuppen liegen ziemlich unregelmassig neben und hinter einander, und schei- nen auf einer durchslchtigen Haul mil einem Ende so befe- stigt zu sein , dass sie sich leicht verschieben lassen. Die einzelnen Schuppen sind an ihrem freien Ende ziemlich spitz, und in der Mitte der Lange nach gekielt, so dass sie mit den gekielten Schuppen einer Natter sich vergleichen lassen. Einige solche Schuppen sind auf Taf. VI. Fig. 9 dargestellt. Der- gleichen schuppige Kiefer kommen jedoch auch in anderen Gasteropoden-Ordnungen vor. — Die Zunge ruht auf den ge- wohnlichen Zungenknorpeln, ist verhaltnissmassig sehr breit und zeigt in der Anordnung ihrer Flatten grosse Aehnlich- keit mit Helix. Die Flatten auf der Zunge sind in regelmas- sigen Langs- und Querreihen geordnet. Taf. VI. Fig. 10 stellt ein Stuck mitten aus der Zunge dar. Die Mittelreihe besteht aus sehr kleinen Plattchen, die von den ubrigen sehr verschieden sind , und also die Mitte deutlich bezeichnen. Von der Mittelplatte aus lauft jederseits eine Querreihe von Flatten mit einer geringen Neigung nach hinten. Jede die- ser seitlichen Flatten scheint aus zwei Slucken zu bestehen, einem grosseren verkurzt kegelformigen , auf dessen Gipfel das zweite so aufsitzt , dass das Ganze etwa einem Zucker- hut ahnlich sieht , bei dem die Spitze aus der umgebenden Papierhulle hervorsieht. 143) Siphonaria characteristica Reeve. Reeve Conchol. systematica. 144) Siphonaria gig as Sow. Ta nkervi lie's Catal. Append. 1 45} Siphonaria costata Sow. Sower by. Proceed. Zool Soc. 1835- Brachiopoda. 146) Orbicula lamellata Brod. Proc. zool. soc. 1833. p. 124. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 677. no. 786. 200 Troschel: Lamellibranchiata. Fam. Pectinea. 147) Spondylus ducalis C h e m n. Lamarck. 1. c. VII. p. 189. no. 14. 148) Pecten purpuratus Lam. Lamarck 1. c. VII. p. 134. no. 11. (?) Sowerby Thesaurus I. p. 53. pi. XV. fig. 113. Die vorliegendenExemplare sind jedenfalls mil der citir- ten S owerby'schen Beschreibung und Abbildung identisch. Ob diese jedocli wirklich die Lama rck'sche Art darstellt, mochte sich schwer ermitteln lassen , da die Beschreibung sehr kurz, keine Abbildung citirt und als Vaterland Japan mit einem won dita angegeben ist. Was in der kurzen Diagnose gesagt ist, passt iibrigens bis auf die 26 Rippen, deren nur 22 vorhanden sind; auch Sowerby giebt 22 an. 149) Pecten gibbus Linn. Lamarck 1. c. VII. p. 152. no. 53. Sowerby Thesaurus I. p. 52. no. 22. pi. XII. fig. 17. pi. XIV. fig, 76. Fam. Aviculacea. 1 50) Pinna maura Sow. Proceed. Zool. Soc. 1835. Fam. Arcacea. • 151) Area grandis Brod. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 637. no. 729. 152) Area tuberculosa Sow. Sowerby Proceed, zool. soc. 1833. p. 19. Philippi Abbild. Bd. I. Hft. 2. p. 44. Area Tab. I. Fig. 2. 153) Area velata Sow. Sowerby Proc. zool. soc. 1833. Reeve Conch, icon. sp. 79. 154) Area reversa Sow. Area retersa d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 635. no. 722. Area Hemicardium Koch Philippi Abbild. Bd. 1. Heft. 2. Area Tab. I. Fig. 1. Obgleich das vorliegende Exemplar wegen der mehr vorgezogenen vorderen und unteren Spitze verhaltnissmassig Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 201 langer erscheint, als die citirte Abbildung bei Philippi sie darstellt , so stehe ich doch nicht an , sie fur dieselbe Art zu halten , da die Beschreibung sonst gut passt. Die Epi- dermis ist vollstandig erhalten, ist jedoch nicht haarig, wie Koch vermuthet, sondern besteht aus dicht gedrangten, un- regelmassig zerfetzten, und dadurch fast schuppenformigen Lamellen, die parallel dem Rande der Schale laufen, und im unversehrten Zustande , wie wir ihn an unserem Exemplare in der Na'he des Randes sehen , stark entwickelt sind ; da wo sie abgerieben sind, lassen sie eine dunkelbraune Haul zuruck, die durch sehr zierliche, gedrangte, quer uber die Rippen laufende wellenformigeLinien ausgezeichnet ist. Wo die Epidermis ganz fortgenommen ist, ist die Schale weiss, zeigt aber noch die zarten welligen Linien , besonders zwischen den Rippen. 156) Peciunculus intermedius Brod. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 627. no. 708. Fam. Naj a des. 157) Unio Molinae Phil. Philippi Abbild. III. p. 50. no. 4. Tab. IV. Fig. 4. Die citirte Abbildung , so wie die dazu gehorige Be- schreibung passen vollstandig zu unseren Exemplaren, deren zwei vorhanden sind ; nur in Beziehung auf die Wirbel wei- chen sie ab, was aber wohl mit dem Alter zMsammenhangen mag. Das kleinere 38 Mill, (knapp I1/,* Zoll) lange Stuck hat vollig unverletzte Wirbel, bei dem grosseren von 47 Mill. Lange sind dieselben ein wenig angefressen. In beiden Fallen sind jedoch gegen 12 Rippchen deutlich, von denen die vor- deren und hinteren schwacher sind als die mittleren sehr starken; letztere sind jknotig oder hockerig. Beim ferne- ren Abreiben der Wirbel werden diese Rippen ganz ver- schwinden, und leicht ist es zu erklaren, dass bei demPhi- lippi'schen Exemplare nur noch die Spur von vier Rippchen ubrig war, da dasselbe nach der Abbildung eine Lange von 68 Mill. hat. Die erhabenen Rippen der Wirbel entspringen bei beiden Exemplaren nicht von einem Centrum, sondern die Halfle nimmt ihren Anfang dicht vor, die andere Ha'lfte dicht hinter dem- Wirbel, so also freilich sehr nahe an ein- 202 T r o s c h c I : ander. Von jedem dieser nahe gelegenen Centren ausge- hend miissen sich die zwei mittleren Strahlen bald treffen; nach ihrer Vereinigung selzen sie sich nicht weiter fort. ,Peru.« Fam. Mytila cea. 157) Mytilus chorus Molina. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 647. no. 750. 158) Mytilus americanus d'Orb. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 648. no. 751. 159) Lithodomus attenuatus. Modiola attenuata Deshayes Lamarck 1. c. VII. p. 28. no. 25. Philippi Abbild. Bd. II. p. 148. no. 4. Tab. I., Fig. 6. Sollten Lithodomus peruvianus und inca d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 651. no. 757 und 758 von ihr verschieden sein? Fam. Chamacea. 160) Tridacna elongata Lam. Lamarck 1. c. VII. p. 9. no. 2. Fam. Cardiac ea. 161) Cardium procerum Sow. Proceed, zool. soc. 1833. p. 83. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 594. no. 659. Die bei d'Orbigny citirte R e e v e'sche Abbildung habe ich nichl vergleichen konnen. An jungen Exemplaren zeich- nen sich die sechs hinteren Rippen vor den iibrigen durch eine scharfe Kante aus, welche fein schuppig gezahnt ist. 162) Cardium senticosum Sow. Proceed, zool. soc. 1833. p. 84. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 593. no. 658. Die bei Orbigny abgedruckte Diagnose passt vortreff- lich, doch darf man sich nicht dadurch irre fuhren lassen, dass er die Afterseite vorn nennt, und umgekehrt. Fam. Conchae. 163) Venus thaca d'Orb. Chama thaca Molina ex auct. d'Orbignyi. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 557. no. 580. Venus Dombeii Lamarck 1. c. VI. p. 346. no. 21. Venus Dombeyi Philippi Abbild, I. p. 127. Tab. II. Fig. 1. Tab. 111. Fig. 3. Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 203 1(34) Venus Alvarezii d'Orb. Venus discrepans Philippi Abbild. I. p. 175. Tab. III. Fig. 2. Venus Aharezii d'Orb. Voy. Moll. p. 557. no, 579. pi. 83. Fig. 3. 4. Diese von Philippi vortrefflich abgebjldete und cha- rakterisirte Art ist nicht Venus discrepans Sow. Proc. zool. soc. 1835. p. 22., d'Orb igny Voy. Moll. p. 561. no. 592. Dagegen glaube ich Venus Alvarezii d'Orb. stelle dieselbe Art dar. Dies hat mich veranlasst, den d'Orb igny'schen Namen beizubehalten. Ich halte diese Art fur unzweifelhaft verschieden von der vorigen, woran Philippi noch zwei- felt, und glaube zu den unterscheidenden Merkmalen noch die weniger tiefe Mantelbucht hinzufugen zu konnen, da auch hierin unser Exemplar mit der Rhilippi'schen Abbildung vollkommen ubereinstimmt. 1 65) Venus crenifera Sow. Proceed, zool. soc. 1835. p. 43. d'Orbigny Yoy. Moll. p. 563. no. 603. Nach der kurzen Diagnose kann ich das vorliegende Exemplar fur die citirte Art halten , namentlich wegen des grossen langen Schlosszahnes an der Mundseile. Die Schale ist fast eiformig, die Wirbel liegen uber dem ersten Drittel der Lange. Von ihnen fa'llt der vordere und hintere Rand fast geradlinig ab, der vordere ist vor den Wirbeln nur we- nig vertieft. Beide runden %sich weiter nach unten und gehn in den bogenformigen unteren Rand allmahlich uber. Das Schlossband liegt in einer schmalen vertieften Grube einge- senkt; die Lunula ist langlich eiformig, und durch eine scharfe Linie begrenzt. Die Oberflache der Schale ist durch sehr zahlreiche enge, concentrische, lamellenartige Leistchen und strahlfonnige Rippchen zierlich gegittert; dadurch erscbeinen die concentrischen Lamellen gekerbt. Der Rand ist fein ge- kerbt. Die Mantelbucht reicht bis zu % der Schalenlange, die Brucke, d. h. die Entfernung der Mantelbucht vom vor- dern Schliessmuskel ist doppelt so breit, wie der vordere Schliessmuskel. Der vordere Schlosszahn ist in beiden Scha- len unverhaltnissmassig gross, leistenartig nach vorn gezo- gen und durch einen belrachtlichcn Zwischenraum von dem mittleren Schlosszahn getrennt. — Die Farbe ist schmutzig gelblich, an den abgeriebenen Wirbeln blaulich; innen ist 204 T r o s c h c 1 : die Farbe blaulich, nach dem hintern Rande an Intensitat be- deutend zunehmend. — Lange 34 Millim. , Hohe 28 Millim., Breite 20 Mill. , Lange der Lunula 12 Mill., Breite derselben 6'/2 Mill. 166) Venus subrugosa Sow. Philippi Abbild. I. p. 177. no. 5. Tab. III. Fig. 6. 7. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 561. no. 595, 167) Cytherea squalida Sow. Proceed, zool. soc. 1835. p. 23. Fam, Lijhophaga. 168) Saxicava arctica Phil. (?) Philippi Enum. Mollusc. Siciliae I. p. 20. Tab. III. Fig. 3. Hiatella arctica Lamarck 1. c. VI. p. 443. Bin kleines Exemplar, das sich von Saxicava arctica nicht unterscheiden lasst; hierin stimmt Philippi mit mir uberein. Freilich wiirde dies auf eine sehr weite Verbrei- tung der Art schliessen lassen. 169) Pelricola tennis Sow. Sower by Proceed, zool. soc. 1834. p. 47. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 548. p. 560. Fur diese Art halte ich einige Exemplare, welche in einem Korallenstuck eingebohrt sind. Sie klaffen belrachlich, sind ziemlich langstreckig, die Hohe verhalt sich zur Lange wie 2 : 5. Die Mundseite nimmt nur den sechsten Theil der ganzen Schale ein, vom Vorderrande bis zum Schlosszahn gemessen. Der Schlossrand steigt nach hinten ein wenig in die Hohe und erreicht auf der Mitte der Schale die hochste Hohe, urn sich dann geradlinig wieder bis zum Hinterrande zu senken. Aussen ist die Schale uberall strahlig gerippt; vorn sind die Rippen am breitesten aber niedrig, in der Mitte sind sie arn zartesten, die den Hinterrand erreichenden, etwa 8 an der Zahl , sind starker erhaben , durch breiterc Zwischenraume getrennt, auf ihrer Lange mit feinen Knot- chen besetzt, und springen am Hinterrande zahnartig vor. Lange 30 Mill. , Hohe an den Wirbeln 12 Mill., Breite fast 12 Millimeter. 170) Pelricola ovata Nob. nov. sp. Testa elliptico *. ovata , radiatim tenuiter costata; costis Vcrzeichniss d. (lurch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 205 parum elevatis 36, lamellis concentricis permultis irregulari- bus ; latere buccalibrevissimo; margine dorsali arcuato. Long. 31 Mill. Alt. 18 Mill. Lat. 16 Mill. Von dieser Art, die eine gewisse Aehnlichkeit mit der vorigen hat , liegt mir nur eine linke Schale vor, die aber gut conservirt ist. Sie hat eine eiformige Gestalt, ihre Hohe verhalt sich zur Lange wie 3 : 5. Der dorsale Rand vom Wirbel zum Hinterramle bildet einen Bogen. Die Mundseite ist sehr kurz, betragt nur den sechsten Theil der Schalen- lange. Die Mantelbucht ist abgerundet, hoher und weniger lang als bei dev vorigen Art, sie ragt kaum uber die Mitte der Schalenlange hinaus. Aussen ist die Schale mil flachen, breiten, wenig deutlichen Rippen versehen, die fast uberall von gleicher Grosse sind, und deren ich ungefahr 36 zahle. Von der Farbe ist nichts mehr zu erkennen. 171) Petricola denticulata Sow. Sower by Proceed, zool. soc. 1834. p. 46. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 549. no. 564. Fam. Nymphacea. 172) Donax radiata Valenc. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 541. no. 545. Diese Art , von der mehrere Exemplare vorliegen , isl besonders durch die vor den Wirbeln liegenden Punktreihen ausgezeichnet. Dieselben fehlen an keinem Exemplare ganz, sind aber zuweilen minder zahlreich und minder deutlich. 173) Donax paytentis d'Orb. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 541. no. 547. Donax panamensis P h i 1 5 p p i Zeitschr. fur Malakoz. 1848. p. 145. no. b7. Ich habe mich von der Uebereinstimmung der vorlie- genden Schalen mit der Philip pi'schen Art, durch Verglei- chung mit solchen Exemplaren , die von meinem Freunde Philippi herstammen, uberzeugen konnen, und zweifle nach der d'Orb igny'schen Beschreibung nicht, dass seine Art nicht verschieden ist, daher lasse ich ihr den alteren Namen. In der Tschud i'schen Sammlung fmden sich mehrere Farben- varietaten : rothlich , blaulich, griinlich , gelblich, mit brei- ten hellen vom Wirbel auslaufenden Strahlen, oder fast ein- 206 Troschel: farbig. Fast alle sind innen blau, doch auch dies 1st nicht constant ; zwei Exemplare sind innen roth , ausser o'er Far- bung aber in nichls von den ubrigen zu unterscheiden. 174) Tellina coarctata Phil. Philippi Zeitschr. fur Malakozoologie 1845. p. 151. no. 11. Es 1st nur eine Schale vorhanden, diePhilippi selbst als ,,Tellina coarctata Ph. var. radiala (T. lacunosa Hanley non Chemnitz") bestimmt fcafr. Fam. Amphidesmidae - 175) Amphidesma solidum Gray. Gray Spicilegia zoologica. d'Orbigriy Voy. Moll. p. 532. no. 525. 176) Cumingia lamellosa Sow. Proceed, zool. soc. 1833. p. 34. Archiv fur Naturgesch. Jahrg. 1. Bd. 1. p. 289. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 527. no. 518. Fam. Solenacea. 177) Solecurtus Dombeyi d'Orb. Solen Dombeyi Lamarck 1. c. VI. 58. no. 12. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 524. no. 514. Fam. Pholadaria. 178) Pholas chiloensis Mo 1 hi a. d'Orbigny Voy. Moll. p. 498. no. 476. Philippi Abbild. III. 5. p. 52. no. 4. Tab. I. Fig. 4. 5. Sowerby Thesaurus Part. X. p.486. no. 2. PI. 102. Fig. 1. 2. Dactylina chiloensis Gray Annals nat. hist. 1851. Vol. VIII. p. 382. Von dieser Art finden sichin der Tschudi'schenSamm- lung zwei Exemplare, die so verschieden von einander sind, dass ich anfanglich geneigt war, sie fur specifisch verschie- den zu halten. Das grossere entspricht ganz der Abbildung und Beschreibung bei Philippi; das andere kleinere hat viel weniger deutliche wtreppenformigea Anwachsstreifen, und die gewolbten Schuppen sind dunn, hoch und spitz, so dass der d'Orb igny'sche Ausdruck ^radiatim spinis ornata" vortrefflich darauf passt. Ein Exemplar des Bonner Museums halt zwischen beiden dieMitte, und hat mich iiberzeugt, dass beide Exemplare derselben Art angehoren. Verzeichniss d. durch v. Tschudi in Peru gesammelt. Conchyl. 207 Erklarung der Abbildungen. Taf. V. Fig. 1. Rissoina sulcigera Nob. nov. spec. Die mittlere Figur be- zeichnet die naturliche Grosse. Fig. 2. Natica elongata Nob. Fig. 3. Natica alveata Nob. DOT. spec. Fig. 4. Nassa Tschudii Nob. nov sp. Fig. 5. Nerita cerostoma Nob. nov. sp. Fig. 6. Bulimus (Bostryx) solutus Nob. Die Mittelfigur stellt die na- turliche Grosse dar. Fig. 7. Bulimus Tschudii Nob. Die Mitlelfigur deutet die naturliche Grosse an. Fig. 8. Clausilia peruana Nob. Taf. VI. Fig. 1. Bulimus Sangoae Tschudi n. sp. Fig. 2. Auricula (Conovulus) acromelas Nob. nov. sp. Fig. 3. Deckel von Turbinella cerata. a. aussere Flache, b. innere Flache. Ein wenig vergrosserT. Fig. 4. Deckel von Murex Boivinii. a. aussere Flache , b. innere Flache. Fig. 5 Deckel von Nassa luteostoma. a. aussere Flache , 6. innere Flache. Fig. 6. Deckel von Purpura echinulata, aussere Flache. Fig. 7. Deckel von Monoceros imbricatum, a. aussere Flache 6. innere Flache. Fig. 8. Deckel von Cassidaria cingulata, a. aussere Flache, b. innere Flache. Fig. 9. Ein Stuck des Kiefers von Siphonaria Algesirae. Vergr. 265. Fig. 10. Ein Stuck der Zunge von derselben. Vergr. 240. Taf. VII. Fig. 1. Zunge von Cypraea arabica , eine Querreihe. a. Miltelplatle b. Zwischenplatten, c. Seitenplatten. Fig. 2. Zunge von Oliva peruana, funf Querreihen. Fig. 3. Zunge von Tritonium succinctum; eine Querreihe; die Seiten- platten der rechten Seite sind nach aussen umgelegt, um die Zwischeoplitlte deutlicher sehen zu lassen. 208 T r o s c h e 1 : .Verzeichniss d. (lurch v. Tschudi ges. Conchyl. Fig. 4. Zunge von Monoceros imbricatunr, eine Querreihe. Fig. 5. Zunge von Concholepas peruviana ; zwei Querreihen. Fig, 6. Eine PJatte von der Zunge von Ovula gibbosa. Fig. 7. Zunge von Nerita cerostoma ; eine Querreihe. a. die Mittel- platte, b. die Zwischenplatte, c. d. e. die Seitenplatten, J. ia- cherformige Plaltchen. Fig. 8. Zunge von Diloma nigerrima (Trochus araucanus d'Orb.) ; eine Querreihe. Fig. 9 Zunge von Amyxa (Turbo) nigra, a. eine Querreihe, b. eine der innern facherartigen Lamellen von der rechten Seite, c. eine solche etwa aus der Mitte des Fachers; d. eine solche naher dem Ausserrande der Zunge. ' I Taf.V. I ' I <• f&ya Tf-usctet del. ft Taf.H. t ft & I «• 6 f f a £ /> I I & t t I Troschrl ilel. ft xc. JHujp Traschrl d. et tc. A CATALOGUS CONCHYLIORUM OtLE RELIQUIT D. ALPUONSO D'AGUIRRA & GADEA COMES de YOLDI, REGIS DANLE CUBICULARIORUM PRINCEPS, ORDINIS DANNEBROGICI IN PRIMA CLASSE & ORDINIS CAROLI TERTH EQUES. * SCRIPSIT 0. A. L. MORCH. 4 FASCICULUS PRIMUS. CEPHALOPHORA. CONCHYLL\ PUBLIC A AUCTIONE CALENDIS OCTOBRIBUS DIVIDENTUR. HAFNI^E. TYPIS LUDOVICI KLEIM. MDGCGLH. I Conditioner. '• Effecterne saelges i den Stand, hvori de ved Ham- merslaget befindes, og efter den Tid er Incassator ikke laenger ansvarlig for deni. lovrigt maae Effec- terne vaere afhentede senest 2 Dage, efterat Auctio- nen er tilendebragt. 2. Kjoberne ere fritagne for Auctionsomkostninger. 3. Incassator bekjendte, vederhaeftige KjSbere gives 6 Ugers Credit, Andre betale coiitant. Opraab skeer i Rigsbankpenge, og Betalingen er- laegges til Undertegnede, boende i Stormgade Nr. 198. Rjobenhavn i Augnst 1852. \. JVyegaard. Beraserknioger. Den forste Talraekke angiver det Nummer, bvor- under Arten eller Varieteten bortsaelges, den anden Antallet af Exempl.arerne, der opbydes enkeltviis. * Betyder at Exemplaret er saerdeles smukt, og aldeles uden Feil. i, 2, a, 4. s. Angiver at Exemplaret er mere eller mindre beskadiget. De der ikke bave noget Maerke ere i Alminde- lighed godt conserverede uden nogen vaesentlig Feil. t Betyder at Arten kun forekommer fossil. ! Angiver at Fxemplaret hidrorer fra Forfatteren, der bar benaevnet Arten. 1. eller Ig. Laengde. d. eller dm. Diameter. m. Millimeter. 1 dansk Tomme er 26 millimeter. Kammcrraad Nyegaard (Stormgade 198) og Catalogets Forfalter (Nyhavn Nr. 1) modtage Cornissioner, Auktionen aflioldes i Amaliegade Nr. 121, den Isle Oc- tober 1852. Remarque. Jja premiere colonne de chiffres indique le numero sous lequel I'espece ou !a varite doit etre vendue; la second e marque le nombre d'exemplaires : chaque ex- emplaire doit etre crie seuL * Signific que 1'exemplaire est remarquablement beau, bien conserve, et sans aucune defectuosite. indiqUe que 1'exemplaire est plus ou moins complet. Ceux qui ne portent aucun signe sent, en general, bien concerves et sans defectuosite essentielle. t Signific que I'espece n'est que fossile. ! Indique que 1'Exemplaire, a etc rec.u de la per- sonne qui a donne le nom a I'espece. 1. ou Ig. longueur. d. ou dm. largueur. m. millimetre. Monsieur le procureur Nygaard (Stormgade Nr. 198) ainsi que I'auteur du Catalogue (Nyhavn Nr. 1) recoivent les commissions. Errata. no 190 lege H. Yoldii n. - 607 australis. - 675 B. cantagallanns Rang. - 971 — exustus. Deleatur no. 1240. 1096 adde Ind. or. iMulanda est torminado in seqnentibus numeris: in a: 460. 468 1389. 1394. 1627. 1650. 1724. 1863. 1894. 2892 in us: 475 531. 548. 599. 1152. 1797. 1938. 1939. 2006. 2841 2849. 2853. in urn: 1747. 1751. 1756. 1760. 2075. 2519. in e: 822. 932. 2518. in is: 1406. 1475. 1990. D faut dlviser poor r^gner. CEPUALOPHORA. Fam. Helicea. Trib. 1 Helicida. Vitriiia Drp. 1 1* grandis Bk. Guinea. 2 la Lamarckii Fer. Teneriffa. 3 2 diaphana Drap. Eur. mer. \aniiia Gray. 4 2 X. citrina L. Ind. or. 5 2 minor. 6 1 polita. 7 1 luctuosa Bk. 8 2 var. 9 1 Juliana Gray. Ceylon. H. rosacea Sowb. 2 bistrialis Bk. I. or. 1 1 33 m. 1* Stuartiae Sow. Celebes 1 cidaris Lam. inferne fascia ca- stanea. 1. or. 1 nemorensis Mull. H. cretacea Born. Ariopliaiitu Desm. I* trifasciata Ch. — Helix. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Pachystyla nob. 1 mauritiana Lam. H. inversicolor 0 Pfr. 1 ochroleuca Fer. Hemiplecta (Alb.) n. 1* Cuvieriana Lea. jt 3 Blainvilliana Lea. H. semigranosa Sowb. I* rufescens Grat. non Pen. 1 ligulata Fer. 1 var. fasciata. 3 semirugata Bk. H. globulus Fer. non Mull, tranquebarica Fabr. Cysticopsls n. 1* cuberisis Pfr. I1 lUicrocystis Bk. 1 ornatella Bk! 1 filiceti Bk! ined 1 aurulenta Bk! — 2 margarita Bk! — HEaerochlamys Bens. 1 calamechroa Jonas. Zonites Ultf 2 acies Partscb* 2 compressa Ziegler. lb» 2"A croatica Partscb. 1* verticillus Fer. I2 algira L. H. oculus capri Miill. H. aegopbthalmus Gm. 1. Mauritius. jBermuda." I, Philippin. ,,Sumatra. liiidrella PIi*. (Strophina n.) 719 52 Latteradi Grat.? I. Beate. (Urucoptis Bk. Thaumasia Alb.) 720 2 cylindrus Cb. Jamaica. 721 1 brevis Pfr. _ (Brachypodella Bk. Mychostoma Alb.) 722 1* collaris Fer. Antill. 723 6* antiperversa Fer. — 724 1* sp. (Apoma Bk. Casta Alb.) 725 5* elongata Ch. — H. Cliemnitziana Fer. Lia Alb. 726 2* Maugeri Gray. Jamaica* 727 5* var. alba. Fa in. f.i in 11 PC a dee. Aiieylu^ Geofp. 728 3 sp. Am, mer. (Acroloxus Bk.) 729 4 bahiensis Moric. ! — Limnaea L:- Jnd. or- Cyclophorus IVItf. (Cyclohelix n.) 823 6 turbo Ch. 824 1* trochoides (Helicodonta) Yoldi. n. sp. Nicobar. 825 5* Zebra Grat, Philippin. C. philippinarum Sow. var. f. (Cyclophorus Mtf.) 826 I3 linguiferum Sow. f. 198. — 827 1 sp. Ind. or. 828 1 volvulus Mull. — 829 1* ceylanicum Pfr. c. op. Ceylon. C. indicum Sow. non Dh. 830 1* Zollingeri Mous. Java. 831 1 involvulus (var. 0.) Mull. Ind. or. 832 3* Woodianum Lea. Philippin. C. luzonicum Sow. 833 2 var. 834 1 canaliferura Sow. f. 141, 42 sup. Philippin. (Leptopoma PfrO 835 1 Iin£»latiim Sow. f. 2NX Philippin. ®( I helicoides Grat. Pfr. Stairforthii Sow. £ 215* 16\ 837 1 coaeouMui Sow. £ 223 TIX 224. — 838 1 fiticmm Les, — C. uitithun So 227. no* 225, 2& 839 3 i«ve Sow. £220.(noii221, 222) 840 2* hKiAni Lowe. CL 6^. Madeira. ^V^^^^tf^l f ~) I 7 1 ) % f i *) T T 1 ^ f 1 1 i~1 841 2 cyimAraecvB CV Portorico. C. flavnlam Lam. 812 6 antillaraB Sow. L Tortola. Philippin. Frib. 9. Helicini* Sws. AmpoJlina Blv.) MB 1 Taakerrillei Gray. Jamaica. 80 2 Foirfcrlli Gray. — H. SloaDii Per! ft scitmla Wood. 850 2 Josephinae Ad. CLaeideUa Sw*.} 851 2* aureola Per. (Oligrfyra Say.J 892 2 castanea Ghdid. 853 2 eitrinoIalMis Ad. 854 3 brasi lieasis Gray. 855 6 Tar 856 3* variabilis Wag. 0. flava Spx. ft zomata Sow. 857 3* micobarica PWL c, op. Mcobar. 858 2* variabilis Gold, mom Wag. AmtilL ( Paehy stoaa SwsJ 859 1* cifrima GntL ft poUfa Sow. 860 1* amramtia Gray. c. op. 861 V fasciata Lam. 1 Jem. e. op. ft picta Per. OCO 4* __-. n T « 862 2* meriteUa Lam. 1 c. op. S63 4* sP AmtilL 864 4* solidmla Gray. (Alcadla Gray.) 865 1* sdbmafgimata Gray. Cdba. ft pmldberuma Lea. Sow. f 14. ft. crassa fOA. ?*in**-v 866 2* major Gray. j j 867 2* Bro wnii Ad. 1 c, sp. 868 2 HolJandi Ad. Proserpina Guild 869 4 mitida Gmild. 44 Rissoa. fa 1 11. Rissoadae. %I vaitia RIs. 870 6 calathiscus Mtg. M. med. T. cimex L? A, europaea Risso. Rissoina d'Orb. 871 1 sp. — 872 1 sp. AntilU 873 3 sp. _ Rissoa Frem. 874 6 auriscalpium L. m. med. R. acuta Desm, 875 1 costata Desm. — 876 10 sp. 877 5 sp Paludiiiella Rk* Sabinea Leaeli. 878 5 striatella Fabr. Groriland. R. saxatilis Moll* £ 879 5 globulus MolL Truiicatella Risso. 880 • 6 caraibaeensis Sow. Antill. T. succinea Ad. 881 6 truncatula Drp. m. med. Skeiiea Flcm. 882 5 planorbis Fabr. Gronland. Fant. Pyramidellidee. Pyramidella I^am. Obeliscus Iluntpli 883 2 punctata(Turbo)Ch.4.f.l493,94 I. Maurit. Plotia guttata Link. ,, , -r .fe P. maculosa Lam. . Pvramidella. 45 884 t* ventricosa Quoy. ap. Guerin. Vanikoro. 885 I2 dolabrata L. AntilL 886 23 lineata Bolt. Ch. V. f. 1603, 4. Guinea? P. dolabrata Reeve. C. S.? 887 1* terebellum Mull. ? 888 1 var? ? 889 1 sp. Philippin. 890 1 sp. — Riilima His. 891 1* sp. n. Ig. 17 m Lesson leg. Fam. Littorinidie Planaxis Lam. 892 1* planicostatus Sow. Gallopagos. 893 1 — 894 3 nucleus Lam. Antill. 895 4* var? _ 896 20 lineatus Da Costa. P. pedicularis Lam. lloclulii* Gray. 897 4 lenticularis Ch. Tr. modulus L. 898 2 tectum. Gm. Ind. or? Littoriiia Fer. (Pagodus Gray. Hamus Kl.) 899 2 pagodus L. Ind. or. 900 2* rugosa Gray* 901 12 tectum persicum L. 902 5 Antoni Phil. Antill. 903 2 muricata L. — 46 Plauaxis Littorina. (Garagoi Kl. Phasianella Lam. p. p.) 904 2 Ziczac Ch. 905 6 carinata d'Orb. 906 8 umlulata Gray. 907 10 peruviana Lam. L. zebra Wood. 908 1 sp. 909 10 undulata Gray. 910 6 angulifera Lam. 911 5 var. 912 2 var. 913 1 scabra L. 914 1* pulchra Sw. !> i , ,' 1 10 T. zebra Mawe. Don .1834 Ind. or. Chile. N. Holl. Ind. or. Brasilia. Ind. or. Panama. 915 8 guttata Phil. Ph. punctata Pfr. 916 3 minima Wood. 917 4 neritoides L. T. caerulescens Lam. (Neritoides Brown.) 918 1* irrorata Say. c. op. 919 2 littorea L. Antili. M. med. 920 20* gronlandica Ch. L. castanea Dh. T Davidis Bolt 921 4 v. T. albocinctus Lnk. 1885 d-g. 922 4* var. T. diminutus Link. Ch. 1885. ab. 923 4* arctica Moll. T. Httoralis Fab. non L. Am. bor. Eur. mer. Gronland. Solarium. 47 924 3 obtusata L. Dania. N. pisum Meusch. T. neritoides Gnv 925 6 sp. Islandia. Lacuna Tiir< . 926 5 divaricata Fab. Gronland. Solarium Lm. Arcliitcotoiiica Bolt. 927 1 australe Ch. China. S. maximum Phil. 928 1 minor. 929 1 nobile Bolt. Ch. V. f. 1695, 6. S. verrucosum Phil. 930 2 zonatum Phil. Ch. V. f. 1673? Ind. or. (Torinia Gray. Heliacus d'Orb.) 931 2 bicarinatum d'Orb? Antill. 932 1* infundibuliformis Ch. Gm. Tr. planior infundibuliformis Ch. 1796. 7. Tr. Chemnitzii. Ki. 933 3 stramineum Ch. Tranquebar. A. gothica Bolt. 934 2 sp. ? 935 2 sp. ? 936 1* sp. c. op. ? 937 1 sp. ? 938 1 sp. ? 939 1 Herbert! Dh. Antill. T. cylindraceus Ch? T. cylindricus Gm. 940 2 trochoides Dh. ? 941 1 hybridum L. Ind. or. 48 Scalaria. S. radiata Bolt. S. cingulum Ki. (Philippia Gray.) 942 5 luteum Lam. (non Phil.) Bengalia. Scalaria Lam. (Epitonium KI. Aciona Leach.) 943 1* scalaris L. Ind. or. S. conica Lam. S. genuina Link, S. pretiosa Lam* 944 I1 neglecta Reeve & Ad. China. 945 1 sp 946 1 ferruginea n. — S. Palasii Sow. f. 15. 947 21 nicobarica Bk. CoromandeL Sow. f. 14. (Scala Kl. Clathrus Ocken.) 948 1* clathrus L. M. med. S. communis Lam. 949 1 950 9 var? ? 951 2 Turtonis (Risso) Sow. M. med. S. planicosta Biv. T. tenuicosta Mich. 1829. 952 6 lamellosa Lam. S. pseudoscalaris Dh. 953 1* ambigua L. Ind. or. S. lineata Ki. S. lyra Sow. f. 38. 954 3* minuta Bolt. M. 4. f. 1435, 36. ? T. Martinii Wood. S. striata Ki. Scalaria. (Clathrus Gray.) 955 2* australis Lam. 956 2* gronlandica Ch. Ig. 40 m ; 2* Ig. 24 m; 22 m. (Cirsotrema n.) 1 varicosa Lam. 49 958 N. Holl. Gronland. Ind. or. 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 Fa in Heteropoda. Jaiithiiia Bolt 7 globosa Sw. China. 4 fragilis Lam. T. ianthinus violaceus Ch. 1 violacea Bolt Kn. 2. 30. f. 2, 3. Oc. atl. 3. sp. — 2 exigua Lam, 0 mist us Iliimplir. (Xenophora Fisch. Phorus Mtf. 6* trochiformis Born. Index. St. Thomas. T. conchyliophorus Born. T lithophorus Ch. Ph. onustus Reeve (non Nils.) Astraea lapidifera Bolt. 1* c. op. 1 corrugatus Reeve Ind. or. 1* umbilicaris Brander. Grignon. Tr. Schroteri Gm. Tr. agglutinans Lam. 968 969 970 1 Solaris L. dm. 88. m. c* spinis. Tranquebar. Astraea polaris Bolt, calculiferus Reeve. China. 4 50 Onustus. (Onustus Humphr.) 971 1 exutus Reeve. China. Carinaria Lam. 972 I1 cristata (Patella) L M. med. C. mediterranea Perr. Fa in t m |> ii 1 1 a i-ia 4* tun-is Thomae Ch. 3022 Fain Aporrliaidae. Aporrhais Da Costa. (Chenopus Phil) 1 2 pes pelecani L. M. German. Stliruthiolaria Lam. 3 1 papulosa Martyn. N. Zeland. M. pes struthiocameli Ch. M. stramineus Gm. S. nodulosa Lam. 60 Pterocera. 1139 1 vermis Martyn? Ig. 40 m. N. Zeland, M. australis Gm. Fa in Strombidae. Pterocera I, am (Harpago Kl.) 1140 1* chiragra L. Ind. or. L. harpago Mart. Bolt. 1141 1 Gun-) 1142 3* arthritica Bolt. P. rugosum Sow. Harpago var. Mart. 3. f. 856, 57. 1143 1 pseudoscorpio Lam. — (Millepes Kl.) 1144 2 millepeda L. 1145 1* scorpius L. (Heptadactylus Kl.) 1146 1 crocata Link. — P. aurantia Lam. 1147 1 Yoldii n. Differt a praecedente labro di- gitis 7 leviter recurvatis, nee angulatis, tribus anticis ap- proximatis. 1148 7 lambis L. — 1149 1 radix bryoniae Ch. — P. truncata Lam. S. bryoniae Gm. ^trombus 1^. 1150 1 gigas L. AntilK 1151 2 (jun.) — Strombus. 61 1152 1 rosacea Mart. Guinea. A. torosus Meusch. S. bubonius Lam. 1153 1 (jun.) 1154 1* granulatus Sw. Antill. 1155 3 pugilis L. 1156 5 costoso muricatus Mart. S. raninus Gm. S. affinis Gm. L. curruca Bolt. S. lobatus Sw. S. bitubercularis Lam. 2 gallus L. 1 latissimus L. 1* tricornis Mart. 1 jun. 2* accipitrinus Mart. S. costatus Gm. Gallinula Kl. 3 canarium L. 3 gibba Mart L. turturella Bolt. S. Isabella Lam. 3 variabilis Sw. 2 var. 1 epidromis L. 1 columba Lam. S. Tankervilleii Sw. labiosus Gray. China. dilatatus Sw. Ind. or. 1* 2 Ind. or? M. rub. Antill. Ind. or. 5 vittatus L. 62 Strombus. Monodactylus HI. 1171 1* aratrum Martyn. N. Zelandia, S. Zelandiae norae Ch. L. vomer Bolt. S. pacificus Sw. 1172 1* adustus Ch. Ind. or. L. aratrum Bolt S. melanostomus Sw. 1173 3 striato granulatus Mart. Auris asini Mart. S. Lamarckii Gray. S. auris Dianae Ki. Dh. non L. 1174 1 auris Dianae L. P. guttatus Martini. L. bulla Bolt. 1175 2 1176 3 lentiginosus L. 1177 3 fasciatus Born. M. rub. S. polyfasciatus Ch. L. elegantissimus Link. S. lineatus Lam. Aporrliais Kl. 1178 3 luhuanus L. Ind. or. 1179 3 decora Bolt — L. miniatus Link. L. laevilabris Mke. S. cylindricus Sw. S. mauritianus Lam. 1180 2 gibberulus L. 1181 5 (minor.) 1182 1 albus Mart. 3. f. 797, 98. M. rub. S. gibberulus Sow. f. 18. Strombus. 63 1183 3 marginatus L. Ind or. S. carinatus Bolt. 1184 1 succinctus L. 1185 6 flosculosus Mart. A. gibberulus Meusch. L. flammea Link. S. floridus Lam. 1186 2 urceus L. 1187 2 var. — 1188 2 var. — 1189 2 var. 1190 3* plicatus Lam. S. dentatus Gm. 1191 1* elegans Sow. M. rub. 1192 1 dentatus L. Ind. or. A. Samaar Mart. Meusch. S. tridentatus Gm. Rostellaria I, am (Fusus Humphr.) (Rimella Ag.) 1193 1 cancellata Lam. Ind. or. S. fissurella Sow. 1194 6 fissurella L. Grignon t. (Tibia Bolt.) 1195 1 magna (Fusus) Ch. M. rub. R. dentula Perry. R. curvirostris Lam. Tibia insulae Choramb Bolt. 1196 1 jun. (Gladius Kl.) 1197 I2 fusus L. Ind. or. R. rectirostris Lam. 64 Roslellaria. Terebellum HI. (Seraphs Mtf.) 1198 1* sopita Brand. Grignon T. convolutum Lam. 1199 3* terebellum L. Ind. or. T. subulatum Ch. 1200 3 var. _ Fa in. Pleurotomiiire. Trib. 1. Conidoe. Comis I>. (Rhombus Mtf. Coronaxis Sw. Cucullus Bolt.) 1201 6 marmoreus L. Ind. or. 1202 2 nocturnus Hw. — 1203 2* lg. 50. m. Ig. 43 m. _ 1204 1 1205 1* proarchithalassus Bolt. M. 2. 687, 8. C. bandanus Hw? lg. 65 m. 1206 1A lg. 55 m. 1207 1 nicobaricus Hw. lg. 80 m. — ' C. monstrosus Ch. 1208 1* lg. 60 m. — 1209 1 lg. 65. m. 1210 1* peplum Ch. lg. 80 m. — C. arachnoideus Gm. C. araneosus Hw. 1211 1* fascia postica oblitteratalg. 75 m. — 1212 1* imperialis L. polita lg. 65. — 1213 1* lg. 47 m. 1214 1* fuscatus Born. lg. 62 m. 1215 1* lg. 42 m. 1216 1 lg. 52 m. — Conus. I4 zonatus H\v. Nicobar. I9 — (Stephanoconus n ) 10 ieucostictus Hw. Antill. C. nebulosus Sol. 1 aurantius Hw. Ig. 70 m. 3 _ 1* varius L. Ig. 39 m. — C. granulosus Bolt. 3 verrucosus Hw. _ C. granulatus Mart non L. 2* mind anus Hw. 1. 35. 2 var. __ 9 mus Hw. C. barbadensis Hw. 1 baaticus Reeve? 1 punctatus Hw. 9 C. biliosus Bolt C. piperatus Dw. 8 livid us Hw. Ind. or. 1 (polita.) — 1* distans Hw. Ig. 70 m. — C. mennonitarum eoronatus Ch. (Puiicticulis Sw.) 2* ceylonicus Ch. — C. obesus Hw. 1 — 1 fustigatus Hw. 2 pulicarius Hw. 2 arenatus Hw. Ig. 55 m. Ig. 62 m. 1* Ig. 57 m. 2 var. 5 ££ Conus. w 1239 1 stercus pulicum Meusch. M. rub. C. arenatus Ki. t. 10 f. a. b. 1240 1 biliosus Bolt. Ind. or. C. punctatus Hw. non Gin. C. piperatus Dw. Corouaxis (Sw.) n. 1241 3 minimus L. Ind. or. 1242 1* lg- 23 m. 1243 3 musicus Hw. 1244 3 africanus Meusch. C. taeniatus Hw. C. geminus Bolt. 1245 3 sponsalis Ch, 1246 4 hebraeus L» 1247 2* var. 1248 2 chaldaeus Bolt. C. vermiculatus Lam. Cylindrella Sw. 1249 3 sulcatus Hw. China. C. costatus Ch. C. asper Lam. Mubecula 141. (Rollus Mtf. Tuliparia Sw.) 1250 1 geographus L. Ind. or. 1251 2 var. 1252 3 tulipa L. 1253 3 obscurus Humphr. Eiithocomis n. 1254 5 millepunctatus L. 1255 4 litteratus L. 1256 2 minor. 1257 1 eburneus Hw. 1258 3 Conus. 1259 2 junior. |nd. or. 1260 2* tessellatus Born. 1261 4 _ 1262 2 flavidus Lam. Taiti. 1263 1 c. epid. 1264 2 virgo L. Ind. or. 1265 1 c. epid. 1266 1 quercinus Hw. C. buxeus Link. 1* c. epid. Ig 55. _ t _ Deiidroconus Sw. 1 figulinus L. Ig, 85 m. — 1 Loroisii Ki. Ig. 82 m. Nicobar. (/. agretis Spgl. Enc. Meth. t. 332 f. 5. Mus. Gotw. t. XIV. f. 105 b. 1 suratensis Hw. Ig. 92. Ind. or. 2 betulinus L. — 1* glaucus L. Ig. 47. — 1 siamensis Hw. — 2 1 papilionaceus Hw. Guinea. 2 genuanus L. Lepf oeoiius S\v. 1 Thomae Gm. Ch. X. t. 133 n. 2. Ind. or. C. omaicus Hw. Ig. 77 m. 1 regularis Sow. Panama. 3* spurius Gm. Antill. C. proteus Hw. 2 — 6$ Conus. 1282 1* leoninus Hw. Antill. 1283 2 minor. 1284 1* amadis Mart. Ig. 53 m. Ind. or, 1285 4 cassis Meusch. C. acuminatus Hw. C. substriatus Link. 1286 2 erythraeensis Bk. Ch. X. f. 1300. M. rub 1287 2 thalassiarchus Gray. Ind. or. 1288 1 nobilis L. Ig. 55 1289 1 ammiralis L. Ig. 57 m. 1290 1 Ig. 50 m. 1291 1 Ig. 45 m. polita. 1292 2 var. Ig. 39 m 1293 1 var. granulatus Ig. 41. Uliizocoiius u. 1294 3 miles L. 1295 2 minor. 1296 31 vexillum Mart. C. epistomium Meusch. 1297 1 leopardus Meusch. (L. 781. s. 28) Ig. 77 m. C. sumatrensis Hw. 1298 4 capitaneus L. 1299 1 var. 1300 1* mustelinus Hw. Ig. 80 m. 1301 1* nemocanus Hw. Ig. 65 m. 1302 1 fumigatus Hw. polita. M. rub. 1303 4 hyaena Hw. Ind or. 1304 1 malaccanus Hw. 1305 1 centurio Born. Ig. 50 m. 1306 2 minor Ig. 38 m. Conus. 69 1307 1* monile Hw. Ig. 65 m. Incl. or. 1308 3 1309 4 general!* L. — 1311 2 senator L. C. vulpinus Hw. 1311 1 planorbis Born. — C. polyzonias Gm. C. vitulinus Hw. 1312 3 — 1313 2 lineatus Ch. 1314 2 ermineus Born. C. lithoglyphus Meusch. C. orleanus Bolt. 1315 1* 1316 3* daucus L. Antill. 1317 6 1318 2 var. — 1319 3 var. lutea. 1320 1 punctatus Gm. Ind. or. C. augur Hw. Clielycoiius n. 1321 10 testudinarius Mart. Guinea. 1322 4 achatinus Ch. 1323 1 monachus L. Ig. 43 m. polita. — 1324 5 informis Hw. Cap. 1325 4 mercator L. Antill. 1326 2 mediterraneus Hw. M. med. 1327 2 var. — 1328 2 catus Hw. Ind. or. 1329 4* 1330 1 var.? 1331 1 sp. 70 Conus, 1332 venulatus Hw. Ind. or. C, ateralbus Ki. ? 1333 1 coneinnus Brod. California. (Pionoconus n.) 1334 6 magus L. Ind. or. 1335 14 - 1336 2 var.? 1337 1 sp 1338 1 Cecilii Ki. Philippin. (Phasmoconus n.) 1339 2 radiatus Gm. Antill.? C. Martinianus R. C. gubba Ki.? 1340 1* rusticus L. Ind. or. C. cinereus Hw. 1341 1 (polita.) 1342 1 — 1343 2 minor, — 1344 4 pygmaeus Reeve. AntilL 1345 1 lacteus Lam. Ind. or. 1346 1 spectrum L. !i*fio*r£l Ind. or. 1454 2 maculosa Bolt Ch. 4. f. 1 120, 1 . E. pacifica Sw. E. lutosa Lam. 1455 1* Ig. 40 m. Fain. Nassina. Bullia Oray. (Pseudostrombus Kl ) (Buccinanops d'Orb.) 1456 3 gradata Dh, Patagonia. B. cochlidium Ki. d'Orb. 1457 1* armata Gray Ig. 50 m. B. moniliferum Val. (Liodomus Sw.) 1458 2* laevigata Ch. Cap. B. laevissimum Gm. 1459 I2 aperta Ch. B. digitale Meusch. B. achatinum Lam. Bullia. 77 1460 31 annulata Lam. Cap. 1461 I9 callosa Ch. IV. p. 307. vig. 40. Angora. B. laevissima (0 Gm.) Gray. 1462 3 (pulli) (Bullia Gray.) 1463 1* semiplicata Gray. N. Guinea. 1464 1 1465 1 Grayii Reeve. Ind. or. 1466 2 var. (PseudostrombusKI. Dorsanum Gr.) 1467 3 tranquebarica Bolt. B. lineolatura Sow. B. Belangeri Ki. 1468 3* vittata L. 1469 t granulosa (Terebra) Lam. Ch. XI. 1816. 1470 2 livida Reeve. Zanzibar. 1471 5 aciculata (BucO Lam. Antill. B. monile L.? 1472 4* var.? Senegal. Nassa JLam 1473 2* glans L. Ind. or. 1474 2 — 1475 51 suturale Lam. 1476 2 foliorum Gm. Rumpb. 29. Y. 1477 4 laevis Ch. 4. 1194. 5. B. canaliculatum Lam. B. dorsatum Bolt. 1478 1 var.? 1479 6* taenia Gm. B. olivaceum Brug. 78 Nassa. Northia pristis? Gray. Fig. t. 84 a. f. 4. cfr. 1480 1* var. Ind. or. 1481 6 fasciata Ch. 4, 1167. B. stolatum Gm. B. ornatum Ki. Dist. comnmnis Bolt. 1482 4 glaberrima Gm. M. 4. f. 1177. ? 1485 3 foveolata Dkr. Coromandel. 1486 1* monile Ki. N. Guinea. 1487 4 hepatica Pult. Mtg. Ind. or. 1488 1 crenulata Lam. 1489 20 corniculum Olivi. M. med. L. olivacea Dh. B. fasciolatum Lam. 1490 2 sp. Ind. or. 1491 3* Pfeifferi Dkr. Senegal. Totombo Ad.? 1492 1 gibba Brug. Ch. XI. f. 1810. B. jaspideum Link. B. foliosum Wood 1493 6 mutabilis L. M. med. (Alectrion Mtf.) 1494 2* papillosa L. Ind. or. 1495 1* clathrata Lam. Enc. — 1496 22 sp. China. 1497 3 marginulata Lam. Ind. or. 1498 3* sp. 1499 1 sp. Philippin. 1500 4 subspinosa Lam. N. Holl. 1501 2 muricata Q. & G. 1502 1 horrida Dkr. Nassa. 79 1503 1504 1505 M. med. 2* 2* 1506 8 1507 1* 1508 2 1509 1* 1510 4 1511 7* 1512 2 1516 4* 1517 2 1518 4* 1519 1520 1521 1522 (Hinia Leach. Tritia Ris.) 4* reticulata L. N. oblonga Ch. 4. 1162. 3. B. vulgatum Gm. B. chrysostomum Bolt., var. Ki. t. 19 f. 71. cancellata Ch. 4, 1164. N. reticulata Aut. obsoleta Say. B. olivaeforme Ki. var, margaritifera Dkr. fasciata Q. & G. incrassata Strom. B. ascanias Brug. ambigua Pult. plicosa Dkr, antillarum Phil. (d'Orb.?) B. zonale Brug. var. ? — 4* xanthostoma Gray. 1839, Panama. N. luteostoma Sow.~cfe Brod. (Arcularia Mart.) 1 plicata Bolt. Mart. 2. f. 411. M. rub. B. arculariumForsk. t. Xll.f. A. • - •- 1* velicata Meusch, Ind. or. N. Rumphii Dh. A major nodosa etc. Mart. 2, 412. 3 arcularia L. — 4* scalariformis Ch, A. major costata M.2. f.209,10. N. scalariformis Ch. 4. 1 174, 75. Norvegia. Am. bor. Ind. or. N. Roll. M. med. Antill. Cap. Antill. 80 Nassa. 1523 1* eoronata Drug. Ind, or. CEione Ris.) 1524 5 gibbosula L. 1525 4 sp. 1526 3 Thersites Brug. Cas. plicatus Meusch. 1527 1 verrucosa Brug. Nicobar. (Cyclope Ris. Cyclops Mtf.) 1528 7 neritea L. M. med. Desitioiilea Gray. 1529 1 ventricosa Lam. Enc. Guinea. B. retusum Lam. Phos Htf. 1530 2* senticosa L. China. 1531 3* var.? . Strongylocera n. (PAst. t. 30. f. 17.) 1532 7* textilina n. List 965. f. 20. AntilL 1533 1* var. fascia nigroarticulata. 1534 1* cancellata Q. & G. N. Holl. B» pyrostoma Reeve? 1535 I* var. apertura maculata; apice rosea. Cyllene Oray. 1536 1* chrysostoma Meusch. Li. 968. f. 22. b. AntilL V Sow. Man. f. 425? Faiti. Hitrina. Ulitra I. am. Tiarella S-w. 1537 1 papalis L. Ind. or. 1538 1* cincta Meusch. — Mitra. 81 M. pontificalis Lam. M. coronat.a Sch. M. episcopalis minor Ch. 1539 1* var.? V. stictica Link. Mart. 4. f. 1366. 1540 1* puncticulata Lam. Ind. or* M. diadema Sw. 1541 1* minor. — 1542 2* episcopalis L. — 1543 1* minor. — 1544 I* cardinalis Meusch. 1. 60 m. Pileus cardinalitius Ch. M. vermiculosa Martyn. 1545 1 Ig. 50. m. Seabricola S\v. 1546 2* sphaerulata Martyn. M. scabriuscula Lam. V. leucostoma Gm. 1547 1* clathrus Gm. Ig. 35. m. — M. crenifera Lam. 1548 1* scabricula L. Ig. 50. m. M. granatina Lam. 1549 3 filaris L. Ig. 34; 32; 30. m. M. filosa Lam. R. 811. M. riexilis Martyn. Callitliea *AV. 1550 4* sanguisuga L. M. stigmataria Lam. 1551 1 1552 1* subulata Lam. M. ignea Wood. M. terebralis Sw. 82 Mitra. 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1 1565 1566 1567 1568 Columb. occ, China. Ind. or. 31 acuminata Ch. Gm. Ind. or. M. crebrilirata Reeve. M. elata Bolt. Cancilla N\v, 32 interiirata Reeve. Tranquebar M. 4. f. 1391. 1* lineata Sw. 1* Isabella Sw. UTebularia 1 coronata Ch. (jun.) 2 adusta Mart. A. ruffina L. ? M. erimitarius Bolt. (minor.) sp. ferruginea Lam. M. vitulina Dw. 1* tessellata Martyn. Ig. 73 m. 3 nodulosa Gm. AntilU Tur. reticulato contracta Ch. M. granulosa Lam. lens Wood. Panama. M. foraminula Sw. M. Dupontiaa Ki» 1 nigra Ch. Ig. 45 m. Guinea. M, melaniana Lam. 1* orientalis Gray. Ig. 57 m. Chile. M. chilensis Ki. M. maura Sw. 1* guttata Sw. R. Ind. or. 3 barbadensis Gm. Antill. M. striatula Lam. Mitra. 83 Jlitreola Srw. ? 1569 2 aurantiaca Ch. Ind. or. M. aurantia Gm. M. miniata Bolt 1570 2 globosa Ch. 4. f. 1398, 9. — M. ferrugata Wood. M. cucumerina Lam. 1571 2 peregra Reeve. — 1572 2 n. sp. M. rub. 1573 4 picta Reeve. Ind. or. M. tessellata Ki. 1574 1 concinna R. 1575 1* crocata Lam. — Strigatella Sw. 1576 1* scutulata Ch. vix. Reeve. — 1577 2 minor. 1578 I1 paupercula L. —. 1579 1* labratula Lam. Grignon. 1580 31 virgata Reeve. Ind. or. 1581 1* retusa Lam. — V. paupercula adornata Ch. 1582 1 litterata Lam. N. olivae maxima Mart. 1583 2* columbellaeformis Ki. -- R. f. 138. sed spira breviore. M. Stutschburyi Bk.! Turricula KI. (Vexillum Bolt. Turns Mtf. Vulpecula Blv. Tiara Sw.) 2 Gruneri Reeve. Ind. or. 1 corrugata Ki f, 68. 1 cinctella Lam. 6" 84 Mitra. 1587 5 plicaria L. Ind. or. M. plicata Kl. Reeve* 1588 2 rugosa Gm. M. corrugata Lam. 1589 5 vulpecula L. 1590 3 caffra L. 1591 1* zonalis Q & G.? N. Holl. 1592 1 melongena Lam* Ind, or. 1593 1 var. 1594 1* costellaris Lam. 1595 2* funerata Reeve. Costellarla Sw. 1596 3 exasperata Ch. V, corrugata Wood. V. spiralis Gm. 1597 2* cruentata Ch. M. harpaeformis Lam. 1598 2 Pusia Sw. 1599 41 ebenus Lam. M. med. 1600 31 microzonias Reeve? Antill.? 1601 1 sulcata Gm. Mart. 4, 1407. Antill. M. microzonias Lam. 1602 3 var. bifasciata. M. cavea Reeve. M. microzonias Ki. 1603 1 sp. 1604 2* dermestina Lam. M. speciosa Reeve ? 1605 1* patriarchalis Ch. fnd. or. 1606 2* nodosa Sw. — 1607 1* puella Reeve. Antill. Mitra. 85 1608 1* alveolata Reeve. Antill. Mitrella Sw. (non Ris.) 1609 1* fissurata Lam. M. rub, Cyliudra Sell. 1610 1 dactylus L. Ig. 40 m. Ind. or. 1611 I1 nucea Meusch. — M. olivaria Lam. Imbricaria Soli (Conohelix Sw.) 1612 1* conica Sch. Tranquebar? 1613 1 marmorata Sw. Vanikoro. Trib. 2 Columbellina € olumbella Lain Pyrene Bolt Strombiiia n. 1614 4 lanceolata Sow. Gallopagos. 1615 2* gibberula Sow. Panama. Mitrella RIss. 1616 t* varia Sow. 1617 2 flexuosa Brug. Lam. Ind. or. 1618 6 Therpsichore Leathes. Antill. 1619 10 pulchella Ki. — B. triticum Sol. 1620 5 suffusa Sow. ? 1621 8* lactea Sow. f. 120. Antill 1622 10 conulus (Mur.) L. M. med. B. corniculatum Lam. B. Liniidei Payr. 1623 10 ocellata Gm. Antill. B. cribraium Lam. 1624 4 Holbollii (Mangelia) Bk Gronland. Pleur. viridula Reeve. 86 Columbella. Conella Sw. 1625 6* ovulata Lam. Antill. 1626 1 philippinarum Reeve,, Philippin. Pyrene Bolt. (Conidea Sw.) 1627 2 aureus Mart. 2, 465, 66. Ind. or. P. rhombiformis Bolt. B. flavum Brug. C. flavida Lam. 1628 6 tringa Lam. N. o. unicolor. Mart, 2. f. 467 ? Nitidella Sw. 1629 10 laevigata (Buc.) Lam. Antill. 1630 10 nitida Lam. C. nitidula (L.?) Sow. 1631 8 var. major. B. tringa L.? — Columbella Lam. 1* labiosa Sow. 2 major Sow. 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1 1639 5 1640 2 1641 31 5* rustica L. 5* var. Sow. 11 mercatoria L. 4 eburnea Mart. C. testudinaria Link. C. pardalina Lam. 1 Tyleri Gray. C. palmerina Duel. 5 scripta Lam. C. versicolor Sow. 2 ocellata Link. N. o. niger Mart. C. punctata Lam. var. C. fulgurans Lam. Columbia. Panama. M. med. Chile. Antill. N. Holl. Ind. or. Columbella. 87 (Pusiosloma Sw.) 1642 2 mendicaria L. Ind. or. 1643 2 var. unifasciata. 1644 1 pisolina (Ricin) Lam. 1645 1* Duclosiana Sow. Eiiziiia Gray. 1646 3 ferruginosa (Ric.) Reeve. Antill. 1647 3* turbinella (Ric.) Ki. 1648 2* lauta (Ric.) Reeve. led or. 1649 1* histrio (Ric.) Reeve. Fam. Purpuriua. RIcinula L,am. (Sistrum Mtf.) 1650 3* undatus (Murex) Ch. 1651 2 monile Ch. 4. f. 1155, 6. 6. armillatum Gm. 1652 4 concatenata Blv. 1653 1 sp. 1654 3 sp. 1655 1* cariosus (Murex) Wood. M. rub.? (Morula Sch,) 1656 5 tuberculata Blv. Nicobar. 1657 i var. 1658 1 alba Mart. 3. 970. Ind. or D. uva Bolt. R. moms Lam. 1659 1 mutica Lam.? (Pentadactylus Kl. Drupa Bolt.) 1660 1* lobata Blv. 1661 2 grossularia Bolt. R. digitata Lam. 1662 3 ricinus L. R. arachnoides Lam. 88 Ricinula. 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1680 1681 albolabris Ely. globosa Mart R. horrida Lam. D. morum Bolt. iodostoma Lesson. 1ml, or. 1* clathrata Lam. 1 jun. Purpura Brug. (Tribulus Kl. Thais Bolt.) 3 nodata Wood. 2 echinata Blv. 2 mancinella L. 1 echinulata Lam. 1* nodosa (Nerit.) L. X. M. neritoideus L. XII. 2 jun. 1 lineata Lam. Enc. P. planospira Lam. hist. 3* 5 N. Zeland. Panama. Ind. or. Guinea. Panama. 1679 1 hippocostanum L. Ind. or. P. aculeata Kratzenst. Dh. M. spinosus Bandanus Mart. (minor.) stellata Bolt. (Argv.t.l7.f.H.) P. hippocastanum Dh. R. f. 34* crassa Blv. Gray. Panama. P. melones Duel. (minor.) — trapa Bolt. (M. 3. f. 957) Antill. P. deltoidea Lam. M. nodus L. Meusch. Purpura. Hippocast. fasciatum Mart. 1682 1 castanea (Vasum) Bolt. Ind. or. P. pica Blv. 1683 2 armigera Ch. — (Microtoma Sw.) 1684 3 patula L. Antill. 1685 2* columellaris Lam. Panama. 1686 3* persica L. Ind. or. 1687 3 — _ __ 1688 1 Rudolphi Ch. — 1689 2 (minor.) — 1690 1 grisea Bolt. — P. callosa Lam. P. bufo Lam. 1691 4 var. 1692 5 chocolattum Duel. Chile. (Stramonlta Scb.) 1693 4 cataracta Ch. Ind. or* 1694 4 sp. «China." 1695 7 rugosa Born. Ind. or. B. armillatum Gm. p. p. P. undata var. Ki. t. 35 f. 84. 1696 3 rustica Lam. Antill. 1697 2* Blainvillii Dh. Chile. P. callaoensis Blv. non. Gray. 1698 2* var. (c. op.) — 9 1699 1* gigantea Reeve? Guinea. 1700 5 haemastoma L. BrasiL 1701 3 bicostalis Lam. Antill. 1702 1* var. — 1703 1* consul Ch, Ind. or.? 1704 4 luteostoma Ch. Ind. or. 89 90 Monoceros. 1705 2* flammea Ch. 4. vig. 38. Ind. or. B. strigosum Gm. P. striata Q. & G. P. buccinea Dh. 1706 5* (minor.) (Trochia Sw.) 1707 3* cingulata L. P. trochlea Brug. (Polytropa Sw.) 1708 1* succincta Martyn. Ig. 45 m. 1709 1* textiliosa Lam. 1711 6 squamosa Lam. 1712 10 lapillns L. 1713 3* leant hiiia Fisch 1714 1* calcar Martyn. B. monodon Gm. B. monoceros Ch. 1715 2 crassilabrum Lam. B. unicorne Brug. 1716 4 var. 1717 1* (minor.) 1718 1* cymatium Sol. 1719 1 cornigera Blv. c, op. M. brevidentatum Gray. Oastridta Gray. (Pseudoliva Sw. dactylus Herrm.) 1720 1 laevis (Utriculus) Mart. ? Monoc. plumbeum Ch. Concliolepas Lain. 1721 2 peruvianus Lam. Chile. 1722 5 (minor.) — Cap. N. Zeland. N. Holl. Cap. M. germ. Gronland. (Monoceros Lam.) Magellan. Chile. California. Panama. Pseudo- Purpura. 91 Rapaua Sch (Pyrula Lam.) (Cuma Sw.) 1723 4* kiosquiformis Duel. Panama. 1724 3 africanus Mart. Oc. ind. M. lacerus Born. Mancinella mutabilis Link. 1725 4 carinifera Lam. — (Rapana Sch.) 1726 2* coronata Lam. Guinea. P. callifera Lam. P. guineensis Wag. 1727 1 muricata (Monoeeros) Brod. Panama. P. truncata Duel. 1728 1 bezoar L. Guinea. (Latiaxis Sw.) 1729 2 crassa (Rapa) Mart. Ind. or. M. rapiformis Born. M. radix Meuseh. 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 I3 lineata Lam. Antill. ? B. bulbus Wood. (Rhizochilus Stp. ?) 1* costellaris Gray. W. S. ? M. cariniferus Lam. Ki.? I1 gibbosa Reeve? Antill. 3 galea Ch. — P. abhreviata Blv. I9 plicata Mart. 3. f. 954. 55 — Canthareus erosus Bolt. 2 neritoidea Ch. N. Holl. P. violacea Ki. 92 Purpura. (Rapella Sw. Bulbus Humph. Rapa Kl.) 1736 2* rapa. L. Ind. or. P. papyracea Lam. R. tenuis Mart. 1736 1 (jun.) Loptoooiiclm* Riipp. 1737 1* striatus Riipp. M. rub. Magilus Peronii Lam? Magilus Ultf. (Campulotus Guett.) 1738 1 antiquus Mtf. Ig. 150 in, I. Mauritius. Fa in Bucci iiidee, Buccinuin Dli Caiitharus Bolt. 1739 1* melanostoma Sow. Ind. or. 1740 2* tranquebaricum Ch. L\ globularis Bolt. C. tuberosus Bolt. Rapana flavescens Sch. 1741 3* spirale Gray. — 1742 1* distortum Wood. Panama. Tritoiiidea Sw. (Lagena Bolt.) 1743 3 undosum L. Ind. or. 1744 3 (minor.) 1745 8* proteus Reeve. N. variegata Ch. 4. f. 1145? N. badia Link. B. fumosum Wood. 1746 3 rubiginosum Reeve. M* rub.? 1747 2* pulchra (Ric.) Reeve. Philippin. 1748 1* concentricum Reeve. Ind. or. 1749 1* variegatum Gray Reeve. — List. 938. f. 33. Buccinum. 93 1750 4 auritula Link. Antill. B. coromandelianum Lam. 1751 1* sanguinolenta Duel. Panama. Pollia haematoma Gray. 1752 1* polygonum (Fus.) Lam* Grignon. f. 1753 1 scalarinum (Tereb.) Lam. \opthla Gray. 1754 2* serratum Dufresne. Columb. occ. B. Northii Reeve. B. pristis l)h. Pusioiiella Gray. 1755 1* nifat Adans. Brug Senegal. M. pusio Born. Eutliria Gray. 1756 3 corneus L M. med. F. lignarius Lam. 1757 1* fuscatum Brug. Ig. 41 m. Peru. Pisania Biv. (Nassa Bolt.) 1758 2* trilonis Reeve. Antill. 1759 3 pennatum Ch. B. plumatum Gm. 1760 2* striata (Vol.) Gm. M. med. B. variegatum Brug. V. syracusanus Gm. P. variegata Wag. 1761 1 situla R. Ind. or. 1762 2 sertum Brug. 1763 1 hederaceum Mart. B. coronatum Gm. B. francolirius Brug. Lam. M. rusticus Meusch. Li. 986. f. 45. 94 Buccinea. Vexilla Sw. 1764 1* vexillum Ch. _ Stromb. vexillum aurisiacum Ch. B. crassum Gm. V. pictum Sw. Comiiiella C«iray. 1765 1 viverrinum Ki. Senegal. Tafon Ad. 1766 1 crassum Ad. V. 1213, 4. Cap. B. porcatum Gm. B. mexicanum Brug. 1767 2 limbosum Lam.? — 1768 3 lagenarium Lam. 1769 22 anglicanum Ch. ? 1770 1* tigrinum Ki. Cap. 1771 1 maculosum Martyn. N. Zeland. Fain. JIurex L. Troplion 1772 1 Geversianus Pallas. Ig. 88 m. Fret magelh 1773 1 minor. 36 m. 1774 4 craticulatus Fab. Gronland. M. gronlandicus Reeve. M. Fabricii Bk. 1775 4 (minor.) 1776 1* Gunneri Loven. Neptunea clathrus Bolt? 1777 6 clathratus L. 1778 6 labiosus Gray. (1 c. op.) Chile. M. crassilabris Sow* Murex. 95 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1687 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1 Vitf ularia Sw. 1 salebrosus King. 1 (minor.) 1* scaber Ch. M. miliaris Gm. M. vitulinus Lam. M. purpura Dh. 1 (minor.) lloinaloeatitlia n. 2 scorpio L. Huricidea (Sw.) n. 3 hexagonus Lam. 2 Blainvillii Payr. Ocenebra Leacli. 2* erinaceus L. 1 alveatus Ki. 2 nuceus Morch. Pliylloiiotu* Sw. 1833. Centhronotus Sw.) 1* angularis Lam. 2 megaceros Sow. P. cornu cervi Bolt. Mart. 1* Yoldii n. 5 trunculus L. 1 rosarium Ch. M. melonulus Lam. 1* saxatilis L. M. cichoreum Gm. M. lactuca Bolt. M. endivia Lam. duplex Mart. Bolt. M. saxatilis Lam. non L. Panama. Senegal* Ind. or. Antill. M. med. M. med. Antill. (Muricantns Sw. Senegal. 3. f. 986, 8. Japan? M. med. Guinea. Ind. or. Senegal. 96 Murex. 1796 1 nigrita Meusch. M. radix Gm. 1797 1 melanoleuca n. M. nigrita PhiL 1798 1 brassica Lam. M. ducalis Brod A Sow. 1799 2 regius Sw. 1800 I1 imperialis Sw. 1801 1 bicolor Val. Ig. 110 m. M. erythrostoma Sw. 1802 2 pomiformis Mart. M. pomurn Gm. M. asperrimus Lam. 1803 1804 1805 1806 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 Panama. 1* Sowerbyi Reeve. 1* tubifer Brug. Pteroiiotus Sw. 21 uncinarius Lam. 1* acanthopterus Lam. 1 tripteroides Lam. 1* tricarinatus Lam. 5 alatus Bolt. M. pinnatus Sw. M. Martinianus Pfr. 1 sp. 51 triqueter Born. 2 capucinus Ch, Lam. 1 minor. Chicoreus JItf I* microphyllus Lam. P. variegata Mart 3. f. 995. 96 ? P. carneola Bolt Antill. Oc. pacif. Grignon f. Cap. Japan? Grignon t» China. Ind. or. Ind. or. Murex. 97 1817 t Banksii Sow. fnd. or. 1818 2 argyna Meusch. __ Triplex rosaria Perry. M. palma rosae Lam. 1819 1 — 1820 1* tubulatus Martyn. China. M. rubiginosus Reeve. 1 rufus Lam. Ind. or. 2* ramosus L. — P. scabra Martyn. M. versicolor Gm. P. brunnea Link. M. a d us tii s Lam. 3 (minor.) 1 cervicornis Lam. (Ig. 38 m. c. op.) - M. cornu cervi Meusch. 1* (Ig. 30 m.) 2 cornu cervi Mart. 3. 982 Antill. M. calcitrapa Lam. 1827 3* brevifrons Lam. — M. costatus Meusch*? P. frondosa fasciata Martf. 985. 2 var. — 5 sinensis Reeve. China. 2 frondosus Mart, Ind. or. P. incarnata Bolt. M. inflatus Lam. M. ramosus Aut. non L. 4 (minor.) fetafifl'. — 1* (Ig. 200 m.) _ 2 virgineus Bolt. M. rudis Link. 98 IVlurex. 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 Brontes Mtf. M. anguliferus Lam. 3 (minor.) 1 seriegalensis Gm. Le Sirat Ad. 1 Haustellum KJ. 3 bellus Reeve. H. variegatum Mart. 3. f. 1068. 1* chrysostoma Gray. 6 haustellum L. (Murex Bolt. Lam. Mtf.) 1* rarispina Lam. M. formosus Wood. 2 trapa Bolt. M. Martinianus Reeve. 2 nigrispina Reeve. 6 tribulus L. M. crassispina Lam. 1* duplicates Ch. M. tribulus nobilior L. M. tenuispina Lam. (minor.) ternispina Lam. hystrix Mart. M. tribulus maximus Ch, M. Forskalii Bolt. M. scolopax Dw. Ilaustellaria (Sw.) n. 3 Branderis L. 2 1 var. triseriatim spinosa Teneriffa. Brasilia. i Antill? I. Margarit. Ind. or. Philippin. Ind. or. M. rub. M. med. Turbinella. 99 1852 1 cornutus L. Guinea. 1853 1 _ Fa in. Fu«id affios«»lnd. or. 1856 1 incarnata Dh. 1857 1* heptagonalis Reeve. 1858 2 eo::tracta (Bucc.) Reeve. — Clavella Sw. (Clavilithes Sw. 1840.) 1 longaeva Brander. Grignon f. 2 uniplicata Lam. — 3 rugosa (Fusus) Lam. — 1 filosa Wag. Guinea. 1* afer Lam. Le lipin Ad. _ Lathyrus mtf. (Polygona Sch.) 1864 1* attenuata Reeve. Antill.? 1865 2 annulata Bolt. Link. *|OH Antill. Ch. 4 f. 1316. Syrinx clathrata Bolt. 1866 1* filamentosa Koch. — 1867 4 (minor.) — 1868 2 turrita Gm. Ind. or. T. lineata Lam. M. vexillum Gm. 1869 1 craticulata L. B. costatum Martyn. 1870 1 zea n. sp. Guinea. 1871 4 ananas Ch. Antill. B. sulcatum Meuscb. 100 Turbinella. M. infundibulum Gin. 1872 1 gibbula Gm. Antill. Fusus filosus Lam. 1873 3 recurvirostra Wag. CPlicatella Sw.) Gray. 1874 1* candelabrum Reeve Panama. 1875 1 polygona L. c. op. Ind. or. Leucozoiiia Gray. (Lagena Sch.) 1876 2 nassa Gm. Guinea. 1877 2 fuscata(\7ol.)Gm.List.828f.50. Antill. Mart. 4. f. 1133, 34. T. angularis Reeve? 1878 1 brasiliana d'Orb. Brasilia. T. Knorrii R ? non Dh. 1879 1* smaragdulus L. Ind. or. T. rustica Lam. 1880 3 nigella Ch. Antill. T. ocellata Gm. 1881 2* cingulata (Monoceros) Lam. Acapulco. Vasuiti Bolt. Cynodona Sch* 1882 2 capitelliim L. Antill. 1883 1 muricata Born. T. pugillaris Lam. 1884 1 rhinoceros Ch. Africa. 1885 4. cornigera L. Ind. or. 1886 1 armata Brod. Oc. pacif. 1887 1 ceramica L. Ind. or. 1888 1 (minor.) Xaiicus Bolt. (Mazza Kl. Turbinella Lam.) 1889 1 ovoidea Ki. (c. epid.) Brasilia. 1890 1 rapa Lam. Ind. or. . Cancellaria. 101 1891 3 pyrum L. Ind. or, 1892 5 (pulli.) Cancellaria I, am (\acella Bolt.) 1893 2 reticulata L. Antill. 1894 4 scabriculus L. S. N. X. M. med. V. cancellata L. S N. XII. 1895 1* chrysostoma Sow. Peru* 1896 2 rugosa Lam. Antill. 1897 1* scalariformis Mart. Ind. or. V. nassa Gm. 1898 1* var.? 1899 3 buccinoides Sow. P. Portrero. 1900 2* asperella Lam. Ind. or. 1901 I1 sp. Panama. i Admete Ilroyer. > 1902 1 viridula Fabr. Gronland. A crispa Moll. Fascfolaria L,am (Colus Bolt.) 1903 3" tulipa L. Antill. 1904 2 filamentosa Ch. Xeptunea cincta Link. 1905 2 trapezium L. Ind. or. 1906 2 var.? M. rub. 1907 1 clava Jonas. Ig. 140 m. Ind. or. F. persica Reeve. 1908 1 lignaria L. M. med. F. tarentina Lam. 1909 2 var. Fusus Kl (Colus Humphr. Syrinx Bolt.) 1910 1 incisus Martyn. Ind. or. F. proboscidiferus Lam. M. aruanus Gm. non L. 102 Fusus. 1911 1 glabratus Ch. Ind. or. M. undatus Gin. S. tabacarius Bolt F. incrassatus Lam. 1912 1 tuberculatus Lam. Ki. 7. f. 1. — 1913 2 forceps Perry. China. F. turricula Ki. 1914 3 glomeratus Meusch. Gualt. 52. L ,? — 1915 1 lineatus Ch. Antill. F. ansatus Gm. 1916 21 var. 1917 1 distans Lam. Ki. ? 1918 1* reuma Martyn. — 1919 1 nicobaricus Ch. ? Ind. or. 1920 1* nicobaricus Ki. non. Ch. ntt- — 1921 2s polygonoides Lam. M. rub. 1922 1 rostratus Olivi. Ig. 70 m. M. med. M. Sanctae Lucise Salis. 1923 3 — 1924 1 sp. ? 1925 1 Dupetit-Thouarsii Ki. (c. op.) California 1926 4 marmoratus Phil. Brasilia. F. multicarinatus d'Orb. non Lam. 1927 1 parvulus Ch. Bolt. ? S. buccinoides Bolt. Neptunea minor. Link. F. ocelliferus Lam. Enc. F. verruculatus Lam. ^ ^ 1928 4 maroccanus Ch. M. med B. soaevulum Meusch. F. sinistralis Lam. Cassidulu?. 103 1 Hnea Martyn. N. Zeland. M. lineatus Ch. Cassidulus lluitiplir. (Pyrula Lam.) (Hemifusus Sw.) 1 colosseus Lam. Ig. 100 m. Jnd. or. 1 tuba Gm. China. 1 ternatanus Ch. Ind. or. 3 morio L. Africa. 1 var. ? (Volema Bolt. Pugilina Sch ) 3 pugilinus Born. Ind. or. Fusus ponderosus Ch. Pyrula vespertilio Gm. 2 paradisiacus Mart. M. rub. Pyrula nodosa Lam. (Myristica Sw.) 2 asper Mart. 398, 99. Ind. or. Pyrula galeodes Lam. Volema aromatica Bolt. 1 myristica Lam. Enc. Bolt. P. squamosa Lam. P. calcaratus Dw. P. Martiniana Pfr. (Cassidulus Humphr. Galeodes Bolt. Melon- gena Sch.) 1* patula Brod. & Sow. 75 m. Panama. 1* melongena L. AntilL 2 (minor.) — Chorus Gray. 2 xanthostoma (Purpura) Brod. (c. op.) Valparaiso. 104 Busycum. 1943 1* (jun. c. op.) Valparaiso. 1944 1 giganteus Less. __ Monoceros fusoides King. Busycum Bolt. (Fulgur Mtf. Pyrula Lam.) 1945 1 canaliculatum L. Am. bor. Volema granulata Link, 1946 I3 aruarium L. Antill. Pyrula carica Gm. 1947 1 perversum L. Ind. or. (Tudicla Bolt. Pyreila Sw.) 1948 2 spirillus L. — 1949 1 rusticulum Bast. Burdigala t Liostomus Sw. 1950 2 bulbus Brander. Grignon f. Fusus bulbiformis Lam. Slplio KJ. (Atractus Ag. Fusus Lam.) 1951 1 islandicus Ch. 1. 100 m. «Faeroe." 1952 3* ventricosus Gray. Terra nov. F. striatus Sow. Neptunea Bolt. (Chrysodomus Sw.) 1953 1 antiquus L. (c. op.) Oc. bor. 1954 1* minor, (c. op.) 1955 1 sinistrorsa. 1956 21 despectus L. ._ 1957 2* fusiformis Blv. Chile. F. purpuroides d'Orb. P. d'Orbignyii Reeve. F. raphanoides Gray. 1958 1* nodosus Martyn. N. ZelandV Drupa glans Bolt. F. raphanus Lam. Ranella. 105 Fain Triton;! dee Ranella Lam. Bursa Bolt. Tritoiiitim lliill 1959 10 undatum L. Oc. bor. var. Humphreysianum Bennet. Gronland. tenebrosum Hanley. lineatura Gm. Kn. Del. 3. XIV. f. 4. — B. cyaneum Moll, non Brug. 5 var. apertura cyanea. 1 ciliatum Fab. fjuv.) — T Molleri Reeve. 1 scalariforme Bk. Ig. 52 m. 1 Ig. 43 m. 1 glaciate L. Argobuccinum HI. 1 vexillum Cumg. M. affinis Gm. ? 2 minor 1* rudis (Triton) Brod. 3* scabra King. c. epid. 2 Lampas Sell. 2 ventricosa Sow. c. op. venustula Reeve. 1* cruentata Sow. 1 rhodostoma Bk. 2 bufo Ch. M. bufonia Gm. Bursa mammata Bolt. Panama. Peru. Chile. Ind. or. China. Manila Ind. or. 106 Ranella. 1981 1 rubeta L.? Ind. or.sr* T. tuberosum Bolt Ch* 4. 1236, 37. 1982 1 lampas L. Ig. 240 m. 1983 2 minor. Apolloii Mtf. (Gyrina Scb.) 1984 1 leucostoma Lam. N. Holland. Biplex australasiae Perry? 1985 1* (minor.) 1986 1 olearium L. M. med. R. gigantea Lam. 1987 3 gyrinus L. Ind. or. R. ranina Lam. G. verrucoaum Link. 1988 5 olivator Meusch. Mart 4, 1229. 30 — Gyrineumnatator (Trit.)BoltLnk. R. tuberculata Brod. 1989 2 var. ? nodosa R. tuberculata Brod. — 1990 2* granulare Bolt R. rubicola Perry. R. granifera Lam. 1991 1* quercina n. List 943. f. 39? Guinea. Scbr. n.Lit 3. til. f. 16, 17. Bursa Bolt. (Gyrineum Link. Buionaria Sch.) 1992 3 crumena Lam Ind. or. 1993 3 rana L. — 1994 2 var. ? R. albivaricosa Reeve. China. 1995 1 elegans Bk. Ind. or. 1996 2 Suensonii n. Ig. 170 m. Nicobar Mart. 4. f. 1276. 1997 2 (minor.) sjtl Triton. 107 1998 11 bufonia Bolt. Ind. or. G. echinatum Link. R. spinosa Lam. Triton Cant. Tritonlum Bolt* Dlstorsio Bolt. (Distortrix Link. Persona Mtf. ) 2 anus L. Ind. or. 1 (minor.) — 1 ridens Reeve (jun.) Guinea? Cassis penita JMeusch. (Sba. 60. 5, Gualt. 31 D.) M. reticularis L. Bk« 1 decipiens Reeve. China. 2 reticularis L. Antill. T. clathratum Lam. 1* (c. op.) Iliiidsia Gray. (Nassaria Link.) 2* albus Mart. Tranquebar. B. niveum Gm. Nept. pusilla Bolt. N. lyrata Link. 1 acuminata Reeve. Cap? Epidromus HI. (Colubraria Sch. Cumia Biv.) 1* rudis (Buc.) Meusch Gualt. 44 H. Ind. or. T. clathratus Sow. 6 obscurus Reeve. 4 tcstaceus n. Bon. 3 t. 48? Antill. 1 distortus Wag. Ind. or. B. digitellum Gm.? 1 intertextus Helb. JVL med. T. pygmaeus Pfr. Reeve, R. lanceolata Phil. 108 Trilon 2012 3 lanceolatus Mke. Antill. tqiiilu* Mtf. (CabestanaBolt.) 2013 2* labiosus Wood. 2014 2 — 2015 4* dolarium L. Cap. 2016 1* cutaceus L. M. med 2017 1* (minor.) 2018 1 Spengleri Ch. Cap. Lampusia Ql) Sell. (Triton Mtf. 2019 1* australis Ch. N. Holl. 2020 1 opis Bolt. M. med T. nodiferum Lam. 2021 1 variegatum Lam. Enc. Antill. T. marmoratum Link. 2022 1 (pullus.) 2023 2* tritonis L Ig. 300 m. Ind. or. Simpiilum K.1. (Lampusia Sch.) 2024 2 costatus Born. Brasilia? B, costato tuberculatum Ch. 1252, 3. M. parthenopus Salis. T. succinctum Lam. T. pileare L. d'Orb. 2025 7 pileare L. Lam. Antill. T. Martinianus d'Orb. Ch. 4. 1248, 9. 2026 2 aquatilis Reeve. 2027 5 rubecula L. Ind. or. 2028 1 chlorostomum Lam. c. op. 2029 2 2030 1* corrugatum Lam. M. med. Triton 109 2031 I1 caudatum Say? Am. bor. 2032 2 ficoides Reeve. Guinea. Cyiiiaf iinti Bolt. (Lotorium Mtf.) 2034 3 femorale L. Antill. 2035&1* grandimaculatum Reeve? Ind. or.? 2036 2 rhinoceros Bolt. T. distortus Lain. Enc. T. lotorium Lam. Septa triangularis Perry. 2037 2 lotorium L. (non autt.) P. pilosa Mart. T. pyrum Lam. non L. 1* var. 3 cynocephalum Lam. Antill. 1* pyraster Lam. Grignon t. Gutturnium 141 1* antillarum d'Orb. Antill. T. tuberosum Reeve f. 1 b. 2 nodulus Mart. Ind. or.? T. tuberosum Lam. Distorsio muricina Bolt M. ranula Meusch. T. pyriformis Conr.? Ranularia Sell. 1 caudatus Gm. Ind. or. T. canaliferum Lam. t pyrum L. (monente Bk.) M. clavator Ch P. gutturnium Mart. R. longirostra Sch. 2 sinensis Reeve. China. Pyrula. Dolium. (Monoplex PerryJ n. 2046 1 obesus Perry. Ind. or' T. retusum Lam. (Lagena Kl.) 2047 4 clandestinus Ch. B. cincticulum Meusch. Nept. doliata Bolt. 2048 3 rostratus (Dol.) Mart. 3. f. 1083. Antill. Fus. cutaceus Lam. Enc. Cassidaria cingulata Lam. hist. Tr. undosum Ki. 2049 1 Wiegmanni Anton. Acapulco. F. Chemnitzii Gray. Sycofypus Browne. (Ficus Kl. Bolt. Py- rula Lam. Ficula Sw.) 2050 2 ficus L. ttjfl Ind. or. Ficula laevigata Reeve. F. variegatus Bolt. 2051 4 ficoides Lam. 2052 1* var.? 2053 2 Dusumieri \ al. 2054 2 reticulatus Lam. 2055 1 sp. P. reticulata Ki? Dolium Browne. (Galea Kl. Cadus Bolt. Perdix Mtf.) 2056 3 perdix L. Ind. or. 2057 1 var.? ,,Brasilia." 2058 2 pennatum Mart. 3. f. 1078. Antill. 2059 2 olearium L. 100. m. Ind. or. 2060 1 var.? ? Oniscia Cassidaria. Ill M. med. Brasilia. China, hid. or. Guinea. 2061 2 australe Ch. China. B. chinense Dw. D. variegatum ,,Lam." Phil. 2 galea L. 1* crenulatum Phil. 2 zonatum Green. 4 fasciatum Mart. 1* lactescens Mart. D. costatum Dh. cassis Bolt. D. maculatum Lam. 1* tessellatum Lam. D. minjac. Ad. Dh, D. fimbri.'itum Sow. B. dolium L. 1* (minor). (Malea Val. Cadium Link.) 1* dentatum Barnes. 2* pomum L. Jlorum Bolt. (Oniscia Sow. Theliostoma Aut. Sow. Gen. Lambidium Link.) (Morum Bolt.) 1 oniscus L. I1 Lamarckii Dh. S. oniscus Linnaei Ch. XI. 1712, 13, 1* tuberculosum Sow. (Oniscidta Sw.) 2* cancellata Sow. Oaleodea Link.. (MorioMtf. Cassidaria Lam.) 2 harpaeformis Lam. Grignon. f 2 echinophora L. M. med. 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 3 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 Panama. Ind. or. Antill. Guinea? 9 China. 112 Cassis. 2078 2 rugosa L. Mantis, M. med B. strigosum Gm. C. thyrhena Autt. non Ch. B. nodosum Wood. Cassis ML1. Cassidea Sw. (Cassis Kl.) 2079 8* vibex L. Ind. or. var* C. erinaceus L. 2080 2 quadrata Link. (Mart 2. f. 385,86.) — C. torquata Ueeve. 2081 2 var. nodosa. 2082 t* major. 2983 2* minor. — 2084 1* achatina Lam. 2085 3 pyrum Lam. Zeylon. 2086 2 2087 1 var. C. Zeylanica Lam. Semicassis 141 2088 2* japonica Reeve. China. 2089 4 pila Reeve. — 2090 2 pomum Wag. 2091 2 saburon Brug. Guinea? 2092 4 canaliculata Brug, Ind. or. 2093 1* siilcosa Born. M. med. B. variatum Martyn. 2094 3 var. — 2095 1* tessellata Ch.? Guinea? 2096 1 ventricosa Mart Antill. C. granulosa Lam. B. granulaturn Born. 2097 1 bisulcata Wag.? - Cassis. 113 2098 3 cicatricosa Meusch. Antill. C. recurvirostris Gm. non Reeve. C. granulosa jun. Ki. 2099 1 lactea Ki. 2100 1 gibba Gm. List. 999. f. 64. C. globulus Bolt. C. abbreviata Lam. Fhalium Link. (Bezoardica Sch.) 2101 1 glauca L. 2102 3* decussata L. 2103 2 areola L. 2104 2 undata Mart. % C. zebra Lam. 2105 2 (minor.) Cassis Browne. cornuta L. (juv.) Madagascariensis Lam. 1* tuberosa L. Ig. 110 m. flammea L. spinosa Meusch. Ig. 90 m. Cypraecassis Stutsehb. rufa L. . Ig. 60 m. (juv.) B. pennatum Gm. testiculus L. 2106 1 2107 1 2108 r 2109 3 2110 i 2111 2 2112 1 2113 1 2114 4 Fa in. Cypraeada?. Cypraea L. 2115 2 cervus L. C. cervina Lam. 2116 2* cervinetta Ki. 2117 3* exanthema L. Ind. or. AntilL Ind. or. Antill. Peru. Antill. 8 114 Cypraea. 2118 3 (minor.) Antill. 2119 4 Cjun.) 2120 3 argus L. Ind. or. 2121 2 testudinaria L. 2122 1* amarata Meusch. 1787. — C. scurra Ch. C. indica Gm. 2123 1 var. 2124 6 arabica L. 2125 9 (jun.) 212(> 2* 2127 2* reticulata L. C. amethystea L, ? / — 2128 5 (minor.) 2129 2* arlequina Ch. — C. histrio Gm. 2130 3 mappa L. 2131 2* pulchella Sw. China. 2132 5 stercoraria L. Guinea, 2133 2* (minor.) 2134 4 (junO 2135 5 mus L. Antill. 2136 1* Scottii Brod. N. Holl. C. Friendtii Gray. 2137 1 2138 4* mauritiana L. Ind. or. 2139 3* (jun.) 2140 11 caput serpentis L. — 2141 1 arenosa Gray. Oc. pacif. 2142 2 ventriculus Lam. — C. achatina SoK 2143 I1 tessellata Sw. N. Zeland. Cypraea. 115 3 Isabella L. hid. or. 4 talpa L. 3 carneola L. — 1 aurora Sol. (antice perforate.) Ig. 95 m. Taitu C. aurantiumMartynnonMart*) 2* lurida L. M. med. 3* succincta L. Antill. C. cinerea Mart. C. sordida Lam. 6 (minor.) — 1 camelopardalis Perry. M. rub. C. melanostoma Leathes. 4 vitellus L. Ind. or. 1 lynx L. Ig. 65 m. — 5 var. — 4 (jun.) — 1 pardus Bolt. M. rub. C. leopardus Link. C. pantherina Sol. C. tigrina Lam. 2156 2* (var.) Nicobar. 2157 1 (monstrositas). 2158 14* tigris L. Ind. or. 2159 1 (minor.) 2160 3 (jun.) 2161 11 moneta L. 2162 3 var. 2163 6 annulus L. v) C. gultata Gm. 116 Cypraea. 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2164 3* obvelata Lam. Ind. or. C. obvallata Reeve. 5 asellus L. 2* clandestina L. C. moniliaris Lam* 3* hirundo L. 11 caurica L. 4* crenata Bolt C. cruenta Dw. C. variolaria Lam. C. morbilosa Bolt 12* erronea L, C. olivacea Lam, cylindrica Born. (minor.) felina Gm. iinibriata Gm. Saulii Ga.sk. punctulata Gray. Pbilippin. (minor.) Panama, arabicula Lam. 1* pallida Gray. sanguinolenta Gm. lentiginosa Gray. Africa. zonata Ch. Ceylon. 1* picta Gray. Guinea. 1* surinamensis Perry. ^Surinam." pyrum Gm. M. med. C. rufa Lam. 1* onyx L. Ind. or. carnicolor Duclos. C. onyx. Reeve, f. 39 b. 2171 1* 2172 2 2173 1 2174 1* 2175 1* 2176 2* 2177 2 2178 2* 2179 1* 2180 3 2181 1* 2182 1 2183 1* 2184 1* 2185 2* 2186 1* 2187 1* Cypraea. 117 3* undata Lam. C. vittata Dh. Diet, class. C. diluculum Reeve,ffii«* 3* ziczac L. 3* lutea Meusch. JLupoiiia (Gray.) n. 4* algoensis Gray. 3* flaveola L. C. spurca Reeve. C. acicularis Gm. 3* spurca L. C. flaveola Reeve. C. lota Born. 7* helvola L. 1 poraria L. 10 ocellata L. 1* Lamarckii Gray. 1 (major.) 3* turdus Lam. 1* miliaris Gm. 1* eburnea Barnes. Ig. 47 m. 1* esontropia Duel. Ig. 32 m. Ind. or. 4 1 9 2* 2 cribraria L. var. erosa L. (minor.) stolida L. Pustularia Sw. 4* limacina Lam. 1 staphylaea L. C. granata Meusch. 2 nucleus L. Cap. M. med. Antill. Ind. or. Mozambique. M. rub. Philippin. I. Fidji. Ind. or. ftbnrl — 118 Cypraea. California. AntilK Eiiropa. Panama. ? AntilL 2211 2 cicercula L. Ind. or. 2212 1* globulus L. Trivia C*ray. 2213 3 pustulata Lam. Acapulco. 2214 3 radians Lam. 2215 1* Solandri Gray. var. 2216 10* pediculus L. 2217 3 europaea Mtg. C. coccinella Lam. 2218 2 sanguinea Gray. C. latyrus Duf. 2219 3* subrostrata Gray 2220 8* rotunda Ki. C. quadripunctata Gray? 2221 5* suffusa Gray — C. armandina Dncl. 2222 5 globosa Sow* C. pilula Ki. 2223 8* pulex SoL 2224 1* ovulata Lam. an. C. ovula Lam. hist. 2225 3* var. alba. Ovula Lain Amphiceras (Ampbiceras Meusch. Volva Bolt.) 2226 3 ovum L. Ind. or. C. oviformis Lam. 2227 2 concinna Sow. Philippin. A. Cumingii Morofr.^ fit 2228 24* carnea Poiret M. med. (Calpumus Ifltf. ) 2229 5* verrucosa L. Philippin. M. med. Cap. 0?ula. 119 (Cyphoma Bolt.) 2230 3 gibbosa L. AntilL 2231 2* intermedia Sow. Brasil. 2232 1* t. (Radius Sell.) 2233 1* birostris L. hid. or. (Radius Htf.) 2234 4 volva L. Guinea. (Simula Leach 1*26 Scymuia RIs.) 2235 3* nniplicata Sow. Brasil. 2236 3* aricularis Lam. Antill. Pedicularia S\v 2237 t* sicula Sw. M. med. Thyreus paradoxus Phil. Trib. 2. JIarg-iiielliiiam Stomatia Browne. 2432 2 depressus Phil. Antill. 2433 I1 fuscus (Sinum Bolt) n. ? Kiior. Verg. 4. t 17. f. 5. 2434 1 Zonatus d'Orb. Antill. S. Martinianus PhiK 2435 1 concavus Lam. Ind. or. 2436 4 cymba Mke. Chile. S. maximus Phil. S. Grayi Dh. Hatica Adaiis. IVaticina G pay. 2437 1* papilla Gm. Ind. or. 9* 132 Nalica. mantilla Sell. 2438 2 melanostoma Lam, Ind> or N. mamillaris Born. 2439 2 sp. 2440 2 putamen Meusch, (List, 566 £ 15.) — Mamma mulieris indicse Ch. 1936, 37, 2441 2 (minor) 2442 1 maura Lam, N, nux castanea Martyn. Hfeverita Risso. # B mo hoi 2443 1* patula Sow. Acapulco. N. glauca llumh. d'Orb, N. Bonplandi Val. 2444 1 glaucina L. Ind, or. 2445 2 olla M. de Serres. M. med. N. Josephine Risso, (Albula Bolt.) 2446 3 albumen L. Ind. or, Pollinices Mtf. (Uber Humphr. Mamma Kl 2447 1 fuscata Ch. (c. op.) Antill. N. brunnea Link. N. mamillaris Lam. 2448 1 nitida Donovan* N. mamilla L. p, p, Naticina lactea Guild. 2449 1 alba Mtf. Ind. or. 2450 2 mamilla L. N, tumida Sw. Ch. V.f, 1918, 9. 2451 3* cora d'Orb. Peru. 2452 1* aurantia Lam, Ind. or, 2453 1* conica Lam, — Natica. 133 Cepatia Gray 2454 1 cepacea Lam. Grignon t. Cernia Gray. 2455 1* fluctuata Sow. Ind. or. N. imperforata Jay. 2456 1 - Lunatia Gray. 2457 1 monilifera Lam. M. germ. 2458 2* triserialis Say. c. op. Am. bor. 2459 1* borealis Gray. c. op. Gronland. N. gronlandica Bk. 2460 2 nana Moll. (1. c. op.) 2461 2* canaliculata Gould. — N. suturalis Gray. N. cornea Moll. Imaiira Moll. 2462 t* Candida Moll. — Trib. 2. Naticidae. liatica Lam. (Stigmaulax n.) 2463 '2 sulcata Born. AntilL N. rugosa Gm. N. costata Mke. 2464 2 rugosa Ch. N. cancellata Gm. (Cochlis Bolt.) 2465 6* vittata Gm. M. med. N. parva Ch. 1917, 18. N. Valenciennesii Payr. 2466 2 (major.) 2467 1 epiglottina Lam. Grignon f. 134 Nalica. 2468 1 maroccana Ch. *£j»iK} M. med. 2469 I unifasciata Lam. Peru. 2470 1 ala papilionis Ch. V«*R»> #> Ind. or. N. zonaria Dh. N. tdeniata Mke. 2471 1* canrena L. Lam. c. op. Antill. N. pellis erminea Martyn. : rtr; N* perdix. Ala papilionis Ch. 2472 1 (c. op.) — 2473 3 lineata Ch. Bolt. Lam. hid. or. 2474 2 zebra Ch. — C. undulata Bolt. 2475 3 onca Bolt. C. pavimentum Bolt. Ch. 1889, 90. N. Candida Wood. N. chinensis Lam. Ch. V. 1887, 8. 2476 1 hebraeaMartyn. an var. sequentis ? M. med. N. maculata Salis 1793 Dh. N. adspersa Mke. 2477 1 stercus muscarum Ch. (im. ••.<•>§•) njf Lam. Enc. N. millepunctata Lam. N. guttata Link. C. milleporia Bolt N. punctata Meusch. 2478 2 Panel Adans. Guinea. N. multoties punctata Ch. 1878-80. 2479 2 Forskalii Ch. M. rub. 2480 1* rufa Born. Ind. or. 2481 1 cinnamomea Mke? China. ,f lion; ' .OTCJ B«lJJ( -l^iq'J t T(j Natica. 135 2482 3 globosa Ch. Ind. or. N. helvacea Lam. N. fuscata Link. 2483 2 vitellus L. N. stellatus Martyn. 2484 2 arachnoideus Gm. 2485 4 undata Meusch. Guinea. N. l\i 1m in ea Mke. Le Gochet Ad. C. ziczac Bolt. 2486 2 var. N. punctata Ch. XI. f. 1903. 4 2487 1* clausa Brod. & Sow. Gronland. Fam Bullictae. Pfiiline Ascan. Bullrea Lain. 2488 1 quadripartita Ascan. M. germ. B. aperta Lain. 2489 1 (ossa ventriculi.) Scaphander JItf. 2490 1* lignarius L M. med. 2491 1 (ossa ventric.) Accra Uliill. 2492 1 bullata L Gallia. 2493 I1 2494 2 (ossa ventric.) — Bulla I, llainiiica Lcacli. 2495 21 hydatis L. M. med» 2496 7* Guildingii Sw. AntilL J36 Bulla. Tornatella. Bullea Blv. (Bulla Kl. Bullus Mtf. Cymbium Latr.) 2497 4* ampulla L. Ind. or. 2498 2 solida Gm. Antili. B. ampulla d'Orb. 2499 1 maculosa Mart. — B. ibyx Meusch. B. umbilicata Bolt. B. striata Brug. non Phil. B. media Phil. Atys Mtf. 2500 2* naucum L. Ind. or. 2501 2 obovata Mke. ? Soltdula Fisch. (Tornatella Lam.) (Tornatina aut.) 2502 3 canaliculata (Bulla) d'Orb. Antili, Torn, bullata Ki. ? (Actaeon Mtf. Spio Risso.) 2503 1 tornatilis L. M. med. T. fasciata Lam. 2504 1 sp. ? (Soliduia Fisch. Pupa Bolt. Dactylus Sch.) 2505 I1 punctata Mart. Ind. or. 2506 23 solidula L. 2507 1* sulcata Lam* Grignon t. Bullina Fer. 2508 2 undata Brug. Antili. B. nitidula Sol. B. elegans Mke. .§;*K| & Apliistrum Sch. (Hydatina Sch.) 2509 2 physis L. d'Orb. Antili. Dolabella. Umbrella. 137 H. filosa Sch. 2510 1s virgata Martyn. Ind. or. B. physis Q. & G. B Quoyana d'Orb. 2511 4 albocincta v. d. Hoeven. China. 2512 2 circulata Martyn. Ind. or. B. fasciata Brug. ^iiivH i$Nai*ii > B. velum Gm. (Aplustrum Sch.) 2513 2 amplustre L. — Amplustra thalassiarchi Mart. Lex. Dolabella I^am. 2514 1* scapula (Patella) Martyn. Fnd, or. Doris verrucosa Gm. D. Rumphii Cuv. Aplysia I,. 2515 4* tigrina Rang. Mauritius. 2M6 I2 fasciata Poiret. M. med. Fain PleurobrancliiddQ. Operculatum JL. Umbrella Lam. 2517 1* heve L. Mus. Tess. Ig. 74 m. Jnd. or. P. umbrella Martyn. P. sinica Gm. U. indica Lam. Reeve. P. umbellata Gm. p. p. 2518 1* chinensis Ch. Ig. 74 m. — P. umbellata Gm. p. p. 2519 1* Animal spiritu vini servata. Fain. Pteropoda Ilyalea Lam. 1799 Cavolina Gioeni 1783, 2520 2 telemus (Monoculus) L. M. med. 138 Haylea. Anomia tridentata Forsk. 2521 2 var. M. med 2522 3 uncinata Rang. Oc. atJ. 2523 2 pisum Morch. Ind. or. (Diacria Gray.) 2524 5 trispinosa Lesueur. Oc. atl. Cuvieria Rang. Herse Gistel. 2525 3* columnella Rang. __ 2526 2* urceolaris Morch. Ind. or. Fa in. Chiton Ii. Lopliurus Poll. 2527 2 marmoratus Ch. 8. p. 170. St. Croix. C. marmoreus Ch. p. 282. t\ puctatus L. ? 2528 3 minor. I. Barbados. 5529 2 squamosus L. AntilL C. scaber variegatus Ch. 8, 792. 93. VII. 16 A. Scutigerulus angulatus Meusch. C. marmoreus Reeve. 2530 3 undatus Spgl. 1797. — C. squamosus Born. Ch. Lam. C. tuberculatus L. ? 2531 1 viridis Spgl. Wood. - C. squamosus denticulatus Ch. X. 1659. C. foveolatus Sow. 2532 1 Cumingii Fremb. Chile. 2533 1* var. _ •iliiKHmo Chiton. 139 2534 1 latus Sow. 1825. Ig. 90 m. Chile. C. magnificus Dh. C. olivaceus Fremb. Leptochiton Gray. 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2543 2544 2545 2 albus L. Gronland. Callocliiton Gray. 3 ruber L. — Toiiicia Gray. 3* elegans Fremb. Chile 1* lineolatus Wood. — Enoplochiton Gray. I niger Barnes. — C. coquimbensis Fremb. AcantJhopleura Guild. 1* salamander Spgl. Antill. C. piceus var. Gm. C. occidentalis Reeve? II piceus Gm. Corephium Gray. 1 tuberculiferus Sow. Chile. C. spiniferus Fremb. C. aculeatus Barnes. Isclmochiton Gray. 1847. 1* acutiliratus Reeve. Antill. Acanthochetes JLeacli. Herm. 1 fascuularis L. Acanthochiton M. med. Fain. Patellldae. Patella I*. 2544 1 gorgonica Humphr. Cap. P. iongicosta Lam. 140 I'atella. 2545 1 var. Cap. 2546 2 sacharina L. 2547 2 plicata Born. 2548 1 P. plicaria Gm»:-ifi» fioHff<><»*q 2551 2 var. P. spinifera Lam. — 2552 2 granatina L. w»*f *» aioliMlT P. apicina Lam. 2553 3* var. _ 2554 2 - > fiotiiiTtoltHMiSI 2555 2 - __ 3556 1 angulosa Gm. P. tigrina Gm. ? 2557 3* minor. __ 2558 3 chlorosticta Gm. — . 2559 1 petasus Meusch. (1787.) ig. 95m. — P. badia Gm. P. monopis Gm. 2560 4 Ig. 70 m. 2561 4 var Ig. 70 m. — 2563 4 Ig. 45 m. - 2564 1 scutellaris Lam. Del. »Vfff*>ouik>eI an var. precedents ? 2565 1 sp. "itoifooitn^vjj. 2566 1 langula Meusch. 1778. M. med. P. crenata Gm. P. margaritacea Gm. P. scutelleris (Lam.) var. Phil. P. Bonardi Payr. 2567 3 (minor.) •I .M Patella. 141 2568 1 spinulosa Meusch. P. repanda (Gm.) Dw. P. aspera Lam. P. Loweii d'Orb. Ulyssipon. 2569 2 — 2570 1 pentagona Born. Cap. P. stellaeformis Reeve. 2571 1 oculata Meusch. List. 537. f. 16. ,,Ulyssip." P. crenata Gm. p. p. P. plumbea Lam. ? Libot Ad. ? 2572 22 — detrita. Senegal. 2573 1* lugubris (Mitrula) Mart. 60. Gm. P. caerulea Born? 2574 2 costoso-plicata Mart. M. med. P. ferruginea Gm. P. pyramidata Lam. P. Lamarckii Payr. 2575 3 (minor). — 2576 3 vulgata L. L Feroe. 2577 2 var? ? 2578 4 sp. China. 2579 41 lusitanica Gm. M. med. P. punctata Lam. 2580 1* var. — 2581 5 ulyssiponensis Gm. — 2582 2 major. — 2583 1* tramoserica Ch. non Martyn. China. 2585 2 — — 2586 1 var. China. 2587 1* sp. 2 2588 5 rota Ch. X. f. 1619 Nicoba*. 2589 3 var. — 142 Patella. zoyu 3* capensis Gm. Cap. P. Reynaudii Dh. 2591 1* testudinaria L. Ind. or. P. testudinata Martyn. 2592 3 (minor.) __ 2593 2 argentea Q. & G. (Petit) N. Zeland. 2594 1 var. 2595 1 var? 9 2596 2 (typica.) N. Zeland. 2597 2 sp. ? 2598 1* sp. 55 m> N. Zeland, 2599 1 sp. 45 m _ 2600 1* aenea Gm. (non Martyn.) 1. Malouines. P. pectinata L. Schr. 2601 1 var. 2602 1 aenea Martyn. _ P. cuprea Gm. __ P. deaurata Gm. __ 2603 1 var. compressa. 2604 1 magellanica Gm. 2605 5 clypeater Les. Chile. P, argentata Sow. P. nausaltica Petit. 2606 1 albida Mart. Africa. P. melanogramma Gm, P. saphiana Lam. __ P. algira Dh. Cuv. R. A. )OTBlJ 2607 1* 2608 5* granularis L, Cap. 2609 2 var. 2610 4 minor. 2611 1 sp. Acmaea. 143 2612 2 cochlear Born. Cap. 2613 1* 30 m. 2514 1 rustica L. Ig. 90 m. P. indica Gm. ? 2615 1* miniata Born. 60 m. P. umbella Gm. 2616 16 2618 4* compressa L. an var. praBcedentis ? 2618 3 pellucida L. Europa. 2619 1 crassa. 2620 1 expansa. 2621 1 cornea Helb. Ig. 30 m. Ig. 25 m. Cap. P. guttata Gm. P. pruinosa Krauss. 2622 3 (minor.) 2623 1* var. P. stellifera Gm.? 2624 3 tranquebarica Gm. List. 530 f. 8. Ind. or. 2625 1 var. (Pilidium Forb.J 2626 2 rubella Fab. Gronland. (Lepeta Gray.) 2627 2 Candida Couth. Tectura Aud & H. Edw. (Lottia Gray. Acmaea Esch. Patelloidea Q & G.) 2628 4 stellaris Q & G. Nicobar. P. sacharina L. ? 2629 1* 2630 4 viridula Lam. Chile. P. zebrina Less. 2631 4 L. costata Sow. — 144 Acma>a, 2632 4 variabilis Sow. (major.) Chile 2633 2 2634 9 (minor.) 2635 5 subrugosa d'Orb. ? 2636 5 var. 2637 4 parasitica d'Orb. 2638 4 L. variabilis Sow. p. p. Beechy. t 5 f. o. 2639 4 var. 2640 4 var. 2641 6 var. ? 2642 7 pustula Helb. Anti]1 P. punctulata Gm. P. pnncturata Lam. 2643 22 fungus Meusch. List. 439 f. 23. — P. fungoides Bolt. P. octoradiata d Gm. Schr. N. Lit. 3. t. 1 f. 4? 2644 14 melanosticta Gm. L. antillarum Sow. Gen. et Man. 32 1 . P. pallescens PhiL? 2645 4* striata O & G. lg. 30 m. [m] or 2646 2 (minor.) _ 2647 6 ancylus Esch. L. punctata Gray. 2648 2 testudinalis Mull. Oo bor P. Clelandi Mawe. P. Borniana Helb. 2649 4 (minor.) __ 2650 5 melanoleuca Gm. Antill. 2651 5 leucopleura Gm. Hipponix. Capulus. 145 C. extinctorium? Sow. Gen. C. rugosa Less. Scurria 2652 4* scurra Les. Chile. A. mitra Esch. L. pallida Sow. Fa in. Calyptradae. Ilippoiiiv Dfr. (Cochlearia Kl. Cochlolepas Kl.) 2653 4 cornu copiae Lam. Grignon t- 2654 1* subrufa Mart. Antill. 2655 7 trigona Gm. 2656 3 barbata Sow. Ind. or. 2657 2 antiquata L. Antill. P. mitrula Gm. P. cernua Gm. 2658 4 var. 2659 3* incurva Gm. P. militaris L. Dw. P. intorta Lam. Capulus Ultf. (Pileopsis Lam. Ancilia Meusch. Spbondylus Sloane.) 2660 2 ungarica L. M. med. 2661 1 (minor.) Calyptraea Lain 2662 3 equestris L. Ind. or. 2663 2 var. Criicilmliim Hell. (Dispotea Say. Calypeopsis Les. 111.) 2664 1* spinosa Sow. Peru. 2665 I1 (minor.) 2666 1* scutellata Gray. 10 146 calyptraea Crepidula. 2667 2668 2669 2670 2670 2671 2672 2€73 2674 2675 2676 2577 2678 2679 2680 C. dendata Mke. 1* auriculata Ch. P. auricula Gm. 3 var. 3 peziza Gray. C. tenuis Brod. 2 rugosa Dh. C. lignaria Brod. 2 (Crucibulum Sch.) Antill. Chile. fICI radiata Brod. Caraccas, undulata Mart. Ind. or. P. labiata Born. p. 36. fig. p. 41 4. L. laevis. Mitella chinensis undulata Mart. 1234 P. trochiformis Ch. Ancilia caperata Meusch A, stricta Meusch. P. plicata Gm. C. rugoso-costatum Sch. var. punctata. — — depressa. Crepidula Lam. (lanacus Aut.) 1* plana Say. Am bor. 1* sp. Peru. I1 ,,pedum" Madagascar, 2 Lessonii Brod. Peru. (Crypta Humphr.) I costata Dh.? N. Zeland. 1 fornicata L. Lam, N. Jersey. A. punctata Meusch. List 545. f. 34. Crepidula. 147 2 sp. 5 hepatica Dh. Cap. 1 marginalis Brod. California. 2 incurva Brod. Chile. 3 peruviana Lam. Peru. 1 sp. Brasilia. 1 aculeata Ch. Gm. Antill . 1 (minor.) — Trochita Sell. (Infundibulum d'Orb.) (Trochatella Les. Luna Kl.) 2689 1* radians Lam. Peru. P. trochoides Dlw. C. poculum Gray. C. trochiformis d'Orb. non Gm. 2690 2 (minor.) (Haliotoidea Sw.) 269 1 1* dilatata Sow. N. Zeland. C. maculata Q. & G. (Galerus Humph. Trochita Sen.) 2692 1 chinensis L. M. med. A. volutata Meush. Ntf. 18 t. 2 f 16, 17. T. spiralis Sch. 2693 2. var. P. costata Gm. A. equestris Meusch. C. muricata Brocchi. Phil. C. laevigata Lam. Del. C. vulgaris Phil. 2694 1* aperta Brander. Grignon f. P. opercularis Brand. P. echinata Gm. C. trochiformis Lam. 148 Siphonaria. Fa in. Siphonariadae.*) Siphonaria Sow. 1 characteristica Reeve. 1* gigas Sow. Ig. 40 m. 1* atra Q. & G. exigua Mart. (f. 88, 9) Sow. sp. variabilis Kraus. S. concinna Sow. P. deflexa Helb? 2701 3 melanozonias Gm. S. aspera Kraus. Lessoni Blv. striatula Gm. 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 Peru. Ind. or. Peru. Cap. Chile. Africa. S. algesirae Q. & G. 2 sp. Liberia. Gadiuia Gray. (Mouretia Sow.) 2 peruviana Sow. Chile. 1* (>»•) Amphibola Sell. (Ampullacera O. & G.) 2 nux avellana Ch. N* Zelandia. H. crenata Martyn. H. avellana Gm. A. australis Sch. Ampullaria avellana Lam. Fa in Fissurellidae. Emargtnula Lam. (Clypidina Gray.) 2708 3* notata L. An till. P. manipula Humphr. *) Haec familia post numeruni 727 nescio an sit melius inserenda. Emarginula. Fissurella. 149 (Subemarginula Blv.) 2709 6 octoradiata Gm. (excl. syn.) Antill. E. tricarinata Sow P. laquearo Gray. E. Listen Anton. 2710 2 var. P. octocostata Wag. 2711 2 tricarinata Born. (L.) Jnd. or. E. emarginata Blv. Fissurella I, a 111 2712 5 nodosa Born. Antill. P. spinosa Gm. 2713 1 sp. 2714 2 atricapilla Dw. F. viridula Lam. 2715 2 graaca L. 2716 6* var. 2717 4 sp. 2718 3 sp. 2719 8* barbadensis Gm. 2720 6 var. P. porphyrozonias Gm. — 2721 4 var. P. angusta Gm. F. radiata Lam. 2722 2* peruviana Lam. Peru. F, subrotunda Dh. 17 ffi ' f- K afnnis Gray. 2723 2 (minor.) (Fissurella Less.) 2724 1* personata Martyn, Maghellan. P. picta Gm. E, radiata Lam. 2725 1 var. 2726 1 var. — 150 Dentalium. 2727 1 maxima Sow. Maghellau. 2728 1 Chile. 2729 1 costata Les. — F. chilensis Sow. 2730 2 (Serra Less.) 2731 3 biradiata Sow. — 2732 1 sp. — 2733 2 radiosa Les. — 2734 1 oriens Sow. 2735 2* crassa Lam. 2736 1 2737 3 (minor.) — (Clypidella Sw.) 2738 3 fascicularis Lam. Antill. 2739 4 pustula L. — (Pupillia Gray.) 2740 5 scutellum Gm. Cap. Oeiitalium L. 2741 1 aprinum L. hid. or,? 2742 1 striatulum Gm. — (Entalis Gray.) 1743 9 dentalis L. M. med. Fain. Trochoidea. Haliotis. L. 2744 2 Cracherodii Leach, California. 2745 1* minor. Ig. 99 m. — 2746 2 iris Martyn. N. Zeland. 2747 1 fulgens Phil. California. H. californiana Valenc. H. splendens (Mawe.) Reeve. Haliotis. 151 2748 1 corrugata Gray. California. H. nodosa Phi!. 2* tuberculata L. M. med. minor. — sp. ? lainellosa Lam. M. med. varia L. Ind. or. minor. I* pustulata Reeve V Mozambique, virginea Ch. Guinea. H. marmorata L.? diversicolor Reeve. China, glabra Ch. Guinea ? asinina L. Ind. or. (minor.) sanguinea Hani. Cap. H. ficiformis Mke. midae L. Ig. 60 m. Ig. 30 m. (Padollus Mtf.) Roei Gray. N. Holl H scabricosta Mke. parva L. Cap. H. canaliculate Lam. 2766 1* naevosa Martyn. N HolL H. ruber Leach. 2767 1* Dringii Reeve. Ig. 32 m. 2768 1 pulcherrima Martyn. — 2769 I2 excavata Lam. Stomax mtf. (Stomatia Helb.) 2770 1 imperforata Helb. Ind. or. S. phymotis Lam. 2749 2* 2750 8 2751 1 2752 1 2753 1 2754 2 2755 I1 2756 3 2757 1 2758 1 2759 3 2760 6 2761 3 2762 3 2763 1 2764 ( 1 2765 4 152 Stomafia. Trochus. Oeiia Gray. 2771 1 lutea L. Ind. or. Stomatella auricula Lam. Stomatella Lam. 2772 1* papyracea Ch. V. f. 1817, 8. Turbo papyraceus Gm. Dh. 2773 2* coccinea A. Adams. St. Thomas. Troclius JL. Margarita Leach. 2774 3 helicinus Fabr. Gronland. Tr. neritoideus Gm. 2775 1 grOnlandicus Ch. M. undulata var. laevior. Moll. Pliorcus Risso. 2776 2 variegatus (Turbo) Risso 1813. M, med. P. margaritaceus Risso. T. Richardi Payr. Steromplialus Leach. 2777 42 capensis Gm. Cap. 2778 3 umbilicalis Da Costa. Brittania. T, obliquatus Gm. 2779 2 cinerarius L. Gibbula Leacli. 2780 6* umbilicaris L. M. med. T. fuscatus Gm. 2781 10 ardens Salis. — T. tessellatus Ch. V. f. 1683. Gm.? T. cruciatus L.? M. canaliculata Phil. 2782 2* magus L. — Trochus. 153 4 fanulum Gm. M. med. 2 declivis Forsk. M. rub. M. aegyptiaca Lam. T. aegyptius Gm. Monllea 8w. (Tallopia Gray.) 1* calliferus Lam. ? 1 var.? _ Ompfiallus Plill. (Chlorostoma Sws.) 2787 4 brasilianus Mke. 2 c. op. Brasilia. T. viridulus Gm.? Ch. 1677. 2788 51 quadricostatus Gray. 1 c. op. Chile. M. catenifera P. $ M. 2789 4 indusii Ch. V. 1682. Antill. T. carneus Gm. T. canaliculatus d'Orb, T. scalaris Anton. T. crenulatus Bolt. 2790 3 Hotesserianus d'Orb. T. occultus Phil. T nassaviensis Ch. 1676? 2791 6 fasciatus Born. — C. lun. laevis Ch. 1667, 68. Turbo dentatus Gm. T. carneolus Lam. 2792 5 excavatus Lam. 2 c. op. T. umbilicaris Ch. 2793 1 bicarinatus P- & M. non Gray. Chile. T. carinatus Kock. 2794 21 luctuosus d'Orb. T. euomphalus Jon. 2795 2 sp. T. luctuosus Ki. t. 31. f. 4. 154 Trochus. 2796 2 microstoma d'Orb. Antill. T. bidentata Mke. 2797 1 ater Less, 2798 3 min. 2. c. op. (Chlorostoma Sw.) 2799 1 rusticus Gm. Ind. or. T. agrestis Ch. 2800 1 nigerrimus Gm. — T. niger Ch. 2801 3 argyrostomus Gm. China. T. niger cidariformis Ch. T. corvus Link. T. lithanthrax Bolt. Tigris HI. (Livona Gray. Meleagris Mtt.) 2802 2 pica L. c. op. Antill. 2803 3 (jun.) Diloma Phil 2804 2* araucanus d'Orb Chile. T. nigerrimus (Ch,) Phil. Oxystele IMiil 2805 3 expansus (Margarita) Sow. Cap. s806 21 merula Ch. T. sinensis Gm. 2807 I1 tigrinus Ch. Trochocochlea Kl. (Ossilinus Phil. Tro- chius Leach. Gibbium Gray). 2808 1 impervius Mke. Cap. 2809 1 Listen Gray. Madeira. Li. 648. f. 43. (T. inflatus ? Meusch.) T. crassus d'Orb. Canar. Trochus. 155 (Melagraphia Stentz.) 2810 2 constrictus Lam. N. Zeland. T. trochlea Gray. 2811 2* melaleucus Link. Senegal. M. punctulata Lam. Le Osilin Ad. 2812 1 lugubris Lam. Del. ? 2813 2 turbiniformis Salis. M. med. M. articulatus Lam. M. tessellata Dh. T. granulatus Meusch. 2814 2 turbinatus Born. — T. tessulatus Born. M. fragaroides Lam. 2815 4 (minor.) 2816 1* pellis serpentis Wood. Panama. Zizypliimi* Leach. (Calliostoma Sw.) 2817 1* granatum Ch. Gm. N. Zeland. 2818 1 2819 1 asper Ch. T. diaphanus Gm. T. punctulatus Martyn. T. perlatus Bolt. 2820 1 papillosus Da Costa. M. med. T. granulatus Born. 2821 3 annulatus Martyn. N. Zeland, T. virgin eus Ch. 2822 1 canaliculatus Martyn. — T. doliarium Ch. 2823 1 ornatus Lam. Cap. 12824 2 bicingulatus Lam. T. vinctus Phil. 156 Trochus. 2825 3 tranquebaricus Ch. Ind. or. 2826 5 conuloides Lam. M. med. 2827 1 zizyphinus L. 2828 1 conulus L. 2829 5 hyacirithinus Ren. T. violaceus Ris. T. Laugieri Payr. 2830 1 sp Rio. 2831 6 striatus L. M. med. T. erythroleucus Lam. ICanKi via 15k 2832 14 fulminata Mke Cap. Cant ha rid us Htf. (ELenchus Sw.) 2833 3 sp. ,,Bengalia." 2834 2* bellulus Dkr. N. Holland. 2835 2* iriodon Q. & G. — M. virgata Mke. 2836 1* leucostigma Mke. — 2837 1* badius Gray. T. australis Q. & G. 2838 1* iridis Ch. N. Zeland, T. iris Gm. L. opalus Martyn. 2839 2 — polita. — Tlialotia Gray. 2840 4 rostratus Gm. N. Holl. 2841 1 picta Gray.? — Euchele Pliil. (Aradasia Gray.) 2842 3* denigrata Ch. V. 1754, 5. Ind. or. Turbo atratus Gm. M. eaiialiculata Lam. Trochus- 157 2843 1 sp, Bengalis. 2844 2 asper Ch. Guinea? T. asper (agrestis) Ch. V. 1852 Gm. T. perlatus Gm. T. cingulalus Link. T. quadricarinatus Ch. XI. M. tricarinata Lam. Cidaris granulata Bolt. 2845 2 sp. Ind. or. Jlouocloiita Lain. 2846 6 labeo L. — 2847 2 var.? - 2848 4 sp. China. 2849 1 canalifera Lam. Ind. or. Clauouliis JItf. 2850 1 rotelliformis Phil.? ? 2851 3* pharaonius L. Ind. or. 2852 1 sp. ? 2853 2* villana Phil. Guinea. Globulus agrestis Ch. V. 1678. 2854 1* civicus Ch. V. 1679. — T. urbanus Gm. T. tornatus Bolt. T. reticulatus Gray.? 2855 l*sp. Bengalia. 2856 2 clanculus Gray ? ? 2857 1 sp. ? 2858 4 jujubinus Gm. Antill. T. lunatus Bolt. 158 Trochus. Polydonta Sell. (Lamprostoma Sw.) 2859 1 inaculatus L, Ind, or. T. sanguinolentus Ch. 2860 1 niveus Ch. T. grandinatus Link. 2861 2* sp. 2862 6 alveare Gm. 2863 3 granularis Bolt. T. radiatus p Gm. 2864 I turboides Bolt. Ch. V. f. 1658. M. rub. T. erythraeensis Brocchi. 2865 1 lima Yoldi. Ind. or. 2866 1 sp. — 2867 3 sp. Cbina. 2868 1 sp. ? Pyramidea Sw. 2869 1 pyramidalis Ch. Ind. or. T. marmoratus Lam. T. flammeus Bolt. 2870 1 niloticus L. — Tectus mtf. (Pyramis Sch.) 2871 1 dentatus Forsk. M. rub. T. foveolatus Gm. T. pyramidalis Lam. 2872 1 Forskalii Bolt. T. noduliferus Lam. T. dentatus duplex Ch. 2873 2 pyramis Born. !nd. or. T. acutus Lam. ? 2874 1 obeliscus Lam. T. pyramis Ch. V. f. 1520. 2875 2* fenestratus Gm. Delphinula. 159 2876 1 muricatus Ch. Antill. T. mauritianus Gm. T. gothicus Bolt. 2877 1 minor. Rotella I. a in (Umbonium Link 1867. Pito- nillus Mtf. Globulus Sch.) 2878 3 monilifera Lam. Ind. er. 1 javanica Lam. 2 suturalis Lam. 1 sp. 4 sp. <-. N. Zeland, 1* gigantea Less. 2884 6 elegans Bk. Philippin. 2885 20* vestiaria L. Ind. or. R. lineolata Lam. 2886 3 rosea Lam. Delphimila Roissy. Cyclostoma Lam. 1802. Angarius Bolt.) 3 laciniata L. Ind. or. 1 Angarius roseus Bolt. 1* atrata Ch. D. frondosa Link. D. decrepitus Ch. 1 5 (jun ) 1 distortus L. Ig. 40 m. 1 Ig. 28 m. t 2894 1 Ig. 30 m. Liotia Gray. (Delphinula Aut.) 2895 1* Peronii Ki. N. Holl. 2896 1* varicosa Reeve. Philippin. 160 Turbo. 4897 2* cruentata Muhlf. Antill. D. radiata Ki. N. G. 2898 I1 Helicella? latilabris Bk. !nd. or.? Trib. 2. Turbf iiidce Turbo I, Astraliimi Link. (Imperator Mtf. Sol. Kl.) 2899 1* phoebia Bolt Ch. V. f. 1716, 17 Antill. A. deplanatum Link. T. longispina Lam. Ki. f. 1. 2900 1 v*r. 2901 1 calcar L, — T. inermis Gm. ? T. spiimlosa Lam. KL? 2902 1 var. 2903 2* (jun.) 2904 6 (pulli.) (Calcar Ch. Stella Kl.) 2905 I1 Speuglerianus Ch. fnd. or. T. aculeatus Gm. (Uvanilla -Gray.) 2906 1 petrosus Martyn. 2907 1 juv. 2908 2 sp. Rouxleg. 2909 1 sp. ? 2910 1 ramosus Meusch. c. op. Antill. T. imbricatus Gm. % 2911 1 (minor.) (Pachypoma Gray.) 2912 1* eaelatus Ch. dm. 75 m. 2913 2 var. (Lithopoma Gray.) 2914 2 tuber L. — Turbo. 161 (Pomaulax GrayO 2914 2 Buschii Phil California.* T. inermis Ki. non Gm. — 2915 1 undosus Gray. (Bolma Risso.) 2916 1 rugosus L. (c. op) M. med. 2917 2 (minor.) — 2918 3 (pulli.) lamella Bolt. (Marmorostoma Sw.) (Sarmaticus Gray.) 2917 1 sarmaticus L. (c. op) Cap. 2919 1 smaragdinus Ch. N. Zeland. T. smaragdus Martyn. T. helicinus Dh. 2920 8 helicinus Born. Cap. T. cidaris Gm. (Marmorostoma Sw.) 5921 2 complanatus Ch. Ind. or. T. versicolor Gm. 2922 3 mespilus Ch. — T. porphyrites Ki. (non Martyn.) 2923 I1 granulatus Ch. T. granulosus Ki. 2924 1 reclusus Ch. T. spinosus Meusch. T. coronatus Gm. 2925 1 creniferus Ki M. ruh. T. nebulosus Forsk? Prisogaster Jloreli. 2926 3 niger Gray. Chile. T. ater Lesson. 11 162 Turbo. Clirysostoma 2927 3* paradoxus Born. Nicobar. T. nicobaricus Ch. Scnectus Humph. Lunatica Bolt. Fornax, Saccus, Olearia Kl.) 2928 2 cornutus Ch. China. 2929 1 sp. ? 2930 1 argyrostoma L. Ind. or. 2931 1 Spenglerianus Ch. (juv.) T. canaliculatus Herm, 2932 2 castaneus Ch. Antill. T. hippocastanum Lam. 2933 3 crenulatus Ch. 2934 3* chrysostomus L. Ind. or. 2935 2 var. 2936 3 spinosus Gm» T. tuberculatus (O. & G.) Ki 2937 4 ticaonicus Reeve. T. radiatus Ki.? 2938 3 2939 1 sp. T. radiatus Ku f. I1. — 2940 3 margaritaceus L, 2941 1 sparverius Ch. T. margaritaceus Ki. non L. 2942 I1 imperialis Ch.? — 2943 1 marmoratus L. (jun.) 2944 2 petholatus L. 2945 1 personatus L. — T. taenia Meusch. (Gualt. 64 F.) T. aurantia Perry? L. obscura Bolt. Ch. V. 1830., 31. Phasianella. 163 C. nassovica denigrata. Ch. 2946 1 (minor, c. op.) Ino. or. Phasianella JLam. Eutropia Humphr. 2947 1 Tritonis Ch. lg. 93 m. N. Zeland. B. australe Gm. Ph. bulimoides Lam. 2948 1* lg. 75 m 2949 2 2950 2 Lehmanni Mke. N. Holl. PAstrolabe t. 59 f. 5. 2951 2 var. 2952 4 variegata Lam. Ind. or. 2953 4 var. 2954 1* rubens Lam. (Ticolia Ris.) 2955 8 speciosa Miihlf. I. Ferro. Ph. Vieuxii Payr. 2956 2 sp. M. med. 2957 5 pullus L. Fam. \eriticlce. \avieella I^awi. (Catillus Humphr. Cimber, Mtf.) 2958 2 porcellana L. Ind- or- 2959 1* depressa Less. N. elliptica Sow. 2960 1 borbonica Bory St. Vincent. 2961 1 suborbicularis Sow. I. Philippin. 2962 3 aponogetonis Vahl. (1795 Nathist. Selsk. Skrift.) Bengal. N. tessellata (Lam.) Bens. 11" 164 Nerilina. 2963 2964 4* (minor.) 1* lineata Lam. Bengal. Philippin, Neritina La in. Ueritella Humph. lliiia Reel. (1842.) 2962 1* latissima Brod. (c. op.) Realejo. 2963 1* globosa Sow. Ig, 19 m. Oc. pacif. 2964 2* Nutallii Reel. Sandwich. N. convexa Nutall. (1 c. op.) Neripteron Less. 2965 1* auriculata Lam. N. Holl. 2966 2* sp. (1 c. op.) Sandwich. 2967 2 Lamarckii Dh. «Nicobar." N. auriculata Sow. 2968 4* sp. e circumnav. Galatheas (2 c. op,) 2969 1 «navicularis." Sumatra. JDostia f*ray. 2970 21 valvata (Lepas) Mart. f. 133, 4 Ind. or. N. phrygia Meusch. N. violacea Gm. 2971 4* depressa Bens. (1 c. op.) N. crepidularia W. S. Tlieodoviis Jfltf. (Elea Z.) 2972 4 strangulata Miihlf. Eur. mer. 2973 2* Prevostiana Fer. (c. op.) 2974 2* danubialis L. (c. op.) 2975 4 fluviatilis L. Dania. < litlicm Htf. 2976 1* coronata Leach. Ind. or. N. corona Lam. non L. N. longisptna Reel. 2977 3* corona L. (2. c. op.) Sumatra. Neritina. 165 2978 2* spinosa Budgin. N. undata Less. 2979 3* (1 c. op.) 2980 5 (minor.) Neritella Humph. 2981 1* rubella Mull. N. Bruguieri Reel.? 2982 1 pulligera L. 2983 2* sp. (c. op.) 2984 2* (minor. 1 c. op.) 2985 1* sp. 2986 3 canalis Sow. N. Owenii Wood S. p. 45. 2987 31 var. latior. 2988 2 sp. 2989 3* punctulata Lam. (c. op.) 2990 2* (1 c. op.) 2991 1* sp. 2992 1 - (c. op.) 2093 1 sp. Yeritiiiu Sw. 2994 3 cornea L. N. amphibia Les. N. dubia Sow. 5 philippinarum Sow. 3 dubia Ch. 1 var. N. fasciata Lam. I. Sandwich. 2995 2996 2997 2998 var. Ind. or. Nicobar. I. Societ. Nicobar? Martinique. L. Thomas. Brasilia. Philippin. Ind. or. Nicobar? 2999 2* lugubris Lam. Sow. 3000 2 (minor.) 3001 1 lugubris Lam. Del. t. 32 f. 4. Ind. or. 156 Neritina, 3002 3 ramosa Meusch. (Argv. 1. P.) Philippin. N. ziczac Lam. Del. t. 32 f . 1 a, b. ? 3003 5 elegantissima v. d. Busch. — N. strigillata Lam. Del. t. 32 f. 3 Sow. f. 32. N. purpurea Sow. N. elegante Chenu. Cours elem. 3004 5* turrita Ch. Sumatra. N. strigilata Lam. 3005 2* var. (1 c, op.) 3006 4* var. N. semiconica Lam. (2. c. op.) — 3007 1 sp. 3008 21 triangularis Meusch. (Li. 604 f. 29.) Ind. or. N. coromandeliana Sow. 1009 I* gagates Lam. Deles, (c. op.) ? Geve t. 24. f. 251. N. sumatrensis Sow. 3010 1 sp. ? 3011 2* sp. (1 c. op.) I. Maurit 3012 1* zebra Lam. Cc. op.) Am. mer. 3013 2 var. N. lineolta Lam. 2014 I2 ziczac Lam. Del. t. 32 f. 1 d. ? 3015 1* sp. Mejico. 3016 2 Schmidtii Gray. W. S. Bengal. 3016 1* Schmidtii Sow. non Gray. N. tigrina Bens. Vitta HI. (Scapha Kl.) 3017 6 turriculata Mke. Antill. N. virginea Sow. f 27 dext. 3018 5 virginea L. Bon. f. 204. Schr. Einl. t. 4. f. 14 Sow. 111. f. 27 sin. JSm'ta. 167 N. marmorata Link. (Cb. IX. f. 1086.) 3019 20 trabalis Meusch. (Petiv. Gaz. 68 f. 4.) N. virginea Lam. non L. Sow. f 27 sin. N. brasiliana Reel. 3020 6 cblorina Link. 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 N. meleagris Lam. 4* Matoni Reel. (c. op.) 1* picta Sow. (c. op.) pulcbella Gray. W. S. var. lineolata. var. sagittifera. 4* 4* 2* Antill. Antill. Brasilia. Panama. Antill. 5 pupa L. Sieilia. Ind. or. 3027 10 viridis L. 3028 3* var.? (c. op.) Merita L Theliostyla n. 3029 8* albicilla L. 3030 2* var. 3031 1 marginata Gm. M. rub. Scbr. Einl. 2. 371. t. 4. f. 16. N. peloronta Forsk. N. oryzarum var. Reel.? 3032 1 var. coccinea. 3033 6* petechialis Meusch. Ind. or. N. signata Macleay. 3034 2 chameleon L. 3035 2 var. — 3036 4 chlorostoma Lam.? — 168 Nerita. 3037 1* bizonalis Lam. Enc. t. 454. f. 3, Tnd. or. N. atropurpurea Reel. N. planispirata Anton. 3038 3* plexa Ch. _ N. textilis Gm. 3039 2 exuvia L. 3040 2* (minor.) 3041 2 diversicolor Martyn. Guinea. N. malaccensis Gm. N. ascensionis Gm. 3042 9 varia Meusch. Antill. N. tessellata Gm. 3043 3044 2* 10* sp. (c. op.) Yoldii Reel. 3045 1* senegalensis Gm. Le Dumar Ad. N. punctuiata Q. & G. 3046 1* nigerrima Ch 3047 1* morio Sow. 3048 2* picea Reel.? (c. op.) Odontostoma HI. 3049 3* polita L. 3050 5 var. fasciata. 3051 5 var. 3052 2 australis Gray. 3053 2 flavescens Ch. X. f. 1594, 95. ^Brasilia." Senegal. Antill. Oc. pacif. Ind. or. Cap? (c. op.) M. rub. N. bidens £. Gm. N. d'Orbignyana Reel. 3054 6* flava Meusch. (List 603 f. 22.) Ind. or 3055 7* hieroglyphica Ch. V. 2016. 18. N. litterata Gm. 3056 4* nigra Ch. V. 2015. N. fasciata Meusch. N. bifasciata Gm. 3057 1* sp. — 3058 1* sp. — 3059 2* sp. (c. op.) 3060 4* Chemnitzii Reel. 3061 1* histrio L. Dh. Pila HI. 3062 7* undata L. Ch. V. 1950, 51. 3063 1* var.? — Argonauta. 169 3064 4* striata Martyn ap. Burrow. Ind. or. N. undata Lam. Enc. 454. f. 6. N. semirugosa Reel.? 3063 2 ornata Sow. Panama. 3066 1 (minor, c, op.) 3067 1* grossa L. Ind. or. 3068 1 var. ? elongata 3069 4 plicata L. 3070 4 (minor.) 3071 4 variegata Ch. V. p. 233. f. 1962, 3. Antill. N. versieolor Gm. 3072 2 peloronta L. Cephalopoda Cuv. A. Tetrabraiicliia Owen. Mautilus L* 3071 3 pompilius L. Ind. or. 3072 I1 jun. Ig. 45 m. 3073 I1 ambiguus Sowb. (persecta.) 3074 1 jun.? Ig 80 m. 3075 1 umbilicatus Ch. Oeratifes de Biaaii. 3076 1 nodosus Drug. Calc. conch, t- B. Dibraiichia Owen I. Deeapoda I^eaeli. a. (Oigopsidae d'Orb.) Ommatostreplies d'Orb. 3077 1 sp. (rostrum.) ? b. (Myopsidae d'Orb.) Spirula Lam. Lituus Browne. 3078 8 fragilis Lam. Antill. N. spirula L. II. Octopoda Leach, Argonauta L. 3079 1 argo L. Ig. 180 m. M. med 3080 1 Ig. 170 m. 3081 1 Ig. 138 m, 3082 I1 oryzata iMeusch. Ig. 118 m. Ind. or. A. tuberculosa Lam. 3083 1 Ig. 85 in. 3084 I1 hians Sol. 3085 I3 gondola Dlw. 170 Addenda. post, no, 185 adde. Cameeiia (Alb.) n. 3086 4 cicatricosa Mull. China* H. senegalensis Lam. post. no. 718 3087 2 3 Clausilia macarana Ziegler.Dalmatia. 3088 3 dalmatina Partsch. 3089 1 pachygastris Partsch. 3090 2 caerulea Fer. Graecia. 3091 2 catharoensis Rm. Dalmatia. C. laevigata Muhlf. 3092 2 itala Martens. Italia. 3093 1 bilabiata Wag. post. no. 1536 adde. 3094 3 Cyllene grana (Buc.) Lam. M. med. 145. H. charybdis n. n. sp.: H. polygyrata Born. = H. obvoluta Miill.: H angigyra Z. DifFert ab. H. polygyrata t. superne plana nee con cava, anfr. (TVs) latioribus; umbilico profundion et angustiore. Diam. maj. 38 m., min. 27 m. Hab. Brasilia. S k a b e. 1 — 2 2 Mahogni Conchylieskabe omtrent 39 Tom brede med 22 Skuffer. 3_4 2 beitsede do. 42Va Tom. brede med 26 Skuffei 5—6 2 do. do. 38 Tom. brede med 26 Skuffei Alle Skabene ere 2 Al. 3V« Tom. hoie, forsyned med Dore og foroven med en Reol 1 Al. hoi 7 En kostbar og sjelden Jagtkniv. CONTRIBUTIONS TO CONCHOLOGY. Descriptions of Thirty Supposed New Species and Varie- ties of LAND AND FLTJVIATILE SHELLS of JAMAICA, with Observations on some Shells already described. By EDWARD CHITTY, ESQUIRE, Corresponding Member of the New- York Lyceum of Natural History, dec., <&?., <&c. Kingston, Jamaica, October 1853. CYCLOSTOMA Pearmanseanum ; new. " Barklyanum ; new. " maritimum, observations on. TROCHATELLA pulcliella, Ad. var. labiosa, Chitty ; new. GEOMELANIA observations on. sinuosa new. inornata new. parva new. " procera observations on. OYLINDRELLA Pearmanseana ; new. Maugeri observations on. " " var. radiata new. var. fuscolabris new. var. albo — anfraclus new. " " var. prunicolor new, " " var. rosealaHris new. " " var. pulchella new. var. pulla new. var. nitens nnw. var. unicolor, AiJ. var a, Chilly ; new, var. bicolor new. var.quarlricolor new " var. raphinina new. '• var, Iricolor observations on. " var. unicincta, observaliona on. hydrophana new. " striata new. Adainsiana new. dubia new. 2 Desertions of Thirty Supposed New Species and ACHATINA parvula ; new. Adamsiana ; new. SPIRAXIS observations on " contorta ; new. PUPA Jardineana ; new. " Grevillei ; new. HELIX McNabiana ; new. PLANORBIS affinis observations on angulatus ; new. CYCLOSTOMA PEARMAN^EANUM. Shell, moderately elon- gate ; conic ; dingy- white, or very light brown ; with 5 or 6 narrow, interrupted, faint, spiral bands of umber brown, most distinct on the last whorl ; with from 9 to 11 trans- verse or vertical series of irregular spots of darker umber- brown, the largest and darkest spots being just below the suture. Transverse lines of growth distinct and distant, more so than in C. lima, sharp and slightly serated. Spiral lines scarcely visible, except on the inner side of the last whorl. Spire with convex outlines. Apex truncate with loss of ? whorls ; 4 or 4-J- whorls remaining, very convex, with a very deep suture. Last 4th part of last whorl diverging (in 4 out of 6 specimens before me) very abruptly and very far from the penult whorl, as in G. mon- strosum. In two of the specimens, divergence is much less than in these ; the left side of the peritreme touches, and is soldered to the penult whorl. Aperture exactly cir- cular (in some very slightly oval) — diam. . 1 inch ; peristome or inner peritreme projecting about .05 inches beyond the peritreme, shining at the very edge, but dull, with circles of growth girdling the outside. Peritreme about .05 width ; slightly striated, shining, irregularly reflected, and notched. About l-4th of the peritreme, nearest to the penult whorl is abruptly wanting, appearing to the casual observer as though it were broken off. The edges of the peritreme where the apparent fracture occurs, are however, themselves N. B, — The decimals throughout are of inches — E. C. Varieties of Land and Fluciat'de Shells of Jamaica. 3 as abruptly reflected. Peritreme seems to be formed before the Peristome projects. Operculum — ? umbilicus small, extending through the truncate apex. Mean divergence 50° ; length .76, greatest breadth .56, least breadth from last to penult whorl .39. Habitat, Durham, Trelawny. These shells differ much in size—one before me measur- ing only .52 in. length and otherwise in proportion. It in some respects comes near to G. mirandum, but it is more globose ; and transverse strisB are far more coarse and distant ; it has no visible spiral striae, and the hiatus in the peritreme is much more marked and decided. Named in honor of Mrs. POOLE, daughter of the late WILLIAM PEARMAN, ESQ., to whom I am greatly indebted for conchological assistance. CYCLOSTOMA BARKLYANUM. Shell robust, elongate, conic ; slightly shining, white or very pale rich brown, with irre- gular transverse bands of light rich brown, zigzag on the right or towards the apex, and straight and shading off on the left or towards the aperture ; some of the bands being lighter, and, as it were, shadows of the darker ones ; with the same light rich brown within the lower end of the aperture ; with very strong prominent rounded transverse stria3, very faintly decussated by spiral striae. Spire with outlines slightly convex. Apex truncate, with the loss of about 3 whorls ; 4j whorls remaining ; with a very mode- rately impressed suture, which is crenulate, by the enlarge- ment of the upper ends of some of the transverse striae. "Whorls slightly convex. Aperture ovate, orbicular, oblique, narrower and longer than C. Augusts. Peristome produced and reflected on to the peritreme. Peritreme well expanded ; white tinged with light rich brown, canalicu- lated above, attached to penult whorl, then widely spread- ing over the umbilicus, which is small. Mean divergence 37° ; length .92, greatest breadth .57, least breadth .44. Habitat, New Hope, Westmoreland. Named in honor of Sir HENKY BARELY, Governor of Jamaica, on the day of his arrival. 4 Descriptions of Thirty Siipposcd New Species and CYCLOSTOMA MAKITIMUM — AD. Not being able to find Pro- fessor ADAMS'S description of this shell, I must be excused if I state afresh what he may have already stated, namely, that this is a most variable shell, both in marking and size. Of eleven, which I am adding to the suite of Jamaica Land Shells for the British Museum, six vary in color from yel- lowish white to almost a deep orange, three are of a dingy red brown, varying in shade, with very fine spiral lines of deep brown, and two have broad spiral lines of deep dingy brown on the periphery of the whorls. In size the smallest is .33 long, and the largest (truncated) is .64. A comparatively large portion of specimens in the lot I have, is not decollated. Habitat, near Galina Point, St. Mary's. The kindness and indefatigable searchings of my friend GEOKGE ARMSTRONG, ESQUIRE, of Wentworth, St. Mary's, have put me in possession of several specimens, (where I only had solitary ones previously) of Cycl. pul- cTirius and Cycl. maritimum. My observations on the colors, &c. of the animals will appear in a proposed posthumous work from the manuscript of Professor C. B. ADAMS. TROCHATELLA PULCIIELLA — AD. Yar. LABIOSA, CHIITY. Under stones, amongst the Fan Palm Thatch at Galina Point, St. Mary's, a variety of this shell occurs, in which (just as in Helicina palliata, var labiosaj) the lip is exces- sively thickened both externally and internally, but not contracting the aperture. : For these shells, also, I am indebted to my friend G. ARMSTRONG, ESQ. This thickening of the labrum of certain shells, in certain localities, seems to demand attention, GEOMELANIA. Professor C. B. ADAMS has most justly said, that in this genus " the different types graduate into each other so as to render the establishment of species extremely difficult," That difficulty causes me t<> pause Varieties of Land and Fluviatile Shells of Jamaica. 5 ere I attempt to describe all the specimens which have come to my hands, unseen by, and so unknown to, the Professor at the time of his lamented death ; but I venture to describe three, namely, G. sinuosa, G. inornata^ and G. parva, which I select from among the rest by the marked pecu- liarity of their spiral striae. GEOMELANIA SINUOSA. Shell conic, cylindrical, white, elegantly sculptured with very sharp and slender transverse ribs, which lessen in number on the last whorl, and which are very slightly impressed with very numerous micros- copic spiral striae. Spire with rectilinear outlines. Apex truncate, with the loss of ? whorls ; six whorls re- maining, convex, with a deep suture. Aperture ovate, moderately effuse on the right side, angular above, oblique. Labrum thickened, and sharply reflected, not produced. Labium detached from the last whorl. At the top of the aperture, separating the labiuin from the labrum is a very singular sinus, which induces its specific name, opening as a narrow line, and terminating as an open circle (which I can best describe by likening it to the peculiarities of a surgeon's amputating saw) ; round the outside of this circle the edge is much thickened. Mean divergence about 16°, Length .22, Breadth .05. Habitat, Ashly Hall, Trelawny. GEOMELANIA INORNATA. Shell elongate, conic, cylindri- cal, white ; to the naked eye it appears smooth and without ribs, but under the lens, it has strong, rounded, close set, transverse ribs. Spire with rectilinear outlines. Apex truncate, with the loss of ? whorls ; whorls left 5 } very convex, with a moderately impressed suture. Aper- ture ovate, angular above. Labrum effusely produced, and widely reflected on the right. Below—? (N. B. The only specimen I have is broken in that part.) Labium moderately thickened and reflected, and in its upper half appressed to the penult whorl. A slight sinus divides the labrum from the labium. Mean divergence about 13^ ; Length .36, Breadth .08. Habitat '. 6 Descriptions of Thirty Supposed New Species and GEOMELANJA PARVA. This shell greatly resembles G. clegans, small var. But the transverse ribs are much more close and numerous, and the spiral striae are finer, slightly impressing the ribs. The lip is entire, without any sinus between the labrnm and labium. "Whorls remaining, 5. Mean divergence from 15° to 16°, length rather more than .16, breadth .05. Habitat, Peace River, Manchester. GEOMELANTA PROCERA AD. When the late Professor C. B. ADAMS described this shell, it was unique, and in my cabinet. I have the same specimen now before me, but I am wholly unable to detect under a triplex pocket lens of high power, the " very numerous microscopic lightly im- pressed spiral stride in the intercostal spaces," which he mentions at p. 95, Cont. to Conch. CYLINDRELLA PEARMAN.EANA. This shell approaches nearest to Cyl. alba var striatella (Cont. to Conch p. 20) and may be C. alabastrina. Pfr., of which I have not seen even the description. Shell almost cylindrical, round- ing off in the last whorl, and with convex outlines from the 9th whorl towards the truncate apex ; cream white. Striae very visible under a good lens, but much finer than in O. alba var. striatella. Half of last whorl carinated ; but by no means so much so as in the last-named shell. Apex truncate with loss of ? whorls ; whorls left, fourteen, much flattened, but with a well-impressed suture. Last whorl much produced, obliquely. Aperture sharply angular on the right side, and rounded rather on the left ; so that when the shell is held with the apex to the right, the aperture is like a tunnel or archway. Lip reflected, but little thickened, shining. Length .71, greatest breadth, .14, least breadth, at apex, .07. Habitat, Retrieve, Westmoreland. CYLINDRELLA MAUGERI — WOOD. In defiance of the opinions of some of the greatest naturalists of the day, I presume to think that an alteration should be made in the Varieties of Land and Fluviatile Shelh of Jamaica. 7 classification of this, which at present stands only as a species. Why all these at-present-called varieties should not be elevated into species, I cannot understand. There is so great a peculiarity in the so-called species Maugeri — so totally distinct is it from all other Jamaica Cylindrellce') save and except Cyl. Gossei (which should perhaps be included among them,) that Maugeri ought, in my opinion, to be elevated into a genus, and all the now called varieties should be advanced into species : convenience at least would justify this procedure. If many species of Gylin- drella are admitted among all that group, from C. Hollandi to C. pupoe formis — (see Catalogue Cont. Conch., p. 183,) and the marked differences among them are not even so great as amongst the so called vars. of C. Mangvri, (id. p. 182-3) I cannot reconcile the one being species, and the other varieties. Show one var. of the C. Maugeri^ and almost at once its habitat is determined, and the utter hopelessness proclaimed of finding it in any other region of the island. Besides, some of these so-called vars. are varied in their own class. Thus, of C. Maugeri v&r.fusca, we have brown, white, and yellow vars. (See the British Museum suite of Jamaica Land and Fluviatile Shells, No. 669 a) : yet variety of variety is scarcely admissible. * CYLINDKELLA MAUGERI. Yar. RADIATA. Shell long, not robust, shining. Lip and last part of last whorl, white ; rest dirty yellow ; whole shell boldly but beautifully striated. Aperture long and rather angulated below, where the peritreine is much expanded, and but little re- flected. Whorls nearly nine. Length .9, breadth .23. This Shell, of which I have only one specimen, was given me by DR. HYDE. Habitat ? Northside ? CYLINDKELLA MAUGEEI. Var. FUSCOLABRIS. Shell robust, and moderately thickened ; shining sulphur-yellow in the middle, brick-red tinge on the truncate apex ; last whorl white, with an ill-defined band of brick-red on the back of the lower part of the lip. Last whorl much rounded. Keel 8 Descriptions of Thirty Supposed New Species and obtuse. Aperture, semiorbicular, much contorted, and slightly angular at its base. Striae well defined on the last whorl. Whorls 8. Length. 76, breadth .25. A younger semitransparent specimen (I have only two) has only 7J whorls. Length .72, breadth .26. Habitat ? ISTorthside. From Dr. HYDE. CYLINDRELLA MAUGERI. Yar. ALBO-ANFRACTUS. Named in allusion to its last whorl being white. Shell small, globose, but of the usual shape, shining ; dingy yellow fading oif on the last whorl into pure white ; last two-thirds of the last whorl very finely striated. Whorls 8. Aperture not very oblique, lengthened, labrum thin on left side. Length .62, breadth .22. Habitat ? Northside ? From Dr. HYDE. CYIJNDRELLA MAUGEEI. Yar. PKUNICOLOR. This shell is named from the band of deep plum-color behind the lip. Shell less robust, rather long, (not a fresh specimen) red brown, deeper at either extremity. Lip long and angulated below, expanded and thin at the margin, pure white, with (behind it) the plum-colored band. Keel acute, white. Striae visible almost to the truncated apex ; coarse and wide on the last whorl. Whorls 8J-. Length .76, breadth .23. Habitat ? ? CYLINDRELLA MAUGERI. Yar. ROSEALABRIS. Named from its beautiful rose-colored lip. Shell robust, short, shining ; coloring same as in Var. tricolor ; keel short, pink ; no white line as in Var, tricolor, or, at most, a very microscopically thin one. Lip oblique and elongated. Whorls 7, very fine striation extending only over J of the last whorl ; but more so than in Var. tricolor. Length .72, breadth .25. Habitat Maroon Town ? Given to me by the Kevd. WIL- LIAM ASHBY. CYLINDRELLA MAUGERI. Yar. PULCHELLA. This pretty shell in color resembles Var. tricolor. Shell small, not Varieties of Land and Fluviatile Shells of Jamaica. 9 over robust, shining. Last whorl and part of the penult, and the three upper whorla of the decollated apex, of a deep rich brown. Intermediate space, of a light olive brown. Lip and behind the lip, rose pink, except where it is inter- rupted by the sharp white keel, which extends over one half the last whorl. Next below the suture, is a gradually widen- ing white line commencing at one half of the penult whorl, and terminating at the rose pink behind the lip. Whorls 7£. Transverse striae well marked on one half of the last whorl, obsolete above. Lip very oblique, with a deep sinus on the left side. Length .64, breadth .21. I have only two specimens. Habitat, Manchester ? CYLINDRELLA MAUGERI. Var. PULLA. Shell small, rather slender, dark red brown, almost black at the back of peretreme. Lip cream white, and so also round the back of it, and a white line running along the top (below the suture) of one half of the last whorl, narrow and gradually diminishing. I have but three specimens before me, not the best, I imagine, and thoj the brown body color is good, each seems covered with a white substance, which scales off on application of a steel instrument, as tho' the substance were the natural exterior. Whorls 7f, with deep suture, gene- rally shining ; with transverse striae but slightly developed on the last whorl. At the top of the left side of the labrum is is a very deep well-marked sinus. Aperture very much lengthened, and keel very sharp. Length .68, breadth .22. Habitat, Maroon Town, St. James. CYLENDRELLA MAUGEKI. Var. MIENS. Shell medium size and form, shining, yellowish, truncated ; eight whorls left, the uppermost of which is of a light rich brown. At the back of the right lip a narrow band of rich brown ; over the keel, which is white, is a shading off band, for one half the whorl, of similar brown : over the umbilical region the same coloring. Very obsolete lines of growth, except on the the last whorl, where the strite are closely and strongly set. Length .77, Breadth .21. Habitat, New Hope, Westmoreland. 10 Description* of Thirty Supposed Xiic Species and CTLINDRELLA MAUGERI, Var. UNICOLOR. AD. Yar. a. CIIITTY. Near to Maroon Town, in St James, occurs what I con- ceive to be a variety of this variety \ — It is less shining, the striae are coarser. It is less robust, and it seems less liable to decollation. Out of three specimens (all I have) two have apparently lost only the very apices, having 1 3f whorls remaining, and the third has 1OJ- whorls left. CYLINDRELLA MAUGERI, Tar. BICOLOR. Shell short and robust. Lip and penult whorl white, gradually growing into a pure rich yellow to the truncate apex ; very shining, with lines of growth only perceptible under a strong lens. Whorls six. Length .6, greatest breadth .24. One is longer, 7i whorls. Length .64, breadth .2 1 . Habitat ? CTUNDRELLA MAUGERI, Var. QUADRICOLOR. Shell thick and robust Lip full rose-pink, front and back : with dark brown, and black, and white marks and lines inside the lip, corresponding with the external marks. Below the suture of the penult whorl, on the last whorl, is a very narrow spiral line of white, which is traceable, more or loss, over the whole of the last whorl ; below this is a broad band of black, .1 inch broad ; adjoining it, down to the usual keel, but divided from the pink behind the lip by the black, is a band of pure white .1 wide at its com- mencement, but tapering off to nothing where it meets the outer labrum : below this again, covering the umbilical region, is deep black : the black band nearer to the suture, when it has nearly completed the last whorl, gradually shades oil into a very intense dark red brown, which, in fresher shells, continues up to the truncate apex, while in less fresh shells, the middle whorls assume a lighter tinge of brown. Thus the shell might be said not only to have four, but five colours. Shell shining, with close fine-set stria? at the back of aperture, gradually widening and disappearing as the apex is approached. Lip broad, thick, and well-reflected. Whorls Varieties of Land and FlumatiU Shells of Jamaica. 11 6 ; height .75, breadth .26. Some specimens are less robust. Habitat, Manchioneal, and the east end of Portland. N. B. — This shell appears to have escaped the notice of the late Professor C. B. ADAMS, though it was in my collec- tion when he last visited me, in 1851. Another beautiful variety seems at the same time to have escaped notice, namely, CYLINDRELLA MAUQERI, Var. RAPHININA. Shell raddish- shaped, long and narrow, and of the tessalated variety ; shining ; ground color cream white, with alternate rectan- gular and other spots of very pale reddish ash color ; apex white ; — 4th and 5th whorls from the top being rich red brown, and plain. 6th same color, with white tessalation over it. In most specimens apex is not truncated. Apex with slightly convex outline. Whorls 14, scarcely convex, with a slightly impressed suture. Lip thin, slightly reflected. A dark brown band round the outside of the labrum, interrupted by a white keel. Striae of growth scarcely visible under a powerful lens. Divergence about 2013, length .72, breadth .16. Habitat, St. Ann's. CYLINDRELLA MAUGERI, Var. TRICOLOR. A variety of this shell occurs at Peace River, Manchester, wherein " the narrow, slowly widening, snow-white line next below the suture" — Ad. Cont. Conch, p. 163 — is much finer. CYLINDRELLA MAFGERI, Var. UNICINCTA. AD. Owing, I apprehend, to the absence of good specimens in my cabinet at the moment when Professor ADAMS described this shell, some important features are omitted in his description, (Contrib. Conch, p. 163) which better specimens now allow me to notify. Instead of " dingy pale yellow," I should call the ground color a pure opaque dead white over a horn color : all the specimens are more or less tessalated in white and horn colors, so that this variety might properly be placed in Professor ADAMS'S division (e). — " The broad dark brown 12 Descriptions of TJiirty Supposed New Species and stripe anteriorly," mentioned in the former description, shades off, before it reaches the left side of the labrum, into a band of horn color, which continues running along the lowest part of the whorls well defined, almost up to the 5th, where it disappears. In some specimens, this horn colored stripe is less developed, but the tessalation is more so. The " tinge of rose red" is also to be seen within the aperture, and so is the " broad dark brown stripe. " CYLINDRELLA HYDROPHANA, Named from the apparently hydrophanous nature of its epidermis. Shell, sub-cylindri- cal, tapering slightly at both ends, shining, dark dingy bistre brown, covered by what appears to be a dusty white powdery epidermis, which here and there appears to have cracked off, leaving dark, narrow streaks parallel with the striae of growth, as though the shell were tessalated ; with very fine striae of growth, finer than in C. montana, which this shell somewhat resembles ; striae scarcely arcuate, very oblique. Keel scarcely developed on the well-rounded last whorl. Spire with convex outlines. Apex broadly truncate with the loss of ? ten whorls remaining ; scarcely convex, with a lightly impressed but not marginate suture. Aperture w^ell rounded. Lip shining, whitish, moderately reflected. Length .6, greatest breadth . 14, least breadth at the truncate apex . 1. Habitat, Durham ? Trelawny. CYLINDRELLA STRIATA. Like (7, montana^ dec. Shell short and thick, subovate ; pure white, truncate apex deep grey. Coarsely set shining striae, coarser than C. Jiydro- pJiana and C. montana. Striae arcuate. Keel on the last whorl scarcely perceptible. Spire with convex outlines. Apex broadly truncate, with the loss of ? whorls. Whorls left, 9f ; very convex, not marginate ; with a well- impressed suture. Aperture produced as in all this class. Lip nearly orbicular, reflected and thickened. Length .61, breadth .16. Habitat, Burnt Hill Glade, Westmoreland. Varieties of Land and jfrluviatile Shells of Jamaica. 13 CYLINDRELLA ADAMSIANA. This shell may be likened to C. nobilior Ad. in general appearance and shape, and (in some of the lighter colored varieties) also in color, viz : it is of a dingy light fawn, with a line of deeper fawn at the suture, with a white lip. The main difference between the two shells, is, that in this, the upper part of the peri- tretne is not attached or soldered to the penult whorl as in C. nobilior, but is produced, ^n size also there is a general difference ; the largest out of some 60 odd specimens of the latter, C. nobilior, measuring 1 .2 inch, while the ordinary run of the former, is not less than 1 .3 inch .- both shells are proportionally wide. Attaching some importance to locality, the former is found at Durham, in Trelawny, and the other in Bog Walks, St. Catherine's, places some 50 miles apart, " as the crow flies." The sculpture of this shell is generally much finer, and rather more oblique. Both shells equally vary and agree in different specimens as regards fusiformity. Of the longest out of a quantity or' C. Adamsiana, the following are the measurements and other particulars : Apex truncate, with a loss of t AVhorls left, 9^. Length 1.4 inch, breadth at the third, (from the last) whorl .4 inch. Thence it gradually tapers to .2 inch on the ninth whorl. The keel at the buck of the last whorl, or spiral carina, also, is much more developed than in most others of the C. rosea tribe. — In C. rosea, var. 'iiiayna (especially) and in C. columna, Client., and C. "v/tata, Ad., the aperture is generally higher on the right than loll side ; while in C. Adv- ••'/>•'. .1. F»ii<:ki. A. fiammigety — cum- 7,. 7.. multu • 16 Descriptions of Thirty Supposed New Species and SPIRAXIS CONTORTA. The only species of Spiraxis (Jam.) which I do not know on direct information from the late Pro- fessor C. B. ADAMS, is S. Anomalus^ (Bulimus Anomalus, Cont. Conch, p. 28) and in his description of the only spe- cimen before him, he seems to speak of a shell truncated^ as though the genus Spiraxis were subject to truncation, which, in a strict conchological sense, it certainly is not. I understand the term truncated to apply only to a Shell whose apex is by nature subject to fall off ; the animal, by its own inherent power, stopping up the aperture left by such falling off in the truncated apex ; and not to an acci- dental breaking of the shell. "What Bui. or Spiraxis ano- malus really is, I do not know. The Shell I am about to describe seems not to answer its description. Shell conic, elongate, white, with strong transverse broad ribs, broader than the intervening spaces, much arcuated. Spire not truncated, with rectilinear outlines. Apex very small. Whorls 10, quite convex and with a deeply impressed suture. Last whorl proportioned to the others, with a slight constriction around the middle, which also modifies the aperture. The aperture is rather longer than its breadth, roundly acute above, and well rounded below : constricted in the middle like the figure 8, (see Cont. Conch, p. 429.) Labrum thin and sharp : on the right, at the constric- tion, is that which resembles a tooth internally, and approaches the singularly twisted end of the columella on the left side, representing the figure 8. On the left the labrum is reflected but not thickened. Mean divergence 1 5°. Length .3, breadth .07, Length of aperture .05. Habitat, Manchester Back Mountains. PUPA JARDINEANA. Shell tapering, slightly fusiform, much elongated, pure white, opaque, solid and rough. Spire slender, with convex outlines. Apex sharp. Whorls about 6, very convex, and very much shouldered, with a deeply im- pressed suture. Aperture long and very slightly oblique. Varieties of Land and Fluviatile Shells of Jamaica. 17 The top of the labrum comes out horizontally from the penult whorl, its right side contracts inwards about the middle, as in Bulimus, vel Spiraxis mirabilis (Cont. Conch, p. 29.) and becomes thickened. Thence it rounds up to the body whorl, joining it rather obliquely, and be- coming appressed to it. Just below the junction of the right and left labrum, there is a stout tooth on the body whorl. Labrum thickened and reflected. Length, about .07, greatest breadth, about .03. Habitat, Westmoreland, near Savanna-la-Mar. Earned in honor of my friend Sir WILLIAM JARDINE, Bart. PUPA GREVILLEI. This Shell, in size and color, is like, to the casual observer, that which the late Professor ADAMS set down as " P. fallax ?" of Jamaica, (see Cont. Conch, p. 48)—" equal to P. fallax. Say," Shell ovate, conic, gradually tapering up to the 4th whorl ; 5th, 6th and 7th coming to an obtuse apex. Kich light brown. Two or three upper whorls with distinct transverse striae ; the rest smooth and shining. Whorls 6i or 7, convex, with well impressed suture. Aperture oblique, circular on the right and straight on the left, and sub-angular below. Lip pink, well reflected, thin at edge and out of the plane of the column. A small white tooth within the upper part of the aperture, on the right side of the last whorl, near the labrum, which latter is rather more thickened thereabout in- ward than elsewhere. In the younger incompleted shells, instead of a tooth, is a lamella, as in all the Epistylium group of Helices, and another lamella is seen on the columella, which is not visible in the perfect shell. Umbilicus covered by the labrum. Length .14, breadth .07 Habitat, Newton, St. Andrew's mountains, Named in honor of my friend Dr. K. K. GREVILLE, the eminent Botanist, and enthusiastic Conchologist, of Edin- burgh. HELIX Me NABIANA. Shell, acute conic, white with pale horn-colored epidermis, semitranslucent. Transverse lines 18 Descriptions of Thirty Supposed New Species and of growth well marked. Spire with outline moderately con- vex. Whorls 5, quite convex, with a deep suture ; last whorl well rounded, and aperture almost circular, except for the interruption of the penult whorl. Aperture out of the plane of the axis, and outer lip very little projecting from the penult whorl. Umbilicus very small. This species (?) is like unto^T. fynrbiniformis, Pfr., but its divergence is less, its size, less, and its aperture and ex- pansion of lip, much less ; and angularity on last whorl is almost entirely wanting. It may be only an extraordinary var. of H. turbiniformis, and if so, I claim its name, as a var. only. At present I have only four specimens, inclu- sive of one sent to the British Museum. Mean divergence 68° — (largest specimen,) height .2, greatest breadth .16, least breadth .15. Habitat, Newton, St. Andrew's mountains. Named in honor of Dr. GILBERT Me. NAB, of Kingston, Jamaica. PLANORBIS AFFINIS, A very long way up the Black- River, in St. Elizabeth, about Channer's wharf, near Elim Estate, occur very large specimens of this shell. Greatest breadth .8. PLANORBIS ANGULATUS. Shell like PI. (ADAMS, Cont. Conch p. 43,) but much larger, like PL vortex, Mull : (Brown's British Shells, p. 22.) but the an- gle of the aperture or of the periphery is more acute, and more directly over the centre of the whorl, and the lip is less turned up towards the apex. Shell dis-coidal, and excessively flattened : deepish brown, semi-transparent color : with microscopic crowded trans- verse strise of growth. Spire slightly concave, almost planu- late from the 1st to the 6th whorl. It then becomes slightly convex. The outer whorl angular, with a very slight, almost microscopic, canal running close to the periphery on the upper side. Under side much more concave than the upper side. Apex conspicuous on both sides. Whorls 7 ; Varieties of Land and Fluviatile Shells of Jamaica. 19 with a well impressed suture on both sides ; but more so on under side. Last whorl with an angular periphery almost directly over the plane of the centre of the whorls, inclining to the upper rather than to the lower side ; but much less so than in H. vortex, and still less so than in PI. Me Nabiana. Aperture very oblique, more so than in PL vortex ; the lower half of the labrum being advanced very far and abruptly beyond the upper half. Greatest breadth .45, least breadth .42, height of the last whorl .07. Found near the head of the navigable part of the Black River, fit. Elizabeth. f CONTRIBUTIONS TO CONCHOLO&Y/7 1 (OF PROFESSOR C. B. ADAMS,) CONTINUED BY EDWARD CHITTY, ESQ. NO. 1. E. J. DE COEDOVA, PEINTEB, KINGSTON, JAMAICA. 1853. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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